DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE A. H. BALDWIN, Chief MISCELLANEOUS SERIES— No. 13 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA FOR THE PROMOTION OF AMERICAN EXPORT TRADE PRICE, $1.00 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT ONE DOLLAR PER COPY V CONTENTS. Page. Letter of submittal 5 Introduction 7 Classification schedule 13 Argentina 25 Bahia Blanca 25 Buenos Aires 20 La Plata 65 Mendoza 07 Rosario 68 Boli\aa 75 Cochabamba 75 La Paz 75 Oruro 78 Potosi 79 Sucre 79 Tarija 80 Tupiza 80 Brazil 81 Bahia 81 Bello Horizonto 80 Campinas 87 Ceara 91 Corumba 93 Curitiba 93 Florianopolis 94 Joineville 94 Maceio 94 Manaos 95 Natal 98 Para 98 Parahyba 104 Pelotas 104 Pemambuco 108 Porto Alegre 115 Rio de Janeiro 119 Rio Grande do Sul 204 Santos 200 Sao Paulo 210 Victoria 234 Chile 235 Concepcion 235 Iquique 243 Punta Arenas 251 Santiago 260 Valparaiso 276 Page. Colombia 292 Barranquilla 292 Bogota 296 Cali 304 Cartagena 305 Medellin 307 Ecuador 309 Ambato 309 Baba 309 Babahoyo 309 Bahia de Caraquez 310 Balzar 310 Calceta 310 Chone 310 Colimes 310 Cuenca 311 Daule 311 Esmeraldas 311 Gualaceo 311 Guaranda 312 Guayaquil 312 Huigra 320 Ibarra 320 Jipijapa 320 Latacunga 321 Loja 321 Machala 321 Machalilla 321 Manglaralto 322 Manta 322 Milagro 322 Montecristi 322 Naranjal 322 Naranjito 323 Otavalo 323 Pasaje 323 Pinar 323 Portoviejo 323 Quito 324 Riobamba 327 Rocafuerte 327 Samborondou 327 Santa Elena 328 Santa Rosa 328 Tulcan 328 Zaruma 328 3 CONTENTS. Page. The Guianaa 329 Georgetown, Britisli Guiana. . 329 Paramaraibo, Dutch Guiana. . 334 Paraguay 337 Asuncion 337 Concepcion 343 Encarnacion 343 Paraguari 343 VillaPikr 343 Villa Rica 343 Peru 344 Arequipa 346 Ascope 348 Callao 348 Cerro de Pasco 352 Cuzco 352 Lima 353 Paita 363 Piiu-a 364 Salaverry 366 Trujillo 366 Page. Uruguay 372 Montevideo 372 Venezuela 397 Barcelona 397 Barquisimeto 398 Bocono 399 CiudadBoHvar 399 Coro 401 Cumana 402 La Guaira 402 Maracaibo 408 Merida 411 Puerto Cabello 411 Rubio 413 San Cristobal 413 Tovar 413 Trujillo 413 Valencia 414 Valera 415 Index 417 LEHER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, Novemher 26, 1913. Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith a trade directory of South America compiled under the supervision of C. S. Donaldson, Chief of the Division of Consular Reports, from lists furnished by American consular oflBcers. Since the publication of the World Trade Directory in 1911 the lists of South American importers and dealers have been thoroughly revised and rearranged according to uniform classifications. These lists are issued at this time with the hope that they will materially assist American manufacturers and exporters in developing the greater trade opportunities presented through the opening of the Panama Canal. Respectfully, A. H. Baldwin, Cliief of Bureau. To Hon. William C. Redfield, Secretary of Com/merce. 5 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. INTRODUCTION. The commercial and social relations between the United States and South American countries have been rapidly growing closer in the last few years. Only a generation ago North American travelers were rare in the Southern Continent, and theii' occasional lectures told of mteresting regions with rich resources of which we knew little, but of which we are now learnmg much. South America has steadily developed, and this progress may be considered simply a basis for larger attainments. This is made clear by the fact that on its area of 7,000,000 square miles there exist only 50,000,000 people, while North and Central America with 8,330,000 square miles already sustain 122,000,000 people, with room for twice as many more. Although there are natural difficulties in bringuig tropical lands into high productivity, South America has potential resources for sus- taining in comfort and plenty several hundred million people. Ameri- can business men therefore look wisely to the future in laying plans to become established in South American markets, in order to expand as the countries there grow. There should also be developed a mutually beneficial interchange of ideas — business, economic, and professional. The United States sold to South America in the calendar year 1893 goods to the value of 34,3 million dollars. Ten years later the total had increased to 46.4 million dollars, a gain of 35 per cent. In the same period American exports to all other countries increased by 71 per cent. The trade openings in South America then became mani- fest and more efforts were made to develop that market. The result has been that in the last decade shipments of goods from the United States to South America have increased by 212 per cent, the total value in the calendar year 1913 reaching approximately 145 million dollars. Another pliase of the expanding South American market makes a still more favorable showing. Its purchases in 1913 from the United States were almost $3 per capita (50 million mhabitants), and consist chiefly of manufactured goods. The per capita purchases 10 years ago were only SI (the population then being about 46 millions). 7 8 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTli AMERICA. Tlie follo^villg statistical statement is presented as of value in showing the progress of our trade relations with South America in comparison with the rest of the world during the past 20 fiscal years: Imports luto United States. Exports from United States.' Fiscal years. Total. Prom Soiitli America. Per cent from South America. Total. To Soutli America. Per cent to South America. 1893 $866,400,922 654,994,622 731,969,965 779,724,674 764,730,412 616,049,654 697,148,489 849,941,184 823,172,165 903,320,948 1,025,719,237 991,087,371 1,117,513,071 1,226,562,446 1,434,421,425 1,194,341,792 1,311,920,224 1,556,947,430 1,527,226,105 1,653,264,934 1,812,978,234 $102,207,815 100,147,107 112,167,120 108,828,462 107,389,405 92,091,694 86,587,893 93,666,774 110,367,342 119,785,756 107,428,323 120,364,113 150,795,800 140,422,876 160,165,537 124,998,590 163,878,724 196,164,786 182,623,750 215,089,316 217,747,038 11.80 15.29 15.32 13.96 14.04 14.95 12.42 11.02 13.41 13.26 10.48 12.14 13.49 11.45 11.17 10.46 12. 49 12.59 11.96 13.01 12.01 8847,665,194 892,140,572 807,538,165 882,606,938 1,050,993,556 1,231,482,330 1,227,023,302 1,394,483,082 1,487,764,991 1,381,719,401 1,420,141,679 1,460,827,271 1,518,561,666 1,743,864,500 1,880,851,078 1,860,773,346 1,663,011,104 1,744,984,720 2,049,320,199 2,204,322,409 2,465,884,149 832,639,077 33,212,310 33,525,935 36,297,671 33,768,646 33,821,701 35,659,902 38,945,763 44,400,195 38,043,617 41,137,872 50,755,027 56,894,131 75,159,781 82,157,174 83,583,874 76,561,680 93,246,820 108,894,894 132,310,451 146,147,993 3 85 1894 3 72 1895 4 15 1896 4 11 1897 3 ''1 1898 2 75 1899 2 91 1900 2.79 1901 2 98 1902 2.75 1903 2 90 1904 3.47 1905 3 75 1906 4.31 1907... 4 37 1908 4.49 1909 4.60 1910 5.34 1911 5.32 1912 6.00 1913 5.93 1 Domestic and foreign. The present revised directory of South American merchants and importers is an addition to the trade promotion publications of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. As the publication was prepared solely for the object of benefiting American export trade, it does not include the exporters and probable nonpurchasers of our commodities. Omission of the names of any business houses should therefore not be considered a discrimination. Furthermore, no fuiancial ratings of the firms listed can be given, this information being available through banks and financial agencies. Use of this directory, and a careful study of other factors in market possibilities will permit the American producer and exporter to make connections for supplying merchandise to South American countries. SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION. The ease with which a commercial directory can be used is meas- ured by the degi'ee of uniformity in the classification of firms listed and by the extent to which subclassification is carried; but in the preparation of a directory of firms in South American countries, where, except in a few large cities, trade is not highly specialized and where many of the importers handle all classes of merchandise it is manifestly impossible to adopt a hard-and-fast classification or one giving the numerous subclassifications of dealers usually found in a commercial directory of the United States. INTRODUCTION. 9 In the preparation of the lists of dealers the consular officers have followed, so far as practicable, a schedule prepared by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, which embraced about 170 separate classes of articles. This schedule they have amplified or abridged, as they found necessary, to adapt it to conditions in their several districts. Where possible abridgment of the schedule has been effected by the use of cross references; but introduction of the classifications "General merchandise," ''General importers," and the like makes it unnecessary to list articles other than those of sufficient importance to be given separately even though handled by general dealers or importers. The schedule as prepared for the consular officers stated in general terms the articles included in each of the principal classes and in addition listed several hundred more items, with cross references to the classes in which they are included. As it constitutes a practical finding index for users of the directory, the schedule is given in com- plete form on pages 13 to 23. In deciding upon the inclusion or exclusion of names, the consular officers were instructed to bear in mind that this bulletin should be a directory of foreign buyers, for American sellers, and that manufac- turers should be included only when they are actual or possible pur- chasers of American goods. If an importing house listed in the directory is known to have a purchasing agent in the United States or other country, the name and address of the latter are given, in parentheses, following the name of the importer. If a branch house or firm is listed, the name and location of the parent firm are given in parentheses following the name of the branch house. An explanation of the symbols used will be found on page 23, fol- lowing the classification schedule. FOREIGN TARIFF INFORMATION. Answers to inquiries concerning tariff information addressed to United States consular officers can be expected only after the lapse of considerable time, and manufacturers and exporters will find it advantageous to make direct inquiries to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, which maintains as a branch of its service the Division of Foreign Tariffs. The tariff work of the Bureau is not rigidly restricted to customs duties and customs regulations; the Division of Foreign Tariffs gives attention also to closely allied sub- jects affecting our foreign commerce, such as internal-revenue laws of foreign countries, the regulations for commercial travelers solicit- ing business abroad, and the requirements of foreign countries for 10 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. consular invoices, merchandise marks, standards of purity, and the like. The answering of specific inquiries concerning customs rates and regulations has come to be an important part of the tariff work of the bureau. To facilitate the compilation of such statements and to insure accurac}^, inquiries should invariably be precise and detailed both as to the nature of the article and the particular country in which the inquirer is immediately interested. In foreign countries many articles are subject to customs duty merely on the basis of the component material, and the inquirer should always mention the component material as well as the nature and use of his products. When such detailed description is given the bureau is the more readily enabled to indicate the foreign rates of duty. CURRENCY, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, PACKING, CREDITS, ETC. Among other publications of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce that \viU be of value to those using the Trade Directory may be mentioned the following: Factors in foreign trade. Miscellaneous series No. 7. States language used in foreign countries; currency, with equivalents in United States money; weights and measures, with equivalents in United States terms; postage rates; parcel-post facili- ties; list of countries in which international reply coupons can be used; equivalents of metric units of weight and measure; tables for converting kilos to pounds and pounds to kilos; table giving comparison of various pounds and tons; tables for con- verting foreign money into United States currency and vice versa; tables of price comparison for countries in which both the monetary unit and the units of weight and measure differ from those in use in the United States. Packing for export. Suggestions for the preparation of American merchandise for shipment to foreign countries. Miscellaneous series No. 5. Contains general state- ments as to responsibility for proper packing, aim of the packer, methods of transpor- tation, climatic conditions, port conditions, pilfering, marking of shipments; chapters on effect of packing, on customs duties, and packing of machinery. Section on South America includes reports from consular officers and commercial agents dealing with every country on that continent. The bulletin is illustrated and indexed by articles and countries. Foreign credits, by Archibald J. Wolfe. Special agents series No. 62. A study of the foreign credit problem with a review of European methods of financing export shipments, supplemented with reports by American consular officers on credit con- ditions in their respective districts. In Mr. Wolfe's study are treated German methods of financing foreign shipments; English banks and the financing of exports through London; efforts in France to improve foreign credit facilities; credit methods of Amer- ican manufacturers; aspects of the export credit problem in America; the banker's point of view. The summary of credit methods of American manufacturers embraces notes on hardware and general metal goods; machinery, implements, and engineering supplies; railway supplies; automobiles, vehicles, and accessories; electrical special- ties; paints and oils; furniture, musical instruments, and woodenware; drugs and sundries; stationery and sundries; provisions; boots and shoes; notions and articles of wear; leather and belting; jewelry, watches, and clocks; miscellaneous goods. There are given specimens of drafts and other financial documents, a list of banks abroad INTRODUCTION. 11 undertaking the collection of drafts, and a list of banks in the United States financing foreign shipments. Consular reports are given from Buenos Aires and Rosario, Argen- tina; Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Para, and Pernambuco, Brazil; Georgetown, British Guiana; Valparaiso and Iquique, Chile; Bogota, Barranquilla, and Cartagena, Colom- bia; Guayaquil, Ecuador; Asuncion, Paraguay; Callao, Peru; Montevideo, Uruguay; La Guaira and Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. As there is no American consulate in Bolivia, a brief statement is given by Mr. Wolfe for that country. Transportation rates to the west coast of South America, by F. J. Sheridan. Special agents series No. 72. The main part of the bulletin is a series of tables giving the freight rates on over 800 articles from inland points in the United States to inland cities in Ecuador, Peru, and Chile. Freight rates per 100 pounds, in carload and less than carload lots, are given to New York from Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, Pittsbui-gh, Boston, Providence, and Hart- ford ; ocean freight rates per 100 pounds and per cubic foot from New York to Guay- aquil, Callao, Mollendo, Antofagasta, and Valparaiso, via the Straits of Magellan and via Panama; and freight rates per 100 pounds inland from Guayaquil to Quito, Callao to Lima, Mollendo to Arequipa, and Valparaiso to Santiago. Lighterage, transfer, and other charges at the port of New York and at South American ports are shown, together with the cost of marine insurance, and data are also given as to consular fees and regulations and steamship requirements. Comparative tables give the com- petitive rates from European ports and from New York to South America. In addi- tion to these featm^es statistics are furnished to show the character of the goods sold by the United States to Ecuador, Chile, Peru, and Bolivia, and for each of these countries general information is presented as to area, population, language, currency, postage rates, foreign trade, and distance from New York. Tables of price com- parisons give the equivalents in the cmrency and measures of these countries of prices stated in the money and measures of the United States. Lists of newspapers and other periodicals published in some of the principal cities of South America are given in this volume. The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce recently issued a mono- graph entitled " Foreign Publications for Advertising American Goods," which gives a general idea of the cost of advertising in some of the principal foreign publications, the lines of trade represented, circulation, subscription price, etc. The names of dealers and importers in railway equipment and supplies are also given in this Directory. In this connection atten- tion is called to the monograph entitled ''Foreign Markets for Railway Equipment and Supplies," recently issued by the Bureau. A brief review of th^ information available to manufacturers and exporters in bulletms issued by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce is given in Miscellaneous Series No. 12, entitled ''Publi- cations on South America," copies of which may be obtained by ap- plication to the Bureau. CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE. Adding machines. See Cash registers, etc. Aerated water. See Water. Aerial tramways. See Machinery. AGENTS. — Includes only those who act as selling agents or brokers on a percentage or other basis and do not carry goods in stock. AGENTS, CUSTOMHOUSE. AGENTS, FORWARDING. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY.— Includes all kinds of cul- tivating, planting, seeding, and harvesting implements, machines, and tools, such as cultivators, planters, seeders, harrows, plows, and thrashers (horse and steam), and all other tools used in agricultural pursuits. Ambulances. See Carriages, etc.; Motorcars, etc. Ammunition. See Arms and ammunition. AMUSEMENTS. — Includes enterprises such as merry-go-rounds, chutes, swings, scenic railways, and similar contrivances. APIARIST'S SUPPLIES. — Includes bee smokers, beehives, honey boxes, honey- comb, foundations, etc. Apples. See Fruit. Apricots. See Fruit. ARCHITECTS. — Includes only those who handle large work and who may specify use of American materials. ARMS AND AMMUNITION. — Includes all kinds of rifles, shotguns, revolvers, etc., and ammunition for same. Art materials. See Photographic supplies, etc. Asphalt. Sfe Paving materials; Roofing materials. Automobiles. See Motor cars. AWNINGS, TENTS, AND SAILS. Bags, paper. See Paper, etc. BAGS AND BAGGING. — Includes meal bags, salt bags, gunny bags, etc., other than paper, and materials for same. BAKERIES. Baker's machinery. See Machinery. Baking powder. See Groceries. Balances. See Scales, etc. Bank furniture and fittings. See Furniture. BANKS AND BANKERS. — Includes only those handling foreign bills or those in position lo give credit information. Barber's furniture. See Furniture. Barber's supplies. iSee Furniture; Cutlery; Drugs; Toilet articles. Bar-room fittings. See Furniture; Pumps. Barley. See, (irain. Barrels. Sec Cooperage. BASKETS. — Includes those manufactiirod from willow, rattan, wire, etc. Bath cabinets. See Plumber's supplies. Beans. See Vegetables. Beer. See Spirits, etc. BELTING. — Includes leather, rubber, woven, and chain belting. BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES, AND ACCESSORIES.— Includes bicycles, motor cycles, tricycles, and parts and acct^ssorics of all kinds. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES AND SUPPLIES. Biscuits. See Groceries. Blankets. See Cotton goods; Woolen goods. 13 14 TRADE DIEECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. BOATS AND ACCESSORIES. — Includes canoes, launches, motor boats, rowboats, t^ail boats, yarlits, and their fittings and parts. See also Engines; Boilers. BOILERS. — Inihules all kinds. See also Heating apparatus. BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS, AND RIVETS. See also Hardware. Bonnets. »S'<(' Millinery. Bookbinding machinery. See Printer's and bookbinder's machinery. BOOKS. — Includes printed books of all kinds, except ruled books, ledgers, and similar articles. See also Stationery. Boot and shoe cut stock. See Leather. Boot and shoe machinery. See Machinery. BOOTS AND SHOES. — Includes boots and shoes of leather, rubber, canvas, or other material; also slippers, rvibber overshoes, galoshes, etc. Bottles. See Glassware. Bottling machinery. See Machinery. Boxes, paper and fancy. See Paper, etc. BOXES AND BOX MATERIAL. — Includes wooden cigar boxes, berry, cheese, fig and raisin boxes, egg cases and crates, packing boxes and cases, box sliooks, etc. See also Lumber. Braids. See Notions. Bran. See Feedstuffs. Brass and. brass ware. See Castings; Motor cars, etc.; Hardware; Plumber's sup- plies; Novelties. BREWERIES AND DISTILLERIES. See also Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. BRICK, TILE, AND TERRA COTTA. — Includes building brick, ornamental and fancy brick and tile, drain tile, sewer pipe, etc. See also Paving materials; Roofing materials. Brick-making machinery. See Machinery. Briquets. See Coal, etc. Brokers. See Agents. Brooms. See Household utensils. BRUSHES. — Includes brushes of all kinds. See also Toilet articles. Buckwheat. See Grain. Builder's hardware. *Sfe Hardware. BUILDING MATERIAL. See also Lumber; Cement; Iron and steel; Hardware. Butcher's machinery. See Machinery. BUTTER AND CHEESE. See also Groceries. Buttons. See Notions. Cables. See Cordage. Calcium carbide. See Chemicals. Calculating machines. See Casli registers, etc. Cameras. See Photographic supplies. CANDLES. Candy. See Confectioner's products. Canes. See Umbrellas and canes. Canned goods. See Groceries. Canning machinery. See Machinery. Caps. See Clothing. Carbon paper. See Stationery. Carborundum. See Grindstones. CARPETS AND OTHER FLOOR COVERINGS.— Includes carpets, linoleum, mats, matting, rugs, and oilcloth. Carpet sweepers. See Vacuum cleaners, etc. CARRIAGES, WAGONS, AND PARTS. — Includes ambulance and military trans- port, dumping wagons, farm wagons, delivery wagons, coal wagons, etc.j buggies, carts, surreys, phaetons, traps; parts, such as tops, cushions, wheels, bodies, axles, shafts, etc. See also Motor cars; Hardware. CASH REGISTERS AND ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES. CASTINGS. — Include aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, malleable iron, railway, steel, etc. See also Iron and steel. Cattle. See Live stock. CEMENT. — Includes asbestos, Portland, furnace, etc., cement. See also Building material. Cereals, prepared. See Groceries. CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE. Chandeliers. See Gas and electric fixtures; Lamps and lamp ware. Cheese. See Butter and cheese. CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE. 15 CHEMICALS, DYES, AND EXTRACTS. — Includes acids, sodas, potash and pearl- ash, alums, coal-tar distillery products and chemicals made from coal-tar distillery- products, cyanides, bleaching materials, chemical substances produced by the aid of electricity, plastics, compressed or liquefied gases, fine chemicals, such as alka- loids, gold salts, silver salts, platinum salts, refined camphor, artificial camphor, chloroform, ether, acetone, and vanillin; wood alcohol; indigo, cochineal madder, fustic, aniline dyes, mordants, iron liquor, red liquor, turkey-red oil, logwood extract, ground sumac, sumac extract, hemlock extract, oak and chestnut extract, palmetto extract, chrome-tannage solution, tannic acid. See also Drugs. Chewing gum. See Confectioner's products. CHINA AND EARTHEN WARE. — Includes china, stone, and earthen ware; crock- ery, etc. Chocolate. See Coffee, etc; Confectioner's products. Church furniture. See Furniture. Cider. See Groceries. Cigars and cigarettes. See Tobacco, etc. Cinematographs. See Motion-picture apparatus. CLOCKS AND WATCHES. — Includes clocks and watches of all kinds. See also Jewelry. CLOTHING, MEN'S.— Includes men's and boys' suits, overcoats, waterproof cloth- ing, sweaters, underwear, hosiery, hats and caps, overalls, pants, shirts, collars, cuffs, suspenders, garters, ties, handkerchiefs, gloves, belts, etc. See also Cotton goods; Dry goods; Knit goods; Leather goods; Woolen goods; Silk goods; Linen goods. CLOTHING, WOMEN'S.— Includes dresses, coats, skirts, suits, waterproof clothing, waists, wrappers, petticoats, kimonas, dressing jackets, underwear, hosiery, corsets, aprons, sweaters, hoods, scarfs, shawls, gloves, handkerchiefs, etc. See also Cotton goods; Dry goods; Knit goods; Leather goods; Woolen goods; Silk goods; Linen goods; Millinery. COAL, COKE, AND PATENT FUEL. Cocoa. See Coffee, etc. COFFEE, TEA, AND COCOA. See also Groceries. Coke. See Coal, etc. Collars and cuffs. See Clothing. Combs. See Toilet articles. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. See also Agents. Condensed milk. See Groceries. CONFECTIONER'S PRODUCTS. — Includes confectionery, candy, chewing gum, stick licorice, etc. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. — Includes only those who handle large work. Conveyors. See Machinery. COOPERAGE.— Includes barrels, casks, hogsheads, kegs, and all classes of articles made from staves; also staves and shooks. See also Lumber. COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS. — Includes only those engaged in the purchase of merchandise and its distribution to members. Cooper's machinery. 5ee Machinery. Copper. See Metals. CORDAGE, ROPE, AND TWINE. — Includes cordage, rope, cable, and twine made of cotton, jute, sLsal, hemp, and other fibers; also wire rope and cable. Com. See Grain. Com meaL See F'lour and meal. Com oil. See Oils. Cornstarch. See Starch. Corsets. See Clothing. CORK AND CORK SPECIALTIES. Cosmetics. See Toilet articles. Costumes. See Clothing. COTTON. COTTON GOODS. — Includes woven fabrics, piece goods, blankets, laces and em- liroich^rics, trimmings, curtains, handkerchiefs, etc. See also Clothing; Dry goods; Knit goods; Thread and yarn. Cotton seed. See Oilseeds. Cottonseed oils. See Oils. Crockery. See China and earthen ware. Cultivators. See Agricultural implements. Curtains, .^^y' Cotton goods; T^inen goods; etc. CUTLERY AND EDGE TOOLS. — Includes knives, scissors, razors, chisels, planes, etc. 16 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. DAIRYMEN'S SUPPLIES. — Includes cabinet creameries, churns, cream separators, clc. DENTISTS. Sec also Dentist's instruments and supplies. DENTIST'S INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES.— Includes chairs, instruments, pcircelaiu, tce(h, alloys, plate material, dental engines, etc. DEPARTMENT STORES. Distilleries. See Breweries and distilleries. Doors. Sfc T>umber and timber. Dredging machinery. See Machinery. Drills. See Machine tools; Agricultural implements. DRUGS AND DRUGGIST'S'SUPPLIES.— Includes pharmaceuticals, patent medi- cines, plasters, ointments, and all other medicinal preparations; syringes, hot- water bottles, etc. /See aZso Chemicals; Toilet articles; Rubber goods. DRY GOODS. See also Clothing; Cotton goods; Knit goods; Linen goods; Silk goods; Woolen goods. Dyes. See Chemicals, etc. ' Dynamite. See Explosives. Dynamos. See Machinery. Earthenware. See China and earthen ware. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES.— Includes transformers for light and power; switchboards, panel boards; cut-out cal)inets; motors, storage batteries, car- bons, arc lamps, incandescent lamps, searchlights, sockets, transmitters, receivers, rheostats and resistances, electrical thei-apeutic apparatus, electric switches, sig- nals and attachments, etc. Does not include dynamos and such machinery. See also Gas and electric fixtures; Machinery. Electrical machinery. See Machinery. Elevating machinery. See Machinery. ELEVATORS, PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. See also Machinery. Emery wheels. /See Grindstones, etc. ENGINES. — Includes locomotives and engines of various classes, such as automatic, Corliss, fire, gas and gasoline, hoisting, hauling and winding, kerosene, marine, port- able, producer gas, stationary, traction, etc. Estates. See Plantations. Excavating machinery. See Machinery. EXPLOSIVES. — Includes blasting caps, blasting powder, dynamite, nitroglycerin, fuses, etc. See also Arms and ammunition. Extracts, dye and tanning. See Chemicals, etc. Extracts and essences, flavoring. See Groceries. Eyes, artificial. See Optical goods. Eyeglasses. See Optical goods. FEEDSTUFFS. — Includes bran and mill feed, fodder, hay, oilseed cakes, and meal. FENCING AND FENCING MATERIAL.— Includes ornamental and metal fence, coiled wire, barb wire, woven-wire fencing, wrought-irou fencing, iron posts, etc. See also Agricultural implements, etc. FERTILIZERS. — Includes ammoniated fertilizers, bone ash, chemical manures, com- plete fertilizers, concentrated phosphates, fish scrap, manures, phosphate of lime, phosphate rock, superphosphates, soda products, etc. Films. /See Motion-picture apparatus, etc.; Photographic supplies. FILTERS. See also Machinery. Firearms. See Arms. FIREWORKS AND FIRECRACKERS. FISH. — Includes fresh, dried, smoked, and cured fish; also shellfish. See also Groceries. Fishing tackle. See Live stock. Pins. See Notions. PIPES AND TUBES. — Includes metal pipes and tubes of all kinds. Pipes, smoker's. See Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Pistols. See Arms. Planers. See Machine tools. Planes. xSee Cutlery, etc.; Tools. PLANTATIONS. — Includes only those purchasing direct, or likely to purchase direct, from American manufacturers or exporters. Playing cards. See Stationery. Plows. See Agricultural machinery. PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. — Includes bathtubs, lavatory fixtures, sinks, tanks, pipe, valves, washers, basins, faucets, pipe connections, rubber goods, etc. POLISH AND BLACKING. Pool tables. See Billiard and pool tables. Porcelain. See China, etc. Potatoes. See Vegetables. Poultry and game. See Meats. Powder. »S'ee Explosives. POWER AND LIGHT COMPANIES. Power-transmission machinery. See Machinery. Preserves. *S'ee Groceries. Presses, printing. See Printer's and bookbinder's machinery. PRINTER'S AND BOOKBINDER'S MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES.*-Includes machinery, presses, paper cutters, typesetting machines, paper rulers, perforators, staplers, embossers, and supplies, such as rules, sticks, chases, cases, etc.; type, cloth, etc. Prunes. See Fruit. PUMPS. — Includes all kinds, as air, beer, boiler feed, centrifugal, cistern and well, electric, fire, force and lift, oil, ship, steam-power, vacuum. Quarrying machinery. See Machinery. Radiators. See Heating apparatus. RAGS. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES.— Includes rails, frogs, switches, locks, turntables, passenger and freight cars and parts and fittings, signal apparatus, etc. Sfp filso Railways; Lumber; Engines; Boilers; etc. RAILWAYS. CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE. 21 Raisins, See Fniit. Ranges. See Stoves and ranges. Records. See Phonographs, etc. Refrigerating machinery. See Machinery. REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, ETC. Revolvers. See Arms. Ribbons. iS'ee Cotton goods; Silk goods; Millinery. Ribbons, typewriter. See Typewriters and supplies. RICE. Rivets. See Bolts, etc. Road-making machinery. See Machinery. ROOFING MATERIALS. — Includes patent roofing made of asphalt, asbestos, cement, felt, and paper; gravel, pitch, slate tile, tin, corrugated iron and steel sheets, etc. See also Lumber; Iron and steel. Rope. See Cordage, etc. Rosin. See Naval stores. RUBBER. RUBBER GOODS. — Includes bags, balls, blankets, bottles, brushes, bulbs, caps, curks, erasers, funnels, gloves, mats, sheets, tubing, life presei-\'ers, etc. See also Boots and shoes; Clothing; Stationery; Hose and hose fixtures; Belting; Drugs, etc.; Motor cars, etc.; Bicycles, etc. Rubbers. See Boots and shoes. Rugs. See Carpets, etc. Rye. See Grain. SAFES AND VAULTS. Sails. See Awnings, etc. Salt. See Groceries. Sauces. See Groceries. Sausage casings. See Meats. Sawmill machinery. See Machinery. Saws. See Tools. SCALES, BALANCES, AND WEIGHING MACHINES.— Includes automatic and computing weighing machines, slot weighing machines, scales, balances, etc. School furniture. See Furniture. Screws. See Hardware. Seeders. See Agricultural implements. SEEDS. — Includes grass and flower seeds, etc. See also Oilseeds. Separators, cream. See Dairymen's supplies. Sewer pipe. See Brick, tile, etc. SEWING MACHINES AND PARTS. Sheep. See Live stock. Shellfish. See Fish. Shingles. See Ijumber. SHIP CHANDLERS. Shirts. See Clothing. Shoe machinery. See Machinery. Shoes. See Boots and shoes. Shocks. See Cooperage; Boxes and box materials. SILK GOODS. — Includes satins, velvets, ribbons, chiffon, trimmings, etc. See also Clothing; Dry goods; Knit goods; Thread and yarn. Sirup. See Sugar, etc. Skins. See Leather, etc. Slate. See Roofing material. Slippers. See Bo(jts and shoes. Slot machines. See Macliines. Slotters. See Machine tools. Snuff. SeeTo])Hccn. SOAP AND WASHING POWDERS. Soap stock. See (ireaso. Spectacles. See Optical goods. Spikes. See Xails and sjnkcs. SPIRITS, WINES, AND MALT LIQUORS.— Includes ale, l)eer, iMandy, gin, liquors and cordials, rum, whisky, etc. See also Breweries and distilleries. SPONGES. 22 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. SPORTING AND ATHLETIC GOODS.— Includes baseball, bowling, football, tennis, anil golf h^upplies; lishing tackle, etc.; gymnasium supplies, such as dumb-bells, punching bags; rowing supplies; sporting uniforms; skates, etc. See also Arms and amnumition. Starch. See Groceries. STATIONERY AND STATIONER'S GOODS.— Includes writing paper, envelopes, carl)ou paper, blank Ixioks, ledgers, etc.; blotting paper, pens, pencils, chalk, crayons, ink and inkstands, desk pads, erasers, clips, fasteners, index cards, playing cards, school supplies, etc. See also Paper and paper goods; Typewriters and sup- plies; llubber goods. Staves. See Cooperage. Steel. See Iron and steel. Stereopticons. See Motion-picture apparatus, etc. Stone. aSc'c Marble, etc.; Paving materials. Stoneware. See China, etc. Stoves and ranges. See Hardware; Heating apparatus. Structural iron and steel. See Iron and steel. SUGAR, SIRUP, AND MOLASSES. Surgeons. See Phvsicians and surgeons; Surgical instruments and appliances. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES.— Includes surgeon's instruments and appliances and such articles as artificial arms, crutches, elastic stockings, braces, splints, absorbent cotton, bandage, etc. See also Physicians and surgeons; Instruments. Surreys. See Carriages, etc. Talking machines. See Phonogi-aphs, etc. TALLOW. TANNERS. Tar. See Naval stores. Tea. See Coffee, etc. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT.— Includes instruments, insulators, switchboards, batteries, wire, cables, bells, booths, coils, fuses, generators, receivers, transm tters, etc. Tennis goods. See Sporting and athletic goods. Tents. See Awnings, etc. Terra cotta. See Brick, etc. Textile machinery. See Machinery. Theater furniture. See Furniture. Thrashing machines. See Agricultural implements. THREAD AND YARN. — Includes thread and yarn made of cotton, linen, silk, and wool. Tiles. (See Mantels, etc.; Brick, etc : Roofing materials. Timber. See Lumber. TINWARE. See also Household utensils. Tires, rubber. See Motor cars, etc.; Bicycles, etc. TOBACCO, LEAF. TOBACCO AND TOBACCONIST'S SUPPLIES. — Includes cigars, cigarettes, smok- ing and chewing tobacco, snuff, pipes, cigar and cigarette holders, etc. TOILET ARTICLES. — Includes hair, nail, and tooth brushes; combs, manicure equipment, perfumery, cosmetics, toilet water, hair tonics, bay rum, powders, lotions, shaving soap, creams, etc. See also Drugs. TOOLS. — Includes baker's, carpenter's, confectioner's, blacksmith's, contractor's, cooper's, jewelers' and watchmaker's, marble and stone cutter's, plumber's, etc. See also Agricultural implements; Hardware; Cutlery; Machine tools. TOYS AND GAMES. Tricycles. See Bicycles, etc. Trucks, motor. See Motor cars. TRUNKS AND TRAVELER'S SUPPLIES. — Includes trunks, valises, suit cases, bags, satchels, shawl straps, etc. See also Leather goods. Turpentine. See Naval stores. /Twine. See Cordage. TjT)e, printing. See Printer's and bookbinder's machinery, etc. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. — Includes typewriters, ribbons, cleaning tools, elc. UMBRELLAS AND CANES. — Includes umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, canes of all kinds. CLASSIFICATION" SCHEDULE. 23 UNDERTAKERS AND UNDERTAKER'S GOODS.— Includes coffins, caskets, burial clothing, etc. See also Instruments. Underwear. See Clothing; Knit goods; Cotton goods; Linen goods; Silk goods; Woolen goods. VACUUM CLEANERS AND CARPET SWEEPERS. Varnisii. See Paints. Vaults. See Safes and vaults. VEGETABLES.— Includes beans, onions, peas, potatoes, etc., not canned or preserved. See dlso Groceries. Vehicles. See Carriages, wagons, etc.; Motor cars, etc. Vending machines. See Machines. Vinegar. See Groceries. Wagons. See Carriages, wagons, etc. WALL PAPER, Walnuts. See Nuts. Washers. See Bolts, etc. WASHING MACHINES AND CLOTHES WRINGERS. See also Household utensils. Washing powders. See Soap, etc. Watches. See Clocks and watches. WATER, AERATED AND MINERAL.— Includes carbonated, distilled, and medic- inal or table mineral water. Water coolers. See Refrigerators. Weighing machines. See Scales. Well-drilling machinery. See Machinery. Wheat. See Grain. WHEELBARROWS. Whetstones, See Grindstones. Whips. See Harness and saddlery. Whisky. See Spirits, etc. WINDMILLS. See also Agricultural implements, etc.; Pumps. Windows. See Lumber. Wines. See Spirits, etc. Wire. See Fencing material; Telegraph and telephone apparatus. Wood. See Lumber. Woodworking machinery. See Machinery. Women's clothing. See Clothing. WOOLEN GOODS. — Includes cloth of all kinds; blankets, etc. See also Clothing; Knit goods; Thread and yarn. Wringers, See Washing machines. Yam. See Thread and yarn. Yeast. See Groceries. Zinc. See Metals, SYMBOLS, Manufacturers are designated by a dagger f f) ; importers by an asterisk (*). Names of dealers bear no s«yinb(^l. It is assumed that importers are dealers, either wholesale or retail, or both. The symbol follows the name of the article if all the names listed under it are those of manufacturers or importers, aa the case may be. ARGENTINA, Argentina, with an area of about 1,140,000 square miles, is divided into 14 Provinces, 10 Territories, and the Federal District of Buenos Aires. Tlie estimated population of tlie country at the beginning of 1911 was 7,172,000. Of this number about 1.750,000 were foreigners, of whom about 845,000 were Italians, 425,000 Spanish, 105,000 French, 26,000 English, 25,000 Austrian, 24,000 German, and 17,000 Swiss. There nave been continued gains in the forei^ trade of the country. The value of the imports increased from 826.3,000,000 in 1908 to ^70,000,000 in 1912. The exports increased from $353,000,000 to $463,000,000 for the same period. During the 10 years ended 1912, the value of the pastoral products exported increased 68 per cent and the agricultural products 150 per cent. The United States is third in the value of the imports into Argentina, following the United Kingdom and Germany. American goods entering the country increased from $37,000,000 in 1907 to about $57,000,000 in 1912. Some of the principal imports are textile goods, hardware, building material, foodstufls, glass- ware and crockery, oils and greases, drugs and ch-emicals, lumber and manufactures, paper and manufac- tures, tobacco, electrical goods, and leather and manufactures. BAHIA BLANCA. Bahia Blanca, situated in the extreme south of the Province of Buenos Aires, is an important coast port and is accessible to large steamers. The manufacturing interests of the city, which has a population of about 80,000, are wool baling, brewing, beef salting, slaughtering, and sawmilling establishments. Agricultural machinery. Cesio & Achave. Hard castle, P. A. Frigero, Rocca & Cia. Mayer, D., & Cia. Arms and ammunition. Rosso mano, Pascual. Bakeries. Manterola, Jacobi & Cia. Banks. Banco de la Nacion Argentina. Banco Britanico de America del Slid. Banco de Londres y Rio de la Plata. [All banks on Buenos Aires trade list hMve agencies in Bahia Blanca, in addition to those stated above.] Boots and shoes. Barberio, Francisco. Danza, Perogrino. de Salvo, Jesus. Grinspan, David. Stamati, Benjamin. Carpets and other floor coverings. Hoffman, Luis. Carriages, wagons, and parts. Stefanini & Pervieux (carriage maker). Castings. BRASS FOUNDRIES. Germini linos., Calle Sarmiento, 543. Planes, Juan & Jos6. Clocks and watches. Boella, Francisco. Gavio, Rafael. Glad el, Estaban. Langiel, Carlos. Laprovic & Ligtinier. Moreno, Andres. Raimond6, Enrique. Clothing, wholesale.* Elfersy, Arrobo & Hnos. Merovich, David, y Hnos. Nieto, Casal & Cia. Olivieri & Zatti. , Cutlery and edge tools. Rossomano, Pascual. Department stores. Benelbas Hnos. & Cia. Galh & Chaves. Eusebio, Martin. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Cabello, Miguel. Costa, Fortunato. Drogueria Inglesa. Gutierrez & Thomas. Dry goods. Reca & Salazar. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Aceto, Alberto. Silvio de Herbil, Mario. 25 26 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Furniture and tlttings. Bogoslavsky, Closes. Holfman, Luis. Merli, Pablo. Taberner, Pedro. Groceries and provisions. Arleo, J. & B. Arrogvii, Antonio M. Alvarez, del Rio & Thomas. Aranzu, Pedro, e Hijo. Chapar, Juan & Cia. De Oddone, Cossa & Cia. Duprat, Aguirrezabala & Cia. Perez, Cesio & Cia. Roatta, Bartolo. Salvadori, Martini & Cia. Torre, Alexander & Cia. Zeuker & Dehm. Hardware. Canessa & Cia. Cassabet, Pedro. Cassera, Adolpho. Chestria, Pedro & Cia. Duprat, Aguirrezabala & Cia. Forgue, Pedro & Cia. Gramatica, Antonio. Hardcastle, P. A. Mayer, D., & Cia. Morelli, Lamaison & Cia. Novelli, Lamaison & Cia. Ortela, Eusebio & Cia. Susbielles y Mayora. Tobia, Arraugo & Cia. Varola & Gonzalez. Jewelry. See Clocks and watches. Lumber and timber, rough products. Cassara, Adolfo. Lindenberg, Nellen & Linares. Mayer, D., & Cia. Susbielles & Mayora. Marble, stone, and granite. Pulini, Antonio. Naval stores. Fernandez & de la Rosa. Frigerio, Rocca & Cia. Novelties. Diaz, Gervasio. Soap and washing powders.f Egin, Augusto. BUENOS AIBES. Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina and the largest city in South America, is the principal port of the River Plate system and the chief business, manufacturing, and distributing center of Argentina. The total population at the end of 1912 was estimated at 1,428,000, an increase of 62,000 compared with the end of 1911. About four-fifths of the imports into Argentina are landed in Buenos Aires. It is the terminus of the pi'incipal railroad systems of the country and is the A tlantic terminus of the trans- Andean Railway to Chile. The American "consulate general is located here. Agents, advertising. Americana, Oficina, Calle Corrientes, 550. Black, H. J., & Co., Calle San Martin, 233. Bond, Wm., Calle B. Mitre, 612. Buxo Canel, Eloy, Calle Corrientes, 556. Coen & Riotti, Calle Corrientes, 525. Erhard, Agenda, Calle Reconquista, 144 . Haynes, Agencia, Calle Chacabuco, 685. Johnson, Agencia, Calle Florida, 230. Mulhall, Samuel, Calle Maipu, 427. Ravenscroft's Agency, Calle Defensa, 159. Rosasco, M. A., & Co., Calle Alsina, 489. Scott, A. F., Calle Corrientes, 435. Saurez, F., & Co., Calle Tucuman, 559. Tranvias, Oficina de Publicidad en, Avda. de Mayo, 840. Agricultural implements and machinery. Agar, Cross & Co., Calle Defensa, 148. Aguella, Juan, Calle Venezuela, 1006. Allardice & Dimalow, Calle Peru, 457. Anderson, Clerget& Co., Calle Maipu, 137 Avery, B. F., & Sons, Calle Belgrano, 650. Ayanz, y Cia., Calle B. Mitre, 2800. Bianchetti Bros., Calle Alsina, 484. Blanch Bros., Calle Bolivar, 161. Boeker & Co., Calle Maipu, 463. Buchanan, Jordan & Co., Calle Bolivar, 292. Cabrio, Jose, Calle Buen Orden, 1060. Cantabrica, La, Calle Moreno, 728. Case Threshing Machine Co., Calle Peru, 465. Chan trill, Bevan R., Calle Cangallo, 499. Copploa Bros., Calle Bustamante, 590. Corcaro, Pablo, Calle Lima, 496. Darr & Goldenberg, Calle B. Mitre, 1482. de Bary, A., & Co., Calle Charcas, 534. Drysdale, J. & J., & Co., Calle Peru, 440. Drysdale, Thomas, & Co., Calle Defensa, 436. Gaar, Scott & Co., Calle Balcarce, 326. Gayraud, Jose, Calle San Francisco, 50. Geiger, ZubHn & Co., Calle ChiU, 760. Goldkuhl & Bostrom, Calle Belgrano, 1138. Guzman, Vasquez & Co., Calle Libertad, 2. Hasenclever & Co., Calle Belgrano, 673. Hodge, Guillermo J., Calle Rivadavia, 785. Ingleton, A., & Co., Calle Moreno, 358. Justo, F. D., & Co., Calle Peru, 353. Macadam, J. F., & Co., Calle Belcarce, 326. ARGENTINA: BUENOS AIRES, 27 Mackintosh Bros., Calle Sarmiento, 327. Markt Schaefer & Co., Calle Piedras, 599. Mattos, Torrome & Co., Calle Rivadavia, 540. Morea, Montemayor & Co., Calle Riva- davia, 3000. Neild & Co., Calle Maipu, 259. Noceti, Domiugo, Calle Peru, 535. Noe, Eugenio C., & Co., Calle Cangallo, 474. Pruden, A. G., & Co., Calle Peru, 335. Pusterla, Robert, & Co., Calle Belgrano, 602. Recht & Lehmann, Calle Defensa, 271. Reinhold, Alejandro, Calle Belgrano, 451. Runciman & Co., CaUe San Martin, 264. Schill, Seebohm & Co., Calle Alsina, 1554. Schuchard, C, & Co., Calle Alsina, 485. Shaw, Juan, & Sons, Calle Venezuela,860. Storer & Co., Calle Chacabuco, 449. Weygand & Zum Felde, Calle Peru, 465. Woods, C. E., Calle Balcarce, 229. Wulff, Otto, Calle Peru, 362. Architects. Agostini, G., Calle Moreno, 1286. Agote, Carlos, Calle Florida, 183. Altgelt, Carlos A., Calle Maipii, 1278. Aranda y Repetto, Calle Cangallo, 684. Argaiiaraz-Valencon, Calle Andes, 624. Avellon, R. J., Calle Charcas, 978. Badaracco, Julio H., Calle Victoria, 788. Basset-Smith, W. B., Avda. deMayo, 651. Benoit, Pedro, Calle Bolivar, 793. Bemasconi, Jose, Calle Belgrano, 2920. Bornhauser, Gaspar, Calle Sarmiento, 2489. Broggi, Luis A., Calle Paraguay, 1037. Buille, R. Wuille, Calle Andes, 1024. Buschiazzo, Juan A., Calle Callao, 1450. Campbell, W. D., Calle San Martin, 121. Casullo y Palmarini, Avda. de Mayo, 715. Casterdn, Juan, & Co., Calle Florida, 753. Chambers & Thomas, Calle Cangallo, 564. Christophersen, Alejandro, Calle Yia- monte, 549. Civelli, Cesar, Calle Victoria, 766. Collivadino, F. L., Calle Lorea, 1508. Colombo, Virginio, Calle Rivadavia, 679. Conder, E. Lauriston, Calle Cangallo, 666. Coni, Pedro J., CaUe San Jose, 1481. Coni, Alberto M., Calle San Jos^, 1481. Corti, Cerifino, Calle 5J, 429-La Plata. Cottini, Enricjue, Calle Araoz, 1291. Courtois, Ulric, Calle Tucuman, 1867. Deubel y Lienhardt, Calle Rivadavia, 1434. Di Matteo, A., Calle Sarmiento, 529. Dieudonn^'', F., Calle Europa, 3225. Dormal, Julio, Calle Reconquista, 1026. Doyer, Jor. J., Calle San Martin, 195. Dubois, Louis, Calle San Martin, 172. Dunant, Jacques, Calle Corrientes, 685. Duparc, Gustavo, Calle Pueyrred, Agosti & Co., Calle Independencia, 472. Prestinoni, Cdxlos, & Co., Calle Sarmiento, 879. Rastrelli, Zulimo, Calle Yatay, 740. Suarez, Jos^, Calle Wenceslao Viilafane, 1612. NECKWEAR. Gonzalez, Oruezabala & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 1087. Guijarro & Otero, Calle Tacuari, 148. Rumbo, Manuel B., Calle Alsina, 1296. Sangado, Zulonga, Uses & Co., Calle Alsina, 758. Sternberg, jr., H., & Co., Calle Cangallo, 840. Varela, B., & Co., Calle Cerrito, 19. Clubs. Albion Football Club, Calle Constitucion, 2555. Argentino de Ajedrez, Calle Cangallo, 833. Arte and Sport, Calle Triunvirato, 541. Atenas del Plata, Atletico, Calle Patri- cios, 584. Atletico Belgrano, Calle Superi, 1650. Austro-Hungaro, Calle Corrientes, 815. Automovil Club Argentino, Calle San Jose, 79. Belgrano de Gimnasia & Esgrima, Calle Obligado, 2080. Buenos Aires, Calle Canning, 1036. Buenos Aires Lawn Tennis, Calle Aya- cucho, 1735. Buenos Aires Rowing Club, Calle Florida, 230. Cazadores San Umberto, Calle Esmeralda, 47. Ciclista Italiano, Avda. Alvear, 567. Ciclista I talo- Argentino, Calle Ayacucho, 1022. Cosmopolita de B. al Norte, Avda. Montes de Oca, 1776. Club de Esgrima Uruguayo, Calle Vic- toria, 1081. Club de Football, Calle Avellaneda, 1100. Club de Gimnasia and Esgrima, Avda. Alvear, 2995, and Calle Cangallo, 1154. Club de Pelota, Argentino, Calle Piedras, 353. Club de Regatas de Bella Vista, Calle B. Mitre, 441. Club de Residentes Estranjeros, Calle B Mitre, 476. Club del Progreso, Avda. de Mayo, 633. Club Deutcher Turn Verein, Calle Cor- doba, 731. Club en las Margenes del Plata, Calle Belgrano, 1279. Club Espanol, Calle B. Mitre, 978. Fenix Club, Calle Suipacha, 444. Flor Argentina de Football, Calle Recon- quista, 627. Frances, Calle Florida, 112. Gath & Chaves Football Club, Calle C. Pellegrini, 456. Germania, Calle Alsina, 2513. Hurlingham Club, Calle San Martin, 121. Ingles Club, Calle B. Mitre, 478. La Aurora Independiente, Calle Cali- fornia, 243. Lomas Jockey Club, Calle Rivadavia, 631. Oriental Club, Calle Rivadavia, 875. Pueblo Unido, Calle G. Mitre, 79. Remington Club, Calle Tacuarf, 253. Royal, Calle Alvarez, 2850. Social de Flores, Calle Sud America, 66. Social de Gral. Urquiza, Calle Ocho, 228. Social de Maldonado, Calle Carranza, 2257. Social de Nufiez, Calle Manuel Pedraza, 2129. Social y de Esgrima, Calle Rioja, 1743. Tigre Boat Club, Calle Cangallo, 409. Touring Club Italiano, Calle Patagones, 542. 3 de Febrero de Gral. Urquiza, Calle Siete, 129. Yacht Club Argentino, Calle Florida, 659. Coal, coke, and patent fuel. Aicardi, Emilio, & Co., Avda. Montes de Oca, 1109. Capurro, Antonio, Paseo Colon, 1560. Cidale & Pinto, Calle San Martin, 142. Cia. Alemana de Dep6sitos de Carbon (Ltda.), Calle Maipu, 288. Cooperativa Importadora de Carbon, Calle Maipu, 427. Corbetta, Emilio, Calle Alsina, 650. Curet & Pettis, Calle Reconquista, 453. Cory Bros. & Co. (Ltd.), Calle B. Mitre, 311. Elliot, Henry B., & Sons, Calle Moreno, 309. Mann, George (Ltd.), Calle Reconquista, 424. Marquez, Claudio C, Calle Sarmiento, 2515. O'Keefe, Eduardo, & Bros., Calle Cor- rientes, 455. Pacheu & Priolo, Calle 25 de Mayo, 66. Reisse y Gonzalez, Calle Cerrito, 176. River Plate Coal Co., Calle Victoria, 370. Roma & Co., Calle Alsina, 3099. Wilson, Sons & Co., Calle Reconquista, 80. Wood, James and William & Lammond, Calle Alsina, 471. Worms & Co., Calle Corrientes, 526. Wulff, Otto, Calle Bella Vista, 112. Yaniz, J. M., Calle Cangallo, 490, ARGENTINA: BUENOS AIRES. 35 Confectioner's products.* A riris Blanc, Calle Cangallo, 715. Aux Grand es Marques, Calle Florida, 201. Bassi, Daniel & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 2550. Bazzi, Victorio, Calle Cabildo, 2088. Campos, Jose, & Co., Calle Catamarca, 352. Colombo, J. E., Calle Corrientes, 3139. Confiteriadel Aguila, Calle Florida, 146. Cooperativa Nacional de Consumes, Calle Suipacha, 269. Donnell & Palmer, Calle Moreno, 562. Feeney & Co., Calle Cangallo, 537. Gath & Chaves, Calle Florida, 107. Ghezzi & Co., Calle Lavalle, 3040. Hegi, Carlos, Calle B. Mitre, 716. La Productora Americana, Calle Nuiiez, 4150. Mackinnon, Croll & Co., Calle Venezuela, 590. Maison Grange, Calle Esmeralda, 246. Noel, B., & Co., Calle Defensa, 983, Simelli Hnos., Calle Bulnes, 1775. Soandone Hnos., Calle Mejico, 2653. Uranis, Isidora, Calle Cangallo, 795. Ussher Hnos., Calle Rivadavia, 900. Contractors and builders. CONTRACTORS. Aretz & Co., Calle Maipu, 354. Bosana, Pablo, Calle Estados Unidos, 1228. ^ Bottazzini, Carlos, & Co., Calle Inclan, 944. BroggiHnos., Calle Callao, 1024. Catala, Juan C, Calle Pellegrini, 1153. Coll, Ricardo, & Co., Calle Reconquista, 144. De Giovanni, Vellina, & Co., Calle Mo- reno, 308. Eromojido, Ernesto, & Co., Calle Char- cas, 1721. Fortuny & Saldavini, Calle Sarmiento, 332. Ghezzi & Lucius, Calle Mendoza, 2741. La Acero Platense, Calle Patricios, 1959. La Habitacion, Calle San Martin, 666. Lavazza, Miguel, Calle Aguirre, 282. Liniers, L. Lopez, Calle Corrientes, 459. Malvicino, Pedro, Calle Humahuaca,1388. McEwen, G., & Co., Calle 25 deMayo, 564. Moeller, Eduardo, Calle Rivadavia, 679. Noe, Eugenie, & Co., Calle San Martin, 175. Rebagliati, Augustin V., Calle Umberto I, 656. Rossi & Amianoto Co., Calle Cangallo, 2030. Way 83 & Freytag, Calle Victoria, 340. Wright, John, Calle Chile, 849. Zorzi, Domingo, Calle Porgamino, 155. Zucker, Alfred, & Co., Calle 25 de Mayo, 158. BUILDERS. Agustonl y Guaatavino, Calle Tucuman, 2074. Angeleri, Luis, Calle Cangallo, 354. Antuori, Jose, Calle Peru, 851. Armagni, Respizio, Calle Defensa, 867. Avenati, Bruno y Hnos., Calle Cangallo, 666. Baccarini, Enrique, Calle Cangallo, 521. Baez, Domingo A., Calle Lavalle, 477. Banco del Progreso (Comp. Const.), Calle Rivadavia, 842. Barassi, J., e Hijos, Calle Cangallo, 521. Barbagelata, Aldunate y Cia., Calle Bel- grano, 412. Baroche, Enrique, Calle Esmeralda, 449. Barris, S., y Cia., Calle Piedras, 843. Bauzer, Carlos, y Cia., Calle Tucuman, 1559. Beatti, Luis, Calle Santa Fe, 1556. Belmas, M. & C, Calle Rivadavia, 767. Bertolini, C, Calle Rivadavia, 1073. Besana, Pablo, Calle Estados Unidos, 1228. Bianchi y Cia., Calle Venezuela, 3267. Biondi, J., Calle San Martin, 14. BoUini Hnos., Calle Billinghurst, 1662. Bonneu, Ibero, Parodi & Figini, Calle Rivadavia, 620. Boyas, Antonio, Calle Esmeralda, 548. Broggini, Victor, e Hijos, Calle Pasco, 1255. Buzzoni, Jose L., & Co., Avda. de Mayo, 840. Cagnoni, Alejandro N., Calle Cangallo, 541. Carusi, P., &Co., Calle Rivadavia, 305. Castello y Piquerez, Calle Reconquista, 50. Casullo y Palmarini, Avda. de Mayo, 715. Ceballos y Mosquera, Calle Florida, 248. Coll, Ricardo, y Cia., Calle Reconquista, 144. Cia. Nacional de Construcciones (Soc. Anon.), Calle Victoria, 788. Costa, Juan B., Calle Reconquista, 36. Dalla Via, Gregorio, e Hijos, Calle Maipu, 159. Defilippi, Luis, Calle Corrientes, 467. De Giovanni, Juan, y Cia., Calle Moreno, 477. Del Maso y Cia., Calle Suipacha, 137. Derqui, Alfredo C, Calle San Martin, 637. Deubel, P. Lienhardt, Calle Rivadavia, 1434. Di Bacco Fauato y Cia., Avda. de Mayo, 715. Dubcurcq y Fisher, Calle Suipacha, 630. Enard, F., Calle Corrientes, 871. Faccaro, Carlos, y Cia., Calle Victoria, 1762. Fernandez, R.,yCia.,CalleB. Mitre, 1091. Ferrando, Juan y Antonio, Calle Rivada- via, 961. Ferreyra y Martin, Avda. de Mayo, 1439. Feiri y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 253. Fontana, Esteban y Cia., Calle Recon- quista, 50. Gilbert y Costa, Calle J^smeralda, 262. Gouzdlez, J., y Cia., Calle Rivadavia, 767. 36 TKADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Grasso, Benito, Calle Victoria, 352. Herrero, Ernesto, Calle Corrientes, 685. Kropff, Oscar, Calle Sarmiento, 318. La €onstrucci6n Americana, Calle Riva- davia, 1697. La Rosa, Rafol, y Cia.. Calle B. Mitre, 556. Lavazza, Miguel, Calle Aguirre, 282. Levallois, J., y Cia., Calle Cansjallo, 354. lAiisini y Elena, Calle Stin Martin, 414. Magnelli, E., y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 173. Marchini Hnos. y Cia., Calle San Martin, 195. Mendoza, Eleuterio R., e Hijos, Calle Bal- carce, 152. Murray, Alex. E., y Cia., Calle Cangallo, 322. Osimani y Cia., Calle Cangallo, 499. Paul Agosto y Cia., Calle San Martin, 290. Peracca y Cia., Avda. de Mayo, 861. Peyrot y Copello, Calle Constituci6n,3044. Roca, Maximo y Cia., Calle Tucuman, 1099. Rousselet, S., 6 Hijoa, Calle Gral. Guido, 253. Sanguinetti, Domingo, Calle San Martin, 76. Sierra, G. A., y Cia., Calle Florida, 248. Sociedad Argentina de Edificacion, Calle Victoria, 720. Tardit, L., y Cia., Calle Florida, 753. Union de Constructores de Obras, Avda. de Mayo, 564. Vera y Gorlero, Calle Reconquista, 316. Vitali y Dieguez, Avda. de Mayo, 861. Cooperage. Bosio & Gregotti, Calle San Juan, 1962. Brown, Panti & Leone, Calle Balcarce, 340. Calise Hnos., Calle Victoria, 2568. Caviglia Hnos., Calle Paso, 546. De Cina, Donato, Calle Chiclana, 2984. Duran, Juan, Calle Lorea, 1814. Gerino Hnos., Calle Brasil, 2515. Granalla, Antonio, Calle Cerviiio, 351. Grupillo, Pablo, Calle Almirante Brown, 836. Langone Hnos., Calle Cochabamba, 2945. Laplaze, Pedro, & Son, Calle Serrano, 2183. Nerbiani, A., Calle Rioja, 1326. Novaro, Adam, Calle Lorea, 1864. Oldano, Jos6, Calle Melo, 1054. Puch, Mariano, Calle Tacuari, 165. Puerto Almirante Brown, Calle San Mar- tin, 186. Raffo, Leopoldo, Calle Balcarce, 335. Sassone, Francisco, & Bros., Calle Pi- chincha, 1161. Scotti, Miguel, Calle Viamonte, 2546. Torres, Manuel, Calle Gazcon, 1331. Tricarico, Domingo, Calle Constitucidn, 3239. Vignale & Co., Calle Lima, 1066. Cordage, rope, and twine. Bergner, Walter, Calle Piedras, 1281. f Dasso y Cia., Calle Gorritti, 639-675.t Dasso, Miguel, Calle Honduras, 454. f De Ambrosi y Polero, Calle Olleros, 2788.t Garana, Juan, Calle Quito, 4234. f Gourock Ropewalk Export Co., Calle Venezuela, 544.* McEwen, Smiles & Cia., Calle Recon- quista, 195.* Pedemonte, A., y Cia., Calle Colonia, ISl.f Suichi, Augusto, Calle Pedro Mendoza, 1067. RAFFIA. Doublet & Cia., Calle B. Mitre, 764. Hirschberg & Cia., Calle Alsina, 778. Didot Fils & Ferreira, Calle Maipu, 683. Hardt, Engelbert y Cia., Calle B. Mitre, 853. TWINE FOR ROPE MANUFACTURE. Cordes, Oscar, Calle Alsina, 1249.t Cork, and cork specialties. Bilotte, S. J., & Co., Avda. deMayo, 1282. Jerosch, Pablo, y Cia., Calle Medrano, 794. Mas, Ernesto, Calle Gallo, 1070. Mauri Hnos., Calle Tucuman, 3173. Zavaletta, Mas y Arando, Calle Tacuarf, 136. Cotton raisers. Alsina, Jose, C. Benitez, Chaco, Argen- tina. Estaciones Experimentales, Ministerio de Agricultura, Buenos Aires. Turk, H., & Co., Calle Balcarce, 278. Cotton goods. DUCK. Cinollo, Jose, & Co., Calle San Juan, 659. De Ronde Co., Avda. de Mayo, 964. Peck, W. E., & Co., Calle Rivadavia, 1164. Samuel Hnos., Calle Alsina, 545. Wassermann, Calle Alsina, 1260. COTTON AND FANCY SHEETING. Azpiri, Stein & Co., Calle Rivadavia, 870. Braceras & Co., Avda. de Mayo, 870. Castet, Cendoya & Co., Calle Rivadavia, 975. Ciudad de Londres, Calle Carlos Pelle- grini, 999 (large store). Ciudad de Mexico, Calle Sarmiento, 600 (large department store). Diu-an, Garcia & Co., Calle Rivadavia, 1273. Gath y Chaves, Calle Florida, 107 (large department store). Zuberbubler & Co., Calle Rivadavia, 824. ARGENTINA: BUENOS AIRES. 37 PIECE GOODS. Ash worth & Co., Calle Alsina, 888. Barclay & Stocks, Calle Maipu, 65. Bauer, P., & Co., Calle Piedras, 132. Braceras & Co., Calle Victoria, 865. Cordes& Co., Calle Rivadavia, 1086. Doublet & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 770. Gomez & Mignone, Calle Piedras, 119. Hardt, Englebert & Cia., Calle B. Mitre, 853. Kampmann & Co., Calle Victoria, 788. Krabb, Hermann, & Co., Calle Riva- davia, 751. Mene & Co., Calle Maipii, 130. Mitau & Gerther, Calle Cangallo, 840. Plant & Co., Calle Lavalle, 935. Roberts, H. W., & Co., Calle Esmeralda, 31. Staudt & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 659. PRINT FACTORIES. Barlaro, Jos^, e Hijo, Calle Monteagudo, 661. Dell'Acqua, E., & Co., Calle C. Pel- legrini, 200. Gratry, Establecimientos, Calle Cangallo, 664. Society per I'Esportazione e per I'lndus- tria Italo-Americana, Avda. de Mayo, 1341. Dairymen's supplies. Brostom, Govakuhly, Calle Belgrano, 1138. Lihill, Pearson & Co., Calle Balcarce, 329. Lindenberg, Nellan, & Co., Calle Alsina, 434. Shaw, Juan, & Hijos, Calle Venezuela, 860. Dentist's instruments and supplies. Bergen, G. G., von, Avda. de Mayo, 715. Busse, Maximo, Calle B. Mitre, 742. Drogueria del Indio, Calle Rivadavia, 1501. Gibson, Diego, Calle Alsina, 199. Lutz & Schultz, Calle Florida, 240. White S. S. Agency (A. C. Mayer), Calle Cangallo, 948. Department stores. Cabeza, Avelino, Calle Sarmiento, 560. Ciudad de Londres, Calle Corrientes, 999. Ciudad de Mexico, Calle Florida, 299. Demichili & Cia., Avda. de Mayo, 1001. Sociedad Cooperativa de Conaumos, Calle Suipacha, 278. Tienda el Progreso, Calles Victoria and Peru. Tienda San Juan, Calle Alsina, 901. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Abriani & Raffo, Calle Brasil, 3002. Ambrosetti & Barrera, Calle Alsina, 505. Amenta & Co., Calle Charcas, 3250. Beretevide & Leonardini, Calle Piedras, 156. Bessler, Waechter & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 544 (industrial only). Bozzola, Antonio, Calle Las Heras, 132 (veterinary). Cadet, A., & Co., Calle Belgrano, 721. Calastreme, A. P., Calle Maipii, 247 (vet- erinary). Carcano & Co., Calle Pueyrredon, 49. Cirelli, Jose, Calle Garay, 1034. Colombo, Carlos, Calle B. Mitre, 2727. Compania Americana de Productoa Vete- rinarios, Calle Alsina, 424. Craveri, Tagliabue, Calles Rivadavia and Catamarca. D'Abondio, Enrique,& Co., Calle Charcas, 1241. De Fillippi, R., & Co., Calle Belgrano, 1824. De La Baize, E., & Co., Calle Florida, 446 (veterinary). Drogueria de la Estrella (Ltd.), Calle Defensa, 201. Drogueria del Indio, Calle Rivadavia, 1501. Eckmann, Hugo, Calle Callao, 369. Even, v., Calle San Martin, 467 (veter- inary). Franz, Badaracco & Co., Calle Sarmiento, 587. Gazzolo, Francisco, Calle San Jose, 956. Gibson, Diego, Calle Defensa, 199. Halle & Co., Calle Rivadavia, 1365. Jolliffe & Co., Calle Reconquista, 399. Kelly, Enrique S., Calle Santa Fe, 1699. Krauss, Enrique, Avda. de Mayo, 900. Malanca, Angel, Calle Gallo, 843. Mendel & Co., Calle Belgrano, 561. Minozzi, Antonio, Calle Buen Orden, 1377. Moine & Soulignac, Calle Rivadavia, 727. Monaco & Co., Calle Viamonte, 871. Morris, Albert G., Calle Santiago del Estero, 428. Murray, S., Calle Florida, 509. Peronnet, Juan, Calle Charcas, 1226. Retienne, Eduardo, Calle Sarmiento, 1127 (industrial only). Rothlin, F. X., Calle Maipu, 602. Santos & Co., Calle Callao, 15. Schmitz Brothers, Calle B. Mitre, 2428. Silvano, G., Calle Garay, 1034. Spinedi, Enrique H., Calle Sarmiento, 902. Tronge & Garcia, Calle Rivadavia, 1953. Valsecchi, E., Calle Suipacha, 331. Vilmar, Rimpler & Co., Calle Defensa, 569 (industrial only). Electrical apparatus, and supplies. "A. E. G." Sudamericana, Calle San Mar- tin, 444. Agar, Cross & Co. (Ltd.), Paseo Colon, 500. American Trading Co., Calle Libertad, 482. Anglade & Co., Calle Defensa, 437. 38 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Azaretto Hnos., Calle Sarmiento, 901. Bianchetti Hnos., Calle San Martin, 3G0. Blanch Hnos., Calle Alsina, 718. Boslietti, B. Pedro, Calle Talcahnano, 75. Brander, Bergstrom & Co., Calle Libertad, 18. Buxton, Cassini & Co., Calle Suipacha, 602. Casali-s & Lassalle, Calle Venezuela, 1657. Cerini, Manuel, Calle Victoria, 1226. Chiesa Hnos., Calle Cangallo, 690. Colson, Brookhouse & JPyne, Calle Can- gallo, 370. Cia. Alemana Transatlantica de Electrici- dad, Calle Sarmiento, 961. Cia. Anglo-Argentina de Electricidad, Calle Reconquista, 325. Cia. Argentina de Electricidad, Calle Es- meralda, 188. Cia. de Electricidad de la Prov. de B. Aires, Calle Alsina, 261. Cia. de Electricidad Luz y Fuerza de Junin, Calle B. Mitre, 363. Cia. General de Electricidad de Cordoba, Calle Esmeralda, 188. Cia. India Rubber & Telegraph Works (Ltda.), Calle Florida, 469. Cia. Industrial de Electricidad del Rio de La Plata, Calle Belgrano, 432. Cia. Marconi del Rio de La Plata, Calle San Martin, 132. Cormillot, L., 6 Hijo, Calle Libertad, 336. Belfast, A., Calle Lavalle, 504. Dornfeld, C. R., & Co., Calle Lavalle, 909. Duckwitz, Ulrich & Co., Paseo Colon, 1102. Duhnkrack, Nellen & Co., Calle Alsina, 434. Empresa de Luz & Fuerza, Calle De- fensa, 317. Ercole, Marelli & Co., Calle Callao, 353. Evans, Thornton & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 349. Forn Bros., Calle Alsina, 865. Franke, Otto, & Co., Calle Bolivar, 161. Franklin, Herrera & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 430. Gaudin & Co., Calle Charcas, 1016. Grant, Percy & Co., Calle 25 de Mayo, 158. Hahn, Alberto, & Co., Calle Cangallo, 1871. Hartmanshenn, P., & Co., Paseo Colon, 546. Heinlein & Co., Avda. de Mayo, 1402. Heriot, F. de C. M., Calle 25 de Mayo, 33. Hinz Hnos., Calle Sarmiento, 1038. Hogg, David, & Co., Calle Bolivar, 236. Kettelhake, W., & Co., Calle Paraguay, 1420. Knight, Shoolbred & Co., Calle Maipu, 131. Kruger, H., & Co., Calle Florida, 729. Laborde & Co., Calle San Martin, 374. La Electrica del Norte (Tucuman), Calle Esmeralda, 449. Las.sort & Co., Calle Cangallo, 1268. Lind, v., & Co., Calle Belgrano, 865. Lindeloff, Luis, & Co., Calle Victoria, 344. Lindenburg, Nellen & Co., Calle Alsina, 434. Ludke, Sajoux & Co., Calle Moreno, 727. Luraschi, Jose, Calle Suipacha, 284. Macadam, J. F., & Co., Calle Balcarce, 326. Mackein, C. J., & Co., Calle San Mar- tin, 450. Mattos, M. E., Calle Rivadavia, 540. Nealon, Grime & Co., Calle Cangallo, 1891. Noseda, Spada & Co., Calle Corrientes, 2555 Ortiz & Feit, Calle Tacuari, 248. Parcus, A., & Co., Calle Defensa, 317. Pardo, B. I., Calle Esmeralda, 527. Pugni, Cilrlos, & Co., Calle Cangallo, 1462. Rail, Eugenio, & Co., Calle Maipu, 267. River Plate Trading Co., Calle Tucu- man, 785. Robert, Pusterla & Co., Calle Belgrano, 602. _ Scapusio, A., & Co., Calle Tucuman, 1076. Scapusio, Pedro, Calle Florida, 834. Schilder, Carlos, Calle Lavalle, 1681. Schill, Seebohm & Co., Calle Alsina, 1554. Shaw, Juan, & Son, Calle Venezuela, 860. Siemens Schuckert (Ltd.), Calle Sar- miento, 652. Storer & Co., Calle Chacabuco, 449. Straube, H., & Co., Calle Cangallo, 1701. WTiite, J. G., & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 519. Woods, Ernesto C, Calle Balcarce, 352. Engines. Agar, Cross & Co. (Ltd.), Paseo Colon, 500. AUardice & Dimalow, Calle Peru, 447. Buxton, Cassini & Co., Calle Suipacha, 602. Cassio, Harris & Co., Calle Cerrito, 252. Dornfeld, C. R., & Co., Calle San Joae, 1986. Evans, Thornton & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 349. Fuhrman, H., & Co., Paseo Colon, 1102. Gaar, Scott & Co., Calle Balcarce, 326. Macadam, J. F., & Co., Calle Balcarce, 326. Macchi, Pozzi & Riva, Calle Esmeral- da, 428. Nealon, Grimes & Co., Calle Cangallo, 1891. Pruden, A. G., & Co., Calle Peru, 333. Storer & Co., Calle Chacabuco, 449. Storm, Pedro, & Co., Calle Peru, 323. MARINE ENGINES. Banham, J., & Son, Calle Belgrano, 650. Drvsdale, J. & J., & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Peru, 440. Orthlan & Co., Tigre, F. C. C. A. Pratt & Co., Calle San Martin, 112. Pugni, Carlos, & Co., Calle Cangallo, 1462. Robert, Pusterla & Co., Calle Belgrano, 602. Storm, Pedro, & Co., Calle Perd, 317. AEGENTINA: BUENOS AIRES., 39 FIRE ENGINES. Drysdale, J. & J., & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Peru, 440. Casteran Bros., Calle Moreno, 782. Donnell & Palmer, Calle Moreno, 562. Estrabou & Co. (Ferreteria Francesa), Calle C. Pelle.grim, 5^3. Francioni, F., & Co., Calle 25 de Mayo^ 258. Morea, Montemayor & Co., Calle Riva- da\-ia, 3000. Macadam, J. F., & Co., Calle Balcarce, 302. Filters. Belisari, A., Calle Artes, 622. Berthold, C, Calle B. Mitre, 1286. Cassels & Co., Calle Maipu, 271. Stem, Ignacio, Calle San Martin, 345. Fireworks and firecrackers. Feeney & Co., Calle Cangallo, 537. Gregorio Catenaccio, Calle Medrano, 1029. Pellegrini, Antonio, & Co., Calle Hum- berto 1°, 1940. Piratte, A., & Hno., Calle Cordoba, 1861. Piratte, Pedro, Calle Callao, 1010. Fruit, fresh and dried. Adano, Manuel, e Hijos, Calle Chaca- buco, 220. Alvarez, Ernesto, Casa Amadeo Nunez, Calle 25 de Mayo, 173. Bonardi Hnos., Calle Matheu, 288. Bossio & Camprano, Calle Chacabuco, 240. Botta, Jose, e Hijo, Calle Bacacay, 3451. Castagneto Hnos., Calle C. Pellegrini, 45. Everist, W., Calle Reconquista, 525. Faes, Quintilio, Calle Moreno, 2340. Faro, Quintilio, Calle Moreno, 2340. Feeney & Co., Calle Cangallo, 537. Garseglio, Lorenzo, Calle Moreno, 2391. Giaconelli, Lorenzo, & Hno., Calle An- chorena, 522. Leone Hnos., Calle Pichincha, 293. Novelli & Lagorio, Calle Soils, 190. Pasino, J. Felix, Calle Venezuela, 1875. Peluffo, A., & Co., Calle C. Pellegrini, 264. Peluffo, Vicente, & Cia., Calle Alsina, 623. Valiente, A., & Co., Avda. de Mayo, 1313. Furniture and fittings. IMPORTERS. Andero, Juan, & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 1545. Baratti Hnos., Calle Corrientes, 1145. liatsalle, Leon J., Calle C. Pellegrini, 440. Bauza & Fuster, Calle Cangallo, 877. Billiet & Co., Calle Reconquista, 351. Botet, Adolfo O., Calle Cerrito, 49. Brusa, Pezzoni y Somaini, Calle Alsina, 1368. Casullo, Daniel, Calle Rivadavia, 1601. Ciudad de Londres, Calle Corrientes, 999. Creno\ich, A., & Hnos., Calle Corrientes, 1820. Dellazoppa & Co., Calle Chacabuco, 167. Dentone, A. V., Calle Santa Fe, 1102. Diaz, R., & Co., Calle Sarmiento, 626. Donnell & Palmer, Calle Moreno, 562 (and New York). Drysdale, J. & J., & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Peru, 440. Di-ysdale, Thomas, & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Moreno, 436. Esteve, V., & Co., Calle Suipacha, 470. Estrada, A., & Co., Calle Bolivar, 466. Gath y Chaves, Calle Florida, 127. Gaudencio, Cdrlos M., Calle Rivadavia, 551. Gimena Hnos. & Cia., Calle B. Mitre, 556. Glaser, G., Calle Florida, 568. Goyena & Co., Calle Reconquista, 349. Gregiet, J., & Co., Calle Suipacha, 245. Guerra, V., & Co., Calle Corrientes, 967. Kelly Browne & Co., Calle Venezuela, 754. Luraschi, Jose, Calle Suipacha, 284. Mackinlay, Horacio, & Co., Calle Lavalle, 477. Mancho & Orioli, Calle C. Pellegrini, 513. Maple & Co., Calle C. Pellegrini, 318-326. Morena, Mendizabal & Co., Calle Riva- davia, 3000. Ossola & Co., Calle Victoria, 728. Pampe & Co., Calle Florida, 538. Pingel & Gunche, Paseo Colon, 971. Pique, Jose, Calle Sarmiento, 1158. Recht & Lehmann, Calle Cangallo, 815. Rider, A., Calle Cangallo, 1045. Rocca & Martinelli, Calle Conientes, 990. Roche, Amado, Calle C. Pellegrini, 270. Sociedad Cooperativa ae Consumos, Calle Suipacha, 276. Staudt & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 669. Tavelli Hnos., y Cia, Calle Lima, 1801. Tealdi, Augustin J., Calle Corrientes, 1172. Thompson, H. C, & Co., Calle C. Pelle- grini, 380. Toppi & Maffiolini, Calle B. Mitre, 1299. Viola, Domingo, Calle Rivadavia, 3850. Vogel & KulenkamplT, Calle Alsina, 1152. Warbmg & Goldschmidt, Calle Suipacha, 88. barber's furniture. Donnell & Palmer, Calle Moreno, 562. Drysdale, J. & J., & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Peru, 440. Drysdale, Thomas, & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Moreno, 436. BEDSTEADS (iRON AND BRASS). Barisone, Luis, Calle Belgiano, 3331. Bilotta, Antonio, Calle Pasco, 753. Calandro, N., Calle Gascon, 673. Calvi, Bernardino, Calle B. Mitre, 1956. Cam[)o, Manuel, Calle Ituzaing6, 1. Capellini, Angel, Calle Tucumdn, 1041. 40 TRAD? DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Cardani, B. Cdrlos, & Co., Calle B. Mitre, 1764. Cardini, Eiigenio, Calle Rioja, 1160. Cresseri, Pedro, Calle Salla, 1325. Elli, Cdrlos, Calle Juncal, 2029. Ferndndez, Amadeo, & Cia., Calle Pa- rand, 465. Ferndndez, Jos6 F., Calle Cangallo, 1658. Ferrari y Castelasi, Calle Anchorena, 1168. Ferrari y Potta, Calle San Jos^, 743. Galindez, P., Calle San Martin, 954. Garza y Solimeno, Calle Belgrano, 1687. Oath y Chaves, Calle Florida, 123. Grimini, Anton, Calle GuardiaVieja, 688. Guaragua, Jose, Calle Pichincha, 1861. Harsciier, A., Avda. de Mayo, 657. Iglesias, J., & Bros., Calle Rivadavia, 2280. Kohen, J., Calle Rivadavia, 2274. Landini, Angel, & Son, Calle Sarmiento, 2971. Maroni & Co., Calle Humberto 1°, 541. Merli, Pablo, Calle San Jose, 1556. Oliva, Genaro, Calle Estados Unidos, 1870. Pasqunelli, Francisco, Calle Rivadavia, 1422. _ Quintanilla, Cipriano, Calle Buen Orden, 1484. Rossi y Porini, Calle Sarmiento, 3149. Rossi Vicente, Calle Humberto 1°, 1629. Sarubbi, F., Calle Honduras, 774. Savigliano, Luis, Calle Chile, 1462. Solari, Felipe, Calle Belgrano, 935. Verde, Marcelino, Calle Rivadavia, 2130. Vicino, Nicholas, Calle Belgiano, 3506. Villarino, Catalina S. de, Calle Vieytes, 1247. Winasky, Adolfo, Calle Buen Orden, 1042. CAMP FURNITURE. Dellazoppa y Cia., Calle Chacabuco, 167. Drysdale, J. & J., & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Peru, 440. Drysdale, Thomas, & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Moreno, 436. Matalde, Pedro, Calle Sarmiento, 699. Morea, Montemayor y Cia., Calle Riva- davia, 3000. CnURCH FURNITURE. Barelli, H., Hijo, Calle Florida, 328. Brandum, Julio C, Calle C. Pellegrini, 714. Ferris, Jose, & Segarra e Hijo, Calle Cdr- losCalvo, 1001. Gaudin & Co., Calle Charcas, 1016. Manent, J., Calle Suipacha, 143. Marini, Podesta & Co., Calle Tacuari, 179. Severi, L. Manuel, & Co., Calle Suipacha, 638. Veloso Hnos., Calle Moreno, 308. GARDEN FURNITURE. Drysdale, J. & J., & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Peru, 440. Motteau, A., & Co., Calle C. Pellegrini, 71. Noceti, Domingo, Calle Peru, 535. MANUFACTURERS. Baratti Hnos., Calle Corrientes, 1145. Barzi, J., & Sons, Calle Rivadavia, 2211. Cia. Nacional de Muebles, Calle Riva- davia, 850. Diaz, R., & Co., Calle Sarmiento, 626. Fonterosa, M., & Co., Calle Alsina, 1640. Landini Hnos. y Cia., Calle Sarmiento, 2971. Lorenzini y Peretti, Calle B. Mitre, 566. Luraschi, Jose, Calle Suipacha, 284. Maple & Co., Calle C. Pellegrini, 318-326. Orioli, Fernando, Calle Parand, 1037. Ossola & Co., Calle Victoria, 728. Pique, Jose, Calle Sarmiento, 1158. Thompson, H. C, & Co., Calle C, Pelle- grini, 380. Verga Bros., Calle Bulnes, 461. Furs and fur skins. Abrate, G. A., Calle Maipu, 549. Barbat, L., Calle Viamonte, 989. Ciudad de Londres, Calle Corrientes, 999. Ciudad de Mexico, Calle Sarmiento, 596. Gath y Chaves, Calle Florida, 127. Grember e Hijo, Calle Libertad, 73. La Fama, Calle B. Mitre. Lehmann, S. & Co., Calle Esmeralda, 247. Levy, Edgard, & Co., Calle Viamonte, 816. Rabinovich & Schapiia, Calle Moreno, 1794. Tienda San Juan, Calle Alsina, 801. Tomas & Cia., Calle B. Mitre, 1622. Gas and electric fixtures. Agar, Cross & Co. Blanch Hnos. Brander, Bergstrom & Co., Calle Liber- tad, 18. Drysdale, J. & J., & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Peru, 440. Drysdale, Thomas, & Co. (Ltd.), Calle Moreno, 436. Franke, Otto, & Co. Gasmotoren Fabrik, Deutsch, Calle Mo- reno, 550. Gurt & Horta, Calle B. Mitre, 1078. Hasenclever & Co., Calle Belgrano, 673. Heinlein & Co., Avda. de Mayo, 1500. Kettelhake, W. & Co., Calle Paraguay, 1420. Merlini, Pedro, Calle Defensa, 245. Neild & Co., Calle Maipd, 259. Philips & Co., Calle Paraguay, 496. Pitte Hnos., Calle Moreno, 834. ARGENTINA: BUENOS AIRES. 41 Pruden, A. G., & Co., Calle Peru, 333. Reinhold, Alejandro, Calle Belgrano, 451. Robert, Pusterla & Co., Calle Belgrano, 602. Schuchard, C, & Co., Calle Alsina, 479. Storer & Co., Calle Chacabuco, 449. Storm, Pedro, & Co., Calle Victoria, 2721. Urien, Shine & Co., Calle Peru, 371. Weygand y Zum Felde, Calle Peru, 465. Gas apparatus and equipment. Azaretto Hnos., Calle Sarmiento, 1901. Cerini, Manuel, Calle Victoria, 1226. Goode, A. J., Calle Alsina, 762. Heinlein & Co., Avda. de Mayo, 1500. Hirsch & Zollfrei, Calle Libertad, 51. Holland, R. J., Calle Uruguay, 449. Kreckler Hermann y Cia., Calle Tucu- man, 949. Rigoli Hnos., Calle Rivadavia, 2499. Sociedad Tubes Mannesmann (Ltda.), Calle Defensa, 321. Torrecillas, D. & Co., Calle Juncal, 1327. Wiener, Oscar, Calle Lavalle, 1737. Glass. Calegari, R., & Co., Calle C6rdoba, 2619. Cristalerias Rigolleau, Calle Belgrano, 550. Debernardis y Scarabelli, Calle Diaz Velez, 1245. Hirsch, S., & Co., Calle Moreno, 1231. Lindwedel, Schreyer & Co., Calle Vene- zuela, 131. Luoni & Delbosco, Calle Santa Fe, 2945. Moglia a P^irmaco Argentine, Calle Acoyte, 90. Pineiro, M., Calle Anasco, 345. WASHING rOWDERS. Balcarec, N'alentiii, Calle Belgi'ano, 3464. Barbiero, Camilo, & Hno., Calle Charlone, 71. Costa, Adolfo, Calle San Francisco, 82. La Blanca Industrial, Calle Catamarca, 1037. Lafourcade, Jose, Calle Ituzaingo, 142. Lopez, Vicente, Calle Australia, 612. Mackinnon & Coelho, Avda. Alvear, 1711. Torroda, Castello & Co., Calle Estados Unidos, 3053. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. Aretz & Co., Calle Sarmiento, 318. Balbiani & Co., Calle Rivadavia, 1928. Balbiani, Ferraris & Co., Calle Vene- zuela, 2748. Benvenuto, Genoud, Martelli & Co., Calle Cangallo, 555. Bonterapi, Juan, Calle Cordoba, 3827. Borzone, A. M., Calle San Martin, 42. Calvet & Co., Paseo de Julio, 401. Cia. Introductora de Buenos Aires (Ltda.), Avda._ de Mayo, 1083. Cooperativa Nacional de Consumos, Calle Suipacha, 275. "Cusenier," Soc. Anon., Calle Salta, 1827. D'Enger & Forget, Calle Belgrano, 174. Devoto, Juan, Calle Defensa, 588. Donnell & Palmer, Calle Moreno, 566. Eppenstein & Warren, Paseo de Julio, 643. Fayon & Grouard, Calle B. Mitre, 1555. Feeney & Co., Calle Cangallo, 537. Freisz & Co., Calle Peru, 347. Fries & Martin, Calle B. Mitre, 383. Gath & Chaves, Calle B. Mitre, 569. "Germania," Soc. Anon., Calle Riva- davia, 1068. Giussani & Taina, Calle Tacuari, 1569. Gomez & Lojo, Calle Lavalle, 515. Griet Hnos., Calle Lavalle, 770. Herwig & Co., Calle Sarmiento, 2500. Inchauspe & Co., Paseo Colon, 1170. Johnston, Gmo., & Campbell (Ltd.), Calle San Martin, 147. La Rural, Avda. de Mayo, 702. Lippold, Miranda, Areta & Co., Calle G. llrquiza, 476. Lucas aren, General Mitre, 449. Boots and slioes. Fiorito, Simon, Cordoba, 1065. Natale, Alfonso, San Martin, 829. Rodriguez, M. P., San Martin, 1182. Rossi Hnos., San Martin, 881. Savia & Ferrugia, Cordoba, 1015. Trece & Peneda, Cordoba, 932. Zamboni, Casa de, Sarmiento, 843. Zapateria, Tin Tin, Entre Rios, 902. Zapateria, Tun Tun, Comentes, 699. Bergman, Sorrequieta & Co.f BergniaHnos., San Martin, lll.f Bosio, B., San Martin, 1272. f La Fabril Argentina, La Plata, 556. f Breweries and distilleries. Balbiani Hnos., Paraguay, 866. Cerveceria, Schlau, Entre Rios, 301. Cerveceria, Quilmes, Salta, 1351. Cerveceria, Palermo, Salta and Moreno. Cerveceria, Bieckert, Jujuy and Crespo. Henzi, Francisco, Con'ientes, 293. Herwig Hnos. & Co., San Lorenzo, 949. Schlieper & Co., San Martin, 760. Brick, tile, and terra cotta. MOSAICS AND TILES. f Bozzo, Marcelino, Espaiia, 1633. Cia Commercial Sua Americano, Rioja 947. Es(ah)licimiento Americana Gratr5'', C6r- doba, 1349. Favalli, S., & Co., 3 de Febrero, 1262. Figuerola, Palau & Co., Paraguay, 929. Paola de Antonio, 3 de Febrero, 1699. Vinas, Jose L., Italia, 557. Carriages, wagons, and parts. Balestra, Pablo, C6rdoba, 2151. Bravo, Napoleon, San Martin, 1335., Cardinal!, Serafin, & Hijoe, San Martin and Montevideo. Chappe & Co., Espana, 1130. Dichio, F., & Co., San Martin, 1816. Martin, Jos^, Cdrdoba, 1253. Mauro, Fullene & Co., San Lorenzo, ]558. Persig & Co., Independencia, 440. Stragiotti, Vicente, & Hijos, Corrientes, 1460. Castings. BRASS FOUNDRIES. Chizzini, L., & Co., Corrientes, 757. Corostiza & Co., Catamarca, 3537. Righetti, Santiago, Espaiia, 225. RoUe, Miguel, Jujuy, 1750. China and earthenware. See Glassware. Coal. Central Ai'gentine Railway. Central Cordoba Railway. Ferro Carril Rosario a Puerto Belgrano. Ferro Caml Rosario a Mendoza, Sar- miento, 731. Ferro Carril de Santa Fe, Santa Fe, 1350. Mann, George, Depots (Ltd.), San Lo- renzo, 1067. Rosario Electric Light Co., San Lorenzo, 1139. Rosario Gas Works, Cordoba, 401. Rosario Sugar Refinery. Rosario Water Works, Salta, 1463. Commission merchants. Barnes & Gross, General Mitre, 665. Brixy, Hugo., Laprida, 651. Buxton, Erie & Co., San Martin, 535. Day, C. C, San Lorenzo, 1136. Ellenrieder & Brunner, Dorrego, 525. Pfister, Juan, Urquiza, 1252. Confectioner's products. Campiglio, Francisco, Rioja, 1398. Casa Canut Centro, San Martin, 1177. Ferrer, Eduardo, San Martin, 1167. "La Perla," Maipu and Cordoba. "Lois Dos Chinos," San Martin and Rioja. Cutlery and edge tools. Amadel, Luis, San Martin, 1084. Broquia, Scholberg & Co., C6rdoba, 1074. Lura Hnos., Cordoba, 1287. Malamud, J., & Co., San Luis, 1076. Mugija & Jauregui, Guemes, 2657. Rouzaut Hnos. & Co., San Martin, 839. Saeco, Carlos F., San Martin, 1074. Seaglia, A., & Hijos, San Juan, ]163. Schaff, Juan, San Martin, 732. Department stores. Caro Hnos. & Co., C6rdoba, 1079. Casa Dell'Acqua, San Martin, 926. Cassini & Co., San Martin and Rioja. Ca.sta,gnino Hnos., San Martin, 1102. Ferrini, Octavio, C6rdoba, 1116. Gath & Chaves, San Martin, 759. Martin, Enrique, San Martin, 926. 70 TRADE DIRECTORY OP SOUTH AMERICA. Muro, B., & Co., C6rdobaaiul Eutre Rios. Pustcrla & Co., Sau Martin, 770. Rubio, Modrego & Co., C6rdoba, 1280. Socicdad Cooperativa Nacional de Con- sumes, C6raoba, 1301. Zaniboni & Rev, C6rdoba, 1063. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Barzone, M., San Martin, 1902. Beauld, A., Buenos Aires, 2097. Coll, R., & Co., San Luis, 948. Drogueria, El Aguila, San Martin, 802. Macniillan, H. J., Sarmiento, 632. Gallitelli, Bernardo, San Luis and La- prida. Gutierrez, Salvador, San Martin and 9 de Julio. Mac Clyment, Day, Boulevard Oreilo and Guemes. Romaldi, Satuxno, Rioja and Laprida. Schiovani, Augusto, San Lorenzo, 1701. Spilemberger Hnos., Rioja and Corrien- tes. Dry goods. Casa de los Novies, Sarmiento and Santa Fe. Ciudad de Roma, San Martin and San Juan. Alonzo, Felix, San Martin, 838. Fernandez, Roca & Co., San Lorenzo, 1028. Garcia Hnos., Cordoba and Sarmiento. La Tienda Buenos Aires, C6rdoba and Entre Rios. Miller, Enrique, Rioja, 1041. Lehmann, W., & Co., San Lorenzo, 1041. Electrical apparatus and equipment. Borganoya, J. M., Urquiza, 1338. Barnes & Gross, Santa Fe, 1180. Cabaud, Emilio, Cordoba, 827. Malatesta, Nicolas, San Juan, 863. Olivari, E., Cdrdoba, 1171. Agar, Cross & Co., Entre Rios, 624. Vizzi, Felipe, Corrientes, 424. Chiesa Hnos., San Lorenzo, 1002. Weihmuller, F. C, Sarmiento, 736. See also Heating apparatus. Flour. [Flour mills operating in the Province,s of Santa Fe, C6rdoba, and Entre Rios.] SANTA FE. Town. Name of mill. Owners. Casilda Fenix Wernpr A- Co Do Candelaria Angelita Vpmiv\f\n /{/ Sp- Esperanza La Pelada rret. Vattueno, Vig- nole & Co. .T (Vrdini (t Co Las Tunas Molinque Pilar Las Tunas San Urbano. . . Pilar Jos6 Soldano. Werner & Co. Viennet & Co Rafaela Rafaela Iris Rufino Boero Hnos & Co. Flour— Continued. SANTA FE— (continued. Town. Name of mill. Owners. Rosario Do Estrella La Argentina.. Ceres Juiln Semino. San Cristobal . . ma. Julio Eckeberg. Domingo I^ongo. Carlos Droz. San Pereira San Justo Italia Justo Tortugas Venado Tuerto . Argentino America Crosetti & Co. H. & A. Long. C6KD0BA. Alta C6rdoba. . . C6rdoba Do. Do. Devoto Las Liebres Leones Morteros Do Marcos Juarez . . Rio Cuarto Sampacho San Francisco . . Villa Dolores . . . Villa Maria Alta Cordoba. Letizia Banda Norle. Ruggero El Plata Las Liebres . . Leones Excelsior Marcos Juarez. Modelo Iturraspe. . . Iglesias Villa Maria. Maximo Carrera. J. & D. Minetti &Co. JuanD.Ducasse. Jorge Moroni & Co. J. & B. Minetti & Co. Ferrando & Ser- ret. Molinera Agri- cola. Razetto Hnos. & Co. Mateo Colom- betti. Molinera Agri- cola. Francisco Mon- lozim. Bernardo Teyse- don. E. & C. Itu- rraspe. Bon to Iglesias & Co. Romonda & Co. ENTRE RIGS. Concordia. Do.... Diamante. Gueleguay. Gualeguaycbu. Do Negoya. Rosario Tala . . . Concepcion del Uruguay. Victoria La Capilla Crespo Do. G o b e r n a dor Racedo. Santa Catalina Concordia. . . Diamante Sau Francisco. San Pablo Negoya. Santa Maria... Victoria Ortelli Hnos. & Co. Viuda de Negri e Hijos. Airaldi & Hno. Bossi Ayale & Co. Pablo Rossi & Co. Luciani & Cara- belli. Mihura Herma- nos & Co., Carlos Barbiero. Fegiano Hnos. Oberti & Deniz. Adolfo Palatnicit. Jacob Hnos. & Garcia. Sagemiiller Hnos. & ICnop. Pralong Bourdin &Co. Fruit.* Chiappara & Muczio, Mercado Central. Digilio Hnos., Mercado Central. De Gaetano, Angel, Mercado Central. Di Luca, Vivente, Mercado Central. aegentina: kosaeio. 71 Labombarda, M., Mercado Central. Maneini, Antonio, Mercado Central. Mancini, Luis, ilercado Central. Pla, Juan, & Co., Mercado Central. Pertiglioni, Luis, Mercado Central. Romero, Fernando, Mercado Central. Steisa, Luis, & Hijos, Mercado Central. Furniture.* Barberis, Luis, Cordoba, 990. Dan- & Goldenberg, San Martin, 1073. Laporte, Filiberto, General Mitre, 800. Macfarlane & Co., Cordoba, 990. Monti, Bachmann & Co., Cordoba, 1129. Scarabino Hnos., Sarmiento, 953. Yaspan, H., Sarmiento, 920. Gas apparatus and equipment. GAS ENGINES. Barnes & Gross, General Mitre, 665. Empresa del Gas, Cordoba, 1183. Chiesa Hnos., San Lorenzo, 1068. Moore & Tudor, Paraguay, 747. Topping, Seavill & Mc Laren, General Mitre, 449. Glassware. Anezin Hnos. & Co., Cordoba, 967. Martinez & Fischer, Cordoba, 1198. Ricart, Torviso & Co., General Mitre, 643. Vazquez, Jose (Bazar Paris), Sarmiento, 844. Trouve, Angel (Bazar Rosario), San Mar- tin, 863. Wolff & Schorr, Sarmiento and Cordoba. Groceries and provisions. Campodonico Hnos., Sarmiento and Men- doza. Castagnino, Sanguinet4;i& Co., Corrientes, 367. Colombo, Luis, & Co., Sarmiento, 575. Copello & Berlingieri, Maipu, 854. Correa Hnos., San Lorenzo, 1252. Couzier, R., & Co., Independencia, 967. Formento Hnos., San Lorenzo, 878. Frugono, E., & Hijos, San Lorenzo, 926. Grieben, Otto, & Co., Urquiza, 1145. Moore & Tudor, Paraguay, 747. Oriol Hnos., Urquiza, 1335. Perez, Schmidt & Chiodi, Sarmiento, 1080. Queirolo Hnos. & Co., Tucuman and Entre Rios. Recagno Hnos. & Co., San Martin and Urquiza. Pinasco, Santiago & Co., Urquiza and Sargento Cabral. Hardware. Agar, Cross & Co., Entre Rioa and San Lorenzo. Barnes & Gross, General Mitre, 665. Brusaferri, E., & Co., Conieutes, 358. Calzolari & Negroni, Santa Fe, 1285. Chiesa Hnos., San Lorenzo, 1062. Delia Cella, J. B., Hnos. & Co., San Mar- tin, 1899. Erb, Reinoldo,*Salta and San Nicolas. Drysdale, Juan & Jose, San Lorenzo, 1152. Drysdale, Thomas, &-Co., Sarmiento, 538. Hasenclever & Co., Santa Fe, 1177. Moore & Tudor, Paraguay, 747. Muzzio, Angel & Hijos, San Martin, 1142. Petersen & Co., Urquiza, 1259. Pusterla, Robert, & Co., Urquiza and Sarmiento. Recht & Lehmann, M., Sarmiento and Urquiza. Remonda, Monsen-at & Co., Entre Rios, 540. Sgrosso, Jose, San Martin and Ituzaingo. Storm, Pedro, & Co., Urquiza, 1327. Heating apparatus. STOVES. Bames & Gross, General Mitre, 665. Chiesa Hnos., San Lorenzo, 1040. Corti & Albergoli, Cordoba, 1134. Gatg & Chaves, Cordoba, 960. Krug, Gustavo, San Lorenzo, 1083. La Empresa del Gas, Cordoba, 1183. Macfarlane & Co., Cordoba, 990. Travella, Hnos. & Co., Cordoba, 1098. Hospitals. Asilo Buen Pastor, Laprida and Virasoro. Clinica del Doctor Vassallo, 3 de Febrero, 268. Enfermeria Anglo Alemana, San Lo- renzo and Suipacha. Hospital de Caridad, 9 de Julio and Alem. Hospital Espanol, Sarmiento, 3150. Hospicio de Huerfanos, Laprida and Cer- rito. Hospicio de Huerfanos Enfermeria, Buenos Aires and Cerrito. Hosj:)ital Italiano Garibaldi, General Mitre and Entre Rios. Sanatorio Palace, Boulevard Orono and Rioja. Sanatorio Policlinico Santa Maria, Pasaje CuUen. Sanatorio Rosario, Avda. Pellegrini, 247. Hosjjital Rosario, America and Virasoro. Hotels. Hotel Britannia, San Martin, 360. Hotel British and American, San Lorenzo, 969. Hotel Central, Pension, Urquiza, 1264. Hotel Espana, Sarmiento, 862. Hotel Esperanza, San Lorenzo, 972. Hotel de Italia, Maipu, 1055. Hotel de la Primavera, General Mitre, 1034. Hotel de Roma, Corrientes, 719. Hotel Grand de la Paix, Sarmiento, 500. 72 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Hotel Gi-an Eiiropa, C6idoba, 625. Hotel ]\rayo, San Lorenzo, 1100. Hotel Nu'evo de Italia, San Luis, 1136. Hotel Savoy, San Martin, 598. Hotel Universal, Cordoba, 940. Jewelry. Anezin Hnos. & Co., Cordoba, 967. Forest, C, & Co., San Martin, 965. Kucker & Klinger, Cdrdoba, 971. Manera, Alberto, Cordoba, 1019. Pen-et, C. U., San Martin, 812. Rottenbom-g, Pablo, San Martin, 876. Leather goods. Arzuaga, Sarmiento anco Francisco Argandofia. Credito Hipotecario do Bolivia. Jos6 Gutierrez Guerra. Dario Gutierrez. W. R. Grace & Co. Denniston & Co. Harrison & Bottiger. Boots and shoes. Fabrica de Calzados de Felix Cia.t Fed. G. Eulert. Hector Ormachea y Cia. Schuab, Levy y Cia. Noe Levy, Michel y Cia. F. Cusicanqui. Gerdes, Kommert y Cia. Harries Thompson y Cia. Erquiaga & Flores. W. II. Foulkes. Golding, Flores y Cia. Juan Perou. Ossorio Hnos. Andes Trading Co. Freudonthal linos. Juan J. Uinojosa. Tomas Contreras. Anza & Ortiz. Sebastian Jimenez. G. de Notta y Cia. Chabaneix y Cia. Pedro Segundo Ardiles. Cano & Garcia. Wenceslao Sanchez y Cia. Dalenz, Villegas y Cia. Eguino 76 76 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Breweries. Cerveceria Boliviana Nacional (Ernst, Calleniiis y Cia.). Cerveceria lioliviana (Manuel II. Aran- eibia 6 HijoV Candles.f Fabrica Nacional de Bujias. Clocks and watcbes. Manuel Sotomayor. Schohaus y Cia. Sebastian Jimenez ("La Sultana"), Beuigno Fernandes. Clothing. men's and women's. G. De Notta y Cia. Juan J. Hinojosa. Sebastian Jimenez. Pedro Segundo Ardiles. Anza & Ortiz. Erquiaga y Flores. Cano & Garcia ( " La Espaiiola " ) . Harries, Thompson y Cia. Chabaneix y Cia. Wenceslao Sanchez y Cia. Tomas Contreras. Simon Bedoya. Juan Herschell. Dalenz, Villegas y Cia. Freudenthal Hnos. J. Trullenque y Cia. FrancL'co Gimenez Coca. Fabrica de Sombreros (hat factory). Confectioner's products. Adrian Castillo. Hector Ormachea y Cia. Maximiliano N. Villar. Jose M. Carballo. R. Valenzuela y Cia. W. H. Foulkes. Golding, Flores y Cia. D'Andreis y Cia. Ossorio Hnos. Sebastian Jimenez ("La Sultana"). Farracco Hnos. Vicente Aparicio. Francisco Gimenez Sanches. Noe Levy, Michel y Cia. Dentists. W. H. Yale. Carlos Suarez. Manuel Cusicanqui. O. Luna Orosco. Carlos Saenz. J. Ivuis Careaga. W. H. Dolman. Drugs and drugijist's supplies. Botica Central de Salmon y Valle. Gustavo Gonzales. Botica de los Incas (Sanjines y Cia). Botica Boliviana de Soria y Cia. Botica Popular Botica Paceiia (Spa y Cia). Botica de San Sebastian (Baldivieso y Cia). Botica Colon. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Bolivian Rubber & General Enterprise (Ltd.) (Electric Railway and Power). M. Casanovas y Cia. A. Nufies del Prado. Sebastian Jimenez ("La Sultana"). Furniture and fittings. Sebastian Jimenez ("La Sultana"). Manuel de la Oliva (furniture only). Tomas Contreras ("Las Novedades"). Anza & Ortiz. Adolfo Gonzales y Cia. M. Casanovas y Cia.f General merchandise, wholesale. W. R. Grace & Co. (representing about 60 American firms). Denriiston & Co. (representing about 50 American firms). Duncan, Fox & Co. Graham Rowe & Co. Berthin Freres y Cia. E.&W. Hardt. Fed. G. Eulert. Harrison & Bottiger. Hector Ormachea y Cia. Schwab, Levy y Cia. Noe Levy, Michel y Cia. Colsman, Oestman y Cia. F. Cusicanqui. Gerdes, Kommert y Cia. Harries, Thompson & Co. Martins, Harmsen y Cia. Juan Torti. Erquiaga & Flores. Hinne y Cia. Emmel Hnos. D'Andreis y Cia. W. H. Foulkes. Golding, Florez y Cia. Juan Perou. Ossorio Hnos. Andes Trading Co. Freudenthal Hnos. Juan J. Hinojosa. Riassware.* Armando Harburger. Schwab Hnos. Enss & Webber. Anza & Ortiz. Erquiaga & Flores. liUis Guerra. Saenz & Dolz. Freudenthal Hnos. Tomas Contreras ("Las Novedades"). FranciBco Jimenez Coca ("El Louvre"). BOLniA: LA PAZ. 77 Gonzales y Medina (store in Calle Comer- cio). Sebastian Jinienez_("La Sultana")- Enrique Levy y Cia. Harries, Thompson y Cia. Juan J. Hinojosa. Cano & Garcia ("La Espanola"). Hardware. Hector Ormachea y Cia. Enss & Webber. R. Valenzuela y Cia. W. H. Foulkes. Lemaitre Hnos. Jose Martorell e Hijo. Augusto Hanhart y Cia. Ricardo Pastor. Armando Harburger. Juan Perou. Fermin Cusicanqui. Enrique Levy y Cia. Luis Guerra. Jorge Saenz. Schwab Hnos. M. Casanovas y Cia. Hotels. Gran Hotel Guibert. Hotel Sportsman. Hotel Roma. Jewelry. See Clocks and watches. Leather goods. G. de Notta y Cia. Harrir^on & Bottiger. E. & W. Hardt. W. R. Grace & Co. Denniston & Co. Harries, Thompson y Cia. Fed. G. Eulert. Erquiaga & Flores. Juan J. Hinojosa. Sebastian Jimenez ("La Sultana"). Tomas Contreras ("Las Novedades"). Anza & Ortiz. Gonzales y Medina. J. Trullenque y Cia. Dalenz, Villegas y Cia. Freudenthal Hnos. ("La Victoria"). H. Ormachea y Cia. Harmsen, Martin y Cia. F. Cusicanqui. Lumber and timber.* Jorge Saenz. M. Casanovas y Cia. Luis Guerra. Matches. t Fabrica Nacional de Fosforos. Musical Instruments. Schohaus y Cia. Chabaneix y Cia. Freudenthal Hnos. Schwab Hnos. Novelties, etc. Juan J. Hinojosa. Sebastian Jimenez. Chabaneix y Cia. Gonzales y Medina. Schohaus y Cia. G. de Notta y Cia. Tomas Contreras. Enrique Forgues. Cano & Garcia, Lackermance Hnos. Freudenthal Hnos. Anza & Ortiz. . Harries, Thompson y Cia. Phonographs, graphophones, and accessories. Gerardo Argote. Schohaus y Cia. Max T. Vargas. Photographic supplies. Max T. Vargas. G. de Notta y Cia. Julio Cordero. .Luis D. Guismondi. Physicians and surgeons. Rafael Peiiaranda. Claudio Sanjinez. Nestor Morales Villazon. Natalio Aramayo. Lino Urquieta. Juan Peiiaranda. Gustavo Carbajal (oculist). Plumber's supplies. Walter J. Decker. Adolfo Gonzales. Printer's supplies. Tipografia Artistica de Carlos Diez de Medina. Tipografia Velarde. Litografia Boliviana de Hugo Heitman. Cosnie Vila. Lia V. de Palza Soliz. Tipografia Victoria. Aramayo Hnos. Miguel Gamarra. Sewing machines and parts. Singer Sewing Machine Co. W. R. Grace & Co. Hector Ormachea y Cia. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors.* Adran Castillo. Hector Ormachea y Cia. Maximiliano M. Villar. Alex Guibert. Enss & Webber. 78 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Jos(^ M. Carballo. R. Valeuzuela y Cia. W. H. Foulkes. Juan J. Ilinojosa. Fed. G. Eulcrt. F. Cusicanqui. No^ Le-\y, Michel y Cia. ■Juan Torti. Juan Perou. Sebastian Jimenez. Tomas Contreras. Honorata v. de Moron. Francisco Gimenes Sanchez. D'Andreis y Cia. Farracco linos. Ossorio Hnos. Sporting and athletic goods. Adolfo Gonzales y Cia. Sebastian Jimenez. ^Tomas Contreras. Harries, Thompson y Cia. Stationery and stationer's goods. Hugo Geitman. Enrique Forgues. Amo Hnos. Miguel Gamarra. Lackermance Hnos. Velarde y Cia. Gonzales y Medina. Lia V. de Palza Soliz. Enrique Levy y Cia. Noe Le\y, Michel y Cia. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Fernando Mauri y Cia (cigarette factory) . Toys and guuies. Armando Harburgir . Schwab Hnos. Enss & Webber. Anza & Ortiz. Erquiaga & Flores. Luis Guerra. Saenz & Dolz. Freudenthal Hnos. Tomas Contreras ("Las Novedades"). Francisco Jimenez Coca ("El Louvre"). Gonzales y Medina (store in Calle Co- rn ercio). Sebastian Jimenez ("La Sultana"). Enrique Levy y Cia. Juan J. Hinojosa. Cano & Garcia ("La Espanola"). Woolen goods. Juan J. Hinojosa. Tomas Contreras. Anza & Ortiz. Harries, Thompson y Cia. Harrison & Bottiger. Sebastian Jimenez. Rodriguez y Larrea. Fed. G. Eulert. F. Cusicanqui. Gerdes, Kommert y Cia. J. Trullenque y Cia. Noe Levy, Michel y Cia. Schwab, Levy y Cia. Erquiaga y Flores. Harmsen, Martins y Cia. OEURO. Oruro is lliecapifal of the Department, of the same name, situated al)ont 9 miles cast of the Desaguadero Kiver. The prosperity of the district dej)cnds on tin mining. The city is connected by raii with the Chilean port of Antofagasta. Population about 20,000. BanlvS. Banco Anglo-Sud Americano. Banco Aleraan Transatlantico. Banco Chile-Alemania. Banco de la Nacion Boliviana. Banco Mercantil. Banco Nacional de Bolivia. Dry goods. Harries, Thompson y Cia. Jose Trullenque y Cia. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Gustavo Hincke y Cia. Pena y Cia. General merchandise. W. R. Grace & Co. Dennifiton & Co. A. A. Salsberg. Juan Garafulich. Sabioncello y Cia. Hirschmann y Cia. R. Valenzuela y Cia. Harrison & Bottiger. Barnet y Cia. Abaroa, Mason y Cia. Penny & Duncan. German Fricke y Cia. Gustavo Hincke y Cia. Colsman, Oestman y Cia. Marcos Pavisich. Groceries and provisionSo Melchor E. Quiroga. Sabioncello y Cia. A. A. Salsberg. R. Valenzuela y Cia. Abaroa, Mason y Cia. Marcos Pavisich. Novelties. Harries, Thompson y Cia. Jose, Trullenque y Cia, BOLIVIA: SUCEE. 79 POTOSI. Potosi is the capital of the Department of the same name. It is situated on the Cerro de Potosi, at an altitude of al)out 13,300 feet. The city owed its origin to the silver lodes which were discovered in the Cerro and which for a long time remained the richest silver mines in the world. Operations have been almost abandoned and the population has decreased to about 21,000. Banks. Banco Nacional de Bolivia. Banco Mercantil. Banco de la Nacion Boliviana. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Valverde y Cia. Miguel Torres G. Reynolds y Cia. Dry goods and haberdashers. J. Rodriguez. L. de Revuelta. Herceg Hnos. General merchandise. Taborga, Urquidi y Cia. Urriolagoytia y Cia. Pacheco y Kahn. Bebin Hnos. Yanes y Cia. Noe Levy, Michel y Cia. Vladislavic y Cia. Cosme Soljancic. Lucio Lei ton y Cia. Hardware. J. Rodriguez. Herceg Hnos. stationery and stationer's goods. Miguel L. de la Vega. SUCRE. Sucre is the ofhcial capital of Bolivia, situated in the Department of Chuquisaca. Its industries are mining and agriculture, the latter being the more important. The population is about 24,000. Balferies. Nestor Villa y Cia. Panaderia Nacional. Banks. Banco Nacional de Bolivia. Banco Hipotecario Garantizador de \'a- lores. Banco de la Nacion Boliviana. Banco Mercantil. Banco Francisco Argandoiia. Books. Moises Pizarro. Jorge de Gumucio. Antonio Caba. Coffee, tea, and cocoa. Rodriguez Hnos. (chocolate factory). Urioste & Cia. (chocolate factory). Drugs and druggist's supplies. Botica "Lourdes." Botica "La Fundadora." Botica "Boliviana." Botica "EI Sol." Botica "25 de Mayo." Botica "Auxiliadora." Flour and meal. Nestor Villa (flour mill). General merchandise. Urriolagoytia y Cia. Morales & Bertram. Guth y Cia. Moerch, Bauer y Cia. Julio Arana. Rodolfo Urioste. Fructuoso Ramos. Leoncio Villa. Celestino Lorenzelti. Carmen v. de Lemaitre. Alberto Bacherer. Juan Moreira y Alvarez. Antonio Cosulich. Genaro Samos. Mariano Gtunucio. Edmundo Villa Gomez. Jos6 Santa Cruz. Carmen Frias. Cosme Soljancic. See Books. stationery. Tobacco. Nestor Villa (cigarette factory). Water, aerated and mineral.t Nestor Villa. 80 TRADE DIKECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. TARIJA. Tariia is theoapitalof the Department of the same iianu-, and is about ISO miles south of Sucre. It Is situated near the border of Argentina. Agriculture and stocli raising are the principal industries of the district. Population about 8,000. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Navajaa Hnos. General merchandise. Moises Navajas. Trigo Hnos. Jofre ^ Hijos. Eloy Araos. Pio Arellano. Carlos Paz. TUPIZA. Tupiza is a town in the Department of Potosi, about 140 miles south by east of the city of Potosi. Silver, gold, tin, bismuth, and lead are mined in the surroimding district. It is also an important agri- cultural section. Population about 4,000. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Manuel E. Wilde. General meretiandise. Manuel E. Aramayo y Cia. Guillermo E. Hoopper. Pablo Werner. Luksic y Cia. BRAZIL. Brazil, with an area of about 3,300,000 square miles, is the largest country on the South American Con- tinent. The population is about 23,000,000. There were in the country at the beginning of 1913 about 3,660 industrial establishments, capitalized at about $275,000,000. Textile manufacturing occupiesa position of supreme importance in the industrial development of the coimtry. Other Industries, such as the manu- facture of sugar, tobacco, and cigars, jerked beef, beer, shoes, and flour, are progressing. Of the total imports into the country the United States furnishes about 15 per cent, following the United Kingdom with about 25 per cent and Oerinany with 17 per cent. The value of the imports from the United States in 1912 was 148,000,000, compared with S34,000,000 for the preceding year. These totals include a large variety of goods. About 40 per cent of the Brazilian exports are destined for the United States. The American purchases from Brazil during 1912 were valued at $141,739,000, compared with $115,730,000 for the preceding year. Coffee and rubber represent about 80 per cent of the total exports of Brazilian products. BAHIA. Bahia, capital of the State of the same name, has a population of about 300,000. The city is situated in the eastern part of the State, or about 800 miles from Rio de Janeiro. The prmcipal Industries are sugar mills, soap and candle factories, distilleries, canneries, shoe and furniture factories, etc. The principal articles of import into the district from the United States are automobOes, barbed wire, clocks and watches, dental and surgical instruments and supplies, drugs and chemicals, electrical apparatus, firearms and ammunition, oils, hardware, and implements and tools. There is an American consulate at this place. Agents, Customhouse. Lope.s, A. da Silva, Riia Forte de Sao Pedro. Mendes, Olimpio de Castro, Rua do Hos- picio. Oliveira, Adeline Ribeiro de, Baixa da Graca. Agricultural implements and macliinery. See Machinery. Arms and ammunition.* Brandao, Mario Dias, Guindaste dos Padras, 26. Machado, Soares & Ca., Rua dos Dro- guistos. Palmeira, Beltrao & Fernandes, Rua Con- Beiheiro Saraiva, 31. Awnings, tents, and sails.* Loja Pelicano, Rua Formosa. Varjao, Samuel, Rua Caes do Barroso, 3. Banks and bankers. Banco da Bahia, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 37. Banco do Brazil, Rua Santos Dumont, 8. BrasUianische Bank fur Deutschland, Rua das Princezas, 14. British Bank of South America, Rua Con- selheiro Dantas, 3. London & Brazilian Bank, Rua das Prin cezas, 10. London & River Plate Bank, Rua das Princezas, 4. Baskets. t Silva, Antonio de Costa, Rua de Miseri- cordia. 21373°— 14 G Belting. See Machinery. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories.* Garvalho, Alfredo, Rua das Princezas. Lobao, Manoel, Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Mitchell, Anthony, Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Boots and shoes. Ca. Cal^ado Clark, Rua Formosa, 13. f Coelho, Adelino F., Rua dos Ourives.* Gama & Gama, Rua do Areial, 34 (Itapa- Ripp)-t Monteiro, Carlos P., Rua Formosa.* Santos, H. de Silva, Rua Conselheiro Dantas.* Santos, Martins dos, Rua das Princezas.* Brewers.f Andrede, Antonio Vieira de, Rua Dr. Manoel Victorino. Butter and cheese.* De Assis, Germano, Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Geraldo & Irmao, Rua dos Algibebes. Silva & Ca., Rua das Princezas. Candles.f Gon^alves, Manoel Francisco, Largo do Piano Inclinado. Martins, Jose, & Irmao, Rua Dr. J. J. Seabra. Carpets and other floor coverings.* Carvalho, Alfredo, Rua das Princezas. Manso & Ca., Rua Santa Barbara, 2. 81 82 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Casli registers and acldiup: and calculating machines.* Fernandez, E., & Ca., Rua dos Droguistos, 37. Freitas & Costa, Largo do Piano Inclinado. Cement.* Costa Santos, J. G., & Ca. , Rua das Prince- zas, 16. Nathan & Co., Rua das Princezas, 8. Stevenson & Co., Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 9. Chambers of commerce. Associagao Commercial da Bahia, Praga Conde dos Arcos. China and earthenware.* Campos, Mario Felix, Praga Conde do Arcos. Farias, D. M., Rua das Princezas. Lacerda, Joao Ribeiro de, & Ca., Largo de Piano Inclinado. Soares de Azevedo & Irmao, Travessa do Garapa, 19. Clocks and watches.* Bartsch, Herman, Rua Conselheii-o Dantas, 42. Fuerst, Carlos, Rua Santa Barbara, 85. Schlang, Emilio, Largo das Princezas, 15. Clothing. men's.* Au Louvre, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 34. Carvalho, Alfredo, Rua das Princezas. Casa Caboclu, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 20. Casa Variedades, Rua Conselheiro Dantes. HATS, men's. Cappell, Bernardino, Rua das Princezas. f Mello & Filhos, Rua Conselheuo Dantas, 40.* Mercuri & Ca., Rua Santa Barbara. 85. f Loja Leao, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 9.* Palacio Crystal, Praya Conde dos Arcos.* women's clothing. See Woolen goods; Millinery. Coal.* Benn, F., & Son, Rua das Princezas, 10. Guinle & Ca., Rua Santos Dumont, 8. Stevenson & Co., Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 9. Wilson Sons & Co., Rua das Princezas, 20. Coffee, tea, and chocolate. CHOCOLATE.* Boufas & Ca., Largo do Theatro. Coelho, Irenio Paes, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 19. Commission merchants. Bromberg & Ca., Rua das Princezas. Maltez, Antonio, Rua Santa Barbara, 85. Stumpe, E., Rua das Princezas. Valente, Castro, Ruados Cobertos Grandes. Contractors and builders. Ca. Commercial e Constructora, Rua Santos Dumont. Ca. Melhoramentos da Bahia, Corpo Santo, 51. Pinho, Evandro, Ladeira de Sao Bento. Sampaio, Teodoro, Ladeu-a de Sao Bento. Cotton goods. t Ca. Fabril dos Fiaes, Caes do Bulcao, 1. Ca. Progresso Industrial da Bahia, Rua do Commercio, 7. Ca. Uniao Fabril da Bahia, Rua Dr. Miguel Calmon. Ca. Valenga Industrial, Rua das Prince- zas, 4. Emporio Industrial do Norte, Rua do Commercio, 5. Dentist's instruments and supplies. See Instruments. Department stores. A Brazileira, Rua das Princezas. Carvalho, Alfredo, Rua das Princezas. Loja Athayde, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 11. Loja Leao, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 9. Palacio Crystal, Praga Conde dos Arcos. Drugs and druggist's supplies.* Barros & Conde, Rua dos Algibebes, 8. Carneiro, Manoel Seraphim, & Ca., Rua das Princezas, 5. Correa, T. dos Santos, Rua Santa Barbara. Moreira & Palmeira, Rua do Piano Incli- nado. Moutinho, Joao, & Ca., Rua Guindaste dos Padres. Santos, Aguiar, Rua dos Cobertos. Electrical apparatus and supplies.* Cie. Eclairage de Bahia, Rua Chile, 11. Drummond, Moraes & Ca., Rua Consel- heiro Dantas, 33. Guinle & Ca., Rua Santos Dumont, 8. Elevators, passenger and freight.* Guinle & Ca., Rua Santos Dumont, 8. Explosives.* Duder & Brother, Rua das Princezas, 20. Stevenson & Co., Rua Conselheiro Dan- tas, 9. Fencing and fencing material. See Hardware. brazil: bahia. 83 Fireworks and firecrackers.* Ferreira, Joao Bispo, Rua dos Cobertos. Gongalves, Carrisso & Ca., Rua Prince- zas, 10. Westphalen Bach & Ca., Rua Conselheiro Savaira, 15. Flour.* Conde & Ca., Rua Visconde do Rosario, 1. Gonyalves, Carrisso & Ca., Rua das Prin- cezas, 10. Machado & Irm§o, Praya Conde dos Arcos. Soares & Ca., Pra^a Deodoro, 7. Stevenson & Co., Rua Conselheiro Dan- tas, 9. Fruit, fresh and dried.* Bougas & Ca., Largo do Theatro. De Assis, Germano, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 8. Geraldo & Irmao, Rua dos Algibebes, 18. Pepe, Eduardo, Corpo Santo, 55. Fiuniture and fittings.* Carvalho, Alfredo, Rua das Princezas. Casa Americana, Rua Montanha, 94. Seixas & Ca., Rua das Princezas, 12. OFFICE.* Costa Santos, J. G., & Ca., Rua das Prin- cezas, 16. Santos, Manoel da Silva, Corpo Santo. Gas and electric fixtures.* Cie. Eclairage de Bahia, Rua Chile, 11. Drummond, Moraes & Ca., Rua Consel- heiro Dantas, 33. Guinle & Ca., Rua Santos Dumont, 8. Grease and other soap stock.* Conde & Ca., Rua Visconde do Rosario, 1 . Gongalves, Carrisso & Ca., Rua das Prin- cezas, 10. Machado & Irmao, Prafa Conde dos Arcos. Groceries and provisions.* Conde & Ca., Rua Visconde do Rosario, 1. Gonfalves, Carrisso & Ca., Rua das Prin- cezas, 10. Machado & Irmao, Pra^a Conde dos Arcos. Soares & Ca., Praya Deodoro, 7. Hardware.* Brandao, Mario Dias, Rua Guindaste dos Padras, 26. Costa Santos & Ca., Rua do Coberto, 5. Drummond, Moraes & Ca., Rua Consel- heiro Dantas, 33. Fernandes, E., & Ca., Rua dos Droguistos, 37. Machado, Soares & Ca., Rua dos Droguis- tos. Palmeira, Beltrao & Fernandes, Rua Con- selheiro Saraiva, 31. i Santos & Ca., Rua Guindaste dos Padres, 20. Harness and saddlery.* Motta & Ca., Rua dos Cobertos Grandes, 50. Souza, Vianna & Ca., Rua Santa Barbara. Hotels. Hotel Sul Americano, Praga Castro Alves. Pensao Ingleza, Corredor da Victoria, 82. Pensao Jensen, Corredor da Victoria, 58. Pensao Kuhernt, Corredor da Victoria, 2. Household utensils.* Fernandes, E., & Ca., Rua dos Droguistos, 37. Machado, Soares & Ca., Rua dos Droguis- tos. Palmeira, Beltrao & Fernandes, Rua Con- selheiro Saraiva, 31. Santos & Ca., Rua Guindaste dos Padres, 20. Instruments, professional and scientific* Casa Guarany, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 29. Casa Mozart, Largo do Piano Inclinado. Jewelry.* Bartsch, Frederico, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 42. Daniel, E., & Fr^re, Rua Santos Dumont. Ferraz, Plinio, Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Knit goods.* Carvalho, Guilherme, Rua das Princezas. Goes, T. S., Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Pontes, Enrique Ferreira, Rua Consel- heiro Saraiva. Rodrigues, Cardoso & Ca., Rua Consel- heiro Dantas, 35. Souza, Texeira & Ca., Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 6. Lamps and lamp ware. See Household utensils. Leather goods.* Casa Paranhos, Rua do Juliao, 9. Motta & Ca., Rua dos Cobertos Grandes, 50. Vianna Oliveira & Ca., Ladeira da Mon- tanha. Vieira dos Santos Claudio, Praya Conde dos Arcos. Linen goods. See Woolen goods. Machine tools.* Companhia Linha Circular (Gabinete do Gerente), Piano Inclinado. 84 TKADE DIRECTORY OP SOUTH AMERICA. Nathan & Co., Riia daa Princezas, 8. Perry tt Co., Rua da Lou^a, 21. Wilson Sons & Co., Rua das Princezas, 20. 3Iachinery.* Guinle & Ca., Rua Santos Dumont, 8. Mitchell, Anthony, Rua Conselheiro Dan- tas, 23. Nathan & Co., Rua das Princezas, 8. Noguerol, David, Rua Santos Dumont, 12. Perry & Co., Rua da Loufa, 21. Rodrigues Fernandes & Ca., Pra(;a do Commercio. Mantles aud tiles. TILES. t Ferraro & Irmao, Rua Polytheama. Meats, fresh, cured, aud pickled.* Bougas & Ca., Largo do Theatro. De Assis, Germano, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 8. Geraldo & Irmao, Rua dos Algibebes. Millinery.* Barbieri, I., Portao da Piedade. Loja Athayde, Rua Conselheiro Dan- tas, 11. Loja Leao, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 9. Loja Manso, Rua Santa Barbara, 2. Loja Mattau, Rua Chile. Loja "44," Portao da Piedade. Maison Chic, Largo de Sao Pedro. Prandoni, E., Portao da Piedade. Motion-picture apparatus.* Companhia Cinematographica Brazileira, Rua do Arsenal Marinha, 26. Lindemann & Ca., Ladeira do Theatro. Macaggi, Alfredo, Rua Santos Dumont. Motor cars and accessories.* Bromberg & Ca., Rua das Princezas, 11. Carvalho, Alfredo, Rua das Princezas. Costa Santos, J. G., & Ca., Rua das Princezas, 16. Perry & Co., Rua da Loufa, 21. AUTOMOBILE TIRES'.* Carvalho, Alfredo, Rua das Princezas. Costa Santos, J. G, & Ca., Rua das Princezas, 16. Drummond, Moraes & Ca., Rua Consel- heiro Dantas, 33. Stumpe, E., Rua das Princezas. Musical instruments.* Correia & Mendonpa, Largo do Piano In- clinado. Freitas & Costa, Largo do Piano Inclinado. Muryleart, Albert, Rua Chile. Pedreira La pa & Ca., Rua Algibebes. PIANOS. "^ Carvalho, Alfredo, Rua das Princezas. Freitas & Costa, Largo do Piano Inclinado. Pedreira Lapa & Ca., Rua Algibebes. Silva Santos, Manuel, Rua Corpo Santo. Naval stores.* Schwartz & Brussel, Rua Visconde do Rosario, 3. Varjao, Samuel, Rua Caes do Barroso, 22. Oils.* ILLUMINATING. Costa Santos, J. G., & Ca., Rua das Prince- zas, 16. Standard Oil Co. of Brazil, Rua das Princezas, 8. LUBRICATING.* Benn, F., & Son, Rua das Princezas, 10. Stumpe, E., Rua das Princezas. Varjao, Samuel, Rua Caes do Barroso, 22. Optical goods. See Jewelry. Paints and varnishes.* Drummond, Moraes & Ca., Rua Consel- heiro Dantas, 33. Nathan & Co., Rua das Princezas, 8. Varjao, Samuel, Rua Caes do Barroso, 22. Paper and paper goods.* Casa Guarany, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 29. Casa Mozart, Largo do Piano Inclinado. Mitchell, Anthony, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 23. Paving materials.* Ca. Commercial e Constructora, Rua Santos Dumont. Lafayette & Ca., Rua Dr. J. J. Seabra. Phonographs and accessories.* Casa EdLson, Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Carvalho, Alfredo, Rua das Princezas. Guinle & Ca., Rua Santos Dumont, 8. Photographic supplies.* Mello & Filhos, Rua daa Princezas. Read, R. R., Rua Sao Bento. PICTURE FRAMES.* Paraiso, Vva. Amelia, Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Plumber's supplies.* Gama & Ca., Largo do Piano Inclinado, 33. Rangel & Ca., Rua de Sao Pedro, 39. BRAZIL : BAHIA. 85 Power, and light companies. Bahia Light & Power Co., Rua Chile, 11. Cie. Eclairage de Bahk, Rua Chile, 11. Guinle & Ca., Rua Santos Dumont, 8. Pumps.* Drummond, Moraes & Ca., Rua Consel- heiro Dantas, 33. Nathan & Co., Rua das Princezas, 8. Perry & Co., Rua da Lou^a, 21. Railway equipment and supplies.* Benn, F., & Son, Rua das Princezas, 10. Cie. Chemin de Fer de I'Est Brasilien, Cal^ada. Guinle & Ca., Rua Santos Dumont, 8. Nathan & Co., Rua das Princezas, 8. Perry & Co., Rua da Louga, 21. Railways. Cie. Chemin de Fer de I'Est Brasilien, Calgada. Estrada de FeiTo de Ilheos a Conquista, Ilheos, State of Bahia. Estrada de Ferro de Nazareth, Nazareth, State of Bahia. Refrigerators and filters. See Hardware. Roofing materials .=>" Nathan & Co., Rua das Princezas, 8. Perry & Co., Rua da Lou^a, 21. Rubber goods. See Department stores; Drugs and drug- gists' supplies; Instruments. Safes.* Barreiros, Antonio, & Filho, Rua das Princezas. Costa Santos, J. G., & Ca., Rua das Prin- cezas, 16. Mitchell, Anthony, Rua Conselheiro Dan- tas, 23. Nathan & Co., Rua das Princezas, 8. Perry & Co., Rua da Louya, 21. Sewing machines.* Femandes, E., Rua dos Droguistos, 37. Machado, Soares, & Ca., Rua dos Dro- guistos. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Rua Silva Jardim, 6. suit goods.* Loja Athayde, Rua Conselheiro Dan- tas, 11. Loja Leao, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 9. Loja "44," Portao da Piedade. Maison Chic, Largo de Sao Pedro. Soaps and washing powders.* Casa Guarany, Rua Conselheiro Dan- tas, 2'J. Casa Mozart, Largo do Piano Inclinado. Mitchell. Anthony, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 23. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors.* Diaa da Silva, Manoel, Rua Das Prince- zas, 12. Geraldo & Irmao, Rua dos Algibebes. Magalliaes Rezende & Ca., Praga Deo- doro, 7. Moraes Filhos & Ca., Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 125. Silva & Ca., Rua das Princezas, 2. Stumpe, E., Rua das Princezas. Sporting and attiletic goods.* Mitchell, Anthony, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 23. Stationery and stationer's goods.* Almeida & Irmao, Rua d'Alfandega, 37. Livraria Catilina, Rua Santos Dumont, 6. Livraria Duas Americas, Rua Das Prince- zas, 2. Li\Taria Dous Mundos, Rua Conselheiro Saraiva, 35. Telegraph and telephone companies. TELEGRAPH. Telegrapho Nacional, Rua Chile, 7. Western Telegraph Co., Rua das Prince- zas. TELEPHONE. Companhia Brazileira de Energia Elec- trica, Piano Inclinado. Tobacco leaf.f Dannemann & Ca., Sao Felix, Estado da Bahia. Hoening & Ca., Cachoeira, Estado da Bahia. Leite & Alves, Rua das Princezas, 11. Stender & Ca., Sao Felix, Estado da Bahia. Suerdieck & Ca., Rua das Princezas, 4. Tobacco and tobacconists' supplies. See Tobacco. Toilet articles. See Soaps and washing powders. Toys and games. See Department stores. Trunks and traveler's supplies.* Loja Pelicano, Rua Formosa. Mello & Filhos, Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 40. Typewriters and supplies.* Casa Edison, Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Drummond, Moraes & Ca., Rua Consel- heiro Dantas, 33. 8G TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Fernandes, E., & Ca., Rua dos Droguistos, 37. Guinle & Ca., Rua Santos Dumont, 8. Umbrellas and canes.* Cappell, B., Rua das Princezas. Costa. Manuel Gomes, Rua das Princezas. Lages, Conrado Francisco, Rua dos Ouri- ves, 17. Undertaker's goods. Loja Flaviano, Corpo Santo, 63. Wall paper.* Amorim Filho, Joao. Becco da Carne Secca. Paraiso, Vva. Amelia, Rua das Princezas. Pereira, Francisco, jr., Rua Santos Du- mont, 17. Water, aerated and mineral.* Bacellar, Philadelphio, Rua Carlos Go- mes. Hasselmann & Co., Rua das Princezas. Silva & Ca., Rua das Princezas. Visard & Ca., Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Windmills. See Machinery. Woolen goods.* Brandao, Antonio Francisco, & Ca., Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Castro, Araujo, & Ca., Rua Conselheiro Saraiva. Manso & Ca., Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Moraes & Ca., Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Nova, Monteiro & Ca., Rua Conselheiro Dantas. Oliveira & Salles, Rua Conselheiro Sa- raiva. Rodrigues, Cardoso & Ca., Rua Consel- heiro Dantas. Rodrigues, Fernandes & Ca., Rua Santa Barbara. BELLO HORIZONTO. Bello Horizonto is the capital of the State of Minas Geraes, and situated about 355 miles from Rio de Janeiro, with which city it Ls eomiected by railway. Population about 15,000. In the Rio de Janeiro consular district. Brewers. General mercliandise. Fomaciari & Filhos, C, Avda. Oyapock, Mendes & Ca., J., Avda. Affonso Penna, 252. Cliemicals, dyes, and extracts. Nunan, Frederico Brandao, Rua S. Paulo, 782. Cooperage (staves). Siraoni, Paulo, Rua da Estagao, 446. Cotton goods. 359. Oliveira, Americo Vespucio de, Raa Caethes, 630. Poni, Caldeira & Ca. Hardware. Mendes & Ca., J., Avda. Affonso Penna, 359. Oliveira, Americo Vespucio de, Rua Caeth^a, 630. STOVES AND RANGES. Mello & Irmaos, Rocha, Rua do Gabriel, 943. Wilke, Ernesto, Avda. Affonso Penna, 791. Simoni, Paulo, Rua da Esta^ao, 44&. Dentist's Instruments and supplies. Guimaraes, Ursulino, Rua Tupys, 255.* Department stores. Murta & Ca., Rua dos Caethes, 457. Mello & Irmaos, Rocha, Rua do Gabriel, 943. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Nogueira, J. Borges. Simoni, Paulo, Rua da Estagao, 446. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Haas & Clemene, Rua da Bahia, 874. Souza, Francisco dos Santos, Rua Cae- thes, 690. WIRE. Haas & Clemene, Rua da Bahia, 874. Simoni, Paulo, Rua da Estagao, 446. Machinery. Haas & Clemene, Rua da Bahai, 874. Simoni, Paulo, Rua da Estagao, 446. Printer's and bookbinder's machinery and supplies. Beltrao & Ca., Rua Espirito Santo, 529. Railway companies (electric j. Companhia de Electricidade e Via^ao Urbana de Minas Geraes. brazil: CAMPINAS. 87 Refrigerators, etc. Tobacco. Fomaciari & Filhos, C, Avda. Oyapock, Souza, Francisco dos Santos, Rua Cae- 252. thes, 690. Sales and vaults. Tools. Haas & Clemene, Rua da Bahia, 874. Simoni, Paulo, Rua da Estagao, 446. Oliveira, Americo Vespucio de, Rua Caethes, 630. Simoni, Paulo, Rua da Estagao, 446. CAMPINAS. Campinas, in the State of Sao Paulo, is situated about 90 miles from Santos and 60 mUes from Sao Paulo, with whiich cities it is connected by railway. Coffee and sugar are extensively cultivated in the surround- ing country. The needs of the city are chiefly supplied by or through Sao Paulo houses, hence direct importation is relatively small. Population about 15,000. In the Santos consular district. Agricultural implements and machinery. Breweries.t Anderson, Pedro A., & Co., Rua Barao Fabrica de Cerveja "Columbia" (A Jaguara, 52.* Companhia McHardy, Rua Andrade Neves, 83.t* Freitas & Co., Caixa D'Agua.f* Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 44. f* Sim, Alexander, Rua Dr. Campos Salles, lllb.t* Architects. Alvaro & Dias. Bischof Cuny & Co. Mauro, Raphael. Arms and ammunition.* Palmieri, F. A., Rua 13 de Maio, 36. Banks and bankers. Banco Bresilienne Italo-Belge, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 42a. Banco Companiero (de Joao Jorge Figuei- redo & Co.), Rua i'^erreira Penteado, 166. Banco do Commercio e Industria, Rua General Osorio, 118. Francesschini), Rua Andrade Neves, 48a. Fabrica de Cerveja "Polar" (Alexandre Krug), Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 179. Brick, tile, and terra cotta.t BRICKS. Lycen de Artes e Officios, Guanabara, Campinas. Nunes, Jose Rodrigues, Campinas. Souza, Avelino do N., Guanabara, Cam- pinas. TILES (floor). Torre, Caetano, Rua Bernardino de Cam- pos, 12. Castings.! Companhia McHardy, Rua Andrade Neves, 83. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 44. Maragliano, Bartholomeu, Rua Dr. Ricardo, 97. Cement.* See Boilers. Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao Jaguara, 11. Figueiredo, Joao Jogge, & Co., Rua Ferreira Penteado, 166. Rezende, Duarte & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 120. Cornpanhis McHardy, Rua Andrade Souza, A veliono do N., Guanabara, Cam- Belt ing. Boilers.* Neves, 83. pinas. Chemicals.* Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) Souza, Avelino do N., Rua Saldanha (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Dr. Marinho 58. Moraes Salles, 44. Books.* Genoud, Pedro (Casa Genoud), Rua Barao de Jaguara, 33. Boots and shoes.f Serafim, Georgio Vellutiin (Pharmacio Ita,liana), Rua 13 de ^hiio, 11. China and earthen ware.* Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao Jaguara, 1 1 . Companhia Calvados Campinas, Rua Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, Rua Ferreira Pen- BanTo de Jaguara, 23. teado, 166. 88 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Mai-co, Rocco de, & Co., Largo da Es- tafao. Pierro, Fernando, Rua 13 de Maio, 82. Clocks and watches.* Gerin, J., Rua Bariio de Jaguara, 62. Israel, Ernesto, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 25a. Clothing.* BaiTos, Faria & Co., Rua Barao de Jaguara, 17. Casa Allemd (Wagner & Co.) (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Barao de Jaguara, 27. Compania Industrial de Campinas, Rua 13 de Maio, 24b. [Nearly all the clothing is purchased through Sao Paulo houses.] Coal, coke, and patent fuel.* Companhia Campineira Trucgao, Luz e For^a, Rua Barao Jaguara, 32. Companhia McHardy, Rua Andrade Neves, 83. Contractors and builders. See Architects. Cutlery and edge tools.* Anderson, Pedro A., & Co., Rua Barao de Jaguara, 52. Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao de Ja- guara, 11. Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Fe- rreira Penteado, 166. Drugs and druggist's supplies.* Machado & Co., Rua Barao de Jaguara, 66. Serafim, Giorgio Vellutini (Pharmacio Italiana), Rua 13 de Maio, 11. Electrical apparatus and supplies.* Companhia Campineira, Tracgao, Luz e Forga, Rua Barao Jaguara, 32. Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao Jaguara, 11. Engines.* OTHER THAN LOCOMOTIVES. Companhia McHardy, Rua Andrade Neves, 83. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) (Branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 44. LOCOMOTIVES. See Railways. Explosives.* Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Fe- rreu-a Penteado, 166. Rezende, Duarte & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 120. Fecdstuffs. Alves, Custodio Antonio, Rua Visconde de Rio Branco, 116. Frias, J., & Co., Rua Andrade Neves, 52. Rezende, Duarte & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 120. Fencing and fencing material. See Hardware. Fish (fresh). Companhia de Pesca da "Santos," Rua Dr. Quirino, 90. Furniture and flttings.t Checchi, Luiz, & Co., Rua Francisco Glyceric, 33. Pizanni, Raphael, Villa Industrial, Cam- pinas. Pizanni & Souza, Adoljiho, Villa Indu- strial, Campinas. Gas and electric fixtures. Companhia Campineira de Tracgao, Luz e Forga, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 32. Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao de Ja- guara, 11. Mello Whiteman & Co. Villela, Eurico, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 7. Gas apparatus and equipment. See Gas and electric fixtiu-es. General merchandise. Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Fe- rreira Penteado, 166. Rezende, Duarte & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 120. Glass and glassware.* Figueirdo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Fe- rreiro Penteado, 166. Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao de Ja- guara, 11. Margo, Roque de. Largo da Estagao. Glue.t Meyer & Jorge, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 6. Grease and other soap products. See Glue. Groceries and provisions.* Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Fe- rreira Penteado, 166. Margo, Roque de, Largo da Estagao-. Troncoso, M., & Co. (Casa Ingleza), Rua Barao de Jaguara, 40. BEAZII. : CAMPIFAS. 89 Hardware.* Anderson, Pedro A., & Co., Rua Barao de Jaguara, 52. Brandao, Manoel, & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 114., Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Fe- rreira Peuteado, 166. Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 11. Margo, Roque de. Largo da E.stagao. Montinho de Castro, Rua Barao de Ja- guara, 39. Merbach, Arthur, & Co., Rua Vi^conde de Rio Branco, 150. Pierro, Fernando & Irmao, Rua ]3 de Alaio, 82. Stadter, Paulo, Rua 13 de Maio, 56. Harness and saddlery.* Costa e Delgado, Rua 13 de Maio, 8. Teixeira e Casta, Yiuva, Rua Dr. Campos Salles, 9. Gauzzel & Hey, Rua 13 de Maio, 7-1. Heating apparatus.* Companhia Campineira de Tracgao, Luz e Forga, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 32. Hops. See Breweries. Hose and hose fixtures.* Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao de Ja- guara, 1. Villela, Enrico & Co. (CasaElectrica), Rua Barao de Jaguara, 7. Hotels. Hotel d'Europa, Rua Dr. Quirino, 55. Hotel Paulista, Rua 13 de Maio, 6. Hotel Pinheiro, Rua Dr. Costa Aguiar, 39. Iron and steel. See Hardware. Jewelry. See Clocks and watches. Lamps and lainpware.* Brandao, Manoel, & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 114. Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Fe- rreira Penteado, 166. Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 11. Maryo, Roque de. Largo da Estayao. Leather goods. See Harness and saddlery. Leather, hides, and skins.f Cortume Campinense, Bairro do Pi- ^•arrao, Campinas. Lumber and timber. PLANING-MILL PRODUCTS. f Ceccarelli, Jose. ROUGH PRODUCTS. t Anderson, Pedro A., & Co., Rua Barao de Jaguara, 52. Companhia, McHardv, Rua Andrade Neves, 83. Souza, Avelino de, Rua Saldanlia Marin- ho, 58. Machinery.* Anderson, Pedro A., & Co., Rua Barao de Jaguara, 52. Campanhia McHardy, P>-ua Andrade de Neves, 83. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 44. Marble, stone, and granite.* Vellez, Patricce. Millinery.f Barras, Faria & Co., Rua Barao de Jaguara, 17. Casa Allema (Wagner & Co.), (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Barao de Jagu- ara, 27. Music. See Musical instruments. Musical instruments. PIANOS.* Genoud, Pedro, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 33. Mendes, A. B. C. (Li\To Azul), Rua Ba- rao de Jaguara, 36. Nails and spiltes.f Meyer & Jorge, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 6. Novelties.* Ladeira, J. (Casa Mascotte), Rua Barao de Jaguara, 6. Oils.* MINERAL. Companhia McHardy, Rua Andrade Neves, 83. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 44. Maryo, Roque de. Largo da Estayao. 90 TRADE DIEECTORY OP SOUTH AMERICA. VEGETABLE, ETC. Brandao, Manoel, Rua 13 de Maio, 114. Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Fo- rreira Penteado, 166. Souza, Avelino de, Rua Saldanlia Marin- ho, 58. Optical goods.* Genoud, Pedro, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 33. Gerin, J., Rua Barao de Jaguara, 62. Zink, Germane, Rua 13 de Maio, 76. Paints and varnishes. See Hardware. Paper and paper goods.* Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Fe- rreira Penteado, 166. Periodicals. Cidade de Campinas, Rua Barao de Ja- guara, 16. Commercio de Campinas, Rua Dr. Cesar BieiTenbach, 18. Correio de Campinas, Rua Barao de Ja- guara, 51. Diario do Poro, Rua Dr. Quirino, 65. Souza, Jose Albino (agent for native and foreign newspapers). Phonographs, graphophones, etc., and records.* Genoud, Pedro, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 33. Rabe, J. Germa, & A., Rua 13 de Maio, 46. Pipes and tubes.* Rua Andrade Companhia McHardy, Neves, 83. Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 11. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 44. Villela, Eurico, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 7 . Plumber's supplies.* Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 11. Villela, Eurico, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 7. Power and light companies. Companhia Campineira de Tracgao, Luz e Forya, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 32. Printer's and bookbinder's machinery and supplies. See Periodicals. Pumps.* Companhia McHardy, Rua Andrade de Neves, 83. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 44. Railway equipment and supplies. Sec Railways. Railways. • Estrada de Ferro Funilenso (steam). Estrada de Ferro Mogyana (steam). Companhia PauHsta de Vias Ferreas do e Fluviaes (head office, Sao Paulo). Companhia Campineira de Tracgao, Luz e For^a (electric). Refrigerators, water coolers, etc.* Fabrica de Cerveja, Rua Andrade Neves, 48a. Fabrica de Cerveja, Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 179. [The above are not dealers, but import for their own use.] Roofing material. See Hardware. Scales, balances, and weighing machines. See Hardware; Machinery. Seeds.* Genoud, Pedro, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 33. Loja da China (Viuva Motta), Rua, Dr. Campos Salles, 1. Sewing machines and parts.* Companhia Singer (branch of Sao Paulo house), Rua Dr. Quirino, 70. Silk goods. See Clothing. Soap and washing powders.f Meyer & Jorge, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 6. Milani, Joao, & Irmao, Ponte Preta, Campinas. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors.* Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Ferreira Penteado, 166. Francheo, Bellumini & Co., Rua Dr. Costa Aguiar, 89. Stationery and stationer's goods.* Genoud, Pedro, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 33. Ladeira, J. (Casa Mascotte), Rua Barao de Jaguara, 49. Mendes, A. B. C. (Livro Azul), Rua Barao de Jaguara, 36. Tanners. Cortume Campinense, Bairro de Pigarrao, Campinas. brazil: gear a. 91 Telegraph and telephone companies. Telegrapho Nacional. Companliia Telephonica de Estado de Sao Paulo. Rede Telephonica Bragantina. [The telephone companies have their head office in Sao Paulo.] Toilet articles.* Genoud, Pedro, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 33. Tools. See Hardware. Toys and games. See Stationery and stationer's goods. Trunks and traveler's supplies. See Harness and saddlery. Typewriters and supplies. Genoud, Pedro (make, Oliver), Rua Barao de Jaguara, 33. Umbrellas and canes.* Genoud, Pedro, Rua Barao Jaguara, 33. Mellior, J., Campinas. Undertaker's goods. Francisco R. Guilherme, Rua General Osorio, 148e. Serra, Antonio David, Rua General Osorio, 7. Vacuum cleaners and carpet sweepers.* Companhia Campinense de Tracgao, Luz e Forga, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 32. Vegetables.* Brandao, Manoel, & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 114. Figueiredo, Joao Jorge, & Co., Rua Ferreira Penteado, 166. Rezende, Duarte, & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 120. Wall paper.* Geiser, Godofredo, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 32. Villela, Eurico, Rua Barao de Jaguara, 7. Water, aerated and mlneral.f Belluomini, A., & Irmao, Rua Conego Scipiao, 19. Bottari, J., & Co., Rua Dr. Moraes Salles, 39. Fabrica de Cerveja "Columbia" (Fran- cesschini A.), Rua Andrade Neves, 48a. See Clothing. Woolen goods. CEAItA. * Ceara is the capital of the State of the same name and its most important seaport. Though surrounded by a sterile region, it is connected by rail with fertile inland sections. It has an active export trade in rubber, cotton, drugs, coffee, sugar, and animal products. The principal imports are iron and steel goods, cotton manufactures, and foodstuffs. There is an American consular agency at this place. Agricultural Implements.* Bicycles and accessories. Francisco Lima & Ca., Rua Major Fa- 5ee Motor cars and accessories. cundo, 54. Vva. Villar & Filhos, Rua Major Fa- Boots and shoes. cundo, 72. Conrado Cabral & Ca., Rua Major Fa- Francisco Costa Freii-e, Rua Major Fa- cundo, 51.* Convado Cabral & Ca., Rua Major Fa- cundo, 59. Arms and ammunition.* Vva. Villar &, Filhos, Rua Major Fa- cundo, 72. Joao Tiburcio Albano, Rua Floriano Peixoto, 46. Bags and bagging.f Salgado Rogers & Ca., Pra^a J. Alencar, 5. Boris Frcires, Rua Boris, 1. G. Gradvohl & Fils, Rua Sena Madu- reira, 18. Banks. London & Brazilian Bank (Ltd.), Rua Barao Rio Branco, 50. Banco do Ceard, Praja J. Alencar. cundo, 59.* Simoes & Pires, Rua Major Facundo, 70. G. Tavares & Ca., Rua Floriano Pei- xoto, 34. Ahredo Fen-eira & Ca., Rua Florj^no Peixoto, 38. Carpets and other floor covering. See Furniture. Cement.* Juvencio Barreto & Ca., Rua Major Fecundo, 43. Vva. Villar &. Filhos, Rua Major Fa- cundo, 72. 92 TRADE DIRECTORY OP SOUTH AMERICA. Chemicals.* Guilbenue Fonseca & Ca., Rua Barao Rio Branco, 78. A. Gonzaga, Rua Barao Rio Branco, 80. Os\-aldo Stiulart, Rue Floriano Pei- xoto, 30. Antonio Albano, Rua Floriano Pei- xoto, 44, Antonio Tlieofilo, Rua Major Facundo, 48. Joao Studart Fonseca, Pra^a J. Alen- car, 3G. Eduardo Beserra, Praya Ferreira, 16. China and earthen ware.* Emilio Cabral & Ca., Rua Major Fa- cundo, 56. Conrado Cabral & Ca., Rua Major Fa- cundo, 59. Akneida & Ca., Rua B. Rio Branco, 97. Coal.* Boris Freres, Rua Boris, 1. Commission merchants. G. Gradvobl & Fils, Rua Sena Ma- dureii-a, 18. A. Fiusa Pequeno, Rua Rio Branco, 51. Montenegi'o & Filho, Rua Rio Branco, 88. Motta & Irmao, Rua Rio Branco, 54. Oscar Wlieland, Rua Major Facundo, 29. Jose de Abreu, Rua Major Facundo, 32. Adolpbo Quixada, Rua Major Facundo,40. Otto Betzold, Rua Major Facundo, 102. Cotton goods. Joaquim Diodato Martins, Rua Major Facundo, 63. Joao Tiburcio Albano, Rua Floriano Peixoto, 46. Marques Dias, Rua Floriano Peixoto, 49. J. Lopes & Ca., Pra(;a do Ferreira, 4. Machado Coelho & Ca., Praga do Fer- reii-a, 14. Luis Perdigao Bastos, Praga do Fer- reira, 15. Cruz & Irmao, Rua B. Rio Branco, 133. J. Bruno Filhos & Ca., Rua B. Rio Branco, 101. Jose Candido & Filhos, Rua B. Rio Branco, 90. Edmuiido Levy, Rua Major Facundo, 98. Francisco Lima & Ca., Rua Major Fa- cundo, 54. Adolfo Barroso, Rua Major Facundo, 84. Joaquim Banoso, Rua Major Facundo, 96. Juvencio Barreto & Ca., Rua Major Facundo, 45. Albano & Irmao & Ca., Rua Major Fa- cundo, 85. Souza Carvalho & Filhos, Rua Major Facundo, 78. Leite & Ca., Rua Major Fa- cundo, 69. J. Pontes, Rua Major Facundo, 82. Silva Porto & Ca., Praga J. de Alen- car, 34. Frota & Gentil, Pra^a J. de Alencar, 18. Anancio Cavalcante, Praga do Fer- reira, 34. Furniture. Emilio Cabral & Ca., Rua Major Fa- cundo, 56. Vva. Villar & Filhos, Rua Major Fa- cundo, 72. Antonio da Justa Menescal, Pra^a Fer- reira, 8. Ahneida & Ca., Rua Rio Branco, 97. Groceries and provisions. G. Magalhaes & Ca., Rua Floriano Peix- oto, 36.* R. Guedes & Ca., Rua Major Facundo, 46.* Joao Sobreira, Rua Major Facundo, 92.* Cruz & Irmao, Rua Rio Branco, 133. Loureiro & Ca., Praga Ferreira, 21. Luis Perdigao Bastos, Pra^a Ferreira, 23. A. Martins & Ca., Praya Ferreira, 27. Hardware.* Francisco Lima & Ca., Rua Major Fa- cundo, 54. Vva. Villar & Filhos, Rua Major Facundo, 72. Conrado Cabral & Ca., Rua Major Fa- cundo, 59. T. Collares & Ca., Rua Rio Branco, 43. A. Campos & Ca., Rua Rio Branco, 124. Saboia & Gomes, Rua Rio Branco, 37. Hotels. Hotel de France, Rua Major Facundo, 2. Hotel do Norte, Pra^a Caio Prado, 1. Hotel Bitu, Pra^a Caio Prado. Jewelry. Carlos Messiano, Rua Major Facundo, 76. Benoit Levy & Ca., Rua Major Facundo, 81.* Lamps and lampware. See Hardware. Lumber. See Cement. Millinery.* Edmundo Levy, Rua Major Facundo, 83. Reishoffer & Freres, Rua Major Facundo, 98. Areias & Ca., Rua Major Facundo, 52. Placido Carvalho, Rua Major Facundo, 94. Benoit Levy & Dreifus, Rua Major Facundo, 81. Paulo de Moraes, Rua Major Facundo, 88. Gervasio Gurgel, Rua Floriano Peixoto, 43. Antonio Ferreira, Rua Floriano Peixoto, 45. A. Vieira & Ca., Rua Floriano Peixoto, 42. Silva Bayma, Rua Floriano Peixoto, 41. beazil: cxjeitiba. 93 Ferreira & Caminha, Rua Floriano Peix- oto, 41. R. Liberate & Ca., Praga Ferreira. Joao Carvalho & Ca., Praga Ferreira. Motor cars and accessories. Adolfo Quixada, Rua Major Facundo, 40. Joao Nery, Rua Major Facundo, 110. Novelties. See Millinery. Paints and varnishes. GuiUierme Fonseca & Ca., Rua B. Rio Branco, 78. Vva. Villar & Filhos, Rua Major Facundo, 72. Periodicals. Folha do Povo. Jomal de Manha. Jornal do Ceara. Cruzeiro do Norte. Photographic supplies.* Luis Correia, Rua Rio Branco, 49. Ribeiro Martins, Rua Rio Branco, 134. Roofing materials. See Cement. Sewing machines and parts. See Agricultural implements. Soap.f Saboia & Gomes, Rua Major Facundo, 37. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. See Groceries and jjro visions. Stationery.* Antonio da Justa Menescal, Praga Fer- reira, 8. H. Barroso & Ca., Praga Ferreira, 10. Livi'aria Banco do Ceara, Rua Major Fa- cundo, 74. Luis Severiano Ribeiro, Rua Major Fa- cundo, 90. Trunks and traveler's supplies. See Boots and shoes. Umbrellas and canes. Francisco Costa Freire, Rua Major Fa- cundo, 51. Torres & Filhos, Prafa do Ferreira, 20. Water, aerated and mineral. See Groceries and provisions. Woolen goods. See Cotton goods. CORUMBA. Coramba, in the southern part of the State of Matto Grosso, lies on the western bank of the Paraguay River at the point where the Caceres Lagoon flows into that river. It is a trade distributing point for a large section. The population is about 14,000. In the Rio de Janeiro consular district. Agents, Customhouse. Stofen, Schnack, M tiller & Ca., Rua do Commercio, 34. General merchandise.* Estves, Joao Antonio, Rua 13 de Junho, 152. Stofen, Schnack, Miiller & Ca., Rua do Commercio, 34. Hardware. Campos, Salvador Paes de, Rua de La- mara, 53 (agent, Knowles & Foster, 48 Moorgate St., London, England). {Also dealer In glassware, fertilizers, etc. ] CURITIBA. Curitiba, capital of the State of Parana, is situatocl on the Curitiba River about 80 miles west of Para- nagua, with which port it connects by rail. Woolen goods are extensively manufactured at this place, and it Ls the center for trade in yerba niate, corn, beef, and tobacco, l^opulation, about 12,000. In Santos consular district. Banks. Banra Francese e Italiana per I'America del Sud. London & Brazilian Bank (Ltd.). London & River Plate Bank. General merchandise. Hauer, jr., & Weiser. Hauer, Paulo, & Co. Hauer e Irmao. Luhn, Carlos, e Irmao. Macedo, Tobias de. Meissner, Carlos. Peters, W. II. A. Rose, Louis. Schack & Co. Schmidt, Joao. 94 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. FLORIANOPOLIS. Florianopolis, cnpital of the Slate of Santa Catharina, is situated on the west coast of the island of Santa Catharina. 2-tO miles from Porto Alegre. It has an excellent port, and carries on an important export trade in coffee, tobacco, pork, lard, etc., with the northern States of Brazil. Population, about 35,000. In Santos consular district. Cement. Brando & Co. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Hoepcke, Carl, & Co. SimniQuds & Williamson. Flour and meal. Horn, Eduardo. vxroceries and provisions. Garofallis, Constantino. Hoepcke, Carl, & Co. Horn, Eduardo. Nicolau de Moura, Julio. Oliveira Carvalho & Irmao. Rosa Neves & Co. Saturnino Medeiros. Silva e Santos. Hardware, tools, and machinery. Beck, Ernesto, & Co. Brando & Co. Hoepcke, Carl, & Co. Leisner Irmaos. Moellman e Filho. Nicolau de Moura, Joao. Oliveira Carvalho e Irmao. Wendhausen & Co., Andre. Leather goods. Busch. & Co. Paints and varnishes. Moellman e Filho. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. Rosa Neves & Co. JOINVILLE. Joinville is a city in the northeastern part of the State of Santa Catharina and about 95 miles northwest of the port of Florianopolis. It is the center of a fertile agricultural region, large quantities of tobacco, tapioca, corn, mate, and butter being shipped to the port of Sao Francisco. There are a number of brew- eries and distilleries located in the vicinity. In Santos consular district. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Delitsche, Hugo, & Co. Groceries and provisions. Baptista, A., & Co. Hardware, tools, and machinery. Baptista, A., & Co. Jordan, Gerken & Co. Lepper, H. A. Schneider, Carlos. Leather goods. Richlin, Augusto. MACEIO. Maceio, capital of the State of Alagoas, is a seaport with a protected harbor, situated about 120 miles southwest of Pemambuco, with which city it is eoimected by a branch of the Great Western Railroad system of Brazil. Some of the principal industries are foundries, and cigar, paper, and soap factories. Population, about 20,000. There is an American consular agency at this place. Agricultural Implements and machinery. Syndicato Agricola de Alagoas. Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. I. Calmon & Ca. Commission merchants. Americo Mello. Herm. Stolz & Ca. Arsenio Fortes. Cotton mills. Companhia Industrial Penedense. Companhia Alagoana Fia^ao e Tecidos. Companhia Progresso Alagoana. Companhia Uniao Mercantil. Companhia Pilarense de Fiayao e Tecidos. Dry goods. Ferreira Santos & Ca. Almeida Guimaraes & Ca. Oliveira Lima & Ca. Mauricio & Ca. Leuziuger Dietiker & Ca. General merchandise.* Antonio BrazUeiro. Pedro Vianna Filho & Ca. Companhia Centro Commercial. Duque de Amorim & Ca. Loureiro Barboza & Ca. Seraphim Costa & Ca. Leite Pereira & Ca. BEAZIL : MANAOS. 95 Hardware. Teixeira Basto & Ca. Manoel Mendes & Ca. J. Jose Nunes Leite. Duque de Amoriin & Ca. Antonio Bento da Silva Coelho. Firmino Guimaraes. Manoel Antunes Barboza. Novelties and notions. Rodri^ues Cardoso & Ca. Teixeira Basto & Ca. Manoel Mendes & Ca. Boaventura Amorim. Antonio Bento da Silva Coelho. Oils, cottonseed.f Companhia de Oleos Vegetaes (Uniao). Sugar factories. Companhia Usina Cansangao de Sinimbu. Usina Brazileira. Usina Leao. Usina Urubu. Tobacco and cigars.f Isaac de Menezes & Ca. M. M. de Moraes. Vaz Lima. MANAOS. Manaos is the capital of the State of Amazonas, situated on the eastern bank of the Rio Negro, 10 miles from its junction with the Amazon. It is the largest of the Brazilian river ports and has a direct steamship service with the United States and Europe. It is an important commercial center. Popu- lation, about 45,000. There is an American consular agency at this place. Banks and bankers. Banco do Brazil. Banco do Amazonas. London & Brazilian Bank (Ltd.). London & River Plate Bank (Ltd.). Ohliger & Co. Zarges Boats and accessories. Antonio dos Santos Cardoso. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. F. Atahyda. V. L. Sierra Nueva. Vianna & Lyra. Boots and shoes. Aran jo & Co. B. Levy & Co. Bordallo & Diniz. Costa Branco & Santos. Jo86 P. Vulcani. Leal de Oliveira & Co. Torres & Co. Building materials. Aran jo, Sobral & Co. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. Fernandes & Goes. J. S.deFreitas& Co. J. .Pinto Barbosa. Sotta Mayor Ferreira & Co. Villas Boas. J. G. Araujo, "Armazens Rosas de." Carriages, wagons, and parts. Manoel Correa Nazareth. Cezar Augusto de Paulo. Cement. See Building material. China and earthenware. Adriao Barroco & Co. Adriao Ribeiro. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. Casa Penhola. J. A. Cruz & Co. J. G. Araujo. J. Villas Boas. Clothing. HATS AND OTHER MEN's FURNISHINGS. Araujo & Co. Braga Rego & Co. Costa Branco & Santos. Casa Havaneza. Domingos Mattos. Emvdio Borges & Co. Jose P. Vulcani. Julio Andrade & Co. Lopes de Mattos. Teves, Ferreira & Co. Torres & Co. Coal.* Armazens Andressen, Booth & Co. Soc. Anon. Commission merchants. Amorin & Irmaos. B. Antunes & Co. Eugenio Gary. H. Balding. Stowell & Co. Vianna & Lyra. Drugs and druggist's supplies. A. J. Calmot Andrade. A. Barreira. Andrade & Irmao. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. 96 TliADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. B. Lew ct Co. C. E. Borba. Carlos Studart. E. N.Torres. Mendes & Co. Then. Levy Camillo & Co. Viuva Domingues Frietas. Dry goods, notions, etc. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. J. C. Arana y Hnos. Paulo Correia de Araujo. Au Bon Marrhe. B. Levy & Co. Braga Rego & Co. Costa Branco & Co. Cunha & Co. Joao Alves de Freitas & Co. J. G. Araujo. J. G. Marques. J. P. da Silva, jr. Julio d'Aiidrade & Co. Julio Lopez & Co. Mendes & Co. Novo Mundo. Ringhausen & Co. Raphael Levy & Co. Semper & Co. Soares, Pimental & Co. Teves Ferreira & Co. Torres & Co. Cezar dos Santos. Dau Jorge & Sobrinhos. J. A. Leite. Coimbra & Co. Wesche & Co. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Manaos Tramways & Lighting Co, A. de Paiva & Mello. Furniture and fittings. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. Leon Moyses. Semper & Co. General merchandise. Ahlers & Co. J. G. Arana Hnos. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. J. G. Araujo. B. Antunes & Co. A. Ferreira Bacellar & Co. Cataeno Monteiro da Silva. Eugenio Gary. De Lagotellerie & Cie. Empreza Jutahy, Soc. Anon. M. Corbacho. Gasper d'Almeida & Co. Zarges, Ohliger & Co. Freitas, Ferreira & Co. Joao Alves de Freitas & Co. Gunsberger & Co. J. A. Leite. Malaguti & Co. (Ltd.). Mallori & Ai'aujo. J. Mendes. Mesquita & Co. Mendes Filho & Co. Mello & Co. A. Miranda Araujo. Carlos Montenegro & Co. Suarez Hnos. & Co. (Ltd.). Tancredo Porto & Co. Percy Vaughn. Wesche & Co. Groceries and provisions. Ahlers & Co. A. Ferreira Bacellar & Co. Amorin & Iramaos. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. Armindo H. de Fonseca. B. Levy & Co. Barata Jr. Costa, Santos & Co. Carvalho & Co. Eugenio Gary. Ferreira Valle & Co. Gaspar Almeida & Co. J. G. Arana y Hnos. J. A. Cruz & Irmao. J. G. da Costa & Co. Joao Alves de Freitas & Co. J. G. Araujo. J. A. Leite. J. S. Amorin. Jose A . de Vasconcelles. M. Corbacho. Mesquita & Co. Neves Rebello & Co. Percy Vaughn. Ribeiro & Irmao. Tancredo Porto & Co. Wesche & Co. Hardware. Adriao Barros & Co. Ahlers & Co. Alvaro Augusto Bellota. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. F. Luiz Pereira & Co. Joao Alves de Freitas & Co. J. G. Araujo. J. Soares. Julio Seixas. Moraes, Carneiro & Co. Ventillarie, Canavarro & Co. J. Villas Boas. Wesche & Co. Hotels. Cassino. Grand. Pension Moderno. Jewelry. Arthur Baumann. B. L. Pinto Alberquerque. B. Vincent Dalia. Figuerido & Irmao. brazil: manaos. 97 Krause, Irmao & Co. Levy Freres. Robert! & Pelosi. Segundino Lora. T. Marinelle. Leather goods. Alvaro Augusto Bellota. A. Vilella. Bouca Nova & Irmao. J. P. de Carvalho. Monteiro & Guerra. Motta Vieira & Co. Machinery. Adriao Barroco. Ahlers & Co. Antonio Dias dos Santos. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. Gasper Ribeiro & Co. J. G. Araujo. Amazonas Engineering Co. (Ltd.). ICE. C. A. Bettincourt. Miranda, Correa & Co. Millinery. Au Bon Marche. Mme. Boni. Mme. Marie Brigidot. Novo Mundo. Motor cars and accessories. V. L. Sierra Nueva. Manuel Andrade. Paiva & Mello. John Buller. Vianna & Lyra. Musical instruments. Levy Freres. R. Donizetti & Irmao. Paints and varnishes. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. Guerra & Co. Joao Alves de Freitas & Co. J. G. Araujo. J. Soares & Co. Julio Seixas. Ventillari, Carnavarro & Co. 21373°— 14 7 Rubber brokers. Alfredo d'Azevedo. Manuel Dias d'Oliveira. P. Schlee. R. Lodders. Sewing machines and parts. Ahlers & Co. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anou. J. G. Araujo. Julio Seixas & Co. Semper & Co. Singer Manufacturing Co. Ship chandlers. Ribeiro & Irmao. Percy Vaughn. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. See Groceries and provisions. stationery and stationer's goods. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. J. J. da Camara. J. Renaud & Co. Lino Aguiar & Co. Pereira & Penalva. Telephone companies. Empreza Telephonica de Manaos. Trunks and traveler's supplies. See Leather goods. Typewriters and supplies. Armazens Andressen, Soc. Anon. B. Levy & Co. J. G. Araujo. J. J. da Camara. Joao Costa. Lino Aguiar & Co. Semper & Co. Umbrellas and canes. L. Durey. Francisco Quimaut. Undertaker's goods. J. Carvalho. Loyo & Paredis. 98 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTTT AMERICA. NATAL. Natalisthecapitalof the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It is situated near the mouth of the Rio Grande in the Atlantic Ocean. Population about 12,000. The manufacturing interests are represented by cotton spinning and weaving mills and salt factories. It is an agricultural center, sugar and cotton being the principal e.xports. In the Pernambuco consular district. General merchandise.* F. Solon & Ca. Pedroza Tinoco & Ca. Galvao & Ca. (dry goods). A Ives & Ca. F. Cascudo & Ca. (hardware and crock- ery). Angilo Roselle. Juluia von Sohsten. P. Antonio Barboza (hardware, crockery, etc.). Odilon d'A. Garcia. Aureliano Medeiros (dry goods). Lyle Nelson. 0. Tavares & Ca. (dry goods). Groceries and provisions. Pedroza Tinoco & Ca. Alves & Ca. Oils. F. Solon & Ca. (cottonseed oil mill). PABA. Para, capital of the State of the same name, is in the northernmost part of Brazil. It is an important commercial center, being the gateway to the Amazon \' alley, which supplies a large percentage of the world's rubber. There is but little agriculture or manufacturing carried on in the district, and therefore most of the foodstuffs and manufactured articles are imported. The manufacturing interests are rep- resented by sawmills, shipyards, machine shops, brick and tile factories, soap factory , and coSee-roasting establishment. Population about 200,000. There is an American consulate at this place. Architects. Lalor & Muniz, Rua Industria, 30. Arms and ammunition. Anttmes, Simoes & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 95. Araujo, Martins & Co., Boulevard da Re- publica, 9. Agostinho da Silva & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 36. A. Scares & Co., Rua 28 de Setembro, 192. Cunha, Cerqueira & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 53. J. A. Monteiro, Rua 15 de Novembro, 3. Joaquim L. Cerqueira & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro. J. A. da Silva Ferreira & Co. Leite Junior & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 18. Martins Vieira, Rua 15 de Novembro, 43. Moreira, Gomes & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 7. Banlfs and banlcers. London & Brazilian Bank (Ltd.), Cor. Campof) Salles and 15 Novembro. London & River Plate Bank (Ltd.), Boule- vard da Republica, 41. Banco Commercial do Para, Rua 15 de No- vembro, 65. Banco de Crcdito Popular, Rua ] 5 de No- vembro, 77. Banco do Para, Rua Joao Alfredo, 58. Banco do Brazil, Rua 15 de Novembro, 62. A. F. de Souza & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 42. Adelbert IT. Alden (Ltd.), Boulevard da Republica, 32. Cortez, Coelho & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 44. Moreira Gomes & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 7. Manoal dos Santos Moreira & Co. (agents de Banco da Allianca do Porto). Pires Teixeira & Co., Trav. Maques de Pombal, 8. Zarges, Berringer & Co., Boulevard da Republica, 36. Brewery. Fabrica de Cerveja Paraense, Soc. Anon. Trav. Fructuoso Guimeraes. Boots and shoes. A. Pereira, jr., & Co., RuaJoao Alfredo, 41. Antonio Soeiro e Filho, RuaJoao Alfredo, 8. B. Silva & Co. Domingues A. Scares, Rua Joao Alfredo, 99. F. de Souza Braga, RuaJoao Alfredo, 92. F. S. Carrapatoso & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 105. Francisco Pires Dias, "Regal" Rua Joao Alfredo, 114. F. de Mendonca & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 70-72. J. Frees, Rua Joao Alfredo, 87. Mattos, Cardoso & Co., RuaJoao Alfredo, 30. M. F. Duarte & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo. Botelho & Co., Rua San Antonio, 19. Candles.! Cerdeiro & Cruz, Trav. Sete de Setembro, 28. Cruz & Lacerda, Rua 13 de Maio, 50. F. Pisco & Amorin, RuaJoao Alfredo, 21. L. B. Moraes, Rua 13 de Maio, 108. Martins & Araujo, Rua Joao Alfredo, 21. brazil: para. 99 Carpets and other floor coverings. Jeronymo Cardoso Botelho. Botelho & Co., Rua San Antonio, 19. F. de Castro, Rua San Antonio, 18-20. La Rocque & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 82. Cement. Booth & Co., Rua Industria, 7. Manoal Caniceiro da Costa, Rua da In- dustria, 81. J. S. de Freitas & Co., Trav. Benjamin Constant, 17-33. Carlos Gomes & Co., Rua San Antonio, 37. Manoel Pedro & Co., Rua da Braganca, 3. Salvador, Mesquita & Co. Astlett, Fall & Co., Largo des Merces. Oliveira & Almeida. J. J. da Silva. A. Scares & Co., Rua 28 de Setembro, 142. Ferreira, GomeB & Co., Rua 28 de Set- embro, 131. China and earthen ware. Augusto de la Rocque & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 41. A.M. Ferreira Sobrinbo & Co. Botelho & Co., Rua San Antonio, 19. Carlos, Gomes & Co. J. Luiz Cerqueira & Co. La Rocque & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo. Simoes & Co., Cor. Campos Salles and Joao Alfredo. Clocks and watches. AnzoUni & lino., Rua Joao Alfredo. A. Pinto da Cunha, Rua Joao Alfredo, 91. Firmino Borges, Rua Santo Antonio. Eugenio Goetschel, Rua Joao Alfredo. Krause Bros. & Co., Rua Santo An- tonio, 17. Joaquim Jovita & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 71. J. Serrodio, Rua Santo Antonio. Mfranda, Fereira & Co., Rua Santo An- tonio, 3. Clothing (gents' furnishings). A. Ferrao Paes, Rua Joao Alfredo, 85. Almeida Martins & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 45. Bayma & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 41. Eduardo A. Femandes, Rua Joao Al- fredo, 116. Ercole Contino, Rua Joao Alfredo, P. O. Box, 15. Olivefras & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo. J. J. de Oliveira & Silva, Rua Santo Antonio, 29. Joaquim Barbosa Rodrigues, Rua Santo Antonio, 9. A. Crus & Co., Travessa Campos Salles, 11. Coal. Booth & Co., Rua da Industria and Boulevard da Republica. Solhefro, Motta & Co., Rua da Industria and Boulevard da Republica. Lloyd Brazilefro, Rua da Industria and Boulevard da Republica. Para Electric Railways & Lighting Co., Avda. Independencia. Ministerio das Obras Publicas, State of Para. Coffee, tea, and cocoa (cocoa exporters). Pires Teixeira & Co., Trav. Marques da Pombal, 8. B. Antunes & Co., Rua da Industria, 27-29. de Lagotellerie & Ca., Boulevard da Republica, 23. Adelbert H. Alden (Ltd.), Boulevard da Republica, 32. Bartels & Co., Rua Santa Anna. Zarges, Berringer & Co., Boulevard da Republica, 36. J. Marques, Boulevard da Republica, 7-8. Astlett, Fall & Co., Largo des Merces. R. O. Ahlers & Co., Largo des Merces. Nimes Sobrinbo & Co., Boulevard da Republica (in liquidation). Commission merchants. Zarges, Berringer & Co., Boulevard da Republica, 35. Guilherme A. de Mfranda Filhos, Rua da Industria, 43. Mendonca, Ribefro & Co., Boulevard da Republica, 56. Julio Perefra & Olivefra, Trav. Oriental do Mercado, 9. Femandes & Co., Largo des Merces, 6. Pfres Teixefra & Co., Trav. Marques de Pombal, 8. Rocha, Silva & Co., Trav. Occidental do Mercado. Bartels & Co., Ru-a 13 de Maio. Y. Serfaty & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 16. Green & Co., Trav. Campos Salles. Keiman & Peters, Trav. Campos Salles. Stowell Bros., Trav. Campos Salles, 4. Solheiro, Motta & Co., Boulevard da Re- publica, 52. Suarez Hnos & Co. (Ltd.), Rua da In- dustria, 59. A. Beverly Wilson, Rua da Industria. R. O. Ahlers & Co., Praca Visconde do Rio Branco. B. Antunes & Co., Rua da Industria, 27-29. Astlett, Fall & Co., Praca Visconde do Rio Branco. Englehard Frferes & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 65. 100 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Benedicto Sociro, Rua 15 de Novembro, 15. Gustav Graeff, Rua Joao Alfredo, 14. Nahon &, Co., Rua San Antonio, 60A. Pinho & Certo. Confectioner's products. Agostinho Bastos & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 20. Araujo, Castro & Co., Rua 15 de Nevom- bro, 89. B. Antunes & Co., Rua da Industria, 27-29. A. C. Rodrigues & Co., R-ua da Industria, 28. Castro, Ramos & Co., Boulevard da Re- publica, 5. E. Pinto Xavier & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 84. J. J. Fernandes & Co., Largo des Merces, 6. L. Block & Co., Trav. 7 de Selembro, 46. M. J. Pereira, Rua San Antonio, 30. M. da Costa, Rua San Antonio. Pinto, Costa & Co., Rua San Antonio, 21. Wilson & Co., Boulevard da Republica, 54. Contractors. Port of Para Co. Para Construction Co. S. Pearson & Son (Ltd.). J. G. White & Co. (building the Para sewers). J. S. de Freitas & Co., Trav. Benjamin Constant, 17-33. Manoel Pedro & Co., Rua da Braganca, 3. Salvador, Mesquita & Co. Cordage.f Martins, Jorge & Co. Dentists. D. P. Ver Vallen, Rua Dr. Assis. Alberto Pereira, Rua Nova Santa Anna. Argemiro Pinto, Trav. Fructuoso Gui- meraes, 50. Abel da Costa, Rua Nova Santa Anna. Carmelino Salgado, Trav. Sao Matheus. Emilio Falcoa. Pereira Seixas, Rua Santo Antonio, 36A. Avelino Gomes, Rua Santo Antonio, 35. Joao Correa de Lima, Rua Santo Antonio, 33. Francisco Lima, Rua Santo Antonio, 36. Joao de Deus da Costa, Rua Nova Santa Anna. Rhossard de Lemas, Rua 13 de Maio. Macial Ribeiro, Rua Joao Alfredo. P. C. Amoiuy, Rua Nova Santa Anna, 36. Nagib Koury, Rua da Industria, 60. Antonio da Lima, Rua Padre Prudencio. Magno da Silva,-Rua 13 de Maio. Amadeu Dourado, Rua Joao Alfredo. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Alencar & Co., Cor. 13 de Maio and Sao Matheus. A. J. A. de Magalhaes & Co., Trav. Sete de Setembro, 2. A. Pereira & Co., Trav. de Sao Matheus, 46. Alypio Augusto de Rocha-Gomes, Trav. Sao Matheus, 2. Carvalho, Leite & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 103. Cezar Santos & Co., Rua de San Antonio, 25-27 E. Correa & Co. Emilio Penner, Rua Lauro Sodre, 145. Henrique E. N. Santos, Largo de Joao Coelho. Ilerculano de Carvalho & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 101. Ignacio Nogueira, Rua 15 de Novembro. 61. Jose da Silva Oliveira & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo. Machado & Co., Trav. Sete de Setembro, 42^4. Pontes Filhos, Trav. Dr. Fructuoso Gui- meraes. P. F. S. Mattos, Rua Lauro Sodre, 98. Rodrigues Barreiros & Co., Trav. Marques de Pombal, 3. Dry goods and notions. A. Mourao & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 45. Oliveira, Gomes & Co. Correa de Miranda & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 67. Julio Lambert & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 56. Samuel & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 54. Carlos Rego. F. de Castro, Rua Santo Antonio, 18-20. Ismael Hall & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 35 (in liquidation). Goncalves Motta & Co., Rua Santo An- tonio, 38A. Pires Franco & Co., Trav. Fructuoso Guimeraes, 5. B. Antunes & Co., Rua da Industria, 27-29. Botelho & Co., Rua Santo Antonio, 19. Ferreira d 'Oliveira & Sobrinho, Rua Joao Alfredo, 15. Leite Junior & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 18. Oliveira, Souza & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 24. J. F. Pimental & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 74. M. J. de Pinho & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 32. Claudino Romariz, Cor. 7 de Setembro and J. Alfredo. Seabre & Co. J. A. Ferreira da Silva & Co.. Rua Joao Alfredo, 62. brazil: para. 101 Y. Serfaty & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 16. J. A. Monteiro, Rua 15 de Novembro, 3. Benchimol & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 78. Costa, Pinho & Co. Cruz & Irmao, Rua Joao Alfredo, 63. Teixeira & Froes. Brito & Co. Electrical apparatus and supplies. J. M. Rodriques Pereira, Trav. S. Matheus, 19-23. Santos, Maleher & Co., Rua Santo An- tonio, 34. Rizzitto, Chappetta & Co., Rua Santo Antonio, 57. A. Laily & Co., Trav. San Matheus, lOOA. Para Electric Railways & Lighting Co. (Ltd.), Avda. Independencia. Flour and meal. Jorge Correa & Co., Paes de Carvalho. R. O. Ahlers & Co., P. Vise. Rio Branco, 15-16. Astlett, Fall & Co., P. Vise. Rio Branco,18. Botelho, Muralha & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 76. E. C. Holden & Co., Rua Santo An- tonio, 40C. J. Marques Braga & Co., Trav. Campos Salles, 5. Fruits. See Confectioner's jjroducts. Furniture and fittings. La Rocque & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 82. F. de Castro, Rua Santo Antonio, 18-20. Botelho & Co., Rua Santo Antonio, 19. Benjamin Lamarao, Trav. Campos Salles, 18. L. Ferreira Salgado, Rua 13 de Maio, 92-94. Gas Apparatus and equipment. Companhia de Gaz Paraense (Ltd.), Avda. Cons. Furtado, 2. Groceries and provisions.* J.J. Fernandes & Co., Praga Vise. Rio Branco. Jos6 Antunes & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 55. Joao Henrique de Campos & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 81. Cortez, Coelho & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 44. F. J. da Costa & Commandita. A. J. de Souza Pereira, Rua 15 de No- vembro, 34. Pereira, & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 32. Pinto da Costa & Co., Rua Santo An- tonio, 21. C. R. dos Reis, Rua Padre Prudencio, 2. Solheiro & Co., Rua da Industria, 5. Suarez Hnos. & Co. (Ltd.), Rua da In- dustria, 59. Manoel C. Vianna & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 70. Agostinho Bastos & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 20. Ferreira, Vidigal & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 68. Botelho, Muralha & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 74. B. Antunes & Co., Rua da Industria, 27-29. E. Pinto Alves & Co., Rua da Indus- tria, 6. Ferreira Costa, Rua da Industria, 56. G. de Araujo & Co., Rua da Industria, 87. Simao de Rezende, Rua da Industria. Consigli Moraes & Co., Trav. Oriental do Mercado. Manoel Rodrigues d'Oliveira & Co., Trav. Oriental do Mercado. M. J. Pereira, Rua Santo Antonio, 30. F. Pinto Xavier & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 84. A. R. da Silva & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 71. Nicalao da Costa & Co., Boulevard da Republica, 29. Eduardo Ferreira & Co., Boulevard da .Republica. J. Esteves Dias, Praca Vise. Rio Branco, 6. Fernandes & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 47. Alberto Taveira & Co. Abreu & Monteiro, Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 70. Jorge Correa & Co., Paes de Carvalho (biscuit manufacturer). Hardware. Araujo, Martins & Co., Boulevard da Re- publica, 9. Alves Rodrigues & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 48. Moreira, Gomes & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 7. Marlins Vieira, Rua 15 de Novembro, 43. Agostinho da Silva & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 36. Antunes, Simoes & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 95. Santos Amoras & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 19. Ferreira Gomes & Co., Rua 28 de Setem- bro, 131. Cunha, Cerqueira & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 53. R. d 'Souza & Almeida, Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 35. Botelho & Co., Rua Santo Antonio, 19. Augusto de La Rocque & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 41. A. M. Ferreira Sobrinho, Rua Joao Al- fredo. La Rocque & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 82. 102 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Joaquim L. Cerqueii'a & Co., Rua 15 de Novouibro. J. A. Monteiro, Rua 15 de Novembro, 3. J. S. Cals & Co., Rua da Industria, 3. Augusto Ferreira Dias & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 15. Noguieni & Salvador. J. S. de Freitas & Co., Trav. Benjamin Constant, 17-33. B. R. d 'Almeida & Co. J. P. Alves & Co. A. Cezar & Co. A. Scares & Co., Rua 28 de Setembro, 192. Hospitals and clinics. Hospital da Caridade (charity), Rua Oli- veu'a Bello. Hospital de Alienados (lunatic), Avda. Tito Franco. Hospital Militar do Estado, Praca Frai Caetano Brandao. Veneravel Ordem 3a de San Francisco, Rua Santo Antonio. Hospital Santa Casa da Miseracordia, Praya Santa Luzia. Sociedade Portugueza Beneficente, Rua 15 de Novembro, 57. Hospital, Avda. Gen. Deodora. Dr. Pereii'a de Barros, Avda. Nazareth. Institute Polyclinico, Rua 13 de Maio. Consultorio Medico Cirurgico, L. de Miseracordia, 14. Laboratorio d 'Analyses Medico, Rua 13 de Maio, 14. Jewelry. A. Mourao & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 45. Bittar Irmao, Rua 7 Setembro and 13 de Maio. Botelho & Co., Rua Santo Antonio, 19. Carlos Rego, Rua Joao Alfredo. Ferreira d'Oliveira & Sobrinho, Rua Joao Alfredo, 15. Ismael Hall & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 35 (in liquidation). Y. Serfaty, Rua Joao Alfredo, 16. J. A. Monteii-o, Rua 15 de Novembro, 3. J. A. Ferreira da Silva & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 62. Leite Junior & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 18. Samuel & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 54. Manoel Jose de Pinho, Rua Joao Alfredo, 32. Santas d 'Almeida Dantas, Rua 15 de No- vembro. Vieira da Silva & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo. See also Clocks and watches. Leather and leather goods. F. S. Carrapatoso & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo, 105. Couto Mattos, Rua 7 de Setembro, 17-19. La Rocque & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 82. A. J. Martins. Domingues A. Soares, Rua Joao Alfredo, 99. Leal d'Oliveira & Co., Rua 13 de Maio, 44. B. Antunes & Co., Rua da Industria, 27-29. Lumber and timber. Bernardino da Cunha Mendes & Co., Rua Nova Santa Anna, 20. Manoal Canicero da Costa, Rua da In- dustria, 81. Freitas, Soares & Co., Trav. Marques de Pombal, 9. Manoel Pedro & Co., Rua da Braganga, 3. J. Valente. J. S. de Freitas & Co., Trav. Benjamin Constant, 17. Machinery. J. S. Cals & Co., Rua da Industria, 3. Viuva Camelier, Rua Dr. Assis. ICE. Bolonhia, Paiva & Co., Rua da Industria, 125 (ice manufacturers). Fabrica da Cerveja Paraense, Avda. In- dependencia (ice manufacturers). Motion-picture apparatus. Ideal Co. Odeon Co. Rio Branco Co. Moulin Rouge Co. Olympia Co. Bar Paraense. Bar Americano. Salao Mundial. Musical instruments, etc. Jose Mendes Leite, Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 18. Leite Junior & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 18. Abraham Matheus, Rua 13 de Maio. Tavares Cardoso & Co., Rua Joao Alfredo, 50. F. S. Oliveira, Trav. Campos Salles. Simoes & Co., Joao Alfredo & Campos Salles. F. de Castro, Rua San Antonio, 18-20. NaUs.t J. S. de Freitas & Co., Trav. Benjamin Constant, 17-33. Nuts, edible (exporters). Astlett, Fall & Co., Praga Vise. Rio Branco. R. O. Ahlers & Co., Praya Vise. Rio Branco. Seligmann & Co., Praya Vise. Rio Branco. brazil: paea. 103 Pires Teixeira & Co.. Trav. Marques de Pombal. de Lagotellerie & Co., Boulevard da Re- publica, 23. Adalbert H. Alden (Ltd.), Boulevard da Republica, 32. Zarges, Berringer & Co., Boulevard da Republica, 36. J. Marques, Boulevard da Republica, 7-8. Oils (petroleum and products). Standard Oil Co. of Brazil. Cortez, Coellio & Co. R. O. Ahlers & Co. Castro Ramos & Co. Jose Antunes & Co. Santos Amaral & Co. Luiz Tuberao. Silva Araujo & Co. Photographic supplies. A. Girard & Co., Rua 13 de Maio. A. J. P. d'Oliveira & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo. Pontes Filhos, Rua 13 de Maio. Max Burkhardt, Rua Joao AKredo. Englehard Frferes & Co., Rua Joao Al- fredo. J. Serodio. Max Mauksch. Rubber. FOREIGN COMPANIES. The Diamantina Rubber Plantation (Ltd.). The Island Para Rubber Co. (Ltd.). Tha Para (Marajo) Rubber Co. (Ltd.). The Moju Rubber Plantation & Explo- ration Co. EXPORTEKS. Pires Teixeira yra & Ca. Avelino Cunha & Ca. Antonio Maia & Ca. Moreira Lima & Ca. Drugs.* Silva Lemos &, Ca. General merchandise. EXPORTERS. Companhia Exportadora Parahybana. Toua & Ca. Kroncke & Ca. J. Clemente Levy & Son. Monteath & Ca. (cotton, cotton seed, skins, and hides). Moreira Lima & Ca. IMPORTERS. Lemos & Ca. Adolpho Eugenio Soares. Oliveira & Theorga. F. H. Vergara & Ca. Paiva Valente & Ca. Maia, & Irmao. J. Carvalho & Ca. Groceries and provisioiiK. J. Carvalho & Ca. Lemos & Ca. Maia&Ca. Paiva Valente & Ca. Pedro Seraphim &. Ca. F. H. Vergara & Ca. Hardware. F._& C. Alverga. Oliveira & Theorga. Sd Leitao & Ca. Oil, cottonseed. Kroncke & Ca. Soap.f Honorato Pinto & Ca. Sugar.f Usina Sao Joao. Tobacco. CIGARETTE MANUFACTURERS. Basto Paulo & Ca. Antonio Paiva & Ca. Ferreira & Ca. (succ). A. P. Peixoto & Ca. PELOTAS. _ Polotas is a city in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, situated about 30 miles northwest of the city of Rio Grande do Sul, with which it is connected by railway. The principal industries are the preserving and curing of meats, margarine factories, taimeries, saddlery works, fertilizer plants, soap and candle factories, carnage factories, breweries, flour mills, shoe factories, etc. Population, about 20,000. In the Santos con- sular district. Agents. Ante Pinto Rego Magalhaes. Urbano Martins Garcia. Condeixa & Co. FORWARDING. Pedro Espellet. Urbano Martins Garcia. Agricultural Implements and machinery. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Allian^a do Sul. Thomsen & Co. Arms and ammunition. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Scholberg & Co. Awnings, tents, sails, etc. Bromberg & Co. Vianua & Co. Banks and bankers. Banco da Provincia. Banco do Commercio. F. Nunes de Souza. BRAZIL: PELOTAS. 105 Belting. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. Bromberg & Co. Justiniano Simoes Lopez. Boats and accessories. Bromberg & Co. Vva. BeHrensdorf & Co. Books. Livraria Americana. Echenique & Co. Krahe & Co. Albino Issacsohn. Francisco Meira. Boots and shoes. Augusto Boether. F. F. da Si]va Maya. Nery & Co. f. Boxes and box materials. Victorino Jose Dias. Beltrand Golgo. Ritter & Irmao. Brewers. Ritter & Irmao. Leopoldo Haertel Brick, tile, and terra cotta. Bromberg & Co. Cables. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Carpets and other floor coverings. Bromberg & Co. Mariano Irmao & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Carriages, wagons, and parts. Plotino Amaro Duarte. Manoel P^tchegaray. Cash registers and adding and calculating macliines. Bromberg & Co. Cement. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Fraeb & Co. Thomsen & Co. Chambers of commerce. Associagao Commercial. Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Bromberg & Co. Otero Fiihos & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Thomsen & Co. Eduardo C. Sequeira. H. C. Bojunga. China and earthenware. Bromberg & Co. Ao Bule Monstro. Clocks and watches. Adolpho Neipp. Henrique Krentel. See also Jewelry . Clothing. men's. Luchsinger & Co. Casa Americana. women's. Felix Coufal. Madame Bidan, Maison de Mode Pari- sienne. Coal, coke, and patent tuel. Bromberg & Co. Fraeb & Co. Commission merchants. Menotti Gentilini. Urbano Martins Garcia. Xavier & Irmao. Diophanes Lemos. Confectioner's products. * A. H. Nogueira Sobrinho. Cordage, rope, and twine. Fraeb & Co. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Thomsen & Co. Cotton. Comp. Fiagao & Tecides, Cotton goods. Fraeb & Co. . Luchsinger & Co. Luchsinger, Dietikcr c^ Co. C. Albrecht & Co. 106 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA, Dairyiu^n's supplies. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Dentist's Instruments and supplies. Henrique Ejentel. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Bromberg & Co. Yva. Behrensdorf & Co. Explosives. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Fencing and fencing material. Bromberg & Co. Justiniano Simoes Lopes. Thomsen & Co. Fertilizers. Bromberg & Co. Comp. de Adubos & Productos Chimicos. Pedro Ozorio & Co. Flour and meal. Fraeb & Co. Otero Filhos & Co. Thomsen & Co. Furniture and fittings. Mariano Irmao & Co. Bromberg & Co. General merchandise. Fraeb & Co. Otero Filhos & Co. A. Rego Magalhaes. Correa Leite & Co. Diophanes Lemos. Granja & Co. Jose Augusto Burlamarque. Xa\aer & Irmao. Tonca Duarte Xavier & Co. Thomsen & Co. Glass. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Bromberg & Co. Grain. Duarte Xavier & Co. Groceries and provisions. A. H. Nogueira Sobrinho. E. Brauner & Irmao. Hardware. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. F. Farias & Co. Joao Teixeira. Thomsen & Co. Harness and saddlery. Anto. Aguiar & Co. Carvalho & Teixeira. Scholberg & Co. Hotels. Hotel Allianga. Hotel Grindler. Iron and steel. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Joao Teixeira. Jewelry. Levy Irmao & Co. Henrique Krentel. Jeronimo Drey fuss. Leather, hides, and skins Anto. Aguiar & Co. Carvalho & Teixeira. Joao Baptista Casa Nova. Manoel M. Nogueira. Liunber and ymber. Beltrao Golgo. Avelino & Co. Jose Casaretto. Victorino Jose Dias. Marble, stone, and granite. Alfredo Barsanti. Francisco Pinto Maduerira. Motor cars and accessories. Bromberg & Co. Justiniano Simoes Lopes. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Naval stores. Otero Filhos & Co. Correa Zeite & Co. Bromberg & Co. Vianna & Co. Lima & Nova. Thomsen & Co. Notions. Zuchsinger & Co. Fraeb & Co. C. Albrecht & Co. bkazil: pelotas. 107 Novelties. Casa Americana. Anto. Gigante, "Ao Buhle Monstro." Bromberg & Co. Oils. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Bromberg & Co. Thomsen & Co. Fraeb & Co. Optical goods. Henrique Krentel. Adolpho Neipp. ParaflSn and paraffin wax. Bromberg & Co. Otero Filhoe & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Thomsen & Co. Periodicals. A Tribuna. Diario Popular. Opiniao Publica. Photographic supplies and art materials. Pintos & Co. Bromberg & Co. Henrique Krentel. Plumber's supplies. Bromberg & Co. . Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Joao Teixeira. F. Farias & Co. Vianna & Co. Refrigerators, water coolers, etc. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Thomsen & Co. Roofing materials. Bromberg & Co. Otero Filhos & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Thomsen & ('o. Joao Teixeira. F. Farias & Co. Tollens & Costa. Sewing machines and parts. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Tollens & Costa. Thomsen & Co. Soap and washing powders. Augiisto Lopes Figueiredo. Costa Reis & Co. F. C. Lang & Co. Spirits and wines. Jose de Oliveii-a Fonseca. Joao de Mattos Vieira. Luchsinger & Co. Fraeb & Co. Sporting and atliletic goods. Bromberg & Co. Casa Americana. stationery and stationer's goods. Albino Issacsohn. Francisco Meira. Echenique & Co. Krahn & Co. Pintos & Co. Surgical instruments and appliances. Bromberg & Co. H. C. Bojunga. Ed. Sequeira & Co. Henrique Krentel. Tanners. Amaral & Co. Antonio Aguiar & Co. Duarte Leite & Co. Fernando Brockstedt. Julio Hadler. Nogueira & Co. Vva. Sparenberg & Co. Silva Gomes & Irmao. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Alberto Moreira Fabiao. Baptista Lhullier Filho & Co. Marquez Teixeira & Co. Toilet articles. Bromberg & Co. H. C. Bojunga. Ed. Sequeira. Casa Americana. Trunks and traveler's supplies. Casa Americana. Trajano Ignacio de Oliveira. Typewriters and supplies. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. F. Farias & Co. Umbrellas and canes. Lhullier Sobrinho. Casa Americana. Undertaker's goods. Anto. Maria Lopes Couto. Francisco Luz & Co. Guilherme Vieira da Silva. Mariano Irmao & Co. 108 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. PERNAMBUCO. Pernambuco. capital of the State of the same name, is situated on the extreme eastern point of Brazil. The general prosperity of the district depends largely upon the cultivation of cotton and sugar and the manufacture and exportation of sugar (refined anil unrelined) and cotton goods. The imports from foreign countries into the consular district of Pernambuco amount in value to about $25,000,000 annually aiid the exports therefrom $15,000,000. The imports consist principally of jerked beef, coal, codfish cotton goods, flour, kerosene, implements, and machinery. The population of the city is about 160 000 ' There IS an American consulate at this place. Agricultural iiupleinents and machinery. Miranda Souza & Ca. Albino Silva & Ca. Antonio Pinto da Silva & Ca. Alvares de Carvalho & Ca. Barboza Vianna & Ca. Affonso d'Albuquerque. Augusto Silva. Manoel Almeida & Ca. Pontiial & Primo. Syndicato Agricola. Architects. Frederico Costa. Alfredo G. Pereira. Empreza Constriictora Pemambucana. Bags and bagging. Companhia de Canhamo e Juta. Companhia Fabrica de Estopa. Banl£s and banlcers. London and P)razilian Bank (Ltd.). London and River Plate Bank (Ltd.). British Bank of South America (Ltd.) Banco do Recife. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. Manuel & Ca. Boilers. Albino Silva & Ca. Miranda Souza & Ca. Antonio Pinto da Silva & Ca. Barao de Suassuna. Boots and shoes. RETAIL.* Fernandes Nunes & Ca., Livramento, 19. Paiva Ferreira & Ca., Livramento, 3. Ayres do3 Reis & Ca., Livramento, 35. A. C. Campos, Dr. Rosa e Silva. Domingos Netto, Rua Nova. Companhia Cal^ado Clark, JRua Nova. Ferreira Barboza & Ca., D. Caxias, 92. Joaquim Pinheiro & Ca., D. Caxias, 68. Cesar Lopes & Ca., 1 de Mar^o, 27. Venttira Neves. Albino Maia & Ca., 1 de Mar^o, 18. Costa Campos & Ca., Livramento, 10. Joao Ansberto Lopes, B. Victoria, 49. J. de Barros Guimaraes, M. Olinda, 37. Jose Lopes Duarte & Ca., M. Olinda, 15. Ilem-ique da Miranda Fragoso, Livra- mento, 23. Guimaraes & Leite, Livramento, 7. Joao A. Lopes, Dr. Rosa e Silva, 27. Costa Primo, Li\Tamento, 21. Lino Oliveira & Ca., Visconde de In- hauma, 4. A. G. Freitas. A._L. Santos & Ca., Livramento, 27. Leite & Santos, Livramento, 7. Nicanor de Araujo, Livramento, 15. Severino de Vasconcellos, Visconde de Inhauma, 10. Isidoro Leite, B. Victoria, 53. Vito Diniz, D. Caxias, 46. Guimaraes Junior, Livramento, 5. SHOE MANUFACTURERS (hAND). Braga, Sa & Ca. Fernandes Nunes & Ca. Paiva Ferreira & Ca. Paiva Oliveira & Ca. Ayres dos Reis & Ca. Brick, tile, and terra cotta. TILES. Vicente Ferreira de Albuquerque Nasci- mento.f Joao Dias Moreira & Ca., 1 de Margo, 18. J. J. Torres da Costa, M. Olinda, 53. Building materials.* Companhia Serraria Pemambucana. Joao de Aquino Fonseca. Joao Ferreira Lima. Antonio de Souza Oliveira. Anthero S. de Vasconcellos. Monteath & Ca. Carriages, wagons, and parts. Manoel G. Agra. Jose Paulo. S. Ferreira de Mello. Castings. FOUNDRIES. Allan Paterson & Ca. Bowman's Heirs. Barao de Suassuna. Carlos Villaga & Ca. Cement.* Cunha & Ca. (factory). Albino Silva & Ca. brazil: pernambuco. 109 Alvares de Carvalho & Ca. Carneiro de Souza & Ca. Fonseca Irmaos & Ca. Miranda Souza & Ca. A. P. da Silva & Ca. Manoel Almeida & Ca. Manoel Silvestre Ferreira Bastos. Lopes & Araujo. Clocks and watches.* Krause & Ca. Couceiro Irmaos. Eugene Goetschel & Ca. Clothing. HATS AND CAPS. Adolpho Castro e'Silva. Augusto Fernandas & Ca. Alfredo Seve. J. Ferreira & Ca. Raphael Dias & Ca. Albino Maia & Ca. Mario Caldes & Ca. Silva Rodrigues & Ca. men's furnishings.* Alvaro Arthur dos Santos. F. Fermino Lima & Ca. Lima Vianna & Ca. Virgilio Cunha. Luiz Mascarenhas. women's furnishings.* E. Brack & Ca. Julia & A. Doederlein. Pedro Antunes & Gesteira. Coal, coke, and patent fuel.* Cory Brothers & Co. Wilson Sons & Co. Pernambuco Gas Co. Commission merchants. W. J. Ayres & Son. Barza & Ca. Max Drechsler & Ca. Just Bafeto & Ca. A. Ommundsen. Griffith Williams & Johnson. J. T. Monteath. Joao Luiz C. Carvalho. Idefonso do Rego Monteiro. 3arretto & Ca. :}unn & Ca. !!lobert de Valmont. Cooperage. STAVES AND HEADING. Just Bastos & Ca. Manoel do Nascimento. Manoel Ferreira Leite. Cotton goods.* Alves de Brito & Ca., Livramento, 12. Moreii-a Lima & Ca., Marquez de Olinda, 23. Olintho Jardim & Ca., Marques de Olinda, 16. Machado Pereira & Ca., 15 Novembro, 57. Andrade Lopes & Ca., Duque de Caxias, 52. Rodrigo Carvalho & Ca. , 15 Novembro, 57. Loureiro Maia & Ca., Li\Tamento, 8. Bernet & Ca., Marquez de Olinda, 48. Andrade Maia & Ca., Livramento, 22. Narciso Mfi-ia & Ca., Duque de Caxias, 84. Amstein & Ca., Prafa de Espiritu Santo. Joaquim Gonyalves & Ca., M. Olinda, 50. Silveira & Ca., D. Caxias, 44. Albino Amorim & Ca., D. Caxias, 94. Dias Loureiro & Ca., Livramento, 20. Adeline Rodrigues, 15 Novembro, 75. Guerra Fernandes & Ca., D. Caxias, 47. Mendonfa Santos & Ca., 15 Novembro, 63. Gongalves Cunha & Ca., M. Olinda, 42. Ventura Matheus & Ca., Livi'amento, 18. Leuzinger, Dietiker & Ca., Ave. M. de Barros. Fernando Silva & Ca., D. Caxias, 73. J. Ferreira, 1 de Maio, 5. Octavio Bandeira, D. Caxias, 76. E. Brack & Ca., B. Victoria, 50. Julia & A. Doederlein, B. Victoria, 44. COTTON MILLS. Companhia Fia(;ao de Pernambuco. Companhia Fabrica de Tecidos de Goy- anna. Companhia Fabrica de Tecidos de Pau- lista. Companhia Industrial Pernambucana. Companhia Fabrica de Tecidos de Estopa (jute sacks). Companhia Fabrica de Tecidos de Can- hamo e Juta (jute sacks). Braz Silva & Ca. Fabrica de Tecidos de Malha. Societe Cotcniere Belge-Bresilienne. COTTON PRESSES. Victor Neesen. John H. Boxwell & Ca. Dentists. R. W. Rawlinson. George N. Butler. Patricio Moreira. Castello Branco. Lourenro Salazar. Armagillo de Loyola. Bento Bernardes. J. Dantas Seve. Henrique Levino. D. Anna Pallia. Alfredo Machado. Jos6 Gongalves. 110 TBADE DIKECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Joao da Silva Faria, M. Olinda, 24. F. Carneiro & Guimaraes, M. Olinda, 24. Alpheu Raposo, M. Olinda, 59. Silva Draija &, Oa., M. Olinda, 58. Yva. de M. J. Campos, Estreita do Rosa- rio, 3. Guimaraes Braga & Ca., M. Olinda, 26. H. Rouquayrol, Bom Jesus, 22. Hermogenes Vieira de Moraes, Duque de Caxias, 57. Luiz Ignacio de A. Lima, B. Victoria, 51. Elpidio Barboza, Livramento, 37. A. M. Marquez, Ferreira, Praga Maciel Pinheiro, 19. Arthur de Sa, Pra9a Maciel Pinheiro, 22. Vieiia & Ga., Pra^a Maciel Pinheiro, 18. A. P. Braga Guimaraes, Larga do Rosa- rio, 9. Geroncio de Mello, Larga do Rosario, 28. Francisco Pereira, Marquez de Herval. Victoriano Ebla, Rangel, 34. Jose Leopoldino R. Passos, Larga do Rosario, 42. Vva. de Rocha Farias, Bom Jesus, 25. Antonio Maranhao, B. Victoria, 14. Theodomiro dos Santos Selva, Direita, 139. Alexandre dos Santos Selva, Pateo do Ter^o, 12. Durval Selva, Encruzilhada. Mariano Lemos, Dr. Rosa e Silva, 80. Munier & Irmao, Larga do Rosario, 35. Rodrigues & Souza, Larga do Ro.sario, 34. Jose RajTnundo da Costa Menezes, Largo do Mercado, 62. Vva. Sabino & Filhos, Imperador, 48. Dry goods. WHOLESALE.* Alves de Brito & Ca. Moreira Lima & Ca. Machado & Pereira. Andrade Lopes & Ca. Rodrigo Carvalho & Ca. Loureiro Maia & Ca. Bernet & Ca., Succs. Andrade Maia & Ca. Narciso Maia & Ca. Amstein & Ca. Joaquim Gongalves & Ca. Silveira & Ca. Albino Amorim & Ca. Dias Loureiro & Ca. Adeline Rodrigues. Guerra Fernandes & Ca. Mendon^a Santos & Ca. Ventura Matheus & Ca. Leuzinger, Dietikcr & Ca. Fernando Silva & Ca. J. Cesar Cantinho. Castro & Gurgel. Domingos Coelho & Soares. J. Ferreira & Ca. Fiuza Fernandes & Ca. A. Lundgren & Ca. Luiz de Magalhaes. Othon & Mendes. Joaquim Luiz Teixeira. RETAIL (large ESTABLISHMENTS). Vva. Gurgel & Filho. F. Hollanda. Lima & Gurgel. Joaquim Luiz Ferreira. Explosives. Pernambuco Powder Factory. Fencing material. WIRE ROPE.* Albino Silva & Ca. Miranda Souza & Ca. Antonio Pinto da Silva & Ca. Filters, water.* Albino Silva & Ca. Miranda Souza & Ca. Antonio Pinto da Silva & Ca. Fireworks and firecrackers.* Loureiro Barboza & Ca. Santos da Figueira & Ca. Alves Lima & Ca. Dubeux & Ca. Francisco Pinto & Ca. Ferreira Rodrigues & Ca. Amorim Fernandes & Ca. Fish (cod).* Mendes Lima & Ca. Seixas Irmaos. Flour.* Pereira Carneiro & Ca. Loureiro Barboza & Ca. Miguel Isabella & Ca. C. Prats. Rosa Borges & Ca. Amorim Fernandes & Ca. Francisco Pinto & Ca. Furniture and fittings.* A. D. Carneiro Vianna. Manoel da Silva Ramos. J. F. de Carvalho. Glassware. Vva. de Joao Dias Moreira & Ca. J. J. Torres da Costa. M. Magalhaes. Veiga & Machado. Groceries and provisions. WHOLESALE.* Loureiro Barboza & Ca. Amorim Fernandes & Ca. BRAZIL : PEENAMBUCO. Ill Santos da Figueira & Ca Pinto Alves & Ca. Paulino de Menezes. Joaquim Ferreira de Carvalho & Ca. Scares Caldas & Ca. E. Guedes & Duarte. Costa Lima & Ca. Pestana dos Santos & Ca. Scares & Ca. Francisco Pinto & Ca. Dubeux & Ca. Ferreira Rodrigues & Ca. Joaquim Montenepo & Ca. R. S. Marques & Ca. Jose Bastes de Figueiredo & Ca. J. Abrantes, Succs. Alves de Freitas Irmaos. Francisco Braga. Manoel L. S. Carvalho. Dias Maia & Ca. Duraes Gardczo & Ca. Franco Ferreira & Ca. Lopes Araujc & Ca. Neves Pedroza & Ca. Joac Gcnyalves Pereira. Antonio Lasalvia & Ca. (macaroni manu- facturer). RETAIL (large).* J. Abrantes, Succs. Pestana dos Santos & Ca. H. Fernandes Lima. Pereira Ferreira & Ca. Souza Maia & Ca. Francisco Braga. Jose Bastes de Figueiredo. Souza Mendes & Ca. Luis da Fonseca Oliveira & Ca. (biscuit factory). Fabrica de Bisccutcs Pilar (biscuit fac- tory). Hardware.* Miranda Souza & Ca. Albino Silva & Ca. Antonio Pinto da Silva & Ca. Alvares de Carvalho & Ca. Cameiro de Souza & Ca. Augusto Silva. Manoel Almeida & Ca. Araujo & Lopes. Edmundo Silva. Barboza Vianna & Ca. Araujo & Pinheiro. Manuel & Ca. Jo86 de Souza Aguiar. Harness and saddlery.*-' Frederico & Ca. J. Ferreira Brandao. Vva. Guarino de Souza Filho. Hospitals. Hospital Pedro II. Hospital Santa Agueda. Hospital Portugues. Azylo de Mendicidade. Hospital Militar. Hospicio de Alienados. Casa de Expostos. Dispensario Octavio de Freita,s. Dispensario Sabino Pinhc. Azylo Magalhaes Bastes. Institute Pasteur. Institute Vaccinogeno. Cellegie S. Vicente de Paula. Collegio Santa Thereza. Institute dos Cegos. Sociedade S. Vicente de Paula. Centre Espirita. Hospital dcs Lazaros (lepers). Recolhimento da Jaqueira. Collegio S. Joaquim. Hotels. Pensao Bunn. Pens^e Landy. Pensao Franceza. Recife Hotel. Hotel Commercial. Hotel Europa. Hotel Brazil. Hotel dcs Estrangeiros. Hetel Med erne. Restaurante Abrantes. Restaurante Leite. Casa de Banhes. Instruments, therapeutical. Manuel & Ca. Jewelry.*t Krause & Ca. Couceiro & Irmae. Eugene Geetschel & Ca. Barros & Irmae. H. Hartmann. Lamps and lamp ware.* Hartmann & Ca. Manuel & Ca. Cempanhia Forga Metriz peli J. Nunes & Filho. Alcool. Leather, hides, and skins, GLAZED KID.* Braga, Sd & Ca. Fernandes Nunes & Ca. Paiva Oliveira & Ca. Ayres dos Reis & Ca. A. C. Campos. Costa Campos & Ca. C^sar Lopez & Ca. A. L. Santos & Ca. Frederico & Ca. Line de Oliveira & Ca. Vito Diniz. Joaquim Didier.f A. L. Santoa & Ca. 112 TKAUE DIRECTORS OF SOUTH AMEKICA. SHOE LEATHER.'" Fernandes Nunes & Ca., Livramento, 19. Paiva Oliveira & Ca., Livramento, 1. Ayres dos Reis & Ca., LhTamento, 15. Francisco Ramos da Silva & Ca., D. Caxias. Costa Campos & Ca., Livramento, 10 C^sar Lopes & Ca., 1 de Marfo, 27. Albino Cruz & Ca., 1 de Marfo, 18. Alves Correia & Ca., M. Olinda, 10. Braga, S4 & Ca., Livramento, 24. HIDES. Rossbach Brazil Co. Neesen & Ca. Lumber and timber.* Serraria Pernambucana. Fonseca Irmaos & Ca. Serraria Vasconcellos. Serraria Moderna. Machinery.* Bowman's Heirs. Allan Paterson & Ca. Barao de Suassuna. Carlos Villa^a & Ca. Albino Silva & Ca. Alvares de Carvalho & Ca. Barboza Vianna & Ca. Gasmotoren Fabrik Deutz. Miranda Souza & Ca. Monteath & Ca. Antonio Pinto da Silva & Ca. Victor Uslaender & Ca. DYNAMOS AND MOTORS.* Fen ton & Ca. Bockmann & Ca. Max Drechsler. Manoel Almeida & Ca. Manuel & Ca. ICE. Emile Billion (ice manufacturer). J. Abrautes Luces (ice manufacturer). LAUNDRY.* Albino Silva & Ca. Miranda Souza & Ca. Antonio Pinto da Silva & Ca. Machine tools.* Albino Silva & Ca. Miranda Souza & Ca. Antonio Pinto da Silva & Ca. Matches.f Fernandes & Ca. Millinery.* E. Brack & Ca. Julia & A. Doederlein. Pedro Antunes & Gesteira. Mme. F. Fernandes. Motor cars.* Garage Ford. Garage Conceifao. Garage Boa Vista. Garage Uniao. Garage Continental. A. Bockmann & Ca. Eugenio Fragoso. Martins Galvao & Ca. Tomas da Veiga Seixas. Musical instruments.* Prealle & Ca. * E. Paiva. Ramiro M. Costa & Filhos. Novelties and notions.* E. Brack & Ca. Julia & A. Doederlein. Odorico de Oliveira & Ca. Luiz Vianna & Ca. Sloper Irmaos. Pedro Netto. Gomes de Mattos Irmaos & Ca. Jose Pessoa de*Queiroz. M. Franco & Ca. Alfredo de Oliveira Basto. Andrade Costa & Ca. Albino Campos & Ca. Francisco Lauria. Fonseca Nunes & Ca. Nunes Fonseca & Ca. Manoel Collafo & Ca. Pedro Antunes Gesteira & Ca. Cruz Irmaos. Costa Brandao. Jose Luiz da Cruz. Ernesto Fragoso. Mme. F. Fernandes. Henrique Garcia. Medeiros Castro. J. Macedo & Ca. Maia e Silva & Ca. Candido Neves. Joao Rufino & Apollinario. Eugenio Samico & Filho. M. Gomes da Silva. Oil (cottonseed).t Rossbach Brazil Co. Amorim Goertz & Ca. Paints and varnishes.* Joao Macedo. See also Hardware. brazil: pernambuco. 113 Photographic supplies. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Luiz Piereck. F. A. du Bocage. J. J. de Oliveira. Borges de Mello. Manoel Tondella. Monteiro & Ca. Cintra & Ca. L. Araujo & Filho. RETAILER. Martins & Ca. Physicians and surgeons. PHYSICIANS. Baptista de Carvalho. Joao Margues. Constancio Pontual. Coelho Leite. Americo Vespucio. Freitas Guimaraes. Raul Azedo. Joao de Amorim. Hennano Brandes. Alcides Codeceira. Vicente Gomes. Amaro Wanderley. Jose de Barros Filho. Theodorico Padilha. Lins e Silva. Jefferson Ribeiro. Francisco Clementino. Nunes Coimbra. Alfredo Medeiros. Cartaxo Dantas. Fragoso Selva. Souto Maior. Arthur Lobo. Bandeira Filho. Joaquim I.oureiro. Luiz Galvao. LadLslau Cavalcanti. Barros Carneiro. Cosme de S4 Pereira. Oscar Coutinho. Leopoldo Araujo. Ribeiro de Britto. Antonio Castro. Thomaz de Carvalho. Martins Costa. Manoel Gouveia de Barros. Octavio de Freitas. Soares Avellar. Sabino Pinho (homeopath) SURGEONS Alfredo Costa. Costa Ribeiro. Arnobio Marques. Alfredo Gaspar. Arthur Cavalcanti. Ascanio Peixoto. Eustaquio de Carvalho. 21373°— 14 8 Frederico Curio. Augusto Chacon. Thome Dias. Polish and blacking. Fernandes Nunes & Ca. Paiva Ferreii-a & Ca. Costa Campos & Ca. Cesar Lopes & Ca. Paiva Oliveira & Ca. Printers. Agostinho Bezerra. Barboza Primo & Ca. Railways. BrazU Railway Co. middle, and south Great Western of (Ltd.) (north, branches). Companhia Trilhos Urbanos de Recife a Ohnda e Beberibe. Brazilian Street Railway Co. (Ltd.). Pernambuco Street Railway. Seeds.* Barros Filho. Joaquim Francisco Gomes. Sewing machines.* Manoel Collate & Ca. Jose Rufino da Fonseca. Nunes Fonseca & Ca. Fonseca Nunes & Ca. Francisco Lauria. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Gomes de Mattos Irmaos & Ca. Antonio Pinto da Silva & Ca. Ship chandlers. Charles D. Clunie. Barros Filho. J. A. da Silva Santos. Torres Brothers. Pontes & Ca. Soap.f Aquino Fonseca & Ca. Fonseca Irmaos & Ca. Loureiro Barboza & (.'a. Santos Araujo & Ca. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. See Groceries and provisions. Stationery.* Ramiro A. Costa & Filhos. Eugenio Nascimento. Leopoldo Silveira. J. W. de Medeiros & Ca. J. Agostinho Bezerra. Alves Lima & Ca. Costa Lima & Ca. A. Ommund.sen. Manoel Nogusira de Souza. 114 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Sugar mills. Name. District. Proprietor or agent. Name. District. I'roprietor or agent. Ja^-unda Jaboatao Col. Agostinho Bezerra. Mameluco Escada Abilio Ambrozio Machado. Santa Thereza. . Jaboatao Antonio Lima. Mussu Escada Dr. Seferino Pon- Muribeca Jaboatao Dr. Julio Maran- tual. hao. Aripibii Escada Pontual & Ca. Sao Joao Varzea Dr. F. Rego Bar- ros. Bamburral Escada Jose Pereira de Araujo. Ensonho do Varzea Dr. I. de Barros. Cabega de Ne- Amaragy Dr. Davino Pon- Meio. gro. tual. Goyanna Goyanna Companhia In- Bosque Amaragy dustrial Per- tual and Adol- nambucana. pho Caval- Salsado Ipojtica Bento Brito. Carassu Ipojuca Jos6 Maria Car- Phenix.. Amaragy Quipapa Dr .Tosp G Pinto neiro da Cunha. Rogadinho Mendo Sampaio. Ipojuca Ipojuca Josfi Maria Car- Catende neiro da Cunlia. Ca. Tiuma S. Lourengo. .. Frederico Cox. Pirangy Palmares Candido Cascao. Timb(5 Iguarassii Arthur Wander- Ribeirao Palmares Companhia Geral lev. de M e 1 h r a- Sao Jos6 Iguarassii Padilha & Pon- mentos. tual. Estrelliana Gamelleira Col. Antonio Maria das Cabo Cysneiros & C. D ias. Merces. Reis. Caxangi Gamelleira Manoel Collago Santo Ignacio Cabo S. Ramos. Dias Desespero Pedroza Cabo Dr. Jos6 Bezerra. Cachoeira Liza Gamelleira Dr. Rodolpho de Araujo. Bonito Arthur de Sique- ira Cavalcanti. Cucaii RerinhSem Companhia Geral de Melhora- Uniao Indus- Bonito Santos Dias & trial. Ca. mentos. Frexeiros Escada Dias Pontual & Ca. Trapiche Serinhaem Jos6 Maria Car- neiro da Cunha. Timbd Assii Escada Dr. Leonardo Ca- Nossa Senhora Serinhaem Col. Sebastiao valcanti. das Victorias. Lins Wander- Massau Assii Escada Silveira Lins e ley. Filhos. FreiCaneca Serinhaem Dr. Leopol do Limoerinho Escada Barao de Suas- suna. Lins. Tailors. Manoel do Carmo. J. A. Costa & Ca. Virgilio Cunlia. J. Ferreira & Ca. Tanners. A. L. Santos & Ca., Olinda, Pernambuco. Pardimeni & Varella, Recife. J. Didier & Ca., Gravatd, Pernambuco. Telegraph, cable, and telephone companies. Western Telegraph Co. (Ltd.). South American Cable Co. (Ltd.). Telegrapho Nacional. Deutsch Suedamerikanische Telegraphen Gesellschaft. Empreza Telephonica do Recife. Tobacco and cigars. Moreira & Ca.f Azevedo & Ca.f Banks & Ca.f Antonio Francisco da Cruz. Amorim Goetz & Ca. Max Drechsler & Ca.* M. A. Ramos. Manoel B. Seve. Toilet articles. PERFUMERY, t Eugenio Samico. Amorim & Campos. Typewriters.* Ramiro M. Costa & Filhos J. W. Medeiros & Ca. Eugenio Nascimento. Undertaker's supplies.=!= Manoel G. Agra. Waters, mineral. M. M. de Lemos. Azevedo Irmaos. J. S. Amaral & Ca. Alves da Costa & Ca. • Tavares Lapa & Ca. Gon9alves Pereira & Ca. brazil: poeto alegre. 115 PORTO ALEGRE. Porto Alegre, capital of the State of Eio Grande do Sul, has a population of about 100,000, a large per cent of which is German. It is the chief outlet for products of the northern part of the State and is con- nected with the interior by railroad. The manufacturing interests are represented by sawmills, foundries, soap and candle factories, woolen mills, breweries, etc. In the Santos consular district. Agents. A. Cademartori. Emil Petersen. Gustav Woebke. Otto Niemeyer. FORWARDING. Carlos Naschold & Co. Agricultural implements and machinery. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Allianya do Sul. Architects. R. Ahron. Arms and ammunition. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Joao Matuscheck. Awnings, tents, and sails. Bromberg & Co. Edwards Cooper & Co. Carlos Druegg & Co. Bags and bagging. Bromberg & Co. Banks and bankers. Banco da Provincia. Banco do Commercio. London and Brazilian Bank (Ltd.). Brasilianische Bank fuer Dutschland. Belting. Bromberg & Co. Allianga do Sul. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. Bromberg & Co. Alliangia do Sul. Billiard and pool tables and supplies. Bromberg & Co. Boats and accessories. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. AUianya do Sul. Books. Livraria Americana. Echenique Irmaos & Co. Krahe & Co. L. P. Barcellos & Co. Souza & Barros. Boots and shoes. Schneider & Co. Octavio Barreto. Perrone & Co. Boxes and box materials. Friedrichs & Co. Germano Steigleder & Co. Kappel & Arnt. Brewers. Bopp Irmaes. Henrique Ritter & Filhos. Becker & Co. Brick, tile, and terra cotta. Bromberg & Co. Allianga do Sul. Carpets and other floor coverings. Bromberg & Co. Arbos & Salvador. Allian^a do Sul. Carriages, wagons, and parts. Luiz Vitale. Cash registers and adding and calculating machines. Bromberg & Co. Luiz Voelcker & Co. Cement. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Correa Leite & Co. Otero Filhos & Co. Allianya do Sul. Secco & Co. Fraeb & Co. Chambers of commerce. Junta Commercial. Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Bromberg & Co. Allianya do Sul. 116 TRADE DIllECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Schroeder & Co. Conip. Pharmaceutica & Industrial. Edwards Cooper & Co. Carlos Druegs? & Co. H. Theo. Moeller. Otero Filhos & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Santos Rocha & Co. China and earthen ware. Carlos Lemke. Vva. Brutschke. Bromberg & Co. Secco & Co. Clocks and watches. Ed. Jeanneret. Carlos Foernges. Felipe Jeanselme da Silva. See also Jewelry. Clothing. men's. p. C. Porto. Luchsinger & Co. Anto de Barcellos & Co. Archer Luce & Co. Chaves & Almeida. women's. A. Cardone. Albrecht Irmas. Germano Vollmer. Augusta Wallau. Sloper Irmaes. Coal, coke, and patent fuel. Bromberg & Co. Fraeb & Co. Coffee, tea, and cocoa. Gustavo Woebke. Commission merchants. Anto Francisco de Castro. Azevedo Herminio & Co. Adolpho SUva & Co. Basso & Mottin. Carlos Naschold & Co. Carlos Zuckermann. C. Torres & Co. Edm. Dreher & Co. Emil Petersen. Franco Ramos & Co. Gustavo Woebke. Joao Aydos & Co. Luiz Antunes & Co. Otto Niemeyer. Santos Netto & Co. Confectioner's products. E. & A. Schramm. Gustavo Woebke. Neugebauer Irmaos. Contractors and builders. R. Ahron. Cooperage. A. da Costa Soares. Bromberg & Co. Cordage, rope, and twine. Secco & Co. Fraeb & Co. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Allian^a do Sul. Cotton goods. Anto de Barcellos & Co. Archer Luce & Co. Bastian & Co. Chaves & Almeida. Dexhemier & Irmao. F. G. Bier & Co. Guilherme Jung & Co. Jorge Bercht. Meyer Irmaos & Co. Oscar Deppermann & Co. Jung Jacobi & Co. P. Jung Filho & Co. Reiniger Schmitt & Co. Fraeb & Co. Luchsinger & Co. Luchsinger Dietiker & Co. Dairymen's supplies. Allianga do Sul. Bromberg & Co. Luiz Voelcker & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Dentist's instruments and supplies. Carlos Sclu'oeder, sr., & Co. Schroeder & Co. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Sarmento Barrato. Vasco Azambuja. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Allian^a do Sul. Bromberg & Co. Lima & Martins. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Explosives. AUianga do Sul. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Fencing and fencing material. Allianya do Sul. Bromberg & Co. BRAZIL : PORTO ALEGRE. 117 Edwards Cooper & Co. H. Theo Moeller. Luiz Voelcker & Co. Fertilizers. Bromberg & Co. Flour and meal. Fraeb & Co. Otero FiUios & Co. Furniture and fittings. Arbos & Salvador. Bromberg & Co. Kappel & Arnt. Comp. Fabrivea de Moveis. General merchandise. Adolpho Silva & Co. Ante Francisco de Castro. Azevedo Herminio & Co. Basso & Mottin. Carlos Naschold & Co. Carvalho Bastos & Co. C. Torres & Co. Damiani & Irmao. Dexheimer & Co. Edmundo Dreher & Co. Edwards Cooper & Co. F. Maiato & Co. Fraeb & Co. Franco Ramos & Co. Gonzalves & Irmao. Guilherme Sperb. Joao Ant. Gomes Barcellos. Joao Aydos & Co. Jose Luiz Sperb & Co. Luiz Fco. Antunes. Oscar Canteiro & Co. Otero FiUios & Co. Otto Niemeyer. Reis & Cesar. Santos Rocha & Co. Glass. Bromberg & Co. Allianga do Sul. Secco & Co. Vva. Behiensdorf & Co. Grain. Otto Niemeyer. Groceries and provisions. Gustavo Woebcke. Luchsinger & Co. Hardware. Adolpho Doerken. Allianya do Sul. Bromberg & Co. Carlos Druegg & Co. Edwards Cooper & Co. Friedemann Buchmann & Co. Germano Wahrlich. Entjelbert Hobbing. H. Theo. Moeller. Joao Day Bromberg & Co. Luiz Voelcker & Co. Secco & Co. Santos Rocha & Co. Vva. Felippe Becker. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Harness and saddlery. Schneider & Co. Secco & Co. Hotels. Grande Hotel. Hotel Lagache. Hotel Schmidt. Hotel Becker. Iron and steel. Allianga do Sul. Bromberg & Co. Bromberg Daudt & Co., Uniao de Ferros. Edwards Cooper & Co. H. Theo. Moeller. Joao Day Bromberg & Co. Santos Rocha & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Jewelry. Carlos Foemges. Ed. Jeanneret. Em. & Ed. Aaron. Felippe Jeanselme da Silva. Isidoro Marx. Levy Irmao & Co. Leather, hides, and skins. Augusto Hecktheuer. Ferreira Costa & Co. J. J. Leite d'Almeida. Schneider & Co. Secco & Co. Lumber and timber. Estevao Lourengo da Silvada Silva & Co. Friederichs & Co. Germano Steigleder Sobrinho. Kappel & Arnt. Wiesner & Co. Machinery. Allianga do Sul. Bromberg & Co. Edwards (looper & Co. Lima & Martins. Carlos Zinkermann. C. Torres & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. 118 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Marble, stone, and granite. Carlos Fossati. J. Aloys Friedrichs. Motor cars and accessories. Allianfa do Sul. Bromberi? & Co. Lima & Martins. Music. Honorio Marian te. Jose Gertum. Ludolfo Viogt. Theodore Hartlieb & Co. Naval stores. Otero Filhos & Co. Correa Leite & Co. Bromberg & Co. Notions Anto. de Barcellos & Co. Archer Luce & Co. Bastian & Co. Chaves & Almeida. Dexheimer & Irmao. Guilherme Jung & Co. Jung Jacobi & Co. Luchsinger & Co. Fraeb & Co. Novelties. Luiz Voelcker & Co. Bromberg & Co. P. C. Porto. Selbach & Mayer. OUs. Allianfa do Sul. Bromberg & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Fraeb & Co. Optical goods. Carlos Foernges. Ed. Jeanneret. Felippe Jeanselme da Silva. R. Laydner & Co. Rocha & Co. Paraffin and paraffin wax. Adolpho Silva & Co. Azevedo Herminio & Co. Bromberg & Co. Otero Filhos & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Periodicals. Correio do Povo. O Diario. A. Federafao. Photographic supplies and art materials. Pintos & Co. Bromberg & Co. Plumber's supplies. Alliancj'a do Sul. Bromberg & Co. Bromberg Daudt & Co. Germano Wahrlich. H. Theo. Moeller. Joiio Day Bromberg & Co. Luis Voelcker & Co. Santos Rocha & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Power and electric companies. Companhia For^a e Luiz. Refrigerators, water coolers, etc. Bromberg & Co. Luis Voelcker & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Roofing materials. Allianga do Sul. Bromberg & Co. Joiio Day Bromberg & Co. Otero Filhos & Co. Vva. F. Behrensdorf & Co. Sewing machines and parts. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Bromberg & Co. Luis Voelcker & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Soap and washing powders. P. Femandes & Co. Jacob Minck & Co. Spirits and wines. Aloys Friedrichs. C. Brasil Cattaneo. Crivellaro & Diffini. Gustav Woebcke. Luschsinger & Co. Fraeb & Co. Sporting and athletic goods. Bromberg & Co. Joao Day Bromberg & Co. Joao Matuschek. Luiz Voelcker & Co. stationery and stationer's goods. Echenique & Co. Krahn & Co. L. P. Barcellos & Co. Pintos & Co. Selbach & Mayer. Surgical instruments and appliances. Carlos Schroeder Sen. & Co. Bromberg & Co. Schroeder & Co. Vasco Azambuja. BRAZIL: RIO DE JANEIRO. 119 Tanners. Ferreira Costa & Co. Tobacco, leaf. H. Rohde. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Amaro da Silveira & Co. Antunes & Gonc^-alves. Boa Ventura Sao V^icens. Carlos Martins de Lima. M. Martins Robinson & Co. Toilet articles. Christiano Felippe Fischer. Bromberg & Co. Daudt & Freitas. LB. Ervedoza e Souza. Rocha & Medeiros. Sarmento Barata. Schroeder & Co. Vasco Azambuja. Trunks and traveler's supplies. J. J. Leite d'Almeida. Schneider & Co. Secco & Co. Typewriters and supplies. Allianga do SuL Bromberg & Co. Luiz Voelcker & Co. Vva. Behrensdorf & Co. Umbrellas and canes. Agostinho Piccardo. Nicolau Piccardo. Victorio Ruffini. Undertaker's goods. Franklin Ferrugem & Co. Maciel & Irmao. Postiga & Irmao. Wall paper. Arbos & Salvador. Bromberg & Co. Kappel & Arnt. Arthur Schreiner. Luchsinger & Co. Fraeb & Co. BIO DE JANEIRO. Rio de Janeiro, capital of Brazil, is the second most populous city in South America. The port is the most important distributing point in the country. Tlie imports for 1912 were valued at $120,150,000, or 39 per cent of the total imports into Brazil, compared with 893,660,000, or 36 percent, for 1911. Some of the principal industries of the district are textUe and flour mills, sugar refineries, furniture factories, foundries, and shipbuilding yards. The American consulate general is located at this place. Agents. Affonso & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 8. Almeida & Silva, Caixa do Correio, 1554. D'Almeida & Cia., Castro, Rua dos Ourives, 88. Alhadas & Macedo, Rua Primeiro de Margo, 22. Alves, Brandao, Rua S. Jose, 26. Andrade & Veiga, Rua Sete de Setembro, 35. Andrade, Arminio F. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 137. Asencio & Cia., Rua do Ro.^ario, 145. Baker & Diaz, Rua General Camara, 31 (American agent, Chipman (Ltd.), 8-10 Bridge Street, New York City). Banho & Cia., G., Rua dos Ourives, 83. Barros & Cia., Alvaro de, Rua Primeiro de Mar9o, 82. Bastos & Cia., Ribeiro, Rua General Camara, 117 (The Laffarque Co., 134 Cypress Avenue, New York City). Blank & Co., Rua General Camara, 107. Blum, Jules, Rua S. Pedro, 91. Bonhour, Emmanuel, Rua General Camara, 172. Bonniard & Cia., A., Rua da Alfandega, 92. Brunner & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 47. Cazzani, A., Avenida Rio Branco, 117. Carvalho, Ferreira & Cia., M., Rua da Quitanda, 107. Constantino & Riberio, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 26. Correa & Siimpaio, Rua Senador Euzebio, 146. Corr^a, Ribeiro & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 22. Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City). Couto & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 22-24. Cunha & Cia., Joao da, Becco das Cancellas, 9. Cunha & Cia., Pereira da, Rua S. Pedro, 33. Dantas & Cia., Severe, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41. 120 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Pontes, A. G., Beoco da Lapa dos Mercadoris (American agent South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City). Fontoura & Cia., ^T., Rua da Candelaria, 57. Frias & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 127. Glaser Filho & Cia., Rua Visconde Inhauma, 61. Guidao & Cia., Castro, Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 7. Guilhermc & Cia., Elyseu, Rua do Ropario, 85. Heraclito & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 101. Ileydtmann & Cia., Hugo, Avenida Rio Branco, 45. nilpert & Cia., Werner, Rua da Alfandega, 99-101. Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo C)ttoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England). Irvine, L. C, Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 109. Jacobina & Cia., Rua Julio Cezar, 56. Kiefer & Cia., Rua da Candelaria, 88. Laport, Irmao & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 62. Lowndes, Son & Cia., J. H., Rua S. Pedro, 61 (American agents, Wagner Trading Co , 116 Broad Street, and K. Mandell & Co., 79-81 Worth Street, New York City). Lundgren & Cia., Teltschen, Rua Primeiro de Margo, 90. Magnus, James, Rua S. Pedro, 96. Martins & Cia., S., Rua General Camara, 123. Monteira & Cia., Vieira, Rua General Camara, 21. Moore & Cia., Rua da Candelaria, 8. Moreira & Cia., Queiroz, Rua General Camara, 45. Motta, M., Rua General Camara, 88. Monteiro, Sebastiao, Rua Sete de Setembro, 32. Monteiro, Ildefonso de Rego, Rua S. Pedro, 21. Muniz, Francisco de Medeiros, Rua do Rosario, 147. Pareto & Cia., Carlos, Rua Primeiro de Marfo, 35. Pinto & Cia., Coutinho, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 39 (American agent, Ibero-American Utilities Co., New York City). Sequeira & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 147. Silva & Cia., Castro, Avenida Rio Branco, 10-12. Teixeira, Costa & Cia., Rua de S. Bento, 37-39. Taveira & Cia., Carlos, Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 80. Thomas & Cia., A., Avenida Rio Branco, 14. Villmont, J., Rua do Rosario, 85. Wachneldt, Bertholdo, Rua Visconde Inhauma, 80 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City). Wahle & Cia., Janowitzer, Rua S. Pedro, 34. Walter & Co., F. H., Rua da Quitanda, 143 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, 90-96 Wall Street, New York City). T^Tiyte, Ferreira & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco 35. Zeising, John & R., Rua da Quitanda, 154. CUSTOMHOUSE. Almeida, Luiz Viera de, Rua Primeiro de Marfo, 86. Bittencourt, Jose de Macedo, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 35. Cardoso, Francisco Gomes Amaral, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 8. Carraresi & Cia., Rua S. Jose, 16. Franco, Pedro de Araujo, Rua Visconde Itaborahy, 37. Gomes, Manoel Francisco, Rua General Camara, 1. Graga, Agenor Venerandor da, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 8. Godfrey, Alonso F., Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 43. Guimaraes, Alfredo Borges, Rua General Camara, 1. Jatahy, Antonio da Silva, Rua General Camara, 1. Leal, Henrique Perreira, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 37. Lef^we, Carlos, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 8. Lacoste, Antonio Henrique, Rua General Camara, 1. Macedo, Augusto, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 37. Medina & Irmao, Annibal, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 39. Miranda, Arthur, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 35. Moreira Filho, Julio, Rua General Camara, 1. Paula e Silva, Mario de, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 37. Peres, Lindolpho, Rua S. Pedro, 20. Ribeiro, Alfredo Luiz, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 39. brazil: RIO DE JANEIRO. 121 Ribeiro, Annibal Medina Coele, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 39. Ribeiro, Francisco Medina Coele, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 39. Rocha, Acylino, Rua Primeiro de Marfo, 86. Rocha, Francisco Scares da, Rua General Camara, 1. Rocha, Paulino Scares da, Rua General Camara, 1. Rodrigues, Carlos Barbosa, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 35. Savaget, Pedro P., Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 37. Silva, Alfredo de Moraes, Rua General Camara, 1. Silva, Carlos Hervey da, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 43. Silva, Homero de Moraes, Pra^a do Commercio, 15. Sequeira, Joao Cesar de, Rua S. Pedro, 20. Travassos, Luciano Marques, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 8. Veiga, Pedro de Lamare, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 37. FORWARDING. Agenda Expedetcra de Mercadorias, Rua do Hospicio, 49. Agenda Pestana (Pestana & Cia.) Rua do Carmo, 65 (American agents, American Express Co., 65 Broadway, New York City; International Forwarding Co., 431 Dear- born Street, Chicago, 111.). D'Almeida & Cia., Henriques, Rua do Cattete, 275. Andrade, Arminio F. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 137. Baker & Diaz, Rua General Camara, 31 (American agent, Chipman (Ltd.), 8-10 Bridge Street, New York City). Companhia Expresso Federal, Rua da Alfandega, 48. Guimaraes & Cia., Porfirio, Rua General Camara, 21. Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, RuaTheophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer <6 Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England). Plessner, A., Rua da Candelaria, 38. Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American agent, Hesslein & Co., 43-45 White Street, New York City). Welge, K. M., Rua General Camara, 139. Agricultural Implements and machinery.* Bulgao & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 20. Borlido, Moniz & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 65. Hasenclever & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 69-77. Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Coln-Deutz, Germany). Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England). Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23. Laport, Irmao & Cia., Avenida Puo Branco, 62. Moreira & Cia., M., Rua Visconde de Intauna, 21. Rogers & Sons, Henry, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 85. Sampaio & Cia., Mello, Rua da Quitanda, 171. Schill & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 30. Taves & Cia., Oscar, Rua S. Pedro, 90-92 (agents, II. S. Henry & Son, Battery Park Building, New York City; Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England). Upton & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 18. Amusement.s. Circo Spinelli, Praia Formosa. Apiarist's supplies.* Bromberg, Hacker & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 9 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City). Architects. Cantanhede & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 120. Empresa Industrial Melhoramentes Brazil, Rua Primeiro de Marg-o, 153. Jermann & Cia., Rua Visconde Inhauma, 84. Machado & Cia., Fonseca, Rua do Hospicio, 52 (American agent, Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State Street, New York City). Mello, Ileiter de, Rua Uruguayana, 39. Muniz, Francisco de Medeiros, Rua do Roaario, 147. Rebecchi & Cia., R., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69. Rodrigues & Cia., Victorino, Avenida Mem de Sa, 50. 122 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Arms and ammunition. * Barbopfl & Mollo, Rua do Hospicio, 154. Cai-neiro & Cia., Braondor," Rua da Constituicao, 85. f Cooj)erativa Militar do Brazil, Avenida Rio Branco, 255.* Correa & Maciel, Rua dos Ourives, 35. Costa, A. Martins, Rua Camerino, 136-138. Costa & Cia., Pinto, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 68.t Costa & Cia., J. M. da, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar 171.* Dantes & Cia., Severo, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41.* Ebel, Alfredo, Rua da Alfandega, 58 (branch of Wind, Ems & Co., Berlin, Germany, and Paris, France).* Fabrica de Cal^ado "Cleveland," Rua do Richuelo, 19 (American agent, Thomas & Co., Boston, Mass.).t Faria, Mauricio de, Rua dos Andrades, 25.* Ferreira & Rodrigucs, Rua de S. ,Jos6, 34.* Ferreira, Sou to & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 149-151 (agent, Soc. Anon. Beriandros 49 Rue Hauteville, Paris, France). f * Gaspar & Cia., Adao, Rua da Alfandega, 191. f 128 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. JorQ:e & Bastos, Rua General Camara, 141* Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Laginestract Cia., Miguel, RuaCamerino, 126.1 Lorenzo, Eusebio, Rua da Alfandega, 137.* Lustosa & Rodrigues, Rua da Alfaudega, 144 (agents, H. S. Henry & Sons, and A. M. Capens & Sons, New York City; Duhart Frdres & Cie., and Garona Laport & Cie., Paris, France).* Machado & Cia., Fonseca, Rua do Hospicio, 52 (American agent, Henry W.Peabody, & Co., 17 State Street, New York City).* Mattos, M., Rua dos Ourives, 25-27 (American agent, Dreyffus Export Co., 139 Front Street, New York City).* Ortigao & Cia., Vasco, "Pare Royal," Largo de S. Francisco (agent, Vasco Ortigao & Cie., 41 Rue de Trevise, Paris, France).* Quciroz, Pedro S., Avenida Rio Branco, 143.* Rodrigues & Anselmo, Rua do Riachuelo, 19. f Pereii-a, A., Rua da Prainha, 48. f Piros & Cia., Rodrigues, Rua S. Pedro, 177.t Rossi, Alpinolo, Rua da Candelaria, 42 (agent, Felix Friburg, 50 Rue de Paradis, Paris, France). t Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Seixas, Adelmo, Rua da Assembl^a, 92. Silva & Cia., Antonio Nunes da, Rua da Prainha, 41. f Smart, Edward J., Rua S. Pedro, 67 (agents, Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England; Fry & Son, Edmund Street, Birmingham, England; A. Dupilck, 3 Rue des Petits Hotels, Paris, France).* Sociedade Anonyma, "Casa Colombo," Avenida Rio Branco, 11-115.* Souza & Cia., J. P. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 76a.* Teixeira, Joaquim Jose, Rua da America, 257.* Torre Eiffel, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 97.* Boxes and bos material.* Camara & Cia., A., Rua Frei Caneca, 87. Crown Cork Co. (Ltd.), Avenida do Caes do Porto, 827 (branch of The Crown Cork Co. (Ltd.), 71-89 Paul Street, Finsbury, London, E. C, England; American agent. Crown Cork & Seal Co., Balitmore, Md.). Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 87. Machado & Cia., Fonseca, Rua do Hospicio, 52 (American agent, Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State Street, New York City). Machado & Cia., Tinoco, Rua do Hospicio, 61. Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84. Breweries. Almeida & Alves, Rua S. Christovao, 221. Alves & Alonso, Almeida, Largo Santa Rita, 6. Alonso & Scares, Rua Sachet, 21. Bastos & Irmao, M., Rua Visconde de Itauna, 147. Blanco & Adan, Praia Botafoga, 440. Boris & Cia, Moreira, Prafa Tiradentes, 66. Cervejaria Polonia, Rua da Assemblea, 117. Clerc & Cia., Lima, Praga da Republica, 65. Companhia Cervejaria Bohemia (Louren^o da Costa & Cia., Rua Municipal, 32). Companhia Cervejaria Brahma, Rua Visconde Sapucahy, 200. Companhia Hanseatica, Rua Dr. Jos6 Hygino, 115. Correa Junior & Chaves, Praga da Republica, 11. Cortez & Varella, Rua Senador Euzebio, 208. Costa & Cia., Pedro, Rua Lavradio, 69-71. Diu-an & Lopes^ Rua Machado Coelo, 174. Ferreira, Joac[uim, Rua da Misericordia, 41. Ferreira & Cia., J., Praga Tiradentes, 27. Ferro, 3os6 Vasc(ues, Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 30. Gabriel, Antonio Penna, Rua Lavradio, 113. Guimaraes & Cia., Ferreira, Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 49. Les Grandes Brasserie?, Rua Senador Dante.s, 104. Lima & Cia., Napoleao, Rua Carioco, 72-76. Martins & Lopes, Rua S. Jorge, 77. Pires, Antonio Pereira, Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 34. BRAZIL: RIO DE JANEIRO. 129 Portela & Sobrinho Viuva, Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 55. Remensal & Iglesias, Rua Senado, 260. Ribeiro & Moreira, Rua Senador Pompeu, 41. Rodrigues & Lopes, Rua General Camara, 159. Santxjs, Antonio Rodrigues dos, Avenida Passes, 42^4. Santos & Lyra, Rua do Cattete, 107. Silva & Penedo, Rua Constituirao, 37. Sivestre & Cia., Rua Silva Jardim, 17. Brick, tile, and terra cotta. Almeida & Cia., Noe Pinto d', Rua Camerino, 21. Amaral, Anjos & Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 81 (agents, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), New York City; Leers Freres, Paris, France; F. W. Haine, London, England; Lepien Wunnem- berg& Co., Hamburg, Germany; Mombel Mossart iburg, 50 Rue Paradis, Paris, France).* Ortigao & Cia., Vasco, "Pare Royal," Largo de S. Francisco (agent, Vasco Ortigao & Cie., 41 Rue de Tr^vise, Paris, France).* Saba, P'elippe N., Rua S. Clemente, 9. Segura, Campos & Cia,., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* 132 TRADE DIRECTORY OP SOUTH AMERICA. Soaros & Oia., J., Riia do Rosario, 1G3 (accents, Janowitzer, Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schoufeld Sc Co., Vienna, Austria).* Souza ifc Cia., J. P. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 76-8(5.* Tliomas & Cia., A., Avenida Rio Branco, 14 (branch of A. Thomas & Cie., 15 Rue Martel, Paris, France).* Vasconcellos, Caatro & Cia., Largo de S. Francesco de Paula, 42.* Carriages, wagons, and parts.* Grant & Co. (Ltd.), Percy, Rua do Rosario, 156 (branch of Percy Grant & Co. (Ltd.), 28 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S. W., England). Hasenclever & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 69-77. Heinicke, Theodor, Rua S. Pedro, 79 (American agent, Thomsen & Co., New York City). Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England). Isnard & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 75 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City). Medeiros & Cia., Trajano de, Rua S. Jose, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City). Rogers & Sons, Henry, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 85. Rebecchi & Cia., R., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69. Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84. Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American agent, Hesslein & Co., 43-45 White Street, New York City). Cash registers and adding and caiculating machines. Bastos & Cia., Ribeiro, Rua General Camara, 117 (American agent. The Laffarque Co., 134 Cypress Avenue, New York City).* Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 __( American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City).* Ebel, Alfredo, Rua da Alfandega, 58.* Guilherme & Cia., Elyseu, Rua do Rosario, 85.* Machado & Cia., Fonseca, Rua do Hospicio, 52 (American agent, Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State Street, New York City).* Pereira, Gomes, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 91. Pratt, Chas. H., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 125 (American agent, Chas. H. Pratt, care of Geo. H. Richards, 325 Broadway, New York City).* Roger, John, Rua Paysandii, 150. Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American aeent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City).* Castings. Brazil & Cia., A., Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 197-203. f Cardoso, Francisco de Paiva, Rua Barao de S. Felix, 10. f Cardoso, Norat& Cia., Rua Lavradio, 17 (agents, Dussault, Chovil & Co., Birmingham, England; A. Soury & Cie., Paris, France).! Carvalho, Paes & Cia., Rua Camerino, 150 (American agent, Camillo J. Ludmann, 19 Whitehall Street, New York City).t Companhia Federal de Fundigao, Rua Nery Pinheiro, 70 (American agent, H. A. Astlett & Co., New York City).t Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City).* Dietrich, Paulo, Rua da Alfandega, 48.* Ennes & Cia., Navio, Rua do Hospicio, 50. ' Pontes, A. G., Becco do Lapa das Mercadores (American agent. South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Garcia & Cia., Pontes, Avenida Passes, 105-107.* Godinho & Cia., Rua da Prainha, 22-28. t Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City).* f Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Ooln-Deutz, Germany ).t Leal, A. J., Ferreira, Rua S. Pedro, 212. f Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhaiima, 87. t brazil: RIO DE JANEIRO. 133 Medeiros & Cia., Trajano de, Rua P. Jose, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City).* f Moreira & Cia., M., Rua Visconde de Itauna, 21.* Oliveira & Castro, Rua Senhor dos Passos, 210.* f Rebecchi & Cia., R., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69.* Turino & Lima, Rua da Gamboa, 114. f Upton & Cia., E., Avenida Rio Branco, 18.* Vianna & Cia., Gongalves, Rua Sete de Setembro, 111.* Cement. Almeida & Irmao, Praia de Botafoga, 78.* Almeida & Cia., Noe Pinto d', Rua Camerino, 21. Amaral, Anjos & Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 71 (agents, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), New York City; Leers Frferes, Paris, France; F. W. Haine, London, England; Lepien Wunnemberg& Co., Hamburg, Germany; Mombel Mossart & Fils, Brussels, Belgium).* Amaral & Cia., Martins do, Rua da Quitanda, 66.* Andrade, Arminio F. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 137.* Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Products Co. (Ltd.), Rua General Camara, 56.* Aquino, Silva & Cia., Rua Areal, 13-15.* Bastos & Cia., Machado, Rua Miguel de Frias, 44 (American agents, G. Amsinck & Co., American Trading Co., and Wessels, Kulenkampff & Co., New York City).* Bulgao & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 20.* Barque & Cia., M., Rua S. Pedro, 87.* Cantanhede & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 120.* Carneiro & Cia., Braga, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 63.* Companhia Edificadora, Rua da Alfandega, 84.* Companhia Eusebio de Rocha, Rua do Theatro, 3.* Companhia Mercantil & Industrial, Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Correa & Cia., Sampaio, Rua da Candelaria, 2 (American agent, Hagemeyer Trading Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City).* Costa & Cia., F. Martins, Rua Frei Caneca, 46. Costa & Cia., Correa da, Rua de S. Christovao, 60-68 (American agents, A. S. Lascellea & Co., G. Amsinck & Co., 9 Hanover Street, and American Trading Co., New York City).* Dantes & Cia., Severo, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41.* Davidson, Pullen & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 145 (American agent, Miiller, Schali & Co., New York City).* Dietrich, Paulo, Rua da Alfandega, 48.* Fontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent. South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Fontoura & Cia., M., Rua da Alfandega, 57.* Freitas, Jos^ Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Garcia & Cia., Dias, Rua General Camara, 39-43.* Garcia & Cia., Fontes, Avenida Passos, 105-107.* Gougenheim & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 107.* Guimaraes & Cia., Amaral, Rua S. Jose, 78.* Heinicke, Theodor, Rua S. Pedro, 79 (American agent, Thomsen & Co., New York City).* Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Croasman & Sielcken, New York City).* Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Ilinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Coln-Deutz, Germany).* Jermann & Cia., Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 84.* Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde Inhauma, 87.* . ' Medeiros & Cia., Valerio, Rua Clapp, 40-44.* Medeiros & Cia., Trajano do, Rua S. Jos^, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City).* Moreira, V., Avenida Rio Branco, 14.* Muniz, Francisco de Medeiros, Rua do Rosario, 147.* Pamplona, Oscar de Menezes, Rua Esta(;io de Sa, 24.* Passos & Cia., Rua de Santa Luzia, 200-204 (American agent. South American Ship- ping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Pavageau, Alfredo, Pra^-ada Republica, 52.* Pereira, Manoel, Paria da Palmeiras, 37.* Rebecchi & Cia., R., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69.* 134 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Riboiro, Manoel Affonso, Rua Visconde de Itauna, 101.* Roxo & C'ia., Mouteiro de JBarros, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 90 (agent, Martin, Augendre & Cie., 84 Rue d' Hauteville, Paris, France).* Ruffier, L., Rua Vasco da Gama, 166.* Silva & Cia., Domingoa Joaguim da, Rua S. Pedro, 54.* Thomas & C"ia., A., Avenida Rio Branco, 14 (branch of A. Thomas & Cie., 15 Rue Martel, Paris, France).* Upton & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 18.* A'asques Filhos Cia., Pte da Costa Marquis, Ladeira d' Alfandega.* Veiga & Irmao, Avenida Gomes Frcire, 93.* Vellon, Morelli & Cia., Praia do Cajii, 68 (agent, Anckorena Attorrasagasti & Cie., 54 Rue des Paradis, Paris, France).* Vianna & Cia., Gon(,'alves, Rua Sete de Setembro, 111.* Viret & G. Marmorat, E., Avenida Rio Branco, 131.* Wigg, Carlos, Rua General Camara, 68 (agent. Baker & Sturtin, St. Dunstan's Hill, London, E. C, England).* Chambers of cuiumerce. Associa^ao Commercial do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Primeiro de Marge. Camara do Commercio Internacional do Brazil, Palacio do Munroe. Centro Industrial do Brazil, Rua Primeiro de Margo, 103. Museu Commercial, Rua Primeiro de Marfo. Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Araujo & Cia., P. de, Rua S. Pedro, 82.* Azevedo & Fonseca, Rua da Assemblea, 73.* Barbosa & Cia., Coelho, Rua da Quitanda, 106.* Bastos & Cia., Riberio, Rua General Camara, 117 (American agent, The Laffarque Co., 134 Cypress Avenue, New York City).* Blank & Cia., Rua General Camara, 107.* Borgonovo, P'ilippo, Rua do Lavradio, 87-91.* Boucherles & Mozart, Rua Municipal, 11.* Camara & Cia., A., Rua Frei Caneca, 87.* Campos & Cia., Sebastiao, Rua do Theatre, 9.* Dantes & Cia., Severe, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41.* Empresa de Mineragao e Tintas "Ancora, " Rua S. Pedro, 324 (agent, Bruel & Co., Hamburg, Germany).* Euclides & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 146 (agents, M. Saldanha & Cia., 177 Rua Augusta, Lisbon, Portugal; Francisco Alegria, jr., 23 Rue Van Hulthem, Ghent, Belgium).* Pontes & Cia., Delfim, Rua da Quitanda, 163.* Fontoura & Cia., M., Rua da Candelaria, 57.* Freitas & Cia., Araujo, Rua dos Ourives, 88-90.* Gaia, Felis Doro, Rua Senador Euzebio, 238. Hess & Cia., Adolpho, Rua Sete de Setembro, 61-63.* Kuenerz, Carlos, RuaS. Christovao, 435.* f Lucas, Armand, Rua Didimo, 14.* Mandour & Cia., A., Rua da Alfandega, 221-223.* Martins Filhos, Rua dos Andrades, 23.* Mendes, Julio, Rua Gonial ves Dias, 41.* Peckolt, Gustavo, Rua da Quitanda, 197.* t Penna & Filhos, Araujo, Rua da Quitanda, 57.* Pharmacia Moura Brasil, Rua LTruguayana, 37.* Rainho & Cia., J., Rua do Hospicio, 44.* Ramos Sobrinho & Cja., Rua do Hospicio, 11.* Rangel & Cia., Orlando, Avenida Rio Branco, 140.* Roger, John Rua Paysandu, 150.* Ruffier, E., Rua S. Pedro, 112.* Salgado Irmaos, Rua da Carioca, 57. Schuback, Braun & tta., Rua da Candelaria, 88.* Wemeck & Cia., V., Rua dos Ourives, 71.* China and earthen ware. Amaral, Anjos & Cia., Ruada As.sembl6a, 81 (airents, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), New York City; Leers Frtires, Paris, France; F. W. Haine, London, England; Lepein Wun- nemberg & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Mombel Mossart & Fils, Brussels, Belgium).* Brazil: rio de Janeiro. 135 Amaral & Cia., Martins D', Rua da Quitanda, G5.* Baltar Junior & Cia., Rua Uruguayana, 42.* Baptiyta & Fonseca, Rua Uruguayana, 38 (agents, Thomas Adams, 44 Bowlane, London, England; Cretenier & Manheim, 21 Rue Paradis, Paris, France; Wind, Ems & Co., 20-22, Alte Jacob Estr., Berlin, Germany).* Bellingrodt & Meyer, Rua S. Pedro, 70.* Carreiro & Cia., J. A., Praga dos Governadores, 9-ll.*_ Companhia Americana de Sellos-Coupons, Avenida Rio Branco, 10 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., 9 Hanover Street, New York City).* Con-ea, A. Villacga, Rua Frei Caneca, 126.* Costa, Bento, Rua da Assembl^a, 30.* Cost & Cia., F. Martins, Rua Frei Caneca, 46.* Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New- York City).* Freitas, Jose Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Garcia & Cia., Pontes, Avenida Passos, 105-107.* Guimaraes & Cia., Amaral, Rua S. Jose, 78.* Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City).* Hes3 & Cia., Adolpho, Rua Sete de Setembro, 61-63.* Leal, A. J. Ferreira, Rua S. Pedro, 212.* Machado, R., Rua da Passagem, 28.* Martins & Cia., B., Rua S. Pedro, 186.* Martins & Cia., Leandro, Rua dos Ourives, 39-43 (agents. Fry Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England; A. Dupille, 3 Rue des Petits Hotels, Paris, France).* Nunes, J. R., Rua 24 de Maio, 160-162.* Oliveira, Avelino de, Rua do Rosario, 167.* Pamplona, Oscar de Menezes, Rua Esta^io de S:i, 24.* Pinto, Deolindo, Rua Uruguayana, 45 (agent, Vaz de Carvalho, 30 Rue Fauburg- Poissoniere, Paris, France).* Ramos & Cia., Francisco, Rua Senador Euzebio, 31-33. Rego Junior & Cia., Rua S. Pedro, 41.* Rouchon & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 145.* Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Scares & Cia., Gabriel, Avenida Rio Branco, 139.* Soares & Cia., J., Rua do Rosario, 163 (agents, Janowitzer Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Austria).* Teixeira, Joaquin Jose, Rua da America, 257.* Vasques P'ilhos & Cia., Pte du Costa Marquis, Ladeira d'Alfandega.* Vianna & Cia., Antonio, Avenida Rio Branco, 116.* Vilmar, Francisco, Rua Benedictinos, 1.* Wellisch, Irmao & Cia., Rua General Camara, 104-106 (agents, S. E. Heymann & Co., 2-4 Stone Street, New York City; Albert Wellisch, 53 Boulevard Strasbovu-g, Paris, France).* Clocks and watches. Aguiar, Coutinho, Pra?a Tiradantes, 36.* Barbosa & Mello, Rua do Hospicio, 154.* Bastos & Cia., Ribeiro, Rua General Camara, 137 (American agent, The Laffarque Co., 134 Cypress Avenue, New York City).* Bloch, Emmanuel, Rua do Hospicio, 61.* Campos & Cia., A., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 95.* Carvalho & Cia., Leonel de, Rua doa Andrades, 29 (agents, Crossman & Sielckon, New York Citv; Augusto de Freitas, Hamburg, Germany; V. J. Schupp & Cie., Paris, France; "F. H. Walter & Co., London, England).* ChrLstoph & Cia., Paul J., Rua General Camara, 145.* Clerc & Cia., Eduardo, Rua da Quitanda, 149.* Companhia Americana de Sellos-Coupons, Avenida Rio Branco, 10 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., 9 Hanover Street, New York City).* Daniel & Fr^re^ E., Rua Gon^alves Bias, 89.* Guimaraes & Cia., J. C, Avenida Rio P.ranco, 127.* Leite & Cia., Accacio, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 168.* Lemos, Henrique, Avenida Rio Branco, 29.* Lima, Luciano C, Pra^a Tiradantes, 29.* Machado, Oscar, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 101 .* Mappin & Webb, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 100 (branch of Mappm & Webb (Ltd.), 158-162 Oxford Street. London, W., England).* 136 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Marx, Isidore, Ruii ("oionel Moreira Cesar, 138.* NorrLs, D., Rua da Assembl^a, 36 (agonts, W. & L. E. Gurley, Troy, N, Y.; Jacob Walter eitas (Ltd.), Hamburg, Germany).* Queiruz, Pedro S., Avenida Rio Branco, 143.* Ramos Sobrinho & Cia., Rua do Hospicio, 11.* Riether & Cia., Jose, Rua do Hospicio, 124.* Salathe & Cia., E., Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 55.* Salgado Irmaos, Rua de S. Clu-istovao, 211.* Santos, Moreira & Cia., Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 38.* Scares & Cia., J. C, Rua Scte de Setembro, 58.* Souza & Cia., M. J. de, Rua da Alfandega, 55 (agents, S. L. Behrens & Co., Man- chester, England; Vve. J. Schupp & Cie., Paris, France; Hafka, Rothenstein & Co., Bradford, England; Simon Israel, Hamburg, Germany).* Souza & Cia., J. P. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 76.* Telxeira & Cia., Carlos, Rua da Alfandega, 173.* Uslaender & Cia., Victor, Rua Primeiro do Mar(;o, 114.* Varella & Cia., Barbosa, Rua da Alfandega, 76.* 142 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Vasconcellos, Castro & Cia., Largo de S. Francisco de Paula, 42.* Vaz & Cia., Oliveii-a, Rua de S. Pedro, 85.* WellL-ich, Irmao & Cia., Rue General Camara, 104-106 (agents, S. E. Heymaun & Co., 2 Stone Street, New York City; Albert Wellisch, 53 Boulevard Strasbourg, Paris, France).* See also Textile mills. Cutlery and edge tools. Andrade, Arminio F. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 137.* Boneri, Pichara, Pra(;a da Republica, 116-118 (agents, Pernos & Collodo, 130-132 Pearl Street, New York City; A. Azze, 37 Rue Meslay, Paris, France).* Brazil & Cia., A., Rua Marcchal Floriano Peixoto, 197-203.* Campos & Cia., Sebasliao, Rua de Theatro, 9.* Cardoso & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 88-90 (American agent, Pan American Trading Co., New York City).* Carreiro & Cia., J. A., Praya dos Governadores, 9-11.* Cii-io, Julio Berto, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 183 (agents, Wagner Trading Co., and Pan American Trading Co., New York City; Ree & Cie, 28 Rue Petites Ecuries, Paris, France).* Companhia Americana de Sellos-Coupons, Avenida Rio Branco, 10 (American agent, G. Am.^inck & Co., 9 Hanover Street, New York City).* Companhia Mercantil e Industrial, Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Correa, A. Villa(;a, Rua Frei Caneca, 126.* Dantas & Cia., Severo, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41.* Fontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa doa Mercadores (American agent. South American ShippingCo., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Fontes & Cia., Delfim, Rua da Quitanda, 163.* Freitas, Jose Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Garcia & Cia., Dias, Rua General Camara, 39-43 (agents, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City; Davidson, Unwin & Co., Palmerston House, Old Broad Street, London, E. C, England; Johannes Schuback & Sohne, Hamburg, Germany).* Garcia & Cia., Fontes, Avenida Passes, 105-107.* Gerin & Cia., Luiz, Rua Sete de Setembro, 105.* Grant & Cia. (Ltd.), Percy, Rua do Rosario, 156 (branch of Percy Grant & Co. (Ltd.), 28 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S. W., England).* Guida & Cia., G., Largo da Carioco, 10-12 (agents, William E. Peck & Co., and Amer- ican Trading Co., New York City; John Miller & Co., Liverpool, England; Grum- bach Waller & Cie, 11 Rue Blue, and Societe Generale de Coutellerie et Orfevrerie, Paris, France; Janowitzer, Wahle & Co , Hamburg, Germany).* Guimaraes, Pinto, Cerqueria & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 34.* Guimuraes & Cia., Alfredo, Rua do Theatro, 3 (American agent, American Trading Co., New York City).* Heinicke, Theodor, Rua S. Pedro, 79 (American agent, Thomsen & Co., New York City).* Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City).* Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England).* King, Ferreira & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Marfo, 19 (.American agents, William E. Peck & Co., H. S. Henry & Sons, American Trading Co., and G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Laport & Cia., Emile, Rua da Alfandega, 79 (American agent, Markt & Schaefer Co., 193-195 West Street, New York City).* Leite & Cia., Ollveira, Largo do Rosario, 32 (agent, S. W. Kalkner & Co., 19 Moncke- bergstrasse, Hamburg, Germany).* Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 87.* Loroza & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 97.* Luckhaus & Cia., Rua General Camara, 67 (branch of Luckhaus & Gunther, Ram- echeid, Germany).* Lustosa & Rodrigues, Rua da Alfandega, 144 (agents, H. S. Henry & Sons and A. M. Capens & Sons, New York City; Suhart Freres & Cie. and Garona Jjaport & Cie., Paris, France).* Maia, C, Rua Acre, 28. Mandour & Cia., A., Rua da Alfandega, 221-223.* Mappin & Webb (Ltd.), Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 100 (branch of Mapj>in & Webb (Ltd.), 158-162 Oxford Street, London, W., England).* Mattheis & Cia., Rua General Camara, 69-71.* BRAZIL: RIO DE JANEIRO. 143 Merino & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 163 (agents, Johnson & Johnson, and La Kny Scheerer Co., New York City; Marcel Vogt, Paris, France).* Monterio & Cia., Aurelio, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 123.* Majdelany, Nicolau & Nagib, Rua da Alfandega, 325 (agents, D. Chahadi, 42 Rue de Treise, and Abdelnur & Cia., 58 Rue d'Hauteville, Paris, France).* Pamplona, Oscar de Menezes, Rua Estagio de Sa, 24. Pinto, Deolindo, Rua Uruguayana, 45 (agent, Vaz de Carvalho, 30 Rue Faubourg- Poissoriere, Paris, France).* Rodgers & Sons, Henry, Rua Visconde de Inhamna, 85.* Saraiva, P., Rua Estagio de Sd, 65.* Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Soares & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 119.* Soarea & Cia., J., Rua do Rosario, 163 (agents, Janowitzer, Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Austria).* Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American asrent, Hesslein & Co., 43-45 WTiite Street, New York City).* Upton & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 18*. Vasques Filhos & Cia., Pie. de Costa Marquis, Ladeira d'Alfandega. Vianna & Cia., Gongalves, Rua Sete de Setembro, 111.* Villmont, F., Rua do Rosario, 85.* Vivaldi & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Wellisch, Irmao & Cia., Rua General Camara, 104-106 (agents, S. E. Heymann & Co., 2-4 Stone Street, New York City; Albert Wellisch, 53 Boulevard Strasbourg, Paris, France).* Dairymen's supplies. Alves & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 23 (agents, Pinto Leite & Brother, 9 Queen Vic- toria Street, London, England; Couto & Pimento, Oporto, Portugal). Blank & Cia., Rua General Camara, 107.* Couto & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 22-24.* Cunha & Cia., Joao da, Becco das Cancellas, 9. Guilherrae & Cia., Elysen, Rua do Rosario, 85. Guimaraes & Cia., Rebello, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 37.* Haupt & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 60.* Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England).* Machado & Cia., Tinoco, Rua do Hospicio, 51.* Monteiro, Sebastiao, Rua Sete de Setembro, 32. Pardellas & Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 76. Sauson & Cia., G. Lannelu, Rua S. Jose, 51.* Soares & Cia., J., Rua do Rosario, 163 (agents, Janowitzer Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Austria).* Uelaender & Cia., Victor, Rua Prirneiro de Margo, 114.* Dentist's Instruments and supplies. Amaral, Anjos & Cia., Rua da Assembl6a, 81 (agents, W. J. Kingsland, New York City; Leers Frferes, Paris, France; F. W. Haine, London, England; Lepien Wun- nemberg & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Mombel Mossart Fils, Brussels, Belgium).* Barbosa, Moreira, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 83 (American agents, Pan-American Trading Co., 59-61 Pearl Street, and Lage, McLean & Co. (Inc.), 17 Battery Place, New York City).* Cardosa & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 88-90 (American agent, Pan-American Trading Co., New York City). Cirio, Julio Berto, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 183 (agents, Wagner Trading Co. and Pan-American Trading Co., New York City; Ree & Cie., 28 Rue Petites Ecuries, Paris, France).* Pontes & Cia., Delfim, Rua da Quitanda, 163.* Hermanny & Cia., Louis, Rua Gon waives Dias, 67.* Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Loroza & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 97.* Villmont, F., Rua do Rosario, 85.* Department stores. Casa Colombo, Avenida Rio Branco, 111. Casa Raunier, Rua Uruguayana, 55. Casa Sucena, Avenida Rio Branco, 76. Cooperativa Militar, Avenida Rio Branco, 251. Pare Royal, Largo de S. P'rancisco de Paulo. 144 TBADE DIRECTORY OF .SOUTH AMERICA. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Araujo & Co., P. de, Rua S. Pedro, 82.* Araujo & Cia., Silva, Rua Primeiio de Mar^o, 9-11.* Avila & Cia., J., Rua dos Andrades, 49-51.* Azevedo <& Fonseca, Rua da Asseml)lea, 73.* l?alze & Vin., Enrico de !a, Rua S. Pedro, 72.* Barbosa & Cia., Coelho, Rua da Quitanda, 106.* Boucherles & Mozart, Rua Municipal, 11.* Brazil, F. Moura, Rua Uruguayana, 37.* Camara & Cia., A., Rua Frei Caneca, 87.* Carneiro & Cia., Braga, Rua Visconde de Inhaiima, 63.* Castro & Cia., Gomes de, Rua Visconde de luhauma, 62.* Cauzard, Ravul, Rua S. Pedro (agent, Comar & Cie., Paris, France).* Chaves & Cia., Arthur-, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 74 (American agent, Miiller, Schall & Co., 45 Williams Street, New York City).* Christoph & Co., Paul J., Rua General Camara, 145.* Bragan^a Cid & Cia., Rua do Hospicio, 9.* Companhia Fiat Lux, Rua dos Ourives, 87.* Comi & Irmfio, Rua da Alfandega, 252-254.* Crashley & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 35.* Dantas & Cia., Severo, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41.* Freitas & Cia., Araujo, Rua S. Pedro, 96-100.* Fuste & Cia., Thomas Cautre, Rua do Hospicio, 175 (agent, Westphalen & Co., Ham- burg, Germany).* Gaia, Felisdoro, Rua Senador Euzebio, 238. Garcia & Cia., Dias, Rua General Camara, 39-43 (agents, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City; Davidson, Unwin & Co., Palmerston House, Old Broad Street, London, E. C, England; Johannes Schuback & Sohne, Hambiu-g, Germany).* Gaspar & Cia., Costa, Rua dos Andrades, 191.* Giffoni, Francisco, Rua Primeiro de Margo, 17.* Granada & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 14-16.* Griffond, Albert, Rua do Hospicio, 85 (agent, E. Crouzet, 80 Rue Levis, Paris, France).* Guilherme & Cia., Elysen, Rua do Rosario, 85.* Heitor & Cia., Campos, Rua Uruguayana, 35.* Hermanny & Cia., Louis, Rua Gonial ves Dias.* Hess & Cia., Adolpho, Rua Sete de Setembro, 61-63.* Hugo & Cia., Rua da Carioca, 33.* Jacobina & Cia., Rua Julio Cezar, 56 (agent, Lenschau & Rendtorf, Hamburg, Ger- many).* King, Ferreira & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 19 (American agents, William E. Peck & Co., H. S. Henry & Sons, American Trading Co., and G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhaiima, 87.* Lucas, Armand, "Union Commerciale Franco-Bresilienne," Rua Didimo, 14.* Mendes, Julio, Rua Gon waives Dias, 41.* Merino & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 163 (agents, Johnson & Johnson, New York City; Marcel Vogt, Paris, France).* Oliveira, Ribeiro de, Rua Visconde de Inhaiima, 113-115.* Penna & Filhos, Araujo, Rua da Quitanda, 57.* Pharmacia Moura Brazil, Rua Uruguayana, 37.* Proen^a, Eduardo de, Rua dos Ourives, 27.* Rangel & Cia., Orlando, Avenida Rio Branco, 140.* Puffier, E., Rua S. Pedro, 112.* Veiga & Cia., Mayrink, Rua Municipal, 21 (agents, Beatty Altgeldt & Co., Manchester, England; Thomas Turton & Son, Sheffield, England; Emil Gaua, Hamburg, Germanv).* Villmont, F., Rua do Rosario, 85.* Wemeck & Cia., V., Rua dos Ourives. 71.* Zeender, Ilenriques Alfredo, Rua S. Pedro, 89.* Zerlini, Pedro, Rua General Camara, 114.* Electrical apparatus and supplies. Andrade & Cia., Alvaro de, Avenida dos Passos, 36.* Ayres, Miguel D., Rua Visconde Maranguape, 25.* Barboza, Moreira, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 83 (American agents, Pan-American Trading Co., 59-61 Pearl Street, and Lage, McLean & Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City).* BRAZIL : RIO DE JANEIRO. 145 Behrend, Schmidt & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 46 (branch of Behrend & Schmidt, 33 W. Liankstrasse, Berlin, Germany).* Braga, F. F., Rua Gongalves Dias, 48.* Bromberg, Hacker & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 9 (branch of Bromberg & Co., Ham- burg, Germany; American agent, Grossman & Sielcken, New York City).* Bulcao & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 20.* Buarque & Cia., M., Rua S. Pedro, 87.* Cardozo & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 88 (American agent, Pan-American Trading Co., 59-61 Pearl Street, New York City).* Carneiro & Cia., Braga, Rua Visconde de Inhaiima, 63.* Carvalho & Cia., C, Rua da Quitanda, 67.* Companhia Brasileira de Energia Electrica, Avenida Rio Branco, 107-109.* Companhia, Brazileira Electricidade, Avenida Rio Branco, 79-81.* Companhia MercantU e Industrial, Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Companhia Sul-Americana de Electricidade, Rua do Hospicio, 59.* Costa & Cia., F., Rua da Assemblea, 50 (American agents, H. S. Henry & Sons, and Pan-American Trading Co., 59 Pearl Street, New York City).* Costa & Cia., F. Martins, Rua Frei Caneca, 46.* Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City).* Dantas & Cia., Severe, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41.* Dietrich, Paulo, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 74.* Dodsworth & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 83.* Ebel, Alfredo, Rua da Alfandega, 58 (branch of Wind, Ems & Co., Berlin, Germany, and Paris, France).* Fernandes & Cia., Arthur, Rua S. Jose, 38. Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent, South American Ship- ping Co., New York City).* Freitas, Jose Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Froeling, W., Rua da Alfandega, 180.* Fuste & Cia., Thomaz Cautre, Rua do Hospicio, 175 (agent, Westphalen & Co., Ham- burg, Germany).* Garcia & Cia., Pontes, Avenida Passes, 105.* Gomes, Octavio, Rua dos Ourives, 85 (American agent, J. & R. Zeizing, 116 Broad Street, New YorkCity).* Guinle & Cia, Avenida Rio Branco, 109 (American agent, Guinle & Co., 42 Broadway, New York City).* Haupt & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 60.* Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Coln-Deutz, Germany).* Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Laport, Irmaos & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 62.* Leite&Cia., Olivena, Largo de Rosario, 32 (agent, Kalkner & Co., 12 Monckeberg- etrasse, Hamburg, Germany).* Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua VLsconde de Inhaiima, 87.* Luffi, Virio, Largo Santa Rita, 8.* Machado & Cia., Fonseca, Rua do Hospicio, 52 (American agent, Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State Street, New York City).* McLauchlan & Cia., S., Rua S. Pedro, 64.* Medeiros & Borges, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 142.* Medeiros & Cia., Trajano de, Rua S. Jose, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City).* Merino & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 163 (agents, Johnson & Johnson, New York City; Marcel Vogt, Paris, France; Paul Uartmaun, Germany).* Saraiva, P., Rua Esta(;io de Sa, 65.* Segura, Campoa & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Siemcns-Schuckertwerke, Avenida Rio Branco, 79.* Spino & Cia., Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 85.* Terra & Irmao, Avenida Mem de Sd, 21.* Uslaender & Cia, Victor, Rua Primeiro de Maryo, 114.* Valobra, Octavio, Rua Julio Cesar, 62.* Veiga & Irmfio, Avenida Gomes Friere, 93.* Vivaldi & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 14.* Wachneldt, Bertholdo, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 80 (American agent, Crossmann & Sielcken, New York City).* Walter & Cia., F. H., Rua da Quitanda, 143 (branch of Jacob Walter & Co., Billitcr Square Building, London, England; American agent, Grossman & Sielcken, 90 Wall Street, New York City).* 21373°— 14 10 146 TKADE DIEECTOKY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Wigg, Carlos, Rua General Camara, G8 (agent, Baker & Sturtin, St. Dunstans Hill, London, E. C, England).* Elevators, passenger and freight. Behrend, Schmidt & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 46 (branch of Behrend & Schmidt, 33 W. Linkstrasse, Berlin, Germany).* Borlido, Moniz & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 65.* Costel, A.,Rua General Camara, l(i3 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City).* Ebel, Alfredo, Rua da Alfandega, 58 (branch of Wind, Ema & Co., Berlin, Germany, and Paris, France).* Gomes, Octavio, Rua dos Ourives, 85 (American agent, J. & R. Zeising, 116 Broad Street, New York City).* ninden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Coln-Deutz, Germany).* McLauchlan & Cia., S., Rua S. Pedro, 64.* Medeiros & Cia., Trajano de, Rua S., Jose, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City).* Moreira & Cia., M., Rua Visconde de Itauna, 21. Rebecchi & Cia., R., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69.* Segm-a, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Thomas & Cia., A., Avenida Rio Branco, 14 (branch of A. Thomas & Cie., 15 Rue Martel, Paris, France).* Uslaender & Cia., Victor, Rua Prrmeiro de Margo, 114.* Maxmorat, E. Vii-el e G., Avenida Rio Branco, 131.* ^Tiyte, Ferreira & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 35.* Engines. Amaral, Anjos & Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 81 (agents, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), New York City; Leers Freres, Paris, France; F. W. Haine, London, England; I.epien Wunnemberg & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Mombel Mossart & Fils, Brussels, Belgium').* Baker & Diaz, Rua General Camara, 31 (agents, Chipman (Ltd.), 8 Bridge Street, New York City; H. L. Hurndall & Sons, Bridgewater Square, London, England).* Behrend, Schmidt & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 46 (branch of Behrend & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany).* BeUingrodt & Meyer, Rua S. Pedro, 70.* Blum, Jules, Rua S. Pedro, 91.* BorUdo, Moniz & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 65.* Bromberg, Hacker & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 9 (branch of Bromberg & Co. , Hamburg, Germany; American agent, Grossman & Sielcken, New York City).* Bruno & Cia., Eugenie, Rua Camerino, 98.* Bulcao & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 20.* Buarque & Cia., M., Rua S. Pedro, 87.* Cantanhede & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 120.* Cardoso, Francisco de Paiva, Rua Barao de S. Felix, 10.* Cardoso, Norat & Cia., Rua Lavradio, 17 (agents, Dussault Chovil & Co., Birmingham, England; A. Soury & Co., Paris, France). Carvalho, Paes & Cia., Rua Camerino, 150 (agent, Camillo J. Ludmann, 19 Whitehall Street, New York City).* Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (agents, William E. Peck & Co., New York City; A. Soury & Cie., Paris, France).* Companhia Mercantil e Industrial, Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Correa & Cia., Sampaio, Rua da Candelaria, 2 (American agent, Hagemeyer Trading Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City).* Dietrich, Paulo, Rua da Alfandega, 48.* Ebel, Alfredo, Rua da Alfandega, 58 (branch of Wind, Ems & Co.., Berlin, Germany, and Paris, France).* Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent. South American Shipping Co., 78 Broad Street, New York City).* Fontoura & Cia., M., Rua da Candelaria, 57.* Gougenheim & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 107.* Grant & Cia., Percy, Rua do Rosario, 156 (branch of Percy Grant & Co. (Ltd.), 28 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S. W., England).* Haupt & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 60.* Heinicke, Theodor, Rua S. Pedro, 79 (American agent, Thomson & Co., New York City;.* Hermanny & Cia., Louis, Rua Gonial ves Dias, 67 * brazil: kio de Janeiro. 147 Hilpert & Cia., Werner, Rua da Alfandega, 99-101.* Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Grossman & Sielcken, New York City).* Hinden&Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Coln-Deutz, Germany).* Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England).* Kobler & Cia., Rua Yasco da Gama, 125.* Lage Irmaos, Rua do Hospicio, 23.* Laport, Irmao & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 62.* Leite & Cia., Oliveira, Largo do Rosario, 32 (agent, Kalkner & Co., Hamburg, Ger- many).* Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), Avenida Rio Branco, 39.* Lowndes, Son & Cia., J. H., Rua S. Pedro, 61 (agents, Wagner Trading Co., 116 Broad Street, and K. Mandell & Co., 79-81 Worth Street, New York City; Pinto Leite & Brother, 9 Queen Victoria Street, and W. R. Bland & Co., 14 St. Mary's Chambers, London, England).* McLauchlan & Cia., S., Rua S. Pedro, 64.* Medeiros & Cia., Trajano de, Rua S. Jose, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City).* Moreira & Cia., M., Rua Visconde de Itauna, 21.* Muniz, Francisco de Medeiros, Rua do Rosario, 147.* Pavageau, Alfredo, Pra^a da Republica, 52.* Schill & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 30.* Silva, Alfredo Elysiario da, Rua das Laranjeiras, 524 (agent, J. Dauvergne & Cie., 13 Rue St. Antoine, Paris, France).* Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City).* Soares & Cia., J., Rua do Rosario, 163 (agents, Janowitzer Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Austria).* Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American agent, Hesslein & Co., 43-45 White Street, New York pity).* _ Spino & Cia., Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 85.* Taves & Cia., Oscar, Rua S. Pedro, 90-92 (agentfe, H. S. Henry & Son, Battery Park Building, New York City; Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England).* Thomas & Cia., A., Avenida Rio Branco, 14 (branch of A. Thomas & Cie., 15 Rue Martel, Paris, France).* Upton & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 18.* Uslaender & Cia., Victor, Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 114.* Veiga & Cia., INIayrink, Rua Municipal, 21 (agents, Beatty Altgeldt & Co., Manchester, England; Thomas Turton & Son, Sheffield, England; Emil Gaua, Hamburg, Germany).* Vilmar, Francisco, Rua Benedictinos, 1.* Wehrs, C. Carlos J., Rua da Quitanda, 64.* Werneck & Cia., V., Rua dos Ourives, 71.* Whyte, Ferreira & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 35.* Wigg, Carlos, Rua General Camara, 68 (agent, Baker & Sturtin, St. Dunstan's Hill, London, E. C, England).* Williams, Robertson & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 112.* Zoroasho & Cia., Rua Humayta, 72.* Explosives.* Blank & Cia., Rua General Camara, 107. Cantanhede & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 120. Correa & Cia., Sampaio, Rua da Candelaria, 2 (American agent, Hagemeyer Trading Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City). Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent. South Amerian Ship- ping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City). Garcia & Cia., Dias, Rua General, Camara 39-43 (agents, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City; Davidson, Unwin & Co., Palmerston House, Old Broad Street, London, E. C, Eno;land; Johannes Schuback & Sohne, Hamburg, Germany). Heinicke, Theodor, Rua S. Pedro, 79 (American agent, Thomsen & Co., New York City). Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City). Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Culu-Deutz, Germany). 148 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Veisja ct Cm., Mayrink, Rua Municipal, 21 (asi;ents, Beatty Altf!;eldt & Co., Manchester, England; Thomas Turlon & Son, Sheffield, England ;"EmiI Gaua, Hamburg, Ger- maxiy). Feedstiiffs. Albuquerque & Cia., Barboza, Rua do Rosario, 102-104.* Almeida &, Cia., Ilcnriques d', Rua do Cattcte, 375.* Chaves & Cia., Almeida, Largo do Rosario, 22-24. Couri & Irmao, Rua da Alfandega, 252.* Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England).* Kahn, Emilio, Rua Gon^-alves Dias, 40. Lefevre, C. N., Rua da Alfandega, 76.* Mouteiro & Cia., Pedroso, Rua do Hospicio, 24. Novaes & Teixeira, Rua do Rosario, 24.* Schlick & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 61. Vasques Filhos Cia., Pte. da Costa Marquis, Ladeira d'Alfaudega.* Veiga & Cia., Sequeira, Rua Acre, 82.* Fencing and fencing materiai. Cardoso, Norat & Cia., Rua La\Tadio, 17 (agents, Dussault, Chovil & Co., Birmingham, England; A. Soury & Cie., Paris, France). *t Carneiro & Cia., Braga, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 63.* Companhia Mercantil e Industrial, Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Correa & Cia., Sampaio, Rua da Candelaria, 2 (American agent, Hagemeyer Trading Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City).* Davidson, PuUen & Cia., BAia da Quitanda, 145 (American agent, Miiller, Schall & Co., New York City).* Pontes & Cia., Delflm, Rua da Quitanda, 163.* Garcia & Cia., Dias, Rua General Camara, 39-43 (agents, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City; Davidson, Unwin & Co., Palnierston House, Old Broad Street, London, E. C, England; Johannes Schuback & Sohne, Hamburg, Germany).* Heinicke, Theodor, Rua S. Pedro, 79 (American agent, Thomsen & Co., New York City).* Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Grossman & Sielcken, New York City).*t Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Coln-Deutz, Germany). *t Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Laport, Irmao & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 62.* Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. (Ltd.), Avenida Rio Branco, 39.* Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 87.* Muniz, Francisco de Medeiros, Rua do Rosario, 147.* Pavageau, Alfredo, Pra^a da Republica, 52. Rebecchi & Cia., R., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69.* Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City).* Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American agent, Hesslein & Co., 43-15 \\Tiite Street, New York City).* Taves & Cia., Oscar, Rua S. Pedro, 90-92 (agents, H. S. Henry & Son, Battery Park Building, New York City; Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England).* Upton & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 18.* Vasques Filhos Cia., Pte. da Costa Marquis, Ladeira d'Alfandega. Vivaldi & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Wigg, Carlos, Rua General Camara, 68 (agent, Baker & Sturtin, St. Dunstan's Hill, London, E. C, England).* Fertilizers. Blank & Cia., Rua General Camara, 107.* Camara & Cia., A., Rua Frei Caneca, 87.* Durisch & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 45.* Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England). Machado & Cia., Fonseca, Rua do Hospicio, 52 (American agent, Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State Street, New York City).* Maia & Cia., Borlido, Rua do Rosario, 55 (American agent, Grossman & Sielcken, New York City).* brazil: RIO DE JANEIRO. 149 Stoltz & Oia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, G6-74 (American agent, Hesslein & Co., 43-45 White Street, New York City). Filters. Amaral, Anjos & Cia., Rua Assemblea, 81 (agents, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), New York City; Leers Freres, Paris, France; F. W. Haine, London. England; Lepien Wun- nemberg, Hamburg, Germany; Mombel, Mossart & Fils, Brussels, Belgium).* Amaral & Cia., Martin.s d', Rua da Quitanda, 66.* Barbosa & Mello, Rua do Hospicio, 154. Bellingi-odt & Meyer, Rua S. Pedro, 70.* Camara & Cia., A., Rua Frei Caneca, 87.* Couto & Cia., Freitas, Rua dos Ourives, 23.* Freitas, Jose Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Garcia & Cia., Fontes, Avenida Passos, 105-107.* Guimaraes & Cia., Amaral, Rua S. Jose, 78.* Hess & Cia., Adolpho, Rua Seta de Setembro, 61-63.* Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 87.* Lowndes, Son & Cia., J. H., Rua S. Pedro, 61 (agents, Wagner Trading Co., 116 Broad Street, and K. Mandell & Co., 79-81 Worth ""Street, New York City; Pinto Leite & Bro., 9 Queen Victoria Street, and W. R. Bland & Co., St. Mary's Chambers, 14 St. Mary Axe, London, England).* Lucas, Armand, "Union Commerciale Franco-Bresilienne," Rua Didimo, 14. '^^ Maia, Domingo, Rua S. Bento, 5.* Moreii-a, V., Avenida Rio Branco, 14.* Moreira & Cia., M., Rua Visconde de Itauna, 21. Nunes, J. R., Rua 24 de Maio, 160-1 62. t Pinto, Deolindo, Rua Uruguayana, 45 (agent, Vaz de Carvalho, 30 Rue Faubourg Poissoni^re, Paris, France).* Segm-a, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Vasques Filhos Cia., Pte. da Costa Marquis, Ladeii-a d' Alfandega.* Williams, Robertson & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 112.* Fireworks and firecrackers. Braga & Cia., Antonio, Rua da Candelaria, 28-30 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Couri & Irmao, Rua da Alfandega, 252-254.* Franga & Gomes, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar,' 21.* Freitas, Jose Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Kramer & Cia , Rua General Camara, 23.* Lopes & Freire, Rua da Quitanda, 73.* Machado, R., Rua da Passagem, 28.* Schlick & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 61.* Fish. Albuquerque & Cia., Barbosa, Rua do Rosario, 102-104. Almeida & Cia., Henriques d', Rua do Cattete, 275.* Alves & Cia., Rua Priraeiro de Mar<;o, 23.* Couri & Irmao, Rua da Alfandega, 252-254.* Couto & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 22-24.* Cunha & Cia., Soares, Rua do Mercado, 36.* Davidson, Pullon & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 145.* Ferraz, Irmao &, Cia., Rua Conselheiro Saraiva, 24-26.* Fontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent. South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Marti & Cia., H., Rua do Rosario, 106 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Neves, Mattos H., Largo S. Francisco de Paula, 6. Novaes & Teixeira, Rua do Ro.sario, 24.* Pardellas & Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 76. Ribeiro &; Marquis, Avenida Rio Branco, 94. Sanson & Cia., G. Laiuielue, Rua S. Jose, 51.* Silva & Boavista, Rua Acre, 15.* Vasques Filhos Cia., Pte. Da Costa Marquis, Ladeira d' Alfandega.* 150 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Flour and meal. Albuquerque & Cia., Barbosa, Rua do Rosario, 102-l04.* Almeida ct Cia., Heuriques d', Rua do Cattete, 275.* Alves & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 23 (agents, Pinto, Leito & Bro., London, England; Couto & Pimento, Oporto, Portugal).* Anjo.s, Paul & Cia., Rua Santo Christo dos Milagret^, 54.* Bastos & Cia., Caldas, Rua Acre, 30.* Bastos, Macedo & Cia., Teixeira, Avcnida Passos, 111. Castro, Silva & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 10 (American agent, G. W. Vanderhoof & Co., 107 Front Street., New York City).* Coelho, Martins & Cia., Rua Uruguayana, 25.* Coellio & Cia., Delphim, Rua da Assembl&x, CO (American agents, South American Shipping Co., 78 Broad Street, and Hagemeyer Trading Co., Whitehall Building, New York City).* Correa & Sampaio, Rua Senador Euzebio, 146. Couri & Irmao, Rua da Alfandega, 252-254.* Couto & Cia., Rua Coronel MOreira Cesar, 22-24.* Davidson, PuUeu & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 145 (American agent, Miiller, Schall & Co., New York City).* Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent, South American Ship- ping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Fraufa & Gomes, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 21.* Guimaraes, Irmao & Cia., Rua do Rosario, 150-152.* Guimaraes & Cia., Rebello, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 37.* Heraclito & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 101.* Kahn, Emilio, Rua Gon^alves Bias, 40.* Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Leitao & Rios, Rua Camerino, 84.* Lopes & Freire, Rua da Quitanda, 73.* Lopes, Silva & Cia., Oliveira, Travessa Commercio, 24.* Marti & Cia., 11. , Rua do Rosario, 106.* Martins Filhos, Rua dos Andrades, 23.* Mattos & Neves, Largo de S. Francisco de Paula, 6. Mendes, Raupp & Martins, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 57.* Moreira & Cia., C, Rua da Candelaria, 80.* Pardellas & Cia., C., Rua da Assemblea, 7&. Pereira & Cia., Thomaz, Rua S. Bento, 18. Bring, Torres & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 20 (agents, M. M. Antas Barbosa & Cidade, Lisbon, Portugal; Garana Laparte & Cie., Paris, France).* Rio de Janeiro Flour Mills & Granaries (Ltd.), The, Rua da Quitanda, 108 (branch of The Rio de Janeiro Flour Mills & Granaries (Ltd.), 48 Moorgate Street, London, E. C, England). t Sabroza & Cia., Rua da Candelaria, 1 (agent, Augusto de Freitas, Hamburg, Ger- many).* Sanson & Cia., P. Lanneluc, Rua S. Jose, 51 (agent, G. Lanneluc Sanson & Fils, Bourg Bur Gironde, France).* Sequeira & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 147. Silva & Boa vista, Rua Acre, 15.* Silva & Cia., Castro, Avenida Rio Branco, 10-12.* Souza & Cia., Jose Ribeiro de, Praca 8 de Setembro, 2.* Teixeira, Borges & Cia, Rua do Rosario, 110 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Veiga & Cia., Sequeira, Rua Acre, 82.* * Weiss & Cia., Henrique, Rua Silva Jardim, 27. Wigg, Carlos, Rua General Camara, 68 (agent. Baker & Sturtin, St. Dunstan's Hill, London, E. C, England).* Forcings. Brazil & Cia., A., Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 197-203. f Godinho & Cia., Rua da Prainha, 22-28. f Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Grossman & Sielcken, New York City).t Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse Coln-Deutz, Germany).* Kobler & Cia., Rua Vasco da Gama, 125. f Leal, A. J. Ferreira, Rua S. Pedro, 212. f Lemos & Cia., J. Duarte, Rua Figueira de Mello, 310.t bkazil: RIO DE ja:n'eiro. 151 Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhaiima, 87. Medeiros & Cia., Trajano de, Rua S. Jose, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City).t Mesquita, Moreira, Rua Vasco da Gama, 164 (agents, Lalance & Grosjean Manufactur- ing Co., American Trading Co., and William E. Peck, New York City; I. Dauverque & Cie., Paris, France; Jonas & Colver (Ltd.), ShefTield, England; Horner & Sons, London, England; Benedict Schoenfeld & Co. and Carlos Rau, Hamburg, Ger- many; Pastori & Casanova, Monza, Italy; Pietro Presbitero & Figli, Turin, Italy).* Moreira & Cia., M., Rua Visconde de Itauna, 21. Tui-ino & Lima, Rua da Gamboa, 114-118. t Fruit, fresh and dried. Almeida & Cia., Henriques d', Rua do Cattete, 275. Alves & Cia., Rua Primeiro de IMar^o, 23 (agents, Pinto Leite & Bro., 9 Queen Victoria Street, London, England; Couto & Pimento, Oporto, Portgual). Bastos, Macedo & Cia., Teixeira, Avenida Passos, 111. Coelho, Martins & Cia., Rua Uruguayana, 25.* Coelho & Cia., Delphim, Rua da Assemblea, 60 (American agents, South American Shipping Co., 78 Broad Street, and Hagemeyer Trading Co., Whitehall Building, New York City).* Confeitaria Colombo, Rua Gon waives Dias.* Constante & Cia., Jose, Rua S. Bento, 28.* Couto & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreha Cesar, 22-24.* Pontes, A. Ci., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent, South American Ship- ping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Guimaraes & Cia., Rebello, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 37.* Kahn, Emilio, Rua Con^alves Dias, 40. Lopes, Fernandes & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 138.* Marti & Cia., H., Rua do Rosario, 106 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Mattos & Neves, Largo S. Francisco de Paula, 6. Monteiro, Sebastiao, Rua Sete de Setembro, 32. Novaes & Teixeira, Rua do Rosario, 24.* Pardellas & Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 76. Ribeiro & Marquiz, Avenida Rio Branco, 94. Sanson & Cia., G. L., Rua S. Jose, 51 (agent, G. Lanneluc Sanson & Fils, Bourg sur Gironde, France). Silva & Boavista, Rua Acre, 15.* * Teixeira & Rocha, Largo da Carioca, 6. Teixeira, Borges & Cia., Rua do Rosario, 110 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Teixeira, Costa & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 37-39.* Vasques Filhos & Cia., Pte. da Costa Marquis, Ladeira d' Alfandega.* Furniture and fittings. [Including barber's, office, school, etc.] Auler & Cia., C. R., Rua dos Invalidos, 134. Baptista & (,'ia., Souza, Rua da Carioca, 9. Barbosa & Mello, Rua do Hospicio, 154. Boiteux & Cia., Ilonrique, Rua Uruguayana, 1. Cardosa, Norat & Cia., Rua Lavradio, 17 (agents, Dussault Chovil & Cia., Birmingham, England; A. Soury & Co., Paris, France).*! Carvalho & Cia., Loonel, Bua dos Andrades, 29 (agents, Grossman & Sielcken, New York City; Augusto Freitas, Hamburg, Germany; V. Schupp & Cie., Paris, France; F. H. Walter & Co.,' London, England).* Casa Doux, Rua Uruguayana. Casa Veiga, Rua Senador Euzebio, 222. t Carvalho, Bernado M. de, Rua Sete de Setembro, 32. Chaves & Cia., Artliur, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 74 (American agent, Miiller, Scliall & Co., 45 William Street, New York City).* Companhia Americana de Sollo.s-Coupons, Avenida Rio Branco, 10 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., 9 Hanover Street, New York City). Correa, A. Villa^a, Rua Frei Caneca, 126.* Cruz & Cia., J. Rodrigues, Travessa S. Francisco de Paulo, 20. Dantas & Cia., Severo, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41.* 152 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. David & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 102 * Ebel, Alfredo, Rua da Alfandega, 58 (branch of Wind, Ems tance; Jannowitzer Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany). Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Lucena & Cia., Pinto, Rua do Mercado, 35.* Machado & Cia., Tinoco, Rua do Hospicio, 61.* Pavageau, Alfredo, Prarada R,epublica, 52.* Rainho & Cia., J., Rua do Hospicio, 44.* Serra & Cia., Macedo, Rua do Hospicio, 152. Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American agent, Hesslein & Co., 43-45 White Street, New York City).* Vasques Filhos & Cia., Pte. da Costa Marques, Ladeira d'Alfandega.* Zerlmi, Pedro, Rua General Camara, 114.* 156 TBADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Groceries and provisions. Accetta & Filho, Gonnaro, Rua do I.avradio, 70-74. Albuquerque & C'ia., Barbosa, Rua do Rosario, 102-104.* Almeida, Sieniaun & Cia., Rua Priineiro de Margo, 105.* Almeida & Cia., Ilenriques d', Rua do Cattcte, 275.* Alvos & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 23 (agents, Pinto Leite & Bro., 9 Queen A'ictoria Street, London, England; Couta & Pimento, Oporto, Portugal).* Amarante & Cia., Clongalves, Rua do Rosario, 1G2.* Andrade & Veiga, Rua Sete de Setembro, 35 (American agents, G. Amsinck & Co. and American Trading Co., New York City).* Azevedo, Andrade & Cia., Rua Acre, 94.* Bastos & Cia., Ribeiro, Rua General Camara, 117 (American agent. The Tiaffarque Co., 134 Cypress Avenue, New York City).* Bastos, Macedo & Cia., Teixeira, Avenida Passos, 111. Belchiar & Cia., Azevedo, Rua Acre, 52. Borges & Cia., Teixeira, Rua do Rosario, 110.* Brasa & Cia., Antonio, Rua da Candelaria, 28-30 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Carvalho & Cia., Pereira, Rua do Rosario, 67.* Chaves & Cia., Almeida, Largo do Rosario, 22-24.* Coelho, Martins & Cia., Rua Uruguayana, 25. Confeitarfa Colombo, Rua Gongalves Dias.* Constante & Cia., Jose, Rua S. Bento, 28.* Constantino & Ribeiro, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 26.* Correa & Sampaio, Rua Senador Euzebio, 146.* Con-ea, Ribeiro & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 22.* Couri & Irmao, Rua da Alfandega, 252-254.* Couto & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 22-24.* Cunha & Cia., Soares, Rua do Mercado, 35.* Dantas & Cia., Severo, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41.* Dias, Ramalho & Cia., Rua Acre, 54.* Etchebarne, J. C, Avenida Passos, 9-11. Faria, Alfredo da Silva, Rua Barao de Bom Retiro, 230. Fernandes, Moreii-a & Cia., Rua do Mercado, 34. Ferreira & Cia., J., Prafa Tiradantes, 27. Fontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent, South American Ship- ping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Franca & Gomes, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 21. Gomes & Cia., Nicola Zagari, Rua Assernblea, 67.* Guimaraes, Irmao & Cia., Rua do Rosario, 150-152.* Guimaraes & Cia., Rebello, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 37.* Kahn, Emilio, Rua Gongalves Dias, 40.* Leitao & Rios, Rua Camerino, 82-84.* Lopes, Fernandes & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 138.* Machado, G. S., Rua Acre, 61. Marinho & Cia., Figueiredo, Rua da Saude, 133-135.* Marques & Cia., Rua do Mercado, 15. Marti & Cia., H., Rua do Rosario, 106.* Martins & Cia., Gaio, Praia da Botafoga, 120. Mattos & Neves, Largo S. Francisco de Paula, 6. Mendes, Raupp & Martins, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 57 (American agent, G. Am- sinck & Co., New York City).* Mendes, J. V., Rua da Assemblea, 40.* Monteiro & Cia., Pedrosa, Rua do Hospicio, 24.* Monteira & Cia., Vieira, Rua General Camara, 21.* Mourao & Cia., Camillo, Rua Senhor dos Passos, 17-19 (agent, Joaquim C. Miranda, jr., Santo Thyres, Portugal).* Monteiro, Sebastiao, Riua Sete de Setembro, 32. Novaes & Teixeira, Rua do Rosario, 24.* Nunes & Gongalves, Rua Sete de Setembro, 177. Pardellas & Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 76. Pereira & Cia., A. C, Rua Pharoux, 6. Pring, Torres & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Marfo, 20 (agents, M. M. Antas & Cidade, Lisbon, Portugal; Garana Laparte & Cie., Paris, France) * Ramalho & Torres, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 28. Ribeiro & Marquiz, Avenida Rio Branco, 94. Rocha & Cia., Carvalho, Rua Gon^alves Dias, 5. brazil: RIO DE JANEIRO. 157 Rodrigues, Azevedo & Cia., Rua Acre, 100. Romani & Cia., Emilio, Praga Tiradantes, 20. Sampaio & Cia., Fernando, Rua do Rosario, 172.* Sanson & Cia., G. Lanneluc, Rua S. Jose, 51 (agent, G. Lanneluc Sanson & Fils, Bourg _Bur Gironde, France).* Silva & Boavista, Rua Acre, 15. Silva & Cia., Oliveira Lopes, Travessa do Commercio, 24. Simoes & Cia., Angelino, Rua do Mercado, 39. Simoes & Cia., Costa, Rua General Camara, 29.* Souza & Cia., Ayres de, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 72. Tavares & Cia., Almeida, Rua Visconde Rio Branco, 43. Teixeira & Rocha, Largo da Carioca, 6. Teixeira, Costa & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 37-39.* Thomas & Cia., A., Avenida Rio Branco, 14 (branch of A. Thomas & Cie., 15 Rue Martel, Paris, France).* Valle & Cia., Souza, Rua do Mercado, 35. Vasques Filhos Cia., Pte. da Costa Marquis, Ladeira d'Alfandega. WiUiams, Robertson & Co., Avenida Rio Branco, 112.* Hardware. Albino, Castro & Cia., Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 59 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Almeida, J. J., Rua General Camara, 105.* Almeida & Cia., Alberto d', Avenida Rio Branco, 99-101.* Andrade, Arminio F. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 137.* Aquino, Silva & Cia., Rua Areal, 13-15.* Arp & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreii"a Cesar, 102.* Bastos & Cia., Machado, Rua Miguel de Frias, 44 (American agents, G. Amsinck & Co., American Trading Co., and Wessels, Kulenkampff & Co., New York City).* Borlido, Moniz & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 65.* Brazil & Cia., A., Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 197-203.* Barque & Cia., M., Rua S. Pecb'o, 87.* Carreiro & Cia., J. A., Pra^a dos Govemadores, 9-11.* Companhia Mercantil e Industrial, Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Costa, Bento, Rua da Assemblea, 30. Costa & Cia., F. Martis, Rua Frei Caneca, 46. Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City).* Couto & Cia., Freitas, Rua dos Om'ives, 23.* Ebel, Alfredo, Rua da Alfandega, 58 (branch of Wind, Ems & Co., Berlin, Germany, and Paris, France).* Fernandes & Cia., Arthur, Rua S. Jose, 38. Pontes, A. G., Becco da La pa dos Mercadores (American agent. South American ShippingCo., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Fontes & Cia., Delfim, Rua da Quitanda, 163.* Fontoura & Cia., M., Rua da Candelaria, 57.* Freitas, Jos6 Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Garcia & Cia., Dias, Rua General Camara, 39-43 (agents, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City; Davidson, Unwin & Co., Palmerston House, Old Broad Street, London, E. C, England).* Garcia & Cia., Fontes, Avenida Passes, 105-107.* Gougenheim & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 107.* Guiaa & Cia., G., Largo da Carioca, 10-12 (agents, William E. Peck & Co. and American Trading Co., New York City; John Miller & Co., Liverpool, England; Grumbach Waller & Cie, 11 Rue Blue, and Society Generale de Coutellerie et Orf^vrerie, ParL«, Franc(>; Janowitzer Waller & Co., Uamburg, Germany).* Guimaraes, Pinto, Cerqueii'a & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 34-36.* Guimaraes & Cia., Alfredo, Rua do Theatre, 3 (American agent, American Trading Co., New York City).* Hasenclever & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 69-77.* Heraclito & Cia., Rua Primeii-o de Marc;o, 101.* Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Grossman & Sielcken, New York City).* Jermann & Cia., Piua Visconde do Inhauma, 84.* Kobler & Cia., Rua Vasco da Gama, 125.* Laport, Innao & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 62.* Leite & Cia., Oliveira, Largo do Rosario, 32. 158 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Lima & Guimaraes, Silva, Rua do Theatre, i. Lino & Cia., Jos^, Rua Visconde de Inhailma, 87.* Luckhaus & Cia., Rua General Camara, 67 (branch of Luckhaus & Guuther, Ram- scheid, Germany; American agent, W. B. Fox & Bro., New York City).* Machado, R., Rua da Passagem, 28.* Maia, 0., Rua Acre, 28. Maia & Cia, Borlido, Rua do Rosario, 55 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City).* Oliveira, Ribeiro de, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 113-115.* Pamplona, Oscar de Menezes, Rua Esta(,'io de Sa, 24. Pavagcau, Alfredo, Pra(;a da Republica, 52. Roxo & Cia., Monteii-o de Barros, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 90 (agent, Martin, Augendre & Cie., 84 Rue d'Hauteville, Paris, France).* Santos & Cia., Antunes dos, Avenida Rio Branco, 14-16. Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Silva, Pestana da, Rua Primeiro de Maryo, 21 (American agents, American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street; Markt & Schaefer Co., 195 West Street; and William E. Peck & Co., 110 Broad Street, New York City).* Silva & Cia., Domingos Joaquim da, Rua S. Pedro, 54.* Simon, Heim-ich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc ), 24 State Street, New York City).* Smart, Edward J., Rua S. Pedro, 67 (agents, H. S. Henry & Son, 24 State Street, New York City; Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England; A. Dupille, 3 Rue des Petits Hotels, Paris, France; Fry & Son, Edmund Street, Bii-mingham, England).* Scares & Cia., J., Rua do Rosario, 163 (agents, Janowitzer Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Austria).* Taves & Cia., Oscar, Rua S. Pedro, 90-92 (agents, H. S. Henry & Son, Battery Park Building, New York City; Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England).* Teixeii-a, A. J., Rua do Hospicio, 264.* Upton & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 18.* Vasques Filhos Cia., Pte. da Costa Marquis, Ladeira d'Alfandega. Veiga & Cia., Mayrink, Rua Municipal, 21 (agents, Beatty, Altgeldt & Co., Manchester, England; Thomas Turton & Son, Sheffield, England; Emil Gaua, Hambin-g, Germany. Vianna & Cia., Gongalves, Rua Sete de Setembro, 111.* Vieii-a & Irmao, Francisco Sampaio, Rua Manoel Victorino, 85-89. Villmont, F., Rua do Rosario, 85.* Vii'et & G. Marmorat, E., Avenida Rio Branco, 131.* Vivaldi & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Wehrs, C. Carlos J., Rua da Quitanda, 64.* WTiyte, Ferreira & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 35.* Harness and saddlery. Breissan, M., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69.* Faria, Mamicio de, Rua dos Anckades, 25.* Guimaraes, Pinto, Cerqueira & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 34-36.* Leite & Cia., Oliveira, Largo do Rosario, 32 (agent, S. W. Kalkuer & Co., Monckeberg- etrasse, 12, Hamburg, Germany).* Machado & Cia., Fonseca, Rua do Hospicio, 52 (American agent, Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State Street, New York City).* Mattos, M., Rua dos Ourives, 25-27 (American agent, Dreyffus Export Co., 139 Front Street, New York City).* Ribeiro & Cia., G., Rua da Assemblea, 64. f Segm-a, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Silva & Cia., Jose, Rua S. Pedro, 64.* Silva & Cia., Ribeiro, Rua da Alfandega, 165-167. t Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City).* Vianna, Rodrigo, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 64. Heating apparatus. Amaral, Anjos & Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 81 (agents, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), New York City, Leers Frt^res, Paris, France; F. W. Haine, London, England; Lepien Wunnem- berg & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Mombel Mossart & Fils, Brussels, Belgium).* Fernandes & Cia., Arthur, Rua S. Jose, 38. brazil: RIO DE JANEIRO. 159 Fontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent, South American Ship- ping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Freitas, Jose Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Froeling, W., Rua da Alfandega, 180. Gomes, Octavio, Rua dos Ourives, 85 (American agent, J. & R. Zeising, 116 Broad Street, New York City).* Grant & Cia. (Ltd.), Percy, Rua do Rosario, 156 (branch of Percy Grant & Co. (Ltd.), 28 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S. W., England).* Guimaraes & Cia., Amaral, Rua S. Jose, 74-78.* Leal, A. J. Ferreira, Rua S. Pedro, 212.* Leite & Cia., Oliveii-a, Largo do Rosario, 32 (agent, S. W. Kalkner, 12 Monckeberg- Btrasse, Hamburg, Germany).* Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de luhaiima, 87.* Medeiros & Cia., Trajano de, Rua S. Pedro, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City).* Pamplona, Oscar de Menezes, Rua Estacio de Sa, 24. Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Silva, Pestana de, Rua Primeiro de Margo, 21 (American agents, American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, Markt & Schaefer Co., 193-195 West Street, and William E. Peck & Co., 116 Broad Street, New York City).* Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City).* Soares & Cia., J., Rua do Rosario, 183 (agents, Janowitzer Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Austria).* Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American agent, Hesslein & Cia., 43-45 ^Tiite Street, New York City).* Upton & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 18.* Hops. Bastos & Cia., Ribeiro, Rua General Camara, 117 (American agent. The Laffarque Co., 134 Cypress Avenue, New York City).* CarvaUio, Irmao & Fernandes, Rua do Lavradio, 40. Fonseca, Eduardo Pinto da, Rua da Saude, 219.* Gabriel, Antonio Penna, Rua do Lavradio, 113.* Novaes & Teixeira, Rua do Rosario, 24.* Santos, Antonio Rodrigues dos, Avenida Passos, 42.* Vasques Filhos & Cia., Pte. da Costa Marques, Ladeira d'Alfandega.* Zerliui, Pedro, Rua General Camara, 114.* Hose and hose fixtures.* Correa & Cia., Sampaio, Rua da Candelaria, 2 (American agent, Hagemeyer Trading Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City). Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City). Couto & Cia., Rocha^ Rua Conselheiro Saraiva, 13 (agents, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City; Fry, Miers & Co., London, England). Fontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent. South American Ship- ping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City). Garcia & Cia., Fontes, Avenida Passos^ 105-107. Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Crossman & Siolckon, New York City). Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoiii, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England). Leal, A. J. Ferreira, Rua S. Pedro, 212. Maia & Cia., Borlido, Rua do Rosario, 55 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City). Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84. Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American agent, Hesslein & Co., 43^5 WTiite Street, New York City). Taves & Cia., Oscar, Rua S. Pedro, 90-92 (agents, U.S. Henry & Son, Battery Park Building, New York City; P^ry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England). Hotels. Hotel Avenida, Avenida Rio Branco, 152. Hotel Central. Praia do Flamengo, 202. 160 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Hotel Corcovado (Paineiras) (subm-ban), Morro do Corcovado. Hotel dos Estrangeiras, Pra^a Jos6 de Alencar, 1. Hotel luteruacional, Suburbo Aqueducto, 976. Hotel Metropole, Kua das Laranjeiras, 519. Household utensils. Almeida & Cia., Alberto d', Avenida Rio Branco, 99-101.* Amaral, Anjos & Cia., Riia da Assembl^a, 81 (agents, W. J. Kingsland, New York City; Leers Frk'es, Paris, France; F. W. Haine, London, England; Lepien Wun- nemberg & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Mombel Mossart & Mis, Brussels, I3elgiurL).* Amaral & Cia., Martins d', Rua da Quitanda, 66.* Andrade, Arminio F. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 137.* Baltai" Junior & Cia., Rua Uruguayana, 42.* Bastos & Cia., Machado, Rua Miguel de Frias, 44 (American agents, G. Amsinck & Co., American Trading Co., and Wessels, Kulenkampff & Co., New York City).* Bellingrodt & Meyer, Rua S. Pedro, 70.* Cardoso, Norat & Cia., Rua do Lavi-adio, 17 (agents, Dussault Chovil & Co., Bir- mingham, England; A. Soury & Cie., Paris, France).*! Carreiro & Cia., J. A., Pra^a dos Governadores, 9-11.* Cai'valho & Cia., Leonel de, Rua dos Andrades, 29 (agents, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City; Augusto de Freitas, Hamburg, Germany; Vve. J. Schupp & Cie., Paris, France; F. H. Walter & Co., London, England).* Companhia Fiat Lux, Rua dos Ourives, 87.* Companliia Mercantil e Industrial, Rua S. Bento, 14-16.* Correa, A. Villaca, Rua Frei Caneca, 126.* Correa & Cia., Sampaio, Rua da Candelaria, 2 (American agent, Hagemeyer Trading Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City).* Costa, Guimaraes & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 115.* Costa & Cia., F. Martins, Rua Frei Caneca, 46. Costa & Cia., F., Rua da Assemblea, 50 (American agents, H. S. Henry & Sons and Pan American Trading Co., New York City).* Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City).* Couto & Cia., Freitas, Rua dos Ourives, 23.* Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent. South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Pontes & Cia., Delfim, Rua da Quitanda, 163.* Freitas, Jose Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Froeling, W., Rua da Alfandega, 180.* Garcia & Cia., Dias, Rua General Camara, 39^3 (agents, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City; Davidson, Unwin & Co., Palmerston House, Old Broad Street, and London and Hanseatic Bank, 38 Lombard Street, London, E. C, England; Johannes Schuback & Sohne, Hamburg, Germany.)* Garcia & Cia., Pontes, Avenida Passos, 105-107.* Guida & Cia., G., Largo da Carioca, 10-12 (agents, William E. Peck & Co. and Ameri- can Trading Co., New York City; John Miller & Co., Liverpool, England; Grum- bach Waller & Cie., Rue Blue, and Societe G6n6rale de Coutellerie et Orfevrerie, Paris, Francej Jannowitzer, Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany).* Guimaraes & Cia., Alfredo, Rua do Theatre, 3 (American agent, American Trading Co., New York City).* Guimaraes & Cia., Amaral, Rua S. Jose, 74-78.* Hess & Cia., Rodolpho, Rua Sete de Setembro, 61-63.* Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Crossman & Sileken, New York City).* Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Coln-Deutz, Germany).* Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England).* Jacobina & Cia., Rua Julio Cesar, 56 (agent, Lenschau & Rendtorff, Hamburg, Ger- many).* King, Ferreira & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 19 (American agents, William E. Peck & Co., H. S. Henry & Sons, American Trading Co., and G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Kobler & Cia., Rua Vasco da Gama, 125.* Leite & Cia., Oliveira, Largo do Rosario, 32 (agents, Kalkner & Co., 12 Monckeberg- etrasse, Hamburg, Germany).* Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhaiima, 87,* brazil: eio de jaisteieo. 161 Luckhaus & Cia., Rua General Camara, 67 (branch of Luckhaus & Gunther, Ramscheid, Germany; American agent, W. B. F'ox & Bro., New York City).* Machado & Cia., Fonseca, Rua do Hospicio, 52 (American agent, Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State Street, New York City).* Mesquita, Moreira, Rua Vasco da Gama, 164 (agents, Lalance & Grosjean Mfg. Co., American Trading Co., and William E. Peck & Co., New York City; J. Dauvergne & Cie., Paris, France; Jonas & Colver (Ltd.), Sheffield, England; Horner & Sons, London, England; Benedict Schoenfeld & Co., and Carlos Rau, Hamburg, Germany; Pastori & Casanova, Monza, Italy; Pietro Presbitero & Figli, Turin, Italy).* Pamplona, Oscar de ]\Ienezes, Rua Esta^io de Sa, 24. Ruffier, E., Rua S., Pedi-o, 112.* Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Silva, Pestana da, Rua Primeiro de Maryo, 21 (American agents, American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, Markt & Schaefer Co., 193-195 West Street, and William E. Peck & Co., 116 Broad Street, New York City).* Scares & Cia., J., Rua do Rosario, 163 (agent*!, Jannowitzer, Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Au.stria).* Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American agent, Hesslein ance).* Pessoa, Antonio Andre, Rua Senador Pompeu, 94-96. Guimaraes & Cia., Quartin, Rua General Camara, 89 (agents, Vve. J. Schupp & Cie., 23 Rue Richer, Paris, France; Augusto de Freitas (Ltd.), Hamburg, Germany).* 164 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Suba, Folippc N., Rua S. Clomeute, 9. Sulgado Irmfios, Rua S. Chrislovao, 211. Saraiva, P., Rua E^tayio de Sa, 65. Souza, J. P. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 76.* Lamps and lump ware. Belliugrodt & Meyer, Rua S. Pedro, 70.* Boueri, Pichara, Pra(.-a da Republica, 116-118 (agents, Pernos & Collodo, 130-132 Pearl Street, New York City; A. Azze, 37 Rue Meslay, Paris, France).* Companhia Americana de Sellos-Coupons, Avenida Rio liranco, 10 (American agent, G. Arasinck & Co., 9 Hanover Street, New York City).* Cia. Federal de Fundigao, Rua General Camara, 40 (American agent, II. A. Astlett & Co., New York City.f Dale & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 82.* Fontes & Cia., Delfim, Rua da Quitanda, 163.* Freitas, Jose Gomes de, Rua 24 de Maio, 190. Garcia & Cia., Dias, Rua General Camara, 39-43 (agents, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City; Davidson, Unwin & Co., Palmerston House, Old Broad Street, London, E. C, England; Johannes Schuback & Sohne, Hamburg, Germany).* Garcia & Cia., Fontes, Avenida Passos, 105-107.* Guimaraes & Cia., N., Rua Luiz de Camoes, 16.* Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Leite & Cia., Oliveira, Largo do Rosario, 32 (agent, S. W. Kalkner & Co., 12 Moncke- bergstrasse, Hamburg, Germany).* Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 87.* Maia, C, Rua Acre, 28. Scarrone, Pedro, Rua Livramento, 201 (branch of Pedro Scarrone, Avenida Celso Garcia, 345-347, Sao Paulo, Brazil). Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City).* Soares & Cia., J., Rua do Rosario, 163 (agents, Janowitzer, Wahler & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Austria).* Teixeira, A. J., Rua do Hospicio, 264.* Vasques Filhos Cia., Pte. da Costa Marquis, Ladeira d'Alfandega.* Veiga & irmao, Avenida da Gomes Freiro, 93.* Lard. Almeida & Cia., Henriques d', Rua do Cattete, 275.* Bastos, Macodo & Cia., Teixeira, Avenida Passos, 111. Castro, Silva & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 10 (American agent, G. W. Vanderhoof & Co., 107 Front Street, New York City). _ Constantino & Ribeiro, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 26.* Couto & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 22-24.* Cunha & Cia., Soares, Rua do Mercado, 36.* Cunha & Cia., Joao da, Becco das Canyellas, 9.* Ferraz, Irmao & Cia., Rua Conselheiro Saraiva, 24-26.* Fontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent, South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Lopes, Fernandes & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 138. Mattos & Neves, Largo S. Francisco de Paula, 6. Novaos & Teixeira, Rua do Ro.sario, 24.* Pardellas & Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 76. Pereira & Cia., Thomas, Rua S. Ben to, 18. Serra & Cia., IMacedo, Rua do Hospicio, 152 (American agent, Columbia Oil Co., 15 William Street, New York City). Silva & Boavista, Rua Acre, 15.* Teixeira, Borges & Cia., Rua do Rosario, 110-112 (American agent, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City).* Leather goods. Bordallo & Cia., Antonio, Rua da Alfandega, 190 (agents, Markt & Schaefer Co., 193-195 West Street, New York City; G. Laporte & Cie., 48 Rue de Bondy, Paris, France).* Borlido, Moniz & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 65.* Breissan, M., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69.* Bruno & Cia., Eugenie, Rua Camerino, 98.* Carneiro & Cia., Gonyalves, Rua Sete de Setembro, 73.* Cerqueira & Cia., Cardoso de, Rua Sete de Setembro, 113. brazil: eio de jafeieo. 165 Costa & Cia., Pinto, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 68. Dantas & Cia., Severe, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41.* FeiTeira & Cia., Henrique, Rua General Camara, 209.* Fontes & Cia., A. J., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 161.* Guimaraes, Pinto, Cerqueira & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, .34-36.* Guimaraes & Cia., Luiz, Rua da Alfandega, 174.* Hansen, Alfred, Rua General Camara, 62.* Janot, Rody & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 85.* Lima & Cia., Rocha, Rua do Rosario, 171.* Lorenzo, Euzebio, Rua da Alfandega, 137.* Lustosa & Rodrigues, Rua da Alfandega, 144 (agents, H. S. Hemy & Sons and A. M. Capens & Sons, New York City; Suhart Freres & Cie. and G. Laporte & Cie., Paris, France).* Martins & Cia., Leandro, Rua dos Ourives, 39-43 (agents. Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England; A. Dupille, 3 Rue des Petits, Paris, France).* Mattos, M., Rua dos Ourives, 25-27 (American agent, Dreyffus Export Co., 139 Front Street, New York City).* Pavageau, Alfredo, Pra^a da Republica, 52.* Pereira, Gomes, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 91. Pinto, J. Oliveiro, Rua dos Andrades, 77. Pinto, Angelo & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 41-43.* Placido & Cia., Faria, Rua do Hospicio, 54.* Ribeiro & Cia., G., Rua da Assemblea, 64. f Rossi, Alpinolo, Rua da Candelaria, 42 (agent, Felix & Fribourg, 50 Rue de Paradis, Psiris FrRncG . * Santos, 'Costa & Cia., Rua S. Pedro, 170.* Santos & Cia., Araujo, Rua Sete de Setembro, 82.* Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Siiva & Cia., Jose, Rua S. Pedro, 64.* Silva & Cia., Ribeiro, Rua da Alfandega, 165-167.* Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City).* Sociedade Anonyme "Casa Colombo," Avenida Rio Branco, 111-115.* Souza & Cia., J. P. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 76.* Vianna, Rodrigo, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 64.* Villmont, F., Rua do Rosario, 85.* Leather, hides, and skins.* Beuttenmiiller & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 89 (American agent, H. S. Henry & Son, New York City). Bordallo Cia., Antonio, Rua da Alfandega, 190 (agents, Markt & Schaefer Co., 193- 195 West Street, New York City; G. Laporte Cie., 48 Rue de Bondy, Paris, France). Borlido, Moniz & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 65. Breissan, M., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69. Bruno & Cia., Eugenio, Rua Camerino, 98. Carneiro & Cia., Gon(;alves, Rua Sete de Setembro, 73. Costa, A. Martins, Rua Camerino, 136-138. Dantas & Cia., Severe, Rua Sete de Setembro, 41. Fabrica de Cal^ado "Cleveland," Rua do Riachuelo, 19 (American agent, Thomas & Co., Bo.ston, Mass.). Faria, Mauricio de, Rua dos Andradas, 25. Ferreira & Cia., Hemique, Rua General Camara, 209. Formosinho & Cia., R., Rua Gon^alves Dias, 64. Guimaraes, Pinto, Cerqueira & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 34. Guimaraes & Cia., Luiz, Rua da Alfandega, 174. Hansen, Alfred, Rua General Camara, 62. Janot, Rody & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 85. Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23. Lima & Cia., Rocha, Rua do Rosario, 171 (not importer). Lorenza, Euztsbio, Rua da Alfandega, 137. Lustosa & Rodriguez, Rua da Alfandega, 144 (agents, H. S. Henry & Sons and A. M. Capens & Sons, New York City; Suhart Frferes & Cie. and G. Laporte & Cia., Paris, France). Mauricio & Faria, Rua dos Andradas, 25. Martins & Cia., Leandro, Rua dos OuriA^es, 39-43 (agents, Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England; A. Dupille, 3 Rue des Petits Hotels, Paris, France). 166 TRADE DIRECTOBY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Mattos, M., Rua dos Ourives, 25-27 (American ageul, Dreylfus Export Co., 139 Frout Sti-eet, New York City). Moreira & Cia., Queiroz, Rua General Camara, 45. Pinto, J. Oliveira, Rua das Andradas, 77. Pinto, Angelo & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 41^t3. Reis & Cia., Augusto, Rua S. Pedro, 103. Robalinho & Cia., Rua Camerino, 128 (agent, Rolbert, Laugel & Cie., 39 Rue de Duukercjue, Paris, France). Rossi, Alpinola, Rua da Candelaria, 42 (agent, Felix & Fribourg, 50 Rue de Paradis, Paris, France). Santos, Costa & Cia., Rua S. Pedro, 170. Santos & Cia., Araujo, Rua Sete de Setembro, 82. Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84. Siiva & Cia., Ribeiro, Rua da Alfandega, 1G5-167. Silva & Cia., Antonio Nunes da, Rua da Prainha, 41. Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc ) 24 State Street, New York City). Smai-t, Edward J., Rua S. Pedro, 67 (agents. Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England; Fry & Son, Edmund Street, Birmingham, England; A. Dupille, 3 Rue des Petits Hotels, Paris, France; 11. S. Henry & Son, 24 State Street, New York City). Villmont, F., Rua do Rosario, 85. Zeender, Henriques Alfredo, Rua S. Pedro, 89. Zerlini, Pedro, Rua General Camara, 114. Linen goods. Abreu, Renner & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 104 (agents, A. Dupille, 3 Rue des Petits Hotels, Paris, France; Adolph Maas & Co., 9 Inselstrasse, Berlin, Germany).* Araujo & Cia., Vieira, Rua da Alfandega, 143.* Ash worth & Cia., Edward, Rua S. Bento, 26 (branch of Edward Ash worth & Co., Harter Street, Manchester, England) (American agent, Hagemeyer Trading Co., New York_ City).* Avelino & Cia., Sampaio, Rua Primeiro de Margo, 98.* Bastos & Cia., CoeUio, Rua dos Om-ives, 44. Campos & Cia., Mendes, Rua da Quitanda, 183.* Carvalho & Cia., L., Rua S. Bento, 15 (agents, Ree & Cie., Pai-is, France; Morrison, Spiegelberg & Co., Manchester, England).* Correa & Cia, F., Rua S. Pedro, 132.* Costa, Pereira & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 53-55 (agent, Costa, Pereira & Cie., 26 Rue de I'Echiquier, Paris, France).* Cunha & Cia., Vieira, Rua da Quitanda, 109-111.* Dor & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 182. Duarte & Cia., Cruz, Rua Primeiro de Marc^o, 16-18.* Fonseca & Cia., C, Rua Gongalves Dias, 7.* Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent. South American Ship- ping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Gerin & Cia., Luiz, Rua Sete de Setembro, 105. Giannini, E., Rua Visconde de Inhaiima, 53.* Gomes & Cia., J. Philomeno, Rua Senador Pompeu, 94. f Hilpert & Cia., Werner, Rua da Alfandega, 99-101.* Lopes & Brandao, Castro, Pra(7a Tiradantes, 2^.* Leutner & Kind, Rua da Alfandega, 120.* Maia & Cia., Mattos, Rua da Candelaria, 4.* Maior & Cia., Sotto, Rua Conselheiro Saraiva, 36-40.* Meyer & Co., Eugenio, Rua da Alfandega, 67-71.* Miguel & Cia., Acle, Prar-a da Repiiblica, 58.* Muller & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Marfo, 100.* Oliveira, Azevedo, Banos & Cia., Rua da Candelaria, 53.* Oliveira, Valle & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Mar(;o, 96.* Ortigao & Cia., Va.sco, "Pare Royal," Largo do S. Francisco.* Pinheiro & Cia., Antonio, Rua da Alfandega, 113.* Quartin, Guimaraes & Cia., Rua General Camara, 89 (agents, V. I. Schupp & Cie., Paris, France; Augusto de Freitas (Ltd.), Hamburg, Germany).* Queiroz, Pedro S., Avenida Rio Branco, 141-143.* Riethor & Cia., Jos^, Rua do Hospicio, 124.* Sobrinho & Cia., Ramos, Rua do Hospicio, 11.* Salath^ & Cia., E., Rua Visconde do Inhaiima, 65.* BEAZIL: RIO DE JANEIRO. 1G7 Silvia & Cia., Cunha, Rua da Carioca, 3. ' Scares & Cia., I. C, Rua Sete de Setembro, 58.* Sociedade Anonyma "Casa Colombo," Avenida Rio Branco, 111-115.* Souza & Cia., M. J. de, Rua da Alfandega, 55 (agents, S. L. Behrens & Co., Manches- ter, England; V. J. Schupp & Cie., Paris, France; Kafka, Rothenstein & Co., Bradford, England; Simon Israel & Co., Hamburg, Germany).* Souza & Cia., J. P. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 76-86.* Teixeira & Cia., Carlos, Riia da Alfandega, 173. Vasconcellos, Castro & Cia., Largo S. Francisco de Paula, 42.* Vaz & Cia., Oliveira, Rua S. Pedro, 85.* Wellisch, Irmao & Cia., Rua General Camara, 104-106 (agents, S. E. Heymann & Co., 2^ Stone Street, New York; Albert Wellisch, 53 BouleA^ard Strasbourg, Paris, France) .* Lumber and timber. ROUGH AND PLANING-MILL PRODUCT.S. Almeida & Cia., Noe Pinto d', Rua Camerino, 21. Aquino, Silva & Cia., Rua Areal, 13-15.* Bastos & Cia., Arthiu', Rua Frei Caneca, 107.* Bastos & Cia., Machado, Rua Miguel de Frias, 44 (American agents. G. Amsinck & Co., American Trading Co., and Wessels, Kulenkampff & Co., New York City).*t Basto3& Cia., Mesquita, Rua da Misericordia, 50-54. *t Botelhos & Oliveira, Rua dos Ourives, 75.* Cantanhede & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 120. Companhia de Madeiras Nacionaes, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 90.* Costa, A. Dias, Rua da Assemblea, 15.* Costa & Cia., Correa da, Rua de S. Christovao, 60-68 (American agents, A. S. Lascelles & Co., G. Amsinck & Co., 9 Hanover Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City)-* Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City).* Davidson, Pullen & Co., Rua da Quitanda, 145 (American agent, Miiller, Schall & Co., New York City).* Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent. South American Ship- ping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Heraclito & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 101.* Heinicke, Theodor, Rua S. Pedro, 79 (American agent, Thomsen & Co., New York City).* Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England).* Jermann & Cia., Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 84 (agent, Lamm Bros. & Co., Antwerp, Belgium).* Kramer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23.* Lage Irmaos, Rua do Hospicio, 23.* Laport, Irmao & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 62.* Lidgerwood ^lanufacturing Co. (Ltd.), Avenida Rio Branco, 39.* Medeiros & Cia., Trajano de, Rua S. Jos6, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City).* Moreira & Cia., Queiroz, Rua General Camara, 45.* Mesquita, Moreira, Rua Vasco da Gama, 164 (agents, I^alance & Grosjean Manufactur- ing Co., American Trading Co., and William E. Peck & Co., New York City; J. Dauvergne & Cie., Paris, France; Jonas & Colver (Ltd.), Sheffield, England; Homer & Sons, London, England; Benedict Schoenfeld & Co., and Carlos Rau, Hanil)urg, Germany; Pastori & Cassanova, Monza, Italy; Pietro Presbitero & Figli, Turin, Italy). Moreira & Cia., C, Rua da Candelaria, 80. Passos & Cia., Paulo, Rua de Santa Luzia, 200-204 (American agent, South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City).* Pcreira, Manoel, Praia das Palmciras, 37. *t Rebecchi & Cia., R., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69.* Ribeiro, Manoel, Rua Visconde de Itauna, 101.* Roxo & Cia., Monteiro de Barros, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 90 (agent, Martin Augendre & Cie., 84 Rue d'Hauteville, Paris, France).* Ruffier, L., Rua Vasco da Gama, 166. *t Sepira, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84.* Seixal & Cia., Lacerda, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 419.* Silva & Irmao, Alcino, Rua Senador Euzebio, 200. *t 168 directory of south AMERICA. Silva, Soucasaux & Cia., Rua Senador Pompeu, 40-58. *t Silva & Cia., Domincros Joaquim da, Rua S. Pedro, 54.* Simon, Heiimch, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. ,T. Kinjrsland (Inc.), 24 State Street. New York City).* Vasconccllos & Cia., Alves, Rua General Camara, 101.* Vasques Filhos & Cia., Pte. da Co^^ta Marques, Ladeira d'Alfandega.* Vieira & Irmao, Francisco Sanipaio, Rua Manoel Victorino, 85-89.* Wehrs, C. Carlos J., Rua da Quitanda, 64.* Machine tools.* Behrend, Schmidt & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 4G (branch of Behrend & Schmidt, 33 W. Linkstrasse, Berlin, Germany). Bromberg, Hacker & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 9 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City). Bruno & Cia., Eugenio, Rua Camerino, 98. Bulcao & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 20. Cardoso, Norat & Cia., Rua La\Tadio, 17 (agents, Dussault Chovil & Co., Birmingham, England; A. Soury & Cie., Paris, France). Carvalho, Paes & Cia., Rua Camerino, 150 (American agent, Camillo J. Ludmann, 19 ^\^litehall Street, New York City). Correa & Cia., Sampaio, Rua da Candelaria, 2 (American agent, Hagemeyer Trading Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City). _ Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City). Ebel, Alfredo, Rua da Alfandega, 58 (branch of Wind, Ems & Co., Berlin, Germany, and Paris, France). Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent, South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City). Fontoura & Cia., M., Rua da Candelaria, 57. Garcia & Cia., Pontes, Avenida Passes, 105-107. Grant & Co. (Ltd.), Percy, Rua do Rosario, 156 (branch of Percy Grant &: Co. (Ltd.), 28 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S. W., England). Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City). Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Coln- Deutz, Germany). Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England). Isnard & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 75 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City). Kobler & Cia., Rua Vasco da Gama, 125 (not importers). Leal, A. J. Ferreira, Rua S. Pedro, 212. Lidgerwood Manufactiu"ing Co. (Ltd.), Avenida Rio Branco, 39. Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhaiima, 87. Moreira & Cia., M., Rua Visconde de Itauna, 21 (not importers). Muniz, Francisco de Medeiros, Rua do Rosario, 147. Novaes & Teixeira, Rua do Rosario, 24. Schill & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 30. Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 25 State Street, New York City). Soares & Cia., J., Rua do Pvosario, 163 (agents, Janowitzer Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Austria). Stoltz & Cia., Herm., Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74 (American agent, Hesslein & Co., 43-45 \^^lite Street, New York City). ' Taves & Cia., Oscar, Rua S. Pedro, 90-92 (agents, H. S. Henry & Son, Battery Park Building, New York City; Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England). Thomas & Cia., A., Avenida Rio Branco, 14 (branch of A. Thomas & Cie., 15 Rue Martel, Paris, France). Upton & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 18. Uslaender & Cia., Victor, Rua Primeiro de Mar^o, 114. Wehrs, C. Carlos J., Rua da Quitanda, 64. Whyte & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 74. Why te, Ferreira & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 35. Wigg, Carlos, Rua General Camara, 68 (agent. Baker & Sturtin, St. Dunstans Hill, London, E. C, England). BEAZIL: RIO DE .TAXEIEO. 169 Machinery.* [Including baker's, boot and shoe, brickmaking, cement mixing, flour milling, laundry, metal working, refrigerating (including ice making), road making, sawmill, textile, well drOling, and wood working.] Amaral, Anjos& Cia., Rua da Assemblea, 81 (agent.'', W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), New York City; Leers Freres, Paris, France; F. W. JHaine, London, England; Lepien Wun- nemberg & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Mombel Mossart & Fils, Brussels, Belgium). Andrade, Arminio F. de, Avenida Rio Branco, 137. Aquino, Silva & Cia., Rua Areal, 13-15. Arp & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 102. Auler & Cia., C. R., Rua dos Invalidos, 134. Baker & Diaz, Rua General Camara, 31 (agents, Chipman (Ltd.), 8-10 Bridge Street, New York City; H. L. Hurndall & Sons, Bridgewater Square, London, England). Behrend, Schmidt & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 46 (branch of Behrend & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany). Bellingrodt & Meyer, Rua S. Pedro, 70. Bordallo & Cia. , Antonio, Rua da Alfandega, 190 (agents, Garona Laporte & Cie., 48 Rue de Bondy, Paris, France; Markt & Schaefer Co., 193-195 West Street, New York City). Borlido, Moniz & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 65. Bromberg, Hacker & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 9 (branch of Bromberg & Co., Ham- burg, Germany; American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City). Brunner & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 47. Bruno & Cia., Eugenio, Rua Camerino, 98. Bulcao & Cia., F., Avenida Rio Branco, 20. Buarque & Cia., M., Rua S. Pedro, 87. Cantanhede & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 120. Cardoso, Norat & Cia., Rua do Lavi-adio, 17 (agents, Dussault Chovil & Co., Birming- ham, England; A. Soury & Cie., Paris, France). Carvalho, Paes & Cia., Rua Camerino, 150 (American agent, Camillo J. Ludmann, 9 \^Tiitehall Street, New York City). _ Cauhe & Cia., Thomaz, Rua do Hospicio, 175. Con-ea & Cia., Jose Francisco, Rua da Assembl^a, 94-i8. Correa & Cia., Sampaio, Rua da Candelaria, 2 (American agent, Hagemeyer Trading Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City). Costa & Cia., Correa da, Rua de S. Christovao, 60-68 (American agents, A. S. Lascelles & Co., American Trading Co., and G. Amsinck & Co., New York City). Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City). Dietrich, Paulo, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 74. Durisch & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 45. Ebel, Alfredo, Rua da Alfandega, 58 (branch of Wind, Ems & Co., Berlin, Germany, and Paris, France). Fontan, Abel, Rua da Alfandega, 233. Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent. South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street, New York City). Fontoura & Cia., M., Rua da Candelaria, 57. Garcia &_Cia., Dias, Rua General Camara, 39-43 (agents, G. Amsinck & Co., New York City; Davidson, Unwin & Cia., Palmerston House, Old Broad Street, London, E. C, England; Johannes Schuback & Sohne, Hamburg, Germany). Gerin & Cia., Luiz, Rua Sete de Setembro, 105. Godinho & Cia., Rua da Prainha, 22-28. Gougenheim & Cia., Rua Primeiro de Margo, 107. Grant & Cia. (ttd.), Percy, Rua do Rosario, 156 (branch of Percy Grant & Co. (Ltd.), 28 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S. W., England). Guimaraes & Cia., Amaral, Rua S. Jos^% 78. Hampshire & Cia., Rua da Candelaria, 57. Hasenclever & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 69-77. Haupt & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 60. Heinicke, Theodor, Rua S. Pedro, 79 (American agent, Thomson & Co., New York City). Hilpert & Cia., Werner, Rua da Alfandega, 99-101. Hime & Cia., Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 52 (American agent, Crossman & Sielcken, New York City). Hinden & Cia., Rua da Alfandega, 30 (agent, J. Hinden, 27 Adolfstrasse, Coln- Deutz, Germany). 170 TRADE DIRECTORY OP SOUTH AMERICA. Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 95-99 (branch of Hopkins, Causer & Hopkins, 48 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, England). Isnaxd & Cia., Rua Sete de Setcmbro, 75 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City). Jormann & Cia., Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 84 (agent, Lamm i3ros. & Co., Antwerp, Rclgiiim). Kobler & Cia., Rua Vasco da Gama, 125. Ki'amer & Cia., Rua General Camara, 23. Lafayette & Cia., Rua do Rosario, 59. Laport, Irmao & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 62. Leal, A. J. Ferreira, Rua S. Pedro, 212. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), Avenida Rio Branco, 39. Lino & Cia., Jose, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 87. Lowndes, Son & Co., J., Rua S. Pedro, 61 (agents, Wagner Trading Co., 116 Broad Street, and K. Mandell & Co., 79-81 Worth Street, New York City; Pinto Leite & Bro., 9 Queen Victoria Street, and W. R. Bland & Co., St. Mary's Chambers 14 St. Mary Axe, London, England). Mailins Filhos, Rua dos Andrades, 23. Martins & Cia., Leandro, Rua dos Ourives, 39-43 (agents. Fry, Miers & Co., 110 Cannon Street, London, England; A. Dupille, Rua des Petits Hotels, Paris, France). McLauchlan & Cia., S., Rua S. Pedro, 64. Medeiros & Cia., Trajano de, Rua S. Jose, 76 (American agents, H. A. Astlett & Co., 117 Pearl Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York City). Meira & Cia., Machado, Rua do Mercado, 23. Mesquita, Moreira, Rua Vasco da Gama, 164 (agents, Lalance & Grosjean Manu- facturing Co., American Trading Co., and William E. Peck & Co., New York City; J. Dauvergne & Cie., Paris, France; Jonas & Colver (Ltd.), Sheffield, England; Horner & Sons, London, England; Benedict Schoenfeld & Co., and Carlos Rau, Hamburg, Germany; Pastori & Casanova, Monza, Italy; Pietro Presbitero & Figli, Turin, Italy). Moreira & Cia., M., Rua Visconde de Itauna, 21. Muniz, Francisco de Medeiros, Rua do Rosario, 147. Olne & Cia., d', Rua S. Pedro, 49. Rebecchi & Cia., R., Rua Sete de Setembro, 69. Rodgers & Sons, Henry, Rua Visconde de Inhauma, 85. Robalinho & Cia., Rua Camerino, 128 (agent, Robert, Laugel & Cie., 39 Rue de Dunkerque, Paris, France). Schill & Cia., Rua S. Bento, 30. Segura, Campos & Cia., Rua Sete de Setembro, 84. Silva & Irmao, Alcino, Rua Senador Euzebio, 200. Silva & Cia., Domingos Joaquim da, Rua S. Pedro, 54. Simon, Heinrich, Rua dos Ourives, 132 (American agent, W. J. Kingsland (Inc.), 24 State Street, New York City). Soares & Cia., J., Rua do Rosario, 163 (agents, Janowitzer Wahle & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Benedicto Schonfeld & Co., Vienna, Austria). Sociedade Anonyma Fabrica Santa Margarida, Travessa Cruz Lima, 11-19 (agents, K. Mandell_eau & Co. (Inc.), 17 Battery Place, New York City). Barboi?a & Mello, Rua do Ilospicio, 154. Cardozo & Cia., Avcnida Rio i3ranco, 88-90 (American agent, Pan-American Trading Co., New York City). Costel, A., Rua General Camara, 163 (American agent, William E. Peck & Co., New York City). Ileinicke, Theodor, Rua S. Pedro, 79 (American agent, Thomsen & Co., New York «ty). . , . , Loroza & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 97. Lonrengo & Cia., Rebello, Rua da Assemblea, 121 (agents, Markt & Schaefer Co., New York City; J. Dauvergne & Cie., Paris, France). Machado & Cia., Fonseca, Rua do Hospicio, 52 (American agent, Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State Street, New York City). Martins, Porfirio, Rua da Carioca, 37. Merino & Cia., Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 163 (agents, Johnson & Johnson, New York City; Marcel Vogt, Paris, France). Monteiro & Cia., Aurelio, Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 123. Rocha, Medrado, Rua da Assemblea, 56. Schaefer, Stephen, Rua S. Jose, 117. Silva, Alfredo Elysiario da, Rua das Laranjeiras, 524 (agent, J. Dauvergne & Cie., 13 Rue St. Antoine, , Paris, France). ^ Valobra, Octavio, Rua Julio Cesar, 2. Vieitas & Cia., Rua da Quitanda, 99. Villmont, J., Rua do Rosario, 85. Ores (manganese). Carvalho, Paes & Cia., Rua Camerino, 150. Pontes, A. G., Becco da Lapa dos Mercadores (American agent, South American Shipping Co., 78-80 Broad Street,_New York City). Friedenberg, Hermann, Rua da Carioca, 16. Kuenerz, Carlos, Rua S. Christovao, 435. Wigg, Carlos, Rua General Camara, 68 (agent. Baker & Sturtin, St. Dunstans Hill, London, E. C, England). Paints and varnishes. Almeida, J. J., Rua General Camara, 105.* Almeida & Cia., Alberto d', Avenida Rio Branco, 99-101.* Bastos & Cia., Machado, Rua Miguel de Frias, 44 (American agents, G. Amsinck & Co., American Trading Co., and Wessels, Kulenkampff & Co., New York City).* Bellingrodt & Meyer, Rua S. Pedro, 70.* Borgonovo, Filippo, Rua do La\Tadio, 87-91.* Borlido, Moniz & Cia., Avenida Rio Branco, 65.* Brazil ui -A Sao Paulo, Rua 15 de Novembro, 36. Almeida. Land & Co., Rua Horencio de (.^^. ^ Martins, Rua Monsenhor An- Abreu, 64. drade l'^6 Benaducci M., Rua Barao de Itapeti- Compan'hiaMacHardv, Rua Episcopal, 2. ninga,4M. p„ ^ „i Lidgenvood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), Chiara, ]\hguel & Irmao, Rua General ^^^,^ ^j^.^^^.^^ Penteado, 14. Uzouo, -o. -A n ^ ^ 1 Martins and Barros, Rua Boa Vista, 46. Codeca, Alfredo, Avenida Celso Garcia, 1. g^j^. jj ^ ^. ^^^.^ g-^ ^^ g Comparihia Mechanica e^ Importadora de g^^.^^^ Financiere e Commerciale Franco- Bresilienne, Rua Sao Bento, 43. Rogers, Henry, Sons & Co. (Ltd.), Rua Quitanda, 17a. Stoltz, Herm., & Co., Rua Alvares Pente- ado, 12. Upton, F., & Co., Largo Sao Bento, 12. Bolts, nuts, washers, and rlvets.f Anglo-Brazilian Forging, Steel Structur- al & Importing* Co. (Ltd.), Rua Quin- tino Bocayuva, 4. Companhia Nacional de Parafusos de Santa Rosa, Rua Alvares de Azevedo, 15. Companhia Paulista de Fabricagao de Parafusos, Rua Lopes de Oliveira, 10. [Nearly all hardware firms are importers. See Sao Paulo, Rua 15 de Novembro, 36 Langard, Theodoro, & Ca., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 37a. Lenzzi, A., & Co., Avenida Rangel Pestana, 115. Piedade, Alencar, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 47. Poletti & Caloi, Rua Barao de Itapeti- ninga, 11. Schleiffer, Gustavo, Largo Sao Francisco, 9. Taurisano, Eduardo, & Co., Travessa de Braz, 42. Tonglet, A. E., Rua Barao de Itapeti- ninga, 33. Macdonald & Co., Rua Quitanda, 7. Vidal, Boa Ventura B., & Co., Praga da Republica, 6 Books.* Zerrener, Btilow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, Hardware.] 81. Christolph, Paul J., & Co., Rua Quintino ^^ Francisco, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, Bocayuva, 44. 65 Billiard and pool tables, and supplies. Bertolotti, A., Rua Florencio de Abreu, Estepa, Blois, & Co., Rua Gusmoes, 49. f Catani, H., & Filho, Rua Barao de Ita- petininga, 16. ACCESSORIES. Hildebrand, C, & Co. (Casa Garraux), Isem, Jose, & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, Rua 15 de Novembro, 40 c *' Grovel, Henrique, Rua 15 de Novembro, Hildebrand, H., & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 40.* Palermo, H., Rua Sao Bento, 18a.* Pertica, Alcides H., Rua Sao Bento, 87.* Seabra & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 76a.* Boats and accessories. Byington & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 4a.* Bromberg, Hacker & Co., Rua Quitanda, 10.* 40. Jorge, Alvares S., (Livraria Lealdade), Rua Sao Bento, 51. Magalhaes, Pedro S. ( Livraria Magalhaes), Rua Quintanda, 5a. Rodrigues & Filho, Rua 11 de Agosto, 2a. Rothschild & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 30a. Salvaterra, R., & Irmaos, Rua Libero Ba- dero, 122b. Teixeira, C, & Co. (Livraria Teixeira), Rua Sao Joao, 8. Remede, Carlos, Ponte Grande, Sao Vallardi, Francisco, Dr., Rua Ouvidor, 2 Paulo. t " ~ ~ ^^ Boilers. MARINE.* Vanorden & Co., Rua Rosario, 11. Boots and shoes.f Companhia de Cal^ado Clark (Ltd.), Rua Bromberg, Hacker & Co., Rua Quitanda, CompTnhia d'e Calgado Rocha, Rua da Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), CompanWa^de Cal^ado ViUaga, Rua Con- Rua Alvares Penteado, 14. ,olayao, 58-62. PORTABLE, TUBULAR, AND STATIONARY.* MclUlo, Miguel, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 65a. Almeida & Co., M., Rua Quitanda, 15. Ashworth, Edward, & Co., Rua Qui- Bromberg, Hacker & Co., Rua Quitanda, tanda, 12. 10. Yuzbek, Salomao, Ruu Florencio de Bulgao, F., Rua Alvares Penteado. Abreu, 66. BEAZIL: SAO PAULO. 213 Yasbek Innaos, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 442. Farhat Irmaos, Rua Paje, 4. Nagil, Salem & Co., Rua 25 de Margo, 27. Boxes and box material. FOR JEWELS. t Bourdelot, Andre, Rua Boa Vista, 39a. Fasoli, Attilio, Rua do Carmo, 20. Nelli, Salvador, Rua 11 de Agosto, 42. GENERAL (EXCEPT PAPER).t Abrahao, Jose, & Co., Rua 25 de Mar^o' 28. Affonso di Marzo, Rua Dr. Falcao, 28. Avelino, Andre, & Filho, Ladeira da Constitiufao, lb. Calavita, Vicente, & Co., Rua Anhanga- bahu, 15. Companhia Constructora S. Paulo-Santos, Travessa da Se, 3. Ciasca, Leonardo, Rua Monsenhor Ana- cleto, 17. Diniz, Manoel A., & Co., Rua do Carmo, 52. Dilgariun, Domingos, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 93. Filiolia, Luciano, & Irmaos, Ladeii'a Ouvi- dor, 3. Freire, Augusto, Rua Mooca, 204. Freire, Augusto, Rua Quintino Boca- yuva, 60. Gallucci, Victor, Rua Gusmoes, 29. Gabriades, Constantino H., & Irmao, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 93. Joao & Co., Rua do Carmo, 20. Labaddo, Nicola, Rua das Flores, 47. Miguel da Silva, Felippe, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 73. Mortari, Palaride, Rua Monsenhor de Andrade, 124. Pereira & Tavares, B., Rua Quintino Bocayuva, 76. Vieira, Joaquim, Ladeira Constitiufao, 2a-2e. Breweries. Companhia Antarctica Paulista (agents, Zerrenner, Bulow & Co.), Avenida Ba- varia. Companhia Cervejaria Granabara, Rua Tupynamba, 10. Companhia Cervejaria Brahm (agents, Ricardo Naschold & Co.), Rua Bri- gaeiro Tobias, 55. Cervejaria Germania (Emilio Reichert), Rua Ilalianos, 22-28. Ciaccio, Felice, Rua Capitao Materazzo, 65. Bricl<, tile, and terra cotta-t Aragao, Regino, Rua Vitalis, 44. Bianco,, Rua Consolayao, 367. Caresia, Joao, Luda. Coronel Rodovalho, 31. Companhia Ceramica Industrial de Osas- co, Rua Florenico de Abreu, 51. Companhia Paulista Tijolas Calcareos, Rua Porto Seguro, 1. Di Rienzo, Miguel, Rua Anhaia, 87. Castro, Ernesto de, & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 26. Isella, Achilles, Rua Viscondo de Rio Branco, 45-50a. Heise, Hugo, & Co., Rua Florencio de Abreu, 12.* Nami, Jabet, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 61a. Sacoman Freres, Rua 15 de Novembro, 32. Industrias Reunidas F. Matarazzo, Rua Direila, 15. Brushes.! Cerello & Cia, Anselino, Alameda Cleve- land, 46. Ciardelli, Turquinio, Rua Oriente, 61. Daranzo, Alexandre, Avenida Rangel Pestana, 353. Fracalanza, Mottim & Co., Rua Briga- deiro Tobias, 54. Fratelli Miozzo, Rua Gazometro, 69. Pizato & Co., Joao, Avenida Rangel Pes- tana, 41. Schiaro Matheus, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 112a. Signorini Alessundro, Rua Dr. Falcao, 21. See Hardware, for importers. Butter and clieese. See Groceries and provisions. Candles. Costa, Nogueira, & Co., Rua Direita, 41t. Costa, Loureiro, & Co., Rua Sao Ben to, 41b.t Companhia Fabricas Pamplona, Rua Flo- rencio de Abreu, 41a. f Garcia, Nogueira (Loja Japao), Rua Sao Bento, 54.* Machado, Tinoco & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 34. t Picosse, A., & Co., Rua General Car- neiro, 54. f Carpets and other floor coverings.* Kesselring, J. Jacques, Rua Boa Vista, 27. Klaussner & Co. (Casa Enxoval), Rua Direita, s/n carto Rua Sao Bento. Blumeschein & Co. , Pra^a du Republica, 4. Carvalho, Muiiiz & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 66. Casa Verde, Rua Sao Bento, 56. Guedes, Almeida, Rua Barao de Itapeti- ninga, 33. Moraos, A., & Co., Rua Jos^ Bonifacio, 7. Mauro, Alexandre de, Rua B. de Itapeti- niuga, 38. Schulz, Francisco, Rua Seminario, 32. Soarcs, Antonio, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 56. Soares, Domingos, & Co., Rua Libero Bader6, 119-121. Wagner & Co. (Casa AUemuo), Rua Direita, 18. 214 TRADE DIRECTOEY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Carriages, wagons, and parts. CARTS, t Benedetto, Paci, & Co., Alameda Glette, 53. Fagjrion, Pietro, Avenida Celso Garcia, 570. _ Ciunnini, Falchi & Co., Aveuida Tira- dcntes, 2. Pappi, Giiiseppe, Riia Clemaco Barbosa, Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), Rua Alvares Penteado, 14. Veneziaui, Paulo, & Co., Rua Santa Rosa, 108. Zai)paroli, Angelo, e Filho, Rua Canta- reiro, 33-35. CARRIAGES, TRAPS, ETC.f* Buhler, Alberto, e Filho, Rue 25 de Margo, 76a. Benedetto, Paci, & Co., Alameda Glette, 53. Faggion, Pieti'o, Avenida Celso Garcia, 570. Fortunato, Pompeu, Rua Barao de Cam- pinas, 103. Giannini, Falchi & Co., Avenida Tira- dentes, 2. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), Rua Alvares Penteado, 14. Lozco, Aviello, Rua Piratininga, 7. Pardini, Frediano & Co., Alameda Noth- man, 90. Pappi, Guiseppe, Rua Clemaco Barbosa, 46. Radoccia, Francisco, Alameda Andrades, 80. Rodovalho Junior, Horta & Co., Travessa da Se, 14-14a. Zapparoli, Angelo & Filho, Rua Carlar- tero, 33-35. Zuffo, Angelo, Rua Sao Caetano, 197. Veneziani, Paulo, & Co., Rua Santa Rosa, 108. CARRIAGE SUNDRIES (CUSHIONS, ETC.).* Hulle, Theodoro, Rua Riachuelo, 33. Land, Almeida & Co., Rua Florencio de Abreu, 64. Cash registers and adding and calculating inacliines. ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES.* Hermanny, Louis, & Co. (Comtograph), Rua Libero Badaro, 96. Pratt, Charles H. (Triumphator and Bur- roughs), Rua Direita, 19. Schloenbach, Otto & Filho & Co. (Bruns- viga), Rua da Conceigao, 3b. CASH REGISTERS.* Pratt, Charles H. (National), Rua Direita, 19. Hermanny, Louis, & Co. (American), Rua Libero Badaro, 96. Castings.! Anglo-Brazilian I'^orging, Steel Struc- tural, & Importing Co. (Ltd.), Rua Quintino Bocayuva, 4. Andrada & Ollveira, Rua Correio An- drade, Braz, 2. Companhia Mechanica e Importadora de Sao Paulo, Rua 15 de Novembro, 36. Craig & Martins, Rua Monsenhor An- drade, 126. Craig & Martins, Alameda do ^ Andrades, 5 Jefferson Fagundes & Co., Rua Consel- heiro Brotero, 2. Jefferson Fagundes & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 33. Fundifao Industrial Paulista, Rua Mixta, 3. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), Rua Alvares Penteado, 14. Martins & Barros, Rua Boa Vista, 46. Stumato Raphael, Rua Gazometro, 1. Cement.* Almeida, M., & Co., Rua Quitanda, 15. Brazilian Warrant Co. (Ltd.), Rua Al- vares Penteado, 21. Buarque, M., & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 37. Castro, Ernesto de, & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 26. Companhia Materias para Construcfoes, Largo de Se, 2. Companhia Mechanica e Importadora de Sao Paulo, Rua 15 de Novembro, 36. Companhia Melhoramentos de Sao Paulo, Rua Direita, 27. Duarto, Servo, & Co., Rua Libero Badero, 11. Levy, Hermann, & Co., Florencio de Abreu, 46. Lion & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 3. Metzer Henrique, Rua Libero Badero, 92. Muniz, Cas.sio, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 12. Schill & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 8a-8b. Schmidt, Trost & Co., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 9. Societe Financi^re e Commerciale Franco- Bresilienne, Rua Sao Bento, 43. Stoltz, Herm., & Co., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 12. Vianna, C. P., & Co., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 11-13. Wilson, Sons & Co. (Ltd.), Rua Parana- pica ba, 12. Zerrener, Billow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 81. Cliamber of Commerce. Associacao Commercial, Rua 15 de No- vembro, 20. Cliemicals, dyes, and extracts. ANILINE.* Naegeli & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 30. Rocha, Luiz, Rua Sao Joao, 27, BEAZIL: SAO PAULO. 215 Rogers, Henry, Sons & Co., Rua Qui- tanda, 17a. Uelaender, Victor, & Co., Rua Jose Boni- facio, 18. See also Drugs and druggist's supplies . CARBOURETO (CALCIUM CARBIDE).* Sartorio, Jose, Rua Brigadiero Tobias, 6. Vianna, C. P., & Co., Rua Alvarez Pen- teado, 11-13. COMPRESSED GASSES.f Macdonald & Co., Rua Quitanda, 7. China and earthen ware.* Barker, Magalhoes & Co., Rua Direita, 44a. Barcelar, Gouvea & Co., Rua Maud, 185. Baptista de Camargo, Jotio, Rua Sao Joao, 79. Costa, Fernandes & Co., Rua Direita, 48. Freire, Cunha & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 34b. Grumbach, L., & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 89-91. Leita & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 31. Miguel, Antonio & Co., Rua Direita, 46. Muniz, Cassio & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 12. Stoltz, Herm., & Co., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 12. Santos, Monteiro & Co., Rua General Carneiro, 93-95. Schloenbach, Otto, Filho & Co., Nargo Ouvidor, 7. Teixeira, Abreu & Co., Rua Boa Vista. Vianna, C. P., & Co., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 13. Zerreuer, Biilow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 81. Clocks and watches.* Amatucci, Eduardo, & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, lb. Aron Irmao & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 46. Aron Irmao & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 1. Allilio, Vianello, Rua Cxcneral Carneiro, 26. Bamberg, Luiz, Rua 15 de Novembro, 14. Birle & Co., A. (Casa Birle), Rua 15 de Novembro, 28. Bourdelot, Andre, Rua Boa Vista, 39a. Brandt, Joao, Rue ]5 de Novembro, 53. Conte, Raphael & Jose, Rua Sao Bento, 23. Casaccia, Raphael, Ladeira Sao Joao. Del-Frate & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 28. Donato, Vicente, Rua Maua, 101. Ernst, Frederico, Rua Aurora, 42. Franco, Salvador, Avcnida Rangel Pesta- na, 96. Grumbach, Mauricio, & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro. Glanz, Frederico, Rua Direita, 42. Hanau, Edmund, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 55. Hyppolito, Erne-sto, Rua Sao Joao, 96a. Levy, Ferdinando, Rua Sao Bento, 52. Levy, Paul, & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 43. Lamotta, Antonio, Rua Sao Bento, 57. Laureto Irmao, Rua 15 de Novembro. Loeb, Bento, & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 57. Mappin & Webb, Rua 15 de Novembro, 37. Mary, Paul, Rua 15 de Novembro, 4e. Masetti, Carlos, & Co., Ladeii-a Santa Ephigenia, 1. Medici, Raffael C, Rua 15 de Novembro, 11. Naschese, Silvestre, Rua Sao Bento, 45. Netter, Jacques & Filhos, Rua 15 de No- vembro, 48. Nico, Elidio & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 41. Oliva, Luiz, Avenida Celso Garcia, 130. Palermo, Nuncio, Avenida Rangel Pesta- na, 145. Panayotte, C, & Co. (Caixa Financial), Rua Rosario, 13. Pastore, Carmo, Ladeira Joao Alfredo. Pullo, Salvador, Avenida Rangel Pesta- na, 209. • Romano, Salvatore, Rua Maua, 121. Rottembourg, Henrique, Rua 15 de No- vembro, 18. Senna, Jose de, Rua Sao Joao, 2. Supplicy & Irmao, Rua Boa Vista, 9. Worms Irmaos, Rua 15 de Novembro, 25. See also Jewelry. Clothing (men's).* HATS. Chapelaria Allemao, Rua Dii-eiTa, 10b. Casa Raunier, Rua 15 de Novembro, 39. Chiodi, Serafino, Pra^a Antonio Prado, 11. Martins, Henrique, Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 22. Rodrigues, Alberto, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 69. Montmann & Co., Henrique, Rua Di- reita, 10b. Maia, Honorio, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 62. Varella, Jeronymo, Rua Direita, 34. Lopes, Antonio, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 88d. SHIRTS, COLLARS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, TIES, ETC. Armondo, F., & Co., Rua Direita, 45. Azambuja, A. de, & Lassewe, Rua Di- reita, 14. Carvalho, A. M. de, & Co., Rua Direita, 33. Carnesaria Torre Eiffel, Ladeira Sao Joao, 22. Camisaria Pre^o Fixo (Maia, Hormino & Co.), Rua Sao Bento, 62. Gueiroz, J., & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 56. Casa Raunier, Rua 15 de Novembro, 39. Gorge & Wadish Maluf, Rua 15 de No- vembro, 56. Irmaoa Ricardi, Rua Sao Bento, 31. 216 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Maluf CMcri Azcr, Una Sao Joao, 9. Smith, Kessler, & Co., Rua Direita, 12. Rodriffues, Badlio C., Pra^a Antonio Pracio, 10. Teixeii-a, C F., Rua 15 de Novembro, 3. Warner & Co. (Casa AUemao), Rua Di- reita, 16-20. Casa Raunier, Rua 15 de Novembro, 39. Fuchs, Jorge, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 83. Clotlilng (women's).* Bonilha, P. (Casa Bonilha), Rua 15 de 'Novembro, 41. Herman Von Hagen (Casa Carlos), Rua Direita, 29a. Haddad, Jos6 (Casa Didier), Rua Direita, 39a. Bamberg, Heru-ique (A La Saison), Rua Sao Bento, 76a. Moraes, Aragao, & Co. (Au Palais Royal), Rua Sao Bento, 72-74. Companhia Fabril de Luvas, Libero Badaro, 19. Klaussner & Co. (Casa Enxoval), Rua Direita. Martins, Antonio de Souza, Rua Sao Bento, 18b. Lemcke & Sternberg (Casa Lemcke), Rua 15 de Novembro, 5. Mundo Eleganto (Ao), Rua 15 de No- vembro, 49. Azevedo, Heitor, Rua 15 de Novembro, 10. Bon Marche (Vasconcellos), Rua 15 de Novembro, 7. Guerra, Valentim & Irmao, Rua Sao Bento, 86. Torres, Castro, & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 13. Vasconcellos, F., & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 39. Scaramella, L., Rua Direita, 23. Sadocco & Co., Henrique (Casa Hen- riques), Rua Direita, 32. Wagner & Co. (Casa AUemao), Rua Di- reita, 16-20. See also Millinery. Coal, coke, and patent fuel. COAL AND COKE. Sao Paulo Gas Co. (Ltd.). Wilson, Sons & Co. (Ltd.), Rua Parana- picaba, 12. Companhia Mechanica e Importadora de Sao Paulo, Rua 15 de Novembro, 36. Zerrener, Billow & Co. (Ltd.), Rua Sao Bento, 81. Coffee, tea, and cocoa. TEA IMPORTERS. Ashworth & Co., Rua Quitanda, 12. Costa, Loureiro, & Co. (Loja China), Rua Sao Bento, 41b. Garcia, Nogueii-a & Co. (Loja Japao), Rua Sao Bento, 54. Rodgers, Henry, Sons & Co. (Lt'd.), Rua Quitanda, 17a. Rule, W. Fox, Rua Alvares Penteado. Sucena & Co. (Casa Schorcht), Rua Rosa- rio. See also Groceries and provisions. Commission merchants. Davidson, PuUen & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 15. Bott, H. E., Largo Sao Bento, 5. Crompton, A. N., Rua Libero Badaro, 15. Gaffree & Co., F., Rua Alvares Penteado, 15. Hampshire, F. S., Rua 15 de Novembro, 20. Lee & Villela, Rua Jose Bonifacio, 20. Confectioner's products.f Confeituria Castalloes, Prafa Antonio Prado. Christoffel, Guilherme, Pra^a Antonio Prado, 4. Casa N order, Rua 15 de Novembro, 53. ^asa Telle, Rua Direita, 59b. Brasserie, Paulista, Prafa Antonio Prado. Confeitari Fasoli, Rua Direita, 5. Dizioli, Egydio Co., Rua Deoclesiana, 15. Casa Tolle, Rua Piratininga, 27. Falchi, Papini & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 42. Sonksen, Christian, & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 14. Faulhammer, J., Rua Sao Bento, 23a, Garcia, Nogueira & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 54. Bacchiani, Lodoric, Rua Paula Souza, 63. Loureiro, Costa & Co. (Loja China), Rua Sao Bento, 41b. Ramos, Reis, Rua Maria Marcolina, 77. Flose, Salvador, & Filho, Largo Con- corda, 47. Contractors and builders. Bocchini, Antonio, Rua Avu-eliano Con- tinho, 7. Caiuby, Adelardo Scares, Rua Direita, 53a. Companhia Constructora S. Paulo-Santos, Travessa da, Se, 3. Companhia Iniciadora Predial, Rua Boa Vista, 26. Companhia Paulista de Construccoes, Rua Sao Bento, 38. Companhia Uniao Mutua, Rua 15 de Novembro, 53. See also Architects. Cooperage.t Balthazar & Filhos, Rua Tenent6 Penna, 42. Collaritta, Vicente, & Co., Rua Anhen- jabahu, 15. Durso, Gaetano, Rua Piratininga, 28a. Irmaos, Nejre, Rua Gusmoes, 22. brazil: SAO PAULO. 217 Palatieri, Salon, Rua Concordia, 79. Ventura, Jose, Avenida Rangel Pestana, 31. Cordage, rope, and twlne.f Almeida, M., & Co., Rua Quitanda, 15. Lebre Filho & Co., Rua Anchieta, 5a. Lebre, J., & Filho, Rua Joly, 30. Maggi, Henrique, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 113. CABLE.* Almeida, M., & Co., Rua Quitanda, 15. Cork and cork specialists.t Almeida, A. Nunes de, Rua Ilrugua- yana, 61. Giorgio & Bianco, Rua General Couto de Magalhaes, 78. Naschold, Ricardo & Co., Rua Washing- ton Luis, 31. Verdier, J. B., Rua Duque de Caxias, 54. Cotton.f Anhaia & Co., Bom Retiro, Sao Paulo. Boyes, Simion, Caixa do Correio, 335. Companhia Fabril Paulistana, Rua Dr. Silva Pinto, 2. Companhia Industrial de Sao Paulo, Rua Florencio de Abreu. Companhia National de Juta. Companhia Sao Bernardo Febril, Tra- vessa do Commercio, 2. Companhia Fiafilo e Tecido Sal to Febril, Rua Direita, 14. Cotonificio Rodolfo Crespi, Rua do Ro- eario, 20. Gaffree, F., Rua Alvares Penteado, 15. Kenworthy, Alberto, Rua Quitanda. Industrias Reunidas F. Matarazzo, Rua Direita, 15. Miranda, Rodolfo, & Co. Muller, Rawlinson & Co., Caixa do Cor- reio, 126. Rossbach Brasil Co., Pernambuco, (agent, Jos6 Constante, Sao Paulo), Caixa do Correio, 109.* Wilson, Sons & Co. (Ltd.), Rua Barao Paranajjiacaba, 10.* Cotton goods.* Araujo, Costa & Co., Rua Sao Bcnfo, 5. Ashworth, C, & Co., Rua Quitanda, ]2. Barros & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 23. Braga & Co., Rua Alvarea Penteado, 30. Ferreira, Hermino, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 73. Ferreira & Vasconcelles, Rua 15 de No- vembro, 7. Fortes & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 6. Hagcn, Hermann von, Rua Direita, 29a. Lenicke & Steinberg, Rua 15 de No- vembro, 5. Ludgrcn, A. H., & Co., Rua Florencio do Abreu, 55. ALirtins, Conto & Co., Rua Jos6 Boni- facio, 45. Martins, Costa & Co., Rua Jose Boni- facio, 26. Macedo & Co., Rua Libero Badaro, 122. Moraes, Burchado & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 49a. Moraes, Aragao & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 72. Maia, Hermino, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 62. Moreira, J., & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 79. Oliveira, A. Nelson de, Rua 15 de No- vembro, 49. Rodrigues, Augusto, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 13. Sampaio, Caldeira & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 40. Wagner & Co., Rua Direita, 18. Weiler & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 15. Cutlery and edge tools. CUTLERY.* Almeida, M., & Co., Rua Quitanda, 15. Armbrust & Filho, Rua Sao Bento, 8-8a. Cahen Irmaos, Rua Sao Bento, 68a. Fernandes, Santos & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 11. Fretin, Luiz, Rua Sao Bento, 20. Loureiro, Januario, Rua Sao Bento, 28. Macdonald & Co., Rua Quitanda, 7. Miguel, Antonio, & Co., Rua Direita, 46. Mappin & Webb, Rua 15 de Novembro, 46. Roque da Silva, Rua Sao Bento, 22a. carpenter's tools. See Hardware. Dairymen's supplies. See Hardware. Dentist's instruments and supplies.* Cahen Irmaos, Rua Sao Bento, 68b. Fretin, Louis, Rua Sao Bento, 20. Loureiro, Januario, Rua Sao Bento, 28, Gomez, Luiz, Rua 15 de Novembro, Id. Santos, Souza & Co, Rua Direita, 23. Department stores. Mappin &, Webb, Rua 15 de Novembro, 46. Wagner & Co. (Casa AUemao), Rua Direita, 18. Drugs and druggist's supplies.* Baruel & Co., Rua Direita, 1-3. Braulio & Co., Rua Sao Bento, s/n. Christini & Co., M., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 36. Companhia Paulista de Drogas, Rua Sao Bento, 27a. Figueiredo & Co., Rua Alvares Pente- ado, 6. Laves & Ribeiro, Rua Direita, 53-55. Melcher, Conrado (Botica do Veado d'Ouro), Rua Sao Bento, 40. Queiroz, L., Rua 15 de Novembro, 32. Rebeiro, Aasis & Co. (Pharmacia Assis), Rua 15 de Novembro, 9, 218 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Santos, .T.,,& Co., Rna Sao Bonto, 74a. Tenore do Camillio (Drogaria Leao), Rua Sao Bento, 25a. \az tie Carvalh(\ P., i- reita, 20a. A Capital, Rua 15 de Novembro, 4. A Gazeta, Rua 15 de Novembro, 33. O Diario da Manha, Rua Boa Vista, 5. A Platea, Rua 15 de Novembro, 51. O Diario Popular, Rua Rosario, 1. Deutsche Zeitung (German), Rua Libero Badaro, 64. Le Mensagerde Sao Paulo (French), Rua Senador Feigo. Diario Espanol, Rua Brigadeiro Tobias, 85. Fanfulla, Rua Boa Vista, 48. TRADE JOURNALS. La Revista Coloniale, Prafa Antonio Prado, 12. Resenha Commercial & Financeira, Rua 15 de Novembro, 20. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Diario Official, Rua Onze de Agosta, 317. Phonographs, graphophones, etc., and records.* Figner, Gustavo (Casa Edison), Rua 15 de Novembro, 55. Murano, Vicente, Rua Marechal Deo- doro, 32. Photographic supplies and art materials. Chiatti, Julio, Rua Sao Ben to. Nogaro & Rosetti, Rua Boa Vista, 38b. Stolze, J., Rua Direita, 14. Stuck, Otto, Rua Sao Bento, 67. Brown, II., & Co., Rua Florencio de Abreu, 65. Pipes and tubes.* Almeida, M., & Co., Rua Quitanda, 15. Caatro, Ernesto, & Co., Rua Boa Vista. 26. Anglo-Brazilian Forging, Steel Structural, & Importing Co. (Ltd.), Rua Quintino Bocayuva, 4. Compaiihia Mechanica e Importadora de Sao Paulo, Rua 15 de Novembro, 36. Heise, Hugo & Co., Rua Florencio de Abreu, 12. Krueger & Arentz, Rua Jos6 Bonifacio, 5a. Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), Rua Alvares Penteado, 14. Lyon & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 3. Martins & Barros, Rua Boa Vista, 46. Macdonald & Co., Rua Quitanda, 7. Riskalleh, Jorge, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 11. Scbill & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 8. Schmidt, Trost & Co., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 9. Scheel, Wernecke & Co., Rua Direita, 9. Societe Financiere e Commercial Franco- Bresilienne, Rua Sao Bento, 43. Zerrener, Biilow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 81. Plantations.* Costa, Loureira (Loja China), Rua Sao Bento, 41b. Dierberger, Joao, Rua 15 de Novembro, 59a. Garcia Nogueira & Co. (Loja Japao), Rua Sao Bento, 54. Nemitz, Francisco, Pra^a Antonio Pra- do, 7. Nogueira Costa (Loja Ceylon), Rua Direita, 41. Wolf, Joao, Rua do Rosario, 18. Plumber's supplies.* Castro, Ernesto de, & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 26. Castro, Gabriel de, Avenida Rangel Pestana. Fontiu-a, M., & Co., Rua Quitanda, 6. Heise, Hugo & Co., Rua Florencio de Abreu, 12. Krueger & Arentz, Rua Jose Bonifacio, 5. Rieckmaunn & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 85a. Riskaliah Jorge, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 11. Societe Financiere e Commercial Franco- Bresilienne, Rua Sao Bento, 43. Sao Paulo Gas Co. (Ltd.), Rua do Carmo. Scheel, Wernecke & Co., Rua Direita, 9. Power and light companies. Byington & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 4a. Guinle & Co., Rua Direita, 7. Sao Paulo Tramway, Light & Power Co. (Ltd.), Pra(,'a Antonio Prado. Printer's and bookbinder's macliinery and supplies.* Bromberg, Hacker & Co., Rua Quitanda, 10. Vianna, C. P., & Co., Rua Allvares Pente- ado, 11-13. [The following stationers and typographers im- port direct for their own use. J Hartmann & Reichenbach, Rua Gusmoes, 93. Manderbach, C, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 31. Rosonhain & Schmidt, Rua Sao Bento, 60. Weisilog Irmaos, Rua Libero Badaro, 80. [ Proprietors of newsjjapers import their machin- ery tlirough Kio de Janeiro firms. See jferioUicals.] Pumps.* BOILER FEED, CENTRIFUGAL WELL FORCE AND LIFT, AND STEAM. Bromberg, Hacker & Co., Rua Quitanda, K). Almeida, M., & Co., Rua Quitanda, 15. 230 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Kef rigeiators, water coolers, etc.* Companliia Mechanica e Impwrtadora de Sao Paulo, Riia 15 de Noveinbro, 36. Craig & Martins, Rua Monseuhor Aii- drade, 126. Fontura, ^I., & Co., Rua Quitauda, 6. Lidgerwood Manufactiuing Co. (Ltd.), Rua Alvares Pentoado, 14. Macdonald & Co., Rua Quitanda, 7. Martins & Barros, Rua Boa Vista, 46. Rogers, Henry, Sons & Co. (Ltd.), Rua Quitanda, 17a. Schill & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 8a. Society Financifere e Commerciale Franco- Bresilienne, Rua Sao Bento, 43. Stoltz, Herm., & Co., Rua Alvares Pente- ado, 12. ELECTRIC. Byington & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 4a. Guinle & Co., Rua Direita, 7a. Bromberg, Hacker & Co., Rua Quitanda, 10. FIRE. Bromberg, Hecker & Co., Rua Quitanda, 10. Zerreuer, Biilow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 81. Rags. [Importation of rags is prohibited 1)y the Oov eminent.] Railway equipment and supplies.* Almeida, M., & Co., Rua Quitanda, 15. Bromberg, Hacker & Co., Rua Quitanda, 10. Schill & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 8a. Schmidt, Trost & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 9. Societe Financi&re e Commerciale Franco- Bresilienne, Rua Sao Bento, 43. Stoltz, Herm., & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 12. Wille, Theodor & Co., Largo do Ouvidor, 2. Zerrener, Biilow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 81. Railways. Brazil Railway Co. (Sorocabana Rail- road, Sao Paulo-Rio Grande). Sao Paulo Railway Co. (Ltd.). Companhia Mogyana, Rua Boa Visla,, 24. Companhia de Estradade Ferro Perus- Pirapore, Rua Boa Vista, 30a. Companhia Estrada de Ferro Itatibense, Rua do Pvozario, 11. Companhia Paulista, Largo Sao Bento, 7. Companliia Estrada de Ferro Araraguara, Rua Sao Bento, 28. , , Companhia Estrada de Dourado, Rua Matzger, Henrique, Rua Libero Badar6, Direita, 26. 22a. Sao Paulo Tramway Light & Power Co. Moraes, Burchard Co., Rua Sao Bento, (Ltd.) (electric), Praja Antonio Prado. 49a. Bromberg, Hacker & Co., Rua Quitanda, 10. Gasmotoren Fabrik Dentz, Largo Sao Bento, 6a. Hampshire, F. S., & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 20. Stoltz, Herm., & Co., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 12. Societ6 Financi^ro e Commerciale Franco- Bresilienne, llua Sao Beulo, 43. Rice. [None imported from foreign comitries.] Roofing material. See Hardware. Rubber. See Hardware. Rubber goods. See Drugs and druggist's supplies; Motor cars and accessories. Safes and vaults.f Bott, H. E. (make, Ratner), Largo Sao Bento, 5. Garibaldi, Victorio (Garibaldi), Travessa Seminario, 8-10. Kauffmann, J. & C. (Kauffman), Rua Quintino Bocayuva, 25b. Macdonald & Co. (Milner), Rua Quitanda, 7.* Nacimento, A. (Nacimento), Rua Quin- tino Bocayuva, 41. Schloebach, Otto (Petzold), Rua Con- ceigao, 3b. Zerrener, Biilow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 81.* Scales, balances, and weiglilng machines.* Rizkullah, Jorge, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 11. /See a Zso Hardware; Machinery. Seeds.* Costa, Loureira, Rua Sao Bento, 41b. Dierberger, Joao, Rua 15 de Novembro, 59a. Garcia, Nogueira, Rua Sao Bento, 54. Nemitz, Francisco, Praga Antonio Prada. Nogueii'a Costa, Rua Direita, 41. Wolf, Joao, Rua Rosario, 18. Sewing machines and parts.* Lauzi, Vito, Rua Florencio de Abreu. Pauly, F. C, Rua Jose Bonifacio, 14. Singer Sewing Machine Co. (Ltd.), Rua Florencio de Abreu, 60. Stx)ltz, Herm., & Co., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 12. Zerrener, Biilow & Co., Rua Sao Ben to, 81. Silk goods. See Clothing (women's). Soap and washing powders.f Industrias Reunidas F. Matarazzo, Rua Direita, 15. Lassen, Oscar, Rua Piratininga, 19. Mortari, Palaride, Rua Charantes, 7. Pern plena & Co., Rua Florencio de Abreu, 41a. Schulz, Ladeira Porto Geral, 23. Vianna & Co., Rua Larapes, 187. See also Toilet articles. Spirits, wines, and malt iiqxiors.* Baggott, George, & Sons, Rua Duque de Caxias, 23. Brazilian Warrant Co. (Ltd.), Rua Al- vares Penteado, 21. Cocito Irmaos, Rua Maua, 121. Companhia Puglisi, Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 24. Coutinho, J. A. L. Pereira, Rua Quintino Bocayuva, 3. Duchen, Pierri, Rua Sao Bento, 76. Guerra & Co., Rua Jose Bonifacio, 17. Hu, Charles, & Co., Rua Libero Badaro, 145. Hilderbrand & Co. (Casa Gurraux), Rua 15 de Novembro, 40. Industrias Reunidas F. Matarazzo, Rua Direita, 15. Lion & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 3. Mesquita & Mendes, Rua Boa Vista, 51. Puglisi Carbone & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 24. Society Financifere & Commerciale Franco- Bresilienne, Rua Sao iiento, 43 brazil: SAO PAULO. 231 stationery and stationer's goods.* Cardoso Filho & Motta, Rua Direita, 35. Duprat & Co., Rua Dii-eita, 26. Espindola Siqueira & Co., Rua Direita, 14a. Hennies Irmaos, Rua Riachuelo, 14. Hartmann Reichenbach, Rua Gusmoes, 93. Hilderbrand, C, & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 40. Manderbach, C, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 31. Rothschild & Co., Rua 15 de Novembro, 30a. Rosenhain & Schmidt, Rua Sao Bento, 60. Souz Aranha, Olara de, jr., Caixa do Correio, 801. Sociedade Anonyna "Vanorden," Rua do Rosario, 9. Weisflog Irmaos, Rua Libero Badaro, 79. Sugar, sirup, and molasses. [No foreign sugar imported. The following are large dealers in national sugar.] Calfat, Elias & Irmao, Rua Quitanda, 8a. Cuoco, F., & Co., Rua Brigadeira Tobias, 120. Guerra & Co., Rua Jose Bonifacio, 17. Gamba & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 39. Industrias Reunidas F. Matarazzo, Rua Direita, 15. Lombardi, Farilla & Co., Rua General Carneiro, 61. Metzger, Henrique, Rua Libero Badaro, 22a. Puglisi, Carbone & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 24. [There are no importers of sirups or molasses.] Surgical instruments and appliances. Baudon, A., Rua Barao do Itapetininga, 57.° Cahen, A. (Casa Cahen), Rua Sao Bento, 68b.* Fretin, Louis (Casa Fretin), Rua Sao Bento, 20.* Loureiro, Januario, Rua Sao Bento, 28.* Sucena & Co. (Casa Schorcht), Rua do Machonec, Adolpho, Rua Santa Ephi- genia, 49. f Magnocavallo, Simbaldo, Rua Florencio de Abreu, (i.f Rozario. Saralva, Augusta & Co., Rua Paula Souze, 71. Vianna, C. P., & Co., Rua Alvares Pen- teado, 13. Zerrener, Biilow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 81. CORDIALS. Companhia de Tndustria e Commerciale (Casa Tolle), Rua Piratininga, 27. Sponges. See Hardware; Drugs and druggist's sup- Dlies. Sporting and atliletlc goods.* Fuchs, Jorge, & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 83. Tanners. Cardamone & Co., Rua Franca Pinto, 96. Companhia Curtidora Marx, Sao Paulo. Companhia Cortume de Agua Branca, Rua Sao Bento, 29. Dias & Co., Rua Jos6 Bonifacio, 3. Telegrapli and telephone companies. TELEPHONE. Companhia Telephonica de Estado de Sao Paulo, Rua Libero Padar6, 9. Companhia Telephonica do Estado de Sao Paulo, Rua Benjamin Couataut, 44. 232 TRADE DIEECTOEY OF SOUTH AMEEICA. TELEGRAPH. Telegrapho Nacional, Riia Silo Bento, 29c. Telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment.* Byington & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 4a. Bromberg, Hacker & Co., Rua Quitanda, 10. Companhia Paulista de Electricidado, Rua 8ao Bento, 55. Curia, Giacomo, & Co., Rua Boa Vista j lie. Companhia Electrico-Technico Paulista (Fonseca, Pereira & Co.), Rua Jos^ IBonifacio, 59. Dodsworth & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 44. Guinle & Co., Rua Quitanda, 7a. Laur Habasinsky & Co., Rua Barao Ita- petininga, 71. Siemens Schuchertwerke, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 76; Rua Boa Vista, 4. Thread and yarn. THREAD. Companhia Brazileira de Linhas para Cozer, Ypiranga, Sao Paulo. f Machine Cotton Co. (Ltd.), Rua Florencio de Abreu, 3.* Pauly & Co., Rua Jose Bonifacio, 14.* YARN. See Cotton goods. Tinware, t Schiefferdecker & Co., Rua Guaycura 19. Fabrica de Ferro Esmaltado "Silex," Ypiranga, Sao Paulo. See Hardware, for importers of tin- ware. Tobacco, leaf.* Blair, John A., Rua Sao Bento, 49b. Gon calves e Guinmaroes, Rua do Roza- rio, 23. Stoltz, Herm., & Co., Rua Alvares Pente- ado, 12. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies.* Blair, John A., Rua Sao Bento, 49a. Gonyalves e Guinmaroes, Rua do Roza- rio, 23. Reickmann & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 85a. Salgado & Co., Avenida Rangel Pestana, 129. Siguiera, J. M., jr. (Charubain Ameri- cana), Rua Sao Bento, 56. Soares, C, & Irmaos (Casa Selecta), Pra^a Antonio Prado, 2. Zerrener. Billow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 81. Toilet articles.* Fachado & Co. (Casa Fachada), Rua Li- bero I5adar6, 135. McUo Sobriiiho & Co. (Casa Lebre), Rua 15 de Novembro, 4. Barrosa, Soares & Co., Rua Direita, 11. Perfumaria Paulista & Comodo, Societe Anonyome, Rua Amazonas (Bairro de Luz), 6. Viuva Madeira & Co. (Casa Husson), Rua Sao Bento, 46. Wagner & Co. (Casa Allemao), Rua Dire- ita, 18. See also Drugs and druggist's sup- plies. Tools. Grumbach, Maurice & Co., Rua 15 de No- vembro, 46. Hanau, Edmond & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 55. Masetti, Carlos & Co., Ladeira Santa Ephigenia, 1. carpenter's blacksmith's, stonecut- ter's ETC. See Hardware. Toys and games.* Fuchs, Jorge, & Co. (Casa Fuchs), Rua Sao Bento, 83. Figner, Gustavo (Casa Edison), Rua 15 de Novembro, 55. Genim, V. M., Rua 15 de Novembro, 8a. Pertica, Alcides H. (Grande Bazaar Pari- sien), Rua Sao Bento, 87. Palermo, H., Rua Sao Bento, 18a. Mello, Sobrinho & Co., Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 1, and Rua Direita, 2. Trunks and traveler's supplies.f* Bataglia, Salvador, Largo Ouvidor, 1. Cardamone & Co., Avenida Rangel Pesta- na, 215. Casa Raunier (Sociedade Anonyma), Rua 15 de Novembro, 39. Dias & Co., Rua Jose Bonifacio, 3. Ferreira & Co., Rua Silo Bento, 2a. Fritelli, Adolpho, Rua Jose Bonifacio, 20. Fuchs, Jorge & Co. (Casa Fuchs), Rua Sao Bento, 83. Lucca, Vicente de, Avenida Rangel Pe- stana, 200. Majnocavallo, Sinibaldo, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 6. Maia, Hermo & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 62. Oliveira, Alberto de, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 155. Sanguiliano, Nicodemo, Rua Sao Bento, 82. Sarubbo, F., & Co., Rua Florencio de Abreu, 155. BEAZIL : SAO PAULO. 233 Typewriters and supplies.* Bromberg, Hacker & Co. (make. Conti- nental), Rua Quitanda, 10. Christoph, Paul J. (Monarch), Rua Quin- tino Bocayuva, 44. Dodsworth & Co. (Smith Premier), Rua Boa Vista, 44. Figner, Gustavo (Casa Figner) (Royal), Rua 15 de Novembro, 55. Casa Standard (Underwood), Pra^a Anto- nio Prado. Smith Bros. (Underwood). Hermany, Louis, & Co. (Oliver), Rua Li- bero Badaro, 96. Manderbach, C, & Co. (Adler), Rua Sao Bento, 31. Pratt, Charles H. (Remington and Yost), Rua Direita, 19. Rothschild & Co. (Ideal), Rua 15 de No- vembro, 30a. Umbrellas and canes.t Alve, J. Baptista, Rua Florencio de Abreu, 20a. Carvalho, A. M, de, & Co., Rua Direita, 33. Cunha, Brandi & Co., Rua Florencio de Abreu, 68. Farina, Jose, Rua Rosario, 14. Jaenicke, Conrado E., Rua Libero Bada- ro, 19. Irmaos Campos & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 39d. Thiers, E., & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 11. Undertalcer's goods.f Rodovalho Junior, Horta & Co. (Casa Ro- dovalho), Travessa da Se, 14e. [This firm has a Government monopoly for every- thing pertaining to Imierals.] Vacuum cleaners and carpet sweepers.* Federal Sign System (electric), manager in Sao Paulo, Louis S. Curt; agents, Sao Paulo Tramway, Light & Power Co. (Ltd.). Societe Financifere e Commerciale Franco- Bresilienne, Rua Sao Bento, 43. Thomaz, Irmao & Co., Rua Thesouro, 11. Wagner & Co. (Casa Allemao), Rua Direita, 18. « Vegetables.* Betti, Egistto, Ladeira Joao Alfredo. Bloch & Lepeltico, Maurice, Rua Libero Badaro, 134. Costa, Augusto, & Co., Rua Brigadeiro Tobias, 124. Costa, Gomes & Co., Rua Quitanda, 8. Companhia Puglisi, Rua 15 de Novem- bro, 24. Calfat, Elias, e Irmaos, Rua Quitanda, 8a. Cuoco, F., & Co., Rua Brigadeia Tobias, 120. Costa, Joaquim Antonio da, Perto da Ladeira Joao Alfredo. Duprat, Irmao & Co., Rua25de Maryo, 16. Farillo Lombard! & Co., Ladeira Joao Alfredo. Gamba & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 39. Guerra & Co., Rua Jose Bonifacio, 17. Industrias Reunidas F. Matarazzo, Rua Direita, 15. Lucchessi, Antonio, & Co., Lai'go General Ozorio, 31. Pierre & Bello, Rua Concei?ao, 20-22. Pinto e Andrade, Ladeira Joao Alfredo. Prandini, Pelligrini& Co., Rua Aurora, 14. Souza, Carmeira & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 2a. Wille, Theodor & Co., Largo Ouvidor, 2. Wall papers.* Costa, Ferreira & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 77. Cunha Cabral & Co. (Casa Cabral), Rua Sao Bento, 35b. Figueiredo, Arnaldo, Rua Barao de Itapetininga, 26. Gongalves de Freitas, Joaqium, Rua Seminarlo, 24. Joaquim doa Santos, Antonio, Travessa Seminario, 34a. Mendes, A., & Co., Rua Sao Joao, 265. Scares, Antonio, & Co. (Casa Verde), Rua Sao Bento, 56. Washing macliines and clothes wringers.* Federal Sign System (electric), manager in Sao Paulo, Louis S. Curt; agents, Sao Paulo Tramway, Light & Power C0.4 (Ltd.). Water, aerated and mineral. Companhia Antarctica Paulista, Avenida Bavaria, S. Paulo. f Companhia de Industrial e Commercio (Casa Telle), Rua Piratininga, 27. f Companhia de Licores e Aguas Mineraes, Rua Brigadeiro Tobias, 16. f Coutinho, J. A. L. Pereirio, Rua Quintiuo Bocayuva, 3.* Duchen, Pierre, Rua Sao Bento, 76.* Gamba & Co., Rua Alvares Penteado, 39.* Hu, Charles, & Co., Rua Libero Badaro, 143.* Industrias Reunidas F. Matarazzo, Rua Direita, 15. f Machado, Oliveu-a, Rua Triumpho, 59a. f Naschold, Ricardo & Co. (Cerveara Brahma), Rua Epescopal, 31.* Succena & Co. (Casa Schorcht), Rua do Rozario, 21.* Souza Carneiro & Co., Rua Boa Vista, 22a.* Trevesan, A., Rua Visconde de Parna- hyba, 242. f Reichert, Emilio (Cervejaria Germania), Rua Italianos, 22. f Zerrener, Biilow & Co., Rua Sao Bento, 81.* Woolen goods. See Clothing, women's and men's. 234 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. VICTORIA. Victoria, cr.pital of the State of Espirito Santo, is about 400 miles from Rio de Janeiro. The port has commimication by coasting steamers with various Brazilian ports, ami is also visited by many vessels engaged in the foreign trade. It is an important distributing point for a largo section of the Stale. I'opulatiou about 25,000. There is an American consular agency at this place. Arms and aiuniunition.* Dahlinger, Frederico, Aveuida da Re- publica. Cement. •Tose & Cia., Pedro, Clothing, men's and women's.* . Leal&Cia., Vianna, RuadoCommercio, 2. Commission merchants. Braconi & Cia., A., Rua Jeronyme Mon- teiro, 39. Companliia Commercial, Rua Primeiro de Marfo, 21-23. Cotton goods.'i' Leal & Cia., Vianna, Rua do Commercio, 2. Department stores. Leal & Cia., Vianna, Rua do Commercio, 2. General merchandise. Braconi & Cia., A., Rua Jeronyme Mon- teiro, 39. Companhia Commercial, Rua Primeiro de Maryo, 21-23. Groceries and provisions. Companhia Commercial, Rua Primeiro de Maryo, 21-23. Jose & Cia., Pedro. Hardware. Companhia Commercial, Rua Primeiro de Margo, 21-23. WIRE. Jose & Cia., Pedro. Machinery. Companhia Commercial, Rua Primeiro de Marfo, 21-23. Oils. Jose & Cia., Pedro. CHILE. The Republic of CliOe has a coast line on the Pacific Ocean of nearly 3,000 miles. The width of the country, while it expands, with its islands, to the extreme of 250 miles, hardly exceeds on an average 100 miles. There are a large number of rivers in the country, the majority of which in the Andes and flow to the Pacific, but owing to the limited area of territory between the mountains and the ocean these streams are necessarily short and rapid. The best protected harbors are located in the southern section, where numerous fiords and the protection of islands provide excellent harbors. Those in the northern sec- tion are largely artificial in character, and some of them so open as to offer little protection for shipping. The country is rich in minerals, the most important being nitrate, from which the nitrate of soda is pro- cured. Copper, gold, silver, and iron are also found. Agriculture, viticulture, apiculture, and the fish- eries thrive, and there are extensive forests of cabinet and other woods. Coal mining is an Important indus- try, the output amounting annually to about 1 ,200,000 tons, but not sufficient to meet local demands. The imports into Chile from the United States amount in value to about $15,000,000 annually, consisting principally of machinery, coal and oils, paper, vegetable products, textile goods, and chemicals. Nitrate is the principal American purchase from the country, followed by silver and copper ores and iodine. CONCEPCION. Concepcion, capital of the Province of the same name, is a city of about 70,000 inhabitants, situated on the Bio-Bio River, about S miles from the port of Talcahuano, with which it is connected by electric and steam railroads. Some of the industries are tanneries, woodworking plants, flour mills, etc.; there are rich coal fields in the district. There is an American consular agency at Talcahuano, which section of Chile is developing rapidly. Agents. Becker, E. y F., Calle Barros Arana, 321. Beckdoff y Ogalde, Calle Colo-Colo, 429. Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Plesch, Jnlio, Calle Barros Arana, 500. Agricultural implements and machinery.* Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 448. ^ Spoerer, O.scar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.' Apiacist's supplies.* Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Arms and ammunition.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'lli^trins, 549.^ Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Ilulh y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 520.' Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros .\rana, 800. Weber y Cia., Merceria, Calle O'Higgins, 502. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.' Awnings, tents, and sails.* AUardicey Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 113.' Gueriu Freres, Calle Barros Arana, 578.' Hagnauery Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 262.' Hardt, E. y W., Calle Barros Arana, 272.' Lange y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 299.' Zuniga, Gonzalez, y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 689. Bags and bagging.* Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 407.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Huth y Cia., Calle Barros, 526.' Banlts and bankers. Banco Aleman Trasatlantico, Calle Bar- ros Arana, 541 (American agent, Ka- tional City Bank, New York City).i Banco Anglo Sud Americano (Ltd.), Calle O'Higgins, 652 (American agent, Anglo- South American Bank (Ltd.), New York City).' Banco Espanol de Chile, Calle Barroa Arana, 556 (American agent, National City Bank, New York City).i Banco de Chile, Calle O'Higgins, 590 (American agent. Produce Exchange Bank, New York City).i . Baskets. Becker, E. y F., Calle Barros Arana, 321. Beckdoff yOgalde, Calle Colo-Colo, 429. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. ' Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. 235 236 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Belting.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle 0'ITis,<,nns, 549.' Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Araua, 402. Grace, \V. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.' Huth y Cia., Callo Barros Arana, 526. ' Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. "Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arabia, 341.1 Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300. ' Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. Billiard and pool tables and supplies.* Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800 Butter and cheese. Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* Borlando, Golleiy Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Goyeneche y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. Higbet, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 99. Weir, Scott y Cia, Calle Barros Arana, 747.1 Weir y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 202. i Candles. Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137. ' Borlando, Collei y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Goyeneche y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 747.* 1 Carpets and other floor coverings. Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 407.* 1 Gleisner y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana Arana, 300. 199.* i Boilers.* Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 802. Kunetzoff, J., Calle Freire, 501. Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.' Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Grace, W. 11., v Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300. i Bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Books.* Carriages, wagons, and parts.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 448. i Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300. i Cash registers and adding machines.* Meyer, E. A., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Curphey, Sociedad M. R. S., Calle O'Hig- 716 Murray, A. L., Calle Barros Arana, 4S0. W^estcott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 531.' Boots and shoes. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402* Mever, E. A., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 716. Murray, A. L., Calle Barros Arana, 480. Sociedad Fabrica de Calzado, Calle Tu- capel, 1. Westcott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 531.* Brewers. gins. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Gr^ce, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Cement.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 448.' Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Araua, 300.' Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Compania de Cerveceria de Concepcion v Daube y Cia., Calle Maipu, 530. ' Talca, Avenida Valdivia, 22. f ' Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Brushes. China and earthen ware. Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* i 402.* Borlando, Collei y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Rettig, Fritz Calle Barros Arana, 832. 402.* I Signifies that the head oflSce, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. chile: concepcion. 237 Goyeneclie y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. Highet, Juau, Calle Barros Arana, 991. Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 747.1 Weir y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 202. ' Clocks and watches. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Ungerer, Ricardo, Calle Barros Arana, 567. Clothing. men's. Cotton goods. Allardice y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 113.*' Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 407.* ' Gleisner, M., y Cia, Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.*' Guerin Freres, Calle Barros Arana, 578.*' Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 262.* ' Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 802. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Barros Arana, 272.* ' Ai n 1 /-I- n n T3„..»„„ A,.„„„ Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526.* ' Alvarez, Corral y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, ^auge v Cia., Calle Barros AraAa, 299.* ' Chafpentier, C, Calle Barros Arana, 766. Neckelmann Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, ^eckelson, Pedro, Calle Barros Arana, Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana 802 TiSmermann y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Holmes Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 115. 267* Neckelmann y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, ^^^^^^ ^ ^..^^ ^,^jj^ g^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 251.* ' Ziiniga, Gonzalez y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 689. 281. Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 483.* women's. Cutlery and edge tools. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, pesa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ' 402.* Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 802. Qibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.* ' Holmes Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 115. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Coffee, tea, and cocoa. /-. itt t> r^- n ^^ t} a Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ' 199.* ' Highet, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 99. Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526.* ' Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. 747.* ' Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Weir y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 282.' Commission merchants. Beckdoff y Ogalde, Calle Colo-Colo, 429. Confectioner's products. Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ' Weber y Cia., Merceria, Calle O'Higgins, 502.* Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.* ' Dairymen's supplies.* Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Borlando, Colleiy Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Saavedra, Benard v Cia., Calle Barroa Highet, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 99. Arana 448.' Weir y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 202.' Cooperage.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.' Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.' Cordage, rope, and twine.* Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Grace, W. B., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.' Dentist's instruments and supplies. Daube y Cia., Calle Maipu, 530.' Westcott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 531.' Department stores. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. Drugs and druggist's supplies.* Daube y Cia., Calle Maipu, 530.' Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Arana, 300.' 402. Signifies that the head oflice, under the same name, Is located in Valparaiso. 238 TRADE DIRECTOEY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Grace, W. R., y Cia, Calle Barros Arana, 199.' Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526.' Saavedra, Beuard y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 448.' Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana. 800. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.' Engines.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.' Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 448.' Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.' Williamson, BaKour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.' Explosives. Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Feedstufls. Becker, E. y F., Calle Barros Arana, 321. Beckdoff y Ogalde, Calle Colo-Colo, 429. Fencing and fencing material.* Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.' Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.' Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.' Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300 ' Filters. Borlando, Zapattoni, y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 520. Daube y Cia., Calle Maipu, 530.* ' Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. Fish. Fruit, fresh and dried. Becker, E. y F., Calle Barros Arana, 321. Beckdoff y Ogalde, Calle Colo-Colo, 429. Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ' Goyeneche y Cia., Calle Caupolioan, 660. Highet, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 99. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 447.* ' Weir y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 202.' Furniture and fittings. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.* ' Kunetzoff, J., Calle Freire, 501. Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Furs and fur skins. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Holmes y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 115. Nissen, Fischer y Cia. , Calle Barros Arana, 483.* Gas and electric fixtures. Diaz, Juan, Calle Anibal Pinto, 689. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.*' Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Glassware. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Highet, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 99. Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Grain. Becker, E. v F., Calle Barros Arana, 321. Beckdoff y Ogalde, Calle Colo-Colo, 429. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.* ' Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.* ' Grease and other soap stock. LacostaHnos., y Cia., Calle Rosas, 147. Grindstones, emery wheels, etc.* Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.' Borlando, Collei, y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Goyeneche y Cia., Calie Caupolican, 660. , . ,, ^- /-< i t, » ^^•eir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Gleisner, M., y Cia., CaLe Barros Arana, 747 1 402. Flour and meal. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.' Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ' ' Groceries and provisions. Borlando, Collei. y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ' 402.* Borlando, Collei, y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Highet, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 99. Fonck, Carlos y Cia., Calle Rengo, 521.* ' Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 747.* 1 402.* Weir y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 202.' Goyeneche y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. I Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. CHILE : CONCEPCION. 239 Highet, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 99. Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526* ^ Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 747.* ' Weir y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 202.i Hardware. Gleisner M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Goyeneclie y Cia._, Calle Caupolican, 660. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Araua, 199.*' Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526.* ' Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Weber v Cia., Merceria, Calle O'Higgins, 502.*" Harness and saddlery. Meyer, E. A., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 716.* Westcott V Cia.. Calle Barros Arana, 531.* ' Heating apparatus. Diaz, Juan, Calle Anibal Pinto, 689. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Wylie, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 183.* Hose and hose fixtures. Franklin v Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Gibbs y CUa., Calle O'Higgins, 549.* ^ Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.* ' Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526.* ^ Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.* » Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.* ' Hotels. Hotel France, Calle Barros Arana, 2. Hotel Watcher y Piola, Plaza Indepen- dencia. Household utensils. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. Instruments, professional and scientific. Borlando, Zappateni y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 520. Daube y Cia., Calle Maipu, 530.* ^ Iron and steel.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.' (Jrace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.' United States Steel Products Exports Co.i Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 431.' Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.' Jewelry. Messing, Carlos, Calle O'Higgins, 640.* lingerer, Ricardo, Calle Barros Arana, 567. Knit goods. See Cotton goods. Lamps and lamp ware. Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. Lard. Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* * Borlando, Collei y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Goyeneche y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.* 1 Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 747.* ' Leather goods. Alvarez, Corral y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 542. Charpentier, C, Calle Barros Arana, 766. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 802. Holmes Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 115. Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 483.* Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. Leather, hides, and skins. Etcheverry, Alejandro, Avenida Val- divia, 77. t Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.* 1 Maissonave y Cia., Calle Maipu, 701. f Sociedad Fabrica de Calzado, Calle Tucapel, l.f Linen goods. AllardiceyCia., Calle Barros Arana,113.** Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Guerin Fr^res, Calle Barros Arana, 578.* * Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 262.* 1 Hardt, E. y W., Calle Barros Arana, 272.*' Lange y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 299.* ' Neckelmann Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 281.* ^ Neckelson, Pedro, Calle Barros Arana, 377. Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 483.* Zuniga, Gonzalez y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 689. 1 Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. 2-40 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Lumber and timber. Neckelmann Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 377 * ^ Gmco.W.R.,yCia., Calle Barros Arana, j^-^^^;^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^...^^ ^.^^^ 3^^^^^ ^\•illiamso^, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros ^^rana, 46^. Arana, 300.^ Novelties. Machine tools.* Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Eiggins, 549.^ jy^ts^ edible. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Borlando, Collei y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599 341. Machinery. Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.^ Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 448. ^ Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.1 Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.i Mantles, grates, and tiles.* Goyeneche y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 747.* 1 Oils.* Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 448. ^ Spoerer, Oscar Calle Barros Arana, 800. Optical goods. Messing, Carlos, Calle O'Higgins, 640.* Paints and varnishes. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Fonck, Carlos, Calle Rengo, 521.* ^ Arana, 300. ^ Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Margarin. Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.* ' Gleisner, N., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ^ ' 402.* Borlando, Collei y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.*' 402.* Goyeneche y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. Highet, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 99. Matches. Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* i Goyeneche y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. ^^'^fc ^i""^^ ^ ^'^■' ^^""^ ■^''™' ^'"^''^' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.* 1 Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.* ' Paper and paper goods.* 747. Meats, fresh, cured, and picl^led. Highet, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 99. Weir y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 202.* i Millinery. Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 262. Motor cars and accessories. Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526.* ' Music. Mattensohn y Grim, Calle Barros Arana, 675.* 1 Musical Instruments. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.* 1 Notions. 199. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300. • Paraflan and paraffin wax.* Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 407.1 Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Paving materials. Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.^ Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 431.1 Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.' Periodicals.* Mattensohn y Grim, Calle Barros Arana, 675.1 Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Meyer, E. y A., Calle Barros Arana, 73. 402.* Murray, A.' y L., Calle Barros Arana, 480. Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 802. Westcott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 531. ' ' Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. chile: concepcion. 241 Phonographs, graphophones, etc., and Roofing materials.* records.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle 0'His;gins, 549.i Curphey, Sociedad M. R. S., Calle Barros Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Arana. Pipes and tubes.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549. ^ Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.1 Plumber's supplies. Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* 199.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.1 Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300. i Rubber goods.* Daube y Cia., Calle Maipu, 530.i Sates and vaults. Grace W. R. , y Cia. , Calle Barros Arana, ^^^^^^ ^^ j^ ^ ^ Cia. , Calle Barros Arana, ""^^ 199.1 Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526. i Scales, balances, and weighing machines.* 199.1 Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. Wylie, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 183. i Polish and blaclcing.* Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137. i Borlando, Collei y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Fonck, Carlos, Calle Rengo, 521. i Weir, Scott y Cia., CaUe IBarros Arana, 747.1 Power and light companies. Compania de Gas de Concepcion. Compafiia de Gas Acetileno. Pumps.* Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.i Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.1 Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300. i Railway equipment and supplies.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.1 Railways. Compafiia de Ferrocarriles de los Rios de Curauilahue. Compania de Ferrocarriles de Lota y Coroncl. Retrlgerators, water coolers, etc. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. . -r. . Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ' Arana 300 i Borlando, Collei v (la., (alle Maipu, 599. ^ Daubey Cia., Calle Maipu, 530.* 1 Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* 402. Goyenoche y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 747.* 1 I Signifies that the head office, under the same name, Is located in Valparaiso. 21373°— 14 IG Duncan, Fox v Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 407.1 Franklin y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 319. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526. i Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.i Sewing maclilnes.* Singer Sewing Machine Co. SilU. goods. AUardice y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 113.* 1 Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Gueria Freres, Calle Barros Arana, 578.* i Hagnauer v Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 262.* 1 Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 802.* Hardt, E. y W., Calle Barros Arana, 272. *i Lange y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 299.* i Neckelmann Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 281.* 1 Neckelson, Pedro, Calle Barros Arana, 377.* Timmermann y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 267.* 1 Weber y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 251.* i Zuniga, Gonzalez y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 689. Soap and washhig maclilnes. 242 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Sporting and atliletlc goods. Toilet articles. Alvarez, Gorral y Cia. , Calle Barros Arana, Borlando, Zappateni, Calle Barros Arana 542* (liarpentier, C, Calle Barros Arana, 766. Cirace, W. K., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199 * 1 Holmes Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 115. Meyer, E. y A., Calle Barros Arana, 616. Murray, A. L., Calle Barros Arana, 480. Eettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. Westcott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 531.* 1 Stationery and stationer's goods. Mattensolm y Grim, Calle Barros Arana, 675.1 Meyer, E. A., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 716. Murray, A. L., Calle Barros Arana, 480. Westcott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 531. ^ Sugar, sirup, and moiasses. Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ^ Borlando, CoUei y Cia., Calle Maipn, 599. 520. Daube y Cia., Calle Maipu, 530.* i Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Meyer, E. A., Calle Barros Arana, 716.* Tools.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549. i Gleisner, N., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Weber y Cia., Mercerial, Calle O'Higgins, 502. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.1 Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300. ' Trunlis and traveler's supplies.* Alvarez, Corral y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 542. Cliarpentier, C, Calle Barros Arana, 766. Gleisner,'M., y Cia., ckle Barros Aranai JJ^^'^^^-^T"' ^.^"^ Barros Arana, 115. ^n.,-, *''•'' Meyer, E. A., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Govenoche y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. ,, a t rt u tj a ^oa Weir, Scott y Ci^., Calle Barros Arana, Murray, A. L., Calle Barros Arana, 480. 747.* 1 Surgical instruments and appliances.* Typewriters and supplies.* Curphey, Sociedad, M. R. S., Calle Barros Arana. 1 Borlando, Zappateni y Cia., Calle Barros Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, Arana, 520. Daube y Cia., Calle Maipu, 530." Tallow. Besa y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 137.* ' Borlando, Collei y Cia., Calle Maipu, 599. Goyeneclie y Cia., Calle Caupolican, 660. Lacoste, Hnos., Calle Rosas, 147. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 747.* 1 Tanners. 199. Umbrellas and canes. Gleisner, N., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 802. Neckelmann Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 281.* 1 Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 483.* Vacuum cleaners and carpet sweepers. Diaz, Juan, Calle Anibal Pinto, 689. Etcheverry, Alejandro, Avenida Valdi- Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, \da, 77. Maissonave y Cia., Calle Maipu, 701.' Thread and yarn. Gleisner, M., v Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 802. Neckelmann Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 281.* 1 Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 483.* Tinware.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 199.* 1 Huth y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 526.* ^ Kunetzoff, J., Calle Freire, 501. Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800.* Wylie, Juan, Calle Barros Arana, 183.* ' Vegetables. Becker, E. v F., Calle Barros Arana, 321. Beckdoff y^Ogalde, Calle Colo-Colo, 429. Washing machines and clothes wringers. Diaz, Juan, Calle Anibal Pinto, 639. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.* 1 Rettig, Fritz, Calle Barros Arana, 832. > Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. CHILE : IQUIQUE. 243 Water, aerated and mineral. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.' Wlieelbarrows. Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.' Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.1 Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341. > Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.' Windmills.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 549.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 199.' Spoerer, Oscar, Calle Barros Arana, 800. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 341.' Williamson. Balfour y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 300.' Woolen goods. Allardice y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 133, 113.* 1 Charpentier, C, Calle Barros Arana, 766. Gleisner, M., y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 402.* Guerin Freres, Calle Barros Arana, 578.* ' Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 262.* ' Haran Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 802. Hardt, E. y W\, Calle Barros Arana, 272.' Holmes, Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 115. Lange y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 299.* ' Neckelmann Hnos., Calle Barros Arana, 281.* ' Neckelson, Pedro, Calle Barros Arana, 377. Nissen, Fischer y Cia. , Calle Barros Arana, 483.* Tiinmerman y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 26: * 1 Weber y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 251.* ' Zuniga, Gonzalez y Cia., Calle Barros Arana, 689. IQUIQUE. Iquique, capital of the Province of Tarapaca, is a seaport on the Pacific Ocean. Of the total imports into Iqniquo during 1912 valued at $13,835,924, those from the United States were valued at S3,404,871, consisting principally of grain, meat products, lumber, illuminating and lubricating oils, hardware, railway supplies, cotton goods, etc. The principal exports are nitrate of soda anria Alexaiidri, 9.' Spenoer & Waters, Pasaje Balmaceda, 11. Swiuburii y Cia., ('alle Huerfanos, 1114. CUSTOMHOUSE. Espreso Anglo-Americano, Calle San An- tonio, 464. Espreso Union Comercial, Calle Agusti- nas, 822. Espreso Villalonga, Calle Agtistinas, 832. Montt, Alberto, Calle Ahumada, 228. Tello y Gonzales, Calle San Antonio, 457. FORWARDING. Espreso Anglo-Americano, Calle San An- tonio, 464. Espreso Union Comercial, Calle Agusti- nas, 822. Espreso Villalonga, Calle Agustinas, 832. Agricultural implements and machinery.* Balfour, I>yon y Cia., Calle Bandera, 185.^ Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.1 Gutmann y Maurier, Calle Moneda, 1953. Huth y Cia.. Calle Monjitas, 804.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Raab, Bellet y Cia., Calle Estado, 235. Rojas, Huneus y Cia., Calle Bandera, 199. Rose-Innesy Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.1 Schulz, Enrique, Calle Agustinas, 873. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Ban- dera, 503.' Apiarist's supplies.* Gutmann y Maurier, Calle Moneda, 1953. Huth y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 804.' Rojas, Huneus y Cia., Calle Bandera, 199. Architects. Lacoste, Mercado, Calle Teatinos, 56. Larrain, Bravo A., Calle Huerfanos, 696. Mauhein, Aquiles, Calle Moneda, 1164. Seigel y Geiger, Galeria Beeche, 68. Arms and ammunition.* Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Limoziu y Cia., Calle Aliumada, 381.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Almniada, 232. Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Seyler, Juan, Calle Manuel Rodriguez, 75. Styles y Cia., Calle Bandera, 123. Awnings, tents, and sails. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.* ' Grace, W. R., y (%., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.*' Gratry, Establecimientos Americanos, Calle Monjitas, 851.* ' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada,' 67.* ' Novae, F., Calle Ramirez, 672. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Pable y Cia., Calle Agustinas, 1180. Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.* 1 Sibo, Luis, Calle San Antonio, 21.* Bags and bagging.* Allardice y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 437.' Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Bandera, 185.' Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Bandera, 529.' Gibbs y Cia., (\xlle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Rojas, Huneus y Cia., Calle Bandera, 199. Rose-Innesy Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.' Wessel. Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Ban- dera, 503.' Banl^s and banlcers.* Banco Aleman Trasatlantico, Calle Huerfanos, 1136 (American agent. Na- tional City Bank, New York).' Banco Anglo-Sud Americano, Calle Huer- fanos, 858 (American agent. The Anglo- South American Bank, New York).' Banco de Chile, Calle Huerfanos, 930 (American agent, Produce Exchange Bank, New York).' Banco de Chile y Alemania, Calle Agus- tinas, 1137 (American agent, G. Am- sinck & Co., New York).' Banco Espanol de Chile, Calle Estado, 180 (American agent. National City Bank, New York).' » Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. CHILE : SANTIAGO. 261 Banco Germanico de La America del Sur, Calle Hiierfanos, 1189 (American agent, National Bank of Commerce, New York).' Banco Italiano, Calle Huerfanos, 830 (American agent. Produce Exchange Bank, New York).i Baskets. Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.^ Denninston y Cia., Calle Agustinas, Pasaje Alexandri. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Rourke, Elliot y Cia. . Calle Ahumada, 89. Shimidzu, T., Calle San Antonio, 39. Sociedad M. R. S. Curphey, Calle Estado esquina Agustinas.' Belting.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Bandera, 185.' Gibbs y Cia., Calle Hiierfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., v Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Huth y Cia.. Calle Monjitas, 804.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rose-Innesy Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1130.' Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Copetta, Cesar, Calle Ejercito, 75. Denninston y Cia., Calle Agustinas, Pasaje Alexandri. Guillisasti, Manuel, Avenida DeUcias, 2G64. Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Limozin v Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' SociedaffM. R. S. Curphey, Calle Estado esquina Agustinas.' Billiard and pool tables and supplies. Grace, W. R.. y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.* ' Jouve y Gorlier. Calle Monjitas, 807.* ' Kreft y Cia.. Calle Agustinas. 9()8.* Silva. Rodriguez, Calle Nataniel. 135.t Van de Wyngard y Cia., Calle Morande, 476.* Boats and accessories. See Engine.s. nollers. See Engines. Bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Huth y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 804.' Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Rose-Innesy Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Books.* Hardy, J. W., Calle Ahumada esquina Huerfanos.' Hume y Walker, Calle Ahumada, 357. MacKenzie y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 918. Tesche, y Cia., Calle Pasaje Matte, 18. Boots and shoes. Aycahuer y D.uhalde, Calle Bascunan Guerrero, 233. f Bayar, P., Calle Agustinas, 1027. Blech, W^egener y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 346.* 1 Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990.*' Cappelaro Hnos., Calle Estado, 230.* Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.* ' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.* ' Cerri, A., Calle Estado, 357.* Cohe, Alberto, Pasaje Matte, 53.* Cox, James, Calle Agustinas, 967.* Etchepare, J. M., Calle San Pablo, 1340. f Fabrica de Calzado, !Magnere y Cia., Avenida Providancia.f Fabrica de Calzado, Sandalias y Zapa- tilas, Calle San Martin, 70. Gallerstein, Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1059.* Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.* Grote y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 367.* Haudeville, J., Calle Ahumada, 315.* James y Cia., Calle Ahumada, Pasaje Matte.* Katz, Brenner y Cia., Calle Catedral, 1063.* Launay, A., Calle Ahumada, 335.* Melrose, John, Calle Aliumada, 137.* Pons V <'ia., Calle E.stado, 353.* Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 366.* ' Simon y Cia., Calle Ahumada, Pasaje Matte.* Valle y Sanchez, Calle San Francisco, 1002.* Reyes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 991. f Brewers. Fabrica de Cerveza, A. Ebner, Calle Tndependencia, 565. I'al)n(a do Cerveza, Compaiiias IJnidas, Calle Huerfanos, 2951. Signifies that the head ofTice, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. 2G2 TRADE DTRRCTOKY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Brick, tUe, and terra cotta. Braxolu. T.. Calle Carrera, 624. CaleriasUnidasdel Ue\on, Calle Morande, 83. Gibbs y Cia.. Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace. "W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Gratry, Estableciraieutos Americ:anos, Calle Moujitas, 851.' Lacoste, Mercado, Calle Teatinos, 56. T.arraiu, Bravo, A., Calle Huerfanos, 696. Morrison y Cia., Calle Aluunada, 67.' Orrego, J. A., Calle Huerfanos, 1440. Eose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.1 Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.' Swinfflehurst y Cia (Ltd.), Calle Monjitas, 834.1 Wessel, Diival y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Brushes. Burmeister y Cia., Calle Aliumada, 109.' Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. , Limozin, A., y Cia., Calle Almmada, 381. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Aliumada, 232. Butter and cheese. Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223. Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690. Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Hayes y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 79. Hormann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.*' Maino y Achiardo, Calle Puente, 648.* Passalacqua v Cia., Calle Agustinas, 1120.* Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.* ' Candles. Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223.* Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.* ' Burmeister y Cia., ( 'alle Ahumada, 109.* ' Campodonico v Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690.* Casa Maldini, Calle Estado, 143.* ' Deik y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 179. Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mavo, 556.* Deir Orto y Cia.. Calle Estado, 149.* Delpino y Andrade. Calle Bandera, 541. t ' Donoso, Osvaldo, Calle Huerfanos, 1235. f Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Bandera, 529.* ' Hayes y Cia.. Calle Ahumada, 79.* Hormann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.*' Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza.* Maino y Achiardo, Calle Puente, 648.* Parrague Hnos., Calle San Pablo, 1277. t Passalacqua y Cia., Calle Agustinas, 1120.* SchiavettiHnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1116.*' Seyler, Juan, Calle Manuel Rodriguez, 75.* Styles y Cia., Calle Bandera, 123.* Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.' . Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Puente, 574.* ' Carpets and other floor coverings.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Bandera, 185. ^ Bruhn y Beye, Calle Estado, 78.' Casa Guzman, Calle Agustinas, 1185. Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153. ^ Deik y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 179. Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Bandera, 529.' Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Martinez y Cia., Calle Estado, 65. Rourke, Elliot y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 89. Seckel, Julio, Calle Huerfanos, 906.' Shimidzu, T., Calle San Antonio, 29. Tiische y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 455.' Carriages, wagons, and parts. Abadie, Domingo, Calle Brazil, 773. f Bosne, T., Calle Catedral, 282. f Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.* ' Grace, 'Y\\ R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.*' Gratry, Establecimientos Americanos, Calle Monjitas, 851.' Lederman y Clave, Avenida Delicias, 2438.t Liebe, Alberto, Calle Miraflores, 266. t Maurier Delfin, Calle Velasquez, 70. t Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.* ' Patri y Cia., Calle Huerfanos esquina Riquelme.* Raab, Bellet y Cia., Calle Estado, 235.* Rose - Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.*' , Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.*' Tisne, Bertrand, Calle Castro, 141. f Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.* 1 Cash registers and adding and calculating machines.* Denninston y Cia., Calle Agustinas, Pasaje Alexandri. Sociedad M._ R. S. Curphey, Calle Agus- tinas esquina Estado. Castings.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, 'W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1275.' Morrison y Cia., Calle vVhumada, 67.' Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136. ' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.i 1 Signifies that the head oflBce, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. CHILE : SAXTIAGO. 263 Cement. Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223.* Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.* ^ Braxolu, J., Calle Carrera, 624.* Calerias Unidas del Melon, Calle Morande, 83.t Campodonico y Orasolli, Calle Puente, 690.* Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556.* Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Bandera, 529. ^ Orrego, J. A., Calle Huerfanos, 1440. f Saavedra, Benard v Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.* ' Chamber of comtmerce. Bolsa de Comercio, Calle Bandera, 213. Cbemicals, dyes, and extracts.* Botica Greve, Calle Ahumada, 246. Brandt, Luis, Portal Mac Clure. Daube y Cia., Calle Merced esquina San Antonio. 1 Klein, Emilio, Calle Huerfanos, 1095. Moutier, Luis, Calle Ahumada, 381. Valenzuela y Torres, Calle Moneda, 844. China and earthen ware.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Casa Maldini, Calle Estado, 143.' Gath y Chavez, Calle Huerfanos esquina Estado. Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381. Shimidzu, T., Calle San Antonio, 39. Clocks and watches.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Rourke, Elliott y Cia., Calle Ahumada,89. Tschumi y Cia., Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Clotlilng. men's.* Bayar, P., Calle Agustinas, 1027. Blech, Wegener y Cia., Calle Ahumada^ 346.' Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Cappelaro Hnos., Calle Estado, 230. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Cerri, A., Calle Estado, 357. Cohe, Alberto, Pasaje Matte, 53. Cox, James, Calle Agustinas, 967. Gath y Chaves, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Grote y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 367. Haude\alle, J., Calle Ahumada, 315. James y Cia., Calle Ahumada, Pasaje Matte. Katz, Brenner y Cia., Calle Catedral, 1063. Launay, A., Calle Ahumada, 335. Melrose, John, Calle Ahumada, 137. Pons V Cia., Calle Estado, 353. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Simon y Cia., Pasaje Matte, 10. Wiegers y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 991. women's.* Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquiua Huerfanos.' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Gallerstein Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Maison Pouget, V., Calle Estado, 281. Melrose, John, Calle Ahumada, 137. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Coal, coke, and patent fuel.* Cohrens y Cia., Calle Mapocho, 344. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Gratry, Establecimientos Americanos, Calle Monjitas, 851.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.1 Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350. ' Coffee, tea, and cocoa. Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223.* Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.* ' Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690.* Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556.* Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541 .* ' Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Bandera, 529.*' Hayes y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 315. Ilormann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.* ' Mai no y Achiardo, Calle Puente, 648.* Passalacqua y Cia., Calle Agustinas, 1120.* Schiavetti Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1116.*' Tusche y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 455.* ' Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.' Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Puente, 574.* ' Commission merchants. Arendt y Cia., Calle Puente, 676. Bouch, T., Calle Ahumada, 351. > Signifies tliat tlie head office, unner the same name, is located in Valparaiso. 264 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Confectioner's products.* Bersano v Romo, Calle Delicias, 3223. Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556. Delpiuo y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541. ' Hayes y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 79. Hormaiin y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.' McKay y Cia., Calle Moneda, 3078. Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 96.' Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Puente, 574.' Contractors and builders. Blondet y Straub, Calle Huerfanos, 710'. Lacoste, Mercado, Calle Teatinos, 56. Larrain, Bravo, A., Calle Huerfanos, 696. Cordage, rope, and twine.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Gratry, Establecimientos Americanos, Calle Monjitas, 851.' Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Novae, F., Calle Ramirez, 672. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 113G.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Cork and cork specialties.* Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381. Cotton goods.* Allardice y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 437.' Arrigorriaga y Astobuzaga, Calle Moneda, 944. Bm-galat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Casa Kaplan, Calle San Antonio esquina Merced. Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 163.' Fabrica de Panes, Camino del Salto. Gallerstein Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Gratry, Establecimientos Americanos, Calle Monjitas, 851.' Guerin Fr^res, Calle Monjitas, 826.' Hagnauer y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 33.' Hardt, E. W., Calle Agustinas, 942.' Huth y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 804.' Jouve y Gorlier, Calle Monjitas, 807.' Melrose, John, Calle Ahumada, 137. Nieto y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 923.' Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Galeria San Car- los, 21. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Sohrens y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 176. Stein y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 160. Timmerman y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 831.' Weber y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 31. Zuelueta Hnos. y Cia., Calle San Pablo, 1037. Cutlery and edge tools.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Casa Maldini, Calle Estado, 143.' Dell Orto y Cia., Calle Estado, 149. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Huth y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 804.' Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Dairymen's supplies.* Huth y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 804.' Raab, Bellet y Cia., Calle Estado, 235. Rojas, Huneus y Cia., Calle Bandera, 199. Dentist's instruments and supplies.* Daube y Cia., Calle Merced esquina San Antonio.' Davis, Enrique, Calle San Antonio, 439. Felley, Hue y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 98. Moutier, Luis, y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381. Rourke, Elliott y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 89. Valenzuela y Torres, Calle Moneda, 844. Department stores.* Bui'galat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Gallerstein Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Melrose, John, Calle Aliumada, 137. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Drugs and druggist's supplies.* Botica Greve, Calle Ahumada, 246. Brandt, Luis, Portal McClure. Daube y Cia., Calle Merced esquina San Antonio.' Klein, Emilio, Calle Huerfanos, 1095. Moutier, Luis, Calle Ahumada, 381. Valenzuela y Torres, Calle Moneda, 844. Electrical apparatus and supplies.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Gutmann y Maurier, Calle Moneda, 953. Huth y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 804.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Nicoreanu y Harnecker, Calle Huerfanos, 942. Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' 1 Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. CHILE : SANTIAGO, 265 Elevators, passenger and Irelght.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Bandera, 185.' Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.1 Engines.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245. ^ Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Heurfanos, 1075.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.1 Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.1 Explosives.* Fabrica de Polvora, Canaino de Melipilla. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075. Graham, Rowe y Cia., Calle Bandera, 369. Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350. i Feedstufls.* Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223. Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690. Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Fencing and fencing material. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.1 Gratry, Establecimientos Americanos, •Calle Monjitas, 851.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rojas, Huneus y Cia., Calle Bandera, 199. Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Ban- dera, 419.1 Swinglehurst y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 834.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Fertilizers.* Daube y Cia., Calle Merced esquina San Antonio.' Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245. i Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Moutier, Luis y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381. Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Valenzuela y Torres, Calle Moncda, 841. Wes.sel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Filters.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Casa Lumsden, Calle Monjitas, 879. Hyslop, Santiago, Calle Huerfanos, 1065. Ki'auss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Nicoreanu y Harnecker, Calle Huerfanos, 942. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Fireworks and firecrackers. Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223.* Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.*' Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.*' Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690.* Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556.* Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.*' Fabrica de Fuegos Artificiales, Calle Do- minica, 163. t Hermann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.*' Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza.* Maino y Achiardo, Calle Puente, 648.* Passalacquay Cia., Calle Agustinas, 1120.* Fish. See Groceries and provisions. Flour and meal. See Groceries and provisions. Forgings.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.1 Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67. i Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136. i Wessel, Duval y (Ha., Calle Morande, 350. i Fruit, fresh and dried. See Groceries and provisions. Furniture and fittings. Beye y Eruhn, Calle Eslado, 78.*t ' Bresciani, Eduardo, Cullf! Estado, 47. *t Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.* ' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.*t ' Denniston y Cia., Calle Agustinas, Pasaje Alexandri.* Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza.* Muebleria Guzman, Calle Agustinas, 1185.*t Rourko, Elliott y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 89.* Seckc], Julio, Calle Huerfanos, 906. *t Socic'dad M. R. S. ('uri)hey, Calle Estado esquina Agustinas.* ' Tusche y Cia., J., Calle San Antonio, 455.* ' • Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. 2CG TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Furs and fur skins.* Bunjalat, G., Calle Iluerfanos, 990. Casa Costova, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Fraiicesa, Calle Estado esquina Huorfanos.' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Gallerstein Hnos., Calle Iluerfanos, 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Iluerfanos. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Gas and electric fixtures.* Casa Lumsden, Calle Monjitas, 879. Gutmann y Maurier, Calle Moneda, 1953. Huth y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 804. ' Hyslop, Santiasro, Calle Iluerfanos, 1065. Ponzot, Trucher y Salazar, Calle Ban- dera, 109. Reves, Petit y Cia., Calle Estado, 218. Styles y Cia., Calle Bandera, 123. Gas apparatus and equipment. Cia. Consumidores de Gas, Calle Santo Domingo, 1061. Cia. de Gas Acetileno, Calle Agustinas, 1067. Nicoreanu v Harnecker, Calle Huerfanos, 942. General merchandise.* Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Bandera, 529.1 Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado e.squina Huerfanos. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.1 Gutmann y Maurier, Calle Moneda, 1953. Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Rose-Innesy Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Glass. Casa Maldini, Calle Estado, 143.* ' Dell' Orto y Cia., Calle Estado, 149.* Fabrica Nacional de Vidrios, Calle San Diego, 2197. t Glassware.* Bresciani, Eduardo, Calle Estado, 47. BurmeLster y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Casa Guzman, Calle Agustinas, 1185. Casa Maldini, Calle Estado, 143.' Deik y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 129. Deir Orto y Cia., Calle Estado, 149. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Glue.* Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381. Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Grain. See Groceries and provisions. Grease and other soap stock. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232.* Parrague Hnos., Calle San Pablo, 1277. f Grindstones, emery wheels, etc.* Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381. McKay y Cia., Calle Moneda, 3078. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.' Swinglehurst y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 834.' Groceries and provisions.* Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223. Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690. Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Duncan, "Fox y Cia., Calle Bandera, 529.' Hayes y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 79.' Hormann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.' Huth y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 804.' McKay y Cia., Calle Moneda, 378.* Maino y Achairdo, Calle Puente, 648. Passalacqua y Cia., Calle Agustinas, 1120. Schiavetti Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1116.' Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.' Weir, 'Scott y Cia., Calle Puente, 574.' Hardware.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Gutmann y ]\taurier, Calle Moneda, 1953. Huth y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 804.' Kraiiss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.' Harness and saddlery. Abadie, Domingo, Avenida Brazil, 723. f Bosne, T., Calle Catedral, 2832.t Calpes y Cia., Calle Bandera, 20. f Codeu,"Camalez, Calle Ahumada, 219.* Diener y Cia., Galeria Beeche, 49.* Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.* Hardy, J. W., Calle Ahumada esquina Huerfanos.*' Hume y Walker, Calle Ahumada, 357.* Lederman y Clave, Avenida Delicias, 2438. t liieve, Alberto, Calle Miraflores, 266.+ Patri y Cia., Calle Huerfanos esquina Riquelme.f Placie Gustavo, Calle Ahumada, 102. f Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. chile: SANTIAGO. 267 Heating apparatus.* Bresciani, Eduardo, Calle Estado, 47. Casa Guzman, Calle Agustinas, 1185. Cnsa Lumsdeu, Calle Monjita?, 879. Gutmann y Maurier, Calle Moneda, 1953. Hyslop, Santiago, Calle Huerfanos, 1065. Ponzot, Trucher y Salazar, Calle Bandera, 109. Styles y Cia., Calle Bandera, 123. Hose and hose fixtures. Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Bandera, 185.' Casa Lumsden, Calle Monjitas, 879. liyslop, Santiago, Calle ituerfanot), 1065. Limoziny Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.^ Orellaua, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Ponzot, Trucher y Salazar, Calle Bandera, 109. Hotels. Hotel Ambos Mundos, Calle Ahumada, 140. Hotel Grand, Calle Huerfanos, 1164. Hotel Oddo, Calle Ahumada, 237. Household utensils,* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Rourke, Elliott y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 89. Instruments, professional and scientific* Instituto Optico, Calle Estado, 146. Tschumi y Cia., Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Iron and steel.* Balfour, Lyon y ('ia., Calle Bandera, 185.' Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grare, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Gutmann y Maurier, Calle Moneda, 1953. Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rose-Innesy Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Swinglehurst y Cia., Calle Monjita,', 834.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Jewelry.* Hirsfh y Sylvester, Calle Huerfanos, 975. Jacobs, Isaac, Calle Huerfanos. 913. Lovvy y Ilirsch, Calle Huerfanos, 1057. Sinn, Luis H, Calle Huerfanos, 969. Waak, Otto, Calle Estado, 101. Knit goods.* Blech, Wegener, y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 346.' Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Cappelaro Hnos., Calle Estado, 230. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Casa Kaplu, Calle San Antonio esquina Merced. Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Cerri, A., Calle Estado, 357. Cohe, Alberto, Pasaje Matte, 53. Cox, James, Calle Agustinas, 957. Galerstein Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Grote y Cia., Calle Ahiimada, 367.' Guerin Freres, Calle Monjitas, 82G.' Hagnauer v Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 33.' Hardt, E. W., Calle Agustinas, 942.' Haudeville, J., Calle Ahumada, 315. James y Cia., Calle Ahumada, Pasaje Matte. Jouve y GorUer, Calle Monjitas, 807.' Katz, Brenner,, v Cia., Calle Catedral, 1063. Launay, A., Calle Ahumada, 335. Nagel y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 478. Nieto y Cia., Calle San Antcnio, 923.' Nieto Hnos. y Cia., Calle San Francisco, 264. Nissen, Fischer v Cia. , Galeria San Carlos, 21. Pons y Cia., Calle Estado, 353. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Simon y Cia., Calle Ahumada, Pasaje Matte, 10. Sohrens y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 176. Stein y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 160. Timmermann y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 831. Weber y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 31. Wiegera y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 991. Zulueta Hnos., Calle San Pablo, 1037. Lamps and lamp ware.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Casa Lumsden, Calle Monjitas, 879. Deik y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 179. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Hyslop, Santiago, Calle Huerfanos, 1065. Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Plecier, Gustavo, Calle Ahumada, 102. Ilourke, Elliott y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 89. Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. 268 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Bersano v Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223. lU\{). Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Hayes y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 79. Horniann y Cia.. Calle Bandera, 536.* Maino v Arhairdo, Calle Pnente, 648. PassalaVxina y Cia., Calle Agnstinas, 1120. SchiavettiHnos., Calle Hnerfanos, 1116.' Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.^ Leather goods. Abadie, Domingo, Avenida Brazil, 773. f Bcsne, T., Calle Catedral, 2832. f Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990.* Bnrmeistery Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.* ' Calpes y Cia., Calle Bandera, 20.t Carracedo y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1021. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387.* Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.* ' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.* ' Codeu, Camalez, Calle Ahumada, 219.* Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.* Hardy, J. W., Calle Ahumada esquina Huerfanos.* ^ Hume y Walker, Calle Ahumada, 357.* Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza.* Ledermann y Clave, Avenida Delicias, 2438 t Liebe, Alberto, Calle Mu-aflores, 266. McKenzie y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 918.* Maissonave y Cia., Calle Bandera, 547. t * Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232.* Petri y Cia., Calle Huerfanos esquina Riquelme.t Pviddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.* ^ Rourke, Elliott y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 89.* Leather, hides, and skhis. Abadie, Domingo, Avenida Brazil, 773. f American Shoe Factory, Bellavista. Aycahuer y Duhalde, Calle Bascunan Guerrerom 233. t ' Bosne, T., Calle Catedral, 2832.t Calpes y Cia., Calle Bandera, 20. f Carracedo y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1021. f Codeu, Camalez, Calle Ahumada, 219.* Etchepare, J. M., Calle San Pablo, 1340. f Fabrica de Calzado, Magner, Avenida Providencia, 856. f Fabrica de Calzado, Sandalias y Zapa- tillas, Calle San Martin, 70. t Garro y Cia., Calle Copiapo, 1641. f Ledermann y Clave, Avenida Delicias, 2438. t Liebe, Alberto, Calle Miraflores, 266. f Maissonave y Cia., Calle Bandera, 547. t ^ Patri y Cia., Calle Huerfanos esquina Kiquelme. Serkol, Julio, Calle Huerfanos, 906.* ' United Shoe Machinery Co., Avenida Delicias, 914.* N'alle y Sanchez, Calle San Francisco, 1002.t Linen goods.* Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. ' Casa Kaplan, Calle San Antonio, esquina Merced. Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Gallerstein Hnos., Calle Huerfanos 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado es(|uina Huerfanos. Guerin Freres, Calle Momjitas, 826.' Hagnauer y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 33.* Hardt, E. y W., Calle Agustibas, 942.' Jouve y Gorlier, Calle Monjitas, 807. Melrose, John, Calle Ahumada, 137. Nagel y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 478. Nieto y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 923.' Nieto Hnos. y Cia., Calle San Francisco, 264. Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Galeria San Car- los, 21. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Sohrens y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 176. Stein y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 160. Timmermann y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 831. Weber y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 31. Zulueta Hnos. y Cia., Calle San Pablo, ]037. Lumber and timber. I'LANINO-MILL PRODUCTS.* Venegas Hnos., Calle Tarapaca, 851. ROUGH PRODUCTS. Cohrens y Cia., Calle Mapocho, 344. t Orrego, J. A., Calle Huerfanos, 1440. t Sociedad, Barraca El Laja, Calle Salas, 150.* Sociedad Maderera Malvoa, Calle Ban- dera, 153.* ' Sociedad Nacional de Buques y Maderaa, Callo Bandera, 443.* ' Venegas Hnos., Calle Tarapaca, 831. f Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Ban- dera, 503.* 1 Machine tools.* American Machinery Agencies, Galeria Beeche, 86. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 07.' Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. CHILE : SANTIAGO. 269 Machinery.* American Machinery Agencies, Galeria Beeche, 86. Gibbsy Cia., Calle Iluerfanos, 1245. > Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' International Machinery Co., Calle Mo- rande, 530. Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rose-Ines y Cia., Qalle Huerfanos, 1136.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.1 Mantels, grates, and tUes.* Braxolu, J., Calle Carrera, 624. Casa Lumsden, Calle Monjitas, 879. Hyslop, Santiago, Calle Huerfanos, 1065. Marble, stone, and granite.* Braxolu, J., Calle Carrera, 624. Orrego, J. A., Calle Huerfanos, 1440. 3Iargarin.* Besa y Cia, Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Hayes y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 79. Hormann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.' Maino y Achiardo, Calle Puente, 648. Passalacqua y Cia., Calle Agustinas, 1120. Schiavetti Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1116.' Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.' Matches.* Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223. Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Campodimico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Hormann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.' Schiavetti Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1116.' Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.' Meats, fresh, cured, and pickled.* Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223. Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690. Darville y Cia., Calle Mercado Central. Delacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556. Dt'lpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Hormann y Cia., Calle Bandnra, 536.' Schiavetti Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1116.' Metals. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Millinery.* Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Gallerstein Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Melrose, John, Calle Ahumada, 137. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Motion-picture apparatus, stereopticons. Compaiiia Cinematografica del Pacifico, Calle San Antonio, 78.' Motor cars and accessories.* American Machinery Agencies, Galeria Beeche, 86. Chasignolo y Cia., Calle Copiapo, 1631. Copetta, Cesar, Calle Ejercito, 755. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Guillisasti, Manuel, Avenida Delicias, 2264. Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.' Siemens, Schukert (Ltd.), Calle Huer- INITIOS 10'-^"^ ^ Taulis.E., Calle Catedral, 1923. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Music* Conrads, Adolfo, Calle Estado, 349. Doggenweiler Hnos., Calle Arturo Prat, 166.' Musical instruments.* Becker, Otto, Calle Ahumada, 133. Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Conrads, Adolfo, Calle Estado, 349. Doggenweiler Hnos., Calle Arturo Prat, 166.' Krauss Hnos.. Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Nails and spikes.* Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Naval stores. Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. 1 Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. 270 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Notions.* Burgalal, G., Calle Iluerfanos, 990. Oasa Oostova, Calle Estado, 387. Ca.^a Fraiicesa, Calle Estado esquina lluerfanosi.' Ca.-^a Kaplan, Calle San Antonio, esquina Merced. Ca*ie Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Ilardt, E. y W., Calle Agustinas, 942.' Nagel y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 478.' Nieto V Cia., Calle San Antonio, 93.' A'i(>t() linos, y Cia., Calle San Francisco, 2U4. Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Galeria San Car- los, 21. Kiddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Sohrens y Cia., Calle San Antonio. 176. Stein y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 160. Timmermann y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 831. Weber y Cia., Galeria San (Jarlos, 31 . Znlueta Hnos. y Cia., Calle San Pablo, 1037. Novelties.* Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Davis, Enrique, Calle San Antonio, 439. Diener y Cia., Galeria Beeche, 49. Emanuel, Victor, Calle Huerfanos, 917. Furst, A., Calle Estado, 273. Gallerstein Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Hardy, J. W., Calle Ahumada esquina Huerfanos. Hume y Walker, Calle Ahumada, 357. McKenzie y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 918. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 366.' Umlauf Hnos., Calle Estado, 379. Nuts edible. Bersano y Rome, Avenida Delicias, 3223. Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690. Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Hayes y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 79. Hormann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.' Maino y Achairdo, Calle Puente, 648. Passalacqua y Cia., Calle Agustinas, 1120. Schiavetti Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1116.' Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.' Oils.* Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223. Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Botica Greve, Calle Ahumada, 246. Brandt, Luis, Cortal, McClure. Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690. Casa Maldini, Calle Estado, 143.'_ Daube y Cia., Calle Merced esquina San Antonio.' Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Hormann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.' Klein, Emilo, Calle Huerfanos, 1095. iimozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 38).' Maino y Achiardo, Calle Puenta, 648. Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Moutier, Luis, y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Passalacqua y Cia., Calle Agustina, 1120. Rose-Iunes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Schiavetti Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1116. Valenzuela y Torres, Calle Moneda, 844. Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Optical goods.* Institute Optico, Calle Estado, 146. Tschumi y Cia., Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Paints and varnishes.* Abadie, Domingo, Avenida Brazil, 773. Bosne, T., Calle Catedral, 2832. Casa Maldini, Calle Estado, 143.' Codeau, Camalez, Calle Ahumada, 319. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, \Y. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.' Lederman y Clave, Avenida Delicias, 2438. Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Liebe, Alberto, Calle Mhafiores, 266. Maurier, Delfin, Calle Velasquez, 70. Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Patri y Cia., Calle Huerfanos esquina Riquelme. y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Paper and paper goods.* Balcels y Cia., Calle Moneda, 801. Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Hardy, Menelaus, Calle Bandera, 88.' Imprenta Lathrop, Calle Huerfanos, 859. Imprenta y Litografia Universe, Pasaje Alexandri.' Imprenta Universitaria, Calle Bandera, 130. Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Lorilleaux y Cia., Calle Morande, 520. Luer y Paye, Calle San Antonio, 164.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. 1 Signifies that the head ofiBce, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. chile: SANTIAGO. 271 Paving materials.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245. ^ Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.1 Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' SwinglehurstyCia. (Ltd.), Calle Monjitas, 834.1 Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Periodicals.* Diener y Cia., Galeria Beeche, 49. Hardy, J. W., Calle Ahumada esquina Huerfanos.' Hume y Walker, Calle Ahumada, 357. McKenzie y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 918. Phonographs, graphophones, etc., and records.* Becker, Otto, Calle Ahumada, 133. Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Conrads, Adolfo, Calle Estado, 349. Davis, Em-ique, Calle San Antonio, 439. Doggenweiler Hnos., Calle Arturo Prat, 166.' Krauss Hnos Plaza Calle Catedral esquina Printer's and bookbinder's machinery and supplies.* Balcells y Cia., Calle Moneda, 801. Da\ds, Enrique, Calle San Antonio, 439. Hardy, Menelaus y Cia., Calle Bandera, 88.' Imprenta Lathrop, Calle Huerfanos, 859. Imprenta y Litografia Universo, Pasaje Alexandri, 20.' Imprenta Universida.d, Calle Bandera, 130. Lorilleaux y Cia., Calle Morande, 520. Luer y Paye, Calle San Antonio, 164.' Pumps.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075." Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67. ^ Orellana, 'Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1136.' Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Railway equipment and supplies.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Bandera, 185.' Sociedad M. R. S. Curphey, Calle Estado Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245.' esquina Agustinas.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075 ' Photographic supplies and art materials.* , Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Durandino, Leon, Pasaje Matte, 30. Rose - Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, Hans, Frey y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 855.' 1136.' Heffer, O., Calle Estado, 53. Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, Mattensohn, G., Calle Agustinas, 1077. 419.' Tschumi y Cia., Calle Estado esquina Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.' Huerfanos. Pipes and tubes.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Ban Cains y Cia., Calle Bandera, 20. Codeau, Camalez, Calle Ahumada, 219. Garau y Cia., Calle Copinpo, 1641. Maissonave y Cia., Calle Bandera, 547.' Telegraph and telephone companies. Chili Telephone Co., Galeria San Car- los, n. TelegiafoComercial, Cle Huerfanos, 987. Tclegrafo del Estado, Pallaza de Armas. > Signifies that the head ofncc, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. 21373°— 14 18 274 TKADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment. Central & South American Telegraph Co., Callc lluerfanos, 1041. Chili Telephone Co., Galeria San Carlos, 11. West Coast Cable Co., Calle Huerfanos, 863.1 Thread and yarn.* Allardice y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 437. > American Shoe Factory, Bellavista. Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Casa Kaplan, Calle San Antoni esquina Merced. Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Codeu, Camalez, Calle Ahumada, 129. Gallerstein Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Guerin Freres, Calle Monjitas, 825.' Hagnauer y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 33.' Hardt, E. y W., Calle Agustinas, 942.' Jouve y Gorlier, Calle Monjitas, 807.' Kreft y Cia., Calle Agustinas, 968. Nagel y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 478.' Nieto y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 923. '_ Nieto Hnos. y Cia., Calle San Francisco, 264.' Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Galeria San Car- los, 21. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Sohrens y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 176. Stein y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 160. Timmermann y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 831.' Weber y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 41. Tmware.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 100.' Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Tobacco, leaf.* Larenas, Ismael, Portal Fernandez Con- cha, 918. Benard, A., Calle Bandera, 207. Talhnan, Benjamin, Calle Rosas, 2789. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Diemer y Cia., Galeria Beeche, 49. Hardy, J. W., Calle Ahumada esquina Huerfanos.' Hume y Walker, Calle Ahumada, 357. Larenas, Ismael, Portal Fernandez Concha, 918. Renard, A., Calle Bandera, 207. Tallman, Benjamin, Calle Rosas, 2789. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Puente, 574.' Toilet articles.* Blech, Wegener y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 346.' Botica Greve, Calle Ahumada, 246. Brandt, Luis, Portal McClure. Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Cappelaro Hnos., Calle Estado, 230. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Cerri, A., Calle Estado, 357. Cohe, Alberto, Pasaje Matte, 53. Davis, Enrique, Calle San Antonio, 439. Diener y Cia., Galeria Beeche, 49. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Grote y Cia., Calle Aliumada, 154.' Hardy, J. W., Calle Aliumada esquina Huerfanos.' Harville, J., Calle Ahiimada, 315. Katz, Brenner y Cia., Calle Catedral, 1063. Klein, Emilo, Calle Huerfanos, 1095. Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Launay, A., Calle Ahumada, 335. Tools.* Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Toys and games.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Aliumada, 109.' Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Diemer y Cia., Galeria Beeche, 49. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Hardy, J. W., Calle Ahumada esquina Huerfanos.' Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza Riddeil y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Trunlis and traveler's supplies.* Blecli, Wegener y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 346.' Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Cappelaro Hnos., Calle Estado, 230. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.' Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Codeau, Camalez, Calle Ahumada, 219. Cohe, Alberto, Pasaje Matte, 53. Diener y Cia., Galeria Beeche, 49. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Grote y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 367.' 1 Signifies tliat the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. chile: SANTIAGO. 275 Hardy, J. W., Calle Ahumada esquina Huerfanos.i Haude\dlle, J., Calle Ahumada, 315. Hume y Walker, Calle Ahumada, 357. James y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 913. Katz, Brenner y Cia., Calle Catedral, 1063. Krauss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Laimay, A., Calle Ahumada, 335. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.* Simon y Cia., Pasaje Matte, 10. Wiegers y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 991. Typewriters and supplies.* Davis, Enrique, Calle San Antonio, 439. Denniston y Cia., Calle Agustinas Pasaje Alexandri. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.1 Sociedad M. R. S. Curphey, Calle Estado esquina Agustinas. ^ Umbrellas and canes.* Bayard, P., Calle Agustinas, 1027. Blech, Wegener y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 346.1 Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Cappelaro Hnos., Calle Estado, 230. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. 1 Casa Kaplan, Calle San Antonio esquina Merced . Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153. ^ Cohe, Alberto, Pasaje Matte, 53. Furst, A., Calle Estado, 273. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Grote y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 367. ^ Guerin Freres, Calle Monjitas, 826.' Haganauer y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 33.' Hardt, E. y W.. Calle Agustinas, 942.' Hardy, J. W., Calle Ahumada esquina Huerfanos.' Haudeville, J., Calle Ahumada, 315. Hii-sch y Sylvester, Calle Huerfanos, 975. Hume y Walker, Calle Ahumada, 357. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle Monjitas, 807. Katz, Brenner y Cia., Calle Catedral, 1063. Nieto Hnos. y Cia., Calle San Francisco, 264.1 Nieto y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 923.' Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 26G.' Simon y Cia., Pasaje Matte, 10. Timmermann y Cia., Calle Monjitas, 831.' Wiegers y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 991. Undertaker's goods.* Forlivessi, Juan, Calle Merced esquina San Antonio. Vacuum cleaners and carpet sweepers * Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 6~.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Wall paper.* Bresciani, Eduardo, Calle Estado, 47. Bruhn y Beye, Calle Estado, 78. i Casa Guzman, Calle Agustinas, 1185. Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153.' Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada. 381.' Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Washing machines and clothes wringers.* Burmeister y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 109.' Ki-auss Hnos., Calle Catedral esquina Plaza. Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Water, aerated and mineral.* Bersano y Romo, Avenida Delicias, 3223. Besa y Cia., Calle Santo Domingo, 897.' Botica, Greve, Calle Ahumada, 246. Brandt, Luis, Portal McGlure. Campodonico y Orasoli, Calle Puente, 690. Daube y Cia., Calle Merced esquina San Antonio. 1 Dellacqua y Cia., Calle 21 de Mayo, 556. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Bandera, 541.' Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.1 Hayes y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 79. Hermann y Cia., Calle Bandera, 536.' Klein, Emilo, Calle Huerfanos, 1095. Maine y Achiardo, Calle Puente, 648. Passalacqua y Cia., Calle Agustinas, 1120. Schiavetti Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1116.' Valenzuela y ToiTes, Calle Moneda, 844. Weir y Cia., Calle Estado, 396.i Wheelbarrows.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1245. i Grace. W. R., y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 1075.1 Limozin y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 381.' Morrison y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 67. i Orellana, Manuel, Calle Ahumada, 232. Rose-Innes y Cia., Calle Huerfanos,, 1136. i Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Bandera, 419.1 Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Morande, 350.1 Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Ban- dera, 503.1 Windmills.* See Wheelbarrows. 1 Signifies that the head office, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. 276 TlIAni: DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Woolen goods.* Allardice y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 437. ^ iVrrigornaga x Astabuzaga, Calle Moneda, 944. Bayard, P., Calle Agustinas, 1027. lUech, Wegener y Cia., Calle Ahumada, Burgalat, G., Calle Huerfanos, 990. Cappelaro Hnos., Calle Estado, 230. Casa Costoya, Calle Estado, 387. Casa Francesa, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos.^ Casa Kaplan, Calle San Antonio esquina Merced. Casa Muzard, Calle Ahumada, 153. ^ Cerri, A., Calle Estado, 357. Cohe, Alberto, Pasaje Matte, 53. Cox, James, Calle Agustinas, 967. Fabrica de Pailos, Camino del Salto. Gallerstein Hnos., Calle Huerfanos, 1059. Gath y Chavez, Calle Estado esquina Huerfanos. Grote y Cia., Calle Ahumada, 367.' Guerin Frferes, Calle Monjitas, 826.^ Hagnauer y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 33.* Hardt, E. y W., Calle Agustinas, 942.' Haudeville, J., Calle Ahumada, 315. James y Cia., Calle Ahumada, Pasaje Matte. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle Monjitas, 807. i Katz, Brenner y Cia., Calle Catedral, 1063. Kreft y Cia., Calle Agustinas, 968. Launay, A., Calle Ahumada, 335. Nagel y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 478.' Nieto y Cia., Calle San Antonio, 923. • Nieto Hnos. y Cia., Calle San Francisco; 264. Nissen, Fischer y Cia., Galeria San Carlos, 21. Riddell y Cia., Calle Estado, 266.' Wiegers y Cia., Calle Huerfanos, 991. VALPARAISO. on neries^n'TOdwoVkinFp^antsrfurn^^^^ Thecity'with its immediate suburbs has a population of about 210,000. There is an American consulate at this place. Agents. Ashcroft y Mabnab, Calle Cochrane, 629. Beaver, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 285. Hart, McKinley y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 598. Picton y Sproat, Calle Prat, 226. CUSTOMHOUSE. Balbontin Fehpe, Calle Serrano, 57. LeteUer, 0. P., Calle Blanco, 655. Maas y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1467. Martinez, Vicente, Calle Blanco, 797. Riobo, Jorge R., Calle Marquez, 5. Tello y Gonzales, Calle Blanco, 973. Wiegand y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 691. FORWARDING. Letelier, 0. P., Calle Blanco, 655. Maas y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1467. Villalonga, Expreso, Calle Blanco, 955. Wiegand y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 691. Agricultural Implements and machinery.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 557. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham. Rowe y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Paarmann y Krebs, Avenida Brazil, 325. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Saavedra, Beaard y Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. Williamson, Balfour y Cia. 543 (New York office, Place). Architects. Calle Blanco, 43 Exchange Andwanter, Otto, Calle Prat, 107. Claussen, Carlos F., Calle Cochrane, -119. Dazarola, Juan, Calle Chaigneau, 25, Villa del Mar. E. O. F., Calle Cochrane, I., Calle Prat, 298. Hamngton, 615. Leighton, F MacDermott, O. L., Calle Prat, 296. Raveau, Rene, Plaza Victoria, 66. Tonkin, Juan, Calle Cochrane, 561. Arms and ammunition.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calla Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Moreno Hnos., Calle Cochrane, 241. Piantanida y Carlesi, Calle Serrano, 183. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Seyler, Juan, Calle Condell, 353. IJrmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Awnings, tents, and sails.* Gourock Ropework Cia., Calle Blanco, 449. Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. London & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 653. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Signifies tkat the head oflace, under the same name, is located in Valparaiso. CHILE : VALPAKAISO. 277 Bags and bagging.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe y Cia. , Calle Cochrane, 659. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Banks and bankers. Banco Aleman Transatlantico, Calle Prat, 286 (American agent. National City Bank, New York). Banco Anglo-Sud Americano (Ltd.), Calle Prat, 276 (American agent, Anglo South American Bank (Ltd.), New York City). Banco de Chile, Calle Prat, 100 (American agent, Produce Exchange Bank, New York). Banco Espanol de Chile, Calle Prat, 202 (American agent, National City Bank, New York). Banco Germanico de la America del Sur, Calle Prat, 136 (American agent, the National Bank of Commerce, New York). Banco Italiano, Calle Cochrane, 705 (American agent. Produce Exchange Bank, New York). Banco de Londres y Rio de la Plata (Ltdo.), Calle Prat, 288 (American agent, the Loudon and River Plate Bank (Ltd.), New York). Belting.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Hart, McKinley y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 598. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innea y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories.* Sociedad M. R. S. Curphey, Calle Blanco, 441. Billiard and pool tables and supplies.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowey Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Urmeneta,Parkery Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Boats and accessories.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Boilers.* Ashcroft y McNab, Calle Cochrane, 626. Balfoiu", Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 557. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets.* Bohlen, R. vou, y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 80. Graham, Rowe y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Lazonby y Cia., Calle Blanco, 457. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Moreno Hnos., Calle Cochrane, 241. Piantanida y Carlessi, Calle Sen-ano, 183. Swinglehurst y Cia., Calle Las Heras, 35. Books.* Bailey, R. W., y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 7. Hardy, J. W., Calle Esmeralda, 11. Imprenta y Litografia Universo, Calle Esmeralda, 32. Libreria El Mercurio, Calle Esmeralda, 9. Mattensohn y Grimm, Calle Esmeralda, 17. Niemeyer, Calle Esmeralda, 13. Baton, W. G., Calle Esmeralda, 2. Phillips, Allan D., Calle Prat, 269. Westcott y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 1. Boots and shoes. American Shoe Cia., Calle Condell, 97. Blech, Wegener T. H., Calle Condell, 9. Burgos, Pedro, Avenida Victoria, 60. f Ijafon Hnos., Calle Independencia, 262. Danielsson, C, Calle Esmeralda, 5. Ewart y Donaldson, Calle Esmeralda, 60. Fagalde Hnos., Calle Victoria, 549. f Fogg, Walter J., Calle Prat, 13. Gremio Marino, Calle Serrano, 99. Nestares. Felipe, Avenida Victoria, 292. f Paton, W. G., Calle Esmeralda, 2. Real, Manuel, Calle Arrayan, 15. f Riddell y ('ia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas, y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Rigau Shoe, Calle Condell, 359.t The Prince of Wales, Calle Condell, 99. Villaloii y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 66. Westcott y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 1. Brewers.t Compafiia Cervecera Calera, Calle Doce de Febrero, 85. Compafiia Cervecera Unidas, Calle Blanco, 681. Compafiia Cervecera Valdivia, Calle Chacal)uco, 136. 278 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Brick, tile, and terra cotta.* Lazonbv y Oia., Calle Blanco, 457. Gi-aco, W.' R., y Oia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotoraayor, 1. Rudolphy Hnos., Avenida Errazuris, 303. Swinglehurst y Cia., Calle Las Ueras, 35. Brushes.* Bohlen, M. von, y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, SO. Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Moreno Hnos., Calle Cochrane, 241. Morri^ion y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Piantanida y Carlessi, Calle Serrano, 185. Butter and clieese. See Groceries and provisions. Candles.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Cambiaso, Antonio, Avenida Brazil, 1098. Cariola, Miguel, 2., Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1053. Delpino y Ancb-ade, Calle Blanco, 913. Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Schill, Seaborn y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 343 (manufacturer). Carpets and otlier floor coverings.* Bruhn y Beye, Calle Condell, 339. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell- Yerbas Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 355. Ceardi, Salvador, Avenida Victoria, 645. Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Blanco, 587. Escobar y Cia., Calle Victoria, 309. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Muebleria Internacional, Calle Condell, 296. Munchmayer, Ernesto F., Calle Victoria, 559. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Seckel, Julio. Calle Condell, 93. Ugarte, Justo. Calle Independencia, 28. Carriages, wagons, and parts.* Grace, W. R.. y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Williamson. Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 CNew York office, 43 Exchange Place). Cash registers and adding and calculating machines.* Davis, Emique, Calle Cochrane, 479. Sociedad M. R. S. Curphey, Calle Blanco, 441. Castings,* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 325 (New York office, 17 State Street). Sociedad de Maestranza y Galvanizacion, Calle Blanco, 517. Cement.* Cemento El Melon, Avenida Brazil, 500 (manufacturer). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Rudolphy Hnos. , Avenida Errazuris, 303. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. Swinglehurst y Cia., Calle Las Heras, 35. The London & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 663. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Chamber of commerce. La Bolsa Comercial, Calle Blanco, 673. Chemicals, dyes, and extracts.* Arestizabal y Cia., Calle Prat, 69. Botica Internacional, Calle Esmeralda, 26. Botica Hambiu-guesa, Calle Cochrane, 199. Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. Griffiths y Prentice, Calle Esmeralda, 56. Valenzuela y Torres, Avenida Brazil, 442. Wiedmaier, Carlos, Calle Serrano, 77. China and earthenware. * Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Ganna y Cia., Calle Condell, 261. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Schmidt y Wehrhahn, Calle Blanco, 1063. Weir y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 53. Clocks and watches.* Brunschwig Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 36. Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Cahen Hnos. , Calle Esmeralda, 92. Hardy, J. W., Calle Esmeralda, 11. Klickmaun, Guillermo, Calle Condell, 1. Lewen, A., Calle Condell, 251. Perrenoud, Jorge, Calle Blanco, 967. Rohlke, C, Calle Condell, 65. Schindler, Calle Esmeralda, 3. Schwab Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 51. Sinn, Louis E., Calle Esmeralda, 42. Weil y Becker, Calle Prat, 1. Weinstein, M., CalJe Condell, 135. chile: VALPARAISO. 279 Clothing. men's.* Beduneau, F., Calle Esmeralda, 69. Caro, J., y Compauia, Calle Blanco, 675. Casa Francesa, Esquina Condell-Yerbas Buenas. Danielsson, E., Calle Esmeralda, 5. Dighero Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 104. Ewart y Donaldson, Calle Esmeralda, 60. Fogg, Walter J., Calle Prat, 13. Gremio Marino, Calle Serrano, 99. Grote y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 47. Guerin Freres, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 625. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. Lea,PoudensanyCia.,AvenidaBrazil,197. Matas y Cia., Calle Condell, 69. Munchmeyer, Ernesto F.. Calle Victoria, 559. Neckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Nieto y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 209. Nieto, Codina y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1005. Paludan, Luis, Calle Esmeralda, 115. Polanco, Julio U., Calle Cochi-ane, 709. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Rostagno, Victor, Calle Serrano, 68. Sanz, Ponciano y Cia., Calle Cochi-ane, 416. The Prince of Wales, Calle Condell, 99. Villalon, J. L., y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 66. women's.* Beduneau, F., Calle Esmeralda, 99. Casa Francesa, Esquina Condell- Yerbes Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Danielsson, E., Calle Esmeralda, 5. Dighero Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 104. Guerin Freres, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 625. Jacobsen, Otto y Cia., Calle Esmeralda 19. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. Lea, Poudensany Cia. , AvenidaBrazil, 197 . Matas y Cia., Calle Condell, 69. Meyers, Mrs. C, Piramide, 22. Munchmeyer, Ernesto F., Calle Victoria, 559. Neckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Nieto y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 209. Nieto, Codina y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1005. Paludan, Luis, Calle Esmeralda, 115. Polanco, Julio U., Calle Cochrane, 709. Polanco, Onofre, Calle Condell, 357. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Rostagno, Victor, Calle Serrano, 68. Sordo, Jose, Calle Condell, 39. Testart, L., Calle Blanco, 1010. Coal, coke, and patent fuel.* Ashcroft y McNab, Calle Cochrane, 626. Brown, James y Alexander, Calle Coch- rane, 667. Graham, Rowe, y Cia., Calle Cochi-ane, 659. Keurick, Geo. C, Calle Blanco, 515. Rudolphy Hnos., Avenida Errazuris, 203. Seaham Colliery Co., Calle Blanco, 709. Coffee, tea, and cocoa. Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045.* Compania Industrial, Calle Blanco, 369.* Duncan, J. H., Calle Blanco, 847.* Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Blanco, 587.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York oiEce, 1 Hanover Square).* McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15.* Tusche, J., Calle Blanco, 735.* Weir y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 53. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29.* Commission merchant. Picton y Sproat, Calle Prat, 226. Confectioner's products.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Cambiaso, Antonio, Avenida Brazil, 1098. Cariola, Miguel, 2., Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1053. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Sobral, Dominguez y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 433. Weir y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 53. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Contractors and builders. Andwanter, O., Calle Cochrane, 461. Dazarola, Juan, Calle Chaigneau, 25, Vina del Mar. Harrington, E. 0. F., Calle Cochrane, 615. Leigh ton, F. I., Calle Prat, 228. McDermott, O. L., Calle Prat, 296. Pearson Sons, S. (Ltd.), Calle Errazuris. Raveau, Rene, Plaza Victoria, 66. Tonkin, Juan, Calle Cochrane, 561. Cooperage.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Cooperative association. Sociedad Cooperativa Naval, Circulo Naval. 280 TRADE DIRECTOBY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Cordage, rope, ami twluc* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Bohleu, M". von, y Cia., Calle O'Higgius, 80. Compaiiia Industrial, Calle Blanco, 369. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Uniola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Gourock Ropework Export Co., Calle Blanco, 443. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Piantanida y Carlessi, Calle Serrano, 183. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. The London & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 653. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Cork and cork specialties.'*' Arestizabal y Cia., Calle Prat, 69. Botica Internacional, Calle Esmeralda, 26. Botica Hamburguesa, Calle Cochrane, 199. Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. Griffiths y Prentice, Calle Esmeralda, 54. Valenzuela y Torres, Avenida Brazil, 442. Wiedmaier, Carlos, Calle Serrano, 77. Cotton.* Fabrica Victoria de Puente Alto, Calle Blanco, 549. Cotton goods.* Allardice y Cia., Calle Blanco, 903. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell- Yerbas Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Dighero Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 104. Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Blanco, 587. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Guerin Freres, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer v Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 525. Jacobsen, Otto y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 19. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. Lea, Poudensan y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 197. Matas y Cia., Calle Condell, 69. Neckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Nieto y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 209. Nieto, Codina y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1005. Polanco, Julio U., Calle Cochrane, 709. Polanco, Onofro, Calle Condell, 357. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Rose-Innea y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Rostagno, Victor, Calle Serrano, 68. Sanz, Ponciano, y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 116. Testart, L., Calle Blanco, 1010. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 5G1 (New York office, 25 Broad Street.) Cutlery and edge tools.* Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Bohlen, M. von, y Cia., Calle O'Hig- gins, 80. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Hardy, J. W., Calle Esmeralda, 11. Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 66. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Moreno Hnos., Calle Cochrane, 251. Piantanida y Carlessi, Calle Serrano, 183. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Seyler, Juan, Calle Condell, 353. The London & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 653. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Weu- y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 53. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Dairymen's supplies.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Paar, an y Krebs, Avenida Brazil, 325. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Dentist's instruments and supplies.* Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Westcott y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 1. Department stores.* Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell - Yerbas Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Es- meralda, 105. CHILE : VALPARAISO. 281 Drugs and druggist's siipplies.* Arestizabal y Cia., Calle Prat, 69. Botica Internacional, Calle Esmeralda, 26. Botica Hamburgiiesa, Calle Cochrane, 199. Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. Griffiths y Prentice, Calle Esmeralda, 54. Valenzuela y Torres, Avenida Brazil, 442. Vogt y Cia., Calle Condell, 4. Wiedmaier, Carlos, Calle Serrano, 77. Electrical apparatus and supplies.* Balfour, Lyon v Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Beaver, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 285. Compaiiia de Tranvias Electricos de Val- paraiso, Calle Condell, 330. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Greenwood y Hallgarth, Calle Blanco, 1026. Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Blanco 927. Elevators, passenger and freight.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Ci'a., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Morrison v Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Engines.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York oflice, 17 State Street). Rose-Iunes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor,. 1. Saavedra, Benard, y Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. Explosives.* E. DuPont de Nemoirs Powder Co., Calle Cochrane, 679. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Pral, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe, y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Fencing and fencing material.* Ashcroft y McNab, Calle Cochrane, 626. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe, y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Hart, McKinley y Cia., Calle Cochi-ane, 598. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. The London & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 653. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Filters.* Beith, Vda. de, y Cia., Calle Condell, 53. Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. McNab y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 74. FirevForks and firecrackers.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Schiavetti y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Fish.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Cambiaso, Antonio, Avenida Brazil, 1098. Cariola, Miguel, Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1053. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 447. Schiavetti y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Forglngs.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Sociedad Maestranza y Galvanizacion, Calle Blanco, 517. Fruit, dried and fresh. See Confectioner's products. Furniture and fittings. Bruhn y Beye, Calle Condell, 339.t Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Casa Muzar(i, Calle Condell, 357. t Ceardi, Salvador, Calle Victoria, 645. t Escobar y Cia., Calle Victoria, 309.t Ganna y Cia., Calle Condell, 261. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Muebleria Internacional, Calle Condell, 439.t Seckel, Julio, C^alle Esmeralda, 93. f Tusche, J., Calle Blanco, 735. Ugarte, Justo, Calle Independencia, 28. f Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. 282 TRADE DIRECTORY OP SOUTH AMERICA. Furs and fur skins.* Casa Frauccsii, esquina CoudcU-Yrrbas lUienas. Caya Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Jacobsen, Otto y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 19. Polanco, Onofre, Calle Condell, 367. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, 'Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Gas and electric fixtures.* Beith, Vda. de, y Cia., Calle Condell, 53. Compania de Gas Acetileno, Calle Prat, 294. Compania de Gas de Valparaiso, Calle Aldunate, 78. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Greenwood y Hallgarth, Calle Blanco, 1026. McNab y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 74. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New Y'ork office, 17 State Street). Sovler, Juan, Calle Condell, 353. Thennett, T., Calle Serrano, 70. Wylie, Juan, Plaza Pinto, 57. Gas apparatus and equipment.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Compania de Gas Acetileno, Calle Prat, 294. Compania de Gas de Valparaiso, Calle Aldunate, 78. Hart, McKinley y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 598. MoiTison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New Y'ork office, 17 State Street). Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. General mercliandise.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1 . The London & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 653. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Glass.* Ganna, A., Calle Condell, 261. Giraudo, Calle Piramide, 12. Glassware.* Bahre, Herbst y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 459. Caro, J., y Cia., Calle Blanco, 675. Delpiuo y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. Fonck y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 371. Ganna, A., Calle Condell, 261. (Trace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Klickmann, Guillermo, Calle Condell, 1. Lewen, A., Calle Condell, 251. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rolke, C, Calle Condell, 65. Schindler, Calle Esmeralda, 3. Schwab y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 51. Weir y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 53. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Glue.* Bohlen, M. von, y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 80. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Paarmann y Ki-ebs, Avenida Brazil, 325. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Grain.* Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Blanco, 587. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe, y Cia., Calle (Cochrane, 659. Williamson, Balfoiu- y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Grindstones, emery wheels, etc.* Ashcroft y McNab, Calle Cochrane, 626. Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New Y'ork office, 1 Hanover Square). Morrison y ('ia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Saavedra, Benard, y Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. Urmeneta, Parker v Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Groceries and provisions.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., (Ltd.), Calle Blanco, 495. Cambiaso, Antonio, Avenida Brazil, 1098. Cariola, Miguel, 2, Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1053. Compaiiia Industrial, Calle Blanco, 369. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. CHILE : VALPARAISO. 283 Duncan, J. H., Calle Blanco, 847. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 477. Schavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Sobral, Dominguez y Cia., Calle Blanco, 433. Weir y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 53. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Hardware.* Bohlan, M. von, y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 80. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square) . Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 57. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Moreno, Hnos., Calle Cochrane, 241. Piantanida y Cai'lessi, Calle SeiTano, 183. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Harness and saddlery.* Bailey y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 7. Goeptel, R., Calle Victoria 177. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Schaefer. A., Calle Condell, 109 (manu- facturer). Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 'Exchange Place). Heating apparatus.* Beith, Vda. de, y Cia., Calle Condell, 53. Compania de Gas de Valparaiso, Calle Aldunate, 78. Compania de Gas Acetileno, Calle Prat, 294. Hendrie y Aylward, Calle Victoria, 160. Jovenich, L., Calle Victoria, 321. McNab y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 74. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Schill, Seabom y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 343. Thennett, T., Calle Serrano, 70. Wylic, J., Plaza Pinto, 57. Hose and hose fixtures.* Beith, Vda. de, y Cia., Calle Condell, 53. Compaiiia de Gas Acetileno, Calle Prat., 294. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Hendrie y Aylward, Calle Victoria, 160. Jovenich, L., Calle Victoria, 321. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Schill, Seabom y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 343. Seyler, Juan, Calle Condell, 353. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratrv, Calle Blanco, 480. Thennett, T., Calle SeiTano 70. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Sen-ano, 137. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Hotels. Hotel Central, Calle Serrano, 101. Hotel Colon, Calle Esmeralda, 87. Hotel Palace, Calle Blanco, 975. Hotel Rolffs, Calle Serrano, 116. Hotel Royal, Calle Esmeralda, 55. Household utensils.* Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Piantanid y Carlessi, Calle Serrano, 183. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Urmeneta, Pai-ker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Instruments, professional and scientific* Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. Fellinger, Otto., Calle Serrano, 75. Hammersley, R., Calle Esmeralda, 82. Kohn, J., Calle Esmeralda, 52. Steinmetz, Jorge, Calle Esmeralda, 10. Vogt y Cia., Calle Condell, 4. Iron and steel.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Lazonby y Cia., Calle Blanco, 457. Maestranza y Galvanizacion Compania, Calle Blanco, 517. Morrison y Cia., CaMe Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Establecimientos Americans Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. Swinglehurst y Cia.^ Calle Heras, 35. United States Steel Products Export Co., Calle Blanco, 705. Williamson, Balfom* y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Jewelry. See Clocks and watches. Knit goods.* Allardice y Cia., Calle Blanco, 903. Beduneau, F., Calle Esmeralda, 99. Blech, Wegene, T., Calle (VMidell, 9. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell- Yerbas Buenas. 284 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Paniolpson, E., Calle Ef^moraldn, 5. Ewart y Donaldson, Oalle Esmeralda, (JO. Fabrioa Victoria de Puente Altu, C'alle Blanco, 549 (manufactm-er). Fogg, Walter J., Calle Prat, 13. Gremio M^mno, Calle Serrano, 99. Guerin Fr^res, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 625. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Jacobsen, Otto y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 19. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. La (olmena, Calle Condell, 39. Lea, Poudensan y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 197. Matas y Cia., Calle Condell, 69. Keckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Polanco, Julio U., Calle Cochrane, 709. Polanco, Onofre, Calle Condell, 357. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. The Prince of Wales, Calle Condell, 99. Villalon, J. L., y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 66. Lamps and lamp ware.* Beith, Vda. de, y Cia., Calle Condell, 53. Bohlen, M. von, y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 80. Bm-meister, y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New- York office, 17 State Street). Moreno Hnos., Calle Cochrane, 241. Piantanida y Carlessi, Calle Serrano, 183. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Lard.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Cambiaso, Antonio, Avenida Brazil, 198. Cariola, Miguel^ 2, Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1053. Delpino y Andi-ade, Calle Blanco, 913. Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Blanco, 587. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Leather goods.* Blech, Wegener T., Calle Condell, 9. Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell- Yerbas Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Dighero Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 104. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Grote y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 47. Hardy y Menelaus, Calle Blanco, 330. Hardy, J. W., Calle Esmeralda, 11. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Rostagno, Victor, Calle Serrano, 68. The Prince of Wales, Calle Condell, 99. Leather, hides, and sklns.f American Shoe Co., Calle Condell, 97. Aycahuer y Dulialde, Calle Victoria, 507. Burgos, Pedro, Avenida Victoria, 60. Lafon Hnos., Calle Independencia, 262. Maisonave y Cia., Calle Tivola, 96. Nestares, Felipe, Avenida Victoria, 292. Real, Manuel, Calle Arrayan, 15. Rigau Shoe, Calle Condell, 359. Shaefer, A., Calle Condell, 109. Linen goods,* Allardice y Cia., Calle Blanco, 903. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell- Yerbas Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Dighero Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 104. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Guerin Freres, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer y Cia., Ca,lle Blanco, 527. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 625. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. La Colmena, Calle Condell, 39. Lea, Podensa y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 197. Matas y Cia., Calle Condell, 69. Neckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Lumber and timber. PLANING-MILL PRODUCT.S.* Compania Maderera Malvoa, Avenida Brazil, 893. Compton y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 585. Sociedad Nacional de Buques y Maderas, Calle Prat, 122. ROUGH PRODUCTS. Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Compania Maderera Malvoa, Avenida Brazil, 893. Compton y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 585. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Sociedad Nacional de Buques y Maderas. Calle Prat, 122. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Machine tools.* Ashcroft y McNab, Calle Cochi-ane, 626. Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). CHILE : VALPARAISO. 285 Hart, McKinley y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 598. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 596 (New York office, 17 State Street). Saavedra, Benard v Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. Maclilnery.* Ashcroft 7 McNab, Calle Cochrane, 626. Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Beaver, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 285. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Hai't, McKinley y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 598. Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Morri.son v Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Saavedra, Benard y Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. Scill, Seaborn y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 343. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Mantles, grates, and tiles.'J* Balfoiu-, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. McNab y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 74. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Marble, stone, and granite.* Bianchi, Jose, Calle Condell, 102. Margarin.* Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Blanco, 587. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Squai-e). McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Matches. Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045.* Compania Chilena do Fosforos, Poblacion Vergara, ^'ifia del ^Lir.f Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913.* Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 75.* Meats, fresh, cured, and pickled.'K Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Cariola, Miguel, 2, Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1053. Compania Industrial, Calle Blanco, 259. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Sobra, Dominguez y Cia., Calle Blanco, 433. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Millinery.* Beduneau, F., Calle Esmeralda, 99. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell- Yerbaa Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Danielsson, E., Calle Esmeralda, 5. Guerin Freres, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 625. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. Meyer, Mrs. C., Calle Piramide, 22. Neckelmann, Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Polanco, Julio U., Calle Cochrane, 709. Polanco, Onofre, Calle Condell, 357. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Testart, L., Calle Blanco, 1010. Motion-picture apparatus, stereopticons.* Compaiiia Cinematografica del Pacifico, Calle S. Donoso, 288. Compania Cinematografica Italo-Chilena, Calle Chacabuco, 93. Motor cars and accessories.* Cattoretti, Plaza de Ai-mas, Yifia del Mar. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Hanna, Rea, Calle Cochrane, 675. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Music* Bas, Pablo, Calle Victoria, 211. Doggenweiler, C, Calle Condell, 332. Kirsinger y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 85. Mattenson y Grimm, Calle Esmeralda, 18. Setz, L., y Cia., Calle Condell, 851. Musical instruments. See Music. Nails and spiltes.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Callo Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 626 (New York office, 17 State Street). Piantanida y Carle.ssi, Calle Serrano, 183. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. United Stales Steel Products Export Co., Calle Blanco, 705. 286 TKADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. iTiuonota, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 157. AMllianit=oii, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (Now York office, 43 Exchange Place). Naval stores.* Arorri.-^on v Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Tyrer y Holbrook, Calle Blanco, 392. Notions.* Casa Francesa, esquina Condell-Yerbas Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Dighero Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 104. Guerin Frferes, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. fiardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 625. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. La Colmena, Calle Condell, 39. Lea, Poudensan y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 197. Neckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Polanco, Julio U., Calle Cockrane, 709. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas, y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Rostagno, Victor, Calle Serrano, 68. Novelties.* Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Dighero, Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 104. Nuts (edible).* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Cariola, Miguel, 2, Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1033. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. Montval y Cia., Calle Blanco, 989. Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. OUs.* Ashcroft y MacNab, Calle Cochrane, 626. Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Cambiaso, Antonio, Avenida Brazil, 1098. Cariola, Miguel, 2, Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1053. Comi)ania Industrial, Calle Blanco, 369. Delpino y Andi-ade, Calle Blanco, 913. Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Blanco, 587. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Passalacqua y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 341. Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Coch- rane, 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. The Loudon & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 653. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Optical goods.* Hammersley, R., Calle Esmeralda, 82. Kohu, J., Calle Esmeralda, 52. Steinmetz, Jorge, Calle Esmeralda, 10. Paints and varnishes.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Bohlen, M. von, y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 80. Compafiia Industrial, Calle Blanco, 369. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Piantanida y Carlessi, Calle Serrano, 183. Saavedra, Benard, y Cia., Calle Blanco, 927. Sociedad Establecimientos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. The London & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 653. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Paper and paper goods.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Hardy, Menelausy Cia., Calle Blanco, 330. Imprenta y Litografia Universe, Calle Esmeralda, 31. Luer y Paye, Calle Blanco, 472. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Coch- rane, 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. The London & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 653. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Williamson, Balfoui- y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). CHILE : VALPARAISO. 287 Paraffin and paraffin wax.* Compania Industrial, Calle Blanco, 369. Compaiiia Chilena de Velas Estearinas, Avenida Libertad, Viiia del Mar. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. Periodicals.* Bailey y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 7. Hardy, J. W., Calle Esmeralda, 11. LibreVia El Mercm-io, Callo Esmeralda, 9. Mattenson y Grimm, Calle Esmeralda, 17. Niemeyer, Calle Esmeralda, 13. Paton,'W. G., y Cia , Calle Esm^eralda, 2. Phillips, Allan D., Calle Prat, 269. Westcott y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 1. Phonographs, graphophones, and records.* Band, Efrain, Calle Condell, 352. Doggenweiler, C, Calle Condell, 332. Setz, Luis, W., y Cia., Calle Condell, 351. Sociedad M. R. S. Curphey, Calle Blan- co, 441. Photographic supplies and art materials.* Allan, Jorge, Calle Esmeralda, 64. Frey, Uans y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 8. Ganna, A., Calle Condell, 261. Giaraudo, Calle Piramide, 12. Hammerslej% R., Calle Esmeralda, 82. Vive, J. y J., Calle Condell, 252. Pipes and tubes.* Balfom", Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall SU-eet). Graham, Pvowe, y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). United States Steel Products Export Co., Calle Blanco, 705. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Plumber's supplies.* CompaiiiadeGasAcetileno, Calle Prat, 294. Gibbs y Cia., Talle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 56 Wall Street.) Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Hendrie y Avlward, Calle v'ictoria, 160. McNab y Cia', Calle O'lliggins, 74. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Sevier, Juan, Calle Condell, 353. Thennett, T , Calle Serrano, 70. Wylie, Juan, Plaza Pinto, 57. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Polish and blacking.* Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Sanguinetti, Fen-o y Cia., Calle Coch- rane, 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Power and light companies. Compania de Gas de Valparaiso, Calle Aldunate, 78. Compania de Traecion Electrica, Calle Condell, 330. Prlnier s and bookbinder's machinery and supplies.* Davis, Enrique, Calle Cochrane, 479. Hai'dy y Menelaus, Calle Blanco, 330. Piimps.* Balfom, Lj'on y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Uniola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R.,y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Morrison v Cia., Calle Blanco, 626 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia,., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Railway equipment and supplies.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Sociedad Maestranza y Galvanizacion, Calle Blanco, 517. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Refrigerators, water coolers, etc.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Burmeistor y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street.) Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Rice.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 913. Bettelev y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Cai-iola," Miguel, 2, Calle Blanco, 1059. Delpino v Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Coch- rane, 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Roofing materials.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). 288 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Lazunbv y Cia., Calle Blanco, 457. Sociedad Establecimiontos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. Swinclehurtst y Cia., Calle Las Heras, 35. Wcsyel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (Now York office, 25 Broad Street). Williamson, Balfour v Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Rubber goods.* Arestizabal y Cia., Calle Prat, 69. Botica Internacional, Calle Esmeralda, 26. Botica Hamburguesa, Calle Cochrane, 199. Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. Griffiths y Prentice, Calle Esmeralda, 54. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Valenzuela y Torres, Avenida Brazil, 442. Vogt y Cia., Calle Condell, 4. Wiedmaier,.C., Calle Serrano, 77. Safes and vaiilts.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe, y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Perrenoud, J., Calle Blanco, •067. Scales, balances, and welglilng machines.* Bohlen, M., von, y Cia., Calle O'Higgins,. 80. Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Blanco, 587. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe, y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street), iloreno Hnos., Calle Cochrane, 241. Piantanida y Carlessi, Calle Serrano, 183. Sociedad M.'R. S. Curphey, Calle Blanco, 441. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Sewing machines.* Burmeister v Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Graf y Cia.,'Calle Victoria, 570. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Avenida Brazil, 408. Ship cliandlers. Chuden, E., Calle Cochrane, 360. Tyrer y Holbrook, Calle Blanco, 392.* Williams y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 364. SUk goods.* Allardice y Cia., Calle Blanco, 903. Casa Francesa, Esquina Condell-Yerbas Bucnas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357, Danielsson, E., Calle Esmeralda, 5. Guerin Frferes, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Jacobsen, Otto, y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 19. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. La Colmena, Calle Condell, 39. Lea, Poudensan y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 197. Meyer, Mrs. C, Calle Piramide, 22. McQueen y Cia., Calle Blanco, 775. Neckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Nieto y Cia., Calle Blanco, 209. Nieto, Codinay Cia., Calle Blanco, 1005 Polanco, Onofre, Calle Condell, 357. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Testart, L., Calle Blanco, 1010. Soap and washing powders.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Botica Internacional, Calle Esmeralda, 26. Botica Hamburguesa, Calle Cochrane, 199. Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Cambuaso, Antonio, Avenida Brazil, 1098. Cariola, Miguel, 2, Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1053. Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. Davis y Cia., E., Calle Cochrane, 497. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. Griffiths y Prentice, Calle Esmeralda, 54. Wiedmaier, C, Calle Serrano, 77. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors.* Ai-estizabal y Cia., Calle Prat, 69. Bushell y Cia., Calle Prat, 238. Duncan, H. J., Calle Blanco, 847. Graham, Rowe, y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Sanguinetti, Ferro, y Cia., Calle Cochrane 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Sobra, Dominguez y Cia., Calle Blanco, 433. Tusclie, J., Calle Blanco, 735. Valenzuela, Torres, Avenida Brazil, 442. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Sponges.* Arestizabal y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 15. Valenzuela y Torres, Avenida Brazil, 442. Vogt y Cia., Calle Condell, 4. CHILE : VALPAEAISO. 289 Wiedmaier, C, Calle Serrano, 77. Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29. Sporting and athletic goods.* Bailey y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 7. Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Casa Francesa, Esquina Condell-Yerbas Buenas. Ewart y Donaldson, Calle Esmeralda, 60: Fogg, Walter J., Calle Prat, 13. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Gremio Marino, Calle Serrano, 99. Hardy, J. W., Calle Esmeralda, 11. Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Libreria El Mercurio, Calle Esmeralda, 9. Mattenson y Grinmi, Calle Esmeralda, 17. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New- York office, 17 State Street). Niemeyer, Calle Esmeralda, 13. Paton, W. G., y Cia, Calle Esmeralda, 2. Sociedad M. R. S. Curphev, Calle Blanco, 441. Westcott y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 1. Stationery and stationer's goods.* Bailey, R. W., Calle Esmeralda, 7. Hardy, J. W., Calle Esmeralda, 11. Hardy y Menelaus, Calle Blanco, 330. Imprenta y Litografia Universe, Calle Esmeralda, 31. Libreria El Mercm-io, Calle Esmeralda, 9. Luer y Paye, Calle Blanco, 472. Mattenson y Grimm, Calle Esmeralda, 17. Niemeyer, Calle Esmeralda, 13. Paton,'W. G., y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 2. Phillips, Allan D., Calle Prat, 269. Westcott y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 1. Sugar, sirup, and molasses.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 495. Cambiaso, Antonio, Avenida Brazil, 1098. Cariola, Pelegrino, Calle Blanco, 1059. Cariola, Miguel, 2, Calle Blanco, 1053. Delpino y Andrade, Calle Blanco, 913. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Callo Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Sanguinetti Ferro y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 477. Schiavetti Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 1006. Sobral, Dominguez y Cia., Calle Blanco, 433. Surgical Instruments and appliances.* Arestizabal y Cia., Calle Prat, 69. Botica Internacional, Calle Esmeralda, 26. Botica Eamburguesa, Calle Cochrane, 199. Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. Fellinger y Cia., Calle SeiTano, 67. Valenzuela y Torres, Avenida Brazil, 442. Vogt y Cia., Callo Condell, 4. Wiedmaier, C, Calle Serrano, 77. 21373°— 14 19 Tallow.* Besa y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1045. Betteley y Cia., Calle Blanco, 496. Cambiaso, Antonio, Avenida Brazil, 1098. Compania Chilena de \"elas Estearinas, Vina del ]\Iar. Delpino y Andi-ade, Calle Blanco, 913. Tanners. Aycahuer v Duahalde, Calle Victoria, 507. Maisonave y Cia., Calle Tivola, 96. Telegraph and telephone apparatus and supplies.* Greenwood y Hallgarth, Calle Blanco, 1010. Huth y Cia., Calle Prat, 75. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Telegraph and telephone companies. Chile Telephone Co., Avenida Brazil, 54. Compaiiia Nacional de Telefonos, Calle Prat, 207. Telegrafo Comercial, Calle Prat, 165. Telegrafo del Estado, Calle Prat, 203. Thread and yarn.* Casa Francesa, Esquina Condell-Yerbas Buenas. Duncan, Foz y Cia, Calle Blanco, 587. Fabrica Victoria de Puente Alto, Calle Blanco, 855. GuerLn Fr^res, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 625. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 327. Lea, Poudensan y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 197. Matas y Cia., Calle Condell, 69. Neckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 197. Nieto Hnos., Avenida BrazU, 209. Nieto, Codina y Cia., Calle Blanco, 1005. Polanco, Julio U., Calle Cochrane, 709. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas, y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Sanz, Ponciano, y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 416. Testart, L., Calle Blanco, 1010. Tinware.* Bohlen, M. von, y Cia., Calle O'Hig- gins, 80. BurmeLster y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Moreno linos., Calle Cochrane, 241. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Piantanida y Carlessi, Calle Serrano, 183. Tobacco leaf.* Compaiiia Chilena de Tabacos, Calle Blanco, 763. 290 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies.* Galurza y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 428. Tornquist, Sucesora de., Calle Esmeralda, 43. Toilet articles.* Arestizabal y Cia., Calle Prat, 69. Bailev, R. W., Calle Esmeralda, 7. Blech, Wegener T., Calle Condell, 9. Botica Internacional, Calle Esmeralda, 26. Botica Hamburguesa, Calle Cochrane, 199. _ Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell - Yerbas Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Danielsson E., Calle Esmeralda, 5. Daube y Cia., Calle Prat, 2. Davis, Enriqne, Calle Cochrane, 479. Ewart y Donaldson, Calle Esmeralda, 60. Gremio Marino, Calle Sen'ano, 99. Griffiths y Prentice, Calle Esmeralda, 54. Hardy, J. W., Calle Esmeralda, 11. La Colmena, Calle Condell, 89. Paludan, L., Calle Esmeralda, 115. Prince of Wales, Calle Condell, 99. Villalon, J. L., y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 66. Westcott y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 1. Wiedmaier, C, Calle Serrano, 77. Tools.* Ashcroft y McNab, Calle Cochrane, 625. Bohlen, M. von, y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 80. Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Hart, McKinley y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 598. Limozin y Cia., Calle Condell, 56. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Piantanida y Carlessi, Calle Serrano, 183. Rose^Inne^ y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. The London & Chilean Commercial Co., Calle Cochrane, 653. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Toys and games.* Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Caro, J., y Cia., Calle Blanco, 675. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell- Yerbas Buenas. Dighero Hnos., Calle Esmeralda, 104. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Tninlcs and traveler's supplies.* Bailey, W. R., Calle esmeralda, 7. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell - Yerbas Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Danielsson, E., Calle Esmeralda, 5. Goeptel, R., Calle Victoria, 177. Grote y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 47. Prince of Wales, Condell, 99. Villalon, J. L., y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 66. Typewriters and supplies.* Davis, Enrique, Calle Cochrane, 479. Grace, \\\ R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Imprenta Litografia Universe, Calle Es- meralda, 31. Kii'singer y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 85. Sociedad M. R. S. Curphey, Calle I31anco, 441. Umbrellas and canes.* Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Casa Francesa, esquina Condell - Yerbas Buenas. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Danielsson, E., Calle Esmeralda, 5. Guerin Freres, Calle Blanco, 1017. Hagnauer y Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 625. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. Neckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. Prince of Wales, Calle Condell, 99. Villalon, J. L., y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 66. Undertaker's goods.* Boccardo y Benvenutto, Calle Condell, 96. Compaiiia Chilena de Funerales, Calle Condell, 64. Vacuum cleaners and carpet sweepers.* Beith, Vda. de, y Cia., Callc Condell, 53. Ashcroft y McNab, Calle Cochxano, 626. Bohlen, M. von y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 80. Duncan, Fox y Cia., Calle Blanco, 587. Grace y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Huth y Cia.,_ Calle Prat, 75. Limozin y Cia., Calie Condell, 56. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Rose-Tnnes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Seyler, Juan, Calle Condell, 353. Thennet, T., Calle Serrano, 70. chile: VALPARAISO. 291 Wall paper.* Bruhn y Beye, Calle Condell, 339. Buono-Cuore, Calle Condell, 25. Casa Muzard, Calle Condell, 357. Figueroa, A., Calle O'Higgins, 35. Ganna, A., Calle Condell, 261. Klaunig, P. A., Calle O'Higgins, 58. Palma, D., Calle O'Higgins, 17. Papeleria Central, Calle Blanco, 2. Washing macliines and clothes wringers.* Burmeister y Cia., Plaza Pinto, 47. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). MacNab y Cia., Calle O'Higgins, 74. Mon-ison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Seyler, Juan, Calle Condell, 353. Water, aerated and nuneral. Delano y Weinstein, Avenida Brazil, 140. McGaw, Alexander, Calle Esmeralda, 5.* Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square).* Sanguinetti, Ferro y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 477.* Sobral, Dominguez y Cia., Calle Blanco, 433.* Weir, Scott y Cia., Calle Prat, 29.* Wheelbarrows.* Balfour, Lyon y Cia., Calle Blanco, 657. Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe y Cia., Calle Coclirane, 659. Morrison y Cia., Calle Blanco, 526 (New York office, 17 State Street). Sociedad Establecimieutos Americanos Gratry, Calle Blanco, 480. Urmeneta, Parker y Cia., Calle Serrano, 137. Wessel, Duval y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 561 (New York office, 25 Broad Street). Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Windmills.* Gibbs y Cia., Calle Urriola, 16 (New York office, 55 Wall Street). Grace, W. R., y Cia., Calle Prat, 45 (New York office, 1 Hanover Square). Graham, Rowe y Cia., Calle Cochrane, 659. Rose-Innes y Cia., Plaza Sotomayor, 1. Williamson, Balfour y Cia., Calle Blanco, 543 (New York office, 43 Exchange Place). Woolen goods.* Danielsson, E., Calle Esmeralda, 5. Grote y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 47. Guerin Frferes, Calle Blanco, 1017. Haguauer y Cia., Calle Blanco, 527. Hardt, E. y W., Calle Blanco, 625. Jouve y Gorlier, Calle O'Higgins, 66. Jacobsen, Otto y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 19. Lange y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 227. Lea, Poudensan y Cia., Avenida Brazil, 197. McQueen y Cia., Calle Blanco, 775. Neckelmann Hnos., Avenida Brazil, 293. Polanco, Julio U., Calle Cochrane, 709. Polanco, Onofre, Calle Condell, 357. Riddell y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 61. Riddell, Thomas y Cia., Calle Esmeralda, 105. COLOMBIA. The Republic of Colombia has an area of about 438,000 square miles and a population, aocorc'ing to the census of 1912, of 5, 170, 000. Coilec, cacao, sugar cane, tobacco, and bananas are successfully grown and largely exported, and the extensive forests contain a numl)er of cabinet and other valuable woods and medicinal plants. Vegetable ivory and rublier arc of her i^roducts of export; also Panama hats, in the manufacture of which the natives have acquired consideralslo skill. The mineral wealth of the country has been but little exploited, although its emerald mines furnish the world's chief supply of these gems. The total imports into the Republic for 1912 were valued at $24,000,000, of which the United States fur- nished articles valued at $",600,000, made up principally of textile goods, food products, implements and machinery, drugs and medicines, china and earthenware, paper and manufactures, perfumes and soaps, oils and fats, etc. BARRANQUILLA. Barranquilla is the chiefcommercialcitv of Colombia. Itissituated in thenortheasternpartof the depart- ment of Bolivar, near the mouth of Magdalena River in the Caribbean Sea. The principal imports from the United States are cotton goods, food products, metal manufactures, drugs and medicines, machinery, leather and manufactures, vehicles and accessories, and tools and implements. Some of the principal industries are shoe factories, distilleries, tanneries, flour mills, and shoe, soap, candle, hat, thread, textile, cigar, and furniture factories. Population about 50,000. There is an American consulate at this place. Agents. Molina, Luis. Magdalena Commercial Co. (Inc.). Correa, Jacob. Fuenmayor & Gerlein. Held, A. Wesselhoeft & Wisner. CUSTOMHOUSE. Malliieu, Elias. Toledo, Antonio. FORWARDING. Alzamora, Palacio & Co. Berg, A. H., & Co. Cortissoz & Co. Correa, Jacob. Dugand, V., & Hijo. Empresa Hanseatica. Freidel & Gutierrez. Gieseken & Co. Held, A. Magdalena Commercial Co. (Inc.). Pineda Lopez & Co. Palacio <& Mz. Aparicio. Agricultural implements and macMnery. See Hardware. Amusements. Ferrans & Co. Architects. Camerano, Alfredo. Dugand, Rafael. Lux, Federico. Marquez, Santander. Vengoecbea, Heliberto. 292 Banks and bankers. Banco Commercial. Alzamora, Palacio & Co. Correa & Cortissoz. Dugand, V., & Hijo. Bicycles. Urueta, Alberto. Lopez Penha & Co. Books. Baena, Francisco. Diaz, Francisco J. (Libreria Diaz). Mogollon, J. v., & Co. Medina & Co. Boots and shoes. Espriella Hnoa. , Echeveria, R. A., & Co. Gallego, Miguel del. Pinedo, John. Salas, Luis Maria. Boxes and bos material. Salzedo, Rafael. Rodriguez, Perez & Co. Breweries. Walters Brewing & Ice Making Co. Cervezeria Barranquilla. Brick, tile, and terra cotta. Carbonell, Francisco W. Castro, Jose Maria de Fuhrhop, Fritz. Lux, Federico. Lascano, Joaquin. Salzedo Napoleon. COLOMBIA : BAERANQUILLA. 293 Candles. Emj)resa Hanseatica. Medina, J. de, & Co. Carpets and other floor coverings. See General merchandise. Carriages, wagons, and parts. Correa, Jacob. Held, A. Nuiiez, Agustin. See also Hardware. Cash registers. Forrero Hnos. See Hardwai'e. Castings. Cement. Arjona, Ricardo. Dugand, V., & Hijo. Galofre & Co. Magdalena Commercial Co. (Inc.). See also Hardware; General mer- chandise. China and earthen ware. See General merchandise. Clocks and watches. See Jewelry; General merchandise. Clothing. See General merchandise. Coal, coke, and patent fuel. Barranquilla Railway & Pier Co. See also Hardware. Coffee, tea, and cocoa. Arojha, Eduardo. Salas, Roman & Co. See also Groceries and provisions. Confectioner's products. Echeveria, C. & R. Ileilbron, Alfredo & Co. Lopez Hnos. Luque & Rodriguez. Cordage, rope, and twine. See Hardware; General merchandise. Cotton goods. Anitua, T.* Aycardi, A. A.*t Breuer, Moller & Co. Bischoff & Co. Berne, O., & Co. Burn, H. L., & Co. Castellano & Co. Cajtuni Hnos. Eslait & Eljach. Faillace Hnos. Fehrmann & Co. Gerdts, Stubbs & Co. Helm, Enrique & Co. Lebolo, Federico. Obregon, Evaristo & Co. Pacini & Puccini. Rodriguez, Perez & Co. Rodriguez, Mrs. Cruz B. Siefken, Airs. Cornelia H. Strauss, Gorge, & Co. Salazar, Mayans & Co. Tradd Hnos. Volpe, Antonio, & Co. Cutlery and edge tools. See Hardware. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Angulo, Dr. A. J. Cruz, Vergilio de la. Castellano & Co. Gonzalez, J. A. Insignares, Dr. L. Salas, Isaac. Steffens, Alfredo. Vengoechea Hnos. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Compania de Energia Electrica. Fehrmann & Co. Explosives. See Hardware. Fencing and fencing material. See Hardware. Flour and meal. De Castro, D. A., & Co. Urueta, Salzedo & Co. Fruit, fresh and dried. See Groceries and provisions. Furniture and flttings. Lopez Penha & Co. Lopez & Calvo. See also General merchandise. General merchandise. Anitua, T. Breuer, Moller & Co. Bischoff & Co. Berne, 0., & Co. 294 TKADE DIEECTOEY OF SOUTH AMEEICA. Burn, H. L., & Co. Castellano & Co. Gerdts, Stubbs & Co. Medina, J. de, & Co. Pacini & Puccini. Strauss, Gorge, & Co. Mariuo, D., & Lacarazo & Co. See also Cotton goods. Glass and glassware. Fabrica de Vidrios (La Catalana). See also General merchandise. Groceries and provisions. Aroclia, W. Con-ea, Heilbron & Co. Certain, Gustavo R. De Sola, Samuel. Echeveria, C. & R. Franco, Gonzalez & Co. Gerleiu, Julio E. Galofre & Co. Gieseken & Co. Helm, Oswaldo. Heilbron, Alfredo & Co. Lopez Hnos. Luque & Rodriguez. Pereira, David. Roncallo, Mario. See also General merchandise. Hardware. Berne, O., & Co. Carbonell, Francisco W. Empresa Hanseatica (Linemeyer, Wiese & Co.). See also General merchandise. Hotels. Pension Inglcsa (Mrs. John Meek). Gran Hotel Suiza (W. Arocha). Household utensils. See Hardware; General merchandise. Iron and steel. autaro Aspiazu. Rohde & Co. _ Alfonso Roggiero. Andean Trading Co. Rickert & Co. Belting. See Engines. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. R. Baquerizo M. Kruger & Co. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. Robert B. Jones. Sola & Co. Books. Luis Contreras. Maruri & Molestina. Uzcategui & Co. Jose Acevedo L. Janer & Hijo. Santos S. Hnos. Encalada & Co. Boots and shoes. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Evangelista Calero. Sanchez & Co. Belisario Hinojosa. Antonio Vicens. Manuel A. Salazar. Luis Salcedo. Antonio Murillo. C. Hoheb & Co. ECUADOR: GUAYAQUIL. 313 Kuon On Tay & Co. R. B. Jones. Antonio Casas. Sola & Co. A. & L. Garcia. Antonio Pages. Norverto Nieto. Fidel P. Mosquera. Manuel Campana. Carlos Herzog. Alejandro Rodriguez. Breweries. Cervezeria Nacional de E. Gallardo & Cia. Carriages, wagons, and parts. Guillermo Kaiser. Kruger & Co. Lucas Tramontana. R. Baquerizo M. Bartolo Vignolo. Enrique Ribas. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. C. Hoheb & Co. See also Motor cars. Cash registers and adding and calculating machines. Guerrero & Borja. A. Zohrer & Co. Kruger & Co. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. Cement. Alvarado & Bejarano. Andfean Trading Co. Alfonso Roggiero. Duran & Co. Rohde & Co. Kruger & Co. Frugone & Co. Enrique Ribas. Chamber of commerce. Camara de Comercio (Mr. Luis Orrantia, president). Chemicals, dyes, and e.xtractS; See Drugs. Cloclcs and watches. 5ee Jewelry. Clothing. MEN S. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Carlos Hoheb & Co. Evangelista Calero. Manuel Calveras & Cia. Jos6 A. Palacios Torres. Carlos Herzog. Antonio Casas. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. Antonio BeguC. Medina & Cia. Set also Cotton goods. women's. See Cotton goods. HATS, PANAMA (EXPORTERS). L. Guzman & Hijos. Guillermo Kaiser. M. San Lucas & Co. Higgins & Calderon. Carrillo & Co. lyorenzo Tons & Co. Max Muller & Co. Rickert & Co. Alvarado & Bejarano. Luis Orrantia & Co. M. E. Barrio Nuevo. Kruger & Co. Coal.* The Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co. Compania de Alumbrado (Gas Co.). Commission merchants. T. Fernandez, P. 0. Box. 716. J. J. de Icaza Noboa. Lorenzo AUerton. Jorge Marcos. Amador Bejerano. Tobias E. Zevallos Ch. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. H. Delius. Guerrero & Borja. Luis A. Dillon. Ernesto Stagg. Samuel Koppel. Maspons & Co. Zevallos & Ramel. A. Zohrer & Co. Juan Marcos. Alfonso M. Eguez. Confectioner's products. Fabrica La Italia (Srs. Vignolo Hnos.), manufacturers and dealers. Fabrica La Roma (Srs. Nozziglia & Val- lazza), manufacturers and dealers. Fabrica La Universal (Srs. Segale Hnos.), manufacturers and dealers. Fabrica La Favorita (Angel Molfino), manufacturer and dealer. Fabrica Rocafuerte (Sr. Julian Aspiazu).t Robert B. Jones (Bazar Amei'icano). Luis Mortola. Antonio Baudino. Angel M. Moya-Cardenas. F. Cabanas Pla. Dulceria La Palma. Castell6 & Rovira, Cantina "Los Japo- neses." J. E. Velez. Contractors and builders. Paget & Burket. Paul Thur de Koos. Jos6 A. Gomez Gault. Carlos Van Isschot. Alfredo Maury. John Abell Cleveland. 314 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA, Cotton goods. A. Diiran & Lexrsiy. Rickert & Co. Bartolo Vignolo. A. & L. Garcia. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Farah Frferes. Luis S. Garcia. Calveras & Cia. Evangelist a Calero. Antonio 13egii6. Salomon Albagli. Kuon Ton On & Cia. Man Lee & Co. Max Muller & Co. Alfonso Roggiero. Lorenzo Tons & Co. Madinya & Co. M. G. Hurtado. Sola & Co. Hinnaoui Hnos. Antonio Casas. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. Fayad & Cia. Kuon On Tay & Cia. Kuon San Lon & Cia. Leon Hing & Co. Dairymen's supplies. A. Zohrer & Co. Gonzalez-Rubio A Co. Enrique Ribas. Lucas Tramontana. R. Baquerizo M. Kruger & Co. Dentists. Jos6 M. Arzube-Cordero. Luis A. Arosemena. L. H. Jan6n. Eduardo Lopez. Vicente A. Pazmino. Emeterio Serrano. Luciano Trujillo. Benigno B. Aguilera. Alejandro de Janon. Juan A. Lopez. Efr^n Molina. Francisco N. Rendon. Carlos A Tama. Department stores. Antonio Casas. Evangelista Calero. Sola & Co. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Botica Alemana, Sr. Holger Glaesel. Botica del Comercio, Sres. Meloni & Co. Botica y Drogueria Internacional, Sr. Manuel A. Lopez L. Botica de la Merced, Sr. Alberto Hidalgo Gamarra. Antigua Botica Ecuatoriana, Sres. Ro- lando & Co. Botica "El Progreso," Sr. Sebastian A. Peiia. Botica del Sur, Sr. Melquiades Morales. Botica Olmedo, Sr. M. B. Miranda & Co. Botica del Globo, Sr. Eiii'ique Lozano. Botica Cruz Roja, Sr. Benigno Astudillo. Botica de Alemdn & Co. Farmacia "Union," Sr. Hilario Coello. Farmacia "Ecuador," Sr. Ernesto Al- buja A. Farmacia "Flores Ontaneda," Sr. Luis Felipe Huerta. Farmacia "Nueve de Octubre," Sres. Josue Robles & Co. Farmacia "Normal," Sr. David Mom-oy. Drogueria "Guayaquil," Sr. J. Urbano Angulo R. Drogueria y Farmacia " La Marina," Sres. Pazmiiio y Garcia. Electrical supplies. Empresa de Luz y Fuerza Electrica. Carlos Herzog. R. Baqiierizo M. Carlos Hoheb & Co. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. J. E. A\dlez. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. Engines. Lucas Tramontana. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Kruger & Cia. Enrique Ribas. A. Zohrer & Co. R. Baquerizo M. Duran & Co. E. Hoheb & Co. Explosives. Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co. The South American Development Co., P. O. Box No. 655. Lucas Tramontana. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Kruger & Co. Flour and meal. Manuel Rodriguez & Hijos. Zevallos & Ramel. Parodi, Bruzzone & Co. Martin Artieda. Andean Trading Co. Max Muller & Co. Frugone & Co. Gervasio Lourau. Furniture. Antonio Casas. Sola & Co. Bartolo Vignolo. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Carlos Herzog. ECUADOK: GUAYAQUIL. 315 CHAIRS. R. Baquerizo Moreno. Evangelista Calero. , A. Zohrer & Co. Kruger & Co. Gas fixtures and apparatus. Compania de Alumbrado. Lucas Tramontana. ' Duran & Co. Kruger & Co. Enrique Ribas. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. R. B. Jones. R. Baquerizo ^L Guillermo Kaiser. C. Hoheb & Co. General merchandise. Lorenzo Tons & Co. .Duran & Levrav. Rickert & Co. Jaime Puig & Verdagiier. Antonio Casas. R. Baquerizo M. Bartolo Vignolo. Max Muller & Co. Alfonso Roggiero. Sola & Co. Kruger & Co. Evangelista Calero. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. J. E. A\dles. Glassware. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Sola & Co. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. Carlos Herzog. Esteljan Vinelli. Samuel Mayer. Carlos A. Borja. Antonio Casas. Miguel Enrich. R. Baquerizo M. Kruger & Co. Robert B. Jones. J. E. Aviles. C. Hoheb & Co. Groceries and provisions, Parodi, Bruzzone & Co. Cassinelli linos. & ("o. Lorenzo Tons & Co. J. E. Velez. Sues, de B. Castagneto & Co. Juan Castagneto. Frugone & Co. Antonio Baudiao. R. Crespo. Martin Riera. Jaime Castells. Hardware. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Kruger & Co. Guillermo Kaiser. Duran & Co. R. Baquerizo M. Martinez & Miranda. Parodi, Bruzzone & Co. Lorenzo Tons & Co. Martin Riera. Lucas Tramontana. A. Zohrer & Co. C. Hoheb & Co. Enrique Ribas. Salvador B. Viggiani. Descalzi & Co. Frugdne & Co. Sola & Co. R. B. Jones. Harness and saddlery. See Hardware. Hose and hose fixtures. See Hardware. Hospitals. Hospital General. Hospital Central. Hospital Militar. Hospicio y Manicomio Velez. Casa de salud (Dr. J. Alberto Cortez Garcia). Hotels. Hotel Paris (Biaggi & Co.). Hotel Guayaquil (Martiix Artieda). Hotel "El Capricho" (Juan Dominguez). Hotel Gran Victoria (Julio A. Baquero). Wellington House (Francisco Steffano). Iron and steel. See Hardware. Jewelry. Carlos S. Phillips, "La P2smeralda Jeremias & Borchert, "VA Brillant EliasPaez, "LaVioIeta." Antonio Arce, "La Esmeraldita." Carlos Marmol & Co. Miguel Mdrquez L. Esteban Vinelli. Felipe S. Aguirre. Jos^ AUieri. Agustin Calero S. Herndn & Co. Maldonado & Co. Manuel A. Pereira. Manuel B. ZuSiga. Jos6 S. Arce. Luis Cavanna. Auguato Faggioni. e. 316 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Lumps and lump ware. Gonzalez-Riibio & Co. Ivruger & Co. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. R. Baqiierizo M. C. Holieb & Co. Enrique Ribas. Lorenzo Tous & Co. Carlos L. Herzog. Guillermo Kaiser. Miguel Euridi. Antonio Casas. R. B. Jones. Samuel IMayer. Duran & Co. Sola & Co. Bartolo Vignolo. J. E. A\iles. Leather goods. Antonio Casas. Jaime Puig ct Verdaguer. Bartolo Vignolo. Rruger & Co. Duran & Levray. Evangelista Calero. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Carlos Herzog. Sola & Co. Max Muller & Co. Leather, hides, and skins. HIDES (dealers AND EXPORTERS). Andean Trading Co. Alvarado & Bejarauo. Higgins & Calderon. M. San Lucas & Co. J. E. Aviles. L. Guzman & Hijos. Manuel E. Barrio Nuevo. Max Muller & Co. See also Tanners. Lumber and timber.- Manuel Genaro Gomez. Emilio Jarrin E. Pablo Serapio Salazar. C. Palomeque. Donato Yannuzzelli (El Pailon). Alfredo Valenzuela Reina. Francisco Robles. Sues, de Francisco Para D. Machinery. LAUNDRY. 'La Lira" de Antonio Lavanderia Rome V. Lavanderia "La Modema" de Franco & Naranjo. Lavanderia "La Francesa" de Emilio Veriau. See also Hardware. Mining companies. South American Development Co., P. 0. Box 655. Motion-picture apparatus, stereopticons, etc. Eduardo Ribas (Teatro Eden) (motion- picture supplies). Manuel A. Pereira (stereopticons, etc.). Carlos S. Phillij)s (stereopticons, etc.). Motor boats. See Hardware. Motor cars and accessories. Jacinto L. Stagg. Manuel Zevallos C. A. Zohrer & Co. Isaac Vargas. Jorge Marcos. Dr. L. Benites Torres. Musical instruments. Bartolo Vignolo. Sola & C'o. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. Claudio J. Rosas. Alfonso Roggiero. Janer & Hijo. Antonio Bernardi. Notions. Duran & Levray. Sola & Co. Evangelista Calero. Lorenzo Tous & (b. Wo On & Co. Kuon On Tay & Co. Kuon San Long & Co. Alfonso Roggiero. Max Muller & Co. Antonio Casas. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Man Lee & Co. San Siong & Co. Cam Tong & Co. Jaime Pui & Verdaguer. A. & L. Garcia. Optical goods. See Jewelrv. Paints and varnishes. Manuel Defranc. Bartolo Vignolo. Kruger & Co. Duran & Co. A. Zohrer & Co. Sues, de Fortunate Mortola. Carlos Hoheb & Co. Manuel Riera. Parodi, Bruzzone & Co. Gonzalez-Rubio <& Co. Max Muller & Co. ECUADOR : GUAYAQUIL. 317 Alfonso Roggiero. Frugone & Co. Descalzi & Co. Carlos L. Herzog. Lucas Tramontana. Enrique Ribas. L. Tous & Co. Paper and paper goods. Enrigue Rodenas, Talleres de Artes Graficas. Jacinto Jouvin Arce, Imprenta La Re- forme. Imprenta Mercantil, Sra. vda. de E. Marin Quintana. Imprenta El Comercio, Juan B. Amat y Luna. Imprenta Sucre, A. G. Garay. Imprenta Progreso, Santiago Martinez G. Oficina Tipografica, Julio T. Foyain. Imprenta "Idea Libre," Jose L. Santi- etevan. Imprenta "La Constancia," Julio F. Rodriguez. Antonio Pages. Imprenta Col6n, Cesar O. Blanco. Imprenta Infantil, Felipe Navas. Imprenta El Porvenir, J. R. Ungria. iSee also Books; Periodicals. reriodlcals. El Grito del Pueblo Ecuatoriano. El Telegrafo. El Ecuatoriano. El Tiempo. El Guante. See also Books; Paper and paper goods. Phonographs, graphophones, etc., and records. Antonio Casas. Santos S. Hnos. Kruger & Co. Bartolo Vignolo. Evangelista Calero. Jaime Puig & Verdagucr. Sola & Co. Photographic supplies and art materials. Julio Timm. Men^ndez Jaramillo. Menendez & Jaramillo. Enrique Grau. Horederos de Julio Bascones. Manrique & Cia. K. N. Valverde. Janer & Hijo. Maruri & ^lolestina, Carlos Herzog. Uzcategui & Co. Santos S. Hnos. Physicians. Temistocles Araus. Miguel H. Alcivar. Juan B. Arzube Cordero. Leonidas Benites Torres. Leon Becerra. Carlos F. Cucal6n. Jose A. Chiriboga. Teofilo N. Fuentes R. Guillermo Gilbert. Eduardo Hidalgo Gamarra. Juan F. Heinert. L. A. Jaramillo. Da-vid Mom'oy. Melquiades Morales. Wenceslao Pareja. Juan A. Pazmino. Francisco G. Andxade. Edmundo Aguilar. Jose Ramon Boloiia. Francisco Bolona. Lsmael Carbo. Luis F. Cornejo Gomez. Antonio Falconi. Juan B. Gagliardo. Carlos Garcia Drouet. Bartolom^ Huerta. Pedro J. Huerta. Norverto Jalon. Carlos A. Miiio. Juan B. Orellana. Jose Payeze Gault. Luis de Roux. Plantation «»wners. Julio Gonzalez-Tello. Miguel E. Seminario. Isaac E. Seminario. Julio Icaza. Jose Maria Saenz. Benjamin C. Resales. Sucesores de Rafael Valdez. Francisco B. Molina. Die^o Oldenburg. Wilfredo Venegas, M. D. Parodi, Bruzzone & Co. Jose Antonio Icaza. Vicente Sotomayor y Luna. Doctor Julian Coronel. A. & L. Garcia. Tomas C. Wright. Robert B. Jones. , Carlos Gomez Rendon. Antonio Madinya. Julio Corzo. Indalecio Pazmifio. Fortunato Salcedo B. Manuel Rodriguez. Aurelio Rendon. Eiuique Seminario. Juan Polit. Francisco Martinez Aguirre. Efren Aspiazu. 318 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Cruz linos. Carrillo & Co. Fernando Pareja. Vicente Coello. Jorge Icaza Manzo. Adolfo Garcia. Lautaro Aspiazu. Julian Aspiazu. Dario Morla. Virgilio Morla. Martin Aviles. Hereds. de Buenaventura Burgos. Revre Hnos. Pablo Valle. Augusto Barreiro. Martin Reinberg. Jos6 Joaquin Icaza. Manuel Sotomayo y Luna. Rigoberto Sanchez Bruno. Hereds. de Manuel Serrano. Felix Gonzales-Rubio. Carlos Carbo Viteri. Juan Marcos. Enrique Stagg. Francisco T. Maldonado. Higgins & Calderon. Francisco Garcia Aviles. Benito Benites. Cesar Coronel. C. Mendoza. Enrique Sotomayor y Luna. Ignacio Robles. Manuel Luis Ponce. Pedro Pablo Campuzano. Tomas Gagliardo. E. Baquerizo. Miguel Angel Icaza. Manuel Marcos Velez. Angel Sotomayor y Luna. Victor Manuel Rendon. Rosendo Carbo. Meliton Holguin. Plantagengesellschaft (Clementina) of Hamburg, Germany. Caamano Tenguel Estate (Ltd.), (Mr. A. Simson, chairman of the company, Orient House, New Broad Street, E. C, London, England). Plumber's supplies. Herederos de Dunn. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. C. Hoheb & Co. A. Zohrer & Co. R. Baquerizo M. Duran & Co. Martinez & Miranda. Santiago Dunn. Lucas Tramontana. Nicolas Carri6n. Guillermo Kaiser. Enrique Ribas. Kruger & Co. Deacalzi & Co. Power and light companies. Empresa de Luz y Fuerza Electrica (elec- tric plant). Compania de Alumbrado (gas company). Printer's and bookbinder's machinery and supplies. Gonzalez-Rubio ugone & Co. Juan Castagneto. Roberto Crespo. Luis Mortola. Noziglia & Vallazza. Segale Hnos. & Co. Miguel Enrich. Pedro Lacassagne. Martin Artieda (Hotel Guayaquil). Julio A. Baquero (Hotel Victoria). R. B. Jones. Dulceria La Palma. Antonio Baudino. Lorenzo Tous & Co. Parodi, Bruzzone & Co. Sues, de B. Castagneto & Co. Manuel Vignolo. Sues, de Fortunato Mortola. Angel M. Moya Cardenas (Salon y Con- fiteria La Gloria). Jaime Pages. Adolfo Poppe. Biaggi & Co. (Hotel Paris). Reynaldo Puig. Lopez Hnos. (SaVm Biaggi). Francisco Stoffano (Wellington House). F. Cabanas Pla, Casilla, 3G. Stationery and stationer's goods. See Paper and paper goods,- Books; Periodicals. Sugar. PLANTATIONS. Ingenio Valdez (Sues, de Rafael Valdez). Ingenio Luz Maria (Homero Morla). Ingenio Matilde (Homero Morla). Ingenio San Pablo (Jaime Puig y Mir). Ingenio Rocafuerte (Julian Aspiazu). Ingenio Santa Ana (Joaquin Orrantia). Ingenio Inez Maria (Carrillo & Co.). Ingenio San Carlos (Carlos S. Lynch). Ingenio Yaguachi (Feliz Chevasco). Ingenio Supaipungo (Jose Nuque). Ingenio Progreso (Rogelio Alvarado), Chatam, Galapagos Islands. Siugical instruments and appliances. See Drugs and druggist's supplies; Hos- pitals; Physicians. Tanners. Jaime Castells. Maspons & Cia. Geo. Chambers Vivero. Timoteo Suescum. Carmen Milldn v. de Martinez. Telegraph and telephone companies. The Central & South American Tele- graph Co. El Telegrafo Nacional (owned and operated by the Government). Compaiiia Nacional de Telefonos (Na- tional Co.). Ecuador Telephone Co. (Ltd.), (English company). The Ecuador Long Distance Telephone Co. (American company). Telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment. See Electrical supplies. Toilet articles. Antonio Casas. Evangelista Calero. R. B. Jones. Sola & Co. Man Lee & Co. Alen Castro. Wah Hing & Co. Kuon San Lon & Co. A. & L. Garcia. Jaime Puig & Verdaguer. Antonio Beguo. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Sanchez & Co. Kuon On Tay & Co. Kam Tong & Cia. Wo On & Co. San Siong & Co. See also Drugs and druggist's sup- plies. Tools. See Agricultural implements and ma- chinery] Hardware. 320 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Trunks and traveler's supplies. Gonzalcz-Riibio & Co. Bartolo ^i^nolo. Kruger & Co. Antonio Casas. Sola & Co. Jaime Puig & Yerdaguer. Guillermo Kaiser. R. B. Jones. Carlos Herzog. R. Baquerizo M. Evangelista Calero. C. Hoheb & Co. Kuon On Tay & Co. Tjpewrlters and supplies. Gonzalez-Rubio & Co. Alvarado & Bejarauo. R. Baquerizo M. Kruger & Co. Robert B. Jones. J. E. Velez. Jaime Puig & Yerdaguer. Rickert & Co. Undertakers. Garay & Cia. Juan A. Larreta. Vicente Carrera. Victor Garces. Modesto A. Moncayo. Juan Diaz. Junta de Beneficencia Municipal. Vegetables. See Groceries and provisions. Wall paper. Manuel Defranc. Alfonso Roggiero. Miguel Enrich. Avelino Herrero. Sola & Co. Bartolo Vignolo. C. Hoheb & Co. Antonio Casas. Water, aerated and mlneral.f Minerva Aerated Water Co., C. W. Lu- ders. Fabrica "El Aguila," Juan A. Quiroz. Fabrica "La Cruz Roja," Antonio Suarez H. Herederos de Juan T. Fioravanti. Fabrica "La Reina," Temistocles Sal- cedo. Fabrica "La India Central," Sucesores de Agustin Mortola. Fabrica "La Perla," Enrique Arellano & Cia. Fabrica "La Estrella Blanca," Vergara &Co. HUIGRA. HUlgra is situated in the southwestern part of Chiniljorazo Province, on the northern bank of the Alausi River. Population about 500. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Hotel. C. Santon Tay Sing. Nuques & Medina. Jorge Repane. Isidore Andrade. Hotel Huigra (W. Wood). IBARRA. Ibarra is the capital of the Province of Imbabura, situated about 00 miles northeast of Quito. Cotton, sugar cane, cereals, and fruit are cultivated in the district; live stocls: raising is also carried on. Popu- lation about 5,500. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Isaac A. Acosta. Jose L. Madera. Manuel A. Yinuiza. Manuel Hidalgo. Miguel Arguera. Joaquin Caicedo. Jose Luis Rozero. Fernando Burbano. Heliodoro Donoso. Pastora Rosalez. JIPIJAPA. Jipijapa is a town in the Province of Manabi, situated on a small coast stream about 80 miles northwest of Guayaquil. The manufacture of Panama hats is an important industry. Population about 6,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Manuel San Lucas & Co. Ladislao Camj^ozano. Fulton P. Narvaez. Camilo Narvaez. Jos6 Te6filo Matute. Julio Yivar. Medardo Gutierrez. Sebastian Villacres. Miguel Montesino. Gonzales Laurido. Gonzalo Lourido. Ecuador: machalilla. 321 LATACUNGA. Latacunga is th£ capital of the Province of Leon, situated about 60 miles south of Quito, on the Guayaquil & Quito Ry., at an elevation of about 9,100 feet above sea level. Some of the industries are sugar mUls.powder manufacture, and cotton and woolen mills; cattle raising is also an important industry in the district. Population about 9,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. Commission inercliant. Luis Felipe Negrete. Flour mills. R. Pazmino. Arsenio Faultier. General merchandise. Pedro M. Bustamante. Angel Costodi. Cosme Miranda. Antonio Rivas. Julia Rosa Sandoval. Alejandro C. Vasconez. Adolfo Jimenez. Rios Sandoval. Angel M. Subia. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. DISTILLERS. ■C. C. Endara. C. Zuniga. LOJA. Loia is the capital of the Province of the same name, and is the center of an important agricultural district. It is also the center for trade in cinchona. Population about 8,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Jose Antonio Mora. Manuel Veintimilla. Rafael Villavicencio. Juan Duran. Ferfecto L. Larreategui. Amador Pacheco. Lautaro O. Velez. Dr. Amadeo Vivar. Manuel J. Espinoza. Flavio Velez. Reyes & Vergara. Teodoro Fuertas (including drugs). Juan Sariniento. Jos6 Miguel Unda. Virginia Ledesma. Manuel Samaniego (operates a corn and wheat grinding mill). MACHALA. Machala is the capital of the Province of Oro, and is situated about 70 miles south of Guayaquil and 4 miles from Puerto Bolivar, with which it has railway connection and which is the only port of entry in Ecuador sOuth of Guayaquil. It also has railway connection with Pasaje, 11 miles distant, and with Guabe, 9 miles. Population about 5,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. Commission merchant. V. H. Rodas. Drugs and druggist's supplies.* D. Mera. General merchandise. A. B. Garcia. E. Jimenez. Pedro H. Orellana. Fernando Salcedo. Manuel Minuche. Rosales & Co. John B. Grace. Rafael Gonzalez-Rubio. Humberto Orellana. Pazmifio Hnos. J. Villacres & Co. Juan Criolk). Jos6 Azar. Savinovich & Manrique (buyers of cocoa). MACHALILLA. Machalilla is situated in the southwestern part of Manabi Province. The manufacture of starch is an Important industry. Sugar cane, coffee, oranges, and corn are cultivated in the surrounding country. Population about 1,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. Alfredo Alban. 21373°— 14- General merchandise. Prudencia Vallejo. -21 322 TRADE DIRECTORY OP SOUTH AMERICA. MANGLARALTO. Mani^laraUo is situated in the northwestern part of Guayas Trovince, on the southern bank of the Man- glaralto River, near its mouth. Population about 1,500. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Antonio L. Escobar. Velez & Velez. Suct*. de M. Velez. L. A. Orellano. Antonio Idrovo. Antonio Velez. Santiago Peiia. J. P. Rosales. Pedro Jines. Leopoldo Pena. Chico Moncayo Z. Samuel Giljalva S. Cirilo Aguino. Rodolfo Idrovo. MANTA. Manta is situated in the southwestern part of Manabi Province, on the southern shore of Manta Bay. It is the port for the inland towns of Jipijapa and Montecristi. Population about 2,500. In the Guayaquil consular district. Commission agents. Juan Gallo & Co. Carlos Vorlcker. Tagua Handelsgesellschaft in. b. H. General merchandise Ramon V. Azua. Carlos Otte & Cia. Juan Chavez & Co. Jorge Ruperti. J. E. Paz. Francisco I. Cantos. Max Vorlcker & Co. Gabriel I. Cahan. Paw San & Co. MILAGRO. MDagro is situated in the eastern part of Guayas Province, on the Guayaquil-Quito Railroad. Popula- tion about 2,500. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Antonio Cobo. Juan Sanchez. Jan Chong & Co. Aurelio Uraga. MONTECRISTI, Montecristi is in the Province of Manabi, situated about 100 miles northwest of Guayaquil, and about 25 miles from Portoviejo. Panama hats are made at this place. Population about 3,500. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Manuel S. Anchundia. Ezequiel Arcentales. Claudio B. Delgado. Federico Reyes. Ramon Anchundia. Luis Mario Chavez. Osorio Francisco Delgado. J. de Dios Rodriguez. General merchants and exporters of Panama straw hats. Ramon V. Azua. Pedro Cedeno. Adolfo Delgado. Manuel A. Delgado. Gustavo J. Barcia. J. Chavez & Co. Carlos Luis Delgado. Jos6 C. Reyes. NARANJAL. Naranjal is situated in the southern part of Guayas Province, near the mouth of the Rio de Naranjal. It is the river port for Cuenca. Population about 1,500. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Virgilio Barsallo. Eduardo Espinoza. A. Balarezo. Manuel Becerra. Manuel F. Cucalon. R. Contreras. Nicolas Baquerizo. Ismael Cabrera. ecuadoe: poetoviejo. 323 NARANJITO. Naranjito is a town of Ecuador, in the Guayaquil consular district, with a population estimated at 3,000. General merchandise. Man Hing Woo. T , XT Manuel Hidalgo. JoseNuques Juan Soria. Fuc Chen & Co. jyji 1 Castillo. Con Chun Hnos. j^^n Pablo Nuques. Jose Lopez. Simon Badillo. Vicente Ontaneda. J^'ce m">s. Miguel Ortega. Elias Bitar. Leonardo Columbus. Wo San Kee & Co. Julio Morla. OTAVALO. Otavalo is situated in the southern part of Imbabura Province, near the confluence of the main head- streams of the Rio Blanco. Soap works and textile establishments are the principal industries. Popula- tion about 12,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Mercedes Reyes. . 1 nr -n 1^ Matilda Davila. Angel M Beltran. Alejandro Vallegas. Nicanor Jaramillo. •" Miguel S. Davila. Hardware. Jose J. Moriano. David Rodriguez. Agusto Rodriguez. PASAJE. Pasaje is situ ated in the northeastern part of Ore Province, on the southern bank of the Yubones River. Population estimated at 3,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Serafin Abad. A. Castro. Rafael Mena. Zamora y Hnos, T. Amalla. A. Solano. S. Barciona. Miguel Bouchdid. Agustin Pazmino. B. Astudillo. Palomino y Hnos. Baltazar Quichpe. Vallejo & Co. Simon T. Bouchdid. B. Cedillo. Antonio Abraham. C. Aguilar. Salomon Noser. E. Andrade. Luis Gilamar. PINAR. Pinar is a town in Oro Province. Population estimated at 1,200. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Jacinto E. Loaiza. Francisco Carrion R. Arces Gallardo. Dr. M. Moscoso. PORTOVIEJO. Portoviejo, capital of the Province of Manabi, is situated about 120 miles northwest of Guayaquil, on the eastern bank of the Portoviejo River. Population estimated at 5,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Antonio Pedro Mora. Antonio de Jarrin. Jos6 Pedro Izaguerre. Octavio A. Cevallos. Eduardo Ch. Sanchez. Deodato Robles. Sergio Balda. Cesareo Velez. Francisco Serafin Velez. Melchor Velez. Chan Tong. Maw Tin. Paw Long. Ramon J. Sanana. Wo Yin & Co. Leopold© Escobar. 324 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. QUITO. Quiio is the capital of Ecuador and of the rro\Mnce of Pichincha, and is situated 290 miles northeast ol Ouayaquilatan elevation approximately !>.:?()() feet above sea level. Agricultural and live slock raising are the leading occupations of the region; other industries are flour mills, breweries, sugarrefmery, textile, shoe, furniture, and other factories. The population of Quito is about 70,000. In the Guayaquil con- sular district. Agents. Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. CUSTOMHOUSE. International Commercial Co. FORWARDING. Co. (main office at Otto Reinhardt. Andean Trading Guayaquil). Belisario Yepez. Agricultural Implements and machinery. Leopoldo Brauer. Paris Moreno & Co. Rafael G. Vasconez. Jos6 Surgranes, Emilio Ripalda Pozo. Rafael Puente. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Rueda Hnos. & Co. Manuel Patiiio. Pavon & Cordova. Nicolas Gifcrra. Architects. See CivU Engineers. Banks and bankers. Banco de Pichincha. Companla de Credito Agricola e Industrial del Pichincha. Compania de Prestamos y Construcciones. Belting. See Hardware. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. Ernesto Franco (automobile garage). Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Rafael Puente. Rueda Hnos. & Co. Paris Moreno & Co. Leopoldo Brauer. Rafael G. Vasconez. Boots and shoes. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Juan F. Game. Ignacio Boca Hnos. Veintimilla Hnos. Rafael Vasconez. Jorge Cordovez. A. & L. Garcia. Breweries. Louis Maulme & Co. La Imperial. La Ecuatoriana. La Campana. La Victoria. See Drugs and druggist's supplies. Civil engineers. Louie H. Anderson. Gualberto Perez. Federico Paez. Lino Maria Flor. Eudoro Anda. Clocks and watches. See Jewelry. Clothing. See Cotton goods. Commission merchants. Rafael M. Tobar. Nicolas Teran (also broker). Belisario Yepez. Andean Trading Co. (main office at Guay- aquil). Alberto Breihl. Agenda Comercial y de Informacionea de Sanchez & Co. R. Cabezas & Co. Contractors and builders. See CivU engineers. Cotton goods. Ignacio Baca Hnos. L. Gouin & Co. R. Vasconez Gomez. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Francisco Elias & Hijos. Alphonse Pavon. Ramon Barba Naranjo. Agustin Cabezas. Juan P^rancisco Game. A. M. Cordova & Hijos. Vidal Ortiz. Bolivar A. Pavon. Dentists. P. I. Navarro. Alejandro Kennedy. Dr. Sotovilla. Eliecer Chiriboga. Armando Teran. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Botica del Comercio. Botica del Guayas. Botica Inglesa. Botica Central. Botica Americana. Botica Nacional. Botica Alemana (Sues. de A. Schibbye). ECUADOR : QUITO. 325 Electrical supplies. Pavon & Cordova. Compania de Luz y Fuerza Electrica (light and power plant). Isabel Palacios (small plant). Martinod Hijos (small plant). Leopoldo Brauer. Engines. See Agricultural implements and ma- chinery. riovir and meal. See Groceries and provisions. Furniture. Carlos Espinoza A. Vidal Ortiz. Jorge Cordovez. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. L. Gouin & Co. Juan Francisco Grame. Antonio Proaiio. Sues, de W. Puente & Co. General merchandise. Juan Francisco Game. Paris Moreno & Co. Mateo Moscoso. Sues, de W. Puente & Co. Hereds. de Manuel Jijon Larrea. Juan Barriga. E. Cotta. Julio Letort. Rosario v. de Mora. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Ignacio Heredia. Julio Terdn. Rafael G. Vasconez. L. A. Cevallos. M. Casares. Antonio Proano. Groceries and provisions. Urutia & Gangotena. Vicente Murillo. Ram6n Moya. Hotel Paris. Hotel Continental. Carlos Espinoza. Manuel ^lurillo. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Hotel Royal. Hotel Ecuador. Juan Francisco Game. Jose Pons. Hardware. Leopoldo Brauer. Emilio Ripalda Pozo. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Rueda Hnos. & Co. Rafael G. Vasconez. Paris ^loreno & Co. Rafael Puente. Nicolas Guen'a. Manuel Patifio. Jose Surgraiies. Pa von & Cordova. Hospitals. Hospital de San Juan de Dios. Casa de Salud de Villavicencio, Saenz & Ayora. Casa de Salud de Mario de la Torre. Hospital Militar. Hotels. Hotel Royal. Hotel Paris. Hotel Continental. Hotel Ecuador. Jewelry. Leopoldo Brauer. Guillermo Lopez. ' Manuel Pardo. Lamps and lamp ware. L. Gouin & Co. Rafael Puente. Vidal Ortiz. Emilio Ripalda Pozo. Ignacio Baca Hnos. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Leopoldo Brauer. Nicolas Guerra. Leather, hides, and sliins. Andean Trading Co. (main office i«i Guay- aquil). Otto Reinhardt. Machinery. See Hardware. Motor cars. See Bicycles, motor cycles, and accesso- ries. Optical goods. See Jeweb-y. Paints and varnishes. Jos6 Surgraiies. Manuel E. Sudrez. Jesus E. Baquero. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Emilio Ripalda Pozo. Leopoldo Brauer. Juan Francisco Game. Paper and paper goods. Libererfa y Papeleria "Sucre" de Boni- facio Mufioz. "Librerfa Editora" do Arcesio A. Vela F. Libreria de Acosla Hnos. See also Periodicals; Photographers. 326 TRADE DIEECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. El Comercio. La Prensa. Periodicals. PhotoRrapliers. Jos^ Domingo Laso. Ricardo Valenzuela, Hijo. Roberto Ponce. Benjamin Rivadenoira. Juan J. eon Mera I. Carlos T. Proafio. Physicians. Manuel de GuzmAn. Isidro Ayora. Pedro Lara. Alejandro Luna. Amelio Mopquera N. Francisco Cousin. Cesar A. Peiiaherrera R. Agustin Polit. Mario V. de la Torre, Alberto Rodriguez M. Angel Saenz. Cai'los D. Saenz. Carlos A. Arteta. Dositeo Batallas. Luis F. Leoro. Manuel M. Casares. Ezequiel Cevallos Z. Guillermo Ordonez. Mariano Penaherrera,. Luis U. Racines. Jose M. Troya. Alejandro Villamar. Ricardo Villa vicencio. Luis Vivanco. Plantations, fruit. Gaston Charpentier. NEAR AMBATO. Jorge Se villa. Francisco A. Sevilla. Carlos Hidalgo A. Daniel Coho. Ricardo Callejas. Fernando Garcos. Augusto Hervas. Carlos B. Sevilla. Victor B. Terdn. Victor Oviedo. Isaac Cobo. Abel Pachano. Jose C. Cobo. Pio Lopez. Antonio J. Holguin. Miguel Angel Albornoz. Anacarsis Martinez. Juan Leon Mera T. Alfredo Jaramillo P. Alfonso R. Troya. Juan E. Bucheli. Jos6 Ignacio Holguin. Dr. Alonso Colina. Arnaldo Barona. Alejandro Lalama P. Tobias Cobo. Alcides Naranjo. Power and light companies. Quito Electric Light & Power Co. Isabel Palacios (small plant). Martinod Hijos (small plant). Railways. The Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co. Bice. I See Groceries and provisions. Sewing machines. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Gabriel Unda. Leopoldo Brauer. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. Francisco Llopart Mila, "La Barcelo- nesa." Leopoldo Brauer. Paris Moreno & Co. Rueda Hnos. & Co. Juan Francisco Game. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Manuel Patino. Rafael G. Vasconez. stationery and stationer's goods. See Paper and paper goods. Surgical instruments. See Drugs and druggist's supplies; Hos- pitals; Physicians. Telegraph and telephone companies. Telegrafo Nacional (operated by the Gov- ernment) . Telefono Nacional (operated by the Gov- ernment). The Ecuador Long Distance Telephone Co. (American). Telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment. See Telegraph and telephone companies; Electrical supplies. Toilet articles Juan Francisco Game. Ramon E. Patino. Ezequiel Rodriguez M. Ignacio Heredia. Agustin ('abezas G. Juan J. Narvaez & Hnos. Paris Moreno & Co. Juan G. Salvador & Cia. Cosmo Raffone. Sues, de W. Puente & Co. Viel & Co. See also Drugs and druggist's sup- plies. ECUADOE: SAMBORONDON, 827 See Hardware. Tools. Vehicles. See Agricultural implements and machin- ery; Bicycles, motor cycles, and acces- sories. Water, aerated and mineral.t Pgris Moreno & Co. Salvador Goetschel. See also Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. RIOBAMBA. Riobamba is the capital of the Province of Chimborazo, and is situated 140 miles northeast of Guayaquil, at an elevation of approximately 9,000 feet above sea level. The principal industries are agriculture and ' cattle raising. Population estiraated at 15,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. Bankers. Rodolfo Lara. Boots and shoes. See General merchandise. Cotton goods. N. Antonio Hnos. Vda. de Angel A. Bandera. Salomon Daniel. Ramon Puyol. Rafael Moreno. Pino Hnos. R. N. Davalos& Co. Luis E. Perez. Rodolfo Lara (bazar). Kuan Chong Martinez (bazar). George Miguel . Alejandro Saa. Emilio Escanchuli. J. Vacacela. Jos6 A. Viteri. Arcenio Lopez. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Busto H. Xavier. Juan L. Prado. Teofilo Larrea & Co. Manuel del Castillo. Juan S. Granizo. Paul Th. Schneidewind. General merchandise. Ramon Puyol. Rafael Moreno. Pino Hnos. Kuan Chong Martinez (bazar). Alejandro Saa. Emilio Escanchuli. Paul Th. Schneidewind. Rodolfo Lara (bazar). Groceries and provisions. J. Vacacela. Geronimo Grazta. See also General merchandise. Hardware. Sorio Hnos. Juan Castillo. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. Arsenio Lopez. Jose Viteri. ROCAFUERTE. Rocafuerte is a town in Manibi Province, having a population of about 3,000. In the Guayaquil con- sular district. General merchandise. Juan Jos^ Cedeno. Francisco J. Arcentales. Modesto A. Dueiias. Jos6 Duenas. Jose Ceferino Delgado. Victor Cedeiio. Sixto Velez. Jose H. Cedeiio. SAMBORONDON. Sam borondon is situated in the eastern pari of Ouayas Province, on the western bank of the Riode Bode- gas. Agriculture and live stock raising are the principal occupations. Population about :.',.i()(). In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Jos^ Antonio Tutiven. B. Jos6 San Andrea. Eduardo Andrade. Manuel Otoya. Reinaldo Salcedo. Santiago Timeuez. Pablo Molino. Ezequiel Varas. Ignacio Gomez. Lorenzo Alvarado. Segundo Augubtin. 328 TRADE DIRECTOKY OF SOUTH AMERICA. SANTA ELENA. Santa Elena, in tho Provinco of Ouayas, is situated on the Bay of Santa Elena, about 00 miles southwest of Guayaquil. Tho general olfices of tho Central & South American Telegraph Co. are located at this place, "in the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. David Ordonez, Ilijo. Alberto Panchana. Pedro Rosales. D. S. Gomez. Lazara L. Gomez. Benjamin Menoscal. Justine Flores. Jose A. Vera. • SANTA ROSA. Santa Rosa is situated in the northern part of Oro Province, on the western bank of Santa Kosa River. It is a distributiui; center for a gold and copper mining district. Population about 6,000. In the Guay- aquil consular district. General inercliandise. Jacinto Loaiza. Jose Mariano. Ellas Loaiza. Raul Paladines. Francisco Aguin-e. Luis A. Roma. Pablo A. Ollague. Romana Hnos. Eduardo Gallardo. Carlos Loaiza. Jose S. Paladines. Luis Marmol. Rosendo Armijos. Jose S. Nieto. Jacinto Cabrera. Antonio Alvarado. Celso A. Bernal. Benjamin Sanchez. David Hildrun. Alejandro Keyser. Alejandro A. Garcia. TULCAN. Tulcan is the capital of the Province of Charchi, and is situated about 100 miles northeast of Quito. It is an important cattle raising and agricultural district, and is in close proximity to the Colombian border. Population estimated at 6,000. In the Guayaquil consular district. General merchandise. Leonidas D. Polo. Federico Guerron. Luis Cisneros. Leonardo Burbano. Julio Navarro. Modesto & Roberto Grijalva. ZARUMA. Zaruma is a mining town in Oro Province, at which point the South American Development Co. is operating gold and silver mines and employing about 300 men. Population about 1,500. General merchandise. Miguel Carrion. Juan Maldonado. Jose Vclardo. Ramon Jijon. Dr. Dario S. Romero. Jacinto Crespo. Carlos Gonzalez. THE GUIANAS. GEORGETOWN, BRITISH GUIANA. British Guiana has an area of about 90,000 square miles and a population estimated at 310,000. The principal city and port is Georgetown, with a population of about 60,000. The principal products of the country are sugar, rice, balata, gold, and diamonds. The imports into British Guiana amount in value to over $8,000,000 annually, of which the United States supplies about 25 per cent. The principal American goods imported, with their approximate values, follow: Flour, $650,000; salted or pickled pork, S1"0,000; salted or pickled beef. S120,000; petroleum, $100,000; lumber, $100,000; cotton, linen, and woolen goods, S80,000; cottonseed oil, $80,000; machinery, principally mining, sugar, and rice, $60,000; leaf tobacco, $50,000; staves and shocks, $40,000; lard, $35,000; boots and shoes, $30,000; and motor cars and parts, $30,000. There is an American consulate at this place. Agents. Bayley & Co. Conrad Son & Co. Alex. Russell. See also Stigar. Agricultural implements and machinery. (Machinery not carried in stock; only imported when required by the sugar planters and rice growers.) Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Curtis, Campbell & Co. S. Davson & Co. (Ltd.). Director of Science and Agriculture. Ferreira & Gomes. New Colonial Co. (Ltd.). Sandbach, Parker & Co. J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Wieting & Richter (Ltd.). Amusements. London Electric Theatre (Cinemato- graph). Arms and ammunition. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). J. E. Strickland & Co. Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Bags and bagging. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Sandbach, Parker, & Co. Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Bakeries. Demerara Bread Co. Wieting & Richter (Ltd.). Banks. British Guiana Bank. Colonial Bank. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Fernandes Cycle Depot. M. J. Gomes. Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Strong & Driver (Ltd.). Boats and accessories. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. Sprostons (Ltd.). Cephas WTiitney. (Ltd.). Books. Argosy Co. (Ltd.). Fogarty (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Boots and shoes. Bettencourt & Co. (Ltd.). Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Excelsior Tailoring Establishment. Ferreira & Gomes. J. D. Fitzpatrick. Flett, Smith & Co. Fogarty (Ltd.). J. H. Gomes & Co. M. N. Rieck. Santos, de Cairos & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). The Tannery. J. T. Valladares & Co. Candles. See Groceries and provisiona. Cement. Booker Bros.-McCcnnell & Co. (Ltd.). S. Davson & Co. (Ltd.). Garnett & Co. (Ltd.). New Colonial Co. (Ltd.). Sandbach, Parker, & Co. Smith l?ros. & Co. (Ltd.). Sprostons (Ltd.). Wieting & Richter (Ltd.). 329 330 TRADE DIBECTOEY OF SOUTH AMEEICA. Chambers of commerce. Georgetown Chamber of Commerce. Royal AgriciiUural & Commercial Society. China and earthen ware. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Cbapmans (Ltd.). Ferroira & Gomes. J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). See Jewelry Clocks and watches. Clothing, men's. Bettencourt & Co. (Ltd.). Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Chapmaus (Ltd.). Excelsior Tailoring Establishment. Ferreira & Gomes. J. D. Fitzpatrick. Flett, Smith & Co. Fogarty (Ltd.). J. H. Gomes & Co. M. N. Rieck. Santos, de Cairos, & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). J. T. Valladares & Co. women's. Bettencourt & Co. (Ltd.). Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Chapmans (Ltd.). Ferreii'a & Gomes. Flett, Smith & Co. J. H. Gomes & Co. Santos, de Caii'os & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). J. T. Valladares & Co. Fogarty (Ltd.). Coal and patent fuel. Booker Bros.-McCounell & Co. (Ltd.). Curtis, Campbell & Co. The Demerara Electric Co. (Ltd.). The Demerara Railway Co. (Ltd.). Spostons (Ltd.). Coconut plantations. Pin. Caledonia. Pin. Success. The Tropical (Ltd.). Pin. Zeelandia. Exploitation Syndicate Coffee, tea, and cocoa. COCOA PLANTATIONS. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Wieting & Richter (Ltd.). Pin. Coverden. COFFEE PLANTATIONS. Pin. Vreed-Styn. Pin. ITanovor. Pin. Land of Canaan. Pin. Coverden. The Director of Science and Agriculture. Commission merchants. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Garnett & Co. (Ltd.). J. N. Perreira (Ltd.). Sandbach, Parker, & Co. Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Thorn & Cameron (Ltd.). Wieting & Richter (Ltd.). Confectioner's products. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Brodie & Rainer. Chapmans (Ltd.). Cold Storage and Ice Depot. D'Aguiar Bros. J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). Scotts (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Cooperage. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Curtis, Campbell & Co. Wieting & Richter (Ltd.). Cordage, rope, and twine. See Hardware. Cotton goods. See Clothing. Dentist's instruments and supplies. C. C. Walton. Cephas Whitney. Department stores. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Drugs and druggist's supplies. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Brodie & Rainer. E. (J. Fonseca. J. D. Smart-Dalgleish. Scott's (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Electrical apparatus and supplies. The Demerara Electric Co. (Ltd.) (Amer- ican agent. Electrical Engineering & Purchasing Co., 115 Broadway, New York City). THE GUIANAS: GEOEGETOWN^ BRITISH GUIANA. 331 Engines. The Demerai-a Electric Co. (Ltd.)- The Demerara Railway Co. (Ltd.). See also Sugar (estate agents). Feedstufls. Booker Bros.-]McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Chapmane (Ltd.). Luigi Psaila. Sandbach, Parker & Co. Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). . Fencing and fencing material. See Hardware. Fertilizers. See Sugar (estate agents). Flour and meal. See Bakeries; Groceries and provisions. Forgtngs. Sproston's (Ltd.). Foundries. Demerara Foundry Co. (Ltd.). Sproston's (Ltd.). Fruit, fresh and dried. See Groceries and provisions. Furniture and fittings. Bettencourt & Co. (Ltd.). Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Fogarty (Ltd.). Mehler & Co. Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Glass. M. T. Brazao. J. E. Strickland & Co. See also Glassware. Glassware. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.) J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Government purchasing oflflcers. Colonial Civil Engineer. Director of Science and Agriculture. Government Electrician. Surgeon General. Town Superintendent. (iraln. See Feedstuff 8. Groceries and provisions. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Chapman's (Ltd.). Claudino de Abreu. C. S. Chung & Co. (Ltd.). Garnett& Co. (Ltd.). Ho-a-Hing. Macquarrie & Co. J. N. Perreira (Ltd.). Rodrigues & Abreu. Rodiigues & Camacho. Sandbach, Parker & Co. J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Thom & Cameron (Ltd.). Wieting & Richter (Ltd.). Hardware. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Ferreira & Gomes. Sandbach, Parker & Co. J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Sproston's (Ltd.). J. E. Strickland & Co. Harness and saddlery. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Knox & Co. Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). Hose and hose fixtures. Superintendent of Fire Brigade. Hotels. The New Victoria Hotel. The Hotel Park. The Hotel Tower. Household utensils. See Hardware. Instruments, professional and scientific. Director of Science and Agriculture. Siu-geon General. Iron and steel. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Sandbach, Parker & Co. J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Sproston's (Ltd.). J. E. Strickland & Co. See also Sugar (estate agents). Jewelry. M. U. Hing. R. G. Humphrey & Co. (Ltd.). Schuler & Sons. 332 TEADE DIEECTOKY OF SOUTU AMEEICA. Knit goods. See CUnhiu^i. Lamps and lainpware. See Hardware. Lard. See Groceries and provisions. Leather goods. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Flett, Smith & Co. Fogarty (Ltd.)- Ivnox & Co. J. P. Santos & Co. (Ltd.). Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). The Tauiierv. See Clothing. Linen goods. Live stock. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Curtis, Campbell & Co. Sandbach, Parker & Co. Thorn & Cameron (Ltd.). Flood, Thomas. Lumber and timber, planing-mill products. Booker Bros.-McConnell & Co. (Ltd.). Bugle & Co. C. S. Chung & Co. (Ltd.). S. Davson & Co. (Ltd.). M. J. Lopes & Son. Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Sproston's (Ltd.). Thom & Cameron (Ltd.). Machinery. The Demerara Electric Co. (Ltd.). The Demerara Railway Co. (Ltd.). The Tannery. See also Sugar (estate agents) ; Mining companies. ICE AND REFRIGERATING. Wieting & Richter (ice factory). SAWMILL. Booker Bros.-^k:Connell & Co. (Ltd.). Bugle & Co. C. S. Chung & Co. (Ltd.). S. Davson & Co. (Ltd.). The Demerara Railway Co. (Ltd.). M. J. Lopes & Son. Smith Bros. & Co. (Ltd.). Sproston's (Ltd.). Matches. The Demerara Match Co. (Ltd.). See also Groceries and provisions. Meats, fresh, cured, and plclSce Hardware. Iron and steel. See Hardware. Jewelry. See Clocks and watches. Lamps and lamp ware. See Hardware. Liard. See Groceries and provisions. Leather goods. See Clothing; Hardware; Harness and saddlery. Linen goods. See Cotton goods. Matches.! Machain & Cia., 25 de Noviembre and ('a Proyectada. Millinery. See Clothing, women's. Nails and spikes. See Hardware. Notions. tS^e Cotton goods; Clothing, women's. Novelties.* Zinnert, Otto, Palma and 25 de No- viembre. See also General merchandise. PARAGUAY: ASUNCION". 341 Nursery stock.* Ceriani, Juan, Espafia and Brasil. Nuts (edible) . See Groceries and provisions. Oils. See Hardware. Optical goods. See Clocks and watches. Paints and varnishes. See Hardware. Paper and paper goods.* Klug, Juan, & Mares, Estrella, 440. Kraus, H. (printer), Villa Rica and 15 de Agosto. Piera, Ram6n (box and bag manufac- turer), Colon, 267. Rius & Jorba, Palma, 165 (American agent, Strong & Trowbridge, 21 State Street, New YorkCity). Schiitz, C. F., & Cia., Palma and 14 de Mayo. Zamphiropolis, Candido (printer). Villa Rica and Convenci6n. Periodicals. Colorado, Presidente Carnot, 172. El Diario, Alberdi, 820. El Nacional, Benjamin Constant, 179. El Tiempo, Villa Rica. 210. Roje & Azul, Villa Rica entre 15 de Agosto and Convenci6n . Italia, Benjamin Constant, 330. Economista Paraguaya, Oliva, 280. Paraguay Monthly. Boletin Oficial. Phonographs, graphophones, etc., and records.* Klug, Juan, & Mares, Estrella. 440. Rius & Jorba, Palma, 165 (American agent. Strong & Trowbridge, 21 State Street, New York City). Zinnert, Otto, Palma and 25 de Novi- embre. Photographic supplies and art materials.* I'HOTOOU.'VPHIC SUPPLIE.S. Fratta, E., Villa Rica and Ayolas. Zinnert, Otto, Palma and 25 de Novi- enibre. AItT MATERIALS. Rius & Jorba, Palma, 165 (American agent. Strong & Trowbridge, 21 State Street, New York (Jity). See oho Stationery and stationer's goods. Plumber's supplies. See Hardware. Polish and blacking. See Hardware; Boots and shoes. Power and light companies. Asuncion Light and Power Co. Pumps. See Hardware. Railway equipment and supplies. [Note.— The Paraguay Central is the only railway in Paraguay. Supplies and equipment are ordered once a year by Mr. Arthur Tozer, the storekeeper, whose address is Sapucay, Paraguay. The order is sent to the office of the company at New Broad Street House, New Broad Street, London, England, and purchases are made from there.] Railways. Asuncion Light and Power Co. (electric, street) . Refrigerators, water coolers, etc. See Hardware. Rubber goods. See Hardware; Drugs iinri druggist's sup- plies. Scales, balances, and weighing machines. See Hardware. Seeds.* Ceriani, Juan, Espana and Brasil. Sewing machines and parts.* Alsina &. Bonvehi, 25 de Mayo and Esca- lada . Berg, Ricardo, Palma and Ayolas. Tleisecke, Cristian, Palma, 125. Honsberg, Spier & Cia., Presidente Car- not and Indey)endencia Nacional. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Presidente Carnot, 180! Schiitz, C. F., & Cia., Palma and 14 de Mayo. Zinnert, Otto, Palma and 25 de Noviem- "bre. Silk goods. See Cotton goods. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors.* Bailey, Jorge, E., Palma and 25 de IH- ciembre. Espelt, Salvador, Benjamin Constant, 438. Haywood, Walter R., Palma, 178. 342 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Lai)iorro & Cia., Montevideo, 104 (Ameri- llius & Jorba, Palma, 165 (American can agents G. A. Stafford, 55 Worth agent, Strong & Trowbridge, 21 State Street^ New York City). Street, New York City). Rius & Jorba, Palma, 165 (American Schiitz, C. F., & Cia., Palma and 14 de agent, Strong & Trowbridge, 21 State Mayo. iSee also Drugs and druggist's sup- plies; Clothing, men'sand women a. Street, New York City). Sponges. iSt>€ Drugs, etc. ; Clothing, men's. Sporting and athletic goods.* Haywood, Walter R., Pahna, 178. Set: oho Hard warp. Stationery and stationer's goods.* Codas, J. C, Presidente Carnot and Caballcro. Ileisecke, Cristian, Palma, 125. King, Juan & Mares, E«trella, 440. Quell & Carron, Palma and Alberdi. Rius & Jorba, Palma, 165 (American agent. Strong & Trowbridge, 21 State Street, New York City). Vila & Cia. Sugar, sirup, and molasses. Sec Groceries and provisions. Tanners. Aymeril, & Cia., Palma, 262. Mazo, Dragotto, & Cia., 25 de Mayo, 30. Meilicke, Pablo, Palma and Ayolas. Telephone company. Compania Telef6nica Nacional, Buenos Aires. 214. Thread and yarn. See Cotton goods. Tinware. See Hardware. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies.* Guillermo, Alonzo, Palma, 133. Braga, Luis F., Villa Rica, 253. Haywood, Walter R., Palma, 178. Meiian, Marcial, Montevideo, 104. Simon, B., & Cia., Palma, 157. Vasquez & Cia., Ayolas, 131. Vila & Cia., Palma, 437. Toilet articles.* 'Acqua, E. Dell, Palma, 233. Imbert & Cia., Estrella, 272. Lapierre & Cia., Montevideo, 104 (Ameri- can agent, G. A. Stafford, 55 Worth Street, New York City). Tools. See Hardware. Toys and games.* Codas, J. ('., Presidente Carnot and Ca- ballero. Gran Bazar de Juguetes, Palma, 436. Heiscke, Christian, Palma, 125. Pane, M., vda. de, Presidente Carnot, 181. Rius & Jorba, Pahna, 165 (American ao'cnt. Strong and Trowbridge, 21 State Street, Nev/ York City). Schiitz, C. F., & Cia., Palma and 14 de Mayo. Trunks and traveler's supplies.* BAGS AND VALISES. Bailey, Jorge E., Palma and 25 de Diciembre. Di Nucci, E., Palma, 65. Haywood, Walter R., Palma, 178. Typewriters and supplies.* Klug, Juan & Mares, Estrella, 440 (agent for German machines). Recalde, Rufino, Presidente Carnot, 199 (agent for Fox Typewriter Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.). Rius & Jorba, Palma, 165 (American agent. Strong & Trowbridge, 21 State Street, New York City) (agents for Remington machine). Schiitz, C. F., & Cia., Palma and 14 de Mayo (agents for German machines). Umbrellas and canes. See Clothing, men's and women's. Water, aerated and mineral. Berthomier,, Pablo, Villa Rica, 450. Parini, Oreste, Espana entre Estados Unidos and Tacuari. Wheelbarrows. See Hardware. Windmills. See Hardware. Woolen goods. See Cotton goods. paeaguay: villa rig a. 343 concepcion. Concepcion is situated on the east side of the Paraguay River, 132 miles north of Asuncion. Population about 5,000. Reached by two regular steamers weekly "from Asuncion, making the run in about 31 hours. It is the center of cattle grazing and yerba mate region. In Asuncion consulardistrict. Banks. Bonsi Hnos. El Blanco Mercantil del Parasuay (main Cabrera, Benitez & Cia. office at Asuncion). ^ Canale, Jose. Herreros, Toma;?. General merchandise. Jimenez, Jos6, e Hijo. Lima & Cia., A. Antonioli, Segundo. Quevedo, B., & Cia. Armelo, Emilio. Vergara, Jose. Arza Hnos. Zarza, Jose P. ENCARNACION. Enearnacion is situated on the right bank of the Alto Parana River, opposite the Argentine city of Posadas. Population, about 3,000. Terminusof the Paraguay Central Railway. Distance from Asuncion 230 miles. At this point trains are ferried across the Alto Parana to Posadas, where connection is made with the Argentine Northeastern Railway, giving communication by rail to Buenos Aires. The principal resources of the surrounding country are timber and yerba mate (Paraguay tea). In Asuncion consular district. Banks. Bado, Hector. El Banco Mercantil del Para-uay (main J^^''^^^' Dorningo. office at Asuncion^ ^ Grenno Delmo. Junis, Abraham. General merchandise. Perasso, A., & Cia. Arque, Pascual, & Cia. IMeughi, Angel. PARAGIARI. Paraguari is centrally situated on the Paraguay Central Railway, 45 miles east of Asuncion. The principal occupation is cattle rai-ing and agriculture. It is an important distributing point for large towns and a thickly populated region south, as far as Villa Florida, to which place a branch railway is being constructed from Paraguari. Population about 1,000. In the Asuncion consular district. General merchandise. Abadia. Juan B. Gimenez Hnos. Cellaris, Jos^. VILLA PILAR. Villa Pilar is a port on the Paraguay River, ISO miles south of Asvmcion. Fottr regular steamships from Buenos Aires and Asuncion call there weekly. Population about l,noo. It is an important dis- tributing point for the surrounding agricultural region. In the Asuncion consular district. General merchandise. Ferreiro & Brisco. Santos & Hijos. VILLA RICA. Villa Rica is centrally situated SI miles by r.iil east of Asuncion. Population about 8,000. Principal resources of surrounding country are cattle, timber, tobacco, and oranges. In Asuncion consular district. Banks. Nurnberg & Cia. TTii T) nf i-1 J 1 T) / • lliviozzi, Rafael, & Via. General merchandise. Buzarquis, A., & Cia. Zaputovich, Vicente. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Guggiari Hnos. Chase, Carlos H. PERU. Peru has an area of about 685,000 square miles, and a population estimated at 4,620,000. The country is traversed its entire length by the Andes Mountains, which afford mineral wealth in gold, silver, lead, quicksilver, copper, coal, vanadium, etc. Guano and petroleum are also produced in largo quantities. Agriculture is carried on extensively in the districts west, and to much lesser extent in those east of the mountains. The principal products are, in the order given: Sugar, rubber, cotton, wools, hides, coca leaves and cocaine, rice, goatskins, coffee, and cacao. With few exceptions, all the important mining, agricultural, manufacturing, steam railway, electric railway, steamship, telephone, telegraph, and other similar enterprises have their head offices in Lima (which practically includes Callao), as do nearly all the large mercantile importing and exporting houses. Of the total imports into the countrv, valued at $25,- 000,000 in 1912, the United'^ States supplied nearly $6,000,000 worth, compared with $4,500,000 for 1910. Plantations. COTTON ESTATES IN PERU. Province and name of estate. Name of o^vner. PAITA. San Jacinto Tamarindo Rinconada San Francisco Cubingas Paredones Macarara PIUEA. Paccha Sosol Yapatera Nomala Huapala San Martin Viviate La Chira Valdivieso Buenaventura Pucusula La Solana Poechos Chocan San Francisco La Pena La Horca Pueblo Nuevo Bulliquiquira Montenegro Cabo Verde Komara Chilaco Somate Cucho Mambra CapUla Sojo Tangarara Monteron Mallar«5 Miraflores Coscomba Puyxmtala San Jacinto Palo Parado San Guillermo Paredones Cumbibira Casa Grande LomaNegra San Juan de Pedregal Alto de la Cruz Pedregal 344 Pedro Raygada. Francisco Helguero. Antonio Helguero. Jorge Woodhouse. Testamenteria Vasquez. Migule Checa. Beneficencia de Piura. Eguiguren Hnos. Eguiguren Hnos. Leon Hnos. Juan H. Helguero. Octavio I^eon. L. S. de Valdivieso. Pablo Talledo. Ezequiel Vargas. Pedro A bad. Emilio Barreto. Miguel E. Raygada. Amadeo Samaniego. Ramon Valdivieso. Miguel Chaeo. Miguel Chaco. Manuel Ramirez. Agusto Navarro. Zapata Hnos. Testamenteria Gallo. Rolando Houghton. Jos^ A. Mens. Agustin Figallo. Manuel A. Cortes. P. Olinada Cortez. Testamenteria Franco. Barreto y Franco. Jos^ A. Miijica. Miguel Checa. Fernando Vega. Testamenteria Burnco. Testamenteria Arroso. Luis Sanches. F. Hilbeck & Co. Genaro Campos. Calixto Romero. Luis B. Guzman. Mendoza Hnos. Rafael Fiol. Miguel Feijoo. L Seminario & Co. M. Seminario. Juan H. Helguero. Ricardo C. Espinosa. Teodoro Palacios. Province and name of estate. Malinguita Locuto Angostura Santa Ana Chapaira Malingas Curban Tambo Grande. Parales Pichones LIMA. Barbadillo Nana Ascarrunz Surquillo Monterrico Chico.. Chacarilla San Borja Camacho Mendoza Huampani Ate Alto Encalada Inquisidor Barbadillo Rinconada La Molina Conde Villa Seiior. Charuro Peralvillo Carquin Manzanares Chancayllo... Torre Blanca. San Jose Caqui Cuyc Esquivel Palpa Boza , Galpon Upaca Huayto Carreteria Ingenio Chacaca Rontoy Desagravio... Acaray , Vilcahuaura. Calera Huando Name of owner. Miguel Helguero. Juan I. Seminario. Carlos Schaefer. Hilbeck & Co. Duncan Fox & Co. FelLx R. Leon. Leon Hnos. Carlos Schaefer. Alfredo Wooman. Testamenteria Cortfe, Luis Bryce y Cotes. Eulogio Delgado. Crisanto Elias. M. Marsano. Testamenteria Cand&mo. N. Orezzoli. Thomas Buckley. Carlos Heeren y B. Juan E . Capurro. P. Borraschi. Miguel Echenique. Pedro Oliveira. Domingo Chiarella. V. Sehanone. Aparicio Alvarado. A. B. Leguia. Carlos Plufker. Testamenteria Salinas. Juan Perez. Testamenteria Torero. Testamenteria Arros- pide. Benjamin Vizquerra. Teresa de Echecopar. M. de las Caeas. C. Palacios V. F. G. Piaggic. Solar Hnos. Banco del Peru y Lon- dres. Senoritas Castillo Alejandro Saco. Enriqueta de Soria. Canevaro Hnos. G. Romero. Tomas Fumagalli. Testamenteria Aspiazu. M. Alvarez Calderon. Domingo Lao.s. Testamenteria Pomar. A. B. Leguia. A. DallOrto. Antonio Graua. Peru: plantations. COTTON ESTATES IN PERU— Continued. 345 Province and name of estate. Nameofo^vner. ' ^'"''^'eXl''^"'" °^ Name of owner. Jesus del Valle E. Granadino. Pedro Beltran. E. Larraburey U. Testamenteria Perez. British Sugar Co. Sociedad Agriccla San Isidro. Julia de Roncagliolo. A. Bueno. Baltasar de Valle. J. Merello. Carlos A. Elias. Picasso Hnos. Alvarez Calederon. Zunini y Osella. J. T. Picasso. Los Tronquitos M. P. Olaechea. Arona Monte Sierpe A. Macado y Maza. Unanue Casa Concha Testamenteria Bellido. Herbay Alto Bernales Andres Rivera. Rantn Rnrharn Pachinga Luis Albizuri. San Isidro Francia Luis Albizuri. Mencia Maria F. de Salas. Nunez Demetrio Mirranda. ICA. Lurichincha F. Carrillo. Iloja Redonda Carlos Elias. Las Trancas San Jose Roberto Leguia. Trancas de Copara San Regis Kifer Marchand. Taruga Canyar Coloma Rheder. Coyungo Canapay P. Brignole. Estudiante.. . . Litardo Bajo Juan de Mata Marmol. San Fernando Fernando CarrOlo. Laventa Laran Fernando Carrillo. Capellania Gregorio Vera. Santiaguillo RICE ESTATES. LAMBATEQUE. Saman Chacupe San Bartolome Oyotun Chumbenique Culpon La Vina La Otra Banda Salitral Palomino Ucupe Rafan Pampa Grande Tabacal y Almendral. Huaca Blancay Tablazos Batan Grande Chucupe La Pampa La Pena Paredones Bodegones Mocupo Piedra Parada Pencal Choloque Santiago Gonzales. M. Baca. Cura Chuman. Testamenteria Balarezo. Abelardo Gonzales. Roberto Baca. Beneficencia de Guada- lupe. Carlos Alvatrez Calderon. Leonidas Rodriguez. Federico Pedro Ugarte. Testamenteria Baca. Asuncio A. de Dios. Abelardo Gonzales. Antonio Gayoso. Ricardo Checa, Juan Aurich. Virgilio Dall Orso. J. F. Barandiaran. Oneto y Cia. Carlos Santisteban. Carlos A. Ruiz. Juan J. Barragan. Mariano Salazar. Genaro Barragan. Francisco Mufo. LA LIBERTAD El Hornito Cultambo Tocapa Nampol Cosquepon Vista Alegre CatalLna Chareape Farfancillo Lurifico Limoncarri Talambo Uuascar La Calera Cabo Verde Seman Faclo Grande Talla Marinunez Montevideo Chafan Grande ANCACHS. Guadalupito Roberto Luna. Victor M. Flores. Ramon Calderon. Francisco llerrera. Bertis Hnos. Pedro Rios Yopes. HerederosdeA. Fuentes. Herederos de C. Fuentes. Testamenteria Castaneda Peruvian Sugar Co. Remigio Saco. Ricardo Salcedo. Testamenteria Rodri- guez. Jose B. Goyburu. Jose Cuba. Pablo Dieguez. Enrique Dupuis. Jose M. Plaza. Juan S. Razuri. Marcelino Balarezo. Antonio Saavedra. Nicanor Carmona. SUGAR ESTATES. LAMBAYEQUE Cayalti Pucala Tuman Patapo Pomalca LA LffiEETAD, Jyurifico Roma Chiquitoy Casa Grande Cartavio Chicamila Chiclin Laredo Barraza ANCACnS. Vinzos Taml)o Real Suchiman San Bartolo San Jose San Jacinto Aspillaga Hnos. Izaga Hnos. Pardu Hnos. Testamenteria Ramos. Gutierrez Hnos. Peruvian Sugar Co. Victor Larco Herrera. Victor Larco 1 lerrera. Sociedad Agricola Casa Grande. W.R. Grace* Co. Graham Rowc & Co. Larco Herrera Hnos. J. 1. Chopitoa. Fortunate Guuoza. Alvarez Calderon. J'eruvian Sugar Co. If. M. Beausire & Co. Forcro Hnos. British Sugar Co. British Sugar Co. LIMA. Paramonga Huayto , Carreteria Galpon Humaya , Andahuasi Palpa Caudivilla Chuquitanta... Infantas Pro Chacra Cerro . . Naranjal Chacra Grande Monte Rico. .. Santa Clara lluachipa Villa Santa Barliara. Arona Unanue Caucato Pampa Blanca Tomasiri Testamenteria Canaval. Canevero Hnos. Duncan Fox & Co. Alejandro Saco. Testamenteria Salinas. Frasscr Luckie. Banco del Peru y I^on- dres. Dibos linos. Lsaac Egiiren. Dibos linos. Aurclio Rodriguez. Jose Dovescovi. F. Talleri. J. M. Eehenique. Tomas Valle. Dibos Hnos. Jose Dcvescovi. Tomas Valle. British Sugar Co. Pedro Beltran. E. Larraburrey U. Viuda de Montero. Victor F. Lira. Mac Lean. 346 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA, ASCOPE. Ascope is a town in the Depaitmeut of Libertad, situated about 40 miles north of Trujillo, capital of the Province. In the Callao consular district. General merchandise. D'An^elo, C, & Co. Orezelli Hnos. Ribatto, J., & Co. Rios, G. & Y. AREQUIPA. Aroquipa, capital of the department of the same name, is about 750 miles southwest of Lima and 90 miles inland from the coast. Some of the principal industries are cotton mills, tanneries, woolen mills, car and engine works, etc. It is an important trade center. I'opulalion about 40,000. In the Calao con- sular district. Bakeries. Field Arturo y Cia. Banks. Banco Aleman. Banco Italiano. Banco del Pent y Jjondres. Books. Albareda, Leon. Arana, Manuel J. Rojas y Franco. Vargas y Delgado. Boots and shoes. Holguin, Tomas C. Ludena, Jose M. Miranda, Jose C. Rivera, Jose V. Roman, S. Usseglio, M. Vizcarra y Cia. Zea, Manuel. Breweries. Cerveceria Alemana. Brick, tile, and terra cotta. Forga, Alfredo y Cia. Broom factory. Comejo y Salas. Building materials. Vucetich, Santiago. ENGINEERS. Carry, T. A. Rivera, Alberto. Tudela, Gabriel. Candles. Fabrica de Velas Excelsior. Landa, Enrique. Carpets and other floor coverings. See Furniture. Carriages and wagons. Arenas Cayetano. LIVERY STABLES. Empresa de Coches. Terres Carlos e Hijo. Caballeriza del Resbalon. Caballeriza de la Raima. China and earthenware. Agostini, Franco. Rubatto, Maximiliano. Cliocolate factory. Vidaurrazaga, Juan . Clocks and watches. Calderon, P. Garaycochea Hnos. Mufiiz, Teodoro G. Muiiiz, Angel M. Oldrati y Cia. Cotton planters. Belaunde, E. y L. A. Dentists. Begazo, Raimundo. Buckin, Jorge. Niiio Neira Bethsabe. Tirado, Roma M. Distilleries (alcohol). Benavides Ricardo. Lira, Victor. Rodriguez Hnos. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Bellido, Enriq\ie A. Comejo, C. L. Lozada y Bellido. Moron, J. e Hijo. Nunez del Prado, B. Portugal, Jose e Hijo. Rathjens, Guillermo. Dry goods. Abugattas Hnos. Baillard y Cia. Corzo y Oia. David, Isaac. Hardt, E. y W. Peru: arequipa. 347 Majluf, J. J. Martinez de V. Victoria D. Reinoso Hnos. Rivera, Emilo y Hnos. Rivera, Jose V. Said, Farah. Said, Solomon Hnos. Solomon, Jose Hnos. Somocurcio y Cia. Electrical appliances and supplies. Caceres, Bolognesi Ismael. Oldrate y Cia. Sociedad Electrica de Arequipa. Tranvias Electricos de Arequipa. Engineers. See Building materials. Flour mills. Molino Bolognesi. Molino Hurtado. Molino Mercedes. Molino San Juan. Furniture. Stafford y Cia. Valdivia, Julio L. Valencia, Mariano E. MATTRESSES ANO BEDSTE.\DS. Planas y Civil. See Hardware. Tiere, Calle de Mantas, 108. Olivares v Valencia, Calle de Mercaderes, 449. Villaoslas Hnos., Calle de Boza, 849. Tools. See Hardware. Toys and games.* Campos y Cia., A., Calle de Mercaderes. Estremadoyro Hnos., Calle de Judios. Klinge & Co., F., Calle de Judios. Oecnele, A. F., Calle de Bodegones. Triiniis and traveler's supplies.* Aubrv Hnos. y Cia., Calle de Plateros San Pedro, 163. Bargna y Cia., C, Calle de Mercaderes, 466-470. Crevani y Cia., M., Calle de Mercaderes, 454-458. Newton, Juan, Calle de Espaderos, 533. Schmitt Fils & Co., Calle de Plateros de San Pedro. Typewriters and supplies.* Duncan Fox & Co., Calle de Melchor- malo, 307. Gil y Cia., Benito, Calle del Banco He- rrador. Grace & Co., W. R., Calle de Carrera, 451. Muecke, E. E., Calle de Villalta, 262. Otero y Cia., Calle de Filipinas. Umbrellas and canes. See Millinery. Undertaker's goods.*!- Berghusen, Enrique, Calle de Divorcia- das, 680. Guimat, Nicanor, Calle de Filipinas, 570. Moscoso, Juan, Calle de Mantas, 181. Vacuum cleaners and carpet sweepers. See Hardware. Wall paper. See Carpets and other floor coverings. Washing machines and clothes wringers. See Hardware. Water, aerated and mineral. Bayly y Cia., F. W., Calle de Nunes.* Berckemeyer, Gustavo, Calle de Villalta.* Campodonico y Ventura, Calle de Juan Castilla, 246. t ''La Concordia," Avenida 9 de Diciem- bre, 273.t "Las Leonas," Nosiglia Hnos., Calle de Pataz, 226. *t "La Higienica," Elguera Hnos., Calle de Washington, 206. f "La Minerva," A. B. Arbocco, Calle de Pedregal, 830. f "La Pureza," R. Barton, Calle de Sandia, 249. t "La Santa Rosa," J. R. Lindley & Sons, Calle de Cajamarca, 377. f Serra y Cia., J. B., Calle de Mantas, 165. *t Zerga y Cia., A., Calle de Cajamarca, 316. PERU: PAITA. 363 PAITA. Paita, in the Department of Piura, at the head of the Bay of Paita, is aliout •180 niile.s from Callao. It is comieeted by railway with the city of Piura, (iO miles distant. The harbor is one of the best on the coast. Population about 5,000. There is an American consular agency at this place. Agents, customhouse. Artadi&Co., G. Bolognesi, F. Duncan Fox & Co. Grace & Co. Galup & Co. Hilbck & Co. Kuseng, J. Lopez & Co. Perez, M. Pallete, B. Guidino, R. Guinocchio, J. Agricultural Implements and machinery. Artadi ^e. Confectioner's products. See Groceries and pnjvLsions. Contractors and builders.* Gamara, Risco. Jaramillo, M. Cooperage.* Altuna, Balbino. Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Wiebe, P>ancisco. Cordage, rope, and twine. See Hardware. Cork and cork specialties. See General merchandise. Cotton goods. Armas, Juan N. Hardt, E. & W. La Cunza & Leon. Ludowieg & Co. Sommaruga, Alberto. Vasquez, A. Puente. See also Clothing, men's. Cutlery and edge tools.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Fai-ina Francisco. Ludowieg & Co. Vasquez, A. Puente. Dairymen's supplies. See General merchandise. Drugs and druggist's supplies.* Armas, Juan N. Blondet, Dr. A. Botica Central. Botica La Economia. Hardt, E. & W. Ludowieg & Co. Vasquez, A. Puente. Vijil, Dr. J. W. Electrical apparatus and supplies.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Ludowieg & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. Engines.* Ludowieg & Co. (agents only). Explosives.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Ludowieg & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. Fencing and fencing material.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N . Ludowieg & Co. Fertilizers. /See Sugar (estates). Flreworlcs and firecrackers.* Achanin, Goicochea & Co. Win Choii Long. Wiebe, Francisco. Fish.* Achardn, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N . Centenaro, V. L. Fratolli, Giorgetta & Co. Win Chon Long. 368 TRADE DIRECTOEY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Flour and meal.* Ottoue, J. & J. P. Will Chon Long. Fly paper.* Achanin, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Botica La Economia. Botica CentraL Fruit, fresh and dried.* Achanin, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N . Wiebe, Francisco. Win Chon Long. Furniture and fittings.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N . Ludowieg & Co. Snirer, FiseL Wiebe, Francisco. Gas and electric fixtures See Electrical apparatus and supplies. General merchandise.* Achai'dn, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Wiebe, Francisco. Glass.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Vidaurrazaga, E. Wiebe, Francisco. Glassware.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Snirer, FLsel. Wiebe, Francisco. Glue. See General merchandise. Grain.* Loyer, Hoyle & Co. (wheat for milling). Grease and other soap stocli.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Gamboa, Benjamin. Wiebe, Francisco. Groceries and provisions.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Callegari, Eugenio. Centenaro, Virgilio. Fratelli, Giorgetta & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. "Hardware.* Achardn, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Vidaurrazaga, E. Wiebe, Francisco. Hops.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Hose and hose fixtures. See General merchandise. Hotels.* Hotel America. Hotel Central. Household utensils. See General merchandise. Iron and steel.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Jewelry. Becker, J. Moreno Machado. Knit goods. See Cotton goods. Lamps and lamp ware.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Ludowieg & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. Lard.* Gamboa, Benjamin. Ottone, J. & 3. P. Win Chon Long. Leather goods.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Hardt, E. & W. Ludowieg & Co. Vasquez, A. Puente. Leather, hides, and slvins.* La Torre, L. Vasquez. Sommaruga, Alberto. Linen goods. See Cotton goods. PEEU : TEUJILLO. 369 Machine tools. See Machinery. Machinery.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. (agricultural). Ludowieg & Co. Wiebe, Francisco (agricultural). Meats, Iresh, cured, and pickled. See Groceries and provisions. aiUIinery.* Hardt, E. & W. Ludowieg & Co. Sommaruga, Alberto. Vasquez , A. Puente. Musical Instruments.* Farina, Francisco (unimportant impor- tations). Loyer, Hoyle & Co. (unimportant impor- tations). Naval stores.* Wiebe, Francisco. Notions. See Cotton goods. Novelties.* Armas. Juan N. Farina, Francisco. Ludowieg & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. Nuts (edible).* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Oils. See General merchandise. Optical goods.* Blondet, E. Farifia, Francisco. Gotica La Economia. Paints and varnishes.* Aohardn, Goicochea & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. Paper and paper goods.* Achardn, Goicochea &, Co. Armas, Juan N. Davilla, F. Jacobs. Hardt, E. & W. Imprenta "La Reforma." Ludowieg &. Co. Wiebe, Francisco. 21373°— 14 24 Paraffin and paraffin wax.* Armas, Juan N. Fabrica de elas La Libertad. Phonographs, graphophones, etc., and records.* Armas, Juan N. Orbegoso, Isaac. Vasquez, A. Puente. Photographic supplies and art materials. Ludowieg & Co. Vasquez, A. Puente. Wiebe, Francisco. Pipes and tubes.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. Plantations. See Sugar (estates). Plumber's supplies.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Wiebe, Francisco. Polish and blacking.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. La Torre, A. Vasquez. Ludowieg & Co. Sommaruga, Alberto. Power and light companies.* Compania Luz Electrica de Trujillo. Printer's and bookbinder's machinery and supplies.* Davila, F. Jacobs. "La Industria." "La Reforma." Pumps.* Ludowieg & Co. See also Plumber's supplies. Railway equipment and supplies.* The Trujillo Railway (Ltd.). [Note. — All the. plant at ions import cane cars and accessories and locomolivc gear, etc. Sec Sugar (estate).] Refrigerators, water coolers, etc.* Achariin, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Ludowieg & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. 370 TRADE DIRECTOEY OF SOUTH AMERICA. See Millinery. Ulbbuns. Rice. Gamboa, Benjamin. Roofing materials. See General merchandise. Rubber goods.* Achardn, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Blondet, Dr. A. Botica La Economia, Botica Central. Hardt, E. & W. Ludowieg & Co. Vasquez, A. Puente. Vijil, Dr. J. W. Safes and vaxilts.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Ludowieg & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. Scales, balances, and weighing machines. Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Ludowieg & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. Sewing machines and parts.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Ludowieg & Co. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Snirer, Fisel. Wiebe, Francisco. Silli. goods. See Cotton goods. Soap and washing powders. Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Fon San. Wiebe, Francisco. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Centenaro, V. L. Fratelli, Giorgetta. Ludowieg & Co. Porturas, J. L. Wiebe, Francisco. Sponges.* Blondet, Dr. A. Botica La Economia. Botica Central. Ludowieg & Co. Vasquez, A. Puente. Sporting and athletic goods.* Achardn, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Ludowieg & Co. stationery and stationer's goods. See Paper and paper goods. Sugar (estates). Hacienda Carta vio. Hacienda Casa Grande. Hacienda Chiclin. Hacienda Naredo. Hacienda Chiquitoy. Hacienda Roma. Surgical instruments and appliances.* Botica La Economia. Botica Central. Loyer, Hoyle & Co. Vijil, Dr. J. W. Tallow.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Camboa, Benjamin. Wiebe, Francisco. Tanners.* Sommaruga, Alberto. Telephone companies.* Sociedad Telef6nica de Trujillo. Telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment. See Telephone companies. Thread and yarns. See Cotton goods. Tinware. See General merchandise. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Ludowieg & Co. Toilet articles.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. See also Drugs and druggist's supplies. Tools. See Hardware. Toys and games.* Armas, Juan N. Goicochea Hnos. & Co. La Cunza & Leon. Ludowieg & Co. Porturas, J. L. Vasquez, A. Puente. PEEU : TRU JILLO. 871 Trunks and traveler's supplies. See Leather goods. Umbrellas and canes.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Botica La Economia. Ludowieg & Co. Hardt, E. & W. Undertaker's goods (exclusive of cotflns and caskets. J* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Sommaruga, Alberto. Vasquez, A. Puente. Underwear.* La Cunza & Leon. See also Cotton goods. Wall paper. See General merchandise. Washing maclunes and clothes vrringers. See General merchandise. Water, aerated and mineral.* Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan A^. Porturas, J. L. Wiebe, Francisco. Wheelbarrows. Acharan, Goicochea & Co. Armas, Juan N. Loyer, Hoyle & Co. Wiebe, Francisco. Woolen goods. See Cotton goods." URUGUAY. Uruguay, the smallest and one of the richest Republics in South America, has an area of 72,210 square miles and a population of about 1,300,000. The country possesses a network of rivers, there being 700 miles of navigable waterways, nearly 500 miles of which are furnished by the Uruguay River and the Rio dela Plata. Stock raising is the prmeipal industry, and agricultm^e is carried on to a considerable extent. There has been a steadv increase in the value of the foreign trade of the country, as shown by the fol- lowing statistics: 1S62, $17,530,000; 1872, $35,500,000; 1882, $41,600,000: 1892, $45,800,000; 1902, $58,000,000; and 1912, S104,2(K),000. For 1912 the imports were valued at about $51,000,000 and the exports at $53,000,000. The imports from the United States during 1912 were \-alued at over $7,300,000 compared with $5,950,000 for the previous year. MONTEVIDEO. Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, is situated on a peninsula between the Bay of Montevideo and the mouth of the Rio de la Plata, about 120 miles east of Buenos Aires and 5,100 miles south of New York. There are a large number of slaughter houses in the Department of Montevideo, and live stock products aretheprincipalexports. Other industries are flour mills, distilleries, tanneries, cigar and cigarette, soap, and candle factories, etc. Population in May, 1913, 362,290. There is an American consulate at this place. [Note. — At the time this list was prepared the street numbers were being changed and the work would not be completed until about the beginning of 1914; n/v following the address indicates "old number" and should be noted on the address.] Agents. SELLING. Awe, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Balparda, Enrique, Calle Artes, 3 (Union). Balparda, Francos F., Calle Treinte y Tres, 1325. Ballesteros, Eusebio, Calle Carmen, 64a n/v. Calamet, Francisco, Calle Lima, 199 n/v. Calcagno, Antonio, Calle Yi, 1229. Carvalho, Lerena D., Calle Reconquista, 471. Cerrutti, Leopoldo, Calle Asraciada, 905. Cibils, Alberto, Calle Ituzaingo, 1522. Darnaud, Enrique, Calle Salsipuedes, 40 n/v. Davis, Barry y Cia., Pasaje Ramirez, 1067. Hughes, Leopoldo, Calle Zabala, 1382. Iglesias, Felipe M., Calle Sarandi, 407. Jentscliik, Rodolfo, Calle Yi, 1619. Jimenes, Arechaga Horacio, Calle Sarandi, 510. LaraAdde, Alfredo, Calle Andes, 1277. Mirat, Munoz Jaime, Calle Rondeau, 1025. OUvera, Calamet Enrique, Calle Ciuda- dela, 1395. Perey, Jorge, Calle Zabala, 1431. Saez, E. M., y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1523. Sosa, Dias, v Casciani, Calle Mercedes, 354. Villagrdn, Alberto, Calle Misiones, 1525. Zorrilla, De San Martin, Alejandro, Calle Victoria, 97. Zubillaga, Mario, Calle Maldonado, 973. 372 ADVERTISING. Agencia Publicidad, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1392. Agencia Coates, Calle Sarandi, 469. Agencia Crocker, Calle Rincon, 420-434. Mu-amonte, F. (concessionaire for bill posting), Calle Andes, 1440. CUSTOMHOUSE. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia, Calle Rincdn, 420-434. Coates y Cia, Calle Sarandi, 469. Bouton, Carlos E., Calle Ituzaingo, 1439. Brauter, Carlos G., Calle Piedras, 348. De la Maria, Carlos, Calle Zabala, 1600. Favaro, Adolfo, Calle Millan, 498a. Favaro, Edmimdo, Calle Misiones, 1509. Favaro, Miguel, Calle Zabala, 1544. Favaro, Rodolfo, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1463. Home, Samuel, Calle Zabala, 1532. Iglesias, Justo A., Calle Piedras, 338. Lalanne, Alberto, Calle Zabala, 1574. Pacheco, Manuel, Calle Cerro Largo, 1231. Pittaluga, Alberto, Calle 25 de Mayo, 581. Pittaluga, Bonino y, Calle Piedras, 415. Razzetti Hnos., Calle 25 de Mayo, 310. Scoseria, Santiago, Calle Misiones, 1577. Trillo, Larriera, y Cia., Calle Piedras, 375. Vecino, Ricardo, Calle Durazno, 779. Agricultural Implements and machinery.* Ayre, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Barth y Cia., Eugenio, Calle LTruguay, 751. Bertolotti, Ambrosio, Calle Uruguay, 782. Bianchetti y Pena, Calle Rio Negro, 60 n/v. , TJEUGUAY: MONTEVIDEO. 373 Carlisle, Crocker v Cia., Calle Rincon, 420-434. Carrau y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 152 y 933. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi^ 469. Etchechury Hnos., Calle Miguelete, 1280. Evans, Thornton, y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 181. Groscurth y Cia., Calle Rio Negro, 1649. Hijos de Juan I. Risso, Calle 25 de Mayo, 622. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Calle Cuareim esquina Guatemala. Johnson Cia., Guillermo, Calle Bartolome Mitre, 1410. Lauro y Oscar Pintos, Calle Rondeau, 1463-1465. Mane y Cia., P., Calle Agi-aciada. 123 n/v. Peluffo y J. J. Sosa Dias, Calle 25 de Agosto, 430-434. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cerro Largo, 851. Rabe, Walder, y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1373. Rebagliati y Ferrando, Calle Medanos, 165 n/v. Regusci y Voulminot, Calle Rondeau entre Venezuela y Guatemala. Robert y Cia., Eugenio, Calle 25 de Mayo, 692. Rocco y Cia., Calle Cerro Largo, 821. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rinc6n, 414. Towers, ElUs, y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 330-340. Amusetaents. Castilla y del Castillo, Calle 18 de Julio esquina Minas. Jose y Luis Crodora, Calle Mercedes, 827. Apiarist's supplies. Carlisle, Crocker, y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 434. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Miles y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 839. Architects. Adams, Juan, Calle 25 de Mayo, 395. Arteaga, Juan J., Calle Buenos Aires, 275. Baldomir, Alfredo J., Calle Requena, 12 n/v. Boix, Elzeario, Calle Ibicuy, 1213. Jones, Alfredo Brown, Calle G. A. Pereira, 62 n/v. Lecharme, G., Calle 25 de Mayo, 350. Moreau, Alario, Calle Ibicuy, 1223. Nin, Alfredo, Callo Paysandil, 128. Oyhenard de Norrone,'AugU8to P., Calle Carape, 192 n/v. Perez, Montero Carlos, Calle Reconquista, 418._ Perotti, Eusebio A., Calle San Salvador, 11a n/v. Rhaw, Adolfo, Calle Rinc6n, 406. Tosi, Leopoldo J., Calle Conatituyente, 190 n/v. Tira, Bartolom6 R., Calle I. de Maria, 66b n/v. Arms and aiumunition. Ayre, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Bianchi, Cristobal, Callo Batovi, 29 n/v. Broqua y Scholberg, Calle Sarandi, 667. Bula Calixto, Calle 18 de Julio, 1085 (Union). Calcagno, Marcelino, Calle Canelones, 779. Carbonell, Juan, Calle 25 de Mayo, 708. Carlisle, Crocker, y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420-434. Cimino, Francisco, Calle Cerro Largo, 754. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. De Flora Vincinte, Cont Agraciada, 66 n/v. Desteves y Cazot, Calle Ituzaingo, 1427. Franchi y Cia., Calle Ituzaingo, 1412. Lacava, Angel, Calle 18 de Julio, 1093. Maihos, Juan M., Calle 18 de Julio, 850. Reneric, Ernesto, Calle Rio Negro, 1670. Togni J. flerminio, Calle Agraciada, 151 n/v. Awnings, tents, and sails. Carlisle, Crocker, y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420-434. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Bags and bagging. Ayi-e, 11. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Andujar, Beiro, y Cia., Calle La Paz, 1499. Bianchetti y Pena, Calle Rio Negro, 60 n/v. Borsani, Angel, Calle Orillas del Plata, 1341.^ Borsani, Juan R., Calle Arroyo Negro, 87 n/v. Butler y F\Tin, Calle Miguelete, 1074. Cavajani, Juan, Calle Vazques, 146b n/v. Garcia, Conda Jose, Calle Orillas del Plata, 1051 . Groscurth y Cia., Calle Rio Negi-o, 1649. Manganelli, Antonio, Calle Maldonado, 536. Miles y Grondona, Calle Uruguay, 839. Pelloni, B. y B., Calle Minas, 202 n/v. Banks and bankers. Banco de la Republica Oriental del Uru- guay, Calle Cerrito, 399. Banco Espahol, Calle 25 de Mayo, 401. Banco Frances, Calle 25 de Mayo, 423-427. Banco Italiano de Uruguay, Calle Cerrilo, 425. Banco de Londres y del Rio de la Plata, Calle Cerrito, 414. Banco de Londres y Brazil, Calle Zabala, 1477. Banco Popular del Uruguay, Calle 25 de Mayo, 402. Banco Frances del Rio de la Plata, Calle Zahula, 1469. Banco Galicia y Buenos Aires, Calle Cer- rito, 187. Banco Anglo Sud Americano, Calle Za- bala, 82. 374 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTTT AMERICA. Banco Britanico cle la America del Sud, Calle Zabala, 1474. Banco Commercial, Calle Cerrito, 394. Banco Cooperativo de Ahorros, Calle 25 de Mayo, 222. Banco de Cobranzas, Locaciones y Antici- pas, Calle Sarandi, esquina Zabala. Banco Nacional Mutua, Calle Sarandi, 197. Banco de Credito, Calle Zabala, 1435. Banco Aleman Translantico, Calle Za- bala, 14G3. Banco de Pensiones, Calle IS de Julio, 1090. Banco Hipotecario Nacional, Calle Mi- eiones, 1435. Banco de Prestamos Immobiliarios, Calle 25 de Mayo, 411. Banco Economico del Uruguay, Calle Sarandi, 693. Banco Obrero del Uruguay, Calle Treinte yTres,1433. Caja Nacional de Ahorros y Descuentos, Calle Florida esquina Colonia. Baskets.t Alberti, Em-ique A., Calle General Flores, 149b n/v. Amando, Ramon, Calle Uruguay esquina Yaguaron. Ballavio, Antonio, Calle Agraciada, 28 n/v. Capurro, Angel, Avenida General Flores, 203 n/v. Castro, Pedro, Calle Rio Negro, 1580-1578. Minetti, Jose, Calle Rio Negro, 1409. Parodi y Hnos. Juan, Calle Millan, 130 n/v. Ravizza, Claudina, Calle Justicia, 111 n/v. Rasilla, Antonio, Calle San Jose, 915. Revello, Juan, Calle Rivera, 422 n/v. Rossi, Juan B., Calle Milldn, 126 n/v. Solari, Esteban, Calle San Jose, 1036. Villella, Francisco, Calle 18 de Julio, 96 n/v (Union). Belting. Gomez, Juan A., Calle Rincon, 740. f Badi Hnos., Calle Orillas del Plats, 213f. Bartolome, Faridoni, Calle Cerro Largo, 1224. Boniface y Hnos., Calle Ferire, 5 n/v. Capurro y Cia., Calle Millan, 127 n/v. Cavajani, Juan, Calle Vazques, 146b n/v. Gianasio, Santiago, Calle Nicaragua, 6 n/v. Molino Cooperativo, Calle General Agui- lar, 60 n/v. Le\Tero Hnos., Calle Tajes., 2 n/v. Marexiano y Cla., Calle Avenida de la Paz, 6 n/v. Fabrica Uruguaya de Alpargates, Monte- video. Prirano y Cia., Calle Agraciada, 123 n/v. Podesta y Cia., Calle Rondeau, 422 n/v. Pablo Mane y Cia., Calle Agraciada, 123 n/v. La Algodonera Uruguaya, Calle Uruguav, 971. Raffo y Cia., Calle Continuation de Agra- ciada, 115 n/v. Repetto y Cia., Calle Reducto, 23 n/v. Rafael, Cutinalla, Calle Colonia, Uruguay. Restelli, Juan, Calle Uruguay, 1025-1027. Sanguinetti y Cia, Calle de La Paz, 6 n/v. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. Actis, Mauricio, Calle 18 de Julio, 316 n/v (Union)'. Castro y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 740. Carlisle, Crocker, y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420-434. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Lago, Jose Ma., Calle Agraciada, 347 n/v. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rincon, 414. Spangenberg, Carlos, Calle 25 de Mayo, 620. Vilaro y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 1077. Vizca, Sierra, y Cia., Calle Ituzaingo, 120. Zanetta, Pablo, Calle Convencion, 127 n/v, 1423. Penino, Tomas, Hijo. y Cia., Calle Pay- sandii, 71 n/v. Billiard and pool tables and supplies. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420-434.* Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469.* De Dios, Antonio, Calle Cerro Largo, 760. f Puitos, Oscar A., Calle Rondeau, 1465. f Quinteros, Serafin, Calle Cerro Largo, 1138.t Tucci, Angel, Calle Colon, 1544. f Tucci, Francisco, Calle Piedras, 599. f Tucci, Jos^, Calle Cerrito, 713. f Tioats and accessories. See Naval stores. Boilers. See Heating apparatus. Bolts, nuts, and rivets. See Hardware. Books. Adroher Hnos., Calle 25 de Mayo, 466 n/v. Barreio y Ramos Antonio, Calle 25 de Mayo esquina J. C. Gomez. Carlucio, Alfonso, Calle Uruguay, 989. Dornaleche, Juan J., Calle Cerro Largo, 783. Faig, F., Calle Triente Tres, 1465. Ibarra, Francisco, Calle Rincon, 601. Kliche Hnos., Calle Rincon, 1559i Monteverde y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 489. Muiioz y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 750. Mueller, P., Calle 25 de Mayo, 451. Ottado, Luis, Calle Uruguay, 930. Pingaro, Jos6, Calle 18 de Julio, 810 n/v. URUGUAY: MONTEVIDEO. 375 Soury y Cia., Calle Rincou esquina Itu- zaingo. Vazques, Cores Francisco, Calle 18 de Julio, 873. Boots and sboes. MANUFACTURERS. Mateo, Fattorusso, Calle 25 de Mayo, 418. Marexiano y Cia., Calle Rincon, 700 n/v. Sociedad Bally Lda., Calle Florida, 1471. L. y B. Catalina, Calle 18 de Julio, 977. Giardulli, Victor, Calle Uruguay, 991. Carmelo, Gatto, Calle Rondeau, 1518. Diez, Ibarra, y Cia., Calle Rincou, 468. Zito, Felix, Calle Constituyente, 91 n/v. IMPORTERS. Amy y Henderson, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1314. Angelone, Amato, Calle Caigua, 141 n/v. Anetti, Juan, Calle Millan, 446 n/v. Arnone, Jose, Calle Maldonado, 899. Astengo, Francisco, Calle 18 de Julio, 430 n/v (Union). Barreiro, Juan, Calle 8 de Octubre, 63 n/v. Bavino, Miguel, Calle Blandengues, 93 n/v. Bertini, Santiago, Calle Larranaga, 396a n/v. Bianchi, Lorenzo, Calle 18 de Julio, 1111. Bidart, Bernardo, Calle Agraciada, 292b, n/v. Borgia Hnos., Calle Salto, 84a, n/v. Branchi y Orfila, Calle Agraciada, y Ciudedala, 1295. Butrico, Jose, Calle Nueva York, 86 n/v. Caime, Jose, Calle 25 de Mayo, 610. Caprio, Jose, Calle Cerro Largo, 340a n/v. Caputi, Angel, Calle Cuareim, 1322. Carcavallo, Pedro, Calle Juncal, 1375. Carlisle, Crocker, y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 420. Caselli, Vicente, Calle Sierra, 152a. Castizano, Calle Figueroa, 213 n/v. Castro y Bolsi, Calle Justicia, 84 n/v. Cauceglis, Luis, Calle Rivera, 252 n/v. Cesar, Leopoldo, Calle Paysandii, 941. Chemana, Jos6, Calle Soriano, 777. Chiara, Mateo D., Calle Sarandi, 483. Cilento, Gerardo, Calle 8 de Octubre, 81 n/v. Ciriglinao, Jose, Calle Durazno, 1121. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Colosimo y Reda, Calle Bacacay, 1339. Contador, Alfonso, Calle Buenos Aires, 437. Corbo, Pascual, Calle Martin Garcia, 37 n/v. Courtoifloe y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 849. Couture, Enrique, Calle Rivera, 448a n/v. Cunietti, Feliciando, Calle Uruguay, 824 n/v. Curcio Hnos., Calle Olimar, 86 n/v. Damonte y Cia., Calle Juncal, 1392. Daniel, Manuel, Calle Constituyente, 338 n/v. Debonis, Pascual, y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 315. De Lascio, Vicente A., Calle Juaquin Requena, 6e n/v. Dibono, Francisco, Calle Yaguaron, 117 n/v. Fattorusso, Mateo, Calle 25 de Mayo, 412. Longo y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 585. Lembo y Matturro, Calle 25 de Mayo, 717. Nisivoccia, Antonio, Calle Andes, 1259. Boxes and box material. See Lumber. Breweries. Cerveceria Uruguaya, Calle Cuareim, 2. Cerveceria Montevidiana, Calle Santa Fe, 18. Brick, tile, and terra cotta.f Acosta y Lara y Guerra, Camino Maroiias. Andres, Deus, Camino, Uruguay. Alvardo y Cia., Alberto de la Arena. Antonio Stefani y Cia., Con Carrasco. Berhau,Bernarado, Maldonado, Uruguay. Berhau y Settimo, Maroiias, Uruguay. Botazzi Hnos. y Cia., Sayago, Uruguay. Brandi, Varela y Cia., Calle Colonia, 840. Campagnone y Cia., Pantanoso, Uru- guay. Ceth ^ Hijo Pedro, Monte Caseros, 170 (Union). Corradi Hnos. y Cia., Camino Cuchilla Grande. Cotelo, Manuel, Camino Cuchilla Grande. Cristiani Enrique, Camino Carrales s/n (Maroiias). Danelli, Juan, Camino Aldea. Deus Andres, Calle General Florea (Avenida), 703 n/v. Francisco Orico y Cia., Maroiias. Grosso, Juan, Camino Tablada, s/n. Haramburg, Tissier Juan, Camino Car- rasco. Jose Navone y Cia., Camino Tablada. Jose Vernazza y Cia. ,21 de Abril (Union) . Luis Eigne y Cia., Pantanoso. Marengo y Antonio, Camino Maldonado. Maldini, Andres, Minetto, Francisco, Camino Carrasco. Nechi Hnos. (Union). Pedochi y Neyra, Aurora 22 (Paso Mo- lino). Piovani y Lizazo, Camino Tablada. Puig, Juan, Carrales, 92 (Maroiias). Ramon Giri y Cia., Monte Caseros. Ramon, Varela y Cia., Santa Lucia. Rethen, Miguel, Larravido, 46 (Uni6n). Stefani, Angel, Camino Carrasco. Viuda do P'rancisco Brandi, Pantanoso. Viuda de Giribone, Camino Zamora. See also Paving materials; Roofing materials. 376 TRADE DIEECTOEY OF SOUTH AMEEICA WHITE BRICK. t Conipania de Materiales .,do Conslruccion (silico-calciireop), Esrritorio, Calle Sa- randi, 466. Fernandez, T>uiR G. (de Cemento), Calle San Jo.«e, 28 li v esquina San P>uctuoso. Soler Zouon, Angel F., Calle Coata 80a n/v. TILE AND MASONRY (nO TERRA COTTA).t Acquarone, Enrique, Calle 18 de Julio, 1064. Aljendro, Vidori 6 Hijo, Calle Orillas del Plata, 858 n/v. Baccino, Antonio, Calle J. D. Jackson, 308 n/v. Betty, Antonio, Calle Defensa, 169 n/v. Blacco y Baldelli, Francisco, Avenida Gral. Floras, 454 n/v. Brignone Hnos., Calle Arenal Grande, 157 n/v. Escritorio, Calle Ejido, 1586. Canosa, David, Calle Sierra, 167b n/v. Carrasquet y Garcia, Calle General Ron- deau, 202 n/v. Cioffi y Revetria Hnos . , Calle Uruguay, 949 . Croce Hnos., Calle Agraciada, 137 n/v. Higinio, Dini, Calle Arenal Grande, 57 n/v. La Oriental, Calace Hnos., Calle Justicia, 175 n/v. Ilia, Font Jose, Camino Pereira, 17 n/v. Brushes.t Banchero, Tomas, Calle Sierra, 167h n/v. Cabezas, Jose, Calle Ituzaingci, 1490. Larghero Hijos, B. A., Calle 25 de Mavo, 733. Nieves, Jose M., Calle Yaguaron, 34 n/v. See also Toilet articles. Butter and cheese.f Breuse y Frey, Calle Sierra, 49a n/v. Fontana, Francisco, Calle 25 de Mayo, 273. Nunez, Ancacleto, Calle Tsidoro de Maria, 79 n/v. Candles. Har?mburg, Juan, Av. de la Paz, 1584. Lena y Nicolini, Calle Uruguayana, 360 n/v. Viuda de Vacciatori, Calle Rio Negro, 1636. Carpets and other floor coverings. CaubuiTere Hnos., Calle Sarandi esquina Juncal. Caviglia Hnos., Calle 25 de Mayo, 573. Correa, Luna Hnos. y Cia., Calle J. C. G6mez, 1336. Larghero, Julio, Calle Soriano, 789. y Hijos, Julio, Calle 18 de Julio, 1022. Pcnseti Hnos., Calle 18 de Julio, 1034. Sibils, Carballal, y Cia, Calle 18 de Julio, 902. Carriages, wagons, and parts. Bazerque, Eugenio, y Cia., Calle J. C. Gomez, 1392. Bianchetti y Pena, Calle Rio Negro, 60 n/v. Carlisle, Crocker, y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420. Daglio y Cia., Luis, Calle Piedras, 722. Ellis y Cia., Towers, Calle 25 de Agosto, 330. Frechou, Juan M., Calle Uruguay, 1139. Groscurth y Cia., Calle Rio Negro, 1649. Maiie y Cia., P., Calle Agraciada, 123 n/v. Potenze y J. J. Sosa Dias, Calle 25 de Agosto, 432. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cerro Largo, 851. Rocco y Cia., Cerro Largo, 821. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rincon, 414. Trabucatti y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 652. Urta y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1475. Cash registers and adding and calculating machines. Bertolotti, Ambrosio, Calle Uruguay, 842. Brandes y Cia., Calle Zabala, 1409. Carlisle, Crocker, y Cia., Rincon, 420. Casa Remington, Calle Treinte y Tres, 1416. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Dellazopa y Morixe, Plaza Independen- cia, 733. Font y Cia., Calle Treinte y Tres, 1381. Real de Azua y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 693. Swinden y Hijo, B., Calle 25 de Mayo, 577. Varzi, Martini y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 564. Zubieta y Romdn, Calle 18 de Julio, 1267. Castings. Baraibar, Simon, Calle Munucipio, 103 n/v. Descalzi y Rotta, Calle Cerro Largo, 938. Etchevest y Cia., Martin, Calle Cerrito, 681. Ferrario, Luis, Calle Burgues, 26a n/v. Galviatti y Cia., Carlos, Avenida de la Paz, 34 n/v. Mang, Andres, Calle La Paz, 186 n/v, esquina Inca. Pey y Macia, Calle Colonia, 889. Puech, Andres, Calle Rivera, 122 n/v. Regusci y Voulminot, Calle Rondeau esquina Venezuela. Serra y Rotondo, Calle 25 de Agosto, 514. UEUGUAY: MONTEVIDEO. 377 Cement. Amy y Henderson, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1314. Barraca Cooperativa, Calle Rondeau esquina Colombia. Brito Forest! Ambrosoli, Rolando y Cia., Calle Rondeau esquina Nueva York. Compania de Materiales de Construccion, Calle Misiones, 1444. Debernardio, Calle Orillas del Plata, 16,52. Potense y J. J. Sosa Diaz, Calle 25 de Agosto, 432. Rocco y Cia., Calle Cerra Largo, 821. Susena, Antonio, Calle Ejido, 1688. Urisote y Costa, Carve, Avenida General Rondeau s/n. Vilaro, Francisco, Calle Piedras, 547. Vincenti y Cia., Metzen, Calle Misiones, 1536. Walder y Cia., Rabe, Calle Misiones, 1373. Wattine, Bossut y Fils, Avenida General Rondeau, 1473. Chambers of commerce. Camara Nacional de Comercio, Calle Za- bala esquina Piedras. Camara Mercantil de Productos del Pais, Calle Rio Negro, Y. F. C. C. U. Cdmarade Comercio Italiana, Calle Colon, 141. Camara de Comercio Espanola, Calle 18 de Julio, 42 n/v. Camara Comercio Francesa, Calle Buenos Aires, 704. Union Industrial Uruguaya, Calle Triente y Tres, 1327. Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Ayre, H. C, Calle Soils, 1437. Beisso y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 1057. Campomar, Miguel, Calle Mercedes, 1168. Falco, Armando, Calle 18 de Julio esquina Arapey. Fella.y Cia., Otto, Calle Uruguay, 889. Grecco, F., Calle Buenos Aires, 379. Hinderfield, Martignoni y Cia., Calle Piedras, 113. Manetti y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 144 n/v. Musante & Cia., Juan, Calle 25 de Mayo, 761. Rey y Cia., Luis, Calle Ciudadela, 1367. Rey O'Shanahan, Calle 25 de Mayo, 381. Roch, Capdeville y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 524. China and earthen ware. Andres von Bulow (Hijo) y Cfa., Calle 25 de Mayo, 568. Bazerque y Cia., Eugenio, Calle Rinc6n, 419. Beretta, Fratelli, y Gaggini, Calle Uru- guay, 1057. Broqua y Scholberg, Calle Sarandi, 667. Clarfeld y Cfa., Federico, Calle Juncal, 1461. Clausen y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1549. Gandos, Leoncio, Calle Rincon esquina Bartolome Mitre. Giz Gomez y Cia., A., Calle Uruguay, 789. Lopez y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 789. Mendiondo y Cia., Calle Rincon, 701. Rabe, Walder v Cia., Calle Misiones, 1373. Ratti y Cia., Calle Soils, 1576. Clocks and watches. Airaldi, E. M. & S., Calle Rondeau, 1558. Amorelli y Hno., Daniel, Calle 18 de Julio, 1089. Aragunde, A. y J., Calle 18 de Julio, 628 n/v. Bauer, Carlos, Calle Uruguay, 895. Bergdalh y del Campo, Calle Rincon, 687. Blixen y Cia., Calle J. C. Gomez, 1430. Boccia y Cia., Eugenio, Calle 18 de Julio, 90 n/v. Brusoni y Lascano, Calle 18 de Julio, 853. Carassale, Ricardo, Calle 25 de Mayo, 534. CaiTara, Esteban, Calle Sarandi, 651. Cazdban, Hipolito, Calle Mercedes, 807. Ferraro, J. B., Calle Sarandi, 511. Garayalde, Jose, Calle Ituzaingo, 1433. Guthmann, Gustavo, Calle Sarandi, 492. Lohr y Cia., Calle Ciudadela, 1414. Moreau, Julio, Calle Convenci6n, 1378. Pazos, Jose, Calle Ituzaingo, 1402. Restano, Domingo, Calle 18 de Julio, 943. Revello y Maglio, Calle 25 de Mayo, 515. Salgueiro y Aevello, Calle 25 de Mayo, 537. Spangenberg y Frecero, Calle 25 de Mayo, 563. Weil y Cia., Calle Rincon, 631. Zerbino, Jose, Calle Sarandi, 668. Clothing. men's. Amy y Henderson, Calle J. C. G6mez, 1314. Argerio y Lena, Calle 18 de Julio, 1237. Basile, Jose, Calle 25 de Agosto, 537. Bordabehere y Ubal Diaz, Calle 25 de Mayo, 462. Cabrera, L., Calle Sarandi, 558. Ca\'iglia, Luis, Calle 25 de Mayo, 336. Carlisle, Crocker, y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 420. Diaz, Domingo, Calle 25 de Mayo, 466. Giudice y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 841. Humbert y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio esquina Arapey. Triart, J., Calle 25 de Julio, 552. Leborgne y Fils, Joseph, Calle 25 de Mayo, 486. Palma, Aurelio, Calle 18 de Julio, 162 n/v. Russo, Jos6, Calle Sarandi, 655. women's. Amy y Henderson, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1314. Banquero y Lieutier, Calle 18 de Julio, 1240. 378 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTTT AMERICA. Benito, Brissolesse, y Hno., Calle Sa- randi osqiiina Colon. Castellanos y Cranwell, Plaza Indepen- dencia, 1368. Cai^ter^a y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 1052. Castillo, Timotea T. de, Calle Sarandi, 640. Caiibarrere Hnos., Calle Sarandi, 405. Co.'^ta, Lui.s J., Calle 18 de Julio, 574. Correa Luna Hnos., Calle J. C. Gomez, 1336. Corralejo y Cia., Calle B. Mitre, 1338. Figari Hnos., Calle Agraciada, 312 n/v. Introzzi y Cia., Juan B., Calle Rondeau, 1651. Marabotto y Tusso, Calle J. C. G6mez, 1306. Montano, Abella, Vignolo y Cia., Calle Soranio, 1052. Palma, Aurelio, Calle 18 de Julio, 162 n/v. Salvo y Cia., Cent. Agraciada, 16 n/v. Sundberg, Luisa R., de Calle Bartolome Mitre, 1339. Trigo y Feliche, Calle 18 de Julio, 562 n/v. Uriarte y Merello, Calle Sarandi, 524. Vilar del Valle, Luis, Calle Sarandi, 512. Vacarezza y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 994. Coal, coke, and patent fuel. Acevedo, Eduardo, Calle Colon, 1474. Amorin, Vicente, Calle Washington, 60 n/v. Belura, Luis, Calle Cerro Largo, 426 n/v. Bergez, Pedro, Calle Libertad, s/n. Castilla, Manuel, Calle Dayman, 1525. Chichizola Hnos., Calle Orillas del Plata 873.* _ Compania Aleman, Calle Soils, 1517.* Costas, Rogelio, Calle Colon, 1567. De la Fuente Toribio, Calle San Fruc- tuoso, 62 n/v. Dias, Manuel, Calle Convenci6n, 1072. Erdosiain, Jose, Calle Madrid, 82a n/v. Fernandez, Rafael, Calle Paysandii, 254 n/v. 1201. Flora, Pedro, Calle Cerrito, 240. Garcia, Jose, Calle Cuareim, 1105. Gonzdlez, Manuel, Calle Cerrito, 184. Lazaro, Francisca R. de, Calle Dayman, 1294. Lopez, Claudio, Calle Salsipuedes, 81c n/v. Mann, George, y Cia., Calle Solis, 1515.* Marchisio, Pedro, Calle Agraciada, 761 n/v. Mendez, Ramon, Calle San Jose, 1324. Niiiiez, Antonio, Calle Ituzaingo, 1488. Olcese, Juan, Calle Carap^, 45 n/v. Penedo, Jose, Calle Andes, 1559. Perez Rey, Antonio, Calle San Jose, 927. Reboledo, Francisco, Calle Juncal, 1514. Rios, Generoso, Calle Sarandi, 302. Salgueiro, Jose, Calle Orillas del Plata, 1131. Sociedad XJruguaya de Carbon y Sal, Calle Cerro Largo, 769.* Sueiro, Manuel, Calle Yaguaron, 1629. Tapaleo, Antonio, Calle Nicaragua, 81 n/v. Torras, Magdalena, Calle Guarani, 45 n/v. Venutti, Carlos, Calle San Salvador, 264a n/v. Viuda de A. F. Braga, Calle Misiones, 1430.* N'iiida de Acuua, Calle Yaguar6n, 1582. Wilson, Sons & Co., Calle Misiones, 1513.* Coffee, tea, and cocoa. Ayre, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Los dos Americanos, El Ghana, Calle Arapey, 190 n/v. See also Groceries and provisions. Confectioner's products. Ameglio, Podesta y Amado, Calle Bar- tolome Mitre, 137().t Amy y Henderson, Calle J. C. G6mez, 1314.* Bazar Druilliet, Calle 25 de Mayo, 514.* Bozzolo, Pedro, Calle Medanas, 78 n/v.f Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469.* Compte, Pedro, Calle 25 de Mayo, 739. f Confiteria Jockey Club, Calle Sarandf, 606.* J.Y. A. Talice Hnos., Calle 25 de Agosto, 419.* Pitzer, Luis T., Calle Sierra, 192 n/v.f Viuda y Hijos de B. Rizzardini, Calle Tacuarembo, 19 n/v.f Contractors and builders. Acosta, Roberto, Calle Soriano, 303 n/v. BarofRo, Carlo."^, Calle Rocha, 159 n/v. Behrens, Carlos, Calle Rivera, 386 n/v. Benvenuto, Jose, Stgo. Calle Vazques, 30 (Pocitos). Bouyer, Brard y Narancio, La Decoration Moderne, Calle Colonia, 1074 (pro- prietors talc mine). Cdnepa Hnos. y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 460. Crespi, Maximo, y Carlos, Calle San Eu- genie, 7 n/v. De Labaneera, Abraham, Calle Milldn, 242b n/v. Hinderfeld, Martignoni, y Cia., Calle Piedras, 113. Lacassagne Hnos., Calle Daymdn, 1136. ' ' La Constructora LTruguaya, " Socidad Anomina, Calle Ciudadela, 1439. "I>a Moderna, " Calle Magallanes esquina Paysandii. Maggiolo, Costa e Ilia, Calle Lavalleja, 32 n/v. Mazzuchelli, Francisco, Calle San Jos6, 1272. Perrotti, Albino, Calle San Salvador, 11a n/v. _ Tosi, Domingo, Calle Charriia, 65 n/v. URUGUAY: MO]SrTE\^DEO. 379 Cooperage. Fermin, Chamorro, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1101. Pracias, Manuel, Calle Asuncion, 5 n/v. Paso y Muela, Calle Rampla, 370. Santiago, Camailo, Calle Arapey, 154-4. Serafin, Gonzalea, Calle Paysandu, 921. Tuuriz, Marcial, Calle 25 de Agosto, 534. Cooperative association. "Barraca Cooperativa, " Calle Rondeau esquina Panama. Cordage, rope, and twine.f Jaime, Miguel, Camino de las Carreras, (Maronas). Samonati, Juan B., Avenida General Flores, 383 n/v. Cork and cork specialties.! Albert y Cia., Claudio, Calle Canelones, 1122. Tuneu, Jose, Calle Brandzen, 35 n/v. Cotton goods. Amv y Henderson, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1314. Barbitta, Jose, Calle Rondeau, 1549. Brissolesse y Hno., Benito, Calle Sarandi, 299. Castillo, Timotea T., Calle Sarandi, 640. Caubarrerre linos., Calle Sarandi, 405. Corralejo y Cia., Calle Bartolom6 Mitre, 1338. Correa Luna Hnos., Calle J. C. Gomez, 1366. Croce Hnos., Calle Agi-aciada, 150. Del Rio Isidoro, Calle Sarandi, 538. Figari, Bias, Avenida General Flores, 174 n/v. Giorello, Adolfo, Calle Uruguay esquina General Rondeau. Hamilton, Jorge, Calle Durazno, 359 n/v. Introzzi y Cia., Juan B., Calle Rondeau, 1651. Larghero Hnos., Calle Sarandi, 683. Marabotto y Tusso., Calle J. C. G6mez, 1306. Marencoy Hnos., Gaspar, Calle Uruguay y 25 de Mayo, 249. Mirassou y Cia., Julio, Calle Sarandi, 514. Nadal _y Filippina, Calle 18 de Julio esquina Arapey. Palma, Aurelio, Calle 18 de Julio, 162 n/v. Pissano, Santiago, Calle Agraciada, 366 n/v. Rainosso, Jos^, Calle 18 de Julio esquina Piedras. Romero, Hnos., Calle Sierra, 135 n/v. Schinca, Felix, Calle 18 de Julio, 410 (Marofias) . Trigo y Feliche, Calle 1 8 de Julio, 562 n/v Uriarte y Merello, Calle Sarandi, 524. Cutlery and edge tools. Balciorsi, Antonio A., Calle Ciudadela, 1234. Barrere, Lorenzo, Calle Soriano, 758. Broqua y Scholberg, Calle Sarandi, 667. Carbonell, Juan, Calle 25 de Mayo, 708. Destevez y Cazot, Calle Ituzaingo, 1427. Fernandez, Pedro, Calle Paysandu, 1036. Forteza, Gertrudis F. de., Calle 18 de Julio, 555 n/v. Franchi y Cia., Antonio, Calle Ituzaingo, 1412. Giacosa, Fernando, Calle San Jose, 1025. Subirat, Jost^, Calle 18 de Julio, 567 n/v. Invernizzi, Luis, Calle Ciudadela, 1213. Maihos, Juan M., Calle 18 de Julio esquina Andes. Viuda de Jerle, Calle Ciudadela, 1260. Dairymen's supplies. Lecheria Modelo. Estanzuela, Depo. Colonia, Uruguay. See also Machinery. Dentist's instruments and supplies. Bordoni, Mauricio, Calle 25 de Mayo, 532. Dasso y Dultino, Calle Ituzaingo esquina Plaza Constitucion. Ferrando, Pablo, Calle Sarandi, 675. Moreau, Julio, Calle Convencion, 158 n/v. Stotz y Cia., Calle Ituzaingo, 448. Department stores. Amy y Henderson, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1314. Corralejo y Cia., Teoddro, Calle B. Mitre, 142 n/v. Palma, Aurelio, Calle 18 de Julio, 162 n/v. Caubarrere Hnos., Calle Sarandi, 405 n/v. Correa, Luna Hnos., Calle J. C. G6mez, 144a n/v. Introzzi v Cia., Juan B., Calle Rondeau, 268 n/v. Drugs and druggist's supplies. "Barabino," Santiago Barabino, Calle 18 de Julio, 1199. Beisso y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 1051. Cranwell, Barozzi y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 837. Cranwell Hnos., Calle 25 de Agosto, 246 n/v. "Dela Estrella," Alciaturi Hnos., Calle Uruguay, 999. "Del Inca," Pedro Alonso Zipitrfa, Calle Cerro Largo, 1051 . "Del Indio," Armando Falco, Calle 18 de Julio, 114 n/v. "Del Le6n," Jos6 M. Sueiro, Calle 18 de Julio, 899. "Del Romana," Viuda de Carlos R. Cranwell, Calle Sarandi, 652. "Demarchi," Roch Capdeville y Cia., Calle Cerrito esquina Ituzaingo. 380 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTU AMERICA. Eduardo Rigaii, Calle 25 de Agosto, 372. Gonzalez, j\iatias, Calle Andes, 1381. "Inglesa Hutchinson," Ulis es Isola v Cia., Calle 25 do Mayo, 519. Juan Mu8anto, Calle 25 de Mayo, 701. ^ '"La cava- Leal," Victor A. Lacava y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 519. Luis Rcy y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 889. Paolctti V Sere, Calle Uruguay, 792. "Roy," Ed. Rey Casaretto y Cia, Calle 25 de Maxo, 385. "Sueiro," Jose M. Sueiro, Calle 18 de Julio, 802 n/v. Electrical apparatus and supplies. Barth y_ Cia., Calle Uruguay, 751 . Cantoni y Cia., Calle tjruguay esquina Convencion, 902. CiofR y Revetria Hnos., Calle Uruguay esquina Arapey. Cisconi e Hijos, Guatta, Calle Sarandi, 388. Gonzalez, Perfecto, Calle 25 de Mayo, 667. Ganzo y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 709. Garcia y Chiodoni, Fernandez, Calle 18 de Julio, 472a n/v. Govea, Cesar, Calle 18 de Julio, 1312. Grove, Carlos, Calle Uruguay, 807. Lus Electrica, Calle 25 de Mayo, 420. Mallada y Cia., Miguel, Calle Juncal, 1382. Metzen-Vincenti y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1526. Mufioz y Cia., Teodoro, Calle 18 de Julio, 596a n/v. Piiieyrua y Cia., Calle Zabala, 1514. Pintos, Rios S., Calle 18 de JuUo, 972. Praderio y Cia., Calle Uruguay y Calle Colonia, 416 n/v. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cerro Largo, 851. Smith y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 1032. Valazza, Antonio, Calle Tusticia, 113 n/v. Veira y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 1312. Elevators, passenger and freight. Barth y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 751. Eugenie, Robert., y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 686. Towers y Maiie, Calle Misiones, 1464. Engines. See Machinery. Explosives. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420. Dasteves y Cazot, Calle Ituzaingo, 1427. Ed. Cooper y Hijo, Calle Zabala, 1523. Franchi y Cia., Calle Ituzaingo, 1412. Mailhos, Juan M., Calle 18 de Julio es- quina Andes. Scholberg y Brocqua, Calle Sarandi, 667. Trabucatti y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 652. Feedstuffs. 15ade(to, Juan, Calle Rondeau, 9S0 n/v. liiauchi y Cia., Agustin, Calle Rondeau, 360 n/v. _ Cam])()d(')nico, Luis., Avenida General Flores, 127 n/v. Carnelli, ^'idal Rodriguez y Cia., Calle Agraciada, 70 n/v. Dellepiane y Cia., Silvio, Calle Libres, 115 n/v. Iglesias y Hno., Calle Agraciada, s/n. Monteghirio y Cia., Manuel, Avenida General Flores, 145a n/v. Nocetti, Augustin, Calle Reducto, 277 n/v. Peluffo y Cia., Calle Rondeau, 752 n/v. Peiia, Rafael, Calle Reducto, 279 n/v. Perrone y de Leon, Avenida General Flores, 318 n/v. Ponce de Leon y Coll., Calle 8 de Octubre, 95 n/v. Torrado, Domingo, Calle Nueva Palmira, 48 n/v. Vallarino e Hijos, Francisco, Calle Po- rongos, 11a n/v. Fencing and fencing material. See Hardware. Fertilizers. See Nursery stock. Filters. See Hardware; Machinery. Fireworks and firecrackers. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420. Armagno, Antonio, Calle Morales, 138 n/v. Moltedo, Juan, Magariilos Cervantes es- quina Rivera. Primucci, Luis, Calle Justicia, 67 n/v. Viuda de Moltedo, Escritorio, Calle Orillas del Plata, 1231. Fish. Institute de Pesca, Punta del Este,tJru- guay. Flour and meal. See Groceries and provisions; Feedstuffs. Fruit, fresh and dried. See Groceries and provisions. Furniture and fittings. Ambrosoni Hnos., Calle Buenos Aires, 323. Bidegaray, Beltrdn, Calle Rondeau, 393 n/v. URUGUAY : MONTEVIDEO. 381 Bouyer, Brard y Narancio, Calle Colonia, 1074. Brescia, Cayetano, Calle Colonia, 999. Canavesi (Hijo), Natalio, Calle Durazno, 486a n/v. Casas, Manuel y Alrredo, Calle Ejido, 240b, n/v 842. Castellamos y Regules, Calle 25 de Mayo, 502. Caviglia Hnos., Calle 25 de Mayo, 573. Cornu y Cia., Conrado, Calle Rivera, 285 n/v. D'Alessandro 6 Hijos, Luis, Calle Hoc- quart, 215a n/v. Devotto y Hno., J., Calle Sarandi, 422. Durandeau, Jose, Calle Uruguay, 771. Font, Juan J., Calle Triente y Tres, 1381. Giorello, Vallarino y Cia., Calle Agra- ciada, 375 n/v. Giorello e Hijos, Angel, Calle Guatemala, 375 n/v. Lecuona y Cia., Calle Rondeau, 1480. Montevecchi, Fortunate, Calle Colonia, 1041. Monteverde, Felipe L., Calle 25 de Mayo, 415. Palmer, Eduardo J., Calle Zabala, 1434. Piretti y Hnos., Eliseo, Calle 18 de Julio, 1283. Revello, Visconti Domingo, Calle Maldo- nado, 793. Spangenberg, Carlos, Calle 25 de Mayo, 620. Swinden, Enrique B., Calle 25 de Mayo, 577. The Importing Co., Calle Ituzaingo, 1422. Viuda de Montautti e Hijos, Calle Zabala, 1381. SCHOOL FURNITURE. See School supplies and furniture. Furs and fur skins. See Clothing, women's. Gas and electric fixtures. Ayre, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. See also Electrical apparatus and sup- plies. General merchandise. Amy y Henderson, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1314. Bei.-so y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 1051. Bulow, Maraiion y Cia., Calle Rinr(3n, 627. Canipodonico y Cia., Calle Mercedes, 879. Carlisle, Crocker v Cia., Calle Rincon, 420. Dasso y Dulcino, Calle Rinc6n, 544. Engelbert, Hardt y Cia., Calle Rinc6n esquina Trointe y Tres. Farell Hnos. y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 826. Fidanza, Luis, Calle Uruguay, 923. Frugoni y Cia., Calle I^ruguay, 877. Garcia Cia., Calle Rincon, 621. Garcia 6 Hijos, J. G., Calle Uruguay, 819. Guido, Santiago, (Jalle Rinc6n, 597. Helguera, Arcelus y Cia., Calle Rincon, 720. Isobella y Bado, Calle Rincon, 733. Krabb y Cia., Hermann, Calle Treinte y Tres, 1422. La Uni6n Mercantil, Calle 25 de Mayo, 745. Leopold Hnos., Calle Rincon, 609. Lete y Cia., P.', Calle Sarandi, 680. Marexiano y Cfa., Calle Rincon, 700. Montaiio, Abella, Vignolo y Cia., Calle Avenida General Flores, 117 n/v. Neffa, Emilio J., Calle Rincon, 450. Perez v Cia., Manuel M., Calle Uruguav, 978." Prada, Bervejillo y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 724. Quadri, Juan, Calle 18 de Julio, 927. Queirolo y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 616. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cen-o Largo, 851. Rein y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 658. Reppetto, Vega y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 577. Rivara, Tomas, Calle Rincon, 526. Rochay Cia., Calle Uruguay, 920. Romero, Mello A., Calle Rinc6n, 474. Rossi y Cia., Calle Rincon, 613. Sanguinetti y Cia., Calle Rincon, 678. Silva, Anoel, Juan C. Gomez, 1414. Solari, B.^J., Calle Ciudadela, 1406. Sosa, Salvador, Calle 18 de Julio, 1033. Staudt y Cia., Calle Rincon, 459. Viuda e Hijos de Juan Massons, Calle Mercedes, 785. Glass. Barlocco, Luis, Calle 18 de Julio, 1208. Castelnuovo, Antonio, Calle Dayman, 46 n/v. Descalzi, Augustin, Calle 18 de Julio, 675 n/v. Garcia, Priego Jose, Calle 18 de Julio, 457 n/v. Mauri, Basilio, Calle Avenida de la Paz, 1477. Sancassano y Forghieri, Calle Soriano, 920. Sancassano, P. \., Calle Bart(jlome Mitre, 1413. Vescia, August o, Calle IVTiguelete, 258 n/v. Zaml)ra y Marenco, Calle Rondeau, 1457. Zanelli y Brachi, Calle Rivera, 12 n/v. See also Hardware. Glassware. See Hardware; Glass; Jewelry. Glue. See General merchandise. Government purchasing officers. Ministerio de Guerra y Marina, Casa de Gobierno. Ministerio de Hacienda, Casa de Go- bierno. 382 TKADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Ministerio de Industrias, Calle 25 de Mayo, 603. ^linisterio de Construcci6n Publica, Calle Uruguay, 980. Mini.-*terio de Interior, Casa Gobierno. Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Calle 25 de Mayo, 279. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriones, Calle Rinc6n, 747. Grain. See Feedstuffs. Grease and other soap stock. Alvarez, Benito, Calle Valparafso, 23 n/v. Barbe, Juan P., Calle Cerro Largo, 10(36. Barrere y Cia., B. A., Calle Cerrito, 551 . Cooperaiiva de Almaceneros Minorista?, Calle CeiTito, 326. Deambrosis (hijo) y Parma, Calle Cerro Largo, 1032. De la Fuente y Ci'a., Calle Ilio Negro, 1463. Haramburg, Juan, Avenida de la Paz, 1584. La Balear Industrial, Calle 18 de Julio, 562. La Unidad Colectiva, La Teja. Lena y Nicolini, Calle Paysandii, 1120. Martirene y Cia., Jacinto, Camino Mal- donado. Penino y Hnos., Rodolfo, Calle Agra- cada, s/n. Villemur, Eugenie, Calle 18 de Julio, 576. Viuda de Cacciatore, Calle Rio Negro, 1632. Grindstones and emery wheels. See Hardware. Groceries and provisions. Abal, Jose, Calle San Jose, 800. Abalo, Jose, Calle Perez Castellanos, 1305. Acuiia y Fernandez, Calle Arapey, 1101 . Adolfato y lino., Calle Millan, 420 n/v. Aguirre y Cia., I., Avenida Brazil, 152 ^n/v. Alonso y Cia., Manuel, Calle Canelones, 466 n/v. Alvatez, Manuel, Calle 7\-graciada, 241 n/v.. Anton, Manuel, Calle Rondeau, 349 n/v. Artemona, Lorenzo, Calle Cerro Largo, 1202. Asnarez, Bias, Calle Millan, 272 n/v. Barabino, Mateo, Calle Rivera, 85 n/v. Ba.ssetti, Antonio, Calle Durazno, 787. Basso, Augustin, Calle Paysandii, 1351. Battione y Cia., Jose L., Calle Sarandi, 109. Becaria, Sim6n, Calle Agraciada, 228 n/v Beisso, Juan A., Calle 25 de Mayo, 732. Belosso, Oscar, Calle ]\Ialdonado, 642 n/v. Bello, Domingo, Calle 18 de Julio, 537 n/v. Blanco, Jose, Calle Rivera, 372 n/v. Boggiano, Domingo, Calle 18 de Julio, n/s. Boggiano, Domingo, Calle 18 de Julio, y Calle Andes, 1073. Bonnafox, Bernardo, Calle I. de Flores, 900. Bovio, Camilo, Calle Cero Largo, 543 n/v. Braga y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 100. Bravo, Rivas Alfredo, Calle 18 de Julio, 1302. Bregante y Casanova, Calle Larraiiaga, 183 n/v. Brocos y Hnos., Jesiis, Calle Sarandi, 245. Bruzzone, Jos^, Calle 18 de Julio, 871. Busto y Cia., Modesto, Calle Uruguay, 957. Caffaro, Rafael, Avenida de la Paz, 905 n/v. Calvo, Manuel, Calle Florida, 1555. Campos Gerardo, Calle 25 de Mayo, 527. Cardona, Vigilio, Calle Juncal, 1549. Carvalho y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 588. Carvallido, Jos6, Calle Agraciada, 72 n/v. Carrara Hnos., Calle Miguelete, 306 (Uni6n). Carrara, Juan, Calle 18 de Julio, 496 (Union). Casal, Francisco, Calle Canelones, 852. Casas, Pedro, Calle Uruguay, 1052. Caserza, Juan, Calle Agraciada, 117 n/v. Castellanos, Francisco, Calle Orillas del Plata, 605 n/v. Castiglioni y Minetti, Calle Uruguay, 1202. Castro, Estaban, Calle Uruguay esquina Yaro. Caulin y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 725. Cayol Hnos., Calle Yaro, 106 n/v. Cerviere, Juan, Perez Castellanos, 1400. Cervino Hnos., Calle Cerro Largo, 766. Cerruti, Bartolome, Calle Cerrito, 501. Cordano, Emilio, Calle Agraciada, 704 n/v. Cortes, Manuel, Calle Yi, 56 n/v. Costa y Cia., Calle Maciel, 1249. Cotelo, Jose A., Calle Uruguay, 1302. Cousillasy y Cia., Calle Arapey, 1250. Damonte e Hijos, Calle Orillas del Plata, 222 n/v. Decia Hnos., Calle 8 de Octubre, 199 n/v. De la Fuente Toribio, Calle San Fruc- tuoso, 62 n/v. Deir Acqua, Ernesto, Calle Maldonado, 805. Dias, Manuel, Calle Cerrito, 301. Domino y Dotto, Calle Rivera, 533 n/v. Etchebarne y Tastas, Calle 18 de Julio, 854a n/v. Fernandez, Domingo, Calle Agraciada, 782 n/v. Fernandez, Gerasio, Calle Agraciada, 582 n/v. Fernandez Hnos, Calle 18 de Julio, 174 (Uni6n). Ferrara, Rafael, Calle Orillas del Plata, 808 n/v. Ferrer, Victoria, Calle Justicia, 76 n/v. Figueroa, Manuel, Calle Yaguaron, 64 n/v. Folco y Cia., Antonio, Calle Treinto y Tres, 1610. UEUGUAY : MONTEVIDEO. 383 Fontdn y Addao, Calle 18 de Julio, 450 n/v. Fraga, Rosalio, Calle Arenal Grande, 144 n/v. Fraixanety y Cia., Jose, Calle 18 de Julio, 1099. Frugoni y Cla., Juan, Calle Reducto, 299 n/v. Gabriel, Angel, Calle 25 de Mayo, 102. Gallo, Jose, Calle Agraciada, 172 n/v. Garcia, Victor, Calle 18 de Julio, 307 (Union). Goyol, Hnos., Calle Chana, 38 n/v. Ghioldi, Cesar, Calle Agraciada, 703 u/v. Gliisolfi, Carlos, Calle San Jose, 329 n/v. Gomez y Hnos., Calle Canelones, 140a n/v. 993. Gonzalez, Manuel, Calle Paysandu, 1202. Guasco, y Quihilliry, Calle Agraciada, 420b n/v. Giielfi y Cia., Felez y Jose, Calle Uruguav, 850. Guerrieri, Alfonso, Calle Maldonado, 990. Hijos de Guillermo Vanell, Calle 25 de Mayo, 438. Iglesias, Jose M., Calle Uruguay esquina Gaboto. Irolart, Juan, Calle Bartolome Mitre, 1366. Jaureguiberry, Pedro, Calle San Fruc- tuoso, 48 n/v. L6pez y Cia., Antonio, Calle Lavalleja, 165b n/v. Lorenzo, Serafin, Calle Rivera, 379 n/v. Maeso, Jose, Calle Cervantes, 61 n/v. Maggiolo, Luis, Calle Cerrito, 547. Marabotto, Victorio, Camino Aldea, 243 n/v. Martinez, Evaristo, Calle 25 de Mavo, 396 n/v. Martinez y Mendez, Calle Florida, 1652. Mary, Vicente D., Calle Aramburu, 36 n/v. Matto y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 681 n/v. Mineau, Ignacia B. de, Calle Agraciada, 448 n/v. Monteghirfo y Cfa., Avenida General Flores, 146a n/v. Monteverde, Nic61a8, Calle San Jose, 1151. Mouriiio, Roma Jose, Calle Maldonado, 993. Obiol y Cia., Tomas, Calle Rincon esquina Juncal. Oca y Cia., Jose, Calle Ju.sticia, 44a n/v. Palma y Cia., Calle Olivos, 53 n/v. Pedemonte y Cia., Jose, Calle Sarandi, 552. Peluffo, Esteban, Calle Ejido, 846. Peluffo, Francisco, Calle Uruguay esquina General Flores, 727. P^rez 6 Hijos, Juan, Calle Agraciada, 553 n/v. Piaggio, Andres, Calle Canelones, 1002. Pirieyro, Constantino, Calle Ituzaing6, 1301. Prevosti, Baldomero, Calle Canelone.'^, 1345. P'jjol, Jos^, Calle Colonia, 439 n/v. Rey, Juan, Calle Piedras esquina J. C. Gomez. Romay e Hijos Augusto, Calle 25 de Mayo, 202. Salvatore, Antonio, Calle Soriano, 378 n/v. Savino, Bias, Calle La Paz, 157 n/v. Scelza, Pedro, Calle Paysandu, 400 n/v. Schinca, Tomas J., Calle Misiones, 1550. Seoane, Antonio, Calle 18 de Julio, 368 (Union). Sindin y Molinos, Calle 25 de Mayo, 600. Tedesco, Victor, Calle Arroyo Negro, 56 n/v. Trigo, Blanco Jose, Calle Cerro Lai-go, 728 n/v. Trulla, Juan, Calle Sarandi, 296. Vaccaro, Juan, Calle Reconquista, 651. Vallarino y Alberto, Calle Agraciada, 401 n/v. Vanrell, Rafael, Calle Vdzques, 245 n/v. Vazquez, Mai'celino, Calle Uruguay, 1153. Vidal, Jose, Calle 25 de Mayo, 151. Viuda e Hijos de Martinez Pardo, Calle Marcelino Sosa 3. Zuiiiga Joaquin, Calle 8 de Octubre, 155 n/v. SALT. Benito, Grondona, Calle Cerro Largo, 829. Chocliizola Hnos., Calle Orillas del Plata, 873. "Salinera Espanala, " Calle Cerro Largo, 968. Sociedad Uruguaya de Carbon y Sal, Calle Cerro Largo, 769. Hardware. Alonso y Cia., Calle Juncal, 1438. Beldussi y Garicia, Cont., C2ille Agra- ciada, 128 n/v. Beretta, Fratelli, y Gaggini, Calle Uru- guay esquina Rio Negro. Broqua y Scliolberg, Calle Sarandi, 667. Bruzoni, Alejandro, Calle Andes, 1669. Bulow Hijo y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 568. Carbonell, Juan, Calle 25 de Mayo, 708. ( 'arlL-^le, Crocker y Cia. , Calle Rincon, 420. Clarfeld y Cia., Federico, Calle Juncal, 83a n/v. Costa, Vincente, Calle Sarandi esquina J. C. Gomez. Ciineo, Juan, Calle Agraciada, 957 n/v. Chiacchio, Antonio, Calle Isla de Flores, 1229. Dapelo y Cia., Agustin, Calle 18 de Julio, 695 n/v. Delia Valle Hnos. y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 1001. Estevan, Liris, Calle Agraciada, 511 n/v. Gand6s, Leoncio, Calle Rinc(5n esquina Bartolom(§ Mitre. Garayalde Hnos., Calle Misiones, 1381. Giz Gomez y Cfa., Calle Uruguay, 1042. Granato 6 Hijo, Nic61as, G. A. Pereyra, 39 (Pocitos). Groscurth y Cia., Calle Rio Negro, 1649. 384 TKADE DIKECTOKi" OF SOUTH AMEEICA. Hurley, Em-ique, Calle Colon, 1573. Hijos de Juan I. Risso, Calle 25 de Mayo, 622. L6pez y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 789. Maihos, Juan M. , Calle 18 de Julio eaquina Andes. Mendiondo y Cfa., Calle Rinc6n, 701. Mojana y Cia., Martin, Calle Rinc6n, 633. Noceti Ratti y Crosta, Calle 25 de Agosto, 352. Olavarria y Gentini, Cont., Calle Agra- ciada, 56 n/v. Rabe, Walder, v Cia., Calle Misiones, 1373. Sdmano Gil., Calle 18 de Julio, 1081. Siimano, Jose, Calle Agi-aciada, 216 n/v. Samano, Valentin, Calle 18 de Julio, 544 n/v. Tempesta Hnos., Calle Constituyente, 206 n/v. Towers, Ellis, y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 330. Trabucati y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 652. Zerboni y Bergamino, Calle Rincon, 711. Harness and saddlery. Borsaniy y Hnos., Rito, Calle Agraciada, 155 n/v. Carbone, Pedro, Calle Maldonado, 595 n/v. Cazaux y lino., Domihgo, Calle 18 de Julio, 1345. Cazayous, Carlos, Calle Agraciada, 776 n/v. Chirolo, Manuel, Calle 18 de Julio, 543 n/v. Frechou, Juan M., Calle Uruguay, 1139. Garcia, Jose, Calle Uruguay, 847. Gonzalez, Manuel, Calle Agraciada, 310a n/v. Goiii, Francisco, Calle Uruguay, 867 ._ Gourgues, Pedro, Calle Agraciada, 942 n/v. Hardoy y Cia., Beltrdm, Calle 18 de Julio, 875. Hoffman, Enrique, Calle 18 de Julio, 359 (Union). Ibarra, Diez, y Cia., Calle Rincon, 468. Introzzi, Jose, Calle Agraciada, 70 n/v. Lescarboura, Juan, Calle Yaguaron, 142 n/v. Marexiano y Cia., Calle Rincon, 700. Regnier, Destrein, y Burcet, Calle Ron- deau, 1464. Riella, Juan F., Calle Agraciada, 318 n/v. San Roman y Cia., Calle Rondeau, 1523. Sociedad Bally Limitada, Calle Florida, 1471. Viuda de Juan L. Lacuague, Calle Co- lonia, 1123. Yan^z y Abal, Calle Agraciada, 144 n/v. Heating apparatus. Barth y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 751. Ciofii y Revetria Hnos., Calle Uruguay, 949. Ferber, Herman, Calle Cerrito, 481. Gonzdiez Perfecto, Calle 25 de Mayo, 667. Metzen, Vicenti, y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1526. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cerro Largo, 851. Smith y Cia, Calle Uruguay, 1032. Hops. See Breweries; Groceries and provisions. Hose and hose fixtures. See Hardware. Hotels. 'Balcarael," Ram6n Balcarcel, Calle Sarandi, 377. 'Barcelona," Dante Dallera y Cia., Plaza Independencia, 1334. 'Central," Bernardo Maupeu, Calle 25 de^ Mayo, 470. 'Comercio," Bernardo Iglesias, P. Inde- pendencia, 1382 Norte. 'Espaiia," Gaspar Argul, Plaza Inde- pendencia, 829 Norte. 'Florida," Dario Bias, Calle Florida, 1440. 'Espaiiol," Juan Erasun, Calle Sarandi, 688. 'Del Globe," Argul Hnos., Calle 25 de Agosto, 292; Anexo Calle Colon, 1580. 'Grand Hotel," Ximenez y Santamarina, Calle Sarandi, 588. 'Grand Hotel Col6n," Solifio y Cia., Calle Rincon, 640. 'De Mayo," Ricardo Sanguine tti, Calle 25 de Mayo, 521. 'Moretti," Juan B. Moretti, Calle 25 de Agosto, 355. 'Oriental," Fiandesio y Cia., Calle Pie- dras, 356. 'Palace Hotel," Jamie Molfino, Calle Cristobal Col6n, 13 n/v. 'Pyramides," Turon y Cia., Calle Sa- randi, 548. 'Pocitos" de la S. C. de Montevideo, Cliristobal Colon, n/v (Pocitos). 'DelPrado," en el Prado. Household utensils. Alonso y Diandro, Calle Misiones, 1301. Berninzoni, Bartolome, Calle 25 de Agosto, 486. Boggio, Cesar, Calle 18 de Julio, 563 n/v. Bruno, Jose, Calle 18 de Julio, 239 (Uni6n). Buschiazzo, Lorenzo, Calle Uruguay, 1043. Campiglia, Miguel, Calle Agi-aciada, 614 n/v. Carlomagno, Antonio, Calle Agraciada, 360 n/v. Cheri, Carlos, Calle Agraciada, 335. Galcoran, Jose, Calle 18 de Julio, 1214. Gallo, Pascual, Calle Colonia, 473 n/v. Garcia, Angel, Carrasco. Giffoni, Vicente, Calle Uruguay, 538 n/v. Gimenez y Franco, Calle Rondeau, 1629. URUGUAY: MONTEVIDEO. 385 Ganzzo, Alberto, Calle La Paz, 1384. Maraboto, Juan, Calle Agraciada, 774 n/v. Matina, Jose, Calle Orillas del Plata, 1162. Mostardi, Agustin, Calle Agraciada, 706 n/v. Parodi, Antonio, Calle Ituzaing6, 1513. Pelosi y Petruccelli, Calle Arapey, 1511. Savoya Aurelio, Calle Bartolome Mitre, 1488. Scioscia, Miguel, Calle Dayman, 1338. Violante, Luis, Calle 18 de Julio, 25 (Union). Instruments, professional and scientific. Bordoni, Mauricio, Calle 25 de Mayo, 532. Brusoni y Lascano, Calle 18 de Julio, 853. Cli^do, Cesar, Calle Rondeau, 1511. Dasso y Dulcino, Calle Ituzaingo, 1395. Ferrando, Pablo, Calle Sarandi, 675. Fratti, Guelfo, Calle San Jose, 1025. Instituto de Geologia y Perforaciones, Calle Wasiiington, 312. Instituto de Quimica Industrial, Calle J. C. Gomez esquina 25 de Mayo. Kell, Ramon J., Calle 25 de Mayo, 589. Masd y Cia., Candido, Calle 18 de Julio, 1331. Oreglio Serafin, Calle 25 dc Mayo, 589. Quadri, Juan, Calle 18 de Julio, 927. Roch, Capdeville y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 506. Tedeschi y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 987. See also Sm-gical instruments. Iron and steel, structiual. "Barraca Cooperativa, " Calle Rondeau, 756. Barth y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 751. Ellis y Cia., Towers, Calle 25 de Agosto, 330. Hijos de Juan I. Risso, Calle 25 de Mayo, 622. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cerro Largo, 851. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rinc6n, 414. Jewelry. Aragunde, A. y J., Calle 18 de JuUo, 628 n/v. Ayraldi, E. M. y S., Calle Rondeau, 1558. Ayre, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Bergdalh y del Campo, Calle Rincon, 687. Blixen y Cia., Calle J. C. Gomez, 1430. Bri\-io, Cayetano A., Calle Agraciada, 202 n/v. Brusoni y Lascano, Calle 18 de Julio, 853. Buzio, C^sar, Calle Rondeau, 1593. Carassale, Ricardo, Calle 25 de Mayo, 534. Carrara, Esleban, Calle Sarandi, 651. Cazdban, Hipolito, Calle Mercedes, 807. Corsi, Arturo, Calle Agraciada, 946 n/v. Cresci, Antonio, Calle 18 de Julio, 869. De Rosa Nicolas, Calle 18 de Julio. 1311. Ferraro, J. B., Calle Sarandi, 511 . Gambetta, Domingo, Calle 18 de Julio, 808 n/v. Gravano, Serafin, Calle Sarandi, 644. Guthmann, Gustavo, Calle Sarandi, 492. Lamboglia, Juan L., Calle 18 de Julio, 919. Liserre, Bias, Calle 18 de Julio, 1333. Lopez, Jose, Calle 18 de JuUo, 282 (Union). Lohr y Cia., Calle Ciudadela, 1414. Mazzuco, Domingo, Calle 18 de Julio, 762 n/v. Moreau, Julio, Calle Convencion, 1378. Restano, Domingo, Calle 18 de Julio, 943. Salgueiro y Revello, Calle 25 de Mayo, 537. Salgueii-o, Revello y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 845. Sellanes y Cia., E., Calle Sarandi, 689. Spangenberg y Frecero, Calle 25 de Mayo, 561. Vilizio, Augustin, Calle Uruguay, 1033. Viuda de Enrique Santos, Calle 18 de Julio, 556 n/v. Weil y Cia., G., Calle Rincon, 631. Wild, Augusto, Calle 25 de Mayo, 681 (proprietor Amethept mine). Zerbino, Jose, Calle Sarandi, 668. Knit goods. See Clothing. Lamps and lamp ware. See Hardware; Household utensils; Gro- ceries and provisions. Lard. See Groceries and provisions. Leather goods. See Harness and saddlery; Belting; Boots and shoes; Trunks and traveler's supplies. Live stock. Crocker, Frederick, Calle Uruguay, 1012. Hill, B. Lorenzo, Calle 18 de Julio, 817 n/v. Hughes, Richard, Calle Misiones, 1521. Wilson Hnos. y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 440. Lumber and construction materials. PURCHASERS OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. Ambrosoli, Brito-Foresti, Rolando y Cia., Calle Rondeau, 401 u/v.* Barraca Cooperativa, Calle Rondeau, 756.* Barr6re y Cia., B. A., Calle Cerrito, 551.* Ferro, Santiago, Calle Misiones, Medanos, 29 n/v. Ferres y Cia., Pedro, Calle Misiones, 1531.* Iglesias, Juan, Calle Aldea y Propios. Mds y Cia., Calle Minas, 163 n/v. Miller, J. D., Calle J. C. G6mez, 1550.* 21373°— 14- -25 386 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Premoli y Cia., Calle Carmen, 42 n/v. Quadrelli, Andres, Calle Marcelino Sosa, 14 n/v. Shaw, Jnan, Calle Rincon, 414.* So8a y Pons, Calle Soils, 1524.* Vilaro, Francisco, Calle Piedras, 547.* Zuiiuo, Jos^, Calle Piedad, 119 n/v. POSSIBLE BUYERS. Airaldi y Storace, Miguelete, 144, y Rfo Negro, 1563. Ambrosoli, Brito Forest i, Rolando y Cfa., Calle Rondeau, 401. Boado y Otonello, Calle Sierra, 218 n/v. Casabo, F. y. R., Cont. Agraciada, 84 n/v. Compafiia de Material es de Construcci6n, Calle Sarandi, 466. Debernardis, M. y J., Calle Rondeau esquina Agraciada. Favaro y Espiell, Calle Cerro Largo esquina Convencion. Hijos de Alejandro Favaro, Calle Cerro Largo, 759. Lasala, Luis G., Calle Cerro Largo, 967. Matto, Francisco A., Calle 18 de Julio, 623 n/v. Oyhenart y Ferrand, Calle Rondeau, 371 n/v. Piccardo, Jose R., Calle Rondeau, 487 n/v. Regusci y Voulminot, Calle Guatemala, 55 n/v. Rocco y Cia., Calle Cerro Largo, 821. Susena, Francisco, Calle 18 de Julio, 654 n/v. Vernengo y Martinez, Calle Figueroa, 117 (Unidn). Machinery. Ayre, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Barth y Cia., Eugenio, Calle Uruguay, 751. Cantoni y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 977. Crocker y Cia., Carlisle, Calle Rincdn, 420. Ellis y Cia., Towers, Calle 25 de Agosto, 344. Etchevest y Cia., Martin, Calle Cerrito, 681. Groscurth y Cia., Calle Rio Negro, 1649. Harley, Enrique, Calle Colon, 1573. Hijos de Juan L Risso, Calle 25 de Mayo, 622. Johnston Cia., Guillermo, Calle Bartolome Mitre, 1410. Maccio y Sosa Diaz, Calle 25 de Agosto, 327. Mane y Cia., P., Calle Agraciada, 123 n/v. Metzen-Vincente y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1526. Niding y Cia., Wettstein, Calle Barto- lome Mitre esquina Bol Vieja. Potense y J. J. Sosa Diaz, Calle 25 de Agosto, 430. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle CeiTO Largo, 851. Ratti y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 352. Rocco y Cia., Calle Orillas del Plata, 9; Calle Cerro Largo, 821. Roux y Falgayrou, Calle Cerro Largo, 138 n/v. Schroder, Enrique, Calle Paysandu, 219 n/v. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rincon; 414. MINING. InstitutD de Geologia y Penforaciones, Calle Trienta y Tres, 312. See also Machinery. PAPER MILL (possible BUYERS). f Adroher Hnos., Calle 25 de Mayo, 721. Cavajaiii, Puppo, Badi y Cia., Calle Rondeau, 1610. Viuda de Francisco Beck, Calle Rondeau, 366 n/v. SAWMILL. Althabe, Lorenzo, Calle Marcelono Sosa, 52. Ambrosini, Angel, Minas, Ul-uguay. Anza, J. M., Rocha, Uruguay. Avellanal Hnos., Salto, Uruguay. Bidart, Pedro, Calle Rondeau, 594. Bidegaray, Beltram, Calle Rondeau, 393. Bidegaray, Juan B., Calle Miguelete, 50 n/v. Campora, Jose, Salto, Uruguay. Carli y Rama, Calle Colombia, 4, Aguada, Montevideo. Costa, Francisco, Calle 18 de Julio, 552. Dupuy, Julian, Calle Cuareim, 2 n/v. Emeterio JZablala, Rocha, Uruguay. Eugenio Gros, Salto, Uruguay. Giorello e Hijos, Angel, Calle Magallanoe, 7 n/v. Marino y Cia., Calle Constituyente, 45 n/v. Menbibhere, Minas, Uruguay. Pisacco Hnos., Salto, Uruguay. Talleres de Don Bosco, Calle Maldonado, 608 n/v. Marble, stone, and granite. Amaturo, Alfonso, Calle Yaguaron, 1131. Balbi y Campodonico, Juan, Calle Co- lonia, 330. Balifio, Vidal, Juan, Calle Soriano, 1270. Belloni, Ceres, Calle Sierra, 212a n/v. Calvasina y Cia, Luis, Calle Yaguaron, 1235. Cervino, Romon, Calle Yaguar6n, 4119. D'Amico e Hijos Filomeno, Calle Minas, 164a n/v. Demarchi y Sposito, Calle Cuareim, 1262. Pellistri, Alejandro, Calle Yi, 1226. Raffo, Luis, Calle Colonia, 304 n/v. Jos6 Conserva 6 Hijo, Santa Lucia, 14; n/v. Sciutto, A. y I., Avenida General Flores, 196 n/v. Uboldi y Manzo, Calle Dayman, 1127. UEUGUAY: MONTEVIDEO. 387 Viuda de Bevilacqua y Cia., Calle Tacua- rembo, 271 n/v. Viuda de Cesar Mola, Calle Miguelete, 1283. Margarln. See GrocerieB and provisions. Meats. POULTRY AND GAME. Institute de Avicultura. SALANDEROS OF URUGUAY (mEAT-SALTING establishments) . Union Salad eril, Calle Piedras, 441, Mon- tevideo. R. Tabarez y Cia., Calle Zabala, 1556, Montevideo. Pedro Ferres y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1531, Montevideo. Pedro Denis y Cia., Calle J. C. Gomez, 1465, Montevideo. R. Mendez Rodriguez, Calle Soils, 1478, Montevideo. Dickinson e Hijo, "Caballada," Salto. Amaro Hnos., "Hervidero," Salto. A. Santa Maria, Hijo, Paysandu. M. Etchebarne, "Casa Blanca," Pay- sandu. M. Arrarte y Hnos., "Fraternidad," Rocha. MEAT-PACKING HOUSES. Frigorifico Montevideo, Office Calle Pie- dras, No. 357. La Frigorifica Uruguaya, Office Calle Cerrito, No. 502. Millinery. Abel, Juan, Calle Buenos Aires, 221 n/v. Alquier, Blanca W. de, Calle Buenos Aires, 582.^ Barreiro, Jose, Calle 25 de Mayo, 351. Bazerque, Eufrasia, Calle 25 de Mayo, 671. Bessouat y Lroni, Calle San Jos6, 987. Bologna, Adela P., de, Calle San Jos^, 1334. Cantu, Elisa J., Calle 18 de Julio, 1306. Duhalde, Marfa, P. de, Calle Andes, 1454. Echeverrfa, Sara, Calle Buenos Aires, 590. Folgia, Vicente, Calle 18 de Julio, 798 n/v. Fournier Juana, Calle Daymdn, 1140. Guerra, Rosa T. de, Calle General Flores, 192 n/v. Iglesias, Elena Montaldo de, Calle 18 de Julio, 1306. Langlade, Angela R. de, Calle Tacua- rembo, 127 n/v. Lausuca Senoritas de, Calle Agraciada, 275a n/v. Maya, Celestine E. de, Calle San Jos^, 962. Otero, Maria F. de, Calle Defensa, 52 n/v. Paoletti, Jos^, Calle Andes, 1266. Pratto, Herminia, Calle Soraino, 912. Rebagliatti, Margarita M. de, Calle 18 de Julio, 600 n/v. San Roman, Florencia Torres de, Calle Agraciada, 914b n/v. Santini, Dante y Enrique, Calle 18 de Julio, 883. Santini, Enea, Calle Rincon, 689. Soler, Mone, Calle 25 de Mayo, 538. Sundberg, Luisa R. de, Calle 18 de Julio, 937. Tournillat, Elena, Calle Ituzaing6, 1478. Vignole y Arevalo, Calle 18 de Julio, 530a n/v. Weigle, Flora L. de, Calle Rio Negro, 1557. Mining companies. Consolidated Gold Mining Co., Estacion Central, Montevideo (C. W. Bayne, general manager). Motion-picture apparatus, stereoptlcons, etc. See Machinery; Instruments, professional and scientific. Motor cars and accessories. Abal, y Cia., Enrique, Calle 25 de Mayo, 639. Auto-Taller de Viapiana Hnos., Calle CeiTo Largo, 1117. Avalos, N., Calle Marcelino Sosa, 64 n/v. Ayre, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Biraben Hnos. y Cia., Calle Maldonado, 927. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420. Daglio y Cia., Luis, Calle Uruguay, 801. De Arturo Hnos., Plaza Independencia, 1370 Norte. Demichelli, Angel, Miguelete, 329 n/v. Evans, Thornton, y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 181 n/v. Ferber, Herman, Calle Trienta y Tres, 1383 Fiocchi y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 990. Formento, Orestes, Calle Agraciada, 605 n/v. Gonzdlez, B., Calle Uruguay, 842. Gordon, Sam, Calle Trienta y Tres, 1473. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Cua- reim esquina Guatemala. Jorge Victor Brauer y Cia., Calle Reducto, 122a n/v. Krabb y Cia., Hermann, Calle Trienta y Tres, 1383. Martinez y Cia., Avenidade la Paz, 1272. "Hercules," Enrique Ghiringhelli, Aven- ida General Rondeau esquina Orillaa del Plata. Penino y Zambra, Calle Agraciada, 355 n/v. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cerro Largo, 851 . Regusci y Voulminot, Calle 25 de Mayo, 686. 388 TRADE DIRECTOEY OF SOUTH AMERICA. San ^^al•tin y Rodriguez, Calle Rondeau, 1G18. San Martin y Cia., Sebastian, Calle Ibicuy, 1319. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rinc6n, 414. Visca, Sierra, y Cia., Calle Ituzaing6,1434. Vilar6 y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 1077. Volont^ e nijos, Baltazar, Calle Figue- roa, 215 n/v. REPAIR SHOPS USING TOOLS AND ACCES- SORIES. Avalo y Hnos., Calle Cerrito, 668. Daglio y Cia., Calle Piedras, 722. Domeca y Echeven-ia, Calle Agraciada, 446 n/v. Fynn, Butler, y Cia., Calle Figueroa, 205. Ghiringhelli, Em-ique, Calle Rondeau, 1621. Gimenez y Franco, Calle Rondeau, 1629. Godillot, Eduardo, Calle Trienta y Tres, 1473. Gordon, Sam, Calle Trienta y Tres, 1469. Janssens, Eduardo, Calle La Paz, 46 n/v. Howard y Cia., Tomas, Calle Gral. Luna, 49 n/v. Real de Azua y Cia., Calle Piedras, 677. Regusci y Voulminot, Calle Rondeau esquina Venezuela. San Martin y Rodriguez, Calle Rondeau, 229 n/v. Volonte, Baltasar, Calle Figueroa, 215 n/v. Viapiana Hnos., Calle Cerro Largo, 1117. Music. Esteves, Luis, Calle Sarandi, 632. Galvez, Martin, Calle Canelones, 1210. Laussuq, Pablo, Calle Agraciada, 273a n/v. Metallo, Angel M., Calle Paysandu, 794 n/v. Minetti, Jose P., Calle Sierra, 194k n/v. Mousques, Julio, Calle Ituzaingo, 1391. Ossi, Adolfo, Calle Colonia esquina Ron- deau. Ott, Carlos, Calle 25 de Mayo, 509. Serra y Cuvas, Calle 18 de Julio, 586 n/v. TrApani y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 959. Musical Instruments. Cores, Francisco Vazquez, Calle 18 de Julio, 1598. Dano'varo, Arturi, Calle Bartolome, 1321. Dellaxopa y Marixe, Plaza Independen- cia, 1549. Esbert, Juan, Calle 18 de Julio, 794 n/v. Esteve, Luis, Calle 18 de Julio, e/n. Esteve, Luis, Calle Sarandi, 632. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia. , Calle Rinc6n, 420. Garese, Jos^, Calle Ituzaingo, 1422. Laussuq, Pablo, Calle Agraciada, 273a n/v. Marotti y Castorina, Calle 18 de Julio, 155. ^laximo, Rivero, Calle Agraciada, 78a n/v. Metallo, Angel M., Calle Paysandu, 794. Mousques, Julio, Calle Ituzaing6, 1391. Ott, Carlos, Calle 25 de Mayo, 509. Tnipani y Cia., Calle 18 do Julio, 959. Nails and spikes. See Hardware. Naval stores. Ayre, H. C, Calle Soils, 1437. Cassarino Hnos., Calle 25 de Agosto, 439. Harley, Eni'ique, Calle Colon, 1573. Moor, E. M., Calle Soils, 1632. Montevideo Gas Co., Calle 25 de Mayo esquina Juncal. Nocetti, Ratti y Crosta, Calle 25 de Agosto, 352. Petersen y Ludeke, Calle Rampla, 314 n/v. Raimond, Paul, Calle Perez Castellanos, 1508. Telice Hnos., Calle 25 de Egosto, 425. Towers, Ellis, y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 330. Vilaro, Francisco, Calle Piedras, 547. Notions. See General merchandise. Nursery stock. Barban, Luis, Penarol. Basso, Domingo, Calle Sarandi, 580. Basso y Cia., Juan M., Calle Andes, 1378. Basso, Saettone y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 521. Campodonico. Carlos Penarol. De Salvo y Cia., Miguel, Calle Agraciada, 184 n/v. De Anastasio, Juan, Pefiarol. Fomaroz Hnos., Francisco, Cno. Burgues, 131 n/v. Mazzini, Angel, Calle Reducto, 381 n/v. Uricia, Vicente, Villa Col6n. Oils. MINERAL. Ache y Hnos., Juan L., Calle Cuestas, 38 n/v. Ayre, H. C, Calle Soils, 1437.* Barrere y Cia., B. A., Calle Cerrito, 551. Bellmuiit, Carlos G., Calle 18 de Julio, 1049. Brunet y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 938.* Carrau y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 931.* Caulin y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 472 n/v.* Cazaux y Hnos., Roque, Calle 25 de Agosto, 416.* ChristopheraenHnos., Calle Piedras, 363.* Domino y Dotto, Calle 25 de Agosto, 363.* Granana y Cia., Juan, Calle Piedras, 301.* Maccio y Sosa, Diaz, Calle 25 de Agosto, 327.* Martins y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 333.* Peirano Hnos., Calle 25 de Agosto, 422. Rossi y Cia., J. N., Calle Treinta y Tres., 1481. URUGUAY : MONTEVIDEO. 389 Staudt y Cia., Calle Rincon, 458.* Talice Hnos., Calle 25 de Agosto, 425. Talice y Moretti, Calle Piedras, 431. Taranco y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 466.* Vignale y Canale, Onato, Calle 25 de Agosto, 384. Vilaro y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 288 n/v.* West India Oil Co., Calle Soils, 1463.* Zabaleta, Lorenzo, Calle Rincon, 719. VEGETABLE. See Groceries and provisions. Paints and varnishes. Bouyer, Brard, y Narancio, Calle Colonia, 1074. Granato, Nicolas, Calle Pereita, 48 n/v. Harley, Em-iqu«, Calle Colon, 1573. Invernizzi, Emilio, Calle San Jose, 902. "La Platense," Sociedad Anomica, Calle 18 de Julio, 1103. Loppacher y Cia., Eduardo, Calle Uru- . guay, 1001. Maqueira y Balay, Calle San Jose, 824. Maveroff y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 485. Moneda, Enrique, Calle Uruguay, 1073. Moretti Hnos., Calle Uruguay, 1136. Ponce de Leon y Pade, Avenida la Paz, 1383. Taddei, Federico, Calle 18 de Julio, 300 (Union). Tempests Hnos., Calle Constituyente, 185 n/v. Ventura, Francisco, Calle 25 de Mayo, 651. Viuda de Moretti, Catelli y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 525. Paper and paper goods. "Al Libro Ingles," Calle Treinta Tres, 1509. Barreiro y Ramos A., Calle 25 de Mayo esquiiia J. C. Gomez, Cavajani, Puppo, Badi y Cia., Calle Rondeau, 234 n/v. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420. Comini Hnos., Calle 18 de Julio, 936. Coros, Francisco V., Callo 18 de Julio, 873. Groscurth y Cia., Calle Rio Negro, 1649. Soury y Cia., Calle Ituzaingo, 141 n/v. Staudt y Cia., Calle Rincon, 464. "Papelaria del Commercio," Calle 18 de Julio, 880. Spangenberg, Carlos, Calle 25 de Mayo, 620. Vilari6, Francisco, Calle Piedras, 547. Viuda de Francisco, Calle Rondeau, 1490. Vuda i Ilijos de J. J. Schmidt, Calle 18 de Julio, 880. Paving materials. ASPHALT. Acquarone y Cia., Emique, Calle 18 de Julio, 1244. Asbestosyl, Calle Uruguav, 912. Ayre, H. C, Calle Soils, 1437. The Newchatel Asphalt Co. (Ltd.), Calle Ituzaingo, 1393. See also Brick, tile, and terra cotta; . Lumber and construction materials . Periodicals. "Agros," Saygo. "Anales de Instruccion Primaria, Calle 18 de Julio y Caureim. Anales de la Universitad, Calle 18 de Julio y Caigua. "Apolo," Plaza Independencia, 1366. Boletin de la Camara de Comercio Italiana, Calle Colon, 1395. Boletin de la Direccion General de Esta- distica, Calle Colon, 1438. Boletin de la Liga Uruguay contra la Tuberculo.'fis, Calle Magallanes, 182 n/v. Boletin Mensual de la Estadistica Munici- pal, Calle 18 de Julio, 1112. _ Boletin del Consejo N. de Higiene, Calle Rincon, 421. "Bordados Selectos," Calle Durazno, 916. "Circular Centro Ganadero," Calle Orillas del Plata, esq. Dayman. "Corriere D' Italia," Calle Cerro Largo, 893._ "Diario del Plata," Calle Buenos Aires esquina Bartolome Mitre. "ElAmigo del Obrero," Calle Dayman, 1408. "El Autom6vil," Calle Figueroa y Agra- "El Bien," Calle Cerrito, 471. "El Cocinero," Calle Reconquista, 562. "El Comercio Espanol," Calle 18 de Julio, 877. "El Dia," Calle Mercedes, 826. "El Diario Espanol," Calle Ituzaingo, 1487. "El Diario Oficial," Calle Florida, 1180. "El Faro," Calle Justicia, 73 n/v. "El Industrial Uruguay©," Calle San Sal- vador esquina Municipio. "El Institute," Calle Uruguay, 1082. "El Progreso," Calle Solis, 1525. "El Siglo," Calle Rinc6n, 583. "El Tiempo," Calle Ciudadela, 1484. "El Tel^grafo Maritime," Calle Piedras, 264. "Evolucion," Calle Ituzaing6, 1292. "Industria y Comercio," Calle Trienta y Tres, 1372. "LaCampana," Calle Uruguay, 782. 390 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. ''La Democracia," Callo Ciudadela, 1490. "La Mosca," Calle Dayman, 1284. "La Propao;anda," Calle Uruguay, 1014. "La Razoii," Callo Rincon, 583. "La Seraaiia," Calle Florida, 1135. "La Tribuua Popular," Calle Ciudadela, 1426. "L'ltalk," Calle Reconquista, 630. "Natura, " Calle Cerro Largo, 1180. "Progreso," Calle Uruguay, 1292. Revista del Centre de Almaceneros Min- ist08, Calle Cerrito, 326. Revisla de la Asociacion Rural del Uru- guay, Calle Uruguay, 864. _ Revista de la Asociacion de Ingenieros y Arquitectos, Calle Treinta y Tres, 1372. Revista del Gremio de Teuderos, Calle 18 de Julio, 542 n/v. Revista de la Asociacion de Escribanos, Calle Soriano, 1243. Revista de Derecho, Calle Zabala, 1335. Revista Historica, Calle Cerrito, 514. Revista del Centro Farmaceutico Uru- guayo, Calle Ejido, 1589. Revista del Centro Militar y Naval, 18 de Julio, 1236. Revista de la Facultad de Veterinario, Calle Rivera, 310 n/v. Revista de la Industrial Union Uruguayo, Calle Treinta y Tres, 1312. Revista Medica del Uruguay, Calle Arapey, 1424. "The Montevideo Times," Calle 25 de Agosto, 410. "The Uruguay Weekly News," Calle Can- leones, 1814. "The Herald," Calle Piedras, 264. Phonographs, graphophones, etc., and records J Abella, Manuel, Calle Sierra, 208a n/v. Danovaro, Artui'o, Calle Bartolome Mitre, 1321. Dellazoppa y Morixe, Calle Sarandi, 614. Font, Juan J., Calle Treinta y Tres, 1381. Mendaro, Longhi y Cia., Calle San Jose, 1145. Mousques, Julio, Calle Ituzaingo, 1122. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cerro Largo, 851. Serafino, Juan B., Calle Colon, 1537. Vazquez Cores Francisco, Calle 18 de Julio, 873. See also Musical instruments. Photographic supplies and art materials- IMPORTERS. Abella, Manuel, Calle Sierra, 208a n/y. Danovaro, Arturo, Calle Bartolome Mitre, 1321. Fen-ando, Pablo, Calle Sarandf, 675. Garese, Jose, Calle Rincon, 567. Lios y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 560. POSSIBLE IMPORTERS. Barros, Alejandro, Calle Uruguay, 1J37. Baselli, Lorenzo Alberto, Calle 18 de Julio 536 n/v. Brunei, Pedro, Calle San Jose, 942. Carmoua, Carlos Angel, Calle 18 de Julio, 540 n/v. Castagna, Juan, Calle 25 de Mayo, 238. Civitate, Francisco, Calle 18 de Julio, 1206. Danovaro, Arturo, Calle Bartolom^ Mitre, 1323. Do Pazo, Manuel F., Calle Uruguay, 1037. Fillat y Cia., Agusto, Calle Convencion, 1396. Garcia, Vidal Manuel, Calle Perez Caste- llanos, 1488. Igiesias, F>ancisco, Calle 18 de Julio, 727 n/v. Julien y Cia., Alberto, Calle 25 de Mayo, 535. Mancebo, Cii-iaco, Calle 18 de Julio, 1027. Pellicciari, Francisco, Calle Sarandi, 628. Varela, Manuel, Calle 18 de Julio, 94 (Union). Vera, Agosto, Calle 18 de Julio, 668 n/v. Plantations. Hughes, Richard, Calle Misiones, 1521. Wilson Bros., Calle Cerrito, 440. Plumber's supplies. Barth y Cia., Eugenio, Calle Uruguay, 751. Callegar, Emilio e Hijo, Calle 25 de Mayo, 735. Goveo, Cesar, Calle 18 de Julio, 1312. Montevideo Gas Co., Calle 25 de Mayo esquina Juncal. Montevideo Waterworks, Calle Zabala, 1395. Pearce, Juan C, Calle Mercedes, 1138. Pintos, Rios, Calle 18 de Julio, 972. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cerro Largo, 851. Regusci y Voulminot, Calle 25 de Mayo, 410. Veira y Cia., Doroteo, Calle 18 de Julio, 312 n/v. William y Cia., Doroteo, Calle J. C. Gomez, 1382. Polish and blacking. See Boots and shoes. Power and light companies. Lusina Electrica, Calle 25 de Mayo, 420, n/v. The Montevideo Gas Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo esquina Juncal. URUGUAY : MONTEVIDEO. 391 Printer's and bookbinder's machinery and supplies. Barreiro y Ramos, A., Calle Bartolome Mitre, 1467. Comini Hnos., Calle San Jose, 1169. Dornaleche, Juan J., Calle Cerro Largo, 783. Gaucher, Enrique, Calle Zabala, 1283. Pena Hnos., Calle Treinta y Tres, 1488. Schwengel, Guillermo, Calle Treinta y Tres, 1509. . ^^ Soury y Cia., Calle Rinc6n esquina Itu- zaing6. Viuda e Hijos de J. J. Schmidt, Calle 18 de Julio, 880. Rags. EXPORTERS. J. R. Trabal y Cia., Calle Comercio esquina Asamblea Buceo. Railways. Ferrocarril central del Uruguay (head office), River Plate House, Finsbury Circus, London, E. C; (local office). Est. Central por Avenida de la Paz. Ferrocarril Uruguayo del Este, agent, Julio R. Brussone, Calle Zabala, 1555. Ferrocarril del Noroeste, Salto, Uruguay. Ferrocarril del Midland, Uruguay, Salto, Uruguay. Ferrocarril del Norte, manager, Julio K. Brussone, Calle Medanos, 179g n/v. ^ Pan American Railway, Calle Rmcon, 491. TRAMWAYS. "La Transatlantica," Calle 25 de Mayo, 71 ft Sociedad Comercial de Montevideo, Calle Rincon, 478. Tranvia del Norte, Bella Vista, Monte- video. Refrigerators, water coolers, etc. Castellanos y Regules, Calle 25 de Mayo esquina Treinta y Tres. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Ellis y Cia., Towers, Calle 25 de Agosto, 330. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rinc6n, 414. Swinden, Enrique B., Calle 25 de Mayo, 577. Trabucatti y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 652. Walder y Cia., Rabe, Calle Misiones, 1373. . ^ Zerboni y Bergamino, Calle Rincon, 711. Rice. See Groceries and provisions. Roofing material. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 420. See also Lumber and construction material. Sates and vaults. BaiTere y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 551. Brandes y Cia., Calle Zabala, 1409. Coates y Cia., Calle Binandi, 469. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420. Ellis y Cia., Towers, Calle 25 de Agosto, 330. Moratorio, F. L., Calle J. C. Gomez, 1435. Moreno, Juan V.. Calle Misiones, 1538. Percontino e Hijos, Calle Uruguay, 1065. Schivo, Geronimo, Calle Uruguay, 1022. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rincon, 414. Trabucatti y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 652. Walder y Cia., Rabe, Calle Misiones, 1373. Scales, balances, and weighing machines. See Machinery. Seeds. Basso, Domingo, Calle Sarandi, 580. Basso y Cia., Juan, Calle 18 de Julio, 862. Carusso, J. R., Calle 25 de Mayo, 546. Galimberti y Cia., Pertillon, Calle La Paz, 230 n/v. Ordeig, Jose, Calle Buenos Aires, 608. Vidiella, Federico, Calle Col6n, 1389. See also Nursery stock. Sewing machines and parts. Angenscheite, Hipolito, Calle Ciudadela, 1280. Barreira y Pozzi, Calle Uruguay, 887. Bertolotti, A., Calle Uruguay, 782. Bona, Juan B., Calle Soriano, 835. Brandes y Cia., 0., Calle Zabala, 1409. Burla, Calixto, Calle 18 de Julio, 210 (Union). Cimino, Francisco, Calle Cerro Largo, 754 bis. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Crocker y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 420. Deangillo y Lago, Calle Agraciada, 374 n/v. Dighiero. Carlos, Calle Couvenci6n, 1424. Gandoa, Leoncio, Calle Rinc6u esquina Bartolome Mitre. L6pez, Juan, Calle 18 de Julio, 483 n/v. Rodriguez, Andres, Calle Yaguaron, 1674. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rinc6n, 414. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Calle Sa- randi, 458. Valente, Jacinto, Calle Daysandii, 905. Zubieta y Roman, Calle 18 de Julio, 1267. Silk goods. See Clothing; General merchandise. 392 TEADE DIKECTOKY OF SOUrn AMERICA. Soap and washing powders.f Algorta, Ricai-do, Calle 25 de Mayo, 620. Ayre,_H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Barbe, Juan P., Calle Cerro Largo, 1066. Biu-rere, B. A., Calle Cerrito, 551. Deambrosis Hijo y Parma, Calle Cerro Lai-go, 1032. Hamambure, Juan, Calle Cerro Largo, 1106. Jaume Hnos. y Cia., Calle La Paz, 236 n/v. Lena y Nicolini, Calle Paysandu, 1120. Sociedad Cooperativa de Almoceneros Mini^tas, Paso Moliiio, Montevideo. Sti-auch y Cia., Calle Ma de Flores, 1328. Villemur, Eugenio, Calle L'ruguay, 960. See also Groceries; Toilet articles. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. Alonso y Cia., Froga, Calle Ituzaingo, 105 n/v. Arocena y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 866. Ayre, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Bordes y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 407. Carrau y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 933. Dam-ee y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 505. Diaz, Requeijo, Calle Piedras, 377. Domino y Dotto, Calle 25 de Agosto, 367. Easton, J. A., Calle Jirncal, 1417. Estava, J. M., Calle J. C. Gomez, 1424. Garcia, Hipolito, Calle Cerrito, 417. Granara y Cia., Calle Piedras, 301. Hare y Cia., Calle Misiones*, 1375. Hijos de G. Vanrell, Calle 25 de Mayo, 438. Johnston y Campbell, Caslle Bartolome Mitre, 1410. Lincke y Cia., Calle Piedras, 442. Martins y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 333. Potense y J. J. Sosa Diaz, Calle 25 de Agosto, 432. Puga, Antonio, Calle Rincon, 737. Westerich, Roberto, Calle Piedras, 321. See also Groceries and provisions. Sponges. See Drugs and druggist's supplies; Toilet articles. Sporting and atliletlc goods. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Castro y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo, 740. Del Pozzo Gaudencio, Calle 18 de Julio, 865a n/v. Frechou, Juan M., Calle Uruguay, 1139. Institute de Pesca, Punta de Este, Uru- guay. Marexiano y Cia., Calle Rincon, 700. Miro y Carbone, Calle Rincon, 543. Plaza A'icinal de Cultura Fisica, Calle Sarandi, Montevideo. Pena y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 513. Y. M. C. A. Gynanasium, Calle Treinta y Tres, 1230. stationery and stationer's goods. Barreiro y Ramos A., Calle 25 de Mayo esquina J. C. Gomez. Cavajaui, Puppo, Badi y Cia., Calle Ron- deau, 234 n/v. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 420. Comini Hnos., Calle 18 de Julio, 936. Groscurth y Cia., Calle Rio Negro, 1649. Soury y Cia., Calle Ituzaing6 esquina Rincon. Viuda e Hijos de J. J. Schmidt, Calle 18 de Julio, 880. SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND FURNITURE. Barreiro y Ramos, A., Calle J. C. G6mez, 1450. Berro y Regules, Calle 25 de Mayo, esquina Treinta y Tres. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 420. Castellanos y Regules, Calle 25 de Mayo esquina Treinta y Tres. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Direccion de Instruccion Premaria, Calle 18 de Julio 1211. Ibarra, F., Calle Rincon, 605. Monteverde y Cia., Calle 25 de Mayo esquina Treinta y Tres. Swinden, Enrique B., Calle 25 de Mayo, 577. Sugar, sirup, and molasses. Johnson, Oscar, Calle 18 de Julio, 297 n/v. See also Groceries and provisions. Surgical instruments and appliances. BeisBO y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 1051. Bordoni, Mauricio, Calle 25 de Mayo, 532. Capdeville y Cia., Roch, Calle Cerrito, 518. Clemente, Luis, Calle Arapey, 1069. Dasso y Dulcino, Calle Ituzaingo, 1399. Feller y Cia., Otto, Calle Uruguay, 891. Ferrando, Pablo, Calle Sarandi, 675. Manetti, Peregrine, Calle 18 de Julio, 845. Surracoy Ferrua, Calle Reconquista, 699. See also Instruments, professional and scientific. Tallow. EXPORTERS. Ferris y Cia., Pedro, Calle Misiones, 1531. See also Candles; Grease and other soap stock. Tanners. Abadie y Cia., Luis, Calle Cuchilla Grande, Maroiias. Bazzano, Juan, Maronas. URUGUAY : MONTEVIDEO. 393 Berardo Hnos., Camino de las Cerreras, Maronas. Brasasa, J. M., Caseros, 234, Maronas. Caleri Hnos., Juan, Cont. Agraciada, Nuevo Paris. Cambiasso, Antonio, Camino San Carlos, Maronas. Cambiaso, Juan, Camino San Carlos, Maronas. Campagnoni Hnos., Santa Lucia, 231, Nuevo Paris. Fontino Hnos., Santa Lucia, 252, Nuevo Paris. Fueno, J., Camino San Carlos, Maronas. Gesta, Augusto, Maroiias. Grada, Jose, Maronas. Hordebaig, Juan Domingo, Cont. Agra- ciada, Nuevo Paris. Bopez, Manuel, Maronas. Mametti, P., Santa Lucia, 232, Nuevo Paris. Mienville, J., Sartbon y Hnos., Piedras Blancas. Oliveri, Santos, Camino Comercio, Buceo. Pardo, Luis, Camino Comercio, Maronas. Paysee y Cia., Lui^, Camino Maldonado e/n, Maronas. Prat Hnos., Camino San Carlos, Maronas. Puppo, Jose, Santa Lucia, 242, Nuevo Paris. Roetti y Cia., San Carlos, Maronas. Sampayo, N., Maroiias. Sarazola y Berciatz, Calle 18 de Julio, 525 n/v. Serra" L., Santa Lucia, Nuevo Paris. Sue. J. P. Mienvelle, Nuevo Paris. Telegraph and telephone companies. Telegrafo Nacional, Calle Sarandi, 472. Western Telegraph Co., Calle Cerrito, esquina MLsiones. Compania Telegrafica del Rio de la Plata, Calle Cerrito esquina ML'^iones. Telegrafo Oriental, Calle Sarandi, 402. Compaiiia Telegrafica Telefonica del Plata, Calle Zabala, 1512. SociedadCooperativaTelefonicaNacional, Plaza Independencia, 837. Compania Telephonica de Montevideo, Calle Rincon, 020 (head office, 325 Dashwood House, New Broad Street, London). Telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment. Barth y Cia., Eugenio, Calle Uruguay, 751. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rincon, 420. Quincke, Ernesto, Calle Cerro Largo, 851. See also Machinery; Electrical appa- ratus and supplies; Telegraph and telephone companies. Thread and yarn. *See Clothing; Cotton goods; Woolen goods; General merchandise. Tinware. See Hardware; Household utensils. Tobacco, leaf. Abal Hnos. y Cia., Calle Rondeau, 402 n/v, Alvarez y Cia., Isla de Flores, 368 n/v. Alvarez, Ramon, Calle Salto, 111 n/v. Arena, Luis A., Calle Ituzaingo, 1308. Astrac, Jacinto, Calle Reducto, 5 n/v. Benzo, Bias, Calle Democracia, 147 n/v. Bernini, Domingo, Avenida General Flores, 113 n/v. Bonvino, Anacleto, Calle Yaguar6n, 1275. Fernandez y Cia., Jose, Calle 18 de Julio, 468 n/v. "Guerillero, " Santiago Zerbino, Calle Buenos Aires, 579. "La Elegancia, " Ros y Gonzalez, Calle Rondeau, 1677. "La Paz," Domingo Fernandez, Plaza Independencia, 739 Norte. "Londres, " Alejandro J. Clavier, Calle Rondeau, 431 n/v. Lopez, Baldomero R., Calle Zabala, 1546. Mecehas, Luis, Calle Colon, 1641. Maihos, Julio, Calle Rondeau, 354 n/v. "Metropolis," Guillerno Auspitz y Cia,, Calle Piedras, 359. Monted6nico, Luis, Calle Sarandi, 648. "Montevideo," Borro y Pisano, Calle Soriano, 1123. Oneto, Miguel O., Calle Agraciada, 320 n/v. Podesta, Angel P., Calle Salto, 110 n/v. Ravera, Vincente, Calle 18 de Julio, 120 n/v. Restano, Luis, Calle 18 de Julio, 757 n/v. Santarelli, Agusiin, Calle Numancia, 38 n/v. Schelotto Hnos., Calle Paysandd, 887. Soto, Hermosilla y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 830. Sociedad G. de Productos Thue, Calle Misiones, 1489. Sacarelo, Juan B., Calle Yi, 1277. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Albano D., Calle Soriano, 811 n/v. Arena, Luis A., Calle Ituzaingo, 1310. Astrac, Jacinto, Calle Reducto, 5 n/v. Auspitz y Cia., Guillermo, Calle Sarandi, 539. Berri, Francisco, Calle P6rez, Castellanos, 1555. Bonvino, Anacleto, Calle Yaguar6n, 1275. Bosio, Manuel L., Calle Agraciada, 544 n/v. Campelo Mateo, Calle Col6n, 1512. 394 TRADE DIRECTOEY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Caualelli, Lsidoro, Calle Reconquista, 621. Crisci, Pedro, Calle Colonia, 350 n/v. Faig, F. D., Calle 25 de Mayo, 500. lgloi?ias, Constante, Calle Soriano, 938. I'ndico, Felix, Calle 18 de Julio, 1343. Lopez, Baldomero, R., Calle Zabala, 1546. L6pez, Ramon, Calle Piedras, 256. Meceiras, Luis, Calle Colon, 1641. Maggie, Jose, Calle 18 de Julio, 807 n/v. Maibos, Julio, Calle 18 de Julio, 884. Martinez, Jos6, Calle 25 de Mayo, 435. Montedonico, Luis, Calle Sarandi, 648. Moralles, Marcos, Calle Buenos Aires, 730 Dneto, Miguel O., Calle Agraciada 320 n/v. Ra-\'era, Vincente, Calle 18 de Julio, 120 (Union). Sacarelo, Juan B., Calle Yi, 1227. Soposito, N., Calle Piedras, 222. Sucesion de Laureiro de Carvalho, 18 de Julio, 895. Torre, Alfredo, Calle Andes, 1388. Trabazo, Benito, Calle San Jose, 930. Triay, Bartolome, Calle Isidore de Maria, 66 n/v. Zibechi, Fernando, Calle Marcelino Sosa, 138 n/v. See also Groceries and provisions. Toilet articles. Benincasa, Miguel y Antonio, Calle Baca- cay, 30 n/v. Bracciale, Angel, Juan Carlos Gomez, 1549. Casaletto, Rafael, Calle 18 de Julio, 633a n/v. Cetrulo, Lorenzo, Calle Florida, 1223. Cell, Isabel A., de, Calle 25 de Mayo, 731. Chiasullo, Jose, Calle Bartolome Mitre, 1465. Darder, Ventura, Calle 18 de Julio, 921. ' De Cristofalo, Francisco, Calle Uruguay, 575 n/v. De Mayo, Antonio, Calle Misiones, 1628. Di Belio Saverio, Calle 25 de Mayo, 422. Diccianni y Bocbetti, Calle Misiones, 1468. Fabrioni, Rossi Fabio, Calle Sarandi, 356. Ferlini, Marcos, Calle 18 de Julio, 1096. Fernandez, Benito, Calle 18 de Julio, 870. Ferrara, Antonio, Calle Uruguay, 523 n/v. Godoy, Toribio, C, Calle 25 de Mayo, 691. Juliani e Hijos Victor, Calle 25 de Mayo, 434. Lauria, Vicente, Calle 18 de Julio, 640 n/v. Manfredi, Ambrosio, Plaza Independen- cia, (sur) 1332. Mautone y Caravetti, Calle 25 de Mayo, 635. Mazzara, Jose, Calle Sarandi, 507. Olivari, Alberto, Calle 25 de Mayo, 448. Pastore, Mateo, Calle Sarandi, 427. Perrotti, Antonio, Calle Ciudadela, 1205. Ribeiro, Jose, Calle Ituzaingo, 1340. Roma, Nicolas, Calle 25 de Mayo, 450. Saavedra, Santiago, Calle 25 de Mayo, 175. Saravia, Luciano, Calle 18 de Julio, 401a (Union). Sarli, Nicolas, Calle 25 de Mayo, 471. Stabile, Benjamin G., Calle 25 de Mayo, 465. PERFUMERY. Beisso y Ci'a., Calle 18 de Julio, 1051. Caff era y Escalante, Calle Misiones, 1376. Feller y Cia., Otto, Calle Uruguay, 891. Giz Gomez y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 1042. Gonzalez, Matias, Calle Andes, 1381. Grolero, Juan P., Calle Sarandi, 316. Leborgne et Fils, Calle 25 de Mayo, 486. Roch, Capdeville y Cia., Calle Cerrito, 518. Sala y Cia., Roman, Calle Marcelino Sosa, 159 n/v. See also Drugs and druggist's supplies. Tools. See Hardware; Jewelry; Plumber's sup- plies; Machinery; Cutlery; Agricultural implements. Toys and games. Beretta, Fratelli y Gaggini, Calle Uru- guay, 1053. Coates y Cia., Calle Rincon, 469. Corradi, Alejandro, Calle 18 de Julio, 1013. Dasso y Dulcino, Calle Rincon, 544. Font y Cia., Staricco, Calle Sarandi es- quina J. C. Gomez. Giz y Cia., Gomez, Calle Uruguay, 1046. Irisityl, B., Calle San Jose, 892. Malendres y Hno., Calle 18 de Julio, 933. Mendiondo y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 701. Pitameglio, A., Calle 18 de Julio, 500 n/v. Quadri, Juan, Calle 18 de Julio, 927. Staricco Hnos., Calle 18 de Julio, 874. Thomasset, Anatol M., Calle La Paz, 1622. Zabaleta, Lorenzo, Calle Rincon, 721. Trunks and traveler's sxipplies.f Angeleri, Bautista, Calle Reducto, 165 n/v. Ballavio, Antonio, Calle Agraciada, 28 n/v. Barlocco y Hnos., Alfredo, Calle Ri- vera, 228 n/v. Cadenazzi y Desteffanis, Calle Agraciada, 1015. Cancela, Gregorio, Calle Soriano, 1300. Castro, Pedro, Calle Rio Negro, 509. Cataldi (hijo) Jose, Calle J. C. G6mez, 1517. De Campo, Juan, Calle Gral. Flores, 148a n/v. Gatti, Juan L., Calle Rondeau, 1532. Gherisoli, Jose, Calle Agraciada, 542 n/v. Gomez, Blanco Jose, Calle Justicia, 68a n/v. Gomez, Juan A., Calle Rincon, 740. Gonzalez y Cia., Antonio, Calle Pay- sandii, 312. Maglione y Cia., Calle Colonia, 412 n/v. Maidana y Suarez, Calle Colonia, 368 n/v. ^laqueira, Jose, Calle Agraciada, 365 n/v. Martinez, Ramon, Calle Agraciada, 06 n/v. Muttoni Hnos., Calle Uruguay, 820. Ottasso, Juan, Calle 25 de Mayo, 713. Paxos y Hnos, Antonio, Calle Paysandii, 906. Key, Antonio, Calle Paysandii esquina Arapey. Roca, Jesus, Calle Sierra, 154a n/v. Rodriguez, Jose, Calle Soriano, 1048. Sdnchez, Santiago, Calle Reconquista, 539. Sivori, Victor, Calle 18 de Julio, 715 n/v. Torrano, Bias, Calle Soriano, 818. Valido, Jose, Calle Ciudadela, 1447. Varela, Constantino, Calle Agraciada, 404 n/v. Viuda de Carracedo, Calle Reducto, 208a n/v. Viuda de Luis Tassistro, Calle Uruguay, 883. Viuda de Manuel Vazquez, Calle Piedad, 18a n/v. Typewriters and supplies. Ayre, H. C, Calle Solis, 1437. Bertolotti, Ambrosio, Calle Uruguay, 782. Brandes y Cia., Calle Zabala, 1409. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 420. Coates, Oswald, Calle Treinta y Tres, 1416. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Dallazoppa y Morize, Calle Sarandi, 614. Font, Juan J., Calle Treinta y Tres, 1381. Idoyaga y Cia., Calle Zabala, 1527. Kropp y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1438. Soufy y Cia., Calle Rincon esquina Itu- zaingo. Shaw, Juan, Calle Rinc6n, 414. Swinden, Enrique B., Calle 25 de Mayo, 577. Varsi, Martini, Calle 25 de Mayo, 564. Zubieta y Roman, Calle 18 de Julio, 1267. Umbrellas and canes. Brusoni y Albistur, Calle 18 de Julio, 206 n/v. Brusoni y Lascano, Calle 18 de Julio, 853. Iriart, Juan, Calle 25 de Mayo esquina Ituzaing6. Mas6 y Cia., Cdndido, Calle 18 de Julio, 133. Rabaioli, Teresa, Calle Bartolome Mitre, 175 n/v. Tedeschi y Cia., Calle 18 de Julio, 1233. Valentin, Cesar, Calle Bartolom^ Mitre, 1329. See also Clothing; General merchan- dise. URUGUAY : MONTEVIDEO. Undertaker's goods. 395 Buceta, Manuel, Avenida do la Paz, 1371. Ballagamba y Soldevila, Calle Durazno, 347 n/v. Compaiiia Nacional de Pompas Funebres. Donnelly y Cia., Calle Colonia, 1051. Gonzalez, Francisco, Avenida General Flores, 143 n/v. Hiazburu Juan, Calle Grecia, 153a (Cerro). Lepra, Pedro, Calle 18 de Julio, 158 (Union). Liesack, Augusto, Calle 18 de Julio, 155 (Union). Porta y Gardella, Calle 18 de Julio, 673 n/v. Rizzi, Miguel, Calle San Jos^, 1021. Rose, Evaristo, Calle Washington, 160. Rodriguez y Cia., Manuel, Calle 18 de Julio, 513 n/v. Rossi y Cia., Jos6, Calle Andes, 1412. Saccone, Domingo, Calle Paysandii, 1121. Urta y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1475. Vacuum cleaners and carpet sweepers. Barth y Cia., Eugenio, Calle Uruguay, 851. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 420. Coates y Cia., Calle Sarandi, 469. Miles y Cia., Calle Uruguay, 839. Swinden, Enrique B., Calle«25 de Mayo, 677. Vegetables. See Groceries and provisions. Wall paper. Granato, N. G., Calle Pereyra, 48 (Poci- tos). La Platense, Plaza Independencia. Ponce de Leon y Pade, Avenida de la Paz, 1065. Ventura, F., Calle 25 de Maj^o, 651. Viuda 6 Hijos de J. J. Schmidt, Calle 18 de Julio, 880. Washing machines and clothes wrhigers. Carlisle, Crocker y Cia., Calle Rinc6n, 420. ^iaiie y Cia., Calle Agraciada, 123 n/v. Rabe, Walder, y Cia., Calle Misiones, 1373. Towers, Ellis, y Cia., Calle 25 de Agosto, 330. Water, aerated and mineral. Pinera, Jos^, Calle Cerro Largo, 952. Compafiia Salus, Calle Cerro Largo, 484 n/v. Wheelbarrows. See Hardware; Machinery. 396 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. WlndiuUls. See Machinery ; Agricultural implements and machinery. Woolen goods. Andujar, Beiro y Cia., Calle La Paz, 1499. Barbagelata y Cia., Calle Arenal Grande, 27 n/v.t Barbosa, Caravia, Calle E.inc6n y Treinta y Tres.f Cauipomar y Cia., Salvo, Calle Uruguay, 971. t Conde, Jose Garcia, Calle Orillas del Plata, 1051. t G6mez, Geronimo, Calle Cerro Largo, 1057. Garcia, Conde Jose, Calle Orillas del Plata, 1051. La Algodonera Uruguaya, Sud America y La Teja, Capurro.f Minelli, Gonzalez, Calle Rincon, 5G3.t Penino y Hnos., Rodolfo, Calle Agra- ciada, 71a n/v. Soto, Antonio, Calle Orillas del Plata, 1015. Suarez y Gomez, J. L., Calle Terra, 26 n/v. See also Clothing. VENEZUELA. Venezuela has an area of about 450,000 square miles and a population of about 2,soo,000. The country is divided into three distinct zones— agricultural, pastoral, and forest. Sugar cane^ cocoa, coffee, and cereals are the principal products of the first zone; pasturage for cattle and sheep principally occupies the second zone; while the forests yield rubber, tonca beans, and tropical woods. Deposits of gold, silver, iron, copper, tin, coal, etc., are found in the Republic. Some of the copper, iron, and gold mines showed increased activity during 1912. The imports into the country for 1912 were valued at over $20,000,000, compared with 118,000,000 for the preceding year. Imports of American goods increased in value from $5,200,000 to $6,800,000 for 1912. The principal articles were flour, cotton goods, lard, machinery, drugs and medicines, arms and ammunition, kerosene oil, butter, electrical apparatus and accessories, barbed wire, automobiles, canned meats, biscuits, and cement. Of the total exports valued at $25,260,000, the American purchases amounted to nearly $12,000,000, of which $8,550,000 represented coffee. Other important items were hides and skins, cocoa, rubber, and tonca beans. BARCELONA. Barcelona, situated in the northern part of the State of Bermudez, is an important commercial center. The principal agricultural products of the district are sugar, coffee, cacao, rice, cotton, and tobacco. There are coal and salt mines in the vicinity. Population about 14,000. There is an American consular agency at this place. Arms and ammunition. See Hardware. Banks and bankers. Agency Banco de Venezuela (head office at Caracas). Candles.t C. Alcala y Baiz. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Padron, Ismael. Rodriguez Armas, Juan. Dry goods. Hadad, Elias.* Baduy, Juan.* Sucre, Simon. Marrcro, N.* C. Alcala y Baiz.* Groceries and provisions. Campos, Manuel C* Chafardet, Manuel.* Marrero, N.* C. Alcala y Baiz.* Baduy, Juan. Sucre, Simon. Hardware.* Hadad, Elias. Chafardet, Manuel. C. Alcald y Baiz. Mining companies. Minas de Carbon do Naricual. Paints and varnisiies. See Hardware. Paper.* C. Alcala y Baiz. Railways. Ferrocarril de Guanta a Naricual. Soap.t C. Alcala y Baiz. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. Campos, Manuel C* Chafardet, Manuel.* C. Alcala y Baiz.* Marrcro, N.* Prieto, Juan.f Prieto, Rafael. t Tanners. C. Alcald y Baiz. Water, aerated and mincral.t C. Alcala y Baiz. Rafetti, J. M. 397 398 TRADE DIEECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. BARQUISIMETO. Barquisimeto, capital of the State of I/ara, is situated on the northern bank of the Barquisimeto River, about 165 miles southwest of Caracas. The city is an important distributing point for the States of Falcon, Carabobo, ami Zamora. Population, about 20,000. In the Puerto Cabello consular district. Agents, brokers. Calderon e Hijos. Arms and ammiuvitlon. See Hardware. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. See Hardware. Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Bolanos, Francisco A. Camacho, Felix T. China and earthen ware. Calderon e Hijos. Garcia Hnos. & Co. Gotz & Co. Otto Redler Sucesor & Co. J. T. Santana & Co. Clocks and watches. See Hardware. Commission merchants. Henrique Dunlop & Co. Garcia Hnos. & Co. Gimenez, Rafael. Grease and other soap stock. Calder6n e Hijos. Groceries and provisions. • Calderon e Hijos. Garcia Hnos. & Co. Montilla, Jos^ Maria. Octavio, R. J. T. Santana & Co. Hardware. Gotz & Compailia. Otto Redler Sucesor & Co. Jewelry. See Cotton goods. Lamps and lamp ware. See Hardware. Leather, hides, and skins. Calderon e Hijos. Edo. Lindheimer & Co. Optical goods. Bolanos, Francisco A. Paints and varnishes. Bolaiios, Francisco A. Calderon e Hijos. Cordage, rope, and twine. See Hardware; Groceries and provisions. Camacho, Felix T Garcia Hnos. & Co. Cotton goods. Blohm & Co. Edo. Lindheimer & Go. J. T. Santana & Co. Cutlery and edge tools. See Hardware. Dentist's Instrinnents and supplies. Bolanos, Francisco A. See also Hardware. Drugs and druggist's supplies. See Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Furniture and fittings. See Hardware. Glassware. See Hardware. Gotz & Co. Otto Redler Sucesor & Co. J. T. Santana & Co. Paper and paper goods. See Paints and varnishes. Photographic supplies. Bolanos, Francisco A. Telephone apparatus and equipment. Otto Redler Sucesor & Co. Toilet articles. See Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Wall paper. See Hardware. Water, aerated and mineral. Garcia Hnos. & Co. VENEZUELA: CIUDAD BOLIVAK. 399 are BOCONO. Bocono is situated in the southeastern part of the State of Trujillo. The principal products of the district e coffee, sugar cane, wheat, and fraits. Population about 14,000. In the Maracaibo consular district. Cotton goods. Ulises, Pardi J. Pino, Ramon. General niercbandlse. Berti Hnos. Castillo, Lisimaco. de Luca, Pascual. MUiani Hnos. Nadal Hnos. Villasmil, Juan N. Groceries and provisions. Briceno & Briceno. CIUDAD BOLIVAR. Ciudad Bolivar is the capital of the State of Bolivar, and is an important trade center. It is situated on the southern bank of the Orinoco River, about 370 miles above its mouth. The manufacture of cigars is an important industry. Population about 14,000. There is an American consular agency at this place. Agents. FORWARDING. Acquatella, J. MANUFACTURERS.'' Recao & Rivero. Seijas & Madriz . Arms and ammunition.* Casalta, V. Dal ton & Co., Sues. Liccioni, P. Palazzi Hnos. Pietrantoni & Cia. Recao & Rivero. Candle s.t B.Tomasi&Co. Pietrantoni & Guevara. Cash, registers and calculating machines.* Dalton & Co., Sues. Clocks and watches.* Boulissiere, Ed. Von Buren, Enrique. Commission merchants.* Acquatella, Jose. Belloso & Roncayolo. Confectioner's products.* Banks and bankers. B. Tomasi & Cia. Agencia del Banco de Venezuela (head Cardier & C''a. office, Caracas). Dalton & Co., Sues. Dentist's instruments and supplies.'*' Belting.* La Electricidad de Ciudad Bolivar. Pietrantoni & Guevara. Silva Carranza, V. M. Billiard tables.* Club del Comercio. Club Centre de Amigos. Pacheco, Santiago. Boats and accessories.* Diaz y Diaz, Dr. J. F. Pineda, Dr. Sucre Contasti, Ramon. Drugs and druggist's supplies.* Glab, Alfredo. Lange & Cia. Oclioa, Paehseo & Cia., Sues. Valentiner Behrens & Cia. (head office at Caracas) . Electrical apparatus and supplies.* Cia. Anoninia de Navegacion Fluvial y Electricidad de Ciudad Bolivar. Costanera de Venezuela (head office, Caracas) . Boots and shoes.f J. Boccardo y Cia. (branch of Caracas house). Liccioni, Pedro. Marin, Delfin. Brewcrles.f Pietrantoni & Guevara. Furniture and fittings. Blohm & Co. (head offices, Hamburg and Caracas).* Dalton & Co., Sues.* BAR-ROOM FITTINGS.* B. Tomasi & Cia. Cardier & Cia. Pietrantoni & Guevara. 400 TEADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. CHURCH FURNITURE.* Carranza Sotillo, Juan. Ill'mo. & Rev'd'o. Obispo de Guayana. OFFICE FURNITURE. Dalton & Co., Sues. General merchandise. Blohm & Co. J. Boccardo & Cia. Casalta, V. Dalton & Co., Sues. Palazzi Hnos. Hardware.* Blohm & Co. Casalta, V. Dalton & Co., Sues. Harness and saddlery .f J. Boccardo & Cia. Liccioni, P. Jewelry.* Boulissiere, Ed. Von Biiren, Enrique. Yabrude, Salomon. Leather goods. J. Boccardo & Cia.f Liccioni, P.f Marin, Dolfin.* Machinery. BOTTLING.* Cardier & Cia. Unbano Taylor, C. Pietrantoni & Guevara. B. Tomasi& Cia. ICE MAKING. Pietrantoni & Guevara. B. Tomasi & Cia. SHOE.* J. Boccardo & Cia. Liccioni, P. Marin, Delfin. SAWMILL. Call, Carlos. Mining companies.* The New Callao Gold Mining Co. (Ltd, Motor cars and accessories.* Blohm & Co. Dalton & Co., Sues. Navarro, Tomas A. Pietrantoni & Cia. Novelties.* J. Afanador & Cia. Liccioni, P. Optical goods.* Boulissiere, Ed. Yabrude, Salomon. Paving materials.* lUustre Concejo Municipal. Phonographs, graphophones, etc., and records.* Recao & Rivero. Seijas & Madriz. Photographic supplies and art materials.* Aristoguieta, Miguel Angel. Liccioni, P. Power and light companies.* Electricidad de Ciudad Bolivar. Printer's and bookbinder's machinery. Jimeno Castro, Benito. Liccioni, P. Suegart Hnos. Roofing materials.* Recao & Rivero. Seijas & Madriz. Safes and vaults.* Dalton & Co., Sues. Scales, balances, and weighing machines.* Blohm & Co. Dalton & Co., Sues. Casalta, V. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors.* B. Tomasi & Cia. Cardier & Cia. Sporting and athletic goods.* Club del Comercio. stationery and stationer's goods.* Suegart Hnos. J. Afanador & Co. Liccioni, P. Telephone companies.* Empresa Telefonica del Oriento. Toilet articles.* Liccioni, P. ) Lauro, Antonio. Water, aerated and mineral.f B. Tomasi & Cia. Urbano Taylor, C. Cardier & Cia. Fabrica de Soda de Contreras. VENEZUELA: CORO. 401 CORO. Coro, capital of the State of Falcon, is situated on the southeastern shore of the Gulf of Coro. It is an important distributing trade center for a large section of the interior. Population about 10,000. There is an American consular agency at this place. Agents. I. A. Senior e Hijo. Arms and ammunition. See Hardware. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. See Hardware. Cliemicals, dyes, and extracts. Beaujon, Felix Ma. de Lima, Isaac A. China and earthen ware. See Hardware. Clocks and watches. See Hardware. Commission merchants. Arteaga Acosta, R. J. (address, La Vela de Coro). Delmoral, Ramon. Fonseca, A. Lopez. Iturbe, Ervigio, o • tit t Reyes, Patricio A. (address, La Vela de Senior, Morry 1. Paints and varnishes. Furniture and fittings. See Hardware. Olassivare. See Hardware. Grease and other soap stock. Senior, Morry I. Senior, S. I. Groceries and provisions. J. Boccardo & Co. Cordero, Ismael. De Lima Hnos. Hardware. De Lima Hnos. D. C. Henriquez & Co. JeweU-y. See Cotton goods. Leather, hides, and skins. J. Boccardo & Co. Lumber and timber, rough products. Coro) Cordage, rope, and twine. See Hardware; Groceries and provisions Cotton goods. De Lima Hnos. Fonceca, Lopez A. Levy, Andres. 1. A. Senior e Hijo. Dentist's instruments and supplies. Maduro V., Salomon L. See also Hardware. Drugs and druggist's suppUes. See Cliemicals, dyes, and extracts. Fruit, fresh and dried. See Groceries and provisions. 21373°— 14 26 Beaujon, Felix Ma. J. Boccardo & Co. Cordero, Ismael. De Lima Hnos. De Lima, Isaac A. D. C. Henriquez & Co. Siiirits, wines, and malt liquors. See Groceries and provisions. stationery and stationer's goods. iSee Hardware. Telephone apparatus and equipment. Salcedo, A. G. Toilet articles. See Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. 402 TEADE DIBECTOKY Oi<' SOUTH AMERICA. CUMANA. Cumana is the capital of the State of Rcrmudez, and is situated in the northern part of the State. The manufacture of stone water filters is an important industry. There is a regular steamship service with La Uuaira. Population about 12,000. In the La Guaira consxxlar district. Agents. COMMISSION. Madrid Otero, J. Cotton goods.t Telares e Hilanderias Orientales (head office at Caracas) . Drugs and druggist's supplies.* Uroza Hnos. Furniture.! Alarcon, Andres Felipe. Gomez, Jesus Maria. General merchandise.* E. Berrizbeitia y Ca. Fuentes, Manuel M. Ibarra Surga, Rudolfo. Estaba, Gregorio. Sanabria, J. y A. Salazar, J. N. Gonzalez, Carlos. Uroza Hnos. Cordero L., J. J. OUs. COCONUT OIL EXTRACTORS. Nunez, Jose Antonio. Empresa Industrial del Manzanares. COTTON SEED OIL EXTRACTOR. Empresa Industrial del Manzanares. Telephone company. Empresa de Telefonos de Rafael Perone. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Ramos, Antonio Maria. Cabrera, Juan Francisco. Ramirez M., Manuel. Aristeguieta, Jose L. Water, aerated and mineral.t Madriz Otero, Ramon y Cia. LA GUAIEA. La Guaira, the prinoiipal seaport of Venezuela, is situated in the northern part of the Federal District. It is the leading port of entry for imports into the country and fourth in the amount of exports. A great variety of imports pass through La Guaira for Caracas and the adjacent valleys, and also for redistribution among the smaller ports along the Caribbean coast. Of the total imports into the consular district in 1912, valued at $12,476,000, American goods represented $4,121,000, consisting principally of flour, lard, drugs and medicines, cotton goods, machinery, kerosene oil, electrical apparatus and supplies, butter, and auto- mobiles and accessories. There is an American consulate at this place. [Note. — The names of the American purchasing agents, branch houses, etc., are given the first time only that each firm name appears in the following list.] Agents. CUSTOMHOUSE. Eraso, F. Legorburu Hnos. y Cia. Dupuoy, Adolfo, y Cia. Schussler, Vicente K. Aranaga, E., Hijo. Montauban y Cia. Wallis, Alberto. Krogh, Ernesto. Marturet y Cia., Eduardo. Escobar, R. Hijo. FORWARDING. Eraso, F. Legorburu Hnos. y Cia. Dupuoy, Adolfo, y Cia. Franchi, Fdo. Schussler, Vicente K. Aranaga, E., Hijo. Perez F., Celedonio. Pecchio, Adrian, y Cia. Montauban y Cia. Marturet y Cia., Eduardo. Wallis, Alberto. Agricultural implements.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia., (head office at Caracas. American agent, Blisa, Dal- lett & Co., 82 Wall Street, New York). Ferret y Cia. (branch at Caracas. Ameri- can agents, G. Amsinck & Co., 6 Hano- ver Street, American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, and Schutte Bumemann & Co., 15 William Street, New York.) Dallmeier y Vera Leon (head office at Caracas). Henriquez, Rafael (imports through E. & A. Santana, Caracas). Arms and ammunition.* Dallmeier & Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Boulton H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Awnings, tents, and sails. SAILS.* Perez F., Celedonio (American agent, Iglesias, Lobo & Co., New York). VENEZUELA: LA GUAIEA. 403 Perez Diaz, Leopoldo (American agents, Iglesias, Lobo & Co., and G. Amsinck & Co., 6 Hanover Street, New York). Morazzatoi, A. M. (American agent, Igle- sias, Lobo & Co., New York). Blohm y Cia. (branch of Blohm y Cia., Caracas and Hamburg, Germany; Amer- ican agent, G. Amsinck & Co., 6 Hano- ver Street, New York). Bags and bagging. Blohm y Cia.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia.* Franchi, Fdo.* Montauban y Cia . (head office at Caracas) .* Hellmund, C., y Cia. (head office at Cara- cas; American agent, De Sola Bros. & Pardo, New York).* Pen-et y Cia.* Plaza, M. S. (American agents, Meyer & Co., 135 Front Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York).* Chirinos, M. A., y Cia. Banks and bankers. Agencia del Banco de Venezuela. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Blohm y Cia. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Montauban y Cia. Baskets.* Morazzani, A. M. Gabizon, L. M. Henriquez, Rafael. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Belting.* Schussler, Vicente K. Perret y Cia. Chirinos, M. A., y Cia. Bicycles, motor cars, and accessories. BICYCLES.* Perret y Cia. Boats and accessories. ACCESSORIES.* Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Henriquez, Piafael. Perret yCia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Bolts, nuts, and rivets. See Agricultural implements. Books.* Muskus y De Leon (American agent, Meyer & Co., 135 Front Street, New York). Boots and shoes.f Boccardo, J., y Cia. (head office at Cara- cas; American agents, G. Amsinck & Co., 6 Hanover Street, and American Trading Co., 25 Broad Street, New York). Taurel y Cia. Tarchetti, A., y Cia. Boxes and sliooks.f Matos, M. A., y Cia. Breweries.*t Cerveceria Venezolana de Maiquetia. Brushes.* Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Hemiquez, Rafael. Morazzani, A.M. Gabizon, L. M. Perret y Cia. Muskus y De Leon. Butter and cheese.* Montauban y Cia; Perret y Cia. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Candles. Boulton, H. L., y Cia.* Perez Diaz, Leopoldo.* Perez F., Celedonio.* Hellmund, C., y Cia.* Perret y Cia.f Chirinos, M. A., y Cia.f Carpets and other floor coverings.* Gabizon, L. M. Odoardo, A., y Hno. (American agent, Everett, Heany & Co., 504 Broadway, New York). Morazzani, A.M. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Cement.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Plaza, M.S. Krogh, Ernesto. La Guaira Harbor Corporation (Ltd.). Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Braun y Cia. (head office at Caracas; American agent, De Sola Bros. & Pardo, New York).* Valentiner, Behrens, y Cia. (head office at Caracas; American agent, Scholtz & Marturet, New York).* Boulton, H. L., y Cia.* Blohm y Cia.* 404 TRADE DIKECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Uzcategui, Rafael. Feindudez, Jesiis. V^lez, Felix M. China and earthen ware.* Odoai-do, A., y Hno. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Hemiquez, Rafael. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Morazzani, A. M. Clocks and watches.* Gabizon, L. M. Morazzani, A. M. Guerra, Isaias A. (American agent, Pedro Caram, 109 Washington Street, New York). Clothing. Gabizon, L. M. Muskus y De Leon. Morazzani, A. M. Odoardo, A., y Hno. Blohm y Cia. Coal, coke, and patent fuel.* La Guaira Harbor Corporation (Ltd.). Coffee, tea, and cocoa. TEA.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Perret y Cia. Montauban y Cia. COCOA AND CHOCOLATE.* Montauban y Cia. Pecchio, A., y Cia. Confectioner's products.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Montauban y Cia. Hellmund, C., y Cia. Perret y Cia. _ Pecchio, Adrian, y Cia. Cordage, rope, and twine.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. PeiTet y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Cork and cork specialties.* Valentiner, Behrens, & Co. Braun y Cia. Montauban y Cia. Perret y Cia. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Cotton goods. Blohm y Cia.* Odoardo, A., y Hno.* Gabizon, L. M.* Morazzani, A.M.* Muskus y De Leon.* Muskus, J. y R.* Guerra, Isaias A.* Buere, Jose H. Ernst, Federico. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Braun y Cia.* Valentmer, Behrens, y Cia.* Uzcategui, Rafael. Fernandez, Jesus. Velez, Felix M. Electrical apparatus. Empresa de Luz Electrica. Explosives. Government of Venezuela. Fencing and fencing materials.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Hellmund, C, Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Fish. DRIED, SMOKED, AND CURED.* Montauban y Cia,. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Hellmund, C.,y Cia. Perret y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Flour and meal.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Montauban y Cia. Perret y Cia. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Filters. See Hardware. Fireworks and firecrackers.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Hellmund, C, yCia. VENEZUELA : LA OUAIEA. 405 Fruit, fresh and dried. Boulton, H. L., y Cia* Hellmund, C.,y Cia.* Perez Diaz, Leopoldo.* Perez F., Celedonio.* Montauban y Cia.* Perret y Cia.* Guia, Alejandro. Furniture and fittings.* Boulton, H. L., y CLa. Perret y Cia. Gas and electric fixtures. Empres?a de Luz Electrica. Gas apparatus and equipment. ACETYLENE.* Perret y Cia. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. General merchandise.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Montauban y Cia. Hellmund, C., y Cia. Blohmy Cia., Odoardo A., y Hno. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Glass.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Glassware.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Morazzani, A. M. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Gabizon, L. M. See Hardware. Glue. Grain. Grease and soap stock.* Perret y Cia. Gavotti, N. Grindstones and emery wheels.* Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Hem'iquez, Rafael. Groceries and provisions.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Montauban y Cia. Hellmund, C., y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Schuesler, Vicente K. Hardware.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Harness and saddlery.f Boccardo, .L, y Cia. Hops. Montauban y Cia.* Braun y Cia.* Valentiner, Belirens, y Cia.* Uzcdtegui, Rafael. Fernandez, Jesus. Velez, Felix j\r. Hose and hose fittings.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Hotels. Hotel Neptuno. Hotel Alemania (in Macuto suburb). Household goods.* Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Iron and steeL See Hardware. Jewelry.* Schui?sler, Vicente K. Perret y Cia. Perez F., Celedonio. Morazzani, A.M. Gabiz6n, L. M. Odoardo, A., y Hno. Muskus y De Leon. Guerra, Isaias A. Knit goods. See Cotton Goods. 406 TRADE DIRF,CTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Lamps and lamp ware.* Dallnipier y Vera Leon, llenriquez, Rafael. Morazzani, A. M. Gabiz6n, L. M. Lard. See Groceries and provisions. Leather goods. Boccardo, J., y Cia.f Morazzani, A. M.* Odoardo, A., y Hno.* Muskus y De Leon.* Gabizdn*, L. M.* Linen goods. See Cotton goods. Live stock. Guia, Alejandro. Lumber and timber. PLANING-MILL PRODUCTS. f Matos, M. A., y Cia. LUMBER, ROUGH.* Matos, M. A., y Cia. La Guaira Harbor Corporation (Ltd.). Meats. See Groceries and provisions. Metals.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Pen-et y Cia. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Millinery.* Gabizon, L. M. Odoardo, A., y Hno. Morazzani, A.M. Muskus y De Leon. Muskus, J, y R. See Metals. See Metals. Nails and spikes. Naval stores. Notions.* Morazzani, A. M. Blohm y Cia. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Odoardo, A., y Hno. Pecchio, A., y Cia. Gabizon, L. M. Muskus y De Leon. Novelties.* Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Oils. See Groceries and provisions. Paints and varnishes. See Hardware; Drugs and chemicals. Paper.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Montauban y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Odoardo, A., y Hno. Paraffin and paraffin wax.* Chirinos, M. A., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Pipes and tubes.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. La Guaii-a Harbor Corporation (Ltd.). Plumbing supplies.* Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Polish and blacking. Boccardo, J., y Cia.* Valentiner, Behrens, y Cia.* Braun y'Cia.* Taurel y Cia. Power and light companies.* Empresa de Luz Electrica. Pumps.* Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Hemdquez, Rafael. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Railways. La Guaira Harbor Corporation (Ltd.). JThls corporation manages the Macuto & Coast Line Railways of Venezuela (Ltd.) at La Guaira an electricline.] Refrigerators and water coolers.* Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Perret y Cia. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. veneluela: la guaiea. 407 Roofing materials.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Hellmiind, C, y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. La Guaira Harbor Corporation (Ltd.). Rubber goods. . See Drugs and druggist's supplies. Scales, balances, and weighing macliines.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perret y Cia. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. Seed, potato.* Schussler, Vicente K. Sewing macliines and parts. Dallmeier y Vera Leon.* Henriquez, Rafael.* Singer Sewing Machine Co. Ship chandlers.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Perret y Cia. Silk goods. See Cotton goods. Soap. Boulton, n. L., y Cia. Gavotti, Nicolas. t Hellmund, C, y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Perret y Cia.f Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. Boulton,H. L.,y Cia.* Cerveceria, Venezolana de Maiquetia.f Hellmund, C.,Y Cia.* Montauban y Cia.* Perez Diaz, Leopoldo.* Perez F., Celedonio.* Perret y Cia.* Sporting and athletic goods.* Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Henriquez, Rafael. stationery and stationer's goods. Dallmeier y Vera Leon.* Henriquez, Rafael.* Odoardo, A., y Hno.* Tipografia del Comercio. Sugar, sirup, and molasses. Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Perez Diaz, Leopoldo. Perez F., Celedonio. Perret y Cia. [Note. — Importation of sirup and molasses prohibited.] Surgical instruments and appliances. See Drugs and druggist's supplies. Telegraph and telephone companies. Venezuela Telephone and Electrical Ap- pliances Co. (Ltd), (branch atCaraca.^). Compagnie Francaise des Cables Tele- graphiques (branch at Paris, FranceX Thread and yarn. See Cotton goods. Tobacco, leaf. Blohm y Cia. Franchi, Fdo. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Montauban y Cia._ Perez F., Celedonio. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies.* Montauban y Cia. Toilet articles. Braun y Cia.* Ferndndez, Jesus. Gabizon, L. M.* Morazzani, A. M.* Muskus y De Leon.* Odoardo, A., y Hno.* Uzcategui, Rafael. Valentiner, Behrens, Cia.* Tools.* Boulton, H. L., y Cia. Dallmeier y Vera Leon. Hellmund, C, y Cia. Hem-iquez, Rafael. Perret y Cia. Trunks and traveler's supplies. Gabizon, L. M. Morazzani, A. M.* Odoardo, A., y Hno.* 408 TRADE DIRECTOEY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Umbrellas and canes.* Gabizon, L. M. Morazzaiii, A. M. Mui^kus y De Leon. Odoardo, A., y Hno. Undertaker's goods.* Rodriguez, Manuel P. See also Hardware. Vegetables, tresh. Guia, Alejandro. Wall paper. Henriquez, Rafael.* Mu8kus y De Leon.* Odoardo, A., y Hno.* Tipografia del Comercio. Water, aerated and mineral. Boulton, H. L., y Cia.* Montauban y Cia.* Perret y Cia.* Uzcdtegui Hno8.t MARACAIBO. Maracaibo is the capital of the State of Zulia. It is the only port for western Venezuela and for ])art of eastern Colombia, serving a territory with a population estimated at 850,000. The commercial importance of the city is entirely due to its trade activities, there being no manufacturing of importance. The United States leads in the value of the imports into the district. Population of the city about 55,000. There is an .American consulate at this place. Agricultural implements and niacliinery. See Hardware. Arms and ammunition. See Hardware; General mercliandise. Banks and bankers. Banco de Maracaibo. Banco de Venezuela (head office at Cara- cas). Blohm & Co. (head office at Hamburg, Germany). Boulton, H. L., jr., & Co. (American agent, Bliss, Dallett & Co., 82 Wall Street, New York). Breuer, MoUer, & Co. Gomez, J. & H. D. C. (known as La Casa Azul), (head office at Curasao, Dutch West Indies). Oliva, Riboli, & Co. Stein vorth & Co. Van Dissel, Rode, & Co. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories.* F^lix Carpio & Co. (branch of E. Arvelo & Phelps, Caracas). Gomez, J. & H. D. C. (known as La Casa Azul), (head office at Curagao, Dutcli West Indies). Books. Belloso R. Hnos. Libreria Moderna. Boots and shoes. Boccardo, J., & Co. (head office at Cara- cas, Dutch West Indies). Christern, Zingg, & Co.f Fernandez, Octavio.f Boxes and box materials.! Ball & Co. Morales, Rafael. Pinedo & Co. Soto, Maximiliano. Breweries. Cerveceria de Maracaibo. Candles.f Boulton, H. L., jr., & Co. Cook, A., & Hno. Cash registers and adding and calculating machines.* Felix Carpio & Co. (branch of Arvelo & Phelps, Caracas). Cement.* Afiez, Julio A., & Co. Boulton, H. L., jr., & Co. (American agent, Bliss, Dallett & Co., 82 Wall Street, New York). Gomez, J. & H. D. C. (known as La Casa Azul (head office at Curasao, Dutch West Indies). Chamber of commerce. Cdmara de Comercio de Maracaibo. China and earthen ware. See Hardware. Clocks and watches.* Afiez, Julio A., & Co. Beckmann & Co. Boccardo, J., & Co. (branch of J. Boccardo & Co., Caracas). Cupello, Salvador. Gomez, J. & H. D. C. (known as La Casa Azul) (head office at Curagao, Dutch West Indies). Henriquez, Daniel (known as La Palma). Lovisi & Caruso. Paris & Nunez. Commission merchants. Cosimi Hnos. Ddvila & Salas. Dubuc, A. VENEZUELA : MAEACAIBO. 409 Oliva, Riboli & Co. Ortiz, Hector L. FossiF., R. L., & Co. Cordage, rope, and twine. See Hardware. Cotton goods.* Ball & Co. Beckmann & Co. Blohm & Co. (head office at Hamburg, Germany) . Boccardo, J., & Co. (head office at Ca- racas). Breuer, Moller & Co. Christern, Zingg & Co. Herrenbriick, Emil. Kehrhahn & Wolff. Leon, Numa P. Menda, J. A., & Co. Paris & Niinez. Rayhrer & Firnhaber. Stein vorth & Co. Vargas, Eduardo. Cutlery and edge tools. See Hardware. Drugs and druggist's supplies.* Belloso, M. A., & Hno. (known as La Botica Nueva). Cook, A., & Hno. (known as La Botica Inglesa). Luzardo R., Roger. Osorio B., Domingo (known as La Botica del Aguila). Van Dissel, Rode & Co. Electrical apparatus and supplies. See Hardware. Fencing and fencing material. See General merchandise; Hardware. Flour and meal. See Groceries and provisions. Furniture and fittings.* Aiiez, Julio A., & Co. Beckmann & Co. G6mez, J. & H. D. C. (known as La Casa Azul) (head office at Curasao, Dutch West Indies). Paris & Nunez. General merchandise.* Belloso, M. A., & Hno. (known as La Botica Nueva). Boccardo, J., & Co. (head office at Ca- racas). Boulton, H. L., jr., & Co. (American agent. Bliss, Dallett & Co., 82 Wall Street, New York). Cook, A., & Hno. (known as La Botica Inglesa). Gomez, J. & H. D. C. (known as La Casa Azul) (head office at Ciu-agao, Dutch West Indies). Menda, J. A., & Co. Union Agricola. (Glassware. See Furniture and fittings. Grease and other soap stock.* Boulton, H. L., jr., & Co. (American agent. Bliss, Dallett & Co., 82 Wall Street, New York). Cook, A., & Hno. (known as La Botica Inglesa). Duran, Salvador. Henriquez, Jacob N. (known as Jabon Gigante). Vargas, Eduardo (known as La Casa In- dustrial). Groceries and provisions.* Boulton, H. L., jr., & Co. (American agent. Bliss, Dallett & Co., 82 Wall Street, New York). Breuer, Moller, & Co. La Union Agricola. Luzardo R., Roger. Morales, Aniilcar. Paris, Juan E., & Co. Pineda, Joviniano. Urdaneta Ch., Erasmo. Villalobos S. F. (known as La Gran Bodega). Hardware.* Aiiez, Julio A., & Co. Beckmann & Co. Gomez, J. & H. D. C. (known as La Casa Azul), (head office at Curasao, Dutch West Indies). Kehrhahn & Wolff. La Uni6n Agricola. Ordaneta Ch. (Erasmo). Romay, Rodolfo. Harness and saddlery.* Femdndez, Octavio. Hats and caps. -Sfie Cotton goods. Hops. Hotels. See Breweries. Hotel Colon. Hotel Zuliu. Household utensils. See Hardware. 410 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Jewelry.* Cupello, Salvador. Lovisi & Caruso. See also Clocks and watches. Knit goods. See Cotton goods. Lamps and lampware. See Furniture and fittings. Lard. See Groceries and provisions. Leather goods. See Cotton goods. Millinery. See Cotton goods. Mining companies. Caribbean Coal Co. (American office, 71 Wall Street, New York). Caribbean Petroleum Co. (American office 1906 Land Title Building, Philadel- phia, Pa.). Motor cars and accessories. See Cash registers and adding and cal- ihines. Naval stores. culating machines. See Hardware. Notions. See Cotton goods. Oils. See Groceries and provisions. Optical goods.* Pinedo, Jose R. Paints and varnishes. See Hardware. Paper and paper goods.* Van Dissel Rode & Co. See also General merchandise; Gro- ceries and pro\dsions; Periodicals. Periodicals. A\Tsador, El. Ecos del Zulia, Los. Estrella de la Maiiana, La. Fonografo, El. Gutenberg. Obrero, El. Plionographs, graphophones, etc., and records. See Cash registers, etc. Photographic supplies and art materials.* Beckmann & Co. Felix Carpio & Co. (branch of E. Arvelo & Phelps, Caracas). Puchi, Dr. Manuel A. (known as El Pincel Rojo). Plantations. COCOA. Medina, Gen. Albino J. (owner of Haci- enda Bolivar, post office address, Santa Barbara, Estado Zulia, via Maracaibo). Rincon, Onesimo, & Co. (owners of Haci- endas Cabimitas, El Chao, Valder- ramas, etc., post office address, Encon- trados, Estado Zulia, \-ia Maracaibo). COFFEE. Bramon Estates Co. (post office address, Bramon, Estado Tachira, via Mara- caibo). La Hacienda Argentina (post office ad- dress, Rubio, Estado Tachira, via Maracaibo). La Hacienda Bolivia (post office address, Rubio, Estado Tachira, via Maracaibo). La Hacienda La Granja (post office ad- dress, Rubio, Estado Tacliii-a, xia. Maracaibo) . La Hacienda Mii-aflores (post office ad- dress, Rubio, Estado Tachira, via Maracaibo). SUGAR. El Central Azucarero. La Union Agricola. Power and light companies. Maracaibo Electric Light Co. Railways. El Gran Ferrocarril de La Ceiba (R. Bel- loso, manager). El Gran Ferrocarril del Tachira (Enrique Paris, manager). Ferrocarril de Santa Barbara d El Vigia (supplies bought by El Ministro de Obras Publicas, Caracas). El Tranvia de Bella Vista (Dr. A. Mi- randa, manager). Los Tranvias de Maracaibo (Lucio Tro- conis, manager). Sewing machines and parts.* Beckmann & Co. Felix Carpio & Co. (branch of E. Arvelo & Phelps, Caracas). Gomez, J. & H. D. C. (known as La Casa Azul) (head office at Curacao, Dutch West Indies). VENEZUELA : PUERTO CABELLO. 411 SUk goods. See Cotton goods. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors.f Telegraph and telephone companies. Telefonos de Maracaibo (managed by Lucas E. Rincon, Sues.). Aranguren & Mijares (distillery known as Telegraph and telephone apparatus and Las Pilas). _ " Boscan & Matos (distillery known as Los Agricultoros) . Leseur, Eduardo (distillery known as La Casa Verde). See also Groceries and provisions; Breweries. Sporting and athletic goods. See Cash registers and adding and cal- culating machines. Staves. See Spirits, \vines, and malt liquors. Tanners. Christern, Zingg & Co. equipment. See Hardware. Typewriters and supplies.* Felix Carpio & Co. (branch of E. Arvelo & Phelps, Caracas). Gomez, J. & H. D. C. (known as La Casa Azul) (head office at Curasao, Dutch West Indies.) Hem-iquez, Daniel (known as La Palma). La Imprcnta Americana. La Imprenta Moderna. Woolen goods. See Cotton goods. MERIDA. Merida, capital of the State of the same name, is a town situated in the eastern part of the State. The principal industries are carpet making and cotton and woolen mills. Population about 7,000. In the M ■" laracaibo consular district. Cotton goods. Carnevali, Tulio. Picon, Pio Xono. Ulises Pardi, Hijo. General merchandise. Lamus, Gabriel. Lamus, Ramon. Molina & Co. Parra Picon & Dini. PUERTO CABELLO. Puerto Cabello is situated in the northern part of the State of Carabobo. The harbor is one of the safest in the world. Some of the principal industries of the district are corn-grinding mills; shoe, candle, and soap factories; cotton mills, copper mines, etc. Of the total importsinto the consular district annually, amountmg to about $3,500,000, American goods represent about .$1,000,000. There is an American consulate at this place. Agents, brokers. Baasch & Romer Sues. Blohm & Co. Boulton & Co. Kolster, R. & 0. Arms and ammunition. See Hardware. Banks and bankers. Rivas, Fensohn, & Co. (agents for ''El Banco de Venezuela, " at Caraca."^). Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. See Hardware. Chemicals, dyes, and e.\tracts. Agreda, Manuel. Cerr6 & Bustillos. Carlos, Meyer & Co. Romero Diaz, Rafael, Valentiner, Behrens, & Co. China and earthen ware. Boulton & Co.. Kolster, R. & O. Mestern & Co. Otto Redler Sucesor & Co. Clocks and watches. See Hardware. Commission merchants. Eduardo, Berrizbeitia & Co. Capriles & Torres Guerra. Ramirez Tii'ado, Pedro. Rivas, Fensohn, & Co. Cordage, rope, and twine. See Hardware; Groceries and provisions. Cork and cork specialties. Boulton & Co. Kolster, R. & 0. Valentiner, Behrens, & Co. 412 TRADE DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Cotton goods. Baasch & Romer Sues. Blohra & Co. Gonzales & Co., Luis. Gonzales Garcia, Jos6. Hedderich & Co., Jorge. Lecuna Bejarano, Crist6bal. Sabatino, Alfonso. Taurel & Co. Cutlery and edge tools. See Hardware. Dentist's instruments and supplies. Valentiner, Behrens, & Co. See also Hardware. Drugs and druggist's supplies. See Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Electrical apparatus and supplies. La Comi)ania Anonima de Luz & Fuerza El^ctricas. Furniture and fittings. See Hardware. Glassware. See Hardware. Grease and other soap stock. Frey & Compania. Groceries and provisions. Boulton & Co. Kolster, R. & O. Moratinos <& Co. Rodriguez, Carlos. Pantoja, Macario. Hardware. Mestern & Co. Otto Redler Sucesor & Co. Houseliold utensUs. See Hardware. Jewelry. See Cotton goods. Leather, hides, and skins. Jorge Hedderich & Co. Taurel & Co. Sabatino, Alfonso. Lumber and timber, rough products. Vallenilla L., Vicente. Machinery. See Hardware. Meats, cured and piclUed. See Groceries and provisions. Notions. See Cotton goods. Optical goods. Valentiner, Behrens, & Co. Paints and varnishes. Boulton & Co. Kolster, R. & O. Mestern & Co. Moratinos & Co. Otto Redler Sucesor & Co. Rodriguez, Carlos. Valentiner, Behrens, & Co. Photograpliic supplies. Valentiner, Behrens & Co. Power and liglit companies. La Compaiifa Anonima de Luz & Fuerza Electricas. El Dique & Astillero Nacional. Pumps. El Dique & Astillero Nacional. See also Hardware. Soap and washing powder. See Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. See Groceries and provisions. Stationery and stationer's goods. See Hardware. Telephone apparatus and equipment. Otto Redler Sucesor & Co. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Kolster, R. & O. Toilet articles. See Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Wall paper. See Hardware. Water, aerated and mineral. Bernotti & Co. Rivas, jr., Jorge. Jelambi, Mauro I. VENEZUELA*. TRUJILLO. 413 RUBIO. Rubio is a town in the northwest portion of Venezuela, near the border of Colombia. It is in the Mara- caibo consular district. Drugs and druggist's supplies. A. P^rez & Hijos. General merchandise. Gonzalez & Co. Sanchez, Teofilo. Sanson, Rafael. Van Disgel, Rode & Co. (head office at Maracaibo). Groceries and provisions. Contreras, Victor M. Plantations, coffee. Bramon Estates Co. (post office address, Bramon, via Rubio, Estado Tachira, Venezuela). La Hacienda Argentina. La Hacienda Bolivia (Diego Febres Cor- dero & Hijos, owners). La Hacienda La Granja. La Hacienda Miraflores. SAN CRISTOBAL. San Cristobal is the capital of the State of Tachira and is situated on the Torbes River. It is an agricul- tural district, the principal products being coffee, cacao, tobacco, sugar cane, wheat, and vegetables. Popu- lation about 7,000. In the Maracaibo consular district. Cotton goods. Noack, Adolf 0. Riboli & Co. (head office at Maracaibo). Semidei & Buenahora. Stein vorth & Co. (branch of Breuer, Moller (& Co., Maracaibo). Drugs and druggist's supplies. Oquendo, Dr. Lucio. General merchandise. Breuer, Moller & Co. (head office at Mara- caibo). Enrique Torres & Co. Groceries and provisions. Suarez, Juan C. TOVAJB. Tovar is situated in the western part of the State of Merida. Population about 3,000. In the Maracaibo consular district. General merchandise. Elias Barguera & Co. Chitraro Hnos. Garcia, Lucas E. Secundino Guerrero & Co. TEUJILLO. Trujillo is the capital of the State of the same name, and is situated in the central part of the State. It is an agricultural district, the principal products being cacao, coSee, sugar cane, corn, tobacco, fruits, and cinchona. Population about 4,000. In the Maricaibo consular district. Cotton goods. Carrillo Guerra, Juan J. D. de Dasas & Mendoza. Rodriguez, Diego J, General merchandise. Barreto, lemael. Mitrquez, Armando Jos^. Groceries and provisions. Briceno & Ponce. 414 TRADE DIEECTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. VALENCIA. Valencia, capital of the State of Carabodo. is an important commercial city. The principal industries .re cotton and saw mills, and foundries. Agriculture is largely carried on in the surrounding country. CofTeo, cacao, sugar, and lootlier are the principal articles of export. Puerto Cabello consular district. I'opulation about 40,000. In the Ageuts, brokers. Blohm & Co. Boulton & Co. Arms and ammunition. See Hardware. Barber's supplies. See Hardware. Bicycles, motor cycles, and accessories. See Hardware. Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Blaubacli & Co., Alejandro. Eman, Juan. Figiieredo, Dr. Nicolas. Hands, Manuel Vicente. Lopez, Dr. Temistocles. Romero y Croes, Hnos. Romero, Francisco I. Rutman & Co. Touzzo & Manrique. Cliina and eartlienware. Berrizbeitia & Co. Boulton & Co. Me?tern & Co. Tarbes & Co. Clocks and watches. See Hardware. Commission merchants. Berrizbeitia & Co. Ortego Martinez, Eduardo. Paz, Matias. Soriano & Co. Villarino, Manuel. Cordage, rope, and twine. See Hardware; Groceries and prp visions. Cotton goods. Abadie, Marcelino. Blohm & Co. Calafat & Co. Cisneros, Luis Ma. Degwitz & Co. Gornez, Zoghbi & Co. Kumerow & Co. Marvez, Pacifico & Leopoldo. Paz Paez, Carlos. Touzzo, M., & Co. Villarino, Manuel. Zoghbi & Co. Cutlery and edge tools. See Hardware. Dentist's histruments and supplies. Blaubach & Co., Alejandro. Eman, Juan. See also Hardware. Drugs and druggist's supplies. See Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Electrical apparatus and supplies. La Compaiiia Anonima de Electricidad. Fencing and fencing material. See Hardware. Furniture and fittings. See Hardware. Glassware. See Hardware. Grease and other soap stock. Aeun & Compania. Frey & Compania. Revenga, Miguel. Groceries and provisions. Berrizbeitia & Co. Betancourt & Vogeler. Betancourt Seidel Hnos. Boulton & Co. Dorta, Felix & Co. Escobar & Fernandez. Raidi Assed y Kalife, Miguel. Ramirez, Domingo D. Reyes Sucrs., Lucia de. Hardware. Mestern & Co. Tarbes & Co. Household utensils. See Hardware. Jewelry. Berrizbeitia & Co. Calafat & Co. Gornez, Zoghbi, & Co. Mosser & Co. Rubes, Camilo. Lamps and lampware. See Hardware. Leather, hides, and skins. Berrizbeitia & Co. Calafat & Co. Gornez Calafat, F. Gornez, Zoghbi, & Co. VENEZUELA: VALEEA. 415 Liunber and timber, rough, products. Achie, Jorge. Frey & Compania. Machinery. See Hardware. Notions. See Cotton goods. Optical goods. Alejandro Blaubach & Co. Eman, Juan. Paints and varnishes. See Hardware; Groceries and provisions. Paper and paper goods. See Hardware. Photographic supplies and art materials. R. Gonzalez H. Power and light companies. La Compania Anonima de Electricidad . Railways. The Puerto Cabello & Valencia R. R. Co. (Ltd.). Safes and vaiilts. See Hardware. Scales, balances, and weighing machines. See Hardware. Sewing machines and parts. See Hardware. Soap and wasliiug powder. See Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Spirits, wines, and malt liquors. See Groceries and provisions. stationery and stationer's goods. Mestern & Co. Tarbes & Co. Touzzo, M., & Co. Toilet articles. See Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Wall paper. See Hardware. Water, aerated and mineral. Gonzalez, Henrique A. Orliac & Vilaplana. VALERA. Valera is a town situated in the central part of the State of Trujillo. It is in an agricultural district. Population about 3,000. In the Maracaibo consular district. Cotton goods. Bertoni, Antonio. de D'Alta, Rosa M. Gori, Jaime. Murzi, Domingo. Rifitorcelli, A. Drugs and druggist's supplies. Botica Alemana. Botica "Cruz Roja." Botica y Drogueria Jtaliana. General merchandise. Angulo, B. V. Boccheciampe, F. Boultou, H. L., jr., & Co. (post office ad- dress, Motatan, Estado Trujillo; head office at Maracaibo) . Carradini, A., e Hijo. Cifuentes, Abel P. Ordonez, Ramon. Groceries and provisions. Delgado, Rafael. INDEX. [See also classification schedule, pp. 13 to 28.] Adding and calculating machines: Page. Brazil 214 See also Cash registers and adding and calculating machines. Advertising agents: Argentma 26 Colombia 296 Uruguay 372 See also Agents, selling, etc. Agents, selling, etc.: Argentina 26 Boli^^a 75 Brazil 81,93,104,115,119,204,206,210 Chile 235,243,251,260,276 Colombia 292, 296, 305 Ecuador 310, 312, 324 Guianas 329,334 Paraguay 337 Peru 348, 353, 363, 366 Uruguay 372 Venezuela 398, 399, 401, 402, 411, 414 Agricultural implements and machinery: Argentina 25, 26, 68 Brazil . .81, 87, 91, 94, 104, 108, 115, 121, 204, 207, 210 Chile 235,251,260,276 Colombia 292,296 Ecuador 312,324 Guianas 329 Paraguay 337 Peru 349, 352, 353, 363, 364, 366 Uruguay 372 Venezuela 402,408 Amusements: Brazil 121 Chili 251 Colombia 292 Guianas 329 Uruguay 373 Apiarist's supplies: BrazU 121,210 ChUe 235,260 Uruguay 373 Architects: Argentina 27,68 Brazil 87,98,108,115,121,207,210 Chile 243, 251, 260, 276 Colombia 292 Ecuador 312,324 Peru 353, 366 Uruguay 373 See also Contractors and builders; En- gineers. Arms and ammunition: Argentina 25, 67, 68 Brazil 81, 87, 91, 98, 104, 115, 122, 207, 211, 234 Chile 235, 243, 251, 260, 276 Colombia 296, 305 Guianas 329 Paraguay 337 Peru 352,353,366 Uruguay 373 Venezuela 397, 398, 399, 401, 402, 408, 411, 414 Art materials: Argentina 57 Paraguay 311 See also Photographic supplies and art materials. Asphalt: Argentina 55 Brazil 228 Uruguay 389 See a/.io"Paving materials. 21373°— 14- -27 Automobile tires: Page. Brazil 84 See also Motor cars and accessories. Awnings, tents, and saUs: Brazil 81, 104, 115, 122, 204, 211 Chile 235, 243, 251, 260, 276 Peru. 349, 353, 363 Uruguay 373 Venezuela 402 Babbit metal: Argentina 49 See also Metals. Bags and bagging: Argentina 27 BrazU 91, 108, 115, 122, 211 Chile 235,243,251,260,277 Guianas 329 Peru 349,353,363,364,366 Uruguay 373 Venezuela 403 Bakeries: Argentina 25, 68 Bolivia 79 Guianas 329 Peru 346,353 Baker's machinery: BrazU 224 See also Bakeries; Machinery. Banks and bankers: Argentina 25, 28, 65, 67, 68 Bolivia 75, 78, 79 Brazil 81, 87,91, 93, 95, 98, 104, 108, 115, 122, 204, 207, 211 Chile 235, 243, 251, 260, 277 Colombia 292, 296, 304, 305, 307 Ecuador 310,312,324, 327 Guianas 329 Paraguay 337, 343 Peru 346, 349, 354, 364, 366 Uruguav 373 Venezuela 397, 399, 403, 408, 411 Barber's furniture: Argentina 39 See also Furniture and fittings. Baskets: BrazU 81,123,211 Chile 235,243,251,261 Paraguay 337 Uruguay 374 Venezuela 403 Bazaars: Argentina 68 Bedsteads: Argentina 39 Chile 251 Peru 347 See also Furniture and fittings. Belting: .Vrgentina 28 BrazU 81,87,105,115,123,207,211 Chile 236, 251, 261, 277 Colombia 296 Ecuador 312,324 Peru 352, 354, 366 Uruguay 374 Venezuela 399, 403 Bicycles, motor cycles, and parts: Argentina 28, 67 BrazU 81,91,105,108,115,124,212 Chile 230, 244, 251, 261, 277 Colombia 292, 305 417 418 INDEX. Bicvcles, motor cycles, and parts— Contd. Page. "Ecuador 312,324 Guianas 329, 334 Peru 354,354,300 Uruguav 374 Venezuela 398, 401 , 403, 408, 411, 414 Billiard and pool tables and supplies: Argentina 28 Brazil 115,124,212 Chile 236, 244, 252, 261, 277 Peru 354 Uruguay 374 Venezuela 399 Biscuits: Argentina 42 See also Groceries and provisions. Bleachcries: Argentina 29 Boats and accessories: Ai-gentina 29, 09 Brazil 91, 95, 105, 115, 124, 212 Chile 252,261,277 Guianas 329 Paraguay 337 Peru 354 Uruguay 374 Venezuela 399, 403 Boilers: Argentina 29 Brazil 87, 108, 125, 212 Chile 236,244,252,261,277 Peru 354 Uruguay 374 Bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets: Argentina 29 Brazil 126,207,212 Chile 236, 244, 252, 261, 277 Paraguay 338 Peru 349, 354, 366 Uruguay 374 Venezuela 403 Bookbinding machinery, etc.: Argentina 58 Colombia 303 See also Printer's and bookbinder's ma- chinery and supplies. Books: Argentina 29, 65 Bolivia 79 Brazil 87, 105, 115, 127, 204, 207, 212 Chile 236, 252, 261 , 277 Colombia 292, 296 Ecuador 312 Guianas 329, 334 Paraguay 338 Peru 346,349,354,366 Uruguav 374 Venezuela 403,408 Booksellers: Argentina 29 See also Books. Boots and shoes: Argentina 25,29,65,67,69 Bolivia 75 Brazil . 81, 87, 95, 98, 105, 108, 115, 127, 204, 207, 212 Chile 236, 244, 252, 261, 277 Colombia 292, 296, 304, 305, 307 Ecuador 312, 324, 327 Guianas 329 Paraguay 338 Peru 346, 352, 354, 363, 364, 366 Uruguay 375 Venezuela 399,403,408 Boot and shoe machinery: Argentina 48 Brazil 224 See also Machinery. Bottles: Argentina 41 Brazil 220 See also Glassware. Bottling machinery: Brazil 224 Venezuela 400 See also Machinery. Boxes, paper, etc.: Argentina 55 Brazil 213 Paraguay 338 See also Paper and paper goods. Boxes, wooden, and box material: Pago. Argentina 30 Brazil 105,115,128,213 Chile 244 Colombia 292 Peru 355 Uruguav 375 Venezuela 403, 408 Brass foundries: Argentina 25, 69 See also Castings; Foundries. Breweries and distilleries: Argentina 31, 69 Bolivia 76 Brazil 81, 86, 87, 98, 105, 115, 128, 204, 207, 213 Chile 236, 252, 261, 277 Colombia 292, 297, 304, 307 Ecuador 313,321,324 Paraguay 338 Peru 346,355 Uruguay 375 Venezuela 399,403,408 Brick, tile, and terra cotta: Argentina 31, 69 Brazil 87, 105, 108, 115, 129, 213 ChUe 252, 262, 278 Colombia 292,297,305 Paraguay 338 Peru 346,352,355 Uruguay 375 Brickmaking machinery: Brazil 224 See also Machinery. Broom factories: Peru 346 Brushes: Argentina 31 BrazU 129,207,213 Chile 236, 244, 252, 262, 278 Peru 355,366 Uruguay 376 Venezuela 403 Builders: Argentina 35 See also Contractors and builders; Archi- tects; Engineers. Builder's hardware: Argentina 43 See also Hardware. Building materials: Brazil 95,108 Peru 346 See aiso Lumber; Cement; Ironandsteel; Hardware. Butter and cheese : Brazil 81,130,213 Chile 236, 244, 252, 262, 278 Peru 349,355 Uruguay 376 Venezuela 403 Buttons: Argentina 53 See also Notions. Cables: Brazil 105 See also Cordage, rope, and twine. Calcium carbide : Argentina 33 See also Chemicals, dyes, and extracts. Camp furnitiu'e : Argentina 4t See also Furniture. Candles: Argentina 31 Bolivia 76 Brazil 81,98,131,213 Chile 236,244,252,262,278 Colombia 293,305 Guianas 329 Paraguay 338 Peru 346,349,355,363,364,366 Uru^av 376 Venezuela 397,399,403,408 Canned fruit: Argentina 42 See also Groceries and provisions. Canners and packers: Argentina 31 INDEX. 419 Canning machinery: Page. Argentina 48 See also Machinery. Carbon paper: Argentina 63 See also Stationery and stationer's goods. Carpets and other floor coverings : Argentina 25, 31 Brazil 81,91,99,105,115,131,204,207,213 Chile 236,244,252,262,278 Colombia 293 Paraguay 338 Peru 346,349,352,355,366 Uruguay 376 Venezuela 403 Carriages, wagons, and parts: Argentina 25,31,65,69 Brazil 95,105,108,115,132,207,214 Chile 236,252,262,278 Colombia 293,297 Ecuador 313 Peru 346,349,355 Uruguay 376 Cash registers and adding and calculating ma- chines: Brazil 82,105,115,132,204,214 Chile 236,244,252,262,278 Colombia 293, 305 Ecuador 313 Paraguay 338 Peru 355 Uruguay 376 Venezuela 399, 408 Castings: Argentina 25,32,69 Brazil 87,108,132,214 Chile 262,278 Colombia 293 Peru 355,366 Uruguay 376 See also Foundries. Castor oil: Brazil 228 See also Oils. Ceiling, metal: Argentina 49 See also Hardware; Iron and steel; Metals. Cement: Argentina 32 Brazil 8*^ 87 91 '94,'95VwVl()5Vl0U"ll5VlW,2b4V207,"214,'234 Chile 236, 244, 252, 263, 278 Colombia 293, 297 Ecuador 313 Guianas 329 Paraguay 338 Peni 349, 356, 363, 364, 366 Uruguay 377 Venezuela 403, 408 Cement-mLxing machinery: Brazil 224 See also Machinery. Chambers of commerce: Argentina 32 Brazil 82, Chile 253. 263. 278 Ecuador 313 Guianas 330 Paraguay 338 Peru 349.356.364.366 Uruguay 377 Venezuela 408 Chemicals, dyes, and e.xtracts: .\rgentina 33 Brazil 86,87,,204,214, Chile 236,253,263,278 Kcuador 313,324 Peru 356. 363. 364. 367 Unigiiav 377 Venezuela 398.401,403.411,414 China and earthenware: Argentina 33 . 69 Brazil.. 82,87,92.95,99.105,116,1.34,204,207,215 Chile 236. 244, 2.W, 263, 278 Colombia 293, 297, 305, 307 Guianas 3.'W Paraguay 338 China and earthenware — Continued. Page Peru 346.349,352,356.363.364,367 Uruguay 377 Venezuela 398, 401 , 404, 408. 411,414 Chocolate: Brazil §2 Colombia 298 Peru 346,357 See also Coffee, tea, and chocolate; Confection- er's products. Church furniture: Argentina 40 Venezuela 400 See also Furniture. Cigars and cigarettes: BoUvia 79 Brazil 95,104,114 Colombia 303 Venezuela 402 See also Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Clocks and watches: Argentina 25, 33, 65, 67 Bolivia 76 Brazil ... 82, 88, 99, 105, 109, 116, 135. 204, 207, 215 Chile 237,244,253,263,278 Colombia 293 . 304, 305 Ecuador 324 Guianas 330, 335 Paraguay 338 Peru 346.356,367 Uruguay 377 Venezuela 398, 399, 401. 404, 408, 411, 414 Clothing, men's and women's: A rgentina 25, 33, 66 Bohvia 75.76 Brazil 82, 88, 95, 99. 105, 109, 116. 136, 204, 215, 216, 234 Chile 237.244,253,263,279 Colombia 293, 297, 304, 305 Ecuador 313, 324 Guianas 330 Paraguay 338 Peru 349.352,356,367 Uruguay 377 Venezuela 404 Clubs: Argentina 34 Peru 347 Coal, coke, and patent fuel: Argentina 34. 66. 69 Brazil 82, 88.92,95.99.105,109,116,137,204,207,216 Chile 244,253,263,279 Colombia 293,305 Ecuador 313 Guianas 330. 335 Peru 349, 357, 367 Uruguay 378 Venezuela 404 Cocoa plantations: Guianas 330 Peru 353 Venezuela 410 See also Plantations. Coconut plantations : Ciuianas 330 ,Sfe also Plantations. Coffee plantations : (Juianas 330 Peru 353 Venezuela 410,413 See also Plantations. Coffee, tea, and cocoa: Bolivia 79 Brazil 99,116,216 Chile 237.2.53,263,279 Colombia 293.297 Guianas 330 Paraguay 339 Peru 349, 357, 367 Uruguay 378 Venezuela 404 Commercial organizations: Argentina 32 See also Chambers ofcommerce. Commission merchants: .\rgentina 69 Brazil. 82,92,94,95,99,105. 109,116,204,207,216,234 Chile 237,263,279 420 INDEX. Commission merchants— Continued. Page. Colombia 306 Ecuador 310.313,321.322,324 Guianas 330 Venezuela 398.399.401,402,408,411,414 Confectioner's products: Argentina 35. 69 Bolivia 76 Brazil 100, 10.5, 116, 138, 204, 216 Chile 237, 244, 253. 264, 279 Colombia 293, 298 Ecuador 313 Guianas 330 Paraguay 339 Peru 357,363,364,367 l^ruguav 378 Venezuela 399, 404 Contractors and builders: Argentina 33 Brazil 82, 88, 100, 116, 138, 204, 207, 216 Chile 244. 263. 264, 279 Coloml)ia 298 Ecuador 313, 324 Peru 357,367 Uruguay 378 See also Architects; Engineers. Cooperage: Argentina 36, 67 Brazil 86, 109, 116, 139, 216 Chile 237,2453 253,279 Guianas 330 Peru 349,357,367 Uruguay 379 Cooperative associations: Brazil 1 39 Chile 245,254,279 Uruguay 379 Cordage, rope, and twine: Argentina 36 Brazil 100.105,116,139,207,217 Chile 237,245,254,264,280 Colombia 295 Guianas 330, 333 Paraguay 339 Peru 349,357,363,364,367 Uruguay 379 Venezuela 398. 401, 404. 409, 411, 414 Cork and cork specialties: Argentina 36 Brazil 139,217 Chile 245, 254. 264. 280 Peru 350, 357, 367 Uruguay 379 Venezuela 404, 411 Corsets: Argentina 33 Brazil 140 See also Clothing. Cotton: A rgentina 36 Brazil 105, 204, 207, 217 Chile 2S0 Peru 344,346,353 Cotton goods: Argentina 36 Brazil 82, 86, 92, 94, 104, 105, 109, 116, 140, 196. 205, 207, 217, 234 Chile 237, 245, 254, 264, 280 Colombia 293, 298, 304, 306, 307 Ecuador 314, 324, 327 Guianas 330 Paraguay 339 Peru 350,357,363,364,367 Uruguay 379 Venezuela 398, 399, 401, 402, 404, 409, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415 Cotton mills: Argentina 37 BrazU 82, 94, 104, 109, 196 Colombia 306, 307 Venezuela 402 See also Cotton goods; Textile mills. Cotton plantations: Argentina 36 Peru 344, 346, 353 See also Cotton. C-otton presses: Brazil 109 Cottonseed oil: Page. Argentina 53 BrazU 95,104,112,228 Peru 360 Venezuela 402 See also Oils. Crockery: A rgen t ina 33 See also China and earthenware. Customhouse agents: Bolivia 75 Brazil 81. 93, 120, 206, 210 Chile 243, 251,260, 276 Colombia 292 Ecuador 312, 324 Paraguay 337 Peru 348,363,366 Uruguay 372 Venezuela 402 See also Agents, selling, etc. Cutlery and edge tools: Argentina 25, 69 Brazil 88,142,208,217 Chile 237, 245, 254, 264, 280 Colombia 293, 304 Paraguay 339 Peru 357,363,364,367 Uruguay 379 Venezuela 398,409,412,414 Dairymen's supplies: Argentina 37 Brazil 106,116,143,217 Chile 237,254,264,280 Colombia 298 Ecuador 314 Peru 357,367 Uruguay 379 Dentists: BoUvia 76 Brazil 100,109 Ecuador 314,324 Peru 346,352 See also Dentist's instruments and sup- plies. Dentist's instruments and supplies: Argentina 37 Brazil 82,86,106,116 143,205,217,222 ChUe 237, 245, 254, 264 Colombia 298 Guianas 330 Peru 357 Uruguay 379 Venezuela 398, 399, 401, 412, 414 See also Dentists. Department stores: Argentina 25, 37, 66, 67, 69 Brazil 82, 86, 143, 208, 217, 234 Chile 237, 254, 264, 280 Ecuador 314 G uianas 330 Paraguay 339 Uruguay 379 Drugs and druggist's supplies: Argentina 25, 37, 66, 67, 70 Bolivia 76,79,80 Brazil 82 , 86, 88, 94, 95, 100, 104, 110, 116, 144, 205, 208, 217 Chile 237, 245, 254, 264, 281 Colombia 293. 299, 304, 306, 308 Ecuador 310, 311, 314, 321, 324, 327 Guianas 330,335 Paraguay 339, 343 Peru 346,350,352,358,367 Uruguay 379 Venezuela 397, 398, 399, 401, 402, 404, 409, 412, 413, 414, 415 Dry goods: Argentina 70 Bolivia 78, 79 Brazil 94, 96, 100, 104, 110 Colombia 299 Peru 346 Venezuela 397 Dynamos and motors: Brazil 112 See also Machinery. INDEX. 421 Electrical apparatus and supplies: Page. Argentina 25, 37, 66, 67, 70 Bolivia 76, 78 Brazil 82, 86, 88, 94, 96, 101, 106. 116. 144, 205. 208, 218 Chile 238.245,254,264,281 Colombia 293, 299, 304. 308 Ecuador 314, 325 Guianas 330 Paraguay 339 Peru 347, 358. 367 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 399, 404, 409, 412, 414 Elevators, passenger and freight: Brazil 82. 146. 218 ChUe 254, 265, 281 Uruguay 380 Engineers: Colombia 298 Ecuador 324 Peru 346,347 See also Architects- Contractors and builders. Engines: Argentina 38 Brazil 88, 146. 218 Chile 238,245,254,265.281 Colombia 304 Ecuador 314, 325 Guianas 331 Peru 358, 367 Uruguay 380 Excavating machinery: Brazil ." 224 See also Machinery. Explosives: Brazil 82, 88, 106, 110, 116, 147, 208, 218 ChUe 2.38, 245, 265, 281 Colombia 293, 304, 308 Ecuador 314 Peru 358, 367 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 404 Feed stuffs: Brazil 88, 148, 208, 219 Chile 238, 245, 254, 265 Guianas 331 Uruguay 380 Fencing and fencing material: Brazil 82, 88, 106, 110, 116, 148, 205, 208, 219 Chile 238, 254, 265, 281 Colombia 293, 299 Guianas 331 Paraguay 339 Peru 358,367 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 404, 409, 414 Fertilizers: Brazil 106, 117, 148, 219 Chile 265 Guianas 331, 335 Peru 358, 367 Uruguay 380 Filters: Argentina 39 Brazil 1 10, 149, 208, 219 Chile 238,245,2.54,265,281 Paraguay 339 Peru 358 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 404 Fire engines: Argentina 39 See also Engtni's. Fireworks and firecrackers: Argentina 39 Brazil 83,110,149,208,219 Chile 245,254,265,281 Peru 358, 367 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 404 Fish: Brazil 88, 110, 149, 208, 219 Chile 238, 245, 2.54, 265, 281 Paraguay 3.39 Peru 3.50, 358, 367 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 404 Flour and meal: Page. Argentina 70 Bolivia 79 Brazil . . . 83,94, 101, 106, 110, 117, 1,50, 205, 208, 219 Chile..., 238,245,254,265 Colombia 293, 299, 306, 303 Ecuador 314, 321, 325 Guianas 331 Paraguay 339 Peru 347,350,358,368 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 404, 409 Flour mills: Argentina 70 Bolivia 79 Brazil 150, 219 Colombia 299, 306,308 Ecuador 321 Peru 347,350,358 See also Flour and meal. Flour-milling machinery: Brazil ." 224 See also Machinery. Fly paper: Peru 368 Forgings: Brazil 150 Chile 254, 265, 281 Guianas 331 For^va^ding agents: Bolivia 75 BrazU 104, 115, 121, 204, 206, 210 Chile 251, 260, 276 Colombia 292, 305 Ecuador 310, 312, 324 Venezuela 399,402 See also Agents, selling, etc. Foundries: Argentina 25, 32 Brazil 108 Guianas 331 Pera 355 See also Castings. Fruit, fresh and dried: Argentina 39,42,70 Brazil 83, 101, 151 , 208, 219 ChUe 23S, 245, 254, 265, 281 Colombia 293 Ecuador 326 Guianas 331 Peru 350,358,368 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 401, 405 Fruit plantations: Ecuador 326 See also Fruit. Furniture and fittings: Argentina 26,39,60,67,71 Bolivia 76 Brazil.. 83,88, 92, 96, 101, 106, 110, 117, 151, 205,219 Chile 238, 245, 254, 265, 281 Colombia 293, 299, 304, 306, 308 Ecuador 314,325 Guianas 331, 335 Paraguay 339 Peru 347,352,358,364,368 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 398, 399, 401, 402, 405, 409, 412, 414 Furs and fur skins: ArgentuA 40 B raz il 220 Chile 2:18, 254, 266, 282 Peru 358 Uruguay 380 Garages: Argentina 51 See also Motor cars and acees.sories. Garden furniture: Argentina 40 See also Furniture. Gas and electric fixtures: Argentina 40, fio BrazU 83, 88, 152, 208, 220 Chile 238, 245, 255, 266, 282 Ecuador 315 Peru 350, 358, 368 Uruguay 380 Venezuela 405 422 INDEX. Gas apparatus and equipment: Page. Argentina 41,60, 71 BrazU 88, 101, 153, 208, 220 Chile 245, 266, 282 Gas engines: Argentina 71 Brazil 218 See also Gas appai-atus and equipment; Engines. General merchandise: Bolivia 75,76,78,79,80 Brazil 86, 88, 93, 94, 96, 98, 104, 106, 117, 205, 208, 220, 234 ChUe 255,266,282 Colombia 293,304,306 Ecuador 309, 310, 311, 312, 315, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325, 327, 328 Guianas 335 Paraguay 340, 343 Peru 346,352,363,365,366,368 Uruguay 381 Venezuela 399, 400, 402, 405, 409, 411, 413, 415 Glass: Argentina 41 Brazil 88, 106, 117, 153, 220 Chile 246, 255, 266, 282 Colombia 294, 308 Guianas 331 Peru 358, 368 Uruguay 381 Venezuela 405 Glassware: Argentina 41,71 Bolivia 76 Brazil 88, 110, 154, 208, 220 Chile 238, 246, 255, 266, 282 Colombia 294, 299, 308 Ecuador 315 Guianas 331 Paraguay 340 Peru 350, 358, 368 Uruguay 381 Venezuela 398, 401, 405, 409, 412, 414 Gloves: Brazil 220 See also Clothinf;. Glue: Brazil 88,154,221 Chile 246,255,266,282 Peru 368 Uruguay 381 Venezuela 405 Government purchasing offices: Brazil 221 Chile 255 Guianas 331 Peru 358 Uruguay 381 Grain: Brazil 106, 117, 155, 208 Chile 238, 246, 255, 266, 282 Colombia 299 Guianas 331 Peru 358, 368 Uruguay 382 Venezuela 405 Grease and other soap stock: Argentina 41 Brazil 83, 88, 155, 221 Chile 238,246,255,266 Peru 358,368 Uruguay 382 Venezuela 398, 401, 405, 409, 412, 414 Grindstones, emery wheels, etc.: Chile 238,266,282 Uruguay 382 Venezuela 405 Groceries and provisions: Argentina 26, 41, 66, 67, 71 Bolivia 78 Brazil 83, 88, 92, 94, 96 98, 101, 104, 106, 110, 117, 156, 205, 208, 221, 234 Chile 238, 246, 255, 266, 282 Colombia 294, 299, 304, 306, 308 Ecuador 315, 325, 327 Guianas 331, 335 Paraguay 340 Peru 347,350,352,363,365,368 Uruguay 382 Venezuela. 397,398,399,401,405,409,412,413,414,415 Gummed paper: Page. Argentina 63 See also Stationery and stationer's goods. Hardware: A rgen t ma 26, 42, 66, 67, 71 Bolivia 77, 79 Brazil 83,86,89,92,93,94,95,96, 101, 104, KM), 111, 117, 157, 205, 208, 221, 234 Chile 239, 246, 255, 266, 283 Colombia 294, 300, 304, 3%, 308 Ecuador 315, 323, 325, 327 Guianas 331, 335 Paraguay 340 Peru 347,350,352,358,368 Uruguay 383 Venezuela 397, 398, 400, 401, 405, 409, 412, 414 Harmoniums: Brazil 227 See also Musical instruments. Harness and saddlery: Argentina 43, 66 BrazU 83, 89, 106, 111, 117, 158,205, 221 Chile 239, 246, 255, 266, 283 Colombia 300, 304 Ecuador 315 Guianas 331, 335 Paraguay 340 Peru 352, 359 Uruguay 384 Venezuela 400, 405, 409 Hats and caps: Argentina 33, 66 Brazil 82,95, 109,215,226 Colombia 297 Ecuador 313, 322 Venezuela 409 See also Clothing. Heating apparatus: Argentina 43, 71 Brazil 89, 158, 221 Chile 239,255,267,283 Uruguay 384 Hoisting engines: Brazil 218 See also Engines. Hops: Brazil 89, 159, 222 Peru 368 Uruguay 384 Venezuela 405, 409 Hose and hose fixtures: Brazil 89, 159 Chile 239,246,255,267,283 Ecuador 315 G uianas 331 Peru 350, 359, 368 Uruguay 384 Venezuela 405 Hosiery: Brazil 215 See also Clothing. Hospitals: Argentina 44, 71 Brazil 102, 111 Cliile 246 Colombia 300 Ecuador 315, 325 Peru 350, 359 Hotels: Argentina 44, 71 Bolivia 77 BrazU 83,89,92,96,106,111,117,159,205,209,222 ChUe 239,246,255,267,283 Colombia 294, 300, 306 Ecuador 315, 320, 325 Guianas 331 Paraguay 340 Peru 347, 350, 359, 363, 368 Uruguay 384 Venezuela 405,409 Household utensUs: BrazU 83, 160, 209, 222 ChUe 239, 246, 256, 267, 283 Colombia 294 Guianas 331 Paraguay 340 Peru 350, 359, 363, 365, 368 Uruguay 384 Venezuela 405, 409, 412, 414 INDEX. 423 Hydraulic machinery: Page. Brazil 224 See also Machinery. Ice manufacturing machinery: Brazil 97,102,112 ChUe 247 Guianas 332 Venezuela 400 See also Machinery. flluminating oils: Brazil 84 See also Oils. Instruments, professional and scientific: Argentina 45 BrazU 83,111,161,222 Chile 239, 246, 256, 267,283 Guianas 331 Peru 359 Uruguay 385 Iron and steel: Argentina 67 Brazil 89,106,117,162,209,222 Chile 239, 247, 256, 267, 283 Colombia 294,300,305 Ecuador 315 Guianas 331 Paraguay 340 Peru 350, 359, 363, 365, 368 Uruguay 385 Venezuela 405 Jewelry: Argentma 26,45,66,68,72 Bolivia 77 Brazil. 83,89,92,96,102,106,111,117,163,205,209,222 Chile 239,247,256,267,283 Colombia 294, 300, 306, 308 Ecuador 315, 325 Guianas 331, 336 Paraguay 340 Peru 352, 359, 368 "Uruguay 385 Venezuela 398,400,401,405,410,412,414 Knit goods: Argentina 46 Brazil 83, 163, 209, 223 ChUe 239,247,256,267,283 Colombia 294 Guianas 332 Peru 368 Uruguay 385 Venezuela 405, 410 liamps and lampware: Argentina 46 Brazil 83,89,92,111,164,209,223 Chile 239, 247, 267, 284 Colombia 294,308 Ecuador 316, 325 Guianas 332 Paraguay 340 Peni 350, 353, 359, 363, 365, 368 Uruguay 385 Venezuela 398, 406, 410, 414 Lard: Brazil 164,209,223 Chile 2;», 247, 208, 284 Guianas 332 Paraguay 340 Peru 350,359,363,365,368 Urupuay 385 Venezuela 406, 410 Laundry machinery: Argentina 48 Brazil 112,225 Ecuador 316 Peru 347 See also Machinery. Lead: Argentina 49 See also Metal. Leather goods: Argentina 72 •polivia 77 Brazil 83,89,94,97,102,161.209,223 Chile 2;J9, 247, 268, 284 Ecuador 316 Leather goods— Continued. Page. Guianas 332, 336 Paraguay 340 Peru 359,368 Uruguay ; 385 Venezuela , 400,406,410 Leather, hides, and skins: Argentina 46, 72 Brazil 89, 102, 106, 111, 117. 165, 223 Chile 239, 247, 256, 268, 284 Colombia 294, .300 Ecuador 316, 325 Peru 359, 368 Venezuela 398, 401, 412, 414 fjinen goods: Brazil 83,166,209,223 Chile 239,247,256,268,284 Colomliia 305, 306 Guianas 332 Paraguay 340 Peru 350, 359, 368 Venezuela 406 Linseed oil: Argentina 53 See also Oils. Lithographers: Argentina 73 Peru 361 See also Printer's and bookbinder's ma- chinery' and supplies. Ijive stock: Argentina -IS Brazil 223 Chile 247,256 Colombia 300 Guianas 332 Peru 359 Uruguay 385 Venezuela 406 lyocomotives: Brazil SS,21S See also Engines. Lubricating oils: Argentina 53 Brazil 84,228 See also Oils. Lumber and timiior: Argentina 26, 46, 66 Bolivia 77 Brazil ... 89, 92, 102, 100, 112, 117, 167, 205, 209, 223 Chile 240,247,2.56,268,284 Colombia 294,-300,306 Ecuador 316 Guianas - 332,336 Peru 347, 353, 359, 363, 365, 366 Uruguay 385 Venezuela 401, 406, 412, 415 jHachlnerv: Argentina 47, 68, 72 Brazil.. 84,86,89,94,97,102,112,117,169,209,224,234 Chile 240, 24 7, 257, 269, 285 Colombia 294, 301, 306, .308 Ecuador 316,325 Guianas 332,336 Pcni 353,369 Uruguay 386 Venezuela 400,412,415 Machines, slot and vending: Argentina 49 Chile 257 Peru 300 Machine tools: Argentina 49 Brazil.. 83,112,168,224 Chile 240,247,268.284 Peru 350,359,369 Mantles, prates, and tiles: Brazil 84,226 Chile 210,257,269,285 Peru 360 Marble, stone, and granite: Brazil . 89,106,118,171,205,226 Chile 247,257,269,285 Peru 360 Uruguay 386 Margarin: Chile 210,2.'^7,209,2S5 Peril 360 Uruguay 387 424 INDEX. Marino encincs: Page. Argentiua 38 See also Engines. Matches: Bolivia 77 Brazil 112, 171 , 226 Chile 240, 247, 257, 269, 2S5 Colombia 294, 306, 30S Guianas 332 Paraguay 340 Peru 360 Meats, fresh, cured, and pickled: Argentina 49 Brazil 84, 171, 209, 226 Chile 240,247,257,269,285 Guianas 332 Peru 350, 360, 369 Uruguay 387 Venezuela 406,412 Meat-packing establishments, etc.: Argentina 49 Uruguay , 387 Men's furnishings: Brazil 99, 109 See also Clothing. Metals: Argentina 49 Brazil 171, 226 Chile 247,257 269 Peru 350, 360 Venezuela 406 Metal- working machinery: Brazil .' 225 See also Machinery. MUlinery: Brazil 84, 89, 92, 97, 112, 172, 226 Chile 240, 257, 269, 285 Colombia 294, 306 Guianas 332 Paraguay 340 Peru 350,360,369 , Uruguay 387 Venezuela 406, 410 Mining companies: Argentina 72 Brazil 172, 227 Chile 247, 257 Colombia 294, 305, 308 Ecuador 311, 316 Guianas 332 Peru 347,360 Uruguay 387 Venezuela 397,400,410 Mining machinery: Argentina ..." 48 Uruguay 386 See aZsoMachinery. Mosaics and tiles: Argent ina 69 See also Brick, tile, and terra cotta. Motion-picture apparatus, stereopticons, etc.: Argentina 49, 72 Brazil 84, 102, 172, 227 Chile 248, 257, 269, 285 Colombia 294 Ecuador 316 Peru 347,350,360 Uruguay 387 Motors: Brazil 112 See also Machinery. Motor boats: Argentina 29 Ecuador 316 See also Boats and accessories. Motor ears and accessories: Argentina 50,51,72 Brazil 84, 93, 97, 106, 112, 118, 173, 205, 209, 227 Chile 240, 257, 269, 285 Colombia 301 Ecuador 316, 325 Guianas 332 Peru 360 Uruguay 387 Venezuela 400, 410 Music: Argentina 51 BrazU 89, 118, 174, 227 Chile 240,248,257,269,285 Colombia 301 Music— Continued. Page. Guianas 332 Peni 360 Uniguay 388 Musical mstnmicnts: Argentina 52, 72 Bolivia 77 Brazil 84, 89, 97, 102, 112, 174, 209, 227 Chile 240, 248, 257, 269, 285 Colombia 294, 301 Ecuador 316 Guianas 332, 336 Peru 347, 353, 360, 369 Uruguay 388 IVails and spikes: Brazil 89, 102, 227 ChUe 269, 285 Colombia 301 Paraguay 340 Peru 350,360 Uruguay 388 Venezuela 406 Naval stores: Argentina 26, 53 Brazil 84, 106, 118, 174, 205 Chile 248, 257, 269, 286 Guianas 332 Peru 351, 366, 369 Uruguay 388 Venezuela 406, 410 Neckwear: Argentina 34 See also Clothing. Notions: Argentina 53 Brazil 95, 96, 100, 106, 112, 118, 205, 227 Chile 240,248,257,270,280 Colombia 294, 301, 306 Ecuador 316 Guianas 332 Paraguay 340 Peru 347,351, 360,369 Uruguay 388 Venezuela 406, 410, 412, 415 Novelties: BoUvia 75, 77, 78 Brazil 89,93,95,107,112,118,175,209,228 Chile 240. 248, 270, 286 Colombia 294 Paraguay 340 Peru 353, 369 Venezuela 400, 406 Nursery stock: Brazil 228 Chile 257 Paraguay 341 Uruguay 388 Nuts, edible: Brazil 102,209,228 Chile 240,270,286 Paraguay 341 Peru 369 Office furniture: Brazil 83 Venezuela 400 See also Furniture and fittings. Oil-mill machinery: Brazil 225 See also Machinery. Oils: Argentina 53 Brazil 84, 89, 98, 103, 104, 107, 112, 118, 176, 205, 228, 234 Chile 240,248,257,270,286 Colombia 294, 306 Guianas 332, 336 Paraguay 341 Peru 351, 360, 363, 365, .369 Uruguay 388 Venezuela 402, 406, 410 Oil seeds: Brazil 228 Chile 248 Optical goods: Argentina 53, 68, 72 Brazil 84,90, 107, 118, 178, 205, 228 Chile 240, 248, 257 , 270, 286 Colombia 306 IISTDEX. 425 Optical goods— Continued. Page. Ecuador 316, 325 Guianas 332,3.36 Paraguay 341 Peru 360, 369 Venezuela 39S, 400, 410, 412, 415 Ores: Brazil 178 Paints and varnishes: Argentina 54, 73 Brazil 84,90,93,94,97,112,178,209,228 Chile 240, 248, 257, 270, 286 Colombia 294, 301 , 308 Ecuador 316, 325 Guianas 332, 336 Paraguay 341 Peru 351, 360, 365, 369 Uruguay 389 Venezuela 397, 398, 401 , 406, 410, 412, 415 Paper and paper goods: Argentina 54 BrazU S4, 90, 179, 228 Chile 240, 248, 257, 270, 286 Colombia 294 Ecuador 317, 325 Paraguay 341 Peru 351,360,363,365,369 Uruguay 389 Venezuela 397,398,406,410,415 Paper bags: Argentina 54 See also Paper and paper goods. Paper-mill machinery: BrazU ." 225 Uruguay 386 See also Machinery. Paraffin and paraffin wax: Argentina 55 Brazil 107, 118, 181, 205, 228 Chile 240, 287 Peru 351, 360, 369 Venezuela 406 Parquet flooring: Argentina 46 See also Lumber and timber. Paving materials: Argentina 55 Brazil 84, 181 , 228 Chile 240, 258, 271 Peru 361 Uruguay 389 Venezuela 400 Perfumery : Brazil 103, 114 Uruguay 394 See also Toilet articles. Pr^riodicals: Argentina 55 73 Brazil 90, 93, 107. 118. 181, 209, 228 Chile 240, 248, 258, 271 , 287 Colombia 295,301 Ecuador 317,326 Guianas 333, 336 Paraguay 341 Peru 351, 361 Uruguay 389 Venezuela 410 Petroleum : A rgentina 53 Brazil IO3 See also Oils. Phonographs, graphophones, and records: Bolivia 77 Brazil 84, 90,' i82, 229 f "h lie 241 , 248, 258, 271 , 287 Colombia 295, 302 JE-cuador 317 G uianas 333 Paraguay 34I Peru 351,361,363,365,369 Uruguay 390 Venezuela 400. 410 Photo-engravers: Argentina 58 See also Printer's and bookbinder's ma- chinery and supplies. I'hotographic supplies and art materials: Argentina 57, 73 Bolivia 77 Photographic supplies and art materials— Page Continued. Brazil 84, 93, 103, 107, 113, 118, 205, 229 ♦-'liile 248.258,271,287 Colombia 295, 301, 308 Ecuador 317, 326 Guianas 333 336 Paraguay 341 Peru 347, 361, 369 Uruguay 390 Venezuela 398,400,410,412,415 Physicians and surgeons: Argentina 73 Bolivia 77 Brazil [/' 1 13 Colombia [/_[ 302 Ecuador 317^ 326 Guianas '333 „. Peru 347,353 Pianos: Argentina 52 Brazil 84, 89, 227 See also Musical instruments. Pictures and picture frames: Colombia 302 See also Photographic supplies and art materials. Piece goods: Argentina 37 See also Cotton goods; Woolen goods, etc. Pipes and tubes: Argentina 57 Brazil 90, 183, 209, 229 Chile 241, 248, 258, 271, 287 Colombia : 307 Peru 361 , 369 Venezuela 406 Plantations: Argentina 63 Brazil 229 Chile 258 Colombia 302 Ecuador 317, 318, 319, 326 Guianas 3.30, 333 Peru 344, 348, 353, 369 Uruguay 390 Venezuela 410, 413 Plumber's supplies: Argentina 58, 66 Bolivia 77 Brazil 84, 90. 107, 118, 183, 206, 209, 229 Chile 241, 249, 258, 271 , 287 Colombia 295, 302 Ecuador 318 Guianas 333 Paraguay 341 Peru 363,365,369 Uruguay 390 Venezuela -. 406 Polish and blacking: Argentina 58 Brazil 113, 184 Chile 241, 249, 258, 271 , 287 Paraguay 341 Peru 361, 364, 365, 369 Uruguay 390 Venezuela 406 Portable engines: Brazil 218 See also Engines. Power and light companies: Brazil 85, 90. 118, 185, 206, 209, 229 Chile 241, 249, 258, 271, 287 Colombia 295, 302, 305, ,307 Ecuador 318, 326 Guianas 333 Paraguay 341 Peru 551 , 361 , 369 Uruguay 390 Venezuela 400, 406, 410, 412, 415 Power-transmission machinery: Brazil 225, 229 See also Machinery. Printer's and bookbinder's machinery and supplies: Argentina 58, 66, 73, 58 Bolivia 77 Brazil 86,90,113,185,229 Chile 249. 2,58, 271 , 287 Colombia 303, 307 Ecuador 3I8 426 INDEX. Printer's and bookbinder's machinery and Page, supplies— Continued . Guianas 333 Peru 348, 353, 361, 369 Uruguay 391 Venezuela 400 Pumps: lirazil 85, 90, 186, 229 Chile 241, 249, 258, 271, 287 (i uianas 333 I 'araguay 341 I'eru ..." 361 , 369 Venezuela 406, 412 Quarrying machinery : Brazil 225 See also Machinery. Raflia: Argentina 36 See also Cordage, rope, and twine. Rags: Brazil 186,230 Uruguay 391 Railways: Argentina 59 Brazil 85, 86, 90, 113, 187, 230 Chile 241, 249, 258, 271 Colombia 295, 303, 305, .307, 308 Ecuador 318, 320 Paraguay 341 Peru 348,361 Uruguay 391 Venezuela 397, 406, 410, 415 Railway equipment and supplies: Argentina 59 Brazil 85, 90, 187, 230 Chile 241, 271, 287 Guianas 333 Paraguay 341 Peru 361,369 Ranches, live stock: Chile 256 See also Live stock. Refrigerating machinery: Argentina 48 BrazU 225 Chile 247 Guianas 332 See also Machinery. Refrigerators, water coolers, etc.: Brazil 85, 87, 90, 107, 118, 187, 206, 209, 230 Chile 241, 249, 258, 271, 287 Colombia 295 Paraguay 341 Peru 361,369 Uruguay 391 Venezuela 406 Religious articles anS supplies: Bolivia 75 Rice: Brazil 230 Chile 241, 271, 287 Colombia 307 Ecuador 318, 323, 326 Guianas 333 Peru 345, 370 Uruguay 391 Riceplantatious: Ecuador 318 Guianas 333 Peru 345 See also Rice. Road-making machinery : Brazil ." 225 See also Machinery. Roofing materials: Argen ttna 60 Brazil 85, 90, 93, 107, 118, 188, 206, 209, 230 Chile 241 , 249, 258, 272, 287 Guianas 333 Peru 370 Uruguay 391 Venezuela 400, 407 Rubber: Brazil 97, 103, 230 Chile 272 Guianas 333 Peru 348,353 Rubber goods: Page. Argen t ina 60 Brazil 85, 189, 230 ChUe 241 , 249, 258, 272, 288 Colombia 303 Paraguay 341 Peru 348, 361, 370 Venezuela 407 Rubber plantations: Guianas 333 Peru 353 See also Rubber. Safes and vaults: Argentina 60 Brazil 85, 87, 191, 209, 230 ChUe 241, 249, 258, 272,288 Guianas 333 Peru 361,370 Uruguay 391 Venezuela 400, 415 Saw-mill machinery: Brazil 225 Guianas 332 Peru 347 Uruguay 386 Venezuela 400 See also Machinery. Scales, balances, and weighing machines: Brazil 90,191,209,230 ChUe 241, 249, 258, 272, 288 Guianas 333 Paraguay 341 Peru...'. 361,365,370 Uruguay 391 Venezuela 400, 407, 415 Seeds: Argentina 60, 74 Brazil 90, 113, 192, 230 ChUe 258, 272 Paraguay 341 Peru 348, 361 Uruguay 391 Venezuela 407 Sewing machines and parts: Argentina 60, 74 Bolivia 77 Brazil 85, 90, 93, 97, 103, 107, 1 13, 1 IS, 192, 206, 230 Chile 241, 249, 258, 272, 288 Colombia 295, 303, 307 Ecuador 318,326 Guianas 333 Paraguay 341 Peru 351,361,365,370 Uruguay 391 Venezuela 407, 410, 415 Ship chandlers: Argentina 61 BrazU 97, 113, 193, 209 ChUe 249, 258, 288 Ecuador 319 Guianas 336 Venezuela 407 Shirts, collars, etc.: BrazU 215 See also Clothing. Shoe-manufacturing machinery: ChUe ■- 247 Venezuela 400 See also Machinery. Shooks: Argentina 67 Venezuela 403 See also Cooperage. SUk goods: Argentina 61 BrazU 85, 90, 193, 210, 231 ChUe 241, 249, 272, 288 Colombia 307, 308 Paraguay 341 Peru 351, 361, 370 Uruguay 391 Venezuela 407, 411 Soap and washing powders: Argentina 26, 61 BrazU .... 85, 90, 93, 103, 104, 107, 113, 118, 193, 231 ChUe 241, 249, 258, 273, 288 Colombia 303 INDEX. 427 Soap and washing powders— Continued. Page. Ecuador 319 Guianas 336 Peru 348, 361, 36-1, 365, 370 Uruguay 392 Venezuela 397,407,412,415 Spirits, wines, and malt liquors: Argentina 62 Bolivia "" Brazil 85, 90,93,94,97,103,107,113,118,193,210,231 Chile 249,258,273,288 Colombia 295, 303, 305, 307 Ecuador 319, 321, 326, 327 Guianas 333, 336 Paraguay 341 Peru 348,351,361,365,370 Uruguay 392 Venezuela 397, 400, 401, 407, 411, 412, 415 Sponges: Brazil 231 Chile 273,288 Paraguay 342 Pera 351,361,370 Uruguay 392 Sporting and athletic goods: Argentina 62 Bolivia "S Brazil 85, 107, 118, 194, 206, 210, 231 Chile 242, 250, 258, 273, 289 Guianas 333 Paraguay 342 Peru 351,361,370 Uruguay 392 Venezuela 400,407,411 Stationery and stationer's goods: Argentina 62, 74 Bolivia 78, 79 Brazil. . 85, 90, 93, 97, 107, 113,118, 195, 206, 210, 231 Chile 242, 250, 25S, 273, 289 Colombia 303, 305, 307, 308 Ecuador 3 19, 326 Guianas 333, 336 Paraguay 342 Peru....". 318,351,353,362,364,365,370 Uruguay 392 Venezuela 400, 401, 407, 412, 415 Staves: Brazil 86, 109 Venezuela 411 See also Cooperage. Stone paving: Argentina 55 See also Paving material.s. Stoves and ranges: Argentina 44, 71 Brazil 86 See also Heating apparatus; Hardware. Sugar, sirup, and molasses: Argentma 63 Braza 95, 104, 114, 195, 231 Chile 242, 250, 259, 273, 289 Colombia 307 Ecuador 319 Paraguay 342 Peru : 345,348,370 Uruguay 392 Venezuela 407, 410 Sugar manufacturing machinery: Colombia 301 See also Machinery. Siignr mills; Brazil 95, 104, 114, 195 Colombia 307 See also >Sugar, sirup, and Sugar plantations: Argentina 63 Ecuador 319 Guianas 333 Peru 345,348,370 Venezuela 410 Surgical instruments and appliances: Argentina 63, 74 Brazil 107, 118, 195, 206, 222, 231 Chile 242, 259, 273, 289 Ecuador 319, 326 Guianas 334 Peru 362,370 Uruguay :j92 Venezuela 407 Surveyor's instruments: Page. Brazil 222 See also Instruments, professional and sci- entific. Tailors: Brazil 114 Guianas 334 Tallow: Brazil 196 Chile 242,250, 259, 273, 289 Peru 351, 362, 370 Uruguay 392 Tanners and tanner's supplies: Argentina 63 Brazil 90, 107, 114, 119, 196, 206, 231 Chile 242, 259, 273, 289 Colombia 303, 307 Ecuador 319 Guianas 334 Paraguay 342 Peru. . . .". 351 , 362, 370 Uruguay 392 Venezuela 397, 411 Telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment: Brazil 232 Chile 250, 259, 274, 289 Ecuador 319, 326 Guianas 334 Peru 370 Uruguay 393 Venezuahi 398, 401, 411, 412 Telegraph and telephone companies: Brazil '. 85, 91, 97, 114, 196, 210, 231 Chile 259, 273, 289 Colombia 295, 303, 305 Ecuador 319, 326 Paraguay 342 Peru 348, 362, 365, 370 Uruguay 393 Venezuela 400, 402, 407, 411 Textile machinery: Brazil '. 225 See also Machinery. Textile mills: Brazil 196 See also Cotton goods; Woolen goods, etc. Theaters: Colombia 303 Thread and yarn: Brazil 197, 232 Chile 242, 250, 259, 274, 289 Colombia 295 Paraguay 342 Peru 331 , 362, 370 Uruguay 393 Venezuela 407 Tiles: Brazil 84, 87, 108, 226 Uruguay 376 See ateo" Mantles, gi'ates, and tiles. Tin plate: Argentina 49 See also Metals. Tinware: BrazU 197, 232 Chile 242, 250, 259, 274, 289 Colombia 295 Paraguay 342 Peru 351,362,370 Uruguay 393 Tires, automobile: Brazil 84 See also Motor cars and accessories. Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies: Argentina 63 Bolivia 78,79 Brazil. 85,87,95,103,104,107,114,119,197.206,232 Chile 250,2.59.274,289 Colombia 295,303,308 Guianas 334, 336 Paraguay 342 Peru 362, 370 Uruguay 393 Venezuela 402, 407,412 Tobacco, leaf: Argentina 64 Brazil 85, 1 1 9, 206, 232 Chile 250,2.59,274,289 Peru 362 28 INDEX. Tobacco leaf— Continued. Pago. rriiguay S93 Venezuela 407 See also Tobacco and tobacconist's supplies. Tobacco growers: Argentina • C ! See also Tobacco, leaf; Tobacco and to- bacconist's supplies. Tobacco manufacturing machinery: .\rgentina 48 See also Machinery. Toilet articles: Argentina 66 Brazil 85,91, 103, 107, 114, 119, 198, 206,232 Chile 242,250,254,274,290 Colombia 295, 307 Ecuador 319, 326 Guianas 334 Paraguay 342 Peru 348,362,364,365,370 Uruguay 394 Venezuela 398, 400, 401 , 407, 412, 415 Tools: Argentina 49 BrazQ 83, 87, 91, 94, 198, 232 Chile 242, 250, 274, 290 Colombia 295 Ecuador 319, 327 Guianas 334 Paraguay 342 Peru 351, 353, 362, 364, 365, 370 Uruguay 394 Venezuela 407 Toys and games: Argentina 64 Bolivia 78 Brazil 85, 91, 199, 232 Chile 250, 259, 274, 290 Colombia 303 Guianas 334, 336 Paraguay 342 Peru 362, 370 Uruguay 394 Traction engines: Brazil 218 See also Engines. Tramways: Argentina 59, 86 Uruguay 391 Sec also Railways. Trunks and traveler's supplies: Argentina 64 Brazil 85, 91, 93, 97, 107, 119, 200, 206, 232 Chile 242, 250, 259, 274, 290 Ecuador 320 Paraguay 342 Peru 351, 362, 371 Uruguay 394 Venezuela 407 Twine: Argentina 36 See also Cordage, rope, and twine. Typewriters and supplies: Argentina 64, 74 Brazil .... 85, 91 , 97, 107, 1 14, 1 19, 200, 206, 210, 233 Chile 242, 250, 259, 275, 290 Colombia 295, 303, 307, 308 Ecuador 320 Guianas 336 Paraguay 342 Peru 351, 362 Uruguay 395 Venezuela 411 Umbrellas and canes: Brazil 86, 91, 93, 97, 107, 119, 201, 206, 2.33 Chile 242, 250, 259, 275, 290 Colombia 295 Guianas 334 Paraguay 342 Peru 351,362,371 Uruguay 395 Venezuela 408 Undertaker's goods: .\rgentiiia 61 Brazil 86,91,97,104,107,114,119,201,206,233 Chile 250,259,275,290 Colombia 295,304 Undertaker's goods— Continued . Page. Ecuador 320 C uianas 334 I'eru 351, 362, 371 Uniguav .' 395 Venezuela 408 Vacuum cleaners and carpet sweeoers: Brazil 91, 201. 210, 233 Chile 242, 250, 259, 275, 290 Peru 302 Uruguay 395 V^egetables: Brazil 91,202,233 Chile 242, 250 Ecuador 320 Guianas 334 T.^ruguay 395 Venezuela 408 Wall paper: Argentina 65 Brazil 86, 91, 1 19, 202, 206, 233 Chile 2.50,259,275,291 Colombia 295, 304 Ecuador 320 Peru 362, .371 Uruguay - - 395 Venezuela 398, 408, 412, 415 Washing machines and clothes wringers: Brazil 202, 210, 233 Chile 242, 259, 275, 291 Peru 302,371 Uruguay 395 Washing powders: Argentina 62 See also Soap and washing powders. Water, aerated and mineral: Bolivia 79 Brazil 86, 91, 93, 104, 114, 202, 233 Chile 243,250,259,275,291 Colombia 295, 305 Ecuador 320,327 Guianas 334 Paraguay 342 Peru 348,351,362,371 Uruguay 395 Venezuela 397, 398, 400, 408, 412, 415 Wheelbarrows: Brazil 202 Chile •. 243,250,259,275,291 Guianas 334 Paraguay 342 Peru...". 351,371 Uruguay 395 Windmills: Brazil 86, 203, 210 Chile 243, 259, 275, 291 Guianas 334 Paraguay 342 Pera 351 Uruguay 396 See aZso Machinery . Wire: Brazil 86, 110, 234 See also Hardware; Fencing material; Telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment. Wood, paving: Argentina 55 See also Paving materials. Woodworking machinery: Argentina 48 Brazil 22!) Chile 247 Peru 347 See also Machinery. Woolen goods: Argentina 65 Bolivia 78 Brazil 86, 91, 93, 203, 233 Chile 243, 250, 276, 291 Colombia 295, 304, 307, 308 Guianas 334 Paraguay 342 Peru 351, 353, 371 Uruguay 396 Venezuela 411 Yam: Brazil 232 See also Thread and yarn. o JAN 2 2 1980 DATE DUE GAYLORD PRINTED IN U S A. f^^ "5323451 5