UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY £/u, ^. LOTJ^rMj. r/indld. ij.or^ry. 'S /• JUN 2 4 19^08 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 ULy^35^c lot Diagram of the U. S. Senate Library INTRODUCTION The library of the United States Senate is primarily a library of reference to legislative history. Among the more important publi- cations found here are: The American Archives, fourth series, six volumes, from the King's message, March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence bv the United States, in 1776; fifth series, three volumes, from the Declaration of Independence to December 31, 1776; Journals of the American Congress, 177'1-1788; Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of the Congress of the Confederation from the first meeting thereof to the dissolution of the Confederation by the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, 1775-1788; History of the Confederation; Debates of the Constitutional Convention (Elliot-Madison); The Federalist; Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789; Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution; Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States; American State Papers, 1789-1833; Annals of Congress, 1789-1824; Debates in Congress, 1824-1837; Congressional Globe, 1833-1873; Congressional Record, 1873-1907; Abridgement of the Debates in Congress, 1789-1850; Niles's Register, 1811-1849; Journals of the House of Representatives, 1789-1907; Journals of the United States Senate, 1789-1907; Executive Journals of the United States Senate, 1789-1891; United States Statutes at Large, 1789-1907; Revised Statutes of the United States; Departmental decisions; Reports and digests of the Supreme Court of the United States; Constitutional and international law publications; Lives and writings of men conspicuous in legislative history; Modern histories, atlases, encyclopaedias, and other books of reference; Congressional documents; Parliamentary History and Debates (Cobbett-Hansard), A. D. 1066- 1908. Miscellaneous works, all aggregating, witli duplicates, about 182,000 volumes. -n JUN 2 41908 INDEX OF TITLES AND REFERENCES. Abbot, Henry L. Problems of the Panama Canal. N. Y., The Macmillan cc, 1905. 8" Q. 2. See Mississippi River, physics, etc. M. D. 10. Abnormal man, being essays on education and crime and related sub- jects, with digests of literature and a bibliography. B3' Arthur MacDonald. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8° 58—3; S.Doc. 187. I. 3. M. D. 18. Abridgment of the Debates of Congress. List, p. 213. Abstract, statistical, of the United States. List, p. 360. Accounts, Committee on. Index to reports of. See Index. P. 1. Adams, Charles Francis. [Life of,] by Charles Francis Adams, jr. [being vol. 29 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1900. 12° E. 4. (editor). See John Adams. E. 4. (editor). See John Quinc}' Adan]s. E. 4. Adams, Charles Francis, jr. (editor). See Charles Francis Adams. E. 4. Adams, Charles Kendall. Editor-in-chief, Johnson's Universal cyclo- pfedia. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1896. 8 vols. 4°. A 5. Editor-in-chief, Universal cyclopaedia and atlas. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1901. 12 vols. 4° A 6, Adams, Henry. [Life of] John Randolph [being vol. 16 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E.4. Adams, John. Administrations of Washington and. Edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott. By George Gibbs. N. Y., 1846. 2 vols. 8° E 1. Correspondence between John Adams and William Cunning- ham, beginning in 1803 and ending in 1812. Published by E. M. Cunningham. Bost., True & Greene, 1823. 12° E. 1. Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, pronounced in Newbury port July 15, 1826. By Caleb Cushing. Cam- bridge, Hilliard & Metcalf , 1826. 8° E. 1. (Life of,] by John T. Morse, jr. [being vol. 6 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., n. d. 12° E. 4. 8 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Adams, John. Works of, with a life of the author. By Charles F. Adams. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1856. 10 vols.* 8° E. 1. * Note. —Vol. 4 missing. Duplicate copies as follows: Vol. 1, 7 copies; vol.6, 2 copies; vol. 7, 11 copies; vol. 8, 13 copies; vol. 9, 4 copies; vol. 10, 10 copies. M. D. 18-19. Adams, John Quincy. [Life of,] by John T. Morse, jr. [being vol. 15 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin c& CO., n. d. 12° E. 4. Memoirs of, comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Phila., J. B. Lip- pincott & CO., 1874-1877. 12 vols. 8° E. 2. Adams, Samuel. [Life of,] by James K. Hosmer [being vol. 2 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Administrations of Washington and [John] Adams. Edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott. By George Gibbs. N. Y., 1846. 2 vols. 8° L. 6. Administrative act of 1890. .See Tariff. Adulteration of food products. Digests of the laws. 56 — 2; S. doc. 141. S. 2. Advancements in the Navy. See Sampson-Schley. Africa, commercial, in 1901. 57—1; H. doc. 15, pt. 10. 4° S. 3. Agriculture, Department of, 1841-1902. List of publications of the. Wash., G. P. O. 8" E. 1. Reports, bulletins, and yearbooks. List, p. 156, etc. M. D. 13. Index to the annual reports of, 1837-1893. 8° 2 copies. E. 1. [Same.] 1832-1892. 8° E. 1. Index to the yearbooks of 1894-1900. By Charles H. Great- house, 1902. 8° 2 copies. E. 1. List by titles of publications of 1840-1901. 8° By George William Hill, 1902. E. 1. Use book. The. See Use book. Agricultural imports of the United States, 1898-1902. By Frank H. Hitchcock, 1903. 8° E. 1. experiment stations in the United States. E. 1. graphics, album of. Vakies per acre of crops of the United States. Wash., Agriculture Department, 1890. Atlas. E. 1. Yearbook, 1906. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° El. List, p. 160. Annual report of the othce of experiment stations, 1906. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° El. Ainsworth, Robert. Latin dictionary. Edited by Morell. Lond., 1796. 4° X. 1. Ainsworth, Robert. [Same.] By Morell & Carev. Lond., 1823. 4° X. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 9 Alabama claims. See Claims. A. L. A. Catalog, 19(M. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 8° B 1. Alaska and British Columbia. Boundarj^ line between, 1889. Vol. 1, message, report, and maps; vol. 2, maps. 8° 50 — 2; S. ex. doc. 146. E. 1. Alaska and its resources. By William H. Dall, Bost., Lee & Sbepard, 1897. 8° A. 5. See Harriman Alaska expedition. A. 5. and the northwest part of North America. Phillips. 1588- 1898. L. C. Geographic dictionary of. By Marcus Baker. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° 2 copies. A. 3. Second edition. By James McCormick. G. P. O., 1906. 8° 55—1; H. doc. 938. A. 3. Map of, showing known gold-bearing rocks, with descriptive text. Geological Surve}^, 1S9S. 8° E. 1. Militaiy reconnaissance in, b}' Frederick Schwatka, 1883. 8° 48—2; S. ex. doc. 2. E. 1. Narratives of explorations in. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 4° 56—1; S. rept. 1023. Alger, Russell A. (editor). Spanish-American war, 1897-1899. Har- per & Bros., 1901. 8° K. 5. Allen, Charles H. (governor of Porto Rico). Reports for 1901, 1902. W^ash., G. P. O. 8<' I. 8. Allen, Ira. Particulars of the capture of the ship Olive Branch. Phila., printed for the author, 1805. 8° 2 copies. I. 8. Allibone, S. Austin. Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1901. 8° 2 copies. B. 4. Almanacs and annuals. B. M. D. 1-2. Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire g^nealogique, diplomatique et statistique. 1902. 12» Note. — Senate Library has back numbers from 1865. American almanac and repository of useful knowledge. 1830-1889. 8° Note.— 1830 to 1878, 2 copies; 1878 to 1889, 8 copies. American almanac, yearbo 'k, cyclopaedia, and atlas. N. Y., 1904. 8° American almanacs, preliminary check list of 1639-1800. Morrison. 4° 1907. American ephemeris and nautical almanac. 1855-1895. 8" American statesmanship, and Public Official Year-Book, 1907-8. 8° Australian (Western) yearbook. 1900-1; 1900-3. 2 vols. By Malcolm A. C. Fraser. Perth, 1902, 1904. 8° Baltimore Sun almanac, 1888, 1893. 8» British almanac. Lond., C. Knight, 1850-1860, 1865, 1869. 8» Canada. The statistical yearbook of Canada for 1903, 1904. Ottawa, S. E. Dawson, 1903, 1904. S" Canadian yearbook, for 1905. Eighth year. Toronto, A. Hewett. 8° Carneg-ie Institution of Washington. Yearbooks Nos. 1-5. Eagle almanac, Brooklyn daily. 1903, 1906. 10 CATALOGUE LTBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Almanacs and annuals. B. — Continued. New York Herald almanac, 1872-1877, inclusive. N. Y., New York Herald CO. 8" Royal kalendar and court and city register. Lend., Suttaby, 1851-1863. 8° Tribune almanac and political register. N. Y., 1905. 8" Note. — Library has back numbers for 1838 to date. Whitaker's almanack for 1901. Lond., Whitaker & Son. 8° Note. — Library has the same for 1885, 1896. World almanac and encyclopedia for 1869, 1872-1876, 1886-1893, 1897 to date. 8° N. Y. Altitudes in the United States, dictionary of. Compiled b}^ Henry Gannett. Wash., G. P. O., 1891. 8° X. America, maps of. See Library of Congress. 1901. Narrative and critical history of. By Justin Winsor. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1889. 8 vols. 4° C. 5. American almanac. 1878-1889. Edited by A. R. Spofford. See Almanacs. American archives. See List, p. 163. 1 — N. Fourth series. A documentary history of the English colo- nies in North America. By Peter Force, Mar. 7, 1774:-July 1, 1776. Wash., 1837-1816. 6 vols. F'^ 1— N. Fifth series, July 21, l776-[Dec., 1776]. Wash., 1848-1853. ' 3 vols. F° 1— N. American Bar Association. Report of twentieth annual meeting, Cleveland, Ohio. 1897. Vol. XX. Phila., Dando Printing CO., 1897. 8° M. D. 18. See Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists. L. 2. American commerce, One hundred years of. Edited by Chauncey M. Depew. N. Y., D. O. Haynes & co., 1895. 2 vols. 1° D. 5. American Common-wealth. B}^ James Bryce. Lond., Macmillan &C0., 1888. 2 vols. 8° M. D. [Same.] 1901. 2 vols. 8° E. 2. American conflict. The. See Greeley, Horace. E. 3. American Congress, The. A history of national legislation and political events, 1774-1895. By Joseph West Moore. Harper & Bros., 1895. 8° E. 2. American Congress, Journals of. X. 6. American constitutions. A compilation of the political constitutions of the independent nations of the New World, with short his- torical notes and various appendixes. By Jose I. Rodriguez. 3 vols. Vols. 1 and 2, July, 1905. Wash., G. P. O., 1906-. 4" (International Bureau of the American Republics.) 4" 2 copies. P. 3. American Cyclopccdia. See Cyclopsedias and dictionaries. American diplomacy, A century of, being a brief review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1776-1876. By John W. Foster. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1901. 8° F. 4. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 11 American diplomacy, In the Orient. By John W. Foster. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1903. 8° 2 copies. F. 4. Its spirit and achievements. By John Basset Moore. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1905. 8° F. 4. American Diplomatic Code. A collection of treaties and conven- tions between the United States and foreign powers, 1TT8-1834. By Jonathan Elliot. Wash., J. Elliot, jr., 1834. 8° 2 copies. F. 5. American Diplomatic Questions. By John B. Henderson, jr. New York, The Macmillan co., 1901. 8" F. 5. See Diplomacy, practice of, etc. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1855 to 1895. 8° See Almanacs. American Historical Association. List, p. 165. E. 3. American history told by contemporaries. Albert Bushnell Hart, 1492-1900. Macmillan CO., 1900. 4 vols. 8° E. 3. American newspapers, check list of. Morrison, 1639-1800. M. D. 16-17. American politics from the beginning to date. By Thomas V. Cooper. Phila., Fireside Publishing co., 1883. 8° M. D. 4. History of. By Alexander Johnston. N. Y., Henry Holt & CO., 1902. 8" E. 4. American railroad rates. By Walter Chadwick Noyes. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1906. S° 2 copies. K. 1. American Red Cross relief committee reports. May, 1898, to Mar., 1899. 8° E. 4. American Republics, Bureau of. List, p. 166. M. D. 14. Directories and handbooks. List, 167, etc. Curtis's Handbook of. Handbook of the American Repub- lics, 1893. No. 3. Bulletin No. 50, Jan., 1893. Customs, congress of. Proceedings of the first meeting held at New York Jan., 1903. 57—2; S. doc. 180. Tariffs of the. 52—1; S. ex. doc. 8, part 10. See Tariff. T. List, p. 169. [Same.] First General International Sanitary Convention of the American Republics, held at Washington, D. C, Dec, 1902. 57—2; S. doc. 169. 8" American state papers. List, p. 169. American Statesmen [Series]. 32 vols. Bost. and N. Y., Hough- ton, Mifflin & CO. 12° E. 4-5. CONTENTS. Vol. 1, Benjamin Franklin, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 2, Samuel Adams, by Jas. K. Hosmer. Vol. 3, Patrick Henry, by :Moses Coit Tyler. Vols. 4, 5, George Washington, by Henry Cabot Lodge. 12 CATALOGUE LTBKAKY UNITED STATES SENATE American Statesmen — Continued. CONTENTS — continued. Vol. 6, John Adams, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 7, Alexander Hamilton, by Henry Cabot Lodge. Vol. 8, Gouverneur Morris, by Theodore Roosevelt. Vol. 9, John Jay, by George Pellew. Vol. 10, John Marshall, by Allan B. Magruder. Vol. 11, Thomas Jefferson, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 12, James Madison, by Sidney Howard Gay. Vol. 13, Albert Gallatin, by John Austin Stephens. Vol. 14, James Monroe, by Daniel C. Gilman. Vol. 15, John Quincy Adams, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 16, John Randolph, by Henry Adams. Vol. 17, Andrew Jackeon, by Wm. Graham Sumner. Vol. 18, Martin Van Buren, by Edward M. Shepard. Vols. 19, 20, Henry Clay, by Carl Schurz. Vol. 21, Daniel Webster, by Henry Cabot Lodge. Vol. 22, John C. Calhoun, by Dr. H. Von Hoist. Vol. 23, Thomas H. Benton, by Theodore Roosevelt. Vol. 24, Lewis Cass, by Andrew C. McLaughlin. Vols. 25, 26, Abraham Lincoln, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 27, William Henry Stewart, by Thornton Kirkland Lothrop. Vol. 28, Salmon Porter Chase, by Albert Bushnell Hart. Vol. 29, Charles Francis Adams, by Charles Francis Adams, jr. Vol. 30, Charles Sumner, by Moorefield Storey. Vol. 31, Thaddeus Stevens, by Samuel W. McCall. Vol. 32, General Index, by Theodore Clarke Smith. American Statesmanship and Public Official Year-Book, 1907-8. By Thos. Wm. Herring-shaw. Chic, Am. Pal). Asso., 1908. 8" American Street Railway Investment. (A supplement to the Street Railway Journal.) N. Y., Street Railway pub. co., 1897. 4° B. 6. American vessels, Captures of, by the British. See Charles Pinck- ney. O. 7. Ames, John G. See Indexes. Anderson, Alexander D. Tehuantepeclnter-Ocean Railroad. N. Y., A. S. Barnes & co., 1880. 8° K. 8. Andre, John (Major). Vindication of the captors of. By Egbert Benson. N. Y., Joseph Sabin, 1865. 8" S. 3. Andre-ws, James De Witt. Commentaries on the laws of England. 4tb edition. Edited by Cooley & Andrews. 2 vols. Chi.,Cal- laghan & co., 1899. 8° O. 8. Anglo-Saxon interests. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Animal industry, Bureau of. List, p. 175. Annals of Congress. List, p. 213. Annandale, Charles (editor). The New Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Gebbie &CO., 1892. 8 vols. 12'' A. 1. Annual Cyclopsedia, The. Cyclopsedias and dictionaries. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 13 Anson, William R. The law and custom of the constitution. Part 1. Parliament. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1897. 8° See Constitution. M. Anthon, Charles. Classical dictionar3\ N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1883. 4° See Dictionaries. X. Anti-trust law, 1890-1903, and some decisions thereunder. See •'Commerce clause," etc. S. 1. Antoinette, Marie. Secret memoirs of Princess Lamballe. Being her journals, letters, and conversations during her confidential relations with. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 17.) L. 2. Appalachian region, forest, rivers, and mountains of the southern. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 1° 57— 1; S. doc. 81. 1— N. Appleton's Cyclopsedia of American Biography. Edited bv James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1887. 7 vols. 4° D. 3. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of Biograph3^ Edited by F. H. Hawks. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1879.^ 1° Appleton's Universal Cyciopeedia and Atlas. Edited h^ Charles Kendall Adams and Rossiter Johnson. 1901. 12 vols. 1° A. Apportionment, among the several States. 1900. 8° 56 — 2; H. rept. 2130. E. 5. M. D. 18. Appropriation and kindred laws of the United States. By Thos. P. Cleaves. Wash., G. P. O., 1881-1887. 8° and new offices. List, p. 176. Aqueduct Commissioners of New York Cit}' . James C. Spencer, president. N. Y., D. Taylor (prints), 1887. 4° M. D. 15. Arbitrations (industrial). Select list of references on. Griffin. 1903. L. C. International courts of. Bj^ Thomas Balch. Phila., Allen, Lane & Scott, 1896. 8° O. 5. International, Lake Mohonk conference report. 1903. 8° O. 5. See List, p. 177. International history and digest of the, to which the United States has been a party, 1783-1898. By John Bassett Moore, Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 6 vols. 8'' 53—2; H. mis. doc. 212. O. 5. Armor plate, cost and price. Report of the Secretary of the Nav3^ 1896. 8° 54—2; II. doc. 151. E. 5. Violation of contracts. Report and evidence submitted by Committee on Naval Affairs (House). 1894. 8° 53—2; H. rept., 1468. E. 5. E. 5. for land defenses. In Professional papers. Corps of Engi- neers, U. S. Arm}', no. 17. E. 5. 14 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE Armstrong, George B. The beginnings of the True Railway Mail Service, and the work of George B. Armstrong in founding it. The Lakeside press. 1906. 84 pp. 8° K. 1. Army, the United States. By Colonel Sir Howard Vincent. Eng. Cosburn, Newbury, 1907. 24 pp. 8° E. 6. Efficiency, of the. Hearings before the Senate Committee on Military Affairs (1902) upon the bill S. 3917, to increase the efficiency of the Army. G. P. O., 1902. 8° E. 6. Historical register, from its organization, Sept. 29, 1789, to Sept. 29, 1889. By F. B. Heitraan. Wash., National Tribune, 1890. 4° D. 5. M. D. 2. Same. 1789-1903. G. P. O., 1903. 2 vols. 4" 57— 2: H. doc. No. 446. D. 5. (Official) Register, 1839, 1853, 1870-1873, 1877, and 1889-1907. (Documented.) 8° E. 6. M. D. 2. Volunteer Army Register, 1861-1865. Pts. 1 to 8. Wash., 1865. S'' E. 7. Army and Navy Register of the United States; by Thomas H. F. Hamersl3^ Containing: Register of regular army officers from 1776-1887. Volunteer general staff during the war with Mexico. Volunteer officers appointed bj'^ the President during the war of the rebellion, 1861-1865. Chi'onological summary of engagements and battles fought by U. S. Armies, 1775-1865. General Navy Register, 1776-1887. Also list of vessels of war of the U. S.' Navy, 1797-1887. Wash., T. H. S. Hamersly, 1888. 8" E. 6. M. D. 3. Legislative history of the General Staff of the. From 1775 to 1901. By R. P. Thian. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8" 56—2; S. doc. 229. H. 6. M. D. 2. List of officers of the, from 1779 to 1900. By William H. Powell. N. Y., L. R. Hamersly & co., 1900. 8° E. 6. Regulations, 1861, 1889, 1895, 1898, 1901-1904, 1905. G. P. O. 8° E. 6. M. D. 2. Regulations of the pay department, 1836-1861. Wash., Blair & Rives, 1836. 12" E. 6. M. D. 2. — How to feed an. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. S" M. D. 2. Army Trazisport service between San Francisco and the Philippine Islands. Letter from the Secretary of War, with accompanying documents. G. P. O., 1902. 8° 57—1; H. Doc. No. 537. E. 7. Artillery for the United States land service. By A. Mordecai. Wash., J. & G. S. Gideon, 1849. 8'' M. D. 2. Astronomical Observations. List, p. 179. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 15 Atlantic Ocean, general examination of. By Ch. P. de Kerhallet. Wash., G. P. O., 1870. 8° M. D. 18. Atlases and maps. Agricultural Graphic, album of. Values per acre of crops of the United States. Published by authority of the Secretary of Agriculture. Wash., 1890. 4° Alaska, boundary of, atlas. Arrowsmith's general atlas, 1840. Atlas to accompany the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Wash., G. P. 0., 1891-1895. 2 vols. F° Battlefield of Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863. F" Black's general atlas, 1885. Bradley's atlas, 1888. Canada railway systems, map of. Colton, George W. General atlas of the world, accompanied by descriptive, statistical, and historical letterpress descriptions. N. Y., Colton & co., 1871. F° [Same.l 1872. ' Congo Basin in Africa. Cram's quick reference atlas and gazetter of the world. Army and navy edi- tion. By Geo. F. Cram, author and pubr. N. Y. and Chic, 1907. 12° 2 cop. B. 4 Cuba, map of. ' Diplomatic and consular offices of the United States, map showing the location of the. Wash., G. P. O., 1888. 8° District of Columbia, atlas of. 1890. Florida, map of, illustrative of surveys for a canal. 1856. 4° 3 copies. Q. 2. 34—1; S. Ex. doc. 89; vol. 14, pt. 2. Geological Survey. Map showing the condition and progress of the topo- graphical surveys. Historical atlas of modern Europe from the decline of the Roman Empire. Comprising also maps of parts of Asia, Africa, and the New World. Edited by R. L. Poole. Oxford, Clarenden Press, 1902. F" Indian reservations, atlas of. Indian Territory, map of 1889. 4" Keith's general atlas of the Globe, 1821. King, Clarence. Atlas of mining industry, 1863-1869. Labberton, Roberton H. New historical atlas and general history. N. Y., Townsend MacConn, 1887. 4° Maryland topographical atlas, 1873. Maumee Valley and historic grounds in, atlas of. Miscellaneous maps and charts to accompany Senate report No. 227, second session, Fifty-third Congress, as follows: Pacific and Western Atlantic; Hawaiian Islands; Oahu; Hawaii; Maui; Kauai; Honolulu; Pearl Harbor, on Oahu. Mississipp River (upper), map of the hydrographical basin of, with report intended to illustrate. By I. N. Nicollet. Wash., Blair & Rives, 1843. 8" Mitchell's general atlas, 1874. Mount Vernon, surveys for roads to, atlas of. Philippine Islands, map of. Atlas of the. Wash., G. P.O., 1900. 4° 56—1; S. doc. "138. Philip's general atlas of the world. Edited by W. Hughes. Lond., George Philip & son. F" 3605—08 2 16 CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Atlases and maps — Continued. Rand, McNally & co.'s atlas of the world. Historical, descriptive, statistical. Vol. 1, United States; vol. 2, foreign countries. Rand, McNally & co., Chicago, etc. 1894, 2 vols.. F° Same. 1902, 2 vols. F» Rebellion Records, atlas to accompany. St. Lawrence River and proposed canal between St. Lawrence River and Lake Champlain, atlas of. Sandwich. Islands, atlas of. Scribner's statistical atlas of the United States, showing by graphic methods their present condition and their political, social, and industrial develop- ment. By F. W. Hewes and H. Gannett. N. Y., Charles Scribner's [1883]. statistical atlas of the Ninth Census. [Same.] Tenth Census. Steadman's atlas, 1873. Tanner's atlas, 1838. United States. Alaska 1 and 2; Indian reservations; Pacific railways; Wash- ington Territory; fishing grounds; British America. Maps of. Venezuela boundary atlas. Washington City atlas, 1880, 1890. and District of Columbia atlas. ■Williamson's atlas of States and Territories over which land surveys have been extended, 1879. Yosemite Park, map of. Atlas and maps. Attorney-Greneral of the United States, Opinions of, 1791-1906. 25 vols. 8° U. List, p. 179. Digest of. Prepared by A. J. Bentley. G. P. O., 1885. 8° Digest of. Vols. 1-25. G. P. O., 1907. U. 3. Opinion on Panama Canal title. See Panama Canal title. Reports of. List, p. 182. Atrato canal. See Interoceanic canals. Australian (Western) yearbook for 1900-1903. Edited by M. A. C. Fraser. 1901. 2 vols. 8° B. 1. Bailey, Jacobus. Totius Latinitatis lexicon. Londini, S. Baldwin et Cradock, 1828. 2 vols. 4° See Dictionaries. X. Baker, G. E. (editor). See William H. Seward, works of. K. 3. Baker, Marcus. Geographic dictionary of Alaska. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8" 2 copies. A. 3. Balch, Thomas. International courts of arbitration. Phila., Allen, Lane & Scott, 1896. 8*^ O. 5. Bancroft, George. History of the formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1882. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. See Constitution. M. 1. History of the United States from the discovery of the American Continent. Author's last revision. N. Y. . D. Apple- ton & co., 1890. 6 vols. 12° H. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRABY UNITED STATES SENATE 17 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Utah, 1540-1887. The History CO., 1890. 8° H. 4. The Works of. A. L. Bancroft & co., 1882. 11 vols. 8° E. 7. Bank of the United States, including the original bank of North America, legislative and documentary history of. Compiled by M. S. Clarke and D. A. Hall. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1832, 8" 2 copies. T. M. D. 9. Reports, memorials, Presidents' veto and various docu- ments. T. Banks and banking. List of the more important books in the Library of Congress on. Griffin. 1904. L. C. Banks and currency. Index of House bills relating to, from 1st to 42dCong. By Edward McPherson. G. P.O., 1875. 8° 43—2: H. mis. doc. 92. T. Bankers' directory and list of bank attorneys. Chicago. Rand, Mc- Nally & CO., 1892, 1897. 4° M. D. 6. Bankers' encyclopedia, the. Vol. 12, Sept., 1900. By Charles R. Williams, Chicago Bankers' Encyclopedia co., 1900. 4" M.D. 6. Same, vol. 21, Mar., 1905. 4° A. 4. Bankruptcy law of July 1, 1898, with amendments to Feb. 5, 1903. Wash., G. P.O., 1903. 8° S. 1. Bar, L. V. The theory and practice of private international law. 2d ed. Edinburgh, William Green & sons, 1892. 4° See Inter- national law. O. 1. Barclay, John M. Digest of rules of the House of Representatives, and the joint rules of the two houses. Wash., 1871. 8° V. 7. Barometer, use of the. See Meteorology and hypsometry. Barracks and Hospitals, a report on. Wash., G. P. O., 1870. 4° (War Department, Circular, No. 4.) Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. A collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. 9th ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1904. 8° 2 copies. B. 4. Bates, Lindon W. Project for the Panama Canal. 1905. 4° Q. 2. Battle monument, history of. By Charles W. Earned. West Point, 1898. 8" E. 8. Battles fought by U. S. Armies, 1775-1865. See Army and Navy Register of the U. S. by Thos. H. F. Hamersly. E. 6. Dictionary of. See Dictionaries. X. Batture, The. At New Orleans. See New Orleans. Bayle, [P.]. A general dictionar}', historicaPand critical. Lond., James Bettaham, 1734. 10 vols. 4° R. 7. Beaman, Charles C. The national and private "Alabama claims" and their ''final and amicable settlement." Wash., W. H. Moore, 1871. 8° See Claims. R. 18 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Bear, U. S. revenue cutter. Report of the cruise of. G. P. O., 1899. 8« 56—2; H. doc. 511. L. 8. Behring's Sea and coast of Alaska, directory for. By A. G. Findlay. Wash., G. P. O., 1869. 8° M. D. 18. Belknap, William W. Proceedings of the Senate on the articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives. Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 8" Ra. Bennett, C. W. Laws and resolutions of Congress relative to pen- sions, bounty lands, pay of the Army, mileage, horses, etc. Wash., 1854." 8*' P. 2. Benson, Egbert. Vindication of the captors of Major Andre. N. Y., Joseph Sabin, 1865. 1" S. 2. Benton, A. A. (editor). The church cyclopaedia. L. R. Hamersley & CO., 1884. 8-^ A. 1. Benton, J. H,, jr. What is government by injunction? Does it exist in the United States? Annual address before the Grafton and Coos Bar Association, Jan. 28, 1898. The Rumford Press, 1898. 8° I. 2. M. D. 18. Benton, Thomas H. Abridgment of the debates of Congress from 1789 to 1856. N. Y., D. Appleton, 1860-1861. 16 vols. 8" (Life of), by Theodore Roosevelt (being vol. 23 of the Ameri- can Statemen Series). Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1898. 12° E. 4. Thirty years in the U. S. Senate; or, a history of the work- ing of the American Government for thirty years, i^. Y., D. Appleton & CO., 1883. 2 vols. 8° E. 8. [Same.] 1903. 2 vols. 8° E. 8. and Francis P. Blair. Proceedings in Congress upon the acceptance of the statues presented by the State of Missouri. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 4° B. 7. Berlin, Court of. Secret memoirs. {In Universal Classics Library, vol. 3.) L. 2. Berlin silver commission, 1894. Report of the proceedings. Wash., G. P. O., 1895. 8° 53—2; S. mis. doc. 274, 3 pts. T. 3. Beveridge, Albert J. The Russian advance. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1904. 8° 5 copies. K. 2. Bible, Holy, containing the Old and New Testaments. Oxford, Uni- versity Press. 8° C. 4. Exhaustive concordance of. Showing every word of the text of the common English version of the canonical books. By James Strong. N. Y., Eaton & Mains [1890]. 4° C. 4. See " Morals of Jesus." B}' Thomas Jefferson. C. 4. Biblioteca Filipina. Griffin. 1903. L. C. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 19 Bibliotheca Chemica. A catalogue of the Alchemical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical books in the collection of the late James Youner of Kelly and Durris, by John Ferguson. Glasgow, James Macleahouse & sons, 1906. 2 vols. 4° M. D. 17. Bigelow, John (editor and compiler). The works of Benjamin Frank- lin. Federal edition. N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1904. 12 vols. S"' G. 5. Bigelow, W. D. Foods and food control. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. S" (Agriculture Department bulletin 69.) S. 1. Bimetallism, currency, etc. See Norman's universal cambist. T. Binney, Horace. Eulogy on John Marshall, Sept. 24, 1835. Calla- ghan &C0., 1900. 8° 2 copies. T. 4. Biographical Congressional directory, 1774-1903. Wash. , G. P. O., 1903. 4° 57—2; H. doc. 458. D. 4. Biographical annals of the civil government of the United- States during its first century, 1776-1876. By Charles Lanman. James Anglim, 1876. 4" D. 4. [Same.] 2d ed. By Joseph M. Morrison. N. Y., J. M. Morrison, 1887. 4° 2 cop. M. D. 14. D. 4. Biographical dictionary of Congress, 1789-1859. Containing bio- graphical sketches of its members from the foundation of the Government; with an appendix. By Charles Lanman. J. B. Lippincott & co., 1859. 8° D. 4. Biographical dictionary (Lamb's) of the United States. By John Howard Brown. James H. Lamb co., 1900. 7 vols. 4" D. 4, Biography, Appleton's cyclopsedia of. Edited b}^ F. H. Hawks. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1879. 4° 2 copies. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1887. 7 vols. 4° D. 3. Biolley, Paul. Costa Rica and her future. Translated from the French by Cecil Charles. Judd & Detweiler, 1889. 8° F. 3. Birds, legislation for the protection of. By T. S. Palmer. Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1902. 8° E. 8. Blackstone, William. Commentaries on the laws of England. Fourth edition. Edited by Cooley and Andrews. 2 vols. Chi., Cal- laghan & co., 1899. 8"^ O. 8. Commentaries on the laws of England. Edited by John L. Wendell. N.Y., Harper & Bros., 1859. 4 vols. 8° Room III, Law Div. Blaine, James G. Twent}^ years of Congress — from Lincoln to Gar- field; 1861-1881. The Henry Bill Publishing CO., 1884. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. E. 8. Blair, Francis P., acceptance of the statue of. See'Y. H. Benton. B. 7. 20 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Blanford, W. T. (editor). The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Taylor & Francis, 1897. 4 vols. 8° G. 1. Block-Signal Systems, and appliances for the automatic control of railway trains. Keport of Interstate Commerce Commission. G. P. O., 190T. 59—2; S. doc. 342. Blue book. See Official register; List, p. 317. Bolzivs's journal. Extract from the journal of the Keverend Mr. Bolzivs; from their arrival in Carolina, [n. d.] E. 8. Note. — Rev. Mr. Bolzivs conducted a colony of persecuted German Protestants from Salzburg, Austro-Hungary, to a settlement at Ebene- zer, Georgia; presGmably 1735-1740, under Governor Oglethorpe. Bonds, abstract of, for merchandise imported into the United States. 1819, 1820. 8° Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1820. T. paper currency, coin, production of precious metals (United States), information respecting. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8° (Treasury Department Circular No. 113.) T. (United States), Sale of. Investigation by Senate committee. 1896. 53—3; H. ex. doc. 257. T. [Bonaparte], Napoleon. A sketch of his life, character, struggles, and achievements. By Thomas E. Watson. Lond., Macmillan & CO., 1902. 8° 1.6. Bonaparte, Napoleon, memoirs of. By Madame Junot. (Universal Classics Library, vols. 22, 23, and 24.) L. 2. Boston city directory for 1905. Bost., Sampson & Murdock co., 1905. 8° 1904. M. D. 6. Botta, Charles. History of the War of the Independence. Trans- lated by George Alexander Otis. Phila., L. R. Bailey, 1820. 3 vols. 8" H. 3. Boundaries of the United States and of the several States and Ter- ritories. 2d ed. By Henry Gannett. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8° F. 1. M. D. 18. [Same.] 3d ed. 1904. 8° F. 1. M. D. 18. Bounty land lavrs of the United States and army and navy pension laws. By R. Mayo. Wash., W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1861. 8° P. 2. Pension, and 2d ed. 1855. By F. F. C. Triplett, Wash. 1854. 8" P. 2. Decisions relating to. See list, p. 242. Boutmy, Emile. Studies in constitutional law. France; England; United States. Lond., Macmillan & co., 1891. 8° See Con- stitution. M. Bouvier, John. Law dictionary. Bost., Boston Book co.. 1897. 2 vols. 4° See Dictionaries. X. Boyd's directory of the District of Columbia for 1831, 1860, 1862, 1864, 1867, 1871-1905. M. D. 5-6. Beyer's French dictionary. Bost., Hilliard, Gray & co., 1838. 8° See Dictionaries. X. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 21 Boynton, Keifer, v. See Keifer v. Boynton. Brassey, T. A. (editor). Naval Annual, 1906, 1907. Portsmouth, Eng., J. Griffin & co., 1906. 8" I. 6. Brazil. See Bureau of the American Republics. BreadstufFs in Latin America. Bureau of American Republics bul- letin No. 35, 1902. F. 3. Bribery. See Digest of decisions and precedents of Senate and House of the United States. By Henry H. Smith, 1894. 8" 53—2; S. mis. doc. 278. Brice, John. A selection of all the laws of the United States, now in force, relative to commercial subjects. Bait., Neal, Wills & Cole, 1814. 8° 2 copies. S. 2. Bridge, James H. The inside history of the Carnegie Steel Company. A romance of millions. N. Y., The Aldine Book co., 1903. 8° F. 2. Bridges over navigable waters of the United States, laws on. 2d ed. J. G. Parke. Wash., G. P. O., 1887. 8° S. 1. Briefs on public questions with selected lists of references. By Ralph Curtis Ringwalt. New York, Longmans, Green & co., 1906. 8° F. 1. Brightly, Fred. C. Analytical digest of the laws of the United States from the adoption of the Constitution to the end of the Thirty- fourth Congress, 1789-1857. Phila., 1858. 4° 15 copies. [Same.] 1789-1859. 4° 5 copies. Room 3, Law Div. [Same.] Supplement. 1857-1863. 4^* 5 copies. [Same.] 1857-1865. 4° 12 copies. [Same.] 1857-1869. 4° 15 copies. Digest of the decisions of the Federal courts from the organi- zation of the Government to the present time. Phila., Kay & Bro., 1868. 4° 4 copies. [Same.] 1868-1870. 4° 5 copies. [Same.] 1868-1873. 4° 3 copies. British and foreign trade and industry. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance. Oct., 1903. 4° British Guiana, Venezuela and. Report of the special commission to examine and report on the true divisional line. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 3 vols. 8° L. 4. British North American Colonies. Trade and commerce of, with the United States and other countries. Wash., G. P. O., 1851. 8° 31—2; S. ex. doc. 23. L. 1. [Same.] Wash., R. Armstrong, 1853. 8° 32—1; H. ex. doc. 136. L. 1. British steamship contracts. In Monthl}^ Summary of Commerce and Finance. July, 1903. 4° 22 CATALOGUE LIBEAKY UNITED STATES SENATE British tariff movement (Chamberlain's plan). Select list of refer- ences. Griffin. 1904. L. C. Brown, Glenn. History of the United States Capitol. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 2 vols. 4° A. Papers relating to the improvement of the city of Washing- ton, District of Columbia. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° 56—2; S. doc. 94. Q. 1. Brown, John. Essay on, by Dr. Hermann von Hoist. Edited by Frank Preston Stearns. Bost., Cupples & Hurd, 1888. 12° F. 1. Bryan, Henry L. (compiler). Treaties in force, 1788-1899. G. P. O., 1899. 8° 55—3; H. doc. 276. O. 5. Bryce, James. Studies in history and jurisprudence. N. Y., Oxford University Press [1901]. 8" H. 3. The American Commonwealths. Lond., Macmillan & co., 1888. 2 vols. 8° M. D. 5. ■ [Same.] 1901. 2 vols. 8° E. 2. Buchanan, James. Life of. B}'' George Ticknor Curtis. N. Y., Harper cS; Bros., 1883. 2 vols. 8" F. 1. Messages of, with appendix containing sundry letters from members of his Cabinet at the close of his Presidential term. By J. Buchanan Henry. N. Y., 1888. 8° F. 1. Budget of foreign countries. Select list of references on the. Griffin. 1904. L. C. Burch, Samuel. A digest of the laws of the corporation of the city of Washington. Wash., James Wilson, 1823, 1832. 2 vols. 8° Room 3, Law Div. See Laws of the United States; also U. S. Statutes. Bureau of American Republics. See List, American Republics, bureau of. Burma and Ceylon, the fauna of. See Fauna of British India. G. 1. Burr, Aaron. Indictment for treason. Proceedings and evidence. Wash., A. & G. Way, 1807-8. 3 vols. 8° Ra. Business of Travel, The. A fifty years' record of progress. B}^ W. Frasier Rae. Lond., Thos. Cook & Son, 1891. 8° F. 1. Butler, Chas. H. The treaty -making power of the United States. N. Y., Banks Law Publishing CO., 1902. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. O. 5. Index digest of the opinions delivered and cases decided by the Supreme Court of the U. S., 1902-1905 — and reported in vols. 187-202. N. Y., The Banks Law Pub. Co., 1906. 8" 2 copies. Butler, Rev. C. M., Chaplain of the United States Senate. Obituary address in Senate on occasion of the death of John C. Calhoun, Apr. 2, 1850. 8° F. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 23 Cabinets of England and America. List of books, with references to periodicals relating to. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Cadiz, Gulf of. Winds, currents, and navigation. By R. H. Wyman, Wash., G. P. O., 1870. 8° Q. 1. Calhoun, John C, eulogies on, 1850. See Eulogies. F. 1. [Life of,] by Dr. H. von Hoist [being vol. 22 of the Ameri- can Statesman Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Obituary address, by the Rev. C. M. Butler, D. D., Chaplain, in the U. S. Senate, Apr. 2, 1850. 8° F. 1. The works of. By Richard K. Cralle. N. Y., D. Appleton & CO., 1854. 6 vols. 8° F. 1. Note. — Duplicate copies of vola. 4, 5, and 6. M. D. 19. Campaign literature. See Republican, Democratic, etc. J. 6. Canada, census of. vol. ii, 1901. B. 3. Geological survey of. Annual report (new series), vol. x, 1897. Ottawa, Dawson, 1899. 4° F. 1. Reciprocity with. See List of books, etc. Griffin, 1907. L. C. Statistical yearbooks of. Ottawa, S, E. Dawson, 1900-1905. 8" B. 1. The Rockies of. By Walter D wight Wilcox. Putnam's Sons, 1900. 8° A. 5. Trade of the U. S. with. In Monthly Summary of Com- merce & Finance for June, 1904. 4° Canadian Yearbook. See Almanacs and annuals. Canals. See Interoceanic canal. Canal Zone, code of civil procedure of the, by order of the Presi- dent, May 1, 1907,, G. P. O., 1907. 8° Q. 2. Capitol, United States, historj^ of. B}^ Glenn Brown. Wash. , G. P.O. , 1900. 2 vols. 4° A. Documentary history- of, 58 — 1 ; H. rep. 646. Car Shortage, Report 1906. See Interstate Commerce. Carleton, J. H. Mountain Meadow massacre. 57 — 1; H. doc. 605. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Yearbooks, nos. 1-5. Wash., Jan., 1902-1906. 4°- A. 4. Carnegie Library. See Washington Public Library. Q. 1. Carnegie Steel Company. The inside histor}' of. A romance of millions. By James H. Bridge. N. Y., The Aldine Book co., 1903. 8" F. 2. Carolina. Extract from the Reverend Mr. Bolzivs's journal from their arrival in. [n. d.] E. 8. Carr, Wm. Wilkins. Judicial interpretation by the United States courts of the acts of Congress relating to the tariff. Phila., T. & J. U. Johnson & co., 1894. 8" T. 24 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Carroll, Mont., to the Yellowstone National Park. By W. Ludlow. Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 4° S. 3. Carson, Hampton L. The Supreme Court of the United States. Its history and centennial. Phila., A. R. Keller co., 1892. 2 vols. 4" P. 4. Cartography. List of works relating to. Phillips. 1901. L. C. Cases on constitutional law, with notes. By James Bradley Thayer. Camb., Charles W. Sever & co., 1895. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. M. 4. Cass, Lewis, [Life of,] by Andrew C. McLaughlin [being vol. 24 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12*^ E. 4. Catalog, A. L. A., 1904. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. B. 1. 8° Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, 1897, 1902, 1907. Wash., G. P. O., 1897. 4" (Coast and Geodetic Survey pub- lication.) S. 1. M. D. 17. Catalogue. Comprehensive index to the publications of the United States. See Public documents. Also List documents, etc. List, p. 244. Rules for a dictionar3^ By Charles A. Cotter. 3d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1891. 8° (Bureau of Education publica- tion.) X. descriptive, of the Government publications of the United States, Sept. 3, 1774, to Mar. 4, 1881. Compiled by Ben: Per- ley Poore. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 4° See Public documents. of the public documents of the Fifty -third Congress and of all departments of the Government of the United States for the period from Mar. 4, 1893, to June 30, 1895. Wash. , G. P. O. , 1896. 4° 54—1; H. doc. 410. Government publications. Monthly, By eT. H. Hickcox. Wash., The editor, 1885-1894. 10 vols. 8° M. D. 12. of United States public documents. Monthly. Wash., G. P. O., 1898, 1901, 1902. 8° Cement. /cS'ee Twenty-second annual report of the United States Geo- logical Survey. Part III. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 57— 1; H. doc. 5. Census of Cuba, 1899. War Department. 2 vols. S° P. 2. of Michigan, Lansing, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford co., 1906. 2 vols. 8° M. D. 15. Bulletins of the U. S. List, p. 186. Reports of the U. S. List, p. 184. Central and South American commissioners. Report of. M. D, 14. Also 48—2; H. ex. doc. 226. Century cyclopedia of names. Edited by B. E. Smith. N. Y., Century co. 4° 3 copies. With dictionaries. X. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 25 Century dictionary. An encyclopedia lexicon of the English lan- guage. N. y., The Century co., 1891. 2 copies. 6 vols. 4° X. [Same.] 1903. 10 vols. 4<' X. Century of American diplomacy, being a review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1776-1876. B}- John W. Foster. Houghton, Mifflin & co., Bost. & N. Y., Riverside Press, 1901. 8° F. 4. Certain accepted heroes, and other essays. By Henry Cabot Lodge. N. Y., Harper & bros., 1897. 8° F. 4. " Ceylon and Burma, the fauna of. See Fauna of British India. G. 1. Charleston. Siege of, by the British fleet and army under command of Admiral Arbuthnot and Sir Henry Clinton, and the surrender of that place May 12, 1780. [From Rivington's Royal Gazette, March, 1780.] Albany, J. Munsell, 1867. 8° F. k Charleston Harbor. Defense of, in 1863. (Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers, No. 16.) [Same.] Supplement. Charters (Colonial), Federal and State constitutions, and other organic laws of the United States. Compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. Wash., G. P. O., 1872. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. M. 6.' Charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, catalogue of. Wash., G. P. O., 1897. 4° (Coast and Geodetic Survey publication.) M. D. 17. [Same.] 1902, 1907. 4° S. 1. M. D. 17. Chase, Salmon Portland. [Life of,] by Albert Bushnell Hart [being vol. 28 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12" E. 4. Chase, Samuel. The trial of, on a charge exhibited by the Senate of the United States, [n. d.] 8° Ra. 3. Chambaud, Louis. Nouveau dictionnaire. Franyois-Anglois et Anglois-Franfois. Londres, Codele & Davies, 1805. 2 vols. 4° X. Check list of American newspapers in the Library of Congress. Slauson. 1901. L. C. of American almanacs. 1639-1800. Morrison. L. C. Chesterfield, Earl of. Letters to his son. (Universal Classics Library, vols. 4 and 5.) L. 2. Child study in the United States. Report of modern language asso- ciation. University types and ideals. Higher education. Degree conferring, schools, kindergartens, etc. Report of Education, 1898. 8° 55—3; H. doc. 5. 57-1; S. Doc. 400. L 3. China, claims against. See China. R. 26 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE China, claims against. Report of William W. Rockhill, commissioner to, with accompanying documents. 1901. 8° 57 — 1; S. doc. 67. See also Appendix to Foreign Relations, 1901, 57 — 1; H. doc. 1, vol. 1. F. 2. Chinese, the, at home and abroad. With report of the special com- mittee of the board of supervisors of San Francisco, on the condition of the Chinese quarter of that city. By Willard B. Farwell. A. L. Bancroft & co., 1885. 8° F. 2. Treaty, laws, and regulations governing the admission of. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8" 2 copies. F. 2. Chinese immigration. List of references on. Griffin. 1904. L. C. Chinese letters, Persian and. By Chas. L. Baron de Montesquieu. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 13.) L. 4. Chisholm, George G. Handbook of commercial geography. Long mans. Green & co., 1889. 8° A. 2. Choate, Rufus. Addresses and orations of. 7th ed. Bost, Little, Brown & co., 1897. 12" F. 2. The life of. 6th ed. By S. G. Brown. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1898. 12° F. 2. Cholera and yellow fever, epidemic, in the Arm}'^ of the United States during the year 1867. Report on. Wash., G. P. O., 1868. 4° {l7i War Department, Surgeon-General's OiBce, circular no. 1.) B. 7. Cholera in Europe and India, report on. By Edward O, Shake- speare. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 4° B. 7. Chotteau, Leon. Le traite Franco Am^ricain; documents. Paris, Guillaumin et cie., 1880. 8° M. D. 18. Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages. N. Y. , G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. 8° 2 copies. B. 4. Citizenship of the United States. By F. Van Dyne. Rochester, Lawyer's cooperative publishing CO., 1904. 8°. 0.7. A treatise on American citizenship. By John Wise. Long Island, Edward Thompson co., 1906. 8° O. 7. Citizenship, expatriation, and protection abroad. Report of com- mission, under S. res. 30; 59—1. H. doc. 326; 59—2. G. P. O., 1906. 8*' O. 7. Civil Service Commission. Operations of the civil service. Report of the select Senate committee, 1888. 50—1; S. rep. 2373. S'' F. 2. M. D. 14. Report of the select committee on reform in the civil service relative to charges against the United States Civil Service Com- mission. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 8° 51—1; H. rep. 2445. In same volume. Letter from the Attorney-General, May 8, 1900, relative to violation of sec. 11 (56—1; S. doc. 345); and other documents. 8° F. 2. M. D. 14. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 27 Civil Service Commission. Report and testimon}^ of the Senate committee to investigate certain discharges at the South Omaha Bureau of Animal Industry. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 55—2; S. rep. 659. 8° F. 2. M."^ D. U. Reports. List, p. 193. Educational handbook of examinations. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8" F. 2. Claims, Collated. 55 — 2; S. rept. 544. List, p. 194. Alabama claims, and their "final and amicable settlement." By Charles C. Beaman. Wash., Moore, 1871. 8° China. The execution of the treaty with China for the settlement of claims. 40—3; H. ex. doc. 29. Claims on certain war vessels built in 1862-1^65. 57 — 1; S. rept. 1942. Commissioner of Claims. List of claims presented to, at Washington, D. C. 8" Summary reports of the, in all cases reported to Congress as disallowed under the act of Mar. 3, 1871. Wash., G. P. O., 1881. 4° Court of Claims. Cases decided in. Wash., G. P. O., 1867-1895. vols. 1-7, reported by Nott and Huntington; vols. 7-39 by Nott and Hopkins, vol. 25 index. 8° Digest of claims referred by Congress from the Forty-eighth to the Fifty- first Congresses. By J. B. Holloway. Wash., G. P. 0., 1891. 8° Digest of the reports of. By C. C. Nott and A. Hopkins. Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 8° History, jurisdiction, and practice of. By William A. Richardson. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. 0., 1885. 8° Judgment in the. 40 — 1; H. mis. doc. 50. Reports and digest of opinions. By John C. Devereux. N. Y., Banks, Gould & CO.. 1856. 8° — Rules of Wash., G. P. O., 1907. M. D. Great Britain. Claims against, correspondence concerning. Wash., G. P. O., 1869. 5 vols. 8° House and Senate claims. Reports, etc., 1816-1832. 8 vols. (Miscellaneous.) vol. 2 missing. Houmas land claims, exposition of the, and of the second section of the Missouri land bill. Wash., 1859. Index (consolidated) of claims reported by the Commissioners of Claims to the House of Representatives from 1871-1880. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. ,4" Indian depredation claims. 47 — 1; H. ex. doc. 125. Mexican claims. 48—1 ; H. ex. doc. 103. M. D. 16. Private claims. Digest summary and alphabetical list of private claims which have been presented to the House of Representatives from the First to the Thirty-first Congresses. Wash., 1853. 3 vols. 4" Thirty-second to Forty-first Congresses, inclusive. Wash., 1873. List of private claims brought before the Senate of the United States from the commencement of the Fourteenth to the close of the Thirty-ninth Congresses, inclusive. Wash., 1869. 8° Fourteenth to Forty-sixth Congresses, inclusive. Wash., 1881. 2 vols. 8" — Forty-seventh to Fifty-first Congresses, inclusive. Wash., 1895. vols. 8° — Fifty-second to Fifty-fifth Congresses. Wash., 1901. 2 vols. S" 28 CATALOGUE LIBEAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Claims, Collated — Continued. Private claims. Fifty-fifth to Fifty -seventh Congresses. Wash., 1903. 8° Library has 2 bound copies. Private land claims, reports of the Committees on. Part i, Senate; parts ii and III, House. Wash., G. P. O., 1879. 8° 45— .3; S. mis. doc. 81, 3 pts. Bevolutionary claims. M. D. 14. See Revolutionary. Senate and House claims. Reports, etc., 1816-1832. 8 vols. (Miscellaneous.) Clark, William A., investigation of right to seat in United States Senate from Montana. S. rept. 56 — 1. vols. 6, 7, 8. Clarke, M. St. Clair and D. A, Hall. Legislative and documentar}^ history of the Bank of the United States, including the Bank of North America. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1832. 8" T. Classical literature and antiquities, dictionary of. N. Y. , Harper & Bro., 1897. -l" X. Clay, Henry. [Life of,] by Carl Schurz [being vols. 19 and 20 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12" E. 5. — Works of. Edited by Calvin Colton. With an introduction by Thomas B. Reed and a history of tarifl' legislation, 1812- 1896, by William McKinley. N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1904. 10 vols. 8° F. 2. Clayton, Powell. Investigation into certain charges. 42 — 3; S. rept. 512. Ra. 3. Clayton-Bulwer treaty and Monroe doctrine. 47 — 1; S. ex. doc. 194. See also Treaties in force. O. 5. The Hay-Pauncefote treaty, with amendments, etc., 1901, 57 — 1; S. doc. 85. See also Treaties in force. O. 5. Cleaves, Thomas P. [Compiler.] Appropriation and kindred laws of the United States. M. D. 9. Conferences and conference reports. Statement and manual prepared by, 1902. 8° 57—1; S. rept. 1545. F. 1. Cleveland, Grover. The public papers of. Wash., G. P. O., 1889. 4° C. 5. Clinton, George. First governor of New York. Public papers of. War of Revolution Series. Albany, W^ynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., 1899. 8° F. 3. Coal fields of the United States. {In Twenty-second annual report of the United States Geological Survey, part iii.) Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 5. Coal-land lavrs, and regulations thereunder. General Land Office, Apr. 12, 1907. S*' 19 pages. S. 1. Coast of British Columbia. Hydrographic office, No 96, Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° M. D. 15. Coast and Geodetic Survey reports. List, 196. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables. Wash.. G. P. O., 1907. 4° S. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 29 Cobbett's parliamentary history of England. See Parliamentary history and debates. Cocoa, world's production of. (In Monthly Suniniary of Commerce and Finance, July, 1905.) 4° Code of signals. See Internation, etc. Coffee, ^^ork^s production of. (In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, July, 1905.) 1° Coinage and currency of the United States from 1792-1895. 8° {In Treasury Department, doc. 1801.) T. M. D. 9. Coinage laws of the United States, 1792-1893. Wash.,G. P. O., 1893. 8° T. 1792-1894. Wash., G. P. O., 1891. 8° 53—2; S. rept. 235. Coinage of gold and silver. Hearings and index. Wash., G. P. O., 1891. 8° 51—2; H. rept. 3967. T. Coin and currency in the United States, history of. By A. B. Hepburn. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1903. S'' T. Coin, coinage, and monetary system of the world, theor}^ of. B3' J. Meyer. Wash., G."^ P. O., 1878. 8° 45—3; H. mis. doc. 8. T. Coin of the realm: What is it? or, talks about gold and silver coins. By Emily C. Sharland and J. H. Norman. Lond., Waterlow & Sons, 1888. 8" 2 copies. T. Colby, Frank Moore (editor). International yearbook. 1898-1902. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & co. 5 vols. 4" B. 6. Colombia. {In Bureau of the American Republics, Bulletin 33.) Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid 1892-3. Wash., G. P. O., 1895. 8° F. 8. Colonization. Government of dependencies, protectorate, and related topics. List of books (with references to periodicals) relating to the theory of. Griffin. 1900. L. C. History of. By Henry C. Morris. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° H. 2. Colonial administration. {In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Mar., 1903. Wash., G. P. O., 1903.) 57—2; H. doc. 15, pt. 9. M. D. 15. Colonies. See British North American colonies. L. 1. Congress of. See List, Journals of, p. 274. Colton, Calvin (editor). Works of Heni'y Clay. Putnam's Sons, 1904. 10 vols. 8° F. 2. Colyar, A. S. Life and times of Andrew Jackson, soldier-statesman- President. Nashville, Marshall & Bruce co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° H. 7. Combattants Fran9ais de la G-uerre Americaine, 1778-1783. Paris, 1903. 4" A. 7. Same, with translation and index. G. P. O., 1905. 4° 58—2; S. doc. 77. A. 7. 30 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Combinations, the laws of, embracing monopolies, trusts, and combi- nations of labor and capital; conspirac}^ and contracts in re- straint of trade, together with Federal and State antitrust legislation. By Arthur J. Eddy. Chi% Callaghan & co., 1901. 2 vols. 8° O. 7. Commerce, acts to regulate, 1887-1903. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° S. 1. 1790-1890, 1893. M. D. 18. (American.) One hundred years of. B}'- Chauncey M. Depew. N. Y., D. O, Haynes & co., 1895. 2 vols, r D. 5. and finance. See Monthly Summary of. In document form. List, p. 199. Monographs of. List, p. 204. , of the United States with European countries from 1790- 1890. Statistical table. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8° 2 copies. S. 2. and Labor, Department of . Organization and law. G. P. O., 1904. 8° F. 3. Dictionary of, and commercial navigation. By J. R. Mc- CuUoch. Lond., Longmans, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1854. 2 vols. 8" See Dictionaries. X. Foreign, of the United States. Wash., G. P. O., 1894. 4° and navigation of the U. S. List, p. 205. M. D. 20. internal, reports of. , List, p. 204. Public documents relating to, 1816-1823. NoTK.— Miscellaneous documents bound in 5 vols. M. D. 13. Commerce clause of the Federal Constitution. By E. Parmalee Prentice and John G. Egan. Chicago, Callaghan & Co., 1898. 8° M. 4. of the Constitution, and the trusts. An address by Philander C. Knox, Attorne3'-General of the United States, Oct. 14, 1904. G. P. O., 1903. 8° 3 copies. S. 1. Commercial la^vs. A selection of all the laws of the United States now in force, relative to commercial subjects. By John Brice. Balto.. Neal, Wills & Cole, 1814. 8° 2 copies. S. 2. Commercial power of Congress, The, by Paul Jones, L. L. D. Privately printed. N. Y., 1904. 8° 2 copies. M. 3. Commercial and Statistical register. By Samuel Hazard. Phila., William F. Geddes, 1828-1835. 15 vols. 8° 1— N. Commercial geography, handbook of. By George G. Chisholm. N. Y., Longmans, Green & co., 1889. 8° A. 2. Commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries during the years 1896 and 1897. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 2 vols. 8° M. D. 13 Reports of. List, p. 208. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 31 Common-wealth, the American. By James Bryce. Lond. , Macmillan & CO., 1888. 2 vols. 8° Room III Law Div. Same. 1901. 2 vols. 8° E. 2. Composition and proof reading in the Government Printing Office, manual of style. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 8° I. 3. Comprehensive index to the publications of the United States Gov- ernment. See Public documents. Comptroller of the Currency, decisions of. List, p. 209. Comptroller of the Treasury. G. P. O. 1896-1907. 13 vols. 8** U. ()-7. Concordance of the Bible, the exhaustive. Showing every word of the text of the common English version of the canonical books, etc. By James Strong. N. Y., Eaton & Mains [1890]. 4° C. 4. Confederacy, messages and papers of the. See Messages and papers, etc. I. 5. Confederate States of America. See Congress of the. Confederation, Congress, of. See Madison Papers; also Elliot's debates. Conferences and conference reports. Statement and manual pre- pared by Thomas P. Cleaves, 1902. 8° S. 1. 57—1; S. rep. 1545. F. 3. Confidential printed documents, U. S. Senate, 1821-1849. M. D. 19, 20. Congress, American. A histor}'^ of national legislation and political events, 1774-1895. By J. W. Moore. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1895. 8° E. 2. Dictionary of, 1789-1859. Containing biographical sketches of its members from the foundation of the Government; with an appendix. By Charles Lanman. N. Y., J. B. Lippincott & CO., 1859. 8° D.4. Eight years in, from 1857-1865. Memoirs and speeches of Samuel S. Cox. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1865. 8° F. 4. Journals of. General personal index, from the First to Eighth Congress, inclusive. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 4" 48—2; H. rept. 2692. Journals of, public, 1774-1788. Wash., Way & Gideon, 1823. 8° 4 vols. Journals of, secret, 1775-1788, from the lirst meeting to the dissolution of the confederation, by the adoption of the Consti- tution. Bost, T. B. Wait, 1821. 8° 4 vols. Congress of the Confederation, secret journals of. Thomas B. Wait, Boston, 1821. 4 vols. 8°. X 6. List, p. 274. Congress of the Colonies, Journals of. List, p. 274. 1 — N. 3605—08 3 32 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Congress of the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865, Jour- nals of the. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 6 vols. 8° (58th Con- gress, 2d session, Sen. doc. 234.) List, p. 275. Congress (Continental), Journals of. G. P. O. 1904, 1907. vols. 1-7. 1774-1777. 4° X, 5. Congressional debates. List, p. 217. Congressional directory, biographical, 1774-1903. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 4:" D. 4. Political register and, 1776-1878. By Ben: P. Poore. Bost., Houghton, Osgood & co., 1778. 4*' D. 4. Congressional directories. List, p. 212. M. D. 3. Congressional documents, early. By Gen. A. W. Greely. G. P. O., 1900. 8" 56—1; S. doc. 428. S. 1. Congressional globe. List, p. 218. Congressional practice. A manual of. By Thomas H. McKee. (Red book.) Wash., Thomas H. McKee, 1891. 8" S. 3. Congressional record. List, p. 223. Congressional political register 1776-1878. Poore. M. D. 3. Congressional Register, or history of the proceedings and debates in the first House of Representatives of the United States at New York, Mar. 4, 1789. Taken in shorthand by Thomas Lloyd, vol.1. N.Y., Harrison &Purdy, 1789. 8° X. 6. Conkling, Alfred R. (editor). Life and letters of Roscoe Conkling. Webster & co., 1889. 8° F. 3. Conkling, Roscoe. Life and letters of. Alfred R. Conkling. Web- ster & co., 1889. 8° F. 3. Consolidated Index of the United States Statutes at Large, 1789- 1903. By Edward C. Goodwin and James M. Baker. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 4 vols. 4° Conspiracy. Petitions and remonstrances relating to the meaning of the word, and the use of "restraining orders and injunctions." 57—2; S. doc. 115. I. 2. See Edd}^ on combinations. O. 7. — See also Injunctions, labor, and strikes. I. 5. Conquest The. A true story of Lewis and Clark. Chic, A. C. Mc Clurg&co., 1902. 8° L 2. Constitution of the United States. M. American Constitutions. A compilation of the ijolitical constitutions of the indei^endent nations of the world; with short historical notes and various appendixes. Bureau of American Republics. 1906. By Jose Ignacio Rodriguez. 3 vols. vols. 1 and 2, July, 1905. 4° P. 3. Anson, William R. The law and custom of the Constitution. Part 1, Parlia- ment. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1897. 8° Bancroft, George. History of the formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1882. 2 vols. 8" CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 33 Constitution of the United States. M. — Continued. Boutmy, Emile. Studies in constitutional law — France, England, United States London, Macmillan & co., 1891. 8° Commerce clause of the Constitution and the trust. Anti-trust law, 1890-1903. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 3 copies. 8° Constitutional and military law of the United States. An introduction to the study of. Wash., G. P. O., 1896. 8° Constitutions of the several States of the Union and United States in the year 1859. Including the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confedera- tion, and with an essay on changes prior to the year 1879. N. Y., A. S. Barnes & co. 8° Cooley, Thomas M. A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the States of the American Union. 6th edition, giving the results of recent cases, by Alexis C. Angell. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1890. 8" Gene^eral principles of constitutional law in the United States. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1898. 8° Curtis, George Ticknor. Constitutional history of the United States from their Declaration of Independence to the close of their civil war. N. Y., Harper &bro., 1899. 2 vols. 8" Cushing, Luther S. Elements of the law and practice of legislative assemblies in the United States. 9th ed. Bost, Little, Brown & co. 1874. 8" Desty, Robert. The Constitution of the United States. 2d ed. With supple- ment and table of cases by Albert Brunner. San F., Bancroft-Whitney co., 1887. 3 vols. 12° The Constitution of the United States. San F., Sumner, Whitney & CO., 1881. 12° 4 copies. Dillon, John M. Complete constitutional decisions of John Marshall, annotated. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1903. 8° Documentary history of the Constitution of the United States, 1787-1870. Wash., 1894-1900. 3 vols. 4° [Being portions of various numbers of the bulletins of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State. ] Elliot, Jonathan. The debates in the several State conventions on the adop- tion of the Federal Constitution. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & co., 1861. 5 vols. 8° 5 copies. Federal and State constitutions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of the United States. Compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. Wash., G. P. O., 1872. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. Federalist, The. A commentary on the Constitution of the United States. By A. Hamilton, J. Madison, and J. Jay. (Universal Classics Library, vols. 10, 11.) L. 2. [Same.] By Paul Leicester Ford. N. Y\, Henry Holt &co., 1898. 8» The Federalist on the new Constitution, written in 1788, by Mr. Hamil- ton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay, with an appendix. The numbers written by Mr. Madison, corrected by himself. Prefatory remarks dated at city of Wash., May, 1818. Hollowell, INIasters, Smith & co., 1852. 8° The Federalist, a collection of essays written in favor of the new Consti- tution, as agreed upon by the Federal convention, Sept., 1787. Reprinted from the original text. By Henry B. Dawson. N. Y., Chas. Scribner, 1863. 2 vols. 8° Fisher, Sydney George. The evolution of the Constitution of the United States. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1897. 8° 34 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Constitution of the United States. M. — Continued. Ford, Paul L. The Federalist. N. Y., H. Holt & cc, 1898. 8» 2 copies. Foster, Roger. Commentary on the Constitution of the United States, his- torical and juridical. Bost., Boston Book co., 1895. vol. 1. 8° 2 copies. Guthrie, William D. Lectures on the fourteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Bost., 1898. 8° Hickey, William. Constitution of the United States, with proceedings of the Continental Congress. Bait., John Murphy & co., 1879. 8° 4 copies. Hoist, H. von. The constitutional and political history of the United States. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1877. 7 vols. 8° Jameson, John A. Treatise on constitutional conventions; their history, power, and modes of proceeding. 4th ed. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1887. 8° Marshall, John M. Complete coiistitutional decisions of, annotated. By John M. Dillon. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1903. 8° Meigs, William M. The growth of the Constitution in the Federal convention of 1787. 2d ed. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1900. 8° Miller, Samuel Freeman. Lectures on the Constitution of the United States. N. Y., Banks & bro., 1893. 8" 2 copies. Paschal, George W. The Constitution of the United States. Wash., W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1868. 8" Pomeroy, John N. An introduction to the constitutional law of the United States. Ind., Bo wen-Merrill co., 1888. 8° Prentice, E. Parmalee, and John G. Egan. The commerce clause of the Fed- eral Constitution. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1898. 8° 2 copies. Sergeant, Thomas. Constitutional law. Being a view of the practice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States. 2d ed. Phila., P. A. Nick- lin and T. Johnson, 1830. 8° Sterne, Simon. Constitutional history and political development of the United States. N. Y., Cassell, Petter, Galpin & co. [1882]. 8" Story, Jos^h. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1858. 2 vols. 8° [Same.] 5th ed. Edited by Bigelow. Bost., 1891. 2 vols. 8° Sutherland, William A. Notes on the Constitution of the United States. San F., Bancroft- Whitney co., 1904. 8° Thayer, James B. Cases on constitutional law. Camb., Charles W. Sever & CO., 1895. 2 vols. 8° Thorpe, Francis N. The constitutional history of the United States. Chi., Callaghan & CO., 1901. 3 vols. 8°. Tucker, John R. The Constitution of the United States. Chi., Callaghan & CO., 1899. 2 vols. 8° Von Hoist, H. tSee Hoist, H. von. See also List of books in the Library of Congress, relating to. Griffin, 1903. See also Commercial power of Congress. Constitution, Digest and Manual of the rules and practice of the House of Representatives. List, p. 230. Constitution, Rules and Manual of the United States Senate. List, p. 231. Constitutional history of New York, from the beginning of the colonial period to the year 1905, showing the origin, develop- ment, and judicial construction of the Constitution. By Charles Z. Lincoln. Rochester, Lawyers cooperative publishing co., 1906. 5 vol. 8" M. 6. CAT-ILOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 35 Constitutions, American. See American Constitutions. Consular regulations, 1896. 54—2; H. doc. 303. Consular reports. Index to. Wash., G. P. O., 188T-1901. 8° See List, p. 232. Consular service. List of references on. Griffin. 1905. L. C. Consular system. A manual for. Wash., Taylor & Maurj^, 1856. 8° Room III. Contested elections in Congress. Contested election cases in Congress, from the year 1789 to 1834, inclusive. Compiled by M. St. Clair Clarke and D. A. Hall. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1834. 8° From 1834 to 1865, inclusive. Compiled by D. W. Bartlett. Wash., G. P. O., 1865. 8° 38—2; H. mis. doc. 57. House of Representatives. Digest of election cases, from 1865-1871. 41 — 2; H. mis. doc. 152. [Same.] Digest, 1871-1876. 45—2; H. mis. doc. 52. [Same.] Digest, 1876-1880. 47—1; H. mis. doc. 57. Historical and legal digest of all the contested election cases in the House of Representatives of the United States from the First to Fifty-sixth Congress, 1789-1901. By Chester H. Powell. Wash., G. P. 0., 1901. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 510. [Same.] Digest, 1880-1882. 47—2; H. mis. doc. 35. [Same.] Digest, 1883-1889. 50—2; H. mis. doc. 63. [Same.] Digest, 1891. 51—2; H. mis. doc. 137. [Same.] Digest, 1891-1893. 53—3; H. mis. doc. 77. Contested election cases bound. See List. Senate election cases, compilation of, from 1789 to 1885. By George S. Taft Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 8° 49—1; S. mis. doc. 47. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1893. By George P. Furber. 52—2; S. mis. "doc. 67. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1903. By George M. Buck. 58— spec. sess. ; S. doc. 11. Continental Congress, Journals of, 1774-1789. Edited from the original records in the Library of Congress. By Worthington Chauncey Ford. G. P. O., 1904-1907. 4" 1. N. Washington's correspondence with. (L. C.) Fitzpatrick, 1906. M. D. 16-17. Contingent Expenses of the House of Representatives, reports on. See List, p. 235. of the Senate. See Senate, reports of Secretary. List, p. 355. M. D. 9. Contracts, hiw of. By Theophilus Parsons. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1857. 8° Room III. Law. Div. Conventions, national, etc. See Democratic, Republican, etc. Convict Labor, 20th annual report of commission, 1905. M. D. 11. Cook, \\'illiam VV. A treatise on the law of corporations having a capital stock. 5th ed. Chic, Callaghan & co., 1903. 3 vols. 8° O. 7. 36 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE Cooley, Thomas M. A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the States of the American Union. 6th ed., with large additions, giving the results of the recent cases. By Alexis C. Angell. Bost. , Little, Brown & co. , 1890. 8° See Constitutions. M. 2. General principles of constitutional law in the United States. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1898. 8° See Constitution. Commentaries on the laws of England. (Cooley 's Blackstone.) 4th ed. Edited by Cooley & Andrews. 2 vols. Chic, Calla- ghan &co., 1899. 8" O. 8. (editor). See Blackstone. Cooper, Thomas V. American politics from the beginning to date. Phila., Fireside publishing co., 1883. 8° M. D. 4. Copyright, bibliography relating to. By T. Solberg. {In Publisher's Weekly, Apr. 8, 1882.) Copyright in Congress, 1789-1904. A bibliography and chronolog- ical record of all proceedings in Congress in relation to copy- right from Apr. 16, 1789, to Apr. 28, 1904, First Congress, first session, to Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. Copy- right Office Bulletin No. 8. 1905. S. 1. Enactments, 1783-1906. By T. Solberg. (Copyright Office Bulletin No. 3.) S. 1. Law of the United States in force Nov. 15, 1906. By T. Solberg. G. P. O., 1906. 8° (Copyright Office Bulletin No. 1.) 2 copies. S. 1. Copyright, international. Report on the effect of in the United States. By Carroll D. Wright. G. P. O., 1901. 8° 56—2; 56—2; S. doc. 87. S. 1. Corbett's parliamentary history. List, p. 319. Corporations. A treatise on the law of. B}^ Wm. W. Cook. 5th ed. Chic, Callaghan & CO., 1903. 8° 3 vols. O. 7. In the District of Columbia. See District of Columbia. Laws of sundry States, information as to procedure incident to incorporation and taxation of in State of New York, entitled. Where and How. By John S. Parker. 3d ed. New York. The Brown-Green Co., 1907. 8° O. 7. Costa Rica, and her future. By Paul BioUey. Translated from the French by Cecil Charles. Judd & Detweiler, 1889. S*' F. 3. See American Republics, Bureau of. F. 3. Cotton plant, the. Its history, botany, chemistry, culture, enemies, and uses. 8° (Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 33, 1896.) 54—2; H. doc. 267. M. D. 18. Coudert, Frederic R. Addresses, historical, political, sociological. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. The Knickerbocker Press, 1905. 8° F. 3. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 37 Coues, Elliott (editor). Lewis and Clark expedition. N. Y., Francis P. Harper, 1893. 4 vols. 8° I. 2. Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike. Newed. N. Y., F. P. Harper, 1895. 3 vols. 8" I. 5. Counsel, Edward. Maxims; political, philosophical, and moral. 2d ed. Melbourne, A. H. Massina & co., 1892. 12° B. 4. Count of electoral vote. See Electoral Commission. F. 4. Court of Claims. Histor}', jurisdiction, and practice of the. B3' William A. Richardson. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 8° R. 3. Reports of. List, p. 238. Court of inquiry. Proceedings, findings, and opinions of the court of inquiry convened under the act of Congress February 13, 1874, in the case of Brig-. Gen. Oliver O. Howard, U. S. Army. Wash., G. P. O., 1874. 8° H. 4. Courts-martial. A manual for, and of procedure under military law. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8° M. D. 2. Court, Supreme, of the United States. By Hampton L. Carson. Phila., A. R. Keller co., 1892. 2 vols. 4° P. 4. /See United States Supreme Court Reports, List of, p. 371. Courts of the United States. Organization, jurisdiction, and prac- tice of. 57 — 1; S. doc. 68. See Report of the commission to revise and codify the laws of the United States. G. P. O., 1906. 2 vols. 4" [Same.] 60 — 1; H. rep. 2, pt. 1. Cox, Samuel S. Eight years in Congress, 1857-1865. D. Appleton & CO., 1865. 8" F. 4. Cralle, Richard K. (editor). Works of John C. Calhoun. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1854. 6 vols. 8° F. 1. Note. — 2 copies of vols. 4, 5, and 6. Cram, Geo. F. Quick reference atlas and gazetteer of the world. N. Y. and Chic, 1907. 2 copies. B. 4. Crandall, Samuel B. Treaties, their making and enforcement. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1904. 8° (Columbia Universit)'' Publication, No. 1.) O. 5. Crawford, John Martin. Russia, industries of St. Petersburg, 1893. vol. 1. 4" M. D. 18. Credit mobilier. Investigation by House committees. Reports made by Messrs. Poland, Wilson, and Butler. 42 — 3; H. rept. 77. F. 4. Investigation by Senate committee. Morrill's report, and Patter.son's "observations." 42 — 3; S. rept. 519. Criminal, pauper, and defective classes. Statistics of crime, sui- cide, insanity, and other forms of abnormalit}^ Bj'^ Arthin* MacDonald. Bureau of Education, 1903. 8° 58 — special; S. doc. 12. F. 4. 38 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Crocker, Uriel H. Cause of hard times. Bost., 1895. 16° Crops, acreage of. See Agricultural, graphic album. A. Cruise of the United States revenue-cutter Bear. See Wrecked whalers, etc. L. 8. 56 — 2; H. doc. 511. Cuba, census of, 1899. War Department. 8" P. 2. M. D. 15. Commercial Cuba in 1905. {In Monthly Summary of Com- merce and Finance, May, 1905.) 4" Gazetteer of. Bulletin No. 192. U. S. Geological Survey. By Henry Gannett, 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 474. P. 2. Gazetteer of. With an additional report on the Isle of Pines. War Department, 1902. P. 2. Cuba, Import duties of. Bureau of American RepuWics, Bulletin No. 10. 8° 1891. P. 2. Law of criminal procedure. See Law. P. 2. Map of. See Atlases and maps. Proposed constitution for the official acceptance of the Piatt amendment, and the electoral law. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8" (War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs.) 2 copies. P. 2. M. D. 15. Reciprocity with. 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 535. Warfare in. Message. 55 — 2; H. doc. 405. Reconcentra- dos. Autonomy. Message. 65 — 2; S. doc. 230. Affairs in. Davis report. 55 — 2; S. doc. 885. The Maine. Spanish and United States reports. In 1 vol. 1898. 8° P. 2. See American Republics, Bureau of. See List of books, with reference to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1898. L. C. Cuba and Porto Rico. Import duties of. See Import duties. Import duties of. See American Republics, Bureau of. Culver, Mrs. C. P., translator, from the German, of The W^orld's Money, by J. Meyer. Wash., G. P. O., 1878. 8° 45—3; H. mis. doc. 8 T. Cunningham, William, Correspondence witli John Adams. Bost., True & Greene, 1823. 12° See John Adams. E. 1. Currency and banks. Index of House bills relating to, from 1st to 42d Cong. By Edward McPherson. G. P. O., 1875. 8° 43—2; H. mis. doc. 92. Currency, bimetallism. See Norman's universal cambist. T. Currency of the country and of the loans of the United States. B}^ W. F. De Knight. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 4° T. M. D. 9. From the earliest period to June 30, 1896. Wash., G. P. O., 1897. 4° M. D. 9. Indian (India) Hershell Report 1892. Coinage of silver. G. P. O., 1893. 8° T, CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 39 Curtis, George Ticknor. Constitutional historj^ of the United States from their Declaration of Independence to the close of their civil war. N. Y., Harper & bros., 1899. 2 vols. 8° See Constitution. M. 2. Life of James Buchanan, fifteenth President of the United States. N. Y., Harper & bros., 1883. 2 vols. 8° F. 1. Curtis, William Eleroy. Trade and transportation between the United States and Spanish America. G. P. O., 1889. 8° L. 1. Cushing, Caleb. Eulog}^ on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 1826. Cambridge, Hilliard & Metcalf, 1826. 8" E. 2. Cushing, Luther S. Elements of the law and practice of legislative assemblies in the United States. 9th ed. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1874. 8" 3 copies. O. 8. Customs, Administrative act of, 1890. T. Opinions of collectors. See Tariff' inquiries, replies to. T. Customs, Congress (first) of the American Republics, 1903. 8° 57—2; S. doc. 180. E. 4. Customs law of 1894. Bulletin No. 61, pt. 1. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Wash., G. P. O., 1894. 8° T. Cutter, Charles A. Rules for a dictionary catalogue. 3d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1891. 8° 4 copies. X. Cyclopaedias. A, etc. ( Appleton's) American cyclopaedia. A popular dictionary of general knowl- edge. By George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1873-1878. 17 vols. 4» Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, and register of important events, 1861-1875, with index. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1862-77. 16 vols. 4° Number of copies: 1861, five; 1862, three; 1863, two; 1864, four; 1865, four; 1866, none; 1867, two; 1868, three; 1869, two; 1870, two; 1871, three: 1872, three; 1873, three; 1874, three; 1875, three; index, 3 copies. , [Same.] New series, 1876-1895. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1877-1896. 20 vols. 4° 3 copies. [Same.] Third series, 1896-1902. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1897-1903. 7 vols. 4° 3 copies. Appleton's cyclopeedia of American biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1887. 7 vols. 4» Appleton's cyclopaedia of biography. Edited by Francis H. Hawks. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1879. 4° 2 copies. (Appleton's) new American cyclopaedia. A popular dictionary of general knowledge. By George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. N. Y., D. Appleton & CO., 1858-1864. 16 vols. 4" Cabinet (the new) cyclopaedia and treasury of knowledge. Edited by Charles Annandale and A. R. Spofford. Gebbie & co., 1892. 8 vols. 12" Century cyclopedia of names. Edited bv B. B. Smith. N. Y., Century co. 4" Church cyclopaedia. A dictionary of church doctrine, history, organization, and ritual. Edited by A. A. Benton. L. R. Hamersley & co., 1884. 8° Geography, cyclopaedia of. Edited by Hugh Murray. Carey, Lea & Blanch- ard, 1838. 3 vols. 4» 40 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Cyclopeedias — Continued. Harper's popular cyclopaedia of TJnited States History from the aboriginal period to 1876. By Benson J. Lossing. N. Y., Harper & bros., 1881. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. Homans, J. Smith. A cyclopedia of commerce and commercial navigation. N. Y., Harper & bros., 1858. 4° JefFersonian (the) cyclopedia. By John P. Foley. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls CO., 1900. 4° Johnson's new universal cyclopaedia. A scientific and popular treasury of useful knowledge. N. Y., A. J. Johnson & son, 1877. 4 vols. 4" (Johnson's) universal cyclopaedia. New ed. Editor-in-chief, Charles Ken- dall Adams. D. Appleton & co., 1896. 8 vols. 4° Political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States cyclopsedia of. By J. J. Lalor. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1890. 3 vols. 4" [Same.] N. Y., Maynard, Merrill & co., 1904. 3 vols. 4° Universal cyclopaedia and atlas. Newly revised and enlarged ed. Editor-in- chief, Charles Kendall Adams. Rossiter Johnson, editor of revision. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1901. 2 vols. 8° A. Cyclopaedia of Practical Quotations, The. B}^ J. K. Hoyt. Re- vised edition. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls co., 1896. S'' B. 3. Dalbiac, Philip Hugh. Dictionary of Quotations (English). The Macmillan co., New York, 1903. 8° X 4. Dall, William H. Alaska and its resources. Bost., Lee & Shepard, 1897. 8° A. 6. Dana, Charles A. (editor). American cyclopaedia. New American cyclopedia. A. 1. Danforth, Henry G. Digest of United States Supreme Court reports. See United States Supreme Court, Reports of. 3 copies. Room III, Law Div. Danish West India Islands, (fn Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States, Jan., 1902.) Wash., G. P. O. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. L. C. Darien Canal. See Interoceanic canals. Daughters of the American Revolution. Reports of. List, p. 240, M. D. 14. Davis, Arthur P. Hydrography of the American isthmus. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 4° 57— 2; S. doc. 124. Q. 2. Davis, Cushman K. A treatise on international law, including Amer- ican diplomacy. St. P., Keefe & Davidson, 1901. 8° 2 copies. See International law. O. 1. Davis, C. H. Narrative of the North Polar Expedition. Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 4" M. D. 12. Deaf. Histories of American schools for the, 1817-1893. Edited by E. A. Fay. Wash., Volta Bureau, 1893. 3 vols. 8° 2 copies. H. 3. M. D. 18. Debates. Hansard's, etc., parliamentary. List, p. 319. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 41 Debates in the several State conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution. By Jonathan Elliot. Phila., J. B. Lip- pincott & CO., 1861. 5 vols. 8° 5 copies.. M. Debates of Congress. Abridgment of, from 1789 to 1856. Bj^ Thomas H. Benton. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1860-1861. 16 vols. 8° De Bow's commercial revie^v, 1846 to 1855. Vols. 1-19. M. D. 21, 22. Debs conspiracy. See Strikes, etc. I. 2. Decisions of the Comptroller of the Currency, of the Interior, and Treasury Departments, etc. List, p. 240. Decisions of the Treasury Department under tarifl* and internal revenue laws, etc., 1898-1907. List, p. 241. Declaration of Independence. Illustrated story of its adoption, with the biographies and portraits of the signers and of the Secretary of the Congress. By William H. Michael. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 4° A. 4. Democratic (and Republican) national conventions. Proceedings of, 1856-1904. Official. J. 6-7. M. D. 3. Democratic (Republican, etc.) platforms. National platforms of all political parties, 1789-1892. Thomas Hudson McKee. Wash., Stat. Pub. CO., 1892. 12'^ J. 6. M. D. 3. Democratic (Republican, etc.) national platforms and conventions, 1789-1901, convention, popular, and electoral vote. By Thomas Hudson McKee. Balto., Friedenwald co., 1901. 12° J. 6. Democratic (and Republican) campaign documents and text- books, 1872-1906. J. 6-7. Departments, Executiv^e. Expenditures in the, 1816-1832. See Executive Departments. F. 7. Department of Commerce and Labor. Organization and law. G. P. O., 1904. 8° F. 3. of Justice. Rules and regulations governing the. G. P. O., 1907. 59—2; S. doc. 395. Depew, Chauncey M. (editor). American commerce, one hundred years of. N. Y., D. O. Haynes & co., 1895. 2 vols. 4° D. 5. Descartes, Rene. The method, meditations, and philosophy of. By John Veitch. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 18.) L. 2. Desty, Robert. The Constitution of the United States. San F., Sumner Whitney &, co., 1881. 12" 4 copies. See Constitu- tion. [Same.] 2d ed. With supplement by A. Brunner. San F., Bancroft- Whitney co., 1887. 3 vols. 12° M. Devereux, John C. Court of Claims. Report and digest of opin- ions. N. Y., Banks, Gould & co., 1856. 8*^ R. 42 CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Dictionaries. X. Ainswortli, Eobert. Latin dictionary. Edited by Morell. Lond., 1796. 4° M. D. 12. [Same.] By Morell and Carey. 1823. 4° M. D. 12. Alaska. Geographic dictionary of. By Marcus Baker. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° 2 copies. M. D. 11. Second edition. By James McCormick. G. P. O., 1906. 8" 55—1; H. doc. 938. A. 3. Anthon, Charles. Classical dictionary. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1883. 4° Bailey, Jacobus. Totius Latinitatis lexicon. Londini, S. Baldwin et Cradock, 1828. 2 vols. 4° Baker, Marcus. Geographic dictionary of Alaska. Wash., G. P. 0., 1902. 8° 2 copies. Battles, dictionary of, from earliest date to the present time. By Thos. Ben- fiend Harbottle. N. Y., E. P. Dutton & co., 1905. 8° Bayle [P.]. A general dictionary, historical and critical. Lond., James Bet- tenham, 1734. 10 vols. 4° R. 7. Bouvier, John. Law dictionary. Bost., Boston Book co., 1897. 2 vols. 4° Boyer's French dictionary. Bost., Hilliard, Gray & co., 1838. 8" M. D. 12. Century dictionary. An encyclopedia lexicon of the English language. N. Y., The Century co. 2 copies. 1889, 1891. 6 vols. 4° {Same.] 1903; including cyclopedia of names and atlas. 10 vols. 4° Cyclopedia of names. N. Y., The Century co. 2 copies. 1894. 4" Chambaud, Louis. Nouveau dictionnaire. Fran^^ois-Anglois et Anglois-Fran- yois. Londres, Cadele & Davies, 1805. 2 vols. 4° Dalbiac, Philip Hugh. Dictionary of quotations. N. Y., the MacMillan co., 1903. 8». Gannett, Henry. Dictionary of altitudes in the United States. Wash., G. P. O., 1891. 8» M. D. 11. Harbottle, Thomas Bluefield. Dictionary of battles from the earliest date to the present time. N. Y., E. P. Dutton & co., 1905. 8» Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1897. 4° M. D. 12. Haskel, Daniel, and J. Calvin Smith. A complete descriptive and statistical gazetteer of the United States of America. N. Y., Sherman & Smith. 1846. 8° M. D. 12. Hayden's dictionary of dates. 13th ed. N. Y., 1871. 8° M. D. 12. [Same.] 1878. 8" M. D. 12. [Same.] 1892. 8° Universal index of biography. Edited by J. Bertrand Payne. Lond., E. Moxon, Son & co., 1870. 8° Jameson, J. Franklin. Dictionary of United States history. Bost., Historical Publishing CO., 1899. 8° Jolinson, Samuel. Dictionary of the English language. Phila., James Max- well, 1819. 2 vol. 4° " M. D. 12. [Same.] Edited by Todd. Lond., Longman, 1827. 3 vols. 4° [Same.] Lond., H. G. Bohn, 1833. 4° Johnston, Alex. Keith. Dictionary of geography, descriptive, physical, statis- tical, and historical. Lond., Longman, 1851. 8" M. D. 12. Lamb's biographical dictionary of the United States. Edited by John Howard Brown. J. H. Lamb co., 1900. 7 vols. 4» Lanman, Charles. Dictionary (biographical) of Congress, 1789-1859. Con- taining biographical sketches of its members from the foundation of the Government; with an appendix. J. B. Lippincott & co., 1859. 8" CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 43 Dictionaries — Contin ued. Liddell, H. G., and R. Scott. Greek-English lexicon. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1880. 4° Lippincott's pronouncing gazetteer of the world, 1855. 2 vols. 4" [Same.] 1866. 4" [Same.] 1879. 4» [Same.] 1889. 2 vols. 4° [Same.] 1890. 2 vols. 4° McCulloch, J. C. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of com- merce and commercial navigation. Phila., 1840. 2 vols. 8" M. D. 12. [Same.] Lond., 1854. 2 vols. 8° M. D. 12. [Same.] Lond., 1869. 8" March, Francis A. A thesaurus dictionary of the English language. Phila., Historical Publishing co., 1902. 4° Mulhall, Michael G. The dictionary of statistics. Lond., Geo. Routledge & Sons, 1892. 4° 2 copies. Nautical. Illustrated, Patterson unabridged, 1891. M. D. 12. Ogilvie, John. Imperial dictionary of English language. Lond., Blackie & Son, 1883. 4 vols. 4° Patterson, Howard. Illustrated nautical dictionary. N. Y., 1891. 4" Quotations, dictionary of (English). Philip Hugh Dalbiac. N. Y., the Mac- Millanco., 1903. 's". Tarver, J. Ch. Royal phraseological English-French, French-English diction- ary. 4th ed. Lond., Dulan & CO., 1862. 2 vols. 4° Richardson, Charles. A new dictionary of the English language. Lond., William Pickering, 1838. 2 vols. 4° M. D. Rodwell, G. F. A dictionary of science. Lond., E. Moxon & co., 1871. 8" (Hayden series.) Trumbull, James H. Natick dictionary. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 57—2; H. doc. 455. Velazquez, M. Pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. N. Y., D. Appleton, 1870. 4° Webster, Noah. An American dictionary of the English language, 1828. 2 vols. 4" M. D..12. [Same.] 1832. 4° M. D. 12. [Same.] 1868. 4» M. D. 12. [Same.] 1878. 4° M. D. 12. [Same.] 1880. 4» M. D. 12. [Same.] 1890. 4" M. D. 12. International dictionary of the English language. New edition, with supplement of new words. By Porter & Harris. Springfield, Mass., G. & C. Merriam co., 1904. 4° Who's Who, 1900-1905. An annual biographical dictionary. Lond.,Adam& Chap. Black. «» B. 3. M. D. 8. Who's Who in America. A biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States, 1901-1902, 1906-1907. Chi. , A. N. Marquis & CO. 8" B. 3. M. D. 8. Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the English language. Bost., Hickling, Swan & Brewer, 1860. 4" M. D. 12. [Same.] Phila., J. B. Lippincott, 1878. 4° M. D. 12. Digest and decisions of the Judge-Advocate-General of the Arm3\ By Maj. Charles McClure. G. P. O., 1901. 8° U. 44 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Digest of decisions and precedents of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States. By Henry H. Smith, 1894. 8° 53—2; S. mis. doc. 278. V. Dillon, John F. Compiler and editor of the life character, and judi- cial character of John Marshall, bein^ memorial addresses, etc. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1903. 4° I 4. Dillon, John M. (editor). Complete Constitutional Decisions of John Marshall. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1903. 8" M. 3. Diplomacy. A century of American, being a brief review of the foreign relation of the United States, 1776-1S76. By John W. Foster. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1901. 8° F. 4. American, in the Orient. B}^ John W. Foster. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1903. 8° 2 copies. F. 4. The practice of. By John W. Foster. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1906. 8° F. 4. Diplomatic and consular service of the United States, 1900-1903, 1907. 8° Department of State publications. F. 4. Diplomatic code. The American, embracing a collection of treaties and conventions between the United States and foreign powers, from 1778 to 1834. By Jonathan Elliot. Wash., J. Elliot, jr., 1834. 2 vols. 8*^ F. 5. Diplomatic correspondence and foreign relations of the United States. General index, 1861-1899. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° F. 5. Diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution. By Jared Sparks. Bost., N. Hale and Gray & Bowen, 1829. 12 vols. 8° 2 copies. F. 5 and M. D. 22. [Same.] By State Department. (Also entitled Diplomatic correspondence of the United States of America.) Wash., F. P. Blair, 1834. 7 vols. 8" 2 copies.' F. 5. M. D. 22. Diplomatic correspondence of the United States, the Revolution- ary. By Francis Wharton. Wash., G. P. 0.,.1889. 6 vols. 8° 50—1; H. mis. doc. 603, pts. 1-6. F. 6. M. D. 22. Diplomatic questions, American. B}^ John B. Henderson. N. Y., Macmillanco., 1901. 8*^ F. 4. Dismal S"wamp district of Virginia and North Carolina. {In Tenth annual report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey, v. iv, pt. 2. Wash. , G. P. O. , 1890. 4") 51—1 ; H. ex. doc. 1, pt. 5. S. 3. Dismal Swamp region. Report on a botanical survey of. By Thomas H. Kearney. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8'' F. 4. Distances, official table of. Wash., G. P. O., 1873-1906. 8*^ B. 6. M. D. 2. District of Columbia. Q. 1. See historical note, p. 368. CAT.U.OGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 45 District of Columbia. Q. 1 — Continued. Code of law, enacted Mar. 3, 1901, amended by the acts approved Jan. 31 and June 30, 1902, By Chas. Moore. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8'' [Same.] Amended to and including- Mar. 3, 1905. Recom- piled and indexed by Daniel E. Garges. G. P. O., 1906. S''. Corporations. Laws relating to, in the District of Columbia. Extract from the Code of Law and other laws. By Wm. F. Meyers. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° Q. 1. Laws relating to and health ordinances passed at the Forty- fifth Congress, first session. Wash., 1877. 8° Libraries of the. A union list of periodicals, transactions, and allied publications currently received in the principal. See Library of Congress. Map of, 1906. — Report of the Commissioners, 1902 [on the Carnegie Library]. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° 57—2: H. doc. 7. Reports of the Commissioners. List, p. 21:3. Sewerage of . Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 8" 51— 1; H. ex. doc. 445. [Same.] 1894. 53—2; S. rept. 623. Statutes of, compiled, 1887-1889. By William S. Abert and Benj. G. Lovejoy. G. P. O., 1894. ^ Street railway franchises in. By Daniel E. Garges. G. P. O., 1905. 8°. Washington City, District of Columbia, the improvement of. Report of "Park commission," so called. Bj^ Glenn Brown, with an introduction by Charles Moore. G. P. O., 1901. 8" 56—2; S. doc. 94. Water supply. Purification of the. Bj^ Charles Moore. G. P. O., 1903. 8° Direct taxes, etc. Index of House bills relating to, from 1st to 42d Congress. By Edward McPherson. G. P.O., 1875. 8° 43—2; H. mis. doc. 92. Diseases of the horse. A special report on, b}^ Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture. G. P. O., 1903. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 487. [Same.] 1907. 8° 59-2; H. doc. 795. Dismal Swamp canal. See Interoceanic canals. Dixon, Archibald. History of Missouri compromise and slaver}^ in American politics. 2d ed. Cin., The Rob. Clarke co., 1903. 8° I. 6. Dock-yards, European. Report on, by P. Ilichborn. Wash., G. P. O., 1886. 8". M. D. 3. 46 CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Documents, catalogues, etc. See Public documents. Also List — documents, catalogues, etc., p. 244. Documentary history of the capitol. 58 — 1; H. rep. 646. Documentary history of reconstruction. Political, military, social, religious, educational, and industrial; 1865 to the present time. By Walter L. Fleming. Cleveland, O. The Arthur H. Clark CO., 1906. 8*' 2 vols. F. 7. Dodd, S. C. T. Trusts. N. Y., 1900. 8° (Address at Syracuse University, 1893.) 8. 1. Donaldson, Thomas. The public domain: Its history, with statistics. Wash., G. P. O., 1884. 8" 47—2; H. mis. doc. 45, pt. 4. Doyle, Agnes C. [Editor revised edition] Bibliography of U. S. Navy. 16. Dowd, Clement (editor). Life of Zebulon B. Vance. Charlotte, N. C, Observer Printing co., 1897. 8° L. 4. Drug laws. 56—2; S. doc. 141. P. 2. Ducretet, E. Practical guide to wireless telegraphy. Translation by Navy Department. 1902. 58 pp. 8" L. 8. Duruy, Victor. History of Greece, and of the Greek people. Trans- lated and edited by M. M. Ripley. Bost., Estes & Lauriat, 1890. 8 vols. 4° D. 1. History of Rome and of the Roman people. Translated by M. M. Ripley and W. F. Clarke. Edited by J. P. Mahaffy. Bost., C. F. Jewett Publishing co. [n. d.] 8 vols, in 16 sec- tions. 4° D. 2. Dye, Eva Emer3^ The Conquest. The true story of Lewis and Clark. Chic, A. C. McClurg & co., 1902. 8° I 2. Dyer, A. B. Proceedings of a court of inquiry convened at Wash- ington, Nov. 9, 1868, to examine into the accusations against Brig, and Bvt. Maj. Gen. A. B. Dyer, chief of ordnance. Wash., 1868-69. 2 pts. 8° Room III, Law Div. Eagle almanac, Brooklyn daily. See Almanacs. B. 1. Early Congressional documents. Papers relating to. By Gen. A. W. Greely. G. P. O., 1900. 8° 56— 1; S. doc. 428. S. 1. Ecclesiastical records of the State of New York. By Hugh Hast- ings, State historian. Albany, 1901. 2 vols. Economic geology, contributions. Wash., G. P. O., 2; H. doc. 437. 2 copies. Economist, statistician and, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906. McCarty, 1903-4. 8° B. 2. Eddy, Arthur J. The law of combinations, embracing monopolies, trusts, and combinations of labor and capital, conspiracy, and contracts in restraint of trade, together with Federal and State antitrust legislation. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1901. 2 vols. 8° O. 7. 8" 1. 7. 1903. 8° 57- San F., L. P CATALOGUE LIBRAE Y UNITED STATES SENATE 47 Education, list of the publications of the Bureau of, 1867-1890. G. P. O., 1891. 8" F. 7. M. D. 13. Reports of Commissioner of. List, p. 244. M. D. 13. See Leg-al education. Education and crime. See Abnormal man. J. 3. Egan, .Tolin G. (joint editor). See Prentice and. Eight years in Congress; from 1857-1865. Memoirs and speeches of Samuel S. Cox. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1865. 8° F. 4. Election cases (Senate). Compilation from 1789-1885. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 49—1; S. mis. doc. 47. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1893, b}^ George P. Furber. 52—2; S. mis. doc. 67. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1903, bj^ George M. Buck. 58 — spec, sess.; S. doc. 11. Election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people. List of principal speeches and reports made in Congress in recent years. By Clifford Warden. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 406. M. D. 18. — [Same.] Reprinted, with additions by Library of Congress, and a magazine article b}^ Hon. George F. Edmunds. 1906; same document number. This volume also contains: (1) Reprint of a speech by Hon. George F. Hoar, Apr. 6-7, 1893, 59 — 1; S. doc. 232; and (2) an abstract of primar}^ laws of sundry States, 59—2; S. doc. 393. M. D. 18. Elections. A treatise on the American law of. B}'^ George W. McCrary. 2d ed. Chi., E. B. Myers, 1880. 8''"^ V. 3. [Same.] 4th ed. Edited by H. L. McCune. Chi., Cal- laghan&co., 1897. 8° V. 3. Elections to public offices. A treatise on the law of. By Halbert E. Paine. Bost., Little, Brown c& co., 1890. 8° V. 1. Electoral Commission. Proceedings of the, and of the two Houses of Congress in joint meeting, relative to the count of electoral votes cast Dec. 6, 1876, for the presidential term commencing Mar. 4, 1877. Wash., G. P. O., 1877. 4" F. 7. Elliot, Jonathan. The American diplomatic code, embracing a collec- tion of treaties and conventioims between the United States and foreign powers, from 1778-1834. Wash., J. Elliot, jr., 1834. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. F. 4. Elliot's (Jonathan) debates in the different States on the Federal Constitution; journal of the Federal Convention of 1787; Madi- son Papers — reports of debates in the Congress of the Confed- eration and the Federal Convention; Luther JNIartin's letter and Yates' minutes on the secret proceedings of the Federal Convention, etc. Wash., Elliot, J., 1827. 8" M. 1. [Same.] vol. 4, 1830. 8° M. 1. 3605—08 4 48 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Elliot's (Jonathan) [Same.] 4 vols., 1836. 8° M. 1. [Same.] 1845. vol. 5. M. 1. [Same.] 5 vols. Phila,, J. B. Lippincott & co., and Wash., Taylor & Maury, 1861. 8° M. 1. Elliott, Chas. B. The United States and the northeastern fisheries. A history of the fishery question. Minnesota, University of Minnesota, 1887. 8° 2 copies. G. 1. Emma mine, the. A statement and history of the Emma mine and its sale to the Emma Silver Mining Company (Limited), of Lon- don. Prepared for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives in the investigation of the con- nection of General Schenck with said company. B. H. Tyrrel, N. Y., 1876. 8" F. 7. Emmons, George F. The Nav}" of the United States, from the com- mencement, 1775 to 1853; with a brief history of each vessel's service and fate as appears upon record. Wash., Gideon & co., 1853. 4° D. 4. English colonies. See History of. Encyclopeedia Britannica, or Dictionary of arts, sciences, and gen- eral literature. 8th ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1860. 21 vols, and index. 4° C. 2-4. The new volumes of the Enclopa^dia Britannica, constituting, in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition, the tenth edition of that work, dealing with recent events and developments. Lond., Adam and Charles Black, 1902-3. 11 vols. [25-35]. [vol. 34 is an atlas; vol. 35 index.] 4° C. 1. Encyclopeedia, Harper's, of United States history, from 458 A. D. to 1902. Harper & Bros., 1902. 10 vols. 8° A. 1. Engineers, Chief of. Analytical and topical index to the reports upon works and surveys for river and harbor improvements, 1866-1890. Wash., G^ P. O., 1903. 3 vols. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 439. Vols. 93-95. K. 2. List, p. 246. Engineering. Science of hydraulic. Contributions. By Edward Fontaine. Wash., G. P. O., 1879. 4<' S. 5. Engineers. Report of Chief of. See List, p. 246. English belles-lettres. (Universit}^ Classics Librarj^, vols. 1 and 2.) L. 4. English Parliament, History of the; together with an account of the Parliaments of Scotland and Ireland. By G. B. Smith. Lond., Ward, Lock, Bowen & co., 1892. S"" H. 4. English people. History of. By John R. Green. N. Y., A. L. Burt [n. d.]. 4 vols. 8° H. 2. [Same.] Rev. ed. American book co., n. d. 8° H. 2. CATALOGUE LIBllAHY UNITED STATES SENATE 49 English -words and phrases. Thesaurus of. B}^ Peter M. Roget. N. Y., Longmans, Green & cc, 1901. 8° 13. 4. [Same.] New ed. T. Y. Crowell & co., 1904. 8° B. 4. Entomological reports. List, p. 247. Essays, religious, social, political. By D. A. Wasson. Bost., Lee & Shepard, 1889. 8° F. 1. Ethnology, reports of Bureau of. See List, p. 248. Contributions to North America. See List, p. 249. Eulogies, memorials, etc., C. and D. 6. M. D. 9. Evans, Charles H. [compiler]. Exports (colonial), 1697-1789. Ex- ports (United States), 1789-1893. G. P. O., 1894. 8" 53—2; S. rep. 259, pt. 2. T. Evans, Roble^' D. A sailor's log. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1902. 8° K. 3. Evelyn, John. The diary of. Edited b}' William Bray. (Universal Classics Librar\', vols. 8 and 9.) L. 2. Everett, Edward. Biographical memoir of Daniel Webster. See Works of Daniel Webster, vol. 1. Little & Brown, 1851. 6 vols. 8'* L. 7. Exchange (foreign and colonial). See J. H. Norman. T. Executive Departments and other Government establishments. Laws organizing, at the National capital. 4° 53 — 1; S. repts. 41, 49; H. rep. 88. S. 3. M. D. 14. Contingent or other expenses. Investigation, Senate Com- mittee, 1881-82. Report by Senator Allison, Mar. 15, 1882. Wash., G. P. O., 1882. 8° 47-1; S. Rep. 265. Executive officers of the United States, 1789-1901. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° F. 7. Executive, register of the United States, 1789-1902. A list of the Presidents and their Cabinets; laws governing their election, appointment, qualification, and term of office; the electoral and popular vote at each election, and, as an appendix, literal copies of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confedera- tion, and the Constitution. By Robert Brent Moser. Bait., The Lord Baltimore Press, 1903. 8° 2 copies. 58—3; S. doc. 196. F. 7. M. D. 14. Expansion (Territorial) of the United States. {Bi Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States, Sept., 1901. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 4°) S. 3. M. D. 15. Expatriation. A treatise on. By [George Hay]. Wash., A. & G. Way, 1814. S" O. 7. ' On the right of. See Charles Pinckne3\ O. 7. Expedition. See Lewis & Clark. I. 2. Explorations and surveys. Reports of. List, p. 250. M. D. 12. 50 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE Exploring expedition to Oregon and North California in the years 1843, 1844. By J. C. Fremont. Wash., 1845. 8° G. 1. Exports (Colonial) 1697-1789. S. (United States) 1789-1893, Charles H. Evans (compiler). G. P. O., 1894. 8'' 53—2; S. rep. 259, pt. 2. to 1904. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Aug., 1904. 4° Expositions, etc. Paris universal exposition, 1867. Report of the United States commissioners to the. G. P. O., 1870. 8° 6 vols. F. 8. Centennial international exhibition at Melbourne, 1888. Report of United States commissioners, 1889. Wash., G. P. O., ]890. 8° 51—1; S. ex. doc. 18. F. 8. United States international exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876. Reports, awards, etc. Wash., G. P. O., 1880. 9 vols. 4" F. 7. International universal exposition, Paris, 1900. Report of the commissioner-general for the United States to the, 1901. G. P. O., 1901. 8° 6 vols. 56-2; S. doc. 232. F. 8. World's Columbian, Chicago, 1893. Report of the awards of the commissioners. G. P. O., 1901. 8" 2 vols. 57—1; H. doc. 510, pt. 1. F. 8. Columbian Historical, at Madrid 1892-93 with special Papers, Reports of U. S. commissioner. G. P. O. , 1905. — 53 — 3. H. ex. doc. 100. 8° F. 8. List, p. 252. Extradition and interstate rendition. By J. B. Moore. Bost., Bos- ton Book CO., 1891. 2 vols. 8" O. 6. Report on, by John Bassett Moore, for the use of the Inter- national American Conference. G. P. O., 1890. 8° 51 — 1; S. ex. doc. 55. O. 6. Extraterritorial rights. See Judicial, etc. Familiar quotations. A collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. By John Bartlett. 9th ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1903. 8° B. 4. Far East. Select list of books relating to the. Griffin. 1904. L. C. Farmers' bulletins. From 1889-1907. Nos. 1-312. Wash., G. P. O., 1889-1907. 8" List, p. 161. Index to Nos. 1-309. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° F. 8. Farwell, Willard B. The Chinese at home and abroad. A. L. Ban- croft & CO., 1885. 8° F. 2. Fauna of British India, the, including Ceylon and Burma. Pub- lished under the authority of the secretary of state for India in council. Edited b}^ W. T. Blanford. London. Taylor & Francis, 1897. 4 vols. 8^^ G. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 51 Fay, Edward A. (editor). Histor}^ of American schools for the Deaf. 1817-1893. Wash., Volta Bureau, 1893. 3 vols. 8" 2 copies. H. 3. Federal aid in domestic disturbances, 1787-1903. Emplo3ment of troops in the enforcement of the laws. By Frederick T. Wil- son. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° 57—2; S. doc. 209. G. 1. Federal control of commerce and corporations. List of references on. Griffin. 1904. L. C. Federal Convention. Secret proceedings and debates of the. Assem- bled at Philadelphia in the year 1787 for the purpose of form- ing the Constitution of the U. S. of America. Notes by Robert Yates and Luther Martin. Webster's & Skinner's, Albany. 1821. 8°. M 1. (This copy contains the autograph of Charles Piuckney, a member of the Federal Convention.) [Same.] See Madison papers. — [Same.] See Elliot's debates of the Federal Constitution, Ed. of 1830, vol. 4, p. 273; Ed. of 1861, vol. 1, p. 344. Federal G-overnment. Introduction to the study of. By Albert Bushnell Hart. (Harvard historical monographs, No. 2.) Ginn & CO., 1891. 8° G. 1. M. D. 14. Federalist, the. See Constitution. Federal power over carriers and corporations. By Parmalee Prentice. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1907. 8° O. 7. Federal practice. Lawyers' handbook of. By Jonas H. McGowan. Wash., Brodix Publishing co., 1891. 8° O. 8. Federal Statutes, annotated. Edward Thompson company, 1906. 10 vols. Field, O. J. (compiler). Register of the Department of Justice, 1902. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8'' Fighting frigate. By H. C. Lodge. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's sons, 1902. . 8" G. 1. Filipino, El Archipielago. Wash., Imprenta del Gobierno, 1900. 2 vols. 4° 1.— N. Finance reports, See: Treasury, reports of the Secretary. List, p. 363. Financial. T. Bank of the United States, including the original bank of North America; legislative and documentary history of. Compiled by M. St. Clair Clarke and D. A. Hall. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1832. 8° 2 copies. Memorials and papers, for and against, 1832. 8" Berlin silver commission, 1894. G. P. O., 1895. 53—2; S. misc. doc. 274. 3 parts, all in vol. 10. 52 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Financial. T. — Continued. Bonds, sale of. Testimony taken by the Senafe Committee on Finance. G. P. 0. 1896. 8° 54 — 2; S. doc. 187. In the same volume: A message from the President of the United States on the condition of the national finances. 53—3; H. ex. doc. 257. Abstract of, for duties on merchandise imported into the United States, 1819, 1820. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1820. 8° paper currency, coin, production of precious metals, etc. United States Treasury Department circular, July 2, 1900. 8" Cambist, Norman's. See Norman's universal. Coin of the Realm; what is it? By John Henry Norman. Lond., Waterlow & sons, Lim., 1888. 8° 2 copies. Coinage laws of the United States, 1792-1893, 2d ed., revised. Senate Committee on Finance. G. P. O., 1893. 8° 2 copies. 1792-1894. United States Senate Committee on Finance. G. P. O., 1894. 8° 53—2; S. rep. 235. Coinage of gold and silver. Testimony taken before House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. G. P. O., 1891. 51—2; H. rep. 3967, pt. 3. Contest for sound money. A history of coinage and currency in the United States. By A. Barton Hepburn. N. Y., Mackmillan co., 1903. 8° Currency and loans of the United States, history of, from the earliest period to June 30, 1900. G. P. 0., 1900. 4° Treasury Department doc. 1943. Documents, editorials, etc., 1880. 8° Gold and silver 400 years; United States coinage and currency 1793-1895. Treasury Department, doc. 1801. G. P. 0., 1895. 8" Index of House bills from the 1st to the 42d Congresses, inclusive, relating to banks, currency, public debt, and direct taxes. By Edward McPherson. G. P. O., 1875. 8° 43—2; H. mis. doc. 92. Indian (India) currency. Report of commission on, known as the Hershell report on the coinage of silver in India, with correspondence and testimony, 1892. International monetary conference, Paris, 1867. 40 — 2; S. ex. doc. 14. [Same], 1870. 41—2; H. ex. doc. 266. [Same], 1878. 49—1; H. mis. doc. 396, pt. 2. [Same], 1881. 49—1; H. mis. doc. 396, pt. 3. Laws of the United States relating to loans and the currency, coinage, and banking. G. P. 0., 1886. 8° 49—1; S. ex. doc. 226. relating to loans, paper money, banking, and coinage, 1790-1895. G. P. O. , 1896. 53—3; S. rept. 831. Mints, assay ofl8.ces, and coinage. Letter from Secretary of Treasury. Geo. S. Boutwell, June 25, 1870. 41—2; H. ex. doc. 307. Monetary conftnission, Indianapolis convention, 1898, report of. Chic, Uni- versity Press, 1898. 8° of 1877; report of, by Senator John P. Jones. 44—2; S. rep. 703. Reprinted, 49—1; H. mis. doc. 396, pt. 1. [Same.] Reports and documents of commission, under J. res. of Aug. 15, 1876. 44—2; S. rep. 703, vols. 1 and 2. Money question, the series of solutions proposed. The Monograph, 1894. St. Paul, Monograph Pub. co., 1894. 8° Norman's universal cambist. By John Henry Norman. Lond., EflBngham Wilson, 1897. 8° [Same], addenda. Money's worth, etc., 1899. 8° CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 53 Financial. T. — Continued. Practical information concerning the public debt of the United States, with the national banking laws. By Wm. A. Richardson. Wash.,'W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1873. 8° Reports. List, p. 363. Silver, coinage of, in India. Report of the Indian currency commission. Her- schell. G. P. O., 1893. 8° the future of. By Edward Suess. G. P. O., 1893. 8° 2 copies. 53— 1; S. mis. doc. 95. remonetization of. See Speech of Senator John P. Jones, Oct. 14, etc.. 1893. Congressional Record, 53 — 1. See, also, his speech of May 12, 13, 1890, Congressional Record, 51 — 1; appendix p. 237. Silver commission of 1876, at New York and Washington, report of. 49 — 1 ; H. mis. doc. 396, pt. 1. 8° [Same], at Berlin, 1894. 53—2; S. mis doc. 274, 3 parts, all in vol. 10. Silver in Europe. By S. Dana Horton. 2d ed. N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1892. 8° Sound currency, 1895. A compendium of information on currency questions. N. Y., Reform Club Sound Currency Committee, 1895. 8° United States notes. A history of the various issues of paper money. By John Jay Knox. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's sons, 1884. 8° United States loans, 1789-1896. A condensed history of all United States loans. Treasury Department doc. 1943, p. 243. 2d ed. G. P. 0., 1897. 8° World's money, the theory of the coin, coinage, and monetary system of the world. By J. Meyer. Translated from the German by Mrs. C. P. Culver. G. P. O., 1878. 8" 45—3; H. mis. doc. 8. Finding list. Important serial documents published by the Govern- ment, and how to find them. B}^ Alonzo W. Church and James M. Baker. Wash., G. P. O., 1897. 8° 54—2; S. doc. 103. Continued in Senate Librar}' catalogue for 1906 and 1908. Fish and fisheries. Reports of commissioner of. List, p. 253. Fish commission. Bulletins of. List, p. 252. Fish culture. Part xxiii of the report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1897. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8° 55—2; H. doc. 299, vol. 59. G. 1. Fisher, Sydne}^ George. The evolution of the Constitution of the United States. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1897. 8° See Constitution. M. 3. Fishery interests of the U. S. 47 — 1 ; S. mis. Vols. 6 — 10. Fisheries. United States and the northeastern, a history of the fish- ery question. By Chas. B. Elliott. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, 1887. 8" 2 copies. G. 1. Fiske, John (editor). Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. Appleton's cyclopaedia of biography. D. 3. Fleming, Walter L, Documentary histor}^ of reconstruction. Cleve- land, Ohio, 1906. The Arthur H. Clark co. 8° 2 vols. F. 7. 54 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Flint, Weston. Statistics of public libraries in the United States and Canada. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. S'' J. 8. Florence. History of, and of the affairs of Italy. By Niccola Machi- avelli. (Univ^ersal Classics Library, vol, 12.) L. 2. Florida. Map of; illustrative of surveys for a canal, accompanying a report of the Secretary of War. 1865-6. S° 4 copies. 34 — 1; S. ex. doc. 89. Q. 2. M. D. 11. Foley, John P. (editor). The Jeffersonian cyclopedia. Funk & Wagnallsco., 1900. 4° B. 6. Fontaine, Edward. Contributions on the science of hydraulic engi- neering. Wash., G. P. O., 1879. 4° S. 3. Food. Adulteration of food products, 1901. 8° 56—2; S. doc. 141. Digest of the pure food and drug laws of the United States and foreign countries, with court decisions affecting the same. 1901. 8" 57—1; S. 3. S. 1. Foods and food control law. By W. D. Bigelow. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8" (Agriculture Department Bulletin 69.) S. 1. Force, Peter (compiler). American archives. Ford, Paul L. The Federalist. N. Y., H. Holt & co., 1898. 8° See Constitution. 2 copies. M. 2. Ford, Worthington Chauncey (editor). The writings of George Washington. N. Y., Putnam's sons, 1889. 4 vols. 8° L. 7. See Library of Congress. Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States. M. D. 18. Foreign newspapers. Check list of. Slauson. 1904. L. C. Foreign relations committee, U. S. Senate. Reports of, 1789-1901. Compiled by Hawkins Taylor. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8 vols. S° G. 5. 56—2; S. doc." 331. Foreign relations, papers relating to. 1816-1832. 11 vols. G. 1. — 1875-1905. 38 vols. G. 2. See also List, p. 254. — — ■ See also Documented list, 1835-1906, p. 255. For Foreign Relations prior to 1835, see State Papers, etc. Forest reserves, national. See The Use Book. G. P. O., 1906. 12° L. 4. M. D. 18. Forest, rivers, and mountains of the Southern Appalachian region. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 4" 57—1; S. doc. 84. Forestry. A primer of. By Gifford Pinchot. Pt. I, The Forest. United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 24. G. P. O., 1899. 12° G. 5. [Same], 2d ed., 1900. 56—1; H. doc. 727. [Same.] Pt. 2, Practical Forestry. United States Depart- ment of Agriculture Bulletin No. 24. G. P. O., 1905. 12° G. 5. [Same.] Farmers' Bulletin No. 173. G. P. O., 1903. 8° G. 5. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 55 Fortifications and seacoast defenses. 37 — 2; H. rept. 86. Fort Stevens — Lincoln National Military Park. Letters from the President and other officers. 57 — 1; S. doc. 433. G. 5. Forty years of oratory. Lectures, addresses, and speeches of Daniel Wolsey Voorhees, compiled and edited by his three sons and his daughter, Harriet Cecilia Voorhees. Chi., Bowen-Merrill co., 1898. 2 vols. S'^ L. 5. Foster, John W. A century of American diplomac}^, bein^ a brief review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1776-1876. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1901. 8° F. 4. American diplomacy in the Orient. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1903. S*' 2 copies. F. 4. The practice of diplomacy. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1906. 8° F. 4. Foster, Roger. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, historical and juridical. Bost,, Boston Book co., 1895. vol. 1, Preamble to impeachment. 8° 2 copies. See Consti- tion. M. 3. Francais de la Guerre (Americaine), Combattants, 1778-1783, Paris, 1903. 4° B. 7. [Same.] With translation and index. G. P.O., 1905. 58 — 2; S. doc. 77. 4° B. 7. France, the story of. By Thomas E. Watson. N. Y., Macmillan CO., 1900. 2 vols. 8° G. 5. — Customs tariff of. Department of Commerce and Labor. Tariff Series No 6, 8° T, Franklin, Benjamin, The works of. Including the private as well as the official and scientific correspondence, together with the unmutilated and correct version of the autobiography. Com- piled and edited by John Bigelow. Federal edition. N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1904. 12 vols. 8° G. 5. [Life of] b}^ John T, Morse, jr. [being vol. 1 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. List of papers of, in the Library of Congress. Compiled by Worthington C. Ford. Wash,, G. P, O,, 1905, 4° Fraser, Malcolm A. C, editor. Western Australian yearbook, 1900- 1901; 1900-1903. Perth, 1902, 1904. 8° B. 1. Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to Oregon and North Cali- fornia in the years 1843-44. Wash., 1845. 8° G. 1." French spoliations. List, p. 257. Frontier to^vn. A, and other essays. By Henry Cabot Lodge, 1906. Charles Scribner's Sons. 8° G. 6. Furber, George P. Precedents relating to the privileges of the Senate. Was^., G. P. O., 1893. 8° 52—2; S. mis. doc. 68. V. 3. 56 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Fur-seal fisheries in Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean. Laws relating to. Wash., G. P. O., 1896. 8" S. 1. Fur seals and fur-seal islands of the North Pacific Ocean. By David Starr Jordan. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 4 vols, r R. 7. Gallatin, Albert. [Life of] by John Austin Stevens [being vol. 13 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost, , Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° E. 4. Gannett, Henry. Boundaries of the United States and of Ihe Terri- tories. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8" F. 1. [Same.] 3d ed. 1904. 8" F. 1. Dictionary of altitudes in the United States. Wash. , G. P. O. , 1891. 8" See Dictionaries. X. The origin of certain place names in the United States. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8" A 3. [Same.] 2d ed. 1905. 8° A. 3. Garfield, James Abram. The works of. Edited by Burke A. Hins dale. Bost., James R. Osgood & CO., 1882. 2 vols. 8° G. 6. Garges, Daniel E. (compiler). See Laws relating to street-railway franchises in the District of Columbia. G. P. O., 1905. 8" S. 2. Gay, Sidney Howard. [Life of] James Madison [being vol. 12 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Gazetteer of the United States. A complete descriptive and statis- tical. By Daniel Haskel and J. Calvin Smith. N. Y., Sherman & Smith, 1836, 1845, 1846. 8° A. 3. M. D. 12. Gazetteer, universal. Ancient and modern. Edited by F. G. Tom- lins. Lond., 1836. 2 vols. 4° A. 3. General appraisers, Board of. Digest of decisions of, under tariff acts of 1883, 1890, 1894, and 1897. G. P. O., 1901. 8° T. Decisions, 1898. 2 vols. U. 7. General Land Office. Rules of practice, regulations, proceedings to obtain title, etc. G. P. O., 1906. 8° 3 copies. U. 5. (A collection of sundry circulars, etc.) United States mining laws and regulations, Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° U. 5. Decisions. See Decisions of the Interior Department, relat- ing to Public Lands. List, p. 242. Reports of Commissioner. List, p. 258. Geographic dictionary of Alaska. By Marcus Baker. G. P. O., 1901. 8° M. D. 11. 2ded. By James McCormick. G. P. O., 1906. 8° 55—1; H. doc. 938. A. 3. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 57 Geographic dictionary of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Con- necticut. Bulletin United States Geological Survey, No. 115, 1894. By Henry Gannett, Wash., G. P. O. 8° A. 2. Geographic names, Hawaii. In report of the United States Coast and Geodetic Surve}^, 1902. Compiled by W. D. Alexander. 57—2; S. doc. 223, p. 367. 4° A. 3. M. D. 11. Second report of United States board on, 1890-1899. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8" 56—1; H. doc. 472. A. 3. M. D. 11. Third report of United States board on, 1890-1906. Wash., G. P. O., 1906. 8° A. 3. M. D. 11. Special report on geographic names in the Philippine Islands. 1901. 8" 56—2; S. doc. 228. A. 3. M. D. 11. Geographical surveys west of the one hundredth meridian in charge of George M. Wheeler. Wash., G. P. O., 1889. 7 vols. 4° M. D. 12. Geography. Handbook of commercial. By George G. Chisholm. N. Y., Longmans, Green & co., 1889. 8" A 3. The Cyclopedia of. Edited by Hugh Murray. Phila., Carey, Lea, and Blanchard, 1838. 3 vols. 8° A. 3. Note. — Vol. 1 missing. of New Zealand. By J. R. MacDonald. N. Z.,. 1903. 12° A. 3. Geological survey, United States. Catalogue of, and index to the publications of, 1880-1901. By Philip Creveling Warman. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° G.'6. Catalogue of, and index to the publications of, 1901-1903. By Philip Creveling Warman. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 471. G 6. Bulletins of. List, p. 261. Monographs of. List, p. 263. Reports of. List, p. 264. Geological survey of Territories. List, p. 265. Geology, economic, contributions to. Wash., G. P. O. , 1903. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 437. G. 6. Georgetov^n directory. See Washington and Georgetown. George Washington University, sundr}^ catalogues of. A. 4. Germans in the United States. A list of works relating to the. Griffin. 1904. L. C. Gettysburg National Military Park Commission. Annual reports of the Secretary of War, 1893-1901. AYash., G. P. O., 1902. 8" 57—1; S. doc. 453; 58—3; H. doc. 414. G. 6. M. D. 14. Gibbs, George. Memoirs of the administrations of Washington and John Adams. Edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott. N. Y., 1846. 2 vols. 8° L. 6. 58 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Grihon, Albert L, Practical suggestions in naval hygiene. 3d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1873. 8° M. D. 3. Gilkey, Elliot Howard. The Ohio hundred year book. Columbus, Fred J. Heer, 1901. 8° I. 8. Gilman, Daniel C. [Life of] James Monroe [being vol. 14 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Grirard college. The magnetic observatory at the. 4 vols, plates. 4° M. D. 18. Gladstone, William Ewart. The life of. By J. Morley. N. Y., Macmillian co., 1904. 3 vols. 8'' G. 7. Grladstone-Parnell, and the great Irish struggle. By Thomas Power O'Connor, M. P. , and Robert McWade. Phila., Hubbard Bros. , 1886. 8" G. 6. Goethe, Johann W. von. Conversations with Eckermann. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 7.) L. 2. Gordon, Thomas F. A digest of the laws of the United States. Phila., 1827. 4 copies. A digest of the laws of the United States, 1837. Room III, Law Div. [Same.] 1844. See United States Statutes. Gorham, George C. Life and public services of Edwin M. Stanton. Bost. and N. Y., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1899. 2 vols. 8° K. 5. Gould, John M. , and George F. Tucker. Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States and subsequent legislation of Congress. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1889. 4° P. 4. [Same.] vol. 2. Supplement. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1898. 4° See United States Statutes at Large. P 4. Gould, John M. (editor). Fourteenth edition of Kent's commen- taries on American law. Bost,, Little, Brown & co., 1896. 4 vols. 8" O. 8. Government of dependencies. By George C. Lewis. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 25.) L. 2. Government ownership of railroads. Select list of references on. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Government Printing Office. Manual of style governing composi- tion and proof reading in the. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8° Grant, U.S. Equestrian statue, unveiling of. Phila., 1899. 8° P. 7. — — — Personal memoirs of. N. Y., Century co., 1895. 2 vols. 8° G. 7. Proceedings in Congress on the occasion of the reception and (• ptance of the statue, presented by the Grand Army of the Republic, May 19, 1900. Wash. , G. P. O. , 1901. 4° M. D. 9. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 59 Graves, Henry S. Woodsman's handbook. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 12° M. D. 18. Graves, J. Harwood (compiler). Register of the Department of Jus- tice, 1904. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° See Registers. Graydon, William. An abridgment of the laws of the United States. Harrisburg, J. Wyeth, 1803. 8° 4 copies. xS'^eUnited States Statutes. Great Britain. Claims against. See Claims. Great Lakes. Commerce of the. {In Monthly summary of com- merce and finance of the United States, Jan., 1902.) Wash., G. P. O., 1902. I"' 57—1; H. doc. 15, pt. 7. S. 3. Greece. History of. By Victor Duru}^ Edited by M. M. Ripley. Bost., Estes & Lauriat, 1890. 8 vols. 4° D. 1. Greek coins. Catalogue of, in the Hunterian collection, University of Glasgow. Glasgow, James Maclehose & Sons, 1899, 1905. 3 vols. 4° B. 7. Greeley, Horace. The American conflict; a history of the great rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-1865. Hart- ford, O. D. Case & co., 1867. 2 vols. 8" 2 copies, vol. 1. E. 3. Greely, A. W. Papers relating to early Congressional documents. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. S'' 56—1; S. doc. 428. S. 1. Green, John R. History of the English people. N. Y., A. L. Burt, [n. d.]. 4 vols. 8° H. 2. A short history of the English people. American Book co. H. 2. Greenback campaign documents. 1880. 2 vols. 8° (Miscella- neous.) M. D. 4. Grey, William Edward, editor (book iii). Sir Thos. Erskine May's Parliamentary practice. 11th ed. Lond., Wm. Clowes & sons, 1906. 8° W— 1. Grifiin, Appleton Prentiss Clark. (Chief bibliographer.) Compiler of sundry publications of the Library of Congress. See Library of Congress. [editorial director] Universal Classics Library. Wash., M. Walter Duane, 1901. 30 vols. 8° L. 2—4. Grotius, Hugo. His three books, in one volume, treating of the rights of war and peace. Lond., M. W. & Thomas Basset, 1682. 4" See International law. R. 7. The rights of war and peace. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 28.) L. 2. Guatemala. See Bulletin no. 32, Jan., 1892, Bureau of American Republics. G. 7. 60 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Guthrie, William D. Lectures on the fourteenth article of amend- ment to the Constitution of the United States. Bost., 1898. 8° M. 3. Hale, Edward Everett. Prayers offered in the Senate of the United States by, in the winter session of 1904. Bost., Little, Brown & CO. 12° J. 8. Hale, George W. Police and prison c.yclopa3dia. Camb., Riverside Press, 1892. 8° B. 4. Hale, John Parker. Statue of, presented to New Hampshire by Wil- liam E. Chandler. Unveiling ceremonies, 1892. Concord, Republican Press Association. 8° G. 7. Hall, Charles T. See North Polar expedition. Hall, D. A. (joint editor). See Clarke, M. St. Clair. Hall, William E. A treatise on international law. 4th ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1895. 8° 2 copies. O. 1. Halleck, Henry W. International law. 3d ed. Edited by Baker. Lond., Kegan Paul, French, Triibner & co., 1893. 2 vols. 8° O. .1. Hamersly, Thomas H. S. The general register of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. Wash., Published bj^ the author, 1882. 2 vols. 8° I. 6. [Same.] 1888. 8° See Army and Navy Register. E. 6. Hamilton, Alexander. [Life of,] by Henry Cabot Lodge [being vol. 7 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° E. 4. The works of. Comprising his correspondence and his polit- , ical and official writings, exclusive of the Federalist, civil and militarv. By John C. Hamilton. Published by order of Joint Committee on Library, 1850. 7 vols. 8° G 8. M. D. 19. The works of. (P^dited) by Henry Cabot Lodge. Federal edition. N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1904. 12 vols. 8° G. 7. Hamilton, S. M. (editor). The writings of James Monroe. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. 7 vols. 8° I. 5. Hamlin, Charles S. Interstate commerce acts, indexed and digested. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1907. 8° H. 6. Handbook of the New Library of Congress in Washington. 1901. L. C. Hansard's Parliamentary debates. See Parliamentary history and debates. Also list, p. 247. Harbeck, Charles T. (Compiler.) A conti'ibution to the bibliography of the history of the U. S. Navy, Cambridge, 1906. 4°T 6. Harbottle, Thomas Benfield. Dictionary of battles from the earliest date to the present time. N. Y., E. P. Dutton & co., 1905. 8° X. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 61 Harper's Book of facts. A classified historj^ of the world, embracing science, litei-ature, and art. By Charlton T. Lewis. Harper & Bros., 1S95. 4" B. 6. Cyclopeedia of United States history from the aboriginal period to 1876. Ed. by Benson J. Lossing. N. Y., Harper & Bros., pub. 1881. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. B. 6. Dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1897. 4° X. Encyclopcedia of United States history. From A. D. 458 to 1902. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1902. 10 vols. 8° A. 1. Harriman Alaska expedition. Narrative, glaciers, natives. By John Burroughs, John Muir, and George Bird Grinnell. N. Y., Doubleday, Page & co., 1900. 7 vols. 8" A. 5. [2 vols only received.] Harris, Cicero W. Sectional struggle. An account of the troubles between the North and South, from the earliest times to the close of the civil war. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1902. 8° K. 8. Harrison, George L. Legislation on insanity. A collection of all the lunacy laws. Phila., 1884. 8° Room III, Law Div. Harrison, William Henry. The life of. By Isaac R. Jackson. 5th ed. Phila., Marshall, Williams & Butler, 1840. 12" G. 8. Hart, Albert Bushnell (editor). American history told by contem- poraries, 1492-1900. N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1900. 4 vols. 8° E. 3. Introduction to the study of Federal government. Bost., Ginn & CO. 1891. 8° (Harvard Historical Monographs no. 2.) G. 1. — [Life of j Salmon Portland Chase [being vol. 28 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 8° E. 4. Haskell, Daniel (editor). Gazetteer of the United States of America. Sherman & Smith, 1845, 8° A. 3. Hastings, Hugh. New York State historian. Editor of ecclesiastical records. Albany, 1901. 2 vols. 8° I. 7. Has^vell, John H. Treaties and conventions concluded between the United States of America and other powers since July 4, 1776. Wash., G. P. O., 1889. 8° 48—2; S. ex. doc. 47. O. 5. Hatch, Davis. Memorial of [San Domingo], June 25, 1870. Wash., G. P. O., 1869. 8° K. 3. Hatsell, John. Precedents of proceedings in the House of Commons; with observations. 2d ed. Lond., J. Dodsley, 1785. 4 vols. 4° B. 7. [Same.] New ed., with additions. Lond., Luke Hansard & Sons, 1818. 4 vols. 4° B. 7. 62 CATALOGUE LTBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Ha^vaii. Commissioner of labor, report of, 1902. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8" 57—2; S. doc. 181. 2 copies. G. 8. Laws of the Territory of. 8° M. D. 15. Territory of. Journal of the senate of the first legislative assembly. 1901. 8" M. D. 15. [Same.] Extra session. 1901. 8° M. D. 15. [Same.] House of representatives, journal. 1901. 8° M. D. 15. See Report of the Commissioner of Labor on, 1892. 57—2; S. doc. 181. M. D. 15. Geographic names. (In report of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1902. 4° 57—2; S. doc. 223, p. 367.) A. 3. M. I). 15. History of the Hawaiian treaty and Cuban reciprocity. 57—2; s! doc. 206. Report of Senate committee on foreign relations, with docu- ments and testimony, 1893-4. Morgan report. 2 vols. vol. 1, 55—2; S. rep. 227. vol. 2, 55—2; S. ex. doc. 77. List and glossary. {In Report of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1902. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 4°) ■ Senate committee report, documents, etc. Wash., G. P. O., 1893-1894. 2 vols. 8" G. 8. Telegraphic cable between the United States and. Report of survey. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 4° 52—1; S. ex. doc. 153. S. 3. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1898. L. C. Havraiian America. By Caspar Whitne3^ N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1902. 8° G. 8. [Hay, George.] A treatise on expatriation. Wash., A. & G. Way, 1814. 8° O. 7. Hay, John, Nicolay, John G., and. Abraham Lincoln. Complete works; comprising his speeches, letters, state papers, and mis- cellaneous writings. N. Y., Century co., 1894. 2 vols. 8" I. 2. Abraham Lincoln. A history. N. Y., Century co., 1904. 10 vols. 8° I. 2. Hayden's dictionary of dates. See Dictionaries. X. Haydn's universal index of biography. Edited by J. Bert rand Payne. Lond., E. Moxon, Son & co., 1870. 8'' X. Hayes, Rutherford B. The life, public services, and selected speeches of. By J. Q. Howard. Cinn., Robert Clarke & co., 1876. 8° H. 1. Haymond, Creed. Argument for the Pacific railroads before the Senate committee, Mar. 17, 1888. Wash., 1888. 8° K. 2. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 63 Hazard, Thomas R. Miscellaneous essa3's and letters. Phila., Col- lins, 1883. 12° F. 7. Hazard, Samuel. Commercial and statistical register. Phila., Wil- liam F. Geddes, 1828-1835. 15 vols. 8" 1— N. Register of Pennsylvania. Phila., William F. Geddes, 1839- 1842. vols. 1-6. 8'<' 1— N. Hazing at United States Military Academy. Investigation. Wash., G. P. O., 1900-1901. 4: pts. 8"' 56—2; H. rept. 2768. H. 1. Health, national board of. List, p. 266. Transactions of the fifth annual conference of State and Ter- ritorial health officers, with the U. S. Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service, Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8" 2 cop. M. D. Hearings before House Committees — ^', M. D. 24. Agriculture. Agricultural colleges and experiment stations, Jan. 18, 1905. (L. C.) "Beveridge amendment." 59—1. June 6 to 11, 1906. Condition in Chicago stock yards. 59 — 1. June 6 to 11, 1906. ■ Cotton-boll weevil and other insects. 58—2. Dec. 16, 1903-Feb. 24, 1904. Expenditures of Department of. 59 — 2. Jan. 5, 1907. Packing-house commission, report of. June 8, 1906. Seeds, distribution of. 59—1. Dec. 1, 1906. Weather Bureau. 59—2. Jan. 8, 1907. Appropriations. Deficiency bill. Jan. 13-15, 1906. (L. C.) June 20, 1906. District of Columbia. 59—2. Dec. 8, 1906. Fortifications. 59—1. Jan. 25-29, Dec. 5, 1906. Isthmian canal; supplement to sundry civil bill for 1907. 59 — 1. May 25, 1906. Legislative, etc., bill for 1908. 59—2. Nov. 29, 1906. Sundry civil bill for 1907. 59—1. Sundry civil bill for 1908. 59—2. Civil Service (a select committee). Report of investigation, 1890. 51 — 1; H. rept. 2445. F. 2. Commerce. China mail service, etc. Apr. 21, 1874. (L. C. ) Commerce and Labor. Eight hours for laborers on Government work. 59 — 1. May 3-29, 1906. District of Columbia. Condemnation of insanitary buildings. Mar. 30, 1906. Education, compulsory, in District. Mar. 13-16, 1906. Fire department, classification of. Apr. 6, 1906. Intoxicating liquors in the District. Feb. 14, 1907. Library, to establish a branch in District. Jan. 30, 1907. Police (Metropolitan) act of 1901. Feb. 23, 24, 1906. Osteopathy, to regulate practice of. Jan. 7, 1907. Schools, reorganization of. Feb. 26, 1906. Same, payments and positions of employees in. Jan. 8, 1907. Street railways, operation of. Jan. 31, Feb. 6 and 13, 1907. Street railway tickets, proposal that eight be sold for 25 cents in District of Columbia. Jan. 24, 1905. Elections. Election of sundry members. 59 — 1. Election of President and Vice-President. Political contributions. Mar. 12, 1906. « Supplied to Senate Library by the Public Printer since Dec. 1906 only. 3605—08 5 64 CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Hearings before House Committees — Continued. Industrial Arts and Expositions. Jamestown exposition. Feb. 19, 1906. Insular Affairs. Catholic church claims and proposed agricultural bank in the Philippine Islands. 59 — 2. Cuba, Philippine Islands, and Porto Rico. 1900-1903. See Cards. (L. C.) — = Friar-land feature in the Philippine Islands. Tan. 18, 1902. Reports, hearings, and acts of Congress corresponding thereto. 58th Cong., 1903-1905. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Cable line. See Panama Canal Zone. Interstate commerce act, to amend. 1904-5. >S'i?e Cards. (L. C. ) Interstate commerce, to provide for the investigation of controversies affecting. 59-2. Dec. 14, 1906. Isthmian canal. 59 — 1. June 5, 1906. Light-house establishment. 58—3. Feb. 12-16, 1905. Panama Canal Zone, and other places, construction of a cable line to. 59—1. May 14, 1906. Irrigation of Arid Lands. Relative to irrigation under the national irriga- tion act. 58—3. Mar. 2, 1905. (L. C. ) Reclamation work of the Govt. 59 — 1. Apr. 16, 1906. Judiciary. Antiinjunction restraining orders. May 12 and June 13, 1906. Bankruptcy. 59—1. May 12, 1906. Commerce, bill to regulate. 59—1. May 12, 1906. Code of the District of Columbia. Apr. 3 and 30, 1902. Same, relative to corporations. Jan. 16, 1905. Corporations. See last above. Common carriers. Argument of H. R. Fuller. Mar. 9, 1904. 58 — 2. Inauguration Day. Proposed change of. 59 — 1. May 12, 1906. Insurance. 59—1. June 30, 1906. Judicial review of fraud cases. 59 — 1. May 12, 1906. Spanish treaty claims commission. Argument in favor of abolition of. 59—1. May 12, 1906. Stenographic reporters for Federal judges. 1904. Swayne, impeachment of. Feb. 13 and Nov. 29, 1904. Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Shijjping bill. Apr. 4-13, 1906. Military Affairs. Army appropriation bill, 1907-8. 59 — 2. Jan. 5, 1907. Artillery bill. 59—2. Jan. 8-11, 1907. Military Academy. 59—2. Jan. 14, 1907. Volunteer retired list, to create a special roll to be known as the. 59 — 2. Dec. 13, 1906. Mines and Mining. On proposition to apply a portion of proceeds of sales of public lands to schools or departments of mines and mining. Jan. 19, 1904; Jan. 13, Feb. 4, and Apr. 17, 1902. Naval Affairs. Appropriation bills, 1902-1907. On estimates submitted by Secretary of Navy. 4 vols. Naval Court of Inquiry. Schley, Admiral. Testimony in case of. 1901. 2 vols. 57—1; H. doc. 485. Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Postal service, etc., 1896-1903. Miscellaneous. J. 8. Salaries of inspectors, etc. 59 — 2. Jan. 8-11, 1907. Public Lands. Coal lands and coal-land laws of the United States. 59 — 2. Dec. 17, 1906-Jan. 16, 1907. Homesteads in South Dakota and Colorado. Jan. 16, 18, 20, 25, and Feb. 1, 1905. 58—3. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 65 Hearings before House Committees — Continued. Public Lands. Virginia military, continental, or State land warrants, and the Ohio University lands. 59 — 2. Rivers and Harbors. Preservation of Niagara Falls. 59 — 1. Apr. 12, 1906. Special committee. Investigating the management of the Hospital for the Insane. May 4 and June 26, 1906. Territories. Alaska. Fisheries in. 59—1. Feb. 12, 16, 1906. (L. C.) Alaska. Railroads in. 59—1. Jan. 9, Mar. 1, 1906. (L. C.) [Same.] Railroads in. Index and maps. 59 — 1. Oklahoma. Prohibition in. 59 — 1. Dec. 13 and 15, 1905. Ways and Means. Cotton and wheat. Jan. 57 — 2. Jan. 26, 1903. Cuba. Sugar and reciprocity with, 1902. 57 — 1; H. doc. 535. Customs administrative act, amending. 59 — 1. Feb. 23, 1906. Custom-house brokers, licensing. 59 — 1. Feb. 23, 1906. Free alcohol. 59—1. Feb.-Mar., 1906. Fortified sweet wine. 59—1. Mar. 12, 1906. Liquor-tax laws. 59—1. Feb. 2, 1906. Pilippine tariff. 58—3. Jan. 23-28, Feb. 3, 4, 10, Dec. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 1905. (L. C.) [Same.] 59—1. 1905. Porto Rico revenues. May 14, 1902, Another issue in report§, etc., 1901-1903. ,See Card. (L. C.) Pure wine. 59—1. Feb. 1, 1906. Reciprocity (sugar and) with Cuba, 1902. 57 — 1; H. doc. 535. Sugar and reciprocity wdth Cuba, 1902. 57 — 1; H. doc. 535. Tariff. 51—1. 1889-90. 53—1. 1893, H. mis. doc. 43. See also Philippine tariff. Tobacco growers. 58—2. 1903-4. Feb. 4 and 25, 1904. Weig'lits and Measures. Coinage of gold and silver, 1891. 51 — 2; H. rep. 3967, pt. 3. Hearings before Senate Committees : M. D. 24. Appropriations. Fortifications bill. Mar. 10, 1906. Legislative, etc., bill for year ending June 3q, 1908. Dec. 29, 1906. Civil Service. Investigation under Senate resolution of Mar. 13, 1888. 50 — 1; S. rep. 2373. F. 2. Report of South Omaha inquiry. 55 — 2; S. rep. 659. F. 2. District of Columbia. Coal supply of District of Columbia. Jan. 9, 1903. (L. C.) Public schools of the District. May 26, 1906. Union station, Washington. Jan. 18, 1907. Education and Labor. Education of the blind. May 20, 1902. (L. C.) National arbitration tribunal. Apr. 7, 1904. (L. C. ) Finance. Free alcohol in the arts. May 6, 1906. Free tobacco. Jan. 24, 1905. Monetary agreements with Panama. Jan. 24, 1906. Tariff, 1888-89. 50—1; S. rep. 2332; pts. 1, 2, 3. Finance. Panama. See Monetary agreements with. Immigration. Boycott in China. Apr. 17, 1906. Indian Affairs. Indian lands, 1902. 57—1; S. doc. 212. Indian Lands. (Select committee.) Dawes committee investigation of the Sioux and Crow Indians, 1883. 48—1; S. rep. 283. Interoceanic Canals. Hearings, 57 — 1, on H. R. 3110. In 3 pts. Printed Mar. 14, 1902. See Cards. (L. C.) 66 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Hearings before Senate Committees — Continued. Interoceanic Canals. [Same], 1902. S. doc. 253; pt. 1. Panama canal matters. Jan. 2.3, 1906. 4 vols. Interstate Commerce. Employers' liability. May 3-8, 1906. Railway rates. 59—1. Dec. 16, 1904, May 23, 1905; with consolidated index of vols. i-iv. Index printed separately, and with vol. iv. [Same.] Digest of. 59— 1; S. doc. 244. [Same.] Appendix ix. Prussian railway tariffs. Dec. 15, 1905. Ticket brokerage, 1897-8. 55-2; S. Doc. 128. Meat, Select Committee on the Transportation and Sale of. Report and testimony, 1890. 51—1; S. rep. 829. Military Affairs. Army appropriation for 1906-7. 59—1. Mar. 16, 1906. Brownsville affray Aug. 13-14, 1906. Hearing Dec. 6, etc., 1906-7. Naval Affairs. See House Committee on. Pacific Islands and Porto Rico. Hawaii. 58—2. Dec. 17, 1903. Pacific Railway. (Special committee.) Report and testimony, 1887-88. 50—1; S. ex. doc. 51; pts. 1-10. Patents. Copyright. Dec. 7-11, 1906. Philippine Islands. Hearings in the PhiUppine Islands; before Congressional party and Secretary of War. Aug., 1905. Revenue for the Philippine Islands. Hearings Jan. 20-Feb. 28, 1906. Printing- Investigation Commission. Hearings, appendix and preliminary report, vols. 1 and 2. Oct. 26, 1905. Privileges and Elections. Reed Smoot hearings. Jan. 16, 1904-Apr. 13, 1906. 59— 1; S. doc. 486. 4 vols. Hebraic Literature. Translations from the Talmud Midrashim and Kabbala. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 14.) L. 2. Heitman, Francis B. Historical register of the United States Army from its organization. Sept. 29, 1789, to Sept. 29, 1889. Wash., National Tribune, 1890. 8" D. ,5. Historical register and dictionary of the United States Army, from its organization, Sept. 29, 1789, to Mar. 2, 1903. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 2 vols. 4° 57—2; H. doc. 446. D. 5. Helper, Hinton R. Three Americas Railway. St. L., W. S. Bryan, 1881. 8" K. 1. Henderson, Charles R. Modern prison systems. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8** 1. 5. Henderson, John B. American diplomatic questions. N. Y. , Mac- millan co., 1901. 8" F. 5. Hening, William Waller. The statutes at large; being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of the legisla- ture, in the year 1619. Richmond, Samuel Pleasants, 1809-1823. 11 vols. 8° Room III, Law Div. Henry, Patrick. Life, correspondence, and speeches. By W. W. Henry. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1891. 3 vols. 8° H. 1. [Life of,] by Moses Coit Tyler [being vol. 3 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 67 Hepburn, A. Barton. Histoiy of coinage and currency in the United States. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1903. 8'' T. Hermann, Binger. Louisiana purchase and our title west of the Rocliy Mountains. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 4" 56—1; H. doc. 708. S. 3. Hero tales from American history. By Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Koosevelt. N. Y., The Century co., 1904. 8° H. 3. Herringshaw, Thos. Wm. American Statesmanship and Public Othcial Yearbook, 1907-8. Chic, Am. Pub. Asso., 1908. 8° B. Heyl, Lewis. United States duties on imports, 1877-1901. Wash., W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1877-1901. 8" T. Hibben, Henry B. Navy -yard, Washington. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 8" 51—1; S. ex. doc. 22. I. 6. Hickcox, John A. United States Government publications. A monthly catalogue. Wash., The Editor, 1885-1894. 10 vols. 8" Hickney, William. Constitution of the United States, with proceed- ings of the Continental Congress. Bait., John Murphy & co., 1879. 8° 4 copies. M. 2. Hinds, Asher C. Parliamentary precedents of the House of Repre- sentatives of the United States. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 4° 55—2; H. doc. 576. V. 80. A. 5. [Same.] 1907. 59—2. H. doc. 355. Vols. 78-84. Rules and practice of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1900-1907. V. 8. Hinsdale, Burke A. (editor). The works of James Abram Garfield. Best., James R. Osgood & co., 1882. 2 vols. 8" G. 5. Historical register of the United States. From the declaration of war in 1812 to Jan. 1, 1814. By T. H. Palmer. Phila., G. Palmer, 1814. 4 vols. 8" H. 3. History of the U. S. Capitol. By Glenn Brown. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 2 vols. I'' A. History of the Standard Oil Company. By Ida M. Tarbell. N. Y., McCliire, Phillips & co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° K. 5. History of the United States. See United States, history of. History for ready reference and topical reading, from the best his- torians, biographers, and specialists. By J. N. Larned. The C. A. Nichols CO., 1901. 6 vols. 4" B. 5. Hoar, George F. Autobiographj" of seventy 3^ears. N. Y., Scrib- ners, 1903. 2 vols. 8" 4 copies. H. 4. M. D. 19. Hodges, Harr}^ F. Notes on mitering lock gates. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. r S. 3. Holland, William M. Life and political opinions of Martin Van Buren. Hartford, Belknap & Hamersley, 1836. 12° L. 4. 68 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Holmes, O. W., jr. (editor). Twelfth edition of Kent's commentaries on American law. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1873. 4 vols. 8° O. 8. Hoist, H. von. Essay on John Brown. Edited by T. P. Stearns. Bost., Cupples & Hurd, 1888. 12" F. 1. John C. Calhoun. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° [Being- vol. 22 of the American Statesmen Series.] E. 2. The constitutional and political history of the United States. Chi., Callaghan &CO., 1877. 7 vols. 8° M. 5. Homans, J. Smith. A cyclopedia of commerce and commercial navi- gation. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1858. 4° Homestead. History of the Government's policy and legislation. 8° 12—3; S. rept. 482. H. 3. Honduras Canal. See Interoceanic canals; Davis report on. Hopkins, Archibald. See Claims, Court of. R. Horse, Diseases of the. Special report of the Department of Agri- culture. Rev. ed. 1903. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 487. F. 4. Horseshoeing. Hints on. By John Kiernan. Wash., G. P. O., 1871. 4° M. D. 2. Horsford, A. Conference at Brussels, 1874, on the rules of military warfare. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8° L. 6. Horton, S. Dana. Silver in Europe. N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1892. 8*^ T. Hosmer, James K. (editor). Lewis and Clark expedition. Chi., McClurg, 1903. 2 vols. 8° I. 2. [editor Life of] Samuel Adams [being vol. 2 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12*' E. 2. Hostile Indians. Record of engagements with, from 1868 to 1882. By Lieut. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan. Wash. , G. P. O. , 1882. 8° M. D. 2. Hostilities without declaration of war. An historical abstract of the cases in which hostilities have occurred between civilized pow- ers prior to declaration or warning. From 1700 to 1870. By J. F. Maurice. Lond., 1883. 8'' H. 4. Hotchkiss revolving cannon. A description of. By A. Koerner. Paris, 1874. 8" S. 3. Houmas land claim (Missouri land bill, 1858). History of. See Claims. R. House employees. Special investigation of abuses in appointment and payment of. 56 — 2; H. rept. 2978. H. 4. House, Journals of. See List of Journals, p. 276. 1 — N. House of Lords. Standing orders of the, except as to local and per- sonal bills and judicial business. 1891. W. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 69 House of Representatives. A digest and manual of the rules and practice of the. [Senate Library has from 1869-1904.] Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 8" V. 8. M. D. 6. First Congress, tirst session. History of proceedings and debates of the. By Thomas Lloyd. X. 6. Reports of the Clerk. List, p. 235. Howard, Oliver O. See Court of inquiry in case of. H. 4. Ho"we, Albert H. (compiler). The insular cases. See Insular Cases. Ho-we, Henry. Ohio historical collection. Cin. , C. J. Krehbiel & co. , 1902. 2 vols. 8° I. 8. Hoyt, J. K. Cyclopaedia of practical quotations, the. N. Y., Funk & Wagnails co., 1896. 8° B. 3. Hoyt, John W. Memorial in regard to a national universit\\ Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 8° I. 6. Hubert, B. G., jr. Inventors. Men of achievement. Chas. Scrib- ner's sons, 1896. 12'' H. 7. Hudgins, Lieut. J. M. Instructions for use of wireless telegraphy apparatus. Navy Department, 1903. 29 pages. 8° L. 8. Huebner, Francis C. (compiler). Official opinions of the Assistant Attorneys-General for the Post-Office Department, 1885-1892. Wash., 1905. 2 vols. 8" U. Humphreys, A. A. See Mississippi Kiver, physics, etc. M. D. 10. Hungary, the Slovaks of. By Thomas Capek. N. Y., Knicker- bocker Press, 1906. 8" K. 4. Hydraulic engineering. Contributions on the science. By Edward Fontaine. Wash., G. P. O., 1879. 4° S. 3. Hydrography of the American Isthmus. By A. P. Davis. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 4° 57—2; S. doc. 124. S. 3. Ideal empires and republics. By Rousseau, Bacon, More, and Cam- panella. (Universal classics library, vol. 26.) L. 2. Immigration into the United States, from 1820 to 1903. {In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of the United States, June, 1903.) 4" 57—2; H. doc. 15, p. 12. S. 3. Immigration. Regulation of. Report of United States Senate com- mittee on H. R. 12199, to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° 57—2; S. doc. 62. H. 4. Laws and regulations. Wash., G. P.O., 1907. 8°. 2 copies. H. 4. — — — Important Report. 52 — 1; H. Ex. Doc. 235. A list of books (with references to periodicals) on. Griffin. 1904, 1907. L. C. 70 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Impeachments, investigations, etc. Ra. 3. Extracts from the Journal of the Senate of the United States (1798-1876) relat- ing to impeachment proceedings of: William W. Belknap, 1876. William Blount, 1798. Samuel Chase, 1804. West H. Humphreys, 1862. Andrew Johnson, 1868. James H. Peck, 1830. John Pickering, 1803. Same, reprinted. G. P. O., 1904. 8° 6 copies. Charles Swayne. See Extracts from the Congressional Record, 58 — 3; S. doc. 194. Proceedings, etc., in cases of — William W. Belknap, impeachment. G. P. O., 1876. 8° Aaron Burr, indicted for treason. Wash., A. and G. Way, 1807-8. 3 vols. 8" Samuel Chase, impeachment, [n. d.] 8" Powell Clayton, a Senator from the State of Arkansas, investigation. Report and testimony. 42 — 3; S. rept. 512. Andrew Johnson, impeachment, trial of. W^ash.,G. P.O., 1868. 3 vols. 8" — Report of House Committee on the Judiciary. 40 — 1; H. rept. of com- mittees, vol. 1. James H. Peck, impeachment. Bost., Hilliard, Gray & co., 1833. 8" S. C. Pomeroy, a Senator from the State of Kansas, investigation. 42 — 3; S. rept. 523. 8° Gen. S. D. Stanley, arguments in trial of. N. Y., S. W. Green, 1879. 8° John H. Surratt, trial of. (In " The Reporter ") , vols. 3 and 4. Wash., R. Sutton, 1867. 4° Charles Swayne, impeachment. Extracts from the Congressional Record of proceedings in the Senate. 58 — 3; S. doc. 194. 8° General James Wilkinson, alleged accomplice of Aaron Burr. Report of committee. Wash., A. and G. Way, 1811. 8" Henry Wirz, trial of, for conspiracy, etc. 40 — 2; H. ex. doc. 23. Select list of references on. Griffin. 1905. L. C. Imports and exports. See also Exports. T. Import duties of Cuba and Porto Rico. See American Republics, Bureau of, Bulletin No. 10, July, 1891. T. Imported merchandise, 1893, with the rates and duties col- lected under existing law. Compiled by Charles H. Evans. Wash., G. P. O., 1894. 8" 53—2; 8. rept. 407. T. Imports, duties on. By Lewis Heyl. Wash., W. H. Mor- rison, 1884. 8° T. Imports and exports. Compiled by Charles H. Evans. Wash., G. P. O., 1894. 8° 53—2; S. rept. 259, pt. 2. T. Imports into the United States, etc. The existing- tariff on. Wash., G. P. O., 1884. 8" T. Rates of duty on. Wash., G. P. O., 1891. 8''51— 2; S. rept. 2130. 3 copies. T. Tariff of 1897 on. Wash., G. P. O., 1891. 8° T. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 71 Imports and exports, and receipts and expenditures of the United States to 1904. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Aug., 1901. Inaugurations (Presidential) from George Washington, 1789, to Grover Cleveland, 1893, with inaugural addresses. By Thomas Hudson McKee. Wash., Statistical publishing co., 1898. 8° 1 copies. H. 1. M. D. 18. Independence. The Declaration of. See Declaration of Independence. A. 1. Indexes. Accounts, Committee on. Index to reports, 1815-1887. By T. H. McKee. Wash., G. P. 0., 1887. 4° Agriculture and Forestry, Committee on. Index to the reports. By T. H. McKee. Wash., G. P. O., 1887. 8" Agricultural reports. General index, 1837-1861. Wash., G. P. 0., 1879. 8° Claims, Commissioner of. Index to reports of, 1871-1880. Wash., G. P. 0., 1892. 4» Committee reports in House and Senate, 1815-1887. By Thos. H. McKee. Wash., G. P. O., 1887. 8° 2 vols. P. 1. Compreliensive index of the publications of the United States Government, 1889-1893. By John G. Ames. Wash., G. P. O., 1894. 8° to the publications of the United States Government, 1881-1893. By John G. Ames. Wash., G. P. 0., 1905. 2 vols. 4° 58—2; H. doc. 754. Congressional proceedings. Index to tariff, finance, currency. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 4° [Same.] 1898. 4° Consolidated index of the United States Statutes at Large, 1798-1903. By Edward C. Goodwin and James M. Baker. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 3vols. 40 Documents and reports. Index to the subjects of the Fifty-fifth Congress, first session. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8° Engineer of the United States Army. Reports of the Chief. Indexed, analytical and topical, to. By John McClure. Wash., 1903. 57 — 2; H. doc. 439. Vols. 93-95. House and Senate documents, index to, from Forty-second Congress, second session, to the Fifty-eightli Congress, second session. Wash., G. P. O. 8° House of Representatives. Bills presented in the, index to, from the First to Forty-second Congresses, relating to banks, currency, public debt, tariff, and direct taxes. Wash., G. P. O., 1875. 8" P'xecutive documents. Consolidated index, from the Twenty-sixth to the Fortieth Congress, 1839 to 1869. By Edward McPherson. Wash., G. P. O., 1870. 8" Executive documents and reports of committees, index to the, from Dec, 1831, to Mar., 1839. Wash., Langtree. 3 copies. Reports of committees. Consolidated index. Twenty-sixth to the Fortieth Congress. By Edward McPherson. Wash., G. P. O., 1869. 8" Index (consolidated) of claims reported by the Commissioner of Claims to the House of Representatives, 1871-1880. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 4° Index digest of the opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States during the October terms 1902-1905; reported in vols. 187-202, inclusive. By Charles Henry Butler. N. Y., Banks Law Pub. co., 1906. 8 23 copies. 72 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Indexes — Continued. Journals of Congress. Index (general personal) of the. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 4° 48—2; H. rept. 2692. [Same.] First to Tenth. By A. Ordway. Wash., G. P. O., 1880. 4° 46—2; H. rept. 1776. 4° Laws and treaties. Synoptical index. Bost., Little & Brown, 1852. 4° Laws of the United States and treaties, index to, 1789-1827. Samuel Burch. Wash., Wm. A. Davis, 1827. 8" Senate documents. Index. See House and Senate. Senate executive documents. Index to, for third session Forty-first Con- gress, 1870-1871. Wash., G. P. 0., 1871. 2 vols. 8» Senate Journal. Index to, for 1835-1841, 1841-1847. War of the rebellion records. See War of the rebellion records. Indian affairs. P. 1. The Cherokee. Relations with the United States; historical sketch, myths, glossary of words, etc. [being part 1, Bureau of American Ethnology, nineteenth annual report]. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 4° 56—2; H. doc. 539. Compilations of all the treaties between the United States and Indian tribes now in force. Wash., G. P. O., 1873. 4" Depredation claims of . 49 — 1; H. ex. doc. 125. 2 copies. R. Digest of decisions relating to Indian affairs. By Kenneth S. Murchison. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies of * vol. 1. Hostilities of. See Hostile Indians. Land cessions in the United States. Compiled by Charles C. Royce [being part 2, Bureau of American Ethnology, eighteenth annual report]. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 4° 56—1; H. doc. 736. Lands, leasing of Indian. Hearings before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 212. Laws and treaties. Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. vol. 1, statutes, executive orders, proclamations, and statistics of tribes; vol. 2, treaties. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 2 vols. 4<' 57— 1; S. doc. 452. Reports of Commissioners of. List, p. 267. Sioux and Crow Indians. Investigation by Dawes committee, 1883. 48—1; S. rept. 283. Students (Indian), record of, returned from Hampton Insti- tute, 1892. 8° 52—1; S. ex. doc. 31. Trade and intercourse. Statements of accounts. 1820-1827. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1820-1827. 2 vols. 8° Trading houses. Statements of the amounts and costs of goods furnished annually to. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1820-1826. 2 vols. 8° Treaties between the United States and the several Indian tribes from 1778-1837. Wash. , Langtree & O'SuUivan, 1837. 8° CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 73 Indian affairs. P. 1 — Continued. Treaties, laws, and regulations relating to Indian affairs. Wash., Way & Gideon, 1826. 8^^ 2 copies. Indian Ocean. General examination of. By P. de Kerhallet. Wash., G. P. O., 1870. 8° H. 4. Industrial arbitration. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Industrial Commission. Trusts and industrial combinations. 19 vols. S° 56—1; H. doc. 476. H. 5. M. D. 14. Industrial evolution of the United States, the. By Carroll D. Wright. N. Y., Chautauqua-Century Press, 1895. 8*^ I. 2. IngersoU, Edward. An abridgment of the acts of Congress now in force. Phila., To war & Hogan, 1825. 8'' 5 copies. /See United States Statutes. Injunction, conspiracy, etc. See also Labor. — What is ''government by injunction?" Does it exist in the United States? Annual address before the Grafton and Coos Bar Association Jan. 28, 1898. By J. H. Benton, jr. The Rumford Press, 1898. 8° I. 2. M. D. 18. To limit the meaning of the word "conspiracy" and the use of "restraining orders and injunctions in certain cases." 57—2; S. doc. 115. 1. 2. M. D. 18. A compilation of documents relating to. Argument and decision in Commonwealth v. Hunt, 4 Metcalf, etc. 57 — 1; S. doc. 190. See also 57 — 2; H. doc. 370, pt. 3, relating to strikes and injunctions. I. 2. M. D. 18. Insular cases, containing the records, briefs, and arguments of coun- sel in the Supreme Court of the United States, Jan. 8-11, 1901. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 509, vol. 97. M. D. 15. [Same.] Opinions delivered in, May 27, 1901. Compiled by Albert H. Howe, 1901. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8" (De Lima v. Bidwell, 182 U. S., 1, etc.; Dooley v. U. S. ; Downes y. Bidwell, etc., same volume.) H. 6. M. D. 15. Records, briefs, etc., United States Supreme Court, 1900- 1905. Wash., G. P. O., 1900-1905. 8° H. 6. M. D. 15. Intercontinental Rail"way Commission, Report of. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 7 pts., maps, tables, etc., in 3 vols. 4° M.- D. 11. Intercontinental Rail-way Line. Message, President of United States, transmitting Report of International American Confer- ence, 1890. 51 — 1; S. ex. doc. 125, vol. 11. Interior Department. Catalogue of the library. Wash., G. P. O., 1881. 8° Decisions of. See Public lands; Pensions. Geological Survey. Report of the reclamation service, 1902. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° 2 copies. M. D. 11. 74 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE Interior Department. Registers. See Registers. Reports of The Secretary, List, p. 270. Internal commerce reports. See List. T. Internal revenue. Decisions, 1862 to Jan., 1871. 1864-1905 G. P. O., 1871, 1905, 6. 8" H. 6. Laws, 1861-1873, with index. G. P. O., 1898. 8° 55—2; S. rept. 1123. War revenue law of 1898, bound in library volume. H. 6. Laws in force May 1, 1899-1901. G. P. O., 1899-1901. 8° H. 6. [Same.] Jan. 1, 1900. G. P. O., 1900. 8'' H. 6. [Same.] June 7, 1906, being supplements 1, 2, and 3. G. P. O., 1901, 1902, 1906. 8° H. 6. Manual. Laws and regulations, 1888. Wash., G. P. O., 1888. 12° H. 6. Records. N. Y., 1866-1868. 4° M. D. 20. Reports of The Commissioner. List, p. 272. International American Conference. Minutes of the. Wash. , 1890. 4" 51—1; S. ex. doc. 231. K. 1. M. D. 14. Report of, relative to an intercontinental railway line. 51 — 1; S. ex. doc. 125, vol. 11. K. 1. International arbitrations. See Arbitrations, international. International code of signals. Am. Ed. No. 87, Hydrograpic Office, Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 4° 2 cop. International Commercial Congress. Phila., 1899. 4° M. D. 14. International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Report of the director- general, including the reports of bureaus of administration. Wash., G. P. O., 1880. 9 vols. S'' F. 7. M. D. 14. International exposition, Paris, 1900. Report of commissioner- general. 6 vols. 8" 56—2; S. doc. 232, vol. 27. F. 8. International metric system. The. Dept. of Com. and Labor. Wash. G. P. O., 1906. 4° S. 3. See Metric Fallacy. International la-w, works on. O. Arbitrations, international. History and digest of, to which the United States has been a party. By John Bassett Moore. G. P. 0., 1898. 6 vols. 8° 53—2; H. mis. doc. 212. 0. 6. Bar, L. v. The theory and practice of private international law. 2d ed. Edin- burgh, William Green & sons, 1892. 4" Butler, Charles H. The treaty-making power of the United States. N. Y., Banks Law Publishing co., 1902. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. Dana's Wheaton. See Wheaton. Davis, Cushman K. A treatise on international law, including American diplo- macy. St. P., Keefe-Davidson, 1901. 8° 2 copies. Digest of the published opinions of the Attorney-General relating to. Wash., G. P. 0., 1877. 8« 44—2; S. ex. doc, 46. O. 1. Digest of international law. Wharton. 1st ed. G. P. O., 1886. 3 vols. 8° 49 — 1; S. mis. doc. 162, pt. 1. 2d ed. (with 160 pages of new matter added to third volume) , 1887. Same document number. O. 3. CATAIiOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 75 International la-w, Avovks on. O. — Continued. Digest of international law. By John Bassett Moore. G. P. O., 1906. 8 vola. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 551. O. 4. Extradition and interstate rendition. By John Bassett Moore. Bost., Boston Book CO., 1891. 2 vols. 8° 0.6. Extradition, report on. Prepared by the Third Assistant Secretary of State (John Bassett Moore) for the use of the international American conference. G. P. 0., 1890. 8» 51—1; S. ex. doc. 55. 0. 6. Grotius, Hugo. His three books treating of the rights of war and peace. Lond., M. W. & Thomas Basset, 1682. 4« R. 7. The rights of war and peace. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 28.) L. 4. Hall, William E. A treatise on international law. 4th ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1895. 8" 2 copies. O. 1. Halleck, Henry W. International law. 3d ed. Edited by S. Baker. Lond., Kegan Paul, French, Triibner & co., 1893. 2 vols. 8° O. 1. International law, treaties, and kindred subjects. Digest of the published opinions of the Attorney-General, and of the leading decisions of the Federal courts. Rev. ed. AVash., G. P. O., 1877. 8° 44—2; S. ex. doc. 46. O. 1. International law, digest of. By John Bassett Moore. G. P. O., 1906. 8 vols. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 551. O. 4. Lawrence's Wheaton. See Wheaton. Lorimer, James. The institutes of the law of nations. A treatise on the jural relation of separate political communities. Edinburgh, William Blackwood & sons, 1883. 2 vols. 8° O. 1. Moore, John B. Arbitrations, history and digest of the international, to which the United States has been a party. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 6 vols. 8° 53—2; H. mis. doc. 212. O. 3. Extradition, report on, prepared for the use of the international Amer- ican conference. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 8" 51—1; S. ex. doc. 55. O. 6. Extradition and interstate rendition. Bost., Boston Book co., 1891. 2 vols. 8" O. 6. International law, digest of. G. P. O., 1906. 8 vols. 8" 56— 2; H. doc. 551. 0. 4. Oppenheim, L. A treatise on. N. Y., Longmans, Green & co., 1906. 2 vols. 8" O. 1. Parmele, George H. (editor). Wharton, the conflict of laws. 3d ed. Roch., Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing co., 1905. 2 vols. 8" O. 3. Phillimore, Robert. Commentaries upon international law. 3d ed. Lond., Butterworths, 1879. 4 vols. 8° O. 2. Snow, Freeman. Cases and opinions on international law, with notes and a syllabus. Bost., Boston Book co., 1893. 8» 0. 2. International law. A manual based upon lectures delivered at the Naval War College. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8" O. 2. Taylor, Hannis. A treatise on international public law. Chi., Callaghan & CO., 1901. 8'* O. 2. Vattel. The law of nations. Edited by Chitty. Phila., T. & J. W. Johnson, 1839, 1844, 1883. 8° O. 2. Wharton, Francis. A digest of the international law of the United States. Wasli., (t. P. O., 1886. 3 vols. 8" 49—1; S. mis. doc. 162, pt. 1. O. 3. [Same.] 2d. ed., 1887. 8» O. 3. A treatise on the conflict of laws or private international law. 3d ed. By G. H. Parmele. Roch., Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing co., 1905. 2 vols. 8" O. 3. 76 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE International la-w, works on. O. — Continued. Wheaton, Henry. Elements of international law. 3d ed. Phila., Lea & Blanchard, 1846. 8» O. 3. [Same.] Edited by Lawrence. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1863. 8° O. 3. [Same.] Edited by Dana. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1866. 8°. 0.3. ■Woolsey, Theodore D. Introduction to the study of international law. 6th ed. Edited by Woolsey. N. Y., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1892. 8" O. 3. International monetary conference, Paris, 1878. Wash., G. P. O., 1887. 8° 49—1; H. mis. doc. 396, pt. 2. T. [Same.] 1881. Wash., G. P. O., 1887. 8° 49—1; H. mis. doc. 396, pt. 3. T. See Berlin silver commission. T. International Sanitary Convention of the American Republics. Wash., 1902. 8° 57—2; S. doc. 169. K. 3. International year book. Compendium of the world's progress dur- ing the years 1898-1902. (Annual.) By Frank Moore Colby. Dodd, Mead & co. 5 vols. 4° B. 6. M. D. 8. Interoceanic canals. Q. 2 and M. D. 10. Canada. Ten maps accompanying the annual report of the department of (rail- ways) and canals for 1905. 8° Canal Zone, civil procedure of the, by order of the President, May 1, 1907. G. P. O., 1907. 8° Canals and Irrigation in Foreign Countries. Special Consular Reports. 51-52; H. ex. doc. 45, pt. 1. Canal in Central America. See Sullivan and Cromwell compilation, /»os/. Darien Isthmanian ship canal. Lieutenant Michler's report; messages, maps, etc., 1861. 36 — 2; S. ex. doc. 9, 2 pts. See also Commander Selfrige's remarks upon, 1873. L. C. Davis report. See under " Interoceanic," below. Dismal Swamp canal, survey of. 54 — 1; H. doc. 317. 8° Florida, map of, illustrative of surveys for a canal. 34 — 1; S. ex. doc. 89. Foreign Countries. See Canals and Irrigation in. Hepburn report, 1900. 56—1; H. rep. 351. Same, 1901. 57—1; H. rep. 15. History, messages, correspondence, treaties, reports, etc., 1899-1901. Contain- ing: (1) Correspondence, 56 — 1; S. doc. 237. (2) Convention between United States and Great Britain, 56 — 1; S. doc. 160. (3) Clayton-Bulwer and Hay-Pauncefote treaties, 57 — 1; S. doc. 85. (6) Preliminary report of Isthmian Commission, 56 — 2; S. doc. 5. (7) Morgan report, 1901, 57 — 1; S. rep. 1. (8) Hepburn report, 1901, 57 — 1; H. rep. 15. (9) Hepburn report, 1900, 56—1; H. rep. 351. (9) Walker report, 1899-1901, 57—1; S. doc. 54. Hydrography of the American Isthmus. Nicaragua and Panama routes, etc. By A. P. Davis. 57—2; S. doc. 124. 4" Interoceanic. Report of Senate committee, 1900 (Morgan report). 8" 56 — 1; S. rep. 1337. 6 pts, in 1 vol. Report on explorations and surveys. By Lull and Collins. Wash., G. P. O., 1879. 4° 45—3; S. ex. doc. 75. (Morgan report. ) 1901. 57— 1; S. rep. 1. 8° "Davis report." Report of Rear-Admiral Charles H.Davis (1866) on interoceanic canals and railroads, including: A. Tehauntepec; B.Honduras; C. Nicaragua; D. Panama; E. Atrato. G. P. O., 1867. 8° 2 copies. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 77 Interoceanic canals. Q. 2 — Continued. Interoceanic. Communication (bound in one volume): (1) Correspondence and other papers, 56 — 1; S. doc. 161, 1900. (2) Clayton-Bulwer and Hay- Pauncefote treaties, 57 — 1; S. doc. 85, 1901. (3) Hepburn report, 1901, 57 — 1; H. doc. 15. (4) Walker report, 1899-1901, 57—1; S. doc. 54. (5) Morgan and Kittredge reports, 1902, 57 — 1; S. rep. 783, 2 pts. (6) Hearings before Senate committee, 1902, 57 — 1; S. doc. 253, pt. 1. (7) Documents, 57 — 1; S. doc. 357. 8» Griffin's list of books, etc., on interoceanic canal and railway routes. L. C. 1900. See also Morrison list, 1900. Isthmian Canal Commission, Report of. 1899-1901. (Walker report.) 8° 57—1; S. doc. 54, 2 pts. 57—1; S. doc. 123. 57—1; S. doc. 253. Morgan report. Report of Senate committee on interoceanic canals, 1900. 8° 56—1; S. rep. 1337. 6 pts. in 1 vol. Same, 1901. 57—1; S. rep. 1. Morrison's (Hugh A., jr.). List of books and articles relating to interoceanic canal and railway routes, 1900. 8" 56 — 1 ; S. doc. 59. See also Griffin list, 1900. L. C. Nicaragua Canal Commission, report of, with atlas, 1897-1899. Bait., Lord Baltimore Press, 1899. 4" North Sea canal of Holland; and on the improvement of navigation from Rotterdam to the sea. Wash., G. P. 0., 1872. 4" (Professional papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, No. 22. ) Panama, laws of the Canal Zone, isthmus of, enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission. G. P. O., 1906. 8° [Same.] Map of, 1906. [Same.] President's message and report of a personal visit to. 8° 1906. 59—2; S. doc. 144. [Same.] Problems of the. By Brig. Gen. Henry L. Abbot. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1905. 8° [Same.] Project for the. By Lindon W. Bates, 1905. 4" [Same.] Title. Opinion of the Attorney-General. G. P.O., 1902. 8° Reports, 1st annual to Dec. 1, 1904; including act of June 28, 1902, authorizing construction. 58 — 3; H. doc. 226. — [Same.] 2d annual to Dec. 1, 1905; 59—1; S. doc. 127. — [Same.] 3d annual to Dec. 1, 1905, 59—2; H. doc. 444. — [Same.] 4th annual to December 1, 1907; 60 — 1; . Roads, and, public. (Canals.) Reports and documents, 1816-1824. Suez Canal data. 59-1 ; S. doc. 492. Sullivan & Cromwell's compilation of executive documents, etc., rela- tive to a trans-isthmian canal in Central America. Privately printed, N. Y. 1906. 4° Tehauntepec Canal. Report by Robert W. Shufeldt, 1872. 42—2; S. ex. doc. 6. Railway Company and ship canal. Report of J. J. Williams, L. C. Trans-Isthmian (Canals) in Central America. Compilation of Executive docu- ments and diplomatic correspondence relative to a. [By Sullivan and Crom- well. N. Y., Evening Post job printing house, 1905.] 3 vols. 4" Walker report. Report of the Nicaragua Canal Commission, 1897- 1899. Bait., Lord Baltimore Press, 1899. 4» Walker report. Report of the Isthmian Canal Commission, 1899-1901. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 54, 2 pts. 57—1; S. doc. 123. 57—1; S. doc. 253. World, Great, of the. See Monograph in Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Jan., 1905. 4° 58-3; H. doc. 15, 2, 43. See also the Comprehensive Index. 78 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Interoceanic comma uications b}^ way of the American Isthmus. Report on historical and technical information relating to the problem of. B3' John T. Sullivan. Wash., G. P. O., 1883. 4° Interstate Commerce Commission. H. 6. Annual reports of. List p. 271. Acts indexed and digested. By Charles S. Hamlin. Best., Little, Brown & CO., 1907. 8" H. 6. Car shortage. See Report of Commissioners Lane and Harlan, 1906. 8° H. 6. Debate in 49th Cong, on the bill to establish commission, 1886-87. Debate in 50th Cong., 1888-89. [Same.] In 52d Cong., 1891-93. [Same. ] In 53d Cong. , 1893-95. Compiled by U. H. Painter. G. P. O. 8° H. 6. Decisions and reports of the. The Lawyers' Cooperative PubUshing Com- pany, Roch. 11 vols. 1906. 8° P 3. (Missing vols. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7.) Points decided by the Commission since its organization. Appendix B. Six- teenth annual report of the Commission. 57-2; H. doc. 181. See subse- quent annual reports for a summary of points decided in the different years, respectively. G. P. O., 1902. o7— 2; H. doc. 181. H. 6. Railroads. Classification of operating expenses. G. P.O., 1902. 8° 33 pages. K. 1. Railway rate hearings, 1904—5. 5 vols. 8" And digest of rate hearings, 59—1; S. doc. 244. 8° K. 1. Reasonable care, its origin and application. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. 1907. 8° 2 cap. 31. D. Sec. Rules of practice before the Commission. G. P. O., 1907. 8° H. 6. Interstate rendition. See Extradition. Inventors. Men of aehievement. By P. G. Hubert, jr. Chas. Scrib ner's Sons, 1896. 12° H. 7. Investigations, etc. See Digest of decisions and precedents of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. Bj Henry H. Smith, 1894. 8" 53—2; S. mis. doc. 278. V. See also Impeachments, etc. Ra. Irish struggle. See Gladstone-Parnell, and the gfreat Irish struggle. By T. P. O'Connor and Robert McWade. Phila., Hubbard Bros., 1886. 8" G. 6. Ironclads in action. B}' W. H. Wilson. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1896. 2 vols. 8° M. D. 3. Iron, fabrication of. Report on. Wash., G. P. O., 1871. 4" (Pro- fessional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, 21.) Irrigation and artesian vrells. Report by Richard J. Hinton. 51 — 2; S. ex. doc. 53, vol. 1. 51 — 1; S. rep. 928, pts. 1, 2, 3, vol. 5; pts. 4, 5, 6, vol. 6. 51 — 2; S. ex. doc. 53, pt. 1, vol. 1; pt. 2 with maps, vol. 1. 52 — 1; S. ex. doc. 41, pts. 1-4, vol. 4. H, 1. Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands. Report of the special com- mittee of the United States Senate. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 5 vols. 8° H. 7. 51—1; S. rept. 928. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 79 Irrigation canals in the United States. Plans of structures in use on. By El wood Mead. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 4" (United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. I'M.) S. 3. Irrigation investigations in California. Report on. Wash., G. P. O., lix'l. 4" {//I United States Department of Agriculture. Bul- lotin Xo. 100.) II. 7. Isle of Pines, the (Caribbean Sea). Its situation, physical features, inhabitants, resources, and industries: with maps. War Depart- ment, Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1902. 8" (Bound with Gazet- teer, etc., of Cuba.) P. 2. Isthmian canal. See Interoceanic canals. Jackson, Andrew. Life of. B3' James Parton. N. Y., Mason Bros., 1660. 3 vols. 8" H. 7. [Life of] by William Graham Sumner [being vol. 17 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co.. 1898. 12" E. 4. Soldier-Statesman-President. Life and times of. By A. S. Colvar. Nashville, ^Marshall & Bruce co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° H. 7. James, J. Franklin. Dictionary of United States history. Bost., Historical Publishing co.,\899. S" X. Jameson, John A. A treatise on constitutional conventions: their history, power, and mode of proceeding. 4th ed. Chi.. Calla- ghan & CO.. 1887. 8" M. 3. Jay, John. [Life of] V)v George Pellew [being vol. 9 of the American Statesmen Series], Bost.. Houghton. ]Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. The correspondence and public papers of. By Henry P. Johnston. N. Y., S. P. Putnam's sons. n. d. 4 vols, 8" H. 7. Jefferson bible. The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Ex- tracted textually from the gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English, by Thomas Jefferson. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. S'" .58—2: H, doc, 7.5.5. C. 4. Jefferson, Thomas. Calendar of correspondence. Wash,, 1894-95. 2 pts. ^" [Being Nos. 6 and 8 of the bulletins of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State.] 2 copies. D. 5. M. D. 19. The writings of. Being his autobiography, correspondence, reports, messages, addresses, and other writings, official and private. H. A. Washington, editor. Wash.. Published by Congress, 1853. 9 vols. 8" H. 8. M. D. 19. — Eulogy on, by Caleb Gushing. 1826. E. 1. [Life of] by John T. Morse, jr. [being vol. 11 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12" E. 4. 3605— OS 6 80 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Jefferson, Thomas, The life of. By Henry S. Randall. Derby & Jackson, 1858. 3 vols. 8" 11. 7. The writings of Thomas Jefferson. Memoir, correspondence, and miscellanies of. Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Carr & co., 1829. 4 vols. 8" [Labeled Jefferson's Works.] H. 8. Note. — Vol. 1 missing. Jeffersonian cyclopedia, the. By John P. Fole}. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls CO., 1!)00. 4" B. 6. Jenkins, Thornton A. The rule of the road at sea and in inland waters. Wash., G. P. O., 1869. 8° M. D. 18. Johnson, Andrew. Trial of. Wash., G. P. O., 1868. 3 vols. 8° Ra. 3. Johnson, Charles W. Official proceedings of the National Republican Conventions of, 1868, 1872, 1876, 1880. 8" J. 5. Johnson, Rossiter. Kditor of revision of Universal Cyclopaedia and Atlas. N. Y., D. Appleton, 1901. 12 vols. 8° A. 8. Johnson, Samuel. Dictionary of the English language. Phila., James Maxwell, 1819. 2 vols. 4" X. [Same.] Edited by H. J. Todd. Lond., Longman, 1827. 3 vols. 4° X. [Same.] Lond., H. G. Bohn, 1853. 4" X. Johnson's ne-w universal cyclopeedia. A scientific and popular treasury of useful knowledge. N. Y., A. J. Johnson & son, 1877. 4 vols. 4" A. Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. New edition. Editor-in-chief, Charles Kendall Adams. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1896. 8 vols. 4" A. 2 cop. M. D. 12. Johnston, Alexander. History of American politics. N. Y., Henry Holt &co:, 1902. 12° E. 4. Johnston, Alex. Keith. Dictionary of geography, descriptive, phys- ical, statistical, and historical. Lond., Longman, 1851. 8° A. Johnston, Henry P. [editor]. The correspondence and public papers of John Jay. N. Y., Putnam's sons, n. d. 4 vols. 8° H. 7. Johnston, William Dawson. History of the Library of Congress, vol. L 1800-1864. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 8" 3 copies. A. 4. Jones, John P. Speech of , on remonetization of silver, Oct. 14, etc., 1893. Record, 53—1. [Same.] Speech of. May 12, 13, 1890. Record, 51—1; Ap- pendix, p. 237. Pamphlet copies (2). T. Jones, John Paul. Discovery of the body of. Century Magazine, Oct., 1905. Article l)y Ambassador Horace Porter. 4" H. 8. Calendar of manuscripts. Ford. 1903. L. C. Memorial. 59—1; H. doc. 804. H. 8. Jones, Paul. Founder of the American navy. By A. C. Buell. N. Y., Charles Scribner's sons, 1903. 2 vol's. 8" H. 8. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 81 Jones, Paul. Author "The Commercial Power of Congress?." Pri- vately printed. N. Y., 1004. H" 2 copies. M. 3. Jordan, David Starr. The Fur-seals and fur-seal islands. Wash.. (}. P. O., 1898. 4 Vols, -i" R. Journal Cof the proceedings of the first Senate), 1789-1791. See Ma<-lay. 1. '^. Journals of the American Congress, 1774-1788. X. 6. S'ee p. 273. Journals of the Congress of the Colonies. -SVv p. 274. Journals (Secret) of the Congress of the Confederation. See p. 274. X. 6. Journals of the Continental Congress. X. 5. M. D. 23. Journals of the House and Senate. Lists, pp. 276, 281. Journals (Executive) of the Senate. List, p. 287. X. 3-5. Juarez, and Ciesai' Cantu. A refutation of the charges preferred by the Italian historian, in his last work, against the American patriot. Official edition. Mexico, Printing Ofhce of the Fed- eral Government, 188.5. 8" See Maximilian. H. 8. Judicial extraterritorial rights. Letters from the Secretarj^ of State, 1882. 47—1 ; S. mis. doc. 89. S. 2. Judge-Advocate-General of the Army, digest of opinions of. By Maj. Charles McClure. \, G. P. O., 1901. 8^' U. 2 cop. Justice, Department of. A list embracing all the publications 47—1; S. Ex. doc. 109. Catalogue of the library. By J. A. Finch. Wash,, G. P. O., 1904. 8" Register of the. See Registers. Kasson, John A. Reciprocity treaties in relation to "Most favored nation clause." An address before the Illinois Manufactures Association at Chicago, Oct. 24, 1901. 8'^ M. 3. Kearney, Thomas II. Report on a botanical survey of the Dismal Swamp region. Department of Agriculture, 1901. H" F. 4. Keifer v. Bo3mton, Investigation of charges against H. V. Boj'nton. 48—1. H. reiJt. 1112. 8" Kendrick, Col. Henry L. Obituary address. N. Y., Dutton & co., 1892. 12*^ H. 8. Kent, James. Commentaries on American law. 11th ed. Edited by George F. Comstock. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1867. 4 vols. 8^ Room III, Law Div. [Same.] 12th ed. Edited by O. W. Holmes, jr. Bost., Little, Brown & co., Ib73. 4 vols. S" Room III, Law Div. [Same.] 14th ed. P^dited by J. M. Gould, Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1890. 4 vols. 8" O. 8. Kerhallet, Philippe de. General examination of the Indian Ocean. Wash., G. P. O., 1870. 8" H. 4. 82 CATALOGUE LIBBAKY UNITED STATES SENATE King, Clarence. Geological explorations of the fortieth parallel. Wash., G. P. O., 1870-1880. 4° (Sen. library has vols. 3-7.) King, Charles R. [editor]. See Rufus King. I. 1. King, Rufus. The life and correspondence of, comprising his let- ters, private and official, his public documents and his speeches. Ed. by Charles R. King. N. Y., A. P. Putnam's sons, 1894. 6 vols. 8° I. 1. Knox, John J. United States notes. A history of the various issues of paper money. N. Y., Charles Scribner's sons, 1884. 8° T. Knox, Philander C, Attorney- General of the United States. An address on "The commerce clause of the constitution, and the trusts," including some decisions, etc. See "Commerce clause." S. 1. Koerner, A. Description of the Hotchkiss revolving cannon. Paris, 1874. 4'' S. 3. Kohl collection of maps relating to America. Phillips. 1904. L. C. Ku Klux conspiracy. Investigation b}^ joint select committee, 1871-72, to inquire into the condition of affairs in the late insurrectionary States. 42—2; S. rept. 41, pt. 1; vol. 2, pt. 1. 1. 1. M. D. 17. [Same.] Index in separate volume. Labberton's historical atlas. See Atlases. A. 2. Labor. See also Strikes, Injunctions, and Industrial evolution. — Hours of labor. The "eight-hour law." Army, navy, guns, ships, ammunition, etc. Special report of the Senate Commit- tee on Education (Mr. Kyle, chairman). 55 — 3; S. doc. 127, vol. 11. particularl}^ relating to strikes, and laws relating thereto. See Twenty-first annual report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1906. I. 2. List of books (with reference to periodicals) relating to. GrifBn. 1903. L. C. Laws and decisions. Cumulative index, p. 297. Reports and bulletins of the Commissioner, Lists, p. 287, 304. M. D. 11. Working women in large cities. Fourth annual report of Commissioner. Wash., G. P. O., 1888. 8" 50—2; H. Ex. doc. 4. V. 15. Labor and capital, relations between. ("Blair report," so called.) Investigation of the Senate Committee on Education and Labor, under S. Res. 1882-1887. Four vols, of testimony. Wash., G. P. O., 1886. Not documented. No report bj^ committee. Note. — Title page of the four vols, of testimony states that vol. 5 con- tains testimony and report of committee. But no report of committee was made. Some additional testimony was taken by committee, but printed only for use of committee. I 1. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 83 Labor la-ws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. Tenth special report of the Commissioner of Labor. By Carroll D. Wright. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 8° 58—2; H. doc. 733. I. 2. Labor la-ws of the various States and Territories and the District of Columbia. 1892. By Carroll D. Wright. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 8" 52—1; H. rep. 1960, vol. 11. 1 1. Lake Mohonk conference, report of, on international arbitration, 1903. O. 5. Lalor, John J. (editor). Cyclopi:edia of political science. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1890. 3 vols. 4° B. 5. Lamar, Lucius Q. C. His life, times, and speeches, 1825-1893. By EdAvard Mayes. Barbee & Smith, 1896. 4° 2 copies. D. 5. M. D. 19. Lamb's biographical dictionary of the United States. By John Howard Brown. Bost., James H. Lambco., 1900. Tvols. 4" D. 4. Land grants made by Congress, statement of. G. P. C, 1888. 28 pages. 3 copies. A. 2. Land Office, General. Reports of the Commissioner. List, p. 258. Rules of practice, regulations, proceedings to obtain title, etc. G. P. O., 1906. 8° 3 copies. U. 5. Landon, Perceval. The opening of Tibet. An account of Lhasa and the country and people of central Tibet and of the progress of the mission sent there by the English Government in the year 1903-4. N. Y., Doubleday, Page & co., 1905. 8° C. 5. Landor, Walter Savage. Classical conversations. (Universal Classics Lil)rar3^, vol. 6.) L. 2. Lanman, Charles. Dictionar}^ of Congress, 1789-1859. Containing biographical sketches of its members from the foundation of the Government; with an appendix. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & CO. , 1859. 8° D. 4. (Editor.) Biographical annals of the civil government dur- ing its first centurv, 1776-1876. James Anglim, 1876. 4° D. 4. [Same.] 2d ed. Illustrated. J. M. Morrison, 1887. 4** D. 4. Larned, Charles W. History of Battle Monument, West Point. West Point, 1898. 8° E. 8. Larned, Edwin Channing. Memorial of. Chic, McClurg & co., 1886. 8° I. 2. Larned, J. N. (editor). Histoiy for ready reference and topical reading, from the best historians, biographers, and specialists. Springfield, Mass., The C. A. Nichols co., 1901. 6 vols. 4° B. 5 84 CATALOGUE LIBRARY XJlsriTED STATES SENATE Latin America. See Bureau of the American Republics. Latin dictionaries. By Robert Ains worth. Edited by Morell. Lond., 1Y96. 4" X. [Same.] By Morell and Carey. Lond., 1823. 4° X. Laughlin, J. L., and H. P. "Willis. Reciprocity. N. Y., Baker & Taylor CO., 1893. 8° 2 copies. K. 1. La^v (American), commentaries on. By James Kent. 11th ed. Edited by George F. Comstock. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1867. 4 vols. 8*^ Room III, Law Div. La'W (American), commentaries on. [Same.] 12th ed. J^dited by O. W. Holmes, jr. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1873. 4 vols. 8° Room III, Law Div. [Same.] 14th ed. Edited by J. M. Gould. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1896. 4 vols. 8° 0.8. Anti-trust, 1890-1903. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8"^ S. 1. Bankruptcy. See Bankruptcy. Bridges over navigable waters. Law relating to construction of. G. P. O., 1887. 8° P. 2. Canal Zone, law of the Isthmus of Panama; enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission. G. P. O., 1906. 8'' Q. 2. Coal land law of the United States. General Land Office, 1907. 8" S. 1. Code of the District of Columbia. See District of Colum- bia. Q. 1. Cuba and Porto Rico. See Cuba. District of Columbia. See District of Columbia. Food products, etc. See Food. Organizing executive departments, etc. 8" 53—1; S. rep. 41. S. 3. Panama. See Interoceanic canals. Porto Rico. See Cuba and. Street railway in District of Columbia. See District of Columbia. Laws of the United States from Mar. 4, 1789, to Nov. 3, 1827, including all treaties. Index of. B}^ Samuel Burch. Wash., William A. Davis, 1827. 8° Room HI, Law Div. From the adoption of the Constitution to the end of the Thirty-fourth Congress, 1789-1857. Analytical digest of the. By F. C. Brightly. Phila., Kay & Bro., 1858. 4° Room III, Law Div. [Same.] Vol. 2. 1857-1869. Phila., 1869. 4° Room III, Law Div. Now in force, relative to commercial subjects. By John Brice. Baltimore, Neal, Wills & Cole, 1814. 8"^ CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 85 Laws of the United States. From the 4th of March, 1789, to the 4th of March, 1815. Phila., Bioren and W. John Duane, 1815. 5 vols. 8" 5 copies. Relating- to loans and the currency, coinage, and banking. Wash., G. P. O., 1886. 8° 49—1; S. ex. doc. 228. — [Same.] 1790-1895. Wash., G. P. O., 1896. 53—3; S. rept. 831. From Thirty-first to Fifty-third Congress. By George Minot. Bost., Little & Brown, 1850-1852. 2 vols. 8° 6 copies. Preliminary report of the commission to revise and codify, 1901. 8'' 57 — 1; S. doc. 68. Pt. 1, Organization, jurisdiction, and practice of the United States courts. Pt. 2, Penal code of the United States. Final report of Commission, 1906. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. S. 2. La-w and practice of legislative assemblies in the United States. By L. S. Gushing. 9th ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1874. 8° 3 copies. O. 8. Lee, Richard Henry. Memoir of the life of and his correspondence with the most distinguished men in America and Europe. By his grandson, Richard H. Lee. Phila., H. C. Carey and I. Lea, 1825. 2 vols. 8° L 2. Legal education, report on. Advance sheets from the report of the Commissioner of Education for 1890-91. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8° I. 3. Legislative assemblies. See Law and practice of. Leland, John (editor). Naval Annual, 1906. Portsmouth, Eng., J. Griffin & CO., 1906. 8° 1.6. Le traite, Franco- Americain; documents. Paris, Guillaumin et cie., 1880. 8° M. D. 18. Lewis, Charlton T. (editor). Harper's book of facts. N. Y., Harper 6 Bro., 1895. 4" B. 6. Lewis, George C. Government of dependencies. (Universal Classics Li})rary, vol. 25.) I. 2. Lewis and Clark expedition, histor}^ of. By Elliott Coues. N. Y., Francis P. Harper, 1893. 4 vols. 8° I. 2. [Same.] By James K. Hosmer. Chic, McClurg, 1903. 2 vols. S*' I. 2. [Same.] President's message communicating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red, and Washita rivers, by Captains Lewis and Clark, and Dr. Sibley and Mr. Dunbar, with a statistical account of the countries adjacent. Printed by order of the United States Senate, Feb. 19, 1806. H. ex. doc. 85, vol. 1, 9th Cong., 1st sess. 8° I. 2. 86 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Lewis and Clark. The Conquest. The true story of Lewis and Clark. By Eva Emery Dye. Chicago, A. C. McCkirg & co., 1902. 8° I. 2. Libraries in the United States and Canada, statistics of public. By W. Flint. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° J. 8. public, societ}^, and school in the United States. Being chap. ~ XVIII, from the report of the Commissioner of Education for 1903. Library of Congress. iM. D. 16-17. — — History of. vol. i, 1800-1864. By W. D. Johnston. G. P. O., 1904. 8° 3 copies. Reports of the Librarian. List, p. 307. Its work, including a description of the building, cost, etc. G. P. O., 1907. 12° 21 pages. Library of Congress, publications of the. Alaska and the northwest part of North America. PhiUips. 1588-1898. Anglo-Saxon interests. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. Arbitration (industrial). Select list of references on. Griffin. 1903. Banks and banking. List of -the more important books in the Library of Congress on. Griffin. 1904. Biblioteca Filipina. Griffin. 1903. British tariff movement (Chamberlain's plan). Select list of references. Griffin. 1904. Budget of foreign countries. Select list of references on the. Griffin. 1904. Cabinets of England and America. List of books with references to period- icals relating to. Griffin. 1903. Canada. Reciprocity with. List of books, etc. Griffin. 1907. Canals. See Interoceanic. Cartography. List of W'orks relating to. Phillips. 1901. Catalogue of the liibrary of Congress, 1840. Of authors, 1864. Subject. 2 vols. 1869. Of books added to the Library, 1867-1875. Check list of American newspapers in the Library of Congress. Slauson. 1901. • (Preliminary) of American almanacs 1639-1800. Morrison. 1906. Chinese immigration. List of references on. Griffin. 1904. Child labor. List of reference on. Griffin. 1904. Colonization. Government of dependencies, protectorate, and related topics. List of books (with references to periodicals) relating to the theory of. • Griffin. 1900. Constitution of the United States. List of books relating to. Griffin. 1903 Continental Congress. Journals of, 1774-1789. Edited by Worthington C. Ford. vol. 1, 1774. Wash., G. P. 0., 1904. 4° Copyright in Congress, 1789-1904. A bibliography, and chronological record of all proceedings in (Congress in relation to copyright from Apr. 15, 1789, to Apr. 28, 1904, First Congress, first session, to Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. Copyright Office Bulletin No. 8. 1905. ^S'ee Copyright. Consular service. IJst of references on. Griffin. 1905. Cuba. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1898. Currency. List of references on; mainly bond and asset currency. Griffin 1908. CATAX,OGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 87 Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. Danish West Indies. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. Employer's liability. List of references. Griffin. 1906. Far East. Select list of books relating to the. Griffin. 1904. Federal control of commerce and corporations. List of references on. (iriffin. 1904. Foreign newspapers. Check list of. Slauson. 1904. Fourteenth amendment. List of discussions of, with special reference to negro suffrage. Griffin. 1906. French alliance, The, in the American revolution. List of works relating to. Griffin. 1907. Germans in the United States. A list of works relating to the. Griffin. 1904. Government ownership of railroads. Select list of references on. Griffin. 1903. Handbook of the New Library of Congress in Washington. 1901. Hawaii. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1898. Immigration. A lit^t of books (with references to periodicals) on. Griffin 1904-1907. Impeachment. Select list of references on. Griffin. 1905. Industrial arbitration. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. Inheritances. See Taxation of. Insurance, government regulation of. List of references on. Griffin. 1906. Interoceanic canal and railway route. List of books ( with references to period- icals) on. Griffin. 1900. Iron and steel in commerce. Select list of books, etc., relating to. Griffin. 1907. Jones, John Paul. Calendar of manuscripts. Ford. 1903. Kohl collection of maps relating to America. Phillips. 1904. Labor, particularly relating to strikes. List of books (with references to peri- odicals) relating to. Griffin. 1903. Librarian of Congress. Reports of. See List. Lincolniana. List of. Richie. 1903. Maps in the Library of Congress. Phillips. 1898. Maps of America in the Library of Congress. List of. Philips. 1901. Mercantile marine subsidies. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1903. Monroe, .Tames. Papers of. Ford. 1904. Municipal affairs, with special reference to municipal ownership. Griffin. 1906. Naturalization. List of references on. Griffin. 1907. Naval records of the Revolution. Lincoln. 1906. Negro question. List of references on. Griffin. 1903, 1906. Newspapers. Check list of American. Slauson. 1901. Foreign, 1904. Nicaragua canal. List of references to. Griffin. 1900. 56 — 1; li. doc. 59. Northern Securities. See Railroads. Old age and civil service pensions. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. Pension. See Old age. Philippine Islands. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to the American occupation of 1898-1903. Reprinted with some additions. Griffin. 1905. Political parties in the U. S. List of works relating to. Griffin. 1907. 88 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. Porto Rico. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. Primary election laws. List of references on. Griffin. 1905. Railroads, Government ownership of. Select list of references on. Griffin. 1903. Railroads in their relations to the Government and the public, with ap- pendix listof references to the Northern Securities case. Griffin. 1904, 1907. Reciprocity. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. with Canada. List of books, etc. Griffin. 1907. Recognition in international law and practice. List of references on. Griffin. 1904. Representation (proportional). List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1904. Samoa and Guam. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. Senate. Bibliography. 59—1; S. doc. 303. 1906. Senators. Debates in Federal convention on election of Senators. Griffin. 1902. 57—1; S. doc. 404. Senators (popular election of). List of references on the. Griffin. 1904. Strikes. See Labor. Subsidies. See Mercantile marine. Tariffs of foreign countries. List of references on. Griffin. 1904,1906. Taxation of inheritances and incomes. Griffin. 1907. Trusts. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. 2d and 3d ed. Griffin. 1902, 1907. Union list of periodicals, transactions, and allied publications currently received in the principal libraries of the District of Columbia. Slauson. 1901. Vernon-Wager manuscripts. List of. Ford. 1904. S. 6. Wager manuscripts. See Vernon. S. 6. Washington and District of Columbia. List of maps and views of, in the Library of Congress. Phillips. 1900. Washington manuscripts. Calendar of. 1901 . Washington's (George) correspondence with the Continental Congress. Fitz- patrick, 1906. 4° L. C. Library of the Department of Justice, Catalogue of. By J. A. Finch. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. S'' Libraries, Public, of the United States and Canada, Statistics. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8° (Bureau of Education publication.) Liddell, H. G., and R. Scott. Greek-English lexicon. N. Y., Har- per & Bro., 1880. Ir" ^66 Dictionaries. X. Light-House Establishment. Laws and regulations relative to. Wash., G. P. O., 1896. S'' S. 2. Light-house laws from Aug. 7, 1789, to Mar. 3, 1855. Wash., A. O. P. Nicholson, 1855. 8° S. 2. Same, 1904. 8" 2 copies. S. 2. M. D. 12. Lightning conductors. Wash., G. P. O., 1867. 8° Lincoln, Abraham. A history. By John G. Nicolay and John Hay. N. Y., Century co., 1904. 10 vols. 8° I. 2.' . CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 89 Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works; comprising his speeches, letters, State papers, and miscellaneous writings. By John G. Nicolay and John Hay. N. Y., Century co., 1894. 2 vols. 8° I. 2. [Life of] by John T. Morse, jr. [being vols. 25 and 20 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12" E. 4. The life of. By Ida M. Tarbell. N. Y., McClure, Phillips* & CO.. 1904. 2 vols. 8° I. 3. Lincoln, Charles Z. Constitutional histor}' of New York. Koch., Lawyers' Cooperative Pub. co., 1906. 5 vols. 8° M. 6. Lincolniana. List of. Richie. 1903. L. C. Lippincott, Constance. Maryland as a palatinate. Phila., J. B. Lip- pincott, 1902. 8° M. D. 12. Lippincott's pronouncing gazetteer of the world. 1855, 1866, 1879, [Same.] 1890. 2 vols. 4° M. I). 12. /See Dictionaries. Literature, Oriental. The Dabistan or school of manners. (Univer- sal Classics Librarv, vol. 15.) L. 2. Ottoman. The poets and poetry of Turkey. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 16.) L. 2. The real and ideal in. By Frank P. Stearns. Bost., J. G. Cupples CO., 1892. 12° K. 1. See Harper's dictionarj^ of. X. Livingston, Edward. Address to the people of the United States, on the measure pursued by the Executive with respect to the bat- ture at New Orleans. N. O., Bradford & Anderson, 1808. 8° 1. T. A s3'Stem of penal laws for the United States. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1828. 4° S. 3. Livingston, John. The law register. N. Y., Merchants' Union Law CO., 1868. 4° S. 6. Loans of the United States and currency of the countr}. By W. F. De Knight. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 4" T. ' Loans of the United States, 1789 to 1890. 8° (Treasury Depart- ment, no. 1897.) T. Lock gates, notes on mitering. By H. F. Hodges. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 4" S. 3. Lockouts and strikes, and laws relating thereto. See Twenty-first annual report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1906. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Studies in history, Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO. [1884]. 8"^ H. 3. Certain accepted heroes, and other essays in literature and politics. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1897. 8° F. 1. Life and letters of George Cabot. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1897. 8" F. 1. 90 CATALOGUE LTBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE Lodge, Henr}^ Cabot. [Life of] Alexander Hamilton [being vol. 7 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. IT E. 4. Historical and political essaj^s. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 8° H. 3. The story of the Revolution. N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1898. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. K. 2. [Life of] George Washington [being vols. 4 and 5 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12" E, 4. [Life of] Daniel Webster [being vol. 21 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. The war with Spain. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1900. 8° K.4. Historic towns. N. Y. , Lond., and Bombay, Longmans, Green &co., 1902. 8° E. 8. A lighting frigate and other essays and addresses. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1902. 8° G.l. Hero tales from American history. Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt. N. Y., The Century co., 1904. 8° H. 3. (editor). The works of Alexander Hamilton. Federal edi- tion. N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1904. 12 vols. 8" G. 7. A short histor}^ of the English colonies in America. Rev. ed. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1904. 8° H. 2. — A frontier town, and other essays. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. 8° G. 6. Lloyd, Thomas (short-hand reporter). The Congressional Register, or histor}'^ of the proceedings and debates of the first House of Representatives of the United States, at New York, 1789. N. Y., Harrison & Purdy, 1789. 8° X. 6. Long, John D. Republican party; its history, principles, and policies. N. Y., M. VV. Hazen co., 1900. 8° J. 6. Lookout Valley, recapture of; origin of plan. Report of army board. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° I. 3. Lorimer, James. The institutes of the law of nations. A treatise on the jural relation of separate political communities. Edin- burgh, William Blackwood & Sons, 1883. 2 vols. 8° See International law. O. 1. Lossing, Benson J. (editor). Harper's popular cyclopaedia of United States history from the aboriginal period to 1876. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1881. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. B. 6. One of the compilers of The Statesman's Manual, 1789-1868. N. Y., Edward Walker, 1858. 4 vols. 8° K. 6. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 91 Lothrop, Thornton Kirkhind. [Life ofj William Henry Seward [being vol. 27 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houo-hton, Milriin 6c co., 1898. 12" E. 1. Louis XIV. Memoirs of, and the regency. By Duke of Saint-Simon. (Universal Classics Librar}', vols. 19, 20, and 21.) L. 2. Louisiana. Purchase of the territory of. State papers and corre- spondence bearing upon. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° 57 — 2; H. doc. 131. 2 copies. 1. 3. Purchase of, and our title west of the Rocky Mountains, with a review of annexation. By Binger Hermann. 56 — 1; H. doc. 708. 1" S. 3. Ludlow, William. Reconnaissance from Carroll, Mont., to Yellow- stone National Park, 1875. Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 1" S. 3. McCall, Samuel W. [Life of] Thaddeus Stevens [being vol. 31 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12'' E. 1. McClure, Charles. Digest of opinions of the Judge-Advocate-Gen- eral of the Army. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° U. McCormick, James. Second edition of Geographic Dictionar}^ of Alaska. Wash., G. P. O., 1906. 8" 59— 1; H. doc. 938. A. 3. McCrary, George W. A treatise on the American law of elections. 2d ed. Chi., E. B. Myers, 1880. 8° V. 3. [Same.] 1th ed. Edited by H. L. McCune. Chi., Callag- han&co., 1897. 8° V. 3. McCuUoch, J. C. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation. Phila., 1840, 1851, 1869. 2 vols. 8° X. A dictionary, geographical, statistical, and historical. Lond., Longmans, 1854. 2 vols. 8" See Dictionaries. X. Note. — Vol. 2 missing. MacDonald, Arthur. Abnormal man, being essays on education and crime and related subjects, with digests of literature and a bibliography. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8° (Bureau of Educa- tion publication.) I. 3. A plan for the stud}^ of man, with reference to bills to estab- lish a laboratory for the study of the criminal, and pauper, defective classes, with a bibliography of child study. 1902. 8" 57—1; S. doc. 400. I. 3. Statistics of ci'ime, suicide, insanity, and other forms of abnormality. Bureau of Education, 1903. 8" 58 — special; S. doc. 12. See Criminal, pauper, and defective classes. F. 4. Macdonald, George. Catalogue of (jreek coins in the Hunterian collection, University of Glasgow. Glasgow, James Macle- hose & Sons, 1899, 1901, 1905. 3 vols. 4° B. 7. 92 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE MacDonald, J. R. Geography of New Zealand for senior pupils in the public schools, scholarship candidates, and pupil teachers. Wellington & Christchurch, N. Z., 1903. " A. 3. Macdonald, William. Select statutes and other documents illustra- tive of the history of the United States, 1861-1898. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1903. 8° H. 3. McDonald, William J. A compilation of questions of order and decisions thereon. Wash., G. P. O., 1881. 8° V. 7. McG-o'wan, Jonas H. Lawyer's handbook of Federal practice. Wash., Brodix Publishing co., 1891. 8'' O. 8. Machiavelli, Niccolo. History of Florence and of the aflairs of Italy. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 12.) L. 2. McKechnie, W^illiam Sharp. Magna Charta. A commentary on the great charter of King John. Glasgow, James Maclehose & Sons, 1905. 8° I. 4. McKee, Thomas Hudson. A manual of Congressional practice. (Red book.) Wash., Thos. H. McKee, 1891. 4" S. 3. National conventions and platforms of all political parties, 1789 to 1901. 4th ed. Bait., Friedenwald co., 1901. 8° 2 copies. J. 6. [Same.] 1789-1905. 3 cop. J. 6. National platforms of all political parties from 1789 to 1892. Wash., Statistical Publishing co. 12° 2 copies. J. 6. Presidential inaugurations from George Washington, 1789, to Grover Cleveland, 1893, with inaugural addresses and his- torical notes. Wash., Statistical Publishing co., 1893. 8° 4 copies, H. 4. Protection echoes from the Capitol. Wash., 1888. 8° T. United States tariff law. Wash., E. W. Oyster, 1883. 8° T. Index to reports of the Senate and House, by committees, 1815-1887. 2 vols. 8° P. 1. McKinley, William. History of tariff' legislation, 1812-1896, in works of Henry Clay. N. Y., Putnam's Sons. 10 vols. 1904. 8° F. 2. Last speech of, delivered at Buffalo, Sept. 5, 1901. 56 — 2; H. doc. 356, pt. 9. I. 3. Last annual message of, to Congress, Dec. 3, 1900. Wash., G. P. O., 1906. 2 copies in special binding. 8° I. 3. Maclay, William. Journal (of the proceedings of the United States Senate), 1789-1791. Edited by Edgar S. Maclay. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1890. 8" I. 3. Sketches of debate in the first Senate of the United States, 1789-90-91; including a brief report made by the Librarian of Congress, A. R. Spoff'ord, upon Maclay's journal, 1869. Edited by George W. Harris. Harrisburg, 1880. 8° I. 3. CATALOGUE LI BRAE Y UNITED STATES SENATE 93 McLaughlin, Andrew C. [Life of] Lewis Cass [being vol. 24 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12" E. 4. McMaster, John Bach. A school history of the United States. American Book co., 1897. 12^^ E. 2. History of the people of the United States from the Revolu- tion to the civil war, 1784-1861. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1900. 7 vols. 8° H. 1. Note. — Vol. 7 not published. McPherson, Edward. Handbook of politics, being a record of important political action, national and State, 1872 to 1894. Wash., Philp & Solomons, 1872-1894. 12 vols. 8" 12 copies. J. 6. M. D. 23. History of the rebellion. 3d ed. Wash., Solomons & Chap- man, 1876. 8" H. 2. M. D. 23. The political history of the United States during the period of reconstruction. Wash., Solomons & Chapman, 1875. 8" . H. 2. M. D. 23. [compiler]. Index of House bills from 1st to 42d Congress, inclusive, relating to banks, currency, public debt, tariff, and direct taxes. Wash., G. P. O., 1875. 8° 43—2; H. mis. doc. 92. T. McWade, Robert, [and Thomas Power O'Connor]. Gladstone — Parnell and the great Irish struggle. Phila., Hubbard Bros., 1S86. 8" G. 6. Madison, James. Calendar of correspondence. Wash., 1904. 4° [Being No. 4 of the bulletins of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State.] 2 copies. D. 5. M. D. 19. [Life of] by Sidney Howard Gay [being vol. 12 of the Amer- ican Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Madison papers, the. Purchased by order of Congress, being his (James Madison's) correspondence and reports of debates dur- ing the Congress of the Confederation, and his repoi'ts of debates in the Federal convention. Published by direction of the Joint Library Committee of Congress. Henry D. Gilpin, 1841. 3 vols. 8" 2 sets. I. 3. M. D. 19. Madrid. Columbia Historical Exposition, 1892. See List, p. 252. Magna charta. A commentary on the great charter of King John. B\' William Sharp McKechnie. Glasgow, James Maclehose & sons, 1905. 8" I. 3. Magnetic observatory at the Girard College. 4 vols. , plates. 4° M. D. 18. 94 CATALOGUE LTBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Magruder, Allan B. [Life ofj John Marshall [being vol. 10 of the American Statemen Series]. Eost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12'- E. 4. '' Maine, The," U. S. battle ship. Destruction of, in Havana Harbor, Feb. 15, 1898. Reports by United States officers and Spanish officers. 8" 55—2; H. doc. 405. P. 2. Man. /See Abnormal man. M. D. 18. A plan for the study of. See Plan for the Stud}^ of Man, A. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. S*' 57—1; S. doc. 400. I. 3. Manual, etc., of the Senate and House. See Lists: Constitution, Rules, and Manual. P. 231. Manual of Style Government Printing Office, Wash. , G. P. O. , 1904. 8° 80 pp. I. 3. Manuscripts, Washington. See Library of Congress. Map (statistical) of the District of Columbia. See Atlases. A. Maps. See Atlases and. Maps of America, list of. Phillips, 1901. See Library of Congress. A. 2. March, Francis A. A thesaurus dictionary of the English language. Phila., Historical Publishing co., 1902. 4° X. Marine Corps. List of officers. See Navy and Marine Corps. Navy and. Acts, 1900-1901. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° E. 5. Navy and. General register of the LTnited States, 1782-1882. By T. H. S. Harmersly. Wash., published by the author, 1882-1888. 8° 1. 6. Navy, etc. United States. Laws relating to, digest of. By William H. Michael. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8'' 55—2; S. doc. 271. L.6. Marine-Hospital Service. Reports of, 1871 to date. M. D. 10. Marine number of Gassier s Magazine. Aug., 1897. I. 7. Maritime reciprocity. By Joseph Nimmo, jr., Wash., G. P. O., 1871. 8" K. 1. Marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867-1886, report on. By Carroll D. W^ right. Including an appendix relating to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe. W^ash., G. P. O., 1889. 8° 2 copies. I. 4. M. D. 11. Marshall, John. Complete Constitutional Decisions of, annotated. Edited by John M. Dillon. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1903. 8" M. 3. (editor). Life of George Washington. James Crissy and others. Phila., 1845. 8" L. 6. Eulogy on. ' By Horace Binney, Sept. 24, 1835. Chi., Cal- laghan & CO., 1900. 8° 2 copies. I. 4. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 95 Marshall, John. Life, character, and judicial services. Memorial addresses and proceedings on Marshall day, 1901. Compiled and edited by John F. Dillon. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1903. 3 vols. 4" I. 4. [Life of] b}^ Allan B. Magruder [being vol. 10 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12'' E. 4. Martin, Luther. See Secret proceedings and debates of the Federal Convention, 1787. M. 1. Maryland as a palatinate. By Constance Lippincott. Phila., J. B. Lippincott, 1902. 8" M. D. 16. Its resources, industries, and institutions. Prepared for the board of World's Fair managers of Maryland bj' members of Johns Hopkins Universit}^ and others. Bait., 1893. 4° M. D. 16. Colonial laws of 1692-1785. pp. 9-584. 8° I. 4. Mason, Edward Campbell. The veto power. Bost., Ginn co., 1890. 8'' (Harvard Historical Monographs, no. 1.) L. 5. Mason, George. Life of, 1725-1792. By Kate Mason Rowland. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1892. 2 vols. 8° I. 4. Mason, James M. The public life and diplomatic correspondence of. By his daughter. Roanoke, Stone Printing and Manufacture CO., 1903. 8'' I. 4. Massachusetts. Manual for the use of the general court. By Giffoi'd and McLaughlin. Bost., Wright & Potter, 1885. 8" M. D. 16. See Geographic dictionary. X. Matthias, Bcnj. Rules of order. A manual for conducting business in town and ward meetings * * * and other deliberative bodies. Phila., James Harmstead, 1846. 12° O. 8. Maurice, J. F. Hostilities without declaration of war, from 1700- 1870. Lond., 1883. 8° H. 4. Maximilian. See Juarez and Ca?sar Cantu. J. 7. Maxims: political, philosophical, and moral. By Edward Counsel. 2d ed. Melbourne, A. H. Massina & co., 1892. 12° B. 4. proverbs and phrases of all ages. B}^ Robt. Christy. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. 8° 2 copies. B. 4. May, Thomas Erskine (editor). Parliamentary^ practice; a treatise on the law, privileges, proceedings, and usage of Parliament. Lond., Butterworths, 1863. 8° W. 2. [Same.] 11th ed. By T. Lonsdale Webster and William Edward Grey. Lond., Wm. Clowes & sons, 1906. 8° W. 2. Mayes, Edward (editor). Lucius Q. C. Lamar. His life, times, and speeches, 1825-1893. Barbee & Smith, 1896. 4° D. 5. 3605—08 7 96 CATALOGUE LIBKAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Mayo, Robert. Army and navy pension laws, and bounty-land laws of the United States. Wash., W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1861. 8° P. 2. Pension laws of the United States, including sundry resolu- tions of Congress, from 1776-1833. Wash., Globe Printing Office, 1833. 8° 3 copies. P. 2. Treasury Department and its various fiscal bureaus. Wash., Wm. O. Force, 1817. 4:" T. Mead, Elwood. Plans of structures in use on irrigation canals in the United States. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 4° S. 3. Meigs, W^illiam M. The growth of the Constitution in the Federal convention of 1787. 2d ed. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1900. 8" M. 4. Melbourne. International exhibition at, 1888. Reports of the United States commissioners. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 51 — 1; S. Ex. doc. 18. F. 8. Memoirs, secret, court of Berlin. (University Classics Librar}^, vol. 3.) L. 2. Memorial addresses. C. and D. 6, M. D. 9. Memorial in regard to a National University. By John W. Hoyt. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. S'^ L. 4. Mercantile marine subsidies. List of books, with references to periodicals relating to. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Merchant marine. Navigation and the. Laws of the United States. Wash., G. P. O., 1895. 8*' 54—1; H. doc. 28, pt. 2. P. 2. [Same.] 1899. 56— 1; H. doc. 14, pt. 2. P. 2. Merchants' Magazine. Hunt. 18 vols. (Missing, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 13.) M. D. 20. Merchant vessels of the United States. List, p. 306. M. D. 18. Merchants' Association of New York. Pocket Guide to New York. March, 1906. Merrill, J. W. Yellow Spring and Huron. A local history. Medi- opolis, Iowa, 1897. 8" 2 copies. M. D. 18. Messages and documents. Abridgment of. List, p. 308. Messages and Papers of the Confederacy. By J. D. Richardson. Nashville, U. S. Pub. co., 1905. 8" L 5. Messages and Papers of the Presidents. By J. D. Richardson. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 10 vols. 8° 53—2. H. Mis. doc. 210; I. 4. Metals. Report on production of precious. List, p. 341. Tests of, at Watertown Arsenal. List, p. 362. Meteorology and hypsometry. Tables on. By R. S. Williamson N. Y., Van Nostrand, 1868. 4° S. 3. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 97 Metric Fallacy, The. B}^ Frederick A. Halse}^; and the Metric Faikirc in the Textile Industry. By Samuel S. Dale. New York. D. Van Nostrand co., 1904. V I. 5. Metric system. See International. Mexican war. History of, 1846-1848. Bj' Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox. Edited by Mar}' Rachel Wilcox. Wash., Church News Publishing CO., i892. 8° H. 3. Mexico. See American Republics, Bureau of the. Historical, geographical and commercial. 56 — 2; H. doc. 181, pt. 3. I. 5. Volunteer general staff during the war with. See Arm}' and Navy Register, by Thos. H. F. Hamersly. E. 6. Meyer, J. Theory of the coin, coinage, and monetary system of the world. Wash., G. P. O., 1878. 8° 45—3; H. mis. doc. 8. T. The world's money. Theory of the coin, coinage, and mone- tary system of the world. Translated from the German by Mrs. C. P. Culver. Wash., G. P. O., 1878. 8° 45—3: H. mis. doc. 8. T Michael, William H. The Declaration of Independence. Illustrated story of its adoption, with the biographies and portraits of the signers and of the Secretary of the Congress. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 4° A. 4. History of the State Department. 1901. Wash., G. P. O., 1896. K. 6. [Joint compiler]. Tariff acts, 1789-1895. 8° Wash., G. P. O., 1896. 54—1; S. doc. 219. T. Michigan official directory and legislative manual for the years l'.)Ul-2. Compiled by Fred M. Warner. Lansing, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck-Crawford CO., 1901. 8° 1.5. Michigan. Census of. M. D. 15. Military Academy. United States official register, 1836 to 1853, 1901. M. D. 14. Military and naval defenses of the United States, 1836, 1840, 1851. 37—2: II. ex. doc. 92, vol. 7. Military biographies and other personal literature in the War Depart- ment Library. Finding list of. 2d. ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 8° I. 5. Military (constitutional and) law of the United States. An intro- duction to the study of. Wash., G. P. O., 1896. 8" M. 2. Military minutes of the council of appointment of the State of New York. By Hastings and Noble. Albany, James B. Lyon, 1901. 3 vols, and index. 8" M. D. 15. Military laws of the United States. Editions of 1838, 1846, 1776- 1858, 1776-1863, 1864, 1S98, 1901. See 56—2; H. doc. 545, for 4th ed.. 1901. O. 8. 98 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Military papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, governor of New York, 1807-1817. Albany, Published by the State, 1898. 3 vols. 8'' L. 1. Military posts and stations, outline description. Wash., G, P. O., 1872. 4" M. D. 2. Military warfare rules. Conference at Brussels, 1874. By A. Hors- ford. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8'' L. 6. M. D. 2. Militia of the United States; the, organized. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8° 1. 5. Miller, Samuel Freeman. Lecture on the Constitution of the United States. N. Y., Banks & Br., 1893. 8° M. 4. Mineral resources of the United States, with special references to the Comstock lode and the Sutro tunnel in Nevada. By Adolph Sutro. Bait., J. Murphy & co., 1868. 4° List, p 309. Mining lav^s. See U. S. mining laws. Minnesota. The Legislative manual. 1895. I. 5. Minot, George. See Laws, (public) of the United States. Miscellaneous essays and letters. By Thomas R. Hazard. Phila., Collins, printer, 1883. 12'' F. 7. Miscellaneous duplicates, early editions, etc. M. D. Section. Abnormal Man. A. McDonald. 1893. 58— 3; S. doc. 187 18 Adams, John, works of, with Ufe of author. By Charles F. Adams. 1856. ^'ol. 4 missing 18-19 Agricultural Dept. : Farmers Bulletins, Nos. 1-309 13 Reports and Yearbooks 13 Almanacs and Annuals: American, and repository, 1830-1861, 1878-1889 1 American, Yearbook Cycl. and Atlas, 1903 2 American ephemeris and nautical, 1855-1876, 1878, 1890, 1892-1908.. 1 Albany Evening Journal, 1885 - 2 de Gotha, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1900, 1901 2 Baltimore Sun, 1888, 1893, 1904 2 British. London. C. Knight. 1850-1860, 1865, 1869 2 Eagle, Brooklyn, daily, 1903, 1906 2 National, 1863 2 New York Star, 1880 2 New York Herald, 1872-1877 2 Whitakers, 1901. London. 1885, 1896, 1901 2 World, etc., 1869, 1872-1876, 1886-1893, 1896, 1906 2 Tribune, New York, and political register, 1838-1906 1 - Canadian Yearbook. Toronto. A. Hewett. 1900,1902 8 American Bar Association, vol. 20, 1897 18 American Commonwealth, the. Bryce. 1888 5 American Newspapers, check list of, 1639-1900 4 American politics, from the beginning to date. Cooper. 1883 4 American Republics, Bureau of. Handbooks, etc., 1891-1893 14 Apportionment, among the several states, 1900 18 Appropriation and new offices 9 Army, the United States: Historical Register of the, 1789-1903. 2 vols. 57—2, H. doc. 446... 2 Official Register, 1839, 1853, 1870-1873, 1877, 1889-1907 2 Volunteer Register, 1861-1865. pts. 1-8 3 Legislative History of the General Staff, 1775-1901. 56—2, S. doc. 229. 2 Regulations, 1861, 1889, 1895, 1898, 1901-1905 2 Regulations of the Pay-department, 1836-1861 2 Howtofeedan. 1901 2 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 99 Miscellaneous duplicates, early editions, etc. — Continued. Section. Atlantic Ocean, general examination of, 1870 18 Bank of the United States, 1832 9 Bankers directory, and list of bank attorneys, 1892 6 Bankers encyclopedia, the. vol.12. 1900 6 Biographical annals of the civil government of the United States, during its first century. 2d ed 14 Boundaries of the United States. 2d and 3d eds 18 Boyds directory of the D. C, 1853-1906 5-6 Calhoun, the works of. 1854. vols. 4, 5, 6 19 Catalogue of Charts, Coast Pilots, and tide tables, 1897 17 Central and South American Commissioners Report. 48-2; H. ex. doc. 226 14 Civil Service Commission. Operations of. Report of Senate Commitee, 1888. 50 — 1; Rept. 2373. 14 Report and testimony of Senate Committee, 1898. 55 — 2; S. rep. 659. 14 Report, 15, 17, 18, 19 14 Claims, Mexican. 48—1; H. ex. doc. 103 16 Revolutionarv 14 Coinage laws of the "United States, 1792-1893 9 Colonial administration. (Com. & Fin. ) 57 — 2; H. doc. 15. pt. 9... 15 Commerce, United States-Europe, 1790-1890. 1893 18 Commerce and navigation of the United States, 1821-1849 20 Commerciar relations with foreign countries, 1896-1897. 2 vols 13 Confidential printed documents, U. S. Senate, 1823-1869 19, 20 Congressional Directories from 42d Cong., 2d sess. to date 3 Congressional political register, 1776-1878. Poore 3 Contingent Expenses. Reports of the Secretary of the Senate, 1840-1900 9 Convict Labor, 20th annual report of Commission, 1905 11 Cotton plant, the. Its history, etc. 1896. 54— 2; H. doc. 267 18 Cuba : Census of, 1 899. War Department 15 Proposed constitution ( Piatt amendment) . 1901 15 Currency from the earliest period to June 30, 1896 9 Currency of the country, and of the loans of the United States. 1900.. 9 Daughters of the American Revolution, annual reports, 1-8. No. 2 missing 14 Deaf. Histories of American schools, 1817-1893. 3 vols 18 De Bow's commercial review, 1846-1855. 19 vols. (Vol. 2 missing).. 21,22 Democratic and Republican campaign documents and textbooks, 1872- 1 906 3 Democratic (Republican, etc.) Platforms. McKee. 1789-1892 3 Dictionaries : Ainsworth. Latin. 1796 12 [Same. ] 1823 12 Geograph ical, Alaska. 1901 11 Boyers. French. 1838 12 Gannett Altitudes in the United States. 1891 11 Harpers, classical literature, etc. 1897 12 Haskel and Smith, Statistical Gazetteer 12 Haydens, of dates. 13th ed. 1871 12 [Same.] 1878 12 Johnston. 1851 12 McCulloch. 1840 and 1854 12 Webster, Noah. 1828, 1832, 1868, 1880 12 AVho's Who, annual biographical. 1900-1901 8 Who's Who in America. 1901-1902 8 Worcester. 1878 12 Nautical, illustrated, Patterson. 1891 12 Diplomatic correspondence : State Department. 7 vols. 1834 22 Francis Wharton. 1889. 6 vols 22 Diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution. 1829. Jared Sparks. 12 vols 22 Distances, official table of. 1873-1906 2- 100 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Miscellaneous duplicates, early editions, etc.— Continued, Education: ' Section List of the publications of Bureau of. 1867-1890 13 Reports of Commissioner of 13 Election of United States Senators, by direct vote, list of speeches and reports 18 Eulogies ( memorials ) 9 Executive Departments, laws organizing 14 Executive Register of the United' States. 1 789-1902 14 Expansion (territorial) of the United States, 1800-1900 15 Explorations and surveys: West of the 100th meridian, and tables 12 Colorado River, etc. Powell 12 Alaska. Carter. 1869, 1901 12 Territories, and survey of. 1867-1869 12 Mississippi River Improvement Commission, 1881 12 Federal Government, Introduction to the study of. 1891 14 Financial. Retail prices and wages. By Mr. Aldrich. Senate Commit- tee on Finance. 52—1; S. rep. 986= 11 Florida, map of. Survey for a canal. 34 — 1; S. ex. doc. 89 11 Gazetteer of the United States, 1836 12 Geographic dictionary of Alaska, 1901 11 Geographic names, Third report of board, 1890-1906 11 Gettysburg National Military Park, annual reports, 1893-1901 14 Greenback campaign documents, 1880 3 Hamilton, Alexander, The wprks of. John C. Hamilton. 1850 19 Hawaii: Laws of the Territory of 15 Legislative documents of, 1901 15 Report of the Commissioner of Labor on. 1892 15 Geographic names of 15 Hearings before House and Senate committees 24 Hoar, George F. Autobiography of seventy years. 1903 19 House of Representatives, Digest and Manual, 1884-1906 6 Inaugurations (Presidential ), 1789 to 1893. McKee 18 Industrial Commission. 56 — 1; H. doc. 476. vol. 1-2 14 Injunction. A compilation of documents relating to 18 Insular cases: A rgued in the Supreme Court, 1901 15 Opinions delivered in the Supreme Court 15 Records, Briefs, etc. Supreme Court 15 Internal revenue, records, 1866, 1868 20 International American Conference, Minutes of. 1890 14 International Commercial Congress. Philadelphia. 1899 14 Intern.ational Exhibition. Philadelphia, 1876. 9 vols 14 International Year Book of the world's progress, 1898-1900 8 Interoceanic Canals: History, messages, correspondence, etc 10 Hydrographv, American Isthmus 10 "Morgan Report," 1900, 1901 10 "Davis Report," 1866 10 Communication, correspondence, etc 10 Nicaragua Commission, report of, 1899 10 • North Sea Canal of Holland, 1872 10 Transisthmian, in Central America, 1905 10 Ironclads in Action. By Wilson. 1896. 2 vols 3 Jefferson, Thomas: Calendar of Correspondence 19 The writings of. Autobiography, pub. 1853. 9 vols, (missing, vols. 2 and 3) 19 Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. 8 vols 12 Journals of the Continental Congress, vols. 6-13, from January 1, 1780, to November 3, 1788 23 Ku-Klux conspiracy, Report of Senate Committee, 1871-7 ;i 17 Labor: Italians in Chicago; ninth special report, 1897 11 Liquor Problem; twelfth annual report, 1897-98 11 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 101 Miscellaneous duplicates, early editions, etc. — Continued. Section. Lamar, Lucius Q,. C. His Life, Time, and Speeches, 1825-1893 19 Library of Congress. History, Reports, Catalogues, and Lists of Publi- (•ati( ms 1 6-1 7 Light-House laws and regulations, 1904 18 Lippincott's i)ronouncing gazetteer, 1855, 1866, 1879 12 McPherson, Edward: Handbook of polities, 1872-1894 23 History of the Rebellion, 3d ed 23 Political history of the reconstruction 23 Madison, James: Calendar of Correspondence, 1904 19 "Madison Papers" (Congress of Confederation) 19 Magnetic Observatory of Girard College 18 Marine-Hospital Service, Reports of, 1871 to date 10 Marriage and Divorce in the United States. Wright 11 Maryland, its resources, industries, etc., 1893 16 Massachusetts, Manual for the use of general court, 1885 16 Merchant's Magazine. Hunt. 18 vols, (missing, 1, 2,4, 8, 12, 13) 20 Merchant Vessels of the United States, 1891-1895 18 Michigan, Census of, 1901-2 15 Military warfare rules, 1874 2 Miscellaneous legislative documents. States and Territories 15-16 Monetary Conferences, reports of 9 Mount Vernon, national road to 19 National Bank Decisions, Digests of, 1905 1 National Banks. Organization of, 1907 9 Navigation. Reports of the Commissioners of, 1899-1902 18 Navy : Appropriations, annual, 1883-1905, by Pulsifer 3 Dockyards. Report on European 3 Hygiene in the. 1870 3 (and) Marine Corps. General register, 1782-1882 3 Register of. 1816-1907 3 Regulations for the. 1870-1903 3 ■ Yearbook for 1906. By Pulsifer 3 New York: City Directory ( New York) 1002, 1903, 1904, (Brooklyn) 1901 6 Minutes of the council of appointment, 1901 15 Testimony in the life-insurance cases, 1906 15 Police Department investigation, 1895 15 State Historian, annual reports, 1, 2, 3, 1896-98 15 Niles's weekly register, vols. 1-75, Sept., 1811-.Tuly, 1849 20-21 Official Register (Blue Book), 1816 to date 7 Ohio: Constitutional Convention, 1873 16 Historical Collections, 1902 16 Oklahoma, Constitution of State of 16 Olive Branch (ship). Capture of the 18 Pacific Ocean, general examination of. 1869 18 Pennsylvania, legislative handbook, 1876 16 Philippine Commission: Acts of the. 1-949, 1-263, 224-424 15 Public Laws of. 1-449, Sept. , 1900, to Aug. 31, 1902 15 Philippine Islands, Map of 15 Pitkin, Timothy. Statistics, 1816, 1817 20 Polar (north) expedition, U. S. S. Folaris, Capt. Hall, 1876 12 Poor's Manual of Railroads, 1880-1906 4 Porto Rico: Reports of Commission to revise and compile the laws, 1901 15 Revised Statutes and Codes, 1902 15 Postal Guide, United States official. 1893-1904 10 Postal Laws and Regulations, 1886-1907 10 Precedents, Relating to the privileges of the Senate 14 Precedents, Digests of decisions and 14 Prison Systems, modern. 1903 18 102 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Miscellaneous duplicates, early editions, etc. — Continued. Section. Public Building. Documents relatino; to. 1817-1823 18 Public Debt of the United States. 2d ed. 1873 9 Public Printing and Binding. Act of Jan. 12, 1895 18 Public Opinion, vols. 1-8. 1886-1890.. 20 Quartermasters Department. Regulations for the. 1873 2 Railroads: Commissioners Reports, 1884, 1901 11 Intercontinental, report of commission, 1891-98 11 Rates, American. 1906 11 Regulations, hearings before Senate Committee 11 Statistics, of the United States. 1906 11 Union Pacific Company. Report of Gov. Directors 11 Railway mail pay, etc. Testimony by Commission, 1900 10 Receipts and Expenditures of the United States, 1816-1861 11 [Same. ] 1789-1893 11 Reclamation Service. Report for 1902 11 Register: American. 1808-1809. 3 vols 22 Annual, public events. 1867 20 Executive. 1789-1902 14 Interior. 1906 14 Justice. 1900, 1902, 1904 14 Navy. 1817-1907 14 State 1906 14 Treasury. 1873-1875, 1879 14 Volunteer Forces. 1861-1865 3 War. 1839-1907 2 Regulations, U. S. Army. 1861-1902, 1905 2 Reporter, The. Monthly Government budget, vols. 4-5, 1884-5 22 Republic, The. Political. Mar. 1873-Jan. 1877. vols. 1-8 22 Republican campaign documents. Misc. 1875-1884. 1906 3-4 Republican (and Democratic) Nat. Conv., proceedings of 3 Republican (Democratic, etc.) platforms, 1789-1892. McKee 4 Republican National Platforms. Misc. 1789-1906 4 Revolution: Census of pensioners, 1 841 14 Officers and Soldiers of the. Claims, etc., 1838 14 The Story of the. Henry Cabot Lodge 18 Rivers and Harbors: Index to the reports of the chief engineers on works and survevs 11 [Same.] 1866-1900 .". 10 Preliminary examinations and surveys 10 Memorial, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal 11 Roads and Canals, compilation of documents relating to " 10 Roll of honor. 2 cop. M. D 22 Russian advance, the. Albert J. Beveridge. 1904 18 Russia, Industries of. 1893. 1 vol 18 Sailing directions for Lake Erie, Ontario, St. Lawrence. 1907 18 Sailing rules, The rule of the road at sea and in inland waters, 1869 18 Schley-Sampson, investigation 3 Senate Bills and joint resolutions, history of, 47th to 59th Congress, incl., less 48 and 49. 11 Senate manual, 1873-1905 6 Star Route investigations, 1884 • 10 State Department, History of. W. H. Michael. 1901 14 Statesman's Yearbook, 1864-1906 8 States and Territories, miscellaneous 15-16 Statistician and Economist, 1891-1898 6 Statistics, medical and anthropological. 1875 17 Strykers American register. 6 vols. vol. 4 missing 22 Svigar: Bounty. The Treasury's refusal to pay. 1895-96 11 Cuban sugar sales. 1902 11 Trust. Alleged Bribery of U. S. Senators. 1894, 1897 11 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 103 Miscellaneous duplicates, early editions, etc. — Continued. Tariff: Section. Acts of 1883, 1890, 1894, and 1897. Digest, etc 10 Acts bv Congress, 1789-1895 10 Acts of 1890, 1894, and 1897. Sen. Com. on Finance 10 Documents. Misc. 1880 II He\ I's on Import Duties. 1884 10 Hearings. Misc 10 Index of Congressional proceedings, 1849-1891 10 Replies to tariff inquiries, Schedule A-K 9-10 Treasury Department: Annual report, 1905 11 Register, 1873, 1875, 1879 14 Treaties in Force. 1788-1899 13 [Same.] 1904 13 Reciprocity and agreements since 1850. (See Monthly Summary, August, 1904) 13 Treaties and Conventions concluded since July 4, 1776 13 Treaty of Peace between United States and Spain 13 Trusts. Bills and Debates in Congress relating to 11 Trusts in the State of New York 11 Trusts and the Commerce Clause of the Constitution 11 TJsebook in Forestry, the 18 Wages and retail prices, Aldrich Report, 1892 11 Wages in conunercial countries. Comm. of Labor report, 1900 11 Wages and Transportation, 1892 11 War: Report of the joint committee on the conduct of 18 Department Library, Catalogue of the, 1882, 1884, 1891 16 Washington City Directory, 1853-1907 7-8 Washington Water Supply, purification of 18 Webster, Daniel. The Works of. 1851. 6 vols. (vol. 1 missing) 19 Wholesale prices of commodities in the United States, 1840-1901 11 Who's who, annual biographical dictionary 8 Who's who in America, 1901-1903, 1903-1905 8 Woodman's handbook, 1902 18 Yellow Spring and Huron. A local history of Iowa. 1897 18 Mississippi River, ph3^sics and hydraulics of. B}'^ A. A. Humphrey's and H. L. Abbot. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & co., 1861. -1° M. D. 10. — [Same.] Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 4" M. D. 10. Mississippi River commission. List of reports, p. 310. Mississippi River improvement convention. Report of the pro- ceeding-.s. St. L., Great Western Printing co., 1881. 8° M. D. 10. Mississippi River (upper). Map of the hydrographical basin of the. By I. N. Nicollet. Wash., Blair & Rives, 1843. 8"^ I. 5. Mississippi River and its sourpe, by Hon. J. V. Brower, 1893, Vol. VHI, Minnesota Historical Association. 8^ Harrison. South Minneapolis, 1893. I. 5. Missouri compromise and slaver}'^ in American politics. By Arch- ibald Dixon. 2ded. Gin., The Rob. Clarke CO., 1903. 8" 1.6. Missouri land bill.. See Claims, Houmas land. R. Missouri River commission. List of reports, p. 310. Modern prison systems. Their org'anization and regulation in various countries of Europe and America. By Charles R. Henderson. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° 2 copies. 57—2; H. doc. 452. I. 5. 104 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Modern tariff systems. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance. [Mar., 1904..] Monetary commission. Report of the Indianapolis convention. University of Chicago Press, 1898. 8<' T. Monetary conferences. List of reports, p. 310. T. M. D. 9. Monetary systems of the world. See 45 — 3 H. mis. 1, No 8 S'' Money (paper). A history of the various issues of United States notes. By J. J. Knox. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1884. 8° T. Money question. Ry John P. Jones. Wash., 1894. 8° T. (For reference to Cong. Record, see Jones, John P.) The monograph, a series of solutions of, as proposed by Sena- tors, Representatives, etc. St. P., Monograph Publishing co., 1894. 8*^ T. Mongolia and Tibet. Diary of a journey through. See William Woodville Rockhill. C. 5. Monroe, James. Calendar of correspondence. W^ash., 1893. 4" [Being No. 2 of the bulletins of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State.] 2 copies. D. 5. Papers of, listed in chronological order. Ford, 1904. L. C. [Life of,] by Daniel C. Gilman [being vol. 14 of the American Statesmen Series], Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. The writings of. Edited by S. M. Hamilton. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. T vols. 8° I. 5. Monroe doctrine. A concise histor}^ of its origin and growth. B}" George F. Tucker. Bost., George B. Reed, 1885. 8° 2 copies. L 5. [Same.] By W. F. Reddaway. 2d ed. N. Y., G. E. Steghert & CO., 1905. 8" 1. 5. Claj^ton-Bulwer treaty and. 47—1; S. ex. doc. 194. 8° See also Treaties. Montesquieu, Charles L. , Baron de. Persian and Chinese letters. (Universal Classics Librar}^, vol. 13.) L. 2. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance. List, p. 200. Monographs of. List, p. 311. Moore, Charles. (Compiler.) Code of law for the District of Colum- bia. G. P. O., 1902, 1906. 8° Q. 1. — [Introduction to the] History of the Capitol of the United States, by Glenn Brown. A. Purification of the Washington water supply. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8'' 2 copies. Q. 1. Moore, John B. American diplomacy', its spirit and achievements N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1905. 8° F. 4. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 105 Moore, John B, Digest of international law. Wash., G. P. O., 1906 8 vols. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 551. O. 4. A treatise on extradition and interstate rendition, Bost., Boston Book co., 1891. 2 vols. 8" O. 6. History and digest of the international arbitrations to which the United States has been a party. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. ' 6 vols. 8° 53—2; H. mis. doc. 212. O. 3. Report on extradition, for the use of the International Amer- ican Conference. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 8" 51-1; S. ex. doc. 55. O. 6. Morley, John. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. N. Y., Macmillan CO., 1901. 3 vols. 8° G. 7. Moore, Joseph West. The American Congress. A history of national legislation and political events, 1771-1895. N.Y., Harper Bros., 1895. 8° E. 2. Morals of Jesus. The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Extracted textually from the gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English, by Thomas Jefferson. Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 8° 58—2; H. doc. 755. C. 1. Morris, Gouverneur. [Life of.] by Theodore Roosevelt [being vol. 8 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12'' E. 4. The life of. With selections from his correspondence and miscellaneous papers. By Jared Sparks. Bost. , Gray & Bowen, 1832. 3 vols. 8° I. 6. Morris, Henry C. The historj^ of colonization. N. Y. , The Macmillan . CO., 19(34. 2 vols. 8° H. 2. Morris, Robert C. Report of, before the United States and Vene- zuelan Claims Commission. Wash., G. P.O., 1904. 8° 58-2; S. doc. 317. Morrison, Hugh A., jr., compiler of sundr}^ publications of the Librar}^ of Congress. See Library of Congress. Morrison, Joseph M. Second edition of biographical annals, b}^ Chas. Lanman. N. Y., J. M. Morrison, 1887. 4" D. 4. Morse, John T., jr. [Life of] John Adams [being vol. 6 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. [Life of] John Quincy Adams [being vol. 15 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin 8c co., 1898. 12° E. 4. [Life of] Benjamin Franklin [being vol. 1 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Miffln & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. 106 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE Morse, John T., jr. [Life of] Thomas Jefferson [being voL 11 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12" E. 4. [Life of] Abraham Lincoln [being vols. 25 and 26 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bt)st., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Mosher, Robert Brent. See Executive register of the United States, 1789-1902. F. 7. Most favored nation treatment. By Joseph R. Herod. N. Y., Banks Law Pub. co., 1901. 8° 131 pages. M. 3. Reciprocity treaties in relation to. By John A. Kasson. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° M. 3. Mount Vernon, national road to. Report of a survey for, with maps. 51—1; H. ex. doc. 106. T. 7. M. D. 19. Mountain Meadow massacre. By J. H. Carleton. 57 — 1; H. doc. 605. MuUiall, Michael G. The dictionary of statistics. Lond., Geo. Routledge & Sons, 1892. -i" 2 copies. X. Murlin, E. L. (compiler). United States red book. James B. Lyon, 1896. 8° B. 1. Murray, Hugh (editor). Cyclopasdia of geograph3\ Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1838. 3 vols. 1° A. 2. Myer, William G. Index to the reports of the Supreme Court of the United States [1789-1878]. St, L., 1878. S" Names, geographic. United States board on, reports, 1890-1899; Philippines, 1901. A. 3. Names in the United States. The origin of certain place. By Henry Gannett. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° G. 8. [Same.] 2d ed. 1905. 8" G. 8. Napoleon. A sketch of his life, character, struggles, and achieve- ments. By Thomas E. Watson. Lond., Macmillan & co., 1902. 8° See Bonaparte. I. 6. Narrative and critical history of America. By Justin Winsor. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1889. 8 vols. 1° C. 5. Natick dictionary. By James H. Trumbull. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 4° 2 copies. X. National academy of science, memoirs and reports. List, p. 311. National-bank act, as amended. G. P. O. 1907. 8° T. 3. National banks. Instructions and suggestions of the Comptroller of the Currency, relating to e organization, etc., of. Wash., G. P. O., 1907.*^ 8° 2 copies. T 3. National bank decisions. Digests of, compiled under the direction of the Comptroller of the Currency. 1905. 8" T. M. D. 1. National cemeteries, interments in. See Roll of honor. M. D. 22. National conventions and platforms. See Republican and also Dem- ocratic parties. J. 6. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 107 National forest reserves. See The Use Book., G. P. ()., 1906. 12" L. 4. M. D. 18. National Galleries of historj' and art. The aggrandizement of Wash- ington. By F. W. Smith. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8° 1. 7. National incorporation of railroads. Views of Senator Newlands. 59—1; S. rep. 1242, vol. 1. National Liberal League. Report of the Centennial Congress of Liberals, and organization of the, Philadelphia, Jiil}^ 1876. Bost., 1876. 8" M. D. 11. National register. A weekly paper. Wash., 1816. vol. 1. 8° 1— N. National road from the Aqueduct Bridge to Mount Vernon, Va. [with maps and plans]. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 8° I. 7. The old pike, a history of the. B}- Thos. B. Searight. Union- town, 1891. 8° I. 7. See also "Roads and Canals." National University. Historical statement. * Memorial by John W. Hoyt, 1892. 1. 7. Nautical almanac. See Almanacs. Nautical (illustrated) dictionary. B}^ Howard Patterson. N. Y., 1891. 1° X. M. D. 12. Navigation. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, 1902. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 4° S. 3. Bibliograph}^ of history of the U. S., contribution to. B}" Chas. T. Harbeck. Cambridg-e, 1906. 4° I. 6, M. D. 18. ' Navigation and the merchant marine. Laws of the United States, Wash., G. P. O., 1895. 8" 54—1; H. doc. 28, pt. 2. Q. 1. [Same.] 1899. 56—1; H. doc. 14, pt. 2. Q. 1. Navy. I. 6. M. D. 3. Advancements in the. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy on. {In 55 — 3 confidential ex. C. ) Annual. Naval Annual, 1906, 1907. By John Leyland and T. A. Brossey. Portsmouth, Eng., J. Griffin & co., 1906. 8° Appropriations, annual, 1883-1900-5, including provisions for the construction of the "New Navy," and general information relating to the naval service. Compiled by Pitman Pulsifer. Wash., G. P. O. Continued for 1906, etc., as "Navy Yearbook." See also Statutes at Large. Defenses, military and naval, of the United States, 1836, 1840, 1851. 37—2; H. ex. doc. 92, vol. 7. Drill regulations of the hospital corps of G. P. O., 1907. 12° 2 copies. Department Library, accessions to. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° Hearings. See Hearings. History of our, from its origin to the end of the war with Spain, 1775-1898. By John R. Spears. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's sons, 1902. 5 vols. 8° I. 6. Hygiene. By Joseph Wilson; with an appendix — moving wounded men on shipboard", by Albert C. Gorgas. Wash., G. P. 0., 1870. 8° 108 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Navy — Continued. Information in tabular form relating to vessels, the personnel of and appropria- tions for the Navy, and the comparative strength of the great naval powers. Compiled by Pitman Pulsifer. 58—3; S. doc. 117. Laws of the, 1775-1859, 1791-1840, 1875, 1900-1901. Wash., G. P. O. — -. from the Revised Statutes and Statutes at Large. Wash., G. P. 0. , 1875. 8° (and) Marine Corps. General register of the United States, 1782-1882. By T. H. S. Hamersly. Wash., pu Wished by the author, 1882. 2 vols. 8° [Same.] Laws relating to, digest of. By William H. Michael. Wash., G.P. O., 1898. 8° 55—2; S. doc. 271. [Same.] Acts and resolutions, relating to, 1900-1901. Wash., G. P. 0., 1901. 8° Navy-yard, Washington. History from organization, 1799, to present date. By Henry B. Hibben. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 8« 51—1; S. ex. doc. 22. Officers of the, in the District of Columbia. Wash., G. P. 0., 1900. 8° List and station of the commissioned and warrant officers of the. July 1, 1900. Wash., G. P. 0., 1900. 8" Practical sugg-estions. By A. L. Gihon. Wash., G. P. O., 1873. 8° Records (naval) of the American Revolution, 1775-1788. Lincoln, 1906. L. C. Reg-ister of, 1816-1907: Wash., G. P. O. 8° Regulations for the, 1865, 1896, 1905. Wash., G.P. O. 8° Secretary of. See List of reports of. Service (naval) of the United States. Rules, regulations, and instructions. Wash., 1818. 8° (of the) United States, from the commencement, 1775 to 1853, with a brief history of each vessel's service and fate as appears upon record. Compiled by George F. Emmons. Wash., Gideon & co., 1853. 4° D. 4. War of 1812. By Theodore Roosevelt. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. 8° Yearbook, 1906. Annual naval appropriation laws 1883-1906, including pro- visions for the construction of the "New Navy" and general information relating to the naval service. Compiled by Pitman Pulsifer. G. P. 0., 1906. 59—2; S. doc. 140. — Yearbook, 1907. G. P. O., 1907. 8° 60-1; S. Doc. 100. [Same.] Editions of 1904, 1905, entitled "Naval appropriations." Navy Department. Reports of the Secretary of, p. 311. Nebraska. Discovery of, and a visit to, in 1662. By James W. Savage. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8° 2 copies. I. 7. Negro question. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Ne-wlands, Francis G. National incorporation, views on. 59—1; S. rep. 1242, vol. 1. New Orleans batture. An address by Edward Livingston. J^ew Orleans, Bradford & Anderson, 1808. 8° I. 7. Newspaper annual, American, 1896-1900. Phila., N. W. Ayer & son, 1896-1900. 8° M. D. 4. Nevr York. Constitutional history of. B}^ Charles Z. Lincoln. Roch., Lawyers' Co-Operative Pub. CO., 1906. 6 vols. 8° M. 6. Early governors of. Public papers of. See Clinton & Tomp- kins. F. 3. Ecclesiastical records of . By Hugh Hastings, State historian. Albany, Lyon, State printer, 1901. 2 vols. 8° I. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 109 New York. Military minutes of the council of appointment. By Hastings and Noble. Albany, James B. Lyon, 1901. 3 vols, and index. 8" M. D. 15. Testimony- taken before the joint committee of the senate and assembly to investigate and examine into the business and aflfairs of life insurance companies doing business in the State of New York. Albany, N. Y., J. B. Lyon co., 1906. 7 vols. 8° M. D. 15. Taxation of corporations in. See Corporations. New York City. Directory of New York City, 1902, 1903, 1901. M. D. 6. Directory of Brooklyn, 1901. M. D. 6. -water supply. An inquiry into the conditions relating to. N. Y., I. H. Blanchard, 1900. 8" I. 8. New York police department investigation, report and proceedings. Albany, James B. Lyon, 1895. 5 vols. 8" M. D. 15. Ne^v York State historian (Hastings). Reports, first, second, and third annual, 1896-98. (Colonial series.) Albany, Wj^ncoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford CO., 1896. 8° See also George Clinton and Daniel D. Tompkins. L. 7. M. D. 15. Ne-w Zealand. See Geography of. Nicaragua. See Bureau of the American Republics. List, p. 169. Nicaragua Canal Commission. See Interoceanic canals. Q. 2. Nicolay, John G., and John Hay. Abraham Lincoln. A history. N. Y., Century co., 1904. 10 vols. 8" I. 2. Abraham Lincoln. Complete works of. Comprising his speeches, letters, State papers, and miscellaneous writings. N. Y., Century co., 1894. 2 vols. 8" I. 3. Nicollet, I. N. Maps 'of the hydrographical basin of the upper Mississippi River. Wash., Blair cS; Rives, 1843. 8° I. 5. Niles, H. Principles and acts of the Revolution in America; or, an attempt to collect and preserve some of the speeches, orations, and proceedings, with sketches and remarks on men and things, and other fugitive or neglected pieces, belonging to the Revo- lutionary period in the United States. Baltimore, Wm. O. Niles, 1822. 8'' J. 8. Niles's weekly register. List, p. 316. 1— N. M. D. 20-21. Nimmo, Joseph. Report on the foreign commerce of the United States and the practical workings of our relations of maritime reciprocity. Wash., G. P. O., 1871. 8° K. 1. Norman, John Henry. Coin of the Realm. What is it? Lond., Waterlow, & sons; lim., 1888. 8° 110 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Norman, John Henry. Universal cambist. A ready reckoner of the world's foreion and colonial exchanges. Lond., EfBngham Wilson, 1897. 8" T. Northern Securities. See Railroads, under Library of Congress publications. North polar expedition. Narrative of the United States ship Polaris, Capt. Charles F. Hall, commanding. Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 4° M. D. 12. North Sea Canal. See Interoceanic canals. Notes (United States). A history of the v^arious issues of paper money. By J. J. Knox. N. Y., Charles Scribner's sons, 1884, S*' T. Notes on the United States Supreme Court reports. See United States reports. Nott, Charles C. See Claims, Court of. R. Noyes, Walter Chadwick. American railway rates. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1906. 8° 2 copies. K. 1. O'Connell monument committee. See O'Hanlon. 1. 8. O'Connor, Thomas Power [and Robert McWade]. Gladstone-Parnell, and the great Irish struggle. Phila., Hubbard Bros., 1886. 8-^ G. 6. Officers of the Army of the United States. See Army. Official history of the United States. By the Presidents. With an historical review of each administration by sundry states- men. The Federal Book Concern, 1900. 8° 2 vols. H. 3. Official register, 1816 to date. List, p. 317. M. D. 7. Ogilvie, John. Imperial dictionary of English language. Lond., Blackie & son, 1883. 4 vols. 4<' X. . O'Hanlon, J. C. Report on the O'Connell monument committee. Dublin, J. Duffy & co., 1888. 8° I. 8. Ohio. General and local acts passed, and joint resolutions adopted by the seventy-fifth general assembl3^ Springfield, Springfield . Publishing CO., 1902. 8" 2 copies. M. D. 16. Constitutional convention. Proceedings and debates. By J. G. Adel. Cleveland, W. S. Robison & co., 1873. 4 vols. 4° M. D. 16. Historical collections. By Henry Howe. Cin., C. J. Kreh- biel&co., 1902. 2 vols. 8° L 8.. Hundred yearbook. By Howard Elliott Gilke3^ Colum- bus, Fred. J. Heer, 1901. 8° I. 8. in Congress from 1803-1901, with notes and sketches of Sena- tors and Representatives. By William A. Taylor. Columbus, XX Century Publishing CO., 1900. 8" 2 copies. L 8. Oil. See Twenty-second annual report of the United States Geological Survey, part iii. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 6.- CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 111 Oklahoma. Constitution of the State of. Leader Printing co., Guth- rie, 1907. 8° ()6 pp. pam. I. 8. M. D. 16. 1907. 8" 60- 1; S. doc. 187. Old age and civil service pensions. List of references on. (iriffin. I'.t03. L. C. Old pike. A histor}^ of the national road. B}' T. B. Searight. Uniontown, 1894. 8° I. 7. Olive Branch [ship]. Capture of the. 2 copies. 1. 8. M. D. 18. Opinions of the Attorneys-General. List, p. 180. U. Oppenheim, L. International law, a treatise, vol. 1, Peace; vol. 2, War and neutrality. N. Y., Longmans, Green & co. , 1906. 2 vols. 8° O. 1. ' Orations. World's best. David J. Brewer, editor; Edward A. Allen and William Schu3der, associate editors. St. L., F. P. Kaiser, 1899. 10 vols. 4" D. 1. Order. Questions of. A compilation of questions and decisions thereon. By William J. McDonald. Wash., G. P. O., 1881. 8" O. 8. Rules of. By Benjamin Matthias, 1846. 12° See also Reed's Rules. O. 8. Ordnance, reports of Chief of. List, p. 318. Ordnance and ordnance stores. Instructions for making quarterly returns. Wash., G. P. O., 1865. 8° Ordnance and -war ships. Select committee report. Wash., G. P. ()., 1886. 8° Ordnance Department, laws relating to. By W. A. De Caindr}-. Wash., G. P. O., 1872. 8° Metallic ammunition for the Springfield breech-loading rifle- musket. Wash., G. P. O., 1870. 4" Ordnance and Fortification, reports of Board of. List, p. 319. Ordnance manual for the use of the officers of the U. S. Army. Phihi., J. B. Lippincott & co., 1861. 8° Organic acts for the Territories of the United States, with notes thereon. Wash., G. P. O., 1900, 1903. 8° 56— 1; S. doc. 148. K. 8. Oriental literature. The Dabistiin or school of manners. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 15.) L. 2. Origin of certain place names in the United States. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 197. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 695. A. 3. - [Same.] 2d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. Bulletin No. 258. A. 3. Osterreichisch-Ungarische monarchic, Hof- und Staats-Handbuch fiir 1905. Wien, 1905. 4" 3605—08 8 112 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Otis, George Alexander. Translator of history of the war of inde- pendence. Phila., L. R. Bailey, 1820. 12'' H. 3. Ottman case. Testimony relating- to expenditures in the Department of Justice. Wash., G. P. O., 1884. 8° 1.8. Ottoman literature. The poets and poetry of Turkey. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 16.) L. 2. Pacific Ocean, general examination of. By Charles P. de Kerhallet. Wash., G. P. O., 1869. 8° M. D. 18. Pacific Railroad. Congressional proceedings in the Thirtj'-seventh, Thirty-eighth, and Fortj-hrst Congresses. West Chester, Pa., F. S. Hickman, 1875. 8" K. 2. Pacific railroads. Arguments for, before the Senate committee. By Creed Haymond, Mar. 17, 1888. Wash., 1888. 8" K. 2. Paine, Halbert E. A treatise on the law of elections to public offices. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1890. 8" V. 1. Painter, U. H. [compiler]. Debates on interstate commerce in 49th, 50th, 52d, and 53d Congresses. Wash., G. P. O. 4 vols. 8° H. 6. Palmer, T. H. The historical register of the United States from the declaration of war in 1812 to Jan. 1, 1814. Phila., G. Palmer, 1814. 4 vols. 8'^ H. 3. Palmer, T. S. Legislation for the protection of birds other than game birds. Department of Agriculture, 1902. 8" E. 8. Panama Canal. Laws, etc. , relating to. See Interoceanic canals. Pan-Electric Investigation, 1886. Report of Select Committee on. 49—1; H. rept. 3142. I. 8. Paris. Two treaties of, and the Supreme Court. By S. Webster. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1901. 8° 2 copies. L. 1. Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Reports of the United States commissioners. Edited by William P. Blake. Wash., G. P. G., ' 1870. 6 vols. 8° F. 8. Paris Universal Exhibition Reports. Wash., G. P. O., 1889. 5 vols. 8" 51—1; H. ex. doc. 410, 5 pts. Park Oommission, report of. See Washington City, improvement of. 56—2; S. doc. 94. Q. 1. Parker, John S. Corporations, laws of sundr}' States, information incident to incorporation and taxation of, in State of New York, entitled Where and How. New Y^ork, The Brou-Green co., 3d ed., 1907. 8" O. 7. Parliament, English. History of the, together with an account of the Parliaments of Scotland and Ireland. By G. Barnett Smitii. . Lond., Ward, Lock, Bowen & co., 1892. 2 vols. 8'' H. 4. Parliamentary history and debates. (Cobbett and Hansard) A. D. 1066-1907. List, p. 319. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 118 Parliamentary practice. See Law and practice of lej^islative assem- blies in the United States. By lAither S. dishing. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1874. 8° O. 8. A treatise on the law, privileges, proceedings, and usage of B}' Thomas Erskine Ma}'. Lond., Butterworths, 1863. 8" [Same.] 11th ed. B}' T. Lonsdale Webster and William Edward Grey. Lond., Wm. Clowes & sons, 1906. 8" Reed's Rules. A manual of general parliamentary law, with suggestions for special rules. By Thomas B. Reed. Chic, Rand, McNally & co., 1900. 12" O. 8. Rules of order. By Benj. Matthias, 1846. 12° O. 8. — Questions of order and decisions thereon. By Wm. J. Mc- Donald, Wash., G. P. 0., 1881. 8" O. 8. Parliamentary precedents of the House of Representatives of the United States. By Asher C. Hinds. G. P. O., 1899. 4° 55—2; H. doc. 576. A. 5. of proceedings in the House of Commons, with observations. 2d ed. By John Hatsell. Lond., J. Dodsley, 1785. 4 vols. 4° B. 7. [Same.] New ed. Lond., Luke Hansard & sons, 1818. 4 vols. 4" B. 7. — Relating to the privileges of the Senate. Compiled by George P. Furber. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8" 52—2; S. mis. doc. 68. V. 3. Parsons, Theophilus. Law of contracts. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1857. 8° Parton, James (editor). Life of Andrew Jackson. Mason Bros., 1860. 3 vols. 8° H. 7. Paschal, George W. The Constitution of the United States. Wash., W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1868. 8° M. 3. Patents. Commissioners' report. List, p. 335. Laws, relating to, annotated and revised. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 8° S. 1. Rules of practice before United States Patent Office. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 8° S. 1. Patterson, Howard. Illustrated nautical dictionary. N. Y., 1891. 4" X. M. D. 12. Peck, James H. Impeachment of. Bost., Hilliard, Gra}^ & co.^, 1833. 8° Ra. 3. Pellew, George. [Life of] John Jay [being vol. 9 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. 114 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Penal code of the United States. Report of the commi.ssion to revise and (!odify the criminal and penal laws of the United States. Wash., g". p. O., 1901. 5Y— 1; S. doc. 68, pt. 2. P. 2. Penal lavrs for the United States. By Edward Livingston. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1828. 4" Pennsylvania. Legislative handbook and manual of the State of. By John A. Smull. Harrisburg-, William Stanlej^ Ray, 1876, 1899. 8° M. D. 16. Register of. By Samuel Hazard. Phila., William F, Geddes, 1839-42. Vols. 1 to 6. 8" 1— N. Penological and preventive principles, with special references to Europe and America. 2d ed. By William Tallack. Lond., Wertheimer, Lea & co., 1896. 8° I. 8. Pensions, etc., P. 2. Administration. Investigation of the Pension Office by House committee; Claim-agents' law, 1884; Lobby work. Wash., G. P. 0., 1885. 8° 45—2; H. rept. 2683. Bills vetoed. Blair reports. 49 — 1; S. rept. 1424. [Same.] Davis report. 50 — 1; S. rept. 1667. [Same.] By N. Dumont. 49—1; S. rept. 1424. Bureau. A treatise on the practice of the, governing the adjudication of army and navy pensions. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8° Commissioner of. Annual report for 1899. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 56—1; H. doc. 5. Note. — Contains miscellaneous information as to who are entitled to pension, rate tables, laws, etc. [Same.] 1901. 57—1; H. doc. 5. Decisions of Interior Dept. relating to. List, p. 240. Laws. Army and navy, pension and bounty-land laws of the United States. By R. Mayo and F. Moulton. Wash., Jno. T. Towers, 1852. 8° By F. F. C. Tripiett. Wash., G. P. 0., 1854. 8° [Same.] By R. Mayo. Wash., W. H. & 0. H. Morrison, 1861. 8° Army and navy. Laws governing the granting of, together with the regulations relating thereto. Wash., G. P. O., 1896. 8" [Same.] G. P. O., 1899. 8° Laws of the United States, and regulations relating thereto. G. P. O., 1905. 8" 2 copies. Also act of Feb. 6, 1907, bound in same volume. including sundry resolutions of Congress, from 1776-1833, with an appen- dix containing the opinions of the Attorney-General. Compiled by R. Mayo. AVash., Globe Printing office, 1833. 8° Revision of the. 56 — 1; S. rept. 1. of foreign nations (military and naval, not civil). Compiled by J. L. Davenport. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 56. Old age and civil pensions. See "Library of Congress." Pension legislation. History of. Published as Appendix C to 56 — 1 ; S. rept. 1. Pensioners for Revolutionary or IMilitar}^ Services. Census of. Wash., Blair and Rives, 1840. 4° P. 2. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 115 People of the United States from the Revolution to the civil war, history of the. 837^ John B. McMaster. N. Y., D. Appleton &CO., 1900. 7 vols. 8" H. 1. Note. — Vol. 7 not received. Persian and Chinese letters. By Baron Charles L. de Montesquieu. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 13.) L. 2. Personal recollections of sixteen Presidents; from Washington to Lincoln. Ind., Brown-Merrill co., 1894. 2 vols. 8" I. 8. Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. Grounds and buildings of. p:ditedby Dorsey Gardner. Wash., G. P. O., 1S80. 1° F. 8. Reports, etc. Wash., G. P. O., 1880. 9 vols. F. 8. Philippine Commission. Acts of the. Wash., G. P. O., 1901-1907. Nos. 1-1538. S'' J. 5. List, p. 337. M. D. 15. Reports of, p. 338. ; Report to the President of the. Jan. 31, 1900. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 3 vols. 8" 2 sets. J. 5. M. D. 15. Philippine Islands. 1193-1803. Exploration by earl}^ navigators, descriptions of the islands and their people, their history and records of the Catholic missions, etc. Edited by Emma H. Blair and James A. Robertson. Cleveland, Arthur H. Clarke CO., 1903-1908. 55 vols. 8" J. 1. American occupation of the. List of works relating to the. 1898-1903. By A. P. C. Griffin, of the Library of Congress. Wash., 1905. Filipino, El archipielago. Wash., Imprinta del Gobierno, 1900. 2 vols. 4° J. Geographic names in the. Special report of the United States Board of Geographic Names. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° 56—2; S. doc. 228. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Map of. M. D. 15. See Atlases. — Pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary of the. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 2 vols. 8" (Prepared in the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department, 1902.) J. 5. Spanish public land laws in the. Compiled by George P. Ahern and Gregorio Basa. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8" (War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs.) J. 5. Phillimore, Robert. Commentaries upon international law. 3d ed. Lond., Butterworth, 1879. 4 vols. 8° z&e International law. O. 1. Phillips, W. H. A manual on the cases decided in the United States Supreme Court and cited in other cases in the same court. Wash., W. A. Morrison, 1882. 8" 2 copies. See U. S. Supreme Court. O. 1. 116 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Physiological research. The welcome laboratories. Brockwell Hall, Heme Hill, London, S. E., 1894. 8° J. 5. Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. Expedition of. By E. Cones. New ed. N. Y., F. P. Harper, 1895. 3 vols. 8° J. 5. Pinchot, Gifford. A primer of forestry. Ft. 1, The Forest, United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 24. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 12° G. 5. [Same.] 2d ed., 1900. 50—1; H. doc. 727. G. 5. [Same.] Farmer^s Bulletin No. 173. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8'' G. 5. [Same.] Ft. 2. Practical Forestry. United States Depart- ment of Agriculture Bulletin No. 24. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 12'' G. 5. Green Book, The. Instructions for keeping accounts in ac- cordance with fiscal regulations. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 12" G. 7. 2 copies. Use Book, The. Regulations, etc., for the use of the National Forest Reserves. W^ash., G. P. O., 1906. 12° L. 4 and M. D. 18. Pinckney, Charles. Three letters, written, and originally published, under the signature of a South Carolina planter. Phila., Aurora oftice, 1799. 8° O. 7. Pitkin, Timoth3^ Statistical view of the commerce of the United States of America; its connection with agriculture and manu- factures; and an account of the public debt, revenues, and expenditures of the United States. Hartford, Chas. Hosmer, 1816. 8° M. Div. 20. [Same.] N. Y., James Eastburn & co., 1817. S° 6 copies. Place names. Origin of certain, in the United States. By Henr}' Gannett, of United States Geological Survey. Bulletin no. 197. 8° Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 57-1; H. doc. 695. A. 3. [Same.] 2d ed. Bulletin no. 258. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. A. 3. Plan for the study of man, a. With refei'ence to bills to establish a laboratory for the study of the criminal pauper and defective classes, with a bibliography of child study, 1902. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 400. I. 3. Platforms, political. See Republican, Democratic, etc. [Plato's orations.] The republic; The Statesman. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 27.) L. 2. Pneumatic-tube service. Report of the Postmaster-General. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 289. J. 8. See Postal service. Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson, By S. A. Allibone. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1901. 8° 2 copies. B. 4. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 117 Polar (north) expedition. Narrativ^e of the IT. S. S. Polaris, Capt. Charles F. Hall, commanding. Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 4" M. D. 12. Police and prison cyclopaedia. By George W. Hale. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1892. 8° B. 1. Political economy of natural law. 1th ed. By Henry Wood. Bost., Lee & Shepard, 1899. 8° J. 8. Political manual for 1880. Edited and compiled by Stilson Hutchins. Wash., Wash. Post Pub. CO. [1880]. 8"^ J. 7. Political party platforms in Presidential campaigns 1840-1904. 12° J. 7. Political science, cyclopaedia of. Edited by .John J. Lalor. N. Y., 1). Appleton & CO., 1890. 3 vols. 4° B. 5. Political text-books. See Republican and Democratic. Politics. American, from the beginning to date. By Thomas V. Cooper. Phila., Fireside Publishing co., 1883. 8° M. D. 4. American, history of. By Alex. Johnston. Henry Holt & CO., 1902. 12" E. 4. Handbook of. Being a record of important political action. National and State. B}^ E. McPherson. Wash., Philp & Solo- mons, 1872-1894. 12 vols. 8" 12 copies. J. 4. Pomeroy, John N. An introduction to the constitutional law of the United States. Ind., Bowen-Merrill co., 1888. 8° M. 3. Pomeroy, S. C. Investigation of charges of bribery. 8" 42 — 3; S. rept. 523. Ra. 3. Poore, Ben: Peele3^ Charters and constitutions. Federal and State. Wash., G. P. ()., 1872. -i" 2 copies. M. 8. Descriptive catalogue of Government publications. 1774- 1881. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 4^ 3 copies. The political register and Congressional directory; a statis- tical record of the Federal officials, legislative, executive, and judicial of the United States, 1776-1878. Bost., Houghton, Osgood & CO., 1878. 4° D. 4. Veto messages of the Presidents of the United States, with the action of Congress thereon. Wash., G. P. O., 1886. 8° L. 5. Poor's manual of the railroads of the United States. N. Y., Poor's Railroad Manual co., 1881-1907. 8° B. 3. M. D. 4. Porto Rico. See Bureau of the American Republics. Law of criminal procedure. See Law. Report of the commission to revise and compile the laws. Vol. 1, pts. 1, 2, 3. Commentaries on proposed revision. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° 57—1; H. doc. 52. P. 2. M. D. 15. Reports of the governor of, 1901, 1902. By Charles H. Allen. Wash., G. P. O. 8° P. 2. 118 CATALOGUE LIBRAHY UNITED STATES SENATE Porto Rico. Revised statutes and codes. Containing all laws passed at the first and second session of the legislative assembly in effect after July 1, 1902. Including- the political code; penal code; the code of criminal procedure; the civil code. San Juan, Eoletin Mercantile Press, 1902. 8° P. 2. M. D. 15. and Cuba. Import duties of. See Bureau of American Republics, Bulletin No. 10, July, 1891. P. 2. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. L. C. Portsmouth, N. H., navy-yard, history of, 1603-1800. By G. H. Preble. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 8° J. 8. Postal guide, United States official. Jan., 1901. Phila., G. F. Lasher, 1906. 8" B. 3. Note.— Library has back numbers for 1893, 1899, 1901, 1902, 1904. M. D. 10. Postal laws and regulations of the United States. Edition of 1886. Wash., G. P. O., 1887. 8° 50—1; H. mis. doc. 63. M. D. 10. [Same.] 1893. 8" 52-2; H. mis. doc. 90. M. D. 10. [Same.] 1902. 8° (Not documented.) 2 copies. M. D. 10. [Same.] 1902. with supplement 1907. 8° 2 copies J. 8. M. D. 10. Postal service. Hearings in regard to appropriation bills, 1896-1903. 8" Collection of documents. J. 8. Testimon}^ taken by the commission to investigate. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 3 vols. 8° vols, 1 and 2, railway mail pay; vol. 3, second-class mail matter, pneumatic-tube service, etc. J. 8. Postal telegraph. Statements and testimony on, before the Senate committee. Wash., 1881. 8° J. 8. Postmaster-Greneral. Report on pneumatic-tube service. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8" J. 8. Reports. List. p. 338. Post-Oflfice Department. Official opinions of the Assistant Attorneys- General for. 1885-1892. By Francis C. Huebner. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 2 vols. 8° U. Laws of Congress, governing the. Compiled by R. P. Good- win. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° J. 8. Post-offices in the United States, history of. Wash., W. & J, C. Greer, 1851. 8" M. D. 10. r [Same.] 1825, 1842, 1816. M. D. 10. Posts and stations (military). Outline description. Wash. , G. P. O. , 1872. 4° M. D. 10. Powell, William A. Army of the United States, list of officers of. N. Y., L. R. Hamersly & co., 1900. 8° E. 6. Practice of diplomacy, the. By John W. Foster. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1906. 8" F. 4. CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 119 Practice in Europe with the heavy Armstrong-, Woolwich, and Krupp rilled g'uns, report upon the. Wash., G. P. O., 1883. 4" (Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Armj^, No. 25.) Prayers in the Senate. Pra3''ers offered in the Senate of the United States. By Dr. Edward Everett Hale, chaplain. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1904. 12° J. 8. Note. — Autographed copy inscril)ed: "For the Senate Library; with the Love, Hope, Prayers, and Expectations of Edward E. Hale, Feb. 6, 1905." Preble, G. H. Histor}^ of the United States navy-yard, Portsmouth. N. H. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 8" J. 8. Precious Metals, List of reports, p. 336. Precedents of proceedings in the House of Commons, with observa- tions. 2d ed. By John Hatsell. Lond., J. Dodsley, 1785. -l vols. 4" B. T. Precedents. [Same.] New ed. Lond., Luke Hansard & sons, 1818. 4 vols. 4° B. 7. — Parliamentary, of the House of Representatives of the United States. By AsherC. Hinds. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 4° 55—2; H. doc. 576. V. 80. A. 5. Same. 1907. 59—2. H. doc. 355. Vols. 78-84. Relating to the privileges of the Senate. Compiled by George P. Furber. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8° 52—2; S. mis. doc. 68. V. 3. M. D-. 14. Digest of decisions and. By Henry H. Smith, 1894. 8° 53—2; S. mis. doc. 278. M. D. 14. Prentice, E. Parmalee, and John G. Egan. The commerce clause of the Federal Constitution. Chic, Callaghan & co., 1898. 2 copies. 8° M. 4. The Federal power over carriers and corporations. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1907. 8° O. 7. Presidential inaugurations from George Washington, 1789, to Grover Cleveland, 1893, with inaugural addresses and historical notes. By Thomas H. McKee. Wash., Statistical Publishing CO., 1893. 8° 4 copies. H. 4. Presidents' annual messages. List, p. 342. Presidents' messages. See Statesman's Manual. K. 6. Presidents' messages and papers. Bj^ J. D. Richardson. Wash., G. P. 0., 1S!»9. 10 vols. 8° 53—2; H. mis. doc. 210, pts. I-IO. I. 4. Presidents' official history of the United States. Federal Book Con- cern, 1900. 2 vols. 8" H. 3. Presidents, Recollections of Sixteen; from Washington to Lincoln. By Richard W. Thompson. Indianapolis, Brown-Merrill co., 1894. 2 vols. 8" I. 8. 120 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Presidents of the United States, 1789-1905. By John Fiske, Carl Schurz, Robert C. Winthrop, George F. Curtis, George Ban- croft, John Hay, and others. Edited by James Grant Wilson. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., (1905). 8° J. 8. Prices, movement of, in the United States, 1840-1901. In Great Britain 1845-1901. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for July, 1902. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 4" 57—2; H. doc. 15, pt. 1. S. 3. See Wholesale and retail prices in the United States. S. 2. Primary election laws. List of references on. Griffin. 1905. L. C. Primer of forestry, a. By Gitford Pinchot. 2d ed. Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 24. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 1^" G. 5. 56—1; H. doc. 727. [Same.] Revised. 1903. Farmers' Bulletin No. 173. Wash., G. P. O., 1900 and 1903. 8° G. 5. Principles and acts of the Revolution in America; or, an attempt to collect and preserve some of the speeches, orations, and pro- ceedings, with sketches and remarks on men and things, and other fugitive or neglected pieces, belonging to the Revolu- tionary period in the United States. Baltimore, Wm. O. Niles, 1822. 8-^ J. S. Printing and binding. See Public printing and binding. Prison systems, modern. Theiy organization and regulation in various countries of Europe and America. By Charles R. Henderson. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° 2 copies-. 57—2; H. doc. 452. I. 5. M. D. 18 Problems of the Panama canal. By Henry L. Abbot. N. Y. The Macmillar co. 1905. 8" Q. 2. Proctor, Robert G. [compiler]. Tariff acts 1789 to 1897. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 4° T. Proofreading. See Government Printing Office manual. Protection echoes from the Capitol. Edited by Thomas H. McKee; assisted by W. W^ Curry. Wash., 1888. 8" T. 2. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages. By Robert Christ}'. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. 8° 2 copies. B. 4. Publications of the United States, Sept. 5, 1774, to Mar. 4, 1881. A descriptive catalogue of. Compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 4" Public building. (A collection of documents relating to, from 1817 to 1823.) 8° M. D. 18. Public debt of the United States. Practical information concerning the. 2ded. By William A. Richardson. Wash., W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1873. 8" 2 copies. T. M. D. 9. CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE 121 Public debt of the United States, Index of House bills relatino- to. from 1st to 42d Cono-ress. By Edward McPherson. Wash., G. P. O., 1875. 8° 43—2; H. mis. doc. 92. Public documents. List, p. 211:. Catalogue of United States; monthly. Wash., G. P. O. 8° Descriptiv^e catalog-ueof the Government publications of the United States, Sept. 3, 1771, to Mar. 1, 1881, to and including the 16th Congress. Compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 1" Comprehensive index to the publications of the United States Government, l:7th-52nd Congresses, 1881-1893. Compiled by John G. Ames. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 2 vols. 4° 58—2': H. doc. 754. [Same.] 53d Congress, 1893-1895. Prepared under the super- vision of the superintendent of documents. Wash., G. P. O., 1896. 4° 54—1; H. doc. 410. [Same.] 54th Congress, 1st session, 1895-1896. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 4° 54—2; H. doc. 355. [Same.] 54th Congress, 2d session, 1896-1897. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 4° 55—2; H. doc. 585. [Same.] 55th Congress, 1897-1899. Wash., G. P. 0., 1901. 4° 55—3; H. doc. 317. [Same.] 56th Congress, 1899-1901, 4° 56—2; H. doc. 559. — — [Same.] 57th Congress, 1901-1903 4° 57—2; H. doc. 494. [Same.] 58th Congress, 1903-1905 [Same.] 1903-1905. Wash., G. P. O., 1907 doc. — . Distribution of., Regulations of the Joint Committee on Printing, making effective. Public resolution 14, 59th Con- gress, 1st session, to prevent unnecessary printing and binding. 8" S. 1. List of, supplied to designated libraries. Wash., G. P. ()., 1907. 8^. S. 2. Earl}' public documents of the first fourteen Congresses. By A. W. Greely. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8'' 56-1; H. doc. 428. S. 1. (Franco- Americain.) Le traite. Par Leon Chotteau. Paris, Guillaumin et cie., 1880. 8" M. D. 18. Finding lists of the public documents of the United States Government, by series (1789-1907) and by Congresses (lst-59th) are contained in this catalogue. Post, pp. 155-381. Sundry early catalogues, etc., of a "miscellaneous" character. Wash.,G. P. 0., 1903 Wash.,G. P. 0., 1905 Wash., G. P. O., (?). )., 1907. 4'' 60-1: H 122 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Public domain. Its history, with statistics. By Thomas Donaldson. Wash., G. P. O., 1884. 8° 17-2; H. mis. doc. 45. Public lands. Decisions of the Department of the Interior and Gen- eral Land Office in cases relating to the. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 35 vols., and digest to vols. 1 to 30. 8° U. List, p. 240. Laws, opinions, and instructions. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1838. 2 pts. 8" 5 copies. U. 3. Laws relating to. Wash., E. de Krafft, 1817. 8° 5 copies. Room III, Law Div. Public libraries. See Libraries. Public Printer, reports of. List, p. 346. Public printing and binding. Act of Jan. 12, 1895, providing for the public printing, binding, and distribution of public docu- ments. Investigation and testimony. Senate and House, 1891- 1895. 8° 52—1; S. rept. 18. M. D. 18. Investigating testimony report. Wash., 1859. 8° 35 — 2; H. rept. 189. Publications of the United States. Bureau of Education from 1867-1890, with subject-index. [Reprint of chapter xxxv of the report of the Commissioner of Education for 1888-89.] Wash., G. P. O., 1891. 8" Public opinion. Vols. 1-8. Wash., 1886-1890. 4" M. D. 20. Pulsifer, Pitman (compiler). Naval appropriation laws 1883-1903, including provisions for the construction of the "New Navy," and general information relating to the naval service. 8" 58—2; S. doc. 100. [Same.] 1883-1904. 8° 58—3; S. doc. 44. [Same.] 1883-1905. 8° 59—1; S. doc. 132. [Same.] 1883-1906. ("Navy Yearbook.") 8° 59-2; S. doc. 140. [Same.] Navy Yearbook, 1907. 8° 60— 1; S. doc. 100. Information in tabular form relating to vessels, the personnel of and appropriations for the Navy, and the comparative strength of the great naval powers. 58 — 3; S. doc. 117. 8° 29 pages. Tariff acts of Congress, 1789-1895. (Joint compiler.) Wash., G. P. O., 1896. 8° 54—1; S. doc. 219. Pure food. Adulteration of food products. Digest of the laws, 1901. 56—2; S. doc. 141. S'' S. 2. Quarantine lavrs and regulations of the United States. Rev. ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° (Treasury Department publica- tion.) J. 8. catatjOgue library united states senate 123 Quartermaster's Department. Regulations for the. Wash., G. P. O., 1873. 8° T. M. D. 2. Quay, Matthew S. Arguments before the Committee on Privileges and Elections of the United States Senate. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 8° J. 8. Rcpl}^ to the brief of arguments in support of IVIr. Quay's claim to a seat. J. 8. Questions of order and decisions thereon in the Senate of the United States. By Wm. J. McDonald. Wash., G. P. O., 1881. 8° J. 8. Quincy, Edmund (editor). Speeches of Josiah Quincy in the House of Representatives, 1805-1813. See Josiah Quincy. J. 8. Quincy, Josiah. Speeches of, delivered in the House of Representa- tives, 1805-1813. Edited by Edmund Quincy. Little, Brown & CO., 1874. 8° J. 8. Rae, Frasier. Business of travel, the. A fifty -years' record of prog- ress. Lond., Thomas Cook & son, 1891. 8° F. 1. Railroads — Continued. K. 1—2 and M. D. 11. Canada. Ten maps accompanying the annual report of the department of railways and canals for 1905. 8° Q. 2. Classification of operating expenses as prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. 0., 1902. 8» 33 pages. K. 1. Commissioner's reports, 1884, 1901. 8» Wash., G. P. O. Government ownership of. Select list of references on. Griffin. 1903,1904. L. C. Intercontinental. Report of the commission. 7 vols. 4" State Department publication, 1891-1898. Intercontinental railway line. Message from the President of the United States transmitting the report of the International American Conference relative to the, 1890. 8" 51—1; S. ex. doc. 125. International. Report of International American Conference, 1890. 8° 51 — 1 ; S. ex. doc. 125. Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Wash., G. W. Bowman, 1861. 4" 36—2; S. ex. doc. 78. National incorporation of. 59-1; S. Rep. 1242, views of Senator Francis G. Newlands in vol. 1. Poor's Manual of, 1881-1906. N. Y., Poor's Railroad Manual co. 8" Rates. Amervcan railroad rates. By Walter Chadwick Noyes. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1906. 8° K. 1. 2 copies. Regulation by Congressional legislation. 1873. 42 — 3; S. rept. 462. K. 1. [Same.] Hearings before the Committee on Interstate Commerce, United States Senate. Index. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 8° 5 vols. K. 1. Digest of. Wash., G. P. 0., 1906. 8" 59—1; S. doc. 244. K. 1. Statistics of the United States, 1906. General Managers' Association. Chic, Gunthorp- Warren Printing CO., 1907. 8" 66 pages. K. 1. Street and electric. Special reports. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 4" Tehuantepec interocean. By A. D. Anderson. N. Y., A. S. Barnes & co., 1880. 8° K. 2. 124 CATALOGUE LlBRAllY UNITED STATES SENATE Railroads, etc. — Continued, The three Americas. By H. R. Helper. St. L., W. S. Bryan, 1881. 8° K. 1. Union Pacific Company. Report of the Government directors on. 1864-1886. 49—1; S. ex. doc. 67. United States, railways in the. Sixteenth annual report on the statistics of. Wash., G. P. 0., 1904. 8° Railway mail pay, etc. Testimony by the commission to investigate. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 3 vols. 8° vols. 1 and 2 railway mail pay; vol. 3 second-class mail matter, pneumatic tubes, etc. See 56-2; S. doc. 89, pts. 1-3; 56—2; vols. 8, 9, 10. See also Postal service. M. D. 10. Railway mail service. (Beginnings of the true) and the work of George B. Armstrong in founding it. By George B. Arm- strong. The Lakeside Press, 1906. 84 pages. 8° K. 1. Rand, McNally & Co.'s atlas of the world. Chi., Rand, McNally & CO., 1894. 2 vols. F° xS^f(g Atlases and maps. A. [Same.] 1902. 2 vols. F° Randall, Henry S. (editor). The life of Thomas Jefferson. Derby & Jackson, 1858. 3 vols. 8° H. 7. Randolph, John. [Life of,] by Henry Adams [being vol. 16 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12'' E. 4. Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (editor). Jefferson's works. Carr & CO., 1829. 4 vols. S" H. 7. Real and ideal literature. B}^ Frank Preston Stearns. Bost., J. G. Cupples CO., 1892. 12^^ K. 1. Rebellion, History of the. By Edward McPherson. 3d ed. Wash., Solomons & Chapman, 1875. 8° H. 3. Rebellion records. Military, List, p. 346. Naval, List, p. 351. Rebellion, War of the. Conduct of. Supplemental report of the Joint Committee. Wash., G. P. O., 1866. 2 vols. 8" F. 3. Receipts and expenditures of the United States. List, p. 353. [Same.] 1789-1893. 53—2; S. rept. 707. M. D. 11. Reciprocity. Address by Hon. John A. Kasson. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8" " Most-favored-nation " clause discussed at page 13. M. 3. with Cuba. 1902. .57— 1; H. doc. 535. By J. L. Laughlin and H. P. Willis. N. Y., Baker & Tay- lor co., 1893. 8° 2 copies. K. 1. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. Maritime. See Maritime reciprocity. Recognition in international law and practice. List of refer- ences on. Griffin. 1904. Treaties and agreements of the United States since 1850. [In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Aug., 1904.) CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 125 Reciprocity. [Same.] 57 — 1; H. doc. 15, pt. 5. S. 3. Reclamation Service. Report for 19U2. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. «" K. 1. M. D. 11. Recollections (Personal) of sixteen Presidents, from Washington to Lincohi. B}^ Kichard W. Thompson. Indianapolis, Brown- Merrill co., 1894. 2 vols. 8" 1.8. Reconstruction, The political histor}- of the United States during- the period of. By Edward McPherson. W^ash., Solomons & Chapman, 1875. 8"" H. 3. Red book (United States). Containing portraits and biographies of the President and his Cabinet, Senators, and members of the House of Representatives, and sundry other matters of interest for the years 1895-1896. By E. L. Murlin. Albany, James B. Lyon', 1896. 8° B. 3. A manual of Congressional practice. By Thomas Hudson McKee. Wash., Thomas H. McKee, 1891. ^ 8° S. 3. Red Cross, American National. Relief committee reports, 1898, 1899. N. Y., Knickerbocker Press. 8" F. 4. Reed, Thomas B. Introduction by, to works of Henry Clay. N. Y., Putnam's sons, 1904. 10 vols. 8° F. 2. Reed's rules. A manual of general parliamentary law, with suggestions for special rules. Chic, Rand, McNally & co., 1900. 12" O. 8. Registers. Department of — Agriculture. Extract from Official Register, 1905. E. 1. Commerce and Labor. See Official Register. Interior. Wash., G. P. O., 1906. S" M. D. 14. Justice, 1900, 1902, 1904. M. D. 14. Navy, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1825, 1827, in 1 volume; 1842, 1847- 1852, 1870-1873, 1889-1907. Wash.,'G. P. O. 8° M. D. 14. State, 1906. 2 copies. M. D. 14. Treasury, 1873. [Not published since 1883.] M. D. 14. Volunteer Forces, 1861-1865. M. D. 3. War. Army Register (official) 1839, 1853, 1870-1873, 1877, 1899-1907. (Documented) 8° E. 6. M. D. 2. Register of the volunteer forces of the United States Army for the years 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, and 1865. Wash., 1865. 6 vols. S" G. 1. M. D. 3. Reporter. A monthly budget of governmental affairs. ^1. D. 22. Note. — Library has vols. 4 and 5 for 1884 and 1885. Reports, United States, notes on the. N. 2-6. Representation (proportional). List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1904. L. C. 126 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Republic, The. Devoted to the dissemination of political informa- tion. [Mar., 1873, to Jan., 1877.] 8 vols. 8° M. D. 22. Republican campaign documents, miscellaneous, from 1875-1884. 12 vols. 8" M. D. 3-4. Repviblican (and Democratic) national conventions. Proceedings of, 1856-1904. J. 6-7. x^e^^ Democratic. M. D. 3-4. Official proceedings of the National Republican Conventions, 1856, 1860, 1864, 1868, 1872, 1876, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1896, 1900, 1904. Charles W. Johnson, Minneapolis. 8" J. 5. Republican (Democratic, etc.) platforms. National platforms of all political parties, 1789-1892. Thomas Hudson McKee. Wash., Stat. Pub. CO., 1892. 12<^ J. 6. M. D. 3-4. Republican national platforms. 1789-1892. By Thos. H, McKee. Wash.,Stat. Pub. co.,1892. 12" 2 copies. J. 6. M. D. 3-4. National platforms (and conventions) of all political parties, 1789-1901; 1789-1905. By Thomas Hudson McKee. Balto., Friedenwald co., 1901; 1905. 12° J. 6. M. D. 3-4. Political party platforms in Presidential campaigns, 1840 to 1904. Wash., GlobePrinting CO., 1905. 12° J. 6. M. D. 3-4. Republican party; its history, principles, and policies. By John D. Long. N. Y., M. W. Hazen co., 1900. 8° J. 6. Retail prices and wages. Aldrich report. July 19, 1892. vols. 6, 7, 8. 52-1; S. rep. 986. M. D. 11. Restraining orders. 8ee Labor. I. 2. Restraint of trade. See Eddy on Combinations. Revised Statutes. See United States Statutes. Revolution (American). The diplomatic correspondence of the. By Jared Sparks. Bost., N. Hale and Gray & Bowen, 1829. 12 vols. 8° 2 copies. F. 5. [Same.] Wash., F. P. Blair, 1834. 7 vols. 8° 2 copies. F. 5. Officers and soldiers of the. Claims, etc. Wash., Thomas Allen, 1838. 8^ M. D. 14. Naval records of, 1775-1788. L. C, 1906. 4° 2 copies. A. 4. Principles and acts of the. J. 8. The story of the. By Henry Cabot Lodge. N. Y. , Scribner's sons, 1898. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. K. 1. M. D. 14. Revolutionary diplomatic correspondence of the United States. By Francis Wharton. Wash., G. P. O., 1889. 6 vols. 8° 50—1; H. mis. doc. 603, pts. 1-6. 2 copies. F. 5. Revolutionary or military services. Census of pensioners for. Wash., Blair and Rives, 1841. 4° M. D. 14. Rhees, William Jones (editor and compiler). Smithsonian Institution publications, 1835-1899. 8° CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 127 Rhode Island. See Geographical dictionary. A. 2. Rhodes, James Ford. History of tiie United States from the com- promise of 1850. N. Y.,Macmillanco., 1902. 5 vols. 8° H. 2. Richardson, Charles A. New dictionary of the English language. Lond., William Pickering, 1838. 2 Vols. 1" X. Richardson, James D. A compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. Wash., (i. P. O., 1899. 10 vols. 8" I. 4. Richardson, William A. History, jurisdiction, and practice of the Court of Claims. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. O.. 1885. 8° Public debt of the United States with national banking laws. 2ded. Wash.,W.H.& O.H.Morrison, 1873. 8" 2 copies. T. Ripley, George (editor). American c3xlopa?dia. New American cyclopaedia. A. Ringwalt, Ralph Custis. Briefs on public questions with selected lists of references. New York, 1906. Longmans, Green, and CO. 8° F. 1. Rivers and harbors. Anah^tical and topical index to the reports of the chief engineers on works and surveys, 1866-1879. G. P. O., 1881. By L. Y. Schermerhorn and others. 2 vols. S" K. 3. K. 3 and M. D. 10-11. [Same.] 1880-1887. vol. 1. K. 3. [Same.] 1888-1892. vol. 3. K. 3. [Same.] 1866-1900. By John McClure. Wash., 1903. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 439. 3 vols. K. 3. Laws relating to improvement of, 1790-1889. 2 vols. 8° 58-3; H. doc. 425. K 3. Preliminary examinations, surveys, projects, and appropria- tions, being a letter from the Chief of Engineers, 1898. 55 — 2; H. doc. 482. V. 64. 8*^ K. 3. [Same.] 57—2; H. doc. 421. v. 83. 8" K. 3. Reports of surveys for the improvement of harbors and rivers (and the construction of roads and canals). Compiled l)y order of the Senate. Wash., Gales & Seaton. 1839-1841. 4 vols. 8" K. 3. Improvement of. 1790-1907. Wash. G. P. O., 1907. 8- 2 vols. K. 3. Rivers. See Forest, rivers, etc. Road, the national; a history of the. The old Pike. B\^ Thomas B. Searight. Uniontown, b}' the author, 1894. 8° I. 7. Roads and canals. A compilation of documents and reports relating to roads and canals, 1816-1829. 6 vols. 8° (vol. 5 missing.) K. 2. M. D. 10. Reports of surveys for the construction of roads and canals (and the improvement of harbors and rivers). Compiled b}- order of the Senate. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1839-1841. 4 vols. 8° K. 2. 3605—08 9 128 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Roads and canals. Steam carriages in Great Britain, 1831. 8" 22—1; H. doc. 101. Duff Green, 1832. K. 2. Robbins, Jonathan, case of. See Charles Rnckney. P. 2. Rockhill, William Woodville. Diar}^ of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892. Wash., Smithsonian Institution, 1894. 8" C. 5. Report of, on China. 8° 1901. .57— 1; S. doc. 67. See aho appendix to foreign relations, 1901. .57 — 1; H. doc. 1, vol. 1. Rockies of Canada, the. By Walter Dwight Wilcox. N. Y., Put- nam's sons, 1900. 8° A. 1. Rodriguez, Jose I. American Constitution. A compilation of the political constitutions of the independent nations of the New World, with short historical notes and various appendixes. 3 vols. Wash., G. P. O., 1906. 4° (International Bureau of the American Republics.) M. 6. Rodwell, G. F. A dictionary of science. Lond., E. Moxon & co., 1871. 8° (Haydn series.) X. Roget, Peter M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. N. Y., Longmans, Green & co., 1901. 8" B. 4. [Same.] New ed. N. Y., T. Y. Crowell & co., 1904. 8'' B. 4. Roll of honor, interments in national cemeteries in — Arkansas, Colorado, Dakota, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, vol. 1. Arizona, Arkansas, Arlington, Colorado, District of Columbia (Military Asylum Cemetery and Harmony Cemetery), Florida, Fortress Monroe, Hampton (Va. ), Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minne- sota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington Territory, vol. 2. Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Dakota, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin, vol. 3. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachu- setts, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia, vol. 4. Arkansas, Colorado, Dakota, Georgia, Illinois, Indian Territory, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wash- ington Territory, vol. 5. Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee, vol. 6, 2 copies. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indian Territory, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, vol. 7. Wash., G. P. O., 1869. 8 vols. 8° 2 copies. M. D. 22. Rome, history of. By Victor Duruy. Translated by M. M. Ripley. Bost., C. F. Jewett Publishing co. [n. d.J 8 vols, in 16 sees. 4" D. 2. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 129 Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American histor3\ By Theodore Hoosevelt and Henry (Jabot Lodge. N. Y., The Century co., 1904. S« H. 3. [Life of] Thomas H. Benton [beino- vol. 23 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houg-hton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12" E. 4. [Life of] Goiiverneur Morris [being- vol. 8 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. The naval war of 1812. G. P. Putnam's sons, 1902. 8° I. 6. Root, Elihu. Speeches incident to the visit of Secretar\' Root to South America, 190G. Wash., G. P. O., 1906. 8° K 3 Rose, Walter M. Digest of the United States Supreme Court reports, Sr>- United States Supreme Court. Royal Ilalendar and court and city register. Lond., Suttaby, 1851- 1863. 8" Royce, Charles C. (compiler). Indian land cessions in the United States. Wash.. G. P. O., 1899. 4" 56— 1 ; H. doc. 736. P. Ruggles, Samuel B. Report of International Monetary Conference, Paris, 1870. 41—2; H. ex. doc. 266. Rules of the HoiTse of Representatives, and the joint rules of the two Houses. By John M. Barclay. Wash., 1871. 8" V. Rules, etc., of the Senate and House. See Lists: Constitution, Rules and Manual, p. 230. Rules and regulations governing- the departments of — Commerce and Labor. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8" 59—2; S. doe. 397. Interior. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8" 59—2; S. doc. 396, pts. 1-4. Rviles of military -warfare. Con.ference at Brussels, 1874. Report by A. llorsford. Wash., G. P. ()., 1900. 8° L. 6. Rules of order. A manual for conducting- business in town and ward meetings '■■ * ''■ and other deliberative bodies. By Benja- min :Matthias. Phila., James Harmstead. 1846. 12° O. 8. Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States. Adopted 1884. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8^. Russell, Israel C. Geology and water resources of the Snake River plains of Idaho. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8" K. 4. Russell, William H., and William B. Winslo-w. Syllabus digest of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. See United States Supreme Court. Russia, industries of. John Martin Crawford, St. Petersbuj-g, 1893. vol. 1. 4" M. D. 18. Russian advance, the. B\^ Albert J. Beveridge. N. Y., Harper i.Vc Bro., 1904. 8" 5 copies. K. 2. M. I). 18. 130 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Sailing directions for Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and the St. Law- rence River to Montreal. Hydrographic Office, Dept, of the Navy. G. P. O., 1907. 8° 2 copies. K. 3. M. D. 18. Sailing rules. The rule of the road at sea and in inland waters. By Thornton A. Jenkins. Wash., G. P. O., 1869. 8° M. D. 18. Sailor's log, a. By Robley D, Evans. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 190i^. 8" K. 3. Salutes and ceremonies at seacoast and other posts provided with artillery. Instructions for. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 4" (Artil- lery Circular L, 1902.) Samoa and G-uam. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. L. C. Sampson-Schley. Official communications to the United States Senate. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 8° (55—3. Contid. Ex. C.) K. 3. San Domingo. See Davis Hatch. Memorial of. K. 3. Sanitary convention. See International, etc. Savage, James W. (Paper.) The discover}' of Nebraska, and a visit to, in 1662. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8" I. 6. Schley, Winfield S. Record of proceedings of a court of inquiry in the case of. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 2 vols. 8° 57—1; H. doc. 485. 2 copies. K. 3. M. D. 3. Schopenhauer, Arthur. The wisdom of life. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 30.) L. 2. Schurz, Carl. [Life of] Henry Clay [being vols. 19 and 20 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Schwatka, Frederick. Militar}' reconnaissance in Alaska. 1883. 8° 48—2; S. ex. doc. 2. E. 1. Science, a dictionary of. B}^ G. F. Rodwell. Lond., Moxon & co., 1871. 8° (Haydn series.) X. Seals (fur) and the fur-seal islands of the North Pacific Ocean. By D.S.Jordan. AVash., G. P. O., 1898. 4 vols. 4" R. 7. Searight, Thomas B. The old pike; a history of the national road. Uniontown, 1894. 8° J. 4. Seattle, Wash., souvenir of. Seattle, Lowman & Hanford, 1900. 8" K. 4. Secret journals of the Congress of the Confederation. See List, p. 274. X. 6. Secret proceedings and debates of the Federal Convention. See Federal Convention. Yates and Martin notes. Albany, Web- ster's and Skinner's, 1821. 8° M. 1. Sectional struggle, the. An account of the troubles between the North and South from the earliest times to the close of the civil war; compromise of 1833; early tariffs and nullification. By Cicero W. Harris. N. Y., Lippincott co., 1902. 8° K. 3. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 131 Senate. Precedents relating to the privileges of. Compiled by- George P. Furber. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8° 52—2; S. mis. doc. 68. V. 3. Reports of the 8ecretar\'. List, p. 355. See Questions of Order in the United States Senate. Senate bills and joint resolutions, history of, from Fiftieth to Fifty- eio-hth Congresses. Wash., G. P. 6., 1889-1904. 1° M. D. 11. Senate election cases from 1789 to 1885. By George S. Taft. Wash., G. P. O., 18S5. 8" 19—1; 8. mis!^ doc. 47. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1893, b}" George P. Furber. G. P. O., 1893. 8° 52—2; S. mis. doc. 67. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1903, by George M. Buck. G. P. O., 1903. 8° 58— spec. sess. ; S. doc. 11. V. 1. Senate executive journal. See List of journals. (Executive.) p. 287. X. 3-5. Senate Library, catalogue of, 1901. 8" [Same.] Revised. 1905, 1907, 1908, including lists of public documents by series and b}^ Congresses, 1789-1908. 8° Senate manual, containing the standing rules and orders. Wash., G. P. O. 8° V. 7. List, p. 231. M. D. 6. Senators (popular election of). List of references on the. Griffin. 1904. L. C. Senators. Compilation of speeches and reports relative to. By Clifford Warden. 1902. 8" 57—1; S. doc. 406. [Same.] Reprinted, with additions by Librar}' of Congress, and including an article by ex-Seliator George F. Edmunds, Feb. 27, 1906. 8" Extracts from primary laws of sundry States, 1907. 8° 59 — 2: S. doc. 393. ■ Sergeant, Thomas. Constitutional law. Being a view of the practice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States. 2d ed. Phila., P. H. Nicklin and T. Johnson, 1830. 8" .^^t^ Consti- tution. Seward, W. H. [Life of,] by Thornton Kirkland Lothrop [being vol. 27 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12" E. 4. The works of. Edited by G. E. Baker. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1887-1889. 5 vols. 8" K. 3. Note. — Vol. 5, titled "The diplomatic history of thewarforthe Union." Bost, 1884. Sewerage of the District of Columbia. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. S" K. 3. 51—1; H. Ex. doc. 445. Q. 1. I Same.] K. 3. 1894. 53—2; S. rept. 623. Q. 1. Seybert, Adam. Statistical annals. Phila., T. Dobson &j son, 1N18. 4" See Statistical annal. Q. 4. 182 CATALOGUE LIBRAHY UNITED STATES SENATE Shakespeare, Edward O. Report on cholera in Europe and India. Wash., G. P. O., 1890. 4° B. 7. Sharland, Emily C. Coin of the realm. What is it? Lond., Water- low & sons, 1888. 8° 2 copies. T. Sheahan, James W. Corporation laws of the city of Washington. Wash., R. A. Waters, 1853. S"" Q. 1. Sliepard, Edward M. [Life of] Martin Van Buren [being vol. 18 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° E. 4. Sheridan, Philip H. Record of engagements with hostile Indians within military division from 1868 to 1882. Wash., G. P. O., 1882. 8° M.' D. 2. Sherman's (John) recollections of forty years in the House, Senate, and Cabinet. An autobiography. Chi., Werner co., 1895. 2 vols. S° K. 4. Sherman, Roger. Life of. By L. H. Boutell. Chi., A. C. McClurg & CO., 1896. 8° K. 4. Ship canal. See Interoceanic canals. Ships. The magnetism of, and the deviations of the compass. Wash., G. P. O., 1867. 8° {In Transactions of foreign societies; by Poisson. ) Signals. aSV(^ International Code of. Signal service reports. List, p. 357. Silver. The future of. By E. Suess. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8° 53—1; S. mis. doc. 95. T. Silver-coinage speeches. 1893. Note. — Numerous speeches bound together in Senate Library. T. Silver commission. See Berlin Silver Commission. T. Silver Commission reports. List, p. 358. T. Silver in Europe. By S. Dana Horton. N. Y., Macmillan & co.,- 1892. 8° T. Simplified spelling. For the use of Government departments. 1st ed. G. P. O., 1906. 57 pages. 8° Sketches of my o"wn time. By David Turpie. Ind., The Bobbs- Merrill co., 1903. 12° 2 copies. L. 1. Slovaks of Hungary, The. By Thomas Capek. N. Y., Knicker- bocker press, 1906. 8° K. 4. Small arms for the military service. Reports of experiments. Wash., A. O. P. Nicholson, 1856. 8" [Same.] Wash., G. P. O., 1873. 8° Smith, Franklin W. National galleries of history and art. The aggrandizement of Washington. Wash., G. P. O. , 1900. 8° I. 7. Smith, G. Barnett. History of the English Parliament, together with an account of the parliaments of Scotland and Ireland. Lond., Ward, Lock, Bowden & co., 1892. 2 vols. 8° H. 4. CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 133 Smith, Goldwin. The United Kingdom. Apolitical history. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° H. 2. Smith, Heniy H. (compiler). Digest of decisions and precedents of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. G. P. O., 1894. S'^ 53-2; S. mis. doc. 278. V. Smith, .1. Calvin (editor). Gazetteer of the United States of America. Sherman & Smith, 184.5. 8° A. 3. Smith, William Farrar. Report of board of army officers upon claim of Maj. Gen., that he, and not General Rosecrans, originated the plan for the relief of Chattanooga in Oct., 1863. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° I. 3. Smithsonian Institution. Origin and history. 1835-1899. By William Jones Rhees. W^ash., G. P. O. 2 vols. 8" 56—1; H. doc. 732, pt. 1, vol. 113. 8° K. 4. Reports of. List, p. 358. Smithsonian Institution and National Museum. Reports. List, p. 360. SmuU, John A. Legislative handbook and manual of the State of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Wm. Stanley Hay. 1876. 8° [Same.] 1899. " 8° B. 3. Snake River plains of Idaho. Geology and water resources of. By 1. C. Russell. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° K. 4. Sno-w, Freeman. Cases and opinions on international law, with notes and a syllabus. Bost., Boston Book co., 1893. 8" See Inter- national law. O. 2. International law. A manual based upon lectures delivered at the Naval War College. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8° See International law. O. 2. Solberg, Thorvald (Register). Compiler of sundry publications of the copyright office. Library of Congress. S. 2. Soldiers buried in national cemeteries. See Roll of honor. Sound currency, 1895. A compendium of accurate and timel}^ infor- mation on currency questions. N. Y., Reform Club Sound Currency Committee, 1895. 8" T. South America. Speeches in, Elihu Root, Secretary of State, 1906. Wash., G. P. O., 1906. 8° K. 3. South American, Central and, conmiissioners, report of. 48 — 2; H. ex. doc. 226. Spain, the war with. By Heni'v Cabot Lodge. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1900. 8° K. 4. War with. Report of the Commission appointed ))y the President to investigate the conduct of tiie War Department in the. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8 vols. (56 Cong., 1st sess. S. doc. No. 221.) K. 5. See Treaty of peace with, etc. 134 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Spanish-American war. By Russell A. Alger, Secretary of War, 1897-1899. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1901. S'* K. 5. Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. List of documents. (April 15, 1903.) Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8'' K. 5. [Same.] 1904. 8" 2 copies. K. 5. Work and Decisions of, 1901-1907. By William E. Fuller, G. P. O., 1907. 8°. K. 5. Sparks, Jared. The diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution. Bost., N. Hale and Gray & Bo wen, 1829. 12 vols. 8" 2 copies. F. 5 and M. D. 22. Spears, John R. The history of our Navy from its origin to the end of the war with Spain, 1775-1898. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's sons, 1902. 5 vols. 8" I. 6. Spinoza, Benedict de. Improvement of the understanding, ethics, and correspondence. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 29.) L. 2. SpofFord, Ainsworth R. Editor of articles on America in the new cabinet cyclopiedia. Gebbie & co., 1898. 8 vols. 12° A. 1. Standard Oil Company. See History of the Standard Oil Company. Stanley, D. S. Arguments of the judge-advocate and of Mr. R. T. Merrick in the trial of General Stanley. N. Y., S. W. Green, 1879. 8° S. 1. Stanton, Edwin M. Life and public services of. By G. C. Gorham. Bost. and N. Y., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1899. 2 vols. 8° K. 5. Stark, John, and Daniel Webster. Proceedings in Congress upon the acceptance of the statues presented by the State of New Hampshire. Wash., G. P. O., 1895. 4° B. 7. Star route investigation. Report made by special agents of the Post- Office Department. 1884. 48—1; H. ex. doc. 100. K. 6. M. D. 10. [Same.] 48—1; H. rept. 372. K. 6. M. D. 10. State Department, history of. By William H. Michael, chief clerk. 1901. G. P. O., 1901. 8" 2 copies. K. 6. M. D. 14. State papers and public documents of the United States, from the accession of George Washington to the presidency, exhibiting a complete view of our foreign relations since that time. 1789- 1818. Bost., T. B. Wait& sons, 1817-1819. 12 vols. 8° F 6. See American State papers; list p. 170. Statesman's manual. Being Presidents' messages, inaugural and special, 1789-1846. By Edwin Williams. N. Y., Edward Walker, 1847. 2 vols. 8° K. 6. — [Same.] Edition of 1789-1851. 4 vols. K. 6. Vol. 4 missing. [Same.] 1789-1858. By Edwin Williams and B. J. Lossing. 4 vols. 8° K. 6. CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 135 Statesman's year book. Statistical and historical annual of the States of the world for the years 1864-1906. Edited b}- J. Scott Keltic. Lon., Macmillan & co., 1905. 8° B. 2. M. D. 8. Statesmen Series. See American Statesmen. Statistical abstract. List, p. 3<)0. S. 2. of the world. /;/ Monthh" Summarj" of Commerce and Finance. Apr., 1901, Statistical annals; embracing views of the population, commerce, navigation, fisheries, public lands, Post-Office establishment, revenues, Mint, Military and Naval establishments, expendi- tures, public debt, and sinking fund of the United States of America. By Adam Seybert. Phila., T. Dobson & son, 1818, 1" Q. 1. Statistical revievr of the commerce of the United States; its con- nection with agriculture and manufactures; and an account of the public debt, revenues, and expenditures of the United States. By Timothy Petkin. Hartford, Chas. Hosmer. 1816, 8° [Same.] N. Y., James Eastburn & co, , 1817. 8° 3 copies. Statistical yearbook of Canada. Ottawa, S. E. Dawson, 1903, 1904, 1905. 1906. 8° B, 3. Statistician and economist. 1891-1906. Published biennially in June of each odd numbered year, San F.. L. P. McCartv, 8° B. 2. M. D. 6. Statistics, medical and anthropological, of the provost-marshal-gen- eral's bureau. By J. H. Baxter. Wash., G. P. O., 1875. 2 vols. 4° M. D. 17. The dictionar}' of. B}' Michael G. Mulhall. Lond., George Koutledge & sons, 1892. 4*^ X. The manual of. Stock exchange handbook, 1901. H. E. Wallace, editor. X. Y., Chas. H, Nicoll, 1901. 8^ B. 2. Statistics on carrying trade, coin and bullion; gold and silver exports; coinage of the United States mints; public debts; expenditures of the United States; exports and imports and duty collected; immigrants and passengers; internal-revenue receipts; receipts of the United States and tonnage. Wash., 1893. F° A. Statistics of railways in the United States. See List of Interstate Commerce Commission's reports. Statutes at Large of the United States. List, p. 368. Steam lines across the Atlantic. Wash., G. P. O., 1873. 8° Steamer lines [)lying between ports of United States and foreign ports. In Monthl}' Summar}' of Commerce and Finance. Aug., 1903. Steamship contracts. See British, etc. 136 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Stearns, Frank Preston (editor). Essa,y on John Brown. By Dr. Herman Von HoLst. Bost., Cuppies & Hurd, 1888. 12° F. 1. The real and ideal in literature. Bost., J. G. Cuppies co., 1892. 12° K 1. Street and electric railw^ays, 1902, Special reports. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. F" (Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of the Census pub.) 5 copies. Street-railway franchises in Disti'ict of Columbia. See Laws relat- ing to. S. 2. Strikes. See Labor. L 2. Sterne, Simon. Constitutional histor}^ and political development of the United States. N. Y. , Cassell, Better, Galpin & co. [1882.] 8° M. 3. Stevens, John Austin. [Life of] Albert Gallatin [being vol. 13 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° E. 4. Stevens, Thaddeus. [Life of,] by Samuel W. McCall [being vol. 31 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° E. 4. Stock exchange hand-book, 1901. The manual of statistics. Edited by H. E. Wallace. N. Y., C. H. Nicoll, 1901. 8° B. 2. Storey, Moorfield. [Life of] Charles Sumner [being vol. 30 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost, Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. L Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1858. 2 vols. 8° See Constitution. M. 1. [Same.] 5th ed. Edited by Bigelow. Bost., 1891. 2 vols. 8° 3 copies. M. 4. Strike. The anthracite coal. [In Bulletin of the Department of Labor, 1902.) Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° 57—1; H. doc. 377, pt. 6. I. 2. See also Labor. [Same.] Report to the President by the Anthracite C'oal Strike Commission, May-Oct., 1902. Wash., G P. O., 1903. 8° 58— special; S. doc. 6. I. 2. The Pullman. Debs conspirac}^ Riotous disorders of 1894. Government's action. Correspondence. Appendix to the an- nual report of the Attorney-General for 1896. Wash., G. P. O., 1896. 8° 54—2; H. doc. 9, pt. 2. I. 2. Strikes and lockouts. Sixteenth annual report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1901. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° 57—1; H. doc. 18. I. 2. [Same.] Including laws relating thereto. Twenty-tirst annual report, 1906. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8°. 1. 2. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 137 Strong, James. The exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Showing every word of the text of the common English version of the canonical books, etc. N. Y., Eaton & Mains [1890]. 4° C. 4. Stryker's American register, 1848-1851. 6 vols. vol. 4 missing. M. I). 22. Submarine mines, system of. Report upon experiments and investi- giitions. r,y H. L. Abbot. AVash., G. P. O., 1881. 4" (Pro- fessional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Arm}-, no. 23.) Subsidies. See Mercantile marine. Suess, Eduard. The future of silver. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 8° 53 — 1; S. mis. doc. 95. 2 copies. T. Sugar. Beet sugar. Brief histor}^ of origin, etc. 57 — 2; S. doc. 204. Bounties. Proceedings of the Brussels conference, June 7-25, 1898. 56—2; S. doc. 171. S. 2. [Same.] Proceedings of the conference on the question of. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8". S. 2. Bounty. The Treasur3''s refusal to pny. Investigation and arguments. 1895-96. 8^" T. M. D. 11. Cuba. See Hearings on reciprocity with Cuba. 57 — 1; H. doc. 535. Cuban sugar sales. Investigation by Senate committee. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8^ M. D. 11. Hawaii. Histor}^ of Hawaiian treaty and Cuban reciprocit3^ 57—2; S. doc. 206.^ Hearings. See 57 — 1; H. doc. 535. Sugar. Philippines. Reduction of duty on sugar in. Statement of Secretary of War, in hearings. 57 — 1; H. doc. 535. Production and consumption. 1800-1900. (/;? Monthly Sum- mary of Commerce and Finance of the United States, Jan., 1902. Wash., G. P.O., 1902. 4° 57—1; H. doc. 15, pt. 7. 57 — 2; S. doc. 15, pt. 5. 1\ Schedule in the tariff of 1894. (Bulletin no. 32^, Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Wash., G. P. O., 1894. 8° T. Trust. Alleged briber}^ of United States Senators. Investi- gation b}^ Senate committee. 1894, 1897. 8" 53 — 2; S. rep. 436. M.^ D. 11. Sullivan, John T. Report of historical and technical information relating to the problem of interoceanic communication by way of the American Isthmus. Wash., G. P. O., 1883. 4° S. 2. Sumner, Charles. His complete works. Statesman edition. With introduction by Hon. George Frisbie Hoar. Bost., Lee & Shepard, 1900. 20 vols. 8" K. 7. 138 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Sumner, Charles. [Life of,] by Moorfield Store}^ [being vol. 30 of the Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Sumner, William Graham. [Life of] Andrew Jackson [being vol. 17 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin &C0., 1898. 12° E. 4. Sundbarg, Gustav. Sweden; its people and its industry. Stockholm. G. P. O., 1901. 8° B. 6. Supreme Court of the U. S. Its history and centennial. By Hampton L. Carson. Phila., A. R. Keller co., 1902. 2 vols. 1° P. 1. Two treaties of Paris and the. By S. Webster. N. Y., Harper & bros., 1901. 8° 2 copies. O. 1. Reports, etc. See United States Supreme Court reports. Supplements to the Revised and Compiled Statutes. See United States Statutes. Surratt, John H. Trial of. {In "The Reporter," vols. 3 and 4. Wash., R. Sutton, 1867. 4° S. 1. Sutherland, William A. Notes on the Constitution of the United States. San F., Bancroft- Whitney co., 1904. 8° See Consti- tution. M. 4. Sutro, Adolph. The mineral resources of the United States, with special references to the Comstock lode and the Sutro tunnel in Nevada. Bait., J. Murphy & co., 1868. 4° S^wayne, Charles. Impeachment of. Evidence before House com- mittee. 58—3; H. rep. 1905. 8° Ra. 3. Proceedings in the Senate. 58—3; S. doc. 194. 8° Ra. 3. Svreden; its people and its industry. By G. Sundbarg. Stockholm, G. P. O., 1904. 8° B. 6. Taft, George S. Senate election cases from 1789 to 1885. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. 8" 49—1; S. mis. doc. 47. V. L Tallack, William. Penological and preventive principles, with spe- cial references to Europe and America. 2d ed. Lond., Wertheimer, Lea & co., 1896. 8° I. 8. Tarbell, Ida M. The history of the Standard Oil Company. N. Y., McClure, Phillips & co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° K. 4. [Life of] Abraham Lincoln. N. Y., McClure, Phillips & co., 1904. 8° 2 vols. 1. 3. Taxes. See Direct taxes. Tariff. T. 1—2 and M. D. 10—11. Acts 1789 — 1883. Comparative tables of, etc. Senate Committee on Finance, 1884. 48—1; S. rep. 12. Tariff act of 1890 bound in same volume. 8° Act of 1883. By Thos. H. McKee. Wash., E. W. Oyster, 1883. 8« of 1883, 1890, 1894, and 18^7. Digest of decisions of the Treasury De- partment. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8" CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 189 Tariff — Continued. Acts by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1895. Compiled by Pitman Pulsiferand Wm. II. Michael. G. P. O., 1896. 8° 54—1; S. doc. 219. ■ [Same.] From 1789 to 1897. Compiled by Robert G. Proctor. G. P. O., 1898. 4" of 1890 and 1894. Changes made by H. R. 4864, etc 53—2; S. rep. 334. of 1890 and 1894. McKinley, and Wilson-Gorman acts, so called. Comparison of text and average ad valorem rates. Government receipts and expenditures. 1789-1893. G. P. O., 1895. 8" 53—2; S. rep. 707. of 1890, 1894, and 1897. By Senate Committee on Finance. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8" 55—2; S. doc. 329. [Same] with war revenue law of 1898 bound in one volume. of 1894 and 1897. By Senate Committee on Finance. Wash., G. P. 0., 1897. 8° 55-1; S. doc. 192. of 1894 and 1897; also customs administrative act of 1890, with amend- ments to sections 7 and 11. Wash., G. P. O., 1897. 8° Treas. doc. 1953. of 189", with customs administrative act of June 10, 1890, with amend- ments to sections 7, 11, and 23; the War-revenue act of June 13, 1898, and amendatory acts of March 2, 1901, April 12, 1902, and the act of March 8, 1902, temporarily to provide revenue for the Philippine Islands. W^ash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° (Treas. Dept. Doc. No. 2279.) of Aug. 28, 1894, comparison of the. Wash., G. P. O., 1897. 4» 55—1; S. doc. 188. of 1897, 1901; administrative act of 1890, with amendments to sections 7 and 11, and the war-revenue act of 1898. G. P. O., 1901. Treasury doc. 2223. 8° 2 copies. of 1898, war-revenue law; (2) Act of 1901, amending act of 1898; (3) revenue-reduction law of 1901; (4) compilation of laws in force, 1901. All bound in one volume. 8° T. Agricultural and animal products; tariff on. Being Tariff Series no. 2. Dept. of Com. and Labor. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° T. American Republics. Wash., G. P. 0., 1893. 3 vols. 8° 52—1; S. ex. doc. 8, pt. 10. 2 copies. See also list, p. — . Commission, act of Mar. 3, 1865, See 42—2; H. ex. doc. 109, vol. 9, p. CXL^^II. Young Report. Act of May 15, 1882. Report of testimony 47—2; H. mis. doc. 6, vols. 2, 3, Report of tariff commission, London, P. S. King & Son, 1904 (L. C. ) For sundry bills and resolutions relating to see index to Cong. Record. Cuba, reciprocity with. See Hearings, below. Decisions rendered by the Treasury Department, 1869-1872. Wash., G. P. O., 1873. 8" Digest of decisions of the Treasury Depai-tment and of the Board of General Api)raisers under tariff acts of 1883, 1890, 1894, and 1897. Wash., G. P. ()., 1901. 8" 2 copies. Documents. 1841-1842. (Being miscellaneous bound documents. ) T. 2. Essays on the tariff. By sundry authors. 1880. 8° Exports (colonial) 1697-1789. Exports (United States) 1789-1893. Charles H. Evans. G. P. O., 1894. 8° 53—2; S. rep. 259, pt. 2. Finance Committee's report, 1894, on changes made by Wiison-Gorman bill (53—2; H. R. 4864), in the text and rates of tluty of McKinley law of 1890 and in the administrative law of 1890; also statistics relating to the Mills bill of 1888, etc. (53—2; S. rept. 334, vol. 6, quarto.) Finance and currency. Index to Congressional proceedings. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 40 T. 1. 140 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Tariff. — Continued. France, customs tarriff of. Tariff Series No. 6. Dept. of Com. and Labor, 1907. 8° T. Handbook of United States tariff. By T. B. Vandergrift. N. Y., 190:^?. 8" 2 copies. Heyl's (Lewis). United States duties on imports, 1884. Wash., W. H. Mor- rison, 1884. 8° Hearing's before Senate Committee on Finance, 1888-89; 50th Congress. Parts 1-4. before House Committee on Ways and IMeans, 1902. Reciprocity witli Cuba. 57—1 ; H. doc. 535. 8° Before House Committee on Ways and Means, 1889-90. 51 — 1. [Same.] 1893. 53—1; H. mis. doc. 43. on Philippine tariff; before House Committee on Ways and Means, 1905.' 59—1. Index of Congressional proceedings on measures relating to tariff, finance, and currency, 1849-1891. Senate Committee on Finance. Wasli., G. P. O., 1892. 4° 3 copies. [Same.] 1891-93; 1893-95. of House bills relating to tariff, etc., from the 1st to the 42d Congress. By Edward McPherson. Wash., G. P. O., 1875. 8" 43— 2; H. mis. doc. 92. Judicial interpretation by the United States courts of the acts of Congress relatingto. By Wm.W. Carr. Phila., T. & .J. W. Johnson & co.,1894. 8° Modern tariff systems. {In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Feb., 1902, and Mar., 1904. Wash., G. P. O., 1902, 1904. 4".) Ogden, E. D. (compiler). Tariff or rates of duties on imports into the United States under acts of 1861-63. N. Y., Bogert, Bourne & Anten, 1864. 8° Philippine, hearings on, before House Committee on Ways and Means, 1905. 59—1. Philppine Islands, a<'t of March 8, 1902, temporarily to provide revenue in — contained in Treas. Dept. Doc. No. 2279, noted above, and in Stats, at L. Protection echoes from the Capitol. By Thos. H. McKee and W. W.Curry. Wash., McKee & co., and N. Y., G. S. Fellows & co., 1888. 8» Rates of duty on imports into the United States 1789-1890. By Senate Com- mittee on Finance. Wash., G. P. 0., 1891. 8» 51—2; S. rep. 2130. Reciprocity with Cuba. See Hearings, above. See also under Library of Congress publications. Tariif Series by Dept. of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Manufactures. No. 1. On leather and its manufactures. — No. 2. On agricultural and animal products. No. 3. On machinery, machine tools, and vehicles. No. 4. On convential tariff of Servia. No. 5. Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. No. 6. Customs tariffs with France. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8" T. Replies to tariff inquiries. Opinions of collectors of customs concerning ad valorem and specific rates of duty on imports. Wash., G. P. O., 1894. 8 53—2; S. rep. 358. [Same.] Schedule A, chemicals. S. reports 368, 370, 401, 406; 53—2. — [Same.] Schedule B, earths, earthenware, and glassware. S. reports 407, 112, 413, 415; 53—2. [Same.] Schedule E, sugar. S. reports 452, 453; 53 — 2. [Same.] Schedule F, tobacco, etc. S. reports 454, 456; 53 — 2. [Same.] Schedule G, agriculture, etc. S. reports 460, 461, 462, 463, 465, 466; 53—2. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 141 Tariff. — Continued. Replies to tariff in(iuirie.s. [Same.] Schedule H, spirits, etc. S. reports 467, 468; 5;-i— 2. [Same.] Schedule I, cotton manufactures. S. reports 469, 473, 474; 53—2. [Same.] Schedule J, fiax, hemp, and jute. S. reports 475, 491. [Same.] Schedule K, wool, and manufactures of. S. reports 492, 493, 494, 511, 512; 53—2. Report on the commercial relations of the Fnited States with foreign nations. Wash., Gales ct Seaton, 1842. 8" State papers and speeches on. By F. W. Taussig. Cambridge, Harvard Uni- versity, 1892. 8° Undervaluation frauds; investigation, 1884; wool and woolen yarns. 48 — 1; H. ex. doc. 101. T. See Sugar. Tarver, J. Ch. Royal phraseological, E'rench-English dictionarv. 4th ed. Lond., Dulan & co., 1862. 2 vols. 4^* X. Taxation of corporations in New York. See Corporations. Taylor, Hannis. A treatise on international public law. Chi., Cal- lao-han &CO., 1901. 8° 0.4. Jurisdiction and procedure of the Supreme Court of the United States. Koch., Lawj^ers' Cooperative Publishing co., 1905. 8" N. T. Taylor, William A. Ohio in Congress from l80;j to 1901, with notes and sketches of Senators and Representatives. Columbus, XX Century Publishing CO., 1900. 8'' 2 copies. 1.8. Tea, coffee, and cocoa. World's production and consumption of. Ill Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, July. 1905. 4° Tehauntepec canal. See Davis report, under Interoceanic canals. Interocean (ship) railroad, the. By Alex. D. Anderson. N. Y. and Chi., A. S. Barnes & co,, 1880. 8° K. 8. Telegraphic cable between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands. Report of the survey. Wash., G. P. O., 1892. 4'' 52—1; S. ex. doc. 158. S. 3. ^ Telegraph, postal. See Postal telegraph. Telegraphs of the -world (submarine and land). 4° 57 — 2; H. doc. 5, pt. 1. S. 3. See Wireless telegraphy. Telephone stock. Pan Electric investigation of. 49 — 1; H. rep. ;-)142. Pt. 1. I. 8. Telephones and telegraphs. See Special report of the Census, 1902. Territorial expansion. oT — 1; H. doc. 15, pt. 5, p. 969. Territories of the Ignited States. Organic acts for the. Wash., G. P. O., 1900-1, 1903. 8° 56—1; S. doc. 148. K. 8. See also Judicial extraterritorial rights. — — — List of reports of governors, p. 361. Tests of metals at Watertown Arsenal. List of reports, p. 362. 142 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Thayer, James B. Cases on constitutional law. Carabridg-e, Chas. W. Sever & co., 1895. 2 vols. 8° M. 4. Theirs, M. Discours Parlementaires. Pub. par. M. Calmon. Paris, Calmann Levy, 1880. vols. 8-15. 8° Room V. Three Americas Railway, The. By H. R. Helper. 8t. L., W. S. Bryan, 1881. 8" K. 1. Thirty years' view, and thirty years in the United States Senate, 1820-1850. By Thomas H. Benton. I). Appleton & co., 1883 and 190.3. 3 vols. 8° E. 8. Thompson, Richard W. Personal Recollections of sixteen Presi- dents; from Washington to Lincoln. Indianapolis, Brown- Merrill CO., 1894. 2 vols. 8" I. 8. Thorpe, Francis N. The constitutional history of the United States. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1901. 3 vols. 8° M. 4. Tibet, Mono'olia and. Diary of a journey through. See William VVoodville Rockhill. C. 5. The opening- of an account of Lhasa and the country and people of central Tibet and of the progress of the mission sent there by the English Government in the year 1903-4. By Per- ceval Landon, N. Y., Doubleda}^ Page & co., 1905. 8° C. 5. Ticket brokerage. Hearings before the Committee on Interstate Commerce. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 8° 55—2; S. doc. 128. K. 8. Tide tables. AW^ Charts, etc. S. 1. M. D. 17. Tilden, Samuel J. The writings and speeches of. Edited by John Bigelow. N. Y., Harper «& Bro. 2 vols. 8° L. 1. Tomlins, F. G. (editor). Universal gazetteer, ancient and modern. Lond., 1836. 2 vols. 8° A. 3. Tompkins, Daniel D. Governor of New York, 1807-1817. Military papers of. Second war with Great Britain series. xA-lbany, published by State, 1898. 3 vols. 8" L. 1. Trade and commerce of the British North American colonies with the United States and other countries. Wash., G. P. O., 1851. 8° 31—2; S. ex. doc. 23. L. 1. [Same.] Wash., R. Armstrong, 1853. 8" 32—2; H. ex. doc. 13G. L. 1. [Same. J B}- I. D. Andrews. Wash., R. Armstrong, 1853. 8° 32—1; S. ex. doc. 112. L. 1. [Same.] Map. L. 1. For contracts, etc., in restraint of. iSee Edd}" on Combina- tions. Trade and transportation between the United States and Spanish America. By William Eleroy Curtis. Wash., G. P. O., 1889. 8° L. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 143 Trade-marks. Kcgistration of. Editions of Jan. 4, 1892, 1906. 8" S. 1. Trans-Isthmian Canal in Central America. See Interoceanic canals. Q. ± Transport service. See Army transport .service. between San Francisco and the Pliilippine Islands. Investi- gation by the War Department. AVash. , G. P. O. , 1902. 57—1 ; H. doc. 537. Travel, business of. A fifty years' record of progress. By W. Fra- sier Roe. Lond., Thos. Cook & son, 1891. 8° F. 1. Treaspn. See Impeachments, investigations, etc. Treasury, Reports of the Secretary, p. 3613. Treasury Department and its various fiscal i)ureaus. B}" Robert Mayo. Wash., Wm. L. Force, 1847. 4° S. 5. Decisions relating to tariff and revenue laws, 1898-1907. G. P. O. 8" Vols. 1-2 and 1-13 U., 7-8. List, p. 241. Treasury Department register. See Registers. M. D. 14. Treasury, decisions of the comptroller of. G. P. O., 1896-1907. 13 vols. 8" U. 6-7. Treaties. Treaty-making power of the United States. By Charles Henry Butler. N. Y., Banks Law Pub. Co., 1902. 2 vols. 2 copies. O. 5. Their making and enforcement. By Samuel B. Crandall. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1904. 8" (Columbia Uni- versity Publication No. 1.) O. 5. ■ Two treaties of Paris and the Supreme Court. By Sidney Webster. N. Y., Harper & bros., 1901. 8° 2 copies. O. 5. in force 1788-1899. Compiled hj Henry L. Bryan. Wash., G. P. 0., 1899. 8" 55—3; H. doc. 276. O. 5. ^M. D. 13. [Same.] Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 8" 58—2; S. doc. 318. O. 5. Reciprocit}'^, and agreements of the United States since 1850. In monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Aug., 1904. 4° M. D. 13. and conventions concluded between the United States and other powers since July 4, 1776. By J. H. Haswell. Wash. , G. P. O. , 1889. 8" 48—2; S. ex. doc. 47. M. D. 13. The Clayton-Bulwer treaty — Monroe doctrine, and inter- oceanic canal, correspondence in relation to; being a reprint of S. ex. docs. 46—2, No. 112; 47—1, No. 194; and 48—1, No. 26. See 56—1; S. doc. 237. Wash., G. P. O., 1885. O. 5. Treaty of peace between the United States and Spain, Dec. 10, 1898. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 55—3; S. doc. 62, pt. 1. Also supplemental treaty between the United States and Spain, Nov. 7, 190O. 56—2; S. doc. 124. Also S. joint resolution, relative to. 57 — 1; S. doc. 182. Bound in one vol. 8" O. 5. M. D. 13. 3605-08 10 144 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Treaties. See also Indian treaties; International law. Trials. See Impeachments, etc. Triangulation of the United States Lake Survey. Report of the primary. Wash., G. P. O., 1882. 4° (Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, No. 24.) 1 — 14. Tribune almanac. See Almanacs. Triplett, F. F. C. Analytical digest of the pension and bounty land laws. Wash., G. P. O., 1854. 8° P. 2. Trusts. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. 2d ed. Griffin. 1902. L. C. Bills and debates in Congress relating to. Fiftieth to Fifty- seventh Congress. Wash., G. P.O., 1903. l'^ S.l. M.D.ll. By S. C. T. Dodd. N. Y., 1900. B"' (Address at Syracuse University. 1893.) S. 1. In the State of New York. Report of the joint committee of the senate and assembly. Albanv, Wynkoop, Hollenbeck, Crawford co., 1897. 8*^ 4 copies. ^ S. 2. M. D. 11. See Eddy on combinations. O. 7. and the commerce clause of the Constitution. Anti-Trust law, 1890-1903. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 3 copies. L. 1. M. D. 11. Tucker, George F. The Monroe doctrine. A concise history of its origin and growth. Bost., George B. Reed, 1885. 8" 2 copies. I. 5. Tucker, George T. (joint author.) See Gould. Tucker, John R. The Constitution of the United States. Chi., Callaghan &C0., 1899. 2 vols. 8° M. 5. Trumbull, James H. Natick dictionary. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 4" X. Turpie, David (editor). Sketches of my own time. Ind., The Bobbs- Merrillco., 1903. 12<^ 2 copies. L. 1. T-wenty years of Congress; from Lincoln to Garfield, 1861-1881. The Henry Bill publishing co., 1884. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. E. 8. Tyler, Moses Coit. [Life ofj Patrick Henry [being vol. 3 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Tylers. The letters and times of the. By L. G. Tyler. Richmond, Whittet & Shepperson, 1884. 3 vols. 8° L. 1. Undervaluation of -wool and woolen yarns. Investigation on. 48—1; H. ex. doc. 101. S. 2. Union and Confederate armies. Atlas to accompany the official records of the. Wash., G. P. O., 1891-1895. 2 vols. F" A. Union Pacific Railroad Company. Reports of the Government directors on, 1864-1886. 49—1; S, ex. doc. 69. K. 2. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 145 United Kingdom. A political hi.stoiy. By Goldwin Smith. N. Y., The Macinillan co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° H. 2. United States. Historical register of the. From the declaration of war in 1812 to Jan. 1, 1814. B}^ T. H. Palmer. Phila., G. Palmer, 1814. 4 vols. 8" H. 3. History of the. By George Bancroft. N. Y., D. Appleton & CO., 1890. 6 vols. ^8° H. 1. Histor}' of, Harper's Cyclopifidia of. From the aboriginal period to 1876. By Benson J. Lossing. N. Y., Harper & bro., 1881. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. B. 6. History of, Harper's Encyclopaedia of. From 458 A. D, to 1902. N. Y., Harper & bro., 1902. 10 vols. 8° A. 1. History of the. B}' James F. Rhodes. N. Y., Macmillan CO., 1902. 5 vols. 8'' H. 2. History of. Select statutes illustrative of the. By W. Mac- donald. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1903. 8° H. 3. Official history of. B}' the Presidents. Federal Book Con- cern, 1900. 2 vols. 8° H. 3. A history of the people of the, from the Revolution to the civil war. By John B. McMaster. N. Y., D. Appleton & co. 1900. 7 vols. 8** H. 1. Note. — Vol. 7 not issued. Narrative and critical history of America. By Justice Win- sor. Bost, Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1889. 8 vols. 4° Co. Immigration into. See Immigration. Progress of the, in its material industries. (//< Monthlv Summary of Commerce and Finance of the United States, cur- rent numbers. Wash., G. P. O. 4") United States. Receipts, expenditures, and public debt of the, 1789-1896. (Bureau of Statistics publication.) School history of. J. B. MacMaster. M. Y., American Book CO., 1897. 12° 1800-1907, etc. Statistical record of the progress of the United States, 1800-1907; and conmiercial and financial statis- tics of foreign countries, 1905. 8° A. 4. Steamer lines, etc. See Steamer lines. Territorial and commercial expansion of. 57 — 2; H. doc. 15, pt. 2. 4° S. 3. United States census. Reports. List, p. 232, etc. United States international exhibition, 1876. Reports, awards, etc. Wash., G. P. O., 1880. 9 vols. 4° United States mining law^s and regulations thereunder, Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° U 5. 146 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Red Book, the, containing the portraits and biogra- phies of the President (Clevehmd) and his Cabinet, Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, a description of the chief buildings in Washington, and sundry statistics. Com- piled by E. L. Murlin. Albany, James B. Lyon, 1896. S*' B. 1. United States Statutes. (Revisions, compilations, etc., in current use.) Revised Statutes of the United States. 2d ed. 1878. Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States. vol. 1, 2d ed. 1891. [Same.] vol. 2. 1901. [Being nos. 1-5, 6, 7, 8, 9.] Compiled Statutes of the United States. 1901. 3 vols. [Published by the West Publishing co.] [Same.] Supplements. 1903, 1905, 1907. Federal Statutes annotated. 1903-1. 10 vols. [Published by the Edward Thompson co.] 3 copies. 8" United States Statutes at Large. List, p. 368. Brightly, Frederick C. Analytical digest of the laws of the United States from the adoption of the Constitution to the end of the Thirty-fourth Congress, 1789-1857. Phila., Kay & Bro., 1858. 4° [Same.] 1789-1859. 4° [Same.] Supplement. 1857-1863. 8" [Same.] 1857-1869. 4° Digest of the decisions of the Federal courts from the organization of the Government to the present time. Phila., Kay & Bro., 1868. 4° [Same.] 1868-1870. 4° [Same.] 1868-1873. 4" Consolidated index to the United States statutes at large, 1789-1903. Wash., G. P. O., 1905. 4. vols. 4° Ingersoll, Edward. An abridgment of the acts of Congress now in force. Phila., To war & Hogan, 1825. 8" 5 copies. Gordon, Thomas F. A digest of the laws of the United States. Phila., 1827. 8° [Same.] 1837. [Same.] 1844. Gould, John M., and George F. Tucker. Notes on the revised statutes of the United States and the subsequent legislation of Congress. Boat., Little, Brown & CO., 1889. 4° [Same.] vol. 2. Supplement. Bost., Little, Brown & co,, 1898. 4° Graydon, William. An abridgment of the laws of the United States. Harris- burg, J. Wyeth, 1803. 8° 4 copies. Laws of the United States of America, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 4th of March, 1815. Phila., Beoren and W. John Duane, 1815. 5 vols. 8° 5 copies. from Mar. 4, 1789, to Nov. 3, 1827, including all treaties. Index of. By Samuel Burch. Wash., Wm. A. Davis, 1827. 8° 1789 to 1851, with an index. * Note. — Vol. 11 missing. Laws (public) of the United States of America. From Thirty-first Congress to Fifty-third Congress. By George Minot. Bost., Little & Brown, 1850- 1852. 2 vols. 8° 6 copies. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 147 United States Supreme Court Its history. B}^ Hampton L. Car- son. Phila., A. K. Keller co., 1892. 2 pts. 4" — Jurisdiction and procedure of the Supreme Court of the United States, llannis Taylor. Roch., LauTerls Cooperative Publishing co., 1905. 8° A manual on the cases decided. By W. H. Phillips. Wash., W. H. Morrison, 1882. S'' Rules of, adopted Jan. 7, 1884, includino- rules of practice for the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in equity and admiralty cases. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° Table of cases argued and adjudged. Compiled by H. D. Clarke. Wash., G. P. O., 1888. 8° United States Supreme Court Reports. Official edition. List, p. 371. 8° vols. 1789- Digest of. Danforth. 2 vols. 1789-1891. Index. By William G. Myers. St. L., 1878. Indexed digest of (Lawyer's Cooperative). 4 1901. Vols. 1-186. [Same.] Butler. 1 vol. 1902-1905. Vols. 187-202. [Same.] Rose. 3 vols. 1789-1061. Vols. 1-186. Obiter digest of. (1 Dallas to 197 U. S.) A collection of the obiter statements of law found ia the opinions of the jus- tices. Compiled by the Publishers' Editorial Staff. N. Y., Edward Thompson co., 1906. 2 vols. 4° United States Supreme Court Reports. Syllabus-digest of. 4 vols. 1789-1901. Russell & Winslow. ^ 2 copies. Notes to United States Reports. Rose. 13 vols. 1789-1901. Citations supplementar}- to Rose's notes. Thompson. 3 vols. [Same.] (Law3^er's Cooperative edition. 1 copy.) Universal Classics Library. Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin, edi- torial director. Wash., M. Walter Duane, 1901. 30 vols. 8° L. 2-4. contents: Vols. 1 and 2, English bellelet- tres. Vol. 3, Secret memoirs court of Berlin. Vols. 4 and 5, Chesterfield, Earl of. Letters to his son. Vol. 6, Landor, Walter S. Clas- sical conversations. Vol. 7, Goethe, Johann W. von. Conversations with p]cker- mann. Vols. 8 and 9, Evelyn, John. The Diary of. Indited by William Bray. Vols. 10 and 11, The federalist. Vol. 12, Machiavelli, Niccolo. History of Florence and the affairs of Italy. Vol. 13, ^Montesquieu, Chas. L. Baron de. Persian and Chi- nese letters. Vol. 14, Hebraic literature. Translated from the Talmud Midrashiin and Kabbala. Vol. 15, Oriental literature. The dabistan or school of manners. Vol. 16, Ottoman literature. The poets and poetry of Turkey. 148 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Vol. 17, Antoinette, Marie. Secret mem- Vol. 26, Ideal empires and republics. oirs of Princess Lamballe. Being her By Rousseau, Bacon, More, and Campa- journey, letters, and conversations nella. during her confidential relations with. Vol.27. [Plato's orations.] The repub- Vol. 18, Descartes, Rene. The method, lie, the statesman. meditations, and philosophy. By John Vol. 28, Grotius, Hugo. The rights of Veitch. war and peace. Vols. 19, 20, and 21, Louis XIV. Mem- Vol. 29, Spinoza, Benedict. Improve- oirs of, and the Regency. By Duke of ment of the understanding, ethics, and Saint-Simon. correspondence. Vols. 22, 23, and 24, Bonaparte, Napoleon. Vol. 30, Schopenhauer, Arthur. The Memoirs of. By Madam Junot. wisdom of life. Vol. 25, Lewis, George C. Government of dependencies. Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists. Official report of the; held at St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 28-30, 1904. St. Louis, 1905. 8" L. 2. Universal cyclopaedia and atlas. Editor-in-chief, Charles Kendall Adams. N. Y., D. Appleton & co. 12 vols. 1901. 4° A 0. Universal peace congress. Held in London, 1890. Proceedings. Lond., Headley Bros., 1890. 8° L. 4. Usebook, The. Reg'ulations and instructions for the use of the national forest reserves. Wash., G. F. O., 1906. 8° L. 4. M. D. 18. 6 cop. Utah. Historv of . By Hubert H. Bancroft. Historv co., 1890. 8° H. 4. Utah commission. Reports. List, p. 380. Van Buren, Martin. Life and political opinions of. By William M. Holland. 2 ed. Hartford, Belknap & Hamersley, 1836. 8^* L. 4. [Life of,] by Edward M. Shepard [being vol. 18 of the Amer- ican Statesmen Series]. Bost. , Houg-hton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. Vance, Zebulon B. Life of. By Clement Dowd. Observer Printing and Publishing CO., 1897. 8° L. 4. Vandegrift, F. B. Handbook of the United States tariff. N. Y., 1902. 8° 2 copies. T. 2. Van Dyne, Frederick, Citizenship of the United States, lioch., N. Y., Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing co., 1904. 8° O. 8. Vattel. The laws of nations. Edited by Chitty. Phila., T. & J. W. Johnson, 1839, 1844, 1883. 8° See International law. O. 2. Velazquez, M. Pronouncing dictionar}^ of Spanish and English lan- guage. N. Y., D. Appleton, 1870. 4° X. Venezuela. See Bureau of the American Republics. Venezuela and British G-uiana Boundary. Report of the special commission to examine and report on the true divisional line. Wash., G. P. O., 1898. 3 vols. 8° L. 4. CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE 149 Venezuelan Claims Commission. Report of Robert C. Morris before the United States and Venezuelan Claims Commission, Wash., G. P. O., 1904. 8° 58—2; S. doc. 317. Vermont volunteers. Revised roster of. By T. S. Peck. Montpe- lier, Watchman Publishing co., 1892. 4° Ra. 3. Vernon-Wager manuscripts. List of. Ford. 1904. L. C. Vessels (merchant) of the United States. Twenty-seventh annual list of. Wash., G. P. O., 1895. 4° 54—1; H. doc. 29. L. 2. of the United States Navy, 1797-1887. See Army and Navy Register, by Thos. H.* F. Hamersly. E. 6. - , Veto messages of the Presidents of the United States, with the action of Congress thereon. By Ben: Perley Poore. Wash., G. P. O., 1880. 8" 42—2; S. mis. doc. 53. L. 5. Veto power. By E. C. Mason. Bost., Ginn co., 1890. 8" (Har- vard Historical Monographs, no. 1.) L, 5. Vienna international exhibition, 1873. Reports of the commissioners. Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 4 vols. 8° F. 8. Vincent, Col. Sir Howard. The United States Army. Newbury, Eng., George J. Cosburn, pr., 1907. 24 pages. 8° E, 6. Virginia. The statutes at large; being a collection of all the laws, from the first session of the legislature, in the j^ear 1619. By W. W. Hening. Richmond, Samuel Pleasants, 1809, 1823. 11 vols. 8" Room HI Law Div. Volunteer (official) army register of the forces of the United States Army for the years 1861-1865. Wash., 1865. 8 vols. 8" E. 6. M. D. 3. Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey. Lectures, addresses, and speeches of. See Forty years of oratory. Bowen-Merrill co., 1898. 2 vols. 8" L. 5. Harriet Cecilia. Forty years of oratory; being lectures, addresses, and speeches of her father, Daniel Wolsey Voor hees. Ind. and Kans. City, 1898. The Bowen-Merrill co. 2 vols. 8° L. 5. Wages and retail prices. Aldrich report, July 19, 1892. 52 — 1; S. rpt. 986, 3 pts., vols. 6, 7, 8. M. D. 11." — and transportation, 1893. M. D. 11. Wages in commercial countries. Wash., G. P. O. 2 vols. 8° (Commissioner of Labor's fifteenth annual report for 1900.) Wager manuscripts. See Vernon. V7allace, H. E. (editor). The manual of statistics. N. Y., C. A. NicoU, 1901. 8" B. 2. War. Report of the joint committee on the conduct of. Wash., G. P. ()., 1865. 8" F. 3. M. D. 18. Secretary of. Reports. List, p. 381. 150 CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE War Department library. Catalogue of the. Wash., G. P. O., 1882. [Same.] May, 1884, to June, 1891. M. D. 16. Finding list of military biographies and other personal litera- ture. 2d ed. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 8° War Department register, 1839-1907. Wash. , G. P. O. 8° M. D. 2. War of the independence. Histor}^ of the. By Charles Botta. Phila., L. R. Bailey, 1820. 3 vols. 8° H. 3. War of the rebellion. Conduct of the. Supplemental report of the joint committee. Wash., G. P. O., 1866. 2 vols. 8° F. 3. Index to the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° (Library has complete set of the records in documentary form.) List, p. 348. L. 5. War-revenue la-w of 1898. See Tariff ; also Internal revenue. Revenue- reduction law of Mar. 2, 1901, with index and mar ginal and foot notes. (Amendatory of war-revenue law of 1898.) S. 6. War with Spain. Report of the commission appointed by the Presi- dent to investigate the conduct of the War Department in the. Wash., G. P. 0., 1900. 8 vols. 8" 56—1; S. doc. 221. K. 4. Warfare. Rules of militar}-. Conference held at Brussels, 1874. Wash., G. P. O., 1900. 8° L. 6. Warden, Clifford (compiler). List of principal speeches and reports made in Congress in recent years relating- to the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8" 57—1; S. doc. 406. F. 7. Warman, Philip Creveling. "Catalogue of, and index to, the publica- tions of the United States Geological Survey, 1880-1901. Bul- letin no. 177, Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 535. G. 6. [Same.] 1901-1903. Wash., G. P. O. 8° G. 6. [Same.] 1903. 57—2; H. doc. 471. G. 6. "Warner, Fred M. Michigan directory and legislative manual for the years 1901-1902. Lansing, Wynkoop .Hallenbeck Crawford CO., 1901. 8° L 5. Washington's fare"well address to the people of the United States. (Printed in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate adopted on the 12th day of Feb., 1900.) 2 copies. L. 5. Washington, George. [Life of,] by Henry Cabot Lodge [being vols. 4 and 5 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° E. 4. By John Marshall. James Crissj" and others. Phila., 1845. 2 vols. 8" L. 6. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 151 Washington, George. Correspondence of, with the Continental Con- o-ress. Prepared from the original manuscript.s in the Library of Congress, by John C. Fitzpatrick, division of nianusoripts. • Wash., G. P. O., 1906. 4" M. D. 16-17. The writings of. B}^ Worthington Chauncey Ford. N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1889. 14 vols. 8° L. 5. Washington manuscripts. Calendar of. 1901. L, C. Washington, H. A. Editor of Jefferson's complete works. Pub- lished by Congress, 1853. 9 vols. 8° H. 8. Washington and Adams. [Administrations of.] Edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott, By George Gibbs. N. Y., 1846. 2 vols. 8" See Administrations of, etc. L. 6. Washington and District of Columbia. List of maps and views of, in the Library of Congress. Phillips. 1900. L. C. M. D. 16-17. Washington and Georgetown directory. Strangers' guidebook for Washington, and Congressional and clerks' register. Com- piled by Alfred Hunter. Wash., Kirkwood & McGill, 1853. 8" L. 6. Washington City, charter of. Wash., R. A. Waters, 1859. 8*^ 'Q. 1. Corporation laws of. By James W. Sheahan. W^ash., R. A. Waters, 1853. 8° Q. 1. Improvement of. By Glenn Brown. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 8" Q. 1. Directory. Boyd. 1853, 1860, 1862, 1864, 1867, 1871-1908. M. D. 5-6. Law of the corporation of. By Samuel Burch. Wash., James Wilson, 1832. 8° Q. 1. Washington navy-yard, history of. See Navy-yard, Washington. Washington Papers. Calendar of the correspondence of George Washington with the Contenental Congress. Prepared from the original manuscripts in the Libraiy of Congress b}^ John C. Fitzpatrick, Wash., G. P. O., 1906. ^ M. D. 16-17. Washington Public Library. Report of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library. In Report of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1902. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 7. Q. 1. Washington -water supply, purification of. Edited by Charles Moore. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8° 56—2; S. rep. 2380. Q. 1. M. D. 18. Wasson, David A. Essays, religious, social, political. Bost., Lee & Shepard, 1889. 8° F. 7. Water supply of the City of New York. An inquiry into the condi- tions relating to. " N. Y., 1. H. Blanchard, 1900. 8" I. 8. Watson, Thomas E. (editor). " Napoleon." N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1902. 8" I. 6. 152 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Watson, Thomas E, (editor). The story of France. N. Y., Mac- millan co., 1900. 2 vols. 8" G. 5. Webster, Daniel. Acceptance of the statue of. xSrt^ John Stark, B. 7. [Life of,] by Henry Cabot Lodge [being vol. 21 of the Amer- ican Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° E. 4. The works of. Biographical memoir by Edward Everett. Bost., Little & Brown, 1851. 6 vols. 8" L. 7. Note. — Mr. Webster's autograph appears in vol. 1. [Same.] 4° (vol. 1 missing.) M. D. 19. The writings and speeches of. Bost., Little, Brown &co., 1903. 18 vols. 8^* L. 7. Webster, Noah. An American dictionary of the English language. 1828. 2 vols. 4° 1832, 1868, 1878, 1880. 4° X. Webster's international dictionary of the English language. New ed., with supplement of new words. B3" Porter & Harris. Springfield, Mass. G. C. Merriam co., 1904. 4° X. Webster, Sidney. Two treaties of Paris and the Supreme Court, 'n. Y., Harper & bros., 1901, 8° 2 copies. O, 5. Webster, T. Lonsdale. Editor (books I and II), Sir Thomas Erskiiie May's Parliamentary Practice. 11th ed, Lond., Wm. Clowes & sons, 1906, 8° W, 2. Weights and measures of the United States, First conference on. Held at the bureau of standards, Washington, 1905, G. P. O., 1907. 4° S. 1. Wellcome physiological research laboratories, founded 1894, Brock- well Hall, Heme Hill, London, S. E, 8° J, 4, Wendell, John L, (editor). See William Blackstone. West Point, battle monument at. See Battle monument. E. 8, West Point Military Academy. See Military Academy, Wharton, Francis. A digest of the international law of the United States. Wash., G. P. O., 1886. 3 vols. 8"^ 49—1; S, mis, doc. 162, pt. 1. O. 3, A treatise on the conflict of laws or private international law. 3d ed, B}^ G. A. Parmele, Roch., Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing co,, 1905. 2 vols. 8° O. 3. The Revolutionary diplomatic correspondence of the United States, Wash., G, P. O., 1889. 6 vols, 8° 50— 1; H, mis, doc. 603, pts, 1-6. 2 copies, F, 6. Wheaton, Henry. Elements of international law. 3d ed. Phila,, Lea & Blanchard, 1846. 8° O. 3. [Same,] Edited by Lawrence. Bost., Little, Brown & co,, 1863. 8° O, 3. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 153 Wheaton, Henry. [Same.] 8th ed. Edited by Danii. Bost, Little, Brown & co., 1860. 8° O. -t. See International law. Wheeler, George M. See Geographical surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. M. D. 12. Where and How^. See Corporation laws of sundry States, etc. Whitney, Caspar. Hawaiian America. N. Y., Harper & hro., 1902. 8" G. 8. Wholesale prices of commodities in the United States, 1840-1901, {In Monthly summary of commerce and tinance, July, 1902. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 4") T. M. D. 11. 1890-1901. Department of Labor, Bulletin no. 39. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 377, pt. 2. S. 2. 1890-1906. Bulletin no. 69. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8" S. 2. Wholesale -wages and transportation. Wash., G. P. O., 1893. 4 pts. 8'' S. 2. Who's -who. An annual ])iographical dictionar3% 1901, 1902, 1905. Lond., Adam & Chap. Black, 1905. 8° B. 2. M. D. 8. Who's -who in America. A biographical dictionary of notable liv- ing men and women of the United States in 1901-1903, 1903- 1905,1905-1906. Chi., A. N. Marquis & co. 8*' B. 2. M. D. 8. Wilcox, Gen. Cadmus M. Histor}^ of the Mexican war, 1846-1848. Wash., Church News Publishing co., 1892. 8° H. 3. Wilcox, Mar}^ Rachael (editor). Histor}^ of the Mexican war. l^y Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox. H. 3. Wilcox, W^alter Dwight. The Rockies of Canada. Putnam's sons, 1900. 8^^ A. 5. Wilkinson, James (Gen.). Report of the committee appointed to in(iuire into the conduct of. Wash., A. & G. Way, 1811, 8° Williams, Charles R. The Bankers' Encyclopa?dia, vol. xxx. Mar., 1905. 4'' A. 4. Williams, Edwin (editor). Statesman's manual. K. 5. Williamson, R. S. Meteorology and hypsometry tables. N. Y., Van Nostrand, 1868. 4" S. 3. Willis, H. Parker (joint author). Ste Laughlin J. Lawrence. Wilson, Frederick T. Federal aid in domestic disturbances, 1787- 1903. Wash., G. P. O., 1903. 8" 57—2; S. doc. 209. G. 1. Wilson, H. W. Ironclads in action. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1896. 2 vols. 8" M. D. 3. Wilson, James Grant (editor). Appleton's cjxlopfedia of biograph3^ N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1879. 4° D. 3. (editor). Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biograph}^ 1887. 7 vols. 4" See Cyclopedias. 154 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE WinslovT, William B. (joint editor). See Russell. Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical histor}^ of America. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1889. 8 vols. 4" C. 5. Wireless telegraphy. Practical guide to long distance. By E, Ducretet. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 8° L. 8. Report of the Inter-Department Board appointed by the President. 40 pages. 1905. 8° L. 8. Instructions for use of apparatus. By Lieut. J. M. Hudgins, U. S. Navy. 1903. 29 pages. 8" L. 8. Note. — Three in one volume " Wireless Telegraphy." See Telegraphs of the world. Wireless telegraph stations of the world. Navy Dept. Wash., G. P. O., 1907. 8° S. 3. Wirz, Henry. Trial of. 40—2; H. ex. doc. 23. Ra. 3. Wise, John S. A treatise on American citizenship. Long Island, Edward Thompson co., 1906. 8" O. 7. Women inventors to whom patents have been granted by the United States Government. Wash., G. P. O., 1888. 4° S. 3. Wood, Henry. Political economy of natural law. 4th ed. Bost., Lee & Shepard, 1899. 8" J. 8. Woodsman's handbook. Bj^ Henry S. Graves. Wash., G. P. O., 1902. 12° M. D. 18. Wool and woolen yarns, undervaluation of. Investigation on. 48 — 1; H. ex. doc. 101. Woolsey, Theodore D. Introduction to the study of international law. 6th ed. Edited by Woolsey. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's sons, 1892. 8" See Intei'national law. O. 3. Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the English language. Bost., Hick- ling, Sevan & Brewer, 1860. 4° X. [Same.] Phila.. J. B. Lippincott, 1878. 4" Working women in large cities. In fourth annual report of the Bureau of Labor, 1888. 8° See Labor. I. 1. World almanac and encyclopedia for 1869, 1872-1876, 1886-1893, 1897 to date. N. Y. 8*^ >.^6?e Almanacs. B. 1. World's best orations. David J. Brewer, editor; Edward A. Allen and William Schuyler, associate editors. St. L., F. P. Kaiser, 1899. 10 vols. 4" D. 1. World's Columbian Commission. Report of the committee on awards. Wash., G. P. O., 1901. 2 vols. 8° 57— 1; H. doc. 510. F. 8. Wrecked whalers in the Arctic Ocean. Report of the cruise of the U. S. revenue cutter Bear. Wash., G. P. O., 1899. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 511. L. 8. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 155 Wright, Carroll D. A report on marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867-1886; including an appendix relating- to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe. Wash., G. P. ()., 1889. 8° 2 copies. 1. 3. The industrial evolution of the United States. N. Y., Chautauquan-Century Press, 1895. 8° I. 1. Report on the effect of the international copyright law in the United States, 1901. 8° 56—2; S. doc. 87. Sundry publications by Bureau of Labor. See List 287. Yates, Robert. See secret proceedings and debates of the Federal Convention, 1787. M. 1. Yellow Spring and Huron. A local history. By J. W. Merrill, :\Iediapolis, Iowa, 1897. 8'' 2 copies. M. D. 18. Yellowstone National Park. Reconnaissance from Carroll, Mont., to. By William Ludlow. Wash., G. P. O., 1876. 4° S. 3. Yosemite Park, map of. See Atlases and maps. A. Document Lists. DOCUMENT LISTS. Note. — The Congressional documents, it should be remembered, comprise the messages communicated to Congress by the President of the United States, the legis- lative journals of both Houses of the Congress, the secret proceedings or executive jour- nals of the Senate, the reports of Congressional committees on bills, resolutions, and public affairs, communications made to Congress by the executive or judicial officers of the Government, and many miscellaneous publications, such as United States laws, the Congressional Record, the Congressional Directory, Rebellion Records, etc., as Congress may order to be printed for its information and distribution. * * * It was not until the commencement of the Thirteenth Congress, in December, 1818, that the House of Representatives, which legislative branch publishes by far the larger number of documents and reports, realized sufficiently the growing importance and permanent value of its own transactions to impel it to introduce systematic methods of publication. The House then adopted a consecutive series of numbers, which was applied to its public documents, beginning anew at the commencement of each Congress and running uninterruptedly to the end of the last session of such Congress. The Senate long sat in secret session, and apart from its meager executive and legislative journals had the policy of placing as little as possible of its proceedings in printed and accessible form. Later, when public opinion constrained a change of policy, it was years before it showed a marked inclination to print freely its reports or documents. It naturally pursued a more conservative or dilatory course, and did not apply the serial numbering to its documents until two years after the action of the House, in December, 1815, at the beginning of the first session of the Fourteenth Congress. — [Gen. A. W. Greely, U. S. A., in American Historical Association Report for 1896, 54th Congress, 2d session, House Doc. No. 353, part 1, pp. 1109-1114. Also, "Papers Relating to Early Congressional Documents: Public Documents of the First Fourteen Congresses, 1789-1817." — (Greely.) 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate Doc. 428, Vol. 37.1 Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, 1789-1856. See Con- gress, etc., p. 211. 157 158 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Agriculture, Annual Reports on, 1841-1861/' Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. 1841 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 . 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1&2 1&2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 S. ex.... S. ex H. ex . . . S. ex . . . . H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . S. ex H. ex... H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex H. ex . . . S. ex H. ex... S. ex H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex H. ex... S. ex H. ex . . . 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 6 3 6 6 8 6 6 13 10 9 9 7 7 10 7 9 6 12 8 11 8 14 10 6 8 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 169 129 109 150 177 75 78 307 52 54 59 15 20 32 118 102 55 65 27 39 42 59 20 12 53 65 30 32 47 105 11 48 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 2 1849 2 1850 2 1851 2 1851 2 1852 :.. 2 1852 2 1853 1853 2 2 1854 3 1854 3 1855 3 1855 3 1856 4 1856 4 1857 4 1857 4 1858 4 1858 4 1859 1860 1861 (not among documents) . . . "The Department of Agriculture was organized in 1862 and placed under the direc- tion of the Connnissiouer of Agriculture. The Commissioner was superseded by the Secretary of Agriculture by act of February 9, 1889, when the Department became one of the Executive Departments of the Government— the eighth— and its head a Cabinet oflicer. Prior to 1862 the Commissioner of Patents issued the Annual Report on Agriculture, formuig, from 1849 to 1861, a volume by itself. Previous to 1849 the Report on Agri- culture was incorporated in a single volume of Patent Office Reports, published annually. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 159 Agriculture, Department of, Reports of the Commissioner of, 1862-1888. Year. 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 (not among docnniente) 1873 1874 (not among documents) 1875 (not among documents) 1876 (not among documents) 1877 (not among documents) 1878 (not among documents) 1880 (not among documents) 1881-82 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 b Con- Ses- gress. sion. 1 37 3 38 1 38 2 39 1 39 2 40 2 40 3 41 2 41 3 42 2 42 3 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 2 45 3 46 2 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 House or Senate H. ex . . H. ex .. H. ex .. H. ex.. H. ex ., H. ex .. H. ex.. H. ex . . H. ex ., H. ex .. H. ex Vol- ume. S. ex.... 1 H. ex . . . 26 H. ex... 25 H. ex... 32 H. ex . . . 34 H. ex... 37 H. ex . . . 28 H. ex . . . 32 11 16 12 15 15 21 15 14 L3 17 Year. (a) Num- ber. 78 91 68 136 107 («) («) («) i") 327 (a) 27 228 109 178 269 378 201 470 Part. «No number. b For succeeding reports, see Agriculture, reports of Secretary of. 3605—08 11 160 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Agriculture, Department of, Reports of the Secretary. Agriculture, Department of. Yearbooks. Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Session. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. Rusk 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House - . . House House . . . House House House . . . House . . . House... House... 17 17 20 20 19 19 23 20 23 26 32 42 34 27 27 27 25 20 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 Do 6 Do 6 Do 6 Morton . 6 Do 6 Do Do 1,2 Wilson Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1894 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 H.ex ... House... House... House... House... House... House... House... House... House... House... House... House... 35 74 20 65 82 99 105 118 101 100 101 105 105 355 380 6 454 293 558 519 661 459 708 424 892 813 1895 1896 2 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 161 Agriculture, Department of, Farmers' Bulletins. Numbers omitted have been discontinued, being superseded by later bulletins. .31. ifi. Pp. 32. 48. 22. The Feeding of Farm Animals. Pp. 40. 24. Hog Cholera and Swine Plague. Pp. 16. 25. Peanuts: Culture and Uses. Pp. 24. 27. Flax for Seed and Fiber. Pp. 16. 28. Weeds: And How to Kill Them. Pp. 30. 29. Souring and Other Changes in Milk. Pp. 22. 30. Grape Diseases on the Pacific Coast. Pp. 15. 32. Silos and Silage. Pp. 30. 33. Peach Growing for Market. Pp. 24. 34. Meats: Composition and Cooking. Pp. 35. Potato Culture. Pp. 24. 30. Cotton Seed and Its Products. Pp. 39. Onion Culture. Pp. 30. 42. Facts About Milk. Pp. 32. 44. Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 38. 46. Irrigation in Humid Climates. Pp. 47. Insects Affecting the Cotton Plant. 48. The Manuring of Cotton. Pp. 10. 49. Sheep Feeding. Pp. 24. 51. Standard Varieties of Chickens. Pp. 52. The Sugar Beet. Pp. 48. 54. Some Common Birds. Pp. 48. 55. The Dairy Herd. Pp. 30. 56. Experiment Station Work— I. Pp. 30. 58. The Soy Bean as a Forage Crop. Pp. 24. 59. Bee Keeping. Pp. 48. 60. Methods of Curing Tobacco. Pp. 24. 61. Asparagus Culture. Pp. 40. 02. Marketing Farm Produce. Pp. 31. 63. Care of Milk on the Farm. Pp. 40. 64. Ducks and Geese. Pp. 55. 65. Experiment Station Work— II. Pp. 32. 66. Meadows and Pastures. Pp. 30. 69. Experiment Station Work— III. Pp. 32. 71. Essentials in Beef Production. Pp.24. 72. Cattle Ranges of the Southwest. Pp. 32. 73. Experiment Station Work— IV. Pp. 32. 74. Milk as Food. Pp. 39. 77. The Lining of Soils. Pp. 24. 78. Experiment Station Work — V. 79. Experiment Station Work— VI. 80. The Peach Twig-borer. Pp. 16. 81. Corn Culture in the South. Pp. 82. The Culture of Tobacco. Pp. 22. 83. Tobacco Soils. Pp. 23. 84. Experiment Station Work— VII. 85. Fish as Food. Pp. 32. 86. Thirty Poisonous Plants. Pp. 32. 87. Experiment Station Work— VIII. 88. Alkali Lands. Pp. 23. 91. Potato Diseases and Treatment. 92. Experiment Station Work— IX. 93. Sugar as Food. Pp. 31. 95. Good Roads for Fanners. Pp. 46. 96. Raising Sheep for Mutton. Pp. 48. 97. Experiment Station Work— X. Pp. 32. 98. Suggestions to Southern Farmers. Pp. 4 99. Insect Enemies of Shade Trees. Pp. 30. 100. Hog Raising in the South. Pp. 40. 101. MiUets. Pp. 30. 102. Southern Forage Plants. Pp. 48. 103. Experiment Station Work— XI. Pp. 30. Pp. 32. Pp. 27. 24. Pp. 32. Pp. 32. Pp. 15. Pp. 30. 104. Notes on Frost. Pp. 24. 105. Experiment Station Work— XII. Pp. 32. 106. Breeds of Dairy Cattle. Pp. 48. 107. Experiment Station Work— XIII. Pp. 32. 108. Saltbushes. Pp. 20. 109. Farmer's Reading Courses. Pp. 20. 110. Rice Culture in the United States. Pp. 28. 111. Farmer's Interest in Good Seed. Pp. 24. 112. Bread and Bread Making. Pp. 40. 113. The Apple and How to Grow It. Pp. 32. 114. Experiment Station Work— XIV. Pp. 28. 115. Hop Culture in California. Pp. 28. 116. Irrigation in Fruit Growing. Pp. 48. 118. Grape Growing in the South. Pp. 32. 119. Experiment Station Work— XV. Pp. 30. 120. Insects Affecting Tobacco. Pp. 32. 121. Beans, Peas, and Other Legumes as Food. Pp. 38. 122. Experiment Station Work— XVI. Pp. 32. 124. Experiment Station Work— XVII. Pp. 32. 125. Protection of Food Products from Injurious Temperatures. Pp. 24. 126. Practical Suggestions for Farm Buildings. Pp. 48. 127. Important Insecticides. Pp. 46. 128. Eggs and Their Uses as Food. Pp. 40. 129. Sweet Potatoes. Pp. 40. 131. Household Tests for Detection of Oleomar- garine and Renovated Butter. Pp. 10. 132. Insect Enemies of Growing Wheat. Pp. 38. 133. Experiment Station Work— XVIII. Pp. 32.- 134. Tree Planting in Rural School Grounds. Pp. 32. 1.35. Sorghimi Sirup Manufacture. Pp. 40. 136. Earth Roads. Pp. 24. 137. The Angora Goat. Pp. 48. 138. Irrigation in Field and Garden. Pp. 40. 139. Emmer: A Grain for the Semiarid Regions. Pp. 16. 140. Pineapple Growing. Pp. 48. 142. Principles of Nutrition and Nutritive Value of Food. Pp. 48. 143. Conformation of Beef and Dairy Cattle. Pp. 44. 144. Experiment Station Work— XIX. Pp. 32. 145. Carbon Bisulphid as an Insecticide. Pp. 28. 146. Insecticides and Fungicides. Pp. 16. 147. Winter Forage Crops for the South. Pp. 40. 149. Experiment Station Work— XX. Pp. 32. 150. Clearing New Land. Pp. 24. 151. Dairying in the South. Pp. 48. 152. Scabies in Cattle. Pp. 32. 153. Orchard Enemies in the Pacific Northwest. Pp. 39. 154. The Home Fruit Garden: Preparation and Care. Pp. 16. 155. How Insects Affect Health in Rural Dis- tricts. Pp. 19. 156. The Home Vineyard. Pp. 22. 157. The Propagation of Plants. Pp. 24. 158. How to Build Small Irrigation Ditches. Pp. 28. 159. Scab in Sheep. Pp. 48. 162 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Agriculture, Department of, Farmers' Bulletins— Continued. 161. 162. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 190. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 208. 209. 210. 211. 213. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 990 Practical Suggestions for Fruit Growers. Pp. 30. Experiment Station Work— XXI. Pp. 32. Rape as a Forage Crop. Pp. 16. Silkworm Culture. Pp. 32. Cheese Making on the Farm. Pp. 16. Cassava. Pp. 32. Pearl Millet. Pp. 16. Experiment Station Work— XXII. Pp.32. Principles of Horse Feeding. Pp. 44. Scale Insects and Mites on Citrus Trees. Pp. 43. Primer of Forestry. Pp. 48. Broom Corn. Pp. 30. Home Manufacture and Use of Unler- mented Grape Juice. Pp. 16. Cranberry Culture. Pp. 20. Squab Raising. Pp. 32. Insects Injurious in Cranberry Culture. Pp. 32. Horseshoeing Pp. 30. Pruning. Pp. 39. Poultry as Food. Pp. 40. Meat on the Farm: Butchering, Curing, and Keeping. Pp. 37. Marketing Live Stock. Pp. 40. Beautifying the Home Grounds. Pp. 24. Experiment Station Work— XXIII. Pp. 32. Drainage of Farm Lands. Pp. 38. Weeds used in Medicine. Pp. 45. Experiment Station Work— XXIV. Pp. 32. Barnyard Manure. Pp. 32. Experiment Station Work— XXV. Pp. 32. Alfalfa Seed. Pp. 14. Annual Flowering Plants. Pp. 48. Usefulness of the American Toad. Pp. 16. Importation of Game Birds and Eggs for Propagation. Pp. 30. Strawberries. Pp. 24. Corn Growing. Pp. 32. Turkeys. Pp. 40. Cream Separator on Western Farms. Pp. 23. Experiment Station Work— XXVI. Pp. 32. Canned Fruits, Preserves, and Jellies. Pp. 32. The Cultivation of Mushrooms. Pp. 24. Pig Management. Pp. 40. Milk Fever and Its Treatment. Pp. 16. Varieties of Fruits Recommended for Plant- ing. Pp. 48. Controlling the Boll Weevil In Cotton Seed and at Ginneries. Pp. 32. Experiment Station Work— XXVII. Pp. 32. The Use of Paris Green in Controlling the Cotton Boll Weevil. Pp. 23. Raspberries. Pp. .38. Alfalfa Growing. Pp. 40. The Control of the Boll Weevil. Pp. 32. Essential Steps in Securing an Early Crop of Cotton. Pp. 16. The School Garden. Pp. 40. Lessons from the Grain Rust Epidemic of 1904. Pp. 24. Tomatoes. Pp. 32. Fungous Diseases of the Cranberry. Pp. IG. Experiment Station Work— XXVIII. Pp. 32. 223. Miscellaneous Cotton Insects in Texas. Pp 24. 224. Canadian Field Peas. Pp. 10. 225. Experiment Station Work— XXIX. Pp. 32. 226. Relation of Coyotes to Stock Raising in the West. Pp. 24. 227. Experiment Station Work— XXX. Pp. 32. 228. Forest Planting and Farm Management. Pp. 22. 229. The Production of Good Seed Corn. Pp. 24. 231. Spraying for Cucumber and Melon Diseases. Pp. 24. 232. Okra: Its Culture and Uses. Pp. IC. 233. Experiment Station Work— XXXI. Pp. 32. 234. The Guinea Fowl. Pp. 24. 235. Preparation of Cement Concrete. Pp. 32. 236. Incubation and Incubators. Pp. 32. 237. Experiment Station Work— XXXII. Pp.32. 238. Citrus Fruit Growing in the Gulf States. Pp. 48. 239. The Corrosion of Fence Wire. Pp. 32. 240. Inoculation of Legimies. Pp. 8. 241. Butter Making on the Farm. Pp. 32. 242. An Example of Model Farming. Pp. 16. 243. Fungicides and their Use in Preventing Dis- eases of Fruits. Pp. 32. 244. Experiment Station Work— XXXIII. Pp. 32 245. Renovation of Worn-out Soils. Pp. 16. 246. Saccharine Sorghums for Forage. Pp. 37. 247. The Control of the CodUng Moth and Apple Scab. Pp. 21. 248. The Lawn. Pp. 20. 249. Cereal Breakfast Foods. Pp. 36. 250. The Prevention of M^heat Smut and Loose Smut of Oats. Pp. 16. 251. Experiment Station Work— XXXI V. Pp.32. 252. Maple Sugar and Sirup. Pp. 36. 253. The Germination of Seed Com. Pp. 16. 264. Cucumbers. Pp. 30. 255. The Home Vegetable Garden. Pp. 47. 256. Preparation of Vegetables for the Table. Pp. 48. 257. Soil Fertility. Pp. 39. 258. Texas or Tick Fever and its Prevention. Pp. 45. 259. Experiment Station Work— XXXV. Pp.32. 260. Seed of Red Clover and Its Impurities. Pp. 24. 261. The Cattle Tick. Pp. 22. 262. Experiment Station Work— XXXVI. Pp. 32. 263. Practical Information for Beginners in Irri- gation. Pp. 40. 264. The Brown-tail Moth and How to Control It. Pp. 22. 266. Management of Soils to Conserve Moisture. Pp. 30. 267. Experiment Station Work— XXXVII. Pp. 32. 268. Industrial Alcohol: Sources and Manufac- ture. Pp. 45. 269. Industrial Alcohol: Uses and Statistics. Pp. 29. 270. Modern Conveniences for the Farm Home. Pp.48. CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE 163 Agriculture, Department of, Farmers' Bulletins — Continued. 271. Forage Crop Practices in Western Oregon and Western Washington. Pp. 39. 272. A Successful Hog and Seed-Corn Farm. Pp. 16. 273. Experiment Station Work— XXXVIII. Pp. 32. 274. Flax Culture. Pp. 36. 275. The Gipsy Moth and How to Control It. Pp. 22. 270. E.^cperiment Station Work— XXXIX. Pp. 32. 277. The Use of Alcohol and Gasoline in Farm Engines. Pp. 40. 278. Leguminous Crops for Green Manuring. Pp. 27. 279. A Method of Eradicating Johnson Grass. Pp. 10. 280. A profitable Tenant Dairy Farm. Pp. 16. 281. Experiment Station Work— XL. Pp. 32. 282. Celery. Pp. 36. 283. Spraying for Apple Diseases and the Codling Moth in the Ozarks. Pp. 42. 284. Insect and Fungous Enemies of the Grape East of the Rocky Mountains. Pp. 48. 235. The Advantage of Planting Heavy Cotton Seed. Pp. 16. 286. Comparative Value of Whole Cotton Seed and Cotton-seed Meal in Fertilizing Cotton. Pp. 14. 287. Poultry Management. Pp. 48. 288. Nonsaccharine Sorghmns. Pp. 28. 289. Beans. Pp. 28. 290. The Cotton Bollworm. Pp. 32. 291. Evaporation of Apples. Pp. 38. 292. Cost of Filling Silos. Pp. 15. 393. Use of Fruit as Food. Pp. 38. 294. Farm Practice in the Columbia Basin Up- lands. Pp. 30. 295. Potatoes and Other Root Crops as Food. Pp. 45. 296. Experiment Station Work^XLI. Pp. 32. 297. Methods of Destroying Rats. Pp. 8. 228. Food Value of Corn and Com Products. Pp. 40. 299. Diversified Farming Under the Plantation System. Pp. 14. 300. Some Important Grasses and Forage Plants for the Gulf Coast Region. Pp. 15. 301. Home-gro%vn Tea. Pp. 16. 302. Sea Island Cotton: Its Culture, Improve- ment, and Diseases. Pp. 48. 303. Com Harvesting Machinery. Pp. 32. 304. Growing and Curing Hops. Pp. 39. 305. Experiment Station Work— XLII. Pp. 32. 300. Dodder in Relation to Farm Seeds. Pp. 27. 307. Roselle: Its Culture and Uses. (In press.) 308. Game Laws for 1907. Pp. 52. 309. Experiment Station Work— XLIII. Pp.32. 310. A successful Alabama Diversification Farm. Pp. 24, figs. 4. 311. Sand-clay and Burnt-clay Roads. Pp. 22, figs. 5. 312. A Successful Southern Hay Farm. Pp. 16. American Archives. Documentary History of the English Colonies in North America. FOITRTH SERIES (6 VOLUMES). From the King's message of March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence bj' the United States in 1776. Vol. 1. Mar. 4, 1774-May 2, 1775.— Proceedings, papers, and debates, relating to the American colonies, during the seventh session of the thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain — The King's message — American mutiny bill — Bills restraining trade, etc., of northern and southern colonies^" Taxation no tyranny," by Dr. Johnson — Proceedings of the Continental Congress, held in Philadelphia, 8ept. 5, 1774-Oct. 26, 1774, with memorial suspending trade with Great Britain, if certain acts are not repealed, etc. Vol. 2. Mar. 1, 1775-Aug. 1, 1775. — Proceedings, papers, and correspondence, Massa- chusetts Committee of Safety assembled at Concord Apr. 5, 1775-May 30, 1775 — Massachusetts Provincial Congress at Concord, Apr. 22, 1775-June 30, 1775 — Committees of Safety in New York, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Continental Congress, Philadelphia, May 10, 1775-Aug. 1, 1775. Vol. 3. Aug. 1, 1775-Dec. 30, 1775. — Proceedings, papers, and correspondence, Vir- ginia Convention, July 17, 1775-Aug. 26, 1775 — Provincial Congresses and Continental Congress, Sept. 5, 1775-Dec. 30, 1775. Vol.4. Sept. 12, 1775-Mar. 4, 1776. — Correspondence and miscellaneous papers, proceedings of committees and Provincial Congresses and Continental Congress, Jan. i; 1776-Feb. 29, 1776. 164 CATALOGUE LIBKAEY UNITED STATES SENATE American Archives — Continued. Vol. 5. Jan. 5, 1776-May 11, 1776.— Correspondence and miscellaneous papers, pro- ceedings of committees and provincial assemblages, Continental Congress, Mar. 1, 1776-May 11, 1776. Vol. 6. July 4, 1776-Oct. 26, 1776.— Proceedings, papers, and debates, relating to the American colonies, during the second session of the fourteenth Parliament of Great Britain; also correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and proceed- ings of Provincial Congresses and Continental Congress, May 13, 1776- July 4, 1776— New Jersey Provincial Congress on July 18, 1776, adopted and assumed the name and title of ' ' The Convention of the State of New Jersey. ' ' FIFTH SERIES (3 VOLUMES). From the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to December 31, 1776. Vol. 1. May 3, 1776-Sept. 3, 1776. — Correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and pro- ceedings of provincial conventions, committees on safety, and Continental Congress, July 5, 1776-Sept. 2, 1776. Vol. 2. July 15, 1776-Oct. 31, 1776. — Correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and proceedings of provincial conventions, committees on safety, and Conti- nental Congress, Sept. 3, 1776-Oct. 31, 1776. Vol. 3. Aug. 12, 1776-Dec. 31, 1776. — Correspondence, misi-ellaneous papers, and proceedings of provincial conventions, committees on safety, and Continen- tal Congress, Nov. 1, 1776-Dec. 31, 1776. Note. — "The original plan of this work, undertaken by the late Peter Force, of Washington, in 1830, and discontinued in 1846, was projected on the most ample scale. It was designed to cover nothing less than all the public state papers and doc- uments, with extensive publications from private papers, narratives, and journals, as well as from newspapers, bearing upon the discovery, settlement, and history of the United States from 1492 to the adoption of the Constitution in 1789. Mr. Force and his associate, Matthew St. Clair Clarke, were authorized by act of March 2, 1833, under contract with the Secretary of State, to prepare and publish a work entitled "The Documentary History of the American Revolution." Thewhole history of the American Colonies was divided in the arrangement of this work into six periods, embracing — 1. The origin of the several colonies; their charters, bills of rights, etc., and the public papers previous to and their condition in 1763. 2. From 1763 to the Congress of 1765 at New York. 3. From 1765 to the Congress of 1774 at Philadelphia. 4. From 1774 to the Declaration of Independence. 5. From 1776 to the peace of 1783. 6. From the peace to 1789, the organization of our present Federal Government The publication authorized by Congress began with the fourth period, closing with the Declaration of Independence. Six folio volumes known as the Fourth Series, and three folio volumes of the Fifth Series, extending only to December, 1776,_ were l)ublished during the years 1837 to 1844, when the work was stopped by the discon- tinuance of appropriations on the part of Congress. * * * In February, 1867, the Force Library, with all its manuscripts and printed material, was purchased for the Government by the unanimous recommendation of the Joint Committee on the Library for the sum of $100,000, and added to the Library of Congress." * * * 46th Cong., 1st sess., S. Mis. Doc. No. 34, vol. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE American Historical Association.'^ 165 Year. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903. 1904. 1905. Vol- ume. 4 5 5 4 4 17 62 74 81 83 114 115 125 126 121 122 103 104 109 110 105 107 108 Con- gress. 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 Session House or Senate document. Number. S. mis 170 S. mis 83 S. mis 173 S. mis ... 57 S. mis - - . 104 H. mis .. 91 House... 291 House... 353 House... 577 House 295 House... 733 House 548 House... 702 House... 461 House... 745 House... 429 House... 923 Part. 61,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 « This association was organized September 10, 1884. It was incorporated by act of Congress approved January 4, 1889. Five volumes of its "papers" have been issued by private publishers. The annual reports are public documents. 6 Constitutional amendment, by Ames. 166 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE American Republics, Bureau of the, annual reports.*^ Number. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Sen- ate dociunent. Num- ber. Vol- umes. First 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 52 52 53 53 54 64 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 58 59 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 Senate ex.. Senate ex.. Senate ex.. Senate ex.. Senate House Senate Senate House House House House Hovise House House House 8 84 43 70 241 319 178 51 175 181 557 306 458 145 267 406 3 Second 9 Third 1 Fourth 6 Fifth Sixth 11 58 Sftvftnth . 12 Eighth 6 Ninth 74 Tenth 75 Eleventh 90 Twelfth 89 Thirteenth 66 Fourteenth 65 Fifteenth 71 Sixteenth 89 "The Bureau of American Republics was established on the 20th of March, 1890, the International American Conference voting that " The International Union of American Republics be represented at Washington by a bureau, under the super- vision of the Secretary of State, for a period of ten years, and if found profitable to be maintained for successive periods of ten years indefinitely." CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 167 American Republics, Bureau of the, commercial directories. Country. Brazil Venezuela Colombia Peru Chile Mexico Bolivia , Equador Paraguay , Uruguay , Argentine Republic. Costa Rica Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua , Salvador Cuba and Porto Rico European colonies. . . Haiti Santo Domingo Newspapers Same, revised Reciprocity, etc Nomenclature Con- gress. Ses- sion. 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 J- 52 52 1 52 52 52 55 2 55 2 55 2 • Senate or House doc- ument. Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Num- ber. Vol- umes. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 178 178 178 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 12 13 Part. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 168 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE American Republics, Bureau of the, handbooks. Country. American Republics. Brazil Mexico Costa Rica Guatemala Colombia Venezuela American Republics. Nicaragua Santo Domingo Paraguay Bolivia Honduras Salvador Peru Uruguay Haiti Equador Argentine Republic . . Alaska Hawaii Num- ber. Con- gress. 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 55 55 Ses- sion. (a) Senate or House doc- ument. (a) S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex . S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. Docu- ment. 8 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 96 96 178 178 Vol- umes. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 12 12 Part. 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 13 13 « Not documented. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 169 American Republics, Bureau of the, tariff bulletins. Country. Mexico Brazil Cuba Porto Rico Costa Rica Santo Domingo Nicaragua Bolivia Salvador Honduras Equador Colombia Venezuela British West Indies. Spanish America. . . Guatemala United States Peru Chile Uruguay Argentine Republic Haiti United States Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1891 52 1891 52 1891 52 1891 52 1891 52 1891 52 1891 52 1891 52 1891 52 1891 52 1891 52 1881 52 1892 52 1892 52 1892 52 1894 52 1894 52 1894 52 1894 52 1894 52 1894 52 1894 52 1897 55 2 Senate or House doc- ument. Num- ber. Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8. Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 8 Senate... 178 Vol- umes. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Part. 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 3 5 4 4 4 5 3 3 4 5 5 4 5 3 4 7 170 CATALOGUE LlBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE American State Papers. ^' A selection of Important Legislative and Executive Documents of the Congress of the United States, 1789-1833. Compiled under authority of Congress by Hon. Walter Loweie, Secretary of the Senate; Hon. Mathew St. Claik Clarke, Clerk of the House. Complete in 38 volumes. Series. Subject. Vol- umes. Remarks. 1 Foreign relations 6 Executive communications to Congress and reports of committees on our relations with foreign nations. 2 Indian affairs 2 All documents accompanying Indian treaties, Indian wars, massacres, and depredations; also efforts made for their benefit in civili- zation, agriculture, and the mechanic arts. 3 Finance 5 Public debt and credit, direct and indirect tax- ation, currency, the Mint of the United States, United States and State banks, an- nual estimates, revenue collections, and table of receif^ts and expenditures. 4 Commerce and navi- 2 Imports and exports, fisheries, Light-House / gation. Establishment, improvement of rivers and harbors, roads and canals, and reports of committee containing general principles. 5 Military affairs 7 The Army, Military Academy, fortifications, ordnance, militia, and national armories. 6 Naval affairs 4 Building and maintenance of Navy, navy- yards, Naval Academy, etc. Post-Office Depart- ment. 1 Pertaining to mail and post routes. 8 Public lands 8 The whole subject of the public domain, and all claims of individuals and corporations for land. 9 Claims 1 All claims against the United States, except for land, and claims in which foreign rela- tions or finances are directly concerned. 10 Miscellaneous 2 All documents not included in the foregoing. «"The 'American State Papers' are of the highest historical value to students of American affairs. * * * Thenecessity of reprinting the early Congressional docu- ments and reports was, from time to time, urged upon Congress, but for years with- out avail. Meanwhile time and circumstances had scattered or destroyed the greater part of the early documents, which Avere originally printed for the convenience and use of a few score men. (At first there were 26 Senators and 61 Representatives.) As the numVjer of Senators and Representatives steadily increased and Congressional committees were multiplied, the demand for reports and documents of former Con- gresses exceeded the supply, and, to crown all, the burning of the Capitol, in 1814, practically destroyed the entire reserve. "The question of reprinting the early documents was fruitlessly agitated until the act of Congress, approved March 2, 1831, which was followed later by the acts of 1833 and 1858. The act of 1831 provided that documents selected from the archi\'es of Congress should be collated and printed under the supervision of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives. The results of these acts of Congress are comprised in the publications known as the 'American State Papers,' 38 folio volumes. * * * Congress had acted none too soon, for the compilers say: ' The great mass of these documents were to be found only in the archives of the two Houses. No complete set of them existed in any other place. * * * In addition to this, many exist only in the manuscript records of the two Houses.' " [Gen. A. W. Greely, U. S. A., in Am! Hist. Asso. Report for 1896.] CATALOGUE LTBRABY UNITED STATES SENATE 171 o o §2 to ^ s s Xi O ■a o a c •a ID -i' ■5 o- aj CO -a G a o ^^ i s J3 o c3 o tic k<' a 'So < ^ it Jh t-H 0) I •a I ■♦-* r3 ^ 'u £ a c a -i "2 2 <- ^ o S o o3 3 Pi pi; c u § a a ^•5 •S 3 oe o ft aj . cS si P3 O 3 OJ CO c ft L^ CO n 02 OI S3 „ ^ a CO g " "3 a si tc" B o S ft rt a cj" o c "3 a & CO 2 Si ft CO >. 03 '3 'S CO ^1 r-l "C a^ g I _a -J si m T. 2 01 IS be •-• si a £ a a 8 O ft "3- — si ^ 5 ja a ^ a '3 'u w a c M S3 Q ci r a m O ft si .- s 3 .2 H 03 1:3 P3 0) 'O ^ a o .5 ^ £ •? p, g Oi (D ■" fQ §? ^ si 03 ^ 5 1 ^ tc a: O m 5 2 03 O cS X S o fcj "-I *^ (-1 "■' a 3 o o 0) 3 03 •a a ft Is Q .3 t-, .ti 0) ^ -4_> q^ a> - . tao 3 (K o .« ft - ^ O 01 a II o § ™ - s3 •- 01 '3 J2 ■♦-* ^ i-i o 3 ft a s ^ J3 £ « 03 O g O 3 oj CO 01 3 3 O u 3 03 ki 0) s a 'S) a S ft ii oi > ^ CO 3 t ^ ft irt 2 3 c3 01 - .rt 0) 3 a> X CO W a - •g I a P^ ■?? .5^ « ^1 - ft o3 O bo _ 3 oi 01 a o ^ a a !Xi ■< 3 O o -a o 'tH a) Oh I O a o tH f^ .3 a) tH 03 IS CO 2J oo aj ft 03 O 03 ft 03 o O ft a> CO 00 00 a; ft OS 00 rH 00 U O) O Ses- sion. 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C -4^ 1 e >> O) w o o 03 O a: >> □c C o £ c S o 13 3 C 03 ,£3 c 1^ 03 "S C o x: c o bo C o 1 13 3 p. a CO a 13 o (2 O a. B 03 a a o o c c c o +2 J3 3 03 -4-a O ■^ , , r^ c '5) 1 o <; a> 0) o3 c "3 2 i- 0) 1 a en Ol o be -^ tuD 0) o s ^ a 03 03 01 f-, 3 0) a a> 'S od >j o a: > c3 ■^ K > Uf K cS O" 03 o a> £ 4^ "S ^ c3 OJ C a 03 S S H -4^ [/■ o ^ a> c CO a c c X C ^ « ~ (M OC 1 r- 1 « " tc cc o ;- C^ h * > O g &^ ^ ZJ t3 c fl- 2 o o- oe 9 t^ t^ OC *M 1 ^ pm i IT. 1- C OC a 1 4 ^ &. < H; i d ,9^ o -c 'Z t; i «2-3 c^ Cs OJ f5 2? ,c £ ^ C £ ? IN oa ( '- Sfi H 4^ 1 01 o t: ) a i o^-S c^ 1 o g 4- ! a ■ -*- ^a i "o i ^ * CJ > •g; )U8S o ■i c > c C-\TALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SEISTATE 175 American State Papers— Continued. Vol State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States, 1789- including Confidential Documents. Bost., T. B. Wait & Sons, 1. Apr. 30, 1789- Apr. 4, 1794. Speeches by and messages from President transmitting documents Vol. 2. Apr. 4, 1794-Jan. 19, 1797. Vol. 3. Jan. 19, 1797-Apr. 3, 1798. Vol. 4. Apr. 3, 1798-Oct. 21, 1803. Vol. 5. Nov. 4, 1803-Nov. 17, 1807. Vol. 6. Oct. 27, 1807-Nov. 8, 1808. Vol. 7. Xov. 8, 1808-Dec. 28, 1810. Vol. 8. Dec. 31, 1810-July 6, 1812. Vol. 9. July 6, 1812-Feb. 28, 1815. The same. The same. The same . The same The same . The same. The same The same; Treaty of Ghent, Dec. 24, 1814, pp. 435-445; President's proclamation, Feb. 18, 1815, pp. 445-446 Vol. 10. Feb. 9, 1790-Feb. 18, 1813. Confidential state papers, with portraits of Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Madison Vol. 11. Dec. 5, 1815-Feb. 28, 1818. Speeches by and messages from Presi- dent transmitting documents Vol. 12. Mar. 14, 1818-Aug. 1, 1818. The same; appendix with inaugural speech of President Adams, Mar. 4, 1797, etc Animal Industry, Bureau of. 1818, 1817. Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Year. Vol- ume. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Number. 1884 2 2 6 12 42 1 29 1 1 1 61 52 52 89 122 127 120 107 107 112 117 92 48 48 49 50 51 52 52 53 54 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 H. mis . . H. mis .. H. mis .. H. mis . . H. mis . . S. ex.... H. mis .. S. ex House . . . Senate .. House... House House... House... House . . . House... House... House... House... House... House... House... 25 1885 36 1886 156 1887 139 1888 270 1889-90 1891-92 1893-94 11 120 27 1894-95 1895-96 205 45 1895-96 : 291 1896-97 227 1897 578 1898 307 1899 745 1900 549 1901 682 1902 - 474 1903 743 1904 467 1905 941 1906 743 3605—08- -12 176 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Annals of Congress. See Congressional Record, p. 313. Appropriations and Ne^v Offices. Year. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1878. 1879. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. Con- gress. 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 Ses- sion. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 House or Senate document. 2 1 S. mis . H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H.mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis . H. mis H. mis . H. mis . S. mis -. S. mis . . S. mis . . S. mis.. S. mis.. S. mis.. Vol- ume. 4 1 7 6 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 5 2 10 1 1 6 3 1 4 1 13 4 25 2 17 1 3 4 6 7 7 8 Number. 273 61 100 44 24 27 85 58 130 84 55 168 54 36 153 43 101 310 95 192 44 20 66 34 22 47 117 58 36 64 38 394 116 212 94 246 95 227 70 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Appropriations and Ne-w Offices — Continued. 177 Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Number. 1894 53 53 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1&2 3 1 2 S. mis S. mis . . . S. doc . . . 11 6 14 277 1895 1896 150 316 1897 (none issued; see 1898) 1898 1897-98 1899 .......... S. doc . . . S. doc . - . S. doc... S. doc ... S. doc . . . S. doc . . . S. doc... S. doc . . . S. dor . . . S. doc . . . S. doc... 10 27 14 41 33 32 19 34 12 31 33 191 342 173 1900 1901 1902 453 235 449 1903 222 1904 315 1905 195 1906 535 402 Arbitrations. Subject. Alabama claims Berlin boundary Geneva Halifax fisheries Fur seal History and digest of international arbi- tration. Between carriers en- gaged in interstate commerce and their employees. The same, date of con- sideration. Memorial of the Na- tional Association for the Promotion of Arbitration. Year. 1869 1872 1872 1877 1894 1894 1896 1896 1896 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 41 1 42 3 42 3 45 2 53 2 53 2 54 1 4i 54 1 54 1 House or Senate document. Volume. Number. S. ex.... 11 11 H. ex ... 1 IP. 5 H. ex... 1 1 H. ex . . . 18 to 20 87 S. ex . . . . 7 177 H. mis .. 39 212 H. rept.. 4 1058 H. rept.. 8 1909 S. doc... 4 140 Part. Volume of series. 2 to 6 1 1 lto3 Ito 16 lto6 5 Ito 4 178 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Arbitrations — Continued . Subject. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 2 House or Senate document. Volume. 1 [ Number. Part. Volume of series. Partial list of arbitra- tion between the 1897 54 S. doc . - . 4 116 United States and other powers. Treaty with Great Britain. 1897 54 9 S. doc 3 63 Between carriers en- gaged in interstate 1898 55 9 S. rept .. 1 591 commerce and their employees. Do 1898 1900 55 56 2 1 H. rept.- S. doc - 2 10 454 159 Convention to estab- lish international court of arbitration. International Bureau of Permanent Court 1901 56 ? H. doc 81 272 of Arbitration. Report of industrial commission, arbi- 1902 57 1 H. doc 80 186 tration. Interparli amentary union for promotion 1903 58 1 H. rept.. 2 619 of international ar- bitration. Alaskan boundary 1903 58 2 S. doc . . - 15 162 1 1903 58 2 S doc 35 316 tions. Do 1903 58 2 S. doc... 36 317 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 179 Astronomical Observations. [1845-1884 not documented.] Volume. Year. 1 Volume. Year. Volume. Y^ear. Volume. Year. 1 1845 9 1862 17 1870 25 1878 2 1846 10 1863 18 1871 26 1879 3 1847 11 1864 19 1872 27 1880 4 1848 12 1865 20 1873 28 1881 5 1848-1850 13 1866 21 1874 29 1882 6 1851-1852 14 1867 - 22 1875 30 1883 7 1853-1860 15 1868 23 1876 31 1884 8 1861 16 1869 24 1877 Volume. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1, 2d series. 2, 2d series . 3, 2d series . Year. Congress. Session. 1885 51 1 1886 51 2 1887 52 1 1888 52 1 1889 52 2 1890 54 1 1891 56 1 1892 56 1 1894-1899 56 2 1894-1901 57 1 rl882-1884 11900-1901 } - 2 House doc- ument. H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H. doc H.doc Vol- ume. Number. 38 257 14 132 2 11 38 256 24 115 57 219 121 738 121 739 84 242 96 430 89 355 Size. Quarto. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 180 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE Attorneys-General, Opinions. Attorney-General. Edmund Randolph. William Bradford .. Charles Lee. ... Levi Lincoln John Breckenridge . Ctesar Rodney William Pinkney . . . Richard Rush William Wirt...... J. M. Berrien R. B.Taney B. F. Butler Felix Grundy Henry D. Gilpin John J. Crittenden.. Hugh S. Legare John Wilson John Y. Mason Nathan Clifford Isaac Toucey Reverdy Johnson . . . John J. Crittenden.. Caleb Cushing Do Do Jeremiah S. Black. . . Edwin M. Stanton . . Edward Bates Do James Speed Henry Stanbery 0. H. Browning William M. Evarts . . Ebenezer R. Hoar. . . Amos T. Akerman. . . George H. Williams. Edwards Pierrepont. Alphonzo Taft Charles Devens Do Year. Volume. From— To— 1789 1794 1794 1795 1795 1801 1801 1805 ' 1805 1808 : 1808 1811 ; 1811 1814 1814 1817 1,2 1817 1829 2 1829 1831 2 1831 1833 2,3 1833 1838 3 1838 1840 3 3 1840 1841 1841 3,4 1841 1843 4 1843 1845 4 1845 1846 4,5 1846 1848 5 1848 1849 5 1849 1850 5 1850 1853 6 1853 1854 7 1854 1856 8 1856 1857 9 1857 1860 10 1860 1861 10 1861 1863 11 1863 1864 11 1864 1866 12 1866 1868 12 1868 12 1868 1869 13 1869 1870 13 1870 1871 14 1871 1875 15 1875 1 1876 15 1876 1877 15 1877 1878 16 1877 ' 1878 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Attorneys-General, Opinions — Continued. 181 Attorney-General. Charles Devens (House mis. doc. 51st Congress, 1st session, vol. 27, no. 2.37) Wayne MacVeagh (House mis. doc. 51st Congress, 1st ses- sion, vol. 27, no. 237) Benjamin H. Brewster (House mis. doc. 51st Congress, 1st session, vol. 27, no. 237) Benjamin H. Brewster (House mis. doc. 51st Congress, 1st session, vol. 28, no. 238) Augustus H. Garland (House mis. doc. 51st Congress, 1st session, vol. 28, no. 238) Augustus H. Garland (House mis. doc. 51st Congress, 1st session, vol. 29, no. 239) W. H. H. Miller (House mis. doc. 51st Congress, 1st session, vol. 29, no. 239 ) W. H. H. Miller (House mis. doc. 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 5, no. 44) Richard Olney (House mis. doc. 53d Congress, 3d session, vol. 5, no. 44) Richard Olney (House doc. 55th Congress, 2d session, vol. 69, no. 554, parts 1,2) Judson Harmon (vol. .21, part 2, consists of matter which can be found in vol. 21, part 1, between pages 207-406).. Joseph McKenna Joseph McKenna (House doc. 56th Congress, 2d session, vol. 99, no. 512) John W. Griggs John W. Griggs, Philander C. Knox ( House doc. 57th Con- gress, 1st session, vol. 130, no. 717) Philander C. Knox ( House doc. 57th Congress, 2d session, vol. 114, no. 493 ) Philander C. Knox and William H. Moody (House doc. 59th Congress, 2d session, vol. 42, no. 23 Volume. DIGESTS OF VOLUMES 1 TO 25. 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 Year. From— To— 1879 1881 1881 1884 1885 1887 1889 1890 1893 1893 22 23 24 25 1897 1899 1904 Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 44 48 60 2 2 S. ex... H. mis.. 3 3 46 15 1884 1885 1887 1889 1890 1893 1894 1897 1899 1902 1902 1903 1905 182 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Attorneys-General, Reports.** Attorney-General. Akerman . Do... Williams . Do... Do . . . Pierrepont Taf t Devens . . . Do... Do... Do... MacVeagb Do... Brewster . Do... Garland . . Do... Do... Do... Miller Do... Do... Do... Olney Do... Harmon . . Do... Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1870 41 3 1871 42 2 1872 42 3 1873 43 1 1874 43 2 1875 44 1 1876 44 2 1877 45 2 1878 45 3 1879 46 2 1880 46 3 1881 47 1 1882 47 2 1883 48 1 1884 48 2 1885 49 1 1886 49 2 1887 50 1 1888 50 2 1889 51 1 1890 51 2 1891 52 1 1892 52 2 1893 53 2 1894 53 3 1895 54 1 1896 54 2 House or Senate document. 8 9 4 8 8 12 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 1,2 9 « The office of Attorney-General was created September 24, 1789, and his duty defined to he "to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his advice and opinion upon questions of law when required by the President of the United States, or when requested by the heads of any of the Departments, touching any matters that may concern their Departments. ' ' The Department of Justice was organized as an Executive Department June 22, 1870, the chief officer being the Attorney-General. His duties, salary, and tenure remained as fixed by law, except as modified by the act creating tlie Department. (R. S., V. 16.) & Digest of vols. 1-25, G. P. 0., 1907. H.ex... H.ex... S. ex ... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... S.ex ... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. doc... H.doc-.. Volume, i Number. 7 1 8 5 9 5 10 11 12 18 1 14 13 21 20 18 18 19 18 21 22 22 21 21 23 23 90 55 32 6 7 14 [pts. CATALOGUE LTBRABY UNITED STATES SENATE Attorneys-General, Reports — Continued. 183 Attorney-General. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. McKenna 1897 1898 55 55 2 3 H.doc... H.doc... 23 30 9 Griggs 9 Do 1899 56 1 H.doc... 36 9 Do 1900 56 2 H.doc... 47 9 Do 1901 57 1 H.doc... 37 9 Knox 1902 57 2 H.doc... 31 9 Do 1903 1904 58 58 1-2 3 H.doc... H.doc... 31 32 9 Moody 9 Do 1905 1906 59 59 1 2 H.doc... H.doc... 30 25 10 Do 10 184 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Blue Book. See Official Register, p. 317. Bureau of American Republics. See Ainerican Republics, Bureau of, p. 168. Bureau of Labor. See Labor, Bureau of, p. 287. Catalogues, documents, etc. See Documents, catalogues, etc., p. 244. Census Reports.^' Subject. Num- ber of census. Year. cr* C 8 d o House or Senate docu- ment. a o > u .Q a Remarks. 1-4 1-5 4 5 6 6 fl789 ] to [l818 (1789 \ to il830 1820 1830 1840 1840 Not documented Do Do. Do Do. Do Do. Do Do. Do. PomnPTidinm 6 1840 7 1850 Do. Mnnufiiotures 35 2 S. ex . . . 10 .... 39 .... Do. 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 .10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1850 [1790 to 1850, 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1870 1870 1870 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 Do. By De Bow. Not documented. Mfinnfrtftiirfa Do. Do. Do. 37 2 H. ex . . . 9 .... 116 .... Do. T n fl n *^t ri PM fto Do. Do. Vitnl slntistios Do. Ponulation 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 H. mis.. . H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis. . H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 24 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 64 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 Manufactures Agriculture TransDortatioii Cotton Do Taxation, etc Alaska and newspapers Fore.strv Petroleum Vital statistics Precious metals Mining laws Water DOwer Social statistics Do Wages Defective classes Miscellaneous Compendium Compendium, part 2 a Until the organization of the Department of the Interior in 1849 the Census OflBce was connected with the Department of State. Its reports are issued decennially. 6 Statistics by Adam Sey berth, jr. CATALOGUE LIBEABY UNITED STATES SENATE 185 Census Reports — Continued. Subject. 0-. ag a o o a o 1 0) 03 House or Senate docu- ment. a) a 3 C > X! a 53 . a? c p. o Q Remarks. Mineral Resources 1890 1890 1890 52 52 52 H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. 50 50 50 1 11 11 340 340 340 1 2 3 Street Railways Mississippi Valley Commerce Wealth, Debt, andTaxation— Public Debt. 1890 52 -I H. mis.. 50 2 340 4 Part 1. Wealth, Debt, and Taxation— Valuation 1890 52 ■^ H. mis.. 50 2 340 4 Part 2. and Taxation. Great Lakes Transportation 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 11 340 5 Compendium, Population 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 3 340 6 Part 1. Compendium, Miscellaneous Statistics... 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 4 340 6 Part 2. Compendium, Population 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 4 340 6 Part 3. Population and Resources of Alaska 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 9 340 7 Vital Statistics, District of Columbia and 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 340 8 Baltimore. Education 1890 1890 52 52 H. mis.. H. mis.. 50 50 8 11 340 340 9 10 TransDortation Pacific Coast Manufacturing Industries (Textiles) 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 12 340 11 Manufacturing Industries (Electric) 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 12 340 12 Vital Statistics, New York and Brooklyn. 1890 52 H. mia.. 50 18 340 13 Insurance, Fire, Marine, and Inland 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 5 340 14 Part 1. Insurance, Life 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 5 340 14 Part 2. Indians Taxed and not Taxed 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 6 340 15 Vital Statistics, Boston and Philadelphia- 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 18 340 16 Churches, Statistics of 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 7 340 17 Population of the United States 11 1890 52 H. mis. - 50 8 340 18 Part 1. Do 1890 52 H. mis. . 50 8 340 18 Part 2. Social Statistics of Cities 1890 52 H. mis. . 50 18 340 19 Agriculture by Irrigation, Statistics of... 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 10 340 20 Transportation by Land 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 11 340 21 Part 1. Transportation by Water 11 1890 52 H. mis. . 50 11 340 21 Part 2. Manufacturing Industries, Totals for 1890 52 H. mis. . 50 12 340 22 Part 1. States and Industries. Manufacturing Industries, Statistics of 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 12 340 22 Part 2. Cities. Manufacturing Industries, Selected In- 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 12 340 22 Part 3. dustries. Real Estate Mortgages 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 13 340 23 Crime, Pauperism, Benevolence, Analy- 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 14 340 24 Part 1. sis of Statistics. Crime, Pauperism, Benevolence, General 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 14 340 24 Part 2. Farms and Homes, Proprietorship and ^■*- 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 15 340 25 Indebtedness. Insane, Feeble-minded, Deaf and Dumb, 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 16 340 26 and Blind. Occupation of Population 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 17 340 27 Vital and Social Statistics, Analysis and 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 18 340 28 Part 1. Rate Tables. Vital and Social Statistics of Cities of 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 18 340 28 Part 2. 100,000 and upward. Vital and Social Statistics, Statistics of 1890 52 H .mis.. 50 18 340 28 Part 3. Deaths. Do '. 1S90 52 H. mis.. 50 18 340 28 Part 4. Statistical Atlas 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 19 340 29 Abstract 1890 53 2 H. mis.. 1 .... 185 .... 186 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Census, Bulletins of the Eleventh. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Part. Number. Part. Remarks. 1890 1 to 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 380 1 to 98 Not documented. 1890 Do. 1890 Do. 1890 Do. 1890 1890 IRQO Indians. ISQO ISQO IRQf) 1890 General Index MSS. Census, Bulletins of the Twelfth. AGRICULTURE. Title. Number. Alabama 1^5 *Alaska 82 *Arizona 68 Arkansas 153 California 164 Colorado. 177 Connecticut 104 Delaware 100 District of Columbia 85 Domestic animals in barns and in- closures , not on farms or ranges 17 Domestic animals in the United States 156 Florida 165 Georgia 181 Hawaii 169 Idaho 185 Illinois 213 Indian Territory 186 Indiana 182 Iowa 160 Kansas •- 192 Kentucky 220 Louisiana 227 Maine 139 Maryland 151 Massachusetts 125 Michigan 183 Title. Number. Mississippi 225 Missouri 224 Montana 205 Nebraska 193 Nevada 187 New Hampshire 113 New Jersey 133 New Mexico 167 New York 179 North Carolina 178 North Dakota 184 Ohio 219 Oklahoma 230 Oregon 196 Pennsylvania 207 Rhode Island 108 South Carolina 232 South Dakota 234 Tennessee 226 Texas 229 United States 237 Utah 222 Vermont 162 Virginia 223 Washington 231 West Virginia 211 Wisconsin 218 Wyoming 235 Minnesota 170 Note.— Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer available for distri- bution. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 187 Census, Bulletins of the T-welfth — Continued. GEOGRAPHY. Title. Number. Area and population, a discussion of. 149 *Area in square miles of States, Ter- ritories, and counties 57 Center of population and its median point 62 Title. Number. Territorial acquisitions, report on boundaries of 74 MANUFACTURES. Title. Number. Agricultural implements 200 Alabama 117 Alcoholic liquors 180 *Arizona 71 Arkansas 110 Beet sugar ' • 59 Bicycles and tricycles 176 Boots and shoes 221 Buttons 172 California 136 Carriages and wagons 241 Cars, steam railroad 214 Cheese, butter, and condensed milk, factory product 189 Chemicals and allied products 210 City of York (special bulletin) 1 Clay products 194 Clothing 233 *Coke 63 Collars and cuffs 188 Colorado 107 Combined textiles 204 Connecticut 109 Cotton ginning, crop of 1899 58 Cotton ginning, crop of 1900 98 Cotton ginning, crops of 1899, 1900, and 1901 206 Cotton manufactures 215 Cotton-seed products 129 Delaware 69 District of Columbia (special bulle- tin) 2 Dyeing and finishing textiles 202 Electrical apparatus and supplies . . . 245 Flax, hemp, and jute products 168 Florida 101 Flouring and grist mill products 199 Fruits and vegetables, fish and oysters, canning and preserving. . . 209 Gas 123 Title. Number. Georgia 118 Glass 228 Gloves and mittens, leather 175 Hawaii 121 *Idaho 73 Illinois 142 *Indian Territory 71 Indiana 143 Industrial combinations 122 Iowa 114 Iron and steel 246 Kansas 115 Kentucky 134 Lead, copper, and zinc, smelting and refining 124 Leather, tanned, ciirried, and fin- ished 195 Localization of industries 244 Locomotives 243 Louisiana 128 Lumber industry 203 Maine 127 Manufactured ice 174 Maryland 131 Massachusetts 158 Michigan 147 Minnesota 137 Mississippi 119 Missouri 152 ^Montana 87 Musical instruments and materials . . 238 Nebraska 132 Needles and pins 191 *Nevada 73 New Hampshire Ill New Jersey 157 *New Mexico 71 New York 159 North Carolina 130 *North Dakota 87 Note. bution. -Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer available for distri- 188 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Census, Bulletins of the Twelfth — Continued. MANUFACTURES— Continued. Title. Number. *Ohio 154 ^Oklahoma. 71 Oleomargarine 138 Oregon 105 Paper and pulp 99 Patents in relation to manufactures. 242 Pennsylvania 163 Pens and pencils 212 Power employed in manufactures . . . 247 Printing and publishing 216 ^Refining of petroleum 61 Rhode Island 93 Rice, cleaning and polishing 201 Rubber boots and shoes 171 Salt 116 Sewing machines 240 Shipbuilding 166 Silk 161 Slaughtering and meat packing 217 South Carolina 140 Title. Number. *South Dakota 87 Starch 198 Tennessee 148 Texas 146 Tin and terne plate 208 Tobacco 197 Turpentine and rosin 126 Typewriters 239 United States 150 Utah 107 Vermont 112 Virginia 144 Washington 141 Wastes and by-products, the utiliza- tion of 190 Watches and watch cases 173 West Virginia 120 Wisconsin 145 Wool manufacture 236 *Wyoming 73 POPULATION. Title. Number. Chinese and Japanese in the Western States and Territories, by counties (special bulletin) 3 Cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more in 1900 11 ^Counties and minor civil divisions: Alabama 5 Alaska 60 Arizona 6 Arkansas 7 California 10 Colorado 14 Connecticut 9 Delaware 8 District of Columbia 8 Florida 16 Georgia 19 Hawaii, islands and districts 15 Idaho 18 Illinois 21 Indian Territory, nations and reservations 56 Indiana 22 Iowa 23 Kansas 24 Title. Number. Counties and minor civil divisions — Continued. Kentucky 25 Louisiana 26 Maine 27 Maryland 28 Massachusetts 13 Michigan 29 Minnesota 30 Mississippi 31 Missouri 32 Montana 33 Nebraska 34 Nevada 35 New Hampshire 4 New Jersey 36 New Mexico 37 New York 38 North Carolina 39 North Dakota 40 Ohio 41 Oklahoma 42 Oregon 43 Pennsylvania 44 Rhode Island 45 Note.— -Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer available for distri- bution. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 189 Census, Bulletins of the Twelfth — Continued. POPULATION— Continued. Number, divisions — Title. Counties and minor civil Continued. South Carolina 46 South Dakota 47 Tennessee 48 Texas 49 Utah 50 Vermont 12 Virginia 51 Washington 52 West Virginia 53 Wisconsin 54 Wyoming 55 Incorporated places in 1900 65 Methods of estimating population. . . 135 School, militia, and voting ages: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkan- sas, California, Colorado, and Connecticut 67 *Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, and Illinois 75 *Indian Territory, Indiana, Iowa, and Kansas 77 Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mary- land, and Massachusetts 79 Michigan, Minnesota, and Missis- sippi 81 *Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ne- vada, and New Hampshire 86 New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, and North Carolina 89 North Dakota, Ohio. Oklahoma, and Oregon 91 Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and South Dakota 94 Tennessee, Texas, and Utah 97 Number, ages — Title. School, militia, and voting Continued. Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming 102 States and Territories: 1900 106 Sex, general nativity, and color: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkan- sas, California, Colorado, and Connecticut 66 Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, and Illinois 72 Indian Territory, Indiana, Iowa, and Kansas 76 *Kentucky , Louisiana, Maine, Mary- land , and Massachusetts 78 Michigan, Minnesota, and Missis- sippi 80 *Missoiu"i, Montana, Nebraska, Ne- vada, and New Hampshire 84 *New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, and North Carolina 88 North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Oregon Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and South Da- kota ^Tennessee, Texas, and Utah Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming 96 States and territories: 1900 103 States and territories, by counties. . 20 *United States, by states and terri- tories: 1900 64 *Urban population 70 90 92 95 NOTE.- bution. -Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer available for distri- 190 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Census, Subjects of the Twelfth. Vol- ume. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Subject. Population . . . do Vital Statistics do Agriculture . do Manufactures . Part. .do .do .do Abstract. Remarks. With maps, diagrams, and general tables. > Do. With analysis and ratio tables. Population and deaths, by States and Ter- ritories, at each census, 1850-1900, etc. Farms, live stock, and animal products. Crops and irrigation. United States, by industries; maps and charts. States and Territories, with tables. Special reports on selected industries, with maps, charts, and illustrations. Special reports on selected industries, con- tinued. Complete and tabulated digest of the above 10 volumes. a P o o .^ O VITAL STATISTICS. Manual of international classification of causes of death. Mortality statistics for the census year 1900 Census — Permanent Bureau. 83 REPORTS, 1900-1907. Benevolent institutions: 1904. The blind and the deaf: 1900. Central electric light and power stations: 1902. Insane and feeble-minded in hospitals and institutions: 1904. Manufactures: 1905. Part I — United States, by industries. Manufactures: 1905. Part II— By states and territories. Mines and quames: 1902. Mortality: 1900 to 1904. Mortality: 1905. Paupers in almshouses: 1904. Prisoners and juvenile delinquents in institutions. *Philippine Islands, Census of: 1903 (English and *Spanish edition): Volume I — Geography, history, and population. Volume II — Population. Volume III — Mortality, defective classes, education, families and dwellings. Volume IV — Agriculture, social and industrial statistics. Statistics of cities having a population of over 30,000: 1905. Street and electric railways: 1902. Supplementary analysis and derivative tables. Telephones and telegraphs: 1902. Wealth, debt, and taxation. Women at work. Note. — Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer available for distri- bution at Census Bureau. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 191 Census — Permanent Bureau — Continued. BULLETINS, 1900-1907. Title. Number. Age statistics: 1900, a discussion of 13 American cotton supply and its distribution for the year ending August 31, 1905. 25 Child labor in the District of Columbia 68 Child labor in the United States 69 *Central electric light and power stations: 1902 5 Commercial valuation of railway operating property in the United States: 1904 . . 21 Cotton and cotton-seed products: 1905 40 Cotton ginned in the United States, quantity of (crops of 1899 to 1902, inclusive) . 2 *Cotton ginned in the United States, quantity of (crops of 1899 to 1903, inclusive). 10 *Cotton ginned in the LTnited States, quantity of (crops of 1900 to 1904, inclusive). 19 Cotton production: 1906 76 Estimates of population: 1904, 1905, 1906 71 Estimates of population of the larger cities of the United States for 1901, 1902, and 1903 7 The executive civil service of the United States: 1904 12 Geographical distribution of population: 1880, 1890, and 1900 1 Illiteracy in the United States: 1900 26 Increase of population: 1890 to 1900, a. discussion of 4 Insular and municipal finances in Porto Rico for the fiscal year 1902-3 24 Irrigation in the United Slates: 1902 16 Manufactures, census of 1905: States and territories — Alabama 43 Arizona, Indian Territory, New Mexico, and Oklahoma 30 California, Oregon, and Washington 49 Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah 37 Connecticut 42 Delaware 31 Florida 33 Georgia 55 Illinois 52 Indiana 38 Iowa 32 Kansas 28 Kentucky and Tennessee 47 Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas 48 Maine 51 Maryland and District of Columbia 27 Massachusetts 53 Michigan « i 18 Minnesota 46 Missouri and Arkansas 35 *Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming 34 Nebraska 29 New Hampshire and Vermont 41 New Jersey t 54 New York 59 North Carolina and South Carolina r 39 a 1904. Note. — Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer available for distri- bution. 3605—08 13 192 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Census — Permanent Bureau — Continued. BULLETINS, 1900-1907— Continued. Title. Manufactures, census of 1905 — Continued. States and territories — Continued. Number. Ohio 58 Pennsylvania 60 Rhode Island 36 United States 57 Virginia and West Virginia 44 Wisconsin 56 Special industries — Agricultural implements 75 Automobiles and bicycles 66 Boots and shoes, leather and leather gloves and mittens 72 Butter, cheese, and condensed milk; flour and grist mill products; and starch 64 Canning and preserving; rice cleaning and polishing; beet sugar 61 Carriages and wagons, and the steam and street railroad car industry 84 Copper, lead, and zinc, smelting and refining 86 Coke manufacture and petroleum refining 65 Electrical machinery, apparatus and supplies 73 Glass and clay products 62 Iron and steel and tin and terne plate 78 Lumber and timber products 77 Metal working machinery 67 Musical instruments, attachments, and materials 82 Paper and wood pulp ' 80 Pens and pencils, buttons, needles, pins, and hooks and eyes, oilcloth and linoleum, and turpentine and rosin 85 Petroleum refining '- 70 Power employed in manufactures 88 Printing and publishing 79 Shipbuilding 81 Slaughtering and meat packing, manufactured ice, and salt 83 Textiles (combined textiles, cotton manufactures, hosiery and knit goods, wool manufactures, silk manufactures, flax, hemp, and jute products, and dyeing and finishing textiles) 74 Tobacco 87 Mineral industries of Porto Rico : 1902 6 Mines and quarries: 1902 9 Municipal electric fhe alarm and police patrol systems: 1902 11 Negroes in the United States: 1900 , 8 Philippine Islands, census of 1903: No. 1. Population of the Philippines Special No. 2. The climate of the Philippines Special No. 3. Volcanoes and seismic centers of the Philippine Archipelago Special Proportion of children in the United States: 1900 22 Proportion of the sexes in the United States 14 Statistics of cities having a population of less than 25,000: 1903 45 Statistics of cities having a population of over 25,000: 1902 and 1903 20 *Street and electric railways: 1902 3 *Supply and distribution of cotton for the year ending August 1, 1906 63 Teachers : 1900, census statistics of 23 Telephones and telegraphs : 1902 15 Vital statistics of the Twelfth Census: 1900, a discussion of 17 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Civil Service Commission. Reports.-' 193 Year. No. Con- gress. Ses- sion. or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 48 48 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... S. ex.... S. ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. mis H.dof... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... S. doc... 26 28 31 12 4 18 21 22 22 21 10 63 63 61 84 84 134 123 47 91 83 51 8 105 207 140 223 145 79 318 321 314 296 340 555 703 20 644 369 44 20 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 8 1890 8 1891 8 1892 8 1893 8 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 « The Civil Service Commission was organized under the provisions of an act of Congress approved January 16, 1883. 194 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Claims. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Disallowed by the Southern Claims Commission. « Do O' 1871-1874 1875-76 1877-78 1879-80 Do.f^ Do. « TTonse list of nrivate"' 1-31 1-31 1-31 42 47 52 53 1 2 3 Do.» Do. « . . •. Do. & 3 1 1 2 H. mis .. 109 53 31 213 Do. « H. mis . . H. mis . . 2 Do.*^ Do 1881-1891 1815-1849 1815-1857 1815-1855 H. mis .. 40 4 Senate list of private" Do.« Do. « 33 46 53 56 57 41 49 50 46 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 9 38,39 18 31 20 25 4 1,2 27 14 266 449 221 125 77 34 81 Do. « 1,2 Do./ S. mis S. doc... S. doc... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... S. mis 1,2,3 Do-S- 1,2 T>oh Indian depredation. . Do Do Private land 1-3 •^Not documented. b 32d to 42d Congress. c42d to 46th Congress. (^ 49th to 51st Congress. «To 47th Congress. /47th to 51st Congress. f/52d to 55th Congress. /a899-1903. CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Claims, House List of Private. 195 Vol. Part. Period covered. Congresses. Letters. Remarks. From— To— From- To— 1 1 1789 1851 1st 31st A-G 2 1789 1851 1st 31st H-0 3 1789 1851 1st 31st P-Z ^ 2 1851 1873 32d 41st A-Z 3 1871 1890 Consolidated index. Claims, Senate List of Private. Period covered. Congresses. Vol. Part. Letters. Remarks. From— To— From — To— 1 1815 1867 14th 39th A-Z 2 1 1815 1881 14th 46th A-L 2 1815 1881 14th 46th M-Z 3 1 1881 1891 47th 51st A-G 2 1881 1891 47th 51st H-0 3 1881 1891 47th 51st P-Z • 4 1 1891 1899 52d 55th A-K 4° 2 1891 1899 52d 55th L-Z 40 5 1899 1903 56th 57th A-Z 40 Claims, Public Documents relating to. Vol. Period covered. Reports. Vol. 5 6 7 8 Period covered. Reports. From— To— From— To— 1 2 3 4 • 1816 1819 1821 1822 1819 1821 1822 1825 Senate and House. Do. Do. Do. 1824 1825 1828 1830 1825 1827 1829 1832 Senate and House. Do. Do. Do. 196 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Claims, Report of the Commissioners upon, Disallo'wed, Submit- ted to Congress. Vol. Period covered. Remarks. From— To— 1 2 3 4 1871 1875 1877 1879 1874 1876 1878 1880 Submitted to Congress, as .per act 43d Congress, 2d session, approved Mar. 3, 1875. Printed and bound for use of U. S. Senate, 25 copies. Claims, Reports on Miscellaneous. Vol. Period covered. Subjects. From— To— 1 History of the national and private "Alabama claims" and their final and amicable settlement, by Charles C. Beaman, jr. 1 Claims against Mexico, messages, correspondence, documents, and reports — Weil and La Abra awards. 1-3 1827 1876 Reports on private land claims. 1 1858 Houmas land claim — Missouri act, 1858 — History and exposi- tion, 1859. 1 1867 1888 List of Indian depredation claims. Coast and G-eodetic Survey Reports. Year. Congress. Session. 23 2 23 2 24 1 24 1 24 2 25 2 25 2 25 3 House or Senate document. Senate.. 1834 1834 23 2 H.ex. 1835 24 1 Senate. 1835 24 1 H.ex. 1836 24 2 H.ex.. 1837 25 2 Senate. 1837 25 2 H.ex.. 1838 25 3 Senate... « "The Coast Survey was established by an act of Congress approved February 10, 1807, and reorganized under the provisions of an act approved July 10, 1832. Reports of progress were made in 1816 and 1818, when the work of the survey was suspended until 1832, since which date an annual report has been issued. "Provision was made in act of March 3, 1871, for extending the triangulation of the coast survey, so as to form a geodetic connection between the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of the United States. Beginning with that of 1878, its reports have been entitled Report of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey." Volume. Number. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 13 1 79 2 14 1 4 Part. CATAX,OGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Coast and G-eodetic Survey Reports — Continued. 197 Year. 1839. 1839. 1840. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1844. 1845. 1845. i846. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1848. 1849. 1849. 1850. 1850. 1851. 1851. 1852. 1852. 1853. 1853. 1854. 1854. 1855. 1855. 1856., 1856.. 1857.. 1857.. 1858.. 1858.. 1859., I860.. 1861.. 1862.. Congress Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 26 1 Senate... 2 15 26 1 H.ex.... 2 20 26 2 Senate. . . 2 20 26 2 H.ex.... 1 14 27 2 H.ex.... 2 28 27 3 Senate... 2 11 27 3 H.ex.... 2 23 28 1 H.ex.... 4 97 28 2 Senate... 2 16 28 2 H.ex.... 2 25 29 1 Senate... 3 13 29 1 H.ex.... 3 38 29 2 Senate . . . 2 6 29 2 H.ex.... 2 6 30 1 S. ex . . . . 3 6 30 2 S. ex 1 1 30 2 H.ex.... 4 13 31 1 S. ex.... 5 5 - - * . a • 31 1 H.ex.... 4 14 31 2 S. ex . . . . 2 7 31 2 H.ex.... 4 12 32 1 S. ex 5 3 32 1 H. ex . . . 4 26 32 2 S. ex . . . . 11 58 32 2 H. ex ... 8 64 33 1 S. ex 13 14 33 1 H. ex . . . 4 12 33 2 S. ex . . . . 12 10 33 2 H. ex . . . 6 20 34 1 S. ex.... 17 22 34 1 H.ex... 3 6 34 3 S. ex.... 15 12 34 3 H. ex... 4 18 35 1 S. ex.... 15 33 35 1 H. ex . . . 6 21 35 2 S. ex.... 16 14 35 2 H. ex ... 6 33 36 1 H. ex ... 7 41 36 2 H. ex . . . 7 14 37 2 H. ex... 6 70 37 3 H. ex... 9 22 198 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE Coast and Geodetic Survey Reports — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1863 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex . . _ H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex ... S. ex S. ex.... S. ex.... S. ex.... S. ex . . . . S. ex S. ex . . . . S. ex . . . . H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... S. ex.... S. ex S. ex.... S. ex.... S. ex.... S. doc... S. doc... S. doc . . . S. doc . . . S. doc . . . S. doc... 8 9 13 14 18 ll' 8 11 11 12 11 14 11 4 4 2 2 2 3 4 3 22 23 22 24 22 27 30 31 32 3 4 2 3 4 2 2 29 5 43 6 11 15 75 87 275 71 206 112 121 240 133 100 81 37 12 13 17 12 49 77 29 43 18 40 17 22 85 80 43 43 37 37 19 8 8 25 35 345 48 454 68 1864 . 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1880 1882 1884 1885 1886 1888 1890 1891 1 1891 2 1892 1 1892 2 1893 1894 1 2 1895 1,2 1896 1897 1899 1900 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Coast and Geodetic Survey Reports — Continued. 199 Year. 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Congress. Session. 57 1 57 2 58 1,2 58 3 59 1 59 2 House or Senate document. S. doc . S. doc . S. doc . H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. Volume. Number. 6 50 20 223 23 200 46 17 39 17 35 17 Part. Commerce and finance, annual summary of. Number. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Document. Num- ber. Vol- ume. 1 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892- 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 46 46 46 47 47 48 ■ 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House ex. House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . 3 51 84 133 72 32 26 199 249 167 13 46 53 255 97 15 100 158 259 162 411 475 145 376 578 405 619 783 1 2 22 3 28 4 22 5 19 6 18 7 8 25 9 25 10 28 11 26 12 24 13 25 14 33 15 32 16 28 17 29 18 51 19 49 20 53 21 69 22 89 23 . . . . . 92 24 65 25 91 26 88 27 88 28 95 29 101 200 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Commerce and finance, monthly summary of. Num- ber. Year. Month. 1 1895 2 1895 3 1895 4 1895 5 1895 6 1895 7 1896 8 1896 9 1896 10 1896 11 1896 12 1896 1 1896 2 1896 3 1896 4 1896 5 1896 6 1896 7 1897 8 1897 9 1897 10 1897 11 1897 12 1897 1 1897 2 1897 3 1897 4 1897 5 1897 6 1897 7 1898 8 1898 9 1898 10 1898 11 1898 12 1898 1 1898 2 1898 3 1898 4 1898 July August September. October November. December. January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. . December. . January February. . . March April May June July August September. October November.. December. . January Februaiy. . . March April May June July August September. October Con- gress. Ses- sion. 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 1 54 2 54 2 54 2 54 2 54 2 54 2 54 2 54 2 54 2 54 2 54 2 54 2 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 1 55 2 55 2 55 2 55 2 "Not documented. Document. (a) (a) (a) (a) House . House. House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House - House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . Num- ber. (a) (a) (a) (a) 91 210 295 343 374 398 422 426 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 573 573 573 573 Vol- vune. 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 84 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 76 76 76 76 Part. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-1, 2 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 201 Commerce and finance, monthly summary of — Continued. Num- ber. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 Year. 1898 1898 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 Month. 6 1 1901 1902 1902 1902 November. December. January . . . Februaiy . . March April May June July August — September October. . . November. December. Januaiy. . . February.. March April May June July August — September October... November. December. January. . . February . . March April May June July August Septembea- October... November. December. January . . . February . . March Con- gress. 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 Ses- sion. Document. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House. House . House . House . House. House . House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House . House. House. House. House. House . House . House . House . Num- ber. 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Vol- ume. 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 47 Part. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 202 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE Commerce and finance, monthly summary of^Continued. Num- ber. 10 11 .12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Year. 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 Month. April May ..... June July August September. October ... November. December. January February . . . March April May June July August September. October November.. December. . January February... March April May June July August September. . October November.. December.. January February . . . March April May June July Con- gress. 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 Ses- sion. 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Document. House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . , House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . House . . Num- ber. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Vol- ume. Part. 48 48 48 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 44 35 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 203 Commerce and finance, monthly summary of— Continued. Num- ber. 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 Year. 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1906 Month.. 8 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 August September. . October. November.. . December. . . January February March April May June July August September.. October November... December. . . January February March April May June July« August « September o. October a November a. December o. Con- Ses- gress. sion. 59 59 59 59 59 Document. 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . Num- ber. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Vol- ume. 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 Part. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 o Not documented. . 204 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Commerce and finance, monthly summary of — Continued. MONOGRAPHS. Immigration into the United States, 1820-1903. [June, 1903.] British Steamship Contracts. [July, 1903.] Steamer Lines Plying between Ports of United States and Foreign Ports. [August, 1903.] British and Foreign Trade and Industry. [October, 1903.] Modern Tariff Systems. [March, 1904.] Statistical Abstract of the World. [April, 1904.] Trade of the United States with Canada. [June, 1904.] Imports and Exports and Receipts and Expenditures of the United States to 1904. [August, 1904.] Reciprocity Treaties and Agreements of the United States since 1850. [August, 1904.] Great Canals of the World. [January, 1905.] Commercial Cuba in 1905. [May, 1905.] World's Production and Consumption of Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa. [July, 1905.] Commerce (Internal) Reports. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1876 44 2 H. ex... 13 46 2 1877 « 1878 « """■"""* 1879 1880 45 46 3 H. ex . . . H. ex ... 15 16 32 7 3 2 1881« 1882 (see Treasury doc. no. 336). « 1883« 1884 48 48 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . 20 20 17 20 7 7 7 6 2 1885 3 1886 2 1887 2 1888« 1889 H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . 23 24 28 27 25 26 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 1890 : 2 1891 9 1892 2 1893 2 1894 9 « None issued. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 205 Commerce (Foreign) and Navigation of the United States. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1825 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate. -- H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate. . . H. ex . . . Senate . . . H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex ... Senate . . . H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate . . . H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate H. ex ... S. ex Senate... H. ex ... Senate.... H. ex ... Senate . . . Senate... H. ex ... Senate... Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... S. ex 3 9 3 6 5 6 2 4 2 2 2 4 5 2 4 5 4 5 5 6 3 4 5 10 5 8 7 5 5 5 4 8 5 7 4 3 3 2 2 2 76 148 72 120 174 253 86 137 95 49 76 140 230 109 289 355 149 187 375 258 225 188 446 372 306 577 251 238 122 356 247 220 289 125 154 4 13 7 11 5 1825 1826 '. 1826 1827 1827 1828 1828 1829 1829 • 1830 1880 1831 1832 1833 1833 1834 1834 : 1835 1835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1842 1842 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 206 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Commerce (Foreign) and Navigation of the United States — Con. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1848 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2. 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 H.ex.... S. ex.... H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... H.ex S. ex H.ex.... S. ex.... H.ex.... S. ex . . . . H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S. ex . . . . H.ex.... S. ex.... H.ex.... S. ex.... H.ex.... S. ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 5 5 8 16 14 11 12 19 5 14 16 16 13 13 14 14 15 » 13 12 15 8 11 12 13 17 15 17 17 22 16 15 10 9 11 14 17 13 13 21 42 3 1849 1850 « 1851 « 1851 « 1852 a 1853 « 2 1853 « 1854 a 1854 « 1855 a 1855 a 1856 « 1856 a 1857 « 1857 « 1858 « 1858a 1859a 1859a 1860 a 1860 « 1861« 1862 a 1863 a 1864a 1865 a 1866 a 1867a 1868a 1869a 1870 96 108 242 183 171 124 46 90 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1 1877 a Not numbered. CATALOGUE LTBR.-VEY UNITED STATES SENATE 207 Commerce (Foreign) and Navigation of the United States — Con. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1878 45 46 46 47 ■ 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2* 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1,2 3 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 15 16 16 17 18 17 19 24 16 20 21 22 23 27 27 25 26 30,31 27,28 32, 33 35 41,42 52,53 42,43 36, 37 36,37 38,39 33 28 32 7 7 7 7 7 7 19 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 - .. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1 '^ 1900 1 ^ 1901 1 2 1902 1 2 1903 1 ■' 1904 1,2 1905 1906 Commercial Directory of Latin America. See Americau Republics. 3605—08 14 208 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Commercial Relations. Reports.'* Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1855 :... 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 } - } - } -' 49 50 51 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 .2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 S. ex . . . . H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex ... S. ex . . . . H. ex... H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex ... 19 10 14 7 16 5 17 8 2 9 4 12 10 11 10 13 14 14 6 8 18 10 13 16 15 12 22 18 25-26 30 29-30 34 26-27 31 44 107 47 35 60 58 17 37 85 4 6 45 63^ 41 60 56 81 160 87 18 93 220 160 143 157 166 45 102 108 90 98 176 253 171 402 437 1-4 1855 1-4 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 : 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867...-. 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 -. 1879 1,2 1880 1881 1882 1883 1,2 1884 1885 1885-86 1,2 1886-87 1887-88 « This report is prepared under the supervision of the ance with the provisions of a resolution of the House of 14, 1853, and of an act of Congress approved August 18, Secretary of State, in accord- Representatives of December 1856. CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UiSTITED STATES SENATE Commercial Relations. Reports — Continued. 209 Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. 1888 1 } ^^ } 52 52 1 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 land 2 3 1 2 H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 1889 1889 1890 1891 1893 1894 1895 (2 vols) 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Volume. Number. 29 70 37 204 34 257 28 83 55-56 186 64-65 323 66,67 483 76,77 266 96,97 481 90,91 380 92,93 320 81,82 305 103, 104 722 120 481 116 940 77 354 Part. 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1 1 1 Commissioners, Reports of. See under headinos of the bureaus, respectiv^ely. Comptroller of Currency. Reports.'^' Year. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. Congress. Se.ssion. 39 1 39 2 40 2 40 3 41 2 41 3 42 2 42. 3 43 1 43 2 44 1 44 2 House or Senate document. H. ex . . - H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex ... ex .1. ex ... ex ... ex ... H. H. H. H. Volume. Number. 6 4 5 3 6 4 6 4 4 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 6 3 9 3 7 3 7 3 Part. «The office of the Comptroller of the Currency was organized under the provisions of acts of Congress approved February 25, 1863, and June 3, 1864. 210 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Comptroller of Currency. Reports — Continued. Year. 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895, 1896, 1897. 1898, 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. Congress. 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 •58 59 59 Session. 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 and 2 3 1 2 House or Senate document. H. ex . H. ex . H. ex . H. ex.. H. ex . H. ex.. H. ex . . H. ex . . H. ex .. H. ex.. H. ex .. H. ex .. H. ex .. H. ex . . H. ex .. H. ex .. H. ex .. H. ex . . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . Volume. Number. 12 3 13 3 14 3 14 3 15 3 16 3 15 3 17 3 19 3 14 3 17 3 18 3 20 3 20 3 24,25 3 24,25 3 23 3 22,23 3 26,27 10 24,25 10 28,29 10 31,32 10 37, 38 10 48,49 10 38, 39 10 32, 33 10 32,33 10 33, 34, 35 10 31 11 26 11 Part. 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2,3 1 1 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congress, Acts Changing the Time of Meeting/' 211 statutes. Date of act. Sept. 29, 1789 Mar. 2, 1791 May 5,1792 May 30, 1794 May 3, 1797 July 1, 1797 May 13, 1800 Mar. 3, 1803 :Mar. 26, 1804 Apr. 27, 1808 Jan. 30, 1809 June 24, 1809 July 6,1812 Feb. 27, 1813 July 27, 1813 Apr. 18, 1814 Apr. 18, 1818 May 20, 1820 First Monday in January, 1790 Fourth Monday in October, 1791 .. First Monday in November, 1792. . First Monday in November, 1794.. First Monday in November, 1797.. Second Monday in November, 1797 Third Monday in November, 1800. First Monday in November, 1803. . First Monday in November, 1804.. First Monday in November, 1808.. Fourth Monday in May, 1809 Fourth Monday in November, 1809 First Monday in November, 1812.. Fourth Monday in May, 1813 First Monday in December, 1813.. Last Monday in October, 1814 Third Monday in November, 1818. Second Monday in November, 1820 96 198 267 370 507 525 85 242 283 490 514 549 781 804 48 128 433 581 ""The Congress shall assemble in every year on the first — Const. , Monday in December, unless they shall l)y law appoint a different day." Art. I, sec. 4. Congress, abridgment of the debates in. See p. 213. Congress of the Colonies, journals of. See p. 274. Congress of the Confederation, secret journals of. See p. 274. Congress of the Confederate States, journals of, List, p. 275. Congress, Debates in. See "Congressional Record," p. 217. 212 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Directory.'* be a 8 d o 1 6 d o OQ CO 0) 03 d o bo C o o o OS Q d o IK CO bo a o o S d o 1 11 1 1809 31 2 1850-1 43 1 1874 2 51 1 1890 2 14 2 1816 32 1 1852 43 1 1874 3 51 1 1890 3 16 1 1819 32 2 1853 43 1 1874 4 51 2 1890 1 16 2 1820 33 1 1854 43 2 1874 1 51 2 1891 2 17 1 1821 33 2 1855 43 2 1875 2 52 1 1892 1 17 2 1822 34 1 1.S56 1 44 1 1875 1 52 1 1892 2 18 1 1823 34 1 1856 2 44 1 1876 2 62 1 1892 3 18 2 1824 34 2 1857 44 1 1876 3 52 2 1893 1 19 1 1825 34 3 1857 44 2 1876 1 52 2 1893 2 19 2 1826 35 1 1858 1 44 2 1877 2 53 (0 1893 (b) 20 1 1827 35 1 1858 2 45 1 1877 1 53 1 1893 1 20 2 1828 35 1 1858 3 45 1 1877 2 53 1 1893 2 21 1 1829 1 35 2 1859 45 2 1877 1 53 2 1893 1 21 1 1829 2 36 1 1860 1 45 2 1877 2 53 2 1894 2 21 2 1830 1 36 1 1860 2 45 2 1877 3 53 2 1894 3 21 2 1830 2 36 2 1861 45 3 1878 1 53 3 1895 1 22 2 1832 1 37 1 1861 45 3 1879 2 53 3 1895 2 22 2 1832 37 2 1861 1 46 1 1879 1 54 1 1895 1 22 2 1832 37 2 1862 2 46 2 1879 1 54 1 1896 2 23 1 1833 1 38 1 1864 1 46 2 1880 2 54 1 1896 3 23 1 1833 2 38 2 1865 1 46 2 1880 3 54 2 1896 1 23 1 1833 39 1 1865 1 46 3 1880 1 54 2 1897 2 24 1 1836 1 39 1 1865 2 46 3 1881 2 55 m 1897 1 24 1 1836 2 39 2 1866 1 47 1 1881 m 55 ('') 1897 2 24 1 1836 39 2 1867 2 47 1 1881 1 55 2 1897 1 25 1 1837 40 1 1867 1 47 1 1882 3 55 2 1898 2 25 2 1837 40 2 1867 2 47 2 1882 1 55 3 1898 1 25 2 1837 40 2 1868 2 47 2 1883 2 55 3 1899 2 25 3 1839 40 3 1869 1 48 1 1883 1 56 1 1899 1 26 1 1840 40 3 1869 2 48 1 1883 2 56 1 1900 2 26 1 1840 2 41 1 1869 1 48 1 1883 3 56 1 1900 3 26 2 1840-1 1 41 1 1869 2 48 2 1884 1 56 2 1900 1 27 1 1841 41 1 1869 3 48 2 1885 2 56 2 1901 2 27 2 1841 41 2 1869 1 49 1 1886 1 57 1 1902 3 27 3 1842 1 41 2 1870 2 49 1 1886 2 57 2 1903 2 27 3 1843 2 41 2 1870 3 49 1 1886 3 58 (6) 1903 3 28 1 1843^ 1 41 3 1870 1 49 2 1886 1 58 1 1904 1 28 2 1845 41 3 1871 2 49 2 1887 2 58 2 1904 3 29 1 1846 1 42 1 1871 1 50 1 1887 1 59 1 1905 1 29 1 1846 2 42 2 1872 1 50 1 1888 2 59 1 1905 2 29 2 1846 42 2 1872 2 50 1 1888 3 59 1 1905 3 30 1 1848 42 3 1872 1 50 2 1888 1 59 2 1906 1 30 2 1849 42 3 1873 2 50 2 1889 2 59 2 1907 2 31 1 1850 43 1 1873 1 51 1 1889 1 f" Prior to the Thirty-ninth Congress (1865) the Congressional Directory was printed by contract with private individuals; since that date at the Government Printing Office. It was first published as a serial-numbered document in the Forty-seventh Congress. ''Special. "Extraordinary. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 213 Congressional Grlobe. See Congressional Record, page 218. Congressional Record. Abridgment of the Debates of Coiigress, 1789 1856. « By Benton. (From Gales & Seaton's Annals of Congress, from their Register of Debates, and from the Official Reported Debates by John Rives. ) Volume. Period covered. Volume. Period covered. Volume. Period covered. 1 1789-1796 1796-1803 1803-1808 1808-1813 1813-1817 1817-1821 1 7 8 1820-1824 1824-1826 1826-1828 1828-1830 1830-1832 1832-1836 13 1835-1839 2 14 1839-1843 3 9 10 11 12 15 1843-1846 4 16 1846-1850 5 6 « Concluded with the sixteenth volume; the publishers proposed at some future time to continue the work and bring it down to the latest period, but failed to do so. Annals of the Congress of the XJ. S. 1789-1824. (By Gales & Seaton, Washington. 8°.)^^ %^ bo a o o 1 w CO 6 a 3 O > Part. Pages. Period. Remarks. 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Spl. X 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Senate House Senate House Hoase — Senate — House Appendix Senate 15-94 95-928 931-1136 1039-1170 1171-1724 1727-1782 1787-1980 1983-2354 1782-1786 Mar. 4 to Sept. 29, 1789 Indexes, rear. do Jan. 4 to Aug. 12, 1790 Jan. 4 to Feb. 10, 1790 . Feb. 10 to Aug. 12, 1790 Dec. 6, 1790, to Mar. 3, 1791 do Do. 1789-1791 Ratification of the twelve 2 Mar. 4,1791 amendments to the Consti- tution of the United States, pp. 1983-1990; reports, acts, etc. Senate, special session. i> Annals of the Congress of the United States, for the First Congress, state briefly the means devised of "forming a union which should possess the requisite aathority and become the foundation of cer- tain and durable pirosperity." The same volume contains also an outline of the proceedings which resulted in the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, the letter of George Washington, the President of the Constitutional Convention, transmitting to Congress the Constitution, together with the resolutions of the Convention, and the text of the Constitution of the United States, as originally adopted. " The preparatory measures having been taken for bringing the Constitution into operation and the necessary elections of Representatives, Senators, President, and Vice-President having been held, nothing remained to start it into life but the assembly and organization of the two Houses of Congress." On the first page of the first volume of Annals is the following statement by the editor: " [This seems to be a proper place to note a fact which is neces.sary to account for the meagerness of the report of the Senate proceedings in the earlier days of the Government, viz, that the legisla- tive as well as e.xecutive sittings of the Senate were held icith closed doors until the second session of trie Third ("ongrcss, with the single exception of the discussion of the contested election of A.Gallatin as Senator from Pennsylvania, during which discussion the galleries were opened by a special order of the Senate. On the 20th February. 1794, the Senate came to a resolution that, after the end of that session of Congress, the galleries of "the Senate should be permitted to be opened whilst the Senate should be engaged in its legislative capacity, unless specially ordered otherwise. This, it will be perceived, was an important change in the constitution of the Senate.] " 214 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record. Annals of the Congress of the United States — Continued. GO a o o d o CO 0) a o > Part. Pages. Period. Remarks. 2 1 «1 Senate — 9-140 Oct. 24, 1791, to May 8, 1792 .... 2 2 2 House — Senate 141-602 605-6G8 do Indexes, rear. 2 Nov. 5, 1792, to Mar. 3, 1793 2 609-966 . do ? 2 Appendix Senate 969-1456 1791-1793 Documents, etc., and acts. 3 Spl. 1 666-668 Mar. 4, 1793 Senate, special session. Gallatin, contested election of. 3 &1 Senate 9-132 Dec. 2, 1793, to June 9, 1794 .... 3 1 House 133-784 do Indexes, rear. 3 2 Senate 785-854 Nov. 3, 1794, to Mar. 3, 1795. . . S 2 ? House Appendix 869-1284 1285-1534 . . .do 3 1793-1795 Docs., etc., and acts. 4 Spl. Senate 853-868 June 8 to June 26, 1795 Senate, special session. 4 1 Senate 9-120 Dec. 7, 1795, to June 1, 1796.. . Indexes, rear. 4 1 2 House Senate 125-1516 1517-1580 do 4 Dec. 5, 1796, to Mar. 3, 1797 ... Do. 4 2 2 2 ? House Appendix Senate 1589-2368 2369-2966 do 4 1795-1797 Docs , etc., and acts. 5 Rpl. 2 1580-1586 Mar. 4, 1797 Senate, special session. 5 1 Senate 9-46 May 15 to July 10, 1797 Proclamation, Mar. 25, 1797. 5 ] 2 House Senate 49-466 469-619 5 Nov. 13, 1797, to July 16, 1798 . Indexes, rear. 5 2 House 625-1216 Nov. 13, 1797, to Mar. 5, 1798.. 5 Spl. Senate 620-624 July 17 to July 19, 1798 Senate, special session. 5 2 2 House 1217-2186 Mar. 5 to July 16, 1798 5 3 2 Senate 2189-2244 Dec. 3, 1798, to Mar. 2(sic), 1799. Indexes, rear. 5 3 2 Appendix 2245-2416 Dec. 17, 1798, to Jan. 14, 1799.. Impeachment of Senator Wm. Blount. 5 3 3 House 2417-3056 Dec. 3, 1798, to Mar. 3, 1799 . . . Indexes, rear. ."> 3 3 Appendix 3057-3970 1797-1799 Docs., etc., and acts. 6 1 Senate 9-184 Dee. 2, 1799, to May 14, 1800 . . 6 1 2 House Senate 185-720 721-762 do Indexes, rear. 6 Nov. 17, 1800, to Mar. 3, 1801 .. fi 2 Senate 767-780 do Senate, secret session, on trea- ties. fi 2 1-2 House Appendix 781-1082 1085-1578 do 6 Dec. 5, 1799, to Mar. 3, 1801 .. . Docs., etc., and acts. 7 Spl. Senate 762-766 Mar. 4 to 5, 1801 Senate, special session. 7 1 Senate 9-306 Dec. 7, 1801, to May 3, 1802 . . . Morris, supplemental speech, pp. 1297-1300. 7 1 1 House Appendix 309-1296 1301-1380 do Indexes rear 7 Dec, 1801, to May, 1802 Acts of 6th Congress, 1st sess. 7 2 2 Senate 9-270 Dec. 6, 1802, to Mar. 3, 1803 . . . 7 2 2 2 2 House Appendix 273-700 701-1612 do Indexes, rear. 7 1801-1803 Docs., etc., and acts of 7th, 2d. 8 1 1 Senate 9-307 0(!t. 17, 1803, to Mar. 27, 1804. . Executive Journal, extracts from, pp. 307-315. Trial of 8 1 1 1 1 House Appendix 369-1244 1246-1318 do Judge Pickering, pp. 316-368. Indexes, rear. 8 do Acts, 8th Cong., 1st sess. a Note [m brackets], inserted with title, relative to meagerness of the report of Senate proceedings in earlier days of the Government, etc., pp. 1.5-16. b Notes to the reader, pp. 9-10. CATALOGUE LTBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE 215 Congressional Record. Annals of tlie Congress of the United States — Continued. i a o d o 00 e a o > 8 2 2 8 2 2 8 2 2 8 2 2 2 9 1 1 9 1 1 9 1 1 9 2 1 9 2 1 9 2 1 10 1 1 10 1 1 10 1 1 10 1 2 10 1 2 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 11 11 Spl. ■ • 1 3 1 11 1 1 11 2 1 11 2 1 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 12 1 1 12 1 1 12 1 1 12 1 2 12 1 2 12 1 2 12 1 2 12 2 3 12 2 3 12 2 3 12 2 3 12 2 3 Part. Senate Senate House Appendix Senate Senate House Appendix Senate House Appendix Senate Senate House House Appendix Senate House Appendix Senate Senate... House . . . Senate... House . . . House . . . Appendix Senate . Senate. House . House . Appendix Senate... House . . . Senate... House . . . House . . . Senate Appendix Senate Senate Senate ! House Appendix 1145-1296 9-108 109-684 685-1298 9-382 385-778 781-1440 1441-2284 2284-2876 9-462 469-1576 1601-1794 462^66 9-50 53^70 473-680 681-1280 1281-2054 2057-2590 9-370 369-380 381-1114 1117-1148 1149-1358 9-322 329-1184 322-326 1185-1586 1587-1694 1693-1712 1713-2364 9-121 121-124 124-134 137-1170 1173-1364 Period. Nov. 5, 1804, do to Mar. 3,1805... do 1803-1805 Mar. 4 1805 Dec. 2, 1805, do to Apr. 21, 1806 .. 1805-1806 Dee. 1, 1806, do to Mar. 3, 1807... 1805-1807 Oct. 26, 1807 1807 to Apr 25, 1808.. Oct. 26, 1807 do to Apr 25, 1808. . 1807-1808 Nov. 7, 1808, to Mar. do 3,1809.... 1808-1809 Mar. 4-7, 1809 May 22, 1809 do to June 28, 1809.. Remarks. Nov. 27,1809, to May 1,1810.. Nov. 27,1809, to Jan. 23, 1810. Jan. 23, ISIO, to May 1, 1810 . . 1809-1810 Dec 3, 1810, to Mar. 3, 1811 . . . Jan.-Mar. 1811 Dec. 3, 1810, to Mar. 3, 1811. . . Jan.-Mar., 1811 1810-1811 Nov. 4, 1811, to July 6, 1812. . . Nov. 4,1811, to Mar. 9,1812... June 20, 1812. to July 3, 1812. . Mar. 9, 1812, to July 6, 1812 . . . Apr. 1 to July 3,1812 Jan. 29,1812. 1811-1812 Nov. 2, 1812, to Mar. 3, 1813. Mar. 4,1813 Dec. 10,1812, to Feb. 18,1813.. Nov. 2, 1812, to Mar. 3, 1813. . . . 1812-1813 Trial of Judge Chase. Indexes, rear. Documents, etc., and acts. Jefferson's Inaugural Speech. Indexes, rear. Secret Journal of, Dec, 1805, to Mar., 1806, pp. 1116- 1144. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Acts. Trial of Aaron Burr. Indexes, rear. Do. Docs., etc., and acts. Supplemental speeches, pp. 1577-1594. Supplemental Secret Journal, 1591-1600. Docs., etc., and acts. Senate, special session. Indexes, rear. Do. Do. Docs., etc., and acts. Senate secret sessions. Indexes, rear. House secret sessions. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Senate executive proceedings. Indexes, rear. Secret proceedings, embargo bill, etc. Speech of Mr. Giles, 50,000 vol- unteers. Documents, etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Madison's speech, 2d inau- gural. Confidential proceedings. East Florida. Docs., etc., and acts. 216 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record. Annals of the Congress of the United States — Continued. a o o o ■| 03 a; a O > Part. Pages. Period. Remarks. 13 1 1 Senate 9-83 May 24, 1813, to Aug. 2, 1813. . . Indexes, rear. 13 1 1 Senate 83-102 May 31, 1813, to Aug. 2, 1813. . . Senate executive proceedings. 13 1 1 Senate Appendix 2061-2858 1813-1814 Docs., etc., and acts. 13 3 3 Senate 9-300 Sept. 19, 1814, to Mar. 3, 1815 . . Session called by proclama- tion. 13 3 3 3 3 House House 301-1274 1275-1280 do Do. 13 Feb. 23 to Mar. 2, 1815 House secret proceedings. 13 3 3 A ppen - dix.6 1281-1968 1814-1815 Docs., etc., and acts. 14 1 1 Senate 9-372 Dec. 4, 1815, to Apr. 30, 1816. . . . Indexes, rear. 14 1 1 1 1 House Appendix 373-1466 1469-1920 do 14 1815-1816 Docs., etc., and acts. 14 2 2 Senate 9-218 Dec. 2, 1816, to Mar. 3, 1817 Indexes, rear. 14 2 2 Spl, 2 2 2 House Appendix Senate 229-1070 1073-1348 218-226 do 14 1816-1817 Docs., etc., and ac'ts. 15 Mar. 4 to Mar. 6, 1817 Senate special session. 15 1 1 Senate 9-394 Dec. 1, 1817, to Apr. 20, 1818. . . . Index, rear. 15 1 1 House 397-1312 Dec. 1, 1817, to Mar. 12, 1818. . . . 15 1 2 House 1313-1782 Mar. 12, 1818, to Apr. 20, 1818. . . Do. 15 1 2 2 3 Appendix Senate 1785-2604 9-288 1817-1818 Docs., etc., and acts. 15 Nov. 16, 1818, to Mar. 3, 1819. . . . Indexes, rear. 15 2 3 House 289-1216 Nov. 16, 1818, to Feb. 17, 1819. . . 15 2 4 House 1217-1444 Feb. 17, 1819, to Mar. 3, 1819. . . . Do. 15 2 1 4 1 Appendix Senate 1445-2552 9-700 1818-1819 Docs., etc., and acts. 16 Dec. 6, 1819, to May 15, 1820. . . . Indexes, rear. 16 1 1 House 701-1280 Dec. 6, 1819, to Feb. 12, 1820. . . . 16 1 2 House 1281-2252 Feb. 12, 1820, to May 15, 1820. . . Do. 16 1 2 2 3 Appendix Senate 2253-2628 9-406 1819-1820 16 Nov. 13, 1820, to Mar. 3, 1821 .... Do. 16 2 3 Senate 406-430 Jan. 17, 1821 Supplemental speeches. Sen- ate. 16 2 3 House 433-1302 Nov. 13, 1820, to Mar. 3, 1821. . . . 16 2 3 Appendix 1303-1312 1820-1821 Docs., etc., and acts. 1313-1832 Mar. 5,1821 Monroe's inaugural speech. Indexes, rear. 17 1 Senate 9-470 Dec. 3, 1821, to May 8, 1822 17 1 Senate 470-510 Jan. 22-Apr. 30, 1822 Executive proceedings, mili- tary nominations. 17 1 House 513-1248 Dec. 3, 1821, to Mar. 11, 1822. . . . 17 2 House 1249-1893 Mar. 11 , 1822, to May 8; 1822. . . . Indexes, rear. 17 1 2 House 1893-1896 May, 1822 Speech, pension for Commo- dore Perry's family. « Speech of William Hunter, of Rhode Island, in secret session of the Senate of the United States, Feb. 2, 1813, on the proposition for seizing and occupying the province of East Florida by the troops of the United States, is printed as "Supplemental speech," pp. 505-536, Annals, 13th Cong., 1st sess., vol.1. 6 Includes important documents relating to our relations with Great Britain, causes and character of the war, capture of the city of Washington. CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 217 Congressional Record. Annals of the Congress of the United States — Continued. m a u a a bo 3 a o 0) O u 03 > 17 1 2 17 2 3 17 2 3 17 2 3 18 1 18 1 18 2 18 2 18 2 Part. Appendix Senate House Appendix Senate House House House Appendix Pages. 1897-2644 9-324 325-1178 1181-1418 9-790 793-1696 1697-2770 2766-2916 2917-3280 Period. 1821-1822 Dee. 2, 1822, to Mar. 3, 1823. . . . do 1822-1823 Dee. 1, 1823, to May 27, 1824. . . Dec. 1, 1823, to Feb. 27, 1824. . . Feb. 27, 1824, to May 27, 1824. . May 27, 1824 1823-1824 Remarks. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Documents and acts. Indexes, rear. Case of Ninian Edwards. Docs., etc., and acts. Debates of Congress, Register of 1824-1834. (By Gales & Seaton, Washington. 8°. ) Con- Ses- gress. sion. 2 18 19 1 19 1 19 2 20 1 20 1 20 2 21 1 21 1 21 2 22 1 22 1 22 1 22 2 22 2 23 1 23 1 23 1 23 1 23 2 23 2 24 1 Volume, etc. Volume 1 Special sess. Senate.. Volume 2, part 1 Volume 2, part 2 Volume 3 Volume 4, part 1 Volume 4, part 2 Volume 5 Special ses.s. Senate.. Volume 6, part 1 Volume 6, part 2 Volume 7 Volume 8, part 1 «. . . Volume 8, part 2 Volume 8. part 3...< Year. 182^3^1825 Volume 9, part 1 . . . Volume 9, part 2 . . . Volume 10, part 1 .. Volume 10 , part 2 . . 1837 37-1838 1838-1839 1839-1840 1840-1841 > 1841 4841-1842 Period covered. Dec. 2, 1833 to June 30, 1834. Dec. 1, 1834 to Mar. 3, 1835. Dec. 7, 1835 to July 4, 1836. Dec. 5, 1836 to Mar. 3, 1837. Sept. 4, 1837 to Oct. 16, 1837. Dec. 4, 1837 to July 9, 1838. Dec. 3, 1838 to Mar. 3, 1839. Dec. 2, 1839 to July 21, 1840. jDec. 7, 1840 to Mar. 3, 1841. iMar. 4, 1841 to Mar. 15, 1841. May 31, 1841 to Sept. 13, 1841. Dec. 6, 1841 to Aug. 31, 1842. « Proceedings of the Twenty -fourth Congress, second session, with appendix, and Twenty-fifth Congress, first session, with laws of this session and appendix, are bound in one (same) volume of Globe. &For proceedings of this special session of Senate, Mar. 4-10, 1837, see Senate Jour- nal, Twenty-fourth Congress, second session, pp. 355-368. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 219 Congressional Record. Congressional Globe, 1833-1873 — Continued. Con- Sea- gress. sion. 27 28 ' 1 28 1 28 2 ! «29 !«Spl 629 ! H 29 2 i 30 ] 1 30 2 31 Spl. Remarks. Pages. Appendix Appendix 1842-1843 1843-1844 408 256 747 784 1-408 Appendix 1-421 Senate, special seas. Part 1 Appendix Year. Period covered. I Appendix Appendix 31 31 31 31 31 31 . 32 Spl. 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 1 1 1 1 2 2 Spl. 1 1 1-1224 1-1184 576 488 1085 1213 700 355 326- 355 1008 Appendix Senate, special sess Part 1 Part 2 1009-2076 Appendix, part 1 . . 848 Appendix, part 2 . . S49-1 716 1-840 Appendix 1- 446 Senate, special sess. .398-425 Part 1 Part 2 J 833-1696 Part 3 J. . 11697-2497 I Appendix >1 845-1846 >1846-1847 >1847-1848 4848-1849 1849 1849-1850 1850 ^1850-1851 Appendix '' . Senate, special sess. 243-330 j) 1851 1- 832 1851-1852 1852 1852 1-1192 1852 1-1168 [ 1852-1853 1-373 ^ 1853 Parti Part 2 784 1853-1854 785-1568 1854 Dec. 5, 1842 to Mar. 3, 1843. Dec. 4, 1843 to June 17, 1844. Dec. 2, 1844 to Mar. 3, 1845. Mar. 4, 1845 to Mar. 20, 1845. Dec. 1, 1845 to Aug. 10, 1846. Dec. 7, 1846 to Mar. 3, 1847. Dec. 6, 1847 to Aug. 14, 1848. Dec. 4, 1848 to Mar. 3, 1849. Mar. 5, 1849 to Mar. 23, 1849. Dec. 3, 1849 to May 16, 1850. May 16, 1850 to Sept. 30, 1 850. Dec. 2, 1850 to Mar. 3, 1851. Mar. 4, 1851 to Mar. 1:5, 1851. Dec. 1, 1851 to Mar. 23, 1852. Mar. 23, 1852 to July 8, 1852. jjuly 8, 1852 to Aug. 31, 1852 Dec. 6, 1852 to Mar. 3, 1853. Mar. 4, 1853 to Apr. 11, 1853. Dec. 5, 1853 to Mar. 29, 1854. Mar. 29, 1854 to June 29, 1854. "Senate special session, Mar. 4-20, 1845, not found in Globe. For proceedings of this special session of Senate see Senate Journal, Twenty-eighth Congress, second session, pp. 271-287. ^Twenty -ninth Congress, first session, part 1 contains, at pp. 1223-1224, the Exec- utive Journal of the Senate on the Oregon question, removal of the injunction of secrecy from the correspondence relating to. c Twenty-ninth Congress, first session, appendix, contains speeches and important state papers, Oregon question, etc. '^Thirty-second Congress, second session, appendix (separate vohiine) contains speeches, important state papers, laws, etc. Also Senate special session. Mar. -t-Apr. 11, 1853, pp. 243-330. 220 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record. Congressional Globe — Continued. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1 1 2 2 Remarks. Pages. Year. Period covered. 33 Part 3 1569-2224 1232 1192 1-400 1 1854 j-1854-1855 33 33 Appendix June 29, 1854 to Aug. 7, 1854. 33 Appendix Dec. 4, 1854 to Mar. 3, 1855. 34 1 Part 1, index ante . 1-800 1855-1856 Dec. 3, 1855 to Apr. 2, 1856. 34 1 Part 2, index ante . 801-1600 1856 Apr. 2, 1856 to July 11, 1856. 34 1 Part 3, no index . . . 1601-2241 1856 July 11, 1856 to Aug. 18, 1856. 34 1-2 Part 3, 2d session . . 1-91 1856 Aug. 1 to Aug. 30, 1856. 34 1-2 Part 3, laws (2 ses- sions). 1-59 1855-1856 Dec. 3, 1855 to Aug. 30, 1856. 34 1-2 1 Part 3 61-76 1-1308 1855-1856 1855-1856 Dec. 3, 1855 to Aug. 30, 1856. 34 Appendix, index Dec. 3, 1855 to Aug. 30, 1856. ante. 34 3 Part 1, index ante . 1-1120 1856-1857 Dec. 1, 1856 to Mar. 3, 1857. 34 3 Appendix, 3d sess. 1-370 1856-1857 Dec. 1, 1856 to Mar. 3, 1857. 34 3 Appendix, laws — 399-457 1856-1857 Dec. 1, 1856 to Mar. 3, 1857. 35 Spl. Senate, special sess . 371-398 1857 Mar. 4, 1857 to Mar. 14, 1857. 35 1 Part 1 1024 1857-1858 Dec. 7, 1857 to Mar. 10, 1858. 85 1 Part 2 1025-2048 1858 Mar. 10, 1858 to May 11, 1858. 35 1 1 Part 3 2049-3050 1-605 1 1858 35 • Appendix May 11, 1858 to June 14, 1858 35 Spl. Senate, special sess. 3051-3061 1858 June 15, 1858 to June 16, 1858 35 2 2 Spl. Part 1 1040 1041-1684 1685-1692 1-364 1858-1859 [ 1859 Dec. 6, 1858 to Feb. 15, 1859. 35 Part 2 Senate, special sess. Appendix rFeb. 15, 1859 to Mar. 3, 1859. iMar. 4, 1859 to Mar. 10, 1859. 1 36 1 1 1 Part 1 1-944 945-1888 1889-2832 1859-1860 1860 1860 Dec. 5, 1859 to Mar. 1, 1860. 36 Part 2 Mar. 1, 1860 to Apr. 30, 1860. 36 Parts Apr. 30, 1860 to June 11,1860 36 1 Spl. Part 4 2833-3303 1-534 3303-3311 i 1860 [June 11, 1860 to June 25, 1860 Appendix June 26, 1860 to June 28, 1860 Senate, special sess. [June 26-28, 1860. 36 2 2 Spl. Part 1 1-992 993-1433 1433-1526 1860-1861 1861 1861 Dec. 3, 1860 to Feb. 18, 1861. r 36 I 37 Part 2 Feb. 18, 1861 to Mar. 3, 1861. Senate, special sess. Mar. 4, 1861 to Mar. 28, 1861. 37 1 Extra session AoDendix 1-459 "l-52 1861 July 4, 1861 to Aug. 6, 1861. 37 9 Part 1 1-960 1861-1862 Dec. 2, 1861 to Feb. 26, 1862. 37 2 Part 2 961-1920 1862 Feb. 26,1862 to May 2, 1862. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 221 Congressional Record. Congressional Globe — Continued. Con- gress. 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 - 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 «40 Ses- sion, 40 40 40 40 40 2 2 3 3 Spl. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Spl. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 al Remarks. Part 3 Part 4 Appendix Part 1 Part 2 Senate, special sees. Part 1 Part 2 1921-2880 2881-3407 1-427 1-912 913-1553 1553-1564 1-976 977-1952 Part 3 1953-2928 Pages. Year. Part 4 Appendix Part 1 Part 2 Appendix Senate, special sess. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Spl. 2 2 2 2 2 2929-3047 1-273 1-816 817-1424 1-164 1424-1440 1-960 961-1920 1921-2880 Part 4 2881-3840 Part 5 3841-4310 Appendix 1-444 Part 1 1-752 Part 2 753-1504 Part 3 1505-2005 Appendix 1-249 1^63 , 464-767 767-817 Senate, si)ecial sess. 821-851 Appendix 1-49 Part 1 1-1024 Part 2 1025-2048 Part 3 2049-3072 Part 4 3073-4096 Part 5 4097-4518 Recess 4518-4522 Recess 4522 "The proceedings of the first session of eral recesses and the special session of the dix, are all in one volume. 1862 \ 1862 1862-1863 1863 1863 1863-1864 1864 1864 ^ 1864 1864-1865 1865 1865 1865-1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866-1867 1867 > 1867 1867 1867 1867 1867 1867-1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 Period covered. May 2, 1862 to June 23, 1862. June 23, 1862 to July 17, 1862. Dec. 1, 1862 to Feb. 12, 1863. Feb. 12, 1863 to Mar. 3, 1863. Mar. 4, 1863 to Mar. 14, 1863. Dec.8, 1863toMar. 7, 1864. Mar. 7, 1864 to Apr. 29, 1864. Apr. 29, 1864 to June 14, 1864. June 14, 1864 to July 4, 1864. Dec. 5, 1864 to Feb. 16, 1865. Feb. 16, 1865 to Mar. 3, 1865. Mar. 4, 1865 to Mar. 11, 1865. Dec. 4, 1865 to Feb. 21, 1866. Feb. 21, 1866 to Apr. 12, 1866. Apr. 12, 1866 to May 29, 1866. May 29, 1866 to July 16, 1866. July 16, 1866 to July 28, 1866. Dec. 3, 1866 to Jan. 25, 1867. Jan. 25, 1867 to Feb. 18, 1867. Feb. 18, 1867 to Mar. 3, 1867. Mar. 4, 1867 to Mar. 30, 1867. July 3, 1867 to July 20, 1867. Nov. 21, 1867 to Dec. 2, 1867. Apr. 1, 1867 to Apr. 20, 1867. Dec. 2, 1867 to Feb. 6, 1868. Feb. 6, 1868 to Mar. 21, 1868. Mar. 21, 1868 to June 11, 1868. June 11, 1868 to July 16, 1868. July 16, 1868 to July 27, 1868. Sept. 21, 1868. Oct. 16, 1868. the Fortieth Congress, including the sev- Senate (April 1-20, 1867), and the Appen- 222 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record. Congressional Globe — Continued. Con- Ses- gress. sion. 40 2 40 3 40 3 40 3 41 1 Spl. 41 2 41 2 41 2 41 2 Remarks. 41 2 41 2 41 2 41 2 41 2 41 2 41 3 41 3 41 3 42 1 42 1 Spl. 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 3 42 3 42 3 Recess Appendix Supplement (im- peachment trial of President Johnson). Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Appendix Senate, special sess . Appendix Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7, appendix... Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Appendix Part 1 Part 2 Senate, special sess. Appendix Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Parts Part 6, appendix . . . Index (separate volume). Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Appendix Pages. 4522-4523 1-602 1-526 1-752 753-1504 1505-1901 1-340 1-722 723-777 1-56 1-944 945-1888 1889-2832 2833-3776 3777-4720 4721-5664 1-771 1-816 817-1648 1649-2010 1-413 1-592 593-842 843-931 1-340 1-896 897-1792 1793-2688 2689-3584 3585-4504 1-844 1-cccx 1-672 673-1632 1633-2211 1-343 Year. 1868 1867-1868 1868 1868-1869 1869 } 1869 1869 I 1869 1869-1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1869-1870 1870-1871 1871 I 1871 1871 1871 1871 1871-1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1871-1872 1872-1873 1873 1873 Period covered. Nov. 10, 1868. Dec, 1867 to July, 1868. Feb. 3, 1868 to May 26, 1868. Dec. 7, 1868 to Feb. 1, 1869. Feb. 1, 1869 to Feb. 23, 1869. Feb. 23, 1869 to Mar. 3, 1869. Mar. 4, 1869 to Apr. 10, 1869. Apr. 12, 1869 to Apr. 22, 1869. Dec. 6, 1869 to Feb. 1, 1870. Feb. 1, 1870 to Mar. 11, 1870. Mar. 11, 1870 to Apr. 20, 1870. Apr. 20, 1870 to May 24, 1870. May 24, 1870 to June 20, 1870. June 22, 1870 to July 15, 1870. Dec. 22, 1869 to July 15, 1870. Dec. 5, 1870 to Jan. 30, 1871. Jan. 30, 1871 to Feb. 24, 1871. Feb. 24, 1871 to Mar. 3, 1871. Mar. 4, 1871 to Apr. 11, 1871. Apr. 11, 1871 to Apr. 20, 1871. May 10, 1871 to May 27, 1871. Dec. 4, .1871 to Feb. 8, ] .^72. Feb. 8, 1872 to Mar. IS. 1872. Mar. 19, 1872 to Apr. 26, 1872. Apr. 23, 1872 to May 17, 1872. May 17, 1872 to June 10, 1872. Dec. 2, 1872 to Jan. 17, 1873. Jan. 17, 1873 to Feb. 22, 1873. Feb. 22, 1873 to Mar. 3, 1873. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record. 1873-1907. 4^. 223 Con- gress. 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Ses- sion. Spl. 1 1 1 1 1 Vol. Part. 1 2 3 4 5 i Ind. 1 2 3 Ind. Pages. 1-205 1-1008 1009-2000 2001-3008 3009-4000 4001^992 4993-5447 1-507 1-832 833-1664 1665-2276 Remarks. Senate, spe- cial sesa. Appendix Index Ind. 1 2 3 3 4 I 3605—08- 1-149 164-1008 1009-2000 2001-3008 .3009-4016 4017-5008 5009-5699 1-329 Index Se n at e, s p eci a 1 sess. 1-848 849-1696 1697-2253 1-269 Appendix . I m peac h- ment of W. \V. B e 1 k- nap, and index. Index Appendix . Proceed- ings of Electo- ral Com- mission. Years. 1873 1873-1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1873-1874 1873-1874 1874-1875 1875 1875 1875-1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 Period covered. 1876 1875-1876 1876-1877 1877 1877 Mar. 4, 1873 to Mar. 26, 1873. Dec. 1, 1873 to Jan. 29, 1874. Jan. 29, 1874 to Mar. 5, 1874. Mar. 5, 1874 to Apr. 11, 1874. Apr. 11, 1874 to May 19, 1874. May 19, 1874 to June 15, 1874. June 15, 1874 to June 23, 1874. Dec, 1873 to June, 1874. Dec. 7, 1874 to Jan. 28, 1875. Jan. 28, 1875 to Feb. 23, 1875. Feb. 23, 1875 to Mar. 3, 1875. jMar. 5, 1875 to Mar. 24, 1875. iDec. 6, 1875 to Feb. 10, 1876. Feb. 10, 1876 to Mar. 28, 1876. Mar. 28, 1876 to May 5, 1876. May 5, 1876 to June 22, 1876. June 22, 1876 to July 29, 1876. July 29, 1876 to Aug. 15, 1876. Dec. 6, 1875, to Aug. 15, 1876. Mar. 2, 1876 to Apr. 1, 1876. 1877 Dec. 4, 1876 to Jan. 23, 1877. Jan. 23, 1877 to Feb. 20, 1877. Feb. 20, 1877 to Mar. 3, 1877. Jan. 31, 1877 to Mar. 2, 1877. -15 224 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record — Continued. Con- gress. 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 Ses- sion. 2 Vol. Part. Pages. 5 Ind. 1-332 Ispl 6 1-46 2spl 6 47-817 2spl 6 1-72 2spl 6 1-253 2 7 1 1-1008 2 7 2 1009-2016 2 7 3 2017-3024 2 7 4 3025-4128 2 7 5 4129-4900 2 7 5 1-500 2 3 7 8 Tnrl 1 1-928 3 8 2 929-1856 3 8 3 1857-2410 3 8 3 1-584 3 1 8 9 Tnci 1 1-1296 1 9 2 1297-2477 1 9 2 1-125 1 2 9 10 Tnd •. 1 1-1008 2 10 2 1009-2016 2 10 3 2017-3024 2 10 4 3025-4032 2 10 5 4033^624 2 10 5 1-352 2 3 10 11 Tnrl 1 1-912 3 11 2 913-1776 3 11 3 1777-2472 3 11 3 1-265 3 Spl. 11 12 Tnd (a) 1-499 Spl. 12 («) 504-548 1 13 1 1-1008 1 13 2 1009-2016 Remarks. Index Senate, spe- cial sess. Appendix Index Appendix Index Appendix Index Appendix Index Appendix Index Appendix . Index Senate, spe- cial sess. Senate, spe- cial sess. Years. 1876-1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 ' 1877-1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 Period covered. 1877-1878 1878-1879 1879 1879 1878-1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879-1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1879-1880 1880-1881 1881 1881 1880-1881 1881 1881 1881-1882 1882 Mar. 5, 1877 to Mar. 17, 1877. Oct. 15, 1877 to Dec. 3, 1877. Dec. 3, 1877 to Feb. 13, 1878. Feb. 13, 1878 to Mar. 25, 1878. Mar. 25, 1878 to May 1, 1878. May 1, 1878 to June 5, 1878. June 5, 1878 to June 20, 1878. Dec. 2, 1878 to Feb. 3, 1879. Feb. 3, 1879 to Feb. 24, 1879. Feb. 24, 1879 to Mar. 3, 1879. Mar. 18, 1879 to May 13, 1879. May 13, 1879 to July 1, 1879. Dec. 1, 1879 to Feb. 19, 1880. Feb. 19, 1880 to Apr. 1, 1880. Apr. 1, 1880 to May 5, 1880. May 5, 1880 to June 1, 1880. June 1, 1880 to June 16, 1880. Dec. 6, 1880 to Jan. 25, 1881. Jan. 25, 1881 to Feb. 19, 1881. Feb. 19, 1881 to Mar. 3, 1881. Mar. 4, 1881 to May 20, 1881. Oct. 10, 1881 to Oct. 29, 1881. Dec. 5, 1881 to Feb. 9, 1882. Feb. 9, 1882 to Mar. 17, 1882. « Index to proceedings in each special session in same volume. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record— Continued. 225 Con- I Ses- gress. sion 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 2 Spl, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vol, 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 Part. 3 4 5 6 7 7 Ind. 1 2 3 4 4 Ind. 1 ' 2 3 4 5 2017-3024 3025-4032 4033-5264 5265-6480 6481-7019 1-673 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025-3077 1-352 el Ind. 1 9 Ind. 1 Pages. Reinark.s. 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025^240 4241-5456 5457-6182 1-503 1-928 929-1840 1841-2573 1-197 1 1-1088 '> 1089-2176 3 2177-3264 4 J3265-4352 5 '4353-5440 6 '5441-6560 7 ^6561-7648 »■ J 7649-8040 'l| 1-483 Ind. ' 1 I 1-1008 2 11009-2016 Appendix. Index Appendix.. Index 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1881-1882 1882-1883 1883 1883 1883 1882-1883 1882-1883 1883-1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1883-1884 1883-1884 1884-1885 1885 1885 1884-1885 1884-1885 1885 1885-1886 1886 1886 : 1886 I 1886 1886 ! 1886 ' 1886 Appendix.. !l885-1886 Index 1885-1886 1886-1887 1 1887 Appendix.. Index Appendix . . Index Senate, spl. sess. Years. Period covered. Mar. 17, 1882 to Apr. 18, 1882. Apr. 19, 1882 to May 17, 1882. May 17, 1882 to June 23, 1882. June 23, 1882 to July 25, 1882. July 25, 1882 to Aug. 8, 1882. Dec. 4, 1882 to Jan. 9, 1883. Jan. 9, 1883 to Feb. 2, 1883. Feb. 2, 1883 to Feb. 20, 1883. Feb. 20, 1883 to Mar. 3, 1883. Dec. 3, 1883 to Feb. 11, 1884. Feb. 11, 1884 to Mar. 18, 1884. Mar. 18, 1884 to Apr. 16, 1884. Apr. 16, 1884 to May 16, 1884. May 16, 1884 to June 21, 1884. June 12, 1884 to July 7, 1884. Dec. 1, 1884 to Jan. 22, 1885. Jan. 22, 1885 to Feb. 18, 1885. Feb. 18, 1885 to Mar. 3, 1885. Mar. 4, 1885 to Apr. 2, 1885. Dec. 7, 1885 to Feb. 3, 1 886. Feb. 3, 1886 to Mar. 8, 1886. Mar. 8, 1886 to Apr. 8, 1886. Apr. 8, 1886 to May 11, 1886. May 11, 1886 to June 9, 1886. June 9, 1886 to July 6, 1886. July 6, 1886 to July 23, 1886. July 23, 1886 to Aug. 5, 1886. Dec. 6, 1886 to Jan. 25, 1887. Jan. 25, 1887 to Feb. 21, 1887. 226 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record — Continued. Con- gress. Ses- sion 49 2 49 2 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 2 Spl, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vol. 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 Part. Ind. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .0] Ind. 1 2 Ind. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pages. 2017-2757 1-212 1-1008 1009-2000 2001-3008 3009-4000 4001-5008 5009-6000 6001-7008 7009-8000 8001-9152 9153-9616 620 10 11 Apx. Ind. 1 2 3 4 1-992 993-1984 1985-2727 1-242 1-74 1-74 75-1024 1025-2032 2033-3040 3041-4048 4049-5056 5057-6064 6065-7072 7073-8080 8081-9248 j9249--> 110416/ jl0417i 110800/ 1-288 Remarks. Appendix.. Index Appendix Index Appendix Index Senate, spl. sess. Years. 1887 1886-1887 1886-1887 1887-1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1887-1888 1887-1888 1888-1889 1889 1889 Appendix . Index 1-1056 1057-2112 2113-3168* 3169-3921 i 1888-1889 1889 1889-1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1889-1890 1889-1890 1890-1891 1891 1891 1891 Period covered. Feb. 21, 1887 to Mar. 3, 1887. Dec. 5, 1887 to Feb. 7, 1888. Feb. 7, 1888 to Mar. 13, 1888. Mar. 13, 1888 to Apr. 16, 1888. Apr. 16, 1888 to May 11, 1888. May 11, 1888 to June 7, 1888. June 7, 1888 to July 9, 1888. July 9, 1888 to July 28, 1888. July 30, 1888 to Aug. 27, 1888. Aug. 27, 1888 to Oct. 4, 1888. Oct. 4, 1888 to Oct. 20, 1888. Dec. 3, 1888 to Jan. 19, 1889. Jan. 19, 1889 to Feb. 16, 1889. Feb. 16, 1889 to Mar. 2, 1889. Mar. 4, 1889 to Apr. 2, 1889. Dec. 2, 1889 to Feb. 3, 1890. Feb. 3, 1890 to Mar. 7, 1890. Mar. 7, 1890 to Apr. 4, 1890. Apr. 4, 1890 to Apr. 30, 1890. Apr. 30, 1890 to May 20, 1890. May 20, 1890 to June 13, 1890. June 13, 1890 to July 9, 1890. July 9, 1890 to Aug. 4, 1890. Aug. 4, 1890 to Aug. 28, 1890' Aug. 28, 1890 to Sept. 25, 1890. Sept. 25, 1890 to Oct. 1, 1890. Dec. 2, 1889 to Oct. 1, 1890. Dec. 1, 1890 to Jan. 8, 1891. Jan. 8, 1891 to Feb. 3, 1891. Feb. 3, 1891 to Feb. 23, 1891. Feb. 23, 1891 to Mar. 3, 1891. CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record — Continued. 227 Con- gress. 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 58 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 Ses- sion. 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Spl. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 Vol. 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 Part. 4 Ind. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ind. 1 2 3 Ind. 1 1 2 3 3 1-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1-10 1 2 3 4 4 1-4 1 2 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025-4032 4033-5040 5040-6160 6061-7129 1-638 Appendix . Index 1-912 913-1824 1825-2620| Appendix . Index Senate, spe- cial sess. Pages. 1-265 Remarks. Appendix Index 1-194 Years. 197-1280 1281-2560 2561-3128 1-705 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025-4032 4033-5040 5041-6048 6049-7376 7377-8618 1-818 819-1548 1-928 929-1856 1857-2784 2875-3252 1-414 1-1008 1009-2000 Appendix Appendix Index Appendix . Index 1890-1891 1890-1891 1891-1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1891-1892 1892-1893 1893 1893 1892-1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893-1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1893-1894 1893-1894 1893-1894 1894-1895 1895 1895 1895 1894-1895 1894-1895 1895-1896 1896 Period covered. Dec. 1, 1890 to Mar. 3, 1891. Dec. 7, 1891 to Feb. 10, 1892. Feb. 10, 1892 to Mar. 11, 1892. Mar. 12, 1892 to Apr. 6, 1892. Apr. 6, 1892 to May 6, 1892. May 6, 1892 to June 4, 1892. June 4, 1892 to July 14, 1892. July 14, 1892 to Aug. 5, 1892. Dec. 7, 1891 to Aug. 5, 1892. Dec. 5, 1892 to Jan. 28, 1893. Jan. 28, 1893 to Feb. 18, 1893. Feb. 18, 1893 to Mar. 3, 1893. Dec. 5, 1892 to Mar. 3, 1893. Mar. 4 to Apr. 15, 1893. Aug. 7 to Sept. 6, 1893. Sept. 6 to Oct. 16, 1893. Oct. 16 to Nov. 3, 1893. 1893. Mar. 4 to Nov. 3, 1893. Dec. 4, 1893 to Jan. 18, 1894. Jan. 18 to Feb. 8, 1894. Feb. 8 to Mar. 16, 1894. Mar. 16 to Apr. 24, 1894. Apr. 24 to May 21, 1894. May 21 to June 9, 1894. June 9 to July 12, 1894. July 12 to Aug. 28, 1894. 1893-1894. 1893-1894. Dec. 4, 1893 to Aug. 28, 1894. Dec. 3, 1894 to Jan. 14, 1895. Jan. 14 to Feb. 6, 1895. Feb. 6 to Feb. 26, 1895. Feb. 26 to Mar. 3, 1895. 1894-1895. Dec. 3, 1894 to Mar. 3, 1895. Dec. 2, 1895 to Jan. 27, 1896. Jan. 27 to Feb. 29, 1896. 228 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record — Continued. Con- gress. 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 tit; 55 56 5(5 56 56 56 56 56 56 Ses- sion. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Spl. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vol. 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Part. 3 4 5 6 7 7 1-7 1 2 3 3 1-3 1 1 2 2001-3008 3009-4000 4001-5008 5009-6000 6001-6463 1-497 Pages. 1-1008 1009-2000 2001-2988 1-85 Remarks. Ai)pendix . Index 1-8 11-1120 1121-2240 3 2241-2977 3 1-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-8 1 2 3 3 1-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-1008 1009^2016 2017-3024 3025-4032 4033-5040 5041-5936 5937-6808 1-771 1-449 1-1072 1073-2144 2145-2938 1-282 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-2960 2961-3888 3889-4816 4817-5744 5745-6672 6673-6893 Appendix . Index Senate, spe- cial sess. Appendix Index Years. Period covered. Appendix . Index Appendix Index 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1895-1896 1895-1896 1896-1897 1897 1897 1896-1897 1896-1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897-1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1897-1898 1897-1898 1898-1899 1899 1899 1898-1899 1898-1899 1899-1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Feb. 29 to Mar. 20, 1896. Mar. 20 to Apr. 15, 1896. Apr. 15 to May 8, 1896. May 8 to June 2, 1896. June 2 to June 11,1896. 1895-1896. Dec. 2, 1895 to June 11, 1896. Dec. 7, 1896 to Jan. 21, 1897. Jan. 22 to Feb. 19, 1897. Feb. 19 to Mar. 3, 1897. Index, end. Dec. 7, 1896 to Mar. 3, 1897. Mar. 4 to Mar. 10, 1897. Mar. 15 to May 17, 1897. May 17 to July 2, 1897. July 2 to July 24, 1897. 1897. Mar. 4 to July 24, 1897. Dec. 6, 1897 to Jan. 25, 1898. Jan. 25 to Feb. 22, 1898. Feb. 22 to Mar. 21, 1898. Mar. 21 to Apr. 18, 1898. Apr. 18 to May 19, 1898. May 19 to June 14, 1898. June 14 to July 8, 1898. Index, end. Dec. 6, 1897 to July 8, 1898. Dec. 5, 1898 to Jan. 26, 1899. Jan. 26 to Feb. 21, 1899. Feb. 21 to Mar. 3, 1899. Index, end. Dec. 5, 1898 to Mar. 3, 1899. Dec. 4, 1899 to Jan. 19, 1900. Jan. 19 to Feb. 21, 1900. Feb. 21 to Mar. 16, 1900. Mar. 16 to Apr. 7, 1900. Apr. 7 to Apr. 28, 1900. Apr. 28 to May 19, 1900. May 19 to June 5, 1900. June 5 to June 7, 1900. CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record — Continued. 229 Con- gress. ses- sion. 1 Vol. Part. Pages. 56 33 8 1-725 m 1 2 33 34 1-8 1 56 1-992 56 2 34 2 993-1984 56 2 34 3 1985-2976 56 2 34 4 2977-3606 56 2 34 4 1-384 56 2 Spl. 34 35 1-4 1 57 1-38 57 35 1 41-1008 57 35 2 1009-2080 57 35 3 2081-3152 57 1 35 4 3153-4224 57 35 5 4225-5280 57 35 6 5281-6336 57 35 7 6337-7392 57 35 8 7393-7795 57 35 8 1-662 57 35 1-8 1-729 57 2 36 1 1-1088 57 2 36 2 1089-2176 57 2 36 3 2177-3078 57 2 36 3 1-210 57 2 36 1-3 1-266 58 Spl. 37 1-141 58 1 37 145-544 58 1 37 547-552 58 2 38 1 1-1008 58 2 38 2 1009-2016 58 2 38 3 2017-3024 58 2 38 4 3025-4032 58 2 38 5 4033-5040 58 2 38 6 5041-5852 58 2 38 6 1-292 58 2 38 1-6 1-^23 58 3 39 1 1-1056 58 3 39 2 1057-2112 58 3 39 3 2113-3168 Remarks. Appendix Index Appendix Index Special . . . Appendix Index Appendix Index Appendix and in- dex. Appendix Index Years. Period covered. 1899-1900 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901 1901 1901 1900-1901 1900-1901 1901 1901-1902 1901-1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903 1903 1902-1903 1903 1903 1903 1903-1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905 1905 1899-1900. Dec. 4, 1899 to June 7, 1900. Dec. 3, 1900 to Jan. 14, 1901. Jan. 14 to Feb. 6, 1901. Feb. 6 to Feb. 25, 1901. Feb. 25 to Mar. 23, 1901. Dec, 1900 to Mar., 1901. Dec. 3, 1900 to Mar. 3, 1901. Mar. 4 to Mar. 9, 1901. Dec. 2, 1901 to Jan. 27, 1902. Jan. 27 to Feb. 22, 1902. Feb. 22 to Mar. 21, 1902. Mar. 21 to Apr. 16, 1902. Apr. 16 to May 10, 1902. May 10 to June 5, 1902. June 5 to June 25, 1902. June 25 to July 1, 1902. Mar. 4, 1901 to July 1, 1902. Dec. 1, 1902 to Jan. 22, 1903. Jan. 22 to Feb. 14, 1903. Feb. 14 to Mar. 4, 1903. Dec. 1, 1902 to Mar. 4, 1903. Mar. 5 to Mar. 19, 1903. Nov. 9 to Dec. 7, 1903. Mar. 5 to Dec. 7, 1903. Dec. 7, 1903 to Jan. 21, 1904. Jan. 21 to Feb. 18, 1904. Feb. 18 to Mar. 9, 1904. Mar. 9 to Mar. 31, 1904. Mar. 31 to Apr. 18, 1904. Apr. 18 to Apr. 28, 1904. Dec. 7, 1903 to Apr. 28, 1904. Dec. 5, 1904 to Jan. 18, 1905. Jan. 18 to Feb. 8, 1905. Feb. 8 to Feb. 23, 1905. 230 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Congressional Record — Continued. Con- gress.. Ses- sion. 3 Vol. 39 Part. Pages. 58 *4 3169-4041 58 3 39 4 1-196 58 3 39 40 1-4 1 59 1-1008 59 40 2 1009-2016 59 40 3 2017-3024 59 40 4 3025-4032 59 40 5 4033-5040 59 J^ 40 6 5041-6048 59 40 7 6049-7056 .59 40 8 7057-8064 59 40 9 8065-9072 59 40 10 9073-9817 59 2 40 41 1-10 1 59 1-1008 59 2 41 2 1009-2016 59 2 41 3 2017-3024 59 2 2 41 41 4 5 3025-4032 4033-4673 59 59 2 41 1-5 * Remarks. Appendix . Index Appendix . Index Index Years. 1905 1905 1904-1905 1905-1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1905-1906 1906-1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1906-1907 Period covered. Feb. 23 to Mar. 4, 1905. Dec. 5, 1904 to Mar. 4, 1905. JMar. 4 to Mar. 18, 1905. iDec. 4 to Jan. 12, 1906. Jan. 12 to Feb. 3, 1906. Feb. 3 to Feb. 26, 1906. Feb. 16 to Mar. 20, 1906. Mar. 20 to Apr. 11, 1906. Apr. 11 to Apr. 23, 1906. Apr. 28 to May 17, 1906. May 17 to June 8, 1906. June 8 to June 23, 1906. June 23 to June 30, 1906. Dec. 4, 1905 to June 30, 1906. Dec. 3, 1906 to Jan. 11, 1907. Jan. 11 to Jan. 31, 1907. Jan. 31 to Feb. 15, 1907. Feb. 15 to Feb. 26, 1907. Feb. 26 to Mar. 4, 1907. Dec. 3 to Mar. 4, 1907. Constitution, Digest, and Manual of the Rules and Practice of the House of Representatives. Year. Congress. Session. Document. Nnmber. Volume. 1880a 1883 1884a 18850 ' 1886a 1890 1891a 1893a 1895a 1896 54 54 55 1 2 2 H. Doc. H. Doc. H. Doc. 352 137 560 66 1897 46 1898 70 a Not documented. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 231 Constitution, Digest, etc., of the House of Representatives- Continued. Year. Congress. Session. Document. Number. Volume. 1899 55 56 3 1 H. Doc . . H. Doc. 229 324 75 1900 82 1900 56 2 H. Doc . . 18 59 1901 57 1 H. Doc . . 88 63 1902 57 2 H. Doc . . 21 48 1903 58 1 H. Doc . . 5 2 1904 58 3 H. Doc . . 75 03 1905 59 1 H. Doc . . 87 54 1906 59 2 H. Doc . . 24 43 Constitution, Rules, and Manual of the United States Senate. Year. Congress. Session. Document. Number. Volume. 1868 a 1869 a 1871a 1873 a . 1877 a 1881a 1885 a 1886 a 1888 a . 1890 a 1892 o 1896 54 1 Sen. Doc... 304 12 1899 b 1901 56 57 58 59 2 2 3 2 Sen. Doc... Sen. Doc . . Sen. Doc . . Sen. Doc . . 237 227 198 406 34 1903 23 1905 15 1907 35 a Not documented. *» Revised edition, Mar. 2, 1899. 232 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Consular Reports. Volume. Number. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. 1 CI 1 to 3 4 to 8 9 to 12 13 to 16 17 to 22 23 to 24i 25 to 27 28 to 30 (a) («) («) («) («) 65 19 39 2 (( 3 n 4 a 5a ; 6 1881 1882 1882 47 47 47 1 2 2 H. mis H. mis H. mis 26 4 11 7 8 (a) Index nos. 1-29 10 31 to 34 35 to 38 39 to 42 43 to 44 45 to 48 49 to 52 53 to 56 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1885 1885 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis 4 5 6 7 10 7 8 12 12 12 12 34 28 29 1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 15 16 (o) Index, nos. 1-50 18 57 to 59 60 to 62 63 to 68 69 to 72 73 to 75 76 to 78 79 to 82 83 to 86 87 to 90 91 to 94 95 to 97 98 to 100 101 to 104 105 to 107i 108 to 109 110 to 111 1886 1885 1886 1886 1886 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1889 1889 1889 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 H. mis. ... H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mi.s H. mis 12 12 4 4 9 21 21 22 22 23 23 13 13 24 26 26 1 2 178 179 55 66 169 604 605 606 607 608 609 140 141 231 232 232 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30, pt. 1 30, pt.2 31,pt.l 31, pt.2 (a) Index, nos. 60-111 32 112 to 115 116 to 117 118 to 119 120 to 123 124 to 127 128 to 131 132 to 135 136 to 139 140 to 143 144 to 147 148 to 151 152 to 155 156 to 159 160 to 163 164 to 167 168 to 171 172 to 175 176 to 179 180 to 183 1889 1889 1889 1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1892 1892 1893 1893 1893 1893 1894 1894 1895 1895 51 61 61 61 52 52 52 52 62 62 62 53 63 63 63 63 53 54 64 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis 26 39 39 9 15 15 34 39 49 18 18 5 6 19 32 4 7 35 36 234 267 267 128 17 18 164 258 339 108 109 24 54 123 205 135 66 30 31 33,pt.l 33, pt 2 34 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1-4 1-4 1-4 48 49 a Not documented. CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE 233 Consular Reports— Continued. Volume. Number. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. 50 184 to 187 188 to 191 192 to 194 195 to 199 200 to 203 204 to 207 208 to 211 212 to 215 216 to 219 220 to 223 224 to 227 228 to 231 232 to 235 236 to 239 1895 1895 1895 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 65 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 .58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 H. mis House House H. doe H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doe H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc 52 72 31 50 4 5 46 47 48 40 41 46 47 48 69 49 66 67 68 66 67 68 55 56 51 62 53 54 55 59 60 61 62 56 57 68 59 72 73 132 377 24 164 51 91 201 435 565 73 294 16 190 620 543 744 240 527 556 152 553 710 113 438 21 22 650 783-785 786-788 328-330 331-333 334-336 337-339 513-515 516-518 519-521 522-624 346-348 349-351 1-4 51 1-4 52 1-5 53 1-5 54 •- 1-6 65 1 5 5G 1-6 57 1-5 58 1-5 59 1-6 60 1-5 61 1-5 62 1-6 63 1-5 Index, nos. 204-239 General 64 240 to 243 244 to 247 248 to 251 252 to 255 256 to 259 260 to 263 264 to 267 268 to 271 272 to 275 276 to 279 280 to 282 283 to 285 286 to 288 289 to 291 292 to 294 295 to 297 298 to 300 301 to 303 304 to 306 307 to 309 310 to 312 313 to 315 . 316 to 318 319 to 321 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 indt^x. 1-4 65 1-4 66 1-4 67 1-4 68 1-4 69 1-4 70 1-4 71 1-4 72 1-4 73 1-4 74 1-3 75 1-3 76 77 78 79 . .. 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 234 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Consular Reports, Special. .; Volume. Year. 1889 Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. 1. Cotton textiles in foreign countries; Files in 51 1 H. mis 40 268 Spanish America; Malt and beer in Spanish America; Fruit culture in foreign countries. 2. Refrigerators and food preservation in foreign 1891 52 1 H. mis 16 19 countries; European emigration; Olive cul- « ture in the Alps (Mari times); Beet-sugar in- dustry and flax cultivation in foreign coun- tries. 3. Streets and highways in foreign countries 1891 52 1 H. mis 16 20' 4 Port regulations in ff)reigu countries 1890 51 2 H. ex. doc. 27 45 5. Canals and irrigation in foreign countries 1890 61 2 H. ex. doc. 26 45 6. Coal and coal consumption in Spanish Amer- 1891 52 1 H. mis 33 153 ica; Gas in foreign countries; India rubber. 7. The stave trade in foreign countries; Tariffs of 1892 52 2 H. mis 19 110 foreign countries. 8. Fire and building regulations in foreign coun- 1892 52 2 H. mis 19 111 tries. 9. Australasian sheep and wool; Vagrancy and 1892 52 2 H. mis 28 119 public charities in foreign countries. 10. Lead and zinc mining in foreign countries; Ex- 1893 53 2 H. mis 22 175 tension of markets for American flour. 11. American lumber in foreign markets 1894 53 3 H. mis.... 18 92 12. Highways of commerce, ocean lines, railways, 1895 54 1 H. doc... 37 32 canals, and other trade routes of foreign countries. 13. Money and prices in foreign countries 1895 54 2 H. doc 32 25 1,2 14. Drug trade in foreign countries 1897 55 2 H. doc 49 663 15. Soap trade in foreign countries 1898 55 3 H. doc... 37 34 1.2 IG. Tariffs of foreign countries: Part 1, Europe 1898 55 3 H. doc... 37 285 1 Part 2, America 1898 1898 55 55 3 3 H. doc H. doc 38 39 285 285 2 Parts 3, 4, 5, Asia, Africa, Australasia, and 3,4,5 Polynesia. 17. Sewage and garbage in foreign countries; For- 1899 56 1 H. doc... 50 116 eign trade in coal tar and by-products. 18. Merchant marine of foreign countries 1899 56 H. doc... 50 257 19. Paper in foreign countries; Uses of wood pulp . 1899 56 N 1 H. doc... 61 731 20. Book cloth in foreign countries. (Part 1. ) 1899 56 H. doc... 52 731 1 School garden in Europe. ( Part 2. ) 1899 56 H. doc... 52 731 2 Stave trade in foreign countries. (Part 3. ) 1899 56 H. doc 52 731 3 21. Foreign markets for American coal. (Part 1.) . 1899 56 H. doc... 53 741 1 Vehicle industry in Europe. ( Part 2. ) 1899 56 H. doc 53 741 2 Trusts and trade combinations in Europe. 1899 56 H. doc... 53 741 3 (Parts.) 22. Acetic acids in foreign countries. (Parti.) 1900 56 2 H. doc... 65 290 1 Mineral-water Industry. (Part 2.) 1900 56 2 H. doc... 65 290 2 Foreign trade in heating and cooking. ( Part 3. ) . 1900 66 2 H. doc 65 290 3 23. Part 1. Gas and oil engines 1901 57 1 H. doc... 69 708 " Part 2. Silver and plated ware 2 24. Creameries in foreign countries f 112 199 447 25. Stored goods as collateral for loans [:902 57 2 H. doc... 54 26. Briquets as fuel in foreign countries CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Consular Reports, Special — Continued. 285 Volume. 27. Markets for agriculturnl implements and ve- hicles in foreign countries. 28. Commercial travelers in foreign countries 29. Macaroni wheat in foreign countries 30. Emigration to United States 31. Windmills in foreign countries 32. Foreign markets for American fruits 33. Industrial education and industrial conditions in Germany. 34. Marketing goods in foreign countries 35. Warehouses in foreign countries for storage of merchandise. 36. Foreign markets for American cotton manu- factures. 37. Machine-made lace industry in Europe 38. Insurance in foreign countries 39. Cotton-seed products in foreign countries Year. l'J03 1904 1905 1905 [1906 1906 Con- gress. }.. Ses- sion. 1-2 58 : 3 58 ; 3 59 1 59 1 2 House or Senate document. H. doc... H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc Vol- I Num- ume. ber. 56 57 58 55 103 45 446 508 732 73 74 423 r 316 423 427 164 165 800 Part. Contin gent Expenses of the House. Reports. By whom made. Year. Congress. Sesssion. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. T. Beckley a 1802 O1809 «1812 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1835 1836 1836 1837 1838 1839 P. Magruder Do M. St. C. Clarke Do 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 10 Do 3 Do 5 Do 4 Do Do 9 5 Do 7 Do 4 Do 4 Do 3 W. S. Franklin 19 Do 28 Do 74 Do 7 Do 7 H. A. Garland 6 Do 33 « Not numbered. 236 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Contingent Expenses of the House. Reports — Continued. By whom made. H. A. Garland . . M. St. C. Clarke. G. W. Summers. M. St. C. Clarke. Do Do C. J. McNulty .- R. B. French . . . Do Do Campbell Do B. M. Yomig Do J. W. Forney . . . Do J. J. Do Do Do Do CuUom Do Do Do M. Kunkel . . C. Allen .... Do J. W. Forney . . Do F. E. Spinner. . Etheridge Do McPherson Do Do Do Do J. M. Broomall McPherson J. M. Broomall Year. Congress. Session. 1840 26 2 1841 27 2 1842 27 2 1842 27 3 1843 28 1 1844 28 1 1845 28 2 1845 29 1 1846 29 2 1847 30 1 1848 30 2 1849 31 1 1850 31 2 1851 32 1 1852 32 2 1852 32 2 185.3 33 1 1853 33 1 1854 33 2 1855 34 1 1855 34 1 1856 1856 34 34 3 3 1857 34 3 1858 35 1 1859 35 2 1860 36 1 1860 36 2 1861 36 2 1861 36 2 1862 37 2 1863 37 3 1864 38 1 1865 38 2 1866 39 1 1867 39 2 1868 40 2 . 1868 40 2 1869 40 3 1869 40 3 . House or Senate document. Volume. H. ex H. ex H. rept H. ex H. ex H. ex 3 H. ex 2 H. ex 3 H. ex H. mis t H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis .... H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. rept H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. rept ^ H. mis H. mis H. mis .... H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. rept H. mis H. rept Number. 7 13 30 10 8 46 54 15 2 6 4 15 5 2 2 4 6 8 9 8 30 9 48 71 379 4 25 7 13 94 33 24 30 29 20 21 31 84 25 36 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 237 Contingent Expenses of the House. Reports — Continued. By whom made. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. McPherson 1870 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 .53 54 54 55 55 56 56 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis 4 25 Do 8 Do 7 Do 13 Do 15 Do Do 4 4 Adams H. mis 1 I 12 Do H. mis H. mis H. mis 6 Do 9 Do 6 Do Do H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis.... H. mis.... H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis..-- H. mis H. mis H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc - . . H. doc H. doc... 32 29 39 36 57 60 ft McPherson 11 John B. Clark 8 Do 5 Do 5 Do 4 Do 15 Do 16 McPherson 13 Do 6 Do James Kerr 4 7 Do 6 Do 6 Do 16 Alexander McDowell Do 19 165 Do 18 Do 20 Do 19 Contingent Expenses of the Senate. See Senate, reports of Sec- retary, p. 355. Corbett's Parliamentary History. See p. 319. 238 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Court of Claims Reports (documented). Year. 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 Number. 1-41 43-83 82-175 176-198 199-255 256-276 277-293 294-296 Congress. Session. 34 1,2 34 3 35 1 35 2 36 1 36 2 37 2 37 3 House or Senate documents. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis.. H. mis., H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. rept . Volume. 1,2 12 3 1-5 1-3 1,2 1 Court of Claims Reports. (Not documented.) Volume. Term. Appealed cases. Reported by— Remarks. From— To— 1 1863-65 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872-73 1873-74 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 Nott and Huntington do 2 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 1865 1872 do 8 Nott and Hopkins . . do 9 10 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 do u 12 do 13 do 14 do 15 do Also analytical table of vols. 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. 16 do 17 18 19 20 do William A. Richard- son. Nott and Hopkins . . do With legislation of 47th Con- gress, 2d session, relating to court. 21 do CATALOGUE LIBKAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Court of Claims Reports — Continued. 239 Volume. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Digest . . Digest . . Term. 1886 Appealed cases, From— To— 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1863-75 1856 1887 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900' 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 Reported by — Nott and Hopkins.. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ....: do do Nott and Hopkins John C. Devereux Remarks. Also index and table of vols. 1-21, and table of Supreme Court decisions in appealed cases, from 2 Wallace to 122 U. S. Reports. Index and table of vols. 1-25, list of opinions, roll of com- missioners, and table of Su- preme Court decisions, from 2 Wallace to 135 U. S. Re- ports, inclusive. Reports, actions, etc., from organization of court, 1855, to date. 3605—08- -16 240 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Daughters of the American Revolution. Reports. Year. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 Report num- ber. Period. 1890-1897 1897-1898 1898-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 2 58 3 59 1 59 2 Senate or House doc- ument. Num- ber. Senate. . . 164 Senate.. . 425 Senate... 219 Senate. . . 447 Senate. . . 210 Senate... 277 Senate. . . 193 Senate. . . 532 Senate. . . 400 Vol- ume. 11 35 16 31 16 33 10 28 28 Note. — The Society was organized October 11, 1890, at Washington, D. C, with eleven members. Mrs. Carolitie Scott Harrison, wife of the President of the United States, was elected its lirst President-General. Incorporated by act of Congress approved February 20, 1906. Decisions of the First Comptroller of the Treasury. Vol- ume. Ypar. By- Con- gress. Ses- sion. Document. Num- ber. Vol- ume. 1 2 3 1880 1881 1882 a 1883 a 1884 a 1885 « Lawrence Lawrence Lawi'ence 46 47 3 1 Ho, Ex Ho. Ex ... . 81 219 29 24 4 Lawrence 5 Lawrence . 6 Lawrence ............ ...... 1 1 " Not documented. Decisions of the Comptroller, of the Treasury. Volume. Period. Volume. Period. 1 1896. 8 July, 1901-June, 1902. 2 1896. 9 July, 1902-June, 1903. 3 1897. 10 July, 1903-June, 1904. 4 1898. 11 July, 1904-June, 1905. 5 July, 1897-June, 1899. 12 July, 1905-June, 1906. 6 July, 1899-June, 1900. 13 July, 1906-June, 1907. 7 July, 1900- June, 1901. 1 Digest, Oct., 1894-June, 1902. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 241 Decisions of the Treasury Department under tariff and Internal- Revenue laws, etc. Volume. Decision nnmber. Period. 1 18750-19586 January -June, 1898, Synopsis No. 1. 2 19587-20467 July-December, 1898, Synopsis No. 2. 1 20468-21330 January- June, 1899. 2 21331-21882 July-December, 1899. 3 21883-22696 Januai-y-December, 1900. 4 22697- 23444 Januaiy-December, 1901. « 5 23445-24126 January-December, 1902. 6 24127-24869 January-December, 1903. 7 24870-25444 January-June, 1904. 8 25445-25920 July-December, 1904. 9 25921-26559 January-June, 1905. 10 26560-26958 July-December, 1905. 11 26959-27458 January- June, 1906. 12 27459-27806 July-December, 1906. . 13 27807-28300 Januaiy-December, 1907. Decisions of the Interior Department, relating to pensions and bounty lands. Volume. Period. Volume. Period. Volume. Period. 1 1887. 7 1893-1895. 13 1902-1903. 2 1888. 8 1895-1897. 14 1903-1904. 3 1889-1890. 9 1897-1898. 15 1904-1905. 4 1891. 10 1898-1900. 16 1905-1906. 5 1892. 11 1901. 6 1892. 12 1901-1902. 242 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Decisions of the Interior Department, relating to public lands. Volume. Period. Volume. Period. 1 July, 1881-June, 1883. 20 January, 1895-June, 1895. 2 July, 1883-June, 1884. 21 July, 1895-December, 1895. .3 July, 1884-June, 1885. 22 January, 1896-June, 1896. 4 July, 1885-June, 1886. 23 July, 1896-Deceinber, 1896. 5 July, 1886-June, 1887. 24 January, 1897-June, 1897. G July, 1887-Juuo, 1888. 25 July, 1897-DecembL>r, 1897. 7 July, 1888-December, 1888. 26 January, 1898-May, 1898. 8 January, 1889-June, 1889. 27 June, 1898-December, 1898. 9 July, 1889-December, 1889. 28 January, 1899-June, 1899. 10 January, 1890-June, 1890. 29 July, 1899-April, 1900. 11 July, 1890-December, 1890. 30 May, 1900-June, 1901. 12 January, 1891-June, 1891. 31 July, 1901-December, 1902. 13 July, 1891-Deceinber, 1891. 32 January, 1903-May, 1904. 14 January, 1892-June, 1892. 33 June, 1904-June, 1905. 15 July, 1892-December, 1892. 34 July, 1905-June, 1906. 16 January, 1893-June, 1893. 35 July, 1906-June, 1907. 17 July, 1893-December, 1893. 1 Digest, 1881-1901, Part 1. 18 January, 1894-June, 1894. 2 Digest, 1901-1902, Part 2. 19 July, 1894-December, 1894. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 248 District of Columbia. Reports of the Commissioners. Year. 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893....* 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1902 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1906 1906 Congress. 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 Session. 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 8 3 3 1 1 2 9 House or Senate document. Volume. Number. H. ex 8 H. ex 5 H. ex 5 H. ex 10 H. ex 11 H. ex 12 H. ex 12 H. ex 13 H. ex 14 H. ex 13 H. ex 15 H. ex 16 H. ex 12 H. ex 15 H. ex 16 H. ex 16 H. ex 18 H. ex 21 H. ex 21 H. ex 20 H. ex 20 H. doc ... . 24 H. doc... 21 H. doc... 24,25 H. doc... 27,28 H. doc... 33,34 7 H. doc... 44,45 7 H. doc... 35 7 H. doc .... 28 7 H. doc... 29 7 H. doc 28 7 H. doc... 29 7 H. doc... 28 7 H. doc .... 29 7 H. doc ... . 30 7 H. doc .... 27 8 H. doc 28 8 11. doc .... 22 8 H. doc .... 23 8 Part. / 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 1,2 1,2 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2 3,4 1,2,3 4,5 1 2,3,4 5,pts. 3, pts 2, pt8. 2, pts 3, pts 244 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Documents, Catalogues, etc. Catalogue subject. American Library Association. Catalogue (Descriptive) of Gov- ernment publications, 1774- 1881. 4°. Charts, Coast Pilots, and Tide Tables. Comprehensive index of public documents, 1881-1893. 4°. [Same], 1893-1895. 4° 4°. 4°. 4°. 4°. [Same], 1895-1897. [Same], 1897-1899. [Same], 1899-1901. [Same], 1901-1903. [Same], 1903-1905. Government publications, 1885- 1894. Government publications, 1898- 1907. Early Congressional documents for the first fourteen Congresses. Maps of America U. S. documents (5 MSS. vols. ) Published bv— Government Print- ing Office. Ben: Perlev Poore.. Coast and Geodetic Survey. John (t. Ames Superintendent of Documents. do do do do do J. A. Hickox. Government Print- ing Office. Greelv Library of Congress. U. S. Senate Li- brary. Documented. tao o o 58 54 54 55 56 57 60 56 56 13 o 1> H.754 H.410 fH.355 tH.585 H.317 H.559 H.494 Remarks. 1904 H.428 H.516 »10 vols. Monthly. Education. Reports of the Commissioner.^ Year. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. Congress. Ses- sion. 40 41 41 42 2 2 3 2 House or Senate document. H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex Volume. 19 13 4, pt. 2 3, pt. 2 Number. 299 315 1 1 Part. Number. «The Bureau of Education was established by act of Congress approved March 2, 1867. It was made an office of the Department of the Interior July 1, 1869. Its publications comprise annual reports, circulars of information, and miscellaneous papers. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Education. Reports of the Commissioner Continued. 245 Year. Congress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Volume. ' Number. Part. Number. 1872 :.. 1873 187-1 1875 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 } « 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc .... H. doc H. doc... H. doc . . . H. doc .... 3,pt.2 4, pt. 2 . 7 4,pt.2 4, pt. 2 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 11 13 14 15, pts. 1, 2 16 19 18,19 18 18 21,22 21,22 21,22 24,25 30, 31 40,41 32, 33 25,26 24, 25 25,26 23,24 18,19 5 5 5 5 ' 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 1876 2 1877 •7 1878 2 1879 3 1880 3 1881 4 1882 1883 4 188-t 4 1885 4 1886 4 1887 4 1888 5 1889 5 1890 5 1891 5 1892 5 1 893 5, pt. 2 5 1 894 1895 2 1896 2 1897 2 1898 2 1899 2 1900 2 1901 2 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1 246 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Engineers. Reports of the Chief. Year. 1867 « 1868.. 1869.. 1870.. 1871.. 1872.. 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 1876.. 1877.. 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1891 . . 1892 . . 1893.. 1894.. 1895.. 1896.. 1897.. 1898.. 1899.. 1900.. 1901 . . 1902.- 1903.. Con- Ses- gress. sion. 40 2 40 3 41 2 41 3 42 2 42 3 43 1 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 2 45 3 46 2 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 50 2 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 2 53 2 53 3 54 1 i 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 House or Senate document. H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex..-. H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex..-. H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.. H. doc .. H. doc .. H. doc . . H. doc H. doc . . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . Vol- ume. Part. 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3,4 2 2,3 2 2-4 3,4 3-5 3-5 ...... 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-6 3-5 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-8 3-7 3-8 5-10 4-10 2-8 3-8 4-9 8-13 15-22 12-18 5-10 10-15 Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 2 2 2 2,3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Part. 1,2 1-3 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-6 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-8 1-7 1-6 1-6 a For reports prior to 1867 see Secretary of War reports, and for complete index to the Engineer reports from 1866 to 1890, inclusive, see the Analytical Index, pub- lished by the War Department in 3 volumes, Fifty -seventh Congress, second session, H. doc. 439, Vols. 93, 94, and 95. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Engineers. Reports of the Chief — Continued. 247 Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. Part. 1904 58 59 59 3 1 2 H. doc . . H. doc .. H. doc .. 6-10 6-9 6 2 2 2 1-5 1905 1-4 1906 1 Entomological Reports. Year. Congress. • Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. No. 1« No. 2" No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 1882 1884 1889 1889 47 48 51 51 2 2 1 1 H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis 15 15 41 9 44 39 269 Bibliography 133 Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1890 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 54 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc 17 20 20 19 19 23 20 23 26 32 42 34 27 27 27 25 20 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 1891 6 1892 6 1893 6 1894 6 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 «Not in Senate library. 248 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Ethnology. Reports of the Bureau/' Volume. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. lb 2 3 1881 1883 1884 1886 1887 1891 1891 1892 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 47 48 48 49 50 52 52 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 I 2 2 1 1 I 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis House H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... 20 8 17 10 14 31 41 2 25 9 10 60 55 68 10 94,95 117,118 118, 119 128 108 88, 89 116 115 109 61 32 42 167 571 107 295 11 116 81 82 266 230 339 93 316 736 539 709 483 641 476 939 821 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1,2 15 16 17 1,2 18 1,2 19 1,2 20 21 22 23 L'4 25 f^The Bureau of Ethnology had its origin in an act approved Mar. 3, 1879, trans- ferring the work of ethnological research from the Department of the Interior to the Smithsonian Institution, with which institution it has since that time been connected. ''Not published as a document. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Ethnology. Contributions to North American. 249 > Subject. bo § 1 CO House or Sen- ate docu- ment. 3 3 O > 2 Oh 1« Tribes of the Extreme Northwest (Dall); Tribes of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon (Gibbs).« 2 Klamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon (Gatschet). 1889 51 1 H. mis .. 44, 45 272 1,^ .S« Tribes of Cahfornia (Powers) 4(1 Houses and House-life of the American Aborigines ( Morgan ) . 5 Cup-ghaped and other Lapidarian Sculpture in the Old World and in America (Rau); Pre- historic Trephining and Cranial Amulets (Fletcher); A Study of the Manuscript Troano (Thomas). 1881 47 1 H. mis . . 26 66 6 The Cegiha Language (Dorsey) .. 1889 51 1 H. mis .. 46 273 .... t Dakota-English Dictionary (Riggs)- 1891 52 1 H. mis - . 21 26 Hl> Pottery of Eastern United States (Holmes). 9 Dakota Grammar, Texts, and Ethnography (Riggs). 1893 53 2 H. mis . . 21 173 10 Navajo Houses, Expedition to Arizona, etc. (Cosmos Mindel- eff). 1896 55 3 H.doc .. 95 316 2 11 Tusayan Migration Traditions f Jesse Walter Fewkes). 1898 56 2 H.doc. 119 539 2 12 Natick Dictionary (James Ham- mond Trumbull; introduction by Edward Everett Hale). 1901 57 2 H.doc .. 99 455 » - • - 13 The Hako: A Pawnee Ceremony (Alice C. Fletcher). 190.3 58 2 H.doc .. 90 641 « Not among the documents. ^ Not printed. 250 CATALOGUE LIBEAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Explorations and Surveys. Reports. Explorer. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate docu- ment. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Survey. Abert 1846 29 1 S. doc... s\ 438 Comanche Indian coun- ■ try. Do 1848 1886 1898 30 49 55 1 • 2 3 S. doc... S. ex.... S. doc... 4 2 23 125 172 New Mexico. Allen Alaska. Do 13 Alaska, exploration.s in. Do 1846 29 1 H.ex... 6 168 Des Moines River. Barlow 1872 42 2 S. ex 2 125 Upper Yellowstone. Bartlett 1859 34 1 S. ex.... 20 1-3 108 1-3 Mexican boundary. Cooke 1849 30 Spl. S. ex 1 2 Santa Fe to San Diego, Cal. Grain 34 3 S. ex 8 51 Interoceanic canals. Craven 46 2 H. ex ... 24 63 Do. Ciilbertson 1850 32 Spl. S. mis... 1 1 Mauvaises Terres and Up- per Missouri. Doane . 1870 41 3 S. ex 1 51 Yellowstone countrv Dutton 52 1 S. mis 2 97 Nicaragua Canal. Fort Leavenworth to San Emory.W. H... 1846-1847 30 1 S. ex.... 3 7 Diego. Do 1853 33 Spl. 1 S. ex 1 6 Mexican boundary. Do. Do 1859 34 S. ex 20 1-3 108 1-3 Do 1859 34 1 H.ex... 14 135 Do. Fersrnson 38 Spl. 1 S. ex 1 1 Tucson and Lebes Bay. Geology of Lake Superior Foster and 1850 31 S.ex.... 3 4 Whitney. land district. Do 1850 31 1 H.ex ... 3 12 Do. Do 1851" 32 Spl. S.ex 3 4 Do. Fisk 1863 38 1 H. ex ... 9 45 Rocky Mountains. Do. Fr(!'mont 1842 27 3 S.ex.... 4 243 Do. .. 1843-1844 28 2 H.ex... 4 1 151 I jCaliforaia.etc., and Rocky ll«6') I Mountains. Gibbon 1852 32 2 H.ex... 5 43 Amazon Valley. Gillis 1849 33 1 H ex 15 121 Part Astronomical expedition. Ran and marked the Gray, A. B 1853 33 2 S.ex.... 7 55 boundary line between United States and Mex- ico under treaty of Gua- dalupe Hidalgo. Greely relief f 1886 49 2 H. mis .. 5 157 Arctic regions. expedition." Gunnison 1 49 1 H. mis . . 22 393 Do. 33 1 H.ex... 5 IH Utah. Hall's two ex- 1864 & 1869 45 3 H.ex... 3 27 1 Arctic regions. peditions. Harber 1884 48 1 H.ex... 27 163 Search for Jeanncttc sur- vivors. [ 49 32 2 1 1 2 23 8 32 6 105 209 153 36 Cruise of the Corwin. Healv Do. 1852-1853 Do. Herndon S. ex Amazon Valley. Ives 186(> 36 1 H.ex 14 90 Colorado River Jackson 1849 31 1 H.ex... 3 3 5 3 Mining lands in Michigan. Jones 1872 43 1 H.ex XX. c.^. . . . 17 285 Wagon road in Wyoming. Not documented. King 1867-1869 a No. 157, bound in vol. 22, H. mis. doc, 49th, 1st. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Explorations and Surveys. Reports — Continued. 251 Explorer. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate docu- ment. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Survey. Tj e w i s a ii d 1805-1806 1823 187.T Clark." Long 6 Lul ia52-1854 1855 1805-1807 1874 1884 1869 1893 Fort Smith to Santa Fe. Do Red River of Louisiana. Do Menocal Michler Nicollet Owen Big Wichita River. Nicaragua Canal. Darlen Canal. Upper Mississippi River. Chippewa land district. Do...! Pacific R a i 1- road survey. Do Perry Do Do Pike Do. Pacific Railroad. Do. Japan expedition. Do. Japan treaty. Powell Raymond Do 43 48 42 43 49 48 42 42 31 32 32 47 49 39 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 Spl. 2 2 2 H.mis.. H. ex . . . S.ex.... H.ex... H.ex ... S.ex H.mis.. S.ex S.ex S.ex.... S.ex H.ex... S.ex.... H.ex... 6 23 1 12 24 1 5 3 6 10 2 23 1 10 ...... 300 44 12 193 131 2 113 6 12 59 3 107 77 58 1-7 1-24 Colorado River. Point Barrow expedition. Yukon River. Ruffner S^chuetze Ute Indian country. Jeannette expedition. Schwatka Selfridge Shufeldt Simpson Sitgreaves Stansbury Sullivan Taunt 1884 1874 1873 1849 1853 1851 1882 1886 1866 1872-1879 1851 1844 1891-1893 Alaska. Darien Canal. Tehuantepec route. Navajo country. Zuiii country, etc. Great Salt Lake Valley. Interoceanic canals. Congo River. Warren Wheeler . Upper Mis-sissippi. Geological Survev; not Whipple Whitney (see Foster). Wilkes 31 2 S.ex.... 3 19 1 documented. San Diego to Colorado River. Exploring expedition; not 1-3 7 documented. Not documented G. P. 0. nental Rail- way. 1898. a See Elliott Coues's edition. 6 No. 157, bound in vol. 22, H. mis. doc, 49th, 1st. cSee Elliott Coues. 252 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Expositions. Reports on International. Exposition. Brussels, 1888 Madrid, Columbian Historical Melbourne Paris, 1867 Paris, 1878 Paris, 1889 Philadelphia, Centennial Vienna, 1873 Brussels, 1897 Paris, 1900 (report of the spe- cial commissioner to). Chicago, 1893 Do St. Louis, 1904 (report of com- mission for Europe). St. Louis (final report) Jamestown Con- Ses- gress. sion. 50 2 53 3 51 1 40 2 46 3 51 1 : 44 1 55 2 55 2 57 1 57 1 58 1,2 59 1 59 2 House or Senate document. S.ex . H.ex S. ex . S. ex . H.ex H.ex H.ex ... S. doc . . . S. doc . . . H.doc... H. doc... S. doc . . . S. doc . . . H.doc... Volume. 4 31 4 20-24 38-42 Purt. 17 11 1 106 107 6 14 1-4 Num- ber. 147 100 118 42 410 («) 196 152 4 510 510 244 202 72-76 Part. 1-6 1-5 1-5 1-4 1 2 «Not documented. Farmers' Bulletins. See p. 159. Finance Reports. See Treasury, reports of the Secretary, p. 363. Fish Commission Bulletins. Year. 1881 L882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 Congress. Session. Volume. 47 1 1 47 2 2 48 1 3 48 2 4 49 1 5 49 2 6 50 2 7 51 1 8 51 2 9 52 1 10 52 2 11 53 2 12 , 53 2 13 53 3 14 54 1 15 54 2 16 House or Sen- ate document. S. mis. H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. doc H. doc Volume. Number. 4 131 11 40 1 11 1 6 , 1 34 9 165 10 136 18 261 13 131 5 341 11 112 18 122 20 120 12 86 49 79 71 348 Part, CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Fish Commission StiUetins — Continued. ^53 Year. Congress. Session. Volume. House or Sen- ate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1897 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 H. doc... H. doc ... . H. doc... H. doc... H. doc .... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc .... H. doc. . . . H. doc... 71 91 116 120,121 125 112 118 118 112 85 561 308 734 540 706 486 752 479 929 356 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1,2 1904 1905 1906 Fish and Fisheries. Reports of the Commissioner. Year. Congress. Session. Volume. House or Sen- ate document. Volume. Number. 1871-72 42 42 } « 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 54 > 54 55 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 o O 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis H. mis H. mis S. mis S. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis House House House 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 32 33 6 4 8 47 21 36 14 80 42 2 61 1872-73 74 1873-74 1874-75 108 1875-76 107 1877 49 1878 31 1879 59 1880 29 1881 110 1882 46 1883 67 1884 68 1885 70 1886 90 1887 133 1888 274 1889-1891 113 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 209 89 424 104 32 « The Fish Commission was February 9, 1871, and its first in individual series, bound in 55 1 22 House 2 32 established by joint resolution of Congress approved report is that of 1871-72. Its publications are issued cloth. 254 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Fish and Fisheries. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. Volume. House or Sen- ate document. Volume. Number. 1897 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 'A 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 House House House House H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc 59 74 104 122 124 111 117 118 112 85 • 299 1898 221 1899 692 1900 541 1901 705 1902 1903 485 751 1904 479 1905 929 1906 356 Foreign Relations, 1816-1832. This is a collection of documents bearing upon important questions connected with our foreign relations. They are copies of documents which were separately ordered printed by the Senate and House of Representatives at various times during the period between 1816 and 1832. There are messages of the Presidents of the United States, reports of Secretaries of State, embracing voluminous correspondence between the Department of State and our ministers abroad, reports of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and reports of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, upon subjects of leading importance; and there are memorials and other papers touching our foreign relations. These documents, several hundred all told, were collected by Col. William Hickey, formerly chief clerk of the Senate, arranged chronologically, and bound in 11 volumes, aggregating fully 5,000 printed pages, as follows: Volume. Period covered. Volume. Period covered. Volume. Period covered. 1 1816-1818 1818 1818-1821 1818-1826 5 1821-1822 1822-1824 1824-1825 1825-1827 9 1828-1829 2 6 10 1829-1830 3 7 11 1830-1832 4 8 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Foreign Relations. Papers." 255 Secretar>' of State. 1 Year. Con- 1 gress. - Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. 1 I Part. ^:"n^- ber. 1 Part. Edward Livingston 1835 24 1 H. ex... 1 2 John Forsyth 1836 24 2 Senate .. 1 1 Do 1837 i 25 2 Senate .. 1 1 Do 1837 1 25 2 H. ex... 1 3 Do t 1838 25 3 Senate .. 1 ...... 2 Do 1838 ! 25 3 H. ex... 1 2 Do ''1 839 '>1840 1841 Do 1 Daniel \V'ebster 27 2 Senate .. 1 1 Do 1841 27 2 H. ex... 1 2 Do 1842 27 3 Senate .. 1 1 Do 1842 27 3 H. ex ... 1 2 Abel P. Upshur 1843 28 1 Senate .. 1 1 Do 1843 28 1 H. ex 1 2 John C. Calhoun 1844 28 2 Senate .. 1 1 Do 1844 28 2 H. ex... 1 2 James Buchanan 1845 29 1 Senate .. 1 1 Do 1845 1846 29 29 1 2 H. ex... Senate .. 1 1 2 1 Do Do 1846 1847 29 30 2 1 H. ex... S. ex 1 1 4 1 Do Do 1848 1849 30 31 2 1 H. ex ... S. ex.... 1- 1 1 1 John M. Clayton Do •1849 31 1 H. ex . . . 3 1 5 1 Clayton and Webster Daniel Webster HSbO 1851 1851 &1852 1853 31 32 32 2 1 1 S. ex H. ex ... 1 2 1 ■ 1 2 1 Do 1 Edward Everett William L. Marcy 33 1 S. ex 1 1 1 Do 1853 33 1 H. ex ... 1 1 1 1 Do 1854 33 2 S. ex 1 1 1 Do 1854 33 2 H. ex ... 1 1 1 1 Do 1855 34 1 S.ex .... 1 1 1 Do 1855 34 1 H. ex... 1 1 1 1 Do 1856" 34 3 S.ex.... 2 5 1 « These vohimes contain the annually published correspondence relative to foreign affairs conducted l)y the Department of State. This correspondence was not issued in separate volumes until 1861. Such portions of the same as prior to that date were from time to time publisheil are embraced in the Executive documents of the Senate or House of Representatives. For Foreign Relations prior to 1835 see American State Papers, Foreign Relations; also Waite's State Papers, Spark's Diplomatic Cor- respondence, and AVharton's Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolution. '^ No correspondence issued. 3605—08 17 256 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Foreign Relations. Papers — Continued. Secretary of State. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. William L. Marcy Lewis Cass 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 "I860 1861 1862 1863 1864 &1865 1866 1867 1868 C1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 ! 1889 1890 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 1 50 51 51 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 H. ex... S. ex H. ex . . . S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex.... S. ex 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 Do Do Do Do Jeremiah S. Black William H. Seward Do S. ex S. ex S. ex . . . . S.ex.... H. ex... H. ex... S. ex S. ex . . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... 1,2 1-4 1-4 1-3 1,2 1,2 1 1-3 Do 1,2 Do 1-4 Do Do 1-3 Do Do Elihu B. Washburne Hamilton Fish Do Do Do Do Do 1,2 1 1,2 Do William M. Evarts Do Do Do Blaine and Frelinghuysen F. T. Frelinghuysen Do Do Thomas F. Bayard Do Do Do James G. Blaine Do «No correspondence published. & Correspondence relative to the assassination of President Lincoln. c No correspondence submitted. The only documents relative to foreign relations, which accompanied the President's message December 6, 1869, were four in nmnber, at pp. XXI to Liv. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Foreign Relations. Papers— Continued. 257 Secretary of state. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. James G. Blaine 1891 52 1 H. ex... 1 1 John W. Foster 1892 1893 52 53 2 2 H. ex ... H. ex... 1 Walter Q. Grephani 1 Do 1894 53 3 H. ex... 1 Richard Olnev 1895 54 1 H. ex . . . 1 1 Do 1896 54 2 H. doc . . 1 i 1 John Sherman 1897 55 2 H. doc. W. R. Day 1898 55 3 H. doc .. ^ 1. -, . . . John Hay 1899 56 1 H. doc . . Do 1900 56 2 H. doc. Do 1901 57 1 H. doc. 1,2 1 «1 Do 1902 57 2 H. doc. 1-3 1-3 1 Do 1903 58 1-2 H. doc . . 1 1 Do 1904 58 3 H. doc. l! 1 Do 1905 59 1 H. doc. 1 1 Elihu Root 1906 59 2 H. doc. 1 1 « Appendix Affairs in China, Rockhill's report, etc. also as S. doc. 67, 57th Cong., 1st sess. French Spoliations." This report is published Year. 1826 (President Adams) 1855 1863 (Senator Sumner) . 1867 (Senator Sumner) 1869 (Senator Sumner) 1881 1881 1883 1885 1885 (Broadhead and Tuck's report). 1886 (Finding of Court of Claims). Con- gress. Ses- sion. 2 19 34 1 38 1 40 1 41 2 47 1 47 1 48 1 49 1 49 1 49 2 House or Senate document. Senate . S. ex ... S. rept. . S. rept. . S. rept... H. rept . . S. rept... S. ex . . . . S.ex .... S. ex . . . . H. mis .. Vol- ume. Num- ber. 5 102 14 87 1 41 1 1 1 10 4 1067 3 537 6 205 7 102 1 30 1 6 Remark.«. History of claims. List of memorials, etc. List of reports to 1863. List of reports 1802 to 1870. List of claims. Do. Do. «The documents on this subject are numerous. See, for list of claimants, S. rept. no. 41, .38th Cong., 1st sess.; S. ex. doc. no. 205, 48th Cong., 1st sess. ; S. ex. doc. no. 102, 49th Cong., 1st sess.; S. ex. doc. no. 30, 49th Cong., Istsess. See also American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vols. 1 and 2. 258 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE General Land Office Decisions. See Decisions of the Interior Department relating- to Public Lands, p, 242; also, reports of Secre- tary, p. 270. G-eneral Land Office. Reports of the Commissioner.'^ Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1825 19 19 19 ; 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 Senate .. Senate .. H. ex... Senate .. H. ex . . . Senate .. H. ex... Senate .. H. ex... Senate '. . H. ex... Senate .. H. ex... H. ex... S. ex H. ex... Senate . . H. ex... Senate .. H. ex ... Senate .. H. ex... Senate .. H. ex... Senate .. H. ex . . . Senate .. H. ex ... Senate .. H. ex... Senate .. H. ex ... Senate .. H. ex . . . Senate .. H. ex... 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 20 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 142 196 3 9 15 2 3 3 5 3 6 11 23 17 29 21 12 61 38 22 24 10 18 15 37 1826 1826 1827 1827 ■- 1828 1828 1829 1829 1830 1830 1831 1831 1832 1833 1833 1834 1834 1835 1835 1836 . . 1836 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 ia39 1840 1840 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 « For land affairs prior to 1825, see American State Papers, Public Lands, volumes 1, 2, 3, etc. CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE 259 General Land Office. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. Con- gress. 1 1 Ses- sion. House or Senate document. 1 i Vol- ume. ! Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol-~ ume. 1844 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 Senate .. H. ex . . . Senate .. H. ex . . . H. ex . . . S. ex.... S. ex.... H. ex . . . S. ex H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex H. ex ... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex H. ex... S. ex . . . . H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex H. ex... Senate .. H. ex... S. ex.... S. ex.... S. ex.... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex... 1 1 3 = 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 5 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 ' 1 5 2 9 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 15 16 12 9 2 2 12 1844 1845 1845 1846 1 1847 1848 1848 1849 1 1 2 1849 2 2 1850 1850 1851 3 1851 3 1852 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 4 1868 1869 1870 1 5 1871 1 260 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE G-eneral Land Office. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1872 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex ... H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc .. H. doc .. H. doc .. H. doc .. H. doc . . H. doc .. H. doc .. H. doc .. H. doc .. H. doc .. 3 4 6 4 4 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 8 10 10 11 11 14 12 13 14 14 12 12 14 17 26 22 18 18 18 18 14 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1873 1 1874 1 1875 1 1876 ; 1 1877 1 1878 1 1879 1 1880 1 1881 1 1882 1 1 1884 1 1885 1 1886 2 1887 1 1888 1 1889 1890 1 1 1891 1 1892 1 1893 1 1894 1 1896 1897 1898 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 (JATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 261 Geological Survey Bulletins. [For subjects of each bulletin see preface to latest bulletin.] Year. Congress. Session. Numbers. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Number. 1883 48 48 49 49 49 50 50 50 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 -{ 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 1-6 7-14 15-23 24-30 31-36 37^1 42^6 47-54 55-61 62-65 66-70 71 72-75 76-80 81-82 83 84-86 87-89 90-97 98-501 102-106 107-117 118-122 128-1293 123-1261 127 130-136 137-142 143-149 150-152 153-156 157-159 160-161 162-169 170-176 177-178 H. mis . . H. mis .. H. mis . . H. mis .. H. mis .. H. mis . . H. mis .. H. mis .. H. mis . . H. mis . . H. mis . . H. mis .. H. mis . - H. mis .. H. mis . . H. mis .. H. mis .. H. mis - . H. mis . . H. mis . . H. mis .. H. mis .. H. mis . . }h. doc H. doc. H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc- H. doc. 36 16 1 8 8 2 11 11 32 15 17 18 19 20 20 45 27 23 24 25 26 27 9 77 78 79 35 36 74 75 87 88 54 55 113, 1 2 { { 71 1884 41 1885 43 1885 163 1886 164 1887 375 1888 137 1888 138 1889 244 1890 136 1891 21 1891 23 1891 24 1891 25 1891 336 1891 337 1892 118 1893 176 1893 177 1894 178 1894 179 1894 180 1895 78 1896 34-314 1896 413,414 412 1896 415-421 1897 27-32 1897 33-37 1898 567-569 1898 570-572 1899 302-304 1899 305-306 1900 17, 572, 633 1900 1901 714-718 719, 720 746-750 535-536 262 CATALOGUE LIBBAKY UNITED STATES SENATE G-eological Survey Bulletins — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. Numbers. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Number. 461-475 1902 57 1 179-203 H. doc. 97-102 • -.....' 635 693-701 204-208 1903 57 2 204-216 H. doc. 65-67 .-.,... 430 434-437 470-472 62-66, 606, 1904 -.... 58 1-2 217-245 H. doc. 58-64 < 675-680, 624-731, 771-779 1905 58 3 246-268 H. doc .. 84-87 { 387-403 452-457 f 202-207 1906 59 1 269-299 H. doc .. 73-78 ...... -' 469 824-839 - r 931-938 53-63 1907 59 2 300-321 H. doc . . 55-60 781,782 796-798 - 823-828 Note. — Bulletin 203, doc. no. 701, contains bibliography and index of North Ameri- can geology, etc., 1901. CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE G-eological Survey Monographs. 263 Year. 1889.... 1884.... 1881.... 1881.... 1881.... 1882.... 1883.... 1883.... 1883.... 1885.... 1885.... 1885. . . . 1887.... 1887.... 1888. . . . 1889.... 1891 . . . . 1891 .... 1891 .... 1891.... 1892.... 1893.... 1893.... 1893.... 1895.... 1895.... 1896.... 1896.... 1897 1897.... 1898.... 1898.... 1898.... 1898.... 1898. . . . 1898.... 1898.... 1898.... 1898.... 1898.... 1899.... 1899.... 1901.... 1902.... 1902.... 1902.... j 1902.... j ! 1902....! Con- gress. 51 48 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 49 50 50 50 51 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 65 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 Ses- sion. Vol- ume. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 House or Senate document. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. m: m: m: m m: m m m m m: m m: m m: m mis H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doe. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doe. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc, H. doc. H. doc, 43 1 H. doc 44 i H. doc. 45 ' H. doc. 45 Atlas . 53 27 5 14 15 63 76 45 53 82 83 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 108 109 91 I 73 i 75 76 Vol- ume. Num- ber. 17 174 11 35 17 52 16 51 15 50 14 43 37 72 38 73 39 74 2 305 2 304 27 307 24 610 25 611 17 147 37 249 29 60 30 77 52 342 Part. 343 118 47 119 120 297 411 136 218 581 582 ioi 101 281 287 288 289 290 291 292 315 726 743 310 219 429 432 433 1,2. 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 Subject. Lake Bonneville. Grand Canyon district. Comstock Lode, etc. Comstock Mine. Copper Rocks of Lake Superior. Mesozoic Flora of Virginia. Silver Lead at Eureka. Paleontology of Eureka. Raritan Clays, etc., of New Jersey. Dinocerata. Lake La Hontan. Geology, etc., of Leadville, Colo. Quicksilver in Pacific Slope. Triasine Rocks of New Jersey. Potomac Mesozoic Flora. Paleozoic Fishes of North America. Flora of the Dakota Group. Gastropoda of New Jersey. Penokee iron district, in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Geology of Eureka district. Rhinocepterus Celioptera. Manual of Topographic Methods. Geology of Green Mountains. Mollusca of New Jersey. Glacial Lake Agassiz. Flora of the Amboy Clays. Geology of Denver Basin. Marquette iron-bearing district. Geology of old New Hampshire County, Mass. Fossil Medusae. . Geology of Aspen district. "Atlas." Geology of Yellowstone Park. Do. Geology of Narragansett Basin. Glacial Gravels of Maine. Later E.xtinct Florasof North America. Crystal Falls iron- bearing district. Fossil Flora of Lower Coal-Measures of Missouri. Illinois Glacial Lobe. Eocene and Oligocene Coral Faunas. Adephagousand Clavieorn Coleoptera from Florissant. Erie and Ohio basins. Carboniferous A m m o n o i d s of America. Me.sabi iron-bearing district of Min- ne.sota. Pseudocratites of Cretaceous. Vermilion iron-bearing district of Minnesota. Do. 264 CATALOGUE LIBRABY UNITED STATES SENATE G-eological Survey Monographs — Continued. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Vol- ume. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. Subject. 1903.... 1903.... 1904.... 1904.... 1906.... 68 58 68 58 69 1-2 1-2 3 3 2 46 47 48 48 1 50 H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... Ih. doc... 82 83 114 116 67 565 753 476 475 310-311 1 2 2 Menominee iron-bearing district of Michigan. Treatise on Metamorphism. Status of Mesozoic Floras of U. S. 2d paper. Plates. Do. rCeratopsia-Cretaceous Flora of south- \ em New York and New England. Geological Survey Reports. Year. Num- ber of report. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. Part. 1886 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 55 55 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . House... Ii. doc . . H. doc. H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc. H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc . . 10 12 13 14 14,15 17,18 16,17 16,17 17 4 17-20 15-17 15-19 17-23 22-29 28-31 24 24 24 22 17 1,2 1,2 ...... 24 24 22 17 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1,2 1887 1,2 1888 1889 1,2 1890 1,2 1891 1,2 1892 1893 1894 1895 1-3 1896 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1-4 1897 1-3 1898 1-5 1899 1-6 1900 1901 ... . 31 1-7 1-4 1902 1903 1904 1905...... 1906 catai^ogup: libraey united states senate Geological Survey of Territories. 265 HAYDEN S REPORTS. Year. Con- gress. Session. Volume. House or Senate document. Volume. Num- ber. Part. Subject. 1867.... 1868.... 1869.... 1870 40 40 41 41 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 4 H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 pp. 128 pp. 220 Nebraska. Wyoming. Colorado, etc. Wyoming. Reprint of 1,2,3. Montana. 1871 42 8 1871 42 42 3 3 5 Sup. 5 6 7 8 9 1871 Fossil flora. 1873 43 1 Montana. 1875 - . 44 44 45 45 45 46 47 51 54 55 56 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 Colorado, etc. 1875 Do. 1877 H. mis . . 62 1 1 1 62 271 109 149 115 5 5 5 ........ Do. 1878.... 1878.... 1879.... 1881.... 1889.... 1895.... 1897.... 1899.... 10 12 11 13 14 H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. mis .. H. mis .. S. doc . . . H. doc. S. doc... 1 1 1 21,22 43 4 39 9 Do. Territories. Idaho, etc. Alaska, for coal and gold. Indian Territory. Insular surveys, etc. CLARENCE KING's REPORTS. « Powell's reports. Year. 1880... 1881... 1882... 1883... 1884... 1885... Con- gress. Session. 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 49 1 House or Volume. Senate i document. H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex Volume. Num- ber. 10 11 12 12 13 13 1 Part. Subject. 5, pt. 2 5, pt. 3 5, pt. 3 5, pt. 3 5, pt. 3 5, pt. 3 « Three reports, not documented. Note. — Catalogue and index to the Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheeler Terri- torial Surveys, in Bulletin no. 222, U. S. Geol. Survey, 58th Cong., 2d sees., H. doc. no. 606, vol. 58. 266 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Health, National Board. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1879 46 47 47 48 48 49 2 1 2 1 9 1 H.ex H.ex S. ex H.ex H.ex S. ex 18 18 1 21 28 6 10 1881 13 1882 5 1883 43 1884 176 1885 91 House, Journals of. ^i^^ Journals of the House, p. . House Rules, etc. See Constitution and, p. . House and Senate Rules and Manual. See Constitution and, p. 281. House of Representatives. Reports of the Clerk. See Contingent Expenses; list of, p. 235. Indian Affairs. Reports of the Commissioner.^' Year. 1825. 1825. 1825. 1826. 1826. 1827. 1827. 1828. 1828. 1829. 1829. 1830. 1830. 1831. 1831. 1832. 1833. Congress. Session. 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 2 19 2 20 1 20 1 20 2 20 2 21 1 21 1 21 2 21 2 22 1 22 1 22 2 23 1 House or Senate document. Senate. H.ex.. H.ex.. Senate. H.ex.. Senate. H.ex.. Senate . H.ex.. Senate. H.ex.. Senate. H.ex.. Senate. H.ex.. H.ex.. Senate. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. 112 146 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 Part. pp. 89 Vol- ume. « For Indian affairs prior to 1825, see American State Papers, Indian Affairs, vol. 1. The supervision of Indian affairs was originally committed to the Secretary of War. Under him was appointed first a superintendent of Indian trade, who subsequently became Superintendent of Indian Affairs. By act of Congress approved July 9, 1832, provision was made for the appointment of a Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to be an officer of the War Department. On the organization, however, of the Department of the Interior in 1849, his office was made one of the bureaus of said Department, with which it has since been connected. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 267 Indian Affairs. Reports of the Commissioner — C'ontiniicd. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. 1 1 1 1 Part. Num- ber. Part, Vol- ume. 1833 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 H.ex.... Senate. .. H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate .. H. ex... Senate .. H. ex... Senate .. H. ex... Senate .. H. ex . . . Senate .. H. ex . . . Senate .. H. ex . . . Senate . . H. ex . . . S. ex H. ex... H. ex... S. ex . . . . H. ex . . . S. ex . . . . H. ex . . . S. ex . . . . H. ex . . . S. ex . . . . H. ex ... S. ex H. ex... 1 1834 1 1 2 1 2 1 1834 1835 1835 1836 1836 ...... 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 ■ 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 8 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 2 2 1849 1850 1850 1851 3. 3 1 1 1 1 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 268 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Indian Affairs. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1854 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 S. ex H. ex. . . . S. ex H. ex... S. ex . . . . H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex . . . . S. ex.... S. ex H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 5 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 6 4 4 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 8 11 11 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 2 2 1 2 3 5 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 • 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 4 1867 1868 1869 1870 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1871. 1 1872 1 1873 1 1874 1 1875 1 1876 1 1877 1 1878 1 1879 1 1880 1 1881 2 1882 2 1883 2 1884 2 1885 1 1 2 1886 2 1887 1 1 2 1888 2 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 269 Indian Affairs. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. Congress. Session . House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Par,. ^,>-- Part. Vol- ume. 1889 51 51 52 52 5.3 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. ex... II. ex ... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. doc H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc . - 12 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 1890 12 1...... 2 1891 15 1 13 1 2 1892 2 1898 14 15 15 13 13 15 18-19 28 24 19 20 19 19-20 15 1 1 2 1894 2 1895 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1896 1897 1898 1899 1,2 1900 1901 -. .. 1902 1903 1904 1905 1,2 2 1906 270 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Interior Department. Reports of the Secretary." Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Ewing 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 .1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 S. ex . . . . H. ex... S. ex H. ex... S. ex H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex . . . . H. ex ... S. ex . . . . H. ex . . . S. ex H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex... S. ex H. ex . . . S. ex . . . . S. ex.... S. ex.... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . h; ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex... 2 3 1 1 2,3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 - 1 1 2 3 5 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 2 ...... 1 1 1 1 5 1 ...... 1 1 1,2 1,2 1 5 11 1 2 Evving and McKenna Alex. H. H. Stuart Do 2 Do 2,3 Do 2,3 Do 1 Do 1 Robert McClelland Do 1 1 Do 1 Do 1 Do 1 Do 1 Do Do 1 Jacob Thompson 1 Do 1 Do 1 Do 1 Do 1 Do 1 Caleb Smith 1 Do 2 John P. Usher 3 Do 5 James Harlan Orville H. Browning Do 4 Do Jacob D. Cox Columbus Delano Do 5 '« The Department of the Interior was organized under the provisions of an act of Congress approved Mar. 3, 1849, by which act the Patent Office and the Census Office were transferred from the Department of State, the Land Office from the Treasury Department, the Indian Office from the War Department, the Pension Office from the War and Navy Departments, and placed under tlie jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior. Since that date the Bureau of Education, the United States Geological Survey, the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads, and the Bureau of Labor have been established and attached to the Department, and a number of institutions and offices of the Government, not connected with any of the above-named bureaus, have also been put under its supervision, all making their annual reports to the Secretary. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 271 Interior Department. Reports of the Secretary — Continued. Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 3 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Columbus Delano 1872 42 H. ex... 3 1.2 5 Do 187a 43 1 H. ex . . . 4 1,2 5 Zachariah Chandler 1874 43 2 H. ex... 6,7 5 Do 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 44 44 45 45 46 1 2 2 3 2 H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... 4 4 8,9 9,10 9-11 1,2 1,2 1 5 Do 5 Carl Schurz 5 Do 5 Do 5 Kirkwood and Teller 1880 46 3 H. ex ... 9-11 5 Henry M. Teller 1881 47 1 H. ex . . . 9-12 5 Do 1882 1883 47 48 2 1 H. ex... H. ex... 10t13 10-12 5 Do 5 Do 1884 48 2 H. ex... 11-14 5 Lucius Q. C. Lamar 1885 49 1 H. ex . . . 11-15 5 Do 1886 49 2 H. ex... 8-11 5 Lamar and Vilas 1887 50 1 H. ex . . . 10-14 5 William F. Vilas 1888 50 2 H. ex... 10-15 5 John W. Noble 1889 51 1 H. ex ...11-15 5 Do 1890 1891 1892 51 52 52 2 1 2 H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... 11-16 14-19 12-19 5 Do 5 Do 5 Hoke Smith 1893 53 2 H. ex . . . 13-18 5 Do 1894 53 3 H. ex ... 14-18 5 Do 1895 54 1 H. doc .. 14-22 5 David R. Francis 1896 54 2 H. doc .. 12-19 5 Cornelius N. Bliss 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 55 55 56 56 57 2 3 1 2 1 H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc . - H. doc . . H. doc .. 12-22 14-25 17-31 26-41 22 5 5 5 5 Do E. A. Hitchcock Do Do Do 1902 57 2 H. doc .. 18 5 Do 1903 58 1-2 H. doc . . 18 5 Do 1904 58 3 H. doc . . 18 5 Do 1905 59 1 H. doc .. 18 5 Do 1906 59 2 H. doc .. 14 5 3605—08- -18 272 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Internal Revenue. Reports of the Commissioner. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1866 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58' 59 59 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex House House 9 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 9 7 7 12 13 14 14 15 16 15 17 20 14 18 19 18 21 22 22 21 24 28 55 1867 5 1868 5 1869 4 1870 4 1871 4 1872 4 1873 4 1874 4 1875 4 1876 4 1877 4 4 1879 4 4 1881 4 1882 4 1883 4 1884 4 1885 4 4 1887 4 1888 -. 4 1889 : 4 1890 4 1891 4 4 1893 4 1894 1895 1896 1897 H. doc .... H. doc ... . H. doc H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc .... H. doc ... . H. doc... H. doc... 26 33 39 50 40 34 34 36 41 38 1899 1900 1901 1903 1904 >- 1905 20 1 906 20 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Interstate Commerce Commission. Annual Reports. 273 Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Number of report. 1887 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 S. ex S.ex H. mis H. mis S. mis S.mis S. mis H. mis House H.doc ---. H.doc .... H.doc H.doc .... H.doc .... H.doc .... H.doc .... H.doc .... H.doc .... H.doc .... H.doc .... 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 50 41 40 67 80 85 87 60 71-73 72 63 70 48 60 50 13 31 15 10 25 88 99 157 141 298 275 305 181 253 146 195 325 1 1888. 2 1889 3 1890 4 1891 5 1892 6 1893 1894 7 8 1895 9 1896 10 1897 11 1898 12 1899 13 1900 : 14 1901 15 1902 16 1903 1904 17 18 1905 19 1906 20 « The Interstate Commerce Commission was created by act of Congress approved Feb. 4, 1887. Its annual reports are included in the series of Congressional docu- ments. The full texts of the decisions of the Commissioners are not issued as public docu- ment!^. Eleven volumes have been published (1907) by the Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing Company, Rochester, N. Y. Decisions of the Commission are, however, summarized in the sixteenth and subsequent annual reports. Journals of the American Congress, 1774 1788. X 6. Vol. 1. Sept. 5, 1774-Dec. 31, 1776. — Congress in session at Philadeli)hia, May 10, 1775, received depositions relative to the beginning of hostilities at Lexing- ton and Concord, Mass., Apr. 19, 1775 — George Washington appointed Commander in Chief of the American Armj-, June 15, 1775 — Pension sys- tem for disabled soldiers and sailors established Aug. 26, 1776 — Index. Vol. 2. Jan. 1, 1777-July 31, 1778. — The several States ordered to send to Congress their statute laws, and the additions that may be made thereto, etc. — Index. Vol. 3. Aug. 1, 177S-Mar. 30, 1782. — Executive and legislative business — Index. Vdl. 4. Apr. 1, 1782-N'ov. 1, 1788. — John Adams appointed commissioner to nego- tiate jieace with <4rt'at P.ritain; definite treaty received by Congress Pec. 30, 1783, and ratitied Jan. 14, 1785 — Appendix with proceedings of connnit- tees, etc., and delegates from the States met in Philadelpliia, and on Sept. 17, 1787, agreed upon the Constitution- of the United States; State pn^la- mations announcing the ratification — Index. 274 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Journals of the Congress of the Colonies.'* Stamp act b Continental Journals Do Do Do Journals, secret . Do Do. Do. Volume. Period. 1765 1774-1789 1774-1776 1777-1778 1778-1782 1782-1789 1774-1778 1774-1781 1781-1786 1786-1788 Remarks. Not documented. Do. Do. Do. Domestic affairs, mented. Foreign affairs, mented. Do. Do. not docu- not docu- «Indian Congress, see Statesman's Manual, vol. iv, p. 18. ^See Statesman's Manual, vol. iv, p. 30, and Bioran & Duane Statutes, vol. i, p. 10. Journals (Secret) of the Congress of the Confederation. X. 6. From the first Meeting thereof to the Dissolution of the Confederation by the Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Vol. 1. May 10, 1775-July 2, 1788.— Domestic affairs, pp. 9-279— History of the Con- federation, pp. 283-464. V^ol. 2. Nov. 29, 1775-Aug. 16, 1781, — Foreign affairs, pp, 5-474 — Supplement, pp. 475-587. Vol. 3. July 27, 1781-May 15, 1786.— Foreign affairs. Vol. 4. May 17, 1786-Sept. 16, 1788.— Foreign affairs. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 275 OH o (6 ■P CO 0) (ti 0) I?? a o O o «> V a o O ^1 O 02 I— 1 (ti s . If > . to ■ t^ • X • OV • O ri "1> c c "o c c 01 > G " ^^ ^ CC~ r- I- Tf X ^ rn" CO " r-T I>^ p r^ f-H ^ CO Q rH Ol rH Ol rH ?-H ^ S S SS ?3 > < O % '1 <; C 1-H f-H 1-4 f-t t-H .— IN C-) m CO -^ ■T 04 04 CO CO ^ to O to o to to to -o to to to to to to 1 « QC GO 00 00 OC rH I— t 1-H X X X OC X X X X rH r^ X X rH rH 3 P •* OC 05 ~ o" co" OC X 00 04 t^ 04 t-' x" X Oi t-" f— t ^ ^ SP c £ > oj C 4) P Is &H fe -< -> Ta A fe •< '2 Q s Z &H c; u XI o "O" &: a o 5 u ) c O goo o o o o O o c o o o 1 o 'O 'O 5 -o ■O -o -o "O -C ■o t; ■c ■o -o ■o S S : : ^ i-H ■M CO ■^ >c to o > m d I-H CI CC -^ iC rH O) CO -^ »H 04 rH Ol CO •* a> O M'S a^ _ rH C< rH o " o& ■ 1 C O 276 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 0) o HI o o »-9 •o o o o CO o t» O i1 CO s ^ ^ -c 1 & e < l^i o i el J' Si ft QJ o 0) 03 0) "C ci !S Ph 1 a a; > -^ g i S n CB |3 at & O' a s > 7i C5 m a c t; u X2 03 ^ ■c p ft >. 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P ft Ol ft ft ft o ft ft 01 ft ft rH ft ft ft 1) i3 rH rH c^ CO ■"K 10 la t^ 00 01 <-, >H '^ CO TJ^ .0 t.-i to CO CO CO CO Ttl '^ TJ* Tt< ■^ rH "»*• ■^ -^ ■^ ^ in lO iC uo X X CJO 00 X rH X X rH X 00 00 00 X 00 1-1 00 rH rH rH 2 00 rH rH 00 co" t-H oC CO r-T 05" CO r^ CO co' rH co" t-H co" CO s CO CO CO t-T ?5 00 ^ tJ X u >. t- 4H ft U3 be (H 0) B 3 (H bo IH bij c ft 0) t^ bo u be c "1(1 bo 33 ^ '^ 9 03 3 03 03 3 03 3 03 03 3 03 3 c! 1 s *-i g s < s s -< g < S S <; s «! s ft. 2 .S J3 C 3 HI ft 1—1 ft^ ^- ci 0) lO" a C 00 CO 1 02 X3 ^ ft cc CD > C-l ft CB ?! 1 in -1^ 00 :d CC Q n in t- rH ci '^ 00 T r-f t— ( CO CO r5 rH CJi 1-H s .. rH ., c IZi ft >-T< ft ^ ft e - a 'it o c T-H CO r^ .ill OS i I, Mar. 4-Mar. 10, ceeding.s (treaty ' in. Mar. 4-Mar. 28 ft b£ C o 1 03 03 1 C3 < •c o roceedings, pp. 629- . Grant, second tern P3 g S -S ft Eg S A _o 1 CO 03 ig 2 c s o CO J a. ft ^ 0) X o c: a. CD H o ft _o ft .f: g t ft ft CO -^ c £ a> '^v +J r^ Vh +_> 'S p. 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CO C si OS ^ I c 5 ^ O ft •" o ft OJ a> O' o in J. ft ft ft b£ tic H a •o -a •V o n> 01 Oj aj OJ B 1-s O O 3 60 3 si a oi a o ft ft ft % 0) 3 3 3 .S o o o o a> a> a> oj o ^ ■a -c "O "O 73 -C "^ c ^C c c _c c .g 'O 'O 'O "C 'O T? 'C 3 C C 3 C 3 C 03 ed 03 eg oi cv si zc H2 a: VI r: IK v-j +j -*j -*-»-*-» -tJ -«-j -*-^ u o c; c; c CJ -<<;<:< -s; <5 <3 1 I I I I I I . X XX XX X _x 2 B3B3CS3« ftftftftftftft" ftftftftftftftO o « 00 00 00 GO r-" o" ft 03 ^ I > 3 0) o3 t, 00 2 2 J3 O o ^ S si 03 3 CO bo 3 x: a 3 n 3 bo 3 OS 3 2 H h ft ft H . ;^ § :a f « 02 bo bo C 3 00 c^ o> ft ft bo -i Ol to l^ (N o ■a si > bo bo C 3 O OI S '=' ft ft S; > ^ 3 o 5 0) 0) X X ;? "5 0! " « ^ "O -a ai Oj 'S "o - 3 3 3 oi oi S 5 o o < < I I X X 3 3 ft ft ft ft si g 0) ^ ft ft ft S ?i > > > ■ ■■s ? s S o o t> at oj oj 4J X X X ft www 1 I I XXX 0) a> 0) T? 'C t3 3 3 3 T X a> ■a 3 <; <; -^ 3 < 'a a ft ft ft ft 3 (^ oi t. 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T- en ft ft o ft ft 1-1 -a -c X ft ^ o ft I X O CD CD -a "2 c ■d ^ 13 o "^ ft o >- I 03 S ft --5 ft ■^ fi X, Oj Cfi % § I ? ■d i; a cr. CD C ft O ft o X CD ■d c d s I X CD X ft ft < O Q bo a oj o o c -c d -d o ■d o -d o o -d -d o o d -d o -d o d o o "d "d o o d d ft ft ■d CD o ft CD O O -d "d C CO of o 60 •rr T-< OO i-( CO o 7^ 60 !- p 03 "^i oi 1-5 t^ >-:, ^ CD ft ns oj CO ■* in O Cji 05 CO OO 00 t^ 00 Oi eft 00 CO CT> O tH o o OV Oi to d o o o 0) Ol OI « o « cj o o a) CD a) O O) « s 3 03 iC o o o OS Oi CD o .—1 C-I CO -f lO '-0 to r^ 00 O Oi o o o o O O o <-> o o > i-H I— 1 rH T— ( r^ rH T-i T-t rH n C iH M e<5 f-( c^ tH C<1 CO tH t» tH IM rH iM CO -.^- . fH CS 0) o ft 03 ^j-s o CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 287 Journal (Executive) of the Senate. " 8°. 1789-1891. Volume, b Period. Volume, b Period. Volume. 6 Period. 1 1789-1805 180,5-1815 1815-1829 1829-1837 1837-1841 1841-1845 ; 184.5-1848 1848-1852* 18.52-1855 18.55-1858 11 1858-1861 1861-1862 1862-1864 1864-1866 1866 1866-1867 1867 1867-1869 1869-1871 1871-1873 19 1873-1875 2 12 20 21 22 23 24 25 187.5-1877 3 13 14, part 1 14, part 2.... 15, part 1 15, part 2 16 17 1877-1879 4 1879-1881 5 6 1881-1883 1883-1885 1885-1887 8 26 27 1887-1889 9 1889-1891 10 18 '^ Injunction of secrecy \va«, by resolutions of the Senate, removed from the Jour- nals of the confidential proceedings "from the commencement of the Government" to the clo.'^e of the last session of the Fortieth Congress, JNlar. 3, 1869. Since 1869 the comparatively small portions of the proceedings or acts of the Senate in executive or secret legislative sessions from which, from time to tinie, the injunction of secrecy was removed, have been published as Appendices to the Senate Legislative Journal. On Monday, Jan. 21, 1901, the Senate, in executive session, adopted the following: " Befool red, That the entire Executive -Journal of the Senate, from the 3d day of March, 1869, the date to which said proceedings have already been printed and pub- lished by order of the Senate, be printed to the end of the last session of the Fifty- first Congress, under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate, with a suitable index to each volume, and that 250 copies be printed. Resolved, That the injunction of secrecy be removed therefrom." In accordance with this resolution the Executive Journals from 1869 to 1891 have been prepared for publit-ation, constituting eleven volumes, numbered 17 to 27, both inclusive. '^ Index at end of each volume. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins. Leading articles in numbers of the B\illetin. No. 1. Private and public debt in the United States, by George K. Holmes. Emplo3^er and employee under the com- mon law, by V. H. Olmsted and S. D. Fessenden. No. 2. The poor colonies of Holland, by J. How- ard Gore, Ph. D. The industrial revolution in Japan, by William Eleroy Curtis. Notes concerning the money of the United States and other countries, by W. C. Hunt. The wealth and receipts and expenses of the United States, by W. M. Steuart. 3605—08 19 cn 1 a CO [54 1 House or Senate document. H.doc. 3 o > 38 a; a 3 33 288 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 3. Industrial communities: Coal Mining Co. of Anzin, by W. F. Willoughby. No. 4. Industrial communities: Coal Mining Co. of Blanzy, by W. F. Willoughby. The Sweating System, by Henry White.. No. 5. Convict labor Industrial communities: Krupp Iron and Steel Works, by W. F. Willoughby. No. 6. Industrial communities: Familistere Soci- ety of Guise, by W. F. Willoughby. Cooperative distribution, by Edward W. Bemis, Ph. D. No. 7. Industrial communities: Various commu- nities, by W. F. Willoughby. Rates of wages paid under public and pri- vate contract, by Ethelbert Stewart. No. 8. Conciliation and arbitration in the boot and shoe industry, by T. A. Carroll. Eailway relief department, by Emory R. Johnson, Ph. D. No. 9. The padrone system and padrone banks, by John Koren. The Dutch Society for General Welfare, by J. Howard Gore, Ph. D. No. 10. Condition of the Negro in various cities.. Building and loan associations No. 11. Workers at gainful occupations at censuses of 1870, 1880, and 1890, by W. C. Hunt. Public baths in Europe, by Edward Mus- sey Hartwell, Ph. D., M. D. No. 12. The inspection of factories and workshops in the United States, by W. F. Wil- loughby. Mutual rights and duties of parents and children, guardianship, etc., under the law, by F. J. Stimson. The municipal or cooperative restaurant of Grenoble, France, by C. O. Ward. No. 13. The anthracite mine laborers, by G. O. Virtue, Ph. D. Sao a o o 54 54 01 CD House or Senate document. 4) a a o > s H.doc. 38 33 H.doc. 44 135 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 289 Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 14. The Negroes of F'armville, Va. : Asocial study, by W. E. B. Du Bois, Ph. D. Incomes, wages, and rents in Montreal, by Herbert Brown Ames, B. A. No. 15. Boarding homes and clubs for working women, by Mary S. Fergusson. The trade-union label, l)y John (iraham Brooks. No. 16. Alaskan gold fields and opportunities for capital and labor, by S. C. Dunham. No. 17. Brotherhood relief and insurance of rail- way employees, by E. R. Johnson, Ph. D. The nations of Antwerp, by J. Howard Gore, Ph. D. No. 18. Wages in the United States and Europe, 1870 to 1898. No. 19. Alaskan gold fields and opportunities for capital and labor, by S. C. Dunham. Mutual relief and benefit associations in the printing trade, by W. S. Waudby. No. 20. Condition of railway labor in Europe, by Walter E. Weyl, Ph. D. No. 21. Pawnbroking in Europe and the United States, by W. R. Patterson, Ph. D. No. 22. Benefit features of American trade unions, by Edward W. Bemis, Ph. D. The Negro in the black belt: Some social sketches, by W. E. B. Du Bois, Ph. D. Wages in Lyon, France, 1870 to 1896 No. 23. Attitude of women's clubs, etc., toward social economics, by Ellen M. Henrotin. The production of paper and pulp in the United States from Jan. 1 to June 30, 1898. No. 24. Statistics of cities No. 25. Foreign labor laws: Great Britain and France, by W. F. Willoughby. c o 55 55 c o House or Senate 3 document, -g 2 H.doc. 50 206 H.doc. 72 207 290 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. 6c C o c o Hotise or Senate document. 9) S 3 Xo. 26. Protection of workmen in their employ- ment, by Stephen D. Fessenden. Foreign labor laws: Belgium and Switz- erland, bv W. F. Willoughbv. No. 27. Wholesale prices: 1890 to 1899, by Eoland P. Falkner, Ph. D. Foreign labor laws: Germany, by \V. F. Willoughbv. Xo. 28. Voluntary conciUation and arbitration in Great Britian, by J. B. McPherson. System of adjusting wages, etc., in cer- tain rolling mills, by J. H. Xutt. Foreign labor laws: Austria, by W. F. Willoughby. Xo. 29. Trust and industrial combinations, by J. W. Jenks, Ph. D. The Yukon and Xome gold regions, by S. C. Dunham. Labor Day, by 3Iiss M. C. de Graffenried. Xo. 30. Trend of wages from 1891 to 1900 Statistics of cities Foreign labor laws: Various European countries, by W. F. Willoughby. Xo. 31. Betterment of industrial conditions, by V. H. Ohnsted. Present status of employers' liability in the United States, by S. D. Fessenden. Conditon of railway labor in Italv, bv Dr. Luigi Einaudi. Xo. 32. Accidents to labor as regulated by law in the United States, by W. F. Wil- loughby. Prices of commodities and rates of wages in Manila. The Xegroes of Sandy Spring, Md. : A social study, by W. T. Thorn, Ph. D. The British workmen's compensation act and its operation, by A. M. Low. Xo. 33. Foreign labor laws: Australasia and Can- ada, by W. F. Willoughby. 56 56 0) .o a a 55 H.doc. 86 359 H.doc. 88 315 CATALOGUE LIBR A RY ITXITED STATES SENATE Labor. Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. 291 Leading- articles in numbeis of the Bnlletin. No. 33. The British conspiracy and protection of property act and its operation, by A. M. Low. N(j. 34. Labor conditions in Porto Kioo, by Azel Ames, M. D. Social economics at the Paris Exposition, by Prof. X. P. Oilman. The workmen's compensation act of Hol- land. No. 35. Cooperative communities in the United States, by Eev. Alexander Kent. The yegro landholder of Geoi^a, by W. E. B. Du Bois, Ph. D. Xo. 36. Statistics of cities Xo. 37. Railway employees in the United States, by Samuel McCxme Lindsay. The Negroes of Litwalton, Va., by Wil- liam Taylor Thorn. No. 38. Labor conditions in Mexico, by Walter E. Weyl. The Negroes of Louisiana, by J. Bradford Laws. No. 39. Course of wholesale prices, 1890-1901 No. 40. Present condition of the hand working and domestic industries of Germany, by H. J. Harris. Xo. 41. Labor conditions in Cuba, by Y. S. Clark. Beef prices, by F. C. Croxton Xo. 42. Statistics of cities Labor conditions in Cuba Xo. 43. Report on anthracite coal strike Italian bureau of labor statistics, etc Xo. 44. Factory sanitation and labor protection, by C. F. W. Doehring. Statistics of cities, errata, etc Xo. 45. Course of wholesale prices, 1890-1902 . . . Digest of foreign publications Decisions of courts, etc Labor laws of various States -. 57 o7 z" Hour* or r ^ Senate E 1 document, -r X > )56 2 H.doc-. 1 I H.doc... H.doc... 88 315 95 377, 1-6 90 ' 370,1-2 292 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. . Leading articles in numbers of tlie Bulletin. bo C o 58 c o •s en 01 CD Sp. House or Senate document. s 3 O > 1 a 'A No. 4(1 Report of Anthracite Coal Strike Com- j S. doc . . . 6 mission. No. 47. Labor report, Hawaii, etc No. 48. Editorial note, farm colonies of Salvation Army. Negroes of Xenia, Ohio Statistics of manufactures in Massachu- setts, sixteenth annual report, etc. 57 2 H.doc... 90 370, .3-5 No. 49. Cost of living Labor in New Zealand Agreements Decisions of courts, etc No. 50. Labor unions and British industry, A. M. Low. Land values in Philadeli)hia, by Davies .. Agreements, etc 58 2 H.doc... 75 No. 51. Course of wdiolesale prices, 1890-1903 Union of coal mine workers, by F. J. 343,1-3 Warne, etc. No. 52. Child labor in United States, by Hannah R. Sewall. Agreements, decisions and laws, etc No. 53. Wages and cost of living Agreements, etc No. 54. The working of United States Bureau of Labor, statistics. Labor bureaus of foreign countries Strikes and lockouts in United States, 1881-1890. Wages, 1890-1903 58 2 H.doc.^. 76 Cost of living Housing of working people in United 343, 4-6 States by employers. Public baths Trade education Labor legislation No. 55. Child labor, editorial note Building and loan associations in United States. Revival of handicrafts in America, etc CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. 293 Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 56. Influence of trade unions on immigrants, by Carroll D. Wright. Labor conditions in Australia, V)y Victor S. Clark, Ph. D. Agreements between employers and em- ployees. Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of labor statistics: Massachusetts. Digest of recent foreign statistical publi- cations: Strikes and lockouts — Austria France Germany Great Britain Italy Netherlands Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1896. No. 57. Course of wholesale prices, 1890 to 1904. Street railway employment in the United States, by Walter E. Weyl, Ph. D. State Cooperative Accident Insurance Fund of Maryland. - Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of labor statistics: New York Ohio Statistics of manufactures in Massachu- setts: Seventeenth Annual Report. Digest of recent foreign statistical publi- cations. Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1904. No. 58. Labor conditions in the Philippines, by Victor S. Clark, Ph. D. Labor conditions in Java, by Victor S. Clark, Ph. D. 58 House or Senate document. 4) a 3 O > 0) a s H.doc... 80 386, 1-3 294 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading artitdes in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 58. The new Russian workingmen's compen- sation act, by I. M. Rubinow. Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of labor statistics: Connecticut Maine Virginia Digest of recent foreign statistical publi- cations. Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1904. No. 59. Wages and hours of labor in manufactur- ing industries, 1890 to 1904. Retail prices of food, 1890 to 1904. Laws relating to child labor in European countries. Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of labor statistics. Digest of recent foreign statistical publi- cations. Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1904. No. 60. Government industrial arbitration. The eight-hour law and enforced labor contracts in the Panama Canal Zone. Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of labor statistics. Digest of recent foreign statistical publica- tions. Decisions of courts affecting labor. Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1904. No. 61. Labor conditions in Porto Rico. The early organizations of printers. Digest of recent labor statistics. Statistics of manufactures in Massachu- setts: Eighteenth Annual Report. a o o CO House or Senate document. o > 0) a 58 58 H. doc. 80 386, 1-3 H.doc... 81 886, 4-6 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. 295 Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 6L Digest of foreign statisfical publications. Decisions of courts affecting labor. Laws of various States since January 1, 1904. Cumulative index of labor laws and de- cisions relating thereto. No. G2. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. Conciliation in the stove industry. Laws on the employment of children in the United States. Digest of labor statistics. Digest of foreign statistical publications. Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor laws since January, 1904. Index of labor laws and decisions. No. 63. Workingmen's insurance. Course of wholesale prices, 1890-1905. Digest of labor statistics. Digest of foreign statistical publications. Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor laws since January, 1904. Index of labor laws and decisions. No. 64. Conditions of living among the poor. Benefit features of British trade unions. Digest of labor statistics. Digest of foreign statistics. Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor laws since January, 1904. Index of labor laws and decisions. No. 65. Wagesandhoursof labor in manufacturing industries, 1890-1905. Retail prices of food, 1890-1905. Digest of labor statistics. Digest of foreign statistics. Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor laws since January, 1904. Index of labor laws and decisions. No. 66. Third report of the Commissioner of Labor on Hawaii. o c o 59 59 House or Senate document. > a I? H. doc 93 592, 1-3 H. doc- 94 592, 4-6 296 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. a u to a o o No. 67. Conditions of entrance to the principal trades. Cost of industrial insurance in the District of Columbia. Digest of labor statistics. Digest of foreign statistics. Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor laws since January, 1904. Index of labor laws and decisions. No. 68. Free public employment offices in the United States. Laws of foreign countries relating to em- ployees on railroads. Digest of labor statistics. Digest of foreign statistics. Opinions of the Attorney-General affecting labor. Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor laws since January, 1904. Index of labor laws and decisions. No. 69. Wholesale prices, 1890-1906. Digest of labor statistics. Digest of foreign statistics. Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor laws since January, 1904. Index of labor laws and decisions. No. 70. The Italian on the land. A short history of labor legislation in Great Britain. The British workmen's compensation acts. British workmen's compensation act of 1906. Digest of State labor statistics. Digest of foreign statistics. Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor laws since January, 1904. Index of labor laws and decisions. o Not documented. >59 House or Senate document. I o > 3 («) (a) H.doc. 94 592,4-6 (a) (a) (a) CATALOGUE LIBRAHY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. 297 Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. tlD c o o Session. House or Senate document. § a o > No. 71. Wages and hours of labor in manufacturing industries, 1890-1906. Retail prices of food, 1890-1906. Digest of State labor statistics. Digest of foreign statistics. (a) (a) (a) (") (a) Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor laws since January, 1904. Index of labor laws and decisions. « Not documenteouisiana Bulletin. No. Page. Wisconsin (D).. Intimidation: Connecticut (D) . '61 61 71 Utah. 357-360 71.3,714 909-911 990-992 321,322'' 381,382 915,917 1089 769,773, 774 907 590, 591 774-776 718-720 237 712 763, 764 1018, 1019 383,384 908 352,353 1076 574-576 761-763 578 582-584 912,913 1078 1075,1076 689,690 396 732-734 553-558 765 678-680 734-743 681-684 884r-886 732-734 364 Intoxicating liquor. (See Liquor.) Intoxication of employees: Vermont Wyommg Labeling goods unlawfully manu- factured : New York Labor agents. (See Employment offices.) Labor, bureau of. (See Bureau of labor.) Labor Day: Mississippi Labor organizations, bribery of representatives of: New York Labor organizations, incorpora- tion, regulation, etc., of: Massachusetts New Hampshire Pennsylvania (D) Liability of employers for injuries to employees: Arizona (D) Colorado (D) Illinois Bulletin. No. Page. Illinois (D) . Indiana (D) . Iowa (D) . Kansas Kansas (D) Kentucky (D) . . Massachusetts . Minnesota (D) . Mississippi (D) . Missouri Montana New York New York (D) . North Carolina (D) . Ohio Ohio (D). Philippine Islands. . South Carolina (D) . Tennessee (D) 69 57 57 396 1095 461 712 718 57 710 63 589 61 1064, 1065 60 694,695 68 187, 188 61 1075,1076 69 71 444-446 382-385 i:^ 988,989 377-380 (61 1061-1064 63 547-549 61 1082 69 462,453 64 883-887 70 769 64 882,883 69 446-449 61 1090,1091 63 585 69 471 c 11055,1056 [1059-1061 bl 71 371-373 63 549,550 J70 717 59 384 56 297-299 57 690-693 |65 337 67 868-875 71 394 69 450,451 65 334-337 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE 303 Labor Laws and Decisions. Cumulative Index — Continued. Bulletin. Texas (D) . Virginia (D) . Washington (D) ...t,V. Wisconsin (D) . United States. United States (D) . Liability of railroad companies to workmen not employees : Pennsylvania (D) License tax, exemption of mechan- ics, etc., from: Louisiana Liquor, sale of, to employees: Hawaii New Hampshire Vermont Locomotive boilers, inspection of: New York Lodging houses, sailors': United States Manufactured articles, marking: California Marriage, etc., statistics of, to be procured : California Mechanics, exemption of, from manufacturers' taxes: Philippine Islands Mine regulations: Arkansas Illinois IlUnois (D). Indiana Indiana (D) . . . Kansas Kentucky Kentucky (D). Michigan MissourL Nevada New York No. Page. Liability of employers for injuries to employees — Continued. Texas 70 57 62 59 363 692-694 1056-1058 551 .338,339 367-371 985,986 442-444 990-992 381,382 986-988 909 188-197 717-728 385-389 743-746 703 62 334,335 63 589,590 60 715 64 907 57 719 62 330 328 385 65 352-354 61 1076-1078 67 866-868 68 214-216 69 444-446 71 382-385 63 .569-577 67 864-866 61 1080-1082 70 761-763 64 883-887 63 578-580 61 1093 63 587 69 468,470 Mine regulations — Continued. Ohio Ohio (D) Pennsylvania (D) Tennessee (D) Utah West Virginia Wyoming Wyoming (D) (See also Accidents in mines; Inspectors, mine.) Mines, etc., hours of labor of em- ployees in. (See Hours of labor.) Mines, etc., intoxication in or about : Wyoming Newsboy law. (See Children, em- ployment of, in street trades.) Payment of wages due discharged employees: Arkansas (D) Payment of wages in scrip : Arkansas Indiana Missouri (D) Nevada New York South Carolina Texas Washington Payment of wages, modes and times of: Indiana (D) Maryland Massachusetts . New Jersey. Vermont Peonage: United States (D) Picketing: Colorado Plumbers, examination, etc., of. (See Examination, etc.) Preference of wages. (See Wages as preferred claims.) Printing, public. (See Public printing. Protection of employees as mem- bers of labor organizations : Kansas (D) New York (D) United States (D) Bulletin. No. Page. 61 60 60 62 379 779 337 318,319 334-337 364 912,913 1095 389-391 1095 699,700 65 350,351 63 576 56 309-311 63 587 69 461,462 60 714,715 65 363 67 911,912 67 886-888 57 704,705 61 1086, 1087 70 770 58 1019 71 396 695, 696 .330 .311 888,889 216-221 3605—08 20 304 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor La\vs and Decisions. Cumulative Index — Continued. No. Page. Protection of employees as voters: New Jersey Protection of employees on build- ings: Kansas '. New York (D) Wisconsin Protection of employees on street railways: District of Columbia Louisiana Maine Massachusetts New York Ohio South Carolina Protection of wages: Massachusetts United States Publicprinting office, employees in: Kansas Public printing to be done within the State: Arkansas PubUc works, injuries of employees on: PhiUppine Islands Public works, labor on: Bulletin. New York , Public works, preference of domes- tic materials for: Missouri (D) New Mexico Public works, preference of resi- dent laborers on : Massachusetts New Mexico Public works, retention of wages of employees on : California Public works, vaccination of em- ployees on: Virginia Railroad bridges, etc.: Vermont Railroad companies, (liability of, for injuries to employees. (See Liability of employers.) Railroads, accidents on. (5€C Ac- cidents.) Railroads, height of bridges, wires, etc., over: Arkansas 70 65 71 64 69 62 60 60 65 776,777 1083,1084 319,320 915,916 718 703,704 1084, 1085 772 906,907 777 714 711 717,718 1083 354 394 905 470 697-699 1094 708 1094 330 717 716 No. Page. 351 Railroads, height of bridges, wires, etc., over— Continued. Kansas Vermont Wyoming Railroads, hours of labor of em- ployees on. (See Hours of la- bor.) Railroads, ilUterate employees on: Ohio , Railroads, intemperate employees on. (See Intemperate employees on public carriers.) Railroads, safety appliances on: Illinois ^ Ohio. Texas Vermont . . Wisconsin. United States (D) . Railroads, shelters for workmen on: Arkansas Railroads, structures near tracks of: Ohio Rates of wages of employees of public printing office: Kansas Rates of wages of employees on public works: New York , Right of action for injuries. (See Injuries.) Safety appliances. (See Fire es- capes on factories; Guards on thrashing machines, etc.; In- spection of factories; Railroads, safety appliances on.) Scrip. (See Payment of wages.) Seamen: Philippine Islands Bulletin. Unit«d States. Seats for female employees: Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Pennsylvania Tennessee 59 65 59 61 64 1083 715 1095 379 1078-1080 384 777-779 363 715 917,918 299-309 359-361 385-389 354 380, 381 1083 905 71 394,395 57 719 68 237,238 71 400 70 761 70 764 57 707 65 367 65 362 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 305 Labor Lavrs and Decisions. Cumulative Index — Continued. (See Statistics, collection of: Hawaii Steam boilers, inspection of. Inspection.) Steam engineers, examination, etc., of. (See Examination, etc.) Stone worked within State, use of, on public works. (See Public works, . preference of domestic materials for.) Street railways, hours of labor of employees on. (See Hours of la- bor, etc.) Street railways, protection of em- ployees on. (See Protection of employees.) Suits for wages: Georgia New York Sunday labor: Georgia (D) Hawaii Maine (D) Massachusetts Rhode Island Virginia , Sweating system : Maryland (D) Massachusetts , New Jersey , New York. Pennsylvania Telegraph operators, etc., railroad, hours of labor of: United States Telegraph poles, size, height, etc., of: Wyoming Tenant factories. (See Inspection of factories.) Time for meals to be allowed em- ployees: Louisiana Pannsylvania Time to vote to be allowed em- ployees: Massachusetts .-, Bulletin. No. Page. 57 68 64 69 62 68 57 67 60 58 61 58 [57 l69 65 71 61 57 65 57 703 2.35 906 457 333,334 221 711 861,862 716,717 999-1002 1086 1015, 1016 713-718 458-461 358 401,402 1095 704 357 710 Bulletin. No. Page. Time to vote to be allowed em- ployees — ^Continued. Ohio 59 Trade-marks of trade imions: Arkansas California Connecticut (D) Nebraska , New Jersey , New Jersey (D) , New York ; Tennessee , Vaccination of employees on pubUc works: Virginia , Wages as preferred claims: Iowa , New Mexico United States ' 68 Wages, assignment of. (See As- signment.) Wages, combinations to fix : Louisiana 57 Wages, exemption of. (See Ex- emption, etc.) Wages of employees on pubUc works, retention of: CaUfomia 62 Wages, payment of (See Pay- ment, etc.) Wages, rates of. (See Rates of wages.) Wages, suits for. (See Suits lor wages.) Weighing coal at mines: Arkansas ; 65 Woman and child labor, investiga- tion of: United States 71 Women and children. (See Chil- dren and women.) Women, employment of: Michigan 63 Women, hours of labor of: Oregon (D) 67 Women, night work by: New York [ 69 65 354,355 62 330 67 889-891 63 586 70 774 61 1066,1067 57 715 65 361,. 362 380 717 236 1094 237 704 330 351 397 581 877-879 469 306 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Labor. Reports of the Commissioner. Year. Con- gress. 1886... 1886... 1887... 1888... 1889... 1890... 1891... 1892... 1893. -- 1894... 1895-96 1897. . . 1»98... 1899... 1900 . . 1901... 1902... 1903... 1904... 1906... 1906... 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 Ses- sion. 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 House or Senate document. H. ex.... H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H.ex H. ex S. ex H. ex H.doc..., H.doc... H.doc... H. docs... H.doc... H. docs. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doe. H. doc. Vol- ume. Num- ber. 15 1 11 1 14 1 15 1 36 336 37 265 38 232 Part. 6 30 64 69 68 65 209 339 341 564 85,86 301 107 713 f 108 1 109 1 528 51 18 45 18 113 747 82 428 106 906 110 822 1,2 1,2 Vol- ume. Report No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Contents. Industrial depresssions. Convict labor. Strikes and lockouts. Working women. Railroad labor. Iron, steel, and cost of produc- tion. Textiles, etc., cost of produc- tion. Industrial education. Building and loan associations. Strikes and lockouts. Work and wages of men, wo- men, and children. Economic aspects of the liquo problem. Hand and machine labor. Water, gas, and electric light plants under private and municipal ownership. A compilation of wages in com- mercial countries, from offi- cial .sources. Strikes and lockouts. Trade and technical education. Cost of living and retail prices of food. Wages and hours of labor. Convict labor. Strikes and lockouts. «The Bureau of Labor was established by act of June 27, 1884 (vol. 23, p. 60), as one of the bureau.s of the Department of the Interior. B5' act of June 13, 1888 (vol. 25, p. 182), however, it was made an independent department. Its reports, both annual and special, are issued in cloth as departmental series. Most of them are also included in the leather-bound series of Congressional documents. The first four annual reports are embraced in the annual volumes of the Department of the Interior. These reports now issued through Department of Commerce and Labor. Labor. Special Reports of the Commissioner. Year, etc. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Report No. Remarks. Not documented . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-11 12 Labor laws Not documented. Index to reports of Do. Bureau of Statis- tics. 1892 52 52 2 2 S.ex H.ex 7 32 66 254 Compulsory insurance in Ger- many. Golden bUrg system. Phosphate industry (not docu- mented). Slums of cities. Housing of working people. The Italians in Chicago. 1892 1893 1893 1894 53 53 54 58 58 2 3 2 Spl. 3 H.ex H.ex H.doc... S. doc H. doc... 31 34 44 1 79 257 354 135 1 301 1897 1903 1905 nnfll-tnlnp lnV»nr CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Librarian of Congress. Reports. 307 Librarian. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Meehan 1839 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 ' 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 26 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 .46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 Senate S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis Senate Senate S. doc A 2 2 4 3 5 5 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 1 9 47 40 36 16 Spofford 6 Do 10 Do 19 Do 11 Do 31 Do 25 Do 13 Do 20 Do 125 Do 31 Do 27 Do 24 Do 30 Do 45 Do 50 Do 42 Do 28 Do 52 Do 35 Do 89 Do 78 Do 73 Do 90 Do 213 Do 90 Do 151 Do 267 Do 148 Do 305 Spofford (special report). Spofford 7 131 Young 13 Do S. doc H. doc .... H. doc ... . S. doc S. doc S. doc H.doc H.doc H.doc 24 Putnam 25 Do 24 Do 35 Do 6 Do 10 Do 18 Do 18 Do 18 308 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Manual, Constitution, Rules and, House of Representatives. See Constitution and, p. 230. Manual, Constitution, Rules and, United States Senate. See Constitution and, p. 231. Merchant Vessels, annual list. Annual number. 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 Year. 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Congress. Session. 54 1 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 2 58 3 59 1 59 2 Document. Number. House . . . 29 House . . . 38 House . . . 15 House . . . 100 House . . . 18 House . . . 16 House . . . 16 House . . . 16 House . . . 16 House . . . 16 House . . . 16 House . . . 16 Volume. 34 37 35 54 56 57 49 43 43 45 38 34 Note. — Annual lists 1-26, inclusive, were not published in document form, and can only be found on file in the Bureau of Navigation, Department of Commerce and Labor. Messages and Documents, Abridgment of. 1858-59. 1866-67. 1873-74. 1880-81. 1887-88. 1894-95. 1859-60. 1867-68. 1874-75. 1881-82. 1888-89. 1895-96. 1860-61. 1868-69. 1875-76. 1882-83. 1889-90. 1896-97. 1861-62. 1869-70. 1876-77. 1883-84. 1890-91. 1897-98. 1862-63. 1870-71. 1877-78. 1884-85. 1891-92. 1898-99. 1863-64. 1871-72. 1878-79. 1885-86. 1892-93. 1899-1900 1864-65. 1872-73. 1879-80. 1886-87. 1893-94. 1900-1901 1865-66. These volumes contain the annual messages of the Presidents, the annual reports of the heads of the several Executive Departments of the Government, and an abridgment of the documents accompanying such reports. They are prepared and printed by authority of an act of Congress approved June 25, 1864. They are issued only in cloth, and are not included in the executive or miscellaneous documents of either House of Congress. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Mineral Resources of the United States. 309 Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1867 39 40 40 40 41 42 42 42 43 43 44 48 1 49 49 50 50 51 1 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. mis .. H. mis .. H. mis . . H. mis .. H. mis . . H. mis . . H. mis . . H. mis . . H. mis .. H. mis . . H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc- H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc. H. doc .. H. doc .. 7 16 17 9 10 1 10 9 10 18 14 40 9 6 2 2 16 42 7 4 28 19,20 17 19,20 22,23 27,28 37,38 50 44 92 49 42 39 29 1868 202 1868 273 1869 54 1870 207 1871 10 1872 211 1873 210 1874 141 1875 1876 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 177 159 75 86 146 42 1887 4 1888 230 1889 1890 296 1891 83 1892 38 1893 181 1894 5 5 1896 5 1897 5 1898 5 1899 5 1900 17 1901 17 1902 658 1903 20 1904 21 1905 21 310 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Mississippi River Commission Reports. Year. 1881 1882 1883 1884 1884 (supplemental) 1885 1886 1887 1888 Congress. Session. 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 48 2 49 2 49 2 50 1 50 2 House or Senate document. S. ex . . S. ex . , H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex Volume. 1 2 19 21 30 19 20 25 25 Number. 10 32 37 64 38 25 30 37,59 64 Missouri River Commission Reports. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1883 48 49 49 1 1 2 S. ex H. ex . . . H. ex... 1 30 20 24 1884 41 1885 28 Monetary Conferences. Reports. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1867 40 41 45 45 47 2 2 3 1 1 S, ex H. ex... S. ex H. mis .. H. ex ... 1 12 5 24 23 14 266 58 396 231 1867 1878 1878 2,3 1881-1882 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 311 Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance. Monographs In the Immigration into the United States, 1820-1903. [June, 1903.] British Steamship Contracts. [July, 1903.] Steamer Lines Plying between Ports of United States and Foreign Ports. [August, .1903.] British and Foreign Trade and Industry. [October, 1903.] Modern Tariff Systems. [March, 1904.] Statistical Abstract of the World. [April, 1904.] Trade of the United States with Canada. [June, 1904.] Imports and Exports and Receipts and Expenditures of the United States to 1904. [August, 1904.] Reciprocity Treaties and Agreements of the United States since 1850. [August, 1904.] Great Canals of the World. [January, 1905.] Commercial Cuba in 1905. [May, 1905.] World's Production and Consumption of Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa. [July, 1905.] National Academy of Sciences. Memoirs. Year. 1881 1882 1883 1886 1887 1889 1891 1894 1895 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1902 1903 1904 Congress. 48 48 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 56 56 56 57 57 58 58 Session. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 House or Senate document. Volume. Number. S. mis... 3 110 S. mis . . . 5 69 S. mis 7 154 S. mis - . . 3 30 H. mis .. 26 597 S. mis - . . 6 94 S. mis 6 169 S. mis... 3 20 H. doc .. 59 253 S. doc... 5 77 S. doc ... 11 111-169 S. doc... 9 117 S. doc . . . 7 76 S. doc . . . 7 76 S. doc... 18 233-450 S. doc . . . 7 81 S. doc - . . 3 73 S. doc . . . 14 197 Part. 312 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE National Academy of Sciences. Reports. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1881 47 48 48 48 49 49 50 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 S. mis S. mis... S. mis... S. mis S. mis S. mis... H. mis .. 1 2 1 1 5 2,3 6 54 1883 85 1884 68 1 884 32 1885 153 1886 30 1887 596 1888 1889 51 51 52 2 2 1 S. mis . . . S. mis S. mis . . . 3 3 5 47 1890 60 1891 170 1892 l/U 1893 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 S. mis S. mis S. doc... S. doc - . . S. doc... S. doc . , . S. doc S. doc... S. doc... S. doc . . . S. doc... S. doc... 1 1 3 3 3 4 9 5 13 7 3 14 27 1894 49 1895 55 1896 50 1897 57 1898 56 1898 117 1900 72 1901 153 1902 81 1903 73 1904 197 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE Navy Department. Reports of the Secretary/' 313 Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Samuel L. Southard 1825 19 1 Senate... 2 Do 1825 19 1 H.ex.... 1 Do 1826 1826 1827 19 19 20 2 2 1 Senate... H.ex.... .Senate... 1 2 1 Do Do Do 1827 1828 20 20 1 2 H.ex.... Senate... 1 1 Do Do 1828 1829 1829 20 21 21 2 1 1 H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... 2 1 2 John Branch Do Do 1830 21 2 Senate. . . 1 Do 1830 21 2 H.ex.... 2 Levi Woodbury 1831 22 1 Senate... 1 Do 1831 22 1 H.ex.... 2 Do 1832 1833 1833 22 23 23 2 1 1 H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... 2 1 1 Do Do Mahlon Dickinson 1834 23 2 Senate... -| 1 Do 1834 23 2 H.ex.... 2 Do 1835 1835 1836 24 24 24 1 1 2 Senate... H.ex.... Senate... 1 2 1 Do Do Do 1836 24 2 H.ex.... 2 Do 1837 1837 25 25 2 2 Senate... H.ex 1 2 Do James K. Paulding 1838 25 3 Senate... 1 Do 1838 1839 1839 1840 25 26 26 26 3 1 1 2 H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... 2 1 2 1 Do Do Do Do 1840 26 2 H.ex.... 2 Badger and Upshur 1841 27 2 Senate . . . 1 Abel P. Upshur 1841 27 2 H.ex.... 2 Do 1842 1842 27 27 3 3 Senate... H.ex.... 1 2 Do »For reports prior to 1825 see A.merican "State Papers, Naval Affairs, vols. 1 and 2. The Navy Department was organized under the provisions of an act of Congress approved April 30, 1798, since which date annual reports have been issued by the Secretary. Such of these reports as were made prior to 1850, and many since, are bound in the same volume with other executive documents, and can not now be had in sepa- rate form. These reports have been issued as departmental documents and as executive documents of the Senate or House, or botii, bound in leather. Tliey are also included in the "Message and Document" series. 314 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Navy Department. Reports of the Secretary — Continued. Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. David Henshaw 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 ' 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 . 2 1 2 2 3 2 Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... S.ex .... H.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex .... H.ex.... S.ex .... H.ex.... S. ex . . . . H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S. ex . . . . H.ex.... S.ex .... H.ex S.ex .... H.ex.... S. ex . . . . S.ex .... S. ex . . . . H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... 4 2 4 2 Q 3 3 3 4 6 5 4 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 11 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Do Gilmer and Mason John Y. Mason ----- - George Bancroft Do John Y. Mason Do Do Do Do William B. Preston Do 1 William A. Graham Do Do 2 Do 2 John P. Kennedy Do :.. 2 2 John C. Dobbin Do 3 3 Do 2 Do 3 Do 3 Do 2 Do 2 Isaac Toucey 3 Do Do 3 4 Do 4 Do 3 Do 3 Gideon Welles Do 3 3 Do 4 Do 6 Do Do Do 6 Do Borie and Robeson H. ex . . . H. ex . . . 4 1 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 315 Navy Department. Reports of the Secretary — Continued, Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. George M. Robeson Do 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 '58 59 59 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 3 4 4 3 1 3 Do 3 Do 3 Do 5 i 3l 3 .__._. 3 Do 3 Do 3 Richard AV. Thompson . . Do 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 / 8 8 8,9 9 12 10 11 12 12 10 10 11 15 24 19-20 16 16 16 16 12 ...... 3 3 Do 3 Do 3 Do 3 Do 3 William E. Chandler. . . . Do 3 3 William C. Whitney Do Do 3 3 3 Do 1 1 1 3 Benjamin F. Tracy Do 3 3 Do 3 Do - . — . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hilary A. Herbert Do 3 3 Do 3 Do 3 John D. Long 1 Do Do 1 1 Do Do 1 1-2 W. H.Moody Do Paul Morton C J. Bonaparte 1 1 V. H. Metcalf 316 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Niles's Weekly Register. (75 volumes.) Vol. Period. Vol. 39 Period. 1 Sept., 1811, to Mar., 1812. Sept., 1830, to Mar., 1831. 2 Mar. to Sept., 1812. 40 Mar. to Sept., 1831. 3 Sept., 1812, to Mar., 1813. 41 Sept., 1831, to Mar., 1832. 4 Mar. to- Sept., 1813. 42 Mar. to Sept., 1832. 5 Sept., 1813, to Mar., 1814. 43 Sept., 1832, to Mar., 1833. 6 Mar. to Sept., 1814. 44 Mar. to Sept., 1833. 7 Sept., 1814, to Mar., 1815. 45 Sept., 1833, to Mar., 1834. 8 Mar. to Sept., 1815. 46 Mar. to Sept., 1834. 9 Sept., 1815, to Mar., 1816. 47 Sept., 1834, to Mar., 1835. 10 Mar. to Sept., 1816. 48 Mar. to Sept., 1835. 11 Sept., 1816, to Mar., 1817. 49 Sept., 1835, to Mar., 1836. 12 Mar. to Sept., 1817. 50 Mar. to Sept., 1836. 13 Sept., 1817, to Mar., 1818. 51 Sept., 1836, to Mar., 1837. 14 Mar. to Sept., 1818. 52 Mar. to Sept., 1837. 15 Sept., 1818, to Mar., 1819. 53 Sept., 1837, to Mar., 1838. 16 Mar. to Sept., 1819. 54 Mar. to Sept., 1838. 17 Sept., 1819, to Mar., 1820. 55 Sept., 1838, to Mar., 1839. 18 Mar. to Sept., 1820. 56 Mar. to Sept., 1839. 19 Sept., 1820, to Mar., 1821. 57 Sept., 1839, to Mar., 1840. 20 Mar. to Sept., 1821. 58 Mar. to Sept., 1840. 21 Sept., 1821, to Mar., 1822. 59 Sept., 1840, to Mar., 1841. 22 Mar. to Sept., 1822. 60 Mar. to Sept., 1841. 23 Sept., 1822, to Mar., 1823. 61 Sept., 1841, to Mar., 1842. 24 Mar. to Sept., 1823. 62 Mar. to Sept., 1842. 25 Sept., 1823, to Mar., 1824. 63 Sept., 1842, to Mar., 1843. 26 Mar. to Sept., 1824. 64 Mar. to Sept., 1843. 27 Sept., 1824, to Mar., 1825. 65 Sept., 1843, to Mar., 1844. 28 Mar. to Sept., 1825. 66 Mar. to Sept., 1844. 29 Sept., 1825, to Mar., 1826. 67 Sept., 1844, to Mar., 1845. 30 Mar. to Sept., 1826. 68 Mar. to Sept., 1845. 31 Sept., 1826, to Mar., 1827. 69 I Sept., 1845, to Mar., 1846. 32 Mar. to Sept., 1827. '70 Mar. to Sept., 1846. 33 Sept., 1827, to Mar., 1828. 1 71 Sept., 1846, to Mar., 1847. 34 Mar. to Sept., 1828. 72 Mar. to Sept., 1847. 35 Sept., 1828, to Mar., 1829. 73 Sept., 1847, to Mar., 1848. 36 Mar. to Sept., 1829. 74 July, 1848, to Jan., 1849. 37 Sept., 1829, to Mar., 1830. 75 Jan. to July, 1849. 38 Mar. to Sept., 1830. « Niles's Weekly Register, published and printed in Baltimore, Md. Its first num- ber appeared September, 1811. It covered a vast area of political, historical, geo- graphical, scientific, statistical, and biographical interest, and contained a thorough record of foreign and domestic events of the times. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Official Register of the United States (Blue Book). 317 Year. Printed by— Year. Printed by— 1816.... Josiah Elliott. 1863 . . . . Government Printing Office. 1817.... De Krafft. 1865.... Do. 1820.... Davis & Force. 1867.... Do. 1822.... Do. 1869 . . . . Do. 1824.... Do. 1871.... Do. 1826.... Do. 1873 . . . . Do. 1828 .... Peter Force. J 1875 . . . . Do. 1830 . . . . 1 Wm. A. Davis. 1877.... Do. 1831.... Do. 1879 o . . Do. 1833.... Francis P. Blair. 1881 « . . Do. 1835 . . . . Blair & Rives. 1883 a . . Do. ^ 1838.... Do. 1885 « . . Do. 1839.... A. B. Claxton & Co. 1887 a . . Do. 1841.... Thomas Allen. 1889 « . . Do. 1843 . . . . J. & G. N. Gideon. 1891 « . . Do. 1845 . . . . Do. 1 1893 a . . Do. 1847.... Do. 1895 a . . Do. 1849 . . . . Gideon & Co. 1897 a . . Do. 1851.... Do. 1899 o . . Do. 1853.... Government Printing Office. 1901 a . . Do. 1855.... Do. 1903 « . . Do. 1857.... Do. 1905 a . . Do. 1859 . . . . Do. 1907 a . . Do. 1861 Do. 1 « Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 contains the legislative, executive, and the judicial depart- ments. Part 2 contains the Post-Office Department and the Postal Service. 318 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Ordnance. Reports of the Chief. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1872 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex ... House... House... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 2 2 2 4 2 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 9 8 9 11 11 9 9 9 14 23 2 10 15 11 10 7 1 3 1 2 1 J- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 •2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ' 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 9 6 1 1873 3 1874 1 1875 3 1876 3 1877 3 1878 3 1879 3 1880 3 1881 3 1882 3 1883 3 1884 3 1885 3 1886 3 1887 3 1 888 3 1889 3 1890 3 1891 3 1892 3 1893 3 1894 3 1895 .3 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Ordnance (Board of) and Fortification. Reports. « 319 Year. 1885 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Congress. Session. 49 1 52 1 1 52 2 53 2 53 3 54 1 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 59 2 House or Senate document. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. House. House. House. House. House. House. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. Volume. Part. 28 29 28 21 28 11 9 9 10 14 23 55 57 3 2 3 3 1,2 Number. 49 12 11 23 136 2 2 2 2 2 2 85 245 2 2 2 2 Part. 1,2 « For earlier reports see American State Papers, Naval Affairs, vols. 1 and 2. Parliamentary Debates. Cobbett's Parliamentary History. "THE PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1803, FROM WHICH LAST-MENTIONED EPOCH IT IS CONTINUED DOWNWARD IN THE WORK ENTITLED 'THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES.' "—(HANSARD'S.) [1066-1803—36 volumes.] Period. A. D. A. D. A. D. A. D. A. D. A. D. A. D. A. D. A. D. A. D. A. D. A. D. 1066-1625 . 1625-1642. 1642-1660. 1660-1688. 1688-1702. 1702-1714. 1714-1722. 1722-1733. 1733-1737. 1737-17.39. Reign. William 1 to 22 James 1 Charles 1 to 18 Charles 1 18 Charles 1 to Commonwealth. 12 Charles 2 to 4 James 2 4 James 2 to 13 William 3 1 Anne to 13 Anne 1 George 1 to 8 George 1 , 9 George 1 to 6 George 2 6 George 2 to 10 George 2 10 George 2 to 12 George 2 Vol- ume. 1739-1741 13 George 2 to 14 George 2. 1741-1743 1 14 George 2 to 16 George 2. 3605—08 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 320 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Parliamentary Debates —Continued. Cobbett's Parliamentary History — Continued. Period. Reign. Vol- ume. A. D. 1743-1747 16 George 2 to 20 George 2 1 13 A D. 1747-1753 20 George 2 to 26 George 2 14 A D. 1753-1765 26 George 2 to 4 George 3 15 A. D. 1765-1771 5 George 3 to 11 George 3 16 A. D. 1771-1774 12 George 3 to 14 George 3 15 George 3 to 17 George 3 17 A. D. 1774-1777 18 Jan. 29, 1777-1778, Dec. 4 17 George 3 to 19 George 3 19 Dec. 5, 1778-1780, Feb. 10 19 George 3 to 20 (Jeorge 3 20 Feb. 11, 1780-1781, Mar. 25 20 George 3 to 21 George 3 21 Mar. 26, 1781-1782, May 7 May 10, 1782-1783, Dec. 1 21 George 3 to 22 George 3 22 22 George 3 to 24 George 3 23 Dec. 3, 1783-1785, Feb. 1 24 George 3 to 25 George 3 -. 24 Feb. 1, 1785-1786, May 5 25 George 3 to 26 George 3 25 May 15, 1786-1788, Feb. 8 26 George 3 to 28 George 3 26 Feb. 14, 1788-1789, May 4 28 George 3 to 29 George 3 27 May 8, 1789-1791, Mar. 15 29 George 3 to 31 George 3 28 Mar. 22, 1791-1792, Dec. 13.... 29 George 3 to 31 George 3 29 Dec. 13, 1792-1794, Mar. 10 do 30 Mar. 14, 1794-1795, May 22 34 George 3 to 35 George 3 31 May 27, 1795-1797, Mar. 2 35 George 3 to 37 George 3 32 Mar. 3, 1797-1798, Nov. 13 37 George 3 to 39 George 3 33 Dec. 3, 1798-1800, Mar. 21 39 George 3 to 40 George 3 34 Mar. 21, 1800-1801, Oct. 29 .... 40 George 3 to 41 George 3 35 Oct. 29, 1801-1803, Aug. 12 42 George 3 to 43 George 3 36 Parlimentary Debates, Hansard's. FROM THE YEAR 1803 TO THE PRESENT TIME, FORMING A CONTINU- ATION OF THE WORK ENTITLED "THE (COBBETT'S) PARLIMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1803." [1803-1901—524 volumes.] Series. Period. Volumes. 1 1803-1820.... 1820-1830.... 1803-1830 1830-1891.... 1887-1888.... 1892-1901.... 1 to 41. 1 to 25. General index. 1 to 356. General index. 1 to 100. 2 1-2 3 3 4 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 321 Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's — Continued. First Series. « Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. 2d 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 2d 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 1-1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 1 1 2 Period covered. Reign. 22 Nov., 1803-1804, Mar. 29 i 44 George III, 5 Apr., 1804, July 31 1 do 1.5 Jan., 1805, Mar. 12 i 45 George III. 13 Mar., 1805, May 14 1 do 15 May, 1805, July 12 , do 21 Jan., 1806, 6 May, 1806, 15 Dee., 1806-1807, 5 Mar., 21 Jan., 11 Apr., 19 Jan., 8 Mar., 11 Apr., 23 Jan., 2 Mar., 18 May, 1807, 1808, 1808, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1810, 1810, 1810, 46 George III. 47 George III. 48 George III. 49 George 111. 1 Nov., 1810-1811, 22 Feb., 13 May, 7 Jan., 17 Mar., 5 May, 1811, 1811, 1812, 1812, 1812, 24 Nov., 1812-1813, 11 Mar., 1813, 11 May,. 1813, 4 Nov., 1813-1814, 7 June, 1814, rogued] . 8 Nov., 1814-1816, May 6 July 23.... Mar. i .... Aug. 14 . . . Apr. 8 July 4 Mar. 7 . . . . Mar. 30 ' do June 21 ' do Mar. 1 j 50 George III May 17 i do June 21 do Feb 21 51 George III May 10 do July 24.... Mar. 16 . . . May 4 July 30.... Mar. 9 May 10.... do 52 George III do do 53 George III. do July22 ; do June 6 54GeorgeIII. July 30 [Pro- do Series. Vol- ume. 1803-1820 1 6 Mar., 2 May, 1 Feb., 17 Mar., 26 Apr., 28 Jan., 28 Apr., 27 Jan., 30 Apr., 14 Jan., 3 May, 1815, 1815, 1816, 1816, 1816, 1817, 1817, 1818, 1818, 1819, 1819, Mar. 3 55 George III. May 1 do July 12 i do Mar. 6 56 George III. Apr. 25 do July 2 do Apr. 25 1 57 George III. July 12 1 do Apr.l3 i 58 George III. June 10. Apr. 30.. July 13.. 23 Nov., 1819-1820, Feb. 28.. do 59 George III. do 60 George III. lto41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 (■Addendum. \Appendix, etc. Appendix, etc. Appendi.x and ad- dendum, etc. Appendix, etc. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Addenda, etc. Do. Do. Do. Do. Appendix, etc. Addendum. Appendix, etc. Do. Addendum, etc. Appendix, etc. a "Table of contents," "Alphabetical lists of House of Commons, cabinet ministers," etc., in front part of each volume. Parliamentary accounts, acts, and indexes in rear part of each volume. General index, first and second series, 1803 to 1830, see page 333, post. 322 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's — Continued. New Serie.s (second), Commencing with the Accession of George IV. « Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. 7tli 1st 7 1 7 1 7 2 7 2 7 3 7 3 7 4 7 4 •7 5 7 5 7 6 7 6 7 7 7 7 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 2 8 3 8 3 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 Period covered. Apr., June, Sept., Jan., Apr., Feb., Apr., Feb., May, Feb., Mar., Feb., Apr., Feb., Mar., Nov., 1826- Mar., Jan., Apr., Feb., Mar., Feb., Mar., Apr., June, 1820, 1820, 1820, 1821, 1821, 1822, 1822, 1823, 1823, 1824, 1824, 1825, 1825, 1826, 1826, •1827, 1827, 1828, 1828, 1829, 1829, 1830, 1830, 1830, 1830, June 26 . Sept. 7.. Nov. 23 . Apr. 2... July 11.. Apr. 22.. Aug. 6 . . Apr. 30. . July 19.. Mar. 29 . June 25 . Apr. 18.. July 6... Mar. 17 . May 31.. Mar. 22.. July 2... Apr. 22.. July 28.. Mar. 30 . June 24 . Mar. 8... Apr. 7... June 4 .. July 23.. Reign. I George IV.. do do do do 3 George IV.. do 4 George IV.. do 5 George IV.. do 6 George IV.. do 7 George IV.. do do do 9 George IV.. do 10 George IV. do II George IV. do do....... do Series. 1821-1830 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Vol- ume. lto25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Appendix, etc. Do. Do. Do. Addendum, etc. Appendix, etc. Addendum, etc. Appendix, etc. Do. Do. Do. Do. (Addenda. \Appendix, etc. Appendix, etc. Do. « "Table of contents," "Alphabetical lists of House of Commons, cabinet ministers," etc., in front •part of each volume. Parliamentary accounts, acts, and indexes in rear of each volume. " Chrono- logical tables" in front part of volume 1 and volume 20. " Lords' spiritual and temporal" roll, vol- ume 21, page X. General index to the first and second series— 1803 to 1830. [Sejiarate volume.] GENERAL INDEX TO THE FIRST AND SECOND SERIES « OF HANSARD'S PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, FORMING A DIGEST OF THE RECORDED PROCEEDINGS OF PARLIAMENT FROM 1803 TO 1830. ARRANGEMENT. let division: Debates in the Hause of Lords, 1803 to 1830, chronologically arranged. do. do. Commons " " '< " 2d division: List of the succession of Peers, members of Parliament, etc. 3d division : Index to state papers, Parliamentary returns, finance accounts, reports, petitions, protests, lists of divisions, etc. 4th division: Index (a) to the Peers, and " (6) to the Commoners who have spoken in debate. 5th division: Alphabetical index to the subjects of debate and matters incidentally introduced. « General index, 1st and 2d series, in separate volume. CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 323 Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's — Continued, Third Series; Co>i.mencing with the Accession op William IV. « Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. Period covered. Reign. Series. Vol- ume. 1830-1891 9th 1st 26 Oct., 1830, Dec. 20 1 William IV.. 3 1 9 21 Dec, 4 Mar., 1830-1831, Mar. 3 1831, Apr. 22 do 3 3 2 3 9 do 10 14 June, 1831, July 18 2 William IV.. 3 4 (General [Subject Index, 1831. 10 18 July, 15 Aug., 1831, Aug. 13 1831, Sept. 13 1831, Oct. 5 1831, Oct. 20 do 3 3 5 6 10 do 10 14 Sept., 5 Oct., do 3 3 7 8 General Indexes. 10 do Appendix, General In- dex. 10 2 6 Dec, 1831-1832, Feb. 6 do 3 9 Do. Do. 10 2 7 Feb., 1832, Mar. 8 1832, Apr. 6 1832, May 23 1832, July 3 do 3 10 Do. 10 2 2 2 9 xMar., 9 Apr., 24 May, do 3 3 3 11 12 13 Do. 10 do Do. 10 do Do. Do. 10 2 3 July, 29 Jan., 1832, Aug. 16 1833, Feb. 28 do 3 3 14 15 Do. Do. 11 3 William IV.. Do. 11 1 Mar., 1833, Apr. 1 do 3 16 [Erratum to) i .r , ^ Do. 11 2 Apr., 1833, May 20 do 3 17 1 Vol. 15. J Appendix. Do. 11 2 30 May, 2 July, 26 July, 4 Feb., 1833, July 1 1833, July 25 1833, Aug. 29 1834, Mar. 10 do 3 3 3 3 18 19 20 21 Do. 11 do Do. 11 do Do. Do. 11 4 William IV.. Do.,&c. 11 2 2 2 2 11 Mar., 25 Apr., 2 June, 10 July, 19 Feb., 20 Mar., 22 May, 29 June, 3 Aug., 1834, Apr. 25 1834, May 27 1834, July 9 1834, Aug. 15 1835, Mar. 19 1835, May 21 1835, June 26 1835, Aug. 3 1835, Sept. 10 do 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Do. 11 do Do. 11 do Do. 11 do Do. 12 do.. .. Do. Do. 12 do Do. Do. 12 . . . do . Do. 12 ... .do . . . Do. 12 do Do. Do. 12 2 4 Feb., 1836, Mar. 7 6 William IV.. 3 31 Do. Index. 12 2 8 Mar., 1836, Apr. 20 do.... 3 32 Do. 12 2 21 Apr., 1836, June 2 do 3 33 Do. 12 2 3 June, 1836, July 7 do 3 34 Do. 12 2 8 July, 1836, Aug. 20 do 3 35 Do. 12 3 21 Jan., 1837, Mar. 6 7 William IV.. 3 36 Do. Do. 12 3 7 Mar., 1837, Apr. 18 do 3 37 Do. 12 3 19 Apr., 1837, July 17 do 3 38 Do. Do. 13 1 15 Nov., 1837, Dec. 23 1 Victoria 3 39 Do. 13 1 16 Jan., 1838, Feb. 20 do 3 40 Do. 13 1 22 Feb., 1838, Mar. 28 do 3 41 Do. a Table of contents: In front part of each volume — Subjects of debate in House of Lords and in House of Commons. King's .speeches and messages; addresses to the King. Lists of divisions in House of Commons. Officers of state, ministry. Lords, Commons. Chronological tables, proclamations, "arguments," advertisements, etc. In rear of each volume — Indexes. Chronology of the volumes. " Table of all the statutes" in Appendices. 324 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's — Continued. ' Thikd Series — Continued. Par- lia- ment. 13th 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 11 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Ses- sion. 1st 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 (?)7 7 7 7 Period covered. 29 Mar., 21 May, 9 July, 5 Feb., 7 Mar., 15 Apr., 6 June, 8 July, 7 Aug., 16 Jan., 7 Feb., 24 Mar., 12 May, 23 June, 26 Jan., 8 Mar., 7 May, 19 Aug., 3 Feb., 4 Mar., 7 Apr., 3 May, 17 June, 12 July, 2 Feb., 28 Feb., 27 Mar., 9 May, 16 June, 31 July, 1 Feb., 22 Feb., 15 Apr., 30 May, 27 June, 4 Feb., 27 Feb., 3 Apr., 1 May, 4 June, 4 July, 22 Jan., 24 Feb., 24 Mar., 4 May, 4 June, 27 July, 19 Jan., 16 Feb., 16 Mar., 27 Apr., 1838, May 18 1838, July 7 1838, Aug. 16 1839, Mar. 6 1839, Apr. 12 1839, June 5 1839, July 6 1839, Aug. 6 1839, Aug. 28 1840, Feb. 6 1840, Mar. 23 1840, May 11 1840, June 22 1840, Aug. 11 1841, Mar. 5 1841, May 6 1841, June 22 1841, Oct. 7 1842, Mar. 3 1842, Apr. 6 1842, May 2 1842, June 16 1842, July 11 1842, Aug. 12 1843, Feb. 27 1843, Mar. 24 1843, May 8 1843, June 15 1843, July 28 1843, Aug. 24 1844, Feb. 21 1844, Apr. 2 1844, May 24 1844, June 26 1844, Sept. 5 1845, Feb. 26 1845, Apr. 2 1845, Apr. 30 1845, June 3 1845, July 3 1845, Aug. 9 1846, Feb. 23 1846, Mar. 23 1846, May 1 1846, May 29 1846, July 24 ' 1846, Aug. 28 1847, Feb. 15 1847, Mar. 15 1847, Apr. 26 1847, June 1 Reign. 1 Victoria . . . do do 2 Victoria . . . do do do do do 3 Victoria... do do do do 4 Victoria . . . do do 5 Victoria . . . do do do do do 6 Victoria , 7 Victoria 8 Victoria 9 Victoria 10 Victoria . . . Series. 1830-1891 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Vol- ume. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 325 Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's — Continued. Third Series — Continued. Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. 14th 7th 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ■ 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 3 16 3 16 8 16 3 16 4 16 4 16 4 Period covered. June, July, Nov., Feb., Feb., Apr., Maj', July, Aug., Feb., Mar., Mar. , May, June, July, July, Feb., Apr., May, June, July, Feb., Mar., Apr., May, July. Feb., Mar. , Apr., 4 June, Nov., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Jan., Feb., Mar., May, June, July, Dee., Mar., May, June, Jan., Mar., May, 1847, July 6 1847, July 23 1847, Dec. 20 1848, Feb. 28 1848, Apr. 6 1848, May 26 1848, June 30 1848, Aug. 9 1848, Sept. 5 1849, Feb. 28 1849, Mar. 28 1849, May 7 1849, June 11 1849, July 6 1849, Aug. 1 1850, Feb. 25 18.50, Mar. 26 1850, May 13 1850, June 17 1850, July 18 1850, Aug. 15 1861, Mar. 14 1851, Apr. 10 1851, May 26 1851, June 30 1851, Aug. 8 1852, Mar. 22 1852, Apr. 29 18.52, June 3 1852, July 1 1852, 1853, 1853, 1853, 1853, 1853, 1853, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854-1855, 1855, 1855, 1855, 1856, 1856, 18,i6, Dec. 31 Mar. 10 Apr. 18 May 9 June 10 July 8 Aug. 20 Feb. 27 Mar. 28 May 8 June 12 July 10 Aug. 12 Mar. 1 May 2 June 21 Aug. 14 Mar. 11 May 6 June 27 Reign. 10 Victoria . . . 11 Victoria ... 12 Victoria ... 13 Victoria . . . ...-do.. 14 Victoria . . . 15 Victoria . . . 16 Victoria . . . 17 Victoria . . . 18 Victoria ... 19 Victoria ... Series. Vol- ume. 1830-1891 3 93 3 94 3 95 3 96 3 97 3 98 3 99 3 100 3 101 3 102 3 103 3 104 3 105 3 106 3 107 3 108 3 109 3 110 3 111 3 112 3 113 3 114 3 115 3 116 3 117 3 118 3 119 3 120 3 121 3 122 3 123 3 124 3 125 3 126 3 127 3 128 3 129 3 130 3 131 3 132 3 133 3 134 3 135 3 136 3 137 3 138 3 139 3 140 3 141 3 142 Appendix. Do. Do. Protest. Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Protest. Appendix. Do. Do. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. fProclamation. [Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Protest. Appendix. Do. Do. Do. I Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 326 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's — Continued. Third Series — Continued. Par- lia- ment. 16th 16 17 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Ses- sion. Period covered. 4tli 5 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 30 June, 3 Feb., 30 Apr., 19 June, 20 July, 3 Dec., 23 Feb., 4 May, 18 June, 3 Feb., 11 Mar., 31 May, 19 July, 24 Jan., 6 Mar., 24 Apr., 7 June, 23 July, 5 Feb., 19 Mar., 23 May, 28 June, 6 Feb., 25 Mar., 27 May, 8 July, 5 Feb., 27 Mar., 29 May, 1 July, 4 Feb., 16 Mar., 4 May, 21 June, 7 Feb., 21 Mar., 9 May, 12 June, 1 Feb., 12 Mar., 27 Apr., 8 June, 5 Feb., 1856, July 29 1857, Mar. 21 1857, June 18 1857, July 17 1857, Aug. 23 1857-1858, Feb. 22 1858, May 3 1858, June 17 1858, Aug. 2 1859, Mar. 10 1859, Apr. 19 18.59, July 18 1859, Aug. 13 1860, Mar. 5 1860, Apr. 23 1860, June 6 1860, July 20 1860, Aug. 28 1861, Mar. 18 1861, May 17 1861, June 27 1861, Aug. 6 1862, Mar. 24 1862, May 26 1862, July 7 1862, Aug. 7 1863, Mar. 26 1863, May 28 1863, June 30 1863, July 28 1864, Mar. 14 1864, May 3 1864, June 20 1864, July 29 1865, Mar. 20 8 9 1865, May 1865, June 1865, July 6 1866, Mar. 9 1866, Apr. 26 1866, June 7 1866, Aug. 10 1867, Mar. 15 Reign. 19 Victoria 20 Victoria do do do 21 Victoria do do do 22 Victoria ... do do do 23 Victoria ... do do do do 24 Victoria do do do 25 Victoria . . . , do do do 26 Victoria do Victoria 28 Victoria .d( 29 Victoria ... do do do 30 Victoria ... Series. Vol- ume. 1830-1891 3 143 3 144 3 145 3 146 3 147 3 148 3 149 3 150 3 151 3 152 3 153 3 154 3 155 3 156 3 157 3 158 3 159 3 160 3 161 3 162 3 163 3 164 3 165 3 166 3 167 3 a 168 3 169 3 &170 3 171 3 172 3 173 3 174 3 175 3 C176 3 177 3 178 3 179 3 180 3 181 8 182 3 183 3 dl84 3 185 Appendix. Index. fProclamation. (Appendix. Do. Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. rProclamation. [Appendix. Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. fintroductioni \ to index. | Appendix. Do. Do. fProclamation. I JAppendix. J Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. considerable a Vol. 168, alterations 6 Vol. 170 cVol. 176, 1864. ^93_94 Do. Estimates. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Appendix. I' Index Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. Index, 1894. Do. Do. fGen. Index, t 1895. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. a In front of volumes, generally: Table of Contents; The Ministry; List of Lords and Commons; Proclamations; Bills dealt with in the volume. In rear of volumes, generally: Indexes; Appendixes; Acts; Divisions of House; Business of House. b Bills dealt with in first session of 1895. Note. — The small figures in "Volume " column signify number of volume of the session. 332 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) — Continued. Fourth Series — Continued. Par- lia- ment. 26 26 Ses- sion. Period covered. 26 2 26 2 26 3 26 3 26 3 26 3 26 3 26 3 26 3 26 3 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 5 26 5 26 5 26 5 26 5 26 5 26 5 26 5 26 5 26 5 26 5 26 6 26 • 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 20 May, 24 June, 17 July, 7 Aug., 19 Jan., 9 Feb., 5 Mar., 30 Mar., 7 May, 1 June, 13 July, 31 July, 8 Feb., 2.5 Feb., 16 Mar., 4 Apr., 2 May, 18 May, 13 June, 24 June, 6 July, 18 July, 27 July, 4 Aug., 12 Aug., 7 Feb., 21 Feb., 7 Mar., 22 Mar., 20 Apr., 8 May, 81 May, 20 June, 6 July, 24 July, 7 Aug., 17 Oct., 30 Jan., 15 Feb., 5 Mar., 22 Mar., 26 Apr., 14 May, 1896, June 23 1896, July 16 1896, Aug. 6 1896, Aug. 1897, Feb. 1897, Mar. 1897, Mar. 1897, May 1897, May 14 8 4 29 6 31 1897, July 12 1897, July 30 1897, Aug. 6 1898, Feb. 24 1898, Mar. 15 1898, Apr. 1 1898, Apr. 29 1898, May 17 1898, June 10 1898, June 23 1898, July 5 1898, July 15 1898, July 26 1898, Aug. 3 1898, Aug. 11 1898 1899, Feb. 20 1899, Mar. 6 1899, Mar. 20 1899, Apr. 19 1899, May 5 1899, May 19 ( 1899, June 19 1899, July 5 1899, July 21 1899, Aug. 1899, Aug. 1899, Oct. 27 1900, Feb. 14 1900, Mar. 2 1900, Mar. 21 1900, Apr. 9 1900, May 11 1900, May 28 Reign. 50 (sic) do. do. Victoria. Series. do 60 {sic) Victoria. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 61 {sic) Victoria. do .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. [61-62 {sic) Vic- [ toria. 62 (sic) Victoria. .do. .do. .do. .do .do 63 {sic) Victoria. do do do do do do Vol- ume. 5 41 6 42 7 43 8a44 145 2 46 347 448 S49 «50 751 8 652 153 254 355 4 56 557 6 58 759 8 60 9 61 10 62 "63 12 64 wc65 1^66 2 67 •<68 4 69 6 70 6 71 772 873 974 10 75 "76 177 178 2e79 3 80 4 81 5 82 6 83 Appx. Appx. Appx. "Contents," front. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. "Contents," &c., front. "Chronol- ogy," &c. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Index. Do. Do. /Gen. Index, t 1896. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. /Gen. Index, t 1897. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. jGen. Index, I 1898. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, rear. Index, ?-mr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. d Bills dealt with in first session of 1899. e Public bills dealt with in this volume. a Bills dealt with in first session of 1896. b Bills dealt with in first session of 1897. c Bills dealt with in first session of 1898. Note.— The small figures in " Volume" column signify number of volume of the session. CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 333 Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) — Continued. Fourth Series — Continued. Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 27 1 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 B 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 4 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Period covered. 14 June, 29 June, 16 July, 30 July, 3 Dec., 3 Jan., 28 Feb., 15 Mar., 28 Mar., 29 Apr., 14 May, 11 June, 27 June, 11 July, 25 July, 8 Aug., 3 Jan., 16 Jan., 31 Jan., 14 Feb., 28 Feb., 14 Mar., 11 Apr., 28 Apr., 13 May, 6 June, 25 June, 11 July, 29 July, 16 Oct., 4 Nov., 20 Nov., 5 Dec, 16 Jan., 17 Feb., 6 Mar., 24 Mar., 21 Apr., 7 May, 27 May, 22 June, 8 July, 23 July, 6 Aug., 1900, June 28 1900, July 13 1900, July 27 1900, Aug. 8 1900, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, Dec. 15 Feb. 27 Mar. 14 Mar. 27 Apr. 26 May 13 June 10 June 26 July 10 July 24 Aug. 7 Aug. 17 Aug. 17 1902, Jan. 30 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, 1902, Feb. 13 Feb. 27 Mar. 13 Apr. 10 Apr. 25 May 12 June 5 June 24 July 10 July 28 Aug. 8 Nov. 3 Nov. 19 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 Dec. 18 1903, Mnr. 3 1903, Mar. 23 1903, Apr. 8 1903, May 6 1903, May 26 1903, June 19 1903, July 7 1903, July 22 1903, Aug. 5 1903, Aug. 14 Reign. 63 (sic) Victoria. do 64 (sic) Victoria. do do 1 Edward VII. do do do do do do do , do do do do 1-2 Edward VII. 2 Edward VII do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 3 Edward VII do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Series. Vol- ume. 4 784 ' 4 8 85 4 9 86 4 10 87 4 188 4 189 4 2 90 4 3 91 4 *92 4 5 93 4 694 4 '95 4 896 4 »97 4 10 98 4 1199 4 12100 4 1101 4 2102 4 3103 4 no4 4 H05 4 6106 4 no7 4 8108 4 9109 4 inio 4 11111 4 12112 4 13113 4 ini4 4 15115 4 16116 4 "117 4 1118 4 2119 4 3120 4 n2i 4 5122 4 6123 4 U24 4 8125 4 "126 4 1(1127 'Contents," &c., front. "Chronol- ogy," &C.1 Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. « Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. n Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Index, rear. 'Contents," &c., front. "Chronol- ogy," &c.a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. rt Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. 1 Do. a Do. " Do. a Do. n Do. 1 Do. a Do. a Do. Do. General In- dex, rear. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1901. Index, rear. 'Contents," &c., front. "Chronol- ogy," &c.a Do. a Do. « Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. '« Do. a Do. a Do. « Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1902. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Index, rear. Do. a Public bills dealt with in this volume. Note.— The small figures in "Volume" column signify number of volume of the session. 334 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) — Continued. Fourth Series — Continued. Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. 27 4 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 Period covered. 17 Feb. 2 Feb., 17 Feb., 3 Mar., 18 Mar., 12 Apr., 29 Apr., 17 May, 14 June, 29 June, 14 July, 29 July, 10 Aug., 14 Feb., 1 Mar., 15 Mdr., 31 Mar., 13 Apr., 11 May, 29 May, 26 June, 10 July, 24 July, 3 Aug., 1903, Aug. 14 Feb., Mar., Mar., Mar., Apr., May. May, June, July, July, Oct., Nov., Nov., Nov., Nov., Dec, Feb., Feb., Feb., Mar., Apr., Apr., May, May, June, June, July, July, Aug., Aug., 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904, Feb. 16 Mar. 2 Mar. 17 Mar. 29 Apr. 28 May 16 June 13 June 28 July 13 July 28 Aug. 9 Aug. 15 1905. Feb. 28 190.5, Mar. 14 1905, Mar. 30 1905, Apr. 12 1905, May 10 1905, May 26 1905, June 23 1906, July 7 1905, July 21 1905, Aug. 2 1905, Aug. 10 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1907, 1907, 1907, 1907, 1907, 1907, 1907, 1907, 1907; 1907, 1907, 1907, 1907, Mar. 2 Mar. 16 Mar. 29 Apr. 25 May 10 May 25 June 18 July 3 July 16 Aug. 4 Nov. 2 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 27 Dec. 10 Dec. 21 Dec. 21 Feb. 26 Mar. 12 Mar. 27 Apr. 23 May 6 May 29 June 13 June 26 July 10 July 24 Aug. 6 Aug. 16 Aug. 24 3 Edward VII . 4 Edward VII do do do do do do do do do do do 5 Edward VII do do do do do do do do do do 6 Edward VII do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 7 Edward VII do do do do do do do do do do do do Series. Vol- ume. 4 11128 4 1129 4 2130 4 3131 4 n32 4 5133 4 8134 4 '135 4 8136 4 9137 4 10138 4 "139 4 12140 4 1141 4 2142 4 3143 4 ■1144 4 5145 4 6146 4 U47 1 8148 4 9149 4 101.50 4 i'1.51 4 1152 4 2153 4 3154 4 4155 4 5156 4 «157 4 U58 4 8 159 4 neo 4 10 161 4 11162 4 12163 4 13 164 4 1*165 4 15166 4 16167 4 17 168 4 1169 4 2170 4 3171 4 n72 4 "173 4 6174 4 '175 4 8176 4 »177 4 10 178 4 "179 4 12 180 4 13181 'Contents," &c., front. "Chronol- ogy," &c. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a I'o. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a. Do. a Do. a Do. a Do. a. General In- dex, 1903. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1904. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1905. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1906. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. a Public bills dealt with in this volume. Note.— The small figures in "Volume" column signify number of volume of the session. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Patents. Reports of the Commissioner. « 335 Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Number. Part. 1837 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Senate.. - H.ex.... H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex--.. Senate . . . H.ex Senate.. - H.ex.... Senate -. - H.ex..-. Senate... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex-.-. H.ex.... S. ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... S. ex H.ex..-. S. ex H.ex---. S. ex.-.. H.ex S. ex---. H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... 2 5 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 6 5 3 6 6 7 6 6 12 10 9 9 6 7 8,9 7 7,8 6 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1,2 1,2 105 112 80 111 106 152 169 129 109 150 177 75 78 307 140 52 54 59 15 20 32 118 102 55 65 27 39 42 59 20 12 1837 1838 1839 1839 1840 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1847 1848 1840 1 1849 1 1850 1 1851 1 1851 1 1852 1 1852 1 1853 1 1853 1 1854 1.2 18-54 1 2 1855 1,2 1855 1,2 « The Patent Office was originally connected with the Department of State, but was transferred to the Department of the Interior upon its orjianization in 1849. From 1837 to 1842 it issued brief reports in pamphlet form, but subsequently in volumes, as above enumerated. Prior to 1862, when the Department of Agricul- ture was established, the rei)ort on agriculture was prepared and published by the Connnissioner of Patents, and forms a volume, or jiart of a volume, of his annual reports, the first l)eing tliat of 1840. These reports, except vol. 4, 1869, vols. 2 and 3, 1870, and vols. 1, 2, 3, 1871, are included in the set of Congressional docu- ments bound in leather, forming a part of the executive documents of the House of Representatives. Those of 1849 to 1858, inclusive, are included also in the execu- tive documents of the Senate. A separate edition bound in cloth was also pub- lished. In 1872 the Official Gazette, a weekly publication, was substituted m the place of the annual reports, when the publication and distribution of the latter ceased. An index to the Gazette is issued annually. 3605—08 22 336 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Patents. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Number. Part. 1856 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 S. ex H.ex.... S. ex.... H.ex S. ex.... H.ex S. ex S. ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. mis .. S. mis . . . H. mis . . H. mis . . H. mis . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . 9-11 8 8-10 8 11-13 10 7,8 5,6 5 10 11,12 10 9 16 10 10 9 9 8 6 4 .10 8 8 13 14 15 15 16 20 22 4 3 5 5 5 3 4 4 3 7 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1,2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-3 1-3 53 65 30 32 47 105 12 7 53 52 60 51 52 109 96 52 102 89 86 190 58 150 107 36 61 48 33 67 6 71 73 18 71 135 164 109 78 58 68 53 127 1-3 1856 1-3 1857 1-3 1857 1-3 1858 1-3 1858 1-3 1859 -1,2 1860 1,2 1861 1-3 1862 1,2 1863 1,2 1864 1-3 1865 1-3 1866 1-3 1867 1-4 1868 1-4 1869 1-4 1870 1-3 1871 'l-3 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 337 Patents. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Congress. Session. 53 3 54 1 54 2 .55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 59 2 House or Senate document. Volume.- Part. Number. H. mis . - 8 70 S. doc . . . 10 242 S. doc . . . 6 183 S. doc... 20 -------- 185 S. doc . . . 9 104 S. doc... 13 185 S. doc . . . 13 138 S. doc... 14 151 H. doc 88 342 S. doc . . . 22 177 H. doc . . 77 266 H. doG . . 90 425 H. doc . . 95 558 Part. Patents. Lists of/ Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Num- ber. Remarks. 8 11 11 21 22 2 3 3 1 H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex . . . 4 5 16 Not numbered. Not documented. Do. Commissioner of Patents. 1829-1830 Jan. 22, 1822.. 1790-1836 1790-1847 . « Subsequently issued as weekly Gazette and annual report. Pensions. Reports of the Commissioner, included in reports of the Secretary of the Interior. Philippine Commission. Acts of. Congress. Session. Document. Number. Volume. 57 1 2 2 3 1 2 House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House House . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 15 9 15 15 U Public Laws. 57 Acts. 58 Do. 58 Do. 59 Do. 59 Do. 338 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Philippine Commission, Reports. Congress. 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 Session. 2 1 2 2 3, 1 2 Document. Number. House . . . 2 House . . . 2 House . . - 2 House . . . 2 House . . . 2 House . . . 2 House . - . 2 lume. Report. 11 1 9,10 2 13,14 3 6-8 4 12-14 5 11,14 6 8-10 7 Civil affairs. Postmaster-General. Reports.^ Postmaster-General. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. John McLean 1825 1825 1826 1826 1827 1827 1828 1828 1829 1829 1830 1830 1831 1831 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Senate .. H.ex.... Senate .. H.ex.... Senate . . H.ex.... Senate .. H.ex.... Senate .. H.ex.... Senate .. H.ex.... Senate . . H.ex.... 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do William T. Barry . . ; Do Do Do Do Do a For postal affairs prior to 1825 see American State Papers, Post-Office, vol. 1. The Post-Office was temporarily established by law, under the Constitution, Sept. 22, 1789, and a Postmaster-General was authorized to be appointed, to be subject to the direction of the President of the United States in performinjj the duties of his office and in forming contracts for the transjiortation of the mail. His powers and salary, and the compensation to the assistant or clerks and deputies which he should appoint, and the regulations of the Post-Office were to continue as they last were under the resolutions of the late Congress. This act was to continue in force until the end of the second session of the First Congress, and was further continued l)y the acts of Aug. 4, 1790, and Mar. 3, 1791, to the end of the first session of the Second Congress. The acts of Feb. 20, 1792, May 8, 1794, Mar. 2, 1799, Apr. 30, 1810, and Mar. 3, 1825, established at the seat of Government of the United States a General Post-Office, established post road, within the United States, and provided for the appointment of a Postmaster-General and assistants and deputy postmasters at all places where they should be found necessary, and prescribed in detail the duties of all such officers. By act of June 8, 1872, "the Post-Office Department was established and made one of the Executive Departments. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Postmaster-General. Reports — Continued. 339 Postmaster-General. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. William T. Barry Do 1832 1833 1833 1834 1834 1835 1835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 H.ex... Senate .. H.ex.... Senate .. H.ex.... Senate .. H.ex.... Senate .. H.ex.... Senate .. H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex S.ex .... H.ex.... H.ex S.ex .... H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S.ex .... H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 Do Do Do Amos Kendall Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do James M. Niles Do Francis Granger Do Charles A. Wickliffe .... Do Do Do Do Do Cave Johnson Do Do Do Do Do Do Jacob Collamer Do...". 1 Nathan K. Hall Do Do 2 Do Samuel D. Hubbard Do 2 2 2 340 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Postmaster-General. Reports— Continued. Postmaster-General . Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Samuel D. Hubbard James Campbell Do 1858 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 S.ex .... H.ex.... S. ex . . . . H.ex S. ex . . . . H.ex.... S. ex . . . . H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S. ex . . . . H.ex.... S. ex . . . . S.ex.... S.ex .... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 4 4 4 1 3 4 4 3 5 3 3 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 7 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 1 11 3 3 2 Do 3 Do 3 Do 3 Do 2 Do 3 Aaron V. Brown Do 3 3 Do 4 Do 4 Joseph Holt 3 Do 3 H. King and M. Blair . . . M. Blair 3 4 Do 5 William Denison Do 5 A. W. Randall 6 Do Do John A. J. Creswell Do Do 4 Do 4 Do 4 Marshall Jewell 4 Do 4 Do 4 James N. Tyner 4 David M. Key 4 Do 4 Horace Maynard Thomas L. James Do 4 4 4 Walter Q. Gresham P>ank Hatton 4 4 William F. Vilas 4 Vilas and Dickinson 4 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Postmaster-G-eneral. Reports— Continued. 341 Postmaster-General. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Don M. Dickinson Do 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.doc .. H.doc .. H.doc .. H.doc .. H.doc .. H.doc .. H. doc . . H.doc .. H.doc .. H.doc .. H.doc .. H.doc .. 9 9 10 10 13 11 12 13 13 11 11 13 16 25 21 17 ^7 17 17 13 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 John Wanamaker Do 4 4 Do 4 Do 4 Wilson S. Bissell 4 Do 4 William L. Wilson Do James A. Gary Charles Emory Smith . . . Do Do Do Henry C. Payne Do George B. Cortelyou Do '. Do Precious Metals. Reports. Year. 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 50 2 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 2 53 2 54 1 54 2 55 2 House or Senate document. H.ex . H.ex . H.ex . H.ex . H.ex . H.ex . H.ex . H.ex . H.ex . H. ex . H.ex . H. ex . H.ex . H.ex . House . House . H.doc Vol- ume. 28 23 24 31 33 36 25 30 26 35 36 35 32 28 40 30 43 Num- ber. 91 297 160 176 268 290 200 405 158 354 295 200 247 237 35 23 167 Director of the Mint. Burchard. Do. Do. Do. Kimball. Do. Do. Do. Leech. Do. Do. Do. Preston. Do. Do. Do. 342 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Precious Metals. Reports — Continued. Year. 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 55 3 56 1 , 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 59 2 House or Senate document. H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H. doc H.doc H.doc H. doc H.doc Vol- ume. Num- ber. 47 42 78 239 82 239 84 275 49 22 77 351 49 19 44 19 37 19 Director of the Mint. Preston. Roberts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. President. Annual Messages. President. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. (TPorce Waahinsrton 1790 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do .... John Adams Do Do Do Thomas Jefferson Do Do Do Do Do Do Do James Madison Do Do Do Do Do Dc "See Statesman's Manual, edition of 1858. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE President. Annual Messages— Continued. 343 President. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. James Madison 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1821 1822 1822 1823 1823 1824 1824 1825 1825 1826 1827 1827 1828 1828 1829 1829 1830 1830 1831 1832 1833 1833 1834 1834 1835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 James Monroe Do Do Do 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 H. ex . . . Senate .. H. ex . . . Senate .. H. ex... Senate... H. ex ... Senate H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate... Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex . . . Senate.. - H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex . . . Senate H. ex . . . H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex . . . Senate. . . H. ex . . . Senate... 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 Do.... Do Do Do Do Do Do \ Do John Quincy Adams Do Do Do Do Do °° Andrew Jackson Do .- Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Martin Van Buren Do Do : 1 Do 3 1 2 1 Do Do Do 344 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE President. Annual Messages — Continued. President. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Martin Van Biiren Do 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 H. ex ... Senate.. - H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate H. ex ... Senate... H.ex ... Senate .. H.ex ... Senate .. H.ex ... Senate .. H.ex ... Senate .. H.ex ... S.ex.... H.ex ... H. ex . . . S. ex H.ex ... S.ex.... H.ex ... S.ex .... H.ex ... S.ex.... H.ex ... S.ex.... H.ex ... S.ex.... H.ex ... S.ex.... H. ex ... S.ex.... H.ex ... S.ex .... H.ex ... 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 11 2 Do William Henry Harrison (none). John Tvler - Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do-..: James K. Polk Do Do Do Do Do Do Zacharv Taylor Do Millard Fillmore Do Do Do 1 Do Do Franklin Pierce Do Do Do Do Do Do Do James Buchanan Do CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE President. Annual Messages — Continued. 345 President. James Buchanan Do Do Do Abraham Lincoln Do Do Do Do Andrew Johnson Do Do Do Ulysses S. Grant Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Rutherford B. Hayes Do Do Do James A . Garfield ( none) . Chester A. Arthur Do Do Do Grover Cleveland Do Do Do Benjamin Harrrison Do Do Do Grover Cleveland Do Year. Con- gres.s. Ses- sion. 1858 35 2 1858 35 2 1859 36 1 1860 36 2 1861 37 1 1861 37 2 1862 37 3 1863 38 1 1864 38 2 1865 39 1 1866 39 2 1867 40 2 1868 40 3 1869 41 2 1870 41 3 1871 42 2 1872 42 3 1873 43 1 1874 43 2 1875 44 1 1876 44 2 1877 45 2 1878 45 3 1879 46 2 1880 46 3 1881 47 1 1 1882 47 2 1883 48 1 1884 48 2 1885 49 1 1886 49 2 1887 50 1 i 1888 50 2 ' 1889 51 1 1890 51 2 1891 52 1 1892 52 2 1893 53 1 1893 53 2l House or Senate document. S. ex . , H.ex . S. ex . . S.ex ., S.ex.. S. ex . , H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. 1 2 2 346 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE President. Annual Messages — Continued. President. Grov^er Cleveland . . Do Do William McKinley . Do Do Do Do Do Theodore Koosevelt Do Do Do Do Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1894 53 3 1895 54 1 1896 54 2 1897 55 1 1897 55 2 1898 55 3 1899 56 1 1900 56 2 1901 57 1 1902 57 2 1903 58 1,2 1904 58 3 1905 59 1 1906 59 2 House or Senate document. H. ex.. House.. House.. H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc. H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Note. — For confidential and special messages and proclamations see "The Mes- sages and Papers of the Presidents," H. mis. doc, 53d Cong., 2d sess., vol. 37, no. 210, parts 1 to 10. Public Lands. — Decisigns of the Department of the Interior in cases relating to. See Decisions, etc., p. 242. Public Printer. Reports. Year. 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 Con- gress. Ses- sion. 33 1 33 2 34 1 34 3 35 2 36 1 36 2 37 2 37 3 38 1 38 2 39 1 39 2 40 2 ■ 40 3 House or Senate document. S. ex... H. mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. rriis . S. ex... H. mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. ex .. H. ex . . H. ex . . S. mis.. S. mis . . Vol- ume. Num- ber. 4 3 1 2 1 31 1 3 1 3 5 14 1 11 1 18 1 6 2 21 8 25 7 23 6 14 1 18 1 25 Public Printer. A. G. Seaman. Do. Do. George W. Bowman. John Heart. Do. John D. Defrees. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Public Printer. Reports — Continued. 347 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. f899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 41 2 41 3 42 2 42 3 43 1 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 2 45 3 46 2 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 50 2 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 2 53 2 53 3 54 1 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2! 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 1 59 2 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. S. mis... S. mis... S. mis S. mis S. mis... S. mis . . . 22 S. mis . . . 11 S.mis 24 S. mis . . . 19 S. mis . . . 23 S. mis . . . 6 S. miis 6 S. mis... 7 S. mis... 12 S. mis . . . 10 S. mis 24 S. mis... 62 S. mis . . . 26 S. mis . . . 47 S. mis . . . 2 41 S. mis... 2 25 S. mis... 3 27 S. mis. .. 2 30 S. mis.. . 1 17 S. mis... 1 25 S. mis... 1 46 Senate .. 32 Senate .. 18 S. doc... 1 33 S. doc... 1 5 S. doc... 2 11 S. doc... 1 19 S. doc... 2 19 S. doc... 1 5 S. doc... 1 5 S. 'doc... 1 5 S. doc... 1 5 S. doc . . . 1 5 Public Printer. A. M. Clapp. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. John D. Defrees. Do. Do. Do. Defrees and Rounds. S. P. Rounds. Do. Do. Do. Th. E. Benedict. Do. Do. Frank W. Palmer. Do. Do. Do. Palmer and Benedict. Th. E. Benedict. Do. Do. F. W. Palmer. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Chas. A. Do. Stillings. 348 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Rebellion Records. Military, Series 1. Seat of war. Period covered. 6 a s o > Ph 03 D3 a? & a s d o 03 House or Senate docu- ment. a 3 O > 6 § ft -4-* 03 Q. o o ft Charleston, S. C Dec. 20, 1860-Apr. 14, 1861. . . . Jan. 3-26, 1861 Secession of Georgia Secession of Alabama Jan. 4-20, 1861 and Mississippi. Secession of Florida Jan. 6-Aug. 31, 1861 Secession of North Caro- Jan. 9-May 20, 1861 1 1893 52 2 H. mis . . 3 40 lina. Secession of Louisiana Jan. 10-Feb. 19, 1861 Texas and New Mexico.. Feb. 1-June 11, 1861 Arkansas, Indian Terri- Feb. 7-May 9, 1861 tory, and Missouri. 1 Maryland Pennsylvania, Apr. 16-July 81, 1861 2 1893 52 2 H. mis 4 41 Virginia, and West Virginia. Missouri, Arkansas, Kan- May 10-Nov. 19, 1861 3 1893 52 2 H. mis . . 5 42 .... sas, and Indian Terri- tory. Texas, New Mexico, and June 11, 1861-Feb. 1, 1862. . . . 4 1893 52 2 H.mis.. 6 43 .... Arizona. Maryland, northern Vir- Aug. 1, 1861-Mar. 17, 1862 .... 6 . . . . 1882 47 1 H.mis .. 18 54 ginia, . and West Vir- - ginia. South Carolina, Georgia, Aug. 21, 1861-Apr. 11, 1862 . . . middle and east Flor- ida. West Florida, southern Sept. 1, 1861-May 12, 1862 .... 6 .... 1882 47 1 H. mis . . 23 63 Alabama, southern Mississippi, and Loui- siana. Kentucky, Tennessee, Nov. 19, 1861-Mar. 4, 1862 .... 7 .... 1882 47 1 H. mis . . 27 67 northern Alabama, and southwestern Virginia. Missouri, Arkansas, Kan- Nov. 19, lcS61-Apr. 10, 1862 . . . 8 .... 1883 47 2 H.mis.. 6 27 sas, and Indian Terri- tory. Southeastern Virginia . . . Jan. 11-Mar. 17, 1862 North Carolina Jan. 11-Aug. 20, 1862 Feb. 1-Sept. 20, 1862 9 1883 47 2 H. mis . . 12 41 Texas, New Mexico, and .... Arizona. Kentucky, Tennessee, Mar. 4-June 10, 1862 10 1 1884 48 1 H. mis 13 26 northern Mississippi, northern Alabama, and southwestern Virginia. Do do 10 2 ISSd 48 48 1 1 H.mis.. H.mis.. 17 28 32 65 The peninsular cam- Mar. 17-Sept. 2, 1862 11 1 . xoo-t 1884 1 paign, Virginia. Do do 11 2 1884 1884 1885 48 48 48 1 1 2 H.mis.. H.mis.. H. mis . . 29 30 12 65 65 37 2 3 1 Do 11 3 Northern Virginia, West do 12 1 Virginia, and Mary- land. Do do 12 2 1885 1885 48 48 2 2 H.mis.. H. mis . . 13 •14 37 37 2 3 Do do 12 3 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Rebellion Records. Military, Series 1 — Continued. 349 Seat of war. Period covered. a 3 O > i Ol be B 5 c o '55 CO House or Senate docu- ment. 6 s 3 O > 6 § Q a o o Missouri, Arkansas, Kan- Apr. 10-Nov. 20, 1862 13 .... 1886 49 1 H. mis.. i 21 sas, Indian Territory, and Department of the Nortliwest. Coasts of South Carolina, Apr. 12 -June 11, 1863 14 . . .. 1886 49 1 H. mis . . 4 22 .... Georgia, and middle and east Florida. West Florida, south- May 12, 1862-May 14, 1863 . . . ern Alabama, south- ern Mississippi (Vicks- burg), and Louisiana. 15 .... 1886 49 1 H. mis . . 11 164 .... Texas, New Mexico, and Sept. 20, 1862-May 14, 1863 . . . Arizona. Kentucky and Tennessee Northern Alabama and June 16-Oct. 31, 1862 16 1 1885 49 H. mis . . 14 273 do 16 2 1885 49 H.mis.. 16 338 southwestern Virginia. Western Tennessee and June 10, 1862-Jan. 20, 1863 . . . 17 1 1886 49 H. mis . . 20 371 northern Mississippi. Do do 17 18 2 1886 1887 49 50 H. mis . . H. mis . . 2 7 53 325 North Carolina and Aug. 20, 1862-June 3, 1863 southeastern Virginia. Northern Virginia and West Virginia. Sept. 3-Nov. 14, 1862 19 1 1887 50 H. mis . . 8 338 Maryland and Pennsyl- vania. do 19 2 1887 50 H. mis . . 9 339 Kentucky and Tennessee Nov. 1, 1862-Jan. 20, 1863 20 1 1887 50 , H. mis . . 10 341 Alabama and Virginia... do 20 2 1887 50 H.mis .. 11 342 North Carolina and West Nov. 15, 1862-Jan. 25, 1863. . . . 21 H. mis . . Virginia. Maryland and Pennsyl- do 1887 50 H.mis.. 13 387 vania. Missouri, Arkansas, and Nov. 20-Dec. 31, 1862 22 1 1887 50 H.mis.. 16 585 Kansas. fiidinn Trrritorvand De- do 22 2 1888 50 2 H. mis . . 3 60 partment of the North- west. Kentucky, Tennessee, Jan. 21- Aug. 10, 1863 23 1 1888 50 2 H.mis.. 6 113 .... and .southern Alabama. Southwestern Virginia do 23 2 1888 50 2 H. mis . . 7 129 Mississippi and western Jan.20-Aug.l0,1863 24 1 1889 51 1 H. mis . . 2 4 .... Tennessee. Arkansas and Louisiana do 24 24 25 2 3 1 1889 1889 1889 51 51 51 1 1 1 H.mis.. H.mis.. H. mis . . 3 4 7 5 6 44 Do do Virginia and Maryland.. Pennsvlvania Jan. 26-June 3, 1863 do 25 2 1889 51 1 H.mis .. 8 45 Florida, Alabama, Mis- May 14-Dec. 31 1863 26 1 1889 51 1 H.mis.. 10 105 .... sissippi, and Louisiana. Texas and New Mexico. . do 26 27 2 1 1889 1889 51 51 1 1 H.mis.. H.mis.. 11 12 106 146 North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. June 3-Aug. 3, 1863 Maryland and Pennsyl- vania. do 27 2 1889 51 1 H.mis.. 13 147 Do do 27 3 1889 51 1 H.mis.. 14 148 350 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Rebellion Records. Military, Series 1 — Continued. Seat of war. South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Do North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Maryland and Pennsyl- vania. Kentucky and southwest- ern Virginia. Tennessee and Missis- sippi. Northern Alabama and northern Georgia. Do Kentucky and southwest- ern Virginia. Tennessee, Mississippi, northern Alabama, and northern Georgia. Do .*. Kentucky, southwestern Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and northern Georgia. Do North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Missis- sippi. Alabama and northern Georgia. Louisiana and the Trans- Mississippi States and Territories. Do Do Do South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia. Do Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. Do Do North Carolina, West Vir- ginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Do Do Atlanta campaign Do Do Do Period covered. June 12-Dec. 31, 1863 do Aug. 4-Dec. 31, 1863 . .do. Oct. 20-Dec. 31, 1863 . do .do. .do, .do. do Jan. l-Apr. 30, 1864. .do .do. .do. Jan. 1-June 30, 1864 . do do do Jan. 1-Nov. 13, 1864. .do. May 1-June 12, 1864 May 1-Aug. 3, 1864 May 1-Sept. 8, 18641. 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 so a o o 1 OI CO House or Seiiate docu- ment. 4J a o > d 6 o R 51 1 H.mis.. 19 223 51 H.mis.. 22 228 51 H.mis.. 30 240 51 H. mis . . 31 241 61 H.mis.. 33 245 51 H. mis . . 34 246 61 H.mis.. 36 247 51 H. mis . . 36 248 51 2 H.mis.. 2 12 61 2 H.mis.. 3 13 51 2 H. mis . . 4 14 51 2 H. mis . . 6 76 51 2 H.mis.. 6 77 51 2 H. mis . . 7 78 52 H.mis.. 2 12 52 H.mis.. 4 13 52 H.mis.. 6 13 52 H. mis . . 6 13 62 H.mis.. 7 13 62 H.mis.. 8 14 62 H.mis.. 9 14 52 H.mis.. 10 16 52 H.mis.. 11 15 62 H.mis .. 12 15 52 H.mis .. 13 16 52 H. mis . . 14 16 52 H.mis.. 22 48 52 H.mis.. 23 48 52 H. mis . . 24 48 52 H.mis.. 25 48 62 H.mis.. 26 48 p. 6 o Q CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Rebellion Records, Military, Series 1 — Continued. 351 Seat of war. Kentucky, southwestern Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and northern Georgia. Do Do Southeastern Virginia, and North Carolina. Do Do Maps to accompany these records. Louisiana and trans-Mis- sissippi States and Ter- ritories. Do Do Do Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. Do Do Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Do South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Kentucky, southwestern Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and northern Georgia. Do Northern and southeast- ern Virginia, North Carolina, West Vir- ginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Do Do North Carolina, South Carolina, and eastern Florida. Do Do Louisiana and M ississippi Kentucky, West Vir- ginia, Georgia, and Mississippi. Alabama, Virginia, Flor- ida, and North Caro- lina. Do 3605—08 23 Period covered. Mavl-Nov.13,1864 .do. .do. Junel3-July 14,1864. .do .do July 1-Dec. 31, 1864. do do do Aug. 1-Dec. 31, 1864 do do Aug.4-Dec.31,1864 do Nov.l4-Dec.31,1864 Mar. 14, 1864-Jan. 23, 1865. Dec. 1, 1864-June 23, 1865 . . Jan. 1-June 30, 1865 .do .do. .do. .do, .do. .do, .do. .do. 39 .do. 41 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 49 49 be s o 1893 1893 1895 1895 1895 1891 62 1891 52 1891 52 1891 I 52 1891 52 1891 ■ 52 1891 1892 1892 1892 1892 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 52 52 54 2 54 2 H. doc House or Senate docu- ment. H.mis .. H.mis . H.mis . H.mis . H. mis . H.mis . H. mis . H.mis .. H.mis . H. mis . H. mis . H.mis H. mis . H.mis . H. mis . H.mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. mis , H. mis . H.mis . H. mis . H.mis . H.mis . H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. 35 233 233 233 338 47 338 48 338 40 261 10 56 96 55 97 121 121 208 208 208 37 37 37 369 369 261 57 1251 S3 o 2 3 1 2 3 1-36 352 CATALOGUE LIBKAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Rebellion Records. Military, Series 1 — Continued. Seat of war. Pacific coast Do Maryland, North Caro- lina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Vir- ginia. Do Virginia, Kentucky, Ten- nessee, Mississippi, Ala- bama, Florida, and Georgia. Do South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina. SERIES 2. Prisoners of war, slaves, etc. Suspected and disloyal persons. Prisoners of war and state Do Period covered. Jan. 1, 1861-June 30, 1865 . do do .do. .do. .do. .do. 18G1-1862. Apr. 18(il-Mav 3, 1862 . . Feb. 19, 1861-June 12, 1862. June 13-Nov. 30, 1862 Do Dec. 1, 1862-June 10, 1863. . Do June 11, 1863-Mar. 31, 1864. Apr. 1-Dec. 31, 1864 Jan. 1, 1865, to end Do Do SERIES 3. Correspondence, etc., Union. Do Do Do Do SERIES 4. Correspondence, etc. Confederate. Do Do General index Nov. 1. 1860-Mar. 31, 1862.. Apr. 1-Dec. 31, 1862 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1863 Jan. 1, 1864-Apr. 30, 1865... May 1, 1865, to end Dec. 20. 1860-June 30, 1862. Jnlyl, lS62-Dec. 31, 1863.. Jan. 1. 1864, to end Nov. 1, 1860, to end 52 053 03 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 65 56 56 56 56 56 66 56 56 56 House or Senate docu- ment. H. doc. H. doc, H. doc. H. doc. H. doc H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc H. doc. H. doc H. doc. H. doc. H. doc H. doc H. doc. H. doc H. doc. H. doc H. doc H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. 95 288 288 476 65 66 67 284 311 312 313 314 117 118 287 496 553 579 OS 6 o Q 658 678 135 1 658 a Vols. 64 and 65 not issued. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 353 Rebellion Records. Naval, Series 1. Seat of war. Operation of Navy Do Do Gulf of Mexico, Potomac, etc. Potomac and Atlantic block ade. Atlantic blockade North Atlantic blockade... Do Do Do Do Do South Atlantic blockade... Do Do Do Do Gulf blockade Do East Gulf blockade West Gulf blockade Do Do Period covered. Vol- ume. Jan.l9,1861-Dec.31,1862.| Jan. I,1863-July31, 1864 Apr. 1, 1864-July30, 1865 Nov.]5,186a-Dec.7,l861 Dec.7,1861-July31,1865 July 16, 1861-Mar. 8, 1862 Mar. 8-Sept. 4, 1862 Sept. 5, 1862-May 4, 1863 May 5, 1863-May 5, 1864 May 6-Oct. 27, 1864 Oct. 28, 1864-Feb. 1, 1865 Feb. 2- Aug. 3,1865 Oct.29, 1861-May 13, 1862 May 14, 1862-Apr. 7, 1863 Apr. 7-Sept. 30, 1863 . . . Oct. 1, 1863-Sept. 30, 1864 Oct. 1, 1864-Aug. 8, 1865. June?, 1861-Dec.l5,lS61 Dec.,1861-Feb.21,1802. Feb.22, 1862-July 17, 1865 Feb.21-Julyl4,1862.... Julyl5,1862-Mar.l4.1863 Mar. 15-Dec. 31, 1863... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate docu- ment. 1894 53 3 H. mis.. 1895 54 1 House . . 1896 54 1 House . . 1896 54 2 House . . 55 1 House . . 55 2 House . . 55 2 House . . ...... 55 3 House . . 66 1 House . . 56 1 House . . 56 2 House . . 56 2 House . . 57 1 House . . 57 1 House . . 57 2 House . . 57 2 House . . 58 2 House . . 58 2 House . . 58 3 House . . 59 1 House . . Vol- ume. 6 41 73 39 54 55 81 63 64 86 87 85 86 58 59 78 78 110 85 Num- ber. 58 36 379 40 60 262 559 286 115 735 314 542 283 681 156 477 404 750 459 341 Receipts and Expenditures of the United States. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Number. 184o 29 1 H. ex . . . 3 14 1846 29 2 H. ex . . . 2 10 1847 30 1 H. ex... 1 7 1848 30 2 H. ex... 4 11 1849 31 31 32 1 2 1 H. ex ... 5 1850 («) («) H. ex.... 1851 1852 32 33 2 1 1853 14 112 1854 33 2 H. ex... 4 10 1855 34 1 H. ex ... 24,28 9 10,40 60,86 1856 34 3 H. ex... 2,11 1857 35 1 H. ex... 3 13 1858 35 2 H. ex ... 3 36 1859 36 36 1 2 (a) («) H. ex... 1860 1 1 1861 37 2 3 36 «Not documented. 354 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Receipts and Expenditures of the United States — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Number. 1863 38 38 1 2 H. ex . . . H. ex ... («) («) («) («) («) («) («) («) («) («) (a) H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex_.. H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex ... H. ex ... H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc .. H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc .. H. doc .. H. doc .. H. doc . . H. doc .. 7 13 8 1864 73 1865 1866 1867 1867-1868 1868-1869 ........ 1869 1869-1870 1870-1871 1871-1872 1872-1873 1874-1875 47 . 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 ■ 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1,2 3 1 2 20 21 21 24 24 28 27 27 35 13 27 27 34 25 31 33 26 25 29 26 31 34 4 51 41 35 35 37 32 27 97 117 1876-1877 121 93 1878-1879 98 203 1880-1881 29 31 1883-1884 365 1884 110 1884-1885 1885-1886 1886-1887 124 382 294 1887-1888 47 1889-1890 228 1889-1890 1892-1893 256 42 1893-1894 110 1894-1895 1895-1896 41 75 1896-1897 94 1897-1898 44 1898-1899 36 1899-1900 80 1900-1901 35 1901-1902 78 1902-1903 42 1903-1904 64 1905-1906 55 1906-1907 152 « Not documented. CATALOGUE LIBRABY UNITED STATES SENATE 355 Rules, etc., of the House and Senate. See Constitutiou and, p. 230. Senate, Journal of. See Journals of the Senate, p. 281. Senate. Reports of the Secretary. Year. 1823 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833, 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846.. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851, 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. Con- gress. 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 Ses- sion. 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Senate .. 1 Senate .. 1 Senate .. 2 Senate . . 1 Senate . . 1 Senate . . 1 Senate .. 1 Senate . . 1 Senate . . 1 Senate . . 1 Senate .. 1 Senate .. 2 («) Senate . . 1 Senate .. 1 Senate .. 1 Senate .. 2 Senate . . 3 Senate . . 2 Senate .. 2 Senate .. 3 Senate .. 2 S. mis.. S. mis . . S. mis . . S. mis.. S. mis . . S. mis . . S. mis...! S. mis... S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis S. mis . . . « None found Num- ber. 4 1 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 15 3 28 3 7 7 16 176 34 26 23 28 9 7 33 7 15 10 8 6 13 4 150 11 3 16 66 Secretary. Charles Cutts. Do. W. Lowry. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. A. Diokens. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. J. W. Forney. 356 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Senate. Reports of the Secretary — Continued. Year» Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Secretary. 1862 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 46 46 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 S. mis S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis ... S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . - . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . - . S. mis . . . S. mis . - . S. mis ... S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis ... S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . S. mis . . . («) S. mis... Senate .. Senate .. 1 11 128 48 125 54 12 18 12 8 6 10- 5 74 1 2 2 10 11 1 81 1 3 2 1 35 4 4 1 2 38 4 2 13 5 J. W. Forney. 1863 Do. 1864 Do. 1865 Do. 1866 Do. 1867 Do. 1868 George C. Gorham. 1869 Do. 1870 Do. 1871 Do. 1872 Do. 1873 Do. 1874 Do. 1875 Do. 1876 Do. 1877 Do. 1878 Do. 1879 Do. 1879 J. C. Burch. 1879 Do. 1880 Do. 1881 R. B. Nixon, financial 1882 clerk. Do. 1883 F. S. Shober, acting sec- 1883 1884 retary. Do. A. G. McCook. 1885 Do 1886 Do. 1887 Do. 1888 Do 1889 Do. 1890 Do. 1891 Do 1892 Do 1893 1894 8 1 1 W. R. Cox. Do 1895 1896 Do. «None submitted. CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Senate. Reports of the Secretary — Continued. 357 Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Secretary. 1897 55 2 S. doc . . . 1 W. R. Cox. 1898 55 3 S. doc . . . Do. 1899« 56 1 S. doc . . . Do. 1900 56 2 S.doc ... Charles G. Bennett. 1901 57 1 S. doc . . . Do. 1902 57 2 S. doc . . - Do. 1903 58 1-2 S. doc . . . Do. 1904 58 3 S. doc . . . Do. 1905 59 1 S. doc . . . Do. 1906 59 2 S.doc ... Do. «For index to the reports of the Secretary of the Senate 1823-Jan. 31, 1900, see S. Doc. 56th Cong., 1st sess., vol. 1, No. 290. Senate and House Rules and Manuals. 2:30, 231. Signal Service Reports. See Constitution and, pp. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1867 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex ... H. ex ... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 7 >-f 1 7 8 10 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1868 1869 1870 1871 1 1 i 1 1872 1873 5 6 1874 1875 1876 1877 4 1878 1879 4 1880 4 1881 4 1882 4 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 .* 4 4 4 4 3 1888 1889 4 4 1890 1891 1 1 4 4 358 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Signal Service Reports — Continued. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1892 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 H. ex ... H. ex . . . 2 1 2 1 1893 .. .. 1894 H. ex... * 1895 H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc- H. doc. H. doc. H. doc . . H. doc. H. doc. 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Silver Commissions. Reports. Commission. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. The Jones 1876 44 49 53 2 1 2 Senate . . H. mis . . S. mis ... 5 24 10 703 396 274 1,2 The Jones (republication) 1 The BerHn 1893 Smithsonian Institution. Reports. Year. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849- 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. Congress. Session. 29 2 30 1 30 2 31 1 31 1 32 32 1 32 2 House or Senate document. Senate . , S. mis . . . H. mis .. S. mis . . . H. mis . . S. mis . . . S. mis ... S. mis . . . Volume. Number. 211 23 48 120 50 1 108 53 «The Smithsonian Institution was founded upon the bequest of James Smithson, of London, England, who gave his entire property to the Ignited States to establish an inntitution for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men. It was incor- porated by act of Congress approved Aug. 10, 1846. The first report was issued in 1847, and an annual report thereafter. The volume, however, containing the report for 1853 embraces the essential jtortions of preceding reports and is now considered the first of the set. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Smithsonian Institution. Reports — Continued. 359 Year. 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 Congress. Session. 33 1 33 2 33 2 34 1 34 1 34 3 34 3 35 1 35 1 35 2 35 2 36 1 36 ■ 2 37 2 37 3 38 1 38 2 39 1 ! 39 2 40 2 40 3 41 3 42 1 42 2 42 3 43 1 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 2 45 3 46 2 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 House or Senate document. Volume. Number. S. mis . . S. mis . . H. mis . S. mis ., S. mis . S. mis . , H. mis . S. mis . , H. mis S. mis . H. mis H. mis . S. mis . , H. mis H. mis , H. mis H. mis H. mis . H. mis . S. mis .. H.ex .. H. ex . . H. ex . . S. mis . . H. mis . S. mis.. H. mis . S. mis.. S. mis.. S. mis . . S. mis.. S. mis . . S. mis.. S. mis.. H. mis . H. mis . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 7 1 1 2 4 2 14 1 1 12 12 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 5 34 73 24 37 73 113 54 55 272 135 49 57 90 21 77 25 83 55 102 83 86 88 153 20 149 107 130 56 115 46 35 59 54 31 109 26 69 360 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE Smithsonian Institution and National Museum Reports. Year. 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891, 1892, 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. Congress. 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 Session. 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1,2 3 1 2 or Senate document. S. mis . . H. mis . H. mis . H. mis , H. mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. mis . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc. H. doc . H. doc . H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc .. H. doc . . Volume. 2 25, 26 11,12 17,18 14,15 20,21 10,11 43, 44 22,23 29,30 15, 16 81 72,73 78,79 91,92 119, 120 114,115 126, 127 109, 110 114,115 106, 107 113,114 97 Number. 33 15 170 • 600 142 224 129 334 114 189 90 425 352 575 309 737 537 707 484 748 430 929, 930 575 Part. 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 Statistical Abstract. Year. 1879 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Congress. Session. Number. 46 1 1 46 2 2 46 3 3 47 1 4 47 2 5 48 1 6 49 1 7 49 1 8 49 1 9 50 1 10 50 2 11 51 1 12 51 2 13 52 1 14 52 2 15 , House or Senate document. H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex Volume. Number. 1 22 28 22 19 18 25 25 25 28 26 24 25 33 28 3 51 84 133 72 32 26 26 199 249 167 13 46 53 255 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Statistic al Abstract — Con ti n ued . 361 Year. Congress. Session. Number. or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1893 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 H. ex... H. ex... House.. . House... House... House... House House... House... House... House House... House... House... 28 29 51 49 53 69 89 92 65 91 88 88 95 101 97 1894 1895 15 100 1896 1897 - 158 259 1898 162 1899 411 1900 475 1901 145 1902 376 1908 578 1904 405 1905 619 1906 783 Territories. Reports of G-overnors. Year. 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Congress. Session. 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 50 2 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 2 53 2 53 3 54 1 1 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 59 2 House or Senate document. Volume. Docu- ment. H. ex . . . 11 H. ex... 12 H. ex... 12 H. ex ... 9 H. ex... 10 H. ex... 12 H. ex . . . 13 H. ex ... 13 H. ex... 16 H. ex ... 14 H. ex... 15 H. ex... 16 H. doc. 16 5 H. doc. 14 5 H. doc. 14 5 H. doc. 16 5 H. doc . . 21 5 H.doc. 30 5 H. doc. 26 5 H. doc . . 22 5 H. doc . . 22 5 H. doc. 22-23 5 H. doc . . 21 5 H. doc . . 16 5 Part. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 Mis. Mis. Mis. Mis. Mis. Mis. Mis Mis. 2, 3 Mis. 1 Mis. 1 362 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Tests of Metals at Watertown Arsenal. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1881 47 47 48 49 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 S. ex.... S. ex . . . . S. ex S. ex.... S. ex.... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex . . . H. ex... H. ex... H. ex... H. ex ... House House House... House... House... House... House House... House House... House... House... House... 13 1 2 2 3 21 23 45 25 34 36 29 26 30 71 46 43 41 68 81 80 105 87 81 78 43 45 12 1882 1 1883 5 1884 35 1885 36 1886 31 1887 16 1888 25 1889 14 1890 165 1891 161 43 1893 43 92 1895 373 54 1896 131 164 1898 143 1899 300 1900 190 1901 508 1902 335 1903 521 1904 291 1905 22 1906 26 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 363 Treasury. Reports of Secretary. (Including " Finance Reports.") Bv whom made. Year. Alex. Hamilton 1790 Do 1795 A. Gallatin 1801 Do 1802 Do 1803 Do ! 1804 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do William Jones Do G. M. Campbell Dallas Crawford Do Do Do Do Crawford on currency Crawford Do Do Do - Rush Do Do Do 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1825 1826 1826 Do 1827 Do 1827 Do I 1828 Do ' 1828 Ingham Do. Do. Do. 1829 1829 1830 1830 Con- Ses- gress. sion. ' i 1 2 3 8pl. 7 1 7 2 8 1 8 2 9 1 9 2 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 2 11 1 11 2 12 2 13 1 13 2 14 1 14 1 14 2 15 1 15 2 16 1 16 2 16 2 17 1 17 2 18 1 18 2 19 1 19 1 19 2 19 2 20 1, 20 1 20 2 20 2 21 1 21 1 21 2 i 21 9 House or Senate document. Senate . . H. ex ... Senate . . H. ex ... Senate . . H. ex . . . Senate.. . H. ex . . . Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. 6 13 3 11 4 4 7 9 3 6 6 7 364 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE Treasury. Reports of Secretary— Continued. B}' whom made. McLane Do Do Taney, removal of deposits Taney Do Taney, deposit banks Woodbury Do - Woodbury, public money.. Woodbury Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Ewing Do Forward Do Do Do Spencer Do Bibb Do Walker Do Do Do Do Do Do Year. 1831 1831 1832 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1848 1849 Con- gress. 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 Ses- sion. House or Senate document. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 Vol- ume. Senate... H. ex ... H. ex ... Senate . . . Senate... H. ex ... Senate.. . Senate . . . H. ex ... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex . . . H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H. ex . . . Senate... H. ex ... Senate.. . H. ex . . . Senate... H. ex . . . Senate... H. ex ... Senate . . . H. ex ... Senate... H. ex ... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. ex I H. ex 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 7 Num- ber. Part. 1 3 3 2 9 15 73 2 3 27 2 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 3 10 2 17 18 5 17 3 7 6 16 2 6 2 7 6 7 57 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE Treasury. Reports of Secretary Continued, By whom made. 365 Meredith . Do . . . Corwin Do ... Do . . . . Do ... , Do . . . Do ... . Guthrie . . . Do ... . Do ... . Do ... . Do. . . . Do ... . Do ... . Do.... Cobb Do.... Do.... Do ... . Do.... Do i . . . Do.... Chase Do.-.. Feasenden . McCulloch. Do ... . Do ... . Do ... . Boutwell . . Do ... . Do ... . Do ... . Richardson Bristow . . . Do ... . Morrill Sherman . . Do ... . Do.... ' Year. • 1849 Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. S. ex Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. 31 4 2 1849 31 H.ex.... 2 4 1850 31 S. ex 2 4 1850 31 H.ex.... 3 11 1851 32 S. ex 4 11 1851 32 H.ex.... 3 18 1852 32 S.ex .... 5 22 1852 32 H.ex.... 3 23 1853 33 8. ex 4 2 1853 33 H.ex.... 2. 3 1854 33 2 S. ex . . . . 4 2 1854 33 2 H.ex.... 2 3 1855 34 1,2 S.ex .... 5 2 1855 34 1,2 H.ex.... 4 10 1856 34 3 S. ex 1 3 1856 34 3 H.ex.... 2 2 1857 35 1 S. ex 1 1 1857 35 1 H.ex.... 1 3 1858 35 2 S.ex .... 6 2 1 1858 35 2 H.ex.... 1 3 1859 36 1 S. ex . . . . 5 3 1860 36 2 H.ex.... 2 2 1861 37 2 S.ex .... 4 2 1862 37 3 S. ex .... 1 1 1863 38 1 H.ex.... 6 3 1864 38 2 H.ex.... 7 3 1865 39 1 H.ex... 6 ... ... 1866 39 2 H.ex.... 5 4 1867 40 2 H.ex.... 5 2 1868 40 3 H.ex.... 5 2 1869 41 2 H.ex.... 4 2 1870 41 3 H.ex.... 5 2 1871 42 2 H.ex.... 4 2 1872 42 3 H.ex.... 4 2 1873 43 1 H.ex.... _ 2 1874 43 2 H.ex.... 8 2 1875 44 1 H.ex 6 2 1876 44 2 H.ex.... 6' 2! 1877 45 2 H.ex.... n 2 1878 45 3 H.ex.... 12 2 1879 46 2 1 H.ex.... 13 2 366 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE Treasury. Reports of Secretary— Continued. By whom made. Sherman . Folger Do... Do... McOuUoch Manning . Do... Fairchild . Do... Windom . Do... Foster Do... Carlisle... Do... Do... Do... Gage Do... Do... Do... Do... Shaw Do... Do... Do... Do... Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1880 46 3 1881 47 1 1882 47 2 1883 48 1 1884 48 2 1885 49 1 1886 49 2 1887 50 1 1888 50 2 1889 51 1 1890 51 2 1891 52 1 1892 52 2 1893 53 2 1894 53 3 1895 54 1 1896 54 2 1897 55 2 1898 55 3 1899 56 1 1900 56 2 1901 57 1 1902 57 2 1903 58 1-2 1904 58 3 1905 59 1 1906 59 2 House or Senate document. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc- H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. Vol- ume. Num- ber. 13 2 14 2 15 2 14 2 f 16 2 17,18 2 13 2 16 2 17 2 19 2 19 2 23 2 23 2 22 2 21 2 25 8 22 8 26 8 29 8 I 35 8 46 8 36 8 ■ 30 8 30 8 > 31 8 1 29 9 24 9 1 i Part. 1,2 1,2 United States. Statutes at Large, Revised Statutes, and Supplement to the Revised. Statutes. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. A joint resolution of June 14, 1790, declared "that all treaties made, or which shall be made and promulgated under the authority of the United States, shall, from time to time, be published and annexed to their code of laws by the Secretary of State." This order has been observed in the current series of Statutes at Large. An edition of the Statutes at Large was edited by Richard Peters, and published by Little & Brown in 1845. This edition of the Statutes has been continued in regu- lar order for each subsequent Congress. Volume 8 (in addition to the treaties between the United States and foreign nations from February 6, 1778, to February 24, 1845) contains: 1. Tables of acts of Congress from 1789 to 1845 relating to the judiciary, to imports and tonnage, to public lands, CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 367 United States — Continued. Statutes at Large, Revised Statutes, and Supplement to the Revised Statutes — Continued. and to the post-otiice; 2. An index to the five vohimes of pubHc statutes; and 3. General index to the matter embraced in the eight volumes (1789 to 1845), inclusive of this volume 8. An edition of the laws was puljjished in 1815 by Bioren & Duane and R. C. Weightman. This edition was compiled by J. B. Colvin upon the basis of a plan prepared by Richard Rush, then Attorney-General of the United States, and adopted by James Monroe, Secretary of State, in conformity with the act of Congress of the 18th of April, 1814. (For the correspondence of and the plan adopted by Attorney- General Rush and Secretary of State Monroe, and for explanatory observations by the compiler, see volume 1, pages iii-vii, viii-xi, of this edition.) The edition consisted originally of fixe volumes, and embraced the laws of the tlnited States from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1815, with the exception of " the local judiciary acts, and all acts confiding power to corporate bodies in the District of Columbia, or which have been otherwise passed by Congress in their character of legislature for the District," which were excluded. The series of laws contained in the preceding volumes of the edition of Bioren & Duane were continued to March 3, 1845, by the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth volumes. Volume 1 contains the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and the proceedings which led to its adoption; treaties with foreign nations and Indian tribes, from 1778 to 1814; grants, treaties, and cessions by which lands have been acquired by the United States, from 1783 to 1814; old proclamations and grants of lands, and treaties between foreign governments relating to titles to lands, and boundaries of territories now included within the United States; grant to the Hudson's Bay Company; cessions of land by several States to the United States; title of the United States to Louisiana (grant to Crozat); Treaty of Paris of February 10, 1783, between Great Britain, France, and Spain; explanatory notes of the acquisition, surveys, sales, donations, and other dis- position of and regulations concerning the public lands in the early periods of the Government; extracts from early English charters conveying territory; ordinance for the government of the territory northwest of the River Ohio; resolutions of the old Congress relative to military -bounty land; evidence respecting land claims of Ohio, Illinois, Wabash, Yazoo, Houma, Renaut, Dubuque, Chouteau, Bastrop, St. Vrain, etc.; origin of the Departments of State, War, Navy, Treasury, Post-OfBce, Indian Affairs, and the Mint; an ordinance for settling the accounts between the United States and the individual States; light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers, and ce.ssions of land for same from the States to the United States; the military establishment of the United States in 1787, and lands held for military purposes; acts and resolutions of the old Congress concerning the seat of the General Govern- ment, the flag of the United States, device for a great seal, device for copper coinage, half pay, commutation, invalids, pensions, acts of limitation, etc. The act of January 12, 1895 (28 Stats., 615), requires that "the Statutes at Large shall contain all laws, joint and concurrent resolutions passed by Congress, and also all conventions, treaties, proclamations, and agreements." Each volume of Statutes at Large contains an index. A conmiission to revise and codify the criminal and penal laws of the United States was authorized by an act of Congress dated June 4, 1897. By an act of March 3, 1901, the duties of said commission were extended so as to include a report of all laws of the United States of a permanent nature. This commission made its final report to Congress December 15, 1906. 3605—08 24 368 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE United States — Continued. Statutes at Large. « Laws and treaties. No. of volume. Period covered. June 1, 1789 to Mar. Dec. 24, 1799 to Mar. Laws of the first five Congresses 1 Laws of the Sixth to Twelfth Congress, in- 2 elusive. Laws of the Thirteenth to Seventeenth Congress, inclusive. Laws of the Eighteenth to Twenty-third Congress, inclusive. Laws of the Twenty-fourth to Twenty- eighth Congress, inclusive. Private laws of the first twenty-eight Con- gresses. Indian treaties Treaties between the United States and foreign nations. Laws of the Twenty -ninth to Thirty-first Congress, inclusive. Laws of Thirty-second and Thirty-third Congresses. Laws of Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Congresses. Laws of Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Congresses. Laws of the Thirty-eighth Congress Laws of the Thirty-ninth Congress Laws of the Fortieth Congress Laws of the Forty-first Congress Laws of the Forty -second Congress Laws of the Forty-third Congress Laws of the Forty-fourth Congress Laws of the Forty-fifth Congress Laws of the Forty-sixth Congress Laws of the Forty-seventh Congress ..... Laws of the Forty-eighth Congress Laws of the Forty-ninth Congress Laws of the Fiftieth Congress Laws of the Fifty-first Congress Laws of the Fifty-second Congress Laws of the Fifty-third Congress « See note above as to indexes in volume 8. f> See note above relating to contents of volume 8 3, 1799. ,3, 1813. June 19, 1813 to Mar. 3, 1823. 4 Jan. 1, 1824 to Mar. 3, 18.35. 5 Jan. H, 1836 to Mar. 3, 1845. 6 Mar. 3, 1789 to Mar. 3, 1845. 7 Sept. 17, 1778 and Oct. 11, 1842. b8 Feb. 6, 1778 to Feb. 24, 1845. 9 Dec. 29, 1845 to Mar. 3, 1851. 10 Jan. 1.3, 1852 to Mar. 3, 1855. 11 Feb. 20, 1856 to Mar. 3, 1859. 12 Feb. 16, 1860 to Mar. 3, 1863. 13 Jan. 16, 1864 to Mar. 3, 1865. 14 Dec. 18, 1865 to Mar. 3, 1867. 15 Mar. 12, 1867 to Mar. 3, 1869. 16 Mar. 10, 1869 to Mar. 3, 1871. 17 Mar. 20, 1871 to Mar. 3, 1873. 18 Dec. 17, 1873 to Mar. 3, 1875. 19 Dec. 24, 1875 to Mar. 3, 1877. 20 Mar. 21, 1877 to Mar. 3, 1879. 21 Apr. 18, 1879 to Mar. 3, 1881. 22 Dec. 20, 1881 to Mar. 3, 1883. 23 Jan. 18 1884 to Mar. 3, 1885. 24 Dec. 7, 1885 to Mar. 3, 1887. 25 Jan. 20, 1888 to Mar. 9 1889. 26 Dec. 19, 1889 to Mar. 3, 1891. 27 Jan. 22, 1892 to Mar. 3, 1893. 28 Sept 1, 1893 to Mar. 2, 1895 CATALOGUE LTBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 369 United States — Continued. Statutes at Large — Continued. Laws and treaties. No. of volume. Period covered. Laws of the Fifty-fourth Congress T,aws of the Fiftv-fifth Congress Laws of the Fifty-sixth Congress Laws of the Fifty-seventh Congress Do Laws of the Fifty-eighth Congress Do Laws of the Fifty-ninth Congress Do 29 30 31 32 Pt. 1 32-2 33-1 33-2 34-1 34-2 34-3 Dec. 2, 1896 to Mar. 3, 1897. Mar. 15, 1897 to :Mar. 3, 1899. Dec. 4, 1899 to Mar. 3, 190L Dec. 14, 1901 to Mar. 3, 1903. Do. Nov. 12, 1903 to Mar. 3, 1905. Do. Dec. 4, 1905 to Mar. 3, 1907. Do. Do Do. Consolidated Index to the TJnited States Statutes at Large, 1789-1903. G. P. O., 1905. 4 vols. 4°. Revised Statutes. Two editions of the Revised Statutes of the United States have been pubhshed, the first edition in 1873 and the second edition in 1878. Since the latter year Supple- ments to the Revised Statutes have been published as follows: Volume 1 (first and second editions), embracing the legislation by Congress from 1874 to 1891, inclusive. Volume 2 (in eight parts, published from time to time) embraces the legislation from 1891 to 1897, inclusive. Part 8 of Supplement, vol. 2, contains a consolidated index relating to the matter in all of the eight parts. The Revised Statutes of 1873 were published as jiart 1 of volume 18 of the Statutes at Large. Part 2 of volume 18 contained the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the District of ColumVna and post-roads, together with a compilation of all the treaties in force December 1, 1873. Part 3 of volume 18 contained, as usual, the statutes enacted during the period of the Forty-third Congress, March 4, 1873, to March 3, 1875, inclusive. In 1878 the Revised Statutes were "reprinted, with amendments, under authority of an act of Congress approved the 2d day of March, in the year 1877, with an appendix," « Hon. George S. Boutwell having been tlie commissioner charged with the execution of the work. Supplement to the Revised Statutes. Volume 1, second edition, 1874-1891 (Forty-third to Fifty-tirst Congress, inclusive). This volume embraces the statutes, general and permanent in their nature, passed after the Revised Statutes and in force at the end of the Fifty-first Congress (1874- 1891), with references connecting provisions on the same subject, explanatory notes, citations of judicial decisions, and a general index. Volume 2, numbers 1 to 9, inclusive, 1891-1901 ( Fifty-second to Fifty-sixth Con- gress, inclusive). This volume contains the general and permanent laws of the Fifty- second, Fifty-third, Fifty-fourth, Fifty-fifth, and Fifty-sixth Congresses (1891-1901), inclusive, with a consolidated index to the entire volume, numbers 1 to 9. « The appendix contains, among other matters, statutes relating to the "revision and consolidation of the statute laws of the United States"' (see p. 1089), and also a reference index by which the various provisions of the Revised Statutes may be traced to the original enactments in the Statutes at Large (see p. 1101). 370 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States — Continued. District of Columbia Statutes. " Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the District of Columbia, passed at the first session of the Forty-third Congress, 1873-74," are contained in part 2 of volume 18 of United States Statutes at Large. In addition to the "Revised and Consolidated Statutes of the United States, general and permanent in their nature, relating to the District of Columbia, in force on the 1st day of December, in the year of our Lord 1873," this volume contains "Revised Statutes of the United States relating to Post Roads, passed at the first session of the Forty-third Congress, 1873-74, " and " public treaties of the United States, in force on the 1st day of December, 1873." A complete index accompanies each of these divisions in the volume. "The Compiled Statutes in force in the District of Columbia, including the acts of the second session of the Fiftieth Congress, 1887-1889," in one volume, were com- piled by William Stone Abert and Benjamin G. Lovejoy, and were printed and pub- lished under the authority of an act of Congress approved March 2, 1899, and the direction of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. The law required that "all statutes and parts of statutes in force in said District, including the acts of the second session of the Fiftieth Congress, and relating to all such matters as would properly come within the scope of a civil and criminal code," should be compiled, arranged, and classified, with a proper index. The statutes included in the compila- tion have been selected from: 1. The British statutes in force in Maryland at the time of the cession of the territory to the United States for the seat of government and now in force in the District. 2. The statutes of Maryland, beginning with the session of the Maryland assembly held the 26th day of April, 1704, and ending with the acts passed prior to February 27, 1801. 3. The Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the District of Columbia, published in 1875. 4. The Revised Statutes of the United States and the Statutes at Large in which the District of Columbia is specifically named or which refer to "courts of the United States," and also such statutes, civil and criminal, referring to certain territory of the United States and all places or districts of country under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, and which are not locally inapplicable. 5. The acts of the legislative assembly of the District from June 2, 1871, through June 26, 1873. In addition there has been published with the compilation an appendix containing certain historical chapters which deserve preservation and a place in the same volume with the statutes in force; also, judicial citations of the Federal courts and of the court of appeals of Maryland, explaining or construing the text, and many valuable footnotes containing useful information. District of Columbia Code of Law, 1902. "An act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia," approved March 3, 1901, went into effect and operation from and after the 1st day of January, in the year of our Lord 1902. It has been amended by acts approved January 31 and June 31, 1902, and March 3, 1905. U. S. Statutes at Large, vol. 31, p. 1189, vol. 32, pp. 2, 520, and vol. 33, p. 689. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Supreme Court Reports. 371 Vol. Reporter. Matter contained. Period. Chief Justice. No. of copies. 1 Dallas, vol. 1 Decisions of su- preme court ot 1754-1789 Pennsylvania. Decisions of court 1785-1789 of common pleas of Philadelphia County. Decisions of court 1785-1788 of oyer and ter- miner at Phila- delphia. Decisions of court 1786-1788 of errors and a.\> peals. 2 Dallas, vol. 2 Decisions of Fed- eral court of ap- Aug. sess.,1781 14 peals. do Dec. sess.,1781 do Jan. sess.,1782 do May sess.,1783 May sess., 1784 do May sess., 1787 Decisions of court 1788-1790 of common pleas of Philadelphia County. Decisions of su- 1766-1797 preme court of Pennsylvania. Decisions of court 1791-1792 of errors and ap- peals. Decisionsof United Apr. term, 1 792 States circuit court, Pennsyl- vania district. do Apr. term, 1793 Apr. term, 1794 do do Apr. term, 1795 do Oct. term, 1796 do Apr. term, 1797 do Apr. term, 1798 ' 372 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Supreme Court Reports— Continued. Vol. Reporter. Dallas, vol. 2. Dallas, vol. 3. Dallas, vol. 4. Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court (at New York). Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do do do Decisions of su- preme court of Pennsylvania. Decisions of United States district court, Pennsyl- vania district. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. ..--do Decisions of court of errors and ap- peals, Pennsyl- vania. do Period. Feb. term, 1790 Aug. Aug. Feb. i Aug. i Feb. Feb. Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. Feb. Dec. Mar. June Apr. Aug. Feb. Aug. July term, 1790 term, 1791 term, 1792 term, 1792 term, 1793 term, 1794 Chief Justice. term, term. 1795 1795 Jan. Jan. term. 1796 term. 1796 term, 1797 term. 1797 term, 1798 term. 1798 term. 1799 term. 1798 term. 1799 term, 1799 term, 1799 term , 1799 term, 1800 term. 1800 term. 1799 term, 1802 term, 1804 Jay --- do .---do -.. ... ..., Vacancy. do Rutledge . Vacancy.. Ellsworth ---. .... .... .... do No. of copies. Vacancy. ... 13 14 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. 373 Vol. Reporter. Matter contained. Period. Chief Justice. No. of copies. 4 Dallas, vol. 4 Decisions of su- preme court of Pennsylvania. do Apr. Sept. Jan. term, 1790 term. 1791 do term , 1792 do Apr. term 1792 do Apr. Jan. Apr. Sept. Dec. Mar. Dec. Dec. Mar. Sept. Dec. term 1793 do term term term 1794 1794 1795 do do do term term term term term term 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1799 do do do do do do term 1799 do Mar. Sept. Dec. term term 1800 1800 do do term 1800 do Mar. Sept. Mar. Sept. Dec. term term 1801 1801 do ... .do term term 1802 1802 do do term 1802 do Mar. term 1803 do Sept. term 1803 do Dec. Mar. Sept. Dec. Mar. Apr. term term term 1803 1804 1804 do do ■ do term term term 1804 1805 1796 do Decisions of circuit court of United States for Penn- sylvania. do Apr. term, 1799 .do Apr. May term, 1800 do term, 1801 do May Apr. term 1802 do term 1803 374 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. Vol. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Reporter. Dallas, vol. 4. Cranch, vol. 1 . Cranch, vol. 2. Cranch, vol. 3. Cranch, vol. 4. Cranch, vol. 5. Cranch, vol. 6. Cranch, vol. 7. Cranch, vol. 8. Cranch, vol. 9. Wheaton, vol. Wheaton, vol. Wheaton, vol. Wheaton, vol. Wheaton, vol. Wheaton, vol. Wheaton, vol. Wheaton, vol. Matter contained. Decisions of circuit court of United States for Penn- sylvania. do do , do , Decisions of su- preme court of Pennsylvania. Decisions of court of errors and ap- peals of Dela- ware. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do .do .do .do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do -do .do -do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do Period. Apr. term, 1804 Oct. Apr. Oct. Apr. Oct. Dec. Dec. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. term, 1804 term, 1805 term, 1805 term, 1806 term, 1806 term, 1806 Sept. term, 1788 Aug. term, 1801 Marshall Chief Justice. term, 1801 term, 1803 term, 1804 term, 1805 term, 1805 term, 1806 term, 1807 term, 1808 term, 1809 term, 1810 term, 1812 term, 1813 term, 1814 term, 1815 term, 1816 term, 1817 term, 1818 term, 1819 term, 1820 term, 1821 term, 1822 term, 1823 . . . do . . . do No. of copies. 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. 375 Vol. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Reporter. Wheaton, vol. 9. Wheaton, vol. 10. Wheaton, vol. 11 . Wheaton, vol. 12. Peters, vol. 1 Peters, vol. 2 Petera, vol. 3 Peters, vol. 4 Peters, vol. 5 Peters, vol. 6 Peters, vol. 7 Peters, vol. 8 Peters, vol. 9 Peters, vol. 10... Peters, vol. 11 Peters, vol. 12 Peters, vol. 13 Peters, vol. 14 Peters, vol. 15 Peters, vol. 16 Howard, vol. 1... Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard vol. 2.. vol. 3. . vol. 4. . vol. 5. . vol. 6.. vol. 7.. vol. 8.. vol. 9.. vol. 10. vol. 11. vol. 12. vol. 13. vol. 14. vol. 15. vol. U). vol. 17. vol. 18. vol. 19. Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do (lO. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do . do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Period. Feb. term, 1824 Feb. Feb. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term term 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1853 1853 1854 1855 1856 Chief Justice. No.of Marshall .. do ..... Vacancy... Taney .---. do do ...-do ..--do do ----do ---- .:... do ..... do 13 13 13 13 9 10 10 11 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 9 17 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 8 10 8 8 8 8 6 6 376 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. Vol. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Reporter. Howard, vol. 20. Howard, vol. 21 . Howard, vol. 22. Howard, vol. 23. Howard, vol. 24. Black, vol. 1 Black, vol. 2 Wallace, vol. 1.. Wallace, vol. 2.. Wallace, vol. 3.. Wallace, vol. 4.. Wallace, vol. 5.. Wallace, vol. 6.. Wallace, vol. 7.. Wallace, vol. 8.. Wallace, vol. 9.. Wallace, vol. 10. Wallace, vol. 11. Wallace, vol. 12. Wallace, vol. 13.. Wallace, vol. 14.. Wallace, vol. 15.. Wallace, vol. 16.. Wallace, vol. 17. Wallace, vol. 18. Wallace, vol. 19. Wallace, vol. 20. Wallace, vol. 21 do . Wallace, vol. 22 do . Wallace, vol. 23 do. Otto, vol. 1 do . Otto, vol. 2 ] do. Otto, vol. 3 do. I Otto, vol. 4 j do . Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do do do do do .do. .do .do .do. .do, .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do.. do.. -do. .do. .do. .do. Period. Dec. term, 1857 Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. term term term term term term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. terms and 1869. Dec. term Dec. terms and 1870. Dec. term Dec. terms and 1871. Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. Oct. term term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term 1858 1859 1859 1860 1861 1-862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1868 1868 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1871 1872 1872 1872 1873 1873 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1874 1875 1875 1876 1876 Chief Justice Taney . . do .. do . . .. .. .---do .. do .. do .. Chase . . .-.-do .. .- .- -- ..--do .- -- -. ...-do .. ..--do -- ... .. .-.-do .. .- .--do .. .--do -- Vacancy -. -.-do -. -- Waite - - .. -- ---do -. .- .. -.-do -- .. No. of copies. 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 8 11 14 9 11 8 5 9 9 9 7 9 8 8 6 6 9 9 8 9 6 10 11 9 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. 377 Vol. 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Reporter. Otto, vol. 5. Otto, vol. 6. Otto, vol. 7. Otto, vol. 8.. Otto, vol. 9.. Otto, vol. 10. Otto, vol. 11. Otto, vol. 12. Otto, vol. 13. Otto, vol. 14. Otto, vol. 15. Otto, vol. 16. Otto, vol. 17. Davis, vol. 1. Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis, Davis Davis Davis vol.2. vol.3, vol. 4. vol.5. vol.6. vol.7. vol.8. vol.9., vol. 10. vol.11. Mutter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do .do, .do .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. vol.12 do. vol.13 do, vol. 14 vol. 15 do. vol.16 do. vol. 17 do. vol.18 do. vol. 19 do. vol. 20 do. vol. 21 do vol. 22 do Period. vol. 23 I do. Oct. term, 1877 Oct. term, 1877 Oct. terms, 1877 and 1878. - Oct. term, 1878 Oct. term, 1878 Oct. term, 1879 Oct. term, 1879 Oct. term, 1880 Oct. term, 1880 Oct. term, 1881 Oct. term, 1881 Oct. term, 1882 Oct. term, 1882 Oct. terms, 1882 and 1883. Oct. term, 1883 Oct. term, 1883 Oct. term, 1883 Oct. term, 1884 Oct. term, 1884 Oct. term, 1884 Oct. terms, 1884 and 1885. Oct. term, 1885 Oct. term, 1885 Oct. terms, 1885 . and 1886. Oct. term, 1886 Oct. term, 1886 Oct. term, 1886 Oct. term, 1886 Oct. term, 1887 Oct. term, 1887 Oct. term, 1887 Oct. term, 1887 Oct. term, 1887 Oct. term, 1888 Oct. term, 1888 Oct. term, 1888 Chief Justice. No. of copies. Waite . do do do . . . . do . do . . . do . . . . . . . ...-do . . . . Fuller. . . 5 11 6 6 10 6 5 5 6 6 7 7 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 378 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Supreme Court Reports— Continued. Vol. Reporter. Matter contained. Period. Chief Justice. No. of copies. 131 132 13S Davis, vol. 24 Davis, vol. 25 Davis, vol. 26 ... . Decisions of United States Supreme Court and Cen- tennial Appen- dix. Decisions Supreme Court. do Oct. term, 1888 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1890 Oct. term, 1890 Oct. term, 1890 Oct. term, 1890 Oct. terms, 1890 and 1891. Oct. term, 1891 Oct. term, 1891 Oct. term, 1891 Oct. term, 1891 Oct. term, 1892 Oct. term, 1892 Oct. term, 1892 Oct. term, 1892 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. terms, 1893 and 1894. Oct. term, 1894 Oct. term, 1894 Oct. term, 1894 Oct. terms, 1894 and 1895. Oct. term, 1895 Oct. term, 1895 Oct. term, 1895 Oct. term, 1895 Fuller do do ..... do ..... ..... 6 6 6 134 Davis, vol. 27 Davis, vol. 28 ... . Davis, vol. 29 do 6 135 6 136 do 6 137 Davis, vol. 30 do 6 138 Davis, vol. 31 Davis, vol. 32 do 6 139 do 6 140 Davis, vol. 33 do 6 141 Davis, vol. 34 do 6 14^ . Davis, vol. 35 Davis, vol. 36 do 6 143 do 6 144 Davis, vol. 37 do 6 145 Davis, vol. 38 Davis, vol. 39 do 6 146 . 6 147 Davis, vol. 40 do 6 148 Davis, vol. 41 do . 6 149 Davis, vol. 42 Davis, vol. 43 do 6 150 do 6 151 Davis, vol. 44 Davis, vol. 45 do 6 152 do 6 153 Davis, vol. 46 do - . 6 154 Davis, vol. 47 Davis, vol. 48 do .*. 6 155 do 6 156 Davis, vol. 49 Davis, vol. 50 do 6 157 do 6 158 Davis, vol. 51 Davis, vol. 52 Davis, vol. 53 Davis, vol. 54 Davis, vol. 55 Davis, vol. 56 do 6 159 160 do do 6 6 161 do 6 162 do 6 163 do 6 CATAX,OGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 379 United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued.^ Vol. 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 Reporter. Matter contained. Davis, vol. 57 vol. 58 . vol. 59 , vol. 60 . vol. 61 . vol. 62 . vol. 63 . vol. 64 . Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Butler, vol Butler, vol Butler, vol, Butler, vol. Butler, vol. Butler, vol. Butler, vol. Butler, vol. Butler, vol. Butler, vol. Butler, vol. Butler, vol. Butler, vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 1 . 2 . 3. 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9. 10 11 12 13 Decisions Supreme Court. do Butler, vol. 14 Butler, vol. 15 .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do Period. Oct. term, 1896 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. term, term, term, term, term, term. Oct. terms, and 1898. Oct. term, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, terms, and 1905. Oct. term, Oct. term. 896 896 896 897 897 897 897 898 898 898 899 899 899 899 900 900 900 900 901 901 901 901 902 902 902 902 903 903 903 903 904 904 904 904 904 905 905 Chief Justice. No. of copies. Fuller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.do . . . . . 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 4 5 380 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. Vol. Reporter. Matter contained. Period. Chief Justice. No. of copies. 202 Butler, vol. 16 . . . Butler, vol. 17 ... Decisions Supreme Court. do Oct. term, 1905 Oct. terms, 1905 and 1906. Oct. term, 1906 Oct. terms, 1906 Oct. term, 1906 Fuller 5 ^04 Butler, vol. 18 . . do 5 ^05 Butler, vol. 19 . do 5 ?m Butler, vol. 20 . . . do 5 Utah Commission. Reports. Year. 1882 1883 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893, 1894 1895, Congress. 47 48 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 Se.ssion. 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 House or Senate document. H. ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.doc... Volume. 11 11 27 12 12 9 11 12 13 13 16 14 15 16 16 Number. 153 Part. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Volume. 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 381 War. Reports of the Secretary." Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. James Barbour 1825 1825 1826 1826 1827 1827 1828 1828 1829 1829 1830 1830 1831 1831 1832 1833 1833 1834 1834 1835 1835 i83er 1836 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 Senate H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate... Hex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex..., Senate... H.ex.... Senate.^. H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... -*- 2 Do 1 Do 1 Do 2 Do 1 Do 1 ., Southard and Porter Do 1 John H. Eaton 1 Do 2 Do 1 ' Do 2 Randolph ad interim and Taney ad interim. Lewis Cass 1 2 2 1 1 Do Do Do Do 1 Do Do Do Butler ad interim Do 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 Joel R. Poinsett Do Do Do 2 ! Do 1 Do 2 Do 1 Do 2 1 2 1 Bell and McLane John C. Spencer Do Do 2 James M. Porter 1 « For reports prior to 1825 see American State Papers, INlilitary Affairs, vols. 1, 2, 3, etc. The War Department was organized under the provisions of an act of Con- gress approved August 7, 1789. Reports were from that date made by the Secretary, which are found among the documents of the Senate or House. The annual report, however, does not form a separate volume until 1849. 382 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE War. Reports of the Secretary —Continued. Secretary. James M. Porter William Wilkins Do William L. Marcy Do Do Do Do Do...... Do George SV. Crawford Do Winfield Scott ad interim Charles M. Conrad Do Do Do Do Jefferson Davis Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Samuel Cooper ad interim John B.Floyd Do Do Do Do Joseph Holt and Simon Cameron. Edwin M. Stanton Do Do Do Do Edwin M. Stanton and U. S. Grant ad interim. Year. 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 Con- gress. 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 Ses- sion. House or Senate document. 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 H.ex.... Senate H.ex.... Senate H.ex Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate H.ex.... H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S. ex . . . . H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S. ex.... H.ex..., S. ex H.ex.... S. ex.... H.ex.... S. ex . . . . H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S. ex . . . . S. ex . . . . S. ex . . . . H.ex.... H.ex-... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... Vol- ume. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2,3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 2,3 2,3 2,3 2 4 5 14 3 3 2 Part. Num- ber. 2,3 2 2 1,2 1,2 Part. 1 1 2 1 2 1 2,3 1 2,3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 5 2 1 2 11 2 2 2 1 2,3 2 2,3 2 2,3 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 5 83 1 1 5 1 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE War. Reports of the Secretary — Continued. 883 Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. John M. Schofield 1868 40 3 H.ex.... 2 1,2 Ra\\iin8and Sherman ad 1869 41 2 H.ex.... 2 1,2 interim. AVilliam W. Belknap 1870 41 3 H.ex.... 2 1,2 Do 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 42 42 43 43 44 44 2 3 1 2 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 2 2 2 2-4 2 2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1-5 1-6 1,2 2 Do 2 Do 2,3 Do '> Do t Robson ad interim, Taft, 2 James D. Cameron. George W. McCrary 1877 45 2 H.ex.... 2-6 2 Do 1878 1879 45 46 3 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... 2-7 2-7 9 Alexander' Ramsay 2 Do 1880 1881 46 47 3 1 H.ex.... H.ex.... 2-7 2-7 2 Robert T. Lincohi 2 Do 1882 1883 1884 1885 47 48 48 49 2 1 2 1 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 2-7 2-7 2-8 2-8 2 Do 2 Do William C. Endicott 2 Do 1886 1887 1888 1889 49 50 50 51 2 1 2 1 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 2-6 2-7 2-7 2-7 2 Do 9 Do 2 Redfield Proctor 2 Do 1890 1891 1892 51 52 52 2 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 2-8 2^1 2-9 2 B. Presslv ..- 2 Stephen B. Elkins 2 Daniel S. Lamont 1893 53 2 H.ex.... 2-10 2 Do 1894 53 3 H.ex.... 4-11 2 Do 1895 54 1 House... 3-11 2 Do 1896 54 2 H.doc... 2 2 R. A. Alger 1897 55 2 H.doc... 2 2 Do 1898 1899 1900 55 56 56 3 1 2 H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 2 2 2 2 2 2 Elihu Root Do Do.... 1901 57 1 H.doc... 2-18 2 Do 1902 1903 1904 57 58 58 2 1,2 3 H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 4-15 2-15 2-15 2 2 2 Do William H. Taft Do 1905 59 1 H.doc... 2-15 2 Do 1906 59 2 H.doc... 2-11 2 3605—08 ■ -25 DOCUMENTS BY CONGRESSES. LIST OF SENATE AND HOUSE DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS BY CON- GRESSES FROM THE FIRST SESSION OF THE FIRST CONGRESS, 1789, TO THE SECOND SESSION OF THE FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS, 1907, INCLUSIVE.a FIRST CONGRESS. First Session. — March 4 to September 29, 1789. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — [MS. folic] — Plan of Secretary of War for the arrangement of the militia, modified according to the alterations suggested by the President. Introduction to the same. Details of the plan ; statement of the troops in service, etc. Rhode Island's com- munication to Congress explaining its attitude toward the Constitution of the United States. Extracts from Mr. Jefferson's letter of November 14, 1788, to the President respecting the consular convention with France. Secretary of War reports upon the treaties of peace negotiated by the governor of the Western Territory with certain Indian tribes ; treaties made in consequence thereof ; speeches by certain Indians in the coun- cils ; instructions of 1787-88. relative to an Indian treaty ; report by Gen. Arthur St. Clair. Grievances of the Cherokee Nation and proposals by the warrior chiefs to President Wash- ington by which to preserve harmony between the citizens of the United States and the Indians. "A great talk " held by the warriors and chiefs of the Cherokee Nation. President Washington informed by General St. Clair of the constant hostilities between the Indians living along the Wabash River and the people of Kentucky; the embarrassing circumstances to the government of the Western Territory, and requesting immediate action. Statement of $20,000 appropriated by Con- gress, August 20, 1789, for the expenses of negotiations with Indian tribes. [In same volume (MS.) are documents which are included in Senate list below for second and third sessions. First Congress.] Vol. 2. — Message from the President, May 25, 1789, laying before the Senate " in pursuance of the order of the late Congress," treaties be- tween the United States and several nations of Indians. '■ a For the first twenty Congresses, the most important of the documents named in this list are reproduced in "American State Papers," together with many additional documents which had not been previously published. (See "Amer- ican State Papers," post.) In "Annals of Congress" (ante) are also published, in whole or in part, some of the most important documents of the earlier Congresses. 385 386 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIRST CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate executive documents — Continued. Vol. 3. — President's message to Senate communicating a statement from tlje Secretary of War of the military force in 1789. House documents : Yoi. 1. — [Folio.] — Joint resolution of Congress, submitting the first twelve amendments to the Constitution to the several States for their ratification ; ratification of the same, in whole or in part, by the States of New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Dela- ware, Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, New .Jersey, Virginia, and Ver- mont. [In this volume are documents named in vol. 1, 2d session. 1st Congress, below.] Vol. 2. — [MS., folio.] — Report of the Secretary of War, June 15, 1789, relat- ing to the several Indian tribes. Second session.— January 4 to August 13, 1790. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — [MS., folio.] — Governor of Rhode Island transmits to President of United States an act of the general assembly of that State for calling a convention to take into consideration the Constitu- tion proposed for the United States by the general convention at Philadelphia, September, 1787. Governor of North Caro- lina transmits to President Washington copy of an act of that State " ceding to the United States certain Westexm lands." Governor John Hancock, February 10, 1790, incloses to Presi- dent Washington " some papers « evidential of the encroach- ments made by the subjects of the King of England upon the Eastern frontier " of Massachusetts, which, in the language of a resolution of the legislature of Massachusetts, " are con- trary to the treaty of peace." Governor George Clinton in- forms President Washington of the passage of certain acts by the legislature of New York, one ceding to the United States the site of Sandy Hook Lighthouse, another relating to the reception and safe-keeping of prisoners sent to that State by the United States Government. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — Report of Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, on the cod and whale fisheries. Vol. 2. — [Folio.]— No. 1. Secretary of the Treasury on the support of the public credit. 2. Secretary of the Treasury on the funds that may be applied toward the interest of the debt of the indi- vidual States. 3. Plan of the Secretary of War for the general arrangement of the militia. 4. Recommendations of Samuel Osgood, Postmaster-General. 5. Secretary of State on coi)per coinage, (i. Secretary of State on uniformity of weights, measures, and coins, with an appendix. Vol. .3. — [MS., folio.]— No. 1. Plan of the Secretary of War for arrangement of the militia (MS.). 2. Introduction to same. Speeches of '' These papers are in the MS. Book of Treaties and Conventions, folio 1, p. 119. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 387 FIRST CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Cornplanter, Hnlftown, and The Great Tree, chiefs of the Seneca Nation, to the (Jroat Father, on December 9, 1790, and January lU and February 7, 1791. 3. Deeds of the Ave na- tions, 1788. 4. Quitclaim of the four nations, 1789. 5. Sundry papers relating to the claim of Baron Steuben for remunera- tion for services in the United States Army during the Revo- lutionary war. Vol. 4. — [MS., folio. 1 — General statement of the Dei>artment of War. Third Session. — December 6, 1790 to March 3, 1791. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — [MS., folio.] — Resolutions and address to the President and the Congress by Kentucky convention respecting the separation of the district of Kentucky from the State of Virginia. State- ment by Secretary of War of the information on which the expedition against the Indians northwest of the Ohio was founded, and also the instructions to the governor of the Western Territory and the commanding officer of the troops relative to the same object. Report of Secretary of State Jef- ferson to President Washington relative to the situation of the citizens of the United States in captivity at Algiers ; names of the captives. Secretary of State I'eports relative to trade of the United States in the Mediterranean. New Jersey act jurisdiction in the United States of a lot of land at Sandy Hook for light-house purposes. Statement by Register's Office of appropriation of $10,000 for defraying the contingent charges of Government — payments made upon orders of the President. Marjdand act to empower the wardens of Balti- more to levy and collect certain port duties. Secretary of Treasury Hamilton reports the terms of the loan of 3,000.000 florins mentioned bj^ the President as having been negotiated in Holland. Secretary of War transmits letter from Gov- ernor Blount relative to the government of the territory ceded by North Carolina to the United States. Correspondence with State Department relative to diplomatic relations and inter- course with the (iovernment of Portugal. Secretary of State Jefferson transmits to Congress his plan for establishing uni- formitj' in the currency, weights, and measures of the United States. Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton reports relative to further provision for estal)Iishuig the public credit, and argu- ing in favor of a national bank. I'resident Washington's proc- lamation defining the boundaries of the territoi'y ceded by Mary- land as the district for the permanent seat of Government of the United States. The Seci-etary of State transmits letter from one of our citizens captive in Algiers, giving desired in- formatioi'i. Secretary .Jefferson's report and accomi)anying papers relative to the cod aiid whale fisheries. Extract from letter of United States charge d'affaires in France, informing Secretary Jefferson of the dissatisfaction manifested in France 388 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIRST CONGRESS. Tliird Session— Continued. Senate documents — Continued. on account of alleged tariff discriminations against that coun- try by the United States. Report of Seci-etary Hamilton rela- tive to the establishment of a mint. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — No. 1. Secretary of the Treasury on establishing the pub- lic credit. 2. Report of Edmund Randolph, Attorney-General, on the judiciary system, parts 1, 2, 3, and notes. 3. Abstract of duties arising on the tonnage of vessels entered into the United States from the 1st of October, 1789, to the .30th of September, 1790. 4. Secretary of the Treasury on duties on imports from 1st of August, 1789, to 30th of September, 1790. 5. Secretary of the Treasury relative to appropriations of money for certain purposes. 6. Estimates for 1791. 7. Sec- retary of the Treasury on the establishment of a mint. Vol. 2.— [MS., folio.] — War Department report from 1789 to 1791, including reports relative to Indians on the western frontier and in the South ; letters of General St. Clair, General Harmer, etc. (xAIS.). Vol. 3. — [MS., folio.] — President Washington's letter to Gouverneur Morris relative to observance of treaty with Great Britain, and Mr. Morris's letters in response thereto. Letter of Secretary of State, with report on lands in Northwest and Southwest Terri- tories. Operations of the Army under command of General St. Clair. Contract for land on Lake Erie. Attorney-General's statement relative to his official situation in certain respects. Vermont's ratification of the Constitution. King of France announces his acceptance of the Constitution for that nation. Correspondence between the Secretary of State and the British minister on the subject of a clause of a statute of Great Britain relative to its commerce with the United States. .Justice of United States courts take exception to provisions of the invalid pension act, and state their views to the President relative thereto. By order of President Washington, Secretary of War Knox submits a message (speech) of the Cornplanter and New Arrow to Major-General Wayne. Governor of Virginia trans- mits petition of officers of Virginia line on the subject of their lands. General Wayne reports on the operations of the army under his command. Secretary of State transmits, in response to call by a resolution of the House, a report on the privileges and restrictions of the commerce of the United States in for- eign countries. Relative to relief for M. de la Fayette. Sec- retary .Jefferson reports upon information from the Director of the Mint that an impediment had arisen to the coinage of precious metals. Governor of South Carolina communicates the fact that breaches of neutrality have been committed in that State l)y the enlistment of mep for the service of the Frencii Republic to go on an expedition against a power not at war with the United States. French Minister Genet com- ments upon *he foregoing statements relative to enlistments CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 389 FIRST CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. for France, etc. Gouverneur Morris's correspondence with the minister of foreij^n affairs of France rehitive to captures on the sea. Secretary Jefferson's report on proceedings of Gov- ernor St. Clair respecting the lands of the inhabitants of Kas- kaskia. etc. Navigation of the Mississippi. SECOND CONGRESS. First Session.— October 24, 1791 to May 8, 1792. House documents : Vol. 1. — [MS., folio.] — No. 1. Extract of a letter from the Secretary of War, May 25, 1791, to Maj. Richard Call, commanding officer of the troops in Georgia. No. 2. Extract of a letter from the Secre- tary of AVar, July 13, 1791, to Maj. Richard Call, commanding officer of the troops in Georgia. No. S. Instructions to Ensign John Heth, of the First American Regiment, May 31, 1791. Nos. 4 and 12. Secretary of War 'to Brigadier-General McGil- livray. No. 5. An account current. United States and Brig- adier-General McGillivray and the Creek Nation. No. 6. Sec- retary of War to Governor Blount. Nos. 7. 8, and 11. Secre- tary of War to governor of Georgia. No. 9. Instructions to Joseph Ell^cott. No. 10. Letter to Spiers, McCloud & Co. Vol. 2. — [Folio.] — 1. Estimates for the year 1792, by Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury. 2. Report of the Secretary of State on the quantity and situation of the lands not claimed by the Indians nor granted to nor claimed by any citizen within the territory of the United States. 3. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of manufactures. 4. Report of the Secretai\v of the Treasury on receipts and expenditures, 1791-92. .J. Secretary of the Treasury on the suljject of the public debt. 6. Same subject of a later date, includ- ing the debts of the several States. 7. Report of the Sec- retary of the Treasury on the act for laying duties on spirits. etc. 8. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the best mode of raising the additional supplies requisite for the ensu- ing year. 9. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury giving an abstract of the goods, wares, and merchandise exported from each State, from October 1. 1790 to September 30, 1791. Second Session.— November 5, 1792 to March 3, 1793. Senate documents : Vol. 1.0 — No. 1. Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton transmits, in pur- suance of a resolution of the Senate, a general account of revenue and appropriations to the end of the year 1792. "Found in vol. 3 (folio). House documents, and in American State Papers, Finance, vol. 1. 390 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE SECOND CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — No. 1. Duties on imports and tonnage, year ending Sep- tember 30, 1791. 2. Exports from October, 1791 to Octobei-, 1792. 3. Revenue on domestic distilled spirits. Yoi. 2" — No. 1. Message from President Washington, transmitting the ab- stract of a supplementai-y arrangement, made by him pursuant to law, for raising revenue upon foreign and domestic distilled spirits. ^tq] 3_ — [Folio.] — No. 1. Secretary Hamilton reports, in obedience to reso- lutions of the House of Representatives, a plan for the redemp- tion of so much of the public debt as, by act of Congress, the United States have reserved the right to redeem ; and the plan of a provision for the reimbursement of the loan made of the Bank of the United States. No. 2. Secretary of the Treasury transmits sundry statements respecting the several foreign loans. No. 3. Supplementary statement by Secretary of Treas- ury, containing " the several sums that have been borrowed in the United States under the authority of the President." No. 4. Copy of the journal of the Board of Sinking Fund Commis- sioners. Also reports by the Secretary of the Treasury on eighty-two petitions. Reports of House connnittees : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — Report from the committee appointed to inquire into the . causes of the failure of the late expedition under Major-Gen- eral St. Clair. Supplementary report from the same connuittee upon the same subject, giving results of reexamination of the' documents formerly before them, of hearing and examining other testimony produced to them, of hearing and considering the written communications made by the Secretary of War, Samuel Hodgdon, and the commander in chief of the expedi- tion. [In volume 3 (folio), House documents.] THIRD CONGRESS. First Session.— December 2, 1793 to June 9, 1794. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — No. 1. Estimates of appropriations for the year 1794. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury respecting tonnage of vessels. 3. Moneys in the Treasury February 5, 1794. 4. Copy of a contract with the Bank of the United States for a loan of .$2,000,000. 5. Abstract of exports for year ending Sep- tember .30, 1793. 0. Report of the Secretary of War on 00 peti- tions for pensions. 7. Letter from the Secretary of State, accompanying an address from the representatives of the French people, members of the committee of public safety, to the Congress of the United States. 8. Report and estimate of a connuittee on such ports and harbors as need to be put in a state of defense. 9. Correspondence between Citizen Genet and the officers of the Federal Government, prefixed with the a Found in American State Papers, Finance, vol. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 3V>1 THIRD CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. I louse documents — Continued. instructions of the French authorities to the said Genet. 10. Resolutions relative to duties on imports. 11. Report on rev- enue collections. 12. Assays of foreign coins. Vol.2. — [Folio.] — Secretary Hamilton j?ives an account of the receipts and expenditures of the United States for the year 1792. Vol.3. — [Folio.] — Secretary Hamilton transmits a report presenting sundry estimates and statements relative to appropriations for the service of the year 1794, and for other objects therein specified. Vol.4. — [Octavo.] — Message of President Washington December 5, 1793, rel- ative to France and Great Britain, with the papers therein re- ferred to, to which are added the French originals — Genet, etc. Message May 20, 1794, and documents relative to hostile threats against the territories of Spain in the neighborhood of the United States — certain persons (Frenchmen) taking meas- ures to excite the inhabitants of Kentucky to join in a military enterprise (Clarke's) against the Spanish dominions on the Mississippi. Second Session. — November 3, 1794 to March 8, 1795. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. Proceedings of the Executive respecting the Pennsylvania insurgents. 2. Communication from the minister of the French Republic concerning weights and measures. 3. Report on the state of the mint. 4. Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton communicates a plan for further support of the pub- lic credit. .5. Report of Secretary Hamilton for the improve- ment and better management of the revenues. G. Message of President Washington communicating a report from Secretary of War Knox on the preservation of peace with the Indian tril)es on the frontiers. Vol.2. — [MS., folio.] — Instructions to Governor P>Iount as to the Creek Indi- ans. (Jeneral Putnan^s treaty with the Wabash and Illinois Indians. The President's and Governor Mifflin's letters rela- tive to a settlement at Presque Isle. Confidential intelligence to General Wayne by the Wyandottes respecting the proceed- ings of Britisli agents. Speech of a Wyandotte chief to Gen- eral Wayne, and General Wayne's rcjily thereto. Estimate of appropriations for 2,000 regular troops for three years and of 2,000 mounted volunteers for four months. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. Secretary of the Treasury on the public credit. 2. Same, for tlie better management of the revenues. 3. Report of the Attorney-General on fees and compensations in the United States courts. 4. Observations of the Secretary of War relative to i)reserving our treaties with the Indian tribes, and of affording adecpiate i)rotection to our frontiers. .'. State of the mint. 0. French weights and measures. 7. Abstracts of exports for the year ending September 30, 1794. 8. Proceed- ings of the Executive relative to the Pennsylvania insurgents. 9. A bill for organizing the militia. 392 CATAIOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRD CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Yoi. 2. — [Folio.] — Estimates and statements i-elative to appropriations for the service of tlie year 3795, and the expenditures of sums previously appropriated. Report of the commissioners for purchasing the public debt. November IS, 1794, stating the amount of purchases and other proceedings since the previous report, December 16, 1793. By direction of tlie President. Sec- retary of "War Knox submits to tlie House of Representatives a statement of sucli difficulties and inconveniences as have occurred in tlie execution of the act more effecutally to provide for the national defense by establishing an uniform militia throughout the United States. Secretary of Treasury states the amount of goods on which the duties of 7* and 10 per cent were paid for the year 1793 ; also the quantities of coffee, cocoa, and coal imported in the same year. Vol. 3. — [Folio.] — Receipts and expenditures for the years 1791-1795. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — [Folio.]« — Indian claims to certain lands in North Carolina. Claim of Stephen Sayre for reimbursement while in diplomatic serv- ice. To establish trading houses among Indian nations. Rec- ommending a more general promulgation of the laws. Harbor fortifications. On indemnifying sufferers by the depredations of the insurgents in western Pennsylvania. Protection of the Western frontiers. Reduction of the public debt. Lands for light-houses. Relating to "An act concerning invalids." Bet- ter organization of the militia. Joab Stafford's pension claim. Duties on goods destroyed by tire. On defects in the .judiciary system of the Northwest Territory. Settlement of the ac- counts of the Continental Government. Troops necessary to protect the Western and Southern frontier. Fortifications. Ordering the printing of the laws in two pajvers in each State. Compensation of commissioners of loans and their clerks. Sal- aries of Department clerks. Disposition of Indian lands by the State of (Georgia. Armed men on Indian lands. FOURTH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 7, 1795 to June 1, 1796. Senate documents : Vol. 1.— [MS., folio.]— Report of the Attorney-General containing a collec- tion of charters, treaties, and other documents relative to and exi)lanatory of the title to the land situate in the southwestern part of the United States, and claimed by certain comi>anies -under a law of the State of Georgia, passed .January 7. 1795. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — No. 1. Treasurer's accounts for quarter ending September no, 1794. 2. Statement of the debt. 3. Return of exports for five years ending October 1, 1795. 4. Sundry statements of the Treasurer. 5. Public credit. (!. Report of the Secretary of a In vol. 2, House documents. CATALOGUE IJBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 393 FOURTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. War on naval equipment. 7. Internal revenue. 8. Probable receipts and expenditures in 1706. 9. Abstracts of official emoluments. 10. Correcting an inaccuracy in No. S. 11. Acts passed at tlio tirst session of the Fourth Congress. Vol. 2. — [Folio.] — No. 1. Presidential proclamation of peace between the United States and the tribes of Indians called the Wyandottes, Delawaros. Shawanoes, Ottawas, Chipewas, Putawatimes, Miamis, Eel River, Weeas, Kicliapoos, Planlcashaws, and Kas- kasliias. (The remainder of this volume is a duplicate of vol- ume 1, except acts of first session.) Vol. .3. — [Folio.] — The same as volume 1. with the addition of one report of a House committee. Reports of House committees : Vol. 4. — [Folio.] — Report of the Committee on Claims on the petition of John Gibbons, treasurer of the State of Georgia. (Bound in volume -i, executive documents, this session.) Second Session. — December 5. 1796 to March 3, 1797. House (Jocuments : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. President Washington's eighth annual message. 2. Expenditures of the War Department from ]\Iarch 4. 1789, to December 31, 1795. 3. Statement of the aggregate of the appropriations made by law, and the actual expenditures of the United States, for the War Department, 1789-179(5. 4. Esti- mates of appropriations for 1797, and statement of receipts and expenditures for the year ending September 30, 1796. ."> Statement exhibiting amount of drawbaclis paid on exports in 1793, 1794, and 179.5. 6. Report and statements exhiltiting a view of the debts of the United States .Tanuafy 1. 1790, 1791, and 1796. 7. Reports of the commissioners for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of government, with documents showing receipts and expenditures and progress and state of the work for six mouths ending November 18 1796. 8. Esti- mates for the Navy and for fortifications for 1797. 9. State- ment of goods, wares, and merchandise exported during the year ending September 30, 1796. 10. Deficiency appropriation for the military department. 11. Expenditures of appropria- ations for intercourse between the United States and foreign nations. 12. Report of the Director of the Mint for 1796. 13. Report of the Secretary of State on the memorial of Antonia Carmichael. 14. The same on the petition of certain Philadel- phians relative to destruction of their property by French armed vessels. 1.5. Report of the Secretary of War on the l)etition of Hugh Lawson White. 16. The same, on petition of Monsieur Poirey, formerly aid-de-camp to Lafayette. 17. The same, relative to exiiendltures in the militiiry department in 1796. IS. Letter from the Attorney-General on the contract between the T'nited States and .John Cleves Synunes. 19. The same, on the petition of Fanny Forsyth. 20. The same, on the .H94 cATALoouP! ltbuarY untti:i) states .senate FOURTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Housf (locunicnts — Contimied. iiK'iiiorial of .John Hobby. 21. Additional report of the Cora- niissioiiors of the Sinking Fund. --. The same, relative to the sale of stock of the Bank of th<' United States. Vol. L'. [Folio. I — Xo. 1. Report of the Secretary of tlie Treasury containiuf,' a iilaii for laying and colleeting direct taxes. 2. Appendix containing documents referred to in preceding report. .'{. Ab- sti'act of <'nioluments and ex])('iiditnres of tlie olFicers of the customs for 17!). r,. Report of Secretary of State exhibiting claims of the citizens of the United States I'or prop- erty captured by the belligerent powers. ('>. Report of the (Com- missioner of tlie Revenue on the internal revenues of the TInited States. 7. Report of the Secretary of State on r(>g- istered and impressed American seamen, with documents rela- tive thereto. S. Statement of exports for one year prior to Octolx'r 1, 17!)7. J). Fmolunients of customs odicers. 10. State- ment of tonnage of ships and vessels from 17t)0 to 171)(i. 11. Report of the Seci'etary of War on the api)licati(in of moneys for tii<> sul)sistence of th(! Army, (.fuartermaster's Depai'tment, etc. 12. Statement of moneys expended for the naval armu- nients. UeiKJrts of House comiiiittees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo. I — No. 1. Report of the committee appointed to prepare an address to tlie I'resident of the United States in answer to his speech to both Houses of Congress. Xo. 2. Report of the Com- mittee of Revisal and Unfinislied liusiness on l)ills and reports depending and undetermined upon at tlie last session of Con- gress. No. .">. Report of the Committee of Ways and Means on the measures which ought to be taken relative to the bal- ances found by the commissioiu^rs for settling accounts between the United States and the individual States to be due from certain States to lli(> United States. No. 4. Report of the Ways and Means Committee on tlu; subject of further revenues and the provisions re(|uisite for improving and more effectually securing the internal revenues. No. 5. Report of saiiK- com- mittee on House resolution I'elative to the proiiriefy and_ ex- pediency of laying a tax upon all theatrical exhibitions; also of imposing additionsd duties on articles of foreign growth or manufacture imported into the United States and on articles CATALOGUE LIBUAliV rMTKO STATES SENATE 395 FOURTH CONGRESS. • Second Session — Continued. Reports of House committees — Continued. ujanufaetuivd or used witliin the United States. No. 8. Same, on tlie proceedings of tlie accounting? officers of tfie Treasury upon certain cfainis not admitted to ite valid. No. !>. I'roceed- inys of tlie accountiiii; officers of tlie Treasury upon certain claims not admitted to he valid, accompanying a letter from Secretary of Treasury Oliver Wolcott, jr. No. 20. Same com- mittee on the expediency or inex])ediency of designating cer- tain claims against the Ignited States to he excei)ted from the operation of the acts of limitation. \u. 21. Same connnittee on arrearages of pjiy or other emoluments to wliicli ollicers and soldiers of the late Army and Navy ap[)ear entitled for their services during the late war. No. 24. On memorials of sundry manufacturers of soap, candles, cordage, and of Ste- phen Addington. calico prinfei' in (Jcrmantown, relative to tariff rates. No. 25. On petitions of sundry refugees from Can- ada and Nova Scotia. No. 20. Report of the connnittee on the memorial of the cpmmissioners appointed under the act " for estal)fishing the temporary and permanent seat of govcrmnent of the United States," and on so much of the Tresident's speech as relates to the estahlishment of a national university. No. 2S. On what altei-ations ought to he made in the compen- sation allowed hy law to the officers of the United States. No. 2!). On so nnich of the I'resident's speech as related to the promotion of agriculture. No. 30. On what am Tiuited States." No. :V2. On the state of the naval e(iui[)ment. No. ;>.".. On the sale of lands of the United States in the territory northwest of the Ohio River and alxiNc the mouth of Kentucky River. No. 84. On memorial (tf the Illinois and Wahash Land Company. No. .".7. On the repoi't of the Attorney-(Jeneral relative to the contract with .Tolm (Moves Symmes. No. 'AS. On the actual state of the I'drlilii alioiis of the ports and harhors of the United States. No. 8!). On the report of the Director of the Mint. No. 40. On a Senate reso- lution concerning the suability of States. No. 4L On the oper- ation of tlu> act for i-elief and protection of American seamen. No. 42. Mr. Smith's motion to amend the Constitution of the United States so as to provide that the electors of a I'resident and Vice-President be ohliginl, in giving their votes, to desig- nate the iiei'son Utv whom they vote as I'resident and the iier- son for whom they vote as Vice-President. No. 4.'5. Mr. Ilai'- per's motion to amend House rules i»rescrihing the method of taking evidence in tlie trial of contested elections; also, reports on mniierous iietitions and memorials of private citizens for relief, etc. Vol. 2. — tI'"'olio.J — Report of thi' Committee on Ways and .Means in obi'dience to instructions of resolution of House to iiKiuire whether any and what additioii:il r<'vemies will b(> wanted for the public service. | In Vnl. 4 (folio). House documents.] 396 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTH CONGRESS. First and Second Sessions.— May 15 to July 10, 1797; and November 13, 1797 TO July 16, 1798, respectively. Senate docuineuts : Message from tbe President, laying before the Senate, for its consideration and advice, a treaty of perpetual peace and friendship between the United States and the Bey and subjects of Tripoli, of Bar- bary, concluded at Tripoli on the 4th of November, 179G. Message from the President, stating that. " Having received the original treaty concluded between the United States and the Government of Tunis, I lay it before the Senate of the United States, whether they advise and consent to its ratifi- cation." House documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Speech of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, May 16, 1797. Documents referred to in the President's speech, including correspondence between the Department of State and our envoys to France, the decree of the Executive Directory of the French Republic, and copies of certain important original French letters. Confidential mes- sage from I'resident Adams, July 3, 1797, inclosing sundry documents from the Departments of State and War relative to the intercourse of the United States with foreign nations, " all conspiring to show In a very strong light the critical situation of our country." Message and documents relative to the pro- ceedings of the commissioner for running the boundary line between the United States and east and west P'loridn. Mes- sage and documents respecting the depredations committed up.on the commerce of the United States between October 1, 1796, and June 22, 1797, including a schedule of the names of American vessels captured by the French, and of the circum- stances attending them. Letter of the commissioners of the city of Washington of the progress and state of the business under their administration. Account of receipts and expendi- tures of the United States, April 1, 1796, to March 31, 1797. Treasury estimate for a supplementary appropriation. Sundry statements from the Secretary of War relative to the frigates United States, Constitution, and Constellation. Report of Sec- retary of War respecting the Corps of Artillerists and p]ngineers in the service of the United States. Report of the committee a])- pointed to bring in a bill for making further provision for the fortification of the ports and harbors of the United States. Motion by Representative Smith, of Charleston, that furthei- provision ought to be made by law for fortifying the ports and harbors of the United States, for completing and manning the frigates United States, Constitution, and Constellation, for pro- curing a further naval force, empowering the President to em- ploy the naval force as convoys to protect the trade of the United States, for regulating the arming of the merchant ves- sels of the United States; that the military establishment ought to be augmented, the President should be empowered to raise a provisional army, to borrow sufficient money to defray the CATALOGUE IJBKAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 397 FIFTH CONGRESS. First and Second Sessions — Continued. House documents — Continued. expense in ])roviding for tbe defense and security of the United States, etc. Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — Report of commissioners of tbe city of Washington. Treasurer's accounts for the year 17J)G. Report of the Secre- tary of State on depredations on commerce. Documents re- ferred to in the President's speech, May 16, 1797 (see vol. 1). Documents on foreign intercourse. Report of Secretary of War, and docimients relative to affairs with Spain. Receipts and e.xpenditures, year 1700. Statement of Secretary of War rela- tive to frigates. [This volume is marked " State Papers, 5 Cong : 1 sess : 1797." ] Vol. 3. — [Folio.] — Receipts and expenditures for 1796. Appendix, showing reduction of domestic debt and expenditures of the foreign loans. Statement of imports for the two years ending Septem- ber 30, 1705. Statement relating to the military and naval establishments, and to fortifications. Drawbacks paid upon exports for 1704, 1705, and 1706, compared with duties on simi- hir articles during the same period. Message from the Pi-esi- dent relative to claims for property captured by belligerent powers. Internal revenues. Report and abstract of registered American seamen, and protests and returns respecting im- pressed seamen. Detailed statement of exports for the year ending September 30, 1707. Abstract of salaries and expendi- tures of ofiicers of the customs. Tonnage and shipping. Finances of War Department. Expenses in preparing a naval armament, and explaining causes of delay of the same. [At rear of this volume is a report from the Conuiiittee on Ways Means upon a resolution of the House instructing the commit- tee to inquire whether any and what additional revenues will be wanted for the public service.] Vol. 4. — [Octavo.] — Report on operation of the act for relief and protection of American seamen. Sinking Fund Connnissioners' report, etc. Claims to be excepted from the operation of the acts of limitation. Report relative to officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary Army and Navy who appear entitled to arrear- ages of pay or other emoluments. Mint Director's report and suggestions. Treasury estimates for 1708. and statement of receipts and expenditures, year ending October 1. 1707. Amend- ing the act regulating foreign coins, .\mending the " act laying duties on stami)ed vellum, parchment, and paper." District of Columbia Commissioners' report, May-November, 1707. Gold bullion deposited in the Mint Noveml)er, 170(), to Decem- ber, 1707. Tennessee's remonstrance against the extension of the boundary between the United States and the Cherokee Indians. Report ivlative to the protection of commerce and the defense of the coiuitry. Memorial of the daughters of the lat(> Compte de Crasse, and rejwrt of connnittee favorable to making adequate provision for the orphan children of the man who rendered important services to tbe United States. 398 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTH CONGRESS. First and Second Sessions — Continued. House documents — Continued. Claim of General Kosciusko. United States Treasurer's ac- counts, 1797. Secretary of War's report relative to running of a line of experiment from Clinch River to Cliilliowee Moun- tain. Secretary of the Treasury reports sums barred by opera- tion of the fourteenth section of the act providing for the support of the public credit and for the redemption of the public debt. Respecting the execution of the third section of the act regulating foreign coins. Report respecting the terri- tory of the United States southward and westward of the State of Georgia. Message from President Adams, accom- panjang a report from Secretary of State Thomas Pickering, concerning the suability of States. Inconveniences and dis- agreeable consequences which occurred in the execution of the act for the relief of persons imprisoned for debt. Message on affairs of the United States on the Mississippi, intercourse with the Indians, and the inexecution of the treaty between the United States and Spain. Secretary of State reports on the subject of the bounty lands granted to the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line, etc. Plan of Secretary Oliver Wolcott for regulating the collection of duties on imports and tonnage. Report of Committee of Revisal of Business on the subject of War Department clerks. Report of committee upon the pro- posed " expulsion from this House of Matthew Lyon, for a violent attack and gross indecency committed upon the person of Roger Griswold, a member from Connecticut, in the pres- ence of the House, while sitting. The President transmits to Congress two acts of the British Parliament relative to the carrying into execution the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between Great Britain and the United States. Mes- sage from the President inclosing a letter to him from the governor of South Carolina, accompanying numerous deposi- tions of witnesses to several captures and outrages committed within and near the limits of the United States by French privateer Veritude, or Fortitude. Also sundry motions by members and reports of committees upon petitions and memo- rials of private parties. Vol. .5. — [Octavo.] — Message from President .John Adams transmitting a statement of the expenditure to the end of the year 1797 from sums granted to defray the contingent charges of the Govern- ment. Report from committee relative to reimbursement of certain advances made to United States consuls in foreign countries. Report Ways and Means Committee to amendments to tariff laws in relation to the entry of stills. Message from the President transmitting memorial of the commissioners for establishing the temporary aiid permanent seat of the Gov- ernment of the United States. Relative to the execution of the act for the relief of persons imprisoned for debt. Amend- ments to the bill for relief of refugees from the British prov- inces. Articles of impeachment against William Blount, a CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 399 FIFTH CONGRESS. First and Second Sessions — Continued. House documents — Continued. Senator from Tennessee, for high crimes and misdemeanors. [This document — 160 pages — includes message from the Presi- dent of the United States and proceedings thereon in the House of Representatives : report of. the committee appointed to pre- pare and report articles of impeachment, and appendix con- taining numerous exhibits.] Report of Senate committee appointed to report the proper measures to be adopted rela- tive to the articles of impeachment against Senator William Blount. Report on the protection of commerce and the defense of the country. Message from President Adams, March 19, 1798, informing Congress of the probable failure of the mission of our envoys to France, for the adjustment of the differences between the two nations, and urging upon Congress the impor- tance of manifesting " a zeal, vigor, and concert in defense of the national rights, proportioned to the danger with which they are threatened." Postmaster-General's statement in relation to post-offices and compensations allowed deputy post- masters. Amendments to acts respecting invalid pensions. Statement by Secretary of War of existing contracts for sub- sistence of the Army. On protection of commerce and defense of the country. Message of the' President transmitting (in confidence) "those instructions to and dispatches from the envoys extraordinary of the United States to the French Republic," Messrs. Pinckney. Marshall, and Gerry. Instruc- tions to Pinckney, Marshall, and Gerry, United States envoys to France. Secretary of War suggests provisional measures to " be immediately taken to protect our commerce and secure and defend our territory and sovereignty. Report oh the pro- tection of commerce and defense of the country. Statement by Secretary of War of the number of cannon purchased for the use of the frigates, the revenue cutters, and fortifications, 1794-1798. Report by Secretary of Treasury on memorial of merchants and traders of Philadelphia. Deposition of General Elijah Clark relative to a letter written by him to the Spanish consul at Charleston declaring that a proposition had been made to him by a British agent to pay him a salary of $10,000 if he would join the British in the existing war between France, Spain, and Englanl. Report of committee on altera- tions necessary in the naturalization laws, and upon the expe- diency of establishing regulations respecting aliens arriving or residing within the United States. Report upon Senate bill " authorizing the President of the United States to raise a provisional army." Relating to compensations and charges of collecting internal revenues. Report by the commissioners for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the Government of the United States, from November 15, 1797, to May 18, 1798. Senate amendments to the bill from the House to suspend commercial intercourse between the United States and France. Pinckney, Marshall, and Gerry, our envoys 3605—08 26 400 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTH CONGRESS. First and Second Sessions— Continued. House documents — Continued. to France, transmit Foreign Minister Talleyrand's answer to their memorial, and tbeir reply. Message from President Adams showing the critical situation of our envoys extraor- dinary to France, inclosing copy of his latest instructions to Mr. Gerry (who had not received his conge) " to consent to no loans," and expressing the opinion that " therefore the nego- tiations may he considered at an end," concluding his message with the declaration that " I will never send another minister to France without assurances that he will be received, respected, and honored as the representative of a great, free, powerful, and independent nation." Governor of Pennsylvania requests President Adams to urge Congress to cooperate with the State authorities in preventing the coming of French inhabitants of the West Indies. Relating to a national law of libel. Balances due the United States from certain States. President Adams sends to the Senate copy of a letter from General Washington, and " congratulating them and the public on this great event, the General's acceptance of his appoint- ment as Lieutenant-General and Commander in Chief of the Army." United States Treasurer's accounts, calendar year 1798. Treaty of peace and friendship between the United States and the Kingdom of Tunis. Population of United States, census of 1790. Also, sundry motions and reports upon petitions, memorials, etc. Third Session.— December 3, 1798 TO March 3, 1799. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President's message communicating edict of the French Directory of October 29, 1798, relative to foreign shipping. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Folio.'l. — No. 1. Message from the President giving a list of com- missioned private armed vessels. 2. Report of the commis- sioners of Washington for six months ending November 18, 1798. 3. Internal revenue collected. 4. Imi)orts for year end- ing September 30, 1797. 5. Emoluments of customs officers for 1798. 0. Tonnage of United States shipping, December 31, 1797. Vol. 2. — [Folio.-]. — Same as volume 1, with the exception of the message of the President, and with the addition of receipts and expendi- tures of the United States for 1797. Vol. 3.— [Octavo.-]— Speech of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, delivered the 8th of December, 1798. Mes- sage from the President accomi)anying a report to him from the Secretary of War, relative to the military establishment, and suggesting several subjects which, in the opinion of Sec- retary McIIenry. " will deserve the attention of Congress, to render the military estaldishiuent more manageable and sys- tematic, and procure to it the means of further improvement." President's message on the impressment of American seamen CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 401 FIFTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. by British war ships. The same, on expenditures of con- tingent fund. The same, relative to relations with the French Republic. The same, transmitting report of the Secre- tary of State on the same subject, and correspondence with our envoys extraordinary. Messrs. Pinckney, Marshall, and Gerry. French originals referred to in the last two. Coinage during 1798. Message from the President accompanying a report from the Secretary of State containing observations on some of the documents communicated by the President in a previous message. Edict of the French Directory. Report of the commissioners of the city of Washington. Report of the commissioners of the sinking fund. Estimate of appropria- tions for 1799, and receipts and expenditures for th^ year end- ing September 30, 1798. Secretary of the Treasui'y suggests a plan for digesting the laws on duties on distilled spirits. Business of the Mint since its establishment. Exports for 5'ear ending September .30, 1798. Relative to the Navj'. Estimates for building and equipping certain war vessels. Letter of the Postmaster-General relative to the post-office and post-roads. Vol. 4. — [Folio.-] — Emoluments of internal-revenue officers. Internal rev- enue. Imports for the year ending September 30, 1798. Ton- nage in 1798. Receipts and expenditures for 1798. Domestic and foreign debt on December 31, 1798. Reports of House committees : Vol. 4. — [Folio.-]. — Report of the committee to examine the accounts of the United States relative to the public debt, and to report the amount incurred and extinguished since the establishment of the Government in 1789. SIXTH CONGRESS. First Session. — December 2, 1799 to May 14, 1800. Ilouse documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.'I — I'residenfs message on the insurrection in Pennsyl- vania ; also transmitting letter from Patrick Henry declining the mission to France ; also a letter from Talleyrand. State- ments relative to the Mint. Contingent fund. The sinking fund. Impressed seamen. Secretary of State on the same subject. Claims adjusted under our treaty with Spain. Case of .Jonathan Robbins. Claim of .T. B. Cutting. On promulga- tion of the laws. Commissioners of Washington City. Esti- mate of ai)propriations for 1800; also receipts and expendi- tures for 1799. Exports in 1799. Duties and drawbacks on exports and imi)orts. Compensation of customs officers. On the Ohio salt springs. Transactions of the Mint. Losses in the Pennsylvania insurrection. Valuation of property in New York. On certain French prisoners in jail in Burlington, N. .1. Expenses of the Springfield Armory. On the military system. 402 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE SIXTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 2.— [Octavo.*].— No. 1. Message from tlie President, inclosing a letter from Martha Washington relative to the burial place of her late husband. Progress of public buildings in Washington City. Secretary of War on a system of national defense. Same, on claim of Seth Harding. Same, on claim of William Milton and others, of Georgia. Same, on petition of .John Armstrong. Captain Truxton's engagement with the French ship of war La Vengeance. Vol.3. — [Octavo.] — Mr. Livingston's motion relative to .Tonathan Robbins. Mr. Nicholas's motion relative to Presidential elections. New Jersey copper mines. Governor Arthur St. Clair on a division of the Northwest Territory. Register of seamen impressed in 17!»S and 1799. Citizens of Knox County, northwest of the Ohio River, for division of the Northwest Territory. Petition of Cato Wells and others in Mississippi Territory. Mr. Fos- ter's motion relative to Presidential elections. Report on petition of .Tohn Vaughan. On revisal and unfinished business. On national defense. On alleged insult to John Randolph. On claim of Moses White. On petitioners in Mississippi Territory. On land laws. On a public loan. On John Mount- joy's claim. On Col. Temple Elliott's claim. On Robert Elli- ott's claim. On courts in Northwest Territory. On certain war claims from Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. On the judiciary system. On legislative affairs in Mississippi. Heirs of Major Trueman. On alien laws. On purchase from In- dians of Lake Superior copper bed. On the Western Reserve. On certain land warrants. On Judge Symmes's purchase. On claim of Thomas Johnson. On claim of Oliver Pollock. On claim of Benjamin Wells. On claim of Benjamin Bird and others. On trading houses with Indian tribes. On claim of Jane Lynch. On claim of J. B. Vierdier. On petition of Charles Pettit. On revenue. On certain diplomatic appropri- ations. On certain Indian appropriations. Vol.4. — [Folio.] — Imports and exports for year ending September 30, 1798. Compensations of customs officers. Tonnage of the United States. Relative to the Mint. Emoluments of internal-revenue officers. Collections of internal revenue. Duties and draw- backs on goods, wares, and merchandise imported and exported during the years 1795, 1796, 1797, and 179S. Exports during one year i)rior to October 1, 1799. Report of connnittee on the accounts of the United States relating to the public debt, the amount incurred and extinguished, etc., since the establishment of the Government under the present Constitution. Second Session.— November 17, 1800 to March 3, 1801. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — Internal revenues of the United States. President's message on military appropriations. Emoluments of customs officers in 1800. CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 403 SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 7, 1801 to May 3, 1802. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — Message from the President, inclosing a report from Secretary of the Treasury Gallatin on the state of the finances. Reports of Senate Committees: Vol. 1. — Report by Mr. Tracy on the bill from the House to allow drawback of duties on goods exported to New Orleans. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — Sinking fund. Imports for ISOO. Internal revenue. Du- ties paid on imports and exports. Comparative duties in cer- tain foreign countries. Emoluments of customs officers in 1801. District tonnage. Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — Pi-esident Jefferson's first annual message and accom- panying documents. President Jefferson sends to the House a letter from the marshal of Maryland and a return of the census of Maryland, " as more correct than the one first re- turned by him, and transmitted by the President to Congress." Message from the President accompanying a memorial and letter from the Commissioners of the city of Washington to the President relative to the loans obtained by the said Com- missioners from the State of Maryland. Estimate from the President of the necessary sums to carry into effect the con- vention between the United States and the French Republic of September 30, 1801. Documents relating to the establish- ment of trading houses with the Indian tribes, etc. Message communicating " a representation of the Commissioners of the city of Washington relative to the affairs of the city," with documents and copies of acts passed by the general as- sembly of Maryland concerning the Territory of Columbia and the city of Washington. Message and documents exhibiting the condition of the military establishment and " respecting certain other subjects for the consideration of Congress." Message transmitting a roll of the persons having office or employment under the United States. Message inclosing re- port of the Director of the Mint upon the state of the Mint. Vol. 3. — [Octavo.] — Ti-ansactions with the Barbary powers. Marine hos- pitals. Contingent fund. Additional, of Barbary powers. Debtors in Washington jail. Estimate of army expenditures in 1802. Lake Superior coijper mines. The French corvette Bcrccaii. Spanish spoliations. Salaries of mint officers. Agreement with the State of Georgia. Convention with Great Britain. Vol. 4. — [Octavo.] — Returns of collectors for 1801. Ransom of Philip Sloan. Laws of Northwestern and Indiana territories. Di- rections to private armed vessels. Clerk hire in the State Department. Robbery of Fulwar Skipwith. Estimates of appropriations for 1801 ; receipts and expenditures. Wash- ington Commissioners' acts for 1801. John Hobby's claim. Duties and drawl»acks on imports and exports in the years 1708, 1799, and 1800. Value of exports to certain ports for years 1797, 1798, 1799, 1800, and 1801. Loan of Maryland. 404 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session— Continued. House documents — Continued. Indebtedness to .Tosepli Ward. Exports for year ending Soji- teruber 30, 1801. War claims of James Bell and others. Transactions of the Mint. Claim of C. Sands. Exi)orts from the Mississippi district in 1801. Clerk hire in the Treasury. Navy pensions and half-pay fund. Instructions to command- ers authorized to capture French vessels. Roster of the Navy. Sailing orders to the Insurgent and the Pickering. Clerk hire in Navy Department for three years. The military establish- ment. Certain Nova Scotia refugees. Clerk hire in War De- partment. Nonpaying post-roads. Vol. 5. — [Folio.] — Sinking fund. Imports in 1800. Internal revenues. Duties paid and the financial condition. Comparative duties, 1798 to 1801. Emoluments of customs officers. District ton- nage in 1800. Report of a committee appointed to examine whether moneys drawn from the Treasury have been faith- fully applied to the objects intended. Second Session. ^December 6, 1802 to March 3, 1803. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — Message from the President transmitting a statement of the militia. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury trans- mitting statements relating to internal revenue. Statement of exports of merchandise in 1802. Statement of fish exported, and documents relative to the cod and whale fisheries, 1791 to 1800, inclusive. Statement of district tonnage of United States. Emoluments of customs officers, 1802. Annual report of Secre tary of Treasury, 1802. United States lands sold; revenues from imports; proceedings of the sinking fund commissioners. Report of the sinking fund commissioners. Postmaster-Gen- eral's annual report. Secretary of Navy transmits report of commissioners of Navy pension fund, 1802. Secretary of State transmits abstracts of I'eturus, made by collectors, of registered and impressed seamen. Vol. 2. — [Folio.] — Secretary of Treasury annual report, 1802. Estimates of appropriation for 1803. Account of receipts and expenditures, 1802. American seamen registered and impressed, and opera- tions of act for relief and protection of American seamen. Message giving a statement of the militia of certain States. Circulars to States calling for returns relating to the militia. Statements of internal revenues. Exports of fish ; bounties and allowances paid; tonnage of vessels employed in the cod and whale fisheries, and the duties accruing thereon for the years 1791 to 1800, inclusive. Imports 1800-1801. District tonnage, 1801. Emoluments of customs officers, 1802. Operations of the mint : coinage, etc., 1802. Report of commissioners of the Navy pension fund, 1802. List of post-roads which have not produced one-third i)f the expense of carrying the mail on the same after having been established two years. Number of post-offices and CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 405 SEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documeuts-^Coutiiiued. length of post-roads. Sinking fund commissioners' report, 1S01-38U2. [One report of committee in tliis volume, for wliich see Reports of House committees.] Vol. 3. — [Folio.] — Documents accompanying a message from the President, with sundry statements of exi)enditures containing detailed ac- counts of the expenditures of puhlic moneys by naval agents from January 1, 1797, to December 31, 1801. Also, contingen- cies of the Navy Department, and copies of contracts for cannon, timber, and other military and naval stores during the same period. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — Report from the Committee of Commerce and Manufac- tures, to whom was referred so much of the message of the l*resident of tlie United States as relates to discriminating and countervailing duties, and the act of the British Parliament on that subject. EIGHTH CONGRESS. First Session.— October 17, 1803 to March 27, '1804. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — Financial report, 1803, with account of receipts and exjienditures during 1802. Public debt. etc. Vol.2. — [Octavo.] — President JelTerson's third annual message. Hostility of the Moors. Treaty of Kasliaslcia. Laws of Indiana. Con- tingent fund. Mint report. Relative to delivery of Louisiana. Transportation of mails. Report of surveyor of i)ubli(' build- ings at Washington. Imported slaves at New Orleans. Con- vention with Spain. Memorial of artisans and manufacturers of Philadelphia. Extension of mail facilities. Amendments to Louisiana l)ill. Reports of Senate Connnittees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Report on unauthorized acts of citizens by correspond- ence with Spain. [In volume 2, part 2, Senate documents.] Relative to the expediency of extending the carriage of the mail of tlie United States in stage cr covered wagons. [In volume 2, i)art 1. Senate documents.] House documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Peace with Morocco. Receipts and expenses for dis- abled seamen. Additional estimates. Sinking fund commis- sioners' report. .Mint report. Report of Attorney-General rel- ative to fees paid for legal advice. Powers of courts in Terri- tories. Petition of Georgetown citizens asking incorporation for public library. Captors of ships Meshotula and llirboha. Documents pertaining to Nantucket Harbor. Reports of House committees : Vol.1. — [Octavo.] — Reports on unfinished business: On claim of John Hunter. Paul Conlon. Rrigantine Henrick. Amey Dardin. Charles de Wolfe. \\'iHiani Gardner. Davis and Martin. C. Taber. Z. Cox. Sugar retiners. City of Natchez. Randolph 406 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued Reports of House committees — Continued. and McGlllis. On military land warrants. Courts in the Ter- ritories. On division of Indiana Territory. On claim of P.. Wells. On the fisheries. Claim of Alexander Moultrie and the Yazoo Company. Claimants of Tennessee lands. The frigate General Greene. Expediting the mails. On cork man- ufacturers, calico printers, and paper manufacturers. Lands in Mississippi. On claim of David Valenzin. Commissions to collectors in Virginia. On claim of Ann Elliott. On contest of Moore v. Lewis, from Virginia. Executors of John Haber- sham. On contest of McFarland v. Purviance, from North Carolina. On conduct of Samuel Chase and Richard Peters. On the public buildings at Washington. On exploration of Louisiana. Fishing bounties. On reprinting laws of the United States and Journals of the House and other public documents. Claims of Georgia militia. On encouragement of the whale and cod fisheries. Second Session.— Nov. 5, 1804 to Mar. 3, 1805. House documents, etc. : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — President Jefferson's fourth annual report, with docu- ments. Public buildings at Washington. Affairs in Tripoli. Mint report. The brig Heinrich. Commodore Preble's report on Tripoli. Militia. Contingent fund. Georgia lands. De- struction of the frigate Philadelphia. Treaty with the Pianka- shaw tribe of Indians. Treaties with the Delawares and Sac and Fox Indians. Road from Washington to New Orleans. Estimates of appropriations for 1805. Receipts and expendi- tures for 1804. Census of South Carolina. Additional esti- mates. Mississippi lands. Fees to counsel. Tonnage. Claim of McFadon and Johonnot. Duties and drawbacks. Claim of Stephen Sayre. List of patents issued July 31. 1790, to Decem- ber 31, 1804. Army rations. Public buildings at Schuylkill, and statement of the United States military stores deposited therein. Navy pension fund. Secretary of War's report rela- tive to sundry claims for military services rendered in the late Revolutionary war. Claim of Robert Henderson. Unproduc- tive post-roads. Settlement with Georgia. Vol. 2. — [Folio.J — Georgia lands. Value of exports. Vol. 3. — [Folio.]- — Treasury report. Claims against the United States barred by the statutes of limitation. Report of Register of the Treasury of the claims for services rendered and supplies fur- nished during the Revolutionary War. Importations, 1802- 1803. District tonnage statement. Emoluments of customs collectors. Exports, 1803 and 1804. American seamen im- pressed abroad. Statement of applications made to the Brit- ish Government in 1,538 cases of impressed seamen (names given), claiming to be citizens of the United States, from March 11, 1803, to August 31, 1804. Title to lands in Ge(n-gia. Contracts for carrying the mail. Sinking fund commissioners' report, February 5, 1805. Receipts and expenditures, 1803. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 407 NINTH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 2, 1805 TO April 21, 1806. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Message of the President, transmitting an act of the State of South Carolina ceding to the United States various forts and fortifications, and sites for the erection of forts in said State. Message transmitting papers in the case of the brig Hciiiricli. in correspondence with the Government of Den- mark in relation to that matter. Also, documents relating to the hostile designs of Ilamet Caramalli, ex-Bashaw of Tripoli. Report of Secretary of War in relation to fortifications, ex- pense of the Navy since its establishment, etc. Indian treat- ies. Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar, with statistics, etc. Memorials of Boston merchants complaining of aggressions by British ships. Me- morial of inhabitants of Pennsylvania urging amendment of the Constitution of the United States in relation to the judi- cial power. Memorial of New Haven Chamber of Commerce on foreign insults to American shipping. Extract of a letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe, relative to im- pressments. Unproductive post-roads. Documents accom- panying the message of the President of December 5, 1793, relative to Great Britain. Resolutions of citizens of Peters- burg, proffering the " support of our blood and fortune in i)re- serving our public honor and security." Act of Pennsylvania concerning port charges, etc., at Philadelphia. Motions by Mr. Joseph Clay relative to foreign intercourse; bj"^ Mr. Jolm Randolph, to amend the Constitution in respect to judg<^s of the United States; by Mr. Randolph, in relation to contractors; by Mr. Crowninshield and Mr. Sloan, relative to foreign inter- course. Vol. 2. — [Folio.] — Annual report Secretary of Treasury. Estimates, reve- nue and receipts, and expenditures. District tonnage. Exports and imports. Sinking fund. Navy pension fund. Emolu- ments of customs officers. 12. Mail contractors. 13. Bills drawn in accordance with the convention with the French Republic. 14. Supplementai-y to 13. 15. Exports in 1805. Vol. 3. — [Folio.] — No. 1. Receipts and expenditures for 1805. — Public debt. Vol. 4. — [Folio.] — Letter of Secretary of State accompanying statements of ai)plicatioiis made to the British Government in cases of im- pressments of x\.merican seamen. Annual report of Secretary of the Treasury, Gallatin, 1805. Secretary of Treasury reports relative to District tonnage ; importations ; exportations ; re- port of conuuissioners for the district east of Pearl River, of British grants for lands lying in said district ; emoluments of customs officers ; list of bills drawn by the minister plenipo- tentiary of the TTnited States at Paris, on the United States Treasury, for claims embraced by the convention with the French Republic of April 30, 1803. Navy pension fund report. Unproductive mail routes. Sinking fund commissioners' re- port. 408 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Report on claims of F. Amory, .John McFadden, Peter Landias, Wm. Levis, and Hugh Maxvpell, S. Kingston, Abijah Barnum, division of Indian Territory. Slaves in the Terri- tories. Adjudication of land claims. Indian treaties. Ton- nage duties in Philadelphia. Charlestown, Va., as a port of entry. Duties on American fisheries. Survey of shoals off North Carolina. Second Session. — December 1, 1806, to March 3, 1807. House documents : Vol. L — [Folio.] — Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Esti- mates, revenue, and receipts. Land claims in Indian Terri- tory. Imports in 1805. Navy pension fund. District tonnage. Goods, wares, and merchandise exported during the year 180G. Public debt. Operations of the sinking fund during 1800. TENTH CONGRESS. First Session.— October 26, 1807, to April 25, 1808. House executive papers : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1-59. President Jefferson's annual message. 2-21. Communications from the Executive. 22 and 23. Reports of the Secretary of State. 24-40. Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury. 41-49. Reports of the Secretary of War. 50-5.1. Reports of the Secretary of the Navy. 5()-58. Reports of the Postmaster-General. 59. Report of the superintendent of pub- lic buildings on construction of south wing of the Capitol. Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — Message from the President with correspondence touch- ing our relations with Great Britain and France. The engage- ment between the ships Chesapeake and Leopard. Vol. 8. — [Octavo.] — Annual message from Pi-esident with documents. Esti- mate of extraordinary expenses incurred by Navy Department, 1807. Message transmitting copy of President's proclamation interdicting the harbors and waters of the United States to British armed vessels, and forbidding intercourse with the same, in pursuance of resolution of the House. Message trans- mitting a copy of the proceedings and of the evidence exhibited on the arraignment of Aaron Burr and others. Secretary of Navy letter relating to aggressions committed within our ports and waters l»y foreign armed vessels. Further report on same subject and to measures necessary for the ])rotection of our poi-ts and harbors. Secretary of War, three statements rela- tive to amount of merchandise and supplies purchased on behalf of Ignited States for three years prior to Septeml)er. 1807. Similar statement from Secretary of Navy. Statement by Secretary of War of the officers and soldiers composing the Army of the United States, December 2, 1807. Estimates of approiM'iations, 1808. Treasury statement of receipts and ex- penditures, 1807, and of balances of appropriation unexpended. CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE 409 TENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive papers— Continued. September .30. 1S07. Secretary of Treasury report in regard to expenses arising from trial of impeachment of Judge Chase. War Secretary's estimate, December 7, 1807. of the annual ex- pense of an army of 32.800 men, and an estimate of the expense of hospital, quartermaster, and ordnance departments for tlie first year. Secretary Gallatin's statement to House Committee in relation to the effect of the act to prohibit the importation of certain goods, wares, and merchandise. Secretary of State transmits a memorial of the French minister on the claim of Amelia Eugenie de Beaumarchais, heir and legal representa- tive of the late Caron de Beaumarchais. Secretary of Treas- ury Gallatin gives his opinion respecting the propriety of con- tinuing for a limited time the duties called the " Mediterranean fund," under the act to protect the commerce and s'eamen of the United States against the Barbary powers. Message com- municating letters from Governor Hull respecting Indians in the vicinity of Detroit. Unproductive post roads. Mint Di- rector's report. President's annual account of the fund for defraying the contingent charges of Government for 1807. Navy Register, 1807. Treasury Register, 1807. War Depart- ment Register, 1807. State Department Register, 1807. Re- port in relation to invalid pensioners. Drawbacks on exports, 1804, 1805, 1806. President .Jefferson's message communi- cating documents and information touching the official con- duct of Brig. Gen. .James Wilkinson at New Orleans. Treasui'y statement of tonnage employed in exporting articles the pro- duce or manufacture of the United States. Treasury esti- mates of deficiencies. Deficiency estimate for additional sea- men. Secretary of Navy states to the House the number of additional seamen required to enable the Executive to man the Constitution, Chesapeake, Wasp, Hornet, and Argus, and G8 gunboats, and 4 bomb ketches. President's message trans- mitting a treaty of limits between the United States and the Choctaw Nation of Indians. Vol. 4. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. Message from the President transmitting Detroit treatj' with the Ottaway, Chippeway, Wyautk)t, and Potawa- tamie nations of Indians. Nos. 11. 14. and 50. Messages from the President communicating information relative to the com- mencement of war by the Dey of Algiers against the TTnited States, and the amicable adjustment of the late differences. No. 12. The President " does not wish to be empowered to employ more seamen than the immber at present authorized by law," etc. No. 10. Cumberland Road Commissioners' Re- port. Nos. 27 and 33. Invalid pensioners. No. 20. Land titles in Michigan. No. 34. President's message transmitting two decrees, one of the Emperor of the French, the other of the King of Spain, in violation of the maritime rights of neutrals. No. 37. Rei^ort on Military Academy. No. 3!). The militia. No. 40. President's message relative to fortifying the ports and harbors of the United States. No, 42. Surveyor's report 410 CATALOGUE LIBEAKY UNITED STATES SENATE TENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive papers — Continued. of progress made on public buildings at Washington, particu- larly the Capitol. No. 53. Transactions of the Mint, 1S07. No. .5G. Treasurer's accounts, 180G-1807. Vol. 5. — [Folio.] — Message of the President, with a report from the Secre- tary of State on the subject of impressments. Report on regis- tered seamen. Secretary of Treasury annual i-e]iort. District tonnage. Importation. Exports. Emoluments customs offi- cers. Public debt. Secretary of Navy, special report on con- dition and needs of the Navy. Navy pension fund. Secretary of War, report on fortifications. Report of sinking-fund com- missioners. House miscellaneous papers : Vol. 3. — [Octavo. 1 — The arrangement adopted in relation to the construction of the south wing of the Capitol. Resolutions of New Yorlc legislature relative to the protection of the port of New York. Documents relative to bill making further appro])riations for the Navy, 1807. Petition of Anthony Boucherie, of Phila- delphia, a sugar refiner. Letter from Haniet Caramelli, ex- Bashaw of Tripoli, stating his distressed situation and implor- ing relief from the beneficence of the United States and offer- ing his services to this Government. Acts of Maryland relat- ing to elections. General Wilkinson's conduct in Orleans Ter- ritory ; deposition thereon of Daniel Clark. Vol. 4. — [Octavo.] — No. 7. Disposition of certain charts of the coast of North Carolina. No. 8. Relating to claim of Matthew Smith and Darius Gates. No. 9. Claim of John Bagley. No. 13. . Secretary of Treasury gives opinion upon probable effects of the bill extending the terms of credit on revenue bonds in cer- tain cases. No. 24. Virginia legislature resolutions proposing amendment to the Constitution of the United States authoriz- ing State legislatures to remove from office their Senators in Congress. No. 25. Document accompanying the bill to punish conspiracies to commit treason against the United States. No. 30. Documents relating to lajnng out Cumberland road. No. 48. Act concerning public contracts. Nos. 49 and 51. Documents accompanying the bill making a further appropria- tion for the support of the Government, 1808. No. 55. Fur- ther information and papers relative to the conduct of General Wilkinson at New Orleans. Nos. 2, 10, 38, 4.3, and 47. Motions made in House. No. 38. Motion for an inquiry into the con- duct of Harry Innis, United States district judge for Kentucky, allegation being that whilst in the tenure of his office he had been "party or privy to a project on the part of Spain or her subjects to dismember these United States, or to the seduction of the State of Kentucky from this Union." No. 47. Motion for impeachment of Judge Bruin, of Mississippi Territory, for neglect of duty, drunkenness on the bench, etc. Vol. 5.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 37, 38, 39, 40, 41-47. Documents accompanying bills. Nos. 48-63. Motions. Nos. 64-71. Miscellaneous papers. No. 57. Mr. Poindexter's motion for impeachment of Judge CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 411 TENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House miscellaneous papers — Continued. Bruin, of Mississippi Territory. No. GL Deposition of Daniel Clark, the Delegate from the Territory of Orleans, in relation to the conduct of Gen. James Wilkinson. No. (!4. Further in- formation in relation to the conduct of General \Yilkinson. Reports of House committees : Vol. 3. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 8 and 36. Committee on Elections reports on petition of Joshua Barney, of Baltimore, complaining of the undue election and return of William McCreery to serve as a member of Congres.s. On revisal and uiifiuishcd l)usiuess. On sundry petitions for relief. On petition of nierelumts and traders of I'hiladelphia for permission to clear vessels with their cargoes. On petition of sundry coppersmiths of Phila- delphia and copper manufacturers of New York City for pro- tective duty on coi)per in sheets, etc. Nos. 12 and 22. Ou aggressions committed within our ports and waters by foreign armed vessels ; violations of our jurisdiction, and measures necessary for the protection of our porl;s and harbors. On the expediency of selling to individual States and Territories any United States arms or ordnance which may he parted with without injury to the public. No. 16. Standing rules and orders to be observed in the House. On Potomac river bridge bill. No. 29. On the military and naval establishments. No. 38. Relative to the election of Philip B. Key from the Third Congressional district of Maryland. No. 41. Relative to the ol)jections to the election of John Culpeper as a member of the House for North Carolina. Vol. 4.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 3, 15, 28, 32, 36, 43, HO. Private claims. • No. 31. Relative to compensation of Captain Pike and his companions for their services in exploring the Mississippi River and in their expedition to the sources of the Osage, Arkensaw, and La Plate rivers, together with their tour through N(>w Spain. No. 3.1. On raising an additioiial military force. No. 4L Rela- tive to comi)ensation for certain counnissions for taking testi- mony in pension cases. No. 44. Joint committee report on business of the session. No. 46. On petitions of sundry inhab- itants of Randoljih and St. Clair counties, Indiana Territory. No. 52. On bill to make further appropriation for coniitleting the south wing of the Capitol. No. 54. Relative to the rupture and amicable vsettlement with the Dey of Algiers. [ See also Nos. 11 and 14, same volume.] Vol. 5. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-5. Reports from Committee on Elections. Nos. 6, 7. Committee of W^ays and Means. Nos. 0-13. Committee on Claims. Nos. 14, 15, 16. Conunittee on Counnerce and Manufactures. No.s. 17, 18, 10. Committee on Revised and Un- finished Business. Nos. 20-32, 34—40. Reports from select com- mittees. 412 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE TENTH CONGRESS. Second Session.— November 7, 1808 to March 3, 1809. Senate documents : Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 3, 5, 11, 2.5, 29, 32, .34. [In vol. .3, House docs.] Vol. 2. — [Folio.] — No. 3. President's message December 27, 1808, with list of vessels permitted to depart from the United States since December 22, 1807. No. 7. Papers respecting the bill for the relief of sick and disabled and distressed seamen. [In vol. .5 (folio). House docs.] Vol.3. — [Octavo.] — No. 11. President's message transmitting correspondence between Mr. Pinkney and the British secretary of state, Mr. Canning. No. 12. President's message respecting the execu- tion of the .$2,000,000 act for extraordinary expenses, foreign intercourse. [These two documents are found in Eleventh Congress, first session. House docs., vol. 2.] House documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-24. No. 1. President Jefferson's annual message and foreign affairs. .5. British orders in council, French de- crees, etc. 20. Pensions. Vol.2. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-46. No. 3. Message communicating Pennsyl- vania resolutions. No. 9. Sick, disabled, and distressed sea- men. No. 10. Message relative to fortifying ports and harbors. Nos. 11 and 45. Mint report. No. 13. Secretary of the Treas- ury reports on bill to grant permission to vessels to depart from United States ports for the purpose of importing salt. No. 14. I'resident's account of the sinking fund. No. 15. Duties and drawbacks on imports and exports, 1805, 1800, and 1807. Nos. IG and 28. Messages communicating further infor- mation relating to affairs with Great Britain. No. 18. Report of the Secretary of War on invalid pensioners. No. 29. Postal contracts. No. 33. Number of foreign-born and naturalized citizens registered as American seamen. No. 39. War Depart- ment register, 1808. No. 40. Navy Department register, 1808. No. 43. Message, statement of the militia. Vol.3. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-34. No. 6. Message relating to fortifying ports and harbors. No. 7. Operations of the Mint, ISOS. No. 8. President's account of the contingent fund. Nos. 12 and 28. Messages with correspondence between British secretary of state, Mr. Canning, and Mr. Pinkney. No. 19. Message respect- ing the act appropriating $2,000,000 for extraordinary expenses, foreign intercourse. No. 30. The militia. Vol.4. — [Octavo.] — Nos. l-,30. No. 1. Annual message and accompanying documents. No. 19. President's proclamation in consequence of opposition in neighborhood of Lake Champlain to the laws laying an embargo. No. 20. Report on public buildings in Washington City. No. 21. Relative to authorizing the employ- ment of additional revenue cutters. No. 24. Report of Cum- berland road connnissioners. No. 28. Message from President transmitting copies of all acts, decrees, orders, and proclama- tions affecting the commercial rights of neutral nations issued since 1791. No. 30. Estimates of appropriations for 1809. CATALOGUE LTBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 413 TENTH CONGRESS. , Second Session — Continued. Mouse documents — Continued. Vol.5. — [Folio.] — Nos. 1-12. Nos. 1 and 2. Secretary of Treasury, annual statement of district tonnage, with explanatory letter. No. 4. Treasury statement of sums annually received since establish- ment of the present (Jovernnient, and a statement e.\hil)iting the annual amount of the several branches of the customs and the charges thereon. No. H. Documents accompanying bill to authorize and require the Tresident to arm, man, and fit out for innnediate service all the public ships of war, vessels, and gunboats of the United States. No. 6. Sinking fund commis- sioners' report. 180S. No. 8. Documents relating to bill to amend laws for establishment of the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments, and estimates of appropriations for 1809. No. 10. Treasury statements of importations in American and for- eign vessels, October 1, 180C>. to September 30, 1807. No. 11. Official emoluments of officers of customs, 1808. No. 12. Treasury statement of the balances charged on the books of the Treasury for advances made prior to June 30, 1808. House miscellaneoiis documents : Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 5, 8, 22, 23, 26, 31. 32, 44, 4G. Vol. 3.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 11, 18, 21, 2.3, 28. Vol. 4.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 17, 18. Rei)orts of committees : Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 1, 2, G, 7, 12, 17, 19, 21, 24, 30, .34-38, 42. Vol. 3.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 1, 14, 22, 26, 28. Vol. 4.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 7, 9*. 11, 12, 13, l."5, 16, 2.5, 27, 29. Vol. .").— [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-51. Vol.6. — [Folio.] — No. 9. Documents presented by the conunittee to inquire whether any advances of money have been made to the Com- mander in Chief of the Army by the Department of War, con- trary to law. and, if any, to what amount. [In vol. 5 (folio), House documents.] ELEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session. -May 22, 1809 to June 28, 1809. Sen.-ite documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 2. Secretary of War, resitecting modifications of laws relating to the military establishment. No. 15. Message from the President transmitting Pennsylvania resolutions on the case of (Jideon Olmstead (conflict between the general and State governments). No. 2.3. Repaii-s in the temporai'y ' Senate Chamber. No. 2.5. Extracts from letters from Mr. L'ink- ney to the Secretary of State, accompanied by letter.s and com- munications to him from the British secretary of state for the foreign dejiartment. No. 26. Documents accompanying the bill providing for the sale of gunboats. [These Senate docu- meuts are found in vol. 2, House documents.] 414 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE ELEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1-13. No. 1. Annual message of President Madison. I, part 2. Foreign relations. 2, 8, and 4. Reports of the Secre- tary of War. 5 and 18. Reports of the Secretary of the Navy. II, 12, and 1.3. Reports by and documents from the Secretary of the Navy; also reports of Committees and' miscellaneous documents. Vol.2. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-26. No. 1. Contingent expenses of the House. Nos. 2 and 4. Relating to the military establishment. Nos. 3 and 16. Sums needed for fortifications. No. 7. Progress made in raising additional military force. Nos. 9 and 14. General view of the state and disposition of the vessels belonging to the United States, and of the gnuboats. Nos. 10 and 11. Pinlcney's correspondence with Canning. No. 12. Relating to the $2,000,000 foreign-intercourse bill. No. 15. Pennsylvania reso- lutions on Olmstead case. [This volume is, in parts, duplicate of vol. 1.] Vol.3. — [Folio.] — Nos. 1-7. No. 1. Annual report, Secretary of the Treas- ury. No. 2. War contracts, statements of. No. 3. Relating to gunboats, expenses, etc. No. 4. Balances charged for advances, etc. No. 5. Importations. No. 6. Emoluments of customs officials. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 7. Adjustment of Michigan land titles. [In vol. 1, House documents.] No. 11. Seci'etary of Treasury, views on embargo. No. 12. Relating to the bill to give credit to certain collectors of customs for allowances paid by them to owners and crews of fishing vessels. No. 18. Secretary of Navy report relative to a bill concerning the naval establishment. Nos. 20 and 21. Motions. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 10 and 14. On petitions of individuals. No. 15. .Joint committee on what business is necessary to be done dur- ing the present session. No. 16. Report on petition of sundry American prisoners confined under sentence of slavery, at Carthagena, South America. No. 17. Report of committee on the President's message in relation to disbanding the troops raised under the "Act to raise for a limited time an additional military force." [In vol. 1, House documents.] Vol.2. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 19 and 20. On contested-election case of William Baylies, Massachusetts. [Same report in vol. 1, House docu- ments.] No. 26. Documents accompanying the bill providing for sale of gunboats. [In vol. 2, House documents.] \'nl. ;>. — [Folio.] — Nos. 6 and 7. Reports of Randolph Committee to investi- gate whether moneys drawn from the Treasury since March 4, 1801, have been faithfully applied to the objects for which they were appropriated, and whether the same have been regularly accounted for. [Found in vol. 3, House documents.] CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 415 ELEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session. — November 27, 1809 to May 1, 1810. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 28. Message from the President transmitting, in re- sponse to Senate resolution, a copy of the correspondence with the governor of Pennsylvania in the case of Gideon Olmstead (conflict between Federal and State authorities). No. .38. Secretarj' of Treasury in reply to Senate resolution respecting the direct tax. [Found in vol. .3, House documents.] Vol.2. — [Octavo.] — No. lU. Secretary of War, relative to establishment of a quartermaster's department. No. 22. Secretary of State, re- port on i)etition of .Tared Shattuck (owner of the Mercator). No. 29. President's message transmitting correspondence of Secretary of State John Marshall relating to complaints of cer- tain irregularities and violations of the Danish flag, alleged to have been committed by certain officers of the American Navy (case of the Mercator included). [Found in vol. 7, House documents.] Senate miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 35. Mr. Bradley's motion relating to moneys ex- pended in our intercourse with the Barbarj- Powers. [Found in vol. 3, House documents.] Vol.2. — [Octavo.] — No. 3. Treaty with the Kickapoo Indians. Nos. G and 49. Motions. Vol. 3.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 8, 14, 2.3, 31, 38, 38, 40. Motions. No. 12. Memorial of Territory of Orleans praying for admission into the Union of States. [Found in vol. 7, House documents.] Reports of Senate conmiittees : Vol. 1. — [Folio.] — No. 12. Ke[)ort of committee appointed to inquire and re- l)oit whether any alterations are necessary to be made in the act for establishing trading houses with the Indians. [Found in vol. 5, House documents.] Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — No. 48. As to the e.xpediency of employing tlie torpedo or submarine explosions. [Found in vol. 6, House documents.] Vol. 3. — ^[Octavo.] — No. 9. Relative to an effectual organization of the militia. Nos. 2.5, 34, 37. On claims of private parties. No. 27. Joint committee report on business to be acted on during the present session. No. 30. On petition of Father Urban Guiilet, in behalf of the religious order of La Trappe. [Found in vol. 7, House documents.] House executive documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-17 (Messages from the President). No. 1. Annual message. No. 2. Documents with annual message. No. 4. Pinkney's correspondence. No. 5. Washington public l)uild- ings. No. 0. Mint report. No. 7. France's blockade of Baltic ports. No. 8. Denmark's seizures of ships and merchandise of United States citizens. No. 9. Contingent expenses of the Government. No. 10. Orders in relation to armed vessels rid- ing in waters of the United States. No. 11. Measures taken to secure the free navigation of Mobile River. No. 12. Proposals to France and Great Britain respecting the revocation of their illegal decrees and orders, and copies of forged papers puri)ort- ing to have belon.ged to American vessels. Nos. 13 and 14. 3005—08 27 416 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE ELEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Certain Indian treaties. No. 1.5. A private letter from Mi. Pinkney to the Secretary of State. No. 10. Further informa- tion upon the subject of our foreign relations. No. 17. Natural- ized foreigners registered as American seamen. Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-14. Reports from Treasury Department. Nos. 1~> and K). Reports from War Department. Nos. 17 and 18. Reports from Navy Department. Nos. 19-21. Reports from Post-Office Department. Vol. 3. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-21 and 22. Miscellaneous documents and reports. 11. Hamilton's report on manufactures. 17. Report of the mint, 1809. The Yazoo claims. 29. Rules of the House. 38. Direct tax. 44. Estimates for 1810, together with account of receipts and expenditures, and a statement of balance of appro- priations unexpended September 30, 1809. Vol. 4. — [Folio.] — Nos. 1-11. No. 1. Accounts in Treasury, War, and Navy Departments, and the balances due. 3. Treasury, annual re- port. 4. District tonnage. .5. Duties and drawback. 6. Hle- gal settlements on public lands in Mississippi Territory. 8. Importations. 9. Navy pension fund. 10. Report on disburse- ments in the intercourse with the Barbary Powers. 11. Re- sponse by Secretary of War to resolution of House respecting the quotas of militia, including volunteers, recpiired of the several States and Territories by the President in pursuance of the acts of April 18, 1806, and March 30, 1808. Vol. 5. — [Folio.] — Nos. 1-16. 1. Message from the President transmitting a return of the Army of the United States. 2. Sinking fund report. 3. Report on the Mediterranean fund. 4. Unproduc- tive post roads. 6. Mint. 7. Customs officers' emoluments. 9. United States Bank dividends. 10. Impressment of Amer- ican seamen. 11. Balances due for public lands. 1.3. The out- standing revenue bonds. 14. Annual receipts into the Treas- ury. 1.5. Number and salaries of consuls and other United States agents in foreign countries. 16. A view of the Post- Office establishment. Vol. 6. — [Octavo.] — Messages from the President, found at pages 17, 51, 69, 141, 281, 337, 353, 479. Letters and reports of Secretary of State, pages 51, 69, 337, 409. Letters and reports of Secretary of Treasury, pages 31, 181, 153, 163, 377. Reports of Secretary of War, pages 123, 381. Report of Secretary of Navy, page 113; Postmaster-General, page 417; Attorney-General, page .341. Vol. 7. — [Octavo.] — Messages from the President, pages 41, 1.30, 205, 323. Reports of Secretary of State, pages 75, 163. Secretary of Treasury on loans, page 147 ; on Pomeroy's petition, page 203 ; on American manufactures, page 259. Postmaster-General re- ports, pages 63, 187. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — I Octavo.] — No. 27. Yazoo claims, papers relating to. No. 34. Treaty with the Delawares, Putawatimies, Miamies, and Eel River tribes of Indians. [In vol. 3, House executive docu- ments.] CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 417 ELEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House miscellaneous documents — Continued. Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — Documents accompanying bills, found at pages 115, 129, 245, 385, 413. Motions, pages 23, 137, 2G7, 333, 347, 349, 375, 501. [In vol. r> (octavo). House executive documents.] Vol. 3. — [Octavo.] — Documents accompanying bills, pages 25, 77, 2-33. Mo- tions, pages 39, 69, 107, 133, 169, 237, 255, 319. [Found in vol. 7, House executive documents.] Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1—40. Reports. Nos. 41^7. Documents relating to bills. Nos. 48-07. Motions. Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. Inquiry into the causes of the mortality of that detachment of the Army ordered for the defense of New Or- leans. No. 2. On the investigation into the conduct of Gen. James Wilkinson. Vol. 3. — [Octavo.] — No. 9. On the President's message and its accompanying documents. Nos. 13*, 18. 22, 26, .33, 39, 40. On private relief bills. No. 19. On unfinished business. No. 29. On standing rules and orders for the House. No. 32. On contested -election case of Jonathan Jennings, Delegate from the Indiana Territory. No. 42. On so much of the President's message as relates to the naval establishu)ent. Vol. 4. — [Folio.] — No. 7. Report, in parts, from Randolph committee on in- vestigation application of appropriations, etc. [In vol. 4 (folio). House executive documents.] Vol. 5. — [Folio.] — No. 8. On memorial of William Lambert, relating to the establishment of a first meridian for the United States at Washington. [In vol. 5 (folio), House executive documents.] Vol. (•).— [Octavo.]— Nos. 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 20, 28, 31, 32, 42. 47. [Found in vol. 6, House executive documents.] Vol. 7.— [Octavo. I— Reports found at pages 1, 15, 19, 31, 59, 111, 117, 123, 131, 135, 171, 179, 193. 225. 241, 245, 247, 251. [Found in vol. 7, House executive documents.] Third Session.— December 3, 1810 to M.a.rch 8, 1811. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. Documents accompanying the message of the President. No. 3. Message transmitting copies of treaty with Great Britain. No. 9. Message from President Madison re- sponding to Senate inquiries relative to amount of property of citizens or subjects of Great Britain or France which has been confiscated under acts of Congress relative to commercial inter- course, etc. No. 10. Message comnuinicating in resi)onse to Senate resolution a copy of the census of the Territory of Orleans. 1800. No. 11. Message transmitting report of awards under the seventh article of the British treaty. [Found in vol. 1, House Ex. Docs.] Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— No. 2. Statement by Secretary of State of the foreign born and naturalized ])ersons registered as American seamen, 1790-1810. No. 7. Survey of the coast of the Territory of Or- 418 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE ELEVENTH CONGRESS. Tliird Session— Continued. Senate executive documents — Continued. leans. No. 8. Secretary of Treasury Crawford's statement relative to the prayer of the Bank of the United States for a renewal of its charter. [Found in vol. o, House Ex. Docs.] Vol. 3. — [Octavo.] — No. 20. Message and certain diplomatic correspondence with France relative to seizure of American vessels. No. 24. Message and Treasury report on survey of United States coasts. 2G. Secretary Gallatin's views relative to renewal of United States Bank charter. [Found in vol. 4, House Ex. Docs.] Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 18. "A compendious exercise for the garrison and field ordnance, as practiced in the United States," etc. No. 19. Memorial of the stockholders of the Bank of the United States praying for a renewal of their charter. No. 20. Memorial of Philadelphia chamber of commerce relative to the Bank of the United States. No. 21. Petition of Philadelphia merchants praying for exemption from the provisions of the noninter- course laws. No. 24. Memorial of Lexington, Ky., merchants and manufacturers for protection to their industry. [Found in vol 1, House Ex. Docs.] Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 2, 3, 7, 2.3, 43, 44. Motions. [Found in vol. 2, House Ex. Docs.] Vol. 3.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27-31. Motions. [Found in vol. 3, House Ex. Docs.] Vol.4. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 6, IG. Motions. [Found in vol. 4, House Ex. Docs.] Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 41. On memorial of Isaac Wayne, son and executor of Major-General Wayne. No. 59. On memorial of General Wil- kinson, praying ta be remunerated for moneys disbursed in the service of the United States. No. 60. On memorial of the stockholders of the Bank of the United States, closing with a resolution that the prayer for renewal of charter " ought not to be granted." [Found in vol. 1, House Ex. Docs.] House executive documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 2. President's message relative to the inadequacy of funds for relief and protection of destitute American sea- men in foreign countries. No. 4. The President's account of the contingent expenses of the Government for 1810. Nos. 5, 7, and 14. President transmits reports relative to public build- ings in Washington and expenditures for completing the Capi- tol. No. 0. Proclamation of the President announcing the revocation by France of the edict which violated the neutral commerce of the United States, and other official documents on same subject. No. 8. Expenditures for the better accom- modation of the General P^st-Office and Patent Office. No. 12. Message conununicating information relative to the legal repeal or modification, as well as the practical operation, of the orders and decrees affecting our neutral connnerce since November 1, 1810. No. 13. Message vetoing the " act incorporating the CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 419 ELEVENTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Protestant Episcopal Church in the town of Alexandria, in the District of Columhia." No. 1.5. Message vetoing the act for the relief of certain individuals named and the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House, in the Mississippi Territory. No. 16. Postniaster-rJeneral's report relative to transportation of the mails on the Sahhath. V^ol. 2. — [Octavo.] — No. 6. Relief of American seamen in Europe. No. 21. Treasury estimates for 1811 ; account of receipts and expendi- tures, 1809-1810 ; and statement of balances unexpended Sep- tember 30, 1810. 22. Message i-elative to duties imposed by France, and other information on the subject of our commer- cial relations with France. 26. Secretary of War gives an account of the sale of public arms to the State of Maryland. 35. Navy Department Register, 1810. 36. War Department Register, 1810. 37. Navy contracts, 1810. 42. Secretary of War report relative to land forces and fortifications, and estimate of moneys required on account of fortifications for 1811. Vol.3. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. Expenditures for relief of American seamen in Europe, etc. 3. Treasury estimates, receipts, and expendi- tures, 1810. 5. Treasurer's accounts, 1809-10. 6. Additional Treasury estimates, 1811. 9. Secretary Gallatin's reply to House inquiries respecting the imposition of additional duties on importations. 17. Secretary of Navy, letter in relation to the needs of the naval establishment. 18. Same, relative to propriety of encouraging the culture of hemp by protective impost duties or by prohibiting the importation of that article into the United States. Vol. 4.— [Octavo.]— No. 5. Treasurer's accounts, 1809-10. 28. Secretary of Navy report on trials of the practical use of the torpedo or submarine explosion. 38. Veto of Alexandria Episcopal Church hill. 40. Message relative to finishuig worlv on the Capitol. 44. Expenses of national armories, 1810. 46. Laws, treaties, etc., in respect to the public lands. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 17. Laws, treaties, and other documents having operation and respect to the public lands. No. 22. New Haven merchant's appeal for relief from operation of the noninter- course law. No. 23. Memorial of Mississippi Territory for admission as a State into the TTnion. No. 25. .Toel Barlow's final settlement of accounts as late agent of the United States for negotiating treaties with the Barbary powers. Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 20, 23, 32, 33. Motions. [Found in vol. 3, House Ex. Does.] Vol. 3.— [Octavo.]— No. 6. 34. Motions. [Found in vol. 4, House Ex. Docs.] Reports of House counnittees.: Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Contains practically all the reports found in other vol- umes, with executive and miscellaneous documents. Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 26-39, 4*2-58. [Found in vol. 1, House Ex. Docs.] 420 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE ELEVENTH CONGRESS. Third Session— Continued. Reports of House committees — Continued. ^■ol.:).— [Octavo.]— Nos. 9, 12, VSh 16, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28-82, 4U. [Found in vol. 2, House Ex. Docs.] Vol. 4.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 1, 15, 25, 30, 32, 35, 36. [Found in vol. 3, House Ex. Docs.] TWELFTH CONGRESS. First Session.— November 4, 1811 to July 6, 1812, Senate executive documents: Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. President Madison's annual message, Novem- ber 5, 1811. No. 1, part 2. Documents accompanying Presi- dent's message. No. 2. Message transmitting letters from the late and present plenipotentiaries of E'rauce to the Department of State. [Found in vol. 2, House Ex. Docs.] Vol.2. — [bctavo.] — No. 14. Message from President Madison, transmitting copies of late correspondence between the British minister and the Secretary of State, " affording further evidence of the hos- tile policy of the British Government against our national rights." No. 15. Message relative to trade of the United States to France. No. 16. Message communicating a letter from the British minister disavowing any agency of the British Government in the late hostile measures of the Indian tribes. No. 22. Message, with Treasury report, on the survey of the coast of the United States. No. 32. Message from President Madison, transmitting the constitution or form of government established by the convention of the Territory of Orleans for the government of that Territory when erected into a separate and independent State under the title of the State of Louisiana. No. 33. Message, March 9, 1812, transmitting documents " ob- tained from a secret agent of the British Government employed in fomenting disaffection to the constituted authorities and in bringing about resistance to the laws, and eventually, in con- cert with a British force, to destroy the Union of the United States." [Found in vol. 3, House Ex. Docs.] Vol.3. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1, 11, Treasury reports on petitions. 18. Report of the Paymaster of the Army on the petition of Lieut. Simeon Knight for additional compensation. 23. Message conveying copies of the correspondence of the Secretary of State and the United States minister at Paris. 29. Secretary of War. in reply to Senate resolution, reports on the subject of the detachments from the militia. 31 and 44. Correspondence, Department of State with the British minister. 32. Message, with cnri'e- spoudence, on sul).iects of orders in British council and im- pressed seamen. 4(). Message transmitting additional docu- ments on the sul).iect of our affairs with Great Britain. 49. ^Message transmitting cojjies of documents relating to British impressments from Am(*ricau vessels, IFound in vol. 4, House Ex. Docs.] CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 421 TWELFTH CONGRESS. First Session^Continued. Senate luisoellaneoiis rtocuments : Vol.1. — [Octavo. I — Nos. 3-0. Motions. No. 3S. Memorial of certain citi- zens of Albany. N. Y., opposing the bill for " extending the time of certain patents granted to Robert Fulton," because of tluMr "conviction that the said Robert Fulton is not in fact the inventor or discoverer of the mode of propelling boats by steam." [Found in vol. 2, House Ex. Docs.] Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— No. -31. Memorial of .John Parker, of Boston, for relief. Nos. 33^, 38. Motions. [Found in vol. 3. House Ex. Docs.] Vol. 3. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 2, 21. Motions. No. 19. Memorial of Boston mer- chants for repeal or modification of the nonimportation act. No. 38. Resolution of Massachusetts house of representatives expressing " opinion that an offensive war against Great Britain, under the present circumstances of this country, would be in the highest degree impolitic, unnecessary, and ruinous." No. 38J. Resolutions of citizens of Charleston approving and supporting the measures of the Government for the mainte- nance of the national honor. [Found in vol. 4, House Ex. Docs.] Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — No. 19. Confei'ence report on apportionment bill. Third Census. [Found in vol, 2, House Ex. Docs.] Vol. 2. — No. 29. On sale of the public lands. No. 41. Conference report on hill concerning the naval establishment. [Found in vol. 3, House Ex. Docs.] Vol. .3. — No. !(">. Report on bill for admission of Mississippi. [Found in vol. 4, House Ex. Docs.] House executive documents: Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-21. Messages from the President. 22. Letter from Secretary of State. 23-30. Letters from Secretary of Treasury. 31-33. Letters from Secretary of War. 34-36. Letters from Secretary of Navy. 37. Letter from Postmaster- General. Vol 2. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-38. No. 1. Annual message from the President, and accompanying documents. No. 7. Message, with corre- spondence, " relative to the aggression committed by a British ship of war on tlie United States frigate C/(r'.s(//>r«Af," and showing that "that subject of difference between the two countries is terminated by an offer of reparation which has been acceded to." Vol. 3.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-il. No. 5. Treasury estinuites for 1S12; ac- count of receipts and expenditures, and statement of balances of appropriations unexpended September 30, 1811. No. 13. Banixs, statement of. No. 14. Message from the President, transmitting copies of late correspondence " affording further evidence of the hostile policy of the British Government against our national rights." Vol. 4. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1—19. Messages from the President; letters from Cabinet orticers ; documents, motions, resolutions, and reports of committees. No. 39. House contingent fund. No. 43. 422 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE TWELFTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Message on the subject of the orders in council. No. 42. Rehi- tive to excitements, on the part of British subjects, of the Indians to commit " hostility against the United States, and to evidence of such hostility prior to the late campaign on the Wabash." No. 47. Treasury letter accompanying a bill au- thorizing ,$11,000,000 loan. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Motions and petitions. [Found in vol. 1, Ex. Docs.] yol_ 2. — [Octavo.] — Petitions, memorials, resolutions, motions, etc. [Found in vol. 1, House reports.] Reports of House conmiittees : Yoi. 1. — [Octavo.] — On contested election of Taliaferro v. Hungerford. On revisal and unfinished business. On Cumberland road. " On foreign relations. On claims. On House rules. On muni- tions of war. On memorial of Mississippi for admission as a State. On jmblic lands. On the naval establishment. [Found in vol. 2, House Ex. Docs.] Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— 1-7G. Nos. 1-4. Reports of Committee of Ways and Means. 5. Commerce. G-22. Claims. '25-30. Public lands. 31. Elections. .82. Post-offices and post-roads. 33. District of Columbia. 34. Revisal and unfinished business. 35. Ac- counts. 36-57. Select comnuttees. 58-G(). Documents. 67-7G. Motions. [Found in vol. 1, House reports, etc.] Second Session.— November 2, 1813 to March 3, 1813. Senate state papers : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. President's annual message to Congi-ess. 2. Doc- uments accompanying the message. 9. Message, with corre- spondence, relative to the pacific advances made on the part of this Government to that of Great Britain. [Found in vol. 1, House state papers.] Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — No. 4. Message from the President, with report of the Secretary of War relative to murders committed by Indians in Teiniessee. No. G. Message transmitting correspondence be- tween Secretary of Navy and Captain Chauncey and Lieutenant Elliott relative to the capture and subsequent disposition of the British armed brigs Detroit and Caledonia. No. 31. Report of Secretary of State on the sul>ject of register(Ml s(>am7. On the bill for the admission of Mis- sissippi Territory into the Union. [Found in vol. 2, House state papers.] House state pai)ers : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-25. No. 1. President Madison's annual message. 2. Documents with message. 6 and 11. Reward for capturing the Guerri^ie. No. 16. Treasury estimates for 1813 ; receipts and expenditures, 1811-12. No. 20. President's message trans- mitting a report of the Secretary of the Navy in relation to the presentation of a gold medal to Commodore Preble and swords to the officers of his squadron. House miscellaneous, 1, 2, and 3. House reports. 1-13 ; 9 is complimentary to Captains Hull, Decatur, and Jones. Senate executive, 1, 2, and 3. Senate miscellaneous, 1 and 2. Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-44. Messages from the President relative to murders by Indians in Tennessee ; certain Pennsylvania resolu- tions ; giving an official account of the capture of the Java: communicating the proclamation of the governor of Bermuda, and relative to the repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees. Also reports from Cabinet officers, memorials, documents, motions, and reports from committees. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-7. Reports of Committee on Ways and Means. 8-10. Committee on Claims. 11-14. I'ublic Lands. 15-35. Select committees. 36-37. Motions. THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session.— ]May 24 to August 2, 1813. Senate state papers : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. President Madison's aniuial message. May 25, 1813. No. 3. Secretai-y of State reports information of cus- toms collectoi-s who have not made regular returns of regis- tered seamen. 25. Secretary of War reports on memorial of William Tatham. [In vol. 1, House State Papers.] Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Nos. 2, 24, 26, 27. Motions. No. 17. Memorial of James Jay. [In vol. 1, House State Papers.] Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 12. On petition of Joshua Barney and others. No. 13. On memorial of Stephen Girard and others. No. 171. On 424 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Reports of Senate committees— Continued. James Jay's memorial. No. 19. Joint committee on business of tlie present session. No. 23. Relating to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company. House Journal. House state papers : Yoi. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 1. Annual message. No. 20. President's message transmitting information touching the French decree purport- ing to be a repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees. No. 28. Letter from Secretary of Treasury accompanying the bill au- thorizing a loan. No. 30. Treasury letter on subject of a reduction of the duties on prizes and prize goods. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — No. 10. Remonstrance of the Massachusetts legislature against the war with Great Britain, and protest of the minority of said legislature against said remonstrance. No. 7. Mr. Webster's motion calling for information touching the French decree purporting to be a repeal of the Berlin and Milan de- crees. No. 8. Motion relative to House rules in contested- election cases. No. 9. Jacob Perkins's petition for lenewal of patent to nail-cutting machine. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Reports by committees on Claims, Elections, Military Affairs, Revisal of Business, etc., and by select committees. Second Session. — December 6, 1813 to April 18, 1814. Senate state papers : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — President Madison's annual message. Also, messages from the President relating to duties on imports ; value of wool and cotton manufactures ; commissions granted during the recess of the Senate ; recommending exportations from the United States and a repeal of laws which prohibit the impor- tation of articles into the United States not the property of the enemy ; transmitting report of the Secretary of State in rela- tion to individuals selected from American prisoners of war and sent to Gi'eat Britain for trial, and also in relation to any orders for retaliation, etc. Ijctter of Secretary of the Navy transmitting "documents narrating the splendid and decisive victory " gained on Lake Erie by the United States squadron under the command of Captain Oliver Hazard Perry. List of commissioned othcers and midshipmen of the Navy. List of shii)s and vessels of the Navy, and their conditions, etc. Senate miscellaneous documents : \<)l. 1. — [Octavo.] — Motions, memorials, etc. [In vol. 1, Senate State Pa- pers.] Keixirts of Senate committees: Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — From Committee on Naval Affairs; on Patents; on Pi'intitig of the Senate: on Foreign Relations; on the petition of Stephen Girard ; on the memorial of Bowie and Kurtz and CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 425 THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Reports of Senate comuiittees — Continued. others ; and rejiort of tlie joint connuittee to inquire when it may lie expedient to adjourn the two Houses of Congress. [In vol. 1, Senate State Papers.] House state pai)ers : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Messages from the President at the commencement of the session of Congress; transmitting corresjiondence between the Department of State and its officers on foreign affairs ; relative to the reception of Mr. Crawford hy the Court of France ; Russian mediation ; message relating to Turreau's let- ter ; the campaign on the northern frontier; the distressed con- dition of the inhabitants of the Michigan Territory and of the Indians in and adjoining said Territory; reconmiending a re- peal of the embargo; relative to our relations with France, and transmitting the report of the Director of the Mint. Letters from Secretary of the Treasury transmitting annual estimates for 1814 ; statement relative to incorporated banks and insur- ance companies in the District of Columbia. Letters from Sec- retary of War, from Secretary of the Navy, and from the Com- missioner of the General Land Office. Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— Xos. 51, 54, 08, 74, 75, 78, 81, 8G, 89, 94. No. 51. Un- settled accounts. War Department. No. 54. Message transmit- ting documents tending " to explain the causes of the failure of the arms of the United States on the northern frontier." Xo. fiS. Incorporated banks and insurance companies. District of Co- lumbia. No. 74. Message from the President respecting the dis- tressed condition of the inhabitants of Michigan Territory, etc. No. 78. Militia called into service in 1813 ; bounties, i)remiums, and strength of the Army. No. 81. Relief of destitute Ameri- can seamen. No. 86. Respecting execution of laws for increase of Navy. No. 94. Relative to a deficiency in estimated receipts of the Treasury and necessity for providing additional revenue. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — I Octavo.] — Motions and petitions. | In vol. 1!. State Papers.] V(.l. L'.— I Octavo. 1—Nos. 71 and 83. [In vol. 3, State Papers.] Ri'l»orts of House connnittees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Committee on Revisal and I'ntinished Business; on Pen- sions ; on the Judiciary ; on Claims ; on Public Lands ; on Ways and Means, and reports by special coniniittees. | In vol. 2, ex. docs.] Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— Xos. 49, 50, 52. 53, 55-67, 69-73, 76. 77, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85. 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95. 96. [In vol. 2, State Papers.] Third Session.— September 19, 1814, to March 3, 1815. Senate state pajuM-s : Vol. 1. — [Octavo. I— Message from the President, with report of Secretary of State on our relations with the continental powers of Europe. Message with information in relation to laying out Cumberland road. Message vetoing the act to incorporate the sui)seribers to the Bank of the United States of America. Message in re- 4 '2 6 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. Senate state papers — Continued. spouse to a Senate resolution requesting " the proof of any traffic carried on in ttie West Indies by the sale of negroes taken from the United States by the British forces since the present war." Documents relating to the capture of the British fleet on Lake Champlain. Capture of the British sloop of war Epervier by the United States sloop Peacock. Capture of the British sloop of war Reindeer by the United States sloop Wasp. Report of the Secretary of the Navy relating to the better organization of the Navy Department. Senate miscellaneous docviments : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — Memorial of the Baltimore Committee of Vigilance and Safety. Motions, resolutions, memorials, etc. [In vol. 1, Sen- ate State Papers.] Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.]— On Revision of the Standing Rules of the Senate; on the gallant conduct of Captain Macdonough and the forces un- der his command in the battle of Lake Champlain ; of Captain Warrington in capturing the Epervier; of Captain Blakeley, in capturing the Reindeer. Report on the transportation of the Thomas Jefferson library, lately purchased. On laying out the Cumberland road. Sunday mails. Compensation to individuals for losses during the war. Thanks to General Jackson. Regulating printing and binding for the House. Regulations respecting American seamen. Report of the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress. Report on the differences existing between the United States and some of tlie individviijl States respecting the relative powers of the General Government over the militia. On the President's mes- sage respecting the unautliorized mode of warfare adopted by the enemy, on the plea of retaliation. [In vol. 1, Senate State Papers. ] House state papers : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — 1. President's message, at commencement of the session. 3. Message, with coi-respondence between British Admiral Cochrane and the Secretary of State in relation to an order by the former to destroy and lay waste the towns on the coast of the United States. 6. Message on negotiations for peace. 8. Message, conveying copies of instructions given to the United States ministers appointed to negotiate a peace with Great Britain. 12. Defects in the military establishment. 13. INIessage, with documents relative to retaliation upon prisoners of war. Vol. 2. — [Octavo. I — Message from President Madison, with communications from the American ministers at Ghent, showing the progress and state of the negotiations for peace with Great Britain. The President's account of the Government contingent fund. Mes- sage, transmitting the treaty of peace and amity between the United States and Great Britain. Treaties with Indians. Treasury letters relating to the $25,000,000 and the $3,000,000 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 427 THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House state papers — Continued. loan bills; prohibiting intercourse with the enemy; estimates for 1815 ; state of the Treasury, 1814, and a view of the situa- tion of the Treasury for 1815, with propositions relative to the ways and means for the same ; appropriations made for the Cumberland road. Secretary of War on account of expendi- tin-es on the national armories at Harpers Ferry and Spring- field, 1814, and of the arms made and repaired at each place during 1814. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — [Octavo.] — 2. Clerk of the House details facts in relation to the destruction of the office of the House. 10. System of revenue to revive and maintain unimpaired the public credit. 20. Rel- ative to the bill laying duties on carriages and the harness therefor. 21. Banks of New York City opposing the bill to incorporate a national bank. 23. Correspondence with Secre- , tary of the Treasury relative to a loan for 1815. [In vol. 1, House State Papers.] Vol. 2. — [Octavo.] — 35. Loss of contingent account and vouchers of the Clerk of the House. 38. Report on causes and particulars of the invasion of Washington and Alexandria by the British. 53. Mode of subsisting the Army. 56. Missouri memorial relative to defenselessness of that Territory, and praying aid of Con- gress. GO and G7. Resolutions expressive of the sense of Congress of the gallantry and good conduct with which the reputation of the arms of the United States has been main- tained by certain officers therein named. G2. Relative to appro- priations for the Navy Department, 1815. Motions, resolutions, memorials, etc. [In vol. 2, House State Papers.] Reports of House committees: Vol. 1.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15-19, 22. No. 24. On causes and particulars of the invasion of the city of Washington. [In vol. 1, House State Papers.] Vol. 2.— [Octavo.]— Nos. 30, 32-34, 36, 37, 39, 41-43, 45-47, 49, 52, 63-65, 68-73, etc. [In vol. 2, House State Papers.] FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session. —December 4, 1815 to April 30, 1816. Senate state papers : Vol. 1. — No. 1-94. No. 1. President Madison's annual message. 3. Register of the Navy, 1815. 19. Report of the Secretary of the. Treas- ury on roads and canals. House state papers : Vol. 1. — No. 1-36. No. 1. President Madison's annual message. 5. Commer- cial treaty between the United States and Great Britain. 6, 7, 11^, 19, and 20. Naval affairs. 27 and 32. Foreign affairs. 4 and 34. War reports. 33. Official register. 22. Post-Office. 8. 12, 23. and 24. Treasury. 36. Prisoners in Dartmoor Prison. 25. Indian affairs. 428 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continuea. House state papers — Continued. Vol.2. — No. 37-90. except 45. No. 30 (frigates Constitution and Cyane), 40. 43, and 85 (Marine Corps). Navy. 42, 59, 65, G7, 68, 74, and 81. War. 53, 70, 73, and 78. Treasury. 84. Foreign. .50. Proposed tariCf. 49. Cotton wool. 61. Wool. 69. Resolution for a monument to Washington's memory. 82. Patent Office. Reports of House conunittees : Vol. 1. — Fifty-one documents irregularly numbered. Vol.2. — Documents numbered 37 to 90. [In vol. 2, House State Papers.] Second Session.— December 2, 1816 to March 3, 1817. Senate state papers : Vol. l.^No. 1-123. No. 1. President Madison's annual message. 8. Joint report of the Secretaries of State, Treasury, War, and Navy. 64. Jefferson's report on commerce. 72. Of a naval depot. 83. Foreign affairs. 114. Controversy with Spain. 115. Uni- form national currency. House state papers : Vol. 1. — No. 1-.39." No. 1. President Madison's annual message. 2. Finance report. 4. National University. 6. Canal between the lakes and the Hudson River. 12. Salaries of Congressmen. 23. United States flag. Vol. 2.— No. 40-102. No. 44. Militia. 64. Report of the Architect of the Capitol. 100. Sabbath mails. FIFTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session. — December 1, 1817 to April 20, 1818. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-131. No. 1. President Monroe's annual message. 20, 27 87. 109, and 118. Executive communications. 32, .39, 74, and 117. Treasury. 122. War. 70, 94, and 104. Navy. Vol. 2.— No. 1.32-193. No. 183. Executive. 144, 182, and 189. Treasury. 1.36, 184, and 185. War. 143. Coast Survey report. 170. Pen- sion roll. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1—4. No. 1. President Monroe's annual message. 3. Internal duties and direct tax. 4. Finance report. Vol. 2. — No. 5-37. No. 11. Roads, canals, and seminaries. 12. Amelia Is- land and Galveston. 13. Estimates. 15 and 23. Boundaries of Mississippi. 18. Army, military posts, fortifications. 27. Georgia claims. 34 and 35. Pensions added to rolls after May 28, 1813. Vol. 3.— No. .38-69. No. 48. Patents issued. 61 and 67. Executive. 54, 55, and 58. Treasury. 64 and 65. War. 39, 40, 41, 56. 57, and (iO. Navy. Vol. 4.— No. 70-95. Nos. 76 and 91. Executive. 70, 71. 84, 88, and 95. Treasury. 72, 80, 81, 82, and 93. War. 85. Post-Office : iinnu's of recipients of bounty land warrants. 89. Copies of deeds for Government land in Washington Citv. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 429 FIFTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session— Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 5. — No. nO-124. Nos. OG and 120. Unsettled balances for three years. l(r». Domestic manufactures. 101 and 102. Foreign affain-i. 98, 108, and 110. Treasury. 104, 107, and 113. War. 97. Navy. Vol. 0.— No. r2r)-im. Nos. 128, 129, and 1.30. Executive. 155. Relations between the United States and Spain. 1.31, 1.37, and 141. Treasury. 127. War. 1.30. Navy. 132. Duty on salt. 149 to 154 not in this volume. Vol. 7.— No. 150-194. except 155. Nos. 173 and 175. Executive. 168, 174. 189, and 193. Foreign. 152 and 150. Treasury. 150, 1.53, 176, and 192. War. 181. Post-Office. 102. Distribution of docu- ments. 104. Drawbacks on sugar and spirits. 167. Dispute on location of public l)uildings. ISO. History of Congi-ess. 184 and 190. Public buildings. 194. Clerks in the Depart- ments, and methods of doing business. Vol. 8. — No. 195-202. No. 197. Imprisonment of American citizens by the Spanisli Government. 198. Importations for year ending Sep- tember 30, 1816. 199. Mint report for 1817. 202. Navy regu- ulations. Second Session. — November 16, 1818 to March 3, 1819. Senate documents : Vol. 1.- — No. 1-63. No. 1. President Monroe's annual message. 26, 35, and 50. Executive. 27, .34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 52, and 54. Treasury. 11 and 58. War. 14. Navy. 53. Public buildings. Vol. 2.— No. 6,5-102. No. 88. Foreign. 67, 86. 89. and 101. Treasury. 85 and 90. War. 68. Export of gold, silver, and cojiper coins. 97. Armed guards for protection of mails. 99. Public printing. 100 and 102. Censure of General Jackson. House documents : Vol. 1.— No. l-,30. Nos. 2, 8, and 14. Executive. 12, 22, and 26. Treasury. 3, 17, and 25. War. 0. Navy. 4. Finance report. Vol. 2.— No. 31-48, except 47. No. 34. Executive. 33, 41, 44, and 46. Treas- ury. 3(>. Wai-. 42. Navy. 48. Report on Buenos Ayres a-nd Chile. Vol. 3. — No. 47. Treasurer's statement relative to internal duties and direct tax. Vol. 4.— No. 49-85. Nos. 65 and 75. Executive. 52, 55, 62, 69, 73, and 83, Treasury. 54. 56, 68, and 76. War. 70, 79, 80, 81, 84, and 85. Navy. 60. Attorney-General. 78. Patents Issued. Vol. .5.— No. 92. Bank of the I'Uited States. Vol. 0.— Nos. 86, 90, 91, and 9-J-12,3. No. 117. Executive. 100, 114, and 116. Foreign. 89, 101, 105, and 107. Treasury. 87, 88, 98, 102, 106, 110, 115, and 122. War. 90, 119, and 121. Navy. 99. Expendi- tures in 1817. 109. Standard of weights and measui'es. 111. Coins and coinage. Vol. 7.— No. 124-1.36. [Index to 8 volumes, pp. 1-6.] Nos. 126 and 128. Executive. 129. Foreign. 124, 127, 131, 132, and 133. Treas- ury. 125. War. I.'ll. I'ost-OUice. 430 CATALOGUE LIBliAKY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTEENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 8.— No. 137-350. Nos. 1.37, 143, 144, 145, 14G, 149, and 1.^)0. Treasury. 148. War. 140. Post-Office receipts and expenditures, 1789 to 1818. 139. Public printing, joint committee report. SIXTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 6, 1819 to May 15, 1830. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-73. No. 1. President Monroe's annual message and state papers. 4. Foreign commerce. 5. Senate rules and joint rules. 12. Trade between New York and Bermuda. .50. State papers. 55 and 70. Treasury. 21 and 05. War. 15. Navy. 73. General Jackson's memorial. Vol. 2.— No. 74-135, except 99, 113, and 121. Nos. 75, 89, 107, and 110. Executive. 80, 93, 95, 97, 104, lOG, 112. 114, 131, 133, and 134. State. 74, 79. 87, 90, and 115. Treasury. 92, 108, and 132. W^ar. 105. Navy. Vol. 3. — No. 99. List of unpaid bonds for duties, part 1. Vol. 4.— No. 99. The same, part 2. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-11. No. 2. President Monroe's annual message and state papers. 5. Finance report. 7. Exports in 1819. 10. Navy. Vol. 2.— No. 12-33. Nos. 13, 16, 18, and 22. Treasury. 14, 17, 19, 25, and 31. War. 2G, 27, 28, and .33. Navy. Vol. 3.— No. 34-54. No. 35. Patents issued. 39. State. 42, 43, 44, and 4S. Treasury. 38, 41, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, and 53. War. 36 and 37. Navy. Vol. 4. — No. 55. List of pensioners under act of March 18, 1818. Vol. 5.— No. 56-75. Nos. 60 and 69. State. 57, 62. (i4, 71, and 73. Treasury. 75. Receipts and expenditures for thirty years to date. 58, 61, and 65. War. 66 and 74. Navy. 72, Post-Office. 68. Attor- ney-General. Vol. 6.— No. 76-92. Nos. 86, 91, and 92. Treasury. SO and 83. Comptroller of Treasury. 78, 79, 85, 88, 89, and 90. War. 87. Navy. 72. Post-Office. Vol. 7.— No. 93-108. Nos. 99 and 107. Executive. 93, 96, and 104. State. 95, 97, 98, 102, and 106. Treasury. 103 and 108. War. 101 and 105. Navy. Vol. 8.— No. 109-122. No. 120. Executive. 112, 115, 121, and 122. State. 109 and 118. Treasury. 110 and 119. War. 111. Post-Office. Vol. 9. — No. 123. . Treasurer's accounts. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-98. Second Session.— November 13, 1820 to March 3, 1831. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-41. No. 2. President Monroe's annual message. 20. Execu- tive. 5, 6, 12, and 15. Treasury, 5 being digest of all land busi- ness for thirty years. 12. Finance report. 15. Digest of In- dian appropriations since 1789. 14 and 28. War. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 431 SIXTEENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 2.— No. 42-91. No. 52. Executive. 60 and 76. Treasury. 59 and 77. War. 65. Navy regulations. 70. Salaries of Senate and House officers in 1800, 1808, 1816, and 1820. Vol. 3.— No. 92-117. No. 92. Executive. 104. Treasury. 100 and 112. War. Vol. 4. — No. lis. Immigrants arrived. 119. Weights and measures. Vol. 5. — No. 120. Treasurer's accounts. House Journal. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-34, except 10. No. 1. President Monroe's annual message. 3. Executive. 30. State. 8, 9, 13, 18, 19, 25, 26, 32, 3."., and 34. Treasury. 9 and 22. Finance report. 15, 21, 27, 29, and 31. War. 14. Post-Office. Vol. 2.— No. 35-44. No. 38. Executive. 40 and 42. State. 35, 36, and 44. Finance report. 37 and 41. War. 43. Navy. Vol. 3. — No. 10. Comptroller's report. Vol. 4. — No. 45-55. Nos. 47 and 48. Executive. 51, 52, and 55. Army. 45. Army regulations. 49 and 54. Navy. 46. Patents issued. Vol. 5.— No. 56-80. Nos. 56, 58, 59, 61, 68, 72, 73, 75, 77, and 79. Comp- troller's report. 67, 70, and 71. War. 63, 64, 65, and 66, Navy. 57. Post-Office. Vol. 6.— No. 81-96. Nos. 81, 82, and 85. Treasury. 91 and 94. War. 84, 89, 90, and 96. Navy. 86 and 87. Post-Office. Vol. 7.— No. 97-108. Nos. 99 and 104. Executive. 103. State. 97, 100, 101, 102, 105, and 107. Imports. 108. Treasury. 98. War. Vol. 8. — No. 109. John Quiucy Adams's report on weights and measures. 110. Claims of James Johnson for transportation on the Mis- souri and Mississippi riversi. Vol. 9.— Nos. Ill and 112. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1-70. No. 34. Duties on imports. 45. Settlements on the Pacific and occupancy of the Columbia River ; also miscel- laneous documents, 1-11. SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 3, 1821 to May 8, 1822, Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-63, except 56. No. 1. President Monroe's annual message. 21. Temporary Capitol. 90. South American Republics. 26 and 50. State. 12 and 51. Treasury. 27, 30, and 38. Vir- ginians in Continental Army. Vol. 2.— No. 64-94. Nos. 86, 89, 93, and 94. Executive. 70, 75, 81, 82, and 83. Treasury. 76. Navy. Vol. 3. — No. 95. Treasurer's accounts. House documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-13. Nos. 1, 5, and G. Executive. 4 and 11. State. 3, Fi- nance report. 10, 12, and 13. Treasury. 7, War, 9. Archi- tect of Capitol. 3605—08 28 432 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 2.— No. 14-37. Nos. 15 and 2(i. Executive. 10, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30, and 36. Treasury. 24, 32, 33, 34, and 35. War. 14, 20, 31, and 37. Navy. 17. Post-office. 18. Patents issued. Vol. 3. — No. 38-47. No. 46. Executive. 38. State. 44 and 45. Treasury. 41. War. 47. Navy. 18. Patents issued. 39. Commerce and navigation. 42. Difficulty betv^^een Jackson and Fromenteau. 43. Wool imports and exports, 1817 to 1821, and duties charged. Vol. 4.— No. 48-63. No. 49. Executive. 58. State. 48, 50, 52, and 56. Treasury. 54, 59, 60, and 62. War. 63. Navy. 51. Lambert's longitude of the Capitol. Vol. 5.— No. 64-91, except 72. No. 74. Executive. 75. State. 66, 68, 71, 73. 77, 78, and 79. Treasury. 67, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, and 91. War. 70 and 82. Navy. 64 and 76. Post-Office. 90. Inde- pendent states of South America. Vol. 6.— No. 92-115. Nos. 99, 102,. 109, and 113. Executive. 94, 95, 98, 100, 101, and 105. Treasury. 92, 93, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 110, 114, and 115. War. 97. Post-Office. 96. Lambei't's supplement to 51. 111. Rates of duties. 112. Foreign claims to territory on the Pacific coast. Vol. 7.— No. 116-134. Nos. 123. 126, 127, 129, and 131. Executive. 118, 120, 128, and 133. State. 116, 119, and 130. Treasury. 121 and 122. Post-Office. 117. Carver's claim. 125. Duties on iron. 1.34. Immigrants arrived. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-69, 105, and 107. Vol. 2. — No. 70-111, except 94, 105, and 107. Miscellaneous documents, 1-15. Second session. — December 2, 1822 to March 3, 1828. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-12. No. 1. President Monroe's annual message. 8. Finance report. 2 and 3. War. 4 and 12. Navy. 5. Lake Superior copper mines. Vol. 2.— No. 13-43. Nos. 27 and 35. Executive. 22. Treasury. 18 and 43. War. 21. Exports to and imports from France, 1814-1820. 23. Survey of the Potomac. 26. Commerce and navigation. 40. Money loaned by the Treasury to individuals and banks, 1789- 1823. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-27. No. 2. Message and documents. 8, 9, and 17. Executive. 3. State. 12. Finance report. 4, 13, 15, 23, and 26. Treasury. 5. War. 6. 10, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, and 27. Navy. 7 and 16. Post-Office. Vol. 2.— No. 32. Comptroller's report. Vol. 3.— No. 28-53, except 32. 42 and 53. Executive. 30 and 31. State. 28, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44. 47. and .50. Treasury. 33, 34. 39, 41, and 51. War. 29. Navy. ,35. Surveys of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. 86. Patents issued. 45. Establishment at mouth of Columbia River. 46. Survey of the Potomac. 49. Hemp, CATALOGUE LIBEAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 433 SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 4.— No. 54-G7. Nos. 57 and 03. Executive. 59. State. 54, 64, 65, and 67. Treasury. 55 and 60. War. 56 and 61. Navy. 62. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 5.— No. 68-85. Nos. 71, 81, and 85. State. 70, 77, 82, and 84. Treasury. 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 80, and 83. War. 78. Navy. Vol. 6.— No. 86-98. Nos. 89, 91, 92, and 94. State. 86, 87, 88, 95, 96, and 97. Treasury. 93. Navy. 90. Manufacturing establishments and their manufactures. Vol. 7.— No. 99-104. Nos. 99, 100, 101, 102, and 103. Treasury. 104. Post- Office. v^ol. 8.— No. 105-110. No. 108. Executive. 107. State. 106 and 109. Treas- urer's accounts. 110. Post-Office. Vol. 9. — No. Ill, part 1. Expenses of Ordnance Department, 1817 to 1822. Vol. 10.— No. Ill, part 2. The same. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1-55. Vol. 2. — No. 56-106. Miscellaneous documents, 1-10. EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session. — December 1, 1828 to May 27, 1824. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-.30, except 24. No. 1. President Monroe's annual message and reports of War, Navy, and Post-Office Departments, and Comp- troller of the Treasury. 5 and 16. Finance report. 2, 3, and 22. War. 15. Navy. 4. Senate contingent fun^i. 13. Cottons. Vol. 2. — No. 31-40. No. 43. Executive. 33. Treasury. 38. Commerce and navigation. 39. Hemp. 45. Manufactures and list of factories. Vol. 3.— No. 46-80. Nos. 63 and 64. Executive. 77. State. .50 and 74. War. 65. Navy. 53. Lambert's longitude of the Capitol. House documents : Vol 1. — No. 1-16. No. 2. Message and documents. 6 and 8. Executive. 11 and 14. State. 3 and 12. Treasury. 16. Finance report. 4 and 7. War. 5. House contingent fund. Vol. 2.— No. 17-51, except 40. No. 23. Executive. 28. State. 17, 26, 31, 32, 39, 41, 46, and 50. Treasury. 44. 45, and 47. War. 24, 29, and 30. Navy. 51. Post-Office. 25. Patents issued. 38. Duties on imports. 43. Navy Register. Vol. 3. — No. 40. Comptroller's report. Vol. 4.— No. 52-76. No. 60. Executive. 55. State. ,58, 61, 70, and 76. Treas- ury. 56, 57, and 59. War. 52. Navy. 73. Commerce and navi- gation. Vol. 5.— No. 77-103. Nos. 83, 84, and 103. Executive. 93. State. 78, 79, 86, and 89. Treasury. 82, 85, and 91. War. 77, 92, and 97. Navy. 80. Post-Office. 73. Commerce and navigation. 95. Postage received. Vol. 6.— No. 104-128. Nos. 118, 119, 122, and 127. Executive. 120. Treas- ury. 104 and 112. War. 115. Navy. 126. Post-Office. 111. West Point Military Academy history. 128. Lead mines. 434 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 7.— No. 130. Digest of commercial regulations. Vol. 8. No. 140, part 1. Correspondence between the Secretary of the Treas- ury and the banks in which public moneys were deposited. Vol. 9.— No. 140, part 2. The same. Vol. 10.— No. 129-150, except 130 and 140. Nos. 135, 137, 141, and 142. Executive. 129, 145, 148, and 149. Treasury. 134, 136, and 146. War. 131, 147, and 150. Navy. 144. Post-Office. Vol. 11. — No. 151-161. Nos. 154 and 155. Executive. 157 and 160. State. 152 and 153. Treasury. 159. Post-Office. 151. Postage collected in 1820, 1821, and 1822. 156. Florida land claims. 1.58. Alex- ander Hamilton's report on the same. 101. Immigrants arrived. Vol. 12. — No. 162. Treasui'er's accounts. 163. Index to House executive communications and all printed committee reports, 1789 to March 3, 1817. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-80. Vol. 2. — No. 81-133. Miscellaneous documents, 5, 6, and 9. Second Session.— December 6, 1824 to Maech 3, 1825. Senate Documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-9. No. 1. President Monroe's annual message and documents ; reports of Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, and Postmaster- General. 8. Finance report. 5. War. 4. Post-Office. 7. Trade with Mexico. Vol. 2.— No. 10-32. Nos. 15 and 21. Executive. 16, 17, and 22. Treasury. 29. War. 10 and 28. Post-Office. 12. Canvas, cables, and cord- age. 32. Engineer's report. Vol. 3.— No. 33-43. No. 40. State. 42 and 43. Navy. 33. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 4. — No. 44-45. No. 44. Payments to naval officers. 45. Treasurer's accounts. House documents : v Vol. 1. — No. 1-5. No. 2. Message and documents. 5. Treasury. 4. War. 3. House contingent fund. Vol. 2.— No. 6-.39. Nos. 8 and 33. Executive. 9, 18, and 21. State. 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 35, 38, and 39. Treasury. 26. Finance report. 19, 27, and 37^. War. 25, 31, and 34. Navy. 15 and 22. Post- ' Office. 20. Correspondence relative to island of Abaco. 28. Patents issued. Vol. 3. — No. 40-58. No. 42. Executive declines to transmit papers. 52. Western boundary of the United States. 53 and 54. Executive. 48 and 58. State. 41. 44, 45, 46, and 50. Treasury. 40, 43, and 56. War. 49. Post-Office. 55. Armory in Western States. Vol. 4.— No. .59-81. Nos. 61 and 70. Executive. 75 and 76. State. 59, 62, 65, 66, 69, and 78. Treasury. 60, 63, 64, 67, 72, and 80. War. 74 and 81. Navy. 73. Post-Office. Vol. 5.— No. 82-90. No. 89. Executive. 85. State. 82. Treasury. 83 and 88. Engineer's report. 87. The vine and olive. 90. Commerce and navigation. CATALOGUE LTBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE 435 EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. nr)use documents — Continued. Vol. a— No. <)1-108. No. 9."). Executive. 9.3, 101, 105, and 108; State. 92, 97, 104, 106. and 107. Treasury- 96, 98, and 10.3. War. 99. Post-Office. 91. Cession of Louisiana. Vol. 7, part 1. — No. 109. Disbursements of Indian agents. Vol. 7. part 2.— No. 111. Florida land claims. Vol. 8. — No. 110. Unsettled accounts. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-78. Vol. 2.— No. 79-90. No. 79. President Monroe's accounts. 90. Sale of lots in Washington City. NINETEENTH CONGRESS. First Session. — December 5, 1825 to May 22, 1826. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-19. No. 2. President Adams's annual message and reports of Secretaries of State, War, and Navy. G. Finance report. 10. Treasury ; wines imported in twenty-six years. 19. Post-Office. 1. Senate contingent fund. 14. Engineers' report. Vol. 2. — No. 20-55. No. 20. Treasury. 27. Navy. 21. Canal between the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. 22. Benton's report on the mode of electing President. 38 and 45. Lead mines and salt springs. Vol. 3.— No. 56-76. No. 69. Executive. 71. Treasury. 68. Congress at Panama. 76. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 4.— No. 77-101. No. 101. Treasury. 93. War. 100. Post-Office. 88. Benton's report on redvicing patronage of the Executive. 90. Defense of the Mississippi. Vol. 5. — No. 102. John Quincy Adams's report on French spoliation claims. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-19. No. 1. Message and reports. 2. Executive. 16. State. 6, 7, 18, and 19. Treasury. 13. Finance report. 14 and 17. War. 11. Postage receipts at each office in 1824. 10. House contingent fund. 15. Engineers. Vol. 2.— No. 20. Unsettled balances. Vol. 3.— No. 21-49. No. 21. Executive. 25 and 41. State. 24, 27, 28, 30, 34, and 42. Treasury. 29, 33, 40, 46, 47, and 48. War. 26, 31, and 49. Navy. 39 and 43. Post-Office. 22. Patents issued. 23. Survey of the northwestern coast of tlie United States. Vol. 4.— No. 50-80. No. 53. Executive. 54. State. 56, 57, 64, 70, 75. 76, and 80. Treasury. 51, 52, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, 77, and 78. War. 63 and 73. Navy. 50. Louisiana land claims. 65. Boundary on the Pacific Ocean. 66. Cotton for cordage and sailcloth. 68. Engineers. Vol. 5.— No. 81-105. No. 97. Executive. 86. State. 89, 93, 94, and 105, Treasury. 83, 88, 90, 92, 95, 96, 98, 101, 102, 103, and 104. War. 85, 87, and 91. Navy. Vol. 6.— No. 106-122, except 112. No. 107. Executive. 121 and 122.. State. 108, 109, 113, and 115. Treasury. Ill, 117, 118, and 120. War. 436 CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE NINETEENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. 110 and 119. Navy. 114. Post-Office. 115. Land claims in East Florida. 117. General Atliinson's expedition up the Missouri. Vol. 7. — No. 112. Trade and intercourse with the Indians. Vol. 8.— No. 123-147. Nos. 133 and 135. Executive. 12G, 141, 142, and 144. State. 1.30. 131, 132, 137, and 1.39. Treasury. 124, 125, 140, 145, and 14G. War. 128, 138, and 143. Navy. 134. Post-Office. 129. Congress at Panama. Vol. 9.— No. 148-1G5. No. 16.5. Executive. 150 and 152. State. 149, 155, and 163. Treasury. 153, 154, 156, 158, and 161. War. 159. Post-Office. 148. Commerce and navigation. 157 and 162. Congress at Panama. 164. Execiitive appointments of mem- bers of Congress, 1789-1825. Vol. 10.— No. 166-184. Nos. 178 and 180. Executive. 175. State. 167, 170, 173, and 177. Treasury. 168, 169, 172, 174, 176, and 181. War. 166. Navy. 171. Post-Office. 184. Treasurer's accounts. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-1.30. No. 124. National observatory. Vol. 2. — No. 131-232. Resolutions and amendments, 1-45. Second Session. — December 4, 1826 to March 3, 1837. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President Adams's annual message, with reports of Secre- taries of State, War, and Navy. Vol. 2.— No. 2^9. Nos. 14 and 42. Executive. 36. Treasury. 21 and 39. War. 2. Senate contingent fund. 3. Finance report. 23. Assay of foreign coins. Vol. 3.— No. 50-72. No. 59. Executive. 58. War. 54. Cost of navy-yards. 03. Land bought and sold, 1776 to 1826. 72. Commerce and navigation. House documents : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1 and 2. No. 2. Message and documents. Vol. 2.— No. 3-.34. Nos. 9 and 20. Executive. 12, 21, and 25. State. 24. Treasury. 5, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 28, 30, and 31. War. 4, 13, 29, 33, and .34. Navy. 32. Post-Office. 3. House contingent fund. 7. Lead mines belonging to the United States. 11. Financial report. 19. Imports of wool. 27. Patents issued. Vol. 3.— No. 35-56. Nos. 50 and 53. State. 36, 48, 52, and 55. Treasury. 39, 41, 43, 44, 46, and 49. War. .54 and 56. Navy. 35. Post- Office. 47. Patent Office receipts since 1800. Vol. 4.— No. .57-72, except 68. No. 58. State. 63. Treasury. 61. War. 57. Cavalry tactics. 60, 66, and 72. Wool. - Vol. 5.— No. 73-119, except 74. Nos. 76 and 113. Executive. 89. State. 75, 100, 101, 107, 111, 118, and 119. Treasury. 82, 83, 88, 97, 99, 103, 105, 106, and 110. War. 90 and 114. Navy. 94. Post- Office. Vol. 6.— No. 120-131. Nos. 124, 130, and 131. War. 125 and 128. Navy. 121, 123, and 129. Post-Office. 120. Commerce and navigation. 127. United States troops in Georgia. catalogup: libeary united states senate 437 nineteenth congress. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 7, part 1.— No. 132-145, except 141 and 144. Nos. 134, 135, 13C, 137, 138. and 139. Treasury. 132, 133, 140, and 142, War. 143. Immigrants arrived. 14-5. Treasurer's accounts. Vol. 7, part 2. — No. 144. Trade with British American colonies. Vol. 8.— No. 112. Indian disbursements in 1826. Vol. 9. — No. 68. Claims for spoliations by foreign powers. Vol. 10. — No. 141. Unsettled accounts. Reports of committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1-79. No. 79. Investigation of acts of John C. Calhoun while Secretary of War. Vol. 2. — No. 80-102, except 98. Miscellaneous documents, 1-6. Vol. 3. — No. 98. The Georgia controversy. TWENTIETH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 3, 1827 to May 26, 1828. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-2.5. No. 1. President Adams's annual message and reports of Secretaries of State, War, and Navy and Postmaster-General. 5 and 20. Executive. 19. State. 4. Finance report. 10 and 11. Treasury. 3 and 12. Navy. 2. Senate contingent fund. 5. Northern boundary line of Indiana. 6 and 25. Wool. Vol. 2.— No. 26-72. No. 55. Executive. 60. Treasury. 40, 42, 44, and 72. War. 36 and 62. Navy. 26, 28, 30, 31, 32. 37, 45, 46, 53, 63, 64. 68, 69, 70, and 71. Duties on wool. Vol. 3.— No. 73-109. No. 89. Executive. 73 and 76. Treasury. 93, 94, 96, and 99. War. 100 and 105. Navy. 102. Post-Office. 79 and 86. Wool. 106. General Knox's plan of organizing the militia. Vol. 4.— No. 110-170. No. 120. Executive. 1.30. State. 141. 154, 158, and 159. Treasury. 121, 128, 132, 147, 157. and 169. War. 139. Navy. 162 and 170. Post-Office. 115 and 127. Duty on wool. 1.30. Northwestern boundary. 133. Duties on cotton goods. Vol. 5.— No. 171-207. except 200. Nos. 189, 196, and 205. Executive. 206. State. 172, 193, and 197. Treasury. 203. War. 204 and 207. Navy. 177. Post-Office. 171. Northeastern boundary. 174. Commerce and navigation. 186. Comparative statement of duties. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-9. No. 2. Message and documents. 4. Finance report. 7, 8, and 9. Treasury. 6. War. 5. House contingent fund. Vol. 2.— No. 10-60. No. 41. Executive. 43. State. 10, 32, 40, 48, 49, 54, and 59. Treasury. 44, 45, 46, 52, 57, and 58. War. 47 and 50. Navy. .37 and 60. Post-Office. 20, 21, 23. 24. 28, 29, .30. and 31. Wool. 22 and 27. Hemp. 11. Navigation of the Mississippi. 12. Documents of First, Twelfth, and Eighteenth Congresses. 34. Patents issued. Vol. 3.— No. 61-129. Nos. 70, 87, and 122. Executive. 108. State. 76, 100, 105, and 110. Treasury. 69, 74, 75, 77, 78, 104. 106, 124, 125. 127, and 129. AVar. 128. Navy. 73. Post-Office. 61. Boundary be- 438 CATALOGUE LIBKAEY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTIETH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. tween the United States and Texas. 63, 64, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84", 94, 95, 97, 98, 112, and 123. Wool. 68. Hemp. Vol. 4.— No. 130-172 and 226. Nos. 152 and 170. Executive. 13G. State. 141, 145, 158, 164, 165, 168, and 169. Treasury. 130, 140, 146, 148, 149, 153, 154, and 167. War. 142, 143, 147, 151, 155, and 156. Wool. 158, 159, and 226. Silk and silkworms. Vol. 5.— Nos. 173-222. Nos. 210, 211, and 218. Executive. 212. State. 185, 200, and 208. Treasury. 173, 183, 184, 209, 216, 219, and 221. War. 196, 197, and 222. Navy. 220. Post-Office. 187. North- ern boundary of Indiana and plat. 189 and 191. Wool. 190. Claim of United States to territory west of the Rocky Moun- tains. 218. Northern and Northwestern boundary lines. Vol. 6.— No. 223-268, except 226. Nos. 238, 248, 256, and 262. Executive. 240, 252, and 259. State. 223, 224, 225, 241, 249, 250, 251, and 255. Treasury. 230, 254, 261, and 263. War. 244. Navy. 2.58. Post-Office. 253. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 7.— No. 268-288. Nos. 268, 274, 276, and 279. Executive. 278, 281, and 286. State. 280, 282, 285, and 287. Treasury. 277, 283, and 284. War. 269. Post-Office. Report of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-59, except 43. No. 37. List of books and MSS. relative to America. 42. Michigan land claims. 58. The Meade case. Vol. 2.— No. 60-140. Vol. 3.— No. 141-226. Vol. 4.— No. 227-270. No. 259. Retrenchment. Second Session. — December 1, 1828 to March 3, 1829. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-79, except 14. No. 1. President Adams's annual message and reports of Secretaries of War and Navy and Commissioner of Public Buildings. 39. Executive. 8,' 41, and 63. State. 7. Finance report. 4, 30, 40, 44, 62, and 69. Treasury. 5, 27, 45, 47, 48, and 72. War. 28 and 77. Navy. 20. Post-Office. 2. Senate contingent fund. Vol. 2.— No. 80-106. Nos. 97 and 98. State. 95 and 96. Treasury. 101 and 106. War. 86. Commerce and navigation. 85 and 100. Gen- eral Land Office. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-19. No. 2. Message and reports of the Secretaries of War and Navy, Postmaster-General, and General Land Office. 6. Executive. 19. State. 9. Finance report. 8. Treasury. 3, 7, and 15. War. 4. House contingent fund. 10. Paintings in the Rotunda. Vol. 2.— No. 20-88. Nos. 46, 55, 69. 75, 80, and 88. Executive. 56. State. 20, 22, 25, 33, 34, 47, 40, 54, 60, 61, 67, 68, 74, 76, 83, 85, and 86. Treasury. 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 52, 53, 57, 58, 77, 78, 79, 84, and 87. War. 24, 44, and 45. Navy. 23, 42, 62, and 71. Post-Office. 28. Hemp, flax, and cotton. 59. Patents issued. CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 481) TWENTIETH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 3.— No. 89-133, except 121. Nos. 91, 92, 113, and 131. Executive. 90, 96, 109, and 130. State. 93, 101, 114, and 132. Treasury. 89, 95. 103, 104, 105, 100, 108, 110, 115, 117, 118, 119, and 128. War. 133. Navy. 102. Hemp and cotton. Vol. 4. — No. 134-147, except 146. No. 147. Executive ; canal between the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. 141 and 143. State. 134 and 136. Treasury. 138 and 139. War. 135. Post-Office. 137. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 5. — No. 121. Private land claims in Florida. Vol. 6. — No. 146. Convictions, executions, and pardons, 1759-1829. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-1U4. TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. First Session.— December 7, 1829 to May 31, 1830. Sen?te documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-19. No. 1. President Jackson's annual message and reports of Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, and Postmaster-Gen- eral. 3. Finance report and tariffs of England, France, Na- ples, and Russia. 11, 13, 15, 24, 25, 39, and 40. Treasury. 7, 9, and 27. War. 26. Navy. 2. Senate contingent fund. 19. San- ford's report on coins. 25. Final report on Florida land claims. 45. Militia. 47. Value of imports. 48. Duties on imports. Vol. 2.— No. 50-146. Nos. Ill and 145. Executive. 82, 83, 84, 85, 112, 120, 122, 128, 138, and 146. Treasury. 62, 81, 110, and 131. War. 58 and 102. Navy. 106, 133, and 136. Post-Office. 95. Commerce and navigation. 109. Reorganization of the Executive Depart- ments. 123. Appropriations, receipts, and expenditures for forty years. 135. Mr. Ingham's report on relative values of gold and silver. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-23. No. 2. Message and documents. 7. Executive. 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14. and 18. Treasury. 6. Finance report. 8, 11, 17, 19, 21, and 22. War. 20 and 23. Navy. 9. House contingent fund. 16. Patents issued. Vol. 2.— No. 24-52. Nos. 24, 31, 34, 37, 38, and 46. Executive. 28, 29, 33, 42, and 52. Treasury. 25, 27, 32, 36, 41, 44, 47, and 51. War. 26, 30, 35, 39, 40, and 43. Navy. 45. Attorney-General. 49. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 3.— No. 53-89. Nos. 56, 59, 66, and 80. Executive. 85. State. 55, 57, 60, 64, 68, 71, and 74. Treasury. 58, 69, 72, 75, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, and 89. War. 63 and 65. Navy. 61, 70, 76, and 77. Post-Office. 73. Sunday mail. Vol. 4.— No. 90-126, and committee reports Nos. 380 and 381. Nos. 94, 103, 110, 113, and 123. Executive. 92, 97, and report 380. State. 90, 96, 100. 106, 107, 108, 109. 111. 112, 117. 119, and 122. Treasury. 91, 93, 95, 99, 102, 104, 120, 124, and 125. War. 440 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. 98, 101, 116, and 121. Navy. 105, 115, and 118. Post-Office. 114. Immigrants arrived. 126. Silk and silkworms. Report 381. American canvas, cables, and cordage. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-175. Vol. 2.— No. 176-298. Vol. 3.— No. 299-419, except 380 and 381. Resolutions, 1-16. Second Session.— December 6, 1830 to March 3, 1831. Senate documents : Yoi. 1. — No. 1-40. No. I. President Jackson's annual message. 20 and 21. Executive. 0. Finance report. 10 and 19. Treasury. 17. War. 14. Navy. 2. Senate contingent fund. 3. Sanford's report on coins and coinage. 39. British establishments on the Columbia, and state of the fur trade. Vol. 2.— No. 41-76. Nos. 65 and 72. Executive. 74. Treasury. 49 and 73. Post-Office. .54. List of lands acquired by the United States. 75. Livingston on the death penalty. 76. Commerce and navi- gation. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-30. No. 2. Message and documents. 3, 8, and 22. Executive. 21. State. 7. Finance report. 4, 10, 11, 17, 19, and 26. Treas- ury. 9. 12, 13, 27, 29, and 30. War. 14, 15, and 28. Navy. 5. House contingent fund. 8. Sugar imported. Vol. 2.— No. 31-50. No. 46. Executive. .32, 35, and 39. Treasury. 31, .36. 40, 41, 45, 47, and 48. War. 33, .38, and 42. Navy. 49. Patents granted during the year. 50. List of all patents that have been granted. Vol. 3.— No. 51-104. Nos. .54 and 66. Executive. 51. State. 63, 83, 94, 99, 103, and 104. Treasury. 52, 60, 61, 73, 76, 81, 82, 86, 92, 101, and 102. War. 67, 75, 77, 93, and 100. Navy. 96 and 97. Post- Office. 55. Sugar imported. 62. Sugar cane. 95. Cultivation of silk. Vol. 4.— No. 105-140. Nos. 123 and 129. Executive. 108, 112, 11.3, 122. 124. 126, 128, 1.30, 131, 1.32, 133, and 135. Treasury. 107, 110, 111, 118, 121, 125, and 1.36. War. 120. Navy. 116, 117, and 119. Post-Office. 114. Silk. 11.5. Sunday mails. 134. Sugar im- ported. 140. Commerce and navigation. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1-119 and resolutions 1 and 2. TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session.— December 5, 1831 to July 16, 1832. Senate documents : Vol.1. — No. 2-.5.5. No. .3. Executive; abduction of American citizens by officials of New Brunswick. 20. 25. 27. 28. 31. and 36. Treas- ury. 18 and 21. War. 15 and 46. Navy. 2. Senate con- tingent fund. 24. Duties and proposed duties. 55. Free- CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE 441 TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. trade convention in Philadelphia. For Doc. No. 1, see House Doc. No. 2, same session. Vol. 2.— No. 50-110. Nos. 80 and 85. Executive: trade between the United States and the British American colonies. 106. State. 78, 79, and 96. Treasury. 58 and 101. War. 10.3. Navy. 62. Cele- bration of the centennial birthday of George Washington. 64. Tariffs of 1824 and 1828. 110. Alpliabetical list of im- ports and duties thereon, and those on free list. Vol. 3.— No. 111-182. Nos. 130 and 133. Executive. 180. Jackson's veto of United States Bank bill. 121. State. 120, 125. 126, 129, 131, 15.5, 156, 174. and 178. Treasury. 170. War. 118. British colonial trade. 119 and 126. Webster's report on apportion- ment under Fifth Census. 128. Clay's report on reducing price of public lauds. 1.32. Colonial and West Indian trade. 139. Sugar sirup frauds. 142. Total donations of lands. 145. King's report on sales of public lands. 168. Comparison of weights and measures of length and capacity. House documents : Vol.1. — No. 1-18. No. 1. President Jackson's annual message. 12. Execu- tive. 2. State, War, Navy, and Post-Office reports. 4. State, Fifth Census. 3. Finance report. 6, 9, 10, and 13. Treasury. 5, 16, and 17. Navy. 7. House contingent fund. 11. Culture and manufacture of silk. 18. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Vol. 2.— No. 19-82. Nos. 21, 43, 46, 57, and 80. Executive. 28, 30, and 58. State. 24, 37, 38. 41, 47, 54, and 69. Treasury. 33, 42, 48, 50, 51, 52, 60, 65, 68, 73, and 78. War. 21, 33, 34, 59, and 81. Navy. 49 and 55. Post-Office. 22. Survey of coast of the United States. 27. Decatur. 35. Republication of Congres- sional documents. 39. Patents issued. 82. Free-trade con- vention. Vol. 3.— No. 8.3-103. Nos. 84 and 103. State. 87. Treasury. 83, 86, 89, 90, and 98. War. 88 and 91. Navy. 99. Fishery regulations of England. France, and the Netherlands. 100. Foreign and domestic coals. 111. Report on steam carriages, made in the British House of Commons. Vol.4.— No. 104-185. Nos. 104 and 116. E.xecutive. 173 and 176. State. 114, 115, 131, and 147. Treasury. 113, 120, 121, 125, 130, 1.33, 134, 149, un, 171, 172, 177, 179, 180, and 181. War. 1.32, 135, and 178. Navy. 10.5. Apportionment. 1.52. Schoolcraft's expedition to the Indian country. 170. National armories. 185. Canal between the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Vol. 5.— No. 186-234. Nos. 191, 19.5, 210, 21,5. . 224, and 22.5. Executive. 206, 207, and 214. State. 196, 197, 199, 200, 202, 209, 213, 216, 222, and 231. Treasury. 189, 190. 208, and 2.33. War. 228. Navy. 212. Post-Office. 198. Foreign trees and plants. 230. Commerce and navigation. 2.32. Growth and manufacture of silk. Vol. 6.— No. 23.5-.307. Nos. 272, ,300, and .304. Executive. 244, 249, 250, and 303. State. 2()4. 295. .302. and 305. Treasury. 242, 245, 265, 442 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Flouse documents — Continued. and 306. War. 307. Navy. 243, 262, and 292. Post-Office. 263. Abstract of Fifth Census. 267. Wool imports from Smyrna. 274. Land claims from Spain. 293. Immigrants arrived. 299. Comparison of weights and measures. 301. Revenue on woolens, cottons, etc. Vol. 7, part 1. — No. 308. Manufactures in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hamp- shire, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Vol. 7, part 2. — No. 308. Manufactures in New Yorli, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, and Ohio. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-223. Vol. 2.— No. 224-325. Vol. 3.— No. 326-459. Vol. 4.— No. 460-463. No. 460. Examination of the Bank of the United States. 463. Polk's report on the apportionment of Represen- tatives. Vol. 5.— No. 464-513. Resolutions, 1-7. Second Session.— December 3, 1882 to March 3, 1883. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-84. Nos. 3, 71, and 83. Executive. 30. Message on affairs in South Carolina, with documents. 4, 6, 9, 16, 36, 38, and 82. Treasury. 31, 35, 39, and 81. War. 1. Report of the Secre- tary of the Navy. 77. Post-Office. 2. Senate contingent fund. 15. Receipts and expenditures since 1789. 50. Land Office matters. Vol. 2. — No. 85. A system of civil and criminal law for the District of Columbia. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-45. No. 2. President Jackson's annual message and reports of Secretaries of War and Navy and the Postmaster-General. 22, 37, and 4.5. Executive. 17. Veto of river and harbor bill. 26 and .83. State. 3. Finance report and General Land Office. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 43. Treasury. 6, 16, 20, 24, 29, 34, and 35. War. 5, 15, 19, 23, 28, 40, and 41. Navy. IS. Post-Office. 4. House contingent fund. .38. Relative value of gold and silver. 42. Northern boundary of Ohio. Vol. 2. — No. 46-109. Nos. 76 and 77. Appointments of members of Congress to office. 49 and 54. Executive. 60 and 94. State. 63, 64, 69, 83, 87, 96, 97, 105, and 108. Treasury. 67, 53, 66, 68, 82, and 104. War. 48 and 75. Navy. 84. Post-Office. 61. Dates of ratifying the Constitution. 70. Patents issued. 109. Com- merce and navigation. Vol. 3.— No. 110-148. No. 129. Executive. 120, 127, 1.35, 1.38, 146, and 148. Treasury. 116, 118, 121, 125, 126, 128, 132, 136, and 137. War. 115 and 133. Navy. 122. Post-Office. 119. Immigrants arrived. 147. French spoliations. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 443 TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Report of House committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1-128. Nos. 120 and 121. Majority and minority reports on the Bank of tlie United States. 122. John Quincy Adams's report on domestic manufactures and protection ; also resolutions 1, 2, and 3. TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. First Session.— December 2, 1833 to June 30, 1834. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-.39. No. 1. President Jackson's annual message and reports of Secretaries of War and Navy and the Postmaster-General. 3. Veto of public-land bill. 4. Executive. 24, 34, and 35. Treasury. 9. Finance report. 2, 16, and 17. Report of Sec- retary Taney on removal of the deposits from United States Bank, 30. Post-Office. 5. Benton's report on amendments to the Constitution. 10. Expedition to South Seas. 15. Senate contingent fund. Vol. 2.— No. 40-139. No. 71. Executive. 49. State. 42, 43, 58, 64, 73, 77. 86, 136, and 137. Treasury. 45 and 59. War. 138. Post-Office. 90. Boundary between Indiana and Illinois. Vol. 3.— No. 140-266. Nos. 203 and 264. Executive. 141. Treasury. 193. War. 266. Choctaw reservations. 140. Post-Office. 235. South- ern boundary of Michigan. 237. Immigrants arrived. 239. Boundary between New York and New Jersey. 265. Printing Senate documents. Vol. 4.— No. 267-372. Nos. 274 and 340. Treasury. 341 and 371. War. 289. Commerce and navigation. 323. Clay's report on Jackson's veto of the land bill. 354. Northern boundary of Ohio. Vol. 5.— No. 373-123. Nos. 373, 374, 375, and 376. Treasury. 408 and 422. Post-Office. .398. Irregularities in Patent Office. 417. List of claims for French spoliations. Vol. 6.— No. 424-513, except 505 and 512. Nos. 434, 439, 441, 442, and 468. Treasury. 461. Alleged laud sale frauds. Vol. 7, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 505. Statistical view of population of the United States from 1790 to 1830. Vol. 7, part 2. — No. 512. Correspondence relative to the immigration of Indians and expenditures therefor, vol. 1. Vol. 8.— No. 512. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 9.— No. 512. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 10.— No. 512. The same. vol. 4. Vol. 11.— No. 512. The same, vol. 5. Vol. 12. — No. 514, part 1. Pension roll, residents of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Vol. 13. — No. 514, part 2. The same, residents of Delaware, Maryland, New .Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Mrgiuia. Vol. 14. — No. 514, part 3. The same, residents of Alabama, Arkansas Terri- tory, District of Columbia, Florida Territory, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan Territory, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, and Tennessee. 4^4 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. First Session— Continued. House documents : Yoi. 1. — No. 1-49. No. 1. President Jackson's annual message and reports of Secretaries of War and Navy and tlie Postmaster-General. 28, 29, and 32. Executive. 30. State. 2, 5, 6, 7, 13, 16, 21, 23, 39, 43, 46, and 47. Treasury. 15. Finance report. 4, 17, 22, 3.5, 38, and 45. War. 20. Navy regulations. 14, 31, and 42. Navy. 3. House contingent fund. 8 and 48. Mint. 26. Indian depre- dation claims. Vol. 2. — No. 50-79. Nos. 61, 70, 77, and 78. Executive. 64. State. 51 and 73. Treasury. 50, 00, and 69. War. 72. Navy. 63. Post-Office. 58. Patents issued. 61. Reports and maps of a survey for a canal in Florida. 62. Militia. 79. Private land claims in Missouri. Vol. 3.— No. 80-203. Nos. 170 and 179. Executive. 80, 83, 124, 132, 150, and 180. Treasury. 99, 131, and 149. War. 82. Militia. 98. Red River raft. Vol. 4.— No. 204-349, except 149-231. Nos. 239 and 259. Treasury. 323. War. 261. Post-Office. 24.3. Northern boundary of Ohio. 247. Mint. 260. Boundary between New Jersey and New York. 302. Southern boundary of Michigan. 319. Immigrants arrived. 322. Armories. Vol. 5.— No. 350-440. Nos. 414, 415, and 418. Executive. 373, 374, 391. 416, 420, and 422. Treasury. 350, 351, 354, 390, 393, 394, and 417. War. 375. Navy regulations. 419. Navy. 358. Exiles from Poland. 355. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 6.— No. 441-523. Nos. 449, 469. 492, and 494. Executive. 496, 499, 501, and 522. Treasury. 489 and 491. War. 486. Navy. 504 and 50.5. Post-Office. 490. Indian affairs. 495. Death of Lafay- ette. 497. Northern boundary of Ohio. 500. Mint. 523. Bank of the United States. Reports of House committees: Vol. 1.— No. 1-200. Vol. 2.— No. 201-313. Vol. 3.— No. 314-445. Vol. 4. — No. 447-560 and House resolutions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9. Senate report 157. Vol. 5. — No. 446. Contested-election case from Kentucky, Letcher v. Moore. Second Session. — December 1, 1834 to March 3, 1835. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-8. No. 1. President Jackson's annual message, with reports of Secretaries of War and Navy and the Postmaster-General. 2. Financial report. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Treasury. 3. Senate contingent fund. Vol. 2.— No. 9-39. No. 13. Treasury. 9 and 10. War. 16. Navy. 32. Post-Office. 11. Commissioner of the General Land Office. 15. Imports and exports of specie. 17. Tyler's report on ex- amination of the Bank of the United States. 18. Navigation of the Wabash. CATALOGUE LIBRARY U:xiTED STATES SENATE 445 TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 3.— No. 40-139. No. 130. State. 41, 47, 7G, 133, and 139. Treasury. 68, 09, 70, 110, and 132. War. 63. Navy. 80. Investigation of Post-Office Department. 123. Debts due by Post-Office De- partment. 42. Northern boundary of Indiana. 43. Private land claims in ISIissouri. 100. Senate printing. 109. Benton's report on reducing Executive patronage. Vol. 4.— No. 140-154. No. 14.''). Executive. 154. Treasury. 152. Post- OfBce. 145. Affairs with France. 147. Affairs with Spain. 148. Investigation of an alleged attempt to assassinate Presi- dent Jackson. 149. Commerce and Navigation. 1.53. Miner- alogical and geological investigation of the Ozark Mountains. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-20. No. 2. Message and documents. 3. Finance report. 4, 5, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, and 20. Treasury. 8 and 15. War. 6. House contingent fund. 7. Bequest of Lafayette. 18. Ex- penses for internal. Vol. 2.— No. 21-77. No. 75. Executive. 44, 61, 68. State. 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 37, 38, 39, 42, 45, 46, 51, 54, and 60. Treasury. 41, 56, 57, 59, 65, 67, 73, and 76. War. 29, 43, 52, and 72. Navy. 22. Burning of Treasury building. 26. Lafayette. 36. Documen- tary history of the Revolution. .55. Patents issued. 62. Northeastern boundary. 66. Laud offices in the United States. 70. Wabash improvement. 74. The Mint. Vol.3.— No. 78-133. No. 114. Executive. 79, 80, 81, 83, 86, 94, 95, 96, 97, 102, 103, 112, 113, and 132. War. 78, 79, 82, 87, 88, 90, 93, 104, 116, 117, 118 and 133. Treasury. 84, 111, and 122. Navy. 89. Expenditures from 1791 to 1833. 99. Branch mints. 105. Islands, reefs, and shoals in Pacific Ocean. 106. Growth and manufacture of silk. 107. Boundary line between Missouri and land of the United States. 110. Treasurers accounts. 120. Commerce with Cuba and Porto Rico. 121. A system of army discipline. Vol. 4.— No. 134-177. Nos. 138 and 149. Executive. 136, 166, and 173. State. 134, 150, 161. and 164. Treasury. 142, 145, and 147. War. 175 and 17(;. Post-Office. 148. Cotton canvas for Navy. 151. Featherstonhaugh's report on Ozark Mountains. 171. Survey and maps of Cumberland River. 174. Relations with France. Vol. 5.— No. 178-199. Nos. 178, 190, 19.3, and 198. Treasury. 181, 186, 194, and 195. War. 192. Navy. 179 and 180. Post-Office. 184. Immigrants arrived. 187. Commerce and navigation. 189. Foreign coins. 199. Boundary between Michigan and Ohio. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-142, except 103. Resolutions 1, 2. and .3. Vol. 2.— No. 103. Report ou the condition o£ the Post-Office Department 446 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 7 1835 to July 4, 1836. Senate documents : Vol. 1. No. 1-15. No. 1. President Jackson's annual message, with reports of Secretaries of State, War, and Navy and the Postmaster- General. 5, 6, and 7. Executive. 2. Finance report. 4. Re- ceipts and expenditures. 8, 9, 13, 14, and 15. Treasury. 10. War. 11. Statement of purchases of books and expenditures for printing for each House of Congress and each Department of the Government from March 4, 1819, to March 3, 1835. 12. Senate contingent fund. Vol. 2.— No. 16-149. Nos. 19, 62, 63, and 128. Executive. 51. State. 20, 46, 64, 65, 69, and 80. Treasury. 24, 33, 51, 70, 75, 84, 85, 97, 98, 109, and 129. War. 86. Post-Office. 16 and 17. Missouri private land claims. 21. Length of Congresses. 110. Militia. Vol. 3.— No. 150-269. No. 160. Executive. 198 and 232. State. 162, 188, 201, 220, 225, 226, 235, 243, and 268. Treasury. 189, 208, 215, 228. 229, and 259. War. 210. Navy. 152. Florida Indian war. 180. Senate printing. 197. Red River raft. 203. List of forts. 209. Colonel Dodge's expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1835. 211. Northern boundary of Ohio. 234. Northern bound- ary of Illinois. 236. The Meade case. 262. Expedition to the Pacific. Vol.4.— No. 270-339. No. 293. Executive. 297, 307, 312, 313, and 331. Treasury. 293 and 324. War. 275 and 293. Navy. 287, 289, and 301. Post-Office. 290. Benton's resolution to expunge the vote of censure on Jackson. 314. Leiber's proposition for a work on statistics. 3.33. Featherstonhaugh's geological report. Vol. 5.— No. 340-403. Nos. 388, 393, and 400. Executive. 354. State. 355, 356, 379, 386, 391, and 392. Treasury. 350, 373, and 395. War. 366. Navy. 362. Post-Office. 375. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 0.— No. 404-430. No. 425. Executive. 422, 423, 426, and 428. Treasury. 419. War. 412. Cession of District of Columbia to the United States. 414. Northeastern boundary. 415. Condition of Texas. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-16. No. 2. President Jackson's annual message and reports of Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, and the Postmaster- General. 8. Executive. 3. Finance report. 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, and 16. Treasury. 7. Boundary between Ohio and Michigan. 14. Spanish claims in Florida. Vol 2.— No. 17-58. No. 26. Executive. 40 and 41, State. 17, 18, 24, 27, 39, 42, 45, 52, 53, and 55. Treasury. 30, 38, 44, and 56. War. 43, 46, and 57. Navy. 17. House contingent fund. 25. Bequest of James Smithson. 28. Senate and House contingent funds. 32. Weights and Measures. 54. Ohio and Michigan boundary, with maps. Vol. 3.— No. 59-11.3. Nos. 07, 81, and 107. Executive. 61, 104, 111, and 112. Treasury. 68, 82, 83, 90, 94, 95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 106, and 113. War. 85, 93, and 96. Navy. 84. Post-Office. 63 and 64. Pat- ents issued, and to whom. 66. Cost of building and keeping light-houses, 1791-1834. 74. House contingent expenditures, 1823-1835. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 447 TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 4.— No. 114-197. Nos. 116, 117, 1-':;, 184, and 164. Executive. 163. State. 114, 122, 125, 135, 136, 159, and 168. Treasury. 115, 124, 126, 128, and 190. War. 15(; and 157. Navy. 127. Pen- sioners stricken from and restored to the rolls. 146. Culture, manufacture, and foreign trade of cotton. 162. Explosion of steam boilers. 181. Dodge's expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains. Vol. 5.— No. 198-214. Nos. 204, 208, and 209. Treasury. 198 and 212. War. 203. Post-Office. 207. Southern boundary of Michigan. 211. Preemption frauds. 214. Canal from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, with maps. Vol. 6.— No. 215-269. Nos. 256, 267, and 269. Executive. 242 and 247. State. 215, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 233, 245, 25L 252, and 260. Treasury. 222, 223, 229, 230, 244, and 248. War. 234, 236, and 257. Navy. 235 and 262. Post-Offlce. 219. For- eign paupers. 221. Southern boundary of Michigan. 237. Immigrants arrived. 243. Cost of military and naval defenses. 250. Boundary with Mexico. 258. Commerce and navigation. 261. Alexandria Aqueduct, with maps. Vol. 7.— No. 270-298. Nos. 290 and 293. Executive. 292. State. 281, 284, 295, and 296. Treasury. 275, 276, 282, 287, and 294. War. 271. Seminole hostilities. 276. Creek hostilities. 285. Estimated cost of the Treasury building. 298. Death of James Madison. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-349. Vol. 2.— No. 350-540. Vol. 3.— No. 541-857. Resolutions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Second Session. — December 5, 1886 to March 3, 1837. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-59. No. 1. President Jackson's annual message and reports of Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, and the Postmaster- General. 36. Executive. 4, 6, 7, 18, 21, 29, 31. and 38. Treasury. 2. Finance report. 11, 13, and 22. War. 12 and 56. Navy. 3. General Land Office. 5. Paupers from Great Britain. 8. Treasurer's accounts. 9. Madison's papers. 10. New Treasury building. 19 and 58. Burning of the general post-office. 20. Condition of Texas. 48. Benton's expunging resolution. Vol. 2.— No. 60-213. Nos. 83, 84, 160, 174, and 213. Executive. 66, 67, 71, 114, 148, 168, 184, 205, 206, and 207. Treasury. 68, 79, 100, 103, 124, 147, and 165. War. 194. Navy. 80 and 199. I'ost-Offlee. 74. Value of imports and exports in 1836. 115. Chronological statement of reports of surveys. 169. The Meade case. 178. Immigrants arrived. Vol. 3.— No. 214-226. No. 224. Treasury. 214, 217, 218, 219, 221, and 226. War. 222. Post-Office. 225. Qommerce and navigation. 224. Military court of inquiry, Generals Scott and Gaines. 3605—08 29 448 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-19. No. 2. President's message and documents. 16. State. 4. Finance report. 5, 9, 11, and 12. Treasury. 15. War. 17 and 18. Navy. 6. Commissioner of General Land Otlice. 7. House contingent fund. 13. Coast Survey. 14. 1'reasurer"s accounts. Vol. 2. — No. 20-79. Nos. 35, 46, 52, and 73. Executive. 24 and 70. State. 22, 27, 37, 49, 61, 62, 04, 65, 67, 69, 75, 76, and 77. Treasury. 20, 29, 32, 41, 72, 74, and 79. War. 50, 53, 60, and 66. Navy. 33 and 48. Post-Office. 51. Smitson's bequest. 78. Salaries of foreign ministers. Vol. 3.— No. 80-143. Nos. 83, 97, 123, and 125. Executive. 111. State. 80, 86, 87, 94, 96, 110, 115, 118, 127, 131, and 142. Treasury. 82, 99, 107, 108, 119, 133, 134, 136, and 141. War. 81, 90, 126, 130, and 132. Navy. 85. Incendiaries of Treasury building. 105. Mexico and Texas. 138. Expedition to South Seas and the Pacific. 139. Claims upon Mexico. 140. Volunteers for Indian war. 143. Copies of surveys in Maine. Vol. 4.— No. 144-189. No. 145. Executive. 167. St?ite. 144, 168, 176, 177, and 178. Treasury. 152, 164, 165, 173. 183. and 186. War. 153, 169, 182, and 185. Post-Office. 154. Hostilities with the Creeks. 155. Jurisdiction north of 45°. 174. Patents issued. 188. Commerce and navigation. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-229, except 193 and 194. Vol. 2.— No. 230-327 and resolution No. 1. Vol. 3. — No. 193. Employment of an agent by deposit banks. 194. Investi- gation of the administration of the Executive Departments. TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. First Session. — September 4 to October 16, 1837. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-37. No. 1. President Van Buren's message on finances. 21. Executive. 2. Finance report. 1. Post-Office. 15 and 29. Colt's improvements in firearms. 17. Coinage and specie. 18. Seminole war in Florida. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-54. No. 1. Message and documents. 82. Executive. 2. Fi- nance report. 17, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 43, 48, and 5e. Treas- ury. 19 and 46. War. .54. Post-Office. 18. Payment of mem- bers of Congress in specie. 27. Indians in military service. 31. Northeastern boundary. 40 and 45. Annexation of Texas. 41. Tobacco trade. 42. Boundary of United States and IMex- ico. 44. Grain imports for twelve years. 50. South Seas ex- ploring expedition. Report No. 1. Rules of the House. 2. Mississipi)i election. 3. Loss of horses in the military service. 1-3. Resolutions. CATALOGUE LIBEAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 4:49 TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Second Session. — December 4, 1837 to July 9, 1838. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-92. No. 1. Message and documents. 13 and 2.5. Executive. 16 and 74. State. 2. Firance report. 8, 15, 21, 75, 85, and 86. Treasury. 57, 59, 64, 73, and 92. War. 12, 20, and 38. Navy. 66. Post-Office. 3. Senate contingent fund. 11 and 26. General Land Office. 14. Claims on Mexico. 24. Inhabitants on Colum- bia River. .39. Pacific Ocean ; occupation of territory upon. 65 and 88. Defense of the northwestern frontier. 79. Standard weights and measures. Vol. 2.— No. 93-138. No. 100. Executive. 97, 128, and 138. Treasury. 93, 95, 101, 103, 100, 114, 125, 126, 131, and 1.32. War. 127. Navy. 110 and 116. Post-Office. 105. Patents issued. 109. Receipts and disbursements of specie. 120. Cherokee treaty of 1835. 121. Validity of said treaty. 122. Substitution of German sil- ver for copper in coins. Vol. 3.— No. 139-261. Nos. 142, 148, 158. 159, 178, 187, 188, 196, 197, 218, and 235. Treasury. 139, 140, 141, 155, 156, 157, 175. 198. 200, 224, 225, and 2.34. War. 2-53. Navy. 162. A tariff of duties. 169. Militia. 172. Senate and House documents. 173. Creek hos- tilities. 226 and 227. Losses in and expenses of Seminole war. 257. Mineral lauds of the United States. 2.59. Internal im- provements in Illinois. Vol. 4.— No. 262-387. Nos. 314, 343, 352, 371, -378, 382, and 387. Treasury. 272, 306, 341, and 345. War. 263 and 375. Navy. 314 and 344. Post-Office. 285. Grants of land to Indiana. 300. Encouraging growth of tropical plants ; plates. 307. International ai-bitra- tion. 313. Publication of documentary history of the Revolu- tion. 319. Correspondence on Northeastern boundary. 365. Suspension of specie payments. Vol. 5.— No. 388--170. Nos. 393 and 467. Executive. 411, 420, and 452. Treasury. 395, 405, 412, 426. and 461. War. 458. Post-Office. 404. Pension payments. 422, 423, 424, 431, and 451. Northeast- ern boundary. 44^6. Commerce and navigation. 457. Rates of foreign and domestic exchange for twenty-five years. 470. Occupation of Oregon Territory, with map. Vol. 6.— No. 471-509. Nos. 471, 473, 477, 491, and .504. Treasury. 479, 487, and 492. War. 495. Navy. 478. Immigrants arrived. 499. Sher\N'ood's discoveries in magnetism. .500. Standard weights and measures. 502. Northeastern boundary, maps. 507. Gen- eral Jesup's report of the war in Florida. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-8. No. 3. President Van Buren's annual message, with re- ports of Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, and the Post- master-General. 4. Finance report. 2, 5, and 6. Treasury. 7. House contingent fund. 8. Treasurer's accounts. Vol. 2.— No. 9-70, except 49. No. 64. Executive. 10, 24, and 46. State. 12, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27. 37, 38, and 48. Treasury. 11, 32, 34, 39. 40, 45. and 65. War. 26. 35, 41, and 44. Navy. 9, 16, and 58. Post-Office. 13. Susjiension of specie payments. 14. Coast Survey, and weights and measures, 15. Telegraphs for the 450 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. United States. 2.S. General Land Oflice report. 42. Allowance of interest on Revolutionary claims. i'S. Foreign powers ou Columbia River. 59. Protection of Northwestern frontier. Vol. 3.— No. 71-78. Nos. 73 and 76. Executive. 72 and 75. State. 71. Treasury. 77. War. 74. Neutrality with Canada. Mexico, and Texas. 78. Court of inquiry. Generals Scott and Gaines. Vol. 4. — No. 79. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the condition of the State banks. Vol. 5.— No. 80-125. Nos. 96, 97, and 120. Executive. 93. State. 85 and 123. Treasury. 89, 92, 94, 95, 113, 119, 121, and 12.5. War. 86 and 124. Navy. 10<), 107, 108. 109, 115, and 116. Post-Office. 80. Acres of land sold and prices, 1823-18.38. 111. Public de- faulters. 112. Patents issued. 118. List of pension laws in force. Vol. 6.— No. 126-146, except 142. No. 140. Executive. 133, 134, 135, and 146. War. 128 and 144. Navy. 138,' 139, and 143. Post-Office. 126. Maine boundary. 127. Depredations by Creek and Semi- nole Indians. 136. Lands sold from 1787 to 1837. Vol. 7.— No. 147-200. Nos. 149, 186, 188, 189. 191, and 192. Treasury. 149, 174, and 195. War. 187 and 200. Navy. 147. Southern Pacific exploring expedition. 190. United States and Mexican bound- ary. 199. Frontier defenses. Vol. 8.— No. 201-296. No. 257. Executive. 220. State. 207, 217, 254, 273, 279, and 295. Treasury. 219, 225, 226, 250, 251, 252, 253, 272, 274, 277, and 278. War. 216, 218, 247, and 266. Navy. 275. Post-Office. 228. Isthmus of Darien sliip canal. 255. Southern Pacific exploring expedition. 256. The Smithsonian bequest. 258. High tariff on tobacco. 271. Comparative expenses of vol- unteer and regular soldiers. Vol. 9.— No. 297-329. Nos. 300 and 303. Treasury. 298, 299, 311, 315, and 327. War. 329. Post-Office. 297. Defaulting collectors. 302. The steamer Caroline. 307. Lead mines of the United States. Vol. 10.— No. 330-422, except 351. Nos. 347, 360, 361, 366, and 421. Execu- tive. 346, 368, and 418. State. 338, 341, 350, 356, and 364. Treasury. 343, 362, 365, 367, 371, 376, 381, 399. 401, and 410. War. 345 and 369. Navy. 337, 348, 349, and 353. Post-Office. 330. Value of exports from 1791 to 1837. 354 and 380. North- western boundary. 359. Territory of the United States west of the Rocky Mountains. 370. Foreign paupers. 372. Conunerce and navigation. 417. INIoney received under the treaty with France. Vol. 11, part 1.— No. 423-467, except 459. Nos. 440 and 447. Executive. 4.58 and 467. State. 449, 4.54, 455, 4.58. and 466. Treasury. 428, 434, 444, 445, 452, 453, 456, and 4.58. War. 423, 424, and 458. Navy. 443 and 461. Post-Office. 427. Immigrants ar- rived. 448. Expenditures from 1824 to 1838. 451. Report of the Northern lionndary Commissioners. 463. Territory south of 31° of nortli latitude. Vol. 11, part 2. — No. 459. Potomac Aqueduct, with maps. Vol. 12. — No. 351. Existing relations between the United States and Mexico. CATALOGUE LTBRAHY UNITED STATES SENATE 451 TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-330. Vol. 2.— No. 331-550. Vol. 3.— No. 551-819. Vol. 4. — No. 820-10G8. Resolutions 1-17. Resolution authorizing subscription to Niles Register erroneously numbered 12, instead of 13. Third Session. — December 3, 1838 to Maroh 3, 1839. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-17. No. 1. President Van Buren's annual message, with re- ports of Secretaries of State. War, and Navy, and the Post- master-General. 2. Finance report. 8. Navy. 4. Coast Sur- vey. 7. Senate contingent fund. 17. General Land Office report. Vol. 2.— No. 18-14G. Nos. 28, 65, 66, 78, 88, 97, 98, and 99. Executive. 50 and 87. State. 27, 31, 32, 51, 52, 56, 57, 68. 69, 96, 113, 114, and 142. Treasury. 35, 36, 58, 79, 94, 95, 106, and 107. War. 128. Navy. Vol. 3.— No. 14-2,53. No. 200. Executive. 210. State. 159, 193, 201, 212, and 219. Treasury. 155, 160, 198, 199, and 203. War. 194. Post- Office. 147. Beet sugar. 182. Militia. 205. Culture of silk. 252. Immigrants arrived. 253. Sherwood's dipping needle. Vol. 4.— No. 254-276. Nos. 205 and 274. Treasury. 273. War. 254. Post- Office. 257. Internal improvements in Illinois. 269. Manufac- ture, quality, and uses of salt. 270 and 271. Dispute between Maine and New Brunswick. Vol. 5.— No. 277-307. No. 282. Executive. 278, 279, 283. 301, and 304. Treasury. 277, 289, 291, and 302. War. 288, 290. and 292. Post-Office. 287. Northeastern boundary and maps. 306. Com- merce and navigation. 307. Revolutionary pensions paid annu- ally from 1789 to 1838. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-9. No. 2. President Van Buren's annual message and reports of Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, and the Postmaster- General. 4. Finance report. 5. Treasury. 6. House contin- gent fund. 7. Public buildings. 8. Treasurer's accounts. Vol. 2.— No. 10-29. No. 28. Executive. 17 and 18. State. 13, 15, 19, and 24. Treasury. 14, 25, and 27. War. 12, 22, and 23. Navy. 16. Post-Office. 30. Smithsonian bequest. 29. Report of the Gen- eral Land Office. Vol. 3.— No. .30-120. Nos. 43, 93, 97, and 98. Executive. 57, 71, 92, and 105. State. .30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 45, 59, 60, 61, 66, 68. 69, 72, 75, 83. 84, 96, 114, and 120. Treasury. 34, 36, 38, 49, 50, 51, 53, 67, 78, 91, 94, 95, 100. 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 109, 110, 113, and 115. War. .37, 76, 85, 98, 106, 108, 111, and 118. Navy. 40, .52, and 116. I'ost-Office. 46. Quantity of lands ceded to the United States. 56. Northern boundary of Missouri. 80. Patent Office report. Vol. 4.— No. 121-210, except 205. Nos. 134, 165, and 209. Executive. 159 and 181. State. 121. 130, 131, 136, 160, 1^3, 164, 169. 174, 177, 452 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. 178, ISO, 182, 188, 180, 192, 196, and 202. Treasury. 123, 127. 137. 138, 146, 147, 148, 149, 160, 167. 168, 179, and 184. War. 135, 170, 191, 194, and 200. Navy. 129 and 150. Post-Offipo. 128. Boundary between Missouri and Iowa; maps. 154. I'en- ure of office of judges. 183. Destruction of the Caroline. 210. Immigrants arrived. Vol. 5.— No. 211-227. No. 211. Executive. 223, 224, and 225. War. 212. Post-Office. 222. Maine and New Brunswicli. 227. (Condition of State banli;s. Vol. 6.— No. 228-2.5.3. No. 2.38. Executive. 2.30 and 252. State. 232,240,241, and 240. Treasury. 228, 229, 231, 236, 237, 239, 242, and 244. War. 247. Post-Office. 253. Treasurer's accounts. 25.3. Com- merce and navigation. Reports of House committees : Vol. No. 1-273. No. 101. Cusbing's report on the rights of the United States to territory beyond the Rocliy Mountains. Vol. 2.— No. 274-.325. Resolutions, 1-18. TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. First Session. — December 2, 1839 to July 21, 1840. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-11. No. 1. President Van Buren's annual message. Vol. 2.— No. 12-58. Vol. 3. — No. 59-128. No. 80. Commerce — United States and foreign nations. Vol. 4.— No. 124-196. Vol. 5,— No. 197-278. Vol. 6.— No. 279-446. Vol. 7.— No. 447-559. Vol. 8.— No. 560-621. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-11. No. 2. President's message. Vol. 2.— No. 12-58. Vol. 3.— No. 59-149. Vol. 4.— No. 1.50-205, except 172. Vol. 5— No 172. Condition of State banks. Vol. 6.— No. 206-2.39. No. 239. Mineral lands of United States [reprint with plates and maps. Twenty-eighth Congress, second session, House. Executive docs. vol. 4, pt. 2]. Vol. 7.— No. 240-205. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-299. Vol. 2.— No. 300-506. Vol. 3.— No. 507-587. Vol. 4.— No. 588-716. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE • 453 TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Second Session.— December 7, 1840 to March 3, 1841. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-5. No. 1. President Van Buren's annual message. Vol. 2.— No. 6-60. Vol. 3.— No. 61-150. Vol. 4.— No. 151-235. Vol. 5, part 1.— Nos. 236 and 238. No. 236. List of private claims, Senate, Fourteenth to Twenty-sixth Congress, inclusive. Vol. 5. part 2. — No. 237. Nicollet's report and map of the hydrographical basin of the upper Mississippi River. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-20. No. 2. President's message. Vol. 2.— No. 21-84. Vol. 3.— No. 85-110. • Vol. 4.— No. 111. Condition of State banks. Vol. 5.— No. 112-124, except 123. Vol. 6.— No. 123. Opinions of Attorneys-General, 1789-1841. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-249. Resolutions, 1-4. TWENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. , First Session. — May 31 to September 13, 1841. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-124. No. 1. President Tyler's annual message. House Journal. House documents and reports : Vol. 1. — No. 1-63. Documents. No. 1. President's message. 1-11. Reports. Resolutions, 1. Second Session. — December 6, 1841 to August 31, 1842. . Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-8. No. 1. President Tyler's annual message. Vol. 2.--NO. 9-109. Vol. 3.— No. 110-240. Vol. 4.— No. 241-335. Vol. 5.— No. 336-444. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-25. No. 2. President's message. Vol. 2.— No. 26-120. Vol. 3. — No. 121-164. No. 163. Commerce — United States and foreign na- tions. Tariffs of other nations and United States. Vol. 4.— No. 165-240, except 212. Vol. 5. — No. 241-293. No. 244. Duties on imports ; tariff laws and votes in Congress, 1789-1833. Vol. 6. — No. 212. Reports relative to the New York custom-house. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-322. Vol. 2.— No. 323-552. Vol. 3.— No. 553-740. Vol. 4.— No. 741-945. Vol. 5.— No. 946-1106. Resolutions, 1-2. 454 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Third Session.— December 5, 1842 to March 3, 1843. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President Tyler's annual message and Department reports. Vol. 2.— No. 2-67. Vol. 3.— No. G8-195. Vol. 4.— No. 196-247. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-11. No. 2. President's message. Vol. 2.— No. 12-29. Vol. 3.— No. 30-109. Vol. 4.— No. 110-148. Vol. 5.— No. 149-197, except 180. Vol. 6.— Nos. 180 and 198-205. Vol. 7.— No. 206-215. Vol. 8.— No. 216-220. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-146. Vol. 2.— No. 147-270. Vol. 3.— No. 271-283. Vol. 4.— No. 284-296. TWENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. First Session. — DECEMBER 4, 1843 TO June 17, 1844. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President Tyler's annual message and Department reports. Vol. 2.— No. 2-99. Vol. 3.— No. 100-168. Vol. 4. — No. 169-288. No. 243. Improving the navigation of the Ohio River at the falls at Louisville, Ky. (Drawings illustrative of No. 243 at end of vol. 7.) Vol. 5.— No. 289-349. Vol. 6.— No. 350-.39S. Vol. 7.— No. 399-408. (Drawings illustrative of No. 243 at end of this vol- ume.) Ohio River Falls. House documents : Vol.1. — No. 1-14. No. 2. President's message. Vol. 2. — No. 15. Elliot's funding system of the United States and Great Britain. Vol. 3.— No. 10-70. Vol. 4.— No. 71-177. Vol. 5.— No. 178-249. Vol. 6.— No. 250-280. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-352. Vol. 2.— No. 353-515. Vol. 3.— No. 516-582. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 455 TWENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Second Session.— DECEMBER 2, 1844 to March 3, 1845. .Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-11. No. 1. President Tyler's annual message. Vol. 2.— No. 12-67. Vol. .'?.— No. 68-9G. A'ol. 4. — No. 97, parti. Magnetic and meteorological observations at Girard College. Vol. 5.— No. 97, part 2. The same. Vol. 6.— No. 97. part :i The same. Vol. G«. — Plates to accompany No. 97. Vol. 7.— [Quarto.]— No. 98-135. Vol. 8.— No. 136-149. Vol. 9.— No. 150-173, except 172. Vol. 10, part 1. — No. 172, part 1. Astronomical observations at Washington Naval Observatory. Vol. 10, part 2.— No. 172, part 2. The same. Vol. 11. — No. 174-177. Fremont's expeditions, 1842 and 1843-44. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-23. No. 2. President's message. Vol. 2. — No. 24-72. No. 52. Nicollet's map of hydrographical basin of the upper Mississippi River, reprint of Senate Document 233, Twenty-sixth Congress, second session. No. 72. Asa Whitney's memorial for a railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean. Vol. 3.— No. 73-139. Vol. 4, part 1.— No. 140-165. Vol. 4, part 2. — No. 166. Fremont's expedition to the Rocky Mountains. 167. Appropriations ; offices created in 1845. 239. Reprint, with plates and maps, of document 239 of Twenty-sixth Con- gress, first session ; David Dale Owen's survey of mineral lands in Iowa, Wisconsin, and northern Illinois. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-200 and No. 438, first session. TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 1, 1845 to August 10, 1846. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President Polk's annual message and Department reports. Vol. 2. — No. 2. Financial report. Vol. 3.— No. .3-43. Vol. 4.— No. 44-195. Vol. 5.— No. 196-306. Vol. 6. — No. 307. Report of the Commissioner of Patents, and agricultural report. Vol. 7.— No. 308-376. Vol. 8.— No. 377^38. Vol. 9.— No. 439-490. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-5. No. 2. President's message. 456 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session— Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 2.— No. 6-12. Vol. 3.— No. 1.3-56. Vol. 4.— No. 57-139. Vol. 5.— No. 140-161. Vol. 6.— No. 162-208. Vol. 7.— No. 209-228, except 226. Vol. 8. — No. 226. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on State banks, 1841-1846. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-210. Vol. 2.— No. 211-497. Vol. 3.— No. 498-686. Vol. 4.— No. 687-846. Second Session. — December 7, 1846 to March 3, 1847. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-3. President Polk's annual message and reports. Vol. 2.— No. 4-100. Vol. 3.— No. 101-224. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1^. No. 4. President's message. Vol. 2.— No. 5-11. / Vol. 3.— No. 12-59. Vol. 4.— No. 60-124. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-90. THIRTIETH CONGRESS. First Session. — December 6, 1847 to August 14, 1848. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President Polk's annual message and reports. Vol. 2.— No. 2-5. Vol. 3.— No. 6-11. Vol. 4.— No. 12-31. No. 23. Report and map of examination of New Mexico. (Abert.) Vol. 5. — No. 32-40. No. 33. Court-martial of Lieutenant-Colonel Fremont. Vol. 6. — No. 41-50. No. 50. Analyses of sugar ; researches of hydrometers. Vol. 7. — No. 51-64. No. 52. Guadalupe-Hidalgo treaty and correspondence. No. 57. D. D. Owens's explorations. Vol. 8. — No. 6.5-73. No. 65. Case of General Pillow ; courts of inquiry. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-155. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-243. House executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-7. Vol. 2. — No. 8. President's message and reports. Vol. 3.— No. 9-40. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 457 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 4. — No. 41. Notes of a military reeonnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, Kans., to San Diego, Cal., by Lieutenant Emory. Vol. 5.— No. 42-59, except 54. Vol. 6. — No. 54. Report of Commissioner of Patents, including agricultural report. Vol. 7. — No. 00. Mexican war correspondence. Vol. 8.— No. 01-77. Vol. 9.— No. 78-86. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-101. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-199. Vol. 2.— No. 200-479. Vol. 3.— No. 480-739. v Vol. 4.— No. 740-841. Second Session. — December 4, 1848 to March 3, 1849. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-21, except 2. Coast Survey report ; steam boiler explosions. Vol. 2. — No. 2. Land Office report. Vol. 3.— No. 22-31. No. 23. Punishment in the Navy. Vol. 4.— No. 32-38. No. 32. Warehousing system. No. 34. Dead Sea ex- amination. Senate miscellaneous dociunents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-66. Vol. 2. — No. 67. Private claims before the Senate from the Fourteenth Con- gress to the Thirtieth Congress. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 244-331. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President Polk's annual message and reports. Vol. 2.— No. 2-10. Vol. 3.— No. 12. Land OfBce report. Vol. 4.— Nos. 11 and 13-41. Vol. 5.— No. 42-51. Vol. 6. — No. 59. Report of Commissioner of Patents, and agricultural report. Vol. 7.— No. 52-58 and 60-69. House miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-62. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-144. Vol. 2. — No. 145. Railroad or canal between Atlantic and Pacific oceans. THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 5 TO 23, 1849. Senate documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-4. 458 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. First Session. — December 3, 1849 to September 30, 1850. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Taylor's annual message and reports. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of the Interior : Lands, Indians, pensions. Vol. 3. — No. 1. part 3. Geological and mineralogical survey of mineral lands in Michigan. Vol. 4. — No. 2. Finance report, 1849. Vol. .5. — No. .3-.5. Commerce and navigation ; Indian accounts ; coast survey. Vol. G.— No. G-28, except 1.5 and 18. Map of Mexico Valley, etc. Vol. 7. — No. 15, part 1. Report of Commissioner of Patents on arts and man- ufactures. Vol. 8. — No. 15, part 2. Same, on agriculture. Vol. 9. — No. 18. California and New Mexico ; Government correspondence. Vol. 10.— No 29-48, except 39. United States army on the Rio Grande, 1846-1848. Vol. 11. — No. 39, part 1. Espy on meteorology. Vol. 12.— No. 39, part 2. The same ; charts. Vol. 13. — No. 49-63. Florida ; Indian hostilities ; Cuban revolution. Vol. 14. — No. 64-82. United States Army reconnaissances in Texas, 1849- 1850. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol.1. — No. 1-127, except 120. Memorials; Holland's crown .iewels. Vol.2. — No. 120. Fourth Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, with appendix containing report of public libraries in the United States. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-216. House executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-3. A'ol. 2. — No. 4. Finance report. Vol. 3, part 1. — No. 5, part 1. President's message and reports of Secretaries of State and AVar and the Postmaster-General. Vol. 3, part 2. — No. 5, part 2. Report of. Secretary of Interior. Vol. 3, pai't 3. — No. 5, part 3. Geological and mineralogical survey of mineral lands in Michigan. Vol. 4.— No. 6-14. Vol.5. — No. 17. California and New Mexico. Vol. 6, part 1.— No. 20, part 1. Report of Commissioner of Patents on arts and manufactures. "Vol. 6, part 2. — No. 20, part 2. The same, on agriculture. Vol. 7.— No. 15-39, except 17 and 20. Vol. 8.— No. 40-67. Vol. 9.— No. 68-73. Vol. 10.— No. 74-87. Vol. 11.— No. 88-90. .House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-49. Vol. 2.— No. 50-57. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UKITKD STATES SEXATE 459 THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-199. Vol. 2.— No. 200-399. Vol. 3.— No. 400-498. Second Session.— December 2, 1850 to March 3, 185i Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President Fillmore's annual message and Department re- ports. Vol. 2. — No. 2-7. Department reports ; African slave trade. Vol. 3. — No. 8-37, except 23. No. 9. Hungarian struggle for independence. Vol. 4. — No. 23. Commercial relations of the United States witti the British North American colonies, 1829-1850. [Corw in- Andrews.*]. Vol. r*. — No. 38— J5. Filibuster expedition against Cuba. No. 45. Trial of Capt. Thomas Ap Catesby Jones. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-33. Memorials from States. No. 33. Printing of Congress. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 217-320. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President's message and reports. Vol. 2.— No. 2-5. Vol. 3.— No. 6-11. Vol. 4.— No. 12-22. Vol. 5.— No. 23-54, except 32. Vol. G, part 1. — No. 32, part 1. Report of Commissioner of Patents on arts and manufactures. Vol. 0, part 2. — No. 32, part 2. The same, on agriculture. Vol. 7, part 1. — No. 55, part 1. Opinions of Attorneys-General, August 21, 1791, to August .30, 18.38. Vol. 7, part 2. — No. 55, part 2. The same, from September 1, 1838, to July 19, 1850. Vol. 8. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-21. Reports of House coumiittees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-109. THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 4 TO 13, 1851. Senate documents : ^'ol. 1. — Miscellaneous documents, Nos. 1 and 2. Rei)ort of committee, 1. Executive documents, 1 and 2. Vol. 2. — Executive document No. 3. Explorations of Salt Lake Valley, Stansbury. Vol. 3. — Executive docuiiient No. 4. Geology of Lake Superior land district, Foster and Whitney. 460 CATALOGUE LIBKAEY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session. —Decejuber 1, 1851 to August 31, 1853. Seuflte executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. part 1. President Fillmore's message and reports of Secre- taries of State and War. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Reports of Post-Office Doi)artnient and Secretaries of Navy and Interior, part 1. Vol. ;>. — No. 1, part .3. Reports of Land, Pension, Indian, and Census offices, ])art 2. Vol. 4. — No. 2-27, except 3. President's message ; Navy pension list ; finance report and Mississippi River floods. Vol. 5. — No. 3, part 1. Coast Survey report. Vol. ,5, part 2.— No. 3, part 2. Maps. Vol. G.— No. 28. Report of Light-House Board. Vol.7. — No. 29-38. President's message; I'ejected pension claims; United States mission to Asia. Vol.8.— No. 39-55. Vol. 9.— No. 56-94. Vol. 10.— No. 95-117, except 112. Vol. 11. — No. 112. Commercial relations of tbe United States with British North American colonies. Vol. 12. — No. 118, part 1. Report of Commissioner of Patents on arts and manufactures. Vol. 13. — No. 118, part 2. The same, on agriculture. Vol. 14. — No. 119. Report of Secretary of Interior on boundary between United States and Mexico. Vol. 15.— No. 120-131. Vol. 16. — Commerce and navigation. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-111. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-209. Vol. 2.— No. 210-357. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. Estimates of appropriations. 3. Treasurer's accounts. Vol. 2. — No. 2, part 1. President's message and reports of Secretaries of State and War. Vol. 2. — No. 2, part 2. Reports of Secretaries of Navy and Interior, part 1. Vol. 2. — No. 2, part 3. Reports of Land, Census, Pension, and Indian offices. Vol. 3.— No. 4-22. Vol. 4, part 1. — No. 26, part 1. Coast Survey report, part. Vol. 4, part 2. — No. 26, part 2. The same ; maps. Vol. 5.— No. 23-.52, except 26. Vol. 6.— No. 53-87, except 55 and 56. Vol. 7.— No. 55. Report of Light-House Board. Vol. 8. — No. 56. Mail contracts. Vol. 9. No. 88-101. Vol. 10, part 1. — No. 102. Report of Commissioner of Patents on arts and manufactures. Vol. 10, part 2.— No. 102, part 2. The same, on agriculture. Vol. 11. — No. 103. Indian accounts. Vol. 12.— No. 104-122. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 461 THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 1.3.— No. 123-135. Vol. 14. — Commerce and navigation. Vol. 15. — No. 1.3G. Trade and commerce of British North American colonies with the United States; Sea Fisheries, etc. Also, Trade and commerce of the Great Lakes and rivers ; review of canals and railroads of the TTnited States. Statistics 1851-1852. Maps omitted : Three maps bound separately in Senator's room in Senate Library. [On title-page this document is erroneously printed 32d Congress, 2d session. It should be 32d Congress, 1st session.] House miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-71. lleports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-176. Second Session.— December 6, 1852 to March 3, 1853. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. pai't 1. President Fillmore's annual message and report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Reports of Secretaries of War and Navy. Vol. 3.— No. 2-40, except 4, 22, and 36. Vol. 4. — No. 4. Report of Commissioner of General Land Office on private land claims within limits of the Baron de Bastrop grant. Vol. 5. — No. 22. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Vol. 6, part 1. — No. 36. Report of U. S. Naval Explorations of the valley of the Amazon, Lieutenants Herndon and Gibbon. Part first. Vol. 6, part 2. — No. .36. The same. Part second. Vol. 7. — No. 41-57, except 54 and 55. A"ol. 8. — No. 54. Explorations of the Red River of Louisiana, Marcy and McClellan. Vol. 9. — No. 55, parts 1 and 2. Report of Commissioner of Patents, including agricultural report. A'ol. 10. — No. 59. Explorations of Zuni and Colorado rivers, Sitgreaves. Vol. 11. — [Quarto.] — No. 58. Coast Survey report. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-53. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 358-432. House executive documents: Vol. 1, part 1. — No. 1. part 1. President's message and report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 1, part 2. — No. 1, part 2. Reports of Secretaries of War and Navy, and the Postmaster-General. \o\. 2.— No. 2-6. Vol. 3.— No. 7-23. Vol. 4.— No. 24-42. Vol, 5, — No. 43. Exiilorations of the valley of the Amazon, part 1, Herndon and Gibbon. 462 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 6.— No. 44-63, except 62. Vol. 7.— No. 62. Mail contracts. Vol. 8.— [Quarto.] — No. 64. Coast Survey report. Vol. 9, part 1. — No. 65, part 1. Report of Commissioner of Patents on arts and manufactures. Vol. 9, part 2. — No. 6.5, part 2. The same, on agriculture. Vol. 10.— No. 66-69. Vol. n. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 2-24. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-7. THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 4 to April 11, 1853. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — Executive documents. No. 1-8. Miscellaneous documents, 1-3. Reports of committees, 1-2. First Session. — December 5, 1853 to August 7, 1854. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Pierce's annual message and reports of Secretaries of State and Interior. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of War, part 1. Vol. 3, part 1. — No. 1, part 3. Reports of Secretaries of War (part 2) and Navy and of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 3, part 2. — No. 1, part 4. Maps and other illustrations accompanying President's message. Vol. 4. — No. 2-24, except 14. No. 8. Troubles at Greytown, Nicaragua. Vol. 5. — No. 25-29, except 27. No. 29. Railroad to Pacific Ocean, with maps. Vol. 6.— No. 27, part 1. Patent Office report. Vol. 7. — No. 27, part 2. Agricultural report. Vol. 8.— No. 30-60, except 59. Vol. 9. — No. 59. Report on the cruise of the Dolphin. 61. Report on charges against Governor Alexander H. Ramsey. Vol. 10. — No. 62-68, except 67. No. 68. Systems of penal codes in Europe. Vol. 11. — No. 67. Correspondence regarding Rev. Dr. King and the Greek Government. 69. Indian disbursements. Vol. 12, part 1. — No. 70-89. No. 77. Draft of a proposed general revenue law, witli map. Vol. 12, part 2. — (No number.) Commerce and navigation, 1853. Vol. 13.— [Quarto.]— No. 14. Coast Sm-vey report. Senate miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-74 [except 54, not printed]. No. 73. Smithsonian repoi't. Report of Senate committees: Vol. 1.— No. 1-181. Vol. 2, part 1.— No. 183-394, except 276 and 278, not printed. Vol. 2, part 2.— No. 182. Report on claims against Mexico. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 468 THrRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents : Vol. 1, part 1. — No. 1, part 1. President's message and reports of Secretaries of State and Interior. Vol. 1, part 2.— No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of War, pai fc 1. Vol. 1, part 3. — No. 1, part 3. Report of Secretary of War, part 2, and of Postmaster-General. Vol. 1, part 4. — Map accompanying President's message. Vol. 2. — No. 2. Estimates of appropriations. 3. Finance report. Vol. 3.— No. 4-11. Vol. 4. — [Quarto.] — No. 12. Coast Survey report. Vol. 5.— No. 13-3G. Vol. G. — No. 37. Indian disbursements. 38. List of clerks iu Treasury. Vol. 7, part 1. — No. 39, part 1. Patent Office report. Vol. 7, part 2. — No. 39, part 2. Agricultural report. Vol. 8.— No. 40-65, except 53. Vol. 9. — No. 53. Exploration of the Amazon Valley, Herndon and Gibbons. Vol. 10.— No. 66-85. Vol. 11.— No. 86-96. Vol. 12.— No. 97-106. Vol. 13.— No. 107-111. Vol. 14.— No. 112-120. Vol. 15, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 121, part 1. Report of United States naval expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, vol. 1. Vol. 15, part 2.— [Quarto.]— The same, vol. 2. Vol. 15. part 3.— [Quarto.]— Tlie same, vol. 3. Vol. 15, part 4. — [Quarto.] — The same, vol. 4." Vol. 15, part 5. — [Quarto.] — The same, vol. 5.o Vol. 15, part 6. — [Quarto.] — The same, vol. 6. Vol. 16.— No. 122-128, except 125. Vol. 17.— No. 125. Mail contracts. Vol. 18, part 1. — No. 129, part 1. Reports of surveys and explorations for a Pacific railroad, vol. 1. Vol. 18, part 2. — The same, vol. 2. Vol. 18, part 3.— The same, vol. 3.& Vol. 18, part 4. — The same, vol. 4. Maps. Vol. 19. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents. Vol. 1.— No. 1-98. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-121. Vol. 2.— No. 122-266. Vol. 3.— No. 267-372. Second Session. —December 4, 1854 to March 3, 1855. Senate executive documents : \'ol. 1. — No. l,part 1. President Pierce's annual message and report of Sec- retary of Interior. a Note. — Vol. 15, parts 4 and 5, not published. 6 Note. — Vol. 18, part 3, not published. 3605—08 30 464 CATALOGUE LIBKAKY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Second Session— Continued. Senate executive documents — Continued. Vol. 2.— No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of War. Vol. 3.— No. 1, part 3. Maps. Vol. 4. — No. 2. Finance report. Vol. 5. — No. 3. Treasurer's reports and Commerce and Navigation. Vol. 6. — No. 4-34. except 10. No. 9. Correspondence relative to Kev. Mr. Jonas King. Nos. IG and 25. General Wool's operations on the Pacific coast. No. 34. Perry's treaty with Japan. Vol.7. — No. 35-63, except 42. No. 55. Mexican boundary, Guadalupe Hi- dalgo treaty, with two maps. Vol. 8. — No. 42, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 9. — No. 42, part 2. The same, illustrations. Vol. 10. — No. 42, part 3. Agricultural report. Vol. 11.— No. 64-77. Nos. 67 and 73. Postal treaty with the British Govern- ment. Vol.12. — [Quarto.] — No. 10. Coast Survey report. Vol. 13, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 78, part 1. Reports of surveys and explora- tions for Pacific railroad, vol. 1. Vol. 13, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 78, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 13. part 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 78, part 3. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 13, part 4. — [Quarto.] — No. 78, part 4. The same, vol. 4. Vol. 13, part 5. — [Quarto.] — No. 78, part 5. The same, vol. 5. Vol. 13, part 6.— [Quarto.]— No. 78, part G. The same, vol. 6. Vol. 13, part 7.- — [Quai'to.] — No. 78, part 7. The same, vol. 7. Vol. 13, part 8.— [Quarto.]— No. 78, part 8. The same, vol. 8. Vol. 13, part 9.— [Quarto.]— No. 78, part 9. The same, vol. 9. Vol. 13, part 10.— [Quarto.]— No. 78, part 10. The same, vol. 10. Vol. 1.3, part 11.— [Quarto.]— No. 78, part 11. The same, vol. 11. Vol. 14, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 79, part 1. Report of expedition to China and Japan. Perry. Vol. 14, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 79, part 2. The same. Vol. 14, part 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 79, part 3. The same. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-24, except 20, which was not bound nor indexed. No. 18. Convention of soldiers of the war 1812. No. 24. Smithsonian report. Vol. 2. — No. 25. Boundary between Georgia and Florida. 26. Appropria- tions and new offices. Vol. 3.— No. 27. Private claims before the Senate, 181.5-1855. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 395-551. House executive documents: Vol. 1, part 1. — No. 1, part 1. President's message and report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 1, part 2. — No. 1, part 2. Reports of Secretaries of War and Navy and of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 1, part 3.— No. 1, part 3. Maps. Vol. 2. — No. 2. Veto of public works appropriation bill. 3. Financial report. Vol. 3.— No. 4-9. Vol. 4.— No. 10-16. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 465 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 5.— No. 17-58, except 20. A'ol. 6. — [Quarto.] — No. 20. Coast Survey report. Vol. 7. part 1. — No. 59, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 7, part 2. — No. 59, part 2. The same, illustrations, vol. 2. Vol. 7, part 3. — No. 59, part 3. Agricultural report. Vol. S.— No. 60-85. Vol. 9.— No. 86. Mail contracts. Vol. 10.— No. 87-96, except 91. Vol. 11, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 91, part 1. Reports of surveys and explora- tions for Pacific railroad, vol. 1. Vol. 11, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 91, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 11, part 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 91, part 3. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 11, part 4.— [Quarto.]— No. 91, part 4. The same, vol. 4. Vol. 11, part 5. — [Quarto.] — No. 91, part 5. The same, vol. 5. Vol. 11, part 0.— [Quarto.]— No. 91, part 6. The same, vol. 0. Vol. 11, part 7. — [Quarto.] — No. 91, part 7. The same, vol. 7. Vol. 11, part 8.— [Quarto.]— No. 91, part 8. The same. vol. 8. Vol. 11, part 9.— [Quarto.]— No. 91, part 9. The same, vol. 9. Vol. 11, part 10.— [Quarto.]— No. 91, part 10. The same, vol. 10. Vol. 11, part 11.— [Quarto.]— No. 91, part 11. The same, vol. 11. Vol. 12, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 97, part 1. Report of expedition to China and Japan, Perry, vol. 1. Vol. 12, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 97, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 12, part 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 97. part 3. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 13.— No. 98. Mortality statistics of the Seventh Census. Vol. 14. — Commerce and Navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-38. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-151. THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. First and Second Sessions. — December 3, 1855 to August 18, 1856, and August 21 to 30, 1856. Senate executive documents ; first and second sessions bound together : Vol. 1. — No 1, part 1. President Pierce's annual message and report of Sec- retary of the Interior. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 3. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster-General. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 4. Maps. Vol. 5. — No. 2. Finance report. Vol. 6.— No. 3-19. Vol. 7.— No. 20, part 1. Patent Office report. Part 1. Vol. 8.— No. 20, part 2. The same. Part 2. Vol. 9. — No. 20, part 3. Agricultural report. Vol. 10. — No. 21-43, except 22 and 23. Abduction of seamen ; British re- cruiting in United States. Vol. 11. — No. 23. Papers relating to Kansas; laws of Territory. 466 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. First and Second Sessions^Continued. Senate executive documents — Continued. Vol. 12. — No. 44-65. Boundary United States and Mexico; Brazos and Big Wicliita exploration (Marcy). Vol. 1.3.— No. 66-70. Vol. 14.— No. 77-98, except 89 and 96. Vol. 14, part 2.— ^Map of Florida, accompanying No. 89. Vol. 15. — No. 99-103. Slave and coolie trade; vigilance committee in Cali- fornia ; American and British claims adjusted. Vol. 16. — No. 104-109, except 107. Commerce and navigation, and Nos. 1 and 2 of second session. Vol. 17. — [Quarto.] — No. 22. Coast Survey report. Vol. 18. — [Quarto.]— No. 96. Report on sickness and mortality in the United States Army from January, 1839, to January, 1855. Vol. 19, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 107, part 1. Commercial relations between the United States and foreign countries, vol. 1. Vol. 19, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 107, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 19, part 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 107, part 3. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 19, part 4.— [Quarto.]— No. 107, part 4. The same. vol. 4. Vol. 20, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 108, part 1. Report on the Mexican bound- ary survey, Emory, vol. 1. Vol. 20, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 108, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 20, part 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 108, part 2. The same, vol. 3. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-82, first session, and Nos. 1 and 2, second session. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1-197, first session ; no reports during second session. Vol. 2. — No. 198-290, first session ; no reports during second session. House executive documents : Vol. 1, part 1. — No. 1, part 1. President's message and report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 1, part 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of War. Vol. 1, part 3. — No. 1, part 3. Reports of Secretary of the Navy and Post- master-Genei'al. Vol. 1, part 4. — No. 1, part 4. Maps of public surveys. Vol. 2.— No. 2-9, except 6. Vol. 3. — [Quarto.] — No. 6. Coast Survey report. Vol. 4. — No. 10. Finance report. Vol. 5. — No. 11. Indian disbursements. 13. Public lands. Vol. 6, part 1.— No. 12, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 6, part 2. — No. 12, part 2. The same, illustrations, vol. 2. Vol. 6, part 3. — No. 12, part 3. Agricultural report, vol. 3. Vol. 7.— No. 14-39. Vol. 8. — No. 40. Receipts and expenditures of the Treasury. Vol. 9.— No. 41-92, except 47. Vol. 10, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 47, part 1. Commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries, vol. 1. Vol. 10, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 47, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 10, part 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 47, part 3. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 10, part 4.— [Quarto.]— No. 47, part 4. The same, vol. 4. Vol. 11.— No. 93-103. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 467 THIRTY-FOUBTH CONGRESS. First and Second Sessions — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 12.— No. 104-137, except 122 and 135. Vol. 13.— No. 122. Mail contracts. Vol. 14, part 1. — [ Quarto. 1 — No. 1.35, part 1. Report on United States and Mexican lioundary, Emory, vol. 1. Vol. 14, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 135, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 14, part 3. — [Quarto.] — No. 135, part 3. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 15.— No. 138-146. Vol. 10. — Commerce and navigation and estimates of appropriations. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-79. Vol. 2. — No. 80-142 and Nos. 1 and 2, second session. Court of Claims reports : Vol. 1.— No. 1-26. Vol. 2.— No. 27-41. Reports of House committees : , Vol. 1.— No. 1-199. Vol. 2. — No. 200. Kansas affairs; investigation by Howard committee. Vol. 3. — No. 201-359, and No. 1 of second session. Third Session. — December 1, 1856 to March 8, 1857. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1^. No. 3. Finance report. Vol. 2. — No. 5, part 1. President Tierce's annual message and report of Sec- retary of Interior. Vol. 3. — No. 5, part 2. Reports of Secretaries of War and Navy and the Post- master-General. Vol. 4.— No. 5, part 3. Maps. Vol. o. — No. 6-22, excei)t 12. Kansas political affairs; rivers and harbors. Vol. 6. — No. 23-27. Aves islands ; weights and measures. Vol. 7.— No. 28-36, except 35. Vol. 8. — No. 37-70, except 53 (64 is not printed) and 65. Martial law in Washington Territory. Vol. 9.— No. 53, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 10.— No. 53, part 2. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 11. — No. 53, part 3. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 3. Vol. 12. — No. 53, part 4. Agricultural report. Vol. 13. — Commerce and navigation. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — No. 35. Commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries. Vol. 15. — [Quarto.] — No. 12. Coast Survey report. Vol. 16. — [Quarto.] — No. 65. Fourth meteorological report. Espy. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-56, and Nos. 1, 2, and 3, special session. Smithsonian rei)ort, etc. Reports of Senate conunittees : Vol. 1. — No. 291—447, and Nos. 1 and 2. special session. March. 18.57. House executive documents : Vol. 1, part 1. — No. 1, part 1. President's message and report of Secretary of Interior. 468 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House executive documents— Continued. Vol. 1, part 2. — No. 1, part 2. Reports of Secretaries of \Yar and Navy. Vol. 1, part 3. — No. 1, part 3. Report of rostmaster-General. Vol. 2. — No. 2. Finance report. Vol. 3.— No. 3-30, except 18. Vol. 4. — [Quarto.] — ^^No. 18. Coast Survey report. Vol. 5.— No. 31-39. Vol. 6.— No. 40-64, except GO. Vol. 7. — [Quarto.] — No. 60. Commercial relations of United States with for- eign countries. Vol. 8, part 1.— No. 05. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 8, part 2. — No. 65. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 8, part 3. — No. 65. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 3. Vol. 8, part 4. — No. 65. Agricultural report, vol. 4. Vol. 9.— No. 66-81. Vol. 10.— No. 82-85. Vol. 11. — No. 86. Receipts and disbursements of the Treasury. Vol. 12. — No. 87. Condition of banks in the United States. 88. Land and water mails ; estimates of appropriations. Vol. 13. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-73. Court of Claims reports : Vol. 1.— No. 43-81. Reports of House committees: Vol. 1.— No. 1-174. Vol. 2. — No. 175. Impeachment of Judge John C. Watrous, of Texas. Vol. 3.— No. 176-269. THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 4 to 14, 1857. Senate executive documents : President Buchanan's inaugural message bound with Journal. Vol. 1. — [Quarto.] — Report on the art of war in Europe, McClellan. First Session. — December 7, 1857 to June 14, 1858, and Special Session Sen- ate— June 15-16, 1858. Senate executive documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-16, except 11. Vol. 2. — No. 11, part 1. President's message and report of Secretary of In- terior. Vol. 3. — No. 11, part 2. Report of Secretary of War. Vol. 4. — No. 11, part 3. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster-Gen- eral. Vol. 5. — ^No. 11, part 4. Maps. Vol. 6. — No. 17. Correspondence of Governor Geary, of Kansas. 18. Con- tingent expenses of War Department. 19. Accounts of Treas- urer of United States. Vol. 7. — No. 20-.35, except 30 and 33. Kansas affairs ; " booking " emigrants, etc. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 469 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate executive doeuments — Continued. Vol. 8.— No. 30, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 9.— No. 30. part 2. Tatcnt Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 10.— No. 30, part 3. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol 3. Vol. 11. — No. 30, part 4. Agricultural report. Vol. 12.— No. .30-57, except 53. Indian wars in Oregon and Washington; slave trade, etc. Vol. 13.— No. 58-73 and No. 1 of special session, .Tune, 1858. " Macedonian " claims, etc. Vol. 14. — Commerce and navigation. Vol. 15. — [Quarto.] — No. 33. Coast Survey report. Vol. 16. — [Quarto.] — No. 53. Commercial relations of United States with foreign countries. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-94. Court of Claims reports ; resolutions of States, Vol. 2. — No. 95-145. Court of Claims reports. Vol. 3. — No. 146-250. Court of Claims reports ; resolutions of States. Vol. 4. — No. 251-273. Court of claims reports ; resolutions of States ; Smith- sonian reports. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-160. Vol. 2.— No. 161-330. House executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-10, except 2. Vol. 2. part 1. — No. 2, part 1. President's message and report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 2, part 2.— No. 2. part 2. Report of Secretary of War. Vol. 2, part 3. — No. 2, part 3. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster- General. Vol. 2, part 4. — No. 2, part 4. Maps. Vol. 3.— No. 11-20, except 13 and 17. Vol. 4. — No. 13. Receipts and disbursements of Treasury. Vol. 5. — [Quarto.] — No. 17. Commercial relations of United States with for- eign countries. Vol. 6.— [Quarto.]— No. 21. Coast Survey report. Vol. 7.— No. 22-31. Vol. 8, part 1.— No. 32, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 8, part 2.— No. 32. part 2. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 8, part 3. — No. 32, part 3. Patent Office report, maps. Vol. 8, part 4. — No. 32, part 4. Agricultural report. Vol. 9.— No. 33-70. Vol. 10.— No. 71-88. Vol. 11.— No. 89-96. Vol. 12.— No. 97-118. Vol. 13.— No. 119-140. Vol. 14. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-67. Vol. 2.— No. 68. Contested election from Maryland, William P. Whyte v. J. Morrison Harris. Vol. 3.— No. 69-137. 470 CATALOGUE LIBKAKY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Reports of Court of Claims : Vol. 1.— No. 82-126. Vol. 2.— No. 127-151. Vol. 3.— No. 152-175. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-200. Vol. 2.— No. 201-351. Vol. 3.— No. 352-411. Vol. 4.— No. 412-457. Vol. 5.— No. 458-551, except 540. Vol. 6.— No. 540. Case of Judge John C. Wntrous. Second Session. — December 6, 1858 to March 3, 1859. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.^ — No. 1, part 1. President Buchanan's annual message and report of the Secretary of the Interior. Vol. 2.— No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3.— No. 1, part 3. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 2. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 4. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster-Gen- eral. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part 5. Maps accompanying report of Secretary of the Interior. Vol. 6, part 1. — No. 2. Finance report. 1. Special session, March, 1859. Cor- respondence relative to the ship Henrietta Maria. Vol. 6. part 2. — No. 3-6 and No. 2 of special session, March, 1859. Vol. 7.— No. 7-28, except 14 and 22. Vol. 8. — No. 22, part 1. Correspondence of the Commissioners to China, vol. 1. Vol. 9.— No. 22, part 2. The same. vol. 2. Vol. 10. — No. 29-48, except 37, 46, and 47, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pacific wagon road. Manufactures, Seventh Census. Vol. 11.— No. 47, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 12.— No. 47, part 2. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 13. — No. 47, part 3. Patent Office report, vol. 3. illustrations. Vol. 14.^ — No. 47, part 4. Agricultural report. Vol. 15. — Commerce and navigation. Vol. 16. — [Quarto.] — No. 14. Coast Survey report. Vol. 17. — [Quarto.] — No. 37. Commercial relations of United States with foreign countries. Vol. 18. — [Quarto.] — No. 46. Report on explorations and surveys for Pacific railroads, supplemental report, vol. 1. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-t55 and Nos. 1 and 2 of special session, March, 18.59. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 331-396. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. Estimates of appropriations. 3. Finance report. Vol. 2, part 1. — No. 2, part 1. President's message and report of Secretary of Interior. CATALOGUE LIBKAKY UNITED STATES SEN'ATE 471 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 2, part 2.— No. 2, part 2. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 2, part 3.— No. 2, part 3. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 2. Vol. 2. part 4. — No. 2, part 4. Reports of Secretai'y of Navy and Postmaster- General. Vol. 2. part 5. — No. 2, part 5. Maps. Vol. 3.— No. 4-13. Vol. 4.— No. 14-22. Vol. 5.— No. 2.3^9, except 33. Vol. G. — [Quarto.] — No. 33. Coast Survey report. Vol. 7.— No. 50-84. Vol.8. — [Quarto.] — No. 85. Commercial relations of United States with for- eign countries. Vol. 9.— No. 86-108, except 105. Vol. 10, part 1.— No. 105, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 10, part 2.— No. 105, part 2. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 10, part 3.— No. 105, part 3. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 3. Vol. 10, part 4. — No. 105, part 4. Agricultural report. Vol. 11.— No. 109. Mail contracts. Vol. 12.— No. 110-114. Vol. 13. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-61, except 43. Vol. 2. — No. 43. Claims of citizens of Kansas. Reports of Court of Claims : Vol. 1.— No. 176-198. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-2.55. except 184, 188. and 189. Vol. 2. — No. 184. Naval contracts and expenditures. Vol. 3.— No. 188. Official conduct of William Cullom, Clerk of the House; accounts ot A. G. Seaman, late superintendent of public print- ing. THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 4 to 10, 1859. First Session. — Dfxember 5, 1859 TO June 25, 1860, and Senate Special Session.— June 26-28, 1860. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 2. part 1. President Buchanan's annual message and report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 2. — No. 2, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3.— No. 2, part .3. Reports of Secretaries of War (vol. 2) and Navy and of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 4.— No. 2, part 4. Maps. Vol. 5.— No. 1-15, except 2, 11, and 12. Vol. 6. — No. 11. Agricultural report. Vol. 7.— No. 12, part 1. Patent Oflice report, vol. 1. Vol. 8.— No. 12, part 2. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 2. Vol. 9. — No. 16-37, except 30. Capitol extension ; hostilities on the Rio Grande, etc. 472 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. First Session— Continued. Senate executive documents — Continued. Vol. 10. — No. 30. Correspondence of the Commissioners to China. Vol. 11. — No. 38-58, except 52. Mountain Meadow massacre, etc. Vol. 12. — Commerce and navigation. Vol.13. — [Quarto.] — No. 52. Report on sickness and mortality in United States Array, January, 1855, to January, 18G0. Vol.14. — [Quarto.]— No. 59. The art of war in Europe, 1854-1856, Delafleld. Vol. 15. — [Quarto.] — No. GO. Military commission to Europe, 1855-56, Mor- decai. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-62 and No. 1 of Senate special session, June 26-28, 1860. Reports of Senate counnittees : Vol. 1. — No. 1-204. Public printing, investigation ; Harpers Ferry insurrec- tion, etc. Vol. 2.— No. 205-284. House executive documents : ' Vol. 1. — No. 1-9, except 4 and 7. Vol.2. — [Quarto.] — No. 4. Commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries. Vol. 3. — No. 7. Receipts and disbursements of the Treasury. Vol. 4.— No. 10-1.3. Vol. 5.— No. 14-22. Vol. 6.— No. 23-43, except 41. Vol.7. — [Quarto.] — No. 41. Coast Survey report. Vol. 8.— No. 44-52. Vol. 9.— No. 53-70, except 55 and 56. Vol. 10, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 55. Meteorological observations, 18.54-1859, vol. 1. Vol. 10, part 2. — [Quarto.] — No.55. Observations upon periodical phenomena in plants and animals. 1851-1859, with table of dates of open- ing and closing of lakes, rivers, and harbors ; also record of storms of 1859, vol. 2. Vol. 11, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 56, part 1. Report of explorations and sur- veys for Pacific railroad, vol. 12, part 1. Vol. 11, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 56, part 2. The same, vol. 12, part 2. Vol. 12.— No. 71-85. Vol. 13.— No. 86-102, except 90. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — No. 90. Report on the Colorado River of the West, Ives. Vol. 15. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-7, except 3. Vol. 2. — No. 3. Contested election case from Kentucky, memorial of James S. Chrisnian. Vol. 8. — No. 8. Contested election case from Missouri, Frank P. Blair v. J. R. Barrett. Vol.4. — No. 9. Resolutions of Tennessee legislature relative to pensions for soldiers of 1812. 10. Petition for organization of Jefferson territory. 11. Kentucky contested election, Chrisman v. An- derson. >■ CATALOGUE LTBKAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 473 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House miscellaneous documents — Continued. Vol. C— No. 43-89. Vol. 7.— No. 90-100. Ro[)orts of Court of Claims : Vol. 1.— No. 199-208. Vol. 2.— No. 209-225. Vol. 3.— No. 220. Case of Richard W. Meade. Vol. 4.— No. 227-240. Vol. 5.— No. 241-255. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-200. Vol. 2.— No. 201-,321. Vol. 3.— No. 322-510. . Vol. 4.— No. 511-G67, except 648. Vol. 5. — No. 648. The Covode investigation. Second Session.— December 4, 1860 to March 3, 1861. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Buchanan's annual message and report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 2.— No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of War. Vol. 3, parti. — No. 1, part 3. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster- General. Vol. 3, part 2.— No. 1, part 4. Maps. Vol. 4. — No. 2-13, except 6, 7, and 9, and Nos. 1 and 2 of special session, March 4, 1861, Thirty-seventh Congress. Vol. 5.— No. 7, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 6. — No. 7, part 2. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 2. Vol. 7, part 1. — No. 9, part 1. Interoceanic ship canal, near Isthmus of Darien, Michler's report. Vol. 7, part 2. — No. 9, part 2. The same, maps. Vol. 8. — Commerce and navigation. Vol. 9. — [Quarto.] — Commercial relations of United States with foreign countries. Senate miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1. — No. 1-21 ; also No. 1-4 of special session of Senate, March 4, 1861 (37th Congress). Smithsonian reports, etc. Reports of Senate conmiittees : Vol. 1. — No. 28.5-311. Committee of thirteen; report and Journal. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. Estimates of appropriations. Vol.2. — No. 2. Finance reports. Vol. 3.— No. 3-9, except 7. Vol. 4. — No. 7. Report of the Secretary of State relative to the African slavfe trade. Vol. 5.— No. 10. Accounts of the Treasurer of the United States. 11. Defi- ciency estimate for suppression of the African slave trade. 12. Receipts and expenditures. Vol. 6.— No. 1.3-41, except 14. Vol.7. — [Quarto.] — No. 14. Coast Survey report. 474 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 8.— No. 42^8. Vol. 9.— No. 49-72. Vol. 10. — No. 73-82, except 74, which was lost in Committee of Ways and Means, and not printed. Vol. 11. — Commerce and navigation. [See Sen. Ex. Doe. 8, vol. 8, same Con- gress and session.] House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-44. Reports of Court of Claims : Vol. 1.— No. 256-258. Vol. 2.— No. 259-269. Vol. 3.— No. 270-276. Reports of House committees: Vol. 1.— No. 1-77. Vol. 2.— No. 78-107, except 104. Vol. 3, part 1. — No. 104. Kansas claims, vol. 1. Vol. 3, part 2. — No. 104. Kansas claims, vol. 2. THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate.— March 4 to 28, 1861. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-2. President Lincoln's inaugural address ; report of Secre- tarj^ of War, bound with Senate executive documents, Thirty- sixth Congress, second session, vol. 4. Senate miscellaneous documents : Nos. 1-4, bound in vol. 1, 36th Congress, 2d session, ante. First Session.— July 4 to August G, 1861. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-8. Executive documents.* No. 1. President Lincoln's first mes- sage to Congress. 1-12. Miscellaneous documents. 1. Report of committee. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-20. Executive documents. 1-4. Reports of committees. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-24. Second Session.— December 2, 1861 to July 17, 1862. Senate executive documents : Vol.1. — No. 1, part 1. President Lincoln's annual message; foreign rela- tions ; report of Secretary of Interior. . Vol. 2.— No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of War. Vol. 3, part 1.— No. 1, part 3. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster- General. Vol. 3, part 2. — No. 1, part 4. Maps. Vol. 4.— No. 2-31. Vol. 5.— No. .32-65. Vol. 6.— No. 66-72. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 475 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate miscellaneous documeuts: Vol. 1.— No. 1-108. Reports of Senate committees: A'ol. 1.— No. 2-69. House executive documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-27. Vol. 2.— No. 28-34. Vol. 3. — No. 35-52, except 45. Vol.4 — [Quarto.] — No. 45. Commercial relations. Vol. 5, part 1.— No. 53-79, except 53 (parts 2 and 3) and 70. No. 53, part 1. Patent Office i'ei)ort, vol. 1. Vol. 5, part 2.— No. 53, part 2. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 5, part 3. — Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 3. Vol.6. — [Quarto.] — No. 70. Coast Survey report. Vol. 7.— No. 80-99. Vol. 8.— No. 100-104. Vol. 9.— No. 105-124. Vol. 10.— No. 125-151, except 137. Vol. 11.— No. 137. Mail contracts. Vol. 12. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-91. Reports of Court of Claims: Vol. 1.— No. 277-290. Vol. 2.— No. 291-293. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1. Floats for lands sold in Las Ormigas and La Nana grants in Louisiana. 2, part 1. Government army contracts. Vol. 2. — No. 2, part 2. Government army contracts. Vol. 3.— No. 3-85. Vol. 4.— No. 86-148. Third Session. — December 1, 1862 to March 3, 1863. 8enate executive documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-50. Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 2. Maps accompanying President's message. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-41 and No. 1 of third session, and No. 1 of Senate special ses- sion, March, 1863. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 70-107. Vol. 2. — No. 108. lieport of joint committee on the conduct of the war. Wade, vol. 1. Vol. 3.— No. 108. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 4.— No. 108. Tlie same, vol. 3. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Lincoln's annual message ; foreign relations. Vol. 2, part 1. — No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of Interior. 476 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 2, part 2. — Maps accompanying Report of Commissioner of General Land Office. Vol. 3. — No. 1, parts. Report of Secretary of Navy. Vol. 4.— No. 1, part 4, and 2-21. Vol. 5, part 1.— No. 2.3-51. Vol. 5, part 2. — Maps accompanying the President's message. Vol. 6.— No. 53-62. Vol. 7.— No. G4-77. Vol. 8.— No. 79-85. Vol.9. — [Quarto.] — No. 22. Coast Survey report. Vol. 10, part 1.— No. 52. Patent Office report, vol. 1 . Vol. 10, part 2. — No. 52. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 2. Vol. 11.— No. 78. Agricultural report, 1862. Vol. 12. — No. 63. Commercial relations. Vol. 13. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-27, except 25. Vol. 2. — No. 25. Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Reports of Courts of Claims : No. 294-296 ; bound with reports of committees. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-64. THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. —March 4 to 14, 1863. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. Report of Maj. D. Fergusson on the country between Tucson and Lobos Bay. 2. Report of Gen. W. S. Rosecrans on the battle of Stone River. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. List of Senate committees, bound with miscellaneous documents, Thirty -seventh Congress, third session, vol. 1. Vol. 1. — No. 2. Erroneously marked Senate miscellaneous No. 42, Thirty- seventh Congress, third session, instead No. 2, Senate special session March 4-13, 1863; bound with Senate miscellaneous documents, Thirty-seventh Congress, third session, vol. 1. First Session.— December 7, 1863 to July 2, 1864. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-56. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-136. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-105. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Lincoln's annual message ; foreign rela- tions, vol. 1. CATALOGUE LIBEAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 477 THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Foreign relations, vol. 2. Vol.3. — No. l.partH. Report of Secretary of Interior. Vol.4. — No. I,i)art4. Report of Secretary of Navy. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part .5. Reports of Secretary of War and Postmaster-General. Vol. 5o. — No. 1, part 0. Maps. Vol.6. — No. 2. Estimates of appropriations. 3. Finance report. Vol. 7.— No. 4-26, except 11. Vol.8. — [Quarto.] — No. 11. Coast Sui'vey report. Vol. 9.— No. 27-59, except 41. Vol. 10. — No. 41. Commercial relations. Vol. 11.— No. 60, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 12. — No. 50, part 2. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 2. Vol. 13.— No. 61-73. Vol. 14. — No. 74. Prize cases in New York. Vol. 15.— No. 75-104, except 91. Vol. 16.— No. 91. Agricultural report, 1863. Vol. 17. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-15. Vol. 2.— No. 16-27. Vol. 3.— No. 28-85, except 83. Vol. 4. — No. 83. Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-111. No. 65. Fort Pillow massacre. No. 111. New York custom-house investigation. Vol. 2. — No. 112-144. No. 140. Garfield's report on investigation of the Treasury Department. Eighth Census : Vol. 1. — Population. Vol. 2. — Agriculture. Vol. 3. — Manufactures. Vol. 4. — Mortality and miscellaneous statistics. Second Session. — December 5, 1864 to March 8, 1865. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-35. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-48. and Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of special session, March, 1865. Reports of Senate committees: Vol. 1.— No. 106-141. Vol. 2. — No. 142, part 1. Report on the conduct of the war, Wade. Vol. 3.— No. 142, part 2. The same. Vol. 4.— No. 142, part 3. The same. Vols. 5, 6. — Supplemental report. ( See Senate reports, vols. 1 and 2, first session Thirty-ninth Congress.) House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Lincoln's annual message; foreign relations, vol. 1. 478 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Foreign relations, vol. 2. Vol. 3.— No. \, part 3. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 4. The same, vol. 4. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part 5. Reports of the Secretary of the Interior and Post- master-General. Vol. 6. — No. 1, part 6. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. Vol. 7. — No. 2. Estimates of appropriations. 3. Finance I'eport. Vol. 8.— No. 4-50, except 15. Vol.9. — [Quarto.] — No. 15. Coast Survey report. Vol. 10, part 1. — No. 51, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 10, part 2. — No. 51, part 2. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 2. Vol. 11. — No. 60. Commercial relations. Vol. 12.— No. 68. Agricultural report, 1864. Vol. 13.— No. 52-82, except 60 and 68. Vol. 14. — No. 83. Report of the Secretary of War. 84. Contracts made i)y Quartermaster's Department. 85. Contingent expenses of War Department. Vol. 15. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-58, except 55 and 57. Vol. 2. — No. 55. Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Vol. 3. — No. 57. Contested-election cases in Congress, 1834-1865, Bartlett. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-30. THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 4 to 11, 1865. Senate miscellaneous documents, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, bound with Senate miscella- neous documents Thirty-eighth Congress, second session, vol. 1. Senate report No. 1, bound with Senate reports Thirty-eighth Congress, second session, vol. 1. First Session.— December 4, 1865 to July 28, 1866. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-20. Vol. 2.— No. 27-65. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-125. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1-141. Also No. 1, special session, March, 1865. Vol. 1. — Supplemental report on the conduct of the war to document 142, Thirty-eighth Congress, second session. Vol. 2.— The same. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President .Johnson's annual message ; foreign relations of the United States, vol. 1. Vol. 1. — No. 1. Foreign relations, vol. 2. CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 479 THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive ilocunients — Coutiiuied. Vol. 1.— No. 1. The same, vol. 3. \o]. 1.— Xo. 1. Expressions of condolence and sympathy upon the assassina- tion of President Abraham Lincoln, vol. 4. \'o\. 2. — No. 1. lieport of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 3, part 1.— No. 1. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3, part 2.— No. 1. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 2. Vol. 4. iiart 1. — No. 1. Report of provost-marshnl-c:eneral, vol. 1. Vol. 4, part 2. — No. 1. Rei)ort of provost-marshal-general, vol. 2. Vol. 5. — No. I. Report of Secretary of Navy. Vol. G. — No. 1. Report of Postmaster-General. 2. Estimates of appropria- tions. 3. Report of Secretary of Treasury. 4. Report of Comptroller of Currency. Vol. 7.— No. r)-49. Vol. 8.— No. 50-72, except 52 and 56. Vol. 9, part 1.— No. 52, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 9, part 2. — No. 52, part 2. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol.9, [)art 3. — No. 52, part 3. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 3. Vol. 10. — No. 56. Commercial relations. Vol. 11, part 1. — No. 73, part 1. Condition of affairs in Mexico, vol. 1. Vol. 11, part 2. — No. 73, part 2. Condition of affairs in Mexico, vol. 2.* Vol. 12.— No. 74-133, except 75 and 102. Vol.13. — [Quarto.] — No. 75. Coast Survey report. Vol. 14. — No. 102. Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Vol. 15.— No. 136. Agricultural report, 1865. Vol. 16.— No. 134-156, except 136. Vol. 17. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-7. Vol. 2.— No. 8-55. Vol. 3.— No. 56-130. Reijorts of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-117, except 30 and 101. Vol. 2. — No. 30. Report of joint committee on reconstruction. Vol.3. — No. 101. Memphis riots and massacres. Second Session.— DECEMBER 3, 1866 TO March 3, 1867. Senate executive documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-6. \o\. 2.— No. 7-38. Senate miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-54. Rei)orts of Senate committees: Vol. 1.— No. 141-178. House executive documents : Vol.1. — No. 1, parti. President Johnson's annual message; foreign rela- tions, vol. 1. Vol.1. — No. 1, part 2. Foreign relations, vol. 2. Vol.1. — No. 1, part 3. Foreign relations, vol. 3, 3605— OS 31 480 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE THIRTY NINTH CONGRESS. Second Session— Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol.2. — No. 1, part 4. Report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 5. Report of Secretary of War. Vol. 4. — No. 1, partG. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster-General. 2. Estimates of appropriations. A'ol. 5.— No. 3-S. Vol. 6.— No. 9-24. Vol. 7.— No. 25-49. Vol. 8.— No. 50-54. Vol. 9. — No. 55. Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 56. River and harbor improvements. Vol. 10.— No. 57-70. Vol.n.— No. 71-116, except 76, 81, 87, 107, and 109. Vol. 12. — No. 76. Report on the condition of Mexico. Vol.13. — No. 81. Commercial relations of the United States. Vol.14. — [Quarto.] — No. 87. Coast Survey report. Vol. 15.— No. 107. Agricultural report, 1866. Vol. 16, part 1. — No. 109, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 16, part 2.— No. 109, part 2. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 16, part 3. — No. 109, part .3. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 3. Vol. 17. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-83. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-15. Vol. 2. — No. 16. New Orleans riots of July and August, 1866. Vol. 3.— No. 17-33. Vol. 4. — No. .34. Affairs of southern railroads, FORTIETH CONGRESS. First Session.— March 4 to 30; July 3 to 20; November 21 to December 2, 1867. Special Session Senate.— April 1 to 20, 1867. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-20 of first session. No. 1-9 of Senate special session. Senate miscellaneous documents and reports : Vol. l.-^No. 1-44 of first session and 1-5 of Senate special session, mis- cellaneous documents. 1-3. Reports of committees. House executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-36. House miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-.55, except 38. Vol. 2. — No. 38. Contested election case from Ohio, Columbus Delano v. Geo. W. Morgan. Reports of House committees: Vol. 1. — No, 1-7, 7 being report of the impeachment of President Johnso^u CATALOGUE LTBUAHY UNITED STATKS SENATE 481 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Second Session.— December 2, 1867 to July 37, 1868; September 21, Octo- ber 16, AND November 10, 1868. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-40. Vol. 2. — No. 41-86, except 84, which was not printed.^ Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-110. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 4-189. Reports of Commissioners to Paris Exposition, 1867 : Vol. 1. — Fine arts ; useful arts ; weights, measures, and coins ; bibli- ography. Vol.2. — Iron and steel; precious metals; industrial chemistry. Vol. 3. — Machinery and processes of the industrial arts, and apparatus of the exact sciences. Vol. 4. — Processes in telegraphy ; steam engineering ; engineering and pub- lic works ; beton-coignet, its fabrication and uses ; asphalt and bitumen as applied in construction; buildings, building ma- terials, and methods of building; mniing and the mechanical preparation of ores. Vol. 5. — The quantities of cereals produced in different countries compared ; the quality and characteristics of the cereals exhibited ; the preparation of food ; beet sugar ; pressed coal ; photographs and photographic apparatus ; history of the Atlantic cables ; culture and products of the vine ; production of wine In California ; schoolhouses and the means of promoting popular education ; munitions of war ; instruments and apparatus of medicine, surgery, and hygiene ; musical instruments. Vol. 6. — Wool and manufactures of wool ; cotton ; silk ; clothing and woven fabrics ; education. House executive documents : Vol. 1, part 1. — No. 1. President Johnson's annual message; foreign rela- tions, vol. 1. Vol. 1, part 2. — No. 1. Foreign relations, vol. 2. Vol. 2, part 1.— No. 1. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 1. Report of Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2. Vol. 3. — No. 1. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Vol.4. — No. 1. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster-General. Vol. 5. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. 3. Estimates of approi)riations. Vol. 0. — No. 4. Report of Comptroller of the Currency. 5. Report of Com- missioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. 7.— No. 6-57, except 23. Vol. 8.— No. 23. Trial of Henry Wirz. Vol. 0.— No. 58-05. Vol. 10, part 1. — No. 96, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 10, part 2.— No. 90, part 2. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 10, part 3. — No. 96, part 3. Patent Office report. Illustrations, vol. 3. "It is a special report on education in the District of Columbia, which is printed in Forty-first Congress, second session, House document 315, volume 13. 482 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTIETH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents— Continued. Vol. 10, part 4.— No. 96, part 4. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 4. Vol. 11.— No. 97-156, except 99. Vol. 12. — No. 99. Ordnance report. Vol .13.— No. 157-180, except 160. Yoi. 14. — No. 160. Commercial relations. Vol. 15.— No. 181-2.52, except 202. Yoi. 1(3. — No. 202. Mineral resources of States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains, J. Ross Browne. Vol. 17.— No. 253-295, except 275. Vol. 18.— [Quarto.']— No. 275. Coast Survey report. Vol. 19.— No. 296-311. Vol. 20.— No. 812-341. Vol.21. — Commerce and navigation. Vol. 22.— Agricultural report, 1867. House miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-84. Vol. 2.— No. 85-167. Reports of House committees: Vol. 1.— No. 1-46. Vol. 2.— No. 47-84. Third Session.— December 7, 1868 to March 3, 1869. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-56. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-57. No. 43. List of private claims before the Senate. Iteports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 190-272. House executive documents : Vol. 1, parti. — No. 1. President Johnson's annual message ; foreign rela- tions, vol. 1. Vol. 1, part 2. — No. 1. Foreign relations, vol. 2. Vol.2. — No. 1. Report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 3, part 1. — No. 1. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3, part 2.— No. 1. Report of Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2. Vol. 4. — No. 1. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster-General. Vol. 5.— No. 2. Report of Secretary of Treasury. 3. Estimates of appro- priations. Vol. 6.— No. 4. Report of Comptroller of the Currency. 5. Report of Com- missioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. 7.— No. 6-49, except 29. Vol. 8. — No. 29. Claims against China. Vol. 9.— No. 50-82, except 52 and 71. Vol. 10, part 1.— No. 52, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 10, part 2.— No. 52. part 2. Patent Office reiiort, vol. 2. Vol. 10, part 3.— No. -52, i>art 3. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 3. Vol. 10, part 4.— No. 52. part 4. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 4. Vol. 11.— [Quarto.]— No. 71. Coast Survey report. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 483 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 12. — No. 88. Report of Smithsonian Institution. Vol. 1.3.— No. 84-102. except 87. Vol. 14. — No. 87. Commercial relations. Vol. 15.— Agricultural report. 18(58. Vol. 1(3. — Commerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-.57. Index to House executive documents from Twenty-sixth to Fortieth Congress : index to House reports from Twenty- sixth to Fortieth Congress. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1-44, except 31 and 41. Vol. 2. — No. 31. Election frauds in New York, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — No. 41. Election frauds in New York, vol. 2. Vol. 4. — No. 45. Treatment of prisoners of war by rebel authorities. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. First Session. —March 4 to April 10, 1869. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-10 and 12. Vol.2. — No. 11, part 1. Claims of the United States against Great Britain, vol. 1. Vol. 3.— No. 11, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 4.— No. 11. part .3. The Same, vol. 3. Vol. 5. — No. 11, part 4. The same, vol. 4. Vol. fl. — No. 11, part 5. The same, vol. 5. Senate documents and reports : Vol. 1. — No. 1-25. Miscellaneous documents. 1-8. Reports of committees. House executive documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-G. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-36. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-12. Special Session Senate. — April 12 TO 22, 1869. Second Session. — December 6, 1869 TO July 15, 1870. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-39. Vol. 2.— No. 40-90. Vol. .3.— No. 91-110. Senate miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1. — No. 1-1G4, except 150. Report National Academy of Sciences. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 9-265. House executive documents : Vol.1. — No. 1. President Grant's annual message; foreign affairs; reports of the Secretary of the Navy and Postmaster-General. 484 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE ' FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol.2, part 1. — No. 1. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol.2, part 2. — No. 1. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2. Vol.3. — No. 1. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Vol. 4. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. 'A. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. Vol. 5.— No. 4-48. Vol. G. — No. 49-142, except 76 (vs'hich is not bound) and 102. Vol. 7.— No. 14.3-215, except 200 and 207. Vol. 8. — [Quarto.] — No. 206. Coast Survey report. Vol. 9, part 1.— No. 102, part 1. Patent Office report, vol. 1. Vol. 9, part 2.— No. 102, part 2. Patent Office report, vol. 2. Vol. 9, part 3. — No. 102, part 3. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 3. Vol. 9, part 4. — No. 102, part 4. Patent Office report, illustrations, vol. 4. Vol. 10. — No. 207. Mines and mining west of the Rocky Mountains, Ray- mond. Vol. 11.— No. 216-256, except 232 and 254, which were not printed. Vol. 12.— No. 257-307. Vol. 13.— No. 308-315. Vol. 14. — Agricultural report, 1869. Vol. 15.^ — Commerce and navigation. Vol. 16.— Diseases of Cattle in the United States (4°). House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-25, except 13, 14, and 15. Vol. 2. — No. 13. Contested election case from Kentucky, Sidney M. Barnes V. George M. Adams. 14. Contested election case from Mis- souri, William F. Switzler r. D. Pat. Dyer. 15. Contested election case from Indiana, John S. Reid v. George W. Julian. Vol. 3.— No. 26-153, except 152. Vol. 4. — No. 152. House contested election cases from 1865 to 1871, inclu- sive, Bartlett. Vol. 5. — No. 154, parts 1 and 2. Louisiana contested election cases. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-32. Vol. 2.— No. 33-72. • Vol. 3.— No. 73-122. Third Session,— December 5, 1870 to March 3, 1871. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-53, except 36. Vol. 2. — No. 36. Treaties and conventions since July 4, 1776. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-90. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 266-380. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President Grant's annual message ; foreign relations. Vol. 2, part 1. — No. 1. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 1. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 485 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol.3. — No. 1. Reports of the Secretary of the Navy and Postmaster-Gen- eral. Vol. 4, part 1. — No. 1. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. ■*'ol. 4, part 2. — No. 1. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, education, vol. 1. Vol. n. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. Vol. ().— No. 4-18. Vol. 7.— No. 19-00. Vol. 8.— No. 01-94, except 89. Vol. 9.— No. 89. Patent Office report. Vol. 10.— No. 9.5-110. Vol. 11. — [Quarto.] — No. 112. Coast Survey report. Vol. 12.— No. 111-1.53, except 112. Vol. 13.— Agricultural report. 1870. Vol. 14. — Counuerce and navigation. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-05. Vol. 2.— No. 00-107. Reports of House committees: Vol. 1.— No. 1-53. FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session. — March 4 to April 20, 1871. Special Session Senate. — May 10 TO 27, 1871. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-12. first session ; 1 and 2, special session. Senate miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1. — No. 1-53, first session ; 1, 2, and 3, special session. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-5. House executive documents: Vol. 1.— No 1-10. Vol. 2.— No. 11-20. House miscellaneous documents : . Vol. 1.- No. 1-43. Reports of House committees. (These are bound with second session.) Second Session.— December 4, 1871 to June 10, 1872. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-35, except 0. Vol. 2.— No. 30-87. Vol. 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 0. Report on Tehuantepec Ship Canal, Shufeldt. \o\. 4. — Agriculture, Report of the Commissioner, 1872. [Not numbered.] Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-01. Vol. 2.— No. 02-107. 486 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. G-232, except 41, 18.3, and 227. Vol. 2, part 1. — No. 41, part 1. Affairs in the late insurrectionary States; report of committee and views of minority. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 41, part 2. Testimony taken by committee relative to North Carolina, and report of the trials at Raleigh. Vol. 2, part .3. — No. 41, part 3. Testimony relative to South Carolina. Vol. 2, part 4. — No. 41, part 4. The same. Vol. 2, part 5. — No. 41, part 5. The same, and index in vol. 3. Vol. 2, part G. — No. 41, part G. Testimony relative to Georgia. Vol. 2, part 7. — No. 41, part 7. The same ; index in vol. 6. Vol. 2, part 8. — No. 41, pai't 8. Testimony relative to Alabama, and index. Vol. 2, part 9.— No. 41, part 9. The same. Vol. 2, part 10. — No. 41, part 10. The same. Vol. 2, part 11. — No. 41, part 11. Testimony relative to Mississippi, and index. Vol. 2, part 12. — No. 41, part 12. The same. Vol. 2, part 13. — No. 41, part 13. Testimony relative to Florida ; miscella- neous testimony and miscellaneous documents. Vol. 3. — No. 183. Sales of ordnance stores. Vol. 4, part 1. — No. 227, part 1. New York custom-house investigation, vol. 1. Vol. 4, part 2,— No. 227, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 4, part 3.— No. 227, part 3. The same, vol. 3. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Grant's annual message; foreign relations. A'ol. 2, part 1. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2. Vol. 3, part 1. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 3, part 2, — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Educa- tion, vol. 2. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 3. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1, part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Vol. 5. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. 6.— No. 5-20. Vol. 7.— No. 21-84. Vol. 8.— No. 85-106. Vol. 9. — No. 107. Claims of citizens of Camp Mohave, Ariz. 108. Com- merce and navigation. 109. Customs-tariff legislation. Vol. 10.— No. 110-212, except 121. Vol. 11. — [Quarto. I — No. 121. Coast Survey report. Vol. 12.— No. 21.3-277. Vol. 13.— Nos. 278-281, 283, 290, 294, and 322. Vol. 14, part 1. — No. 282, part 1. Arbitration at Geneva, vol. 1. Vol. 14, part 2.— No. 282, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 14, part 3.— No. 282, part 3. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 15.— No. 284-326, except 290, 294, 322, and 324. CATALOGUK J.lliHAHV UNITED STATES SENATE 487 ^ FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. IToiise executive documents — Continued. Vol. lO. — No. 324. Geneva arbitration, counter case. Vol. 17.— No. 327. Agricultural report, 1871. Vol. IS. — Commercial relations. ITouso miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-33. Vol. 2.— No. 34-110. Vol. .3.— No. 111-2(¥». Vol. 4.— No. 201-230. Reports of House committees (includes reports of session) : Vol. 1. — No. 1, first session ; 2-71, second session, except 22. Vol. 2. iiart 1. — No. 22, part 1. Affairs in the late insurrectionary States; re- port of conmiittee and views of minority. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 22, part 2. Testimony taken by committee relative to North Carolina, and report of the trials at Raleigh. Vol. 2, part .3. — No. 22, part 3. Testimony relative to South Carolina, and index. Vol. 2, part 4.— No. 22, part 4. The same. Vol. 2, part 5. — No. 22, part 5. Testimony relative to Georgia, and index. Vol. 2. part G.— No. 22, part 0. The same. Vol. 2, i)art 7. — No. 22, part 7. Testimony relative to Alabama, and index. Vol. 2, part 8.— No. 22, part 8. The same. Vol. 2, part 9.— No. 22, part 9. The same. Vol. 2. part 10. — No. 22, part 10. Testimony relative to Mississippi. Vol. 2, part 11.— No. 22, part 11. The same. Vol. 2, part 12. — No. 22, part 12. Te.stimony relative to Florida ; miscella- neous testimony and miscellaneous documents. Vol. 3.— No. 72-83. Vol. 4.— No. 84-99. Third Session.— December 2, 1872 to March 3, 1873. Senate executive documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-52. Senate miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-103, except 74. Vol. 2. — No. 74. Fish and fisheries in the Great Lakes, Baird. Reports of Senate committees: A^ol. 1.— No. 2.3.3-4.50. Vol. 2. — No. 4.57. State government in Louisiana. Vol. .3. — No. 458-523, and No. 1 of special session. House executive documents: Vol. 1. i)art 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Grant's annual message; foreign rela- tions. Vol. 1, part 2. — No. 1, part 1. Papers relating to the treaty of Washington, Geneva arbitration, vol. 1. Vol. 1, part 3. — No. 1, part 1. The same, vol 2. Vol. 1, part 4. — No. 1, part 1. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 1, part 5. — No. 1, part 1. The same, vol. 4. 488 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 1, part 6. — No. 1, part 1. The same, Berlin arbitration, vol. 5. Vol. 2, part 1. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 2, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2. Vol. 3, part 1. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. .3, part 2. — No. 1, part 5. The same, Education, vol. 2. Vol. 4.— No. 1, parts 3, 4, 6, and 7, and No. 2. Vol. 5.— No. .3-19, except 5. Vol. 6. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Estimates of appropriations. 190. Index of pat- ents issued. 44. Receipts and expenditures. Vol. 7.— No. 20-91. Vol. 8.— No. 92-150. Vol. 9.— No. 151-210, except 100 and 190. Vol. 10. — No. IGO. Commercial relations. Vol. 11.— No. 211-242, except 240. Vol. 12. — [Quarto.] — No. 240. Coast Survey report. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-25. Vol. 2.— No. 26-99, except 160 and 190. Vol. 3.— No. 100-112, except 109. Vol. 4. — [Quarto.] — No. 109. Index to private claims. Thirty-second to Forty- first Congress. Vol. 5.— [Quarto.]— No. 113. Darien Ship Canal, Selfridge. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-97, except 77, 78. 81, 83, and 95. Vol. 2.— Nos. 77, 78 (parts 1 and 2), 81, 82, and 95. Vol. 3. — No. 98. Report on Indian frauds, FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 4 TO 26, 1873. First Session.— December 1, 1873 TO June 28, 1874. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-42. Vol. 2.— No. 43-56. Vol. 3. — [Quarto.] — No. 57. Report on Nicaragua Ship Canal, Hatfield. Vol. 4. — [Quarto.] — No. 58. Index to patents issued. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-128. Vol. 2. — No. 129, v^^ith No. 108, second session Forty-third Congress. 130. Annual report of the Smithsonian Institution. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-280. Vol. 2.— No. 281-478, except .307 and 453. Vol. 3, part 1. — No. .307, part 1. Transportation routes to the seaboard, Win- dom, vol. 1. Vol. 3, part 2.— No. .307, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 4. part 1. — No. 453, part 1. Investigation of affairs in the District of Columbia, vol. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 489 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Keports of Senate committees — Continued. ^'ol. 4. part 2.— No. 4."')8, part 2. The same, vol. 2. \()1. 4, part 3.— No. 453, part 3. The same, vol. 3. House executive documents : Vol. 1. part 1. — No. 1. part 1. President Grant's annual message; foreign relations, vol. 1. Vol. 1. part 2. — No. 1, part 1. Foreign relations, vol. 2. Vol. I, part 3. — No. 1, part 1. Foreign relations, vol. 3. Vol. 2, part 1. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2. Vol. 2, part 3. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, ordnance, vol. 3. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 3. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1, part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. Vol! 4, part 1. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 4, part 2. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, edu- cation, vol. 2. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part G. Report of the board of public works. District of Columbia. 2. Finance report. Vol. 0. — No. 3. Report of tlie Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Vol.7. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 5, 36, 124, and 187. Estimates, customs fines, etc. Vol. 8.— No. 6-57, except 36. Vol. 9.— No. 58-122. Vol. 10.— No. 123-141, except 124 and 133. Vol.11. — [Quarto.] — No. 133. Coast Survey report. Vol. 12.— No. 142-210, except 143, 183, and 187. Vol. 13. — No. 143. Commercial relations. Vol. 14. — No. 183. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 15.— No. 211-219. Vol. 16.— No. 220-255. Vol. 17.— No. 256-290. Vol. 18.— Agricultural report, 1873. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-152. Vol. 2.— No. .53-12.5. Vol. 3.— No. 126-264, except 174. ■ Vol. 4. — No. 174. Contested election case from Arkansas, Thomas M. Gunter V. W. W. Wilshire. Vol. 5.— No. 26.5-301, except 300. Vol.6. — [Quarto.] — No. ,300. Exploration of the Colorado River, Powell. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-262. Vol. 2.— No. 263-4.34. Vol. 3.— No. 4.35-611. Vol. 4.— No. 612-770. Vol. 5.— No. 771-843. 4'.)0 CATALOGUE LIUKARY UN IT K J J STATKS S ION ATE FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Second Session.— December 7, 1874 to March 3, 1875. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-32 and 1 and 2 of special session. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-122, except 108, and 1-6 of special session. Yoi. 2. — No. 108. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, 1873-74 and 1874-75. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 479-093. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, parti. President Grant's annual message; foreign relations. Vol. 2.— No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — No. 1. part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 3. Vol. 5.— No. 1, part 3. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1, part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. 1, part 7. Report of the Attprney-General. Vol. 6. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 7. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, education, vol. 2. Vol.8. — No. 1, part 0. Report of the Commissioners of the District of Co- lumbia. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Vol. 9. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. 10.^ — [Quarto.] — No. .5. Estimates of appropriations. G. Indian dis- bursements. 150. Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Vol. 11.— No. 8-44. Vol. 12.— No. 45-78. Vol. 13.— No. 79-99. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — No. 100. Coast Survey report. Vol. 15.— No. 101-170, except 150 and 157. Vol. 16. — No. 157. Commercial relations. Vol. 17. — No. 171. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 18.— No. 172-180. Vol. 19. — Agricultural report, 1874. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-36. Vol. 2.— No. 37-95, except 94. Vol. 3.— No. 94-100, except 95. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-100. Vol. 2.— No. 101-149, except 134. Vol. 3. — No. 134. Alien claims, Lawrence. Vol. 4.— No. 1.50-2G5, except 261 (parts 1, 2, and 3) and 262. Vol. 5.— No. 261, parts 1, 2, and 3. Condition of the South. Vol. 6.— No. 262. Affairs in Alabama. Vol. 7.— No. 266-345. CATALOGUE LIBKAKV UNITED STATES SENATE 491 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 5 to 24, 1875. First Session.— December 6, 1875 TO August 15, 1876. Senate executive documents : * A^ol. 1.— 1-94. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. l-i;U, except 107. Vol. 2. — No. 107. Report of Commissioner of Fish aad Fisheries Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-328. Vol. 2.— No. 329-r)84, except 527. Vol. 3. part 1. — No. .j27, part 1. Mississippi election, vol. 1. Vol. 3, part 2.— No. .527, part 2. The same, vol. 2. House executive documents : Vol. 1, part 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Grant's annual message; foreign relations, vol. 1. Vol. 1. part 2. — No. 1, part 1. Foreign relations, vol. 2. Vol. 2, part 1. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of Wai', Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 2. i)art 3. — No. 1. part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 2. Vol. 2, part 4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 3. Vol. 2, part 5. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Signal Office, vol. 4. A'ol. 3.— No. 1, part 3. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1. part 4. Re- port of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 4, part 1. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 4, part 2. — No. 1. part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, educa- tion, vol. 2. Vol. 5.— No. 1, parts 6, 7, 8, and 9, and No. 7-13. Vol. G. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Vol. 7. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Vol.8. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Estimates of appropriations. 6. Receipts and ex- penditures. 107. Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Vol. 9.— No. 14-21. Vol. 10.— No. 22-83, except 81. Vol. 11. — [Quarto.] — No. 81. Coast Survey report. Vol. 12.— No. 84-158, except 107 and 124. Vol. 13. — No. 124. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 14.— No. 1.59-195, except 100 and 191. Vol. 15. — No. 106. Commercial relations. Vol. 10.— No. 191. Mail contracts. Vol. 17, part 1. — No. 190. Vienna Exi)osition, introduction, executive com- mission, agriculture, vol. 1. Vol. 17, part 2. — No. 190. Vienna Exposition, science, education, vol. 2. Vol. 17, part .3. — No. 190. Vienna Exposition, engineering, vol. :>. Vol. 17, part 4. — No. 190. Vienna Exposition, architecture, metallurgy, index. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-49. Vol. 2.— No. 50-82, except 01 and 05. 492 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House miscellaneous doc-uments— Continued. Vol. 3. — No. 61. Contested election case from Illinois, J. V. Le Moyne v. C. B. Farwell. 65. Contested election case from Virginia, James H. Piatt, jr., V. Jobn Goode, jr. Vol. 4.— No. 83-103. Vol. 5. — No. 104-174. except 170. Vol.6. — No. 170, parts 1, 2, and 3. Report on naval affairs, vol. 1. Vol. 7.— No. 170, part 5. Report on naval affairs, vol. 2. Vol. 8.— No. 170, parts 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Report on naval affairs, vol. 3. Vol. 9.— No. 175-186. Vol. 10.— No. 187-194. Reports of House committees: Vol. 1.— No. 1-342. Vol. 2.— No. 343-440. Vol. 3.— No. 441-622, except 579. Vol. 4. — No. 579. The Emma mine. Vol. 5.— No. 623-784. Vol. 6.— No. 785-793. Vol. 7.— No. 794-814, except 799 and 800. -\'ol. 8.— No. 799. Management of the War Department. 800. Expenditures of the Department of Justice. Vol. 9.— No. 815-842. Second Session.— December 4, 1876 to March 3, 1877. Special Session Senate.— March 5 to 17, 1877. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-20. Vol. 2.— No. 21-46, except 31, 37, and 38, and No. 1 of Senate special session. Vol. 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 31. Claims of citizens of the United States and Mexico. 38. Appropriations and expenditures of the Depart- ment of State from March 4, 1789 to June 30, 1876. Vol. 4. — [Quarto.] — No. 37. Coast Survey report. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1^3, except 14. Vol. 2.— No. 14. Electoral vote of Louisiana in 1876. Vol. 3.— No. 44. Electoral vote in the Southern States. 46. Smithsonian report. Vol. 4. — No. 45. Mississippi elections in 1875 and 1876. Vol. 5. — No. 47. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries." Vol. 6, part 1.— No. 48, part 1. South Carolina elections in 1875 and 1876, vol. 1. Vol. (], part 2.— No. 48, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. (i, part 3. — No. 48, part 3. The same, vol. 3. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 5.35-706, except 611, 689, 701, and 703. Vol. 2.— No. 611. Florida election in 1876. Vol. 3. — No. 689. Chinese immigration, investigation of, by joint special committee. a \ol. 5 not issued. Document No. 47 appears as Senate Misc. Doc. No. 49, 45th Congress, 2d session, vol. 3, i^ost. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 493 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Reports of Senate committees — Continued. Vol. 4, part 1. — No. 701, part 1. Louisiana election in 1876, vol. 1. Vol. 4, part 2.— No. 701, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 4, parts.— No. 701, part 3. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 5, part 1. — No. 703, part 1. Report of United States Monetary Commis- sion, vol. 1. Vol. 5, part 2.— No. 703, part 2. The same, vol. 2. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. part 1. President Grant's annual message; foreign relations. Vol. 2, part 1. — No. 1. part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 2, part 3. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War. Engineers, vol. 2. part 2. Vol. 2, part 4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 3. Vol. 2, part 5. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Ordnance, vol. 3. Vol. 2. part 6. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Signal Office, vol. 4. Vol. .3. — No. 1, part 3. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1, part 4. Re- port of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 4, part 1. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 4, part 2. — No. 1, part .5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Edu- cation, vol. 2. Vol. 5.— No. 1, parts 0, 7, and 8, and No. 7-20. Vol. 0. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Vol. 7. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Counni.ssioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. 8. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Estimates of appropriations. 0. Indian disburse- ments. 36. Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Vol. 9.— No. 21-44, except 36, 40. and 43. Vol. 10, part 1. — No. 40, parts 1 and 2, not printed (report of the Govern- ment Board on the Centennial Exhibition). Vol. 11.— No. 43. Mail contracts. Vol. 12. — No. 4.5. Commercial relations. Vol. 13. part 1. — No. 4(). Commerce and navigation. Vol. 13. part 2. — No. 4(i. Internal commerce of the United States. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-4.5, except 13, 31, 34. and 3.5. Vol. 2. — No. 13. Proceedings and debates in Congress relative to counting tlie electoral votes for President and Vice-President from 1787 to 1876. Vol. 3. — No. 31. South Carolina election in 187. Appropriations and expenditures for public buildings, rivers and harliors, forts, arsenals, armories, and other public works from March 4. 1789, to June 30, 1882. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-9 of special session ; No. 1-98. Vol. 2.— No. 99-115, except 110. Vol. 3. — No. 110. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Vol. 4.— No. 110-1,33, except 123 and 124. Vol.5. — [Quarto.] — No. 12.3. Blaine's eulogy on the late President Garfield. Vol. (j. — [Quarto.] — No. 124. parts 1 and 2. Fisheries and fisheries indus- tries of the United States ; natural history of useful aquatic animals and atlas of 277 plates. Vol. 7. — [Quarto.] — No. 124, part 3. The same, geographical review of fishery industries and fishing communities for 1880. Vol. 8. — [Quarto.] — No. 124, part 4. The same, fishing grounds of North America, witli 49 charts. Vol.9. — [Quarto.] — No. 124, part 5. The same, history and methods of the fisheries, vol. 1. Vol. 10.— [Quarto.]— No. 124, part 0. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 11. — [Quarto.] — No. 124, part 7. The same, and i)lntes. vol. 2. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-344. except 265. Vol.2 — No. 265, parts 1 and 2. Departmental expenses investigation. Vol. 3.— No. 344-588. Vol. 4.— No. 589-878. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, i)art 1. President Arthur's annual message, foreign relations. Vol. 2.— No. 1. part 2. Report of the Secret.iry of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2. part 1. Vol.4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 2. Vol.5. — No. 1. part 2. Rejjort of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, l)art 3. Vol. 6. — No. 1. part 2. Report of the Secretary of War. Ordnance, vol. 3. Vol. 7.- — No. 1, part 2. Report of th« Secretary of War, Signal Ottice, vol. 4. Vol. 8.— No. 1, part 3. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1, part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 9. — No. 1, part 5. R(>[)ort of the Secretary of the Interior. Land Ofliee, vol. 1. Vol. 10. — No. 1. part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. IikHmiis, vol. 2. Vol. 11. — I Quarto.]— No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Geological Survey, vol. 3. 502 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents-— Continued. Vol. 12. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Education, vol. 4. Vol. 1-3. — No. 1, part 6. Report of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Vol. 14. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Vol. 15. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. 1(3. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Estimates of appropriations. (J. Indian dis- bursements. 62. Patent Office report. Vol. 17. — No. 7. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 18.— No. 13-19. Vol. 19.— No. 20-86, except 62. Vol. 20.— No. 87-116. Vol. 21.— No. 117-121. Vol. 22.— No. 122-192. Vol. 23.— No. 193-227, except 219 and 226. Vol. 24. — No. 219. Decisions of the First Comptroller. Vol. 25.— No. 226. Mail contracts. Vol. 26.— No. 228. Agricultural report. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-13, except 8 and 11. Vol. 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 8. Estimates for the District of Columbia. 53. Private claims presented to the House from the Forty-second to the Forty-sixth Congress, McPherson. Vol. 3. — No. IL. Contested election from Florida, Horatio Bisbee, jr., v. Jesse J. Finley. Vol. 4. — No. 14, parts 1 and 2. Contested election from Mississippi, George M. Buchanan r..Van H. Manning. Vol. 5. — No. 16. Contested election from Alabama. James Gillette v. Thomas H. Herndon. 17. Contested election from Alabama, Paul Strobach v. Hilary A. Herbert. 18. Contested election from Alabama, A. A. Mabson v. W. C. Gates. 22. Contested election from Alabama, James Q. Smith r. Charles M. Shelley. Vol. 6. — No. 19. Contested election from South Carolina, Samuel Lee r. John S. Richardson. 20. Contested election from South Caro- lina, Robert Smalls r. George D. Tillman. Vol. 7. — No. 22. Contested election from Alabama. William Lowe v. Joseph Wheeler. Vol. 8.— No. 23. Contested election from South Carolina, C. J. Stolbrand v. D. Wyatt Aiken. 24. Report of Managers of National Soldiers' Home. 25. Contested election from Utah, George Q. Cannon v. Allen G. Campbell. 2(i. Contested election from Iowa, J. C. Cook V. M. E. Cutts. Vol. 9. — No. 27. Contested election from Missouri, Gustavus Sessiughaus i: R. Graham Frost, part 1. Vol. 10.— No. 27. The same, part 2. Vol. 11.— No. 27. The same, part 3. Vol. 12.— No. 28-46. Vol. 13, part 1.— Nos. 47, 55, 56, and .58. CATALOGUE LIBEAEY UNITED STATES SENATE 503 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House uiiscellaueous documents — Continued. Vol. 1.3, part 2. — No. 57. Digest of-eleetion cases, Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth Congresses, 1870-1880. Vol. 14.— [Quarto. I — No. 48. Flags of maritime nation?;. Vol.15. — [Quarto.] — No. 50. Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior, Irving, vol. 5. Vol. IG. — [Quarto.] — No. 51. History of the ComstocU lode. Lord. vol. 4. Vol.17. i>art 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 52. Geology of the Comstock lode, Becker, vol. :i. Vol. 17, part 2. — [Quarto.] — The same. Mai)s. Vol.18. — No. 54. Rel)ellion Records, series 1, vol. 5. Vol.19. — [Quarto.] — No. 59. Eulogies on Michael P. O'Connor, (".(t. Appar- ent right ascension of additional time stars. Vol.20. — [Quarto.] — No. 61. Second report of the Bureau of Ethnology. Vol. 21. — No. G2, part 1. Geological Survey, part 1, Haydeu. Vol. 22.— No. 02. part 2. The same, part 2. Vol. 2.3.— No. 0.3. Rebellion Records, series 1, vol. 0. Vol. 24, part 1. — No. 04, part 1. Compendium of the Tenth Census. Vol. 24, part 2.— The same. Vol. 25.— No. 05. Commercial relations. Vol.20. — [Quarto]. — No. 06. Contributions to the Bureau of Ethnology. Vol. 27. — No. 07. Rebellion Records, series 1. vol. 7. Reports of House committees : \o\. 1.— No. 1-392. Vol. 2.— No. 393-053. Vol. 3.— No. 054-993. Vol. 4.— No. 994-1270. Vol. 5.— No. 1277-1017, except 1559. Vol. 0.— No. 1618-1811. Vol.7. — [Quarto.] — No. 1559. General index of the Journals of Congress from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Congress. Note. — iliscellaneous Document No. 49, Husbandry of the Angora goat, August 20, 1884 ; copy not furnished for this document. Second Session. — December 4, 1882 to M.\rch 3, 1883. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-24, except 5. Vol. 1, part 2.— No. 5. Report of the National Board of Health, Vol. 2.— No. 25-32. No. 25. Industrial Education in the United States. Vol. :;.— No. 33-85, except 77 and 84. Vol.4. — [Quarto.] — No. 77. Report of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 5. i)art 1.— No. 84. List of pensioners on .Tanuary 1, 1883. in Maine. New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecti- cut, New Jersey, and District of Columbia. Vol. 5, part 2. — No. 84. The same, New York and Pennsylvania. Vol. 5, parts. — No. 84. The same, Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa. Vol. 5, part 4. — No. 84. The same, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, California. Oregon. .Nevada, Indian Territory, Dakota. New Mexico, Montana, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Arizoiia, and .Vlasku. 504 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate executive documents — Continued. Vol. 5, part 5. — No. 84. Tlie same, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia, Mary- land, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala- bama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and foreign. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-51, except 18, 32, and 46. Vol.2. — [Quarto.] — No. 18. Comparative rates of internal revenue. Vol.3. — [Quarto.] — No. 32. Eulogies on the late Senator Benjamin H. Hill. Vol. 4. — No. 46. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 879-980. Vol. 2.— No. 981-1031. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 2. President Arthur's annual message ; foreign relations. Vol. 2.— No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of AVar, Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of AVar, Engineers, vol. 2. part 2. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 3. Vol.6. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, ordnance, vol. 3. Vol. 7. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Signal Office, vol. 4. Vol. 8. — No. 1. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, parts 1, 2, and 3. Vol. 9. — No. 1, part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 10. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Vol. 11. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Indian af- fairs, railroad accounts, and pensions, vol. 2. Vol. 12. — [Quarto.] — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Geological Survey, vol. 3. Vol. 13. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, education, vol. 4. Vol. 14. — No. 1, part 6. Report of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and No. 8-34. Vol. 15. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Vol. 16. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. 17. — [Quarto.] — No. .5. Estimates of appropriations. 6. Indian dis- bui'sements. 9. Miscellaneous, estimates for the District of Columbia. Vol. 18. — No. 7. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 19.— No. 35-72, except 71. Vol. 20.— [Quarto.]— No. 71. Patent Office report. Vol. 21.— No. 73-104, except 93. Vol. 22.— No. 93. Mail contracts. Vol. 2.3. — [Qviarto.] — No. 105. Cruise of the steamer Cnrivin in the Arctic Ocean in 1881. 107. Interoceanic communication by vs-ay of the American isthmus. Sullivan. Vol.24. — No. 100. Precious metals in the United States. 108. Loss of the steamer JcaiieHe. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE '' 505 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 25. — Xo. 109. Agricultural report. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-18. except C> and 9. Vol. 2. — No. 6, part 1. Report of the Tariff Commission, vol. 1. Vol. 3.— No. (5, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 4, part 1. — No. 19-25, 29, and 30. Consular reports ; contested election. Jones f. Shelley ; judgments of Court of Claims, etc. Vol. 4, part 2. — No. 20, part 1. Report of Executive Departments on the exhibition, 1876. Vol. 4, part 3. — No. 20, part 2. The same." Vol. 5. — No. 26. Smithsonian report. Vol. 6. — No. 27. War records, series 1, vol. 8. Vol. 7.— [Quarto.]— No. 28. Nautical Almanac for 188G. Vol. 8.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 30, 31, 32, 33. and .34. eulogies. Vol. 9. — No. 35. Digest of House election cases in the Forty-seventh Con- gress. Vol. 10. — No. 37. Decisions of the First Comptroller. Vol. 11. — No. 39. Commercial relations. 40. Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Vol. 12. — No. 41. Rebellion records, series 1, vol. 9. Vol. 13.— [Quarto.]— No. 42. Tenth Census: Part 1. Population. Part 2. Manufactures. Part 3. Agriculture. Part 4. Transportation. Part 5. Cotton production, vol. 1. Part 6. Cotton production, vol. 2. Part 7. Valuation, taxation, and public debt. Part 8. News] )apers, Alaska, and sliipimilding. Part 9. Forest trees of North America, part 1. Part 9. Forestry, maps, part 2. Part 10. Petroleum, coke, and building stones. Part 11. Mortality and vital statistics, part 1. Part 12. The same, part 2. Part 12, part 2, part 1. Plates and diagrams accompanying part 12. Part 1.3. Technology and precious metals. Part 14. Mining laws. Part 15. Mining east of the one-hundredth meridian. Part 16. Water power, part 1. Part 17. The same, part 2. Part 18. Social statistics of cities, jKirt 1. Part 19. The same, part 2. Part 20. Wages. Part 21. Fisheries. I'art 22. Miscellaneous. a No. 38. Questions of order, raised an-18, except 7. \'()1. 14. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. ^'ol. 15. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. \(A. HJ. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 5, ol, 35, G4, and 82. No. 04. Apprujiriations for rivers and harbors, 1789-1882. Vol. 17. — No. 7. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 18.— No. 19-3G. except 31 and 35. Vol. 19. — No. 37. Mississippi River Commission. Vol. 20.— No. 38-92, except 43, 64, 73, 82, and 84. Vol. 21.— No. 43. Report of the National Board of Health. Vol. 22.— [Quarto.']— No. 73. Patent Office report. Vol. 23.— [Quarto.]— No. 84. Mail contracts. Vol. 24.— No. 93-99. Vol. 25. — No. 100. Star route investigations. 101. Undervaluations of wool and woolen yarns. 102. Indian depredation claims. 103. Mexican claims. Vol. 20.— No. 104-128. Vol. 27.— No. 129-175, except 172. Vol. 28. — No. 172. Irregular practices of certain attorneys. Vol. 29. — No. 17G, part 1. Commercial relations, vol. 1. Vol. 30. — No. 176, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 31.— No. 177. Report of the Director of the Mint. Vol. 32. — No. 178. Agricultural report. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-15, except 4 and 12. Vol. 2.— [Quarto.-]— No. 4, part 1. Official register. Vol. 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 4. part 2. The same. Vol. 4. — No. 12, part 1. Commercial relations. Vol. 5. — No. 12, part 2. The same. Vol. G.— No. 12, part 3. The same. Vol. 7.— No. 12, part 4. The same. Vol. 8. — No. IG. Contested election fi-om Virginia, C. T. O'Ferrall r. John Paul. Vol. 9.— No. 17-19. Vol. 10.— No. 20-24. Vol. 11. — No. 25, part 1. Contested election from Ohio. J. E. Campbell r. II. L. Morey. \oI. 12. — No. 25. parts 2 and ;>. The same. Vol. 13. — No. 2G. War records, series 1, vol. 10. part 1. ^'ol. 14. — No. 27. part 1. Contested election from Virginia. John E. Massey v. John S. Wise. 508 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House uiiscellaneous documents — Continued. Vol. l-j. — No. 27, part 2. Contested election from Virginia, John E. Massey v. John 8. Wise. Vol. IG.— No. 28-31. ^'ol. 17. — No. 32. War records, series 1, vol. 10, part 2. Vol. 18. — No. 33. Weeks's report on wages (not printed). Vol.*19.— No. 34-.50, except 35. 38, 41, 46, 47, and 49. Vol. 20. — [Quarto.] — No. 35. Nautical Almanac. 41. American Coasters' Nautical Almanac. Vol. 21. — No. 38. Expenditures in the Department of Justice, part 1. Vol. 22.— No. 38. The same, part 2. Vol. 23.— [Quarto.]— No. 46. Eulogies of Dudley C. Haskell. 47. Eulogies of Thomas Allen. .53. Eulogies of Thomas H. Ilerndou. Vol. 24. — No. 49. Imports and duties, 1867-1883 ; domestic and fox'eigu ex- ports, by Evans, 1884. Vol. 25.— No. 51-04, except 53, 56, and 60. Vol. 26. — No. 56. Decisions of the First Comptroller. Vol. 27. — [Quarto.] — No. 60. Geological Survey. Vol. 28. — No. 65, part 1. War records, vol. 11, part 1. Vol. 20.— No. 65, part 2. The same, vol. 11, part 2. Vol 30.— No. 6.5, part 3. The same, vol. 11, part .3. Vol. .30.— No. 65, part 3. The same, vol. 11. part 3. Vol. 31. — No. 66. Jcannette court of inquiry. Vol. 33.— No. 68. The same, part 2. Vol. .34. — No. 69. Smithsonian report. Vol. 35. — No. 70. Geological Survey, fossil flora. A^ol. 36.— No. 71. Bulletins of the Geological Survey, 1-6. Vol. 37. — [ Quarto. ]^ — No. 72. Silver-lead deposits of Eureka, Nev. Vol. .38.— [Quarto.]— No. 73. Paleontology of the Eureka district. Vol. .39. — [Quarto.] — No. 74. Paleontology of New Jersey. Vol. 40. — No. 75. Mineral resources of the United States. Report of House committees : " Vol. 1.— No. 1-.342. Vol. 2.— No. 34.3-636. Vol. 3.— No. 637-979. Vol. 4.— No. 980-1175. Vol. 5.— No. 1176-1519. Vol. 6.— No. 1520-1862. Vol. 7.— No. 1863-2165. Second Session.— December 1, 1884 to March 3, 1885; also Forty-ninth Con- gress, Special Session Senate, March 4 to April 2. 1885. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1, part 1. — Nos. 1—49. No. 47, part 1. President's message transmitting " Treaties and Conventions." Vol. 1, part 2. — No. 47, part 2. " Treaties and Conventions concluded between the United States of America and Other Powers since July 4, 1776," etc. ; Haswell's compilation, 1889. Vol. 2, part 1. — Nos. .50-106 (except No. 95). Nos. 1 and 2, Senate special ses- sion, March-April. 1885. oThe following numbers were not bound: 11, 371, 17.32, 1976, 2019. CATALOGUE LIBKAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 509 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate executive documents — Continued. Vol. 2, part 2. — No. 9.5. Mrs. Fletcher's Special Report on Indian Education and Civilisiation. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-G8, except 33, 56, 66, and 67 ; No. 1-25 of Senate special ses- sion. March-April. 1885. Vol. 2. — No. 33. Smithsonian report. Vol. 3. — [Quarto.] — No. 56. Proceedings at the dedication of the Washington Monument. 66. Eulogies of the late Senator Hoiuy B. Anthony. Vol.4. — [Quarto.] — No. 67. Descriptive catalogue of Government puhlica- tions, September 5, 1774. to March 4. 1881, Poore. Vol. 5. — [Quarto.] — No. 69. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 6. — No. 70. Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Vol.7. — [Quarto.] — No. 71. Astronomical and meteorological observations, 1881. Vol. 8.— [Quarto.]— No. 72. The same, for 1882. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — No. 901-1292, except 1262. suppressed. Vol. 2.— No. 129.3-1573. No. 1 of special session. March 4-April 2. 1885. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Arthur's annual message ; foreign relations. Vol. 2.— No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War. Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol, 4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War. Engineers, vol. 2, part 2. Vol.5. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 3. Vol.6. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, I)art 4. Vol. 7. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, ordnance, vol. 3. Vol. 8.— No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Signal (Sfhce, vol. 4. Vol. 9. — No. 1, part 3. Report; of the Secretary of the Navy, vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 10. — No. 1, part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 11. — No. 1, part 5. Report of tuo Secretary of tlie Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 12. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Indians and Territories, vol. 2. Vol.13. — [Quarto.] — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Geological Survey, vol. 3. Vol. 14. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, education, vol. 4. Vol. 1.5. — No. 1, part 6. Report of the Commissioners of the District of Colum- bia, and Nos. (5, 8, and 9. Vol. 16. — No 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Vol. 17. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. 18.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 5, 115, 196, and 270. Geographical Congress at Vienna, estimates, deficiencies, etc. Vol. 19. — No. 7, part 1. Coninierce and navigation. Vol. 20. — No. 7, parts 2 and 3. Internal commerce of the United States. 510 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 21.— No. 10-64, except 4:5, 44, and .54. Vol. 22. — [Quarto.] — No. 43. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 23. — [Quarto.] — No. 44. International polar expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska. Vol. 24. — No. .54. part 1. Consular reports on labor in Europe. Vol. 25. — No. 54, part 2. The same. Vol. 2G. — No. 54. part 3. Labor in America, Africa, and Australia. Vol. 27.— No. 6.5-175. except 115. Vol. 28.— No. 17G-225, except 196. Vol. 29.— No. 226-267, except 235, 248, and 266. Vol. .30. — No. 235. French and American Claims Conuuission. Vol. 31.— No. 248. The same. Vol. 32.— [Quarto.]— No. 266. Mail contracts. Vol. 33. — No. 268. Precious metals in the United States. Vol. 34.— No. 269. Agricultural report. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-11. Vol. 2.— No. 12-38. except 15, 18, 22, 27, 28, 29. 30, 31, 32. 33. 34, .35. and 37. Vol.3. — [Quarto.] — No. 15. Digest of the official opinions of the Attorneys- General from 1789 to 1881. Vol.4. — [Quarto.] — No. 18. Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Vol. 5. — No. 22. Decisions of the First Comptroller of the Treasury. Vol.6. — [Quarto.] — No. 27. Eulogies on the late Representative W. II. Duncan. 28. Eulogies on the late Representative J. H. Evins. Vol. 7. — No. 29. British naval and military operations in Egypt in 1882. Goodrich. 30. The war between Chile and Peru and Bolivia in 1879-1881, Mason. 31. Operations of the French navy during the war with Tunis. 1881. Vol. 8.— [Quarto.]— No. 32. Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Eth- nology. Vol. 9.— [Quarto.]— No. 33. Nautical Almanac for 1888. Vol. 10.— No. 34. Consuls' reports. Vol.11- — [Quarto.] — No. 35. Monograph No. 2 of the Geological Survey, ter- tiary history of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Dutton. Vol. n. part 2. — [Quarto.] — Same, Atlas. Vol.12. — No. 37. War records, vol. 12, part 1. Vol. 13.— No. 37. War records, vol. 12, part 2. Vol. 14.— No. 37. War records, vol. 12. part 3. Vol. 15. — No. 39. Fourth Annual Report on Entomology. Vol. 16. — No. 40. Insects affecting orange trees. 41. Bulletins No. 7-14 of the Geological Survey. Vol.17. — [Quarto.] — No. 42. Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Eth- nology. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 2166-2604, except 2189. Vol. 2.— No. 2005-2676. Vol. 3.— No. 2677-2696, except 2692. Vol.4. — [Quarto.] — No. 2692. Personal record of the Members of Congress for the first eight Congresses, 1789 to 1805. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 511 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 4 to April 2, 1885. Senate exofutlve ilocuiiioiits : Ixnind witli Senate exociitivo documents of 48th Congress, 2d session. Senate niiscellaneou.s documents ; bound with Senate miscellaneous documents of 48th Congress, 2d session. First Session. — December 7, 1885 to August 5, 1886. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-08, except 35 and 36. Vol. 2. — No. 35. Tests of iron and steel at Watertown Arsenal, part 1. Vol. 3.— No. 3G. The same, part 2. Vol. 4. — No. G9-77. except 74. Vol.5. — [Quarto.] — No. 74. Payments of awards under certain treaties with France and Spain. 99. Report of the United States Nicaragua surveying party in 1885, Menocal. Vol. 5, part 2. — [Quarto.] — Maps, Nicaragua survey. Vol. (J.— No. 78-98. Vol. 7.— No. 100-153. Vol. 8.— No. 1.54-226. Senate miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1^6. ^'ol. 2.— No. 47-98, except 71 and 82. Vol. 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 71. Patent Office report. Vol. 4.- — No. 82. Testimony taken during investigation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 5.— No. 99-170, except 104, 120, 145, 1.52, 154, 155, 156, and 162. Vol.6. — [Quarto.] — No. 104. Addresses on the acceptance of the Garfield statue. 120. Eulogies of the late Vice-President Hendricks. 145. Eulogies of the late Senator John F. Miller. Vol. 7. — [Quarto.] — No. 152. Observations of the Naval Observatory. 154. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. S. — [Quarto.] — No. 155. Contributions to the natural history of Alaska. 150. Natural history collections made in Alaska in 1877-1881. Vol. 9. — No. 162, part 1. Wharton's Digest of International Law, vol. 1. Vol. 10.— No. 162, part 2. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 11.— No. 162, part 3. The same. vol. 3. Vol. 12. — [Quarto.] — No. 171. Digest of the opinions of the Attorney-General. \'ol. 13. — No. 172. Census report on the defective classes. liei)orts of Senate committees: Vol. 1.— No. 1-90, except 46. Vol. 2. — No. 46, part 1. Report of the Senate Committee on Interstate Com- merce. Vol. 3. — No. 46. part 2. The same, testimony. Vol. 4.— No. 91-392. Vol. 5.— No. 393-784. Vol. (•..— No. 78.V10S8. \o\. 7.— No. 1089-1315. except 1278. Vol. 8. — No. 1278, parts 1 and 3. Condition of the Indians in Indian Terri- tory and on other reservations. A'ol. 9. — No. 1278, part 2. Testimony. 3605—08 33 512 CATALOGUE LTBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Iteports of Senate committees — Coutinued. Vol. 10.— No. 131G-1453. Vol. 11.— No. 1454-1G15. House exec-utive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Cleveland's annual message ; foreign rela- tions. Vol. 2.— No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 2. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 3. Vol. 6. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 4. Vol. 7. — No. 1, part 2. Report.of the Secretary of War, Ordnance, vol. 3. Vol. 8. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Signal Office, vol. 4. Vol. 9. — No. 1, part 3. Report of the SecTetary of the Navy. Vol. 10. — No. 1, part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 11. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 12. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Indians and Territories, vol. 2. Vol. 13. — [Quarto.] — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Geological Survey, vol. 3. Vol. 14. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, education, vol. 4. Vol. 15. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Commis- sioner of Lahor. vol. 5. Vol. IG. — No. 1, part G. Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Vol. 17. — No. 2, part 1. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, Vol. 18. — No. 2, part 2. The same, collection of duties. Vol. 19. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. Vol. 20.— No. 4-20, except 5, 9, 18, and 19. Vol. 21.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 5, 62, 116, and 176. Vol.22. — [Quarto.] — No. 9. Mail contracts. Vol.23. — [Quarto.] — No. 18. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 24. — No. 19. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 25.— No. 21-50, except 27, 29, 31, and 49. Vol. 26. — No. 27. Accounts of the Treasurer. Vol. 27. — No. 29. Receipts and expenditures for year ending June 30, 1881. 31. The same, year ending June 30, 1882. Vol. 28. — [Quarto.] — No. 49. Report of the Board on Fortiflcations. Vol. 28, part 2. — [Quarto.] — The same. Illustrations. ])lates. Vol.29. — No. 51. Cattle and dairy farming as reported by the consuls of the United States. Vol. 30.— No. 52-118, except 62 and 116. Vol. 31.— No. 119-172, except 1.53. Vol.32. — [Quarto.]— No. 153. Cruise of the steamer Corivin in the Arctic Ocean in 1885. Vol. 33.— No. 173-280, except 176 and 253. CATALOGUE LTBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 513 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 34. — No. 253. Couuiiercial relations. Vol. 35.— No. 281-377, except 200. Vol. 36. — No. 290. Production of the precious metals in the United States. Vol. 37. — No. 378. Agricultural report. House miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-34, except 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, and 29. Vol. 2. — [Quarto.] — No. 16. Rules adopted by the House. 304. Monographs of Geological Survey, vol. 11 : geological history of Lake La- hontan, in Nevada. .305. The same, vol. 10, monograph of an extinct order of gigantic mammals. Vol. 3.— No. 21. War records, vol. 13. Vol. 4.— No. 22. The same, vol. 14. Vol. .5.— [Quarto.]— No. 27. Official Register for 188.5, part 1. Vol. 6.— [Quarto.]— No. 27. The same, part 2. Vol. 7. — No. 28. Consuls' reports. Vol. 8. — No. 29. Consuls' reports. Vol. 9. — No. 30. Mineral resources of the United States. Vol. 10.— No. 37-177, except 164. Vol. 11.— No. 1G4. War records, vol. 15. Vol. 12. — Nos. 178 and 179. Consuls' reports. Vol. 13.— No. 180-340, except 273, 302, 304, 305, and 338. Vol. 14.— No. 273. War records, vol. 16, part 1. Vol. 15.— [Quarto.] — No. 302. Memorial addresses on the late Representa- tive Reuben Elhvood. 379. The same, of J. Rankin. 380. The same, of Michael Hahn. Vol. 16.— No. 3.38. War records, vol. 16, part 2. Vol. 17.— No. 341-395, except 354, 355, 371, 379, 380, 392, and 393. Vol. 18.— [Quarto.]— No. 354. Nautical Almanac for 1889. Vol. 19. — No. 355. Testimony in the case of the Pan-Electric Telephone Com- pany. Vol. 20.— No. 371. War records, vol. 17. Vol. 21. — [Quarto.] — No. .392. Examination of wools and other animal fibers. Vol.22, part 1.— [Quarto.]— No. 393. The Greely expedition to Lady Frank- lin Bay. Vol.22, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 393. The same, with report of relief party; also in this volume House Miscellaneous Document No. 157, Forty-ninth Congress, second session ; " Schley-Greely relief expedition of 1884." Vol.23. — No. .396, part 1. International Monetary Conference at Paris in 1878. Vol. 24.— No. :',96, part 2. The same. Vol. 25. — No. 15, part 1. Smithsonian report. Vol. 26. — No. 15, part 2. The George Catlin Indian gallery in the Smithson- ian Institution. Vol. 27, part 1.— [Quarto.]— No. 307, parti. Monograph of the United States Geological Survey, mining in Leadville, Emmons. Vol. 27, part 2. — [Quarto.] — No. 397, part 2. The same, atlas. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-373. Vol. 2.— No. 374-708. 514 CATALOGUE LICRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FORTY NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Reports of House eouimittees — Coutiuued. Vol. 3.— No. 7U9-1U2!). Vol. 4.— No. 1030-127(i. Vol. 5.— No. 1277-1542. Vol. G.— No. 1543-1887. Vol. 7.— No. 1888-22G4. Vol. 8.— No. 2265-2577. Vol. 9.— No. 2578-2855. Vol. 10.— No. 2856-3142. Vol. 11.— No. 3143-3474. Vol. 12. — [Quarto.] — No. 3475. Personal index of the Members of Congress from the Ninth to the Sixteenth Congress. 1805 to 1821. Second Session.— December 6, 1886 to March 8, 1887. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-110. Vol. 2.— No. 111-125. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-29. Vol. 2.— No. 30-91, except 30 (part 2) and 90. Vol. 3. — [Quarto.] — No. 30, part 2. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sci- ences. Vol. 4. — No. 90. Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Vol.5. — [Quarto.] — No. 92. Cholera in Europe and India, by Edward O. Shakespeare. Vol. 6. — [Quarto.] — No. 93. Eulogies of the late Senator John A. Logan. 94. Eulogies of the late Senator Austin Pike. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — No. 1616-1773. No. 1683, parts 1 and 2. American fishery intereses. Vol. 2.— No. 1774-1961. Vol. 3.— No. 1962-1990. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Cleveland's annual message ; foreign rela- tions. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 4.— No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 2. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 3. Vol. 6. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Ordnance, vol. 3, and No. 1, part 2, Signal Office, vol. 4. Vol. 7. — No. 1, part 3. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. Part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 8. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 9. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, public lands, vol. 2. Vol. 10.— [Quarto.]— No. 1, part 5. Geological Survey, vol, 3. Vol. 11. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Commissioner of Education, vol. 4, and report of the Commissioner of Labor, vol. 5, CATALOGUE LTBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE 515 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 12. — No. 1, part (i. Report of the Commissioners of the District of Co- himbia. Vol. 13. — No. 2, parts 1 and 2. Finance report. Vol. 14. — No. .'}. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. If). — [Quarto.l — Nos. 5, 20 (part 3), and 89. Estimates of appropria- tions and mail contracts. Vol. 1(>. — No. 7, part 1. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 17. — No. 7, part 2. Internal commerce of the United States. Vol. 18. — Nos. G and 8-21, except No. 20, part 3. Vol. 19.— No. 22-27. Vol. 20.— No. 28-78, except 31 and 40. Vol. 21. part 1.— No. 31. Tests of metals in 1886. Vol. 21, part 2.— The same. Vol. 22. — [Quarto.]— No. 40. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 23.— No. 79-130, except 89. Vol. ^4.— No. 131-180, except 171. Vol. 25.— No. 181-200. Vol. 2(5. — No. 171. Commercial relations, part 1. Vol. 27.— No. 171. The same, part 2. Vol. 28.— No. 201. Agricultural report. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-155, except 53, 54, 55, 56, 135, and 146. Vol. 2.— No. 53. War records, vol. 17. Vol. 3. — No. 54. The same, vol. 12, part 2, supplement. Vol. 4. — Nos. 55 and 50. Consuls' reports, 63-71, April to December, 1886. Vol. ."..—[Quarto.]— No. 135. Patent Office report. Vol. 7. Report on ethnology. Vol. 11. — No. 170. part 1. Smithsonian report. Vol. 12. No. 170, part 2. The same. No. 157 is bound with vol. 22, part 2, first session of the Forty-ninth Congress. Reports of House committees: N'ol. 1.— No. .3476-3817. Vol. 2.— No. 3818-4181, except 4174. Vol. 3. — No. 4174, parts 1 and 2. Labor troubles in Arkansas, Illinois, Kan- sas, Missouri, and Texas, 516 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTIETH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 5, 1887 to October 20, 1888. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-50. • Vol. 2. — No. 51, parts 1, 2, and 3. Report and testimony of the United States Pacific Railway Commission, ^^ol. 3. — No. 51. The same, parts 4 and 5. Vol. 4. — No. 51. The same, parts 6 and 7. Vol. 5. — No. 51. The same, part 8. Vol. 6.— No. 51. The same, parts 9 and 10. Vol. 7.— No. 52-124, except 91 and 113. Vol. 8.— [Quarto.]— No. 91. Rainfall of the Pacific Slope. 282. Climate of Oregon and Washington. Vol. 9. — No. 113. President's message and documents relating to American fishing interests in British North American waters. Vol. 10.— No. 12.J-103. Vol. 11.— No. 194-281, except 223. Vol. 12. — No. 223. Report of the United States Civil Service Commission. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-100. Vol. 2. — No. 101-211. No. 109. The Fisheries treaty, and Edmunds' report, etc. Vol.3. — [Quarto.] — No. 212. Appropriations made during this session. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-315. Vol. 2.— No. 31G-G60, except 507. Vol. 3. — No. 507, parts 1 and 2. Methods of doing business in the Executive Departments. Vol. 4.— No. 507, part 3. The same. Vol. 5.— No. 661-1193. Vol. 6.— No. 1194-1623. Vol. 7.— No. 1624-1874. Vol. 8.— No. 1875-239(5, except 2332 and 2373. Vol. 9.— No. 2332, parts 1, 2, and 3. Revision if the tariff. Vol. 10. — No. 2373. parts 1 and 2. Operations of the civil service. House executive documents : Vol.1. — No. 1. part 1. President Cleveland's annual message; foreign rela- tions. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 2. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 3. Vol. 6. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 4. Vol. 7. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of AVar, ordnance, vol. 3, and of Signal Office, vol. 4. Vol. 8. — No. 1, part 3. Rejrort of the Secretary of the Navy. Vol. 9. — No. 1. part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 10. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol 1. Vol. 11. — No. 1, part .5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Indian affairs. Vol. 12, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Eighth Annual Report. Geological Survey. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 517 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continu6d. Vol. 12, part 2. — LQuarto.] — Geological Survey, vol. 3. Vol. 13. — J{o. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, education, vol. 4. Vol. 14. — No. 1, part .5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, labor strilves and lockouts, vol. 5. Vol. 15. — No. 1, part 0. Report of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Vol. 10.— No. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Vol. 17. — No. 3. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. Vol. 18. — No. 4-28, except 5, 6, and 14 ; 4 is Commissioner of Internal Reve- nue. Vol. 19.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 5, 14 (part 3), 29, 30, and 376. Estimates of appropriations and mail contracts. Vol. 20. — No. 6, part 1. Foreign commerce. Part 2. Internal commerce. Vol. 21, parts 1 and 2. — Fines and deductions of mail contractors. Vol. 22.^ — No. 15. Accounts of the Treasurer. Vol. 23. — No. 16. Tests of iron and steel. Vol. 24. — [Quarto.] — No. 17. Coast Survey report. Vol. 25.— No. 31-89. Vol. 20.— No. 90-210, except 124. Vol. 27. — Nos. 124 and 382. Receipts and expenditures. Vol. 28.— No. 211-281. Vol. 29.— No. 282-^69, except 376, 382, 400, 402, and 405. Vol. 30. — No. 400. Consuls" reports on taxation. 405. Product of the pre- cious metals in 1887. Vol. 31. — No.' 402. Commercial relations. Vol. .32.— No. 470. Agricultural report. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-280, except 42, 63, 87, and 164. Vol. 2. — No. 42. Mineral resources of the United States. 375. Bulletins of the Geological Survey, vol. 0, Nos. 38. 39. and 40. Vol. 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 87, part 1. Official Register for 1887, vol. 1. Vol. 4.— [Quarto.]— No. 87, part 2. The same, vol 2. Vol. 5.— [Quarto.]— No. 164. Patent Office report. Vol. 0.— No. 281-599, except 325, 338, 3.39, 341, .342. 374, 375, 387, 571, 572, 576, 585, 597, 000, 601, 602, 603, 604, and 605. Vol. 7.— No. 325. War records, vol. 18. \'ol. 8.— No. 338. The same, vol. 19, part 1. ^'ol. 9.— No. 339. The same, vol. 19, part 2. Xoh 10.— No. 341. The same, vol. 20, part 1. Vol. 11.— No. 342. The same, vol. 20, part 2. Vol. 12. [Quarto.] — No. 374. Speeches on accepting the portraits of ex- Speakers Sedgwick, Varnum. and Banks. 377. Eulogies of the late Representative Seth C. Moffatt. 601. Centennial celebra- tion at Newburgh, N. Y. Vol. 13.— No. 387. War records, vol. 21, part 1. Vol. 14.— [Quarto.]— No. .571. Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Eth- nology. 518 CATALOGUE LIBKAEY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTIETH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House miscellaneous documents — Continued. Vol. 15. — No. 572. Importation of contract labor. Vol. 16.— No. 585. War records, vol. 22, part 1. Vol. 17. — No. 000. part 1. Smitlisonian report. Vol. 18. — No. (iOO, part 2. The same, extinction of the American bison. Vol. 19. — [Quarto.] — No. 002. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 20, part 1. — No. 603. Preliminary index to correspondence and topics in introduction and notes (Wharton's). Part 2. The same, cor- respondence from February 5, 1775 to January 1, 1779. Part 3. The same, January 1, 1779 to July 25, 1780. Part 4. The same, July 25, 1780 to November 25, 1781. Part 5. The same, November 25, 1781 to November 13, 1782. Part 0. The same. November 13, 1782 to March 4, 1785, and general index. Vol. 21.— Nos. 004 and 005. Consuls' reports, 70-84, "vols. 22 and 23, April- June, 1887. Vol. 22.— Nos. GOG and 007. Consuls' reports, 8-5-91, vols. 24 and 25, October, 1887 to January, 1888. Vol. 23.— Nos. 008 and 009. Consuls' reports, 92-97, vol. 26, April-September, 1888. Vol. 24. — [Quarto.] — No. 010. Quicksilver deposits of tlie Pacific slope. Vol. 13. Monographs of United States Geological Survey. Vol. 25. — [Quarto.] — No. 611. Fossil fishes and plants of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley. Vol. 14. Monographs of United States Geological Survey. Vol. 26. — [Quarto.] — No. 597. Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. Vol. 27. — No. 03. Laws relating to the Post-Office Department. Reports of House committees : « Vol. 1.— No. 1-200. Vol. 2.— No. 261-000. Vol. 3.— No. 601-970. Vol. 4.— No. 971-1380. Vol. 5.— No. 1381-1770. Vol. 6.— No. 1771-22'50. Vol. 7.— No. 2251-2090. Vol. 8.— No. 2091-3200, except 3112. Vol. 9. — No. 3112. Investigation of trusts. Vol. 10.— No. .3201-3532, except 3300. Vol. 11. — No. 3300. Investigation of the Government Printing Office. Second and Special Sessions. — December 3, 1888 to March 3, 1889; Fifty-first Congress. Special Session Senate, March 4 to April 2, 1889. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-59. Vol. 2.— No. 00-70. Vol. 3.— No. 77-130. Vol. 4. — No. 131-147, and No. 1 of special session, March 4- April 2, 1889. «The following reports wore not printed: Nos. 355, 1433, 1922, 2330, 2824, 2841, 2842, 2934, 2930, 2938, 2939, 2950, 3144, and 3498. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 519 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Second and Special Sessions — Continued. Senate miscellaneous (liniiineiits : Vol. 1.— No. 1-30. ^'ol. 2. — No. 31-93, except G2, and 1-15 of the special session, March 4-April 2, 1889. Vol. 3. — No. (52. Testimony on the alleged election outrages in Texas. Vol. 4. — [Quarto.] — No. 94.- Statement of appropriations and new offices. Reports of Senate committees : \o\. 1.— No. 2397-2G04. Vol. 2.— No. 2005-2719, except 2(180, 2705, 2707, and 2710 ; also Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of si)ecial session, March 4-April 2, 1889. Vol. 3. — No. 2080, parts 1 and 2. Investigation of the new aqueduct tunnel in the District of Columbia. Vol. 4, part 1. — No. 2705, part 1. La Abra claim against Mexico. Vol. 4, part 2.— No. 2705, part 2. The same. A"ol. 5. — No. 2707. Report on Indian traders. Vol. 0. — No. 2710. Report on Indian traders and Chippewa timber contracts. House executive documents : Vol. 1, part 1. — No. 1, part 1. President Cleveland's annual message ; foreign relations. Vol. 1. — No. 1. part 2. The same. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vols. 1 and 3. Vol. 3. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 2. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, liart 3. Vol. 0. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 4. Vol. 7. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Signal Office, vol. 4. Vol. 8. — No. 1, part 3. Report of- the Secretary of the Navy. Vol.9. — No. 1, part 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 10. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 11. — No. 1, part .5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, public lands, vol. 2. Vol.12. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, interstate commerce and Territories, vol. 3. Vol.13. — [(Quarto.] — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Ninth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, vol. 4. Vol.14. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, education, vol. 5. Vol.15. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Commis- sioner of Labor, woi-king women in large cities, vol. 0. Vol.10. — No. 1, parte. Report of the Commissioners of the District of Co- lumbia. Vol. 17. — No. 2. Finance report. Vol. 18. — No. .".. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. 520 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Second and Special Sessions — Continued. Ilonse executive documents — Continued. Vol. 19. — No. 4-30, except 5, G, and 32. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 7. Report of the Attorney-General. 20. Electors of President and Vice-President in 1888. 28. Survey, of historic grounds in the Maumee Valley. Vol.20. — [Quarto.] — Nos. H and 71. Estimates of appropriations. Vol. 21. — No. G. Commerce and navigation. Vol.22. — [Quarto.] — No. 22. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 23.— 1 Quarto.]— No. .31, part 1. Mail contracts. Vol. 24. — No. 31, part 2. Fines and deductions from the pay of mail con- tractors. Vol. 25.— No. 32-119, except 45 and 71. Vol. 2G.— No. 120-169. Vol. 27. — No. 45. Tests of metals. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-135, excei)t 4, 60, 63, 109, 113, 129, 133, and 134. Vol. 2. — No. 4. Mineral resources of the United States. Vol. 3.— No. GO. War records, vol. 22, part 2. Vol. 4. — No. G3. Digest of election cases in the Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth, and Fiftieth Congresses. Vol. 5.— [Quarto.]— No. 109. Patent Office report. Vol. 6.— No. 113. War records, vol. 23, part 1. Vol. 7.— No. 129. War records, vol. 23, part 2. Vol. 8. — No. 133. Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Vol.9. — [Quarto.] — No. 134. Irrigation in Egypt. Vol. 10.— No. 136. Fish Commission Bulletin for 1887. Vol. 11, parti.— No. 137. Bulletins of the Geological Survey, No. 42-46. Vol. Il,piu-t2.— No. 137. The same. Vol. 12.— No. 137. The same. No. 47-54. Vol. 13, part 1.— No. 140. Consular reports, No. 98-100. Vol. 13, part 2.— No. 141. Consular reports. No. 101-104. Vol. 14. — No. 142, part 1. Smithsonian report. Vol. 15. — No. 142, part 2. Report of the National Museum. Vol. IG. — [Quarto.] — No. 143. Eulogies of the late Representative E. W. Robertson. 144. Eulogies of the late Representative J. M. Burnes. 145. Proceedings on accepting the statue of Lewis Cass. 146. Proceedings on accepting the statues of Fulton and Muhlenburg. Vol.17. — [Quarto.] — No. 147. Monograph No. 15 of the Geological Survey. Vol.18. — [Quarto.] — No. 148. Astronomical observations for 1884. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 35.33-3869. Vol. 2.— No. 3870-4069. Vol. 3.— No. 4070-4168, except 4147. Yol. 4. — No. 4147. Labor troubles in the anthracite regions of Pennsylvania. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 521 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Special Session Senate.— March 4 TO April 2, 1889. Senate executive dofiiments ; bound with S. Ex. Docs, of ,50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 4. \'ol. 4. — No. 1. President's message, transmitting a report upon the case of Louis Riel. Senate miscellaneous documents; hound with S. Mis. Docs, of .50th Congress, I'd session, vol. 2. Vol. 2. — Nos. 1-15. No. 4. List of Senate committees. No. 13. Etiology and treatment of yellow fever. Reports of Senate committees ; hound with Senate rei)orts of .50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 2. Vol. 2. — Nos. 1-3. No. 2. Mining operations in Nevada. No. 3. Methods of business in Executive Departments. First Session.— December 2, 1889 to October 1, 1890. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-10. Vol. 2.— No. 11-16. Vol. 3. — No. 17. War claims of Oregon. Vol. 4. — No. 18. International exhibition at Melbourne. Vol. 5.— No. 19-52. Vol. 6. — No. 53, part 1. International Marine Conference. Vol. 7. — No. 53, parts 2 and 3. The same. Vol. 8.— No. 54-59. Vol. 9.— No. 60-.122, except 115. Vol. 10.— [Quarto.]— No. 115. Rainfall of Nebraska. Vol. 11.— No. 123-215. No. 125: Intercontinental Railway Line. Vol. 12.— No. 216-239, except 231 and 2.32. Vol.13. — [Quarto.] — No. 231. Minutes of the International American Con- ference. Vol.14. — [Quarto.] — No. 2.32. Reports of the International American Con- fei'ence, part 1. Vol. 15.— [Quarto.]— No. 232. The same, part 2. Vol. 16.— [Quarto.]- No. 232. The saine, parts 3 and 4. Vol.17. — [Quarto.] — No. 232. The same, part 5, Spanish edition. Vol.18. — [Quarto.] — No. 232. The same, part 6, Spanish edition. Vol.19. — [Quarto.] — No. 232. The same, part 7, Spanish edition. Senate miscellaneous 'documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-13. Vol. 2.— No. 14-163, except 78. Vol. 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 78. Patent Office report. Vol.4.— No. 164-245, except 178. Vol. 5.— [Quarto.]— No. 178. Tariff statements and tables. Vol.6. — [Quarto.] — No. 246. Estimates of appropriations and new offices. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-300. Vol. 2.— No. 301-643. Vol. 3.— No. 644-829. Vol. 4.— No. 830-927. Vol.5. — No. 928, parts 1, 2, and 3. Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands. 522 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Re]ioi-ts of Senate committees — Continued. Vol. 6. — No. 928, parts 4, 5, and 0. Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands. Vol. 7.— No. 929-1304. Vol. s.— No. iaor)-i4('i(). Vol. 9.— No. 14G7-1S43, except 1530. ^'()l. 10. — No. 15.30, parts 1 and 2. Relations with Canada. House executive documents: Vol.1. — No. 1, part 1. President Harrison's annual message; foreign rela- tions. Vol. 2. — No. 1, part 2. Keiiort of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol.3. — No. 1, part 2. Ke])ort of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 4. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 2. Vol.5. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 3. Vol. G. — No. 1, part 2. Ri'port of the Secretary of War, Engineers, vol. 2, part 4. Vol. 7. — No. 1, part 2. Report of the Secretary of War, ordnance, vol. 3, and No. 1, part 2, Signal Office, vol. 4, parts 1 and 2. Vol.8. — No. 1, parts. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, vol. 1, Vol. 9.— No. 1, parts. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, vol. 2. Vol. 10. — No. 1, part 4. Rei)ort of the Postmaster-General. Vol. 11. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 12. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, 'Indian affairs, vol. 2. Vol. 13. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Patent Office report, vol. 3. Vol.14. — [Quarto.] — No. 1, part 5. Tenth Annual Report of the Director of the Geological Survey, part 2, irrigation, vol. 4. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — No. 1, part 5. The same, vol. 5. Vol. 15, part 1. — No. 1, part 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, educa- tion, vol. 5. Yol. 15, part 2. — The same. Vol. 1(>. — No. 1, part 6. Report of the Commissioners of the District of Co- lumhia. Vol. 17. — No. 1, part 7. Report of the Secretary of Agriculture. Vol.18. — No. 1, parts. Report of the Civil Service Commission. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 7. Report of the Attorney-General. Vol. 19. — No. 2. Finance report. Vol. 20. — No. 3, parts 1 and 2. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. Vol.21. — [Quarto.] — No. 5, 174, and 394. Estimates of appropriations. Vol. 22. — No. 6, part 1. Conunerce and navigation. Vol.23. — No. 6, part 2. Internal commerce. Vol. 24.— No. 8-39, except 14. Vol. 25. — No. 14. Tests of iron and steel. Vol. 20.— No. 40-105, except 55. Vol.27. — [Quarto.] — No. 55. Coast survey report for 1889. Vol. 28.— No. 106-140, except 113. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 523 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol.29. — [Quarto.] — No. IIH. Contracts for carrying the mails. Vol. 30. — No. llo, part 2. Fines and deductions from mail contractors. Vol. 31.— No. 141-212, excei)t 174. Vol. 32.— No. 213-2G3. Vol. 33. — No. 2(54, parts 1 and 2. Survej- of a waterway from Lake Michigan to the Illinois River. Vol. 34.— No. 265-294. Vol. 3;").— No. 29.5-391, except 33(5. Vol. .">(>. — No. 330. Report of the Commissioner of Labor. Vol. 37.— No. 392^70, except 394, 410, 436, and 437. Vol. .38.— No. 410. The Paris Exposition of 1889, vol. J. Vol. 39.— No. 410. The same, vol. 2. Vol. 40.— No. 410. The same, vol. 3. Vol. 41.— No. 410. The same, vol. 4. Vol. 42.— No. 410. The same, vol. 5. Vol. 43.— No. 436. Accounts of the Treasurer for 1889. Vol. 44. — No. 437. Commercial relations for 1887-88. House miscellaneous documents: ^ol. 1.— No. 1-76, except 4, 5, 6, 41, 44, and 45. Vol. 2. — No. 4. War records, vol. 24, part 1. Vol. 3.— No. 5. War records, vol. 24, part 2. Vol. 4. — No. 6. War records, vol. 24, part 3. Vol. .J.— [Quarto.]— No. 41. Official Register for 1889. vol. 1. legislative. executive, and .iudicial. Vol.6. — [Quarto.] — No. 41. The same, vol. 2, Post-Office Department. Vol. 7. — No. 44. War records, vol. 25, part 1. Vol. 8. — No. 44. War records, vol. 25, part 2. Vol. 9.— No. 77-175, except 105, 106, 146. 147, and 148. Vol. 10.— No. 105. War records, vol. 26, part 1. Vol. 11.— No. 106. War records, vol. 26, part 2. Vol. 12.— No. 146. War records, vol. 27. part 1. Vol. 13.— No. 147. War records, vol. 27, part 2. Vol. 14. — No. 148. War records, vol. 27, part 3. Vol. 15.— No. 176. Tariff hearings. Vol. 16.— No. 170-260, except 194. 211, 223, 224. 228. 229. 231. 232. 233. 234. 237, 238, 239, 240, 241. 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, and 257. Vol. 17.^ — [Quarto.] — No. 194. Monograph, vol. 1, of the Geological Survey, Lake Bonneville. Vol. 18.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 211 and 261. Bulletins of the Fish Commission. Vol. 19.— No. 223. War records, vol. 28, part 1. Vol.20. — No. 224, part 1. Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Vol. 21.— No. 224, part 2. Report of the National Museum. Vol. 22.— No. 228. War records, vol. 28. part 2. Vol. 23.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 229, 243, 262, 263, 264, 265, and 266, memorial addresses. Vol. 24.— No. 231. Consular reports, 105-107^. Vol. 25.— Nos. 2,32 and 233. Consular reports, 108-111, and index to vol. 18-31. 524 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House miscellaneous papers — Continued. Vol. 26.— No. 234. Consular reports, 112-115. Vol. 27. — No. 237. Opinions of Attorneys-General, vol. 17. Vol. 28.— No. 238. The same, vol. 18. Vol. 29.— No. 239. The same, vol. 19. Vol. 30.— No. 240. War records, vol. 29, part 1. Vol. 31.— No. 241. War records, vol. 29, part 2. Vol. 32.— No. 244. Geological Survey bulletins. No. 55-61. Vol. 33.— No. 245. War records, vol. 30, part 1. Vol. 34.— No. 246. War records, vol. 30, part 2. Vol. 35.— No. 247. War records, vol. 30, part 3. Vol. 36.— No. 248. War records, vol. 30, part 4. Vol.37. — [Quarto.] — No. 249. Monographs of the Geological Survey, vol. 16, Paleozoic fishes of North America. Vol.38. — [Quarto.] — No. 257. Astronomical observations in 1885. Vol. 39.— No. 267. Consular reports. No. 116-119. Vol. 40. — No. 268. Special consular reports, vol. 1 ; cotton textiles in foreign countries; files in Spanish America; carpet manufacture in for- eign countries ; malt and beer in Spanish America ; fruit cul- ture in foreign countries. Vol.41. — No. 269. Fifth Annual Report of the Entomological Commission. Vol. 42.— No. 270. Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for 1889-90. Vol.43. — [Quarto.] — No. 271. Tertiary insects of North America, Hayden's final report. Vol.44. — [Quarto.] — No. 272. part 1. Contributions to North American Eth- nology, vol. 2, part 1 ; the Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon. Vol.45. — [Quarto.] — No. 272, part 2. American Ethnology, vol. 2, Gatschet. Vol.46. — [Quarto.] — No. 273. Contributions to American Ethnology, vol. 6, the Cegiha language. Vol. 47.— No. 274. Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, 1888. Reports of House committees : a Vol. 1.— No. 1-289. Vol. 2.— No. 290-657. Vol. 3.— No. 658-1044, except 712. Vol. 4.— No. 1045-1210. Vol. 5.— No. 1211-1648, except 1473. Vol. 6.— No. 1649-2084, except 2070. Vol. 7.— No. 2085-2445. Vol. 8.— No. 2446-2772. Vol. 9.— No. 2773-3025. Vol. 10.— No. 3026-3243, except 3124. Second Session.— December 1, 1890 to March 3, 1891. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-95. Senate miscellaneous documents: Vol. 1.— No. 1-25. Vol. 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 26. Eulogies of James B. Beck. a Nos. 712, 1473, 2070, and 3174 were not bound. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 525 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate miscellaueous documents — Continued. Vol. 3.— No. 27-93, except .58 and 83. Vol. 4.— [Quarto.]— No. 58. Patent Office report. Vol. 5.— No. 83. Annual Report of American Historical Society, 1890. Vol. G. — [Quarto.] — No. 94. Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, 1889. Vol.7. — [Quarto.] — No. 95. Appropriations and new offices. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1844-2129. Vol. 2.— No. 2130-23G0. Vol. 3.— No. 23G1-2624. House executive documents : A'ol. 1. — President Harrison's annual message; foreign relations, No. 1, part 1. Vol. 2.— War, No. 1, part 2, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — War, Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 4. — War, Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 2. Vol. 5. — War, Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 3. Vol. (!. — War, Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 4. Vol. 7. — War, Ordnance, No. 1, part 2, vol. 3. Vol. 8.— War, Signal Office, No. 1, part 2, vol. 4. Vol. 9. — Report of the Secretary of the Navy, No. 1, part 3. Vol. 10. — Report of the Postmaster-General, No. 1, part 4. Vol. 11. — Report of the Secretary of the Interior, No. 1, part 5, vol. 1. Vol. 12.— Interior, No. 1, part 5, vol. 2. Vol. 13.— Interior. No. 1, part 5, vol. 3. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — Interior, Geological Survey, No., 1, part 5, vol. 4, part 1. Vol. 15. — [Quarto.] — Interior, Geological Survey, second annual irrigation report, No.'l, part 5, vol. 4, part 2. Vol. 10. part 1. — Interior, No. 1, part 5, vol. 5. Education. Vol. 16, part 2.— The same. Vol. 17. — Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, No. 1. i)nrt G. Vol. 18. — Report of the District of Columbia Commissioners, No. 1, part 6. Vol. 19. — No. 2. Finance report. Vol. 20. — No. 3, parts 1 and 2. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. Vol.21. — No. 1, part 8. Civil-service report. 4. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 7. Report of the Attorney-General. Vol. 22.— [Quarto.]— No. 5. Estimates, (t. Deficiencies. Vol. 23. — No. G, part 1. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 24. — No. 6, part 2. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 25.— No. 8-47, except 45. Vol. 2G. — No. 45, part 1. Special consular reports on irrigation, canals, etc., vol. 4. Vol. 27. — No. 45, part 2. Special consular reports, port regulations in foreign countries, vol. 5. Vol. 28.— No. 48-128, except 70. 80. 90, and 106, part 3. Vol. 29.— No. 70. Connnercial relations, 1888-89. Vol. :'.0.— [Quarto.]— No. 80. Coast Survey report, 1890. Vol. 31. — No. 90. Treasurer's accounts. Vol. 32.— [Qutirto.]- No. lOG, part 3. Business of the I'ost-Office Department for 1890. 526 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 33.— No. 129-209, except 165 and 167. Vol. 34.— No. 16.5. Tests of metals. Vol. 35 omitted by error in numbering volumes. Vol. 30.— No. 210-295, except 265 and 287. Vol. 37. — No. 265. Report of the Commissioner of Labor. Vol. .38. — [Quarto.] — No. 287. Water storage in arid regions. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-127, except 12, 13, 14, 76, 77, 78, and 108. Vol. 2.— No. 12. Rebellion Records, vol. 31, part 1. Vol. 3.— No. 13. The same, part 2. Vol. 4. — No. 14. The same, part 3. Vol. 5.— No. 76. The same, vol. 32, part 1. Vol. 6. — No. 77. The same, part 2. Vol. 7.— No. 78. The same, part 3. Vol. 8. — [Quarto.]— Nos. 108, 1.3.3, 1.34, and 185. Eulogies, respectively, on Representatives Edward J. Gay, of Louisiana ; Lewis F. Wat- son, of Pennsylvania ; James P. Walker, of Missouri ; James Phelan, of Tennessee. Vol. 9. — No. 128. Consular reports. Vol. 10. — No. 129, part 1. Smithsonian report for 1890. Vol. 11.— No. 129, part 2. The same. Vol. 12.— No. 130. Diseases of the horse. Vol. 13.— [Quarto.]— No. 131. Fish bulletin, report for 1889. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — No. 132. Astronomical observations for 1886. Vol. 15.— No. 136. Geological bulletins, Nos. 61-65. Vol. 16. — No. 137. Contested-election cases in Fifty-first Congress, digest of. House. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 3244-3471. Vol. 2. — No. 3472. Reports relative to immigration. Vol. 3.— No. 347.3-3732. Vol. 4.— No. 3733-3878. Vol. 5.— No. 3879^006. Vol. 6.— No. 4007-4058. FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session.— December 7, 1891 to August 5, 1892. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-40, except 5 and 8. Vol. 2.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 5, 1.53, and 157. Cable to Hawaii; Climate, Texas and Dakota. Vol. 3, part 1. — No. 8. First annual report, Bureau of American Republics. Vol. 3, part 2. — Conunercial directory Latin America. Vol. 3, part 3. — Tariffs of the American Republics. Vol. 3, part 4. — The same. Vol. 3, part 5. — The same. Vol.4. — No. 41, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. Artesian and underflow investigation. Vol. 5.— No. 42-83. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 527 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate executive doeunients — Continued. \'ol. 0.— Nos. 84-150, except 149 and \ry.i. Vol. 7, part 1. — No. 149. Bureau of American Republics, Handbook. Vol.7, part 2. — The same. Vol. 7, part .3. — The same. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, parts 1, 2, and 3. Congressional Directory. Vol. 2.— No. 2-97. except G5 and 08. Vol. o. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 05 and 192. Fish culture statistics; Alaska salmon fisheries. Vol. 4.— [Quarto.l— No. 08. Patent Office report. Vol. 5.— No. 98-220, except 109 and 192. Vol.0. — [Quarto.] — No. 109. National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 7.— [Quarto.]— No. 227. New offices. Vol.8. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 228 and 229. Relative to eulogies upon Senators Beck and Wilson. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-148. Vol. 2.— No. 149-453. Vol. 3.— No. 4.54-005. Vol. 4.— No. 000-849. Vol.5.— No. 850-1110, except 980. Vol.0. — No. 980, part 1. Effect of tariff laws upon prices and wages. Vol. 7. — The same, part 2. Vol. 8. — The same, part 3. . House executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, part 1. Foreign relations. Vol. 2.— No. 1, part 2. War, vol. 1. Vol.3. — No. 1, part 2. Engineers, vol. 2, part 1. Vol.4. — No. 1, part 2. Engineers, vol. 2, part 2. Vol. 5. — No. 1, part 2. Engineers, vol. 2, part 3. Vol. 0. — No. 1, part 2. Engineers, vol. 2, part 4. Vol.7. — No. 1, part 2. Engineers, vol. 2, part 5. Vol.8. — No. 1, part 2. Engineers, vol. 2, part 0. Vol. 9. — No. 1, part 2. Ordnance, vol. 3. Vol. 10.— No. 1, part 2. Signal Office, vol. 4. Vol.11. — No. 1. part 2. Inspector-General, vol. 5. Vol. 12.— No. 1, part 3. Navy. Vol. 13. — No. 1, part 4. Postmaster-General. Vol. 14. — No. l.part 5. Interior, vol. 1. Vol. 15. — No. 1. part 5. Interior, vol. 2. Vol. 10. — No. 1, part 5. Interior, vol. 3. \'ol. 17. — I Quarto. I — No. 1, part 5. Geological Survey, vol. 4, part 1. Vol. 18. — [Quarto.] — No. 1, part 5. (Geological Survey, vol. 4, part 2. Vol. 19, part 1. — No. 1, part 5, Education, vol. 5. Vol. 10, i»art 2. — The same. Vol. 2U. — No. 1, part 0. Agriculture. Vol.21. — No. 1, part 7. District of Columbia. Vol. 22.— Nos. 1 (part 8), 4, and 7. Vol. 23. — No. 2. Finance report. 3005—08 34 CATALOGUE IBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 529 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRES. Fst Session — Continued. House miscelUiueous documeis — Continued. Vol.32. — [Quarto.] — Nosl41, 234, and 320. Addresses on presentation of portraits o Speakers Grow and Randall ; also, memorial addresses. Vol.33. — No. 153. Coal ii South America. Vol. 34.— No. 154. Consulr reports, No. 132-135. Vol. 35.— No. 233. Rebellin Records, vol. 39, part 1. Vol. 36.— No. 233. The saie, part 2. Vol. 37.— No. 233. Tlie saie, part 3. Vol. 38.— [Quarto.]— No. '56. Naval observations, 1888. Vol. 39.— No. 258. Consult' reports, Nos. 136, 137, 138, and 139. Vol.40, part l.— | Folio. 1-No. 261. Atlas for Rebelliou Records, plates 1-84 and index. Vol. 40, part 2.— No. 261.The same, plates 85-175. Vol.41. — [Folio.] — No. 25. Eighth Annual Ethnological Report. Vol. 42. — No. 296. Minerf resources. Vol. 43.— No. 334. Smithmian report (1891), part 1. Vol. 44.— No. 334. The saie, part 2. Vol. 45.— No. 337. Bulletis of Geological Survey, Nos. 84, 85, and 86. Vol. 46.— No. 338. Rebellin Records, vol. 40, part 1. Vol. 47.— No. 338. The saie, part 2. Vol. 48.— No. 338. The saie, part 3. ol. 49.— No. 339. Consulr reports, vol. 39, No. 140-143. ol. 50. — [Quarto.] — No.'40. Final report of the Eleventh Census, ol. 50, part 1. — Mineral udustries. Vol. 50, part 2, i.— Publi(debt. ol. 50, part 2, ii. — Valudon and taxation, ol. 50, part 3, i. — Conipidiuni. population. Vol. 50, part 4, ii. — Com?ndium, miscellaneous statistics, ol. 50, part 4, iii. — Comendium, population. 5, I. — Compidium, fire insurance. 5, II. — Comjndium, life insurance. 6. — Compeniuni, Indians. 7. — Compenium, churches. 8, I. — Popultion progress from 1790 to 1890. 8, II. — The tme. 9. — Populatn and resources in Alaska. 10. — Agricuure, irrigation, and fisheries. 11, I. — Tranjortation by land. 11, II. — Theanie, by water. 12, I. — Maniacturiug industries, by States. 12, II. — Theame, by cities. 12, III. — Sel'ted industries. 13. — Real eiate and mortgages. 14, I. — Criii. pauperism, and benevolence. 14, II. — Sarr, general tables. 15. — Farms nd homes. 16.— InsaneJeaf, dumb, and blind. 17. — Occupaon of population. 18, I. — Vitahnd social statistics. 528 ('A1\\L{)GUE JJBRARY I^NTTED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House executive documents — Continued. Vol. 24. — No. 3, part 1. Comptroller of the Currency. Vol. 25. No. o, part 2. The same, national banks. Vol.26. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 5, 94, and 205. Estimates, deficiencies. Vol. 27. — No. 6, part 1. Foreign commerce. Vol. 28. — No. 7, part 2. Internal commerce. Vol. 29.— Nos. 8-28. Vol. .30.— Nos. 29-46, except 43. Vol. 31— [Quarto.]— No. 43, part 1. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 32.— No. 43, part 2. The same. Vol. 33.— Nos. 47-79. Vol. 34.— Nos. 80-135, except 94. Vol. 35.— Nos. 136-200, except 161. Vol. 36. — No. 161. Tests of iron and steel. Vol. 37.— Nos. 201-275, except 205 and 232. Vol. 38, part 1. — No. 232. Commissioner of Labor. Vol. 38, part 2.— The same. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-335, except 11-26, 48, 50, 60, 77, 107, 141, 153, 233, 234, 256, 258, 261, 295, 296, 320, and 334. Vol.2. — [Quarto.] — No. 11. Astronomical observations. Vol. 3.— No. 12. Rebellion Records, vol. 33. Vol. 4.— No. 13. The same, vol. 34, part 1. Vol. 5.— No. 13. The same, part 2. Vol. 6.— No. 13. The same, part 3. Vol. 7.— No. 13. The same, part 4. Vol. 8. — No. 14. The same, vol. 35, part 1. Vol. 9.— No. 14. The same, part 2. Vol. 10. No. 15. The same, vol. 36, part 1. Vol. 11. — No. 15. The same, part 2. Vol. 12.— No. 15. The same, part 3. Vol. 13.— No. 16. The same, vol. 37, part 1. Vol. 14. No. 16. The same, part 2. Vol. 15. — Nos. 17 and 18. Consular reports. Vol. 16.— Nos. 19 and 20. The same. Vol. 17.— Nos. 21 and 22. Bulletins of Geological Survey, No. 66-71, Vol. 18.— No. 23. The same, 72-75. Vol. 19.— No. 24. The same, 76-80. Vol. 20.— No. 2.5. The same, 81, 82, and 336. Vol. 21. — [Quarto.] — No. 26. American Ethnology, a'oI. 7. Vol. 22.— No. 48. Rebellion Records, vol. 38, part 1. Vol. 23.— No. 48. The same, part 2. Vol. 24.— No. 48. The same, part 3. Vol. '25. — No. 48. The same, part 4. Vol. 26.— No. 48. The same, part 5. Vol. 27.— [Quarto.]— No. .50, part 1. Official Register for 1891. Vol. 28.— [Quarto.]— No. .50, part 2. Official Register for 1892. Vol.29. — [Quarto.] — No. 60. Monographs of Geological Survey, vol. 17. Vol.30. — [Quarto.]— No. 77. The same, vol. 18. Vol.31. — [Quarto.] — No. 107. Seventh Annual Ethnological Report. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 529 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House miscellaneous documents — Continued. Vol.32. — I Quarto. ] — Nos. 141. 234. and 320. Addresses on presentation of portraits of Speakers Grow and Randall ; also, memorial addresses. Vol. 3.3. — No. 153. Coal in South America. Vol.34. — No. 154. Consular reports. No. 132-135. Vol. 35.— No. 233. Rebellion Records, vol. 39, part 1. Vol. 36.— No. 233. The same, part 2. Vol. 37.— No. 233. The same, part 3. Vol. 38.— [Quarto.]— No. 256. Naval observations, 1888. Vol. 39.— No. 258. Consular reports, Nos. 136, 137, 138, and 139. Vol.40, part 1.— [Folio. 1— No. 261. Atlas for Rebellion Records, plates 1-84 and index. Vol.40, part 2. — No. 261. The same, plates 85-175. Vol.41. — [Folio.] — No. 295. Eighth Annual Ethnological Report. Vol. 42. — No. 296. Mineral resources. Vol. 43.— No. 334. Smithsonian report (1891). part 1. Vol. 44.— No. 334. The same, part 2. Vol. 45.— No. 337. Bulletins of Geological Survey. Nos. 84, 85, and 86. Vol. 46.— No. 338. Rebellion Records, vol. 40. part 1. Vol. 47.— No. 338. The same, part 2. Vol. 48.— No. 338. The same, part 3. Vol. 49.— No. 339. Consular reports, vol. 39, No. 140-143. Vol.50. — [Quarto.] — No. 340. Final report of the Eleventh Census, Vol. 50. part 1. — Mineral industries. Vol. .50, part 2, i.— Public debt. Vol. 50, part 2. ii. — Valuation and taxation. Vol. 50. piirt 3, I. — Compendium, population. Vol. 50, part 4, ii. — Compendium, miscellaneous statistics. Vol. 50, part 4, iii. — Compendium, population. Vol. 50, part 5, i. — Compendium, fire insurance. Vol. .50, part 5, ii. — Compendium, life insurance. Vol. 50, part 6. — Compendium, Indians. Vol. 50, part 7. — Compendium, churches. Vol.50, part 8, i. — Population progress from 1790 to 1890. Vol. 50. part 8, ii. — The same. Vol. 50, part 9. — Population and resources in Alaska. Vol. 50, part 10. — Agriculture, irrigation, and fisheries. Vol. 50, part 11, i. — Transportation by land. Vol. 50, part 11, ii.— The same, by water. Vol. 50, part 12, i. — Manufacturing industries, by States. Vol. 50, part 12, ii. — The same, by cities. Vol. 50, part 12, iii. — Selected industries. Vol.50, i)art 13. — Real estate and mortgages. Vol. ,50, part 14, i. — Crime, pauperism, and benevolence. Vol. 50, part 14, ii. — Same, general tables. Vol. 50. part 15. — Farms and homes. Vol.50, part 16. — Insane, deaf. dumb, and blind. Vol. .50, part 17. — Occupation of population. Vol. 50, part 18, i. — Vital and social statistics. 530 CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House miscelkmeous documents — Continued. Vol. 50, part 18, ii.— Vital and social statistics— Continued. Vol. .50, part 18, iii. — The same, statistics of deaths. Vol.50, part IS, iv.— The same. Vol.50, part 19.— Statistical atlas. Vol.51. — [Quarto.] — No 341. Fish Commission bulletins of 1890, vol. 10. Vol. 52.— [Quarto.]— No. 342. Monographs of Geological Survey, vol. 19. Vol. 53.— [Quarto.]— No. 343. The same, vol. 20. Reports of House conmiittees : Vol. 1.— No. 1-322. Vol. 2.— No. 323-686, except 634. Vol. 3.— No. 687-943. Vol. 4.— No. 944-1302. Vol. 5.— No. 1303-1641, except 1454. Vol. 6. — No. 1454. Expenditures, World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. Vol. 7.— No. 1642-1955, except 1868. Vol. 8. — No. 1868, part 1. Pension Bureau Investigation. Vol. 9.— No. 1868, part 2. The same. Vol. 10.— No. 1956-2147, except 1960, 2087, and 2090. Vol. 11. — No. 1960. Laws relative to commerce and labor in various States and Territories, also District of Columbia, 1892 [second edi- tion, 1896 ].o Vol. 12.— No. 2090. Ellis Island investigation. Second Session. —December 5, 1892 to March 3, 1893. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-19, inclusive. Vol. 2.— No. 20-68, inclusive, except 37, 38, 65, and 66. Vol.3. — [Quarto.] — No. 37, part 1. Coast Survey. Vol. 4.— No. 37, part 2. The same. Vol. 5.-r-No. 38, part 1. Banking statistics. Vol. 6. — No. 65. Emigration. Vol. 7. — No. 66. Compulsory insurance of workingmen in Germany. Vol. 8.— No. 69-107, inclusive, except 84 and 96 ; and 1-4, inclusive, of special session. Vol. 9. — Nos. 84 and 86. American Republics, Bureau of ; reports. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1-69, inclusive, except 15, 53, 57, 64, 65, 6(5, 67, and 68. Vol. 2. — No. 15. Interstate Commerce Commission ; sixth annual report. Vol. 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 53. Patent Office report. Vol. 4. — No. 57. American Historical Association report, 1892. Vol. 5.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 64, 65, 66. Eulogies. Vol. 6. — No. 67. Senate contested-election cases. Vol. 7. — No. 68. Senate precedents. Vol. 8. — [Quarto.] — No. 70. Appropriations and new offices. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1117-1285, inclusive. Vol. 2. — No. 1286-1393, inclusive; and 1-9, inclusive, special session. a Second edition of labor laws, 1896, with decisions of courts, separate vol- ume. Not in serial documents. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 531 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Reports of Senate committees — Continued. Vol. 3. — No. 1394, 4 parts, separately Ijound. Wholesale prices, wages, and transportation. [Aldricb report.] Part 1 embodies, in a con- densed form, everything contained in parts 2, 3, and 4. Vol. 3.— Same, part l'. Exhibits. Vol. 3. — Same, part 3. Exhibits, continued. Vol. 3. — Same, part 4. Exhibits, continued. House executive docmiionts : Vol. 1. — Foreign Uelntions, No. 1, i)art 1. Vol. 2.— War, No. 1, ])art 2, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 4. — Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 2. Vol. 5. — Engineers, No. 1. part 2. vol. 2. part 3. Vol. 6. — Engineers, No. J, part 2, vol. 2. part 4. Vol. 7. — [Quarto.] — Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 5. Vol. 8.— Ordnance, No. 1. part 2, vol. 3. Vol. 9. — Inspector-General, No. 1, part 2, vol. 4. Vol. 10.— Navy, No. 1, part 3. Vol. 11. — Postmaster-General, No. 1, part 4. Vol. 12. — Interior, No. 1, part 5, vol. 1. Vol. 13.— Interior, No. 1, part 5, vol. 2. Vol. 14. — Interior, No. 1, part 5, vol. 3. Vol. 15. — [Quarto.] — Geological Survey, No. 1, part 5, vol. 4, part 1. Vol. IG. — [Quarto.] — Geological Survey, No. 1, part 5, vol. 4, part 2. Vol. 17. — [Quarto.] — Geological Survey, No. 1, part 5, vol. 4, part 3. Vol. 18. — Education, No. 1, part 5, vol. 5, part 1. Vol. 19.— Education, No. 1, part 5, vol. 5. part 2. Vol. 20.— Agriculture, No. 1, part 6. Vol. 21. — District of Columbia, No. 1, part 7. Vol. 22.— No. 1, parts 8 and 9 and Nos. 4 and 7. Vol. 23.— No. 2. Secretary of the Troasui-y ; annual report. 1892. Vol. 24. — No. 3, part 1. Comptroller of the Currency ; annual report, 1892. Vol. 25.— No. 3, part 2. Same, part 2. Vol. 26. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 5, 72, and 161. Estimates, deficiencies. Vol. 27. — No. 6. Foreign Conunerce and Navigation ; Immigration and Ton- nage of the United States, 1892. Vol. 28.— No. 8-127, inclusive, except 43 and 72. Vol. 29.— No. 43. Tests of Metals. Vol. 30.— No. 128-229, inclusive, excejit KH and 228. Vol. 31.— No. 228. Receipts and Expenditures, 1889. Vol. 32.— No. 230-255, inclusive. Vol. 33.— No. 256. Receipts and Expenditures, 1890. Vol. 34. — No. 257. Conunercial Relations. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1-94, inclusive, except 11, 40, 41, 42, 43, 83, and 90. Vol. 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 11. Ethnology. Vol. 3. — No. 40. Rebellion Record, vol. 1, republication. Vol.4. — No. 41. Reliellion Record, vol. 2, republication. Vol. 5. — No. 42. Rebellion Record, vol. 3, republication. Vol. 6. — No. 43. Rebellion Record, vol. 4. republication. 532 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS Second Session — Continued. House miscellaneous documents — Continued. Vol. 7.— No. 83. Mineral resources. 1891. Vol. 8. — No. 90. Postal Laws and Regulations. Vol. 9. — [Quarto.] — No. 95. Comprehensive index of the Publications of the United States Government, 1889-1893; Ames. A^ol. 10.— No. 96, part 1. Rebellion Record. Vol. 11.— No. 96, part 2. Rebellion Record. Vol. 12.— No. 9G, part 3. Rebellion Record. Vol. 13.— No. 96, part 4. Rebellion Record. Vol. 14.— [Quarto.]— No. 97-104, inclusive. Vol. 15. — No. 105. Sheep industry, report on. Vol. 16. — No. 106. Diseases of cattle, report on. Vol. 17.. — [Quarto.] — No. 107. Weather Bureau, report. Vol. 18.— Nos. 108 and 109. Consular Reports. Vol. 19. — Nos. 110 and 111. Consular Reports, special, vols. 7 and 8. Vol. 20.— [Quarto.]— No. 112. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1891, vol. 11. Vol. 21.— No. 113. Fish Commission Report, 1889, 1890, 1891. Vol. 22.— No. 114, part 1. Smithsonian Report, vol. 1. Vol. 23.— No. 114. part 2. Smithsonian Report, vol. 2. Vol. 24. — [Quarto.] — No. 115. Astronomical Observations, 1889. Vol. 2.5.— [Quarto.]— No. 116. Ethnology; tenth report. Vol. 26.— No. 117. European commerce. 1790 to 1890. Vol.27. — [Quarto.] — No. 118. Geological Survey, monograph, vol. 21. Vol.28. — No. 119. Consular Reports, special, vol.9. Vol. 29. — No. 120. Animal Industry, Bureau of; eighth and ninth reports. Vol. 30.— [Folio.]— No. 121. Industrial art, growth of. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 2181-2317, inclusive. Vol. 2.— No. 2318-2446, inclusive. Vol. 3.— No. 2447-2621, inclusive. FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 4 to April 15, 1893. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-47. No. 46. Congressional Directory. No. 47. Late decisions of .Judges Taft, Ricks, and Spear, in certain cases involving the rights and duties of railroad employees, and construction of the antitrust and interstate-commerce laws. Reports of Senate Committees. (Bound in Fifty-second Congress, second ses- sion. Senate Reports, vol. 2.) No. 1. On credentials of Lee Mantle, Montana. First Session. — August 7 to November 3, 1893. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-33. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-96, except No. 23. Vol. 2.— No. 23, parts 1, 2, and 3. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 533 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Report of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— Nos. 11-72, except Nos. 41, 47, 58, and 61. Vol. 2. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 41, 47. 58, and 61 of this session; also of second session. Fifty-third Congress. Reports Nos. 93, 116, 200. 201. 240, 293, 447, 448, and 449 ; also of third session, Fifty-third Con- gress, Reports Nos. 769, 808, 865, 875, 932, 952, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1033. 10.34. and 1035. all being reports from the joint com- mission to inquire into the status of the laws organizing the Executive Departments, etc. executive documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-27. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. l-i5, except Nos. 9, 24, and 43. Vol. 2. — No. 9, part 1. War of rebellion, official records. Vol. 3. — No. 9. part 2. War of rebellion, official records. Vol.4. — No. 9, part 2. War of rebellion, official records. Vol. 5. — No. 24. Consular i-eports Nos. 152. 153, 154, l.">o, for May, June, July, August, 1893. Vol. 6. — No. 43. Tariff hearings. Committee on Ways and Means. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-170, except Nos. 49, 88, 145. and 152. Vol. 2. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 49. 88. 145, and 1.52 of this session. Also of second session. Fifty-third Congress, Reports Nos. 208, 210, 349, 392, 409, 637, 822, 970. 971. and 972. Also of third session. Fifty- third Congress, Reports Nos. 1584, 1652, 1736, 1759, 1839, 1851, 1908, 1909, 1910, 19.54, 1973, 1974. 1975. 1976. and 2000. Refer- ences to laws organizing Executive Departments and other Government establishments at the National Capital. Second Session.— December 4, 1893 to August 28, 1894. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-74, except No. 19, parts 1 and 2, and No. 36. Vol. 2, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 19. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 2, part 2. — The same. Vol. 3. — No. 36. Proceedings of the Pan-American Medical Congress. A'ol. 4. — Nos. 75-176. except Nos. 97 and 119. Vol. 5.-^[Quarto.]— No. 97. Des Moines River Land Grant. Vol. 6. — No. 119. Reports relating to military engineering. Vol. 7. — No. 177, parts 1-16. Fur-Seal Fisheries Arbitration. Vol. 7. part 1. — Final I'eports ; ])rotocols of sessions ; opinions of Justice Harlan and Senator Morgan. Vol. 7, part 2. — Historical and jurisdictional questions; habits and preserva- tion of seals and to the property of the United States therein ; report of Bering Sea Commission, with index : modus vivendi of 1892 ; Russian chartei's, 1799-1864 : dii)lomatic correspond- ence 1822-1892 ; foreign statutes and log books. Vol. 7, part 3. — Testimony and maps. Vol. 7, part 4. — Case of Groat Britain, with appendix. Vol. 7, part 5. — Appendix, t-ontimu'd. 534 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate executive documents — Continued. Vol. 7, part 6. — Report of Britisli commission of June 21, 1892. Vol. 7, part 7. — Counter case of the United States, with appendix and maps. Vol. 7, parts. — Counter case of Great Britain, with appendix. Vol. 7, part 9. — Argument of the United States, with appendix. Vol. 7, part 10. — Argument of Great Britain. Vol. 7, part 11. — Oral arguments on preliminary motions. Vol. 7, part 12. — Oral arguments on behalf of the United States, by James C. Carter and Frederick R. Coudert. Vol. 7, part 13. — Oral argument on behalf of Great Britain, by 'Sir Charles Russell, Sir Richard Webster, and Mr. Christopher Robinson. Vol. 7, part 14. — Oral arguments on regulations, by the same on behalf of Great Britain. Vol. 7, part 15. — Oral argument on behalf of the United States, by the Hon. Edward J. Phelps. Vol. 7, part 16. — [Quarto.] — Facsimiles of documents in the Alaskan archives. Department of State, United States ; Russian cor- respondence relating to Russian-American Company. Senate miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-103, except Nos. 10 and 12. Vol. 2. — No. 10. Seventh Annual Report Interstate Commerce Commission. Vol. 3. — No. 12. Congressional Dii"ectory. Vol. 4. — No. 104. Annual Repoi't of the American Historical Association. Vol. 5.— Nos. 105-276, except 122, 127, 178, 200, 266, and 274. Vol. 6.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 122 and 178. Eulogies. Vol. 7. — [Quarto.] — No. 127. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents, 1893. Vol.8. — [Quarto.]^ — No. 200. Salmon Fisheries of the Columbia River. Vol. 9, part 1. — No. 266. Index to private claims (Senate), Forty-seventh to Fifty-first Congress. A to G. Vol. 9, part 2.— The same, H to O. Vol. 9, part 3.— The same, P to Z. Vol. 10. — No. 274. Berlin Silver Commission, 1894. Three parts in one volume. Vol.11. — [Quarto.] — No. 277. Api)ropriations. New Offices, etc. Vol. 12. — No. 278. Digest of Decisions and Precedents. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— Nos. 73-330, except Nos. 93a, hg, 200," 201,a 227, 2.35, 240,a 259, and 293." Vol. 2. — No. 227. Hawaiian Islands. Vol. 3.— No. 235. Coinage Laws of the United States, 1792 to 1894, with Ap- pendix and Statistics. Vol. 4. — No. 259, parts 1 and 2. Imports of Merchandise, etc. Vol. 5.— Nos. 331-519, except Nos. 334, 358, 368, 370. 401, 406, 407, 412, 413, 415, 418, 419, 421-424, 426-430, 436a-449,o 451-457, 460-163, 465-469, 473-475. 477, 485-487, 491-494, and 511-513. Vol. 6.— [Quarto.]— No. 334. Tariff Comparisons, 1894. Vol. 7.— Nos. 358, 308, 370, 401, 406, 407, 412, 413, and 415. n Nos. 93, 116, 200. 201, 240, 293. 447. 448. and 449 bound with reports, first ses- sion Fifty-third Congress, vol. 2 [Quarto]. CATALOGUE LIBRAE Y UNITED STATES SENATE 535 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Reports of Senate committees — Continued. Vol. 8.— Nos. 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 426, 427, and 428. Vol. 9.— Nos. 429. 4.30, 437. 438, 4.39. 440^143. Vol. 10.— Nos. 43(5. 457. 477, 4S5, 4SU, 487, GOG, and 624. Vol. 11.— Nos. 444, 445, 446, 451, 4.52, 453-456, 460, and 461. Vol. 12.— Nos. 462, 463, 465, 466-469, 473, 474, 475, 491, 492, and 493. Vol. 13.— Nos. 494. 511. 512, 513, and .559. Vol. 14.— Nos. .520-700, except Nos. 559, 603. (JOGv 624. and 698. Vol. 15.— Nos. 603, 698. 701. and 702. Vol. 16.— Nos. 703, 704. 705, 706, 709, and 710. Not printed. Vol. 17.— No. 707. parts 1 and 2. The customs law of 1894. 708, parts 1 and 2. Tariff tables. House executive documents : Vol. 1. — Message of the President, and Foreign Relations, 1893, No. 1. part 1. Vol. 2.— Report of the Secretary of War, 1893, No. 1, part 2, vol. 1. Vol. 3. — Report of the Chief of Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 1. Vol. 4.— Report of the Chief of Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, pai"t 2. Vol. 5. — Report of the Chief of Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 3. Vol. 6. — Report of the Chief of Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 4. Vol. 7. — Report of the Chief of Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 5. Vol. 8. — Report of the Chief of Engineers, No. 1, part 2, vol. 2, part 6. Vol. 9.— Report of the Chief of Ordnance. No. 1, part 2, vol. 3. Vol. 10. — Report of the Inspector-General, No. 1, part 2, vol. 4. Vol. 11.— Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1893, No. 1, part 3. Vol. 12. — Report of the Postmaster-General, 1893, No. 1, part 4. Vol. 13.— Report of the Secretary of the Interior, 1893, No. 1. part 5. vol. 1. Vol. 14.— Report of the Secretary of the Interior, 1893, No. 1. part 5, vol. 2. Vol. 15.— Report of the Secretary of the Interior, 1893, No. 1, part 5, vol. 3. Vol. 16. — [Quarto.] — Report of the Director Geological Survey, No. 1. part 5, vol. 4, part 1. Vol. 17. — [Quarto.] — Report of the Director Geological Survey, No. 1, part 5, vol. 4. part 2. Vol. 18, part 1. — Report of the Commissioner of Education, No. 1, part 5, vol. 5. Vol. 18, part 2. — The same. Vol. 19. — Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, 1893, No. 1, part 6. Vol. 20. — Report of the Commissioners District of Columbia, 1893, No. 1, part 7. Vol. 21.— No. 1, part 8, and Nos. 4, 7, and 23. Vol. 22.— No. 2. Finance report, 189.3. Vol. 23, part 1.— No. 3. Report of tlie Comptroller of the Currency, 1893. Vol. 23, part 2.— The same. Vol. 24. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 3, 5, and 10.3. Estimates and Appropriations. Vol. 25.— [Quarto.]— No. 6, parts 1 and 2, and House Mis. Doc. No. 96. Vol. 26.— Nos. 8-96. except 23, .33, 47, 48, 70, 76, 79, 83. and 95. Vol. 27.— Nos. 47, 48, 70, 76. 79, 95, 112. 140, and 256. Vol. 28.— Nos. 83, 97, and 237. Vol. 29.— Nos. 98-261, except Nos. 103, 112, 140, 209, 237, 256, and 2.57. Vol. .30. — No. 209. Ninth Annual Report Coniniissioncr of Labor. 1S93. Vol. 31.— No. 257. Report Commissioner of Labor — Slums of Cities. 586 CATALOGUE LIBRAEY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-207, except Nos. 29, 38, 47. 54, 55, 81, 82, 93, 96,a 97, 107, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123. 130, 173, 175. 176. 177. 178, 179, 180, 181, 184, 200, and 205. Vol. 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 29, part 1. Official Register of the United States. vol. 1. Vol. 3.— [Quarto.]— No. 29, part 2. Official Register of the United States, vol. 2. Vol. 4.— No. 38. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1892. Vol. 5. — [Quarto.] — No. 47. Monographs United States Geological Survey, vol. 22. Vol. 6. — No. 54. Consular Reports, vol. 43. Vol. 7. — No. 55, part 1. War of the Rebellion, Official Records, vol. 43, part 1. Vol. 8.— No. 55, part 2. War of the Rebellion, Official Records, vol. 43. part 2. Vol.9. — [Quarto]. — No. 81. Eleventh Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology. Vol. 10.— [Quarto.]— No. 82. Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology. Vol. 11.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 93, 214, 21.5, and 216. Eulogies. Vol. 12.— No. 97. War of the Rebellion, Official Records, vol. 44. Vol. 13. — [Quarto.] — No. 107. Fifth International Geological Congress. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — No. 119. Monographs United States Geological Survey, vol. 23. Vol. 15. — [Quarto.] — No. 120. Monographs United States Geological Survey, vol. 24. Vol. 16.— No. 121, part 1. War of the Rebellion. Official Records, vol. 45, part 1. Vol. 17.— No. 121, part 2. W^ar of the Rebellion, Official Records, vol. 45, part 2. Vol. 18.— [Quarto.]— No. 122. Bulletin United States Fish Commission, 1892. Vol. 19.— No. 123. Consular Reports, vol. 44. Vol. 20.— [Quarto.]— No. 130. Bulletin United States Fish Commission, 1893. Vol.21. — [Quarto.] — No. 173. Contributions to North American Ethnology, vol. 9. Vol. 22. — No. 175. Special Consular Reports, vol. 10. Vol. 23.— No. 176. Bulletins United States Geological Survey. Nos. 87-89. Vol. 24. — No. 177. Bulletins United States Geological Survey, Nos. 90-97. Vol. 25.— No. 178. Bulletins United States Geological Survey, Nos. 98-101. Vol. 26.— No. 179. Bulletins United States Geological Survey, Nos. 102-106. Vol. 27.— No. 180. Bulletins United States Geological Survey, Nos. 107-117. Vol. 28.— No. 181. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1893. Vol. 20.— No. 184, part 1. Report Smithsonian Institution, 1893, part 1. Vol. 30.— No. 184, part 2. Report Smithsonian Institution, 1893, part 2. Vol. 31.— [Quarto.]— No. 200. Report Weather Bureau, 189.3. Vol. 32.— No. 205. Consular Reports, vol. 45. Vol. .33.— No. 208, part 1. War of tlie Rebellion, Official Records, vol. 46. part 1. Vol. 34.— No. 208, part 2. War of the Rebellion, Official Records, vol. 46, part 2. Vol. 35.— No. 208, part 3. War of the Rebellion, Official Records, vol. 46, part 3. oMis. Doc. No. 96 bound in House Ex. Docs., vol. 25, Vol. 37. —No. 210. Same. Vol. 37. —No. 210. Same. Vol. 37. —No. 210. Same. Vol. 37. —No. 210. Same. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 537 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House miscellaneous documents — Continued. Vol. 3G. — No. 209. Report Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, 1892. Vol. 37. — No. 210. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presi- dents. 1789-1897. Vol. 1. 1789-1817, Washington, .lohn Adams, Jefferson, ^Madison. Vol. 37.— No. 210. Same. Vol. 2, 1817-1833, Monroe, J. Q. Adams. Jackson. Vol. 37.— No. 210. Same. Vol. 3, 183.3-1841, Jaek.son. Van Bnren. Vol. 37.— No. 210. Sajne. Vol. 4, 1841-1849. Harrison. Tyler, Polk. Vol. 37.— No. 210. Same. Vol. 5. 1849-1861, Taylor, Fillmore. Pierce, Buchanan. Vol. G, 1861-1869, Lincoln, Johnson. Vol. 7, 1869-1881, Grant. Hayes. Vol. 8, 1881-1889, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland. Vol. 9. 1889-1897. Harrison, Cleveland. Vol. 37.— No. 210. Same. Vol. 10, 1897-1899, Jan., McKinley. Appendix, omissions from preceding volumes. General Index. V()1.38.— [Quarto.]— No. 211. Celebration of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Capitol. Vol. ,39. — No. 212. History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to which the United States has been a party ; together with appendixes. By John Bassett Moore. 1898. 6 volumes. Vol. 39, part 1. — International Arbitrations, chapters i-xvni ; general index and table of cases reported. Vol. 39, part 2. — The same. Chapters xix-l, and index to volumes 1 and 2. Vol. 39, part 3. — The same. Cliapters li-lviii. Vol. 39, part 4. — The same. Chapters lix-i.xii. Vol. 39, part 5. — Domestic commissions for the adjustment of international claims. Appendix i, chapters A-K, with subject index. Vol. .39, part 6. — Maps (index vol. 1). Vol. 40.— [Quarto.]- No. 213. List of Private Claims (House), Forty-sev- enth Congress to Fifty-fli-st Congress. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— Nos. 171-470, except Nos. 208,a 210,a 349,« 392,a and 409.a Vol. 2.— Nos. 471-825, except Nos. 637 « and 822.a Vol. 3.— Nos. 826-1150, except Nos. 970," 971. « and 972.« Vol. 4.— Nos. 1151-1477, except No. 1468. Vol. 5. — No. 1468. Violation of armor-plate contracts. Third Session.— December 8, 1894 to March 3, 1S95. Senate executive documents : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-57, except Nos. 7 and 8, parts 1 and 2. Vol. 2. — No. 7. Chicago Strike, 1894. Report of conunission. Vol. 3. — [Quarto.] — No. 8, part 1. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 4. — [Quarto.] — No. 8, part 2. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Vol. 5.— Nos. 58-67. Vol. 6.— Nos. 68-105. ° Nos. 208. 210. 349. 392, 409, 637. 822. 970. 971. and 972, bound with reports fii'st session Fifty-tliii', parts 1 and 2. Commerce and navigation. Vol. 27.— No. 7. lieport of the Attorney-General, 1894. Vol. 28.— Nos. 8-150, except Nos. 13, 15, 92, 100, and 110. Vol. 29.— No. 15. Statistical Abstract. Vol. 30.— No. 92. Tests of metals. Vol. 31. — No. 100. Columbian Historical Exposition. Vol. 32.— Nos. 151-257. Vol. 33.— Nos. 259-353. Vol. 34.— No. 354. Eighth special labor report. Vol. 35.— No. 355. Agricultural Yearbook. House miscellaneous documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-87, except Nos. 25, 27. 35, 44, 58, 66, 70, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85. and 86. Vol. 2. — No. 25. Interstate Commerce Commission. Vol. 3. — No. 27, parts 1 and 2. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Sol- diers. Vol. 4. — No. 35. Consular Reports, vol. 40. Vol. 5. — No. 44. Opinions of the Attorneys-General, vol. 20. Vol. 6.— No. 58. Naval War Records, vol. 1. Vol. 7. — No. 66, parts 1^. Consular Reports, vol. 47. Vol.8. — [Quarto.] — No. 70. Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Vol. 9.— No. 78. Bulletins Geological Survey, Nos. 118-122. Vol. 10. — No. 79. Civil Service Commission Report. Vol. 11.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 80-85. Eulogies. Vol. 12.— [Quarto.]— No. 86. Bulletin Fish Commission, 1894. Vol. 1.3.— [Quarto.]— No. 88. Report of the Weather Bureau. 1894. Vol. 14.— No. 89. Report of the Fish Commission, 1893. Vol. 15.— No. 90. part 1. Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894. part 1. A^ol. 1(5.— No. 90, part 2. Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894, part 2. Vol. 17. — No. 91. Report of the American Historical Association, 1894. Vol. 18. — No. 92. Special consular report, American lumber in foreign mar- kets. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1478-1750, except Nos. 1584,a 1652,a and 1736." Vol. 2.— Nos. 1751-1999. except Nos. 17.59.a 1839.o 1851,o 1908.° 1909,^ 1910,a 1954,a 1973,a 1974,a 1975,o and 1976.a FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 3, 1895 to June 11, 1896. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-31, except Nos. 14 and 25. Miscellaneous. Vol.2. — [Quarto.] — No. 25. Coast and Geodetic Survey report. o Nos. 1584, 1652, 1736, 1759, 1839, 1851, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1954, 1973, 1974. 1975, 1976, and 2000 (the last named being the review of work done by the joint com- mission on executive departments) are bound with reports Fifty-third Congress, first session, vol. 2. [Quarto.] 540 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FOXJIITH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 3._Nos. ,32-100. Government Printing Office, etc. Vol. 4. — Nos. 101-155. e.xcept No. 137. Miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— No. 137, parts 1 and 2. Seal life. A^ol. 0.— [Quarto.]— No. 137, part 3. Seal life, atlas. Vol. 7.— Nos. 156-213. Miscellaneous. Vol. S.— Nos. 214-270, except Nos. 219, 242, 2GS.a Torrey bankrupt bill. etc. A^ol. 9.— [Quarto.]— No. 219. Tariff acts, 1789-1895. Vol. 10.— [Quarto.]— No. 242. Patent Office report. Vol. 11.— Nos. 271-314, except No. 304. Pacific railroads, etc. ^'ol. 12. — No. 304. Senate manual. Vol. 13. — No. 315. Nicaragua Canal hearings. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — No. 310. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol. 15. — No. 14, 3 parts. Congressional Directory. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-274. Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 275-506. University of the United States, etc. Vol. 3. — Nos. 507-703. Dedication of Chickamauga and Chattanooga Park, etc. Vol. 4.— Nos. 704-885, except No. 799. Pacific railroads, etc. Vol. 5.— Nos. 886-1140, except No. 1109. Miscellaneous. Vol. 6.— No. 799. River and harbor bill. 1109. Nicaragua Canal. House documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1. Message and foreign relations, part 1. Vol. 2. — No. 1. Message and foreign relations, part 2. Vol. 3. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 1. Vol. 4. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 2. part 1. Engineers. Vol. 5. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 2, jiart 2. Engineers. Vol. G. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 2, part 3. Engineers. Vol. 7. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 2, part 4. Engineers. Vol. 8.— No. 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 2, part 5. Engineers. Vol. 9.— No. 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 2, part 6. Engineers. Vol. 10. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 2, part 7. Engineers. Vol. 11. — No. 2. Report of the Secretary of War, vol. 3. Ordnance. Vol. 12. — No. 3. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. Vol. 13. — No. 4. Report of the Postmaster-General. Vol.14. — No. 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 1. I'ublic Lands. Vol. 1.5. — No. 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 2. Indian Affairs. Vol.16. — No. 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. .3. Miscel- laneous. Vol. 17.— [Quarto.] — No. 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 4, part 1. Geological Survey. \o\. IS.— [Quarto.]— No. 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 4, part 2. Geological Survey. Vol. 19.— [Quarto.]— No. 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 4, part 3. Geological Survey — Mineral Resources. a No. 268 (deficiency estimates) bound with House Docs., vol. 29. [Quarto.] CATAT.OOTn^, IJRRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 541 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. First Session— Continued. Iloust' clocinnonts — Continued. Vol. 2(». — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 4, I)art 4. Geological Survey — Mineral Resources. Vol. 21. — No. 5. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. .">. part 1. Education. Vol.22. — No. 5. ReiK)rt of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. .">. part 2. Education. Vol. 2o. — No. G. Report of the Secretary of Asricultxu'e. No. 25. Expenditures of the Dei»artment of Agriculture. No. 9. Report of the Attorney-General, ISOH. Vol. 24. — No. 7. Report of the Coiuuiissioners of the District of Columbia. Vol. 2.J. — No. 8. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Finances. Vol. 2G. — No. 10. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, vol, 1. Vol. 27. — No. 10. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, vol. 2. Vol. 28. — No. 11. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Vol. 20. — [Quarto.] — No. 12. Estimates of Approi»riations. No. 41. Receipts and exi)enditures. Nos. 128, 324, Senate Doc. 268. Deficiency Estimates. Vol. 30. — [Quarto.] — No. 13. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, part 1. vol. 1. Vol.31. — [Quarto.] — No. 13. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, part 1, vol. 2. No. 13. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, part 2. Immigration and Passenger ^Movement, 1805. Vol, 32.— Nos. 14 to 55, ex(ei)t Nos. 25, 28-37, 41, 42, 54. Estimates of Special Appropriations. Report of the Board of Visitors of the Military Academy. Report of Clerk of House, etc. Vol.33. — No. 28. part 1. Reitort of tlie Commissioner of Navigation. No. 28, part 2. Laws Relating to Navigation and Merchant Marine. Vol.:'.4.— [Quarto.]— No. 20. Merchant Vessels of United States. Vol. 35.— No. 30, 4 parts. Consular Reports— Nos. 17(t-179, vol. 48. Vol. 3(5.— No. 31, 4 parts. Consular Reports— Nos. 180-183. vol. 40. Vol.37. — No. 32. Special Consular Reports, vol. 12. Highways of Commerce. ^'ol. 38.— No. 33. Labor Department Bulletins 1-7. Vol. 30. — [Quarto.] — No. 34. American Ephemeris and Almanac, 189G. Vol.40. — No. 35. Report of (he Director of the Mint upon I'roduction of Precious Metals. 1804. Vol. 41.— No. 36. Naval War Records, series 1, vol, 2. Vol.42. — No. 37, i)art 1. War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 47, part 1. Vol.43. — No. 37, part 2. War of the Rebellion, series 1. vol. 47, part 2. Vol.44. — No. 37, part 3. War of the Rebellion, series 1. vol. 47. part 3. Vol.45. — No. 42, 3 i)arts. Report of Board of Managers of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. No. 288. Report of Inspection of National Home for Disabled \\)1- unteer Soldiers. Vol. 4G.— No. 54. Tests of Metals, 1S05. Vol.47.— Nos. 56 to 1.38, except Nos. 7G, 77, 70, 88, 01, 100, 128, 132. Mis- cellaneous. 542 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 48.— No. 7G. Army Register, 189G. No. 77. Navy Register, 1896. Vol.49. — [Quarto.] — No. 79. Fish Commission Bulletin, vol. 15. Vol. 50. — No. 88. Report of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Vol. 51.— No. 100. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 189.5. Vol. 52.— No. 132, 5 ])arts. Consular Reports, Nos. 184-187, vol. .50, and No. 187, sui)plement. Exports Declared. Vol. .53.— Nos. 139 to 223, except Nos. 175, 186, 210, 219. Miscellaneous. Vol. 54. — No. 17.5. Fur Seal Fisheries of Alaska. Vol. .55.— No. 180. Commercial Relations, 1894-95, vol. 1. Vol. 56.— No. 186. Commercial Relations, 1894-95, vol. 2. Vol. 57.— [Quarto.]— No. 219. Washington observations, 1890. Vol. 58.— Nos. 224 to 278, except Nos. 253, 266. Report of Bureau of Amer- ican Republics, etc. Vol. 5D. — [Quarto.] — No. 253. Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, vol. 8. Vol. 60.— [Quarto.]— No. 266. Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1892. Vol. 61.— Nos. 280 to 423, except Nos. 288, 291, 295, 297, 311-314. 324. 339. 343, 352, 359-361, 369, 373, 374, 377, 379, 380, 398, 410-422. Miscellaneous. Vol.62. — No. 291. Report of the American Historical Association, 1895. Vol.63. — [Quarto.] — No. 297. Geological Survey Monographs, vol. 2.5. Gla- cial Lake Agassiz. Vol.64. — No. 339. Report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1894. Strikes and Lockouts, vol. 1. Vol. 65.— No. 3.39. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 66.- No. 352. House Manual. Vol. 67. — No. 360. American Library Association Catalogue. Vol. 68.- No. 361. Experiment Stations Office Bulletin 15. FLandbook of Ex- periment Station Work. No. 359. Honey Bee. Vol. 69.— No. 369. War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 48. part 1. Vol. 70.— No. 369. War of tlie Rebellion, series 1, vol. 48, part 2. Vol. 71.— No. 373. Tests of Metals, 1893. Vol. 72.— No. 377, 5 parts. Consular Reports, Nos. 188-191, vol. 51, and No. 189, supplement, Exports Declared. Vol. 73. — No. 379. Naval War Records, series 1, vol. 3. Vol. 74. — No. 380. Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture. Vol. 7.5.— [Quarto.]— No. 410. Document catalogue. Mar. 4, 1893-June 30, 1895. Vol. 7(). — [Quarto.] — No. 411. Geological Survey Monographs, vol. 26. Flora of the Amboy Clays. Vol. 77. — Nos. 311 to 314. Geological Survey Bulletins 123 to 126. Nos. 413, 414. Geological Survey Bulletins 128, 129. Vol. 78.— No. 412. Geological Survey Bulletin 127. \'ol. 79.— Nos. 415 to 421. Geological Survey Bulletins 130-136. Vol. 80. — No. 424. Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. "\ol. 81. — No. 42.5. Report of the Smithsonian Institution, vol. 1. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 543 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued IIoiiso (locuiiionts — Continuotl. Vol. 82. — No. 425. Keitort of the Smithsonian Institution, vol. 2. National Museum. Vol. 83.— [Quarto. I— Nos. 91, 210. Monthly Summary of Finance, Commerce, and Immisnition. July-Decemlx'r, 1805. Issues for July, August, Septeml)er, October, without Congressional document number. Vol. 84.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 295, 343, 374, 398, 422, 42(1 Monthly Summary of Finance and Commerce, January-June, 189G. Vol. 85. — No. 427. Decisions of the Commissioner of I'atents, 1895. Vol. 86.— [Quarto.]— No. 428. Report of the Weather Bureau. Vol.87. — [Quarto.] — No. 429. Memorial Addresses on William H. Crain. Vol. 88. — No. 4.30. Document Index, Fifty-fourth Congress, first session. Vol. 89.— No. 279, 2 parts. Report of Nicaragua Canal Board. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-293. Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 294-572. Miscellaneous. Vol. 3. — Nos. 573-842. Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 843-1136. Miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— Nos. 1136-1416. Miscellaneous. Vol. G.— Nos. 1417-1633. Miscellaneous. Vol. 7.— Nos. 1634-1812. Settlement with Arkansas, etc. Vol. 8.— Nos. 1813-2125. Miscellaneous. Vol. 9.— Nos. 2126-2289, except No. 2263. Nicaragua Canal, etc. Vol. 10.^ — No. 2263. Reciprocity and commercial treaties. Second Session. — December 7, 1896 to March 3, 1897. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-34, except 16. Public Printer's report, etc. Vol. 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 35. Coast and Geodetic Survey report. Vol. 3.— Nos. 36-99. Miscellaneous. Vol. 4. — Nos. 100-137. Grain rates at Missouri River points, etc. Vol. 5.— Nos. 138-187 (except 1.59,a 183). Bond sales, investigation, etc. Vol. 6.— [Quarto.]— No. 183. Patent Office report, calendar year 1896. Vol. 7. — No. 1(), 2 parts. Congressional Directory. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1141-1297. Alcohol in the arts; Cuban independence, etc. Vol. 2.— Nos. 1298-1453. Armor-plate prices, etc. Vol.3. — Nos. 1454-1575 Second-class mail matter; Library of Congress hearings, etc. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President's message and foreign relations. Vol. 2. — No. 2. War Department I'eport, vol. 1. Miscellaneous. ^'ol. 3. — No. 2. War Department report, vol. 2, part 1. Engineers. Vol. 4. — No. 2. War De|)artment report, vol. 2, part 2. Engineers. Vol. 5. — No. 2. War Dei)artmeut report, vol. 2, part 3. Engineers. "No. 1.59 (appropriations, deficiency estimates, etc.) is bound in House Docs., vol. 2(! [quarto]. 3605-08 35 544 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. G. — No. 2. War Department report, vol. 2, part 4. Engineers. Vol. 7. — No. 2. War Department report, vol. 2, part r>. Engineers. Vol. 8. — No. 2. War Department report, vol. 2, part G. Engineers. Vol. 9. — No. 2. War Department report, vol. 3. Ordnance. Vol. 10. — No. 3. Navy Department report. Vol. 11. — No. 4. Post-Ofiice Department report. Vol. 12. — No. 5. Interior Department report, vol. 1. Land OlRce. Vol. 13. — No. 5. Interior Department report, vol. 2. Indian Bureau. Vol. 14. — No. 5. Interior Department report, vol. 3. Miscellaneous. Vol. 15. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Interior Department report, vol. 4, part 1. Geo- logical Survey. Vol. IG. — [Quarto.]— No. 5. Interior Department report, vol. 4, part 2. Geo- logical Survey. Vol. 17, part 1. — [Quarto.]— No. 5. Interior Department report, vol. 4, part 3. Geological Survey. Mineral resources. Metallic prod- ucts, and coal. Calendar year 1895. Vol. 17, part 2. — [Quai-to.] — The same, nonmetallic products, except coal. Vol. 18. — No. 5, Interior Department report, vol. 5, part 1. Education Bureau. Vol. 19. — No. 5. Interior Department report, vol. 5, part 2. Education Bureau. Vol. 20. — No. G, part 1. Agricultural Department report. No. G, part 2. Agricultural Department Yearbook. Vol. 21.^No. 7. District of Columbia Commissioners' report. Vol. 22. — No. 8. Treasury Department report. Vol. 23.— No. 9, 2 parts. Justice Department report, 1896. No. 11. Internal revenue report. Vol. 24. — No. 10, part 1. Comptroller of Currency report, vol. 1. Vol. 25. — No. 10, part 2. Comptroller of Currency report, vol. 2. Vol. 2G. — [Quarto.] — No. 12. Estimates of appropriations. No. 70. Deficiency estimates. No. 75. Receipts and expenditures. No. 250. Deficiency estimates. Senate doc. 159 : Deficiency estimates. Vol.27. — [Quarto.] — No. 13, part 1. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, vol. 1. Vol.28. — [Quarto.] — No. 13, part 2. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, vol. 2. Vol. 29.— Nos. 14-148 (except 23-40, 46, 70, 75, 99, 104, 108, 131, 135-137). Report of Clerk of House ; Navigation Bureau report, etc. Vol. 30. — No. 23. Mint report on precious metals, calendar year 1895. Vol. 31. — No. 24, 5 parts. Consular Reports, Nos. 192-195 and supplement to 192, vol. 52. Vol. 32. — No. 25, 2 parts. Special Consular Reports, vol. 13. Money and prices in foreign countries. Vol.33. — [Quarto.] — No. 26, parts 1-6. Monthly Summary of Finance and Commerce, .Tuly-December, 1S9(). Vol. 34.— [Quarto. I— No. 2G, parts 7-12. Same, .January-June, 1897. Vol. 35.— Nos. 27-32. Geological Survey bulletins 137-142. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 545 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 3C).— Nos. 33-37, 340, 347. Same, 143-149. Vol. 37. — [Quarto.] — No. 38. Merchant vessels of United States. Vol.38. — IQuarto.] — No. 39. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1897. Vol. 39. — No. 40. Records of TTnion and Confederate navies in war of rebel- lion, series 1, vol. 4. Vol. 40. — No. 46. National Soldiers' Home report. No. 274. National Soldiers' Home report of inspection. July, 1896- February. 1897. Vol.41. — No. 99. Interstate Commerce Commission report. Vol. 42. — No. 104. Fisli Commission report, 1895. Vol. 43.— No. 131. Tests of metals. Vol. 44.— No. l-S.""), 6 parts. Labor Department bulletins 8-13. Vol.45. — [Quarto.] — No. 136. Geological Survey monographs, v. 27. Geol- ogy of Denver Basin. Vol. 46. — No. 137. House manual. Vol. 47.— No. 149. Army Register, 1897. No. 150. Navy Register, 1897. Vol. 48.— Nos. 151-249 (except 158, 164, 192, 202, 218, 230). Miscellaneous. A'ol. 49.— No. 158. Statistical AJjstract of United States. Vol. .50. — No. 164, 6 parts. Consular Reports, Nos. 196-199 and supplement to 196 and 199, vol. 53. Vol.51. — No. 192. Deep Waterways Commission report. Vol. 52.— [Quarto.]— No. 202. Civil service tables. Vol. 53.— [Quarto.] — No. 218, part 1. Geological Survey monographs, vol. 28. Marquette iron-bearing district. Vol. .54.— [Folio.]— No. 218, part 2. Same, atlas. Vol. 5,5, part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 2.30, part 1. Ethnology Bureau report, 1893. Vol. 55, part 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 230, part 2. The same. Vol. 56.— No. 251, part 1. War of the rebellion, series 1, vol. 49, part 1. Vol. 57. — No. 251, part 2. War of the rel)eilion, series 1. vol. 49, part 2. Vol. .58.— Nos. 2.52-337 (except 2.55, 267. 274, 291, 303, 318, 321, 323, 332). Canadian-American fishery commission report, etc. Vol. 59.- — [ Quarto. ]^ — No. 25.5. Memorial addresses on Charles F. Crisp. No. 332. Memorial addresses on William Cogswell. Vol. 60.— No. 267. Exi)eriment Stations Office bulletin ,33. Cotton plant. Vol.61. — No. 291. Animal Industry Bureau, twelfth and thirteenth annual reports, 1895 and 1896. Vol. 62. — No. .30,3. Regulations for consular service. Vol.63. — No. 318. Civil Service Commission report, 1895. No. .321. Civil Service Conmiissiou report, 1896. Vol. 64. — No. 323. Commercial Relations, \ ol. 1. Vol. 6,5. — No. 323. Commercial Relations, vol. 2. A'ol. 66.— No. 338, part 1. Tariff hearings, vol. 1. Vol. 67.— No. 338, part 2. Tariff hearings, vol. 2. Vol. 68.— [Quarto.]— No. 339. Ethnology Bureau report, 1894. Vol.69. — No. ,341. Liibor Department, annual report. Vol. 70.— Nos. 108, .".42-34(;, 349-351. Geological Survey. Water-supply and irrigation papers 1-9. 546 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documeuts — Continued. Vol. 71. — [Quarto.] — No. 348. Fisli Commission bulletin, vol. IG. Vol. 72. — No. 352, part 1. Smithsonian Institution report, 1890. Vol. 73. — No. 352, part 2. National Museum report, 180(>. Yoi. 74. — No. 353, part I.American Historical xlssociation report, 18!)(), vol. 1. Vol. 74. — No. 353, part 2. Same, vol. 2. Proposed amendments to tbe Con- stitution of the United States during the first century of its history, 1789-1889. Vol. 75. — No. 354. Patent Office decisions, calendar year 189(3. Vol. 76. — [Quarto.] — No. 355. Document catalogue, Fifty-fourth Congress, first session. Vol. 77. — No. 356. Document index. Fifty-fourth Congress, second session. House reports : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1497, part 3, 2290-2446. Alcohol in the arts, etc. Vol. 2.— Nos. 2447-2773. Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 2774-3080 (except 30.35). Miscellaneous. Vol. 4. — No. 3035. Investigation of Soldiers' Home, Leavenworth, Kans. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate.— March 4-10, 1897. First Session.— March 15 to July 24, 1897. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, 2 parts. Congressional Directory. Vol.2. — Nos. 2-35 (except 18). Investigation of Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation, etc. ; also No. 1, specail session. Senate, Mar. 4-10, 1897. Vol. 3. — No. 18. Deep-water harbor at Los Angeles or San Pedro, Cal. Vol. 4. — Nos. 36-64. Miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— Nos. 65-133. Miscellaneous. Vol. 6.— No.s. 1.34-190 (except 138, 185, 188). Miscellaneous. Vol. 7. — No. 138. 9th special report of Commissioner of Labor. Italians in Chicago. Vol.8. — No. 185, 3 parts. Joint Select Committee to Investigate Charities and Reformatory Institutions in District of Columbia. Vol. 9.— [Quarto.]— No. 188. Comparison of tariff act of 1894 with bill and law of 1897. Vol. 10. — [Quarto.] — No. 191. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol. 11.— No. 192, 3 parts. Comparison of tariffs of 1897, 1894, and 1890.a Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-86. Pacific railroads, etc. Vol. 2.— Nos. 87-39.3. Miscellaneous. House documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-90 (except 32, 51, .59, 60). Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— No. 32. Fish Conunission report. 1896. "A later print of comparison of these ta'riffs issued in 1898, Fifty-fifth Con- gress, second session, Senate Docunjent 329, is also bound in this volume. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 547 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. IToiise documents — Continued. Vol. ;',. — No. C)0. Rocords of Union and Confederate Navies in War of the Keliollion, series 1, vol. 5. Vol.4. — No. 51, G parts. Consular Reports, Nos. 200-203 and supplement to 20.3, vol. 54. Index to Nos. 152-203, vol. 42-54. Vol. .5. — No. 91, 5 parts. Consular Reports, Nos. 204-207 and supplement to 20n, vol. 55. Vol. (i. — No. 92, part 1. Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska, vol. 1. Vol. 7.— No. 92, part 2. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 8.— No. 92, part 3. Same, vol. 3. Vol. 9.— No. 92, part 4. Same, vol. 4. Vol. 10. — [Quarto.] — No. 93. Ethnology Bureau report, 1895. Vol. 11. — [Quarto.] — No. 94, parts 1-G. Monthly Summary of Finance and Commerce, .July-December, 1897. Vol. 12.— [Quarto.]— No. 94, parts 7-12. Same, January-.June, 1898. Vol. 1.3.— No. 59, part 1. War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 50, part 1. Vol. 14. — No. 59, part 2. War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 50, part 2. Vol. 15. — No. 95, part 1. War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 51, part 1. Vol. IC— No. 95, part 2. War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 51. part 2. Vol. 17. — No. 90. Document iude.x. Fifty-fifth Congress, first session. Reports of House committees : Nos. 1-16. Tariff, etc. Second Session.— December 6, 1897 to July 8, 1898. Senate documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-38 (except 22). Public Printer's report, 1897, etc. Vol. 2. — No. 22, 2 parts. Congressional Directory. Vol. 3. — Nos. .39-07. Postal telegraphs and telephones, etc. Vol.4. — Nos. 68-109 (except 77, 91). Viaduct across Rock Creek, District of Columbia, etc. Vol. 5. — [Quarto.] — No. 77. Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, vol. 8, No. 2." Vol. 6. — No. 91, part 1. Venezuelan Boundary Commission report, vol. 1. Vol. 7.— No. 91, part 2. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 8.— No. 91, part 3. Same, vol. 3. Vol. 9.— [Folio.]— No. 91, part 4. Same, atlas. Vol. 10.— Nos. 110-137. Ticket brokerage, etc. Vol. 11.— Nos. 138-206 (except 178, 185). Miscellaneous. Vol. 12. — No. 178, part 1. American Republics Bureau, seventh report, 1897. No. 178, parts 7-10, 13-17. American Republics Bureau bulletins. 75-78, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90. Vol. 13. — [Quarto.] — No. 178, part 2. Commercial nomenclatiu'e, English, Si)anish, Portuguese. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — No. 178, part 3. Nomenclatura comercial, Spanish. English, Portuguese. "'Phis volume contains also Senate documents 1.39 and 174, Fifty-fifth Con- gress, third session. Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, vol. 8, Nos. 3 and 4 [quarto]. 548 (CATALOGUE LIBBARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 1.5. — [Quarto.] — No. 178, part 4. Nomenclatura comercial, Portuguese, Spanish, English. Vol. 10. — [Quarto.] — No. 178, part 5. Commercial Directory of American Re- publics, vol. 1. Vol. 17.— [Quarto.]— No. 178, part 6. Same, vol. 2. Yoi. 18. — [Quarto.] — No. 178, part 11. American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, July-December, 1897. Vol. 19. — [Quarto.] — No. 178, part 12. Same, January-June, 1898. Vol. 20. — [Quarto.] — No. 185. Patent Office report, calendar year 1897. Vol. 21. — Nos. 207-237. Report on destruction of battle ship Maine, et.— [Quarto.]— No. 5. Same. part 2. Vol. 17. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. part 3. Vol. 18.— [Quarto.]— No. 5. Same. part 4. Vol. 19.— [Quarto.]— No. 5. Same. 1897. Secretary and Land Geological Geological Survey, Survey, Survey, eighteenth eighteenth eighteenth report, report, report, Geological Survey, eighteenth report. Survey, eighteenth report, Geological part 5, mineral resources, calendar year 189G. Vol.20. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, eighteenth report, part 5 continued ; mineral resources, calendar year 1898. Vol. 21. — No. 5. Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol. 22. — No. 5. Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 23. — No. 6. Agricultural Department reports, 1897. No. 26. Agricultural Department expenditures, 1897. Vol. 24. — No. 7. District of Columbia Commissioners' report, 1897, vol. 1. Vol. 25.— No. 7. Same, vols. 2 and 3. Vol. 26. — No. 8. Treasury Department report, 1897. Vol. 27. — No. 9. Justice Department report, 1897. Vol. 28. — No. 10. Comptroller of the Currency report, October 31, 1897, vol. 1. Vol. 29.— No. 10. Same, vol. 2. Vol. ,30.— No. 11. Internal-Revenue report, 1897. Vol. 31. — [Quarto.] — No. 12. Estimates of appropriations, 1899. No. 94. Receipts and expenditures, 1897. Nos. 156, 203, 319, and Senate Doc. 302 ; deficiency esti- mates. Vol. 32. — [Quarto.] — No. 13, part 1. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1897, vol. 1. Vol. 33.— [Quarto.]— No. 13, part 2. Same, vol. 2. \'ol. 34.— Nos. 14-133 (except 15, 26, 27, 94, 95) ; Navigation Bureau report, 1897, etc. Vol. 35.— [Quarto.]— No. 15. Merchant vessels of the United States, 1897; twenty-ninth list of. Vol. 36.— No. 27. National Soldiers' Home report, 1897. No. 278. National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, July, 1897- Jan., 1898. Vol. 37. — No. 95. Armor Factory Board report. Vol. .38. — Nos. 134-141. Reservoir sites in Wyoming and Colorado, etc. Vol. 39.— Nos. 142-205 (except 156, 157, 164, 166-170, 201, 203) ; Report of Clerk of House of Representatives, 1897, etc. Vol. 40. — No. 157. Interstate Commerce Cummission, eleventh report, De- cember 6, 1897. 550 CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 4i._No. 1G4. Tests of metals, 1897. Vol.42. — [Quarto.] — No. 166. Weather Bureau report, 1897; meteorological tables, calendar year 1897. Vol. 4.3. — No. 167. Mint report on precious metals, calendar year 1896. Vol. 44.— No. 168. Army Register, 1898. No. 169. Navy Register, 1898. Vol. 4.5. — [Quarto.] — No. 170. American Epheraeris and Nautical Almanac, 1898. Vol.46. — No. 201, 6 parts. Consular reports, Nos. 208-211, and supplement to 208 and 211, vol. 56. Vol.47. — No. 435, 5 parts. Same, Nos. 212-215, and supplement to 215, vol. 57. Vol.48. — No. 565, 5 parts. Same, Nos. 216-219, and supplement to 218, vol. 58. Vol. 49. — No. 563. Special consular reports, vol. 14. Drug trade in foreign countries. Vol. 50. — No. 206, 6 parts. Labor Department bulletins, 14-19. Vol. 51.— Nos. 207-387 (except 227, 259, 262, 278, 288, 299, 301, 302, 314, 319, 321, 338). Miscellaneous. Vol. 52. — No. 227. Animal Industry Bureau, operations, 1897. No. 338. Inspection of meats for animal parasites. No. 578. Animal Industry Bureau, fourteenth report, 1897. Vol. 53.— No. 259. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1897. Vol. 54. — No. 262. Records of Union and Confederate Navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 6. Vol. 55. — No. 559. Same, series 1, vol. 7. Vol. 56.— No. 288, part 1. War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 52, part 1. Vol. 57.— No. 288, part 2. Same, series 1, vol. 52, part 2. Vol. 58. — No. 476. Same, series 1, vol. 53. Vol. 59.— No. 299. Fish Commission report, 1897. Vol. 60.— Nos. 301, .302, 453, 477, 509-511, 579, 580. Water Supply and Irriga- tion Papers, 10-18. Vol. 61. — No. 314. Civil Service Commission, fourteenth report, 1897. Vol.62. — [Quarto.] — No. 321. Memorial addresses on William S. Holman. No. 464. Memorial addresses on Ashley B. Wright. No. 543. Memorial addresses on Seth L. JMilliken. Vol. 63. — Nos. 388-396. Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Beet-sugar industry, etc. Vol. 64.— Nos. 397-548 (except 4.35, 453, 454, 464, 476, 477, 483, 509-511, 543). Preliminary examinations and survej^s, etc. Vol. 65. — No. 4.54. Agriculture Department Yearbook, 1897. Vol. 66.— No. 483, part 1. Commercial Relations, 1897, vol. 1. Vol. 67.— No. 483, part 2. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 68.— Nos. ,549-.564 (except .5.54, .559-563). Ship canal at Sabine Pass, Tex. ; Labor Department, twelfth annual report, 1897, etc. Vol. 69. — No. 554. Official Opinions of Attorneys-General, vol. 21. Vol. 70.— No. 560. House INIanual. Vol. 71.— [Quarto.]— No. .561. Fish Commission bulletin, vol. 17, 1897. Vol. 72.— [Quarto.]— No. 562. Tariff acts. 17S9-1807. Vol. 73. — No. 566. Decisions of Commissioner of Patents, 1897. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 551 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 74. — Nos. SCT-oC!). (Jeological Survey bulletins 150-152. Vol. 75.— Nos. 57t»-572, 574. Same, 15:i-15(j. Vol. 76. — [Quarto.] — No. 573, parts 1-0. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, July-December. 1898. Vol.77. — [Quarto.] — No. 573. parts 7-12. Same, January- June, 1899. Vol. 78.^No. .575, part 1. Smithsonian Institution report, 1897. Vol. 79, pt. 1. — No. 575, part 2. National Musuem report, 1897, vol. 1. Vol. 79, pt. 2. — No. 575, part 3. Same, vol. 2. Vol.80. — [Quarto.] — No. 570. I'arliamentary precedents of House. Vol.81. — No. 577. American Historical Association report, 1897. Vol.82. — [Quarto.] — No. 581. Geological Survey monographs, vol. 29. Geol- ogy of old Hampshire County, Mass. Vol.83. — [Quarto.] — No. 582. Same, vol. 30. Fossil medusae. Vol. 84.— No. 583. War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 54.a Vol. 85. — No. 584. Same, series 1, vol. 55.« Vol.80. — [Quarto.] — No. 585. Document catalogue. Fifty-fourth Congress, second session. Vol. 87. — No. 580. Document index. Fifty-fifth Congress, second session. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 17-245. Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 240-543. Miscellaneous. Vol. .3. — Nos. 544-852 (except 770). Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 853-1193 (except 1092). Miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— Nos. 1194-1420. Personnel of Navy, etc. Vol. 0.— Nos. 1421-1658. Miscellaneous. Vol. 7. — Nos. 770, 1092. Joint Select Committee to Investigate Charities and Reformatory Institutions in District of Columbia, parts 2, 3. No. 1659. Telephone charges in District of Columbia. Third Session.— December 5, 1898 to IMarch 3, 1899. Senate documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-30 (except 4, 10). Public Printer's report, 1898, etc. Vol. 2. — No. 4, 2 parts. Congressional Directory. Vol. 3. — No. 10. Report of Hawaiian Commission. A'ol. 4. — Nos. 31-58 (except 48. 51, part 2). Convention of American Instruct- ors of the Deaf, etc. Vol.5. — [Quarto.] — No. 48. Coast and Geodetic Survey report. 1898. Vol.6. — [Quarto.] — No. 51, part 2. American Republics Bureau, monthly bulletin, .July-Dec, 1898. Vol. 7.— Nos. .59-110 (except 02, 104, 109). Miscellaneous. n A circular issued by the Record and Pension Office under date of August 1, 1899, gives the following information : " Volumes .54 and 55 have not been pub- lished, and no material for them is in hand. These numbers are reserved for volumes to contain such additional matter as it may be decided to publish in future. I>nt they will not be issued unless sufficient material to justify their publication shall be secured." 552 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 8. — No. G2, 3 parts. Treaty of Peace between the United States and Spain. Part 3, map of Philippine Archipelago. All three l)arts bound in one volume. Vol. 0.— [Quarto.]— No. 104. Patent Office report, calendar year 1898. Vol. 10. — No. 109, 2 parts. Report of committees to investiagte Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Vol. IL— Nos. 111-109 (except 139," Memoirs of National Academy of Sci- ences). Miscellaneous. Vol. 12. — [Quarto.] — No. 170. Memorial addresses on Justin S. Morrill. No. 171. Memorial addresses on Edward C. Walthall. Vol. 13.— No. 172. Explorations in Alaska in 1898. Vol. l-l. — [Quarto.] — No. 173.o Appropriations, new offices, etc. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1417-1685 (except 1433). Miscellaneous. Vol. 2. — No. 1433. Report on Mississippi River floods. Vol. 3.— Nos. 1G8G-1893. River and harbor bill, etc. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1. President's message and foreign i-elations. Vol. 2. — No. 2. War Department reports, 1898. Secretai-y and miscella- neous. Major-General Commanding the Army. Engineers, part 1. Engineers, part 2. Engineers, part 3. Engineers, part 4. Engineers, part 5. Engineers, part 6. Oi'dnance. -No. 3. Navy Department reports, 1898. Secretary and miscella- neous. Vol. 12. — No. 3. Same. Appendix to Navigation Bureau report Vol. 13. — No. 4. Post-Office Department reports, 1898. Vol. 14.— No. 5. Interior Department reports, 1898. Secretary and Land Office. Vol. 15.— No. 5. Same. Indian affair.s. Same. Same. Same. Same. Vol. 3.— No. 2. Vol. 4.— No. 2. Vol. 5.— No. 2. Vol. 6.— No. 2. Vol. 7.— No. 2. Same. Vol. 8.— No. 2. Same. Vol. 9.— No. 2. Same. Vol. 10.— No. 2. Same. Vol. 11. Vol. 16. Vol. 17. -No. 5. Same. Miscellaneou.s. [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, nineteenth report, part 1 — Director's report, etc. Vol.18. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, nineteenth report, part 2 — papers of a theoretic nature. Vol. 19.— [Quarto.]— No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, nineteenth report. part 3 — economic geology. Vol.20. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, nineteenth report, part 4 — hydrography. o Nos. 139 and 174, Memoirs of the National Academy of Science.s, vol. 8, Nos. 3 and 4, are bound with Senate Docs., vol. 5 [quarto], Fifty-fifth Congress, second session. CATALOGUE LIBKARY UNITED STATES SENATE 553 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House doounionts — Continued. Vol. 21. part 1. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, nineteenth re- port, part i"i — forest reserves, part 1. Vol. L'l, part 2. — [Quarto. 1 — The same, part 2. Vol.22. — [Quarto.] — Xo. r>. Same. Geological Survey, nineteenth report, part (i — mineral resoui-ccs, calendar year 1897. Vol. 2M. — [Quarto.] — Xo. 5. Same. Geological Survey, nineteenth report, l)art <■), continued — mineral resources, calendar year 1897. Vol. 24.— No. T). Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol. 25. — No. 5. Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 26. — No. 6 Agriculture Department reports, 1898. No. 23. Agriculture Department expenditures, 1898. No. 121. Experiment Stations Office bulletin Gl. Report on agricul- tural experiment stations, 1898. No. 169. Same, 62. Second report on agriculture in Alaska. Vol. 27. — No. 7. District of Columbia Commissioners' report, 1898, vol. 1. Vol. 28.— No. 7. Same, vols. 2 and 3. Vol. 29.— No. 8. Treasury Department report, 1898. Vol. 30.— No. 9. Justice Department report, 1898. Vol. 31.— No. 10. Comptroller of Currency report, October 81, 1898, vol. 1. Vol. .32.— No. 10. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 33.— No. 11. Internal Revenue report, 1898. Vol.34. — [Quarto.] — No. 12. Estimates of appropriations, 1900. No. 44. Receipts and expenditures, 1898. Nos. 15, 185. Deficiencj^ estimates. Vol.35. — [Quarto.] — No. 13. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1898. Vol. .36. — Nos. 14-54 (except 15, 23, 34, 44, 47). Navigation Bureau report, 1898.. Report of Clerk of House, etc. Vol. 37. — No. 34, 2 parts. Special Consular Reports, vol. 15. Soap trade in foreign countries, etc. No. 285, part 1. Same, vol. 16. Tariffs of foreign countries, part 1 — Europe. Vol. 38. — No. 285, part 2. Same, vol. 16. Tariffs of foreign countries, part 2 — America. Vol.39. — No. 285, parts 3-5. Same, vol. 16. Tariffs of foreign countries, parts 3-5 — Asia, Africa, Australasia, and Polynesia. Vol. 40.— No. 73, 6 parts. Consular Reports, Xos. 220-223 and supplement to 220 and 223, vol. 59. Vol. 41.— No. 294, 5 parts. Same, Nos. 224-227 and supplement to 225, vol. 60. Vol. 42. — No. 47. Mint report on precious metals, calendar year 1897. Vol. 4.3.— No. 55. National Soldiers' Home report, 1898. No. 154. National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, August- November, 1898. Vol.44.— Nos. 5(j-120 (except 65-07, 73, 80, 108, 101). Laws other than crim- inal relating to Alaska, etc. Vol. 45.— No. 65. War of the Rebellion, series 2, vol. 1. Vol. 46.— No. 66. Same, series 2, vol. 2. Vol. 47. — Xo. 67. Same, series 2, vol. 3. Vol. 48.— Xo. 284. Same, series 2, vol. 4. 554 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 49. — No. 311. War of the Rebellion, series 2, vol. 5, Vol. ,50.— No. .312. Same, series 2, vol. 6. Vol. 51.— No. 313. Same, series 2, vol. 7. Vol. .52.— No. 314. Same, series 2, vol. 8. Vol. .13. — [Quarto.] — No. 80. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1899. Vol. .54. — [Quarto.] — No. 100. Thirtieth list of merchant vessels of the United States, 1898. Vol. .55. — [Quarto.] — No. 101. Geological Survey monographs, vol. 31. Geol- ogy of Aspen district. Vol. 5G.— [Quarto.]— No. 101. Same, vol. 31, atlas. Vol.57. — [Quarto.] — No. 287, part 1. Same, vol. .32. Geology of Yellowstone Park, part 1. Vol. 58.— [Quarto.]— No. 287, part 2. Same, vol. 32. Geology of Yellowstone Park, part 2. Vol.59. — [Quarto.] — No. 288. Same, A'ol. 33. Geology of Narragansett Basin. Vol. GO.— [Quarto.]— No. 289. Same, vol. 34. Glacial gravels of Maine. Vol. 01.— [Quarto.]— No. 290. Same, vol. 35. Later extinct floras of North America. Vol. G2. — [Quarto.] — No. 291. Same, vol. 36. Crystal Falls iron-bearing district. Vol. G.3.— [Quarto.]— No. 292. Same, vol. 37. Fossil flora of lower coal- measures of Missouri. Vol. G4.— [Quarto.]— No. 315. Same, vol. 38. Illinois glacial lobe. Vol. G5.— Nos. 122-1G1 (except 136, 141, 143, 154). Survey of Southwest Pass, Mississippi River, etc. Vol. GG.— No. 136. Navy Register, 1899. No. 268. Army Register, 1899. Vol. ()7. — No. 141. Interstate Commerce Commission, twelfth report, Janu- ary 11, 1899. Vol. G8.— No. 143. Tests of metals, 1898. Vol. 69.- No. 162. Statistical abstract of the United States, 1898. Vol. 70.— Nos. 1G3-2G9 (except 1G9, 181, 185, 207, 220, 221, 229, 266, 268). Miscellaneous. Vol.71. — [Quarto.] — No. 181. Forestry investigations, 1877-98. Vol. 72.— No. 207, 6 pts. Labor Department bulletins 20-25, vol. 4, 1899. Vol. 73.— Nos. 220, 277-283, 297-300. Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers, 19-.30. Vol. 74. — No. 221. Fish Commission report, 1898. Vol. 7.5. — No. 229. House manual. Vol. 76. — No. 266, part 1, Commercial Relations, 1898, vol. 1. Vol. 77. — No. 2(56. part 2. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 78. — [Quarto. I — No. 270. Weather Bureau report, 1898; meteorological tables, calendar year 1897: Vol.79. — [Quarto.] — No. i:71. Memorial addresses on Nelson Dingley. No. 272. Memorial addresses on John Simpkins. No. 273. Memorial addresses on William F. Love. No. 274. iMeniorial addresses on Stephen A. Xor.thway. No. 275. IMemorial addresses on Edward D. Cooke. Vol. 80. — No. 276. Couii)ilation of treaties in force. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UKITED STATES SE^STATE 555 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Third Session— Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 81. — No. 286. Records of Union and Confederate Navies in War of tlie Rebellion, series 1, vol. 8. Vol. 82.— No. 293. Agricultural Dei)artment Yearbook, 1898. Vol.80. — No. 295. American Historical Association report, 1898. Vol. 84. — No. 296. Civil Service Commission, fifteenth report, 1898. Vol. 85. — No. 301. Labor Department, thirteenth annual report, 1898, vol. 1. Vol. 86. — No. .301. Labor Department, thirteenth annual report, 1898, vol. 2. Vol. 87. — Nos. 302-.304. Geological Survey bulletins, 157-159. Vol. 88.— Nos. 305, 306. Geological Survey bulletins, 160, 161. Vol. 89.— No. 307. Auimal Industry Bureau, fifteenth report, 1898. Vol. 90.— [Quarto.]— No. .308. Fish Commission bulletin, vol. 18, 1898. Vol. 91.— No. 309, part 1. Smithsonian Histitution report, 1898. \o\. 92.— No. 309, part 2. National Museum report, 1898. Vol. 93.— No. 310. Patent decisions, 1898. Vol. 94. — [Quarto.] — No. 316. Ethnology Bureau, seventeenth report, 1896, part 1. Vol.95. — [Quarto.] — No. 316. Ethnology Bureau, seventeenth report, 1896, part 2. Vol.96. — [Quarto.] — No. 317. Document Catalogue, Fifty-fifth Congress, first and second sessions. Vol.97. — No. 318. Document Index, Fifty-fifth Congress, third session. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1660-2000. Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 2001-2367. Miscellaneous. FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. First Session.— December 4, 1899 to June 6, 1900. Senate documents : Vol. 1.- No. 1. Report of Secretary of Senate, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1899. No. 133. Same. July 1, 1899-January 31, 1900. No. 290. Index to reports of secretaries of Senate, 1823-January 31, 1900. Vol. 2.— Nos. 2-17 (except 15). Public Printer's rei)ort, 1899, etc. Vol. 3. — No. 15, 3 pts. Congressional Directory. Vol.4. — Nos. 18-49 (except 30). Miscellaneous. Vol. 5. — No. 30. Report of delegate to Seventh International Congress of Navigation, 1898. Vol.6. — Nos. 50-65 (except 60). Miscellaneous. Vol.7, part 1.— [Folio.]— No. 60. History of United States Capitol, vol. 1. Vol. 7, part 2. — [Folio.] — The same, vol. 2. Vol. 8. — Nos. ()()-100. Transactions with national banks, etc. Vol. 9.— Nos. 101-147 (except 1.3.3, 138). Miscellaneous. Vol. to.— Nos. 148-170 (except 161). Miscellaneous. Vol. 11. — Nos. l(il. 237. Correspondence relating to interoceanic canals, etc. No. 161. Reprint of an Executive document of the Senate, special session of March 4, 1857, and of S. Doc. 194, Forty-seventh Congress, first session, with sundry papers from archives of Department of State. 556 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 11 — No. 237. Reprint of S. Ex. 112, Forty-sixth Congress, second ses- sion ; S. Ex. 194, Forty-seventh Congress, first session ; and No. 26, Forty-eighth Congress, first session ; also, correspondence not heretofore communicated to Congre^^s. Vol. 12.— Nos. 171-208 (except 185, 194). Miscellaneous. No. 174. Pacific cable. No. 177. Expenditures in Cuba, 3 parts. No. 188. New Panama Canal Company of France. No. 208. Executive Departments and Aguinaldo, etc., cori'espond- ence, 5 parts. Vol. 10.— [Quarto.]— No. 185. Patent Office report, calendar year 1899. Vol. 14. — No. 194. History and growth of United States census. Vol. 15. — No. 209. National galleries of history and art. Vol. 16.— Nos. 210-235 (except 221). Miscellaneous. Vol. 17. — No. 221. Report of commission to investigate conduct of War De- partment in war with Spain, vol. 1. Vol. 18.— No. 221. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 19.— No. 221. Same, vol. 3. Vol. 20.— No. 221. Same, vol. 4. Vol. 21.— No. 221. Same, vol. 5, Vol. 22.— No. 221. Same, vol. 6. Vol. 23.— No. 221. Same, vol. 7. Vol. 24.— No. 221. Same, vol. 8. Vol.25. — Nos. 236-257 (except 237). 9th report on reindeer in Alaska, 1899; Tariff schedules in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippines ; miscel- laneous. Vol. 26.— Nos. 2.58-3.37 (except 259, 270, 283, 290, .306). Miscellaneous. Vol. 27. — No. 259. Filtering water-supply of Washington, D. C. Vol. 28. — No. 270. Food furnished to troops in Cuba and Porto Rico, part 1. Vol. 29.— No. 270. Same, part 2. Vol. .30.— No. 270. Same, part 3. Vol. 31. — No. 283. New legislation concerning crimes, misdemeanors, and penalties. Vol. 32. — No. 306. Copper River exploring expedition, 3899. Vol. 33.— Nos. 338-387. Miscellaneous. Vol. 34. — No. 388. Notes on Spanish- American war. Vol. 35.— Nos. 389-425 (except 413 o). National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution report, Oct. 11, 1898; miscellaneous. Vol. 36.— Nos. 426-452 (except 428, 448-451) ; miscellaneous. Vol. 37. — No. 428. Papers Relating to Early Congressional Documents. Pub- lic Documents of the first fourteen Congresses, 1789-1817. [A. AV. Greeley.] Vol. 38.— [Quarto.]— No. 448. Acceptance of statue of Oliver P. Morton. No. 451. Acceptance of statue of Ulysses S. Grant. No. 456. Acceptance of statues of Thomas H. Benton and Francis P. Blair. 1 No. 413. Deficiency estimates, is bound with House documents, vol. 40 [quarto], .56tb Congress, 1st session. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 557 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. First Session— Continued. Senate doouments — Continued. Vol. 39. — [Quarto.] — No. 449. Alphabetical list of private claims before Sen- ate, from March 4, 1891, to JSIarch 4, 1899, vol. 1. A to K. Vol.40.— [Quarto.]— No. 449. Same, vol. 2. "L to Z. Vol.41. — [Quarto.] — No. 450. Memorial addresses on Garret A. llobart. No. 45.J. Memorial addresses on Monroe L. I lay ward. Vok42. — [Quarto.] — No. 4.53. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol. 43.— [Quarto.]— No. 454. Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1899. Vol.44. — No. 1.38. Report of 1st Philippine Commission (Schurman), vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 45.— No. 138. Same, vol. 3. Vol. 46.— No. 138. Same, vol. 4. Vol. 47.— [Folio.]— No. 138. Same, atlas. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-224. Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 225-527 (except 516). Miscellaneous. Vol. 3. — No. 516. Adulteration of food products. Vol. 4. — Nos. 528-765. Public schools in the District of Columbia ; miscel- laneous. Vol, 5.— Nos. 766-1113 (except 1023, 1052). Miscellaneous. Vol. 6. — No. 1052.0 Right of William A. Clark to seat as Senator from Mon- tana, pt. 1. Vol. 7.— No. 1052. Same, pt. 2. Vol. 8.— No. 1052. Same, pt. 3. Vol. 9.— Nos. 1114-1372 (except 1243 6). Miscellaneous. Vol. 10.— Nos. 1373-1675. Miscellaneous. Vol.11. — [Quarto.] — No. 1023. Compilation of narratives of explorations in Alaska. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1, pt. 1. President's message and foreign relations, 1899. No. 1, pt. 2. Conditional agreement with Sultan of Jolo. No. 1, pt. 3. Preliminary statement of 1st Philippine Commission ( Schurman ) . Vol. 2. — No. 2. War Department reports, 1899. Secretary and miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— No. 2. Same. Chiefs of bureaus. Vol. 4. — No. 2. Same. Major-General Commanding Army, pt. 1 — miscel- laneous. Vol. 5. — ISTo. 2. Same. Major-General Commanding Army, pt. 2 — Depart- ment of the Pacific. Vol. 6. — No. 2. Same. Major-General Commanding Army, pt. .3 — Depart- ment of the Pacific. Vol. 7. — No. 2. Same. Civil affairs in Cuba ; civil affairs in Porto Rico ; civil affairs in Santiago and Puerto Principe, Cuba. Vol. 8. — No. 2. Same. Engineers, pt. 1. Vol. 9. — No. 2. Same. Engineers, pt. 2. Vol. 10. — No. 2. Same. Engineers, pt. 3. o Supplementary report, pt. 2 of No. 1052, is bound in vol. 6, following the report proper. 6 No. 1243 was withdrawn. 558 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 11.— No. 2. Same. Engineers, pt. 4. Vol. 12. — No. 2. Same. Engineers, pt. 5. Vol. 13. — No. 2. Same. Engineers, pt. 6. Vol. 14. — No. 2. Same. Ordnance. Vol. 1.5. — No. 3. Navy Department reports, 1S99. Vol. 16. — No. 4. Post-Office Department reports, 1899. VjI. 17. — No. 5. Interior Department reports, 1899. Secretary and Land Office. Vol. 18. — No. 5. Same. Indian affairs, pt. 1. Vol. 19. — No. 5. Same. Indian affairs, pt. 2. Vol. 20. — No. 5. Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 1. Vol. 21. — No. 5. Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 2. Vol.22. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, 20th report, pt. 1 — Director's report, etc. Vol. 23. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, 20tli report, pt. 2 — general geology and paleontology. Vol. 24. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, 20th report, pt. 3 — precious-metal mining districts. Vol.25. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, 20th report, pt. 4 — hydrography. Vol. 2(3. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, 20th report, pt. 5 — forest reserves. Vol. 27. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, 20th report, pt. (i — mineral resources, calendar year 1898. Vol.28. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, 20th report, pt. G continued — mineral resources, calendar year 1898. Vol. 29. — [Quarto.] — No. 5. Same. Geological Survey, 20th report, pt. 7 — explorations in Alaska in 1898. Vol. 30. — No. 5. Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol. 31. — No. 5. Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 32. — No. 6. Agriculture Department reports, 1899. No. 173. Agriculture Department expenditures, 1899. No. 314. Third report on agricultural capabilities of Alaska, 1899. No. 500. Report on agricultural experiment stations, 1899. Vol. 33. — No. 7. District of Columbia Commissionei's' report, 1899, vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 34.— No. 7. Same, vols. 3 and 4. Vol. 35. — No. 8. Treasury Department report, 1899. Vol. 36.— No. 9. Justice Department report, 1899. Vol. 37.— No. 10. Comptroller of Currency report, Oct. 31, 1899, vol. 1. Vol. .38.— No. 10. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 39. — No. 11. Internal revenue report, 1899. Vol.40. — [Quarto.] — No. 12. Estimutes of appropriations, 1901. No. 36. Receipts and expenditures, 1899. Nos. 199, 642, and Senate doc. 413, Deficiency estimates. Vol. 41. — [Quarto.] — No. 13. Foreign Commerce and navigation, 1899, vol. 1. Vol. 42.— [aird. No. 754. Memorial addresses on Daniel Ermentrout. No. 755. Memorial addresses on Sydney P. Epes. Vol. 112. — [Quarto.] — No. 729. Roentgen ray in war with Spain. Vol. 113. part 1. — No. 732. Smithsonian Institution, documents relative to its origin and history, 183.5-1899. Vol. 113, part 2.— No. 732. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 114. — No. 733. American Historical Association, annual report, 1899; vol. 1. Vol. 115. — No. 733. Same, vol. 2. Fourth annual report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission : Correspondence of John C. Calhoun. Vol. lie— [Quarto.]— No. 734. Fish Commission bulletin, vol. 19. 1899. Vol. 117.— [Quarto.]— No. 73G. Ethnology Bureau, 18th report, 1897, part 1. Vol. 118.— [Quarto.]— No. 736. Same, part 2. Vol. 119. — No. 737, part 1. Smithsonian Institution report, 1899. Vol. 120.— No. 737, part 2. National Museum report, 1899. Vol. 121. — [Quarto.] — No. 738. Astronomical and meteorological observa- tions at U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, 1891. No. 739. Same, 1892. Vol. 122.— No. 745. Animal Industry Bureau. 16th report. 1899. Vol. 123. — No. 750. Document index. Fifty-sixth Congress, first session, fleports of House committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-245. Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 246-486. Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 487-807. Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 808-1078. Miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— Nos. 1079-1427 (except 1082,a 1158 a). Miscellaneous. Vol. 6.— Nos. 1428-1755. Miscellaneous. Vol. 7.— Nos. 1756-2006. Miscellaneous. Second Session. — December 3, 1900 to March 3, 1901. Senate documents : Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-38 (except 4, 20): Public Printer's reix)rt, 1900; Miscel- laneous. Vol. 2. — No. 4, 2 parts : Congressional directory. Vol. 3. — No. 20 : Revision of patent laws, etc. Vol. 4. — No. 39 : Bergen, Norway. International Fisheries Exposition, 1898. Vol. 5.— Nos. 40-108 (except 68, 76, 89) : Miscellaneous. o Nos. 1082 and 1158 were withdrawn. 5G2 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SIXTH CONGBESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. G. — [Quarto.] — No. G8 : Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1900. Vol. 7. — [Quarto.] — No. 76: Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, vol. 8, no. .5. Vol. 8. — No. 89. part 1 : Postal Commission report, vol. 1. Railway-mail pay. Vol. 9. — No. 89, part 2 : Same, vol. 2. Railway-mail pay. Vol. 10. — No. 89, part 3 : Same, vol. 3. 2d-class mail matter, pneumatic-tube service, etc. Vol. 11.— Nos. 109-1 GO (except 112. 138) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 12. — No. 112 : Reports of Taft Philippine Commission. 1900. No. 190 : Lands held for ecclesiastical uses in Philippine Islands. Vol. 13.— No. 138 : Patent Office report, calendar year 1900. Vol. 14.— Nos. lGl-204 (except 190) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 15.— Nos. 20G«-238 (except 219, 222,6 223,6 229-232, 235-237): Cata- logue of Senate Library ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 16. — No. 219 : National Society of Daughters of the American Revolu- tion report. Oct. 11. 189S-Oct. 11, 1900. Vol. 17. — No. 229 : Legislative history of general staff of Army. Vol. 18. — No. 230 : Memorial addresses on Cushman K. Davis. No. 236 : ^Memorial addresses on John H. Gear. Vol. 19. — No. 231, part 1 : Compilation of reports of Committee on Foreign Relations, vol. 1. Vol. 20.— No. 231, part 2 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 21.— No. 231, part 3 : Same, vol. 3. Vol. 22.— No. 231. part -I : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 23.— No. 231, part 5 : Same, vol. 5. Vol. 24.— No. 231, part 6 : Same, vol. 6. Vol. 25.— No. 231, part 7 : Same, vol. 7. Vol. 26.— No. 231, part 8 : Same, vol. 8. Vol. 27. — No. 232 : Report of Commissioner-General to Paris Exposition, 1900, vol. 1. Vol. 28.— No. 232 : Same. vol. 2. Vol. 29.— No. 232 : Same. vol. 3. Vol. 30.— No. 232 : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 31.— No. 232 : Same, vol. 5. Vol. 32.— No. 232 : Same, vol. 6. Vol. 33. — No. 235 : Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol. 34.— No. 237 : Senate manual. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1.— No. 1337,c pts. 3-6 : Nicaragua Canal. Vol. 2.— Nos. 1676-2019 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 2020-2322 (except 2043) : Miscellaneous. o No. 205, Deficiency estimates, is bound with House documents, vol. 51, Fifty- sixth Congress, second session. 6 Nos. 222 and 223, Lists of books on Porto Rico and Diuiish West Indies, are bound with House documents, vol. 102, Fifty-sixth Congress, second session. c Parts 1 and 2 of No. 1337, which belong to the first session, are bound in Sen- ate Reports, vol. 9, Fifty-sixth Congress, first session. They are also reprinted in No. 1337, pt. 4, Fifty-sixtii Congress, second session. CATALOGUE LIBRARY IGNITED STATF,!^ SENATE 563 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Keports of Senate connuittees — Continued. Vol. 4. — No. 2048 : Oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products. Y,,l. 5. — Xos. 232.3-24n« : River and harbor bill ; miscellaneous. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1 : President's message and foieign relations, 1900. Vol. 2.^ — No. 2 : War Department reports, 1900. Secretary and miscella- neous. Vol. ?..— No. 2 : Same, (^hiefs of bureaus. Vol. 4. — No. 2 : Sanii-. Lieutenant-(ieneral Commanding Army, part 1 — miscellaneous. Vol. ."). — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army, part 2 — Department of Habana. Division of Phili])pines. Vol. (!. — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army, part 3 — Division of Philippines. Vol. 7. — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army, ]>art 4 — military operations in Philippines. Vol. 8. — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army, part 5 — military operations in Philippines. Vol. 9. — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army, part 6 — military operations in Philippines. Vol. 10. — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army, part 7 — military operations in China. Vol. 11. — No. 2 : Same. Civil affairs in Philippines. Vol. 12.— No. 2: Same. Civil affairs in Cuba. Part 1, 1900. Personal report of governor-general ; reports on financial affairs, civil oi'ders, and circulars. Vol. 12.— No. 2 : Same. Part 2, 1900. Report of Secretary of State ; also re- ports of provinciiil governors, sanitary report, and report of superintendent of cliarities. Vol. 12.— No. 2 : Same. Part 3, 1900. Reports of secretary of finance, audi- tor, collector of customs, postmastex'-general, and department of justice. Vol. 12. — No. 2 : Same. Part 4, 1900. Reports on agriculture and public in- struction. Vol. 13.— No. 2 : Same. Civil affairs in Cuba. Part 1, 1900. Reports of sec- retary of public worivs and provincial engineers. Vol. 13. — No. 2 : Same. Part 2, 1900. Report of commissioner of railroads, light-bouse board, and captain of the port of Habana. Vol. 13. — No. 2 : Same. Part 3. 1900. Report of chief engineer of division. Vol. 13. — No. 2 : Same. Part 4, 1900. Report of chief engineer, continued. Vol. 14. — No. 2 : Same. Civil affairs in Porto Rico. Vol. 15. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, part 1. Vol. 16. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, part 2. Vol. 17. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, part 3. Vol. 18. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, part 4. Vol. 19. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, part 5 ; appendixes F F to N N. A'ol. 20. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, part 6. Vol. 21. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, part 7. Vol. 22. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, part 8. Vol. 23.— No. 2 : Same. Ordnance. 564 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 24.— No. 3 : Navy Department reports, 1900. Vol. 2.5.— No. 4 : Post-Office Department reports, 1900. Vol. 2G. — No. 5 : Interior Department reports, 1900. Secretary and Land Office. Vol. 27. — No. 5 : Same. Indian affairs — report of Commissioner. Vol.28. — No. 5: Same. Indian affairs — Five Civilized Tribes Commission. etc. Vol. 29. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, part 1 — bureau officers, etc. Vol. 30. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, part 2 — governors of Territories, etc. Vol.31. — [Quarto.] — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, Twenty-first report, part 1 — Director's report, etc. Vol.32, — No. 5: Same. Geological Survey, 21st report, part 2 — general ge- ology, economic geology, Alaska. Vol. 33. — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, 21st report, part 3 — general ge- ology, ore and phosphate deposits, Philippines. Vol. 34. — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, 21st report, part 4 — hydrography. Vol. .35. — [Quarto.] — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, 21st report, part 5 — forest reserves, text. Vol. .30. — [Quarto.] — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, 21st report, part 5 — forest reserves, atlas. Vol. 37.^ — [Quarto.] — No. 5: Same. Geological Survey, 21st report, part — mineral resources, calendar year 1899. Vol. 38. — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, 21st report, part G continued — mineral resources, calendar year 1899. Vol. .39. — [Quarto.] — No. 5: Same. Geological Survey, 21st report, part 7 — Black and Grand prairies, Texas. Vol. 40. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol. 41. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 42. — No. 6 : Agricultural Department reports, 1900, No. .29 : Agricultural Department expenditures, 1900. No. 336 : Report on agricultural experiment stations, 1900. Vol.43. — No. 171: Report on agricultural capabilities of I'orto Rico. No. 3.35 : 4th report on agriculture in Alaska. 1900. No. 368: Report on agricultural capabilities of Hawaii. No. 466: Use of water in irrigation. Vol. 44. — No. 7 : District of Columbia Commissioners' report, 1900, voLs. 1 and 2. Vol. 45. — No. 7 : Same, vols. 3 and 4. Vol. 46. — No. 8 : Treasury Department report, 1900. Vol. 47. — No. 9 : Justice Deiiartment report, 1900. Vol. 48.— No. 10 : Comptroller of Currency report, Dec. 3, 1900, vol. 1. Vol. 49.— No. 10: Same, vol. 2. Vol.50. — No. 11: Internal revenue report, 1900. Vol. 51. — [Quarto.] — No. 12: Estimates of appropriations, 1902, No. 80: Receipts and expenditures, 1900. No. 352 and Senate doc. 205 : Deficiency estimates. Vol. 52.— [Quarto.]— No. 13: Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1900, vol. 1. Vol. 53.— [Quarto.]— No. 13: Same, vol. 2. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 565 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Second Session— Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 54. — No. 14 : Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., report, 1900. Vol.55. — [Quarto.]— No. 15, parts 1-G : Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, July-Dec, 1900. Vol.50. — [Quarto.] — No. 15, parts 7-12: Same, Jan.-June, 1901. Vol. 57.— [Quarto.]— No. 16: 32d list of merchant vessels of United States, 1900. Vol.58. — [Quarto.] — No. 17: American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1901. Vol. 59. — No. 18 : Flouse manual. Vol.60. — Nos. 19-75 (except 29) : Report of Clerk of House, 1900; Miscel- laneous. Vol. 61.— Nos. 76-121 (except 80, 81, 106) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 62.— No. 81 : National Soldiers' Home report, 1900. No. 259 : National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, July-Nov., 1900. Vol. 63.— Nos. 106, 484-^88, 530-534, 553, 554: Water-supply and irrigation papers 40-52. Vol. 64.— Nos. 122-150 (except 140, 141, 149) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 65. — No. 140 : Special Consular Reports, vol. 16, supplement. Tariffs of foreign countries — Chile and Nicaragua. No. 290, part 1 : Same, vol. 22, part 1. Acetic acid in foreign coun- tries. No. 290, part 2 : Same, vol. 22, part 2. Mineral-water industry. No. 290, part 3 : Same, vol. 22, part 3. Foreign trade in heating and cooking stoves. Vol. 66.— No. 240, 4 parts : Consular Reports, Jan.-Apr., 1901, Nos. 244-247, vol. 05. Vol. 67.— No. 527, 4 parts: Same, May-Aug., 1901, Nos. 248-251, vol. 66. Vol. 68.— No. 556, 4 parts : Same, Sept-Dec, 1901, Nos. 252-255, vol. 67. Vol. 69.— No. 543 : General index to Monthly Consular Reports, Nos. 204- 239, vols. 55-63. ^'ol. 70. — Nos. 141, 496, 544, 557 : Exports declared for United States, Apr., 1900-xMar., 1901. No. 550 : Same, July, 1899-June, 1900. Vol.71. — [Quarto.] — No. 149: Deep Waterways Board report, vol. 1. A'ol. 72.— [Quarto.]— No. 149: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 7.3.— [Quarto.]— No. 149: Same, atlas. Vol. 74.— Nos. 151-228 (except 171, 181, 190) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 75. — No. 181, part 1 : American Republics Bureau, 10th report, 1900. No. 181, part 3 : Same, part 3. Mexico. Vol. 76.— No. 181, part 2: Same, part 2. Monthly bulletin, Jan.-June, 1900. Vol. 77. — No. .323 : American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, July-Dec. 1900. Vol. 78.- No. 356, parts 1-6 : Same, Jan.-June, 1901. Vol. 70.— No. 356, parts 7-12 : Same, July-Dec, 1901. Vol. 80.— No. 190 : Test of metals, 1900. Vol. 81.— Nos. 229^3.")4 (except 239-242, 259, 275, 290, 291, 314, 315, 323, 335, 336, 352) : Miscellaneous. 56r> CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 82. — No. 239 : Mint report on precious metals, calendar year 1899. Vol. 83.— No. 241 : Army register, 1901. No. 291: Navy register, 1901. Vol.84. — [Quarto.]^ — No. 242: Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, vol. 1. Vol. 8-5. — No. 275 : Interstate Commerce Commission, 14th report, Dec. 24, 1900. Vol. 86. — No. 314 : Records of Union and Confederate Navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 11. Vol. 87.— No. 542 : Same, series 1, vol. 12. Vol. 88.— No. 315, 6 parts : Labor Department bulletins 32-37, vol. 6, 1901. Vol. 89.— Nos. 355-482 (except 356, 368, 380, 466, 475) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 90.— No. 380: Commercial Relations, 1900, vol. 1. Vol. 91.— No. 380 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 92.— No. 475 : Statistical Abstract of United States, 1900. Vol. 93.— Nos. 483-515 (except 484-488, 494-496, 507, 509, 510, 512-514) : Cruise of revenue cutter Bear, 1897-98 ; Tennessee Centennial Exposition, 1897 ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 94. — No. 494 : Industrial Commission reports, vol. 6. Distribution of farm products. Vol. 95. — No. 495 : Same, vol. 7. Capital and labor in manufactures and general business — preliminary report and testimony. Vol. 96. — No. 507 : Agricultural experiment stations in United States. Vol. 97. — No. 509 : Insular cases in Supreme Court. Vol. 98. — No. 510 : Digest of contested election cases, lst-56tb Congresses. Vol. 99. — No. 512 : Official opinions of Attorneys-General, vol. 22. Vol. 100.— [Quarto.]— No. 513: Calendars of House, Mar. 4, 1901. Vol.101. — [Folio.] — No. 514: Atlas of Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and vicinity. Vol.102. — [Quarto.] — No. 516: List of maps relating to America in Library of Congress. Senate doc. 222 : List of books on Porto Rico. Senate doc. 223: List of books on Danish West Indies. Vol. lO.j.- — [Quarto.] — No. 517: Weather Bureau report, 1900; meteorolog- ical tables, calendar year 1899. Vol. 104.— No. 518 : Patent decisions, 1900. Vol. 10.5. — No. 519 : Agricultural Department j-eai'book, 1900. Vol. 106.- — No. 520 : Memorial addresses on John H. Hoffecker. No. 521 : Memorial addresses on Frank G. Clarke. No. 522 : Memorial addresses on William D. Daly. No. 523 : JMemorial addresses on Albert D. Shaw. No. 524 : Memorial addresses on Richard A. Wise. No. 525 : Memorial addresses on xVlfred C. Ilarmer. Vol. 107.— No. 526: Field operations of Divsion of Soils, 1900. _^ Vol. 108. — No. 528: Labor Department, 1,5th annual report, 1900, vol. 1. Vol. 109.- No. ,528: Same, vol. 2. Vol.110. — [Quarto.] — No. 529 : Documentary history of Constitution, vol. 1. Vol. 111.— [Quarto.]— No. 529: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 112.— [Quarto.]— No. 529: Same, vol. 3. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SEJSATE 507 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House docuuients — Contiuued. Vol. 113.— Nos. 535, 536: Geological Survey bulletins. 177. 178. Vol. 114. — 1 : Smithsonian Institution report, 1900. Vol. 115.— No. 5.37, pt. 2: National Museum report. 1900. Vol. 116. — No. 538: Digest of decisions relating to Indian affairs, vol. 1. Vol. 117.— No. 538: Same. vol. 2. Vol. 118.— [Quarto.]— No. 539: Ethnology Bureau, 19th report, 1898, pt. 1. Vol. 119.— [Quarto.]— No. 539: Same, pt. 2. Vol. 120.— [Quarto.]— No. 540: Fish Conunission bulletin, vol. 20, 1900, pt. 1. Vol. 121.— [Quarto.]— No. 540: Same, pt. 2. Vol. 122.— No. 541 : Fish Comnnssion report, 1900. Vol. 123.— No. 545 : Military laws of United States. Vol. 124. — [Quarto.]- — No. 540: Report on Copper River country. No. 547 : Report on Seward Peninsula. Vol. 125. — No. 548: American Historical Association report, 1900. vol. 1. Vol. 126.— No. 548 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 127.— No. 549 : Animal Industry Bureau, 17th report, 1900. Vol. 128. — No. 551 : Digest of international law, vol. l.a Vol. 129.— No. 551 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 1.30.- No. 551 : Same, vol. 3. Vol. 131.— No. .551 : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 132, pt. 1.— No. 551 : Same, vol. 5. 1.32. pt. 2 : Same, vol. 6. 132, pt. 3 : Same, vol. 7. 132, pt. 4: Same, vol. 8. Vol.133. — No. .552 : Celebration of 100th anniversary of establishment of seat of government in D. C. Vol. 1.34. — No. 555 : Civil Service Commission, 17th report, 1900. Vol. 135. — No. 558 : War of the Rebellion, general index. Vol. 136. — No. 559 : Document catalogue, 56th Congress. Vol. 1.37.— No. .560 : Document index, 56th Congress, 2d session. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1.— No. 2007-2321 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 2322-2700 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 2701-3006 (except 2768) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 4. — No. 2768, pts. 1 and 2 : Hazing at Military Academy. Vol. 5.— No. 2768. pt. 3 : Same. Vol. 6.— No. 2768. pt. 4 : Same. FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate. — March 4 to 9, 1901. Senate Documents : No. 1. Privileges of Commissioned OlUcers in Naval Service I'romoted from the Ranks. Bound in vol. 2, Fifty-seventh Congress, first session, Senate Documents. First Session. — December 2, 1901 to July 1, 1902. Senate documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1 : Report of Secretary of Senate, 1901. Vol. 2.— Nos. 2-61 (excer)t 4. 20. .35, ,50, 54): Government Printing Office report, 1901 ; miscellaneous; also No. 1, special session, Senate, Mar. 4-9, 1901. 568 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. .3. — No. 4, .'? pts. : Congressional Directory. Vol.4. — TQuarto.l — No. 20 : Astropbyslcal Observatory report, 1891-1901. Vol..''). — No. ;jr): Report of Librarian of Congress, 1901. Vol. (5. — [Quarto.] — No. 50 : Coast and Geodetic Survey report. 1901. Vol. 7.— No. 54, 2 pts. : Report of Istbmian Canal Commission, 1899-1901. Vol. 8. — Nos. 02-97 (except G7.a 68, 79, 84): Whaling and sealing claims against Russia; miscellaneous. Vol. 9. — No. 08. 2 pts. : Report of Commission to Revise and Codify Criminal and Penal Laws, 1901. Vol.10. — No. 79: 1st report of governor of Porto Rico, May 1, 1900-May, 1, 1901. Vol.11. — [Quarto.] — No. 84 : Southern Appalachian region. Vol. 12.— Nos. 98-133: 11th report on reindeer in Alaska, 1901; Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf, 1901 ; miscellaneous. ' Vol. 1.3.— Nos. 134-170 (except 151): Miscellaneous. Vol. 14. — [Quarto.] — No. 151 : Patent Office report, calendar year 1901. Vol. 15. — No. 171 : Correspondence relating to Philippine tariff. Vol. 15. — No. 205, 2 pts. : Charges of cruelty in Philipphies. Vol. 16.— Nos. 172-222 (except 205) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 17. — Nos. 22.3-268 (except 233, 2.53) : Hearings on oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products ; miscellaneous. Vol.18, pt. 1.— [Quarto.]— No. 2.33: Memoirs of National Academy of Sci- ences, vol. 8. No. 6. Nutritive value of alcohol. Vol.18, pt. 2.— [Quarto.]— No. 450: Same, vol. 8, No. 7. West Indian madreporarian polyps. Vol. 19. — No. 253, 3 pts. : Hearings on interoceanic canal. Vol. 20.— Nos. 269-303 (except 280) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 21.— No. 280; Gazetteer of Philippine Islands. Vol. 22.— Nos. 304-.342 (except .331) ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 23. — No. 331, pt. 1 : Hearings on affairs in Philippine Islands. Vol. 24.— No. .331, pt. 2 ; Same. Vol. 2.5.— No. .331, pt. 3; Same. Vol. 26.— Nos. .343-406 (except 356) : Miscellaneous. Vol.27. — [Quarto.] — No. 356 : Irrigation investigations in California. Vol.28. — Nos. 407-4.34 (except 411, 426 B) : Missouri troops in service dur- ing civil war; miscellaneous. Vol.29. — No. 411 : Consulates and consular agencies. Vol. 30. — Nos. 435-448 (except 447) ; Revenues and expenditures in Cuba, May 1-June 3(>, 1900 ; miscellaneous. Vol.31. — No. 447; National Society of Daughters of the American Revolu- tion report. Oct. 11, 1900-Oct. 11, 1901. Vol.32. — [Quarto.] — No. 449 ; Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol.33. — [Quarto.] — No. 451 : Memorial addresses on James II. Kyle. Vol.34. — [Quarto.] — No. 4.52 : Treaties, laws, etc., relating to Indian af- fairs, vol. 1. a No. 67, Report of Commissioner to China, is omitted for the reason that it is identical with the appendix to House document 1. 57th Congress, 1st session. & No. 426, Deficiency estimates, is bound with House documents, vol. 41, 57th Congi'ess, 1st session. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 569 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. .^'k— [Quiirto.]— Xo. 452: Same. vol. 2. Vol. o(]. — No. 4.">:! : (Jettyshui-fr National Park Commission reports, 1S93- 1901. Reports of Senate committees: Vol. I.. — No. 1 : Interoceanic canal.?. Vol.2. — Nos. 2-334 (e.xcept HJO) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3. — No. 166 : Improvement of pai"k system of District of Columbia. ^ Vol. 4.— Nos. 335-058 : Miscellaneous. Vol.5. — Nos. 550-919 (except 776): Miscellaneous. Vol. 6.— Nos. 920-1180 (except 1075): Miscellaneous. Vol. 7.— Nos. 1181-1616 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 8.— Nos. 1617-19.30 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 9.— Nos. 1931-2126: Miscellaneous. Vol. 10. — No. 776, 2 pts. : Chinese exclusiou. Vol. 11.— No. 1075 : River and harbor bill. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1 : President's message and foreign relations, 1901. Vol. 1. — No. 1 : Same. Appendix — report of conuiiissioner to China. Vol.2. — No. 2 : War Department reports, 1901. Secretary and miscel- laneous. Vol. 3. — No. 2 : Same. Chiefs of bureaus. Vol. 4. — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army, pt. 1 — miscellaneous. Vol. 5. — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Division of Philippines. Vol. 6. — No. 2 : Same. LieutenanC-General military operations in northern and southern Luzon. Vol. 7. — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army. pt. 4 — mili- tary operations in Visayas, Mindanao ind Jolo, and China. Vol. 8. — No. 2 : Same. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army, pt. 5. — Divi- sion of Philippines, supplementary. Vol. 9. — No. 2 : Same. Report of Pliili])pine Conunission, pt. 1. Vol. 10. — No. 2 : Same. Report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Vol.11. — No. 2 : Same. Public laws passed by Philippine Commission. Vol. 12.— No. 2 : Same. Engineers, pt. 1. Vol. 13.— No. 2 : Same. Engineers, pt. 2. Vol.14. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, pt. 3. Vol.15. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, pt. 4. Vol. 16. — No. 2 : Same. Engineers, pt. 5. Vol.17. — ^No. 2 : Same. Engineers, supplement — Mississippi River Commis- sion and Missouri River Commission. Vol. 18. — No. 2 : Same. Ordnance. Vol. 19.— No. 3 : Navy Department reports, 1901, pt. 1. Vol. 20.— No. 3 : Same, pt. 2. Vol. 21.— No. 4 : Post-Office Department reports, 1901. Vol. 22. — No. 5 : Interior Department reports, 1901. Secretary and Land Office. Vol.23. — No. 5 : Same. Indian affairs, pt. 1 — report of Commissioner. Vol.24. — No. 5: Same. Indian affairs, pt. 2 — Five Civilized Tribes Commis- sion, etc. Commanding Army, I)t. Commanding Army, pt. Commanding Army, pt. 570 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol.25. — No. 5: Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 1 — bureau officers, etc. Vol. 2(t. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 2 — governors of Territories, etc. Vol. 27. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 3 — governor of New Mexico. Vol. 2S. — [Quarto.] — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, 22d report, pt. 1 — Director's report, etc. Vol.20. — [Quarto.] — No. 5 : Same. Geological Purvey. 22d report, pt. 2— • ore doi)Osits. Vol. 30.— [Quarto.]— No. 5: Same. Geological Survey, 22d report, pt. 3— coal, oil, cement. Vol.31. — [Quarto.] — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, 22d report, pt. 4 — hydrography. Vol. 32.^No. 5 : .Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol.33. — No. 5: Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 34. — No. G : Agriculture Department reports, 1901. No. 29. Agriculture Department expenditures, 1901. No. 334: Experiment Stations Office rej^ort, 1901. Vol.35. — No. 7 : District of Columbia report, 1901, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. No. 7 : Same. vol. 2. Engineer Dei)art- ment. No. 7 : Same, vol. 3. Health Department. No. 7 : Same, vol. 4. Education Board. Vol. .30.— No. 8 : Treasury Department report, 1901. Vol. 37. — No. 9 : Justice Department report, 1901. Vol. 38.— No. 10: Comptioller of Currency report, Oct. 31, 1901, vol. 1. Vol. 39.— No. 10 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 40.— No. 11 : Internal Revenue Office report, 1901. Vol.41. — [Quarto.] — No. 12: Estimates of approi)riations, 1903. Vol. 41.— [Quarto.]— No. 12: Estimates of appropriations, 1903. No. 35: Receipts and expenditures, 1901. Nos. (51, 244, 588, and Senate doc. 420: Deficiency estimates. Vol.42. — [Quarto.] — No. 13 : Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1901, vol. 1. Vol. 43.— [Quarto.]— No. 13: Same, vol. 2. Vol.44. — No. 14: Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept. report, 1901. Vol. 4.5. — [Quarto.] — No. 15, pts. 1-3: Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, July-Sept., 1901. Vol. 40.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 4-0: Same, Oct.-Dec, 1901. Vol. 47.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 7-9: Same, Jan.-Mar., 1902. A'ol. 48.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 10-12 : Same, Apr.-June, 1902. Vol. 49.— [Quarto.]— No. 10: 33d list of merchant vessels, 1901. Vol.50. — No. 17: Mineral Resources, calendar year 1900. Vol.51. — No. 18: Labor Department, 16th annual report. 1901. Strikes and lockouts. Vol. 52.— [Quarto.]— No. 19: Weather Bureau report, 1901, vol. 1. Meteoro- logical tables, calendar year 1900. Vol. 53.— [Quarto.]— No. 19: Same, vol. 2. Barometry. Vol. .54. — [Quarto.] — No. 20 : American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 1902. Vol. 55.— Nos. 21-136 (except 29, 35, 39, 41, 42, 50, 52-01, 64, 88) : Report of Clerk of House, 1901, Miscellaneous. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 571 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House (locuiiunits — C'ontiiuiod. Vol. .W.— No. .^,0 : National Soldiors" Home report, 190L No. i:'.7: National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, Aug.-Nov., 1001. Vol.57. — No. 41 : Journals of 1st Legislative Assembly of I'orto Rieo, 1900-01. No. G4 : Report of auditor of Porto Rico, 1001. Vol. TkS.— Nos. 42, r,'>:\. .^>2."). (>S:i : Exports declared for United States, Apr., 1001-Mar., 1002. , No. (j:!0 : Same, July, 1900-June, 1901. Vol. ijO. — No. 50: Survey of Tennessee River. No. 17(>: Survey of Kissinnnee River, etc. No. .'530 : Survey of Ohio River. Vol. (iO. — No. 52 : Rei)ort of Commission to Revise and Compile Laws of Porto Rico. Vol. (il. — Nos. 53-GO, 4S1-484 : Water-supply and irrigation papers 53-64. Vol. (•)2.— Nos. 084-002 : Same, 05-73. Vol. ii3. — No. 88 : House manual. Vol. 04.— Nos. 138-107 (except 145, 152) : Miscellaneous. Vol.05.— No. 145: Statistical Abstract. 1001. Vol. 06.— No. 152, 4 pts. : Consular Reports, Jan.-Apr.. 1002, Nos 256-259, vol. 08. Vol. 07.— No. 553, 4 pts. : Same. May-Aug., 1902. Nos. 2(i0-203. vol. 69. Vol. 68.— No. 710, 4 pts. : Same, Sept.-Dec, 1902, Nos. 204-207, vol. 70. Vol. 69. — No. 708, pt. 1 : Special Consular Reports, vol. 23, pt. 1. Gas and oil engines. No. 708, pt. 2: Same, vol. 23, pt. 2. Silver and plated ware. Vol. 70.— Nos. 108-372 (except 176-187, 244, 250, 275, 283, 305, 306, 310, 320, 334, 330, 353) : iMiscellaneous. Vol.71. — No. 177: Industrial Commission reports, vol. 8. ("liicago labor dis- putes of 1900. Vol. 72. — No. 178 : Same, vol. 0. Transportation. 2d rei)ort. Vol. 73. — No. 179 : Same, vol. 10. Agriculture and agricultural labor. Vol.74. — No. 180 : Same, vol. 11. Agriculture, 2d report; taxation. Vol. 75. — No. 181 : Same, vol. 12. Capital and labor employed in mining industry. Vol. 70. — No. 182 : Same, vol. 1.3. Trusts and industrial combinations, 2d report. Vol.77. — No. 183: Same, vol. 14. Capital and labor in manufactures and general business, 2d report. Vol.78. — No. 184: Same, vol. 15. Immigration; education. Vol. 79. — No. 185 : Same. vol. 16. Foreign legislation upon matters affecting general labor. Vol.80. — No. 18(>: Same. vol. 17. Labor organizations, labor disputes, and arbitration; railway labor. Vol.81. — No. 187 : Same, vol. 18. Industrial combinations in Europe. Vol. 82.— No. 380 : Same. vol. 19. Final report. Vol. 83.— No. 2.50 : Navy Register, 1002. No. 704 : Army Register, 1902. 572 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 84. — No. 275 : Mint report on precious metals, calendar year 1900. Vol. 85. — No. 283 : Records of Union and Confederate Navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 13. Vol. 80.— No. 681 : Same, series 1, vol. 14. Vol. 87. — No. 305 : Interstate Commerce Commission, IStli report, Jan. 17, 1902. Vol. 88. — No. 300, pts. 1-6 : American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, Jan.- June, 1902. Vol. 89.— No. 306, pts. 7-12 : Same, July-Dec, 1902. • Vol. 90. — No. 557 : American Republics Bureau, 11th report, 1901. Vol. 91. — No. 310 : Geological Survey monographs, vol. 41. Glacial forma- tions and drainage features of Brie and Ohio basins. Vol. 92. — No. 320 : Commercial Relations, 1901, vol. 1. Vol. 93.— No. 320 : Same, vol. 2. y„l. 94._Nos. 373-.507 (except 377, 380. 430, 401^75, 481-485, 508, 510, 525, 535, 5.37, 553, 557) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 95.— No. 377, 6 pts. : Labor Department bulletins 38-43, vol. 7, 1902. Vol.90. — [Quarto.] — No. 430: Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, vol. 2. Vol. 97.— No. 401 : Geological Survey bulletin 179. Vol. 98.— Nos. 462-460 : Same, 180-184. Vol. 99.— Nos. 407-409 : Same, 185-187. Vol. 100.— Nos. 470, 471 : Same, 188, 189. Vol. 101.— Nos. 472-475 : Same, 190-193. Vol. 102.— Nos. 035, 693-701 : Same, 194-203. Vol. 103.— No. 485 : Schley Court of Inquiry, vol. 1. Vol. 104.— No. 485 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 105.— No. 508 : Tests of metals, 1901. Vol. 106. — No. 510 : Report of Committee on Awards of World's Columbian Commission, vol. 1. Vol. 107.— No. 510 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 108. — No. 535 : Hearings on reciprocity with Cuba. Vol. 109. — No: 537, 2 pts. : Transport service between San Francisco and Philippine Islands. Vol. 110.— Nos. 508-079 (except 588, 594, 018, 020-022, 035, 039, 055, 601) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 111.— No. 594: Patent decisions, 1901. Vol. 112. — No. 018 : Sites for military posts and camp grounds. Vol.113. — [Quarto.] — No. 020: Calendar of correspondence of James Mon- roe. Vol.114. — [Quarto.] — No. 021: Calendar of correspondence of James Madi- son. Vol. 115. — [Quarto.] — No. 622, pt. 1 : Calendar of correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, pt. 1. Vol. 116.— [Quarto.]— No. 622, pt. 2: Same, pt. 2. Vol. 117.— No. 055: Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 3d report, 1901. Vol. 118.— No. 001 : Agriculture Department Yearbook, 1901. Vol. 119.— [Quarto.]— No. 680 : Calendars* of House, July 1. 1902. Vol. il20.— No. 682 : Animal Industry Bureau, 18th report, 1901. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 573 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continuerl. Vol. 121. — No. 702 : American Historical Association report, 1901, vol. 1. Vol. 122.— No. 702 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 123.— No. 703 : Civil Service Commission, 18th report, 1901. Vol. 124. — No. 705 : Fisli Commission report, 1901. Vol. 125.— [Quarto.]— No. 70(> : Fish Commission bulletin, vol. 21, 1901. Vol. 126.— No. 707, pt. 1 : Smithsonian Institution report, 1901. Vol. 127.— No. 707. pt. 2 : National :Museum report, 1901. \'ol. 128.— No. 709 : Ethnology Bureau, 20th report, 1899. Vol.129. — [Quarto.] — No. .711 : Memorial addresses on Amos J. Cumming.s. No. 712 : Memorial addresses on Marriot Brosius. No. 713 : Memorial addresses on J. William Stokes. No. 714 : Memorial addresses on Peter J. Otey. No. 715 : Memorial addresses on Robert E. Burke. No. 71G : Memorial addresses on Rufus K. Polk. Vol. 130.— No. 717 : Official Opinions of Attorneys-General, vol. 23. ^'ol. 131. — No. 718 : Document index, 57th Congress, 1st session. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-188 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 2. — Nos. 189-410 : Stores and supplies claims ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 3. — Nos. 417-738 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 7.39-1093: Miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— Nos. 1094-1422: Miscellaneous. Vol. (3.— Nos. 142.3-1729 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 7.— Nos. 1730-2081: Miscellaneous. Vol. 8.— Nos. 2082-2443: Miscellaneous. Vol. 9. — Nos. 2 111 2750 : Miscellaneous. Second Session. — December 1, 1902 to March 4, 1903. Senate documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1 : Report of Secretary of Senate, 1902. Vol. 1. — No. 5 : Government Printing Office report, 1902. Vol. 1. — No. 6 : Report of Librarian of Congress, 1902. Vol.2. — Nos. 2-34 (except 4-6, 28a) : 2d report of governor of Porto Rico, May 1, 1901-July 1. 1902 ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 3. — No. 4, 2 pts. : Congressional directory. Vol. 4. — No. 35 : 1st International Conference for Protection of Coffee In- dustry. No. 169: 1st Intei-national Sanitary Convention of American Re- publics. No. 180 : 1st Customs Congress of American Republics. Vol.5. — Nos. 36-69 (except 62) ; Hearings on statehood bill; Miscellaneous. Vol. 6. — -No. 62 : Regulation of immigration. Vol.7. — Nos. 70-97 (except 74): Safety appliances and power brakes on railroads ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 8. — No. 74 : Bibliography of Philippine Islands. Vol. 9.— Nos. 98-145 (except 104, 124, 141) : Miscellaneous. a No. 28, Pious fund of the is omitted for the reason that it is identical with Appendix 2 to House document 1, 57th Congress, 2d session. 574 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 10.— No. 104 : Experiment Stations Office report, 1902. Vol. 11. — [Quarto.] — No. 124: Hydrograpliy of American isthmus. Vol. 12. — No. 141 : Hearings on 8-bour day. Vol. 13.— Nos. 34G-188 (except 147, 109, 177.o 180) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 14. — No. 147 : Bills and debates relating to trusts. Vol. 15.— Nos. 189-220 (except 197, 210, 219) : Federal aid in domestic dis- turbances ; Miscellaneous. Vol. l(j. — No. 210 : National Society of Daugbters of the American Revolu- tion report, Oct. 11, 1901-Oct. 11, 1902. Vol.;". — LQnarto.] — No. 219 : Memorial addresses on Abrabam Lincoln, .James A. Garfield, and William McKinley. Vol. 18. — [Quarto.] — No. 221 : Alphabetical list of private claims before Sen- ate, 1899-190.3. Vol.19. — [Quarto.] — No. 222 : Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol. 20.— [Quarto.]— No. 223: Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1902. Vol.21. — [Quarto.] — No. 224: History of Washington Monument. Vol.22. — [Quarto.] — No. 22.5 : Memorial addresses on James McMillan. No. 220: Memorial addresses on William J. Sewell. Vol. 23. — No. 227 : Senate manual. Vol.24. — [Quarto.] — No. 197: Restoration of White House. Reports of Senate committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 2127-2544 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 2545-2944 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 2945-3318 : Miscellaneous. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1 : President's message and Foreign relations, 1902. Vol. 2. — No. 1 : Same. Appendix 1 — Whaling and sealing claims against Russia. Vol. 3. — No. 1 : Same. Appendix 2 — Pious fund of the Californias. Vol. 4. — No. 2 : War Department reports, 1902, vol. 1. Secretary and bu- reau chiefs. Vol. 5. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 2. Engineers, pt. 1. Vol. 0. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 3. Engineers, pt. 2. Vol. 7. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 4. Engineers, pt. 3. Vol. 8. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 5. Engineers, pt. 4. Vol. 9. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 6. Engineers, supplement — Mississippi River Commission and Missouri River Commission. Vol. 10. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 7. Ordnance. Vol. 11. — No. 2: Same, vol. 8. Miscellaneous. Vol.12. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 9. Lieutenant-General Commanding Army. Vol. 13. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 10, pt. 1. 3d report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Vol. 14. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 10, pt. 2. 3d report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Vol. 1.5. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 11. Acts of I'hilippine Commission. — No. 3 : Navy Department reports, 1902. a No. 177, Deficiency estimates, is bound with House documents, vol. 35, 57tb Cong., 2d sess. CATALOGUE LIBRAE Y UNITED STATES SENATE 575 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 17.— No. 4 : rost-Office Department reports, 1902. Vol. IS. — No. 5 : Interior Department reports, 1902. Secretary and Land Office. Vol. 19. — No. 5 : Same. Indian affairs, pt. 1 — report of Commissioner. - Vol. 20. — No. 5 : Same. Indian affairs, pt. 2 — Five Civilized Tribes Com- mission, etc. Vol. 21. — No. .5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 1 — bureau officers, etc. Vol.22. — No. 5 : Same. Mi.scellaneous. pt. 2 — governors of Territories, etc. Vol. 23. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 3 — governor of New Mexico, etc. Vol.24. — [Quarto.] — No. 5: Same. Geological Survey, 23d report. Vol. 25. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol. 26. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 27. — No. 6 : Agriculture Department reports, 1902. Vol. 28. — No. 7 : District of Columbia report, 1902, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. No. 7 : Same, vol. 2. Engineer Department. Vol. 29.— No. 7 : Same, vol. 3. Health Department. Vol. 29. — No. 7 : Same, vol. 4. Education Board. Vol. 30.— No. 8 : Treasury Department report, 1902. Vol. 31.— No. 9 : Justice Department report, 1902. Vol. 32.— No. 10 : Comptroller of Currency report, Oct. 31, 1902, vol. 1. Vol. 33.— No. 10 : Same, vol. 2. Vol.34. — No. 11: Internal Revenue Office report, 1902. Vol.35. — [Quarto.] — No. 12 : Estimates of appropriations, 1904. No. 78 : Receipts and expenditures, 1902. Nos. 125, 344, and Senate doc. 177 : Deficiency estimates. Vol.36. — [Quarto.] — No. 13 : Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1902, vol. 1. Vol. 37.— [Quarto.]— No. 13: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 38. — No. 14 : Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept.. report, 1902. Vol.39. — [Quarto.] — No. 15, pts. 1-3: Monthly Sunnnary of Commerce and Finance, July-Sept, 1902. Vol. 40.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 4-6: Same, Oct.-Dec, 1902. Vol. 41.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 7-9: Same, Jan.-Mar.. 190,3. Vol. 42.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 10-12: Same, Apr.-June, 1903. Vol.43.— [Quarto.]— No. 16: 34th list of merchant vessels, 1902. Vol. 44. — No. 17 : Mineral Resources, calendar year 1901. Vol. 45. — No. 18 : Labor Department. 17th annual report, 1902. Trade and technical education. Vol.46. — [Quarto.] — No. 19: Weather Bureau report 1902. Meteorological tables, calendar year 1901. Vol. 47.— No. 20 : Civil Service Commission, 19th report. 1902. Vol. 48. — No. 21 : House manual. Vol. 49. — No. 22 : Mint report on precious metals, calendar year 1901. Vol. 50.— Nos. 23-153 (except 54, 78. 79, 111-113, 125) : Report of clerk of House, 1902 ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 51.— No. 54 : National Soldiers' Homo report 1902. No. 182 : National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, July-Oct, 1902. 3605—08 37 576 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 52.— No. 79 : Recliuuation Service, 1st report, .June 17-Dec. 1, 1902. Vol. 53.— Nos. Ill, 371, 440, 476 : Exports declared for United States, Apr., 1902-Mar., 1903. Vol. 53.— No. 454 : Same, July, 1901-June, 1902. Vol. 54. — No. 112 : Special Consular Reports, vol. 24. Creameries in foreign countries. No. 199 : Same, vol. 25. Stored goods as collateral for loans. No. 447 : Same, vol. 26. Briquettes as ftiel in foreign countries. Vol. 55.— No. 113, 4 pts. : Consular Reports, Jan.-Apr., 1903, Nos. 268-271, vol. 71. Vol. 56.— No. 438, 4 pts. : Same, May-Aug., 1903, Nos. 272-275, vol. 72. Vol. 57.— Nos. 154-251 (except 156, 181, 182, 199-219): Report of auditor of Porto Rico, Nov., 1901-Oct., 1902 ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 58.— No. 156 : Records of Union and Confederate Navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 15. Vol. 59. — No. 477 : Same, series 1, vol. 16. Vol. 60. — No. 181 : Interstate Commerce Commission, 16th report, Dec. 15, 1902. Vol. 61. — Nos. 200-203 : Water-supply and Irrigation papers 74-77. Vol. 62.— Nos. 441-444 : Same, 78-81. Vol. 63.— Nos. 445, 475, 488, 489 : Same, 82-85. Vol. 64.— Nos. 490-492 : Same, 86-88. Vol. 65.— Nos. 204-208, 430: Geological Survey bulletins 204-209. Vol. 66.— Nos. 434-437 : Same, 210-213. Vol. 67.— Nos. 470-472 : Same, 214-216. Vol. 68.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 209-214: Geological Survey professional papers 1-6; Vol. 69.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 215-218 : Same, 7-10. Vol. 70.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 448, 449 : Same, 11, 12. Vol. 71.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 450, 451: Same, 13, 14. Vol. 72.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 478-482 : Same, 15-19. Vol.73 — [Quarto.] — No. 219: Geological Survey monographs, vol. 42. Car- boniferous ammonoids of America. Vol.74. — [Quarto.] — No. 429: Same, vol. 43. Mesabi iron-bearing district of Minnesota. Vol.75. — [Quarto.] — No. 432: Same, vol. 44. Pseudoceratites of cretaceous. Vol.76. — [Quarto.] — No. 433: Same, vol. 45. Vermilion iron-bearing dis- trict of Minnesota. Vol.77. — [Folio.]— No. 433: Same, vol. 4.5, atlas. Vol. 78. — No. 252 : Sale of liquors in post exchanges. Vol. 79.— Nos. 253-408 (except 290, 305, 310, 335, 342, 344, 355, 370, 371, 376, 392) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 80.— No. 290 : Navy register, 1903. No. 392 : Army register, 1903. Vol. 81.— No. 305 : Commercial Relations, 1902, vol. 1. Vol. 82.— No. 305 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 83. — No. 310, pts. 1-3 : American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, Jan.-Mar. 1903. Vol. 84.— No. 310, pts. 4-6 : Same. Apr.-June, 1903." Vol. 85.— No. 310, pts. 7-9 : Same, July-Sept. 1903. Vol. 86.— No. 310, pts. 10-12 : Same, Oct.-Dec. 1903. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 577 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. I louse docuiuents — Continued. A'ol. 87.— No. 335 : Tests of metals, 1902. Vol. 88.— [Quarto.]— No. 342: Patent Office report, calendar year 1902. Vol.89. — [Quarto.] — No. 355: Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, vol. 3. Vol. 90.— No. 370, 5 pts. : Labor Department bulletins 44, 45,o 47^9, vol, 8. 1903. Vol. 91.— No. 376 : Statistical Abstract of United States. 1902. Vol. 92.— Nos. 409-452 (except 429. 430, 432-451): Surveys of rivers and harbors ; miscellaneous. Vol. 93.— No. 439: Inde.x to reports of Chief of Engineers, 180G-1900, vol. 1. Vol. 94.— No. 4.39 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 95.— No. 439 : Same, vol. 3. Vol.96. — [Quarto.] — No. 446: Historical register and dictionary of Army, 1789-1903, vol. 1. Vol. 97.— [Quarto.]— No. 446 : Same, vol. 2. Vol.98. — [Quarto.] — No. 453 : Memorial address on William McKinley. Vol. 99.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 455-457: Ethnology Bureau bulletins 25-27. Vol.100. — [Quarto.] — No. 4.58: Biographical Congressional Directory, 1774-1903. Vol. 101. — No. 459 : Agriculture Department yearbook, 1902. Vol. 102.— No. 460 : Patent decisions, 1902. Vol. 103. — No. 461: American Historical Association report, 1902, vol. 1. Vol. 104.— No. 461 : Same. vol. 2. Vol. 105. — [Quarto.] — No. 462 : Memorial addresses on Rousseau O. Crump. No. 463 : Memorial addresses on Thomas H. Tongue. No. 464 : Memorial addresses on John N. W. Rumple. No. 465 : Memorial addresses on Charles A. Russell. No. 466 : Memorial addresses on James M. Moody. No. 467 : Memorial addresses on John L. Sheppard. No. 468 : Memorial addresses on Joshua S. Salmon. No. 469 : Memorial addresses on R. C. De Graffenried. Vol. 106.— No. 473: Field oi)erations of Bureau of Soils, 4th report, 1902. Vol. 107.— No. 474 : Animal Industry of Bureau, 19th report, 1902. Vol. 108.— [Quarto.]— No. 483: Ethnology Bureau, 21st report, 1900. Vol.109. — No. 484, pt. 1: Smithsonian Institution report, 1902. Vol. 110.— No. 484, pt. 2 : National Museum report, 1902. Vol. 111.— No. 485 : Fish Commission report, 1902. Vol. 112.— [Quarto.]— No. 486: Fish Commission bulletin, vol. 22, 1902. Vol. 113. — No. 487 : Special report on diseases of horse. Vol.114. — No. 493 : Official opinions of Attorneys-General, vol. 24. Vol. 115. — No. 494 : Document catalogue, vol. 6, 57th Congress.6 Vol. 116. — No. 495 : Document index, 57th Congress, 2d session. Reports of House committees : Vol. 1. — Nos. 2751-3157 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 3158-3511 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 3512-3919 : Miscellaneous. a Labor Department bulletin 46 is the report of the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, issued as Senate document 0, .58th Congress, special session. 6 Not received. 578 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Special Session Senate.— M\RCH 5-19, 1903. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-12 (except 3, 11) : Report of Anthracite Coal Strike Commis- sion ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 2. — No. 3 : Congressional directory. Vol. 3.— No. 11 : Compilation of Senate election cases, 1789-1903. Vol.4 — [Quarto.] — No. 13: Acceptance of statues of Charles Carroll of Car- rollton and John Hanson. • First Session.— November 9 to December 7, 1903, Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1 : Congressional Directory. Vol. 2.— Nos. 2-28 (except 20) : 3d report of governor of Porto Rico, 1903; miscellaneous. Vol. 3. — [Quarto.] — No. 20: Great canals of the world. Senate rp. 835, 2d sess. : Typography of Congressional Record. Senate reports : Nos. 1-13: [Bound in Senate reports, vol. 1, 58th Congress, 2d session.] House documents : Vol.1. — Nos. 1-45 (except 5) : Agriculture Department expenditures, 1903; miscellaneous. Vol. 2. — No. 5 : House manual. Vol. 3.— No. 46 : National Soldiers' Home report, 1903. House reports : Nos. 1,2: [Bound in House reports, vol. 1, 58th Congress, 2d session.] Second Session.— December 7, 1903 to April 28, 1904. Senate documents : Vol. 1.— No. 1 : Report of Secretary of Senate, 1903, No. 5 : Government Printing Office report, 1903. Vol.2. — Nos. 2-57 (except 4, 5, 10) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 58-120 (except 77, 100, 105) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 121-150 (except 148): Military forces of United States in Colombia ; miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— Nos. 151-181 (except 1.55, 162, 177): Investigation of Post-Office Department ; miscellaneous. Vol. 6.— Nos. 182-244 (except 200, 210, 222, 234) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 7.— Nos. 245-314 (except 277) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 8. — No. 4, 3 pts. : Congressional Directory. Vol. 9. — No. 10 : Report of Librarian of Congress, 1903. Vol.10. — [Quarto.] — No. 77: Les combattants frangais de la guerre ameri- caine, 1778-83. Vol.11. — No. 100: Compilation of annual naval appropriation laws, 1883- 1903. Vol. 12. — No. 105 : Acts, treaties, and proclamations relating to insular and military affairs, 1897-100.3. Vol. 13.— No. 148 : Experiment Stations Office report, 1903. Vol. 14. — No. 155 : Operations of revenue steamer Nunivak on Yukon River station, 1899-1901. No. 210: Thirteenth report on reindeer in Alaska, 1903, CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE b7\) FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 15. — No. 162 : Proceedings of Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, vols. 1 and 2. Vol. l(j.— No. 162 : Same, vol. 3. Vol. 17.— No. 162 : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 18.— No. 162 : Same. vol. 5. Vol. 19.— No. 162 : Same, vol. (». Vol. 20.— No. 162 : Same, vol. 7. Vol. 21. pt. 1.— No. 162 : Same, United States atlas. Vol. 21. pt. 2.— No. 162 : Same, British atlas. Vol. 21. pt. 3.— No. 162 : Same, atlas of award. Vol. 22.— [Quarto.]— No. 177: Patent Office report, calendar year 1903. Vol. 23.— [Quarto.]— No. 200: Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1903. Vol. 24.— [Quarto.]— No. 222 : Parts 1 and 2, Report of Isthmian Canal Com- mission, 1899-1901, with appendixes. Vol. 25. — No. 234 : Journal of Congress of Confederate States, vol. 1. Vol. 26.— No. 234 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 27.— No. 234 : Same, vol. 3. Vol. 28.— No. 234 : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 29.— No. 234 : Same, vol. 5. Vol. 30.— No. 234 : Same, vol. 6. Vol. 31.— No. 234 : Same, vol. 7. Vol. 32.— No. 234 : Same, vol. 8. Vol. 33. — No. 277 : National Society of Daughters of the American Revolu- tion. 6th report, Oct. 11, 1902-Oct. 11, 1903. Vol.34. — [Quarto.] — No. 315: Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol. .35.— No. 316: Venezuelan arbitrations of 190.3. Vol. 36. — No. 317 : United States and Venezuelan Claims Commission. Vol. 37.— No. 318 : Compilation of treaties in force. 1904. Vol.38. — [Quarto.] — No. 319: Indian affairs, laws and treaties, 2d edition, vol. 1. Vol. 39.— [Quarto.]— No. .319: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 40.— [Quarto.]— No. 320: Unveiling of statue of William T. Sherman. Vol.41. — [Quarto.] — No. 321: Memorial addresses on Marcus A. Hanna. Senate reports : Vol. 3. — Nos. 1-282 : « Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 28.3-633 : Miscellaneous. Vol. .3.— Nos. 6.34-1011 (except 835) :& Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 1012-1409 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— Nos. 1410-1855 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 6.— Nos. 18.56-2152 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 7.— Nos. 2153-2625 : Miscellaneous. House documents : Vol. 1 — No. 1 : President's message and foreign relations, 1903. Vol. 2.— No. 2 : War Department reports, 1003, vol. 1. Secretary, chief of staff, adjutant-general, etc. a Nos. 1-13 are reports of the 1st session : nos. 14-282 are reports of the 2d session. 6 No. 835, Typography of Congressional Record, is bound with Senate docu- ments, vol. 3, 58th Congress, 1st session. Vol. 7.- -No. 2 : Same, vol. 6. Vol. 8.- -No. 2 : Same, vol. 7. Vol. 9.- -No. 2 : Same, vol. 8. Vol. 10. —No. 2 : : Same, vol. 9. Vol. 11.- —No. 2 : Same, vol. 10. Vol. 12. —No. 2 : Same, vol. 11. Vol. 13.- —No. 2 : Same, vol. 12. Vol. 14.- —No. 2 : Same, vol. 1 580 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Second Session— Continued. House documents — Continued. Yoi. 3. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 2. Armament, transportation, and supply. Yoi. 4. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 3. — Department and division commanders. Vol. 5. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 4. Military schools and colleges. Record and Pension Office, military parks, and soldiers' homes. Vol. 0. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 5. 4th report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1. 4th report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2. 4th repoi't of Philippine Commission, pt. 3. Acts of Philippine Commission. Engineers, pt. 1. Engineers, pt. 2. Engineers, pt. 3. Engineers, pt. 4. L3. Engineers, supplement — Mississippi River Commission. Vol. 15. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 14. Ordnance. Vol. 16.— No. 3 : Navy Department reports, 1903. Vol. 17.— No. 4 : Post-Office Department reports, 1903. Vol. 18. — No. 5 : Interior Department reports, 1903. Secretary and Land Office. Vol. 19. — No. 5 : Same. Indian affairs, pt. 1 — report of commissioner. Vol. 20. — No. 5 : Same. Indian affairs, pt. 2 — Five Civilized Tribes Com- mission, etc. Vol. 21. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 1 — bureau officers, etc. Vol. 22. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 2 — governors of Territories, etc. Vol. 23. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 3— governor of New Mexico. Vol.24. — [Quarto.] — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, 24th report. Vol. 25. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol. 26. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 27. — No. 6 : Agriculture Department reports, 1903. Vol. 28. — No. 7 : District of Columbia report, 1903, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. Same, vol. 2. Engineer Department. Same, vol. 3. Health Department. Vol. 29. — No. 7 : Same, vol. 4. Education Board. Vol. 29. — No. 7 : Same, vol. 5, 2 pts. Insurance Department. Vol. 30. — No. 8 : Treasury Department report, 1903. Vol. 31. — No. 9 : Justice Department report, 1903. Vol. 32.— No. 10 : Report of comptroller of currency, Oct. 31, 1903, vol. 1. Vol. 33.— No. 10 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 34.— No. 11 : Internal Revenue Office report, 1903. Vol. 35. — [Quarto.] — No. 12 : Estimates of appropriations, 1905. No. 42 : Receipts and expenditures, 1903. Vol. 35.— Nos. 260, 652: Deficiency estimates. Vol. .36. — [Quarto.] — No. 13, pt. 1 : Foreign commerce and navigation, 1903, vol. 1. Vol. 37.— [Quarto.]— No. 13, pt. 2: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 38. — No. 14 : Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept, report, 1903, pt. 1. CATALOGUE LTBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE f)81 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 38. — No. 14 : Same, pt. 2. Laws relating to navigation and merchant marine. Vol.39. — [Quarto.] — No. 15, pts. 1-3: Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept., 1903. Vol. 40.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 4^6: Same, Oct.-Dec. 1903. Vol. 41.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 7-9: Same, ,Tan.-Mar., 1904. Vol. 42.— [Quarto.]— No. 1.5, pts. 10-12: Same, Apr.-June, 1904. Vol. 43.— [Quarto.]— No. 16: .3.5th list of merchant vessels, 1903. Vol. 44.— Nos. 17-61 (except 21, 22, 42, 44, 45) : Report of clerk of House, 1903 ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 45.— Nos. 67-l.''8 (except 111) : Reports of auditor of Porto Rico, Nov., 1902-Oct., 1903; Miscellaneous. Vol. 46.— Nos. 139-256 (except 144, 253) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 47.— Nos. 257-382 (except 260, 338, 343, 351): Miscellaneous. Vol. 48.— Nos. 383-433 (except 404): Investigation of Post-uffice Depart- ment ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 49.— Nos. 434-562 (except 446, 456, 458, 478, 508, 521) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 50.— Nos. 563-758 (except 565, 566, 578, 606, 641, 644, 650, 652, 658, 675-680, 688-695. 708-722, 724-755, 757) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 51. — No. 21, 4 pts. : Monthly consular reports, Sept.-Dec. 1903, Nos. 276-279, vol. 73. Vol. 52.— No. 22, 3 pts.: Same, Jau.-Mar. 1904, Nos. 280-282, vol. 74. Vol. 53.— No. 650, 3 pts. : Same, Apr.-June, 1904, Nos. 283-285, vol. 75. Vol. 54.— Nos. 783-785 : Same, July-Sept. 1904, Nos. 286-288. Vol. .55.— Nos. 786-788: Same, Oct.-Dec. 1904, Nos. 289-291. Vol. 56. — No. 45 : Special Consular Reports, vol. 27. Markets for agricul- tural implements and vehicles in foreign countries. No. 446 : Same, vol. 28. Commercial travelers in foreign countries. No. 508 : Same, vol. 29. Macaroni wneat in foreign countries. No. 732 : Same, vol. 30. Emigration to United States. Vol. 57. — No. 44 : Reclamation Service, 2d report, 1903. Vol. 58.— Nos. 02-66, 606 : Geological Survey bulletins, 217-222. Vol. 59.— Nos. 675-677 : Same, 223-225. Vol. 60.— Nos. 678, 679 : Same, 226, 227. Vol. 61.— Nos. 680, 724-726 : Same, 228-231. Vol. 62.— Nos. 727-731 : Same, 2.32-236. Vol. 63.— Nos. 771-775 : Same, 237-241. Vol. 64.— Nos. 776-779 : Same, 242-245. Vol. 65. — No. Ill, 3 pts. : American Republics Bureau, 13th report, 1903. A'ol. 66. — No. 458, pts. 1-3 : American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, Jan.-Mar. 1904. Vol. 67.— No. 458, pts. 4-6 : Same, Apr.-June, 1904. Vol. 68.— No. 458, pts. 7-9 : Same, July-Sept. 1904. Vol. 69.— No. 458, pts. 10-12 : Same, Oct.-Dec. 1904. Vol.70. — No. 144: Stability of international exchange. Vol.71. — No. 25.3, pt. 1: Interstate Commerce Commission. 17th report. Dec. 15, 1903. Vol.72. — No. 25.3, pts. 2 and 4: Same. Appendix G — railway operations and regulation, pts. 1 and 3. 582 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-EICHTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol.73. — [Quarto.] — No. 253, pts, 3, 5, and 0: Interstate Commerce Com- mission, 16tb report, Dec. 15, 1902. Appendix G — railway operations and regulation, pts. 2, 4, and 5. Vol. 74.— No. 338 : Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service report, 1903. Vol. 75.— No. .343, pts. 1-3 : Labor Bureau bulletins, 50-52, vol. 9, 1904, pt. 1. Vol. 76.— No. 343, pts. 4-6 : Same, 53-55, vol. 9, 1904, pt. 2. Vol. 77. — No. 351 : Mint Bureau report on i)recious metals, calendar year 1902. Vol. 78. — No. 404 : Records of Union an'd Confederate navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 17. Vol. 79. — No. 750 : Same, series 1. vol. 18. Vol. 80.— No. 456 : Army register, 1904. Vol. 80.— No. 478: Navy register, 1904. Vol. 81.— No. 521 : Tests of metals, 1903. Vol.82. — [Quarto.] — No. 565: Geological Survey monographs, vol. 46. Me- nominee iron-bearing district of Michigan. Vol.83. — [Quarto.] — No. 753: Same, vol. 47. Treatise on metamorphism. Vol.84. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 566, 709, 710: Geological Survey professional papers, 20-22. Vol. 85.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 711-714 : Same, 23-26. Vol. 86.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 715-719 : Same, 27-31. Vol. 87.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 780-782: Same, 32-34. Vol. 88.— No. 578 : Statistical abstract of United States, 1903. Vol. 89.— [Quarto.]— No. 641: Ethnology Bureau, 22d report, 1901, pt. 1. Vol. 90.— [Quarto.]— No. 641: Same, pt. 2. Vol. 91. — No. 644 : Civil Service Commission. 20th report, 1903. Vol. 92. — No. 658 : Mineral resources, calendar year 1902. Vol. 93. — Nos. 688-691 : Water-supply and irrigation papers, 89-92. Vol. 94.— Nos. 692-695 : Same, 93^96. Vol. 95.— Nos. 735, 736 : Same, 97, 98. Vol. 96.— Nos. 737, 738 : Same, 99, 100. Vol. 97.— Nos. 739-742 : Same, 101-104. Vol. 98.— Nos. 759-763 : Same, 105-109. Vol. 99.— Nos. 764-770 : Same, 110-116. Vol. 100.— No. 708 : Agriculture Department yearbook, 1903. Vol. 101. — [Quarto.] — No. 720: Irrigation investigations in Utah. Vol. 102.— [Quarto.]— No. 721: Weather Bureau report, 190.3. Meteorologi- cal tables, calendar year 1902. Vol. 103.— No. 722 : Commercial relations, 1903, vol. 1. Vol. 104.— No. 722 : Same, vol. 2. Vol.105. — No. 733: Labor Bureau, 10th special report. Labor laws of United States. Vol. 106.— No. 734 : Same, 11th. Labor outputs in trades. Animal Industry Bureau, 20th report, 1903. Special report on diseases of cattle. American Historical Association report, 190,3, vol. 1. Same, vol. 2. Vol. 111.— No. 746: Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 5th report, 1903. Vol. 112.— No. 746 : Same, portfolio of maps. Vol. 107.— No. 743 Vol. 108.— No. 744 Vol. 109.— No. 745 Vol. 110.— No. 745 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 583 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 113. — No. 747: Labor Bureau, 18th annual report, IDOo. Cost of liviii;; and retail prices of food. Vol. 114.- — No. 748, pt. 1 : Smithsonian Institution report, lOOo. Vol. 115.— No. 748, pt. 2: National Museum report, 1903. Vol. 116.— No. 749 : Patent decisions, 1903. Vol. 117. — No. 751 : Fisheries Bureau report, 1903. Vol. 118.— [Quarto.]— No. 752: Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 2:'., 190:], parts 1-3. Vol. 119. — [Quarto. 1 — No. 754: Comprehensive index of Government pub- lications, 1881-93, vol. 1. Vol. 120.— [Quarto.]— No. 754: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 121. — No. 755 : Life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Vol. 122. — [Quarto.] — No. 757: Report on origin and spread of typhoid fever in United States military camps, 1898, vol. 1. Vol. 123.— [Atlas.]— No. 757: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 124. — [Quarto.] — No. 789: Centennial of Military Academy, vol. 1. Vol. 12.5.— [Quarto.]— No. 789: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 126. — No. 790 : Document index, 5Sth Congress, 1st and 2d sessions. House reports : Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-384 o : Miscellaneous. Vol. 2.— Nos. 385-815 (except 646) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 816-1231: Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 1232-1551 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 5. — Nos. 1552-1904: Miscellaneous. Vol. 6.— Nos. 1905-2265 : JMiscellaneous. Vol. 7.— Nos. 2266-2602: Miscellaneous. Vol. 8.— Nos. 2603-2945: Miscellaneous. Vol. 9. — [Quarto.] — No. 646: Documentary history of United States Capitol building and grounds. Third Session. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1 : Report of secretary of Senate, 1904. No. 5 : Government Printing Office report, 1904. Vol. 2. — Nos. 2-69 (except 4, 5, 44) : 14th report on reindeer iu Alaslca. 1901 ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 70-157 (except 119, 128) : Labor disturbaiK-os in Colorado. 1880-1904 ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 158-192 (except 187) : Miscellaneous. A''ol. 5. — No. 4. 2 pts. : Congressional directory. Vol. 6. — No. 44: Compilation of annual naval appropriation laws. 1883-1904. Vol. 7. — No. 119 : Venezuelan arbitration before Hague Tribimal, 1903 Vol. 8.^No. 128 : Stability of international exchange. Vol. 9. — No. 187 : Man and abnormal man. Vol. 10. — No. 193 : National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution. 7th report, Oct. 11, 1903-Oct. 11, 1904. " Nos. 1 and 2 are reports of tlie 1st session; Nos. 3-384 are reports of the I'd session. 3605—08 38 584 cataijOgue library united states senate fifty-eighth congress. Third Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 11. — No. 194: Senate proceedings in impeacliment of Charles Swayne. Vol, 12. — [Quarto.] — No. 195: Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol. 13. — No. 196 : Executive register of United States, 1789-1902. Vol.14. — [Quarto.] — No. 197: Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, vol. 9. Bombycine moth of North America. Vol. 15. — No. 198 : Senate manual. Vol. 16. — No. 199 : Acceptance of statue of John J. Ingalls. No. 200 : Acceptance of statue of Frances E .Willard. Senate report 4397 : Presentation of bust of Washington. House doc. 474 : Acceptance of statues of Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin. •Vol.17. — [Quarto.] — No. 201 : Memorial addresses on George F. Hoar. No. 202 : Memorial addresses on Matthew S. Quay. Senate reports : Vol. 1.— Nos. 2626-3080 (except 2755) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 2. — Nos. 3081-4402 (except 4397 a and private bills, etc.) : River and harbor bill ; Miscellaneous. Vol. 3. — No. 2755 : Merchant Marine Commission, vol. 1. Vol. 4.— No. 2755: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 5.— No. 2755: Same, vol. 3. Vol. A.— Nos. 3084-3706 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. B. — Nos. 3707-4400 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Note. — Volumes A and B contain only the Senate reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions ordered printed after the passage of the act of January 20, 1905, which provides that the " usual number " of such re- ports shall not be printed. These volumes accordingly can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries and in the library of the office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-5, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the Senate reports on public bills ordered printed during the session. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1 : President's message and Foreign relations, 19(»4. Vol. 2.— No. 2 : War Department reports, 1904, vol. 1. Secretary, Chief of Staff, Military Secretary, etc. Vol. 3. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 2. Armament, transportation, and supply. Vol. 4. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 3. Division and department commanders. Vol. 5. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 4. Military schools and colleges, militia affairs, military parks, and soldiers' homes. Vol. 6. — No. 2: Same, vol. .5. Engineers, pt. 1. Vol. 7. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 6. Engineers, pt. 2. Vol. 8. — No. 2: Same, vol. 7. Engineers, pt. 3. Vol. 9. — No. 2: Same, vol. 8. Engineers, pt. 4. Vol. 10. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 9. Engineers, supplement — Mississippi River Commission. Vol. 11.— No. 2: Same, vol. 10. Ordnance. a No. 4.397, Presentation of bust of Washington is boimd with the Senate docu- ments, vol. 16, 58th Congress, 3d session. catalogue library united states senate 585 fifty-eighth:congress. Third session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol.12. — No. 2: Same, vol. 11. 5th report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Vol. 13. — No. 2 : Same. vol. 12. 5th report of Thilippine Commission, pt. 2. Vol. 14. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 1.3. 5th report of PhilipQine Commission, pt. 3. Vol. 15. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 14. Acts of Philippine Commission. Vol.16. — No. 3: Navy Department reiwrts, 1004. Vol. 17. — No. 4 : Post-Office Department reports. 1904. Vol. 18. — No. 5 : Interior Department reports, 1904. Secretary and Land Office. Vol.19. — No. 5: Same. Indian affairs, pt. 1 — report of Conmiissioner. Vol. 20.— No. 5 : Same. Indian affairs, pt. 2 — Five Civilized Tribes Com • mission, etc. Vol. 21. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 1 — bureau officers, etc. Vol. 22. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 2 — governors of Arizona, New- Mexico, and Oklahoma. Vol. 23. — No. 5 : Same. Miscellaneous, pt. 3 — governors of Alaska and Hawaii, etc. Vol. 24.^ — [Quarto.] — No. 5: Same. Geological Survey, 25th report. Vol. 25. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol. 26. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 27. — No. 6 : Agriculture Department reports, 1904. Vol. 28. — No. 7 : District of Columbia report, 1904, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. Vol. 29. — No. 7 : Same, vol. 2. Engineer Department. Same, vol. 3. Health Department. Same, vol. 4. Education Board. Same, vol. 5, 2 pts. Insurance Department. Treasury Department report, 1904. .lustice Department report, 1904. Vol. 33.— No. 10: Report of Comptroller of Currency, Oct. 31, 1904, vol. 1. Vol. 34.— No. 10: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 35.— No. 10: Same, vol. 3. Vol. 36.— No. 11: Internal Revenue Office report, 1904. Vol. 37.— [Quarto.] — No. 12: Estimates of appropriations. I!)(i(>. No. 64 : Receipts and expenditures, 1904. No. 287 : Deficiency estimates. Vol.08. — [Quarto.] — No. 13: Foreign commerce and navigation, 1904, vol. 1. Vol. .39.— [Quarto.]— No. 13: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 40. — No. 14 : Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Department, re- port, 1904. Vol.41. — [Quarto.] — No. 15, pts. 1-3: Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept., 1904. Vol. 42.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 4-6: Same, Oct.-Dec, 1904. Vol. 43.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 7-9: Same, Jan.-Mar., 1905. Vol. 44.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 10-12: Same, Apr.-June, 1905. Vol. 45.— [Quarto.]— No. 16: 36th list of merchant vessels, 1904. Vol.46. — [Quarto.] — No. 17: Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1904. Vol.47. — No. 18: Report of librarian of Congress, 1904. Vol. 48. — No. 19 : Mint Bureau report on precious metals, calendar year 1903. Vol. 49. — No. 20 : Mineral resources, calendar year 1903. No. 7 No. 7 Vol. 30.- -No. 7 Vol. 31.- -No. 8 Vol. 32.- -No. 9 586 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 50.— Nos. 21-104 (except 28, 64, 71, 73-75, 81) : Report of clerk of House, 1904; Miscellaneous. Vol. 51.— Nos. 105-205 (except 145, 146, 193) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 52.— Nos. 206-245 (except 216, 226, 232, 233, 243) : Survey of Con- necticut River; Miscellaneous. Vol. 53.— Nos. 246-381 (except 256, 266, 267, 287, 291, 301, 302, 316, 328-339, 369) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 54.— Nos. 382-^13 (except 386-403, 405-412) : Report on beef industry, Mar. 3, 1905; Miscellaneous. Vol.55. — No. 28: Reclamation Service, 3d report, 1904. Vol. 56. — No. 71 : National Soldiers' Home report, 1904. No. 193 : National Sodiers' Home report of inspection, July 13-Nov. g3, 1904. Vol.57. — No. 73: Special consular reports, vol. 31. Windmills in foreign countries. No. 74: Same, vol. 32. Foreign markets for American fruits. No. 243: Same, vol. 33. Industrial education and industrial con- ditions in Germany. Vol. 58. — No. 316 : Same, vol. 34. Marketing goods in foreign countries. No. 423 : Same, vol. 35. Warehouses in foreign countries for stor- age of merchandise. No. 427 : Same, vol. 36. Foreign markets for American cotton man- ufactures. Vol. 59.— Nos. 328-330 : Monthly consular reports, Jan.-Mar., 1905, nos. 292- 294. Vol. 60.— Nos. 331-343 : Same, Apr.-June, 1905, nos. 295-297. Vol. 61.— Nos. 334-336 : Same, July-Sept., 1905, nos. 298-300. Vol. 62.— Nos. 337-339 : Same, Oct-Dec, 1905, nos. 301-303. Vol. 63. — No. 75 : House manual. Vol. 64. — No. 80 : Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service report, 1904. Vol. 65. — No. 145, pt. 1 : American Republics Bureau report, 1904. Report of director. No. 145, pt. 2: Same. Bibliography of Paraguay. No. 145, pt. 3 : Same. • Handbook of Venezuela. Vol. 66. — No. 145, pt. 4 : Same. Handbook of Honduras. No. 145, pt. 5 : Same. Handbook of Mexico. Vol. 67. — No. 145, pt. 6 : Same. Patent and trade-mark laws of American Republics (Spanish). No. 145, pt. 7 : Same. Patent and trade-mark laws of American Republics (English). No. 145, pt. 8 : Same. Handbook of Bolivia. Vol. 68. — No. 267, pts. 1-3 : American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, Jan.-Mar., 1905. Vol. 69.— No. 267, pts. 4-6 : Same, Apr.-June, 1905. Vol. 70.— No. 267, pts. 7-9 : Same, July-Sept., 1905. Vol. 71.— No. 267, pts. 10-12 : Same, Oct.-Dec, 1905. Vol.72. — No. 146: Interstate Commerce Commission, 18th report, Dec. 19, 1904. CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 587 FLFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 73. — [Quarto.] — No. 216: Statistics upon ginning of cotton. Vol. 74. — No. 226 : 1st report of Isthmian Canal Commission, Dec. 1, 190i. No. 232 : 5th report of Philippine Commission, 1904. Vol. 75.— No. 233: Army register, 1905. No. .'502: Navy register, 1905. Vol. 76. — No. 256 : Expenditures of Agi-iculture Department, 1904. Vol. 77.— [Quarto.]— No. 266: Patent Office report, 1904. Vol. 78.— No. 291 : Tests of metals, 1904. ^'ol. 79. — No. 301 : Labor Bureau, 12th special report. Coal-mine labor. Vol. SO.— No. 386, pts. 1-3; Labor Bureau bulletins, 56-58, vol. 10, .Jan.- May, 1905. Vol. 81.— No. 380, pts. 4^6 : Same, 59-61, vol. 11, July-Nov., 1905. Vol. 82. — No. 428: Labor Bureau, 19th annual reix)rt, 1904. Wages and hours of labor. Vol. 83.— No. 369: Civil Service Commission. 21st report. 1904. Vol. 84.— Nos. 387-395: Geological Survey bulletins. 246-254. Vol. 85.— Nos. 396-400: Same, 255-259. Vol. 86.— Nos. 401-403: Same, 260-262. Vol. 87.— Nos. 452-457: Same, 263-268. Vol. 88.— No. 405 : Statistical abstract of United States, 1904. Vol. 89.— [Quarto.]— No. 406: Weather Bureau report, 1904. Meteorolog- ical tables, calendar year 1903. Vol. 90. — [Quarto.] — Nos. 407-400: Geological Survey professional papers, .^ r, .^ — OO—O t . Vol. 91.— [Quarto.]— Nos. 410. 411: Same, 38, 39. Vol. 92. — No. 412 : Commerce and Labor Department reports, 1904. Vol. 93.— No. 414: Gettysburg National Park Commission reports. 1893- 1904. Vol. 94. — Nos. 415—420, 431 : Water-supply and irrigation papers. 117-12.'J. Vol. 95.— Nos. 432-438: Same. 124-130. Vol. 96.— Nos. 439-443: Same. 131-13.5. Vol. 97.— Nos. 444-451 : Same, 136-143. Vol. 98.— Nos. 461-466: Same, 144-149. Vol. 99.— No. 421 : Experiment Stations Office report. 1904. Vol.100. — No. 422: Hearings on interstate-commerce act. Vol.101. — No. 424: Agriculture Department yearbook. 1904. A'ol. 102. — No. 425: Compilation of laws relating to rivers and harl)ors, vol. 1. Vol. 103.— No. 425 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 104.— No. 426: Patent decisions, 1904. Vol.105. — No. 420: American Historical Association report, 1904. Vol. 106.— No. 430, pt. 1 : Smithsonian Institution report, 1904. Vol. 107.— No. 4.30, pt. 2 : National Museum report, 1904. Vol. 108.— No. 458 : Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 6th report, 1904. Vol. 109.— No. 458 : Same. maps. Vol. 110.— No. 459: Records of Union and Confederate navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1. vol. 19. Vol.111. — No. 460: 8th International Geographic Congress, 1904. Vol. 112.— No. 467 : Animal Industry Bureau, 21st report, 1904. 588 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Third Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 11?..— [Quarto.] — No. 4G8: Memorial addresses on William F. Mahonoy. No. 4G9: Memorial addresses on Norton P. Otis. No. 470: Memorial addresses on George W. Croft. No. 471 : Memorial addresses on William VV. Skiles. No. 472: Memorial addresses on Robert II. Foerderer. No. 473 : Memorial addresses on Henry P.urk. No. 478 : Memorial addresses on Charles W. Tliompson. Vol. 114.— [Quarto.] — No. 475 a: Geological Survey monographs, vol. 48, pt. 1. Status of mesozoic floras of United States, 2d paper. Vol. 115.— [Quarto.]— No. 475: Same, vol. 48, pt. 2, plates. Vol. 116.— [Quarto.]— No. 476: Ethnology Bureau, 23d report, 1902. Vol. 117.— No. 477 : Ethnology Bureau bulletin 28. Vol. lis. — No. 479 : Fisheries Bureau report, 1904. Vol. 119.— No. 480: Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 24, 1904. Vol. 120. — No. 481 : Commercial relations, 1904. Vol. 121. — No. 482 : Document index, 5Sth Congress, 3d session. Vol. 122.— No. 483 : Document catalogue, vol. 7, 58th Cougx-ess. House Reports : Vol. 1.— Nos. 2946-3376 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 2. — Nos. 3377-3771 : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3. — Nos. 3772-4904 (except private bills, etc.) : Miscellaneous. Vol. A. — Nos. 3773-4318 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. B.— Nos. 4319-4902 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Note. — Volumes A and B contain only the House reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions ordered printed after the passage of the act of January 20, 1905, which provides that the " usual number " of such reports shall not be printed. These volumes, accordingly, can not be furnished to depository libraries ; but copies will be liept in the Senate and House libraries and in the library of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-3, which wilL be furnished as usual, contain all the House reports on public bills ordered printed during the session. FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session. — December 4, 1905, to June 30, 1906. Senate documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1 : Report of secretary of Senate, 1905. No. 5 : Government Printing Office report, 1905. Vol.2. — Nos. 2-82 (except 3-5), also nos. 1-6, special session. Senate: Mis- cellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 83-139 (except 127, 132) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 140-180 (except 142) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— Nos. 181-249 (except 202, 231, 243, 244) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 6.— Nos. 250-327 (except 277, 313) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 7.— Nos. 328^58 (except 429) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 8.— Nos. 459-536 (except 483, 486, 499, 532-535) : Miscellaneous. a No. 474, Acceptance of statues of Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin, is bound with Senate documents, vol. 16, 58th Congress, 3d session. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 589 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Vol. 9. — No. 3: Alphabetical list of private claims before Senate, Nov. 9, 190.S-Mar. 4, 1905. Vol. 10. — No. 4, ?> pts. : Congressional directory. Vol. 11. — No. 127, pt. 1 : Report of Isthmian Canal Commission, Dec. 1. 1905. No. 127. pt. 2 : Isthmian canal, reply to charges against Isthmian Canal Commission. No. 429: Report of Special Panama Railroad Commissioner. Vol. 12. — No. 132: Compilation of annual naval appropriation laws, 1883- 1905. Vol. 13. — [Quarto.] — No. 142: Acts and treaties relating to Alaska, Mar. 30, 1807-Mar. 3, 1905. Vol. 14. — No. 202 : Final report of Louisiana Purchase Exposition Com- mission. Vol. 15. — [Quarto.] — No. 231: Report of board of consulting engineers and of Isthmian Canal Commission on Panama Canal. No. 313 : Reports of efficiency of various coals, 1896-98, etc. Vol. 16. — No. 243: Hearings on regulation of railway rates, vol. 1. Vol. 17.— No. 243 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 18.— No. 243 : Same, vol. 3. Vol. 19.— No. 243 : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 20.— No. 243: Same, vol. 5. Vol. 21. — No. 244, 2 pts. : Digest of hearings on regulation of railway rates. Vol. 22. — No. 277 : Hearings on revenue for Philippine Islands. Vol. 23. — No. 483 : Educational service and reindeer service in Alaska. No. 499: 15th report on reindeer in Alaska. 1905. Vol. 24. — No. 486 : Proceedings in matter of protests against Reed Smoot, Senator from Utah. vol. 1. Vol. 25.— No. 486: Same, vol. 2. Vol. 26.— No. 480: Same, vol. 3. Vol. 27.— No. 486 : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 28. — No. 532 : National Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 8th report, Oct. 11, 1904-Oct. 11, 1905. Vol. 29. — No. 5.33: Report of French- Venezuelan Mixed Claims Commission. Vol. 30.— No. 534: Memorial addresses on Orville H. Piatt. Vol. 31. — [Quarto.] — No. 535: Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol. 32. — No. 537: Unveiling of statue of Comte de Rochambeau. Senate reports : a Vol. 1. — Nos. 1-2150'' (except private bills, etc.) : Miscellaneous. « The lettered volumes contain only the Senate reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent ro.-^olutious. Under the i^rovisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the " usual number " of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in seven volumes, lettered from A to G. These vol- umes can not be furnished to depository libraries ; but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries and in the library of the Office of the Superin- tendent of Documents. Volumes 1 and 2, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the Senate reports on public bills ordered i»rinted during the session. * Senate report 1242, pt. 2, was not printed until February, 1907, and is bound with the reports for the 2d session. 590 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-NINTHICONGRESS. First Session — Continued. Senate reports — Continued. Vol. 2. — Nos. 2153-4424 (except private bills, etc.) : Miscellaneous. Vol. A. — Nos. 2-6S5 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. B. — Nos. 686-1350 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. C. — Nos. 1351-1950 (vi^ith exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. D. — Nos. 1951-2575 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. E.— Nos. 2576-3180 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. F.— Nos. 3181-3780 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. G.— Nos. 3781-4429 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Reports contained in volume 1 are: Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6-23, 25-31, 08, 69, 107-115. 118-137, 139, 198, 209, 210, 212, 214, 215, 220-222, 224, 232-234, 237-256, 258, 260, 351, 370, 400-413, 415, 416, 427-429, 435, 436, 474-470, 576, 581-585, 594-599, 602-008, 648, 689, 690, 709, 710, 784r-786, 797, 798, 800-810, 816, 81&-828, 837, 889, 909, 935, 957, 958, 960, 961, 972, 975, 977, 982-988, 997-1001, 1077, 10S9. 1102, 1109, 1110, 1157, 1178, 1189, 1196-1199, 1201-1232, 1242-1246, 1270-1273 1281, 1294, 1387, 1388, 1403-1405, 1407, 1412, 1416-1418, 1423-1433, 1435-11438, 1498, 1520, 1522-1524, 1566, 1569-1572, 1574-1577, 1583-1586, 1603, 1611, 1720- 1725, 1730, 1776, 1779-1783, 1785, 1787, 1791, 1792, 1796-1799, 1943, 1960, 1990- 1993, 1995-2004, 2150. Reports contained in volume 2 are: Nos. 2153-2155, 2176, 2178, 2179, 2182- 2187, 2192, 2193, 2210, 2297-2303, 2306, 2307, 2366, 2369, 2376-2387, 2513-2516, 2533, 2536, 2537, 2539, 2540, 2544, 2550, 2552-2555, 2557-2562, 2564-2567, 2572. 2600, 2674-2679, 2720, 2722, 272^^2734, 2736, 2737, 2740, 2742-2744, 2746-2750, 2797, 2799, 2801-2803, 2873, 2874, 2900, 2919, 2977, 3032, 3048-3050, 3056, 3057, 3111, 3112, 3241, 3242, 3289-3291, 3302, 3304, 3305, 3310, 3381, 3382, 3460, 3461, 3471, 3472, 3474, 3476-3478, 3480, 3528, 3558, 3568, 3616-3621, 3623, 3626-3633, 3635-3639, 3642-3644, 3703-3706, 3732, 3789-3799, 3801, 3805, 3806, 3808-3810, 3835, 3836, 3879, 3896-3898, 3910, 3911, 3920-3923, 3939, 3960, 3963-3965, 3968. 3970-3977, 3979, 4012, 4035-4037, 4101, 4102, 4210, 4212, 4239, 4241-4247, 4250, 4251, 4255, 4256, 4260, 4262, 4264, 4273, 4274, 4276, 4284, 4286, 4292^306, 4308, 4309, 4311, 4313, 4322, 4323, 4329^338, 4350, 4351, 4358, 4362-4364, 4373, 4391- 4393, 4397-4402, 4415, 4417, 4418, 4421, 4422, 4424. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1 : President's message and Foreign relations, 1905. Vol. 2. — No. 2 : War Department reports, 1905, vol. 1. Secretary, chief of staff, military secretary, etc. Vol. 3. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 2. Armament, transportation, and supply. Vol. 4. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 3. Division and department commanders. Vol. 5. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 4. Military schools and colleges, militia affairs, military parks, and soldiers' homes. Vol. 6. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 5. Engineers, pt. 1. Vol. 7. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 6. Engineers, pt. 2. Vol. 8. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 7. Engineers, pt. 3. Vol. 9. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 8. Engineers, supplement — Mississippi River Commission. Vol. 10.— No. 2 : Same, vol. 9. Ordnance. Vol. 11. — No. 2: Same, vol. 10. 6th report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Vol. 12. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 11. 0th report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Vol. 13. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 12. 6th report of Philippine Commission, pt. 3. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 591 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 14. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 13. Gth report of Philippine Commission, pt. 4. Vol. 15. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 14. Acts of Philippine Commission. Vol. 16. — No. 3 : Navy Department reports, 1905. Vol. 17. — No. 4 : Post-Oliice Department reports, 1905. Vol.18. — No. 5: Interior Department reports, 1905. Secretary and bureau officers, etc. Vol. 19. — No. 5 : Same. Indian affairs, pt. 1 — report of commissioner. Five Civilized Tribes Commission, etc. Vol.20. — No. 5: Same. Indian affairs, pt. 2— Board of Indian Commis- sioners, Indian contracts. Vol. 21. — No. 5 : Same. Governors of Territories, etc. Vol.22. — [Quarto.] — No. 5: Same. Geological Survey, 26th report. Vol. 23.— No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol. 24. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 25. — No. 6 : Agriculture Department reports, 1905. Vol. 2G. — No. 7 : Commerce and Labor Department reports, 1905. Vol. 27. — No. 8 : District of Columbia report, 1905, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. No. 8 : Same, vol. 2. Engineer Department. No. 8 : Same, vol. 3. Health Department. Vol. 28. — No. 8 : Same, vol. 4. Education Board. No. 8: Same, vol. 5, 2 pts. Insurance Department, calendar year 1904. Vol. 29. — No. 9 : Treasury Department report, 1905. Vol. 30. — No. 10: Justice Department report, 1905. Vol. 31.— No. 11 : Report of Comptroller of Currency, Oct. 31, 1905. Vol.32. — [Quarto.] — No. 12: Estimates of appropriations. 1907. No. 55 : Receipts and expenditures, 1905. No. 278 : Deficiency estimates. No. 861 : Supplemental deficiency estimates. Vol.33. — [Quarto.] — No. 13 : Foreign commerce and navigation. 1905. Vol. 34. — No. 14 : Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept.. report. 1905. Vol. 35. — [Qviarto.] — No. 15, pts. 1-3 : Monthly summary of commert'c and finance, July-Sept, 1905. Vol. 36.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 4-6: Same, Oct.-Dec. 1905. Vol. 37.— [Quarto.]— No. 15, pts. 7-12: Same, Jan.-June, 1906. Vol. 38.— [Quarto.]— No. 16: 37th list of merchant vessels, 1905. Vol.39. — [Quarto.] — No. 17: Coast and Geodetic Survey report. 1905. Vol. 40.— No. 18 : Report of librarian of Congress, 1905. Vol. 41. — No. 19 : Mint Bureau report on precious metals, calendar year 1904. No. 20: Internal Revenue Office report, 1905. Vol. 42. — No. 21 : Mineral resources, calendar year 1904. Vol. 43.— No. 22 : Tests of metals, 1905. Vol.44.— Nos. 2.3-82 (except 44, 55, 81) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 45.— Nos. 83-194 (except 84, 86, 87, 164-166) : Miscellaneous. Vol.46.— Nos. 208-378 (except 231-233, 263, 278, 320, 341) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 47.— Nos. 379-506 (except 406, 425, 448, 456, 469, 474, 488-i93) : Miscel- laneous. 592 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE. FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 48.— Nos. 507-591 (except 513-524, 551-556) : 3d report of Commissioner of Labor on Hawaii, 1905: Miscellaneous. Vol.49.— Nos. 593-723 (except 019, 657, 665, 690) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 50.— Nos. 724-918 (except 743-762, 804, 812, 824-839, 842, 843, 861, 879, 892, 90(>) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 51. — No. 44 : Civil Service Commission, 22d report, 190.5. Vol. 52. — No. 81 : National Soldiers' Home report, 1905. No. 84 : National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, July 14-Oct. 12, 1905. Vol. 53. — No. 86 : Reclamation Service, 4tli report, 1905. Vol. 54. — No. 87 : House manual. Vol. 55. — No. 164 : Special consular reports, vol. 37. Machine-made lace in- dustry in Europe. No. 165 : Same, vol. 38. Insurance in foreign countries. Vol. 56. — Nos. 513-515 : Monthly consular and trade reports, Jan.-Mar., 190(), nos. 301^306. Vol. 57.— Nos. 516-518 : Same, Apr.-June, 1906, nos. 307-309. Vol. 58.— Nos. 519-521 : Same, July-Sept., 1906, nos. 310-312. Vol. 59.— Nos. 522-524 : Same, Oct-Dec, 1906, nos. 313-315. Vol. 60. — No. 166 : Ethnology Bureau bulletin 29. Haida texts and myths. No. 927 : Same, 31. List of publications of bureau. No. 928 : Same, 32. Antiquities of Jemez Plateau, N. Mex. Vol. 61. No. 926 : Same, 30. Handbook of American Indians, pt. 1. Vol. 62.— No. 926 : Same, pt. 2. Vol. 63. — No. 195 : Interstate Commerce Commission, 19th report, Dec. 14. 1905. Vol. 64. — Nos. 196, 197 : Geological Survey professional papers, 40, 41. Vol. 65. — [Quarto. Vol. 66.— [Quarto. Vol. 67.— [Quarto. Vol. 68.— [Quarto. Vol. 69.— [Quarto. Vol. 70. — [Quarto. Vol. 71.— [Quarto. Vol. 72.— [Quarto. —Nos. 198, 199: Same, 42, 43. —Nos. 200, 201: Same, 44, 45. —Nos. 488, 489 : Same, 46, 47. —No. 490: Same, 48, pt. 1. —No. 490: Same, 48, pt. 2. —No. 490: Same, 48, pt. 3. —Nos. 491-493, 919, 920: Same, 49-53. —Nos. 921, 922: Same, 54, 55. Vol. 73.— Nos. 202-206 : Geological Survey bulletins, 269-273. Vol. 74.— No. 207: Same, 274. Vol. 75.— Nos. 469, 824-828: Same, 275-280. Vol. 76.— Nos. 829-833 : Same, 281-285. Vol. 77.— Nos. 834-839 : Same, 286-291. Vol. 78.— Nos. 931-938: Same, 292-299. Vol. 79.— Nos. 231-233, 551-554: Water-supply and irrigation papers, 150- 156. Vol. 80.— Nos. 555, 556, 743-748 : Same, 157-164. Vol. 81.— Nos. 749-756: Same, 16.5-172. Vol. 82.— Nos. 757-762 : Same, 173-178. ■ . Vol. 83.— No. 263 : Report upon survey of Des Plaines and Illinois rivers. Vol. 84.— No. 320 : Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service report, 1905, CATALOGUE LIBRAE Y UNITED STATES SENATE 593 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 8.^>. — No. .'541 : Records of Union and Confederate navies in war of the rebellion, series 1, vol. 20. Vol. Sl5. — No. 4U('., pis. !-:'>: American Republics Bureau monthly bullelin, Jan.-Mar., lOUU, vol. 22, nos. l-.'l. Vol. 87.— No. 40G, pts. 4-6: Same, Apr.-June, 1900, vol. 22, nos. 4-(J. Vol. 88.— No. 4U(J, pts. 7-9: Same, July-Sept., 190G, vol. 23, nos. I-.*".. Vol. 89.— No. 40(5, pts. 10-12 : Same, Oct.-Dec-., 1906, vol. 23, nos. 4-r.. Vol, 90.— [Quarto.]— No. 42.^.: Patent Office report, 1905. Vol. 91. — No. 448 : Agriculture Department expenditures, 190.5. Vol. 92.— No. 456: Navy register, 1906. No. 474 : Army register, 1906. Vol. 93.— No. 592, pts. 1-3: Labor Bureau bulletins, 62-64, vol. 12, .Tan.- May, 1906. Vol. 94.— No. 592, pts. 4-6: Same, 65-67, vol. 13, July-Nov., 1906. Vol. 95.— No. 619: Statistical abstract of United States, 1905. Vol. 96. — No. 657: Patent decisions, 1905. Vol. 97. — No. 665 : Report on inspection of consulates in the Orient. Vol. 98. — No. 690: Hearings on hazing at Naval Academy. Vol. 99. — No. 804: ilemorial addresses on John Paul Jones. Vol. 100. — No. 812 : Report on transportation of petroleum. Vol. 101. — [Quarto.] — No. 842 : Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, vol. 4, pts. 1-3. Vol. 102.— [Quarto.]— No. 842: Same, 2d series, vol. 4, pt. 4. Vol. 10.3.— [Quarto.]— No. 843: Same, 2d series, vol. 5. Vol. 104. — [Quarto.] — No. 879: Weather Bureau report, 1905. Meteorological tables, calendar year 1904. Vol. 105. — No. 892 : Agriculture Department yearbook, 1905. Vol. 106. — No. 906 : Labor Bureau, 20th annual report, 1005. Couvict labor. Vol. 107. — No. 923 : American Historical Association report. 1905. vol. 1. Vol. 108.- No. 923 : Same, vol. 2. Vol.109. — No. 924: Experiment Stations Office report, 1905. Vol. 110. — No. 925 : Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 7th report, 1905. Vol. 111. — No. 925 : Same, maps. Vol. 112. — [Quarto.]— No. 929: Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 25, 1905. Vol. 113. — No. 930, pt. 1 : Smithsonian Institution report, 1905. No. 930, pt. 2 : National Museum report, 1905. Vol. 114.— No. 939 : Ethnology Bureau, 24th report, 1903. Vol. 115. — No. 940 : Commercial relations, 1905. Vol. 116. — No. 941 : Animal Industry Bureau, 22d report, 1905. No. 942 : Animal Industry Bureau bulletin 27. Information con- cerning angora goat. Vol. 117. — No. 943 : Document index, no. 12, 59th Congress, 1st session. Vol. 118. — No. 944 : Document catalogue, vol. 8, 59th Congress, 1st session. House reports :« Vol.1. — Nos. 2-2656 (except private bills, etc.) : Miscellaneous. Vol.2. — Nos. 2657^396 (except private bills, etc.) : Miscellaneous. a The lettered volumes contain only the House reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the Act of January 594 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. First Session — Continued. House reports — Continued. Vol. 3.— Nos. 4399-5096 (except private bills, etc.) : Miscellaneous. Vol. A.— Nos. 1-680 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. B.— Nos. 681-1375 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. C— Nos. 1376-2020 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. D. — Nos. 2021-2685 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. E. — Nos. 2686-3300 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. F.— Nos. 3301-3920 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. G.— Nos. 3921-4470 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. H.— Nos. 4471-5093 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Reports contained in volume 1 are : Nos. 2-4, 6, 9, 11, 20-26, 144, 158, 159, 164. 182-180, 234-238, 241, 242, 244, 245, 291-297, 335, 337-344, 430-432, 496, 542, 545. 579-588, 590-592, 691, 692, 694, 695, 739, 741, 742, 744, 745, 924^927, 1056, 1057. 1060, 1062, 1065-1068, 1105-1111, 1113-1119, 1121, 1181-1184, 1186-1188, 129J- 1297, 1299, 1339-1348, 1350, 1465-1482, 1549-1553, 1556-1562, 1566, 1634-1638. 1676, 1678, 1679, 1681-1685, 1714, 1788-1794, 1825, 1834^1837, 189S-1901, 2112- 2116, 2118-2120, 2123, 2166, 2167, 2169-2171, 2173-2175, 2177-2179, 2181-2183. 2223-2225, 2227, 2228, 2271-2274, 2276-2286, 2331, 2333, 2335-23.39, 2341, 2343, 2347, 2348, 2401-2406. 2467, 2469, 2471, 2474-2477, 2479, 2481, 2482, 2484-2489, 2492-2495, 2562, 2563, 2565, 2566, 2648-2650, 2652-2654, 2656. Reports contained in volume 2 are: Nos. 2657-2661, 2663-2668, 2674-2676, 2679-2681, 2737, 2739, 2741, 2743-2746, 2748-2751, 2753-2762, 2814, 2817-2823, 2888-2891, 2897, 2899-2902, 2907, 2940-2942, 2944-2951, 3013, 3015, 3019-3024, 3158, 3159, 3161, 3162, 3165-3169, 3200, 3201, 3204-3211, 3213, 3214, 3216, 3217, 3219, 3220, 3287-3293, 3295, 3296, 3337, 3343, 3345, 8347-3350, 3352-3354, 3389, 3390, 3392-3400, 3402, 3467, 3468, 3588, 3589, 3591, 3610, 3612-3614, 3616, 3617. 3629-3640, 3642, 3699-3705, 3707, 3710-3714, 3717, 3718, 3793-3798, 3873-3875. 3924, 3926, 3927, 3929, 3930, 3936, 3997, 4001, 4097, 4098, 4100, 4102-4105, 4107, 4108, 4204, 4206-4210, 4214-4218, 4221, 4222, 4251, 4252, 4256, 4257, 4261. 4263, 4264, 4266, 4267, 4269-4273, 4275, 4339-4342, 4396. Reports contained in volume 3 are : Nos. 4399, 4401, 4402, 4400, 4407, 4409, 4410. 4418-1422, 4425-4427, 4429, 4431, 4432, 4434-4437, 4439, 4441, 4443-4448, 4555. 4556, 4558-4562, 4564-4567, 4637-4655, 4658-4661, 4671, 4674-4677, 4723, 4724. 4769, 4770, 4774, 4775, 4777, 4782, 4784, 4875-4879, 4886-4888, 4896, 4898-4908, 4911, 4912, 4914^917, 4919-4921, 4923-4938, 4940--1946, 4950, 4951, 4953-4955, 4958-4962, 4964-4968, 4970, 4971, 4973, 4974, 4978, 4979, 4981, 4983, 4988, 4992- 4997, 5000-5009, 5011, 5016-5026, 5030, 5035, 5043, 5046-5049, 5051-5054, 5056, 5060, 5061, 5065-5069, 5072, 5073, 5075-5077, 5082-5085, 5088-5090, 5094-5096. 20, 1905, the " usual number " of such reports could not be printed. These pri- vate reports are bound in eight volumes, lettered from A to H. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries ; but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries and in the libi'ary of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-3, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the House reports on public bills ordered printed during the session. CATALOGUE LIBRAKY UNITED STATES SENATE 595 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Second Session. — December 3, 1906, to Maech 4, 1907. Senate documents: Vol. 1. — No. 1 : Report of secretary of Senate, lOOfi. No. 5 : Government Printing Office report, 1900. Vol. 2.— Nos. 2-100 (except 4. 5. 20) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3.— Nos. 101-180 (except 140, 144, 155) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 4.— Nos. 181-230: Miscellaneous. Vol. 5.— Nos. 231-358 (except 233, 266, 278, 333) : Miscellaneous. A^ol. 6. — Nos. 359-303: State Department rules and regulations, and mis- cellaneous. Vol. 7. — No. 4, 2 pts. : Congressional directory. Vol. 8. — No. 20: Civil Service Commission, 23d report, 1906. Vol. 9.— No. 140: Navy yearbook, 1906. Vol. 10. — No. 144 : President's message concerning Panama Canal. Vol. 11. — No. 155, pt. 1 : Report on Brownsville affray. No. 155, pt. 2: Same, additional testimony. Vol. 12. — No. 233 : Interstate Commerce Commission, testimony on car short- age. No. 333: Same, additional testimony. Vol. 13. — No. 266 : Interstate commerce law as changed by act of June 29, 1906. Vol. 14. — No. 278 : Interstate Commerce Commission, testimony on grain trade. Vol. 15. — No. 394 : Post-OfRce Department rules and regulations. Vol. 16. — No. 395 : Justice Department rules and regulations. Vol. 17. — No. .396, pt. 1: Interior Department rules and regulations, pi. 1. Vol. 18.— No. 396, pt. 2 : Same, pt. 2. Vol. 19.— No. 396, pt. 3 : Same, pt. 3. Vol. 20.— No. 396, pt. 4 : Same, pt. 4. Vol. 21. — No. 397 : Commerce and Labor Department rules and regulations. Vol. 22. — No. 398, pt. 1 : Agriculture Department rules and regulations, pt. 1. Vol. 23.— No. 398, pt. 2 : Same, pt. 2. Vol. 24. — No. 399, pt. 1 : Treasury Department rules and regulations, pt. 1. Vol. 25.— No. 399, pt. 2 : Same, pt. 2. Vol. 26.— No. 399, pt. 3 : Same, pt. 3. Vol. 27.— No. 399, pt. 4 : Same, pt. 4. ' Vol. 28. — No. 400 : National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, 9th report, Oct. 11, 1905-Oct. 11, 1906. Vol. 29. — No. 401 : Hearings relating to Panama Canal, vol. 1. Vol. 30.— No. 401 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 31.— No. 401 : Same, vol. 3. Vol. 32.— No. 401 : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 33. — No. 402 : Appropriations, new offices, etc. Vol. 34. — No. 403 : Memorial addresses on William P.rimage Bate. No. 404 : Memorial addresses on Arthur Pue Gorman. No. 405 : Memorial addresses on Russell Alexander Alger. Vol. 35.— No. 406 : Senate manual. 596 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. Senate Reports : « Vol. 1. — Nos. 1242, part 2, 462.5-6693 (except private bills, etc.) : Miscella- neous. Vol. 2. — Nos. 6694-7.342 (except private bills, etc..) : Miscellaneous. Vol. .3. — No. 5013: Indian Territory affairs, vol. 1. Vol. 4.— No. 5013: Same, vol. 2. Vol. A.— Nos. 44.30-5008 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. B. — Nos. 5015-5700 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. C. — Nos. 5701-6451 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. I). — Nos. 6452-7340 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Reports contained in volume 1 are : Nos. 1242, part 2, 4625, 4628^634, 4667, 4671, 4712, 4715, 4S0S-4S10, 4817^819, 4821^823, 4825^835, 4837, 4905, 4919, 4D57, 5009-5012 [see vols. 3 and 4 for 5013], 5014, 5016, 5020, 5022, 5090, 5091, 5093, 5163, 5175, 5176, 5179, 5262, 5317, 5318, 5320, 5464, 5466, 5467, 5529-5546, 5548-5552, 5588, 5589, 5630, 5631, 5637, 5638, 5640, 5641, 5650, 5651, 5689, 5766, 5788, 5834, 5894, 5982-.59S7, 5989-5991, 6010, 6077, 6187, 6188, 6204-6206, 6257, 6307, 6.309-6311, 6423, 6459, 6460, 6474, 6475, 6510-6514, 6538, 6618, 6625, 6626, 6629-6631, 6644, 6645, 6651-6653, 6655, 6659, 6662-6664, 6667, 6669, 6671, 6672, 6678-6687, 6690-6693. Reports contained in volume 2 are: Nos. 6694-6696, 6698-6700, 6823, 6826- 6829, 6831, 6838, 6885, 6942-6945, 6948, 6949, 7066, 7067, 7136-7138, 7246, 7250, 7252-7254, 7256, 7257, 7259, 7260, 7262, 7263, 7265, 7266, 7268-7279, 7282-7286, 7288, 7290, 7295-7299, 7301-7303, 7307-7312, 7315, 7316, 7319-7322, 7325, 7327. 7328, 7331-7333, 7341, 7342. House documents : Vol. 1. — No. 1 : President's message and Foreign Relations, 1906. Vol. 2. — No. 2 : War Department reports, 1906, vol. 1. Secretary, chief of staff, military secretary, etc. Vol. 3. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 2. Armament, transportation, and supply. Vol. 4. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 3. Division and department commanders. Vol. 5. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 4. Militia affairs, military schools and colleges, and military parks. Vol. 6.— No. 2: Same, vol. 5. Engineers. Vol. 7. — No. 2: Same, vol. 6. Ordnance. Vol. 8. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 7. 7th report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Vol. 9.— No. 2 : Same, vol. 8. 7th report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Vol. 10. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 9. 7th report of Philippine Commission, pt. 3. Vol. 11. — No. 2 : Same, vol. 10. Acts of Philippine Commission. Vol. 12.— No. 3 : Navy Department reports, 1906. Vol. 13. — No. 4 : Post-Office Department reports, 1906. a The lettered volumes contain only the Senate reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the " usual number " of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in four volumes, lettered from A to D. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries and in the library of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-4, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the Senate reports on public bills ordered printed during the session. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 597 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 14. — No. 5 : Interior Department reports, 190G. Seci'etary and bureau officers, etc. Vol. 15. — No. 5 : Same. Indian affairs — report of Commissioner, etc. Vol. 16. — No. 5 : Same. Governors of Territories, etc. Vol. 17. — No. 5 : Same. Geological Survey, 27th report. Vol. 18. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1. Vol. 19. — No. 5 : Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2. Vol. 20. — No. 6 : Agriculture Department reports, 1906. Vol. 21. — No. 7 : Commerce and Labor Department reports, 1906. Vol. 22. — No. 8 : District of Columbia report, 1906, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. No. 8 : Same, vol. 2. Engineer Department. Vol. 23.— No. 8: Same, vol. 3. Health Department. No. 8 : Same, vol. 4. Education Board. No. 8 : Same, vol. 5, 2 pts. Insurance Department, calendar year 1905. Vol. 24. — No. 9 : Treasury Department report, 1906. Vol. 25. — No. 10 : Justice Department report, 1906. Vol. 26.— No. 11 : Report of Comptroller of Currency, Oct. 31, 1906. Vol. 27, — No. 12 : Estimates of appropriations, 1908. No. 152: Receipts and expenditures, 1906. No. 654 : Deficiency estimates. Vol. 28. — No. 13 : Foreign commerce and navigation, 1906. Vol.29. — No. 14: Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept, report, 1906. Vol. 30. — No. 15, pts. 1-3 : Monthly summary of commerce and finance, .Tuly- Sept., 1906. Vol. 31.— No. 15, pts. 4-6: Same, Oct.-Dec, 1906. Vol. 32.— No. 15, pts. 7-9 : Same, Jan.-:Mar., 1907. \'()1. 3.3.— No. 15, pts. 10-12: Same, Apr.-.Iune, 1907. Vol. 34.— No. 16: 38th list of merchant vessels, 1906. Vol.35. — No. 17: Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1906. Vol. 36.— No. 18: Report of Librarian of Congi-ess, 1906. Vol. 37. — No. 19: Mint Bureau report on precious metals, calendar year r.Hi.'j. Vol. 38. — No. 20 : Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1906. Vol. 39. — No, 21 : Mineral resourtes, calendar year 1905. Vol. 40. — No. 22 : Engineer Department report and appendixes, 1906, pt. 1. Vol.41.— No. 22: Same, pt. 2. Vol. 42. — No. 23 : Official opinions of Attorneys-General, vol. 25. Vol, 43. — No. 24 : House manual. Vol. 44. — No. 25 : Official records of Union and Confederate navies in War of Rebellion, series 1, vol. 21. Vol. 45.— No. 26 : Tests of metals, 1906. Vol.46.— Nos, 27-130 (except 53-76, 88) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 47.— Nos. 131-198 (except 1.52): INIiscellaneous. Vol. 48.— Nos. 199-250 (except 204): Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service report, 1906, and miscellaneous. Vol. 49.— Nos. 251-345 (except 276, 310, 311, 325, 326) : Miscellaneous, 598 CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE riFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 50.— Nos. 358-521 (except 439, 502) : Miscellaneous. Vol.51. — Nos. 522-607 (except 558, 575) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 52.— Nos. 609-780 (except 641, 654, 718, 727, 728, 743) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 53. — No. 204: Reclamation Service, 5th report, 1906. -^-ol. 54. — No. 88 : National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, July 21- Oct. 15, 1906. No. 276 : National Soldiers' Home report, 1906. Vol. 55.— Nos. 53, 54 : Geological Survey bulletins, 300, 301. Vol. 56.— Nos. 55-60 : Same, 302-307. Vol. 57.— Nos. 61-63 : Same, 308-310. Vol. 58.— Nos. 781, 782, 796-798 : Same, 311-315. Vol. 59.— No. 823 : Same, 316. Vol. 60.— Nos. 824-828 : Same, 317-321. Vol. 61. — Nos. 64-08 : Water-supply and irrigation papers, 179-183. Vol. 62.— Nos. 69-76 : Same, 184-191. Vol. 63.— Nos. 786,- 787 : Same, 192, 193. Vol. 64.— Nos. 788, 789 : Same, 194, 195. Vol. 65.— Nos. 790, 791 : Same, 196, 197. Vol. 66.— Nos. 792-794 : Same, 198-200. Vol. 67. — Nos. 310, 311 : Geological Survey monographs, vols. 49, 50. Cera- topsia ; Cretaceous flora of southern New York and New England. Vol. 68.— Nos. 784, 785 : Geological Survey professional papers, 56, 57. Vol. 69.— No. 815 : Same, 58. Vol. 70. — No. 325 : Interstate Commerce Commission, 20th report, Dec. 19, 1906. Vol. 71. — No. 326 : Citizenship of United States, expatriation, and protection abroad. Vol. 72. — Nos. 346-348 : Monthly consular and trade reports, Jan.-Mar., 1907, nos. 316-318. Vol. 73.— Nos. 349-351: Same, Apr.-.June, 1907, nos. 319-321. Vol. 74.— No. 352 : Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 8th report, 1906. Vol. 75. — No. 352 : Same, maps. Vol. 76.— No. 353 : Animal Industry Bureau, 23d report, 1906. Vol. 77. — No. 354 : Commercial relations, 1900. Vol. 78. — No. 355 : Hinds' precedents of House of Representatives, vol. 1. Vol. 79.— No. 355 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 80.— No. 355 : Same, vol. 3. Vol. 81.— No. 355 : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 82.— No. 355 : Same, vol. 5. Vol. 83.— No. 355 : Same, vol. 6. Vol. 84.— No. 355 : Same, vol. 7. Vol. 85.— No. 356 : Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 26, 1906. Vol. 86.— No. 357: Federal and State constitutions, colonial charters, etc., vol. 1. Vol. 87.— No. 357 : Same, vol. 2. Vol. 88.— No. 357 : Same, vol. 3. Vol. 89.— No. 357 : Same, vol. 4. Vol. 90. -No. 357: Same, vol. 5. Vol. 91.— No. 357 : Same, vol. 6. CATALOGUE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SENATE 599 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued. House documents — Continued. Vol. 92. — No. 430: Appointments, etc., in Department of Agriculture, Jan.- Dec, 1006. No. 743: Animal Industry Bureau. re])ort of oporations, 1000. No. 700 : Boet-sugar industry in United States in lOOG (Agricul- ture Dept. report 84). Vol. 93. — No. 502, pts. 1-3: American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, Jan.-:\Iar.. 1007, vol. 24, nos. 1-3. Vol. 94.— No. 502, pts. 4-6: Same, Apr.-June, 1007, vol. 24, nos. 4-6. Vol. 95.— No. 558: Patent Office report, 1006. Vol. 96.— No. 641 : Patent decisions, 1006. Vol. 97. — No. 575, pt. 1: Smithsonian Institution report, 1006. No. 575, pt. 2: National Museum report, 1006. ^'ol. 08.— No. 608 : Report of Postal Commission. Vol. 99.— No. 715, pts. 1-3: Labor Bureau bulletins 68-70, vol. 14, ,Ian.- May, 1907. Vol. 100.— No. 727 : Army register, 1907. No. 728 : Navy register, 1007. Vol. 101.— No. 783 : Statistical abstract of United States, 1906. Vol. 102. — No. 705 : Special report on diseases of horse. Vol. 103. — No. 800 : Special consular reports, vol. 39. Cotton-seed products in foreign countries. Vol. 104. — No. 801 : Memorial addresses on Denis M. Hurley. No. 802 : Memorial addresses on Benjamin Franlvlin Marsh. No. 803 : Memorial addresses on George A. Castoi-. No. 804 : Memorial addresses on George Robert Patterson. No. 805: Memorial addresses on .lohn McPherson Pinckney. No. 806 : Memorial addresses on Kockwood Hoar. No. 807 : Memorial addresses on Rufus Ezekiel Lester. No. 808 : Memorial addresses on Robert Roberts Hitt. No. 809 : Memorial addresses on Henry Cullen Adams. No. 810: Memorial addresses on William Henry Flack. No. 811 : Memorial addresses on John Heni'y Ketcham. No. 812 : Memorial addresses on John Franklin Rixey. Vol.105. — No. 813: Agriculture Department yearbook, 1906. Vol. 106.— No. 814: Weather Bureau report, 1906. Vol.107. — No. 816: Ethnology Bureau bulletin 33. Skeletal remains sug- gesting or attributed to early man in North America. No. 817: Same, 34. Physiological and medical observations among Indians of southwestern United States and northern Mexico. No. 818: Same, 35. Antiquities of upper Gila and Salt River valleys in Arizona and New Mexico. No. 819: Same. 36. List of publications of Buroiui of American Ethnology. Vol. 108. — No. 820 : Experiment Stations Office report, 1906. Vol. 109.— No. 821 : Ethnology Bureau. 25th report, 1904. Vol.110. — No. 822: Labor Bureau, 21st annual report, 1006. strikes and lockouts. Vol. 111. — No. 829 : Document index, no. 13, 59th Congress, 2d session. Vol. 112. — No. 830 : Document catalogue, vol. 9, 59th Congress, 2d session. 3605—08 39 600 CATALOGUE LIBEARY UNITED STATES SENATE FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Second Session — Continued . House reports." Vol. 1. — Nos. 5326-7291 (except private bills, etc.) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 2. — Nos. 7292-8174 (except private bills, etc.) : Miscellaneous. Vol. 3. — No. 7644: Government Hospital for Insane Investigation, vol. 1. Vol. 4.— No. 7644: Same, vol. 2. Vol. A. — Nos. 5097-5659 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. B.— Nos. 5660-6253 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. C— Nos. 6254-6886 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. D. — Nos. 6887-7512 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Vol. E. — Nos. 7513-8165 (with exceptions) : Private bills, etc. Reports contained in volume 1 are: Nos. 5326-5328, 5407-5411, 5419, 5420, 5422, 5464-5487, 5552, 5554, 5625, 5629, 5630, 5881-5883, 5885, 6053, 6055. 6120, 6121, 6202-6204, 6206-6215, 6377-6383, 6392-6394, 6396-6403, 6405-6409, 6415, 6421, 6422, 6427-6437, 6439-6442, 6584, 6585, 6595, 6597-6603. 6706-6708, 6711, 6713-6716, 6718, 6720-6746, 6748-67-50, 6752, 6893, 6894, 6901, 6904-6906, 6908, 6909, 7083, 7086, 7088, 7089, 7091-7097, 7099, 7101, 7103, 7105-7112, 7114, 7115, 7117, 7275, 7276, 7278-7282, 7287-7291. Reports contained in volume 2 are: Nos. 7292-7295, 7301-7303, 7305, 7306. 7309-7312, 7539, 7540, 7557-7560, 7563-7565, 7567-7570, 7572, 7574, 7575, 7577- 7584, 7586-7589, 7593-7599, 7601-7604, 760t'.-7615, 7617-7621, 7624, 7626-7628, 7634, 7636-7643 [see vols. 3 and 4 for 7644 1, 7645, 7646. 7648. 7649, 8016, 8018- 8026, 8028, 8033-8042. 8044, 8048, 8049, 8051, 8053, 8054, 8056-8058, 8060-8073, 8077, 8079, 8081, 8085, 808(5, 8088, 8090-8103. 8105-8119, 8121, 8122, 8137-8143, 8145, 8147-8153, 8155, 8158-8161, 8163, 8164, 8166-8174. a The lettered volumes contain only the House reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the " usual number " of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in five volumes, lettered from A to E. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries and in the library of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-4, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the House reports on public bills ordered printed during the session. o JUN 2 4 1908 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 278 795