1207 D789C sup. A: a! 01 0! 0! 1 I 2i 1 i 5: 4 9 DRAKE SALE OF RARE AND VALUABLE MANUSCRIPTS, AUTOGRAPHS THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE- PRICE 25 CENTS. /v^ <^ SALE OF RARE AND VALUABLE / MANUSCRIPTS, AUTOGRAPHS,^ PORTRAITS, MAPS, ETC. OF THE liATB FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1876, AT 3 O'CLOCK, P. M. BANGS, MERWIN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 656 BROADWAY NEW YORK. Gentlemen unable to attend, may have purchases made for them by J. Sabin & Soks, 84 Nassau Street ; Chakles Db F. Bukns, 137 Mercer Street ; by the Auctioneers ; or by William Paksons Lunt, 42 Congress Street, Boston. IX07 • Sup, MANUSCRIPTS. The usual abbreviations are used : A. L. 8., autograph letter signed; A. D. S., autograph document signed ; L. B., letter signed; D. S., document signed. 1 4 AUTOGEAPH RECEIPT-BOOKS. 1765-1828. Kept by Treat and Pico, John Hancock, S. Jaques, etc. Boston and Charlestown, Mass. 2 SCRAPS AKD CURIOSITIES. 3 HANCOCK, THOS. (Uncle of Gov. H.) Eeceipt-Book. 1747 -1750. Containing hundreds of autographs, among which are T. Elucker (aft. Colonial Secretary), Barlow Trecothick, B. Hallowell, Jr., and other historical personages. 4to. 4 Receipt-Book. 1755-1763. Autogs. of Jeded. Preble ^'OVER, MASS. Records, 1746 to 1789. 112 pp. 4". The entries are by David Stockbridge, Tos. Gushing, and Timo. Kobbins, town treasurer; many autographs scattered through the pages. 61 CONCORD. Petition of Oliver Purchis and 13 others relative to the Iron Works there. 1 p. Fol. 1660, with the answer, signed by Wm. Torrey and Ed. Rawson. Copy of Records of Town rela- tive to Land, by Saml. Phipps. 1 p. 4°. 1666. Natick. Petition of Thos. Fames on account of loss of property by the Indians. A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1676. Reading. List of church members. 1 p. 8°. 1677. Another. 1 p. 8°. 1677. Springfield. Ext. from Records by Saml. Tyler about land at Westfield. 1 p. 4°. 1688. 6 MSS. 62 DORCHESTER. Power of Attorney of Wampatuck to I^'asaton. 1 p. Fol. 1666. Deed of Xasaton to the town of Dorchester of " all that land beyond the blew hills within the grants of Dorchester." 1 p. Fol. 1666. Deposition of Stephen Hopin relative to the above land from " the top of the blewhill." 1 p. 4°. 1666. Deed of Kitchamabin unto Richard Collecot of the land beyond the mill in Dorchester. 1 p. Fol. 163G. Deed of Squamaug, sachem of the Mass., to the Town of Dorchester, of "all that Land beyond the mill at Naponsett, beyond the blew hills to the utmost extent of Dorchester." 2 pp. Fol. 1670. All the above docs, are written and signed by Isa. Addington. 5 MS. 63 HI:n:GHAM, MS. certificate of character signed by Nath'l Hull and 62 inhabs. of the town, given to Mehitable Warren of Plymouth, charged with being a witch. 1708-9. Also a copy by Mr. Drake, with notes. Fol. [Very curious.] 64 CLAP, ROGER. Emigrated to Dorchester in 1630, and began a plantation there; filled many military and civil offices; Capt. of Cas- tle William from 1665 to 1686. A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1685. Petition to the Court of Assistants. 65 PIKE, ROBERT. Major in Indian Wars. One of the first 28 counsellors appointed by charter for the province of Mass. Bay, to hold office until May, 1693. A. L. S. 1 p. Fol. Salisbury: 1676-7. Interesting historical letter "■ to the Maj. Genl. at Ipswich," rela- 690 MANUSCRIPTS. tive to the war with the Eastern Indians. Another A. L. S., 1 p., FoL, Salisburj'^, 1678, t© Edward Eawson, relative to the Town sub- scription to Harv. College. 2 Letters. 66 WEYMOUTH. A. L. S. of Wm. Torrey, " touching what is unpaid to the new Colledge from the Town ofWeymouth." 1 p. 4°. 1678. " Members of the Church in Weymouth.'.' 1 p. 8°. 1677. Hingham. Members of the Church to be freemen. 1 p. 4**. 1677. Southworth, Constant. Copy of Deed of Land at " Sarro- nett." 2 pp. Fol. 1675. Jethro, an Indian. Copy of his deed of lands " at Nobscott, or Doeskin Hill, near Sudbury," to Thos. Dan- forth. Ip. Fol. 1666. 5 MSS. 67 BILLERICA. Petition of the Town for grant of Land, signed by "Wm. French, Ralph Hill, Saml. Manning, Jos. Tompson, and Jona. Danforth, Selectmen. 2 pp. Fol. 1674. Answer to the above, signed Ed. Rawson. ^ p. 4°. 1675. Danforth, Jonathan. A. L. S. 1 p. 4°. 1678. Relative to the affairs of Billerica. Petition of Chelmsford for settling bounds. 1 p. Fol. 1660. Order of Court binding over John Russells of "Wobum, for absenting himself from Church and joyning the Anabaptists. 1 p. Fol. 1671. "Writ- ten and signed by Thos. Danforth. 5 MSS. 68 K'E"WBURY. Petition of Anthony Somerby, for the town, that a Magistrate be appointed. 1 p. Fol. 1677. Names in full Com- munion with Church. ^ p. 8°. 1677. "V\"alker, Robert. Deposition relating to Henry Sewall of Newbury. 1 p. 4°. 1679. Saltonstall, Sir Richard, Copy of Inventory of his lands, signed by Joseph Ma- son. 1 p. Fol. 1644. 4 MSS. 69 SALISBURY. Deposition of " Caleb Moudy " in regard to lands. 1 p. 4°. 1676. Written and signed by Tho. Bradbury. Order of Court disposing of Thomas Hauxworth's Estate. 1 p. 4°. 1667. Signed by Steph. Sewall. French, John. Deposition relating to assessments at Salsbury. 1 p. 4°. 1667. Appeal of John Godfrey, convicted of " travelling on the Lord's day morning from Hauerhill to Salsbury." A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1670. 4 MSS. 70 ENDECOTT, ZERUBABEL, Son of Gov. John. Copy of his Will, signed by Elisha Cooke. 2 pp. Fol. 1683. Mr. Jno. Hathorne and others in full communion, i p. 8°. 1677. Copy of Records in relation to Barth'w Gedney, by Benj. Eolfe. 1 p. Fol. 1662. A Genealogical MS. 3 MSS. 71 HAWTHORNE, Major WM. Commission from the Court ap- pointing him to command the " ffoote Company att Salem." Written and signed by Ed. Rawson, with the deputies consent, written and signed by Wm. Torrey. 1 p. Fol. 1664. [Interesting.] 72 TROWBRIDGE, EDW'D. Eminent jurist (1762). D. S. Fol. Thacher, Oxenbridge. Eminent lawyer and patriot. 1763. A. D. S. Fol. (2.) MANUSCRIPTS. 691 73 MASSACHUSETTS. Act, Feb. 1791. Broads. Fol. State Lot- tery Certificate. Sig. by H. Gardner, Treas., J. ScoUay, and E. Green. (2.) 74 — — Prov. Congress of. Address to the Clergy. 1774. Broads. Also, the King's Speech to Parliament, 1766. Broads. (2.) 75 SALEM LANDS. Petition of the legal proprietors of the Com- mon relative to care of it (copy) (166 names). 2 pp. Folio. 1661. Felton, Nathaniel. Deposition relative to the North-field belonging to Salem. 2 pp. Folio. 1685. Corwin, George. Deposition rela- tive to Salem lands, written and signed by John Appleton. 1 p. 4to. 1683. " An answer to the petition of the farmers at Salem desiring to be distincte from the Towne of Salem in hauing a minister of God's word," &c. 1 p. 4to. 1672. Written by E. E., Sec'y. 4 MSS. 76 CHAKLESTOWN. Deposition of Edward Johnson relating to lands sold Charlestown by Squaw Sachem. 1 p. 4to. 1660. Dep- osition of Edward Convers about the same. 1 p. Folio. 1660. Wilson, John, Deposition of. 1 p. 4to. 1662. Deposition of Elinor Harburt. ^ p. 4to. 1G62. Church, Garrett. Deposition of. 1 p. 4to. 1662. Johnson, Ed. Deposition of. 1 p. Folio. 1662. The foregoing are written and attested by Thos. Danforth. 6 MSS. 77 AUTOG. LETTERS. Col. John Lawrence, Dep. Paym. Gen. Hartford: 1777. Christopher Kilby (Agent of Mass. in Eng.) Lond.: 1748. Col. Roger Morris. Fort Monckton: 1758. Capt. Matt. Dixon. Louisburg: 1758. Col. Geo. Scott, Fort Cumberland. 1756. (5). 78 CHARLESTOWN LANDS. Deposition of Edward Convers relative to Squaw Sachem's deed to John Winthrop and others. 1 p. 4to. 1660. Deposition of Wm. Bull. 1 p. 4to. 1662. Deposi- tion of Benj. Crispe. 1 p. Folio. 1662. All written and signed by Thos. Danforth. Verdict of jury in case of Francis Norton and Nicholas Davison, in behalf of Charlestown, against Thom. Gleison. Signed by Thos. Danforth. 1 p. Folio. 1662. Appeal of Thos. Gleison from judgement of Court. 1 p. Folio. 166"^. Norton and Davison's Answer to the Appeal. 3 pp. Fol. 1662. 6 MSS. 79 SULLIVAN, JAMES, Gov. of Mass. A. L. S. 80 MONCKTON, Gen. ROBERT. A. L. S. 81 EUSTIS; WM., Gov. of Mass. Thos. L. Winthrop. Judge John Lowell. Oxenbridge Thatcher (1742). Gen. Sullivan ; and Adino Paddock. D. S. (6.) 82 SARGENT, Col. PAUL DUDLEY. A. L. S. Gen. Heath. D. S. Wm. Sullivan. A. L. S. Gov. Hopson, of Nova Scotia. D. S. Rev. Dr. Stillman. A. L. S. Daniel Fowle's bill for Printing Whitefield's Sermons. (6.) ) 74. (25.) 86 - Same. 87 - Same. 88 - Same. 692 MAJfUSCJilPTS. 83 CHAELESTOWN. Deed of land to, from "Webcowett and Squaw Sachem (copy), reserving the land on the west " of Misticke pond for the Indians to hunt upon." 1 p. Folio. 1639. Two others from the same to the same. Each, 1 p. Folio. 1639. Webcowett and Squaw Sachem, deed to Jotham Gibbons (copy). 1 p. Folio. 1639. Another from same to same. 1 p. Folio. 1639. Another from same to same. 1 p. Folio. 1636. All the foregoing are copied and attested by Thos. Danforth, Dep. Gov. 6 MSS. 84 INDIAN DEED. Copy of Deed of King Philip of land on Three- Mile River to the Town of Taunton. 2 pp. Folio. 1672. Wampa- tuck; copy of deed to Town of Scituate. 1 p. Folio. 1653. Sub- mission to Mass. of Pumham, Sachem of Shawomocko, and Saco- nonoco. Sachem of Patuxitt (copy). 1 p. Folio. 1643. Signed by Ed. Rawson. Deed of Wampatuck Josiah, of land in Braintree, to Rich'd Thayer (copy). 3 pp. Folio. 1666. 4 MSS. 85 BOSTON. Lot of business letters from different persons. 1751- Various signatures. 1749-'72. (25.) 17ol-'72. (20.) 1726-'88. (15.) 89 EISHWORTH, EDWARD. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1670. Adding- ton, Isa. A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1680. Copy of power of at- torney. Josh. Scottow, of Blackpoint, to Anth'y Checkley, of Boston. Petition of John Perley, of Ipswich, for pardon, with answer of Court. By Ed. Rawson. 1 p. Folio. 1663. Deposi- tions of Thomas Foy and Elinor Foy before Thos. Danforth. 1 p. Folio. 1659. Deposition of Robert Townes before Robert How- ard. 1 p. Folio. 1679. 5 MSS. 90 JEFFREY'S CREEK (Manchester, Cape Ann). Copy of a peti- tion of Wm. Walton and 16 others, of Salem, for liberty to erect a village at Jeffrey's Creek. 1 p. 4to. 1640. Order of Court grant- ing the above petition and determining its bounds. 1 p. Folio. 1672. Petition of Wm. Alline, Wm. Bennitt, and John Sibly to have the bounds settled between Jeffrey's Creek and Ipswich. 1 p. Folio. 1660. Of historical interest 3 MSS. 91 MARBLEHE AD. Petition of Moses Maverick and others. Select- men, " Att least one particular person among ourselves be appointed as Commissioner, who for the preventing as well the charge, as especially the great disorders at Weddings in riding abroad, might solemnize marriage here at home, and be impowered to punish Drunkeness, Swearing, and Sabbath-breaking, &c." 1 p. Folio. 1677. Curious and interesting. Answer to the above by Deputies and Magistrates, signed by Ed. Rawson and Wm. Torrey. 1 p. 4to. 1677. 2 MSS. 92 IPSWICH. Petition of Samuel Appleton and 20 other citizens, MANUSCRIPTS. 693 '• That you will be pleased to grant unto us ye tract of Land called quebogue pond for a Plantation." 1 p. Folio. 16G0. Also, the decision of Deputies and Magist's, signed by Ed. Rawson and Wm. Torrey, granting the request. 1 p. 4to. 1660. Bruer, John. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. 1678. By order of the Selectmen of Ipswich relative to the Town's subscription to Ilarv. Coll. Dudley, Jos. Gov. of Mass. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1676. Eelating to the remission of rates in the Town of Bi-adford. An order of Court relating to beaver skins sent by certain Sagamores as presents to Gov. and Dep.-Gov. 1 p. 4to. 1655. An A. D. S. of Ed. Rawson. Yeren Hilliard. Copy of a deposition of Robert Lord and Nath'l Rogers relative to Richard Hafild's Estate. 1 p. Folio. 1668. 6 MSS. 93 THOMPSON, B. F. (Author of Hist. L. I.) A. L. S. 3 pp. Med. A very intereetinfl: letter concerning the Indians of L. I., etc. 94 FROST, J]!^0. (Author); Baldwin, C. C; Bancroft, Geo.; Julius, N". H., M.D. ; Ludewig, E. H. All A. L. S. 4to. (5.) 95 PALGRAVE FAMILY GENEALOGY and Coat of Arms. Fol. (2.) 96 LINCOLN, LEVI, Gov. of Mass. D. S. Fol. 97 PAOLI (Gen.) PASCAL. A full page letter relative to Corsica from which the sig. only has been cut, 4to. 98 WARD, ARTEMAS. Rev. General. D. S. Fol. 99 BONAPARTE, JOSEPH, Ex-King of Spain. A. L. S. 4°. King Joseph resided some time in the U. 8. under the assumed name of the Count Sur- villiers. Letter dated Point Breeze, 1818, and signed " Joseph Cte. burvilliers." 100 SPENCER, J. C, Sec'y of Treas. A. L. S. Fol. 101 HUTCHINSON, THOS., Gov. of Mass. A. D. S. 1761. 4to. 102 POWNALL, T., Gov. of Mass., and Oliver, A. Sec'y. D. S. 4to. 103 DOUGLASS, WM., m.d. Author of Douglass' Summary. A. D. S. 4to. Trowbridge, E., Judge. D. S. Auchmuty, Rob't. Judge of Admiralty. D. S. Gridley, Jer. Eminent lawyer. A. D. S. 104 GODDARD, GILES. An answer to the petition of Sam'l Nowell and Mary his wife. 1 p. Folio. 1685. Nowell, Mary. Deposi- tion relating to the trunks taken by Giles Goddard in the great fire, 1679. 1 p. 4to. 1685. Deposition of Stephen Butler and Benja- min Harwood relative to the same. 1 p. Folio. 1685. 3 MSS. 105 DANFORTH, THOMAS, President of Maine. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. 1674. (Signed T. D.) Hilton, Edward. Deposition regard- ing the "pinke. Blessing of Charlestown, Mr. Thos. Lyons, Com- mander." 1 p. Folio. 1684. Smith, Hannah. Deposition. 1 p. Folio. 1680. Neighbor, James. Deposition, 1 p. 4to. 1662. Lowell, Thomas, of Salem. Deposition. 1 p. Fol. 1676. 5 MSS. 694 MANUSCRIPTS. 106 DAKFORTH, JONATHAN. A survey of '' Maj. William Haw- thorne's six hundred and forty acres of land lying in the wilderness on the North of groaton lliuer." A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1675. Noyes, Thomas. Survey of six hundred acres of land of Mr. Rich- ard Parker of Boston. A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1663. Lowe, Rob- ert. Copy of letter of Richard Russell in regard to land title. 1 p. 4to. 1661. 3 MSS. 107 PETITION. Francis Johnson against Christopher Coulson. 2 pp. 4to. 1660. Deposition of Robart Longe. 1 p. 4to. 1660. Clements, Uriah. Accusation against Wm. Clap. 2 pp. 4to. 1685. Wise, Mary, of Roxbury. Deposition. 3 pp. 4to. 1689. Camon, Robert. Proposals in reference to ship "Dove." 2 pp. Folio. 1675. 5 MSS. 108 PORTFOLIO of Fac-simile Autographs. Several hundred in- teresting specimens- alphabetically arranged. 109 WARRANT for execution of sentence upon " Peter Loephlin ffrenchman, convicted of ' clipping money,' to stand upon the pil- lory tow houres Sc then to haue both yc eares cutt of by y« execu- tioner." 1 p. 4to. 1679. Giffard, Jolin. Appeal from judgement of Court. 1 p. 4to. 1662. Smith, Daniel. Petition for a hearing before the Court. 1 p. 4to. 1655. Endicott, John. Reasons for appeal. 1 p. 4to. 1679. Hodges, Humph'y. Reasons for appeal. 4 pp. Folio. 1672. 5 MSS. 110 BELLINGHAM, RICH'D. Decree of Court pronouncing his Will illegal. 1 p. 4to. 1676. Signed by Ed. Rawson. Brackett, Peter. Petition to be paid 20 £, advanced to defray the expenses of Gov. Endicott's funeral. 1 p. Folio. 1676. Order of Court in to Land titles. 1 p. 4to. 1652. " Propounded to stand for pro- bation till ye next Court of Election." Humphrey Chadbourne, Roger Plaisted, &c. 1 p. 4to. 1675. Order for arrest of Wm. Forrest. 1 p. 4to. 1673. 5 MSS. 111 DUDLEY, PAUL, C. J. of Mass. Also, Wm, Dudley and others, of Roxbuiy. D. S. 1727. Fol. 112 INDIANS. Deed of Sale of an Indian man in Boston, 1712. Sigs. Jno. Minot, Thos. Kimball, John Ellis. Fol. 113 DEDHAM. First company in; Alarm List. Jos. Richards, Captain. 1754. Fol. 114 PROCLAMATION. Draft of Procl. for Thanksgiving, in the Autograph of Thos. Danforth. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1677. Peti- tion of sundry seamen of the ship "Resolution " to be paid their wages. 1 p. Folio. 1680. Thomas, William, of Marshfield. Copy of last Will. 2 pp. Folio. 1051. Tanner, Prudence. Petition. 1 p. Folio. 1685. Marshal Wayte's Return. 1 p. Folio. 1656. 5 MSS. MANUSCRIPTS. 695 115 EXAMINATION OF HUGH PAKSONS, of Sprin%^ 116 DANFORTH, THOMAS. ' " In behalf of the owners of Press and Printers." Complaint that Capt. Gookin and Mr. Mitchell would allow no printing. See Drake's Boston, p. 366. A. D. S. Ip. 4to. 1663. " WOOBOURN." List of persons in communion with the church. \ p. 4to. 1677. DORCHESTER. " List of members of ye church there." \ p. 4to. 1677. 3 MSS. 117 ARABELLA. " A List of Passengers on board the ship Ara- bella, Richard Sprague, master, for New England, 1671." 1 p. 4to. Recognizance of Benamuel Bowers " for neglecting to attend Public Worship." 1 p. 4to. 1673. Written and signed by Thos. Dan- forth. Bent, Eliz'th, deposition. 1 p. 4to. 1676. ' Bartlet, Rich- ard, deposition. 1 p. 4to. 1675. Kimball, John, deposition of. Ip. Eol. 1677. 5 MSS. 118 NODDLE'S ISLAND (East Boston). A declaration of John Burch, of Barbadoes, claiming the island as his property. See Drake's Boston, p. 814. A. D. S. 1 p. Eol. 1652. Brewster's Island. Deposition of Thomas Colyer, relative to Major-General Leverett's ownership of. 1 p. 4to. 1662. Deposition of William Diasdale in relation to the same. 1 p. 4to. 1663. 3 MSS. 119 ACTION FOR DEBT. Lyndsay, of Canterbury, N. H., vs. Clough, of Salisbury, Mass. 1743. 8 pp. in rhyme. 4to. 120 SHIPPEN, WM., M.D., of Phila. (the elder), del. to Cong. A. L. S. 4to. Also Bayard, Wm., N. Y. (1756). A. L. S. Fol. (2.) 696 MANUSCRIPTS. 121 ADDINGTON, ISAAC. Court judgement against Benj. Gibbs for "illegally taking away from Pmdence Island, in the Colony of Rhode Island, twenty-five Indian servants." A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1676. Deposition of Wm. Blindly in regard to the above. 1 p. Fol. 1676. Also deposition of James Sweete. 1 p. Fol. 1676. 3 MSS. 122 ROWLEY. Petition of the town to the Genl. Court in relation the Rev. Mr. Jer. Sheppard. 1 p. Folio. 1677. Signed by Max- imillian Jewett and 14 others. An interesting document in the history of the Church in Rowley. 123 MEDFORD. " Members of y« first church to be made ffree." 1 p. 8°. 1677. Depositions of Joseph Hill, Edward Convars, Richard Beers, Benj. Crispe, and Garret Church, relating to lands in Medford. 4 Docs. each. 1 p. 4to. 1662. Written and signed by Thos. Danforth. 5 Docs. 124 DOVER. The petition of Richard Walden and Thomas Lake for a hearing in the difficulty between " Quansiott and Dover," with the orders of Court thereon, signed by Ed. Rawson. 1 p. Folio. 1669. Order of the Mass. Deputies in the case of Richd. Walden against Leonard Weeks, for " carying away timber off Squamscott patent." Ip. 4to. 1670. 2 MSS. 125 GAGE, THOS. (Gen.) (1769.) Com. Br. Army in America. A. L. S. 4to. 126 BERXARD, FRA., Gov., and OUver, And., Sec'y of Mass. Province. D. S. Folio. Andrew Oliver, the celebrated Stamp-master, whom the people of Boston forced to resign* 127 ADAMS, SAM. Official copy, signed by Adams as clerk, of the Resolves of the Mass. H. of R. at its memorable session, Salem June 17, 1774, sending delegates to Phila. , etc. Endorsed by the selectmen of Tisbury. An important historical document. Broad- side signed. 128 HENCHMA:N^ and HANCOCK PAPERS. Boston. Miscel- laneous. 1750-1800. 129 SCARBOROUGH AND FALMOUTH. " A Declaration of y Townes of Scarborow &, Falmouth & Black Point," relative to sub- mission to the authorities. 2 pp. Folio. 1663. Signed by 47 citi- zens. Also a copy of the above, by Saml. G. Drake. 1 p. Folio. Document relating to the election of commissioners in Scarboi-ough and Falmouth. 1 p. 4to. York: 1663, and signed by Wm. Hath- orne and Elea. Lusher. Deposition of Samuel Scarlett and Thos. Lake relative to taking possession of Penobscot Fort. 1 p. 4to. 1663. 4 historical MSS. 130 BOSTON MERCHANTS. Petition tOgthe Genl. Court for repeal of law imposing duty upon malt. 1 p. 4to. 1655. Signed by Hezk. Usher, Thomas Clarke, Ed. Hutchinson, Thos. Lake, Wm. Hudson, MANUSCRIPTS. 697 and 12 others. Another petition for the same. 1 p. 4to. 1655. Signed by Thomas Broughton and Kobt. Pateshall. See Drake's Boston, pp. 340-41. 2 MSS. 131 SALEM, MS. Papers. 1693-1735. Many autogs. (8.) 132 MARBLEHEAD,MS.;NEAVBURY, MS. Papers. 1699-1755. Many autogs. (6.) 133 CHAELESTOWN AND MALDEN, MS. (SpotPond.) Papers. 1699-1738. (7.) 134 INDIANS, EASTERN. Commission of " Capt. Wm. Haw- thorne, Com'r. in chief of forces raised and sent into Yorkshire, and the Eastern parts." An A. D. S. of Ed. Rawson. 1 p. Fol. 1676. Copy of " Instructions for Capt. Wm. Hathorne, Comander in cliiefe of the forces now Employed to the Eastward." An A. D. S. of Ed. Rawson. 1 p. Fol. 1676. [Valuable and interesting histori- cal MSS.] 2 MSS. 135 NOYA SCOTIA. Deposition of John Holman, in relation to an Indian boy bought by Richard Walker, Capt. of St. John's Fort, 1 p. Fol. Boston: 1668. Deposition of William Marshall, in rela- tion to the same. 1 p. 4°. Boston : 1668. Also of George Genley. 1 p. 4°. Boston: 1668. 3 MSS. 136 NEW PLYMOUTH. Copy of Report of Commissioners to settle the boundary between that Colony and the Mass. A. D. S. of Isa. Addington. 3 pp. Fol. 1664. Copy of an agreement between King Philip and the Sachem of Punkapaug and other Sachems, that the boundary between Plymouth Col'y and Mass. shall be the boundary between their lands. 1 p. Fol. 1670. A deposition before Obadiah Bruen, relative to the boundary between the Pequot land and the Narragansett. 1 p. 4°. 1663. [3 his- torical MSS.] 137 IRON WORKS. A contract between Wm. Aubrey, of London, and Walter Frost, Nicholas Bond, and others, copartners in the Iron Works in New England. 5 pp. Fol. 1650. Letter relating to the same from " Gualter Frost, John Beix and Thomas Folley." 4 pp. Fol. London: 1652. 2 MSS. 138 BEVERLY AND SALEM. Papers. 1694-1741. Autog. of •Jona. Corwin, witchcraft Judge. (4.) 139 LANCASTER, MS. Petition of 43 inhabs. 1703. Fol. 140 EASTHAM. Papers. 1711-30. (3.) 141 DEDHAM, MS. Plan, with Explanation. 1754. [Very curi- ous.] (2.) 142 FRAMINGHAM, MS. Declaration (1727) signed by 61 inhab's. Fol. 143 PLYMOUTH, DARTMOUTH, AND TIVERTON. 1697- 1759. (5.) 144 BARNSTABLE, MS. Early papers. 1709-39. (11.) 698 MANUSCRIPTS. 145 IPSWICH AND WENHAM. Papers. 1693-1755. (10.) 146 NEW JERSEY. Monmouth papers. 1715. (3.) 147 NINIGRET,- Indian Sachem. Ms. Pedigree by Mr. Drake. (2.) 148 INDIAN DEED, of Josias, Sachem of Tisbury, M. Vineyard. 1698. Fol. Also copies of the celebrated " Wheelwright Deed," and of Owaneco, son of Uncas, to D. Mason. (3.) 149 INDIAN AFFAIRS. Order of the Court for disbursements " Since the 1st of 3d m. 1670, relateing to the Indian Warr." 1 p. Fol. 1676. Signed by Wm. Torrey. Order of the Magistrates consenting to the foregoing. An A. D. S. of Edward Rawson. 1 p. Fol. 1676. Order for impressment of " sundry young men in the Eastern Country." A. D. S. of Wm. Torrey. Ip. 4°. 1677. Signed, also, by VA. Rawson. Order for the settlement of the Indians " after this time of trouble and warre." 1 p. Fol. 1677. Signed by Edward Rawson. [4 interesting historical MSS.] 150 PETITION of Peter Freeman, Indian, " for the freedom of my wife who was given me at Narragansett by Honorable Generall Josiah Winslow." 1 p. Fol. 1676. [Interesting and curious.] Williams, Johanna. Petition for relief, her husband having been slain in Medfield. A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1676. Rogers, Wm. Petition for discharge, " having been out in the service of the Country against the Indians ever since Capt. Mosely went first." A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1676. 3 MSS. 151 TUTTELL, SIMON. Petition to the Court at Ipswich for par- don. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1664. Rawson, Edward. Order of Court for trial of Simon Tuttle. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1664.- Lord, Robert. Copy of deposition of Theoph. Wilson relative to Tuttle's crime. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1664. Lord, Robert. Copy of deposition, and bonds of witnesses in Tuttle's case. A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1664. 4 Docs. 152 DANFORTH, THOMAS. Dep.-president of Maine, &c. A.D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1672. Bradbur}', Thomas, first clerk of the writs at Salis- bury; Judge for Norfolk Co. A. D. S. h p. 4°. 1675. Vaughan, Wm., Commissioner for Portsmouth. A. D. S. 1 p. 4° Ports. 1675. Signed by Ed. Rawson. Stileman, Elias. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. Ports. 1676. Rishworth, Edward. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1669. [Rel- ative to lands in Dunston.] 6 MSS. 153 HANCOCK, JOHN, Gov. of Mass. D. S. Col. James Swan. A. L. S. Gen. Heath. D. S. John Jekyll, Coll. of Boston, 1735. D. S. and Seals. Dr. John Jeffries. A. L. S. (5.) 154 SULLIVAN, Gen. JOHN. D. S. Sarah Rumford (dau. of Count R.) D. S. Robert Rantoul. D. S. Col. James Swan. A. L. S. Jeremiah Mason. D. S. Henrv Hope (celebrated banker). A. L. S. (6.) 155 SCOTTOW, JOSHUA (merchant and author, of Boston). A. D. MANUSCRIPTS. 699 S. Narrative of Voyage lo Pemaquid, 1677. li fol. pages, closely written. Account of the conference and treaty with Madockawando, Moxns, and other Eastern Chiefs ; exchange of prlsonera, etc. * 156 FAYER WEATHER, THOS. Papers, 1740-90. Boston, miscel- laneous. 157 COUJ^CIL, RECORD OF. 3 pp. Fol. 1675. " That Thos. Jay give bonds for vilifying the Honl. Josiah Winslow," and " to take order for the sending forth the soldiers now impressed for this present expedition," &c. Order of Genl. Court creating an Inferior Court " for determining civill actions not exceeding ten pounds." 2 pp. Fol. 1676. Signed by Edward Rawson. Petition of John Checkley and Court's Answer. 2 pp. Fol. 1669. Signed by Free- gr^ce Bendall. Order of Court against Ed. Hutchinson for illegal voting, ''ten pounds and disfranchised." J p. 4°. 1664. Signed by Edward Rawson. 4 MSS. 158 SAVAGE, THOMAS. Speaker of Ho. of Deputies. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1662. Signed as speaker. Rawson, Edward, Sec'y. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1664. Empowering officers at Chelmsford to join persons in marriage. Veren Hilliard. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1653. 3 MSS. 159 MmOT, GEO. RICHARDS, Historian. D. S. Wm. Tudor. A. L. S. 1784. Sarah Rumford. D. S. Wm. Cooper, town clerk of Boston in the Revol. D. S. Harrison Gray Otis. D. S. Charles Bulfinch, celebrated architect. D. S. (6.) 160 SHIRLEY, WM., Gov. of Mass. Autog. Doc. S. Also Sigs. of Admiral Sir Peter Warren, Th. Frankland, Chas. Apthorp. and Thos. Hancock. 161 RUMFORD, SARAH. A. L. S. Rev. Simeon Howard, d. d. D. S. Hancock, Thos. & Co. (sig. of John). D. S. Col. George Scott, com. of Ft. Cumberland. A. L. S. Samuel Eliot, benefactor of Harvard Coll. D. S. Charles Bulfinch, architect of Mass. State House, &c. D. S. (6.) 162 ELIOT, JOHK, The Indian Apostle. Two sigs. to an Indian Deed of 1660; also having sigs. of Jno. Eliot, Jr., Wm. Fletcher, Thos. Hinkelman, Jas. Parker, and Thos. Danforth, dep. gov.; also several Indians. 163 WOBURX. Copy of the Procl. of Charles II, 1662 certified by Ed. Rawson, Sec'y, which Isaac Cole, constable, refused to read. See Drake's Hist. Boston, p. 364. An important paper. 164 IXDIAJ^ DEED. (Cert, copy.) Moxus, Sagamore of Pemaquid, to Rich'd Pateshall. Fol. Danforth, J. Colbron, W. A. p. S. (3.) 165 SACO, ME. Cert, copy of deed from Sir Ferd. Gorges to Wm. and i^athl. Phillips. 700 MANUSCRIPTS. 166 BRADSTREET, SIMON. Gov. of Mass. A. D. 1 p. Fol. 1655. " Reasons why the Court refuses to take Mr. Gifford's oath." 167 JOSSELYN, HEKRY, Deputy Gov. of Maine in 1645, one of Wm. Gorges' Assistants, and of Sir Ferdinando Gorges' Charter- council. See Genealogical Reg., vol. ii, p. 204, and Williamson's Maine, vol. i, p. 682. A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1676. Deposition relative to the garrison and fortifications at Black Point. Interesting and historical. [Fine and rare.] 168 LEETE, WILLIAM, Gov. of Conn., 1661-5, 1676-83. A. L. S. 1 p. Fol. 1676. Full letter to Gov. Leverett, relative to a meeting of the Commissioners of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Plymouth Colony. Interesting historical letter. [Fine and rare.] 169 SCOTTOW, JOSHUA. Captain of the Artillery Company, Judge of Probate under Andros, Author of " Old Men's Fears," " Narrative of the Planting of Mass. Colony." A. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1676. Countersigned by Nath'l Saltonstall, Thos. Brattle, Samuel Appleton, James Russell, Edward Rawson, and others. Fine and rare. 170 INDIAN DEEDS, of Mamanuatt, of Little Compton. 1693. St Francois Indians. 1798. Many autogs. (N. H. lands); Indian Reminiscences of Dr. Wm. King, with MS. note by Mr. Drake. Folio. (3.) 171 SPURWINK (C. Elizabeth, Me.) Deposition of 1674; Folio. 172 PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Falmouth, Me. 1755-76. (5.) 173 PROVIDENCE, R. I. Springfield, Mass. Hartford, Norwich etc. 1752-85. (12.) 174 SALEM, Marblehead, and Newbury, Mass. 1745-71. (6.) 175 NANTUCKET. Papers. 1764r-83. (9.) 176 BOSTON TOWN RECORDS. A Transcript of, from 8th May, 1634, to May, 1700. 3 vols. 4to. The volumes begin with the first entries on the town's books. As the city has never thought proper either to print or have accurate copies taken of iu early records, these are the only duplicates known to exist. They are full and exact, having been tran- •cribed for Mr. Drake by Wm. 6. Trask, the well-known antiquary. 177 SNOW, CALEB. A thick folio, containing his materials, chiefly in his own autograph, for a larger History of Boston. 178 MISCELLANEOUS Papers of Shelburne, Mass. Hartford, E. Haddam, Wethersfield, Middletown, Bolton, Conn., etc. 1767-1800. 179 PENDLETON, BRYAN, Deputy-President of Maine, Com- missioner of Mass. to take the Submission of Maine. 1652. Major- Commandant of Yorkshire Militia. (See Williamson's Maine, vol. 1, p. 686.) D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1676. An interesting deposition, relative to the refusal of Josh. Scottow to aid in the fight against the Indians at Black Point. MANUSCRIPTS. 701 ISO SEWALL, SAMUEL, Cliiof-Tusticc; prominent jndr (TliamoBj. The letter is indorsed in (Jov. Winthrop's hand, " Mr. Stoughton, Ilcc'd 5-6." A note by Mr. Drake exijlains Wiruhrop's manner of dating. Stoughton served under Cromwell. [Extract.] " By yo Pinnace being Giaigles you shall receive 40 or 50 women and children unlesse there stay any heere to be hel|>full unto us. Concerning wh. there is one I for- merly mentioned yt is ye fairest yt I saw amongst them to whome I have given a coate to cloathe her. It is ray desire to have licr for a servant if it may stand in your good liking." The whole letter is historical, relating chiefly to movements against the Pequots. 182 FRYER, NATH'L, Pres. of Council of I^"ew Hampshire. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1677. Signed also by John Richards, John Appleton, Jacob Greene, Wm. Symonds, and John Roote, " The Names of the 18 Gentlemen who had most Votes for Magistrates in Boston." Tyng, Edward. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1667. Luther, Hez'h. A. D. S. h p. 4to. 1686. Turnor, John. A. D. S. ^ p. 4to. 1680. 4 docs. 183 SAVAGE, THOMAS, Major-Speaker of Ho. of Deps. 1660. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1660. Signed as Speaker. Signed also by Thos. Danforth. Rawson, Edward, Sect'y. D. S. ^ p. 4to. 1662. Pike, Robert. D. S. h P- 4to. 1669. 3 MSS. 184 TY2^G, EDWARD, Judge, &c. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1656. Green, Kathaniel. A. D. S. ^ p. 4to. 1675. Pike, Robert. D. S. \ p. 4to. 1669. Appleton, Jo. A. D. S. \ p. 4to. 1684. 4 docs. 185 C0MMISSI0:N' of Henry Hultin, John Temple, Wm. Burch, Chas. Paxton, and Jno. Robinson, to collect Revenue in America. By George III. 1767. 7 pp. Folio. The attempt to enforce the obnoxious Act of Parliament in the Colonies led directly io the Revolution. I'axton and Hobinsou were involved in the riots in Bjston. 186 RAWS0:N', EDW. Torrey, Wm. D. S. Petition of Margery, widow of Wm. Colebren (one of first inhabitants of Boston). 1661. Folio. 187 SALEM, TOWX OF. Docts. relating to the claim between Gov. Endecott and Frances Kurss. Deposition of John Ingersoll. 1 p. Folio. 1678. Of Nath'l Ingersoll. 1 p. Folio. 1678. Of Kath'l Fclton. 1 p. Folio. 1678. Of Benj'n Scarlett. 1 p. 4to. 1678. All written and signed by Hilliard Veren. 4 MSS. 188 SALEM, T0W2s^ OF. Docts. relating to portion of the farm of Gov. Endicott claimed by Frances Xurss. Deposition of John Ingreson. 1 p. 4to. 1674. Of ]N'atli'l Ingersoll. 1 p. 4to. 1674. Of Samuel Corning. 1 p. 4to. 1678. Of Richard Leach. 1 p. 4to. 1678. And warrant for arrest of Frances jS'urss. 1 p. 4to. 1678- All written and signed by Hilliard Veren. 5 MSS. 2 702 MANUSCRIPTS. 189 MEDFELD, TOWN OF. A petition to the Governor and Assist- ants for abatement of rates, on account of the poverty caused by the destruction of the Town by the Indians. 1 p. Folio. 1676. Writ- ten and signed by John Wilson, their minister, and signed also by Edward Barbur, Samuell Bulling, and John Elice, " in the name of y« whole towne." Interesting historical MSS. 190 IKDIAN" JAMES. "Answer to Mr. Carr's reasons of Appeals." D. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1672. A statement of James, Indian, with his mark, witnessed by Wm. Bradbury and Samuell Fellows, denying that he was captured in a just war between the Indians and the English. Curious and interesting MS. 191 JORDAX, ROBERT. Episcopal clergyman. Assistant in the Government of Lygonia, opponent of Mass. claim to that territory. L. S. 1 p. folio. "From y« prison at Boston, y* 4th (7^^), 1663. Tor poor prisoner & humble Petitioner." To the Genl. Court for a speedy trial or pardon. On opposite leaf is Jordan's submission, an A. L. S. i p. folio, " bearing date the 4th of 7^^, '63. See William- son's Maine, Vol. 1, p. 680. Hathome, Wm. D. S. ^ p. 4to. 1663. Summons to Lawrance Davis & Theodor Clark, for refusing to assist in conveying Mr. Jordan to Boston. 2 MSS. Interesting, historical, and valuable. 192 CUTT, JOHN. First Pres't of New Hampshire, 1681. L. S. 1 p. f ol. 1660. To the Generall Court, relating to " differences between the Towne of Dover and our Towne of Portsmouth. Signed also by Brian Pendleton, Major-Commandant of the York- shire MiUtia, &c. See Williamson's Maine, Vol. 1, p. 686. Also by " Henrie Sherburn, Phillip lewis, & John pickering," prominent citizens of Ports*. Countersigned by Thos. Danforth. Interesting historical MSS. 193 RISK WORTH, EDWARD. Removed from Exeter to Wells with Rev. John Wheelwright, afterwards to Agamenticus; was Re- corder and one of the Associates. L. S. 1 p. folio. 1672. Signed also by George Munioy, removed from Boston to Falmouth, 1659. Owned *' Mountjoy's Hill " there. One of the Justices for Maine in 1665. See Williamson's Maine, Yol. 1, pp. 684, 691. 194 HENCHMAN, DANIEL. Officer in Indian War. A. D. S. 1 p. folio. Boston: 1676. Petition to the Genl. Court to be allowed to resign his office as Capt. of the company at Boston. See Drake's Boston, p. 410. Note. Raynsford, Edward, brother of Sir Rich- ard, who succeeded Sir Matthew Hale as Lord Chief Justice. See Drake's Boston, pp. 335, 442. D. S. 1 p. folio. Signed by John Balston and John Carter. 2 MSS. 195 HATHORNE, Maj. WM. The first Speaker of the Mass. General Court. Served in Philip's War, and the war with the East- em Indians. D. S. 1 p. fol. 1676. A curious deposition of John ^MANUSCRIPTS. 703 ff linte, relative to killing an Indian at *' the Litle pond hard by y* End of the Spring pond next Linn." 196 CROCKER, HANNAH (MATHER), Dau. of Rev. Sam'l Mather. Essay on Antiquarian Researches. 8°. 197 CUMING, ALEXR. (Bart.) Memorial to the Lord Mayor of London. Account of his embassy among the Cherokees. 69 pp. 4to. S. G. Drake's autograph. This MS. was written by Sir A. Cuming in 1755. It came Into the writer's handf< by purchase from a London bookseller. Accompanying it was a paper, stating that it once belonged to the great Shakspearlan scholar, Isaac Read, Esq., from whom it passed into th(! keepingof Geo. Chalmers, Esq., best known in this country by his great work, " The Political Annals of the United Colouies." S. G. D. 198 BARRINGTON, R. I. 17 MS. documents relative to building a church in 1804. Eol. 199 CAPTIVITY OF JANE BROWN and her family. Historical Traditions of Tennessee. Au. MS. of 78 pages. 8°. 200 NARRATIVE of the Expedition of Major John Doughty to the Chocktaw Nation of Indians in the year 1790, and his desperate fight in the Tennessee River, etc. MS. copy by Mr. Drake. 8°. 201 BAXTER, JOSEPH (Rev.) MS. copy of the Journal of his voyage to Arrowsick, with Gov. Shute, in 1717; containing also an account of Baxter. 8°. 202 DRAKE, SAM'L G. MS. Index to Book of the Indians. 8th ed. By Mr. Drake. 4°. 203 MS. Index to Indian Biography. 1832. By Mr. Drake. 4°. 204 MS. Index to Indian Names of Places, contained in the Book of the Indians. By Mr. Drake. 4to. 205 MS. Index to the Authors used in compiling the Indian Biography. By Mr. Drake. 4°. 206 MS. Index to Increase Mather's Brief History. By Mr. Drake. 4°. 207 History of Northwood, N. H. 1832. 8°. This is an interleaved copy of a sketch originally communicated by Mr. Drake for the Collections of the N. H. Historical Society, to which extensive MS. additions have been made by him with the probable view of a larger work. It is furnished with a Table of Contents; also with cuttings. 208 MS. Genealogies of Northwood, N. H., from its first settle- ment in 1763 to 1828. Written by S. G. Drake in 1846. 209 New England's First Fruits. MS. Extracts from, by Mr. Drake. (Tract printed in London in 1643.) 210 America Painted to the Life. London: 1659. 4to. By Ferd. Gorges, Esq. (MS. copy by Mr. Drake.) 27 pp. 211 Narrative of the Captivity of Capt. Thos. Morris. 1766. 4to. (MS. copy by Mr. Drake. 38 pp.) 212 Norton's Redeemed Captive. Boston: 1748. 4to. (MS. copy by Mr. Drake, with index. 53 pages.) 704 MANUSCRIPTS. 213 DRAKE, SAM'L G. Doolittle's Short Narrative of Mischief done by the French and Indian Enemy, etc. Boston: 1750. 4to. (Copy by Mr. Drake. 23 pp.) Also Autog. letter signed by the author, Rev. Benj. Doolittle. Fol. The original tract is exces- sively rare. 214 GENEALOGY of the Descendants of Jeffrey Parsons, Avho settled in Gloucester, Ms., before 1655. MS. by S. G. Drake. 8°. 215 BRADFORD, WM., Gov. of Plymouth Colony. STANDISH, MYLES, Capt. of Plymouth. PRENCE,THOS., Gov. of Plymouth. FULLER, SAMUEL, eminent physician of Plymouth. ALDE2^, JOHN, youngest of the Mayflower's passengers. Also a copy by Mr. Drake. Fol. Mm JraJf'rd-f'w''. An ofDcial, full-paged letter, dated 1631. in Bnidford'a bean'iful hand, from the Plymouth assistants to Gov. Wlntbrop, whose Indorsement Is on the back. Signa- tures all extremely good. Document relates to questions arising from the removal of ttervantB, etc., from one colony to the other. Remarkably well preserved, clean and legible. One of the greatest curiosities in the collection. 216 BOSTON. Business papers. 1730-1800. Portfolio. (400.) 217 REVOLUTIONARY GENERALS. Gates, Heath, Spencer, Sullivan, and Greaton. (5.) Muster Rolls, Letters, etc. Autogs. of Gen. Gates, Heath, and Spencer, Cols. Joseph Vose, Isaac Pierce, C. Lippitt, Benj. Steele, Jere. Powell, Pres. Council of Ms., Jabez Bowen. (7.) 218 DEDHAM PAPERS. 1C81-1767. Deeds, Records and memo- randa relating to the families of Paine, Heaton, Dickerson, Luther, and others; important to the Early History of Dedliam. 219 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. Author and Historian. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. 1849. Warren, Dr. J. Mason. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Harris, T. W. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. 1851. Green, Joshua. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. 1852. Coffin, Joshua. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. 1851. Amory, Jona. 6 MSS. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1825. 220 ELLERY, WILLIAM. Signer of Declaration of Independence. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Newport: 1800. 221 SCOLLAY, JOHN. Revolutionary patriot. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. Boston: 1735. Signed also by James Scollay, John Osbom, John Sale, and Isaac Johnson. Rous, John. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. 1757. Rogers, Geo. A. D. S. 3 pp. Folio. 1731. Signed also by Benj. Rolf e and Mich. Nolan. Price, Ez. A. D. S. 3 pp. Folio. Bos- ton: 1771. Flint, Ephraim. Extract from Will of. 1 p. Folio. 172:3. 5 MSS. 222 POWNAL, T. Gov. of Mass. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1760. Signed also by Andrew Oliver, Secy. ; Ralph Inman, Joshua Winslow, and John Rowe, prominent Bostonians of the time. MANUSCRIPTS. 705 223 MORRIS, ROGER. Col. in British Army; prominent in French and Indian War. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. Fort Frederic: 1759. Christie, G. Genl. in British Army. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Cowley, Susanna. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. Annapolis Royal: 1754. Jonge, Lieut., Wentworth. A. L. S. 7 pp. Folio. Fort Cumberland: 1757. 4 MSS. 224 JAMES, Col. D. A. L. S. 2 pp. Folio. Fort Cumberland: 1758. Interesting letter to Thos. Hancock relative to repulse of Abercrombie, near Ticonderoga. Bowes, Wm. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1764. Campbell, John. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. Louis- burg: 1759. Greenwood, Miles. A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1762. Brown, John. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. Newbury: 1762. Signed by 9 other citizens of that town. 5 MSS. 225 WARREJ^, JAMES. Revolutionary patriot. Pres. of Provin- cial Congress. D. S. 2 pp. 4to. Boston: 1782. 226 M0RT0:N", PEREZ. Lawyer and Revolutionary patriot; Atty. Genl. of Mass., &c. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. "Council Chamber, Watertown: 1775." To John Hancock. 227 CRANE, JOHN. Colonel in the Revolution; commanded the regt. of Mass. Artillery. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. Providence: 1779. Signed also by Genl. John Sullivan. 228 GATES, HORATIO. Maj. Genl. in the Revolutionary War. L. S. Ip. 4to. Providence: 1779. 229 LAWRENCE, CHARLES. British General, Gov. of Nova Scotia. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. 1748. 230 PARK AND DURANT PAPERS. Deeds, &c., relating to Newton, Watertown, Holliston, Weston, &c. Containing autogs. of John Lowell, Moses Gill, Col. Michael Jackson, Nath'l Apple- ton, Oliver Wendell (Selectman of Boston, 1776), &c. Land Bank Covenant, with signatures of Samuel and Robert Auchmuty. Dr. Edward Durant was a surgeon in the Colonial Army in 1775. Dr. Durant's old account-books, 1755-1800. 231 PAYNE, JOHN HOWARD. Actor and dramatist. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. N. Y. : 1836. 232 AMHERST, CoL. WM. Dep. Adjt.-Genl. of British Forces in North America. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. 1760. 233 HANCOCK, THOMAS. Boston merchant. A. L. Signed T. H. 2 pp. 4to. 1741. Also, A. D. 1 p. Folio. 1757. An account of Bohea Tea furnished. Appleton, Nathaniel. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1771. Brown, Abijah. A. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1742. Henshaw, Joshua. A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1751. Thornton, Timothy. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1749. 6 MtSS. 234TRUMBULL,JON'TH, Gov. of Conn. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Leb- anon: 1756. To Thomas Hancock, for powder and lead for the "Gov. & Co. of the Colony of Connecticutt." 706 MANUSCBIPTS. 235 PRYCE, DAVID. A. L. S. 3 pp. Folio. Southampton: 1760. " I love Boston, though I sometimes difl'er with the inhabitants." Dyson, Daniel. A. L. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1750. Cowley, Wm. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1752. Annapolis. Kilby, Christopher. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1754. Wilks, Fra. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1732. London. 5 MSS. 236 HANCOCK, JOHN (Gov.) Com. of Nathan Cashing as J. P. on parchment. Flat cap. 237 BOSTON. Deed of house and orchard from Thos. Boyden to Simon Lynde, 1662 [on Sudbury Lane]. Beautifully engrossed on parchment. 238 Brown, Jona., Kimball, Thos., White, Jos., Checkley, S., Marion, Jos., Creese, Thos. D. S. 1721. Folio. [Bond for bills of Credit.] 239 ELLERY, WILLIAM. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1745. Signed also by Joseph Allen. Frost, Joseph. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1742. Swan, George C. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. Louisburg: 1748. Tilden, Jona. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1740. Signed also by Thos. Ruck. Watson, Wm. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1738. 6 MSS. 240 HENCHMAN, DANIEL. Established the first paper mill in America. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 17.37. Barnard, Jonathan. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. London: 1748. Randall, James. Agent for Trans- ports. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1762. Temple, Thomas. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Cadiz: 1749. Wilmot, Col. W. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Lou- isburg: 17;58. 5 MSS. 241 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. Way- land, Francis. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1841. 2 Letters. 242 BRANFORD, Chesterfield, Shelbum, Deerfield, Springfield, &c., Revolutionary Papers, Broadsides, Resolves, &c., relating to. 243 ORDER-BOOK of Major-Gens. Wm. Hull and J. B. Varnum, Mass. Militia, 1801-10. 244 NOMINATION BOOK of the Am. Academy of Arts and Sciences. Autographs of Edward Everett, Nath'l Bowditch, Josiah Quincy, J. T. Kirkland, Jno. Prince, Thos. L. Winthrop, Jno. Pick- ering, Jno. Lowell, R. T. Paine, Jno. Davis, Sam'l Swett, and many others. Small 4to. 245 BOOK OF BOSTON SCRAPS, chiefly before 1760, alphabeti- cally arranged and numbering several hundred. A. D. S. by Benj. Lincoln (Gen. in Rev.), Col. Isaac Royal, Wm. Ellery, Wm. Cooper, etc. An order on Jas. Otis for fees, indorsed by Sampson S. Blow- ers. Receii)t for subscriptions for lighting Boston streets in 1774. Matthew Plant's draft on Win. Tryon for services as missionary of the Soc. for Prop, the Gospel at Newbury in 1739. Receipt in favor of " Doctor Franklin," etc. MANUSCRIPTS. 707 246 SIR FRAN'CIS DRAKE'S Traffiques and Discoueries, etc. [From Hakluyt.] Fol. [Bound.] These are the original pages, extracted from Hakluyt, with interleaved annotations by Mr. Drake. They embrace the attaclt on the Spanish fleet at Ciidiz, " The Portugall Voiage (1589)," by Col. Winkfield, Earl of Cumberland's "Volage" to the Azores, 1589, Sir W. Ualeigh's Account of the Battle near the Azores, etc. 247 SOJ^S OF ITEW HAMPSHIRE: A bound volume of cuttings, giving accounts of their festivals and reunions, with biographical notices of Dan'l Webster, Levi Woodbury, John P. Bigelow, J. V. C. Smith, and other " Sons." 4to. 248 MILITARY ORDER, Boston, 1779 (Handbill). Also, Thos. L. Winthrop. D. S. Thos. Melvill (one of Tea Party). D. S. Amos- keag Lottery. 1806. Broadside. (4.) 249 ITEMS FROM THE JOURNAL of the Gen. Court of Mass. Bay, March, 1744-5, to April, 1747. MS. by Mr. Drake. 8°. 200 pp. 250 WITCHCRAFT PAPERS. 7 Docs. Fol. 1. The deposition of Mercy Lewis against Philip English and others, 1692. 2. True Bill, Grand Jury of Essex Co., against Mary Clark, of Haverhill, 1692. 3. Two examinations of Tituba, the Indian woman, March 1 and 2, 1691. 4 full pages. (Probably in the handwriting of Rev. Sam'l Parris, in whose family the outbreak occurred.) 4 pp. 4. True Bill against Philip English, of Salem, 1692, for bewitching Eliz. Booth. 5. Deposition of Wm. Beale agt. Philip English, 1692. 6. Examination of Mary Clark, of Haverhill. Full page. 7. In- dictment found against Philip English for bewitching Mary Wall- cott, of Salem, 1692. These originals are of great value and interest, referring as they do to the great witch- craft outbreak at Salem in 1692. Tituba was a domestic in Rev. Sami Parris' family. See Upham and Drake for an extended account of these persons. 251 WITCHCRAFT IN NEWBURY, MASS., in 1679. A bound scrap-book, containing nearly 50 original MS. affidavits, petitions, indictments, etc., bearing upon the above cases. 4to. [See Drake's Annals of Witchcraft.] The first deposition Is partly in the hand of Gov. Simon Bradstreet, who signs it, and partly of Edward Rawson, Sec'y. Other valuable autographs. 252 PAYNE FAMILY RECORD, [Early settlers of Salem and of Dedham.] See N. E. Hist, and Genl. Reg. 1851. pp. 331-32. Fol. The first entry in this very curious and ancient document is in 1578. 253 BIOGRAPHICAL CUTTINGS. 1 portfolio, alphabetically ar- ranged. 4°. 254 ORDER BOOK Battalion of Artillery 3d Brigade Mass. Militia. 1821-7. Ornamented title. Folio. 255 LONDON GAZETTE, The. June to October. 1694. 33 Nos. Folio. Printed on a sheet of foolscap. "Valuable as specimens »f the newspaper literature of the seventeenth century. Bom«what mutilated. 708 MANUSCRIPTS. 256 MS. JOURNAL. Aug. and Sept. 1812. Naval Affairs of the War with England. 257 EARLY HISTORY OF HAMPTON, N. H., from its settle- ment in 1638, with especial reference to the Genealogy and Biography of the first Inhabitants of that ancient town. By Edmund Wil- loughby Toppan. A very handsome, legible manuscript vol. of 357 pages, folio, full Russia. 258 IPSWICH, MS. Case of Moses Parker and the Indians, sons of Masconnomo, the old Sagamore of Agawam. 1701. 16 docs. 259 WILMINGTON, MS. Record of Inhabitants in 1795. 4to. 260 GROTON. Papers. 1713-39. (11). 261 CAMBRIDGE AND HARVARD COLL. 1730. (2). 262 MIDDLEBOROUGH, BRAINTREE, AND BRIDGEWA- TER. 1721-73. (6.) 263 MIDDLEBOROUGH, MASS. Fragments of the town records, containing births from 1714 to 1730. 264 SNOW'S HISTORY OF BOSTON. A. Bowen's notes and ma- terials for a new edition of, with map. 265 SIEGE OF BOSTON. Seven letters from the camps before Boston, dated between May 29 and Nov. 10, 1775, written by Col. Wm. T. Miller, of the R. I. forces. They give interesting details of Putnam's action at Chelsea; of the works of the besiegers, parleys at the outposts, etc. Folio. 266 HARVARD COLLEGE. Catalogue of graduates. 1642 to 1752. Broadside. Cambridge: 1751. A little torn in the margin. 267 ATHERTON, C. G. U. S. S. Carrigain, Philip, surveyor, of N. H.; Felt, Jos. B., author; Ludewig, Herman; Bancroft, G., his- torian; Baldwin, C. C. A. L. S. 4°. (6.) 268 QUINCY, JOSIAH. Prest. H. U. D. S. 4°. Jenks, Rev. Wm. A. L. S. 12°. Sparks, Jared. D. S. 4°. Thacher, Jas., M.D. A. L. S Toppan, E. W.; and S. Jones, Chancellor, N. Y. A. L. S. 4°. (6.) 269 EVERETT, E. 12°. Daggett, John (author); Ingraham,E. D. (author); Lowell, I. A.; exhibit of the affairs of the Mass. Gen. Hospital. Hamilton, J. (artist); Lawrence, Abbott; all A. L. S. 4°. (6.) 270 BANCROFT, G. (2.) 4°. Lawrence, Mrs. A. " 12°. Elton, Romeo (author). 4°. Everett, E. 12°. All A. L. S. Savage, Jas. (author). A. L. not signed. 12°. (6.) 271 PIIIPS, SPENCER, Lt. Gov. Proclamation prohibiting ex- portation of warlike stores. 17-50. Flat cap. On Uie back ia a letter from Jno. Soley, Selectman In Charlestown during Rev. War. 272 CAMBRIDGE CAMP. A. L. S. From Solomon Goodrich, a Rev. soldier. (Sept. 1775.) 4°. MANUSCRIPTS. ^ 709 273 BOSTON. Revolutionary Broadside, giving publicity to the de- tailed plan for <,'arri5oning Boston with British troops. Fol. [n. d.] 274 JiAYARD, WM. Col. of the Fr. War. A. L. S. 4to. Van der Kemp, F. A., Judge. (Eminent scholar.) A. L. S. 4to. (2.) 275 RODNEY, TIIOS. Poet. (Member Old Congress.) A. L. S. Fol. Yates, P. W. (Eminent lawyer.) A. L. S. 4to. Everett, Edw'd. A. L. S. 4to. (3.) 276 STARK, JOHN, AND GATES, HORATIO. Gens, of Conti- nental Army. Also Isaac Pierce. A. D. C. to Gen. Gates. D. S. 3 autos. Qen. Stark's autograph is quite uncommon. 277 CODDINGTON, WM. First Gov. of R. I. A. L. S. 4to. Full page. ^■y Letter dated Newport, Nov. 1646, addri'Bsed ^ — /OC\ ' / • to Gov. Winthrop. The contents chieUy K.^(-A/^y ' {_^(^^ ^-f^^-f-Q-y^ relate to Sam'l Gorton, founder of War- t_/ ^^ 'wick, R. I., who caused Winthrop, Cod- dington, and Roger Williams so much trouble. Also a copy by Mr. Drake. 278 ANNAPOLIS ROYAL. Cowley, Wra. A. L. S. 1749. (2.) 1 p. Fol. Combrune, Wm. A. L. S. 2 pp. Fol. 1748. Dyson, Daniel. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. 1748. The same. 1 p. Fol. 1750. All relating to public affairs in that place. 6 MSS. 279 GRIDLEY, JERE. Attorney-Gen'l of the Province of Mass. Bay. D. S. 1 p. Fol. Boston: 1747. Abbot, Joshua. Aut. Rect. to Rev. John Hancock, of Lexington. 17.37. 1 p. 4to. Doggett, Capt. John. L. S. 1 p. Fol. Boston: 1758. Hancock, Thomas. D. S. 1 p. 4to. Boston: 1763. Osborn, John. L. S. 1 p. Fol. Boston: 1729. 5 MSS. 280 COLYILL, LORD. Copy of order for transport to convey 290 Provincials to Boston. 1 p. 4to. Halifax: 1760. Dixon, Matthew. A. L. S. 2 pp. Fol. Halifax: 1758. Fayrweather, W. A. L. S. 1 p. Fol. Halifax: 1752. Gerrish, Ben. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Halifax : 17ol. Rous, John. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Halifax, 1757. 5 MSS. 281 DE LANCEY, OLIVER. Senior Loyalist Officer in America during the Revolution. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1750. 282 PARSONS, SAMUEL H. Maj.-Gen'l in Revolutionary Army. A. L. S. 2 pp. Fol. Middletown: 1786. To John Hancock, in regard to his financial difficulties. [Fine and rare.] 283 COWLEY, W. Engineer at Annapolis Royal. A. L. S. Tp. Fol. AnnapoUs: 1751. Another A. L. S. 2 pp. Fol. Annapo- lis: 1750. Williams, Thomas. A. L. S. 1 p. Fol. Annapolis: 1751. Burch, Joseph. A. L. S. 2 pp. Annapolis: 1748. Enclos- ing another A. L. 2 pp. Fol. 6 MSS. 710 MANUSCRIPTS. 284 OTIS, JAMES, copy of will of. Written and signed by Oliver Wendell, and attested by Wm. Cooper. 2 pp. Fol. 1783. [Curious.] 285 KILBY, CHRISTOPHER, of Mass. in England. A. L. 1747. Another A. L. S. 2 2 Letters. 286 DUM^fER, JEREMIAH. 1710 to 1721. A. L. S. 4 pp. letter.] 287 HEATH, WILLIAM. Maj Ip. Fol. Boston: 1777. Many years Agent for the Province S. 3 pp. Folio. Spring Garden: pp. Fol. Spring Garden : 1748. Agent of Mass. in England from 4to. London: 1720. [Interesting . Grenl. Kevolutionary Army. L. S. 288 THANKSGIVING PRO- CLAMATION, dated 11th October, 1676, during Phil- ip's War. Broadside. Fol. This extremely curious and perhaps unique document is headed with a rude wood-cut of the original seal of Massachusetts — itself a great rarity; it is signed " Edward Raw- son, Sec'y," and was probably printed by John Foster. It calls upon the inhabitants to give thanks for successes obtained over the " Heathen in this Wilderness." 289 DUXBURY. Hist. of. An original sub. paper. Sigs. of Wm. T. Harris, Chas. Deane, N. B. Shurtleff, R. Frothingham, Jr., and oth- ers. 4°. Interesting to accompany Winsor's history. 290 BOSTON. Papers (Autographs). Lot of 50, 1736-1800. 291 Lot of 40, 1759-1800. 292 Lot of 28, 1736-1800. 293 HULL, ISAAC, Com. U. S. N. L. S. 4°. 294 WINSLOW, EDWARD, Gov. of Plymouth Colony. A. L. S. Fol. Page and a half, beautiful chirography. /i^fe-i^ ^''ip^ if ^o./^y. Letter dated Plymouth, 1637. Winslow writes about the Pequot War. Document in fine preservuion. A copy by Mr. Dr»ke is inclnded. MANUSCRIPTS. 711 295 WOODBUKY, LEVI, jurist and statesman. L. S. 4°. 296 RODNEY, C^SAR. Sig. Decl. Endorsement on a doc. Fol. 297 SCOTT, WINFIELD, Gen. U. S. A. A. L. S. 2 pp. (To Maj. Gen. Worth.) 4°. 298 JENKS, WM., D.D., Biblical Scholar and Commentator. A. L. S. Ip. 8°. Wentworth, John. A. L. S. 1 p. 4°. Coit, T. W. A. L. S. 1 p. 4". Elton, R. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4°. Partridge, A. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4°. Folsom, Geo. A. L. S. 1 p. 4«. 6 Letters. 299 JOHONNOT, GEO. S. A. D. S. Ip. 'Pol. Salem: 1833. An- other. D. S. 1 p. Eolio. 182.5. Another. A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Salem: 1825. Johonnpt, P. D. S. 1 p. Folio. London: 1806. Jo- honnot, Elizabeth. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1791. Signed also by Esther Johonnot and George Richards Minot. 5 MSS. 300 MASON, JONATHAN. A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1743. Andrews Loring. Editor. A. D. S. ^ p. 4to. 1788. Signed by E. Freeman. Abbot, Wm. D. S. ^ p. 4to. Woburn: 1778. Gooch, Bezaleel. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Hamersfield (?): 1756. Eddy, Joshua. Will. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. Gloucester: 1762. 5 MSS. 301 PORTER, PETER B. Maj. -Gen. Secy, of War. A. L. S. 4to. 302 CONNECTICUT, STATE OF. Document relating to the Town of Colchester. 1 p. Folio. 1787. Signed by Joseph Isham, Elijah Worthington and Jona. Deming. Doc't relating to Town of New London. 1 p. Folio. 1788. Signed by the Selectmen. Trum- bull, David. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1781. Doc't relating to Town of Colchester. 1 p. Folio. 1759. Signed by Israel Whit- comb and Nath'l Foot. Doc't relating to Town of Branford. 1 p. 4to. 1704. Signed by Daniel Maltbie, Eleazer Stent, and Robert Builer. 5 MSS. 303 GREENE, Gen. NATH'L. L. S., as Q. M. Genl. West Point: 1780. Fol. 304 MORTON, PEREZ. A. D. S. 2 p. Folio. 1775! Copy on Resolve relating to prisoners in Suffolk Jail. Robbins, Chandler, D. S. 1 p. 4to. Plymouth: 1791. Tudor, John. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1791. Johonnot, Andrew. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1791. Signed by Henry Alline. Johonnot, Martha. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1832. 5 MSS. 305 POWNALL, T. Gov. of Mass. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1757. Bill for couriers to Col. Meserve, at Piscataqua, to Gov. Wentworth, &c. 306 SEABURY, SAM'L.,d.d. Epis. Bp. of Conn. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4 Fol. 307 HARRIS, T. W. Author. A. L. S. 3 pp. 8vo. 1851. Drake, Sam'l G. Author &c. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1851. Green, Dr. Joshua. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. Groton: 1852. Goodrich, Chauncy. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Burlington: 1836.- Coit, T. W. A. L. S. 712 MANUSCRIPTS. 1 p. 4to. Lexington, Ky.: 1836. Moore, J. B. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Concord. 1838. 6 Letters. 308 COFFIN, JOSHUA. Historian. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to; New- bury: 1851. Harris, T. W. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. 1851. Williams, Stephen W. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Deerfield: 1851. Gowans, Wm. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. New York: 1851. Potter, C. E. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. Manchester: 1851. Snelling, Wm. J. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Boston: 18.37. Green, Joshua. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Groton: 1852. 7 Letters. 309 SMITH, WM., d.d.. Founder Univ. of Pa. A. L. S. 3 pp. Fol. 310 AMHERST, JEFFREY, Siu. (Gen. in French Wars.) A. L. S. Fol. 311 WOOL, J. E. Gen. U. S. A. A. L. S. 2^ pp. 4°. 312 JOHNSTON, JOHN. Author. Prof, at Middletown Univ. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1851. Rich, O. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. London: 1835. Davis, Isaac. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Worcester: 1852. Green, Dr. Joshua. A. L. S. 2 pp. Groton: 1852. Bell, Samuel D. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Manchester: 1851. Gowans, Wm. A. L, S. Ip. 4to: New York: 1851. 6 Letters. 3i:i DORCHESTER, TOWN OF. Petition of the inhabitants to the Governor and Deputies to adhere to the Mass. Patent. 2 pp. Folio. 1664. Signed by RICHARD MATHER, Gov. WM. STOUGHTON and 100 other citizens. ( — ) r-hn r\f // ^^ exceedingly rare and raluable historical XaJ \\0''^X^^^y(\X ^Sy^- document. The autograph of Rev. Rich'd {] Mather is especially rare, and the signatures are all of original and prominent Inhabitants of the town, the document bearing date only thirty-four years after lis settlement. 314 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. By-Laws for the Government of students, in Latin.' " Sam^i Kendall his Book. 1734r-5." 15 pages. Diary of a soldier at Crown Point. 1760. 14 pages. MSS. Sermon. 16 pages. 1772. 3 MSS. 315 HUNTINGTON, SAMUEL. Pres. of Cong., Gov. of Conn., Signer. Decl. A. L. S. Fol. 316 SCHUYLER, PHILIP, Gen. A. L. S. Torn in the margin, but, sig. perfect. 4°. 317 ABERCROMBY, JAMES. Copy of Military Order. 1 p. Fol. 1758. Amherst, Jeff. Copy of Military Order. 1 p. Fol. Shirley, Wm. Copy of Proclamation, 1 p, Fol. Boston: 1753. Shirley, Wm. Copy of letter to Lieut. -Governor. Lawrence. 4 pp. Fol. Boston: 1755. Erving, John, Jr. A. L. S. 2 pp. Fol. Boston: 1755. Interesting Historical MSS. 5 MSS. 318 SEWARD, W. IL, Gov. N. Y., Sec'y State U. S. A. L. S. 4". 319 SMITH, WM. Memb. O. Congress, U. S. Senator from S. C. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4°. 5 MANUSCRIPTS. 713 320 WADS WORTH, JAS., Gen. Rev. officer. A. L. S. 4°. 321 BOSTON. Miscellaneous Papers, 1740-1800. Lot. 322 WINTIIROP'S JOURNAL. Parts of a copy. 4°. 323 REVOLUTIONARY RETURN BOOK of 2d Mass. Regt., Col. Bailey, 1779-81. Pol. 324 LOT or BROADSIDES, Resolves, &c. (8.) 325 DRAKE, CHRIS. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4°. London: 1817. Channing, Dr. Walter. Check, signed. Phinney, Benj. D. S. 1 p. 4«. 1814. Gridley, Saml. A. D. S. i p. 4°. 1799. Davis, Caleb. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1778. Yernon, P. A. D. S. -J p. 4°. 1778. Grant, Charles. D. S. 1 p. Pol. 1815. 7 MSS. 326 CHANNING, Dii. WALTER. A. L. S. 1 p. 8°. Dawes, Rufus, poet. A. L. S. 1 p. 8°. Davis, Caleb. Dcgrand, P. P. F. Holyoke, Edward. D. S. ^ p. 4°. 1786. Hastings, John, Jr. D. S. i p. 4°. 1781. 6 MSS. 327 SHIRLEY, WM., Gov. of Mass. Doc. 4 pp. Pol. " State of the case of the bills drawn by Gov. Shirley for paymt. of expenses of exped. to Canada." Extract of letter from Shirley and Gov. Knowles to the Duke of Newcastle. 1 p. Pol. 1747. Copy of Lieut. -Gov. Lawrence's letter to Shirley. 9 pp. Pol. 1754. In- teresting Historical Docs. 3 MSS. 328 SPENCER, AMBROSE, C. J. N. Y. A. D. S. Pol. 329 HIGGINSON, STEPH. (pseud. " Laco "), Memb. Old Con- gress, polit. writer. A. L. S 4°. 330 PETTIT, CHAS., A. Q. M. Gen. Rev. army. A. L. S. Pol. 331 MATHER, INCREASE. Cases of Conscience concerning Witch- craft. 4°. This is the author's manuscript of the very rare tract printed at Boston and reprinted by John Dunton, London, 1693. It has been compared with the text, as printed, and found to differ very little with it, the exception being where Mather added here and there a paragraph or sentence after he read tlio proof-sheets. Tlie U.S. has sixty pages, of which tifty-four constitute the body, two the Contents, and four the "Introduction." In the printed tract, the '• Contents " are omitted. The " In- troduction " begins on the third page of the printed copy, — the only apparent tleflcienoy In the whole MS., —but as this part is 7wt in Mather's hand, it would probably have been supplied by Mr. Drake if he had not wished to preserve its unique character. Of the fourteen signatures appended to the" Introduction," those of Revs. VVm. Hubbard, JaiMEs Allen, 8aml. Willard, Saml. Phillips, Joseph Geukish, Jno. Wise, and Jos. Capen are autographs ; the others are added by Mather. Uubbard, the historian's, signature is especially rare. Twelve entire pages are in the handwriting of Mather, the rest being by amanuenses ; but nearly every page has the author's notes, refe ences, and interlineations, sometimes occupying the whole margin. 332 MELANCTHON, PHILIP, the great reformer. A small por- tion of his handwriting, attached to. A. L. S. W. B. Sprague, D.D. 333 BIDDLE, NICII. Prest. U. S. Bank. A. L. S. 4°. 334 ADAMS, J. Q. Prest. U. S. A. L. S. 4°. 335 WALDRON, RICHD. Prest. of N. H. D. S. 167G. 4to. 714 MANUSCRIPTS. 336 DEXTER, SAMUEL. Father of the Secy, of the Treasury. A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1802. Signed by Andrew Dexter. How- land, Benj. B. A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1828. Sewall, David. Copy of Will of. 3 pp. Folio. Signed by Wm. C. Allen. Sewall, Eliza- beth. Appointment as executrix of David Sewall. 1 p. Folio. 1832. Sewall, Elizabeth. Copy of power of attorney. 1 p. Folio. Taber, Constant. Copy of Will. N'ewport. 21 pp. 4to. 6 MSS. 337 PAINE, ROBT. TREAT. Signer of Decl. of Independence. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Taunton: 1779. Also on same page a letter signed by Genl. Horatio Gates; on opposite page, Pay Abstract of Capt. Nathaniel Snow's Company, of Col. George Williams' Regt., serving under Genl. Sullivan at Rhode Island. 338 WOLCOTT, OLIVER. Secy, of Treasury. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1800. Grant, Moses; Lothrop, Nathl. ; Greenough, Wm. ; Binney, Amos. Sullivan, Geo., Atty. Genl. of New Hampshire. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1803. Signed by Oliver Peabody and Nathl. Dearborn. 6 MSS. 339 OTIS, HARRISON GRAY. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1814. Col- man, Saml. ; Elton, R. ; Coffin, Joshua; Lee, Benjamin; Babcock, Adam. 6 MSS. 340 BELCHER, JONA., Gov. Mass. A. D. S. 1732. 4to. 341 ENDECOTT, JOHN, Gov. of Mass. Colony. A. D. S. (1647.) 4to. Note by Mr. Drake. One of the earlleBt and rarest of the collection. 342 BELLINGHAM, RICH'D, Gov. of Mass. Colony. D. S. (1653.) 4to. 343 PORTFOLIO. Thos. Fayerweather (an old Boston merchant.) Letters and Mercantile Papers. Boston: 1750-1787. 344 BOSTON. Portfolio of several hundred printed documents, exhibiting almost every form of mercantile transaction, shop-bills, lottery tickets, tax-bills, insurance policies, hand-bills, bills of lading, receipts, etc., between 1739 and 1803. Arranged chronologically. Many auiogs. 345 TAILER, WM. Lt.-Gov. of Mass. A. L. S. (1730.) 4to. 340 PENHALLOW, SAM'L. Historian, etc. A. D. S. 347 WHEELOCK, ELEAZER. First President of Dart. Coll. A. L. S. 4to. 348 THACHER, JAS., m.d. Rev. Army Surgeon. Author Med. Biog., etc. Autog. letter relative to his works. 4°. 349 HOPSON, Gen. E. From Louisburg, etc. 1747-57. 22 A. L. S. and A. D. S. Fol. 350 SHUTE, SAM'L. Gov. of Mass. (1717.) D. S. MANUSCRIPTS. 715 351 MOITCKTON, Gen. ROBERT. Autograph Letters from Bos- ton, St. Johns, etc., 1755-58. (4.) Fol. 352 13ASTIDE, Gen. J. H. Autograph Letters from Louisburg, London, etc. 1748-64. (19.) Fol. Bastide was military engineer at Louisburg. 353 MASS. BAY. Resolve respecting the property of Loyalists, passed Apr. 19, 1776. Broads. Fol. 354 CONNECTICUT. Thanks. Procl. Jona. Trumbull, Gov., Nov. 1778. Broads. Fol. 355 Act, Oct. 1776, to compel the furnishing of supplies to the Continental Army. Broads. Folio. Also, Resolve of Jan'y, 1779, respecting army clothing, etc. Fol. (2.) 356 NEW YORK. Speech of Gov. Clinton to the Assembly, Mar. 1747, on the French War. Broads. Fol. 357 HANCOCK, JOHN. Cushing, Thos., Lt.-Gov.of Mass. Bow- doin, Jas., Gov. Adams, Sam'l, Gov. By les. Rev. Mather, Wig- glesworth, E. Howard, S. Lathrop, J. Thatcher, Peter. Stillman, Sam'l. Eckley, Jos. Eliot, John. Author. 4to. All the sigs. after Adams are ministera of Boston in the Revolution. 358 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 1723-62. Chiefly New Eng- land, relative to hostilities with Canada. 1755-59. 359 WENTWORTH, PENNING. Gov. of N. H. A. L. S. 4to. 360 COPLEY, JOHN S. Eminent painter. A. D. S. 12mo. Very scarce. 361 DAVENPORT, R. A. A Dictionary of Biography. First Amer- ican edition, with numerous additions. Illustrated by 200 fine por- traits on wood. Boston: 1832. 8°. 527. Interleaved MS. addi- tions, by Mr. Drake, and portraits. 362 INDIAN SCRAP BOOK, from 1767 to the end of 1874. 4to. 368 pages, unbound. A collection of newspaper and other cuttings neatly pasted on sheets, arranged ready for binding. It would make three volumes, or two thick ones, when bound. With these and other materials Mr. Drake expected to enlarge his contributions to Indian history. 363 FARMER, JOHN. Historian. A thick volume of letters, writ- ten between 1828 and 1831, addressed to S. G. Drake and to Francis Jackson. Very many relate to the early days of the New Hampshire Historical Society. Port, of Farmer. 4to. Bound. 364 MATHER'S DECENNIUM LECTUOSUM. A History of Re- markable Occurrences in the Long War which New England hath had with the Indian Salvages, etc. 256 pages. Fol. Bound. Except thirty pages from the " Magnalia," this is a manuscript copy by Mr. Drake of the original tract printed at Boston in 1699; including, also, " The History of Ten Years Rolled Away," etc., printed in the same year. There is apagement, of ten pages of the original tract accompanying the MS. 716 MANUSCRIPTS. 3G5 BARSTOW FAMILY GENEALOGY. Manuscript of 76 pages, prepared by John Barstow, Esq., of Providence, 11. 1. 4to. Bound. The first entry goes back to 1473. There is a Preface by the author. 366 MARRIAGES AND DEATHS, American, during the year 1804. Cuttings, prepared for binding. 4to. 367 THE WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD. By Cotton Mather. Boston: 1693. MS. copy of 64 pages, by Mr. Drake. 4°. 368 ACADIA. Letters and Papers relative to the occupation of Acadia, 1754-'56. Autog. letters of Governors Armstrong and Lawrence, of Nova Scotia, miscellaneous business and legal papers, 172(>-'90. Fol. 369 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Votes for Gov. and Rep's in Congress, 181.3-14-15, by towns. 13 pp. 4to. 370 BOSTON. Receipt-book (1713-14) of Eliz. Meers. Many autogs. Bulkley, Jno., Townseud, Penn, Wm., Hutchinson, Ballard, J., Williams, Jno., etc. 20 pp. 4to. 371 ALLEN, ETHAN and WARNER, JONA. Vt. Patriots. A. D. S. 1768. 372 FOUR KINGS OF CANADA. Account of their presentation at Court by Sir A. Cuming. MS. Fol. 373 SEWALL, SAM'L, C. J. of Mass. Colony, etc. A. L. S. Dated Boston, 1707. 4to. 374 CAPT. W. MONTAGUE, commonly called Mad Montague, Let- ter and Certificate of, relative to the breaking into and damaging the Free School-house in Boston, March 10, 1744. (See Mass. Hist. Colls., vol. I, p. 111.) 375 17 COPIES of No. 80 of the New England Courant, Boston, Feb. 11, 1723. The first paper ever issued by Benj. Franklin. 376 HUMFREY, JNO., Dep.-Gov. of Mass. Colony. A. L. S. Fol. Full page. Letter dated Ipswich, which he helped to lay out, June 7, 1637. It refers to hostilities •with the I'eqaots, with many suggestions as to the policy to be pursued towards them. 377 NATICK, MS., Old Account-books kept at, before 1775. (2.) 378 PREBLE, JEDEDIAH, at Siege of Louisburg; Lieut.-Col. with Winslow in Acadia; Brig'r-Genl. in 1774, afterward Maj.-Genl. D. S. Ip. Folio. Boston: 1753. 379 PARSONS, SAMUEL H., Maj.-Genl. Revolutionary Army. L. S. Ip. Folio. Middletowu: 1786. To John Hancock. [Rare.] 380 PAYNE, JOHN HOWARD. Actor and dramatist; author of " Home, sweet home." A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. New York: 1836. Fine and interesting letter relative to Indian affairs. 381 HOWE, Dr. SAML. G. Pliilanthropist. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. Drake, James; Grant, M.; Parkman, Daniel; Bulfinch, Thomas; NeU, Wm. C; Wheeler, Dea. John. 7 MSS. MANUSCRIPTS. 717 382 EANDOLPH, ED. Collector of Mass. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. Attest to a copy of a petition by Jere. Dummer and others relative to a township in Casco Bay called North Yarmouth. 383 POCOCK, SIR GEORGE. K. B. Admiral of the Blue. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. Barbadoes: 1762. Another, D. S. 2 pp. Folio. Bar- badoes: 1762. 2 documents. 384 JACKSON", FRANCIS. MS. materials for the History of New- ton, Ms. 385 DUMMER, JEREMIAH. Mass. Agent in England. D. S, Ip. Folio. Boston: 1699. Lease of the " Sellar under the Town House in the Market place of Boston." Signed by Jonathan Tyng, Ad- dington Davenport, &c. 386 WILLARD, J. Judge of Probate. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1741. Hancock, Thomas. A. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1725. Holmes, Prince. A. D. S. 2 pp. 4to. 1752. Wilkes, Fra. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 173^. 4 MSS. 387 WREY, ROBERT. Major in British Army. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. Louisburg: 1758. Buttar, William. A. L. S. 2 pp. Folio. Louisburg: 1758. Doct. Invoice of sundries shipped to Louis- burg. 2 pp. Folio. 1761. Doct. List of oxen, horses, &c., on board sloop Industry for Halifax. 1 p. Folio. 4 MSS. 388 THOMAS, ISAIAH. Author of History of Printing. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1828. 389 LAWRENCE, CHARLES. British Gen., Gov. of Nova Scotia. A. L. S. 3 pp. Folio. 1756. 390 HOPKINSON, FRANCIS. Signer of Decl. of Independence. D. S. i p. 4to. 1779. Bill of Exchange. 391 FULLER, HANNAH.' D. S. 1 p. Folio. Dedham : 1700. Curious deed of gift of a Negro slave. 392 MARTHA'S VINEYARD. Dukes County. A Portfolio of Papers, chiefly legal. 1722 to 1800. Many autographs. A fund of information relative to tlie towns of Tisbury, Sdgartown, and Chilmark, and the ludiaas on M. Vineyard. 393 MATERIALS FOR BIOGRAPHY. A Cabinet of 37 cases, containing many thousands Biographical, Historical, and Genea- logical notes and memoranda gleaned from printed and manuscript sources. Also autographs chiefly pertaining to New England. Among the genealogies are those of Adams, Balch, Belcher, Cady (arms), Calef, Danforth, Davenport, Doolittle, Faneuil, Mother Goose (Vergoose), Fogg, Foote, Frye, Fowler, Bowes, Brett, Bum- stead, Cradocks, Dummer, Elmer, Hancock, Henchman, Josselyn, Jolyffe, Kidder, Kirkland, Mason, Mayhew, Moseley, Nicholl, Paine, Parkman, Perkins, Phillips, Phips, Roby, John Rogers, Russell, Quincy, Saltonstall, Savage, Scovill, Sherburne, Shirley, Sill, Simp- 3 718 MANUSCRIPTS. kins, Thatcher, Thomson, Tooke, Tompson, Turner, Tjmg, etc. AU- TOGRAPHS. Rev. John Hancock, 1736, Dan'l Henchman, Ste- phen Hipjginson, E. A. Ilolyoke, Jedediah Morse, David Ocliterlony, Thos. Paine; MS. Serms. by Rev. Jonathan Ashley, of Deerfield, 1746; Isaiali Thomas (Obit, of Cliandler), Judge Thomas Dawes, Millard Fillmore, Admiral Colvill, B. Goodhue (U. S. Senator), John Howard Payne, Sir Francis Palgrave (archaeologist) , James Part on. Sir Robert Peel, John Phillips, 1727 (fJook advert.), Frank Pierce, Major Robert Rogers, Josiah Quincy, John Sullivan, Robert Tem- ple, Penn Townsend. Sold with the black walnut cabinet. 394 BOSTOX LOCALITIES. A black walnut cabinet with 16 covers, in which are alphabetically arranged, by subjects, the col- lections of many years relative to public and private buildings, grounds, streets, alleys, wharves, bridges, institutions, cemeteries, clubs, societies, etc. Sold with the cabinet. Mr. Drake eonceived the idea of embodying this fund of materials in some permanent form, while completing his History of Bo«ton, and the appendix to that work contains several pages devoted to the purijose. It was, however, merely a beginning, for the additions of twenty years woul.i make a volume of respectable size. The materials consieit chiefly of extracts, copied from pablic records or newspapers by Mr. Drake, and of cuttings. It is a unique and valaable collection of gleanings from a thousand sources. Many of the memoranda are contributed by Mr. D., where his own recolk-c- tion goes to establish a link i:i the brokea chain of evidence. When a view or cut of a building could be obtained it was add-id to the collection. An idea of the method and arrangement of the collection may be gained by the following extract : — "Cabinet ano Chest of Draweus. Mr. John Miverick's sign in Middle Street, whi-re he 8 .Id 'choice good silv.r and gold lace; and also siKer buttons and thread and fine scarlet and blue cloth, with trimmings suitable thereto.' — N. E. JFeekly Journal, S Mar. 17J3.'> 39.5 DRAKE, S. G. Original MS. of Indian Biography. 396 Annals of Witchcraft. 337 " " " N-Qtes to do. 398 Mather's Relation. 399 Hubbard's Indian Wars. 400 Additions to Baylies' Xew Plymouth. 401 Founders of New England. 402 Catalogue, on slips, of Mr. Drake's first Library sold to Henry Stevens, of London, in 1858. 403 BOSTON. Births, Marriages, and Deaths, from 1855 to 1870. Newspaper cuttings. 404 FUNERAL SERMONS. Special card Catalogue, embracing several hundred titles of tracts printed and not printed. Alphabet- ically arranged. 12°. 405 WARREN, Gex. JOSEPH. Killed at Bunker Hill. D. S. 8«. Enlistment paper, dated •' In Committee of Safety, Cambridge, April 24th, 1775." Be- sides the sig. the blanks are tilled by Warren. MANUSCRIPTS. 719 406 HOPKINS, SAMUEL. Distinguished Divine and Author. *' Ilopkinsian system of divinity." A. L. S. 2 p. Folio. Newport: 1798. Interesting sienealogical letter. 407 POCOCK, ADMIRAL SIR GEORGE. D. S. 4 pp. Folio. 1762. 408 BOSTON TOWN HOUSE (now Old State House). Memorial relating to the Town House rents. 2 pp. Folio. 1711. Document relative to " building a new House where the Old Town House stood." 1 p. Folio. Another relating to the same. 2 pp. 4to. " An account of Rents received from severall persons." 1 p. Fol. 1686. 4 MSS. 409 BOSTON TOWN HOUSE. " Proposals for the Preservation of the Town House in case of fire." 1 p. Folio. " Lease of Town House cellar." 1 p. Folio. " Tarr for the Town House." 1 p. 4to. 1658. Extracts from Town Records relative to Land grants signed by Wm. Griggs. 1 p. 4to. 4 MSS. 410 GORE, CHRISTOPHER, Governor of Mass. A. D. S. ^ p. 4°. 1792. Eustis, Wm.,Gov. of Mass. D. S. -^ p. 4°. 1819. 2 Docu- ments. 411 GIBSON, JOHN, Jr. Auditor Genl. U. S. Treasury. L. S. 1 p. Fol. 1777. Steele, John. L. S. 1 p. 4°. 1798. Davis, John. L. S. 1 p. 4°. 1796. Kuhl, Henry. L. S. 1 p. 4°. 1795. Nourse, Joseph. L. S. 1 p. 4°. 1801. Anderson, Joseph. L. S. 1 p. 4°. 1820. Treasury letters. 412 RAND, ISAAC, Distinguished Boston physician. (See Thacher). D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1792. Otis, Samuel AUyn. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1805. Paine, Robert. A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1797. Amory, Jonathan. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1790. Flint, Royal. D. S. \ p. 4°. 1786. Johon- not, Andrew. D. S. \ p. 4°. 1787. 6 Documents. 413 WASHINGTON, GEO. Henley, Col. D.^ Palfrey, Wm.^ Har- rison, Robt. H.4 D. S. Fol. 2 Colonel in Continental Army, s a. D. C. to Q-ens. "Washington and Lee, afterwards Pay M. Genl. * A. D. C. to Washington, afterwards C. J. of Md. 414 GRAY, WM. , Lieut. Gov. of Mass. , eminent Boston merchant. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1815. Jeffries, John. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1794. Coffin, Peleg. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1797. Baldwin, Thos. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1807. Johonnot, Geo. S. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1811. Matig- non, Francis A. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1804. 6 Docs. 415 PHILLIPS, JOHN. First Mayor of Boston. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1822. Signed as Mayor. Brimmer, Martin, Mayor of Boston. A. D. S. ^ p. 4°. 1825. Quincy, Josiah (Senior), Mayor of Boston. D. S. I p. 4°. 1795. Shurtreff,Nathl. B., Mayor of Boston. A. L. S. 1 p. 4°. 1850. 4 MSS. 416 BROOKS, JOHN. Gov. of Mass. A. L. S. \ p. 4°. 1799. Winthrop, Thos. L., Lieut. Gov. of Mass. D. S. \ p. 4°. 1809. 720 MANUSCRIPTS. Moore, Thomas. "Boston Tea Party." A. L. S. ^ p. 4°. Edes, Benjamin. A. D. S. \ p. 4°. 1797. Parker, S. D. S. ^ p. 4°. 1801. 5 MSS. 417 PHILLIPS, JOHN, First Mayor of Boston. A. L. S. \ p. 4°. Sullivan, Wm. A. L. 1 p. 8«. 1809. Austin, Ben. D. S. \ p. 4°. 1817. Bulfinch,Chas., Architect. A. L. S. 1 p. 4°. Shurt- leff , Nathl. B. A. L. S. 1 p. 4°. 1851. 5 MSS. 418 ALDEX, JUDAH, Revolutionary Officer, Prest. of the Cincin- nati. A. D. S. i p. 4°. 1799. Bulflnch, Charles, Architect. A. L. S. \ p. 4fi. Phillips, John, Mayor of Boston. A. D. S. \ p. 4°. 1799. Purkitt, Henry. " Boston Tea Party." A. D. S. \ p. 4°. 1816. Morse, Jedediah. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1796. 5 MSS. 419 WLN^SLOW, JOHX, Revolutionary Officer. D. S. 1 p. 4". 1813. Baldwin, Loammi, Engineer in construction of dry docks at Charlestown, &c. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1817. 2 Documents. 420 PENX, WM., Founder of Pa. Original Grant to John Tanner of London, dated in 1681, signed and sealed by Wm. Penn. En- grossed on parchment. One of the very earliest doeuments relating to Penn*8 connection with Pennsylvania, drawn only a year after bis patent was granted and before he visited the new province. 421 CRADOCK, GEORGE, Collector of Mass. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1742. Newell, Timothy, Author of Newell's Diary. A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1759. Fleet, Thomas, Printer and Bookseller. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1742. Eliot, Samuel, A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1742. Hubbard, Tuthili, Postmaster of Boston in 1771. D. S. 2 pp. Fol. 1762. 5 MSS. 422 BOYLSTON, WARD NICHOLAS, Benefactor of Harvard Uni- versity. A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1808. Greenleaf, Stephen, Sheriff of Suffolk. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1742. Hubbard, Thomas, Treas. of Harv. Univ. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1755. Mason, Jonathan. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1742. Quincy, Edmund. A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1730. 5 MSS. 423 SPENCER, JOSEPH, Maj. Gen. in Revolutionary Army. L. S. 1 p. Fol. Providence: 1777. Relative to Military Affairs. [Fine and rare.] 424 WOODBRIDGE, TIMO. Distinguished Minister of Hartford, successor of Hooker. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Hartford: 1729. Inter- esting letter to Judge Samuel Sewall, with Sewall's indorsement of 10 lines. 425 LAFAYETTE, Marquis de. A. L. S. to Geo. Ticknor. 4°. 426 HEATH, WM. MaJ. Genl. in Revolutionary Army. L. S. 1 p. Fol. Boston: 1777. Robinson, Col. Jno. (Rev. Anny). Bouti- neau, James, Loyalist. D. S. 1 p. 4°. 1746. Signed also by Thos. Hancock. Phillips, Wm., Lieut. Gov. of Mass. D. S. Sm. 8°. 1820. Holden, John. A. D. S. \ p. 4°. 1778. Langdon, John, Gov. of N. H. A. L. S. 4 p. Fol. 5 MSS. MANUSCRIPTS. 721 427 BELKN"AP, JEREMY. Clergyman and Historian. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 178S. Hale, John P. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Portsmouth: 1797. Farrett, Samuel. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1707. White, John. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1791. Machon, Thomas. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1782. 6 MSS. 428 JEFFERSON, THOS., Prest. U. S. A. L. S. Dated Monticello, Jan. 31, 'IG, to Geo. Ticknor. 4to. 429 CHARLESTOWJ^", TOWN OF. Doc't relating to the bounds of Charlestown, and grants of farms to Mr. Wlnthrop, Mr. Nowell, Mr. Cradock, and Mr. Wilson. 1 p. Folio. 1677. Signed by Ed- ward Rawson. 4 Doc'ts relating to the same. Signed by Thomas Danforth. Each 1 p. 4to. 1633-5. " The names of such as are for freedom in Charlestowne." ^ p. 4to. 6 MSS. 430 DOVER, N. H., TOWN OF. " An Apology in ye Behalf of ye Towne of Dover agaynstt ye complaynt of pretended Aggrievances made By ye Inhabitants of Oyster Riuer Agaynestt ye say'd Towne." 2 pp. Folio. 1660. Signed by the Selectmen, and countersigned by Thos. Danforth, Edward Rawson, Elea. Lusher, Henry Barthol- omew, and Wm. Torrey. 431 MORTON, NATHANIEL, Sec'y of Plymouth Colony. Author of "New-England's Memorial." A. D. S. Ip. Folio. 1682. Fine specimen. 432 EXTRACTS FROM THE ESSEX GAZETTE (Salem, Mass.), from Dec. 28, 1773, to April 25, 1776, covering a most interesting period of Revolutionary history. Also, a number of letters from Rev. S. Mather to his son, Samuel, in the army of Canada, 1759. MS. by Mr. Drake. The extracts are confined to matters of public interest, and embrace the whole history of the Siege of Boston. The " Gazette" was printed at Cambridge until the evacuation, when it was removed to Boston. 4.33 BOSTON RECORDS, 1691 to 1768. MS. by Mr. Drake. Also, N. Bowen's Order-book, 1778 (during the military occupation of Boston under Gen. Heath and the sojourn of the Saratoga prison- ers). 12°. (2.) 434 COTTON, SEABORN. Sonof John Cotton. Born at sea. Min- ister at Hampton. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. 1678. Relative to the inability of Hampton to pay its subscription to Harvard College. [Fine and rare.] 435 DUDLEY, JOSEPH, Gov. of Mass. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1677. With 4 lines Autograph. 436 APPLETON, SAMUEL. Commander-in-Chief of the forces on the Conn. River in the Indian War. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 16S0. Relating to compensation of Richard Wait for injury "In ye tyme off ye Late war When ye town of Springfield was burnt by y* enemy." Signed also by Nath. Saltonstall, James Russell, Thos. Brattle, and John Wayte. 722 MANUSCRIPTS. 437- SCOTTOW, JOSHUA. Merchant and Author. " Old Men's Fears," &c. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Black Point : 1679. With 2 lines Autograph. Signed also by Thos. Scottow. 438 BRADSTREET, SIMON, Gov. of Mass. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1681. Signed as Governor. 439 DIARY OF JOHN HULL, Master of the Mass. Mint, 1634-82 MS. by Mr. Drake. 12°. 440 RELATION of what passed in the Mission of the Society of Jesus among the Hurons, etc., from 1649 to 1650. Pr. at Paris, 1751. MS. copy by Mr. Drake. Also, Book of Seals, Crests, Armorial Bearings, etc. (2.) 441 JOHNSON, EDWARD. Historian. Author of " Wonder-work- ing Providence," &c. D. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1663. Signed also by Richard Russell and Joseph Hills; being a report as a Committee of the Legislature to whom was referred the petition of John Harrison. See Drake's Boston, p. 381. Fine and rare. 442 DUDLEY, JOSEPH, Gov. of Mass. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1677. Petition of Sam. Partrigg, of Hadley, relative " to the fferrige of soldiers." 443 USHER, JOHN, Lieut.-Gov. of N. H. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1686. 444 PYNCUON, JOHN. Prominent in the History of Western Massachusetts and the Indian Wars. A. L. S. 2 pp. Folio. 1675. To Gov. Leverett. An interesting historical letter relative to Indian affairs. Fine and rare. 445 GROTON, TOWN OF. " The humble request of the inhabitants of the Town of Groton " relative to lessening their rates on account of Indian depredations. An A. L. S. of Simon Willard. 1 p. Fol. 1675. Signed also by James Parker. Interesting historical MSS. 446 DENISON, DANIEL. Major-Gen'l, Sec'y of the Colony, Judge, &c. A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1670. Signed also by Edward Tyng. Deposition relative " to the bounding out of a Pattent granted to M' Thomas Cammock then in ye possession of M' Henry Jocelyn." Fine and rare. 447 PEQUOTS. Petition of the Pequots at Poquatuck. Signed by Shebitums and Nesome " in the name and behalf e of the rest of the pequits." D. S. I p. Folio. 1664. " To the Honored Generall Court now Assembled at Bostoun the petition of the poor Distresed Pequits now Lining at Poquatuck." Fine. 448 KING PHILIP, alias Metacom, Chief of the Pokanakets. Demy or double folio. TbU document i« believed to be unique. Thouarh dated in 1672 it 1» in remarkabJe pres- ervHtion, the papi-r cle.in, the wriiing as clear and bright as on thu day it was ext-cuted. It Ib a deed from Philip to Congiaiil Souihworth, Treasurer of Plym^ Thomas ClarL. ^^^^^^^^ ^y.^^C^^^ They were ap- ^—^"^"'^ . <^-- — pointed to meet the King's Commissioners before New York rela- tive to the forces to be raised. This letter is written to Gov. Ende- cott upon that business. See Drake's Boston, pp. 453-4. Fine and rare. 453 J0H:N'S0X, EDWARD. Historian. Author of " Wonder- working Providence." D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1663. Signed also by Richard Russell and Joseph Hills. Document from the General Court relating to the increase in the supply of powder for saluting ships. See Drake's Boston, p. 381. Fine and rare. 454 ENDECOTT, JOHN. Gov. of Mass. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1656. Signed " J. E." with two lines Autograph. " A lyst of the Passin- gers abord the Speedwell of London, Robert Lock, master, bound for Xew England." 455 ATHERTOX, HUMPHREY. Major-General, Speaker of the House. See Drake's Boston, p. 361. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1655. Signed also by Fra. Norton, Jer. Howchin, and Edmon Batter. 456 HINCKLEY, THOMAS. Last Gov. of Plymouth Colony. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. Signed as Assistant. Rare. 457 GLOVER, JOHN. A member of the first company that came to New England with Endecott. See Drake's Boston, pp. 54, 55. A. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1638. Signed also by Thomas Starr. With MSS. copy by Mr. Drake. 458 PASCATAWAY. " An Inventory of the Goods and Implements belonging to the Plantations at Pascataway, and Newichewanock, in New England, July, 1636." 2 pp. Folio. Signed by Elisha Cooke. See Gen'l Register, 1848, pp. 40, 41. 463 1 724 MAiniscRiPTS. 459 JOHJ^SON, EDWARD. Historian. Came to ITew England with Winthrop, 1630. " "Wonder-working Providence of Sion's Saviour in Xew England." D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1059. Signed by Thos. Danforth, E. Lusher, Edward Rawson, and Wm. Torrey. With MSS. copy by Mr. Drake. 460 BACO^i", FFR. D. S. 1 p. Folio. " Whitehall: 1657." With 10 lines Autograph. " A petition of John Becx, John Pococke, Nicholas Bond, Wm. Beake, & others Merchants Adventuring to the Plantation of New England" to Oliver, Lord Protector, in rela- tion to the Iron Works in New England. In fine condition. 461 MASS. ACTS AND LAWS, May, 1753, Dec. 1760, May, 1764- Feb. 1765. Votes of the H. of Assembly, Bahama Islands, 1800. 462 HANCOCK PAPERS. Portfolio of Letters, Legal Instruments, etc., of Rev. Jno. Hancock, of Lexington, Ms., Thos. Hancock, Grov. Hancock, Mrs. Gov. H., and Ebenezer H. (brother of Gov. H.). 463 WINTHROP, JOHN, Gov. Mass. Aut. MSS. 4 pp. X » 7 Folio. General Court Records, C-/ 1642. Also, fac-simile of the first entry in the Town Records. 1 p. 4to. See Drake's Boston, p. 173. 464 DUDLEY, JOS., Gov. of Mass. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1676. " Yor poor petitioner in May last was taken prisoner by the enemy at Haverhill." 465 WINTHROP, JOHN, Gov. of Mass. D. S. 1 p. 4to. 1647. Signed twice as Governor, with 4 lines Autograph. On the opposite page an A. D. S. of Increase Nowell, Sec'y of Mass. Colony, one of the company with Winthrop in the " Arbella." Also, on the same page, an A. D. S. of Will™ Colbom, one of the Mass. Comp. with Endecott. Fine specimen. 466 Gov. of Mass. D. S. 1 p. Folio. Boston: 1645. A peti- tion to the General Court, signed by " John Winthrop Gou'," with 6 lines Autograph. Also, on the same page, an answer to the peti- tion, by Edward Rawson, signed again by " John Winthrop Gou ," See Winthrop's Journal, ii, 233. In fine condition, and a desirable specimen. 467 HIGGINSON, Rev. JOHN. Minister of the church in Salem. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Salem: 1674. "To y* Re' & beloved M' Whiting Pastor of y« church at Lyn." Reasons for opposing the forming a new church, &c. Fine and rare. 468 WENTWORTH^ J., Lt.-Gov. of N. H. A. D. S. (1716.) 469 RANDOLPH, EDWARD, Collector of Mass. A. D. S. 2 pp. Fol. 1680. " An appeal for Tryall of a Cause arising upon Seizure of y« Bark called the Guift of god of Jarsey," &c. See Drake's Hist, of Boston, p. 443, note. Fine specimen. MANUSCRIPTS. 725 470 LEVERETT, JOHN, Governor of Mass. A. D. S. \ p. 4to. 1675. Sifjned as Gov. 471 Gov. of Mass. Aut. MSS., signed. 2 pp. Fojio. 1666. "A narrative of tlie proceedings upon a complaint against Sir Robert Carr Knt." In tlie body of this MSS. isan A. L. S. of Leverett. See Drake's Hist, of Boston, pp. 373-4. Yery fine specimen. 472 CLAP, ROGER. Copy of vote of Dorchester granting him " five hundred acres of Land for a ffarme beyond the blew hills." 1 p. 4to. 1657. Copy of petion of Josias (Sachem) for " a Deed of gift of six thousand Acres at punkapaug." 1 p. 4to. 1667. Capen, John, of Dorchester. A., D. S. 1 p. 8vo. 1G67. "A List of ye names of those persons y* haue right of comonage." Ipswich. 1 p. 4to. 4 MSS. 473 TITHINGME2T. Petition of Wm. Bartholomew, Christ'r Clark, James Euerell, and others that " they had yett acted nothing therein," and requesting alterations in their organization. 1 p. Folio. 1677. See Drake's Bv,3ton, p. 428. Bendall, Edward. Copy of sale of Bendall's Dock to Thos. Clark. An A. D. S. of Edward Rawson. 1 p. Folio. 1651. 2 MSS. 474 ELIOT, JOHiq", the Apostle to the Indians. D. S. Fol. A petition in the hand of Bliot to the Gen. Court, 1664, to " stand fast " in its action to preserve the old chartered privileges of the colony. Signed by Eliot and 18 inhabitants of Roxbury. 21 names added by Eliot with his own hand. Very dne. 475 LANCASTER. Petition of Ralph Houghton, " an inhabitant in the towne of Lancaster being forced by reason of the incursion of the Heathen to leave his habitation," to have his rates remitted. 1 p. Folio. 1676. Signed by Torrey and Rawson. Endecott, John, of Boston. Copy of his Will, by Hilliard Veren. 2 pp. Fol. 1667. Deposition of John Drake. 1 p. Folio. 1679. Deposition of Rich'd Waite. 1 p. 4to. 1679. Both deps. written and signed by Isa. Addington. 4 MSS. 476 PENDLETON, BRYAN, Deputy-President of Maine. One of the Commissioners of Mass. to take the submission of Maine in 1652. Major Commandant of the Yorkshire Militia. See Willam- son's Maine,Vol. l,p. 686. A. D. S. 1 p. Fol. 1686. Interesting historical document relative to refusal of Capt. Scottow to render assistance when the Indians were burning Dunston. Fine and rare. 477 FIRST CHURCH IN BOSTON. Petition of a number of the influential inhabitants that the new House may be located at the Green, a place very nearly that on a part of which the Old South now stands. See Drake's Boston, p. 243. An interesting historical MSS. 3 pp. Folio. " This 17 d. 10 m. 1639." 478 LOAF BREAD BAKERS. Petition of John Man, Thos. Skin- ner, Wm. Hoar and others, for relief from an '' intollerable burden." See Drake's Boston, p. 437. 1 p. Folio. 1679. Robert Earlle, 726 MANUSCBIPTS. Prison keeper. Petition for relief, " is Like to be Kuinated by non- payment of what is dayely due to him for feeze and food of seuerall prisoners." A. D. S. 1 p. Folio. 1679. 2 MSS. 479 BRIDGES, ROBERT. One of the signers of the protest de- nouncing the wearing of long hair in 1649. See Drake's Boston, p. 315. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. 1653. In regard to his appointment as commissioner to settle the affairs of the " Iron workes." Order of Court relative to raising volunteers " ags* ye Dutch at Manhattan." 1 p. 4to. 1664. Order of Court relative to the estate of " y« late Capt. Lowthrop." 1 p. 4to. 1680. 3 MSS. 480 BOXD. Signed by Thos. Gretian, Anth'y Checkley, and Wm. Hallowell. 1 p. Folio. 1681. Written by Ed. Rawson and signed by him. Thomas Hill's petition for payment. 1 p. Folio". 1680. Indictment of Abraham Lee, of Cocheco, for counterfeiting. 1 p. Folio. 1686. 3 MSS. 481 COREY, GILES, of Salem. D. S. Med. One of the witchcraft sufferers, who was pr^ed lo death under the old English law- Deed of land In 1681. Slg. certified by Bartb. Gedney and Rlch'd Bhoades. 481a GORGES, FERDINAXUO. A. D. S. Fol. Deed of land in Wells, Me. 16S6. Has five sigs. 482 ROWLEY. «' The Ansuer of IS'ath'l Putnam, Atturney for the owners of the Iron works at Rowley village, to John Gould and Thos. Baker, their reasons of Appeal." 3 pp Fol. Copy of warrant against Gould and Baker. 1 p. Folio. 1674. Owners of Iron works, appointment of com. by them to repair the forge. 1 p. 4to. 1674. Copy of judgement agst. Gould and Baker. 1 p. 4to. 1674. Depo- sition of Blishman and Hoode relative to the Iron works. 1 p. 4to. 1674. MSS. 483 SAGADAnOCK. List of persons who took the oaths at Saga- dahock. 1 p. Folio. 1665. Copy by John Frost. Deposition of Miller, Sherborne and Raclif about " the ketch from eastuard with Indians at Fyal." 2 pp. Folio. 1676. " Strawbery banke," be- fore Elias Stileman, Petition of inhabitants of Countj' of Devon " on account of suffering by the barberous and blood thirstie hea- then." Signed by Ichabod Wiswall, James Giles, and Richard Collicott, with answer of Court. " Some convenient place within our Patent in the eastern parts may be Garisoned," etc. 1 p. Folio. 1676. Order of Court in relation to the choice of oflScers in the towns of Yorkshire. Signed by Wm. Hathorne. 1 p. 4to. 1663. See Colesworthy's Chronicles of Casco Bay. 4 MSS. 484 AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, etc. Original papers, letters, etc. (Manuscript going back to 1840; and the first cases under the Fugitive Slave Act.) Other papers of Francis Jack- son. Portfolio. MANUSCRIPTS. 727 485 EAELY NEWSPAPER SPECIMENS. N. England Weekly Journal (Boston), 1739^1; Independent Advertiser (Boston), 1749; Pennsylvania Gazette, Phila. : 175'J; Boston Gazette, 1760, '71; Massachusetts Gazette (Draper's), Boston: 1770-71. Mass. Spy, 1771; Essex Gazette, 1775; Royal American Gazette (N. York): 1777; Continental Journal; Providence Gazette, 1778-79 (29 nos.) American Herald (Boston), and many others. Large Portfolio. 486 BOOK OF AUTOGRAPHS: or, Autographical Biography. Prepared by Sam'l G. Drake. 4to. 382 pp. and Index. Tho nhort notloos nccompatiylng each name are such as happened to be known to mc at the time of writing. It was my origlial intention to confine these notices to such facts only as were not elsewhere to be faun J, etc. [Extract from note by Mr. D.] Thij collection, begun in 1835, contains in its 382 pages about 450 autographs, all of them of interest and many that are rare. A valuable and useful feature are the numerous biographical notices by Mr. Drake. The book has an index made by him and an intro- ductory note, and is certainly unique in the method by which It obtains historical value. The future owner will have in compact and portable form an autographical collection culled from widely scattered sources and arranged by a discriminating hand. Some of the autographs entitled to special mention are, Sam'l Penhallow (historian), Benj. Church (the traitor), Penn Town.send, John Hancock, J. Q. Adams, Deborah Sampson, Jno. Foster Williams, O. Wolcott (signer), Timo. Pickering, Gov. Jas. Sullivan, Gov. Jno. Winthrop, Ed w. Handulph, Hufus King, Presid'ts Madison, Fillmore, and Adams, R. T. Paine (signer); Gen. Putnam, Gov. Jona. Trumbull, Phil. Livingston, (signer): CoBsar Rodney, do.; M. Weare (first pres'tN. H.); J. K. Polk, Fr. Hopkin^on (>igiier) ; Com. John Kodgers, E. Rawson, Bec'y of Mass. Colony ; Gov. Strong, of Mass., Aaron Burr, Col. Jona. Titcomb (Rev. army), M. Van Buren, Jno. Pynchon, Noah Webster, P. Van Schaack, Baron Steuben, Lord Morpeth, Dion Lardner, Muhlon Dick- erson, J. C. Cilhoun, Oxonbridge Thachur, Wm. Bollan, (Mass. Agent in England), Gov. Leverett, Pres't Jackson, T. H. Benton, Col. Westbrook (of the Indian wars). Gov. Belcher, Jas. Bowdoin, Jr. (founder of Bowdoin Coll.); Timo. Farrar, Royal Tyler (Rev. patriot), Nic. Shapleigh (Me.) Many are autograph letters or documents signed, and a large proportion are of very early date. 487 DAYIS, SILYANUS, at Damariscotta; wounded in 1676; after- wards at Falmouth; had a grant from Pres. Danforth; prominent under Andros. See Williamson's Maine, Vol. 1, p. 671. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1679. Relative to the removal of inhabitants from the west to the east side of Kennebec River, by Sir Ed. Andros, at Pemaquid. Deed of land on west of Kennebec River from Darrum- kin, Sachem, to Lawrence Dennis. (Copy by Dan'l Moulton.) 3 pp. 4to. 1685. 2 MSS. 488 CLARK, THADDEUS. A. L. S. 1 p. Folio. " From Casco- bay, 14, 6, 1676." " Gen. Corban & all his family, Gen. Lewis & his wife, James Ross Sc all his family, Gen. Durham, John Munjoy & Danl. Wakely, Benj. Hadwell & all his family are lost, all slain by Sun an hour high in the Morning & after." Interesting histori- cal letter. 489 YORKE C0U:N'TY. Copy of Report of Nich's Shapleigh, Ed. Rishworth, and Sam'l Wheelwright upon complaints against Josh'a Scottow for refusing aid in the fight against the Indians. 1 p. Fol. 728 MAIRTSCRIPTS. 1676. Signed by Ed. Rawson. Deposition of Miles Edgescome relative to the same. 1 p. 4to. 1676. Josh'a Scottow's bill of costs against Mr. Rishworth. 1 p. 4to. 1676. 3 MSS. 490 EASTERN INDIANS. Deposition of Henry Horvvood relative to assault on Garrison at Wells. " After seuerall shott shut in upon us, came in one, waiter gendle to treat with us, his first salutation was with tears, that he was A poor captiue & y' he was sent by gen- erall mogg." Interesting, historical. 1 p. Folio. 1676. Order for impressment of men for the Eastward. 1 p. 4to. 1676. Order of Court, written and signed by Ed. Rawson, " to send 150 men with prouisions & Amunition & cloathes to Capt. Hathome for York- shire." 1 p. 4to. 1676. 3 MSS. 491 NARRAG ANSETT. Order of Court for compensation " to Maj. Appleton for arms & clothes lost at the firing of his tent at Narra- gansett." 1 p. 4to. 1676. Order of Court (by Danforth and Tor- rey) for laying out lands at Saco. 1 p. 4to. 1676. Order relating to the advance of supplies for the soldiers. 1 p. 4to. 1676. Order for arrest of John Scottow and John Endecott, executors of Andrew Sheppard. 1 p. Folio. 1677. Petition of 26 " Troopers under Capt. George Corwin for dismission," with order of Court, by Ed. Rawson. 2 pp. Folio. 1677. 5 MSS. 492 BOSTON. Early Mercantile Papers, Bills of Exchange, Shop Bills, Play Bill, Boston Theatre, 1806 (torn). Sigs. of Stephen Minot, Jno. Timmins, Jno. Sowden, Wm. Horner, etc. (20.) 492a Same. Adams, Sam'l (father of the patriot). Price, Ezek., Carter, Jas. (writing-master), Brimmer, H., Amory, J. and A., Eliot, Sam'l, etc. (15.) 493 GENERALS REVOLUTIONARY ARMY. Horatio Gates, Wm. Heath, Jos. Spencer, John Sullivan, John Greaton. D. S. (5.) 494 GORGES, FERDINANDO. D. S. Deed of 1686 of land, etc., in Wells, Me. Fol. 495 FREEMAN, NATH'L. Rev. patriot. A. L. S. Fol. 496 SHARPE, GIBBENS. Rev. patriot. [See Siege of Boston, p. 23.] Smith, Wm.,Kuhn, Jacob, Eckley, Jos., Rev. [All of Bos- ton.] D. S. (4.) 497 BRAINTREE. Copy of warrant of attachment of goods of Rich'd Thayer for trespass upon land of Roger Clap. 1 p. Folio. 1680. Deposition of James Moball, Nath'l Mott, and Martin Saun- ders relative to same. (3 Docs.) Each 1 p. 4to. 1680. Captain Roger Clap. Bill of costs against Rich'd Thayer. 1 p. 4to. 1680. All the above written and signed by Isa. Addington. 5 MSS. 498 HAWLEY, JOSEPH. Rev. patriot. A. L S. Fine and rare. Fol. 499 ARMSTRONG, Gen. JOHN. (Author of the celebrated New- burgh Letter, Sec'y of War, etc.) A. D. S. Same doc. has sigs. of Gren. Hor. Grates and Col. Isaac Pierce. Fol. ENGRAVINGS. SPECIAL FOREIGN COLLECTION. 8°. 600 EUROPEAN AND ASIATIC SCENERY, etc. 35. 601 ENGLISH SCENERY, Battles, etc. 41. 602 LONDON, Old and New. Illustrations of early and late date. Many rare copperplates. Lot of 43. 603 HISTORICAL CHARACTERS. Geo. Castriot (Scanderbeg), Joan of Arc, Alva, John of Leyden, Sir Henry Morgan, etc. Lot of 18. 504 Wm. Wallace, etc. Lot of 19. 505 Sir Nath. Bacon, etc. Lot of 20. 6i'6 Lord Say and Seal, Home Tooke, etc. Lot of 21. 507 • John Bradshaw, James Naylor, etc. " " 22. 50S Lord Holland, Pembroke, etc. Lot of 17. 609 Earl Percy, Count D'Orsay, etc. Lot of 18. 510 Ralph Bigland, Geo. Heriot, etc. " " 19. 611 Thos. Case, Andrew Cant, etc. " "20. 512 Thos. Hearne, Van Helmont, etc. " of 21. 613 Sir Isaac Heard, Edward Hatton, etc. Lot of 22. 514 Kings and Queens of France. Lot of 26. 515 " " " " England. " " 33. 516 Queens of England. " " 18. 617 Kings and Queens of England. Duplicates. 518 English Princes. 519 Kings of Germany, Austria, and Prussia. 520 " " Spain and Russia. 521 " " Denmark, Poland, etc. 522 Popes of Rome. 523 AUTHORS. Adam Smith, Herbert Croft, etc. 524 Wm. Alabaster, Chesterfield, Roscoe, etc. 525 James Harrington, Zachary Grey, etc. 526 Jeffrey, Beauclerc,Bolingbroke, etc. 627 Atterbury, Bentley, Barrow, etc. 528 Porson, Isaac Walton, Schlegel, etc. 529 HISTORIANS. Camden, Purchas, etc. 530 Stow, Dugdale, Spelman, etc. 531 Gibbon, Hallam, Thiers, etc. Lot of 38. u u 16. (( 11 11. 11 (( 12. u a 28. (( (( 11. (( u 18, u u 20. U (( 21. u u 22. U ii 23. il u 24. u u 20. li ii 22. [( il 22. 730 ENORAVINOS. 532 PHYSICISTS, AI^D NATURALISTS. Newton, Boyle, Lin nseus, etc. Lot of 21. 633 Pascal, Roger Bacon, etc. " " 25. 634 Napier, Lyell, etc. " " 28. ■ 535 POETS AND DRAMATISTS. Wither, Marvell, Lansdowne, Waller, Fulke Greville, etc. Lot of 17. 536 Gray, Congreve, etc. " " 16. 637 Herrick, Cowley, Harrington, etc. " " 18. 638 May, Middleton, Swift, etc. "" 19". 6:}9 Gower, Otway, Parnell, etc. " " 20. 640 Michael Drayton, Rovve, etc. " " 21. 541 John Skelton, Davenant, etc. " " 24. 542. PORTRAITS, ENGRAVED FOR GRANGER'S BIO- GRAPHICAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Nearly all unique likenesses of historical characters of the 16th and 17th centu- ries. 8° size. This series is very rarely met with. 643 ENGLISH CIVIL WAR. Civil, political, military, and naval Portraits, illustrating that period. Many of them exceedingly rare. 8° size. Lot of 180. 644 DIVINES. Claude, Chandler, &c. Lot of 19. 545 Hughes, Hitchin, Henry, «S;c. Lot of 20. 646 Langford, Fuller, Baxter, &c. Lot of 21. 547 Sparkes, Cradock, Shower, Sec. Lot of 22. 648 Annesley, Henry, Edwards, &c. Lot of 23. 649 MARTYRS AND FATHERS OF THE CHURCH. WicklifE, &c. Lot of 20. 550 PRELATES. Chicheley, StilHngfleet, &c. Lot of 25. 551 EMINENT PREACHERS. Baxter, Wesley, «&c. Lot of 20. 552 THEOL. WRITERS. Atterbury, Sherlock, &c. Lot of 20. 553 ASTRONOMERS AND MATHEMATICIANS. Herschel, Hutton, Maskelyne, Bradley, &c. Lot of 21. 554 ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, AND INVENTORS. Wren, Watt, Brindley, Wellwood, Smeaton, &c. Lot of 20. 555 BEAUTIES, COURT LADIES, «fec. " 26. 556 ELIZABETHAN AGE. The statesmen, poets, warriors, and eminent personages conspicuous in; containing many scarce por- traits. 8° size. Lot of 98. 657 NAVAL. Vernon, Hawke, Rainier, &c. Lot of 25. 558 Kempenfeldt, Hughes, &c. " 26. 559 Rooke, Nelson, Collingwood, &(;. " 27. 560 Anson, Duncan, Spragge, Sec. " 24. 561 Graves, Onslow, Affleck, &c. " 28. 562 FRENCH REVOLUTION. Tallien, Mme. Roland, Mirabeau, Necker, Rocbejaquelein, Beauharnais, Barnave, «&c. Lot of 36. ENQRAVIN08. 731 663 LAWYERS. Early: Littleton, North, Chauncy, Sir John Yaughan, Jeffreys, Ley, &c. Lot of 13. 664 Hale, Noy, Soraers, &c. " 20. 665 Mansfield, Romilly, TIardwicke, «&c. Lot of 17. 566 Brougham, Erskine, Lyndhurst, &c. " 21. 667 MILITARY. British: Abercrombie, Elliot, Blakeney, &c. Lot of 15. 568 Heath field, Havelock, Coote, &c. Lot of 18. 569 NOVELISTS. De Foe, Richardson, Beckford, &c. " 27. 570 ODD AND ECCENTRIC CHARACTERS. " 18. 571 MILITARY. Foreign: Gonsalvo, Eugene, &c. " 24. 572 PHILOSOPHERS. Berkeley, Jacob Behmen, «S;c. '« 20. 573 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. " 33. 574 TRAVELLERS, EXPLORERS, AND NAVIGATORS. 29. 575 PHILANTHROPISTS AND REFORMERS. Lot of 44. 576 PAINTERS AND SCULPTORS. Flatman, Lely, &c. 26. 677 Foreign: Rubens, Canova, Da Vinci, &c. Lot of 15. 678 MUSICIANS AND COMPOSERS. Arne, Burney, &c. 7. 579 STATESMEN. 16th cent. : Wolsey, More, &c. Lot of 18. 580 17th cent.: Shaftesbury, Temple, Russell, &c. " 19. 581 Clarendon, Godolphin, &c. " 20. 582 18th cent.: Walpole, Pelham, &c. " 20. 583 Newcastle, Halifax, Burke, &c. " 22. 584 Malmsbury, Grenville, Dundas, &c. " 23. 585 19th cent.: Canning, Peel, D'Israeli, &c. " 34. 586 Foreign: Sully, Machiavel, Richelieu, Albuquerque, Mazzini, De Plessis d' Argens, Bentivoglio, Requesens, &c. Lot of 20. 587 AGE OF LOUIS XIV. Lot of 27. 588 VOCALISTS. Pasta, Wood, Jenny Lind, &c. " 10. 589 DRAMATISTS. Colman, Sheridan, &c. " 18. 590 ACTORS AND ACTRESSES. Peg Wofflngton, Cibber, &c. Lot of 22. 591 Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Jordan, &c. Lot of 20. 592 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Lord Hillsborough, Wm. Eden, Geo. Grenville, Jenkinson, Lord John Cavendish, Sir Geo. Collier, Gen. Grey, Sir Guy Carleton, Lord Rawdon, &c. Lot of 96. 593 100 ENGLISH MISC. PORTRAITS. No duplicates. 2i^=T/te Folloivlng are of Extra Size, for Illustration : 594 NAVAL. Capt. James Cook. Fine proof. 4°. Albert Hoffay, engr. John Benbow. 4°. Fine. De Ruyter. 4°. Rare. Duncan. 4°. Sir Charles Wager, John Shortland, Robert Roddam, Sir George Pocock, Sir John Franklin. Fine. Chas. Knowles, Du- quesne, Capt. Cook. 4°. Edward Boscawen. 4°. &c. Lot of 20. 732 ENQRAVINOS. 595 POETS. Sir S. Garth. Fine proof. 4°. Cook, engr. Wolcot (P. Pindar). Fine proof. 4°. Dryden, Corneille, Chaucer. Large 8°. Pine, Andrew Marvell. 4°. Rare. Edward Lloyd. 4°. Rare. John Milton. 4°. Fine. Wieland. 4°. Bernard Barton. Large S**. Fine. Scott. Large ^°. Proof. Schiller. Bust. Fine. Wm. Julius Mickle. 4°. Stained. Wordsworth. Large 8°. Fine. Chateaubriand, Voltaire, Gray, Pope, Watts, T. Moore, etc. 25. 596 LODGE PORTRAITS. One of the finest series of English heads ever engraved. Earl of Worcester, Mary Sidney, James, Earl of Derby, Fulke Greville, Archibald, Marq. of Argyle, Lord Bacon, Sir Henry Wotton, Bishop Burnet, Sir Robert Walpole, Monk, Earl of Albemarle, Marlborough, Prince Rupert, Lord Clive, Marquis of Granby, Sir Isaac J^ewton, John Selden, Archb'p Laud. 25. 697 Cranmer, Sir F. Walsingham, Wolsey, Lord Seymour of Sudeley, Anne BuUen, Cath. Parr, Sir Thos. Bodley, Lord Burleigh, Thos. Cromwell, Sir Thos. More, Lord Paget, Lord Capel, Lady Arabella Stuart, Jane Seymour, Earl of Leicester, Sir Philip Sidney, J. Russell, Earl of Bedford, Howard, Earl of Nottingham, Thos. Sackville, Earl of Dorset, Edward, Lord Xorth. 31. 598 EUROPEAN HISTORICAL. Wm. Lenthall, Speaker Long Parliament; Wm, Lilly, astrologer; Sir Thos. Lunsford; Sir John Hotham; Geo. Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, ob. 1605; John Russell, Earl of Bedford, ob. 1555; Jerome Cardan; Tycho Brahe, astrono- mer; Henr}^ Burton, &c. 42. 699 MILITARY. Sir Philip Sidney. 4". Very rare and old. Wil- liam, Earl of Craven, on horseback. 4°. Rare. Sir John Penning- ton, Daley, eng. Fol. Rare. Robert Vere, Earl of Oxford, ob. 1632. Rare. Sir Francis Vere. 4°. Rare. Col. Dukinfield. 4°. Rare. Robert, Earl of Essex. 4°. Fine. Fleetwood. Golden, engr. Fol. Fine. John Hampden. 4°. Fine. Wm. Blakeney. 4°. Rare. Marlborough. Large 8". Fine. Lord Heathfield. 8°. Large, fine. Schomberg. 4°. Fine. Sir C. Campbell. Large 8°. Fine. &c. Lot of 19. 600 CELEBRATED DIVINES. Swedenborg, John Murcott, ob. 1654. Geo. Chalmers, Charles Wesley, Rev. Gilbert Tennent, Chris- topher Love, Athanasius Kircher, Edward Kelly. 55. 601 TREE, Miss M., as Viola. 4to. Mezzot. Fine. Mills, engr. 602 WEST, BENJAMIN, R.A. Painter. Fol. Fine. W.Daniel, eng. 603 WOLFE, Gen. JAMES. Fol. Fine and rare. 604 WOLFE, Maj. Gen. Quebec in the background. Purcel, engr. Fine and rare. 605 SPEED, JOHN. Antiquary. 4to. Rare. 600 SIDNEY, PHILIP. Folio. Tasssert, enjjr. 607 TOWNSHEND, Hon., Col. ROGER. Killed at Ticonderoga. Fol. Fine and very scarce. Monument in Westminster Abbey. Fol. Fine. (2.) ENOBAVINGS. 788 608 PITT, WM., on crutches. "II faut declarer la guerre k la France." Scarce. Birket, eng; 609 PENN, Admiral, father of Wm. 4to. Lond. Earlom, engr. 610 KOCKINGHAM, Marquis, ob. 1782. Large. 8°. Fine. (Lodge's coll.) 611 EAYNAL, ABBfi. Historian. 4to. Fine. Trotter, engr. Scarce. 612 RODNEY, Sir GEORGE BRYDGES. Fol. Fine mezzot. 613 SOULT, Marshal. Fol. Lith. Fine. 614 MISCELLANEOUS. Alex. Ross; Paracelsus; Mrs. Warren, actress; John Abernethy, surgeon; Lord and Lady Byron, Mme. Roland; Adam Smith; Mrs. Elizab. Frye; Samuel Hearne, anti- quary; LeKain. French actor, etc. 55. 615 HARDY, Admiral Sir CHARLES, Gov. of N. Y. Large fol.. Mezzot. Dickinson, engr. 616 HENRY IV, of France. 4to. Very fine. Miller, eng. 617 LELY, Sir PETER. Painter. 4to. Rare and fine. Marco Pitteri. engr. 618 LORD NORTH. 4to mounted. Pub. May, 1777. Same. 4to mounted. Pollard, engr. Rare. (2.) 619 NAPOLEON. From Gerard's painting of the Battle of Auster- litz. Dixon, engr. 620 JEROME NAPOLEON. 4to. Very fine. 621 DRAKE, Sir FRANCIS, with globe and compass. 4to. Very rare. W. M. Sculp. Same. Fol., with sea fight. (2.) 622 With globe and coat of arms. Fol. Very rare. De I'Ar- mesin, engr. 623 With dedic. to Sir P. Sydenham. Fol. Scarce. L. White, engr. 624 FROBISHER, Sir MARTIN. Navigator. 4to. India proof. Schoff, engr. 625 GRAMMONT, Marshal of France. 4to. Very fine. Ede- linck, engr. 626 COOK, Capt. JAMES. 4to. Fine. Sherwin, engr. 627 CHATHAM, Earl. Fol. Fine. . W. Hill, eng. 628 CORTES, HERNAN. G. Virtue, engr. From Titian. Folio. Rare. 629 CHALMERS, GEORGE. Historian. H. Cooper, engr. Folio. Rare. 630 COLUMBUS. From the marble bust at Genoa. Folio. India proof. Cooper, engr. 631 DARTMOUTH, WM. Earl. Ob. 1810. 4to. Fine proof. Rare. Warren, eng. 632 ASHBURTON J. DUNNING (Lord). Eminent lawyer, ob. 1782. 4to. Scarce and fine. Bond, engr. 4 734 ENGRAVINGS. ea^ JOHN BULL'S HOUSE IN FLAMES. Coppcr-platc cng, Fol. 634 BLAKENEY, Gen. Sir WM. Fol. Fine mezzotint. Thos. Hudson, engr. 635 BURGOYNE, Gen. JOHN. Lord Cornwallis. Proof impres- sions. 4to. Hillyer, engr. (2.) 636 CORNWALLIS (Marquis). From the last painted port. 4to. Fine. Meyer, engr. 637 ROYAL PERSONAGES. Anne of Cleves, wife of Henry VIII, Prince and Princess of "Wales, Don John of Austria, Caesar Borgia, Pope Joan, Richard III. Large 8vo. Fine. Mahomet Ali, John of Leyden, Elizabeth, Edward III, «&c. (24.) 638 MILITARY AND NAVAL. Capt. Luttrell, Christopher Minns, 16(56, Thos. Pasley, Sir Thos. Pictou, Sir Eyre Coote, Sir Edward Berrj', R. R. Bligh, George Darby, Gen. Lasalle, Admirals Crosby and Alan Gardner, Gen. Fleetwood-Havelock, John Lilburne, Adm. George Darby, Dampier, 6 French Marshals on a sheet, Sir T. Holies, &c. (25.) 639 STATESMEN, &c. Palmerston, Spencer, Percival, Sir Robert Peel, O'Connell, Lord Wm. Bentinck, Bolingbroke, Harley and Atterbury, J. P. Curran, Gove Ouseley, Earl Macartney, «&c. (11.) 640 BRIT. SOVEREIGNS. James I. Fol. Vanderbruch, engr. James II. Fol. A little stained. Same. 4to. Ciomwell. 4to. Bust. Fol. Fine. Do. Full length. William III, Queen Anne, George L 4to. Fine. George III and Family. 15 full lengths on one sheet. George IV.. 4to. On throne, full dress. Victoria. 4to. Fine. Prince Albert. 4to. Steel. (19.) 641 Elizabeth. 4to. Various. (4.) Henry VIII. Do., do. (4.) John, "Wm. Conqueror, Henry VII. 4to. Henry VII. Large, 8°. Fine. Catharine of Arragon. Vermeulen, engr. Fol. Fine. Mary, Queen of Scots. Fol. Thos. Hunt, engr. Very fine. Same subject. 4to. Various. Mary of England. 4to. Lady Jane Grey, &c. (20.) 642 Fol. Eng. by G. Virtue. Alfred, Stephen, Egbert, James I, of Scotland, Henry I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, Edward II, III, IV, V, and Black Prince, Henry, Lord Darnley, Charles 11. (18.) 643 FRENCH SOVEREIGNS. Louis XVIII. 4to. Fine. Francis I. Charlemagne, Charles I, Charles IX. Uniform. 4to. Louis XIII. De L'Armesson, engr. 4to. Fine. Margaret, wife of Louis Le Bel. de Jode. engr. 4to. Scarce and fine. Mary de Medicis. 4to. Fine. Charlotte de Montmorenci, Princess of Conde, 1609. Full length. Fol. Very fine. Clovis. 4to. Henry IV. Large 4to. Lith.,&c. (20.) 644 BONAPARTE. Various. SolUoquy at Calais. (Caric.) Folio. ENGRAVINGS. 735 Eoichstadt. 4to. Louis Bonaparte, Joseph Bonaparte, Napoleon III, &c. 07.) 645 EUROPEAN SOVEREIGNS. Frederick the Great. Fol. Very fine. Ferdinand II, of Austria. IGol. Fol. Rare. Isabella, of Castile. Full length. Very rare. Gustavus Adolphus. Fol. Rare. Philip II, of Spain Virtue, engr. Fol. Rare. Henry, of Nassau, ob. 1696. 4to. Rare. Joseph II, of Germany. Full length, Large 8**. Catharine II, of Russia. Large 8°. Fine. Alexander I, of Russia. 4to, &c. (1.3.) 646 MILITARY, FRENCH, &c. Ccesar. Fol. Very fine. Gusta- vus Adolphus. Large, fine. Alva. Fol. Rare. William of Orange. Fol. Rare. Count Mansfield Rare. Vendome. Large 8°. India proof. Fine. Due de Bourgogne. Do. do. Moreau. Steel. Large 8°. Soult. Steel. Large 8°. Villeroy. 4to. Rare. Canrobert. 8°, large. Pelissier. 8", large. Massenda, Berthier, Soult. 4to. 15. 647 SCIENTISTS. Prof. Dumas. Large 8°. Fine. Sir H. Davy. Large 8° Fine. Wm. Bowyer. 4to. Rare. Lavater. 4to. Newton. 4to. Fine. Ortel, geographer, ob. 1598. Fol. Very rare. Coperni- cus. 4to. Fine. R. Thoroton, m.d. 4to. Rare. Buffon. Large 8°. Fine. Rob. Boyle. 4to. Cuvier. Large 8°. Fine. J. Callot. Engr. fine. Erasmus Darwin, Dr. Gall. 4to. Lith. Dupuytren. 4to. Lith. Des Genettes, Napier, of Merchiston, Gasper Barlseus. Fol. Fine. Very rare. Thos. Mudge, &c. Lot of 20. 648 Copernicus. Large 8°. Fine. Halley. 4to. Fine. J. H. "Wollaston. Large 8°. Fine. Dr. Thos. Young. 4to. Fine. Robert Stephenson. Large 8°. Fine. Sir John Sinclair, Sir Isaac Newton. 4to. Fine. Do. Large 8". Very fine. Sir John Leslie, Gall, phre- nologist. 4to. Pascal, Sir Humphrey Davy. Large 8°. Fine. Boyle. 4to. Fine. Arago. 4to. Lith., &c. Lot of 17. 649 ARTISTS. Vandyke, Titian. W. Hill, eng. Fine. Sir Wm. Chambers. 4to. P. Nicholson. 4to. Fine. Gilbert Stuart, Nolle- kens. 4to. Fine. W. Hogarth. 4to. Fine. Handel. 4to. Fine. H. Cooke, J. Hayden. Fol. Lith. Michael Angelo. 4to. Very fine, etc. Lot of 14. 650 EARLY STATESMEN, etc., Sir John Coke, Sec. of State. (Rare.) Henry, Earl Percy, ob. 1649. (Rare.) R. Cecil, Earl of Salisbury. 4to. (Fine.) Archb'p Williams, Lord Keeper. (Fine.) 4to. Card. PoIq. 4to. (Fine.) Count Gondomar, Span. Ambass. 4to. (Fine.) Will. Somers, Henry VHIth's Jester. 4to. Full length. (Rare.) Anne Clifford, Countess of Pembroke, etc., se. 81. May, engr. 4to. (Rare.) John, Vise. Dundee. Fol. (Rare.) James, Duke of Hamilton, ob. 1649. P'ol. (Rare.) Etc. Lot of 13. 651 HISTORICAL CHARACTERS. Sir P. Sidney, R. Cecil, Earl of Salisbury; Lord Norris, Marq. of Worcester, Earl of Sussex; Lord Willoughby, Lord Buckhurst, Earl of Leicester. All uni- 736 ENGRAVINGS. form. 4tosi«e. Pub. by Smeeton, Lond. Sir Wm. "Walworth. 4to. Eare. Francis, Earl of Bedford, ob. 1585. Cook, sculp. 4to. Fine. Sir T. More, Woodman, engr. Fine. John Hamden. 4to. Fine. Lord Bacon. 4to. Fine. Etc. Lot of 15. 652 STATESMEN, MODERaST. Earls Grey and Spencer, Wilber- force, Duke of Grafton, "Walpole, Sir "Wm. Morrice, Palraerston, O'Connell, etc. 20. 653 NOVELISTS. "Walter Scott, Capt. Marryatt, Dickens, Charlotte Elizabeth, Sue, Thackeray, etc. Lot of 11. 654 EUROPEAN STATESMEN, etc. Colbert. De I'Armessin, eng. Fol. 1680. Turgot. Fry, eng. Fine. Guizot. Lith. Fol. Due de Lauzun. 4to. Fine. Card. Ximenes. Fine. Talleyrand. Philippe d'Orieans, Regent, etc. Lot of 16. 655 LAWYERS. Judge Littleton, " the true portraiture." Full length folio. Very rare. Sir John Vaughan. R. White, sculp. Fol. Rare. Hugo Grotius. 4to. Fine. Holt, Lord Chief Justice. 4to. Fine. Bacon, Sir Nich. 4to. Rare. Sir Jona. Barrington. Rare. Somers. Fine. PufEendorf . 4to. Rare. Sir Matthew Hale. 4to. Fine. Grattan. Bust. Fine. Etc. Lot of 15. 656 MISCELLANEOUS. Thos. Gent, of York, se. 80. 4to. Rare. Mrs. Coutts. Granville Sharp, philanthropist. Cromwell's Porter. 4to. Full length. Rare. Daniel Lock. 4to. Fine. Oberlin. Lady ■ Byron, etc. Lot of 22. 657 AUTHORS. Thomas Wood, ll.i>. Fol. Rare. Harris, Johan- nes, a.m., f.k.s. White, eng. Fol. Rare. Tindal Nicholas, historian. Fol. Rare. Rapin, historian. Goldar, eng. 4to. Rare. Richard Newcourt. J. Start, eng. Fol. Rare. Sir Roger I'Estrange. White, engr. Fol. Rare. Conyers Middleton. Echardt, eng. 4to. Fine. John Fox, martyrologist. Fine. Sir Wm. Curtius. Rosa, eng. 4to. Eare. Patrick Colquhoun, ll.d. Matthew Sylvester, etc. Lot of 15. 658 AUTHORS. Dr. John Shebbeare. Father Prout (F. Mahoney.) 4to. Fine. Peter Bayle, critic. 4to. Rare. Diderot, philos. Ryder, eng. 4to, Rare. Sir Egerton Brydges. 4to. Adam Smith. Hill, engr. Fine. Mrs. Elizab. Turner. 4to. Rev. James Townley, m.a. 4to. Fine. L.C.Sturm. Rycant, Sir Paul, historian. Scarce. Gibbon. 4to. Fine. Rev. James Granger. 4to. Scarce. Mrs. Priscilla Wakefield. Erasmus. Griscom, eng. Fine. Lot of 16. 659 DIVINES. Ridley, Bp. of London. Scarce. Bishop Ferrar. Scarce. Fine. John Knox. Cranmer. 4to. Fine. Archbishop Abbott 4to. Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich. Rev. Wm. Bates, ob. 1699. Imperf . Lot of 9. 660 FROBISHER, Sir MARTIN (9) and Winslow, Gov. Ed. (2.) Extra paper. Fol. Proofs. 9. 661 CAPT. JAS. COOK. 72. 12°. ENGRAVINGS. 737 AMERICAN SUBJECTS. 661a AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. 16. 662 AMERICAN BATTLE PIECES. 29. 663 AMERICAN VIEWS. 61. 664 AMERICAN VIEWS. 50. 665 BOSTON. Views of public buildings, etc. About 50 in all. 666 INDIAN MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. Portraits, etc. 8°. 34. 667 NIAGARA FALLS. 10 different views on copper and steel. 668 AMER. MILITARY AND NAVAL HEROES: Gen. Harmar, Dan'l Boone, B. Church, Gens. Sullivan, Dearborn, Jackson, Lin- coln, Ward, Washington, Williams, Scott, Halleck, Lyon, etc., Corns. Preble, Du Pont, etc. 28. 669 CELEBRATED AMERICAN DIVINES. Chauncy, Prince, Mather, Colman, Rogers, Beecher, Edwards, etc. 16. 670 AMERICAN GOVERNORS, chiefly of N. England. Winthrop, Leverett, Shirley, Vane, Hutchinson, Stoughton, Bradstreet, Bur- net, Endicott, Adams, Dudley, Hancock, Winslow, Trumbull (Ct.), Pierce, Woodbury (N. H.), Ogden (N. J.), &c. 22. 671 CELEBRATED COLONIAL PERSONAGES. Govs. Shirley, Endicott, Hutchinson, Stoughton, AVinthrop, Winslow, Hancock, Leverett and Vane, Ed. Rawson, Sir Wm. Johnson, etc. 27. 672 PRESIDENTS OF THE U. STATES. Washington, Adams, John, Adams, J. Q., Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Polk, Madison, etc. 17. 673 EMINENT AMERICANS, chiefly statesmen. Webster, Kent (Chancellor), Phillips, W., Fulton, R., Greeley, H., Franklin, Doug- las, Clay, Cass, Crittenden, Calhoun, etc. 31. 674 AMERICAN AUTHORS AND MERCHANTS. Col. D. Humphreys, G. R. Minot, Cotton Mather, Farmer, Halleck, etc 22. 675 77 SELECTED AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Folio. 676 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, , Indian Portraits, Manners, etc. 56. All folio. 677 125 MISCELLANEOUS PORTRAITS AND VIEWS. SPECIAL BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS. 678 HISTORY OF BOSTON (Drake). 22 extra plates. Frobisher, Sir F. Drake, Sir R. Saltonstall, Hugh Peters, Edw. Winslow, Rev. Chandler Robbius, Henry Ware, Jr., John Lathrop, Govs. Shirley and Hutchinson, Sir Wm. Pepperell, Josiah Winslow, King Philip, Col. Church, Sec'y Rawson and wife, Rev. I. Mather, Judge Sam'l Sewall. 738 ENGRAVINGS. 679 BRADFORD'S HIST. OF 1MLA.SS. Rev. John Rogers, Govs. Winthrop, Bumet, Bradstreet, Col. Church, Gen. Artemas AVard, Rev. Inc. Mather, Rev. Charles Chauncy, Rev. Cotton Mather, Sec'y Rawson. (11.) 680 MATHER'S KIXG PHILIP'S WAR. 4to size. Rev. Inc. Mather, Cotton Mather, Thos. Prince, John Cotton, King Philip, Col. Church, Govs. Leverett, Stoughton, Bradstreet, and Jos. Dud- ley, Sec'y Rawson, Ninigret. (13.) 681 MATHER'S BRIEF HISTORY. King Philip, Sec'y Rawson, Col. Church, Gov. J. Winslow, Stoughton, Leverett, Bradstreet, Jo. Dudley, Rev. Cotton Mather, Thos. Prince, John Cotton, Inc. Mather. (12.) 682 COFFIN'S HIST. NEWBURY. Sketch of the Author. Gov. Jo. Dudley, Judge S. Sewall, Edward and Rehecca Rawson, Gov. Bradstreet. (5.) 6S3 KNAPP'S SKETCHES OF PUBLIC CHARACTERS. Inc. Mather, Gov, J. Dudley, Sir Wm. Johnson, Judge Story, Gov. Hutchinson, Fisher Ames, Gen. Sullivan. (7.) 684 BAYLIES' NE;W PLYMOUTH, with Drake's Additions. Judge Baylies, Col. B. Church, Inc. Mather, King Philip, Sir H. Vane, Thos. Prince, Daniel Webster, etc. (21.) 685 HOYT'S ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES. Sir Wm. Pep- perell, Wm. Pynchon, Admiral Boscawen, Endecott, Winthrop, Bradstreet, Jo. Dudley, Rev. John Davenport, Rev. John Cotton, the Mathers, Winslow. Stoughton, Col. Church, King Philip, Sam'l Sewall, Sir Wm. Johnson, Capt. John Smith, etc. (32.) 686 JUNIUS.' A. Onslow, Lord North, Dukes of Richmond, Cum- berland, and York, Earls Temple, Mansfield, Oxford, Sandwich, Cromwell,Wm. Beckford, Coke, Loughborough, Serg't Glynn, Rob't Walpole, Lord Sheffield, Grenville, Rockingham, Henry Pelham, Wm. Pitt, Lord Hood, Sir Edward Hawke. (25.) 687 TURNER'S HIST. OF ENGLAND. 4to or folio. Fine and many very scarce heads. Henry VIII (various), Jane Seymour, Catherine Parr, Catherine of Arragon, Anne of Cleves, Wolsey, Thos. Howard, Card. Pole, Cromwell, Earl of Essex, Cranmer, Mary Queen of Scots, Francis I, Fischer, Erasmus, Bishop Gardiner, Sir Thomas More, James IV, Margaret of Parma, Charles V, of Germany, Charles, Count of Busquoy, Card. Andreas, of Austria, Don Pedro, Conde de Fuentes, Ernest. Archduke of Austria, Ma- thias, Archduke of Austria, Philip de Mamix, Sancho de Avila, Lamoral, Count Egmont, Cardinal Granvelle, etc' (47.) 688 CAMDEN'S BRITANNIA. A series of 55 very fine and rare portraits illustrating the reigns of Elizabeth, Philip II, of Spain, Henry IV, of France, etc., many in folio and quarto size. Wm., Earl of Pembroke, Henry, Prince of Conde, Anne of Cleves, Cath- ENORAVINQS. 739 erine de Medicis, Mary, Countess of Pembroke, Joanna, Queen of Spain, Thos., Earl of Arundel, Queen Mary, of Eng., Sir Horace Vere, Sir Francis Vere (all small.) Mary, Queen of Scots, Philip II, of Spain, Elizabeth, James I, Alexander Farnese, Margaret of Parma, Cardinal GranvftUe, Count Mansfeldt, Anth. Bourbon King of Navarre, Charles IX, of France, Due de Guise, Don John, of Austria, Sir H. Palayicine, Lord Bacon, Francis, Earl of Bedford, Robert, Earl of Essex, Philip III, Spain, Spinola, Archduke Albert, of Austria, Elizabeth, Infanta of Spain, Henry of Navarre, Mau- rice, of Nassau, Earl of Leicester, Francis, Due d'Alen9on, Re- queseus, William of Orange, Count Home, Charles, Due de Biron. (All folio.) 689 50 ILLUSTRATIONS OF SCENERY, chiefly English. 690 PRINCE'S WORTHIES OF DEVON. 4to size. Many rare and curious. Admiral Spragge, Sir Thos. Bodley (India proof), Earl Spencer (very fine), Sir George Strode, Admiral Opdam, Joseph Glanvill, John Stow, Peter Martyr (R. Houston, fecit), Sir N. Carew, Charles, Baron Montjoy, Earl Fortescue (Ind. proof), Arthur, Lord Chichester, Sir F. Drake, Bishop Jewell, Sir J. Haw- kins. (48.) SPECIAIi AMERICAN COLLECTIONS. The following are of suitable size for illustration. 691 EARLY EXPLORERS AND NAVIGATORS. Capt. John Smith, Magellan, Pizarro, La Salle, Columbus (various), Drake (various), Cavendish, Dampier,Vespucius, Cortes (proof), Frobisher (proof), Sir John Hawkins, Ralegh (various), De Soto. 4to. Fine. (46.) .692 WAR OF 1812. MILITARY. W. O. Butler, Jacob Brown, Jona. Williams, Van Rensselser, Zach. Taylor, Scott (various), Z. M. Pike, John McNeil, Macomb, S. W. Kearney, A. Jackson, John E. Wool, Leslie Coombs, George Croghan, S. H. Walker, etc. (38.) 693 AUTHORS. RELIGIOUS. Sam'l Hopkins, Ballon, Balfour, Jesse Appleton, N. Worcester, H. Ware, Jr., Dr. Vinton, Albert Barnes, Lyman Beecher, Elihu Palmer, F. W. P. Greenwood, Judge Edwards, O. A. Brownson, Stephen Olin, Nath'l Emmons, Nath'l W. Taylor, James P. Wilson, d.d., Thos. Whittemore. (23.) 694 PHYSICIANS. T. R. Beck, Daniel Drake, John Clark (1661), Nath. Chapman, Caspar Wistar, James Tilton, Spurzheim. W. A. Alcott, Benj. Rush, Winslow Lewis, T. C. James, W. Ingalls, E. A. Holyoke, J. S. Ewing, W. P. Dewees, S. Danforth, J. S. Dorsey, Henry Bond, Nath'l Coffin, Samuel Thomson, etc. (41.) 740 ENGRAVINGS. 695 INVENTOES, SCENTISTS, etc. Count Kumford, B. Silli- man, Alex. Wilson, Sam'l L. Mitchell, S. F. B. Morse, Donald Mc- Kay, Dr. Lardner, Nath'l Hard (eng.), Fulton, Walter Folger, Cyrus W. Field, Jere. Day, Tench Coxe, Zerah. Colburn, Nath'l Bowditch, J. Chickering, etc. C-^9.) 695 Alex. Wilson, Audubon, S. Blodgett, A. J. Downing, Eli Whitney, Humboldt, S. Slater, Fulton, Benj. Silliman, Dr. Solan- der, E. G. Squier, N. D. Kogers, Denison Olmsted, Joseph Priestly, etc. (27.) 697 LAWYERS. Wm. Wirt, Samuel Shaw, W. Sampson, Eeverdy Johnson, James Kent Story, Theop. Parsons, John McLean, Theo. Sedgwick, Stoughton, Sewall, J. W. Campbell, Wm. Lewis, J. Catron, Rufus Choate, Ellsworth, Wm. Cranch, J. L. Kingsley, etc. (33.) 698 DIVINES. J. Nichols, Asa Burton, John Codman, N. Colver, Harry Croswell, E. Cornelius, Benj. Dorr, d.d., Ezra Stiles Ely, d.d., Asa McFarland, E. A. Huntington, d.d.. Dr. Helmuth, Alvan Hyde, Joel Hawes, d.d., Lemuel Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Judson, Levi W. Leonard, Bishop R. C. Moore, Bishop C. P. Mcllvaine, etc. (54.) 700 EARLY HISTORICAL. (4*' size, suitable for illustrating.) Capt. Thos. Coram, Gov. Endecott, Wm. Penn, Cavendish, Thos. Prince, Columbus, Gov. Bradstreet, Rev. John Cotton, &c. 20. 701 Wm. Penn (various), Sir Peter Warren (rare), Roger Wil- liams, Sir Henry Vane, Gov. Shirley (photog.). Rev. Jos. Sewall, Gen. Oglethorpe, Ninigret (Ind. chief), Sir Henry Morgan (bucca- neer). Cotton Mather, Increase Mather, James Logan, Gov. Lev- erett, Edward and Rebecca Rawson, Samuel Purchas, &c. 27. 702 STATESMEN. Sumner, Wm. Smith, Jerem. Smith, Gov. Sum- ner, J. J. Speed, Randolph, R. Rantoul, Wm. Phillips, Papineau, John Phillips, Abbott Lawrence, Amos Kendall, Gov. Knight of. R. I. (rare), T. A. Jenckes, J. S. Johnston, R. Y. Hayne, Sam. Houston. 31. 703 EARLY HISTORICAL. John Winthrop, Gov. J. Winthrop of Conn.,Zinzendorf, AVhitefield, Gov. Endecott, P. Stuyvesant, George Lord Baltimore, Cecilius Calvert, Bishop Berkeley, Frederick Lord Baltimore, Columbus, Drake, Sir F., Dampier, Frobisher, Hawkins, Raleigh, Capt. John Smith, Hugh Peters, Rev. Thos. Prince, &c. 25. 704 Large size, fine. Rev. John Cotton, Sir Wm. Fepperell, Rev. Samuel Deane, Joseph Dudley, Hugh Peters, Louis XIV, Whitefield, Gov. Winthrop, Sir H. Vane, Rev. Gilbert Tennent Talon, Rev. Thos. Smith, Capt. Thos. Coram, Gov. Stoughton, Rev. Charles Chauncy (proof), Gov. Endecott, Gov. Leverett, Gov. Burnet, S. Stoddard, Col. B. Church, S. Shrimpton, Col. Briggs Alden, «fcc. 22. ENGRAVINGS. 741 705 WAR OF 1812. Naval: Johnston Blakeley, Wm. Bainbridge (various), I. Chauncey (scarce), Lord Cochrane, Decatur, J. D. El- liot (rare), Thos. Gamble, Isaac Hull, Jacob JoneS, Lawrence, Mac- donough, J. R. Dacres (Capt. of the Guerriere), Perry, Sir P. Par- ker, David Porter, Rodgers (very rare), Charles Stewart, J. T. Shu- brick, Sir J. B. Warren, L. Warrington, Sir J. Lucas Yeo, Wm. H. Allen, James Biddle, &c. 42. 706 Civilians: Lewis Cass, De Witt Clinton, Henry Clay, Webster, John Randolph (full length, walking), Fisher Ames, T. H. Benton, J. Q. Adams, J. A. Bayard, A. J. Dallas, Gallatin, Felix Grundy, Jefferson, Monroe, Wm. Pinkney, J. C. Calhoun. 22. 707 REBELLION. Military: D. K. Couch, Berry, Anderson, Averill, Beauregard, Rosencranz, Blenker, Sherman, Sheridan, Scott, Sigel, Slocum, McClellan, Meade, McCall, Lyon, Mansfield, McDow- ell, Halleck, H. J. Hunt, Grant, Fremont, Corcoran, Ellsworth, Caldwell, Dix, Wool, &c. 51. 708 ARTISTS. H. Inman, Benj. West (various), E. G. Malbone (rare), Gilbert Stuart, Allston (various), etc. 15. 709 REBELLIOIS'. Naval and Civilian: Com. Wilkes, Dupont, Foote, Farragut, John Rodgers, Fernando Wood, S. P. Chase, John Cochran, Jeff. Davis, Andrew Johnson, Fred. Douglass, Sam. Hous- ton, Burlingame, Wm. Sprague, E. H. Stanton, Joseph Holt, W. H. Seward, Parson Brownlow. 27. 710 EDUCATORS. N. C. Brooks, T. Dwight, Jona. P. Cushing, Rev. Francis Brown, Noah Webster, Jona. Edwards, J. E., Jr. (va- rious), Alex. M. Fisher, R. Finley, D. D., Chauncey A. Goodrich, C. B. Haddock, J. T. Kirkland, E. Lane, F. Wayland, N. Lord, H. B. Lane, Rev. Zeph. Swift Moore, Rev. Eliph. Nott, W. A. Stearns, W. Stoughton, D. d., N. Smith, m. d., T. D. Woolsey, J. D. Philbrick. 4° proof. 31. 711 AUTHORS. Historical: F.Baylies, Minot, Everett, W.Irving, Schoolcraft, E. D. Ingraham, L. M. Sargent, J. H. Sheppard, Royal R. Hinman, Ramsay, John W. Francis, John Frost, John Farmer, Henry M. Dexter, H. W. Cushman, W. Cothreu, with autog. letter, Miss Caulkins, R. C. Winthrop, Wm. B. Trask (photog.), 4°, Rev. Thaddeus M. Harris, 4°, D. Benedict. 25. 712 T. L. McKenney, J. G. Locke, Irving, J. T. Irving, School- craft, Caleb Butler, N. Boutou, Chas. Brooks, Henry Bacon, W. D. Williamson, Winterbotham, S. F. Vinton, D. T. Valentine, Isaiah Thomas, Ezra Stiles, Robertson, E. Parish, Jacob Porter, Rev. John Pierce, Jas. S. Loring. 24. 713 POETS. Halleck, Jane E. Locke, Fields, Robert S. Coffin (Bos- ton Bard), McDonald Clarke (rare), Charles Wesley, Edgar A. Poe, ■ R. T. Paine, Jr., Sarah Edgarton (Mrs. Mayo), Wm. B. Tappan, J. B. Taylor, Geo. P. Morris, N. P. Willis, J. Blair Linn (rare), Saxe, C. M. Sedgwick, Charles Sprague, &c. 26. 742 ENGRAVINGS. 714 STATESMEN". Garret D. Wall, John Wentworth, Gov. Morton, H. C. Murphy, Ferd. Wood, Francis Thomas, W. T. Biddle, Thos. H. Benton (various), Govs. John and Saml. O. Bell of I^. H., Lu- ther Bradish (proof), Fisher Ames, John Anderson, &c. 24. 715 ADAMS, J. Q. (Various.) 11. 716 HENRY CLAY. (Various.) Lot of 15. 717 WEBSTERIANA. Portraits, &c. (Various.) 11. 718 REFORMERS AND PHILANTHROPISTS. George Thomp- son (India proof, fol.), Duncan Mcintosh, J. T. Hopper, S. Wor- cester, S. Peck, Isabella Graham, Amos Lawrence, Gallaudet, Greeley, J. H. W. Hawkins, Owen, Fanny Wright, Garrison, Love- joy, Wendell Phillips (4°, fine), Charles Sumner. (29.) 719 MERCHANTS. T. P. Cope, Jas. G. King, George Law, J. J. Astor, Girard, James W. Crooks (4°, proof), Calvin Fletcher (Ind. proof, 4°), Moses Taylor, George Peabody, Patrick T. Jackson (with * autog.), Asa Clapp, Nath'l Curtis, Jed. Huntington, R. H. Ayer, &c. 36. 720 THEATRICAL. Anna Bishop, Burton as Bottom, G. Frederick Cooke, Forrest (various), Mrs. Hilson, Mrs. Horn, Hodgkinson, Hill (Yankee), Miss Kelly, Jenny Lind, Wallack, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Miss Vandenhoff as Juliet, VandenhofF as Adrastus, John Howard Payne, Sam'l Phelps, Macready, Mrs. Mowatt, &c. 48. 721 ECCENTRIC CHARACTERS. Jos. Smith (Mormon Prophet), Wm. Miller (Adventist), Wm. Morgan (a Masonic mystery), David Crockett, Jacob Knapp (Revivalist), Eliza Wharton (the Coquette), Rev. Eph'm K. Avery, Lorenzo and Peggy Dow, George Latimer, Dan. Lambert, Jr., &c. 47. 722 ADAMS, JOHN. 4°. N. Dearborn. 72;} ADAMS, SAMUEL. 4°. (Mounted.) Paul Revere, engr. Unique. 724 4°. India proof. From Copley. 725 Gov. of Mass., 1795. From Johnston's picture. Unique. 726 ALLAN, JOHN. Collector. India proof, large paper. Brad- ford Club. Autog. Letter of C. C. Moreau. 727 ARNOLD (Col.) Fol. f length, Quebec in background. Lond., pub. by T. Hart, Mar. 26, 1776. Very rare. 728 ACKLAND, Lady HARRIET. 4°, Rare. (Inset.) 729 APPLETON, NATHAN, Appleton, Samuel. Fine India proofs. Fol. (2.) 730 BROWN, MOSES. Merchant. India proof , large paper. Brooks, Peter C. Merchant. India proof. Fol. (2.) 731 BRADISH, LUTHER. India proofs, large paper, before the letter. Same, lettered. (2.) 732 BLOOMFIELD, JOSEPH, Gov. N. J. Very scarce. 73.3 BRIGHT, SAMUEL, Ancestor of the American Brights. 4°. Proof fine. EN0RAVINQ8, 743 734 CLIITTON", Gov. GEORGE. 4°. Maverick, engr. 735 CURTIS, GEORGE WM. 4°. With autog letter. 7.^6 Same. 4". With autog. letter. Proof before lettering. 737 CIIASTELLUX (Marquis). 4°. Rare. 738 CLINTO:?^, DeWITT. 4°. Fol. 739 Large fol. Prudhomme, engr. 740 CRAWFORD, W. H. , Statesman of Georgia. 4°. A. B. Durand , engr. 741 CEIANJ^ING, W. E. Fol. Hoogland, engr. 742 DEANE, SILAS. Rare. 743 DUG HE, Rev. J., Chaplain to Congress. 4". Rare. 744 DUYCKINCK, GEO. L. India proof. 745 DOWSE, THOMAS. Beq. valuable library to Ms. Hist. Soc. India proof, large paper. 746 DAVIS, THOMAS A., Mayor of Boston. Fol. 747 EMMONS, Rev. KATHANIEL. 4°. India proof. Edwards, Jona. 4°. India proof. Eddy, Capt. Joshua (Revol. officer). 4°. India proof . (3.) 748 EVERETT, EDWARD. 4°. India proof, very fine, before letter. 749 EJ^DECOTT, Gov. JOHK Large 4°. India proofs. (2.) 750 FRAXKLm. Full length. Curious and rare. 751 Seated, blowing the fire. Curious and rare. 752 With pen. 4°. Phila.: 1804. Haines, engr. 753 Seated. "Envoy to the French Court." Scarce. 754 With fur cap, Paris. 4°. St. Aubin, engr. Scarce. 755 Seated. " Les Lois de la Pensilvanie." Fol. India proof, ship in background. 756 From Duplessis' port. Large fol.' Fine. 757 Half length, lightning backgi'ound. Antill, engr. 758 FRANCIS, Dr. JOHN W. India proof bef. letter, by Bent, from a sketch by Gollmann. 759 FARRAR, Judge TIMO.,Frobisher, Martin. Fol. Proofs. (2.) 760 GATES, HORATIO, Esq. (Maj.-Gen.) Fol. London: 1778. Very scarce. 761 GO WANS, WM. Bookseller. Fol. India proof . 762 GAINES, Gen. EDWARD P. 4°. Doney, engr. 763 GAGE, Gen. THOMAS. 4''. Lith. Same. 4°. Mounted. Very rare. (2.) 764 GREENWOOD, Rev. F. W. P. Fol. Fine. 765 GRISWOLD, ALKX. N. Bust. Fol. Lith. 766 GEORGE III. Full length. Curious. Fol. Rare. Stutler, engr. 767 GRENVILLE, Sir RICIIxiRD. Early explorer. Fol. Mounted. Scarce. 744 ENGBAVINQS. 768 GRAHAM, JOHN A., LL.D., of Yt. 40. Evans, engr. Scarce. 769 GRAHAM, JAMES. Historian of America. Scarce. 770 GUERRERO. South American General. Fol. Lith. 771 HOPKmS, Com. EZEKIEL. | length. Eol. London: 1776. J. M. Will, engr. 772 HANCOCK, Hon. JOHN. From an orig. painted by Littleford. Fol. Lond., C. Shepherd, 25 Oct. 1775. An excessively rare en- graving. 773 HOLLIS, THOMAS. Benefactor of Harv. Coll. 4°. 774 HOWE, Admiral Lord. Fol. Rare. Carbutt, engr. 775 HARTLEY, DAVID, M.A. 4°. Lond.: 1790. 776 HARRISON, WM. H. Fol. Fine. Kimberly; engr. 777 JONES, JOHN PAUL (2). Both scarce and curious. 778 JEFFERSON. "D6die au Gen. Lafayette." Fol. Very fine. Dequevanvillier, engr. Rare. 779 JOHNSON, Gen. Sir WM. Fol. Lond. : 1756. Spooner, engr. Rare. 780 INDIAN CHIEFS. Red Jacket, Nen Mathta. 4°. (2.; 781 (4.) Folio. Full length. Printed and sold by John King at y* Globe in y' Poultrey, Lond. Tee-Yee-Neen, Emperor of the Six Nations. Eton-0-Koam, King of the River Nation. Ho-Nee- Yeath, King of the Gener-ethgarich. Sa-Ga-Yeath, King of the Maquas. The four Indian Kings presented to the Queen of Eng. , May 2, 1740. 782 Same. 4° size. Faber, engr. (3.) 783 BLACK HAWK, Son, and Prophet. On one sheet. 784 KNOX, Gen. HENRY. 4to. Proof. G. W. Smith, eng. 785 KIRKLAND, JOHN T. Pres. Harv. Coll. 4to. Lith. 786 GATES, CHARLES LEE, Hancock, Gen. Howe, Gen. Sir H. Clinton, Gen. Green. Engr. for Murray's Hist. Amer. War. (6.) 787 THOMSON, CHARLES, Sec. to Congress. 4to. Very rare. 788 HUNTINGTON, S., Pres. of Congress. Very rare. 789 JOHN JAY, W. H. Drayton, Gen. Gates, Baron Steuben, Lond B. Wilkinson, 1783. Copied from Du Simitiere. (4.) 790 LAURENS, HENRY. 4to. Neagle, engr. 791 LIVINGSTON, Gov. WM., of N. J. Silhouette. Rare. 792 LEE, Gen. CHARLES. India proof bef. letter. 4to. 793 LAFAYETTE in Frame. 4to. B. Tanner, engr. 794 Full length, hat in hand. Fol. Fine. 795 LAWRENCE, Capt. JAMES, U. S. N. Fol. Mounted. Pro- file. Fine and scarce. 796 Elegy and Funeral trophy, on silk. 797 MISCELLANEOUS. J. W. Barber, Rev. John Davenport. W. B. Sprague, H. Hall, W. Allen, Bishop VVainwright, Bishop Brownell. Pynchon, W. Penn, Eb. Fox, Tristam Burges, George, Lord Baltimore, Park Benjamin, G«o. B. Cheever, etc. (24.) ic?roRAViNos. 745 798 Queen Isabella, Moses, Mendelssohn, T. Cutts, Duke of Bed- ford, Isaac Backus, Bishop Parker, Jere. Smith, Rev. W. Emerson, Thos. Paine, Ezra Stiles, Thurlow B. Trumbull, etc. (21.) 799 Jere. Evarts, King Philip, S. G. Goodrich, J. Quincy, Rev. J. Bailey, Rev. G. Blackburn, Wolfe, Rev. S. Slillman, Adm. Par- ker, Rev. J. Rogers, Patrick Henry, Sir II. Vane, Richelieu, Ximenes, etc. (20.) 800 PULPIT ORATORS. H. Ware, Jr., Channing, Orville Dewey, A. H. Vinton, S. H. Tyng, Summerfleld, Gardiner Spring. E. Pay- son, E. Peabody, MafHt, H. Holley. Bishop Griswold, Griffin, C. G. Finney, Th. DeWitt,Chapin,Beecher, S. H. Cone, H. Ballon, Buck- minster, H. W. Bellows, Geo. \V. Bethune, J. Codman. (India proof. 4to.) (26.) 801 STATESMEN. Gov. Fairfield, Gov. Geo. Evans, A. H. Everett, D. S. Dickinson, A. Davezac, Gov. Dorr (R. I.), Gov. John Davis, J. R. Chandler, Howell Cobb, Jona. Cilley, D. Crockett, A. J. Donelson, Anson Burlingame, etc. (36.) 802 CABINET OFFICERS. Thos. Ewing, Jeff. Davis, W. L. Day- ton, G. M. Dallas, J. CoUamer, Lewis Cass, J. J. Crittenden. Tom Corwin John Bell, Wm. L. King, Edward Everett, Levi Woodbury, etc. (22.) 803 S. D. Ingham, J. H. Eaton, J-. M. Berrien, Hamilton Fish, Colfax, F. P. Blair, Hamlin, Seward, Meredith, W. K. Hall, Freling- huysen, Toucey, Woodbury, H. S. Legare, J. R. IngersoU, John Forsyth, Wm. A. Graham, R. J. Walker, Everett, etc. (20.) 804 PRESIDENTS. Lincoln (5), Fillmore (7), Pierce (3), Polk (5), Harrison, Buchanan, etc. (22.) 805 TAYI>OR, ZACHARY, various (7); John Tyler, various (6); Van Buren, various (10). Lot of 23. 806 JACKSON. Portraits (various). 20. 807 POETS. Bryant, Brainerd, Mrs. Sigoumey, Anna Seward, A. B. Street, Wm. Clifton, Anna E. Carroll, Horace P. Biddle, Timo. Dwight, Ann Eliza Bleecker, &c. 20. 808 ROMAN CATHOLIC PRELATES. John Dubois, Bishop of N. Y. ; Cheverus, B'p of Boston; John Carroll, B'p of Baltimore; England, B'p of Charleston; Rev. J. B. Gildon, Mother Seton, Bishop Hughes, Ambrose Marechal; Neale, A'b'p of Baltimore; AVhitfleld of Baltimore; S. Eggleston of Baltimore, &c. 13. 809 AUTHORS, POLITICAL, &c. Cobbett, Erastus Brooks, H. A. S. Dearborn, D. Douglass, J. H. Pleasants, M. M. Noah, Wm. Leg- gett, N. Webster, W. C. Rives, Matthew Carey, R. Penn Smith, Rodolphus Dickinson, John Vaughan, E. A. Holyoke, Jesse Buel, Elkanah Watson, Dr. Edward Miller, etc. 23. 810 NOVELISTS. W. Irving, J. Fenimore Cooper, C. F. Hoffman, Walter Colton, T. C. Grattan, J. P. Kennedy, Mortimer Thompson, 746 ENGRAVIN08. Miss E. Leslie, Mrs. Rowson, C. G. Leland, F. S. Cozzens. Freder- ika Bremer. 24. 811 AUTHORS, MISCELLANEOUS. Bayard Taylor, Grant Thor- burn, H. T. Tuckerman, Theo. Sedgwick, Jo. C. Neal, J. K. Mitchell, Robert Morris, Mrs. S. C. Hall, F. Hunt, R. W. Griswold. T. H. Gallaudet, Joseph Dennie, J. R. Chandler, L. Gaylord Clark, R. S. Chilton, C. Schultz, Jr., D. W. Harmon, Carlos D. Stuart, Henry Bacon, &c. 31. 812 DIVINES. Edward Payson, Wm. Rogers, D. d., James Sproat, D. D., Daniel Sharp, Sam'l C. Thacher, Bishop "Wainwright. John Woodhull, D. D., John Wesley, Bishop Ames, Bishop Brownell, Jehudi Ashman. Gideon Blackburn, M. Bruen, Hosea Ballon, Elha- uan Winchester, &c. 51. 813 THEATRICAL. Cooke, orig. sketches taken by Leslie, 3 on sheet. Warren as Sir Peter Teazle, Mr. Wood and Mrs. Wood, Geo. W. Dixon, Julia Dean, Fanny Elssler, Forrest as Metamora, «&c., A. Adams as Hamlet, J, G. Adams, Rainer Family, Mr. Hack- ett, Wyzeman Marshall (fol., fine), Lind, Barnum, and Ossian E. Dodge on one sheet, &c. 26. 814 MILITARY AND NAVAL. Bolivar, Sir John Hawkins, Santa Anna, Earl Howe, Lord Collingwood, Col. James Duncan, Com. Alex. Murray, Pizarro, Frobisher, Vespucius, Winfield Scott, &c. 38. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 815 MILITARY. Daniel Boone, John Brooks, Aaron Burr (rare), George Clinton, David Cobb, Dearborn (rare), Edwin, eng., Gates, James Jackson, Kosciusko (large, fine), Lincoln, Morgan, Moultrie (rare), Hamilton, Schuyler, etc. (28.) 817 FRENCH OFFICERS. D'Estaing, Suffren, Lafayette, Rocham- beau, Vaudreuil, Pleville Le Pelley Marigny, Lauzun, Latouche- Treville, Count de Guichen. 10. 818 BRITISH NAVAL OFFICERS. Capt. Jas. Cook. 4°. Fine. Adms. Vernon, Collingwood. Fine. Sir Charles Hardy, Richard Howe, Sir S. Hood, Bridport, Keppell, Sir P. Parker, Rodney, St. Vincent. 18. 819 Sir Richard Pearson, Sir Charles Knowles, Vernon, Howe, Sir Charies Wager, Sir G. Pococke, Lord Keith, Lord Radstock, Kempenfeldt, Rodney, Keppell, Sir Peter Parker, Collingwood, &c. 17. 820 NAVAL OFFICERS. Preble, Tucker, Truxton (rare), do. (medallion), Barry, Barney (rare), Dale, Hopkins, Paul Jones (vari- ous), Alex. Murray (rare), Com. Preble. 15. 821 CIVILIANS. Gov. Hutchinson, Sam'l Adams, John Adams, John Hancock, Isaac Smith, Mrs. John Adams, Eleazer Wheelock, ENGRAVINGS. 747 James Bowcloin, Charles Carroll, Oliver Ellsworth, Mrs. Grant, of Laggan, Ilopkinson, Rev. John Lathrop, &c. 31. 822 Rev. Jona. Mayhew, Rufus King, John Marshall, Monroe, Samuel Kirkland, Rev. D. Zeisberger, Dr. James Lloyd, Rev. John Andrews, Abbe Raynal, Benj. Russell, Dr. John Jones (rare). Rev. James Manning, d.d. (rare). Dr. John Jeffries, James Otis, etc. 25. 823 Jefferson (bust), Count Rumford, Rev. N. Strong, James Ross, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, Edward Shippen, Bishop Sea- bury, Sir John Temple, Isaiah Thomas, Bishop Bass, Gov. John Wentworth, Gov. Trumbull, Rev. Samuel Stanhope Smith, Richard Mansfield, d.d.. Rev. James Madison, d.d., «&;c., Albert Gallatin, Hamilton, Sarah Bache Franklin's dau., &c. 29. 824 MILITARY. Moultrie, Heath, Christopher Greene, Wayne, "Ward, Schuyler, Sullivan, Putnam, Lafayette, Lincoln, Knox, Ham- ilton, Boone, Greene, Warren, &c. 28. 825 BRITISH MILITARY. Gen. Amherst, Murray, Loudoun (rare), Wolfe, Monckton (rare), Cornwallis, Rawdon, Capt. Asgill (rare), Burgoyne, Col. Tarleton (rare), Sir Wm. Johnson, &c. 26. 826 Gens. Howe (rare), Cornwallis, Rawdon, Loudoun (rare), Monckton (rare), Riedesel, Sir W. Johnson, Wolfe, Tarleton (rare). Count Rumford, Maj. Andr6. 20. 827 ENGLISH STATESMEN, &c. Wm. Eden, Commissioner to Congress in 1776. Adam Ferguson, Sec'y to the Commrs. Lord Hardwicke, Samuel Johnson. Fol. Fine. Israel Mauduit, Agent for Ms. (rare). Lord Mansfield, very fine. Lord North (rare). Priestley, large and fine. Dr. Price. 4°. Rare. Chatham, with letter (rare). Wilkes, by Hogarth. Dean Tucker, Earl Camden, and George III. 4°. All finely mounted. Fox, Sheridan, &c. 21. 828 SIGNERS DECL. OF INDEPENDENCE. S. Adams, J. Adams, Carroll, Ellsworth, Floyd, Hancock, Hopkinson, P. Henrj', Hewes, Heyward, Jay, Jefferson, R. R. Livingston, P. Livingston, Lynch, E. Lewis, Lee, R. H., Madison, Middleton, G. Morris, Paca, E. Rutledge, Rush, Rittenhouse, Stone, Witherspoon, Wol- cott, Wilson, Franklin, &c. 39. 829 Civilians: R. R. Livingston, R. J. Meigs (rare), Cadwal- lader Colden (rare), M. Otto, Thos. Paine (various), E. Boudinot, B'p John Carroll, Dr. Samuel Bard, Joel Barlow, Jona. Trumbull, Dr. B. S. Barton, Jefferson, John Adams, Dr. Nath'l Freeman, &c. 27. 830 Military: Marion, Morgan, Mifflin (rare), Putnam, Benj. Pierce, Steuben, Shelby, St. Clair, Stirling, Sullivan, Wayne, Col. Joseph Ward, Dr. John Warren, Joseph Warren, Lafayette. 24. 831 STATESMEN. John Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe (va- rious), Oliver Wolcott, J. A. Bayard, Wm. Bradford (att'y gen.), Alex. Hamilton, Calhoun (various), De Witt Clinton (various). 26. 748 ENORAVINOS. 832 HOLM AIT, J. G., actor and dramatist, 4°. Fine. James Heath, engr. 833 HEATH, Hon. WM. Engr. on copper by J. B. Smith. 834 HOWE, Admikal and General. Full lengths, engr. for a Hist, of the War. Lond. : 1778. Very rare. 2. 835 HOPKINS, Com. EZEKIEL. Small oval. Same, full length. 4°, mounted (very rare). 2. 836 POWNALL, THOMAS, Got. of Mass. and M. P. London: 1777. Earlom, eng. Fol. in half-length. Excessively rare. 837 LEE. CHARLES, Esq., Maj. Gen. Fol. Shepherd: Lond. 31 Oct. 1775. Fine and very rare. 838 LOUDOUN, The Rt. Hon. The Earl of, Com. in chief in N. America. Fol. , full length. Spooner, engr. Fine and very scarce. 839 LAURENS, HENRY, Pres. of the Amer. Congress. Fol. Lond. : 1782. Valentine Green, engr. to his Majesty, from Copley's paint- ing. A beautiful specimen of engraving. 840 LINCOLN, Maj. Gen. BENJAMIN. Fol. Very fine. J. R. Smith, engr. from Col. H. Sargent's portrait. Quite rare. 841 MOORE, Rt. Rev. RICHARD CHANNING, d. d.. Bishop of Va. Fol. Very fine and scarce. P. Maverick, engr. 842 OGLETHORPE, Gen. JAMES, at auction sale. Fol. Lond. Rare. 843 Same. 4". 844 MORTON, MARCUS, Gov. of Mass. 4°. Kimberly, engr. 845 MATHER, Rev. COTTON. India proof. 4°. Rev. Dr. JONA. • MAYHEW. 4°, mounted. Paul Revere, engr. Very rare. 2. 846 OCCOM, Rev. Mr. SAMSON. " The first Indian minister ever in Europe." Fol. Very fine and exceedingly rare. Lond. : 1768. J. Spalding, engr. 847 HUGH PETERS, Devil at his ear. 4°, mounted. Rare. PEM- BERTON, Rev. EBENEZER, of Boston. Mounted. R. Fletcher, engr. 2. 848 PEARSON, JONATHAN, A. m., Prof, in Union Coll. 4°. With autog. letter to S. G. D. 849 PLATT, Judge of N. Y. 4°. Eng. by A. B. Durand, from Col. Trumbull. Scarce and fine. 850 MAD TOM'S (PAINE) First Practical Essay on the Eights of Man. Fol. Lond. : 1794. 851 PHILLIPS, Col. JAMES, Merchant of Boston. 4to. Phillips, Wm., Lieut.-Gov. of Mass. Fol. Proof. ('2.) 852 PENN, WM. Fol. Fine, drawn by Du Simitiere. Engr. by John Hall. Lond. : 1773. 853 PEABODY, GEORGE. Fol. Fine. Proof. 854 SHIRLEY, WM., Gov. of Mass. 4to. India proof. 855 PERCY, HUGH, Earl. . 8°. Lond.: 1784. Rare. EN0RAVIN08. 749 850 ST. LEGER, Col. 8°. Roberts, engr. Rare. 857 RUTGERS, TIENRY, Escj., ob. 1830. C. C. Wright, eng. Rare. 858 ROGERS, Major ROBERT. Fol. London, Oct. 11, 177G. Very fine and rare. 859 RIDGELY, C.,of Hampton, Gov. of Md. 4to. Goodman and Piggot, engr. Jarvis, painter. 860 SEWALL, JOSEPH, d.d., Pastor Old South Church, Boston. Nat. Ilurd, engr. Very rare. 861 STUART, GILBERT, painter. Fol. Proof. Engr. by D. Edwin (best specimen of Edwin) from John Neagle. Presentation copy. " Mr. Sully from his friend Neagle." 862 SMITH, Capt. John. 4to. W. Richardson. Lond. Rare. 863 Same. Folio. India proof. 864 SMITH, Mits. Col. Wm., dau. of John Adams. Engr. by Sadd from a pat. by Copley. Scarce. 865 SIMMS. WM. GILMORE, novelist. 4to. India proof. Rare. 866 STURGIS, Capt. JOSIAH, U. S. Revenue Service. Folio. Very fine. 867 SEABURY, Rt. Rev. SAMUEL, D.D. Bishop of Conn. Folio. Lond. : 1786. W. Sharpe, engr. from T. S. Duche's port. Very fine and scarce. 868 TILGHMxVK, WM., Chief-Justice of Penn. 4to. Rare. H. Bridport, eug. 869 GATES, Genl., Henry Laurens, Charles Thompson (Secy, to Congress), Richardson. Lond., 1783. From Du Simitiere. (3.) Rare. 870 WESLEY, Rev. JO HK. 4to. Fine. D. Longworth.. MS. 871 WHITEFIELD, GEORGE, 4to. India proof. Fine. W. T. Fry, eng. Same. Dr. Squintum, with Parrawaukaw on same plate. Rare. (2.) 872 Aged 29. Photog. from a recently discovered painting. 873 WEST, BENJAMIN". 4to. Fine. Holloway, eng. Same, eng. by. W. T. Fry. Lond.: 1793. (2.) 874 VIOMENIL, Marquis de, French general in Rochambeau's army in America. 4to. Rare. 875 VAN" BUREN, MARTIN". Fol. Engr. by Parker, from H. Inman's picture. Very fine. 876 WEST, BENJAMIN". Fol. Proof on India paper. Engr. by Heath. Exceedingly fine. 877 WEBSTER, DANIEL. Fol. Proof bef. letter. 878 WIKSLOW, Gov. EDWARD. India proof. 4to. 879 WARREN", Gen. Joseph. India proof. Fol. Eng. by G. W. Smith from Copley. 880 WAYNE, ANTHONY, Maj. Gen. J. Norman, engr. Rare. 881 WILL ARD, Rev. SAMUEL, Pres. Har. Coll. Lond. Vander Goot, engr. 5 887 8". 888 4to, 889 • 4to. 890 FoL 750 ENGRAVINOS. 882 WHITEFIELD, Bev. GEOEGE. 4to. India proof. 883 WILDER, Hon. MARSHALL P., Pres. Amer. Pomological Society. 4to. India proof. (2.) G. W. Smith, engr. 884 WASHIXGrON, GEO., Esq. 8°. Lond. G. Cawthorn. 1789. 885 " Don't Tread on me." 8°. Lond. W. Sharpe, engr. • 886 8''. Lond. Engr. for Murray's Amer. War. Lond. Printed for J. Hinton. Proof. G. G. Smith, engr. Savage, pinx. Tanner, engr. • India proof of Chantrey's statue. Lond.: 1837. J. Thomson, engr. 891 WASHINGTO^sTIANA. Many curious and scarce heads, etc. Copper plate from Houdon, Richmond, Va. Rare. Do. R. Smith, engr. Rare. Do. Lith. of Delpesch. Do. Engr. by Maxwell, from pen picture by Tyler. Large 4to. Do. Joseph . Andrews. Engr. from Stuart. 4to. Full length. John Rogers, engr , from Trumbull. Martha Washington. Virtue & Yorston, Scenes in Life of W. Shade of Washington. Fol. Colored lith., E. W. Clay. Lot of 20. 892 Do. Chapman, engr. from C. W. Peale. Do. Equestrian Statue. Do. Statues of Greenough and Pettrich. Do, A. B. Durand. Engr, from Houdon's bust. Do. As he appeared on Boston Com- mon. Smith, engr. Do. Full length, in Masonic regalia. Do. Buttre, from Stuart. Fine. Mrs. W. Longacre, from Robertson, etc. (22.) 893 Do. T. Kelly, engr. from Stuart. Do. Thayer & Co. lith. 4to. Do. With Surr. at Yorktown. 4to. Fine. Do. Lond. 4to. W. Hall, engr., with autog. Do. Buttre, eng. 4to. Do. 4°. Photog. from Ball's equest. statue. Do. Full length, from Stuart, hand on table. Do. Bust, engr. by Prudhomme, from Cerraci. Do. Hall, engr. from Crawford's statue at Richmond. Martha Washington. Well- stood, engr. from Labay, (19.) 894 Do. Lawson, engr. from a copy by J. Paul. Rare. Do. Joseph Andrews, from Stuart. 4to. Do. and wife, ovals, from C. W. Peale. Do. Engr. by Ridley. Lond. For Europ. Mag. Fine and scarce. Do. 4°. Lond. Tallis, from Stuart. Do. Hall, engr. from Chappel. 4to. Do. Full length. John Rogers, engr. from Trumbull. (20.) 895 HARRISOXIANA. Portraits, badges, etc. (17.) 896 IXDIAX PORTRAITS, VIEWS, etc. Rev. S. Occom, Red Jacket, Austenaco, Osceola, Hendrick, Eleazar Williams, Brandt, Black Hawk, Outucite, Mrs. Johnson, Hopothlemico, Pocahontas. (72.) A very valuable and remarkable collection; many specimens are the original copperplates. 897 OPPIDUM SECOTA. View of an Indian village, taken from ENGRAVINGS. 751 Part First of De Bry's Voyages, relating to Virginia. Printed in 1590. Remarkably fine copper plate. 89S FRANKLINIANA. Many very scarce portraits. 8 vo unless oth- erwise specified. Lodge, engr.,Lond. " Ubi Libertas," etc. Very fine and rare. Do. Engr. forLit. Mag. Profile. Rare. Do. Engr. Murray's Amer. War, 1779. Very scarce. Do. Noble, engr. Rare. Do. engr. from Duplessis. Fine. Do. do. Fol. Lith. Paris. Do. Pendleton. Lith. Fol. Do. Profile, with lightning. Do. Engr. for Europ. Mag. Rare. Do. Oval. Ritchie, engr. from Cochin. Fine. (18.) 899 H. W. Smith, engr. from Cochin. 4to. Fine. Do. Oval. Spectacles. Rare. Do. Fry, engr. Lond. Do. Maverick, eng. Surr. by rays of light. Scarce. Do. Pub. by Cole. Lond.: 1825. 4to. Fine and rare. Do. Medal, bust and reverse, with inscript. Lond. Scarce. Do. Reading. Lond. Rare. Do. Engr. by J. Korman. Very rare, etc. (19.) 900 Do. Pub. by Fielding, Lond.: 1785. Rare. Do. with pen, three-quai-ter, seated. Lond Very rare. Do. 4to size. Proof bef . letters, chin resting on thumb. Fine and rare. Do. J. Tbomson. Lond. Engr. from Duplessis. Large 8°. Very fine and scarce. Do. Pub. for Europ. Mag. Lond. Rare. Do. Phillebrown engr. Full length, seated. 4to. Do. Wentworth & Yates, engr. Lond. Mezzot. Very rare. Do. R. Page, engr. Mrs. Franklin. Engr. by Jos. Andrews. Fine and scarce. (17.) 901 SCOTT, WIN FIELD (Maj.-Gex.) Fol. Proof. Gimbrede, engr. Very fine and scarce. 902 EASTBURN, Bishop MANTON. Fol. Lith. Walcott, Sam'l B. India proof. Fol. Joseph Andrews, engr. Capt. N. B. Shurt- leff, 12th Mass. Vols. Fol. Lith. (3.) 903 GWIN, WM. M., U. S. Senator. Lith. Fol. Col. J. C. Fre- mont and Mrs. Fremont. (3.) 904 BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. After Trumbull's painting. Also, Key to the portraits. 32. Roy. 8°. 905 After Trumbull. With Key. 22. Fol. 906 CLAY, HENRY. Fine steel port. Fol. (27.) Endicott, Gov. .Tno. (11.) In all 38. Fol. 907 2 BLACK WALNUT C ABINETS,made specially for portraits. 908 19 LARGE PORTFOLIOS, uniform size, for engravings. 909 51 MATHER, COTTON (47). Roy. 8°. Same (4). 4°. 910 58 INCREASE MATHER (32). Roy. 8°. Same (26). 4°. 911 1.50 MOUNT HOPE. 8°. 912 81 MATHER, COTTON. 8°. 913 57 WOODBURY, LEVI. 8°. 914 94 WARE, HENRY, Jr. 8°. 915 88 WINTHROP, Gov. JOHN. (Copper-plate.) 8°. 752 ENGRAVINGS. 916 51 RAWSON, EDWARD. 8°. 917 51 NEA MATHLA (2o). Osceola (26). Indian Chiefs. 4°. 918 69 NINKJRET. Indian Chief. 8°. 919 76 PHILIP, Sachem of Pokanoket. Indian Chief. 8^. 920 52 Same. Roy. 8°. 921 98 POCAHONTAS. 8°. 922 52 RAWSON, REBECCA (24), Parsons, Enoch (16), Rogers, Rev. John (21), Nea-Mathla, Indian Chief (7). 8". 923 57 PRIXCE, Rev. THOS. (26), Perkins, Hon. T. II. (13), Peters, Hugh (6), Preble, Com. (12). 8°. 924 46 SHIRLEY, Gov. WM. (24), McNeil, Gen. John (22). 8°. 925 47 WARD, Gen. ARTEMAS. 8°. 926 1-28 SMITH, Capt. JOHN. K«. 927 41 SMITH, Rev. THOS. Roy. 8°. 928 60 SALTONSTALL, Sir RICHARD. Roy. 8°. 929 97 CHAUNCY, Rev. CHARLES (59). Roy. 8°. Church, Col. B. (38). Roy. 8°. 930 110 CHAUNCY, Rev. CHARLES. 4°. 931 82 HARRISON, Pres. WM. H. (42), Webster, Daniel (40). 8°. 932 60 WAYNE, Gen. ANTHONY (10). 4°. (50.) 8°. 933 139 CHEROKEE MOTHER (56), Last of the Wampanoags (47), " And will the white man still pursue " (36). 934 120 Same subject*. India proofs. Roy. 8°. 935 75 WINTHROP, Gov. JOHN. . Roy. 8°. 936 25 APPLETON, S. (7), Gov. Trumbull (4), Mayhew, Rev. J. (4), King Philip (3), Bradstreet (3), Rebecca Rawson (4). 4°. 937 237 PRINCE, Rev. THOS. (Historian.) Roy. 8°. 938 63 PIERCE, BENJ., Gov. N. H. 8°. 939 &4 BOONE, Col. DANIEL. %<=>. ' 9-10 94 BRANT. Indian Chief. 8°. 941 91 FANEUIL HALL, BOSTON. 8°. 942 59 FROBISHER, Sir MARTIN. 8°. 943 69 Same (42). Roy. 8°. Same (27). India proofs. 4°. 944 72 FRANKLIN, BENJ. Fol. 945 49 SEWALL, Rev. JOSEPH (10), Stoughton, Gov. Wm. (23), Saltonstall (16). 4°. 946 48 SEWALL, SAMUEL (Judge) (10), Ware, Rev. Henry (.38). Roy. 8°. 947 75 WOLCOTT, OLIVER, Gov. Conn. (39). SuUivan, Gen. John (36). 8°. 948 45 BOSTON COMMON (35). Roy. 8°. Same (10). 4°. 949 69 VANE, Sir HENRY. Roy. 8°. a50 225 LANDING OF PILGRIMS. Roy. 8°. 951 305 LIBERTY TREE (wood-cut). Roy. 8°. 952 47 WINSLOW, Gov. JOSIAH (25). Roy. 8°. Wiuslow, Guv. Edward (9). Roy. 8°. (13.) 4". ENORAVINQS. 753 953 92 LITCHFIELD, Hon. E. 8°. 954 70 LANDING OF THE PILGRIMS. 8°. 955 117 LEWIS Dr. WINSLOW (97), 8°, do. (20), 4°. 956 47 JEFFERSON, TIIOS. (9), Van Buren (9), Stoughton, Gov. Wm. (15), Winslow, Gov. Josiah (14). 8°. 957 62 BRIGHT, THOS. (15), Brooks, Peter C (20), Colman, Rev. B. (11). 8°. 958 50 BUNKER HILL BATTLE (11), Plan and Key to do. (17), Adams, John (12), Burnet, Gov. Wm. (10). 959 25 DUDLEY, Gov. JOSEPH (15), Roy. 8°, do. (10), 4<». 900 29 ADAMS, SAMUEL, Gov. Mass. Roy. 8°. 961 76 BURNET, WM., Gov. Mass. (70), Roy. 8°., do. (6), 4°. 962 44 RAWSON, EDWARD (35). Rogers, Rev. John (9). 4°. 963 99 ROBBINS, Rev. Dr. CHANDLER. 8°. 964 27 " " " 14 proofs, 13 India proofs. 4°.' 965 66 D WIGHT, Rev. TIMO. (34), Bond, Dr. Henry (14), Byron, Lord (8). 966 50 HUMPHREYS, Col. D. (10), Cotton, Rev. John (16), Far- rar, Hon. Tirao. (16), Eddy, Col. Joshua (8). 967 52 HANCOCK, Gov. JOHN (17), Lawrence, Hon. Abbott (9), Minot, Hon. Geo. R., historian (26). 968 52 SUMNER, Gov. INCREASE (25), Sewall, Rev. Joseph (27). 969 67 RAWSON, EDWARD, Sec'y of Mass. (43), Rebecca (wife) (24). Roy. 8°. 970 46 PETERS, HUGH (15), Roy. 8°, 4° proofs (2), Potter, C. E., historian, 8° (21), 4P (8). 971 67 ROBBINS, Dr. CHANDLER (39), Roy. 8°, Deane, Rev. Samuel (18), do. 972 42 DRAKE, SiR FRANCIS (16), Gov. Winthrop (6), Colman, Rev. B. (7), Prince, Rev. T. (13). 4°. 973 45 EDDY, Col. JOSHUA (12), Barstow, John (14), Adams, Sam'l (7), Church, B. (5), Farmer, John (7). 974 70 LOTHROP, Rev. J. (37), Roy. 8°, Faneuil Hall Market (33). 975 56SHATTUCK, LEMUEL, hist, writer (47), Pepperell, Sir William (9). Roy. 8°. 976 100 BUNKER HILL MONUMENT. Roy. 8°. 977 55 HENSHAW, JOSHUA, merchant. " 978 52 APPLETON, SAMUEL. 8°. 979 40 Sir WM. JOHNSON (31), Brant, Indian Chief (9). 4°. 980 66 BOONE, Col. DANIEL (32), 4°, Harmar, Col. J. (17), 8°. do. (17), 4°. 981 54 POCAHONTAS (25), Landing of Pilgrims (29). 4°. 982 96 CHURCH, Col. BENJ. 8°. 983 98 DRAKE, Sir FRANCIS. 8«. 984 81 ENDECOTT, JOHN, Gov. of Mass. 8°. 754 ^ ENGRAVINGS. 985 62 ENDECOTT, JOHN", Gov. of Mass. Roy. 8°. 986 48 " " " " 4°. 987 73 BRADSTREET, SIMON", Gov. Mass (6), Ind. proofs, Roy. 8°, do. (67), Roy. 8°. 988 90 BOSTON COMMON. 8°. 989 48 COTTON, Rev. JOHN (24), Roy. 8", do. (19), 4°, do. (5), extra fine, 4°. 990 74HUTCHINSON, THOS.,Gov. Ms. 8°. 991 77 " *' " " 60 Roy. 8°. Do., 27 4°. 992 257 HANCOCK, JOHN, " " " 993 84 LATHROP, Rev. JOHN. 8°. 994 95 INCREASE MATHER. 8«. 995 BOONE, DAN'L (6), Pizarro (43), Jefferson, Th. (11), Eremont, J. C. (7), Blodgett, S.,Eddy, Joshua, Hancock, J., Woodbury, Levi, Wayne, Gen. A., Chauncy, Chs., Evarts, J., Colman, B., Dearborn, H., Otis, J., Appleton, S., Preble, Com. E., Perkins, T. H., Adams, John, Hutchinson, Gov. Th. (50) in all 117. 996 SHIRLEY, Gov. (32), 4°, Church, Benj. (13), Winslow, Gov. E. (7), Dwight, Timo. (4), Doolittle, Mark (6), Parsons, Eben (6), Read, Jas. (4), Shattuck, Lemuel (3), Sullivan, Gen. J. (5), Farrar, Timo. (10), Humphreys, Col. D. (10), in all 97. 997 INDIAN PORTRAITS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Osceola (14), Outacite (8), Nea Mathla (3), Pocahontas (4). K. Philip (16), Ninigret (14), Views (17), Land. Pilgrims (25), in all 101. 998 LEVERETT, Gov. J. (15), Minot, G. R. (7), Prince, Rev. T. (10), Mather, Increase and Cotton (17), Bond, II. (5), Brooks, P. C. (8), Farmer, J. (14), Worcester, S. (7), Johnson, Sir Wm. (21), Law- rence, Abbott (8), Litchfield. Edwin and Elisha (16), in all 128. £f99 WASHINGTON, G., profile (12), Bradstreet, Gov. S. (8), Endi- cott. Gov. J. (17), Rawson, Ed. and Rebecca (47), Lincoln, Gen. B. (4), Harrison, Gen. W. H. (7), Battle Brandywine (11), Sewall, Sam'l (13), in all 119. 1000 BOSTON AND VICINITY. (13.) 1001 EARLY AMERICAN. (67.) MAPS. 1002 NIPMUCK, or Nipnet Country, survey of 1774. Engr. for Drake's Old Indian Chronicle. (98.) 1003 NEW ENGLAND. " Being the first that was here cut," etc. From the original in Hubbard's Indian Wars. (58.) 1004 PLAN OF THE TOWN AND HARBOR OF BOSTON, 1774. 16 X 20. (3.) Heliotype. 1005 MAP OF THE CHEROKEE NATION, ab. 1750. (106.) Engr. to accompany Drake's ' Sir Alex. Cummings' Embassy.' ENGRAVINGS. 755 lOOG NEW FRANCE AND N. ENGLAND, ab. 1G50. (10. Copy from " Purchas." 1007 MAPS OF EAST FLORIDA, etc. (Sd.) 1008 FOREIGN MAPS. Portfolio of several hundred. 1009 Large. (30.) 1010 CAMPAIGN MAPS. Views, Engravings, etc. Lot of 68. 1011 AMERICAN TOWNS, Cities, etc. (70.) 1012 MAPS OF THE U. STATES, and of the States, the West Indies, etc. (75.) 1012a Same. Large size. (80.) 1013 AMERICAN STATES and UNITED STATES. (80.) 1014 2 LARGE PORTFOLIOS, for Engravings, Maps, etc. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 1 GAYLAMOUNT(^ [PAM PHLET BINDER Syracuse, N.Y. Stockton, Calif. 2 1207. D789C SUP A A 000 121 549 PLEASf. DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARDS I aj ,— ■ -i' ^OJIIVIJO^ University Research Library -:3 h; 1 1 —J' ^■i J 1 — Ji f; J _i; J _.J 1 .; _J J ^_ 1 -_. - „I — ' f ] _j -J J — J — ' ._j _,J 1 ! m