THE MANOR HOUSES OF ENGLAND By < PHDifchficld /K.ETA. Illustrated by Sydney R. Jones London:BTE>atslord Nov^ork: Charier 5aibna5.5ons 1910 ; I PREFACE object of this book is to describe and illus- trate the old country manor-houses of England, which are fast falling into decay, and are being replaced by modern and less picturesque buildings. Many of them stand in remote, inaccessible and little-known parts of the country ; and their remarkable beauty, their historical associations and architectural merits, may have escaped the attention of many who love to explore the English countryside. It has therefore been deemed advisable to depict and to describe a series of typical examples taken from different counties and constructed of various materials, so that a record may be made ere many may entirely disappear. The manor-house is the principal dwelling-place in most villages, and to it the chief attention has been paid ; but as this book is a study of the domestic architecture of the style of dwelling that ranked between the mansion and the farm or cottage, it has been thought well to illustrate the work by including some examples of a kindred nature that cannot be strictly included in the generic term manor-house. It would have been an easy task to fill the volume with pictures and descriptions of well-known buildings that have often been photographed and sketched, and about which much has been written, but an attempt has been made to go outside the beaten track, the oft-trodden road, and to record the more unusual examples not so well known. The de- scription of the details of the manor-houses of England has been given in plain language, as free as possible from tech- 249485 PREFACE nical terms ; and the subject has been treated for the purpose of interesting the general public rather than for the edification of the architectural expert. The author desires to express his grateful thanks to Messrs. Batsford for much assistance they have rendered to him in the preparat' on of this book, and for their valuable advice and personal interest in the work ; also to the artist, Mr. Sydney Jones, for his descriptive notes on some of the houses which the writer had not an opportunity of person- ally visiting, and to Mrs. Arthur Stratton for kindly searching for some references in the British Museum with regard to the history of some of the manors. P. H. DITCHFIELD. BARKHAM RECTORY, BERKSHIRE, January, 1 910. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I INTRODUCTORY: THE MANOR-HOUSE 3 II THE MANOR n III THE EVOLUTION OF THE MANOR-HOUSE 17 IV MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 40 STONE 46 TIMBER 68 BRICK 86 FLINT 104 PLASTER I 06 V EXTERIOR DETAILS 115 CHIMNEYS 115 PORCHES AND DOORS 121 WINDOWS 129 ROOFS AND GABLES 132 VI INTERIOR DETAILS 141 MANTELPIECES AND FIREPLACES 145 STAIRCASES 1 5 3 PANELLING 1 60 CEILINGS 165 WINDOWS 172 VII METAL- WORK 176 LEADWORK 176 IRONWORK 180 VIII GARDENS AND SURROUNDINGS 188 INDEX 203 ST. CATHERINE'S COURT, NEAR BATH. FROM THE TERRACE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND INTRODUCTORY: THE MANOR-HOUSE ENGLAND is remarkable for the number and beauty of the old country houses, set amid pleasant scenes, that abound in various parts of our island. Hidden away from the gaze of the multitude in sequestered villages and obscure hamlets, they are very humble-minded, very retiring. They do not court attention, these English manor-houses, or seek to attract the eye by glaring incongruities or obtrusive detail. They seem in quest of peace, and love obscurity. Hence few know how fair they are, how full of grace and charm, as they stand in their sweet old-fashioned gardens surrounded by rare blend- ings of art and nature in park and pleasance. They brood in their old age over many scenes of bygone history, over the memories of sire and grandsire and retain vivid recollec- tions of the vigorous old squire and his lady who reared these walls in Tudor days and carefully saw to the carving of his and his dame's initials over the doorway R. D. and E. D. 1595 A.D. The builders of these houses were animated by that same spirit which moved Sir William Temple, cultured diplomatist, THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND philosopher and garden lover, to write, " The greatest advantages men have by riches are, to give, to build, to plant and make pleasant scenes." And certainly they showed by their buildings that they were men of taste and refine- ment, very different from Macaulay's unflattering picture of the old English country squire who is represented as an ignorant boor. It is not in the greatest mansions, the vast piles erected by the great nobles of the court, en- riched by the plunder of the monasteries, that we find such artistic perfections, but most often in the smaller manor- houses of the knights and squires. These are the build- ings which delight us, the charms of which we are attempting to set forth in this book. The great noblemen and courtiers were filled with the desire for extravagant display, and erected such clumsy piles as Wollaton and Burghley House, import- ing Flemish and German artisans to load them with bastard Italian Renaissance detail. Nothing could be worse than some of these vast structures, with their distorted gables, their chaotic proportions and their crazy interpretation of classic orders. Contrast these vast piles with the typical Tudor manor-house, the means of the builders of which, or their good taste, would not permit of such a profusion of these architectural luxuries, and you will discover the far greater attractiveness of the humbler dwelling. It is unequalled in its combination of stateliness with homeliness, in its ex- pression of the manner of life of the men who built it. Such a noble Tudor house is Whittington Court in Gloucestershire in the delightful region of the Cotswolds. It is at once stately and homely, and its picturesqueness is in no way diminished by the Queen Anne addition with its conspicuous bay. Its three graceful gables, tall chimneys, and mullioned windows are worthy of the art of their Tudor builders. These men built not only for themselves but for their sons and grandsons. They lighted what Ruskin calls the 4 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND Sixth Lamp of Architecture, the Lamp of Memory, and considered it an evil sign of a people for houses to be built to last for one generation only. They felt that " having spent their lives happily and honourably, they would be grieved, at the close of them, to think that the plan of their earthly abode, which had seen, and seemed almost to sympathise in all their honour, their gladness or their suffering that this, with all the record it bare of them, and all of material things that they had loved and ruled over, and set the stamp of themselves upon was to be swept away, as soon as there was room made for them in the grave ; that no respect was to be shown to it, no affection felt for it, no good to be drawn from it by their children ; that though there was a monument in the church, there was no warm monument in the hearth and house to them ; that all that they had ever treasured was despised, and the places that had sheltered and comforted them were dragged down to the dust. I say that a good man would fear this ; and that, far more, a good son, a noble descendant, would fear doing this to his father's house. . . . When men do not love their hearths, nor reverence their thresholds, it is a sign that they have dishonoured both. . . . Our God is a household God as well as a heavenly one ; He has an altar in every man's dwelling ; let men look to it when they rend it lightly and pour out its ashes." l Such feelings seem to have animated the builders of the gems of domestic architecture that adorn our country-side. They stamped their impress on the homes they reared. They expected their children to respect their gift to their families. They carved their names or their initials or their arms over their doorways. They adorned them with texts or homely verse, pious thoughts, or quaint or humorous conceits. They built surely and well so that their houses might last, not for their own pleasure nor for their own use, but for their descendants, who would thus venerate the hand that laid those stones and respect the memory of their fore- fathers and the honour of their house. 1 RUSKIN'S Seven Lamps of Architecture. 6 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND We shall visit many such houses during our peregrinations. As an example of the long, low type of restful English manor- house we could not find a better instance than the curious half-timbered mansion known as Bott's Green House, near Shustoke, in Warwickshire. Its curved and slanting braces and its fine porch and entrance gate are charming features. It stands completely away from the busy haunts of men in the midst of an unspoilt country. The fleur-de-lis of the Digby family is very prominently inserted in the front. Within there is a carved stone mantelpiece carefully painted and grained to imitate wood, and upstairs a small panelled room of plain design. In contrast with this peaceful abode is the Yorkshire manor-house of Lawkland Hall upon the borders of Lanca- shire, situated on the wild moorland that separates the two counties. It belongs to a different type, and has a stern rugged look which harmonizes well with its surroundings. Time has wrought its ravages on many of these old houses. Families have lived and died out. Few, save the delver in old records, can tell the names for which those initials R. D. and E. D. stand. The golden stain of time gives light and colour to its architecture; but often ruin and decay have also left their marks. Reckless owners who love new things, new fashions and new styles, have doomed many of them to death. At the beginning of the last century there was a veritable rage for pulling down old mansions. You can still see the terraces of the garden, the old fishponds and possibly the moat, but the house has gone, a prey to the vandalism of the age. Others have succumbed to new inventions. Coal fires were unusual when the chimneys were built with a fatal beam running across their cavities. Hence fires have destroyed many of those ancient mansions which often stand in solitary state far from the nearest fire-engine station, and nothing is saved. Only a tithe is left of these pleasant houses. It is THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND well, therefore, to survey them before they vanish, to gather up the fragments that remain, to learn from them how to build surely and well, to avoid the construction of those " thin, tottering, foundationless shells of splintered wood and imitation stone," and to take as our models these beauti- ful dwellings that our sires have left us. II THE MANOR WHAT is a manor-house ? Evidently the house of the lord of the manor situated upon his estate. And what is a manor ? Many chapters would be needed for the full dis- cussion of the origin, growth and development of the English manor, its customs, laws and rights, and in spite of the researches of the learned there is still some obscurity on this subject, and all historians hold not the same views. I can only find space to refer very briefly to the story of the manor ; but it is necessary to distinguish between the house so designated which gives the title to this book, and an ordinary house of a country gentleman who was not a manor-lord. We can trace the manorial system back to its infancy in Celtic and Roman times, when " the Roman lordships and villas undoubtedly played their part as providing natural and powerful centres in the process of settlement and organization." 1 With the coming of the Saxon tribes who introduced the formation of village communities, hundreds and shires, the process of evolution developed. They formed tuns, or hams, or settlements, making clearings in the forests, subduing nature as they had subdued the British, and keeping together for the purpose of defending them- selves against an enemy and for the better pursuit of 1 The Manor and Manorial Records, by N. J. HONE, p. 6. 1 1 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND agriculture. How far these inhabitants of primitive settle- ments were free without the government of an over-lord, it is difficult to determine; but they needed a leader to organize their forces for war, a judge to decide their dis- putes, and in return for such services a lord began to receive dues and rents and labour on the part of his tenants. Under the Norman system of feudal tenure the manorial system developed, and manors were reorganized on a more strictly feudal basis. The lord became a very important person and ruled over his little kingdom, though his authority was by no means absolute. The tenants or villeins had their customary rights, and the lord was bound to observe them. He could levy fines in certain cases, a heriot or the best chattel belonging to a tenant's estate on death, and much else, and the tenants were obliged to work certain days on the lord's land. The lord used to hold his court, and the Court Rolls of numerous manors are in existence dating back to Edwardian times, and revealing many interesting features of old village life and property. The manor is an institution which, under varying forms and circumstances, has existed from a period " whereunto the memory of man runneth not to the contrary " till the present day. Of course the great feudal privileges which were formerly attached to the lord of the manor have passed into abeyance, but he is still a real factor in local life. As Mr. Hone tells us in his book, to which I have already referred, " Parish and district councils, in questions con- stantly arising touching village greens, recreation grounds, commons and rights of way, find that they have to reckon with him in the exercise of their newly acquired powers, and have to adjust their claims in accordance with the old manorial rights enjoyed by him and his predecessors for centuries." The accompanying plan of a manor shows in the centre of the village the manor-house with the lord's demesne around THE MANOR it, and near it the church. The main street of the village leads to the river, and on each side are the houses of the tenants and the common pasture with crofts or small en- closures or grass yards for the rearing of calves and baiting farm stock ; this was the common farmstead. The lord's mill stood by the river, where all the tenants were obliged to grind their corn. On the north lay the arable fields of the community divided into three large fields, in which the rotation ofcropswas strictly enforced, each field lying fallow once in three years. To each freeman was assigned his own family lots, which were scattered about in the open fields. Shots or furlongs were divisions of the open fields, "a furrow long," divided into strips or acres. Gored acres were strips in the open fields pointed at one end. Around the arable land were the waste and woodland used for the pastur- age of pigs, and for the hunting of the lord. You can see him with his retainers in the plan sallying forth with his hounds on a hunting expedition. The remains of this common field system are still evident in many parts of the 13 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND country, the fields being termed " lot meadows " or " Lam- mas lands." The best definition of a manor is, perhaps, that given by Mr. Scargill-Bird in his Guide to the Public Records. He states that a manor is " a certain circuit of ground granted by the king to some baron or man of worth as an inheritance for him and his heirs, with the exercise of such jurisdiction within the said compass as the king saw fit to grant, and subject to the performance of such services and yearly rents as were by the grant required." A manor is not coterminous with the parish. Sometimes a village is divided into as many as five manors, as at East Hendred, in Berkshire. The village of Sutton Courtenay has three manor-houses, two belonging to the same manor, and the third to quite a different property. Some manor-lords had many grants of lands and manors, and in their turn made grants of manors to less important persons. Thus, Finchampstead manor, which at an early date was divided into two manors, being granted by the owner, Sir William Banastre, to his two daughters, Constance and Agatha, was always held of the over-lord, the owner of Aldermaston manor. A process of sub-division of manors went on until the reign of Edward I, after which time no new manors were created. The manor-house was, therefore, the hall of the lord of the manor. It was usually situated in the centre of the village on the demesne land and near the church and rectory. He did not always reside there. Sometimes it was inhabited by his bailiff or steward, and in the hall the manor-courts were held, justice administered and all the affairs of the community settled. In later times when rich London merchants bought manors in the country, not content with the old houses they found there, they reared more magnificent edifices. This was the case at Campden, in Gloucestershire, and a view of this fine estate is given in the illustration. The manor was bought 14 THE MANOR in 1609 by Sir Baptist Hicks, sometime Lord Mayor of London, who soon began to build this large mansion on the high ground overlooking the vale to the south of the church. The view, taken from a curious coloured drawing in the British Museum, shows the palace with its forecourt and ?Si~jS .<).... -0~~$ "$ ^ r > T ~ ->,T ...T ;X > r r J , T . T.- ..X '.-- ^. -V- '- - ' '-.: ^'~r'-- T - '>,* ^ -..t- :-.--' , -^ ^ ^f,Wrta^^ CHIPPING CAMPDEN HOUSE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE From an early coloured drawing grounds and gardens. Unfortunately it was partly destroyed during the Civil War, and only two pavilions, the entrance gate, and the almonry remain to tell of its former magnifi- cence. The manor-house played an important part in the life of the village, and is an interesting feature of every parish, both historically and architecturally. Much attention in late years has been given to the tracing of the manorial 15 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND history of each manor and parish. It is, as the writer knows from painful experience, a surprisingly difficult task, in spite of the researches which have been made at the Record Office and amongst other stores of ancient docu- ments. But the labour is sometimes rewarded by interesting glimpses of mediaeval or Elizabethan life, by happy acquaint- ance with bygone worthies, quarrelsome lords and unyielding tenants, and by the light which such documents throw on the history of the country. Manorial histories always must have a fascination for the student of our ancient manners and customs. Ill THE EVOLUTION OF THE MANOR-HOUSE OUR main concern is with the architectural charms and beauties of the English manor-house, its details, its garden, the well-wrought gates, its varying materials. We are trying to describe the attractive features that remain, and need not concern our- selves with its origin and evolution. Nevertheless, the construction and plan of many a manor-house are based upon the Gothic traditions of early times ; some few of the houses that remain are the actual mediaeval structures of the early lords. It will, therefore, be necessary to describe briefly an original type of the early residence of the manor-lord, and trace its development. The earliest house in Saxon times consisted of a capacious hall wherein the lord and his retainers feasted during the day and where the latter slept at night, the lord retiring to an adjoining chamber for repose. Besides, there was a buttery, and around the house were lean-to roofs covering a stable, barn and offices. A very simple arrangement this which continued for some centuries. The house was thatched with reeds or straw or roofed with wooden shingles. Little change was made when the Normans came. The main apartment was the hall, and Alexander Necham tells us that in addition to this there were at the end of the twelfth century the private or bedchamber, the kitchen, the larder, e 17 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND the sewery and the cellar. Sandon manor-house, in Essex,- in the twelfth century, had a hall, a bower or women's apartment, a latrina, besides barns, wash-house, cowshed, brewery, sty and henhouse. Kensworth manor had a domus or entrance, a bower and a large hall, besides the usual out- buildings. Even the palaces of the King at Clarendon, Kennington, Woodstock and elsewhere contained no ad- ditional accommodation except a chapel. The private or bedchamber, called a solar, was situated on the second storey, the room beneath being used as a cellar. The fire burned in the middle of the hall, and the smoke escaped through a hole in the roof. In the solar there were fireplaces and a chimney-piece remains in a house at Boothby Pagnell. In early times the cooking was performed at the fire in the centre of the hall ; later on there was a separate kitchen with an open roof. The windows of the house were narrow slits and could be closed by wooden shutters. The manor-house at Appleton, Berkshire, belongs to the end of the twelfth century. It is surrounded by a moat, and is of a simple oblong plan, three doorways, round-headed with early English mouldings, being the only parts which retain the original character. Boothby Pagnell manor-house, in Lincolnshire, is a good example of a twelfth-century building, of which two views are given. It consists of a large hall with windows high up in the wall, one of which is a later addition. It was the seat of a family named Boothby, the heiress of which married a Paynell. Newport Pagnell, in Buckinghamshire, also be- longed to the Paynells, but Leland states that they had " a great mynde to ly at Boutheby [i.e. to be buried there] wher they had a praty stone house withyn a mote." Traces of the moat still remain, and also the stone house as a memorial of an old Norman dwelling. The plan of these buildings with barns and other out- buildings was in the form of a quadrangle. The barns were 18 THE EVOLUTION OF THE MANOR-HOUSE PLAN Of PUlflCIRU. BOOTHBY PAGNELL MANOR-HOUSE VIEWS AND PLANS THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND of great size. Several fourteenth-century barns are still in existence and are like large churches with nave and aisles. Gunthwaite Hall barn, near Penistone, is 165 ft. long, 43 ft. broad and 30 ft. high. 1 We like to picture the life of the inhabitants of these primitive manor - houses, the lady sitting with her maids working their tapestry with figures of swans and beasts and ships and heroes, the playing of games in the courtyard, the men returning from their hunting, feasting in the hall, the minstrels and jugglers contributing to their amusement. Padley Hall, in Derby- shire, is a good example of an ancient manor-house. The main building consisted of a hall and buttery on the ground floor, and above on the first floor was a chapel with a bower, and other buildings were grouped around an oblong courtyard. As an example of this grouping of buildings round an oblong courtyard an illustration is given of a picturesque house in Somerset, though of a later date. It stands about midway between Yeovil and Montacute, and is called the manor house of Preston Bermondsey, often described as Preston Plucknett. Its name suggests that it belonged to the monks of Bermondsey Priory, but if that be so their possession was not of long duration. Its second name is derived from Alan de Plugenet, an early lord of the manor, which was owned in the early half of the fifteenth century by one John Stourton, who built this house. On the right of the view you see the original hall with a porch leading to the screens. The windows are Decorated. At the dais end of the hall you will notice the lowering of the sill of the window, giving it an importance which later was further enhanced by the use of the bay or oriel window generally found in this position. 2 An old sketch drawn prior to the alterations shows that some changes have been made 1 Evolution of the English House, by S. O. Addy. 2 Domestic Architecture of the Tudor Period, by Garner and Stratton, Part I, p. 25. 20 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND in the part of the house on the left of the porch. The octagonal chimney is a fine example of the type which pre- vailed for some time when the disuse of the louvre was becoming general. You will notice the great breadth of the wall on which it stands, due to the depth of the fireplace within. Disfiguring brickwork has been inserted in the original outlets for the smoke at the sides of the upper part of the shaft. The interior of the house has been much altered, and the interest and beauty of the building lie in the long restful lines of the stone-built exterior, and are en- hanced by the noble barn which is a few years later than the house, but erected by the same owner, John Stourton. It would be difficult to find a more picturesque group of buildings. The thirteenth-century manor-house differs little from its predecessor. You can see a good example at Charney Basset in Berkshire, which has as its chief feature the hall, and the chambers at each side are arranged as wings, so as to form with the hall three sides of a quadrangular courtyard. A chapel or oratory adjoins the solar in the south wing. A curious representation of a manor-house of this period is shown on a personal seal of the date 1273, reproduced in the Archaeological Journal. 1 It was constructed of wood with the ex- ception of its cylindrical chimney-shaft; the windows of the solar are placed high on the left, and the doorway is on the right leading to the hall. The manor-house of the Greys, at Coggs, in Oxfordshire, is partly of this period, as is also that of Cottisford in the same county. As an illustration of a fourteenth-century manor-house we give two views of Lower Brockhampton Hall, the interior of the ancient hall with its noble roof and minstrel gallery, and the exterior with the gatehouse. It stands in a hollow, and close to the ruins of a chapel of still earlier date. It is no longer the manor-house, that honour being held by the 1 Vol. I, p. 219. V INTERIOR OF THE HALL, LOWER BROCKHAMPTON, HEREFORDSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND eighteenth-century building which stands on high ground looking down on the beautiful old brick and timber house which is still almost surrounded by a moat. It is many a year since the family of Brockhampton, who took their name from the property, sold the manor. About the middle of the sixteenth century it was acquired by the Barneby family, one of whom suffered severely in the Civil Wars, and was accordingly compensated by being named for the intended Order of the Royal Oak. The detached gatehouse with its heavily studded door and the moat are relics of an earlier day when the only approach to the house lay through a draw- bridge. This gatehouse, which, with the well-known one at Stokesay, is one of the very few timber ones existing in the country, is very early, and belongs to the closing years of the fourteenth century. The closeness of the upright timbers, the moulded board covering the ends of the joists, the carved bracket at the angles and the barge-boards all point to a good old age which retains the beauties of youth. In the fourteenth century a greater desire for privacy was manifested in the multiplication of rooms, and houses were made much more convenient. The hall remained the prin- cipal apartment, and usually occupied the whole central portion of the house. Sometimes it extended from the floor to the roof; in other instances there were cellars or low rooms under it. In houses of this and of the preceding centuries, when the roof was too large to be covered by a single span, pillars of wood or stone were used to sup- port it. The following description 1 of the squire's house of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries records their chief charac- teristics : " In the southern districts of England the old English manor-houses, the houses of the gentry generally, as well as L Surrey Archaeological Collections, a Paper on Timber Houses, by Charles Baily. 24 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND of the better class of yeomanry, were very simple in the plan, and very often exhibited a singular uniformity of design. In the centre was the hall, at the end of one side O * of which was the principal entrance to the house, a portion of the hall being cut off by a screen, to form a passage through the house from the front entrance to that at the back, which was directly opposite. On the side of this passage (known by the name * the entrye,' and sometimes called the c screens ') and opposite to the screen were generally three doorways, as at Crowhurst Place, the seat of the Gaynesfords ; sometimes, however, there were but two, as in the case at Great Tangley, in the parish of Wonersh in Surrey. In both these examples the first of these doors opens into a parlour ; at Crowhurst the second leads to a staircase, and the third to the butteries, kitchen, and to the whole of the domestic offices. " In the screen were two openings, without doors, through which the hall was entered. Beyond the upper or dais end of the hall were one or several rooms, of a more private character than either the parlour or hall ; the sleeping-rooms were generally in the upper storeys. Externally there was usually a recess in the centre of the front, formed by one side of the hall, as we find was the case in the house of Great Tangley, as originally built. At either end of this central recess was a gable projection ; the one forming a porch over the entrance, the other a bay-window to the hall. Beyond these were two larger gabled ends, one enclosing the parlour and offices, and the other the more private rooms before noticed." If in these examples the parlour was on the side of the screens remote from the dais end of the hall, the arrange- ment was exceptional. An examination of numerous plans and an inspection of mediaeval houses prove that the ser- vants' quarters the kitchen, butteries, bakehouses, brew- house were always grouped at one end of the hall, and the rooms of the family the parlour, solar, and bedrooms at the other. This plan continued until the time of Inigo Jones, when the hall had quite ceased to be the centre of the 26 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND life of the household and had become merely an entrance or a passage. The illustration of Ditcheat shows the ancient arrangement of the entrance to the hall, the screens, passage, and buttery hatch. We shall refer again to this beautiful house in the chapter relating to Interior Details (p. 141). The early Tudor period, which commenced about the middle of the fifteenth century and lasted until about the year 1540, brought into being many charming manor-houses as well as the palaces of kings and the mansions of the nobles. Hitherto each Englishman's house was literally his castle, and needed defences and the means of resisting an attack. It was girt by a protecting moat and often was built around a courtyard with strong guarding gates and towers. But with the cessation of prolonged wars and internal strife, and a more settled state of the country, the need of such protection passed away, until at length in Elizabethan times defences were practically disregarded. As early as the reign of Henry VI we find a country squire built his manor-house at Great Chalfield, in Wiltshire, without considering it necessary to fortify his dwelling beyond giving it a moat. In the time of Henry VII the country became thoroughly settled. The country gentlemen became wealthy owing to the sale of their rich fleeces to the clothiers. They set themselves to add to, or to build anew, the ill-planned and inconvenient manor-houses bequeathed to them by their forefathers. A little later the after-gleaning of the spoils of the monasteries added to their wealth and increased their lust for " bricks and mortar." Then arose some of the most perfect examples of English domestic architecture that our land ever possessed. The style was essentially English. Though Henry VIII brought over foreign artificers, who were employed to assist in the construction of his palaces and in designing decorations for the mansions of the great, the native masons and builders were engaged on these lesser houses, and wrought in simple 28 DITCHEAT PRIORY, SOMERSET THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND fashion, clinging to the traditional style which they had loved and reverenced. Moreover, the squire and owner took a personal and active interest in the work. This personal care and interest was observable in the building of many houses, in many periods. See the accurate accounts and minute superintendency of the building of Longleat by Sir John Thynne. We like to read of the leisurely way in which Chastleton House (v. p. 193) was restored by the squire, John Jones, in the eighteenth century. The work was all done very gradually and very thoroughly. The stone was seasoned for three years, first under sheds, and then in the open, and the squire exercised close supervision over his workmen. After they had left work for the day he used to go and try if he could pick the mortar out with his knife ; if he succeeded, the work had to be pulled to pieces next day and done over again. When we, in these days, wish to build a house, we engage an architect. We tell him some of our ideas and vague notions, but we leave the whole matter in his hands. We order a house as we would order a motor-car or a portmanteau. The Tudor squire himself superintended the building, watched the laying of each stone and beam, paid the workmen, kept the accounts, arranged the plans and the conveniences of the house accord- ing to his liking, and cared not to copy classical models or foreign details. He clung with whole-hearted affection to the old English style of building, which he considered best suited to the national character and climate. His son, or grandson, followed in his footsteps, preserved the tradition of building, added to the house, making improvements and alterations according to his own taste and ideas. Hence houses sprang up showing no unity of design with picturesque grouping of portions erected at different times. They were in the early Tudor period usually built round a court with a substantial entrance gateway, sometimes carried up to form 3 THE EVOLUTION OF THE MANOR-HOUSE a tower. Fulham Palace, or, as it is more correctly named, the Bishop's manor-house at Fulham, built in the time of Henry VII, is a good example of this. We admire the mullioned windows, the parapets corbelled out and battle- mented, the irregular and picturesque grouping of the various parts of these old Tudor houses. Sometimes we find a great mixture of material, stone, brick, wood and plaster ; but the great hall remains as the principal feature with its screen, dais, bay window and huge fireplace in one of the side walls. The accompanying plans will reveal more clearly this de- velopment and evolution of the house than any description can give. We see in the plan of the house at Warneford the simplest form of the hall and offices. It was the manor-house of the St. John family, now quite ruined. Two rows of tall pillars carried the principal timbers of the roof. The Norman plan of Boothby Pagnell (p. 1 9) shows a plain oblong house divided into a large and a small cham- ber. The chief apart- ment is on the first floor, reached by the steps illustrated, with a vaulted undercroft beneath. The second plan, that of the typical fifteenth- century manor-house of Wanswell Court, Gloucestershire, shows the addition of several chambers. In addition to the central hall, there is a room at each end, a large kitchen, and a cellar. The apartment at the west end was a parlour, and it is clear that the lord dined there, and not in the common hall. The third plan reveals a further development. It shows PLAN OF AN EARLY HOUSE AT WARNEFORD, HAMPSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND the manor-house of Great Chalfield with its outbuildings, moat, and the adjoining church. The hall still retains its dominant position, but the number and complexity of the subordinate rooms have increased. In the chapter on Gardens (p. 193) is illustrated the plan of the Elizabethan house at Chastleton, built round a small court, which shows the greatly advanced ideas of comfort and privacy which had grown up with the sixteenth century. Dr. Andrew Boorde, whose Dyatary of Helth was published in 1542, tells how and "under what manner and fashion a man shulde buylde his howse or mansyon in exchewyng thynges the whiche shulde shorten the lyfe of man." He advocates the need of a good soil and good prospect. The air must be pure, frisky and clean, the foundations on gravel mixed with clay. The chief prospects should be east and west, or north-east and south-west ; never south, for the south wind doth corrupt and make evil vapours. This advice accords with that of a contemporary poet, who asserts The south as unkind draweth sickness too near, The north as a friend maketh all again clear. " Make the hall," he says, " under such a fashion that the parlour be annexed to the head of the hall, and the buttery and pantry be at the lower end of the hall ; the cellar under the pantry, set somewhat above from the buttery and pantry, coming with an entry by the wall of the buttery ; the pastry- house and larder-house annexed to the kitchen. Then divide the lodgings by the circuit of the quadrivial court, and let the gatehouse be opposite, or against the hall door (not PLAN OF WANSWELL COURT, GLOUCESTERSHIRE THE EVOLUTION OF THE MANOR-HOUSE directly) but the hall door standing abase, and the gatehouse in the middle of the front entering into the place. Let the privy chamber be annexed to the great chamber of estate with other chambers necessary for the building, so that many of the chambers may have a prospect into the chapel." He locates the stables, slaughterhouse and dairy a quarter of a mile away from the house, and advises that the moat should be divers times scoured and kept clean from mud and weeds. The advice of the good doctor seems to have been very sound, and much needed in the infant days of sanitary science. In the Elizabethan house we notice great attempts towards formal arrangement. No defence works were needed, and in the spacious days of good Queen Bess there was evinced a desire for display and magnificence as well as for comfort and convenience. Small suites of rooms were erected for guests on one side of the court, each room opening into the other, and the long gallery, a familiar feature of an Eliza- bethan house, was formed on the first floor of the left-hand side of the court. The windows became larger. The H- shaped type of house was evolved, which is only the old plan of the hall in the centre flanked on one side by the family apartments, on the other by those of the servants. Also the E- shaped type came into fashion, erroneously supposed to have been invented as a compliment to the Virgin Queen. Of course it is only the hall with wings projecting on one side only, the central stroke of the letter representing the porch. We shall give examples in subsequent chapters of the details of these houses, the Renaissance characteristics and changes in fashion which were introduced. With the beginning of the seventeenth century the "dining parlour" came into vogue, and the old fashion of the family and household meeting in the common hall fell into desuetude. Henceforward the servants adopted the D 33 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND custom of u keeping themselves to themselves," quite in accordance with modern notions. The Jacobean house is but a further development of the Elizabethan. Artists became more imbued with the Italian spirit, and we notice an increased profusion of ornament, wonderful plastered ceilings and elaborately carved panels PLAN OF THE HOUSE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS GREAT CHALFIELD MANOR, WILTSHIRE and mantelpieces. The Tudor style became more and more Italianized, though it still retained many of its English characteristics. Evidences of foreign influence are seen in the work of Thorpe, Robert and Huntingdon Smithson. Then came the era of the "English Palladio," Inigo Jones, who acquired his knowledge at Venice and in Denmark, ac- companied Anne of Denmark, the queen of James I, to Eng- land, and became the surveyor-general of the royal buildings 34 THE EVOLUTION OF THE MANOR-HOUSE under that monarch and his son Charles. Though his work was mainly concerned with royal and noble houses, such as the Banqueting House Whitehall, Stoke Park, Wilton House, and St. John's College, Oxford, his influence and that of his pupil Webb extended itself in the country, especially in decoration, and the various rooms of the richer manor- lords were converted into, as Bacon described them, " delicate and rich cabinets, daintily paved, richly hanged, glazed with crystalline glass, and all other elegancy that may be thought of." The golden age of English house-building had passed, and it was left to the humbler building, the smaller manor- houses, the yeoman's house, and country cottages to maintain in some measure the traditions of English Gothic and Tudor art. Sir Christopher Wren lent his influence to the further- ance of Renaissance ideals, though his art differed from the Palladian adaptations of Inigo Jones. It is true that his successors broke away from his manner in large and im- portant buildings, but his influence lived on, and is seen in the quieter domestic building which constituted the English vernacular for many a day. Lower Lypiatt, in Gloucestershire, is a good example of an early eighteenth-century house. It was erected in 1717, and we can detect the strong classic influence of the suc- cessors of Wren. The house is set back in a forecourt bounded by stone piers and wrought-iron railings. The gates are extremely good and have a lock-rail of richly interlacing work showing German influence. The maker of this ironwork was Warren, who wrought it for Judge Coxe, the builder of the house. Warren was the artificer of many handsome gates of that period, including those at Trinity College, Cambridge ; Eagle House, Clapton ; the Little Cloister by Westminster Ajjbey ; Abney House, Stoke Newington ; and Burleigh House at Enfield. The last closely resemble those at Lower Lypiatt, having four small panels, each filled with four scrolls proceeding from a circle, 35 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND united by vertical bars, with the central panel formed of scrolls and water-leaves. The horizontals are fringed with C scrolls holding waved spikes and the dog-bars are arrow- pointed. The low pyramid tops of the piers are crowned by solid vases. Master Warren and his brother blacksmiths of the eighteenth century were wonderful artists. With the commencement of the eighteenth century was evolved the so-called " Queen Anne " style, which has given us many charming and picturesque houses throughout the country. As the late Mr. J. J. Stevenson wrote : " Brick had become the common material of the country, and the classic forms and mouldings the vernacular of the workmen, who following, apparently, their own instincts, formed the style out of these elements, without drawings from architects, who were too learned to tolerate its barbar- ism. The shaping of the gables into various curves, which is one of the characteristics of the style, is a simple and natural, and consequently cheap, mode of producing an effect in brick. It is one of the many ways in which the builders in every country, still inspired by the old Gothic freedom, got rid of the trammels of classic rule." 1 We might pass on to think of the Georgian builders, of the work of the brothers Adam and other great masters, but that would carry us beyond the limits of our search. As an illustration of the later development of house- building we give a view of the manor - house of Studley, in Warwickshire. The chimneys that once soared high have hidden themselves behind a parapet. The rows of plain oblong windows are scarcely attractive, and the redeeming feature of the house is the splendid iron- work of the gates, which are worthy of a better dwelling. It is with the old manor-houses of England that we are con- cerned, and compared with them modern or comparatively modern work seems unsatisfying and unsatisfactory. All 1 English House Architecture, I, 331. 36 it r$ ! ' -. THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND these old houses seem to us beautiful. Time has added to their charm. Some are more beautiful than others, but there are no failures ; and though Time has improved their appearance, mellowed their brickwork, wrought wonders on their tiled roofs, and cast over them the glamour of romance, their beauties are due to the skill and natural sense of artistic STUDLEY MANOR-HOUSE, WARWICKSHIRE effect of the village masons and artificers, carpenters, and smiths, who " built houses and churches such as for excel- lence and accuracy in architectural style we vainly now, with all our knowledge, attempt to imitate." Such is the sad confession of a modern architect. The examples of the work of these village artists, which we have selected for this book, are a witness to their skill. They wrought in various materials, and in the following chapters we will examine 38 THE EVOLUTION OF THE MANOR-HOUSE their work more closely, and delight ourselves by the con- templation. We shall try to trace the development of their ideas, as generation after generation they were striving after a more excellent way, to admire their efforts to make the houses beautiful inside and out, and to understand their conceptions of ornamentation and decoration. Perhaps we shall discover that our best ideals for future work will be formed by studying the triumphs of our native English craftsmen rather than in following the imaginings of alien builders unsuited to our climate and foreign to our traditions. 39 IV MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION IT has often been remarked how well the buildings be- queathed to us by our forefathers harmonize with their surroundings. They seem to be part of the landscape. There is no incongruity, no false or startling note. The cause of this harmonious blending is not hard to discover. Our ancestors always used the materials which Nature her- self supplied in the neighbourhood wherein the house was to be reared. If they lived in a region of stone quarries, they constructed their houses of stone. If they were surrounded by woods and forests, the giant trees supplied them with timber for their dwellings. This was entirely in accordance with the eternal fitness of things. The half- timbered houses of Berkshire, Sussex or Kent would look out of place amid the wild moors of Yorkshire, where the stone hewn from the native quarries supplies fit and pleasing material for north-country dwellings. Compare the illustra- tions of two specimens of these types given opposite and on p. 43. The mediaeval masons and their descendants worked unconsciously in accordance with this principle of aesthetic art. There were no railways to bring stone from far-off quarries, or slates from Wales, or bricks from Bracknell. Some of our kings delighted to bring Caen stone from Normandy by sea for great castles or abbeys. " Cane stone " was brought to Reading Abbey by Henry I and to Wallingford Castle, and when these great buildings were ruined the same stones were shipped off in barges for the improvement of Windsor Castle. 40 ST. BENEDICT S PRIORY, NEAR TENTERDEN, KENT THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND But the builders of our manor-houses would not be inclined to incur the expense of bringing stone from Normandy. With here and there an exception, such as Shrub Place, Sussex, where Caen stone is used for the sixteenth-century addition, they used the materials that lay ready to hand, and thus avoided the production of strange anomalies and the associa- tion together of those constituent parts that Nature had not blended. They wrought as they best could, naturally, un- affectedly, and built for themselves those pleasing and enduring houses which it is our pleasure to admire and study and perhaps to do our best to imitate. The external appearance of these buildings was in a great measure determined by the situation of the land upon which they stood and the materials it yielded, these factors also bear- ing the impress of the individual character of those who used them. . Up and down the country-side is everywhere seen the work of these village craftsmen, vernacular work un- affected by imported design. It shows how local traditions of taste were cultivated and carried down from generation to generation. The builders of the smaller manor-houses and humbler cottages pursued the even tenor of their way, one age content to profit by the experience of its predecessor. Hence traditions in building arose from the long retention of certain definite tendencies, gradually gaining in power by the introduction of new methods and ideas. Villages or districts were self-centred, owing to the difficulties of com- munication and transit, and different parts of the country preserved their own peculiarities little affected by what was being accomplished in other parts of the country outside their own little world. Some wrought in stone, others in brick, plaster or timber ; but the same underlying principle governed all a wish to do their best with the materials nearest to hand. Such was the process ; the results, though not without fault, command our admiration and respect. Building materials naturally vary with the geological forma- 42 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND tion of our island, and determine the character of the great building districts. In the south-eastern region of England, A GABLE AT SARRE, KENT including Kent, Surrey, Sussex and eastern Hampshire, the natural materials are chiefly chalk, chalk marl and weald clay. Flints are often found in the chalk. The gable at Sarre shows the local use of brick. Originally the land 44 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION was densely overgrown with forests. Thus we find the buildings composed of timber and plaster, of brick and flint, the houses being tile-hung or weather-boarded. This chalk formation continues through portions of the counties of Wilts and Berks and away to the sea coast of Suffolk. Chalk is the chief influence in the buildings, and plaster is commonly used, either separately or together with the other products of the land, flint and stone, bricks made from the clay and timber from the forest lands. The extreme easterly part of England, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk and Kent, with the Isle of Thanet, yields clay for brickmaking and tiles. The great forest of Epping, stretching across Essex, was also important for its timber and contributed materials for the structure of the houses. In the southern parts of Hampshire and Dorset, together with the Isle of Wight, we find chalk and flint. The great stone bed of oolite and lias, stretching from the Dorset coast in the south to the Yorkshire coast in the north, furnished most excellent building stone, and along its course is the region of the best stone buildings in the country. Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset produce granite, sandstone, grit and slate. With the Midlands as a centre, its arms stretch- ing north, south and west, is the great sandstone formation. Almost all this land was thickly wooded. Hence this was pre-eminently the great timber-building district of England. The natural products of the north country are sandstone, limestone and granite which were used for the construction of houses in that district. We will now study some of the beautiful works of art wrought in these various materials that Time has spared. It is impossible in this work to describe all the manor-houses in England, and we can only select typical examples fashioned of stone or timber, brick or flint or plaster ; but from these specimens we can judge of the achievements of the skill of our forefathers and admire their perfections. 45 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND i. STONE We must look for the best examples of stone buildings along the course of that broad band of oolite and lias which extends from the southern coast of Dorset to where the North Sea laves the shore of Yorkshire. It embraces part of Wiltshire, Somerset, Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Derbyshire, part of Lincolnshire. Along its course can be seen many of the most superb of English architectural triumphs, fine church towers and spires, some of our grandest cathedrals, such as Salisbury, Wells, Lincoln and Southwell, and beautiful stone manor-houses, mansions and cottages. It embraces the region of the Cotswolds, cele- brated for its architectural beauties, and many other districts that abound in charming examples of exquisite construction. In the southern counties of Somerset, Wilts and Dorset the buildings betray a strong mediaeval influence. Gothic feeling probably lingered here longer than elsewhere in England, and some of the mediaeval manor-houses happily remain, though many have fallen from their former state. There is a delightful old manor-house near Darleigh, in West Somerset, known variously as Bur or West Bower Manor, or Court, now called West Bower Farm, which is of very early construction, and belongs to the Decorated period of English architecture. Its entrance, guarded by two towers with windows far from the ground (those on the right and left of the entrance were evidently inserted in later times), shows that it was built in troublous days when the need of fortification had not passed away and when every English- man's house was his castle. Probably the lean-to roof and present doorway are not part of the original building. It claims to be the birthplace of Jane Seymour, afterwards queen of Henry VIII and the mother of Edward VI. Her father, Sir John Seymour, was lord of the manor of Bur. The stone turrets still contain some of the old glass in 46 ^5 >WwfflgoK7* '?Sf < x *-- *fe^jfe& ^P-x ,---, V V 7 W J. '1. WEST BOWER FARM, NEAR DARLEIGH, WEST SOMERSET THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND which appear formal roses and archaic letters. M can be deciphered, and it probably stands for Malet. 1 Perched high on a hillside stands the sturdy stone-built manor-house called Stanton Old Hall, in Derbyshire, within a short distance from Haddon Hall, commanding one of the loveliest views in the county. Its long, low front rising above the narrow flagged and terraced forecourt, its square-headed mullioned and latticed windows, and its gables finished with ball finials, suggest that it was built in the latter half of the sixteenth century, during the tenure of the Bache family. The family of the De Stantons was an ancient one. Robert de Stanton requested, in 1327, King Edward III to grant pontage to the men of Stanton and Swarkeston towards the repair of the bridge between the two towns. Fate has grimly distinguished the change of possession of this manor by the extinction, not infrequently by violence, of the male line of each family who has owned it from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century. 2 The present tenant, a farmer of the name of Smith, claims that the house has been the home of his family for many generations past, and the sword of his great-great- great-grandfather hangs in the inglenook of the kitchen, where the massive oak ceiling beams and panelling on the low walls give an old-world character to the room. A modern drawing-room has been added in recent times, and altogether the other sides of the house have lost their original character, but traces of the sloping garden suggest that the scheme must once have been very complete for a small house. It is now the property of the Duke of Rutland. The site of the house forced the development of the plan. You will notice the graceful gables, the mullioned windows, the picturesque chimney-stack, the low pitch of the roof necessi- 1 Fletcher Moss, Pilgrimages to Old Houses. 2 Tilley, Old Halls and Families of Derbyshire. 48 STANTON OLD HALL, DERBYSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND tated by the use of the heavy Derbyshire slabs. Our fore- fathers soon discovered that though steeply pitched roofs drained off the rain best, and were most satisfactory when thatch or light slates or tiles were used as roofing material, yet when heavy tiles or slabs were hung they pulled sorely on the rafters and broke the pegs that held them ; hence our ancestors wisely adopted a lower pitch. As you enter the house you notice that the door is fastened in the old- fashioned way a great beam shot into holes in the wall. The hall is original, the furniture just the same as when the manor-lord sat at the head of the table, settled the disputes of his tenants, and dispensed common-sense justice at his court leet. Sandford Orcas Manor-house, Dorset, is a good example of an early sixteenth-century stone house. A view of the fine Tudor gatehouse is shown. The house is built of Ham Hill stone, to which local material the old houses of Dorset and Somerset owe not a little of their mellow colouring and beautiful texture. It has two storeys, with rooms above in the attics, having mullioned windows with dripstones in the gables. It is entered by a beautiful porch which leads to the screens on the west of the hall. The hall has a large bay mullioned window. On the summit of the three gables are curious grotesque figures. The porch has a chamber over it, an elaborately carved coat-of-arms over the door, and finely carved finials crown the buttresses on each side of the porch. On the borders of Yorkshire and Derbyshire at Holmes- field, not far from Sheffield, stands the lonely Cartledge Hall, far from the haunts of men, a manor-house of the late fifteenth or early sixteenth century. Few people know of the existence of this. It is built throughout of large blocks of stone, and has the typical large stone slabs common to the district. It stands solitary and alone, exposed to the fierce storms that sweep over a wild, bleak 5 THE GATEHOUSE, SANDFORD ORCAS, DORSETSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND and rugged moor, challenging the fury of the tempestuous gales. With its bold unimaginative details and bleak surroundings the house seems to convey to the mind the stern spirit of the north-country man, his steadiness, his practical nature and strength of charatter. Some of the interior details which are of much interest will be examined later. The house remains a good type of a northerner's rugged dwelling. CARTLEDGE HALL, DERBYSHIRE A Yorkshire type is seen at Oakwell Hall, Birstall, near Leeds, though a century later than Cartledge, having been built in 1583 by one Henry Batt, of whom nothing good can be said save that he had the good taste to build this noble dwelling. Its narrow mullioned windows and some- what heavy appearance correspond to the usual features of Yorkshire houses. Its interest is that it is almost in the same condition as when Henry Batt finished it, a quaint homestead with a panelled hall, huge fireplace, a gallery running round the chamber and old dog-gates at the foot of the stairs to prevent the animals gaining access to the 5 2 '.. * M** .2* -* THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND bedrooms. The founder achieved ignoble fame by waging war against the vicar, appropriating money that had been en- trusted to him for building a school, selling the great bell at Birstall and pulling down the vicarage. His successors had to pay heavily for this sacrilege. You can see a bloody foot- print in one of the bedrooms imprinted by the ghost of a Batt who was slain in a duel in London. The Fearnleys used to make the old house echo with sounds of merriment and hunting songs, but its chief fame is derived from its association with Charlotte Bronte, who pictured its ancient gables and old-world charm in Shirley. Of stone manor-houses dating from the days of Elizabeth we have many other examples. Owlpen in Gloucestershire presents many features of peculiar interest. The parish of Owlpen has been aptly described by an eighteenth-century writer a as a " kind of gloomy retreat," and the manor-house itself is in keeping with its surround- ings. Shut in by steep hills and hidden in trees, access to it is most difficult, the more so because of the state of the roads. When reached, the weird beauty of the place gives an impression not easily shaken off. It is indeed something of a relief to learn that the present owner does not live in the grey old house, but uses it and the beautiful gardens by daylight as a picnic place. The house itself, which is built of the stone of the county, is a specially interesting example of sixteenth-century architecture. The name, variously spelt Olepenne, Ullepenne, is derived from its situation, being on the hill above the Uley. It is rather disappointing that it should have nothing to do with owls, but three owls argent appear on the arms of the family of Olepenne, who owned the manor from the early part of the fourteenth century until their heiress brought the property by marriage to John Daunt, who died in 1522. His descendants were still the owners when Rudder wrote in 1 Rudder's Gloucestershire, 1779. 54 OWLPEN MANOR-HOUSE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND 1779. The entrance gates are evidently much later than the house, and belong to the Queen Anne period. Shipton Hall, Shropshire, in Corvedale on the road from Much Wenlock to Craven Arms and Ludlow, is a charming example of the latter part of the sixteenth century. It has a tower over the porch, picturesque gables and broad projecting windows. The approach is imposing with its series of terraces and wide stone steps and balustrades. Old- fashioned flowers flourish in the terrace gardens. There is a fine stone dovecot and eighteenth-century stables and outbuildings. The interior shows a noble hall and grand staircase, carved mantelpieces and good panelling. It was formerly the home of the Mytton family, and boasted of a famous collection of old furniture, armour, books, manu- scripts, silver, pewter and other family relics ; but all these have vanished, having been sold recently by auction, and the house has passed into the hands of a new owner. Belonging to the same period is Wilderhope Manor-house in Shropshire. This well-preserved stone-built manor-house, secluded amongst woods and pasture-land, was for many generations the home of the Smallmans. The existing house was either built or largely remodelled by Francis Smallman, who died in 1599. His initials and those of his wife, Ellen, appear on a very beautiful plaster ceiling, together with a half-obliterated legend, of which three at least suggested renderings are given by differing authorities. The mystery of these words together with the high-spirited reputation enjoyed by a certain Major Smallman, of Royalist fame, are probably responsible for strange stories connecting the family and the house with a darkly-spoken-of " Hell-fire Club." The spot is still pointed out, however, where Major Small- man, pursued by enemies, leaped his horse from Wenlock Edge : the horse was killed, but a timely crab-tree broke the major's fall and saved his life. Wilderhope is now a farmhouse : it has not belonged to 56 \ *3SV., ; ; THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND the Smallman family since the beginning of the eighteenth century. Its principal front faces south and has three project- ing gabled wings, the main entrance being in the eastern pro- jection. It has mullioned windows with Tudor dripstones, and finials at the end of each gable. The many-shafted chimneys are a feature of the house, and there is a curious tower, containing a staircase, with a conical roof somewhat resembling the Scottish type. The part of the house given in the illustration faces north, and shows how well the old builders made allowance for the more exposed side. Condover Hall is one of the finest of these Shropshire stone houses, built between 1586 and 1598. It is a very perfect example of this period, to which also belong Acton Scott and Upton Cressett ; Madeley Court, which also has a cone-shaped roof tower, and Elsich, near Craven Arms, belong to the middle of the sixteenth century, and Benthall and Belswardine to the beginning of that century. The prosperity of the country markedly showed itself in Shrqpshire during tfyis period, when wealth increased in all ranks, especially among the middle classes, and comfort was more considered than in early days. Squires and merchants, yeomen and tradesmen of every degree, built for themselves houses fitted for the new luxuries, and there is hardly a town or parish in Shropshire that cannot show a house, larger or smaller, of this period. We have already illustrated (p. 5) Whittington Court, Gloucestershire, a fine house of which some exterior details and interiors are given in a later chapter. The manor of Whittington was granted by Henry VII to the Cottons, and -the present house was built by Richard Cotton, who died in 1553, and is commemorated together with his wife in the church near by. Apart from its architecture and the beauty of its surroundings, Whittington Court is of interest as having been the home of Sir John Denham, famed as the author of Cooper s Hill and for being Surveyor-General 53 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND to Charles II. Later the heiress of Whittington brought the main property in marriage to Sir William Morley of Helnaker, and thus it came to Mary, wife of James Earl of Derby, on whose death Helnaker was allowed to fall into ruin. A different fate, however, awaited Whittington, for it was shortly afterwards bought by Thomas Tracy, M.P., who made it his residence, and in 1865 it was very much restored. On the edge of Salisbury Plain stands the old manor- house of Knook, which has weathered many a storm and is now much dilapidated and liable to fall into decay. The only habitable part is that to the left of the entrance porch, and it is a pity that such a house should become a ruin. It is a good example of a late Tudor house, and is worthy of preservation. Wiltshire is a county of beautiful old manor-houses. Some of them have fallen from their high estate. Great Chalfield, built in the reign of Henry VI by Thomas Tropenell, in 1460-70, was until recently a ruin, and is now being rescued from its sad condition of neglect. There is a good entrance gate and adjoining it a range of domestic offices. The ha 1 ! had been made into two storeys, but the dividing floor has been removed. Two curious masks, through the eyes of which the lord could watch the behaviour of his retainers in the hall, have been replaced. Not far away is South Wraxall Manor, a fine stone house, erected by Robert Long, who died in 1447. The portions belonging to that period are the great hall with timber roof of the early hammer-beam type, porch, parlour, kitchens with chamber above and the buttery with withdrawing-room over it. Early in the sixteenth century the gateway with oriel and porter's lodge over it, and the ouildings connecting it with the parlour, were erected by Sir Thomas Long, whose badge, the fetterlock, appears over the arch of the gateway. Ex- tensive alterations were carried out in the time of Elizabeth and James I. Some of the fireplaces are very magnificent, 60 THE OLD MANOR-HOUSE OF KNOOK, WILTS THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND and are shown in works on architecture. The house was once a school ; then it degenerated into a show place where tourists and trippers could have tea-parties. It is now, by the skill and bounty of Mr. E. Richardson Cox, restored to its pristine glories, a model manor-house. Limestone is the chief building stone of the Isle of Wight which is rich in beautiful specimens of domestic archi- tecture of the humbler sort. Wolverton Manor-house is a good example of the E-shaped plan with its porch and two projecting wings. As early as the reign of Henry V the manor of Wolverton was owned by the family of Dingley, and in the reign of Elizabeth John Dingley built the present manor-house. The site surrounded by a moat of an earlier house can still be traced, but none of the building remains. Standing on low-lying ground watered by a mill stream, and well equipped with trees, the gabled house, built of warm tinted stone, gives joy to the passer-by. Every side being well broken up there is no monotony in its lines, and from whatever point of view it is seen the effect is good. The entrance front, which faces south-east and is enclosed by the walls of a forecourt, has the projecting wings usual in Isle of Wight houses and also a fine two-storey porch. It is possible that parts of this porch may have once belonged to the earlier house and have been built into the new one. The south wing has suffered by the insertion of sash windows, and the annexe to the west, designed for a staircase, but used as a brewhouse, is of later date than the house. But on the whole the exterior has been little spoiled or altered. Indeed, the unfinished attics are still in an un- plastered condition. The plan of the interior is much the same as when first designed, and the great hall, which contains a good mantel- piece, has always been kept to its original use. The mantelpieces in the drawing-room and in one of the 62 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND bedrooms were probably added by Sir John Dingley, grandson of the builder, who married Jane Hammond, daughter of Dr. Hammond, Physician-in-Ordinary to Prince Henry, son of James I. Sir John Oglander made a scornful re- mark of Sir John Dingley, saying that he " lived altogeathor neare London and not in oure Island, as being drawen thethor by ye instigation of his wyfe and her Fryndes." KINGSTON MANOR, ISLE OF WIGHT The arms of Hammond impaled with those of Dingley appear carved on a panel in the mantelpiece in the bedroom. The " pleasance " was doubtless to the north, where the old garden is now. The old manor-house at Kingston in the island is full of architectural interest, but the modernization of the windows of the south front and the large eighteenth-century chimney- stack, which is a prominent feature of the north front, have done much to deprive it of its original character. 6 4 MATERIALS STONE It was built early in the seventeenth century by one of the Meux, a family who had owned the property from the beginning of the fifteenth century. The last baronet, Sir William Meux, died without issue early in the eighteenth century and Kingston passed to his sister. It was about this time that the house suffered a good deal from alteration. RAM HALL, WARWICKSHIRE Fortunately, however, the gables still retain their stone copings and their finials (p. 137), similar in detail to those at Barton, and in most instances the lapel moulding to the windows remains. On the upper floor this moulding seems to have been continuous, which suggests the existence formerly of an attic storey, since pulled down or perhaps never finished. In the present dining-room the Meux arms are carved on a central panel in the elaborate Jacobean chimney-piece,and in the old hall, now used as a kitchen (p. 1 45), there is a good Jacobean F 65 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND door to the cupboard (p. 163), beside the wide flat-centred chimney-piece. It is panelled as high as the mullioned windows, and has fixed benches attached to the woodwork. Ram Hall, Warwickshire, stands a memorial of its de- parted greatness. It has seen better days, but still its twin gables, its mullioned lattice-paned windows, its curiously devised chimney-stack and the half-timbered barn beyond, standing against a bank of giant elms, and the great moat in EYAM HALL, DERBYSHIRE front, form a wonderfully charming picture that is not easily forgotten. There is not much to tell of the history of these houses. They have passed through the ages peacefully and pleasantly. History fails to record any great events that happened in their ancestral halls, or disturbed their placid existence. Plots and conspiracies could not be bred in such quiet homes and if an occasional secret hiding-place tells of dangers feared or actually realized the page of history is silent. They resemble closely their owners, sturdy country squires who 66 MATERIALS STONE hunted and sported, farmed and tried to do their duty to their neighbours, and then slept in the neighbouring church- yard where a simple stone slab records their names and memories. Not entirely without history, however, is the hall of Eyam. The manor dates back to Saxon times when it was held by one Caschin, and at the Conquest passed into the King's hand. William Peveril became the over-lord in the reign of Henry I, and under him it was held by the Morteynes and then by the Furmivals. Amongst the owners of the manor were the Talbots, earls of Shrewsbury, and the dukes of Devonshire, and the Staffords de Eyham were under-lords of the manor until the family became extinct about a century before the famous Plague that devastated the village. The present manor-house never saw that terrible visitation, which broke out in the year 1665. The old Hall was purchased by the Wright family soon after the Plague, who pulled it down and erected or re-erected it about the year 1680. It is still in the possession of the family and is now the property of Miss Wright. The family is an ancient one, being a branch of the Longstone Wrights who were settled at Longstone Hall in the fourteenth century. The house was evidently constructed on the old lines, and appears to resemble a late Tudor, rather than a building erected at the end of the seventeenth century. It has rough walling with dressed stone at the angles. There is not much attempt at ornamentation about the houses of Derbyshire and Yorkshire. The stone of which they are constructed is hard and difficult to work. The gable is a general feature, low-pitched and finished with a coping. Another characteristic north-country house is Cark Hall (given on p. 43), Lancashire. It is a Tudor gabled house with a good Renaissance doorway. You will notice the typical, heavy, north-country chimneys, one of which is circular. 67 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND 2. TIMBER We must naturally look for half-timber houses in the great forest districts of the country, in the south-eastern counties, the Weald of Kent and Sussex, Essex and part of Suffolk, in Herefordshire, the Forest of Dean, Shropshire and the Welsh marshes, Lancashire and Cheshire. There we find splendid examples of the skill of the carpenter who fashioned the beautiful timber houses which we so much admire, and which give an added beauty to the English land- scape and form a characteristic feature of our scenery. It is impossible to state how early the use of timber for house- construction was invented. It is probable that the Saxons framed their houses of wood and filled in the interstices with " wattle and daub," but most of the existing half-timber build- ings date from the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Owing to the scarcity of timber few important buildings were erected after that period. It is unnecessary to describe here the methods adopted for their erection. For information concerning them the reader is referred to Mr. Charles Baily's " Remarks on Timber Houses," published in the Surrey Archaeological Collections, 1 to Mr. Dawber's Introduction to Mr. W. G. Davies' Old Cottages in Kent and Sussex, and to our previous volume on The Charm of the English Village. It may be useful, however, to point out the signs which tell of early, or fifteenth-cen- tury, work whereby we can distinguish it from the pro- ductions of later builders. The older houses have for a corner-post the butt of a tree placed root upwards, with the top part curving diagonally outwards in order to carry the angle-posts of the upper storey. These are often cut into brackets both on 'the outside and inside of the house. The posts themselves were also richly carved. The close- ness of the timbering is one of the characteristics of early i Vol. IV. 68 MATERIALS TIMBER ToNG work. It was not until later, when timber became scarce, that the timbers were set further apart and curved and shaped braces introduced as shown in the gable illustrated from Bridgnorth. Sometimes the projection of the upper storeys was carried round the angle of the house and continued on all sides. The projecting ends of the joists were rounded off or moulded, but it is a sign of early work when they were covered with a long fascia board, either moulded and the upper part cut into small battle- ments, or carved with foliage. The filling up of the interstices was accomplished in several ways. In some cases upright hazel rods were fixed in grooves cut in the top and bottom of the square panels formed by the upright and horizontal beams, and thinner hazel wands twisted round them. The panel was then filled up with a plaster of clay and chopped straw and finished with a coating of lime plaster. 1 Sometimes bricks 1 R. Nevill, Old Cottage Architecture in South West Surrey. 69 BRIDGNORTH THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND EvESHAM were placed in the divisions between the timbers, and occasionally arranged in herring-bone fashion. Flint and stones in checkered squares are not uncommon in Kent. Gables also are good indicators of the age of a building, as they are usually adorned with barge-boards. The earliest forms reveal barge-boards with the edges cut in cusps. In the sixteenth century they are pierced with tracery as at Evesham, frequently in the form of trefoils or quatrefoils ; and in the Jacobean period the ends of the gables at the eaves have pendants, a finial adorns the ridge, and the perforated de- signs are more fantastic and correspond to the details of the usual Jacobean carving. In the older houses the barge- boards project about a foot from the surface of the wall. In the eighteenth century, when weather-tiling was introduced, the distance between the wall and the barge-boards was diminished, and ultimately they were placed flush with it ; elaborately carved boards were then discarded and the ends of the gable moulded. Other evidences of early or late design will be noticed when we discuss the details of the manor-house. The work of building timber-framed houses differed widely in various parts of the kingdom. Thus, owing to the pre- sence of the industrious Flemings, in Eastern England the work in timber, as well as in stone and brick, was more refined than in the remoter regions of the west and north. In Herefordshire, Cheshire and Lancashire the buildings are distinguished by a rude vigour of design and by a coarseness of execution. John Abel, who lived to be ninety-seven years of age, and was born in 1597, was responsible for much good half-timber work in Herefordshire. He built surely and well ; his construction was sound and good, but his work was 70 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND often a little crude. Mr. Blomfield, in his History of Renaissance Architecture, tells of the existence of sundry insidious pattern- books full of atrocious models which were a snare and a delusion to Abel and other carpenter-builders, and led them away from their truer instincts and traditional styles. New fashions ill understood did not go well with the lingering spirit of Gothic architecture or the scarcely acquired concep- tions of the Renaissance. After this time a traditional vernacular method of working again arose in England. The local builders, masons and carpenters, recovered their lost art and worked in their own natural and true style ; and we find " in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the inde- pendence of thought, the sober taste and kindliness of manner which has throughout stamped our architecture, whether Mediaeval or Renaissance, with a character unmis- takably English." l Herefordshire is famous for its timber houses. Weobley still retains a large number of beautiful old black and white structures, which were universal in the county two hundred years ago. In the county we find Knill Court, which was en- larged about 1561 ; Orleton Court, the seat of the Blount family ; the Wythall, near Ross ; the Ley in Weobley, the residence of the family of Brydges, and built by James Brydges in 1589, with no fewer than eight gables on the north front; Luntley Court in Dilwyn, dated 1674. We will work up these western shires and notice the types of timber-framed houses which abound there. Hudding- ton Court is an old moated manor-house in the heart of rural Worcestershire, not far from Droitwich. The romance of history is woven round this old half-timbered house, with its encircling moat, aged walls and twisted chimney. It is celebrated as the place where the conspirators of the Gun- powder Plot halted during their last melancholy fight after the plot had been discovered and they knew that they were 1 Renaissance Architecture in England, by R. Blomfield. 72 SOLIHULL, WARWICKSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND doomed if captured. It was the home of the Wintours of Hodington, one Joan de Hodington marrying Roger Wintour, a descendant of Wyntour the Castellan of Carnar- von. Robert Wyntour, the conspirator, came of an ancient and powerful Roman Catholic family. He married Gertrude Talbot of Grafton, the daughter of the wealthiest landholder in the county. But his restless spirit, his religious fanaticism made him the victim of the mad visionaries and traitors who devised the Gunpowder Plot. On November 6th, 1605, a weary company of exhausted and dejected travel-stained men rode across the bridge to Huddington Court. In the east window of the Court (still called Lady Wyntour's window) sat Robert Wyntour's wife watching for the return of her husband. Robert's brothers, Thomas and John, were also involved, and here in this hall they met, for the last time, fugitives from justice, well knowing the fate that awaited them. The dining-hall is now divided, by a lath-and-plaster partition, into two bedrooms, but the fine stone chimney- piece remains, with the arms of Huddington and Cromby and the royal arms of Edward III. The company on that memorable night numbered thirty, including Catesby, Percy, Rookwood and Sir Everard Digby. Guards watched at the corners of the roads. At 3 a.m. the weary men rose from sleep to attend Mass. Arms and ammunition and armour were laid out in the hall for their use, and a few hours later the conspirators were in the saddle again, and Robert Wyntour had embraced his wife and children for the last time and bid farewell for ever to the home of his ancestors. The neighbouring county of Warwick has several notable houses, and amongst these is the curious half-timbered mansion known as Bott's Green House, near Shustoke, to which we have already referred (p. 7). In the same county is the house at Solihull, reputed to be the original manor-house of the Greswoldes, distinguished by 74 MATERIALS TIMBER its two oriel windows jutting out in the central bay. Sash windows have been inserted in the ground floor. The coloured frontispiece to this volume shows Grimshaw Hall, in Warwickshire, a delightful timber and plaster house with projecting porch, shallow bay windows supported by brackets and brick clustered chimneys. HARTON MANOR-HOUSE, SHROPSHIRE Shropshire is famous for its black and white houses, notably the old town of Shrewsbury where they abound. Pitchford Hall dates back to 1475, an ^ the house on the Wyle Cop, where Henry of Richmond slept in 1485, still stands to show how well men built in the fifteenth century. Park Hall is a magnificent example of a half-timbered front of 1555, and Marrington Hall of 1595. At Durvall there 75 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND is a fine timber house of about 1580. Boscobel, well known for its associations with Charles II, was built at the close of the sixteenth century, or at the very beginning of the seventeenth, and Plowden Hall is of about the same date. In both of these houses you will find some ingeniously devised hiding-places or priests' holes. When in these difficult days we manage to save any money we take it to the bank. In Elizabethan times there were no banks and few opportunities for investing money. Hence our forefathers kept their money in their houses and cleverly devised secret cupboards and hiding-holes, where they could deposit their superfluous wealth. It is surprising how many nooks and corners and secret holes you can find in an old-fashioned escritoire. The little Harton Manor-house embowered in trees is a good example of the smaller type. The ornamented curved braces in the gable are peculiar, showing some attempt at elaborate decoration, and the clustered chimney-stack displays fine workmanship. The view we give of the Great Lyth in the same county (p. 103) shows a fine brick house with curved gables. Crossing the boundary into the neighbouring county of Stafford, we admire the half-timbered Bradley Hall at King- swinford, which conforms to the usual type of the Midland manor-house. It bears the date 1596, and we notice chimneys wide at the base so as to afford a pleasantly large inglenook which is probably combined with an oven, the closeness of the upright timbers, the overhanging of the storeys so that the front of the gable embraces the large bay window and the ingeniously constructed porch which is carried up to the roof and has rooms over it. Cheshire has many houses of the black and white type as well as of the red sandstone which mellows so beautifully with age and seems part of the scenery. Of the former Handforth Hall is a delightful example. It is rich in beauty and in romance. The Honfords of Honford (such is the old 76 Sq i " \-' . **fcji > ' 3'''*. ~i, , ,., ~X.: A ~ .-; ; ^^__._.^^ ^wJ^rtSSSSSa^^' AT LITTLEBOURNE, EAST KENT tive appearance. The effect is produced simply with the aid of plain unmoulded bricks. The chimneys of these Kentish houses form a very important feature. They are ingeniously contrived with various projections and settings forward, showing a love of novelty and of change on the part of their 97 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND designers. But these we shall consider in detail in a later chapter. The same love of diversity is shown in other examples of brickwork, notably in the details of the brickwork at Sarre. The string courses that extend around the house and the LITTLEBOURNE BRICK DETAILS FROM EAST KENT pilasters on the surface of the wall are quaintly devised and admirably executed. Wandering away westward we come to Leicestershire, and find an interesting piece of brickwork mingled with stone in the manor-house known as Groby Old Hall, where the court leet and court baron are still held, a reminiscence of its former dignity. The wall between the two towers is an addition, and also the buildings on the right of the illustra- MATERIALS BRICK tion. The house, now much dilapidated, was once the home of the Barons Ferrers of Groby, and is renowned in his- tory, as here Elizabeth Woodville, afterwards the queen of Edward IV, lived happily as the wife of Sir John Grey. On his death, at the battle of St. Albans in 1461, the estate was forfeited and passed into the hands of the King. We give two views of the Herefordshire brick and timber house known as Nunupton Court. It is unfortunately unin- i^ r _lL'" nr ^^^^^^^ r K^ft * ^1L LITTLEBOURNE BRICK DETAILS FROM EAST KENT habited and fast falling into decay. It is sad that such a picturesque pile should be doomed, and the attention of the National Trust for the Preservation of Places of Historic Interest and of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings should be called to its forlorn condition. The timber porch, roofed with slabs, with its carved barge- boards, the graceful gables shaped with segments of circles and finials, the fine chimney-stacks, one of which is a triumph of the bricklayer's art of the seventeenth century, the encircling wall of the terrace, all combine to form a 99 MATERIALS BR>ICK picture of great beauty, and show that the skill of the bricklayers in Herefordshire was no less than that of the NUNUPTON COURT, HEREFORDSHIRE carpenter-builder who reared such fine half-timbered dwell- ings in this western county. The illustration of the Great Lyth shows a quaint old 101 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND brick house in a country more frequently associated with timber building. There is, however, some good work in brick to be met with, as at the Crow Leasow, near Ludlow. The Great Lyth stands on the sharp slope of Lyth Hill, near the Shrop- shire mining dis- trict. Within a few miles are Con- dover Hall, a fine sandstone house already mentioned, and the enormous half-timber Hall at Pitchford, good instances of the variety of Shrop- shire building materials. Our last illustra- tion of brickwork is a view of the manor - house at Penn in Bucking- hamshire, which with several other eighteenth-century houses forms the modern part of this old-world village. The manor belonged to the family of Penn late in the fifteenth century, and remained theirs until the death of Roger Penn in 1732, when it passed through marriage with the heiress to Sir Nathaniel Curzon. --liL"'^'^^-^-^-" : ' -" * ; ^lllBP^^7 NUNUPTON COURT, HEREFORDSHIRE 102 /g' _- ffl8plk -f 7 ' '.i'V '-'MoU"~ r i KjnvKi iVd'fi/iS^fli&iEf^.v,;! ir^rflf '^ v ^^P*^ w EL fe- V*-' ^ l.^ft^-" ^i THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND PENN, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 4. FLINT Where chalk abounds there many flints are discovered which form such a useful and pleasing material for building. In the south-eastern counties of England, in Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Wilts and Berkshire, Hampshire, Dorset, Isle of W T ight, East Anglia, you will find many houses constructed of flint, or of flint combined with other materials such as brick or plaster. In Norfolk it was a common custom to build walls of black and white flints, the external angles of the dwelling and the quoins of the doors and windows being of brick. On the Isle of Thanet and the east coast of Kent a similar method of building was employed. In this region a local variety of treatment is observable. The main walling is of flint marked by occasional bonding courses of brickwork which are often treated in a peculiar and pic- turesque manner. Patterns of diaper in brick are sometimes 104 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND used to enliven the flintwork, or a pattern in flints relieves the monotony of the brickwork. In Wiltshire we find stone and flint combined, as in the case of Longford Castle. ' O ' begun in 1580, where the wall face of the towers " is divided into oblong panels by bands of white stone and black flints alternately." 1 Stockton Manor is a good stone and flint house with Elizabethan gables. The stone and flint run in alternate courses, giving a most pleasing effect. The beautiful moated mansion of Elsing Hall, Norfolk, rebuilt about 1470 by Sir John Hastings, presents many interesting features with its two projecting gables, the upper parts being constructed of half-timber work. All the walls are of flint with stone dressings. Sustead Old Hall, once the manor-house of the Wyndhams, which bears on its gables the date 1663, has its main walls constructed of squared and faced flints with brick angles and dressings to the windows. Great freedom is often used. At Shapwick we find stone, brick and flint introduced into cob-walling. 5. PLASTER In the construction of timber-framed houses we noticed the use of wattle and daub for the filling up of the panels formed by the horizontal and vertical timbers. The builders of our old houses were not content to leave the surface plain and unadorned. The panels pleaded for decoration and did not cry in vain. In many cases the whole of the surface of the walls was plastered over, and this afforded a wide field for the plasterer's art, and he did not fail to make extensive use of it. His art was called Pargeting or Parge-work. His material was simple, ordinary lime and sand and hair, mixed with some cow-dung and road scrapings. Now his art has almost died out. Professor Lethaby tells that in the eastern and southern counties " by careful inquiry you may find an old workman who remembers seeing it done when 1 Renaissance Architecture in England, by R. Blomfield. 1 06 MATERIALS PLASTER he was young, who can describe the tools and knows the patterns * tortoise-shell,' l square-picking,' and the rest." The village plasterer had his own patterns which he varied with skill. His neighbouring rival worked out his own devices ; so there is often much variation. In Essex you will find the zigzag incised on the plaster, the whole surface CROWN HOUSE, NEWPORT, ESSEX being pricked with a pointed stick. Sometimes a fan of pointed sticks was used. Some patterns were scalloped, and some done in wavy or flowing lines, and others with thin wavy lines intersected or interlaced like basket-work. The artist sometimes strove after great inventions and pro- duced curious figures of men or birds or animals, but these usually turned out to be unconsciously designed grotesques or burlesques. Sometimes he would simply cut patterns through the top layer of the plaster down to the coating beneath, but he was an ingenious person and discovered 107 j- -- - -'-- "r-' +*' .- - i .. ". 1 xy^r^sv* r-a.' 1 "Sff^^iftsia.r'fSm > ^g5r!^Tr~^r*^^^ '^^r -C 1 , % "^ "'" ^^^--rC, ^"T^ ' '^^v^^fc^^Ti^r^,, . ' - ^ --- - f / " " - -* *. -*>**>. r~ .--' " \^"^-' x* - 1 :- : THE PORCH, CROWN HOUSE, NEWPORT, ESSEX THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND a far better plan. He cut out thin pieces of wood into the shape of desired pattern and arranged these in borders and panels and then " rough casted " round them up to the level of these inserted pieces. Then he removed the pieces of wood, and lo ! there were left charming little recessed patterns which he emphasized by colouring them with apple- greens, ochre-yellows and earthy reds. 1 The scrollwork, shells, figures, foliage and other devices were all moulded by hand and with the tools of the craftsman, and often bear witness to his artistic skill, though his figures were not examples of perfect modelling. Later on moulds were used. We give an interesting example of external parge-work in the house at Newport called the Crown House, which tradi- tion says was inhabited by the fascinating Nell Gwyn, who died in 1687. The date 1692, which appears on the house, probably refers to its restoration and to the erection of the porch. The plaster-work is excellent, but it is being sadly worn by the severity of the English climate. Between the windows on each floor is a panel formed by mouldings of simple section. The modelling in those on the first floor is of some sort of plant springing out of small vessels. Hori- zontal panels are grouped on each side of the central doorway, under the middle first-floor windows, with slight enrichments therein. A kind of label runs over the top of the ground-floor window heads with a dotted pattern above and below. The lower panels are quite plain, but have an inner panelled surface of plain plaster. The shell porch is a very attractive feature, and in the panel over it a crown appears. The house remains as a very good example of the plasterer's art. We shall refer to interior plaster-work in a subsequent chapter. For the exterior of buildings decorative plaster- work did not survive the seventeenth century, and owing to 1 The Art of the Plasterer, by G, P, Bankart. 109 AV ' ~ THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND the severity of our climate and the destruction of old houses not many examples are left. Wyvenhoe, near Colchester, has a very fine example of parge-work covering the whole front of the house above the ground floor. The plasterer did not approve of his work being injured by village urchins or wanton destroyers, so he usually confined his works of art to the upper storeys where they were well out of the reach of foolish and mischievous folk. At Saffron Walden on a house there are some rather weird birds and foliage. Spar- row's House, Ipswich, has some elaborate but rather childish representations of Europe, Asia and Africa, with scrolled leaf- age and masks, fruit and leaves, birds and flowers, and Neptune riding a sea-horse, a swan and hunting scene. We can find several other examples in Maidstone, York, Canterbury, Earl's Colne (Colneford House) and in several other places, but as these are principally in towns or on the walls of homely cottages they scarcely come within the compass of this book. Many beautiful manor-houses are constructed of timber and wholly plastered over. Such is the sixteenth-century manor-house of Cavendish, Suffolk, reputed to have been one of the early homes of the Devonshire family. Inside the house there are two plaster escutcheons of the Cavendish arms. The house has now been converted into a village club. Another fine manor-house is Ballingdon Old Hall, near Sudbury, Essex. We give an illustration of an excellent example of parge- work which can be seen in the picturesque village of Steven- ton in Berkshire. In few parts of England can you find more delightful bits of half-timbered domestic architecture of the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries than in this secluded village. Primitive porches, antique roofs and gables, latticed windows and ancient doorways abound, showing the abundance of oak trees that once grew in the district, and proclaiming the dexterity of the village craftsmen. Inside, 112 AT STEVENTON, BERKSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND many of the houses are panelled in oak, with massive oak tie- beams, quaint old staircases, solid flooring and original roofs, as sound as when they were constructed three centuries ago. We give an illustration of one of the most remarkable of the old houses, dated 1657, with its pargeted front, its graceful bay and oriel windows, its barge-boards, while within are two curiously panelled and painted rooms. The pavement in front is part of the old " Causey " or causeway, or flood- path, extending the whole length of the village street and planted with trees on both sides. Tradition states that it was constructed by the monks who dwelt at the small priory in the village, a cell of the abbey of Hellouin, in Normandy, but an inscription in the church on a dole-board tells that " Two sisters by ancient report gave a yard land one acre of meadow four swathes one Taylers yeard one close and a copps to ye maintenance of ye Causeway of Steventon." This inscription puzzles the learned, and no one quite knows what it means ; but at any rate the gift of the two sisters yields ^30 a year, which serves to keep the causeway in repair and for lighting it during winter. The plaster-work on this old house is simple and effective, and is not unworthy to appear as an illustration of the kind of decoration which our forefathers loved to bestow upon their manor-houses and on other less ambitious dwellings in the village community. EXTERIOR DETAILS WE now pass on to admire the architectural details of the manor-houses of England. Their plans, the general views of their beautiful exteriors, their harmony with their setting amidst the shade of tall trees, or amidst the rugged hills of Derbyshire or Yorkshire, the variety of the materials of their construc- tion, the skill and care of their builders, have all been noticed ; but it remains to examine the means whereby our forefathers obtained these good effects and admire the loving attention bestowed upon the picturesque details which made their homes so fair and beautiful. A man may produce fairly good work in many walks of life, and yet not attain to success, because he lacks the ability and application to master the details of his profession, and can never rise above the common-place. It is so in architecture. We will, therefore, endeavour to learn the secrets of the beauties of these old buildings, cultivate the spirit which produced them and understand the surpassing merits of their details. First and most striking among the exterior details are I. CHIMNEYS The oldest houses had no chimneys. The fire burned in the centre of the hall and the smoke floated like a cloud over the heads of the guests and then made its escape through the louvre. Fireplaces with chimneys were first constructed in the solars and private family apartments of THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND HARRINOWORTH the house, and then in the fifteenth century they began to appear on one side of the hall, nearer to the dais than to the screens, and when the dog-grate was filled with burning logs it looked fairly comfortable, imparted some heat into the room and made it a little less chilly. The chimneys as they grew followed the architectural style of the period in which they were constructed, being Decorated or Perpendicular, and the Gothic style and tradition are still discernible in the chimney when the workmen were busy devising new inventions. In the Cots- wolds we find specially fine examples of chimneys, which are the most character- istic features of the houses in that district of good masonry, and the old Gothic treatment is clearly seen in houses at Burford, Kingham, Bredon, Bibury and elsewhere. We give an illustration of the chimney at Har- ringworth, which is early and retains all its Gothic details. These chimneys have usually octa- gonal or circular shafts pierced with lancet openings and crowned at the top with a pyramidal roof. Another ex- ample is shown in the old manor-house at Preston (p. 21). Sometimes the chimney-stack appears in the centre of the ridge, at others 116 SANDFORD ORCAS SANDFORD ORCAS on the apex of the gables, as at Sandford Orcas, a fine bold octagonal stack enriched at the top by Gothic carving. In the same manor-house there is the other chimney, oblong in section, the cap of which is treated as a cornice enriched with spiral ornament of Gothic design and lower down adorned with mouldings. Sometimes the early chimneys are battlemented, as at Stanton and Burford. BRICK CHIMNEYS FROM NORFOLK. The progress and development of chimney-stacks provide an interesting study. They did not become common before the sixteenth century, and were called into being by the division of the great hall into an upper and a lower storey. The plan in smaller houses was square or oblong, and as the down draught was somewhat severe in these wide structures, the chimneys were built large and lofty, and in the Cotswold examples at Chipping Campden, Hidcote and Whittington were adorned at the summit with classic ornamentation. As the Tudor style progressed, the stacks bear witness to 117 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND the great creative powers of the English builders, showing an unfailing exuberance of fancy in design and skill in work- manship. Whatever the material they used, whether stone, brick or terra-cotta, they tried to make this new feature of the house dignified, elegant and beautiful. It is impossible to say whence they procured the numerous designs of WHITTINGTON CHIPPING CAMPDEN HIDCOTE patterned and twisted shafts. These were essentially Eng- lish, as there is nothing like them in the contemporary buildings across the Channel. The beautiful brick chimneys and chimney-stacks, among which are some most elaborate designs, add much to the general effect and grouping of the houses in East Anglia, some of the earlier examples at East Barsham, Elsing and Great Snoring being richly decorated with diaper or devices. The stack at East Barsham forms a group of ten chimneys made 118 ESCOTE GREEN. 'Dated: /6 BLAKESLEX HAL.U. (^Kimhtyj- holt) i CHURCHILL,. BRICK CHIMNEYS FROM WARWICKSHIRE AND WORCESTERSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND entirely of moulded brick ornamented with a great variety of patterns. The later examples are generally plain octagonal shafts as at Blakesley Hall, but with a variety of projecting caps and bases. In the Midlands we find the same effort in procuring variety of treatment, beauty and ornament. Huddington Court has a very elaborate chimney-stack with a pedi- ment of Gothic character, from which rises a twisted shaft of moulded brick. Where the design is less elaborate, as at Great Alne, a good effect is produced by the insertion of tiles, the arrangement of corners of projecting bricks and other devices of the expert builder. As the years rolled on new fashions set in, and practical considerations led the builders to see that these immense flues were not really required. The illustration of the chimney on Escote Green, erected in 1669, shows that by about that time the chim- HEASLEY MANOR, ISLE OF WIGHT ney-stack had dwindled down to a compact block somewhat similar to our modern conceptions, though the arches and arcades of brickwork give to it a slightly ornamental character. We give some examples of southern stacks, showing the work of Isle of Wight artificers, which lack not comeliness and ingenuity. I2O PORCHES AND DOORS Christopher Wren constructed many beautiful chimneys, but generally of small size and with no elaborate details. After his death the followers of the Italian school seemed to be ashamed of this important feature of the English house. In some of the great houses they tried to hide away the chimneys and keep them entirely in the background (see p. 38}, and in the middle of ___ the eighteenth century the im- portance of the chimney as a beautiful architectural accessory, upon which the Tudor builders bestowed so much loving care and skill, ceased to exist. ST. BENEDICT S PRIORY, KENT 2. PORCHES AND DOORS The old English squire loved to dispense hospitality and to give warm welcome to his friends. The door was a symbol of hospitality. There he welcomed their arrival ; there he speeded his departing guests. He loved to make the entrance to his house fair and pleasant to the eye. From the steps he greeted his tenantry when they came to con- gratulate him on some happy event in his domestic life, or to condole with him in his sorrows ; and there in the proudest moment of his life he stood to present his young son on the youth's coming of age, happy that the old line had not died out and that his son would maintain the honour of the family and carry on its old traditions. The porch and doorway were associated with many happy comings and goings, and some sad ones too. It held a place of honour in the old manor-house. In our chapter on the development of the English house 121 COOMBE SYDENHAM, SOMERSET THE ENTRANCE TO WORMLEIGHTON MANOR-HOUSE WARWICKSHIRE, DATED 1613 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND we noticed that the doorway always led to the screens. It was thought worthy of a covering to protect from the weather those who knocked for entrance. Over the door the squire placed his coat-of-arms with mantlings, crest and supporters. The porch increased in size and a chamber was built over it, and it became an important feature of the Tudor manor- house or mansion, completing the plan of the E-shaped house. Barningham Hall, in Norfolk, erected in 1612, has A STONE DOOR-HEAD AT WORMLEIGHTON MANOR a grand four-storeyed porch in the centre of the west front. Burlingham St. Edmund has an elaborate porch, a very characteristic bit of Tudor work in three storeys, with octagonal angle turrets, which, together with the gable, are finished with rich finials. Kirstead (p. 95) has a three-storeyed porch with an arched and pedimented entrance doorway over which appears the date 1614. It has octagonal angle turrets with a three-light window between them, and a small single light in the gable. In the West Country there are many inviting doorways bidding us a hospitable welcome. The manor-house of 124 PORCHES AND DOORS Coombe Sydenham, in Somerset, has a noble porch of two storeys. It is Jacobean with classical pilasters supporting a decorated string-course. In the spandrels of the doorway are carved heads. Above the string and below the mullioned window is the coat-of-arms of the owners, and ball finials crown the angles and gable which is of low elevation. A very pretty piece of work is the admir- able porch and en- trance of Wolverton Manor in the Isle of Wight (p. 83), and joining on to the region of the CotswoldsisWorm- r leighton Manor- house which we have already visited ^ (p. 89). Here we notice its beautiful porch, dated 1613, and bearing the Spencer coat-of- arms. Adjoining it is the clock tower, and although you can see no face, it regularly strikes thehours and the quarters. A typical Tudor door head from the same house is also illustrated. Near at hand is the little village of Sulgrave, North- amptonshire, once the home of the Washingtons, and here is a charming porch, dated 1636, with a sundial over the door. The four-centred arch of the doorway, the Tudor dripstone and the neat gable make an attractive entrance to the house, 125 A PORCH, SULGRAVE, NORTHANTS THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND The dark stone is interspersed with the lighter material. This is the ironstone of the district which runs with the Cotswold oolite, and is peculiar to Northamptonshire. \ ' THE ENTRANCE DOOR, THE OLD HALL, BARNHAM BROOM NORFOLK The two-storeyed entrance porch of some of the later manor- houses of the Tudor period often show evidence of classical inspiration, and the " orders " were employed as mere decora- tive adjuncts. " Such details disclosed a whimsical incon- 126 PORCHES AND DOORS gruity in the attempts to imitate features which were becom- ing * fashionable,' although imperfectly understood. This breaking out into hybrid classicism, when the whole structure is otherwise homely Tudor, appears to be the result of the AT WOOTON WAWEN WARWICKSHIRE second wave of architectural renaissance which came from Germany. The builders of the day, not sufficiently daring or skilful to fling aside their traditional methods, but desirous of showing that they were not trammelled by insular notions, availed themselves of the Flemish pattern books which could be readily purchased at Antwerp and cheaply copied at home. 127 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND Whereas in the larger mansions of the time of Elizabeth this led to a coarseness and ostentation which are frequently displeasing, in the smaller houses these very imperfections are not without their attraction and human appeal." 1 THE MANOR-HOUSE AT ATWORTH, WILTSHIRE We give an illustration of the entrance door of Barnham Broom Old Hall, a fine example of English woodwork, with its mouldings and panels showing a good specimen of the linen pattern, the origin of which we will discuss when we come to examine the inner panelling of our old manor-houses. 1 Domestic Architecture of England during the Tudor Period, by T. Garner and Arthur Stratton. 128 WINDOWS In the later manor-houses and other domestic dwellings the porch ceased to have that prominence which the Tudor builders gave to it. Inigo Jones, Wren and his successors completely altered its appearance, took away its sides, placed a modest circular roof on supporting brackets and elaborately carved the tympanum with foliage and other devices. We have seen a good example of the shell porch in the Crown House, Newport, Essex (p. 107). We give another example from Wooton Wawen, Warwickshire, a Queen Anne type with modelled fruit over the door. The sketch of the gate- way, with porch and door, at Atworth, in Wiltshire, shows a classic development which is observable in the neighbour- hood of Bath. The doorway, for reasons which I have mentioned, has always been the object of the greatest solicitude on the part of our builders, and upon it the best workmanship is most often found. If there be no ornament elsewhere, some effort seems always to have been made to make the doorway attractive and beautiful. HANDFORTH ROUND A DOOR FRAME 3. WINDOWS Old houses have usually small windows. This is partly accounted for by the closeness of the timber framing, and also by the scarcity and cost of glass. Aubrey tells that " Glass windows, except in churches and gentlemen's houses, were rare before the time of Henry VIII. In my own remembrance, before the Civil Wars, copy holders and poor people had none in Herefordshire, Monmouthshire and Salop : it is so still." The old name " window" discloses this lack of K 129 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND glass ; it is the eye, or opening, for the wind ; and was originally constructed more for the admission of air than of light. Sometimes we see the remains of the wooden shutters or their iron hinges. Noblemen who had three or four houses used to carry their windows about with them with their other baggage. Sometimes horn was used in lieu of glass. There is an old account amongst the manuscripts pre- served at Loseley Park, Surrey, of the time of Henry VIII, which has several items relating to horn for windows. Thus we read, " a thousand lantern horns for the windows of timber houses"; and again, "gilding the lead or lattice work of the horn windows." In the days of Elizabeth windows became larger and were filled with glass. Bacon inveighed against the large windows of some houses, " so full of glass that one cannot tell where to become to be out of the sun or cold," and when Bess of Hardwick built her mansion the wits said of it: Hardwick Hall, More glass than wall. Many of the illustrations show charming windows that give light to the interiors of our manor-houses and form pleasing features of the exterior views. Bay, oriel, mullioned, latticed, or dormer, they are all beautiful, save the modern sash window which has been too often inserted in place of older and more excellent work. In the Cotswold region the windows are always stone mullioned, with lead-latticed panes and wrought-iron casements. A hood-moulding runs over each window, returning at each side after the Tudor fashion, and is sometimes extended so as to form a string-course. We have already noticed that the number of lights in the windows decreases in each succeeding storey. In many of the seventeenth-century houses the heads are arched, forming little spandrels on each side, causing them to resemble Perpendicular panels. These windows are set flush with the 130 WINDOWS wall, so as to form on the inside those charming deep recesses which make pleasant seats like those we remember in many an Oxford College. Bay windows are always charming whether in stone or timber houses. It was usual to emphasize the dais end of the hall by a bay on one or both sides of the house. Such windows are seen in the hall of Christ Church, Oxford, and of many other colleges, and at Ballingdon, Essex (p. no). Oriel windows frequently appear corbelled out from the main wall, as shown in the illustration. They are often supported on brackets built into the wall. We give an illustration of a bracket at Huddington. Sometimes the bay windows are brought out square from the front of the house, and are sometimes set in the centre of the gable, as in the case of Shipton Manor (p. 57) and Whit- tington (p. 5) ; but this arrangement is unsatisfactory, and appears awkward and unpleasing. Dormers are a characteristic feature of the Cotswolds. The origin of dormers, whether in stone or timber houses, is evident. When the floor of the upper- most storey was inserted some three or four feet from the foot of the roof there was no room for the windows under the eaves ; hence the side walls were carried up and a series of smaller gables constructed with windows in them. There are good examples of dormers at Brad Street, Kent (p. 83), and at Nunupton, Herefordshire (p. 102). Later dormers were constructed entirely in the roof, as at Penn (p. 104) and Kirstead (p. 95). In East Anglia we find the Gothic traditions closely fol- lowed in the windows. Some of the lights have the flat- HuDDINGTON WINDOW BRACKET THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND arched Tudor head, and others have three-centred arches with labels over the windows. In the sixteenth century we find square heads with labels over them, having square terminations or returns. In the seventeenth they have moulded pediments over them. Mullions and tran- soms were used throughout the Tudor and early Stuart times ; the common arrange- ment consisted of two lights one above the other ; some have three, but the smaller ^. manor- houses have only mullioned windows of three, four or five lights. In half-timber houses the construction was simple. They were merely openings left between puncheons and transoms of the timber con- struction. The frames were beautifully moulded by the hand of the craftsman. In the larger houses the windows were transomed. Bay windows in the Surrey and Kent timber houses are not earlier than the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and lack the grace of the earlier joinery. A WINDOW FROM NORFOLK IN MOULDED BRICK 4. ROOFS AND GABLK.S None of the manor-houses we have seen are roofed with the humble thatch. This picturesque roofing was reserved for smaller dwelling-places. The material used, of course, differs in various parts of the country. Tiles are perhaps the most common, which when mellowed by age, with moss 13* ROOFS AND GABLES HANGING TILE PATTERNS FROM SURREY AND SUSSEX and lichens growing upon them, form one of the chief charms of an English landscape. Much ingenuity has been exercised in the construction of these roofs, and most pic- turesque are they in their grouping and arrange- ment. You can recognize the earlier roofs by their steepness. The later six- teenth-century roof was much flatter. Another sign of early work is the long uninterrupted sweep of the roof without dor- mer windows or gables and terminated by hips. The hips are extended over the lean-to buildings. As we have already pointed out, the walls of timber-framed houses were frequently hung with tiles, but these are lighter and smaller than those used for roofing ; and the old tiles are thicker and more unevenly burnt than modern ones. The wall tiles were usually plain or of the " fish scale " pattern, which consists of the lower halves of circles connected by a short hori- zontal piece, and overlapping the row beneath. Sometimes they were arranged in diversified patterns, as in the illustration. Modern machine-made tiles can never equal the old hand- made products. There is a picturesque uneven- ness about the laying of these old tiles. Their varying colour adds to the beauty of the roofs and produces a peculiar and subtle charm. There WWVv HANGING TILE PATTERNS 133 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND is a great variety in old ridge-tiling, and the saddle-back hip tiles at the junction of two planes of the roof are a notable feature. Horsham slabs were extensively used in Sussex and in the neighbouring counties. This stone easily flakes into plates like thick slates and forms large grey flat slabs on which " the weather works like a great artist in harmonies of moss, lichen and stain. No roof- ingsocombines dignity and homeliness, and no roof- ing except thatch so surely passes into the landscape." It is to be regretted that this stone is no longer used for roofing. The slabs are somewhat thick and heavy, and modern rafters are not adapted to bear their weight. If you want to have a roof of Horsham stone you can only accomplish your purpose by pulling down an old house and carrying off the slates. Perhaps the small Cotswold stone slabs are even more beautiful, and the old halls of Lancashire and Yorkshire have heavy stone roofs which somewhat resemble those fashioned with Horsham slabs. We have already noticed the in- genuity of the builders who adapted the slope of the roof to the materials they used. They observed that when the sides of the roof were deeply sloping the heavy stone slates strained and dragged at the pegs and laths, and fell and injured the roof. Hence they determined to make the slope less steep, and when the rain refused to run off well and penetrated the house they adopted the plan of cementing their roofs and stopped them with mortar. The construction of the roofs of our manor-houses is an interesting study, and testifies to the conservatism of the ROOFS AND GABLES English workman. The carpenters of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries followed closely in the footsteps of the GABLE, HANDFORTH HALL, CHESHIRE mediaeval craftsman. They preserved the tradition handed down to them by their fore- fathers, and framed hammer- beam roofs, king-posts, collar- beams with purlins and all the intricacies of the ingeniously constructed house-covering after the fashion of their ancestors. We have frequently alluded to the gables that adorn our houses and are such attractive features. In timber - framed houses the gables are flush with MERSTONE, ISLE OF WIGHT AT MORETON PINKNEY THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND the roof, and have projecting barge-boards, of which we give some examples. The wide projection was for the purpose of protecting the walls from rain. Much ingenuity was expended in their construction and decoration. We have already noticed that in mediaeval and early Renaissance times > they were cut into curves and cusps i at the edges. In the sixteenth century they were pierced with tracery in the form of trefoils or quatrefoils, and in the seventeenth the perforated designs are more fantastic, and cor- respond to the details of Jacobean carving. The Bridgnorth example on p. 69 is dated 1580. The barge-boards are simple in design, but much labour has been bestowed upon the panelled structure with the curved braces. The Lower Brockhampton gable is later. A very fine gable is shown in the illustration of Handforth Hall, a house which we have already visited, one of Cheshire's fine black and white buildings. As the inscription states, the main part of the house was built in 1562, but it is not all timber and plaster now, some parts having been encased in brick and painted to represent the old style. This gable, however, is original, WOLVERTON> ISLE OF WIGHT and is a fine piece of construction. In stone and brick houses the gable wall rises above the roof, and is coped with stone to prevent the wet penetrating 136 ROOFS AND GABLES into it. The coping rests at the bottom upon a kneeler, and is crowned at the apex by a finial. Examples of kneelers are KINGSTON, ISLE OF WIGHT OWLPEN, GLOUCESTERSHIRE shown in the illustrations taken from Moreton Pinkney and Merstone and Wolverton, both in the Isle of Wight. In Jacobean times the kneelers as well as the apex of the AT MERSTONE ISLE OF WIGHT MOOR HALL GLOUCESTERSHIRE 137 OWLPEN GLOUCESTERSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND gable were adorned with finials. A considerable amount of variety was introduced into the design of finials and kneelers, and examples of several of them are given from some of the houses which we have already seen Whittington, Moor Hall, Kingston and Merstone, Owlpen and Hidcote. In the eastern counties we find some beautiful moulded work in brick. Below we see a bold attempt at decoration, the crow-steps and the turrets at the end of the gable. These turrets seem to have been of no practical utility, and are placed there purely for ornamental purposes. The little cornice is beautifully moulded. We have given several examples of crow-steps, another result of foreign influence, which not un- WHITTINGTON GLOUCESTER- SHIRE impart a pleasing effect to many picturesque gables. The example from Owlpen shows the curved gable which was originally intro- duced into England by the Flemish im- migrants. We have already seen many houses with this feature, but of a more elaborate cha- racter, with segments of circles alternated with straight pieces. BRICK DETAILS FROM NORFOLK. ROOFS AND GABLES The English mason did not admire these fantastic gables which the Dutchman loved, and tried to simplify them. Only in large mansions, like Wollaton, do we find this foreign influence strongly developed, where the masons seem to have determined to leave no single bit of plain surface on the walls. Projecting bands, pedestals, pilasters, panels, niches, pediments, fantastic gables, obelisks and statues contribute to this mass of over-decoration which was distasteful to English simplicity, and which finds no place in the houses that we love to admire. i39 THE BOUDOIR, RAYNHAM HALL, NORFOLK 1 VI INTERIOR DETAILS hospitable door of the manor-house invites an entrance, and we will at once proceed to inspect its interior treasures of art and architectural beauty. We enter through the porch and door that leads to the " screens," and then through a door in the same which leads to the hall. According to the usual arrangement, the buttery, kitchen and servants' quarters are on the right as we enter if the hall is on the left hand. The illustration of Ditcheat Priory (p. 29) shows this plan. In this instance there are two buttery hatches. The screen on the left is evidently Jacobean work and bears the date 1613, but the house is much older, having been built by John Grimthorpe in 1473. It was one of the principal manors of Glastonbury Abbey, and was frequently occupied by the abbot. It is now the seat of General Leir-Carleton, who has done much to restore its original features. The floor of this passage was paved with tiles, but he has recently refloored it with stone after the ancient manner. The three coats-of-arms on the end wall over the table are modern. We have seen the exterior of the Gloucestershire manor- house of Whittington Court, with its graceful gables, built by Richard Cotton in the first half of the sixteenth century. Here is a view of the entrance hall with its old nail-studded door divided into panels, its panelling and old-time furniture. The house has been carefully restored, and the archway 14* k>^^'ilMi' //:;,,,. *.,\ v \;v- S...I.HIIM',I| i . ^ ^ ; _ _ .,,..,,J^5..^p})J!!l -$^^^r\\4 x -^^- ; ^7 : ^ v ' ,<\I^I|U THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND in front of the drawing is modern. The sun shining through the open door can scarcely look upon a fairer home. Some of the details of this house we shall notice later. The interior of Stanton Old Hall shows the severe yet dignified plainness of a north - country dwelling, and, unlike the rich decoration inside Cartledge Hall (p. r 66), corresponds exactly with the quiet exterior illustrated on p. 49. The room at Raynham Hall, Norfolk, is given to show a charming typical interior of the , later Renaissance, which it is interest- ing to compare with the Jacobean rooms illustrated. The house, an undoubted . WARWICKSHIRE example of the work of Inigo Jones, was built as early as 1636, though the type of work it heralded did not become general till after the Restoration. Wormleighton Manor, in Warwickshire, the home of the Spencers, has already been visited (pp. 89 and 123). This interior doorway is a characteristic feature with' the arms of the family above. These are beautifully wrought in relief, but the shields have unfortunately been " picked out " by the village painter. Not much respect has been shown to 144 WORMLEIGHTON MANOR, MANTELPIECES AND FIREPLACES the appearance of the doorway, or to the right-hand shield, as the wall on the right has been built into the doorway in order to make a bathroom, which, however necessary, ought THE KITCHEN, KINGSTON MANOR, ISLE OF WIGHT not to have obscured the appearance of this noble door or obliterate half of the coat-of-arms. The plain interior of Kingston Manor, with its uneven stone-flagged floor and long table, is now used as a kitchen, though it is surmised that at one time it formed part of the original hall, long since divided. I. MANTELPIECES AND FIREPLACES The story of the gradual introduction of fireplaces has already been partially told. We have seen the smoke emerging from the louvre, the first building of a fireplace in L 145 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND the solar, the great open yawning chimney in the hall, the huge fireplace and dog-grate. The Tudor builders began to bestow much elaboration upon their chimney-pieces, which were fashioned of wood or stone, or in the great houses of marble. There is an immense variety in their construction and ornamentation. An architectural expert thus well describes them : " The idea was to flank the fireplace asiiii^?%^si ; IT 1 tin ' LI \ \ 1 1 1 1"! AT WHITTINGTON COURT opening with columns carrying an entablature consisting of architrave, frieze and cornice, the projection of the latter forming a convenient shelf. On the top of this composition was another of the same kind, but with smaller columns and more delicate proportion. The space enclosed between the columns, which in the lower half was the fireplace, was occu- pied in the upper half by some kind of carved subject. This was very often the arms of the family, or his own special achievement." 1 Until the time of Elizabeth these mantel- 1 Early Renaissance Architecture in England, by J. Alfred Gotch. 146 MANTELPIECES AND FIREPLACES pieces were fairly simple in design and were characterized by refinement and a suppression of elaborate ornament, but the German masons, who found much work in England, intro- duced coarse and ridiculous details, and " the incessant repetition of the same trick of design suggests the hand of the iii)l>IW.I.I.iltt'Ji^WMMWW^I*W h 4- a sz A STONE MANTELPIECE, WHITTINGTON COURT tradesman rather than the artist, the German pattern book rather than the fresh spontaneous fancy of the English designer of the sixteenth century." l There are, however, some wonderful mantelpieces at South Wraxall, Loseley, Cobham, Hatfield, and the finest in England are at Knole. The illustrations of the mantelpieces at Whittington Court made of stone show the character of the earlier work. In 1 Renaissance Architecture in England, by R. Blomfield. SHELDON HALL. WARWICKSHIRE A PLASTER CHIMNEYPIECE, SOMERSET THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND Jacobean times the decoration became more elaborate, as the plaster fireplace and overmantel from a house in Somerset, erected in 1629, plainly show. A very characteristic Jaco- bean oak carved mantel exists at Sheldon Hall, Warwickshire, with a stone opening. Our ancestors were fond of figure subjects for their mantel- pieces. One of the illustrations shows two ponderous figures of men clad in armour. Other figures are frequently DOGS AND TOASTING FORK AT WARNHAM COURT, SUSSEX From the collection of Mr. P. J. Lucas found, especially in large and important houses. At South Wraxall manor-house there is an elaborate stone chimney- piece. Pairs of caryatides adorned with flowers hold up the lower entablature, and above are statues representing Arith- metica, Geometria, Prudentia and Justicia. Apollo and the Nine Muses appear at Hardwick Hall with E.R., and the Queen's supporters, the lion and dragon. Subjects taken from Holy Scripture are not unusual, such as Christ blessing little Children, the Descent from the Cross, the Lamentation over Jerusalem, the Agony in the Garden, and the Troubles MANTELPIECES AND FIREPLACES of Job. Latin mottoes, of which the Elizabethans seem to have been very fond, are frequently inscribed along the lower entablature. The Somerset plaster example shown in the illustration is not the only specimen of the art of the parge-worker employed in the making of mantelpieces. An interesting one is found at Calgarth Old Hall, Windermere. Two shields, with armorial bearings and crests above, occupy the main filling of the panels, and at the top is the motto FIDE NON FRAUD. The manor-house of West Down, North Devon, has some wonderful plaster mantels, representing some strange event which it seems difficult to identify. There is a winged figure in a chariot drawn by two very spirited horses, a church on a hill in the distance, several figures walking in procession, and two colossal figures on each side of the large panel, one of which holds an anchor. Here is a strange riddle for the solution of the curious reader. The true interpretation may be as follows : The general subject symbolizes Human Life. The car drawn by antelopes is the Triumph of Time. The other figures, beginning with the go-cart, are the Ages of Human Life, of which there are six. The figures carrying baskets on their heads, flowers in one and fruit in the other, refer to the beginning and end of life, possibly symbolizing Spring and Autumn. The anchor is the symbol of hope in 35- v A FIREBACK. AT LOUGHTON HALL, ESSEX THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND the future for the nascent life. The figure holding a disk, or mirror, is a symbol of the vanity of life. The church in a walled enclosure represents Religion, and probably its upper portion means the New Jerusalem. Here is the crown of life and its future. The artist has combined several notions and fancies, but his subject is made up of old ideas, and this is often found in the work of the sixteenth century. The famous Plas Mawr, Conway, has AN EARLY FIREBACK. some remarkable plaster-work. It was the home of the Wynne family, who entertained Queen Elizabeth and com- memorated the royal visit by much elaborate decoration. One mantel is divided by beads into nine panels, flanked by enriched turret-like three-quarter pillars, the royal arms, bearers and crown on the central panel, and E.R. on shields on the left and right. The other panels are filled with rosettes and bosses. A chained portcullis appears in the top left-hand panel. In the banqueting-hall there is a mantel made up of all the ornaments used in the ceilings of all the rooms in the house. Another mantel has E.R. in large letters, STAIRCASES one on each side of a rosette girt by the garter with the motto HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE. Two weird caryatides stand on each side of the mantel. Yet another mantel has a huge shield of arms, quartered three stags' heads, three spread eagles, three fleurs-de-lis, three masks with chevron, and the initials R.G. and date 1567. Later on the art of the plasterer exercised itself more on the ceilings of the rooms than on the mantelpieces. An important adjunct to the fireplace were the firedogs and firebacks. In some Norman fireplaces these were absent ; there is no recess for their accommodation. The back of the fireplace sloped backwards from the base as at Conisborough Castle, and the logs must have been placed on end against the slope. The oldest firedogs now in existence, with rare exceptions, are not earlier than the fifteenth cen- tury, and these have I.H.S. inscribed upon their upright standards, and may have been used in some monastery. In Tudor and Elizabethan houses there were always dogs and backs of an immense variety of design. We give one example from Loughton Hall, Essex, and some from the collection of Mr. C. J. Lucas, of Warnham Court, Sussex. One of them is a cup-dog for placing a cup of mulled ale in the framework at the top, which could be raised or lowered. The backs are of cast iron, and usually the arms of the family are cast on them. In the region of Sussex, once the " Black Country " of England, where iron ore was plentiful, many curious backs are discovered in farm or manor-house. 2. STAIRCASES In mediaeval houses the staircase was similar to that in an old church tower and was placed at the dais end of the hall in a turret. You ascended the stone steps which wound round the centre shaft or newel. A spiral staircase of this kind King Henry III erected for his palace at Clarendon. THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND Little Wenham Hall, erected in the time of the first Edward, had in one corner of the tower a turret with a newel staircase. At Penshurst you can still see the open archway at the dais end of the hall leading to the upper fourteenth- SHELDON HALL STAIRCASE NEWELS, HARVINGTON HALL WORCESTERSHIRE century rooms. These were the usual staircases of mediaeval times. Those of the sixteenth century resembled them and were of the " corkscrew " type, built of stone or brick and destitute of ornament, The story of the subsequent progress of the staircase is remarkable. The builders of our houses , HALL l' TH WOOD, TONGE, LANCASHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND suddenly broke away from all preceding traditions. The old stone newel turret staircases were abandoned. Perhaps our old squires and gentry grew tired of mounting these inter- minable steps. Perhaps some of the foreign masons told them of some wonderful staircases which they had in their own country in the chateaux in the valley of the Loire. Perhaps the famous John Thorpe de- vised their plan out of his ingenious brain. He has left us some good de- signs and drawings of staircases now preserved in the Soane Museum, and there are many actual staircases con- structed in accordance with these plans. Ere long in many a manor-house arose a broad staircase of oak with heavily carved newels, pierced balustrading and rich carving. It was generally placed in connection with the hall and lends to the interior an air of spaciousness and dignity. Its importance arises from the fact that the chief living-rooms were often placed on the upper floor, and therefore demanded a dignified means of approach. The idea of this staircase is really that of a glorified ladder. Instead of the sides of the ladder we have "strings," or narrow pieces of wood, and instead of rungs treads and risers forming steps. One string was fastened to the wall, and the foot of the other secured into a stout upright post, or newel, as also was the top ; into the same newel that received the top of the first string the foot of the second was secured at right angles, this process being repeated as the staircase ascended. At about two feet above the top of the string, and parallel to it, was '56 NEWEL AT WHIT- TINGTON COURT ^\ /. 'E,i '" . - ' - _ I.Y)/ ,^'^^-^^i^-- '\.-^.: ' V x^~.-^ - v " SHELDON HALL ? WARWICKSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND the handrail, and between the handrail and the string were balusters. 1 Thus were the early staircases constructed. The newels were massive, as you will see from the illustra- tions of those at Whittington Court, Harvington Hall and Sheldon Hall. Our ancestors were considerate for old people, and did not make long flights of steps. There were usually only six steps and then a landing. The staircases were arranged round a central well-hole, but in some cases this central well-hole was occupied by a solid block of masonry. The newels were decorated with carving, or with a pattern in- scribed upon them, as in the Whittington example. The tops were usually raised high, as at Harvington, and carved figures were frequently placed upon them, as at Aldermaston Court. 2 Animals that appear in the armorial bearings of the family, warriors, boys playing instruments, Hercules and the Furies, and knights in armour, as at Hartwell, were some of the favourite subjects. The strings and hand- rails were carved with a pattern or moulded. The balusters were usually turned to resemble a pillar, or they were pierced with a design, or converted into a series of arches. The newels of the second and upward flights had pendants, as in the fine staircase at Hall i' th' Wood. Every- thing that art could devise was done to enrich the effect, and the ingenuity of the Jacobean carvers introduced further embellishments, rich panelling and other devices to enhance its stateliness. A good example of the Jacobean staircase is that at Sheldon Hall, of which we give an illustration. As it frequently led to the Great Chamber, which, besides being the principal chamber of the Elizabethan and Jacobean house and the chief resort of the family, was the place where the squire received his guests, it was made as attractive and perfect as possible. 1 Early Renaissance Architecture in England, by J. A. Gotch. 2 The old manor-house was burned down, but happily these carved figures were rescued and placed in the new mansion. 58 THE STAIRCASE, MELBOURNE HALL, DERBYSHIRE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND The steps were made very wide, often six or seven feet, very different from the restricted stairs in modern houses, wherein often the element of cost is severely considered. They were shallow and easy of ascent, again differing from many modern stairs, to ascend which is good exercise, but brings little comfort to the aged and infirm ; and their massive appearance and elaborate decoration gave dignity to the house. When the Italian ideas influenced our English builders the design and conception of the staircase were changed. Instead of the stately designs of the Tudors the later imitators of the Palladian school introduced long continuous flights of winding stairs,' frequently built into the wall, without any visible means of support on the other side. These were scarcely an improvement, and we prefer the older plan and arrangement. The eighteenth-century staircase at Mel- bourne Hall appears in our illustrations in order to show one of the finest achievements of the art of the period. It is not continuous ; the balusters are varied, a plain one alternating with a spiral, and the whole effect is dignified and restful. 3. PANELLING Our forefathers knew well how to make their houses comfortable, and no method was more effectual than by covering the walls with wood. Plaster walls covered with wall-paper always make the room draughty, chilling the air that has been warmed by the fire and thus creating a draught. Panelled rooms are always warm and snug and comfortable. Moreover, they are pleasant to the eye, especially when designed with all the skill and art of the Tudor carpenter. The story of the development of panelling is interest- ing, but it would require more space than we can give to recount it fully. The earliest form of panel was much longer than that afterwards in use. In the fifteenth century much 1 60 PANELLING timber was required, the uprights of the frames being 4 inches in width and 3 inches in thickness. The uprights were 1 8 inches apart, cross-pieces being added at intervals of about 4 or 5 feet. The spaces were filled with boards, and the frames moulded on the upper and two sides, not at the bottom of the panel. The top of the panel was ornamented by cuspings. Possibly on account of the scarcity of timber o o o o O (I o o CART-LEDGE HALL HALL i TH WOOD WOOD PANELLING the size of the frames and panels was gradually decreased. The height of the panel in the illustration at Owlpen is about 17 inches by 12^- inches, that at Cartledge 15^ inches by 13^ inches, and the thickness of the framing about one inch. "he latter example shows that the panels assumed a square shape. The illustrations show also the characteristic mouldings of the period. Carving was used to deco- ite the panels. At Cartledge there is an interesting :arved panel over the fireplace representing the sea, earth ind sky, with the temptation of Adam and Eve. A very THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND characteristic form of adornment was the linen-fold pattern, of which an illustration is gi ,en on page 126. The history of this design has been ably traced by Mr. Aymer Vallance. 1 He has not discovered any examples earlier than the middle of the fifteenth century and believes that it was first devised by French or Flemish artists. It was not orig- inally intended to imitate folded linen, but was evolved naturally out of the exigencies of joinery construction. It began in its simplest WOOD PANELLING SHELDON HALL WOOD PANELLING form with a vertical line branching out at either end into two oblique lines like a capital letter Y, upright at the top and inverted at the bot- tom. A slight curving in the arms of the Y 1 The Magazine of Fine Arts, January, 1906. 162 PANELLING produces the ogival outline of the extremities of the matured linen pattern. By degrees additional lines and folds were introduced, the ends decorated with ornament, until at last the pattern became exaggerated and less satisfactory. In its prime it was a very beautiful and effective design for adorning the surface of panels. Heads were often carved in circular medallions on panels, the background being filled in with foliage. Later on, in Elizabethan times, it was fashionable to limit the carving and decoration to the top of the panelled surface and to leave the lower part entirely plain. The illus- trations of the panels at Cartledge and of that at ' the Lancashire house of Hall i' th' Wood show this arrangement. In all this work the decoration was cut into the surface of panels. The Jacobean carpenter was very proud of his carving, and introduced into his panels round-headed arches with pilasters, imposts and bases decorated with the pro- fusion of ornamental carving which delighted his soul. The illustration of the panelling at Sheldon Hall exhibits good examples of his skill. Instead of the natural beauty of oak timber, later on, fashion decreed that this dark panelling should be painted. White colour or light blue was favoured, and this barbarous custom existed for many years, and disfigured the original work left to us by our ancestors. We prefer now to remove these coatings of paint which a debased taste ordered to be 163 CUPBOARD DOOR KINGSTON MANOR, ISLE OF WIGHT THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND smeared over the oaken panels, and to exhibit them in their natural beauty and condition. The skill of the carpenter is shown also in the grand old cupboard doors, such as that at Kingston Manor in the Isle of Wight, in screens which were often elaborately decorated, in porches attached to rooms as at Broughton, Oxfordshire, chests and furniture as well as in mantelpieces, doorways and other in- terior details to which we have already referred. A very unusual feature is shown in the illustra- tion of an object in Cart- ledge Hall, Derbyshire. It is a clock-case con- structed in the panelling and evidently of the same date. The side and .front shown in the sketch, as well as the pierced top, are made to open all the way up. The pierced top allows the face of the clock to be seen. Another way of covering the walls of rooms was the use of tapestry, and many old houses have most curious and valuable pieces stowed away in cupboards or still hanging on the walls. Few can tell their history, where they came from, or who designed and fashioned them, and many owners are in complete ignorance of the value of their possessions. 164 CARTLEDGE HALL, DERBYSHIRE CEILINGS Not long ago in a country house on the top of a cupboard in the attics lay in dusty oblivion some pieces of tapestry that were worth ^17,000. 4. CEILINGS The art of the plasterer found a grand field for its exercise in the ceilings of the manor-houses and mansions, and so great were his skill and his energy, so eagerly was he sought after, that there are few houses of any note which have not some specimens of his handicraft. When Henry VIII invited to this country Italian plasterers who had been adorning their native palaces, they were attracted (as we have noticed) by the series of plastered panels of half-timber houses which cried aloud for decoration, and covered them with heraldic devices, figures, heads, foliage and other designs. The Italians taught the English folk the secret of their skill ; but the English plasterer did not slavishly copy the designs of the Italian artist. After his fashion he developed the art on his own lines and according to his native sentiment, evolving his own plans and schemes and methods. He was a very important person, and had in London a Livery Company of his own, with a royal charter granted by Henry VII and confirmed by subsequent sovereigns. Good artists in plaster were in great request. Charles Williams, the most famous of our native craftsmen, who had studied the work of the foreigner in Italy, did some of the wondrous work for Henry's Palace of Nonsuch. Sir John Thynne secured his services for his noble house of Longleat, Wiltshire. The fame of his brilliant workmanship travelled far, and soon Sir William Cavendish and his lady, the renowned " Bess of Hardwick," were, begging Sir John to send to them this cunning craftsman, who, they heard, had made " dyvers pendants and other pretty things, and had flowered the Hall at Longleat." In the early period of this art the English plasterer adopted as his first idea of a good ceiling a system 165 r\ CEILINGS of interlacing squares with radial ribs. Then, with growing boldness, he made the ribs arched, and from their junction hung a pendant. At first painting was extensively used, but in the Elizabethan . time it was entirely abandoned. Then curvilinear, interlac- ing and knotted forms appear, the ribs being embossed with running orna- ment, modelled or impressed. A fine adaptation of scroll- work is also a char- acteristic of the style. The plaster ceil- ing at Cartledge Hall, Derbyshire, belongs to this period, when so many of our noble English mansions were being erected, an age that gave birth to Hatfield, Longleat, Audley End, Chatsworth, Hardwick and many other of the grandest English seats. Cartledge Hall stands on a high and desolate moorland, and externally is homely and unpre- tentious, but picturesque. The interior is remarkable for its oak panelling and rich plaster-work. The room illustrated is divided lengthwise by a long beam, which is plastered over, mouldings being formed on the sides and a running 167 DETAIL OF THE CEILING CARTLEDGE HALL THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND pattern on the under side. The ornamental ceiling on the half next the fireplace has unfortunately fallen in, and this defacement greatly detracts from the rich appearance the room must originally have possessed. The pattern of ribs is typical of Early Renaissance work, and the squares are ornamented at each corner with leaves or fleurs-de-lis, while the panels are filled with rosettes or twisted knots and snakes. The design, though without anything specially dis- WARREN HOUSE, STANTON, GLOUCESTERSHIRE tinctive about it, is quietly effective, but a far richer ceiling exists in another room. This is coved to form a variety of curved surfaces, and one side is a spreading vine tree, filling in the panels which support the ceiling ribs, which is balanced on the other by the model of an oak tree, springing from the angle of the room, with a squirrel sitting on one of the branches. The bleak exterior of the house (p. 52) does not prepare us for the beauty of the interior decora- tion, of which the fine oak panelling is a charming feature. It was customary to fasten the ceilings to thick laths made 1 68 CEILINGS of oak. This thickness of the laths is a sign of early work. The plasterers of later times used thinner laths, as they found that the plaster pressed between the laths gained a firmer hold. The earlier artificers used reeds and fibre or THE OLD HOUSE, SANDWICH, KENT rye straw as a foundation of their work ; but the abundance of fine cow-hair used in the construction of later works of art did away with the necessity of such aids. The tenacity of this cow-hair is certainly remarkable. In the projected portions of the ceilings there is a considerable quantity, the hair being more generously used there than in the other 169 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND parts. Many ceilings have stood for three centuries without developing a crack, much more without falling. Modern ceilings, as ordinarily contracted for, endure about four years, then develop cracks, and down they fall. The cause of this is that modern builders do not introduce the same amount of hair into the plaster, and are content to use for an entire ceiling that which would scarcely have sufficed for a single square foot of an ancient one. The ceiling at Warren House, Stanton, is also Elizabethan, constructed about the year 1590, and the very beautiful ex- ample from the Old House, Sandwich, shows a development of design and is Jacobean of the date about 1610. The method of construction is interesting. The heavier ceilings were first floated up in plain plaster, and then the finishing coat with all the projections downward put on afterwards. The tenacity of the hair allowed of this being done with safety, but the first coat was left very rough in order to sup- port the second, and the power of the adherence of the latter must have been very great. The moulded portions were what architects call " run," that is, worked by a trammel, and then the enrichments stamped in the soft plaster. With Inigo Jones came a new style of plaster ceiling which was formed on Italian models. He used heavy moulded ribs of far greater size than in the preceding period. The designs were stifFer and more cumbrous, such as the ceiling of the salon in Raynham Hall, Norfolk. Paintings began to be used in the centre of the ceiling sur- rounded by plaster-work, as in the illustration of the fine ceiling at Potheridge House, Torrington, Devonshire. Some details of the modillioned cornice are not unlike that in the White Room at Westwood Park, near Droitwich, Worcester- shire, erected before the time of Grinling Gibbons, and it can be classed with other good work of the kind in this country. The modelling is free and good and is certainly the work of a skilful hand. During Wren's time English 170 POTHERIDGE HOUSE, TORRINGTON, NORTH DEVON THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND plaster-work flourished, and many extraordinarily good ceilings were wrought. After his death it deteriorated rapidly. Cornices, friezes and architraves were enriched with meaningless ornaments. Italian workmen came to England when William III reigned, and the fashions of Versailles ruled the style, but the work of the English plasterer, who imitated the foreigner, was less delicate and more clumsy. During the eighteenth century the brothers Adam introduced a new style which was graceful and refined, but lacked originality. They were very proud of their work, and one of them not very modestly de- clared : " We have introduced a great diversity of ceilings, friezes, and decorated pilasters, and have added grace and beauty to the whole, by a mixture of grotesque stucco and painted ornaments, together with the flowing ralnceau with its fanciful figures and winding foliage. If we have any claim to approbation, we found it on this alone : that we flatter ourselves we have been able to seize with some degree of success the beautiful spirit of antiquity, and to inform it with novelty and variety, through all our numerous works." True artists are seldom satisfied with their work. Perhaps Master Adam was an exception. In the nineteenth century plaster-work suffered with other arts, and now, at last, shows signs of a true revival. 5. WINDOWS We have already admired the windows of the house, their mullions and transoms, and other architectural features. Bay, oriel, dormer, all give diversity to the plan and structure of the manor-house. We may add a few words about the glazing. Much of the beautiful glass that once adorned their windows has perished, but some has been wonderfully preserved. When visiting Great Chalfield Manor, a house that was almost a ruin until it was rescued from its deplor- able condition by the present owner, Mr. R. Fuller, we 172 WINDOWS discovered high up in an upstairs room a fragment of ancient glass with the inscription : Love God, and drede shame ; Desire, worship and kepe Thy Name. Ockwells Manor, near Bray, Berkshire, has a unique series of beautiful windows contemporary with the house, which was built by Sir John Norreys in the reign of Henry VI. There are eighteen shields, showing the arms of the founder of the house, his sovereign, patrons and friends a liber PATTERNS OF LEAD GLAZING amicorum a not unpleasant way for light to come to us. As Mr. Everard Green happily says : l "Sir John Norreys believed that friendships were duets in the psalm of 7ife, and by means of heraldry he recorded his friendships, thereby adding to the pleasures of memory as well as to the splen- dour of his great hall. His eye saw the shield, his memory supplied the story, and to him the lines of George Eliot, O Memories, O Past that IS, were made possible by heraldry." >/ '' THREE EXAMPLES FROM WARWICKSHIRE lead, a process which came into existence in the time of Wren, who did not favour it. The old lead was cast in sand, and this sand was naturally used for the impression of dates, N 177 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND letters and patterns which add beauty and interest to our old buildings. CANONS ASHBY NORTHAMPTONSHIRE OWLPEN MANOR The gutters of many old houses are adorned with little lead parapets, the front edge being cut into notches like that at Owlpen. Sometimes this decoration takes the form of small battlements, or has a pattern cast on it, or a scroll of flowery ornament. Much ingenuity is displayed in the treatment of pipe-heads, which took the place of the mediaeval gargoyle. The " lamp of memory " shed light on them, as on them were often repre- sented the arms of the family or the initials of the builder, or the date when they were erected. Haddon Hall has a remarkable series of great variety of design and date. Professor Lethaby 1 writes : " The general form of these is con- structed like a box from cast-sheet 1 Lcadwork, p. 140. 178 LEADWORK HALL I TH WOOD lead, the cornices are beaten to their shape over a pattern ; and the top edge is cut into a little fringe of crenellations. Cast discs of ornament, badges, pendent knobs, and initials are arranged on their fronts, on the funnel-shaped portion leading to the pipe, and on the ears of the pipe, and the side flaps of the head itself. The more elaborate heads have an outer casing of lead with panels pierced through it of delicate tracery work of Gothic tradition which shows bright against the shadow." A very fine pipe-head appears at Canons Ashby, moulded and bent into a vase-like form and elaborately decorated with a leaf- shaped ornament and a human face. It bears the initials E. D., evidently an ancestor of Sir Alfred Dryden, the present owner. Quite as elaborate are the three examples taken from an old house in Warwickshire, which describe themselves. Notice the arms of the owner at the top ; the elaborate shell and scroll pattern that runs along the gutter ; the beautifully decorated lead bands that fasten the pipe to the wall, on the ends of which are stamped the fleur-de-lis^ a hound and rosette. The horn and device above are probably a merchant's mark. We notice the curious way in which the band in the Canons Ashby example is bent back and curled like the scroll of a mediaeval text. The pipe-head at Hall i' th' Wood, in Lanca- shire, is of simple design, dated 1648, with the initials A. N. A. It would have been well if the lead-worker had clung to this simplicity, and not wandered away in later times and tried to excel in producing tours-de-force of workmanship. The PACKWOOD head and pipe at p ac k wooc i House, Warwickshire, form a charming model. 179 HOUSE THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND Lead was used for many other objects. Our ancestors were evidently not afraid of lead-poisoning, as they frequently made their cisterns of this substance, the sides of which they decorated with panels and ornaments, flowers and animals. We give an illustration of one that bears the date 1744, and A LEAD CISTERN is typical of the period. Pumps, too, were made of lead and adorned with arms and flowers and initials. In the garden we shall see some leaden statues and vases and urns, if the landscape gardener has left any of these relics when with ruthless hand he swept away the formal garden. IRONWORK Ironwork in England has had many vicissitudes. Its story would take too long to tell fully. The mediaeval smith could fashion well and worthily. He made elaborate hinges, knockers, chests and grilles ; rich scrollwork he hammered out, and in the thirteenth century used stamps and dies which could be impressed on hot iron, producing grand effects. Many fine railings for tombs were wrought by him, and doubtless he would have achieved many triumphs 180 IRONWORK of artistic workmanship if wars and frequent disputes had not distracted him from his proper work, and turned his RUSHALL HALL STAFFORDSHIRE DITCHEAT PRIORY PACKWOOD HOUSE SOMERSET WARWICKSHIRE attention to the battlefield where his brawny arms were in much request as a fighter and a mender of weapons and armour. Hence true smithcraft languished, though it never NUNUPTON COURT, HEREFORD died out. No great revival took place in the Tudor and early Renaissance period. Henry VIII introduced foreign smiths into England, and sent ironfounders into Sussex, OWLPEN MANOR KINGSTON MANOR OWLPEN MANOR GLOUCESTERSHIRE ISLE OF WIGHT GLOUCESTERSHIRE 181 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND which then produced much of the metal of which the curious and elaborate firebacks were made. But genius showed itself in many villages where the smiths wrought cunningly such objects as the elaborate hinge at Ditcheat, or that at Nunupton Court, which might have been fashioned by a Gothic artist for a church door. He especially showed his cleverness and originality in de- signing knockers for the entrance doors. Rushall Hall, Staf- fordshire, furnishes a good example. The latch also gave him opportunity for good work, ex- amples of which can be seen at Pack- wood House, War- wickshire, and at Kingston Manor in the Isle of Wight. Another example of 'good ironwork is shown at Owl- OWLPEN MANOR . . pen ; it is shaped like a shield with a row of fleurs-de-lis at the top. The background, which appears dark in the drawing, is of deep red velvet. There is, however, nothing very striking about 182 IRONWORK these efforts, nothing that can rival the achievements of the carpenter and mason. As regards gates, in the sixteenth and seventeenth cent- uries smithing had almost died out in England. Garden gates were constructed of wood, with, later, occasional bars of iron, and iron cresting. That at Owlpen is probably later than the gate it- self. The curi- ous gate at Pack- wood represents a style prevalent about latter part of the seventeenth century. Architects like Inigo Jones and his imitators cared nothing for smithcraft. Sir Christopher Wren did not en- courage it, and it was not until the accession of William and Mary to the English throne, and the advent of one man, a famous and ingenious smith, that the art revived. This was Jean Tijou, a Frenchman, who had fled to Holland on the Revocation of the Edict 183 ONE OF A PAIR OF GATES TO THE FORE- COURT, PACKWOOD HOUSE, WARWICKSHIRE UliUUlllUU 1 SANDYWELL, GLOUCESTERSHIRE IRONWORK of Nantes in 1685, and came to England with "Dutch William." He did much work at Hampton Court, and PACKWOOD HOUSE, WARWICKSHIRE set an example which was followed by Thomas Robinson, the brothers Roberts, Bakewell, Warren, and others, who produced some of the finest pieces of ironwork in the country. 185 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND The elaborately constructed gates at Sandywell, Glouces- tershire, are good examples of smithcraft, or the simpler specimen of those at Packwood, of which one gate is shown ; or the beautiful gates at the manor-house of Studley, War- wickshire (p. 38). Another opportunity for smithcraft was found in the weathercocks, without which no manor-house was deemed complete. The vane usually ap- pears on the stables or other out-building. It assumed divers shapes an anchor, a horse, hound, ship, the crest ^ of the family, and many other forms, and the shaft that supported it and held the iron rods pointing north, east, south and west, was decorated with much in- genious scrollwork and other adornments. The smith was very busy at Packwood, and probably fashioned the fine vane as well as the gates. Some very curious and beautiful examples of smithcraft are found in St. Mary's House, Bramber, Sussex (see p. 81). That above is a window grille, and the work is probably of foreign origin. Indeed the various pieces of ironwork on the house would seem to have little connection with each other. The many beautifully wrought window-fasteners to be found frequently in old houses present an unbroken tradi- 186 ST. MARY S HOUSE, BRAMBER, SUSSEX IRONWORK tion of fine smithcraft from mediaeval days, till the sash window abolished the fitting. The most complete set which we have seen is in a house in the High Street of Guildford, and several old manor-houses retain these graceful examples of the smith's art. But he fell on evil days. The brothers Adam and his followers designed their own decorations and cared naught for the craftsman, who languished and died out. During the early Victorian era his art was almost forgotten, and it was left to the men of the present generation, to Mr. J. Starkie Gardner and others, to revive the glories of their craft and ' D make it again the means for the expression of true art. 187- VIII GARDENS AND SURROUNDINGS f ^HE ideal manor-house is set in a framework that is worthy of it. It fits its site with due orderly accompaniment of garden and terraces. It was planned for use and comfort, but it never forgot to harmonize itself with its surroundings and to have a garden full of old-fashioned flowers, with clipped hedges and a paved or gravelled walk where the squire and his lady could take the air sheltered from cold winds. It is easier to discover a good manor-house garden than one attached to a more magnificent mansion. The country squire a century ago had the good taste not to follow the whims and fashions of his richer neighbours, nor to encourage the efforts of " Capability " Brown and other revolutionists to destroy the old pleasance and cultivate landscape gardening. This wild mania swept like a pestilence through the land, destroyed gardens wholesale, and "left the house a poor forlorn object set in a field of formless slopes and serpentine paths without relation to its surroundings." 1 Perhaps a lighter purse preserved the squire from the enormities of his wealthier neighbours, but we will give him the credit of better taste and a true affection for the beauties of his old-fashioned garden. In not a few cases, unfortunately, the garden has fallen on evil days. The bowling-green, where the old squire and his 1 English Houses and gardens in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by M. Macartney. 188 GARDENS AND SURROUNDINGS guests delighted to play a quiet game at bowls, and the lawn, once kept neat and trim, are a mass of rank grass. The fish- ?^^ 1 1 , , KS;^! m~w "H 4 GARDEN, OWLPEN MANOR, . ,;-..W .._, ^ \ ''-'-.. ;Oi V @*.|- ;@^ .: ''-&>;$ . &* : 89, 9i> iu> H3 BERKSHIRE, Appleton Manor- house, 18 ; Charney Bassett, 22 ; Ockwells Manor, 173 ; Steventon, 113 BESS OF HARDWICK, 130, 165 BOORDE, DR. ANDREW, Dyatary of Helth, 32 BOOTHBY FAMILY, 18 BOOTHBY PAGNELL MANOR-HOUSE, Norman, 18, 19; plan of, 31, 19 BOTT'S GREEN HOUSE, 8, 74, 7 ; features of, 8 BRACKETS, 24, 68, 84; from Tong-, 69 BRADLEY HALL, 76, 77 BRERETON, URYAN, of Handforth Hall, 78 BRICK CHIMNEYS from Norfolk, 117; from Warwickshire and Worcestershire, 119. (See also CHIMNEYS) BRICK DETAILS from East Kent, 98-9 BRICK HOUSES, 86-102, 87-104 BRICKMAKING, 86 BRICKWORK, 36 ; in East Anglia, go, 138 ; in Kent, 94 BRICKS AND MORTAR, 88 BRIDGNORTH, gable at, 136, 69 BROAD STREET, Kent, 83; dormer at > I 3 I 5 gable at, 84 BROADWAY, lead-glazing-, 174, ABEL, JOHN, architect of timber buildings, 70 ADAM, THE BROTHERS, 36, 172, 187 ALDERMASTON MANOR, 14; newels at, 158 ANGLE-POSTS, carved, 68 ANNE OF DENMARK, connection with Inigo Jones, 34 APPLETON MANOR, Berks, 18 ARMORIAL BEARINGS, see COATS- OF-ARMS ATWORTH MANOR-HOUSE, 128; porch, 129 AVENUES, 193 B BACON, LORD, on Renaissance rooms, 35 ; inveighs against large windows, 130 BALLINGDON OLD HALL, 112, 111 ; bay windows at, 131 BARGE-BOARDS, 24, 69, 70, 134 ; indicate age of building, 70, 136 BARKHAM MANOR, fish-pond at, 199 BARNHAM BROOM OLD HALL, description of features, 92, 93 ; entrance door, 128, 126 BARNINGHAM HALL, four-storeyed porch at, 124 BARNS, mediaeval, 20 ; at Preston Bermondsey, 21 BATT, HENRY, of Oakwell Hall, 52 203 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND BROCKHAMPTON HALL, see LOWER BROCKHAMPTON BRONTE, CHARLOTTE, association with Oakwell Hall, 54 BROWNLOWE, LAURENCE, builder of Hall i' th' Wood, 80 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Newport Pag- nell, 18 ; Perm, 131, 104 BUILDINGS, harmony of, with their surrounding's, 40 BUR (West Bower Farm), 46-8, 47 ; supposed birthplace of Jane Seymour, 46 ; turrets with old glass, 46-8 BURFORD, battlemented chim- neys at, 117 BURLINGHAM ST. EDMUND, three- storeyed porch at, 124 CALGARTH OLD HALL, mantelpiece at, 151 " CANE STONE," 40 CANONS ASHBY, forecourt, 201 ; gate-pier, 195 ; leaden statue, 200; pipe-head, 179, 178 "CAPABILITY" BROWN, 188 CARK HALL, Renaissance door- way at, 67 ; Tudor gabled house, 67, 43 CARTLEDGE HALL, 50-2, 52 ; ceil- ing, 166-7 ; clock case, 164 ; panelling, 161 CARVING, JACOBEAN, 163, 129. (See also references to Mantel- pieces, Panelling, and Porches) " CAUSEY " OF STEVENTON, 114 CAVENDISH HOUSE, 109 ; plastered timber, 112 CAVENDISH, SIR WILLIAM, of Hardwick, 165 CEILINGS, 165-72, 166-71 ; method of construction, 170; at Barn- ham Broom, 92 ; Hall i' th' Wood, 82 CHARNEY BASSET MANOR-HOUSE, 22 ; hall with wings, 22 CHASTLETON HOUSE, 30-1 ; plan of, with garden, 191 ; circular garden at, 193 CHESHIRE, Handforth Hall, 136, 79, 135 CHIMNEYPIECE, see MANTELPIECES CHIMNEYS, 115-21, 116-21 ; fires in, 8 ; at Bradley, 76 ; Cark, 67 ; Preston, 22; Wilderhope, 56-8; from the Cotswolds, 116-17, 1 18 ; Kentish houses, 97 ; War- wickshire and Worcestershire, 119; St. Benedict's Priory, Kent, 121 CHIMNEY SHAFTS, 116 CHIMNEY-STACKS, beautifying of, 1 17-20 ; decline of importance, 121 ; elaboration, 117-20; at Harton Manor, 76 ; Nunupton Court, 99 CHIPPING CAMPDEN, 14 ; old view of, 15; chimneys at, 117, 118; garden at, 197 CISTERNS, LEAD, 180 CLARENDON PALACE, 18; spiral staircase at, 153 CLEEVE PRIOR, yews at, 196-7 CLOCK-CASE, at Cartledge, 164 COAT-OF-ARMS, on the chimney- piece, 146, 149 ; on the fire- back, 152 ; on glass, 173, 175 ; on lead, 178; on the porch, 124, 122-4, M4 COMPTON END, sundial at, 197, 198 CONDOVER HALL, 58, 102 COOMBE SYDENHAM, Jacobean porch, 125, 122 COTSWOLD STONE, 134 COTSWOLDS, architectural charac- ter of the, 46; chimneys, 116, 118; dormers, 131 ; Whitting- ton Court, 4, 5 COURT, quadrangular, rooms arranged round, 30, 33 COW-HAIR, use of, in construction of ceilings, 169-70 COXE, Judge, of Lower Lypiatt, 35 CRABBE, GEORGE, 90 CROMPTON, SAMUEL, at Hall i' th' Wood, 80 204 INDEX CROWHURST PLACE, 26, 27 ; moat at, 199 CROWN HOUSE, NEWPORT, 107 ; external pargework at, 109 ; shell porch at, 108 CROW-STEPPED GABLES, 88, 92, 94, 93. 132 CUPBOARD DOORS, 65-6, 164, 163 CUP-DOG, 153, 150 CURVED BRACES, 136, 69 ; at Harton, 76, 75 CURVED GABLES, 94, 138, 97, 101, 103 D DAUNT, JOHN, of Owlpen, 54 DE STANTON FAMILY, 48 DENHAM, SIR JOHN, 58 DERBYSHIRE, Eyam Hall, 195, 66 ; Haddon Hall, 178; Melbourne Hall, 159 ; Padley Hall, 20 ; Stanton Old Hall, 117, 49, 143 DESTRUCTION OF OLD HOUSES, 8 DEVONSHIRE, West Down Manor- house, 151; Potheridge House, 171 DINGLEY, JOHN, of Wolverton, 62 ; Sir John, 64 DININCKHOFF, BERNARD, artist in glass, 175 " DINING PARLOUR," 33 DITCHEAT PRIORY, 28,^29; buttery hatches and screen, 141 ; hinge, 182, 181 DOG-GATES, 52 DOOR, at Barnham Broom, 128, 126 ; Hall i' th' Wood, 82 DOOR-HEAD (stone), at Worm- leighton, 124 DOORWAY (garden), at Winsley, i95 196 DOORWAYS, see PORCHES DORMERS, 131 ; at Broad Street, 83 ; Kirstead, 95 ; Nunupton, 102 ; Penn, 104 DORSET, Sandford Orcas, 51, 116 DOVECOTS, at Parham Old Hall, 90 ; Shipton Hall, 56 DRIPSTONES, 50, 58, 125 E-SHAPED HOUSE, 33, 62 EAST BARSHAM, 90 ; decorated chimney-stack at, 118-20 EAST HENDRED, five manors of, 14 ELIZABETHAN HOUSE, the, 33 ELSING HALL, 106 ; chimney, 118 ESCOTE GREEN, chimney-stack at, 120, 119 ESSEX, Ballingdon Old Hall, 131, 11 1; Crown House, Newport, no, 129, 107, 108; Falkbourn Hall, 88 ; Loughton Hall, 153 ; Saffron Walden, 112; Sandon Manor-house, 18 ; Wyvenhoe, 112 EVESHAM, a barge-board from, 70 EYAM HALL, 66 ; history of, 67 ; entrance gate at, 195, 194 FASCIA BOARD, 69 FINCHAMPSTEAD, two manors at, J 4 FINIALS, 137-8; at Kingston, I.O.W., 137; Merstone, 137; Moor Hall, 137 ; Owlpen, 137 ; Whittington, 138 FIRE-BACKS, 153, 151-2 FIRE-DOGS, 153, 150 FIRES IN CHIMNEYS, 8 FIREPLACES, 18; at South Wraxall, 60-2. (See MANTELPIECES) FISH-PONDS, 199 FLEMINGS, THE, in Eastern Eng- land, 70; re-introduction of brick by, 86, 88 FLINT HOUSES, 104, 105 FLINT IN CHALK DISTRICTS, 104 FLINTWORK WITH BRICK OR STONE, 104-6, 105 FORECOURTS, 200-1 ; at Canons Ashby, 200, 201 ; Chastleton, 193 ; Wolverton, 62 FRANKS HOUSE, armorial glass at, 175 G GABLES, 70, 135-9, 132-7; crow- stepped, 88,93,95, 132; curved, 205 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND 94, 101, 103; in East Kent, 98-9 ; foreign influence on, 94, 138; seventeenth-century, 94; at Bradley Hall, 77; Bridgnorth, 136, 69 ; Broad Street, 83 ; Littlebourn, 94, 97-9 ; Sarre, 44 GALLERY, feature of Elizabethan house, 33 ; at Oakwell Hall, 52 GALLERY, MINSTREL, 22 GARDENS, 188-202 ; cut yews at Ovvlpen, 190 ; forecourts, 200, 201 ; gateways, 195, 192, 194 ; pergolas in, 193 ; plan of, at S. Catherine's Court, i ; at Chastleton, 191 ; at Owlpen, 189; sundials, 197-9; terraces, '95-7. 155 gateways, 195, 192, 194 ; gateway at Eyam, 194 GATEHOUSE, at Sandford Orcas, 50,51 GATEHOUSES, TIMBER, 24, 25 ; Tudor, 51 GATE-PIERS, at Atworth, 128 ; Canons Ashby, 195; Owlpen, 55 ; Packwood, 195 ; Studley, 38 ; Wooton Wawen, 127 GATES, 183-6 ; to gardens, 195 ; at Lower Lypiatt, 35, 37; Studley, 38 GATEWAY, see GATES, etc. GLASS, heraldic, at Franks House, *73, 175; leaded, 173 GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Campden House, 14, 15 ; Lower Lypiatt, 37; Moor Hall, 138; Owlpen, 54, 55, 137, 162, 178, 182, 190 ; Sandywell, 184 J Wans- well Court plan, 32 ; Warren House, 168 ; Whittington Court, 4, 58, 5, 118, 138, 142, 146-7, 156 GREAT CHALFIELD, ancient glass, 172-3; masks, 60; moat, 28; plan, 31, 34 GREAT CHAMBER, THE, 158 GREAT LYTH, THE, 101-2, 103 GREAT SNORING, 90 ; chimney, 118 GREAT TANGLEY, Surrey, 26, 82 GRIMSHAW HALL, timber and plaster house, 75, frontis- piece GROBY OLD HALL, 98, 100 ; his- torical interest, 99 GUNPOWDER PLOT CONSPIRATORS, 72-4 GUTTERS, wiih lead parapets, at Owlpen, 178 GWYN, NELL, association with Crown House, Newport, no H H-SHAPED HOUSE, 33 HADDON HALL, pipe-heads at, 178 HALF-TIMBER, see under Timber HALL, chief apartment of old houses, 17, 24, 31 ; disuse of, 33 ; at Charney Basset, 22 ; Lower Brockhampton, 22, 23 HALL i' TH' WOOD, 78-82, 80 ; panelling, 163, 161 ; pipe-head, 179 ; staircase, 158, 155 HAMPSHIRE, Warbrook, Ever- sley, 193 ; Warneford plan, 32 HANDFORTH HALL, 76-8, 79 ; carving round door frame, 129 ; gable of, 136, 135 HARDWICK, mantelpiece at, 150 HARRINGWORTH, chimney at, 116 HARTON MANOR-HOUSE, 76, 75 HARVINGTON HALL, newels at, i5 8 > 154 HEASLEY MANOR, I.O.W. , chim- ney-stack, 120 HENGRAVE MANOR, old glass at, 175 HERALDIC DECORATIONS, see COAT-OF-ARMS HEREFORDSHIRE, Lower Brock- hampton, 23, 25, 134 ; Nun- upton Court, 131, 1O1-2, 182; timber houses in, 72 HIDCOTE, chimneys at, 117, 118 HINGES, 182, 181 206 INDEX HONFORDS OF HONFORD, 76-8 HORSHAM STONE, 134 HUDDINGTON COURT, Worcester- shire, 72-4, 71 ; chimney-stack at, 1 20, 119; window-bracket, I INTERIOR DETAILS, 145-175, 146- 175 INTERIORS, 141-5, 140-5 IRONSTONE, in Northamptonshire, 126 IRONWORK, 180-7, 181-6 ; de- cline of, 187 ; fittings, 182, 186 ; gates, 183-6 ; weathercocks, 1 86 J JACOBEAN HOUSE, THE, 34 JONES, INIGO ; ceilings of, 170 ; disuse of common hall in time of, 26 ; Palladian adaptations b y. 34-55 porches of, 129; Raynham Hall by, 144, 140 JONES, JOHN, of Chastleton, 30 K KENSWORTH MANOR, early Nor- man house, 18 KENT, brick and flint work in, 94; Broad Street, 131, 83; Franks House, 175 ; Little- bourne, 97, 98-9 ; The Old House, Sandwich, 169 ; Pens- hurst, 154 ; St. Benedict's Priory, 84, 41 ; Sarre, 94, 44, 98 ; Slurry Court, 96 KINGSTON MANOR, Isle of Wight, 64-6, 64 ; cupboard door at, 163 ; finial at, 137 ; kitchen at, 145 ; latch at, 181 KIRSTEAD OLD HALL, 92-4, 95; dormers, 131 ; three-storeyed porch, 124 KITCHENS, 18, 31 ; at Kingston, 6 5. 145 KNEELERS, 137-8, 135-6 KNILL COURT, timber house, 72 KNOCKERS, 181-2, 181 ; at Rus- hall, 182, 181 ; Owlpen, 181 KNOLE, fine mantelpiece at, 147 KNOCK MANOR, 60, 61 LANCASHIRE, Cark Hall, 67, 43 ; Hall i' th' Wood, 78-82, 80, 155, 161, 179 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, 188 LATCHES, 182, 181 LATHS, thickness of, in early work, 169 LAWKLAND HALL, 8, 9 LE NOTRE, French gardener, 193 LEAD-GLAZING, 172-5 ; patterns of 83, 173> 174 LEADED PAINTED GLASS, at Franks House, 175 LEADWORK, 176-80, 177-80; cis- terns, 180 ; gutters, 178; pipe- heads, 178-9; pipes, 177 LEICESTERSHIRE, Groby Old Hall, 98, ico LETHABY, PROFESSOR, on lead- work, 199 ; on pargeting, 106-7 LINCOLNSHIRE, Boothby Pagnell, 3 1 . 19 LINENFOLD PATTERN, 126 ; history of, 162-3 LITTLEBOURNE, 97 ; gables at, 94-6 ; brick details from, 98, 99 LITTLE WENHAM HALL, 86-8, 154, 87 LONG, Robert, of South Wraxall, 60 ; Sir Thomas Long, 60 LONGLEAT, 30 ; plaster-work at, 165 LORD OF THE MANOR, importance of the, 12 LOSELEY PARK, MS. at, 130; mantelpieces at, 147 LOUGHTON HALL, fireback at, 153, 151 LOWER BROCKHAMPTON HALL, gable of, 136, 134; gatehouse of, 24, 25 ; hall of, 22, 23 LOWER LYPIATT HOUSE, 35-6, 37 207 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND M " MAGPIE " HOUSES, 78 MANOR, THE, definition of, 14 ; division of, 14 ; plan of, 13 ; story of, 1 1-14 MANOR-HOUSE, THE, barns of, 18-19; details of exterior, IJ 5-39; interior, 141-75; evo- lution of, 17-39 J fourteenth- century, 24 ; fifteenth-century, description of typical, 24-5 ; Jacobean, 34; Norman, 17-18 ; quadrangular form of early, 18; "Queen Anne, "36; Saxon, 17; situation of, 14 ; Tudor, 28-34 MANTELPIECES, 145-53, 140, 146-9 ; at Hall i' th' Wood, 82 ; Huddington Court, 74 MARSTON MAGNA, sundial at, 197, 199 MASKS, CURIOUS, at Great Chal- field, 60 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION, 40-5. (See also under separate names, as Stone, Brick, Tim- ber, etc.) MELBOURNE HALL, eighteenth- century staircase, 160, 159 MERSTONE, kneeler at, 135 METAL-WORK, 153, 176-87, 150-1, 177-86 MEUX FAMILY, 65 MINSTREL GALLERY, 22 MOATS, at Boothby Pagnell, 18 ; Crowhurst, 199, 27 ; Great Chalfield, 28 ; Huddington Court, 71 ; Lower Brockhamp- ton, 24 ; Parham, 91 ; Ram Hall, 66 ; Wolverton, 62 MOOR HALL, finial at, 137 MORETON PINKNEY, kneeler at, 137 MOTTOES on mantelpieces, 151 ; on sundials, 198, 202 MOULDING, lapel, at Kingston, 65 MOULDINGS, brick and plaster, 92 MULLIONED WINDOWS, 130; at Broad Street, Kent, 83 ; Kir- stead Old Hall, 95; Oakwell Hall, 53 ; Ram Hall, 65 ; Ship- ton Hall, 57 N NEWELS, of stone (central), 153-6; of wood, 156-8, 154-9 NONSUCH PALACE, plaster-work at, 165 NORFOLK, brickwork in, 86, 90, 138; brick porches in, 124; Barnham Broom, 93, 126 ; El- sing Hall, 106, 118; Kir- stead Old Hall, 92, 124, 131, 95 ; Raynham Hall, 144, 170, 140 NORMAN HOUSES, 17-18, 19 NORREYS, SIR JOHN, of Ockwells Manor, 173 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Sulgrave, 125 ; Canons Ashby, 179, 195, 200, 201 NUNUPTON COURT, decayed con- dition of, 99; chimney -stack- at, 99 ; gables at, 99 ; timber porch at, 99, 101, 1O2 ; dormers at, 131 ; elaborate hinge at, 182, 181 O OAK, see general references under Timber and Wood OAKWELL HALL, Birstall, 52-4, 53 OCKWELLS MANOR, windows at, 173 OLD SHOYSWELL, tile-hung, half- timbered house, 84-6, 85 ORIEL WINDOWS, frontispiece, 4 l, 83; at Solihull, 75, 73; in gateway at South Wraxall, 60 OWLPEN MANOR, 54, 55 ; gable at 137 5 garden, plan of, 189 ; gate to garden, 195, 182 ; knocker, 181 ; lead gutter, 178 ; yews, 190 OXFORDSHIRE, Coggs Manor- house, 22 ; Cottisford, 22 ; Broughton Castle, 164 PACKWOOD HOUSE, clipped yews at > T 97 > garden gateway and steps, 192 ; gates, 183, 192 ; 208 INDEX latch, 181 ; pipe-head, 179 ; sundial, 197 ; vane, 185 PADLEY HALL, 20 PANELLING, 160-5, 157> 161-4, 166 PARGETING (Parge- work), ex- terior plaster, 106-14, 107-13 PARHAM OLD HALL, 90-2, 91 PARTERRES, 193, 191 PAYNELL FAMILY, 18 PENN MANOR-HOUSE, 102, 104 ; dormers at, 131 PERGOLAS, 193 PIPE-HEADS, 177-9, 1?7~9 > arms or initials on, 178 PITCHFORD HALL, half-timber house, 75, 102 PLASTERED BRICK, 92, 95 PLASTER MANTELS, 151-2, 149 PLASTER-WORK, 106-12, 151-2, 165-72 PORCHES, 121-9, 122-7; foreign influence on, 126-7; at Barn- ham Broom, 93 ; Bradley Hall, 77 ; Kirstead, 95 ; Nun- upton, 102 ; Stockton, 105 ; Shell Porches, 129, 127 ; at Crown House, Newport, 108 POTHERIDGE HOUSE, DEVON, ceiling- at, 170, 171 PRESTON BERMONDSEY (or Pluck- nett), 20, 21 ; barn, 22 ; octagonal chimney, 22 PRIESTS' HOLES, 76 PUMPS (lead), 180 Q QUEEN ANNE " 37> 104 R HOUSES, 35-6, PIPE- RAINWATER-HEADS, Si HEADS, 176-80 RAM HALL, 66, 65 ; moat and barn at, 66 RAYNHAM HALL, ceiling at, 170; Renaissance interior at, 144, 140 ROOFS, 132-5 ; construction of, 133 ; covered with stone slabs, 50, 134, 49, 51 ; with tiles, 133 ; hipped, 133-4, 104 ; signs of period, 133 RUSHALL HALL, door-knocker at, 182, 181 RUSKIN, 4-6 SAFFRON WALDEN, plaster-work on house at, 112 ST. BENEDICT'S PRIORY, Kent, 84, 41 ; chimney-stack at, 121 ST. CATHERINE'S COURT', 2 ; ter- race gardens at, 195, 197 "ST. MARY'S," BRAMBER, 82-4, 81 ; window grille at, 186 SANDFORD ORCAS MANOR-HOUSE, 50; Tudor gatehouse at, 51; chimney-stacks at, 117, n SANDON MANOR-HOUSE, 18 SANDWICH, ceiling of The Old House, 170, 169 SANDYWELL, gates at, 186, 184 SARRE, brick and flint gable at, 94, 44 ; brick details from, 98 SAXON HOUSES, 17 " SCREENS," the, 26 SHELDON HALL, mantel at, 148 ; newels, 154 ; panelling, 162 J staircase, 157 SHELL PORCH, the, 129 ; at Crown House, Newport, no, 108; Wooton Wawen, 129, 127 SHIPTON HALL, Shropshire, 56, 57 ; bay windows at, 131 SHOYSWELL FAMILY, 85-6 ,, HOUSE, see OLD SHOYSWELL SHROPSHIRE, timber houses of, 75-6 ; variety of materials, 102 ; bracket at Tong, 69 ; Condover Hall, 58, 102 ; Great Lyth, 76, 103; Harton Manor-house, 75; Pitchford Hall, 75, 102 ; Shipton Hall, 131, 57; Wilderhope Manor, 59 ; Wyle Cop, 75 " SKUTCHENS," 175 SMALLMAN FAMILY, 56 209 THE MANOR-HOUSES OF ENGLAND SMITHCRAFT, decay and revival of, 183-4 SOLARS, 18 ; fireplaces first in, "5 SOLIHULL MANOR-HOUSE, 74-5, 73 SOMERSET, Coombe Sydenham, 122 ; Marston Magna, 199 ; Preston Bermondsey, 21 ; St. Catherine's Court, 195-7, 2 ; West Bower Farm, 47 SOUTH WRAXALL MANOR, 60 ; mantelpiece, 150 SPARROW'S HOUSE, Ipswich, plaster-work at, 112 SPENCER FAMILY, 89 SQUIRE, mediaeval house of a, 24, 26 STAFFORDSHIRE, Bradley Hall, 77 ; Rushall Hall, 181 STAIRCASES, 153-60, 154-9 > carving of, 158; construction of, 156-60 ; eighteenth - cen- tury, 160, 159 ; Jacobean, 158, 157; mediaeval circular, 153-4; newels of, 153-8 ; steps of, 160 STANTON OLD HALL, 48, 49 ; plain interior of, 144, 143 STATUES, leaden, 200 STEVENTON, half-timbered build- ings at, 112; plaster house at, "4, 113 STOCKTON MANOR, stone and flint house, 106, 105 STONE HOUSES, 46-67 ; districts famous for, 46 STONE-SLAB ROOFING, in Derby- shire, 50, 51 ; in Sussex, 134 STUDLEY MANOR-HOUSE, 36, 38 ; iron gates at, 186, 38 STURRY COURT, 94, 96 SUFFOLK, Cavendish Manor, 109 ; Little Wenham Hall, 86-8, J 54> 87; Parham Old Hall, 90, 92, 91 ; Sparrow's House, Ipswich, 112 SULGRAVE, porch with sundial, 125 SUNDIALS, 197-8, 202, 197-9 > mottoes on, 197-8, 202; variety of form of, 197 ; at Hall i' th' Wood, 80 ; over door at Sul- grave, 125 SUSSEX, Old Shoyswell, 84, 85 ; St. Mary's, Bramber, 82, 8l, 186 ; Shrub Place, 42 ; Warn- ham Court, 150 SUTTON COURTENAY, three man- ors, 14 ; sundial at, 197, 198 T TEMPLE, SIR WILLIAM, 3 TERRACES, 195, 2 THORPE, JOHN, architect, 34, 156 Tijou, JEAN, master of smith- craft, 183, 186 TILE-HANGING, on walls, 84, 133, 85 ; patterns of, 133 TILE-ROOFING, 133-4 TIMBER GABLES, 70, 135-6, 69, 135 TIMBER HOUSES, 68-86, 25-7, 71-83 I in the forest districts, 68 ; in Herefordshire, 72 ; in Shropshire, 75 ; signs of period of, 68-70 TOPIARY ART, 196 TUDOR HOUSES, 28-34, 5 49> 5* 5 building of, 30 ; porch im- portant feature of, 124 VANES, 186 ; at Packwood, 185 W WALLS, flint, with brick or stone, 104-5 5 tiled 8 4> J 33 WANSWELL COURT, 31 ; plan of, 32 WARNEFORD MANOR-HOUSE, 31 ; plan of, 32 WARNHAM COURT, fire-dogs and toasting-fork at, 153, 150 WARREN HOUSE, Stanton, ceiling at, 170, 168 WARREN, smith, 35, 36 WARWICKSHIRE, Bott's Green House, 8, 74,7; Grimshaw Hall, 75, frontispiece ; Packwood 210 INDEX House, 179, 181, 183, 185, 192, 197 ; Ram Hall, 65 ; Sheldon Hall, 148, 154-7, 162 ; Soli- hull, 73 ; Studley, 36, 186, 38 ; Wormleighton Manor, 89, 123 WATTLE AND DAUB, use of, for Saxon houses, 68 WEST BOWER MANOR, now Farm, see BUR WEST DOWN MANOR, plaster mantels, 151 WESTMORLAND, Calgarth Old Hall, 151 WESTWOOD PARK, Worcester- shire, 170 WHITTINGTON COURT, 4, 5 ; his- tory of, 58-9; chimneys, 118; entrance hall, 142 ; finial, 138 ; mantelpieces, 146-7 ; newels, 156 WILDERHOPE MANOR, 56-8, 59 WILLIAMS, CHARLES, artist in plaster, 165 WILTSHIRE, Atworth Manor, 128; Great Chalfield, 28, 60, 172, 34 ; Knook, 61 ; Longford Castle, 106 ; Longleat, 165 ; South Wraxall, 60, 147, 196; Stockton Manor, 105 WINDOW - BRACKETS, 131 ; at Huddington, 131 WINDOW -FASTENERS, 1 86; in a Guildford house, 187 WINDOW-FRAMES, 132, 122, 132 WINDOW-GRILLE, at "St. Mary's," Bramber, 186 WINDOWS, 129-32, 132 ; bay, 131 ; frontispiece, 5, 41, 47, 91, 109, ill, 113; dormer, 131, 83, 104 ; in Cotswolds, 130-1 ; in East Anglia, 131, 132 J oriel, 131 ; frontispiece, 41. (See also MULLIONED WINDOWS) WINSIEY, doorway in garden wall, 195, 196 WOLVERTON MANOR, 62-4, 63 ; kneeler at, 136 ; porch of, i 2 5 WOOTON WAWEN, shell porch at, 129, 127 WORCESTERSHIRE, Harvington Hall, 154 ; Huddington Court, 1 20, 131, 72, 119; West wood Park, 170 WORMLEIGHTON MANOR, 89, 125, 89, 123-4 ; clock-tower, 123 ; door-head, 124 ; porch, 123 WREN, SIR CHRISTOPHER, 35 ; chimneys of, 121 ; plaster-work in time of, 170-1 ; porches of, 129 WRIGHT FAMILY, 67 WRIGHT, ROBERT, artist in glass, 175 YEWS, CLIPPED, 196-7, 190 YORKSHIRE, Cartledge Hall, 50, 144, 52, 161, 164, 166-7 5 Lawk- land Hall, 8, 9 ; Oakwell Hall, 53 WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, LTD. 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