MAT 6 UW9 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. i Class NATURE TEACHING NATURE TEACHING BASED UPON THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURE FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS BY FRANCIS WATTS, B.Sc., F.I.C., F.C.S. GOVERNMENT ANALYTICAL AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMIST, LEEWARD ISLANDS, WEST INDIES AND WILLIAM G. FKEEMAN, B.Sc., A.E.C.S., F.L.S. SUPERINTENDENT OF THE COLONIAL COLLECTIONS, IMPERIAL INSTITUTE J LATE SCIENTIFIC ASSISTANT, IMPERIAL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR THE WEST INDIES, AND FORMERLY DEMONSTRATOR IN BOTANY, ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LONDON NEW YORK: E. P. BUTTON CO. 1904 L D GENERAL Printed in Great Britain PREFACE THIS little book was originally written for use in the West Indies, with the intention of shaping the courses of study both in secondary and primary schools ; being employed as a text-book in the former, while in primary schools it is used by the teachers in preparing and formulating their teaching. As it has been found useful in its original form in the West Indies, it has been suggested that an edition, rewritten and modified to meet the circumstances of British conditions, may prove acceptable in the mother country. I have, therefore, with the assistance of Mr W. G. Freeman, prepared the present revised edition. Elementary nature teaching admits a wide range of subjects, and individuality plays an important part ; but throughout, if good work is to be done, it must be impressed upon the teacher that the pupils must do things for themselves. Mere knowledge of how things ought to be done, and what they ought to look like if only they were found and seen, is of little value, and the absence of the true practical knowledge of things is a 2 180730 vi PREFACE soon revealed upon any attempt to ascertain the depth and reality of the pupil's information. For this reason but few illustrations are used, lest both teacher and pupil, seeing how things appear in an illustration, may consider that "they know all about that," and may be tempted to shirk the effort of seeing the natural object for themselves. In schools where the subject is taken up for the first time, it will probably be found prudent to do a consider- able amount of work before attempting anything like a formal school garden. To this end a great deal of useful work can be done by growing plants in pots or boxes. Ideas for the school garden will soon evolve themselves from this work. It must be clearly understood that the book is not arranged in such a manner as to afford a course of instruction to be taken in the precise order in which it is written. In work of this kind some skill and judgment are required to adjust matters, so that the teaching shall be so distributed as to proceed in an even manner from week to week, and also that there shall be no unnecessary delays, as may arise from waiting for some experiment or demonstration to mature. In the appendix, attempts are made to indicate suit- able courses of work according to the time of year at which the work is begun, but in this there is ample scope for the exercise of judgment on the part of the teacher. Nor are the exercises put forward as final; they are only indicative of a general course of study, and the intention is that the teacher shall PREFACE vii extend and modify them as surrounding conditions demand. In some instances a school garden cannot be provided, but in rural districts this may usually be obtained. It is not necessary to have a large piece of ground. In connection with school gardening, difficulty is sometimes experienced in maintaining order, and pre- venting what should be serious, though interesting, teaching degenerating into a useless scramble. This may often be obviated by introducing the elements of a simple drill into the out-door work, as by marching the class to the tool-house, then passing out the tools to the class as it stands in rank, and marching to the plots where work is to be done, and so on. In the working-plots themselves the work must be carried on in a manner similar to that of a laboratory ; each pupil must have an idea of what he is aiming at, and proceed independently to the fulfilment of his object. In many cases it is well for the pupils to work in pairs. In the garden itself, two kinds of work have to be distinguished, and it is well to keep them distinct in the minds of teacher and pupil. Some plants are to be grown with the object of studying their mode of growth : they are to be examined, and possibly destroyed in process of examination, in various stages. Other plants are to be grown for the sake of the crop they afford, whether the crop be ornamental, as in the case of flowers and decorative plants, or useful, as in the case of fruits and vegetables. The proper arrangement of both kinds of viii PREFACE work requires care and thought on the part of the teacher. In all the work, drawing, measuring, and weighing should be insisted on wherever circumstances permit F. W. August^ 1903. Official duties having called me to Southern Nigeria for some months, it has been impossible for me to revise the final proofs. My deepest thanks are due to my wife for kindly undertaking this laborious task, and compiling the index, in addition to the valuable assistance she has given throughout the progress of the work ; and in particular, in preparing, especially for this book, the whole of the illustrations. W. G. F. February 28, 1904. CONTENTS CHAPTER I THE SEED The Parts of a Seed Plant Food in Seeds Germination Practical Work The Conditions of Germination Rais- ing Seedlings Seed Beds Observations on Seed- lings Testing Vitality of Seeds .... CHAPTER II THE ROOT Uses of Roots. Practical Work Root-Hairs Root-Caps Growth in Thickness Growth in Length Absorption by Roots Roots and Gravitation Roots and Water Propagation by Cuttings ..... 24 CHAPTER III THE STEM Uses of Stems Structure of Stems Grafting and Budding. Practical Work Uses of Stems Structure of Stems Grafting and Budding . . . . .41 x CONTENTS CHAPTER IV THE LEAF PACK Uses of Leaves Structure of Leaves Transpiration The Atmosphere Plants and the Atmosphere The Food of Plants. Practical Work Uses of Leaves- Structure of Leaves Transpiration Plants and the Atmosphere The Food of Plants . . .66 CHAPTER V THE SOIL Water in Soils Clay Vegetable Matter in Soils Chalk in Soils. Practical Work Mechanical Analysis of Soil Water in Soils Vegetable Matter in Soils Chalk in Soils 101 CHAPTER VI PLANT FOOD AND MANURES Nitrogenous Matter Leguminous Plants and Nitrogen Mineral Matter Manuring General Manures Nitro- genous Manures Phosphatic Manures Potassic Manures. Practical Work The Food of Plants- Experiments with Manures Leguminous Plants . 122 CHAPTER VII FLOWERS AND FRUITS Parts of a Flower Uses of the Parts of a Flower Insects and Flowers Wind-Pollinated Flowers Fruits and Seeds Dispersal of Fruits and Seeds Variation in CONTENTS xi PAOE Seedlings. Practical Work Parts of a Flower Ex- periments in Cross-Fertilisation Dispersal of Seeds Wind-Borne Seeds Dispersal by Water Dispersal by Animals Dispersal by Explosive Action . 139 CHAPTER VIII WEEDS Practical Work Preserving Plant Specimens . 164 CHAPTER IX ANIMAL PESTS OF PLANTS Life-History of a Caterpillar Life-History of a Beetle Remedies. Practical Work Remedies . . .169 GLOSSARY ....... 179 APPENDICES I. Suggested Courses . . . .185 II. Apparatus and Materials Required . . .186 INDEX ........ 189 NATURE TEACHING CHAPTER I THE SEED (S IN all agricultural and gardening work, seeds are so constantly employed for the purpose of raising new crops that every one is more or less familiar with them. We know, as the result of experience, that if we sow seeds we shall in the course of time obtain young plants or seedlings, and that these, if properly looked after, will grow into large plants, and in due course flower and bear seeds themselves, from which a second crop of plants can be raised. This order of events is the same whether our experience has been gained by growing poppies, mignonette, hollyhocks, etc., in the garden, or wheat, turnips, and clover in the field, or whether we have been practically engaged in starting a new oak wood from acorns. We have learnt also, as the result of our experience, that each seed has apparently hidden away in it the beginnings of a new plant of the same kind as that from A 2 NATURE TEACHING which the seed was obtained, and that if we wish to grow bean plants we must sow bean seeds, and acorns if we wish to raise oaks. We know, also, that although a dry seed is to all appearances a mere dead thing, it soon springs into life, or germinates, if we place it in a warm place and give it a supply of moisture. Moreover, we are aware that even dry seeds cannot be stored for a very long time without gradually dying, for the farmer or gardener who is anxious to raise good, full crops is careful to secure good seed, obtained usually from the crop of the season before, and does not sow any old seed which may be to hand. This general knowledge is most valuable, inasmuch as it is the outcome of the practical or experimental work of ourselves, and of those before us who have handed down their results. It is not, however, enough in itself, and we should endeavour to understand how, and as far as possible why, the events follow each other with such certainty. A correct knowledge of the seed and of the conditions for its germination, and for the successful growth of the seedling and plant, touches the very foundation of that sound agricultural practice so essential to success at the present time. The Parts of a Seed. In order to distinguish the various parts of a seed, it is best to examine one which has begun to grow, or, as is more commonly said, to germinate, for in this condition the parts can be more easily separated and THE SEED 3 distinguished. Among the simplest and most easily understood seeds are any of the ordinary peas or beans. An examination of a very young plant of the French or kidney bean one which has just made its appearance above the surface of the soil will reveal the following parts : two thick leaves (in the case of the scarlet runner and some others, these leaves do not come above the surface of the soil); between these there is a very small leaf-bud with minute leaves, whilst below there is a stem which terminates in a root, the root itself being branched. The parts of the young bean plant should now be compared with a bean seed which has not germinated, but which has been soaked for a few hours in water in order to soften it. The seed-coat will strip off without difficulty, and it will then be found that enclosed by the seed-coat is a structure which easily splits into two halves, and a little thought will show that these two halves correspond to the two thick leaves which have been spoken of already. These leaves are called the cotyledons or seed-leaves. Between the cotyledons there will be seen a small curved body, one portion of which, when the seed germinates, becomes the stem with leaves upon it, while the remaining portion develops into the root. These portions are known respectively as plumule and radicle. With the help of a pocket lens, the plumule is seen to consist of very small leaves folded together. There thus exists in the seed a minute plant with rudimentary root, stem, and leaves. When seeds are placed under suitable conditions these rudi- mentary organs grow, and the seed is said to germinate. 4 NATURE TEACHING Plant Food in Seeds. The first stages of germination take place at the expense of the store of plant food which exists in every seed. In the case of the bean, which has just been examined, the store of plant food is contained in the thickened seed-leaves. If some germinating kidney beans, growing in soil, are observed from day to day, it will be seen that the seed-leaves gradually become smaller and smaller, and finally shrivel up. In the scarlet runner a similar thing happens, although here the cotyledons never came above the surface of the ground. A great many plants with which we are familiar have their supply of plant food for germination stored away in the seed-leaves ; this, for instance, is the case with all the peas and beans, with the seeds of oak, apricot, cabbage, radish, lettuce, cucumber, orange, and many others. There are many seeds in which the store of plant food for germination is not contained in the seed-leaves, nor in any other part of the small plant in the seed, but exists as a separate store. In these seeds we find inside the seed-coat an embryo, as in the bean, but only small cotyledons, and, in addition, a separate store of plant food. These may be made out in the seed of buckwheat,, marvel of Peru, etc., where the embryo is to be seen enveloping, but perfectly distinct from, the store of plant food which makes up the greater portion of the seed. . In wheat, barley, maize, etc., the embryo lies at one side of the seed, near the pointed end (base), and easily THE SEED 5 distinguishable as a white patch. In maize or barley which has been soaked for a few hours in water, the embryo may be readily separated from the rest of the seed, when it will be seen how large a part of the seed is occupied by the store of plant food. This separate store of plant food is often spoken of as the albumen* and seeds are described as albuminous or exalbuminous in accordance with the presence or absence of this albumeru The seeds of wheat, barley, maize, all the cereals and grasses, beet, carrot, buck- wheat, marvel of Peru, onion, and date, afford examples of albuminous seeds. If we now refer again to the seed-leaves or cotyledons which exist in every seed, we have to note that the embryos of some seeds have two cotyledons, as in the case of the bean and buckwheat, while the embryos of other seeds have only one. Barley, wheat, or maize may be taken as examples of the latter class. In some cases it is an easy matter to ascertain whether one or two cotyledons are present in the seed, while in others it is matter of some difficulty. It is found that the presence of either one cotyledon, or of two cotyledons, is usually associated with other constant characters of plant structure to which fuller reference is made later. Seeds with embryos having one cotyledon are described as monocotyledonous, while those in which two cotyledons are present are known as dicotyledonous. * The term "albumen" is an unfortunate one, as the same term is commonly employed to denote a large class of chemical substances. There should be no difficulty, however, in under- standing the limited sense in which it is employed here. 6 NATURE TEACHING Germination. When a gardener or farmer sows seeds, he takes care to proceed in such a manner in preparing the soil and placing the seeds in it as previous experience has shown him produces the best results. It is well, then, that we should learn what takes place during germina- tion, in order that we may know what conditions are essential to success. If on alternate days a few seeds of various kinds of beans are planted in moist soil, and this is continued until those first planted have developed into small plants some four or five inches high, an ample supply of material may be to hand for purposes of study. Take a bean, which has been soaked in water but not planted, remove the seed-coat, separate the cotyle- dons, and bring into view the body lying between them. Next, dig up carefully one or two of each of the beans of different ages and compare them with the ungerminated seed. There will be no difficulty in recognising that germination produces changes whereby that portion of the embryo known as the radicle develops into the root, whilst the plumule becomes the stem with its leaves. The cotyledons become smaller and smaller as the develop- ment of the young plant proceeds, the stores of food which they contain being used by this young plant to build up its own structures. This is one of the simplest methods of germination ; but we should observe that the young and tender plant has certain definite objects to attain. The plantlet must get out of the seed-coat, and it must be able to THE SEED 7 force its way through the soil in which the seed is sown. Observation of germinating kidney beans shows that the root, on its emergence from the seed, does not grow straight down into the soil, but bends in an arch near the seed and then grows straight downwards. This arch is generally the first thing which makes its appearance above the soil, and, from its form and structure, is well fitted to thrust aside the particles of earth. After the arch is formed, the young plant is firmly anchored in the soil by means of the root. The arch has now another duty to perform ; the seed-coat still covers the cotyledons and the plumule ; these must be liberated. The seed-coat is held fast by the soil sticking to it ; the arch continues to grow in an upward direction, and, as a result, the cotyledons are withdrawn from the seed-coat, much in the same manner as a hand is drawn out of a glove. When this is done, the arch straightens out and the plant grows into an upright position. In order that the seed-Coat may be held firmly by the soil and not be drawn out by the plant's movements during germination, seeds are frequently provided with projections, spines or hairs, which, becoming attached to the soil, afford the necessary firmness of hold. In some cases, for instance, linseed (flax) and cress, the seeds are provided with a seed-coat which becomes mucilaginous and sticky when wet, thus effecting the same purpose. On looking over a plot where a number of beans are germinating, it may often be noted that some of the seeds have not been able to rid themselves of their seed- 8 NATURE TEACHING coats, owing to the fact that the soil did not hold down the coats sufficiently firmly, so that they were pulled up when the plant tried to draw out the cotyledons. Such plants are often greatly hindered in their growth by the presence of these no-longer-wanted coats. Cases such as this should be borne in mind in attempting to dis- cover what are the uses of spiny or warty coats of many seeds. In some seeds, for example, scarlet runners, peas, and acorns, the seed-leaves are not drawn out of the seed- coats in the manner described, but remain below the ground. The young stem makes its appearance above ground in an arched form, but, in this case, the arch is formed above the point of attachment of the cotyledons to the plumule. The growth of the arch now merely draws out the plumule with its tender leaves. The young plant lives for some time on the store of food in the cotyledons, which gradually become thin and shrivelled, exactly as in the case of the French bean, where, coming above ground, the changes in the cotyle- dons are more easily watched. The seeds of the vegetable marrow and cucumber exhibit interesting peculiarities in their germination. The root makes its appearance first, and assumes the curved or arched form in a similar manner to that of the bean. The seed being flat, usually lies upon one side. On the other side of the arch, and quite close to the small hole through which the root makes its appearance, there is formed a protuberance. This protuberance catches the lower edge of the seed-coat and holds it firmly against the soil. The cotyledons, still within the THE SEED 9 seed-coat, are soon thrust upwards by the curved form of the growing root ; this leads to the splitting of the seed-coat into two halves, whereby the young plant is set free. It is worth observing that the protuberance is only formed on one side, the under one ; and that if, when germination has proceeded to a slight extent, the seed be turned over so as to bring the upper side to the under side, then a protuberance will form on the side finally downwards. This will happen even if a slight protuberance has begun to form before the turning took place. In the instances of germination already referred to, the supply of plant food is stored in the cotyledons, whence it readily passes to the growing parts of the young plant. In those cases, however, where there is a separate store of plant food, that is in albuminous seeds there must exist some means whereby this food can be made use of by the young plant. It will be well to describe one or two examples showing how this is accomplished. The common buckwheat affords an interesting and readily observed case. If some buckwheat is sown in a pot of sawdust, seedlings can easily be obtained in various stages of development for us to see that as in the preceding cases the radicle first bursts through and grows downwards into the soil. Above ground appears the little stem, not as a mere arch as in the bean, but curled round in a complete loop, bearing at the free end the whole seed, with the cotyledons still inside. The cotyledons remain enclosed for some time in the seed, which fits them as a kind of cap. Slowly they throw off 10 NATURE TEACHING the husk, and open out as a pair of green leaves. The husk will then be found to be quite empty, all the food it contained having been absorbed by the cotyledons and passed on to the young plant. Whilst this is going on the stem has also straightened out. The onion has an albuminous seed. In germination the young root first makes its appearance, and, immedi- ately afterwards, there appears the lower portion of the cotyledon. This assumes the arched form as described in the case of other seeds; the tip of the cotyledon however is not withdrawn, but remains for some time within the seed-coat in contact with the supply of food stored up there. Upon the portion of the cotyledon in contact with this food there is formed what may be described as a sucker, an absorbing organ, which takes up the stored food arid passes it on to the growing plant. When all the food store has been absorbed, the cotyledon is withdrawn from the seed-coat and the young seedling becomes erect, the cotyledon being now green, and acting as an ordinary leaf. A somewhat similar condition of things occurs in the germination of the seeds of many palms, and may be studied in 'the date. The germination of the seeds of the date palm is of great interest, inasmuch as it supplies an excellent illustration of the way in which many plants overcome the difficulties of their surround- ings. The date palm is well known as a plant which can thrive in sandy, desert regions, where the water supply is scanty. Most ordinary seedlings are delicate, and easily killed if kept without water. How then does the young date palm manage to survive? As the THE SEED 11 seed germinates, it puts out a structure which bores down into the soil like a root. As we shall see later, this is much more than a root, and really consists of the root, cotyledon, leaf-bud, and, in fact, the whole of the young plant. The upper portion remains inside the seed and gradually absorbs all the food contained in the seed, passing it down to the young plant, which gradually is thrust quite deep down in the soil. Here it forms its roots, so that when, later on, the first green leaves appear above the surface, the little seedling date palm has well-grown roots, and can get water for itself from the deeper layers of the soil, and is thoroughly able to exist even through very dry weather, when many seedlings would die. In this manner the seedling date grows at the expense of the hard food-supply stored up in the seed as the hard, horny substance which makes up a date "stone." The seeds of the castor-oil plant are albuminous ; when germination takes place the albumen is withdrawn from the seed-coat, together with the cotyledons, the albumen remaining attached to the back of the cotyle- dons. The plant food is then absorbed during the first few days after germination. The seeds of all the ordinary grasses and cereals are albuminous. The manner in which the store of plant food is absorbed during germination can be studied in the case of barley and maize. Some grains of each should be planted on three or four successive days, in moist sand or sawdust, so as to furnish a number of specimens in different stages of germination. Thdse should then be compared with grains in an ungerminated 12 NATURE TEACHING condition, and with some which have merely been soaked for a few hours in water to soften them. On examining the grains, the embryo or " germ " may be seen as a white patch lying on one side of the grain near the pointed end ; in the case of those grains which have been soaked, the embryo can be readily detached from the rest of the seed. The seed is mono- cotyledonous, and careful examination of the detached embryo shows that the single cotyledon does not grow or extend through the seed-coat, but forms the means of communication through which the reserve of plant food passes into the young growing plant. The cotyledon, here known as the scutellum^ lies upon the surface of the albumen, which in these seeds consists almost entirely of starch. As soon as germination begins, the scutellum secretes a digestive fluid which converts the insoluble starch into soluble substances, which are readily absorbed by the scutellum and" passed on to the growing plantlet, lying on, and attached to, the other side of the scutellum. As the starch is dissolved and used up, the scutellum presses forward into the vacant space, finally taking up all the starch and leaving the seed-coat empty. While this is going on, the young plant is growing in size, thrusting its roots into the soil and its leaves into the air, so that by the time the supply of starch within the seed is exhausted it is able to obtain its own food. PRACTICAL WORK The following exercises are suggested in illustration of the principles already discussed ; they may be per- formed by the pupils themselves or by the teacher, and THE SEED 13 used by him as demonstrations in his object-lessons. They admit of considerable modification and variation, and, in their present form, are merely intended to be suggestive. The precise manner in which they are con- ducted must necessarily depend on the circumstances surrounding each class of students, but too much stress cannot be laid on the advantage of the pupils actually performing all the experiments for themselves whenever there are no reasons rendering this quite impossible. The Conditions of Germination. Moisture, air, and warmth are necessary for the ger- mination and continued growth of seeds. In order to demonstrate this, take four rather small but wide-mouthed bottles, two of which are furnished with good corks. Label these bottles A, B, C, and D respectively. In A, having first taken care that it is perfectly dry, place some dry seeds (wheat, barley, peas, or beans), cork the bottle, and seal with sealing-wax or beeswax. In B, place two or three layers of wet blotting-paper at the bottom, then put in the seeds, and cork and seal as before. Treat C exactly as B, but leave the bottle un- corked. Place seeds in bottle D, and then fill the bottle com- pletely with water, which has been boiled and allowed to cool, to drive out the air it contains. By this means the air originally in the bottle is displaced with water, and now closing the bottle with a cork, we have the seeds wet but with practically no air. Put A, B, C, and D away side by side, preferably in a dark place, and examine daily. It should be found that 14 NATURE TEACHING in A the seeds do not germinate at all ; they have no water at all, and very little air. In B the seeds have water but again very little air; they will probably ger- minate and grow for a short time, and then, having exhausted the air, die. The seeds in C have water, and, the bottle being open, air also. (The blotting-paper in C should be kept moist by the addition of water from time to time.) They should germinate and grow well. Those in D, although provided with water, have no air. They should grow but slightly, if at all. The experi- ment has so far shown the necessity of water and air. Keep careful notes of this experiment, recording the number of seeds which germinate at all in each bottle and the heights the seedlings attain. In order to show the influence of temperature, take two pots filled with soil, properly prepared for the recep- tion of seeds (see p. 1 5). In each pot place two or three seeds of several different kinds, for example, beans, peas, barley, radish, etc. Label the pots, and place one out of doors and keep the other indoors in a warm place, such as in the kitchen, or warm school-room. Keep the soil in both pots suitably moist. Note in your note-book the date when the seeds were sown and the dates on which the various seedlings first appear above the surface of the soil. Measure the heights of the young plants at regular intervals. Compare the rate of germination and early growth of the plants in the pot kept warm and in that exposed to cold, and draw conclusions as to the effect of temperature upon plant life. Note. This experiment should be made between the months of October and March. OF NIVERSITY] J THE SEED 15 Raising Seedlings. Observations are readily made on seeds sown in boxes. For this purpose it is necessary to provide suit- able boxes and material. The boxes should be shallow, from 4 to 6 inches in depth, with sides securely fastened so that they may bear the weight of the moist soil. A number of holes, about half an inch in diameter, should be bored in the bottom of each box in order to secure free drainage. In addition to wooden boxes, useful seed boxes may be made from large biscuit-tins. The soil for filling the boxes should be prepared by Sifting, first, through a sieve having holes of about an inch in diameter ; this removes the large stones : the sifted soil should next be passed through a second sieve having holes of about a quarter of an inch in diameter ; this separates the gravel from the fine soil. A small quantity of soil should be passed through a still finer sieve. It is advisable to prepare a good supply of soil and to store it in a dry place, so that, whenever required, stones, gravel, or fine soil may be available. A tool is useful for levelling and lightly pressing down the soil as it is placed in the boxes. This is simply supplied by a piece of smooth board, half an inch in thickness and about 8 by 4 inches in area, with a suit- able knob or handle fixed on the back. A supply of dry, finely-chopped grass (for instance, lawn mowings) or preferably coco-nut fibre refuse, is also required. To prepare a box for sowing seeds, place at the bottom a layer about I to 2 inches deep of the 16 NATURE TEACHING stones separated from the soil by means of the coarsest sieve. Over the stones place a layer of about the same depth, of coco-nut fibre or of the dry chopped grass, to prevent the finer material choking up the spaces between the stones. Over the fibre or grass put a layer of the gravel, and fill up the box with sifted earth. Level this last layer by means of the tool, at the same time com- pressing the earth slightly. If the soil is very dry it is advisable to water it now, as less damage is likely to be done than by heavy watering after the seeds have been sown. The seeds may now be sown, the method of proced- ure depending on the size and kind of seed. If small seeds, like lettuce, are being sown, all that is necessary is to scatter them evenly and thinly over the surface, and then to distribute a layer of the very fine soil over the seeds, sifting the soil lightly on and adding only so much as is required to cover the seeds without burying them at all deeply. If larger seeds, such as peas or beans, are being sown, place them in shallow furrows, lightly marked out with a piece of stick or with the finger, and cover with very fine earth as in the previous case. Very large seeds, such as horse chestnuts or acorns, may be placed in position, buried by pressure about half their own depth in the soil, and then covered with moderately fine earth. Everything being completed, press the soil gently down with the tool. This pressing down has the effect of producing a firm seed bed which is necessary, in certain instances, to enable the young plants to free themselves from their seed-coats. It also serves to keep the top THE SEED 17 layers of soil moist, for, if left loose and dusty, they would become dry, and the seeds would suffer from lack of moisture. After the seeds have been sown the box must be watered. This requires care, or delicate seeds will be washed out of the ground. A watering-can having a rose with very fine holes, should be used, and the water only allowed to fall very gently. The boxes should be placed in a shady place where they are screened from heavy rain and excessive sun- shine. It is often of advantage to cover the box with a sheet of glass. In this way the air is kept moist, and germination usually hastened. The glass also prevents damage by rain if the boxes cannot be placed under a roof. In order to observe the effect of a firm seed bed sow onion seeds in two boxes or pots. Compress the soil of one firmly after sowing the seeds. In the other cover the seeds lightly with sifted soil, avoiding carefully any compression. Tend the boxes or pots carefully, and note the difference in the manner the two sets of seeds germinate and the seedling grow, recording your observations in your note-book and making drawings and diagrams of the seedlings as they grow. Similar experiments may be made with seeds other than onion. These experiments should also be tried in garden beds which are left to receive no watering beyond the natural rainfall. Seed Beds. Seeds are generally sown in garden beds, or, young seedlings raised in boxes, are transplanted to beds. The 18 NATURE TEACHING preparation of a seed bed requires some care. Select a spot, sheltered as much as possible from the sun and wind, and near the water supply ; remove all the weeds and fork the ground to a good depth. Mark out, by means of a line (see below), the paths which shall separate the beds ; these paths should be about 2 feet wide, while the beds themselves should be from 3 to 5 feet wide. Having marked out the position of the paths, and while the line is still stretched in place, remove with a spade the soil from the paths and distribute it evenly over the beds. If this is properly done the paths should now be about 6 or 8 inches below the level of the beds. Remove all stones with a rake, and so make up the beds that the centre of each is slightly higher than the sides. This is of great importance, as it allows water to drain off freely, for nothing is more detrimental to good gardening than to have water lying in pools on the beds. When working on a garden bed avoid walking upon it When weeding or planting, it is often necessary to place the foot upon a bed in order to reach a particular spot ; in this case use a foot-board, which is simply a narrow piece of board which can be laid across the bed, and upon this only should any one be permitted to place his foot when working. Another appliance in frequent use is a line for marking. A line consists of a length of moderately stout cord having a pointed stake about 1 8 inches long attached to each end. It is well to have two lines a long one for laying out beds, paths, etc., and a short one for working across beds. After use, lines should always be neatly wrapped THE SEED 19 around their stakes, and carefully put away in the tool-house. When seeds are to be planted in a garden bed proceed as follows : Stretch a line across the bed, and, with the hand, open a furrow in the soil along the line, making the furrow of a depth suitable to the kind of seed to be sown, 2 inches deep for large seeds, an inch or less for small ones. Having made one furrow, move the line the required distance, fix it in position, mark out another furrow, and so on. In regulating the distance between the rows it is convenient to have a piece of stick of the same length as the distance the rows are to be apart, and to use this as a measure to mark the new position of the line every time it requires to be moved ; this secures regularity and neatness of work. The furrows being opened, scatter the seeds by the hand along the bottom of each, care being taken to scatter them evenly and not too thickly. When the seeds are in position, gently draw the soil over them, and after they are covered apply a little pressure to render the soil around them firm. Pots are sometimes used for sowing seeds in, par- ticularly large seeds. They are also of use when the young plants are to be transferred subsequently to another spot, as, for instance, cucumbers. Pots are pre- pared for seed sowing in the same manner as boxes. In the tropics, pots made of bamboo are frequently used, and are indeed invaluable. They are made from large bamboos by cutting them across with a saw just below each node or joint ; the division or partition found at each joint thus forms the bottom of the pot, and when 20 NATURE TEACHING a hole has been made in this to permit of drainage the pot is ready for use. Observations on Seedlings. The pupils should sow all, or at any rate the greater number, of the seeds in the list below, the teacher deciding according to circumstances whether they are to be sown in boxes, pots, or beds. All the various stages in their germination must be watched, and the observa- tions recorded in suitable note-books, drawings, even if only roughly diagrammatic, being insisted on. As germination proceeds a few of the seeds should be removed at intervals for purposes of study and observa- tion. At this stage of the pupils' work the object is not to raise crops, but to understand how crops grow. The observations recorded should determine the method of emergence of the young plant, the curves assumed by the young root and stem, the manner in which the coty- ledons are disposed, whether the seed is albuminous or exalbuminous, and, if the latter, how the reserve of food material is absorbed by the -growing plant. Careful attention should be given to any special contrivances to enable the young plant to escape from the seed-coat, and the existence of any special means whereby the seed- coat is held down by the soil while the young plant is being withdrawn. Upon examining seed beds containing germinating seeds, it may often be noticed that a few of the young plants do not germinate properly. They may fail to rid themselves of their seed-coats or meet with other untoward experiences. These cases, in particular, THE SEED 21 should be observed, as they often throw considerable light on the methods of germination and impress the mind with the importance of what may, at first sight, seem trivial and unimportant details. After some of the better known kinds of seeds have been studied, much instructive information may be gained by collecting seeds of wild plants and studying their methods of germination. In addition, observations serving to develop the pupils' powers of perception and reasoning may be made upon germinating seeds and seedlings found in a state of nature. The following list of seeds for study is merely suggestive ; examples should be selected from different parts of the list, and the seeds should not be studied in the order in which they are arranged : Peas and Beans Oak (Acorn) Scarlet Runner Ash Haricot or Lima Bean Buckwheat Broad Bean Sycamore or Maple Garden Pea Marigold Sweet Pea Tomato Vetches Barley Cabbage .Wheat Radish Maize Cress Onion Cucumber or Marrow Castor-oil Horse Chestnut Date Palm Seeds of all these plants can be easily obtained. In the case of dates the seeds from the fruit as sold for eating purposes are quite good ; it must be remembered, however, that they take several months to germinate, preferably in a pot in a greenhouse or warm room, 22 NATURE TEACHING Testing Vitality of Seeds. The following method of testing the germinating power or vitality of seeds is easily carried out, and affords results of practical value. Pupils should test the vitality of half a dozen or more of the common kinds of garden seeds purchased locally. (These experiments should be reserved for senior pupils and advanced classes.) "A cheap and convenient form of apparatus for testing the vitality of seeds at home is the following : Choose two earthenware plates of the same size. Cut out two circular layers of flannel somewhat smaller than the plates. Between the two layers place 100 seeds of the variety to be tested. Moisten the flannel with all the water it will absorb. The two layers of flannel are placed in one plate and covered with the other and set in a warm place. If the flannel is thin, several pieces should be used in order to absorb sufficient water. Other kinds of absorbent cloth or blotting-paper can be used, but thick flannel is rather more satisfactory. At the Kansas Experiment Station we have used damp sand for a seed bed with good success. . . . The flannel should be kept moist by the addition of more water when necessary. Some seeds will commence to germi- nate on the third day. Each day an examination should be made, and those seeds which have germinated should be recorded and removed. For practical purposes, two weeks is a sufficient time for the test. The results obtained may be considered as representing the per- centage of vitality under favourable conditions." " Grass seeds require as much as three weeks, and THE SEED 23 seeds of some trees a still longer time. Beet balls contain from three to seven seeds. With very small seeds it may be necessary to provide for the circulation of air by placing small pieces of wood between the layers of cloth among the seeds. With most varieties of garden plants the majority of seeds should germinate within a few days after the first sprout appears. If the period of germination extends over a longer time it shows that the vitality of the seed is low. Seeds of the carrot family and some melon seeds may not show as high results in the germinating dishes as they do in the ground." In good sound seeds the following numbers per cent, should germinate (): (a) From Year-Book, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1896. . 90 to 95 . 80 85 7o 75 7o 75 93 98 . 90 95 . 85 90 . 90 95 . 90 95 * Each beet fruit or " ball " is likely to contain from three to seven seeds. One hundred balls should give at least 1 50 sprouts. Barley . . 90 to 95 Oats . Beans 90 95 Onion Beet * 150 Parsley Cabbage . . 90 to 95 Parsnip Carrot . 80 85 Peas . Clover . 85 90 Radish Cucumber . . 85 90 Tomato Lettuce . 85 90 Turnip Mustard . 90 95 Wheat CHAPTER II THE ROOT WE have already seen that the first thing to make its appearance when a seed germinates is the root. This is at first usually white and tender, but as it grows older often becomes hard and woody, and covered with a brown bark. The root may also increase in thickness to a very considerable size. If very young roots are examined they will be found to be clothed with fine down or hairs near their extremities. Owing however to the very delicate character of these fine hairs- it is not always easy to see them, for they are injured if the root is at all roughly dealt with. These hairs may be seen to great advantage on the roots of seedlings of barley, Indian corn, etc., which have been grown in a moist atmosphere. On examining such a root it will be noticed that the tip and the portion immediately behind it is quite bare and smooth ; this, as we shall see later, is the growing region. Then follows a downy-looking portion, the character of which is due to the presence of large numbers of minute root-hairs ; this is the absorbing region. The older portions of the root, like the youngest 24 THE ROOT 25 part, are completely free from root-hairs. When a very young seedling is pulled up from out of sandy soil it frequently happens that a considerable quantity of sand remains attached to the root, owing to the root-hairs adhering firmly to the grains of sand with which they were in contact. The end or tip of a root is soft and tender, making one wonder how so delicate a structure is able to thrust itself through the hard, rough soil. Careful examination will show that the tip of every root is covered with a little cap or shiejd which serves to protect the point from injury. This root-cap is, in many plants, not very easy to see without the use of a lens, but may often be observed in roots growing in water, for instance, those of the frog's-bit, duck-weed, etc. The screw-pine (Pandanus), to be seen at many florists and in almost every botanic garden, throws out a number of roots from its stem. These roots grow downwards towards the ground, and, if their tips are examined, they will be found to be covered with well marked root-caps. These illustrate remarkably well the nature of the appendage to be found at the extremity of most roots, including even their finest and most minute branches. Roots usually grow down into the soil, throwing out numerous branches, and permeating the soil with a network of fine rootlets, each provided with root-hairs and terminating in a root-cap. The main root exhibits a strong tendency to grow vertically downwards, in response to the pull of gravity. This can easily be .proved by placing a growing seedling so that the main foot lies horizontally. If this is done it is found that 26 NATURE TEACHING within a few hours the end of the root bends so that once again the tip is directed vertically downwards. A simple experiment such as this is sufficient to show that plants are not mere passive living things, but can control the movements of their parts almost as if they possessed senses similar to those of animals. Roots increase in length by the addition of new material at their ends ; the older parts may grow in thickness, but they do not increase in length. Indeed, a moment's consideration will show that this must necessarily be the case, for if roots were to grow in length anywhere but at their ends they would tear off their branches, which are firmly embedded in the soil. Uses of Roots. Roots have several uses : they fix the plant firmly in the soil, they absorb water together with the nutriment which plants derive from the soil dissolved in it. This absorption of water is only effected by the younger portions of the roots being .practically confined to the root-hairs. The region, therefore, which bears the root-hairs is the absorbing region, and this fact explains the importance of the young roots and why plants suffer if these are unduly disturbed or injured. The older parts of the root have no power of themselves to take up water and plant food. They are of use as mechanical supports, and also as the means whereby the water taken up by the absorbing region is passed on to the stem and leaves above ground. Roots frequently act as storehouses of plant food, particularly in the case of biennial plants. Biennials THE ROOT 27 are plants which require two years to complete the cycle of their lives. They usually produce during the first year an abundance of leaves but no flowers. These leaves manufacture plant food, in the form of starch or sugar, in excess of the plant's immediate needs, and this surplus food is stored away in the roots which usually become very much enlarged. On the approach of winter the leaves die down, but the roots remain in the ground in a dormant condition. In the spring of the succeeding year the plants put forth new leaves and finally flower and produce seed, and, in carrying on these processes, the store of food in the roots is drawn upon so that by the time the seeds are ripe the roots are practically exhausted. After the seeds have been dispersed the plants die. This condition of things may be well seen in such plants as beet, carrot, and turnip. In agriculture man takes advantage of these plants storing up food, and, collecting the roots at the end of the first year, devotes their hoarded-up food to his own uses. The observations made on seedlings have shown that the roots of a plant usually arise from the radicle of the little plant in the seed. In many plants, however, roots arise not only in this manner but also from stems. A good example is the ground ivy, which puts down little bunches of roots from its stem as it trails over the ground. It is obvious that these roots carry on the ordinary work of absorption of water, because if the main root dies or is cut away the plant is unaffected. In some plants the roots formed above ground are also of use as supports ; thus in the Indian corn a number 28 NATURE TEACHING of roots arise from the stem, at some distance above the soil, grow downwards and anchor the plant firmly. In the screw-pine such roots are still more obvious, and form curious, stilt-like supporting structures. The ivy furnishes another excellent example of adventitious roots borne on the stem. In this case they are of assistance to the plant, supporting it when climbing up trees, walls, etc. In the case of many plants, a portion of the stem, separated from the parent plant, so that it no longer receives supplies of water and food, shows a tendency to attempt to save its life by producing roots of its own. In this effort it will usually be successful if it happens to be placed in a moist position. A piece of watercress placed in a bottle of water quickly develops a number of adventitious roots. Full advantage is taken of this tendency by gardeners and agriculturists. Many orna- mental plants are propagated in this way. Pieces of the stem are cut ofT and placed in moist earth, when new roots soon make their appearance, usually from near the cut end of the stem, and a new plant is obtained. Roses, geraniums, chrysanthemums, and a number of other .garden plants are regularly propagated in this manner. .In tropical countries this method of propagation is used for many important food crops, for example, sugar-cane, sweet potato, and cassava (the source of tapioca). Nor is it only from stems that roots may be developed. Some leaves, when plucked from their parent plant and laic! on moist soil, will throw out roots and leaf-buds, so that, in a little time, a number of young plants may be raised from a single leaf. The leaves of" fibrous-rooted " THE ROOT 29 begonias readily form roots when placed under suitable conditions, and are commonly propagated in this way. Some plants grow as parasites upon other kinds of plants ; they thrust their roots into the stems of their hosts, and live by robbing them of sap, thus weakening and often killing the plants on which they grow. Examples of parasitic plants are the strange, thread-like yellow dodders (Cuscuta), often found injuring clover and flax, and the mistletoe common in many parts of Britain on apple and other trees. The method by which this plant spreads from tree to tree is interesting (see chapter on Fruits). The roots of these parasitic plants have no .root-caps and no root-hairs, these structures being unnecessary under the peculiar conditions in which these roots grow. The dodder is at times a troublesome pest on clover, but, as a rule, parasitic plants are not serious enemies to the farmer in temperate climates, although they often are so to the tropical cultivator of cocoa, oranges, etc. PRACTICAL WORK Dig up several germinating seeds and young seed- lings, and examine their roots. Good examples may be obtained by sowing beans, peas, barley, wheat, etc., at intervals of a day in a box of moist sawdust or sand. Water the seeds as required. In warm weather they will be ready in about a week. In the winter a few days longer will be required. Observe that plants with two seed-leaves put out a main, or primary root, which soon forms numerous branches ; on the other hand, plants with only one seed-leaf show no main root, but a number 30 NATURE TEACHING of fine roots more or less equal in size. A comparison of the root systems of young beans or peas and barley and wheat will make this difference clear. Make sketches of all the seedlings examined. Root-Hairs. Take a small wooden box, place at the bottom two or three layers of wet blotting-paper, and then some barley grains which have been soaked in water for about twelve hours. Cover the box with a sheet of glass, and put it on one side ; examine the box from time to time, and add more water if the blotting-paper should become at all dry. At the end of two to four days, according to the season of the year, root-hairs should be present in abundance, and there should be no difficulty in making out the characters which have been previously described. Make sketches of two or three seedlings of different ages, showing exactly the position of the root-hairs in each case. Pull up, very carefully, seedlings which have been grown in sandy soil ; grains of sand are generally found adhering in great numbers to the region on which we now know the root-hairs occur. Wash off this sand very carefully by gently moving the roots about in a tumbler full of water. Whilst the roots are suspended in the water, examine them also for root-hairs. Draw a seed- ling before and after washing the sand off. Root-Caps. Examine, if an opportunity occurs, the aerial roots of the screw-pine, and observe their root-caps. Then look for THE HOOT 31 similar, but much smaller and more delicate, structures on the roots of other plants, such as pea and bean seedlings. These may often be more easily seen when the roots are held up against the light, and a magnifying glass will be found very useful. Examine also roots growing in water ; some water-plants have no root-caps, but the frog's-bit (Hydrocharis\ if obtainable, furnishes good examples, as also do the duck-weeds (Lemna\ so common on ponds. These roots should be examined whilst still in water, Grow seedlings and cuttings in water, and examine their roots for root-caps. Make simple outline drawings of all the plants examined. Growth in Thickness. The youngest part of a root is usually the thinnest ; this is readily seen by observing any of the seedlings already obtained. In most of the plants which have only one cotyledon the roots soon stop growing in thickness, and accordingly all the older roots are of a uniform size : see plants of barley, wheat, maize, grasses, etc. In dicotyledonous plants, on the other hand, increase in thickness may go on for a very long time, and the roots in consequence become very thick. Take any opportunity of observing the roots of trees, for instance, elm, oak, beech, apple, etc. Good examples may often be seen in lanes with steep banks, where the roots are frequently left exposed, owing to the soil being washed away. The main roots are often as thick as the main branches of the stem. Interesting cases showing an enormous increase in the thickness of roots can readily 32 NATURE TEACHING be seen in plants of radish, turnip, carrot, and beet These plants are biennials (see page 26). Sow a few seeds of radish, turnip, or beet in a garden bed, or in a box, between the months of April and June. Towards winter the leaves die down, and it can be seen that by that time long roots have been formed under- ground. The roots may be allowed to remain in the ground, or, if more convenient, they may be dug up, labelled and stored for the winter in a moderately warm dry place, where they run no risk of being frozen. In April or May weigh the roots and plant them in the ground or box again, and water as required. In time new leaves should be formed, to be followed later by flowers and seed. When the seed is ripe, collect it for future use, then dig up the roots, dry them as before, and then weigh and compare their weight with their original weight when planted in the spring. The roots should, of course, be marked throughout the experiment with dis- tinctive numbers. Careful notes should be made of the facts observed, also of the character of the roots when planted out, and after the plants have flowered. Draw- ings are very important to show the changes which go on in the roots. Growth in Length. Germinate some beans in moist sand or sawdust, and allow them to grow until their roots are about two inches long ; wash carefully a number of the seedlings, and select one which has a straight, well-formed root, perfectly free from injury. Lay the seedling on a piece of damp blotting-paper, THE ROOT 33 and, alongside it, a piece of cardboard, so arranged that the surfaces of root and cardboard are on the same level. With a fine camel's hair brush and Indian ink make a number of fine lines on the root, and a corresponding set on the cardboard, commencing as close to the tip of the root as possible, and continuing them backward for about one inch. These lines should not be more than th inch FIG. i. Mode of measuring growth in length of the root of a germinat- ing bean. FlG. 2. Germinating bean fixed in a glass jar by means of a pin passing through the cork. The root is marked into equal transverse divisions at the beginning of the experi- ment. After a period of about twenty-four hours the region of most active growth may be ascertained. apart, and in marking them great care must be taken not to injure the root. Place each bean in a thistle-funnel standing upright in a tumbler or bottle of water, and cover the top of the funnel with a watch glass, or small piece of wood (see Fig. i). As an alternative method, pin the seedling, with the root hanging vertically, on the inside of a box or bottle, the atmosphere in which is kept moist, as in the experi- C 34 NATURE TEACHING ment with germinating barley. The best method of fastening the seedlings is to pass an ordinary pin through the two cotyledons, taking care not to injure the young stem or root (see Fig. 2). Examine after twenty- four hours, comparing the marks on the root with those on the card. It should be found that the first one or two divisions, near the tip, have not altered in length ; that the next ones have grown a great deal ; while those still further back have remained stationary like those at the tip. Make a drawing of a root as first set up, with the marks at equal distances, and after one, two, and three days, showing exactly the position of the marks at each of these times. From this simple experiment we learn that in a root the greatest amount of growth is not at the apex, but some little way behind it, so that the root- tip protected by its root-cap is, as it were, driven down through the soil by the rapid growth of the portion just behind it. Absorption by Roots. Take two small bottles having short, narrow necks, and fill both with water. To one add a few drops of eosin solution or a little red ink, just enough in either case to colour the .water distinctly red. To the second bottle add a little carmine which has been previously rubbed to a thin paste with water. Take two seedlings, such as those previously examined for root-hairs (p. 30), and fix one in each bottle so that its roots are immersed in the liquid. This may be done by wedging them THE ROOT 35 in position with some cotton-wool. After a day or so remove the seedlings, and gently wash them in some clean water to remove any colouring matter on their outside. Then cut them lengthwise and across. Note that the one placed in the weak eosin or red ink has become red inside, whilst the one from the carmine has not. The explanation of this difference is to be found in the fact that eosin and red ink are soluble in water, whilst carmine is not, but remains in the water as very fine, solid particles. The red solution can pass into the roots, but it is not possible for any solid particles, how- ever small, to make an entry. This experiment has a very important bearing on the question of the relative value of manures and other forms of plant food. Roots and Gravitation. Take a wide-mouthed square bottle of clear glass (for instance, a sweet-bottle) and pour in it a small quantity of water. Obtain a good cork to fit the bottle, and pass through it a fine knitting-needle. Take a bean which has been allowed to germinate in damp sand or sawdust, and has a root about one inch long, and fix it on the end of the knitting-needle so that its root points downwards. Place the cork with the bean in the bottle, and allow it to remain for twelve hours. The root continues to grow straight downwards. Now lay the bottle on its side, when the root will lie horizontally. Examine at frequent intervals (for instance, of two hours), and note that the direction of the root changes, the tip soon curving round until it comes to point vertically down- 36 NATURE TEACHING wards. The position of the bottle may now be changed again, and once more the root will be found to bend round into the vertical position. A round bottle will serve almost as well, but care must then be taken to prevent it rolling. Another simple and equally serviceable method is to use a box with a movable front. The atmosphere FIG. 3. Germinating beans fixed on the sides of a box with a removable glass front. The beans are fixed with their roots pointing: in different directions, but at the end of a few hours the tips of both roots will be seen to have curved round until they come to point vertically down- wards. in the box should be kept damp by means of wet sponges. Pin the seedling bean to the back of the box, and turn the box into various positions, as in the case of the bottle (see Fig. 3). Careful drawings should be made showing the position of the root at first, and at intervals after the bottle or box has been turned round. THE ROOT 37 Roots and Water. Sow some peas in an ordinary sieve filled with damp sawdust, and hang the sieve up. The roots of the seedlings grow down in the ordinary way, and at length project through the meshes of the sieve. Then, however, they usually change their course, and turning horizontally, they creep along the underneath surface of the sieve, or even grow vertically upwards into the damp sawdust. The attraction of the roots for water here overcomes their tendency to grow downwards. Make careful drawings of the apparatus, and of the results noticed. Propagation by Cuttings. It is convenient to grow small cuttings in boxes and to transplant them afterwards into garden beds. Boxes for this purpose are prepared in the same manner as boxes for seed planting, but it is desirable to use either sand or very sandy soil. Having prepared a box, proceed to plant cuttings of such plants as roses, geranium, willow, lilac, or coleus. Ascertain from a gardener what cuttings " strike " easily. Select a branch which is fairly firm and woody, but not too young and soft. Cut it into pieces of 4 to 6 inches in length, making the cut at the lower end close below a node or joint, as it is from the nodes that roots arise in the largest numbers. Cut off most of the foliage in order to reduce the loss of water which takes place from leaf surfaces (see chapter on leaves), and place the cuttings in the soil, embedding them to a depth of from 38 NATURE TEACHING two to three inches. Compress the soil firmly around the cuttings, for if the soil remains loose the cutting will suffer from lack of moisture. The work of planting cuttings is much facilitated by using a piece of wood about six inches long and about the thickness of one's little finger for making the hole in the soil to receive the cutting, and for compressing the soil around its base. Water and tend the boxes, as in the case of seeds. Plant a number of cuttings so as to provide material for examination. At short intervals remove one or more cuttings from the soil, and note carefully the changes which have taken place ; these examinations should continue until the relationship of the resulting new plant to the cutting is clearly established. Sketches or diagrams should accompany all the notes. Place cuttings of watercress and coleus in bottles of water. After a time, roots will develop, and their growth and character may be observed. It is convenient to use a clear bottle wrapped round with paper or cloth to exclude the light. Branches of shrubs will frequently take root if they are fastened down on moist soil. By means of suitable pegs, secure two or three branches of a rose, or other tree, firmly upon the ground, covering them with a little soil where they touch the ground ; water and tend care- fully. The branch will after a time be found to have rooted, and may then be severed from the parent tree and planted in another spot. Rooting may be encouraged in this operation by removing a narrow ring of bark at the place where the branch touches the ground. When valuable trees are to be propagated, and it is THE ROOT 39 important that no risk be run of the cutting dying, the last plan may be modified as follows. On the rose, gooseberry, lilac, or other shrub which it is desired to propagate, select a branch which is easily accessible, and from it remove a ring of bark, right round the stem, about half an inch in width. Have ready a flower-pot, sawn lengthways into halves, or a small wooden box with one side removed and a slot in the bottom to admit the branch, as shown in Fig. 4. Place the pot in position round the stem where it has been prepared, bringing that part of the stem from which the bark has been removed, to about the middle of the pot Tie the two halves of the pot together, and secure it firmly in its place by FIG. 4. Box with top . . . and one side removed, fastening it to a stake driven in an d slot cut in bottom the ground. Everything being now Skl^top.25? in position, put a little dried grass or coco-nut refuse at the bottom of the pot and fill up with soil ; keep the pot watered. After the branch has been for some time in the pot, begin the process of severing it from the parent plant by cutting a small notch in it a few inches below the bottom of the pot ; after three or four days deepen this notch and repeat the process at intervals until complete severance is effected. The branch should now have rooted and become an independent plant which may be planted in a suitable place. Peg down on moist sand some leaves of "fibrous and the box filled with soil the front should be slid in along grooves in the sides. 40 NATURE TEACHING rooted" begonias, the veins of which have first been nicked on the lower side with a penknife. The pot or box should be covered with a sheet of glass, and lightly watered occasionally as found necessary. In the course of a week or two roots will begin to be formed at the cut places, and rough wart-like outgrowths to appear on the upper side. From these small leaves are later formed, and develop into little plants. This method is employed for the propagation of these plants, and is of especial interest in showing that in some plants, at any rate, roots and even complete plants are formed by leaves. CHAPTER III THE STEM IN the previous chapter, although attention has mainly been directed to the root, it can scarcely have escaped notice that most of the plants examined are made up of two well-marked and very distinct portions (i) the underground root, and (2) the aboveground stem bear- ing leaves and flowers, and often for convenience spoken of as the " shoot." It is true that in some plants for example, the house- leek and primrose the stem is exceedingly short, so that the leaves appear to spring almost directly from the ground. In other cases, for instance, in climbing plants such as the hop, scarlet runner, etc., the stems are very long and thin, and the same holds good for many creep- ing plants like the couch grass. Stems also vary greatly in another respect. Whilst young they are almost all soft and green ; some remain permanently in this condition, but others become hard and woody with age. The comparison of young and old shoots of elder, and young and old garden balsams illus- trate this point very well. Putting aside for the moment all these differences, we may say that plants in general 41 42 NATURE TEACHING are made up of the underground root, and the above- ground shoot bearing leaves, flowers, and fruit Root and shoot are distinct even whilst the young plant is still contained in the seed, being represented there, as we have learnt, by radicle and plumule respectively. The leaves are usually arranged on the stem in a definite manner ; the places on the stem from which the leaves spring are known as \hzjoints or nodes, and the interval between any two nodes is an internode. Nodes and internodes may be very clearly distinguished on most growing shoots, e.g., roses, elder, privet, etc. On examining any leaf-bearing stem it will be noticed that the oldest leaves are at the base, and that as we approach the summit of the stem the leaves get younger and younger. At the apex itself we find the youngest leaves, often more or less closely packed together to form a leaf-bud. Similar but smaller leaf- buds are usually to be found lower down the stem, situated just above the place where a leaf joins the stem ; it is very general to find one to each leaf. In the majority of plants the stem is the above- ground portion, the root only being below ground. This, however, is not always the case, and a few of the more important exceptions will be considered later. Uses of Stems. One of the most important functions of the stem of a plant is to support the leaves and display them to the air and light in the best possible manner for the work they have to do. Careful observations should be made of the arrangement of the leaves on (i) upright grow- THE STEM 43 ing plants ; (2) climbers against walls, trees, etc. ; (3) plants which trail along the ground ; (4) plants in which some of the branches are upright whilst others lie more or less horizontally. The privet may be taken as a good example of the last class. On the upright grow- ing shoots the leaves are arranged all round the stem, so that we cannot say which is the upper and which the lower side of the shoot. If, however, we examine a shoot growing horizontally, we at once notice that all the leaves are twisted round to one side, so that on looking from above we see only the upper sides of leaves, whilst from beneath only the under sides. Here, then, we have apparently a distinct upper and lower side to the branch. Still more careful examination, however, particularly of the tip of the same branch, will show that the leaves arise exactly as on the upright-growing shoots, and twist later into their final positions. Many creeping plants e.g., ground ivy, creeping jenny, etc. also show very nice arrangements to prevent the leaves shading one another, and in the practical work great attention should be paid to them. Stems, like roots, often serve as storehouses of food. The majority of the stems which serve as storehouses grotf partially or entirely beneath the surface of the soil, probably to protect the valuable stores of food they contain from injury and cold. In general appearance these underground stems resemble roots, indeed in some cases it is difficult to distinguish them from roots. It may, however, be taken as a general rule that a stem- whatever use it may serve always bears leaves. The examination of the examples given below will show us 44 NATURE TEACHING that we do not find green leaves in every case, as in underground stems the leaves are more commonly reduced to dry, scale-like bodies. The iris or flag, and Solomon's seal afford good examples of stems of this kind, running horizontally in the ground, bearing scale leaves, leaf-buds, and roots. Stems of this nature are usually spoken of as rJiizomes. Those leaf-buds which grow above the surface of the soil form green leaves, but the underground portion of the stem bears nothing but dry scales. A potato is an enlarged and swollen stem, and not a root. Leaves are almost absent, being represented only by the " eyes? which are in reality leaf-buds, as is easily seen by keeping some potatoes in a damp place for a time, when the " eyes " will grow, developing finally into well-marked stems bearing leaves. Stems of the nature of the potato are known as tubers. The Jerusalem artichoke is interesting, as its underground stem, with its very well-marked scale leaves, serves to connect up the type of stem met with in the iris and Solomon's seal, and true tubers, such as the underground potato stems. Rhizomes and tubers are examples of stems which are adapted to a special purpose, namely, to hold stores of food for the future use of the plant. In the iris the underground stem keeps on growing, year after year, and by its branching serves also to pro- pagate the plant, for, as the older portions die away, the branches become separated and form independent plants. In the potato this is still more marked, each potato plant forming each year a large number of tubers, every one of which can the next year form one or more new potato THE STEM 45 plants. As is the case of roots, so with stems, man puts some to his own use, and accordingly cultivates potato plants and allows them to form their tubers, or stores of food, which he utilises. Stems also serve as the means whereby plants climb. In some cases for instance, convolvulus and beans the ordinary stem twines about any convenient support ; in others for example, the white bryony, passion flower, grape vine, etc. portions of the stem are modified to form special climbing organs, known as tendrils. The crocus affords another example of a stem acting as a storehouse of food. The stem is here even more specialised than the potato, and, as we shall see later, contains not only a store of food, and leaf-buds, but even the flowers which will come up in the spring after it is formed, the whole being packed up in, and pro- tected by, special, tough, scale leaves. It is of great interest to trace how what appear at first sight very different and distinct plant structures are really very much alike, and gradually pass into one another. In the creeping jenny and many other plants we find stems which trail over the surface of the ground but bear leaves all along their length. In the strawberry these ordinary creeping stems bearing leaves are replaced by runners, with only small scale leaves. This type is the best for the special work they perform of spreading the plant from place to place. In the iris and Solomon's seal, underground stems loaded with food-reserve take the place of the strawberry runners. The artichoke supplies the connecting link between the 46 NATURE TEACHING rhizome and the potato tuber ; and finally we get the crocus corm, a very compact, stem structure containing food-leaf and flower-buds, with a protective covering. Structure of Stems. A piece of the stem of a horse chestnut, elm, oak, ash, hawthorn, rose, or other tree, when cut across and ex- amined, is seen to be composed of various parts arranged in a definite manner. In the middle there is a soft portion, the pith, small in some cases, large in others ; this is surrounded by hard wood, which, in the case of old trees, makes up the greater portion of the stem, whilst in young branches it only forms a thin ring ; out- side of all is the bark, sharply marked off and easily separable from the wood. The bark itself is made up of three layers (easily recognised in the horse chestnut or ash) an inner, fibrous layer; a middle, green portion; and an outer, thin brown layer, not at all fibrous, but which readily breaks in pieces if any attempt is made to detach it. The region where wood and bark join is of great importance, for there is present, between these two conspicuous tissues, a soft, somewhat slimy, thin layer, best seen in young, vigorously-growing shoots. This layer is the cambium, or growing layer, and consists of young growing tissue similar to that which is present at the apices of stems and roots. The cambium has the power of producing new tissue in either direction ; that is to say, situated as it is between wood and bark, it can add both to the wood and to the inner bark. The increase in thickness of the wood is generally very much THE STEM 47 more than that of the bark. This is well seen by ex- amining the cut end of a felled tree, for instance, an elm or oak ; the enormous difference in thickness between such an old tree and a seedling elm or oak being due almost entirely to the additions made to the wood by the activity of the cambium layer. The presence of a cambium is practically restricted to dicotyledonous plants. Certain changes take place in the wood of many trees as it increases in age. From what has already been said, it will be recognised that the oldest wood is near the centre, the new wood being formed always on the outside. It is not uncommon to find the wood near the centre of the trunk darker in colour. This is par- ticularly well seen in the laburnum, where the centre part is deep brown and the outer portion light yellow. The elm, oak, etc., show the same, although to a less striking degree. This central dark wood is the heart- wood, and the outer softer and lighter-coloured wood the sapwood. The rate of formation and the character of the new wood formed from the cambium varies at different season's of the year. Thus, when a cross-section of a stem is looked at, rings or layers in the wood are visible. Trees grown in countries having well-marked seasons of winter and summer, usually show a definite ring for each year's growth, and by counting the rings the age of the tree can be told. In tropical countries the seasons are often not sharply marked off, and the rings of growth are accordingly often wanting or indistinct. Close examination of a cross-section of a stem reveals 48 NATURE TEACHING the presence of fine lines well seen in a rose stem running through the wood, joining up pith and cambium. They are also well indicated by radiating cracks, often formed in posts or felled timber which has been exposed to the weather for some time. These are the medullary rays which serve to connect up and maintain com- munication between the various parts. If now a stem of maize, cane, or almost any other monocotyledonous plant is examined, the parts will be seen to be arranged in a very different manner from those of the stems already studied. In the stems of this second set we can distinguish no pith, no ring or column of wood, no separable bark, and no cambium. They exhibit in cross-section a groundwork of soft tissue, in which harder portions are irregularly scattered ; and whilst the outer portion forms a kind of rind, it is not essentially different from the rest, but merely con- tains a much greater proportion of the hard portions, and very little of the soft ground-tissue. On cutting such a stem lengthwise, it is readily seen that the hard portions are in reality fibrous strands which run through the stem. For a full description of the various tissues compos- ing these two types of stems, the reader is referred to botanical text-books. Grafting and Budding. The existence of the cambium in the stems of dicotyle- donous plants renders possible the carrying out of certain operations known as grafting and budding. This depends upon the fact that the cambium, being a region THE STEM 49 of active growth where new tissue is being regularly formed, can repair injuries to the bark or to the surface of the wood, and, moreover, when the cambiums of two stems are brought together by suitable operations, they both form new tissues so intermingled that the two stems unite and grow together. To carry out grafting in its simplest form, select two branches, of equal thickness, of different trees of the same species, and without separating either from its parent, cut away a portion of the bark and a little of the wood below it, thus exposing the cambium as a narrow line surrounding the cut ; take care to make the cuts on both branches of about the same size and shape. Bring the cut surfaces together with their respective cambiums in close contact as far as possible, and securely bind the branches together in this position. Each cambium now makes efforts to repair the injuries to the surrounding tissues, and, all being well, the new growth thus resulting unites the two branches. One of the branches may now be severed from its parent tree at a place between the root and the point of grafting. The upper part of the branch so severed will have to depend on the root of the other tree for its support, and thus becomes a part of that tree, or, as it is usually expressed, is grafted on to it. This method of grafting is known as "grafting by approach" because the two plants, each on its own roots, are brought together. In other forms of grafting, separate pieces, called scions, of the tree which it is desired to propagate, are fixed, with proper precautions, to another tree of the same species, known as the stock, properly prepared to receive them. D 50 NATURE TEACHING In all the methods the essential point is that the cambium of the scion shall be brought into contact with the cam- bium of the stock ; any mode of cutting or shaping the cut surfaces of the stock and scion which enables this contact of the cambiums to be secured may be adopted as a method of grafting, and the methods are often named according to the manner in which the scion and stock are cut or shaped. The branch or stem which is to serve as the stock is cut off at the place where it is desired to insert the scion, and shaped according to the method to be adopted. In the simplest case the stock is cut across obliquely, and a scion of the same thickness is cut in a similarly oblique manner, so that the two cut surfaces will fit together. Stock and scion being thus prepared, fit them together, so that their cambiums are in close contact, and fasten them securely in position by means of suitable binding material. There is a tendency for scions thus shaped to slip out of position ; notches or tongues are therefore often cut in both stock and scion to diminish this danger of slipping, but care must be taken to cut the two surfaces in such a manner that they may fit together accurately. In some cases it is desired to fix a small scion on a large stock. The stock is then cut off at the place where the scion is to be inserted, the end of the scion trimmed to a thin, pointed, wedge-like form, and thrust in between the wood and the bark of the stock into the cambium in fact. In another method a long narrow V" sna P e< ^ incision is made in the bark and down into the wood of the stock, the base of the scion is cut to a corresponding shape, fitted to the stock and secured in position by binding, THE STEM 51 In all these methods of grafting it is necessary to cover the junction between scion and stock in order to prevent the tissues drying, for the cambium would then die and no union take place. In order to preserve the tissues in a moist condition it is sometimes the custom to fix a mass of clay over the place where stock and scion meet ; this, however, is liable to become dry and to crack, so that it is preferable to employ soft wax in a similar manner. More commonly, strips of cloth or tape are covered with the wax, and these strips are bound round the joint, thus holding the scion in place, and, at the same time, forming a waterproof covering which effectually keeps the tissues from drying. One particular method of grafting, known as budding, deserves special mention. It consists in the removal of a bud together with a little of the wood and bark, and consequently a portion of the cambium, from one plant, and its insertion under the bark, that is in the cambium region, of another plant The inserted bud unites with the plant in which it is inserted, and, growing quickly, forms a new branch. When plants are grown from seed they often differ very markedly from the parent-plant which produced the seed. This variation, whilst a useful feature when the grower is seeking for new forms of plants or striving to obtain improved varieties, is one which is not welcome to the cultivator who sows seed and wishes to raise a crop on the character of which he can rely. It is still more important in connection with fruit or other trees which take some years in coming to maturity, for it is naturally very disappointing to the grower to find 52 NATURE TEACHING that the tree he has raised does not produce fruit of such good quality as the tree from which he obtained the seed, or that the ornamental plant obtained has not the character which made the parent of value. It is there- fore important to know of methods by which plants can be propagated and retain the characters of the plants from which they are derived. This is secured by planting cuttings and by budding and grafting : the plants raised by these methods retaining perfectly the characters of the original plants. It thus follows that when a new and desirable variety of plant has been secured from amongst the varying characters exhibited by seedlings, the cultivator can produce a large number of plants possessing the desirable characteristics of the selected variety by propagating it by means of cuttings or by grafting or budding. It will be readily understood that budding and grafting can only be successfully practised with plants possessing a cambium, the absence of a cambium zone making these operations impossible in other plants. Budding and grafting are successful only when the two plants operated upon are nearly related, thus the various varieties of apples may be grafted on one another, and the different kinds of roses grafted on other roses, but an apple cannot be grafted on a rose, or a rose on a cherry. Plants possess the power of healing up wounds, such as are made when a branch is sawn or broken off, gashes made in the stem, etc. The cambium plays an important part in this process also, and under favourable circumstances the whole wound may become covered THE STEM 53 over by the new growths which are formed. Interesting cases may often be seen in wayside trees. PRACTICAL WORK Obtain complete specimens (i.e. with roots, and if possible flowers) of any ordinary non-woody plants e.g., mangolds, grasses, balsams, primroses, house-leeks, dead- nettle, etc. ; climbing plants, such as convolvulus, beans ; creeping plants, such as creeping jenny, couch grass, strawberry, etc. Notice how in spite of all their differ- ences they all have an above-ground " shoot," made up of a stem (sometimes very short) with leaves and flowers, and a below-ground root, bearing no leaves or flowers. Make sketches to illustrate diagrammatically the char- acteristic points of at least one example of each group e.g., a balsam, a primrose, a bean, and couch grass. Examine a leafy shoot of privet, elder, dead-nettle, or of almost any other plant available, and notice that it is made up of a stem, bearing leaves. Distinguish the nodes and internodes, and observe that the internodes get shorter as you approach the top of the stem, the leaves accordingly becoming more crowded. At the very summit the internodes are extremely short, and the young leaves are packed together to form the terminal leaf-bud. Observe the smaller leaf-buds which occur just above the place where a leaf joins the stem. Examine a privet bush, and notice that whilst some shoots grow upright, others lie almost horizontally, and that whilst in the upright shoots the leaves are arranged equally on all sides of the stem, they are on the hori- zontal shoots twisted to one side. Examine closely the 54 NATURE TP^ACHING youngest leaves in both cases, and observe how this apparent great difference in the arrangement of the leaves is brought about. Fasten one of the horizontal shoots, without damaging it in any way, so that it is upside down, and see how the young leaves arrange themselves. Examine also shoots of hazel nut, ivy, horse chestnut, maple, creeping jenny, and learn that in all these cases leaves are arranged on the stems so that they may be well exposed to the light, and do not shade one another. Make drawings of these leaf arrangements. Uses of Stems. Dig up a growing plant of iris or flag, wash it free from soil, and notice the underground stem with its well- marked rings. Examine the youngest part, and notice the sheathing bases of the green leaves. Pull a leaf off and see the scar it leaves. What have these scars to do with the rings seen all along the stem ? Look for leaf- buds along the stem, and ascertain how the stem branches, and how new plants may be formed. Make sketches showing all the parts seen, including the grow- ing portion, the leaf-scars, the buds, and the roots. Examine " Jerusalem " artichokes, noting the large number of slightly projecting scale leaves with which they are covered. If possible, obtain a whole plant as dug up, carefully wash away the soil, and see that the artichokes are borne on very short underground stems which are quite distinct from the roots of the plant. Make drawings of the whole clump, and of one separate artichoke, THE STEM 55 Place a ripe artichoke to germinate. Notice where the new shoots come from. Notice carefully how, on the new shoots, there is a gradual transition between the scale leaves of the tuber and the ordinary green leaves of the plant. Draw some of the best instances to show this. Dig up carefully a potato plant, when the potatoes are about half-grown, and wash it clean from soil under a tap. Examine the underground stems on which the potatoes are borne, looking especially for any small leaves distinguishing them from the roots. Make draw- ings. Notice the "eyes" in the potatoes. Get some seed potatoes and place them in damp sand until they begin to sprout, and ascertain whether the new shoots arise anywhere on the potato, or from the eyes only. Make a drawing of a potato before it has started sprouting, showing the eyes ; and after it has sprouted, showing the young shoots. Obtain some crocus corrris. Gladioli are still better, being larger, but they are more expensive. Notice the dry scale leaves forming a protective covering, and the white pointed buds at the top. Pull off the scale leaves one by one, and compare the scars they leave with those already seen in the iris. Cut the corm through length- wise ; it is solid. It is thus a stem structure, bearing leaves (the brown scales) at definite places (nodes), and is in reality a very much swollen stem. With the help of a lens, it is possible to see the young leaves and the flower, packed away in the central bud, when it is cut through. Dig up crocus plants (i) when in flower, and (2) after the flowers have died. Make out where 56 NATURE TEACHING the roots spring from ; that the corm is gradually used up and withers as the plant flowers and that a new corm, which will flower next year, is formed on top of the old one. Make careful drawings of (i) a corm ready to plant, with its leaves on ; (2) the same cut through lengthwise; (3) the same with the leaves stripped off; (4) a plant in flower showing roots, etc. ; (5) a plant after flowering, showing where the new corm arises. If the new corm is always formed on top of the old one, why do not the corms after a few years appear above the surface of the ground ? Examine plants of hop, bind-weed, and scarlet runner, thin flexible stems about any convenient support. Make out the direction in which the stem twines, and how the free end of the stem moves in a circle until it meets with some object to twine around. Make similar observations on any other twining plants which can be obtained. Examine the cucumber, white bryony and grape vine, and notice the special, delicate side branches tendrils by which the plant clings to a support. Those of the white bryony and cucumber usually twist up in a beautiful manner, forming a spring, after they have caught hold of an object, whilst before this they stick straight out. Two examples only are mentioned here, but many others will readily be found. Structure of Stems. Examine young and old pieces of the stems of any of the following plants obtainable : elm, horse chestnut, ash, oak, rose, hawthorn, and note, making careful draw- ings, all the parts previously described (p. 46). Cut THE STEM 57 stems both across and lengthways. Examine the cut ends of any old trees, and compare with young plants of the same kind, noting particularly the enormous differ- ence in thickness of the wood. Examine a thick branch or stem of a tree which has been cut lengthways, and observe how the branches, can be traced downwards through the wood of the main branch or stem, giving rise to knots. Make drawings of these as seen in both longitudinal and cross sections. The trees mentioned above, or almost any timber trees, afford good examples. Examine, in cross and longitudinal section, stems of any monocotyledonous plants for example, maize, any large grasses, any palm (for instance, in museums). Note the hard, outer rind, and the inner, soft, ground- tissue with the hard, fibrous strands running in it. Com- pare the parts in these stems very carefully with those of the dicotyledonous stems of the preceding paragraphs. Grafting and Budding. To perform these operations, good, sharp and strong knives are necessary. Much may be done with an ordinary penknife, but proper grafting and budding knives greatly facilitate the work. They are inexpen- sive, and procurable from any dealer in gardening tools ; a small number should form part of every school's equip- ment. Before beginning work it is necessary to prepare supplies of grafting-wax and budding-tape. The follow- ing recipe should be followed for preparing grafting- wax : Melt together four parts by weight of resin, one 58 NATURE TEACHING part of beeswax, and one part of tallow. When thoroughly melted, pour into cold water, and when cool enough, take out and work by moulding and pulling until it becomes quite stiff. It is necessary to have the hands well greased with tallow while handling this wax. Budding-tape is prepared by dipping strips of cloth into melted wax. The wax used is beeswax mixed with a sufficient quantity of kerosene to render it soft and pliable, the mixing being aided by the cautious application of heat ; a mixture of two parts of beeswax with one of resin is often used, the two substances being carefully melted together. Various kinds of cloth are employed ; some workers using linen or calico, whilst others prefer thin flannel. The cloth is torn into strips about | to f inch wide, and of convenient length which are dipped into the melted wax, then lifted out, and all the superfluous wax allowed to drain off; when cool the strips are ready for use. A sufficient supply of budding-tape to last for some time should be prepared. Some of the forms of adhesive plaster, as used by surgeons, which can be purchased from druggists in narrow widths (J to f inch) on reels, may be usefully and conveniently substituted for budding-tape. Grafting by approach : Select two trees of the same kind but presenting some points of difference, as two apples, two roses, or two currants ; one or both of the selected trees should be growing in a pot or tub, so that the two trees may be brought together. Now decide which tree is to form the stock and which is to provide the scion. Select a branch of each conveniently situ- THE STEM 59 ated, so that the two branches can be brought into close contact taking care that the selected branches are of nearly the same thickness at the points where they are to be operated upon. Devise some means whereby the two plants, or at least the two selected branches, may be firmly secured, so that the scion may be kept in position on the stock. The method of doing this will depend on the size and character of the two plants ; merely binding the two branches together will be sufficient in many cases, or, if the stock is a large tree and the plant providing the scion is contained in a pot, the latter can be secured to the trunk or to a branch of the stock. Having made these preparations, cut away a piece of the stock at the selected point, removing from two to four inches of the bark with a little of the wood below it, taking care that the cut is smooth and even. Make a similar cut on the scion, in such a position that the two cut surfaces may be brought into close contact and will fit together fairly well. Bring the two surfaces together, secure them in position by means of strong, soft twine tied both above and below the place operated upon, and, finally, wrap a strip of bud- ding-tape firmly around the united branches covering the junction completely ; the edges of the tape should overlap, so as to prevent the evaporation of moisture from the cut surfaces, or the access of rain-water to the joint. It is not necessary to tie the budding-tape, for the end will remain in place if pressed down on the surface of the tape bandage, the wax holding it securely. Everything being properly and securely fixed, leave the plants for a sufficient time for union to take place and 60 NATURE TEACHING then cut off the scion below the place of grafting, and trim the cut end neatly with a sharp knife. Grafting stems of equal size : In this method we employ as before a rooted plant as the stock, but only a detached portion of the plant we desire to graft on to it as the scion. Cut back the stock to a place where its stem is of about the same thickness as the scion. Shape the cut ends of stock and scion, so that FlG. 5. Showing modes of shaping the cut ends of stock and scion when grafting stems of equal size. they may fit together accurately, with their cambial regions in contact. As soon as scion and stock are thus fitted together, secure them in position by firmly bind- ing with binding-tape, taking great care that they are so securely fixed that no displacement can take place, and that the joint is so well covered that the cut surfaces will not dry. This method admits of several variations in the manner of shaping the cut ends of stock and scion (see Fig. 5). In the simplest case, cut the two ends obliquely THE STEM 61 and merely place them in position ; the disadvantage of this method is that they are very liable to slip. Means must be taken, therefore, to prevent this, and it is usual to cut a notch in the end of the stock and a correspond- ing tongue or projection at the end of the scion ; or the end of the stock may be trimmed to a wedge, and in the scion a Y-shaped incision made to fit accurately over the wedge. The form of the joint adopted may be varied indefinitely, but the great object to be kept steadily in view is the bringing of the cambial regions of the two cut surfaces into close contact and retaining them there. Grafting a small scion on to a large stock : In this case, as the cambium only forms a narrow ring near the outer margin of the stock, it is essential that the scion be placed here also. The simplest method of working is as follows : Trim the end of the scion to a long wedge and thrust this wedge into the cambium of the stock, that is, between its wood and bark. Another method is to cut a V- sna P e d piece of bark ,-, , cu . v FlG. 6. Showing til grafting a small large stock. a method of scion on to a from the stock, carrying the incision deep enough to re- move a portion of the wood also (see Fig. 6). Then cut the end of the scion to a corresponding shape and fit it into the stock, and, having taken care to leave the bark undisturbed on one side of the scion, bring it into posi- 62 NATURE TEACHING tion so that it fits on to the bark of the stock. Fix the scion in place by means of grafting-wax, so moulding and pressing it around the joints and cut surfaces as to fulfil the double purpose of holding the scion in position and protecting it from drying up. This mode of graft- ing is adopted when it is desired to graft on to a thick branch or the stem of a tree which has had all its branches removed ; several scions may be put on one stock. Apple, pear, apricot, or other fruit trees available, are suggested for grafting experiments. Budding: For practice the pupil should work upon rose plants. Examine the tree which is to furnish the bud-wood, cut off two or three vigorous branches with well-developed side leaf-buds, and carry these to the tree which is to be the stock. Select a place on a young but fairly woody branch of the stock, and make a "]~- shaped incision in the bark, with the downward cut about an inch and the cross cut about three-quarters of an inch in length (see Fig. 7). Raise the bark gently from the wood, taking care not to tear it from the branch the flattened end of the budding knife should be used for this purpose. The stock being now prepared, choose a good bud on the branches already selected, and cut off the leaf which accompanies it, leaving only a very short piece of the leaf-stalk ; then with a firm clean cut remove the bud, together with a thin slice of the wood beneath. The whole piece so removed, including bud, bark, and wood, should be about three-quarters of an inch long and one quarter wide. Insert the bud thus prepared under the bark of the stock, proceeding carefully so as not to tear THE STEM 63 or unnecessarily injure the bark. All these operations should be performed as quickly as possible, to avoid the drying up of the cut surfaces. As soon as the bud is in position fix it by one or two turns of thin, soft twine or other material, then take a strip of budding -tape and wrap round the stock with the inserted bud, beginning slightly below the place of operation and allowing the edges of the tape to overlap at each turn. The bud may be covered over completely, or, if very prominent, it may be left exposed ; the budding-tape should hot be tied, the free end being held safely in position by pressing it down on the wrapped portion. Budding is frequently re- sorted to in tropical countries, FIG. 7.-u