z R6E UC-NBLF $B 176 D5M THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF 1 m MANUSCRIPTS, IN ALL LANGUAGES, FORMED BY THE LATE EMINENT BOOKSELLER, MR. THOMAS )R ODD, Of Great Newport Street, Condon. pi p V7 'J^''\1 -^^'''T 'J^''^~\ 'J-f-''^~\ (_^^''^■-T (_^^''^--7 (J^'-'^-'l ^^^1;V7 ^^^'- "-7 'J^''^-! ^r^'-'>7 ^ri~-''""-7^r^''VT C'^"';^"^ ??p^?^ ARRAN Manuscript of the XVI century, in the original curious / stamped binding, representing the sacrifice of Isaac 4to 32 AoMAR Benafar de Navitatibus et de Astrologia, with nativities , — Tractatus varii de Astronomia, &c. : of the XV century, < ^ 2 vol. . . . fol.^ 6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 33 Apotuegmata Septem Sapientum Grecie ex Dem. Phalereo of the XV century . . 4to /, De Voluntario et Involuntario, et de actibus humanis, in a /^ hand of the early part of the XVII century^ hy a Jesuit 4to Resolutionum libri duo, Greece, XVII century, from the Guildford collection . 4to, together 3 vol. /34 Apulia. Notizie della reale Dogana di Foggia, 2 vol. ; Com- pendio breve de la Doana de las Pecoras de Palla por el ano de 1578 al rey D. Philippo II . 4to ,35 Aquinas (Thorn.) : — Disputationes in prima, secunda, tertia et //" secunda secunde Thomse, by an English Jesuit of the / College of Liege, 4 vol. . . 4to 36 Arch^ological Researches. On the Origin of the Alphabet ; a Dissertation on the Passage of the Israelites over the Red Sea, in which, from a Voyage of Don de Castro, a Portuguese Nobleman, a.d. 1541, is attempted to be shewn, //y That though that passage was caused by the immediate '^ interposition of Providence, yet it contains nothing absurd or incredible, or contrary to the known laws of Nature : by a learned hand of the last century . fol. Poidson (N. H.) Om gl. Stene und Runebogstaber (Disser- tation on Runic Stones and Staffs) . . 8vo Adversaria ^gyptiaca, a few notes on Hieroglyphics Svo Catalogo di Gemme di Ch. Behn fol. together 4 vol. 37 Architecture. Compendio del Archi. Militare, with neat pen drawings : of the XVI century . 4to Oddi (Angielodegl') Architettura Militare, XV century, with neat drawings . . fol. Copy of a Correspondence between the Rev. C. Lyttleton, Dean of Exeter, and the Rev. J. Bentham of Ely, on Gothick Architecture, incomplete . " 4to Vignole (Jacques) Traite des cinq Ordres d' Architecture, revu et augmente par M. Charles Daviles, with neat drawings . 4to, together 4 vol. 38 Aretini de Bello Italico adversus Gothos, lib. IV. — Joviani Pontani Umbri libellus Amorum, titulo Parthenopeus of the XV century . . 4to The verses by Pontanus *ad Fauniam,' in this manuscript of his Parthenopeus, contain ten lines which do not appear in the printed edition, commencing " Felices Sanctseque homi- num praecordia mentis," &c. Bound in the same volume is a printed tract, " Matthsei Colatii cognomento Siculus Neo- castri Calabri Disputatio in Quintilianum, sine ull4 not^," of which Panzer quotes a copy from the Pinelli Cat., vol. iii. No. 5806. Tlie collation is A. B. eight leaves each, and E. ten leaves. The Tract is of excessively rare occurrence. * * * LATE MK. THOMAS KODD. 7 39 Arberg. Descente Genealogique de la Maisons des Comtes .y d'Arberg de Vallangin issus des Comtes de Neufchastel, /O a large roll^ six feet by two and a half one hundred and sixty coats of arms emblazoned 40 Argolico da Fermo (Francesco) Discorso dell' Officio del per- fetto Capitan General d'Esercito. Al Christ, re di Francia e di Polonia Henrico III di novo ampliato e riformato, in a beautiful Italian hand^ with neat pen and ink drawings fol. 41 Aristotelis Metaphysica, Physica, et de Meteoris. De nova translatione ON vellum : of the XIV century, in a semi-gothic character, by an Italian scribe . . fol. 42 Aristotle. Totius Philosophise Accurata Explanatio. Com- mentarins in tres Aristotelis Libros de Anima, of the XVII century, neatly written^ red morocco 2 vol. 4to 43 Aristotle. Circa Physica Aristotelis, in a minute hand of the / XV century . . 4to y^^ Anonymi Jesuitse in universam Aristotelis Dialecticam pole- / mici tractatus, m a Spanish hand: of the XVII century 4to, together 2 vol. 44 Aristotle. Commentarius in universam Aristotelis logicam, 1645, from the Fairfax collection . thick 4to Anonymi Commentarius in Aristotelis Ethicorum libros 4to Manilii Disputationes in Aristotelis libros de Anima, &c. Roma^ 1600 . . 4to, together 3 vol. 45 Arles et Aix. Dioceses d' Aries et d'Aix, Revenus suivant le Pouille des diets Dioceses, blue morocco^ with arms on the sides . . . large fol. 46 Arms. Alphabet of Names and Arms of the time of Elizabeth, very full ; the names of particular persons and the counties are given : the commencement is injured by damp, and damaged . . . 4to j />/ / 47 Arms. Alphabet of Arms of the XVII century, from the />^/ — Townley collection . . 4to •'' . 48 Arms. Ordinary of Arms of the latter part of the XVII yj/ -- century; chiefly of Scottish names, extending from A to K ' '■ 4to ■ / 49 Arms. Ordinary of Arms, exemplified in several coats, em- 2/ ^ blazoned^ circa 1700 . . 4to / 50 Ascetics. Miscellanea Ascetica, consisting of several Treatises in Latin and Italian, written in various hands at the com- mencement of the XVIII century . fol. ** It contains, among other treatises, Introductio Proemalis ad in- telligendum et interpretandum non solum Psalterium Davidis sed totam Scripturam Sacram, acta et habita a D. Cesareo Funetto, Abbati Casinensi. Osservazioni sopra FApocalissi di San Giovanni, &c. .> 8 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 51 Army. The Manual Exercise, with an Explanation, circa 1750 fol. Orderly-book of the 17th Dragoons, from the time the regi- ment was raised under Col. Hale, 1759 to 1768 4to Reglement fur die Leichte Cavallery . fol. INNERE-Einrichtung der Compagnien der Leichten-Cavallery, betrefferd . . fol. together 4 vol. 52 Assizes. Minutes of the Commissioners appointed by his Ma- jesty's Commission under the Great Seal to take a Survey / / of the Officers attending the Assizes in the Home Circuit, // and to inquire into their Fees, 1734 . fol. A Treatise of Assize and Pleadings therein written in Norman or Law French, apparently about the end of the XVI century . . 4to, together 2 vol. 53 AsTRONOMiA. Tractatus de Astronomia. Calendarium. Johannes de Sacrobosco de Arithmetica. Alexandri Carmen de Al- gorismo, in an English hand of the XV century ON vellum and paper intermixed . 4to 54 Astronomia, &c. Tractatus de Luna — Tabula Petri de Dacia — Versus de signis Zodiaci, &c. ON vellum : of the XV century, with the autograph of Dr. Simon Forman^ the Astrologer 55 Astronomia. Novus Tractatus de Astronomia, with a curious Latin volvelle on the cover : of the XV century 4to ///' Tractatus de Horolog^io. Cantus, cum notis musicis. Theo- y^ rica nova Planetarum G. Purbachii, &c. : of the latter part f of the XV century . 4to, together 2 vol. 56 Astronomy. Flamsteed (J.) Astronomical Dissertation con- cerning the Inequality of the Solar Days, modern tran- script . . . 4to Astronomical Observations for the Years 1816-17, in a neat hand . . . 8vo ^ Standish, Observationes ad Phaenomena Cometa, a.d. 1618 — Torporley, Corrector Analyticus Harrioti, transcribed from the originals in Sion College 4to, together 3 vol. 57 Augurelli (Jo. Aur.) Chrysopelse, liber prima, in a fine Italian hand^ of the early part of the XVI century Azevedo (Fra. de Soc. JesuJ Tractatus de prima intus nostri operatione, 1674 . 4to, together 2 vol. 58 Augustinarum Ordinis Confirmatio Privilegiorum Fratrum, ^ Petro de Vicentia, Episcop. Cesenate. dat. Romae, 1487 on vellum, in a beautiful hand . 4to 59 Astronomical Table : of the XV century ON vellum : and various fragments of Ancient MSS. on vellum d / / LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 9 60 B. (Lady S.) TJltimum votum cliarissima et honoratissima D. S. B. quae obiit die anno 1652. The last Request of a deare and honourable St. commemorated in a Meditation grounded upon some probable conjectures of Her concealed desires and wantes, &c. by H. M., in a neat hand^ black velvet 8vo *j^* The name of the lady here commemorated does not appear. The volimie came from the Fairfax collection. 61 Babylonian Inscriptions. Impressions from ancient Babylonian Bricks, &c. containing the Liturgy of the Magi ; rubbed by Mr. John Williams, from an inscription on stone in the library of the H, E. I. Company ; also Lithograph Fac- similes of Babylonian Inscriptions, a curious collection on a roller 62 Badonviller. Comptes de la Ville de Badonviller depuis 1698 jusqu'k 1740, a thick volume . fol. 63 Bahama Islands. Journal of the House of Assembly, 3d Nov. to 23d Dec. 1795, and 16th Feb. to 19th March, 1796, neatly written . . foL 64 Baldi di Bologna (Dottore) Tratto del modo di parlarebene. De i segni delle Lettre. Dello stile, et raccolta di risposte pacifiche pertinente al I'honore. Fatta scrivere de me Gir. Gentile da San Marino scolare del Coll. Mont, in Bologna, 1599 _ . . . 4to Del trattar civilmente, della Morale, &c. : of the XVI century thick 4to, together 2 vol, 65 Barker. Political and Theological Discourse on the Long Par- liament and the Restoration, written 1665-6 4to 66 Baronagium Anglicanum. A volume containing the Creations of all the Nobility of England from William the Conqueror to the Year 1580 . . fol. 67 Baronagium Anglicanum. The Creations and Succession of the Peers to the Year 1621, in a good hand fol. 68 Baronage of England. A Note of the Nobilitye of England which have been since the Conquest and their arms, of the XVII century, from the Collection of T. Martin^ ofPalgrave small folio 69 Beaton (John) Miscellanies. In ys booke are. Proverbs, Ars Artium, Scaligers Apothegms, Declamations, Vintners Prsevarications, Greeke Dirivations, Analysis Hermeneu- tica of the Epistle of St. John, Compendiaria Dialecticae Synopsis, collected by John Beaton^ of Jesus College^ 1646 : in the vol. are entries of the births and deaths of various members of his family . . 4to 70 Bed^ (Venerabilis) Commentaria in Evangelium secundum LUCAM ^. ON VELLUM : OF THE XI Century ! ffty-two Icttves square fol. *^* This fine manuscript is unfortunately imperfect. It is written in long lines, in a neat good hand. jA ^J/ 10 catalogue of manuscripts of the 71 Bedfordshire. An extensive Collection op Papers and Z^ / . --- ■ Deeds relating to Lands in Hockliffe, Luton, Leighton / ' Buzzard, &c. from the sixteenth to the middle of the eighteenth century, valuable and interesting 72 Bedfordshire. Abstract of Title, from 1582, of Mr. Windusses' J ~ Purchases from Thomas Cotton, Esq., of Lands in Eaton Socon . . fol. Fines of Common Pleas for the County of Bedford in the reign of George II . fol. together 2 vol. 73 Bedfordshire. Vis a Francpleg cum Cur. Baron, sereniss. dne. nos. Henriettse Marise Reginse Dne. hujus Manerii, 1645. View of Franckpledge with the Court Baron of Colonell John Okey, Esq. Lord of the said Mannor, held there 20 March, 1654 . . fol. 74 Bedfordshire. Various Manuscript Papers from the Collection of the Rev. T. Orlebar Marsh, consisting of a Particular of the Manor of Thombury, with the Estates thereunto belonging Abstract of Sir R. Burgoyne's Title to Lands in Sutton, 1735 Geology and Mineralogy of Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire Fossils Note and Terrar of the Rights of the Vicarage of Stewington, 1828 Account of Wobum and the Vicinity Account of the Free Grammar School, Bedford Account of the Hurricane at Bedford, 1672 Bedfordshire Local Words various sizes 75 Beevor (Henry) on Chastity, a Theme pronounc'd before the Reciprocal Society, Easter Sunday, 1761 4to Discourse of Benefits and Gifts, time of James I 4to Corrections and Additions to Bundy's Translation of Lamy's Introduction to Reading the Scripture 4to, together 3 vol, 76 Belgium. Wapen van alle de Baenreheeren vanden lande ende Graefscepe van Vlanderen soo die in ordre ghestelt waeren, / inde blijde incompste binnen de stadt van Ghendt, vanden / Conijne Philips van Spaengnen, den xiij dach vande maendt / van Julio int jaer 1549, with arms tricked and blazoned, and genealogies . . fol. //' '^^^ '^'^ Belgium. Memoires sur TEtat Politique des Pais-Bas, et la '^ ' English Translations of the Bible, in 33 vol. half hound '^'-'^ russia . . 4to \* The work is not complete; some intermediate volumes are wanting. 96 BiBLiA. A Tabular List of Writers on Scripture, verse by verse, written hy an English scholar of the XVII century fol. A^ Harmony of the New Testament, of the time of Charles I fol. together 2 vol. 97 Biographical and Bibliographical Memoranda, in old gilt vellum //- portfolio . . 4to "^^ 98 Biography : — Atterbury and Warburton, Account of their ^ / Writings and Characters, modern . 4to ■ Noble (Mark) Additions to the Life of Fielding 8vo Vita di Filippo Strozzi . fol. together 3 vol. 99 Biography. Historical and Biographical Life of Paul the Hermit, translated out of St. Jerome, by Massey — Account of Gustavus Adolphus, and other great European Warriors, Lives of Haydn, Woelft, &c. . a parcel / 100 Bishops. Collections and Memoranda towards a History of //7 English Bishops . . . fol. y^ 101 Black (Dr.) Astronomical and Chemical Notes 8vo / Lectures on Chemistry, 2 vol. . 8vo ^y Chemical Lectures, numerous neat drawings , 2 large thick vol. ^ half bound russia . 4to, together 5 vol. 102 Blackstone (Sir William) Lectures on the Laws of England, // the foundation of his Commentaries . 4to / Law Lectures, 2 vol. . 4to, together S vol. / 103 Blanchinis (Jo. de) TABULiE Eclipsium Stellarum, &c. Colophon : — Expliciunt Canones super Tabulas Jo. de Blanchinis artium doctoris nee non in armis militis strenuissimi factoris generalis illust. principis Divi Borsii ducis Mutinse. a very fine MS. dated 1461, 220 leaves fol. 104 Bland (Gervase, Vicar of Chitterne all Saints in the county of // - Wilts) Fifth Book of Sermons, 1668, a large vol. fol. 105 Blazon et Monumens funebres (of the Imperial Houses of Austria and Spain, Kings of France, &c.), of the latter part of the last century, neatly drawn in pen and ink fol. 106 Blason. Libre propre pour aprendre Le Blason facilement, with examples in the margin neatly tricked^ and arms of ^ several of the English nobility^ circa 1720 4to 107 Blois. Estats de Blois soubs le roy Henry III : of the XVII century, red morocco^ with arms on the sides fol. ./J 2/- //^ '7 14 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 108 Blois. Proces verbal, contenant les coraparations, proposi- tions, deliberations, conclusions, ordonnances, et autres actes faits par les Deputes du Clerge de France assembles a Blois pour le tenue general des Etats convoques audit lieu par Lettres patentes de sa Majeste 1576-7 modern transcript^ red mor. g. I. with arms on the sides fol. 109 Boccaccio. Nimphe Dameto. Compilato per Meser Giovanni Boccacci da Certalto ; of the XV century : in an Italian gothic character^ from the collection of W. Roscoe fol. 1 10 BoccACius De Claris mulieribus : of the XV century : at the end — "Explicit liber de mulieribus claris, editus atque compositus ab illustri atque clarissimo Poeta Joanne Bo- catio di Certaldo. Et scriptus est per me fratrem Jacobus Casali" . . . 4to 111 BoccALiNi Introduttione a Commentarii di Traiano Boccalini sopra gl' annali di Tacito . . 4to Consideration! di Trajano Boccalini sopra gli Annali di Caio Cornelio Tacito, neatly written on paper^ 3 vol. vellum binding . . fol. together 4 vol. 112 BoEVEY (James) The Art of Building a Man, in a neat hand of the time of Charles II . . fol. Burnett (James, of Monboddo) Copy of a Letter relating an Account of a singular Race of People near the Province of Chittagen in Bengal, and a Letter of Lord Monboddo, 1781 together 2 vol. \* The first comprises a Treatise of Education, containing some curious notices of dress, manners, customs, &c. 113 Bologna. Discorso interno lo stato, et qualita di Bologna nel presente anno 1605 . . 4to Avisi de Pamaso arrivati nalla Citta di Bologna li 19 Aprile 1653 . . . fol. Curieuse Citatien van Placseten en Ordonnantien in Materia van Boeten . . 4to Bavaria. Auszug aus den Dienstes Vorschriften fur die Koeniglich Bayerischen Truppen aller Waffen Gattungen die Bestrafungen betreffend . fol. together 4 vol. 114 Bona VENTURA (S.) Vita del glorioso seraphico patre san Fran- cesco compilata per il Rev. patre et doctore eximio Sancto // Bonaventura ; of the XV century : written in a small neat hand in double columns . 4to Pico della Mirandole, Comento sopra la Canzona d'Amore composta da Hier. Benivieni, secondo la mente et opinioni de Platonici, in a neat Italian hand of the XV century 4to together 2 vol. LATE MK. THOMAS RODD. 15 115 BoNET (Honore, Docteur en Decret et Prieur de Challon) L'Arbre des Batailles. Fait et compose a I'oneur de dieu et en faveur du Roy Charles roy du france vi^ de ce nom dit Charles le bien ame, written in large French gothic characters^ the heads of the chapters rubricated large fol. \* This very curious work contains a complete body of the positive and moral laws of war and battle, public and private, laws of knighthood, &c. 116 BoNONii (Hieronymi) Sylva, cui Titulus Baduaria, versibus heroicis decantata — Ejusdem Nervisianum Villutam suam Versibus Hexametris laudata : of the XV century fol. LiBELLUS Antiquorum Epigrammatum cum Enarrationibus, in an Italian hand of the XV century fol. together 2 vol. 117 Bordeaux. Diocese de Bordeaux Revenus du diet Diocese, 1760, blue 7nor., gilt leaves, with arms on the sides large fol. 118 Botany. Catalogue of the Bulbous and Fibrous Rooted Spring and Autumn Flowers growing in the Gardens of South Lodge, 1760, unbound . . 4to Classified Index of Plants, with the works in which they are to be found figured indicated by initial letters small 8vo Martini Catalogo delle Piante di monte Baldo, 1715 fol. Flora of Plants growing round Boxhill, Mickleham, Leether- head, &c. . Svo, together 4 vol. 119 BouviER (Gilles le, dit Berry) Genealogie des Rois de France, et Registre de Noblesse, transcript of a Manuscript of the year 1520, containing Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of France, circa 1680 fol. 120 Breviarium Fratrum minorum secundum consuetudinem Ro- manae Curiae, written by an Italian scribe ON VELLUM ; of the XIV century : Jinel^ rubricated, the chant noted small fol. 121 122 Breviarum Romanum, cum Kalendario ON FINE VELLUM ; of the XV century (400 leaves). Twenty - three of the pages surrounded by very elegantly designed borders, with small miniatures of scriptural subjects, me- dallion figures, and heads of apostles, saints, &c. of a very minute character, illuminated initial letters, ^c. in the Italian style, old olive morocco, gilt tooled sides, gilt edges 1 8mo British Constitution. The Crown of Great Britain not of right hereditary, a Fragment by a deceased Politician, in a modern hand . . fol. Case of Alex. Broadfoot, indicted for the Murder of Corn. Calahana, at Bristol, 1743 (arguing the legality of impress- ment of Seamen without an officer's warrant) Answers of George Bryant to Interrogatories concerning a Writ de Lunatico Inquirendo on Henry Cranmer, Esq. ^ Jj, / 16 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE /^^ 123 Bromley. Inventory of the Goods of Francis Bromley, 1 628 ; containing the contents of each particular office and apart- ment minutely specified, and several of the articles parti- cularly described, viz. furniture, utensils, arms, plate. " In the Hall : Imprimis one paire of Organs, one shovell boord table, one shelfe to sett plate on, one old Bible, one old chaire, 10 holbeards, 2 forrest bills, and a paddle staffe, two armours compleat for cuirassiers, one table of the arms of the house, one table of the foxe and geese," &c. fol. 124 Bkydges (Sir Egerton) Manuscript Collections, Genealogies for his Attavise Regise, Diary, Bibliographical Extracts, &c. 8 vol. *^* A valuable and interesting collection. 125 Buchanan (John) Regimental Practice, or a Short History of Diseases common to His Majesties own Royal Regiment of Horse Guards when abroad (commonly called the Blows) 4to *^* The author was doctor to the regiment, and accompanied it to Flanders in 1742. The MS. records his daily observations and practice for four years in camp, on march, and in gar- rison, forming a regular history of the regiment from its embarkation till its return. 126 Buckingham House, now Buckingham Palace. A large Col- lection of Papers relating to the property of Charles Sheffield. 1. Catalogue of Paintings in Buckingham House, supposed to be by George Vertue, 1743 — 2. Two other Catalogues of the same — 3. Curious Affidavit of George Vertue re- lating to the Pictures in Buckingham House, 1747 — 4. Two Catalogues of the Plate, one priced — 5. Will of John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham — 6. Account of the Per- sonal Estate of John Duke of Buckingham — 7. Copy of the Treasury Letter concerning Buckingham House — 8. Five Signatures of Catherine Sedley, Duchess of Bucking- ham — 9. Queries from the Solicitor- General concerning Buckingham House — 10. Minutes of Agreement for the Purchase of Buckingham House, 1762 — 11. Abstract of the Title of Sir C. Sheffield to Land in Mulberry Garden attached to Buckingham House — 12. Account of the Money payable to Sir Chas. Sheffield for the purchase of Bucking- ham House — 13. Particular of an Estate called Leeze Priory, in the Parishes of Little Leighs, Felstead, Great Waltham, &c. in Essex, belonging to Charles Sheffield, Esq. — 14. Will of Sir Charles Sheffield — 15. Case relating to the D. of Buckingham and John Verney, Heir Apparent to Lord Willoughby de Broke — 15. Letters of Administra- tion to Lord Willoughby de Broke and John Verney — 16. Memorial of the Assignment of the Mulberry Garden and Buckingham House to George III LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 17 127 Bucks Society. (Constitution Ijook of the Bucks, with History ^// -^ of the Order, in a fair hand^ circa 1740 . 4to / 128 Buckinghamshire. Letters Patent licensing Edward ' / alias Edward Mariott, to enjoy the Estate of Risborough //^ Park, 4 Eliz., with the Great Seal attached / Lease of a Farm at Edlesborough, Sir J. Hankey, Exec, of F. Ashton, to Rev. S. Fyler, 1750 129 BuFFKiN Family. A Series of Letters and Papers addressed to various Members of the Family of Buffkin, of Loose, in Kent, from the year 1579 to 1711, chiefly on family affairs, or connected with other Kentish Families ; among which occur Letters of the following names : viz. Fane, Bering, Farnham, Fludd, including one of Robert Fludd^ the celebrated Philosopher; Denew, Raworth, Knatchbull, Bargrave, Berners, Lanier, Fowke, Twysden, Alchorn, Rawlin, Hales, Clinkard, Marsham, Chaplyn, Berkeley, Cheveley, &c. ; also several old Bonds, Surveys of Lands, and an Inventory of the Goods of Ralph Bidfkin, 1711, unbou7id . . fol. \* The family of Buffkin appears to have merged into that of Fairfax, from whose seat at Leeds Castle these papers came. 130 BuRaESDicius (Franc.) In Isagogen Porphyrii et Aristotelis Organon Commentarii dictante Salmurii, 1617, a thick vol. in a good clear hand . . 4to Hermann! Buschii (?) De ultimis hominum calamitatibus liber, sive dialogus ; Dialogus de sui cognitione deque in proximum pietate . . 4to Bianchus de loco Purgatorio fol. together 3 vol. .y. 131 Burial Certificates, with autographs of the Ministers // a parcel / 132 BuRMANNi (Petri) Historise Medii ^vi, half calf 4to/^ /// 133 Butler (Charles) Letter to the Vicars Apostolic, on sending them the Opinions of the Universities ; with Appendix, containing Original Papers referred to, viz. The Oaths of Allegiance, &c. The Remonstrance of the Irish Catholics y presented to Charles II, 1666. The Censure of the Uni- /I/^^ versity of Louvain of the Remonstrance of the Irish Ca- /^/ tholics. The Opinions of the Universities of the Sorbonne, Louvain, Douay, Alcala, Valladolid, and Salamanca fol. / 134 Byron. Original Papers relating to the Trial of William Lord /y Byron for the Murder of Mr. Chaworth, unbound ^/ 135 Byrom (John) System of Short-hand, in manuscript 8vo Bouchet (A.) Trait6 de Geometric, with designs^ 1747 4to * / Burrough (Sir William) Astronomical Observations in 1818, /// half bound . . . fol. ^ Bradley (Dr.) Abstract of his Mathematical Lectures at Oxford, 1747 . 4to, together 4 vol. '/ 18 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 136 Cadonici, De soccorsi per la anime de Bambini de Conjugati fedeli, i quali pericolano, e muojono nelF utero delle madri, o dopo esser nati non arrivano per qualche accidente al lavacro del S. Battesimo. Dialoghi quattro, a manu- / script of the last century . . fol. /^''^ *^* A work on a singular subject, which has much occupied the di- vines of the Roman Church. It was published soon after the appearance of the Embryologia Sacra of Cangiamilla, to which there is constant reference, and enters into the Liturgical series as contains '■'' Messa della sposi, con tre orazioni da re- citare della donne iiicinte." To the English reader it recalls to mind the wicked witticisms of Sterne. 137 C^SAR. A FINE Manuscript of the XIV century ON VELLUM. It is in the Roman character, by an Italian scribe, and has illuminated capitals. On the first leaf, and in other parts of the book, are the arms of Badoeni, a Pa- trician family of Venice, for whom it appears to have been executed . . small fol. 138 Calder (John, D.D.) Collections for a new Edition of Chambers' Cyclopaedia, Scientific and Literary . 4to 139 Calendar. Ein deutsche Kalender auf das jahr 1446 4to %* This contains, besides the calendar, tables for finding the various feasts, the occupations of the months, directions for health, &c. with rude coloured drawings representing the zodiacal signs, occupations of the months, games, &c. 140 Calepini (Ambrosii) Lexicon Latinum Italicum : of the XVI century . . . fol. \* This volume is in the hand- writing of Calepinus. 141 Calvinism. Apocalypse du ministere Calviniste, contenant la sommaire des Erreurs de I'Eglize protestante sumomm^e Calviniste, ou selon la Reformation de Geneve et de France, in a good hand^ circa 1660 . . 4to 142 Camborne (Robert) Sermons, 1636-1659 small 8vo Canes (J. V., author of Fiat Lux) A compleat Exposition of the Creed, in forty- seven brief Catechism Sermons, in a clear hand . 8vo, together 2 vol. 143 Cambridgeshire. Abstract of Lord Thos. Howard's Bill re- specting the Manor of Steeple Morden (circa 1600) Release of the Rectory of Witham, in the Isle of Ely, John Thorowgood to Christ. Cooper, of Yaxley, 1617, damaged Assignment of Lands in Thorney in the Isle of Ely, from the Conservators of Bedford Level to Robert Holmes, 17 Car. II Indenture from the Duke of Norfolk and Lord Howard to Rob. Holmes, of Thorney Fen, 1678 LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. V9 144 Cambridgeshire. Project for Draining Gruntifen, with the Advantages thereof, by Mr. Alderman Bentham, 1777 4to Extracts from the Parish Registers of Trinity and St. Mary's, Ely, 1559-1775 . 8vo, together 2 vol 145 Campian (Edmund) Rationes decern : quibus fretus certamen adversariis obtulit in causa Fidei, Edm. Campianus, E. So- cietate nominis Jesu Presbyter: allegatse, 1581 small Svo 146 Canada. A large Mass of Papers relating to Quebec, Mon- treal, &c. valuable documents of History 147 Canonesses. Etablissement d'un Corps de Chanoinesses en France, written in a legible hand^ large folding map, old red morocco 148 Canterbury. Statuta Ecclesise Cathedralis et Metropolicse Christi Cantuarise, prout per Ser. regem Carolum confirmata sunt Anno Dom. 1636, transcript of the XVIII century 4to 149 Capell. Accompte of dyvers somes of money disbursed and laide out by me, John Churchill, for the use of Mr. Henry Capell, Esquirer (of Hadham) 1579, with the signature of John Churchill, two leaves . fol. Grant of Licence to Sir Thomas Corbett to administer to the personal Estate of Arthur Lord Capell, 1659 150 Carmelites. Historia de introitu Ordinis Carmelitse in Bel- gium, et Annales ejusdem Ordinis ad ann. 1682, some leaves wanting . fol. Fragmenta Commentariorum Victoris Cappellse, autograph MS. XVI century . fol. together 2 vol. 151 Cardogna (Giov. Batt.) Racconto della guerra fatta da Carlo V, contro i Ribelli di Germania . 4to *y* The author was chaplain to the Prince of Sulmona, and attended him in this expedition, as also in his Journey to Padua, 1551, and the war of Piedmont, 1552. He gives also some parti- culars of his own life, and at the end are verses by him. 152 Castracani (Jacomo) Scelta di varie Poesie di diversi e sub- limi ingegni, written in a neat hand, 1618 4to Carmen Heroicum de virtutibus et proprietatibus Scordii Herbse nuper in Germania a Val. Cordo inventse, scriptum a Joh. Sigfrido Melesino, anno secundo Olympiadis 786, a coloured drawing of the plant is on the first leaf fol. Osii (Felicis Cler. Mediol) Bufalora, seu de ruris ejusdem Fecilitate. Progymnasmata ad Octavium Balsamum : of the XVII century . 4to, together 3 vol. 153 Castillo (Henriquez del) Chronica de el Rey Don Enrique IV, rey de Castilla, in a hand of the XVII century fol. Cavalli (Maria de i) Relazione alia Ser. Rep. de Venetia de sua Ambasciata all' Imperatore Carlo V fol. together 2 vol. 154 Cathala Coture (Antoine) Memoire Historique de la genera- lite de Montauban. Pour M. le Comte d'Eu, Gouvemeur de la Province de Guyenne; fait en I'ann^e 1713 par ordre de M. Le Gendre, intendant de la diet generalite, in a good hand . . . fol. D 20 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 155 Cecil (Robert Earl of Salisbury) Speeches, Arguments, Presi- dents, and Considerations to K. James . foL 156 Cerri (Urbano, Segretario della Congregatione di Propaganda) Stato della Religione Cattolica in tutto il mondo per la Santita di Nostro Signore, Innocenzo XI, 1667 small fol. *^* An interesting account of the state of the Catholic religion in all parts of the world : it commences with England. 157 Ceremoniale de Investitura Sororum secundum regulum St. Francisci patris nostri : De Professione Soronmi ON VELLUM : of the XV century. Attached is the order of Benediction of a Font, written 1616, for the monastery of St. Martin, at Cologne . small fol. 158 Certificates. Copies from Parish Registers, &c. signed by the Ministers, &c. . . a parcel 159 Cesolis (Jacopo de) " Incipit libellus de ludus Scachorum et de dictis factisque nobilium virorum philosophorum et an- tiquorum," ON VELLUM : in the early part of the XV century, old calf 4to \* The celebrated treatise by Jacopo de Cesolis from which Caxton took his " Game of Chesse." 160 Chalmers (George) Draft of a Memorial to Lord Clancarty re- specting his situation and service in his Office in the Board of Trade, a curious document ; also, a few miscellaneous Papers in his hand Keymer (John) Policies of State, practised in divers king- domes for encrease of trading and trafique beyond the Seas and in England, transcript of a Manuscript addressed to James I . . fol. Canning (George) Speech on the Slave Trade, impft. fol. 161 Chancellerie. Sciendum de la Chancellerie. Privileges des Secretaires du Roy. Taxe des Lettres qui I'expedient en Chancellerie, 1644. Stile de la Chancellerie observe sous M. le Chancellier Seguer, hound in vellum large fol. 162 Chancery Writs. Twenty-two, of the time of Elizabeth Chancery Writs, addressed to the Sheriffs of Counties for putting persons in possession of estates as awarded, time of Elizabeth 163 Chansons. Recueil des Chansons Anecdottes, depuis 1617 jusqu'a present, written in a beautiful clear hand, with the musical notes to each song, original morocco binding 4to *^* This is a collection of the best political songs on the affairs of the times and persons of the court of France from the reign of Louis XIII to 1736. 164 Chansons, Ballets, &c. ; d' Amour, pour Boire, et pour Danser, several set to Music, with some emblems neatly drawn^ 1621, original vellum wrapper^ 4to LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 21 165 Charles I. Historical Collections relating to the Reign of Charles I, being copies of various important Commissions under the great and privy Seals, Proclamations, Instructions from the Privy Council and other public Documents, in a hand of the early part of the last century, bound in 6 vol. fol. \* This valuable collection has been transcribed from the originals, apparently with a view to publication. 166 Charles I. A true Presentacion of forepast Parliaments to the view of present tyme and posteritie, in a good hand of the time of Charles I . . fol. 167 Charles I. Contrat de Mariage de Charles I et Madame Hen- riette Marie, a manuscript of the time . fol. 168 Chauny. Reconnoissance de Richard et Guydo de Chauny que les meix et sujets quils tiennent pres de Germagney et pres de choisey de I'Eglise de St. Jean Evangeliste sous charges de dix livres de cire en place de douze petits pates de poissons quils deuvient a la diet Eglise, 1179 169 Cheshire. Subsidy Rolls, on vellum, of the hundreds of Wich, Malbank, Hamptwich, Broxton, &c. temp. Philip and Mary, Eliz. and James I, some with seals and signatures Rental of Hatherton, Walgherton, Sherington, Byrchen, and Stapeley, 1605, a small roll on vellum 170 Cheshire. The Armes of all such Gentlemen as now do dwell, or heretofore have dwelled in the Countie Palla- tine of Chester, 1620 ; four hundred and fifty shields of arms^ tricked and coloured . small 4to From the collection of T. Martin, of Palgrave. Inserted is a letter from J. Crewe to M. Hulm, Herald in Chester, dated 1702, requesting to have the matches of the Dones andCrewes. 171 Cheshire. Collections relating to Cheshire, transcribed from old Records, Chamberlaine's Accounts, &c. by Will. Fal- coner, circa 1740 . . fol. 172 Cheshire. Draft of a Bill for the better regulating the practice of, and for preventing delays in the proceedings of the Court of Session at Chester — Reasons against abolishing the juris- diction of the Courts of the County Palatine of Chester fol. Valuation of the Lands belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Chester, 1735 . 4to, together 2 vol. 173 Chien Charette. Achat fait per M". du Chap'' au proffit du Chapp^" de la Chappelle de Ste. Catherine de Hugue de Chevigney chev®"" et de Clemence sa femme dune vigne an territoire de chiene chareta, 1250 * * * 22 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE SECOND DAY'S SALE. LOT 174 CHI NY. GenealogiedesGoiatesdeChmj J arms emblazoned, fo\. 175 Christi (De) Passione Carmina, written in a beautiful Italian character of the XVI century, the initial letters of each line alternate red and blue . . 4to 176 Chrysolor^ Erotemata, Greece ON vellum : of the XV century ; a beautiful MS. from Dr. Askew' s Library, russia . . 12mo 177 Chrysolor^ Erotemeta, Greece ON vellum : of the XV century; written by an Italian scribe, in a very beautiful character : the last six leaves, which are in a different hand from the body of the book, are Palimpsest, russia . . small 8vo 178 Chrysolor^ Erotemata, Greece, a pretty Manuscript of the XV century, on Carta Bombycina, Svo 179 Chrysostomi ( Johannis) Liber de Compunctione cordis ON vellum : of the XIII century ; wrij;ten in a gothic cha- racter, with an elegant floreated capital in red at the com- mencement . . 4to 180 Church Discipline in the Low Countries. A large Col- lection of Documents relative to the government and dis- cipline of the Church in the Low Countries ; of various dates, between the years 1660 and 1707, some of them printed, forming a thick volume, old calf fol. 181 Church History. Ane short and summarie Compend of the Kirk Historic chronologicall, from the beginning of the world unto our dayes. A large and closely written volume, brought down to the year 1663, in a good legible hand fol. 182 Churchyard (Thomas) Scourge for Rebels, transcribed from the edition of 1584 183 Chinese Language. Diccionario China com traduc9am Portu- geza, the translation in manuscript, neatly written 8vo 184 Civil List. An Establishment or List, containing all the pay- ments to be made for civil affairs, 1701, official MS. 8vo An Abstract of the Chamberlains Book, 1725 12mo On the London Annuity Society fol. together 3 vol. 185 Claims made against the Charitable Corporation, 1783, on 9 sheets of vellum, with autographs of the Commissioners, Pedigree of Viscount Kingsland, Extracts relating to the Family of Balasyse, &c. ; and others, on vellum LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 23 186 Clarke (Rev. Alured) Letters to Lady Sundon; also Letters of Lord Hervey to the same, 1730-34, neatly transcribed, calf . . 4to \* They contain news of the movement and gossip of the Court of Q. Caroline, Public Affairs, Literary News, Criticisn ^ on New Books, &c. Long Notices of Stephen Duck, of whom Dr. Clarke was the patron. 187 Clark (Hugh) An Address to the Benefactors and Subscribers to the Charity Schools of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and to all who have been educated in these Schools, wherein Mr. Mandevill's Objections against them are answered by facts, 1811, blue morocco 4to *^* The author was an Heraldic Engraver. A portrait of him is inserted. 188 Clarkson's No Evidence of Diocesan Episcopacy, and his Pri- mitive Episcopacy, index and contents of 12mo Christ. Unity Revived and Division Destroyed, in certayne queryes, and a Letter published by a well-wisher to the public peace and welfare of the Nation, a work on the God- head and Manhood of Christ, neatly written about 1700 fol. Controversia. Discendit Christus ad inferos. Christus an mortuis resurrexit. Spiritus sanctus est verus et etemus deus. Spiritus sanctus a patre et filio procedit. Omnes libri in volumine Biblia non sunt vere canonici, &c. in an English hand of the XVII century small 8vo Stella Christi, Epicurus Christened, about 1700 4to together 4 vol. 189 Classics. Short Scholia and Notes in several of the most eminent Latin Authors, modern . 4to Classical Common-place Book, in a modem hand 4to Common-place Book, by a learned hand of the early part of the XVI century . . fol. Xenophon's Memorabilia, by Ashley 4to, together 4 vol, 190 Clinton. Copy of a Letter to Lord Clinton, Lord Deputy of BouUougne, written from Calais, 1550. The writer requests that Alex. Haryson may be sent to Calais to be tried, he having gone over to London without a passport, for the ex- press purpose of robbing the house of the writer, very curious Chitty (Joseph) Petition to the King respecting the Ship Mermaid, 28 Guns, from Gallipoli and Leghorn, ordered from Deptford after laying there 21 days to the Hope to perform Quarantine, 1743 191 CoDiBO (Gsetano) Origine e Fondazione di Chiese Florentine, fol. 192 CoNCLAvi per TEUettioni del P. P. Clementi XI, Innocenzo IX e Benedetto XIII . . fol. 24 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 193 CoMEDiA rappresenta in Roma real 1785, intitolata II Matri- monio Stravagante . . fol. Huerta (Vincente) Raquel, Tragedia . 4to Conciones Catecheticse, habitae in templo Ardingtoniensis die 10 Oct. 1644, in a neat hand . 12mo Juliers. Articoli accordati alia guarnigione e habitanti di Giuliers, neatly written . fol. together 4 vol. 194 CoNDE. Projett pour surprendre la Ville de Conde 4to Coligny (le Comte de, Marechal de France, qui morut 1686) Memoires . . 4to Perez (Ant.) Norte de Principes, virreyes, consejeros y em- baxadores . . 4to, together 3 vol. 195 CoNDER (Rev. Mr.) Recapitulary Lectures (in defence of the Doctrine of the Trinity), in a neat hand of the middle of the last century^ half hound . thick 8vo Conant (John) Sermons, 1734-44, 3 vol. 8vo, together 4: vol. 196 Cordova. Fragmentos para la Historia que de la ciudad, y linage de Cordova empero y escribir D. Franc, de Cordova, Razionero de la Sta. Yglesia. Y los que se sacaron de un Manuscrito, por el cuidado, y diligencia, de D. Sebastian de Castillo Ruiz de Molina, 1737 . fol. 197 Corfu. Libro formato da me Co. Andrea Drosso, continente gli Anagrafi o per dir meglio piedeliste per le ville del Capto. da me sostenuto di Leschimo, e mezzo non che gli altri due Oros et agiro, e tutti li borghi suggette a quest 'inclita citta di Corfu, e sua gurisdizione, 1759, a valuable statistical manuscript . fol. 198 Cornwall. Copy of the Terrier of the parish of Ludgvan, 1727, folio sheet Affidavit on which Rule Nisi for attachment made but after- ward discharged, 1771 Case on a claim to the Borough of Liskeard, with the opinion of Mr. Serjeant Lens thereon, 1803 Lease of Lands in Bockelly, Carusew to Sir P. Killigrew, 14 Car. II, seal and signature of Carusew 199 Corona (Silvio, ed Ascanio) La Verita suelata al mondo. Suc- cessi diversi Tragici, ed Amorosi accorsi in Napoli, ed altrove a Napoletani, 1697 . 4to 200 Court Roll of Shepyshed, the property of Visct. Beaumont, 3 Hen. VIII, &c. with other old Deeds, Licences, &c. a parcel 201 Crown Lands. Account of Rob. Treswell of the money dis- bursed for timber and other necessaries for the rayling in the Parke at Oatlands, 1612 — View of the Decayes about the pales and houses in the Parke, called Hartwell, North- ampton, 1Q15, signed by Fulke Grevylle the Poet, mutilated — Noate of Rent, haye and oates to be delivered yearly at Greenwich, the Mewes, St. Albans, Hampton Court, &c. Moneys paid into the Exchequer for sale of his Majesties woods since the beginning of his Majesties reign, 1635 / LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 25 202 Crawford, Heraldic Notes, circa 1700 8vo 203 Crosnier (J. M.) Pratique universelle pour conduite de Tame en deux cent Pseaumes, Cantiques, et Prieres, written in a good hand, 1699, red morocco . 4to Enfer. Sisteme du Retablissement, ou de la non-eternit6 des peines de T Enfer, 1754, calf 8vo, together 2 vol. 204 Cumberland. Powers of Attorney, Receipts and old Documents relating to this County, with signatures a parcel 205 CuRZON (H. of the Inner Temple) A Chronological Account of the Honourable Families of the names of Gage and C^sar, with their Armes and Pedigrees, Marriages and Alliances, 1720 . . small 8vo 206 Cyrilli Alexandrini Thesaurus adversus Hsereticos, traductus a G. Trapezuntio, et alia Opuscula Theologica S. Basilii, Amphilochii -<^gypti Alexandrini, &c. the first page illuminated with a shield of arms folio *^* The treatises in this vol^mle were transcribed from manuscripts in the library of Uladislaus, King of Hungary. 207 Cyrilli Alexandrini Thesaurus sive de sancta e consubstantiali Trinitate, per Georgium Trapezuntium de greco in latinum traductus ON vellum : of the XV century, written in a neat legible character^ calf . . small folio 208 S. Cyrilli Sermones, Statuta et Regulse ON VELLUM and paper : of the XV century, elongated 8vo 209 Dampier (Thomas, Bp. of Ely) Notes on, and Paraphrases of parts of Horace . . small 8vo Wight (Rob.) Cursory Remarks on Wood's Homer, 1775 4to 210 Davenant (Charles, LL.D.) Memorial concerning the Free Trade now tolerated between France and Holland, 1705 fol. 211 Davys (Sir John) on Impositions, An Argument upon the question of impositions digested and divided into sundry chapters by his Majesties Attorney General of Ireland, dedicated to K. James I, vellum binding fol. 212 Daubney (Giles) Lieutenant of Calais, Acknowledgment of the Treaty of Peace between Henry VII and the Archduke of Austria, and promise to observe the same, dated from Calais, 22 June, 1496, signed Giles Daubney 213 Del A Turre (Lud.) Redargutiones contra impugnantem Montem Pietatis. Fratris Stephani super hoc re Dissertatio, Fratris Philippi de Rotingo de eodem, in various hands of the XV century . . 4to De Deo maximo in 1^ parte D. Thomse Disputationes Sco- lasticse, in an english hand of the latter part of the XVII century . . 8vo Traite de 1' Amour de Dieu seul, very neatly written, apparently about 1720 4to, together 3 vol. 26 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 214 De Missy (Caesar) Sermons, et materieux pour Sermons, on slips^ in three paper boxes ^ 15s 215 Denmark. De breviate Juris et epitome processus Danici ; and various papers in French relating to the Army, Statistics, &c. of Denmark, from the Collection of William Morton Pitt . . fol. 216 Descriptionum Solutse Orationis Compendium, in quo tractatur de omnibus antiquis auctoribus qui suis locis descriptiones scripserunt. Pars Prima. Pars Secunda, Descriptiones Poeticse cum Indicibus, Italian hand of the XVII century 4to 217 Decalogue. Treatise on the Commandments, in a hand of the XVII century . . 12mo Original Treatise of the Ten Commandments, by a learned hand of the XVIII century 4to, together 2 vol. 218 Decretales. Incipit sextus liber Decretalium dni Bonifacii octavi ON vellum : of the XIII century, written in a roman character in double columns, old oak binding large folio 219 Decretalium Tabula ON vellum : of the XIV century, oak covers^ in a leather case fcorrecta A. D. 1321) small 4to 220 Dee : — Biographical and Bibliographical Notices of Dr. John Dee — Excerptaex Johannis Glastoniensis CaiiVindiciee, &c. 221 Deeds. Various Old Deeds, temp. Edward II, Richard II, Henry IV, Henry VI, Edward IV, &c. 18 222 Deeds (Old) Inquisitions, Marriage Settlements, Leases, &c. chiefly of the time of Queen Elizabeth and James I, on parchment^ with seals . 10 223 Deeds. Inspeximus on Parchment, with large seal of Queen Elizabeth, and 4 others . 5 224 Deeds. Terrier of Lands at Easthamstead, 31 Eliz., and others of the time of Henry VIII, James I, &c. 17 225 Deeds (Early English) on Parchment, with seals 5 226 Deeds. Leases of Lands, Houses, &c. on vellum, with sig- natures . . a large roll 227 Deeds (Old), on vellum, with signatures a large roll 228 Deeds relating to Lands, &c. in London, Buckinghamshire, Oxford, &c. Court Roll of Peyton Hall, XI Edw. IV 20 229 Deeds relating to the Counties of Middlesex, Herts, Berks, Surrey, &c. . . a large parcel 230 Deeds. Five with Autographs of Charles Earl of Devon, Sir Ed. Blount, temp. James I, and 9 others of the times of Edward III, Henry VII, &c. on vellum, with seals 11 231 Dennis (John, the celebrated Critic) The causes of the decay and defects of Dramatick Poetry, and of the degeneracy of the Public Taste, an unpublished work fol. LATE MR. THOMAS RODU. 27 232 Derbyshire. Chapel Wardens Accounts for Ottersea Hall and Clough Head ; for Park Hall, and for John Braddock's Estate at Little Hayfield, &c. in the parish of Glossop, 1767-1793 : the original book, with the signatures of the Ministers and Chapel Wardens . fol. 233 Devonshire. Various old Deeds, Wills, Inventories, &c. prin- cipally relating to Honiton and the families of Humfrey and Upcott, Pomeroy, Barons, Ash : of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries 234 Devonshire. Deed temp. Edw. VI, relating to the Manor of Crediton, with drawing of the King — Inspeximus (temp. William and Mary) of the Charters of English Liberties 235 Devonshire. Harris ( W. Historian) Private Account book, con- taining the receipts and disbursements arising out of estates in Devonshire, commencing 1745, vellum binding oblong fol. 236 Devonshire. Warrant to Sir Robert Pye to grant to Sir John Horner, collector of the loan money for the county of Somersett, a Tally for £1100 disbursed by him to the Mayor of Plimouth, signed by James Ley Earl of Marle- burgh, 1625 License from the Rector and Churchwardens of Rackenford to Diggorie Pownsford to seek service out of the Parish, 1670 Sale of Land in Ven alias Fen in Parochia de Pancraswake, R. Gliddon to N. Boteler and R. Crocker, 21 Eliz. Deed relating to lands in Honiton, 1690 Sale of Houses in Honiton, from Samuel Pomeroy to Henry Humphry and William Crosse, 1687 Lease of a tenement in Honiton, Ayshford to Humfry, 21 Car. II 237 DiALECTicA. Anonymi Dialectices compendium, seu prsevise qusedam ad universam Aristotelis logicam Institutiones, in a Spanish hand of the seventeenth century 4to A Treatise on the Greek Dialects, by an English Scholar of the latter part of the eighteenth century, in a beautiful clear hand Arte Dialectica, by an English Catholic, 1645 4to ; 3 vol. 238 DiARio del Viaggo fatto da Mons. Illmo. Tesoriere Generale per lo stato di Castro nell' anno, 1776 . 4to Dubbi Amorose . . 4to 239 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliographical and TYPOctRAPHicAL Collections, consisting of transcripts of Unique or rare Volumes, notices of curious Editions and containing the late Earl Spencer's Autograph Notices of the Books at Ham House, Osterley Park, Blickling, &c. Curious Extracts relating to Books from old Churchwardens and other Accompts, &c. in 6 vol. quarto and folio 240 Diplomas, &c. (3) to Aloysius Squazzo, J. Bonagratia, J. B. Sartorius ON vellum, with seals . 4to E 28 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OP THE 241 DINTER (Emondi de) CHRONICON Ducum Lotharingi^ Brabanti^ et regum Francorum, transcript made in the year 1676, in a fine clear hand^ 2 vol. on vellum . . large foL *^* This Chronicle, which is very voluminous, has never been pub- lished. The author was Privy Counsellor and Secretary to four successive Dukes of Burgundy. Besides the affairs of Lorraine, Brabant, and France, it gives those of the Empire and of England, so that his work forms a complete History of Europe during the period. 242 Diplomacy. Inscriptions, soubscriptions, et suscriptions des lettres que le Roy, la Reyne Mere, Mons. le Dauphin, et Monsieur, escrivent, et qui leur sont escrites tant dedans que dehors le Royaume, et de celles qui ont este escrites a Nosseigneurs les Enfans de France, Filz de la Reine Catherine de Medicis, et qu'ils escrivoient, a large and singular collection of the styles of letters^ neatly written in the time of Louis XIII . fol. 243 Divinity. Notes of Divinitie, Sermons, Extracts, &c. on various heads of Theology, written on paper about 1650, half bound, neat . . 4to Dubordieu (Isaac) Forty-three Sermons preached at the French Protestant Chapel in the Savoy, the original MS. unpublished . fol. and 4to 244 Diest (Joannis) Spirituale granarium Psalmorum Davidis,4 vol. of the XV centurj^ ^1 vol. is wanting) 4to D'lUiers, Insula Dissimulationis Carmen Heroicum, of the reign of Louis XIV, red morocco . 4to Donatus Junior in Septem Artes Liberales, in an Italian hand, 1490 . . 4to 245 DiURNALE ad usum Monasterii S. Remacli, written in gothic characters, rubricated, and has the music noted fol. *^* At the end is the following colophon : Adde se nos annos quinquagenis et habebit Etatem qua me scripsit AppoUonius. Post annos mille quinquigentos sex superaddi Si tibi vis patent data clauda fine Libellum 246 DuMMER. Survey of the Ports on the South West Coast of England, from Dover to the Lands-end, by E. Dummer and Capt. Wiltshaw, Comrs. of the Navy; together with Capt. Conaway and Capt. Crust, Masters of Trinity House, with plans of Rye, Pemsey, Cookmere, New- Haven, Shoreham, the River Arundel, part of the Isle of Wight, Bustleton, River Beauley, River Lymington, Christ Church River, Poole, Weymouth, Exmouth River, Dartmouth, Fowey, and Falmouth, very neatly drawn, an Official Manuscript fol. LATE MK. THOMAS RODD. 29 247 DOCUMENTS, LETTERS, and PAPERS of the FAMILIES OF EYRE OF DERBYSHIRE and BERKSHIRE, subsequently marrying into and taking the name OF Archer of Essex ; Coke of Norfolk ; Heveningham of Suffolk ; Newton of Barr's Court Gloucestershire, AND of Lincolnshire ; Atkyns of Gloucestershire, merged into the Family of Wright op Oxford, sub- sequently Atkyns Wright of Norfolk ; Windham of Norfolk ; &c. from the reign of Henry II to recent times. \* This mass of Documents and Papers is contained in eight large packing cases, and weighs by estimate, ten to fifteen hundred weight. At present the collections are in a state of disorder and confusion; but to any person having room to sort them, and time to devote to their arrangement, they would, it is confidently believed, prove not only a source of amusement, but of profit, from the sale of such as he might not care to keep. From the Papers examined, the above appear to be the leading names and counties to which they relate ; but there is reason to believe that many others would be found, and of interest, to the present representatives of the families. The following are the results of a very cursory examination of a small portion of them : — The Letters of the family of Eyre, of Derbyshire and Berkshire, engrafted upon and taking that of Archer of Essex, comprise papers of the Archer family, among which are some original works of William Bagshaw, known as ^Hhe Apostle of the Peak J ^ A series of original Letters of the eminently pious Dr. Woodward, one of the founders of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, addressed to Lady Archer of Coopersale, Essex. Letters of the Curzon family ; and a Funeral Sermon on Lady Curzon. The Coke Papers contain the original Warrant directed to the Lord Chief Justice Coke to enquire into the Charges against Francis Lord Bacon^ signed hy King James I. Latin Verses written by Lord Chief Justice Coke during his im- prisonment in the Tower, with corrections in his own hand. A series of Letters from Thomas Coke when on his Travels, addressed to his maternal grandfather and guardian, Sir John Newtown. Thomas Coke was accompanied by David Wilkins, the celebrated Saxon Scholar, as travelling tutor, two of whose Letters have been discovered, and there is reason to believe others will be found : some of these Letters relate to the clandestine marriage of Ann Coke, sister of Thomas, to Philip Roberts. There are also Letters of Anne Lady Walpole, the Duke of Leeds, &c. The Heveningham Papers relate to the family of William Heveningham of Suffolk, the Regicide, whose widow was 80 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OP THE imprisoned in the Tower; and the Letters develope a curious Court intrigue for the marriage of her son, evidently with a view to securing the family estate to a favoured courtier. He was married to the daughter of the Earl of Dover, and appears to have thus become possessed of Papers relating to the Kentish families of Lovelace and Molyneux, which are comprised in the collection ; as also several relating to the estates of Egerton, Lord Ellesmere in that county. There is also a series of Amatory Epistles from Charles Cornwallis to Lady Mary Heveningham, at Tinmouth Castle, Northum- berland ; and Letters of Isaac Vossius, in English, relating to an estate at Datchett bequeathed to him by Dr. Brown. The Newtown Papers commence with the Restoration of Charles II, and extend to about 1740. They are very volu- minous, and contain a few Papers relating to the Revolution in 1688. The Atkyns family appears to be that of the Gloucestershire Topographer, subsequently merged into that of Wright of Oxford, and afterwards taking the double name Atkyns Wright, recently of Nerfolk. The Windham Papers comprise numerous documents relating to the Royal Navy in the middle of the last century, during the period Commodore Charles Windham commanded the Duke ; and many of them have the signatures of eminent persons, as Lord Anson, &c. The Parchment Documents have not been examined, but it is known that among them are several of interest and curiosity. It is proper to state that the Seals have been rudely torn off, but they are still preserved. 248 Drawing Book, with some Sketches and Portraits, evidently the work of an Old English Artist old calf, gilt edges . oblong 4to 249 Drawings. List of the Collection of Drawings as left by the late G. Knapton, Esq. . . fol. ^50 Prammi Musicali di diversi Autori tutta inediti, Palmira de Tebe d'Ippodomo Filarete. La Procri, di Car. Mar. Maggi. I'Aminta incognito di Franc. Zeccadori, TAlessaudro di Rosa Agnete Bruni, S, Bonifatio di PP. Clemente IX, &c. \* From the Collection of the Earl of Guilford. 251 DucALE. Promissionis Serenssimi Principis d' Antonii Grimani inclyti Ducis Venetiarum, &c. ON VELLUM : of the XVI century : with large coloured il- luminated frontispiece and the first page bordered^ in the beautiful Italian style, and numerous small gilt capitals in the same style, old green morocco, gilt edges fol. 252 DuGDALE (Sir W.) Index to Volume II of Dugdale's Baronage (much more copious than the printed Index) . fol. LATE MK. THOMAS liODD. 31 253 Du LuDE (James de Daillon, Comes) a Collection of several Pieces very useful in their places. I. A Letter from a Bishop of Flanders to a Privy Coun- sellour of Spain, 1691, relating to the Affairs of Europe at that time. II. A Manifesto of King William, designed to make way for the Peace proposed, 1693. III. Apostasie from the Faith, in a Sermon upon 1 Tim. iv, 1. IV. The Idolatry of the Church of Rome. V. Exhortation to the Refugees. VI. Apology for the French Protestants. VII. Daimonologia, or a Treatise of Spirits. VIII. Preface of Mr. Lambert to his translation of St. Cy- prian's Works. 254 Durham. Twenty-three Ancient Deeds, Wills, &c. relating to lands in this county, principally Streatlam Castle, Stainton, &c. from the XIII to the XVII century : the families which they connect are Lathon, Lathey, Russell, Mustell, Rayne, De la Haye, Bowes, Bulmer, Hylton, Wiclif, Blynkynsope, Blaxton, &c. very curious 255 Edw^ard II. Copy of the Rolls of Parliament for the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th years of Edward II ; with copies of the sum- mons from the Close RoUs prefixed, in the handwriting of Gregory King, Lancaster, Herald, with MS. notes hy Thomas Bryan Richards^ calf . fol. 256 Egyptian Papyrus. A Fragment of an early Papyrus, with Hieroglyphics, framed and glazed . ( 1 ) 257 Electors. Rights of Electors determined by the House, 1604- 1729 . . foL 258 Elizabeth. Vie de Sainte Elisabet, commencing " Chist capi- teaus est de nostre dame." It contains, beside the Life of S. Elizabeth, a long religious Treatise, both in a French provincial Dialect ON VELLUM : of the XIV century. It is written in a gothic character, in double columns . small fol. 259 Elizabeth (Queen). Advice to Q. Elizabeth for putting away evil Counsellors, encouraging foreign traffique, putting down the too great number of servants and officers — qualifying of fines and recoveries — examining the charters of Corpora- tions and rectifying abuses therein — Inspection of the Exchequer Accounts by Strangers — converting the super- fluous royal parks, warrens, &c. to public use, &c. very curious . . 4to 260 Elizabeth Queen) an Inspeximus : on vellum: with large seal in wax — Inventorie of Goods belonging to Christ Hospital, Durham, a long Roll, with signature of the Bishop (1623), on vellum ; and various foreign papers, on parchment 32 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 261 Elizabeth (Queen) Seal of Q. Elizabeth in Green Wax — Ditto of James I in White Wax ; and fragments of other Seals 262 Elsinge (Henry) Modus tenendi Parliamentum, the Manner of holding Parliaments, MS. of the time of Charles I fol. 263 ENGLAND. The CHRONICLE OF ENGLAND, com- monly called the Chronicle of the Brute ON VELLUM : OF THE XV CENTURY . Small fol. \* The first leaf of this valuable Manuscript is unfortunately wanting. 264 England. Genealogia Regum Anglise. A Genealogy of the British, Saxon, Danish, Norman and English Kings of England. It is accompanied by a chronological detail of the principal events of each reign, written in a neat hand a long roll on vellmn, ending with Henry V 265 England in 1589. A collection of all the Offices in England, with their Fees and Allowances in the Queens gift — all the Offices and Fees of her Maj*'^^- Courts at Westminster, her Royal Household, with the Fees and Allowances belonging to the Officers and Ministers there : her Townes of Warre, Castles, Fortresses and Bulwarkes, with the allowances to the Captaynes and Souldiers : all the Offices belonging to her Houses, Forrests, Parks, and Chases, &c. drawn out for Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, 1589, 87 pages, half bound . . 4to 266 England. Histoire des Traites conclues entre la France et I'Angleterre, depuis I'avenement du roy Henry IV a la couronne de France, MS. of the end of XVII century, neatly written . . fol. 267 England. Recit de se qui s'est passe entre nous Ambassadeurs des Roys tres chrestien, et de la Grande Bretaigne et ceux du roy d'Espaigne et des Archiduces conferences faictes sur le subject de la Trefve a longues annees, 1609 — Copy of a Letter from James I to the States General of the United Provinces to dismiss his subjects in their employ, 1609 ; and a few other Papers . fol. 268 England and the Netherlands. Printed Broadside, con- taining the publication of Peace between the two countries, 1667, with autograph signatures, and seals of Lord Holies, H. Coventry, &c. the English Commissioners 269 England. Copy of Articles of the Treaty between Oliver Cromwell and the States of Holland respecting the com- pensation to be given to the English Merchants for the damages sustained by them from the Dutch at Amboyna, &c. ; that is to say, from 1611 to 1652 . fol. Treaty of Peace with the Dey of Tripoli, 1751, red mor fol. 270 Epistol^ Eusebii, S. Augustini, B. Bernardi et S. Hieronymi. Epistola Senecse de copia verborum ad Paulum Apostolum on vellum and paper j in a semi-gothic character, by an Italian scribe of the XV centurv . 4to LATE MR. THOMAS ROOD. 33 271 Epistol^ et Evangelia. Pro quibusdam diebus festivis per annum Epistolarum et Evangeliorum liber. Cum Oratio- nibus pro SS. Sacramenta Benedictionibus In Regio Con- ventu Versaliensi, per F. Joannem Franciscum Thierry Sacerd. Conventualem Concinionatorem Anno 1730 ON vellum : written in a fine italic type character^ ornamented with initial letters^ head and tail pieces^ fi'^'ely coloured^ morocco^ richly stamped and gilt . large fol. 272 Epitres. Le Livre des cent Epistres que Othea la deese ENVOYA A Hector de Troye quant il estoit en leage de quinze Ans. These epistles are in verse, accompanied by a Gloss, and Allegorized : in a fair hand of the XV century fol. 273 Erotemata POSA Grammata. Grammatica Grseca,/neZ^ w;nYte7i in black and red, upon Carta Peccora of the XV century 4to 274 Erskine (David, Earl of Buchan) A few Letters and Papers addressed to him on Literary Matters 275 EsPANA. Titres du Roy et de la couronne d'Espagne, arms tricked and coloured, a thick volume in folio \* An account of all the titles and honours merged into the Spanish crown. 276 EsPANA. Reglamento para la servidumbre y administracion de la Casa Real de S. M. C. el Senor Rey Don Josef Napolione primero (que Dios guarde), red morocco, gilt leaves 4to The original book of instructions for the regulation of the palace of Joseph the titular King of Spain. It is written in a beau- tiful character, and has elegant initial letters and vignette ornaments. This volume is said to have been captured among the bag- gage of Joseph at the battle of Vittoria. 277 EsPANA. Commentarios de la guerra de Espana desde el prin- zipio del reynado del rey Phelipe quinto hasta la paz general . . . fol. Discorso sopra la Precedenza tra Spagna et Francia, XVII century . . fol. together 2 voL 278 Essex. A Journal of the Proceedings of the Trustees for the Works at Daggenham Breach, for preserving the naviga- tion of the River Thames, 1714-29 large fol. \* This is the official manuscript, signed by the Secretary, David Le Gros. 279 Essex. Grant of Edward I, dated from Norwich, 18th year of his reign, to John de Coggeshall, a Vicecomiten nostram Essexiam, allowing him to alienate lands in Foxherde to John Fermor to be held in Frank pledge on consideration of his paying 7 solidos yearly to the king * * * 34 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 280 Essex. Grant of Robert, Abbot of the exempt Monastery of Waltham Holy Cross, to John Myne, Gent., of one half of the next presentation to the Church of Skernings, in the Diocese of Norwich, 1537, a portion of the fine seal broken 281 Essex. Sixteen old Deeds relating to Lands in Halstead, and Flamsted, mostly of the time of Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Elizabeth, the families to which they relate are Pygrom, Moigne,01mested, Maylingherst, Pilgrim, Breame, Waldegrave 282 Essex. Deed of Sale of Lands in Kelvedon, Rie. Heyward to Tho. Crane, 1649 Deed of Exchange of Lands in Finchingfield between William Kempe to R. Gowlet, 1616 Deed of William Fastolf, of Dunmow, in favour of his brother Richard Fastolf " Civi et Cissori, London." 20 Edward IV Sir Tho. Darcy and Jane his Wife, their Indenture declara- tory of the use of a Fine to be levied of their Estate in Little Holland, 1688 Rich. Wellys, citizen and armourer of London, and Joane his wife, late the wife of Rob. Wyld, and daughter and heir of John Paperell ; their Deed to Tho. Newman of a tene- ment in Fobbing, 4 Hen. VII Feoffment of Lands in Chingford, R. Stock to R. Bowyer, 1569 283 Essex. Deed relating to the Manor of Havering, atte Bower, 1666 Account of the Mineral Water found at Chigwell 4to Admission of Philip Bennett, Esq. and Mary his Wife, to the Manor of Thorpe within the Soken, 1735 ; of R. D. Skrine and C. Jackson, Esqrs. to the same, 1776 ; and of P. Bennett, Esq. after a recovery suffered, 1766 Summons to attend the Manorial Court of Thoydon Boys, 1744 284 Essex. Exemplification of a Recovery of the Manor of Haver- ing, at Bower Exemplification of the Recovery of a Moiety of Gubbins Farm, Hornchurch, in the Court of Common Pleas, 1663 Sale of the Moiety of Lands in Hornchurch, John Bulkeley to John Lugney, 1666 Admission of Eliz. Aldbrough to a Farm in the Manor of Chalkwell, under the will of her father John Aldbrough, 1711 285 EuGENius IV. Bull for the regulating the Friars observants, Datum florentice sub anulo ftro secreto die xxj februarij^ Mccccxliij 286 Exchequer Accounts. Payments Extraordinaries out of the Exchequer, 1625 — The Original Account Book also for the years 1630-35 for the Navy, Ordinance, Secret Ser- vices, Purchase of Lands, Repairs of Parks, Repairs and Building Castles and Forts, &c. . fol. LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 35 287 Exchequer Accounts. A volume of" the Keceipts in the Ex- chequer, Fines, Conijxjsition for Recusants, &c. 1613 fol. 288 Exchequer Accounts. A Collection of the Books of the Ex- pences of the Offices for Stationery, Salaries of Officers and Servants, Travelling Expences, Repairs, 1638-39-40 fol. 289 Exchequer. Moneys paid into the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer for Sales of his Maj. Lands since the beginning of his Maj. raigne, 1635 . . fol. 290 Exchequer. Treatiseof the Exchequer, of the XVIII century, neatly written . . . fol. 291 Exchequer. Pleadings in the Court of Exchequer in the Reign of James I, in a hand of the time . fol. 292 Exchequer. Accoimt of the Payment of the Taxes into the Exchequer by the Collectors of the different Counties, 1664-68 . . . fol. Account of the Fees and Sallaries Payable to diverse Persons at the Exchequer, 1698 . fol. together 2 vol. 293 Exchequer. An Abstract of the State of the Imprest Ac- comptants, and other great Accomptants in his Maj*^" Court of Exchequer, 1661, &c. some leaves mutilated fol. Receipts into the Exchequer for Sale and Fines on the Crown Lands, Reign James I, stained • fol. Accounts of the Receipts upon Tallies, 1616 Excise. Official Memorandum Book of the Names of Appli- cants for Office under the Board of Excise, giving in a tabular view the person recommended, and by whom ; date of each recommendation, where the applicant was bom, when provided for, in what branch, &c. 1766-1771, im- perfect . . 8vo, together 4 vol. 294 Exchequer Documents. Testification under the Signatures of Sir J. Constable and J. Alford, that Edmund Holgyll, of Beverleye, enjoying an aimuity from the Court of Aug- mentation, out of the late Monastery of Hextoldenam, is living, 1562 Order for an Allowance to Newell Sotherton, signed W. Burghley, &c. 1572 Wan-ant for Payment of Wages to the Grooms of the late King's (James I) Bedchamber, signed " Marleburgh," " Portland," 1626 Receipt of £10 Weekly Allowance, signed by Robert Earl of Ancram, 1647, with numerous other Papers of the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries, several bearing signatures of eminent Persons, some of the papers mutilated 295 Exchequer. Orders from the Commissioners of the Treasury to Sir Rob. Howard to pay Mr. Henry Guy £500 for his Majesties Secret Service, 1687, with signatures of Guy and Sir Rob. Howard Warrant for an Order for £100 to be paid to Peter Brereton for his paines and expences touching his Highnes Revenue, 1656, signed B. Whitelocke and Th. Widdrington F 36 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 296 Exchequer Payments and Old Documents (1690 to 1700), with Autographs of Members of the Privj^ Council of Elizabeth, James I, &c. . . (36) 297 ExcERPTA et varia. a Book of Moral Examples and Sayings, in an Italian hand of the latter part of the XV century. The first page is ornamented with a large initial letter in bistre ; the shape is singular, being an elongated 4to, twelve inches by four 298 Fairfax (Bryan) The Theological Common-place -book of Bryan Fairfax, author of the Memoirs of (his Cousin) Thomas Lord Fairfax, 1657 . 12mo Fairfax (Fer.) Common-place Book of Mathematics and Philosophy, 1660 . . 4to Jeffreys (Edward) Mathematicae, Latin and English, circa 1700 . 4to, together 3 vol. 299 Fairfax Papers of the period 1642-1688;, with noble and other autographs, some of much interest 300 Faisnier (Jo.) Chiromantia, beautifully written, with drawings, 1595, the last leaf wanting . 4to 301 Falconer (Thomas) Notse in Strabonis Geographiae, in 15 vol. wanting vol. 1 and 14 . 4to 302 Falconer Family. Account Books, consisting of the Account of the Estate of William Falconer, of Chester, 1761-1780 — The Rev. Thomas Falconer, 1792 — State of the Affairs and Property of William Falconer, the Son, 1792 ; and Household Accounts from 1771 to 1805, 5 vol. fol., and 2 vol. 4to 303 Fathers. A collection of Extracts from Remarks on the Fathers, Latin and French, written apparently by some Romish Missionary in China, upon silk paper . fol. 304 Faure Soc. Jesu (Jo. Bapt.) Benedicti de Spinoza Ethica de Deo. Ejusque confutatio. Ex. Cod. autographo, qui extat Romse in Bibliotheca F. A. Zacharise, 1784 . fol. 305 Felixmarte DE HiRCANiA. A Romance of Chivalry, transcribed from the rare edition of 1556, in a hand of the sixteenth or early part of the seventeenth century . fol. 306 Featherstonhaugh (Matthew) Translation of the Instructions which Count Brahe sent to his Son a few days before he was executed, in the year 1756 — Hymn to Science — Lord Burleigh's Advice to his Son, &c. . 4to Fishery. Certaine especiall Branches abstracted out of Keymor's worke of Fishing, fit for the advancement of that business, of the time of James I . 4to Fiction, or a colloquial and familiar Rhapsody regarding Prosaic Poetic, and Dramatic Fiction, by Quintin Queer- fellow, Gent. — A long Poetical Criticism and Satire on Scott, Godwin, Gait, Lady Morgan, Darwin, Shelly, &c. in a fine hand . 4to, together 3 vol. LxVTE MR. THOMAS KODD. 37 307 Field (John) Collection of Historical, Political, and Legal State Papers, Letters and Discourses of the reigns of Elizabeth, James I, and Charles I, written in a good clear hand, upwards of 759 pages in folio The following are some of the contents of this interesting volume : — Part of the Life of King James, with divers matters of con- sequence which happened in his raigne. The manner of the sicknes and death of Prince Henry, 1612. What manner of persons ought to exercise the Kings prero- gative, written by the Lord Elsmere. Sir Henry Wotton's Letter to the Lord Treasurer Weston. Coppye of the challeng sent by the Earl of Northumberland to Sir Francis Vere on St. George's day, 1602, and Sir Francis his answere. A view of the four famous Inns of Court, the Inns of Chaun- cerye, and other auncient hostells of name and note within or neer the citye of London, &c. A Discourse to King James touching Sutton's Hospital. The foundation of the faith of Sir Edward Coke, written with his own hand in the extremitye of his last sickness. 308 FiUxME. Ueber der Stadt Fiume, an original and unpublished Manuscript, in a modern hand . 4to Se il Fuoco sia Secco, o ueramete Umido, neatly written about 1700 . fol. together 2 vol. 309 Foreign History. Cartas RELAgAM o Portugal, 1777 ; and other Pieces relating to Portugal . fol. Padua. Primitise fructuum Pataviensis Gymnasii. Rev. Leopoldo Archiduci Austrise oblatae. Ab eodem Passavi- ensi Gymnasio Soc. Jesu . fol. Rochelle. Memoire tres particulier de la despence qui a este faicte dans la ville de la Rochelle pendant la Siege 1628 fol. Bridault. Le monde suivant les memoires les plus nouveaux, les plus particulieres et les plus fideles, 1675, with engraved maps inserted^ original morocco binding . 8vo Prussia. The Prussian Landwehr (an account of its con- stitution, regulation, economy, &c.) fol. together b vol. 310 Foreign. Various Legal Documents ON VELLUM : with illumination . (4) 311 Foreign. Relazione Foscarini del Sistema Politice — Abdica- zione del Re Vittorio di Sardegna — Bonladii ( Jac.) de Con- juratione Jo. Aloysii sei contra Rempublicam Genuensem, &c. . .a parcel 312 Forte (Simon) Arms and Ensigns of the Nobility of England, 1597, calf . 4to 313 Franc (Martin) Lestrif de Fortune et Vertu, en prose et vers. La Danse des Aveugles, qui est de Cupido dieux des amans, de Fortune, et Atroppos que on dist la mort, par Pierre Michault, 1464, in a good hand of the time fol. 38 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 314 Fragments of various two Early English Manuscripts ON VELLUM : a sheet of Legh's Accedence of Armorie, &c. 315 France. Roolle dela Despence en Lescuirie de la Royne durant les mois d'octobre, novembre, et decembre, mil V soixante quinze, the expenses of the household of the Quee of France ON VELLUM , . fol. 316 France. Reglemens des Conseils des rois de France, 1313-1632 Reglemens des Conseils concernant les Officers de la maison du roy et autres, 1567-1631 . fol. together 2 vol. 317 France. Gouvernement Statistique de la France, and a few other papers relating to the Douane, &c., from the Collec- tion of William Morton Pitt 318 France. Chronique abrege de France, written in a minute hand of the fifteenth century . 4to *^* It terminates with an account of the marriage of Edward II, King of England, to the Princess Isabella, daughter of the King of France. 319 France. I. La veridica vita del Card. G. Mazarini. II. Relatione sopra le piazze occupate dalla Francia nella Provincia di Lucemburgo, contro il concertato e stabilito nella Pace di Nimega. III. Ricordo giouevole a molto, cioe quanto de giovamento sia haver un buon vicino, e come per lo contrario moltissimi danni sempre mai un mal ricino ha cagicenato. IV. L. Ombra del gia Card. G. Mazarini, &c. . fol. Trattenimenti di una Daraa sopra gli affari presenti della Re- ligione in Francia, XVIII century 4to, together 2 vol. 320 Francois I, Histoire de, of the latter part of the XVII century^ in a neat hand . . 4to 321 Franks and other Papers, with Autographs neatly mounted ( 22 ) ; and various Letters . in a portfolio 322 Eraser (William) The Ancient and Modern Armorial Bear- ings of the Families and Surnames of Scotland, 7 vol. 1796-1800 . . 4to *^* These volumes contain, besides Eraser's own works, transcripts of the collections of Cathcart, 1694 ; Sir J. Balfour, Cmn- myng, Etherington, Martyn, Font, 1624, with additions by Mylne, 1711, and Crawford. 323 Frescobaldi (Jo. Bapt.) Diatriba que sit optimus methodus reformandi corruptos hominum mores in Ecclesia, dedicated to Pet. Aloysius Caraffa, Chaplain to Clement XI in a beautiful hand . fol. Florence. Liber sive Quaternus continens inse Inquisitiones Citationes, Relationes, Commissiones, &e. in rebus Claudii de Polino, written in the XIV century fol. together 2 vol LATE MK. THOMAS RODD. 89 324 Freeling (Sir Francis) Reports on the Management of the Post Offices in Scotland, 1790 . fol. 325 Gale. Reliquiae Galeanse, or a Miscellaneous Collection of Letters relating to the Antiquities of Great Britain, by- eminent Antiquaries. Transcribed from the Manuscripts of Roger Gale by George Allan, 2 vol. the whole written in a very good clear hand . 4to \* A portion only of the contents of these volumes has been printed. 326 Gallensis (Johannis) de Itineribus eternitatis — Idem de septem donis — Augustinus contra Arrianos, Judseos et Paganos — Versus quidam de precipitacione diaboli de celo- rum declaracione — Planctus magistri Jacobi carthusiensis de eiToribus et moribus Christianorum modernorum — Dia- logus ydeotse et oratoris de vera sapiencia — Tractatus Nic. Duckelspegel contra Wicleuistas (Wicklifites) et Hussitas — Passio Sanctse CecilisB metrica, &c. a curious volume of the XV century . 4to 327 Garter. Names and Arms of the Founders of the illustrious Order of the Garter, the arms coloured modern 8vo 328 Gattimaria. Ad Divum Carolum Maximum, Regem Catho- licum Mercurini Arboriensis de Gattimaria, Burgundise Praesidis, I. v. Doctoris & Militis, oratio supplicatoria. Somnium interserens, de novissima orbis monarchia, ac futuro Christianorum triumpho, late enuncians quibus mediis ad id perveniri possit . 4to *^* Dedication Manuscript to Aloyisius Marlianus, Bp. of Thuda, Physician to Charles V. It is written in a beautiful clear hand, dated from Bruxelles, 1516. 329 Gebet Boeck, in old Flemish . small Svo Furze und Michtigkeit der Zeit, 1806 . 4to In disem puch stet geschriben die zettel der raterlichen KuNST, in German verse, with gloss in prose : of the early part of the XVI century . together 3 vol. 330 Genealogy (Historical) of the Royal Families of Europe, containing the Expeditions, Exploits, Marriages, Birth and Death of the Princes and Princesses, with an Account of their Rights and Inheritances, manuscript, neatly drawn out atlas fol. 331 Genealogy of the Noble Family of Pipenpoy, of Brabant, with their Alliances, &c. signed by De Grez the King at Arms, 83 emblazoned shields of arms, on vellum a roll in a case 332 Genealogies of several Hindoo Princes, viz. the family of Chunda, Sahib, the Nabobs of the Carnatic, &c. related to Tippoo Sultaun, written in a beautiful clear hand, and drawn out in twelve large tables on fine writing paper red morocco . ■ fol. *^* Very useful for understanding the Modern History of India. 40 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 333 Genealogy of the Barons of Dietrichstein, with thirty-one shields of arms emblazoned and coloured^ 1729, a roll 334 Genealogies des Families de la France, drawn out in a tabular form with arms in trick, manuscript of the XVII century^ half bound . . fol. 335 Geometria. Elemens de Geometric a I'usage de M. les Princes de Lorraine, numerous neat diagrams^ 2 vol. 4to Elemens de Geometric Traictede Fortifications, of the XVIII century . . fol. Geometric Pratique, neat pen ayidink drawings^ autograph of Charles Due de Lorraine in whose hand the MS. is written, his arms stamped on the sides 4to, together 4 vol. 336 German Sermons and Theological Tracts, written on paper, 1467, 500 pages, original binding . fol. 337 Germany. Sixteen Legal Documents of the fourteenth, fif- teenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, on vellum, some with seals of various German Bishops, Sfc. several are in Latin, among them a Bull of Pope Innocent, 1428 338 Germany. The State of Germanic, with the Revenewes and Forces of every particular Province, with a particular of expences how 6000 horsemen and 2 regiments may be entertained for one whole yeare, as the Kinges of Fraunce and Spaine doe paie together, in a neat hand, time of Charles I . . fol. A small collection of Papers relating to the Statistics of Saxony, Prussia, Holland, &c., from the collection of W. Morton Pitt . together 2 vol. THIRD DAY'S SALE OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 339 GLOSSY Gr^c^ in Job, XII Prophetas, et in Psalmos, in a neat English hand of the middle of the XVIII century, 4to \* Contuli cum MS. Is. Vossii in Biblioth. Lugd. Bat. et MS. Hemsterhusius. " 340 Glossy in Decretales Gregorii, wrttten in a very singular character, apparently by an Italian scribe of the XV century, a thick volume . fol. 341 Glossario (Excerpta ex) Gr. et Lat. quod Michaelis Apostolii manus descriptum (utipso in fine testatur) possidet ille, Jo. Grammius, in a neat hand of the XVIII century 4to LATE Un. THOMAS RODD. 41 342 Gloucester, Somerset, and Dorset. The Accompt of Edward Hamond and Henry Garrard of all such moneys as they have receyved to the use of theire master, Arthur Capell, Knight, of the rentes and proffittes of all his Mannors, Lands, Tennements, and Heriditaments, in the Counties of Dorsett, Somersett, and Gloucester, for one whole yeare, 1630, on three rolls of vellum 343 Gloucestershire and Somersetshire. Precedent Book, con- taining various instruments, chiefly relating to Bristol, in a good hand^ time of Geo. II . fol. 344 GLOVER, his VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. A fine Manuscript of the Reign of Elizabeth, containing Pedigrees of Families of the county, with some of them continued to a recent date . fol. 345 Gibbon Family. Pedigree of the Gibbons of Westcliffe, Kent, from 1591 to 1798, on a vellum roll, with the arms em- blazoned 346 GiBSONE, Practiques. The second Part off Sir Alexander Gibsone of Durie, his Practiques, containing Reports during the Years 1630-1642, upwards of 400 pages old calf . . fol. 347 GiORDi (Rodomonte) delF Inventione del Nome di Antichrist© di Hemispero Hamonide, foieli/ written, with a pen and ink border round each page . fol. A curious Dissertation on the mystical numbers of the Apoca- lyptic Beast. It is dedicated to Cesare Bartolelli, Bp. of Forli, and has his arms at the head of the dedication. 348 Giovanelli (Maggior) Compendio della suo piano Militare Politico intitolato le Ricchezze della Toscana, 1765, in a good hand, original red morocco, gilt leaves 4to 349 Giovanni (S.) Vita di S. Giovanni Battista, of the XV century 4to \* This manuscript differs considerably from the text published by Manni. The first page is neatly illuminated with a miniature of the saint, a border of flowers and boys, with a shield of arms. 350 GoDDARD (Philip) Sermons on Oaths, and on Providence, 1690, 12mo Googe, Sermons upon the Duties of Servants, Masters, Mistresses, in a good hand, 1613 . 4to Holdsworth (Thomas, Prebendary of Durham) Sermons, 1687, transcribed by Thomas Allen, Vicar of Hemehill, vol. 2 8vo, together 3 vol. 351 Goodwin (John), Heads of Mr. John Goodwin's Sermons from Romans iii, 28, 1650, in a neat hand of the time 8vo Goodall (George) Sermons, circa 1680 12mo, together 2 vol. * '42 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 352 GoERiNUS Flutterus. Libri quattuor fratris Arnoldi Flutter! adversus qusedam pestilentissima dogmata Martini Lutheri, liostem non solum divinse virginis Marise etiam ecclesise christi atque sanctorum omni pie in christo vivere volentium exitialissimum. Passio divi Andreese apostoli per eundem. Of the first half of the XVIth century^ in a good hand 4to *^* These two works are in Latin verse. 353 GosLicius (Laur. Grimalius) Book of the best Senator, tran- slated by Robert Chester, in a neat hand \* The translator was the Poet, author of Love's Martyr, or Rosalynd's Complaint, 160L 354 Government. A Treatise on Government and the English Constitution, a large volume in folio, written about the year 1690, evidently the work of some profound Legal Antiquary, in the original blue morocco binding^ gilt leaves 355 Government. Select Maxims of State necessary to be observed for the well ordering of Government, in a good hand^ of the XVIII century . . 4to A Discourse about the several sorts of Governments in the World . . 4to, together 2 vol. 356 Grammatics Constructionis Compendium, ex Prisciano et Donato, XV century^ in a semi-gothic character^ hy an Italian scribe . . 4to 357 Gratia. Tractatus de concordia gratia efficacis cum libero arbitrio, neatly written about 1650 . 4to Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, also several Sermons time of Charles I . 4to, together 2 vol. 358 Graduale cantum submissa solitum continens on vellum : XV century : it is noted throughout thick 8vo 359 Gregorii (S.) Nazianzeni Opuscula. S. Augustini Retrac- tionum libri duo. Judicium Opusculorum S. Augustini, two works, in one volume, written in Italo-gothic characters, in double columns on vellum : of the XIV century . small fol. 360 GuALTERi AB Insulis Alexandreidos, cum comment. ON vellum : of the XIV century, imperfect 4to 361 GuicciARDiNi. Luocomanco nel quarto librodelle Historic del Guicciardininelle edizioni del Sansovino, 1562; del Giolito, 1567 ; del Torrentino, 1561 ; del Angelieri, 1574, neatly written . . 4to Griegos, Reflexiones Philosophicas sobre los Griegos, parte primera . . 4to Gravina (Giov. Vincenzo) Del governo civile di Roma 4to Frangipani, Discorso del emendatione del Calendario, Romce, 1580 . . fol. Tommasio, Saggio dell' Istoria del Diritto Civile, parte seconda . . fol. together 5 vol. LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 43 3G2 GUIDONIS DE COLUMPNA LiBER DICTUS TrOIANUS ON VELLUM and paper : of the XIV century. It is wntten in double columns, in a semi-gothic character fol. *y* On the last leaf are rude drawings in outline of Hector and Achilles, remarkable for the Armour and Horse-furniture. 363 GuiDONis DE CoLUMPNA Historia Troyana : of the XV century fol. 364 Haebereri (Michaelis) Historia servitutis Egyptiacse tribus libris exposita; quibus adjuncta est Narratio Legationis susceptae in regnum Bohemise, Polonise, Suecise, et Danise, vicinosque principatus et urbes Hanseatico, in linguam Latinam translata studio, et opera Danielis Parei, in a good legible hand . . fol. *^* This author travelled during the latter part of the sixteenth century. He was taken by the Turks, and sold into slavery in Egypt. 365 Hamilton (Hugh, Dean of Armagh) Treatise of the Conic Section, trans, by the Rev. John Hellins, Rector of Potters Priory, Northants . . 4to Hawkins (Edward) Practical Geometry and Trigonometry, 1690 . . . fol. Henman (Allen) Ars Logica 8vo, together 3 vol. *^* Allen was of the family of Henman, of Syndall in Lenham. He was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge. — See note in the book by Mark Noble. 366 Hampshire. Papers relating to Portsmouth, Southampton, &c. a parcel 367 Haym (N.) Proposal for his History of Music (never published), with Specimens of the Plates and Portraits of Eminent Musicians, &c. curious (1728) 368 Hebrew Manuscript, containing Shangrei Orah (the Gates of Light), an Introduction to the Cabalistic Theology ; treat- ing specially of the Divine Names and Attributes, by Rabbi Joseph Gecatilla, written in the Rabbinical character : XVI century . . . fol. 369 Hebrew. Midras Tillim, id est expositio in CXII Psalmum Hebraic^: XV century, mipe?/ec^ . fol. 370 Hebrew. R. Isaac Ibn Latif, Philosophical and Cabbalistical Treatise, written in a neat character upon paper, 1473 4to 371 Hebrew. Three Marriage Certificates, on vellum, with coloured miniatures of the Signs of the Zodiac, &c. with 1 other 4 372 Henry VIII. Original Order by the King to deliver some Satteen for a Gowne for Prince Edward, at Windsor, 8 Dec. Anno Reg. 5 ; another to Richard Nevil for a Cloke of Camlet bordered with Black Velvet, and two Pair of Hosen, at the Tower of London, 30 July, Anno Regni 8, both with autographs of the king . 2 G 44 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 373 HERALDRY. A Manuscript of the early part of the Reign of Elizabeth, contaming an Alphabet of English Families and Arms, and an Index of the Chief Events and Persons in English History, 2 vol. large fol. *^* This important, valuable, and interesting manuscript is written in a fine clear hand. 374 Heraldic Papers, viz. Certificates of the funerals of various persons of the county of Norfolk, deceased in 1688, with their arms in trick, signed by Thomas Starling Shield of Arms belonging to the family of Smith, of Notting- hamshire, and of liacthorpe, in Lincolnshire, signed by Edward Waterhouse, 1639 Arms of Wil. Middleton, of London, brother to E. Middleton, of Middleton, in Westmorland, signed by Henry St. George, Norroy Certificate of the supporters of the Arms of the Earl of Peter- borough, signed by Edw. Walker, Garter Answer to. Questions as to what place an Earles 2d Sonnes Daughter shall have, signed by Geo. Owen, Yorke, and Thomas Thompson, Lancaster Pedigrees of the Family of Le Bas and Samborne, with the ai-ms, 1687, extracted by Jos. Edmondson, Mowbray Certificate of the Escutcheons at the Funerals of various Persons deceased at Cambridge, 1702, three with their arms in trick, and signatures of Wm Wiseman and Hen. St. George Pedigree of Davies Lloyd ap Morgan and Morris Morgan, of Penthlin, in Cardigan Shire, deduced from Rodrick the Great, King of Wales, unbound . fol. 375 Heraldry (Foreign, principally Families of Spain and the South of France) Miscellaneous Collections of Pedigrees, with the arms in trick, imhound, Manuscript by the Rev. D. T. Powell . . . fol. 376 Heraldry. Armes de la Noblesse des Royaumes d'Espagne et de Portugal : of various periods, woodcuts of arms, and arms in trick . . fol. 377 Heraldry. Manner of the Creation of the Ofiicers of the Kings at Arms, their Privileges, &c. ; Proceedings in the Matter of Peers Pedigrees ; Autograph Note of Sir J. Heard, Charter Nordwallise ; Collection of Epitaphs, Inscriptions, &c. on Eminent Persons ; Queen Elizabeth's Progress to Cambridge, &c. 378 Heraldry. An Alphabet of Arms, irom A to P, of the early part of the XVII century . . fol. 379 Heraldry. An Alphabet of Arms, from A to S, of the XVII century . . . fol. 380 Heraldry. Miscellaneous Arms tricked, about 1680, /rom^Ae collection of Canon Newling , . 4to LATE MR. THOMAS ROOD. 45 381 Hereford. Charter of the City of Hereford List of the City Leases, names, premises, and dates, 1699 to 1754 Statutes for the Government of the different incorporated Trades of the City of Hereford The several Oaths taken on admission into Office in the City of Hereford, hound in 07ie volume . 4to 382 Hereford. Statutes of the Cathedral Church of Hereford Injunctions or Statutes more particularly belonging to the Vicar's Choral and other Ministers of the College, Hereford Injunctions or Statutes of the Hospital, or Almeshouse of St. Ethelbert, in a good hand . . 4to 383 Herefordshire. The Poll taken March the 12th, 1716, at Hereford, between Timothy Geers, Esq. and Herbert Rudall Westfalling, Esq. alphabetically digested 4to *^* A very curious note written at the time respecting the bribery of various parties, the sums they received, and noting such as were Dissenters. 384 Herefordshire. Agreement between Will. Duppa and Susanna Ward, of Puddlestone, for Performance of Covenants, 1759 Purchase Deed of Bachley and New Inn, in Grendon, Por- terto West, 1675 Fine for Maidenhead, Westand and CoUington, Wood and Duppa, 26 Geo. Ill Copy of Sir G. Stonhouse's Declaration of his trust for F. Mathewes benefit of the lease of the manors of Poston Vowchurch and. Turnston, 1652 Petition of John Mason, of Lampster, to Sir Julius Caesar, Minister of the Rolls, to be allowed to sue in forma pauperis 385 Herefordshire. Extracts from various Authors and copies of original Papers relating to the County and City of Hereford, collected by John Allen, jun. . 4to 386 Herefordshire. Miscellaneous collections for the Biographi- cal and Literary History of the County, by J. Allen, jun., containing List of the Paintings at Hampton Court, Authors natives of the County . . 4to 387 Hermant, ou Hernant. Le Romman, de Sapience copie sur le Manuscrit existant dans la Bibliotheque publique de la ville de Chartres, par M. Herisson . fol. *^* The transcriber has inserted at the commencement an Account of the Author, and of other Manuscripts of this Roman, which has not been published. 388 Herouard, Seigneur de Vaugrigneuse (Jean) Projet de TAm- bassadeur, morocco, by Lewis . 4to 389 Herp. Scala divini amoris, scripta a Henrico Herp guardiano Franciscanorum in Mechlinia Brabancise oppido : of the XV century, half bound . . 4to 46 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 390 Hertfordshire. Rolls of the Manor of Bushey, from 1st to 8th of Edward V, being then part of the possessions of Alicia Countess of Salisbury, and afterwards of Richard Nevylle, Earl of Warwick and Salisbury [the King-Makmr) 391 Hertfordshire. Rotulus de redditibus et firmis Johanis de Leventhorpe in Chesthunt anno xii regis Henrici quarti two long rolls of vellum 392 Hertfordshire. Terrier of lands in the neighbourhood of Cheshunt and Waltham, in the early part of the fifteenth century a long roll on vellum 393 Hertfordshire. Charters and Constitutions of the Borough of St. Albans, fairly transcribed from the originals royal 8vo 394 Hertfordshire. Marriage Settlement between Sam. Patteshall, of Easton, and Eliz. Dale, of Brockmanton, 1772 with seals and signatures Admissions of Robt. T. Heysham, Esq. to Lands, &c. at Bendish, in the Manor of Paul's Walden, 1768 Abstract of the Title to Newberries, with legal Opinion thereon, 1738 . . fol. Survey of the Manour and Parish of Northaw, the estate of Mrs. Lucy Alie, taken by T. Heath, 1752 4to Rental of West Reed, temp. James I, a roll on vellum 395 Hervey. Chudleigh against Hervey, 4. Sess. Hil. 1778, 20 Feb. Proceedings of Lord Bristol to prove his marriage with Mrs. Hanmer . fol. 396 Hesiodi Ascrei Theogonia, mystic^ et allegorice scripta, vel exposita, cum interp. literali per Ant. h. Cruce, Grseci Latini. Sermonis diplomate regio moderatorem, eonim- demque Cathedra Complutensi insignitum, neatly written in a Spanish hand^ Madrid^ 1759 . 4to 397 HiERONYMi (S.) Vitse Pauli Thebsei Eremitse, et Malchi Captivi Monachi et Anonymi Sermones Varise ON VELLUM, hy an Italian scribe of the XV century^ with illuminated capital^ and arms on the first leaf 4to 398 Historical Extracts, principally from the Classic Authors, in a small legible character of the XVII century, 2 vol. original blue morocco binding . 12mo 399 Historical and State Miscellanies. Proceedings in the Parliaments of 1625 and 1626 against the Duke of Buckingham Speech delivered in the Star- Chamber by the Lord Chancellor Bacon to all the Judges the last day of Trinity Term, 1627 Sir Francis Bacon's Speech at the Arraignment of the Earl of Somerset Speech of Robert, Earle of Salisbury, to the Parliament, 1609 Sir Heneage Finch, Recorder of London, his Speeches upon several occasions : these speeches extend from 1620 to 1626 inclusive, and present a complete history of public affairs of the city of London during the period . fol. LATE MK. THOMAS KODD. 47 400 History and Miscellanies, a volume containing, Proceedings relating to the Divorce of the Earl of Essex, 1613 Discourse of Government, by Sir Henry Spelman • Treatise about Government, by John Lord Berkeley Preceptes d' Assize ; Libertez, Usages, &c. de I'lsle de Guernsey Forms used in Pursuits of Treason according to the Law of Scotland, by Sir George Mackenzie Account of Dr. Burnet's Book, intituled Archceologice Philo- sophicce, by Dr. Hooke Theologia Rationalis, by Dr. Sydenham Two Memorials of the Danish Ambassador, complaining of Molesworth's Account of Denmark, requesting that all the copies that can be found be burnt by the common Hangman Some Directions for my Lord Nottingham's Buildings, by Sir Henry Shere Essay on the Decay of Rents, by Sir Henry Coventry, with several other Treatises, calf . fol. 401 Historical and State Miscellanies. The Revenue of England, with the Nobility, Chief Courts, Offices and Officers of the same, 1610 A Discourse concerning the Principality of Wales, Dutchy of Cornwall, and Earldome of Chester, by Justice Dode- ridge, 1624 Copy of the Records of Nicholas Fuller's Case, of Gray's Inn, Esq. 5° Jac. Regis, on Prohibicion A Discourse of the Validity of the Commission of Bridewell, written by Mr. Serjeant Fleetwood A Treatise of Marriage between the King of France and the King of Great Brittaine, for the Prince of Wales with Madam Henriette Maria, 1624, and other Treatises fol. 402 Historical and State Tracts. Grievances exhibited in Parliament (of Proclamations debarring the Subject from trying their Right by the Law, Imposition upon Mer- chandize, Monopolies, Ecclesiastical Commission, &c.) His Majesties Answer to the Grievances Touching the Commission of Bankrupts Directions concerning Preachers Mr. St. John's Letters to the Mayor of Marlborough touching the Benevolence The Certificate touching the Lord of Canterbury's Irregularity A Treatise of the Chancery Many things touching Star- Chamber Instructions to the Commissioners for the aid of, and to make Prince Henry Knight Instructions to the Commissioners for levying the aide for -the Marriage of the Lady Elizabeth ; in a fair hand of the time of James I . 4to 48 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 403 Historical and State Treatises. 1. Mr. Hackwell's Speech in tlie H. of C. 8th Jany. 1st, on the King's Prerogative, whether he can enforce duties on Merchandize imported or exported 2. A Discourse touching the pretended Match between the Duke of Norfolk and Queen of Scots 3. An Enumeration of the Grand Segnior's Titles in a Treaty between him and Queen Elizabeth, dat. 1580 4. The Tryal of Sir John Perrott, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 5. A Description of the Court of France, by Richard Cook 6. A Letter from W. Butler to Sir Edward Denny, Knt. at Waltham 7. The Earl of Leicester's Commonwealth 8. Mr. Peter Wentworth's Book for the Succession 9. A General Survey of the Scottish Commonwealth, &c. 10. The E. of Essex's Apology 11. Account of the E. of Essex's Trial 12. Arraignment of the Earls of Essex and Southampton 13. The manner and end of the E. of Essex in the Tower 14. The Remonstrance or Charge of the H. of Commons against George D. of Buckingham 15. The E. of Bristol's Answer to the Articles of High Treason in various hands of the time of James I and Charles I large fol. 404 Historical. Transcript of a Chronicle of Scotland, 1436 to 1620, compiled in the Reign of James VI — Papers on the Royal Burghs List of English and Irish Bishops, 1600-1820 a parcel 405 Historical and Political Papers, 1650-1730, with some autographs . . a parcel 406 Historical. Some Wise Thoughts on the Principles of the Revolution — Copies of the Grants to the Penderill Family and Correspondence thereon — A Christian Discourse, that it is not lawful to rebel against the King — Lex Regia Danica translated . a parcel 407 Historical. Acknowledgment and Obligation of Othes, Sieur de Granson and Gille, Sieur de Senecey, of the sum of 57,000 florins due to the King of England, Edward III, from Burgundy, 1361 ON VELLUM, in indifferent condition Order for the Delivery of Money to Sir Thomas Gresham for the purpose of remitting to the Low Countries, 9 Eliz. Court Roll of Pirleston Corbet, 31 Hen. VIII Document appointing Sir Henneage Finch Counsellor to Charles Prince of Wales, 1619 Note of all manner of Charges bought the Seelinge of the great Chamber as followeth, 1605 LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 49 407*HiSTORiCAL. Marten (Henry, Member of the Long Parliament) Resolution of the H. of C. to refer the business of his Petition to a Committee, signed " Hen. Scobell, Cler. Parliament," 1649 Information against Thomas Gosse, of Rutlandshire, for treasonable Words spoken against the King and Parliament, 1662 Monmouth (James, Duke of) The Declaracione of J., D. of M., and the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and other, &c. now in armes for the defence and vindication of the Protestant Religion, &c. 1685, in a hand of the time 4to Richard, Eveque de Waterford et de Lismore, Certificate in favour of Sam. Griffith, a young Englishman, of a good family, newly converted to the Catholic Religion, address'd to the Abp. of Rouen, 1724, with his seal attached Braddon (Laurence) Reflections on the Vindication of the Countess Dowager of Essex and Bishop of Salisbury (Burnet) in the Gazets — The Bishop's Reasons for the Selfe-murder (of the Earl of Essex) considered and answered, iii a neat hand of the time . 4to 408 Historical. Scheme for amending the Laws in being relating to the Poor, for the better ordering the Parish Poor, and for the relief of Parish Rates, circa 1790 4to Cumberland (William Augustus, Duke of) Copy of the Privy Seal appointing him Keeper of Windsor Forest. Letter respecting the taking out Letters of Administration to the Duke of Cumberland, &c. Depositions and Papers relating to the Case of the Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd 409 Holland. Oude Hollandsche Gescheidenissen, ofte Rym- Kronyck : of the XVI century, with portraits and prints inserted . . fol. 410 Holland. Copies of the original State and Private Corres- pondence of C. Hartsinck (Burgomaster, or Raadpen- sioneer?) of Amsterdam, 1766-69, pas^e^ m a fol. volume \* Several of these letters, which are chiefly in French, are ad- dressed to English personages, Lord Auckland, Lord Fielding, &c. 411 Holland. Estimation de la Depense a quoy montant les ouvrages du Projet des Fortifications de Campen et Bergen op Zoom, 1688 . . fol. Etat des Biens immeubles appertenants au Prince d' Orange et d' Nassau, et des revenus provenents de ses charges de Capitaine general et Amiral des Provinces respectives et Pays de la generalite, &c. : with this are several other papers, letters, and documents relating to Holland in the XVI and XVIII centuries fol. together 2 voL 50 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 412 Holland. Treaties between Great Britain and the United Provinces, fi'om 1662 to 1716, part printed and part manuscript^ old red morocco . 4to A comparative View of the Principal Imposts or Duties paid in Holland, as well as in the province of Utrecht, which duties are chiefly to serve for the benefit of the lands of both Provinces . 4to, together 2 vol. 413 Holmes (G.) Lectures on Natural Philosophy, and others, by Saunderson, 2 vol. . . 4to 414 Homerus. In primum librum Homeri Iliadis, in an English hand, of the middle part of the XVI century fol. 415 HOMILI^ ET LECTIONES veterum Officiorum A FINE Manuscript op the XII Century, on vellum written on 263 leaves in double columns, the initial letters in red . . large fol. *^* This valuable volume is from the Monastery of Stavelot. 416 Hope (Sir T.) Observations upon the Scotch Laws. Indexes of the Lords' Decisions, by W. F., 1705-13, a Compend. extracted out of Craig's Feudal Law . fol. Hobart(H., Lord Chief Justice) Arguments, being Judgments in various causes in the Reign of James I fol. together 2 vol. 417 HOR^. A very pretty Manuscript of the XV century, UPON vellum, w^ith illuminated borders and miniatures, in a neat style of French art. The illuminations consist of a Calendar exhibiting the Zodiacal Signs and Occupa- tions of the Months, and Miniatures of the Saviour, the Crucifixion, Pentecost, the Virgin, the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Nativity, the Angels and Shepherds, Wise Men's Offerings, the Circumcision, Slaughter of the In- nocents, Flight into Egypt, Assumption of the Virgin, Penitence of David, and Vision of the Dead ; also several borders of fruits, flowers, and birds, in Venetian morocco, richly tooled . . 12mo 418 Hor^. On vellum, of the XV century, written in a gothic character by an Italian scribe. It has twelve Miniatures, the opposite page to each in an illuminated border of flowers and angels . 12mo 419 Hor^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Kalendario ON VELLUM, of the XV century ; with thirteen full- sized Miniatures of Italian art, representing the Crucifixion, Trinity, Annunciation, the Descent from the Cross, meeting of Elizabeth and Mary, Nativity, Angels appearing to the Shepherds, Wise Men's Offerings, Circumcision, Massacre of the Innocents, Flight into Egypt, The Last Judgment, Raising of Lazarus, and some smaller ones contained in the initial letters, a very pretty specimen 12mo LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 51 420 HoR^ Beat^. Mari^ Virginis, cum Kalendario ON VELLUM : of the XV century, containing twenty large Miniatures, carefully finished, also a rich border to nearly every leaf, of Birds, Fruit, Flowers, Insects, &c. and a profusion of embellished capitals, the whole in brilliant gold and colours well preserved^ in velvet binding 421 HoR^ Beat^e Mari^ Virginis, cum Kalendario ON VELLUM : of the XIV century ; a very pretty Manuscript, containing seven full sized miniatures, the subjects from sacred History, and thirty-four small, representing various Saints, also several floreated borders and illuminated capitals, in a neat style of French art, in a velvet cover 18mo 422 HoR-^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Kalendario ON VELLUM : French Art of the XV century, with thirty- eight miniatures, and an illuminated border to each page in old red morocco^ richly tooled . small 12mo *^* Curious on account of the numerous saints and their respective symbols. 423 HoR^ Beat^ Marine Virginis, cum Kalendario ON VELLUM : of the XV century, of Flemish execution, with sixteen large illuminations, (the subjects curious, curiously represented), and neat borders . 8vo 424 HoR^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Kalendario ON VELLUM : of the XV century, with five illuminations, initial letters and borders ; appended are numerous prayers in Flemish, calf . . 8vo 425 HoR^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Kalendario ON VELLUM : of the XV century, with four large illuminations, initial letters and borders, &c. black morocco Svo 426 HoR^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Kalendario ON vellum : of the XV century, with twelve small miniatures and borders, calf extra gilt edges . 48mo 427 HoR^, cum Kalendario ON vellum : Flemish Art of the XV century, in a large gothic letter, with nine large miniatures, with borders ; also other borders of fruit, flowers, &c. on a gold ground. Miniature heads of Saints delicately finished, and numerous ornamented capital letters, and other ornaments in fine condition^ with clasps^ gilt edges small 4to 428 HoRiE : on vellum : French Art of the XV century, with illu- minated miniatures of the Annunciation, the Visitation, Nativity, Angels appearing to the Shepherds, the Wise Men's Offering, Flight into Egypt, Glorification of the Virgin, Repentance of David, and Vigils of the Dead, with illuminated capitals and some borders 4to 429 HoR^. Hie incipiunt mat. de Sancta Maria ON vellum : of the XV century : it is written in a neat gothic character . . sra. 8vo H 52 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 430 HoR^. Inclpiunt Horse beatse marise virginis secundum usum Romanse ecclesise ON VELLUM, with some illuminated borders and capitals ; a very diminutive Manuscript of the XV century^ in a goihic character 431 HoR^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis secundum usum Romanum ON vellum : of the XVI century. It contains seventeen large miniatures, within architectural borders, and four small ones, with numerous illuminated capitals hound in red velvety in fine preservation 4to \* A very choice and beautiful specimen of French art. 432 HoR^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Kalendario ON FINE vellum : of the XVI century, in a very large Gothic letter, 240 leaves, with seven fine and large illumina- tions, with borders, French style, numerous ornamented capital letters, blue morocco^ with clasps small 4to 433 HoR^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis ON VERY FINE VELLUM : of the XVI ccutury, with two illumi- nations the size of the page, with beautiful ornaments, every page more or less ornamented with miniature repre- sentations of fruits, birds, insects, &c. very delicately finished, morocco^ in a case 48mo \* A small and very beautiful specimen. 434 HoR^. Hier beginnen onser liever vrouven getyden, in a fine Gothic character of the latter part of the XV century original binding . . 12mo \* This volume contains three early wood engravings by different artists ; the first, the Agnus Dei, with a rhyming inscription ; the second, Ecce Homo ; the third, the Celebration of Mass. The first two are what are generally called block -prints^ and are evidently very early : the third, from the neatness of the engraving, is of a more recent period. A consideration of the number of the early Horse which occur with similar illustra- tions, leads to the supposition that the art of engraving, as applied to the embellishment of manuscripts and books, had its rise in the monasteries. 435 HoRNE (Bishop) Manuscript Common Place-Book of Extracts from Hutchinsonian Divines, and cautions on reading Law's Works, calf . . 4to 436 HoRTON (Dr.) Lectures and Sermons, 1661-1663, neatly written^ 2 vol. . . 4to 437 HouDENE. Mandat de 50 sols tournois au profit de Houdene, pour ses peine, voiage, sallaire, despens, et par marchie, fait avec lui davoir este et chevauchie hastement jour et nuit de ceste ville de Rouen a Vernon par I'ordonnance de le due de York, &c. 19 Sept. 1443 438 Houghton Lexiiam. Admittances and Surrenders made at the Court Baron of, temp. James I, &c. on parchment (7) LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 53 439 Household Book. XI Hen. VIII, with List of Officers Booke of the whole Charge of a Supper and Banquet Royale made at Green wyche, VI May, 18 Hen. VIII, transcript of the originals . folio List of the Officers, &c. of the Royal Stables, temp. William and Mary, blue morocco 12mo, together 3 vol. 440 Howe, Lord Chedworth. Papers relating to Lord and Lady Chedworth, the estate at Arwaston, and other property in Suffolk, Gloucestershire, &c. unbound fol. 441 Howard. Abstract of the Deed of Separation between Lord and Lady Surry (Francis Fitzroy Scudamore), with valua- tion of the property of Home- Lacy, Herefordshire, &c. 1779 . . fol. 442 Hubert (Sir Francis) History of Edward II, a Poem of the time of Charles I, in a fair hand 4to 443 Ignatii (B.) Loiol^ Juventus et Conversio. Rev. ac Sereniss. Archid. Leopoldo Argentin. et Passau Episc. et data a Collegio Vienn. Soc. Jesu pridie Kal. August. 1619 fol. *^* A sacred play in the form of the ancient Mysteries. Among the Dramatis Personae are introduced the Virgin, Jesus, St. Peter, Lucifer, Pallas, Mars, &c. 444 Indentures. Leases, &c. : on vellum a large roll 445 India. Diary of the Transactions of John Misenor, Henry Revell, Thomas Wilson, Henry Devisme, and John Hull, appointed by the Court of Directors for the management of their affairs by the Ships St. George and Stafford, bound for Canton, 1747-53 . fol. 446 India. Commission from the E. I. C. to Sir John Lindsay, Commissioner-in- Chief in India, with the transactions of Sir John during the time he held the command of the fleet in the gulph of Persia and Indian ocean, 1768-70 fol. 447 India. History of the former Gentoo Rajahs who ruled over the Paundien Mundalom, translated 1803 fol. 448 India. Copies of Dispatches from India to the Directors of the E. I. Company in London relative to the Mahrattas, (fee. 1771 . . folio Report of the Committee appointed to examine the question of increase of remuneration to the Directors folio, together 2 vol. 449 India. A large Parcel relating to Indian Affairs during the years 1760 to 1805, many copies of private letters from Head Quarters of the Army, &c. 450 Indices varii in Ammianum Marcellinum 4to Institutionum Imperialium Liber : of the XVII century 4to, together 2 vol. 451 Indulgenza del Portiuncula. In qual modo San Francisco nostro Padre ottenne da Iddio T Indulgenza della Porti- uncula, in a good handj of the XVI century 4to 54 CATALOGUE OF MANUS(;KIPTS OF THE 452 Illuminated Paintings. Eleven Vows taken by Nuns in various Convents : on vellum^ with figurative emblazoned borders 453 Illyrian Language. Dissertazione sopre una Inscrizione Illyrica . . folio Inscriptiones (Graece et Latinse) in Itinerariis, 1709 inventse folio *^* Taken by an English traveller from monuments then existing in Asia Minor. From Taylor Combe's Library. 454 Ireland. Names of the gentlemen and freeholders of the Kinges Countie, sworne before the L. Deputie, 3 Dec. 1576, for the presenting the causes and innormities hereafter ensuing, with the signatures and the endorsement of Sir H. Sydney^ very curious 455 Ireland. Agreement between the Crown and Arthur Lord Chichester, exchange of Lands in Ulster for daily pay, endorsed on the back by Lord Chichester, 1616 456 Ireland. A volume containing various Tables relating to the Revenue and Statistics of Ireland from 1616 to 1714 Establishment for the quarter ending the 24th June, 1709 Totals of the Establishments of Officers in the Ports, 1683-4-5-6 and to 1714 A State of his Majesty's Revenues in Ireland for 7 years, ending 1623 An Account of all Men and Horses that have been tran- sported out of Ireland, &c. from 1669 to 1675 A list of all the Ships belonging to the Lord Protector of Ireland An estimate of the Moneys now current in Ireland Popish Clergy of Ireland An Abstract of the Produce of the Forfeited Estates A State of the Quit- Rents of Ireland, and other similar Treatises, in one vol. vellum binding large fol. 457 Ireland. Miscellaneous Collections relative to Ireland : — I. Precedents for Forms of Law II. Proceedings of the Commissioner of the Court of Claims in Ireland in 1646 III. Indenture sexpartile of Settlement of the Estates of Richard Earl of Corke, Mar. 1, 1624 IV. Charge for Accoutraments for the Officers and Soldiers in Lord G. Hamilton's Regiment, 1691, with the original Receipts of all the Officers for their Pay, 1690-1691, vellum binding . . fol. 58 Ireland. A Reply to the Answers and Objections with the Farmers made the 20th Janry. 168^ to Marshall's Plea and the Attorney General's Confession *^* This Manuscript relates to lands in the county of Down, imper- fect, wanting all after page 60. fol. LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 55 459 Ireland. An extensive Collection of Deeds, Family Papers, and Documents connected with the Family and Property of William Dungan, Viscount Claine, Earl of Limerick ; also Deeds relating to the Family of Wall, alias Weale, of the Queen's County 460 Ireland. The Appeal against Dr. McLaughlin, Bp. of Raphoe, Appeal and exculpatory Address to the R. C. Bps. of Ire- land, drawn up by Counsellor C. Linch (relative to the Sale of Pews in a Chapel), a long and interesting note hy the late J. Weale^ Esq. . . fol. Deposition of Thomas Ellis, Esq. Barrister, relating to the Obstructing of Protestants in attending the Public Meeting in Dublin, Feb. 18th, 1819, with Signature of Thomas McKenny, Mayor of Dublin . large sheet 461 Ireland. Official Account of the Population of Carrick-on- Suir, 1799, a fine manuscript, written in a tabular form large fol. 462 Ireland. Rent Roll of the Pavement Tax in Merion Square and the adjacent Streets, Dublin, for 1776, by Richard Gladwell, for Col. Burton, neatly written 4to Account how the Lordship of Moyglare is let for the yeare 1733 463 Ireland. Account of Ships Registered in Ireland, their names and tonnage, where built, the number of men and boys employed therein, and their entries, 1787-1792, in 2 large volumes, half bound . . fol. 464 Ireland. Establishment of the Officers for Managing the Revenue in Ireland, 1700 . 8vo Civil List Establishment, 1794, red morocco, gilt leaves 8vo together 2 vol. 465 Ireland. Civil List of Ireland temp. William III. The Esta- blishment or List containing all the Payments to be made for Civil Affairs from 1st of August 1701-13, William III, neatly written Various Papers relating to the Property of the Duke of Rich- mond and the Earl of Carberry, with map of Port William, in the county of Westmeath, 1762 fol. together 2 vol. 466 Ireland. Letters, &c. to Lord Northington : — Plan for Culti- vating the Unreclaimed Lands in Ireland, and thereby Relieving the Old Lands . a parcel 467 Ireland, &c. Papers, and Printed MS., relating to the Woods and Forests in Ireland, &c. collected by James Weale, Esq. a parcel 468 Ireland. Reports and Instructions on the Military Establish- ment of Ireland during the Lieutenancies of the Earl of Westmorland, Dukes of Portland, Buckingham, Rutland, &c. with autograplis . a parcel 469 Ireland (S.) Journal, containing his Journeys in various Parts of England Journal of his Tour in France, 1791 8vo, together 2 vol. 56 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 470 Ireland (S.) Biographical and Literary Memoranda relating to George Steevens, the Editor of Shakespeare. In the same volume are various Sketches of Views in France and Eng- land, and Portraits of Lady Hume, 1785, Kirk White, Counsellor Pigot, and others, Wickliffe's Table and Pulpit at Lutterworth, &c. in a 4to volume 471 Ireland (W. H.) Transcript of the Tragedy of King Lear, copied verbatim et literatim from the spurious MS. given in by me to my Father by my eldest Sister, half hound russia fol. 472 Ireland (W. H.) Two Transcripts of the Play of Vortigern, taken from my supposed Shakspeare MS., the first written by my Mother, the second by my Sister Anna Maria Ire- land, half hound russia . . fol. 473 Ireland (W. H.) Henry the Second, a Play, by William Shakspeare, half russia . . fol. 474 Ireland (W. H.) Copies of Documents printed in the four Guinea Work of my Papers, with other Correspondences never published, in the hand-writing of my Father, 28 February, 1824, W. H. Ireland, half hound russia 475 Isle of Man. Case of Stevenson v. Stevenson, 1748-1754 fol. 476 IsTORiA. A volume of Historical Papers, in the Italian and French Languages, relating to Events in the Seventeenth Century, principally to the War in Hungary, the State of France, and the Revolution in England in 1688. It con- tains Letters relating to the Flight of James II and his Queen, their Reception in France, &c. a curious volume, from the library of Cardinal Imperiali fol. 477 Italia. Istoria di Italia : of the XVII century Relatione del Negotiato del Card. Spada Plenipotentiario di N""". Sig. neir aggiustamento pi Pace col. Ser™°. D. Parma, 1642 De Italis Jurisconsultis Poetis Exercitatio, cum Annotationi- bus Historicis, neatly written fol. together 3 vol. 478 Italia. Lettere di Pietro Pasqualeji, Ambas^^ al Re d'Un- gheria nella Lega di Cambray. 2. Relatione di Roma del Card. Comendone. 3. Relazione di Roma delF Ambas^. Veneto Card. Niccolo Errizzo. 4. GF Inganni scoperti della Francia nella successione alle Monarchia di Spagna in favor del Principe elettorale di Bavaria, in different hands : of the XVII century . . fol. 479 Jamaica, Barbados, and the West Indies. A very large Mass of Papers relating to the West Indies and Jamaica, several of them original, with signatures of the Governors, unbound 480 James I. A volume, containing Speeches, Letters, &c. of the King, the Lord Keeper, the Earl of Bristol, the Prince, the Duke of Buckingham, and others, relating to the pro- posed Marriage between Prince Charles and the Infanta of Spain, in the original binding . 4to LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 57 481 James I. The Commons Protestation, Remonstrance or Apo- logy, tempore Jacobi Regis I : ""' Anno I : ""<» — A Catt may Look at a King, by Sir Anthony Welding, Baronet, 1652, in a large legible hand . fol. 482 James II. The Debate between the two Houses of Parliament on the Abdication of the Crown by James II, 1688, a ma- nuscript of the timej in the original morocco binding fol. 483 Jersey, Guernsey, &c. A very extensive Collection of Papers concerning the Laws, Privileges, &c. of the Channel Islands, chiefly of an Official Character, from the Papers of Sharpe, Solicitor to the Treasury, equal to five large volumes in folio, unbound 484 Jesuits. Recueil des pieces Relatifs a la Suppression des Je- suits en Italic, Espagne, Portugal, et France en Tan 1773, neatly written, in 3 vol. . . 4to 485 Jesuits. Nouvelles de Nostre temps, ou Recueil de Pieces Fugitives et Rares de Lettres Curieuses et Anecdotes pour servir a I'Histoire du XVIII Si^cle, in 5 vol. small 4to *^* These pieces relate principally to the Jesuits. In one of the volumes is the copy of a Letter from Clement XIII to Lord Arundel, of Wardour, 1766. 486 Jesuit College at Aubenas. A Collection of thirteen Do- cuments relating to the Foundations and Possessions of the College of Jesuits at Aubenas, a Town in the Vivarais in the Province of Languedoc, originals or official copies, some on vellum, some on paper 487 Jesuitas. Representacion de la Compania de Jesus al summo Pontifico, a curious Manuscript in justification of the Society 4to 488 Jewel (A) Case, covered with maroon morocco, containing an Egyptian Scarabei, piece of Mosaic, &c. 489 Jews. Proportions for the Jewish Bath and their other Liquid Measures, calculated from the Capacity of the Brazen Sea, XVIII century, in a good hand . 4to 490 Jews. Tractatus de Judeis. Hie incipit prohemium unius libelli translati de arabico in Latinum de inductione ad fidem Catholicam judeorum a quodam judeo Confecto, in a good legible hand: of the XV century . 4to 491 Joannis (S.) Evangelia, cum Commento, written in a semi- gothic character ON VELLUM : of the XIII century . . 4to 492 Josu^ Liber, autore Chilkia tempore Josise summo Pontifices recensitus Publicse in Academia Julia a. 1721 et a. 1724, 3 vol. vellum binding . . fol. Autograph of the learned Hermann von der Hardt's Commentary on the book of Joshua. It contains some singular cuts in wood, engraved purposely for the work, which he intended for publication. * * 58 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 493 JowETT (Dr.) Substance of his Course of Lectures on the Roman Civil Law, read at Cambridge, 1783-4, 2 vol. Bacon (Francis Lord). An Advertisement touching an Holy Warre, and of a Digest to be made of the Laws of England, in a hand of the time . 4to, together 3 vol. 494 Kent. A Collection of Ancient Deeds relating to Lands in Herne, near Canterbury, from the reign of Richard II, with the Pedigree of the Family of Denne, to whom the Estate belonged, drawn out on a large sheet of paper : of the middle of the XVII century, with the arms emblazoned 495 Kent. Title Deeds to Estates near Hearn, with Signatures of Members of the Oxenden Family, on parchment in 2 cases 496 Kent. Batteley (J.) Antiquitates Rutupinse, Ox. 1745 4to *^* This copy belonged to the Rev. 0. Batteley, nephew of the author, who has inserted various Letters from J. Finch, John Bowtell, &c. containing biographical particulars re- lating to the author, also a drawing of the Isle of Thanet, and MS. additions. 497 Kent. Depositions of Giles Pepper and others, in a cause in 1513, respecting the Right of Tithes in Lands situate at Hougham, parcel of the Possessions of the dissolved Priory of St. Martins of Le New Work in Dover, written in the XVI century, sewed . . fol. 498 Kent. Lease of Lands in Newchurch, Stephen Curtis to Sam. Curtis, for 1000 years Deed respecting the Lands of Geo. Smedlye, of Thorne, 1582 Sale of a Tenement in Lewisham, Henry Baldwyn and John , Gardyner, executors of Thomas Ward, to Sir David Cuningham and Niniam Cunningham, 20 Car. I Letter of Attorney of the Mayor and Citizens of Rochester, in Trust for Francis Barrell, Esq. to Mr. Henry Sheafe, to receive Dividends on South Sea Stock, with seal of the corporation^ 1727 499 Kent. Abstract of the Title to the Julyans and Old Barnes, at Lydd, 1655-1721, two sheets ' . fol. Alphabetical List of the Freemen of Sandwich, 1756 12mo Tour into Kent, Sussex, &c. 1809, by an Artist fol. together S vol. 500 King. Poems, by various hands of the time of James I and Charles I, chiefly by Dr. Henry King, Bp. of Chichester, and his brother : they are written in various hands small 4to *^* Besides Bp. King, there occur among the authors, Ben Jonson, Bp. Corbett, P. Bradshaw, Dr. Donne, and Tho. Carey. 501 Labelye (Charles) Enquiry about some Effects of Tides, parti- cularly on the Fens, circa 1747 . 4to LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 59 502 Le Cene (Charles) Manuscrits, 10 vol. Vol. 1. Volkelius de la Verite de la Religion Chretienne. — 2. La Religion Naturelle. Catechism de la Religion Chre- tienne. Sur la Trinite. La Foy des Premiers Chre- tiennes, Martyrs et Ancien Peres. Dissertatio de Concilio Niceno ej usque authoritate, &c. — 3. Traite de Reformation de I'Eglise, &c. — 4. Dialogues de Bernadin Ochini, &c. — 5. Avertissement sur la Traduction du N. Testament. Sermon sur la Blaspheme, contre le St. Esprit, par M. Alix, ^c. This contains nine more pieces by Peter Alix. — 6. Controvesee sur la Grace. — 7. Controvesee sur la Grace, la Liberte de T Homme, La Providence, &c. — 8. Extraits d'Histoire et de Morale. — 9. Beaulieu de aeterna hominum prsedestinatione, &c. — 10. Du regne de Dieu et de Jesus Christ sur les Hommes depuis le commencement du Monde jusques dans Teternite, written in a small neat hand^ 10 vol. half hound in vellum \* The writer of these volumes was a French Protestant Clergyman, who came over to England on the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and died here in the year 1703. He is known by his translation of the Bible into French, printed in 2 vol. fol. 503 Lambard (William Kentish, Antiquary) Archeion, or of the High Courts of Justice in England, written in the early part of the XVII century, vellum binding 4to The Forme of Process before the Lords of Session, in a neat hand^ of the latter part of the XVII century 4to Lectures upon the Common Law of England, systematically ari'anged, neatly written about 1760 . 4to Littleton (F., Eman. Coll. Cambridge) Catechism of the Laws of England, 1747 . 4to, together 4 vol. 504 Lamentationes et Liber Jobi. In versiculos Metrice divisit a Schultens et Grey, Hebrew in Roman letters 4to 505 Lancashire. Sale of Lands, Hollingworth in Butterwork, from Edward Riding to John Clegg, 1616 Journal of the Siege of Latham House, defended by the Countess of Derby, the first four pages wanting 4to 506 Laurentii de Aquilegia Theorica, seu Ars Dictaminis Parisiis compilata, of the XV century . 4to *^* A curious work on the art of epistolary correspondence, with forms of superscriptions of letters, and the titular style of different degrees. 507 Law. Liber Brevium, a Manuscript of the XVII century fol. I 60 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 508 Law Courts. A Treatise of the seveml Courts of Law, their Origin, Powers, &c. — Observations, Political and Civil — Observations, Ordinary, concerning every state, in a fair hand of the time of Charles I . fol. 509 Law. Precedents or Forms of Practice and Proceedings in two subjects of Scotch Law, namely Stvles and Signatures, 2 vol. . ^ . fol. \* These precedents appear to have been written by James Curie, and have been taken by him from drafts drawn by Hugh Crawfurd, Thomas Pringle, George Balfour, Robert Crawfurd, (revised by Charles Erskine) about 1728-32. 510 Law. Precedents in Pleading, 2 vol. of the XVIII century fol. Legal Forms of the XVIII century . fol. Questions and Arguments before Mr. Wynne, the Reader at Clifford's Inn, 1635 . fol. together 3 vol 511 Law. Common Place Book, in a large bold hand fol. Cases in the King's Bench, 6 and 7 George I Legge (H.) Office Book, 1786. It contains copies of De- clarations, Replications, &c. fol. together 3 vol. 512 Law: — Phipps (Sir Constantine) Precedents in Conveyancing drawn by Sir C. Phipps, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1710, very closely and neatly written hy Thomas Aldene^ 300 pages . . fol. 512*Proceedings in the Bankruptcy of the Rev. James Farrar, Vicar of Brignall, Yorkshire, 1758, in the hand- writing of William Hutchinson, the Historian of Durham, one of the Commissioners . 4to 513 Law. A Booke of sundry Justice workes what a Justice of Peace may do, in a neat hand of the time of James I 8vo Lex TERRiE explained by a digest of the matters in Littleton's Tenures and Lord Coke's Commentaries thereon into formes of Common Pleas, and illustrated by the application of the most of the cases to some maxime and received rule of Law, time of Charles I . 8vo 514 Lecc A. Origen y descendencia de la Yll'"^ familia, y antiquissima Casa de Lecca, por Salazar : of the XVIIth century 4to 515 Lectionarium Gr^cum. on vellum: of the XIV century. Selections from the Evangelists for the use of the Greek Church. It is written in a good clear character, but several of the leaves are wanting, and others damaged 4to 516 Lectiones et Omell^. on vellum : of the XIV century, slightly imperfect . large fol. 517 Legal Papers relating to the Isle of Man Papers relating to Boston, Antigua, &c. fol. 518 Leges WisiGOTiiORUM. Of the XVII century written in a fine clear hand . thick fol. LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 61 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 519 LEICESTER. The History and Antiquitys of the ancient Town and once citty of Leicester. Of the early part of the last century . . fol. 520 Leide Boeck. A book of Songs and Poems, in Dutch, written about the year 1620 . oblong 4to 521 Lelaboureur, Histoire de la Pairie de France, in a good hand, calf^ with arms on the sides . fol. 522 Lentaris (Ant.) Inscriptiones Greece, facsimile of an ancient roll . . fol. 523 Leopold I. L'Apologista confutatio; Risposta alle Calunnie di un Defensore della Guerra Francese contra la mossa e giustizia dell' Armi Cesaree. L'ombra di Ferdinando III apparsa all' Imperatore Leopold I. Lettera del CoUegio Elettorale a sua Maesta, 1683, &c. 523*Lhuyd (E.) Two Letters, viz. the Second and Fourth of his Epistles on rare Fossils, trans, by Price, Keeper of the Bodleian Library. They accompany a copy of his Litho- phylacii Britannici Ichnographia, 1699, which has been corrected for the Second Edition, on the first leaf of which is the autograph of Thos. Hearne, 1723 8vo 524 Lesley. Breviat of the Genealogie of the honourable Surname of the Lesleys, Earles of Rothes, since their first arrivall in Scotland to thir dayes, collected out of ancient evidences, manuscripts, and histories of the times, by Sir James Balfour of Denmill, Esq. Lyon King at Arms 4to 525 Leti (Gregorio) Theatre Belgique, ou descriptions historiques, chronologiques, et geographiques des sept Provinces Unies, trad. del'Italien de Gregorio Leti, neatly written, 1690, 2 vol. calf . • . 4to 526 Letters, Memorials, Official Documents, &c. relating to Com- merce, Manufactures, Revenue, Cm'rency, the Colonies, &c. printed and MS. . . a parcel 527 LiDDALL (Mr., Rector of Colchester) a Catechisme of the Grounds of Religion by way of question and answer, in a neat hand of the time of Charles I . 4to 528 Life of the afflicted Dorea, from her Infancy to the 31st year of her age (May 1668), old tnorocco, silvr clasps 18mo 529 Lincolnshire. Terrier of Lands in Hawke Welisland, Kyllingworth, &c. of the XIV century, on vellum 4to 530 Lincolnshire. Assessment for the Repairs of (Jrnntham Church Powers of Attorney, with autographs^ <|t. a parcel 62 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 531 Lincolnshire. Pardon from K. Charles II to Edward Ayscough Report upon the Earl of Lincoln's Memorial for renewing his Leases of the Bailiwicks of ultra and citra Grantham Copy of Lord Lincoln's Certificate relating to the same, 1768 Grantham, Osbournby, and Swarby : a Terrier of all the Inclosures, Lands, Leys, and Meadows, belonging to Sir Fras. Whitchcote, Bart, in the several Fields of Swarby, as they were taken by Mr. Terry and Stephen Bee, the 5th Nov. 1745. Also of all the Inclosures, Lands, &c. be- longing to Sir Eras. Whichcote, in Osbournby. And also an Account of Mr. Garner's House at Grantham, by the said S. Bee, 1745 . . 8vo 532 LiTURGiA. Formula Precum, Grsece, anno 1557, from the Guildford Collection . 4to 533 LiTURGiA Gr^ca, early part of the XV century 4to 534 LiDGATE. Life of oure Ladye, in verse, a leaf of, printed by Caxton A Divine Poem on the Festivals of the Church, in English Verse : of the XV century, on 28 pages, inlaid half russia . . fol. 535 Local Documents : — Hampshire. Lease of Compton-feilds, Isle ef Wight, Henry Ayleward to Wil. Glede, 1509 Northumberland. Reasons why the Bill for Norham Castle should pass fcirca 1604) Northants. Agreement for tenement in Woodford, near Thrapston, between Mary Hitchcock and John Fary, 1720 Somerset. Leet Presentments for the Liberty and Manor of Dulverton, 1791 Worcestershire. Mrs. Watie's Mortgage to Mrs. Hannah Wathers, of Knighton, 1738 Orton. Grant of Rich. C^pellus de Fringford of a house and half a yardland, in the teiTitory of Orton, to his nephew Hugo, of the XIII century, without date Perth. List of the Electors of the County of Perth, with tabular view of their calling, whether proprietor or tenant, description of property, and name of each fol. Yarmouth. An Abridgment of the transactions of the Bailiffs of Great Yarmouth, 1655 . 12mo 536 London and Southwark. Grant, &c. of Lands in Southwark, Newington, and Lambeth, late the property of the Duke of Suffolk and Abbot of Bermondsey, from Edward VI to the Maior and City of London Grant and Sale of two Water Milles, called Battle Bridge Mylles, in Southwark, from Sir John Copley to Sir W. Forman, 35 Henry VIII . fol. *^* The first deed is very curious, the sign by which each house was known being stated. LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 63 537 London. Rentall of Leicester Fields Buildings for half a year Rent of Leicester House, 1743, damaged fol. Act for erecting the Parish of St. James, Westminster, I James II, modern transcript . fol. Concerning the City of London, a portion of a MS. of the time of Charles I . fol. 538 London. A Collection of Papers and Deeds relating to the Dog Tavern, Ludgate Hill, from 1607 to 1743, with an Abstract Recollections of London, by J. Wilkinson, in verse, part 2 4to 539 London. Various Deeds relating to Lands in the Parish of St. Ethelburg, Bishopsgate, of the XVI and XVII centuries Confirmation of the Lease of a House in St. Stephen's Walbrook, from Thos. Monck to Richard Hert, 1543 Lease of a Tenement, the Sign of the Boreshead, in Thomas Street, by Bilingsgate, John Siklemore to John Scott, 13 Eliz. Brief noat of the Bill presented to Parliament to show how needfull it is to have a Court of Merchants in London, circa 1600 540 London. Decree in the Judicature for determination of differ- ences touching Houses burned in London, 1666 Touching the Ministers in London which do preache, but refuse to administer the Sacrament, 1579-80 The Letter of the Bp. of London commanding, and the Petition of the Ministers to the Privy Council thereon, sheet Order of election of Burgesses made by the Bailiffes and Burges of Southwark, to appear in Parliament, 1592 441 London. Indenture of Sale of houses in Panyer's Alley, formerly part of the possessions of the Savoy, John Elyott to Sigismund Brooke, 3 and 4 Phil, et Mary The Act for constituting the liberties of the Burrough of Westminster, A.D. 1527, transcript . 4to Note of the Ground Rents due to Sir Stephen Evance fi-om Goodman's Fields ; with an agreement with John Banks for building a street thereon Lease of Tenements in Milford Lane, St. Clements Lane, from Frances Duchess of Somerset to Mr. Frith, 25 Charles II, signature of the Duchess 542 London. Certain special Allegations why the lands of John Alymer, sometime Bishop of London, should not be made liable to the now Bishop of London's Allegations Copy of the Will of Gilbert Prynce, of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, bequeathing several houses in London, various sums in charities, &c. 1395 Copy of the Will of John Goodwyn, 1533, devising Lands in the parish of St. Giles, Cripplegate Presentation of John Dean to the Rectory of St. Bartholomew the less, in West Smithfield, 25 Eliz. 64 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 543 London. Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench upon a Quo Warranto brought by the King against the City of London, 33 Car. II . fol. 544 Loss. Nativitas Friderici Lossii Dochestrensis Angli, nati anno 1641, m « neat hand . 12mo *^* A curious little volume, drawn up by the father of the person whose nativity is here given, with a judgment upon it according to the rules of art. A particular chapter is given for the fortunes of his son, and the accidents that are to happen to him till his 48th year are minutely predicted. 545 LoNGMATE, Genealogy of Edward III, King of England, traced down to the seventh generation from the royal stem, prepared for publication by Longmate, a large folded sheet 546 Lopez (Gregorio) Exposicio sobre el Apocalypsis de San Joan traslada da par Fr. Alonso Picazo, Mexico^ 1629 4to 547 Longitudes. La decouverte des Longitudes, par Mr. D. L. D. Sr. D. L. red morocco liyied with silk, the royal arms of England impressed on the cover, apparently the presentation MS. to George III . 4to 548 LowMAN (Moses) A Rationale of the Hebrew Worship, with several other writings by the same learned writer, all autograph, and some of them believed to he unpublished, unbound, equal to 4 volumes . small 4to 549 Luke (Rev. George Sercombe) Collections for the History of Exeter, containing Izaacke's Antiquities of the City of Exeter, 1724, interleaved with extensive Manuscript additions Chappie's Exeter Transactions from 1550 to 1740 Chronicles of the City of Exeter, 3 vol. 4to, together 5 vol. \* The Author intended this work for publication, and issued printed proposals, but his death put an end to the design. 550 Luke (Rev. G. S.) Appendix to the English Dictionary, con- taining uncommon and unnoticed English words, chiefly from the Old Poets and Dramatists . 4to *^* A useful and valuable volume. 551 Luke (Rev. G. S.) Parallel readings in Shakspeare, Jonson, and Massinger . . 4to 552 Luke (Rev. G. S.) Illustrations of Milton, Shakspeare and Gray (by parallel passages from their own writing and from those of other old English Poets) 4to 553 Luke (Rev. G. S.) Miscellanies, consisting of original Poems, Extracts from various Authors, with Notes, Classical and Poetical, Criticism, . 95 823 Scotland. Anecdotes of Printing and Academical Lite- rature AT Glasgow during the last Century, collected by the Earl of Buclian, being a series of Letters addressed to his Lordship : viz. Five Letters of the Rev. Dr. Wodrow, of Stevenston, con- cerning Robert and Andrew Foulis, and on the Lectures of Professor Hutcheson, their Patron, dated 1808, indorsed by Lord Buchan, with Critical Remarks Eight Letters from Eliza Dewar, Daughter of Robt. Foulis, detailing an Account of her Family, 1808 Sketch of the Life of Robert Foulis, by Lord Buchan Letter from the celebrated John Wilkes to Robert Foulis, respecting their proposed Edition of Plato in ten volumes, provided they could be assured of a hundred Subscriptions at Two Guineas each, dated Dec. 3, 1746 List of Helps in Professor James Moor's hands for an Edition of Plato, Jan. 1759 ; also a Copy of his Original Letter in liOrd Buchan's Handwriting, with Additional Notes. Will. Harroch, Sec. to the Earl of Northumberland, dated from James-st., Golden- square, 1753, in which he states that the Elzevir Editions of the Classics were beautiful, but incorrect Letter from Dr. James Beattle to Robt. Foulis, dated Aberdeen, 20 June, 1770, in Commendation of his Edition of Milton, sealed with a Profile of Shakespeare 824 Seals (Welch) : Impressions of the Priory of Dogmail, Pem- brokeshire— Rd. Bp. of St. Asaph, 1019— The Priory of Pule, Pembrokeshire; and 1 other . (4) 825 Seals : Cast from the Great Seal of Robert the Bruce, and 1 other (2) 826 Seals of the Cathedral of St. Davids, Bp. of St. Davids, temp. Hen. VIII — The Priory of Brecknock, Abbey of Aber- conway, 24 Ed. Ill . (4 impressions) 827 Sectani Satyr?e, Lat. et Italic^, 2 vol. . 4to Semeionerion Argamaron. Grsece . 4to Elogia, Panegyrici et Orationes, in Lingua Grseca Hodierna, from Lord Guildford^ s sale fol. together 3 vol. 828 Selden (John) The Privileges of the Baronage of England when they sitt in Parliament, a manuscript of the time of Charles I fol. Index to the first two Volumes of the Works of Selden, by David Wilkins . fol. together 2 vol. 829 Sellwood (Tho.) Common- Place- Book, chiefly Religious and Moral Extracts ; Note of Building, Planting, &c. at Billam, Yorkshire, 1745-48, 2 vol. . foL 830 SENEC.E TRAGCEDI^. A fine Manuscript of the XV century : ON VELLUM, by an Italian scribe, mor. gilt leaves foL 831 Sens. Revenue d\i Diocese de Sens suivant le Pouille du diet Diocese, 1760, blue morocco^ arms on the sides large fol. * * 96 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 832 Sermons (Fifteen) on Acts xvi, 30, 31, " Sirs, what shall I doe to bee saved ?" &c. a Treatise on Matthew xvi, 25, in a good hand, 1661 . . fol. 833 Sermons by a learned Divine of the reign of Charles II, written in a good bold hand, 3 vol. . 4to *^* The author uses his usual Greek motto, and has numerous parallel passages of scripture quotations from the fathers and classic authors, 834 Sermons, in a small neat hand of the middle of the XVII century, bound in the original blue morocco binding The name of the author is erased, but appears to be " Thomas Martyn, sometime preacher at the Rolls" 4to Sermons, in a hand of the time of Charles II 4to Sermons, in a small neat hand of the time of Charles I 4to together 3 vol. 835 Sermons on various portions of Scripture, Sentences containing Things certain and uncertain, 2 vol. in a good hand, circa 1730, unbound . . 4to These two works are by a learned divine of the Church of England, as is evident from the authors he refers to. The second consists of heads or outlines of a work connecting Sacred and Profane History, which is brought down to the reign of George II. 836 Sermons on various Passages of Scripture preached in the early part of the eighteenth century . 4to Sermons in a fair hand, circa 1730 . 4to Sermons on Christian Morals, in a large clear hand of the XVII century . . 4to A Collection of twenty- six Sermons, written apparently by Thomas Jones, a Clergyman of the Church of England, in the latter part of the XVII century 4to, together 4 vol. 837 Sermons on Hosea, in a beautiful clear hand, 1641, g. I. 12mo Sermons, in a small neat hand of the XVII century, with Notes of Sermons by Mr. Knightbridge, Mr. Rogers, and others, 1654 . . 8vo Sermons preached at Buxton, 1653 . 8vo Sermons by a learned Divine of the time of Charles I, preached at Newington, Folkestone, &c. 8vo, together 4 vol. 838 Sermons, written in a very minute hand, in 2 vol. in the original morocco binding . thick 8vo *^* These appear from the dates to have been preached between the years 1656-1678, and have evidently been intended for publi- cation. 839 Texts and Heads of Sermons for the Fasts and Festivals of the Church of England, 1664-73, in the original blue morocco binding . , 8vo Sermons. A volume by a Divine of the Church of England, in a neat hand of the reign of Charles II, 8vo together 2 vol. LATE MK. THOMAS RODD. 97 840 Sermons, in a neat hand of the latter part of the XVII century 8vo Sermons. A volume of Sermons, Funeral, &c. in two different hands, of the latter part of the XVII century 8vo Sermons. A volume of Sermons by a Divine of the Church of England, 1694, in a good hand 8vo ; together 3 vol. *^* From the circumstance of Richard Earl of Scarborough being named in the bidding prayer, it is most probable that the author was his Lordship's chaplain. 841 Sermons preached in the reign of Charles II, in a good clear hand, 7 vol. . . 8vo 842 Sermons preached at Dursley, time of James II and William III, 5 vol. 843 Sermons. Volume of Sermons in a large clear hand, preached at Upton, Morton, Kirk, Frating, Thorring, Thorrington, and St. James's, 1742-75 . 8vo Sermons on Galatians iv, 16, in a large hand of the early part of the XVIII century . 8vo Sermons preached at Selling, Sheldwick, and Buckland in Kent, 1687-1706, in a legible hand small 8vo Sermons preached at West Drayton, Harmsworth, St. Bar- tholomew's, Freren, St. Bennet Fink, 1705-15 8vo together 4 vol. 844 Severi Minervii Spoletini de rebus Spoletinis libri duo, cum prsefatione ad Franciscum Herulum Episcop. Spoletinum, written on paper in the XVII century orange- coloured morocco . . 4to 845 Sharpe (Barth.) The Waggoner of the South Sea, a series of Maps exhibiting the whole of the Coast of the Pacific from the Southernmost Point to New Granada, elaborately drawn by Capt. William Hack, original morocco binding large fol. 846 Shebbeare (Dr. John) Letters written during a Tour in France and elsewhere, 1752, unpublished . fol. *^* The author was a political writer and novellist of some eminence in the middle of the last century : his letters to the people of England occasioned his being set in the pillory. 847 Sheriffs. The Etimologie, Antiquitie, Dignitie, Office, and Authoritie of Sheriffes and their Deputies, of the time of Charles I . . 4to 848 Shropshire. Customs of the Manor of Weme, a long roll of the XV century : on the back of it are the names of the customary tenants, with particulars of their professions and tenures, very curious 849 Shropshire. List of the Bayliffs of Shrewsbury, from the year 1372 to the end of Qu. Eliz. reign, iri a good clear hand, from the collection of the Rev. Canon Newling 4to ^ CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE SIXTH DAY'S SALE. LOT 850 Shropshire. A roll respecting tlie Proceedings in the Upper Bench, 1659, in a Suit between Sir Thomas Woolrich, Bart, against Francis Newport and others Assignment of a Term of 1000 Years from Vincent Berkely, of Waters Upton, to Davies and Jones in trust for Adams and AVife upon their Marriage, 1654 Three documents relating to a Case of Trespass which John Mitteley, of Newport, Fyssemonger, had committed on the lands of Sir Will. Newport, 31 Hen. VI Roll of the Lands in Policy ,with names of the tenants and the rents paid by them, of the XV century, in English Receipt of £12. .5s Rent, Bekemsle and Corbet Meadows, 4 Hen. VIII, T. Lancashire on Account of Master Newport Squier 851 Shropshire. Various Letters and Papers addressed to Francis Chambre, of the Middle Temple, and of Oswestry, relating to Legal Affairs connected with the County of Salop, 1775- 1798, with a drawing of the ground-plan of the New Lin tenement^ in the parish of Wistanstow 852 SiciLiA. De Carlo d'Angio re di Sicilia, et della morte de Francesi detta il Vespero Siciliano, Del monte Etna e de suoi fuochi. Degli habitatori di Sicilia. De Costumi de Siciliani, XVII century . 4to 853 Sinclair Family. Coppy of the original illuminate Manuscript titled as on the Frontispiece below by Roderick Chalmers, Herauld, anno D. 1741 — The Descent and Pedegree of the most Noble and Auntient House of the Lords of Sincleer, drawn out of the Evidents and Monuments of that Familie be Henry Lord Sincleer, Anno Dom. 1590 (continued down to 1741, hy the transcriberj ^ arms emblazoned Svo 854 Smythe (Sir John) A Discourse concerning the Effects of divers Sortes of W^eapons in theis our Dayes, and chieflie of the Mosquett, the Caliver, and the longe Bowe : as also the excellent and wonderfull effectes of Archers, composed by Sir John Smythe, Knight, 1 589, in a neat clear hand 4to 855 Songs set to Music, chiefly of the first half of the last century fol. Songs set to Music, in manuscript oblong 4to ; together 2 vol. 856 Southwell (Sir Robert) Artis Rhetorics Compendium juxta Aristotelis Methodum, autograph . 4to Shield (H.) Mechanics, 1778 4to ; together 2 vol 859 Southwfll Papers (1730-70), Memorials, Letters, &c. a parcel LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. §9 858 Spas : — Tracts and Cuttings relative to the Spa at Islington, Hammersmith, Rochester . a parcel 859 Speculum Humane Salvationis. Of the early part of the XV century : illustrated with a series of one hundred and eighty -two pen and ink drawings^ coloured^ representing the histories of the 0. and N. Testaments^ with metrical de- scriptions^ in old red morocco . fol. 860 Statuta Regis Richardi Secundi ab anno primo sur Regni ad annum XVI ON VELLUM : russia . . 4to 861 Stebbing (W.) Miscellaneous Notes on Shakspeare, autograph 8vo 862 Stephonii (Bemardini) de Stylo Laconico, Attico, Rhodio Syntagma, ad Bartholomseum Rostum Mutinse scriptum anno 1620 Vitse Auctoris postremo, neatly written . fol. " At the end are several long letters from Stephonius to Jacobus Pontanus, copies of verses by Stephonius, and other com- positions. 863 Stuarts. Attestations, &c. relating to Scottish and Irish Adherents to the House of Stuart Attestation that Jean 0' Conor, descended from a Family of the name of 0' Conor, alias Encoignard, established in Noraiandy in the year 1420, is descended from the noble Family of O'Conor of Rathalin, signed^ O'Gara, Iniskillin, &c. St. Germain, 1702 Certificate that Gordon O'Neill is son of Jane Gordon, daughter of George Marquis of Huntly, signed Le Due de Perth, St. Germain, 1703 Certificate that James Tyriy, Athlone Herald, came into France in the suite of James II, and that he now holds the same ofiice under James III, 1703, signed W. Dorrington, Colonel d'un Regiment d'Infanterie Irlandois Certificacion que la Sieur John Kelly est proche parent du Sieur Cornelius Kelly, comme il est fait foy dans la Genea- logie de cette tres ancienne et noble Famille de Kelly, signed, Jacques Tyrry, Athlone, St. Germain, 1708 Draught of the Certificate of the descent of Richard Wealch, Family of De Wealsli, or Vallois, who went into Ireland with Earl Strongbow in 1170, and of his relationship to other families of the same name in Gloucestershire, Wor- cestershire, and Middlesex, by Jac. Terry, Athlone, 1714 Commission au Sr. Kennedy, aidmayor du regiment d'Infan- terie Irlandoise de Ikilkeley pour tenir rang de Capitaine en pied 1738, signed by Louis XV six curious and interesting documents 864 Stuart. Histoire de la Maison Royale de Stuart, of the early part of the XVIII century . . fol. 100 CATALOGUE OP MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 865 Stichology, or a Recovery of the Greek and Latin Numbers according to their original Proportions, Quantities, and Systems, dedicated to Bp. Hare . 4to Tragoedise Grsecse. Corrigenda in Indice ad selectus Tra- goedise, Grsec. Oxon. De Metro. Conjecturales Emen- dationes, in the hand of an eminent scholar of the last century . . 12mo Valetudinarius, Comedia, in an English hand of the reign of Charles I . 4to, together 3 vol. 866 Stukeley (William) Roman Knights. A Series of Papers relating to a Society of British Antiquaries, constituted under the above title 1723. It contains the engraved Seal of the Society, the Names, real and assumed, of the parties ; at the head of which is Thomas Earl of Pembroke, Cervi- lius Magnus ; Heneage Earl of Winchelsea, Cingetorix ; Roger Gale, Venutius ; W. Stukely, Chyndonax ; Alex. Gordon, Galgacus ; Maur. Johnson, Prasatagus, &c. ; also of several Candidates, amono'st whom are some Ladies, Frances Countess of Hertford, Bonduca, &c. and an Oration at the Prsetorium 27 May, 1723 . fol. 867 Stukeley (William) Domus Patriarchalis, or the Origin of Hebrew Letters (whence all others are deduced), from the manner and furniture of the Houses in most ancient Times, an autography dedicated to Queen Caroline, illustrated with drawings in Indian ink, morocco . 4to 868 Sturluson (Snorra) Sidaste Partur Codicis Wormiani Haata Eykill Snorra Sturlusonar. Snorronis Sturlaei Historici et Poet^e celeberrimi Poemata vulgo Snorronis Clavis Me- trica : quibus exhibentur figurse Poeticse et metrorum ge- nera antiquissima, quibus Septentrio hie noster quondam usus est. Versione Latina ac notis qualisbuscunque donata 1732 . . . 4to 869 Suffolk. A large Collection of Depositions, Examinations, Informations, &c. taken by Magistrates in this county, with Signatures (1740 to 1790) . a parcel 870 Suffolk. Fac-simile of an old Deed of the time of Richard II, relating to Mendham Articles of Agreement for the Sale of Lands in Lavenham, Mills to CoUings, 1653 Deed of Marriage Settlement of Lands in Oulton, Christopher Reve, of Stratton, St. Mary, Norfolk, on Elizabeth his wife, 1666 Conveyance of several Marshes in Oulton, Christopher Reve to Mary Symonds, 1686 Release from Thomas Betts, of the Manor of Oulton, held in trust for Dorothy Reve, Widow, and Christopher Reve her Son, 1708 LATE MK. TllUMAS UODD. 101 871 Suffolk. Grant of Land from Samson Abbot, of St. Edmunds- bury, to Robert de Braybooke in Braybrooke, on condition that he shall give to this Hall of Werketon annually " Una libram Cymini adfestnm Sci. Edmundi," with the names of the Testes, and the seal of the Abbey 872 Suffolk. Charter of Edward III, an. reg. 27, granting right of Free-wan-en to Thomas de Aspele in his manors of Lacford, Westthorp parva, &c. with the seal attached 873 Surrey. Deed by which Ricardus filiiis Alani de Stokely gives to the Brothers of the Monastery of St. Mary de Weybrigh the Messuage and Appurtenances which Wymerul filius Snelling holds of him, without date Settlement of Lands in Dower, in Egham, Spencer to Jordan, 1650 Deed of Conveyance of Lands in Guilford, Henry Watts and others to Henry Johnson, 1697 Admission of Francis Sandell, Citizen of London, as Cus- tomary Tennant to the Mannor of Richmond Lease of Lands in Guilford, Sandyman to Mrs. Smith, 1722 Plan of an Estate in the parish of Lambeth, belonging to Richard Hopkins, 1787 874 Sussex. Survey of the Mannors of Weeke, Kingston, East- Preston, alias Preston, Mallary's Brinsbury, alias Parham and Wiggenholt, taken by W. Westbrook, Esq., 1671 large fol. 875 Sussex. Licenses of Alienation under the Great Seal of Eliza- beth, jfrom Sir Richard Sackville and Ric. Baker, Esq. to Thomas Sackville (afterwards Earl of Dorset) and John Dingley, of the Manor of Aldwicke, formerly part of the possessions of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 1560 — Sale of the Manor by Thomas Sackville to J. Dingley, 1 560 ; and various other Deeds "relating to the same, to Bognor, Feltham, Chichester, &c. in a solander case 876 Sussex. A Collection of original Deeds and Papers relating to the Manor of Aldwicke and City of Chichester, possessions of the Dingley and Craven Families, 1633-1696 Survey of the Manor of Aldwicke and North Barsteed, seized by the Commissioners of Parliament, 1652, &c. bound in 1 vol. folio 877 Sussex. Deed of Thomas Gossepe, enfeoffing R. Nashe and others on his Lands at Rye for performance of his last Will, 9 Hen. VIII Bill of Complaint with the Proofes on the part of Mildred Vallor, Widow, against Mary Fairmauer and Ogle Rigges respecting the Estate of Edward Fairmauer of Eastmanden (1649?) . . fol. Indenture between Stephen GoodsoU of Burwashe, and Symon Canny e, Asheeler, Lease of Lands, 41 Eliz. 102 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 878 Sussex. Award of the Court of Common (i. e. King's) Bench in the case between Edward White and John Martin, re- specting Lands in East Guildford and Bodiam, 1659 *^* This instrument is one of the few during the Protectorate of Richard Cromwell, and runs in his name. 879 Sussex. Abstract of the Title of Sir W. Oglander to an Estate at East Dean, purchased by the Duke of Richmond, various papers^ unbound Lease of a House in Mountfield, Hon. W. Ashburnham to W. Quethampton, 1676 Surrender of a Cottage in West- Dean Manor, 1773 Survey of certain Lands at Bognor, 1699 880 Sweden. A Collection of Papers, principally Statistical, re- lating to Sweden and Norway, during the XVIII centurj^, from Morden Pitt's collection 881 Sydney. The Psalmes op David, translated by the ce- lebrated Sir Philip Sydney, and his Sister the Countess of Pembroke. Written in a fine Italian hand, by John Davies, of Hereford, who to his other accom- plishments added that of writing-master : the numerous capitals are gilt throughout : wants first leaf fol. \* This interesting volume is from Penshurst Castle. 882 Tansii (Seraphini) Historia Chronologica Monasterii St. Michaelis Arcangeli Montis Caveosi Congregationis Ordinis S. Benedicti, ab anno 1065 ad ann. 1684, ex ejusdem Coenobii Tabulario deprompta. Accessit Series Genea- logica Principum Monasterii Benefaetorum, ex Normannica Altavillana stirpe deducta . fol. ^*^ From the collection of the Earl of Guildford. 883 Tarragona. Restauracion de la Ciudad, y lugares del Campo de Tarragona y Drecho de su Majestad para incorporarlos a la corona, en virtud del pacto de retro estipulado en la escritura de venta a carta de gracia otorgada por el rey Juan I de Aragon, y el Arzobispo, y Cabildo de la Iglesia de Tarragona en el ano de 1392, dispuesto por Diego Raydo. Segui y Casanova, 1770 . fol. 884 Tarif des Droits du Sceau tant de 1672, 1674, 1691, que r Augmentation de 1704 ON vellum, morocco . . 8vo 885 Taylor (Dr. Jeremy) Discourse on Friendship, written in a neat hand, 1695 . . fol. Taylor (Dr. John) Antiqui et Recentiores de Legibus, of the last Century, containing a Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Writers on Law, with references to their Works fol. Taylor (Dr. J.) Voces Hybrida'. Analccta Etyniologica fol. LATE MK. THOMAS RODD. 103 886 Testaceorum Indices tres, Terrestrium, Maritiniorum, Fos- sillium, et Fluviatillura coUegit, J. S., in an Italian hand of the early part of the XVIII century, with drawings of some of the rarer shells, 2 vol. . 4to 887 Theatres Royal. Copies of Petitions from Charles Killigrew, Lord Guilford, Dame Alice Brownlow, Christopher Rice, Charles Davenant, William Collier, and others, 1709 ; with the Replies of the Attorney and Solicitor- General, transcribed from the originals hy John Philip Kemhle, 1793, blue morocco . . 4to 888 Theatrical : — Indexes of Names in the Life of Cibber — Illustrative Index to Shakespeare, 21 vol. Licence for the Royalty Theatre, 1800, &c. with some prints a parcel 889 Theatrical : — Parts in the Miser, As you like it, &c. copied for Macklin and other Performers 4to, a parcel 890 Theatres. Various Papers relating to the Royalty Theatre, Wellclose Square Maniere de juger des Ouvrages du Theatre : of the XVIII century . . 4to 891 Theocritus. Index of Words in Theocritus, in a good hand of the last century . . 4to 892 Theologia Affectiva, a Common- Place Book, in Latin Papers on Clarendon's Impeachment, and others in the same voh La Cantiva Espanola, and 1 other fol. and 4to, together 4 vol. 893 Theology : — Judgment, Discourse on the words, 1 Peter iv, 17, " For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God," written in a clear hand of the latter part of the XVII century . 4to An Introduction to a coherent Explanation of St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, in a good hand of the early part of the last century, incomplete . 4to Historical View of the Trinitarian Controvers}^ in England during the latter part of the seventeenth and early part of the eighteenth centuries, by an orthodox hand 4to Tractatus de Fide Divina (by an English or Irish Catholic) of the XVII century . 4to, together 4 vol. 894 Marinar (F. Anton.) The Consonance of Jesus Christ and the Prophets, translated by Sam. Bethell: the dedication manu- script, dated from Bellingham (Herefordshire) , 1717 8vo Theological Notes and Memoranda by a Puritan of the XVII century, some in Welsh; together with " Certayne Approved and Spetiall Receytes for several Diseases ;" Receipts in Cookery; Poetical Pieces, &c. in 1 vol. 12mo Meditations on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, by a devout hand of the latter part of the XVII century, neatly written . 12mo, together 3 vol. 104 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 895 Tin- Coinage. Papers and Letters relating to a Project for a Tin-Coinage of Half-pence and Farthings, 1665-1676 The Project of Prince Rupert and Lord Henry Howard Papers of the Board of Trade and the Officers of the Mint, &c. fol. 896 Transcripts by W. Herbert : — Christmas CaroUes, newly imprinted — The Chorle and the Birde — Churchyard's (T.) Entertainment of the Queenes Majestic in Suffolke and Norfolk, with a matter touching the Journey of Sir H. Gilbarte, in verse (1519) . 4to 897 Transcript : — A Preaty Interlude called Nice Wanton (1560), old russia . . 4to 898 Tottingham or Tottenham Family. Genealogical Collections relative to the Family of Tottingham, by Alex. Deuchar ; also the Pedigree of John Loftus, Tottenham, on a large sheet of paper ^ with the shield of arms containing sixty-three quarteriiigsj modern . fol. 899 Troubadour Poetry : — Recueil de Vers Proveucaux de differens Autores Anciennes et Modemes : of the XVIII century, 400 pages . . 4to 900 Toulouse. Diocese de Toulouse revenus suivant le Pouille du diet Diocese, 1779, blue mor. with arms on the sides large fol. 901 Tours. Estats de Tours du regne de Charles VIII, aage 13 ans 1483 : a transcript of the XVII century, red morocco^ gilt leaves^ with arms on the sides . fol. 902 TowNELEY. Alphabetical Catalogue of the Towneley Library, 2 vol. russia . fol. \* This Catalogue gives the entire Library : in the printed Catalogue many articles are not particularized. 903 Travels : — Journal of Travels (of an English Lady) from Paris to the Hague, in 1726 ; and Friendly Admonitions, 2 vol. both in vellum . . 8vo 904 Tractatus de Officio Ecclesiastico ON VELLUM : of the XIII century . 8vo 905 Trade. Calculations of the balance of Trade between England and Ireland, circa 1660, single sheet, stained fol. Letter relating to a Council of Trade, 1705 8vo Williams (Robert) Notes concerning Trade, Legorne, 1654, in a good hand , 4to, together 3 vol. 906 Tran ( Joannis) Exercitationes Logicae, 1678-9 — Exercitationes Metaphysicse k Magistro Joannis Trano dictatse, et a me Archibaldo Hamiltono conscriptse, anno Dom. 1679 4to Tractatus de Supplenda negligentia (by an English or Irish Catholic), of the early part of the XVIII century 4to, together 2 vol. 907 Tyllotson (Will.) Collection of Arms of all such Knights, Esquires and Gentlemen as were late inhabiting in time of Queen Eliz., collected by W. Tyllotson, Clarke of Ipswich, time of Charles I . . 4to LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 105 908 Tuscany. Storia del Gran Ducato di Toscana, tomo 2, of the XVIII century, russia . . fol. 909 Ugulinus ( S. ) : — Enarratio Sanctse Vitae beati Ugolini Magalotti filli qui migravit in ccelum anno salutis mccclxxiii die xi decembris ON VELLUM : of the Xyil century, with a neat miniature of the saint , . 4to 910 Valletta (Giuseppe) Discorso Filosofico in materia d'ln- quisitione, et intorno al correggimento della Filosofia di Aristotele. Al nostro S. Padre Innocenzio XII, in a good hand . . 4to 911 Vallans (W.) Tale of two Swans, wherin is comprehended the original and increase of the River Lee, with the Anti- quity of sundry Places seated upon the same, from the 4:to edition, 1590 912 Valor (Latt.) Sonetti raccolto, con Rime di diversi autori. Trattato, et Discorso del Amore Humano. Dedication MS. to Capt. Thomaso Sassetti, whose arms are tricked on the first leaf dated " di casa sua in Londra, il di pmo di Maggio MDLxxxv," in a beautiful Italian hand 4to 913 Vande Velde (Guil.) Prof, in Acad. Louvan. Tractatus de Privilegiis Nominationum Academies Lovaniensis, of the latter part of the XVII century . 4to 914 Varia : — Introductio cognoscendi gradus sanguinitatis et affinitatis, compilata a Nic. de Padua, Postilla de Nic. de Lyra, super Evangelia, Vitse Sanctorum excerpta, &c. : of the XV century . . 4to 915 Vazquez (Dionysii) Opera Theologica (Lectiones super Johanne Evangelista. Questiones Theologicse de Angelis eorum naturae, &c. Annotata super Pauli Epist. ad Romanos. (Sermo de Sancto Nicolao, Eps. &c.) . fol. This volume appears to be autograph, and is unpublished. It is probably a portion only of the author's works. Vasquez was employed by Card. Ximenes upon the cele- brated Complutensian Polyglot, and was the first Archbishop of Mexico. — See an account and high eulogium of him in Antonio Biblioth. Hispanica nova, vol. i, p. 326. 916 Venetia. Ducali, on vellum: in the original stamped binding, with the arms of the Doge on the sides . 4to 917 Venezia. Esame della Repubblicca di Venezia, sue Govemo, Massimo, pretense con Prencipi, e forze in terra ferma et in Mare, in a good Italia?! hand of the XVII century 4to 918 Venetia. Chronica et Origine della Casate antigo Nobilli della Republica Veneciana, of the XVII century, the arms in trick, some leaves damaged . fol. * 106 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 919 Venetia. a Volume, containing Reports made by Supplicants to the Senate of Venice for employment and rewards of their several services, with the decision of the Senate upon each case as taken by vote, 1644-1716 . fol. 920 Venice. Regulations, Laws, &c. of the School of the Corpo di Christo at Venice ON VELLUM, the capitals coloured . fol. 921 Venier (Z. Benetto) Teatro d'una Prudenza, con cui viene regolamente un Dominio della sapienza di tanto Storacoli quanti Padri Porporati sedove sovra 1' Adriatic© Augus- tissimo Concistoro, 1703, unbound large fol. 922 Vertue (George) Catalogue of a Collection of Engraved British Portraits . . oblong 8vo 923 Vicecomitis (Ilier.) Lamiarum opusculum ad lUust. Mediolani Ducum Franciscum Forciam Vicecomitum, of the XVI century . . 4to Vecturia. In Laudem Vecturise Domus Patavii mcccclxxv, in a hand of the time . 4to 924 Villahermosa (Francisco de Gurrea y Aragon, Duque de) Compendio Historial de lo sucedido en el Reyno de Aragon en los annos 1591 y 1592, quando entro en el exercito del rey D. Felipe, a modern traiiscript . fol. 925 ViLLEROi (Nic. de Neuville de) Memoires, in a good hand^ origijial vellum binding . small fol. \* The author was made Secretary of State 1567. He continued in that office under four Sovereigns, viz. Charles IX, Henri III, Henri IV, and Louis XIII. 926 ViGiLiiE Defunctorum, a fine Manuscript of the XIV century ON VELLUM, in a bold gothic character, with music noted, original oak boards . fol. 927 VIRGILII OPERA. A fine Manuscript of the XV century ON VELLUM, written in a neat roman character by an Italian scribe. The beginning of each book has an illuminated capital . . small fol. *^* This Manuscript is imperfect, wanting the eighth, ninth, and tenth Eclogues, the commencement of the first Book of the Georgics, and nearly the whole of the twelfth book of the ^neid. 928 Virgil. A Series of Designs for Illustration copied from the celebrated Manuscript of the IV or V century, which is preserved in the Vatican. It is of the XVI century, upo7i paper, in the original red morocco binding 4to 929 Virgil. Notes in Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics. Florae (Eco- nomica Italise. Flora Dia^tetica, in English, unbound fol. \* These notes are written by an English traveller in Italy, in the middle of the last century. He was evidently a great ob- server of nature and lover of botany. LATE MR. THOMAS ROOD. 107 930 VoNTET (J.) L'Art de Trancher la Viandes et toutes Sortes de Fruites. La mode Italienne et nouvellement a la Francoise, par Jacques Vontet, Escuyer, tranchant, neatly written^ circa 1650 . , 4to \* This curious Manuscript is illustrated with a series of engravings executed for the work. 931 Vossius — " Catalogum hunc Auctorum veterum, imprimis in- editorum, contexuit (ni fallor) Isaacus Vossius Gerhardi filius, in nonullis tamen locis et plurimis ipsius Gerardi manum deprehanda" . fol. \* This Manuscript would be of service to any future Editor of Lempriere's Classical Dictionary. 932 Voyage (A) to Saint Helena, Bencoolen and China, in the H. C. S. Ceres, Hugh Scott, Esq. Commander, written in verse f 1813 . . fol. 933 Wales. These are the Laws, Statutes, and Customs of the Free Borough of the Town of Montgomery, holden, ob- served, and used from the time of King Henry I, with the several Charters, neatly written, the arms and seal of the town emblazoned, calf . fol. 934 Wales. Charter from Philip Lloyd and John Johnes, Clarks, infeoffing Hugh Burgh and Elizabeth his Wife in various Lands and Manors in Cardiganshire, 6 Hen. V ; with two other Deeds relating to the same Property Two Deeds of Mortgage, &c. of Land in the Parish of Llandabatu Odyn in Cardiganshire, Lewis to Williams, 1 759 Lease of a House in Wiliamstow, Pembrokeshire, John Bartlett to Harry Sidwell, 1628 935 Wales. Proceedings at the Assizes in Wales, 1807 to 1820, in 34 Paper Books, of which Nos. 14 and 18 are wanting: they appear to be the Judges' Books . fol. 936 Walpole (H., E. of Orford) Narrative of the Quarrel of Hume and Rousseau — Reminiscences ; Part of Chesterfield's Letters, &c. — Transcripts of various works of Horace Walpole — Hieroglyphic Tales, &c. with a well-executed drawing of Horace Walpole in indian ink 937 Walpole : — Patent appointing Sir Rob. Walpole and others Com- missioners of the Treasury, autograph of Lord Haltfax^ and coats of arms emblazoned on vellum 1725 938 Walsingham (Sir Francis) Negotiations in France, 1570-72, relating to the projected Mariage of Q. Elizabeth with the Duke of Anjou . . thick fol. 939 Ware (Henry) Answer to the Romanists question, What do you make of all your ancestors and fathers who both lived and died in the faith of the Church of Rome? — The History of the Church of Rome — Reasons wherefore a consent to abolish the Penall Statutes against Papists cannot be given, &c. fol. P 108 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 940 Warwickshire. The Names and Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Warwickshire — The Arms of the Ancient and Modern Nobilitie and Gentry of Wales, of the XVII century, 2 vol. . . 4to 941 Warwickshire. Act for building a Parish Church, and making a new Parish to be called St. Philip 4to Lawyer's Copy- Book, containing various instruments relating to Warwickshire . fol. together 2 vol. 942 Wasia. Dit syn de naemen en toenaemen vande Heemn Hooch- baillios, Hoochschapenen, Pensioranissan, ende Greffiers vanden lande van Waes . fol. *** With 300 shields of arms of these Lords and Functionaries, from the year 1249 to 1696, neatly tricked; elegantly coloured and heightened with gold. 943 Watson (Bp.) Prefaces and Appendix to Bp. Watson's Collection of Theological Tracts . 8vo Whitfield. Letters to a Friend, shewing Mr. Whitfield's Doctrine, to Dr. Jno. H ey, of Philadelphia, 1740 8vo Willis (J.) Sermons, written in a small neat hand of the latter part of the seventeenth century 8vo, together 3 vol. 943 Webster (Alex.) Account of the Number of People in Scotland in 1755, 7norocco . . fol. 944 Wedekind (Baron G. W. de) On Economico- Botanical Gardens — On Forest Management, and the Method of planting Wood with the Hessian Dibble, 3 vol. 4to 945 Welsh Poetry : a MS. of XVII century, in bad condition 4to 946 Welch Manuscript of the XVI century, apparently a grammar and vocabulary . small 8vo 947 Wentworth. Mass of Papers relating to the Property of Lady Wentworth, Baroness of Nettleslead, Rent Rolls, &c. — Extracts from her Will relating to lands in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire — Will of her Sister, Mrs. Mussenden, of Herringfleet, Suffolk — Letters of Mrs. Mussenden, Sister of Lady Wentworth — Catalogue and Inventories of the Personal Property of Lady Wentworth at her various Houses, unbound . fol. A Noate of my Master Sir George Wentworthes Debts oweing by him the first of July, 1663, with a few other Papers apparently relating to the same fol. together 2 vol. 948 Westmoreland. Customs, Services, and Royalties belonging to the Mannors, Lordships and Townshipps in the Richmond Lands within the Barony of Kendal, 1574 ; a transcript of the latter end of the XVII century, contained in a volume of Law Cases . . fol. 949 Whale Fishery. A collection of Statistical Papers relating to the Greenland Fishery, from 1553 to 1799 ; to the South Sea, from 1785 to 1809 ; and to Oil, from 1700 to 1801, m a folio voliilue, neatly half bound LATE MR. THOMAS KODD. 109 950 Wharton (Hannah) Revelations, Spiritual Manifestations, Visions, Prayers, &c. at Birmingham, 1729-30, 2 vol. 4to 951 Williams (Jo., Theol. Doet. et Cathed. Bangoriensis Decani) Prselectiones Publicse Habitse in Acad. Oxonii, ann. 1608-9 8vo Whytt (Dr.) Clinical Lectures, by W. Falconer, Acad. Edin., afterwards of Bath . . 4to 952 Will of Matthew Prior, the Poet, bequeathing lands in Essex, &c. with very minute directions respecting his Books, Negotiations, Pictures, &c. several of which are particularly mentioned Will of John Sampson, of Hubie, in the County of York, Esq. founder of a Free School at Liverton, Notts., bequeathing lands in Derbyshire, &c. 1691 Will of the Rt. Hon. Lady Mary George Bentinck Griffith, 1778 Will of Robert Kilpatrick, of St. Clement's Danes, 1730 Will of Andrew Millar, of the Strand, Bookseller, 1765 Will of Timothy Motteux, of Leadenhall Street, 1745 fol. 953 Will of John Barron, of Haverfordwest, Esq. 1771 Will of Mary Blakeway, of Shrewsbury, 1776 Will of John Earl Clonmell, 24 April 1795 Will of James Garmson, of Swan Alley, Coleman Street, 1761 Will of Nicholas Grice, of Iver, Bucks, devising the White Hart, Bishopsgate, London, &c. 1700 Will of Watkin Lewes, of Meline, co. Pembroke, 1769 Will of James Millar, of the Inner Temple, 1638 Will of Peregrine, Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven, 1779 fol. Will of William Betagh, of London, bequeathing tenements in Raven Alley, Aldgate, written on seventeen sheets of paper ^ each signed hy him^ 1596 Will of Benjamin Mildmay, Earl of Fitz waiter, 1753 Will of Thomas Pitt, Earl of Londonderry, 1727 fol. 954 Wion, Monachi S. Benedicti de Mantua (Arnoldi) Lignum vitse ornamentum et decus Ecclesise. In quibus totius Sanctiss. Religionis Divi Benedicti initia viri dignitate doctrina sauctitate, ac Principatu clari describuntur et fructus qui per eos S. R. E. accesserunt fusissime expli- cantur ad Philippum II Hispan. Regem., arms in trick fol. 955 Wither (George) Legal Memoranda, Reports, 1652-1660, &c. 2 vol. . . small 8vo \* The writer was of Gray's Inn, and records his admission to the bar in 1 650. He was made Recorder of Rom sey in Hampshire in 1658. 956 WoLLASTON (Dr.) Astronomical Lectures and Calculations, 1 vol. lialfhoimd^ and 13 separate parts in oblong foL boards fol. 110 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 957 Wool. Abstract of Schemes, Proposals, &c. to prevent the running of Wooll, presented to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, 1741 . fol. 958 Worcestershire. Twenty-three Documents, Letters, and Papers relating chiefly to the Estates of Sir John Dinely 960 YoNGE (John) A Discourse for a Bancke of Money to be esta- blished for the relief of the common necessity, presented to Q. Elizabeth, 1558, transcript^ calf . 4to 961 YoRKE (Hon. Philip) A Journal of remarkable Passages and Debates in the third Session of the third Parliament of King George II, 1743-4, interspersed occasionally with the characters of such as made a principal figure in them, and with some private anecdotes, autograph marMscript 4to 962 YoRKE. Philip Yorke (Lord Hardwick, Chancellor) Notes and Memoranda of Debates, &c. also Notes, &c. by Sir Joseph Yorke, Ambassador at the Hague . a parcel Reasons given for and the Judgment pronounced in the cause Bennett and Spenser v. Vade and others, 1742, respecting the Will of Sir John Leigh, a very singular case 964 Yorkshire. Booke of the Easter Offerings of Campsall, Fen- weck, Mosse, &c. containing the names of the Communi- cants, the sums given by each, &c. 1576-1585 unbound^ some leaves wanting small fol. or elongated 8vo 965 Yorkshire. Grant of Lands in Ryston, in Holderness, Joh. Almote to Joh. de Wencelagh, 1427 An Obligation between Peter Parkyn, of Long Ruston in Holderness, to Jo. Cutbert of the same, 1 Philip and Mary Grant of Land in Lokyngton, Will. Clyff to Jo. Wenseley, 12th Henry VIII Grant of Lands in Besewike Will. Hervy to Henry Cliff de Lokynton, 35 Henry VI Grant of Lands in Beswyk from Thomas Roos, Citizen of London, to Will. Rappyn, of Beswyk, 1427 Deed relating to Lands in Beswick, without date, very early 966 Yorkshire. Grant of Lands in Acclom juxta Poklyngton, Thomas Makblyth, of Eringwald, Clerk, and Robert Newerk, Chaplain to John Wenclagh, of Ryston, in Hol- dernes, with the seals, time of Henry VI Indenture between Sir Will. Hyldyard, of Bishop- Walton, and Sir Ralph Hansly, of Tickhill, 3d Charles I Grant of a Messuage in Beswyk, Will. Frost and Patrick Rasshe to Henry Randolf and Elizabeth his Wife, 9th Henry IV Deed of Fine passed by Mr. Manby and his Wife to Mr. Warton, 1656, Lands in Beverly 967 Yokkshire. Ten Old Deeds relating to York, Beverley, &c. of the XVI century, some with seals LATE MR. THOMAS ROOD. Ill 968 Yorkshire. Proceedings in the Court of Chancery in a Suit between Jolin Stafford, jun., and John Beckwyth, with the Award, 21 Henry VI Lease from Rob. Leminge, of Pickeringe, to Richard Craven and others, of Southfield Close, 1609 Release from Hen. de Boys to Joh. fil. Johis Ranord, Lands in A , dated from Mapleton, 1342 Feoffment of the Manors of Couseby, Mosele, Bramyngham, and Rypplynghara, Hugo de Hastyngs, Chivaler, to John Moubray de Kirtelyngton, and Willo. de Swynflete, Archd. of Norwich, 40 Edw. Ill Grant of Lands in Medilton, Galfridus de Kylwardby and Will. Chapman to Will, de Kylwardby, 1376 969 York. Deed of Grant of Lands from Walter de Nafferton, Rector of St. Margaret, York, and others, to Robert de Hilton and others, 10th Ric. II Yorkshire. Lease from Edmund Nevil, of Lattemer, com- monly called the Erie of Westmoreland, to Aurelia Town- send and Anthony Radcliffe, of the Manor of Skirtenbeck, 1609 Bond for Performance of Covenants, William Colson of Beverley to John Colson, 3d Elizabeth A Deed of Fine from Mr. Nelthorpe and his Wife, Edw. Cartwright and his Wife, to Sir Mich. Warton, relating to Lands in Beverly, the seal attached, 17 Charles I Exemplification of a Recovery, Etherwicke, 18th Elizabeth, with seal of the Queen's Bench Jonathan Barnsley's Grant of Lands in Sheffield in Jointure to his Wife, 1697 Francis Parker's Inquisition, the Manor of Sheffield, 1723 970 Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Glo'ster shire, Guernsey, and other of the Channel Islands, Papers relating to a parcel * 112 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS, TOGETHER WITH A FEW IN HEBREW AND GREEK. 971 All Sentences of Alee Ebn Abee Taleb, written in Arabic, with an English Translation by the celebrated Oriental Scholar Simon Ockley, who has prefixed a Preliminary- Discourse on the Arabians, the five first pages of which are wanting, autograph in a fine legible character^ calf 4to 972 Alcoran (the) in Arabic, a very neat MS. oriental binding, V20^A,D.nS7 . . 8vo 973 Al Koran. A Manuscript in Arabic, written in a beautiful clear character, upon a roll of the finest Indian paper, several feet in length, by 2 inches in width, inclosed in a small case This Manuscript presents a very elegant specimen of oriental penmanship: some of the chapters are written in singular figures, and some in the form of large Arabic letters. 974 Arabic : — Miscellanies in Arabic and Persian, interspersed with Turkish Poetry — Instructions in the Mahommedan Doctrine and Traditions, 5 vol. various sizes 975 Aristoteles de Physico Auscultatione Hebraice, stained fol. 976 Aristoteles de Physica Auscultatione, Hebraice 4to 977 Advice to the Jews to embrace the Christian Religion, in Hebrew, from the library of Bp. Beveridge, whose writing it is supposed to be . 4to 978 AramavaraVilaccam, in Cingalese, accompanied by an English translation. A sacred book, containing the Mythological Relation of the Discovery of Vaccination 4to 979 Book of Conversation, Modern Arabic andltalian — Modern Greek Poetry, by a Greek living at Constantinople, 1813-16 — MS. in the Bugis (Island of Celebes) character various sizes, together 4 vol. 980 Book of Esther, in Hebrew, a roll, on vellum, eight feet in length, by two in breadth 981 Burmese Topographical Maps, with the Names of some of the Places in English 982 Burmese (three) or Pali MSS. inscribed on the leaves of the Talipot Tree ; and a vol. containing two Works in the Sikh or Punjabee character 983 Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Slave Trade and African Company, trading to the West Indies, compiled by A. Homer, neatly written ; and 1 other 8vo 984 Cingalese Manuscript, written on leaves of the palm-tree, oblong 985 Cingalese Almanac, and the Horoscope of a Child : two small Manuscripts on the leaf of the Bamboo 4to LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 113 986 CoMTiNO (Rabbi Mordecai) Commentary on the More Novochim of Maimonides, Hebrew, written in Rabbinical Characters, of the XVI century . 4to 987 Dictionary of the Kameh, or Cambodian Language, with the English Translation to every word . fol. 988 Evangelium S. Matth^i, Hebraic^, very neatly written, about 1650, in the Rabbinical Character, sewed fol. 989 Goolistan, or Rose Garden of the Poet Saady, in the Persian Language and Character . 4t() 990 Grammatical : — Prideaux (Humphrey) Introductio ad linguam Hebrseam (Hebrew Grammar), autograph 12mo The Hebrew Grammar abridged, in the hand-writing of the late Mr. Heber . «► 4to 991 Grammatical: — Persian and Turkish Vocabulary, written in the Neshki character, stained . 8vo Persian Grammar in Taalik, containing a complete Paradigm of all the forms of the Persian Verb 8vo Januse Latinitatis vestibulum Turcice redditum opera Gul. Seaman, author of the Turkish Grammar^ an autograph of this celebrated orientalist . 8vo 992 Grammatical : — Dialectus Arabica, a Grammar of the Arabic Language, written in the XVII century, apparently by an English Scholar, in a beautiful Italian hand 8vo An Essay on Arabic Syntax, translated fol. Grammatica di Lingua Arabica, Italian and Arabic 8vo Arabic Grammar, written in the Neshki character small 8vo 993 GuL-u-BuLBUL. The Rose and Nightingale, a Turkish Poem, written in a beautiful hand of the XVIII century small 8vo 994 MiSBABS, Arabic Grammar, bad state . 4to Ajroomieh, or a Preliminary Arabic Grammar, from Lord Guildford's library . small 8vo Mohamed Abn Abdella, Grammatica Arabica, with a Com- mentary, imperfect . 4to 995 Greek Liturgy : — An Antient vellum Roll, nearly fifteen feet long, containing a portion of the Liturgy of the Greek Church, written in antiquated form of Character, probably of the XIII century, in fine preservation 996 Hebrew Catechism, trans, from the Italian, in ten Dialogues — Essay on the Law of Moses — The Life of Boodoo, and an Account of the Boodoo Religion — Translation of a Cingalese Almanac for the year 1803, 2 vol. 4to 997 Hebrew Service Book, Manuscript of the XIV century, impft. on vellum . . 8vo 998 Hebrew Roll : — Liber Esther, Hebraice, a very neat roll, 15 feet long by 8 inches wide 999 Hebrew Roll : — Pentateuchus, Hebraice, written in a very large square character on parchment, 98 feet long by 27 inches wide, 54 lines in a column, on double rollers 114 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS OF THE 1000 Hebrew Manuscript, of the XV century, on vellum, con- taining Readings from the Bible, and Prayers, written in a beautiful small character . 16mo 1001 Iscander Nameh of the Persian Poet Nizzami, with copious Notes in the margin . 4to 1002 Javanese (a) Manuscript . small fol. 1002 Kalendar in Turkish ; a most elegant specimen of Oriental Penmanship : each page divided into eight compartments by lines of gold, and the whole of the text is written in different coloured inks, viz. black, scarlet, red, crimson-red, blue, green, and yellow, written upon cartahomhycina sm. fol. 1003 Koran, in Arabic, a very tieat MS. (1788) 8vo 1004 Koran : — Five Soorals or Chapters in Arabic, in a very large bold character, with a Persian interlinear translation in red ink 1004*Lectiones et Evangelia quae legitur in Sanctis diebus inter annum, Arabice . 4to 1005 Letters : — Inshai Herkeren. Forms of Letter- writing, in Persian . . 8vo 1007 Letters: — Riyazal Mohsani. Forms of Letters, &c.in Persian 4to Arithmetic and Merchants' Accounts, in Turkish 4to 1008 Machazor. a Hebrew Manuscript of the XV century on vellum. It contains Prayers for the Feast of Weeks, for the 17th day of the lunar month Tamuz, with the afternoon Prayers, &c. with the Lamentations of Jeremiah, and the book of Job, according to the Custom of the Portuguese Jews, imperfect at the beginning . 4to 1009 Maimonides (Moses) on the Jewish Traditional Laws as ex- pounded in his Tad-Chazegah, in the Rabbinical character on vellum, not quite perfect . small folio 1010 MiZHEB Ashig, a Story Book, compiled by Dr. Gilchrist, in the Hindostanee Language, (1803), 4to — Stories (with Poetry), on Moral and Religious Subjects, in Persian 8vo, together 2 vol. 1011 MoNAFAE al Doweieh. A treatise of Physical Terms and Medicine, in Persian, calf from Swinton^s collection 4to Treatise on Curing Diseases, in verse, with other Treatises, in Turkish, stained . 4to 1012 MizAN al Tib, a Medical Dictionary, by Mohammed Akbar small fol. A Treatise relating to Medicine and Poetry, in Persian, damaged . oblong 8vo 1013 PoEMSjin Turkish, written in black andred within a gold border 4to Fragments in Persian . . 4to Poems of Hafiz, written A. H. 1027 . 8vo 1014 Psalter, in Persian and Turkish, a modem Manuscript, written in parallel columns, red morocco, gilt leaves fol. 1015 Saadi. Boostan of Sheik Saadi, in Persian . 8vo LATE MR. THOMAS RODD. 115 1016 Saadi. The Bostan of the Poet Saadi, a very neat Persian MS. in the Taalik character^ oriental binding . 8vo 1017 Sanscrit. An Astronomical and Astrological Roll, upon paper ^ upwards of thirty feet long and eight inches broad, with diagrams and figures in colours, mounted upon rollers, enclosed in a neat mahogany box 1018 Sanscrit Manuscript relating to Astronomy and Astrology, with singular figures, a long roll in a case 1019 Scraps of Persian Poetry, with an oriental letter and seal 1020 Shah Nameh, vol. 1 . a parcel^ io\. 1021 Siamese. Form of Common Prayer, translated into Siamese by the celebrated Missionary Gutzlaff", on paper ^ the first four leaves damaged by a nail The Tale of Mohosol, in the Siamese character, on paper, copied at Singapore^ 1834 . 4to Elementary School-book, in Siamese . oblong 1022 Siamese. A Work in the Siamese character (apparently Poetical) printed after the manner of the Chinese oblong fol. 1023 Tarikh Tibrie. History of Abdullah Khan, Prince of Bok- hara, who died A.H. 942, a good manuscript^ in Persian calf . small fol. 1024 Theology. Treatise of the Mahometan Religion, Arabic and Turkish . . 8vo Two Theological Treatises in Arabic and Persian 4to A Theological Work in the Arabic character, with Arabic sentences interspersed . 8vo 1025 Turkish. A Book of Stories — Persian Synonymes explained in Turkish, by Ahmed Ben Suleiman (1772) — Inshah, or Book of Elementary Instructions ; and two Historical Works, various sizes . together 5 vol. 1026 Vocabulary (Comparative) English, Javanese, Snnda, Bali, &c. — Portions of a Javanese Dictionary, &c. a parcel 1027 Wakay-al-Othman (the Wars of the Ottomans, by Sejevi, a fine mauuscript in Turkish, written A.H. 1098 fol. MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRIPTS, OMITTED. 1028 Autograph Letters, written in the French Language a parcel 1029 Deeds (Old) Leases, &c. on vellum, some with signatures of high legal functionaries . a parcel 1030 Deeds, &c. Special Pardon to Michael Barton, with large seal of Charles I — Appointment of Dr. Blith, with auto- graph of George III — Exemplifications, with Portraits of Charles I & II : on vellum 1031 Deeds, Leases, &c. with the Signatures of the Countess of Northampton, 1686 — Earl of Scarborough, 1719 — Lord Tyrconnell, 1740— Hon. H. Pelham, 1740— Lady Eliz. St. John, 1684, &c. . . 20 Q 116 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1032 Fragments. A folio volume, in old morocco, containing Frag- ments of old MSS. and Black Letter Books, Papers, &c. 1033 Glass Making. Arte de Vidrieria, compuesto por Ant. Neri, commentado por C. Merret y annotado y anadido por Juan Kimckel, que contiene el modo de hacer el christal y de I'arte varios colores, el de Imitar les piedras preciosas, &c. very clearly written^ 13 sheets of drawings fol. (1750) 1 034 Ireland. Biographical and Bibliographical Notices relative to 1035 Law Cases. Chancery Bills, &c. drawn by Mr. Treslove, Sir W. Foster, &c. . a parcel 1036 Letters, Foreign and English, with Signatures, Copies of Old Ballads, Poetry, Old Proclamations, &c. a large parcel 1037 Manorial Court Rolls temp. Elizabeth : on vellum — Ad- mittance of Ch. Cowley to the Rectory of Goldshanger. in Essex, with signatures 1038 Navy. Listof his Majesty (George III) Navy, silver clasps 8vo 1039 Novelle. Historiettes sinceres et veritables de choses qui se sont passees a Londres, neatly written^ old red morocco, gilt edges . 4to, (1700) 1040 Nuptial Dialogues, Debates, with reflections thereon, in verse j (by J. G.J — Sermons preached about 1707, &c. 8vo 1041 Painting. Translations of Letters in the " Raccolta di Let- ture suUa Pittura, &c. (Caii Jo. Brit.J de libris propriis, liber unus 1042 Papers (Old), with Signatures, copies of Odes, &c. a parcel 1043 Portfolio, containing some copies of Letters, &c. relating to the See of Canterbury — Ceremonies at the election of a Dean, &c. 1044 PsALTERiUM Abbrcviatum secundum Hieronimum, 4 leaves, ON VELLUM, with an illumination and eight small missal paintings on vellum pasted inside . 8vo 1045 Rogers (Thomas) The Ambassadours Idea (his Privileges, his Entertainments, &c.), the original MS. dedi