jr GIFT OF MAY 21 1 17 THE MILLENNIUM OF PEACE AND THE UPLIFT OF THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD FOR JUSTICE AND EQUAL LIBERTY TO ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD JAMES MICHAEL CORDRAY OF i SR OS THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS "JAMES MICHAEL COR- DRAY," THE AUTHOR, WRITING THE CAUSE OF ALL WARS FROM "ADAM'S TIME" TO THE PRESENT WARS. THE GREED OF THE COMMERCIAL "TRADE OF COM- MERCE" OR "GOLD AND LAND TERRITORY" AND HIS "SIXTEEN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION LAWS" WHICH WILL STOP "ALL WARS" IN THE WORLD FOR- EVER BY HIS INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION LAWS AND CAUSE HAPPINESS "TO THE PEOPLE OF EVERY NATION OF THE WORLD," AND CAUSE THE UPLIFT OF ALL NA- TIONS : TO JUSTICE AND RIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE AND "MILLENNIUM OF PEACE." THE TRUTH AND RIGHT- EOUSNESS IS SOWN IN PEACE BY THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE PEACE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. Author. (COPYRIGHT, 1917, REGISTERED IN THE UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C, BY JAMES MICHAEL CORDRAY, THE OWNER, WHOSE ADDRESS IS 3726-3726^ MAPLE AVE., LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, U. S. A.) JAMES MICHAEL CORDRAV SAYS; "Analyze the History of every Success; it must be the history of one man to start it. Success is made by a strong Leader who lets out his strength by joining strong men to his Ideas. He first tests them, and then trusts them and knows when to speak and when to keep silent. The leader of a Nation or Business for the good of his country, or for the Nations of the World must not only work like a MAX, but to reassure them he must have the Business virtue of faith, hope and courage to believe in himself, to believe in his Ideas, to see his vision rising clear and complete to the horizon, where others see nothing but clouds. "Think, don't waste time." These four words should be in the mind of every man, woman and child. Only one thing we have that is time ; in time we live and do our work, don't waste time, use it. Sleep, work and think. If half of your life is gone, try to make the other half as useful as the whole life. USE the rays of light and opportunity that remain, work while there is opportunity, using your own Judgment, for it will be found that your own judgment is more true to your own Ideas than other people's judgment, for the advice others give you that they seldom use themselves. Always live for the good you can do, regardless of what others say, never give up, but keep trying to succeed. Never give up a just cause, the past has gone never to return, but do better in the Future, for CHRIST did not give up when he was criticised by all doubters and the rulers of the world ; for Caesar, Pilate, Jerusalem and the Roman Empire have passed away, but Christ's teachings and deeds still live, so it is with all things that are founded on a solid foundation of faith for the Benefit of the Human Race. You are not an" asset because "you are in a position to interfere" and discourage and check enterprise for the benefit of the people. Don't delude yourself, that it is your efficiency which enables you to prevail over others. "An Idiot" can destroy the life work of a "GENIUS;" an INVENTOR may hammer away for years, the same tools in the hands of a FOOL can destroy his product in an instant. GOVERNMENTS are built up and destroyed; Monarchs flour- ish and pass away ; New Governments are formed and built up by the people and destroyed by the Money Kings. These leaders come and go the same as the Spring Leaves, and fall like the leaves from the trees in the Fall. Governments are shorter lived than the trees of the forest. The Glory of the EARTH is Great and full of brilliancy. The PRIZES of this world are tempting and it is a Noble Thing to be the first in 3 365000 your COUNTRY or GOVERNMENT, but that ambition has ruined more governments than the Fall of Babylon ever DREAMED of. Because the flowers of the grass shall pass away, for the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it Withereth, the grass and the flowers thereof falleth and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth So, also shall the rich man fade away, for the rich man has been the destroyer of every Government from the Days of Adam to the present time, for Wisdom comes only from GOD to the pure and Humble People. From whence come Wars and fighting among Nations it comes from Greed of the commercial Dollar (whether it be gold or land territory) to enslave the people for the "Lust of the Rich." For how many WARS have been brought on by Traitors to their own country that were hired by Rich People and High Officials to murder some of Their Citizens in order to have an Excuse to go to war with another Country ; That kind of Traitors have lived and will live in every Country of the World. There is another class that always Advocates for being pre- pared for war, that by the JINGO PRESS, and Politicians to advo- cate their interest for War that class is the most to be feared for those that advocate for War never go to defend their country when war comes, those are the rich and big interests and the JINGO Politicians. They always advocate war to settle all Nation and National Disputes, but when war comes, that class never go to the front to help defend their country in War, they always have the excuse that they can serve their country's interest better by staying at home to help the poor people, but the poor people have to go to the front to defend their country in War. The rich people call that patriotism, but if the rich people were compelled to go to the front to defend their country in War they would not be so BOASTFUL about their patriotism ; then patriotism would be a thing of the past with them. What is real patriotism? It is and means JUSTICE to one and everyone alike, regardless of money or high political or financial standing to save your COUNTRY'S PEOPLE and better their condition by Adjustment and settle all Disputes by ARBITRATION. Going to war, having your Citizens killed and Bankrupt your coun- try for a few big financial interests is not patriotism, for going to war to satisfy some Traitor to your country and to your govern- ment never yet has righted a wrong, for GOD never taught war for patriotism, he said, "Do by others as you wished to be done by/' which meant to settle all disputes whatever it was by MUTUAL agreement, in other words meant Arbitration. Now I do not believe in war, for I believe in adjustment and settling all NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL "Every Dispute" bv Arbitration. \Yhy is it that every war that is fought to a finish or to a draw in the end everyone the winning' and losing Xations in the war for the last two thousand years from CAESAR'S time to the Present time have always selected and appointed a few officials from both the winning and losing sides to draw up their treaty PAPERS to what terms they will pay and adjust their settlement of Dollars or Territory to the winning and also losing Nations in war. If they can agree on terms after the war is over, why can't they settle it to start before they go to war and save their country's loss in Citizens and money but they halloo patriotism and after the war is over, and have lost their best citizens and financial ruin stares the people in the face, then the common people, which represents eighty per cent of the Population of each Nation, the UNITED STATES OR EUROPE or any other nation of the world that is taxed for generations to come to pay off the war debts. There is a lot of patriotism in paying off the War Debts that could have been saved by using good honest judgment to start with, and Arbitrated their country's National Difference and saved their citizens and financial Loss. Adam and Eve their two first sons Cain and Abel fought the first War, the cause of every war, from the time that Cain slew his brother Abel to the present war has been the GREED OF THE Commercial Gold or Land Territory to out-do your Rival in business. And all the wars from Abraham to David fourteen generations was fought for the Greed of commercial gold and land territory and all the wars from David's time to the fall of BABYLON FOUGHT by HELSHAZER AND CYRUS THE INVADERS and other Four- teen Generations was fought for the commercial gold and Territory. And, from Babylon Reign to the Fall of Babylon to Christ's com- ing was Fourteen Generations, all those to Caesar Ruling of the Roman Empire which wars were all fought for the commercial gold and land GREED. From Caesar's Time to the present, wars have been fought for the GREED of the commercial Gold and land territory which from the time CAESAR ROMAN EMPIRE was destroyed by war two thousand years ago. All the wars from CAESAR'S Time to the European present war have been fought on the same Greed to out-do your rival in business for the greed of the commercial gold or land territory. The only remedy to do away with war is to have a social agree- ment among all the laborers of every Nation of the world regardless of Nationality or Religion refusing to go to Avar, but demanding that all international disputes be settled by ARBITRATION with every Nation of the world by the SIXTEEN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION LAWS Named to the Justice and Freedom and Equal Rights to every Xation of the world regardless of their na- tionality or religion or wealth or commercial resources Then will the uplift of every nation be for PEACE AND THE MILLEN- NIUM OF PEACE RULE. While the Civil War in the United States of 1861 to 1865 was the most costly and destructive war in America so far yet never- theless the southern states lost yet it cost them $1,000,000,000 in money and other Billions of Dollars in Property that was destroyed and lost their 3,000,000 colored slaves being freed by Secretary Seward's Emancipation Proclamation in 1865 while secretary of Presi- dent Lincoln and Southern soldiers killed and crippled were 350.000 out of their 900,000 soldiers on the Southern side. In the Northern States, that represented the Union or the United States, out of a million soldiers 370,000 soldiers were killed and crippled and the $2,000,000,000 War debt caused by that war and the interest paid out, pensions paid out to the Union soldiers since that War, all amounts to $19,000,000,000 and that War Debt has not been only half paid off of what it w r as to start with, yet it has been fifty years since that war ceased and it will take $10,0*00,000,000 more before that war debt is paid off. If the slaves had been freed by Arbitration and the slave owners been paid a fair price of what the slave owners had paid for their slaves, how much better it would have been, but it was not done for the Jingo politicians were the same in those days as they are today and would much rather go to war than settle a just cause by paying for what the north sold to the south, their slaves, that war debt caused by that war would have paid over seven hundred dollars to every slave owner for every slave that was freed, and the Govern- ment would have saved more money by paying for their freedom than by going to war and saving their soldiers' lives and the hatred that war has caused might have been prevented. If my plan of Arbitration had been in force that war never could have happened for all the difference would have been Arbitrated to the Justice of all concerned. The same is true of the war of the Revolution in 1776. The Boston Tea Tax that caused that war was an unjust Tax that England enforced upon the American Colonies, or the Thirteen original states and territories which became the Government of the UNITED STATES. That tax started the revolution that caused the United States Government to be formed. If Arbitration had been in force then, the war and also the tea tax would have been ad- justed by Arbitration without having war. Also the war in 1812 regarding the high seas, in which England claimed the right to search the American ships, would not have been started had Arbitration been in force. There would have been no Spanish-American War in 1898 had the law taken hold of things, and Arbitration been put in force. The real Traitors that had to do with the ''Blowing up'' of the Maine would have been justly executed, and saved a loss of 38,000 soldiers dead and crippled and a war Debt to the United States of $400,- 000,000 and Spain's War Debt of $500,000,000, and also Spain's loss of Territory to the value of Ten Billion Dollars. And indeed, it is the same with the Present European and Asian War. It is Costing them all combined about $100,000,000 per day or $36,000,000,000 a year, while England's present war debt through this war is $9,000,000,000 so far, and soldiers killed and crippled is one million. * The war debt so far created by this war is equal to every person living in England, and each one would have to pay the sum of $785 each to pay off this war debt. If the war would come to an end now, the debt would be as formerly mentioned, but should it continue at the rate it is costing, it means Bankruptcy for the people. If this war debt had been used to buy homes for the people it would have bought a home for one-fourth of the People living in England, but it is instead spent for war gone and will never do any good for its people. Would it not have been better to have Arbitrated and made some sort of a peace betw r een England and Germany? Think what loss of life and debt it would have prevented. The people of said countries will be taxed for Twenty Generations to pay off this war debt. Let us turn to France. This war has cost France $7,500,000,000 so far and loss of 1,500,000 soldiers, which have been killed, 560,000 crippled for life, and Territory Loss, value equal to five billions of dollars, which if the same money had been used to buy homes for the French people, would have bought a home for one-third of the people living in France, but this money is gone never to return again. It would seem that they would think before it is too late, just what could have been saved to France, if its difference between Germany, Austria and Turkey should have been Arbitrated and saved this great loss both in citizens and money. The same is true of Germany. This war has cost her $9,000,- 000,000, and soldiers killed and crippled over two million. The Principal and interest on Germany's war debt created by this war is equal to enough money to buy a home for one-fourth of the people of the German Empire, if it had been used for that purpose which would have been much better than going to war. How much better it would have been had Germany Arbitrated her difference with France, Russia and Italy, in the beginning and saved this great loss of German Citizens and soldiers lives and money. The same thing absolutely is true of Austria. This war has cost this Nation $6,500,000,000 in money, and soldiers killed and crippled amount to over a million. If this money had been used to buy homes for the people in Austria, it would have bought a home for one-seventh of the people in Austria. How much better it would have been if they had only Arbitrated and saved this war loan, soldiers and many other things that have been destroyed throughout the whole country. Italy has spent in money and loss in money that this war alone has caused her to lose is $5,000,000,COO and soldiers killed 340,000 and property loss would have bought a home for one-fifth of the popu- lation in Italy so far, yet this-^var has brought nothing but destruc- tion to Italy and no gain whatsoever. Turkey has spent Billions of dollars and has lost over one mil- lion soldiers and nothing has been gained, naught but has brought her land into destruction. Again Arbitration would have worked its wonders, and that would have prevented the poverty); and strife and its people would know no wants. '/ /* Russia has spent so far $10,000,000,000 in money and* territory. Her loss of domain reaches the* value of $20.000,000,000. If this money had been used in providing homes for the Russian people it would have given a farm to one-Siird of the people in Russia. Had Arbitration been in force, this destruction would not have occurred. This is what TANGLE ALLIANCE with other nations has done for Russia brought ruin and destruction and misery in place of happiness and peace. The same with Servia, THE ORIGINAL CAUSE of this war. The Servians have lost their country, and loss in life in property and many other things have ruined Servia. If there had but been INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION in force, this war would never occurred. SERVIA would have saved or rather prevented all this strife in the European and Asian war, and would have kept all other nations out of the war, which have entered and that may yet enter same. Belgium that this war has caused its greatest loss is now a nation without a country, all caused by being in Triple Alliance on one side including England, France, Russia and Servia. The Teutonic Alliance on the other side including Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey is what has caused this world war in Europe and Asia, and which may Spread to other Nations yet, that call themselves neutral. For when any two or more Nations pledge Alliance to stand to- gether to help each other "In case of War" against any other na- tions of Alliance, then, and only then, they have created enemity against the opposite alliance which in the end means War. Do not blame EUROPE and ASIA now because they are at War, or any individual nation, for this war for the reason that 8 under the present system of the so-called international law it is considered right for any two or more nations to form a secret alliance against any other nation that is in a secret alliance, for in the end no right can come of it, and war is the only outcome. They are driven to war at the least offense. For instance, the Alliance of England, France, Russia, Servia, Belgium, Italy and Japan, on one side, and the other side of the Teutonic Alliance including Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, each alliance of nations is trying to destroy the other alliance of nations in this war, but they are only doing what every war has done from the First War in the world, right in the be- ginning, when Cain slew his brother Abel, because Abel's herds were more valuable than his own crops were. Immediately that caused enmity, therefore Cain killed Abel so he would not have a Rival in Easiness so it has followed from that time to the present time to destroy your rival in business so the war in Europe and Asia now is in the same condition to destroy each other for the Commercial Greed of Gold in Business. And, the nations that call themselves Neutral will most prob- ably be at war on the same conditions before another five years elapse, unless the INTERNATIONAL LAWS ARE CHANGED, altered so to a point that there cannot be any more war, to settle disputes in a way as to avoid same, but to be compelled to Arbitrate all nations and settle disputes by an INTERNATIONAL ARBI- TRATION LAW, backed up by the International Arbitration Board of Directors of every Nation of the world. The way things are now, any nation can offer enough excuses to go into war against each other under the present international laws. But alter that International Law, make it a law that every nation of the World will have to be a part of, there will be but one Alliance of the whole world, no secrecy, no enmity, no hatred, and war will be done away with forever. In that way there could be no possible cause for war, for how can there be, when all nations are as one. The International Army and Navy would be stationed all over the world to guard against any insurrection or attempt of war to protect the people of each nation of the world alike. If all nations of the world had belonged to the International Arbitration Alliance backed up by these laws, this war never would have taken place. The International Arbitration law would have justly executed the persons who had first started all the confusion in Servia, and thus prevented war. Let the international Arbitration laws be known as the Sixteen International Arbitrational laws to abide by and Govern every Na- tional Dispute, and the Nations of the world namely: From the first law to the last of the sixteen international Arbitration laws, TO GIVE JUSTICE AXD RIGHT to every nation of the world and to each citizen of each and every nation equally to abide by these laws to the letter of each one of these sixteen laws, to bring the uplift of every nation of the world to Justice, and the MILLEN- NIUM OF PEACE TO ALL THE PEOPLE. The First Law of the International Board of Arbitration law makers will be that a member of that board must be elected by the POPULAR VOTE of the Nation that has sent him, and one member from each nation of the World to represent the nation that sent him as their representative, as their international Arbitration law maker, that man that is selected must be a native born citizen of the nation that has sent him as their representative, and every nation of the world shall have one member on the Board of the International Arbitration law makers. (LAW NUMBER TWO) The member of the International Board of Arbitration of Law Makers shall be a native born citizen of his nation that sent him as their representative, and he must be thirty-five years of age or more to be eligible as a member, and he must be elected by the Popular vote of his nation, and receive the highest number of votes of any candidate that runs for that office, and no person can be a member of the International Arbitration Board of Law Makers, who has property or money, if he has either Property or money he must give it away to charity or to charity institutions before he can become a member of the International Arbitration Board of Law Makers, and he must renounce all political parties and Sovereign rights to any titles in any Nation or his own native country, and once elected to the International Arbitration Board of Law Makers, he cannot hold any other office but the office of the International Board 'of Arbitra- tion Lawmaker, after elected a member of the International Board he cannot receive any gifts or money in any shape or form from any person or friend, for himself or for his family or relatives, for if he does accept any money or property from any one, except his salary from the Nation of Five thousand dollars, he shall be court- martialed and executed for receiving the same. And every member of the Board of the International Arbitration Lawmakers shall be elected for life, and shall be paid FIVE THOUSAND DOL- LARS per year salary for his services on the International Board of Lawmakers, and once elected he cannot resign, for he is elected for life. And if any member or representative dies, then that Na- tion which he represents must call another election and elect a new representative immediately, which election is also to be for life. The widow of the dead Representative should receive a pension of twenty-five hundred dollars a year. 10 (LAW NUMBER THREE) The International Board of Arbitration Lawmakers shall meet once a week, and if there is any grievance of any kind,, or dispute submitted by any Nation, it shall judge the evidence that is laid before it by the Nations that file the complaint, from both sides of the matter, whatever it may be, and if the evidence warrants more dates of evidence on it, it shall be given to the International Arbi- tration Board of Lawmakers from the countries and nations that filed the complaint then, the members of the International Board of Arbitration Lawmakers must vote on the disputed question that has arisen, to what nation shall be paid for its just rights from the nation that it had its just cause for filing its complaint, and the majority of the VOTES of the International Board of Arbitration Lawmakers shall be the terms that the disputing nation or nations shall settle for, and that vote shall be final ; there shall be no appeal. (LAW NUMBER FOUR) In deciding all disputes the International Board of Arbitration Lawmakers, shall be guided by a set of rules in the so-called by-laws that it can arrive at a quick decision, in deciding all International disputes of any nation or nations of the world, it shall be a law that if any citizen of a nation is killed by any other nation, that other nation or nation's citizens or citizen shall be made to pay five thousand dollars for every citizen killed or murdered and the money to be paid to the family of the person killed or if without family, it should be paid to the next nearest relatives, and the person or persons that are guilty of the act, shall be caught and executed, and if he can be caught dead or alive, and if any other nation or nations try to take territory or do take territory from any other nation, then, that land or sea territory shall be returned back to the nation that owned it, and the nation that attempted to take and did take the territory, that nation shall be forced to pay all cost in said case of damages that were done or caused to the property and territory that it did take, and the International army shall see that these laws are .lived up to. Commerce on the high seas and all seas of the navigation of the world shall be free to every nation of the world to sail on without interruption. If any nation attempts to and does interrupt with the high sea navigation traffic in any way, said nation which interferes shall be notified by the International Arbitration Board of Lawmakers backed up by the notice to discon- tinue interfering with the sea traffic of navigation and made to stop it immediately. The International Arbitration Lawmakers, who shall instruct the NAVY, and it shall patrol all the high seas of navi- gation, water or through the air, to see that every nation lives up to the International Laws. If any nation or nations disregard that law, it will be made to pay double the price of the value of that interference of the high seas, or navigation on water or air. The 11 International NAVY will take the Captain from any and every ship or boat, who has used conveyances that have in any way or ways disregarded the International Arbitration laws, and the Law- makers' warning, and in that way the commerce of the world will be protected, and carried on in a square and legitimate way. (LAW NUMBER FIVE) Every Nation or Nations of the world shall be compelled to live up to the laws of the International Board of Lawmakers, and any person or persons in any Nation or Nations who attempts to start or does start an insurrection to aggrandize his interest, or that of another, or for political purposes and who publishes in his, or any other newspaper or newspapers, things that are untrue against any other nation or nations, he shall be referred to the International Arbitration Board of Lawmakers for a vote on the published state- ments. It shall be a law that every published statement in any news- paper or magazine shall be signed by the real AUTHOR BY HIS OWN SIGNATURE. In that way every person will know who the real advocators of the statements are, and who are the guilty person or persons, and if the published statements are found to be without truth, the law shall abide saying that all published statements, untrue, would be to have those persons or person punished by death as an act of TREASON. (LAW NUMBER SIX) All members of the International Board of Arbitration Law- makers shall be put in a selected place, with good homes a place that is not near any large city. But they are to have a small allotted territory set aside for their homes for always, and for their families and that place is to be exclusive for their own use and families and no other person or persons shall be allowed to go there, excepting the International soldiers that are to guard them. These soldiers are to be changed every day, and are to guard the selected territory, that is, the homes and the Lawmakers capital of the International Arbitration Lawmakers, and all the soldiers shall be prohibited from conversing with anyone while on duty, guarding the International Arbitration Board of Lawmakers, while they are in session, and the International Arbitration Board or Members of the Lawmakers shall be paid their salary once every month by a check drawn on the Nation that he represents. The money shall be accounted for by an Auditor who is to see that every one of the representatives of the International Arbitration Board of Law- makers shall receive his pay. and everyone of the International Arbitration Lawmakers shall be made to give a statement of all of their family's expenses, and it shall be made a national accounting and published at the end of every month so that the world will know the cost in running the International Arbitration Lawmakers, and their capital. 12 (LAW NUMBER SEVEN) If any government official of any Nation or Nations attempts to influence or bribe any member of the International Arbitration Board of Lawmakers or has published in any newspaper or magazine, any- thing that may influence any member or members of the Interna- tional Arbitration Board of Lawmakers in their decision or decisions, he shall be considered guilty of an act of TREASON, and those who have committed said crime, shall be put to death for such ACTS. (LAW NUMBER EIGHT) It shall be an act of treason for any person or persons or cor- poration or bank to loan money to or advance or finance or to buy bonds from any nation for war, or equip in any way things that are used in \var or to furnish money to any one to start a war, or insurrection or riots in any nation or nations either foreign nations, or their own nation or country, and the person or persons who shall be guilty of such an act shall be put to death by the Interna- tional Army and Navy, the motion being seconded by the Inter- national Arbitration Board of Law Makers. (LAW NUMBER NINE) All submarine boats of every kind shall be done away with, and not be allowed to be manufactured any more, as they will not be needed. Also, all Armour plates shall be done away with, and all big guns shall be prohibited from ever being used again, as they will not, and shall not be allowed to be manufactured by anyone in the world. No one shall ever be allowed to manufacture either one .of these articles, submarines or armour plate, nor powder, either large guns or small ones, or fire arms of any kind again, for what revolvers and small rifles or powder that the International Army and Navy may need, shall be manufactured by the International Gun Manu- facturing and Ammunition Company, which shall be owned by all the Nations of the w r orld, but run by the International Army :ind Navy, and International Arbitration Board of Lawmakers. What revolvers that are to be needed by every nation and nations of the world for police in cities, and sheriffs in counties shall all be made by the International Gun Manufacturing Company that is to be controlled by the International Army and Navy, and the Interna- tional Board of Lawmakers, and all revolvers that are used and delivered to all police and sheriffs of every nation of the world shall be accounted for by the Army to the police and sheriffs of each nation, and police and sheriffs shall be accountable to the Interna- tional Army and International Arbitration Board of Lawmakers. It shall be considered a crime for any policeman or sheriff to use a revolver or gun in any way or shape or form, except in arresting a criminal, and all persons of the world shall be prohibited from ever owning a gun or to have any fire arms or explosives under penalty of 13 being put to death or put in the International Army and forced to re- main there the rest of his life. No policeman or sheriff shall be allowed to carry a gun or fire arms except while on duty during his lawful hours of work ; when this day of work is over, the revolvers or fire arms shall be returned to the city guard department, where they shall be kept and accounted for by the International soldiers and Navy regulation store houses. (LAW NUMBER TEN) The powder manufacturing companies of every kind in the world shall be closed, and shall be prohibited from ever manufacturing any kind of explosive powders or any other kind of explosives, and all powder that is to be manufactured for the International Army and Navy, also all powder that is to be used in mining or blasting of every kind, shall be manufactured by the International Gun Manu- facturing Company, to be operated by the International Army, and at the direction of the International Arbitration Board of Lawmakers. What powder there is in the world shall be turned over to the International Army, and the powder that is to be used in mining or blasting rock or stumps or any other kind of blasting or excavation, shall be made by and delivered from the International Gun Manufac- turing Company to the mines all over the world, and all mine workers or laborers of every kind or any other person shall be pro- hibited from using the powder. Only the International soldiers shall be allowed to do blasting of every kind in mining of rock, stumps or any kind of excavation in every nation or nations of the world, and all powders so used shall be accounted for by the soldiers that do the blasting and it shall be a crime for any person or persons to have any kind of explosive powder in his home or elsewhere, the property that belongs to himself or someone else. Explosives that shall be used in any manner, shape or form, will be prohibited, and it shall be considered a crime and punishable by death, to own same. (LAW NUMBER ELEVEN) The International Army and Navy shall have three million sol- diers with the provision that this number can be increased if the necessity should ever arise for a larger number of soldiers, and each nation shall furnish its portion of soldiers in equal ratios to the population of each nation, and each nation of the Avorld shall pay its portion of the expenses of its soldiers and all other necessary expenses to maintain the International Arbitration Lawmakers and law capital and pay the portion of the expenses and salary of its International Board of Arbitration Lawmakers, and the soldiers of the International Army and Navy shall be paid twenty dollars per month, also board -and clothes, and all International soldiers and marines shall serve five years from time they enlist, then they may resign if they wish, but they may enlist for another five years if 14 they so choose at an increase in pay of two dollars more a month or twenty-two dollars, and renew again the next five years if they choose. (LAW NUMBER TWELVE) There shall be a Board of Arbitration selected in every nation and each nation of the world independent of the International Arbi- tration Board of Lawmakers, and the Independent Arbitration Board shall be elected in each nation by its voters and include seven mem- bers for each nation to pass on the so-called labor disputes in each nation, but each member elected must be for the country that he is elected from, and those seven members are to arbitrate their own country or nation's own disputes on labor and strikes and adjust their difference and to have no authority outside of their own nation's affairs, and every nation of the world is to have this same number of seven arbiters elected by a popular vote, and they shall be elected for life, to serve for three thousand dollars a year, and their power shall be to arbitrate their own nation's labor disputes such as strikes in their own country of every class, to settle their labor dis- putes in wages, but there shall be a law in force in every nation of the world for each government to have an Auditor to audit every business that is on a paying basis. The government auditor shall be appointed by the government of each nation and shall be under the Civil Service, so as to keep him out of the "political graft." The Auditors shall make a report semi-annually on the business carried on, and if he makes a false report on any company's business, he is to be sent to prison, and if the company or any directors of a company influence the Auditor to make a false statement, the official that has so influenced the Auditor is to be sent to prison also. In this way, the govern- ment will get honest reports on the earnings of every company's business, and the government board of seven Arbitrators will have a clear proposition to decide the labor disputes which may arise. It should also be a law that the companies should be allowed FIVE PER CENT interest on the company's reasonable capital, and all net earnings above five per cent should be divided on a basis of thirty per cent to be paid as a bonus to the laborers employed by that company, and thirty per cent to be paid to the company and the other forty per cent to be paid to the government ; to be used in paying old people as a pension, to people that have passed the age of fifty-five years of age to those that have no support or in come, nor property. If the company or companies are not earn- ing five per cent clear on all capital invested, the laborer cannot get a bonus or extra pay, and the company cannot pay itself any extra bonus, for the arbitration board can decide the labor disputes quick on the real merit and earning value to both sides for both the employer and the employee. A law should be enacted having a 15 pension fund for all people over fifty-five years of age : those who do not have the necessary food and provisions to live on, and that they should be taken from the laboring market, and in that way let the younger people have the market. There will be better condi- tions for every person for the great improvements in invention, there has to come about such a thing as shorter laboring hours in a day, but for the same pay, in order for every person to live, correctly. For at the rate the world is moving in improvements it has to have shorter days for the same pay in order that the people may live properly. No one but a HYPOCRITE will dare to deny it. (LAW NUMBER THIRTEEN If any two nations that adjoin each other on land should ever wish to purchase any adjoining land territory from one another, to better the conditions for the people of the two nations that so adjoin each other ; if both nations' people wish to buy said land for their nation, then, if so decided upon by both nations, it is to be put to a popular vote of both nations named. If both nations cast a majority of votes in favor of the sale of a certain strip of land territory to the other nation and voted upon by a majority of its people in favor of purchasing the territory for a said fixed sum named and agreed upon before voted on, then, if both nations have voted a clear majority of votes in favor of the sale, the International Arbitration Board of Lawmakers shall vote on the sale of the two nations named, buying nation and selling nation. If the majority of the votes of each nation is of a recorded vote, and the money is paid for the land territory as agreed upon before voting the same, the fixed price agreed upon before voted on, but there must be a majority of the popular vote in favor of .the deal to make it lawful in both nations that named and voted on the said deal. (LA\Y NUMBER FOURTEEN) The International Army and Navy shall be stationed all over the world, IN EVERY NATION AND NATIONS OF THE WORLD to protect the people of ever}'- nation and every nation and to prevent any uprising anywhere, or any insurrection, riot, revolution or war that should be started or an attempt made to start, by any one, and that person or persons that did start or attempted to start a war shall be caught, killed or executed right on the spot when caught in such unlawful act. The International Board of Arbitration Lawmakers is to uphold the army and navy on duty to execute all TRAITORS who dare to disobey the Inter- national ARBITRATION world laws. (LAW NUMBER FIFTEEN) In case any Monarch Government wishes to change its form of Government to a Republic, that nation must have a majority of its 16 population sign a Referendum Petition, lay that petition before the Lawmakers of their government, and ask that their demands be granted. Next ask for a government approval, and if the govern- ment approves of their demand, they are to adopt the by-laws of whatever kind of Republic government they wish to have. When that is complied with, the people are to call a general election for the people of that named government to vote on, and the people that are born citizens of the government named, shall have their privilege of VOTING on the laws that are submitted to them for their approval. If the majority of the votes of the people are in favor of it, that shall be their form of government. In other words, the form of government that the people wish they shall have, that is. either Elective or Republic. The International Board of Arbitration of Lawmakers shall make a record of it, and approve that form of Government, but after that republic form of Govern- ment is established it can never go back to a Monarch government again. When the people of that government establish the republic form of Government, they must first provide a pension for their former Monarch government official, such as the King, Queen or Emperor and their family for life. (LAW NUMBER SIXTEEN) The laboring class is the class that always has to go to war to defend the country. If there was a SOCIAL AGREEMENT AMONG ALL LABORERS of the world, regardless of nationality or religion, REFUSING TO GO TO WAR to fight against other nations people whom they had no grudge against and never saw, that should demand an INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION BOARD OF LAWMAKERS TO BE ELECTED by the popular vote of each nation and nations of the world to be represented therein. They should settle all disputes of the world in Interna- tional affairs. If this was done, the wars would come to an end, and there would never be any such thing as war. Every nation of the world would have to disarm, and every nation of the world would have to belong to the International Army and Navy. The International Army and Navy are to be run by the Inter- national Board of Arbitration Lawmakers, and to be used only in case that any nation refuses to arbitrate its country's disputes. The leaders of that nation or nations that have refused to arbitrate its country's disputes should be forced into war, and to be put in the front ranks of the first of the battle, and to be forced to stay there all of the time. Then, they would be very willing to arbitrate their country's international disputes, to the equal justice of all concerned. Fn that way only, will HONESTY AND JUSTICE be given all of the people, and each government and every nation of the world, then will the veil of war ever be lifted from the soldiers, widows 17 and orphans, and BRING THE UPLIFT OF EVERY NATION OF THE WORLD TO JUSTICE AND THE MILLENNIUM OF PEACE. Author. OlxAx^ 3726 */2 Maple Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Copyright, 1917, by JAME MICHAEL CORDRAY, Owner. Copyright registered, 1917, at Washington, D. C. 18 OOTT MAY 31 1917 PEACE! PHOTOGRAPH OF JAMES MICHAEL CORDRAY The Author of the Peace Song, "Why Do You Ask Others to Do What You Will Not Do?" (Copyright 1917 by James Michael Cordray) PEACE SONG ENTITLED "O WHY DO YOU ASK OTHERS TO DO WHAT YOU WILL NOT DO? O why do you ask others to go to war when you will not go yourself? Rack up your words by your deeds if you would be true to what you preached, War for honor in place of peace for honor, Otherwise you are not true to your words. (Chorus) O why do you ask others to do what you will not do? Long wave the peace flag that represents liberty And peace for all nations of the world alike, in place of war. O why do you ask others to do what you will not do? If you do believe in war why do you ask others to go? Why don't you go to the front and prove to the world that your words is backed up by your deeds? (Chorus) O why do you ask others to do what you will not do? Long wave the peace flag that represent liberty and peace for all nations of the world alike, in place of war. O why do you ask others to do what you will not do? Why don't you remember that every person and soldier that is at war Has a mother, \vife and children that weep with a broken heart for them As well as you mourn for your lost ones. (Chorus) O why do you ask others to do what you will not do? Long wave the peace flag that represent liberty and peace for all nations of the world alike, in place of war. O why do you ask others to do what you will not do? Why don't you prove to the world that you are a true patriot, By working as hard in the future for liberty and peace for all the nations of the world alike as you worked for war in the past? Then you will be a true patriot to all the world. (Chorus) O why do you ask others to do what you will not do? Long wave the peace flag that represents liberty and peace for all nations of the world alike in place of war. Work for peace in place of war, then you will be a true patriot to all the world. O why do you ask others to do what you will not do? O why do you ask others to do what you will not do? Author of this peace song. His address is 3726^ Maple Avenue, Los Angeles, California, U. S. A. (Copyright 1917 by James Michael Cordray of 3726^ Maple Avenue, Los Angeles, California, U. S. A. Copyright registered in the United States Copyright Office, Washington, D. C. csrrr MAY 1 1917 The Prophecy of the War That has come true as foretold by James Michael Cordray, which he had published in the Harrington Journal, Sept, 25, 1914 TP~R~A . ,, 3726 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. August 7, 1914. Mr. Bradshaw, Managing Editor of the Harrington Journal, Harrington, Delaware. Dear Sir: I am sending a letter to you to be published in the Harrington Journal, Harrington, Delaware. September 25, 1914. The cause of war and unrest in Europe. If I was asked what caused the war and unrest in Europe and Asia my answer would be, that a Servian had murdered the Crown Prince of Austria and his wife. And Austria had demanded Servian territory for the loss of the Crown Prince, the Servians denied this request. Austria then de- clared war on Servia, then Russia stood by Servia as an ally, then Germany stood ready to back Austria in her demand against Servia. Then England stood by Belgium to protect her against invasion by Germany, also England an alliance of France declared war on Germany, then Japan declared war against Germany to uphold her agreement with England and it would not be surprising to me if Italy and Turkey is in the war before it is over. And now there are eight Powers at war, seven Monarch govern- ments and one Republic government, but there js a deeper question and motive behind this war than the surface has shown the greed of the commercial dollar, either territory or gold. And all eight of these Governments and Powers have asked and prayed to the same God to help them win in this war, each one claiming that their Government is in the right. It seems inconceivable to think that any one of these pow r ers could expect God to decide in their favor, for it could not be done for God has nothing to do with Governments going to war, for if they had listened to God's teachings there would never be any war. Therefore if these same leaders of these warring powers would be willing to arbitrate their differences, this war could soon be settled without the murdering of millions of hard working people that never had a word to say whether the war could be settled or not through arbitration, for only the higher leaders of the warring countries had the say. But it will not always be that way, as all differences should be settled by arbitration, for it can be done and will be done if the people will only demand honesty and justice to all. For the arbitration board is the only remedy, otherwise if the war is not settled quick it will not make any difference which side wins there will be revolutions to follow in these countries on account of the heavy war debt and the dissatisfaction of their governments, for perhaps there will be two or five republican forms of govern- ment where there is Monarch Government at the present time. We need not go any farther than our own Government, the United States, for the same example. The Monroe Doctrine which was signed between the United States and Europe, and the Hays and INmceforte treaty which was signed between the United States, Eng- land and Europe, should be lived up to. But we had two Presidents, Taft and Roosevelt, and other people ready to disagree on this Pan- ama Canal treaty which gave each country the same rights, yet the greed of the commercial dollar almost caused this treaty to be disregarded. But for the wise head of our Government led by President Wil- son, who stood by the treaty obligations signed by this former Presi- dent, and had the Panama exempt clause of the bill repealed, we would be in the same condition today that Europe is in. The whole of Europe and perhaps Japan and Mexico would be at war with the United States now if we had not lived up to our treaty obligations, for if a Nation does not intend to live up to its treaty obligations it should never sign them. For honesty is all the whole world can stand on, although dis- honesty may win for a while but in the end it brings destruction and ruin ; honesty sometimes seems a long road to justice but in the end it always wins, and brings peace and justice. All wars can be settled by arbitration if the leaders of the Government and the persons that cause the wars will arbitrate their differences for equal justice to all concerned. The war of 1861 between the North .and South could have been settled by arbitration if cooler heads and judgment had pre- vailed at that time, and saved hundreds of thousand of lives and billions of dollars. Yet, my father went as a volunteer from Delaware as a Union soldier and millions of others from that state and other states went to defend that flag and to preserve the union so that the flag that our forefathers fought for should still wave as the flag of justice and equal rights to all. There does not seem to be any remedy for compulsory arbitra- tion except through a social agreement among all laborers in every country of the world regardless of nationality or religion demanding it and relusing to fight. If that was done the wars would soon cease, then all nations would have to disarm and if every nation belonged to an Interna- tional Army an4 Navy, that International Army and Navy to be run by an international board of arbitration and to be used only in case of any nation that refused to arbitrate its differences, the leaders of that nation that refused to arbitrate their differences they to be put in the front ranks of the first battle to receive the benefit of the first shots, they would be very willing to arbitrate their differences then to the equal justice to all concerned. In that way only will honesty and justice be to all the public and each government, and then will war slavery be lifted from the soldier, the widow, and the orphans, the rifle will become dross, the sword turned into plowshares, the pen will be greater than the sword. Author. 3726 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, California, August 7, 1914. This letter was published in the Harrington Journal, at Harring- ton, Delaware, September 25, 1914, at the request of James M. Cordray, the author, whose address is at 3726-3726^ Maple Ave., Los Angeles, California, United States of America. Copyright, 1914, by James M. Cordray, the owner, 3726 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, California, United States of America. Bros. Y. 15329 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY