-/ / fn 'S/\s4*rTS,> \(J> v -Xrf^ . p /i - UNIFORM WITH THIS VOLUME. I. FAVORITE AUTHORS: A COMPANION-BOOK OF PROSE AND POETRY. Illustrated with numerous steel engravings. II. HOUSEHOLD FRIENDS FOR EVERY SEASON. Elustrated with numerous steel engravings. TICKNOR AND FIELDS, Publishers. FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. " Good company well approved in all." SHAKESPEARE. BOSTON: TICKNOR AND FIELDS. 1866. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by TICKNOR AND FIELDS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. UNIVERSITY PRESS : WELCH, BIGELOW, & Co., CAMBRIDGE. CONTENTS. Page JOHN G. WHITTIER : Yankee Gypsies ... 1 JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL: Dara 16 THOMAS CARLYLE : Cromwell 19 T. WESTWOOD : Little Bell 86 ROSE TERRY: The Mormon's Wife .... 89 JOHN GIBSON LOCKHART : Beyond . . . .109 JOHN MILTON: Autobiographical Passages. . . 110 WILLIAM ALLINGHAM: Wakening . . . .117 EDMUND LODGE : John Graham . . . . 118 W. EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN: The Burial-March of Dundee 128 GOETHE: Mignon as an Angel . . . . 134 MRS. GASKELL: The Cage at Cranford. . . .136 EDMUND SPENSER : Verses on Sir Philip Sidney . 150 GEORGE TICKNOR : Prescott's Infirmity of Sight . .152 DANTE : Beatrice 168 1711073 iv CONTENTS. ROBERT SOUTHEY: A Love Story . . . .170 BAYARD TAYLOR: The Mystic Summer . . . 236 MRS. JAMESON : Two of the Old Masters . . . 239 FREDERICK TENNYSON: The Poet's Heart . . 261 GIORGIO VASARI : Character of Fra Angelico . . 265 WILLIAM BLAKE : Songs 267 J. HAIN FRISWELL: Upon Growing Old . . .277 R. W. EMERSON: The Titmouse .... 284 NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE : Little Pansie . . . 288 H. "W. LONGFELLOW : Palingenesis .... 805 SIR WALTER SCOTT : My Childhood .... 808 YANKEE GYPSIES BY JOHN G. WHITTIEE. " Here 'a to budgets, packs, and wallets ; Here 's to all the wandering train." BURNS. I CONFESS it, I am keenly sensitive to " skyey influ- ences." I profess no indifference to the movements of that capricious old gentleman known as the clerk of the weather. I cannot conceal my interest in the behavior of that patriarchal bird whose wooden similitude gyrates on the church spire. Winter proper is well enough. Let the thermometer go to zero if it will ; so much the better, if thereby the very winds are frozen and unable to flap their stiff wings. Sounds of bells in the keen air, clear, musical, heart-inspiring ; quick tripping of fair moccasoned feet on glittering ice-pavements ; bright eyes glancing above the uplifted muff like a sultana's behind the folds of her yash- mack ; school-boys coasting down street like mad Green- landers ; the cold brilliance of oblique sunbeams flashing back from wide surfaces of glittering snow or blazing upon ice-jewelry of tree and roof. There is nothing in all this to complain of. A storm of summer has its redeeming sublim- ities, its slow, upheaving mountains of cloud glooming in the western horizon like new-created volcanoes, veined with fire, shattered by exploding thunders. Even the wild gales of the equinox have their varieties, sounds of wind-shaken woods, and waters, creak and clatter of sign and casement, 1 A 2 JOHN G. WHITTIER. hurricane puffs and down-rushing rain-spouts. But this dull, dark autumn day of thaw and rain, when the very clouds seem too spiritless and languid to storm outright or take themselves out of the way of fair weather ; wet beneath and above, reminding one of that rayless atmosphere of Dante's Third Circle, where the infernal Priessnitz admin- isters his hydropathic torment, " A heavy, cursed, and relentless drench, The land it soaks is putrid " ; or rather, as everything, animate and inanimate, is seething in warm mist, suggesting the idea that Nature, grown old and rheumatic, is trying the efficacy of a Thompsonian steam-box on a grand scale ; no sounds save the heavy plash of muddy feet on the pavements ; the monotonous, melan- choly drip from trees and roofs ; the distressful gurgling of water-ducts, swallowing the dirty amalgam of the gutters ; a dim, leaden-colored horizon of only a few yards in diameter, shutting down about one, beyond which nothing is visible save in faint line or dark projection ; the ghost of a church spire or the eidolon of a chimney-pot. He who can extract pleasurable emotions from the alembic of such a day has a trick of alchemy with which I am wholly unacquainted. Hark ! a rap at my door. Welcome anybody just now. One gains nothing by attempting to shut out the sprites of the weather. They come in at the keyhole ; they peer through the dripping panes ; they insinuate themselves through the crevices of the casement, or plump down chim- ney astride of the rain-drops. I rise and throw open the door. A tall, shambling, loose- jointed figure ; a pinched, shrewd face, sunbrown and wind- dried ; small, quick-winking black eyes. There he stands, the water dripping from his pulpy hat and ragged elbows. I speak to him ; but he returns no answer. With a dumb show of misery quite touching he hands me a soiled YANKEE GYPSIES. 8 piece of parchment, whereon I read what purports to be a melancholy account of shipwreck and disaster, to the par- ticular detriment, loss, and damnification of one Pietro Frugoni, who is, in consequence, sorely in want of the alms of all charitable Christian persons, and who is, in short, the bearer of this veracious document, duly certified and in- dorsed by an Italian consul in one of our Atlantic cities, of a high-sounding, but to Yankee organs unpronounceable, name. Here commences a struggle. Every man, the Mahome- tans tell us, has two attendant angels, the good one on his right shoulder, the bad on his left. " Give," says Benevo- lence, as with some difficulty I fish up a small coin from the depths of my pocket. " Not a cent," says selfish Prudence ; and I drop it from my fingers. " Think," says the good an- gel, " of the poor stranger in a strange land, just escaped from the terrors of the sea storm, in which his little prop- erty has perished, thrown half naked and helpless on our shores, ignorant of our language, and unable to find employ- ment suited to his capacity." " A vile impostor ! " replies the left-hand sentinel. " His paper, purchased from one of those ready writers in New York who manufacture beggar credentials at the low price of one dollar per copy, with earthquakes, fires, or shipwrecks, to suit customers." Amidst this confusion of tongues I take another survey of my visitant. Ha ! a light dawns upon me. That shrewd, old face, with its sharp, winking eyes, is no stran- ger to me. Pietro Frugoni, I have seen thee before. Si, signor, that face of thine has looked at me over a dirty white neckcloth, with the corners of that cunning mouth drawn downwards, and those small eyes turned up in sanctimonious gravity, while thou wast offering to a crowd of half-grown boys an extemporaneous exhortation in the capacity of a travelling preacher. Have I not seen it peering out from under a blanket, as that of a poor Penobscot Indian who had lost the use of his hands while trapping on the Madawaska? 4 JOHN G. WHITTIER. Is it not the face of the forlorn father of six small children, whom the " marcury doctors " had " pisened " and crippled ? Did it not belong to that down-east unfortunate who had been out to the " Genesee country " and got the " fevern- nager," and whose hand shook so pitifully when held out to receive my poor gift? The same, under all disguises Stephen Leathers, of Barrington him, and none other ! Let me conjure him into his own likeness : " Well, Stephen, what news from old Barrington ? " " 0, well I thought I knew ye," he answers, not the least disconcerted. " How do you do ? and how 's your folks ? All well, I hope. I took this 'ere paper you see, to help a poor furriner, who couldn't make himself understood any more than a wild goose. I thought I 'd just start him for- 'ard a little. It seemed a marcy to do it." Well and shiftily answered, thou ragged Proteus. One cannot be angry with such a fellow. I will just inquire into the present state of his Gospel mission and about the condi- tion of his tribe on the Penobscot ; and it may be not amiss to congratulate him on the success of the steam doctors in sweating the "pisen" of the regular faculty out of him. But he evidently has no wish to enter into idle conversation. Intent upon his benevolent errand, he is already clattering down stairs. Involuntarily I glance out of the window just in season to catch a single glimpse of him ere he is swal- lowed up in the mist. He has gone ; and, knave as he is, I can hardly help ex- claiming, " Luck go with him ! " He has broken in upon the sombre train of my thoughts and called up before me pleasant and grateful recollections. The old farm-house nestling in its valley ; hills stretching off to the south and green meadows to the east; the small stream which came noisily down its ravine, washing the old garden wall and softly lapping on fallen stones and mossy roots of beeches and hemlocks ; the tall sentinel poplars at the gateway ; the YANKEE GYPSIES. 5 oak forest, sweeping unbroken to the northern horizon ; the grass-grown carriage-path, with its rude and crazy bridge, the dear old landscape of my boyhood lies outstretched be- fore me like a daguerrotype from that picture within which I have borne with me in all my wanderings. I am a boy again, once more conscious of the feeling, half terror, half exultation, with which I used to announce the approach of this very vagabond and his " kindred after the flesh." The advent of wandering beggars, or, " old stragglers," as we were wont to call them, was an event of no ordinary in- terest in the generally monotonous quietude of our farm life. Many of them were well known ; they had their periodical revolutions and transits j we could calculate them like eclipses or new moons. Some were sturdy knaves, fat and saucy ; and, whenever they ascertained that the " men folks " were absent, would order provisions and cider like men who expected to pay for it, seating themselves at the hearth or table with the air of Falstaff, " Shall I not take mine ease in mine own inn ? " Others, poor, pale, patient, like Sterne's monk, came creeping up to the door, hat in hand, standing there in their gray wretchedness with a look of heartbreak and forlornness which was never without its effect on our juvenile sensibilities. At times, however, we experienced a slight revulsion of feeling when even these humblest chil- dren of sorrow somewhat petulantly rejected our proffered bread and cheese, and demanded instead a glass of cider. "Whatever the temperance society might in such cases have done, it was not in our hearts to refuse the poor creatures a draught of their favorite beverage ; and was n't it a satisfac- tion to see their sad, melancholy faces light up as we handed them the full pitcher, and, on receiving it back empty from their brown, wrinkled hands, to hear them, half breathless from their long, delicious draught, thanking us for the favor, as " dear, good children " ! Not unfrequently these wander- ing tests of our benevolence made their appearance in inter- 6 JOHN G. WHITTIER. esting groups of man, woman, and child, picturesque in their squalidness, and manifesting a maudlin affection which would have done honor to the revellers at Poosie-Nansie's, immor- tal in the cantata of Burns. I remember some who were evidently the victims of monomania haunted and hunted by some dark thought possessed by a fixed idea. One, a black-eyed, wild-haired woman, with a whole tragedy of sin, shame, and suffering written in her countenance, used often to visit us, warm herself by our winter fire, and supply her- self with a stock of cakes and cold meat ; but was never known to answer a question or to ask one. She never smiled ; the cold, stony look of her eye never changed ; a si- lent, impassive face, frozen rigid by some great wrong or sin. We used to look with awe upon the "still woman," and think of the demoniac of Scripture who had a " dumb spirit." One I think I see him now, grim, gaunt, and ghastly, working his slow way up to our door used to gather herbs by the wayside and call himself doctor. He was bearded like a he-goat and used to counterfeit lameness, yet, when he supposed himself alone, would travel on lustily as if walking for a wager. At length, as if in punishment of his deceit, he met with an accident in his rambles and became lame in earnest, hobbling ever after with difficulty on his gnarled crutches. Another used to go stooping, like Bunyan's pil- grim, under a pack made of an old bed sacking, stuffed out into most plethoric dimensions, tottering on a pair of small, meagre legs, and peering out with his wild, hairy face from under his burden like a big-bodied spider. That " man with the pack" always inspired me with awe and reverence. Huge, almost sublime, in its tense rotundity, the father of all packs, never laid aside and never opened, what might there not be within it ? "With what flesh-creeping curiosity I used to walk round about it at a safe distance, half expect- ing to see its striped covering stirred by the motions of a mysterious life, or that some evil monster would leap out of YANKEE GYPSIES. 7 it, like robbers from All Baba's jars or armed men from the Trojan horse ! There was another class of peripatetic philosophers half peddler, half mendicant who were in the habit of visiting us. One we recollect, a lame, unshaven, sinister- eyed, unwholesome fellow, with his basket of old news- papers and pamphlets, and his tattered blue umbrella, serv- ing rather as a walking-staff than as a protection from the rain. He told us on one occasion, in answer to our inquir- ing into the cause of his lameness, that when a young man he was employed on the farm of the chief magistrate of a neighboring State ; where, as his ill luck would have it, the governor's handsome daughter fell in love with him. He was caught one day in the young lady's room by her father ; whereupon the irascible old gentleman pitched him uncere- moniously out of the window, laming him for life, on the brick pavement below, like Vulcan on the rocks of Lemnos. As for the lady, he assured us " she took on dreadfully about it." " Did she die ? " we inquired anxiously. There was a cunning twinkle in the old rogue's eye as he responded, " Well, no, she did n't. She got married." Twice a year, usually in the spring and autumn, we were honored with a call from Jonathan Plummer, maker of verses, pedler and poet, physician and parson, a Yankee troubadour, first and last minstrel of the valley of the Merrimac, encircled, to my wondering young eyes, with the very nimbus of immortality. He brought with him pins, needles, tape, and cotton thread for my mother; jackknives, razors, and soap for my father ; and verses of his own com- posing, coarsely printed and illustrated with rude woodcuts, for the delectation of the younger branches of the family. No lovesick youth could drown himself, no deserted maiden bewail the moon, no rogue mount the gallows without fitting memorial in Plummer's verses. Earthquakes, fires, fevers, and shipwrecks he regarded as personal favors from Provi- 8 JOHN G. WfflTTIER. dence, furnishing the raw material of song and ballad. Welcome to us in our country seclusion as Autolycus to the clown in Winter's Tale, we listened with infinite satisfaction to his readings of his own verses, or to his ready improvisa- tion upon some domestic incident or topic suggested by his auditors. When once fairly over the difficulties at the out- set of a new subject his rhymes flowed freely, " as if he had eaten ballads and all men's ears grew to his tunes." His productions answered, as nearly as I can remember, to Shakespeare's description of a proper ballad " doleful matter merrily set down, or a very pleasant theme sung lamentably." He was scrupulously conscientious, devout, inclined to theological disquisitions, and withal mighty in Scripture. He was thoroughly independent ; flattered no- body, cared for nobody, trusted nobody. When invited to sit down at our dinner-table, he invariably took the precau- tion to place his basket of valuables between his legs for safe keeping. "Never mind thy basket, Jonathan," said my father ; " we sha' n't steal thy verses." " I 'm not sure of that," returned the suspicious guest. "It is written, ' Trust ye not in any brother.' " Thou too, O Parson B., with thy pale student's brow and rubicund nose, with thy rusty and tattered black coat overswept by white, flowing locks, with thy professional white neckcloth scrupulously preserved when even a shirt to thy back was problematical, art by no means to be overlooked in the muster-roll of vagrant gentlemen possess- ing the entree of our farm-house. Well do we remember with what grave and dignified courtesy he used to step over its threshold, saluting its inmates with the same air of gra- cious condescension and patronage with which in better days he had delighted the hearts of his parishioners. Poor old man ! He had once been the admired and almost wor- shipped minister of the largest church in the town where he afterwards found support in the winter season as a pau- YANKEE GYPSIES. 9 per. He had early fallen into intemperate habits ; and at the age of threescore and ten, when I remember him, he was only sober when he lacked the means of being other- wise. Drunk or sober, however, he never altogether forgot the proprieties of his profession ; he was always grave, decorous, and gentlemanly ; he held fast the form of sound words, and the weakness of the flesh abated nothing of the rigor of his stringent theology. He had been a favorite pupil of the learned and astute Emmons, and was to the last a sturdy defender of the peculiar dogmas of his school. The last time we saw him he was holding a meeting in our district school-house, with a vagabond pedler for deacon and travelling companion. The tie which united the ill- assorted couple was doubtless the same which endeared Tarn O'Shanter to the souter : " They had been fou for weeks thegither." He took for his text the first seven verses of the concluding chapter of Ecclesiastes, furnishing in himself its fitting illustration. The evil days had come ; the keepers of the house trembled; the windows of life were darkened. A few months later the silver cord was loosened, the golden bowl was broken, and between the poor old man and the temptations which beset him fell the thick curtains of the grave. One day we had a call from a " pawky auld carle " of a wandering Scotchman. To him I owe my first introduction to the songs of Burns. After eating his bread and cheese and drinking his mug of cider he gave us Bonnie Doon, Highland Mary, and Auld Lang Syne. He had a rich, full voice, and entered heartily into the spirit of his lyrics. I have since listened to the same melodies from the lips of Dempster (than whom the Scottish bard has had no sweeter or truer interpreter) ; but the skilful performance of the artist lacked the novel charm of the gaberlunzie's 1* 10 JOHN G. WHITTIER. siri^inf in the old farm-house kitchen. Another wanderer C o made us acquainted with the humorous old ballad of " Our gude man cam hame at e'en." He applied for supper and lodging, and the next morning was set at work splitting stones in the pasture. While thus engaged the village doctor came riding along the highway on his fine, spirited horse, and stopped to talk with my father. The fellow eyed the animal attentively, as if familiar with all his good points, and hummed over a stanza of the old poem : " Our gude man cam hame at e'en, And hame cam he ; And there he saw a saddle horse Where nae horse shou!4 be. ' How cam this horse here ? How can it be ? How cam this horse here Without the leave of me ? ' ' A horse ? ' quo she. ' Ay, a horse/ quo he. ' Ye auld fool, ye blind fool, And blinder might ye be, 'T is naething but a milking cow My mamma sent to me.' A milch cow ? ' quo he. Ay, a milch cow,' quo she. Weel, far hae I ridden, And muckle hae I seen ; But milking cows wi' saddles on Saw I never nane.' " That very night the rascal decamped, taking with him the doctor's horse, and was never after heard of. Often, in the gray of the morning, we used to see one or more " gaberlunzie men," pack on shoulder and staff in hand, emerging from the barn or other out-building where they had passed the night. I was once sent to the barn to fodder the cattle late in the evening, and, climbing into the YANKEE GYPSIES. 11 mow to pitch down hay for that purpose, I was startled by the sudden apparition of a man rising up before me, just discernible in the dim moonlight streaming through the seams of the boards. I made a rapid retreat down the lad- der ; and was only reassured by hearing the object of my terror calling after me, and recognizing his voice as that of a harmless old pilgrim whom I had known before. Our farm-house was situated in a lonely valley, half surrounded with woods, with no neighbors in sight. One dark, cloudy night, when our parents chanced to be absent, we were sit- ting with our aged grandmother in the fading light of the kitchen fire, working ourselves into a very satisfactory state of excitement and terror by recounting to each other all the dismal 'stories we could remember of ghosts, witches, haunted houses, and robbers, when we were suddenly start- led by a loud rap at the door. A stripling of fourteen, I was very naturally regarded as the head of the household ; so, with many misgivings, I advanced to the door, which I slowly opened, holding the candle tremulously above my head and peering out into the darkness. The feeble glim- mer played upon the apparition of a gigantic horseman, mounted on a steed of a size worthy of such a rider colossal, motionless, like images cut out of the solid night The strange visitant gruffly saluted me ; and, after making several ineffectual efforts to urge his horse in at the door, dismounted and followed me into the room, evidently enjoy- ing the terror which his huge presence excited. Announc- ing himself as the great "Indian doctor, he drew himself up before the fire, stretched his arms, clinched his fists, struck his broad chest, and invited our attention to what he called his " mortal frame." He demanded in succession all kinds of intoxicating liquors ; and, on being assured that we had none to give him, he grew angry, threatened to swallow my younger brother alive, and, seizing me by the hair of my head as the angel did the prophet at Babylon, led me about 12 JOHN G. WHITTIER. from room to room. After an ineffectual search, in the course of which he mistook a jug of oil for one of brandy, and, contrary to my explanations and remonstrances, insisted upon swallowing a portion of its contents, he released me, fell to crying and sobbing, and confessed that he was so drunk already that his hoi'se was ashamed of him. After bemoan- ing and pitying himself to his satisfaction he wiped his eyes, and sat down by the side of my grandmother, giving her to understand that he was very much pleased with her appear- ance ; adding, that, if agreeable to her, he should like the privilege of paying his addresses to her. While vainly endeavoring to make the excellent old lady comprehend his very flattering proposition he was interrupted by the return of my father, who, at once understanding the matter, turned him out of doors without ceremony. On one occasion, a few years ago, on my return from the field at evening, I was told that a foreigner had asked for lodgings during the night, but that, influenced by his dark, repulsive appearance, my mother had very reluctantly re- fused his request. I found her by no means satisfied with her decision. " What if a son of mine was in a strange land ? " she inquired, self-reproachfully. Greatly to her re- lief, I volunteered to go in pursuit of the wanderer, and, taking a crosspath over the fields, soon overtook him. He had just been rejected at the house of our nearest neighbor, and was standing in a state of dubious perplexity in the street. His looks quite justified my mother's suspicions. He was an olive-complexioned, black-bearded Italian, with an eye like a live coal, such a face as perchance looks out on the traveller in the passes of the Abruzzi, one of those bandit visages which Salvator has painted. With some dif- ficulty I gave him to understand my errand, when he over- whelmed me with thanks and joyfully followed me back. He took his seat with us at the supper-table ; and, when we were all gathered around the hearth that cold autumnal YANKEE GYPSIES. 13 evening, he told us, partly by words and partly by gestures, the story of his life and misfortunes, amused us with descrip- tions of the grape-gatherings and festivals of his sunny clime, edified my mother with a recipe for making bread of chest- nuts ; and in the morning, when, after breakfast, his dark, sullen face lighted up and his fierce eye moistened with grateful emotion as in his own silvery Tuscan accent he poured out his thanks, we marvelled at the fears which had so nearly closed our door against him ; and, as he departed, we all felt that he had left with us the blessing of the poor. It was not often that, as in the above instance, my moth- er's prudence got the better of her charity. The regular " old stragglers " regarded her as an unfailing friend ; and the sight of her plain cap was to them an assurance of forth- coming creature comforts. There was indeed a tribe of lazy strollers, having their place of rendezvous in the town of Barrington, New Hampshire, whose low vices had placed them beyond even the pale of her benevolence. They were not unconscious of their evil reputation ; and experience had taught them the necessity of concealing, under well-contrived disguises, their true character. They came to us in all shapes and with all appearances save the true one, with most miserable stories of mishap and sickness and all "the ills which flesh is heir to." It was particularly vexatious to discover, when too late, that our sympathies and chari- ties had been expended upon such graceless vagabonds as the " Barrington beggars." An old withered hag, known by the appellation of Hopping Pat, the wise woman of her tribe, was in the habit of visiting us, with her hopeful grandson, who had "a gift for preaching" as well as for many other things not exactly compatible with holy orders. He sometimes brought with him a tame crow, a shrewd, knavish-looking bird, who, when in the humor for it, could talk like Barnaby Rudge's raven. He used to say he could " do nothin' at exhortin' without a white handkercher on his 14 JOHN G. WHITTIER. neck and money in his pocket " a fact going far to confirm the opinions of the Bishop of Exeter and the Puseyites gen- erally, that there can be no priest without tithes and surplice. These people have for several generations lived distinct from the great mass of the community, like the gypsies of Europe, whom in many respects they closely resemble. They have the same settled aversion to labor and the same disposition to avail themselves of the fruits of the industry of others. They love a wild, out-of-door life, sing songs, tell fortunes, and have an instinctive hatred of " missionaries and cold water." It has been said I know not upon what grounds that their ancestors were indeed a veritable im- portation of English gypsyhood ; but if so, they have un- doubtedly lost a good deal of the picturesque charm of its unhoused and free condition. I very much fear that my friend Mary Russell Mitford, sweetest of England's rural painters, who has a poet's eye for the fine points in gypsy character, would scarcely allow their claims to frater- nity with her own vagrant friends, whose camp-fires wel- comed her to her new home at Swallowfield. " The proper study of mankind is man " ; and, according to my view, no phase of our common humanity is altogether unworthy of investigation. Acting upon this belief two or three summers ago, when making, in company with my sis- ter, a little excursion into the hill country of New Hamp- shire, I turned my horse's head towards Barrington for the purpose of seeing these semi-civilized strollers in their own home, and returning, once for all, their numerous visits. Taking leave of our hospitable cousins in old Lee with about as much solemnity as we may suppose Major Laing parted with his friends when he set out in search of desert- girdled Timbuctoo, we drove several miles over a rough road, passed the Devil's Den unmolested, crossed a fretful little streamlet noisily working its way into a valley, where it turned a lonely, half-ruinous mill, and climbing a steep YANKEE GYPSIES. 35 hill beyond, saw before us a wide sandy level, skirted on the west and north by low, scraggy hills, and dotted here and there with dwarf pitch pines. In the centre of this desolate region were some twenty or thirty small dwellings, grouped together as irregularly as a Hottentot kraal. Unfenced, unguarded, open to all comers and goers, stood that city of the beggars no wall or paling between the ragged cabins to remind one of the jealous distinctions of property. The great idea of its founders seemed visible in its unappropri- ated freedom. Was not the whole round world their own ? and should they haggle about boundaries and title deeds ? For them, on distant plains, ripened golden harvests; for them, in far-off workshops, busy hands were toiling ; for them, if they had but the grace to note it, the broad earth put on her garniture of beauty, and over them hung the silent mystery of heaven and its stars. That comfortable philosophy which modern transcendentalism has but dimly shadowed forth that poetic agrarianism, which gives all to each and each to all is the real life of this city of' un- work. To each of its dingy dwellers might be not unaptly applied the language of one who, I trust, will pardon me for quoting her beautiful poem in this connection : " Other hands may grasp the field or forest, Proud proprietors in pomp may shine ; Thou art wealthier all the world is thine." But look ! the clouds are breaking. " Fair weather com- eth out of the north." The wind has blown away the mists ; on the gilded spire of John Street glimmers a beam of sun- shine ; and there is the sky again, hard, blue, and cold in its eternal purity, not a whit the worse for the storm. In the beautiful present the past is no longer needed. Reverently and gratefully let its volume be laid aside ; and when again the shadows of the outward world fall upon the spirit, may I not lack a good angel to remind me of its solace, even if he comes in the shape of a Barrington beggar. D A R A. BY JAMES KUSSELL LOWELL WHEN Persia's sceptre trembled in a hand Wilted with harem-heats, and all the land Was hovered over by those vulture ills That snuff decaying empire from afar, Then, with a nature balanced as a star, Dara arose, a shepherd of the hills. He who had governed fleecy subjects well, Made his own village by the self-same spell Secure and quiet as a guarded fold ; Then, gathering strength by slow and wise degrees, Under his sway, to neighbor villages Order returned, and faith, and justice old. Now when it fortuned that a king more wise Endued the realm with brain, and hands, and eyes, He sought on every side men brave and just ; And having heard our mountain shepherd's praise, How he refilled the mould of elder days, To Dara gave a satrapy in trust. So Dara shepherded a province wide, Nor in his viceroy's sceptre took more pride Than in his crook before ; but envy finds DARA. 17 More food in cities than on mountains bare ; And the frank sun of spirits clear and rare Breeds poisonous fogs in low and marish minds. Soon it was whispered at the royal ear That, though wise Dara's province, year by year, Like a great sponge, sucked wealth and plenty up, Yet, when he squeezed it at the king's behest, Some yellow drops more rich than all the rest "Went to the filling of his private cup. For proof, they said that, wheresoe'er he went, A chest, beneath whose weight the camel bent, Went with him ; and no mortal eye had seen What was therein, save only Dara's own. But, when 't was opened, all his tent was known To glow and lighten with heaped jewels' sheen. The king set.forth for Dara's province straight, Where, as.was fit, outside the city's gate, The viceroy met him with a stately train, And there, with archers circled, close at hand, A camel with the chest was seen to stand. The king's brow reddened, for the guilt was plain. " Open me here," he cried, " this treasure chest." 'T was done, and only a worn shepherd's vest Was found within. Some blushed and hung the head ; Not Dara ; open as the sky's blue roof He stood, and " my lord, behold the proof That I was faithful to my trust," he said. " To govern men, lo, all the spell I had ! My soul in these rude vestments ever clad Still to the unstained past kept true and leal, 18 JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. Still on these plains could breathe her mountain air, And fortune's heaviest gifts serenely bear, Which bend men from their truth and make them reel. " For ruling wisely I should have small skill, Were I not lord of simple Dara still : That sceptre kept, I could not lose my way." Strange dew in royal eyes grew round and bright, And strained the throbbing lids ; before 't was night, Two added provinces blest Dara's sway. - . CROMWELL. By THOMAS CARLYLE. CKOMWELL'S BIRTHPLACE. HUNTINGDON itself lies pleasantly along the left bank of the Ouse, sloping pleasantly upwards from Ouse Bridge, which connects it with the old village of God- manchester ; the Town itself consisting mainly of one fair street, which towards the north end of it opens into a kind of irregular market-place, and then contracting again soon terminates. The two churches of All-Saints' and St. John's, as you walk up northward from the Bridge, appear success- ively on your left ; the church-yards flanked with shops or other houses. The Ouse, which is of very circular course in this quarter, winding as if reluctant to enter the Fen- country, says one topographer, has still a respectable drab-color gathered from the clays of Bedfordshire, has uot yet the Stygian black which in a few miles further it assumes for good. Huntingdon, as it were, looks over into the Fens ; Godmanchester, just across the river, already stands on black bog. The country to the East is all Fen (mostly unreclaimed in Oliver's time, and still of a very dropsical character) ; to the "West it is hard green ground, agreeably broken into little heights, duly fringed with wood, and bearing marks of comfortable long-continued cultivation. Here, on the edge of the firm green land, and looking over into the black marshes with their alder-trees and willow- trees, did Oliver Cromwell pass his young years. 20 THOMAS CARLYLE. COINCIDENCES. WHILE Oliver Cromwell was entering himself of Sidney- Sussex College, William Shakespeare was taking his fare- well of this world. Oliver's Father had, most likely, come with him ; it is but some fifteen miles from Huntingdon ; you can go and come in a day. Oliver's Father saw Oliver write in the Album at Cambridge : at Stratford, Shake- speare's Ann Hathaway was weeping over his bed. The first world-great thing that remains of English History, the Literature of Shakespeare, was ending ; the second world- great thing that remains of English History, the armed Appeal of Puritanism to the Invisible God of Heaven against many very visible Devils, on Earth and Elsewhere, was, so to speak, beginning. They have their exits and their entrances. And one People, in its time, plays many parts. Chevalier Florian, in his " Life of Cervantes," has re- marked that Shakespeare's death-day, 23d April, 1616, was likewise that of Cervantes at Madrid. " Twenty-third of April " is, sure enough, the authentic Spanish date : but Chevalier Florian has omitted to notice that the English twenty-third is of Old Style. The brave Miguel died ten days before Shakespeare ; and already lay buried, smoothed right nobly into his long rest. The Historical Student can meditate on these things. HIS CONVERSION. IN those years it must be that Dr. Simcott, Physician in Huntingdon, had to do with Oliver's hypochondriac mala- dies. He told Sir Philip Warwick, unluckily specifying no date, or none that has survived, " he had often been sent for CROMWELL. 21 at midnight:" Mr. Cromwell for many years was very " splenetic " (spleen-struck), often thought he was just about to die, and also " had fancies about the Town Cross." Brief intimation, of which the reflecting reader may make a great deal. Samuel Johnson, too, had hypochondrias; all great souls are apt to have, and to be in thick darkness generally, till the eternal ways and the celestial guiding- stars disclose themselves, and the vague Abyss of Life knit itself up into Firmaments for them. Temptations in the wilderness, Choices of Hercules, and the like, in succinct or loose form, are appointed for every man that will assert a soul in himself and be a man. Let Oliver take comfort in his dark sorrows and melancholies. The quantity of sor- row he has, does it not mean withal the quantity of sym- pathy he has, the quantity of faculty and victory he shall yet have ? Our sorrow is the inverted image of our noble- ness. The depth of our despair measures what capability and height of claim we have to hope. Black smoke as of Tophet filling all your universe, it can yet by true heart- energy become flame, and brilliancy of Heaven. Courage ! It is therefore in these years, undated by History, that we must place Oliver's clear recognition of Calvinistic Chris- tianity ; what he, with unspeakable joy, would name his Con- version, his deliverance from the jaws of Eternal Death. Certainly a grand epoch for a man : properly the one epoch; the turning-point which guides upwards, or guides downwards, him and his activity for evermore. Wilt thou join with the dragons ; wilt thou join with the Gods ? Of thee, too, the question is asked ; whether by a man in Geneva gown, by a man in " Four surplices at Allhallow- tide," with words very imperfect ; or by no man and no words, but only by the Silences, by the Eternities, by the Life everlasting and the Death everlasting. That the " Sense of difference between Right and Wrong " had filled all Time and all Space for man, and bodied itself forth into 22 THOMAS CARLYLE. a Heaven and Hell for him ; this constitutes the grand fea- ture of those Puritan, Old-Christian Ages; this is- the element which stamps them as Heroic, and has rendered their works great, manlike, fruitful to all generations. It is by far the memorablest achievement of our Species ; with- out that element in some form or other, nothing of Heroic had ever been among us. For many centuries Catholic Christianity a fit embodi- ment of that divine Sense had been current more or less, making the generations noble : and here in England, in the Century called the Seventeenth, we see the last aspect of it hitherto, not the last of all, it is to be hoped. Oliver was henceforth a Christian man ; believed in God, not on Sundays only, but on all days, in all places, and in all cases. CHARLES AND THE PARLIAMENT. SIR OLIVER CROMWELL has faded from the Parliament- ary scene into the deep Fen-country, but Oliver Cromwell, Esq. appears there as Member for Huntingdon, at West- minster "on Monday, the 17th of March," 1627-8. This was the Third Parliament of Charles ; by much the most notable of all Parliaments till Charles's Long Parliament met, which proved his last. Having sharply, with swift impetuosity and indignation, dismissed two Parliaments because they would not " supply " him without taking " grievances " along with them ; and, meanwhile and afterwards, having failed in every operation foreign and domestic, at Cadiz, at Ehe", at Eochelle ; and having failed, too, in getting supplies by unparliamentary methods, Charles " consulted with Sir Robert Cotton what was to be done ; " who answered, Summon a Parliament again. So this celebrated Parliament was summoned. It CROMWELL. 23 met, as we said, in March, 1628, and continued with one prorogation till March, 1629. The two former Parliaments had sat but a few weeks each, till they were indignantly hurled asunder again ; this one continued nearly a year. "Wentworth (Strafford) was of this Parliament ; Hampden, too, Selden, Pym, Holies, and others known to us ; all these had been of former Parliaments as well ; Oliver Cromwell, Member for Huntingdon, sat there for the first time. It is very evident, King Charles, baffled in all his enter- prises, and reduced really to a kind of crisis, wished much this Parliament should succeed ; and took what he must have thought incredible pains for that end. The poor King strives visibly throughout to control himself, to be soft and patient ; inwardly writhing and rustling with royal rage. Unfortunate King, we see him chafing, stamping, a very fiery steed, but bridled, check-bitted, by innumerable straps and considerations ; struggling much to be composed. Alas ! it would not do. This Parliament was more Puri- tanic, more intent on rigorous Law and divine Gospel, than any other had ever been. As indeed all these Parlia- ments grow strangely in Puritianism ; more and ever more earnest rises from the hearts of them all, " O Sacred Majes- ty, lead us not to Antichrist, to Illegality, to temporal and eternal Perdition ! " The Nobility and Gentry of England were then a very strange body of men. The English Squire of the Seventeenth Century clearly appears to have believed in God, not as a figure of speech, but as a very fact, very awful to the heart of the English Squire. " He wore his Bible doctrine round him," says one, "as our Squire wears his shotbelt ; went abroad with it, nothing doubting." King Charles was going on his father's course, only with frightful acceleration : he and his respectable Traditions and Notions, clothed in old sheepskin and respectable Church-tippets, were all pulling one way; England and the Eternal Laws pulling another; the rent fast widening till no man could heal it 24 THOMAS CARLYLE. This was the celebrated Parliament which framed the Peti- tion of Right, and set London all astir with " bells and-bon- fires" at the passing thereof; and did other feats not to be particularized here. Across the murkiest element in which any great Entity was ever shown to human creatures, it still rises, after much consideration, to the modern man, in a dim but undeniable manner, as a most brave and noble Parlia- ment. The like of which were worth its weight in dia- monds even now ; but has grown very unattainable now, next door to incredible now. We have to say that this Par- liament chastised sycophant Priests, Mainwaring, Sibthorp, and other Arminian sycophants, a disgrace to God's Church; that it had an eye to other still more elevated Church-sycophants, as the mainspring of all ; but was cau- tious to give offence by naming them. That it carefully " abstained from naming the Duke of Buckingham." That it decided on giving ample subsidies, but not till there were reasonable discussion of grievances. That in manner it was most gentle, soft-spoken, cautious, reverential ; and in sub- stance most resolute and valiant. Truly with valiant, pa- tient energy, in a slow, steadfast English manner, it car- ried, across infinite confused opposition and discouragement, its Petition of Right, and what else it had to carry. Four hundred brave men, brave men and true, after their sort ! One laments to find such a Parliament smothered under Dryasdust's shot-rubbish. The memory of it, could any real memory of it rise upon honorable gentlemen and us, might be admonitory, would be astonishing at least. A GENTLEMAN FAKMER. IN or soon after 1631, as we laboriously infer from the imbroglio records of poor Noble, Oliver decided on an CROMWELL. 25 enlarged sphere of action as a Farmer; sold his properties in Huntingdon, all or some of them ; rented certain grazing- lands at St. Ives, five miles down the River, eastward of his native place, and removed thither. The Deed of Sale is dated 7th May, 1631 ; the properties are specified as in the possession of himself or his Mother ; the sum they yielded was 1800. With this sum Oliver stocked his Grazing- Farm at St. Ives. The Mother, we infer, continued to reside at Huntingdon, but withdrawn now from active occu- pation, in the retirement befitting a widow up in years. There is even some gleam of evidence to that effect : her properties are sold ; but Oliver's children born to him at St. Ives are still christened at Huntingdon, in the Church he was used to ; which may mean also that their good Grand- mother was still there. Properly this was no change in Oliver's old activities ; it was an enlargement of the sphere of them. His Mother still at Huntingdon, within few miles of him, he could still superintend and protect her existence there, while managing his new operations at St. Ives. He continued here till the summer or spring of 1636. A studious imagination may sufficiently construct the figure of his equable life in those years. Diligent grass-farming ; mowing, milking, cattle- marketing : add " hypocondria," fits of the blackness of darkness, with glances of the brightness of very Heaven ; prayer, religious reading and meditation ; household epochs, joys, and cares : we have a solid, substantial, inoffensive Farmer of St. Ives, hoping to walk with integrity and hum- ble devout diligence through this world ; and, by his Mak- er's infinite mercy, to escape destruction, and find eternal salvation in wider Divine Worlds. This latter, this is the grand clause in his Life, which dwarfs all other clauses. Much wider destinies than he anticipated were appointed him on Earth ; but that, in comparison to the alternative of Heaven or Hell to all Eternity, was a mighty small matter. 2 26 THOMAS CARLYLE. VESTIGES. OLIVER, as we observed, has left hardly any memorial of himself at St. Ives. The ground he farmed is still partly capable of being specified, certain records or leases being still in existence. It lies at the lower or South-east end of the Town ; a stagnant flat tract of land, extending between the houses or rather kitchen-gardens of St. Ives in that quarter, and the banks of the River, which, very tortuous always, has made a new bend here. If well drained, this land looks as if it would produce abundant grass, but natur- ally it must be little other than a bog. Tall bushy ranges of willow-trees and the like, at present, divide it into fields ; the River, not visible till you are close on it, bounding them all to the South. At the top of the fields next to the Town is an ancient massive Barn, still used as such ; the people call it " Cromwell's Barn ; " and nobody can prove that it was not his ! It was evidently some ancient man's or series of ancient men's. Quitting St. Ives Fen-ward or Eastward, the last house of all, which stands on your right hand among gardens, seemingly the best house in the place, and called Slepe Hall, is confidently pointed out as " Oliver's House." It is indisputably Slepe-Hall House, and Oliver's Farm was rented from the estate of Slepe Hall. It is at present used for a Boarding-school : the worthy inhabitants believe it to be Oliver's ; and even point out his " Chapel " or secret Pu- ritan Sermon-room in the lower story of the house : no Ser- mon-room, as you may well discern, but to appearance some sort of scullery or wash-house or bake-house. " It was here he used to preacli," say they. Courtesy forbids you to answer, " Never ! " But in fact there is no likelihood that this was Oliver's House at all: in its present state it does not seem to be a century old ; and originally, as is like, it CROMWELL. 27 must have served as residence to the Proprietors of Slepe- Hall estate, not to the Farmer of a part thereof. Tradition makes a sad blur of Oliver's memory in his native country ! We know, and shall know, only this, for certain here, that Oliver farmed part or whole of these Slepe-Hall Lands, over which the human feet can still walk with assurance ; past which the River Ouse still slumberously rolls towards Earith Bulwark and the Fen-country. Here of a certainty Oliver did walk and look about him habitually during those five years from 1631 to 1G36; a man studious of many temporal and many eternal things. His cattle grazed here, his ploughs tilled here, the heavenly skies and infernal abysses overarched and underarched him here How he lived at St. Ives : how he saluted men on the streets ; read Bibles ; sold cattle ; and walked, with heavy footfall and many thoughts, through the Market Green or old narrow lanes in St. Ives, by the shore of the black Ouse River, shall be left to the reader's imagination. There is in this man talent for farming ; there are thoughts enough, thoughts bounded by the Ouse River, thoughts that go beyond Eternity, and a great black sea of things that he has never yet been able to think. SHIPMONEY. Ox the very day while Oliver Cromwell was writing this Letter at St. Ives, two obscure individuals, " Peter Aldridge and Thomas Lane, Assessors of Shipmoney," over in Buck- inghamshire, had assembled a Parish Meeting in the Church of Great Kimble, to assess, and rate the Shipmoney of the said Parish : there, in the cold weather, at the foot of the Chiltern Hills, "11 January, 1635," the Parish did attend, " John Hampden, Esquire," at the head of them, and by a 28 THOMAS CARLYLE. Return still extant, refused to pay the same or any portion thereof, witness the above " Assessors," witness also two " Parish Constables " whom we remit from such unexpected celebrity. John Hampden's share for this Parish is thirty- one shillings and sixpence : for another Parish it is twenty shillings ; on which latter sum, not on the former, John Hampden was tried. THE SHIPMONEY TRIAL. IN the end of that same year [1637] there had risen all over England huge rumors concerning the Shipmoney Trial at London. On the 6th of November, 1637, this important Process of Mr. Hampden's began. Learned Mr. St. John, a dark tough man, of the toughness of leather, spake with irrefragable law-eloquence, law-logic, for three days run- ning, on Mr. Hampden's side ; and learned Mr. Holborn for three other days ; preserved yet by Rushworth in acres of typography, unreadable now to all mortals. For other learned gentlemen, tough as leather, spoke on the opposite side ; and learned judges animadverted, at endless length, amid the expectancy of men. With brief pauses, the Trial lasted for three weeks and three days. Mr. Hampden became the most famous man in England, by accident partly. The sentence was not delivered till April, 1638 ; and then it went against Mr. Hampden: judgment in Exchequer ran to this effect, " Comideratum est per eos- dem Barones quod prcedictus Johannes Hampden de iisdem viginti solidis oneretur" He must pay the Twenty shil- lings, "et inde satisfaciat" No hope in Law-Courts, then ; Petition of Right and Tallagio non concedendo have become an old song. CROMWELL. 29 BATTLE OF NASEBY. THE old Hamlet of Naseby stands yet, on its old hill-top, very much as it did in Saxon days, on the Northwestern border of Northamptonshire, some seven or eight miles from Market-Harborough in Leicestershire, nearly on a line, and nearly midway, between that Town and Daventry. A peaceable old Hamlet, of some eight hundred souls ; clay cottages for laborers, but neatly thatched and swept ; smith's shop, saddler's shop, beer shop, all in order ; form- ing a kind of square, which leads off Southwards into two long streets : the old Church, with its graves, stands in the centre, the truncated spire finishing itself with a strange old Ball, held up by rods ; a " hollow copper Ball, which came from Boulogne in Henry the Eighth's time," which has, like Hudibras's breeches, "been at the Siege of Bullen." The ground is upland, moorland, though now growing corn ; was not enclosed till the last generation, and is still some- what bare of wood. It stands nearly in the heart of Eng- land : gentle Dulness, taking a turn at etymology, some- times derives it from Navel ; " Navesby, quasi Navelsby, from being," &c. : Avon "Well, the distinct source of Shakespeare's Avon, is on the Western slope of the high grounds ; Nen and Welland, streams leading towards Crom- well's Fen-country, begin to gather themselves from boggy places on the Eastern side. The grounds, as we say, lie high ; and are still, in their new subdivisions, known by the name of Hills," " Rutput Hill," " Mill Hill," " Dust Hill," and the like, precisely as in Rushworth's time : but they are not properly hills at all; they are broad blunt clayey masses, swelling towards and from each other, like indolent waves of a sea, sometimes of miles in extent. It was on this high moor-ground, in the centre of Eng- land, that King Charles, on the 14th of June, 1645, fought 30 THOMAS CARLYLE. his last Battle ; dashed fiercely against the New-Model Army, which he had despised till then ; and saw himself shivered utterly to ruin thereby. " Prince Rupert, on the King's right wing, charged up the hill, and carried all be- fore him ; " but Lieutenant-General Cromwell charged down hill on the other wing, likewise carrying all before him, and did not gallop off the field to plunder. He, Cromwell, ordered thither by the Parliament, had arrived from the Association two days before, " amid shouts from the whole Army : " he had the ordering of the Horse this morning. Prince Rupert, on returning from his plunder, finds the King's Infantry a ruin ; prepares to charge again with the rallied Cavalry ; but the Cavalry, too, when it came to the point, " broke all asunder," never to reassemble more. The chase went through Harborough, where the King had al- ready been that morning, when in an evil hour he turned back, to revenge some "surprise of an outpost at Naseby the night before," and give the Roundheads battle. Ample details of this Battle, and of the movements prior and posterior to it, are to be found in Sprigge, or copied with some abridgment into Rushworth ; who has also copied a strange old Plan of the Battle ; half-plan, half-picture, which the Sale-Catalogues are very chary of, in the case of Sprigge. By assiduous attention, aided by this Plan, as the old names yet stick to their localities, the narrative can still be, and has lately been, pretty accurately verified, and the Figure of the old Battle dimly brought back again. The reader shall imagine it, for the present. On the crown of Naseby Height stands a modern Battle-monument ; but, by an unlucky oversight, it is above a mile to the east of where the Battle really was. There are, likewise, two modern Books about Naseby and its Battle, both of them without value. The Parliamentary ' Army stood ranged on the height still partly called " Mill Hill," as, in Rushworth's time, a CROMWELL. 31 mile and half from Naseby ; the King's Army, on a parallel " Hill," its back to Harborough, with the wide table of up- land now named Broad Moor between them, where indeed the main brunt of the action still clearly enough shows it- self to have been. There are hollow spots, of a rank vegeta- tion, scattered over that Broad Moor, which are understood to have once been burial mounds, some of which, one to my knowledge, have been, with more or less of sacrilege, veri- fied as such. A friend of mine has in his cabinet two an- cient grinder-teeth, dug lately from that ground, and waits for an opportunity to rebury them there. Sound, effectual grinders, one of them very large ; which ate their breakfast on the fourteenth morning of June, two hundred years ago, and, except to be clinched once in grim battle, had never work to do more in this world ! " A stack of dead bodies, perhaps about a hundred, had been buried in this Trench, piled, as in a wall, a man's length thick ; the skeletons lay in courses, the heads of one course to the heels of the next ; one figure, by the strange position of the bones, gave us the hideous notion of its having been thrown in before death. We did not proceed far ; perhaps some half-dozen skele- tons. The bones were treated with all piety, watched rig- orously over Sunday, till they could be covered in again." Sweet friends, for Jesus' sake forbear ! At this Battle, Mr. John Rushworth, our Historical Rush- worth, had, unexpectedly, for some instants, sight of a very famous person. Mr. John is Secretary to Fairfax, and they have placed him to-day among the Baggage-wagons, near Naseby Hamlet, above a mile from the fighting, where he waits in an anxious manner. It is known how Prince Ru- pert broke our left wing while Cromwell was breaking their left. " A gentleman of public employment, in the late ser- vice near Naseby," writes next day, "Harborough, 15th Jane, 2 in the morning," a rough graphic Letter in the Newspapers, wherein is this sentence : 32 THOMAS CARLYLE. # # # A party of theirs that broke through the left wing of horse, came quite behind the rear to our Train, the Leader of them being a person somewhat in habit like the General, in a red montero, as the General had. He came as a friend ; our commander of the guard of the Train went with his hat in his hand, and asked him, How the day went ? thinking it had been the General : the Cavalier, who we since heard was Rupert, asked him and the rest, If they would have quarter ? They cried No ; gave fire, and in- stantly beat them off. It was a happy deliverance," without doubt. There were taken here a good few " ladies of quality in carriages," and above a hundred Irish ladies not of quali- ty, tattery camp-followers, " with long skean-knives about a foot in length," which they well knew how to use, upon whom, I fear, the Ordinance against Papists pressed hard this day. The King's Carriage was also taken, with a Cab- inet and many Royal Autographs in it, which, when printed, made a sad impression against his Majesty, gave, in fact, a most melancholy view of the veracity of his Majesty. " On the word of a King," all was lost ! BRIDGET CROMWELL'S WEDDING AND now, dated on the Monday before, at Holton, a country Parish in those parts, there is this still legible in the old Church Register, intimately interesting to some friends of ours ! HENRY IRETON, Commissary- Gen- eral to Sir Thomas Fairfax, and BRIDGET, Daughter to Oliver Cromwell, Lieutenant-General of the Horse, to the said Sir Thomas Fairfax, were married, by Mr. Dell, in the Lady Whorwood her house in Holton, June 15th, 1646. ALBAN EALES, Rector." CROMWELL. 33 Ireton, we are to remark, was one of Fairfax's Com- missioners on the Treaty for surrendering Oxford, and busy under the walls there at present. Holton is some five miles east of the City ; Holton House, we guess, by various indications, to have been Fairfax's own quarter. Dell, al- ready and afterwards well known, was the General's Chap- lain at this date. Of " the Lady Whorwood " I have traces, rather in the Royalist direction ; her strong moated House, very useful to Fairfax in those weeks, still stands conspicu- ous in that region, though now under new figure and owner- ship ; drawbridge become fixed, deep ditch now dry, moated island changed into a flower-garden; "rebuilt in 1807." Fairfax's lines, we observe, extended "from Headington Hill to Marston," several miles in advance of Holton House, then " from Marston," across the Cherwell, and over from that to the Isis on the North side of the City " ; southward, and elsewhere, the besieged, " by a dam at St. Clement's Bridge, had laid the country all under water " : in such scenes, with the treaty just ending, and general peace like to follow, did Ireton welcome his bride, a brave young damsel of twenty-one, escorted, doubtless, by her Father, among others, to the Lord General's house, and there, by Rev. Mr. Dell, solemnly handed over to new destinies ! DEATH WARRANT. THE Trial of Charles Stuart falls not to be described in this place : the deep meanings that lie in it cannot be so much as glanced at here. Oliver Cromwell attends in the High Court of Justice at every session except one ; Fairfax sits only in the first. Ludlow, Whalley, Walton, names known to us, are also constant attendants in that High Court, during that long -memorable Month of January, 1 649. 2* c 34 THOMAS CAELYLJL The King is thrice brought to the Bar ; refuses to plead, comports himself with royal dignity, with royal haughti- ness, strong in his divine right ; " smiles " contemptuously, " looks with an austere countenance ; " does not seem, till the very last, to have fairly believed that they would dare to sentence him. But they were men sufficiently provided with daring ; men, we are bound to see, who sat there as in the Presence of the Maker of all men, as executing the judg- ments of Heaven above, and had not the fear of any man or thing on the Earth below. Bradshaw said to the King, " Sir, you are not permitted to issue out in these discours- ings. This Court is satisfied of its authority. No Court will bear to hear its authority questioned in that manner." " Clerk, read the Sentence ! " And so, under date, Monday 29th January, 1648-9, there is this stern Document to be introduced ; not specifically of Oliver's composition ; but expressing in every letter of it the conviction of Oliver's heart, in this, one of his most im- portant appearances on the stage of earthly life. To Colonel Francis Hacker, Colonel HuncTcs, and Lieuten- ant- Colonel Phayr, and to every one of them. At the High Court of Justice for the Trying and Judging of Charles Stuart, King of England, 29th January, 1648. WHEREAS Charles Stuart, King of England, is and standeth convicted, attainted and condemned of High Trea- son and other high Crimes ; and Sentence upon Saturday last was pronounced against him by this Court, To be put to death by the severing of his head from his body; of which Sentence execution yet remaineth to be done : These are therefore to will and require you to see the said Sentence executed, in the open street before Whitehall, upon the morrow, being the Thirtieth day of this instant month of January, between the hours of Ten in the morn- . CROMWELL. 35 ing and Five in the afternoon, with full effect. And for so doing, this shall be your warrant. And these are to require all Officers and Soldiers, and others the good People of this Nation of England, to be assisting unto you in this service. Given under our hands and seals. JOHN BRADSHAW, THOMAS GREY, " Lord Groby," OLIVER CROMWELL. ("And Fifty-six others.") " Tetrte befluee, ac molossis suis ferociores. Hideous mon- sters, more ferocious than their own mastiffs ! " shrieks Sau- maise ; shrieks all the world, in unmelodious soul-confusing diapason of distraction, happily at length grown very faint in our day. The truth is, no modern reader can con- ceive the then atrocity, ferocity, unspeakability of this fact. First, after long reading in the old dead Pamphlets does one see the magnitude of it. To be equalled, nay to be pre- ferred think some, in point of horror, to " the Crucifixion of Christ." Alas, in these irreverent times of ours, if all the Kings of Europe were cut in pieces at one swoop, and flung in heaps in St. Margaret's Churchyard on the same day, the emotion would, in strict arithmetical truth, be small in com- parison ! We know it not, this atrocity of the English Regicides ; shall never know it. I reckon it perhaps the most daring action any Body of Men to be met with in His- tory ever, with clear consciousness, deliberately set them- selves to do. Dread Phantoms, glaring supernal on you, when once they are quelled and their light snuffed out, none knows the terror of the Phantom ! The Phantom is a poor paper-lantern with a candle-end in it, which any whip- ster dare now beard. A certain Queen in some South-Sea Island, I have read in Missionary Books, had been converted to Christianity 36 THOMAS CARLYLE. did not any longer believe in the old gods. She assembled her people ; said to them, " My faithful People, the gods do not dwell in that burning mountain in the centre of our Isle. That is not God ; no, that is a common burning-moun- tain, mere culinary fire burning under peculiar circum- stances. See, I will walk before you to that burning- mountain ; will empty my wash-bowl into it, cast my slipper over it, defy it to the uttermost; and stand the conse- quences ! " She walked accordingly, this South-Sea Hero- ine, nerved to the sticking-place ; her people following in pale horror and expectancy: she did her experiment; and, I am told, they have truer notions of the gods in that Island ever since ! Experiment which it is now very easy to repeat, and very needless. Honor to the Brave who de- liver us from Phantom-dynasties, in South-Sea Islands and in North ! This action of the English Regicides did in effect strike a damp like death through the heart of Flunkeyism univer- sally in this world. "Whereof Flunkeyism, Cant, Cloth-wor- ship, or whatever ugly name it have, has gone about incura- bly sick ever since ; and is now at length, in these genera- tions, very rapidly dying. The like of which action will not be needed for a thousand years again. Needed, alas not till a new genuine Hero-worship has arisen, has perfected itself; and had time to generate into a Flunkeyism and Cloth-worship again ! Which I take to be a very long date indeed. MR. MILTON ON which same evening, [March 13, 1468,] furthermore, one discerns in a faint but an authentic manner, certain dim gentlemen of the highest authority, young Sir Harry Vane to appearance one of them, repairing to the lodging of one CROMWELL. 37 Mr. Milton, " a small house in Holborn, which opens back- wards into Lincoln's Inn Fields ; to put an official question to him there." Not a doubt of it they saw Mr. John this evening. In the official Book this yet stands legible : Die Martis, 13 Martii, 1648." " That it is referred to the same Committee," Whitlocke, Vane, Lord Lisle, Earl of Denbigh, Harry Marten, Mr. Lisle, " or any two of them, to speak with Mr. Milton, to know, Whether he will be em- ployed as Secretary for the Foreign Languages ? and to re- port to the Council." I have authority to say that Mr. Milton, thus unexpectedly applied to, consents ; is formally appointed on Thursday next ; makes his proof-shot, " to the Senate of Hamburgh," about a week hence ; and gives, and continues to give, great satisfaction to that Council, to me, and to the whole Nation now, and to all Nations ! Such romance lies in the State-Paper Office. THE LEVELLERS ENGLISH SANSCULOTTISM. WHILE Miss Dorothy Mayor is choosing her wedding- dresses, and Richard Cromwell is looking forward to a life of Arcadian felicity now near at hand, there has turned up for Richard's Father and other parties interested, on the public side of things, a matter of very different complexion, requiring to be instantly dealt with in the interim. The matter of the class called Levellers ; concerning which we must now say a few words. In 1 647 there were Army Adjutators ; and among some of them wild notions afloat, as to the swift attainability of Perfect Freedom, civil and religious, and a practical Mil- lennium on this Earth ; notions which required, in the Ren- dezvous at Corkbushfield, " Rendezvous of Ware," as they oftenest call it, to be very resolutely trodden out. Eleven 38 THOMAS CAELYLE. chief mutineers were ordered from the ranks in that Ren- dezvous ; were condemned by swift Court-Martial to die ; and Trooper Arnald, one of them, was accordingly shot there and then; which extinguished the mutiny for that time. War since, and Justice on Delinquents, England made a Free Commonwealth, and such like, have kept the Army busy; but a deep republican leaven, working all along among these men, breaks now again into very for- midable development. As the following brief glimpses and excerpts may satisfy an attentive reader who will spread them out, to the due expansion, in his mind. Take first this glimpse into the civil province; and discern with amazement, a whole submarine world of Calvinistic Sanscu- lottism, Five-point Charter, and the Rights of Man, threat- ening to emerge almost two centuries before its time. "The Council of State," says Whitlocke, just while Mr. Barton is boggling about the Hursley Marriage-settle- ments, " has intelligence of certain Levellers appearing at St. Margaret's Hill, near Cobham in Surrey, and at St. George's Hill," in the same quarter: "that they were digging the ground, and sowing it with roots and beans. One Everard, once of the Army, who terms himself a Prophet, is the chief of them : " one Winstanley is another chief. They were Thirty men, and said that they should be shortly Four- thousand. They invited all to come in and help them ; and promised them meat, drink, and clothes. They threatened to pull down Park-pales, and to lay all open ; and threaten the neighbors that they will shortly make them all come up to the hills and work." These infatuated persons, begin- ning a new era in this headlong manner on the chalk hills of Surrey, are laid hold of by certain Justices, " by the coun- try people," and also by " two troops of horse ; " and com- plain loudly of such treatment ; appealing to all men whether it be fair. This is the account they give of them- selves when brought before the General some days after- wards: CROMWELL. 39 " April 20th, 1649. Everard and Winstanley, the chief of those that digged at St. George's Hill in Surrey, came to the General and made a large declaration, to justify their proceedings. Everard said, He was of the race of the Jews," as most men called Saxon, and other, prop erly are ; " That all the Liberties of the People were lost by the com- ing in of William the Conquerer ; and that, ever since, the People of God had lived under tyranny and oppression worse than that of our Forefathers under the Egyptians. But now the time of deliverance was at hand ; and God would bring His People out of this slavery, and restore them to their freedom in enjoying the fruits and benefits of the Earth. And that there had lately appeared to him, Everard, a vision ; which bade him, Arise and dig and plough the Earth, and receive the fruits thereof. That their intent is to restore the Creation to its former condi- tion. That as God had promised to make the barren land fruitful, so now what they did, was to restore the ancient Community of enjoying the Fruits of the Earth, and to dis- tribute the benefit thereof to the poor and needy, and to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. That they intend not to meddle with any man's property, nor to break down any pales or enclosures," in spite of reports to the contrary ; " but only to meddle with what is common and untilled, and to make it fruitful for the use of man. That the time will suddenly be, when all men shall willingly come in and give up their lauds and estates, and submit to this Community of Goods." These are the principles of Everard, Winstanley, and the poor Brotherhood, seemingly Saxon, but properly of the race of the Jews, who were found dibbling beans on St. George's Hill, under the clear April skies in 1649, and hastily bringing in a new era in that manner. " And for all such as will come in and work with them, they shall have meat, drink, and clothes, which is all that is necessary 40 THOMAS CAELYLE. to the life of man : and as for money, there is not any need of it ; nor of clothes more than to cover nakedness." For the rest, "That they will not defend themselves by arms, but will submit unto authority, and wait till the promised opportunity be offered, which they conceive to be at hand. And that as their forefathers lived in tents, so it would be suitable to their condition, now to live in the same. " While they were before the General, they stood with their hats on ; and being demanded the reason thereof, they said, Because he was but their fellow-creature. Being asked the meaning of that phrase, Give honor to whom hon- or is due, they said, Your mouths shall be stopped that ask such a question." Dull Bulstrode hath " set down this the more largely be- cause it was the beginning of the appearance " of an exten- sive levelling doctrine, much to be "avoided" by judicious persons, seeing it is "a weak persuasion." The germ of Quakerism, and much else, is curiously visible here. But let us look now at the military phasis of the matter ; where "a weak persuasion," mounted on cavalry horses, with sabres and fire-arms in its hand, may become a very peril- ous one. Friday, 20th April, 1649. The Lieutenant-General has consented to go to Ireland ; the City also will lend money ; and now this Friday the Council of the Army meets at Whitehall to decide what regiments shall go on that ser- vice. "After a solemn seeking of God by prayer," they agree that it shall be by lot : tickets are put into a hat, a child draws them : the regiments, fourteen of foot and four- teen of horse, are decided on in this manner. " The offi- cers on whom the lot fell, in all the twenty-eight regiments, expressed much cheerfulness at the decision." The officers did : but the common men are by no means all of that humor. The common men, blown upon by Lilburn, and his five small Beagles, have notions about Engand's new CROMWELL. 41 Chains, about the Hunting of Foxes from Triploe Heath, and in fact ideas concerning the capability that lies in man, and in a free Commonwealth, which are of the most alarm- ing description. Thursday, 26th April. This night at the BuU in Bish- opsgate there has an alarming mutiny broken out in a troop of Whalley's regiment there. Whalley's men are not allotted for Ireland : but they refuse to quit London, as they are ordered ; they want this and that first ; they seize their colors from the Cornet, who is lodged at the Bull there : the General and the Lieutenant- General have to hasten thither ; quell them, pack them forth on their march ; seiz- ing fifteen of them first, to be tried by Court-Martial. Tried by instant Court-Martial, five of them are found guilty, doomed to die, but pardoned ; and one of them, Trooper Lockyer, is doomed and not pardoned. Trooper Lockyer is shot, in Paul's Churchyard, on the morrow. A very brave young man, they say ; though but three-and- twenty, " he has served seven years in these Wars," ever since the Wars began. " Religious," too, " of excellent parts and much beloved;" but with hot notions as to human Freedom, and the rate at which the millenniums are attainable, poor Lockyer! He falls shot in Paul's Churchyard on Friday, amid the tears of men and women. Paul's Cathedral, we remark, is now a Horseguard ; horses stamp in the Canons' stalls there : and Paul's Cross itself, as smacking of Popery, where in fact Alablaster once preached flat Popery, is swept altogether away, and its leaden roof melted into bullets, or mixed with tin for culinary pewter. Lockyer's corpse is watched and wept over, not without prayer, in the eastern regions of the City, till a new week come ; and on Monday, this is what we see advancing westward by way of funeral to him. " About one hundred went before the Corpse, five or six in a file ; the Corpse was then brought, with six trumpets 42 THOMAS CARLYLE. sounding a soldier's knell ; then the Trooper's Horse came, clothed all over in mourning, and led by a footman. The Corpse was adorned with bundles of Rosemary, one half stained in blood ; and the Sword of the deceased along with them. Some thousands followed in rank and file : all had sea-green-and-black ribbons tied on their hats, and to their breasts : and the women brought up the rear. At the new Churchyard in "Westminster, some thousands more of the better sort met them, who thought not fit to march through the City. Many looked upon this funeral as an affront to the Parliament and Army ; others called these people ' Lev- ellers ; ' but they took no notice of any one's sayings." That was the end of Trooper Lockyer : six trumpets wail- ing stern music through London streets ; Rosemaries and Sword half-dipped in blood ; funeral of many thousands in seagreen Ribbons and black : testimony of a weak per- suasion, now looking somewhat perilous. Lieutenant-Colo- nel Lilburn, and his five small Beagles, now in a kind of loose arrest under the Lieutenant of the Tower, make haste to profit by the general emotion ; publish on the 1st of May their " Agreement of the People," their Bentham-Sieyes Constitution : Annual very exquisite Parliament, and other Lilburn apparatus ; whereby the Perfection of Human Na- ture will with a maximum of rapidity be secured, and a millennium straightway arrive, sings the Lilburn Oracle. May 9th. Richard Cromwell is safe wedded ; Richard's Father is reviewing troops in Hyde Park, " seagreen colors in some of their hats." The Lieutenant- General speaks ear- nestly to them. Has not the Parliament been diligent, do- ing its best ? It has punished Delinquents ; it has voted, in these very days, resolutions for dissolving itself and assem- bling future Parliaments. It has protected trade ; got a good Navy afloat. You soldiers, there is exact payment provided for you. Martial Law ? Death, or other punish- ment of mutineers ? Well ! Whoever cannot stand Mar- CROMWELL. 43 tial Law is not fit to be a soldier : his best plan will be to lay down his arms ; he shall have his ticket, and get his ar- rears as we others do, we that still mean to fight against the enemies of England and this Cause. One trooper showed signs of insolence ; the Lieutenant-General sup- pressed him by rigor and by clemency : the seagreen rib- bons were torn from such hats as had them. The humor of the men is not the most perfect. This Review was on Wednesday : Lilburn and his five small Beagles are, on Saturday, committed close Prisoners to the Tower, each rigorously to a cell of his own. It is high time. For now the flame has caught the ranks of the Army itself, in Oxfordshire, in Gloucester- shire, at Salisbury, where head-quarters are ; and rapidly there is, on all hands, a dangerous conflagration blazing out. In Oxfordshire, one Captain Thompson, not known to us before, has burst from his quarters at Banbury, with a Party of Two-Hundred, in these same days ; has sent forth his England's Standard Advanced ; insisting passionately on the New Chains we are fettered with ; indignantly demand- ing swift perfection of Human Freedom, justice on the murderers of Lockyer and Arnald ; threatening that if a hair of Lilburn and the five small Beagles be hurt, he will avenge it " seventy-and-seven fold." This Thompson's Par- ty, swiftly attacked by his Colonel, is broken within the week ; he himself escapes with a few, and still roves up and down. To join whom, or to communicate with Gloucester- shire where help lies, there has, in the interim, open mu- tiny, " above a Thousand strong," with subalterns, with a Cornet Thompson brother of the Captain, but without any leader of mark, broken out at Salisbury : the General and Lieutenant-General, with what force can be raised, are hastening thitherward in all speed. Now were the time for Lieutenant-Colonel Lilburn ; now or never might noisy John do some considerable injury to the Cause he has at 44 THOMAS CARLYLE. heart : but he sits, in these critical hours, fast within stone walls ! Monday, \kth May. All Sunday the General and Lieu- tenant-General marched in full speed, by Alton, by Ando- ver, towards Salisbury ; the mutineers, hearing of them, start northward for Buckinghamshire, then for Berkshire ; the General and Lieutenant-General turning also north- ward after them in hot chase. The mutineers arrive at Wantage ; make for Oxfordshire by Newbridge ; find the Bridge already seized ; cross higher up by swimming ; get to Burford, very weary, and "turn out their horses to grass ; Fairfax and Cromwell still following in hot speed, a march of near fifty miles that Monday. What boots it, there is no leader, noisy John is sitting fast within stone walls ! The mutineers lie asleep in Burford, their horses out at grass ; the Lieutenant-General, having rested at a safe distance since dark, bursts into Burford as the clocks are striking midnight. He has beset some hundreds of the mutineers, "who could only fire some shots out of win- dows ; " has dissipated the mutiny, trodden down the Lev- elling Principle out of English affairs once more. Here is the last scene of the business ; the rigorous Court-Martial having now sat ; the decimated doomed Mutineers being placed on the leads of the Church to see. Thursday, 11 th May. This day in Burford Church- yard, Cornet Thompson, brother to Thompson the chief leader, was brought to the place of execution; and ex- pressed himself to this purpose, That it was just what did befall him ; that God did not own the ways he went ; that he had offended the General : he desired the prayers of the people ; and told the soldiers who were appointed to shoot him, that when he held out his hands, they should do their duty. And accordingly he was immediately, after the sign given, shot to death. Next after him was a corporal, brought to the same place of execution; where, looking CROMWELL. 45 upon his fellow-mutineers, he set his back against the wall ; and bade them who were appointed to shoot, ' Shoot ! ' and died desperately. The third, being also a corporal, was brought to the same place ; and without the least acknow- ledgment of error, or show of fear, he pulled off his doub- let, standing a pretty distance from the wall ; and bade the soldiers do their duty; looking them in the face till they gave fire, not showing the least kind of terror or fearful- ness of spirit." So die the Leveller Corporals ; strong they, after their sort, for the Liberties of England ; resolute to the very death. Misguided Corporals ! But History, which has wept for a misguided Charles Stuart, and blubbered, in the most copious helpless manner, near two centuries now, whole floods of brine, enough to salt the Herring fishery, will not refuse these poor Corporals also her tributary sigh. With Arnald of the Rendezvous at Ware, with Lockyer of the Bull in Bishopsgate, and other misguided martyrs to the Liberties of England then and since, may they sleep well! Cornet Dean who now came forward, as the next to be shot, expressed penitence ; got pardon from the General : and there was no more shooting. Lieu tenant- General Crom- well went into the Church, called down the Decimated of the Mutineers ; rebuked, admonished ; said, the General in his mercy had forgiven them. Misguided men, would you ruin this Cause, which marvellous Providences have so con- firmed to us to be the Cause of God? Go, repent, and re- bel no more lest a worse thing befall you ! " They wept," says the old Newspaper ; they retired to the Devizes for a time ; were then restored to their regiments, and marched cheerfully for Ireland. Captain Thompson, the Cornet's brother, the first of all the Mutineers, he too, a few days afterwards, was fallen in with in Northamptonshire, still mutinous ; his men took quarter ; he himself " fled to a wood," fired and fenced there, and again desperately fired. 46 THOMAS CARLYLE. declared he would never yield alive ; whereupon " a Corporal with seven bullets in his carbine " ended Captain Thompson too ; and this formidable conflagration, to the last glimmer of it, was extinct. Sansculottism, as AVC said above, has to lie submerged for almost two centuries yet. Levelling, in the practical civil or military provinces of English things, is forbidden to be. In the spiritual provinces it cannot be forbidden ; for there it everywhere already is. It ceases dibbling beans on St George's Hill near Cobham ; ceases galloping in mutiny across the Isis to Burford ; takes into Quakerisms, and king- doms which are not of this world. My poor friend Dryas- dust lamentably tears his hair over the intolerance of that old Time to Quakerism and such like ; if Dryasdust had seen the dibbling on St. George's Hill, the threatened fall of " Park-pales," and the gallop to Burford, he would reflect that conviction in an earnest age means, not lengthy Spout- ing in Exeter-hall, but rapid silent Practice on the face of the Earth ; and would perhaps leave his poor hair alone. SCOTCH PURITANISM. THE faults or misfortunes of the Scotch People, in their Puritan business, are many ; but, properly their grand fault is this, That they have produced for it no sufficiently heroic man among them. No man that has an eye to see beyond the letter and the rubric ; to discern, across many consecra- ted rubrics of the Past, the inarticulate divineness too of the Present and the Future, and dare all perils in the faith of that ! With Oliver Cromwell born a Scotchman, with a Hero King and a unanimous Hero Nation at his back, it might have been far otherwise. With Oliver born Scotch, one sees not but the whole world might have become Puri- CROMWELL. 47 tan ; might have struggled, yet a long while, to fashion itself according to that divine Hebrew Gospel, to the ex- clusion of other Gospels not Hebrew, which also are divine, and will have their share of fulfilment here ! But of such issue there is no danger. Instead of inspired Olivers, glow- ing with direct insight and noble daring, we have Argyles, Loudons, and narrow, more or less opaque persons of the Pedant species. Committees of Estates, Committees of Kirks, much tied-up in formulas, both of them : a bigoted Theocracy without the Inspiration ; which is a very hopeless phenomenon indeed. The Scotch People are all willing, eager of heart; asking, "Whitherward? But the Leaders stand aghast at the new forms of danger, and in a vehement discrepant manner some calling, Halt ! others calling, Back- ward ! others, Forward ! huge confusion ensues. Con- fusion which will need an Oliver to repress it ; to bind it up in tight manacles, if not otherwise ; and say, " There, sit there and consider thyself a little ! " The meaning of the Scotch Covenant was, That God's divine Law of the Bible should be put in practice in these Nations ; verily it, and not the Four Surplices at Allliallow- tide, or any Formula of cloth or sheepskin here or else- where which merely pretended to be it : but then the Cov- enant says expressly, there is to be a Stuart King in the business : we cannot do without our Stuart King ! Given a divine Law of the Bible on one hand, and a Stuart King, Charles First or Charles Second, on the other: alas, did History ever present a more irreducible case of equations in this world ? I pity the poor Scotch Pedant Governors, still more the poor Scotch People, who had no other to follow ! Nay, as for that, the People did get through in the end, such was their indomitable pious constancy, and other worth and fortune : and Presbytery became a Fact among them, to the whole length possible for it ; not without endless re- sults. But for the poor Governors this irreducible case 48 THOMAS CAELYLE. proved, as it were, fatal ! They have never since, if we will look narrowly at it, governed Scotland, or even well known that they were there to attempt governing it. Once they lay on Dunse Hill, " each Earl with his Regiment of Tenants round him," For Christ's Grown and Covenant; and never since had they any noble National act, which it was given them to do. Growing desperate of Christ's Crown and Covenant, they, in the next generation, when our Annus Mirabilis arrived, hurried up to Court, looking out for other Crowns and Covenants; deserted Scotland and her Cause, somewhat basely ; took to booing and booing for Causes of their own, unhappy mortals ; and Scotland and all Causes that were Scotland's have had to go on very much without them ever since ! THE BATTLE OF DUNBAR. THE small Town of Dunbar. stands, high and windy, look- ing down over its herring-boats, over its grim old Castle now much honeycombed, on one of those projecting rock promontories with which that shore of the Frith of Forth is niched and vandyked, as far as the eye can reach. A beau- tiful sea ; good land too, now that the plougher understands his trade ; a grim niched barrier of whinstone sheltering it from the chafings and tumblings of the big blue German Ocean. Seaward, St. Abb's Head, of whinstone, bounds your horizon to the east, not very far off; west, close by, is the deep bay, and fishy little village of Belhaven : the gloomy Bass and other rock-islets, and farther the Hills of Fife, and foreshadows of the Highlands, are visible as you look seaward. From the bottom of Belhaven Bay to that of the next sea-bight, St. Abb's ward, the Town and its environs form a peninsula. Along the base of which penin- CROMWELL. 49 sula, " not much above a mile and a half from sea to sea," Oliver Cromwell's Army, on Monday, the 2d of Septem- ber, 1650, stands ranked, with its tents and Town behind it, in very forlorn circumstances. This now is all the ground that Oliver is lord of in Scotland. His Ships lie in the offing, with biscuit and transport for him ; but visible elsewhere in the Earth no help. Landward, as you look from the Town of Dunbar there rises, some short mile off, a dusky continent of barren heath Hills ; the Lammermoor, where only mountain-sheep can be at home. The crossing of which, by any of its boggy passes, and brawling stream-courses, no Army, hardly a solitary Scotch Packman could attempt, in such weather. To the edge of these Lammermoor Heights, David Lesley has betaken himself; lies now along the outmost spur of them, a long Hill of considerable height, which the Dun- bar people call the Dun, Doon, or sometimes for fashion's sake the Down, adding to it the Teutonic hill likewise, though Dun itself in old Celtic signifies Hill. On this Doon Hill lies David Leslej, with the victorious Scotch Army, upwards of Twenty thousand strong ; with the Com- mittees of Kirk and Estates, the chief Dignitaries of the Country, and in fact the flower of what the pure Covenant in this the Twelfth year of its existence can still bring forth. There lies he, since Sunday night, on the top and slope of this Doon Hill, with the impassable heath conti- nents behind him : embraces, as within outspread tiger- claws, the base-line of Oliver's Dunbar Peninsula ; waiting what Oliver will do. Cockburnspath with its ravines has been seized on Oliver's left, and made impassable ; behind Oliver is the sea ; in front of him Lesley, Doon Hill, and the heath-continent of Lammermoor. Lesley's force is of Three-and-twenty thousand, in spirits as of men chasing: Oliver's about half as many, in spirits as of men chased. What is to become of Oliver ? . . . . 3 D 50 THOMAS CARLYLE. The base of Oliver's Dunbar Peninsula, as we have called it (or Dunbar Pinfold, where he is now hemmed in, upon "an entanglement very difficult"), extends from Bel- haven Bay on his right, to Brocksmouth House on his left ; " about a mile and a half from sea to sea : " Brocksmouth House, the Earl (now Duke) of Roxburgh's mansion, which still stands there, his soldiers now occupy as their extreme post on the left. As its name iudicates, it is the mouth or issue of a small Rivulet, or Burn called Brock, Brocksburn ; which, springing from the Lammermoor, and skirting David Lesley's Doon Hill, finds its egress here, into the sea. The reader who would form an image to himself of the great Tuesday, 3d of September, 1650, at Dunbar, must note well this little Burn. It runs in a deep grassy glen, which the South-country Officers in those old Pamphlets describe as a "deep ditch, forty feet in depth, and about as many in width," ditch dug out by the little Brook itself, and carpeted with greensward, in the course of long thousands of years. It runs pretty close by the foot of Doon Hill ; forms, from this point to the sea, the boundary of Oliver's position : his force is arranged in battle-order along the left bank of this Brocksburn, and its grassy glen ; he is busied all Monday, he and his Officers, in ranking them there. " Before sunrise on Monday " Lesley sent down his horse from the Hill-top, to occupy the other side of this Brook; "about four in the afternoon," his train came down, his whole Army gradually came down ; and they now are ranking themselves on the opposite side of Brocksburn, on rather narrow ground; cornfields, but swiftly sloping upwards to the steep of Doon Hill. This goes on, in the wild showers and winds of Monday, 2nd September, 1650, on both sides of the Rivulet of Brock. Whoever will begin the attack, must get across this Brook and its glen first ; a thing of much disadvantage. Behind Oliver's ranks, between him and Dunbar, stand CROMWELL. 51 his tents ; sprinkled up and down, by battalions, over the face of this " Peninsula " ; which is a low though very un- even tract of ground ; now in our time all yellow with wheat and barley in the autumn season, but at that date only partially tilled, describable by Yorkshire Hodgson as a place of plashes and rough bent-grass ; terribly beaten by showery winds that day, so that your tent will hardly stand. There was then but one Farm-house on this tract, where now are not a few : thither were Oliver's Cannon sent this morning ; they had at first been lodged " in the Church," an edifice standing then as now somewhat apart, at the south end of Dunbar And now farther, on the great scale, we are to remark very specially that there is just one other " pass " across the Brocksburn ; and this is precisely where the London road now crosses it; about a mile east from the former pass, and perhaps two gunshots west from Brocksmouth House. There the great road then as now crosses the Burn of Brock ; the steep grassy glen, or " broad ditch forty feet deep," flattening itself out here once more into a passable slope : passable, but still steep on the southern or Lesley side, still mounting up there, with considerable acclivity, into a high table-ground, out of which the Doon Hill, as outskirt of the Lammermoor, a short mile to your right, gradually gathers itself. There, at this "pass," on and above the present London road, as you discover after long dreary dim examining, took place the brunt or essential agony of the Battle of Dunbar long ago. Read in the extinct old Pam- phlets, and ever again obstinately read, till some light arise in them, look even with unmilitary eyes at the ground as it now is, you do at least obtain small glimmerings of distinct features here and there, which gradually coalesce into a kind of image for you ; and some spectrum of the Fact be- comes visible ; rises veritable, face to face on you, grim and sad in the depths of the old dead Time. Yes, my travelling 52 THOMAS CAKLYLE. friends, vehiculating in gigs or otherwise over that piece of London road, you may say to yourselves, Here without monument is the grave of a valiant thing which was done under the Sun ; the footprint of a Hero, not yet quite un- distinguishable, is here ! " The Lord General about four o'clock," say the old Pam- phlets, " went into the Town to take some refreshment," a hasty late dinner, or early supper, whichever we may call it ; " and very soon returned back," having written Sir Arthur's Letter, I think, in the interim. Coursing about the field, with enough of things to order ; walking at last with Lambert in the Park or Garden of Brocksmouth House, he discerns that Lesley is astir on the Hillside ; altering his position somewhat. That Lesley in fact is coming wholly down to the basis of the Hill, where his horse had been since sunrise : coming wholly down to the edge of the Brook and glen, among the sloping harvest- fields there ; and also is bringing up his left wing of horse, most part of it, towards his right ; edging himself, " shog- ging," as Oliver calls it, his whole line more and more to the right! His meaning is, to get hold of Brocksmouth House and the pass of the Brook there ; after which it will be free to him to attack us when he will ! Lesley in fact considered, or at least the Committee of Estates and Kirk consider, that Oliver is lost ; that, on the whole, he must not be left to retreat, but must be attacked and annihilated here. A vague story, due to Bishop Burnet, the watery source of many such, still circulates about the world, That it was the Kirk Committee who forced Lesley down against his will ; that Oliver, at sight of it, exclaimed, " The Lord hath delivered," &c. : which nobody is in the least bound to believe. It appears, from other quarters, that Lesley was advised or sanctioned in this attempt by the Committee of Estates and Kirk, but also that he was by no means hard to advise ; that, in fact, lying on the top of Doon Hill, shelter- CROMWELL. 53 less in such weather, was no operation to spin out beyond necessity ; and that if anybody pressed too much upon him with advice to come down and fight, it was likeliest to be Royalist Civil Dignitaries, who had plagued him with their cavillings at his cunctations, at his "secret fellow-feeling for the Sectarians and Regicides." ever since this War began. The poor Scotch Clergy have enough of their own to an- swer for in this business ; let every back bear the burden that belongs to it. In a word, Lesley descends, has been de- scending all day, and " shogs " himself to the right, urged I believe, by manifold counsel, and by the nature of the case; and, what is equally important for us, Oliver sees him, and sees through him, in this movement of his. At sight of this movement, Oliver suggests to Lambert standing by him, Does it not give us an advantage, if we, instead of him, like to begin the attack ? Here is the Enemy's right wing coming out to the open space, free to be attacked on any side ; and the main-battle hampered in narrow sloping ground, between Doon Hill and the Brook, has no room to manoeuvre or assist : beat this right wing where it now stands ; take it in flank and front with an overpowering force, it is driven upon its own main-battle, the whole Army is beaten ? Lambert eagerly assents " had meant to say the same thing. " Monk, who comes up at the moment, likewise assents ; as the other Officers do, when the case is set before them. It is the plan resolved upon for battle. The attack shall begin to-morrow before dawn. And so the soldiers stand to their arms, or lie within in- stant reach of their arms, all night ; being upon an engage- ment very difficult indeed. The night is wild and wet ; 2d of September means 1 2th by our calendar : the Harvest Moon wades deep among clouds of sleet and hail. Who- ever has a heart for prayer, let him pray now, for the wrestle of death is at hand. Pray, and withal keep his 54 THOMAS CARLYLE. powder dry ! And be ready for extremities, and quit him- self like a man ! Thus they pass the night ; making that Dunbar Peninsula and Brock Rivulet long memorable to me. We English have some tents; the Scots have none. The hoarse sea moans bodeful, swinging low and heavy against these whinstone bays ; the sea and the tempests are abroad, all else asleep but we, and there is One that rides on the wings of the wind. Towards three in the morning, the Scotch foot, by order of a Major-General, say some, extinguish their matches, all but two in a company ; cower under the corn-shocks, seek- ing some imperfect shelter and sleep. Be wakeful, ye Eng- lish ; watch, and pray, and keep your powder dry. About four o'clock comes order to my pudding-headed Yorkshire friend, that his regiment must mount and march straight- way ; his and various other regiments march, pouring swift- ly to the left to Brocksmouth House, to the Pass over the Brock. With overpowering force let us storm the Scots right wing there ; beat that, and all is beaten. Major Hodgson, riding along, heard, he says, " a Cornet praying in the night " ; a company of poor men, I think, making worship there, under the void Heaven, before battle joined : Major Hodgson, giving his charge to a brother Officer, turned aside to listen for a minute, and worship and pray along with them ; haply his last prayer on this Earth, as it might prove to beJ But no ; this Cornet prayed with such effusion as was wonderful ; and imparted strength to my Yorkshire friend, who strengthened his men by telling them of it. And the Heavens, in their mercy, I think, have opened us a way of deliverance ! The Moon gleams out, hard and blue, riding among hail-clouds ; and over St. Abb's Head a streak of dawn is rising. And now is the hour when the attack should be, and no Lambert is yet here, he is ordering the line far to the right yet ; and Oliver occasionally, in Hodgson's hearing, is impa- CROMWELL. 55 tient for him. The Scots too, on this wing, are awake ; thinking to surprise us ; there is their trumpet sounding, we heard it once ; and Lambert, who was to lead the attack, is not here. The Lord General is impatient; behold Lam- bert at last ! The trumpets peal, shattering with fierce clangor Night's silence ; the cannons awaken along all the line : " The Lord of Hosts ! The Lord of Hosts ! " On, my brave ones, on ! The dispute " on this right wing, was hot and stiff for three quarters of an hour. " Plenty of fire, from field- pieces, snaphances, matchlocks, entertained the Scotch main- battle across the Brock ; poor stiffened men, roused from the corn-shocks with their matches all out ! But here on the right, their horse " with lancers in the front rank," charge desperately ; drive us back across the hollow of the Rivulet ; back a little ; but the Lord gives us courage, and we storm home again, horse and foot, upon them, with a shock like tornado tempests ; break them, beat them, drive them all adrift. " Some fled towards Copperspath, but most across their own foot. " Their own poor foot, whose matches were hardly well alight yet ! Poor men, it was a terrible awakening for them : field-pieces and charge of foot across the Brocksburn : and now here is their own horse in mad panic, trampling them to death. Above Three-thou- sand killed upon the place : " I never saw such a charge of foot and horse," says one ; nor did I. Oliver was still near to Yorkshire Hodgson, when the shock succeeded. Hodg- son heard him say : " They run ! I profess they run ! " And over St. Abb's Head, and the German Ocean, just then, burst the first gleam of the level sun upon us, " and I heard Xol say, in the words of the Psalmist, ' Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered,' " or in Rous's metre, Let God arise, and scattered Let all his enemies be ; And let all those that do him hate Before his presence flee ! 56 THOMAS CARLYLE. Even so. The Scotch Array is shivered to utter ruin ; rushes in tumultuous wreck, hither, thither ; to Belhaven, or, in their distraction, even to Dunbar ; the chase goes as far as Haddington ; led by Hacker. " The Lord General made a halt," says Hodgson, " and sang the Hundred-and- seventeenth Psalm," till our horse could gather for the chase. Hundred-and-seventeenth Psalm, at the foot of the Doon Hill ; there we uplift it, to the tune of Bangor, or some still higher score, and roll it strong and great against the sky : O give ye praise unto the Lord, All nati-ons that be ; Likewise ye people all accord His name to magnify ! For great to-us-ward ever are His loving kindnesses ; His truth endures for evermore : The Lord, O do ye bless ! And now to the chase again. The prisoners are Ten-thousand, all the foot in a mass. * * * Such is Dunbar Battle ; which might almost be called Dunbar Drove, for it was a frightful rout. Brought on by miscalculation ; misunderstanding of the difference between substances and semblances ; by mismanagement and the chance of war. DISMISSAL OF THE RUMP, Wednesday, 2Qth April, 1653. My Lord General is in his reception-room this morning, in plain black clothes and gray worsted stockings ; he, with many Officers : but few Members have yet come, though punctual Bulstrode and certain others are there. Some waiting there is ; some im- CROMWELL. 57 patience that the Members would come. The Members do not come : instead of Members, comes a notice that they are busy getting on with their Bill [for Parliamentary Re- form] in the House, hurrying it double quick through all the stages. Possible, New message that it will be Law in a little while, if no interposition take place ! Bulstrode hastens off to the House : my Lord General, at first incred- ulous, does now also hasten off, nay orders that a com- pany of Musketeers of his own regiment attend him. Hast- ens off, with a very high expression of countenance, I think ; saying or feeling : Who would have believed it of them ? " It is not honest ; yea it is contrary to common honesty ! " My Lord General, the big hour is come ! Young Colonel Sidney, the celebrated Algernon, sat in the House this morning: a House of some Fifty -three. Al- gernon has left distinct note of the affair ; less distinct we have from Bulstrode, who was also there, who seems in some points to be even wilfully wrong. Solid Ludlow was far off in Ireland, but gathered many details in after-years; and faithfully wrote them down, in the unappeasable indig- nation of his heart. Combining these three originals, we have, after various perusals and collations and consider- ations, obtained the following authentic, moderately con- ceivable account. " The Parliament sitting as usual, and being in debate upon the Bill, with the amendments, which it was thought would have been passed that day, the Lord General Crom- well came into the House, clad in plain black clothes and gray worsted-stocking?, and sat down, as he used to do, in an ordinary place." For some time he listens to this in- teresting debate on the Bill ; beckoning once to Harrison, who came over to him, and answered dubitatingly. Where- upon the Lord General sat still, for about a quarter of an hour longer. But now the question being to be put, That this Bill do now pass, he beckons again to Harrison, says, 3* 58 THOMAS CAELYLE. " This is the time I must do it ! " and so " rose up, put off his hat, and spake. At the first, and for a good while, he spake to the commendation of the Parliament for their pains and care of the public good ; but afterwards he changed his style, told them of their injustice, delays of justice, self- interest, and other faults," rising higher and higher, into a very aggravated style indeed. An honorable Member, Sir Peter Wentworth by name, not known to my readers, and by me better known than trusted, rises to order, as we phrase it; says, "It is a strange language this; unusual within the walls of Parliament this ! And from a trusted servant too ; and one whom we have so highly honored ; and one " " Come, come ! " exclaims my Lord General, in a very high key. " We have had enough of this," and in fact my Lord 'General, now blazing all up into clear conflagration, exclaims, " I will put an end to your prating," and steps forth into the floor of the House, and "clapping on his hat," and occasionally "stamping the floor with his feet," begins a discourse which no man can report! He says Heavens ! he is heard saying : " It is not fit that you should sit here any longer ! You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing lately. You shall now give place to better men ! Call them in ! " adds he briefly, to Harrison, in word of command : " and some twenty or thirty " grim musketeers enter, with bullets in their snap- hances ; grimly prompt for orders ; and stand in some atti- tude of Carry-arms there. Veteran men : men of might and men of war, their faces are as the faces of lions, and their feet are swift as the roes upon the mountains : not beautiful to honorable gentlemen at this moment. " You call yourselves a Parliament," continues my Lord General, in clear blaze of conflagration : " you are no Par- liament ; I say, you are no Parliament ! some of you are drunkards," and his eye flashes on poor Mr Chaloner, an official man of some value, addicted to the bottle ; " some of CROMWELL. 59 you are ," and he glares into Harry Marten, and the poor Sir Peter, who rose to order, lewd livers both ; "living in open contempt of God's Commandments. Following your own greedy appetites, and the Devil's Command- ments. ' Corrupt, unjust persons.' " " And here, I think, he glanced at Sir Bulstrode "Whitlocke, one of the Com- missioners of the Great Seal, giving him and others very sharp language, though he named them not " : " Corrupt, unjust persons ; scandalous to the profession of the Gospel : how can you be a Parliament for God's People ? Depart, I say ; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!" The House is of course all on its feet, uncertain almost whether not on its head : such a scene as was never seen before in any House of Commons. History reports with a shudder that my Lord General, lifting the sacred Mace itself, said, " What shall we do with this bawble ? Take it away ! " and gave it to a musketeer. And now, " Fetch him down ! " says he to Harrison, flashing on the Speaker. Speaker Lenthall, more an ancient Roman than anything else, declares, He will not come till forced. " Sir," said Harrison, " I will lend you a hand " ; on which Speaker Lenthall came down, and gloomily vanished. They all vanished ; flooding gloomily, clamorously out, to their ulte- rior business, and respective places of abode : the Long Parliament is dissolved ! " ' It 's you, that have forced me to this,' exclaims my Lord General : ' I have sought the Lord night and day, that He would rather slay me than put me upon the doing of this work.' At their going out, some say, the Lord General said to young Sir Harry Vane, calling him by his name, that he might have prevented this ; but that he was a juggler, and had not common honesty. ' O, Sir Harry Vane, thou with thy subtle casuistries, and ab- struse hair-splittings, thou art other than a good one, I think ! The Lord deliver thee from me, Sir Harry Vane !' 60 THOMAS CARLYLE. All being gone out, the door of the House was locked, and the Key with the Mace, as I heard, was carried away by Colonel Otley " ; and it is all over, and the unspeakable Catastrophe has come, and remains. THE BAREBONES PARLIAMENT. CONCERNING this Puritan Convention of the Notables, which in English History is called the Little Parliament, and derisively Harebones's Parliament, we have not much more to say. They are, if by no means the remarkablest Assembly, yet the Assembly for the remarkablest purpose who have ever met in the Modern "World. The business is, No less than introducing of the Christian Religion into real practice in the Social Affairs of this Nation. Christian Re- ligion, Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments : such, for many hundred years, has been the universal solemnly recognized Theory of all men's Affairs ; Theory sent down out of Heaven itself; but the question is now that of reduc- ing it to Practice in said Affairs ; a most noble, surely, and most necessary attempt; which should not have been put off so long in this Nation ! We have conquered the En- emies of Christ; let us now, in real practical earnest, set about doing the Commandments of Christ, now that there is free room for us ! Such was the purpose of this Puritan As- sembly of the Notables, which History calls the Little Par- liament, or derisively JBarebones's Parliament. It is well known they failed : to us, alas ! it is too evident they could not but fail. Fearful impediments lay against that effort of theirs ; the sluggishness, the slavish half-and- halfness, the greediness, the cowardice, and general opacity and falsity of some ten million men against it ; alas, the whole world, and what we call the Devil and all his angels, CROMWELL. 61 against it ! Considerable angels, human and other ; most ex- tensive arrangements, investments to be sold off at a tre- mendous sacrifice ; in general the entire set of luggage-traps and very extensive stock of merchant-goods and real and floating property, amassed by that assiduous Entity above- mentioned, for a thousand years or more ! For these, and also for other obstructions, it could not take effect at that time ; and the Little Parliament became a Barebones's Par- liament, and had to go its ways again. CONSPIRACIES. To see a little what kind of England it was, and what kind of incipient Protectorate it was, take, as usual, the fol- lowing small and few fractions of Authenticity of various complexion, fished from the doubtful slumber-lakes, and dust vortexes, and hang them out at their places in the void night of things. They are not very luminous ; but if they were well let alone, and the positively tenebrific were well forgotten, they might assist our imaginations in some slight measure. Sunday, 18th December, 1653. A certain loud-tongued, loud-minded Mr. Feak, of Anabaptist-Leveller persuasion, with a Colleague seemingly Welsh, named Powel, have a Preaching-Establishment, this good while past in Black- friars ; a Preaching-Establishment every Sunday, which on Monday evening becomes a National-Charter Convention as we should now call it ; there Feak, Powel, and Company are in the habit of vomiting forth from their own inner-man, into other inner-men greedy of such pabulum, a very flamy fuliginous set of doctrines, such as the human mind, superadding Anabaptistry to Sansculottism, can make some attempt to conceive. Sunday, the 18th, which is two days 62 THOMAS CAELYLE. after the Lord Protector's Installation, this Feak-Powel Meeting was unusually large ; the Feak-Powel inner-man unusually charged. Elements of soot and fire really copi- ous : fuliginous flamy in a very high degree ! At a time, too, when all Doctrine does not satisfy itself with spouting, but longs to become instant Action. " Go and tell your Protector," said the Anabaptist Prophet, " that he has de- ceived the Lord's People ; that he is a perjured villain," " will not reign long," or I am deceived : " will end wt>rse than the last Protector did," Protector Somerset who died on the scaffold, or the tyrant Crooked Richard himself! Say I said it ! A very foul chimney indeed, here got on fire. And " Major General Harrison, the most eminent man of the Anabaptist Party, being consulted whether he would own the new Protectoral Government, answered frankly, No"; was thereupon ordered to retire home to Staffordshire, and keep quiet. Does the reader bethink him of those old Leveller Cor- porals at Burford, and Diggers at St. George's Hill five years ago ; of Quakerisms, Calvinistic Sansculottisms, and one of the strangest Spiritual Developments ever seen in any country ? The reader sees here one foul chimney on fire, the Feak-Powel chimney in Blackfriars ; and must con- sider for himself what masses of combustible materials, no- ble fuel and base soot and smoky explosive fire-damp, in the general English Household it communicates with ! Re- publicans Proper, of the Long Parliament; Republican Fifth-Monarchists of the Little Parliament ; the solid Lud- lows, the fervent Harrisons : from Harry Vane down to Christopher Feak, all manner of Republicans find Cromwell unforgivable. To the Harrison-and-Feak species Kingship in every sort, and government of man by man, is carnal, expressly contrary to various Gospel Scriptures. Very hor- rible for a man to think of governing men ; whether he ought even to govern cattle, and drive them to field and to CROMWELL. 63 needful penfold, "except in the way of love and persua- sion," seems doubtful to me ! But fancy a reign of Christ and his Saints ; Christ and his Saints just about to come, had not Oliver Cromwell stept in and prevented it! The reader discerns combustabilities enough ; conflagrations, plots, stubborn disaffections and confusions, on the Republi- can and Republican-Anabaptist side of things. It is the first Plot-department which my Lord Protector will have to deal with all his life long. This he must wisely clamp down, as he may. Wisely: for he knows what is noble in the matter, and what is base in it; and would not sweep the fuel and the soot both out of doors at once. Tuesday, lth February, 1653-4. "At the Ship-Tavern in the Old Bailey, kept by Mr. Thomas Amps," we come upon the second life-long Plot-department: Eleven trucu- lent, rather threadbare persons, sitting over small drink there, on the Tuesday night, considering how the Protector might be assassinated. Poor broken Royalist men ; payless old Captains, most of them, or such like ; with their steeple- hats worn very brown, and jack-boots slit, and projects that cannot be executed, Mr. Amps knows nothing of them, except that they came to him to drink ; nor do we. Probe them with questions ; clap them in the Tower for a while ; Guilty, poor knaves : but not worth hanging : dis- appear again into the general mass of Royalist Plotting, and ferment there. The Royalists have lain quiet ever since Worcester, wait- ing what issue matters would take. Dangerous to meddle with a Rump Parliament ; or other steadily regimented thing ; safer if you can find it fallen out of rank ; hope- fullest of all when it collects itself into a Single Head. The Royalists judge, with some reason, that if they could kill Oliver Protector, this Commonwealth were much en- dangered. In these Easter weeks, too, or Whitsun weeks, there comes " from our Court," (Charles Stuart's Court,) 64 THOMAS CAELYLE. "at Paris," great encouragement to all men of spirit in straitened circumstances, A Royal Proclamation " By the King," drawn up, say some, by Secretary Clarendon ; set- ting forth that " Whereas a certain base, mechanic fellow, by name Oliver Cromwell, has usurped our throne," much to our and other people's inconvenience, whosoever will kill the said mechanic fellow " by sword, pistol, or poison," shall have 500 a year settled upon him, with colonelcies in our Army, and other rewards suitable, and be a made man, " on the word and faith of a Christian King." A Procla- mation which cannot be circulated except in secret ; but is well worth reading by all loyal men. And so Royalist Plots also succeed one another, thick and threefold through Oliver's whole life ; but cannot take effect. Vain for a Christian King and his cunningest Chancellors to summon all the sinners of the Earth, and whatever of necessitous Truculent-Flunkeyism there may be, and to bid, in the name of Heaven and of another place, for the Head of Oliver Cromwell ; once for all, they cannot have it, that Head of Cromwell ; not till he has entirely done with it, and can make them welcome to their benefit from it. JAMES NAYLER AND COMPANY. "!N the month of October, 1655," there was seen a strange sight at Bristol in the West. A Procession of Eight Persons ; one, a man on horseback, riding single ; the others, men and women, partly riding double, partly on foot, in the muddiest highway, in the wettest weather ; singing, all but the single rider, at whose bridle splash and walk two women : " Hosannah ! Holy, holy ! Lord God of Sabaoth ! " and other things, " in a buzzing tone," which the impartial hearer could not make out. The single-rider is a rawboned CROMWELL. 65 male figure, "with lank hair reaching below his cheeks;" hat drawn close over his brows ; " nose rising slightly in the middle ; " of abstruse " down look," and large dangerous jaws strictly closed : he sings not ; sits there covered ; and is sung to by the others bare. Amid pouring deluges, and mud knee-deep : " so that the rain ran in at their necks, and they vented it at their hose and breeches " : a spectacle to the West of England and Posterity ! Singing as above ; answering no question except in song. From Bedminster to Ratcliffe Gate, along the streets to the High Cross of Bristol : at the High Cross they are laid hold of by the Authorities ; turn out to be James Nayler and Company. James Nayler, " from Andersloe " or Ardsley " in York- shire," heretofore a Trooper under Lambert ; now a Qua- ker and something more. Infatuated Nayler and Com- pany ; given up to Enthusiam, to Animal-Magnetism, to Chaos and Bedlam in one shape or other ! Who will need to be coerced by the Major-General?, I think ; to be for- warded to London, and there sifted and cross-questioned. Is not the Spiritualism of England developing itself in strange forms ? The Hydra, royalist and sansculottic, has many heads. THE WEST INDIAN INTEREST. THE Grand Sea- Armament which sailed from Portsmouth at Christmas, 1654, proved unsuccessful. It went west- ward ; opened its sealed Instructions at a certain latitude ; found that they were instructions to attack Hispaniola, to attack the Spanish Power in the West Indies ; it did attack Hispaniola, and lamentably failed; attacked the Spanish Power in the West Indies, and has hitherto realized almost nothing, a mere waste Island of Jamacia, to all appear- ance little worth the keeping at such cost. It is hitherto 66 THOMAS CARLYLE. the unsuccessfulest enterprise Oliver Cromwell ever had concern with. Desborow fitted it out at Portsmouth, while the Lord Protector was busy with his First refractory Ped- ant Parliament ; there are faults imputed to Desborow : but the grand fault the Lord Protector imputes to himself, That he chose, or sanctioned the choice of Generals improper to command it. Sea-General Penn, Land-General Venables, they were unfortunate, they were incompetent ; fell into disagreements, into distempers of the bowels ; had crit- ical Civil Commissioners with them, too, who did not mend the matter. Venables lay " six weeks in bed," very ill of sad "West-India maladies ; for the rest, a covetous lazy dog, who cared nothing for the business, but wanted to be home at his Irish Government again. Penn is Father of Penn the Pennsylvanian Quaker ; a man somewhat quick of tem- per " like to break his heart," when affairs went wrong ; unfit to right them again. The two Generals came volun- tarily home in the end of last August [1655], leaving the wreck of their forces in Jamaica; and were straightway lodged in the Tower for quitting their post. A great Armament of Thirty, nay of Sixty ships ; of Four-thousand soldiers, two regiments of whom were vet- erans, the rest a somewhat sad miscellany of broken Royal- ists, unruly Levellers, and the like, who would volunteer, whom Venables augmented at Barbadoes, with a still more unruly set to Nine-thousand : this great Armament the Lord Protector has strenuously hurled, as a sudden fiery bolt, into the dark Domdaniel of Spanish Iniquity in the far West ; and it has exploded there, almost without effect. The Armament saw Hispaniola, and Hispaniola with fear and wonder saw it, on the 14th of April, 1655: but the Armament, a sad miscellany of distempered unruly persons, durst not land " where Drake had landed," and at once take the Town and Island : the Armament hovered hither and thither; and at last agreed to land some sixty miles off; CROMWELL. 67 marched therefrom through thick-tangled woods, under trop- ical heats, till it was nearly dead with mere marching; was then set upon by ambuscadoes ; fought miserably ill, the unruly persons of it, or would not fight at all; fled back to its ships a mass of miserable disorganic ruin ; and " dying there at the rate of two-hundred a day," made for Jamaica. Jamaica, a poor unpopulous Island, was quickly taken, as rich Hispaniola might have been, and the Spaniards were driven away : but to men in biliary humor it seemed hardly worth the taking or the keeping. " Immense droves of wild cattle : cows and horses, run about Jamacia " ; dusky Spaniards dwell in hatos, in unswept shealings : " 80,000 hogs are killed every year for the sake of their lard, which is sold under the name of hog's-butter at Carthagena " : but what can we do with all that ! The poor Armament con- tinuing to die as if by murrain, and all things looking worse and worse to poor biliary Generals. Sea- General Penn set sail for home, whom Land-General Venables swiftly fol- lowed: leaving Vice- Admiral Goodson, "Major-General Fortescue," or almost whosoever liked, to manage in their absence, and their ruined moribund forces to die as they could ; and are now lodged in the Tower, as they de- served to be. The Lord Protector, and virtually England with him, had hoped to see the dark empire of bloody Antichristian Spain a little shaken in the West ; some reparation got for its inhuman massacrings, and long con- tinued tyrannies, massacrings, exterminations of us, " at St. Kitts in 1629, at Tortuga in 1637, at Santa Cruz in 1 650 " : so, in the name of England, had this Lord Pro- tector hoped ; and he has now to take his disappointment. The ulterior history of these Western Affairs, of this new Jamaica under Cromwell, lies far dislocated, drowned deep, in the Slumber-Lakes of Thurloe and Company ; in a most dark, stupefied, and altogether dismal condition. A history 68 THOMAS CARLYLE. indeed, which, as you painfully fish it up and by degrees reawaken it to life, is in itself sufficiently dismal. Not much to be intermeddled with here. The English left in Jamaica, the English successively sent thither, prosper as ill as need be ; still die, soldiers and settlers of them, at a frightful rate per day ; languish, for most part, astonished in their sultry strange new element ; and cannot be brought to front with right manhood the deadly inextricable jungle of tropical confusions, outer and inner, in which they find them- selves. Brave Governors, Fortescue, Sedgwick, Brayne, one after the other, die rapidly, of the climate and of broken heart ; their life-fire all spent there, in that dark chaos, and as yet no result visible. It is painful to read what misbe- havior there is, what difficulties there are. Almost the one steady light-point in the business is the Protector's own spirit of determination. If England have now a " West-India Interest," and Jamaica be an Island worth something, it is to this Protector mainly that we owe it. Here too, as in former darknesses, " Hope shines in him, like a pillar of fire, when it has gone out in all the others." Having put his hand to this work, he will not for any discouragement turn back. Jamaica shall yet be a col- ony ; Spain and its dark Domdaniel shall yet be smitten to the heart, the enemies of God and His Gospel, by the soldiers and servants of God. It must, and it shall. We have failed in the West, but not wholly ; in the West and in the East, by sea and by land, as occasion shall be min- istered, we will try it again and again Reinforce- ment went on the back of reinforcement, during this Pro- tector's lifetime ; " a Thousand Irish Girls " went ; not to speak of the rogue-and-vagabond species from Scotland, " we can help you " at any time " to two or three hundred of these." And so at length a West-India Interest did take root; and bears spices and poisons, and other produce, to this day. CROMWELL. 69 QUARTERMASTER SLNDERCOMB THE ASSASSIN. MILES SINDERCOMB, now a cashiered Quartermaster liv- ing about Town, was once a zealous Deptford lad, who en- listed to fight for Liberty, at the beginning of these wars, lie fought strongly on the side of Liberty, being an earnest fierce young fellow ; then gradually got astray into Lev- elling courses, and wandered ever deeper there, till day- light forsook him, and it became quite dark. He was one of the desperate misguided Corporals, or Quartermasters, doomed to be shot at Burford, seven years ago : but he es- caped over night, and was not shot there ; took service in Scotland ; got again to be Quartermaster ; was in the Over- ton Plot, for seizing Monk and marching into England, lately; whereupon Monk cashiered him: and he came to Town ; lodged himself here, in a sulky threadbare man- ner, in Alsatia or elsewhere. A gloomy man and Ex- Quartermaster ; has become one of Sexby's people, " on the faith of a Christian King " ; nothing now left of him but the fierceness, groping some path for itself, in the utter dark. Henry Toope, one of his Highness's Lifeguard : gives us, or will give us, an inkling of Sindercomb ; and we know something of his courses and inventions, which are many. He rode in Hyde Park among his Highness's escort, with Sexby ; but the deed could not then be done. Leave me the 1 GOO, said he ; and I will find a way to do it. Sexby left it him and went abroad. Inventive Sindercomb then took a House in Hammer- smith ; Garden-House, I think, " which had a banqueting- room looking into the road " ; road very narrow at that part ; road from Whitehall to Hampton Court on Satur- day afternoons. Inventive Sindercomb here set about pro- viding blunderbusses of the due explosive force, ancient " infernal machines," in fact, with these he will blow his 70 THOMAS CARLYLE. Highness's Coach and his Highness's self into small pieces, if it please Heaven. It did not please Heaven, prob- ably not Henry Toope of his Highness's Lifeguard. This first scheme proved a failure. Inventive Sindercomb, to justify his 1600, had to try something. He decided to fire Whitehall by night, and have a stroke at his Highness in the tumult. He has " a hun- dred swift horses, two in a stable, up and down " : set a hundred stout ruffians on the back of these, in the nocturnal fire ; and try Thursday, 8th January, 1656 7 ; that is to be the Night. On the dusk of Thursday, January 8th, he with old-trooper Cecil, his second in the business, attends Public "Worship in Whitehall Chapel ; is seen loitering there after- wards, " near the Lord Lambert's seat." Nothing more is seen of him : but about half-past eleven at night, the senti- nel on guard catches a smell of fire ; finds holed wain- scots, picked locks ; a basket of the most virulent wildfire, " fit almost to burn through stones," with lit match slowly creeping towards it, computed to reach it in some half-hour hence, about the stroke of midnight! His Highness is summoned, the Council is summoned ; alas, Toope of the Lifeguard is examined and Sindercomb's lodging is known. Just when the wildfire should have blazed, two Guardsmen wait upon Sindercomb ; seize him, not without hard defence on his part, " wherein his nose was nearly cut off" ; bring him to his Highness. Toope testifies ; Cecil peaches : inventive Sindercomb has failed for the last time. To the Tower with him, to a jury of his country with him ! The emotion in the Parliament and in the Public, next morning, was great. It had been proposed to ring an alarm at the moment of discovery, and summon the Trainbands ; but his Highness would not hear of it. This Parliament, really intent on settling the Nation, could not want for emotions, in regard to such a matter! Parliament adjourns for a week, till the roots of the Plot are CROMWELL. 71 investigated somewhat. Parliament, on reassembling, ap- points a day of Thanksgiving for the Nation ; Friday, come four weeks, which is February 20th, that shall be the gen- eral Thanksgiving Day : and in the mean time we decide to go over in a body, and congratulate his Highness. A mark of great respect to him On Monday, 9th February, Sindercomb was tried by a jury- in the Upper Bench ; and doomed to suffer as a traitor and assassin, on the Saturday following. The night before Saturday his poor Sister, though narrowly watched, smug- gled him some poison : he went to bed, saying, " Well, this is the last time I shall go to bed " ; the attendants heard him snore heavily, and then cease ; they looked, and he lay dead. " He was of that wretched sect called Soul- Sleepers, who be- lieve that the soul falls asleep at death " ; a gloomy, far-mis- guided man. They buried him on Tower-hill, with due igno- miny, and there he rests ; with none but frantic Anabaptist Sexby, or Deceptive Presbyterian Titus, to sing his praise. INSTALLED AS PROTECTOR. LAND-GENERAL REYNOLDS has gone to the French Neth- erlands, with Six-thousand men, to join Turenne in fighting the Spaniards there ; and Sea-General Montague, is about hoisting his flag to co-operate with him from the other ele- ment. By sea and land are many things passing ; and here in London is the loudest thing of all : not yet to be entirely omitted by us, though now it has fallen very silent in comparison. Inauguration of the Lord Protector ; second and more solemn Installation of him, now that he is fully recognized by Parliament itself. He cannot yet, as it proves, be crowned King ; but he shall be installed in his Protectorship with all solemnity befitting such an occasion. Friday, 2Qth June, 1657. The Parliament and all the 72 THOMAS CARLYLE. world are busy with this grand affair; the labors of the Session being now complete, the last finish being now given to our new Instrument of Government, to our elaborate Petition and Advice, we will add this topstone to the work, and so amid the shoutings of mankind, disperse for the recess. Friday at two o'clock, "in a place prepared," duly prepared, with all manner of " platforms," " cloths of state," and " seats raised one above the other," " at the upper end of Westminster Hall." Palace Yard, and London generally, is all a-tiptoe, out of doors. Within doors, Speaker Wid- drington and the Master of the Ceremonies have done their best : the Judges, the Aldermen, the Parliament, the Coun- cil, the foreign Ambassadors, and domestic Dignitaries with- out end ; chairs of state, cloths of state, trumpet-peals, and acclamations of the people Let the reader conceive it ; or read in old pamphlets the " exact relation " of it with all the speeches and phenomena, worthier than such things usually are of being read. " His Highness standing under the Cloth of State," says Bulstrode, whose fine feelings are evidently touched by it, " the Speaker, in the name of the Parliament, presented to him : First, a Robe of purple velvet ; which the Speaker, assisted by Whitlocke and others, put upon his Highness. Then he," the Speaker, " delivered to him the Bible richly gilt and bossed," an affecting symbolic Gift: "After that, the Speaker girt the Sword about his Highness ; and deliv- ered into his hand the Sceptre of massy gold. And then, this done, he made a Speech to him on these several things presented " ; eloquent mellifluous Speech, setting forth the high and true significance of these several Symbols, Speech still worth reading; to which his Highness answered in silence by dignified gesture only. " Then Mr. Speaker gave him the Oath " ; and so ended really in a solemn man- ner. " And Mr. Manton, by prayer, recommended his Highness, the Parliament, the Council, the Forces by land CROMWELL. 73 and sea, and the whole Government and People of the Three Nations, to the blessing and protection of God." And then "the people gave several great shouts"; and "the trumpets sounded; and the Protector sat in his .chair of state, holding the Sceptre in his hand " ; a remarkable sight to see. "On his right sat the Ambassador of France," on his left some other Ambassador ; and all round, standing or sitting, were Dignitaries of the highest quality ; " and near the Earl of Warwick, stood the Lord Viscount Lisle, stood General Montague and Whitlocke, each of them having a drawn sword in his hand," a sublime sight to some of us ! And so this Solemnity transacts itself; which, at the moment, was solemn enough ; and is not yet, at this or any hollowest moment of Human History, intrinsically alto- gether other. A really dignified and veritable piece of Sym- bolism ; perhaps the last we hitherto, in these quack-ridden histrionic ages, have been privileged to see on such an occa- sion. ROYALIST INSURRECTION FAILURE. His Highness, before this Monday's sun sets [Feb. 4, 1658J, has begun to lodge the Anarchic Ringleaders, Roy- alist, Fifth-Monarchist, in the Tower ; his Highness is bent once more with all his faculty, the Talking- Apparatus being gone, to front this Hydra, and trample it down once again. On Saturday he summons his Officers, his Acting- Appara- tus, to Whitehall round him ; explains to them " in a Speech two hours long " what kind of Hydra it is ; asks, Shall it con- quer us, involve us in blood and confusion ? They answer from their hearts, No, it shall not ! " We will stand and fall with your Highness, we will live and die with you ! " It is the last duel this Oliver has with any Hydra foment- 4 74 THOMAS CARLYLE. ed into life by a Talking- Apparatus ; and he again conquers it, invincibly compresses it, as he has heretofore done. One day, in the early days of March next, his Highness said to Lord Broghil : An old friend of yours is in Town, the Duke of Ormond, now lodged in Drury Lane, at the Papist Surgeon's there ; you had better tell him to be gone ! Whereat his Lordship stared ; found it a fact however ; and his Grace of Ormond did go with exemplary speed, and got again to Bruges and the Sacred Majesty, with report That Cromwell had many enemies, but that the rise of the Roy- alists was moonshine. And on the 12th of the month his Highness had the Mayor and Common Council with him in a body at Whitehall ; and " in a Speech at large " explained to them that his Grace of Ormond was gone only " on Tues- day last " ; that there were Spanish Invasions, Royalist In- surrections, and Frantic-Anabaptist Insurrections rapidly ripening ; that it would well beseem the City of London to have its Militia in good order. To which the Mayor and Common Council " being very sensible thereof," made zeal- ous response by speech and by act. In a word, the Talk- ing-Apparatus being gone, and an Oliver Protector now at the head of the Acting- Apparatus, no Insurrection, in the eyes of reasonable persons, had any chance. The leading Royalists shrank close into their privacies again, consid- erable numbers of them had to shrink into durance in the Tower. Among which latter class his Highness, justly in- censed, and " considering," as Thurloe says, " that it was not fit there should be a Plot of this kind every winter," had determined that a High Court of Justice should take cogni- zance of some. High Court of Justice is accordingly nomi- nated as the Act of Parliament prescribes : among the par- ties marked for Trial by it are Sir Henry Slingsby, long since prisoner for Penruddock's business, and the Rev. Dr. Hewit, a man of much forwardness in Royalism. Sir Henry, prisoner in Hull and acquainted with the Chief Officers CROMWELL. 75 there, haa been treating with them for betrayal of the place to his Majesty ; has even, to that end, given one of them a Majesty's Commission ; for whose Spanish Invasion such a Haven and Fortress would have been extremely convenient. Reverend Dr. Hewit, preaching by sufferance, according to the old ritual, " in St. Gregory's Church near Paul's, " to a select disaffected audience, has farther seen good to distin- guish himself very much by secular zeal in this business of the Royalist Insurrection and Spanish Charles-Stuart Inva- sion ; which has now come to nothing, and left poor Dr. Hewit in a most questionable position. Of these two, and of others, a High Court of Justice shall take cognizance. The Insurrection having no chance in the eyes of reason- able Royalists, and they in consequence refusing to lead it, the large body of wwreasonable Royalists now in London City, or gathering thither, decide, with indignation, That they will try it on their own score and lead it themselves. Hands to work, then, ye unreasonable Royalists ; pipe, All hands ! Saturday the 15th of May, that is the night appointed: To rise that Saturday Night ; beat drums for " Royalist Ap- prentices," " fire houses at the Tower," slay this man, slay that, and bring matters to a good issue. Alas, on the very edge of the appointed hour, as usual, we are all seized ; the ringleaders of us are all seized, " at the Mermaid in Cheap- side," for Thurloe and his Highness have long known what we were upon ! Barkstead, Governor of the Tower, "marches into the City with five drakes," at the rattle of which every Royalist Apprentice, and party implicated, shakes in his shoes : and this also has gone to vapor, leaving only for result certain new individuals of the Civic class to give account of it to the High Court of Justice. Tuesday, 25th May, 1658, the High Court of Justice sat ; a formidable Sanhedrim of above a Hundred-and-thirty heads ; consisting of " all the Judges," chief Law Officials, and others named in the Writ, according to Act of Parlia- 76 THOMAS CARLYLE. ment ; sat " in Westminster Hall, at nine in the morning, for the Trial of Sir Henry Slingsby, Knight, John Hewit, Doctor of Divinity," and three others whom we may forget. Sat day after day till all were judged. Poor Sir Henry, on the first day, was condemned ; he pleaded what he could, poor gentleman, a very constant Royalist all along ; but the Hull business was too palpable ; he was condemned to die. Reverend Dr. Hewit, whose proceedings also had become very palpable, refused to plead at all ; refused even " to take off his hat," says Carrion Heath, " till the officer was coming to do it for him " ; had a " Paper of Demurrers prepared by the learned Mr. Prynne," who is now again doing business this way ; " conducted himself not very wisely," says Bui- strode. He likewise received sentence of death. The oth- ers, by narrow missing, escaped ; by good luck, or the Pro- tector's mercy, suffered nothing. As to Slingsby and Hewit, the Protector was inexorable. Hewit has already taken a very high line : let him perse- vere in it ! Slingsby was the Lord Fauconberg's uncle, married to his Aunt Bellasis ; but that could not stead him, perhaps that was but a new monition to be strict with him. The Commonwealth of England and its Peace are not nothing ! These Royalist Plots every winter, deliveries of garrisons to Charles Stuart, and reckless " usherings of us into blood," shall end ! Hewit and ^Slingsby suffered on Tower Hill, on Monday, 8th June ; amid the manifold rumor and emotion of men. Of the City insurrectionists six were condemned ; three of whom were executed, three pardoned. And so the High Court of Justice dissolved itself; and at this and not at more expense of blood, the huge Insurrectionary movement ended, and lay silent within its caves again. Whether in any future year it would have tried another rising against such a Lord Protector, one does not know, one guesses rather in the negative. The Royalist Cause, CROMWELL. 77 after so many failures, after such a sort of enterprises u on the word of a Christian King," had naturally sunk very low. Some twelvemonth hence, with a Commonwealth not now under Cromwell, but only under the impulse of Cromwell, a Christian King hastening down to the Treaty of the Pyr- enees, where France and Spain were making Peace, found one of the coldest receptions. Cardinal Mazarin " sent his coaches and guards a day's journey to meet Lockhart, the Commonwealth Ambassador"; but refused to meet the Christian King at all ; would not even meet Ormond except as if by accident, " on the public road," to say that there was no hope. The Spanish Minister, Don Louis de Haro, was civiller in manner ; but as to Spanish Charles-Stuart Inva- sions or the like, he also decisively shook his head. The Royalist cause was as good as desperate in England ; a mel- ancholy Reminiscence, fast fading away into the realm of shadows. Not till Puritanism sank of its own accord, could Royalism rise again. But Puritanism, the King of it once away, fell loose very naturally in every fibre, fell into Kinc/lessness, what we call Anarchy ; crumbled down, ever faster, for Sixteen Months, in mad suicide, and universal clashing and collision ; proved, by trial after trial, that there lay not in it either Government or so much as Self-Govern- ment any more ; that a Government of England by it was henceforth an impossibility. Amid the general wreck of things, all Government threatening now to be impossible, the Reminiscence of Royalty rose again, "Let us take refuge in the Past, the Future is not possible ! " and Major- General Monk crossed the Tweed at Coldstream, with results which are well known. . Results which we will not quarrel with, very mournful as they have been ! If it please Heaven, these Two Hundred Years of universal Cant in Speech, with so much of Cotton- spinning, Coal-boring, Commercing, and other valuable Sin- cerity of Work going on the while, shall not be quite lost to 78 THOMAS CAELYLE. us ! Our Cant will vanish, our whole baleful cunningly- compacted Universe of Cant, as does a heavy Nightmare Dream. "We shall awaken ; and find ourselves in a world greatly widened. Why Puritanism could not continue ? My friend, Puritanism was not the Complete Theory of this immense Universe ; no, only a part thereof! To me it seems, in my hours of hope, as if the Destinies meant some- thing grander with England than even Oliver Protector did ! We will not quarrel with the Destinies ; we will work as we can towards fulfilment of them. DEATH OF THE PROTECTOR. OLIVER'S look was yet strong ; and young for his years, which were Fifty-nine last April [1658]. The "Three- score and ten years," the Psalmist's limit, which probably was often in Oliver's thoughts and in those of others there, might have been anticipated for him : Ten years more of Life ; which, we may compute, would have given another History to all the Centuries of England. But it was not to be so, it was to be otherwise. Oliver's health, as we might observe, was but uncertain in late times ; often " indisposed " the spring before last. His course of life had not been favorable to health ! " A burden too heavy for man ! " as he himself, with a sigh, would sometimes say. Incessant toil ; inconceivable labor, of head and heart and hand ; toil, peril, and sorrow manifold, continued for near Twenty years now, had done their part : those robust life-energies, it after- ward appeared, had been gradually eaten out. Like a Tow- er strong to the eye, but with its foundations undermined ; which has not long to stand ; the fall of which, on any shock, may be sudden. The Manzinis and Dues de Crequi, with their splendors, CROMWELL. 79 and congratulations about Dunkirk, interesting to the street populations and general public, had not yet withdrawn, when at Hampton Court there had begun a private scene, of much deeper and quite opposite interest there. The Lady Claypole, Oliver's favorite Daughter, a favorite of all the world, had fallen sick we know not when ; lay sick now, - to death, as it proved. Her disease was of internal female nature; the painfullest and most harassing to mind and sense, it is understood, that falls to the lot of a human crea- ture. Hampton Court we can fancy once more, in those July days, a house of sorrow ; pale Death knocking there, as at the door of the meanest hut. " She had great suffer- ings, great exercises of spirit ! " Yes : and in the depths of the old Centuries, we see a pale anxious Mother, anxious Husband, anxious weeping Sisters, a poor young Frances weeping anew in her weeds. " For the last fourteen days " his Highness has been by her bedside at Hampton Court, unable to attend to any public business whatever. Be still, my Child ; trust thou yet in God : in the waves of the Dark River, there too is He a God of help ! On the 6th day of August she lay dead ; at rest forever. My young, my beau- tiful, my brave ! She is taken from me ; I am left bereaved of her. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away ; blessed be the Name of the Lord ! . . . . In the same dark days occurred George Fox's third and last interview with Oliver George dates noth- ing; and his facts everywhere lie round him like the leather- parings of his old shop : but we judge it may have been about the time when the Manzinis and Dues de Crequi were parading in their gilt coaches, That George and two Friends " going out of Town," on a summer day, " two of Hacker's men " had met them, taken them, brought them to the Mews. " Prisoners there a while " : but the Lord's power was over Hacker's men; they had to let us go. Whereupon : 80 THOMAS CARLYLE. "The same day, taking boat I went down" (up) "to Kingston, and from thence to Hampton Court, to speak with the Protector about the Sufferings of Friends. I met him riding into Hampton-Court Park ; and before I came to him as he rode at the head of his Lifeguard, I saw and felt a waft" (whiff") "of death go forth against him." Or in favor of him, George ? His life, if thou knew it, has not been a merry thing for this man, now or heretofore ! I fancy he has been looking, this long while, to give it up, when- ever the Commander-in-chief required. To quit his labori- ous sentry -post ; honorably lay up his arms, and be gone to his rest: all Eternity to rest in, O George! Was thy own life merry, for example, in the hollow of the tree ; clad permanently in leather ? And does kingly purple, and gov- erning refractory worlds instead of stitching coarse shoes, make it merrier ? The waft of death is not against him I think, perhaps against thee, and me, and others, O George, when the Nell-Gwyn Defender and Two Centuries of all-victorious Cant have come in upon us ! My unfortu- nate George, "a waft of death go forth against him; and when I came to him, he looked like a dead man. After I had laid the Sufferings of Friends before him, and had warned him accordingly as I was moved to speak to him, he bade me come to his house. So I returned to Kingston ; and, the next day, went up to Hampton Court to speak farther with him. But when I came, Harvey, who was one that waited on him, told me the Doctors were not willing that I should speak with him. So I passed away, and never saw him more." Friday, the 20th of August, 1658, this was probably the day on which George Fox saw Oliver riding into Hampton Park with his Guards for the last time. That Friday, as we find, his Highness seemed much better : but on the mor- row a sad change had taken place ; feverish symptoms, for which the Doctors vigorously prescribed quiet. Saturday CROMWELL. 81 to Tuesday the symptons continued ever worsening : a kind of tertian ague, " bastard tertian " as the old Doctors name it ; for which it was ordered that his Highness should return to Whitehall, as to a more favorable air in that complaint. On Tuesday, accordingly, he quitted Hampton Court; never to see it more. " His time was come," says Harvey, " and neither prayers nor tears could prevail with God to lengthen out his life, and continue him longer to us. Prayers abundantly and incessantly poured out on his behalf, both publicly and pri- vately, as was observed, in a more than ordinary way. Be- sides many a secret sigh, secret and unheard by men, yet like the cry of Moses, more loud, and strongly laying hold on God, than many spoken supplications. All which, the hearts of God's People being thus mightily stirred up, did seem to beget confidence in some, and hopes in all ; yea some thoughts in himself, that God would restore him." " Prayers public and private " : i hey are worth imagining to ourselves. Meetings of Preachers, Chaplains, and Godly Persons; "Owen, Goodwin, Sterry, with a company of others in an adjoining room " ; in Whitehall, and elsewhere over religious London and England, fervent outpourings of many a loyal heart. For there were hearts to whom the nobleness of this man was known ; and his worth to the Puritan Cause was evident. Prayers, strange enough to us ; in a dialect fallen obsolete, forgotten now. Authentic wrestlings of ancient Human Souls, who were alive then, with their affections, awe-struck pieties ; with their Human Wishes, risen to be transcendent, hoping to prevail with the Inexorable. All swallowed now in the depths of dark Time ; which is full of such, since the beginning ! Truly it is a great scene of World-History, this in old Whitehall : Oliver Cromwell drawing nigh to his end. The exit of Oliver Cromwell, and of English Puritanism; a great Light, one of our few authentic Solar Luminaries, going 4* F 82 THOMAS CAELYLE. down now amid the clouds of Death. Like the setting of a great victorious summer Sun its course now finished. " So stirbt ein Held" says Schiller ; " So dies a Hero ! Sight worthy to be worshipped ! " He died, this Hero Oliver, in Resignation to God, as the Brave have all done. " We could not be more desirous he should abide," says the pious Harvey, "than he was content and willing to be gone." The struggle lasted, amid hope and fear, for ten days On Monday, August 30th, there roared and howled all day a mighty storm of wind. Ludlow, coming up to Town from Essex, could not start in the morning for wind ; tried it in the afternoon ; still could not get along, in his coach, for head-wind ; had to stop at Epping. On the morrow, Fleetwood came to him in the Protector's name, to ask, What he wanted here ? Nothing of public concernment, only to see my mother-in-law ! answered the solid man. For indeed he did not know that Oliver was dying ; that the glo- rious hour of Disenthral ment, and immortal " Liberty " to plunge over precipices with one's self and one's Cause, was so nigh ! It came ; and he took the precipices, like a strongboned resolute blind ginhorse, rejoicing in the break- age of its halter, in a very gallant constitutional manner. Adieu, my solid friend ; if I go to Vevay, I will read thy Monument there, perhaps not without emotion, after all ! It was on this stormy Monday, while rocking-winds, heard in the sick-room and everywhere, were piping aloud, that Thurloe and an Official person entered to inquire, Who, in case of the worst, was to be his Highness's Successor ? The Successor is named in a sealed Paper already drawn up, above a year ago, at Hampton Court; now lying in such and such a place. The Paper was sent for, searched for ; it could never be found. Richard's is the name understood to have been written in that Paper : not a good name ; but in fact one does not know. In ten years' time, had ten years more been granted, Richard might have become a CROMWELL. 83 fitter man; might have been cancelled, if palpably unfit. Or perhaps it was Fleetwood's name, and the Paper by certain parties was stolen ? None knows. On the Thurs- day night following, "and not till then," his Highness is understood to have formally named " Richard ! " or per- haps it might only be some heavy-laden " Yes, yes ! " spoken out of the thick death-slumbers, in answer to Thurloe's ques- tion " Richard ? " The thing is a little uncertain. It was, once more, a matter of much moment; giving color prob- ably to all the subsequent Centuries of England, this an- swer ! . . . . Thursday night the writer of our old Pamphlet was him- self in attendance on his Highness ; and has preserved a trait or two ; with which let us hasten to conclude. To-mor- row is September Third, always kept as a Thanksgiving- day, since the Victories of Dunbar and Worcester. The wearied one, " that very night before the Lord took him to his everlasting rest," was heard thus, with oppressed voice, speaking : " ' Truly God is good ; indeed, He is ; He will not ' then his speech failed him, but, as I apprehended, it was, ' He will not leave me.' This saying, ' God is good,' he fre- qnently used all along ; and would speak it with much cheerfulness, and fervor of spirit, in the midst of his pains. Again he said: oms, at which she looked at me even as she did when I told her about her father, and, seeing that I smiled, and yet was not dry-eyed, nor quite at rest, the tears began, slowly, to run over her eyelashes, and in a few very resolute words, she told me that Mr. Henderson had asked her that morning to marry him. " Xow I knew not well what to say, but I set myself aside, as far as I could, and tried not to remember how sore a trial it would be to part with Ada, and I reasoned with her calmly about the youth, setting forth, first, that he was not a professing Christian, and that the Scripture seemed plain to me on that matter, though I would not constrain her conscience if she found it clear in this thing ; and, sec- ond, that he was a man who held fast to this world's goods, and was like to be a follower of Mammon if he learned not to love better things in his youth ; and, third, that he was a man who had, as one might say, a streak of granite in his nature, against which a feeling person would continually fall and be hurt, and which no person could work upon, if once it came in the way even of right action. To all this Ade- line answered with more reason than I supposed a woman could, only that I noticed, at the end of each answer, she said in a low voice, as if it were the end of all contention, ' and I love him.' Whereby, seeing that the thing was well past my interference, I gave my consent with many doubts and fears in my heart, and, having blessed the child, I sent her away that I might meditate over this matter. "When John came in the evening for his answer, I was 96 ROSE TERRY. enabled to exhort him faithfully, and, in his softened state of feeling, he chose to tell me that he had been seeking relig- ion because he feared I would not give him Adeline unless he were joined to the church, and he could not make a hyp- ocrite of himself, even for that, but he had hoped that in the use of means he might be awakened and converted. At this I was pleased, inasmuch as it showed a spirit of truth in the young man, but I could not avoid setting before him that self-seeking had never led any soul to God, and how cogent a reason he had himself given for his want of success in things pertaining to his salvation ; but as I spoke Ada came in by the other door, and John's eyes began to wander so visibly, that I thought it best to conclude, and I must say he appeared grateful. So I went out of the door, leaving Ada stately and blushing as a fair rose-tree, notwithstanding that John Henderson seemed to fancy she needed his sup- port. " As the year went on, and I could not in conscience let Adeline leave me until her lover had some fixed mainte- nance, I had many conversations with him, (for he also was an orphan,) and it was at length decided that he should buy, with Ada's portion, a goodly farm in Western New York ; and in the ensuing summer, after a year's engagement, they were to marry. So the summer came ; I know not exactly what month was fixed for their marriage, though I have the date somewhere, but one thing I recollect, that the hop-vine over this porch was in full bloom, and after I had joined my child and the youth in the bands of wedlock, I went out into the porch to see them safe into the carriage that was to take them to the boat, and there Ada put her arms about my neck, and kissed me for good-by, leaving a hot tear upon my cheek; and a south wind at that moment smote the hop- vine so that its odor of honey and bitterness mingled swept across my face, and always afterward this scent made me think of Adeline. After two years had passed away, during THE MORMON'S WIFE. 97 which we heard from her often, we heard that she had a little daughter born, and her letters were full of joy and pride, so that I trembled for the child's spiritual state ; but after some three years the little girl with her mother came to Plainfield, and I did not know but Adeline was excusa- ble in her joy, for such a fair and bright child was scarcely ever seen; but the next summer came sad news: little Nelly was dead, and Ada's grief seemed inexhaustible, while her husband fell into one of his sullen states of mind, and the affliction passed over them to no good end, as it seemed. " Soon after this, the Mormon delusion began to spread rapidly about John Henderson's dwelling-place, and in less than a year after Nelly's death I had a letter from Ada, dated at St. Louis, which I will read to you, for I have it in my pocket-book, having retained it there since yesterday, when I took it out from the desk to consult a date. " It begins : ' Dear Uncle,' (I had always instructed the child so to call me, rather than father, seeing we can have but one father, while we may be blessed with nume- rous uncles) ' I suppose you will wonder how I came to be at St. Louis, and it is just my being here that I write to explain. You know how my husband felt about Nelly's death, but you cannot know how I felt ; for, even in my very great sorrow, I hoped all the time, that by her death, John might be led to a love of religion. He was very un- happy, but he would not show it, only that he took even more tender care of me than before. I have always been his darling and pride ; he never let me work, because he said it spoiled my hands ; but after Nelly died, he was hardly willing I should breathe ; and though he never spoke of her, or seemed to feel her loss, yet I have heard him whisper her name in his sleep, and every morning his hair and pillow were damp with crying ; but he never knew I saw it. After a few months, there came a Mormon preacher 5 o 98 KOSE TERRY. into our neighborhood, a man of a great deal of talent and earnestness, and a firm believer in the revelation to Joseph Smith. At first my husband did not take any notice of him, and then he laughed at him for being a be- liever in what seemed like nonsense ; but one night he was persuaded to go and hear Brother Marvin preach in the school-house, and he came home with a very sober face. I said nothing, but when I found there was to be a meeting the next night, I asked to go with him, and, to my surprise, I heard a most powerful and exciting discourse, not wanting in either sense or feeling, though rather poor as to argu- ment; but I was not surprised that John wanted to hear more, nor that, in the course of a few weeks, he avowed himself a Mormon, and was received publicly into the sect. Dear Uncle, you will be shocked, I know, and you will won- der why I did not use my influence over my husband, to keep him from this delusion ; but you do not know how much I have longed and prayed for his conversion to a re- ligious life ; until any religion, even one full of errors, seemed to me better than the hardened and listless state of his mind. " ' I could not but feel, that if he were awakened to a sense of the life to come, in any way, his own good sense would lead him right in the end ; and there is so much ar- dor and faith about this strange belief, that I do not regret his having fallen hi with it, for I think the true burning of Gospel faith will yet be kindled by means of this strange fire. In the mean time he is very eager and full of zeal for the cause, so much so, that thinking it to be his duty, he resolved to sell our farm at Oakwood, and remove to Utah. If any- thing could make me grieve over a change, I believe to be for John's spiritual good, it would be this idea : but no re- gret or sorrow of mine shall ever stand in the way of his soul ; so I gave as cheerful a consent as I could to the sale, and I only cried a few tears, over little Nelly's bed, under THE MORMON'S WIFE. 99 the great tulip-tree. There my husband has put an iron railing, and I have planted a great many sweet-brier vines over the rock ; and Mr. Keeney, who bought the farm, has promised that the spot shall be kept free from weeds, so I leave her in peace. Do write to me, Uncle Field. I feel sure I have done right, because it has not been in my own way, yet sometimes I am almost afraid. I shall be very far away from yoti, and from home, and my child ; but I am so glad now she is in heaven, nothing can trouble her, and I shall not much care about myself, if John goes right. " ' Give my love to Aunt Martha, and please write to your dear child. " ' ADA HENDERSON. " " I need not say, my young friend," resumed Parson Field, wiping his spectacles, and clearing his voice with a vigorous ahem ! ! " that I could not, in conscience, approve of Adeline's course. ' Thou shalt not do evil that good may come,' is a Gospel truth, and cannot be transgressed with good consequences. I did write to Ada; but, inasmuch as the act was done, I said not much concerning it, but bade her take courage, seeing that she had meant to do right, although in the deed she had considered John Henderson before anything else, which was, as you may perceive, her besetting sin, and therefore it seemed good to me to put, at the end of my epistle, (as I was wont always to offer a suit- able text of Scripture for her meditation,) these words, ' Little children, keep yourselves from idols ! ' I did not hear again from Adeline, till she had been two months in the Mormon city, and though she tried her best to seem contented and peaceful, in view of John's new zeal, and his tender care of her, still I could not but think of the hop- blossoms, for I perceived, underneath this present sweet- ness, a little drop of life and pain working to some unseen end. That year passed away and we heard no more, and 100 ROSE TERRY. the next also, at which I wondered much; but, reflecting on the chances of travel across those deserts, and having a surety of Ada's affection for me, I did not repine, though I felt some regret that there was such uncertainty of carriage ; nevertheless, I wrote as usual, that no chance might be lost. " The third summer was unusually warm in our parts, and its heats following upon a long, wet spring, caused much and grievous sickness, and I was obliged to be out at all hours with the dying, and at funerals, so that my bodily strength was wellnigh exhausted, and at haying-time, just as I was cutting the last swarth on my river meadow, which is low- lying land, and steamed with hot vapor as I laid it bare to the sun, I fell forward across my scythe-snath and fainted. This was the beginning of a long course of fever, of a ty- phoid character, during which I was either stupid or deliri- ous most of the time, and, while I lay sick, there came a letter to me, from Salt Lake city, written chiefly by John Henderson, who begged me to come on if it was a possible thing and see his wife, who was wasting with a slow con- sumption, and much bent upon seeing me. I could discern that the letter was not willingly written ; it was stiff in speech, though writ with a trembling hand. At the end of it were a few lines from Ada herself; a very impatient and absolute cry for me, as if she could not die till I came. Now Martha had opened this letter, as she was forced to by my great illness, and, having read it, asked the doctor if it was well to propound the contents to me, and he said decid- edly that he could not answer for my life if she did: so Martha, like a considerate woman, wrote an answer herself to John Henderson (of which she kept a copy for me to see), setting forth that I was in no state to be moved with such tidings ; that, however, I should have the letter as soon as the doctor saw fit, and sending her love and sym- pathy to Ada, and a recommend that she should try balm tea. THE MORMON'S WIFE. 101 "After a long season of suspense, I was graciously up- lifted from fever, and enabled to leave my bed for a few hours daily ; and, when I could ride out, which was only by the latter end of October, I was given the child's letter, and my heart sank within me, for I knew how bitterly she nad needed my strength to help her. It was a warm au- tumn day, near to noon, when I read that letter, and, as I leaned back in my chair, the red sunshine came in upon me, and the smell of dead leaves, while upon the hop-vine one late blossom, spared by the white frosts, and dropping across the window, also put forth its scent, bringing Adeline, as it were, right back into my arms, and the faintness passed away from me with some tears, for I was weak, and a man may not always be stronger than his nature. Now, when Martha sounded the horn for dinner, and our hired man came in from the hill-lot, where he was sowing wheat, I saw that he had a letter in his hand of great size and thickness ; and, coming into the keeping-room where I sat, he said that Squire White had brought it over from the Post-office as he came along, thinking I would like to have it directly. I was rather loth to open the great packet at first, for I be- thought myself it was likely to be some Consociation pro- ceedings, which were never otherwise than irksome to me, and were now weary to think of, seeing the grasshopper had become a burden. I reached my spectacles down from the nail, and found the post-mark to be that of the Mormon city ; and with unsteady hand I opened the seal, and found within several sheets of written letter-paper, directed to me in Ada's writing, and a short letter from John Henderson, which ran thus : "'DEAR SIR, "'My first wife, Adeline Frazer Henderson, departed this life on the sixth of July, at my house in the city of Great Salt Lake. Shortly before dying she called upon 102 ROSE TERRY. me, in the presence of two sisters, and one of the Saints, to deliver into your hands the enclosed packet, and tell you of her death. According to her wish, I send the papers by mail ; and, hoping you may yet be called to be a partaker in the faith of the saints below, I remain your afflicted, yet rejoicing friend, " ' JOHN HENDERSON. ' " I was really stunned for a moment, my young friend, not only with grief at my own loss, but with pity and sur- prise at the entire deadening, as it appeared, of natural af- fection in the man to whom I had given my daughter ; and also my conscience was not free from offence, for I could not but think that a more fervent and wrestling expostula- tion, on the sin of marrying an unbeliever, might have saved Adeline from sorrow in the flesh. However, I said as much as seemed best at the time, and upon that reflection I rested myself; for he who adheres to a pure intention, need not repent of his deeds afterward ; and the next day, when my present anguish and weakness had somewhat abated, I read the manuscript Ada had sent me. " It was, doubtless, penned with much reluctance, for the child's natural pride was great, and no less weighty subject than her husband's salvation could have forced her to speak of what she wrote for me : and, indeed, I should feel no right to put the confidence into your hands, were not my child beyond the reach of man's judgment, and did I not feel it a sacred duty to protest, so long as life lasts, against this abominable Mormon delusion, and the no less delusive pre- text of doing evil that good may come. I cannot read Ada's letter aloud to you, for there is to be a funeral at two o'clock, which I must attend ; but I will give you the pa- pers, and you may sit in my chair and read ; only, be patient with my bees, if they come too near you, for they like the hop-blossoms, and never sting unless you strike. " THE MOBMON'S WIFE. 103 So saying, Parson Field gave me his leathern chair and the papers, and I sat down in the hop-crowned porch, to read Adeline Henderson's story, with a sort of reverence for her that prompted me to turn the rustling pages carefully, and feel startled if a door swung to in the quiet house, as if I were eavesdropping ; but soon I ceased to hear, absorbed in her letter, which began as the first did. " DEAR UXCLE, " To-day I begged John to write, and ask you to come here. I could not write you since I came here but that once, though your letters have been my great comfort, and I added a few words of entreaty to his, because I am dying, and it seems as if I must see you before I die ; yet I fear the letter may not reach you, or you may be sick : and for that reason I write now, to tell you how terrible a necessity urged me to persuade you to such a journey. I can write but little at a time, my side is so painful ; they call it slow- consumption here, but I know better ; the heart within me is turned to stone, I felt it then Ah ! you see my mind wandered in that last line ; it still will return to the old theme, like a fugue tune, such as we had in the Plainfield singing-school. I remember one that went, ' The Lord is just, is just, is just. ' Is He? Dear Uncle, I must begin at the beginning, or you never will know. I wrote you from St. Louis, did I not ? I meant to. From there, we had a dreary journey, not so bad to Fort Leavenworth, but after that inexpressibly dreary, and set with tokens of the dead, who perished before us. A long reach of prairie, day after day, and night after night ; grass, and sky, and graves ; grass, and sky, and graves ; till I hardly knew whether the life I dragged along was life or death, as the thirsty, fever- ish days wore on into the awful and breathless nights, when every creature was dead asleep, and the very stars in heaven grew dim in the hot, sleepy air dreadful days ! I was 104 ROSE TERRY. too glad to see that bitter inland sea, blue as the fresh lakes, with its gray islands of bare rock, and sparkling sand shores, still more rejoiced to come upon the City itself, the rows of quaint, bare houses, and such cool water-sources, and, over all, near enough to rest both eyes and heart, the sunlit mountains, ' the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.' " I liked my new hotfse well. It was too large for our need, but pleasanter for its airiness, and the first thing I did was to plant a little hop-vine, that I had brought all the way with such great care, by the east porch. I wanted some- thing like Plainfield in my home. I don't know why I lin- ger so, I must write faster, for I grow weak all the time. " I liked the City very well for awhile ; the neighbors were kind, and John more than that; I could not be un- happy with him I thought. We had a pretty garden, for another man had owned the house before us, and we had not to begin everything. Our next door neighbor, Mrs. Colton, was good and kind to me, so was her daughter Lizzy, a pretty girl, with fair hair, very fair. I wonder John liked it after mine. The first great shock I had was at a Mormon meeting. I cannot very well remember the ceremony, because I grew so faint ; but I would not faint away lest some one should see me. I only remember that it was Mrs. Col ton's husband with another wife being "sealed" to him, as they say here. You don't know what that means, Uncle Field ; it is one part of this religion of Satan, that any man may have, if he will, three or four wives, perhaps more. I only know that shameless man, with grown daugh- ters, and the hair on his head snow-white, has taken two, and his own wife, a firm believer in this faith ! looks on calmly, and lives with them in peace. I know that, and my soul sickened with disgust, but I did not fear ; not a thought, not a dream, not a shadow of fear crossed me. I should have despised myself forever if the idea had stained my soul; my husband was my husband mine before God THE MORMON'S WIFE. 105 and man ! and our child was in heaven ; how glad I was she conld never be a Mormon ! " I was sorry for Mrs. Colton, though she did not need it, and when I saw John leaning over their gate, or smoking in the porch with the old man, I thought he felt so, too, and I was glad to see him more sociable than ever he was in the States. After awhile he did not smoke, but talked with Elder Colton, and then would come home and expound out of the book of Mormon to me. I was very glad to have him earnest in his religion, but I could not be. Then he grew very thoughtful, and had a silent fit, but I took no notice of it, though I think now he meant to leave me, but I began to pine a little for home, and when I worked in the garden, and trained the vines about our veranda, I used to wish he would help me as he did Lizzy Colton, but I still remembered how good he was to pity and help them. " O fool ! yet, I had rather be a fool over again than have imagined that I am glad of, even now I did not once suspect. " But one day I remember every little thing in that day even the slow ticking of the clock, as I tied up my hop-vine; and after that I went into the garden, and sat down on a little bench under the grape-trellis, and looked at the mountains. How beautiful they were ! all purple in the shadow of sunset, and the sky golden green above them, with one scarlet cloud floating slowly upward: I hope I shall never see a red cloud again. Presently, John came and sat by me, and I laid my head on his shoulder ; I was so glad to have him there it cured my homesickness; once or twice he began to say something, and stopped, but I did not mind it. I wanted him to see a low line of mist creeping down a canon in the mountains, and I stood up to point it out ; so he rose, too, and in a strange, hurried way, began to say something about the Mormon faith, and the duties of a believer, which I did not notice either very 5* 106 ROSE TERRY. much I was so full of admiring the scarlet cloud when, like a sudden thunder-clap at my ear, I heard this quick, resolute sentence : ' And so, according to the advice and best judgment of the Saints, Elizabeth Colton will be sealed to me, after two days, as my spiritual wife.' "Then my soul fled out of my lips, in one cry I was dead my heart turned to a stone, and nothing can melt it ! I did not speak, or sigh, but sat down on the bench, and John talked a great deal ; I think he rubbed my hands and kissed me, but I did not feel it. I went away, by and by, when it was dark, into the house and into my room. I locked the door and looked at the wall till morning, then I went down and sat in a chair till night ; and I drank, drank, drank, like a fever. All the time cold water, but it never reached my thirst. John came home, but he did not dare touch me ; I was a dead corpse, with another spirit in it not his wife she was dead, and gone to heaven on a bright cloud. I remember being glad of that. " In two days more he had a wife, and I was not his any longer. I staid up stairs when he was in the house, and locked my door, till, after a great many days, I began to feel sorry for him. Oh ! how sorry ! for I knew I know he will see himself some day with my eyes, but not till I die. Then I found my lips full of blood one morning, and that pleased me, for I knew it was a promise of the life to come ; now I should go to heaven, where there are n't any Mor- mons. " I believe, though, people were kind to me all the time ; for I remember they came and said things to me, and one shook me a little to see if I felt ; and one woman cried. I was glad of that, for I could n't cry. However, after three months, I was better: worse, John said one day, and he brought a doctor, but the man knew as well as I did so he said nothing at all, and gave me some herb tea ; tell Aunt Martha that. THE MORMON'S WIFE. 107 " Then I could walk out of doors, but I did not care to ; only once I smelt the hop-blossoms, and that I could not bear, so I went out and pulled up my hop-vine by the roots, and laid it out, all straight, in the fierce sunshine : it died directly. In the winter, John had another wife sealed to him ; I heard somebody say so ; he did not tell me, and if he had I could not help it. I found he had taken a little adobe house for those two, and I knew it was out of tender- ness for my feelings he did so. Oh ! Uncle Field ! perhaps he has loved me all this time ? I know better, though, than that ? Spring came, and I was very weak, and I grew not to care about anything; so I told John he could bring those two women to this house if he wished ; I did not care, only nobody must ever come into my room. He looked ashamed, and pleased, too ; but he brought them, and no- body ever did come into my room. By and by Elizabeth Colton brought a little baby down stairs, and its name was Clara. Poor child ! poor little Mormon child ! I hope it will die some time before it grows up ; only I should not like it to come my side of heaven, for it had blue eyes like John's. " Then I grew more and more ill, and now I am really dying, and no letter has come from you ! It takes so long three whole months, and I have been more than a year in the house with John Henderson and the two women. I know I shall never see you, but I must speak, I must, even out of the grave ; and I keep hearing that old fugue. 'The Lord is just, is just, is just; the Lord is just and good!' Is he ? I know He is ; but I forget sometimes. Uncle Field ! you must pray for John ! you must ! I cannot die and leave him in his sins, his delusion ; he does not think it is sin, but I know it. Pray ! pray ! dear Uncle : don't be discouraged do not fear he will be undeceived some time ; he will repent, I know ! The Lord is just, and I will pray in heaven, and I will tell Nelly to, but you must. It 108 ROSE TERRY. says in the Bible, ' the prayer of a righteous man ' ; and oh ! I am not righteous ! I should not have married him ; it was an unequal yoke, and I have borne the burden ; but I loved him so much ! Uncle Field, I did not keep myself from idols. Pray ! I shall be dead, but he lives. Pray for him, and, if you will, for the little child because I am dying. Dear Nelly ! " "Are you blotting my letter, young man?" said Parson Field, at my elbow, as I deciphered the last broken, tremb- ling line of Ada's story. " Here I have been five minutes, and you did not hear me ! " I really had blotted the letter ! BEYOND. BY JOHN GIBSON LOCKHART. WHEN youthful faith hath fled, Of loving take thy leave ; Be constant to the dead, The dead cannot deceive Sweet modest flowers of spring, How fleet your balmy day ! And man's brief year can bring No secondary May, No earthly burst again Of gladness out of gloom ; Fond hope and vision vain, Ungrateful to the tomb. But 't is an old belief That on some solemn shore. Beyond the sphere of grief, Dear friends shall meet once more, Beyond the sphere of time, And sin and fate's control, Serene in endless prime Of body and of soul. That creed I fain would keep, That hope I'll not forego; Eternal be the sleep, Unless to waken so. AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PASSAGES BY JOHN MILTON. FOR although a poet, soaring in the high region of his fancies, with his garland and singing-robes about him, might, without apology, speak more of himself than I mean to do ; yet for me sitting here below in the cool element of prose, a mortal thing among many readers, of no empyreal conceit, to venture and divulge unusual things of myself, I shall petition to the gentler sort, it may not be envy to me. I must say, therefore, that after I had, for my first years, by the ceaseless diligence and care of my father, whom God rec- ompense, been exercised to the tongues, and some sciences, as my age would suffer, by sundry masters and teachers, both at home and at the schools, it was found that whether aught was imposed me by them that had the overlooking, or be- taken to of mine own choice in English, or other tongue, prosing or versing, but chiefly this latter, the style, by certain vital signs it had, was likely to live. But much latelier, in the private academies of Italy, whither I was favored to re- sort, perceiving that some trifles which I had in memory, composed at under twenty or thereabout (for the manner is that every one must give some proof of his wit and reading there), met with acceptance above what was looked for ; and other things which I had shifted in scarcity of books and conveniences, to patch up amongst them, were received with written encomiums, which the Italian is not forward to bestow on men of this side the Alps, I began thus far to AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PASSAGES. Ill assent both to them and divers of my friends here at home, and not less to an inward prompting, which now grew daily upon me, that by labor and intent study, (which I take to be my portion in this life,) joined with the strong propensity of nature, I might perhaps leave something so written, to after-times, as they should not willingly let it die. These thoughts at once possessed me, and these other ; that if I were certain to write as men buy leases, for three lives and downward, there ought no regard be sooner had than to God's glory, by the honor and instruction of my country. For which cause, and not only for that I knew it would be hard to arrive at the second rank among the Latins, I ap- plied myself to that resolution which Ariosto followed against the persuasions of Bembo, to fix all the industry and art I could unite to the adorning of my native tongue; not to make verbal curiosities the end, (that were a toilsome van- ity,) but to be an interpreter and relater of the best and sagest things among mine own citizens throughout this island, in the mother dialect. That what the greatest and choicest wits of Athens, Rome, or modern Italy, and those Hebrews of old did for their country, I, in my proportion, with this over and above, of being a Christian, might do for mine ; not caring to be once named abroad, though perhaps I could attain to that, but content with these British islands as my world ; whose fortune hath hitherto been, that if the Athenians, as some say, made their small deeds great and renowned by their eloquent writers, England hath had her noble achievements made small by the unskilful handling of monks and mechanics. Time serves not now, and perhaps I might seem too pro- fuse, to give any certain account of what the mind at home, in the spacious circuits of her musing, hath liberty to pro- pose to herself, though of highest hope and hardest attempt- ing. Whether that epic form, whereof the two poems of Homer, and those other two of Virgil and Tasso are a diffuse, 112 JOHN MILTON. and the book of Job a brief model ; or whether the rules of Aristotle herein are strictly to be kept, or nature to be fol- lowed, which in them that know art, and use judgment, is no transgression, but an enriching of art. And lastly, what king or knight before the conquest, might be chosen, in whom to lay the pattern of a Christian hero. And as Tasso gave to a prince of Italy his choice, whether he would com- mand him. to write of Godfrey's expedition against the infi- dels, or Belisarius against the Goths, or Charlemagne against the Lombards ; if to the instinct of nature and the embold- ening of art aught may be trusted, and that there be noth- ing adverse in our climate, or the fate of this age, it haply would be no rashness, from an equal diligence and inclina- tion, to present the like offer in our own ancient stories. Or whether those dramatic constitutions, wherein Sophocles and Euripides reign, shall be found more doctrinal and ex- emplary to a nation. The Scripture also affords us a divine pastoral drama in the Song of Solomon, consisting of two persons, and a double chorus, as Origen rightly judges ; and the Apocalypse of St. John is the majestic image of a high and stately tragedy, shutting up and intermingling her sol- emn scenes and acts with a seven-fold chorus of hallelujahs and harping symphonies. And this my opinion, the grave authority of Pareus, commenting that book, is sufficient to confirm. Or if occasion should lead, to imitate those magnific odes and hymns, wherein Pindarus and Callima- chus are in most things worthy, some others in their frame judicious, in their matter most an end faulty. But those frequent songs throughout the laws and prophets, beyond all these, not in their divine argument alone, but in the very critical art of composition, may be easily made appear over all the kinds of lyric poesy to be incomparable. These abilities, wheresoever they be found, are the inspired gift of God, rarely bestowed, but yet to some (though most abuse) in every nation : and are of power, beside the office of a AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PASSAGES. 113 pulpit, to inbreed and cherish in a great people the seeds of virtue and public civility ; to allay the perturbations of the mind, and set the affections in right tune ; to celebrate in glorious and lofty hymns the throne and equipage of God's almightiness, and what he suffers to be wrought with high providence in his church ; to sing victorious agonies of martyrs and saints, the deeds and triumphs of just and pious nations, doing valiantly through faith against the enemies of Christ ; to deplore the general relapses of kingdoms and states from justice and God's true worship. Lastly, whatso- ever in religion is holy and sublime, in virtue amiable or grave, whatsoever hath passion or admiration in all the changes of that which is called fortune from without, or the wily subtleties and refluxes of man's thoughts from within ; all these things, with a solid and treatable smoothness, to point out and describe. Teaching over the whole book of sanctity and virtue, through all the instances of example, with such delight to those especially of soft and delicious temper, who will not so much as look upon truth her- self, unless they see her elegantly dressed ; that whereas the paths of honesty and good life appear now rugged and diffi- cult, though they be indeed easy and pleasant, they will then appear to all men both easy and pleasant, though they were rugged and difficult indeed. And what a benefit this would be to our youth and gentry, may be soon guessed by what we know of the corruption and bane which they suck in daily from the writings and interludes of libidinous and ignorant poetasters, who having scarce ever heard of that which is the main consistence of a true poem, the choice of such persons as they ought to introduce, and what is moral and decent to each one, do for the most part lay up vicious principles in sweet pills, to be swallowed down, and make the taste of virtuous documents harsh and sour. But be- cause the spirit of man cannot demean itself lively in this body, without some recreating intermission of labor and 114 JOHN MILTON. serious things, it were happy for the commonwealth, if our magistrates, as in those famous governments of old, would take into their care, not only the deciding of our conten- tious law cases and brawls, but the managing of our public sports and festival pastimes, that they might be, not &uch as were authorized awhile since, the provocations of drunken- ness and lust, but such as may inure and harden our bodies, by martial exercises, to all warlike skill and performance ; and may civilize, adorn, and make discreet our minds, by the learned and affable meeting of frequent academies, and the procurement of wise and artful recitations, sweetened with eloquent and graceful enticements to the love and practice of justice, temperance, and fortitude, instructing and bettering the nation at all opportunities, that the call of wisdom and virtue may be heard everywhere, as Solomon saith : " She crieth without, she uttereth her voice in the streets, in the top of high places, in the chief con- course, and in the openings of the gates." Whether this may not be only in pulpits, but after another persuasive method, at set and solemn paneguries, in theatres, porches, or what other place or way may win most upon the people, to receive at once both recreation and instruction ; let them in authority consult. The thing which I had to say, and those intentions which have lived within me, ever since I could conceive myself anything worth to my country, I re- turn to crave excuse, that urgent reason hath plucked from me, by an abortive and foredated discovery. And the accom- plishment of them lies not but in a power above man's to promise ; but that none hath by more studious ways endeav- ored, and with more unwearied spirit that none shall, that I dare almost aver of myself, as far as life and free leisure will extend ; and that the land had once enfranchised herself from this impertinent yoke of prelacy, under whose inquisito- rious and tyrannical duncery no free and splendid wit can flourish. Neither do I think it shame to covenant with any AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PASSAGES. 115 knowing reader, that for some few years yet I may go on trust with him toward the payment of what I am now in- debted, as being a work not to be raised from the heat of youth, or the vapors of wine ; like that which flows at waste from the pen of some vulgar amorist, or the trencher- fury of a rhyming parasite ; nor to be obtained by the invo- cation of dame Memory and her syren daughters ; but by devout prayer to that eternal Spirit, who can enrich with all utterance and knowledge, and sends out his seraphim with the hallowed fire of his altar, to touch and purify the lips of whom he pleases. To this must be added indus- trious and select reading, steady observation, insight into all seemly and generous arts and affairs ; till which in some measure be compassed, at mine own peril and cost, I refuse not to sustain this expectation from as many as are not loth to hazard so much credulity upon the best pledges that I can give them. Although it nothing content me to have disclosed thus much beforehand, but that I trust hereby to make it manifest with what small willingness I endure to interrupt the pursuit of no less hopes than these, and leave a calm and pleasing solitariness, fed with cheerful .and confi- dent thoughts, to embark in a troubled sea of noises and hoarse disputes ; from beholding the bright countenance of truth in the quiet and still air of delightful studies, to come into the dim reflection of hollow antiquities sold by the seeming bulk, and there be fain to club quotations with men whose learning and belief lies in marginal stuffings ; who when they have, like good sumpters, laid you down their horse-load of citations and fathers at your door, with a rhap- sody of who and who were bishops here or there, you may take off their pack-saddles, their day's work is done, and episcopacy, as they think, stoutly vindicated. Let any gen- tle apprehension that can distinguish learned pains from unlearned drudgery, imagine what pleasure or profoundness can be in this, or what honor to deal against such adveraa- 116 JOHN MILTON. ries. But were it the meanest under-service, if God, by his secretary, conscience, enjoin it, it were sad for me if I should draw back ; for me especially, now when all men offer their aid to help, ease, and lighten the difficult labors of the Church to whose service, by the intentions of my parents and friends, I was destined of a child, and in mine own resolu- tions, till coming to some maturity of years, and perceiving what tyranny had invaded the Church, that he who would take orders, must subscribe slave, and take an oath withal ; which unless he took with a conscience that would retch, he must either strait perjure, or split his faith ; I thought it better to prefer a blameless silence, before the sacred office of speaking, bought and begun with servitude and forswear- ing. WAKENING. BY WILLIAM ALLINGHAM. A GOLDEN pen I mean to take, A book of ivory white, And in the mornings when I wake The kind dream-thoughts to write, Which come from heaven for love's support, Like dews that fall at night. For soon the delicate gifts decay, As stirs the mired and smoky day. " Sleep is like death," and after sleep The world seems new begun ; Its earnestness all clear and deep, Its true solution won ; White thoughts stand luminous and firm, Like statues in the sun ; Refreshed from super-sensuous founts, The soul to purer vision mounts. JOHN GRAHAM, FIRST VISCOUNT OF DUNDEE. BY EDMUND LODGE. THIS remarkable man, whose name can never be for- gotten while military skill and prowess, and the most loyal and active fidelity to an almost hopeless cause, shall challenge recollection, was the eldest son of Sir William Graham, of Claverhouse, in the County of Forfar, by Jane, fourth daughter of John Carnegy, first Earl of Northesk. His family was a scion which branched off from the ancient stock of the great House of Montrose, early in the fifteenth century, by the second marriage of William Lord Graham, of Kincardine, to Mary, second daughter of Robert the Third, King of Scotland, and had gradually acquired consid- erable estates, chiefly by the bounty of the Crown. He re- ceived his education in the University of St. Andrews, which he left to seek on the Continent the more polished qualifica- tions of a private gentleman of large fortune, the sphere to which he seemed to have been destined. In France, how- ever, the latent fire of his character broke forth ; he entered as a volunteer into the army of Louis the Fourteenth ; and having presently determined to adopt the military profes- sion, accepted in 1672 a commission of Cornet in the Horse Guards of William the Third, Prince of Orange, by whom, in the summer of 1674, he was promoted to be Captain of a troop, for his signal gallantry at the battle of Seneffe, in which indeed he saved the life of that Prince by a personal JOHN GRAHAM. 119 effort. He asked soon after for the command of one of the Scottish regiments in the Dutch service, and, strange to tell, was refused, on which he threw up his commission, making the cutting remark, that " the soldier who has not gratitude cannot be brave," and returned to England, bringing with him, however, the warmest recommendations from William to Charles the Second ; and Charles, who had been just then misadvised to subdue the obstinacy of the Scottish Cove- nanters by force of arms, appointed him to lead a body of horse which had been raised in Scotland for that purpose, and gave him full powers to act as he might think fit against them, although under the nominal command of the Duke of Monmouth. His conduct in the performance of this im- politic and cruel commission has left a stain on his memory scarcely to be glossed over by the brilliancy of his subse- quent merits. Bred from his infancy in an enthusiastic ven- eration to monarchy, and to the Established Church, his hatred to the Whigs, as they were then called in Scotland, was almost a part of his nature ; and, under the influence of a temper which never allowed him to be lukewarm in any pursuit, his zeal degenerated on this occasion with a fright- ful facility into a spirit of persecution. He watched and dispersed, with the most severe vigilance, the devotional meetings of those perverse and miserable sectaries, and forced thousands of them to subscribe, at the point of the sword, to an oath utterly subversive of the doctrines which they most cherished. But this was not the worst. On the 1st of July, 1679, having attacked a conventicle on Loudoun Hill, in Ayrshire, the neighboring peasants rose suddenly on a detachment of his troops, and, with that almost supernatu- ral power which a pure thirst of vengeance alone will some- times confer on mere physical force, defeated them with considerable loss. The fancied disgrace annexed to this check raised Graham's fury to the highest pitch, and he per- mitted himself to retaliate on the unarmed Whigs by cruelties 120 EDMUND LODGE. inconsistent with the character of a brave man. The track of his march was now uniformly marked by carnage ; the refusal of his test was punished with instant death ; and the practice of these horrible excesses, which was continued for some months, procured for him the appellation of " Bloody Claverhouse " ; by which he is still occasionally mentioned in that part of Scotland. He apologized for these horrors by coldly remarking, that " if terror ended or prevented war, it was true mercy." It may be concluded that this intemperance had the full approbation of the Crown, for we find that he was appointed in 1682 Sheriff of the Shire of Wigton; received soon after a commission of Captain in what was called the Royal Regi- ment of Horse ; was sworn a Privy-Councillor in Scotland ; and had a grant from the King of the Ca.tle of Dudhope, and the office of Constable of Dundee. Nor was it less acceptable such is the rage of party, especially when excited by re- ligious discord to the Scottish Episcopalians, who from that time seemed to have reposed in him the highest confidence. James, however, in forming on his accession a new Privy Council for that country, was prevailed on to omit his name, on the ground of his having connected himself in marriage with the fanatical family of Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald, but that umbrage was soon removed, and in 1686 he was restored to his seat in the Council, and appointed a Brigadier- General ; in 1688 promoted to the rank of Major-General ; and, on the 12th of November in that year, created by patent to him, and the heirs male of his body, with remain- der, in default of such issue, to his other heirs male, Viscount of Dundee, and Baron Graham of Claverhouse, in Scotland. The gift of these dignities was, in fact, the concluding act of James's expiring government. Graham, who was then at- tending that unhappy Prince in London, used every effort that good sense and high spirit could suggest, to induce him to remain in his capital, and await there with dignified firmness JOHN GRAHAM. 121 the arrival of the Prince of Orange ; undertaking for himself to collect, with that promptitude which was almost peculiar to him, ten thousand of the King's disbanded troops, and at their head to annihilate the Dutch forces which William had brought with him. Perhaps there existed not on the face of the earth another man so likely to redeem such an engage- ment ; but James, depressed and irresolute, refused the offer. Struck, however, with the zeal and bravery, and indeed with the personal affection, which had dictated it, he intrusted to Dundee the direction of all his military affairs in Scotland, whither that nobleman repaired just at the time that James fled from London. When he arrived at Edinburgh he found a Convention sit- ting, as in London, of the Estates of the country, in which he took his place. He complained to that assembly that a design had been formed to assassinate him ; required that all strangers should be removed from the town ; and, his request having been denied, he left Edinburgh at the head of a troop of horse, which he had hastily formed there of soldiers who had deserted in England from his own regiment. In the short interval afforded by the discussion of this matter, he formed his plans. After a conference with the Duke of Gordon, who then held the Castle for James, he set out for Stirling, where he called a Parliament of the friends of that Prince, and the revolutionists in Scotland saw their influ- ence, even within a few clays, dispelled as it were by magic, in obedience to his powerful energies. He was, in a manner, without troops, depending on the affections of those around him, which he had heated to enthusiasm, when a force sent by the Convention to seize his person seemed to remind him that he must have an army. He retired therefore into Loch- aber ; summoned a meeting of. the chiefs of clans in the Highlands, and presently found himself at the head of six thousand of the hardy natives, well armed and accoutred. He now wrote to James, who, in compliance with French 6 122 EDMUND LODGE. counsels, was wasting his time and means in Ireland, con- juring him to embark with a part of his army for Scotland, " where," as he told the king, " there were no regular troops, except four regiments, which "William had lately sent down ; where his presence would fix the wavering, and intimidate the timid ; and where hosts of shepherds would start up war- riors at the first wave of his banner upon their mountains." With the candor and plainness of a soldier and a faithful servant, he besought James to be content with the exercise of his own religion, and to leave in Ireland the Earl of Melfort, Secretary of State, between whom and himself some jealousy existed which might be prejudicial to a service in which they were alike devotedly sincere, however they might differ as to the best means of advancing it. James rejected his advice. " Dundee was furnished," says Burnet, " with some small store of arms and ammunition, and had kind promises, en- couraging him, and all that joined with him." Left now to his own discretion and his own resources, he displayed, together with the greatest military qualifications, and the most exalted generosity and disinterestedness, all the subtlety of a refined politician. On his arrival at Inverness he found that a discord had long subsisted between the people of the town and some neighboring chiefs, on an al- leged debt from the one to the other, and that the two parties, with their dependants, had assembled in arms to decide the quarrel. He heard the allegations of the principals on each side, with an affectation of the exactness of judicial inquiry, and then, having convened the entire mass of the conflicting parties in public, reproached them with the most cutting severity, that they, "who were all equally friends to King James, should be preparing, at a time when he most needed their friendship, to draw those daggers against each other which ought to be plunged only into the breasts of his ene- mies." He then paid from his own purse the debt in dis- pute ; and the late litigants, charmed by the grandeur of his JOHN GRAHAM. 123 conduct, instantly placed themselves in a cordial union under his banner. To certain other chiefs, upon whose estates the Earl of Argyle. who sought to restore his importance by at- taching himself to the revolutionary party, had ancient claims in law, and to others, who had obtained grants from the Crown of some of that nobleman's forfeited lands, he repre- sented the peril in which they would be placed by the suc- cess of William's enterprise on the British throne, and gained them readily to his beloved cause. He addressed himself with signal effect to all the powerful men of the north of Scotland ; fomented the angry feelings of those who thought themselves neglected by the new government ; flattered the vanity of those who, indifferent to the affairs of either party, sought simply for power and importance ; cor- rupted several officers of the regiments which were in preparation to be sent against him ; and even managed to maintain a constant correspondence with some members of the Privy Council, by whom he was regularly apprised of the plans contrived from time to time to counteract his gigantic efforts. Nay, he contrived to detach, as it were in a moment, from Lord Murray, heir to the Earl of Athol, a body of a thousand men, raised by that nobleman on his father's estates ; a defection of Highland vassals which had never till then occurred. " While Murray," says my author, " was reviewing them, they quitted their ranks ; ran to an adjoining brook ; filled their bonnets with water ; drank to King James's health ; and, with pipes playing, marched off to Lord Dundee." So acute and experienced a commander as William could not be long unconscious of the importance of such an enemy. He despatched into Scotland, at the head of between five and six thousand picked troops, General M'Kay, who had long served him in Holland with the highest military reputation. In the mean time, James, who had been apprised of this dis- position, sent orders to Dundee not to hazard a battle till 124 EDMUND LODGE. the arrival of a force from Ireland, which he now promised. Two months, however, elapsed before it appeared, which Dundee, burning with impatience, was necessitated to pass in the mountains, in marches of unexampled rapidity, in furious partial attacks, and masterly retreats. It has been well said of him, that " the first messenger of his approach was generally his own army in fight, and that the first intel- ligence of his retreat, brought accounts that he was already out of his enemy's reach." The long-expected aid at length arrived, in the last week of June, 1689, consisting only of five hundred raw and ill -provided recruits, but he instantly made ready for action. He advanced to meet M'Kay, who was preparing to invest the Castle of Blair, in Athol, a fortress the possession whereof enabled James's army to maintain a free communication between the northern and southern Highlands, and determined to attack William's troops on a small plain at the mouth of the pass of Killi- cranky, after they should have marched through that re- markable defile, on their road to Blair. On the 16th of July, at noon, M'Kay's army arrived on the plain, and dis- covered Dundee in array on the opposite hills. He had resolved, for reasons abounding with military genius, to defer his onset till the evening, and M'Kay, by various ex- pedients vainly tempted him during the day to descend : at length, half an hour before sunset, his Highlanders rushed down with the celerity and the fury of lions, and William's army was in an instant completely routed. Dundee, who had fought on foot, now mounted his horse, and flew towards the pass, to cut off their retreat, when, looking back, he found that he had outstripped his men, and was nearly alone. He halted, and, wavering his arm in the air, pointed to the pass, as a signal to them to hasten their march, and to occupy it. At that moment a ball from a musket aimed at him lodged in his body, immediately under the arm so raised. He fell from his horse, and, fainting, was carried off the field ; but, JOHN GRAHAM. 125 soon after recovering his senses for a fe\v seconds, he hastily inquired " how things went," and on being answered " all was well," "Then," said he, "I am well," and expired. "William, on hearing of his death, said, " The war in Scot- land is now ended." The memory of this heroic partisan has been cherished in the hearts, and celebrated by the pens, of numbers of his countrymen. A poet thus pathetically addresses his shade, and bewails the loss sustained by Scotland in his death : " Ultime Scotorum, potuit quo sospite solo Libertas patrise salva fuisse tuse. Te moriente novos accepit Scotia cives, Accepitque novos te moriente Deos. Ilia tibi superesse negat, tu non potes illi. Ergo Caledonia, nomen inane, vale 1 Tuque vale gentis priscse fortissimo ductor, Optimo Scotorum, atque ultimo, Grame, vale ! " And Sir John Dalrymple has left us some particulars of his military character exquisitely curious and interesting. " In his marches," says that author, " his men frequently wanted bread, salt, and all liquors except water, during several weeks, yet were ashamed to complain, when they observed that their commander lived not more delicately than themselves. If anything good was brought him to eat, he sent it to a faint or sick soldier. If a soldier was weary, he offered to carry his arms. He kept those who were with him from sinking under their fatigues, not so much by exhortation as by pre- venting them from attending to their sufferings ; for this reason he walked on foot with the men ; now by the side of one clan, and anon by that of another : he amused them with jokes ; he nattered them with his knowledge of their gen- ealogies ; he animated them by a recital of the deeds of their ancestors, and of the verses of their bards. It was one of his maxims that no general should fight with an irregular army, unless he was acquainted with every man he com- 126 EDMUND LODGE. manded. Yet, with these habits of familiarity, the severity of his discipline was dreadful : the only punishment he in- flicted was death. All other punishments, he said, disgraced a gentleman, and all who were with him were of that rank ; but that death was a relief from the consciousness of crime. It is reported of him that having seen a youth fly in his first action, he pretended he had sent him to the rear on a mes- sage. The youth fled a second time he brought him to the front of the army, and saying that ' a gentleman's son ought not to fall by the hands of a common executioner,' shot him with his own pistol." In society he is said to have been as much distinguished by a delicacy and softness of manners and temper, and by the most refined politeness, as he was by his sternness in war. Sir Walter Scott, in his Romance of Old Mortality, in which facts and fiction are blended with an uncommon felicity, gives us the following picture of his person and demeanor, evidently not the work of fancy, and probably in substance the result of respectable and inveterate tradition : " Graham of Claverhouse was rather low of stature, and slightly, though elegantly, formed ; his gesture, language, and' manners, were those of one whose life had been spent among the noble and the gay. His features exhibited even femi- nine regularity. An oval face, a straight and well-formed nose, dark hazel eyes, a complexion just sufficiently tinged with brown to save it from the charge of effeminacy, a short upper lip, curved upwards like that of a Grecian statue, and slightly shaded by small mustachios of light brown, joined to a profusion of long curled locks of the same color, which fell down on each side of his face, contributed to form such a countenance as limners like to paint, and ladies to look upon. The severity of his character, as well as the higher attributes of undaunted and enterprising valor which even his enemies were compelled to admit, lay concealed under an exterior which seemed adapted to the court or the saloon rather than JOHN GRAHAM. 127 to the field. The same gentleness and gayety of expression which reigned in his features seemed to inspire his actions and gestures ; and, on the whole, he was generally esteemed, at first sight, rather qualified to be the votary of pleasure than of ambition. But under this soft exterior was hidden a spirit unbounded in daring and in aspiring, yet cautious and prudent as that of Machiavel himself. Profound in politics, and imbued, of course, with that disregard for individual rights which its intrigues usually generate, this leader was cool in pursuing success, careless of death himself, and ruth- less in inflicting it upon others. Such are the characters formed in times of civil discord, when the highest qualities, perverted by party spirit, and inflamed by habitual opposi- tion, are too often combined with vices and excesses, which deprive them at once of their merit and of their lustre." THE BURIAL-MARCH OF DUNDEE.* BY W. EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN. SOUND the fife, and cry the slogan, Let the pribroch shake the air With its wild triumphal music, "Worthy of the freight we bear. Let the ancient hills of Scotland Hear once more the battle-song Swell within their glens and valleys As the clansmen march along ! Never from the field of combat, Never from the deadly fray, "Was a nobler trophy carried Than we bring with us to-day, Never, since the valiant Douglas On his dauntless bosom bore Good King Robert's heart the priceless To our dear Redeemer's shore ! Lo ! we bring with us the hero, Lo ! we bring the conquering Graeme, Crowned as best beseems a victor From the altar of his fame ; Fresh and bleeding from the battle Whence his spirit took its flight, * John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee, was killed at the battle of Killiecrankie in Scotland. THE BURIAL-MARCH OF DUNDEE. 129 Midst the crashing charge of squadrons, And the thunder of the fight ! Strike, I say, the notes of triumph, As we march o'er moor and lea ! Is there any here will venture To bewail our dead Dundee ? Let the widows of the traitors Weep until their eyes are dim ! Wail ye may full well for Scotland, Let none dare to mourn for him ! See ! above his glorious body , Lies the royal banner's fold ; See ! his valiant blood is mingled With its crimson and its gold. See how calm he looks, and stately, Like a warrior on his shield, Waiting till the flush of morning Breaks along the battle-field ! See never more, my comrades, Shall we see that falcon eye Redden with its inward lightning, As the hour of fight drew nigh ! Never shall we hear the voice that Clearer than the trumpet's call, Bade us strike for King and Country. Bade us win the field, or fall ! On the heights of Killiecrankie Yester-morn our army lay : Slowly rose the mist in columns From the river's broken way ; Hoarsely roared the swollen torrent, And the Pass was wrapt hi gloom, When the clansmen rose together From their lair amidst the broom. 6 I 130 W. EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN. Then we belted on our tartans, And our bonnets down we drew, And we felt our broadswords' edges, And we proved them to be true ; And we prayed the prayer of soldiers, And we cried the gathering-cry, And we clasped the hands of kinsmen, And we swore to do or die ! Then our leader rode before us On his war-horse black as night, Well the Cameronian rebels Know that charger in the fight ! And a cry of exultation From the bearded warriors rose ; For we loved the house of Claver'se, And we thought of good Montrose. But he raised his hand for silence " Soldiers ! I have sworn a vow: Ere the evening star shall glisten On Schehallion's lofty brow, Either we shall rest in triumph, Or another of the Grammes Shall have died in battle-harness For his Country and King James ! Think upon the Royal Martyr, Think of what his race endure, Think of him whom butchers murdered On the field of Magus Muir : By his sacred blood I charge ye, By the ruined hearth and shrine, By the blighted hopes of Scotland, By your injuries and mine, Strike this day as if the anvil Lay beneath your blows the while, THE BURIAL-MAKCH OF DUNDEE. 131 Be they covenanting traitors, Or the brood of false Argyle ! Strike ! and drive the trembling rebels Backwards o'er the stormy Forth ; Let them tell their pale Convention How they fared within the North. Let them tell that Highland honor Is not to be bought nor sold, That we scorn their prince's anger As we loathe his foreign gold. Strike ! and when the fight is over, If ye look in vain for me, Where the dead are lying thickest, Search for him that was Dundee ! " Loudly then the hills re-echoed With our answer to his call, But a deeper echo sounded In the bosoms of us all. For the lands of wide Breadalbane, Not a man who heard him speak Would that day have left the battle. Burning eye and flushing cheek Told the clansmen's fierce emotion, And they harder drew their breath ; For their souls were strong within them, Stronger than the grasp of death. Soon we heard a challenge-trumpet Sounding in the Pass below, And the distant tramp of horses, And the voices of the foe : Down we crouched amid the bracken, Till the Lowland ranks drew near, Panting like the hounds in summer, When they scent the stately deer. 132 W. EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN. From the dark defile emerging, Next we saw the squadrons come, Leslie's foot and Leven's troopers Marching to the tuck of drum ; Through the scattered wood of birches, O'er the broken ground and heath, Wound the long battalion slowly, Till they gained the plain beneath ; Then we bounded from our covert, Judge how looked the Saxons then, When they saw the rugged mountains Start to life with armed men ! Like a tempest down the ridges Swept the hurricane of steel, Rose the slogan of Macdonald, Flashed the broadsword of Lochiel ! Vainly sped the withering volley 'Mongst the foremost of our band, On we poured until we met them, Foot to foot, and hand to hand. Horse and man went down like drift-wood When the floods are black at Yule, And their carcasses are whirling In the Garry's deepest pool. Horse and man went down before us, Living foe there tarried none On the field of Killiecrankie, When that stubborn fight was done ! And the evening star was shining On Schehallion's distant head, When we wiped our bloody broadswords, And returned to count the dead. There we found him gashed and gory, Stretched upon the cumbered plain, THE BURIAL-MARCH OF DUNDEE. 133 As he told us where to seek him, In the thickest of the slain. And a smile was on his visage, For within his dying ear Pealed the joyful note of triumph, And the clansmen's clamorous cheer : So, amidst the battle's thunder, Shot, and steel, and scorching flame, In the glory of his manhood Passed the spirit of the Graeme ! Open wide the vaults of Atholl, "Where the bones of heroes rest, Open wide the hallowed portals To receive another guest ! Last of Scots, and last of freemen, Last of all that dauntless race, Who would rather die unsullied Than outlive the land's disgrace ! thou lion-hearted warrior ! Reck not of the after-time ; Honor may be deemed dishonor, Loyalty be called a crime. Sleep in peace with kindred ashes Of the noble and the true, Hands that never failed their country, Hearts that never baseness knew. Sleep ! and till the latest trumpet Wakes the dead from earth and sea, Scotland shall not boast a braver Chieftain than our own Dundee ! MIGNON AS AN ANGEL BT GOETHE. IT chanced that the birthday of two twin-sisters, whose be- havior had been always very good, was near; I prom- ised that, on this occasion, the little present they had so well deserved should be delivered to them by an angel. They were on the stretch of curiosity regarding this phenom- enon. I had chosen Mignon for the part ; and accordingly, at the appointed day, I had her suitably equipped hi a long light snow-white dress. She was, of course, provided with a golden girdle round her waist, and a golden fillet on her hair. I at first proposed to omit the wings ; but the young ladies who were decking her, insisted on a pair of large golden pinions, in preparing which they meant to show their highest art. Thus did the strange apparition, with a lily in the one hand, and a little basket in the other, glide in among the girls : she surprised even me. " There comes the angel ! " said I. The children all shrank back ; at last they cried : " It is Mignon ! " yet they durst not venture to approach the wondrous figure. " Here are your gifts," said she, putting down the basket. They gathered around her, they viewed, they felt, they questioned her. " Art though an angel ? " asked one of them. " I wish I were," said Mignon. Why dost thou bear a lily ? " MIGNON AS AN ANGEL. 135 " So pure and so open should my heart be ; then were I happy." " What wings are these ? Let us see them ! " "They represent far finer ones, which are not yet un- folded." And thus significantly did she answer all their other childlike, innocent inquiries. The little party having satis- fied their curiosity, and the impression of the show begin- ning to abate, we were for proceeding to undress the little angel. This, however, she resisted : she took her cithern ; she seated herself here, on this high writing-table, and sang a little song with touching grace : Such let me seem, till such I be ; Take not my snow-white dress away ; Soon from this dusk of earth I flee Up to the glittering lands of day. There first a little space I rest, Then wake so glad, to scene so kind ; In earthly robes no longer drest, This band, this girdle left behind. And those calm shining sons of morn, They ask not who is maid or boy ; No robes, no garments there are worn, Our body pure from sin's alloy. Through little life not much I toiled, Yet anguish long this heart has wrung, Untimely woe my blossom spoiled ; Make me again forever young ! THE CAGE AT CRANFORD. BY MES. GASKELL. HAVE I told you anything about my friends at Cran- ford since the year 1856? I think not. You remember the Gordons, don't you ? She that was Jessie Brown, who married her old love, Major Gordon : and from being poor became quite a rich lady : but for all that never forgot any of her old friends in Cranford. Well ! the Gordons were travelling abroad, for they were very fond of travelling ; people who have had to spend part of their lives in a regiment always are, I think. They were now at Paris, in May, 1856, and were going to stop there, and in the neighborhood all summer, but Mr. Ludovic was coming to England soon ; so Mrs. Gordon wrote me word. I was glad she told me, for just then I was waiting to make a little present to Miss Pole, with whom I was staying ; so I wrote to Mrs. Gordon, and asked her to choose me out something pretty and new and fashionable, that would be acceptable to Miss Pole. Miss Pole had just been talking a great deal about Mrs. Fitz Adam's caps being so unfash- ionable, which I suppose made me put in that word fashion- able ; but afterwards I wished I had sent to say my present was not to be too fashionable ; for there is such a thing, I can assure you ! The price of my present was not to be more than twenty shillings, but that is a very handsome sum if you put it in that way, though it may not sound so much if you only call it a sovereign. THE CAGE AT CRANFOBD. 137 Mrs. Gordon wrote back to me, pleased, as she always was, with doing anything for her old friends. She told me she had been out for a day's shopping before going into the country, and had got a cage for herself of the newest and most elegant description, and had thought that she could not do better than get another like it as my present for Miss Pole, as cages were so much better made in Paris than any- where else. I was rather dismayed when I read this letter, for however pretty a cage might be, it was something for Miss Pole's own self, and not for her parrot, that I had in- tended to get. Here had I been finding ever so many rea- sons against her buying a new cap at Johnson's fashion-show, because I thought that the present which Mrs. Gordon was to choose for me in Paris might turn out to be an elegant and fashionable head-dress ; a kind of cross between a tur- ban and a cap, as I see those from Paris mostly are ; and now I had to veer round, and advise her to go as fast as she could, and secure Mr. Johnson's cap before any other pur- chaser snatched it up. But Miss Pole was too sharp for me. " Why, Mary," said she, " it was only yesterday you were running down that cap like anything. You said, you know, that lilac was too old a color for me ; and green too young ; and that the mixture was very unbecoming." " Yes, I know," said I ; " but I have thought better of it I thought about it a great deal last night, and I think I thought they would neutralize each other; and the shad- ows of any color are, you know something I know com- plementary colors." I was not sure of my own meaning, but I had an idea in my head, though I could not express it. She took me up shortly. " Child, you don't know what you are saying. And be- sides, I don't want compliments at my time of life. I lay awake, too, thinking of the cap. I only buy one ready-made once a year, and of course it 's a matter for consideration ; and I came to the conclusion that you were quite right." 138 MRS. GASKELL. "0 dear Miss Pole! I was quite wrong; if you only knew I did think it a very pretty cap only " "Well! do just finish what you've got to say. You're almost as bad as Miss Matty in your way of talking, without being half as good as she is in other ways ; though I 'm very fond of you, Mary, I don't mean I am not ; but you must see you 're very off and on, and very muddle-headed. It 's the truth, so you will not mind my saying so." It was just because it did seem like the truth at that time that I did mind her saying so ; and, in despair, I thought I would tell her all. " I did not mean what I said ; I don't think lilac too old or green too young : and I think the mixture very becoming to you ; and I think you will never get such a pretty cap again, at least in Cranford." It was fully out, so far, at least. " Then, Mary Smith, will you tell me what you did mean, by speaking as you did, and convincing me against my will, and giving me a bad night ? " " I meant O Miss Pole, I meant to surprise you with a present from Paris ; and I thought it would be a cap. Mrs. Gordon was to choose it,^nd Mr. Ludovic to bring it. I dare say it is in England now ; only it 's not a cap. And I did not want you to buy Johnson's cap, when I thought I was getting another for you." Miss Pole found this speech " muddle-headed," I have no doubt, though she did not say so, only making an odd noise of perplexity. I went on : "I wrote to Mrs. Gordon, and asked her to get you a present something new and pretty. I meant it to be a dress, but I suppose I did not say so ; I thought it would be a cap, for Paris is so famous for caps, and it is " " You 're a good girl, Mary," (I was past thirty, but did not object to being called a girl ; and, indeed, I generally felt like a girl at Cranford, where everybody was so much THE CAGE AT CRANFORD. 139 older than I was,) " but when you want a thing, say what you want ; it is the best way in general. And now I sup- pose Mrs. Gordon has bought something quite different ? a pair of shoes, I dare say, for people talk a deal of Paris shoes. Anyhow, I 'm just as much obliged to you, Mary, my dear. Only you should not go and spend your money on me." " It was not much money ; and it was not a pair of shoes. You '11 let me go and get the cap, won't you ? It was so pretty somebody will be sure to snatch it up." " I don't like getting a cap that 's sure to be unbecoming." " But it is not ; it was not. I never saw you look so well in anything," said I. " Mary, Mary, remember who is the father of lies ! " " But he 's not my father," exclaimed I, in a hurry, for I saw Mrs. Fitz Adam go down the street in the direction of Johnson's shop. " I '11 eat my words ; they were all false : only just let me run down and buy you that cap that pretty cap." " "Well ! run off, child. I liked it myself till you put me out of taste with it." I brought it back in triumph from under Mrs. FitzAdam's very nose, as she was hanging hi meditation over it ; and the more we saw of it, the more we felt pleased with our purchase. We turned it on this side, and we turned it on that ; and though we hurried it away into Miss Pole's bed- room at the sound of a double knock at the door, when we found it was only Miss Matty and Mr. Peter, Miss Pole could not resist the opportunity of displaying it, and said in a solemn way to Miss Matty : " Can I speak to you for a few minutes in private ? " And I knew feminine delicacy too well to explain what this grave prelude was to lead to ; aware how immediately Miss Matty's anxious tremor would be allayed by the sight of the cap. I had to go on talk- ing to Mr. Peter, however, when I would far rather have 140 MRS. GASKELL. been in the bedroom, and heard the observations and com- ments. We talked of the new cap all day ; what gowns it would suit ; whether a certain bow was not rather too coquettish for a woman of Miss Pole's age. "No longer young," as she called herself, after a little struggle with the words, though at sixty-five she need not have blushed as if she were telling a falsehood. But at last the cap was put away, and with a wrench we turned our thoughts from the subject "We had been silent for a little while, each at our work with a candle between us, when Miss Pole began : " It was very kind of you, Mary, to think of giving me a present from Paris." " Oh, I was only too glad to be able to get you some- thing! I hope you will like it, though it is not what I expected." " I am sure I shall like it. And a surprise is always so pleasant." " Yes ; but I think Mrs. Gordon has made a very odd choice." " I wonder what it is. I don't like to ask, but there 's a great deal in anticipation ; I remember hearing dear Miss Jenkyns say that ' anticipation was the soul of enjoyment,' or something like that. Now there is no anticipation in a surprise ; that 's the worst of it." " Shall I tell you what it is ? " " Just as you like, my dear. If it is any pleasure to you, I am quite willing to hear." " Perhaps I had better not. It is something quite dif- ferent to what I expected, and meant to have got ; and I 'm not sure if I like it as well." " Relieve your mind, if you like, Mary. In all dis- appointments sympathy is a great balm." " Well, then, it 's something not for you ; it 's for Polly. It 's a cage. Mrs. Gordon says they make such pretty ones in Paris." THE CAGE AT CRANFORD. 141 I could see that Miss Pole's first emotion was disappoint- ment. But she was very fond of her cockatoo, and the thought of his smartness in his new habitation made her be reconciled in a moment ; besides that she was really grate- ful to me for having planned a present for her. " Polly ! Well, yes ; his old cage is very shabby ; he is eo continually pecking at it with his sharp bill. I dare say Mrs. Gordon noticed it when she called here last October. I shall always think of you, Mary, when I see him in it. Now we can have him in the drawing-room, for I dare say a French cage will be quite an ornament to the room." And so she talked on, till we worked ourselves up into high delight at the idea of Polly in his new abode, present- able in it even to the Honorable Mrs. Jamieson. The next morning Miss Pole said she had been dreaming of Polly with her new cap on his head, while she herself sat on a perch in the new cage and admired him. Then, as if ashamed of having revealed the fact of imagining "such arrant nonsense " in her sleep, she passed on rapidly to the philosophy of dreams, quoting some book she had lately been reading, which was either too deep in itself, or too confused in her repetition for me to understand it. After breakfast, we had the cap out again ; and that in its differ- ent aspects occupied us for an hour or so ; and then, as it was a fine day, we turned into the garden, where Polly was hung on a nail outside the kitchen window. He clamored and screamed at the sight of his mistress, who went to look for an almond for him. I examined his cage meanwhile, old discolored wicker-work, clumsily made by a Cranford basket-maker. I took out Mrs. Gordon's letter ; it was dated the loth, and this was the 20th, for I had kept it Becret for two days in my pocket. Mr. Ludovic was on the point of setting out for England when she wrote. " Poor Polly ! " said I, as Miss Pole, returning, fed him with the almond. 142 MRS. GASKELL. "Ah! Polly does not know what a pretty cage he is going to have," said she, talking to him as she would have done to a child ; and then turning to me, she asked when I thought it would come ? We reckoned up dates, and made out that it might arrive that very day. So she called to her little stupid servant-maiden Fanny, and bade her go out and buy a great brass-headed nail, very strong, strong enough to bear Polly and the new cage, and we all three weighed the cage in our hands, and on her return she was to come up into the drawing-room with the nail and a hammer. Fanny was a long time, as she always was, over her er- rands ; but as soon as she came back, we knocked the nail, with solemn earnestness, into the house-wall, just outside the drawing-room window ; for, as Miss Pole observed, when I was not there she had no one to talk to, and as in summer- time she generally sat with the window open, she could com- bine two purposes, the giving air and sun to Polly-Cock- atoo, and the having his agreeable companionship in her solitary hours. " When it rains, my dear, or even in a very hot sun, I shall take the cage in. I would not have your pretty pres- ent spoilt for the world. It was very kind of you to think of it ; I am quite come round to liking it better than any present of mere dress ; and dear Mrs. Gordon has shown all her usual pretty observation in remembering my Polly- Cockatoo." " Polly-Cockatoo " was his grand name ; I had only once or twice heard him spoken of by Miss Pole in this formal manner, except when she was speaking to the servants ; then she always gave him his full designation, just as most people call their daughters Miss, in speaking of them to strangers or servants. But since Polly was to have a new cage, and all the way from Paris too, Miss Pole evidently thought it necessary to treat him with unusual respect. We were obliged to go out to pay some calls ; but we left THE CAGE AT CRANFORD. 143 strict orders with Fanny what to do if the cage arrived in our absence, as (we had calculated) it might. Miss Pole stood ready bonneted and shawled at the kitchen door, I behind her, and cook behind Fanny, each of us listening to the conversation of the other two. "And Fanny, mind if it comes you coax Polly- Cockatoo nicely into it. He is very particular, and may be attached to his old cage, though it is so shabby. Remember, birds have their feelings as much as we have ! Don't hurry him in making up his mind." " Please, ma'am, I think an almond would help him to get over his feelings," said Fanny, dropping a curtsey at every speech, as she had been taught to do at her charity school. " A very good idea, very. If I have my keys in my pocket I will give you an almond for him. I think he is sure to like the view up the street from the window; he likes seeing people, I think." " It 's but a dull look-out into the garden ; nowt but dumb flowers," said cook, touched by this allusion to the cheerfulness of the street, as contrasted with the view from her own kitchen window. " It 's a very good look-out for busy people," said Miss Pole, severely. And then, feeling she was likely to get the worst of it in an encounter with her old servant, she withdrew with meek dignity, being deaf to some sharp re- ply ; and of course I, being bound to keep order, was deaf too. If the truth must be told, we rather hastened our steps, until we had banged the street door behind us. We called on Miss Matty, of course ; and then on Mrs. Hoggins. It seemed as if ill-luck would have it that we went to the only two households of Cranford where there was the encumbrance of a man, and in both places the man was where he ought not to have been namely, in his own house, and in the way. Miss Pole out of civility to me, 144 MRS. GASKELL. and because she really was full of the new cage for Polly, and because we all in Cranford relied on the sympathy of our neighbors in the veriest trifle that interested us told Miss Matty, and Mr. Peter, and Mr. and Mrs. Hoggins ; he was standing in the drawing-room, booted and spurred, and eating his hunk of bread and cheese in the very presence of his aristocratic wife, my lady that was. As Miss Pole said afterwards, if refinement was not to be found in Cran- ford, blessed as it was with so many scions of county families, she did not know where to meet with it. Bread and cheese in a drawing-room ! Onions next. But for all Mr. Hoggins's vulgarity, Miss Pole told him of the present she was about to receive. " Only think ! a new cage for Polly Polly Polly- Cockatoo, you know, Mr. Hoggins. You remember him, and the bite he gave me once because he wanted to be put back in his cage, pretty bird ? " " I only hope the new cage will be strong as well as pretty, for I must say a " He caught a look from his wife, I think, for he stopped short. " Well, we 're old friends, Polly and I, and he put some practice in my way once. I shall be up the street this afternoon, and perhaps I shall step in and see this smart Parisian cage." " Do ! " said Miss Pole, eagerly. " Or, if you are in a hurry, look up at my drawing-room window ; if the cage is come, it will be hanging out there, and Polly in it." We had passed the omnibns that met the train from London some time ago, so we were not surprised as we re- turned home to see Fanny half out of the window, and cook evidently either helping or hindering her. Then they both took their heads in ; but there was no cage hanging up. We hastened up the steps. Both Fanny and the cook met us in the passage. " Please, ma'am," said Fanny, " there 's no bottom to the cage, and Polly would fly away." THE CAGE AT CRANFORD. 145 " And there 's no top," exclaimed cook. " He might get out at the top quite easy." " Let me see," said Miss Pole, brushing past, thinking no doubt that her superior intelligence was all that was needed to set things to rights. On the ground lay a bun- dle, or a circle of hoops, neatly covered over with calico, no more like a cage for Polly-Cockatoo than I am like a cage. Cook took something up between her finger and thumb, and lifted the unsightly present from Paris. How I wish it had stayed there ! but foolish ambition has brought people to ruin before now; and my twenty shillings are gone, sure enough, and there must be some use or some ornament in- tended by the maker of the thing before us. "Don't you think it's a mousetrap, ma'am?" asked Fanny, dropping her little curtsey. For reply, the cook lifted up the machine, and showed how easily mice might run out ; and Fanny shrank back abashed. Cook was evidently set against the new inven- tion, and muttered about its being all of a piece with French things French cooks, French plums, (nasty dried- up things,) French rolls (as had no substance in 'em.) Miss Pole's good manners, and desire of making the best of things in my presence, induced her to try and drown cook's mutterings, " Indeed, I think it will make a very nice cage for Polly- Cockatoo. How pleased he will be to go from one hoop to another, just like a ladder, and with a board or two at the bottom, and nicely tied up at the top " Fanny was struck with a new idea. " Please, ma'am, my sister-in-law has got an aunt as lives lady's-maid with Sir John's daughter Miss Arley. And they did say as she wore iron petticoats all made of hoops " " Xonsense, Fanny ! " we all cried ; for such a thing had not been heard of in all Drumble, let alone Cranford, and I 7 j 146 MRS. GASKELL. was rather looked upon in the light of a fast young woman by all the laundresses of Cranford, because I had two corded petticoats. " Go mind thy business, wench," said cook, with the ut- most contempt ; " I '11 warrant we '11 manage th' cage without thy help." "It is near dinner-time, Fanny, and the cloth not laid," said Miss Pole, hoping the remark might cut two ways ; but cook had no notion of going. She stood on the bottom step of the stairs, holding the Paris perplexity aloft in the air. " It might do for a meat-safe," said she. " Cover it o'er wi' canvas, to keep th' flies out. It is a good framework, I reckon, anyhow ! " She held her head on one side, like a connoisseur in meat-safes, as she was. Miss Pole said, " Are you sure Mrs. Gordon called it a cage, Mary? Because she is a woman of her word, and would not have called it so if it was not." " Look here ; I have the letter in my pocket." " ' I have wondered how I could best fulfil your commis- sion for me to purchase something to the value of um, um, never mind 'fashionable and pretty for dear Miss Pole, and at length I have decided upon one of the new kind of " cages " ' (look here, Miss Pole ; here is the word, C A G E), ' which are made so much lighter and more ele- gant in Paris than in England. Indeed, I am not sure if they have ever reached you, for it is not a month since I saw the first of the kind in Paris.' " "Does she say anything about Polly-Cockatoo?" asked Miss Pole. " That would settle the matter at once, as showing that she had him in her mind." " No nothing." Just then Fanny came along the passage with the tray full of dinner things in her hands. When she had put them down, she stood at the door of the dining-room taking THE CAGE AT CRANFORD. 147 a distant view of the article. " Please, ma'am, it looks like a petticoat without any stuff in it ; indeed it does, if I 'm to be whipped for saying it." But she only drew down upon herself a fresh objurgation from the cook ; and sorry and annoyed, I seized the oppor- tunity of taking the thing out of cook's hand, and carrying it up stairs, for it was full time to get ready for dinner. But we had very little appetite for our meal, and kept constantly making suggestions, one to the other, as to the nature and purpose of this Paris " cage," but as constantly snubbing poor little Fanny's reiteration of " Please, ma'am, I do be- lieve it 's a kind of petticoat indeed I do." At length Miss Pole turned upon her with almost as much vehemence as cook had done, only in choicer language. " Don't be so silly, Fanny. Do you think ladies are like children, and must be put in go-carts ; or need wire-guards like fires to surround them ; or can get warmth out of bits of whalebone and steel ; a likely thing indeed ! Don't keep talking about what you don't understand." So our maiden was mute for the rest of the meal. After dinner we had Polly brought up stairs in her old cage, and I held out the new one, and we turned it about in every way. At length Miss Pole said : " Put Polly-Cockatoo back, and shut him up in his cage. You hold this French thing up," (alas ! that my present should be called a " thing,") " and I '11 sew a bottom on to it. I '11 lay a good deal, they 've forgotten to sew in the bottom before sending it off." So I held and she sewed ; and then she held, and 1 sewed, till it was all done. Just as we had put Polly-Cockatoo in, and were closing up the top with a pretty piece of old yellow ribbon and, indeed, it was not a bad-looking cage after all our trouble Mr. Hoggins came up stairs, having been seen by Fanny before he had time to knock at the door. " Hallo ! " said he, almost tumbling over us, as we were sitting on the floor at our work. " What 's this ? " 148 MRS. GASKELL. " It 's this pretty present for Polly- Cockatoo," said Miss Pole, raising herself up with as much dignity as she could, " that Mary has had sent from Paris for me." Miss Pole was in great spirits now we had got Polly in ; I can 't say that I was. Mr. Hoggins began to laugh in his boisterous vulgar way. " For Polly ha ! ha ! It 's meant for you, Miss Pole ha ! ha ! It 's a new invention to hold your gowns out ha! ha!" " Mr. Hoggins ! you may be a surgeon, and a very clever one, but nothing not even your profession gives you a right to be indecent." Miss Pole was thoroughly roused, and I trembled in my shoes. But Mr. Hoggins only laughed the more. Polly screamed in concert, but Miss Pole stood in stiff rigid pro- priety, very red in the face. " I beg your pardon, Miss Pole, I am sure. But I am pretty certain I am right. It's no indecency that I can see ; my wife and Mrs. Fitz Adam take in a Paris fashion- book between 'em, and I can't help seeing the plates of fashions sometimes ha ! ha ! ha ! Look, Polly has got out of his queer prison ha ! ha ! ha ! " Just then Mr. Peter came in ; Miss Matty was so curious to know if the expected present had arrived. Mr. Hoggins took him by the arm, and pointed to the poor thing lying on the ground, but could not explain for laughing. Miss Pole said : " Although I am not accustomed to give an explanation of my conduct to gentlemen, yet, being insulted in my own house by by Mr. Hoggins, I must appeal to the brother of my old friend my very oldest friend. Is this article a lady's petticoat, or a bird's cage ? " She held it up as she made this solemn inquiry. Mr. Hoggins seized the moment to leave the room, in shame, as I supposed, but, in reality, to fetch his wife's fashion-book ; THE CAGE AT CRANFORD. 149 and, before I had completed the narration of the story of my unlucky commission, he returned, and, holding the fashion-plate open by the side of the extended article, demonstrated the identity of the two. But Mr. Peter had always a smooth way of turning off anger, by either his fun or a compliment. " It is a cage," said he, bowing to Miss Pole ; " but it is a cage for an angel, instead of a bird ! Come along, Hoggins, I want to speak to you ! " And, with an apology, he took the offending and victo- rious surgeon out of Miss Pole's presence. For a good while we said nothing ; and we were now rather shy of little Fanny's superior wisdom when she brought up tea. But towards night our spirits revived, and we were quite ourselves again, when Miss Pole proposed that we should cut up the pieces of steel or whalebone which, to do them justice, were very elastic and make ourselves two good comfortable English calashes out of them with the aid of a piece of dyed silk which Miss Pole had by her. VERSES ON SIR PHILIP SIDNEY. BY EDMUND SPENSEK. YOU knew who knew not ? Astrophel. (That I should live to say I knew, And have not in possession still !) Things known permit me to renew : Of him you know his merit such, I cannot say you hear too much. Within these woods of Arcady, He chief delight and pleasure took ; And on the mountain Partheny, Upon the crystal liquid brook, The Muses met him every day, That taught him song to write and say. "When he descended from the mount, His personage seemed most divine ; A thousand graces one might count Upon his lovely cheerful eyne. To hear him speak and sweetly smile, You were in Paradise the while. A sweet attractive kind of grace, A full assurance given by looks ; Continual comfort in a face, The lineaments of Gospel books : VERSES ON SIR PHILIP SIDNEY. 151 I trow that countenance cannot lie, Whose thoughts are legible in th' eye. Above all others, this is he, Which erst approved in his song That love and honor might agree, And that pure love will do no wrong. Sweet saints, it is no sin or blame To love a man of virtuous name. Did never love so sweetly breathe In any mortal breast before : Did never Muse inspire beneath A poet's brain with finer store. He wrote of love with high conceit, And beauty rear'd above her height. PRESCOTT'S INFIRMITY OF SIGHT. BY GEORGE TICKNOR. WHEN the " Ferdinand and Isabella " was published, in the winter of 1837-8, its author was nearly forty-two years old. His character, some of whose traits had been prominent from childhood, while others had been slowly developed, was fully formed. His habits were set- tled for life. He had a perfectly well-defined individuality, as everybody knew who knew anything about his occupa- tions and ways. Much of what went to constitute this individuality was the result of his infirmity of sight, and of the unceasing struggle he had made to overcome the difficulties it entailed upon him. For, as we shall see hereafter, the thought of this infirmity, and of the embarrassments it brought with it, was ever before him. It colored, and in many respects it controlled, his whole life. The violent inflammation that resulted from the fierce attack of rheumatism in the early months of 1815 first start- led him, I think, with the apprehension that he might pos- sibly be deprived of sight altogether, and that thus his future years would be left in " total eclipse, without all hope of day." But from this dreary apprehension, his recovery, slow, and partial as it was, and the buoyant spirits that en- tered so largely into his constitution, at last relieved him. He even, from tune to time, as the disease fluctuated to and fro, had hopes of an entire restoration of his sight. PRESCOTT'S INFIRMITY OF SIGHT. 153 But before long, he began to judge things more exactly as they were, and saw plainly that anything like a full re- covery of his sight was improbable, if not impossible. He turned his thoughts, therefore, to the resources that would still remain to him. The prospect was by no means a pleas- ant one, but he looked at it steadily and calmly. All thought of the profession which had long been so tempting to him he gave up. He saw that he could never fulfil its duties. But intellectual occupation he could not give up It was a gratification and resource which his nature de- manded, and would not be refused. The difficulty was to find out how it could be obtained. During the three months of his confinement in total darkness at St. Michael's, he first began to discipline his thoughts to such orderly composition in his memory as he might have written down on paper, if his sight had permitted it. " I have cheated," he says, in a letter to his family written at the end of that discouraging period, "I have cheated many a moment of tedium by compositions which were soon banished, from my mind for want of an amanuensis." A.mong these compositions was a Latin ode to his friend Gardiner, which was prepared wholly without books, but which, though now lost, like the rest of his Latin verses, he repeated years afterwards to his Club, who did not fail to thins it good. It is evident, however, that, for a consider- able time, he resorted to such mental occupations and exer- cises rather as an amusement than as anything more serious. Nor did he at first go far with them even as a light and tran- sient relief from idleness ; for, though he never gave them up altogether, and though they at last became a very impor- tant elfement in his success as an author, he soon found an agreealie substitute for them, at least so far as his imme- diate, e\ery-day wants were concerned. The sibstitute to which I refer, but which itself implied much previous reflection and thought upon what he should 7* 154 GEORGE TICKNOR. commit to paper, was an apparatus to enable the blind to write. He heard of it in London during his first residence there in the summer of 1816. A lady, at whose house he visited frequently, and who became interested in his misfor- tune, " told him," as he says in a letter to his mother, " of a newly invented machine by which blind people are enabled to write. I have," he adds, " before been indebted to Mrs. Delafield for an ingenious candle-screen. If this machine can be procured, you will be sure to feel the effects of it." He obtained it at once ; but he did not use it until nearly a month afterwards, when, on the 24th of August, at Paris, he wrote home his first letter with it, saying, " It is a very happy invention for me." And such it certainly proved to be, for he never ceased to use it from that day ; nor does it now seem possible that, without the facilities it afforded hm, he ever would have ventured to undertake any of the works which have made his name what it is. The machine if machine it can properly be called is an apparatus invented by one of the well-known Wedgewood family, and is very simple both in its structure and use. It looks, as it lies folded up on the table, like a clunsy portfolio, bound in- morocco, and measures about ten inches by nine when unopened. Sixteen stout parallel brass vires fastened on the right-hand side into a frame of the same size with the cover, much like the frame of a school-boy's slate, and crossing it from side to side, mark the number of lines that can be written on a page, and guide the hand in its blind motions. This framework of wires is folded dowa upon a sheet of paper thoroughly impregnated with a black sub- stance, especially on its ' under surface, beneath wh ch lies the sheet of common paper that is to receive the vvriting. There are thus, when it is in use, three layers on the right-hand side of the opened apparatus ; viz. the vires, the blackened sheet of paper, and the white sheet, all lying successively in contact with each other, the two that are PRESCOTT'S INFIRMITY OF SIGHT. 155 underneath being held firmly in their places by the frame- work of wires which is uppermost. The whole apparatus is called a noctograph. When it has been adjusted, as above described, the person using it writes with an ivory style, or with a style made of some harder substance, like agate, on the upper surface of the blackened paper, which, wherever the style presses on it, transfers the coloring matter of its under surface to the white paper beneath it, the writing thus produced looking much like that done with a common black-lead pencil. The chief difficulty in the use of such an apparatus is obvious. The person employing it never looks upon his work ; never sees one of the marks he is making. He trusts wholly to the wires for the direction of his' hand. He makes his letters and words only from mechanical habit. He must, therefore, write straight forward, without any op- portunity for correction, however gross may be the mistakes he has made, or however sure he may be that he has made them ; for, if he were to go back in order to correct an error, he would only make his page still more confused, and prob- ably render it quite illegible. When, therefore, he has made a mistake, great or small, all he can do is to go for- ward, and rewrite further on the word or phrase he first in- tended to write, rarely attempting to strike out what was wrong, or to insert, in its proper place, anything that may have been omitted. It is plain, therefore, that the person who resorts to this apparatus as a substitute for sight ought previously to prepare and settle in his memory what he wishes to write, so as to make as few mistakes as possible. With the best care his manuscript will not be very leg- ible. Without it, he may be sure it can hardly be deci- phered at all. That Mr. Prescott, under his disheartening infirmities, I refer not only to his imperfect sight, but to the rheumatism from which he was seldom wholly free, should, at the age 156 GEORGE TICKNOR. of five-and-twenty or thirty, with no help but this simple ap- paratus, have aspired to the character of a historian dealing with events that happened in times and countries far distant from his own, and that are recorded chiefly in foreign lan- guages and by authors whose conflicting testimony was often to be reconciled by laborious comparison, is a remarkable fact in literary history. It is a problem the solution of which was, I believe, never before undertaken ; certainly never before accomplished. Nor do I conceive that he him- self could have accomplished it, unless to his uncommon in- tellectual gifts had been added great animal spirits, a strong, persistent will, and a moral courage which was to be daunt- ed by no obstacle that he might deem it possible to remove by almost any amount of effort.* That he was not insensible to the difficulties of his under- taking, we have partly seen, as we have witnessed how his hopes fluctuated while he was struggling through the ar- rangements for beginning to write his " Ferdinand and Isa- bella," and, in fact, during the whole period of its compo- sition. But he showed the same character, the same fer- tility of resource, every day of his life, and provided, both by forecast and self-sacrifice, against the embarrassments of his condition as they successively presented themselves. The first thing to be done, and the thing always to be re- peated day by day, was to strengthen, as much as possible, what remained of his sight, and at any rate, to do nothing * The case of Thierry the nearest known to me was differ- ent. His great work, " Histoire de la Conqucte de 1' Angleterre par les Normands," was written before he became blind. What he pub- lished afterward was dictated, wonderful, indeed, all of it, but especially all that relates to what he did for the commission of the government concerning the Tiers fitat, to be found in that grand collection of "Documents inihov