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REEVE & CO., 5 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN 1878 BIOLOGY LIBRARY Calm in its beauty lay the western sea; And every rippling wave which leapt around Those craggy iales took up the ehoral sound Which tells, great pictured Continent, of thee. O blest ATLANTIS, can the legend be Built on l wftcf fancied wfafch^ thy name surround 1 Ot doihu the, story of thy classic , abound With the. stefliv a>itsi of ^ature's'-face/ agree ? What if no tongue may tell ! thy halo fair Still lingers round the isles which slumber there ; And as those towering peaks, sun-gilded, rise Into the bosom of primeval skies, Bathed in God's glance, and ocean-girt, they stand, Like trophies left by time to mark that shadowy land. Lyra Devoniensis, p. 135. EVEN HAD IT NOT BEEN CERTAIN, FROM HIS HIGH SCIENTIFIC ATTAINMENTS AS A GENERAL NATURALIST, THAT NO WORTHIER NAME COULD BE CONNECTED WITH THE DEDICATION OF THE PRESENT VOLUME THAN THAT OF THE LATE RICHABD THOMAS LOWE, M.A. I NEVERTHELESS SHOULD HAVE FELT THAT THE PAR- TICULAR FRIEND OF MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS' STANDING, IN WHOSE COMPANIONSHIP SOME OF THE PLEASANTEST PERIODS OF MY LIFE HAVE BEEN SPENT, AND THAT TOO AMONGST THE VARIOUS ISLANDS OF THESE ATLANTIC ARCHIPELAGOS, IS THE ONE OF ALL OTHERS WITH WHOSE MEMORY IT IS MY EARNEST DESIRE THAT IT SHOULD BE ASSOCIATED M15723 PREFATORY REMARKS. IT is now exactly thirty years since I commenced to collect (in the autumn of 1847) the Land-Shells of the various outlying islands and rocks of the Madeiran Group ; and although Insects, rather than Mollusca, formed at that time the main object of my researches, I was nevertheless enabled to add a considerable number of unmistakeably new species to the careful and elabo- rate catalogue which had previously been compiled by my excel- lent friend, and after-companion, the late Eev. K. T. Lowe. Not 10 mention the many explorations and encampments which I subsequently enjoyed in Mr. Lowe's company during four suc- cessive trips to the archipelago, the last of which occupied the summer of 1855, it was not until January of 1858 that the liberality of John Gray, Esq., gave me the first opportunity of turning my attention to the Canarian fauna. By a somewhat curious coincidence Mr. Lowe was at that particular time spending the winter in Teneriffe, so that Mr. Gray's yacht was generously placed at our disposal to visit the numerous islands of the widely-scattered Canarian Group ; and, although Mr. Gray's sojourn was unexpectedly curtailed, I did not return to England until the following July, and with the full intention, even then, of making a second expedition so soon as the necessary arrangements could be completed. This, for- tunately, did not require long ; for I again had a very profitable interval, from February to July of 1859, in the Canarian archi- pelago, joined, as before, by Mr. Lowe. Seven years now elapsed, during which I was completely taken-up by the working out of the material which had been thus v iii PREFATORY REMARKS. lately accumulated ; and it was in January of 1866 that Mr. Gray once more offered his yacht for a united trip to the Cape Verdes, Mr. Lowe, as on the previous occasions, accompanying us. Our stay at the Cape Verdes extended over but a couple of months, added to which the season was unusually dry and un- productive ; nevertheless we gained a certain knowledge of the fauna, sufficient, at any rate, to convince us of its extreme poverty. I had now an interval of nine years, without anything fur- ther to occupy me beyond the gradual elaboration, and occa- sional readjustment, of the island material, according as fresh supplies were transmitted by various naturalists who chanced, from time to time, to visit one portion or another of the Atlantic Groups ; but in August of 1875 Mr. Gray again stepped forward with a totally new proposal, namely, that we should take a a steam into the southern hemisphere and make the acquaint- ance of St. Helena. Meanwhile our worthy and greatly valued friend, the Rev. R. T. Lowe, had passed to his rest, a sad acci- dent having overtaken him, on his outward voyage to Madeira, during April of the preceding year ; so that we could no longer reap the advantage of his society and experience ; nevertheless all that we could do, to supply the deficiency, we did, and were on this occasion joined by Mrs. Wollaston, who had become deeply interested in the Lepidopterous fauna of the islands of the Atlantic. We accordingly made ourselves ready for a last, and thorough, campaign ; and, having received, through the kind consideration of the Earl of Carnarvon, special letters to His Excellency the Governor, H. R. Janisch, Esq., and having had quarters allotted to us in the best and most central resi- dence in the island, ' Plantation House,' a spot from whence the great Cabbage-Tree ridge is the most easily accessible, we reached the remote little rock on the 4th of September 1875, and at once commenced our researches. Mr. Gray having de- cided to move on after a few weeks to the Cape of Good Hope, we remained exactly six months at Plantation ; and during that period we were enabled to investigate the Natural History of the island with a fair amount of accuracy. I have thought it desirable to enter into the above details, PREFATORY REMARKS. ix in order to place on record that the several islands and archipe- lagos (with the exception of the Azores) which are treated of in this volume have been visited personally by myself. Neverthe- less I should hardly have been inclined to undertake so serious a task as the critical examination of the characters and habitats of so many species, had not the bequeathment to me by Mr. Lowe of his extensive conchological collections (to be distributed to various Museums, though with power to reserve for my own use whatever types I might require) thrown on to my hands a mass of material so unexpected that, in order to do it full jus- tice^ I felt that it would be absolutely necessary to treat the whole subject afresh, and to revise (so far as was practicable) every form which has hitherto been published from the island- groups to which the present memoir has reference. I will merely add that this Treatise is not intended to be a Monograph, but rather a critical enumeration of all the forms which have been recorded, up to the present date, in the several Atlantic archipelagos ; nevertheless in most cases I have given diagnostic remarks which it is hoped will be found useful, if not in every instance actually to identify the species, at any rate to supplement the published descriptions of them, and to point out more particularly in what they differ from their im- mediate allies. And since I have the firmest conviction that the question of habitat is even more important (if possible) in a professedly geographical catalogue than elsewhere, I have spared no labour in sifting the evidence for the exact localities (in those instances where I have not been able to vouch for them by personal observation), and have frequently preferred to omit the latter altogether than run the risk of perpetuating confusion by placing upon record what there is every reason to suspect is not strictly accurate. This being the case, I have been less anxious to erect new species than to clear up difficul- ties concerning the old ones, and have always therefore avoided doing so except in instances where the characters were well de- nned and it seemed positively essential that the additional forms should not be omitted from the list. Indeed, although the mere titles of a few others have of necessity been altered, the following twenty-nine are the only actual novelties which I have considered it necessary to characterize : x PREFATORY REMARKS. Hyalina osoriensis . . Canaries Mellissii . . .St. Helena Patula garachicoensis . Canaries Helix (Iberus) forensis . . Madeiras (Leptaxis) subroseotincta . Cape Verdes (Macularia) gibbosobasalis ". Canaries (Hemicycla) vermiplicata , '%-' , Canaries granomalleata . Canaries nivarise . . Canaries (Gronostoma) crispo-lanata ; Canaries beata . . Canaries gomerse . . Canaries (Hystricella) echinoderrna . Madeiras Leacockiana Madeiras (Coronaria) Grabhami . Madeiras (Lemniscia) Watsoniana . Canaries Bulimus palmensis . . . Canaries osorien-is . ' . . Canaries chrysaloides \ . Canaries interpunctatus 'V-. . Canaries Lowei . . . Canaries savinosa . . ; Canaries Subulina melanioides . . St. Helena Pupa Loweana . . . Madeiras corneocostata . . * Madeiras relevata . . . Madeiras degenerata, W. . . Madeiras Lovea iridescens, W. . . Madeiras Auricula Watsoni, W. . . Salvages. Throughout the various local catalogues (given at the end of each respective section) I have prefixed an asterisk (*) to those species which have been found likewise in a subfossil con- dition ; and when the name is also in italics, it implies that the particular species has hitherto been met with only subfossilized, in which case, until evidence to the contrary has been ad- duced, the latter must be regarded practically as extinct. As a matter of generalization, however, it is only in the Madeiran list that I would place any reliance on the conclu- PREFATORY REMARKS. xi sions to be drawn from the subfossil statistics ; for it is in the Madeiran archipelago alone that the Heliciferous deposits (whether calcareous or muddy) have been accurately denned (as regards their extent and character), and systematically investi- gated ; and although it is true that beds of a similar nature exist in the other Groups also, they have not there been pointed out, or localized, with equal precision, and it is to be feared that many of the forms which have been reported, from time to time, by travellers, as ' subfossilized,' were founded upon examples which were merely dead and bleached, and which, in point of fact, were not obtained from any deposits which could be looked upon as truly subfossiliferous ones. In the Madeiran archipelago, on the contrary, the beds are both well known and rigidly circumscribed, and may therefore be safely reasoned upon in discussing the geological structure of the islands ; and, al- though in reality there may be more of them than those with which we have hitherto become acquainted, it is only from three regions, up to the present date, that the strictly subfossil speci- mens are recognized, namely (1) Porto Santo, (2) near Canical in Madeira proper, and (3) on the extreme summit of the Southern Deserta. So uniform however is the geological con- formation of these various sub- African Groups, that we may feel tolerably confident that the same arguments which apply to the Madeiras will apply with an almost equal amount of truth to the others. TEIGNMOTJTH, Oct. 11, 1877. CONTENTS. Page PREFATORY REMARKS . . . . . v . vii I. AZOREAN GROUP ......! II. MADEIRAN GROUP . . . . . 57 III. SALVAGES . . . . . . . 290 IV. CANARIAN GROUP , . , . . . 298 V. CAPE VERDE GROUP .. . . . . . . 487 VI. ST. HELENA ... . . , . . 529 SUMMARY AND GENERAL CATALOGUE . . . . 561 INDEX 581 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. I. AZOEEAN GEOUP. THE islands of the Azorean archipelago are the only ones treated of in this volume with which I have personally no acquaintance; and so desirable do I consider it that some practical knowledge of the principal habitats concerned should be possessed by any- body who undertakes to review critically the natural productions of a given region, that nothing would have induced me to admit the Grastropodous fauna of the Azores into the present cata-. logue did not the geographical position of the group give it so especial an interest in connection with the Madeiras and the Canaries that I cannot but feel that it is better to waive all scruples with reference to a personal exploration than omit the opportunity of incorporating whatever happens to be known on that branch of our subject which pertains to those particular islands. I shall therefore, with the help of such material as I have been able to examine, rely almost exclusively for my data on the only three works, relating to that archipelago, to which I have access ( the only three, indeed, so far as I am aware, which contain any information which is at all to be depended upon), namely (1) Notice sur VHistoire Naturelle des Acores, par A. Morelet, Paris 1860; (2) Elements de la Faune Acoreenne, par H. Drouet, Paris 1861 ; and (3) a Natural History of the Azores, by Frederick Du Cane Godman, F.L.S., London 1870. So intimately bound-up are the Azores with the various other islands of (what we may be permitted to designate) this 4 Atlantic province,' and so significant is their bearing on the general questions relating to the whole fauna, that we must be thankful for the results of even the comparatively small amount of labour which has hitherto been bestowed upon them. Yet, B 2 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. although far less so than either their plants or their Coleoptera (the former of which have been accurately investigated by Dr. Seubert, Mr. H. C. Watson, and others), the Land Mollusca of the archipelago, owing to the observations of Morelet, Drouet, and Grodman, have .perhaps been better worked-out than the geiie^aiity otVthe/clep^rtments of which, in the aggregate, the .Natural jlistpry is made up. Yet, judging from the analogy of ^IjeJ inO: 1 ^ ^outhBrn: groups, it is impossible to believe that the nine islands which compose this widely-scattered assemblage (and which are mapped out, as it were, into three divisions topographically distinct) should possess no more (or even no considerable number more) than the 7 1 Pulmoniferous Gastro- pods which have been brought to light, for the most part, by the united exertions of the three independent explorers to whose published volumes I have just called attention. Eather should we suspect that a longer and more careful research, in distant spots and at a high altitude, such as have shown themselves to be so prolific at the Madeiras and Canaries, will sooner or later augment the list to (if not more) at least 1 00 species. Perhaps however it will be objected that the Cape Verdes, on the other hand, which include a more extensive area still, and are represented by no -less than ten islands, have as yet yielded but 40 Gastropods, and that, moreover, to a larger number of investigators. But to this I would reply, that the cases are not parallel ones : for the unhealthy and poverty- stricken Cape Verdes have become so deteriorated and dried-up since the destruction of their forests, and after all have been visited for periods so short and insufficient by each successive adventurer, that the several departments of their Natural His- tory have not stood a fair chance of a proper examination ; whereas the Azores, which enjoy one of the dampest atmospheres in the world and are more or less clothed with a rich vegetation (even though seldom aboriginal), present all the conditions except those of soil (which however is much the same in the whole of these Atlantic archipelagos) for the full development of the Terrestrial Mollusks ; so that I do not believe that a safe comparison can be instituted, from the data as hitherto ascer- tained, between the respective faunas of those two particular groups. Far rather should we be content to contrast the Azorean fauna with that of the Madeiras (which already num- bers 176 species, well separated from each other), or with that of the Canaries, which, although less perfectly investigated, has been found to contain (even hitherto) 189. When we consider the geographical position of the Azores with reference to Europe, the centre of the group being in much the same latitude as Lisbon, and when we also bear in AZOREAN GROUP. 3 mind the constant intercommunication which is (and long has been) going on between Portugal and the islands, and when we further recollect how eminently liable many of the Terrestrial Mollusks are to accidental transport through indirect human agencies, it is not surprising that we should find a larger European element in the Azorean fauna than what is indicated in the sub- African archipelagos farther to the south. Thus, out of the 71 species which have been proved to inhabit the cluster, about 27 (some of which have been established equally in the Madeiras, Canaries, and Cape Verdes) exist on the opposite continent, leaving 44 eatfra-European ones, which we may perhaps pause for a few moments to contemplate. Now these 44 members of the Gastropoda are not all of them exclusively Azorean ; and it is natural therefore to enquire if they include amongst them anything which is sufficiently characteristic of the (so-called) ' Atlantic province ' to tend to affiliate the pre- sent group, in any degree whatsoever, with the more southern ones which have yet to be considered. Remembering the mar- vellous segregation of the e#ra-European types in the Madeiras and Canaries, the majority of which are confined to their own particular islands and do not permeate even their respective archipelagos, we should a priori anticipate that there would be next to nothing in common (when the European element has been removed) between the faunas (whether singly or combined) of those groups and that of the Azores. Yet there are a few points of contact, nevertheless, which seem to me to bespeak a certain unmistakable affinity between them. Thus the Helix erubescens and paupercula and the Patula pusilla, all of them emphatically ' Atlantic,' are represented at the Azores and Madeiras, the second extending to the Canaries, and third to the Canaries, Cape Verdes, and even St. Helena ; and the Pupa microspora, which is essentially sylvan and unlikely to be introduced by accidental means, crops up likewise in the Azores, the Madeiras, and the Canaries. Then the depauperated phasis of the European Pupa umbilicata, which was separated by Mr. Lowe under the name of P. anconostoma (and which I am not aware has been observed on the European continent) is so strictly ' Atlantic ' that it ranges from the Azores to St. Helena; and the rather undue development of the Vitrinas and Pupcs (the latter under an emphatically Madeiran and Canarian type), as well as of the Leptaxis section of the genus Helix (so sugges- tive of the Madeiras and Cape Verdes), although under expo- nents which are themselves distinct, is much in harmony with the idea of this Atlantic ' province ' being but portions of a once continuous whole. The appearance, too, at the Azores of that remarkable Cyclostomideous genus Craspedopoma, so B 2 4 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. exceptionally developed in the Madeiran group and which is present also, though more sparingly, at the Canaries, is a fact which should particularly be noticed ; as well as the occurrence at the Azores and Canaries of the Bulimus variatus, W. et B., and of that singular little species the Hydroccena gutta, which, of all the members of the Gastropoda, is perhaps the least likely to have been accidentally naturalized. As for the Auriculidce, which seem to be much the same in the three archipelagos, I lay but little stress upon them, for those littoral forms, which in their modus vivendi are practically marine, have almost everywhere a wide geographical range. These few instances, however, of course do not embody all that the archipelagos have in common, for they are principally ' Atlantic ' forms, from which the strictly European element has been eliminated. If we take the actual species into account which the Azores (even as hitherto imperfectly known) would appear to possess conjointly with the more southern groups, we shall find that there are about 26 which occur equally in the Azores and Madeiras, and about 19 in the Azores and Canaries; which (taking the European element for what it is worth) undoubtedly shows an amount of affinity between the three archipelagos which cannot well be ignored. The Eev. H. B. Tristram, in his account of the Pulmoniferous Gastropods of the Azores, published in Mr. Grodman's volume, can scarcely have had very reliable data to draw upon in instituting his compari- son between the Azorean fauna and those of the two archipelagos the next in succession to the south of it, for he asserts that it has only 7 species in common with the Madeiras, and 4 with the Canaries ; whereas, according to my computation, it pos- sesses (as just stated) at least 26 in common with the Madeiras, and 1 9 with the Canaries ! * Or, if we regard the Madeiras and Canaries as integral portions of a single ' Atlantic province,' no less than 31 species out of the 71 of which the Azorean fauna is made up permeate more or less of the latter, 5 of them ranging even to the Cape Verdes, and 5 to St. Helena. 2 1 The 26 species which are found equally in the Azores and Madeiras are these : Arion ater, lAmax gagates, ntaximus, flavus, and agrestis, Testacella Maugei, Hyalina cellaria and crystallina, Patula rotundata and pusilla, Helios pulchella, erubescens, aspersa, pisana, armillata, 2wupercula and lenticula, JBulimus ventricosus, Stenogyra decollata, Achatina lubrica, Balea perversa, Pupa microspora and anconostoma, AwicuM cequalis and vesjwtitta, and Pedipes afra : whilst the following 19 are those which are common to the Azores and Canaries: Testacella Maugei, Hyalina cellaria and crystallina, Patula punilla, Helix pulchella, aspersa, lactea, pisana y apicina, paupercula, and lenticula, Bulimus ventricosus and variatus, titenogyra decollata, Pupa micro&pora and anconostoma,, aiwicula cequalis and bicolor, and Hydrocfsna 2 Mr. Tristram says, likewise, that It should be observed that, of all the 1'nlinonifera of the Azores, Pedipes afer is the only one common to the AZOREAN GROUP. 5 A good deal has been urged about the ' American affinities ' of the Azorean species of Zonites (i. e. Hyalina) ; but, when we look closer into the matter, it seems to me to be scarcely worth consideration. For, out of the six members of that genus which have hitherto been brought to light, half are ordinary European ones, namely, the cellaria, crystalling and fulva (the first and second of which occur likewise at the Madeiras and Cana- ries, the cellaria ranging even to St. Helena) ; so that, after all, there are but three remaining, and those bear, confessedly, only a superficial resemblance to certain American forms from which they are specifically quite distinct. Moreover the Hyalinas and Patulas are subject to considerable development in these various Atlantic groups, the former having at the Canaries 6 extra- European exponents (besides 2 European ones), and the latter 1 1, all of which are extra-European ; whilst even in the Madeiran archipelago there are 1 extra-European and 2 European Hya- linas, and 7 extra-European and 2 European Patulas. Therefore the presence of 3 'Hyalinas (extra-European) at the Azores which are primd facie somewhat suggestive of American ones (though the H. atlantica alone appears to me to be worth even mentioning) is hardly a matter, I think, of sufficient geo- graphical significance to warrant a serious discussion on the 6 American element ' in the fauna. But as I must reserve any mere speculative observations for the final section of this volume, our present duty being simply to investigate the facts, I will not do more now than refer to Mr. Tris- tram's remark that ' The class of Grasteropods is by far the most numerous of all the forms of life in the Azores; and among them are found a larger proportion of peculiar species than in any other class,' for it seems to me that it is a conclusion which is not warranted by what has hitherto been ascertained concerning the Natural History of the islands. For instance, how about the plants ? 47 8 exponents of which (including 40 which are strictly endemic) are registered in Mr. H. C. Watson's latest catalogue ; whereas the Land-shells have reached hitherto but 71 species (33 of which, at the utmost, are peculiar). Or, if animal life was meant, and not vegetable, what about the Coleoptera ? of which even already 212 representatives have been recorded in Mr. Crotch's carefully prepared list. Also, in commenting upon the total absence of the freshwater African continent.' But here, again, I am sorry that I cannot agree with him ; for, despite the little that we know (comparatively) of the African f auna, there are certainly 14 of the Azorean species, and probably many more, which abound in Algeria and Morocco : namely, the Limasc agrestis, Hyalina cellaria, and crystallina, Helix asjjersa, lactea, pisana, apicina, armillata, and lenticula, Bulimus ventricosvs, Stcnogyra decollata, AcJtti>ia Inlrica, Auricula , and Pedipes afra. 6 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. genera in the Azorean archipelago, Mr. Tristram adds : ' There is, however, one singular hiatus in the molluscous fauna. Though there are abundant streams, springs, and lakes, presenting the most favourable conditions for their existence, not a single repre- sentative of the Pulmobranchiate Mollusca has yet been disco- vered. These are to be found in every other portion of the globe. Not an island in the Pacific, not even Greenland and Iceland which are beyond the usual range of the Pulmonifera, are without representatives of this class ; yet in the Azores no species of the world-wide genera of Limncea, Physa, Ancylus, Neriiina, Cyclas, or Cyrcena has yet been found.' Now to this, again, I really cannot subscribe ; for, in point of fact, what do we know about ' every other portion of the globe,' and of every ' island in the Pacific ' ? In all probability we should find plenty of instances in which the aquatic forms are wanting ; for, even to come nearer home than the Pacific, the most remote and isolated spot I have hitherto had an opportunity of exploring, namely St. Helena, happens to be in precisely the same predicament as the Azores. There are streams and tanks in the interior of that island, in profusion, trickling rocks, waterfalls, and pools ; and yet not a single freshwater species has occurred (beyond a Succinea, which lives as well out of the moisture as in it, and the modus vivendi of which may well be paralleled by that of the Hydroccena gutta at the Azores). And so literally true is this, that the same hiatus is equally observable in the Coleoptera, the Hydradephagous groups of which are altogether absent. Moreover it seems far from unlikely that a similar deficiency may be indicated in the Sandwich Islands ; at any rate it appears to be so as regards the water-loving forms of the Coleoptera, for the Rev. T. Blackburn, writing lately from Honolulu, says (vide Ent. Month. Mag.' xiii. 228) ' Notwithstanding the frequent use of the water-net, I have not yet seen a single species of Hydradephaga.' Perhaps a word or two may be desirable, before I conclude, as regards the various habitats which are cited in the present section. Throughout the other portions of this volume the ma- jority of the localities are added from my own personal observa- tions ; and in the generality of the instances where that is not the case, I have had abundant means for testing their accuracy. The Azores, however, are to me a terra incognita ; and I have been compelled therefore to rely, almost exclusively, on the pass- ing remarks of MM. Morelet and Drouet. The question conse- quently arises, where extreme precision is absolutely essential, how far vague and general terms, such as are too often employed with a looseness which is self-evident, can be trusted. Where the actual islands are mentioned by name, it would never occur AZOEEAN GROUP. 7 to me to doubt for a single instant the truthfulness of the asser- tion ; but what the exact meaning may be (as Mr. H. C. Watson has pertinently asked) of such expressions as ' all the islands,' ' toutes les iles,' ' tout Farchipel,' &c., more particularly when used by naturalists who confessedly have explored but imperfectly some of the remote detachments of the group, and one of which was not visited by them even at all, is an enigma which I must confess myself totally unable to solve. In my own instance, if out of an archipelago of ten islands a given species had been ob- served on nine of them, and even if I felt well-nigh certain that it would be met with equally on the tenth, still nothing would induce me to call that species actually 'universal' until the one missing link had been proved to a demonstration. I should un- doubtedly express my belief that it would eventually be ascer- tained to be universal ; but, holding the most perfect accuracy to be a sine qua non, and knowing by experience how often an organism is non-existent upon an island, or rock, while it abso- lutely swarms on another which belongs to the same assemblage, I could not risk my reputation by making a positive statement which it is at least possible might turn out ultimately to have been fallacious. Therefore I will not hold myself answerable for the complete truthfulness of the particular idioms, published by others, to which I have just called attention ; but in those cases where I have reason to feel dissatisfied with the value of the evidence for these professedly wide habitats, I shall, while indicating (in the local catalogue) the asserted universality by quoting the species under ' all the islands ' (as indeed can scarcely be avoided), cite, at the same time, the exact authority, alongside, which must be responsible for the entry. Although unwilling to make the above remarks, I look upon them nevertheless as neither more nor less than a neces- sity ; for, out of the 176 species which have been ascertained to occur in the Madeiran group, only four (namely ihelt.erubescens, paupercula, and polymorpha, and the Clausilia deltostoma) have been found as yet to be absolutely universal, and that too in an archipelago composed of but Jive islands, and in spite of the most careful researches of many naturalists extending over a period of nearly fifty years ; yet, out of the 69 species which were met with by Morelet and Drouet during a single sojourn of five months at the Azores (the H. niphas, Pfr., and Bulimus solitarius, Poir., not having been found by them at all, and the H. advena, W. et B., being erroneously admitted into the Azorean list), no less than 23, or exactly one-third, are said to inhabit ' tout 1'archipel,' i. e. the whok nine islands which constitute that far more widely scattered cluster. Judging from the analogy of the Madeiras (and the case at the Canaries 8 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. is even stronger still, two species only, the H. lancerottensis and lenticula, having been ascertained to be positively universal), surely some explanation is required for a fact so unprecedented and remarkable. If it should be urged however that the smallness of the three Desertas renders it so unlikely that any large number of species would be found upon each one of them separately that the parallel drawn between the 5 Madeiran and the 9 Azorean islands is hardly a just one, I will regard the Desertas as consti- tuting a single detachment of the archipelago. But even in that case the species which have proved hitherto to permeate the entire group (composed of Madeira proper, the Desertas, and Porto Santo) are but 8 in number, out of the 176, which it will be admitted form a striking contrast to the 23 (out of a fauna of only 69) which have been placed on record by Morelet and Drouet as existing on every one of the nine islands of the Azorean cluster. As in the other local catalogues, I have appended an asterisk (*) to those few species which have been observed also in a sub- fossilized state ; and in those instances where they have been found only subfossilized, under which circumstances they must be looked upon as extinct (at any rate until further evidence shall have proved the contrary), the names have been put likewise in italics. In accordance with the remark which I have just had occa- sion to make, the capitals which precede the exceptionally wide habitats given in the Azorean list at the close of the present section indicate the authorities which must be held responsible for their accuracy, the letter ' M ' referring to M. Morelet, and 4 D ' to M. Drouet. Sectio I. INOPERCULATA. Tam.1. LIMACID^E. Genus 1. ARION, Ferussac. Arion ater. Limax ater, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1081 (1767) Arion empiricorum, Fer., Tabl. Syst. 17 (1821) ater, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 162 (1854) empiricorum, Alb., Mai. Mad. 11 (1854) rufus, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 137 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 140 (1861) ater, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 2 (1867) AZOREAN GROUP. 9 Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; sub lapidibus foliisque emortuis, vulgaris. The Arion ater, Linn. ( rufus, Linn., == empiricorum, Fer.), which is so general throughout Europe and which occurs also at Madeira, appears to have become established in the Azores, where, according to Morelet and Drouet, it inhabits all the islands of the archipelago. Although seldom quite black (as its name would imply), the A. ater has nevertheless an occasional dark variety, or state. It is more often (indeed in Madeira almost universally) of a dull ochreous- or olivaceous-brown, with the edge of its pedal disk (which is entirely visible from above) of a reddish-yellow inclining to orange and transversely striped with regular but remote dusky lines which are sometimes very distinct, but at others obscure. As in the Arions generally, this slug has its body totally unkeeled, and furnished at the tip with a mucous pore or gland, its respiratory orifice anterior in position, and its shield (which is even, and not wrinkled at any rate when the animal is fully extended) closely contiguous to the head in front. Arion fuscatus. Arion fuscatus, Fer., Hist. 65. t. 2, f. 7. Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 137 (1860) fuscus, Drouet, Faun. Acor. 140 (1861) Habitat S. Miguel ; juxta Ponta Delgada et Pico do Fogo (sec. Morelet) deprehensus. A European Arion, which according to Morelet and Drouet occurs sparingly around Ponta Delgada in S. Miguel, and like- wise (as stated by the former) on the Pico do Fogo. By Drouet it is identified with the Limax fuscus of Miiller, but by Morelet with Ferussac's Arion fuscatus. Arion subfuscus. Limax subfuscus, Drap., Hist. Nat. 125. pi. 9. f. 8 (1805) Arion subfuscus, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 138 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 140 (1861) Habitat ins. omnes (testibus Morelet et Drouet) ; vulgaris in S. Miguel (sec. Drouet). Likewise a European species, and one which appears to be common at the Azores, according at any rate to Morelet and Drouet, who state that it occurs on every island of the archi- pelago. Like the A . fuscatus, it has not yet been observed in the Madeiran group. 10 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Grenus 2. UMAX, Linne. Limax gagates. Limax gagates, Drap., Hist. Nat. 122. pi. 9. f. 1, 2 (1805) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 162 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 12. t. 1. f. 3-5 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 139 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 141 (1861) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 3 (1867) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; sub lapidibus vulgaris.. This European slug, which is extremely common in the Madeiran archipelago, and which has become naturalised even at St. Helena, appears to be universal at the Azores according to Morelet and Drouet-r-who cite it as inhabiting every island of the group. The strongly carinated, longitudinally sulcate body of the L. gagates (the keel of which extends from the extreme end of the tail to the hinder margin of the shield), and its more or less ochreous-black, or sometimes cinereous-brown, hue, added to its not very large size (its greatest length being seldom more than about an inch), and the two rather conspicuous grooves (sepa- rated by a raised line) at the top of its neck, will sufficiently distinguish it. Limax maximus. Limax maximus, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1081 (1767) cinereus, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 5 (1774) antiquorum, var. s., Fer., Tabl. Syst. 20 (1821) cinereus, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 162 (1854) antiquorum, Alb., Mai. Mad. 12. t. 1. f. 2 (1854) maximus, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 138 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 140 (1861) cinereus, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 4 (1867) Habitat ins. omnes (testibus Morelet et Drouet). The European L. maximus, which has become established at Madeira, appears to have also been naturalised in the Azorean archipelago, where, like the L. gagates and agrestis and the Arion ater and subfuscus, it is said by Morelet and Drouet to occur on every island of the group. The L. maximus is a species which is extremely variable in size, and a good deal also both in colour and markings; but normally it is more maculated, or blotched, than the generality of the Limaces, its surface (which is usually of a pale brownish- cinereous hue, with the shield a trifle lighter, and with a faint AZOREAN GROUP. 11 ochreous or even lilac tinge) being spotted with large but un- equal longitudinal patches of black, those on the shield how- ever being, most of them, both rounder, smaller, and more isolated or better defined. The blotches on the body seem to be brought about by four or five broken-up longitudinal stripes, which are occasionally subconfluent and suffused, but nearly always more interrupted (or fragmentary) before than posteriorly. It is coarsely sculptured, except on the shield, with a multitude of subconfluent longitudinal grooves or (which amounts to much the same thing) intervening wrinkles ; and its hinder part is acutely carinated for about a third of the length from the tip of the tail to the edge of the shield. Limax flavus. Limax flavus, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1081 (1767) variegatus, Drap., Hist. Nat. 127 (1805) flavus, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 162 (1854) variegatus, Alb., Mai Mad. 12. t. 1. f. 1 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 1 38 (1 860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 140 (1861) flavus, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 4 (1867) Habitat S. Miguel ; in hortis umbrosis- circa Ponta Delegada et Villafranca lectus. The European L. flavus, Linn, (or variegatus, Drap.) is said by Morelet to occur 'dans les jardins ombrages,' around Ponta Delgada and Villafranca, in S. Miguel, where, as is the case with it at Madeira, it has doubtless been naturalised. It is a large species, varying from about an inch to nearly two inches in length ; and its colour is usually of a pale dirty brownish- yellow, but mottled (or coarsely reticulated) with cinereous- brown, the sides, however, and the foot, being free from markings. Its keel is much abbreviated, extending from the tip of the tail to about a third of the distance to the hinder edge of the shield (the ground-colour of which is often a trifle paler than the rest of the surface, as seen from above). Limax agrestis. Limax agrestis, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1082 (1767) Drap., Hist. Nat. 126. pi. 9. f. 9 (1805) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 39 (1831) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 162 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 139 (I860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 141 (1861) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 5 (1867) 12 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; vulgaris. In its comparatively small size, the extremely mucose and variable L. agrestis has more in common with the L. gagatea than with the other slugs which are here enumerated ; never- theless, apart from every minor character, its total freedom from a keel will at once separate it from that species. It is universal throughout Europe ; and, according to Morelet and Drouet, it occurs on every island of the Azorean archipelago. Morelet registers a variety from Villafranca in S. Miguel, and another from the valley of the Furnas. In Madeira it is by far the most abundant of all the slugs which have hitherto been brought to light, often swarming in open grassy spots of a high altitude ; and considering that it has been placed on record in Mr. Lowe's publications since 1831, it is surprising to me that Morelet should not have been aware that it exists in the Madeiran group, for, speaking of the four Limaces included in his Azorean catalogue (which are the exact species found at Madeira), he says ' A 1'exception du Limax agrestis, toutes les especes de cette section se retrouvent aux iles Maderes.' It is certainly true that Dr. Albers did not happen to meet with it, and so was rash enough to omit it from his exceedingly inaccurate mono- graph ; but Albers passed only a single winter at Madeira, and collected a mere fragment of the species which had been ascer- tained to occur ; whereas Mr. Lowe's researches extended over a period of nearly fifty years, and the results, which had long been made known, were readily accessible. Therefore I cannot under- stand how any experienced naturalist should have endorsed the evidence given by the former (who had had but a few months' experience in the archipelago), in preference to that of the latter. Genus 3. VIQUESNELIA, Deshayes. Viquesnelia atlantica. Viquesnelia atlantica, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 139. t. 1. f. 1 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 141 (1861) Habitat S. Miguel ; juxta Ponta Delgada, Furnas, et cset., sub lapidibus, prsecipue in cultis, parce degens. This is the most anomalous of the Azorean Limacidce ; and its interest is still further increased by the fact that the only other member of the genus which has hitherto been brought to light in a recent state (namely the V. Dussumieri, Fischer) is Indian. In a fossil condition, however, the rudimentary remains of a mollusk which would appear to be closely allied to (if not actually identical with) the Azorean one were found abundantly AZOREAN GROUP. 13 in the nummulitic limestone near Feredjik in Roumelia ; and it was for the reception of the particular species which they repre- sent that the genus was established by Deshayes (Journ. de Conch, v. 283) in 1859. And shortly afterwards another ex- ponent of the group was met with by M. d'Archiac, in a similar formation, in the Pyrenees. It would seem, therefore, judging from the only evidence to which we have access, as if the type had become extinct on the European continent but that it still lingered at the Azores; though this may in reality be more apparent than real, seeing what large tracts of country both in Spain and Portugal are still practically uninvestigated. According to Morelet and Drouet, it is only in S. Miguel that the V. atlantica has yet been detected, where it occurs sparingly around Ponta Delgada and in the valley of the Furnas, its movements being described as unusually sluggish and peculiar. The animal is said to be of a somewhat reddish olivaceous-brown, rather attenuated in front, but with its poste- rior half not only compressed and carinate but very coarsely wrinkled. It seems to be obliquely truncate towards the tip ; but whether the subapical angle carries a mucous gland, as its mere outline would lead one to suspect (though the ' dryness ' of its surface would perhaps rather militate against that hypo- thesis), the diagnosis does not specify. Its shield (when the creature is fully expanded) is nearly medial in position, the hinder half, which covers the internal shell (stated to be some- what ancyliform and oblong), being elevated and protuberant. Fam. 2. TESTACELLID^E. Grenus 4. TESTACELLA, Cuvier. Testacella Maugei. Testacella Maugei, Per., Tabl. Syst. 26 (1821) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. 8. Trans, iv. 40 (1831) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 163 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Aqor. 143 (1860) Drouet, Faun. A for. 142 (1861) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 6 (1867) Mouss.y Faun. Mai. des Can. 11 (1872) Habitat S. Miguel, Sta. Maria, et Fayal (teste Drouet) ; prsecipue sub lapidibus in cultis. The European T. Mangel, which is found in the Madeiran and Canarian archipelagos, occurs (according to Drouet) in S. Miguel, Sta. Maria, and Fayal, principally about gardens and 14 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. other cultivated grounds; but there is no evidence that the nearly-allied T. haliotidea has been observed at the Azores. The rather robust, somewhat ancyliform shell of this Testa- cella, which is opaque, usually more or less (as it were) eaten- into and decorticated, and of a pale dingy olivaceous-yellow externally, but which is whitish, shining, and pearl-like within the enormous aperture, will readily distinguish it. The latter is somewhat parallel-sided and oblong ; but the curve at the upper angle of the outer margin is a little interrupted by a slight ex- cavation or sinuosity which is best seen when the shell is viewed from the direction of the nucleus. The lines of growth, although very irregular, are for the most part exceedingly apparent, a few deeper and coarser ones than the rest, filled- up with a brownish deposit, being also more particularly con- spicuous. Tarn. 3. VITRJNID^E. Grenus 5. VITRINA, Drop. Vitrina brumalis. Vitrina brumalis, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 146. t. 1. f. 4 (1860). Drouet, Faun. A$or. 146 (1861) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 22 (1876) Habitat S. Miguel ; in Caldeira de Sete-Cidades prsecipue lecta. This Vitrina, which is found in S. Miguel, particularly within the Caldeira of the Sete-Cidades, measures about 9 milli- metres across its broadest part; it is excessively thin and fragile, being well-nigh membranaceous ; and its spire is re- markably depressed. Its aperture is largely developed; the lower or columellary border of its peristome is exceedingly narrow, and almost wholly membranaceous ; and (as in the three following species) its spiral whorls are visible from beneath up to their extreme apex. Vitrina jnollis. Vitrina mollis, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 147. t. 1. f. 5 (1860) Drouet, Faun. A cor. 144 (1861) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 22 (1876) Habitat Terceira ; inter Angra et Praya copiose deprehensa. It is in Terceira that the present Vitrina appears to have been met with, particularly between Angra and the little town of Praya. It is of about the same size as, or perhaps a trifle AZOREAN GROUP. 15 larger than, the last species, and has the spire similarly de- pressed, and the spiral whorls traceable (from beneath) up to the apex ; nevertheless it is more rounded in outline, the basal volution being a little more convex both above and below, its surface is somewhat smoother, and its colour is appreciably deeper or more pronounced. Its aperture, too, is not quite so elongate or produced, and has its columellary border (which is extremely membraneous) less narrowed. Vitrina brevispira. Vitrina brevispira, Morel., Hist. Nat. des A ^or. 148, t. 1. f. 6 (1860) Drouet, Faun. A$or. 146 (1861) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 22 (1876) Habitat Sta. Maria, et S. Miguel ; prsecipue, in ilia, ad col- lum Pico Alto vulgaris. Judging from the diagnosis and figure, the present Vitrina does not seem to me to differ very materially from the V. brumalis ; and, although Morelet and Drouet mention it as occurring more particularly in Sta. Maria, it is found also (like that species) in S. Miguel. It is, however, apparently, a trifle smaller, and has its spire a little more minute and lateral, as well as composed of half a volution less. The lower border too of its aperture is, if anything, even narrower and straighter ; and its suture is said to be somewhat denticulated. Vitrina finitima. Vitrina finitima, Morel., Hist. Nat. des A for. 150. t. 1. f . 7 (1860) Drouet, Faun. A for. 145 (1861) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. vii. 22 (1876) Habitat Flores; sub ligno lapidibusque in humiusculis, vulgaris. In its size and general contour (the shell measuring about 8 millimetres across its broadest part), as well as in the ex- tremely narrow and membraneous lower border of its peristome and the fact of its spiral whorls being visible from beneath up to the extreme apex, the V. finitima is very similar to the brevispira ; nevertheless, apart from its ultimate volution being just appreciably rounder, it may at once be recognised, both from that species and the others, by the right or upper edge of its peristome being a little thickened and even subreflexed, a structure which is decidedly anomalous in the members of this genus. The V. finitima was taken abundantly by M. 'Drouet in 16 TESTACEA ATLANT1CA. Flores ; but it does not appear to have been observed in any of the other islands. Vitrina angulosa. Vitrina angulosa, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 191. t. 2. f. 1 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 144 (1861) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 23 (1876) Habitat Sta. Maria ; ad basin montis Pico Alto parce reperta. This is the smallest of the Azorean Vitrinas, measuring only 6 millimetres across its widest part ; but, not to mention its diminutive bulk, it may be recognised by its ultimate volution (which is, in proportion, largely developed, and somewhat convex beneath) being appreciably angulose. The colour seems to be of a more brownish-, or even reddish-, green than is usually the case in this genus, and its whorls are about three in number. It was found in Sta. Maria, at the base of the Pico Alto, and would appear to be scarce. Vitrina laxata, Vitrina laxata, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 144. t. 1. f. 3 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 142 (1861) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 21 (1876) Habitat Sta. Maria, et S. Miguel ; in convallibus umbrosis praecipue degens. The V. laxata is the largest of the Azorean Vitrinas (measuring about 12 millimetres across its widest part), and one which is said by Morelet to approach nearer than the others to the ordinary European types, particularly to the V. diaphana. It is extremely thin and fragile, with the ultimate whorl very broadly developed or produced, causing the aperture to be ex- ceedingly large or elongated ; and, as in the V. pelagica, the upper and lower margins of its peristome (the latter of which is bordered by a narrow membrane) are connected across the body- volution by an extremely faint lamelliform thickening. The present Vitrina is found in Sta. Maria and S. Miguel, in the former of which islands a variety is said to occur which is a little more globose and also a trifle less fragile. Vitrina pelagica. Vitrina pelagica, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 143. t. 1. f. 2 (1860). 55 Drouet, Faun. Acor. 143 (1861) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 21 (1876) AZOREAN GROUP. 17 Habitat Sta. Maria ; sub lapidibus, et cset., versus Pico Alto deprehensa. The present Vitrina, which is found about the Pico Alto in Santa Maria, is apparently a trifle less fragile, and more Helici- form in its contour, than the other species, its less largely developed aperture and the widened and somewhat convex base of its ultimate whorl, in conjunction with the margins of its faintly thickened peristome being connected by an extremely thin intervening lamina, recalling somewhat the F. Blauneri which is so characteristic of Grand Canary. Its proportions however are not quite the same as those of that species, its spire is less flattened, and the columellary edge of its lower lip is narrowly and shortly expanded and subreflexed, forming (according to the diagnosis) a kind of very minute umbilical fossette or chink. Fam. 4. HELICIDJE. Genus 6. HYALINA, Gray. ( Radiolus, Woll.) Hyalina volutella. Helix volutella, Pfeiff., Proc. ZooL Soc. Land. 33 (1856) brumalis, Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 149 (1857) Zonites brumalis, Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 164 (1858) Helix volutella, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 102 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 166. t. 3. f. \ (1860) Zonites volutella, Drouet, Faun. Acor. 148 (1861) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; sed vix abundans. A very beautiful little Hyalina which, according to Morelet and Drouet, is found on every island of the Group. It is ap- parently peculiar to the Azores ; and, judging from the diag- nosis and figure, it has much the same discoidal outline as the //. cellaria, but is considerably smaller and with a more minute (but nevertheless very deep) umbilicus; and its volutions are transversely striped, or radiated, with reddish-brown, or yellowish- red, bands. It appears to be subject to slight modifications in the different parts of the archipelago, the examples from Fayal and Sta.> Maria having their spire more elevated than those from S. Miguel, as well as their striae more distinct (which latter fact is said to diminish somewhat their brilliancy) ; whilst those from Graciosa, on the other hand, are not only (when c 18 TESTACEA ATLANTIC A. adult) less strongly striate, but likewise more solid and of an obscurer surface, being free (according to Drouet) from darker radiating transverse lines. By Mr. Grodman the H. volutella was met with in the island of Fayal. Hyalina miguelina. Helix miguelina, Pfeiff., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 33 (1856) Vidaliana, M orel. et Drouet, Journ. de Conch, vi. 148 (1857) Zonites Vidalianus, Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 164 (1858) Helix miguelina, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel iv. 78 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 164. t. 2. f. 6 (1860) Zonites Miguelinus, Drouet, Faun. Acor. 147 (1861) Habitat Sta. Maria, S. Miguel, et Terceira ; sub lapidibus in umbrosis, vulgaris. In Sta. Maria necnon semifossilis invenitur. Judging from the diagnosis and figure, this Hyalina (which occurs abundantly in Sta. Maria, S. Miguel, and Terceira) seems, in its discoidal contour and widened ultimate whorl, to have much the prima facie aspect of the H. cellaria, or, perhaps, still more, of the Canarian H. lenis and the imme- diately allied forms ; but it is apparently a little larger with a very much smaller umbilicus, and faintly striped transversely (or radiated) with obscure and irregular (sometimes obsolete) fulvescent lines. According to Morelet and Drouet the speci- mens from S. Miguel are generally thinner, more brilliant, and more largely developed, than the others ; whilst those from Sta. Maria (in which island it is found also subfossilized) are not only smaller, more solid, less shining, and more dis- tinctly striate, but have their last volution rather less dilated ; and those from Terceira are a trifle more convex and less narrowly umbilicate. Mr. Tristram, in alluding to this shell, in his account of the Pulmonifera which had been met with at the Azores by Mr. Grodman, 1 speaks of it as being (like the H. atlantica) ' im- perforate ' ; but there can be no doubt that in this respect he was mistaken, for it is expressly defined by Morelet as 'anguste umbilicata ' (Drouet even calling it ' ombiliquee ') ; 1 I regret that I am not able to cite Mr. Godman's work amongst my references to the Azorean Gastropods ; but as no absolute list is given of the species which he obtained (the chapter by Mr. Tristram containing merely observations on the general catalogue of MM. Morelet and Drouet), it is scarcely possible to allude formally to the volume amongst the absolute synonyms. AZOREAN GROUP. 19 added to which, a decided, though small, perforation is clearly indicated in the figure. And I should very much doubt whether its so-called 'American affinities' are at all more traceable than its Canarian ones. ( Lucilla, Lowe.) Hyalina cellaria. Helix cellaria, Mull, Hist. Verm. ii. 28 (1774) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 177 (1854) Albers, Mai. Mad. 17 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 165 (1860) Zonites cellarius, Drouet, Faun. Acor. 149 (1861) Hyalina cellaria, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 15 (1872) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; vulgaris. In Sta. Maria etiam semifossilis occurrit. The common European H. cellaria is reported by both Morelet and Drouet to occur on every island of the Azorean Group, varying a little in the different parts of the archipelago. The examples from S. Miguel are said to be, on the average, somewhat larger than those from the other islands, those from Sta. Maria (where it exists likewise in a subfossilized state) more solid, and those from Terceira more convex. It is a species of a widely acquired range, it being eminently liable to accidental introduction through indirect human agencies ; and it has consequently become thoroughly established in the Madeiras and the Canaries, and even at St. Helena. ( Crystallus, Lowe.) Hyalina crystallina. Helix crystallina, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 23 (1774) Lowe, Gambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 47 (1831) Albers, Mai. Mad. 17. t. 2. f. 18-21 (1854) Morel, Hist. Nat. des Acor. 167 (1860) Zonites crystallinus, Drouet, Faun. Acor. 149 (1861) Hyalina crystallina, M ouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 17 (1872) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; sub lapidibus, minus frequens. Said by Morelet and Drouet to be found on all the islands of the archipelago, where it has doubtless become naturalized from the European continent. It is a little species which is eminently liable to accidental transmission, along with consign- ments of trees and plants ; and it has consequently gained a footing both in the Madeiran and Canarian Groups. c 2 20 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. ( Conulus, Fitz.) Hyalina fulva. Helix fulva, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 56 (1774) Drap., Hist. Nat. 81. t. 7. f. 12. 13 (1805) Conulus fulvus, Fitzinger, Syst. Verz. 94 (1837) Helix fulva, Pfeiff., Mori. Hel. i. 30 (1848) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 169 (1860) Zonites fulvus, Drouet, Faun. Acor. 150 (1861) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; hinc inde sub lapidibus. According to Morelet and Drouet, the European H. fulva, Miill., is found on every island of the Azorean Group ; and this is all the more remarkable, inasmuch as it has not hitherto been observed in any of the more southern archi- pelagos. Considering too its inconspicuousness, one can only conclude, from the fact of its having been detected by those anomalously successful naturalists on nine different islands which are so widely separated from each other, that it must be extremely abundant ; yet, curiously enough, they do not give us to understand that this is the case. ( Hettcella, Beck.) Hyalina atlantica. Helix atlantica, Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 149 (1857) Zonites atlanticus, Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 164 (1858) Helix atlanticus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 344 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 167. t. 3. f. 2 (1860) Zonites atlanticus, Drouet, Faun. Acor. 149 (1861) Habitat ins. omnes (teste Godman et Drouet); in Sta. Maria necnon semifossilis occurrit. Sec. Morelet in Sta. Maria, S. Miguel et Fayal invenitur. In Flores, sec. Drouet, ' au milieu des bois de genevriers ' copiose vivit. According to Godman and Drouet, this Hyalina occurs on every island of the Azorean Group ; but it is only for Sta. Maria, S. Miguel, and Fayal that Morelet actually refers to it, though he speaks of it, indefinitely, as ' repandue dans la plupart des iles de 1'archipel.' Drouet, however, mentions expressly that in Flores ' cette zonite vit en abondarice sous les pierres et dans les mousses, au milieu des bois de genevriers.' The complete freedom from an umbilicus is the main point which will at once distinguish the present Hyalina; and in AZOREAN GROUP. 21 that respect it is said to be somewhat on a North-American type, having, according to Mr. Tristram, a good deal in com- mon with the Helicella suppressa of Say. It is fulvo-corneous in hue, shining, diaphanous, and but feebly striated, but at the same time sufficiently solid in substance ; and the columellary border of its peristome is minutely and shortly expanded, or thickened, at the point of its insertion, so as to seal-up the spot which is usually occupied by the umbilical perforation. Both Morelet and Drouet speak of a small variety of this species as occurring in Fayal, and which measures only 5 milli- metres (instead of about 9) across its broadest part. G-enus 7. PATIILA, Held. ( Patulce normales.) Patula rotundata. Helix rotundata, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 29 (1774) Patula rotundata, Held, in Isis, 916 (1837) Zonites rotundatus, Gray, Man. 165, t. 5. f. 44 (1840) Helix rotundata, Morel., Hist Nat. des Acor. 174 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 156 (1861) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 81 (1867) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Drouet) ; vulgaris, ac late diffusa. According to Morelet the common European P. rotundata 'est extremement multiplied aux Apores,' but he does not mention in what particular islands he met with it. Drouet, however, supplies the required information by adding ' Habite tout 1'archipel' ; though whether that expression (as in other places) is used indefinitely, or whether it means to imply that he has actually taken the species in the whole nine islands of the Group, I have no mean of ascertaining ; and I can there- fore only tabulate the range in accordance with the terms in which it is asserted. Morelet speaks of the Azorean examples of this Patula as being slightly different from the ordinary con- tinental ones. ' Elle constitue,' says he, ' dans ces iles, une variete locale, plus convexe que le type, plus fortement striee, et dont les tours de spire sont aussi plus nettement separes.' The P. rotundata has been introduced within the last few years into Madeira, where however it is extremely rare; but hitherto it has not been observed at the Canaries. ( Acantkinula, Beck.) Patula monas. Helix monas, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 173. t. 3. f. 5 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 156 (1861) 22 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat S. Miguel, et Fayal ; in ilia ad Las Furnas, sed in hac juxta Caldeira reperta. This extremely diminutive Patula (which is unknown to me except through the excellent figure given by Morelet) appears to recede from the P. pusilla, mainly, in being a little less conical (or with the spire more depressed), as well as in being more coarsely costate, and in having a rather wider umbilicus. From the placida, Shuttlew., it is said to differ ' par I'eyasement de 1'ombilic, et la forme a peu pres circulaire de 1'ouverture.' It is recorded by Morelet from S. Miguel and Fayal, namely from the valley of the Furnas in the former, and from the edges of the Caldeira in the latter. Drouet gives only S. Miguel as its habitat, amongst dead leaves, and under stones, in woods. Patula pusilla. Helix pusilla, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 46. t. 5. f. 17 (1831) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. i. 101 (1848) servilis, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. Diagn. 6 (1852) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iii. 101 (1853) pusilla, a. annulata, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 176 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 18. t. 2. f. 7-10 (1854) servilis, Morel., Hist. Nat. des A$or. 173. t. 3. f. 6 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 156 (1861) hypocrita, Dohrn, Mai. Bldtt. 1 (1869) Patula servilis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 25. pi. 2. f. 13-16 (1872) Habitat S. Miguel, et Fayal ; sub lapidibus in inferioribus (haud procul a mare), sec. Morelet, sed sec. Drouet inter folia emortua in sylvis ; rarior. I have had no opportunity of inspecting Azorean examples of this minute shell ; nevertheless if it is rightly referred by Morelet and Drouet to the servilis of Shuttle worth, it is iden- tical with the Madeiran P. pusilla, Lowe, for there cannot be the slightest doubt whatsoever that Shuttleworth's species and Lowe's are one and the same. Indeed there is hardly a single member of the Atlantic Grastropods which is more widely dis- persed than this little Patula ; for not only does it occur in the Azorean and Madeiran archipelagos, but likewise at the Canaries and Cape Verdes (from whence it was re-enunciated by Dohrn under the name of H. hypocrita), and even in the inter- mediate districts of St. Helena. Had Morelet been aware (which I am surprised was not the case) that Shuttleworth's AZOREAN GROUP. 23 H. servilis and Lowe's pusilla are conspecific, he would not have fallen into the error of supposing that the species had not yet been observed in the Madeiran Group. But, so far from the latter being the case, it was absolutely first described (in 1831) from Madeira, where it is one of the most abundant of the land-shells. The P. pusilla (assuming Morelet's identification of it to be correct) appears to have been noticed hitherto only near Ponta Delgada in S. Miguel, and in Fayal ; in the latter of which islands it is expressly stated by Morelet to have been found in rocky places near the sea. This exactly accords with its usual habitat in the Madeiran archipelago, for it is comparatively seldom that it is to be met with (like the P. placida, Shuttl.) in the laurel-woods of a high altitude ; nevertheless it does occa- sionally occur in the latter also, and therefore Drouet's remark that, in Fayal, it exists ' au milieu des feuilles mortes dans les bois de lauriers et de genevriers ' may be likewise applicable, for he would doubtless have at once perceived the difference had the examples to which he alludes been referable to the placida, rather than to the pusilla. Apart from its diminutive size, the P. pusilla (which is a trifle smaller, darker, and more depressed than the placida) may be readily known by a certain number of its oblique, transverse, thread-like striae being more developed than the rest ; for although they are sometimes exceedingly faint, .at others they are quite conspicuous and at once distinguishable beneath even an ordinary lens. Morelet's figure, though other- wise good, does not represent this latter character with suffi- cient precision. Patula aculeata. Helix aculeata, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 81 (1774) Gray, Man. 149. t. 4. f. 33 (1840) Pfeiff.,Mon. Hel. i. 50(1848) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 175 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 157 (1861) Habitat S. Miguel, et Fayal ; in montibus parce lecta. The European P. aculeata is recorded both by Morelet and Drouet from S. Miguel and Fayal, where it appears to occur at a rather high elevation ; but it has not hitherto been noticed in any of the more southern archipelagos. According to Drouet it is found in the laurel woods, amongst fallen leaves. 24 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Genus 8. HELIX, Linne. ( Vallonia, Risso.) Helix pulchella. Helix pulchella, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 30 (1774) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 45 (1831) Alb., Mai. Mad. 45. t. 12. f. 1-4 (1854) Morel, Hist. Nat. des Acor. 175 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 157 (1861) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 57 (1872) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Drouet) ; sub lapidibus vulgaris. This common little European Helix which has established itself in the Madeiras and Canaries, and even at St. Helena, and which is cited also from the Cape of (rood Hope is found, according to Drouet, on every island of the Azorean Group. Morelet indeed does not assert this totidem verbis, but merely states that it occurs in the archipelago ; and one can hardly therefore resist the enquiry as to whether the expression ' Habite tout 1'archipel ' is used (here as well as elsewhere) merely indefinitely, in order to imply the wide distribution of the species, and its probable occurrence, throughout the cluster, or whether it is to be accepted in its true and literal meaning, and as a positive guarantee that it has been carefully ascer- tained to exist on each of the nine islands which constitute the entire Group. If the latter fact is intended to be conveyed, MM. Morelet and Drouet deserve unbounded praise for the perfectly incredible proportion of their species which they have succeeded in detecting on all the detachments of an archipelago which is so widely scattered ; but if, on the other hand, the term is employed without absolute precision, I cannot too strongly express my belief that loose statements of this kind, which are not strictly in accordance with facts, are neither more nor less than disreputable, calculated as they are to place on permanent record what is simply and de facto untrue. ( Leptaxis, Lowe.) Helix vetusta. Helix vetusta, Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 152 (1857) Morel, Hist. Nat. des Acor. 176, t. 5. f. 12 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 158 (1861) Habitat Sta. Maria, semifossilis ; hactenus recens haud detecta. AZOREAN GROUP. 25 Judging from the diagnosis, and the admirable figure which is given by Morelet, I am inclined to think that the present Helix, which has been found hitherto only in a subfossil condi- tion in the south of Sta. Maria, is perhaps more akin to the likewise subfossilized H. chrysomela, Pfeiff. (particularly the larger state of that species, which was subsequently described by Lowe under the name of fluctuosa], than it is to anything else which has yet been brought to light in the various Atlantic archipelagos. Prima facie it has undoubtedly somewhat in common with certain Canarian members of the Lemniscia sec- tion, such as the H. tumulorum and phalerata ; but in no instances are they wholly imperforate, neither are the margins of their peristome connected by a decided lamelliform callosity; and although this latter character is by no means distinctive of Leptaxis proper, but quite the reverse, it nevertheless is strongly expressed in the H. chrysomela which it is quite impossible to remove from the same actual group which embraces the erubescens and membranacea types. Moreover it appears to be present also in the (equally extinct) H. atlantidea, Morel., from the Cape Verdes. The rather straightened and thickened lower lip, too, is much in accordance with what one observes in the Porto-Santan H. chrysomela ; while its strongly pronounced keel, and what little we are able to trace of its colouring, are marvellously suggestive of that same species. Whether the H. vetusta (which measures about 19 milli- metres across its broadest part, and has an altitude of about 11) belongs altogether to a past epoch can hardly be decided, until the numerous submaritime districts of Sta. Maria have been more carefully explored. Helix erubescens. Helix erubescens, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 40. t. 5. f. 3 (1831) et simia, Pfeif., Hon. Hel. i. 270 et 288 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc.Lond. 165 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 47. t. 12. f. 11-16 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 153 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 150 (1861) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 13 (1867) Habitat S. Miguel ; in citranetis, prsesertim intra cavernas arborum et sub cortice laxo, sat copiose latitans. The very beautiful, but inconstant, H. erubescens, which is so universal (under various modifications both of contour and 26 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. hue) throughout the Madeiran archipelago, occurs in the orange grounds of S. Miguel, both around Ponta Delgada, &c., and even (according to Morelet) in the valley of the Furnas ; and considering this singular limitation of its habitat, we may feel tolerably sure that the species is not an aboriginal native of the Azores, but that in all probability it has become naturalized accidentally from Madeira. The fact too that it appears to be confined to a single island of the Group, and that one the most cultivated of them all, is quite in accordance with this supposi- tion. Both Morelet and Drouet lay great stress on the curious fact that it would seem to be attached exclusively to the gardens and plantations where the orange-trees are grown, concealing itself more especially within the fissures and cavities of the trunks, often in large clusters. Drouet says that at Madeira the H. erubescens is found essentially in woods, but this is absolutely untrue ; for although it does occasionally make its appearance in subsylvan spots, as in the chestnut groves of intermediate altitudes, its normal range is most unmistakeably beneath stones on the open moun- tain slopes (as on the grassy declivities of the Pico da Silva, &c.), and within the lichen-covered inequalities of the weather- beaten rocks. Indeed on the three Desertas, where it absolutely swarms, there is not so much as a single tree for it to inhabit ; and even in Porto Santo, the higher districts (to which it is confined) are, and clearly always have been, totally devoid of wood. 1 1 Although it is well-nigh superfluous to do so, I may perhaps just notice in this place the H. advena, W. et B., which is cited bj Morelet, as one of his 69 species, on the strength of its having been recorded by Pfeiffer as occurring not merely at the Cape Verdes [to which it is, nevertheless, abso- lutely peculiar], but also in the Canaries and Azores. And he even goes on to affirm that Madeira likewise must be added to its range, inasmuch as Albers includes it in his [extremely inaccurate] ' Malacographia Maderensis ' ; so that, according to him, elle est repandue dans les quatre archipels.' Here then is an accumulation of blunders, both as to habitat and identifi- cation, which it is perfectly sad to contemplate. In the first place, the H. advena is confined exclusively to the Cape Verdes ; the examples which Dr. Albers referred so unhesitatingly to that species, and which he said were found by M. Hartung in Porto Santo, having nothing whatever to do with it. And then, as regards its Canarian claims, I thought it was now generally understood that it was through the excessive carelessness of Mr. Webb that it was ever quoted amongst the Land-Mollusca of that archipelago at all ; for, unless I am greatly mistaken, it was communicated originally to the joint authors of the ' Histoire Naturelle,' along with the equally Cape- Verdian Stenogyra subdiapkana, by M. Terver, of Lyons, whose orchil-infesting Helices (the precise countries of which were guessed at with a recklessness almost unparalleled) have been the means of creating an amount of geo- graphical confusion which perhaps will never be altogether obliterated. This unpardonable mode of treatment was inflicted on other species also, besides those to which I have just called attention, notably on the H. taniata and tiarella of Madeira, which were pronounced to be ' Canarian,' AZOREAN GROUP. 27 Helix azorica. Helix azorica, Alb., Mai. Bldtt. 30 (1852) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iii. 148 (1853) Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 165 (1858) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 163 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 154, t. 2. f. 2 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 151 (1861) Habitat Sta. Maria, et S. Miguel ; in montibus sub lapidibus, necnon inter ramulos Ericce vulgaris et cset. latitans, baud infrequens. The present variable Helix appears to be confined, according to Morelet and Drouet, to the mountains of Sta. Maria and S. Miguel, where it occurs not only under stones but, in the latter, amongst the shrubs of Erica vulgaris and Myrsine retusa which clothe so much of the uncultivated country in the loftier districts of the island. In the former it was met with on the summit of the Pico Alto. Judging from their diagnoses and figures, I think there can be little doubt that the present species and the four following ones belong to the same group as the H. erubescens ; and, from the analogy of the latter, which at the Madeiras has a more or less different phasis for every detachment of the archipelago, one cannot but feel it possible that some of these forms which cluster around the H. azorica may prove in reality to be but insular modifications of a single plastic type. Nevertheless since it is the opinion of Morelet that they may be upheld as specifically distinct, I will cite them in accordance with the conclusions which have been arrived at by himself and M. Drouet. The H. azorica appears to be exceedingly thin and fragile, as well as somewhat shining and pellucid ; and, like the other members of this particular section, it is wholly imperforate. Its colour, as in the H. erubescens, is eminently inconstant, though the more normal individuals seem to be brownish but mottled with small disjointed (sometimes vermiculiform) mark- ings of a paler or yellowish hue. Occasionally however the latter are obsolete, when the shell is concolorous ; and the specimens from Sta. Maria (which are smaller, and a trifle less and which were received as such (without evidence) by Webb. Indeed the H. cyclodon, W. et B., was declared by Terver (in his total ignorance of its actual habitat) to be not only Canarian, but also from the Cape Verdes, the Madeiras, and the Azores, a statement which was at once accepted by Webb, and even by Pfeiffer ; whereas in real fact it has not been detected, as yet, in any of those Groups, except possibly the Canaries (for it is by no means abso- lutely certain that it was found even there). 28 TEST ACE A ATLANTICA. fragile, than those from S. Miguel) are opake, except the nucleus and the base (which are translucid), and of a uniform pallid or nearly straw-coloured hue, constituting a well-marked variety, the ' 7. minor ' of Morelet. The aperture is a little more rounded in the H. azorica than it is in the cognate forms, and has its columellary margin but very slightly thickened or expanded; and the ultimate volution is rather broader or more developed. Helix caldeirarum. Helix caldeirarum, Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 150 (1857) azorica (pars), Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 165 (1858) Pfeiff., Mai. Bldtt. 81 (1858) caldeirarum, Id., Mon. Hel. iv. 347 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 156. t. 2. f. 3 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 152 (1861) Habitat S. Miguel ; sub lapidibus in Caldeira de Sete-Ci- dades, rarissima. The H. caldeirarum (which measures about 12 millimetres ^across its widest part), although thin and subdiaphanous, is apparently not quite so fragile and pellucid as the azorica, and it is also more appreciably striate ; its surface is of a light uniform corneous-brown, free from paler blotches or irregular markings, but ornamented with a well-defined darker band--- which occupies the dorsal region, or circumference, of the ulti- mate whorl, and runs up alongside the suture of the pen- ultimate one ; its aperture is not quite so rounded ; the columellary margin of its peristome is a trifle thicker or more dilated,^and its last volution is rather less broadly developed. It seems to have been only in S. Miguel that the present Helix has hitherto been observed, where it was met with (though sparingly) by Morelet and Drouet, beneath stones, in the Caldeira of the Sete-Cidades. Helix niphas. Helix niphas, Pfeiff., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 108 (1857) Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 166 (1858) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 159 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 162 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 153 (1861) Habitat S. Miguel (teste PfeifTer) ; ex speciminibus a Dom. Cuming missis descripta. AZOREAN GROUP. 29 The present Helix, which was described by Pfeiffer from examples communicated by the late Mr. Cuming, is said to be from S. Miguel ; but it was not met with either by Morelet or Drouet. There can be little doubt that it belongs to much the same type as these immediately allied forms, though its white colour and more solid substance, in conjunction with the fact that its ultimate whorl does not appear (judging from the pub- lished diagnosis) to be at all deflected at the aperture, show it to be specifically distinct from them all. In his observations on the H. niphas, Morelet says : ( II est evident que cette espece se rattache par des liens etroits au groupe que nous venons d'etudier ; ainsi la taille, la forme glo- buleuse, la spire conique, 1'absence d'ombilic, le peristome droit, epaissi au point d'insertion, enfin la direction de la columelle, sont des caracteres communs a toutes les coquilles de cette serie. Le nombre des tours de spire, leur developpement graduel et la simplicite du bord droit, se retrouvent en outre chez YH. caldeirarum, dont Fespece de M. Pfeiffer semble se rapprocher d'avantage ; mais elle en differe, ainsi que de toutes les autres, par la solidite, la couleur, et la direction du dernier tour de spire qui ne flechit pas a sa terminaison.' Helix terceirana. H. caldeirarum (pars), Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 150 (1857) Terceirana, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 158. t. 2. f. 4 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 152 (1861) Habitat Terceira ; inter arbusculas Myrsine retusa, necnon sub lapidibus, in Caldeira, copiose lecta. Apparently very nearly allied to the H. caldeirarum, but found in Terceira instead of S. Miguel. It appears to be com- mon in that particular island, where it was found by Morelet and Drouet beneath stones and about the bushes of Myrsine retusa in the great Caldeira. The H. terceirana is more solid, less diaphanous, and more coarsely striated than the caldeirarum (indeed it is said to be sometimes quite free from gloss) ; its ultimate whorl is rather more flattened beneath ; and its peristome is more thickened or bordered internally, and has the columellary margin gradually more flattened or dilated towards its point of insertion. Its colour too is different, the darker zone of the H. caldeirarum being absent, and the surface usually more or less faintly freckled with subopake and slightly paler fragmentary markings. 30 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Helix Drouetiana. Helix Drouetiana, Morel., Hist. Nat. des A for. 160. t. 2. f. 5 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Ac or. 153 (1861) Habitat Fayal ; ad orientem montium versus Caldeira ascen- dentium, sub lapidibus rarissima. This species appears to be a trifle larger than the three preceding ones, having about the same expanse (13 millimetres) across its broadest part as the H. azorica with which also it agrees somewhat in its general type of colouring, in the fine- ness of its striation, and in its ultimate whorl being a little widened. It is however more solid and less transparent than the azorica and caldeirarum ; its spire is appreciably more acute and prominent ; and its peristome is more decidedly thickened within, and has the columellary margin more flattened or expanded. From the H. azorica it further differs in its aperture being less rounded, and in its axis being shorter (or less vertically visible) at its point of junction with the lower lip. In ornamentation the H. Drouetiana is of a pale yellowish brown, but variegated with more or less evident and irregular transverse radiating lines of a more corneous hue ; and there is usually a darker, interrupted, or broken-up zone at the circum- ference of the basal volution, and which runs alongside the suture of the penultimate one. The H. Drouetiana was met with by M. Drouet in Fayal, towards the east of the mountains which rise so as to form the Caldeira ; where, moreover, it would appear to be scarce. ( Pomatia, Beck.) Helix aspersa. Helix aspersa, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 59 (1774) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. i. 241 (1848) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 152 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 151 (1861) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 69 (1872) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; in cultis late sed vix copiose diffusa. According to Morelet and Drouet, the common H. aspersa, Mull., occurs on every island of the Azorean archipelago, where doubtless it must have been introduced from the European conti- nent. It is a species which is extremely liable to accidental trans- mission, along with consignments of trees and plants ; and it was in all probability in that manner that it has become thoroughly naturalized at St. Helena. Into Madeira it was imported a AZOREAN GROUP. 31 comparatively few years ago, but I have no evidence that it has succeeded in establishing itself to any appreciable extent ; but in Palma of the Canarian Group it has gained a complete foot- ing, and, since it assumes there a slightly local aspect, there is reason to suspect that it may have existed in that island for at all events a considerable period. ( Maoularia, Alb.) Helix lactea. Helix lactea, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 19 (1774) W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. Syn. 313 d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. ii. 2. 55 (1839) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 152 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 150 (1861) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 70 (1872) Habitat Sta. Maria, et S. Miguel ; in inferioribus, sed haud abundans. The Mediterranean H. lactea, which is found in the Canarian Group, and is very abundant on the coast of Morocco, occurs sparingly around Ponta Delgada in S. Miguel, as well as in a calcareous district in the south of Sta. Maria. Morelet, who remarks that the Azorean examples are very similar to those of Portugal, is of opinion that it has probably been imported into the islands. ( Euparypha, Hartm.) Helix pisana. Helix pisana, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 60 (1774) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 52 (1831) Alb., Mai. Mad. 21. t. 3. f. 118 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 153 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 150 (1861) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 28 (1872) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; in inferioribus, prsecipue cultis, vulgaris. By both Morelet and Drouet the common European H. pisana is said to occur on every island of the Azorean archipelago,- abounding in gardens, and other cultivated spots. It is locally plentiful in the Madeiran and Canarian Groups ; and in the latter, as well as on the intermediate isolated rocks of the Salvages, it is developed into several very beautiful and well- defined varieties. Hitherto, however, it has not been observed at the Cape Verdes. 32 , TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. ( Xeropliila, Held.) Helix armillata. Helix ' striata, Drap. ? ' Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 53(1831) Lowei, Pot. et Mich, (nee Per. 1835), Gall, des Moll. 91 (1838) armillata, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. 113 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 116 (1853) Alb., Mai. Mad. 20. t. 2. f. 32-35 (1854) eumaeus, Lowe, Proc. Linn. Soc. Loud. ; Zool. 198 (1860) armillata, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 174. t. 3. f. 7 (1860) Drouet 9 Faun. Acor. 155 (1861) Habitat ins. omnes sec. Drouet, sed ins. fere omnes sec. Morelet; in cultis inferioribus juxta mare, vulgaris. Prope Horta, in ins. Fayal, praecipue abundat. I cannot feel altogether satisfied that the H. armillata, Lowe, should be separated specifically from the smaller and more depressed form of the common European H. caperata, (striata, Drap.), which is so often to be met with, commingled with the larger and typical one, throughout the maritime and sub- maritime districts of southern Europe ; indeed Mr. Lowe himself regarded it originally as a mere state of that species. At Madeira it is locally abundant ; and, according to Morelet, it has been taken lately by MM. Bouvier and de Cessac in S. Vicente of the Cape-Verde Group. It occurs also around Mogador, on the west coast of Morocco, where it is a trifle more strongly costate-striate, and from whence it was re-described by Lowe, in 1860, under the name of H. eumceus. In the Azorean archipelago the H. armillata is said by Morelet to be common ' dans la plupart des iles/ but Drouet (after specially mentioning Sta. Maria and Fayal) adds ' Habite tout Parchipel ; ' and it seems to me, therefore, that it presents another instance of that sad want of precision which character- izes these vague expressions of universality which we are called upon to believe without the slightest evidence being supplied to show that they are strictly true. If Drouet really obtained the H. armillata on the whole nine islands of the Group, why does he not say so plainly ? But, knowing as I do the extreme difficulty of procuring even the commonest forms on every single island' of a widely scattered assemblage, I cannot but feel unbounded surprise that so overwhelming a proportion of the Gastropods of MM. Morelet and Drouet should have been recorded by them as inhabiting ' tout 1'archipel.' AZOREAN GROUP. 33 Helix apicina, Helix apicina, Lam., Hist. vi. 102, 93 (1822) Xerophila apicina, Held, in Isis, 913 (1837) Helix apicina, Morel., Moll, du Port. 63 (1845) ' Pfei/., M on.Hel.i. 170(1848) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 174 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 158 (1861) Pfei/-, M OU. Hel. vii. 242 (1876) Habitat Terceira ; forsan ex Europa introducta. The European and North- African H. apicina, Lam., was found both by Morelet and Drouet in Terceira, ' sur les pelouses au fond de la baie de Praya,' where it appears to be common ; but they did not meet with it in any of the other islands. The only evidence of its occurrence in the more southern archipelagos is embodied in two examples which were taken during the ' Challenger ' expedition at Teneriffe. Helix obruta. Helix obruta, Morel., Hist. Nat. des. Acor. 178, t. 5. f. 13 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 158 (1861) Habitat Sta. Maria, semifossilis ; hodie recens haud inventa. This rather obscure little Helix appears to be found subfos- silized, in a somewhat calcareous region, towards the southern coast of Sta. Maria ; and as it has not been observed hitherto in a recent condition, it may perhaps have become extinct. Still, judging from the analogy of the numerous Madeiran Helices, in a similar predicament, which had long been sup- posed to have passed away, but which have ultimately been brought to light as members of the present fauna, it would be unsafe to assert this until at any rate the neighbouring districts of the island have been fully and accurately investigated. Being in an almost colourless state, the characters of the H. obruta are not easy to be denned ; nor indeed are its affini- ties very evident, though Morelet compares it with the larger examples of the H. armillata. It is, however, less depressed and less angulose than that species, the columellary edge of its peristome is somewhat less expanded, and its umbilicus is nar- rower. It seems to me to be rather solid, and faintly marked with oblique striae, measuring about 8 millimetres across its broadest part. 34 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. ( Sjrirobula, Lowe.) Helix paupercula, Helix paupercula, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 47. t. 5. f. 19 (1831) Pfeiff., Man. Hel. i. 189 (1848) Alb., Mai. Mad. 35. t. 8. f. 27-30 (1854) Morel, Hist. Nat. des Acor. 175 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 157 (1861) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 60 (1872) Habitat S. Miguel, Fayal, et Pico ; in aridis apricis infe- rioribus submaratimis, hinc inde ad rupes adhaerens necnon sub lapidibus. The curious little H. paupercula, which occurs on the whole five islands of the Madeiran Group (where it is manifestly abori- ginal), and which exists likewise (though sparingly) in the eastern part of the Canarian archipelago, has been detected (at the Azores) in S. Miguel, Fayal, and Pico, where it is found, as in the Madeiras, in dry and rocky places near the coast. Whether it has been naturalized accidentally from the more southern Group, or whether the Azores constitute a portion of its primevally-acquired range, is a problem which it is scarcely possible to solve. The small size, and flattened, planorbiform outline of this obscurely-coloured, solid little Helix (which has the singular habit of cementing itself over, more or less, with a hardened covering of mud), in conjunction with its whorls being only about four in number, its basal region inflated and convex, its umbilicus large, deep, and spiral, and its aperture (which is a good deal deflexed) powerfully constricted behind, so as to shape out an annular ridge-like prominence, whilst the peri- stome itself is comparatively thin, well-nigh circular, and ele- vated, will readily distinguish it. Its average width, across the broadest part, is about 2^ lines. ( His2)idella, Lowe.) Helix horripila. Helix horripila, Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 149 (1857) Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 165 (1858) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 303 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 170. t. 3. f. 3 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 154 (1861) AZOREAN GROUP. 36 Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; praecipue in umbrosis humidis, vel cultis inferioribus vel montosis, vulgaris. A rather commonplace little Helix which, according to Morelet, and judging from his excellent figure, belongs to much the same type as the H. plebeia, hispida, rufescens, sericea, lurida, &c., though distinct from them all. It is a reddish-brown shell, with a faint yellowish band more or less traceable on the ultimate volution, extremely thin and fragile, and even subdiaphanous. Its surface is densely crowded with minute oblique striae, which are decussated by a few fine but less regular spiral lines (more particularly evident about the dorsal region and the base) ; and it is conspicuously studded with short erect hairs, which have a tendency to arrange them- selves in radiating transverse rows. The peristome is exces- sively thin and fragile, and has the columellary margin a little reflexed, as well as minutely and triangularly dilated at its in- sertion so as very slightly to overlap the edge of the umbilicus which is, itself, rather small. According to Morelet and Prouet, the H. horripila is found on every island of the Group ; and one cannot but admire the extreme diligence of those two naturalists, who obtained, in one short visit, so overwhelming a proportion of their species on the whole nine detachments of an archipelago which is so remotely scattered as that of the Azores. ( Cwacollina, Beck.) Helix barbula. Helix barbula, Charp., in litt. Rossm., Icon. vii. 11 (1838) Morel., Moll, du Port. 57 (1845) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 210 (1848) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 170 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 155 (1861) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Drouet) ; sub lapidibus, ad muros, et cast., prsecipue in cultis, vulgatissima. The H. barbula, which is so common in Portugal, is, ac- cording to Morelet, 4 extrement multiplied aux Azores ; ' and he adds ' se trouve j usque dans les iles lointaines de Flores et Corvo, ce qui fait presumer qu'elle est indigene de 1'archipel. On la rencontre au pied des murs, dans les rues meme de Horta et de Ponta Delgada.' Drouet, however, cuts the matter shorter by saying < Habite tout 1'archipel ;' and we are therefore bound to accept this statement, until otherwise explained, as a positive guarantee that he has either found it or else ascer- tained that it occurs in the whole nine islands of the Group. I n 2 36 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. can only hope therefore that this is truly the case, and that in registering it as universal it is strictly in accordance with facts. 1 Helix lenticula. Helix lenticula, Per., Tabl. Syst. 37, 154 (1821) subtilis, L&ive, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 45. t. 5. f. 13(1831) lenticula, Id., Prod. Zool. Soc. Lond. 196 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 43. t. 11. f. 9-12 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 169 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 156 (1861) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 66 (1872) Habitat Sta. Maria, S. Miguel, et Pico : sub lapidibus in aridis, rarior. The South-European H. lenticula, Fer., appears to occur sparingly in Sta. Maria, S. Miguel, and Pico ; but it was not observed, by either Morelet or Drouet, in any of the other islands. It seems to be found under stones at the base of walls, as well as amongst the plants of Agave americana (or American Aloe), in dry spots of a low altitude. It is common in the Madeiran and Canarian archipelagos, but less so at the Cape Verdes. ( Lemniscia, Lowe.) Helix vespertina. Helix vespertina, Morel, Hist. Nat. des Acor. 170. t. b. f. 3 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 154 (1861) Habitat Terceira; in montibus juxta craterem magnum Caldeirao dictum parce reperta. The affinities of this rather insignificant little Helix seem to me to be very dubious ; and, unfortunately, Morelet gives us no clue as to its nearest allies. Judging however from his diag- nosis and very excellent figure, I am inclined to think that it may perhaps have something in common with the Canarian species (of Lowe's section Lemniscia) around the H. Wood- wardia of Tarnier and the cosmenlitia of Shuttleworth ; and I would therefore cite it accordingly, though at the same time not without considerable hesitation. It is only in the island of Terceira that it has hitherto been met with, where it was found 1 The H. barbula. is well distinguished from the lenticula by (inter alia) its comparatively gigantic size (the larger examples measuring about 5 lines across their broadest part), its more numerous volutions, its more strongly costate surface, and by its incrassated peristome, the columellary and basal margins of which are much more recurved, as well as armed internally with two obtuse, but unequal, tooth-like callosities. AZOREAN GROUP. 37 sparingly on the mountains in the immediate neighbourhood of the great crater known as the Caldeirao. The H. vespertina would seem to be somewhat depressed and lenticular, but with the nucleus nevertheless (as in the H. Woodwardid) prominent, very thin in substance, and glabrous, but not shining. It is of a corneous brown, but has a faint paler band immediately below the rather obtuse keel ; its whole surface is finely and closely striated ; the margins of its peri- stome are remote, but joined by a very thin lamelliform callus; and its umbilicus is small and shallow, the outer edge being- reached (but scarcely overhung) by the very slight columellary dilatation. Genus 9. BULIMUS, Scopoli. Bulimus ventrieosus, Bulimus ventrieosus, Drap., Tabl. de Moll. 68 (1801) Id., Hist. Nat. 78. t. 4. f. 31-33 (1805) Helix ventrosa, Fer., Prodr. 377. t. 52 (1807) Bulimus ventrosus, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 62 (1831) Alb., Mai. Mad. 54, t. 14. f. 18, 19 (1854) Morel., Hist. 'Nat. des Acor. 1 96 ( 1 860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 163 (1861 ) Helix ventricosa, Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 46 (1872) Habitat ins. omnes (sec. Morelet et Drouet) ; sub lapidibus in aridis, vulgaris. This Bulimus, which is so widely spread throughout Medi- terranean latitudes occurring in the Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape-Verde archipelagos, as well as on the west coast of Morocco is found, according to Morelet and Drouet, on every island of the Azorean Group. As elsewhere, it resides princi- pally, beneath stones and about old walls, in dry spots of a low elevation. 1 Bulimus solitarius, Helix solitaria, Poir., Coq. Fluv. et Terr. 85 (1801) conoidea, Drop., Tabl. de Moll. 69 (1801) Theba conoidea, Beck, Ind. Moll. 11 (1837) Bulimus solitarius, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 216 (1848) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 196 (1860) 1 Considering that this common Bulimus was described by Draparnaud, under the name of ventrieosus, in 1801, and by Ferussac under that of ventrosus in 1807, it is difficult to understand why so many authors should quote it under the latter title instead of the former. So long as the law of priority is to be recognized, there is a manifest want of consistency in not following it implicitly. 38 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat Fayal (sec. Dunker) ; a D. Tarns sc. deprehensa. The Mediterranean B. solitarius (which is well distin- guished from the ventricosus by its rather shorter or less pro- duced spire, its more carinated basal whorl, and its larger and more open umbilicus) was not met with at the Azores by either Morelet or Drouet ; nevertheless it is stated by Dunker to have been found commonly by Dr. Tarns in Fayal. Bulimus Santa-Marianus. Bulimus Sanctse-Mariae, Morel, et Dr., Joum. de Conch, vi. 150 (1857) Mouss., Viert. derNat. Zurich, 167 (1858) Pfeiff.,Mon. Hel. iv. 474(1859) Santa^Marianus, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 194. t. 4. f. 6 (I860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 163 (1861) (.status junior). Helix membranacea, Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 165 (1858) Habitat Sta. Maria, et recens et semifossilis ; ad montem Pico Alto sub lapidibus detecta. This is rather a short, broad, and inflated Bulimus, par- taking more of the general contour of the B. ventricosus than any of the following species ; and it is also thin and fragile, semitransparent, of a corneous brown, but usually more or less ornamented with a fascia of darker and paler ray-like, some- times zigzag markings, which (although seldom quite obsolete) is occasionally reduced to a narrow line, but which is far more often so wide as to occupy nearly the whole breadth of the penultimate whorl. Its peristome is whitish and very slightly expanded, the columellary margin however being rather more so, as well as a little dilated (at its point of insertion) over the umbilical chink. The B. Santa-Jifarianus, which measures from about 10 to 1 3 millimetres in length, occurs in Sta. Maria, especially under stones on the Pico Alto, where it is said to be abundant ; and it was met with likewise in a subfossilized condition, in the south of that same island. Bulimus Hartungi, Bulimus Hartungi, Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 151 (1857) Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 166 (1858) AZOEEAN GROUP. 39 Bulimus Hartungi, Pfeiff., Man. Hel. iv. 503 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 188. t. 4. f. 2 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 162 (1861) Habitat Sta. Maria, et recens et semifossilis ; sub lapidibus in saxosis, parum vulgaris. The present Bulimus, which is found in Sta. Maria, and which occurs also in a subfossil state on the southern coast of that island, is considerably smaller and less ventricose than the B. Santa-Marianus (it being only about 10 millimetres in length), and it seems to be free from a variegated band or fascia. In point of fact, it is far nearer to the B. vulgaris, of which it might almost be regarded as a small and stunted modification peculiar to Sta. Maria (in which island the typical vulgaris has not yet been observed). Indeed even Morelet admits that occasional ' formes intermediaires ' of the B. Har- tungi are not easy to separate from the vulgaris, adding, how- ever (which seems to me to involve a petitio principii), ' on ne peut expliquer ici ces deviations du type par 1'alliance des deux especes, car le B. vulgaris ne parait point exister dans Vile de Sta. Maria.' The B. Hartungi is described as both < ruguloso-striata ' and ' spiraliter granulata ' ; and it is said to possess the habit of coating itself over with a hardened envelope of earth, much as one sees in the Canarian B. Guerreanus, from Hierro, as well as (occasionally) in the darker forms of the B. variatus, W. et B., from Lauzarote, and sometimes even in the badiosus, Yer., of Teneriffe. Its volutions are rather convex, with the sutural line deeply impressed ; and the upper and lower margins of its peristome are connected by a thin callus. Bulimus vulgaris. Bulimus vulgaris, Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 150 (1857) Mouss.,Viert.derNat.Zurich,l66 (1858) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel., iv. 418 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des A$or. 184. t. 4. f. 3 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 161 (1861) Habitat S. Miguel, et Fayal ; inter folia emortua, sub la- pidibus, et cset., sat vulgaris. A species which appears to be found in S. Miguel and Fayal (in both of which islands it was met with likewise by Mr. Grodman), being more particularly abundant in the former, where it occurs beneath stones, under fallen leaves, and at the 40 TESTACEA ATLANT1CA. base of the walls. It is compared by Morelet to the common European B. obscurus ; but it is a little larger and more ven- tricose, and its peristome is more obtuse and thickened. It seems to be very variable in stature, its extreme length mea- suring from about 9 to 11 millimetres. Morelet calls attention to a shell which exists on the moun- tains of S. Miguel, in the neighbourhood of the Lagoa do Congro, which is so strictly intermediate between the B. vulgaris and pruninus (the types of which are otherwise altogether dis- similar) that he is quite unable to decide to which of them it should be referred; and he consequently arrives at the con- clusion that, in all probability, it is a hybrid between the two species. Bulimus delibutus. Bulimus delibutus, Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 151 (1857) Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 167 (1858) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 474 (1859) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 190. t. 4. f. 4 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 161 (1861) Habitat Terceira, et Fayal ; hinc inde in saxosis occurrens. The B. delibutus, which has been found in Terceira and Fayal, seems to be very near to the vulgaris, from which it mainly differs in being a trifle slenderer and more shining, and in having its suture obscurely and very narrowly edged with white. It appears also to be more or less lightly marked with spiral undulating lines, sometimes paler and sometimes darker than the ground-colour, but which are apt to become obsolete when the shell happens to be thinner than usual and more transparent. The columellary edge of its peristome is just appreciably wider than is the case in the B. vulgaris, and has a .very slight tendency to be subrecurved. Bulimus Forbesianus, Bulimus variatus, Dunk, [nee W. et B., 1833], Ind. Moll. 6. t. 1. f. 24, 25 Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 355 (1853) Forbesianus, Morel, et Dr., Journ. de Conch, vi. 151 (1857) atlanticus, Mouss., Viert. der Nat. Zurich, 166 (1858) Forbesianus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 422 (1859) AZOREAN GROUP. 41 Bulimus Forbesianus, Morel., Hist. Nat. des A$or. 192. t. 4. f. 5 (1860) Drouet, Faun. A$or. 161 (1861) Habitat Terceira, Graciosa, Pico, et Fayal ; exemplaribus e Terceira plerumque crassioribus (quare minus translucentibus), ac magis aut etiam omnino concoloribus. This is apparently larger and more elongated than any of the foregoing species, its average length being about 15 milli- metres ; and it seems to. be somewhat slender and subdia- phanous, rather shining, granulated at the base, and usually marbled or variegated with irregular, more or less confluent and fragmentary, paler lines and spots ; though some examples, particularly those from Terceira, are said to be concolorous. There can be little question that it is very closely allied to the B. variatus, W. et B. (to which indeed it was originally re- ferred by Pfeiffer) ; and, considering the extreme inconstancy of that species in the Canarian archipelago, I cannot but feel doubtful whether it ought to be regarded as more than a modi- fication of the latter, and one moreover which is not absolutely similar even in the four islands Terceira, Graciosa, Pico, and Fayal- on which it is said to occur. Bulimus variatus. Bulimus variatus, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. Syn. 326 (1833) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 125 (1845) Morel., Hist. Nat. des A..' -X' - * Latinea, Paiva . ., . . . obtecta, Lowe ... fictilis, Lowe . ; . . . obserata, Lowe )8. * bipartite, Woll. . - .'.* actinophora, Lowe j8. * descendens, Woll. rotula, Lowe consors, Lowe compacta, Lowe 7. portosanctana, Lowe . . commixta, Lowe )3. * pusilla, Lowe * sphaerula, Lowe bicarinata, Sow. /3. aucta, Woll *' . * vcrmetiformiS) Lowe . . oxytropis, Lowe a. [normalis] . . . /8. * subcarinulata, Woll tetrica (Paiva), Lowe MADEIRAN GROUP. 65 Helix polymorpha, Lowe ft. salebrosa, Lowe * * 7. poromphala, Lowe * 0. pulvinata, Lowe . . . 1. papilio, Lowe * K. discina, Lowe * /*. attrita, Lowe testudinalis, Lowe . . . . . . * Bulwerii, Wood * tectiformis, Sow. a. [normalis] * ft. * Imdwici, Alb. v " ? .' ; . : V' ! .- * * delpltinula, Lowe a. [w0r7W#/is] ....... * ft. planispira, Paiva ..... # coronata, Desh. * * coromila, Lowe tiarella, W. et B ' calva, Lowe ....... * Pupa * linewris, Lowe . V . . cassida, Lowe laurinea, Lowe * * Wollastoni, Paiva . . .... * millegrana, Lowe . . ',' ., corneocostata, Woll. .',i. ,. calathiscus, Lowe abbreviate, Lowe . . . ... gibba, Lowe * lamellosa, Lowe ...... * saxicola, Lowe Clausilia crispa, Lowe ft. decolorata, Woll * deltostoma, Lowe a. raricosta, Lowe * ft. [normalis] Achatina eulima, Lowe ....,.# Lovea terebella, Lowe a. subula, Lowe . . . . oryza, Lowe . triticea, Lowe . . . , . ' melampoides, Lowe . . . . tornatellina, Lowe ..... mitriformis, Lowe ...... * ovuliformis, Lowe . . , . . * cylichna, Lowe . . . . . Craspedopoma lucidum, Lowe . .. . trochoideum, Lowe ... Pto.Sto Mad. S. Des From which we gather that, out of the 176 members of the Pulmonata which have been recorded up to the present time in the Madeiran Group, no less than 82 are met with in a sub- fossilized state. And inasmuch as these 82 are made up almost exclusively of the species which are manifestly indigenous (those which there is every reason to suspect have been esta- blished accidentally within a comparatively recent period being 66 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. well-nigh unrepresented in the conchyliferous deposits ! ), and inasmuch as I have already mentioned that the truly aboriginal ones may be estimated at about 138, it follows that so large a proportion of the species which are strictly endemic have been found subfossilized that there is strong presumptive evidence for concluding that, sooner or later, the whole of them will be detected in that condition. Indeed each year this is rendered more and more probable, every fresh examination of the beds bringing to light some additional quondam-analogue (which had hitherto escaped notice) of the living forms ; whilst, on the other hand, a critical research in new localities, and a still closer one in those which were already known, is constantly revealing the modern representative of some species which had long been supposed to have passed wholly away. 2 So that we may fearlessly assert that continued and well-directed observa- tions are tending rapidly to equalize what were conceived to be (so far as the aboriginal species are concerned) the 'recent' and ' extinct ' faunas, and to show them, more and more, to be, in point of fact, conterminous. It is quite clear however that many of the species which were once excessively abundant, although they have not yet completely ceased to exist, are at the present time of the utmost rarity, just lingering on, as it were, before they die out. This is eminently the case with the Helix Lowei, Fer., and the coronata, Desh., to which I have lately called atten- tion, and which, although now extremely scarce, and confined each of them, to a single spot of the most limited extent, are nevertheless universal in the subfossiliferous beds of Porto Santo, the latter of them absolutely swarming. And on this 1 I say 'well-nigh,' because there are two or three exceptions to this statement which will perhaps require to be explained, such, for instance, as the European Hyalina crystalling Miill., and the Patula pygmcea, Drap., both of which are said to have been found by Mr. Watson in the beds near Canical. Even instances, however, like these would seem merely to imply that the species in question, although possessing (like the Helix lapicida, Linn., subfossilized in Porto Santo) a wide European range, had nevertheless succeeded in colonizing this Atlantic region during the remote epoch when the calcareous deposits were in process of formation. 2 In corroboration of this latter circumstance, I need only allude to the discovery by Senhor J. M. Moniz, on the Ilheo de Cima, off Porto Santo, of the gigantic HeUx Lowei, Fer., which for half-a-century had been assumed to be totally extinct ; or to that, by myself, on the extreme eastern peak of Porto Santo, buried deep in the soil beneath slabs of basalt, of the singular little H. coronata, Desh., which is so abundant in all the subfossiliferous deposits of that island ; or to that, by Mr. Lowe and myself, of the H. tiarella, W. et B., in the north of Madeira proper, a species which swarms in the beds near Canical, but which up to that date (namely the summer of 1855) had been looked upon as belonging exclusively (despite its enunciation by Webb in 1833, from examples which may or may not have been subfossilized) to a former epoch. MADEIRA^ GROUP. 67 account, perhaps, it might be more natural to conclude that at any rate some few of the forms have really passed a.way, even whilst the tendency of every renewed observation is to lessen the number of those which were supposed to be extinct. In- deed one of the most anomalous of all the land-shells which have yet been brought to light the Helix delphinula of Madeira proper, which teems in the calcareous drift near Canipal has up to the present moment altogether eluded detection in a recent state, and we might almost therefore be justified (considering its comparatively large size) in assuming it to belong exclusively to a passed epoch had not the discovery by Mr. Lowe of a form scarcely less conspicuous (the somewhat- cognate H. delphinuloides), so recently as in 1860, rendered it at least possible that even the H. delphinula may still survive in some elevated, remote, sylvan ravine, and may yet reward the researches of future naturalists. But if this should ever be the case, we may confidently anticipate that it will be found, as it were, only just to linger on, in some area of the most reduced dimensions and perhaps well-nigh inaccessible. And the same remarks may hold good for a few other species, such as the H. Bowdichiana, Fer., which abounds in the conchyliferous deposits both of Madeira and Porto Santo ; for, although it is within the range of possibility that it may represent nothing more than a gigantic quondam-ph&sis of Sowerby's H. punctu- lata (which is common in Porto Santo and on one of the Desertas), nevertheless since the latter has not hitherto been observed at all in Madeira proper, the extreme abundance of the H. Bowdichiana in the Canial beds places the species in much the same category as the H. delphinula, which is equally plentiful at Canipal, but which (in like manner) is un- known to the recent fauna of the central island (and indeed, in this particular instance, to the fauna of the whole group). There is also a minute Achatina (or, more probably, a Lovea, as lately defined by Mr. Watson) to which attention might be drawn, as having escaped discovery in a living condition, and the characters of which are sufficiently peculiar to render it an important member of the general catalogue, namely the A. cylichna of Madeira proper ; and amongst the other Helices, as yet exclusively subfossilized, which we may hope will be made, sooner or later, to augment the recent fauna, I might single out the little Helix arcinella, Lowe, so common at Canical, and the curious H. coronula, Lowe, from the southern Deserta, or Bugio. If we add to these five species (namely the Helix Bowdich- iana, arcinella, delphinula, and coronula, and the Lovea cylichna) the following seven Helix chrysomela, Pfeiff., F 2 68 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Latinea, Paiva, lapicida, Linn., echinoderma, Woll., vermeti- formis, Lowe, and the Pupa linearis, Lowe, and Wollastoni, Paiva, which, in like manner are found only subfossilized, the resulting 12 embody all the forms, regarded by me as truly specific ones, which (so far as our present information would imply) are presumably extinct ; but as the seven, last men- tioned, are, with the exception of the Helix lapicida and the Pupa linearis, more doubtfully separated from their imme- diate allies than is the case with the preceding five, I do not consider it worth while to direct any further attention to them than what has already been done in their respective places in the systematic list. Suffice it just to recal that the Helix chrysomela, Pfeiff., is most closely related to the erubescens, the H. Latinea, Paiva, to the depauperata, the H. echino- derma, Woll., to the echinulata, the H. vermetiformis, Lowe, to the tumcula, and the Pupa Wollastoni, Paiva, to the P. sphinctostoma ; whilst the Pupa linearis, Lowe, is re- garded by Mr. Watson (vide 'Journ. de Conch.' 223; 1876), though I cannot quite agree with him in this conclusion, as absolutely identical with the European _P. minutissima of Ferussac. In the general Madeiran catalogue, which is given at the close of this section, I have (as in the case of the lists pertain- ing to the other archipelagos) appended an asterisk (*) to such species as have been found also subfossilized ; and in those instances in which the species have occurred only in a sub- fossilized condition (under which circumstances they must be looked upon, until proved to the contrary, as extinct) the names have been printed likewise in italics. Sectio I. INOPERCULATA. Fam 1. LIMACID.E. Grenus 1. ARION, Ferussac. Arion ater. Limax ater, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1081 (1767) Arion empiricomm, var. 1, Fer., Tabl. Syst. 17 (1821) a. et /3., Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans. iv. 39 (1831) ater, Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 162 (1854) empiricomm, Alb., Mai. Mad. 11 (1854) MADEIRAN GROUP. 69 Arion rufus, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 137 (1860) ater, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 2 (1867) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 221 (1876) Habitat Maderam ; prsecipue in editioribus, rarissima. This European Arion (which is recorded also at the Azores) is decidedly somewhat scarce in Madeira, and is found prin- cipally at rather high elevations. I have taken it however pretty plentifully at the Pico do Infante (nearly 3000 feet above the sea), and it was met with by Mr. Lowe in the chest- nut woods at the Mount, as well as at Camacha, and on the side (ascending from the Curral) of the Pico Grande. It is a decided Arion, its respiratory orifice being very anterior in position, the mucous gland at its extremity large and distinct, its body totally uncarinated, and its shield even and arenaceo- granulate (instead of being uneven and wrinkled, as in the Limaces). The colour of this slug (which varies from about 1 to 3 inches in length), is usually dusky-brown with an ochre tinge (i.e. somewhat of a dark olivaceous-drab), the sides however being gradually a little paler; and it is, therefore, anything but that (at all events when in its normal state, for it is now and then blacker) which is implied by its specific title ; and the edge of its pedal disk (or foot) is of a clear ochreous-yellow (sometimes approaching to orange), with the transverse lines dusky, distant, and pretty regular, though occasionally obscure. This edge (the colouring matter of which would seem to be somewhat moveable) appears at times white, with a narrow orange line immediately within it. Genus 2. LIMAX, Linne. Limax gagates. Limax gagates, Drap., Hist. Nat. 122. pi. 9. f. 1, 2 (1805) antiquorum, var. a., Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans. iv. 39 (1831) gagates, Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 162 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 12. t. 1. f. 3-5 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 139 (1860) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 3 (1867) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 221 (1876) Habitat Maderam, et Portum Sanctum ; in ilia vulgaris, sed in hoc rarior. In graminosis intermediis prsecipue degit. The L. gagates, which is widely spread throughout Europe, and which occurs also in the Azorean Group and even at St. Helena (where it has probably been introduced along with 70 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. shrubs and plants), is extremely common in Madeira proper. I have taken it around Funchal, at the Pico do Infante, and elsewhere ; and Mr. Lowe appears to have met with it towards the Alegria, at the Mount, in the Cayados ravine, &c ; and he likewise obtained it in Porto Santo, during our visit to that island in April of 1855. The Porto-Santan examples were found on the summit of the Pico do Castello, and were similar to those of the ordinary Madeiran cinereous-brown state, the keel being very strong and sharp up to the hinder edge of the shield, which last had the usual depression in the middle with the sides raised or tumid. This slug, which is easily distinguished from its allies, is of a rusty ochreous- or brownish-black ( frequently cinereous-brown, and often of a deep uniform black), but brighter on the shield, and a trifle so at the sides and keel. At the top of the neck there are two longitudinal grooves, with a raised line between ; the lateral portion of the shield (the colouring matter of which appears however to be somewhat moveable) is generally of a dusky brown ; and the body is coarsely grooved (or striated) longitudinally, the stria3 being more or less branched and confluent. Ets usual length is from about three-quarters of an inch to an inch. Limax maximus, Limax maximus, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1081 (1767) cinereus, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 5 (1774) antiquorum, var. s., Per., Tabl. Syst. 20 (1821) cinereus, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 162 (1854) antiquorum, Alb., Mai. Mad. 12. t. 1. f. 2 (1854) maximus, 'Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 138 (1860) cinereus, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 4 (1867) maximus, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 221 (1876) Habitat Maderam ; hinc inde, prsesertim in cultis. This is a very large but inconstant slug, varying from about 1^ bo 4 inches in length, and one which is common throughout Europe, and which has become established in the Azorean archipelago. At Madeira it is not very abundant, but found occasionally around Funchal and elsewhere, particularly in gardens and cultivated grounds ascending to nearly 2000 feet above the sea. It is generally of a palish cinereous-brown with a warm (but very faint) lilac tinge ; its shield (which is sprinkled all over with distinct and well-defined black spots) being a little paler. The shield however (which is subconcen- trically striate, or finely wrinkled, and rounded behind, though often when the animal is contracted and quiescent slightly MADEIRAN GROUP. 71 apiculate) is occasionally marbled (rather than spotted) with larger black blotches. The body, which is much roughened by longitudinal sutci, has four or five (occasionally ill-defined, and often subconfluent) interrupted stripes of black, which are broken anteriorly into still more isolated spots or patches ; and the keel extends scarcely more than a quarter of the length from the tip of the tail to the hinder edge of the shield. Limax flavus. Limax flavus, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1081 (1767) variegatus, Drap., Hist. Nat. 127 (1805) ., Fer., Tabl. Syst. 21 (1821) Lowe, Cambr. PhU. S. Trans, iv. 39 (1831) flavus, Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 162 (1854) variegatus, Alb., Mai. Mad. 12. t. 1. f. 1 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des A for. 138 (1860) flavus, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 4 (1867) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 221 (1876) Habitat Maderam ; late sed parce ditfusa. Likewise a European Limax, and one which occurs also in the Azores. In Madeira it is widely distributed, and is found occasionally around Funchal (where I have taken it at the Val), at the Praia Bay, in the Curral das Freiras, &c. ; and it has been met with by Mr. Watson in the north of the island. Its average length is from about an inch to an inch and a half ; and its colour above is a pale dirty- or brownish-yellow (slightly brighter on the shield), but coarsely reticulated, or mottled, except at the sides and at the edge of the foot (which are immaculate), with dusky cinereous-brown. The keel, as in the L. maximus, is short, reaching scarcely a third of the distance from the tip of the tail to the posterior margin of the shield (which last is transversely, or subconcentrically wrinkled, and appears often, when the slug is contracted, to be somewhat mucronato-rotundate behind or apiculate. Limax agrestis. Limax agrestis, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1082 (1767) Drap., Hist. Nat. 126. pi. 9. f. 9 (1805) f. et 7., Fer., Tabl. Syst. 21, 22 (1821) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 39 (1831) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 162 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 139 (1860) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 5 (1867) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 221 (1876) 72 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat Maderam ; in graminosis editioribus prgecipue abun- dans, sed ubique sat vulgaris. The European L. agrestis is tolerably common in most parts of Madeira proper, abounding more especially in grassy moun- tain pastures of a rather high altitude. I have taken it at the Pico do Infante ; and whilst encamped with Mr. Lowe near the Pico d'Arribentao, during April of 1855, it was in great profu- sion at a place (in the direction of the Eibeira d'Escalas) called the ' cova d' Antonio Caldeira,' about 2600 feet above the sea, exhibiting two tolerably distinct states, which Mr. Lowe defined as the * a. major, palUdo-cinereaJ and the ' jB. minor, ochraceo- fusca; ' the first of these (which was the rarer, and nearly an inch in length) being larger and of a creamy pale ash-grey, mottled and punctate with darker markings (agreeing exactly with the common English L. agrestis) ; whilst the second (which was excessively abundant, and about half an inch long), was slender, of a warm pale bistre-brown, with the head, neck, tentacles, and fore-half of the shield lighter and brighter, the hinder half of the latter and the tail being gradually of a darkish tint. The L. agrestis, which is extremely mucose and has its shield subconcentrically striated (like the lines at the end of one's fingers) may be instantly recognised from the L. gagates by, inter alia, its ecarinate body, which is rounded, or almost flattened, towards the hinder edge of the shield, the only trace of a keel (and that merely in the ' status a,' as above enun- ciated, for the 'status ft' is quite uncarinated) being at the extreme tip. 1 Fam.2. TESTACELLID^l. Genus 3. TESTACELLA, Cuvier. Testacella Maugei. Testacella Maugei, Fer., Tabl Syst. 26 (1821) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. Soc. Trans, iv. 40 (1831) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 163 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 143 (1860) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 6 (1867) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 11 (1872) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 221 (1876) 1 Mr. Lowe, in reference to the fact that Dr. Albers did not appear to have met with the present Limax while at Madeira, made a note about it to this effect : * Most distinct in all its stages from every state, or variety, of the L. gagates. Although not less common than the latter, from September to May or June, Dr. Albers, searching little for himself, might well not meet with it. It is only strange that he should have supposed that it could be a mere form of the L. gayate*. MADEIRAN GROUP. 73 Habitat Maderam ; in hortis cultisque circa Funchal, passim. This European Testacella, which occurs likewise in the Azorean and Canarian groups, is found occasionally in gardens and other cultivated spots around Funchal, though seldom in any abundance. I have taken it at the Val ; and it is reported by the Baron Paiva from S. Gronpalo and Camara de Lobos. Mr. Lowe also met with it, on several occasions, in Dr. Kenton's garden at the Val Quinta, as well as near S. Martinho. The animal of the T. Maugei, which gradually tapers anteriorly and possesses no shield, and which carries the shell on its posterior extremity (where it conceals the respiratory aperture), is of a livid black (sometimes with a faint picescent tinge), and the edge of its pedal disk (as seen from above) is gradually of a pale salmon colour, the darker hue of the rest of the surface passing into it (not abruptly, but) by means of a number of minute darkish specks. The surface is much roughened (somewhat after the manner of very coarse sealskin), and marked with a number of irregular grooves or reticulations (arranged rather like lattice-work) and with three longitudinal ones (occasionally distinct, but often rendered obsolete by the movements of the creature) running down the dorsal region. It has the power of emitting an extraordinary pile of froth, or mucus, from its subapical orifice beneath the shell, which takes usually a globular form, and appears much like a cluster of very minute soap-bubbles. The shell (which is somewhat Ancyliform, or limpet-like) of this Testacella is externally of a pale dingy olivaceous-yellow, or yellowish-brown, thick in substance, opake, generally a good deal eroded and decorticated, and coarsely but irregularly striate with a few deeply-impressed lines of growth; but inside its enormous aperture (which is nearly oblong, with the sides almost parallel, and with a slight emargination or sinus at the upper angle of the outer lip) it is shining, whitish, and pear-like, sometimes reflecting an indistinct opaline lustre. Testacella haliotidea. Testacella haliotidea, Drap., Tabl. des Moll. 99 (1801) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 40 (1831) W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28 syn. (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 49 (1839) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 163 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 5 (1867) 74 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Testacella haliotidea, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 1 1 (1872) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 221 (1876) Habitat Maderam ; in horto mox supra Funchal olim par- cissime capta. I am a little doubtful whether the T. haliotidea of central and southern Europe can be truly regarded as having established itself at Madeira. It appears formerly to have occurred, though very sparingly, near Funchal ; but I have no evidence that it is still to be met with. Indeed the only three examples, so far as I am aware, which have ever been observed in the island were in Mr. Lowe's garden at the Levada de Sta. Luzia, now many years ago, namely during February of 1830, 'crawling about a small tank, after a long continuance of rain.' I have not myself had an opportunity of inspecting the animal of the T. haliotidea ; but, commenting on the speci- mens to which I have just called attention, as having been found near Funchal in 1830, I possess an old note, made by Mr. Lowe, to the effect that it is ' of a uniform pale clear buff- yellow, except the edge of the foot which is tinged with pink or flesh-colour. The disk of the foot beneath and the posterior extremity behind the shell are of the same pink, or salmon- coloured, hue. Two faint grooved lines, and a still fainter one between them (making three in all), run down the middle of the back which is also marked out from the sides by two stronger grooved lateral ones, ascending upwards towards the shell (much as in the T. Maugei) ; but this dorsal compartment is not portioned out by coarse oblique grooves so as to become uneven and tumid, or reticulated. The whole creature is more slender than that of T. Maugei ; and the shell is of a uniform horn-colour, the margin appearing, when the shell is in situ, a little pinkish.' Although Albers has figured and described, in his ' Malaco- graphia Maderensis,' both of the Testacellas which are here enumerated, I have nevertheless refrained from citing his monograph, because it appears to me that he has inadvertently mixed up the characters of the two species, or at any rate has interchanged their shells. Fam. 3. VITRINIDJE. Genus 4. VITRINA, Draparnaud. Vitrina ruivensis. Vitrina Lamarckii, Lowe [nee Per. ; 1822], (pars), Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 40. t. 5. f. 1. b. (1831) MADEIRAN GROUP. 75 Vitrina ruivensis (Couthouy), Gould, Proc. Bost. Soc. N.H. ii. 180 (1848) Pfeif.,Mon. Hel. ii. 507 (1848) Behnii, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 112 (1852) Teneriffse, Id. [nee Q. et 0. ; 1827], Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 163 (1854) ruivensis, Alb., Mai. Mad. 15. t. 2. f. 4-6 (1854) Teneriffse, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 9 (1867) ruivensis, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 20 (1876; Habitat Mad^ram ; in humidis editioribus, prsecipue sylva- ticis, baud infrequens. In stratu conchylifero ad Canical semi- fossilis parce reperitur. The Haliotis-sh&ped outline (the nucleus being lateral, rather than subcentral), enormous aperture, and comparatively depressed form of this large Vitrina, added to its fewer volu- tions (there being only two of them, or at the utmost 2J), its flattened apex and its consequently indistinct suture, will suffice to separate it from the other species with which we are here concerned. It is not quite so highly polished, usually, as the V. nitida (i.e. the V. Lamarckii, Lowe, nee Fer) ; and there are more appreciable indications beneath a high magnifying power of a few minute, broken-up spiral lines, or (as it were.) scratches. The obsolete transverse plicse, also, or folds, are, for the most part, more curved and radiating. Although less common than the V. nitida, the present Vitrina is tolerably abundant at a high elevation in Madeira proper, where it occurs in the damp sylvan regions, principally under stones and logs of decaying wood ; and it is found spar- ingly, in a subfossil state, at Canigal. As regards its synonymy, this Vitrina is a little complicated. Mr. Lowe originally cited it as a mere phasis of the ' V La- marckii ' as understood by him (i.e. of the nitida, Gould), but he afterwards published it (in 1852) as the V. Behnii in honour of the Professor at Kiel, who had pointed out to him what he conceived to be its true differential characters. But in the meanwhile it had been (in 1848) described by Gould under Couthouy's manuscript name ' ruivensis, 1 which seems to me (as it did, apparently, to Dr. Albers) to be the oldest title for the species on which we can absolutely depend. True it is that Mr. Lowe, in his last enumeration of the Madeiran Mol- lusca, identified it with the Canarian V. Teneriffce of Quoy and Gaimard (which bears the date 1827): but then the V. Tene- riffce proves to be identical with the genuine, and previously described, V. Lamarckii (which is expressly registered by Ferussac as having come from Teneriffe), as is manifest from the diagnosis of it which is quoted by Pfeiffer, and as indeed 76 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. has recently been acknowledged by Mousson. Moreover it is evident that Mr. Lowe was mistaken in the opinion which he had adopted both of the F. Teneriffce and of the V. Lamarckii (which, as just stated, are one and the same species) ; for he assumed the former to be identical with the Madeiran V. rui- vensis (which is also his V. Behnii\ and the latter with the other (and more common) Madeiran Vitrina which was de- scribed by Gould (in 1846) under the name of nitida. So that I come to the conclusion, that the title ruivensis is the oldest reliable one for our present species. Vitrina marcida. Vitrina marcida, Gould, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. ii. 181 (1848) Pfeiff., Mon. Eel. ii. 507 (1848) media, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 164 (1854) marcida, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 9 (1867) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 21 (1876) Habitat Portum Sanctum vulgaris, sed in Madeira rarior ; locos humidos editiores praecipue colens. I am exceedingly doubtful whether this is anything more than a smaller state of the V. nitida (i.e. of the V. Lamarckii, Lowe, nee Fer.), with which in its outline, and in the relative proportions of its aperture, it agrees almost exactly. But, apart from its (on the average) distinctly reduced size, it is further characterized by being almost always of an appreciably paler tint, in its spire being more depressed (though not quite so flattened as in the V. ruivensis), indeed in its general con- tour being a trifle less inflated or convex, and in its lower lip being more broadly and conspicuously membraneous. It has usually, too, half a volution less than the F. nitida ; and there are for the most part more evident indications of a few abbre- viated radiating plicae just below the suture (and towards the aperture) of the basal whorl. The F. marcida is extremely common on the mountains of Porto Santo, where it occurs about damp rocks, and under stones in moist grassy places, at a rather high elevation. I am not quite sure that I have myself met with it in Madeira pro- per ; nevertheless it is recorded by Mr. Lowe from the Eibeiro Frio, and it appears to have been found in other sylvan spots of an intermediate altitude. Vitrina nitida. Helicolimax Lamarckii, Lowe [nee Fer. ; 1822], (pars), Zool. Journ. iv. 338-344 (182U) MADEIRAN GROUP. 77 Vitrina Lamarckii, Lowe, (pars), Cambr. Phil. Soc. Trans. iv. 40. t. 5. f. 1. a. (1831 } nitida, Gould, Proc. Post. Soc. N. H. ii. 180 (1848) Lamarckii, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 164 (1854) nitida, Alb., Mai. Mad. 15. t. 2. f. 1 -3 (18*4) Lamarcki, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 8 (1867) nitida, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 21 (1876) Habitat Maderam ; in sylvaticis intermediis vulgaris. This is the universal Vitrina of Madeira proper, where it is more or less abundant throughout most parts of the sylvan dis- tricts at intermediate and lofty altitudes, occurring, like the preceding two, beneath damp stones and refuse, on the mossy trunks of trees, and under logs of decaying wood. But I am not aware that it has been observed for certain elsewhere in the Group ; for although it is true that Mr. Lowe recorded it origi- nally as existing in Porto Santo likewise, he had not at that time distinguished more than a single Vitrina as inhabiting the archipelago, and it was not until 1854 that he separated as specifically distinct (under the name of media) the previously described V. marcida, of Grould, which is not only common in Porto Santo, but which may almost be denned as principally Porto-Santan ; and as for the Baron Paiva's assertion that it is to be found on the mountains of that island, as well as on the adjacent rock known as the Ilheo da Fonte d'Areia, it must be taken for what it is worth, seeing that, by his own admission, he could not himself discriminate the two species in question. 1 So that I think we must still require evidence of a more posi- tive nature before it will be safe to cite the V. nitida as occur- ring beyond the limits of Madeira proper. The present Vitrina is, on the average, a trifle smaller, and just appreciably more brilliant and highly coloured, than the ruivensis ; and it is also less depressed (or more ventricose and Heliciform), and, instead of there being only two, there are about 3J or even 4 volutions. The spire too is less flattened, the nucleus (which is generally paler, and subcentral instead of lateral) being somewhat convex, and the suture is consequently deeper and more conspicuous. The aperture is both less enor- mous and rounder (causing the left-hand portion of the ultimate whorl, when viewed from beneath, to be relatively wider and more visible) ; and the surface appears to be almost free (even under a high magnifying power) from any traces of the minute 1 That this was the case, it appears evident from his remark under the V. marvida : ' Species mihi dubia, nee a corigeneribus sat distincta.' 78 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. spiral broken-up lines, or scratches, which are more or less dis- tinguishable in that species. 1 The V. nitida would seem to represent in Madeira the V. Lamarckii of the Canarian archipelago ; for my own belief is that the former does not occur at the Canaries at all, its analogue in that Group being the true Lamarckii of Ferussac, which Mr. Lowe unfortunately mistook for this common Madeiran species. Indeed the V. Lamarckii proper (which is also the V. Teneriffce of Quoy and Gaimard) appears in some respects to be interme- diate between the V. nitida and the ruivensis, having the more numerous volutions and subcentral nucleus of the former, with the larger size, less ventricose contour, more flattened apex, and the more outwardly-produced (or less rounded, and more enlarged, elongate) aperture of the latter ; and it is per- haps owing to this circumstance that Mr. Lowe fell into the error of identifying it, although confessedly Canarian, under the title of ' V. Teneriffce ' with the ruivensis, and under that of c V. Lamarckii ' with the nitida.* Fam. 4. HELICID^l. Genus 5. HYALINA, Gray. ( Lucilla, Lowe.) Hyalina cellaria. Helix cellaria, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 28 (1774) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 47 (1831) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 177 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 17. t. 2. f. 15-17 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des A^or. 165 (1860) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 21 (1867) Hyalina cellaria, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 17 (1872) Helix cellaria, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 222 (1876). Habitat Maderam, necnon etiam (sec. B. de Paiva) De- 1 The portion of the lip, in the V. nitida, which adjoins the columella is sometimes membraneous (though not so conspicuously so as in the V. ruiven- sis}, whilst at others it is so comparatively thickened as to be in every respect similar to the remainder of the shell. And I think it is not unlikely that it was from specimens in the latter condition (which are often smaller and a trifle more globose) that Gould's diagnosis of his V. nitida (Exped. Shells, 26 ; 1846) was principally drawn out. 2 I may just notice in this place the Vitrina Bocagei of Paiva (Journ. de Conch., Oct., 1866 ; and Mon. Moll. Mad. 10. t. 2. f. 6. 1867), which was founded on a young example of the Helix Webbiana, Lowe, as has been pointed out by the Rev. R. B. Watson. ' Vitrina Bocagei, Paiva,' says the latter (Journ. de Couch. 219 ; 1876), ' est certainement le jeune age de V Helix WebMana, apporte de Porto Santo, et mule accidentellement avec les especes strictement maderiennes.' MADEIEAN GROUP. 79 sertam Australem ; frequens sub lapidibus, prgecipue in cultis. Forsan ex Europa introducta. The common European H. cellaria (which occurs likewise in the Azorean and Canarjan archipelagos, and even at St. Helena) is tolerably abundant, chiefly at rather low elevations and about cultivated grounds, in Madeira proper ; but I am not aware that it has yet been observed in Porto Santo. Iff is recorded, however, by the Baron Paiva, from the Southern Deserta, a habitat, nevertheless, concerning which I cannot but feel that we require further evidence. In all probability it has established itself, accidentally, from more northern latitudes. ( Crystallus, Lowe.) Hyalina crystallina. Helix crystallina, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 23 (1774) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 47 (1831) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 178 (1854-) Alb., Mai. Mad. 17. t. 2. f. 18-21 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 167 (1860) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 22 (1867) Hyalina crystallina, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 17 (1872) Helix crystallina, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 222 (1876) Habitat Maderam, et Desertam Australem (ab hac a B. de Paiva recepta) ; hinc inde in graminosis, sub lapidibus. Etiam semifossilis in calcareis juxta Canical a Eevdo. E. B. Watson semel lecta, The European H. crystallina, Mull., which is found like- wise in the Azorean and Canarian archipelagos (indeed I have myself met with it in Fuerteventura, Teneriffe, Palma, and Hierro, of the latter), is widely spread throughout Madeira proper, though nowhere very abundant; and it has been re- corded by the Baron Paiva from the Southern Deserta, or Bugio. It occurs generally in grassy places, beneath stones ; often also in gardens, and other cultivated grounds. I have not, myself, observed it in a subfossil condition ; but the Rev. R. B. Watson states (Journ. de Conch. 222; 1876) that he obtained a single example of it in the calcareous deposits near Canical. ( Vermetum, Woll.) Hyalina scintilla. Helix scintilla, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. 115 (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 177 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 18. t. 2. f. 22-25 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 23 (1867) 80 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat Maderam; sub lapidibus detecta, supra urbem Funchalensem. Rarissima. This extremely minute Hyalina is even smaller than the H. crystallina, the largest examples being scarcely a line in diameter ; and it may at once be recognized from that species by its very much wider and more open umbilicus, which is spirally visible from beneath (almost as much so as in the Patula rotundata and Guerineana\ and by its colour being less white, fresh examples having always a more or less dis- tinct greenish, or yellowish, tinge. It appears to be of the greatest rarity, and was first detected by Mr. Lowe near Funchal, namely, beneath stones, at the edge of the Levada de Sta. Luzia; and it has likewise been met with by Mr. Leacock and the Eev. R. B. Watson. The Baron Paiva cites it as having been taken also in the north of the island, at Sta. Anna. The H. scintilla is indeed far more nearly akin, both in colour and general features, to the (nevertheless comparatively gigantic) H. festinans, Shuttl., from the island of Palma in the Canarian archipelago. But, in addition to its very much smaller size, its umbilicus is relatively more wide and open, its spire is not quite so depressed, and its entire surface is a little more polished and less sculptured, the H. festinans appearing, beneath a high magnifying rjower, to be very minutely subalu- taceous, and densely covered with extremely fine hair-like transverse lines. Genus 6. PATULA, Held. ( lulus, Woll.) Patula deflorata. Helix deflorata, Lowe, Proc. ZooL Soc. Loud. 179 (1854) Pfeiff, Mon. Hel. iv. 131 (1859) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 27 (1867) Habitat Maderam ; in montibus supra Funchal semel, nec- non semel a meipso in Rib. de Sta. Luzia, hactenus lecta. This very obscure species is still represented by a single adult example (for the one which I myself met with in the Ribiera de Sta. Luzia, in 1848, is immature), which was com- municated to me by Mr. Leacock in 1853 as having been found by the late M. Rousset near the Pico d'Arribentao, on the mountains above Funchal ; and, judging from its discoidal form, rather large umbilicus, and general aspect, I should be inclined to regard it as a large Patula. If therefore the sole type which is accessible may be con- sidered to be normal for its kind, the P. defloroM is a little MADEIRAN OHO UP. 81 smaller than the bifrons (it being about 5^- lines across the widest part), but with somewhat the same primd facie aspect. It is, however, thinner in substance, paler in hue, and still less shining ; its umbilicus is a trifle larger, but at the same time more suddenly (or less gradually) excavated ; its spire is ap- preciably more depressed, although the volutions are rather tumid; the latter are not quite so numerous, or so coarsely sculptured with oblique costate lines ; and the basal whorl is conspicuously (though not very greatly) deflexed at the aper- ture. This character, last mentioned, is indeed rather im- portant ; but I do not think it is sufficiently so to remove the deflorata from that particular section of Patula which embraces the gorgonarum, Bouvieri, and Bertholdiana, of the Cape Verde archipelago, and the Canarian P. garachicoensis. 1 ( Janulus, Lowe.) Patnla bifrons. Helix bifrons, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. Soc. Trans, iv. 46. t. 5. f. 18(1831) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 144 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 178 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 44. t. 11. f. 13-16 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 24 (1867) 1 A species (which has been identified for me by Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys with the common European H. hisjrida, Linn.) has been communicated by Mr. Leacock, somewhat allied to the P. de/torata but very much smaller, several ex- amples of which were taken many years ago in the garden of Mr. Hollway's house above Camacha, on the mountains to the eastward of Funchal,and which were ' imported from France along with some young apple trees.' Of course it has no connection with the true fauna of Madeira ; nevertheless since there is some reason for suspecting that it may have established itself in that par- ticular district (for I am informed by Mr. Leacock that specimens of it were found to have strayed immediately outside Mr. Hollway's grounds), it perhaps ought not to be passed over altogether in silence. It is a trifle larger and more depressed than the common European H. sericea, Drap., with an appreciably larger and more exposed umbilicus, and apparently quite free from hairs. And, as compared with the P. deflorata, in addition to its much reduced stature (the examples measuring only from about 3^ to 4 lines across their broadest part), it has its spire a little less flattened, its umbilicus re- latively not quite so large, and its surface somewhat less coarsely costate- striate ; its ultimate whorl, also, does not seem to be deflexed (as in that species) at the aperture. It may be briefly characterized as follows : Helix hispida, I/inn. T. sat late umbilicata, rotundato-depressa, lenticularis, discoidea sed haud carinata, tenuis, nitidiuscula, leviter et . inasqualiter striatula, calva, pallide cornea sed hinc inde parcissime subalbido-marmorata ; spirti subdepressa ; anfractibus 6, convexiusculis, lente crescentibus, ultimo antice haud deflexo ; umbilico spirali, prof undo, sed haud valde lato ; apertura lunata, peristomate tenui, acuto, marginibus non approximatis et lamina subnulla junclis. Diam. maj. 3^-4. alt. 2. Helix hispida, Linn., Syst. Nat. 675 (1758) Habitat Maderam (certe a Gallia introducta) ; in horta quadam supra Camacha, circa 2,500' s. m., olim (teste D. Leacock) reperta. 82 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. Habitat Maderam (vulgatiss.), Desertam Grandem (rarior), et Desertam australem (rariss.); hinc inde, in intermediis, sub lapidibus. In statu semifossili in Madera propria ad Canical abundat; necnon in summo etiam Desertse Australis semi- fossilis exstat, sed ibidem rarior. This is one of the most universal, and characteristic, of the Land Mollusca of Madeira proper, and one which occurs like- wise, though more rarely, on the Desertas : but in Porto Santo it seems to be absolutely non-existent, there being no traces of it in either a recent or a subfossil condition. In Madeira proper however it is extremely abundant, principally at inter- mediate but also at comparatively low elevations, frequently swarming (as on the lofty sea-cliffs towards the Cabo Garajao, or Brazen Head) amongst loose stones and rubbish, as well as amongst the soil around the roots of shrubby plants. On the Northern Deserta (or Ilheo Chao) it has not yet been observed, though we may expect that it will sooner or later be found there ; but on the Deserta Grande it is not very uncommon, although by no means abundant ; whilst on the Southern De- serta, where it was met with by Mr. Lowe, and from whence it has been obtained subsequently by the Baron Paiva, it is ex- tremely rare. In a subfossil state the P. bifrons teems in the calcareous and muddy deposits at Canipal ; and it likewise exists, though much more sparingly, on the summit of the Southern Deserta. The P. bifrons (which is rather variable in stature, adult specimens ranging from about 5 to 8 lines across the broadest part) may be known by its rather flattened, discoidal contour, pale corneous-yellow hue (often with a faint greenish tinge), and by the oblique and curved costse with which its very nume- rous volutions are roughened. Its underside is shining and free from ridges (it being merely sculptured with radiating lines) ; its umbilicus is deep, but not large ; the region about (or immediately before) its aperture is usually of a more de- cided yellow; and its apical whorls are for the most part whitish or decorticated. Patula stephanophora. Helix stephanophora, Desk., in Fer. Hist. 111. t. 90. f. 8. calathus, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) stephanophora, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 142 (1853) calathus, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 178 (1854) stephanophora, Alb., Mai. Mad. 44. t. 11. f. 17-20 (1854) calathus, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 25 (1867) MADEIRAN GROUP. 83 Habitat Maderam ; prsecipue in intermediis sylvaticis, sed quoque ad rapes umbrosas maritimas, hinc inde vulgaris. In statu semifossili ad Canical sat copiose invenitur. Although locally rather abundant, the P. stephanophora is very much rarer than the bifrons ; and it is confined, appa- rently, to Madeira proper, where it occurs also in a subfossil state at Canipal. In most of the damp ravines of an inter- mediate elevation (as, for instance, in the Eibeiro de Sta. Luzia, and the Ribeiro Frio) it may be taken more or less commonly, principally in the loose soil which has accumulated around the roots of feros, and on the ledges of the rocks ; but it is likewise to be met with on certain of the submaritime cliffs, such as the Cabo Garajao, and others in that direction. The P. stephanophora is one of the most beautiful, and well-defined, of the Madeiran Land-Shells; and although its affinities are manifestly with the bifrons (with which it almost agrees in the size and proportions of its umbilicus, the cavity of which however is rather more suddenly, or less gradually, scooped out), it differs from that species in being smaller and darker, in its under-parts being less shining, in its spire being less depressed, and in its volutions (the outer ones of which are relatively narrower or less developed) being elegantly sculptured with very much more raised, and less oblique, curved trans- verse costae. ( Patulce normales.) Patula calathoides. Helix calathoides (Paiva\ Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 338 (1863) 55 Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 26. t. 2. f. 4 (1867) Habitat Desertam Grandem, et (semifossilis) Desertam Australem ; ab insulis primus discernit cl. Baronus de Paiva. This most interesting Patula was obtained in a subfossil condition from the Southern Deserta (or ' Bugio '), by the Baron Paiva, in the spring of 1 863 ; and since that period the Baron has recorded its occurrence in a living state on the summit of the Deserta Grande, from whence lie received it in 1867 ; though I may add that I have not myself inspected it except from the former of those islands, and semifossilized. The P. calathoides is extremely important locally, as be- longing to the same geographical type as the P. Guerineana of the sylvan districts of Madeira proper, and which differs from that of the common European P. rotundata (otherwise closely allied) in its still larger and more open umbilicus, its narrower G 2 84 TEST-ACE A ATLANTIC A. and more numerous volutions, and in the coarser, fewer, and more elevated costae (or folds) of its upper surface. Indeed the present Patula (so far as I am able to judge from colourless and subfossilized examples) so nearly resembles the Madeiran P. Guerineana that it might well-nigh be sup- posed, at first sight, to represent but the quondam phasis of that species. When accurately looked at, however, it will be seen to possess a few differential characters of its own which will suffice to stamp it as a perhaps truly distinct, though proximate, member of the same local assemblage. Thus it is not only a little less flattened both above and below (the spire being just appreciably less depressed, and the under portion of the basal whorl conspicuously broader, convexer, and more de- veloped), but its umbilicus is not quite so wide at the com- mencement, its keel is less pronounced (or somewhat more obtuse), and the costae of its upper surface are not only still more elevated and regular, but likewise appreciably less ob- lique, being more at right angles to the suture. What its colour may be, when in a recent condition, I have no means of deciding. Patula Guerineana. Helix Gruerineana, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 115 (1852) semiplicata, Pfeiff., Mai. Blatt. 63 (1852) Id., Mon. Hel. iii. 114 (1853) Guerineana, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 176 (1854) semiplicata, Alb., Mai. Mad. 19. t. 2. f. 1 1-1 4 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 80 (1867) Habitat Maderam ; in sylvaticis intermediis rarior, sub foliis marcidis necnon in humidis latens. This is one of the most elegant of the Madeiran Land- Shells, its flattened, discoidal contour, added to its enormous umbilicus, its highly polished (and obliquely, though very obscurely, subfasciated ) under-region, and the beautifully varie- gated hue of its coarsely costate volutions (which seem to be striped with alternate, but unequal, transverse bands of a lively reddish-brown and of a dirty whitish-yellow) giving it an appearance which it is impossible to mistake. Until lately it has been regarded as the Madeiran representative of the common European P. rotundata, Mull. ; but, as already shown, it belongs to a rather different type, characterised by its more numerous, narrower, and strongly costate whorls, by its brightly polished, nearly unsculptured inferior portion, and by its still larger umbilicus. And, apart from these points, it is more de- pressed, and (on the average) a trifle larger, than the P. rotun- data, and its keel is sharper. Added to which, the latter MADEIRAN GROUP. 86 species has itself been brought to light, within the last few years, in no less than two distinct, and distant, parts of the archipelago. The P. Guerineana is decidedly a rare species, and one which is confined to the damp sylvan districts of Madeira proper at intermediate and lofty altitudes, where it is most unmistakeably aboriginal, or indigenous. It occurs sparingly in many of the deep wooded ravines, in the interior of the island, beneath stones and decaying vegetable refuse, and was first detected (so far as I am aware) in the Levada of the Eibeiro Frio (into which it had fallen from the overhanging bank above) by Miss J. C. Guerin after whom the species is named. Patula rotundata. Helix rotundata, Mull., Hist Verm. ii. 29 (1774) Patula rotundata, Held, in Isis, 916 (1837) Helix rotundata, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. i. 105 (1848) Hard., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 174 (1860) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 81 (1867) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 222 (1876) Habitat Maderam, et (sec. B. de Paiva) ins. parvam juxta Portum Sanctum ' Ilheo da Fonte d'Areia ' dictam ; rarissima. A single example of this common European Patula was ob- tained by the Baron Paiva (as asserted in his Monograph), during 1864, from the little uninhabited rock off the N.W. coast of Porto Santo known as the Ilheo da Fonte d'Areia ; and it would appear that he has since received a few others from the same remote spot. I possess these specimens (which were trans- mitted to Mr. Lowe), and also several more which were taken by the Eev. E. B. Watson in 1866 at the Jardim da Serra (about 2,000 feet above the sea) in Madeira proper ; so that I think we have no option but to admit the species into our catalogue. It would seem highly probable however that its presence at the Jardim da Serra may be the result of an acci- dental introduction from England during a comparatively recent period, inasmuch as it is well known that the late Consul Mr. Veitch was in the habit of receiving consignments of plants for his garden at the Jardim ; but the existence of the shell on a distant and well-nigh inaccessible rock is a fact, if truly to be depended upon, which cannot be glossed over by any such supposition, and one which would tend to place the P. rotun- data amongst the autochthones of the archipelago. Perhaps however its occurrence in even such a spot is, at any rate, not more remarkable than that of the European Balea perversa on the extreme summit of the Pico de Facho in Porto Santo, or 86 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. than the equally rare appearance, in the subfossil deposits of that same island, of the common H. lapicida of more northern latitudes. However in Madeira proper it is not only at the Jardim that it has been met with, for Mr. Watson obtained a single example on some wild and uncultivated rocks in the Eibeira dos Soccorridos. The P. rotundata may be known from the P. Guerineana (which is so characteristic of, and unmistakably indigenous in, the damp sylvan districts of Madeira proper) by being on the average a trifle smaller, but at the same time less flattened and less strongly keeled ; by its volutions being wider, convexer, and less numerous, as well as regularly striated with sharp, hair- like, oblique ridges (instead of broad and irregular plicae), and very much more obscurely clouded with suffused bands ; by its umbilicus being smaller ; and by the under-region of its basal whorl being not only larger and more inflated, but likewise almost opake and conspicuously sculptured with coarse ra- diating costate lines. ( Pyramidula, Fitz.) Patula pygmaea, Helix pygmsea, Drap., Hist. Nat. 114. t. 8. f. 9, 10 (1805). 5 , Pfeiff-, Man. Hel. i. 97 (1848) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 78 (1867) Watson, Journ. des Conch. 222 (1876) Habitat Maderam, rarissime ; in Ribeiro de Vasco Gil, prope Funchal, a Revdo. R. B. Watson, A.D. 1866, reperta. Etiam semi- fossilis prope Canipal a Dom. Watson occurrere dicitur. This common little European Patula is one of the two or three Madeiran land-shells which I have not myself had an op- portunity of inspecting. Indeed its introduction into the cata- logue is comparatively recent, a few examples having been found by the Rev. R. B. Watson, in the Ribeira de Vasco Gil, near Funchal, in 1866. Hitherto the P. pusilla, Lowe, has been looked upon (though, as it has always seemed to me, very erroneously) as the representative in Madeira of this minute species of more northern latitudes; but now that the true pygmcea has been brought to light, this can no longer be the case, unless indeed the latter should owe its presence in the island to recent accidental introduction from Europe, a sup- position, however, which will hardly be tenable if the assertion that it has been detected also in a subfossil state at Canipal be correct. MADEIRAN GROUP. 87 Patula placida. Helix pusilla (pars), Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 46. (1831) placida, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 140 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. Hi. 82 (1853) pusilla, @. sericina, Lowe, Proc.Zool. Soc. Lond. 176 (1854) Luseana, Paiva, Journ. de Conch, xiv. 11. f. 9 (1866) Id., Mon. Moll. Mad. 80. t. 2. f. 3 (1867). Patula placida, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 25. pi. 2. f. 9-12 (1872) Habitat Maderam ; sub cortice arborum, necnon inter muscos lichenesque ad truncos laurorum, in sylvaticis editioribus prae- cipue gaudens. Semifossilis prope Canical a Revdo. R. B. Wat- son, reperitur. This minute Patula formed a portion of Mr. Lowe's H. pu- silla (enunciated in 1831), and which in 1852 he separated from the still smaller, browner, and more depressed examples (the habits of which are different, and which have a tendency to be sculptured with remote hair-like costse) as the 6 var. ft. sericina? In the meanwhile however it had been published by Shuttleworth, under the name placida, from the Canarian archipelago. I think there can be little doubt that the P. placida is truly distinct from the smaller and less turbinate form which constituted the type of the pusilla, Lowe ; and its mode of life, too, is not the same, for, whilst the pusilla (which possesses a very wide geographical range) occurs principally under stones, and within the hollows and crevices of scoriae, in dry spots of a comparatively low elevation, the placida, on the other hand, is attached normally to the sylvan districts of a higher altitude, where it congregates beneath the bark of trees, as well as amongst moss and lichen on the damp trunks of the old laurels. Under such circumstances it is universal throughout the wooded portions of Madeira proper, but it has not yet been observed in any of the other islands of the Group. In the Canarian archi- pelago it is equally common as at Madeira ; and I have myself met with it in the forest regions of TenerifTe, Palma, and Hierro. I may add that in Madeira the P. placida appears to be found likewise in a subfossil condition, the Rev. R. B. Watson having informed me that he obtained it sparingly (along with the true P. pygmcea, Drap.) in the calcareous deposits near 88 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. The P. placida is, on the average, a trifle larger than the pusilla, and it is also less depressed, or more turbinate, the spire being comparatively elevated. It is usually too of a pale olivaceous brown, there, being nearly always either a green or a yellowish tinge ; and its surface, which has a somewhat sericeous appearance, is very densely and regularly crowded with minute hair-like lines, unmingled with any coarser ones, such as are more or less conspicuous in the P. pusilla, and which are at times even sublamelliform. The P. placida is a little smaller than the common European P. pygmcea, and with at least one volution less, its umbilicus is relatively not so large, and its colour is altogether different, the pygmcea being usually of a dark coffee-brown. The striae also of the pygmcea, at any rate those on the underside, are more oblique. ( Acanthinula, Beck.) Patula pusilla, Helix pusilla, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. 8. Trans, iv. 46. t. 5. f. 17 (1831) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. i. 101 (1848) servilis, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 140 (1852) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iii. 101 (1853) pusilla, a. annulata, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 176 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 18. t. 2. f. 7-10 (1854) servilis, Morel., Hist. Nat. desAcor. 173. t. 3. f. 6 (1860) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 79 (1867) hypocrita, Dohrn., Mai. Bldtt. 1 (1869) Patula servilis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 25. pi. 2. f. 13-16 (1872) Habitat Maderam, et Desertam Grandem ; sub lapidibus, necnon in fissuris scoriaB, praecipue in aridis inferioribus, latens. As already mentioned, this extremely minute Patula is the type of Mr. Lowe's Helix pusilla, the rather larger, less de- pressed, and olivaceous P. placida, which was mixed up with it by him, having been separated in only his later catalogue (under the name 'var. /3. sericina') as at any rate a distinct form. Mr. Lowe's original diagnosis (-in 1831) seems to have been drawn out from the typical (or smaller) shell; whilst his ' Habitat in Maderse sylvis ' manifestly applies to the larger one, afterwards treated by him as the ' var. (3. sericinaj but previously published by Shuttleworth (in his Canarian diagno- ses) under the name of H. placida. The pusilla proper, which is smaller, browner, and more depressed than the placida (or MADEIRAN GROUP. 89 pusilla, /3. sericina ' of Lowe), occurs, unlike the latter, in dry and rocky spots of a comparatively low altitude, where it may be met with more particularly beneath stones, on old walls, and within the cavities of scoriae. In such situations it abounds throughout Madeira proper, and was obtained by Mr. Lowe and myself, not uncommonly, on the Deserta Grande. The P. pusilla is manifestly, however, a species of a widely acquired range, for it is found in the Azorean and Canarian groups, and five examples of it are now before me which were communicated by Dr. H. Dohrn (having been described by him under the name ' H. hypocrita ' ) from S. Antao in the Cape Verde archipelago. I may add that I have inspected these types of the hypocrita with the greatest care, and that they are abso- solutely undistinguishable (so far as I can perceive) from the ordinary Madeiran and Desertan specimens of the pusilla. I likewise met with the species, during 1875 and 1876, in the intermediate districts of even St. Helena. This minute Patula differs from the P. placida in being a little smaller, browner, and more depressed (its spire being ap- preciably less elevated), and in its volutions having a greater or less tendency to be furnished with a few additional, remote, more decidedly raised, hair-like lines, which are occasionally so much developed as to be quite conspicuous, and even to ap- pear (at first sight) almost lamelliform. These thread-like lines, however, are more often so indistinct that they can be observed only beneath a high magnifying power. Genus 7. HELIX, Linne. ( Vallonia, Kisso.) Helix pulchella. Helix pulchella, Mull., Hist. Verm. ii. 30 (1774) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 45 (1831) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 176 (1854), Alb., Mai. Mad. 45. t. 12. f. 1-4 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 77 (1867) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 75 (1872) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 222 (1876) Habitat Maderam, et (sec. B. de Paiva) etiam Desertam Australem ; hinc inde sub lapidibus, prsecipue in cultis. This widely spread little Helix, so common throughout Europe, and which occurs also in the Azorean and Canarian archipelagos, and which I met with at St. Helena, and which was taken by Mr. Benson even at the Cape of Good Hope, is tolerably abundant around Funchal (and in similar cultivated 90 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. districts) in Madeira. I have not myself observed it in any of the other islands of the group, but it is recorded by the Baron Paiva as existing sparingly on the Southern Deserta or Bugio ; though I cannot but suspect that this latter habitat must be regarded as still requiring corroboration. ( Campylcea, Beck.) Helix Lowei. Helix portosanctana, /3. gigantea, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 46. t. 5. f. 16 (1831) Lowei, Per., Bull, de Zoolog. 89 (1835) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 233 (1835) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 169 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 82. t. 17. f. 11, 12 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. (1867) Habitat Portum Sanctum ; in statu semifossili vulgaris. Etiam recens cl. J. M. Moniz, sub lapide magno (quasi sepulta), in ins. parva ' Ilheo de Cima ' dicta, semel detexit. The H. Lowei (the larger examples of which measure up- wards of two inches across the broadest part) stands pre-eminent amongst the Madeiran Helices for its gigantic stature ; but it has been a question, with various monographers, whether it should be regarded as anything more, in reality, than the quondam, highly-developed state of the present H. portosanc- tana which in nearly all respects except size it closely re- sembles. Without entering into this problem, which is perhaps unsolvable, I will merely add that it has more often been looked upon latterly as specifically distinct ; a supposition which is ren- dered none the less probable from its having been lately ascer- tained not to belong altogether to a fauna that has passed away, a single living example, which was found by Senhor J. M. Moniz beneath a large stone (and at a considerable depth underground) on the little island known as the Ilheo de Cima, proving to a demonstration that the species, in an unaltered condition, still lingers on, and that too in company with its modern analogue the H. portosanctana. But considering how abundant the H. Lowei is in the sub- fossiliferous beds of Porto Santo, there can be little doubt that the species (which is now practically all but extinct) was once dominant ; whilst the comparative rarity of the H. portosanc- tana in a semifossilized condition would seem as if the former had in some measure been supplanted by the latter (which at present is so universal). Still, I do not think that we have suf- ficient evidence for assuming that the one has been, by any fancied process, altered into the other, for intermediate links do MADEIRAN GROUP. 91 not occur (either subfossil or recent), and there would seem to be a few characters, apart from the very great dissimilarity of stature, which may serve to separate the two forms. Thus the H. Lowei appears to be less evidently subpunctulated (or minutely asperate), even beneath a high magnifying power ; and the three large fasciae which are nearly always more or less trace- able on the portosanctana^ and which are at times so broadly developed as to be. subconfluent, are uniformly reduced in the H. Lowei (when in a sufficiently perfect condition for the colour to be preserved at all) to two narrow, thread-like lines, the upper cloudy band, below the suture, being obsolete. And there is likewise no appearance of the H. Lowei having been (like the portosanctana) infinitesimally hispid; though this perhaps may be merely owing to the surface having been necessarily somewhat worn, or altered, in the process of decortication. The H. Lowei is locally abundant in many of the subfossili- ferous deposits in Porto Santo, and it is also common in those on the immediately adjoining Ilheo de Baixo ; but the single example to which I have already alluded, as having been taken by Senhor Moniz on the Ilheo de Cima, embodies the only instance (so far as I am aware) in which the species has been observed in a recent state. Helix portosanctana. Helix portosanctana, Sow., Zool. Journ. i. 57. t. 3. f. 5 (1824) a., Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 46. t. 5. f. 15 (1831) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 367 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 169 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 46. t. 12. f. 5-7 (1854) ., Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 20 (1867) Habitat Portum Sanctum, insulasque parvas adjacentes; sub lapidibus vulgaris. In statu semifossili minus frequens. As already mentioned, the H. portosanctana (which is pecu- liar to Porto Santo and the immediately adjacent islets) may be regarded as the modern representative of the subfossil, and com- paratively gigantic, H. Lowei ; yet, for reasons which have been assigned, I do not think that we possess sufficient evidence for considering the two to be but altered phases of a single species. The fact that both of them were members of the ancient fauna (the portosanctana being then scarce, and the Lowei abundant), 92 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. and that both are still living (the Lowei being all but extinct, whilst the portosanctana is universal), in conjunction with the circumstance that there are no traces of genuine intermediate links (either fossil or recent), would seem to imply, at any rate to my mind, that the two forms were aboriginally distinct, but that they have been slowly changing places as regards ascen- dency. The H. portosanctana passes through . many degrees of colour and outline, some examples being abruptly banded, and others with the fasciae so greatly increased and suffused that they appear at first sight to be well-nigh unicolorous ; whilst many specimens have the spire comparatively elevated, and others comparatively depressed. But there is one form (amongst the numerous others, more or less slightly differing) which may properly be noticed as more salient than the rest, but which does not seem to have been sufficiently brought forward by Mr. Lowe. I allude to the particular phasis which occurs more especially (though intermingled with the ordinary type) on the Ilheo de Cima, and which is (on the average) rather larger, flatter, and thinner than is usually the case, with the umbilicus generally wide and open, and with the surface for the most part darker (the fasciae being broad and suffused), as well as (when viewed beneath a high magnifying power) more thickly and decidedly subpunctulate. This aspect of the shell, which I think perhaps is the only one which it is worth while to single out as a posi- tive ' variety,' we may be permitted to record as the ' var. /3. cimensisS When inspected under a powerful lens, the H. portosanc- tana will generally be seen (in individuals which are fresh and unrubbed) to be infinitesimally hispid, or pubescent. ( Cryptaxis, Lowe.) Helix Vulcania. Helix vulcania, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 147 (1853) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 168 (1854) (pars), Alb., Mai. Mad. 48. 1. 1 3. f. 4-6 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 17 (1867) Habitat Desertam Eorealem, et Desertam Grrandem ; sub lapidibus vulgaris. The H. portosanctana, the Vulcania (with its closely allied H. leonina), and the undata may be regarded as strictly ' re- presentative ' species, the first being peculiarly Porto-Santan, the second Desertan, and the third Madeiran ; yet it is impos- sible to treat them practically as, in any degree, insular modi- MADEIRAN GROUP. 93 fi cations of each other. Indeed the portosanctana belongs to a rather different type (characteristic of Beck's section Campy- Icea), in which the umbilicus is open, and the tendency of the surface is to be very minutely hispid or pilose ; whereas in Cryptaxis, Lowe, which embraces the other two forms, the umbilicus is closed up (at any rate in the adult shells), and ^the surface, although more or less malleated or uneven, is glabrous : and it will be gathered therefore from this circumstance, that the exponents from Madeira proper and the Desertas are more nearly akin inter se than they are to the one from Porto Santo. The H. Vulcania has been found hitherto only on the Northern and Central Desertas, 1 its place on the southern island being supplied by the very intimately related (but more largely developed) H. leonina which likewise makes its ap- pearance towards the southern extremity of the Central Deserta (or Deserta Grande). And indeed were it not for this last- mentioned fact, I should certainly have been inclined to treat the H. leonina as a mere enlarged and exaggerated phasis (or insular modification) of the Vulcania; but since the two forms co-exist on the central island, that conclusion would hardly be tenable. Nevertheless I am by no means satisfied that the H. leonina is more in reality than the (locally) more southern aspect of the Vulcania^ for it must be admitted that we have a very gradual and curious progression, as regards contour, from the Northern Deserta (or Ilheo Chao) to the southern one (or Bugio), the examples from the former of those islands being a little flatter and less malleated than the ones (equally referable to the Vulcania proper) from the Deserta Grande ; whilst the characters of the leonina, which makes its first appearance towards the southern end of the Deserta G-rande, and which reigns supreme on the Bugio, are merely those of the H. Vul- cania but (particularly on the southern island) exaggerated. However since both the Vulcania and leonina exist on the Deserta Grande, I think that we may practically refuse to treat them as insular states of each other, and may so find it more convenient to register them as distinct. The H. Vulcania (and leonina) may be said, in a general sense, to combine the fasciated surface of the portosanctana with the closed-up umbilicus and more or less malleated sculp- ture of the Madeiran H. undata. However, the lower band, which is nearly always present in the portosanctana^ is in the 1 The Baron Paiva cites the Southern Deserta also for the H. Vulcania ; but since his material was never obtained by himself, but was brought to him by paid collectors (who were neither over-accurate nor over-scrupulous), I cannot without further evidence place any reliance on that particular habitat. 94 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Vulcania obsolete, causing the basal volution to be two-, in- stead of three-fasciated ; and the upper band (just below the suture) has a greater or less tendency to be broken-up or inter- rupted, giving a somewhat dappled, or tessellated, appearance to the anterior region of each whorl. The ground-colour of the H. Vulcania is an olivaceous brown ; and the volutions are obliquely striated with irregular, sub-undulating, more or less confluent ribs, imparting a malleated character to the whole. The examples of this shell from the Northern (or Flat) Deserta may be looked upon as the most typical ones for, the species, and they are (on the average) a little more depressed (and perhaps & trifle smaller) than those from the Deserta Grande, the basal whorl being somewhat less inflated and with a more evident tendency to have an obsolete keel ; and their surface is rather more closely, and not quite so coarsely striate, or so conspicuously malleated. The very slightly altered aspect of the H. Vulcania from the Deserta Grand e, or central island, we may perhaps cite as the ' var. /3. desertce. 9 The H. Vulcania was first detected by Mr. Leacock, in June, 1848 ; and it has subsequently been met with by Mr. Lowe, myself, and others, in considerable profusion, on both of the more northern Desertas. Helix leonina, Helix leonina, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Vulcania, var., Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 148 (1853) leonina, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 168 (1854) Vulcania, var. ft., Alb. 9 Mai. Mad. 48. t. 13. f. 1-3 (1854) leonina, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 18 (1867) Habitat Desertam Australem, vulgaris ; necnon etiam (var. a. intermedia) Desertam Grrandem, sed ibidem rarior. As already mentioned, this may perhaps represent but an enlarged and local modification of the H. Vulcania ; neverthe- less it certainly is not an insular one, inasmuch as it co-exists with that species on the Deserta Grande ; and, whatever there- fore be the true state of the case, I think that it will practically be more convenient to cite it as distinct. The H. leonina is larger and more highly coloured than the Vulcania, its basal volution being more inflated, and with the two bands (the anterior one of which has scarcely any tendency to be broken-up or tessellated) more broadly developed ; its surface is even still more coarsely malleated ; and its columella is proportionately longer. It is on the Southern Deserta (or Bugio) that the //. leonina MADEIRAN GROUP. 95 is more particularly dominant, and where it may be said to attain its maximum. In the central island it just makes its appearance, on the abrupt eastern side (towards the south), in a spot known as the Feijaa Grande ; where however the specimens, which we may register as the ' var a. intermedia,' are (on the average) a little smaller and darker than those from the Bugio. Helix undata, Helix undata, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 41. t. 5. f. 5 (1831) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 191 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 168 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 50. t. 13. f. 13-16 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 16 (1867) Habitat Maderam ; sub lapidibus necnon ad muros, prsecipue in cultis inferioribus, congregans. In stratu conchy lifer o ad Canical semifossilis occurrit. This is one of the most universal, and characteristic, of the Land-Shells of Madeira proper, to which island it would seem to be peculiar, and where it often swarms, beneath stones and about old walls, chiefly at rather low elevations and in cultivated spots ; and it occurs likewise in a subfossil state, though in no great profusion, at Canipal. The H. undata is more nearly related to the H. Vulcania and leonina, of the Desertas, than to any other species which has hitherto been brought to light. Indeed with the ' var. a. intermedia ' of the latter, from the Deserta Grande, it has a good deal in common ; nevertheless it is considerably smaller and less inflated (or globose), even still more undulate in its sculpture, and also of a uniform and paler brown, there being no traces whatsoever of fascia, or bands, on any of the volutions. ( Katostoma, Lowe.) Helix psammophora. Helix psammophora, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 113 (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 166 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 83. t. 17. f. 15 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 16 (1867) Habitat Portum Sanctum, hodie recens non inventa ; in arena calcarea conchylifera semifossilis reperitur. This Helix, which is peculiar to Porto Santo, has been found hitherto only in a subfossil state, it being rather 96 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. common in many of the calcareous deposits, where I believe that it was first met with by myself. The H. psammophora belongs to the same type as the phlebophora, from which however it differs in its somewhat smaller size and more elevated spire, in its basal volution being a little more deflexed at the aperture (which is just appreciably rounder), and 'in its entire surface being (instead of coarsely malleated and confidently costate-striate) densely crowded with large granules, which are elegantly arranged (not exactly on ridges, but) in oblique irregular rows. In general size and contour the H. psammophora has more in common with the ' var. 8. craticulata ' (which was detected by myself on the Ilheo de Ferro) than with any other form of the H. phlebophora ; nevertheless its totally different sculpture (the 8. craticulata being quite free from granules, and even more malleated than the ordinary type) will at once separate it. Helix phlebophora. Helix phlebophora, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 41. t. 5. f. 6 (1831) nivosa, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 192 (1848) phlebophora, a. chlorata, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 166 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 49. t. 13. f. 7, 8 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 15 (1867) var. 0. planata. Helix phlebophora, /3. planata, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 166 (1854) (pars), Alb., Mai. Mad. 49. t. 13. f. 9, 10 (1854) var. 7. nivosa [pallida, immaculata]. Helix nivosa, Sow., Zool. Journ. i. 56. t. 3. f. 3 (1824) phlebophora, 7. decolorata, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 166 (1854) var. S. craticulata. Helix craticulata, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 113 (1852) nivosa, var. 0., Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 148 (1853) phlebophora, 8. scrobiculata, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 166 (1854) var. 0., Alb., Mai. Mad. 49. t. 13. f. 1 1, 12 (1854) var. a., Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 15 (1867) Habitat Portum Sanctum, insulasque parvas adjacentes ; MADEIRAN GROUP. 97 vulgatissima. Necnon in solo arenoso semifossilis occurrit. Var. 8. craticuata ad insulam ' Ilheo de Ferro ' solum recens pertinet ; sed in statu semifossili in Portu Sancto ipsissimo late reperitur. This is one of the most abundant and universal of the Helices of Porto Santo, to which island, and the immediately adjacent rocks, it would seem to be peculiar ; and it is tolerably common in a subfossil state, particularly under the phasis which I have cited as the ' 8. craticulata, Lowe, which in a recent condition occurs now only on the Ilheo de Ferro. The H. phlebophora may be known by its more or less globose, strictly Helix-shaped, or subtrochiform, contour, and by its variegated (or fasciated) surface, which is more or less coarsely molleate and beset with oblique and very irregular sub- confluent costate lines, a peculiarity of sculpture which im- parts a wrinkled appearance to the whole. The present species, however, passes through many degrees of colour, outline, and sculpture, the four principal ones being [1] the normal state (corresponding with the 'a. chlorataj Lowe), in which the shell is comparatively globose, and the corrugations of the surface are more developed than the costse ; [2] a more depressed form (answering to Lowe's ' /3. planata '), in which the spire is a little less raised, the surface, on the average, a trifle paler and more variegated (the bands being narrower, and more broken-up or interrupted), and in which the oblique irregular costae are more sharply developed ; [3] a yellowish-white, almost colourless or albino variety, free from fasciae and markings but otherwise agreeing with the c a. chlorata, Lowe, and which represents the H. nivosa of Sowerby ; and [4] a smaller, darker, and a more beautifully dappled phasis, with the corrugations very coarse and large but with the ridges almost obsolete, and with the spire relatively a little more elevated, peculiar apparently (at any rate in a recent condition) to the small islet known as the Ilheo de Ferro (where it was first detected by myself), and which was de- scribed by Mr. Lowe in 1852 (under the name of H. craticulata) as distinct, but which in 1854 he suppressed as a species, citing it as the ' var. 8. scrobiculata ' of the H. phlebophora. 1 1 By a glance at the synonyms given above, it will be seen that in reality Sowerby's name ' nivosa ' is the prior one for this Helix, by many years, it having been published in 1824, whereas Mr. Lowe's * phUbojihora ' did not make its appearance until 1831. If therefore it be insisted that priority out- weighs every other consideration whatsoever (even, for instance, the employ- ment of a title which conveys an absolutely false idea of the species to which it has reference), the change in the nomenclature must of course be made. Under ordinary circumstances I should myself have made it ; but since the name pklebophora has almost universally been allowed for this Helix, on 98 TESTACEA ATLANT1CA. ( Tberus, Monf.) Helix Wollastoni. Helix Wollastoni, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Pfeiff., Mon Hel. iii. 169 (1853) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 198 (1854) Alb., Mai Mad. 22 [nee ? ff] (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 100 (1867) Habitat Portum Sanctum ; in monte orientali ' Pico do Concelho,' sub lapidibus vulgaris. Semifossilis ad, necnon juxta, Zimbral d'Areia prsecipue invenitur. Peculiar to Porto Santo, where it was first detected (in a recent state) by myself, during April of 1849, on the slopes of the Pico do Concelho, in the east of that island, having, how- ever, been found in a subfossil condition by Mr. Lowe so far back as in 1828. It swarms, beneath stones, on that particular mountain, but I have never met with it elsewhere ; and even in a subfossil state it is only at the Zimbral d'Areia (which abuts on the base of the Pico do Concelho), and in its vicinity (as, for instance, in the muddy deposits of a sea-cliff below the Pico dos Macaricos) , that it has hitherto, so far as I am aware, been brought to light. 1 The H. Wollastoni may be known by its acutely carinated basal volution, and minutely granulose, obliquely plicate surface, the plicae being more or less undulate, irregular, and here and there confluent. In colour it is usually of an olivaceous- or yellowish-brown, and with two very obscure darker bands on each whorl, generally so obscure as to be barely traceable, but often appreciably developed ; and the under-part of the ultimate volution is either altogether con- colorous, or else ornamented with a narrow darker fascia at a little distance from the keel. The present Helix belongs to the same type as the subfossil Canarian H. digna, Mouss., from Gomera, and (more especially) as the Sicilian H. scabriuscula, Desh. (Encycl. Meth. ii. 130), with which latter indeed it has a great deal in common. It is, however, smaller and rather less flattened than the scabriuscula (its spire being more exserted), its oblique transverse rugce are more elevated or developed, its keel (which is less compressed) account of the unfortunately selected one which was previously imposed upon it by Sowerby, I have thought it sufficient merely to call attention to the fact, leaving the alteration in the hands of those who may regard it as necessary. 1 In the Baron Paiva's Monograph an albino state of the H. Wollastoni is mentioned as occurring on the Pico Branco ; but I feel it exceedingly pro- bable that that habitat was inserted through a lapnuz calami, or by mistake. MADEIRAN GROUP. 99 merges entirely into the suture at the commencement of the penultimate whorl (instead of being minutely raised above it, and so more or less faintly traceable up the spire), its umbilicus is always completely closed over, its peristome has the two lips more evidently connected by a corneous callosity, and the portion towards the axis internally broader, and its surface is not only more opake and granulated but totally different in hue, being dark and often obscurely banded, instead of nearly white. I possess eight examples of the H. Wollastoni which are so nearly intermediate between that species and the phlebophora (!) that it is almost impossible to tell at first sight, to which of the two they should be assigned. They are smaller and less granu- lated than the ordinary type, and very much less distinctly keeled ; and I may perhaps cite them as the ' var. a. subdubia.' Helix forensis, n. sp. T. omnino imperforata, subdiscoidea, utrinque convexius- cula, mediocarinata, opaca, ubique densissime granulata plicisque valde obliquis remotis subundulatis subirregularibus instructa, supra subinsequaliter vel marmoratim rufo-brunnea nucleo (Iseviore, prominente) subroseo, sed subtus in medio (i.e. intus fasciam latam marginalem) pallidior aut magis flavescens ; anfractibus 5J- planiusculis, ultimo antice valde descendente, sutura distinctissima, impressa ; apertura valde obliqua, labris conniventibus, lamina callosa, incrassata, albida (intus rosea) junctis ; peristomate roseo, basi reflexiusculo, axin versus incrassato et ibidem dilatato-plano. Diam. maj. 9 lin. ; alt. 4i. Helix Wollastoni, Alb., Mai. Mad. t. 4. f. 1-3 \nec diagn.] (1854) Habitat ins. parvam 'Ilheo de Fora' dictam, juxta Portum Sanctum [nee Ilheo de Fora juxta Maderam\ nee etiam in Portu Sancto ipsissimo] ; a DD. Leacock et Moniz olim com- municata. Obs. H. Wollastoni affinis, sed nisi fallor vere distincta. DifFert testa minore, densius rugosiusque granulata (quare omnino opaca), necnon obscurius colorata, sc. submarmoratim rufo-brunnea (nucleo magis prominulo, Iseviore, roseo), nee supra etiam obscure fasciata, subtus in medio solum pallidiore, fascia exteriore usque ad carinam ipsam extendente ; apertura paululum magis rotundata (aut subminus carinatim angulata), labris callo crassiore junctis. Several examples of this shell (which Albers appears to have figured as the //. Wollastoni, Lowe, whilst drawing out his H 2 100 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. diagnosis from the type of the latter) were communicated by Mr. Leacock and Senhor J. M. Moniz, about 15 years ago, as having been taken on the ' Ilheo de Fora,' a little islet off the eastern coast of Porto Santo, opposite to the Pico do Concelho (of the mainland) which is the sole locality (so far as I am aware) for the H. Wollastoni ; and others have since been received from the same spot by the Baron Paiva. They have consequently been placed aside, for a considerable period and without further examination, as representing in all probability a smaller phasis, or variety, of the H. Wollastoni, which in most of their features they nearly resemble ; and it must be admitted that the situation of their habitat namely a little islet exactly facing the particular mountain in Porto Santo which seems alone to harbour the H. Wollastoni would tend to favour the idea of an ' insular modification ' of that species. Still, when closely inspected, the distinctive characters appear to me to be too important and numerous to render it safe to treat the present Helix as a mere phasis of the last one ; and although it is not absolutely impossible that in reality it may be so, I will only remark that there would be a primd facie inconsistency about admitting it as such, while at the same time allowing the specific claims of the H. Lyelliana, as distinct from the Bulveriana, or those of the Lowei and Bowdichiana, as distinct from the portosanctana and punctulata. Judging from a long array of examples which are now before me, the H. fcwensis differs from the H. Wollastoni in being smaller, and more densely and roughly granulated, and therefore more opake, in its spire being somewhat more raised, the nucleus especially (which is more shining, lightly sculptured, and rosy) being more prominent, in its aperture being a little rounder (or less sharply angled at the keel), in its upper and lower lips being joined across the body-volution by a more thickened corneous process, and by its colour being considerably darker, or of a more reddish marbled-brown. Indeed its colora- tion is on a rather different pattern, the volutions not being ever (even indistinctly) fasciated, but unequally suffused all over with the obscurer tint; whilst the single band on the underside is broad and completely lateral, extending to the very edge of the keel, instead of being (when present at all) narrow and removed to a certain distance from it. ( Mitra, Alters.) Helix Webbiana. Helix Webbiana, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 44. t. 5. f. 10 (1831) MADEIRAN GROUP; '301 Helix Webbiana, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 219 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 197 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 53. t. 14. f. 13-15 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 98 (1867) Vitrina Bocagei, Paiva [testa junior] 1. c. 10. t. 2. f. 6 (1876) Habitat Portum Sanctum, et ins. parvam adjacent em ' Ilheo de Cima ' ; sub lapidibus in graminosis montium degens. In statu semifossili parcissime reperitur. This most remarkable of the Helices of the Madeiran archi- pelago appears to be confined to Porto Santo, and the little adjacent island of the ' Ilheo de Cima ' (where it was taken sparingly by Senhor J. M. Moniz) ; and, although not very generally abundant, it is locally far from uncommon, beneath stones, and usually at a rather high altitude. It is true tnat the Baron Paiva cites it as occurring likewise on the Southern Deserta ; but I can only say that no traces of it were observed there either by Mr. Leacock, Mr. Lowe, or myself, and that until further evidence therefore has been adduced I shall refuse to regard it as in any way connected with that remote and little-known rock, and more particularly so, since the Baron's material was seldom, if ever, obtained by himself, but was merely brought to him (at intervals) by paid collectors sent out from Funchal. But on many of the higher mountain- slopes of Porto Santo it has been met with by Mr. Lowe, Mr. Leacock, myself, and others, in tolerable numbers, especially on the ascent of the Pico Branco, the Pico do Concelho, aL.d the Pico de Baixo. In a subfossil condition it is scarce, but was taken by Mr. Lowe and myself at the Zimbral d'Areia, and in several of the other calcareous deposits. In the paucity of its whorls, its brownish-green hue, its thin, shining, subpellucid substance, its total freedom from an umbilicus, its enormous aperture, and in its upper and lower lips being quite unconnected by a corneous lamina, the H. Webbiana has a slight prima facie element in common with the genus Vitrina ; ! and it is further conspicuous by its acutely developed keel, and by the fact of its being more or less studded with coarse and remote granules, which however become gradually evanescent towards the inner portion of the (very obliquely striated) volutions. Its peristome is a good deal 1 It is remarkable that the Vitrioa-shaped, extremely obtuse spire ; by its horizontally-expanded, more or less foliaceous, tectiform keel (which is traceable up the majority of the whorls, overlapping the suture like a narrow plate); and by its enormous but abruptly scooped-out umbilicus, which is not only spirally visible to the extreme apex, but has its sides coarsely sculptured with con- centric spiral costse (decussated by irregular, undulating, lighter transverse ones) similar to those which roughen the entire inferior surface (except the lamina-like keel) of the basal volu- 192 TESTACEA ATLANT1CA. tion. Its aperture, which is suddenly and greatly deflected, is most peculiar, being externally angulated at the keel, and produced into a sharp beak-shaped process, whilst the peristome is much developed and continuous, being considerably raised above (or, rather, as it were, hung down below) the ultimate whorl, with the basal margin conspicuously reflexed. The sculpture of the upper portion of the shell is very much finer and lighter; but there are evident traces (in the specimens which are better preserved) of minute spiral ridges, crossed by exceedingly indistinct, irregular, and still finer transverse lines, though other examples have a more coarse and malleated ap- pearance. The 'var. B. planospira' is merely a little larger and flatter than the ordinary type (the spire being less elevated), with the umbilicus somewhat more gradually (or less perpen- dicularly) scooped-out, and with the sculpture on the upper side rather finer. ( Coronaria, Lowe.) Helix delphinuloides. Helix delphinuloides, Lowe, Ann. Nat. ffist. vi. 44. pi. 3. f. 1-3 (I860) Pf&ff; Mai. Bldtt. xi. 54. t. 2. f. 14-16 (1864) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 67. t. 1. f. 1 (1867) Habitat Maderam ; in Eibeira do Fayal, ad alt. circa 4000' s.m., ad terram inter gramina et herbas latitans, a Eevdo. E. T. Lowe, A.D. 1860, copiose reperta. This is not only one of the most anomalous of the Madeiran Helices, but by far the most remarkable one which has been brought to light of late years, it having been discovered, by Mr. Lowe, so recently as in 1860. It was at an elevation of about 4000 feet, in the Eibeira do Fayal, that Mr. Lowe met with it, and moreover in considerable abundance, ' on the sur- face of the somewhat moist, loose, friable, black vegetable mould, amongst tufts of grasses, ferns, &c., on a steep, dry, sunny bank clothed with shrubs of Vaccinium and Heath, and mixed with a few scattered trees of Laurus, at the foot of per- pendicular crags, along the new Levada called the Levada da Fajaa dos Vinhaticos.' The H. delphinuloides (which measures about 8 lines across its broadest part) is almost exactly intermediate between Mr. Lowe's sections Craspedaria and Coronaria, so that it might with nearly equal propriety be assigned to either of them ; yet although its very much larger size than any of the members MADE1RAN GROUP. K3 hitherto detected of the latter -, in combination with its enormous umbilicus, might seem to render it desirable to refer it to the former, I nevertheless believe that its true affinities are with the Coronaria group. At the same time it has very much in com- mon, also, with the remarkable H. delphinula (the onl} r expo- nent hitherto detected of the section Craspedaria) ; and it is singular that while that species abounds in a subfossil condition near Canical, and has not yet been discovered anywhere alive, there are, on the other hand, no traces whatever of the H. del- phinuloides occurring subfossilized. The present extraordinary shell is rather thin and fragile in substance, extremely roughened, perfectly opake, and of a uniform dull pale-brownish flesh-colour varying into a chalky white. It is flattened, rounded, and planorbiforrn, with its spire greatly depressed, its umbilicus excessively wide and open (being visible spirally to the very apex), with its aperture much deflected, and with its peristome acute, broadly developed, con- tinuous, circular, elevated, and considerably recurved ; and although there is a raised dorsal ridge, which is very conspi- cuous on the basal volution, it has no angular keel (properly so called). The sculpture of this curious Helix is very complicated, and not easily to be described : but the upper edge of each whorl is roughened with a series of short, equidistant, transverse ribs, radiating from the suture and extending about a third of the distance across : beneath which there are a few spiral costae (crossed, or cancellated, by a few finer, remote transverse ones which are a prolongation of the abbreviated basal ribs), which however do not usually fill-up the entire remaining space, but which leave the posterior zone of each volution more or less free and concave. On the ultimate whorl these spiral costas, above the dorsal line, are for the most part only about two in number, the hinder one being the more prominent and constituting a kind of medial thread-like keel ; whilst beneath, the spiral ribs are not only more numerous, but become narrower and more elevated as they approach the umbilicus, the sides of which they completely crowd, as in the H. delphinula. Like the upper series, these lower spiral ridges are crossed, or decussated, by smaller radiating transverse ones ; and, in addition to all this, there are more or less evident indications on the upper side (at any rate on the basal whorl) of some very oblique and irregular waved lines or subconfluent impressions. Helix coronata, Helix coronata, Desh., in Per. Hist. i. 71. t. 69. k. f. 1-4. juliformis, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) 194 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Helix coronata, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iii. 146 (1853) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 194 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 35. t. 8. f. 31-34 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 65 (1867) Habitat Portum Sanctum, et (sec. Paiva) ins. parvam adja- centem 'Ilheo de Cima;' recens a meipso in cacumine extreme orientali 'Pico de Baixo' dicto, A.D. 1848, detecta. Semifossilis ubique (in Portu Sancto) copiosissime reperitur. Although not differing much from them in breadth, the H. coronata (which measures scarcely 3 lines across its widest part) is the smallest of the six members of the section Coro- naria which have hitherto been detected ; and although it is a most abundant species in nearly every subfossiliferous deposit of Porto Santo (to which island, and the Ilheo de Cima, it is peculiar), it was not until 1848 that it was ascertained to belong to the present fauna, it having been found by myself, during that year, in a living state, on the north-east side of the extreme summit of the eastern- peak (opposite to the Ilheo de Cima) known as the Pico de Baixo. I obtained it, in that particular spot, in profusion, beneath slabs of stone and at a considerable depth underground, the specimens adhering to- gether in clusters ; and the Baron Paiva states that examples were sent to him in 1863, as having come from the Ilheo de Cima, which, topographically considered, is a sufficiently pro- bable habitat. 1 The H. coronata is a rounded, flattened, sublenticular little shell, solid in substance, but nevertheless (when in a living state) rather shining (which is peculiar for the present section) aid subhyaline', it is also strongly though sparingly sculptured (or embossed), and either of a very pale whitish horny-brown or else of an undiluted clear white. Its umbilicus is rather large and spiral ; its aperture (which is constricted behind, and very suddenly deflexed) is small, sinuate, distorted, and subtrian- gular, the base of the triangle, or outer lip, being armed internally with a thick, powerful, obtuse tooth ; and its peri- stome is acute and continuous, and a good deal developed. 1 Although I have admitted the Ilheo de Cima, on the authority of the Baron Paiva, as a locality for this species, I really cannot, without further and better evidence, cite its occurrence, as he has done, in the subfossiliferous deposits of Madeira proper, for no other naturalist has reported it beyond the limits of Porto Santo, and the extreme inaccuracy as regards habitat of the Baron's material, which was almost invariably brought to him by paid collectors sent out from Funchal, and which was sometimes (as I have proved to a demonstration) indiscriminately mixed up afterwards even by himself, renders it more than likely that some of his Porto- Santan examples had be- come accidentally transposed (as was so often the case in other instances) into his Madeiran boxes. At any rate I feel that it is better to omit it from the Madeiran list than run the risk of perpetuating what might possibly be, and probably is, a serious topographical blunder. MADE1RAN GROUP. 195 The sculpture of the H. coronata, although sufficiently ela- borate, is somewhat less complex than that of either the //. del- phinuloides or of the following four species. The keel, however, is perhaps more pronounced than in any of them, consisting as it does, of a single, prominent, compressed, thread-like line, simple (or undentate) ; but there is a series of large, greatly raised, subconfluent nodules (or, in reality, oblique, centrally- elevated ribs), forming a kind of chain, in the middle of each volution on the upper side, which gradually becomes evanes- cent as it approaches the nucleus, occasioning the anterior and posterior zones of each whorl to be as it were sunk (along with the suture) into a groove, aud causing the keel of the ultimate volution to be more shaped-out and prominent than it would otherwise have been. 1 These abbreviated, tubercle- shaped ribs are continued on the under side (i.e. beneath the keel), in the form of waved or undulating concentric ridges, up to the umbilicus, and even within it ; and between them very minute spiral superficial lines (or line-like markings) can just be traced beneath a high magnifying power, as though to proclaim its affinity with the other, immediately allied forms. Helix coronula. Helix coronula, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Eel. iii. 146 (1853) Lowe, Proc. Zool Soc. Lond. 194 (1854) ., Alb., Mai. Mad. 81. t. 17. f. 5-7 (1854) (pars), Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 63 (1867) Habitat Desertam Australem, semifossilis ; recens hactenus haud inventa. The H. coronula was, I believe, first detected by Mr. Leacock, in a subfossil condition, on the extreme summit of the Southern Deserta (or Bugio), a locality in which it was sub- sequently met with, in abundance, by Mr. Lowe and myself, in June of 1855 ; and it has since been obtained from the same spot by the Baron Paiva. It is wrongly said by the 'latter to have been found by Senhor J. M. Moniz, in a recent state, on the Deserta Grande, the species which was discovered by Moniz being in reality altogether distinct. 2 1 The somewliat angular termination behind of this central chain-like pro- jection of the lower whorls, which (by creating a depression, or groove, be- neath it) causes the true keel to be strongly shaped-out, was mistaken by Mr. Lowe (both in the present species and in the //. coronula') for a second or ' upper ' keel ; but a very slight examination will shew that it has, in reality, nothing to do with the keel (properly so called) at all. 2 Apart from his mistake concerning the H. Grabhami (pointed out below), the Baron Paiva has strangely mixed up not only the characters but also thd o 2 196 TESTACEA ATLANT1CA. The H. coronula (which is a little larger than the coronata, Desh., measuring fully 3 lines, or a trifle more, across its broadest part) is a round, depressed, and somewhat lozenge- shaped shell, the anterior half of each volution, although sculp- tured with coarse abbreviated radiating ribs, being horizontally flattened. This horizontality of the anterior zone of each whorl causes the line of transverse radiating ribs (which are abruptly terminated behind) to shape out a kind of medial dentate keel which is traceable up the spire, and which is very prominent on the basal volution. Nevertheless it is not the true keel, which latter is represented by a string-like, irregularly-dentate dorsal line beloiv this great central ridge-like prominence, and which is visible well-nigh up to the nucleus, in the shape of a jagged or lacerated narrow lamella almost overlapping the suture. The umbilicus of the H. coronula is wide, open, and spiral ; and the entire basal region (including the umbilical wall) is most beautifully and sharply sculptured with large spiral costse, which are crossed, or decussated, by less elevated transverse radiating ones. The aperture (which is constricted behind) is considerably larger and less triangular than that of the Porto- Santan H. coronata, and (as in the H. Grabhami, Moniziana, and tiarella) destitute of an internal tooth. Helix Grabhami, n. sp. T. fulvo-lactea, latissime et perspective umbilicata, sub- depresso-trochiformis, solidula, opaca, bicarinata, subtus spira- liter costata et obsoletius transversim decussata ; spira subcon- vexa ; anfractibus 7-7-J, antice costis magnis obtusissimis trans- versis remotis radiantibus subalbidis, a sutura usque ad (aut ultra) medium continuatis et ibidem abrupte terminatis (cari- nam superiorem undulatam exstantem efficientibus), elegant- issime instructis, carina propria distincta, sed vix dentata aut lacerata, fere ad nucleum (ad suturam applicata) conspicua ; umbilico magno, aperto, pervio, profundo ; apertura angulatim habitats ot this Helix and his nearly allied one taken (in a living condition) in the east of Madeira proper, and which he described ultimately under the name of H. Moniziana. This latter was regarded by Mr. Lowe (evidently without much consideration) as the recent state of the South- Desertan sub- fossil H. coronula, and as such it was published by him in 1862 ; and it is evident that the Baron wrote his diagnosis of the caronula (or had it written for him) on the strength of this conclusion of Mr. Lowe, for his ' var. a. minor ... ad excelsos montes septentrionales insulse Maderag, rarissima, ad herbarum radices fere sepulta,' although wrong in its diagnostic details, is only explicable on that hypothesis. Finding afterwards however that the Madeiran shell was not really conspecific with the Desertan one, he seems to have described it under the title of H. Moniziana, but at the same time to have omitted to strike out of his original diagnosis the Madeiran habitat. Thus a degree of confusion has been created unnecessarily which is altogether quite unpardonable. MADEIRAN GROUP. 197 subrotundata, postice constricta, peristomate relevato, soluto, continue, expanse, acuto. Diam. maj. 4 ; alt. 2 tin. Helix coronula (pars), Paiva [nee Lowe], Mon. Moll. Mad. 63(1863). Habitat Desertam Grrandem ; ad rupes inter lichenes, ver-^ BUS borealem insulae, a cl. J. M. Moniz reperta. Species ele- gantissima, distincta, et in honorem amici M. Grrabham, M.D., in ins. Maderae longe lateque Celebris, ob gratias mihi oblatas, citata. This new and very interesting exponent of the Coronaria- section is due to the researches of Senhor J. M. Moniz, who detected many examples of it (amongst lichen growing upon the rocks) towards the northern end of the Deserta Grande ; and it was wrongly cited by the Baron Paiva as identical with the subfossil H. coronula, Lowe, of the Southern Deserta (or Bugio). So long indeed as the other members of this curious assemblage are to be regarded as specifically distinct from each other (and they have, all, an abundance of characters by which they may easily be recognized), it would be the height of inconsistency to single out any one of them as a local phasis or variety, whilst acknowledging the claims of the rest to be treated as species ; and, in point of fact, if the H. Grabhami is to be looked upon as a modification of some cognate form, there is quite as much reason for assigning it to the H. tiarella of Madeira proper as there is to the South-Desertan H. GOTO- nula, for, both in outline and sculpture, it is as nearly as possible midway between the two. I am satisfied therefore that they must, all of them, be either accepted as species, or else as insular modifications of a single plastic type ; and I imagine that there are few monographers, if indeed any, who would be prepared to endorse the latter somewhat wild (and, as it seems to me, utterly untenable) hypothesis. By the Baron Paiva a vast amount of unnecessary confusion has been created by the rash manner in which he has mixed up the features and habitats of these immediately-allied Helices ; for not only has he registered the one which we are now dis- cussing as coincident with the (apparently extinct) H. coronula of the Southern Deserta, but he seems also to have recorded originally the species from the south-east of Madeira proper which he subsequently described under the title of H. Moni- ziana as a small variety of the coronula (from which however it is totally distinct). But, bad as it is, this unfortunately is not all ; for, having treated it as such in his original manu- script, he nevertheless omitted to strike it out as a variety of the coronula after that he had made up his mind that it was a 198 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. separate species and had enunciated it accordingly ! The consequence of which is, that the H. Moniziana figures in his monograph both as a distinct species and as a variety of the H. coronula! As regards the shell, however, from the Great Deserta, with which alone we are now concerned, I may add that it is, on the average, larger than the subfossil H. coronula of the southern island (indeed it is the largest, with the exception of the com- paratively gigantic H. delphinuloides, of the six representatives of the Corona,ria-group which have hitherto been brought to light), with its spire very much more conical (or less flattened), and its umbilicus even wider still (or more open). Moreover it has from 7 to 7^ whorls (instead of only from 5 to 6) ; the anterior zone of each volution (which is embossed by the coarse, broad, abbreviated, radiating, transverse, whitish ribs) is more tilted, as in the H. tiarella, or very much less horizontal ; and its true keel (below the extra, medial one, formed by the abrupt termination of the wide ridge-like prominences), which is traceable up the spire and well-nigh overlaps the suture, is conspicuously less lacerated or dentate. Feeling confident that it cannot properly be assigned to the subfossilized H. coronula of the Bugio, any more than it can to the H. tiarella or the H. Moniziana (both of which are recent, and occur in Madeira proper), I have had much pleasure in dedicating the Great-Desertan shell to my friend Dr. Grabham of Funchal, whose well-known attainments in so many branches of physical science have rendered his name a house- hold word amongst the numerous class of visitors who have formed, at intervals, a temporary home, during the past fifteen or sixteen years, in the central island of the Group. Helix Moniziana. Helix coronula [recens], Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. (August) (1862) a. minor, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 64 (1867) Moniziana, Id., L c. 64. t. 2. f, 1 (1867) Habitat Maderam ; prope Canipo et Gaula, ad orientem insulse, A.D. 1862, parcissime detecta. This is a species which was found in the vicinity of Gaula and Canipo, in the south-east of Madeira proper, by a collector who was employed by the Baron Paiva, in 1862, and which was referred to by Mr. Lowe, in the ' Ann. of Nat. Hist.' for August of that same year, as a recent state of the Southern-Desertan (subfossilized) H. coromda. In this, however, Mr, Lowe was MADEIRAN GROUP. ]99 manifestly mistaken ; for a single glance at the two species, placed side by side, will shew an abundance of characters by which they may be at once separated from each other, for, in point of fact, this Canico shell is about midway between the South-Desert an H. coronula and the (very dissimilar) H. tiar- ella of Madeira proper. Yet, unless I am much mistaken, the Baron Paiva (as mentioned in the preceding foot-note) had his diagnosis of the South-Desertan shell drawn out (probably after Mr. Lowe's report in 1862), with the addition of a 'var. a. minor ' for a Madeiran. form of it (which was clearly intended, although inaccurate as to its details, for this particular one from the neighbourhood of Canico and Graula) ; but, finding after- ivards that the latter was specifically distinct, he enunciated it (in 1867) as the ' H. MonizianaJ unfortunately, however, omitting (as it seems to me) to erase the ' var. a.' from the other and previous description ! But that this ' var. a. minor ' of his H. coronula is one and the same thing with his after- defined H. Moniziana is I think well-nigh certain ; and indeed his mere habitats would tend, even of themselves, to imply as much, the former one being ' ad excelsos montes septentrio- nales insulse Maderce, rarissima, ad herbarum radices fere sepulta ; ' whilst the latter is * rara sub lapidum acervis, in solo humido fere sepulta prope vicos insulae Maderce Cameo et Gaula.' ! As just stated, the H. Moniziana is about midway between the South-Desertan H. coronula and the Madeiran H. tiarella, though at the same time perfectly distinct from both of them ; in which respect it is analogous to the 6rrea-Desertan H. Grab- hami, which is equally intermediate between those two species, and yet altogether distinct from the Moniziana. In its com- paratively wide and open umbilicus, as well as in the peculiar character of its (nevertheless much more feebly indicated) basal sculpture, it partakes of the former (i.e., of the coronula); whilst in the shape and details of its upper portion (though the spire is much less elevated, and the sculpture is much less coarse, than that of the H. tiarella) it has more in common with the latter. It is however a rather thinner shell than either of them ; and its surface is of a uniform, dull, opake, griseous-white, instead of being slightly variegated as in the H. tiarella. 1 As though to make matters even still more complicated, the Baron Paiva, after speaking of his H, Moniziana (which was found by the collector whom he sent out to work for him), adds ' Primus anno 1864 inveni ; ' yet, by his own acknowledgement on the preceding page, he had already transmitted it to Mr. Lowe in 1862 ! So that I am compelled to arrive at the conclusion that his statements, diagnoses, and habitats are so untrustworthy and confused that little reliance can be placed upon them, and that we must consequently proceed on independent evidence (which, fortunately, in this instance, happens to be accessible). 200 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. The H. Moniziana, has the anterior zone of its whorls less horizontal than in the H. coronula, but somewhat less oblique (or tilted) than in the tiarella ; and the abbreviated ribs, which radiate from the suture over that anterior zone (particularly on the ultimate volution, for on the penultimate one they are nearly obsolete), are much less elevated than in the former, and a little less so than in the latter. The string-like keel is tole- rably raised, and irregularly subdentate ; and as there are no spiral lines immediately beneath it, it is more isolated, and therefore more conspicuous (even whilst less prominent) than in the H. coronula. Helix tiarella. Helix tiarella, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. Syn. 316 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 62. t. 1. f. 26-28 (1831) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. i. 191 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 194 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 81. t. 17. f. 3, 4 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 62 (1867) Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 58 (1872) Habitat Maderam ; ad rupes prseruptas maritimas, prsecipue borealem versus insulae, hinc inde degens. Semifossilis prope Canipal copiosissime occurrit. The H. tiarella, which seems to be peculiar to Madeira proper, was until 1855 supposed to be extinct, it being extremely abundant, in a subfossilized state, in the calcareous beds near Canipal ; but during July of that year it was first detected in a recent condition by myself, and afterwards by Mr. Lowe, along the sea-cliff road between the mouth of the Eibeira de Janella and Porto Moniz, where we succeeded ultimately in obtaining about forty examples. It would appear however to be pretty general along the whole line of the northern coast ; for later on in the summer we again met with it between Seissal and Sao Vicente, as well as at the Passa d'Areia (to the eastward of the Sao Vicente ravine), where we secured at least 1 20 specimens, not only in the loose rubble at the sides of the road (where many of them were dead), but also sticking (alive) on to the bare rocks, and, in a similar situation, at the Entrorza Pass, between Ponta Delgada and Sta. Anna. 1 1 This eminently Madeiran shell was described originally by Webb as Canarian, on the strength of some specimens which had been obtained, along with others of the H. tceniata (an equally distinctive Madeiran form), by M. Terver, of Lyons, from a bag of dried Orchil, the precise origin of which was confessedly unknown ! But there can be no doubt whatever that it was from Madeira, and not the Canaries, that the consignment of Poccella had been MADEIRAN GROUP. 201 In outline the H. tiarella differs from all the other members of the Coronaria and Craspedaria sections in the fact of the cupola-shaped, apically-obtuse spire being very much 'more raised ; and it is also less decidedly colourless than any of them, for, although often (when in even a living state) scarcely more than of a dull chalky-white, it has far more frequently a more or less brownish tinge, the ribs and other prominences being paler, which gives the entire surface a very beautiful and em- bossed appearance. The short radiating ribs on the anterior zone of its ultimate and penultimate volutions are exceedingly conspicuous, whilst the posterior zone has the spiral costse ex- tremely coarse, broken-up, irregular, subconfluent, and frag- mentary, a peculiarity of sculpture which obtains equally on the basal portion of the shell, where there are also scarcely any traces (except at the entrance of the actual umbilicus) of the radiating transverse lines which are more or less evident in the allied species. Its umbilicus, too, is almost (in part) overhung by the largely expanded edge of the circular and much raised peristome, which is not the case in any of the preceding mem- bers of the group. ( Lemnistiay Lowe.) Helix Michaudi. Helix Michaudi, Desk., in Encycl. Meth. ii. 263 (1830) bicolor, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 58. t. 6. f. 22 (1831) Michaudi, Pfeiff., Man. Hel. i. 157 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 170 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 21. t. 2. f. 36-38 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 69 (1867) sent, and that the species has no kind of claim to be regarded as even extra- Madeiran. Under these circumstances it is much to be regretted (as indeed I have already mentioned at p. 131 of this volume) that Mousson should have admitted it, as well as the H. tceniata, into his late monograph of the Cana- rian Land-Mollusca ; for to perpetuate, however unintentionally, a glaring geographical error (even though qualified by remarks as to the uncertainty of the habitat) seems to me to be scarcely counterbalanced by the adding of two additional species to augment a local list. My own belief is, that the ff. tiarella does not occur beyond the limits of the central island even in the Madeiran archipelago ; and I look therefore with unbounded suspicion on the Baron Paiva's brief remark 'rarissima ad Zimbral d'Areia in Portosancto insula,' because no other naturalist has yet observed it in the Porto-Santan deposits, and the repeated visits of Mr. Lowe and myself (extending to four and five weeks at a time) to that island, during which the examination of the calcareous beds was one of our primary objects, never revealed so much as a vestige of this species which is so abundant in Madeira proper ; whilst, at the same time, the extreme looseness, as regards habitat, of the Baron's material (which was seldom, if ever, collected by himself) I have had occasion more than once to touch upon. 202 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat Portum Sanctum ; in montibus excelsioribus, vel inter lichenes in rupium fissuris vel plantis adhaerens, vulgaris. This brightly fasciated and elegant little Helix appears to be peculiar to Porto Santo, 1 where it is common on most of the higher peaks (particularly towards their summits), occurring principally among lichen, or adhering to the stems of plants, within the fissures, and upon the ledges, of the rocks. In such situations it has been met with abundantly, by Mr. Lowe, myself, and others, on the Pico do Facho, the Pico do Castello, the Pico Juliana, the Pico Branco, the Pico d'Anna Ferreira, &c. ; from several of which it has subsequently been received by the Baron Paiva. The H. Michaudi is a solid and rather globosely-conical, or sub-trochiform, little species ; and its surface (which is shining, and somewhat distinctly striated with the irregular, oblique, transverse lines of growth) is more or less white, but beautifully ornamented with dark purplish-brown bands or fasciae, two of which are on the (slightly flattened) underside of the shell, and become gradually lost sight of within the aperture, whilst a third one is placed above the (obtuse and ill-defined) keel, running along the centre of the volutions, uninterruptedly, to nearly the apex. Its perforation is extremely minute, and almost entirely concealed by the reflexed columellary edge of the peristome. Helix calva. Helix calva, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 49. t. 5. f. 26 (1831) Pfeif., Mon. Ed. i. 289 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 183 (1854)v Alb., Mai. Mad. 42. t. 11. f. 1-4 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 37 (1867) Habitat Maderam ; sub lapidibus in graminosis montosis excelsioribus degens. Semifossilis ad Caniyal copiose reperitur. The situation of the present Helix, in a natural arrangement, is rather difficult to point out. In some respects it has a little in common with the bifrons, Lowe,and the stephanophora,Desh. ; yet its minute and almost concealed umbilicus, in conjunction with its margined peristome, will of themselves remove it from the section Janulus, and indeed, as it seems to me, from the whole of the Patulas. By Mr. Lowe it was placed alongside the H. obserata, in his section Rimula, but I scarcely think that even that position is a more suitable one ; and on the whole I am inclined to the Leminiscias as not altogether incapable o 1 The If. Michaudi is stated by Deshayes to occur in Teneriffe ; but that i s clearly an error. MADEIRAN GROUP. 203 receiving it, and more especially so since the recently discov- ered H. galeata,, which is but just separable from the calva, has a very marked analogy, in its general proportions and obtuse helmet-shaped (or somewhat cupola-like) outline, with the Cana- rian H. lemniscata ; whilst the H. calva itself has some remote points of contact, both in habits and in structure, with the H. Michaudi, Desh., and perhaps with even (though this is more doubtful) the H. monilifera, W. et B. Still, the well- nigh unornamented surface and thicker substance, added to the minute spiral lines, of both the calva and galeata, isolate them, to a certain extent, from -these immediate forms. Apart from its spiral lines above mentioned (which, however, although of considerable significance, are nevertheless so minute as to be appreciable only beneath a high magnifying power), and its small and nearly concealed umbilicus, the H. calva may be further known by its almost uniform pale-brown, or yellowish- corneous, hue (the two fasciae, although occasionally conspicuous on the basal whorl, being for the most part obsolete) ; and by its upper region being nearly opake and sculptured with coarse and irregular, but oblique and curved, costse, whilst beneath it is more shining and less roughened. The H. calva is confined exclusively to Madeira proper, where it is locally abundant, for the most part beneath stones on the grassy mountain slopes of a high elevation, ascending from about 2,500 feet above the sea to the summits of the peaks. It is also extremely common in a subfossil state at Canical (in company with various Helices and Pupce), having doubtless been washed down to that comparatively low region, at some remote period, from the neighbouring heights, under conditions, and influences, of the surrounding country, which were totally different from those which now obtain. Helix galeata. Helix calva, 7. galeata, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. (1862) galeata, Pfeiff., Mai. Bldtt., March. (1864) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 37. t. 1. f. 2 (1867) Habitat Maderam ; a Baron e Castello de Paiva in Bibeira do Fayal, prsecipue ad .radices Pteridis aquilince adhserens, A.D. 1861, sat copiose reperta. The H. galeata was detected by the Baron Paiva in Madeira proper, in 1861 ; and Mr. Lowe, in his notice of it in the ' Ann. of Nat. Hist.' for the following year, arrived at the conclusion that it is only an extremely developed and obtusely-conical, or beehive-shaped, modification of the H. calva, -imagining that it might be connected, or nearly so, with the type, by certain 204 TESTACEA ATLANT1CA. subfossil exponents of the species which are abundant at Cani9al. I must confess, however, that I have not myself been able to do this ; nor can I see why the numerous and well-marked characters which it possesses should not merit for it a true specific claim, for they appear to me to be far more important than at any rate a vast number which Mr. Lowe had himself for many years recog- nized, as sufficient for a similar purpose, in various other groups of the Helicidce. And I may likewise add, that it is the opinion of Dr. Pfeiffer that the species is distinct. Compared with the H. calva, the galeata is very much more elevated, or obtusely conical, the spire (which is composed of about 9 volutions, instead of only from 6-J- to 7) being raised into a sort of dome- or cupola-shaped mass ; its under portion is appreciably brighter, or more polished ; its whorls (in addition to being more numerous and rather less convex) have the basal one longer and more rounded or swollen, as well as more deflexed at the aperture ; and its peristome is altogether a little more recurved and thickened. The H. galeata was taken abundantly in the Eibeira do Fayal, during the spring of 1861, by a man who was employed by the Baron Paiva to collect for him in that remote and little- known ravine. They were found along the edge of the new * Levada da Fajaa dos Vinhaticos,' near to the place where Mr. Lowe had previously discovered the rare and most singular H. delphinuloides. Genus 8. BTJLIMUS, Scopoli. ( Cochlicella, Risso.) Bulimus ventricosus. Bulimus ventricosus, Drap., Tabl. de Moll. 68 (1801) Id., Hist. Nat. 78. t. 4. f. 31-33 (1805) Helix ventrosa, Fer. 9 Prodr. 377. t. 52 (1807) Bulimus ventrosus, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 62 (1831) Helix acuta, W. et B., Ann. des Sc.Nat. 28. Syn. 317 (1833) Bulimus ventrosus, Alb., Mai. Mad., 54. t. 14. f. 18, 19 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 103 (1867) Helix ventricosa, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 46 ^1872) Bulimus ventricosus, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 222 (1876) Habitat Maderam, Portum Sanctum, et (sec. B. de Paiva) etiam Desertam Australem ; hinc inde sub lapidibus, prsecipue ad muros necnon in cultis. The B. ventricosus of southern Europe and northern Africa, MADEIRAN GROUP. 205 and which has established itself in the Azorean, Canarian, and Cape Verde Groups, is common both in Madeira and Porto Santo, principally at a low elevation, and within the cultivated districts. It often congregates in dry places about old walls, and beneath stones amongst the plants of Opuntia Tuna, or 6 Prickly Pear.' It is stated by the Baron Paiva to occur also on the Southern Deserta, or Bugio ; and although it is far from unlikely that this may be the case, yet, since the Baron's material was seldom obtained by himself, but was brought to him by paid collectors (upon whom it was often difficult to de- pend), I feel that that particular habitat must be accepted with some degree of caution. In Madeira the B. ventricosus is more particularly plentiful in certain spots around Funchal, and here and there on the Sao Louren90 promontory ; and in Porto Santo it was met with by Mr. Lowe and myself near the Villa (especially in the Ribeira de Cochim), as well as (in 1855) on the road to Camaxa, and about an old wall (near the Zimbral d'Areia) at the southern base of the Pico de Concelho. 1 1 I may just call attention in this particular place to an elongate, narrow, conical, white JBwlimus (of the Subulina section), three examples of which were met with (dead) many years ago, by the late Mr. Bewicke, ' in an old bone,' in the garden of 'the Deanery,' near Funchal. There can be no doubt that the species is not a native of the Madeiran archipelago, and I think it is almost equally certain that it has not become even naturalized ; nevertheless since it may possibly be found to have established itself in some of the cultivated grounds in the hotter parts of the town, perhaps it ought not to be passed over altogether in this catalogue, even though I have not sufficient evidence to permit me to acknowledge it as an actual member of the fauna. When examining these specimens, two years ago, with the aid of Pfeiffer's Monograph, I came to the conclusion that (even if not absolutely identical with it) they were more nearly related to the SulniMna striatella, Rang (a species which occurs in Princes Island, and on various points of the west coast of Africa) than to anything else ; and it is therefore satisfactory that Mr. Watson, to whom I have lately entrusted one of them for comparison with the types in the British Museum, has arrived, quite independently, at precisely the same result, adding Your specimen in form and sculpture exactly resembles an unnamed one, in the British Museum, which appears to be a variety of the striatella, Rang.' And Mr. Watson further remarks (which is important, as tending to throw some light upon the occurrence of this shell at Madeira) ' Judging from memory, it is precisely like a specimen which was found, a few years ago, in Funchal, by Senhor J. M. Moniz, amongst some plants which had been sent to him from the island of St. Thomas in the Gulph of Guinea ; and which he gave to me.' Mr. Watson, however, very wisely, was careful not to turn it loose ; and it consequently * died, on the passage to England.' But this trivial circumstance, although not accounting for Mr. Bewicke 's examples, may perhaps afford some possible explanation of tlio fact, if it should be ascertained hereafter that the Subulina striatella has succeeded in establishing itself at Madeira. Although its narrow, elongate-conical outline, and its white and densely, sharpty, regularly costate-striated surface, in conjunction with its numerous and convex volutions (the ultimate one of which is furnished with an obscure transverse line or keel immediately above its rather small aperture), will sufficiently distinguish the S. striatella, should it a^ain occur, I will never- 206 TEST ACE A ATLANTICA. Genus 9. STENOGYRA, Shuttl. Stenogyra decollata. Helix decollata, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 773 (1758) Bulimus decollatus, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. 8. Trans, iv. 62 (1831) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 199 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 54. t. 14. f. 16-17 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 196 (1860) Paiva, M on. Moll. Mad. 102 (1867) Stenogyra decollata, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 120 (1872) Bulimus decollatus, Morel., Journ. de Conch, xiii. 238 (1873) Watson, Ibid. 222 (1876) Habitat Maderam ; sub lapidibus in aridis apricis prope Funchal hfnc inde lecta. Forsan e Lusitania olim translata. The widely spread 8. decollata, which is well-nigh universal in Mediterranean latitudes, and which occurs also in the Azorean, Canarian, and Cape-Verde archipelagos, has established itself in a few spots of a rather low altitude around Funchal, where it may perhaps have been accidentally naturalized, at some period (not very remote) since the colonization of the island, from south-western Europe. I have taken it abundantly in a small gulley on the arid slopes of the Pico da Cruz, leading down theless just add the following diagnosis, in order to render it the more easily recognizable. Subulina striatella. T. angustula, subulato-turrita, albida, vix nitidiuscula, argute et con- fertissime longitudinaliter costulato-striata ; spira longissima, regulari, elon- gate turrita", apice obtusiuscula ; anfractibus 8-9^, convexiusculis, sutura valde impress^, ultimo (^ longitudinis paulo excedente) mox supra aperturam parvam plus minus evidenter angulato-carinato ; columelM brevi, arcuatii, basi abrupte terminata ; peristomate simplici, acuto. Long. tin. circa 7 ; ap&rt. vix 2. Helix striatella, Pang, Ann. des Sc. Nat. 24. 38. t. 3. f. 7 Stenogyra (Subulina) striatella, Dim., Mai. Blatt. xiii. 127 (1866) Achatina striatella, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel vi. 236 (1868) Habitat Maderam (certe introducta) ; tria specimina (emortua, subdecor- ticata) in horta quadam juxta Funchal olim invenit Dom. Bewicke. I may just add that, singularly enough, the S. striatella was obtained by Mr. Lowe in Teneriffe, under circumstances almost precisely similar to those under which it was found by Mr. Bewicke at Madeira, namely (dead) from amongst some refuse in Mr. Hamilton's garden at Sta. Cruz. The oblique truncation of the columella is a little wider in the Madeiran specimens than it is in those from Teneriffe. MADEIRAN GROUP. 207 towards the Gorgulho, a locality in which it was first found, many years ago, by Mr. Lowe, and where it has subsequently been met with by Mr. Leacock, the Rev. R. B. Watson, Senhor J. M. Moniz, and others. Genus 10. PUPA, Drap. ( Truncatellina, Lowe.) Pupa linearis. Pupa linearis, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 207 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 119 (1867) minutissima, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 223 (1876) Habitat Maderam ; in stratu conchylifero ad Canical semi- fossilis haud infrequens ; recens hodie non detecta. The excessively minute size of this little Pupa (the smallest of the Madeiran species with the exception of the P. saxicola, and one which has been found hitherto only in a subfossil state), added to its parallel outline, rather tumid, distinctly striated volutions, and its small and perfectly edentate mouth, will suffi- ciently characterize it. Like most of the Pupa? it has a longer and a shorter state, some examples appearing to possess a volu- tion more than the others. It is said to be closely allied to the European P. minutissima, Hartm., indeed Mr. Watson regards it as identical with that species ; but it is, I think, more parti- cularly interesting from the fact that it so nearly resembles a diminutive member of the genus from the Cape Verde archipe- lago, described by Dr. H. Dohrn as the P. molecula, that until I had compared the two very accurately I felt almost satisfied that they were conspecific. Indeed even now I am far from convinced that they may not be in reality but geographical phases of a single type; nevertheless since the P. linearis seems to be, on the average, a trifle smaller than its representa- tive from the Cape Verdes, with its volutions perhaps not quite so convex, its suture appreciably more horizontal (or less oblique), and its aperture relatively less developed, I will not venture to treat them as otherwise than distinct. The P. linearis is not uncommon in the calcareous, subfos- siliferous deposits near Cani9al ; but it has not yet been observed in those either of Porto Santo or the Southern Deserta. Pupa microspora. Pupa microspora, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 275 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 532 (1853) 208 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Pupa microspora, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 207 (1854) Alb., Mai Mad. 61 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 197. t. 5. f. 1 (1860) edentula var., Paiva, Man. Moll. Mad. 119 (1867) microspora, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 124 (1872) edentula, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 223 (1876) Habitat Maderam editiorem sylvaticain ; ad frondes filicum humidas hinc inde congregans. A small, short, ventricose, somewhat turbinate or rounded- conical, posteriorly truncate species, of a pale-brown hue and thin in substance, and one which has all the appearance (in seemingly adult examples) of being immature. Its volutions are tumid, and very densely and minutely striate ; and its aper- ture, which is short (being a little wider than long), is perfectly edentate, with the peristome acute (as though young and unformed) instead of being thickened. It is very closely related to the European P. edentula, Drap., of which it may possibly represent a geographical state ; nevertheless it is, not only (on the average) a trifle smaller, and relatively somewhat shorter and very pyramidal, but likewise less shining, and much more coarsely sculptured with exceedingly oblique hair-like striae, and its ultimate whorl is proportionately a trifle more abbreviated. The P. microspora, which occurs also in the Azorean and Canarian archipelagos, is eminently indigenous in Madeira proper, inhabiting the higher altitudes, where it is found attached to the fronds of various ferns in moist cloudy spots within the wooded regions. In such situations it was taken abundantly by myself and subsequently by Mr. Lowe, at the Lombarda das Vacas ; and I have likewise met with it at the Fanal, the Montado dos Peceguiros, S. Antonio da Serra, and in numerous other elevated districts. ( Paluditiella, Lowe.) Pupa limnaeana, Pupa limnseana, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 206 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 117 (1867) Habitat Maderam editiorem ; inter muscos in truncis lau- rorum, necnon inter frondes filicum, in humidis sylvaticis degens, rarissima. The rather broad, inflated, rounded-ovate, or somewhat glo- bose, Limncvus- (or, rather, Paludina-) like form of this remarkable Pupa, in conjunction with its few and ventricose volutions (which are densely but very finely striated), its pale, MADEIRAN GROUP. 209 yellowish-cinereous hue (often becoming whiter towards the more or less decorticated apex), its comparatively thin, fragile substance, and its perfectly edentate aperture and unthickened lip, will at once separate it from its allies. According to Mr. Lowe it has much in common with the European P. dilucida (Ziegl.), Rosm. (f. 326); but it is nevertheless one of the most truly and unmistakeably indigenous of the Madeiran Pupce, occurring sparingly on the trunks of laurels, as well as amongst the fronds of moist ferns, in the damp sylvan districts of an intermediate and lofty elevation. I have met with it at S. An- tonio da Serra, and the Lombarda das Vacas ; and it has also been taken in the Ribeiro Frio, and the Boa Ventura. ( Gastrodon, Lowe.) Pupa fanalensis. Pupa fanalensis, Loive, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 208 (1854) umbilicata var., Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 121 (1867) debilis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 124 (1872) anconostoma (pars), Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 370 (1876) Habitat Maderam ; ad truncos laurorum, necnon in frondibus filicum humidis, in sylvaticis editioribus occurrens. It is possible that this may be only a depauperated state of the c var. (3. anconostoma ' of the P. umbilicata, which the latter has gradually assumed through having found its way into the higher regions ; nevertheless I believe it to be truly distinct, since it not only possesses certain unmistakeable features of its own, but its mode of life is completely and essentially different. Thus, while the P. umbilicata (as represented in these islands by the ' var. /#. anconostoma ') is emphatically an inhabitant of the dry and cultivated districts, abounding more and more as we descend to the level of the sea, the P. fanalensis, on the contrary, has all the appearance of being ultra-indigenous, and seems to be peculiar to nearly the highest altitudes where it occurs amongst moss and lichen on the trunks of the laurels, as well as adhering to the fronds of ferns (in company with the P. limnceana and microspord), in damp sylvan spots. It was met with in profusion, by Mr. Lowe and myself, during July 1855, at the Cruzinhas and the Fanal, in the mountains of Madeira proper, by examining the trees immediately outside our tents ; and I have likewise found it at, along with the P. cheilogona, the Lombarda das Vacas. I may add also that I took the P. fanalensis in the islands of Teneriffe and Palm a, of the Canarian archipelago, under cir- p 210 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. cumstances precisely similar to those at Madeira, namely from amongst lichen on the trunks of trees in the lofty wood of Las Mercedas, as well as in the damp sylvan region above Taganana, and near Ycod-el-Alto, of the former ; and at a high elevation in the Barranco da Agua, and on the ascent of the Cumbre above Buenavista, of the latter. My Canarian examples were overhauled with great care by Mousson, who agreed with me in regarding them as the exponents of a Pupa which is certainly distinct from Mr. Lowe's P. anconostoma ; but as I had not at that time identified them with the Madeiran P. fanalensis, he enunciated the species afresh, in his recent Monograph, under the name of P. debilis, adding, as a subsequent remark, ' Les differences constantes de cette forme d'avec la P. anconostoma, Lowe, me semblent en justifier la separation. La P. debilis, dont j'ai compare un bon nombre d'individus est toujours plus petite, plus fragile, oviforme et non cylindracee ; le dernier tour pres de la rime n'est pas comprime, mais arrondi ; 1'ouverture est relativement plus largement arrondie, et pourvue d'un peri- stome a peine reflechi ; la paroi ne presente qu'une faible dent qui souvent manque entierement. Les deux especes sont a peu pres dans le meme rapport que le P. Semproni, Charp,, a Yum- bilicata, Drap.' After a very accurate comparison, I have no doubt concern- ing the specific identity of Mousson's Canarian species with the Madeiran one, both of which moreover pass through the same amount of, rather considerable, variation. Judging from my own observations, and from the numerous types which are now before me, the P. fanalensis may be said to differ from the var. ft. anconostoma of the P. umbilicata in being on the average very much smaller and more globose, or ventricose ; in its substance being thinner, and its surface more white and decorticated (much as in the P. limnceana) ; in the number of its volutions being usually one less ; in its aperture being generally a little shorter and rounder ; and in the obsolete indications of a rudimentary plait on the columella which are for the most part just traceable in its ally being quite absent. Pupa umbilicata, Pupa umbilicata, Drap., Tabl. des Moll. 58 (1801) Helix anconostoma, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 62. t. 6. f. 30(1831) Pupa anconostoma, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 314 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 208 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 61. t. 15. f. 19-22 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 198 (1860) MADEIRAN GROUP. 211 Pupa uinbilicata, Drouet, Faun. A cor. 165 (1861) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 1 20 (1867) anconostoma, Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 123 (1872) umbilicata, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 223 (1876) Habitat Maderam ; in statu typico (i.e. Europseo) a Revdo. R. B. Watson solum, ad Jardim da Serra, detecta. Sed status aberrans (sc. P. anconostoma, Lowe, in ins. Maderensibus Canariensibusque typicus), plica ventrali minore necnon peri- stomate paululum minus expanso, ubique in inferioribus subin- ferioribusque (prgesertim cultis) abundat ; atque etiam in ins. Desertis parce occurrit. After a careful comparison of the P. anconostoma, so uni- versal throughout the lower regions of Madeira proper, with examples of the European P. umbilicata, Drap., collected in many countries widely separated from each other (as, for instance, Portugal, England, Spain, and Sicily), I have come to the conclusion that it cannot be regarded as more than a very slightly altered phasis, or geographical variety, of the latter in which the ventral plait is (on the average) rather smaller or less developed (and therefore usually more completely discon- nected with the angle of the lip ), and the peristome not quite so broad. All the other characters which have been alluded to, as distinctive, in the various published diagnoses of the P. an- conostoma, seem to me to be purely imaginary (as, for instance, the smaller size, more cylindrical outline, and less tumid volu- tions, referred to by Mousson, and the different shape of the aperture recorded by the Baron Paiva) ; whilst even the ventral tooth itself is subject to very great inconstancy, it being much larger in some of the examples now before me than it is in others, in which case it is joined by almost as evident a callo- sity with the angle of the lip as in the ordinary ones from more northern latitudes. Amongst some specimens which were taken by Mr. Lowe at Fayal, in the Azores, the two states are inter- mingled, and pass imperceptibly into each other; but those from the Canarian archipelago correspond better with the ordi- nary Madeiran ones, both the tooth and the peristome being less strongly developed. As expressed by this slightly altered form (which I would consequently quote as the ' var. /?. anconostoma '), the P. um- bilicata may be said to be the universal Pupa at low and inter- mediate altitudes in Madeira proper, abounding about the walls and cultivated grounds, and seldom ascending to higher than about 2500 feet above the sea ; and it is not unlikely that it may owe its presence there to accidental introduction at some (not very remote) period since the colonization of the islands. At any rate, apart from the suggestiveness of its distribution, p 2 212 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. no traces of it have yet been met with, so far as I am aware, in any of the subfossiliferous deposits. Although so abundant however in Madeira proper, it is remarkable that there is no record of it hitherto from Porto Santo (where, nevertheless, in all probability it must ' exist) ; but its occurrence on the Desertas is just indicated (I think, beyond a doubt), a single example having been collected by Mr. Lowe's servant on the Deserta Grande c a little below the house;' and indeed I have lately detected three more in a box from the Baron Paiva, pur- porting to have come from that same island. And I may further add that the Baron mentions its occurrence on the Southern Deserta likewise. It is -but quite recently however (indeed only since 1866) that the P. umbilicata in its strictly normal (or European) aspect has been observed at Madeira, several examples having been met with by the Eev. E. B. Watson at the Jardim da Serra ; and this fact might seem at first sight to contradict the assumption that the anconostoma is but a geographical phasis of it, had we not the most positive evidence that land shells are from time to time imported accidentally into the island, along with consignments of plants, from more northern latitudes. I feel satisfied that the contingency just referred to must be the true explanation of the appearance at the Jardim da Serra of the P. umbilicata in its ordinary, unaltered state ; for it is well known that the late English consul at Madeira, Mr. Veitch, took unusual pains to introduce plants from Eng- land into his garden at the Jardim ; and the only remarkable circumstance, at any rate to my mind, is, that a greater number of Terrestrial Mollusks should not have found their way into the island through so favourable a medium of transmission. I think, therefore, that the existence of the P. umbilicata at Ma- deira in both its typical and aberrant phases need not in any degree predispose us to conclude that the latter (which appears to me moreover to merge completely into the former) is specifi- cally distinct. The P. umbilicata (which occurs also in the Azorean and Canarian Groups, and even at St. Helena) may readily be known by its pale reddish-brown, shining, frequently subpellucid sur- face, its more or less elongate-ovate outline, its somewhat tumid volutions, and by the single (and in the ' var. ft. anconostoma ' not always very conspicuous) ventral plait of its aperture which nearly adjoins the angle of its rather broadly but flatly margined lip. Moreover when closely inspected it will generally be found to possess very faint indications of an obsolete plait, or thicken- ing, on the columella, which however is often (as in the Madeiran form) so rudimentary as to be barely traceable. MADEIRAN GROUP. 213 ( Scarabclla, Lowe.) Pupa cassida. Helix cassida, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 64 (1831) Pupa cassida, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 344 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 212 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 68. t. 16. f. 7, 8 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 135 (1867) Habitat Maderam ; in humidis editioribus sylvaticis rarissime degens. Semifossilis juxta Canipal abundat. The comparatively large size of this magnificent Pupa, added to its very solid substance and obese, ovoid form (it being inflated in the middle and acute both before and behind), its flattened, strongly sulcate-striated volutions (which are normally of a reddish-brown, but prettily marked with irregular whitish longitudinal dashes or subconfluent streaks), and the seven thick but unequally developed plaits of its broadly and whitely mar- gined corneous auriform aperture, will abundantly distinguish it from everything else with which we have here to do. Until within a comparatively recent period the P. cassida, although abounding in the subfossiliferous beds at Canipal, was considered of the utmost rarity as a member of the present fauna ; but it was nevertheless met with in tolerable profusion by myself and the late Eev. W. J. Armitage, during March 1849, at the extreme head of the Eibeira de Sta. Luzia, in the south of Madeira proper (in the exact spot where the original and then unique example was taken by Mr. Lowe, on April 13th, 1830), namely, amongst vegetable detritus, on the steep buttress, or bank, immediately to the right of the water- fall, and which constitutes the base of the lofty perpendicular rocks ; and it has subsequently been obtained by Mr. Leacock, the Eev. E. B. Watson, and others, in the same locality. It occurs however likewise in the north of the island, having been taken by the late Mr. Bewicke in the Eibeira de Sao Jorge ; so that in all probability it will be found to be pretty generally distributed in the damp sylvan ravines of intermediate altitudes. ( Zdostyla, Lowe.) Pupa cheilogona. Helix cheilogona, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 63 (1831) Pupa cheilogona Pfr., Mon. Hel. ii. 327 (1 848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Hoc. Lond. 208 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad 63. t. 15. f. 23, 24 (1854) Paiva. Mon. Moll. Mad. 122 ( 1867) 214 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat Maderam editiorem sylvaticam ; in frondibus filicum humidis prsecipue occurrens. The rather large side, and conical, subtriangular outline of the P. cheilogona which is much pointed towards the apex, and a good deal widened towards the base, and has the mouth considerably (and obliquely) produced downwards added to its flattened volutions, its pale-brown, obscurely banded, not very shining surface, its sinuated outer lip (on which the tooth is nevertheless exceedingly obtuse and ill-expressed, causing the ' sinus ' to be wide and open), and the large size of its exterior ventral and its lower columellary plaits (the former of which is far removed from, and totally disconnected with, the angle of the peristome), will serve to distinguish it. Its inner ventral plait is also very conspicuous, although much smaller than the outer one ; but the upper columellary and the second palatial ones seem to be obsolete. The P. cheilogona (regarded formerly by Mr. Lowe as ex- tremely rare) is one of the most unmistakably indigenous of the Madeiran Pupce, and one which occurs only in the damp sylvan districts (principally towards the north of the island) at a high elevation. I have taken it abundantly at the Lombarda das Vacas, the Montado dos Pecegueiros, &c., adhering to the fronds of various ferns, such as the Woodwardia radicans, the Pteris arguta, Vahl., and the Allantodia axillaris, E. Br. ; and Mr. Lowe also obtained it from the same localities, during our en- campments there in the summer of 1855. Pupa vincta. Pupa vincta, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 208 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 63, t. 15. f. 25, 26 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 123 (1867) Habitat Maderam, prsesertim borealem ; ad rupes irriguas aquosas, inter Marchantiam polymorpham, L., hinc inde congregans. In the number and proportions of the plaits (the exterior ventral one of which is very large, and usually quite uncon- nected by a corneous callosity, or sphincter, with the angle of the lip) the present Pupa is much on the same pattern as the P. cheilogona ; and it is, on the average, the largest, with the exception of the P. cassida, of the Madeiran members of the genus. It is, however, relatively, a more apically-obtuse (or less pointed) species than the P. cheilogona ; its surface is more shining and less appreciably striated posteriorly, as also usually of a more olivaceous (or yellowish-green) tinge and with the MADEIRAN GROUP. 215 darker bands more frequently developed ; and its aperture is proportionately a trifle wider, or not so narrowly and obliquely produced. It has likewise a remarkable tendency to have its apex white and decorticated, sometimes to such an extent that the nucleus becomes abortive and partially destroyed, under which circumstances the shell has naturally a more tumid or ventricose appearance. Like many of the Pupce it seems to have a larger and a smaller state, the representatives of the latter being generally more acute at their extremity than those of the former. The P. vincta, which is confined to damp spots in Madeira proper, appears, like the P. cheilogona, to be found more parti- cularly in the north of the island. Yet its habits are not the same as those of that species ; for, whilst the cheilogona is to be met with, almost invariably, adhering to the fronds of ferns at a high elevation, the vincta, on the contrary, infests the dripping masses of Marchantia polymorpha which pad the rocks at a low altitude. Indeed, so far as my own experience is concerned, it may be said to occur especially on the level of the shore ; though in all probability it will be found to ascend to a certain slight elevation. It was obtained in great profusion by Mr. Lowe and myself, during June 1850 and August 1855, at the edges of the first waterfall from Sao Vicente, along the beach road to Seisal ; and Mr. Lowe captured it in a similar situation at the Passa d'Areia, on the other (or eastern) side of the Sao Vicente ravine. Several boxes of it have also been communi- cated by the Baron Paiva (containing generally a large admix- ture of the P. Loweana, Woll., regarded erroneously by him as P. concinna, Lowe), and which / believe were obtained from the lower regions of the Ribeira do Inferno, and those of the Boa Ventura. Pupa irrigua. Pupa irrigua, Lowe, Ann. Nat Hist. ix. (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 208 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 63. t. 15. f. 27/28 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 124 (1867) Habitat Maderam, prsecipue australem ; inter gramina (Des- champsia argentea, Lowe) ad rupes irriguas aquosas, hinc inde vulgaris. Like the last two species, the P. irrigua is rather a large Pupa; but it is more strictly oblong (or less widened poste- riorly, and therefore less ovate) than either of them. Its volu- tions are somewhat flattened, and therefore the suture is not greatly impressed ; in colour it is of a pale yellowish, or olive- brown (occasionally with indistinct bands) ; and its spire 216 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. is often whitish and decorticated ; but its aperture (which is less outwardly, or more downwardly, produced than is the case in its immediate allies) contains the characters which will more quickly discriminate the species, the five plaits, especially the outer ventral one (which is sinuate, and united to the angle of the lip by a thick corneous rim or sphincter), being very largely deve- loped, even the upper one of the columella (although smaller than the lower) being exceedingly conspicuous. The tooth of the labrum (which is a good deal nipped-in at that particular point) is rather thick and internally prominent, almost closing up (the result, however, partly, of the flexuosity of the first ventral plait) the ' sinus respirationis.' The P. irrigua, although locally abundant, appears on the whole to be somewhat scarce, occurring more, however, so far as has hitherto been observed, in the south of Madeira, than the north. It inhabits the muddy and Marchantia-padded deposits of the damp, trickling rocks, in the shady ravines of intermediate altitudes, adhering likewise to the wiry roots of the coarse grasses which hang loosely in the constant drip of such localities. It was taken in great profusion by Mr. Lowe and myself, on various occasions, on the perpendicular face of lofty rocks on the right (or eastern) side of the Ribeira de Sta. Luzia, about two-thirds of the entire distance up, and therefore about one-third below the waterfall. Judging also from the Baron Paiva's material, he seems to have obtained it sparingly from the north of the island, a few examples being mixed up with his large batches of the P. Loweana and the P. vincta. Pupa deformis. Pupa Wollastoni, Lowe [nee Paiva, 1866], Ann. Nat. Hist. 81 (1867) Paiva [nee Id., 1866], Mon. Moll. Mad. 128 (1867) Habitat Maderam borealem, semel lecta ; a Bar one Castello de Paiva communicata. I am extremely sorry to be compelled to change the name of this remarkable Pupa, which was enunciated by Mr. Lowe in 1867 as the ' P. Wollastoni ; ' but that title having been pre- occupied by the Baron Paiva in the previous year for a subfos- sil species from Canipal, justice requires that the latter should take the precedence. It is true that the Baron, in his late Monograph, suppressed his previously-published name, in con- sideration of Mr. Lowe having subsequently selected the same, proposing, instead, for his ' P. Wollastoni^ the trivial one of canicalensis. But I can only add that in reality he had not MADEIRAN GROUP. 217 the power to do this, the universally acknowledged law of priority being unbending in its operation. The P. deformis (= P. Wollastoni, Lowe) was described from a unique example which was obtained by the Baron Paiva from the north of Madeira (he believes from the Ribeira do Inferno), and which was detected by myself amongst a large batch of the P. Loweana and vincta which he had transmitted to me for examination. At first sight it might almost be re- garded as a mis-shapen, or irregularly developed, monstrosity of the P. Loweana ; nevertheless if it be a truly normal represen- tative of its kind (concerning which I cannot but have some misgivings), it is thoroughly distinct from everything else which has hitherto been brought to light. Thus its short, thick, squarish, barrel-shaped form, and solid, rather coarsely striate surface, added to the unnaturally abrupt (and somewhat oblique) contraction of the spire beyond the second or third volutions (where it forms an obtuse, decorticated umbo), which latter rise up, each of them, into ' a blunt keel or ridge behind the deeply impressed subcanaliculated suture,' give it a character essen- tially its own. Still, I think that further material is absolutely necessary before it will be quite safe to regard the species (from the unique and curiously developed specimen which has been taken as the type) as correctly defined. 1 Pupa Loweana, n. sp. P. oblongo-ovata, sat dense striatula, subnitens, obscure fusco-umbrina (ssepius versus apicem plus minus albido-decorti- cata), interdum obscure fasciata; anfractibus convexiusculis, sutura impressa ; apertura auriformi, ringente, angulis rotun- datisj 5-plicata, sc. plicis 2 (exteriore majore) ventralibus, 2 (inferiore majore)columellaribus,et 1 palatali, ventrali exteriore columellarique inferiore magnis subaBqualibus, columellari supe- riore palatalique minoribus immersis subinconspicuis ; labro subincrassato reflexiusculo, denticulo ad sinum distincto intus prominulo, sinu (i.e. inter angulum plicamque ventralem) sphinctere crasso corneo cincto. Long. lin. lf-2. Var. ft. transiens. Vix minor, subfortius subremotiusque striata ; testa plerumque subpallidior ac paulo minus solida (interdum etiam subpellucida, conspicue pallidula), necnon evi- 1 In the < Zoological Kecord ' for 1867 the P. deformis (i.e. P. Wollastoni, Lowe) is assumed (vide p. 574) to belong to the group Alvearella ; but this certainly is not the case, Lowe's Alvearella having been expressly established to contain the strongly costate little forms which he described under the names abbreviata and gibba. Its affinities are unquestionably with the P. Loweana, Woll., and the iwigua, both of which fall into the section Liostyla, Lowe (which, however, is perhaps hardly separable from CharadroUa, Albers). 218 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. dentius fasciata, plica columellari superiore saepius submagis distincta. Pupa concinna, Paiva [nee Lowe, 1852], Mon. Moll. Mad. 127 (1867) Habitat Maderam, prgesertim borealem ; a Barone Castello de Paiva copiose communicata. The present large, well-defined, and normally somewhat dark Pupa, which was obtained abundantly by the Baron Paiva from the north of Madeira (I believe principally from the Boa Ven- tura and the Eibeira do Inferno), appears to have been con- founded latterly with the P. concinna, Lowe, from which nevertheless it is totally distinct. Indeed Mr. Lowe himself (evidently however from a mere superficial glance, and without actual comparison) fell into the error of identifying it with the latter species (which he had previously described with great accuracy) ; and it was therefore wrongly referred to the con- cinna by the Baron Paiva in his recent monograph. In reality it is larger and relatively broader than the P. concinna, as well as more ovate (or more widened posteriorly) and less closely striated ; its aperture is larger and more open, with the angle of the lip and the exterior ventral plait (instead of being dis- connected) united by a coarse and elevated corneous sphincter or rim, and with the lateral tooth proportionately rather less internally-thickened (or prominent), and therefore less completely closing-in the c sinus respirationis.' From its being invariably mixed-up, in the Baron Paiva's boxes, with the P. vincta, I conclude that in habits the P. Loweana is similar to that species, and that it was taken in the muddy drip of Marchantia-ipadded rocks at a comparatively low elevation ; in which respect I may remark that it differs mate- rially from the P. concinna, which is found in the higher altitudes, adhering to the broken sticks and small stones near the rocky, trickling streams. The ' var. /3. transiens, 1 which is on the average a trifle smaller, less solid, and of a paler hue (indeed occasional examples are quite pallid), may perhaps prove to be specifically distinct ; though I suspect that it is a mere local race of what I have regarded as the type. It was communicated by the Baron Paiva, but I have no note as to its precise locality. Pupa cassidula. Pupa cassidula, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 212 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 68. t. 16. f. 9-10 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 136 (1867) MADEIRAN GROUP. 219 Habitat Maderam ; in humidis editioribus, rarissima. The P. cassidula is a Pupa which appears to be extremely rare, and one which is perhaps less satisfactorily defined than any of the others. Nevertheless my examples, which are from the collection of Mr. Lowe, and which were taken by myself and the late Kev. W. J. Armitage at a rather high elevation (amongst vegetable detritus) at the base of lofty, perpendicular rocks in the Kibeira de Sta. Luzia, in the south of Madeira proper, a locality in which it has subsequently been met with by Mr. Watson, have I think sufficient peculiarity about them to establish the species as distinct from its allies ; though I must confess that I should be glad to see a large number, and in a more highly coloured condition, in order to test the accuracy of the diagnosis. The true affinities of the P. cassidula are, I imagine, with the P. Loweana, particularly with what I have defined as the 4 var. /3. transiens ; ' but it is paler, and a little more coarsely striated ; and the lateral denticle of its outer lip is somewhat more prominent internally, causing the sinus (which is appre- ciably smaller) to be less open, or more narrowly closed-in behind. Pupa concinna. Pupa concinna, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Pfeiff., M on. Hel. in. 544 (1853) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 212 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 65. t. 16. f. 11-12 (1854) Habitat Maderam editiorem sylvaticam ; in aquosis raris- sima. The P. concinna, which was well defined by Mr. Lowe in his original diagnosis, appears (as already stated) to have been confounded latterly, both by himself and others, with the larger and more ovate species which I have just enunciated under the name of P. Loweana. In reality however it is smaller and much more oblong (or less widened posteriorly) than the latter, and therefore in proportion a little more obtuse at the apex ; its surface is a trifle more coarsely and closely striated ; and its aperture has the first ventral plait not only more oblique, so as to close-in more completely (in conjunction with the relatively somewhat larger lateral denticle) the sinus, but likewise totally unconnected by a corneous sphincter with the angle of the lip. The habits also of the P. concinna appear to be different from those of the P. Loweana ; for whilst the latter haunts the dripping masses of Marchantia polymorpha which mat the rocks at a low elevation, the P. concinna occurs, on the con- trary, in almost the highest altitudes, where it is to be met 220 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. with adhering to the broken sticks and small stones near the minute trickling streams, as well as beneath damp moss. Under such circumstances it was first taken by myself, and subsequently by Mr. Lowe, on the 18th of July 1850, at the extreme head of the Eibeira de Joao Delgada ; and it was afterwards found by Mr. Lowe on the north side of the Pico Casado at the head of the Boa Ventura. In outline and size the P. concinna is in reality more nearly related to the P. laurinea ; nevertheless it is darker, as well as more densely and coarsely striated, than that species, and its two ventral plaits are more flexuose and oblique, or less vertical (causing the sinus to be even still more closed in), the external one being also more completely unconnected by even a rudimentary callosity with the angle of the lip. Pupa laurinea. Pupa laurinea, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. iii. (1853) Lowe, Proc. 'Zool. Soc.^ Lond. 209 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 64. t, 15. f. 31, 32 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 126 (1867) Habitat Maderam sylvaticam ; ad truncos Laurorum, inter muscos, degens. In statu semifossili juxta Cam^al reperitur. The P. laurinea is in some respects intermediate between the concinna and sphinctostoma. Indeed in its rather short, obtuse, cylindric-oval form and general size and proportions it almost coincides with the former; nevertheless it is a little wider (relatively), and more obese, than the concinna, as also less distinctly striate, and (on the average) a trifle more shining and brightly coloured, it being usually of a more or less clear olivaceo-yellowish brown and appreciably (often indeed con- spicuously) banded. Moreover its ' sinus ' is rather less de- cidedly closed-in behind (the result principally of the first ventral plait being more vertical in its direction, or less oblique), whilst anteriorly it is nearly always bounded by a more or less developed (though occasionally thin) corneous sphincter, be- tween the ventral plait and the angle of the lip. Indeed this sphincter not unfrequently assumes the shape of a nearly se- parated tuberculiform process, or transverse plait-like tooth ; and in a very few (exceptional) instances I have remarked it to be even obsolete. From the exceedingly variable P. sphinctostoma the lau- rinea differs mainly in its shorter, obtuser, and relatively broader form, and in its colour being of a clearer olivaceous brown, with the volutions (which are rather more striate) appre- MADEIRAN GROUP. 221 ciably banded. Its aperture too is not exactly similar, the sphincter, which joins the first ventral plait with the angle of the lip, being less thickened and differently shaped ; whilst the palatial plaits, which are so strongly developed (although deeply immersed) in the P. sphinctostoma, seem in the laurinea to be reduced (from three) to one, the upper and lower ones being apparently obsolete. From the P. Loweana the laurinea may be known by being, inter alia, rather paler and more shining (or less appreciably striate), and also more decidedly banded : its outline too is more oval (or less ovate), not being so much widened posteriorly ; its aperture is more produced downwards (instead of outwards) ; and the sphincter which connects the angle of the lip with the first ventral plait is usually very much less thickened or de- veloped. The P. laurinea occurs chiefly about the trunks of old laurels in the sylvan districts of intermediate altitudes. It has been taken by Mr. Lowe (and also more sparingly, by myself and others) in various places, such as the Eibeiro Frio, S. An- tonio, da Serra, and the Boa Ventura. In a subfossil state, it is not very uncommon at Canipal. Pupa Wollastoni. Pupa Wollastoni, Paiva, Crosse, Journ. de Conch. (Oct. 1866) canicalensis, Id., Mon. Moll. Mad. 131 (1867) Habitat Maderam, in stratu conchylifero ad Canipal semi- fossilis lecta ; recens hodie non observata. As already implied under the P. deformis, the present Pupa was enunciated by the Baron Paiva in October 1866 as the P. Wollastoni a name which he suppressed (in his Monograph) during the following year, in favour of a newly -suggested one (P. canicalensis), the title 6 Wollastoni'' having been inadvert- ently selected by Mr. Lowe for another member of the same genus after the publication of his (the Baron Paiva's) diagnosis in Crosse's Journ. de Conchyliologie. I need here therefore only repeat, that I have no option but to restore for the subfossil species from Canipal the name originally proposed for it by the Baron, the latter in reality not having the poiver to violate the acknowledged law of priority, which requires absolutely that a title once given, unless afterwards found to be either pre-occu- pied or utterly inappropriate, cannot under any circumstances be changed. I have therefore, in this instance, adhered to the name which was first given by the Baron Paiva, and have proposed a new one for the P. Wollastoni of Lowe. 222 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. The Pupa now under consideration, which has been ob- served hitherto only in a subfossil state at Caniyal, was cited by Mr. Lowe as the P. fusca ; but although its affinities are un- questionably, to a certain extent, with that species, I feel satis- fied that the two are not specifically identical, for not only is the P. Wollastoni considerably smaller than (and perhaps not quite so coarsely and thickly striated, at any rate posteriorly, as) the fusca, but it entirely wants the tumid volutions which are so eminently characteristic of that species ; and the lateral den- ticle of its lip is less developed or internally prominent. Added to which, the number of its whorls appears generally (as it seems to me) to be one less. But, in point of fact, the P. Wollastoni seems to be far nearer, unless indeed I am much mistaken, to what I would regard as the typical state (namely the ' fi. arborea ') of the P. sphinctostoma, of which it might almost be looked upon as a small, or depauperated, race. Nevertheless it differs from the latter in its comparatively diminutive size, and somewhat ob- tuser apex ; in its body-volution being nearly free from any indications of sculpture, whilst the succeeding ones are, on the contrary, more coarsely striate ; and in its lateral denticle being less developed. Pupa sphinctostoma, Helix sphinctostoma, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 63 (1831) Pupa sphinctostoma, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 335 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 209 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 64. t. 15. f. 29-30 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 124 (1867) Habitat Maderarn ; vel (var. a. rupestris) sub foliis emor- tuis Sempervivi tabulceformis, Haw., in rupibus maritimis cre- scentis, vel (var. /3. arborea) inter muscos atque sub cortice laxo in truncis Laurorum, latens. The P. sphinctostoma is perhaps the most difficult and in- constant of all the Maderan Pupce, and yet certainly it is one of the most truly indigenous ones, occurring in various situa- tions, and at diverse altitudes, throughout Madeira proper, to which island it seems to be peculiar. In a general sense it may be said to assume two opposite phases, which might well be re- garded as specifically distinct did they not pass into each other by almost imperceptible gradations. In the former of these (the ' var. a. rupestrisj Lowe) the outline is less parallel, or more attenuated towards the apex, the consistency is much MADEIRAN GROUP. 223 harder or more solid, the colour is darker, and the volutions are very much more coarsely ribbed or striate ; added to which the angle of the lip is more produced outwards into an ear-shaped process, and the plaits (the lower columellary one of which is usually more oblique, or less horizontal, in its direction) are rather more developed. This particular state seems to attain its maximum at a comparatively low elevation, and to occur principally (often in company with the P. fused and recto) about the roots and dead leaves of the Sempervivum tobulce- forme, and a few other plants, which stud the faces of the more or less dry and exposed rocks. Under such circumstances it frequently abounds in the north of the island, and indeed in many other districts, especially towards the coast. The second state (which is the ' var. /3. arboreaj Lowe) is characterized by the shell being altogether thinner, paler, more parallel, and much less coarsely striated ; the angle of the lip is less outwardly-prominent, and the lower plait of its columella is for the most part more horizontal (or less oblique). This is eminently the form of a somewhat higher altitude, and one which obtains more particularly within the sylvan regions where its habits are mainly arboreal and subcortical. It abounds, under this aspect, at the Ribeiro Frio, at S. Antonio da Serra, in the Ribeira de Santa Luzia, and indeed throughout the wooded districts generally. I am far from satisfied that these two normally opposite states (namely the ' a. rupestris and the ' yS. arborea ') may not in reality be specifically distinct; nevertheless since there is certainly an intermediate form which appears more or less (in colour, outline, and sculpture) to connect them, and since it was the opinion of Mr. Lowe that they are but different aspects of a single, plastic species, I will not attempt to treat them as separate, deeming it sufficient, for all practical purposes, to have called attention to the fact that the phases in question (whether specific ones or not) are to be noted, as being in the main easy to recognize. Under all circumstances the P. sphinctostoma is remark- able for its numerous and largely developed plaits, and for the extremely thickened corneous sphincter which unites the first ventral one with the angle of the lip ; and it is likewise (except in its aberrant, strongly-striated state) a linear, or cylindrical species. Pupa Isevigata. Pupa Isevigata, Loiue, Ann. Nat. Hist, ix (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 544 (1853) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 210 (1854) 224 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Pupa laevigata, Alb., Mai. Mad. 65 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 125 (1867) Habitat Maderam australem; in Rib. de Santa Luzia a meipso detecta. It is possible that this Pupa may represent but a rather large and aberrant, or even depauperated, state of the P. sphinctostoma, in which the plaits are reduced and the outline of the mouth is modified ; nevertheless I do not think that it would be at all safe to treat it as such. It seems to differ from the P. sphinctostoma, not only in being on the average some- what larger or more elongate, as well as a little more tapering towards its apex and more appreciably striated (at any rate more so than the normal phasis of that species, though not so much so as the ' var. a. rupestris ' which I cannot but think may prove eventually to be distinct), but likewise in its aper- ture being much more rounded (or less produced-outwards) at the angle of the lip, and with the tooth which bounds the ' sinus,' as well as all the plaits, much less developed. Indeed so far as the latter are concerned, the outer ventral one (which is unconnected with the angle by a corneous sphincter, or rim) is alone elongate and conspicuous, and even it is shorter, thinner, and more oblique than is generally the case in the various states of the P. sphinctostoma, the upper columellary and the upper and lower palatial ones being apparently obsolete ; whilst even the interior ventral, the lower columellary and the central palatial ones are small, inconspicuous, and deeply immersed. The only locality, so far as I am aware, in which the P. Icevigata has hitherto been observed is towards the head of the Ribeira de Santa Luzia, in the south of Madeira proper, where I have often met with it sparingly, in company with the large and pallid variety of the Clausilia crispa, beneath the dead and loosened bark of old laurel-trunks. Pupa recta, Pupa recta, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. iii. 543 (1853) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 210 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 65. t. 15. f. 33-36 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 129 (1867) Habitat Maderam; sub foliis aridis emortuis Sempervivi tabulceformis ad rupes maritimas, necnon interdum in rupiurn fissuris, hinc inde vulgaris. The elongate, parallel, cylindric form, and dark-brown (though obscurely banded), subopake, and densely (but very MADEIRAN GROUP. 225 minutely, obsoletely, and obliquely) striated surface of this large Pupa, added to its somewhat flattened volutions, and its rather open, laterally-rounded aperture, which has the whole five plaits except the first ventral one remote and immersed, and the lateral denticle but very slightly thickened or developed (causing the sinus to be rather wide and unclosed behind), and the first ventral plait connected with the angle of the lip by a corneous sphincter, will sufficiently separate it from its allies. The P. recta is a species which occurs almost exclusively, so far as I am aware, around the roots and amongst the dried leaves of the masses of the Sempervivum tabulceforme which stud the faces of the rocks, particularly towards the coast, in various districts of Madeira proper, though for the most part at a rather low elevation, and in the north of the island. In sucli situations it often abounds, in company with the P. fusca and the ' var. a. rupestris ' of the P. sphinctostoma, on the sea-cliffs below Sao Vicente and towards the Eibeira da Janella, and indeed along the whole range of the northern shore. Pupa macilenta. Pupa macilenta, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) recta, var. ., Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 543 (1853) macilenta, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 210 (1854) recta, var. ., Alb., Mai. Mad. 66 (1854) recta, var. a., Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 129 (1867) Habitat Desertam Grandem ; in rupium fissuris hinc inde congregans. (In Madera propria vix, nisi fallor, adhuc detecta.) Perhaps the present Pupa may be but a depauperated and less highly coloured state of the P. recta peculiar to the Deserta Grande, and as such it was originally regarded in doubt by Mr. Lowe ; nevertheless it differs from that species in being somewhat smaller, paler, thinner, and just appreciably more distinctly striate, in its ultimate volution being a trifle shorter, and in its two palatial plaits being greatly reduced in dimen- sions, the lower one indeed being obsolete, and even the upper one considerably narrower and more abbreviated. The denticle of its outer lip, also, is a little more apparent. Although stated by Mr. Lowe to have occurred likewise, though sparingly, in Madeira proper (it having been found there, according to him, by Mr. Leacock and myself), I cannot now recal any satisfactory evidence of its existence except on the Deserta Grande, where two dead specimens were first taken by Mr. Leacock in June 1 848 ; and where it was afterwards met with in profusion by myself and the late Eev. W. J. Armitage, on the 20th of January 1849, as also by Mr. Lowe and myself Q 226 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. in May 1850 and June 1855, within crevices and hollows of the red volcanic soil on the great western promontory of that island known as the ' Pedragal ' from whence it has likewise been obtained, more recently, by the Baron Paiva. 1 ( Craticula, Lowe.) Pupa fusca, Pupa fusca, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist, ix (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 558 (1853) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 211 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 66. t. 15. f. 37, 38 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 130 (1867) Habitat Maderam, prsesertim borealem ; sub foliis Semper- vivi tabulceformis, Haw., ad rupes submaritimas crescentis, hinc inde abundans. Although, like many of the Pupce, with a smaller and rather less parallel state, the P. fusca is, like the recta and macilenta, a cylindrical species. It is however (although occasional large examples approach those of the latter) smaller on the average than either of them, its volutions are much more tumid, or less flattened, its colour is darker, and its surface (although not exactly costate) is very much more coarsely, and a trifle less obliquely, striated. As regards its mouth, the lip is (as in the P. recta) rounded externally, and not sinuate, or nipped-in, at the denticle (which last, although not large and thick, is very sharply defined, and internally prominent) ; the angle is united with the first ventral plait by an incrassated corneous sphincter ; and of the six plaits which are more or less developed, the inner ventral, the lower columellary, and the upper palatial ones are subequal, whilst the upper columellary and the lower palatial ones are rudimentary and often almost obsolete. The habits of the P. fusca are precisely those of the recta, it being found beneath the dried leaves of the rounded masses of the Sempervivum tabulceforme which stud the faces of the rocks in various parts (particularly towards the north and west) of Madeira proper, frequently swarming in such situations along the whole line of coast below Sao Vicente, Eibeira da Janella, and Porto Moniz, as well as near Feijaa d'Ovelha and Ponta de Pargo. 1 I may add that several examples of an elongate, cylindrical Pupa were collected by Mr. Lowe and myself on the ascent from the landing-place at the extreme soutliern end of the Ilheo de Baixo, off Porto Santo, which we con- cluded at the time to belong to the P. macilenta, and which Mr. Lowe even cited as such. A recent comparison however of these specimens has shewn me that they are altogether distinct, and pertain in reality to a new and powerfully costate species, of the essentially Porto-Santan type, which I have described below as the P. relevata. MADEIEAN GROUP. 2V7 Pupa millegrana. Pupa millegrana, Loive, Ann. Nat. Hist, ix (1852) Pfw/F; M . Hel. iii. 558 (1853) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 211 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 66. 1. 15. f. 39, 40 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Molt. Mad. 132 (1867) Habitat Maderam, Desertam Grandem, et Desertam aus- tralem (' Bugio ') ; sub lapidibus aridis, necnon in rupium fissuris submaritimarum, sese occultans. In stratu conchylifero Canicalensi Maderse semifossilis reperitur. With the exception of the P. saxicola and linearis, this is the smallest of the Madeiran Pupce ; and in its dark-brown colour, linear outline, and tumid volutions, its prima facie aspect is precisely that of what might be supposed to be a very diminutive P. fusca. Apart however from its excessively minute size, it will be found on inspection to be relatively more coarsely, and not so closely, costate-striate ; its volutions appear to be not quite so numerous ; whereas its plaits are rather more so, or at any rate more developed. These latter are seven in number, namely 2 ventral (which may be almost said to be subequal), 2 columellary (the upper one of which is incon- spicuous), and 3 palatial (the central one being large), and which seem almost to fill up the inner cavity of the mouth. The P. millegrana occurs principally under stones and within the hollows of scoriae in dry and exposed places of a rather low elevation towards the coast. It has been found in the south of Madeira proper, and on the two Southern Desertas. On the Deserta Grande it was first taken by Mr. Leacock, in June 1 848, and subsequently by myself and the late Eev. W. J. Armitage in January 1849, as well as by Mr. Lowe and myself during May 1850 and June 1855. And a single example was met with by Mr. Lowe, at the last-mentioned date, on the Southern Deserta (or ' Bugio '). In a subfossil state, the P. millegrana is tolerably abundant near Canipal ; but I am not aware that it has yet been observed in the muddy deposits on the summit of the Southern Deserta. Pupa corneocostata, n. sp. P. relevatce affinis, sed paulo minor, minus elongata, et subremotius costata ; umbilico conspicue latiore ; anfractibus plerumque paulo magis evidenter subfasciatis (rarius omnino concoloribus), anfr. ultimo sensim subbreviore ; peristomate lato corneo subreflexo sed minus continuato (i. e. inter columel- lam et plicam ventralem exteriorem subinterrupto) necnon con- spicue minus exstanti aut minus relevato ; apertura mngis Q 2 228 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. sinuata auriformi (aut minus subrotundata) atque 7- (nee sub. 4-) plicata, sc. plica columellari superiore (tamen minuta) baud omnino obsoleta, necnon Ima et 3tia palatalibus paruin distinctis sed immersis. Long. lin. 1J vix 2. Var. /3. resticula. Paulo minus elongata ; peristomate inter columellam et plicam ventralem exteriorem magis corneo, in- srassato. Pupa ferrariae pars, Paiva [nee Lowe], Mon. Moll. Mad. 132 (1867) Habitat Portum Sanctum ; bine inde in rupium fissuris submaritimarum congregans. Ad ' Cabepo da Malbada,' in parte insulaB occidentali, sec. Barone Castello de Paiva, prse- cipue abundat. In stratu conchylifero, semifossilis, parce occurrit. The present Pupa migbt almost be regarded at first sight as a smaller or less elongated form of the P. relevata; and although I am by no means certain that this may not in reality be the case, I nevertheless think that it possesses features of sufficient importance to be treated as specifically distinct. Thus, in addition to its being shorter than (though at the same time quite as linear, or parallel, as) the P. relevata, it differs in its umbilicus being wider, or more open, and in its aperture being more ear-shaped or upwardly-sinuate, with the peristome not only less prominent (or less raised above the body-volution) but also less continuous, it being sub-inter- rupted between the columella and the outer ventral plait. Its colour too is of a less uniform cinereous-brown, the volutions, although sometimes equally concolorous, having a tendency in highly-coloured examples to be more or less obscurely fasciated ; and the plaits themselves, although deeply immersed, are a little more developed, the upper columellary one, although minute, being quite traceable, whilst the first and third pala- tial ones are likewise comparatively conspicuous ; thus causing the mouth to be better defined as 7- (than 4-) plicate. The ft (Pyramidula, Fitz.) * pygmsea, Drap. . . ... * nlacida. Shuttl. * # MADEIRAN GROUP. 283 MADEIRAN CATALOGUE (continued}. Pto. Sto. Mad. N. Des. Des. S. Des. (Acanthinula, Beck) Helix, Linn. (Vallonia, Bisso) pulchella, Mull. .... M # (Campylced) Beck) n portosanctana, Sow. a.* [normalis] .... n ft. cimensis, Woll. If ( CryptaxiS) Lowe) Vulcania, Lowe o. [normalis] .... d ft. desertae, Woll # leonina, Lowe o. intermedia, Woll. ^ ft. [normalis] .... M * undata, Lowe .... n (Katostomciy Lowe) * psammopJiora* Lowe * ph.lebopb.ora, Lowe a.* [normalis] .... g ft. planata, Lowe .... It ., 5. * craticulata, Lowe . ^ (Iberus, Montf.) Wollastoni, Lowe o. subdubia, Woll. ^ ft. * [normalis] .... ^ forensis, Woll. . % (Mitra, Alb.) * Webbiana, Lowe .... * (Leptaxis, Lowe) * clirysomela, Pfeiff. a. \normal\s\ .... % ft. (major) fluctuosa, Lowe * * membranacea, Lowe n * f urva, Lowe Jl erubescens, Lowe o. portosancti, Woll. * ft. * [normalis] .... ^ M 7. advenoides, Paiva g If 5. hyaena, Lowe . . . - - (Pomatia, Beck) aspersa, Mull _ * subplicata, Sow * (Ifelicomela, Lowe) * BarvdicMana, Fer. II if punctulata, Sow. o. * [normalis] . . . ft. * avellana, Lowe If (JBwpa/rypKd) Hartm.) pisana, Miill * X- (Xerophila, Held.) caperata, Mont. . armillata, Lowe .... ff 284 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. MADEIRAN CATALOGUE (continued}. Pto.sto. Mad. N. Des. Des. S. Des. (Plebecula, Lowe) vulgata, Lowe a. * [normalis] trifasciata, Lowe . * * # )8. (maxima) deserticola, Woll. tt 7. (major) giramica, Lowe # 5. (minor) pulchra, Paiva * . . * (minima) saxipotens, Woll. * nitidiuscula, Sow. a. * [normalis] lurida, Lowe * 0. * (pallida) ? Hartungi, Alb. # (Irus, Lowe) laciniosa, Lowe .... # # * depauperata, Lowe x * squalida, Lowe . . . ' . * * Latinea, Paiva * (Sjrirorbula, Lowe) * obtecta, Lowe .... ^ latens, Lowe * * paupercula, Lowe .... # * % * (Placentula, Lowe) compar, Lowe taeniata, W. et B maderensis, Wood . . . . spirorbis, Lowe .... N leptosticta, Lowe .... # * micromphala, Lowe * % * dealbata, Lowe .... * * fictilis, Lowe .... * (Aetinella, Lowe) lentiginosa, Lowe .... ^ % arcta, Lowe a. [normalis] .... 56 * ft. minor, Lowe .... * (Rimula, Lowe) * arcinella, Lowe .... * arridens, Lowe * n * f austa, Lowe * obserata, Lowe a. [normalis] . # )8. (subminor) * Hpartita, Woll. . * (Hispidella, Lowe) Armitageana, Lowe .... * (Gronostoma, Held.) actinophora, Lowe a. * [normalis] .... * * )8. * descendens, Woll. * (Caracollina, Beck) x n (Cheilotrema, Leach) * lapicida, Linn n (Callina, Lowe) * rotula, Lowe , r . ' V . * (Caseolus, Lowe) censors, Lowe o. * [normalis] . ' i * MADEIRAN GROUP. 285 MADEIRAN CATALOGUE (continued). Pto. Sto. Mad. N. Des. Des. S. Des. /3. * minor, Lowe .... # * calculus, Lowe .... n compacta, Lowe a. * major, Lowe .... ^~ )8. * [normalis] .... * # 7. * portosanctana, Lowe ^e- 5. * pusilla, Lowe .... # commixta, Lowe a. [normalis] .... # /3. * pusilla, Lowe * abject a, Lowe a. * [normalis] .... * * )8. * candisata, Menke , t 7. nesiotes, Woll * V sphasrula, Lowe a. * [normalis] .... ^ ft. * submajor, Lowe 4 7. major, Lowe .... * (Hystricella, Lowe) * ccMnoderma, Woll. * echinulata, Lowe .... * bicarinata, Sow. a. [normalis] .... # ft. * aucta, Woll * * vermetiformis, Lowe * turricula, Lowe a. pererosa, Woll # ft. [normalis] .... * * Leacockiana, Woll. * oxytropis, Lowe o. * [normalis] .... * ft. * subcarinulata, Woll. ^ (Turritella, Woll.) cheiranthicola, Lowe a. * [normalis] .... # j8. mustelina, Lowe X- (Eiecula, Lowe) * tetrica, Paiva .... n polymorpha, Lowe a. [normalis] . . ... * ft. * salebrosa, Lowe * * # * 7. * poromphala, Lowe . tt ^ n 5. * Pittas, Paiva .... II e. Alleniana, Paiva lincta, Lowe .... * 17. arenicola, Lowe * 6. Barbosae, Paiva . . M- i. * pulvinata, Lowe ^ K. * papilio, Lowe .... * A. * discina, Lowe n fj.. Gomesiana, Paiva M v. * attrita, Lowe | . X- tabellata, Lowe y * testudinalis, Lowe ' . ii (Tectwla, Lowe) Lyelliana, Lowe a. [normalis] - , * 286 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. MADEIRAN CATALOGUE (continited). Pto. Sto. Mad. N. Des. Des. S. Des. )8. gigas, Woll. . ' , . . n Albersii, Lowe '.-.; . . . # * Bulwerii, Sow. . . . * tectiformis, Sow. a. * [normalis] .... * /3. (fasciata) cingenda, Woll. M 7. (subfasciata) suffusa, Woll. K 5. * lAidovici, Alb. n (Craspedaria, Lowe) * delphimtla, Lowe a. [normaU*] . , .. * 0. planospira, Paiva . ,1 . . X- (Coronaria, Lowe) delphinuloides, Lowe . . "* . n K * coronula, Lowe .... # Grabhami, Woll. . . . . * Moniziana, Paiva . . . . % * tiarella, W. et B * (Lemniscia, Lowe) Michaudi, Desh. . * n galeata (Paiva), Lowe * Bulimus, Scopoli. (CocUicella, Risso) ventricosus, Drap * n # Stenogyra, Sh. decollata, Linn. .... 4 Pupa, Drap, (Tmncatellina, Lowe) * linearig) Lowe .... * microspora, Lowe .... n (Paludinella, Lowe limnaeana, Lowe . tt (Gastrodon, Lowe) f analensis, Lowe .... # umbilicata, Drap. o. [normalis] .... ^J- . anconostoma, Lowe . ^ * (Scarabella, Lowe) * cassida, Lowe .... t (lAostyla, Lowe) cheilogona, Lowe .... * vincta, Lowe * n deformis, Woll. .... M Loweana, Woll. a. [normalis] . ; . , * . transiens, Woll. , ; ^ cassidula, Lowe . concinna, Lowe . # * laurinea, Lowe * * Wollastoni, Paiva . * sphinctostoma, Lowe a. rupcstris, Lowe R )8. [normalis] arborea, Lowe * MADEIRAN GROUP. 287 MADEIRAN CATALOGUE- (continued). Pto. sto. Mad. N. Des. Des. S. Des. laevigata, Lowe .... # y macilenta, Lowe . . . ' ... . # (Oratieula, Lowe) - f usca, Lowe . . . ... # * millegrana, Lowe . . . . . .'- * ^ * corneocostata, Woll. a. * [normalis] . . . ..." * ft. resticula, Woll. . . -. . * relevata, Woll. . . . . * ferraria, Lowe , * degenerata, Woll. , * monticola, Lowe o. [normalis] .... n ft. pumilio, Woll # * calathiscus, Lowe .... * (Alvearella, Lowe) * abbreviata, Lowe .... * * gibba, Lowe * (Mattula, Lowe) * lamellosa, Lowe . . . . * (Stattrodon, Lowe) * saxicola, Lowe .... * Clausilia, Drop. crispa, Lowe o. [normalis] .... ft. * decolorata, Woll. . # 9 deltostoma, Lowe a. * raricosta, Lowe # ft. * [normalis] .... ^5- * # 7. obesiuscula, Lowe * S. depauperata, Lowe n n Balea, Pridx. perversa, Linn. .... * Achatina, Lam. (Aeieula, Kisso) M ^. ^. * eulima, Lowe . . , * fc 1 (CochUcopa, Fer.) lubrica, Miill. o. [normalis] .... * /8. maderensis, Lowe ff Lovea, Watson. (Ferussacia, Eisso) folliculus, Gron. .... Leacockiana, Lowe .... # (Fuftillus, Lowe) gracilis, Lowe , ! v * K x terebella, Lowe a. * (minor) subula, Lowe . . * ft. [normalis] . i. -,.;.'. ^ oryza, Lowe o. * [normalis] .... ft. (major) tubcrculata, Lowe * TESTACEA ATLANTICA. MADEIRAN CATALOGUE (continued). Pto. Sto. Mad. N. Des. Des. S. Des. * triticea, Lowe .... * (A'mphorella, Lowe) * melampoides, Lowe . , . ft tornatellina, Lowe w - 7. (intermedia) . . .- K ft j, mitriformis, Lowe a. maderensis, Lowe . . . ^ ft. * [normalis] .... H ft ft * producta, Lowe .... iridescens, Woll. .... t * (CylicJmidia, Lowe) ovuliformis, Lowe a. * [normalis] . " . ft. pseudopsis, Woll. , , ' . * cylichna, Lowe . . . v * ATTRICULIDJE, Pedipes, Adans. w Melampus, Montf. exiguus, Lowe * Auricula, Lam. aaqualis, Lowe o. rufocastanea, Woll. . . * X ft. (major) [normalis] . ft 7. Vulcani, Morel. * Watsoni, Woll. : . " . ' . ' . * ft Limnaea, Drop. truncatula, Mull ft Physa, Drap. ft Planorbis, Guett. glaber, Jeffr. . . ft Ancylus, Geoff r. striatus, Q. et G ft o. [normalis] .... * ft. depauperatus, Woll. ft CYCLOPHORID.E. Craspedopoma, Pfeiff. lucidum, Lowe a. * [normalis] ft ft ft. flavescens, Lowe 7. neritoides, Lowe - ,. . Monizianum, Lowe . Lyonnetianum, Lowe * trochoideum, Lowe MADEIRAN GROUP. MADEIKAN CATALOGUE (continued). 289 Pto. Sto. Mad. N. Des. Des. S. Des. TRUNCATELLIDJ3. Truncatella, Risso. n Lowei, Shuttl. , . g ASSIMINEIDJE. Assiminea, Leach, littorina, Dell. Chiaj. M HYDBOBIID-K. Hydrobia, Hcvrtm. similis, Drap. . . . . . * 290 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. III. SALVAGES. CONSIDERING that only a single species of the Terrestrial Mollusca, and seven of the marine ones which are supposed to exist as well in brackish water (where such is to be found) as in the actual sea have hitherto been brought to light on these remote and almost unapproachable rocks, it would appear at first sight absurd to devote a separate Section to their consideration ; yet since geographically the Salvages cannot be included within either the Madeiran or the Canarian archipelagos, and it is quite possible that other members of the Pulmonata may eventually be found to occur on one or the other of the two outlying islands which constitute this little oceanic assemblage (for the minute third one is absolutely inaccessible, and there- fore practically need not be taken into account), we may per- haps be pardoned if we venture to recognize them as a small but independent Group, intermediate both in situation and productions between those which lie immediately to the north and south of them. 1 It is to Mr. T. S. Leacock, of Funchal, that we are in- debted for almost our first knowledge of the Natural History of these distant rocks, a landing on both of them having been effected by him during the spring of 1851 ; and since that date small consignments of shells, insects, and plants have been obtained, from time to time, by the Baron Paiva, chiefly through the medium of the Portuguese fishing-boats which a,re now and then freighted from Madeira for the purpose of ga- thering orchil and barilla, with which most of the Atlantic islands more or less abound. The late Mr. Mac Andrew in 1852, visited the Salvages in his yacht ; but as his purpose was mainly to dredge for the marine species, he added nothing to 1 Although it does not come within my province in this volume to enter into anything beyond the Gastropodous statistics, I may nevertheless just add that the other members of the fauna, no less than the flora (as hitherto ascertained), bear testimony to the strictly intermediate character of the Salvages with respect to the Madeiras and Canaries, though at the same time implying most unmistakably that they partake far more of the pecu- liarities of the latter than of those of the former. SALVAGES. 291 our information concerning the Terrestial fauna, even whilst bringing away with him, like Mr. Leacock, from the southern island, or < Great Piton,' the only Helix which has yet been de- tected in the Group, namely that very remarkable variety of the H. pisana which was subsequently described by Mr. Lowe under the name of H. ustulata, and by Pfeiffer under that of MacAndrewiana, but which in reality merges so completely into the ordinary pisana-tjpe that it is quite impossible to uphold it as specifically distinct. 1 The two uninhabited islands of which this intermediate Group is made up (for, as just stated, the third one, or ' Little Salvage,' which is said to be low and with an appreciable amount of vegetation, must be dismissed as altogether and hopelessly inaccessible) are the northern or larger one, known as the ' Great Salvage,' and the southern or smaller one (separated from the former by a channel of about eleven or twelve miles in breadth), called the ' Great Piton.' The Great Salvage con- tains the largest superficial area ; and the landing there, in a certain cove, when the sea is tolerably calm, although more or less dangerous, is by no means impracticable. But the Great Piton (which, from a distance, appears like a gigantic ruin, or castle, rising out of the ocean) seems to be the more interest- ing, and was described by Mr. Leacock as a rocky cone covered rather thickly with vegetation, and resting upon a sandy base. I need scarcely mention that it is chiefly on this ' sandy base ' that the Helix pisana, with its most beautiful and character- istic varieties, more particularly abounds ; and one can hardly believe that the densely clothed cone, if carefully searched, would not be found to harbour something equally curious in the way of Terrestrial Mollusks. At any rate, judging from the analogy of the Beetles, which, although Canarian in their affinities, are nearly all of them peculiar, we may expect that this would be the case ; though the opportunities for reaching spots which are thus isolated, and difficult of access, must ever remain so ex- tremely exceptional that it is impossible to look forward to a thorough investigation of the Salvages as coming within the range of even a remote probability. 1 I may just mention that a landing on the Great Salvage was attempted by Mr. Gray and myself, on the 6th of January, 1858, when we were bound for the Canaries in his yacht, the ' Miranda ' ; but the sea was running so high at the time that no boat could have approached the cliffs nearer than within a stone's throw without the utmost risk. Nevertheless we did our best to accomplish what we so much desired, though the inhospitable aspect of the rocks as we neared them made us anything but reluctant to pull back again to the vessel and resume our voyage to Teneriffe. 202 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Sectio I. INOPERCULATA. Earn. 1. HELICIDJ:. Gentis 1. HELIX, Linne ( EupaTyplia, Hartm.) 1. Helix pisana. Helix pisana [var.], Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 60 (1774) ustulata, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 114 (1852) MacAndrewiana, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 625 (1853) ustulata, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 171 (1854) MacAndrewiana, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 71 (1867) Habitat ins. Salvages ; in aridis calcariis, abundans. The particular Helix which represents at the Salvages the European H. pisana has so remarkable an aspect that it might well be regarded, at first sight, as specifically distinct. And indeed both Dr. Pfeiffer and Mr. Lowe have thus disposed of it, the former under the name of H. MacAndrewiana, and the latter under that of H. ustulata ; yet I am satisfied, after a very careful consideration, that it does not possess fea- tures of sufficient importance to warrant its being treated as separate 4ts peculiarity of sculpture being in exact accordance with that of the pisana, whilst even its coloration (beautiful though it be) is not more singular than what obtains in certain of the other permanent (but undoubted) varieties of the latter. In- deed, apart from colour, we can merely define it as (on the average) a little thinner and more globose than is usual in the more northern type, its basal whorl being a trifle more inflated, and therefore utterly free from every trace of a keel. But these points, as well as its nearly closed-up perforation, are all paral- leled in recognised states, and examples, of the pisana ; and we have nothing, therefore, left for us to fall back upon but its very remarkable hue ; whilst even this ceases to be dis- tinctive when I mention that there are two well-marked phases of the shell on the Salvages, one of which is pure white with only the peristome rosy, and that this so closely resem- bles the ordinary pallid one of the pisana that, after acciden- tally mixing them together, I have experienced the greatest difficulty in re-separating them in accordance with their respec- tive habitats. I have already mentioned, however, that the normal aspect of this elegant Salvages shell is most extraordinary, the examples which are not white being more or less suffused SALVAGES. 293 with a pinkish, or lilac, tint, whilst the whorls (at any rate from the dorsal line upwards) are for the most part densely ornamented with narrow spiral bands of a browner hue ; though with the nucleus itself prominent, and (like the peristome) more decidedly rosy. Fam 2. AURICULID^E. G-enus 2. PEDIPES, Adans. 2. Pedipes afra. Le Pietin, Pedipes, Adans., Hist, du Seneg. 11. t 1. f. 4 (1757) Helix afra, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. part 6 (1790) Pedipes afra, Lowe, Zool. Journ. v. 296 (1835) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 218 (1854) afer, Drouet, Faun. Acor. 169 (1861) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 153 (1867) Habitat Salvagem Grandem ; sub lapidibus, sestu maris sub- mersis, vulgaris. The Pedipes afra, which is so common in the Madeiran archipelago, and which occurs also at the Azores as well as on the coast of Africa, is abundant on the sea-washed rocks at the Great Salvage, from whence it has been obtained by the Baron Paiva. The examples from the Salvages do not appear to differ from those of Madeira. Genus 3. MELAMPTTS, Montf. 3. Melampus exiguus. Melampus exiguus, Lowe, Zool. Journ. v. 291 (1835) Auricula exigua, Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 218 (1854) Melampus exiguus, Pfeiff., Mai. Bldtt. xiii. 133 (1866) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 150 (1867) Habitat Salvagem Grandem ; in locis similibus ac prsece- dens, et una cum illo degens. Examples of the Madeiran M. exiguus were obtained by the Baron Paiva from the Great Salvage, where it appears to occur, in company with the Pedipes afra, the ' var. 7. albes- cens ' of the Auricula cequalis, the A. Watsoni, the Trunca- tella truncatula, and the Assiminea littorina, on sea-washed rocks. I can detect no difference between the Salvages speci- mens and those from Madeira, except perhaps that the roseate, or somewhat lilac, tint is, on the average, a little more strongly expressed in them. 294 TESTACEA ATLANT1CA. Genus 4. AURICULA, Lam. 4. Auricula sequalis. Melampus aequalis, Lowe, Zool. Journ. v. 288. t. 13. f. 1-5 (1835) Auricula aequalis, Id.,Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 217 (1854) Vulcani, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 207. t. 5. f. 8 (1860) Marinula sequalis, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 151 (1867) Auricula Vulcani, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 135 (1872) aequalis, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 220 (1876) Habitat per oras maritimas insulae Majoris ; ad rupes sestu maris quotidie submersas copiosissime adhserens. The particular form which this common Auricula assumes at the Salvages, and which may perhaps be identical with the A. Ferminii, Payr., is slightly different from that which is so abundant in the Madeiran archipelago ; and as I have already characterised it (as the ' var. 7. albescens ') at p. 267 of this volume, I need scarcely do so afresh. Suffice it to observe that the A. cequalis is appreciably paler here than it is at the Madeiras, as well as (relatively) a trifle longer, slenderer, and more opake ; and its surface is, for the most part, a good deal eroded, or eaten-into, much as in the A. Paivana. I have ex- amined a perfect multitude of specimens, which were obtained from the Great Salvage, and I find that these small differen- tial features (however unimportant) are well-nigh invariable ; but as one or two examples which are now before me, and which were communicated by Mr. Watson, appear to be on the ordinary Madeiran type, and a few out of my own assort- ment are likewise connective, I am not able to register the ' var 7. albescens ' as the only phasis of the shell which is found on these remote rocks. Still, it is quite evident that it is the prin- cipal one, and that the rather darker and more ventricose form is at the Salvages the rarer of the two. The occasional thickening of the outer lip is about as often traceable (however seldom) in the 'var. 7. albescens' as it is in the ordinary type. 5. Auricula Watsoni. Auricula myosotis, Watson [nee Drap.~], Journ. de Conch. 220 (1876) Watsoni, Woll., vide ante, p. 269 huj. operis. Habitat insulam Majorem ; una cum A. cequali commixta, sed multo rarior. SALVAGES. 295 This appears to be by far the rarest of the three Auriculas which have been detected hitherto at the Salvages, the few examples which I have seen having been partly received from the Baron Paiva, and partly separated by myself from a mass of the . . . Gomera gravida, Mouss. ..,.*.. '.: V ..... . Fuerteventura desculpta, Mouss. .... Fuerteventura semitecta, Mouss. . ,--:> - Gomera merita, Mouss. . . . . Gomera indiflferens, Mouss. . . . Hierro rnultigranosa, Mouss. . . . Gomera morata, Mouss. .... Fuerteventura multipunctata, Mouss. . . . Fuerteventura Bulimus indifTerens, Mouss. . . . Grand Canary Pupa macrogyra, Mouss. . ^ * . Gomera. In addition however to these 13 species which must be looked upon practically (at any rate for the present) as having passed away, it will be seen by a reference to the local cata- logue given at the close of this Section that about 30 others, out of the 189, have been collected also in a state which may be regarded as more or less ' subfossilized ;' but, as mentioned at p. 63 (when commenting on the extinct fauna of the Ma- deiras), I place so little reliance upon these so-called ' subfossil' individuals, many of which have often appeared to me to be scarcely more than bleached and decorticated ones, that I shall not attempt to draw any deductions concerning them. Indeed until the several islands have been much more perfectly investi- gated, I cannot but think that this would be both premature and useless ; though as the nature of the beds (whether calca- reous or muddy) in which the specimens are usually to be procured are exactly analogous to those of the Madeiran archi- pelago, we may be pretty certain that whatever conclusions can be safely arrived at from Madeiran data (which have been altogether more accurately accumulated) will apply equally, so far as the geological aspects of the question are concerned, to the other islands. I have therefore considered it sufficient, in the present remarks, to call attention to the few forms which have not yet been brought to light except subfossilized. Although without much signification, in the very imperfect state of our present knowledge concerning the conchy liferous deposits in the Canarian Group, I have nevertheless in the topo- graphical list at the close of this Section prefixed an asterisk (*) to those species which have been found likewise in a more or less subfossil condition ; and in those instances where the species have been observed only subfossilized (under which circurn- x 2 303 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. stances they must be looked upon practically as extinct) the names have been printed, additionally, in italics. Sectio I. INOPERCULATA. Earn. 1. LIMACID.E. Genus 1. UMAX, Linne. Umax canariensis. Limax antiquorum, Ledru [nee Fer., 1821], Voy. 1. 186 (1810) canariensis, d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 47. t. 3. f. 1-3 (1839) Bourguignat, Amen. Mai. 11 (1859) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 6 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem, et TenerifFam (sec. d'Orbigny) ; a DD. Webb et Berthelot lectus. I have not seen this Limax ; but, judging from d'Orbigny's diagnosis, its almost uncarinated body would perhaps tend to place it near to the L. agrestis, L. It appears to have been taken by MM. Webb and Berthelot in Grand Canary and TenerifTe ; and d'Orbigny's diagnosis of it is as follows : ' Cor- pore elongate, graciliter albo-griseo, nigro-maculato, supra ru- goso-striato, antice brevi, postice elongatissimo conico sub- acuminato ; pallio irregulariter rugoso ; carina subnulla, retro solummodo signata.' Limax polyptyelus. Limax cinereus, Ledru [nee Mull., 1774], Voy. 1. 186 (1810) carinata, d'Orb. [nee carinata, Leach, 1820], in W. et B. Hist. 47. t. 3. f. 4-8 (1839) polyptyelus, Bourguignat, Amen. Mai. 11 (1859) Mouss.y Faun. Mai. des Can. 6 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem, et Teneriffam ; hinc inde in humidis. This is an acutely carinated, somewhat compressed little slug, which seems to have been found by MM. Webb and Berthelot in damp places near Sta. Cruz in Teneriffe. It was met with by myself in the upper part of the region of El Monte in Grand Canary, close to the village of San Mateo ; but, sin- gularly enough, my examples were in a dried state, picked from off a white-washed wall, where the lime would appear to CANARIAN GROUP. 309 have arrested their progress and caused them to adhere. M. d'Orbigny's diagnosis of the species is as follows : ' Corpore elevato, compresso, griseo-cseruleo, supra rugoso sulcato, pallio oblongo rugoso medio-elevato ; carina elevata secante.' According to Mousson, M. Mabille has recently proposed (Rev. Zool. 143; 1868) a new genus, Lallemantia, for this slug, the characters however of which would seem to be in- sufficient. Limax noctilucus, Limax noctilucus (d'Orb), Fer., Hist. 1 1 . 70. t. 2. f. 8 (181 9) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 7 (1872) Habitat 6 Teneriffam ' (sec. d'Orb. olim) ; sed species valde dubia. It is not without some hesitation that I admit this species into the Canarian catalogue ; because M. d'Orbigny, on whose authority it would seem to have been originally introduced (in 1819) into Ferussac's work, makes no allusion to it whatsoever in his subsequent enumeration (in 1839) of the Mollusca of the Canaries. It is highly probable therefore that he had some actual reason for supposing that either the diagnosis or the asserted habitat was inaccurate ; though if this was really the case he ought to have stated plainly what the evidence was on which it was allowed to appear in the ( Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques.' Still, the fact remains that it is both described and admirably figured in the latter magnificent publication, and that nothing has yet been placed on record to call in question its claims to be (as it professes) truly Teneriffan. Yet the complete silence of M. d'Orbigny concerning it in his after-list, and the circumstance that it was established pro- fessedly on a unique example (said to have been taken beneath dead leaves in the mountains of Teneriffe) are points, so far as they go, to cast a decided suspicion on the species, whether as regards its Canarian origin or the truthfulness of its diagnosis. Moreover it is not said by whom the L. noctilucus was cap- tured; for, as it was published in 1819, it clearly could not have been by d'Orbigny himself, whose sojourn in the Cana- rian archipelago did not take place until 1826. The great distinctive feature of this slug, a feature which, if true, would certainly entitle it, as Mousson has well observed, to generic separation, consists in the fact of its being sup- posed to possess a mucous disk on the hinder edge of its shield, which has the power of emitting a strong phosphorescent light ; but how far this character is absolutely to be depended upon, it remains yet to be proved. 310 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A, Fam. 2. TESTACELLID-E. Genus 2. PLECTROPHORUS, Ferussac. Plectrophorus Orbignii. Plectrophorus Orbignii, Fer., Hist. 11. 87. t. 6. f. 7 (1819) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 7 (1872) Habitat ' Teneriffam ' (sec. d'Orb. olim) ; sed mihi non obvius. The present slug demands exactly the same strain on our credulity as the Limax noctilucus does, for, like that species, it was both described and figured (in 1819) in Ferussac's ' His- toire Naturelle des Mollusques,' as Teneriffan, on the authority of M. d'Orbigny, who nevertheless made no sort of allusion to it in his subsequent Canarian catalogue issued in 1839! We are almost driven therefore to conclude that d'Orbigny must have had some particular reason for refusing admission to it in the portion of Webb and Berthelot's publication which he undertook to compile; yet since he ignores the subject alto- gether, and the diagnosis still remains uncommented upon, and uncancelled, in the great work of Ferussac, I scarcely see how we can exactly pass it over, even though the silence of M. d'Orbigny may appear somewhat ominous as regards its true Teneriffan claims. The most salient character for which the P. Orbignii would seem to be conspicuous (but which appears identical with the main feature of the Testacellas) is the presence of a small external Ancylus-like, crochet-shaped shell which is carried on the hinder region of its body, at a short distance from the tip, between which and the posterior edge of the shield there is a rough dorsal band. The animal however is said distinctly to possess a shield, which Testacella does not. G-enus 3. TESTACELLA, Cuvier. Testacella Maugei. Testacella Maugei, Fer., Tabl. Syst. 26 (1821) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 40 (1831) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 163 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 143 (1860) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 6 (1867) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 11 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem, et Teneriffam ; in hortis cultis- CANARIAN GROUP. 311 que inferioribus parce occurrens. In Canaria Grandi etiam semifossilis, juxta Tafira, cepit Kevdus. R. B. Watson. It was from Canarian examples that the T. Maugei was originally described ; nevertheless the species does not appear to be very abundant in the archipelago, nor am I aware that it has been observed hitherto except in Grand Canary and Tene- riffe. Indeed it is far from impossible that it may have been naturalized in these islands ; though since an example which is now before me, and which was met with by Mr. Watson near Tafira in Grand Canary, is unmistakeably subfossilized, there is at least presumptive evidence that it is truly indigenous. It is found likewise in the Madeiran and Azorean archipelagos, as well as in central and southern Europe and northern Africa. The shell of the T. Maugei is rather thick, ancyliform, and robust ; and externally it is opake and more or less eroded and decorticated, of a pale yellowish-olivaceous hue, and with the lines of growth irregular but conspicuous, a few of them, which are usually more or less filled up with a brownish deposit, being deeper and coarser than the rest. Internally, however, it is whitish, shining, and pearly, reflecting sometimes a faint opaline lustre ; and its aperture, which is enormous and oblong, has its curvature a little interrupted by a slight sinuo- sity, or emargination, at the upper angle of the outer lip. The animal, which tapers anteriorly and is unprovided with a shield, is of a livid-black, with the edge of the pedal disk (as seen from above) of a pale salmon colour which shades-off gradually, by means of a number of minute specks, into the darker upper-surface. It is much roughened with irregular grooves or coarse reticulations, and carries its limpet-like shell (which covers the respiratory orifice) immediately above its apical region. Testacella haliotidea. Testacella haliotidea, Drap., Tabl. des Moll. 99 (1801) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 40 (1831) W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 49 (1839) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 163 (1854) ,. , Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 5 (1867) Mouss.,Faun. Mai. des Can. 1 1 (1872) Habitat ' Canariam Grandem ' (sec. Webb et Berthelot) ; mihi non obvia. According to Webb and Berthelot the European T. halio- 312 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. tidea occurs in Grand Canary; nevertheless, considering the confusion which existed, at the time of the publication of their catalogue, in the nomenclature of the Testacellas, and bearing in mind also the extreme looseness of many of their determina- tions, I cannot but agree with Mousson in doubting the pro- priety of admitting this species, without further evidence, into the fauna of the archipelago at all. Nevertheless since it has occurred undoubtedly at Madeira (perhaps imported acci- dentally from more northern latitudes), I will not absolutely expunge it from the Canarian list. Genus 4. PARMACELLA, Cuvier. Parmacella calyculata. Parmacella calyculata, Sow., Gen. of Shells, f. 103 (1823) Cryptella canariensis, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28 syn. 110 (1833) ambigua, d'Orb. [nee Fer.~\, in W. et B. Hist. 50. t. 1. f. 1-12 (1839) Parmacella calyculata et auriculata, Mouss., 1. c. 8. t. 1. . f. 1-3 (1872) Habitat Lanzarotam et Fuerteventuram ; hinc inde in mon- tibus haud infrequens. After a very careful comparison of a long array of indi- viduals of this Parmacella, collected by Mr. Lowe and myself in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, I have come to the conclusion that Webb and Berthelot were correct, as well as d'Orbigny, in recognizing but a single species, found in those two eastern islands of the Group, and consequently that Mousson's P. auri- culata cannot be looked upon as more than, at the utmost, a very slight and unimportant insular phasis, peculiar to Fuerteventura, of the P.. calyculata. Indeed the few diag- nostic characters which he gives (and he himself says of them ' sont a la verite faibles ') seem to me to be absolutely untrace- able in the majority of the examples which are now before me, all that can be said of the Fuerteventuran ones being that they have their spatula, on the average, a trifle shorter and more solid (or thickened) than is the case in those from Lanzarote, the mere result in all probability of their having been matured on a still drier and more calcareous soil. I will, however, so far recognize their distinctions as to cite them as representing a ' var. 0. auriculata. 9 This Parmacella, which we found more common in Lanza- rote than in Fuerteventura, occurs, so far at least as my own experience would imply, at a rather lofty elevation ; though it CANARIAN GROUP. 313 is more usually to be met with, perhaps, dead than alive, under which circumstances the specimens are often altogether separated from (or devoid of) their spatula. It was originally found by Webb in the Malpais (or ancient lava-current) of the Montana de la Corona, in the north of Lanzarote ; and indeed the greater number of our own examples were obtained at no considerable distance from that particular spot, namely over- looking the Salinas, and on the heights above Haria. It would seem to have been collected also by Fritsch, in both islands. Farmacella callosa. Parmacella callosa, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 10 (1872) Habitat Fuerteventuram ; a Dom. Fritsch semel tantum lecta. A single example of a Parmacella, which was found by Fritsch in Fuerteventura, was employed by Mousson to indicate a new species under the name of P. callosa ; nevertheless he himself appears to have had grave doubts as to whether it should be regarded in reality as more than an accidental, or individual, variety, shewing an unusual amount of thickening, the result of age, and a chance deterioration of its nucleus. 'Je considere,' says he, < cette espece, jusqu'a de nouvelles in- formations, comme tres sujette a caution. Le nucleus differe de ceux des Parmacelles, a moins de n'etre qu'accidentellement depourvu de son test exterieur ; la spatule est remplie d'un depot calcaire ; le bord droit s'insere directement sur le cote du nucleus, le bord gauche forme a la base du nucleus un arc plus releve et dilate que dans les deux autres especes [according to me, only one]. Peut-etre toutefois ces differences n'indiquent elles qu'un etat senile, modifie par la deterioration du nu- cleus et par des exsudations insolites.' Tarn. 3. VITBJNID^J. Genus 5. VTTRINA, Draparnau 7 . Vitrina Lamarckii. Helicolimax Lamarckii, Fer., Prodr. 21 (1821) Vitrina Lamarckii, Fer., Hist. ii. 69. t. 9. f. 9 Teneriffse, Quoy et Gaim., Voy. de VAstrol. ii. 142. t. 13. f. 4-9 (1832) Lamarckii, W. et J?., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 311 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 53 (1839) 314 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Vitrina Lamarckii, Pfeiff., Mon. Eel. ii. 506 (1848) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 12 (1872) Lamarcki, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 19 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam, et (sec. Mousson) Palmam et Hierro ; in sylvaticis intermediis humidis prsecipue degens. This usually large Vitrina is the universal one throughout the sylvan regions of Teneriffe ; but I am not positive that I have myself observed it in any of the other islands of the Group, though it is stated by Mousson to occur both in Palma and Hierro. 1 In Teneriffe however it is tolerably general, at intermediate and rather lofty altitudes, having been met with by Mi'. Lowe and myself about the Vueltas above Taganana, at the Agua Grarcia, near Ycod el Alto, and in many other spots. As implied at p. 78 of this volume, the V. Lamarckii would seem to take the place in (at all events) Teneriffe of the V. nitida at Madeira ; and indeed there can be no doubt that the two species have a good deal in common. Nevertheless I feel assured that they are not absolutely identical ; from which it follows, that if the Canarian one is to be accepted as the type of Ferussac's Helicolimax Lamarckii (which appears to be inevitable, inasmuch as it was recorded in the original diagnosis as having come from Teneriffe), the Madeiran one (although known hitherto, unfortunately, in Mr. Lowe's works, as the * V. Lamarckii, Fer.') must be quoted by the next name (in the order of priority) under which it was described ; and that title is (as has already been shewn) the ' nitida,' of Gould. Judging from a considerable series which I have inspected, I should say that the V. Lamarckii, proper, is, on the average, a rather larger and flatter shell than the Madeiran V. nitida, with its aperture even relatively still more developed (or out- wardly-produced, and elongated), and with its spire (which has at least half a volution less) more depressed, and the left-hand margin of its peristome, adjoining the columella, much more broadly, and decidedly, membraneous. From which it will be seen, that in some of its characters it would appear to make a slight approach, at first sight, to the V. ruivensis of the Ma- deiran archipelago, whilst in others (as just stated) it resembles the nitida ; a circumstance which may perhaps account for Mr. Lowe having regarded it, successively, as identical with them both, referring it, under the title ' V. Teneriffce, Q. et Gr.' to the former, and under that of ' V. Lamarckii, Fer.' 1 I say 'positive,' because the examples in my collection from Hierro which were referred by Mousson to the V. Lamarckii appear to me to belong most unmistakeably to the V. latebasis ; and I am not aware that there is any other evidence for the existence of the V. Lamarckii in Hierro except that which is supplied by my own material. CANARIAN GROUP. 315 (which he did not seem to recognize was one and the same thing with the Teneriffce) to the latter. Vitrina canariensis. Vitrina canariensis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 12. pi. 1. f. 10-12 (1872) Pfei/-, Man. Hel. vii. 19 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam (? ), Palmam (?), et Hierro ; in locis similibus ac prsecedens. This is a smaller or more rounded, or globose, shell than the V. Lamarckii, with the nucleus a little more prominent, or less depressed, and the columellary border of the aperture furnished with a narrower membrane. I met with it sparingly in Hierro ; and although Mousson records it from both Teneriffe and Palma, on the authority of specimens supposed to have been taken by myself, I cannot but think that he has fallen into some error as regards his habitats, for it seems to me that my examples from at all events the latter of those two islands belong in reality to the V. latebasis, whilst those from the former are anything but typical ones. Mousson speaks of the V. canariensis as the commonest, and most widely spread, of all the Vitrinas in this archipelago (' la plus repandue de toutes ') ; but certainly that is not in accordance with my own experience. Vitrina reticulata. Vitrina reticulata, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 14. pi. 1. f. 13-15 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 20 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; a cl. Eeiss parcissime reperta. This is the only Canarian Vitrina which I have not myself met with; and it is one which. I have had no opportunity of inspecting. It seems to be the smallest of them all, extremely rare, and observed hitherto merely in Teneriffe, in which island it was found by Eeiss. The peculiarity of its sculpture would appear to be its main distinctive feature : ' Cette sculpture,' says Mousson, fi tres-rare dans les Vitrines, se compose de stries d'accroissement fines, mais assez prononcees, et, sous une bonne loupe, de fines lignes decurrentes, qui sur le contour sont presque aigues, par contre plus faibles a la base, le long de la suture et vers le bord exterieur de 1'ouverture.' Vitrina latebasis. Vitrina latebasis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 13. pi. 1. f. 4-6 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 20 (1876) 316 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat Palmam, et Hierro ; in humidis sylvaticis editiori- bus prsecipue gaudens. The present Vitrina is, on the average, smaller, and a little paler, than the V. Lamarckii, its spire is a trifle more de- pressed, its aperture is relatively not quite so large, and its lower lip is not so broadly and conspicuously membraneous. But the character by which it seems to me to be the most easily separated consists in the fact of its nucleus (or apical volutions) being always more or less sculptured with (often very conspicuous) radiating costse, which are strongly expressed in the examples from Palma, though rather less so in those from Hierro. The V. latebasis would appear to stand in much the same relation to the Lamarckii as the V. marcida, Gould (or media, Lowe) does, in the Madeiran Group to the nitida, Gould (the Lamarckii, Lowe, nee Fer,). Indeed, in their reduced stature and somewhat paler hue, the V. latebasis and the Porto-Santan V. marcida have a good deal in common ; nevertheless the former is a little more decidedly flattened as regards its spire, its lower lip is less broadly membraneous, and its apical volu- tions are sculptured (as just mentioned) with radiating, and often granulated, costse. This Vitrina was met with by Fritsch in Palma, and by Mr. Lowe and myself in that island and Hierro. I possess indeed a few examples, taken in the wood of Las Mercedes in Teneriffe, which, from their small size and pallid hue, might well be supposed to belong to the V. latebasis ; but since I can detect no traces of radiating costae about their (nevertheless granulated) nucleus, I think perhaps it would scarcely be safe to treat them as conspecific with those from Palma and Hierro. My Palman examples are from the Barranco de Agua, the Barranco de Galga, and the Barranco de Herradura, as well as from Barlovento and about the Vueltas leading up to the Cumbre above Buenavista ; whilst the Hierro ones are from the sylvan district of El Golfo. 1 Vitrina Blauneri. Vitrina Blauneri, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 138 (1852) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 14. pi. 1. f. 7-9 (1872) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 20 (1876) 1 I possess two exceedingly young individuals of the V. latebasis, taken on the Cumbre in Palma, which at first sight it somewhat puzzled me to identify. They are so extremely minute as to consist only of the nucleus ; and as that particular portion of the shell is sculptured (as just stated) with oblique radiating costae, their prima facie appearance is very peculiar. CANARIAN GROUP. 317 Habitat Canariam Grandem, Teneriffam, et Palmam ; bine inde (praesertim in Can aria Grandi) sub lapidibus. According to my own experience, this Vitrina is essentially characteristic of Grand Canary, in which island it was taken by Mr. Lowe and myself, not uncommonly, and more sparingly by Mr. Watson. It is however recorded by Mousson to have been obtained by Blauner (who met with a single example of it) in Teneriffe, and by Fritsch in Palma. Although in its size, form, and hue it bears a considerable resemblance at first sight to the latebasis, the V. Blauneri is nevertheless a very distinct species, its shell (which is muijh depressed, though without any minute costse at the nucleus) being a trifle more solid, and somewhat less transparent, than in the other Vitrinas, with the aperture proportionally smaller, and the lower lip of the peristome almost free from any appearance of lateral membrane, but dilated at its insertion into a small but appreciable lamella which covers the place of the umbilicus, and which is continued (as a just perceptible thickening) across the body-volution to the insertion of the upper lip. In which last-mentioned characters it recedes, ac- cording to Mousson, from the true Vitrinas, and makes a slight approach towards the perforated Daudebardias. 1 Fam. 4. HELICIDJE. Genus 6. HYALINA, Gray. ( Lyra, Mousson.) Hyalina circumsessa. Helix circumsessa, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 139 (1852) Pfdff., Mon. Hel. iii. 102 (1853) Patula circumsessa, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 26 (1872) Helix circumsessa, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 173 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam et Palmam, prsecipue illam ; in sylva- ticis intermediis vulgaris, sed quoque in locis etiam inferioribus minus frequens. 1 I may just state that I reject altogether the V. fasciolata, Fer., from the Canarian fauna, being founded (as it seems to me) on insufficient evidence as regards its habitat. It belongs to a type totally distinct from anything which has hitherto been observed in these Atlantic islands ; and there is abundant reason for suspecting that the older naturalists who cited it as Teneriffan fell into some error concerning the country from whence it had been brought. * Cette espece,' says Mousson, ' fort remarquable par ses fascies insolites, provient des premiers naturalistes, qui ont visite les Cana ries et dont les indications de patrie ne sont pas tou jours certaines. Comme aucun voyageur ne 1'a depuis retrouvee, il est permis de suivre 1'exemple de MM. Webb et Berthelot et de douter de son existence dans les Canaries ' (?. c. 15.) 318 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Mousson treats this shell as a P alula, associating it (under his section Lyra) with the Lanzarotan H. torrefacta, Lowe ; but I cannot agree with him in either of these steps. For, in the first place, the minute spiral lines on which he rightly lays so much stress exist also, though very obscurely, in the H. lenis of Shuttleworth, which is most unmistakeably (and by his own admission) a Hyalina, and much more conspicuously in a new species * which is so closely allied to the H. lenis that it is but just separable from it; whilst the affinities of the H. torrefacta are, in my opinion, with the Madeiran H. lentiginosa, Lowe, a form which is far removed from the whole of these imme- diate groups. Both Shuttleworth and Mousson, indeed, would appear to have completely overlooked in the H. lenis the existence of these "spiral lines" on which the latter has founded his section Lyra, and which, although usually very difficult to detect, I find to be quite appreciable (but often fragmentary) in about one specimen in every twenty ; whilst (as just mentioned) in an intimately related form which was taken by Mr. Lowe at Osorio, on the mountains of Grand Canary (and which I at first imagined might represent but an insular phasis of the one from Palma and Hierro), the spiral lines are as strongly developed as in the H. circumsessa. Hence I think there can be no question that the circumsessa, osoriensis, and lenis are intimately bound together by the very peculiar and significant character to which I have just called attention ; and since there cannot be the slightest doubt that the second and third of these are true Hyalinas (being in point of fact, very manifestly akin to the common H. cellaria, Mull.), it follows that the circumsessa must be regarded as a Hyalina likewise, and not as a Patula. The H. circumsessa is, on the average, a trifle smaller and darker than the H. osoriensis, its spire is a little more de- pressed, the basal volution is (relatively) not quite so broadly developed, its umbilicus is appreciably wider (or more open), and its minute spiral lines are rather more numerous, or set closer together. It is an essentially characteristic species in Teneriffe, which appears to be its chief habitat ; indeed it was not met with by either Mr. Lowe or myself in any of the other islands, though it is recorded to have been taken by both Blauner and Fritsch in Palma. In Teneriffe however it is abundant throughout the sylvan districts of an intermediate altitude, where we obtained it at the Agua Garcia, at Las Mercedes, in the wooded region above Taganana, and even (though more sparingly), at a lower elevation, around both Garachico and Sta. Cruz. 1 The If. osoricnsis, Woll., enunciated below. CANARIAN GROUP. 319 Hyalina osoriensis, n. sp. T. subro tun data, depressiuscula, subopaca, pallide albido- ochracea; anfranctibus 5-6 convexiusculis, sutura impressa, costulis obliquis curvatis subinsequalibus subconfluentibus sat distincte sculpturatis, necnon lineolis spiralibus subtilissimis subcrenulatis (subtus subevanescentibus, atque in speciminibus junioribus ac bene conservatis minutissime subciliato-fimbriatis) parce vel remote instructis ; umbilico magno, profundo. Diam. maj. 4-41 H n . Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in sylvis editioribus ad Osorio, Aprili 24, 1858, a Kevdo. E. T. Lowe satis copiose reperta. Several examples of this Hyalina were taken by Mr. Lowe (on the 24th of April, 1858) in the woods on the Pico do Osorio, in Grand Canary, during our visit to that remote and elevated spot ; and they have so much the appearance at first sight of the paler individuals of the H. lenis (from Palma and Hierro) that they might well nigh be confounded with that species, were it not for the minute spiral subcrenulated lines with which its whorls (when viewed beneath a powerful lens) are seen to be conspicuously though sparingly sculptured, and which in young and unrubbed shells have a curious tendency to be fringed with most diminutive filaments or hair-like scales. In most other respects the H. osoriensis appears to me to be nearly undistinguishable from the H. lenis, except perhaps that it is even still less shining (its under-portion no less than the upper, being almost free from gloss), and that its transverse plicae are not quite so coarse. From the H. circumsessa the present species differs in its rather larger size and its less flattened spire, as well as in its ultimate volution being altogether more broadly developed and in its umbilicus being proportionately not quite so open. Its colour, too, is appreciably paler ; and its spiral lines are further apart, and therefore not quite so numerous. The great interest, however, which attaches itself to this Hyalina consists (as I have already stated) in the light which it incidentally throws upon the affinities of the H. circumsessa, which Mousson has regarded as entering into a section of the genus Patula. I had always felt convinced that the latter belonged in reality to the Hyalina group ; but now that the minute ' spiral lines ' which so eminently characterise the circumsessa are found to exist (however feebly) in the H. lenis likewise, and to be strongly developed in a closely related form from Grand Canary, both of which are unmistakeable Hyalinas, and indeed but barely removed from the ordinary cellaria-tjpe, there can be no longer any question that the affinities of the circumsessa are with Hyalina, and not with Patula. 320 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Hyalina lenis. Zonites lenis, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 138 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 86 (1853) Hyalina lenis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 16. pi. 1. f. 19 21 (1872) Helix lenis, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 145 (1876) Habitat Palmam et Hierro ; in sylvaticis editioribus degens. The present truly indigenous Hyalina has been observed hitherto only in Palma and Hierro, where it occurs in damp sylvan spots of an intermediate and lofty altitude. It was taken by Mr. Lowe and myself in the Barranco de Gralga, the Barranco de Agua, and at El Monte above Barlovento, as well as by the edges of the Vueltas leading up to the Cumbre above Buenavista, of the former, and in the wooded district of El Grolfo, on the western slopes of the latter. The H. lenis is generally of a clear olivaceous brown ; but it has likewise a paler (though scarcely perhaps an ' albino ') state, of a somewhat greenish white. It is, on the average, nearly as large as the H. cellaria, from which, however, it differs (apart from colour) in its being less shining, particularly on the upper-side, and more strongly sculptured (the entire surface being densely covered with oblique, curved, subconfluent hair-like transverse lines, or costse), as well as in its spire being rather less depressed and its umbilicus a little larger. Its ultimate volution is a good deal developed, but scarcely more so (I think) than in the H. cellaria, and certainly not more so than in the Grand-Canarian examples of the latter. As I have already stated under the H. circumsessa, it is not difficult to detect, in occasional examples of the H. lenis, faint traces, beneath a high magnifying power, of the minute spiral lines which are so easily to be seen in the closely allied H. osoriensis, and which are exceedingly conspicuous in the //. circumsessa. ( Lutilla, Lowe.) Hyalina cellaria. Helix cellaria, Mull, Hist. Verm. ii. 28 (1774) Webb et Berth., Ann. d. Sc. Nat. xxviii. syn. 314 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. 59 (1854) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 177 (1854) Albers, Mai. Mad. 17 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 21 (1867) Hyalina cellaria et canariae, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 15, 16 (1872) CANARIAN GROUP. 321 Helix cellaria et canariae, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 144, 178 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem, Teneriffam, et Hierro ; sub lapidibus, praecipue in cultis. As in the Madeiran and Azorean archipelagos (and even as at St. Helena), the common European H. cellaria has estab- lished itself in the Canaries, where it is locally rather abundant, for the most part within the cultivated districts, but likewise in sylvan spots of an intermediate altitude. It was taken by Mr. Lowe and myself throughout the region of El Monte in Grand Canary, at Las Mercedes and near Garachico and Ycod el Alto in Teneriffe, and on the western side of Hierro; and Grand-Canarian specimens are now before me which were met with by Mr. Watson. The examples of this Hyalina from Grand Canary have been described by Mousson (1. c. 16. pi. 1. 16-18), under the name H. canarice, as specifically distinct ; but I am totally un- able to detect anything about them to warrant their separation. Their spire is a little less depressed and their umbilicus just perceptibly wider, and perhaps also (though I am not at all sure about this) their ultimate volution is a trifle more broadly developed ; but each of these characters are barely appreciable, and are easily matched (as it seems to me) in selected individuals from the other islands of the Group ; so that I can scarcely regard the Grand-Canarian ones as representing even a decided ' variety ' (and, therefore, a fortiori, a species), though, out of deference to Mousson, I will cite them as, at all events, the ' @. canarice? Hyalina venniculum. Helix vermiculum, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 104 (1861) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. v. 109 (1868) Hyalina vermiculum, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 18. pi. 1. f. 25-27 (1872) Helix vermiculum, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 112 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam; in aridis calcareis inter Portum Orotavse et Realejo, necnon mox supra illud, sub lapidibus sat vulgaris. Although partaking more, in its general proportions and contour, of the H. cellaria^ this little Hyalina is in some respects intermediate between that species and the H. crystal- Una. Indeed in its comparatively small size, and in its white, hyaline, transparent surface it has more in common at first sight with the latter ; nevertheless the form of its under-portion, which slopes off gradually into the umbilicus, at once removes Y 322 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. it into the same group as the cellaria. This structure of the umbilical region will at once serve to separate even the young and minute examples from the crystalline^ from which it further differs (apart from the larger stature of the adult shells) in its basal whorl being relatively a trifle more widened towards the aperture, in its under-parts being of a somewhat more milky white (or rather less strictly glassy), and in its volutions being more appreciably impressed towards the suture with transverse radiating lines, which become lighter, and almost evanescent, posteriorly. The only district in which I am aware that the H. vermi- culum has hitherto been observed (unless indeed the H. semicostula, Beck, which is reported from Grand Canary, be identical with it) is in the north of Teneriffe, where it was taken by Mr. Lowe and myself, in abundance, beneath stones, on the dry calcareous ground between Eealejo and the Puerto of Orotava, as also (at La Dehesa) immediately above the latter. 1 ( Crystallite, Lowe.) Hyalina crystallina. Helix crystallina, Mull., Hist. Verm. ii. 23 (1774) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 47 (1831) Albers, Mai. Mad. 17. t. 2. f. 18-21 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 22 (1867) Hyalina crystallina, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 17 (1872) Helix crystallina, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 106 (1876) Habitat Fuerteventuram, Teneriffam, Palmam, et Hierro ; hinc inde sub lapidibus in graminosis. I have no doubt that this little European Hyalina (which has established itself also in the Madeiran and Azorean Groups) will be found eventually to be universal at the Canaries, though hitherto it has been observed only in four islands, out of the seven. In those four, however, I have myself met with it, namely at Sta. Maria Betan curia in Fuerteventura ; at the Agua Mansa, the Agua Garcia, and near Orotava, in Teneriffe ; in the Barranco de Agua and the Barranco de Galga, as well as 1 I may just notice in this place the Hyalina semicostula, Beck, which is cited by Keeve from Grand Canary, but without any evidence for the correct- ness of his habitat. I have little doubt that Keeve was mistaken in quoting the species, which is said to occur in Portugal, as Canarian ; and I am glad to observe that Mousson has arrived at the same conclusion. I have therefore no hesitation in omitting it from our catalogue. CANARIAN GROUP. 323 on the Cumbre above Buenavista, in Palma ; and also, in semi- cultivated grounds, in Hierro. The single example, now before me, from Fuerteventura has the umbilicus a trifle larger than is the case in the specimens from the other islands; but I can see nothing about it to warrant the suspicion that it represents more than a slight insular modification (which we might perhaps cite as the ' var. /3. fuerteventurce ') of the H. crystallina. ( Vermetwn, Woll.) Hyalina festinans. Zonites festinans, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 138 (1852) Helix festinans, Pfei/. 9 Mon. Hel. iii. 106 (1853) Hyalina festinans, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 17. pi. 1. f. 22-24 (1872) Habitat Palmam; in sylvis editioribus late sed parce diffusa. This little Hyalina appears to be peculiar (so far at least as has been observed hitherto) to the island of Palma, where it occurs in damp sylvan spots of intermediate and lofty altitudes. It was met with by Mr. Lowe and myself in the Barranco de Galga, and by the sides of the Vueltas (on the ascent to the Cumbre) above Buenavista ; and Mr. Lowe obtained it (on May 26, 1858, in the wood of El Bucco, at El Monte, above Barlovento. The H. festinans has somewhat the same whitish-green colour, or olivaceous-brown, as the H. lenis (which is likewise a Palman species, though found equally in Hierro) ; but it is very much smaller and less sculptured, with the spire more depressed, with the ultimate and penultimate volutions (particularly the former) conspicuously narrower or less de- veloped, and with the umbilicus, although open and spirally visible from beneath, not quite so much so (relatively) as is the case in that species. In mere stature indeed it may be said to be intermediate between the H. lenis and the crystallina ; though its much greater bulk, wider umbilicus, and yellowish- green hue will at once separate it from the latter. Perhaps in reality the nearest ally of the H. festinans is the minute and very rare H. scintilla, Lowe, of the Madeiran archipelago, which in its general facies and colour it a good deal resembles. It is, however, considerably larger than that species, its umbilicus is (proportionately) less open, its spire is perhaps even still more depressed, and its surface is both less shining and more appreciably sculptured. Y 2 324 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. S) Mouss.) Hyalina clymene. Zonites Clymene, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 138 (1852) Helix Clymene, Pfeiff., Man. Hel. in. 11 (1853) Hyalina Clymene, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 19, pi. 1. f. 28-33 (1872) Helix Clymene, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 182 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; ad rupes aquaticas juxta oppidulum Garachico, una cum Pupa, Physd, Ancylo, et Hydroccena commixta, degens. I am extremely doubtful whether this curious little Planor- bis-like shell should be associated with Hyalina ; nevertheless since it is considered by Mousson to be better placed here than elsewhere, I will not disturb the situation which he has assigned to it. But I will merely add, that its whole structure appears to me to be distinct from that of the Hyalinas ; whilst its subaquatic mode of life (on dripping rocks, in company with Ancylus, Physa, and Hydroccena) is quite unprecedented, so far as I am aware, in the members of the present group. The H. Clymene (the largest examples of which are, in their broadest part, about a line across) is a flattened, Planorbis- shaped little shell, slightly transparent, and of a dark olivace- ous-brown, often a good deal corroded with a hard whitish deposit. Its volutions are transversely striated, and the ultimate one is very largely developed (the upper lip of the aperture being more forwardly-produced than the lower) ; its spire is not merely depressed, but absolutely concave ; and its umbilicus is wide, and spirally visible from beneath. The only region in which I am aware that the H. Clymene has hitherto been observed is near Garaehico, in the north of Teneriffe. I did not myself meet with it ; but it was taken by Mr. Lowe (as it had been, apparently, a few years before, by Blauner) from off wet rocks, close to the waterfall, on the road leading to Ycod de los Vinhos, namely adhering to bits of stick, &c., in trickling places, along with the Pupa castanea, the Ancylus striatus, the Physa acuta, and the Hydroccena gutta. Genus 7. LETJCOCHROA, 1 Beck. Leucochroa ultima. Leucochroa ultima, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 1. f. 34-36 (1872) Helix ultima, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 193 (1876) 1 In some observations on the present genus, Mousson (I. c. 19) remarks : * Les LeucochroeSy Beck, ou Calcarines, Moq.-Tand., forment un ensemble CANARIAN GROUP. 325 Habitat Fuerteventuram ; a cl. Fritsch lecta. The present and two following Leucochroas were detected by Fritsch in Fuerteventura, and I know nothing about them except from the descriptions which are given by Mousson. Judging from the figures they appear to be very closely related inter se, and it may perhaps be a question whether more than at any rate two species are in reality represented by the three forms. The L. ultima seems to have a good deal in common with the L. cariosa, Oliv., from Palestine ; and, comparing it with that shell, Mousson says : ' Elle a, en effet, le meme test crayeux, le meme enroulement de la spire, une carene analogue, dentelee dans les tours superieurs, enfin un meme genre de granulations. Mais elle reste bien plus petite ; elle est bien moins rugueuse, n"a pas de carene aussi prononcee, enfin man- que de forte angulation autour de 1'ombilic/ ' La plupart des individus ont ete ramasses morts, quelques-uns cependant con- tenaient encore 1'animal.' (I. c. 20). Leucochroa pressa. Leucochroa pressa, Mouss., I. c. 20. pi. 1. f. 37-39 (1872) Helix pressa, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 194 (1876) Habitat Fuerteventuram ; una cum precedente degens. In all probability but a modification of the L. ultima, with which it was found in company. Mousson says: 'Elle s'est trouvee melee a la precedente, dont elle difTere par son applatissement, son ombilic ouvert, sa granulation plus fine passant a des stries ! Malgre ces differences elle pourrait n'en etre qu'une modification individuelle. Les echantillons que j'ai sous les yeux ont tous ete ramasses a 1'etat mort ; mais, a juger d'apres 1'etat fraix de leur nucleus, ne peuvent pas ap- partenir a une ancienne epoque.' (I. c. 20.) Leucochroa accola. Leucochroa accola, Mouss., 1. c. 20. pi. 1. f. 40, 41 (1872) Helix accola, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 200 (1876) Habitat Fuerteventuram ; et semifossilis et vix recens reperta. This is the smallest of the three forms, and rather more conical than the others. 'Elle est,' says Mousson (I. c. 21), ' cependant, en moyenne, plus elevee, presente un nucleus un peu d'especes, Stroitement lies par la nature solide et calcaire du test, par leurs habitudes de vie, occupant surtout des lieux fortement exposes au soleil, enfin par des rapports geographiques tres-intimes. Dans un arrangement naturel il convient, a ce qu'il me semble, de faire ressortir ces affinite~s, en elevant, 1 exemple de M. Albers, ce groupe en genre.' 326 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. preeminent par rapport au cone spiral obtus, une base plus applatie, une surface plus irregulierement et plus finement granuleuse, etc.' The L. accola seems to have been found principally in a subfossil state, none of the specimens which were obtained by Fritsch being apparently quite recent, though some of them were distinctly older than the rest. ' Elle se trouve en un double etat, d'abord avec les caracteres d'une coquille actuelle, re- cuillie a 1'etat mort, avec sa sculpture bien conservee; puis avec un aspect altere, toute la sculpture ayant disparue sous une surface inegale, corrodee ou polie par 1'usure. Ces individus, un peu plus coniques et a la base plus applatis que les autres, semblent appartenir a une faune ancienne, tandisque les autres relevent de Pepoque presente, ou de 1'epoque qui 1'a immediate- ment precedee.' (Mousson, 1. c. 21). Grenus 8. PATULA, Held. ( lulus, Woll.) Patula garachicoensis, n. sp. T. orbiculato-depressa, discoidea, profunde sed haud late perforata, pallide fusca, subtenuis, vix nitidiuscula, crebre sub- irregulariter aut subconfluente ruguloso-striata ; spira depressa ; anfractibus 5-5-1- convexis, trans versim crebre sed subirregulari- ter arcuatim ruguloso-striatis, ultimo haud descendente, sutura profunde impressa ; apertura lunata ; peristomate tenui, acuto, versus columellam reflexiusculo. Diam. may. vix 3|- ; alt. H Un. Var. ft. submarmorata. Vix magis tenuis, et paulo minus grosse sculpturata, spira minus depressa, anfractibus obsolete subalbido-marmoratis. Helix agrestis, Lowe, in litt. Habitat TenerifTam; juxta oppidulum Garachico, mense Aprili 1861, a Eevdo. E. T. Lowe inventa. Var. /3. (in Tene- riffa certe lecta) a cl. Berthelot Domino Lowe donata. Obs. Species P. Bertholdiana, PfeirT., insularum Cap. Vi- ridis, affinis, sed prsecipue differt testa magis depressa et rugosius sculpturata, anfractibus convexioribus (ultimo nullo modo carinato), suturaque profundiore. Several examples of the present Patula, which seems to be quite different from everything else which has hitherto been described from the Canarian Group, were taken by Mr. Lowe, during April 1861, near Grarachico, in the north of Teneriffe. Although exceedingly distinct, in its diminished stature, very much smaller umbilicus, and less polished imcZer-portion, per- CANARIAN GROUP. 327 haps its nearest ally in this archipelago is the (nevertheless more highly coloured) P. putrescens, Lowe, from Palma, with which in its flattened, discoidal contour and tumid volutions it to a certain extent agrees. From the Hyalina circumsessa, Shuttl., it is totally distinct by, inter alia, its smaller size and very much smaller umbilicus, by its more flattened spire and much less developed basal volution, and by its entirely wanting the spiral hair- like lines which are so eminently characteristic of that species and its two immediate allies. 1 In its general size and hue, as well as in the proportion of its umbilicus, the P. garachicoensis has also, at first sight, a little in common with the P. Bertholdiana, Pfeiff., from the Cape Verdes. It is, however, more flattened and discoidal than that species (or less lenticular^), its surface is more strongly and roughly sculptured, and, although the spire is much depressed, its volutions are nevertheless more tumid, the basal one more- over being quite free from the slightest trace of a keel. ( Janulus, Lowe.) Patula Pompylia. Helix Pompylia, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 140 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 122 (1853) Patula Pompylia, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 27. pi. 2. f. 29-32 (1872) Helix Pompylia, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 128 (1876) Habitat Palmam ; in sylvaticis editioribus rarissima. This may be regarded, in the Canarian archipelago, as the representative of the Madeiran P. stephanophora, Desh., with which, in its general outline and in the character of its sculp- ture, it has a good deal in common. It is, however, consider- ably smaller than that species, and its umbilicus is both still more diminished in width and more suddenly scooped out ; its spire is relatively a little more depressed ; its under-portion is more convex, and rather less opake ; and the costse of its whorls are more closely set together, and, although much raised, not quite so elevated or quite so curved. The P. Pompylia seems to be of the greatest rarity, and confined (so far as has been observed hitherto) to Palma, where it occurs in the damp wooded districts of a high altitude. It 1 The single example, now before me, which I have enunciated above as representing a'var. . submarmorataS was received from M. Berthelot as undoubtedly Teneriffan ; and in all probability it is the exponent of some local race, or slight modification, of the P. ffarachicoensis, peculiar to another district. It differs in being a trifle more fragile and less coarsely sculptured, in its spire being less depressed, and in its volutions being very obscurely dappled with a few faint and irregular paler markings. 328 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. was met with by Mr. Lowe and myself on the Cumbre above Buenavista,' as well as by the edges of the Vueltas on the ascent to that elevated region ; and it would appear to have been found also by Blauner. ( PatulcB normales.} Patula textilis, Helix textilis, ShuHL, Bern. Mitth. 140 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 121 (1853) Patula textilis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 22. p. 1. f. 42- 44 (1872) Helix textilis, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 159 (1876) Habitat Palmam ; in sylvaticis humidis editioribus, rariss., una cum P. Pompylia, ShuttL, degens. Like the P. Pompylia, ShuttL, the P. textilis occurs in the higher and wooded districts of Palma, to which island (unless indeed the P. concinna, Lowe, from Hierro, be but a local mo- dification of it) it would seem to be peculiar. It is evidently, like that species, of the greatest rarity, but was met with by Blauner, and subsequently both by Mr. Lowe and myself (during June, 1858), on the ascent of the Cumbre above Buena vista. Although possessing much the same character of sculpture, the P. textilis may at once be known from the P. Pompylia by its larger size, its just perceptibly more elevated spire, and its very much wider and more open umbilicus. Its basal volu- tion, too, is relatively a trifle broader or more developed ; and its transverse costse are conspicuously more oblique. Patula concinna, Helix concinna, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 105 (1861) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. v. 177 (1868) Patula concinna, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 22. pi. 1. f. 45-47 (1872) Helix concinna, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 195 (1876) Habitat Hierro ; in regione sylvatica ' El Grolfo ' dicta, sub cortice truncorum putrescentium, a meipso inventa. Forsan prsecedentis status insularis. I am extremely doubtful whether this is anything more than an insular modification, peculiar to Hierro, of the Palman P. textilis ; nevertheless since it has a few very minute cha- racters of its own, and it was enunciated as distinct by Mr. Lowe, I will not attempt absolutely to amalgamate the two. Judging from the five types which are now before me, CANARIAN GROUP. 329 and which were taken by myself (from beneath the bark of a rotten tree) in the sylvan district of El Grolfo on the western slopes of Hierro, the P. concinna differs from the textilis, merely, in its transverse costse being rather less raised or de- veloped, in its ultimate volution being just appreciably wider, and its umbilicus being a trifle larger or more open. Its spire, too, is, if anything, just perceptibly more depressed. In colour it would seem to be either of a pale reddish brown, or else of a still paler albino-yellow. Patula putrescens. Helix putrescens, Lowe, Ann. Nat Hist. vii. 104 (1861) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. v. 143 (1868) Patula putrescens, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 23. pi. 1. f. 48-50 (1872) Helix putrescens, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 144 (1876) Habitat Palmam ; a meipso in sylvaticis editioribus, sub- truncis arborum putre scent ibus, detecta. The present Patula, like the P. Pompylia and textilis, has been observed hitherto only in the wooded districts of Palma,-^- where it was met with by myself, abundantly, beneath the trunks of decaying trees and pieces of rotten wood, in the Barranco de Galga. It differs however from those species in its larger size, darker, coffee-brown hue (although it has an occasional albino variety or state), more open umbilicus, more shining surface, and less costate sculpture, its volutions (which are fewer, and which, in spite of the spire being much depressed, are extremely convex) being merely striated transversely with irregular sub- confluent hair-like lines. The larger examples of the H. putres- cens are about 4^ lines across, in the widest part. Patula engonata. Helix engonata, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 139 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 114 (1853) Patula engonata, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 23. pi. 2. f. 1-4 (1872) Helix engonata, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 211 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam; juxta oppidulum Garachico, raris- sima. The P. engonata may be regarded as one of the representa- tives at the Canaries of the common European P. rotundata, with which in size, colour, and sculpture it is almost coinci- dent. It differs, however, essentially, from that species in the conformation of its very much larger umbilicus, ^which is not only 330 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. more open, but which shapes-out at its commencement a peculiar and very distinct circular keel on the under-part of the basal volution. It is also, on the whole, a little darker, or browner, than the rotundata ; and it is less sculptured beneath (at any rate outside the above-mentioned circular keel) with costate lines. This would appear to be one of the most local of the Ca- narian Land-shells, and indeed one of the rarest, the only district in which I am aware that it has hitherto been found being around Garachico, in the north of Teneriffe. It was met with there, in 1861, not uncommonly, by Mr. Lowe, having previously been taken, in the same locality, by Blauner. Patula retexta. Helix retexta, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 139 (1852) Pfei/., Man. Hel iii. 115 (1853) Patula retexta, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 24. pi. 2. f. 5-8(1872) Helix retexta, Pfei/., vii. 212 (1876) Habitat Palmam ; a cl. Blauner sub foliis dejectis lecta. This species and the following one are the only Canarian Patulas which I have not myself had an opportunity of ex- amining. Comparing it with the Teneriffan P. engonata, and the P. Guerineana, Lowe, from Madeira, Mousson says (I. c. 24) : ' Elle ne presente ni la carene, ni Tangle au pourtour de rombilic de la P. engonata ; le dernier tour est plus lisse ; la suture marginee d'une fine ligne blanche. L'espece la plus proche est la P. semiplicata, Pfr. (Guerineana, Lowe) de Ma- dere, mais celle-ci n'a pas de suture marginee, un ombilic encore plus large, des tours plus etroits quoiqu'en nombre egal, et une costulation plus grossiere.' The P. retexta was taken by Blauner in Palma, where how- ever it was not met with by either Mr. Lowe or myself. Patula scutula. Helix scutula, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 139 (1852) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iii. 108 (1853) Patula scutula, Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 24 (1872) Helix scutula, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 186 (1876) Habitat TenerifFam ; sub ligno emortuo a cl. Blauner bis detecta. As already stated, this is one of the few Canarian species which I have not been able to inspect. It appears to have been unknown also to Mousson, who remarks (1. c. 24) : ' Cette espece m'est inconnue. Par sa forme tres deprimee, le nombre CANARIAN GROUP. 331 de ses tours, s'elevant a 9, et la largeur de 1'ombilic elle se presente comme un developpement extreme du type de la rotun- data, Mull.' ( Pyramidula, Fitz.) Patula placida. Helix pusilla (pars), Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 46 (1831) placida, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 140 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 82 ( 1 853) pusilla, /3. sericina, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 176 (1854) Luseana, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 83. t. 2. f. 3. (1867) Patula placida, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 25. pi. 2. f. 9-12 (1872) Helix placida, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 139 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam, Palmam, et Hierro ; in sylvaticis edi- tioribus, passim. As I have already stated, at p. 87 of this volume, the present minute Patula formed a portion of Mr. Lowe's original H. pusilla, but it was not until 1 854 that he recognized it to be so far distinct as to define it as a ' var. /3. sericina ' of the latter. In the meanwhile however it had been described by Shuttleworth, from the Canaries, under the title H. placida. The exact characters which separate it from the pusilla have been fully pointed out. The P. placida would seem to occur in precisely similar situations throughout the Canarian archipelago as it does at Madeira, its normal range being within the wooded districts of intermediate altitudes. I have taken it at Las Mercedas in Teneriffe, in the Barranco de Agua and the Barranco de Gralga in Palma (where it was found also by Mr. Lowe at El Monte, above Barlovento), and in the sylvan region of El Grolfo on the western slopes of Hierro. It appears also to have been found in Teneriffe (namely on the trunks of trees at Gruimar) by Blauner. ( AcantMnula, Beck.) Patula pusilla, Helix pusilla, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. 8. Trans, iv. 46. t. 5. f. 17 (1831) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 101 (1848) servilis, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 140 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 101 (1853) 332 TESTACEA ATLANTIC A. Helix pusilla, a. ammlata, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 176 (1854) Alb., Mai Mad. 18. t. 2. f. 7-10 (1854) Pawa 9 Mon. Moll. Mad. 79 (1867) hypocrita, Dohrn, in Mai. Bldtt. xvi. 1 (1869) Patula servilis, Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 25. pi. 2. f. 13-16 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam, Palmam, et Hierro ; in aridis sub lapi- dibus, minus frequens. This extremely minute Patulaseems to possess a wide geogra- phical range, occurring not only in the Madeiran and Canarian archipelagos, but likewise at the Cape Verdes (from whence it was described by Dr. H. Dohrn as the ' P. hypocrita '), and even at St. Helena, where it was detected by myself in 1875. At the Canaries I met with it only in Teneriffe and Hierro (in the former of which islands it was obtained by Mr. Lowe near Grara- chico) ; but it would appear, also, to have been found by Blauner in Palma. I have already stated, at p. 89 of the present volume, what the exact characters are which separate the P. pusilla from the placida ; but I will again add that it is (on the average) a little smaller, browner (or less olivaceous), and more depressed (its spire being less raised), and that its volutions ' (which are a trifle less inflated) have a greater or less tendency to be fur- nished with a few additional, elevated, hair-like lines, or costse, which, although at times scarcely distinguishable, are more often (when viewed beneath a high magnifying power) quite conspicuous. Patula spinifera. Patula spinifera, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 25. pi. 2. f. 17-20 (1872) Helix spinifera, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 85 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem, et Palmam ; in sylvaticis edi- tioribus, rarissima. This remarkable little Patula appears to be one of the rarest of the Land-Shells of the Canarian archipelago, where it occurs in the damp sylvan districts of intermediate and lofty elevations. I took a single- specimen of it in Grand Canary (the first, I believe, which has been recorded from that island) ; and a few more were met with by Mr. Lowe and myself in the Bar- ranco de Agua and the Barranco de Gralga, as well as on the Cumbre above Buenavista, of Palma. In its rather larger size and turbinate, Helix-shaped out- line, the P. spinifera (which belongs to much the same type as CANARIAN GROUP. 333 the European H. aculeata, Mull.) approaches nearer to the P. placida than it does to the pusilla ; nevertheless in the fact of its surface being furnished with a few distant, oblique, hair- like costse (which however are occasionally developed into elongate lamelliform processes, or even spines) it partakes more of the peculiarities of the latter. It is both larger and more convex than even the placida, and of a more dull hyaline brown ; whilst the extraordinary tendency for the development of its line-like lamellce into spiniform appendages (sometimes monstrously expressed, even though occasionally worn and in- distinct) completely removes it from thepusilla, in which these additional thread-like lines are in a comparatively undeveloped state, and seldom very conspicuous. Genus 9. HELIX, Linne. ( Vallonia, Kisso.) Helix pulchella. Helix pulchella, Mutt., Hist. Verm. ii. 30 (1774) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, i v. 45 ( 1 8 3 1 ) Id., Proc. Zool.-Soc. Lond. 176 (1854) 99 Alb., Mai. Mad. 45. t. 12. f. 1-4 (1854) 99 Paiva, Mon. Mott. Mad. 77 (1867) Mouss., Faun. Mai des Can. 57 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem, Teneriffam, et Palmam ; hinc inde sub lapidibus, prsecipue in cultis. The minute European H. pulchella, which occurs also in the Azorean and Madeiran archipelagos, and which I detected during 1875 in the intermediate districts of St. Helena, and which was found by Mr. Benson at even the Cape of Good Hope, is widely spread over the Canarian Group, where in all probability it will be ascertained, sooner or later, to be universal. Hitherto however it has been observed only in Grand Canary, Teneriffe, and Palma, in the first and third of which I have myself met with it. Indeed on the western side of Palma it appeared to be common, on the calcareous Llanos (in the region of La Banda) between Argual and the sea. And it would seem to have been found in the same island by Blauner ; as well as in Teneriffe by Fritsch and Mr. Lowe, the former of whom obtained it about Sta. Cruz and towards Point Anaga, and the latter at Garachico. The only form of the shell which I have as yet seen corresponds with the true pulchella, Mull., and not with the costata which elsewhere is so often intermixed with the type. 334 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. ( Iberug, Monf.) Helix digna, Helix digna, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 68. pi. 4. f. 3 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 304 (1876) Habitat Gromeram; in statu semifossili a cl. Fritsch re- perta. Detected by Fritsch, in a subfossil state, in Gomera, and a species of peculiar interest geographically as belonging to much the same type as the Porto-Santan H. Wollastoni, Lowe, and forensis, Woll., from the Madeiran Group, and the Mediterra- nean H. scabriuscula, Desh. It appears however to be con- siderably larger than the H. Wollastoni ; c le sommet,' says Mousson, ' est plus obtus, forme par un nucleolus relativement bien plus gros, le nombre des tours n'est que de 4 au lieu de 5 et ils grandissent plus promptement, la sculpture est moins reguliere et plico-costulee, au lieu d'etre simplement costulee, la surface intercostale n'est pas finement granulee, mais inegale- ment rude, la base, quoique de forme tres semblable, est plus renflee autour de 1'espace central, le bord basal de Fouverture se courbe plus fortement vers 1'insertion columellaire et se renechit plus largement et plus subitement pour cacher la perforation. Malgre ces differences, VH. digna constitue une des analogies les plus intimes entre les deux groupes d'iles.' (I. c. 69) Helix Berkeley!. Helix Berkeleii, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 108 (1861) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. v. 265 (1868) Berkelei, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 80. pi. 4. f. 7, 8 (1872) Berkeleii, P/ei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 305 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; a Eevdo. E. T. Lowe et meipso, Aprili 1858, inter Maspalomas et Juan Grande, et recens et semifossilis, reperta. This curious Helix approaches nothing which has hitherto been detected in these various Atlantic archipelagos; though perhaps it is more nearly related to the H. Wollastoni of the Madeiran Group than to anything else, or possibly to the com- paratively gigantic subfossil H. digna, Mouss. (which however I have had no opportunity of inspecting), from Gomera. Never- theless with even the H. Wollastoni it has very little really in common, though its discoidal contour, strongly developed keel, and completely closed umbilicus would tend perhaps to affiliate it a little with that species ; whilst in its granulated CANARIAN GROUP. 335 (instead of obliquely plicate) surface it makes a certain approach towards the (otherwise altogether dissimilar) H. Webbiana, Lowe, of Porto Santo. Apart from its flattened form and powerful keel, the H. Berkeley i may be further recognized by its entire surface (which is opake and of a pale-brown) being asperated with large and irregular tubercles, which on the upper side diminish in bulk towards the nucleus, and which on the under are file-like, par- tially transverse, and very densely crowded together. Its lower part is comparatively convex ; its keel is somewhat compressed above (through the adjoining portion being slightly worn-out, or concave) ; its volutions are very obsoletely bifasciated ; and its peristome (the upper and lower lips of which are not joined by a corneous plate across the basal whorl) is very broad, white, and reflexed. The H. Berkeleyi was detected by Mr. Lowe and myself, on the 12th of April 1858, on a dry calcareous slope (close to the sea), between Maspalomas and Juan Grande, in the south-east of Grand Canary; where we likewise met with it (and some- what less sparingly) in a subfossil condition. ( Mitra, Albers.) Helix cuticula. Helix cuticula, Shuttl, Bern. Mitth. 142 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 39 (1853) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 69. pi. 4. f. 4-6 (1872) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 74 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam, Gomeram, et Palmam; in sylvaticis humidis editioribus, rarior. This singular, Vitrina-like little Helix may be known by the paucity of its (obliquely and densely, but delicately, striated) whorls, by its extremely thin, pellucid, pale-green (but not very shining) substance, by its relatively rather large aperture (the peristome of which is acute, and not at all recurved), and by its compressed, sharply developed keel, which is visible also in the volutions of the spire, where it closely adjoins the suture, and occasionally well-nigh overhangs it. The H. cuticula, which may be regarded as the Canarian representative of the (nevertheless comparatively gigantic) H. Webbiana, 1 Lowe, of the Madeiran Group, appears to be scarce, and confined to damp sylvan spots of a rather high altitude, in which situations it has been met with in Teneriffe, Gomera, 1 I have already pointed out, at p. 102 of this volume, what the most salient characters are in which the If. cuticula differs from the If. Webbiana. 336 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. and Palma. In the first of those islands it was obtained by Mr. Lowe and myself in the woods above Taganana, at Las Mercedes, and above Orotava, as well as at Los Sillos and near Grarachico and Ycod-el-Alto-; in the second by Mr. Lowe (on April 21, 1861) on the Cumbre above the San Sebastian Bar- ranco ; and in the third by Mr. Lowe and myself, on the ascent to the Cumbre above Buenavista, as well as in the Barranco de Agua, the Barranco de Gralga, and at Barlovento. In Teneriffe it was found also by Blauner and Fritsch. ( Pomatia, Beck.) Helix aspersa, Helix aspersa, Mull., Hist. Verm. ii. 59 (1774) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 241 (1848) spumosa, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. Ill (1861) aspersa, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 69 (1872) Habitat Palmam ; hinc inde in intermediis degens, forsan ex Europa olim introducta. The common European H. aspersa, Miill., which has ac- quired for itself so wide a geographical range, occurs sparingly, in many localities, in Palma ; but as it has not been observed hitherto in any other portion of the Grroup, it is pretty certain that it must have become accidentally introduced, at some former period, into that particular island, just as it has at the Azores, and (more recently) around Funchal in Madeira, and even at St. Helena. In Palma (where it was found also by Blauner and Fritsch) we met with it at the foot of the ascent to the Cumbre above Buenavista (on the road from Sta. Cruz to La Banda), as well as in the Barranco de Herradura (between Los Souces and Barlovento). Although some of the Palman examples of this common Helix are apparently quite typical (a fact which does not seem to have been sufficiently recognised by Mr. Lowe), in others the shell is rather thinner and paler, with the spire perhaps a trifle smaller and more depressed, and with the aperture a little more transverse, approaching in a slight degree the H. Mazzullii, Jan., from Sicily. I agree, however, with Mousson that there is nothing about them to warrant the suspicion that they are specifically distinct ; though a rather fanciful capability which the animal appeared at the time to possess, of secreting mucus in greater abundance than is usual for the H. aspersa, induced Mr. Lowe to separate them as a species under the title of H. spumosa. CANARIAN GROUP. 337 ( Macularia, Albers.) Helix Moussoniana. Helix Adonis, Mouss. [nee Angas, 1869], Faun. Mai. des Can. 71. pi. 6. f. 1 (1872) Pfeif., Mon: Hd. vii. 344 (1876) Habitat Gomeram ; a cl. Fritsch semifossilis lecta. A large Helix which was discovered by Fritsch, in a sub- fossil condition, in Gromera, and one which would appear to be allied (for I have not, myself, had an opportunity of inspecting it) to the Porto-Santan H. subplicata, Sow., of the Madeiran archipelago. Mousson, who also compares it with the H. alonensis, Fer., from Spain, remarks (I. c. 71, 72): 'Cette grande et belle espece rappelle par la forme de son ouverture, surtout par son bord basal excave, d'un cote la H. subplicata, Lowe, de Madere, de 1'autre VH. alonensis, Fer., et se place entr'elles. La surface n'est ni costulee, ni granuleuse au nucleus comme dans la premiere, mais plus fortement plico-striee que dans la seconde, et denuee des sillons decurrents characteristiques. La spire est plus serree et plus deprimee que dans la subplicata, et assez analogue a celle de Yalonensis, dont elle differe par Fexpansion et le renflement du dernier tour et son resserrement sensible a Tendroit ou il commence a s'abaisser. L'ouverture forme en travers une ellipse un peu incline et bien plus regu- liere que dans Yalonensie, dont les deux bords superieur et inferieur sont egalement courbes ; cette ellipse est plus allongee que dans VH. subplicata? Helix efferata, Helix efferata, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 72. pi. 6. f. 2 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 345 (1876) Habitat Gromeram ; una cum specie precedenti semifossilis reperta, et forsan ab ilia vix certe distincta. Found likewise in a subfossil condition in G-omera, and apparently very closely allied to the preceding species, from which perhaps, although somewhat smaller, and with a few characters of its own, it is hardly sufficiently distinct. ' Une seconde grande espece,' says Mousson (I. c. 72), f de 1'epoque diluvienne de la meme ile qui, malgre quelques analogies, ne saurait etre reunie a YH. Adonis. La forme en effet est plus conique, moins dilatee ; les tours sont moins con vexes et pourvus d'une angulation obtuse, qui ne disparait qu'au dernier tour et se reconnait la encore a une ligne dorsale faiblement saillante. La surface presente un martela.e obtus, passant a des stiles 338 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. anguleuses ou ondulees obliques, sans trace de granulations; V Adonis par contre est simplement striee. Le bord inferieur de I'ouverture, laquelle forme un ovale un peu dilate, est moins excave et plus largement calleux.' Helix lactea, Helix lactea, Mull., Hist. Verm. ii. 19 (1774) W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 313 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. ii. 2. 55 (1839) Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 70 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem, TenerifTam, et Hierro ; prse- cipue juxta oppidos, sed interdum etiam omnino in rure, in in- ferioribus degens. The widely spread H. lactea, Miill., of Mediterranean lati- tudes, and which was obtained abundantly both by Mr. Leacock and Mr. Lowe on the opposite coast of Morocco, is common both in Grand Canary and Teneriffe, where it is called by the inhabitants ' Boca negra ;' and it was met with by Fritsch, also, in Hierro. D'Orbigny considered that it was probably intro- duced originally from Spain as an article of food, and it must be admitted that in Grand Canary it is particularly plentiful about Las Palmas, and in Teneriffe about Sta. Cruz ; yet the fact of its existing also, in profusion, in the sandy and well-nigh unin- habited region of El Charco, beyond Maspalomas, in the extreme south of Grand Canary (where it was taken by Mr. Lowe and myself in 1859), is certainly against that hypothesis. Hitherto it has not been observed in any other of these various Atlantic archipelagos; though a few Canarian individuals which were turned loose by Mr. Lowe, some years ago, in Madeira, may perhaps have succeeded (though I think that they have not done so) in introducing the species into at any rate the Funchal dis- trict of that island. The H. lactea can be confounded with nothing else with which we have here to do, its large size, elongate subdepressed contour, and solid substance, added to its broadly expanded peristome, its complete freedom from an umbilicus, the minute and rather irregular spiral striae with which its volutions are finely decussated, and the peculiarity of its ornamentation (the ground-colour being of a more or less dirty yellowish-white, though with the greater portion of the surface taken-up by wide, brownish, whitely-freckled bands, whilst the aperture and its interior are highly polished and nearly black), being more than sufficient to distinguish it. The Canarian examples of this large Helix appear to belong to the true lactea-type, and not to the nearly allied H.punctata, CANADIAN GROUP. 339 ., which nevertheless is cited by Pfeiffer (Mon. Eel. iv. 222, and vii. 332) as occurring in the Canarian Group. 'La forme des Canaries,' says Mousson (1. c. 71), 'appartient bien a la lactea, Miill., et non a la punctata, Mull., et se place entre le type et la var. murina, Kossm. (Icon. in. 800-805), dont Fouverture au bord superieur est encore plus dilatee.' Helix gibboso-basalis, n. sp. T. imperforata, depresso-globosa, solida, subnitida, striis ob- liquis subevanescentibus irregularibus, aliisque indistinctis mi- nutissimis spiralibus leviter decussata, suffuse subcarneo- et subplumbeo- aut sublivido-brunnea sed subtus in medio obscure et ad peristoma subclarius pallidior [aut, aliter, infuscate palli- dula sed obsoletissime et omnino suffuse 4-fasciata, fasciis versus aperturam nebulose confluentibus] ; spira minus elevata, ad apicem obtusa; anfractibus 4J, ultimo rotundato, antice deflexo; apertura intus subnigra, peristomate (anguste solum expanso) intus nigro-castaneo sed extus pallide brunneo-flavo, marginibus callo.nigro (longe intus sulcato) junctis, columellari lato sed undulato-ingequali, quasi biflexuoso, in medio (aut paulo magis versus insertionem) obtuse gibboso. Diam. maj. 12; alt. 7. lin. Habitat ' Teneriffam borealem ; ' exemplaria duo a D. Vargas collecta, obtinet Eev. E. T. Lowe. Obs. H. lacteal^ MiilL, amnis, sed nisi fallor vere distincta. Differt testa multo minore, ad apicem magis obtusa, omnino levius decussatim sculpturata; anfractibus minus numerosis; apertura minore, antice minus desiliente, intus super parietem ventralem breviter plicato-sulcato ; peristomate multo minus expanso minusque recurvo, margine basali bisinuatim inaequali aut in medio obtuse tuberculatim gibboso. Necnon in colore omnino ab H. lacted discedit ; sc. testa suffuse subcarneo- et sublivido-tincta (quasi subconcolor), solum in regione umbilicali et extus aperturam infuscate flavescenti-grisea, fasciis obsoletis- simis (rmllo modo albo-irroratis) obscure ornata. The two examples from which the above diagnosis has been compiled were given to Mr. Lowe, in 1861, from the collection of Senhor Vargas, and as having been taken undoubtedly ' in the north of Teneriffe,' but as to the exact spot he had no note. And indeed this locality (if really to be depended upon) might of itself have created a suspicion, had there been any doubt on the subject, that the species is truly distinct from the H. lactea, which, so far as Teneriffe is concerned, seems to be confined to the vicinity of Sta. Cruz. But, in point of fact, I think there can be no question about its specific claims; although it is z 2 340 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. equally certain, from its general contour and coloration, its blackened, highly-polished aperture, its total freedom from an umbilicus, and the minute spiral lines of its surface, that it belongs strictly to the lactea group. If the sample now before me be a normal one of its kind, the H. gibboso-basalis differs from the lactea in its very much smaller size (its greatest diameter being only 12 lines, instead of about 20) and its comparatively dark or subconcolorous sur- face, which is entirely free from pallid specks or freckles, appearing at first sight (at any rate when viewed from above) to be of an almost uniformly livid- or plumbeous-brown ; though when more closely inspected, it will be seen, in reality, to be of a dull, dirty, yellowish-tinge (as is evident about the umbilical area and outside the aperture), but with four darker bands so obscure and diffused that on the upper side they are well-nigh indistinguishable, nearly blending together (particularly on the anterior region of the basal whorl) so as to tone-down, or infus- cate, the entire surface. Apart however from contour and size, the present Helix has the spire (which is composed of a volution less) more obtuse than in the H. lactea, its aperture is relatively smaller and less deflexed, its peristome is very much less expanded or developed, its sculpture is altogether finer, and there are a few abbreviated grooves and ridges, far within the aperture, on the ventral wall of the body-volution. But a more curious feature (if indeed it be a constant one) consists in the uneven, or biflexuose, nature of the columellary portion of its lower lip, occasioned by an unusual prominence, or gibbosity, amounting almost to a large obtuse tubercle or lump, at a little distance from the insertion of the latter into the axis. This last-mentioned feature, if not a mere accidental one, is at least very remarkable. Whether the H. gibboso-basalis is in any way related to the H. Dupotetiana, Terver (Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 274), from Northern Africa, with the diagnosis of which it has certainly something in common, I have no means of deciding. ( Hemicycla, Sow.) Helix gravida. Helix gravida, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 85 (1872) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 343 (1876) Habitat Fuerteventuram ; a Dom. Fritsch semifossilis re- perta. I have had no opportunity of inspecting this large Helix, which appears to be somewhat intermediate between the sar- CANARIAN GROUP. 341 costoma and lactea types, and which was detected by Fritsch, in a subfossil condition, in Fuerteventura. < Cette espece,' says Mousson (I. c. 85, 86), 'que je ne connais que subfossile, pour- rait au premier abord etre prise pour une forme dependante de VH. lactea,, Miill., mais un examen attentif demontre qu'elle est bien differente et rentre les Hemicycles du groupe sarcostoma. La spire est plus regulierement conique que dans la lactea^ de sorte que le dernier tour a relativement moins de grandeur. La sur- face est striee, non granuleuse, moins fortement au dernier tour, lequel par contre presente sur toute sa surface un martelage grossier, mais peu profond, qu'on ne voit pas dans les especes mediterraneennes. Le bord superieur n'a pas de tendance a s'evaser, mais est presque parallele au bord basal. Le peristome est gros et s'arrondit en se reflechissant. Le bord basal est epais, formant a I'interieur une ligne un peu relevee, se repliant a 1'exterieur et se collant largement sur la region ombilicale, qui est renflee et calleuse.' Helix sarcostoma. Helix sarcostoma, W. et #., Ann, des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 312 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 54. t. 1. f. 13, 14 (1839) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. i. 266 (1848) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 86 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 343 (1876) Habitat Lanzarotam, Fuerteventuram, et Canariam Grran- dem ; in montibus hinc inde baud infrequens. Necnon etiam semifossilis in insulis iisdem reperitur. It is more particularly of the two eastern islands of the archipelago, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, that this large and beautiful Helix (highly developed examples of which measure about an inch across their broadest part) is characteristic; nevertheless it occurs also, though much more sparingly, in Grand Canary. It was in those three islands that it was origi- nally detected by MM. Webb and Berthelot ; and it is in the same three that it has subsequently been met with by Fritsch, Mr. Lowe, myself, and others. I feel almost satisfied that it does not exist in Teneriffe, and agree therefore with Mousson that the habitat ' Teneriffe ' given by Zollinger is probably the result of mere looseness and inaccuracy ; ' La localite Tenerife,' says he, ' me parait plus que douteuse, M. Zollinger ayant repu cette espece, et ne 1'ayant pas trouvee lui-meme.' It occurs on the mountains at a rather high elevation. In Lanzarote we found it principally at Chache and around Maria ; and it was 342 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. taken also by Webb in 1829, in the extreme north of the same island, particularly in the ' Malpais,' or ancient lava-current, of the Montana de la Corona. In Fuerteventura we obtained it rather abundantly on the summit of Monte Atalaya, over- looking the Rio Palmas, where the examples are of a very large stature, and have their peristome monstrously developed. In a subfossil condition Mousson records the H. sarcostoma from Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, though it is only from the latter of those islands that I possess it distinctly subfossilized ; and I myself met with it in Grand Canary, namely in the cal- careous deposits on the maritime ridge between Las Palmas and the Puerto da Luz. In the general character of its somewhat dappled colouring this fine Helix is a little suggestive at first sight (particularly when the specimens are young and the aperture is unformed) of the common European H. aspersa ; nevertheless it is altogether of a warmer, and more livid, tint, and its bands (which are normally four or five in number) are sometimes comparatively distinct and uninterrupted, in which case all resemblance with that species ceases. It is a solid shell, rather obliquely-elon- gated in contour, quite imperforate (when adult), and with its peristome (which is of a pinkish- or fleshy-white, and very highly polished) more or less broadly expanded and recurved, often indeed (as in many of the Fuerteventuran examples) mon- strously so. The upper and lower margins of its aperture, which are joined by a thin intervening lamina, are slightly approximated ; the latter is sinuated internally, at a considerable distance beyond the columellary portion, so as to shape out an elongated basal obtuse tooth-like ridge ; and its whole surface is opake, and very densely and minutely granulated all over, but with the transverse lines of growth feeble and subobsolete. Apart from the freckles and interrupted bands, its upper region is often unequally clouded, or suffused, after the fashion of tortoiseshell, yellowish ill-defined blotches being frequently traceable in various parts ; and outside the aperture, which is very greatly deflexed, it is always more or less gradually fla- vescent. Helix Saulcyi. Helix Saulcyi, cTOrb., in W. et B. Hist. 56. t. 3. f. 9-11 '1839) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 267 (1848) Mouss.,Faun. Mai. des Can. 87 (1872) temperata, Id., ibid. 87. pi. 5. f. 5, 6 (1872) ?1 et Saulcyi, P/., I. c. vii. 343, 344 (1876) CANARIAN GROUP. 343 Habitat Canariam Grandem ; ad et juxta promontorium c Isleta ' dictum, in boreali insulae, et semifossilis et (multo rarior) recens. I have not myself seen this large and variable Helix> which appears to be peculiar to Grand Canary, 1 except in a subfossil condition ; but I possess several examples of it subfossilized which were taken by Mr. Lowe on the Isleta (the semidetached subinsular promontory in the extreme north of that island), and others which were found by myself on the calcareous ground between the Isleta and Las Palmas, where it has likewise been met with by Mr. Watson. It is probable therefore that the original specimens which were sent by Despreaux to MM. Webb and Berthelot were obtained in that same district, which is so readily accessible from Las Palmas. Mousson records it as having been found likewise by M. Grasset at ' Puerto de la Paz ; ' but it is most likely that the latter locality was a mis- print for Puerto da Luz, which is a small fishing-village ad- joining the Isleta. The H. Saulcyi is but slightly smaller, on the average, than the H. sarcostoma, which in general outline and proportions it much resembles. Indeed, apart from colour (concerning which I cannot form an opinion from specimens which are subfos- silized), it mainly recedes from that species in its totally dif- ferent surface which is almost destitute of minute granules, but is coarsely (and often deeply) sculptured or malleated, the malleations having a tendency to form (at any rate on the basal volution) more or less oblique subconfluent grooves ; and in the lower margin of its peristome (which is altogether much less developed) being, in the typical examples, more broadly straightened, or well-nigh unscooped-out (and therefore nearly free from an obtuse angle or tooth), internally. Its underside, moreover, is liable to be rather tumid and gibbose, or suddenly inflated, immediately below the aperture. Monsson's H. temperata (which was established on a single Grand-Canarian example from the collection of M. Berthelot) seems to me to differ in no respect from this extremely variable species except that it is less coarsely malleated (a character, judging from the specimens which are now before me, without the slightest significance) and that the lower division of its peristome is less straightened internally, or more suddenly 1 The If. Saulcyi is cited by Pfeiffer, in his first volume of the Mon. Hel.\ as coining from Fuerteventura likewise ; but it is evident that both the habitat and characters of the species were mixed up with those of the sarco- stoma ; and there can be little doiibt that the If. Saulcyi has no claim what- ever to be regarded as Fuerteventuran. Indeed in his seventh volume the habitat has been corrected by Pfeilfer himself. 344 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. scooped-out so as to form an obtuse ridge-like tooth ; but I will merely remark that this latter feature is so eminently incon- stant that it is scarcely possible to find two individuals of the H. Saulcyi which are precisely similar as regards the develop- ment of their peristome and aperture. Nevertheless I will at all events register this particular phasis of the shell, which passes into the other by the finest possible gradations, as the * var. /3. temperata.' Helix Pateliana. Helix Paeteliana, ShuttL, in litt. Pfei/>, Mai. Bldtt. vi. 26 (1859) Id., Mon. Hel v. 299 (1868) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 88. pi. v. f. 7 (1872) Pa'teliana, Pfeif., Mon. Hel. vii. 346 (1876) Habitat Fuerteventuram (sec. Pfeiff.) ; ex exemplare unico, in Mus. Cumingiano, descripta. I know nothing of this Helix except what may be gathered from Pfeiffer's diagnosis, which was drawn out from a unique example, said to have been taken in Fuerteventura, in the collec- tion of the late Mr. Cuming. Mousson assigns to it, in doubt, a specimen which was obtained in that same island by Fritsch, but which he nevertheless says does not quite accord with the published description. A single individual, now before me, which was received by the Baron Paiva from M. Berthelot, and which is stated (though I do not think that this can be depended upon) to be Fuerteventuran, very much resembles the figure which is given by Mousson ; though my own belief is that it represents nothing more, in reality, than a rather enlarged and elongated phasis of the H. Pouchet in which the striae and granulations are somewhat less developed, and that in all pro- bability it was met with in some district of Teneriffe, and not in ' Fuerteventura ' at all. Hence I do not think that my own specimen, at any rate, although differing a little from the ordi- nary Pouchet-tjpe, can be trusted, either as embodying the H. Pateliana or as having for certain been met with in the par- ticular island from whence it is reported to have been brought. Helix Pouchet. Le Pouchet, Adans., Hist, du Seneg. 10. t. 1. f. 2 (1757) Helix Pouchet, Per., Tabl. 32 (1821) Adansoni, W. et #., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 313 (1833) Pouchet, dOrb., in W. et B. Hist. 56 (1839) CANARIAN GROUP. 345 Helix Adansoni, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 268 (1848) Pouchet, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des. Can. 82 (1872) Adansoni, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 345 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam; in aridis apricis juxta Sta. Cruz et Orotava degens. Necnon etiam semifossilis occurrit. The H. Pouchet is a strictly Teneriffan species ; and I have little doubt that the additional habitat ' Grand Canary,' which was cited for it by Webb and Berthelot, was founded either on an inaccuracy of identification or else (which is far more pro- bable) on their characteristic looseness, as regards data. Like the H. plicaria, it has been taken by almost every naturalist who has visited Teneriffe for many years past, including Webb and Berthelot, d'Orbigny, Blauner, Hartung, Fritsch, Eeiss, Lowe, Watson, and myself, and, I believe, in nearly all instances, on the sides of the Barranco del Passo Alto near Sta. Cruz. I have however met with it, likewise, on the opposite side of the island, near the Puerto of Orotava, where it occurs equally in a subfossilized, or partially subfossilized, condition. Helix desculpta. Helix desculpta, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 83 (1872) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 345 (1876) Habitat Fuerteventuram, semifossilis ; a cl. Fritsch lecta. This species appears to have been described by Mousson from a subfossil example, or examples, found by Fritsch in Fuerteventura ; and, judging from the diagnosis (for I have not been able to procure a type for examination), I might have been inclined to regard it as not very remote from the H. Pou- chet, were it not expressly said to be free from granulations and to have no traces of even an obsolete keel on its basal volution, which latter, moreover, is less abruptly deflexed at the aper- ture. It seems to be allied both to the H. Pouchet and the H. plicaria, though not referable to either. 'Cette espece,' says Mousson, * d'une epoque ancienne, ne rentre bien ni dans les formes de YH. plicaria, ni de YH. Pouchet. Elle est plus glo- buleuse ; le dernier tour n'a pas trace d'angulation ; la sculpture consiste en simples stries, non serrees, peu relevees, et parfaite- ment lisses, tandis qui dans la premiere des deux autres especes elles sont incisees, dans la second granuleuses ; 1'ouverture est plus contracted, plus petite, moins evasee en haut et pourvue d'un bord aussi largement reflechi que dans les autres especes.' Helix retrodens. Helix retrodens, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 89. p. 4. f. 14,15(1872) 34C TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Helix retrodens, P/eiff., Mon. Hel vii. 347 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; a cl. Fritsch detecta. The H. retrodens (of which I have no type for comparison) is described as a rather convex, strongly striated shell, partially malleated, somewhat shining, and of a pale-yellowish olive-brown (still paler beneath;, and with three indistinct darker bands which are more or less interrupted by whitish lines and mark- ings. Its nucleus is said to be finely granulated ; and its peri- stome, which is white and very broadly expanded, has its basal portion thickened internally into an obtuse ridge-like plait. It is stated by Mousson to be allied to the H. modesta, Fer. (= Paivana, Lowe), and was taken by Fritsch in Teneriffe. I possess examples of a Helix from Arona which agree to a great extent with the diagnosis of the H. retrodens, though not suffi- ciently so to enable me to refer them for certain to that species. Helix modesta. Helix modesta, Fer., Prodr. 71 (1821) 55 55 Pfei/., Mon. Hel. i. 269 (1848) Paivana, Lowe [nee Fer., 1864], Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 110(1861) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. v. 307 (1868) modesta, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 83 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 351 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; juxta Sta. Cruz, prsecipue in Barranco Santo, vulgaris. This is a common Helix near Sta. Cruz in Teneriffe, parti- cularly in the Barranco Santo, where it was met with abun- dantly by Mr. Lowe and myself, as it had been previously by Fritsch ; and it was also taken by Blauner and Grasset. By d'Orbigny it appears to have been mixed up, or confused, with the H. Pouchet. The H. modesta is of a dark greenish-brown hue above, but paler, yellower, and more glossy beneath, and occasionally with obscure indications of a few obsolete bands. In form it is rather compact and obtuse, with faint traces on its basal whorl of a keel, which however completely vanishes towards the aperture ; its peristome is white and broadly developed, the basal portion being nearly straight but a good deal thickened ; and its surface is roughened with irregular transverse costate lines, and is here and there conspicuously malleated. As compared with the H. plicaria, the modesta is smaller, more depressed, and more compact, as well as of a darker greenish-brown hue ; and (although strongly costate-striate) it is free from the remote and greatly elevated string-like trans- CANARIAN GROUP. 347 versely-sculptured ridges which are so characteristic of that (equally Teneriffan) species ; and it has more appreciable traces, too, of an obsolete keel. Helix Bethencourtiana. Helix Bethencourtiana, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 143(1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 270 (1853) ?5 Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 84. pi. 5. f. 3,4 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 478 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; a cl. Blauner inventa. I have not seen this species, which was taken by Blauner in Teneriffe ; but it is said to be much allied to the H. plicaria, from which it is mainly distinguished by its smaller size, and by having its costate ridges perfectly simple, or free from trans- verse sculpture. 6 Cette espece,' says Mousson, ' confondue an- terieurement avec VH. plicaria, et subordonnee par M. Lowe (Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. ser. vii. 110) a VH. Adansoni, Webb [i.e. H. Pouchet, Adans ], a ete nettement definie par M. Shuttle- worth, comme je me suis convaincu sur des echantillons de la main de 1'auteur meme. Elle se distingue de la plicaria par sa moindre grandeur, sa tenuite, par 1'accroissement plus prompt des tours, par des plis distants eleves, mais parfaitement lisses, non creneles, par une ouverture plus regulierement ovale en travers, enfin par un peristome beaucoup moins large, en peu colore. L'absence totale de martelage la separe entierement de la modesta, qui a la meme grandeur.' Helix plicaria. Helix plicaria, Lam., Encyl. Meth. t. 462 f. 3 plicatula, Id., Hist. viii. 81 (1822) plicaria, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 313 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 56 (1839) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. i. 291 (1848) Desk., Per. Hist. i. 112 (1851) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 81 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam ; in collibus apricis circa Sta. Cruz 5 vul- garis. Etiam semifossilis parce reperitur. The H. plicaria, Lam., is essentially characteristic of Tene- riife, where it is common on most of the dry and rocky hill-sides around, and above, Sta. Cruz, and from whence it has been brought by every collector who during the last fifty years has visited the island. There is no evidence that it is found elsewhere in 348 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. the archipelago (though we might well expect, perhaps, to meet with it in Grand Canary), and it is simply monstrous therefore that MM. Webb and Berthelot should have cited it as spread over the entire Group. Such loose assertions as these are abso- lutely unpardonable in the fauna of any country in which the most punctilious accuracy as regards habitat is a sine qua non ; and even had there been reason to suspect that the H. plicaria was not altogether confined to Teneriffe, still MM. Webb and Berthelot could not have been in a position to vouch for its uni- versality, inasmuch as they had collected but very imperfectly in some of the outlying islands, and indeed on Hierro had not so much as once even set foot 1 But throughout the whole of their gigantic ' Histoire ' this extreme slovenliness on the im- portant question of localities meets one on nearly every page ; and although it was an easy method for themselves, to define the range of a species by simply citing ' toutes les Canaries ' as its habitat, nevertheless no truthful monographer could possibly accept any such statement unless some proof was given, at the same time, that it is tenable ; and in the present instance their innuendos concerning the H. plicaria are utterly discreditable, for, so far as we have any data for forming an opinion, the species would appear to be (not universally Canarian^ but) exclusively Teneriffan. There can be no fear of confounding the H. plicaria with anything else with which we are here concerned, its rather flattened (though completely imkeeled) contour and corneous brown surface (which is paler, or yellower, beneath, and on which anything like darker bands are rarely traceable), in con- junction with its white and broadly-flattened peristome, and the remote but extremely elevated and transversely-sculptured cos- tate ridges with which it is beset, giving it a character essen- tially its own. The very minute impressions which crenulate its oblique transverse ribs will be seen, when closely inspected, to be the result of a system of densely-packed spiral lines, which are conspicuous on the summits, or edges, of the costse, but are obsolete in the spaces between them. I possess a few examples of the H. plicaria in a distinctly subfossilized condition, and in which the ridges are rather less developed and less decidedly crenulate, but I cannot now quite recall whence I obtained them. Helix inutilis. Helix inutilis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 81. pi. 5. . f. 1, 2 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 425 (1876) CANARIAN GROUP. 349 Habitat Teneriffam ; a cl. Grasset lecta. It seems far from improbable that this Helix, which was taken by M. Grasset in TenerifFe, represents but an accidental state, or variety, of the H. plicaria, in which the umbilicus is unclosed-over by the expanded lamina of the lower lip ; never- theless its exposed or open umbilicus makes it in some degree connective between that species and the H. planorbella ; though its affinities are clearly more with the plicaria than with the latter. After his diagnosis of the H. inutilis, Mousson remarks : * Cette espece se place entre la planorbella et la plicaria, Lam., en se rapprochant toutefois plus de la seconde. Elle se distingue des deux par un enroulement plus lache, et un bord basal entierement detache. En outre elle differe de la planor- bella par une ouverture plus grande et une costulation ruguese et plus grossiere ; de la plicaria par contre, dont elle partage entierement la sculpture, par 1'ombilic tres ouvert, malgre la large reflexion du bord, par la forme plus reguliere de Fouverture et le rapprochement des insertions marginales jusqu'a moins de -J-Q du pourtour. II me semble peu Vraisemblable que ces differ- ences ne soient qu'individuelles, dues a un developpement anor- mal, bien que je n'aye vu qu'un individu de cette espece, provenant, suivant M. Tarnier, comme la plicaria, de Teneriffe.' Helix planorbella. Helix planorbella, Lam., Hist. viii. 66 (1822) strigata, var. 13, Per., No. 162. t. 67. f. 8 planorbella, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 76. pi, 4. f. 18, 19 (1872) var* /3. incisogranulata, Mousson. Helix planorbella, Desk., Per. Hist. i. 45 (1851) Pfeiff.,Mon. Hel.v* 364(1868) Id., Novit. Conch, ii. 297. t. 72. f. 8-12 ,. var. incisogranulata, Mouss., I. c. 176 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam, et Gomeram ; in ilia var. p., sed in hac (sec. Mousson) status normalis. This is one of the species which were not obtained by either Mr. Lowe or myself, and one which I have been unable to procure for examination; but according to Mousson it presents two totally distinct forms, one of them peculiar to Gomera, with the costae simple or ungranulated, which he believes to cor- respond with the Lamarckian type, and the other, which is more depressed and keeled, and has the ridges distinctly sculptured, to Teneriffe. This latter phasis, figured by Pfeiffer 350 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. (Novitat. Conch, ii. 297. t. 72. f. 8--12) as the normal state of the H. planorbella, Mousson treats as a ' var. incisogra- nutataj and defines it thus : ' umbilico paulo angustiore, pli- cis minus numerosis, sub lente minute granulatim incisis, margine basali minus adnato, minus incrassato, intus distinc- tius convexo.' Judging from the diagnosis and figure, the H. planorbella (which, through a mistake, was cited originally from Porto Rico) is a rounded but depressed shell, with an open umbili- cus, and rather strongly costate-striate on its upper portion, the costae in the typical (or Gromeran) state being quite simple, but minutely sculptured across (or crenulated) in the 'var. /3. incisogranulata' from Teneriffe. In colour it is of a pale yellowish-corneous, with two or three more or less evident darker bands; and its peristome has the margins (the basal one of which is widely thickened) a good deal approximated. Helix vermiplicata, n. sp. T. semiobtecte umbilicata, orbiculato-depressa, subtenuis, densissime et grosse vermiculato-plicata (plicis valde irregula- ribus, submalleato-confluentibus), et sub lente minutissime obsoletissimeque arenoso-granulata, subopaca, griseo- vel luteo- albida et fasciis obsoletis 4 vel 5 (sc. 1 vel 2 infra, et 1 vel 2 mox supra peripheriam, et 1 pone suturam) suffuse nebu- losa; spira obtusa, sutura simplici impressa; anfractibus 5, ultimo magno inflato sed minute arguteque filo-carinato, antice paulo descendente ; apertura lunato-rotundata, peristomatis mar- ginibus ad insertiones separatis disjunctis. Diam. maj. 9J tin. Habitat Palmam ; in calcareis ad Argual, regionis occiden- talis ' Banda ' dictse, pauca specimina emortua collegi. Out of five examples of this Helix which I met with on the calcareous ' Llanos ' (below Argual) of the Banda, on the western side of Palma, only one is at all mature, and even that one has its peristome still unformed ; nevertheless the spe- cies is so well defined by its sculpture and other features, that I have ventured to describe it, feeling satisfied that it can- not be associated with anything else with which we have here to do. The specimen to which I have just called attention is so very nearly adult, and has its umbilicus (as in the younger ones) so greatly exposed (scarcely as much as half of it being closed over by the expanded lamina of the lower lip), that I feel almost confident that this character of 'semiobtecte per- forata ' will be found to hold good during all periods of its CANARIAN GROUP. 351 growth; and such being the case, its affinities, which at first sight are not readily apparent, will perhaps be ascertained to lie amongst the forms around the H. planorbella, though, at the same time, the species has evidently something in common with the (equally Palman) H. granomalleata. Not to mention this peculiarity of its umbilicus, the pre- sent species is smaller than the H. granomalleata, and it is also rather more depressed both above and below, and it has a fine thread-like though minute keel which is traceable even down to the very aperture. It is not much malleated, its sculpture consisting mainly (apart from the excessively minute sand- like granules) of extremely irregular and densely-packed, coarse, subconfluent, oblique ridges, or subundulating vermiform folds ; and in colour it would seem to be of a dingy olivaceous-white, suffused with a darker tint in consequence of the 4 or 5 obso- lete bands which are indistinctly indicated. Helix Plutonia. Helix Plutonia, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist.vii. 108 (1861) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. v. 300 (1868) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 76. pi. 4. f. 12, 13 (1872) Pfeiff', Mon. Hel. vii. 423 (1876) Habitat Lanzarotam, et Fuerteventuram ; in ilia recens, sed in hac et recens et vix semifossilis ad Pozonegro parce reperitur. By M. Fritsch this well-marked Helix was found both in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, but it is only in the latter that it was obtaiued by Mr. Lowe, -who took several subfos- silized examples of it (for I think that they are more than merely dead and bleached), along with one or two others im- mature and recent, at Pozonegro, on the eastern side of that island ; but it is a species which I did not myself meet with. The H. Plutonia is a large, rather flattened, obtuse, and almost sublenticular shell, nevertheless with the nucleus of the extremely compact and closely-set spire somewhat pro- minent, and with scarcely any indications of a keel on the ultimate volution, though there are evident traces of one up the spire, manifested by a thread-like, subelevated, laterally- compressed line along the anterior edge of the suture. Its umbilicus is generally half-exposed, and thus far therefore open, but at times it is nearly closed up by the reflexed lamina of the columella ; its whorls are six in number, and all of them except the basal one much flattened ; and its upper surface is covered with fine and light, irregular, scabrous, costate lines, intermingled with a few granules, whilst, beneath, it is more 352 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. shining and comparatively unsculptured. Its aperture is large, with the upper and lower portions wide apart and disconnected ; and its peristome, although recurved, is narrow and only slightly expanded. When young and undeveloped the H. Plutonia is very much more sharply carinated (on account of the ultimate, imkeeled volution having still to be added) ; and, according to Mousson (for the example now before me does not shew it), there are a few hair-like filaments arising out of the asperated granulations. If this latter statement be true, it would seem to imply that the real affinities of the H. Plutonia are not with the exact forms amongst which I have placed it, and with which it is associated by Mousson. But, in point of fact, the species is a very diffi- cult one as regards location ; and what its nearest allies may be, it is by no means readily apparent. Helix semitecta. Helix semitecta, Mouss. 9 Faun. Mai. des Can. 75. pi. 4. f. 17 (1872) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. vii. 423 (1876) Habitat Gromeram, semifossilis ; collegit cl. Fritsch. A Helix which was found by Fritsch in Gomera, and ap- parently in a subfossil condition ; though as it was sufficiently well preserved for Mousson to give some idea both of its colour and markings, it can scarcely have been so strictly subfossilized as many of the species which we have had occasion to notice. The H. semitecta seems, judging from the diagnosis and figure, to be distinctly umbilicated, the umbilicus however being half closed over by the expanded lamina of the lower lip ; in outline it is rather convex, obtuse, and compact, and without any traces of a keel ; its surface is not only strongly and regu- larly striated, but likewise unequally beset with coarse granules ; and its aperture is relatively rather small, with the upper and lower margins of the peristome a good deal, and subequally, curved. ' La coloration,' says Mousson, ' ne se compose pas de zones continues simples, mais de 4 fascies, qu'interrompent des taches anguleuses blanches, qui se continuent sur les intervalles ; ' and, as regards size, it would appear to measure about 1 1 lines across its broadest part. Helix Paivana. Helix Paivana, Morelet [nee Lowe\ Journ. de Conch, xii. 186 (1864) Mouss. 9 Faun. Mai. des Can. 77 (1872). Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 455 (1876) CANARIAN GROUP. 353 Habitat Gromeram ; a Barone de Paiva communicata. Ra- rissima. The H. Paivana, which appears to be peculiar to Gromera, and which measures about 10 lines across its broadest part, is a rather depressed but obtuse shell, there being no indications of a regular keel ; its spire is only slightly raised, but somewhat blunt and dome-shaped ; and its umbilicus is partially visible, it being only half closed-over (or perhaps rather more) by the re- flexed lamina of the peristome. It is somewhat thin in sub- stance, tumid beneath, and of a yellowish-brown hue (paler on the underside), but ornamented with four narrow and regularly interrupted darker bands, which give a somewhat freckled ap- pearance to the whole upper portion ; and the surface is beset with coarse tubercles (which become obsolete towards the nucleus, and gradually disappear below on the umbilical area which is more shining and polished), caused by the breaking- up of the densely-packed oblique transverse lines of growth. Its peristome, which is acute and not much recurved, has the upper and lower insertions slightly approximated. Helix Villiersii, Helix Villiersii, tfOrb., in W. et B. Hist. 57. t, 3. f. 11, 12 (1839) Pfeiff., Man. Hel. i. 378 (1848) Villiersi, Mouss., Faun. MaL des Can. 79 (1872) Habitat Gomeram ; a Dom Despreaux olim reperta. As stated below, the ' var. a. subaucta ' of the H. quadri-* cincta would seem to me to approach very near to this species (which I have not been able to inspect, and which apparently is but little known), though the acuteness of its keel prevents it from being actually identified with it. Indeed, judging from the diagnosis, the H. Villiersii is not more carinated than the H. Planorbella, and probably not more so than the Paivana ; and its transverse costate ridges are said to be interrupted be- neath, and the whole shell thin and fragile. The H. Villiersii^ which was found many years ago in Gro- mera by M. Despreaux, was also unknown to Mousson, who nevertheless seemed inclined to believe that it may prove in reality (when further material shall have been obtained) to represent some variety, or state, of either the H. planorbella or the H. quadrioincta ; though, I suspect, unless indeed the description be very inaccurate, that it must be distinct from at all events the latter. A A 354 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Helix quadricincta. Helix qnadricincta, Morelet, Journ. de Conch, xii. 156 (1864) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel v. 371 (1868) Id., Novit. Conch, ii. t. 72. f. 13-16 Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 78 (1872) Habitat Gromeram ; in collibus aridis apricis juxta San Se- bastian vulgaris. ' Var. a. subaucta ' in locis magis elevatis degit. Morelet's H. quadricincta seems to be peculiar to Gromera, where it was taken abundantly by Mr. Lowe and myself on the dry rocky slopes immediately above San Sebastian, on the northern side of the ravine ; and it would appear to have been met with previously by Fritsch. It is stated by Pfeiffer, on the authority of the Baron Paiva, to occur also in Teneriffe ; but this, I think, requires corroboration. The H. quadricincta, which measures about 8 lines across it broadest part, is a depressed and lenticular shell, acutely keeled, with about half of its umbilicus exposed (or uncovered), and beset all over with simple and very regular oblique trans- verse costate lines. It is rather tumid on the underside, but its volutions above are flattened ; and its surface is of a pale yel- lowish-corneous hue (whiter and paler beneath), but ornamented with four narrow darker bands, of which one is immediately above (and adjoining) the keel, another at a short distance be- low it, and the remaining two on the anterior half of the whorls. Its peristome (which is white and polished) is a good deal expanded and recurved, the basal portion being broadly incras- sated. There is a slightly larger phasis of this species, which is found at a higher elevation, and which was taken by Mr. Lowe, on April 21, 1861, immediately below the Cumbre (on the south- eastern side) at the head of the San Sebastian ravine, and which I should have been inclined to regard as the H. Villiersii of d'Orbigny was not its keel quite as strongly expressed as in the typical H. quadricincta. In addition to its being somewhat larger than the latter, its costae are not quite so regular, its aperture is relatively a little more developed and outwardly- extended, the basal margin of its peristome is a trifle less thickened and less curved, and its fasciae are just appreciably less continuous, or more interrupted, giving a slightly more freckled appearance to the upper portion of the shell than is the case in the H. quadricincta proper, though very much less so CANARIAN GROUP. 355 than in the //. Paivana. This particular state of the species .may be thus briefly defined : Var. a. subaucta. paulo major, costis vix minus regulari- bus, apertura submajore, peristomatis margine basali sensim minus incrassato minusque curvato, fasciisque vix magis fractis. Diam. maj. 9 lin. Helix saponacea. Helix saponacea, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 108 (1861) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. v. 300 (1868) Mouss., Faun* Mai. dee Can. 91. pi. v. f. 9-11 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 350 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grrandem ; in aridis saxosis ad El Chareo, ultra Maspalomas, copiose lecta. Necnon semifossilis reperitur, This flattened and lozenge-shaped, but uncarinated Helix (the larger examples of which measure about 7-J lines across their broadest part) is one of the most distinct species in the archipelago, and one which was detected by Mr. Lowe and myself, both in a recent and subfossil state, on dry rocky banks in the low and remote district of El Charco, in the extreme south of Grand Canary, beyond the sandy wastes of Maspalomas. We found it in tolerable abundance, in company with the H* Despreauxii, d'Orb., and the H. pulverulenta, Lowe. Apart from its depressed but unkeeled contour, the H. sapo- nacea may be known by its umbilicus being completely closed over, and by its surface being uniformly covered (except in the central area beneath, where it is paler and shining) with small but sharply defined granules,- caused by the breaking-up of the fine and inconspicuous transverse lines of growth. Its spire, although flattened, has the volutions somewhat convex ; and its upper surface, which is slightly opake, is of a pale yellowish- corneous hue ornamented with three more or less obscure red- dish-brown bands, the aperture (which is much deflected) being flavescent outside. Its peristome is white and highly polished, as well as broadly expanded and reflexed, and the insertions are wide apart and unconnected by an intervening lamina. Helix psathyra. Helix psathyra, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist, vii, 109 (1861) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. v. 300 (1868) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 90. pi. 5. f. 8 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 350 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in inferioribus, intermediis, locisque elevatis, late diifusa. Semifossilis rarius invenitur. A 2 356 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. It is to Grand Canary that this Helix appears to be pe- culiar, it having been taken by Mr. Lowe and myself in many remote spots both in the interior and south of that island. We met with it in abundance at the head of the Barranco leading down to Aldea de San Nicolas from Mogan ; but we had previ- ously taken it, more sparingly, at Mogan itself, as well as in the lofty Final of Tarajana (above San Bartolome), and even so low down as at Maspalomas and Arguineguin. On the northern side of the island we did not observe it ; but Mousson records its detection by Fritsch near Las Palmas. In the calcareous region between Aldea de San Nicolas and Lagaete, we found it subfossilized. In proportion to its size (for the larger examples measure so much as an inch across their widest part), the H. psathyra is a rather thin and fragile shell, with the umbilicus completely closed over, and the peristome (although acute) greatly expanded and recurved. It is slightly shining above, and brilliantly po- lished in the central area below, where, moreover, it is of a much paler olivaceous-yellow. Its upper region is of a pale olivaceous-brown, with a slightly livid tinge (sometimes the green and sometimes the yellow predominating), the outside of the aperture being flavescent ; and there are very obscure traces of four or five obsolete darker bands ; and its sculpture is very light, consisting only of fine irregular oblique lines of growth (free from granules, except at the nucleus), mixed up with faint malleations. Helix Gaudryi. ? Helix Gaudryi, d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 57. t. 3. f. 15-17 (1839) ? Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 231 (1859) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 98. pi. 5. f. 16, 17 (1872) ? Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 347 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in intermediis, praecipue per re- gionem El Monte dictam necnon in Caldeira magna montis Bandama, degens. The H. Gaudryi (at any rate as understood by Mousson^ though not, apparently, as accepted by Pfeiffer) would seem to be peculiar to the intermediate districts of Grand Canary, where, throughout the region of El Monte (particularly about Los Laurealos, and within the great crater of the Bandama mountain) it is by no means uncommon ; and I have taken it above San Mateo, on the ascent to the Koca del Soucilho. It was met with in much the same localities by Mr. Lowe like- wise ; and Mousson records that it was also obtained in Grand CANARIAN GROUP. 357 Canary by Fritsch, It was probably a mistake of M. d'Orbigny's to have cited it from Gromera ; but most likely lie was merely guided by the references of Mr. Webb, whose extreme in- accuracy on the subject of habitats I have had occasion more than once to dilate upon. I happen however to know that the El Monte district was collected in for some time by Webb, so that he could scarcely have failed to secure this large and con- spicuous Helix. Even Mousson, who gave an emended diagnosis of this species, has omitted to call attention to some of its most salient features, such, for instance, as the minute granulations with which it is densely crowded (he even speaks of it as ' laevigata ' ! ), and the pinkish purple tinge with which its peristome is con- spicuously coloured ; and he also defines it as 4-fasciate, where- as the number of its fasciae is most unmistakeably five, two being below the dorsal line, two (which are subconfluent) im- mediately above it, and one adjoining the suture. In its rather obliquely-elongated outline, laterally-extended aperture, and greatly developed, incrassated, recurved, pinkish peristome, no less than in its solid substance and its densely- granuled, 5-fasciated surface, the H. Gaudryi is a good deal on the type of the H. sarcostoma ; nevertheless it is very much smaller and more depressed (both above and below) than that species (even though free from all indications of a keel), and has a much livelier and more dappled coloration, the bands being broken-up by more or less angular yellowish markings ; added to which there is no trace of an elongated obtuse ridge-like tooth (formed by the scooping-out of the basal margin) within the peristome, and it is generally more appreciably malleated. It is, however, a variable shell, the malleations being often comparatively inconspicuous ; and even the umbilicus is sometimes (though rarely) not completely closed over. The larger examples of the H. Gaudryi measure about 11 lines across their broadest part, and the smaller ones about 8. Helix granomalleata, n. sp. T. imperforata, depresso-subglobosa, subtenuis, oblique pli- cato-malleata (plicis valde irregularibus, subconfluentibus), et minute densissimeque arenoso-granulata, supra opaca, subtus in medio laevior nitidior, griseo-lutea et fasciis 4 vel 5 (sc. 1 vel 2 infra et 2 omnino confluentibus mox supra peripheriam, et 1 plus minus indentato-interrupto pone suturam) castaneis ornata ; spira obtusa, sutura simplici impressa ; anfractibus 5, convexiusculis, ultimo magno inflate (nee, aut postice obsoletis- sime, carinato), antice valde descendente; apertura magna, 358 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. lunato-ovali ; peristomate acuto sed parum expanse et reflexo, marginibus ad insertiones subconvergentibus sed separatis (vix callo junctis), supero et basali subsequalitur arcuatis, hoc simplici (nee intus sinuate subdentato). Diam. maj. 12 lin. Habitat Palmam ; in Barranoo de Herradura, necnon ad Los Souces, a Revdo. R. T. Lowe (et recens et semifossilis) detecta. Nine examples (two or three of which are subfossilized) of this well-marked Helix were taken by Mr. Lowe in Palma, namely at Los Souces, and in the Barranco de Herradura ; and it is remarkable as being the only tolerably large species, with the exception of the H. vermiplicata (and the clearly imported H. aspersa, MiilL) which has hitherto been observed in that island. Mousson's monograph does not enumerate a single Palman representative of the great section Hemicycla ; never- theless, seeing that Goinera is so rich in insular forms, we can hardly suppose that Palma, with its superior elevation and more extensive area, is deficient in them, but must merely conclude that the smaller amount of research which has been expended on it accounts for the fauna having been less in- vestigated, The present Helix is rather thin in substance, and depresso- globose in outline ; its ultimate whorl is a good deal developed, rounded, and (except very obsoletely so posteriorly) unkeeled ; its umbilicus is altogether closed over ; and its surface (which is opake except in the central space below) is not only very densely crowded with minute sand^like granules, but also con- siderably malleated, the malleations however being so mixed up (except towards the apex of the spire) with the very irre- gular oblique plicafi that the two systems of sculpture seem to be well-nigh completely blended together, or inseparable. In colour it is of a rich brownish- or olivaceous-yellow (paler around the axis beneath), and there are four or five darker and some- what conspicuous bands, either one or two of which are below the dorsal line, another (broader, and perhaps composed of two confluent ones) immediately above it, and another (which is more or less indented, or freckled, on its anterior margin) behind the suture. Helix merita Helix merita, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 174 (1872) Pfeiff., Man. HeL vii. 348 (1876) Habitat Gromeram, semifossilis ; a Dom. Fritsch reperta. The present species and the H. harmonica I have not been able to inspect, and there seem to be but few characters about them of a very striking or distinctive nature. They were both CANAR1AN GROUP. 359 of them obtained by Fritsch, the H. merita (which is the larger of the two, measuring 27 millimetres across its broadest part) in Gromera, and only in a subfossil, or perhaps partially subfossil, state, fcr Mousson was able to call attention to its markings. Comparing it with the H. harmonica, to which it is. manifestly allied, he observes : * La forme totale est plus conique, mais en meme temps plus deprimee ; les tours croissent d'abord plus promptement, puis plus lentement, et sont, malgre un certain renflement le long de la suture, peu hauts ; le pour- tour dorsal, anguleux aux tours superieurs, s'arrondit au dernier tour, mais laisse decouvrir, presque jusqu'a 1'ouverture, une ligne faiblement saillante; 1'ouverture est moins reguliere, surtout le bord basal non excave vers 1'interieur, mais droit ou au milieu faiblement releve en un epaississement calleux, sub- denti forme. Cette espece, a juger d'apres son etat, appartient a la faune subfossile de Pile, mais a conserve un certain degre de fraicheur, par rapport a sa sculpture et, quoiqu'affaiblie, a sa coloration.' Helix harmonica. Helix harmonica, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 74. pi. 4. f. 11 (1872) Pfei/. 9 Mon. Hel. vii. 348 (1876) Habitat Hierro ; mihi non obvia. Collegit cl. Fritsch. As just stated, this Helix, which was taken by Fritsch in Hierro, is unknown to me. It appears, however, to be of a yellowish-white tint, with two darker well-defined bands beneath, but more suffused on the upper portion. 'La surface,' says Mousson, 4 presente des stries costulees extremement faibles et une fine granulation allongee microscopique, egalement faible, qui n'influe que sur le brillant un peu mat. L'ouverture ne s'abaisse que lentement et peu. Le bord externe est un peu reflechi et blanc ; 1'inferieur s'epaissit sans s'applatir, reste concave, quoique moins que le superieur, et se fond avec une faible callosite dans Tavant dernier tour.' It is described as measuring 22 millimetres across its broadest part. Helix gomerensis. Helix gomerensis, Morelet, Journ. de Conch, xii. 157 (1864) Pfmff.1 Mon. Hel. v. 62 (1868) 5, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 73. pi. 4. f. 9, 10 (1872) Habitat Gomeram ; a Barone Castello de Paiva com- municata. I possess several examples of this fine Helix (the largest one 860 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. of which measures about 11 lines across its widest part) which were received by the Baron Paiva from Gromera, and there can be no doubt that it is the species which was described by Morelet. In proportion to its size the shell is extremely thin and fragile, being more than usually sub-diaphanous when held up to the light ; and its colour is a deep castaneous-brown, but rather paler (or more olivaceous) beneath, with extremely indistinct indications of three obsolete darker bands, one of which is just below the dorsal line, another immediately above it, and the third a little behind the suture (the space between this last one and the suture being sometimes, apparently, though not in the specimens now before me, of a more lively ochreous yellow). In outline the H. gomerensis is somewhat depressed ; its ultimate volution, which is angulated posteriorly but rounded and obtuse in front, is very broadly developed ; and its aperture is large, the peristome being thin but slightly recurved, with the margins (the basal one of which is only narrowly expanded) wide apart and disconnected. Its surface, which is subopake above but more shining in the central area below, is finely and very densely, but unequally, costate-striate ; and, when viewed Ijeneath a high magnifying power, it will be seen to be most closely covered with excessively minute and ill-defined sand- like granulations. Helix hierroensis. Helix Hierroensis, Grasset, Journ. de Conch, v. 345 (1856) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iv. 231 (1859) Valverdensis, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 110 (1861) Hierroensis, Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 98 (1872) Habitat Hierro; in intermediis ad oppidum Valverde lecta. This is a Helix which was taken abundantly by Mr. Lowe and myself in a garden at Valverde, in Hierro ; and it appears to have been met with previously both by Grasset and Fritsch in the same island. It is much smaller than the H. gomerensis (measuring only about 9 lines across its widest part), and rather more globose in contour ; but in colour and sculpture it has much in common with that species. It is, however, a little more strictly opake on the upper surface (the minute sand-like granules with which it is closely beset being perceptibly coarser and more defined) ; and its colour is of a dull olivaceous coffee- brown, rather than of a reddish castaneous. It has less traces, too, of a keel on the posterior half of the basal whorl (which is itself less broadly developed) ; its aperture is relatively smaller ; and its peristome is whiter and a trifle more thickened. Its three bands are quite as obscure as in the H. gomerensis, being CANARIAN GROUP. 361 often altogether imperceptible ; its oblique transverse lines are equally light and irregular (being, moreover, slightly undulated about the dorsal region, so as to give that part an obsoletely submalleated appearance) ; and its suture (as in that species) is often edged with an extremely narrow yellowish-white marginal line. It is not altogether impossible that this Helix may prove eventually to be the true H. Maugeana of Shuttleworth (Bern. Mitth. Diagn. 292 ; 1852). At any rate what he believed to be Shuttleworth's actual type (in the collection of the late Mr. Cuming) was examined by Mr. Lowe, who declared it to be specifically identical with the Valverde shell. Still, as the diagnosis of the H. Maugeana does not sufficiently tally with the H. hierroensis, there is a difficulty about adopting Shuttle- worth's title, and disturbing the synonymy as above quoted. Helix Perraudieri. Helix Perraudieri, Grasset, Journ. de Conch, v. 345. t. 13. f. 2 (1856) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iv. 232 (1859) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 100 (1872) Habitat Hierro ; mihi non obvia. Collegit cl. Grasset. The H. Perraudieri is a species which was found by M. Grasset in Hierro, but one which I have not myself had an opportunity of inspecting. It seems also to have been un- known to Mousson (except by the figure and published diagnosis), who nevertheless appeared satisfied as to its close affinity with the H. hierroensis. Judging from the description of M. Grasset, it is more depressed than the latter, as well as regularly and minutely malleated, and free from the granula- tions which give so marked a character to that species ; but in point of size the two do not, apparently, greatly differ. Helix distensa. Helix distensa, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 100. pi. 5. f. 20, 21 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 349 (1876) Habitat Gomeram. Invenit cl. Fritsch* A Gomeran Helix, detected by Fritsch, which is apparently a good deal allied to the H. Perraudieri, Grasset, from Hierro ; but, according to Mousson (for I have not been able to inspect a type), elle est plus globuleuse ; le dernier tour est arrondi, bien qu'un peu deprime vers Tangle dorsal de 1'ouverture, la 362 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. ligne dorsale est un peu au-dessus de la mi-hauteur du tour. La spire parait irreguliere, en ce que les tours du sommet grandissent plus lentement que le troisieme et le quatrieme. .... Quant a la coloration il y a des individus uniforme d'une teinte rouge-brune, tirant sur le violet vers le sommet, d'autres qui sur un tapis jaunatre presentent les 5 bandes ordinaires foncees, interrompues par des taches jaunes irregulieres, qui envahissent egalement le fond. L'ouverture, comme dans la Perraudieri, est etroite dans le sens de la hauteur, etiree et anguleuse en travers. Le peristome se dilate sans se reflechir, et s'orne a 1'interieur, comme a 1'exterieur, d'une forte labiation blanche, qui, comme dans 1'autre espece, frappe a la premiere vue.' Helix indifferens. Helix indifferens, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 98 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 349 (1876) Habitat Hierro, semifossilis ; exemplare unico a cl. Fritsch detecto. Described by Mousson from a single worn example which was found by Fritsch, in a subfossil condition, in Hierro ; and one can scarcely help regretting that it should have been deemed desirable to erect an additional species on material at once so insufficient and unsatisfactory. ' Espece subfossile,' says Mousson, 6 dont je n'ai vu qu'un individu use, mais que, dans 1'embarras, je done d'un nouveau nom. La forme la place entres les H. hierroensis et Guanartemee, Grrasset Elle differe par un bord faiblement evase et reflechi, par une ouver- ture d'un ovale arrondi fort regulier, sans sinus superieurs, ni angulation dorsale ; les deux bords ont presque la meine courbure. Le basal, bien concave comme dans le sousgenre Iberus, est arrondi, s'insere au moyen d'une callosite convexe, a la base renflee, et developpe, profondement a 1'interieur pres de la columelle, un tubercule arrondi, qu'on ne voit qu'en tenant 1'ouverture tres obliquement. Si ce caract&re est constant et non accidentel, il serait tout particulier pour cette espece.' The H. indifferens is said to measure 21 millimetres across its broadest part, with an altitude of 1 4. Helix Maugeana. Helix Graudryi, Pfeiff. [nee d'Orb., 1839] i. 269 (1848) Maugeana, Shutti,., Bern. Mitth. 292 (1852) Mouss.,Faun. Mai. des C&n. 96 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 347 (1876) Habitat ' Canaries (mus. Cuming),' sec. Shuttleworth ; mihi non obvia. CANARIAN GROUP. 363 As already mentioned, it is far from impossible that the //. hierroensis, Grasset, from Hierro, may prove to be Shuttle- worth's H. Maugeana, in which case the latter name would have the priority. At any rate the specimen, in the collection of the late Mr. Cuming, from which Shuttleworth appears to have drawn up his diagnosis, was examined carefully by Mr. Lowe, who affirmed it to be conspecific with the one from Hierro. Still there is a possibility that Mr. Lowe was mistaken in assuming the example in question as Shuttleworth's absolute type, and more particularly so since the published diagnosis of the latter does not accord sufficiently well with Grasset's species (re- enunciated by Mr. Lowe under the name of ' H. val- verdensis ') ; so that, in the uncertainty, I think that we are fully justified in retaining the title ' hierroensis ' for the Valverde Helix, and in concluding that Shuttleworth's term ' Maugeana ' must apply to some other (cognate) form. After what has just been said, it is scarcely to be expected that I should attempt to decide what the H. Maugeana of Shuttleworth really is. Yet examples of a Helix, now before me, which were received by the Baron Paiva from Arona in Teneriffe, had they not been totally ungranulated, would have tallied better perhaps with Shuttleworth's diagnosis than the Hierro one does. Still, being ungranulated, they cannot be treated as the H. Maugeana ; and I fear therefore we must be content to leave the latter species in doubt, trusting that future researches, and a further comparison of the Shuttle- worthian type (if it be still accessible), may yet succeed in solving the problem of its identity, or otherwise, with Grasset's H. hierroensis. Shuttleworth r s diagnosis of his H. Maugeana is as follows : ' T. obtecte perforata, tenuis, globoso-depressa, flavescente-fusca, fasciis fuscis obsoletis ornata, tenuiter plicato- striata et reticulatim malleata, sublente minute et creberrime granulata, nitidiuscula ; spira subdepressa, anfr. 4^- convexi, ultimus antice subgloboso-inflatus, demum subito deflexus ; apertura perobliqua, lunato-ovalis ; perist. leviter expansum, reflexum, album, marginibus subparallelis, basali paululum dilatato-calloso. Diam. maj. 21 ; min. 16; alt. 11 millim.' Helix Guanartemes. Helix Guanartemes, Grass., Journ. de Conch, v. 346. 1. 13. f. 15, 16 (1857) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iv. 232 (1859) Manriquiana, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. Ill (1861) Guanartemes, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 99 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in intermediis per regionem 364 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. El Monte, necnon praecipue ad oppidulum Teror, hinc inde degens. I am extremely doubtful whether this is more in reality than an insular modification, peculiar to Grand Canary, of the H. consobrina, Fer., of Teneriffe. Indeed, after a very careful comparison of an extensive series of both forms, it seems to me that they have positively nothing to separate them except that the H. Guanartemes has its peristome a trifle more thickened and (like the H. sarcostoma and Gaudryi) of a pinkish-purple, or flesh-coloured, tinge, and that its columella (when viewed obliquely) is just appreciably shorter. All other characters re- ferred to in the published diagnoses are simply imaginary. Thus Mr. Lowe speaks of the H. Guanartemes (i. e. his H. Manri- quiana ') as ' Icevigata (nee granulata),' and Mousson lays equal stress on the same feature ; whereas granules are nearly always more or less traceable beneath a high magnifying power, and in many of my examples they are almost as strongly expressed as in even the H. sarcostoma or the H. Gudryi. Indeed these ' granulations ' might well-nigh be said to be absolutely without signification in a diagnostic point of view, for they are equally variable both in the present Helix and in the H. consobrina. In mere colour and markings, moreover, both species are so incon- stant that hardly two individuals can be found which are exactly alike ; so that no distinctions can possibly be drawn from either pattern or hue. The H. Guanartemes, like the H. consobrina, is a rather thin and malleated shell, with the transverse lines of growth very fine, lightly expressed, and unequal, and the peristome mode- rately expanded and recurved. Its surface is of a more or less brownish-yellow hue (occasional examples possessing a ground- colour of a comparatively clear yellow), and there are normally 5 conspicuous darker bands (some of which are often broad and suffused, but seldom quite absent), two being placed below the dorsal line, two (which are at times confluent) immediately above it, and one (which is more or less indented or freckled) behind the suture. The present Helix was taken in Grand Canary both by Grasset and Fritsch, and subsequently in considerable abun- dance by Mr. Lowe and myself. We found it principally in and around the little town of Teror (on one occasion even within the house of Don Pedro Manrique), but likewise in the region of El Monte, particularly in the hollows of old trees at the Laurealos, where some of the specimens, in their large size and more strongly granulated surface, make a slight prima facie approach in the direction of the H. Gaudryi, d'Orb. CANAEIAN GROUP. 365 Helix consobrina. Helix consobrina. Per., Prodr. 72 (1821) ?? Mouss., Faun. MaL des Can. 94. pi. 5. f. 14, 15 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. 360 (1 876) Habitat Teneriffam ; in sylvaticis intermediis occurrens. The H. consobrina, which is so closely allied to the Grrand- Canarian H. Guanartemes that I can detect absolutely nothing to separate it except its white and rather thinner peristome and its just appreciably longer columella, is peculiar apparently to the sylvan regions of Teneriffe, at intermediate altitudes, my own examples being principally from the wood of the Agua Grarcia. In prima facie aspect it is almost inseparable from the H. Guanartemes ; and I have already pointed out what the main characters are which apply equally to the two forms. Helix invernicata, Helix consobrina. W. et. B. [nee Fer., 1821], Ann. des Sc, Nat. 28. syn. 311 (1833) tfOrb., in W. etB. Hist. 54 (1839) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 269 (1848) invernicata, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 95. pi. 5. f. 13(1872) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 346 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam; in truncis cavernosis Laurorum et Ericoz in sylva ad ' La Esperanza ' (ultra Laguna sita) congre- gans. This is a Helix which has generally been considered to be the true H. consobrina of Ferussac, but one which Mousson has separated from the consobrina proper ; and I think per- haps that it may be accepted as specifically distinct, though I cannot feel absolutely satisfied that it is more in reality than a smaller and ungranulated race of the consobrina, in which the transverse lines of growth are a trifle less evident and the mal- leations relatively a little more so, and in which the surface is altogether more glossy and shining, and the colour is of a more uniform ochreo-olivaceous brown speckled with small irregular angulated blotches, and fragmentary reticulations, of yellow. Its ultimate volution, also, does not descend quite so much, or quite so suddenly, in front, and is rather less constricted (and therefore less gibbose) at the aperture. Judging from my own material and that of Mr. Lowe, the H. invernicata is decidedly a smaller shell than the consobrina proper, nevertheless Mous- son's diagnosis would imply that it is larger. 366 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. The H. invernicata, which is strictly Teneriffan (unless in- deed the H. Guanartemes be regarded as the Grrand-Canarian modification of the consobrina, in which case the three forms would probably be referred to a single plastic type, having for its range the intermediate districts of Grand Canary and Tene- riffe), was originally discovered by Webb within the hollow trunks of old laurels and heaths in the little wood of La Espe- ranza, a few miles to the south of Laguna ; and I may add that it was met with by Mr. Lowe and myself, under precisely similar circumstances, in the same spot. Whether the other naturalists who have obtained it (namely Mauge, d'Orbigny, Zollinger, Fritsch, and Reiss) found it also at La Esperanza, I have no means of ascertaining. Helix malleata. Helix malleata, Per., Prodr. 91 (1821) bidentalis, Lam., Hist. vi. 279 (1822) malleata, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 312 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 54. t. 1. f. 15-17 (1839) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. i. 312 (1848) Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 91 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam ; in sylvaticis intermediis editioribusque, inter muscos humidos, ad truncos arborum cavernosos, et sub lapi- dibus, hinc inde vulgaris. Peculiar apparently to the sylvan regions of Teneriffe, at intermediate and rather lofty altitudes, particularly in the north-eastern division of the island. It was taken by Mr. Lowe and myself at the Agua Grarcia, as well as at Las Mercedes, at the edges of the Vueltas above Taganana, and between Taga- nana and the Valle de Palmas (near Point Anaga) ; and it has been met with in Teneriffe by nearly every naturalist who has visited that island, including Webb and Berthelot, Mauge, d'Orbigny, Blauner, Fritsch, and Reiss. The H. malleata (which measures about 11 J lines across the widest part, with an altitude of about 9) is a strong and globose shell, at once distinguishable by its glossy, malleated surface, its dark rich olivaceous-brown hue (rendered darker by the broad, though not always apparent, coffee-coloured bands with which it is ornamented and suffused), by its suddenly and very greatly deflexed (posteriorly constricted) aperture, and by its peristome (which is thickened into a coarse and prominent white rib, rather than reflexed) being developed internally into two tooth-like callosities, one of which is extremely large and placed at the angle, or insertion, of the upper margin, whilst CANARIAN GROUP. 367 the other is smaller and at a little distance from it in the direction of the dorsal line (the space between the two assuming the form of a curved sinus). These teeth are naturally more pronounced in some individuals than in others, and in the spe- cimens from Taganana they are often monstrous ; and although globose in outline, the posterior half of its basal volution is distinctly keeled ; the apical portion of its spire is usually more or less worn and decorticated ; and although there are no traces of granules (properly so called), the surface will nevertheless be seen, when viewed beneath a very high magnifying power, to be beset here -and there with infinitesimal spira%-arranged granuliform markings, as though composed of closely-packed but fragmentary (or broken-up) lines, Helix nivariae, n. sp. T. imperforata, solida, subgloboso-depressa, malleata, superne subopaca et sublente minutissime arenoso-granulata, subtus in medio nitida egranulata et ibidem clare olivaceo-lutea, supra obscurius luteo-olivacea et fasciis brunneis 3 vel 4 suffuse cincta ; anfractibus 5^ convexiusculis, ultimo inflate (nee etiam postice carinato), antice descendente ; apertura parva, subtriangulari- lunata, valde constricta; peristomate albo, valde incrassato, rudi, intus convexo, extus expansiusculo acuto reflexo, ad angu- lum superiorem necnon inter angulum et lineam dorsalem plus minus obsolete subdentato-calloso, margine basali lato subin- sequali sed intus simplici recto. Diam. maj. 10 J lin; alt. 6^-. Habitat Teneriffam ; in inferioribus juxta Portum Orotovse a Revdo. R. T. Lowe reperta. Necnon etiam semifossilis ibi- dem exstat. Obs. Ab H. malleata, Fer., nisi fallor, vere distincta* Differt testa maj ore, subdepressiore, subdilutius (sc. minus leete olivaceo-) colorata, ubique minutissime arenoso-granulata et subopaca (nee lucida) ; anfractu ultimo nee etiam postice cari- nato, antice lentius minusque descendente ; apertura multo magis triangulari, peristomate intus magis convexo, sed extus magis acuto producto recurvo, marginibus ad insertiones remo- tioribus, dentibus binis dextri obsoletis, basali intus crassiore magisque recto. It is somewhat singular that so large and conspicuous a Helix as the present one should apparently have escaped the researches of the many naturalists who have visited Teneriffe ; but if it be right to separate the Grand-Canarian H. Glasiana&nd the Gome- ran H. Fritschi from the malleata (of which, I think, there can be but little doubt), it must be right, a fortiori, to deal in a similar manner with the H. nivarice, for while those two forms 368 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. might possibly be looked upon as permanent insular phases of the Teneriffan type, no such conclusion could be arrived at in the case of the one now under consideration, seeing that it in- habits the same island (and has done so since the subfossil epoch) as the malleata proper. Apart also from its diagnostic cha- racters, which are both numerous and striking, the habitats of the species in question seem quite dissimilar ; for while the H. malleata is essentially sylvan in its mode of life, occurring normally from about 2,000 to 3,000 feet above the sea, the H. nivarice, on the contrary, is found in comparatively low and arid spots towards the northern coast, the examples before me having been taken by Mr. Lowe near the Puerto of Orotava, where it exists both in a recent and a semifossilized condition. The H. nivarice is larger and relatively perhaps is little more depressed than the malleata, and (except in its central area beneath) it will be seen, when viewed under a high magnifying power, to be everywhere crowded with infmitesimally minute sand-like granules (far smaller than those which are so conspi- cuous in the Grand-Canarian H. Glasiana), a peculiarity of sculpture which causes the surface (which is equally malleated, though less richly coffeaceo-olivaceous) to be less glossy than in that species. Its ultimate volution (which is free from all ap- pearance of a keel even behind) is less deflected in front, and more gradually so ; its aperture (which is small) is much more triangular in outline ; and its peristome, which is more thick- ened and convex within, but more acute, more produced, and more reflexed externally, has the margins much wider apart at their points of insertion, the basal one, moreover, being more straightened, and the upper one having the two teeth quite ob- solete, or sometimes faintly represented by a slight thickening, or callosity, in the usual places. Helix Grlasiana. Helix malleata, ., Pfei/., Mon. Hel. i. 312 (1848) G-lasiana, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 143 (1852) pellis-lacerti, Reeve [teste Pfeiff.], Conch. Icon. t. 132. n.841 Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 92 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 359 Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in intermediis, prsecipue per regionem El Monte, in Caldeira magna montis Bandama, nec- non in calcareis inter oppida Lagaete et Gaidar, occurrens. In statu semifossili ad calcareos inter Las Palmas et Puerto da Luz copiose inveni. CANARIAN GROUP. 369 This may perhaps be regarded as the representative in Grand Canary of the Teneriffan H. malleata, Fer., though in reality it comes far nearer in its opake granulated surface and the obsolete teeth of its peristome, as also in its less sylvan mode of life, to the H. nivarice. It is widely spread over the intermediate dis- tricts of Grand Canary, descending in a subfossil condition to quite a low altitude, for I have met with it, genuinely subfossil- lized, on the calcareous isthmus between Las Palmas and the Isleta. In a recent state it was taken abundantly by Mr. Lowe and myself throughout the region of El Monte, as well as within the Great Caldeira of the Bandama mountain, and on the calca- reous ground between Lagaete and Gaidar ; and it is recorded by Mousson as having been obtained by Fritsch likewise in Grand Canary, It was first detected by Webb, in a bleached and decorticated condition, during August of 1829, who however mistook it for the H. malleata. Apart from its smaller size and opake, coarsely granulate unmalleated surface (the granules of which are formed as it were by the broken-up closely -packed transverse lines of growth, and extend over the very nucleus itself, the basal portion, which is bright and glossy, being alone devoid of them), the H. Glasiana recedes from the malleata in being (as regards its ground-co- lour) of an altogether much paler or yellower hue, there being no indication of the deep rich olivaceous- and coffee-brown tints which are so characteristic of that species ; its ultimate volution, which descends much less in front, is free from all traces of a keel even behind ; and its aperture is not only more rounded and very differently shaped, but it has the tooth-like callosities obsolete, the one towards the middle of the outer lip being represented by a mere thickeningof the peristome (usually slight but sometimes considerable, and for the most part more strongly expressed in the subfossilized examples), while the other, which is so enlarged and conspicuous at the upper angle in the H. malleata, is uniformly and completely wanting. Its peristome is often, though by no means always, of a pinkish or flesh-coloured tinge ; with the basal margin straightened, or even subconvex, internally, instead of being (as in the H. malleata) concave. The H. Glasiana measures about 10 lines across its broadest part, and has an altitude of about 7^ or 8. Mousson's subfossil ' var. deformis ' which he affiliates with the Teneriffan H. malleata, but which he records to have been found by Grasset at ' Puerto da Cruz ' in Grand Canary, requires further explanation, for I cannot but think that it will be ascer- tained in reality to be referable to the H. Glasiana, the sub- fossilized examples of which have their peristome greatly thickened (causing the aperture to appear smaller and more B B 370 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. misshapen^), and the outer tooth considerably developed. More- over its habitat 'Puerto da Cruz' looks exceedingly like a misprint for Puerto da Luz, which is the exact locality for the H. Glasiana in its subfossilized condition ; and, in further cor- roboration of this, it is noteworthy that Grasset is reported to have also met with the H. Saulcyi in a subfossil state, a spe- cies which occurs in company with the (equally subfossilized) H. Glasiana, and emphatically in the vicinity of the Puerto da Luz. My belief therefore is, that Grasset's subfossilized speci- mens and my own are specifically identical, and that they both of them represent a very slightly modified phasis of the H. Glas- iana (my examples, which are perhaps less decorticated than Mousson's were, having, in addition to the obsoleteness of the upper tooth of the peristome, the granulations distinctly trace- able on to the very nucleus), and have nothing whatever to do with the exclusively Teneriffan H. malleata. Helix Fritschi. Helix Fritschi, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 93. pi. v. f. 12(1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 360 (1876) Habitat Gromeram ; recens circa San Sebastian, et sertiifos- silis ad Hermigua, vulgaris. Although belonging to the same type, this is a smaller, thinner, and more globose shell than any of the preceding three species, its aperture is more regularly rounded, and its peristome is much less incrassated, the tooth-like callosities which are more or less evident in the other members of the malleata group, being here quite obsolete ; though sometimes an exceedingly faint thickening in the two usual places is just traceable, as though to point out its affinities. The H. Fritschi moreover is remarkable for the greater opacity of its (unmal - leated) surface, even the under portion being almost free from gloss, a peculiarity which is due to its extremely densely and minutely roughened type of sculpture, which, although at first sight appearing to be granulose, will be seen (beneath a high magnifying power) to be the result of a system of closely-packed extremely diminutive transverse lines which are broken-up into elongated granuliform parts, some of them well-nigh merging into true granules. In colour the H. Fritschi is somewhat curious, the ground-tint being of a dirty whitish- or brownish- yellow, freckled all over with fragmentary lines and small an- gular subconfluent blotches of a slightly paler hue; and, in addition to all this, there are 4 narrow and not very conspicu- ous darker bands, one of which is placed just below the dorsal CANARIAN GROUP. 371 line, and the other 3 above it. The nucleus is minutely granu- lose, but much less coarsely so than in the H. Glasiana. The H. Fritschi may be said to be the Gomeran representa- tive of the H. nivarice (rather than of the H. malleata) of Teneriffe, and of the H. Glasiana of Grand Canary. It was met with abundantly by Mr. Lowe and myself, as it had been previously by Fritsch, on the hill-sides above San Sebastian ; and Mr. Lowe obtained it subsequently, in great profusion, in a subfossil condition, at Hermigua, on the opposite side of the island. ( Hktp&rypha, Hartm.) Helix pisana. Helix pisana, Mull., Venn. Hist. ii. 60 (1774) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 52 (1831) W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. 6 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 58 (1839) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 171 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 21. t. 3. f. 1-18 (1854) Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 70 (1867) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 28 (1872) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 227 (1876) var. geminata. Helix pisana, v. geminata, Mouss., Schw. Denks. xv. 132 (1857) geminata, Id., Faun. Mai. des Can. 29 (1872) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. vii. 228 (1876) var. Grasseti. Helix planata (pars), W. et B. [nee Chemn.] Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 312 (1833) pisana monstrosa (pars), d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 59 (1839) , Grasseti, Tarnier in litt. Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 31. pi. 2. f. 33,34(1872) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. viii. 228 (1876) Habitat Lanzarotam, Fuerteventuram, Canariam Grandem, TenerirTam, Gomeram, et Palmam (in Hierro sola adhuc haud observata) ; calcareos inferiores prsecipue colens. Etiam semi- fossilis in Fuerteventura a cl. Mousson occurrere dicitur. After a very careful comparison of the almost endless phases (both in outline and colour) which cluster around (in the Cana- rian archipelago), or radiate from, the normal state of the com- mon European H. pisana, I have been driven to the conclusion that not one of them can be held as specifically distinct, for B B 2 372 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. there is not a feature on which their various claims as (so-called) ' species ' has been supposed to rest which does not seem to me to be totally unreliable and fluctuating. Thus the H. geminata of Mousson, which in its normal condition is larger, more solid, and more depressed than the typical pisana, with its sculpture perhaps a little coarser, its perforation entirely closed, and its colour peculiarly dark and lively, passes by such imperceptible gradations, in all these several particulars, into the usual aspect of the pisana proper, that many hundreds of examples which are now in my possession (from different islands, and districts, in the Group) leave me in complete uncertainty as to which of the supposed ' species ' they should be referred ; and I do not think that it would be possible to decide positively whether they are the true pisana (as limited by Mousson) or the geminata. I have no hesitation therefore in regarding the H. geminata as a mere geographical development of the pisana, perhaps some- what characteristic of the Canarian archipelago, but neverthe- less assuredly passing into the ordinary Mediterranean type by every conceivable shade of intermediate link. And similar obser- vations may apply to the H. Grasseti, Tarnier (=planata (pars) W. et B., nee Chemnitz), from the Isleta of Grand Canary, which retains all the essential characters of pisana proper, ex- cept that its spire is remarkably depressed, its keel is more acute, its perforation is nearly concealed, and its decussating striae are quite as coarse as in the var. geminata. 1 In its more typical aspect I have taken the H. pisana (which occurs likewise in the Azorean and Madeiran Groups) in Lanzarote, as well as on the little adjacent island of Graciosa, in Grand Canary (principally below Tafira), and in Teneriffe (about Laguna and Sta. Cruz ). The examples from Fuerteven- fcura (where Mousson records the species as having been found by Hartung in even a subfossil condition) are more emphatically referable to the var. geminata than those from any of the other islands, being on the average extremely large, solid, and deeply coloured, with their perforation seldom otherwise than quite closed up. The Teneriffan ones are usually somewhat smaller, and are often (as regards their umbilicus and sculpture) intermediate between the geminata and the type ; certain of them also, from Laguna and near Orotava, being of a uniform (and comparatively constant) buff hue, with but small and insignifi- cant markings superadded. Whilst my Gomeran individuals 1 I am not indeed altogether sure that even the Lanzarotan //. im.pugnata t Mousson, would not be treated by certain monographers as an extreme development of the H. pisana, its var., or status, ' subgeminataj having a good deal in common with the ' var. Grasseti ' of the pisana ; nevertheless, as this is more doubtful, I will not attempt to open up the question. CANARIAN GROUP. 373 have more the aspect, I think, of the var. geminata than of the pisana proper ; though their perforation is by no means quite concealed. The variations in mere colour of this protean Helix are so endless (scarcely two specimens, except the totally white ones, being exactly alike) that it would be almost a waste of space to attempt to tabulate them. Helix impugnata, Helix planata (pars), W. et B. [nee Chemn.'], Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 312 (1833) pisana monstrosa (pars), d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 59 (1839) impugnata, Mouss., Schw. Denksch. xv. 132 (1857) Id., Faun. Mai. des Can. 32. pi. 2. f. 35, 36 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Eel. vii. 248 (1876) Habitat Lanzarotam, et ins. parvam adjacentem ' Graciosa ' dictam ; ad rupes maritimas circa oram borealem, vulgaris. Etiam semifossilis a cl. Mousson occurrere dicitur. This species, which has been observed hitherto only in the north of Lanzarote, was mixed up by Webb with the (equally depressed, but otherwise dissimilar) var. Grasseti of the pisana, from the Isleta of Grand Canary, the two together (as is evi- dent from his habitat in ' Canaria, Lancerotta, et Graciosa ') being referred to the H. planata, Chernn. ; and thus a double error was placed on record, for not only are the Lanzarotan and Canarian shells distinct inter se, but neither the one nor the other of them accords with Chemnitz's species, which is totally different and belongs to the fauna of Morocco. 1 The present Helix was first defined by Mousson, in 1857, from Lan- zarotan examples which were collected by M. Hartung, who is said to have also met with it in a subfossil condition. The H. impugnata was taken in profusion by Mr. Lowe and myself in the extreme north of Lanzarote, particularly about Chache and the lofty maritime cliffs (overlooking the Salinas) known as the Bisco ; and we likewise obtained it on the little adjacent island of Graciosa. There can be no question that the H. impugnata belongs strictly to the pisana-tjpe, and that the variety of the shell which is less acutely keeled (the ' var. subgeminata ' of Mous- son) makes a very decided approach towards the ' var. Grasseti * of the pisana, which occurs in Grand Canary. Nevertheless, in 1 The true H. planata, Chemn., is abundant around Mogador, where it may be found adhering to the shrubs of Broom (Retama monosperma, L.). 374 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. spite of the great aberrational range of the pisana, I think that the H. impugnata recedes from it in so many particulars, and so conspicuously, that we may fairly be permitted to cite it as distinct ; though, at the same time, I cannot but feel that another mode of treatment is at any rate possible. The U. im- pugnata is a solid and (in its normal condition) a very acutely keeled species, the keel being subcrenulate and filiform (or shaped out by a slight concavity on either side) and traceable up the (depressed) spire ; its basal region is comparatively con- vex ; its surface is almost opake, and roughened, being strongly sculptured with the usual decussating striae (the spiral lines of which are exceedingly apparent) ; and its perforation is nearly closed. In the 6 var. subgeminata ' the keel is much less sharply expressed, and the spire is less flattened. 1 From the ' var. Grasseti ' of the pisana (to which it is more particularly allied) the H. impugnata differs in having the keel acuter, as well as more prominent and filiform (being scooped out on either side) ; in its spire being a little less flattened, its sculpture coarser, its surface more opake, its basal volution (es- pecially towards the aperture) less ventricose, and its columellary margin somewhat less vertical. Its colour too is different, being less lively and defined, the markings being more obscure and fragmentary, and toned-down with a suffused yellowish- brown. ( XerojjJiila, Held.) Helix lineata. Helix lineata, Oliv., Zool. Adriat. 177 (1799) maritima, Drop., Hist. Nat. 85. t. 5. f. 9, 10 (1805) W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 316 (1833) simulata, W. et B. [nee Per."], I. c. syn. 315. t. 24. f. 1 (1833) 2 1 It is remarkable that two precisely analogous states of the shell occur in the true If. planata, Chemh., from Mogador ; and they were well denned by Mr. Lowe (vide 'Zool. Journ.,' 1860, pp. 196, 197) as the 'a. acutangula' and the ' &. obtusangula.' 2 Mousson (I. c. 34) raises the question as to whether the H. simulata, W. et B. [which however is not the simulata of Ferussac, a species purely oriental], may not be identical with the scarcely differing state, or variety (?), of the lineata to which Shuttleworth appears to have applied the MS. name, ' canariensis ; ' and to this I would reply that the H. simulata, W. et B., is simply and purely the H. lineata, Oliv., in its normal Caiaarian aspect. Mr. Webb's examples were, in point of fact, collected by himself in the El Monte district of Grand Canary, and some of them he transmitted to Mr. Lowe in August, 1829 ; and in a note, now before me, written by Mr. Lowe in 1833, he (Mr. Lowe) identified them, without any doubt whatsoever, with the //. ma- ritima, Drap., which indeed is the universal species of the El Monte region, differing only from the more northern type in the few and very insignificant points to which I have called attention. CANAR1AN GROUP. 375 Helix maritima, tfOrb., in W. et B. Hist. 60 (1839) lineata, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 34 (1872) canariensis (Shuttl.) et herbicola (Shuttl.), Mouss., 1. c. 33 et 35 (1872) lineata, et herbicola, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 231, 232 (1876) Habitat Fuerteventuram, Canariam Grandem, et Teneriffam ; in aridis inferioribus intermediisque (praecipue in calcariis) hinc inde abundans. The common European H. lineata, Oliv. (= maritima, Drap.), occurs here and there, in dry, grassy, and calcareous spots, at the Canaries ; but I have no reason to suspect that it has been recorded hitherto except from Fuerteventura, Grand Canary, and Teneriffe. D'Orbigny indeed, with that character- istic want of accuracy, as regards habitat, which is so conspicu- ous throughout the whole of the gigantic ' Histoire Naturelle,' gives as its range ' toutes les Canaries ' (an assertion which is copied by Pfeiffer, who adds, Habitat in omnibus insulis Ca- nariis ') ; but I have merely to add that these loose generaliza- tions (or, rather, guesses) are simply unpardonable in an instance like the present one where he had not a shred of evidence to adduce that the species had been observed in more than, at the utmost, three islands (probably indeed not more than two) out of the seven. It is extremely probable that it may be found eventually to be pretty generally distributed ; but that is no excuse for making a positive assertion which has at least a fair chance of turning out altogether fallacious. By Mr. Lowe and myself the H. lineata was met with only (as indeed it was by Webb, and quite recently by Mr. Watson) in Grand Canary and Teneriffe, namely between El Monte and Las Palmas, as well as between Lagaete and Gaidar, of the former, and around Sta. Cruz and Laguna (particularly in the Barranco delDrago)of the latter ; but it is said by Mousson to have been obtained in Fuerteventura by Fritsch, who, like ourselves, obtained it equally in Teneriffe and Grand Canary. Judging from Spanish examples now before me, which were collected in the neighbourhood of Barcelona, the Canarian form of this variable European Helix does not differ materially from the ordinary one. Perhaps its striae are somewhat more distinct, thread-like, and regular, causing its surface to be just appre- ciably duller or more opake ; and the darker bands which are comparatively narrow and well defined in the majority of the more northern specimens, are wider and more broken-up (or in- terrupted) and suffused, at any rate on the upper portion, giving the spire a more mottled, or tessellated, appearance ; but 376 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. such differences as these are scarcely worth noticing in a species which is so eminently unstable as the H. lineata. As for the H. canariensis and herbicola (both of them mere manuscript names of Shuttleworth), I cannot conceive that they represent more than the most ordinary local modifications of this naturally variable shell ; and considering that even the author himself was so little convinced of their stability that he did not venture to publish so much as a diagnosis of them, one cannot but regret that so eminent a conchologist as Mousson should have thought it desirable to do so, and thus to add (on confessedly imperfect evidence) two more ' species ' (so-called) to the perfect chaos which already exists around the lineata (or maritima, Drap.), the variabilis, and the virgata. 1 Helix conspurcata, Helix conspurcata, Drap., Hist. Nat. des Moll. 105. pi. 7. f. 23-25 (1805) Theba conspurcata, Risso, Hist. Nat. iv. 74 (1826) Helix conspurcata, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 170 (1848) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 36 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam ; in aridis apricis (vel inferioribus vel intermediis) hinc inde, prsecipue in cultis, congregans. The somewhat insignificant, European H. conspurcata^ Drap., occurs in Teneriffe, where it is occasionally abundant, in certain sunny spots of a low and intermediate elevation. It has been found near Sta. Cruz, and more plentifully around Laguna (where it was obtained by Mr. Lowe, in 1861, in the Barranco del Drago) and at Souzal. At first it a good deal re- sembles the H. armillata, Lowe, of the Azorean, Madeiran, and Cape Verde archipelagos (and which exists also, under a rather more strongly striated phasis, in Morocco, from whence it was re-described inadvertently by Mr. Lowe as the ' H. eumceus ') ; 1 I say 'confessedly,' because Mousson, in speaking of the II. canariensis, says : ' M. Shuttleworth a designe sous le nom de H. canariensis une coquille, qu'il n'a pas diagnosee, sans doute parce qu'elle rentre par rapport & sa forme dans le chaos des modifications de la variabilis, Drap. Si done nous donnons une description, ce n'est pas dans le but de 1'eriger en espece, mais pour ne pas admittre un nom sans definition.' And, again, in his notice of the H. herbicola, he writes : ' Encore une espece difficile & placer, et non decrite par 1'auteur ; ' and, after stating that the three features which seem to dis- tinguish it from the lineata are its more depressed spire, its just appreciably more angulose basal whorl, and its slightly less opake surface, he further adds : ' D'autres individus, rapportSs par M. de Fritsch, sont tin peu plus eleves, quoique toujours obtus, moins anguleux, et moins polis. De nouvelles observations sur les rapports de vie de ces deux formes pourront seules decider sur leur reunion ou separation.' With only such data as this, one cannot but think that it would have been better not to have taxed such a terribly confused group as the present one with two more 'new species,' which by his own admission were by no means absolutely necessary. CANARIAN GROUP. 377 nevertheless it is, on the average, a little smaller and more de- pressed, its umbilicus is not quite so large, and its entire surface (which is a trifle more shining, or subpellucid) is sparingly clothed, particularly when the shells are young, with fine hairs or cilise. It is usually, too, a little more brightly variegated with pallid markings ; and there are more or less obsolete indi- cations beneath (as in the H. lancer ottensis, W. et B.) of a few indistinct spiral, or concentric, bands and line-like rings. Helix apicina. Helix apicina, Lam., Hist. vi. 102 (1822) Xerophila apicina, Held, in Isis, 913 (1837) Helix apicina, Morel., Moll, du Port. 63 (1845) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 170 (1848) Morel., Hist. Nat. Acor. 174 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 158 (1861) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 242 (-1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; examplaria dua nuperrime communi- cavit Eevdus. E. B. Watson. Two examples of the H. apicina, Lam., which occurs in southern Europe, the Azores, and northern Africa, have lately been communicated by the Eev. E. B. Watson, as forming a portion of the material which was collected in Teneriffe during the expedition of H.M.S. ' Challenger ' ; and as Mr. Watson has kindly permitted me to examine the whole of the species which were found in that island, and which represent the most ordi- nary and commonplace of the Canarian forms, there can be no question whatsoever concerning the perfect accuracy of its habitat. I possess the H. apicina from Marseilles, Tangier, and Mazagan (in the last of which places it was found by Mr. T. S. Leacock) ; and the Teneriffan individuals agree with them precisely in every particular. At first sight the H. apicina might seem to have a little in common with certain examples of the H. lancerottensis which happen to be abnormally depressed ; nevertheless the spire is still more flattened than in even such individuals as these, and the ultimate volution is more suddenly enlarged, giving the shell somewhat the prima facie contour of the Madeiran H. obtecta and latens, or of Lowe's H. Irus from Mogador. Added to which, the substance is more solid, and the surface (which is free from hairs) is not only more sharply striated but has an appreciable broken-up, or tessellated, fascia immediately behind the suture. Moreover the umbilicus is relatively a trifle larger. 378 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A, Helix lancerottensis. Helix lancerottensis, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 33. syn. 1 2 (1833) d'Orb. [nee diagn. p. 60], in W. et B. Hist. t. 1. f. 24, 25 (1839) Orbignyi, var. calcarea, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 37 (1872) lancerottensis, Pfeiff, Mon. Hel. vii. 560 (1876) var. Orbignyi. Helix Orbignyi (W. et B.), d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 59. t. 2. f. 31-33 [nee coll. d'Orb] (1839) et var. mitigata, Mouss., I. c. 36, 37 (1872) var. adoptata. Helix adoptata, Mouse., I. c. 37. pi. 2. f. 39-41 (1872) Habitat ins. omnes Canarienses ; in inferioribus interme- diisque, sub lapidibus, degens. Owing to the excessive carelessness of M. d'Orbigny, who has altogether misunderstood and confused this common Ca- narian shell, both Pfeiffer and Mousson seem to have been in a hopeless state of doubt concerning it ; and no wonder, consider- ing that d'Orbigny (in 1839) drew out his diagnosis of it from a single bleached example of the H. monilifera, W. et B., whilst the figures to which he refers, and which had been long engraved under Webb's supervision and represent the species which was published in the 'Synopsis' in 1833, apply to a totally different shell, correctly depicting, in fact, the true H. lancerottensis ! In reality the H. Orbignyi, W. et B., is only a rather larger, thinner, and occasionally hispid form of the lancerottensis, which obtains more particularly in the cen- tral and western portions of the archipelago, the smaller, more calcareous, and glabrous one (the ' H. Orbignyi, var. calcarea ' of Mousson), and which is Webb's type of his lancerottensis, being especially characteristic of, though by no means peculiar to, the two eastern, and much drier, islands of the Group. 1 The above is in complete accordance with the remarks of Mr. Lowe in his paper on the shells observed at Mogador. Al- luding to the surprising inaccuracy of M. d'Orbigny, he says : 1 The If. lancerottensis occurs also at Mogador, on the opposite coast of Morocco (from whence I possess many examples) ; and Mr. Lowe, in referring to this typical form of the shell, says (vide l Journ. of the Linn. Soc.' for 1860, p. 199), ' It agrees perfectly with six original Lanzarotan specimens sent to me by Webb in 1829, of his H. lancerottensis, and with others found by myself and Mr. Wollaston last year not only in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, but also (together with the H. OrMynyi, Webb) in all the Canary Islands.' These six original types are now in my own collection, and I can vouch for the correctness of Mr. Lowe's conclusion. CANARIAN GRO UP. 379 ' D'Orbigny's description of H. lancerottensis proves by his original single type to have been drawn up from an old dead bleached example of H. monilifera, Webb ! The figures, how- ever, to which he refers (t. 1. ff. 24, 25) represent the true H. lancerottensis of Webb, whose first two plates of shells had been engraved under his own management by Terver long previous to d'Orbigny's engagement in the work, and correctly exhibit the species originally intended, and published by Webb in his Sy- nopsis, but of which the present is unfortunately not the only one subsequently misunderstood and thrown into confusion by d'Orbigny' (1. c. 199). And, again (I. c. 200) ; 'D'Orbigny has wonderfully misunderstood this common species. Not only, as already noted, has he placed in his collection and described in Webb's " Histoire " for the true H. lancerottensis, Webb, an old dead shell of H. monilifera, 1 Webb ; but five genuine examples of the true H. lancerottensis in his collection have been mis- taken for, and actually stand as types of, the larger variety, H. Orbignyi, Webb.' Although seldom very abundant, there is not a single shell which is more universally spread, than the H. lancerottensis, over the entire Canarian archipelago, in the whole seven islands of which I have indeed myself taken it. It is extremely variable, both in size and surface, putting on a slightly modified phasis according to the local influences, especially dryness and moisture, of the particular district in which it is found ; and I cannot understand on what principle the Gomeran form of it, which is perhaps a trifle more depressed and conspurcata-like, should have been singled out by Mousson (under the title of H. adoptata) for specific separation, thus destroying unnecessarily, as it seems to me, by a single link, the chain of faintly differing races which gives so marked a topographical interest to the species as a whole. In Lanzarote and Fuerteventura it more often assumes a rather small, bleached, and calcareous aspect, free from all indications (even when immature) of minute hairs ; and in the former of those islands I more particularly met with it about the lofty cliffs (known as the Eisco) in the extreme north, overlooking the Salinas, a locality which I happen to know, from letters now in my possession, was comparatively well searched by Mr. Webb, and where he evidently obtained the examples which were figured as his types of the H. lancerotten- sis. In TenerifTe the larger and thinner form, described by d'Orbigny as the < H. Orbignyi, W. et B./ and in which the surface is often minutely pilose, may perhaps be said to pre- dominate ; though both phases of it (and every intermediate 1 This specimen I have myself also examined accurately, and can vouch for Mr. Lowe's observation being correct. 380 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. grade) are to be found. This * H. OrbignyiJ which is some- times rather abundant about Sta. Cruz, Orotava, and Garachico, occasionally attains an appreciably larger size (when it corre- sponds with the Hel. vii. 250 (1876) Habitat Lanzarotam, et Fuerteventuram ; a DD. Hartung et Fritsch lecta. I possess four examples of this Helix which were taken in Fuerteventura by M. Hartung, and which were given by him to Mr. Lowe in 1855 ; and although I have little doubt that the H. moderata is in reality but an insular phasis (peculiar to Lanzarote and Fuerteventura) of the Grrand-Canarian H. Des- preauxii, nevertheless since the two forms are not likely ever to be absolutely connected, and the one now under consideration has been described by Mousson as specifically distinct, I will not actually unite them. Judging from the types before me, the H. moderata' may be said to be a trifle larger, paler, and more depressed than the Despreauxii (the spire being less elevated), and to have both its tubercles and callosities less ex- aggerated or prominent, indeed the upper, or medial, keel of the volutions is so far reduced in coarseness as sometimes to be CANARIAN GROUP. 399 comparatively indistinct. Its umbilicus, too, is relatively a little larger, or more open, and its aperture is not quite so rounded. 'Elle est,' says Mousson, 'plus deprimee que la Despreauxii, souvent presque plate en haut; 1'ombilic plus etroit dans les individus coniques, s'ouvre dans les deprimes jusqu'a i- du diametre ; les asperites sont plus fines et moins dominantes ; dans 1'espace qui longe la suture et dans la partie de la base qui suit la carene, on observe de simples stries costulees, qui continuent sur les tubercles (ce qui n'est pas le cas dans la Despreauxii) ; la carene secondaire est en retrait sur la dorsale et ne sort pas du cone spiral ; souvent elle se reduit a une ligne de petites nodulations, qui quelquefois dis- paraissent entierement,' 1'ouverture est moins ronde, son bord est interrompu sur un certain espace et non entier. En un mot, cette forme, qui habite les deux iles de TEst qui sous tous les rapports se lient intimement, est une Despreauxii, dans laquelle tous les caracteres ont perdu le leur acuite et se sont rapproches des H. mirandce, Lowe, et granostriata, Mousson.' Helix mirandse. Helix Mirandse, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 107 (1861) 5 , Pfwff; Mon. Hel. v. 214 (1868) Mouss., Faun, des Mai. Can. 51. pi. 3. f.. 7-9 (1872) Habitat Gromeram et Hierro ; in ilia in collibus aridis apricis prope San Sebastian sub lapidibus sat copiose reperta, sed in hac inter portum et Valverde multo rarior. This perhaps is rather the smallest member of the Turricula group which has hitherto been detected at the Canaries, the larger examples measuring only about 3J lines across their broadest part ; and it is also the most brightly coloured, its surface being of a dusky white with a more or less interrupted darker band both above and below, and with the spire ad- ditionally mottled with very irregular transverse patches and lines. Although somewhat trochiform in outline, the shell is nevertheless less conical and elevated than that of the H. Des- preauxii, its perforation is relatively larger, and its aperture (which is less angulated externally, and is somewhat darkened within) has the margins of the peristome (which is itself whitish) more distant and interrupted. Its under portion (instead of being roughened with coarse scabrous elongated tubercles and tortuous callosities) is simply striated with fine radiating costate lines ; while the upper region has the latter very oblique and flexuose, but supplemented by short additional obtuse transverse ridges, or elongate tuberculiform prominences. 400 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. which are elevated in the centre of each whorl into an obscure medial unequally crenulated keel, and into a rather more pronounced one in the usual place, i.e. along the dorsal line of the basal volution. The H. mirandce (the specific title of which was selected in commemoration of Mr. Gray's yacht ' the Miranda,' in which we visited the several islands of the Canarian archipelago) was taken abundantly by Mr. Lowe and myself in Gomera, namely on the dry and rocky slopes above and around San Sebastian, particularly those on the northern side of the ravine ; and we subsequently met with a few examples of it in Hierro, on the ascent from the landing-place to Valverde. The H. nodosostriata, of Mousson, founded upon a single example, appears to be merely a larger and rather more de- pressed form of the H. mirandoe, in which the prominences are more developed, and the base somewhat more coarsely and irregularly sculptured. We met with it in company with the typical form, into which it appears gradually to merge. ( Discula, Lowe.) Helix argonautula. Helix argonautula, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 21 (1833) d'0rb.,in W. et B. Hist. 64. t. 2. f. 16-18 [necf. 13-15] (1839) Mouss.) Faun. Mai des Can. 55 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 212 et 551 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; sub lapidibus ad Arguineguin lecta. The present Helix would appear to be one of those which was detected originally by M. Terver, of Lyons, amongst dried orchil ; and although the latter was of doubtful origin, the H. argonautula was nevertheless admitted by Webb, without further enquiry, into the Canarian fauna. However rash such a proceeding may have been (for the same amount of looseness, as regards the evidence for the exact localities, resulted in the introduction into his list of species which are essentially Madeiran, and others which are equally peculiar to the Cape Verdes), it at least in this particular instance had the advantage of placing no geographical error upon record, for the Helix in question happens fortunately to be a Canarian one. Still, nothing could of course be said about the island in which it was found, for it was only (as it were) by mere accident that even the archipelago itself was correctly guessed at ; and therefore it CANARIAN GROUP. 401 is satisfactory that the H. argonautula should have been met with by Mr. Lowe and myself, who, by finding it (in consider- able abundance) at Arguineguin in the south of Grand Canary, were enabled to supply the required data concerning its precise habitat. The H. argonautula (which measures about 4 lines across its broadest part, and which is composed of about 4^ rapidly increasing volutions), is a thin, sublenticular, and very acutely carinated shell, the keel (which is irregularly crenulated) being strongly expressed on the upper side on account of a slight groove or erosion alongside it, and being usually traceable up the penultimate whorl as an elevated line adjoining the upper edge of the suture ; its spire is greatly depressed, though with the nucleus a little prominent ; its base is suloconically convex, with the umbilicus rather suddenly and deeply scooped- out ; its aperture (which is obsoletely elongate-quadrangular) has the upper and lower portions of the peristome acute and only obscurely connected by a thin intervening lamina ; and its surface is densely sculptured with coarse, irregular, undulating, oblique costate lines. In colour it is of a pale corneous brown (rather paler, and yellowish, beneath, particularly towards the umbilicus), obscurely marbled above with cinereous lines and a few fragmentary patches, and with a narrow band below (seldom two) at a short distance from the keel. There is a certain prima facie resemblance between this species and the Madeiran H. tabellata, Lowe ; nevertheless tle latter is very much more flattened above, with the whorls narrower and more numerous, and (although quite as acutely carinated) the keel is not shaped-out (or compressed ^ by an adjoining erosion on the upper side, nor is it visible on the penultimate volution ; its base (although inflated) is not coni- ca%-convex; its umbilicus is narrower; its aperture is less angular, with the peristome less acute and slightly recurved ; and its surface is less coarsely costate-striate, but studded with large granules, as well as more broadly fasciated below. Although supposed to be exclusively Canarian, Mousson has lately described (Jahrb. Malak. Ge's. i* 81 ; 1874) what he re- gards as a mere phasis of this Helix from Casa Blanca in Morocco, a fact of considerable importance geographically. But if the Grrand-Canarian form of the species be truly the one which was originally enunciated by Webb and Berthelot (which perhaps, considering the unsatisfactory manner in which it was obtained namely from amongst dried orchil, may be open for con- sideration), it is quite clear that it must be accepted as the type, and that consequently the modification from the African continent (whatsoever it may be) should be treated practically D D 402 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. as the ' variety ' ; and I cannot but think, therefore, that Mousson is hardly justified in adopting the opposite line, and regarding the Morocco shell as the normal one. Be this how- ever as it may, his diagnosis of the latter, as compared with the Grand-Canarian one, is as follows : ' Paulo minor, solidior, spira saepe irregulariter scalata, alba, seriatim corneo-maculata, anfractibus supra planis, ad carinam crenulatam elevatis.' The form from Grand Canary, on the other hand, he defines, under the varietal name of ' canariensisj thus : ' Paulo major, spira fere plana, interdum subscalata, corneo-grisea, infra indistincte fasciata, anfractibus supra planiusculis, ad carinam non ascen- dentem impressis.' Helix pulverulenta. Helix argonautula (pars, i. e. f. 13-15) [nee f. 16-18, nee descriptionis] , d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 64. t. 2 (1839) pulverulenta, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 107 (1861) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. v. 191 (1868) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 52. pi. 3. f. 10-12 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; ad El Charco, ultra Maspa- lomas, sub lapidibus in saxosis aridis apricis, una cum H. Despreauxii, d'Orb., degens, reperta. Necnon semifossilis ibidem parce inveni. Although a little resembling it in primd facie aspect and colouring, the present Helix is nevertheless exceedingly distinct from the H. argonautula ; though it would appear to have been confounded with it both by Webb and by d'Orbigny, inas- much as three out of their six figures of the latter clearly pertain, in reality, to this species, the other three, along with the description, applying to the true H. argonautula. And, so far as mere locality is concerned, it is not at all surprising that they should have been in possession of both forms (even whilst failing to observe their actual distinctions) ; for they were obtained by Mr. Lowe and myself in almost adjoining districts in the south of Grand Canary, and it is far from un- natural therefore that the same consignment of orchil in which the H. argonautula was found would contain likewise the H. pulverulenta. Still it is inexplicable to me that, even if Webb should have omitted to recognise in them more than the exponents of a single species, their diagnostic characters should have been subsequently overlooked by d'Orbignv, for. when CANARIAN GROUP. 403 viewed carefully together, it seems well-nigh impossible to mistake them. The H. pulverulenta is a good deal smaller than the argo- nautula (measuring only 3 lines across its widest part), and it is very much less sharply carinated, the keel, moreover, which is comparatively simple (or nearly uncrenulated), being less broadly compressed (or flatten ed-out) on the upper side ; both its spire and volutions are rather more convex ; its suture is more sunken or impressed, without any appearance of a thread- like keel at its upper edge ; its ultimate whorl is narrower ; its costate lines are considerably finer and less undulated ; its basal region, although inflated, is less conically convex ; its umbilicus is smaller ; its aperture is much less angular, with the margins of the peristome more completely disconnected by an interven- ing lamina ; and the fascia of its underside is usually brighter and more developed. It was in the dry and stony district of El Charco, beyond the sandy wastes of Maspalomas, in the extreme south of Grand Canary, that the H. pulverulenta was met with by Mr. Lowe and myself; and as that region is at no great distance from Arguineguin, the locality in which we found the H. argonau- tula, it is extremely probable that the gradually acquired areas of the two species approach each other very closely, even if they do not indeed absolutely overlap. We also obtained the H. pulverulenta in what I cannot but think is a truly subfossilized state, in the immediate vicinity of its present habitat. Helix granostriata. Helix granostriata, Mouss., Schw. Denksch. xv. 135 (1857) Id., Faun. Mai. des Can. pi. 3. f. 13-15 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 245 (1876) Habitat Lanzarotam, et Fuerteventuram ; in ilia recens, sed in hac nunc recens nunc semifossilis reperitur. Three examples of this species are now before me which were given to Mr. Lowe in 1855 by M. Hartung, by whom they had been taken in Fuerteventura ; and were it not for the com- parative largeness of their umbilicus, I should perhaps have been more inclined to refer the H. granostriata to the Turricula group than to Discula. As it is, however, I think that its affinities are more with the argonautula and pulverulenta than they are with the forms around the Despreauxii and mi- randce. The present Helix is perhaps a trifle larger, on the average, than the H. argonautula (measuring about 4 lines across its widest D D 2 404 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. part) ; its spire, although obtuse, is more conical, or much less depressed ; and its umbilicus is not quite so open. Its ultimate whorl, too, is not quite so acute or so broadly edged with a com- pressed keel, though the latter is perhaps more distinctly trace- able (immediately above the suture) up the spire ; its colour (above) is of a paler yellowish-horn, or buff, the volutions being more or less variegated by a narrow, tessellated fascia above the suture, on the actual keel, and sometimes by a second, and more indistinct, medial one ; its aperture is a good deal thickened, or labiate, internally ; and (which is the salient feature) its trans- verse ridges of growth are uniformly broken-up by (nevertheless somewhat obscure) spiral lines into granuliform, or tuberculi- form, fragments, giving the entire surface a very beautifully sculptured appearance. The H. granostriata (which was not obtained by either Mr. Lowe or myself) was found both by Hartung and Fritsch, and by both of them in Lanzarote as well as in Fuerteventura. In the latter island it seems to have been met with subfossilized likewise. ' Elle se trouve,' says Mousson, ' a Fuerteventura egalement a 1'etat subfossile en dimensions plus faibles, a test plus solide et a surface depourvue des details de la sculpture, qui la ou 1'on en decouvre les traces, sont bien les memes.' Helix morata. Helix morata, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can* 54 (1872) Pfei/., Mon. Eel. vii. 246 (1876) Habitat Fuerteventuram, semifossilis ; a cl. Fritsch detecta. This Helix (which is unknown to me except through the published diagnosis) appears to be closely allied to the grano- striata, but smaller. It was found by Fritsch, in a subfossil state, in Fuerteventura, and was described by Mousson from a single example. ' Cette espece,' says Mousson, ' provient de la meme ile que la granostriata^ mais parait en differer. La morata est plus petite, moins anguleuse, plus etroitement om- biliquee ; la peristome n'est pas evase, quoique fortement labie, les bords sont bien separes a leur insertion ; enfin, au lieu de granules allongees, il y a un tapis da granules plus fines serrees et rondes, qui determine un double systeme de sillons trans versaux et spiraux. Cette jolie espece dont je n'ai vu qu'un seul echantillon, denue de cuticule, appartient peut- etre egalement a une faune diluvienne eteinte.' Helix multipunctata, Helix multipunctata, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 54. pi. 3. f. 16-18 (1872) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. vii. 246 (1876) CANARIAN GROUP. 405 Habitat Fuerteventuram, semifossitis ; a cl. Fritsch lecta. A small species, found likewise by Fritsch in Fuerteven- tura, and only in a subfossil condition. Indeed, as in the case of the H. morata, Mousson appears to have had but a single example to describe from. The following are his re- marks concerning it : ' Cette petite espece, qui se lie a la morata, appartient encore a une faune passee. Elle est plus petite, plus applatie, et se distingue de ses voisines par la de- viation considerable du dernier tour, ce qui degage 1'ombilic sur -j de son pourtour. La surface est tres finement reticulee, par des stries costulees serrees et des lignes spirales plus distances, ce qui produit une fine granulation ponctiformeun peuallongee. Des taches blanches opaques alternent avec d'autres un peu cor- nees et diaphanes, et produisent sur la carene et le long de la suture un faible ondulation, ce que provient d'une plus facile destructibilite des parties cornees a cote des opaques. Le seul individu de cette espece est a Fetat subfossile et altere.' ( Lemniscia, Lowe.) Helix tumulormn. Helix tumulorum, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 315 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 62. 1. 1. f. 29-31 (1839) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. i. 216 (1848) Mouss.y Faun. Mai. des Can. 43 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem; in promontorio boreali ' Isleta ' dicto, prsecipue inter tumulos Indigenarum, et recens et semifossilis, occurrens. Necnon semifossilis in calcariis juxta Puerto da Luz, Isletse adjacentibus, parce legi. This is the largest member of the Lemniscia section in the Canarian Group, and one which has been found hitherto only on the ' Isleta,' the island-like promontory in the extreme north of Grand Canary, stretching out beyond the village of Puerto da Luz (which is itself a little to the north of Las Palmas). In that particular locality it was found originally by Webb (as it subsequently has been by Lowe, Fritsch, Watson, and others), principally amongst the tombs of the ancient inhabitants of the archipelago, the Guanches, a fact which evidently suggested its specific name. The H. tumulorum (the largest adult examples of which measure about 5 or 6 lines across the widest part) is, like most of its allies, a thin and rather broadly- or shortly-conical shell, strongly sculptured with the dense oblique transverse lines of growth, with its perforation extremely minute and almost con- 400 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A, cealed, and with its keel (which is more powerfully expressed from the fact of there being a slight compression, or concavity, on either side of it) very sharply defined. Its ground colour is either white or brownish-white ; and it is ornamented with two more or less conspicuous darker fasciae, one of which is placed beneath, and becomes lost within the (acute, unthickened) aper- ture, whilst the other is above the keel, and is broad and much mottled or interrupted, occupying the volutions of the spire to nearly its apex. The whorls themselves are, on the whole, flat ; nevertheless the keel is distinctly traceable alongside the suture up about two-thirds of the spire, which causes them to be a little angular, or prominent, posteriorly. The nearest Canarian ally of the present species to the Te- riffan H. phalerata, W. et B. ; but I think nevertheless that the two cannot be treated as insular modifications of each other, the tumulorum being very much larger and more obtusely conical, as well as more strongly striated ; and its keel is sharper and (as just mentioned) laterally compressed, and traceable up the spire. The fascia, too, on the upper portion of the shell is wider, it being generally suffused over the greater part of the surface so as to give the latter a brightly speckled, or mottled, appearance. In a subfossil condition the H. tumulorum occurs near to its present habitat ; and I also met with it in calcareous places close to the village of Puerta da Luz, which is but just removed from the Isleta. 1 Helix phalerata. Helix Eosetti W. et B., [nee Mich.], Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 317 (1833) phalerata, Id., I. c. Append. 325 (1833) Kosetti, d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 62. t. 1. f. 32-34 (1839) phalerata, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. i. 158 (1848) nivariensis, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 141 (1852) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iii. 167 (1853) phalerata, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 106 (1861) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 41 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam ; circa urbem Sanctse Crucis sublapidibus vulgaris. It appears, according to d'Orbigny (who examined the types), 1 In the Madeiran archipelago the nearest ally of the H. tumulorum is probably the H. tectiformis, Sow., from Porto Santo ; nevertheless the much greater bulk of that species, added to its large and open umbilicus, its over- hanging, roof -like keel, and its coarsely granulated surface, will, apart from coloration, at once separate it from all the members of the section Lenvniscia. CANADIAN GROUP. 407 that the H. Rosetti and phalerata, of Webb and Berthelot, are one and the same species ; though I think it is more probable that the former, which they expressly ascribe to Grand Ca- nary, was founded on a small state of the nearly-allied H. tumu- lorum, which seems to be peculiar to that island. At any rate, whatever they intended to indicate by their ' H. Rosetti, 9 it is not the H. Rozeti (mis-spelt by them 'Rosetti') of Midland, as they would imply, that species being an Algerian one, and distinct. Unless I am much mistaken, the H. phalerata is strictly confined to Teneriffe ; and I think it safer therefore to omit Palma as a habitat, even though recorded by Mousson, feel- ing it exceedingly likely that Fritsch's example (or examples) was but the closely resembling H. persimilis (so common in that island) under perhaps a rather larger and more fasciated guise. In TenerifTe, however, the phalerata proper was found abundantly by Mr. Lowe and myself, around Sta. Cruz (particu- larly towards El Campo and in the Barranco del Passo Alto) ; and it had previously been met with in the same district by Webb and Berthelot, d'Orbigny, Blauner, Grasset, and Reiss. As lately mentioned, the H. phalerata is intimately con- nected with the Grand Canarian H. tumulorum ; nevertheless it is too distinct from it in many of its details, to be treated, I think, as a local, or insular, modification of that species. Of course it is possible that, in reality, this may be the case ; nevertheless where the differential characters of two forms are sufficiently and readily conspicuous, and intermediate connective links are wanting, I cannot see what right we have to act on a mere hypothesis and to reject what have been already published, and recognized, as species. The //. phalerata is a very much smaller shell than the tumulorum, with its upper, or spiral, band narrower and less mottled or suffused, its sculpture is not quite so coarse, and its keel is not only less prominent or acute but also free from the slight scooping-out on either side which causes it to be so pro- nounced in that species. Its spire too is more conical, or pointed ; and the volutions are flatter, the keel not being traceable so far up towards the apex. Helix persimilis. Helix persimilis, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 141 (1852) Pfeif., Mon. Hel. iii. 129 (1 853) Mouss., Schw. Denksch. xv. 134 (1857) Id., Faun. Mai. des Can. 40 (1872) prseposita, Id., I. c. 45 (1872) 408 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. jt Habitat Fuerteventuram, Canariam Grandem, Teneriffam, Gomeram, Palmam, et Hierro(in Lanzerota sola adhuc haud ob- servata) ; late diffusa. The H. persimilis, Shuttl., which is probably universal throughout the Canarian archipelago (Lanzarote being the only island, out of the seven, in which it does not happen hitherto to have been observed), is closely allied to the //. phalerata, from which it seems mainly to differ in its smaller size, still thinner substance, less strongly developed keel, and browner or more suffused surface. It varies somewhat, however, not only in size and the greater or less elevation of its spire, but likewise in hue, occasional examples (as, for instance, a few which are now before me from Hierro) being almost as brightly coloured as the phalerata, or as the more variegated individuals of the r/wnilifera ; and I must confess that I am quite unable to detect any character to warrant the suspicion that Mousson's H. prce- posita, which was established on a single example taken by myself (in the Final of Tarajana) on the mountains of Grand Canary, is anything more than a rather enlarged H. persi- milis, by no means so much above the normal stature of the species as is the more discoidal race from the maritime dis- tricts of the same island which I have denned as a 'var. a. umbilicata.' I have taken this variable shell, under its more typical phasis, in Grand Canary, Teneriffe, Gomera, Palma, and Hierro, my Teneriffan examples being principally from around Sta. Cruz and Qrotava, and towards Taganana, and the Palman ones from the district below Argual of the Banda ; and it ap- pears to have been met with by Fritsch in Fuerteventura, Grand Canary, Teneriffe, and Gomera, and by Blauner in Teneriffe and Palma, The only aberrant aspect of the H. persimilis which seems to be sufficiently constant to be worth placing upon record is one which I would register as the ' a. umbilicataj and which was obtained by Mr. Lowe and myself, on the dry submaritime slopes both in the west and the south-east of Grand Canary, namely on an exposed hillside (facing the sea) between Aldea de San Nicolas and Lagaete, and in a somewhat similar situa- tion between Maspalomas and Juan Grande. This particular form is a trifle larger, less fragile, and more depressed than the ordinary type, as well as more sharply keeled, and more con- spicuously ornamented with two less-interruDted darker bands, of which the upper one is broader and has the appearance (from its being nearly continuous and unbroken) of almost ad- joining the keel. The umbilicus too is appreciably larger, it being more than a mere ' perforation.' In spite of this latter CANARIAN GROUP. 409 character, however, I have not the least reason to think that the ' a. umbilicata ' is anything more than a rather highly de- veloped submaritime state of the persimilis, the species being essentially an inconstant one ; though I may just add, that, like Mousson, I should probably have identified it with Shuttle- worth's H. ccementitia, was not the latter (which is a shell without any positively defined habitat) expressly said to have its aperture calloso -labiate within, and the upper and lower por- tions joined across the body volution by a white corneous lamina. These two characters are of themselves so important that I think it well-nigh impossible to treat this form of the persimilis which we are now discussing as representing the (very much larger) H. ccementitia of Shuttle worth, the precise country of which is practically unknown. Helix oleacea. Helix oleacea, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 142 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Eel. iii. 129 (1853) deusta, Lowe. Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 106 (1861) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. v. 126 (1868) oleacea, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 43. pi. 2. f. 45-47 (1872) et deusta, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 127 et 300 (1876) Habitat Palmam; in intermediis editioribusque sylvaticis humidis, rarius. If the many examples which I obtained in the intermediate and lofty sylvan districts of Palma are truly referable to the H. oleacea, Shuttl. (and I have every reason to believe that they are) the present species may be said to be a little larger and more lenticular (or Patula-sh&ped) than the persimttis, the keel being appreciably less developed, and the spire (which is composed of at least half a volution less) more obtuse ; and it is also still thinner, or more fragile, rather less strongly stri- iated, and of a more uniform pale yellowish-brown, there being few indications (indeed scarcely any at all) of fasciae and spots. Its peristome, although thin and acute, has a little more tendency to be subrecurved, at any rate towards the umbilicus (which is, consequently, rather more concealed from view) ; and its surface is nearly free from gloss. It is a species which has been observed hitherto only in Palma, where it was found by Blauner, and subsequently by Mr. Lowe and myself. Amongst the various localities in which we met with it, I may cite the Barranco de Agua, the Barranco de Galga, El Monte, Bar- lovento, and the Cumbre above Buenavista. 410 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. After a careful examination of the H. deusta, Lowe, which was detected by myself at a high altitude in the same island (namely amongst wet sticks and leaves at the edge of a small trickling stream which issues from some rocks in the Grreat Final, close to, but outside, the Caldeira), I have come to the conclusion that it will be better treated as a dwarfed and more distinctly fasciated state of the oleacea than as a variety of the persimilis. Most of its characters, such as they are, accord better with those of the former than of the latter, such, for instance, as its apically obtuse, sublenticular contour, its less keeled basal whorl, its somewhat finer sculpture, and its browner or less maculated (though by no means unfasciated) surface. In- deed there is very little except its smaller size, and more banded and perhaps just appreciably less broadly developed volu- tions, and its somewhat less covered umbilicus, which would seem to separate it from the (equally fragile) H. oleacea ; and I think therefore that it will be sufficient to place it on record as the ' var. a. deusta, Lowe.' Nevertheless in some respects it must be admitted that it is slightly intermediate between the H. oleacea and the persimilis. I will just add, however, that there must have been a mistake in Mr. Lowe's mea- surement of the shell, which is much smaller than his diag- nosis would indicate, even the largest examples being only 3 lines across, in their broadest part. Helix Woodwardia. Helix Woodwardia, Tarnier, in litt. Mouss. 9 Faun. Mai. des Can. 45. pi. 2. f. 48-50 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vii. 102 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; in humidis sylvaticis editioribus, rarior. This rare and exceedingly fragile little Helix has been ob- served hitherto only in the sylvan districts of Teneriffe, where it was met with by Grasset, Fritsch, and Reiss, and subsequently (particularly in the forest region above Taganana) by Mr. Lowe and myself. The H. Woodwardia (which is a good deal allied to the Palman H. oleacea, Shuttl.) is even thinner and more fragile than its immediate allies ; and it further differs from them in its relatively larger and more open umbilicus, and its total freedom from spots and bands, its entire surface being of a pale, uniform, yellowish- (or whitish-) corneous hue, though some of the coarse and densely-packed striae with which it is uniformly covered will be seen (when closely inspected) to be a CANARIAN GROUP. 411 little more pallid than the rest. Its keel is sharply defined, and is traceable for a short distance up the spire, its suture is strongly marked, its nucleus is rather more prominent than in the H. oleacea ; and it is altogether dull and opake. Helix Watsoniana. n. sp. T. anguste umbilicata, rotundato-lenticularis, tenuiuscula, calva, subopaca, rufo-brunnea, ubique dense et argute costulato- striata striis plus minus obscure pallidioribus, plagas valde irre- gulares obsoletas hinc inde efficientibus ; spira depressiuscula, anfractibus 5 convexiusculis, lente crescentibus, ultimo vix de- scendente et vix angulato Subtus obscure subfasciato-marmo- rata. Peristomate acuto, labris omnino disjunctis, columellari ad insertionem reflexo, umbilicum parvum subito excavatum paululum tegente. Diam. maj. tin. 2 ; alt. 1 -J-. Habitat Canariam Grandem, et Teneriffam. Pauca speci- mina communicavit Revdus. R. B. Watson, cujus in honorem nomen triviale dedi. A few examples of this inconspicuous little Helix have been communicated by Mr. Watson, as having been taken in Grand Canary and Teneriffe ; and, although the affinities of the species are not very manifest, I am inclined to think that it has more in common with the H. Woodwardia and oleacea, of the Lem- niscia group, than with the Xerophilous forms around the armillata and conspurcata. Apart froni its small size and rounded, sublenticular outline, the H. Wat&oniana, which seems quite distinct from everything else recorded in the present cata- logue, may be known by the fine but sharp and densely-packed costate-strise with which it is uniformly sculptured, by its rather thin and fragile substance, and by its bald, reddish -brown sur- face being more or less obscurely marbled with very irregular paler dashes or streaks, caused by the colour of the minute hair- like ribs being here and there more or less suffused or confluent. Its umbilicus is small but suddenly excavated, and is partially overhung by the acute but somewhat recurved columellary mar- gin of the peristome. Helix caementitia. Helix csementitia, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 291 (1852) t n Pfeiff; Mon. Hel. iii. 638 (1853) Habitat ' Canaries ' (Mus. de Marseille), sec. Shuttleworth. I know nothing about this Helix, except that two examples of it are said to be in the Museum at Marseilles, which are labelled as having come from the Canaries,' but from what 412 TEST ACE A ATLANTICA. island is altogether uncertain. Shuttleworth, who examined and described them, states that the species is near to the Tene- rififan H. phalerata, W. et B., but that it is more depressed, and has its umbilicus more distinct and open; and thus far, therefore, I might well have followed Mousson in identifying it with the shell, from Grand Canary, which I have denned as a 'var. a. umbilicala" 1 of the H. persimilis. But since it is further recorded as having a thickened rim-like callosity (as in the H. monilifera) immediately within the aperture, and its upper and lower lips connected by a white corneous lamina, it seems quite impossible to identify it with any phasis of the extremely variable (and very much smaller) H. persimilis. Like so many of the species therefore in the Marseilles col- lection, it must be left in doubt until its correct habitat has been ascertained. Helix umbicula. Helix rosetti, Pfeiff. [nee W. et .], Mon. Hel. i. 156 (1848) [sec. ShuttlJ] phalerata, Pfeiff. [nee W. et J5.], Mon. Hel. ii. 393 (1848) [sec. Shuttl.} umbicula, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 290 (1852) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 41 (1872) Pfeiff,, Mon. Hel. vii. 230 (1876) Habitat 'Canaries' (Mus. de Marseille, Coll. Terver), sec. Shuttleworth. This is another of those Helices concerning the habitat of which nothing positive is known, it having been established on a single example which is said to exist in the Museum at Mar- seilles. That example is from Terver's collection, and was doubtless obtained, like so many of his shells, from bags of orchil, even the exact country of which was frequently open to considerable doubt; and it is much to be regretted that species of such uncertain origin should ever have been admitted at all into a fauna which professes to be accurate and precise. Still it is far from unlikely that the H. umbicula may be, at any rate, truly ' Canarian,' for it is stated by Shuttleworth to be allied to the H. monilifera^ W. et B. Nevertheless, judging from the diagnosis, it appears to be considerably larger than the latter (its greatest diameter being 9 millimetres, instead of only 6 or 7 ), less solid in substance, and more distinctly perforated. Like it, however, the interior of its peristome is calloso- labiate. 1 1 Considering that I have rejected from the Canarian catalogue the H. mcvrcida and meloluntha, Shuttl., and the Pomatias Uarthelemianum, Shuttl. (which exist only in the Marseilles Museum, and which would appear to CANARIAN GROUP. 413 Helix monilifera. Helix monilifera, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 38. syn. 315 (1833) d'Orb., in W. etB. Hist. 61. t. 1. f. 21, 22 (1839) lancerottensis, Id., [sed non fig.], ibid. 60 (1839) monilifera, Pfeiff., Man. Hel. i. 160 (1848) Mouss., Schw. Denkachrift, xv. 5 (1857) Id., Faun. Mai. des Can. 39 (1872) Habitat Lanzarotam, Fuerteventuram, Canariam Grrandem, TenerifFam, Gromeram, et Palm am (in Hierro sola adhuc baud detecta) ; in aridis apricis inferioribus, sub lapidibus, praesertim juxta mare. A most distinct and well marked little Helix, and one wbich in all probability is quite universal throughout the Canarian archipelago* though it does not happen up to the present date to have been observed in Hierro. In the other six islands, however, it was taken by Mr. Lowe and myself; and it appears to have been found in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura by Webb and Berthelot, Fritsch, and Reiss, in Grrand Canary by Webb and Berthelot, and Grrasset, and in Palma by Blauner. Mousson says : Cette espece traverse, comme on voit, toute la serie des Canaries ;' yet, by his own shewing, he makes no re- ference to its existence in either Gromera or Hierro. Never- theless we met with it in the former of those islands, and I have little doubt that it must occur equally in the latter. In Lanzarote our specimens were principally from the lofty sea-cliffs known as the Risco (overlooking the Salinas), in the extreme north of that island, which seems to be the locality from whence Webb's types were originally obtained ; as well as from Chache, Los Llanos, Temise, and the neighbourhood of Arrecife (particularly along the road to Yaiza). The Fuerte- venturan ones were mainly from the Rio Palmas* Those from have been obtained by M. Terver from bags of dried orchil, the precise origin of which was confessedly unknown), as species founded upon evidence which was altogether untrustworthy and insufficient, it may perhaps seem a little inconsistent that I should not have acted in a similar manner as regards Shuttle worth's H. umMcula and ccementitia^ both of which are orchil shells of Terver's, and both of which exist equally (and only) in the collection at Marseilles ; and possibly indeed it would have been wiser had I refused to admit them. Still, since both species (judging from their published diagnoses) are more on the Canarian pattern than the others to which I have above alluded, and since in one or two exceptional in- stances M. Terver's guesses concerning habitat turned out to be correct, I have given them the advantage of the doubt by admitting them; though I am nevertheless far from satisfied that it would not have been better, until respectable evidence has been adduced, to have rejected them in toto. 414 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Teneriffe were obtained chiefly around Sta. Cruz, Souzal, Orotava, and Orarachico ; and the Gromeran ones from San Sebastian and Hermigua. But there is hardly a district, pro- vided it be sufficiently arid and at not too high an elevation, in which it will not be found to occur. The H. monilifera is (as compared with its immediate Canarian allies) a solid, and rather globose but at the same time more or less depressed little shell (both above and below), with its perforation very minute and almost concealed (in adult examples) by the reflexed columellary portion of the peristome, and with a raised whitish ring-like rib within the (acute) edge of its aperture. Although its spire is not usually much elevated, the volutions are convex, and densely sculptured with the oblique striae of growth. And its surface is either white or brownish- white, and elegantly fasciated with two more or less distinct darker bands, one of which is on the underside, becoming gradually lost sight of within the aperture, whilst the other is above the dorsal line, usually much broken-up (or interrupted by irregular transverse white blotches), and con- tinued along the whorls (more or less broadly and conspicuously) to nearly the apex. This arrangement of colouring gives the entire shell, for the most part, an extremely mottled appearance. I have already stated under the H. lancerottensis (vide, ante-) p. 378), that an old, bleached, and decorticated example of this common Canarian shell was described by d'Orbigny as actually the type of that species, of which he considered that he had never seen more than the single individual from which his diagnosis was drawn out ! And this is all the more un- pardonable since the lancerottensis and monilifera are in reality quite distinct in structure, and both of them had been characteristically enunciated by Webb six years before, the well-engraved plates, moreover, which had been completed by Terver under Webb's superintendence long previous to d'Or- bigny's engagement in his portion of the ' Histoire Naturelle,' leaving the features of the two species quite unmistakeable. Helix lemniscata. Helix lemniscata, W. et ., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. 317 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 6. t. 1. f. 23 (1839) Pfeiff~> Mon. Hel. i. 156 (1848) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 46 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem; in intermediis prsecipue oc- CANARIAN GROUP. 415 currens. Semifossilis in calcariis inter urbem Las Palmas et Puerto da Luz parce reperitur. The H. lemniscata is one of the most distinct and elegant of the Canarian Helices, and confined, so far as I have myself observed, to Grand Canary, where it is rather common throughout the intermediate district of El Monte, ascending even to the Eoca del Soucilho ; and it was found in the same island by Messrs. Webb and Berthelot, Grasset, Fritsch, and Watson. Indeed in an old memorandum of Mr. Webb's which is now before me, it is stated to occur likewise in the south of Teneriffe ; but as Webb was not always very accurate as regards his localities, this habitat certainly requires further corrobora- tion. In Grand Canary I met with it also in a genuinely sub- fossil condition, namely in the calcareous deposits between Las Palmas and the Puerto da Luz. In the slight prolongation of its axis, as it were, in a straight line (giving to the aperture a rather peculiar form), the If. lemniscata differs from the immediate species with which I have associated it ; nevertheless there can be little doubt of its no distant affinity with the H. Michaudi and galeata of the Madeiran Group, and (though somewhat less perhaps) with the Canarian species around the H. persimilis and phalerata. Apart from its rounded-pyramidal, or turbinate, outline, it may be defined as a thin shell, of a rather lively hue, many suf- fused tints, not easily to be expressed, being blended over its surface. Its ground-colour is more often of a yellowish or cine- reous white (not unfrequently with a faint lilac tinge) ; and there is a single, well-defined, continuous, purplish-brown band on the underside, below the keel, which becomes lost within the aperture ; whilst a second is placed immediately above the keel, and runs alongside the suture to almost the apex, becoming more and more interrupted, or broken -up, in its course. The peristome (which is acute, and not thickened into a corneous rim) is generally somewhat flavescent ; its perforation is minute, and well-nigh concealed ; and its volutions (which are about 6 J in number, and a good deal flattened) are strongly sculptured with the oblique, irregular lines of growth. When immature the H. lemniscata is more decidedly keeled. Genus 10. BTILIMTJS, Scopoli. ( Cochticella, Risso.) Bulimus ventricosus. Bulimus ventricosus, Drap. 9 TabL de Moll. 68 (1801) Id., Hist. Nat. 78. t. 4. f. 31-33 (1805) 416 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Helix ventrosa, Per., Prodr. 377. t. 52 (1807) Bulimus ventrosus, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. Soc. Trans, iv. 62 (1831) Helix acuta, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 317 (1833) Bulimus ventrosus, Alb., Mai. Mad. 54. t. 14. f. 18, 19 (1854) Pawa, Mon. Moll. Mad. 103 (1867) Helix ventricosa, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 46 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem, et Teneriffam ; sub lapidibus, prsecipue in cultis inferioribus, hinc inde congregans. The common Mediterranean B. ventricosus, which occurs likewise in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Cape Verde archipelagos, has established itself in Grand Canary and Teneriffe; but, although probably existing in some of them, it has not yet been observed in any of the other islands. It abounds also at Mogador, on the opposite sandy coast of Morocco. My Grand- Canarian examples are principally from the intermediate region of El Monte ; and some which are now before me were taken by Mr. Watson on the road from Las Palmas to Arucas. The truly indigenous Bulimi which occur in the Canarian archipelago are many of them so nearly related inter se, that, whether regarded as genuine species or as mere insular modifi- cations of a few central types ( a question which can never perhaps be settled satisfactorily), it seems desirable to draw out short diagnoses of them afresh, in order to call attention more readily to the exact points in which their differences respectively consist. Six species, however, out of the 29 enumerated below (namely the B. Maffioteanus , Mouss., the indifferens, Mouss., the texturatus, Mouss. the tabidus, Shuttl., the anaga, Grass., and the servus, Mouss.), I have not been able to procure for inspection ; and concerning these therefore I can add nothing, beyond what may be gathered from their published descriptions. Bulimus Guerreanus. T. [saepius indumento lutoso dense vestita] minute rim at a, breviuscula, conico-ovata, tenuissima, subpellucida, nitidiuscula, inaequaliter striatula, pallide olivaceo-cornea ; spira breviter conica ; anfractibus 6, convexis, ultimo rotundato, subinflato ; apertura parum obliqua, peristomate simplici, acuto (nee ex- panso), marginibus saepius lamina tenuissima (vix perspicua) simplici junctis, dextro rotundate curvato, columellari breviter reflexo. Long. lin. 4 ; diam. maj. 2. CANAR1AN GROUP. 417 Bulimus Guerreanus, Grasset, Journ. de Conch, v. 347 (1856) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel iv. 50 (1859) Buliminus Guerreanus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. Ill (1872) Bulimus Guerreanus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 185 (1876) Habitat Gomeram, et Hierro; ad rupes et muros in locis editioribus adhserens. I cannot agree with Mousson that this singular Bulimus is in any respect allied to the badiosus, Fer., with which, as it seems to me, it has absolutely nothing whatever in common. It belongs to a totally different type, and stands completely isolated amongst the Canarian members of the group. Perhaps the form (although totally dissimilar from it) to which it makes the nearest approach is the Lanzarotan ' var. a. rufobrunneus ' of the B. variatus, which has a similar habit of coating itself over with a hardened envelope of coarse dirt, and which occurs (in like manner) on the rocks of a comparatively high altitude. Moreover both species are remarkable for their thin and sub- pellucid substance, their rather shining and totally ungranulated surface, the extreme convexity of their whorls, and the acute- ness of their peristome, which however is a little more thick- ened and expanded in the Lanzarotan one than it is in ths B. Guerreanus (in which the border is quite thin and unre- flexed, except towards the insertion of the columella). Apart from its semitransparent and well-nigh- membraneous texture, the B. Guerreanus is conspicuous for its short, some- what inflated, and conico-ovate outline, for the smallness of its umbilical chink, and for its olivaceous, or pale greenish-brown, hue. The intervening lamina, between the margins of its peristome, is (as in the Lanzarotan shell) so thin as to be barely traceable, and it is also perfectly simple. The present Bulimus was taken abundantly by Mr. Lowe and myself, adhering principally to old walls, in and around Valverde, in the island of Hierro, where it would appear to have been met with previously by Grasset ; and it was subsequently found by Mr. Lowe (namely on the 21st of April, 1861), at a high elevation, on rocks, a little below the Cumbre above San Sebastian, in Gomera. Bulimus variatus. T. sequenti (sc. B. myosotis) paululum minus gracilis, an- fractu ultimo sc. subbreviore et vix magis subinflato, plerumque subnitidior (i.e sensim minus opaca), vix minus solida, ssepius magis obscure (i.e. minus pallide) brannea, et interdum (tamen E 418 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. rarius conspicue) plagiato-variegata ; in ' statu a.,' et fere in 6 statu /:?.' etiam concolor. a. rufobrunneus. [ssepius indumento lutoso dense vestita] submajor ac magis rufo-bmnnea, plerumque omnino concolor ; spira antice paululum minus acuta; anfractibus sensim con- vexioribus, sutura profunde impressa, paululum magis regu- lariter striatis ; apertura submagis rotundata ; peristomate acu- tiore, minus expanse, margine dextro ad insertionem simplici (nunquam tuberculo juncto), columellari subevidentius ar- cuato. Long. lin. vix 6 ; diam. maj. 2. [ins. Lanzarota ; rupibus excelsis, ad borealem insulce, adhcerens.~] /3. roccellicola, W. et B. subminor et vix magis ovata (aut magis ventricosa), fere omnino concolor (sc. pallide fusco-cornea) aut obsoletissime sublineolato-variegata ; peristomate sublatius reflexiusculo, margine dextro ad insertionem tuberculo minuto indistincto ssepius juncto. Long. lin. vix 5 ; diam. maj. vix 2. [ins. ' Canarienses,' sec W. et B. ; a statu normali, Canarice Grandis ac Teneriffce, vix certe distinctus.~] 7. [normalis], subminor quam ' stat. a., et subventricosior, minus obscure aut magis subochraceo-brunnea, rarius concolor, saepius plagis lineisque obliquis disjunctis irregularibus obscure ornata, paulo grossius sed magis irregulariter striatula; peri- stomate sublatius reflexiusculo, margine dextro ad insertionem tuberculo minuto plerumque juncto. Long. lin. circa 5 ; diam. maj. 2%. [ins. Canaria Grrandis et Teneriffa ; ad muros rupes- que adhcerens, prcecipue in locis subinferioribus.~\ S. subgracilior. priori fere similis, sed paululum gracilior, anfractibus minus convexis, et (ut in B. myosotis) sublongiori- bus, testa subfragiliore et paulum magis nitida, vix plagiata ; peristomate subacutiore. Long. lin. 5f ; diam. maj. vix 2. [ins. Palma ; in convalli supra Sanctam Crucem lecta."] Bulimus variatus, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28 syn. 326 (1833) roccellicola, Id., ibid. syn. 323 (1833) variatus (pars), d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 71. t. 2. f. 25 (1839) roccellicola, Id., ibid. 70. t. 2. f. 23 (1839) variatus, Pfeif., Mon. Hel. ii. 125 (1848) roccellicola, Id., ibid. ii. 126 (1848) variatus, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 293 (1852) Buliminus variatus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 105 (1872) roccellicola, Id., ibid. 102 (1872) Bulimus variatus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 89 (1876) Habitat Lanzarotan, Canariam G-randem, Teneriffam, et Palmam ; in inferioribus et locis paulum magis elevatis, ad CANARIAN GROUP. 419 muros rupesque hinc inde adhserens. In Canaria Grandi etiam semifossilis reperitur. A common, though variable, Bulimus at low elevations in Teneriffe and Palma, and (under a tolerably well marked aspect) at higher ones in Lanzarote, and one which has been found by Mr. Watson in Grand Canary likewise. It may be said to differ, in a general way, from the B. myosotw of the last-men- tioned island (if indeed the myosotis be anything more than a mere elongated and concolorous modification of the variatus characteristic of Grand Canary) in being a little less solid in substance and less slender (or more ovate) in outline, the last two or three whorls being relatively a trifle more shortened ; and it is also usually less opake, and of a less uniformly pale (or yellowish) brown, the unmaculated state (' a. rufobrunneus ') from Lanzarote being of a rich coffee-colour, and the smaller and more or less maculated one from Grand Canary and Tene- riffe (which, like Mousson, I have regarded as the type), although occasionally of a pallid brunneo-olivaceous tint, being at the same time more or less marbled with obscure, longitudinal, oblique, irregular fragmentary lines and streaks of a rather lighter hue. The ' S. subgraciliorj from Palma, has certainly the slenderer form and rather elongated volutions of the B. myosotis ; but, on the other hand, its features of comparative thinness and brightness are even more expressed than in the ' 7.' or normal state of the species, thus affiliating it with the B. variatus, rather than with the B. myosotis from Grand Canary. Judging from two original examples which are now in the British Museum, the B. roccellicola, W. et B., is certainly nothing more than a variety (if indeed a true 'variety' at all) of the B. variatus, differing far less from the ordinary Tene- riffan and Grand-Canarian type than the ' status a. rufobrun- neus' does, which is the common form in Lanzarote. It is perhaps a trifle more ovate, and (if anything) a little smaller, than the normal phasis of the shell; and its surface is of a palish brown, in one of the specimens quite concolorous, and in the other just appreciably mottled with a few irregular frag- mentary thread-like lines. After examining these two indi- viduals with great care, I can perceive absolutely nothing about them to warrant specific separation, their distinctions, such as they are, being scarcely even varietal. The Lanzarotan phasis of this shell, which I cannot but think has quite as great a claim for specific separation as is possessed by the Grand-Canarian B. myosotis, occurs on the sub- maritime rocks of a rather high altitude, it having been found in abundance by Mr. Lowe and myself on the lofty sea-cliffs E R 2 420 TEST ACE A ATLANTICA. known as the Eisco, and overlooking the Salinas, in the extreme north of that island. Its habit of covering itself .over with a hardened envelope of earth is even more pronounced than in any of the following forms (being quite as remarkable as in the B. Guerreanus, Grasset, from Hierro); but when denuded of this strongly-cemented encasement, the shell will be seen to be somewhat more thin and sub translucent than in the normal state from Teneriffe and Grand Canary, as well as of a deeper and richer coffee-brown and usually altogether unornamented with even a trace of paler markings. Its volutions, too, are remarkably tumid or convex, and the suture consequently much impressed ; its spire is not quite so acutely pointed towards the apex; its aperture (which is a trifle more rounded) has the peristome not quite so thickened or so decidedly expanded out- wards ; and its stature is appreciably larger. In its normal condition, under which circumstances it is seldom free from markings (there being generally more or less evident indications of obscure and irregular paler dashes and fragmentary oblique stripes), and in which the size is, on the average, smaller, the B. variatus was found by Mr. Lowe and myself, on walls and rocks, at comparatively low elevations around Garachico and the Puerto of Orotava, in the north of Teneriffe ; and some specimens are now before me, both in a recent and subfossil state, which were taken by Mr. Watson at Tafira in Grand Canary. The ' 8. subgracilior ' I met with in the Barranco above Sta. Cruz, in the island of Palma. The B. variatus is said by Morelet and Drouet to occur in Sta. Maria at the Azores ; but as I have not been able to pro- cure an Azorean type for comparison, I am unable to state whe- ther the phasis which the species assumes in that archipelago differs in any material respect from what I have regarded as the normal one at the Canaries. Judging from Morelet's diagnosis, the differences do not appear to be very considerable. Bulimus myosotis. T. [ssepe indumento lutoso dense vestita] rimata, subgracilis, elongato-conica, solidiuscula, subopaca, parum distincte irregu- lariter striatula, pallide flavo-brunnea, concolor (nullo inodo, aut potius rarissime, subvariegata) ; spira acutiuscula ; anfracti- bus 7, convexiusculis, ultimo elongatulo sed vix inflate, et etiam intermediis haud valde abbreviatis ; apertura elongatula, subob- liqua, peristomate acutiusculo, albo, late expanso, reflexiusculo, intus calloso-incrassato, marginibus ssepius lamina tenuissima (ad insertionem dextram plerumque albo-nodulosam) junctis, columellari rectiusculo. Long. lin. 6 ; diam. maj. 2. CANARIAN GROUP. 421 Bulimus myosotis, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 27. syn. 319 (1833) variatus (var.), d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 71. t. 2. f. 27 (1839) Webbii, d'Orb., I. c. 72 (1839) myosotis, Pfeiff., Mon. Eel. ii. 126 (1848) Webbii, Id., I. c. iv. 419 (1867) Buliminus myosotis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 102 (1872) Bulimus myosotis, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 84 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in aridis calcareis intermediis prsecipue occurrens. In montibus paululum elevatis mox supra Las Palmas semifossilis invenitur. I am exceedingly doubtful whether this Bulimus is anything more in reality than a phasis peculiar to Grand Canary of the very inconstant B. variatus^ W. et B. ; nevertheless since it has usually been acknowledged as distinct (though cited, it is true, by d'Orbigny as a mere aspect of that species), and practically it is easy to be recognized, I will not do otherwise than treat it se- parately. Indeed the line of demarcation between these ' insular modifications ' (if such indeed they may be looked upon) and 4 species,' properly so called, is often so difficult to draw that it is simply impossible to do so with any degree of certainty ; and it seems to me, therefore, that it signifies but little which we choose to regard them, provided that they are correctly located with reference to each other, and provided also that their cha- racters are accurately pointed out. The present Bulimus may be said to be the universal one (on the B. variatus type) in Grand Canary, where it occurs more particularly in dry and calcareous spots of intermediate altitudes, frequently cementing itself over so completely with a hardened envelope of dirt that it is not always easy to be ob- served when adhering to the stone walls, the colour of which it exactly simulates. It was taken in abundance by Mr. Lowe and myself at Tafira (on the road from Las Palmas to El Monte), a locality in which it has subsequently been found by Mr. Wat- son ; as also between Lagaete and Gaidar, on the western side of the island. And on the hills immediately above Las Palmas it was collected in profusion by Mr. Watson, some of whose ex- amples appear to me to be subfossilized. Mousson records that it was met with likewise, near Las Palmas, by Grasset and Fritsch. From the numerous forms of the variatus the B. myosotis may be known by its rather slender and elongated contour (the basal and two following whorls being somewhat less abbreviated than in most of the aspects of that species), as well as by its slightly more solid substance, its less shining (in fact nearly 422 TEST ACE A ATLANTICA. opake) surface, and its usually pale yellowish -brown hue, there being seldom (if ever) any indications of lighter dashes or streaks. Its peristome (which is white) is rather broadly developed, and the columellary margin is almost in a continuous curve with the outside of the penultimate whorl (when backwardly produced). 1 Judging from one of his original types which is now in the British Museum, d'Orbigny's B. Webbii (enunciated in 1839) is nothing more than the myosotis^ W. et B., in its perfectly nor- mal state ; and Pfeiffer also rightly denned it (twenty years later) as a Bulimus? having drawn out his diagnosis from this very individual. Yet it is singular that the latter should not at once have perceived that it differs in no respect from a typical B. myosotis which is placed almost alongside it in the same col- lection. This exactly quadrates with the habitat which is given for it (on the authority of Webb and Berthelot) by d'Orbigny, namely ' Grand Canary,' which is the particular island to which the B. myosotis (which however is scarcely more, I think, than a mere aspect of the variatus, W. et B.) is peculiar. Yet Mousson has fallen into the error of regarding it as a ' Cionella* (or Lovea), from which it clearly is altogether distinct. But that d'Orbigny, who had the types of Webb under his immediate eye, should have failed to identify it with the B. myosotis is truly astonishing, for if this type to which I have just called attention is to be trusted, it does not represent so much as even a ' variety ' (unless indeed it be just appreciably more shining) of that common Grand- Canarian shell. Bulimus encaustus. T. B. variati statum normalem simulans, sed sensim major, subsolidior, ac magis nitida ; anfractibus distinctius 7 (nee dis- tincte 6, indistincte 7), sensim (ut in B. myosotis) longioribus, subgrossius sed etiam magis irregulariter costulato-striatis, striis perpaucis hinc inde altioribus necnon interstitiis saepe sensim subexcavatis ; apertura paululum majore, longiore, peristomate (albo) subevidentius calloso-incrassato, margine columellari sub- 1 The occasional obsolete indications of minute and fragmentary spiral striae, which are just traceable on different parts of its ,surf ace, and which are alluded to in the published diagnoses of this and some of the cognate Bulimi, are no differential character at all, for they are equally to be observed, at times, in every one of the species. Neither is the exact number of the whorls ; for although sometimes only six or seven are conspicuous, the eighth (which is at others fully developed) may generally be seen, more or less immersed, at the extreme apex. Nor indeed is the presence of a minute corneous nodule (more or less expressed) near to the insertion of the right- hand margin of the peristome ; for that little callosity is as often absent as present in most of the forms, or species, and can scarcely claim therefore to be distinctive of any one of them in particular. CANARIAN GROUP. 423 rectiore. Sed praecipue differt colore diverse, sc. plagis lineis- que obliquis multo albidioribus, et multo majoribus, interdum etiam confluentibus, testae majorem partem tingentibus. Long, tin. 6 ; diam. maj. 2J. Bulimus encaustus, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 293 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 652 (1853) Buliminus encaustus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 105 pi. vi. f. 3,4(1872) Bulimus encaustus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 90 (1876) Habitat Palmam; in declivibus intermediis, ad rupes et inter saxa latens. This beautifully variegated Bulimus seems to be peculiar to the intermediate and rather lofty districts of Palma, where it was found by Mr. Lowe and myself in several places, though more particularly in the Barranco de Nogales, chiefly amongst rubbish and small stones on the ledges of the rocks ; and it ap- pears to have been taken also by Blauner. Mousson, by some unaccountable mistake, has cited my examples from the Bar- ranco de Nogales as referable to the B. variatus ; whereas they possess every character of Shuttleworth's B. encaustus ; though it may be a question perhaps whether the latter, though easily distinguishable, is anything more in reality than an insular and highly decorated modification of the B. variatus. Still I have already stated what my reasons are for preferring to retain these nearly-resembling Bulimi in the condition in which they have already been acknowledged and published. It is to the typical form of the B. variatus (which is more or less obscurely ornamented with longitudinal paler dashes and streaks) that the B. encaustus the most intimately approaches ; nevertheless it is, on the average, rather larger and more solid than the former, more shining and uneven in its surface (irregu- lar longitudinal spaces of which, between certain striae which are more elevated than the rest, have a tendency to be very obsoletely scooped-out, as it were, or grooved) ; and the frag- mentary oblique patches and lines are not only very much increased in size, frequently becoming confluent with each other, so as to cover nearly the whole shell. Its aperture, too, is relatively a trifle more developed, the columellary margin being (if anything) a little longer ; and its whorls are altogether somewhat less abbreviated, causing the general outline to be more in accordance with that of the B. myosotis. Bulimus rupicola. T. precedent! colore et superficie (laete albo et brunneo variegata) fere similis, sed statura longiore, graciliore, spira 424 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. valde elongato-conica, anfractibus 8, minus convexis, apertura submagis obliqua, peristomate etiam sublatius expanse ; lineis spiralibus (tamen minutissimis) interduni magis distinctis. Long. lin. 6-J 7 ; diam. maj. 2. Bulimus rupicola, W. et B., in litt. ,, variatus (pars), d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 71 (1839) Buliminus rupicola, Mouss. [nee rupicolus, Reeve, = varie- gatus, Pfeiff.], Faun. Mai. des Can. 104 (1872) Bulimus rupicola, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 89 (1876) Habitat Gromeram ; juxta Hermigua, et recens et semifos- silis, a Bevdo. R. T. Lowe copiosissime reperta. This Bulimus might well be looked upon as an insular mo- dification peculiar to Gromera of the Palman B. encaustus, with which it agrees in the character of its similarly decorated sur- face ; nevertheless if the B. myosotis and encaustus are to be treated as specifically distinct from the variatus (and not as Grand-Canarian and Palman phases of that shell), it seems to me that it would be inconsistent not to cite the B. rupicola as a species of equal importance and attached to Gromera ; and I have therefore followed Mousson in so regarding it. Although coinciding with the encaustus in its beautifully ornamented surface (in which the white portions, on the average, very much preponderate over the brown), the B. rupicola is nevertheless longer and slenderer than that species, its spire being more drawn-out and conical, with the seventh (or apical) whorl more distinctly expressed. Its volutions are appreciably less convex ; its aperture is (if anything) a trifle longer and more oblique, with the peristome very broadly expanded ; and its minute spiral lines are usually somewhat more traceable. The B. rupicola was taken in great profusion by Mr. Lowe, near Hermigua, on the western side of Gromera ; and, out of many hundred examples which I have overhauled, a considerable proportion seem to be in a subfossilized (or, at any rate, in a very ancient and bleached) condition ; and, from being filled almost invariably with a fine and loose friable soil, they have every appearance of having been long embedded in a kind of superfi- cial earthy deposit. The specimens, moreover, which are thus circumstanced are more or less white and decorticated. Bulimus ocellatus, T, auguste rimata, elongato-ovata, solida, nitida, parum dis- tinct e irregulariter striatula, albida sed apicem versus necnon in maculis perpaucis irregularibus pallide flavo-cornea ; anfracti- CANARIAN GROUP. 425 bus 7, vix convexiusculis ; apertura sat magna, lunato-ovali, intus fuscula; peristomate incrassato, late albo-expanso, mar- ginibus lamina tenuissima (ad insertionem dextram subnodula- tam) junctis. Long. lin. 7J ; diam. maj. 3^. Buliminus ocellatus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. pi. vi. f. 5-7 (1872) Bulimus ocellatus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 90 (1876) Habitat Gromeram, et Hierro ; ab ilia a Barone de Paiva re- ceptus, sed lectus in hac a cl. Pjritsch. The only example which I have seen of this very elegant Bulimus, and from which the above diagnosis has been com- piled, was received by the Baron Paiva from Hermigua, on the western side of Gromera ; but the species is said by Mousson to have been taken by Fritsch in Hierro. Its large size (for a member of the variatus-tjpe) and robust, elongate-ovate con- tour, added to its shining, solid, and porcelain -like surface which is of a clear milky white, with the apical whorls and a few very irregular patches (which . have a tendency to arrange themselves in two spiral rows) on the ultimate and penultimate ones of a pale yellowish-brownwill suffice at once to distinguish it. The aperture (which is fuscous within) is rather largely de- veloped, with the peristome white and broadly expanded ; and in the specimen before me there is a very indistinct row of minute and almost obsolete granuliforrn tubercles along the dorsal line of the basal volution, commencing from the right- hand insertion of the peristome, as though to represent the faint angle which is just traceable in the B. Moquinianus, and which is so strongly expressed in certain members of the Subu- lina Group. 1 Bulimus Moquiiiiaims. T. rimato-perforata, elongato-subfusiformis, solidiuscula, ni- tidiuscula, distincte irregulariter striata, pallide ochraceo -cornea et plagis obliquis obsoletis subpallidioribus longitudinaliter obscure ornata ; spira subcylindrico-conica ; anfractibus 8, pla- niusculis, ultimo fere latitudine penultimi (sc. vix latiore) nec- non ad lineam dorsalem obsoletissime subangulato, penultimo et antepenultimo subauctis ; apertura parva, peristomate crassius- culo sed breviter expanso, marginibus subapproximatis et lamina tenuissima simplici junctis, columellari haud reflexo, rimam 1 The slight concavity of the columella which is referred to by Mousson in his diagnosis of this species is no specific character at all, for it exists in all the exponents of this immediate section, and is certainly more conspicuous in the B. myosotis and rupicola than it is in the ocellatus. 426 TEST ACE A AT LAN TIC A. magis apertam (sc. fere umbilicum) non tegente. Long, lin. 6J ; diam. maj. 2. Bulimus Moquinianus, W. et 5., Ann. Sc. Nat. 27. syn. 319 (1833) dOrb., in W. et B. Hist. 70. t. 2. f. 24(1839) Pfeiff., Mon. Eel. ii. 1 65 (1848) Buliminus Moquinianus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 103 (1872) Bulimus Moquinianus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 90 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in intermediis, prsecipue cal- careis, rarior. The B. Moquinianus is peculiar to Grand Canary, where it would appear to be scarce. It was, however, taken by Mr. Lowe and myself, on the 20th of April 1858, in the somewhat calcareous district between Lagaete and Gaidar, on the western side of that island ; and it is recorded by Mousson to have been met with by Fritsch near Las Palmas. It may be distinguished by its pale yellowish-brown, olivaceous surface, which is a little shining, rather coarsely (though unevenly) striated, and obscurely marbled with faintly lighter but very irregular subconfluent oblique spaces or stripes, and by its somewhat more fusiform (or medially-thickened) contour, the intermediate whorls (although not convex) being rather more enlarged than in the allied forms, and the basal one (which is most obsoletely subangulated across its dorsal region), consequently, hardly broader than the one which precedes it. Its aperture is relatively small, with the peristome, although thickened, but very little expanded ; and its chink- like perforation is wider, or more open, than in the allied species, as well as less covered over (indeed scarcely so at all) by the columellary margin. Bulimus helvolus. T. angulatim rimata, elongate fusiformi-ovata, tenuis, pellu- cida, nitida, leviter irregulariter striatula, pallide et dare ochraceo-cornea, concolor ; spira cylindrico-conica ; anfracti- bus 7, convexiusculis, ultimo elongato, intermediis, inflatiusculis, subauctis ; apertura subrotundata, peristomate albo et anguste expanso,marginibus subapproximatis et callo lineari albo (ad inser- tionem dextram in nodulum, ab angulo incise disjunctum, aucto) junctis, columellari vix reflexo. Long. lin. vix 7 ; diam. maj. 3. Bulimus helvolus, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 27. app. 326 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 71. t. 2. f. 21 (1839) CANARIAN GROUP. 427 Bulimus helvolus, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iii. 348 (185?) Buliminus helvolus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 107 (1872) Bulimus helvolus, Pf&iff., Mon. Hel. viii. 75 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; juxta Sta. Cruz lecta, sed rarissime.- The single example from which the above diagnosis has been drawn out, and which was received from Teneriffe by the Baron Paiva, appears to me to belong most unmistakeably to the B. helvolus^ W. et B. (said by Mousson to have been found by Gondot, Blauner, and Fritsch near Sta. Cruz), the only point in which it does not perfectly accord with the diagnosis of that shell consisting in the fact that I cannot detect any traces of a faint angle, or keel, along the dorsal line of its ultimate volu- tion. But its other characters are so pronounced, particularly as regards its glossy, faintly striated, pale ochreo-corneous con- colorous surface, and the presence of a small thickened tubercle at the right-hand insertion of the peristome, which is separated from the angle itself (as in the B. Itadiosus, Bertheloti, and Consecoanus) by a deep cleft or incision, that I can have no hesitation in referring it to Webb and Berthelot's species, with a type indeed of which in the British Museum it seems per- fectly to agree. In other respects the B. helvolus is elongate and ovato-fusiform, with its basal whorl a good deal lengthened, and its intermediate ones rather unusually increased ; and its aperture, which is somewhat round, has the peristome but very narrowly expanded. Judging from the examples before me, I should say that the B. helvolus is perhaps more nearly allied to the (nevertheless somewhat maculated and striped) B. Moquinianus of Grand Canary than to anything else, forming a passage, in conjunc- tion with that species, from the variatus-type, to the larger and less conical forms. Bulimus palmensis. T. rimato-perforata, ovato-fusiformis (in medio latiuscula), subtenuis, subpellucida, subopaca (rarius nitidiuscula), irregu- lariter striatula lineisque minutissimis spiralibus hinc inde distinctius et dense cincta, ad basin rugoso-granulata, pallide ochraceo-cornea, interdum etiam subflavescens, rarius plagis obscuris paululum pallidioribus obsolete maculata; spira breviter et acute conica ; anfractibus 7, planiusculis, ultimo elongatulo; apertura magna, elongata, obliqua, peristomate albido et anguste expanso, marginibus subparallelis, distantibus, lamina tenuissima (interdum vix perspicua) simplici junctis, columellari obliquo et vix reflexo. Lon. lin. circa 6 ; diam. maj. 2%. 428 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Buliminus nanodes, var. palmaensis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 116 (1872) Bulimus nanodes (pars), Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 73 (1876) Habitat Palmam ; in sylvaticis editioribus, late sed parce diffusus. It is surprising to me that this Bulimus, which is one of the best defined of all the Canarian species, should have been cited by Mousson (from examples which I sent to him for inspection) as a mere ' var. palmensis ' of Shuttle worth's B. nanodes, which is utterly distinct from it in every one of its characters. Apart from its greater length (which is fully 6 lines, instead of scarcely 5), and its more fusiform, medially widened, apically acute outline (the spire being more regularly conical, with the whorls much flatter), it is additionally separated from every phasis of the B. nanodes by its thinner and more pellucid substance, its very much larger and more oblique aperture, its longer and less vertical columella, its less expanded peristome, its paler and more olivaceous surface (which is occasionally almost lutescent, and not unfrequently obscurely marked with lighter dashes and spots, thus taking us back again, as it were, towards the variatus group), and its totally different sculpture, the shell being altogether free (except towards the umbilical region) from the coarse varioles and irregular granulations which are so conspicuous in that species, but at the same time more or less covered with exces- sively minute (and often barely traceable) densely-packed spiral lines. The present Bulimus seems to be universally (though sparingly) distributed over the intermediate and lofty sylvan districts of Palma, to which island it would appear to be peculiar. It was met with by Mr. Lowe and myself on the ascent of the Cumbre above Buena vista, as well as in the Barranco above Sta. Cruz, the Barrauco de Agua, and the Bar- ranco de Gralga, and by Mr. Lowe at El Monte above Barlovento. Bulimus badiosus. T. [interdum indumento vestita] rimato-perforata, elongato- ovata, nitidiuscula, distincte insequaliter (rariss. subgranulatim) plicatulo-striata, ad basin rugoso-granulata, rufo-brunnea vel badia ; spira breviter conica ; anfractibus 6, convexiusculis ; apertura magna, obliqua, peristomate late expanso, acuto, intus albo-incrassato, marginibus approximatis et callo lineari albo (ad insertionem dextram in nodulum, ab angulo incise dis- junctum, aucto) junctis, regulariter curvatis (nullo modo angu- latim continuis), columellari obliquo et vix reflexo. Long, tin. 6 ; diam. maj. 3. CANARIAN GROUP. 429 Helix badiosa, Per., Prodr. 423 (1821) Bulimus badiosus, W. et 5., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 318 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 69. t. 2 f. 22 (1839) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 19 (1848) Buliminus badiosus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 110 (1872) Bulimus badiosus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 74 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam juxta Sta. Cruz, prsecipue in ' Bar- ranco del Passo Alto,' vulgaris. This is one of the most abundant of the larger Bulimi around Sta. Cruz in Teneriffe, to which island it would seem to be peculiar. It was taken in profusion by Mr. Lowe and myself near the mouth of the Barranco del Passo Alto, and it has been met with by almost every naturalist who has visited the Canaries, including Mauge, Webb and Berthelot, d'Orbigny, Blauner, Fritsch, Eeiss, and Watson. Apart from its ovate (or basally-widened and apically-acute) outline and its reddish-brown, somewhat chestnut hue, the B. badiosus may be known by its rather enlarged, oblique, and regularly curved (unangulated) aperture, the whitened peristome of which is broadly thickened internally, and by the incrassated corneous rim (sometimes evanescent in the centre) which joins the margins of the latter, and which is developed near to the right-hand insertion into a nodule which is separated by a minute gash (or incision) from the angle itself. This last- mentioned character is possessed also by the B. helvolus, Bertheloti, and Consecoanus, but it is one which does not appear to be noticed in the published descriptions of the species. Judging from the many examples which are now before me, the B. badiosus very seldom has its surface at all granulated except at the extreme base of the shell ; but the irregular (or unequal) striaB are somewhat coarsely expressed. Bulimus propinquus, T. rimata, elongate ovato-, aut turrito-, subcylindrica, solida, opaca, irregulariter striata et inaequaliter scrobiculato- (aut potius subrugato-)granulata, obscure rufo-brunnea ; spira subcylindrico-conica ; anfractibus 7, valde convexis, sutura profunde impressa ; apertura subrotundata, peristomate albo, acuto, late expanso, marginibus subapproximatis et lamina tenuissima fere simplici junctis, columellari reflexiusculo. Long. lin. vix 6 ; diam. maj. 2J. Bulimus propinquus, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 144 (1852) 431) TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Bulimus propinquus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 348 (1853) Buliminus propinquus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 108. pi. vi. f. 8 (1872) Bulimus propinquus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 74 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; juxta Sta. Cruz et (sec. Mousson), Tagueste, rariss. I believe that I am right in identifying with the propin- quus of Shuttleworth two examples of a rather solid, opake, and dark reddish-brown Bulimus which are now before me, and which were taken in the Barranco Santo near Sta. Cruz, their elongate, cylindrico -ovate outline, extremely convex whorls, deeply impressed suture, and granulate (or, rather, rugoso-, or even scrobiculato-granulate) surface being quite in accordance with the published diagnosis of that species, which, moreover, is expressly stated by Shuttleworth to have been found 4 sub foliis plantarum prope Santa Cruz.' The only point in which it does not completely tally with the description is, that the basal volution can scarcely be said to be in any sense ' angulate ; ' but the faint tendency to an obsolete keel which is sometimes traceable in many of these Bulimi along the dorsal line of their ultimate whorl is so often apt to be undistinguishable that I cannot place much stress upon either its presence or its absence. In addition to the elongate and irregular granulations of the surface, the B. propinquus is also roughly (though unevenly) striate; and its aperture is somewhat rounded and oblique, with the peristome (although acute) a good deal developed. I do not feel altogether satisfied that Mousson's B. pro- pinquus is absolutely identical with Shuttleworth's, it being apparently a larger shell, and defined by him as ' nitidiuscula ; ' but, whether this be the case or not, his species appears to have been taken in Teneriffe by Blauner, Fritsch, and Grasset, by the latter at Tagueste. Most likely, however, it represents but a phasis (perhaps more highly developed) of Shuttleworth's type. Bulimus osoriensis, n. sp. T. anguste rimata, ovato-fusiformis, solidiuscula, subnitida, irregulariter striata sed haud granulata, olivaceo-cornea ; spira conica ; anfractibus 7, intermediis convexis et interdum sub- inflatis, sutura profunda ; apertura subangustula, peristomate albo, acuto, parum late expanso, marginibus haud appro ximatis et lamina tenuissima fere simplici (sc. ad insertionem dextram obsolete incrassata) junctis, columellari vix reflexo. Long. lin. 4J-5 ; diam. maj. 2. CANARIAN GROUP. 431 Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in sylvis editioribus ad Osorio a Eevdo. E. T. Lowe, April! 1858, parce lectus. Although without any very conspicuous feature to charac- terise it, this little Bulimus certainly cannot be affiliated with any of the forms with which we are here concerned, perhaps its unusually small size, as compared with the generality of these robust, barrel-shaped species, constituting one of its main peculiarities. Apart from its reduced stature, the B. osoriensis is narrower and less obtuse in outline than the Teneriffan B. nanodes (which is likewise a small member of the group), its spire, the whorls of which are rather inflated and convex, being relatively a little more exserted and conical ; its umbilical chink is more closed-up ; and its entire surface is not only more shining, but free from asperities and granules, it being simply, though unequally, striated. It is only in the sylvan regions of Grand Canary, at a high altitude, that the present Bulimus has hitherto been observed, the few examples which I have seen, and from which the above diagnosis has been compiled, having been taken by Mr. Lowe, on the 24th of April 1858, in the woods at Osorio. Bulimus chrysaloides, n. sp. T. aperte rimata, obtuse oblongo-cylindrica, solida, subopaca, valde irregulariter necnon in anfractibus intermediis (sensim elongatis) rugosius subgranulatim striata, olivaceo-cornea ; spira subconico-cylindrica ; anfractibus 7, planiusculis tamen sutura profunde impressa ; apertura angusta, haud obliqua, peristo- mate albo, vix late expanse, marginibus distantibus (nee ap- proximatis) et lamina tenui (ad insertionem dextram paulum incrassata) junctis, columellari sat reflexo. Long. lin. 6; diam. maj. vix 3. Bulimus chrysaloides, Lowe, in litt. Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in -montibus centralibus valde elevatis (sc. in Pineto de Tarajana), Aprili ineunte 1858, collegit Revdus. R. T. Lowe. The present species, like the last one, Seems to be peculiar to Grand Canary, where it would appear to ascend to a still higher altitude, the only examples (five in number) which I have met with having been taken by Mr. Lowe (on the 8th and 9th of April, 1858) in the lofty Final of Tarajana, above San Bartolome, in the central district of that island. Its obtuse and unusually cylindric contour would of itself suffice to separate the B. chrysaloides from the Bulimi with which it is immediately associated ; but it may be further known by its somewhat flattened volutions, the intermediate ones of 432 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. which are not only rather longer than in the generality of the species, but have also their striae both rougher and subgranu- lated, and by its aperture being relatively rather small and narrow. The margins of its peristome are wide apart, and their connective lamina is a little incrassated (though hardly raised into a tubercle) at the upper insertion. I have retained for the species the name which Mr. Lowe proposed at the time that he found it. Bulimus Maffioteanus. Buliminus Maffioteanus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 117. p. 6. f. 15 (1872) Bulimus Maffioteanus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 95 (1876) Habitat Canariam Ghrandem juxta Las Palmas (sec. Mous- son) a cl. Fritsch parce, in statu emortuo, lectus. Described by Mousson from three dead examples which were found by Fritsch near Las Palmas in Grand Canary ; and, judging from the diagnosis, it would appear, in its rather cylindrical outline and more decidedly sculptured subgranulose intermediate whorls (the ultimate one being comparatively finely striate and shining), to have something in common with the B. chrysaloides of that same island. Nevertheless it seems to be considerably larger (measuring about 7J lines in length, instead of only 6) and less decidedly cylindric. 'Les trois individus,' observes Mousson, c que j'ai vu de cette espece ont ete trouve a 1'etat mort, mais comme 1'un presente d'un cote son epiderme et son brillant, je les crois faire partie de la faune actuelle. La forme de cette espece, un cylindre amoindri des deux cotes, n'a jusqu'ici pas d'analogue dans les Canaries, mais rappelle d'une maniere frappante celle du B. niveus, Fer., du midi de la Russie ; celui-ci toutefois compte 9 tours, est un peu plus grele, et n'offre pas la sculpture superficielle de la presente. Cette sculpture consiste en fines stries subcostulees, souvent un peu granuleuses, qui couvrent les tours moyens, et disparaissent entierement au dernier tour, lequel est presque lisse et luisant, excepte a la base, qui reste un peu granuleuse.' Bulimus indifferens. Buliminus indifferens, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 116 (1872) Bulimus indifferens, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 75 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem; in statu (an omnino?) semi- fossili collegit cl. Fritsch. Apparently a rather small species (measuring only about 6 lines in length), and one which was found by Fritsch, in a CANARIAN GROUP. 433 state which is said by Mousson to be probably subfossilized, in Grand Canary. I have not been able to procure a type for inspection ; but the B. indifferens seems to be ovate in out- line, with the apex of its spire obtuse and not prominent, and with its peristome (the margins of which are distant, and joined by a thin and simple intervening lamina) only narrowly expanded. Bulimus texturatus. Buliminus texturatus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 117 (1872) Bulimus texturatus, Pfeiff., Man. Hel. viii* 76 (1876) Habitat Gromeram; duobus exemplaribus (emortuis) a cl. Fritsch repertis. Like the last one, this is a small Bulimus, having indeed much about the same length, namely 6 lines ; and the species was established by Mousson on the evidence of two dead examples which were taken by Fritsch in Gromera* Cette petite espece,' says Mousson, e dont je n'ai vu que deux echantillons, recueillis morts, n'est guere plus grande que le nanodes, Shuttlw., mais ne pent lui etre assimilee. Elle est plus allongee, assez effilee vers le sommet ; ses tours sont presque plans, separes par une suture superficielle, subcrenelee ; la surface est couverte de fines rides serrees, ondulees et formant a la base une sorte de chagrinage granuleux. Le B. indifferens a par contre une forme plus ovoide, des tours plus arrondis, et une surface sans traces de costulatiom' Bulimus nanodes. T. rimato-perforata, breviter et obtuse oblongo-ovata, soli- diuscula, subopaca, plus minus grosse varioloso-, aut reticulato- (vix granuloso-), rugata, obscure flavo-cornea ; spira semiglo- boso-conica, sutura profunde impressa; anfractibus 6^, valde convexis, intermediis subinflatis ; apertura minuscula, vix angu- lata, peristomate late expanso, acutiusculo, albo, marginibus lamina tenui simplici junctis,columellari parum reflexo. Long, lin. circa 5 ; diam. maj. 3. Bulimus nanus, Shuttl. [nee Reeve~\, Bern. Mitth. 144 (1852) nanodes, Id., ibid. 289 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 348 (1853) Buliminus nanodes (pars;, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 115. pi. vi. f. 10, 11 (1872) Bulimus nanodes (pars), Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 73 (1876) F F 434 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat Teneriffam ; in regionibus valde elevatis (prseser- tim sylvaticis), usque ad 9,000' s.m. parce ascendens. Although larger than the osoriensis, this is one of the smallest of the Canarian Bulimi on the robust and more or less barrel-shaped type ; and it is one which seems to be peculiar to the elevated districts of Teneriffe, where it occurs beneath fallen leaves, stones, and logs of wood. I have taken it in the sylvan region above the Agua Mansa, and in the lofty Final above Ycod el Alto, as well (amongst the Eetamas) on the Cunibre overlooking the Caiiadas, at an altitude of at least 9,000 feet ; and it appears to have been found previously both by Blauner and Eeiss. Apart from its small size, as compared at any rate with most of the following members of the group, the B. nanodes may be recognized by its obtuse and rather oval outline (the intermediate whorls being a little inflated and very convex), by its surface being more or less coarsely roughened with short groove-like varioles, separated by undulating ridges or reticula- tions which have the appearance sometimes of merging into granules, by its colour being of a pale but dirty yellowish- brown, and by its aperture being not much enlarged, but with the peristome (the margins of which are joined by a thin and simple intervening lamina) broadly expanded. Bulimus baeticatus. T. rimata, inflate subrotundato-ovata, subtenuis, opaca, grosse subvermiculatim ac subreticulatim (vix granulatim) scabroso- striata, subolivaceo-rufobrunnea ; spira brevi, subconcave conica, subito attenuata, ad apicem ipsum prominulo-papilliformi ; an- fractibus 6^, vix convexis k sed sutura profunde incisa ; apertura magna, lata, subrotundata, peristomate albo, acuto, expanso, mar- ginibus subapproximatis et lamina tenui (in medio tenuissima) junctis, columellari obliquo, curvato, reflexo. Long. lin. 7^ ; diam. maj. vix 4. Helix bseticata, Per., Prodr. 55 (1821) Bulimus baeticatus, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 318 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 71. t. 2. f. 19 (1839) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 79 (1848) Buliminus bseticatus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. Ill (1872) Bulimus bseticatus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 72 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; praacipue in subinferioribus, minus frequens. CANARIAN GROUP. 435 Th,e B. bceticatus is a species which is peculiar to Tene- riffe ; and although it has been brought away by most of the naturalists who have visited that island (including Mauge, Webb and Berthelot, d'Orbigny, Blauner, and Grasset), it is nevertheless, so far as my own experience would imply, one of the rarer forms. I possess examples however from the neigh- bourhood of Sta. Cruz, and others which were taken by Mr. Lowe (during April of 1861) in the Barranco de Majuelo near Garachico. The large size, and broad, inflated, rounded-ovate outline of the present Bulimus, the spire of which is short and suddenly acuminated (the extreme apex itself being somewhat prominent and papUliform) added to its rich reddish-brown and more or less olivaceous hue, its rather thin substance, its enlarged aper- ture, and its curious sculpture, the surface (which is opake) being much roughened by irregular, undulating or somewhat vermiform, subconfluent folds or ridges (which give it ascabrose, rather than a granulated, appearance), will suffice to distin- guish it. Bulimus Tarnerianus, T. aperte rimata, elongate oblongo-ovata, vix nitidiuscula, grosse granulatim striata, pallide olivaceo-cornea ; spira elongata, robusta, conica ; anfractibus 7-8, convexiusculis, sutura pro- funde incisa ; apertura sat magna, longiuscula, peristomate sor- dide albo, expanso, acutiusculo, intus incrassato, marginibus distantibus et ssepius lamina nulla junctis, basali cum sinistro angulatim continuo ; columella elongata, sinuata, et plus minus abrupte terminata. Long. lin. 7-8 ; diam. maj. circa 4, Bulimus Tarnerianus, Gh*asset, Journ. de Conch. 348. t. 13. f. 6 (1856) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 413 (1859) Buliminus Tarnerianus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 109 (1872; Bulimus Tarnerianus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 72 (1876) Habitat TenerifFam ; in intermediis sylvati'cis, locissjue valde elevatis, hinc inde vulgaris. An a B. tabido, Shuttl., vere dis- tinctus ? A Teneriffan Bulimus, occurring more particularly in damp and wooded spots of intermediate and rather lofty altitudes, but ascending also (like the B. nanodes) into the region of the Eetamas, to an elevation of about 9,000 feet. I met with it principally, however, within the forest districts, pro- perly so-called, such as at the Agua Mansa, the Agua Garcia, Las Mercedes, the wooded slopes above Taganana, and in the Final above Ycod el Alto ; and it is stated by Mousson to have been F F 2 436 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. found by Blauner and Fritsch in the Taganana ravine, as well as by Grrasset on the ' Cuinbre ' (the one, I presume, overlooking the Caiiadas). The B. Tarnerianus is rather a large species, of an elongate- ovate outline and with the spire somewhat acute ; and the greater portion of its surface (which is almost opake, and of a pale olivaceo-corneous hue) is coarsely sculptured with oblique pli- cate striaB which are more or less broken-up into elongated (though very irregular and unequal) granules. It columella is rather long and sinuate, and generally abruptly terminated be- hind (which causes the aperture to appear a little angulated) ; and the margins of its peristome (which is of a dingy white) are far apart, and for the most part altogether unconnected by an intervening lamina. Bulimus tabidus, Bulimus tabidus, Shuttl, Bern. Mitth. 143 (1852) ,, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iii. 347 (1853) Buliminus tabidus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 114. t. 6* f. 9 (1872) Bulimus tabidus, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. viii. 71 (1876) Habitat TenerirTam ; juxta Sta. Cruz (sec. cl. Shuttleworth) parce repertus. An a B. Tarneriano, Grasset, distinctus ? This is one of the few Bulimi of which I do not possess an example sufficiently authentic to be relied upon ; but, judging from the diagnosis and figure which are given by Mousson, I should have said that it was absolutely inseparable from the B. Tarnerianus, which is likewise peculiar to Teneriffe. Indeed Shuttle worth's original description of it, in 1852, is, I may add, in precise accordance also with the subsequently-published B. Tarnerianus ; nevertheless, as Mousson expressly states that he had received a type of the tabidus from Shuttleworth himself, and he had an abundance of specimens of the Tarnerianus (many of which I had sent to him) to compare with it, I pre- sume that he must have satisfied himself that the two forms are not absolutely identical. But since both the diagnoses of it to which I have access (namely Shuttleworth's and Mousson's) tally with the B. Tarnerianus, the characters of which have already been pointed out, I need not attempt to sum them up afresh in this place. Suffice it to observe that Shuttleworth makes the following remark concerning his B. tabidus : ' An varietas B. obesati, W. et B. ? ; sed minor, gracilior, anfr. con-* vexioribus, prsesertim sculptura satis differre videtur.' * 1 In support of my conjecture that the B. tabidus and Tarnerianus are in reality one and the same species, I may just add that although Mousson cites the former as having been taken by myself at Taganana, all the Taganana CANADIAN GROUP. 437 Bulimus anaga, Bulimus anaga, Or asset, Journ. de Conch, v. 347. t. 13. f. 5. (1856) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iv. 414(1859) Bulimimis anaga, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 114 (1872) Bulimus anaga, Pfei/., Mon. Hel. viii. 71 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; inter rupes ad promontorium Anaga invenit cl. Grasset. It would appear as if the present Bulimus (of which I have not been able to procure a type for comparison), the B. tabidus, and the B. Tarnerianus are so closely allied inter se as to be barely separable from each other. I have already stated that, judging from at all events the published diagnoses, the B. ta- bidus does not seem to me to be distinguishable from the Tar- nerianus ; and as regards the B. anaga, Mousson closes his remarks concerning it as follows : 4 Cette particularity le rap- proche du B. Tarnerianus, dont il ne differe que par sa forme plus ventrueS And, with reference to the B. anaga as com- pared with the tabidus, he adds ' Je dois un echantillon authen- tique de cette espece a la bonte de M. Tarnier. On serait tente de la joindre au B. tabidus, Shuttlw., dont il partage la forme generale.' He then points out in what the B. anaga (judging from the single type to which he had access) seemed to differ from the tabidus, the main characters consisting, as it appears to me, in the shell being ungranulated except at the base, and in the connective lamina between the margins of the peristome being developed (as is liable to be the case in nearly all the spe- cies) into a small tubercle at the right-hand insertion. Bulimus obesatus. T. rimata, elongate oblongo-ovata, inflatiuscula, vix nitidius- cula, grosse, dense, et irregulariter plicato-striata (striis haud granulosis, et vix etiam interpunctatis), rufo-brunnea ; spira subconcave ovato-conica, apice ipso prominulo-subpapilliformi ; anfractibus 7, planiusculis sed sutura distincte incisa ; apertura longiuscula, peristomate albo, expanse, acutiusculo, intus incras- sato, marginibus distantibus, aut omnino separatis aut lamina tenuissima junctis, basali cum sinistro vix angulatim continuo ; columella elongata, subsinuata. Long. tin. 8 ; diam. maj. 4. examples in my collection belong nevertheless, most unmistakeably, to the Twnerianus ; and indeed they were so labelled by Mousson himself in the particular box which is appropriated to them, and which he afterwards re- turned to me. 438 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Helix obesata (pars), Fer., Prodr. 451 (1821) Bulimus obesatus, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 315 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 68. t. 2. f. 20 (1839) Pfeiff.,Mon. Hel. ii. 117 (1848) Buliminus obesatus (pars), Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 112 (1872) Bulimus obesatus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 70 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in intermediis, ad El Monte, et cset., sat vulgaris. Etiam in statu semifossili reperitur. This is the common Bulimus, on the large and barrel- shaped type, in the intermediate and but slightly elevated dis- tricts of Grand Canary, where it is universal throughout the region of El Monte and on the calcareous hills above Las Palmas, localities in which it was likewise met with by Webb and Ber- thelot, as well as by Fritsch. Many examples of it are also now before me which were taken by Mr. Watson, a certain number of which are in a subfossilized condition. In its elongate-ovate outline and somewhat lengthened colu- mella, the B. obesatus is on much the same pattern as the B. Tarnerianus of Teneriffe ; nevertheless it is a little larger, broader, and more ventricose, with its volutions natter, and with the extreme apex of its spire rather more prominently papilli- form. The striae, also, of its surface, although, coarse and irregular, are nearly simple, being hardly, if indeed at all, broken-up into what might be defined as elongated granules. Bulimus interpunctatus, n. sp. T. rimata, angustule cylindrico-oblonga, subopaca, dense irre- gulariter striata (striis vix granulosis, sed, praecipue in anfr. in- termediis, subfractis necnon punctis interjectis auctis) pallide brunnea (interdum subflavescenti-albescens) ; spira longiuscula, versus basin fere cylindrical ; anfractibus 7^, planiusculis, sutura interdum pallido-marginata ; apertura angustula, peristomate albo, expanso, acutiusculo, intus incrassato, marginibus vel om- nino separatis, vel lamina tenuissima junctis, basali cum sinistro vix angulatim continue ; columella elongata. Long. lin. 8-8-^; diam. maj. 3J. Buliminus obesatus (pars), Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 112 (1872) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; in regione calcarea versus occi- dentem insulse, inter oppidula Lagaete et Gaidar, mense Aprili 1858, repertus. CANARIAN GROUP. 431 Several examples of this large Bulimus which were taken by Mr. Lowe and myself in the calcareous district between Lagaete and Graldar, on the western side of Grand Canary, were referred by Mousson (to whom I sent them for inspection) to the B. obesatus, W. et B. ; and, curiously enough, he does not appear to have separated them at all (not even as representing a ' va- riety ') from some normal ones of that species, which I likewise forwarded to him, and which were met with in the region of El Monte and towards Las Palmas. Yet it seems to me that they are so totally different from the true obesatus-tjpe that I can- not but regard them as specifically distinct ; and I have conse- quently defined them as such, under the above title. As regards mere length, the B. interpunctatus does not differ much from the obesatus ; nevertheless from being narrower and more cylindrical, it has the appearance at first sight of being a little longer than that species. It is, however, conspicuously more parallel in outline and less ventricose, its spire (which is less papilliform at the apex) being more strictly cylindric poste- riorly, and its basal volution being less inflated and convex. Its colour too is apparently paler (or less brown), its surface is some- what more decidedly opake, its aperture is perhaps not quite so broad (the upper and lower margins being appreciably less wide apart), and its sculpture is different, the oblique striae (which perhaps are not quite so coarse) being, particularly on the inter- mediate whorls, separated from each other by rather large but shallow, irregular, and ill-defined punctures. Bulimus Lowei, n. sp. T. rimata, obtuse cylindrico-ovalis, subopaca (ssepius cor- rosa), dense irregulariter striata (striis, prsecipue in anfr. inter- mediis, irregulariter subgranulato-fractis aut rugulosis, lineolisque spiralibus minutissimis interruptis hinc inde obsoletissime decus- satis), olivaceo-brunnea ; spira semigloboso-conica, obtusa; anfractibus 6 J, convexiusculis, sutura horizontali (nee obliqua) ; apertura rotundato-ovali, peristomate sordide albo, anguste ex- panso, intus incrassato, marginibus distantibus et lamina tenui (ad insertionem dextram sensim subtuberculato-incrassata) junctis, basali cum sinistro rotundate-continuo ; columeila lon- giuscula, lata, curvata, obliqua. Long. lin. 7^ ; diam. maj. 3 . Habitat Teneriffam ; in montibus mox supra Sta. Cruz, ad rupem versus El Campo adhaerens, circa 2,000' s. m., parce in- venit Revdus. R. T. Lowe. The three examples from which the above diagnosis has been compiled were taken by Mr. Lowe (on the 22nd of February, 1859), on the mountains above Sta. Cruz, in Teneriffe, in the 440 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. direction of El Campo, at an elevation of about 2,000 feet ; and it seems to me that it is quite impossible to affiliate them with any of the species which are included in the pre- sent enumeration. In general size they may be said to be a little smaller than the B. obesatus of Grand Canary; but their outline is nevertheless quite different, it being blunt, cylindrico-oval, and obtuse, with the apex of the spire not drawn-out (or papilliform), with the volutions (although not very convex) less flattened, with the suture much more horizon- tal (or less oblique), with the columella wider and more curved, and with the margins of the peristome (which is less broadly expanded, and 'more rounded, or less angulose, posteriorly) more evidently joined by an intervening lamina, which is perceptibly thickened (though scarcely into a decided tubercle) at the upper insertion. The sculpture too is different from that of the B. obesatus, the striae, particularly on the intermediate whorls, being more broken-up, and roughened, into granuli- form fragments, intersected here and there by excessively minute and interrupted obsolete spiral lines ; though as the surface is a good deal corroded, or as it were eaten-into, this character is less easy of observation. Bulimus Bertheloti. T. (magna) rimata, elongate oblongo-cylindrica, nitidiuscula, levissime striatula (striis insequalibus sed fere simplicibus, et hinc inde etiam obsoletis), clare albido-cornea; spira elongata, postice omnino cylindrica, apicem versus subexcavate conica, ad apicem ipsum prominulo-subpapilliformi ; anfractibus 8-8 J, planis, su- tura postice superficiali ; apertura subovali, peristornate albo, vix late expanso, intus (prsesertim versus angulum superiorem) in- crassato, marginibus subapproximatis et callo sublineari (in medio saepius subevanescente, sed ad insertionem dextram in tuberculum, ab angulo incise disjunction, aucto) junctis, basali cum sinistro rotundate (nee angulatim) continuo. Long. lin. 10^; diam. may. 4. Bulimus obesatus (pars), d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 68 (1839) Bertheloti, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii, 64 (1848) Buliminus Bertheloti, Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 113 (1872) Bulimus Bertheloti, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 92 (1876) Habitat Gromeram, et Hierro; in declivibus saxosis paulu- lum elevatis, sub lapidibus et inter rupes, parum vulgaris. With the exception of the (equally Gomeran) B. Consecoanus, this is the largest of the Canarian Bulimi ; and although it is CANARIAN GROUP. 441 one which is more particularly characteristic of Gromera, where it abounds beneath stones on the rocky slopes above San Sebastian, I also met with it (more sparingly) in Hierro like- wise, from whence, however, the only quite matured example which I possess (and which I would cite as representing a ' var. /3. subsimplex ') differs from the Gromeran ones in being a trifle smaller, and in having the intervening callosity which unites the margins of its peristome (which may possibly be the result of mere accident, or individuality) obsolete. The B. Bertheloti has very much the cylindrical contour and flattened volutions of the Grand-Canarian B. interpunc- tatus (with the rather more papilliform apex, however, of the B. obesatus of that same island), of which indeed it may be looked upon as the Gromeran representative. Nevertheless it is a considerably larger shell, its surface is more shining, very much more finely and lightly sculptured (the striae moreover being almost simple, and in certain places nearly evanescent), and of a paler, clearer, and whiter hue ; and the margins of its peristome are generally united by a somewhat line-like callosity, which is apt to be interrupted in the centre, but which is thickened at the upper insertion into a usually dis- tinct tubercle, which is separated from the angle itself (as in the B. helvolus, badiosus, and Consecoanus) by a minute incision or gash. Its suture (except towards the apex) is ex- tremely superficial, and often a little uneven or lacerated Bulimus savinosa, n. sp. T. (magna) rimata, late ovata, inflatiuscula, nitidiuscula, dense striatula (striis in anfr. posterioribus fere simplicibus, sed in subapicalibus subgranulatim fractis), pallide olivaceo-cor- nea ; spira semiovali-conica, ad apicem ipsum prominulo- subpapilliformi ; anfractibus 8, planis; apertur& latiuscula, rotundato-subovali, peristomate albo, late expanse, acuto, mar- ginibus late separatis et lamina subnulla junctis, inter se rotundate (nee angulatim) continuis, columellari late reflexi- usculo ; columella breviuscula, lata, curvata, subsinuata. Long, lin. 10^; diam. maj. 5J. var. . inflatiusculus [an species distincta ?] anfractibus 7, in spira subconvexioribus, apertura vix longiore, peristo- mate subcrassiore sed tamen minus late expanse, marginibus paululum minus distantibus et callo sensim distinctiore junc- tis, columellari minus reflexo, columella sensim minus lata. [ins. Gromera.] Habitat Gromeram, et Hierro, rarissime ; in ilia statum ' . inflatiusculus ' assumens. 442 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. The three examples from which I have compiled the above diagnosis were all of them taken by Mr. Lowe, two (which I have regarded as typical of the species), on the 20th of April 1858, towards Savinosa, in the forest district of El Grolfo, on the western side of Hierro ; and the other (the ' var. @. inflatius- culus ' of the present enumeration,' and which may perhaps represent in reality a closely-allied species), on the 21st of April 1861, on a rock immediately below the Cumbre in Gomera, on the mountains above San Sebastian. My own belief is, that only a single species is indicated by these three individuals which are now before me, the few small points of difference which are displayed by the one from Gromera being suggestive, as I cannot but think, of a mere race, or modifica- tion, peculiar to that island ; though, at the same time, it is evident that further material can alone decide this question. The large size, and broad, ovate, inflated outline of the B. savinosa, added to the prominent, subpapilliform apex of its spire (the volutions of which are a good deal flattened), its wide aperture, and acute, broadly-expanded peristome (the margins of which are far apart, and well-nigh unconnected by an inter- vening lamina), will sufficiently characterize it. Its surface is rather glossy and simply striated (except on the subapical whorls, where the striae are more or less broken-up and obsoletely granulose) ; its columella is broad, short, and rather sinuated ; and its colour is a pale olivaceo-corneous. The single Gromeran example which is now before me (em- bodying the ' var. /3. inflatiusculus ' of the above diagnosis), and which is somewhat worn and decorticated, has only 7 whorls instead of 8, and the volutions of its spire are not so completely flattened as in the Hierro ones. Its aperture, too, is, if any- thing, a trifle longer ; its peristome (the margins of which, are not quite so far apart, and are more evidently joined by a thin intervening lamina) is less broadly expanded and less acute; and its columella, as seen internally, is not quite so widely de- veloped. Bulimus Consecoanus, T. (magna) minute rimata, fere subclausa, elongate ovato- conica, solida, opaca, insequaliter plicato-striata (striis hinc inde, sed prsesertim in anfr. intermediis, punctato- et subgranuloso- confuse fractis), vel plumbeo- vel flavescenti-cornea strigisque (vel albidis vel flavo-albidis) valde irregularibus et plus minus confluentibus obscure ornata ; spira elongate., conica, apice acuto, prominulo-subpapilliformi ; anfractibus 9, planiusculis, sutura CANADIAN GROUP. 443 sublacerata ; apertura parvula, peristomate sordide albo, anguste expanse, obtuse incrassato, marginibus convergeritibus et ssepius (nee semper) callo sublineari (in medio obsolete, sed ad inser- tionem dextram in tuberculum, ab angulo incise subdisjunctum, aucto) junctis, dextro versum angulum superiorem et (rarius) etiam columellari mox ante insertionem magis incrassatis. Long, lin. 9-11 ; diam. maj. vix 5. Bulimus Consecoanus, Fritsch, in Hit. Buliminus Consecoanus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 118. pi. 6. f. 12, 13 (1872) Bulimus Consecoanus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 85 (1876) Habitat Gromeram ; et recens et semifossilis, versus occiden- tem insulse, hinc inde vulgaris. This fine species, which seems to be peculiar to Gromera, is (on the average) the largest of all the Bulimi which have been found hitherto in the Canarian archipelago ; though the (more cylindrical) B. Bertheloti very nearly equals it in length. It was taken in profusion by Mr. Lowe, both in a dead (although recent) and subfossilized state, near Hermigua ; and it was met with (according to Mousson), at Mancha Yerba, by Fritsch. Independently of its large size, solid substance, elongate- ovate outline, and conical, apically acute spire, the B. Conse- coanus may be distinguished by its numerous and rather flattened volutions, and by its relatively somewhat small aperture, the peristome of which is only narrowly expanded, but nevertheless thick, rim-like, and obtuse, with the upper and lower margins usually joined by an intervening callosity which is more or less obsolete in the centre, but raised at the right-hand insertion into an elongated tubercle which is partially separated by a gash from the angle itself. Its umbilical chink is well-nigh closed-up ; its surface is opake, rather pale, and of either a yel- lowish- or a corneous-brown (often with a faint plumbeous, or even purplish, tinge), but more or less obscurely variegated with very irregular, subconfluent whitish dashes and lines ; and its sculpture is a little peculiar, the oblique costate striae (which are sometimes tolerably sharp, close, and regular, and at others obtuse and fold-like) being here and there broken-up, particu- larly on the intermediate whorls, into unequal and confused punctures and granules. The B. Consecoanus belongs to the same group as the Me- diterranean B. pupa. Linn., which is found more particularly in Sicily and Greece ; but, as contrasted with that species, it is comparatively gigantic, its whorls are more numerous, its out- line is less cylindric (the spire being more regularly conical and apically-acute), the right-hand margin of its peristome is more 444 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. outwardly-rounded, the tubercle of its ventral callus is very much less developed, and both its colour and its sculpture are different. Bulimus servus. Buliminus servus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 118. pi. 6. f. 14(1872) Bulimus servus, Pfeiff., Mon. HeL viii. 94 (1876) Habitat Gromeram ; in statu semifossili (?) a Dom. Fritsch lectus. I have not been able to procure a type of this Bulimus, which was described by Mousson from some examples which were obtained by Fritsch (in a dead and apparently subfossil- ized state) in Gromera ; but, judging from his published diag- nosis, it seems to me to differ in no respect from the B. Consecoanus except in being smaller and a trifle more shortly- conical, and in its whorls being somewhat less numerous ; and I should doubt therefore whether it represents more in reality than a form, or local modification, of that species. ' Les individus de cette espece,' says Mousson, ' qu'a recueillis M. de Fritsch etaient morts, et paraissent appartenir a une faune eteinte. La forme totale rappelle les grandes varietes du B. pupa ; mais le cone spiral est bien plus acumine et commence des le premier tour ; le bord droit de 1'ouverture est plus regulierement arque et son insertion avance sur 1'avant-dernier tour ; ceci et 1'abais- sement du dernier tour rend Touverture plus petite et plus regulierement ovale ; le peristome n'est que faiblement reflechi et obtus ; la surface a une sculpture tres nette, mais fine, costulo- striee. C'est une bonne espece, que ne se rapproche d'aucune autre provenant des Canaries, excepte du B. Consecoanus^ Bulimus flavoterminatus, n. sp. T. minute rimata, obtuse ovato-oblonga, solida, opaca, grosse et valde irregulariter striata, sordide alba sed gradatim versus apicem rufulo-lutescens ; spira conica, apice vix subpapilliformi ; anfractibus 7^, planiusculis ; apertura parvula, peristomate anguste expanso, obtuse incrassato, marginibus callo simplici (nee tuberculifero) junctis. Long. lin. 8 ; diam. maj. 3. Bulimus pupa, W. et B. [nee Linn.~\, in litt. d'Orb. [nee Linn.~\, in W. et B. Hist. 69 (1839) Buliminus pupa, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 119 (1872} Habitat ' Canaries ' (teste d'Orbigny), sec. W. et B. ; mihi non obvius. An original type of this Bulimus is in the d'Orbignyan col- CANARIAN GROUP. 445 lection at the British Museum, but the species which it repre- sents is certainly not referable (as Webb and Berthelot appear to have supposed) to the B. pupa. Linn., of southern Europe, Sicilian examples of which I possess in tolerable abundance ; for, apart from numerous other differences, its aperture has no indi- cation whatsoever of the coarse and elevated tooth-like callosity which gives so marked a character to the ventral paries of that species, near to the insertion of its upper lip. Nevertheless, inde- pendently of this very important distinction, it seems to belong to much the same group as the B. Consecoanus, its relatively small, short, and narrow aperture, in conjunction with its solid substance, coarsely but irregularly striated surface, and pale, somewhat cinereous hue (which, however, in this particular species, shades-off gradually into a clear reddish-yellow towards the apex of the shell), implying an unmistakeable amount of affinity with that (very much larger) Gromeran Bulimus. No precise island having been cited for it either by Webb and Ber- thelot or by d'Orbigny, one cannot feel altogether satisfied that it may not have been introduced (like so many of Webb's species) into the Canarian catalogue on evidence which is not trustworthy ; nevertheless since it certainly is not identical with the B. pupa of Mediterranean latitudes, and it would appear prima facie to have a certain relationship with the B. Consecoanus, I hardly see that we should be justified in refusing it admission into the fauna ; and more particularly so, as I have not been able to affiiliate it with any known member of the genus from any other country. 1 Genus 11. STENOGYRA, Shuttl. Stenogyra decollata. Helix decollata, Linn., Syst. Nat. (edit. 10), 773 (1758) 1 Before leaving the Bulimi of this archipelago, I may just call attention to the B. Terverianus, W. et B. ( = B. scalarivides, Reeve), a Mogador species which was cited by Webb and Berthelot (Syn. 326), and subsequently by d'Orbigny, as Canarian. Original examples which are in the British Museum, and which are still labelled as Canarian, shew its affinities to be altogether remote from everything in these islands, its very acutely, strongly, and regularly, but remotely, ribbed surface giving it a character peculiarly its own ; yet even Pfeiffer does not appear to have found out until the pub- lication of the 8th volume of his Monograph, during the present year, that it belongs in reality to the fauna of Morocco, and not to that of the Canaries. However, it supplies another instance of the incautious and reckless manner in which Webb accepted as < Canarian,' without enquiry, almost everything that was sent to him as such, even from such collectors as M. Terver, of Lyons, whose researches amongst the consignments of dried 'orchil, 'the origin of which was invariably obscure and often entirely unknown, have added so much confusion on the subject of geographical distribution that it is extremely doubtful whether the mischief will ever be completely neu- tralized. 446 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Bulimus decollatus, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. Soc. Trans, iv. 62 (1831) Alb., Mai. Mad. 54. t. 14. f. 16, 17 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 196 (1860) Stenogyra decollata, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 120 (1872) Bulimus decollatus. Morel., Journ. de Conch, xiii. 238 (1873) Watson, ibid. 222 (1876) Habitat Lanzarotam, Fuerteventuram, Canariam Grandem, Teneriffam, et Gomeram ; in aridis apricis, prsecipue maritimis et prsecipue (sed non solum) inferioribus, degens. Etiam semi- fossilis in Lanzarota et Canaria Grandi parce occurrit. This widely distributed Mediterranean Stenogyra (which exists also in the Azores, Madeiras, and Cape Verdes) will probably be ascertained, sooner or later, to be quite universal at the Canaries, though I am not aware that it has been observed hitherto either in Palma or Hierro ; but in the other five islands of the archi- pelago namely Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Grand Canary, Tene- riffe, and Gomera I have myself met with it ; and it is recorded likewise from Graciosa (off the extreme north of Lanzarote), as well as from Lobos, off the north of Fuerteventura. It is more particularly to be found in arid spots of a low elevation, towards the coast ; nevertheless this is by no means invariably the case, for when in Fuerteventura I obtained it around Sta. Maria Betancuria as well as on the Monte Atalaya. Mr. Watson, in referring to the widely acquired range of this Stenogyra, says (Journ. de Conch. 222 ; 1876) that it has been ' recently introduced into the Canaries ; ' but I scarcely think that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a positive assertion to that effect. So far as my own experience is con- cerned, I should say that it has a greater appearance at the Canaries of being aboriginal than it has in any of the other Groups ; indeed near Arrecife in Lanzarote, as well as near Las Palmas in Grand Canary, I met with it in a condition which is thoroughly and unmistakeably subfossilized, which certainly would not have been the case if the species had but lately been naturalized in the archipelago. Perhaps it is, however, that the latitude of the Canaries appears too southern to enter within its supposed geographical province ; but, be this as it may, that cannot alter the fact to which I have just called attention, to say nothing of the discovery of the species by M. de Cessac at the Cape Verdes, which is nearly a thousand miles still further to the south. 1 1 Although I think that it can hardly be looked upon as a member of the Canarian fauna, I may nevertheless call attention in this place to the Bulimus CANARIAN GROUP. 447 Genus 12. PUPA, Drap. ( Gibbulina, Beck.) Pupa macrogira. Pupa macrogira, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 122 (1872) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 349 (1876) Habitat Gromeram ; a Dom. Fritsch semel tantum (sc. in statu semifosstti, necnon valde mutilata) lecta. A single example of a large Pupa, which is described as being more conical (or less cylindric) than the P. dealbata, was found by Fritsch in Gromera, in a subfossil state and much mutilated, and was treated by Mousson as a new species, under the name of P. macrogira. Having had no opportunity of inspecting the type, it may be sufficient to transcribe Mousson's remarks in which he calls attention to the particular features which serve to separate it from the P. dealbata. 'M. Fritsch n'a trouve qu'un seul individu subfossile, malheureusement mutile, de cette espece, qui ne s'accorde pas avec la dealbata en toutes choses et qui me parait constituer une seconde espece voisine. Les dimensions bien plus fortes, la forme tres ramassee, conico-cylindracee et non simplement cylindrique, le dernier tour un peu concave au-dessus de la ligne dorsale, au lieu d'etre convexe, la base plane, faiblement conique vers le centre, tandis qu'elle est convexe dans 1'autre espece, meme au jeune age, enfin la perforation minime, a la place de Fombilic que presentent les in- dividus non adultes de la dealbata : tous ce caracteres suffisent pour justifier une separation. L'ouverture etant detruite je ne puis en indiquer que le contour quadrangulaire, que dessine la section du dernier tour' (I.e. p. 122). Pupa dealbata. Pupa dealbata, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 321 (1833) (or SubuKna) striatella, Rang. (Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. vi. 236), a few dead and mutilated examples of which were obtained by Mr. Lowe, during February of 1858, amongst some refuse in Mr. Hamilton's garden at Sta. Cruz. The S. striatella is a species which occurs in Princes Island, Senegal, and indeed at various points on the western coast of Africa ; and since it belongs to a type of form (including the West-Indian S. octona, Chemn.) which is emi- nently liable to become transported accidentally through indirect human agencies, it may very possibly have been imported intto Teneriffe, and yet may have not succeeded in establishing itself there. At any rate, as I have no certain evidence on this point, I cannot ignore the species altogether ; but I think it sufficient to draw attention to it in the present foot-note. I have already given, at p. 206, both a diagnosis of the S. striatella and certain observations concerning it; so that I need not now do more than just repeat that it was met with at Madeira, by the late Mr. Bewicke, under circum- stances almost exactly similar to those under which it was collected at Teneriffe, namely (dead and somewhat decorticated), in a garden near Funchal. 448 TEST ACE A ATLANTICA. Pupa dealbata, d?0rb. 9 in W. et B. Hist. 74 (1839) Pfeif., Mon. Hel ii. 302 (1848) Mouss.y Faun. Mai. des Can. 121 (1872) Habitat Fuerteventuram, Canariam Grandem, Teneriffara, Gomeram, et Palmam ; sub lapidibus, praecipue in aridis infe- rioribus, late sed vix copiose diffusa. This large, white, and edentate Pupa (so enormous as com- pared with any other member of the genus from these Atlantic archipelagos, with the exception of the subfossil P. macrogira, Mouss., from Gomera) is very widely spread at the Canaries, where, although it has not yet been observed in either Lanza- rote or Hierro, it will probably be found to be universal. Apart from its gigantic size, and its white, opake, and densely and coarsely striated surface, it may be known by its parallel outline and blunt apex, by its volutions being flattened, or but very slightly convex, and by its aperture (which is semi-oval, and has the peristome thickened, although not continuous, and a good deal developed) being perfectly edentate. The present Pupa appears to belong to a large type of form, of which there are representatives in Africa and the Isle of France. Indeed I possess a monstrous species (the P. fusus, Lam.) from the latter, which, although very much larger and more elongate, is greatly suggestive of the P. dealbata. Never- theless it differs materially in having an obtuse ventral plait developed near the angle of the lip. The P. dealbata was taken by Mr. Lowe and myself in the region of El Monte, and near Gaidar, in Grand Canary (in which island it has been found abundantly also by Mr. Watson) ; as well as around Sta. Cruz, the Puerto Orotava, and Garachico in TenerifTe ; and in the Barranco de Nogales, the B. de Galga, the B. de San Juan, the B. de Herradura, and above Buen- avista, in Palma : and, according to Mousson, it was met with by Fritsch in Gomera and Fuerteventura. In Gomera it was obtained also by Mr. Lowe, at Hermigua. ( TruncateUina, Lowe,) Pupa atomus. Pupa atomus, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 144 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 532 (1858) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 125 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam ; a D. Blauner sub foliis detecta. Having seen no type of this very diminutive Pupa, which was found by Blauner in Teneriife, I can offer no remarks on its specific peculiarities beyond what may be gathered from the CANADIAN GROUP. 449 short diagnosis of it which was given by Shuttleworth. But as it is said to be closely allied to the European P. minutissima, Hartm., 6 mais encore plus petite, plus fortement costulee, et forme d'un moindre nombre de tours,' it would seem in all pro- bability -to have much in common with the subfossil P. linearis of the Madeiran Group, even if it be not absolutely identical with it. Indeed it is quite evident that the linearis, Lowe, and the atomus, Shuttl., together with the minutissima, Hartm., of Europe, and the molecula, Dohrn, from the Cape Verde archipelago, are intimately connected. However I have already recorded my conviction that at any rate the first and last of these four species are distinct from each other ; but it remains yet to be ascertained whether the Canarian P. atomus can be regarded as a geographical modification of either of them. Pupa midrospora* Pupa microspora, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 275 (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 207 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 61 (1854) edentata var., Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 119 (1867^ microspora, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 124 (1872) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. viii. 357 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam, et Palmam ; in sylvaticis editioribus, ad frondes filicum humidas, a meipso copiose inventa. The little P. microspora, which is so abundant at a high elevation in the damp sylvan districts of Madeira, and which is recorded also from the Azores, was captured by myself in con- siderable profusion in the Canarian archipelago, namely at Las Mercedes, Ycod el Alto, &c., in Teneriffe, and on the ascent to the Cumbre above Buenavista in Palma. My examples were nearly all obtained from off the fronds of ferns, while brushing for insects, a fact which implies a modus vivendi precisely similar to what I have observed in the Madeiran Group. The characters of the species have been already so fully pointed out at p. 208 of this volume, that I need not again allude to them. ( Gastrodon, Lowe.) Pupa fanalensis. '. Pupa fanalensis, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1852) Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 208 (1854) umbilicata, var., Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 121 (1867) debilis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 124 (1872) anconostoma (pars), Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 370 (1876) G a 450 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat Teneriffam, et Palmam ; ad truncos laurorum, in sylvaticis editioribus, degens. I have already pointed out, at p. 209 of this volume, what the exact characters are which distinguish the present Pupa from the ' var. /3. anconostoma ' of the P. umbilicata ; and I have also stated that there can be no doubt whatsoever that it is identical with Mousson's P. debilis. Its mode of life too is entirely similar in the Madeiran and Canarian archipelagos, the species being pre-eminently indigenous, and attached to the damp sylvan districts of a high altitude, where it occurs for the most part amongst moss and lichen on the trunks of trees, par- ticularly the laurels. Under such circumstances it was met with by Mr. Lowe and myself in Teneriffe and Palrna ; namely in the wood of Las Mercedes near Laguna, in the dense forest region above Taganana, at the Agua Mansa, and near Ycod el Alto, of the former, and the Barranco de Agua and the Bar- ranco de Gralga, as well as on the ascent of the Cumbre above Buenavista, of the latter. Pupa umbilicata. Pupa umbilicata [var.], Drap., Tabl.des Moll. 58. 5 (1801) Helix anconostoma, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 62. t. 6. f. 30 (1831) Pupa anconostoma, JPfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 314 (1848) Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 208 (1854) umbilicata var., Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 121 (1867) anconostoma, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 123 (1872) Habitat Fuerteventuram, Teneriffam, et Hierro ; in infe- rioribus (prsecipue cultis, necnon ad muros) hinc inde vulgaris. In my notes on the occurrence of this Pupa in the Ma- deiran Group (vide, ante, p. 210) I stated that the particular aspect which it would appear to assume throughout these Atlantic archipelagos, and which corresponds with Mr. Lowe's P. anconostoma, does not seem to me to embody characters of sufficient importance or constancy to be treated as specifically distinct from the ordinary one of more northern latitudes. Indeed, after comparing it with a long array of examples from different parts of Europe, the only points of divergence that I can detect consist in the somewhat less development of the ventral plait and of the peristome ; whilst even these are by no means free from variation. Nevertheless since on the average the tooth just referred to is appreciably reduced in dimensions (so as to appear, for the most part, more decidedly separated from the angle of the lip), and the rim of the aperture is just perceptibly less widened, we may I think regard the P. an- CANARIAN GROUP. 451 conostoma as at all events a slight geographical phasis of the umbUicata, and treat it accordingly ; but I fail to perceive that it merits any further degree of separation. As thus understood, the P. umbilicata (which is represented in the Canarian Group by only the ' var. /5. anconostoma ') has been detected hitherto in Fuerteventura, Teneriffe, and Hierro ; but we may be tolerably sure that future researches will bring it to light elsewhere in the archipelago. As at Madeira, it is essentially characteristic of the cultivated districts, often abounding about old walls and other buildings, amongst the (7acus-grounds, and elsewhere around the enclosures and towns. In Teneriffe it was met with in profusion by Mr. Lowe on a wall between the Puerto Orotava and Realejo, as well as by the Baron Paiva at Laguna and Souzal ; and I obtained it under similar circumstances in Hierro. We did not find it in the other islands, but Mousson records its discovery in Fuerteven- tura by Fritsch* I have little doubt that the Pupa which was described by Dr. H. Dohrn from the Cape Verdes, as the P. Milleri (a title which has subsequently been altered by Pfeiffer into P. Dohrni, the name Milleri having been preoccupied), is but another very slight geographical modification of the widely-spread P. um- bilicata (which has established itself also even at St. Helena) ; though, out of deference to the opinion of Dr. Dohrn, I have retained the species as distinct. ( Torquilla, Studer.) Pupa granum, Pupa granum, Drap., Tabl. des Moll. 59. 9 (1801) Torquilla granum, Stud., Syst. Verz. 19 (1820) Pupa granum, Pfeiff., Mon. HeL ii. 343 (1848) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 123 (1872) Habitat Lanzarotum, Fuerteventuram, et Canariam Grandem ; sub lapidibus in aridis apricis (prsecipue inferioribus), a meipso detecta. I met with several examples of a Pupa which appears to be specifically identical with the European P. granum, in the three eastern islands of the Canarian archipelago, namely, (on March 15th, 1859) amongst stones and scorias on a dry rocky bank near the coast, below Haria (in the direction of the Llanos de Temise), in the north of Lanzarote, where it was afterwards obtained likewise by Mr. Lowe ; near Sta. Maria Betancuria in Fuerteventura ; and on an arid slope, about midway between Maspalomas and Juan Grande, in the south of Grand Canary. G O 2 452 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Not having recognized them at the time to be conspecific with the P. granum, Mr. Lowe proposed for them the MS. name of bulimceformis ; hut a recent comparison of the whole with types of the P. granum, from Switzerland, has completely satisfied me that they cannot be regarded as distinct from that species; and I may add that such was also the opinion of Mousson, to whom I forwarded the entire series at the time when he was compiling his late Monograph of the Canarian Land-Mollusca. The only difference that I can detect between the Atlantic specimens and those from more northern latitudes is that the former are a trifle smaller, and that some of them (namely those from Lanzarote and Fuerteventura) are not quite so coarsely striated ; but since the striae of the Grand-Canarian ones appear to be as distinct as in those (now before me) from Switzerland, there seems nothing whatever in the representatives from the islands on which to erect an additional species. Nevertheless their slightly smaller size, and for the most part not quite so strongly sculptured volutions may perhaps just suffice for a ( var. /3. bulimceformis ' to be recognized. The P. granummay be known by its rather tapering, elon- gate form (for a shell not exceeding two lines in length), by its somewhat thin substance and pale-brown hue, as well as by the closely-set and very oblique striae of its numerous and exceed- ingly convex volutions. Its aperture is suboval, with the den- ticle of the lip (which is itself regularly rounded, and not sinuate) altogether absent; whilst its plaits, which are seven in number, and ail of them very deeply immersed, are rather peculiarly placed, there being only a single ventral one (and that medial), two (small and dentiform) on the columella, of which the upper one is the larger, and four on the palate (of which the two outer ones are usually short and rudimentary, sometimes nearly obsolete, and the inner ones more conspicu- ously developed). ( lAostyla, Lowe.) Pupa castanea. T. inflate ovata, latiuscula, ventricosa, nitidiuscula, distincte insequaliter striata, obscure rufo-castanea sed basi dilute flaves- cens ; spira obtusa ; anfractibus 6, convexis, sutura profunde impressa; apertura late auriformi, 4-plicata, sc. 2 (exteriore magna, lamelliformi, valde obliqua, rariss. cum angulo labri sphinctere juncta, sed interiore minore immersa) ventralibus, 1 (elongata et valde obliqua) .columellari, et 1 (media, filiformi, interna) palatali ; peristomate late expanse, crasso, sordide carneo-albido, marginibus latissime remotis, dextro superne exstanti, sinuato, intus obtuse tuberculiformi, sinum (una cum CANARIAN GROUP. 453 lamella ventral! superior!) sat evidenter efficiente. Long. lin. circa 1J. Pupa castanea, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 145 (1852) Pfei/.,Mon. Hel. iii. 550 (1853) (pars), Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 126. pi. 6. f. 20, 21 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam (et sec. Shuttleworth et Mousson, sed an vere ?, Palmam) inter folia marcida, etc., ad rupes aquosas supra oppidulum Grarachico, una cum Hyalina Clymene, Physa acuta, Ancylus striatus, et Hydroccena gutta degens. 06s. P. pythiellce, Mouss., affinis, sed nisi fallor vere dis- tincta. DifFert praecipue testa majore, conspicue latiore, ven- tricosiore, magis ovata, grossiusque striata ; anfractibus con- vexioribus, sutura multo profundius impressa ; apertura majore, multo latiore, et magis auriformi, plicis columellari et exteriore ventrali (ab angulo labri remotiore, disjuncto) submagis obli- quis ; necnon peristomate carneo-tincto magisque expanso, mar- ginibus remotioribus, dextro magis rotund ate sinuato atque intus plerumque magis conspicue tuber culiformi. So far as I am aware, this Pupa has been found hitherto only in Teneriffe, and only (I believe) about wet rocks in the neighbourhood of Grarachico ; for although Shuttleworth cites it also from Palma, I am exceedingly doubtful whether he did not confound with it the nearly allied (but, at that time, un- enunciated) P. pythiella, which swarms in that particular island. There can at any rate be no question that the types from which Shuttleworth's very accurate diagnosis was drawn out were from the vicinity of Grarachico, for in his remarks under the Hya- lina Clymene (which has been observed exclusively in that dis- trict) he expressly adds 'Hab. sub saxis et ligno putrido, consort. Puparum, prope Garachico ;' and under the Hydro- ccena gutta (which abounds also on the very same dripping rocks, near Grarachico) he says ' Hab. consort. Helicis Clymene, Pupa castanea, etc., sub saxis udis in Teneriffa,' From which it is quite clear, I think, that the examples which he described were Grarachico ones, taken in company with the Hyalina Clymene and the Hydroccena gutta, on the identical rocks where the three species were subsequently obtained, similarly associated, by Mr. Lowe. Mousson does not appear to have caught the exact features completely which separate this Pupa from his P. pythiella ; for although the figures which he gives of the two species are tole- rably characteristic, and even his diagnoses are in some mea- sure discriminative, it is quite evident that he confused them, and consequently altogether mixed up their respective habitats. 454 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Indeed, out of the many examples of the genus Pupa which I sent to him for inspection, the P. castanea was not included (for I did not at that time even possess it) ; and yet my nume- rous individuals of the nearly-allied form (from Teneriffe, Palma, and Hierro) which he defined as the P. pythiella were returned to me as partly referable to the latter, and partly to the cas- tanea, with such an extreme amount of indecision that I failed to recognize any distinctions between them. But now that what is manifestly Shuttleworth's true castanea has come into my hands, I can no longer entertain the slightest doubt that the two species are distinct. As compared with the pythiella, the P, castanea is appre- ciably larger, broader, and more strictly ovate (or less oval), as well as more coarsely striated ; its whorls are more convex (and the suture consequently deeper), and its aperture is more widely developed and more auriform, the margins of its peristome (which is thicker, and of a more livid or carneous tinge, or less white) being much wider apart, and the right-hand one more outwardly-rounded below the insertion, as well as armed with a more distinct tubercle within. Its upper ventral plait, also, is more lamelliform and less sinuated, and not only a little further removed from the angle of the lip, but usually quite uncon- nected with the latter by a corneous sphincter. Mr. Lowe's examples of this very distinct Pupa were taken, during April of 1861, above Grarachjco, in the north of Tene- ritfe, namely adhering to wet rocks and sodden leaves, in the drip of a small waterfall, on the road from that place to Ycod de los Vinhos (in company with the Hyalina Clymene, Physa acuta, Ancylus striatus, and Hydroccena gutta, the moisture- loving habits of which it would appear to share). Pupa pythiella, T. prsecedenti affinis, sed minor, angustior, magis ovalis (sc. minus ovata), ac sensim levius striata; anfractibus minus con- vexis (ergo sutura magis superficiali); apertura minore, angus- tiore, margine dextro multo minus exstanti-rotundato, et intus obsoletius tuberculiformi, plica ventrali superiore crassiore, magis sinuata, et ssepius cum angulo sphinctere juncto (quare sinum evidentius efficiente), columellari subminus obliqua, necnon peristomate albidiore minusque expanse, marginibus minus remotis. Long. lin. 11^. Pupa pythiella, Mouss., Faun, Mai. des Can. 127. pi. 6. f. 22, 23 (1872) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. viii. 389 (1876) CANARIAN GROUP. 455 Habitat Teneriffam, Palmam, et Hierro ; in sylvaticis edi- tioribus humidis prsecipue occurrens. This interesting little Pupa is widely spread throughout the Canarian archipelago, of which it is eminently characteristic, occurring in damp, and more or less sylvan, spots of a rather high elevation. It has been obtained in Teneriffe, Palma, and Hierro ; and we may be pretty sure that it wiU be found to exist equally in at all events Grand Canary and Gromera. In Teneriffe I met with it in the forest district above Taganana, as well as at the Agua Grarcia and in the wood of La Esperanza near Laguna ; in Palma (where it was taken by Mr. Lowe at El Monte above Barlovento) on the ascent of the Cumbre above Buena vista, as well as on wet rocks in the Pinal (near to the edge of the great Caldeira) at the head of the small stream which supplies the Levada of the Banda ; and, in Hierro, in the dense forest region of El Grolfo. The P. pyihiella is a distinctly smaller, narrower, and more oval (or less ovate) species than the castanea, as also more lightly striated, and not quite of such a dark castaneous- brown, the whole surface having often a slight olivaceous tinge, and the apical region being generally more or less pale and decorticated ; its whorls are much more flattened, and the suture consequently less impressed ; and its aperture is less de- veloped, the margins of its peristome (which is appreciably whiter and less expanded) being less wide apart, and the right- hand one straighter or less outwardly rounded towards the insertion (as well as less tuberculiform within). Its upper ventral plait too is relatively thicker and more sinuate, and usually joined to the angle of the lip by a corneous sphincter. 1 Pupa tseniata. T. prsecedenti affinis, et forsan vix certe distincta. Differt prsecipue testa grossius plicatulo-striata, anfractibus vix magis convexis, necnon color e omnino pallid iore, sc. olivaceo-corneo, 1 The P. pythiella belongs to somewhat the same type as the P. Loweana of Madeira, which is perhaps its nearest ally from that island, having also a good deal in common with the P. lawinea. It is however very much smaller than both of those species, particularly the former ; and the denticle of the lip which is so strongly developed in the Loweana is here usually obsolete, it being but seldom expressed, and for the most part merely represented by a slight internal thickening, often barely traceable, in the accustomed place. In other respects the P. pythiella is a barrel-shaped little species, having much the outline of the P. Loweana ; but it is more shining and less coarsely striated, its volutions are less convex, the upper columellary plait is quite absent, and its outer ventral one (which is usually joined by a rather less thickened sphincter with the angle of the lip) is relatively a trifle longer, thinner, and more sinuate. Indeed this sphincter seems eminently variable, for in some examples (particularly those from Palma) it is, as in the cate of the Madeiran P. concinna, altogether absent. 456 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. sed fascia castanea lata postice (ad suturam) in anfractibus omnibus plus minus conspicua. Long. tin. circa 1. Pupa tseniata, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 145 (1852) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iii. 549 (1853) ,, Mouss., Faun, Mai. des Can. 125 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam ; in sylvaticis intermediis lecta. Etiam in ins. Palma a cl. Shuttleworth ( vere?) invenisse dicitur. Some examples of a Pupa which I took in the wood at La Esperanza,near Laguna,in Teneriffe, pertain clearly to the species which was described by Shuttleworth as the P. tceniata (stated also to have been met with by Blauner in Palma) ; nevertheless I am not at all sure that intermediate forms do not occur which will be found to connect them by imperceptible gradations with the somewhat variable P. pythiella. However since normal individuals do unquestionably differ, both in colour and sculp- ture, from the latter, and since the two forms have been pub- lished as specifically distinct, I will not attempt to unite them. Judging from the few examples to which I have access, the P. tceniata may be said to have its volutions not quite so flattened and also more strongly striated (being sometimes indeed well-nigh costate) ; and its surface (instead of being of an almost uniform concolorous brown) is of an olivaceo-corneous hue, but conspicuously banded with a castaneous zone (imme- diately above its suture) on the hinder portion of each of the whorls. G-enus 13. ACHATINA, Lam. ( Acicula, Eisso.) Achatina acicuja, Buccinium acicula, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 150 (1774) Helix acicula, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 59 (1831) Achatina acicula, Pfei/., Mon.'Hel. ii. 274 (1848) Glandina acicula, Alb., Mai. Mad. 59. t. 15. f. 17, 18 (1854) Cionella acicula, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 135 (1872) Achatina acicula, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 223 (1876) Habitat Palmam ; ad inarginem aquseductse infra Argual, versus occidentem insulse, sub lapidibus plurima exemplaria collegi. The only Canarian examples which I have seen of this small European Achatina (and which occurs likewise in the Madeiran Group) were taken by myself, beneath stones, at the edge of a Levada, or watercourse, on the western side of Palma, namely in the (but slightly elevated) calcareous district between Argual CANARIAN GROUP. 457 and the coast. I cannot see that they differ appreciably from the Madeiran ones ; and Mousson also came to the conclusion that they are specifically identical with the ordinary type, of more northern latitudes. ' M. Wollaston a recueilli,' says he, ' un bon nombre d'individus de cette petite coquille a 1'etat vivant, tandis qu'ordinairement on ne la trouve que morte. J'ai longtemps hesite a lui appliquer le nom de 1'espece euro- peenne, mais un examen scrupuleux ne me permet pas d'etablir des differences palpables et constantes. Notamment la co- lumelle un peu excavee, se prolongeant jusqu'a la base de 1'ouverture et se terminant la par une troncature franche, est la meme ; c'est dans cette partie que se manifestent le plus aise- ment les differences specifiques dans ce petit genre, si difficile a eclaircir.' G-enus 14. LOVE A, Watson. I have already mentioned, at p. 247 of the present volume, that the Canarian ' Achatinas ' of this particular type are too nearly related to the Madeiran ones not to be admitted (by presumption) into the same genus with them ; though I would wish expressly to state that their animals, in which alone the generic peculiarities reside, have yet to be examined. The characteristics of Lovea, as recently established (Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 677; 1875) by Mr. Watson, consist in the tail of the animal being not only obliquely lopped-off at the tip and provided with a mucous gland at the angle of the truncation, but likewise in the mantle extending ' beyond the edge of the aperture, all round,' and in being prolonged backwards ' like a tongue, behind the posterior corner.' The very highly polished surfaces of the Lovece seem to be connected, as Mr. Watson pro- perly observes, with the perpetual movement upon it of the mantle, and especially of its posterior prolongation ; though at the same time I would remark that this particular feature is equally conspicuous in numerous other species, such as the A. acicula and lubrica, in which the latter has not been observed to hold good at any rate to a similar extent. As regards the species enumerated below, the L. Reissi is so nearly related to the folliculus, Grron., as to be barely separable from it; and since the latter has been ascertained, both by Mr. Watson and myself, to possess the exact distinctions of Lovea, we may feel pretty confident that the former will be found to possess them equally. And inasmuch as the Reissi belongs unmistakeably to the same type, or section, as the various species which succeed it, there can be little doubt that they are all of them Loveas, as defined, and limited, by Mr. Watson. 458 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. ( Ferussacia, Risso.) Lovea Reissi, Achatina folliculus, W. et B. [sed vix Gron? ; 1871], Ann. des Sc. Nat. 29. syn. 320 (1833) Cionella Reissi, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 129. pi. 6. f. 26, 27 (1872) Ferussacia Reissi, Pfei/. 9 Mon. Hel. viii. 303 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; a DD. Reiss et Watson parce ablata. Three examples of a shell which were obtained by Mr. Wat- son in Teneriffe are clearly referable to the Lovea which is de- scribed by Mousson under the name of ' Cionella ReissiJ though I am extremely doubtful whether they represent more in reality than a very slightly altered geographical phasis of the L. folliculus , with which indeed the species was actually iden- tified by Webb and Berthelot. Mousson, however, believes it to be still more nearly allied to the Vescoi, Bourg. (Maltese specimens of whichrOTe now before me, and which appear to me to be only just distinguishable from the Teneriffan ones), adding ' la forme totale est une idee moins allongee ; le dernier tour est plus arrondi, sans tendance a devenir plan au milieu ; le bord droit s'eloigne plus sensiblement da la paroi aperturale ; 1'ouverture par la devient plus largement ovale ; Fexpansion calleuse du bord columellaire est un peu plus grande ; le test est bien plus transparent, bien que come ; la margination blanchatre de la suture est plus large et souvent accompagnee d'une ligne brune, qui toutefois parait moins resider dans la substance du test que dans Tangle aigu qui relie les tours. Toutes ces differences sont faibles et pourraient peut-etre se concilier avec Fidee d'une variete geographique.' Judging from the three examples to which I have access, the L. Reissi is a trifle larger and more robust than the folliculus (the largest one being 5 lines in length, instead of only about four), and the outline of the shell on the left-hand side is a little more bi-arcuated,ov?ing to the penultimate and antepenultimate whorls (the latter of which perhaps is somewhat longer) being respectively more convex. Its suture is very oblique ; and its columella is a little broader, and more concave and flexuose, as well as more abruptly terminated behind, than in at all events the Madei/ran specimens of the folliculus, in which the columella is perceptibly narrower and less developed. However, since each of the three individuals differ slightly in this particular respect, I cannot attach any value to it as a true specific character. My own belief is that the L. folliculus^ Vescoi, and Reissi CANARIAN GROUP. 459 are one and the same species, representing but slight, and unimportant, indeed barely distinguishable, aspects of a single type. Lovea valida. Cionella valida, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 130. pi. 6. f. 24, 25 (1872) Ferussacia valida, Pfeiff., Mon. Eel. viii. 304 (1877) Habitat Fuerteventuram ; ad Yandia, in meridionali insulge, a D. Fritsch detecta. I have not been able to procure a type of this Lovea, which was detected by Fritsch in the district of Yandia in the south of Fuerteventura ; but it appears to be a large and solid species, measuring 7 lines in length, of a pale corneous hue, and very lightly striated. It is compared by Mousson with the Webbii d'Orb. ; but I have already mentioned (vide, ante, p. 422) that the latter is not a Lovea at all, but a Bulimus, as indeed it was originally reported by Webb, and subsequently by d'Orbigny himself, as well as by Pfeiffer, it being, in fact, neither more nor less than B. myosotis of Grand Canary. Judging from the diagnosis, the L. valida is probably more allied to the (never- theless considerably smaller) L. lanzarotensis, Mouss., than to anything else. Lovea Fritschi. Cionella Fritschi, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 131. pi. 6. f. 30, 31 (1872) Ferussacia Fritschi, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 304 (1877) Habitat Lanzarotam ; sub lapidibus in editioribus, rarissima. A single example of a Lovea which is now before me, and which I met with in the north of Lanzarote, I have no doubt is referable to Mousson's Cionella Fritschi, which was taken by Fritsch in that same island. It is 5 lines in length (thus agreeing exactly with the measurement given by Mousson), and rather broader and more ovate in outline (or ventricose) than the L. lanzarotensis (even as represented by the ' var. /5. tumidula '). In colour it is pale livid, or olivaceo-corneous ; its surface is very minutely and obsoletely striated ; its suture (although equally margined) is planer, or less (even obsoletely) impressed, than in that species ; its penultimate whorl is relatively a little shorter and less inflated ; and its aperture is rather more angulate at the junction of the columella with the lower margin of the peristome. 460 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Lovea lanzarotensis. Cionella Lanzarotensis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 133. pi. 6. f. 28, 29 (1872) Ferussacia Lanzarotensis, Pfeiff., Man. Hel. viii. 305 (1877) Habitat Lanzarotam ; sub lapidibus, in saxosis elevatis, bine inde congregans. Judging from a long array of examples wbicb are now before me, tbis beautiful and ratber large Lovea (wbich measures from about 4^- to 5 lines in lengtb) is eminently variable not only in hue and solidity, but also in exact outline and the relative size of its volutions ; nevertheless it may be denned, on the whole, as a cylindrical species, not much tapering towards the apex, with the suture exceedingly oblique, the peristome thick and incrassated, and with the penultimate whorl more or less largely developed. The L. lanzarotensis, as here understood, was taken abun- dantly by Mr. Lowe and myself in Lanzarote, namely, on the low craggy mountains (or ridges) above Haria, as well as on the lofty sea-cliff known as the ' Risco ' (and overlooking the Salinas) in the extreme north of the island ; and the specimens from the former of those localities (which, I think, as being more removed from the L. attenuata, should be regarded as the typical ones) are more solid, more highly polished, and of a paler ochreous-yellow, than those from the latter ; and they are also, on the average, a trifle narrower and more cvlindric, with their penultimate volution a little more tumid, and with their aperture (which is just appreciably shorter) rather more obtusely rounded (or less angular) at the point of junction with the columella. In fact the precise difference between the two forms, now under consideration, might be briefly enunciated thus : a. [normalis~\. Solida, angustula, subcylindrica, clare ochrea, politissima ; anfractu penultimo elongato, subinflato- cylindrico; apertura breviuscula, postice obtuse rotundata. (Habitat in montibus prseruptis mox supra oppidulum Haria.) /3. tumidula. Subminus solida, paululum minus angusta, cylindrico-fusiformis, obscure cornea, vix minus nitida ; anfractu penultimo plerumque minus conspicue elongato, subinflato- conico; apertura sublongiore, postice paululum minus obtuse rotundata aut magis angulata. (Habitat ad rupes maritimas in boreali insulse, supra Salinas.) In point of fact the ' var. J3. tumidula ' is somewhat inter- mediate (in outline, substance, and hue) between the normal state (or 'a.') and the L. attenuata of Mousson ; so that I should not be at all surprised if the attenuata should prove in CANARIAN GROUP. 461 reality to be but a phasis (more apically acute, and with the spire relatively more elongated) of the lanzarotensis. Or it might possibly be that the ' a.' is truly and separately distinct, and that what I have treated as the c var. /:?. tumidula ' may be only an obese and shortened form of the attenuata (with which it is found in company) ; though if this latter supposition be correct (which I think is hardly likely), Mousson was mistaken in recording his Cionella lanzarotensis as having occurred on the submaritime cliffs overlooking the Salinas, the mountains above Haria being, in that case, its sole habitat as hitherto ascertained. , Lovea attenuata. Cionella attenuata, Mouss., Faun. Mal.'des Can. 134. pi. 6. f. 32, 33 (1872) Ferussacia attenuata, Pfeiff., Man. Hel. viii. 306 (1877) Habitat Lanzarotam ; ad rupes editiores maritimas, sub lapidibus degens. Although relatively a little narrower and more tapering in outline, with usually an extra volution, and with the ultimate and penultimate ones rather less elongated (in proportion to the size of the shell), I am nevertheless far from certain that the present Lovea is truly distinct specifically from what I have regarded as the ' var. /3. tumidula ' of the lanzarotensis ; and this is all the more possible, because I undoubtedly possess many examples which are more or less intermediate between the latter and the attenuata^ and because also the Loveas are eminently liable (like some of the Clausilias and Pupae) to have a state which is more or less shortened and obese, and another which is comparatively elongated and acute. Added to which, the L. attenuata and what I have cited as a ' var. /3.' of the lanzarotensis are found in company (for the most part in about equal proportions), having been met with hitherto, so far as I am aware, only on the lofty submaritime cliffs (known as the Risco, and overlooking the Salinas) in the extreme north of Lanzarote. Nevertheless, whether my surmises concerning the four phases now before me (two of which I have assigned to the lanza- rotensis^ and two to the attenuata) are correct or not, I will not attempt to amalgamate the two species which Mousson has established; for whatever be the fate of my 4 var. /3. tumidula' (that is to say, whether it be a variety of the lanzarotensis, as 1 have assumed, or of the attenuata, which is perhaps equally possible), there is at least a reasonable chance that two veritable species are indicated, in which case it 462 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. must remain an open question to which of them this apparently somewhat osculant form is more properly to be referred. Even of the L. attenuata, however, as here understood, there appears to be a larger and a smaller state, differing in nothing, I think, except in size ; and therefore as Mousson speaks of his Cionella attenuata as being conspicuously smaller than the lanzarotensis, it would seem to follow that the com- paratively minute examples of the shell were the only ones he possessed from which to compile his diagnosis. The examples which I have measured vary from about 4 to nearly 5J lines in length. Lovea vitrea. Achatina vitrea, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 320 (1833) Bulimus vitreus, d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 72. t. 2. f. 28 Q839) ,, Pfei/., Man. Eel., iv. 453 (1859) Cionella vitrea, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 131 (1872) Ferussacia vitrea, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. viii. 303 (1877) Habitat Lanzarotam, et Fuerteventuram [necnon sec. W. et B., sed hand vere, Teneriffam] ; sub lapidibus, praecipue in humidis, occurrens. The straightened, rather cylindric-oblong outline of this com- paratively small, very highly polished, pellucid, and pale greenish- yellow, or olivaceo-corneous, Lovea (which measures from about 3 to 3J lines in length), added to the thinness of its substance, the excessive obliquity of its suture, its enlarged and slightly tumid penultimate volution, its acute, unthickened peristome, and its somewhat short and posteriorly rounded (or unangulate) aperture, will sufficiently distinguish it. The only island in which I have myself met with the L. vitrea is Fuerteventura, where I secured many examples of it at the edges of a tank, near Sta. Maria Betancuria, in the Eio Palmas (a spot in which it was found subsequently, also, by Mr. Lowe), as well as on the ascent of the Monte Atalaya ; and although it is stated by Webb and Berthelot to occur in damp places in ' Teneriffe,' I nevertheless reject that habitat altogether as having been founded (like so many of Webb's localities) on inaccurate data, seeing that no other island is cited for it by them, and I myself possess three original types, which were sent by Webb to Mr. Lowe in 1829 (and which agree precisely with others in the d'Orbignyan cabinet at the British Museum), marked expressly as having been obtained in 6 Lanzarote ' an island in which, in point of fact, it has subsequently been collected by Fritsch. There can be no CANARIAN GROUP. 463 question therefore that Webb's examples (which were found in a dead and whitened, or bleached, condition) were Lanzarotan ones, and not Teneriffan, and that consequently there is no evidence as yet that the L. vitrea has been observed except in the two eastern islands of the archipelago. The specimens of this Lovea from Lanzarote, which mast be looked upon as the normal ones, are a trifle smaller and narrower, and perhaps a little more cylindrical (or less ovate) than those from Fuerteventura ; and their columella is, on the average, somewhat less truncated behind, or more gradually and imperceptibly rounded-off into the hinder margin of the peristome ; but the latter character is so unmistakeably variable in both forms that I would merely register the Fuerteventuran individuals as representing a ' var. /3. submajorj distinctive of that particular island. 1 1 I may just call attention in this place to two Loveas which, through the extreme inaccuracy of Mr. Webb, and the subsequent confusion created by d'Orbigny (who figured a shell which would not accord with either of them, and which flatly contradicted his own diagnosis), have been regarded hitherto, I cannot but think very erroneously, as members of the Canarian fauna, namely, the ' Achatina Paroliniana,' W. et B., and the ' A. TandonianaJ Shuttleworth. I mentioned at p. 254 of the present volume that one of the original types of the former, which is now in the British Museum, is neither more nor less than the L. triticea, Lowe, which abounds on the mountains of Porto Santo in the Madeiran Group, and which appears to be literally peculiar to that particular island. Well knowing how liable Webb was to interchange his various halitats (as is instanced by the admission of the exclusively Madeiran Helix tiarella and tteniata, and the no less unmistakeably Cape- Verdian If. advena and Stenogyra subdiaphana, into his Canarian ' Synopsis '), I had long felt it probable, judging from the mere diagnosis, that his ' Achatina Paroliniana ' was nothing but the Porto-Santan L. triticea, which he had collected in profusion, in company with Mr. Lowe, on the higher slopes of that island, in 1828 ; and therefore I was by no means surprised to find, on a closer enquiry, that this conjecture was correct. But there is yet another aspect of the question which has to be taken into account, and which we will now consider. It appears, from the observation of Moquin-Tandon, some years ago, that Webb had inadvertently included two very distinct, but superficially resembling, species amongst the types of his ' A. Paroliniana^ a fact which induced Shuttle worth in 1852 to propose a name for the ex- amples with an edentate aperture ; and he consequently described them under the title of ' A. Tandoniana." 1 But a little circumstance is on record which throws some curious light on this nearly related but perfectly toothless form, but which of course would not be appreciated by naturalists who had not visited the places referred to, and who had no means therefore of testing their accuracy ; namely, that these Webbian exponents of the new A. Tan- donianaS in the collection of Moquin-Tandon, were labelled as coming from Pico drawee misspelt by Mousson ' Pico Bianco.' Now it would never occur to them to suspect, that this Pico Branco (or, according to Mousson, ' Pico Bianco ') was anything but a Canarian locality ; but I am not aware that there is any such spot throughout the whole of these Atlantic archipelagos except in Porto Santo, where Pico Branco is one of the principal mountains, and one moreover on which the Lovea triticea and the closely resembling L. oryza are not only more decidedly plentiful but are generally found to a great extent associated. Added to which, I have the certain knowledge that Webb ascended the Pico Branco in 1828, in company with Mr. Lowe, for the 464 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. ( Amphorella, Lowe.) Lovea tornatellina. Helix tornatellina, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 59. t. 6. f. 23 (1831) Achatina tornatellina, Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 203 (1854) Glandina tornatellina, Alb., Mai. Mad. 58. t. 15. f. 11, 12 (1854V Achatina tornatellina (pars), Pa/lva, Mon. Moll. Mad. Ill (1867) Lovea tornatellina, Watson, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 680 (1875) Habitat Canariam Grandem ; exemplar unicum (certe ad L. tornatellinam referendum) nuper collegit Rev. E. B. Watson. The L. tornatellina, Lowe, has hitherto been looked upon as essentially peculiar to the Madeiran archipelago, where how- ever it is more widely diffused than most of the other members of the genus, inasmuch as it is found for certain on at any rate four out of the five islands, if not indeed on them all ; and it is therefore with some surprise, despite this latter fact, that I have examined lately a single individual which was taken a few years ago by Mr. Watson, without any doubt whatsoever, in Grand Canary. From a topographical point of view, the im- portance of this specimen (which I have inspected with the greatest care) can hardly be overrated, for it introduces into the fauna of the present Group not merely an additional species, but an exponent of a Section of the genus Lovea (namely Amphorella, Lowe) which had not been observed hitherto except at the Madeiras. It must however be of considerable rarity in the Canarian archipelago, this being the first instance, so far as I am aware, in which it has been met with. sole purpose of collecting shells and plants. There is consequently no single link wanting in the evidence to show that these two Achatinas (the Paro- liniana and Tandoniana) which have puzzled naturalists through so many years are, in reality, not Canarian at all, but nothing more than the L. triticea and oryza, of Lowe, which had been taken by Webb himself in Porto Santo in 1828, and which were carelessly mixed up with his Canarian material which had shortly afterwards to be investigated in order to compile his ' Synopsis ' of the Land-Mollusca of that Group. As for his specification of the three Canarian islands in which he is supposed to have met with the ' Achatina Paroliniana ' (made up of the L. triticea and oryza of Porto Santo), it is quite evident that he confused the habitat with that of some other shell ; and as for Mousson's assertion that he found ' un seul individu, mort et mutile ' of the Tandoniana amongst Fritsch's material from Lanzarote, it must be taken for what it is worth, seeing that he had no knowledge whatever either of that species or of the Paroliniana, the published diagnoses of which he simply copies. CANARIAN GROUP. 465 Fam. 5. AURICULID.E. Genus 15. AURICULA, Lam. Auricula sequalis. Melampus sequalis, Lowe, Zool. Journ. v. 288. t. 13. f. 1- 5 (1835) Auricula sequalis, Id. 9 Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 217 (1854) Vulcani, Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 207. t. 5. f. 8 (1860) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 135 (1872) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 220 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; a Dom. Grrasset (sec. Morelet) reperta. I had not myself any opportunity for searching the tide- washed rocks at the Canaries ; and as Mr. Lowe had no leisure for examining them either, we did not obtain any Auriculas except the A. bicolor, Morel., which swarms along the edges of the Salinas, or brine-pits, in the extreme north of Lanzarote. There can be little question however that the A. cequalis, which is so common at the Salvages and Madeira, would be met with abundantly were the proper localities explored ; and indeed I have already given my reasons for concluding (vide ante, p. 269) that the A. Vulcani, of Morelet, which is said to have been found by Grrasset in Teneriffe, is in reality a mere phasis of the cequalis in which the outer lip of the aperture is thickened at about its middle point into a slight dentiform cal- losity ; for the only other character on which its specific claims were made to rest consists in the presence of a few impressed spiral lines towards the base of the shell, a feature which is so utterly worthless (as a distinctive one) that I find it con- spicuously expressed in many examples which are, without doubt, referable to the cequalis proper. Indeed it is a tendency of this particular species to possess them, for they are just as often traceable, and just as often obsolete, in both forms, i. e. in the one (corresponding to the normal state) in which the right margin of the peristome is entirely simple, and in that in which it is gradually more or less provided internally with a small tubercle or tooth. So that I have no hesitation whatever in registering the A. cequalis as Canarian. 1 1 A Pedipes is stated (vide Brit. Mus. Cat. Can. Shells, Append. 29; 1854) to have been found by the late Mr. MacAndrew on the rocks at Orotava, in the north of Teneriffe ; yet, although there can be little doubt that the afra is the particular species alluded to, nevertheless since this is not asserted absolutely to be the case, and I have no opportunity of inspecting the examples, I cannot actually record the P. afra as a member of the Canariaii fauna. H H 4G6 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Auricula bicolor. T. elongate ovato-fusiformis, sensim irregulariter striatula, subtenuis, nitidula, pallide cornea sed plus minus distincte (praesertim in spira) purpureo-obscurata ; spira exserta, acula, nucleolo ssepius albido et plus minus eccentrico ; anfractibus 8-9, convexiusculis, sutura impressa ; apertura elongata, plicis 2 subalbidis (supera magna, intrante, mox supra columellam sita ; infera obtusa, minus exstanti, columellari) instructa ; peristomate recto, acuto, margine dextro omnino simplici, colu- mellari reflexo dilatato. Long. lin. -vix 5 ; diam. maj. circa 2. var. j3. subarmata. Paries ventralis denticulo secundo minuto tuberculiformi supra armatus. Auricula bicolor, Morel., Hist. Nat. des A$or. 209. t. 5. f. 7 (1860) Drouet, Faun. Acor. 168 (1861) Alexia bicolor, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 136 (1872) Habitat Lanzarotam ; ad Salinas versus borealem insulae, sub lapidibus in lutosis salsosis congregans. The present shell, which was found abundantly by Mr. Lowe and myself in muddy places at the edges of the Salinas, or brine-pits, in the extreme north of Lanzarote, does not seem to me to differ from an Auricula in my collection, taken at Marseilles, which I have received as the A. myosotis, Drap., and which indeed agrees sufficiently well both with the diagnosis and the original figure of that species ; nevertheless since it is possible that my examples from Marseilles may be wrongly identified (for the A. myosotis is said by some authors to be identical with the denticulata of Montagu), and it is certain that the Canarian shell is conspecific with an Azorean one which was enunciated by Morelet under the name of A. bicolor, I think it safer perhaps to quote it under the latter title in preference to that of myosotis. Nevertheless I think there cannot be the remotest doubt concerning the identity of the Lanzarotan species with that from Marseilles (whatsoever the latter may be called), the only points in which I can detect the slightest shade of difference between the two consist- ing in the fact that in the Canarian shell the upper (or first) rudimentary tubercle on the ventral paries is more often absent than present, and the aperture is perhaps just appreciably narrower (or less outwardly enlarged) behind. The A. bicolor is a comparatively thin, Limncea-like shell, a little shining and sub-pellucid, and with its pale horn- coloured surface more or less darkly obscured (especially on the spire) with a deep purplish tinge or bloom. Its spire is CANARIAN GROUP. 467 rather exserted and acute, with the whorls somewhat convex, and the nucleus whitish and tilted ; its aperture is furnished with a large plait on the lower portion of the ventral paries (the upper minute or tuberculiform one being usually altogether absent), and another, which is much more obtuse and less denned, on the columella ; and the outer lip of its peristome is totally simple, or unarmed. Tarn. 6. LIMNJEIDJE. Genus 16. LIMN^A, Drap. [script. Limneus.] Limnaea truncatula. Buccineum truncatulum, MUM., Verm. Hist. ii. 130 (1774) Limneus minutus, Drop., Hist. Nat. 53. t. 3. f. 5-7 (1805) Limnaeus truncatulus, Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 218 (1854) Limnaea truncatula, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 146 (1867) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 224 (1876) Habitat ' Canaries ' (sec. Dom. Watson) ; mihi non obvia. I did not myself observe this widely spread little Limncea at the Canaries, nor indeed is it recorded from thence by Mousson ; nevertheless Mr. Watson cites it as occurring in the archipelago, though he does not mention in what par- ticular island he met with it. But considering how universal it is at Madeira, and how liable it must be to accidental dis- semination, we should naturally expect it in the neighbouring Group. It is a common species in central and southern Europe, as well as in the north of Africa. Genus 17. PHYSA, Drap. Physa acuta. Physa acuta, Drap., Hist. Nat. 55. t. 3. f. 10, 11 (1805) W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 322 (1833) cFOrb., in W. et B. Hist. 74 (1839) subopaca, Bourg., Amen. Mai. i. 172 (1856) fontinalis, Paiva [nee Linn.l, Mon. Moll. Mad. 147 (1867) tenerifse, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 137 (1872) acuta, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 224 (1876) var. major. Physa ventricosa, Mouss., I.e. 139 (1872) H H 2 468 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Habitat Lanzarotam, Fuerteventuram, Canariam Grandem, Teneriffam, Gomeram, et Palmam ; in Hierro sola adhuc haud inventa. The common European P. acuta^ which has been introduced into the freshwater tanks of Madeira, occurs almost universally (if not indeed quite so) in the Canarian Group, Hierro being the only island out of the seven where it does not happen hitherto to have been observed. Indeed I have myself taken it in Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Grand Canary, Teneriffe, and Palma ; and it was obtained in Gomera by Fritsch. The P. acuta is, on the average, rather smaller and slenderer at the Canaries than in more northern latitudes, and the examples vaiy a little according to the exact locality, and island, in which they are found ; but, judging from an immense series to which I have access, I cannot detect anything about them to induce me to think that they are specifically distinct, or that they represent anything more than one or two very slight and unimportant insular modifications of the variable European shell. I do not therefore agree with Mousson in considering it desirable to erect them into an additional species under the title of P. tenerifce, believing, as I do, that we are already burdened with far too many ' species,' so-called, elabo- rated out of the mere geographical aspects of these eminently inconstant members of the Limnceidce. And I would even advance a step further and suggest that the somewhat larger and more inflated Physa which (although admitted by its original describer, Moquin Tandon, to be but a race of the P. acuta) is likewise upheld by Mousson as yet another exponent of the genus (under the name of P. ventricosa\ and which is said to occur in the ' Environs [!] de Tenerife ' (whatsoever that may mean), itself disproves the assertion that the Canarian species is uniformly smaller than the European one ; the real fact being that only selected examples of it are smaller, occasional ones being quite as much enlarged as those which are commonly found in Europe, or as those from Madeira. Indeed Mousson himself, even whilst enunciating the k P. tenerifoe' and a number of (supposed) subordinate varieties, was evidently uneasy as to its real specific claims, for he expressly speaks of its 'affinite avec certaines petites formes francaise de la P. acuta. 9 My Lanzarotan examples of this Physa were taken in the Lake Januvio, on the western coast of that island ; the Fuerte- venturan ones in the Rio Palmas ; the Grand-Canarian ones in the district of El Monte ; and the Teneriffan ones near Laguua. CANARIAN GROUP. 409 Physa canariensis. Physa fontinalis, W. et B., [nee Linn.'] I. c. syn. 322 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 75 (1839) canariensis, Bourg., Amen. Mai. i. 175 (1856) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 140 (1872) Habitat ' Canaries ' (sec. W. et B.) ; mihi non obvia. I know nothing about this Physa, and should doubt its being truly distinct from the variable P. acuta. Mousson also appears to have had no information concerning it, adding ' Cette espece, bien connue pour sa tenuite, sa forme ventrue, la petitesse de sa spire, non acuminee, le poli de sa surface, etc., ne s'est pas trouvee par mi les nombreuses Physes qui j'ai vues de Canaries. Je ne puis done rien dire sur ses rapports avec la P. tenerifce, qui a a peu pres la meme grandeur, mais qui est moins ventrue.' Grenus 18. PLANORBIS, Guett. Planorbis Eeissi. Planorbis Eeissi, Mouss., Faun. Mai. de Can. 140 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam ; ad S. Ursula a cl. Keiss lectus. I have not seen a type of this little Planorbis, which Mousson states was found by Eeiss at S. Ursula in Teneriffe ; but it appears to be very closely allied to the European P. Iwvis, Alder. Whether therefore it is truly distinct from the species (glaber, Jeffr.) which has been introduced into Madeira, from Portugal, I have no means of deciding. ' Ce planorbe minime,' says Mousson, ' est le seul representant de ce genre, si commun en Europe et en Algerie, mais qu'on croyait etranger aux Canaries. II se rapproche du P. Icevis, Alder, mais est plus petit, plus fortement strie en travers, et surtout autrement enroule. Le dernier tour, plus elargi, embrasse 1'avant-dernier tour, ce qui reduit le reste de la spire et I'ombilic a une moindre partie du diametre ; sa face superieure s'incline vers la ligne dorsale arrondie, laquelle se rapproche de la base. L'ombilic est moins dilate que dans les especes voisines.' Genus 19. ANCYLUS, Geoff r. Ancylus striatus. Ancylus striatus, Q. et #., Voy. de VAstrol. iii. 207. t. 58. f. 35-38(1833) W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 323 (1833) 470 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Ancylus striatus, d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 75 (1839) aduncus, Gould, Proc. Bost. S. N. H. ii. 210 (1848) fluviatilis, Lowe [vix Mull.'], Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 218 (1854) aduncus, Alb., Mai. Mad. 74. t. 16. f. 37, 38 (1854) striatus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 141 (1872) fluviatilis, Watson, Journ. de Conch. 224 (1876) Habitat Canariam Grandem, Teneriffam, et Palmam ; in aquis et aquosis hinc inde vulgaris. This appears to be the same Ancylus which is so abun- dant at intermediate and lofty elevations in Madeira ; and although it was regarded in that archipelago, by Mr. Lowe and subsequently by Mr. Watson, as not differing specifically from the common European A. jluviatilis, I have nevertheless already stated why I consider it better to follow those naturalists who have regarded it as distinct. Still, I am by no means satisfied that it represents more, in reality, than a geographical phasis of that species. I have taken the A. striatus in Teneriffe and Palma, in the former of which it was met with by Webb at the Agua Garcia (misspelt by Mousson ' Aguas Gracias '), and by Blauner and Lowe on wet rocks near Garachico. In Grand Canary it was obtained abundantly by Mr. Lowe, at a fountain in the lofty central Final of Tarajana, above San Bartolome, during our visit to that remote locality on the 8th and 9th of April 1858 ; and I have lately inspected examples which were found, a few years ago, by Mr. Watson, at Tafira. Ancylus rupicola. Ancylus rupicola, Shuttl., in litt. Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 141. p. 6. f. 34, 35(1872) Habitat Teneriffam ; ad Guimar a D. Blauner repertus. I should very much doubt whether this is anything more than a small and perhaps not quite mature, or at any rate an ill-developed state of the Protean A. striatus, possibly corres- ponding with what I have cited as a ' var. p. depauperatus,' of that species in the Madeiran Group ; for stunted examples of the shell often have their radiating costse quite obsolete, and present a very different appearance at first sight from those which are larger and more highly matured. Nevertheless since I have not been able to procure a type for comparison, and Mousson's diagnosis gives several characters which might seem CANARIAN GROUP. 471 to distinguish it, I will merely add his own remarks. ' Cette seconde espece, que M. Shuttleworth a nominee sans la decrire, et qui n'a ete trouvee par M. Blauner, differe essentiellement du striatus. Elle est bien plus petite, relativement plus elevee que le striatus ; le sommet surplombe un peu la base, et sa pointe se trouve a moitie hauteur ; Fouverture se rapproche plus du cercle; enfin on ne remarque que d'inegales stries d'accroisement, sans nulle trace des stries longitudinales carac- teristiques. Presque tous les individus sont forternent corrodes a partir du sommet.'' The A. rupicola would seem to have been found by Blauner at Guimar in Teneriffe. Sectio II. OPERCULATA. Fam. 7. CYCLOSTOMATIDJE. Genus 20. CYCLOSTOMA, Montf. Cyclostoma elegans. Nerita elegans, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 177 (1774) Cyclostoma elegans, W. et B., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 321 (1833) d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 76 (1839) Pfeiff., Mon. Pneum. i. 227 (1852) Cyclostomus elegans, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 142 (1872) Habitat ' Canaries ' (sec. W. et B.) ; mihi in insulis Canari- ensibus omnino ignotum. I cannot but feel the greatest doubt whether this common European Cyclostoma does truly exist in the Canarian archipe- lago ; for I am not aware of any single locality, properly authen- ticated, in which it has been found, and no vestige of it was seen either by Mr. Lowe or myself during our twice-repeated explora- tions in the whole seven islands of the Group. Neither, so far as I can gather, does it appear to have been met with by any of the naturalists whose material was entrusted to Mousson for the compilation of his late Monograph. Yet, without specifying in what particular island, or islands, they obtained it, it was loosely stated by Webb and Berthelot to occur in ' the maritime regions of the Canaries,' a vague and general assertion which would rather tend to throw discredit, than otherwise, as it seems to me (at any rate in the case of a species which has escaped the com- bined researches of all subsequent explorers), on its true 472 TEST ACE A AT LAN TIC A. Canarian claims. If MM. Webb and Berthelot really discovered it in the archipelago, why did they not tell us where ? Whereas the certain fact that Webb carelessly introduced many land- shells into his fauna on evidence which was altogether insuffi- cient, and which have since been ascertained to belong to other countries, would go far to create a suspicion, under the circum- stances, that the C. elegans (a broken example of which, from the so-called ' Canarian ' material of Webb, is in the d'Orbignyan collection at the British Museum) may perhaps, in reality, have been one of the number. Nevertheless as this is not now ac- tually demonstrable, and the species is on record (however vaguely) as Canarian, I think perhaps that we should hardly be justified in refusing it admission into the list. Apart from all other characters, the C. elegans may at once be known from every phasis of the canariense by its suture being not only simple (or unlacerated) but also more deeply impressed (causing the volutions to be more convex), and by its aperture being more decidedly circular. Cyclostoma laevigatmn. Cyckstoma Isevigatum, W. et 5., Ann. des Sc. Nat. 28. syn. 322 (1833) canariense, var., cZ'Or6., in W. et B. Hist. 76 (1839) laevigatum, pars, Pfeiff., Mon. Pneum. i. 229 (1852) Cyclostomus laevigatus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 143 (1872) Habitat Gomeram ; in saxosis declivibus, et recens et semi- fossilis, occurrens. As stated under the C. canariense, it is with considerable reluctance, and only out of deference to the opinion of previous monographers, that I record the present Cyclostoma as speci- fically distinct ; nevertheless since, in addition to its peculiarity of sculpture (the spiral costse being almost or even entirely obsolete except towards the apex of the shell, whilst the fine longitudinal hair-like lines are evenly and uninterruptedly de- veloped), it possesses also a slightly more ovate, or less rounded, outline, I have the less compunction about treating it practi- cally as a separate species, even whilst feeling it more probable that it is, in reality, but an insular phasis peculiar to Gromera of the extremely unstable C. canariense. But I would remark that one of the chief characters on which Mousson relied in .keeping it apart, namely the paucity (in addition to the obso- CANARIAN GROUP. 473 leteness) of the spiral ribs, does not by any means tally with his diagnosis ; for, instead . of only ' four or five ' on the sub- apical volutions (as he has recorded), I count, unmistakeably, in one of the examples now before me, no less than ten, thus proving to a demonstration that the exact number of these costae has (as in the numerous races of the C. canariense proper) no specific signification whatsoever, and can scarcely be employed to define accurately even the several insular varieties. How- ever, considering that it also displays a slight difference, not merely in its somewhat more ovate outline but likewise in the fact of its aperture being if anything a trifle less circular, I am content to cite the C. Icevigatum as a separate species. With the exception of a few which are in the d'Orbignyan collection at the British Museum, all the examples of this Cy- clostoma which I have yet seen are in a bleached, though per- haps not quite subfossilized, state, which may indeed account to a certain extent (the external cuticle having been much destroyed) for the apparent obsoleteness of the spiral ridges. Still I think there can be little doubt they are always absent (or nearly so) except on the subapical whorls, as, in point of fact, appears to be the case in the few recent individuals at the British Museum. The examples at present before me were taken by Mr. Lowe, during our visit to Gromera in February of 1858, up the Barranco above San Sebastian. Cyclostoma canariense. Cyclostoma canariense, d'Orb., in W. et B. Hist. 76. t. 2. f. 5 (1839) Cyclostomus canariensis et adjunctus, Mouss.^ I.e. 144, 145 (1872) Habitat (S. lanzarotensis>Wo\l.) Lanzarotam, (s. adjunctus, MOUSP.) Canariam Grrandem, (p. raricosta, WolL, et y. in- cequalis, Woll.) Teneriffam, (a. palmensis, Woll.) Palmam, et, sec. cl. Fritsch, Hierro (saltern in statu semifossili). After a careful consideration of a large assemblage of Ca- narian Cyclostomas, collected in five different islands of the archipelago, I have come to the conclusion that they are pro- bably all of them mere insular phases of a single plastic type ; nevertheless, out of deference to previous monographers, I have retained the Gromeran form (which is rather more peculiar than the others) as specifically distinct, deeming it sufficient to record my conviction that it will be found eventually to re- present but another race (somewhat more pronounced perhaps, than the remainder, as to its features) of this eminently incon- 474 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. stant Cyclostoma. 1 Indeed the C. canariense appears to me to occupy much the same kind of position, in point of variability, as the Clausilia deltostoma does throughout the Madeiran Group, its costal ridges (both as regards their number and development), no less than the intermediate longitudinal sculp- ture, passing through an amount of change which is very ana- logous to what we observe in that protean species, and putting on a different aspect not only for every island but (in a less degree) for almost every altitude and region in which the shell has become established. On this account it is that I have been unable to perceive that the C. adjunctum, Mouss., presents characters of sufficient importance to render its isolation, as a species, either necessary or desirable ; for the peculiarities of sculpture on which it was principally made to rest are so little to be depended upon, and pass into the opposite type by transitions which are so unmis- takeable, that it is impossible, I think, to treat it otherwise than as a variety as well marked as, but certainly not better defined than, the remaining forms. If however I have under- stood the C. adjunctum aright (and his diagnosis leaves little doubt in my mind upon the subject), Mousson was certainly mistaken in recording it as the phasis which is pre-eminently characteristic of ' Teneriffe ' ; for Grand Canary is the island to which it pertains, and indeed I have not as yet met with a single instance of its occurrence elsewhere throughout the archi- pelago. Subtracting the (7. Icevigatum from the different aspects of the present species (which I must repeat that I do with a cer- tain amount of reluctance), the C. canariense may be described as a rather large and spirally costate shell, with an intermediate longitudinal sculpture (between the ridges) which varies from minute, closely packed, almost obsolete hair-like lines into com- paratively distant undulating ribs separated by a succession of little pit-shaped impressions, this latter condition (which occurs in the ' 8. lanzarotensisj and which attains its maximum in the ' e. adjunctus ') causing the entire surface to be decussated, or somewhat reticulate. It has also a great peculiarity about its suture, which overlaps the base of the adjoining volution in the form of a more or less broad and closely-applied lamina, which latter, however, is more or less irregularly lacerated, it being often deeply gashed like the broken teeth of a saw. This 1 If this surmise should prove to be correct, it follows that the title leevigatum ' (which is the one proposed by Webb for the Gomeran form in 1833) will take the precedence over that of ' canariense ' which was pub- lished by d'Orbigny in 1839; though the latter would, in reality, be far more appropriate. CANARIAN GROUP. 475 singularity of structure, combined with its less circular aper- ture (or less continuous and less elevated peristome), and its shorter and less convex subapical whorls, will, apart from other features, altogether separate the species from the European G. elegans,a,s well as from the sulcatum, Drap., the siculum, Sow., and other members of that Mediterranean type. In colour the C. canariense varies from a bleached yellowish white into a dark leaden brown, passing through a clear reddish- testaceous state into one which is adorned with three (sometimes dark and sometimes pallid) bands ; but these hues are so little characteristic of the particular phases which are brought about by a change of sculpture that it is scarcely worth while to at- tempt to make use of them in enunciating the latter. Perhaps therefore the following short diagnoses of the principal varieties which are now before me may suffice to place on record what I would regard as at any rate some of the most important aspects of this truly protean Cydostoma. a. palmensis. Magnus, costis spiralibus alte elevatis, lineolis intermediis longitudinalibus confertis regularibus cur- vatis ; suturse lamella late appressa, valde irregulariter sed parce lacerata. [ins. Palma, in Barranco de Harradura a Rev. R. T. Lowe lectusJ] (3. raricosta. Magnus, costis spiralibus altissime et subito elevatis sed latiusculis, lineolis intermediis longitudinalibus sub- obsoletis ; suturse lamella paulo minus late appressa, ac densius, profundius, magisque regulariter dentato-lacerata. \_ins. Tene- riffse sylvatici editiores ; in montibus supra Taganana sat vuigaris.~\ 7. incequalis. stat. @. magnitudine formaque similis, sed costis spiralibus minus elevatis ac (praecipue in anfractibus pos- terioribus) magis numerosis necnon subinsequalibus, lineolisque intermediis longitudinalibus confertissimis subregularibus sub- rectis. [ins. Teneriffae regiones minus elevatce, juxta Portum Orotavce in statu vix semifossili abundans.~\ 8. lanzarotensis. Subminor, costis spiralibus paulo mino- ribus minusque elevatis, lineolisque intermediis longitudinalibus in anfractibus anterioribus confertis regularibus subrectis, sed in posterioribus magis remotis ac magis conspicuis, foveolas intermedias longitudinales punctiformes efficientibus ; suturae lamella plerumque minus lacerata. [ins. Lanzarota ; in decli- vibus prceruptis excelsioribus supra ' Salinas,' necnon sec. Dom. Webb in ins. parva adjacente ' Grraciosa ' dicta, congregans.~] s. adjunctus, Mouss. stat. S. fere similis, subtenuis, ple- rumque leetius coloratus minusque opacus, costis spiralibus minus elevatis sed etiam submagis numerosis necnon in anfrac- tibus anterioribus interdum evanescentibus ; sed lineolis longi- 476 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. tudinalibus ubique sensim subdistinctioribus, necnon in anfractibus posterioribus foveolas o vales conspicuas dense positas efficientibus. [ins. Canaria Grandis (an vere ' Teneriffa' ?), in regione ' El Monte ' dicta, necnon prope Aldea de San Nicolas, atque Lagaete et Gaidar, hinc inde, et recens et semi- fossilis, copiose repertus.~\ Fam. 8. CYCLOPHORIDJE. Genus 21. CRASPEDOPOMA, Pfeiffer. Craspedopoma costatum. Cyclostoma costatum, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 145 (1852) Craspedopoma costatum, Pfeiff., Mon. Pneum. 415 (1852) Cyclostoma annulatum, Lowe, Ann. Nat. Hist. 116 (1860) Craspedopoma costatum, Pfeiff., Novitat. Conchol. iii. 446. t. 28-30 (1869) Cyclostomus costatus, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 146 (1872) Habitat Palmam, et Hierro ; in humidis sylvaticis interme- diis, rarissimum. This interesting little species is the only Craspedopoma which has hitherto been observed in the Canarian Group, where it appears to be extremely rare, and confined to the damp sylvan regions of an intermediate altitude. I met with it both in Palma (where it was found also by Mr. Lowe and Blauner) and Hierro, namely in the Barranco de Gralga and the Bar- ranco de Agua of the former, and in the densely wooded district of El Grolfo on the western slopes of the latter. The C. costatum, in its general facies and dark coffee-brown hue, is perhaps more nearly related to the Madeiran C. Moni- zianum than to any of the other species of that archipelago. It is, however, smaller and more abbreviated, and has its volutions still more tumid or convex (the suture therefore being very deeply impressed), and elegantly sculptured with powerful (though not very constant) transverse costse, or oblique, slightly curved ribs, which become gradually evanescent towards the nucleus and the aperture. Fam. 9. TRUNCATELLID^E. v Genus 22. TETINCATELLA, Eisso. Truncatella Lowei. Truncatella Lowei, Shuttl., Bern. Mitth. 146 (1852) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 147 (1872) CANARIAN GROUP. 477 Habitat Lanzarotam, et Teneriffam ; sub lapidibus in salmis hinc inde degens. Several examples of a Truncatella which were taken by Mr. Lowe and myself at the Salinas in the extreme north of Lanza- rote (in company with the Auricula bicolor, Morelet) have been identified by Mousson with Shuttleworth's T. Lowei ; and the same species appears to have been met with also, by Blauner, in Teneriffe. As already stated, however (vide p. 280), I feel far from satisfied that the T. Lowei is more in reality than an almost totally unsculptured phasis of the T. truncatula ; though as it has been acknowledged as distinct both by Shuttleworth and Mousson, I will not cite the two as conspecific. The T. Lowei (judging from the examples before me) differs from even the ' var. ft. Icevigata ' of the T. truncatula in being still more com- pletely unsculptured, there being only the faintest traces of a few obsolete pits and abbreviated hair-like lines towards the an- terior edge of each volution ; and perhaps the volutions them- selves are, if anything, a trifle less tumid. Pam. 10. ASSIMINEIDJE. Genus 23. ASSIMINEA, Leach. Assiminea littorina. Helix littorina, Delle Chiaje, Mem. An. s. Vert. Nap. iii. 215. t. 49. f. 36-38 Rissoa littorea, F. et H., Hist. Brit. Moll. iii. 132. pi. 81, f. 6,7 Assiminea littorina, Jeffr., Brit. Conch, v. 101 (1869) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 220 (1876) Habitat Teneriffam ; a D. Me Andrew, sec. cl. Jeffreys, re- perta. This minute European Assiminea, which occurs on the tide- washed rocks in the Madeiras and Salvages, is stated by Jeffreys (I.e. v. 102) to have been found by the late Mr. McAndrew at Teneriffe ; but \ have not, myself, inspected Canarian examples. Fam. 11. HELICINHLE. Genus 24. HYDROCJENA, Parr. Hydrocaena gutta. Hydrocsena gutta, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 145 (1852) Pfaiff"> Mon. Pneum. Suppl. i. 157 (1852) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 214 (I860) 478 TESTACEA ATLAXTICA. Hydrocaena Grutta, Drouet, Faun. Acor. 170 (1861) Mouse., Faun. Mai. des Can. 147 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam, et Palmam ; in locis valde humidis, saepe etiam subaquosis, et praecipue sylvaticis, occurrens. Ad rupes praeruptas udas, supra oppidulum Grarachico TenerifFse, abun- dat, una cum Hyalina Glymene, Pupa castanea, Physa acuta, et Ancylus striatus consociata ; et nunquam (nisi fallor) in aridis, ut ait clariss. Mousson, degit. This extremely minute, Paludina-like shell, which occurs also in the Azorean archipelago but which has not yet been ob- served at the Madeiras, will most likely be found eventually to be widely spread over the Canarian Group, although hitherto it has not been observed except in Teneriffe and Palrna. I have myself, however, met with it abundantly in both of those islands, namely amongst the detritus about the roots of ferns, as well as by beating their fronds, on some damp rocks in the wood of Las Mercedes, of the former, within the constant douche of the spray of a waterfall, and likewise in a somewhat similar situa- tion at the edges of the Vueltas above Taganana ; whilst in Palma my specimens were principally obtained, in the same kind of moist places, in the Barranco de Gralga. Mousson has consequently fallen into an unaccountable error in citing it as living ' sous les pierres arides,' and (again) ' sous les pierres dans les lieux arides,' for nothing could possibly be more untrue to its modus vivendi. Indeed he has himself (however unwit- tingly) settled the question as to its real habitat in the same actual sentence ; for he expressly mentions that it was found in company with the Hyalina Clymene and the Pupa castanea, and the only spot in which the former has hitherto occurred (and I believe, also, the latter) is some trickling rocks, adjoin- ing a small waterfall, above Grarachico, in the north of Teneriffe. Indeed that is the original locality from whence Blauner's ex- amples, subsequently described by Shuttleworth, were brought ; and the latter particularly notes that they were taken ' sub saxis udis in Teneriffa.' Apart from its diminutive bulk and imperforate shell, the H. gutta may be known by its comparative freedom from sculp- ture (the minute lines of growth being often very obscure) and its only slightly shining surface. The examples from the neigh- bourhood of G-arachico, which (as being the ones which were described by Shuttleworth) must be regarded as typical, are larger and of a more reddish-yellow tinge than those (the ' var. (3. minor ') from the higher altitudes of both Teneriffe and Palma. Shuttleworth having no other Teneriffan specimens to judge from except those from the vicinity of Grarachico, natu- rally regarded the Palman ones only as representing his 4 var. CANAR1AN GROUP. 479 minor ' ; but it is singular that Mousson should have arrived at the same conclusion, seeing that he had my own examples from Las Mercedes and Taganana, which are quite as small, and quite as obscurely coloured, as the Palman ones, under his immediate eye. The larger (or typical) individuals of the H. gutta measure about 1J lines in length, and the smaller ones (or c var. ft. minor 1 } about 1 line. GASTROPODA (PECTINIBRANCHIATA). Tarn. 12. RISSOID^. Genus 25. HYDROBIA, Hartm. Hydrobia Pleneri. Hydrobia Pleneri, Frauenf., Verh. d. ZooL Ges. Wien,l024: (1863) . Id., ibid. 526 t. 8. f. 4(1865) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 148 (1872) Habitat Teneriffam ; ad Eealejos, sec. mus. Cuming, lecta. This is a Hydrobia with which I am not acquainted ; and Mousson also appeared to have no knowledge of it beyond what he was able to gather from the short published diagnosis. Whe- ther therefore it be truly distinct from his H. canariensis, which was detected by myself in Fuerteventura, and which is likewise conical and quite imperf orate, may perhaps be open to enquiry. Frauenfeld's description of it is as follows: 'T. conoidea, tenuis, diaphana, oleaceo-grisea, lardeo-nitida. Anfr. 6^, planiusculi, supra subdeclivis, sutura vix impressa. Apertura elongata, infra valde producta, intus alba, supra angulata. Columella tota arete adnata, sine rima umbilicari.' Long. lin. 2% ; diam. vix 1-| Hydrobia canariensis. Hydrobia canariensis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 148 (1872) Habitat Fuerteventuram ; a meipso in cisterna quadam juxta oppidulum Sta. Maria Betancuria, inter plantas Typhce, detecta. A few examples of a rather elongate and conical Hydrobia which I met with in a Typha-crovrded tank near Sta. Maria Betancuria, the ancient capital of Fuerteventura, were described 480 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. by Mousson in his late c Eevision ' under the trivial name of canariensis. In its pallid hue and nearly opake, well-nigh un- sculptured surface the species agrees with the more northern H. similis, Drap., which occurs also in the Madeiran Group ; never- theless in every other particular it is totally different, its larger size and much more elongate and conical outline, added to its more numerous and less ventricose volutions and its less rounded aperture, the peristome of which is less elevated and less con- spicuously continuous across the ventral region of the basal whorl, removing it altogether from that species. CANARIAN CATALOGUE. Lanz. Fuert. G.Can. Ten. Gom. Pal. Hieiro LIMACIM. Limax, Linn. canariensis, d'Orb. . N- # polyptyelus, Bourg. # N- noctilucus, d'Orb. . TESTACELLIDJE. Plectropliorus, Fer. Orbignyi, Fer. K Testacella, Cuvier. * haliotidea, Drap. , - . # Maugei, Fer. , . * If Parmacella, Cuvier. calyculata, Sow. o. [normalis] . V ' f 0. auriculata, Mouss. . n callosa, Mouss. * VITBINID3E. Vitrina, Drop. Lamarckii, Fer. * * # canariensis, Mouss. n # H reticulata, Mouss. . latebasis, Mouss. . * # Blauneri, Shuttl. . * * * HELICIDJE. Hyalina, Gray, (Lyra, Mouss.) circumsessa, Shuttl. , * * osoriensis, Woll. . ... * lenis, Shuttl. . ; . '.* * (Lucilla, Lowe) cellaria, Miill. o. [normalis] . * . # ^ ft. canarias, Mouss. . . * vermiculum, Lowe . * ( Cryxtalhi-n, Lowe) 1 CAXARIAN GROUP. 481 CANARIAN CATALOGUE (continued}. Lanz. Fuert. G.Can Ten.. Gom. Pal. Hierro crystallina, Mull. o. [normalis] * * . fuerteventurse, Woll. * ( Vermetum, Woll.) festinans, Woll. . . * (Nautilinus, Mouss.) Clymene, Shuttl. . . ' . * Leucochroa, Beck. ultima, Mouss. ". ' , , '. * pressa, Mouss. . ' . ' . * accola, Mouss. . . * Patula, Held. (lulus, Woll.) garachicoensis, Woll. o. [normalis] * $. submarmorata, Woll. * (Janulus, Lowe) Pompylia, Shuttl. . * . ; . * (Patulce normales) textilis, Shuttl. * concinna, Lowe ft putrescens, Lowe . * engonata, Shuttl. . * retexta, Shuttl. * scutula, Shuttl. . J ' . * (Pyramidula, Fitz.) placida, Shuttl. . . ' . * * * (Acanthinula, Beck) pusilla, Lowe ... * * ft spinifera, Mouss. . -. ! . * * Helix, Linn. ( Vallonia, Bisso) pulchella, Miill. . .-. ; . (Iberus, Montf.) * * ft * digna. Mouss. . *" . ; , * * Berkeley!, Lowe ! < * (Mitra, Alb.) cuticula, Shuttl. . . ; . * * * (Pomatia, Beck) aspersa, Miill. o. [normalis] . 4 * . spumosa, Lowe # (Macularia, Alb.) * mmissoniana, Woll. * * efferata, Mouss. . * lactea, Miill. * ft gibbosobasalis, Woll. (Hemicycla, Sow.) * gravida, Mouss. . # * sarcostoma, W. et B. . * * Saulcyi, d'Orb. a. [normalis] * )8. tempera! a, Mouss. . * Pateliana, Shuttl. . * * Pouchet, Fer. * * degculpta, Mouss. # 1 1 482 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. CANARIAN CATALOGUE {continued). Lanz. Fuert. G.Can. Ten. Gom. Pal, Hierro retrodens, Mouss. . ft modesta, Fer. ft Bethencourtiana, Shuttl. ft * plicaria, Lam. * inutilis, Mouss. * planorbella, Lam. o. [normalis] . . , )8. incisogranulata, Mouss. . * ft vermiplicata, Woll. . . ft * Plutonia, Lowe . * ft * semitecta, Mouss. * Paivana, Morel. . . . * Villiersii, d'Orb. . . . * quadricincta, Morel. o. subaucta, Woll. . * j8. [normalis] . ... ft * saponacea, Lowe . ' . ii * psathyra, Lowe . Gaudryi, Mouss. i * granomalleata, Woll. . ft * merita, Mouss. ft harmonica, Mouss. "* ft gomerensis, Morel. H hierroensis, Grass. * Perraudieri, Grass. ft distensa, Mouss. # * indifferent, Mouss. ft Maugeana, Shuttl. . ? Guanartemes, Grass. . ,' . ft consobrina, Fer. . . ." ft invernicata, Mouss. ft malleata, Fer. # * nivariae, Woll. ft * Glasiana, Shuttl. . . ft * Fritschi, Mouss. ft (JEhiparyphd) Hartm.) pisana, Mull. a. [normalis] If * * )8. geminata, Mouss. . * ft ft * ft 7. Grasseti, (Tarn.), Mouss. * impugnata, Mouss. o. subgeminata, Mouss. ft /3. [normalis] * (Xerophila,, Held) lineata, Oliv. o. [normalis] II ft ft /3. herbicola( Shuttl.), Mouss. ft conspurcata, Drap. . . ft apicina, Lam. . j. .-* ft lancerottensis, W. et B. o. adopt at a, Mouss. ft j8. [normalis] 7. Orbignyi (W. et B.), d'Orb. # # ft ft ft ft (Irus, Lowe) eutropis, Shuttl. . * | * multigranosa, Mouss. . . * (Sjnrorbvla, Lowe) 5 j CANARIAN GROUP. 483 CANARIAN CATALOGUE (continued). Lanz. Fuert. G.Can. Ten. Gom. Pal. Hierro paupercula, Lowe . . ' . # (Lyrula, Woll.) Loweana, Woll. . ' ^ # (Hispidella, Lowe) leprosa, Shuttl. * lanosa, Mouss. . . ? pavida, Mouss. . '. . V ft (Oronostoma, Held.) crispo-lanata, Woll. . j fc ft. hispidula, Lam. o. [normalis] . t^rgl ]8. Bertheloti, Fer. ft * fortunata, Shuttl. . * beata, Woll. * planaria, Lam. * afficta, Fer ft * gomerse, Woll. * discobolus, Shuttl. ft (Caracollina, Beck) * lenticula, Fer. a. fnormalis"] )8. virilis, Mouss. . * (Twricula, Beck) mops, Mouss. * * cyclodon (W. et B.), d'Orb. ? Despreauxii, d'Orb. a. [normalis] # . immodica, Mouss. . moderata, Mouss. . * mirandse, Lowe a. [normalis] . j8. nodosostriata, Mouss. ft H * (Discula, Lowe) argonautula, W. et B. N- * pulverulenta, Lowe * * granostriata, Mouss. . # tt * morata, Mouss. # * multipunrtata, Mouss. 4 (Lsmniscia, Lowe) * tumulornm, W. et B. . , ! phalerata, W. et B. # persimilis, Shuttl. a. umbilicata, Woll. . . # 0. [normalis] oleacea, Shuttl. a. deusta, Lowe , ; . ft j8. [normalis] Woodwardia (Tarn.), Mouss. it * Watsoniana, Woll. N ff caementitia, Sbuttl. . ? umbicula, Shuttl. . . ? monilifera, W. et B. V N ft ft ^ * lemniscata, W. et B. . M Bulimus, Scop. ventricosus, Drap. * 9 * # Querreanus, Grass. # ft i I 2 484 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. CANARIAN CATALOGUE (continued). Lanz. Puert. j.Can. Ten. Gom. Pal. Hierro variatus, W. et B. a. rufobrunneus, Woll. * . roccellicola, W. et B. ? 7. * [normalis] * 8. subgracilior, Woll. * * myosotis, W. et B. . * . f encaustus, Shuttl. # * rupicola, (W. et B.), Mouss. f ocellatus, Mouss. . . . # * Moquinianus, W. et B. . . t helvolus, W. et B. # palmensis (Mouss.), Woll. * badiosus, Fer. n propinquus, Shuttl. * osoriensis, Woll. K chrysaloides (Lowe), Woll. . # Maffioteanus, Mouss. . . H * indijferens, Mouss. * texturatus, Mouss. # nanodes, Shuttl. # baeticatus, Fer. X- Tarnerianus, Grass. v tabidus, Shuttl. . . . * anaga, Grass. * * obesatus, Fer. ff interpunctatus, Woll. . A Lowei, Woll. . * Bertheloti, Pfeiff. a. [normalis] . . . k 0. subsimplex, Woll. . K savinosa, Woll. o. [normalis] g . inflatiusculus, Woll. # * * * * Consecoanus(Fritsch.) Mouss # * servus, Mouss. flavoterminatus, Woll. . ? Stenogyra, Shuttl. * decollata, Linn. . H * # * Pupa, Drop. (Gibbulina., Beck) * macrogyra, Mouss. rlpnlbata W^ pt Ti # iK'til Ddl sime subrecurvo. Zh'am. maj. 1 ; alt. % lin. Habitat sub ligno truncisque arborum prolapsis in insulae intermediis, prsesertim graminosis; ad Plantation, circa 1800' s.m., a meipso sat copiose lecta. I obtained several examples of this very minute Hyalina in the grounds of Plantation House, at an altitude of about 1800 feet above the sea. They were generally adhering to the under- sides of logs of wood and fallen trunks of trees, particularly in damp grassy spots after showers. Specimens of it have been examined carefully by the Eev. E. B. Watson, who also forwarded some to Dr. Grwyn Jeffreys ; and it is the opinion of both of those naturalists that the species is hitherto undescribed. SAINT HELENA. 537 The H. Mellissii seems to me to belong to much the same type as the European H. fulva, Mull. ; but it is nevertheless considerably smaller, as well as a trifle darker and more shining ; its basal region is less coarsely striated ; and it is not only more depressed and with a volution less, but its ultimate whorl (which has no tendency whatever to be even obsoletely keeled) is rela- tively not quite so narrow. Had it not been for its very minute size I might almost have been inclined to refer it (judging from the figure and diagnosis of that species) to the H. spurca., which hitherto has been found merely subfossilized ; but con- sidering that it is only half the size and has the spire (as I believe) not quite so depressed, I think that it would be unsafe to do so. As regards its specific title, I have had great pleasure in connecting it with that of my worthy friend J. C. Melliss, Esq., whose recent volume on St. Helena is a proof of how successfully he laboured to bring together what had previously been accomplished in the several departments of the Natural History of the island. Genus 3. PATULA, HelL ( Endodonta, Pfeiff.) Patula bilamellata. Helix bilamellata. Sow., in Darwin's Vole. Isl., Append. 157 (1844) Forbes, Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 199. t. 5. f. 8 (1852) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iv. 324 (1859) Melliss, St. Hel. 121 (1875) Habitat ad latera vise, inter Jamestown et Longwood, circa 1200' s.m., necnon versus montem Flagstaff in parte boreali insulae ; semifossilis. The subfossilized P. bilamellata is found embedded in the surface soil both in the extreme north of the island (in company with the Bulimus auris-vulpina, etc.) near Flagstaff Hill, and likewise in the cutting (above the Briars) of the Sidepath-road between Jamestown and Longwood. Judging from the figure which was given by Forbes, it seems to have sufficiently in com- mon, in its general features and outline, with the Madeiran P. bifrons to justify its being placed at no very great distance from the section Janulus, of Lowe, which embraces that species and a few others which are allied to it ; nevertheless the fact of its aperture being armed on the ventral paries with two conspicu- ous plaits will of course remove it into at any rate a different division of the genus Patula. 538 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. The excessive flatness of its spire, the whorls of which (even though the examples from which Sowerby drew up his diagnosis were subfossilized ones) appear to be more or less transversely- dappled ' with irregular ferruginous rays,' in conjunction with the comparative convexity of its base, and its very small and well-nigh closed-up umbilicus, will serve additionally to distin- guish the P. bttamettata from everything else with which we are here concerned. Its extreme breadth seems to be nearly 4 lines, but its altitude only about 1^. The following is Sowerby's diagnosis of it : 6 T. orbiculato-depressa, spira plana, anfractibus senis, ultimo subtus ventricoso, superne angulari ; umbilico parvo ; apertura semilunari, superne extus angulata, labio ex- terno tenui ; interne plicis duabus spiralibus, postica majori.' Patula biplicata. Helix biplicata, Sow., in Darwin's Vole. Isl.. Append., 158 (1844) Melliss, St. Hel. 121 (1875) Habitat in calcareis, versus borealem insulae ; semifossilis. The only example which I have seen of this very minute Patula (which measures about 1^ lines across its broadest part) was obtained by myself from out of the calcareous soil which had filled-up the aperture of an equally subfossilized Bulimus Darwinianus ; but its characters are so decided that there is no possibility of falling into error as regards the identification. It appears to be quite distinct from the P. bilamellata, for not only is its form different (the spire being much less flattened, and the posterior edge of each volution not angular), but its umbilicus also is considerably larger and more open. Like that species it has two spiral plates, the upper one of which is rather the most elevated, on the ventral paries ; and it is trans- versely sculptured with very powerful and well-defined costse. From the polyodon, Sow. ( = Alexandri, Forbes) the pre- sent Patula may be known by, inter alia, its less flattened spire, and more remote and raised ridges (which are continued, though perhaps not very coarsely so, on the underside of the shell), by its relatively much smaller umbilicus, and by its having no appearance of plaits inside the outer lip. Patula Cutteri. Helix 'Cutteri, Pfeiff., Mai. Blatt. 206 (1856) Id., Mon. Hel. iv. 155 (1859) Melliss, St. Hel. 1 20 (1 875) Habitat regiones editiores sylvaticas ; ad c Diana's Peak ' a Dom. Cutter detecta. SAINT HELENA. 539 I think that Mr. Melliss has fallen into some mistake re- garding this Helix, for he cites it as a subfossil species, found in company with the H. helensis or polyodon, at the edges of the Sidepath-road above the Briars ; whereas if we turn to Pfeiffer's original diagnosis, in the 4th volume of his Mono- graph, we perceive that it was drawn-out from recent examples which were taken by Mr. Cutter on Diana's Peak, a habitat which would of itself prove, as in the case of the H. diance, that it could not possibly belong to the extinct fauna. Like most of its immediate allies, it is small in stature (being about 2 lines broad, and 1|- high) ; and it is described as thin in substance, rather closely costate, free from gloss, and of a chestnut brown though tessellated above with a few yellowish markings. But its main feature consists in its aperture being armed with four plaits on the ventral wall, the two upper ones of which are acute, and the two lower ones more dentiform and placed near to the columella. The following diagnosis of it is taken from Pfeiffer's Monograph : ' T. perforata, conoideo-depressa, tenuis, subconferte chordato-costata. haud nitens, castanea, superne luteo-tessellata, subtus obsolete undulato-strigata ; spira breviter conoidea, vertice subtili ; anfr. 5 convexi, ultimus non descen- dens, basi convexiusculus ; apertura vix obliqua, lunaris, laminis 2 acutis parietalibus intrantibus, et 2 dentiformibus basalibus prope columellam, coarctata ; perist. simplex, rectum, margini- bus remotis, columellari superne vix dilatato.' Patula polyodon. Helix polyodon, Sow., in Darivin's Vole. Isl., Append. 157 (1844) helenensis, Forbes, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (1851) Alexandri, Id., Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 198. t. 5. f. 9 (1852) Helenensis, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 144 (1853) Id., ibid. iv. 154 (1859) Id., ibid. vii. 256 (1876) et polyodon, Melliss, St. Hel. 120 (1875) Habitat in solo conchy lifer o versus borealem insulse ; semi- fossilis. Although of such diminutive bulk as compared with that species, the present minute Patula (which measures only about 1^ line across its broadest part, and which has been found hitherto in merely a subfossil condition) has somewhat the primd fade contour of the common European P. rotundata, Mull., its flattened, discoidal outline and closely striated whorls, added to the convexity of its base and the largeness of 640 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. its open and spiral umbilicus, being much in accordance with the latter ; nevertheless the fact of its aperture being furnished internally with a quantity of teeth, or plaits, will of course remove it into a totally different section of the genus. The exact number however of these plaits would seem to vary, there being according to Sowerby eight of them, and according to Forbes no less than eleven; whilst in a broken and un- matured example which is now before me (and which I ob- tained from out of the loose sandy soil which had filled up an equally subfossilized specimen of the Bulimus auris-vulpina, Chemn.) I cannot satisfy myself of the presence of more than, at the utmost, six, three of which are (as is acknowledged in all the diagnoses to which I have access) on the ventral paries. Considering how unmistakeably defined this singular little species is, as regards its several peculiarities, it is astounding how Forbes, with Sowerby's diagnosis before him, could have republished it, first under the name of H. helenensis, and then under that of Alexandra ; moreover not a single remark con- cerning its affinities is ventured upon, nor is there a syllable to lead us to conclude that it has the slightest connection what- soever with the H. polyodon, the very title of which, not to mention its habitat, might well have afforded him somewhat of a clue towards its identification. The umbilicus of this Patula, apart from its enormous size for a shell which is so diminutive, is further remarkable for its being unusually wide and conspicuous (and, as it were, broadly flattened) at even its extreme apex, or lowest depth. 1 ( Acanthinula, Beck.) Patula pusilla. Helix pusilla, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 46. t. 5. f. 1 7 (1831) 1 Although there could be little question that Forbes's H. Alexandri is conspecific with the previously published H. polyodon of Sowerby (for the precise number of the plaits within the curvature of the peristome is clearly variable), it is nevertheless solely on the authority of Pfeiffer that I refer also the helenensis, Forbes, to the latter ; for in his diagnosis of that species Forbes denned the aperture as armed with only four plaits (namely, two on the ventral wall, and two within the outer margin), instead of the 'eight,' or even ' eleven,' which are said to be conspicuous in the H. polyodon. Nevertheless Pfeiffer seems to have had some sufficient reason for concluding that Forbes's diagnosis, as well as his own, was inaccurate : for, whilst acknowledging the helenensis in the third volume of his Monograph, he ex- pressly identifies it in his subsequent ones with the polyodon of Sowerby, adding the observation, in vol. iv., ' Legatur in descriptione : apertura multo- dentata, laminis 2-3 in pariete aperturali, denticulis usque 8 in margine dextro positis.' It would seem, therefore, that variability as regards the number of its plaits is one of the most distinctive features of this curious little Patula. SAINT HELENA. 541 Helix pusilla, Pfeiff., Mon. Eel. i. 101 (1848) servilis, ShuttL, Bern. Mitth. 140 (1852) ,, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 101 (1853) pusilla, a. annulata, Lowe, Proo. Zool. 8. Lond. 176 (1854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 18. t. 2. f. 7-10 (1854) hypocrita, Dohrn, Mai. Bldtt. 1 (1869) Patula servilis, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 25. pi. 2. f. 13-16 (1872) Habitat in intermediis insulae ; ad Plantation, West Lodge, et Thompson's Wood a meipso copiose lecta. This extremely minute Patula (which occurs in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape-Verde archipelagos) I met with, not uncommonly, in the intermediate districts of St. Helena, particularly in the grounds at Plantation, where it is found in damp spots beneath fir-cones and pieces of timber, as well as at West Lodge and Thompson's Wood. It is not unlikely that it may have been originally imported into the island, along perhaps with consignments of shrubs and plants ; though the fact that the latter were introduced chiefly from England and the Cape of Good Hope, where the P. pusilla has not been ascertained to exist, is against that hypothesis. Apart from its very diminutive size (the largest examples measuring scarcely a line across their broadest part), the P. pusilla may be known by its rounded but flattened contour and large open umbilicus, as well as by its brown and subopake surface being more or less evidently furnished with a few addi- tional, remote, appreciably raised, oblique, thread-like lines, which, although sometimes so indistinct as to be barely trace- able, are at others considerably developed and conspicuous. Its aperture is quite free from plaits, and its peristome is acute. Genus 4. HELIX, Linn. ( Vallonia, Kisso.) Helix pulchella. Helix pulchella, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 30 (1774) Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 45 (1831) Alb., Mai. Mad. 45. t. 12. f. 1-4 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des A$or. 175 (1860) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 57 (1872) Habitat praecipue in intermediis; ad Plantation, Thomp- son's Wood, Peak Gut, et cset., abundans. Forsan ex alienis (sc. Anglia), una cum plantis, olim introducta. 542 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. This little European Helix, which has acquired a wide geo- graphical range (having gained for itself a footing in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Canarian archipelagos, and indeed having been met with by the late Mr. Benson even at the Cape of Good Hope), we obtained abundantly in the intermediate districts of St. Helena, particularly about Plantation, in Thompson's Wood, and amongst some old Gumwoods at Peak Gut. It appears, however, that a single example of it was found by Mr. E. L. Layard, several years ago, while halting at St. Helena on his passage to southern Africa, namely (in company with Stenogyra compressilabris and the Achatina Veru, Bens.) in the public garden at the entrance of Jamestown. In all probability the species was originally introduced into the island, along perhaps with consignments of trees and plants, and .has since become completely established. ( Pomatia, Beck.) Helix aspersa. Helix aspersa, Mull., Verm. Hist. ii. 59 (1774) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. i. 241 (1848) Morel, Hist. Nat. des Acor. 152 (1860) Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 69 (1872) Melliss, St. Hel. 120 (1875) Habitat in cultis intermediis ; ad Plantation, necnon in locis similibus. Certe ex Europa invecta. The common European H. aspersa, which has become estab- lished in the Azorean and Canarian archipelagos, is rather abun- dant within the cultivated districts of St. Helena, more par- ticularly those of an intermediate altitude. In the grounds, and garden, at Plantation, we met with it in considerable numbers. There can be no doubt whatever that it has been naturalized accidentally in the island from more northern latitudes, probably from England, along with consignments of trees and plants. Be this however as it may, the species is fairly now in statu naturali, being often only too destructive in many of the gardens. Genus 5. BULIMUS, Scop. ( Pseudachatina, Pfeiff.) Bulimus exulatus, Achatina exulata, Bens., in litt. Reeve, Conch. Icon. sp. 77 Bulimus exulatus, Id., ibid. t. 78. f. 572 SAINT HELENA. 543 Bulimus exulatus, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 301 (1853) Achatina exulata, Melliss, St. Hel. 123 (1875) Habitat ' in St. Helena ' (Lefroy) ; an omnino semifossilis ? There is nothing in the published diagnoses of this species to imply that it was discovered in a subfossilized condition, nor can I perceive any note as to the exact spot where it was met with ; therefore I do not know on what authority Mr. Melliss cites it as having been obtained in the cutting of the Sidepath- road above the Briars. My own belief however is that in all probability it was as much subfossilized as are the bleached and still coloured examples of the B. helena, Quoy, which lie scat- tered loosely in many places on the summit of the Barn ; and until further evidence therefore has been adduced, I suspect that it will be safer to treat it as belonging to the extinct fauna of the island, though with the appearance of its having lingered- on (like the B. helena) into comparatively recent times. Judging from Pfeiffer's description (which appears to have been drawn out from a specimen in the collection of the late Mr. Benson, and which was found by Mr. Lefroy), as well as from the excellent figure which is given in Eeeve's ' Conch. Icon.,' the present Bulimus, which can hardly therefore be wholly subfossilized, would seem to be diaphanous and of a griseous white, but nevertheless dappled with a few still whiter and more opake spot-like markings; and it is also of a gra- dually yellower tinge towards the apex of the spire. It is rather smaller and narrower than any of the following species (its greatest length being scarcely 9 lines, and its greatest breadth about 3^), and its surface is said to be somewhat roughly and closely crowded with the fine thread-like costae of growth. ( Mesiotus, Pfeiff.) Bulimus helena. T. tenuis, ovato-conica, profunde perforata, dense et irregu- lariter costulato-striata striisque paucioribus spiralibus decus- sata, lutescenti-fusca (nisi, saepius, decolorato-decorticata) ; an- fractibus 6 convexiusculis, sutura valde profunde et subito im- pressa ; columella subcontorta ; apertura ovali ; peristomate acuto, marginibus callo junctis, dextro superne (i. e. ad inser- tionem) subangulatim sinuoso, columellari late reflexo et albo. Di'im. maj. 5^ ; long. 9^ lin. Helix helena, Quoy et Gaim., Astrol. ii. 111. t. 9. f. 8, 9 (1833) Bulimus helena, Lam. (ed. Desk.), 52. 245 (1836) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 198 (1848) 544 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Bulimus digitalis, Reeve, Conch. Icon. f. 308 relegatus? Bens., Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 264 (1851) helena, Melliss, St. Hel. 122 (1875) Habitat versus borealem insulae, semifossilis ; in excelsis praeruptis, super terrain jacens, fere quasi in statu recenti, hinc inde vulgaris. The present Bulimus, which was admirably figured by Quoy in 1833, occurs rather abundantly on the extreme summit of the Barn, and in that immediate neighbourhood, lying loosely on the surface soil, beneath the shrubs of Salsola, &c., where it has much the appearance of having lived at a comparatively recent period. At all events many of the examples have their colour and outer cuticle completely preserved, though it is equally true that the majority of them are decomposed, decor- ticated, and colourless. It is far from unlikely therefore that the species may still linger on in that particular district, though I have no evidence that it has ever been met with in an abso- lutely living condition. Yet so little altered are some of the specimens, in their general features, that Pfeiffer makes no allusion to the B. helena as being 4 subfossilized ' at all, and Benson (Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 263) does not hesitate to speak of it, in 1851, though, as I cannot but think, without sufficient enquiry, as ' recent.' Mr. Melliss remarks that, c although the shells are now dead, they appear of a more recent date than those of the other species.' I possess a considerable number of this Bulimus which were taken by Colonel Warren, and by Mr. P. Whitehead, on the Barn, as well as others by Mr. N. Janisch in that immediate vicinity. The B. helena is ovate-conical in outline, thin in substance, and (when in a sufficient state of preservation) of a yellowish- brown hue ; its suture is very deeply and suddenly impressed, causing the anterior edge of each whorl to appear (though not exactly prominent) somewhat abruptly terminated (a fact which gives an obtusely subangulate, or rather elbowed, shape to the outer lip of its aperture at the point of insertion) ; its perfora- tion is distinct and deep ; its peristome is acute, with the mar- gins joined by an intervening lamina ; and its surface is densely crowded with irregular costulate lines of growth, which are de- cussated by more remote spiral ones, more or less evident according as the specimens are fresh, and free from superficial decomposition. So far as I am able to form an opinion from a short diag- nosis unaccompanied by a single observation, I should say that the B. relegatus of Benson differs in no respect whatsoever from Quoy's B. helena, as represented by the bleached, colourless, and strictly subfossilized aspect of that species. SAINT HELENA. 545 The Bulimus which is referred by Keeve to the helena of Quoy is certainly distinct from the present one ; and if it be truly found at St. Helena at all (concerning which I think that we require further evidence), I do not see, judging from the figure, why it might not represent a recent, or nearly-recent, state of the B. Blofeldi ; in which case it might perhaps answer to the species which is said by Forbes to have been found by Mr. Alexander, many years ago, in a living condition, and feeding on the foliage of the cabbage-trees, on the highest part of the great central ridge. Bulimus fossilis. T. prsecedenti fere similis, et forsan vix specifice distinct a* Differt testa paululum minore subsolidiore, spira subbreviorej anfractibus circa 5 (nee 6) composite,, anfractibus subbrevioribus, ultimo vix magis inflato-rotundato, apertura paululum minore angustiore, margine columellari sensim latius dilatato magisque rotundato (i. e. minus verticaliter recto). Diam. maj. 5 ; long. 7J lin. Cochlogena fossilis, Sow., in Darwin's Vole. Isl., Append. 156 (1844) Bulimus fossilis, Forbes, Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 199. t. 5. f. 4 (1852) Pfei/., Mon. Hel. iv. 506 (1859) Melliss, St. Hel. 122 (1875) Habitat in solo insulse conchylifero ; semifossilis. Judging from the variability of the B. helena, which is apt to take a slightly different outline according to the exact spot, or ridge, on which it is found, I feel extremely doubtful whether the present Bulimus is anything more than a somewhat unim- portant modification of that species which has become a little more solid through a longer process of semifossilization, and in which, consequently, the spiral lines are well-nigh effaced. It is true that it is a trifle shorter and more ventricose, and its apex seems to have a whorl (or perhaps only half a whorl) less, but in the genus Bulimus such characters as these are hardly worth alluding to ; nevertheless since the aperture also is just appre- ciably smaller, and the columella is not quite so straightened, I will not suppress it as a species, though I must frankly admit that I have very little faith in its claims for separation. I possess an example of the B. fossilis which was taken by Mr. P. Whitehead on the ridge between Flagstaff Hill and Sugarloaf, and which accords precisely with the figure as given by Forbes ; but the original type from which Sowerby's diag- nosis was drawn out was met with, I believe, in the cutting of N N 54G TESTACEA ATLANTICA. the Sidepath Road (between Jamestown and Longwood) over- looking the ' Briars.' Bulimus Seleianus. Bulimus Seleianus, Forbes, Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 198. t. 5. f. 3 (1852) Pfeiff.,Mon. Hel. iv. 506 (1859) Melliss, St. Hel. 122 (1875) Habitat in iisdem locis ac praecedens ; semifossilis. The only points in Prof. Forbes' diagnosis of this Bulimus which would at all distinguish it from the B. kelena are (1) its more thickened substance, and (2) the fact that no mention is made of the existence on its surface of spiral lines ; but the former of these might have been merely due to the longer pro- cess of subfossilization to which the shell had been exposed, whilst the latter (or the obliteration of the spiral costse) may have been the result of the selfsame cause, the destruction of the outer cuticle having been naturally more complete. Still, judging from the figure, the B. Seleianus would appear to be a trifle smaller and less ventricose than the B. helena, with the aperture a little narrower and less developed ; and its peristome, which is much more incrassated, has the upper and lower por- tions connected by a more robust lamina. It seems to have been described from a specimen which was found by Mr. E. Alexander. Bulimus Blofeldi. Bulimus Blofeldi, Forbes, Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 198. t. 5. f. 2 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 506 (1859) Melliss, St. Hel. 122 (1875) helena ? Reeve [nee Q. et #.], Conch. Icon. f. 306 Habitat ins. St. Helense, semifossilis ; ad latera vise inter Jamestown et Longwood, circa 1200' s. m., reperta. Judging from the diagnosis and plate, which are given by Prof. Forbes, the present Bulimus (which is nearly an inch in length) ranges next, in point of size, to the B. auris-vulpina and Darwinianus ; nevertheless it belongs to a very different type, being altogether less solid, and having no thickenings or developments about its aperture. It is indeed more on the pattern of the three preceding species, but is larger than any of them, and has its columella longer and straighter; and the upper and lower divisions of its peristome (which is said to be acute) are unconnected by an intervening lamina. Still, the example figured having been an exceedingly imperfect one, I SAINT HELENA. 547 suspect that too great reliance must not be placed upon the latter characters, the breaking-away of the aperture tending usually (to say nothing about the consequent destruction of the peristome) to cause the columella to appear more elongated than it really is. Prof. Forbes speaks of the B. Blofeldi as nearly allied to a recent undescribed species which was ' found by Mr. Alexander feeding on the Cabbage-Trees on the highest points of the island.' I am totally unaware of any living Bulimus on so large a scale at St. Helena ; but when re-detected, and charac- terized, it will doubtless constitute a most significant addition to the fauna. If Forbes was really acquainted with it, as his remarks would almost imply, why did he not publish a descrip- tion of it, and give us the advantage of a figure ? Perhaps it may be absolutely identical with the Blofeldi, and with the species which was wrongly referred by Reeve to the B. Helena, Quoy. The B. Blofeldi appears to have been met with by Mr. J. H. Blofeld, in company with the (equally subfossilized) Helix bilamellata, in a reddish clay or loam, in a cutting of the ' Sidepath Eoad ' (which leads from Jamestown to Longwood) overlooking the 4 Briars,' at an elevation of about 1200 feet above the sea. ( Pachyotus, Beck.) Bulimus auris-vulpina. T. magna, crassa, ovato-conica, aperte rimata, densissime transversim (i. e. longitudinaliter) striata (striis insequalibus, subconfluentibus), plerumque albida ecolorata sed in exemplari- bus bene conservatis pallide corneo- et albido-nebulosa ; spira conica ; anfractibus 7, antice (i. e. pone suturam grosse crena- tam), prsecipue in ultimo, sub-biangulatis et spiraliter subnodu- losis ; columella contorta ; apertura angustula, auriformi, peri- stomate subreflexo, incrassato, canaliculate, marginibus callo robusto junctis, dextro sinuato (sc. intus ssepius dilatate pro- minulo), columellari late reflexo. Diam. maj. 13; long. 22- 23 lin. var. /3. subspiralis [an species vera ?]. Obtecte rimata ; anfractibus minus longitudinaliter striatis sed obsolete, parce, et obtuse spiraliter costatis ; callo ventrali longe intus in medio tuberculato-gibboso. var. 7. obliteratus. Obtecte rimata ; anfractibus antice etiam obsoletius biangulatis ; peristomate minus incrassato, margine dextro fere simplici (i.e. intus vix ampliato) ; callo ventrali longe intus in medio leviter tuberculato-gibboso. N N 2_ 548 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Auris vulpina, Chemn., Syst. Conch, xi. 287. t. 210. f. 2086, 87 (1795) Melania Nonpareil, Perry, Conch, t. 29. f. 4 (1811) Voluta auris-vulpina, Dillw., Cat. i. 503 (1817) Helix auris-vulpina (Cochligena), Fer.,Prodr. 445 (1819) Pachyotus alopecotis, Beck, Ind. Moll. 56 (1837) Bulimus auris-vulpina, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. ii. 93 (1848) Melliss, St. Hel. 121. t. 22. f. 2 (1875) Habitat versus borealem insulse, semifossilis ; in terra arida (prsecipue in prseruptis inter montes ' Sugarloaf ' et 'Flagstaff') sepulta, a circa 1400' s.m., hinc inde abundans. The extreme variability of this large subfossil Bulimus renders it desirable that I should characterize it afresh, in order to point out which it is that I believe to be the exact form from which Chemnitz's description was compiled, and which was sub- sequently recorded by Pfeiffer. It is possible indeed that more than a single species may be indicated amongst the many examples which are now before me ; nevertheless since every feature appears to be more or less inconstant, I think that it will be the safest plan to treat the three modifications under which they would seem, on the whole, to distribute themselves as but phases of a plastic type. Judging from Pfeiffer's diag- nosis, I should conceive the normal state to be the one in which the longitudinal striae are coarsely expressed, in which the um- bilicus is not altogether closed over by the reflexed columellary edge of the peristome, and in which there are no traces of a large tubercle-like nodule within the aperture on the middle of the ventral wall. From which it follows that the specimens in which this inner gibbosity is developed, and in which the umbilicus is sealed up by the recurved margin of the columella, (and in which also, I may add, a few obtuse and remote spiral costse are more evidently visible,) represent an aberrant state, and one which corresponds with my ' var. /3. subspiralis ' as above enunciated. A certain number of individuals, however, although agreeing in other respects with the var. /S., have their peristome much less thickened, with the right margin less internally-sinuate, and their whorls less decidedly prominent (or subangulated) anteriorly, i. e. behind the suture ; and it is these that I have defined as the ' var. 7. obliteratusS This large and curious Bulimus was supposed originally to be a marine form, and was characterized as such ; but it is never- theless truly terrestrial, belonging in a great measure to a type (Pachyotus, Beck) which has exponents in South America and in certain islands of the Pacific. Indeed it has been stated to occur, in a living condition, in China; but there can be little SAINT HELENA. && doubt, I think, that this assertion was founded either upon an inaccuracy of identification or else an inaccuracy of habitat, The B. auris-vulpina, which has been brought from St. Helena by almost every naturalist who has visited the island during the last fifty years, appears to be quite extinct ; though the comparatively perfect preservation of occasional examples, in which the outer cuticle is hardly destroyed and even the colour is partially traceable, would perhaps imply that it must have lingered on to a somewhat recent period. Still, by far the greater majority of the individuals, which are for the most part firmly imbedded in the surface soil at an altitude of from about 1400 to 1700 feet above the sea, are extremely thickened but decomposed, and shew unmistakeable signs of age. It is in the north and north-east of the island that the B. auris-vulpina exclusively occurs, particularly in an indurated, whitish, cal- careous kind of earth on the ridge between the conical moun- tains known as Sugarloaf and Flagstaff, and towards the Barn. Many of my examples were taken by the Rev. H. Whitehead and his son, and I also possess two which were found by Mr. N.. Janisch. Bulimus Darwinianus. T. crassa, elongata, ovato-fusiformis, obtecte rimata, pare et irregulariter transversim (i.e., longitudinaliter) striata, albida, quasi cretacea, decolorata ; anfractibus 6, antice (i.e., mox pone suturam, impressam, obliquam, nucleum versus grosse crenatam) subconvexiusculis ; columella subcontorta ; apertura angustula ; peristomate intus incrassato, marginibus callo robusto (longe intus in medio plica obtusa tuberculiformi armato) junctis, columellari valde incrassato, subreflexo. Diam. maj. 8 ; long. 18 lin. Bulimus Darvinianus, Forbes, Journ. Geol. Soc. viii. 198. t. 5. f. 1 (1852) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 506 (1859) Melliss, St. Hel. 122 (1875) Habitat in locis similibus ac prsecedens, versus borealem in- sulse ; semifossilis. This is smaller, narrower, and more fusiform than the last species, less roughened or sculptured, with the suture more oblique, and (as in the vars. ft and 7 of the B. auris-vulpina) with an obtuse plait, or tuberculiform gibbosity, far within the aperture in the middle of the ventral wall. The shell is thick and colourless (the latter, however, being due, in all probability, to its subfossilized condition) ; the right margin of its peristome, although not reflexed, is a good deal incrassated internally, and 550 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. the 'columellary portion completely seals up the umbilical per- foration. The B. Darwinianus is found in company with the B. auris-vulpina in the extreme north and north-east of the island, imbedded on the ridge-like slopes of indurated soil in the vicinity of Sugarloaf, Flagstaff, and the Barn. I possess examples which were taken by the Kev. H. and Mr. P. White- head, and Mr. N. Janisch ; but the species does not appear to be quite so common as the B. auris-vulpina. Genus 6. STTBULINA, Beck. Subulina melanioides, n. sp. 'T. elongata, angustula, turrito-conica, subobtecte anguste perforata, nigro-brunnea (interdum subrufescens) strigisque ochreis (rarius rufo-ochreis) irregularibus plurimis confluentibus longitudinaliter marmorata, confertissime longitudinaliter cos- tulato-striata, subopaca ; anfractibus 8-9 convexiusculis, sutura valde profunde subundulatim impressa, ultimo (-| longitudinis breviore) mox supra aperturam parvulam auriformem plus minus distincte angulato-carinato (carina ssepe evanescente, et etiam in lineolam impressam mergente), anfractibus antice oblique ochreo-subplicato-gibbosis (plicis, aut nodis, paucis, valde distantibus, et postice omnino evanescentibus) ergo antice inter nodos breviter subexcavatis ; columella alba, nitida, intus subemarginato-sinuata et basi rotundate truncata ; peristomate simplici, acuto. Long. 9-11 ; apert. 3| ; diam. maj. 3|- lin. Obs.- anfractus interdum lineolis obsoletissimis perpaucis remotis spiralibus (aeque discernendis) instruct! sunt. Habitat regionem centralem humidam excelsam insulae ; circa radices graminum ad rupes crescentium, rarissima. This is unquestionably the most remarkable addition to the living Pulmoniferous Gastropods of St. Helena which we made during our late six months' sojourn in that island. It was first obtained by Mrs. Wollaston (and subsequently by myself and Mr. P. Whitehead in the same locality) in a damp and precipi- tous, but practically dried-up, watercourse issuing from the northern flanks of the great central ridge, about midway between Action and Diana's Peak ; but as the specimens were invariably dead and mutilated (though, at the same time, recent and highly coloured), it was evident to me that they had been washed into that situation by the winter floods, and that their real home was in the densely wooded region immediately above the spot where we found them. Still, the sides of the precipice were too steep and inaccessible to admit of an exploration ; though a single SAINT HELENA, 651 living example which was secured by Mr. P. Whitehead in an immediately adjoining locality sufficed abundantly to indicate the modus vivendi of the species, it having been taken at the roots of one of the damp masses of intermingled moss and grass which pad the base of the perpendicular rocks formed by the excavation of what is known as the ' Cabbage-Tree Eoad.' There can be little doubt, consequently, that the S. melanioides will be ascertained to occur in humid places generally along the northern slopes of the ridge below Diana's Peak. The numerous volutions and elongate-conical outline of this fine species, added to its close and sharp longitudinal costate- strise, and the obscure keel which is usually more or less trace- able immediately above the aperture on the circumference of the basal whorl, appear to me to bespeak its affinity with the widely spread forms around the Bulimus octonus, Chemn. (now usually regarded as pertaining to the genus, or section, Subu- Una), particularly perhaps to the West African S. Fra&eri, Pfr., and elavata, Gray ; and I think that these same characters are equally suggestive of the fact, that it cannot be very remote from the (nevertheless exceedingly distinct) St.-Helenian sub- plicata and terebellum of Sowerby, which have been observed hitherto only in a subfossil condition, and which have been re- ferred by some authors to Bulimus and by others to Achatina (the late Prof. Forbes indeed having, in the same paper, assigned them, totidem verbis, to both 7) 1 This singular shell has something about it which calls to mind at first sight certain members of the genus Melania, its dark, rich, reddish-brown hue and nearly opake surface, which is more or less marbled with irregular, frequently subconfluent, longitudinal ochreous streaks, in conjunction with the oblique and remote, posteriorly-evanescent, obtuse, ridge-like nodules which (although occasionally not very prominent) undulate the anterior zone of each volution, and cause the very deeply im- pressed suture to be more or less waved, or scooped-out at regular intervals, giving it a character which it is impossible to mistake. However few, or however numerous, the yellow streaks may be, these oblique, short, posteriorly- evanescent, nodiform humps are themselves always more or less yellow, or ochreous ; and, when accurately inspected, there will usually be seen to be a few obsolete traces of some very indistinct spiral lines (decussating the closely-set longitudinal ridges) on certain of the whorls. 1 4s a not unnatural result of this indecision, the S. subplicata, Sow., is cited twice over in Mr. Melliss's catalogue, first as a Bulimus, and afterwards as an Achatina, 552 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Subulina subplicata. Cochlioopa subplicata, Sow., in Dcvrwitf* Vole. Isl., Append. 156 (1844) Achatina subplicata, Forbes, Journ. Geol. Soc. Loud. viii. 197 (1852) Bulimus subplicatus, Id., ibid. 199. pi. 5. f. 6 (1852) et Acbatina subpUcata, Melliss, St. Hel. 122, 123 (1875) Habitat ad latera viae ' Sidepath ' dictae, inter Jamestown et Longwood, semifossilis ; hodie recens baud obvia. Like tbe following one, tbe present species is subfossilized and apparently extinct, occurring in the surface soil on the side of the hill overlooking the Briars in a cutting of the road leading from Jamestown to Longwood. According to Mr. J. H. Blofeld it would seem to exist equally in the direction of Flag- staff; inasmuch as he particularly mentioned (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. viii. 196) that he met with it in company with the Bulimus auris-vulpina, which latter does not occur near the Briars, but is essentially characteristic of the district, or ridges, between the conical hills which are known as Flagstaff and Sugarloaf. The S. subplicata, judging from its published figure, does not appear to differ greatly from the S. terebellum, the two forms belonging to precisely the same type. It is however a little smaller than the latter (measuring about 7 lines in length), and there are faint indications of posteriorly-abbreviated longi- tudinal plicae (adjoining the suture) on the anterior zone of each whorl. Being subfossilized of course nothing can be said, in the case of either species, as regards colour. Subulina terebellum, Cochlicopa terebellum, Sow., in Darwin's Vole. Isl., Ap-> pend. 156 (1844) Aehatina terebellum, Forbes, Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 197, 198 (1852) Bulimus terebellum, Id., ibid. 199. t. 5, f, 5 (1852) Melliss, St. Hel. 122 (1875) Habitat in locis similibus ac praecedens ; semifossilis. Judging from the figure of this species which accompanies the late Prof. E. Forbes' paper in the ' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,' the subfossilized ' Cochlicopa terebellum ' of Sowerby is, unless I am much mistaken, like his C. subpli- cata, a decided Subulina, its elongate-conical outline and shortened aperture, in conjunction with the manifest keel across SAINT HELENA. 553 its basal whorl immediately above the latter, affiliating it with the various forms which cluster around the S. striatella, Eang, and the octona, Chemn., and bespeaking also a certain affinity with the equally St.-Helenian (but, at the same time, still re- cent) S. melanioides, Woll. The S. terebellum, which has been found in the cutting of the Sidepath Koad, above the Briars, between Jamestown and Longwood, at an elevation of some 1200 feet above the sea, is rather conico-fusiform in outline, and composed of about six whorls which are so much flattened as to cause the suture to appear but very slightly sunken or impressed ; its columella is not sinuated (as in the S. melanioides), or posteriorly subtrun- cate, but rounded-off uniformly and gradually into the lower margin of the peristome ; and its surface (at any rate in a sub- fossil condition, and probably in statu normali equally) is almost free from sculpture. Its extreme length would seem to be about 81 lines. Genus 7. STENOGYRA, Shuttl. Stenogyra compressilabris. Bulimus compressilabris, Benson, Ann. Nat. Hist, xviii. 434 (1856) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 461 (1859) Habitat in horto publico ad Jamestown ; in aquseducto quo- dam parvulo a cl. E. L. Layard olim reperta. The present Stenogyra, which I did not myself meet with during our sojourn at St. Helena, appears to have been found by Mr. E. L. Layard (while halting there for a short time on his passage to the Cape of Good Hope) in a small artificial watercourse in the public garden at the entrance to Jamestown. In all probability, therefore, it is a species which has been natu- ralized in the island. It seems to be white and subuliform, composed of about seven volutions, and closely sculptured with flexuose costate-striae ; and Mr. Benson adds ' This is a form of the widely-spread type to which Bulimus Goodallii, octona, &c., belong.' His diagnosis of it is as follows : ' Testa vix per- forata, subuliformis, confertim flexuose costulato-striata, cerea, albida, sutura subimpressa apice obtusiusculo ; anfractibus vix 7, ultimo -f- longitudinis sequante ; apertura truncato-ovali, basi rotundata ; peristomate tenui, simplici, margine dextro superne antrorsum arcuatim producto, subcompresso, columellari verticali, breviter reflexo, subtus nullo modo truncate nee emar- ginato. Long. 6^ ; diam. 2 mill? 554 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. Genus 8. PUPA, Drap. ( Gastrodon, Lowe.) Pupa umbilicata. Pupa umbilicata [var.], Drap., Tabl. des Moll. 58 (1801) Helix anconostoma, Lowe, Cambr. Phil. S. Trans, iv. 62. t. 6. f. 30 (1831) Pupa anconostoma, Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 208 (1 854) Alb., Mai. Mad. 61. t. 15. f. 19-22 (1854) Morel., Hist. Nat. des Acor. 198 (1860) umbilicata, Paiva, Mon. Moll. Mad. 120 (1867) anconostoma, Mouss., Faun. Mai. des Can. 123 (1872) umbilicata, Melliss, St. Hel. 122 (1875) Watson, Journ. de Conch. 223 (1876) Habitat in intermediis insulse, prsecipue cultis; vulga- tissima. It is under its rather smaller form (with a less developed ventral plait), which was described by Mr. Lowe as the P. an- conostoma, that this common European Pupa occurs at St. Helena ; and it is this particular aspect of the shell, which how- ever passes by imperceptible gradations into the normal one, which abounds so greatly in the Madeiran, Canarian, and Azorean archipelagos : indeed I am extremely doubtful whether, Pfeiffer's P. Dohrni, from the Cape Verdes, is more in reality than another slight geographical modification of the selfsame type. We may be almost sure that the present Pupa must origi- nally have been introduced into the island, perhaps in the earth used for the packing of shrubs and plants ; but, be this as it may, it now absolutely swarms in the intermediate cultivated districts, such as Plantation, Thompson's Wood, &c., where, while sifting for Coleoptera, I have taken it in countless multi- tudes. The first St. Helena notice of it with which I am ac- quainted was by the late Mr. Benson (Ann. Nat. Hist, for April, 1851 ; and for December, 1856), who met with it in 1832 ' be- tween Plantation House, and Stitch's Ridge ' ; and it was found subsequently by Mr. E. L. Layard, while halting at the island en route to the Cape of Good Hope, c under stones, in damp places, about Napoleon's Tomb.' Mr. Benson was inaccurate when he cited it as ' the smaller variety of the Pupa ancono- stoma, Lowe,' for it is the regular and typical state of that SAINT HELENA. 555 shell ; had he said ' the smaller variety of the Pupa umbilicata, Drap., known as the P. anconostomaj he would have been nearer the truth. Genus 9. ACHATINA, Lam. ( Acicula, Risso.) Achatina Veru. Achatina Veru, Bens., Ann. Nat. Hist, xviii. 435 (1856) Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iv. 615 (1859) Habitat humidos in inferioribus insulse ; in horto publico ad Jamestown, una cum Stenogyra compressilabri, Bens., a cl. E. L. Layard semel lecta. A single example of this little Achatina was found by Mr. E. L. Layard in the public garden at the entrance to Jamestown, in company with the Helix pulchella, Mull., and the Steno- gyra compressilabris, Bens. ; and it is far from unlikely that both species may have been accidentally imported into the island, along with consignments of plants, and subsequently become naturalized. It appears to belong to the same type as the European A. acicula, Mull, (found equally in the Madeiran and Canarian archipelagos), and the A. spiculum, Bens. (= A. amo3nitatum, Dohrn), from the Cape Verdes. Mr. Benson, in his remarks on the A. Veru, says: 'It is deficient in the lucid transparency and the peculiar slenderness of the A. spiculum. The proportions of these two shells [i.e. the A. spiculum and the A. Veru] differ from those of their allies, the A. acicula and the A. Hohenwarti, neither of which can compete with the former two in slenderness.' The extreme length of the A. Veru seems to be about 2 lines. Fam. 3. SUCCINEID^E. Grenus 10. SUCCINEA/Drap. Succinea Sanctae-Helense. Helisiga St. Helena, Lesson, Voy. Coq. ii. (1) 316. t. 15. f. 1 (1830) Succinea St. Helena3, Pfei/., Symb. ii. 132 (1842) Id., Mon. Hel. ii. 518 (1848) Helisiga SanctaB-Helenaa, Melliss, St. Hel. 119. pi. 22. f. 1 (1875) Habitat in regionibus elevatis insulse, ad folia Compositarum arborescentium copiosissime adhserens. 556 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. This and the S. picta are the largest of the island Succineas (measuring from about 7 to 8 lines in their greatest length, with an altitude of about 3), the S. Sanctce-Helence being emi- nently characteristic of the most elevated portions of the central heights, where it swarms on the foliage of the various species of Cabbage-tree about Diana's Peak, Actseon, and Stitch's Ridge. In the more western parts, however, of the great medial crater- wall, around High Peak, its place seems to be taken by the very closely allied form which I have cited as the S. picta, Pfeiff. Apart from its large stature (when fully matured), the S. Sanctce-Helence may be known by its perfectly enormous basal volution and aperture, and its extremely minute, papilliform spire. Its transverse lines of growth are coarse but very irre- gular ; its substance (as in most of the Succineas) is thin, flexible, and pellucid ; its surface is generally very uneven, and slightly shining ; and its colour (as is equally the case in the animals) is either of a pale yellowish- or olivaceo-corneous, or else of a warm and clear reddish-brown. I am indebted to the Rev. R. B. Watson for making me a most careful tracing of this noble Succinea from the original plate which is given by Lesson ; and had there been any doubt concerning the identification (which the extreme accuracy of the outline renders impossible), it would at once have been dis- pelled by the recorded habitat - c dans les feuilles des Cabbage- trees, ou Solidago, stir la montagne de Diana ' ; this particular species being the only one, so far as I am aware, which ascends to the highest points of the Diana-Peak ridge, where, more- over, as just stated, it literally abounds. Succinea picta. Succinea picta, Pfeiff., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 133 (1849) imperialis, Bens., Ann. Nat. Hist. 262 (1851) picta, Pfeiff., Mon. Hel. iii. 12 (1853) rudorina, Melliss [nee 6 Gould'~\, St. Hel. 119 (1875) Habitat in locis similibus ac prsecedens, sed magis versus occidentem insulse ; folia Compositarum ad ' High Peak ' de- struens. I am in very great doubt whether this large Succinea should be regarded in reality as anything more than a slight local phasis of the S. Sanctce-Helence, peculiar to the more western portions of the great central ridge, where on the foliage of the Cabbage-trees which clothe the inner and precipitous slopes of High Peak it does precisely the same work of destruction as that species does in the direction of Diana's Peak and Actseon. SAINT HELENA. 567 Unfortunately the distinctions between the Succineas, in most parts of the world, are often so trifling that, unless we are pre- pared to make a tabula rasa of an overwhelming proportion of them, we have practically no choice left but to acknowledge, as specific, characters which would be utterly valueless in other departments of the Helicidce ; and, in the present instance, whe- ther I am right or wrong in recording the S. picta as a true species ( a point which perhaps can never absolutely be set- tled), it will be admitted at any rate to be a distinguishable form, and one which, as such, ought not to be entirely ignored. My own unbiassed judgment would probably lead me to cite it as a mere local aspect of the S. Sanctce-Helence ; but since I take it to be the particular shell which Pfeiffer had in view as the ' S. picta ' (concerning which he adds ' Habitat Diana's Peak ins. St. Helenas '), and Mr. Melliss as the ' S. rudorina,' I prefer to give it the advantage of the doubt and to register it as separate. 1 As regards mere length, the S. picta does not differ appre- ciably from the Sanctce-Helence, the larger example measuring as much as 7^ or even 8 lines ; but when viewed en masse, it will be seen to be just perceptibly narrower in outline, its basal volution being a trifle less inflated (or more laterally compressed) in front ; and its spire, although small, is longer and more de- veloped. Its aperture, too, is, in proportion, slightly more elongated and obliquely produced ; its surface, which is perhaps somewhat more evenly striate, has indications of a few obsolete, fragmentary, remote, broken-up spiral lines or impressions ; and its colour is usually of the dark reddish corneous-brown which characterises the less pallid state of the Sanctce-Helence. Succinea Bensoniana. Succinea Bensoniana, Forbes, Journ. Zool. Soc. viii. 198. t. 5. f. 7 (1852) asperula, Pfeiff., Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 326 (1856) Id., Mon. Eel. iv. 812 (1859) Bensoniana, Id., ibid. 818 (1859) asperula, Melliss, St. Hel. 119 (1875) picta, Id. [nee Pfeiff.'], ibid. 119 (1875) helense, Id. [nee Forbes], ibid. 119 (1875) solidula, Id. [nee Pfeiff.], ibid. 119 (1875) 1 Mr. Melliss, however, clearly made some mistake in referring it to the S. rudwina of < Gould,' tor I cannot perceive that Gould ever published a Stteeinea under that title. He has a * S. pudorinaj but that is not a St. Helena shell at all, but one which occurs in the Sandwich Islands. 558 TEST ACE A ATLANTICA. Habitat in intermediis ac subelevatis insulse, et recens et semifossilis. Species statura et soliditate valde inconstans, sc. in locis humidis plerumque major fortiusque colorata, sed in aridis inferioribus minor, multo fragilior, pallidior, et ssepe indumento lutoso vestita. After a very careful comparison of a vast array of Succineas from many different parts of the island (chiefly, however, of an intermediate altitude), I have come to the conclusion that it is quite impossible, despite the opposite appearance of their ex- tremes^ to uphold any of them as specifically distinct from the remainder ; though I believe that they have been quoted, in isolated papers and monographs, under at least five or six dif- ferent names, if not more. The fact is, the examples from nearly every locality seem to have some . little feature of their own, mere size and solidity, within certain reasonable limits, and the greater or less development of the subapical whorls (and the consequent length of the spire), as specific characters, counting absolutely for nothing. Indeed so completely do the many phases of this Protean shell merge imperceptibly into each other that it is scarcely practicable to treat any of them as even, definite and well-marked ' varieties ' ; and I can only mention, therefore, in a broad and general way, that specimens from dis- tricts which are much dried up, and denuded of their original wood, are smaller, and thinner in substance, as well as paler in hue, than those from damper and more elevated ones where the shell has been more perfectly matured, and that they have also a greater tendency to coat themselves over (as though to com- pensate for the deficiency in substance) with a hardened enve- lope of dirt. Examples in this latter condition will sometimes adhere to the faces of the rocks, their additional covering appearing not only to defend them from the rays of the sun, but likewise to conceal them from the depredations of the St. Helena plover, or 'Wire-Bird' (jEgialitis 8anctce-Helence, Harting), which is very partial to them as food. This is expressly alluded to by Mr. Melliss, who has informed me that individuals of the latter which were obtained by himself and Mr. E. L. Layard at New Ground (below Plantation) were observed, on being opened, to have their crops filled with examples of this small race of the Succinea. I cannot agree with him however in quoting that particular phasis of the shell under a distinct title ; and still less could I affiliate 4t with the ' S. solidula ' of Pfeiffer, be- cause on referring to Pfeiffer's original diagnosis of the latter, which was drawn-out from a specimen in the collection of the late Mr. Cuming, I find that he was absolutely ignorant of the country from whence it came, and that there is consequently no SAINT HELENA. 559 shadow of evidence for us to assume that it was from St. Helena at all ; a fact which lie again endorses in no less than two sub- sequent volumes of his Monograph, adding ' Hob. ? ' both in 1853 and in 1876. In the arid regions of only a moderate altitude which were once densely clothed with gum woods, such as Thompson's Wood, West Lodge, and Peak Gut, the shell is often so very thin and fragile that it is scarcely possible to get the animal out of it ; and also on the now exposed sides of Flagstaif Hill (from whence it was described by Pfeiffer under the name of S. asperula, and where it is also equally common in a subfossilized condition) it is likewise seldom very robust. The subfossil examples however have often their spire rather more lengthened and developed (though by no means always so) than the recent ones, not only on Flagstaff and Sugarloaf, but likewise on the Barn and in the cutting of the Sidepath-road (between James- town and Longwood ) above the Briars. Although just able to exist in the now barren districts to which I have called attention, the present Succinea (like most of the members of the genus) is far more at home in damp ones, delighting in even the dampest of all, when they are to be had. Thus at the edge of the waterfall below the Briars Mr. P. Whitehead has met with it in the dripping vegetation and mud, such as might form the proper habitat of a Limncea ; though, singularly enough, highly developed as it was in con- sequence, examples which he took on the drier and more ele- vated Eock Kose Hill, on the opposite side of the island, are scarcely distinguishable from them. And this latter fact leads me to suspect that the shells which Mr. Melliss mentions as strewing the ground beneath the shrubs of the native boxwood (Mellissia begonifolia) in the adjoining locality of Longrange are nothing more than large and well-matured ones of this same species. At any rate it cannot be right to refer them, as he has done, to the S. picta of Pfeiffer (the imperialis of Benson), because in turning to Pfeiffer 's description, we find that not only is the S. picta very much larger in stature (quite equalling the Sanctce-Helence as regards length), but that its habitat is ' Diana's Peak,' thus shewing, I think unmistakeably, that it belongs to the species, or form, from High Peak, &c., which I have already noticed, and which Mr. Melliss has cited as the ' S. rudorina, Grould.' The S. Bensoniana is the only Succinea which I have yet seen in a subfossil condition ; and since it has lingered on to modern times, it would seem to be as plastic in its habits as it is in its substance and outward configuration. Although the larger examples, as regards size, nearly treble the smaller ones 660 TEST ACE A ATLANTICA. (those now before me varying from about 2J lines to 6J), never- theless even the most highly perfected ones are very much smaller than those of the picta and Sanctce-Helence ; added to which, its normal range must be considered, on the whole, to be within the ' intermediate,' rather than the loftiest, districts. SAINT-HELENA CATALOGUE, LIMA.CID.E. Limax, Linn, gagates, Drap. HELICIDJE. Hyalina, Gray. (lAitilla, Lowe) * spurca, Sow. dianse, Pfeiff. cellaria, Mull, alliaria, Mill. (Conulus, Fitz.) Mellissii, Woll. Patula, Held. (Endodonta, Pfeiff.) * Ulamellata, Sow. * biplicata, Sow. Cutteri, Pfeiff. * polyodon, Sow. (Acanthinula, Beck.) pusilla, Lowe Helix, Linn. ( Vallonia, Kisso) pulchella, Miill. (Pomatia, Beck) aspersa, Miill. Bulimus, Scop. (PseudacJiatina, Pfeiff.) * exulatus (Bens.), Reeve Pfeiff.) * Helena, Q. et GL * fossilis, Sow. * Sealeianus, Forbes * Blofeldi, Forbes (Pachyotus, Beck) * dwis-vulpina, Chemn. d. [normalis] ^8. subspiralis, Woll. 7. obliterates, Woll. Forbes Subulina, Seek. melariioides, Woll. * subjilicata, Sow. * terebellum, Sow. Stenogyra, Shitttl. compressilabris, Bens. Pupa, Drop. Lowe) umbilicata, Drap. )3. anconostoma, Lowe Achatina, Lam. (Acieula, Eisso) Veru, Bens. SUCCINEIDJE. Succinea, Drap. Sanctse-Helenas, Lesson picta, Pfeiff. * Bensoniana, Forbes 561 SUMMARY. ALTHOUGH the species, pertaining to the whole of the archipe- lagos, which are included in this catalogue, amount to 440, nevertheless when the other forms, which have been treated as ' varieties ' are taken likewise into account, the entire number is raised to 558. I think it desirable to draw particular atten- tion to this, because the mere fact of allowing certain organisms to be registered as species and others as varieties, however con- scientiously our conclusions may be arrived at, does not neces- sarily imply that they fulfil the absolute conditions, in every single instance, which we believe to be involved in those terms. For although it is true that we use our utmost endeavours so to sift the evidence, in each individual case, as to arrive ulti- mately at a just conclusion, it is by no means demonstrable that we are always successful in the attempt ; from which it would appear to follow, that in a geographical enumeration like the one which constitutes the subject-matter of the present volume, every form which is sufficiently well defined to be easily recognized should be punctiliously pointed out, whatever be the rank which we may think attaches to it ; and, having done our best to indicate the affinities, and therefore the cor- rect systematic position, of each separate form, we may fairly be content to regard our own precise views on the abstract ques- tion of ' varieties ' and ' species ' as binding upon no naturalist who is not willing to accept them. I would desire, however, not to be misunderstood, for these remarks are by no means intended to insinuate that the lines of demarcation between species, when correctly interpreted, are ever, in my opinion, really confused or doubtful (the exact opposite having always been my firm belief) ; but for us to determine them aright is quite another matter, and I am willing therefore to admit that we may often be seriously mistaken in our endeavours to decy- pher them. And it is on this account, more emphatically, that I would wish to give a prominence almost as great to the many forms which I have assumed, throughout the present treatise, to represent varieties, as to those which seem better looked upon (so far as I am able to judge) as species, properly so called. o o 662 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. There cannot be much question that our knowledge of the Land-Shells is still very imperfect for some of the archipelagos which are included in this memoir. This is notably the case with that of the Cape Verdes, which can scarcely be regarded as more than fragmentary ; and there is clearly, also, much yet to be done in the Azorean Group. The Madeiras have un- doubtedly had the greatest attention bestowed upon them; but, apart from this fact, the truly ' Atlantic ' element may be said to attain its maximum in that particular cluster, which is more densely stocked with types not only of a more isolated and peculiar character than is the case in the other islands, but apparently quite aboriginal. At the Canaries a wide field still remains practically to be investigated ; yet the recent researches of many naturalists have contributed largely to the information which has been accumulating gradually concerning them. True it is that the absolute species which have hitherto been detected there are not fewer than those which have been brought to light in the Madeiran archipelago being, in point of fact, a little in advance ; but then the superficial area over which they range is very much more extensive, and the altitude of the mountains (the Peak of Teneriffe being upwards of 12,000 feet above the sea) is considerably greater, so that a nearly equal number of specific modifications in the two Groups does not by any means imply an equal redundancy in their faunas ; added to which, we have not the same array, at the Canaries, of the varietal de- velopments (hardly less significant than the actual 'species') which constitute so marked a feature at the Madeiras. As for St. Helena, which is but a single island and in a state of great deterioration, there is every reason to suspect that the species which have been ascertained to occur there (and principally in a subfossil condition) will never be very materially augmented ; though perhaps, when the deposits which contain the shells, more or less semifossilized (and which must have lived at a comparatively recent period), have been more fully examined, the extinct fauna may still be increased by a few stray members. A glance f>t the general catalogue will shew that, up to the present date, the forms, in the respective archipelagos, which I have looked upon as specific ones are embodied in the following numbers : Azores . . . . .71 Madeiras . . . .176 Salvages .... 8 Canaries . . . .189 Cape Verdes . . . .41 St. Helena 29 SUMMARY. 66 I have already directed attention to the fact that when the European and more distinctly ' Mediterranean'' forms have been removed, and the catalogue has been cleared of everything but what we may be permitted to call its ' Atlantic element,' the actual species which range beyond the limits of a single archipelago are marvellously few, about 4 or 5 being common to the Madeiras and Azores, about 5 or 6 to the Madeiras and Canaries, and about 1 to the Canaries and Cape Verdes ; whilst between the Azores and Canaries there are only about 5, and between the Madeiras and Cape Verdes about 1. Moreover there are strong reasons for suspecting that some even of these (perhaps indeed most of them) may have been accidentally transported amongst the islands, through indirect human agen- cies, at a comparatively recent date ; so that we are driven to conclude that, so far as the absolute species are concerned, of which their aboriginal faunas are respectively made up, the Groups are practically almost independent of each other. And yet, in spite of this, I have had occasion to insist more than once upon the many characteristic types which, under the aspect of totally different but nevertheless allied species, per- meate to a greater or less extent the entire * province,' giving to it an amount of unity , through its several component parts, which it is scarcely possible not to recognize. As they have already been enumerated in detail, I need not recapitulate them ; but we may just call to mind how that the Janulus section of Patula crops up at the Madeiras and Canaries, but has no re- presentative at the Azores and Cape Verdes, how the Helici- deous department Leptaxis is dominant in the Azores, Madeiras, and Cape Verdes, and yet does not exist at the Canaries, how the Discula group, which attains its maximum in the Madeiras, extends feebly to the Canaries but is absent from the Azores and Cape Verdes, how the curious genus Craspedopoma puts in an appearance in the three northern archipelagos, but has no exponent in the southern one, how the Azores and Canaries harbour the minute Hydroccena, which nevertheless does not occur at the Madeiras, and how an essentially c Atlantic ' type of Pupa is scattered broadcast over the whole region. Such facts as these, and many others of a like nature, betoken an individuality of the district which cannot well be ignored, even whilst the actual species (of a truly Atlantic character) which wander beyond the limits of a single cluster are so few in number as to be well-nigh inappreciable. The latter circum- stance, however, is quite in harmony with the perfectly mar- vellous segregation which is so conspicuous in most of the archipelagos, particularly in the Madeiran and Canarian ones, an overwhelming proportion of the species being confined to o o 2 564 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. single islands^ and not having colonized even their respective Groups. In allusion to this subject, I mentioned at p. 58, that, out of the 176 Pulmoniferous Gastropods which have been ascertained to inhabit the Madeiras, 5 only are found on the whole five islands of the assemblage ; and I may add that out of a somewhat greater number at the Canaries, only two ^namely the European H. lenticula, Fer., and the H. Ian- cerottensis, W. et B., which latter occurs likewise on the oppo- site coast of Morocco) have been shewn as yet to be universal. 1 There may doubtless be many explanations, perhaps equally plausible, of these phenomena; but I must confess that none commends itself so thoroughly to my mind as the possible breaking-up of a land which was once more or less continuous, and which had been intercolonized along ridges and tracts (now lost beneath the ocean , which brought into comparatively inti- mate connection many of its parts, even whilst others, though topographically near at hand, were separated by channels which served practically to keep them very decidedly asunder. It is on some such principle as this that I would account for the Canaries appearing to be not only as widely removed from the Madeiras as perhaps even the Cape Verdes are, but (while 1 Although I believe the same principle of segregation to be indicated in a scaraely less degree at the Azores, yet since I have not myself collected in that Group, and am bound therefore by the published statements of MM. Morelet and Drouet, I have had no choice but to register as universal every species to which they append the observation, 'Habite tend V archipel.' 1 Con- sidering, however, that they never visited the island of S. Jorge at all, and there is internal evidence that this expression is employed in the loosest possible manner, I must be excused if I should fail to be convinced, in every single instance, of its absolute truth. For whilst, out of the 176 species (aboriginal and naturalized) which have been met with at the Madeiras, five only are found on the whole five islands of the Group ; and whilst out of the 189 at the Canaries (which are composed of seven islands), only two have as yet been proved to be universal, it is preposterous to suppose that the seventy-one species to which the Azorean fauna was brought up by Morelet and Drouet should include no less than twenty-three which were detected by them (and that too in the course of a single expedition, occupying but five months) on the whole nine islands of an archipelago which is far more .widely scattered than either of those to which I have just called attention. And yet this is what we are compelled to acknowledge if their oft-repeated assertion, embodied in the expression ' Habite tout 1'archipel,' is to be looked upon as undeniably true. To my own mind it is almost certain, not that MM. Morelet and Drouet had unmistakeable evidence, in each individual case, that the particular species which is thus reported had been ascertained positively to exist on the whole nine detachments of an assemblage the parts of which are so difficult of access, and so remotely dispersed, as the Azores ; but rather that, having met with it on an appreciable number of the islands, they merely thought that it must be found upon the rest, and so did not scruple to register it as occurring 'dans toutes les iles.' But whether this is to be received as conclusive, and as necessarily in accordance with facts, the much more carefully compiled statistics of the neighbouring archipelagos (the Madfiiran data having been arrived at from researches which extend over a period of nearly fifty years) may perhaps serve to teach us. SUMMARY. 665 further to the south) to possess a fauna in which the ' Medi- terranean ' element is much more traceable. This latter cir- cumstance, which is shadowed forth likewise by the Coleop- terous statistics, is by no means a fanciful one, whole groups which are indicative (more or less) of Mediterranean countries, but which have no single representative elsewhere in these sub- African archipelagos, being quite at home at the Canaries. Thus the section Hemicycla of the genus Helix, which does not even put in an appearance at the Azores, Madeiras, and Cape Verdes, has no less than 37 exponents (indeed probably more) at the Canaries ; and the same might be said of the section Turricula, Beck, which is so strongly developed on the opposite coast of Morocco. Cydostoma, too (as distinguished from Craspedopoma\ is dominant in nearly all the Canarian islands, while totally absent from the other Groups ; and it is only in the Canarian cluster that the Mediterranean genera Parmacella and Leucochroa have been brought to light. Moreover several of the European types, of a submaritime habit and a widely acquired range, which occur equally in the other archipelagos, and which I had eliminated from the general catalogue (as with- out signification) when discussing the purely Atlantic element in the faunas, seem to possess a significance at the Canaries which they can hardly be said to do in the neighbouring clus- ters, having the appearance there of being positively in- digenous, rather than naturalized. Thus, unless I am greatly mistaken, the Helix lenticula, Fer., and the Stenogyra de~ r collata, Linn., are found in Fuerteventura and Grand Canary in a genuinely subfossilized condition, as are also the latter and the Helix impugnata, Mouss; (which is scarcely more than an ex- treme development of the H. pisana\ in Lanzarote. Facts like these render it at least probable that the particular forms to which I am alluding, and which are usually defined as ' Medi- terranean ' ones, have not been introduced into at any rate the Canarian islands since the occupation of the latter by man, and indeed that their presence there is due to natural causes, opera- ting at a remote epoch, such, for instance, as a slow system of migration over a continuous land, stretching in a north-easterly direction along what is now the coast of Morocco. At all events some such connective tract would answer the requirements of the present fauna, and solve many a problem which it is other- wise difficult to interpret. How this theory may be brought to bear upon the principle of segregation^ as now witnessed in so many of the archipelagos, it might perhaps be worth while to pause for a few moments to enquire ; for it seems to me that if a more or less continuous land, which may be supposed to have occupied this particular 566 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. region of the Atlantic, was ever broken up at all, we can hardly even contemplate a disruption on a scale so gigantic except through the medium of some catastrophe to which the various processes of disintegration with which we are acquainted give us no kind of clue, and offer no parallel. But if cataclysms, as such, can be permitted to form a portion (whether at stated intervals I need not stop to consider) of the geological record, it is quite clear that the depression of certain tracts, and the up- heaval of others, would produce an amount of disturbance in the fauna which could not fail to shew itself in some way or other which would afterwards become more or less decypherable ; and I cannot conceive much difficulty in picturing the kind of change which might be brought about by the isolation of a cluster of individuals on a small rock, destined henceforth to become the habitat of a race which would, we may feel well- nigh certain, rapidly mature for itself some slight distinguishing mark. I say ' rapidly,' (1) because the very fact of a great and sudden alteration in the surrounding influences would almost imply & corresponding one (however insignificant comparatively) in the organisms which had been thus cut-off abruptly from their fellows, ' a corresponding one," moreover, which there is no reason to suspect might not be consummated in the course of a few generations ; and (2) because there is the strongest evi- dence for concluding that no modifying process, whether pro- gressive or retrograde, is going on at the present moment, for it has not made itself so much as appreciable since even the sub- fossil period ; so that whatever trifling varieties, or departures from a central type, are now to be traced, were, in all proba- bility, brought about quickly, and as the mere natural result of a change in the conditions of the respective areas which their progenitors had severally overspread. Considering how unmistakeable the evidence is for the variability (in this particular sense) of many of the Atlantic types which we have lately been discussing, a ' variability ' so decided that a slightly different phasis has been assumed, in certain of the archipelagos, for nearly every separate island, and sola ted rock, it may sound perhaps somewhat paradoxical to peak, nevertheless, of their apparent freedom from further c hange ; and yet if there is one fact more distinctly shadowed forth than another, it is, without doubt, their present stability. It may be perfectly true that, when viewed from a geological standpoint, the various deposits in which the shells are found to occur more or less subfossilized are comparatively recent ; but since there is every reason to suspect that a vast change both in the conditions and extent of the surrounding districts has been brought about sinoe the epoch of their formation ( a change SUMMARY. 567 so radical as to lead to the belief that some of them were pro- bably matured previous to the breaking-up of the intervening land), we have at any rate a monstrous period at our disposal from which to judge whether any modifications have been effected in the outward contour of the several forms ; and, after the most rigid and conscientious enquiry, I am bound to add that the ; developments,' so-called, which might well be sup- posed to have been slowly elaborated, are (if any) simply inap- preciable. Here and there a species may present itself which would seem to have degenerated as regards the mere size of the individuals which compose it ; but there is nothing to warrant the idea of any gradually advancing movement (however in- finitesimal) ; and indeed even in the few instances to which I have just called attention, it is fairly open for enquiry whether the two aspects of the shell were not, after all, contempo- raneous, the smaller one having only taken the place of the larger, in point of individual numbers, in more modern times. It would appear therefore as if we were driven to the con- clusion that these numerous phases of certain central, dominant types (such as are observable, for instance, in the sections Dis- cula, Coronaria, and Leptaxis) were brought about in the comparatively remote past, and in obedience to circumstances which may or may not have been exceptional, but which never- theless answer better to what are commonly called ' catas- trophes ' (though perhaps wrongly so) than to anything else. And here it will immediately be perceived how the doctrine of excessive segregation dovetails-in (as it were) with that of the sudden breaking-up of a more or less continuous tract and the rapid after-elaboration of colonies which may be termed 'in- sular,' and which are characterized (to a greater or less extent) by certain distinctive marks too often looked upon as neces- sarily specific ones. But these and kindred problems are so purely speculative that it will perhaps suffice to have merely glanced at one or two of them, in order to direct attention to the kind of evi- dence which may hereafter prove to have been an unsuspected, but nevertheless appreciable, item towards their solution. 5C8 GENERAL CATALOGUE. N.B. In the following catalogue I .have not considered it necessary to indicate which of the species have been found subf ossilized, except in those particular instances where they have been observed only in that state, under which circumstances they must be looked upon practically as extinct. The names of those in this latter predicament have not only an asterisk (*) prefixed to them, but are also printed in italics. MOLLUSCA. GASTROPODA (PULMONOBBANCHIATA). Sectio I. INOPEBCULATA. LIMACID.E. Arion, Fer. ater, Linn. AM f uscatus, Fer .A subfuscus, Drap. A Limax, Linn. gagates, Drap. . . . , . .AM maximus, Linn. AM flavus, Linn. AM agrestis, Linn ..AM sp ' , canariensis, d'Orb polyptyelus, Bourg noctilucus, d'Orb Viquesnelia, Desh. atlantica, Morel. ..... A TESTACELLIDJE. Plectrophorus. Orbignyi, Fer. . . . * ., * Testacella, Cuv. Maugei, Fer ..AM haliotidea, Drap M Parmacella, Cuv. calyculata, Sow. o. [normalis] . . . . ft. auriculata, Mouss. . . % callosa, Mouss , GENERAL CATALOGUE. .569 VITRINID.E. Vitrina, Drop. ruivensis (Couth.), Gould . marcida, Gould . Lamarckii, Fer. . . nitida, Gould canariensis, Mouss. brumalis, Morel, mollis, Morel, brevispira, Morel, finitima, Morel. . . angulosa, Morel, reticulata, Mouss. . . latebasis, Mouss. laxata, Morel. Blauneri, Shuttl. pelagica, Morel, sp HELICIDJE. Hyalina, Gray. (Radiolus, Woll.) volutella, Pf eiff. . . . . .A miguelina, Pfeiff. ..... A (Lyra, Mouss.) circumsessa, Shuttl. . '. . osoriensis, Woll. .... lenis, Shuttl (Lutilla, Lowe) * spurea, Sow - . dianse, Pfeiff. . . . *. '. cellaria, Miill. a. [normalis] . . . ' . . .AM /8. canariae, Mouss. alliaria, Mill. . . vermiculum, Lowe , " . . (Oryttatku, Lowe) crystallina, Miill. a. [normalis] ......AM ]8. fuerteventurse, Woll. . (Conulus, Fitz.) Mellissii, Woll f ulva, Miill. ...... A (Helicella, Beck.) atlantica, Morel. ..... A (Vermetum, Woll.) festinans, Shuttl scintilla, Lowe M (Nautilinus, Mouss.) Clymene, Shuttl. . Leucochroa, Beck. ultima, Mouss. ..... pressa, Mouss accola, Mouss Patula, Held, (lulus, Woll.) gorgonarum, Dohrn 570 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. o. [normalis] . )8. minor, Dohrn Bouvieri, Morel. > Bertholdiana, Pfeiff. . garachicoensis, Woll. a. [normalis] . )8. submarmorata, Woll. deflorata, Lowe . (Janulus, Lowe) bifrons, Lowe ...... M stephanophora, Desh. , M pompylia, Shuttl. . (Patulce normales) textilis, Shuttl. concinna, Lowe . putrescens, Lowe calathoides (Paiva), Lowe ... M Gueriniana, Lowe M rotundata, Miill. * .... A M engonata, Shuttl. retexta, Shuttl. scutula, Shuttl. (Endodonta, Pfeiff.) * bilamellata, Sow. * biplicata, Sow. Cutteri, Pfeiff. . * polyodon, Sow. (JPyrtimidulcu, Fitz.) pygmsea, Drap. ...... M placida, Shuttl. (Acanthinula, Beck) monas, Morel A pusilla, Lowe . . . . * . A M aculeata, Miill. A spinifera, Mouss. Helix, Linn. ( Vallonia, Eisso) pulchella, Miill. AM (Campy Icea, Beck) Lowei, Fer. portosanctana, Sow. a. [normalis] M )8. cimensis, Woll. (Cryptaxis, Lowe) Vulcania, Lowe a. [normalis] . 0. desertaa, Woll M leonina, Lowe o. intermedia, Woll. . . - . . M /3. [normalis] undata, Lowe . . . ... M *primceva, Morel. Katostoma, Lowe) * psammophora, Lowe .... M phlebophora, Lowe a. [normalis] . 3. planata, Lowe M y. nivosa, Sow. 5. craticulata, Lowe .... M GENERAL CATALOGUE. 571 (Iberus, Montf.) Wollastoni, Lowe a. subdubia, Woll. /J. [normalis] . < - M forensis, Woll M * digna, Mouss. . Berkeley!, Lowe (Mitra, Alb.) Webbiana, Lowe cuticula, Shuttl. (Leptaxis, Lowe) * atlantidea, Morel. . * vetusta, M. et D. . . . .A. * chrysomelU) Pfeiff. a. [normalis] M . fluctiwsa, Lowe . membranacea, Lowe ..... M furva, Lowe subroseotincta, Woll. Bollei, Alb. leptostyla, Lowe erubescens, Lowe o. portosancti, Woll. /8. [normalis] .....AM 7. advenoides, Paiva 5. hyaena, Lowe M advena, W. et B. serta, Alb. . . . Visgeriana, Dohrn myristica, Shuttl. a. [normalis] . )8. * depressiiiscula, Woll. fogoensis, Dohrn o. [normalis] . j8. bravensis, Woll. corneovirens, Pfeiff. azorica, Alb. . ,, .A caldeirarum, Morel. * .A niphas, Pfeiff. . ' * -. .A terceirana, Morel. . A Drouetiana, Morel A (Pomatia, Beck) aspersa, Miill. a. [normalis] . . . . . .-AM /8. spumosa, Lowe . subplicata, Sow. M (Macularia, Alb.) * Moussoniana, Woll. * efferata, Mouss. lactea, Miill A gibbosobasalis, Woll. (Hemicycla, Sow.) * gravida, Mouss. sarcostoma, W. et B. Saulcyi, d'Orb. o. [normalis] . /3. temperata, Mouss. Pateliana (Shuttl.), Pfeiff. Pouchet, Fer. * desculpta. Mouss. 572 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. retrodens, Mouss modesta, Fer Bethencourtiana, Shuttl. . plicaria, Lam. ..... inutilis, Mouss. .... planorbella, Lam. a. [normalis] . . . )8. incisogranulata, Mouss. . vermiplicata, Woll Plutonia, Lowe .... * semitecta, Mouss Paivana, Morel. . . . . Villiersii, d'Orb. .... quadricincta, Morel. o. subaucta, Woll. )8. [normalis] .... saponacea, Lowe .... psathyra, Lowe .... Gaudryi, Mouss. (an d'Orb. ?) . granomalleata, Woll. . *'. * merita, Mouss. / . ' ., harmonica, Mouss. . . . t gomerensis, Morel. V . hierroensis, Grass. , * Perraudieri, Grass distensa, Mouss. .... * indifferens, Mouss Maugeana, Shuttl Guanartemes, Grass. . . consobrina, Fer. . invernicata, Mouss. . malleata, Fer. . . , '- * nivarise, Woll. . . . . . Glasiana, Shuttl. . * Fritschi, Mouss. .... (Helicomela, Lowe) * BowdicMana, Fer. . 9 ' . M punctulata, Sow. a. [normalis] . . * \ . . M j8. avellana, Lowe . ., ' * . M (Euparyplia^ Hartm.) pisana, Mull. a. ustulata, Lowe . -. . . ft. [normalis] AM 7. geminata, Mouss. . 5. Grasseti (Tarn.), Mouss. . , impugnata, Mouss. o. subgeminata, Mouss. < _ /3. [normalis] .... (Xeropliila, Held) lineata, Oliv. a. [normalis] . . . . f - ^8. herbicola (Shuttl.), Mouss. caperata, Mont. . . ' ... . M armillata, Lowe . . . ...AM conspurcata, Drap. . . .... apicina, Lam , .A * obruta, Morel. . . ,. ,,' . A lancerottensis, W. et B. a. adoptata, Mouss. GENERAL CATALOGUE. 573 ft. [normalis] 7. Orbignyi (W. et B.), d'Orb. (Plebecula, Lowe) vulgata, Lowe o. [normalis] . . . ft. deserticola, Woll. 7. giramica, Lowe . . 8. pulchra, Paiva e. saxipotens, Woll. nitidiuscula, Sow. a. [normalis] . ft. Hartungi, Alb. . (Irus, Lowe) eutropis, Shuttl. . . ,. laciniosa, Lowe . * multigranosa, Mouss. depauperata, Lowe squalida, Lowe .... * Latinea, Paiva . ... V (Spirorbula, Lowe) obtecta, Lowe . . . . latens, Lowe . . '- .- ", paupercula, Lowe . ,. .; (Placentula, Lowe) compar, Lowe . , '. s , t?eniata, W. et B. . : .. maderensis, Wood ,- .. spirorbis, Lowe ^ : . ^ ,. leptosticta, Lowe . '... '.. micromphala, Lowe . dealbata, Lowe ; . .. fictilis, Lowe , (Lyrula, Woll.) Loweana, Woll. . , .. (Aetinella, Lowe) lentiginosa, Lowe . ~ * . stellaris, Lowe . . ' . arcta, Lowe a. [normalis] ... ft. minor, Lowe . t (Mimula, Lowe) * arflinella, Lowe . , . arridens, Lowe . . '.* capsella, Lowe .... fausta, Lowe a. [normalis] .... ft. robust a, Woll. obserata, Lowe a. [normalis] .... ft. * Upartita, Woll. (Hisjridella, Lowe) leprosa, Shutll. lanosa, Mouss. horripila, M. et D. Armitageana, Lowe . pavida, Mouss (Gonogtoma, Lowe) actinophora, Lowe a. [normalis] .... ft. * descetidcHS, Woll. 574 TESTACEA ATLANTICA. crispo-lanata, Woll. hispidula, Lam. a. [normalis] ..... 0. Bertheloti, Fer. fortunata, Shuttl. beata, Woll. planaria, Lam. . . . . afficta, Fer. gomerae, Woll * discobolus, Shuttl. (Caracollina, Beck) barbula (Charp.), Rossm. . . .. .A lenticula, Fer. o. [normalis] . . . . . .AM #. * mrilis, Mouss. . . ... (Ckeilotrema, Leach) * lapitida, Linn. {)'". (Callina, Lowe) rotula, Lowe , *. . M (Caseolus, Lowe) censors, Lowe a. [normalis] . .'*--.. . . M )8. * minor, Lowe .. .. ...... . M calculus, Lowe . . . . . -*, M compacta, Lowe o. * major, Lowe . . ,. . M 0. [normalis] ........ M 7. portosanctana, Lowe . 5. * pusilla, Lowe ..... M commixta, Lowe a. [normalis] . . .; ^ . . M )8. * pusilla, Lowe . "' * , M abjecta, Lowe o. [normalis] . : * M j3. candisata, Menke . , j t M y. nesiotes, Woll. . ' , , , . , M sphaerula, Lowe o. * [narmalis] M /8. * submajor, Lowe . 4 . M 7. major, Lowe . ' . , . M (Twrricula, Beck) inops, Mouss. ..... cyclodon (W. et B.), d'Orb. ;. Despreauxii, d'Orb. a. [normalis] j8. immodica, Mouss. ... moderata, Mouss. . . " mirandae, Lowe o. [normalis] . . . . )8. nodosostriata, Mouss. (Hystricella, Lowe) * echinoderma, Woll. M echinulata, Lowe . . . M bicarinata, Sow. o. [normalis] . r ^ . )8. aucta, Woll. ^ v M * vermetiformis, Lowe . . M turricula, Lowe a. pererosa, Woll. , , M . [normalis] , , M GENERAL CATALOGUE. 675 Leacockiana, Woll. oxytropis, Lowe a. [normalis] . . * mbcarinulata, Woll. (Turritella, Woll.) cheiranthicola, Lowe o. [normalis] . ft. mustelina, Lowe (Discula, Lowe) tetrica, Paiva . , polymorpha, Lowe 0. [normalis] . j8. salebrosa, Lowe 7. poromphala, Lowe 5. Pittas, Paiva e. Alleniana, Paiva line! a, Lowe i\. arenicola, Lowe . 6. Barbosae, Paiva . 1. pulvinata, Lowe . K. papilio, Lowe X. discina, Lowe ft. Gomesiana, Paiva v. attrita, Lowe tabellata, Lowe argonaut ula, W. et B. pulverulenta, Lowe granostriata, Mouss. * morata, Mouss. * multipunctata, Mouss. testudinalis, Lowe (Tectula, Lowe) Lyelliana, Lowe a. [normalis] . . )8. gigas, Woll. Albersii, Lowe . Bulwerii, Sow. . . , tectiformis, Sow. o. [normalis] . )8. cingenda, Woll. 7. suifusa, Woll. S. * Ludoviei, Alb. {Craspedaria, Lowe) * delphinula, Lowe a. [normalis'] . fr. planispira, Paiva (Coronama, Lowe) delphinuloides, Lowe * coronata, Desh. * coronula, Lowe Grabhami, Woll. Moniziana, Paiva tiarella, W. et B. {Lemniscia^ Lowe) tumulorum, W. et B. phalerata, W. et B. . persimilis, Shuttl. o. umbilical a, Woll. /8. [normalis] oleacea, Shutti. M 576 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. a. deusta, Lowe .... ft. [normalis] .... Woodwardia (Tarn.), Mouss. Watsoniana, Woll vespertina, Morel A casmentitia, Shuttl umbicula, Shuttl monilifera, W. et B Michaudi, Desh. M calva, Lowe M galeata (Paiva), Lowe .... M lemniscata, W. et B. . . Bulimus, Scop. ventricosus, Drap. .....AM solitarius, Poir. ..... A Santa- Marian us, Morel A Hartungi, M. et D. . . . . .A vulgaris, M. et D A delibutus, M. et D. . . . . A Forbesiauus, M. et D. . . . .A pruninus, Gould . ^ . i ; . A ***** gemmula, Bens. ' . ; t ***** Guerreanus, Grass. . . . variatus, W. et B. a. rufobrunneus, Woll. . ', I ft. roccellicola, W. et B. y. [normalis] . ; i '. .A 5. subgracilior, Woll. myosotis, W. et B encaustus, Shuttl rupicola (W. et B.), Mouss. ocellatus, Mouss. ..'.'. Moquinianus, W. et B. . . f helvolus, W. et B palmensis (Mouss.), Woll. . badiosus, Fer. . . . . propinquus, Shuttl osoriensis, Woll. .... chrysaloides (Lowe), Woll. Maffioteanus, Mouss. ... * indifferent Mouss. texturatus, Mouss nanodes, Shuttl. .... bseticatus, Fer. .... Tarnerianus, Grass tabidus, Shuttl. .... anaga, Grass obesatus, Fer interpunctatus, Woll. Lowei, Woll Bertheloti, Pfeiff. a. [normalis] ft. subsimplex, Woll. savinosa, Woll. a. [normalis] ft. inflatiusculus, Woll. . Consecoanus (Fritsch), Mouss. GENERAL CATALOGUE. 577 servus, Mouss. flavo-terminatus, Woll. * * * * exulatus (Bens.), Reeve * Helena, Q. et G-. * fossilis. Sow. * Sealeianus, Forbes * Blofeldi, Forbes -!* * auris-vuljrina, Chemn. . subspiralis, Woll. 7. dbliteratuS) Woll. * i)artvimauns, Forbes Subulina, Becli. melanioides, Woll. * subfllicata, Sow. * terebellum, Sow. Stenogyra, SJvttttl. compressilabris, Bens. Goodallii, Mill, decollata, Linn, subdiapbana, King . | .' Pupa, Drap>, (Gibbulina, Beck) * macrogyra, Mouss. . dealbata, W. et B. ; . ( Truncatellina, Lowe) * linearisy Lowe molecula, Dohrn ' . , | >-' ' atomus, Shuttl. "' microspora, Lowe . " ,- (Paludinella, Lowe) limnteana, Lowe (Gastrodon, Lowe) fanalensis, Lowe umbilical a, Drap. a. [normalis] . )8. anconostoma, Lowe Dohrni, Pfeiff. o. perdubia, Woll. )8. [normalis] (Torquilla, Studer) granum, Drap. a. [normalis] . )8. bulimasformis, Lowe (Gastrocojtta, Woll.) acarus, Bens. . . , gorgonica, Dohrn o. subalutacea, Woll. . [normalis] (Scarabella, Lowe) cassida, Lowe (Liostyla, Lowe) cheilogona, Lowe vincta, Lowe irrigua, Lowe deformis, Woll. Loweana, Woll. P P 678 TESTACEA ATLANTIC A. a. [normalis] ...... j8. transiens, Woll, < < . A A A A A A A M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M C C C C V H cassidula, Lowe . concinna, Lowe .... laurinea, Lowe . .... tessellata, Morel. . . ..""'. * Wollastoniy Paiva .... sphinctostoma, Lowe a. rupestris, Lowe .... laevigata, Lowe . . . , recta, Lowe . . ..." . macilenta, Lowe . . . . ". (Oraticula, Lowe) millegrana, Lowe .- . . corneocostata, Woll. )8. resticula, Woll. .... relevata, Woll. ferraria, Lowe monticola, Lowe a. [normalis] j8. pumilio, Woll calathiscns, Lowe mgulosa, Morel. . . ,. ., vermiculosa, Morel. ..... (Alvearella, Lowe) (Mastula, Lowe) lamellosa, Lowe (Stcuvrodon, Lowe) Clausilia, Drop. crispa, Lowe o. [normalis] deltostoma, Lowe )8. [normalis] ; y. obesiuscula, Lowe ... * 8. depauperata, Lowe .... exigua, Lowe . . . < , Balea, Pridx. Achatina, Lam. (Adcula, Risso) spiculum, Bens. . - . '. Veru, Bens. . . . eulima, Lowe . . , GENERAL CATALOGUE. 570 (Cochlicojm, Fer.) lubrica, Mull. a. [normalis] )8. maderensis, Lowe Lovea, Watson. (Ferussacia, Kisso) folliculus, Gron. .... M Reissi, Mouss valida, Mouss Fritschi, Mouss. .... lanzarotensis, Mouss. o. [normalis] 0. tumidula, Woll. attenuata, Mouss. a. major, Woll. .... /8. [normalis] vitrea, W. et B. a. [normalis] ..... ft. submajor, Woll. Leacockiana, Lowe ..... M FusilliiSi Lowe) gracilis, Lowe M terebella, Lowe o. subula, Lowe ..... M . [normalis] M oryza, Lowe a. [normalis] M )8. tuberculata, Lowe .... M triticea, Lowe M (Amphorella, Lowe) melampoides, Lowe ..... M tornatellina, Lowe M mitriformis, Lowe a. maderensis, Lowe .... M j8. [normalis] M producta, Lowe M iridescens. Woll. ..... M (Cyliclmidea, Lowe) ovuliformis, Lowe o. [normalis] M )8. pseudopsis, Woll M * cylichna, Lowe M AUKICULID.E. CarycMum, Mull. minus, Fer. Pedipes, Adans. afra, Gmel. A M s Melampus, Montf. exiguus, Lowe MS flavus, Gmel Auricula, Lam. aequalis, Lowe o. rufocastanea, Woll M )S. [normalis] MS 7. albescens, Woll. .... s 5. Vulcani, Morel A M s Walsoni, Woll. 680 TEST ACE A ATLANTIC A. a. [normalis] M )8. scrobiculata, Woll. gracilis, Lowe AM Paivana, Pfeiff. .... bicolor, Morel. a. [normalis] A )8. subarmata, Woll. .... A SUCCINEID.ffi. Succinea, Drap. Sanctie-Helenge, Lesson picta, Pfeiff Bensoniana, Forbes .... Lowei, Dohrn Wollastoni, Dohrn . LIMN.ffiID.ffi. , Limnsea, Drap. auricularia, Linn. )8. ribeirensis, Reib. . , , ovata, Drap. )8. Stubeli, Reib truncatula, Miill. i. . . , . M Physa, Drap. acuta, Drap. ...... M canariensis, Bourg. . . . , Forskalii, Ehrenb. . -,;' f ^ \ '" Planorbis, Guett. glaber, Jeffr. ...... M Reissi, Mouss. , , coretus, Desh Ancylus, Geoffr. striatus, Q. et G. a. [normalis] M ^8. depauperatus, Woll. .... M rupicola (Shuttl.), Mouss. . Milleri, Dohrn . . , . . Seotio II. OPEECULATA. CYCLOSTOMATIDJE. Cyclostoma, Montf. elegans, Miill laevigatum, W. et B. ... canariensis, d'Orb. o. palmensis, Woll. , #. raricosta, Woll. .... 7. insequalis, Woll. 5. lanzarotensis, Woll. . e. adjunct us, Mouss. CYCLOPHORID^. Craspedopoma, Pfeiff. lucidum, Lowe a. [normalis] , GENERAL CATALOGUE. 581 ft. flavescens, Lowe .... 7. neritoides, Lowe .... Monizianum, Lowe hespericum, M. et D. Lyonnetianurti, Lowe .... trochoideum, Lowe costatum, Shuttl. . . . . A M M M M M c TRUNCATELLID.E. Truncatella, Risso. truncatula, Drap. a. [normalis] M M 3 s Lowei, Shuttl M c ASSIMINEID^:. Assiminea, Leach. littorina, Delle Chiaje t M s c HELICINID^. Hydrocsena, Parr. gutta, Shuttl. A c B. minor, Shuttl. c GASTROPODA (PECTINIBRANCHIATA). RISSOIDJE. Hydrobia, Hartm. similis, Drap. . . . . . Pleneri, Frauenf. ... . M c canariensis, Mouss. . , . acuta, Drap. . . . . MELANIID^:. Melania, Lam. tuberculata, Mull. c V v B. Tamsi, Dunk v 683 INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES. Synonyms are in Italics* Achatina Arion Buliminus acicula, 243, 456 fuscatus, 9 Mqffioteanus, 432 azorica, 49 fuscus, 9 Moquinianus, 426 cylichna, 264 7'M/ws, 8, 69 nanodes, 428, 433 eulima, 244 subfuscus, 9 myosotis, 421 exulata, 542 Assiminea obesatus, 438 folliculus, 247, 458 Uttorea, 281, 297 ocellatus, 425 gracilis, 250, 251 littorina, 281, 297, 477 propinquiis, 430 Leacociana, 249 Auricula pupa, 444 Loivei, 251 asqualis, 50, 267, 294, rupicola, 424 lubrica, 49, 245, 518 465 servus, 444 maderensis, 245, 518 bicolor, 52, 466 taUdus, 436 mitriformis, 260 bidentata, 295 Tarnerianus, 435 wyza, 253 denticulata, 51, 271 texturatus, 433 ovulifot'mis, 263 tftf^w^, 266, 293 variatus, 418 Paroliniana, 253, 255, gracilis, 51, 270 Bulimus 463 myosotis, 294 anaga, 437 producta, 261 Paivana, 295 atlanticus, 40 spiculum, 517 vesjyertitia, 51, 271 auris-vulpina, 547 siibplieata, 552 Vulcani, 50, 268, 294, badiosus, 428 subula, 251 465 bseticatus, 434 Tandoniana, 253, 463 Watsoni, 269, 294 Baniboucha, 511 terebella,, 251 Auris Bertheloti, 440. terebellum, 552 vulpina, 548 Blofeldi, 546 tornatellina, 257, 259, ^zeca chrysaloides, 431 260, 262, 464 mitriformiS) 260 compressilabris, 553 triticea, 253, 255 Paroliniana, 255 Consecoanus, 442 tubereulata, 253 cyaneus, 42 Fern, 555 Balea Darwinianus, 549 vitrea, 462 nitida, 48 decollatus, 42, 206, 446, ^4fearz perversa, 48, 242 509 tricolor, 52, 466 Buccinium, delibutus, 40 Lomeana, 51, 271 acicula, 243, 456 dif/italiS) 544 Paivana, 295 truncatulum, 272, 467 encaustus, 422 J &0&m Buliminus exulatus, 542 Parolitiiana, 255 anaga, 437 flavoterminatus, 444 Ancylus ladiosus, 429 Forbesianus, 40 aduncwt, 274, 470 bcetic-atus, 434 fossilis, 545 Jtuviatilis, 274, 470 BertJieloti, 440 gemmula, 508 Milleri, 523 Consecoanus, 443 6 f wA/i,.510 rupicola, 470 encaustus, 423 Guerreanus, 416 striatus, 274, 469 gemmiila, 508 hanncnsis, 510 Arion Giierreanus, 417 Hartungi, 38 ater, 8, 68 helvolns, 427 helena, 543 ewjriricoruM; 8, 68 intliffereftj, 3 9 . helvolus, 426 584 INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES. Bulimus Cionella indifferens, 432 vitrea, 462 interpunctatus, 438 Clausilia Lowei, 439 crispa, 238 maderensis, 245, 518 deltostoma, 239 Maffioteanus, 432 exigua, 241 Moquinianus, 425 Lowei, 240 myosotis, 420 obesiuscula, 239 nanodes, 428, 433 Coolilicopa nanus, 433 ftnbjjlicata, 552 obesatus, 437, 440 terebellum, 552 ocellatus, 424 Cochlogena osoriensis, 430 fossilis, 545 palmensis, 427 Conulus Parolinianus, 255 fulvus, 20 propinquus, 429 Craspedopoma pruninus, 42 costatum, 476 pupa, 444 hespericum, 53 relegatus, 544 lucidum, 275 roccellicola, 418 Lyonnetianum, 277 rupicola, 423 Monizianum, 276 Santa-Mananus, 38 trochoideum, 278 Sanctce-Marice, 38 Cryptella savinosa, 441 ambigua, 312 scalarioides, 445 canariensis, 312 Seleianus, 546 Cyclostoma servus, 444 acutum, 524 solitarius, 37 adjunctum, 473 subdiaphanus, 511 annulatum, 476 subplicatus, 552 canariense, 473 tabidus, 436 costatum, 476 Tarnerianus, 435 elegans, 471 terebellum, 552 flavescens, 275 Terverianus, 300, 445 liespericum, 53 texturatus, 433 Isevigatum, 472 tremulans, 42 lucidum, 275 variatus, 41, 417 Lyonnetianum, 277 ventricosus, 37, 204, Monizianum, 276 415, 507 neritoides, 275 ventrosus, 37, 204, 416, simile, 281 507 trochoideum, 278 vitreus, 462 truncatulum, 279, 296 vulgar is, 39 Wcbbii, 421 DelpMnula sulcata, 190 amcetiitatum, 517 Ferussacia nyctelia, 243 attenuata, 461 Carocolla Fritschi, 459 hispidula, 388 lanzarotensis, 460 planaria, 391 Reissi, 458 Carychium valida, 459 minus, 519 vitrea, 462 Cionella acicula, 243, 456 Glandina attenuata, 461 acicula, 243, 456 FntscM, 459 azorica, 49 lanzarotensix, 460 cylichna, 264 lieissi, 458 folliculus, 248 Tiiiidoiritinn, 253 f/racilis, 250 rulida, 459 Leacociana, 249 Grlandina lubrica, 49, 215 maderensis, 245, 518 melampoides, 257 m&riformfa, 260 oryza, 253 ovuliformis, 263 product a, 261 iuboyUndrica, 49, 245 terebella, 251 tortiatellina, 259, 464 triticea, 255 Helicolimax Lamarcltii, 76, 313 Helisiga Sanetce- Helena, 555 Helix abjecta, 156 accola, 325 acicula, 243, 456 actinophora, 147 aculeata, 23 ?/ta, 204, 416 Adansoni, 344 Adonis, 337 adoptata, 378 advena, 26, 105, 500 afficta, 392 4/ra, 50, 265, 293 Albersii, 186 Alexandri, 539 Alleniana, 175 alUaria, 535 afttte, 492 ' anconostoma, 43, 450, 454 apicina, 33, 377 arcinella, 140 arcta, 139 arenicola, 176 argonautula, 400 armillata, 32, 115, 506 Armitageana, 146 arridens, 141 aspersa, 30, 108, 336, 542 atlantica, 20 atlantidea, 497 attrita, 181 aiiris-vuljntia, 548 azorica, 27 badiosa,, 428 bft'ticata, 434 Sambouclia, 511 Barbosfe, 177 barbula, 35 beata, 390 Berkeley!, 334 Jlertkelntl, 388 Bertholdiana. 494 INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES. 585 Helix Helix Helix Bethencourtiana, 347 Despreauxii, 397 hycena^ 105 bicarinata, 161 deurta, 409 hypocrite, 22, 88, 332. bicolor, 201 diance, 534 495, 541 Mdentalis, 366 digna, 334 impugnata, 373 bifrons, 81 discina, 179 indifferens, 362 bilarnellata, 537 discobolus, 393 inops, 396 biplicata, 538 distensa, 361 inutilis, 348 Bollei, 499 Draparnaldi, 496 invernicata, 365 Uouviwi, 494 Drouetiana, 30 juliformis, 193 Bowdichiana, 109 duplicate 161 laciniosa, 121 brumalis, 17 echinoderma, 359 lactea, 31, 338 Bulveriana, 187 echinulata, 160 lancerottensis, 378, 413 Bulweriana, 187 efferata, 337 lanosa, 384 Bulwerii, 187 engonata, 329 lapicida, 149 caementitia, 411 erubescens, 25, 105 latens, 125 calathiscus, 234 eumeeus, 32, 115, 506 Latinea, 124 calathoides, 83 eutropis, 380 laute, 113 calathus, 82 escigua, 241 Leacockiana, 165 calculus, 153 fausta, 140, 143 lemniscata, 414 caldeirarum, 28 festinans, 323 lenis, 320 calva, 202 fictilis, 136 lens, 389 canariensis, 375 fiuctuosa, 102, 105 lenticula, 36, 148, 394. candisata, 156 faetida, 535 507 canicalensis, 116 fogoensis, 504 lentiginosa, 137 caperata, 113 folliculus, 247 leonina, 94 capsella, 142 forensis, 99 leprosa, 383 cassida, 213 fortunata, 389 leptosticta, 133 cellaria, 19,78,320,535 Fritschi, 370 leptostyla, 500 cheilogona, 213 fulva, 20 lincta, 176 cheiranthicola, 168 furva, 104 lineata, 374 chrysomela, 102 galeata, 203 littorina, 281, 297, 477 circumsessa, 317 Gaudryi, 356, 362 Loweana, 382 clymene, 324 geminate, 371 Lowei, 32, 90, 115, commixta, 155 gibboso-basalis, 339 506 compacta, 154 giro/mica, 117 lubrica, 49, 245, 518 compar, 128 Glasiana, 368 Ludovici, 189 concinna, 328 gomeraa, 392 lurida, 119 conoidea, 37 gomerensis, 359 lAtseana, 87, 331 consobrina, 365 Gomesiana, 180 Lyelliana, 184 censors, 152 Goodallii, 510 MacAndremiana, 292 conspurcata, 376 gorgonarum, 492 maderensis, 131 corneovirens, 505 Grabhami, 196 malleata, 366 coronata, 193 gradUs, 250 Manriquiana, 363 coronula, 195 granomalleata, 357 nuvrcida, 300, 394 craticulata, 96 granostriata, 403 maritima, 374 crtapa, 238 Grasseti, 371 Maugeana, 362 crispo-lanata, 387 gravida, 340 melam/poides, 257 crystallina, 19, 79, 322 Guanartemes, 363 melolontha, 300, 394 cuticula, 335 Gwrineana, 84 membranacea, 38 Cutterij 538 gyrostoma, 506 membranacea, 103 cyclodon, 396 kannensis, 510 merita, 358 dealbata, 135 harmonica, 359 Michaudi, 201 decollata, 42, 206, 445, Hartungi, 119 micromphala, 134 509 Jielena, 543 miguelina, 18 deflorata, 80 helenensis, 539 mirandge, 399 delphinula, 190 herUcola, 375 moderata, 398 delphinuloides, 192 hierroensis, 360 modesta, 346 deltostoma, 239 hispida, 81 monas, 21 depauperata, 122 hispidula, 388 monilifera, 413 desculpta, 345 horripila, 34 Moniziana, 198 QQ 686 INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES. Helix Helix Helix monticola, 232 pusilla, 22, 87, 88, 331, ultima, 324 morata, 404 495, 540 umbicula, 412 Moussoniana, 337 putrescens, 329 undata, 95 multigranosa, 380 pygmressa, 325 testudinalis, 179, 183 Hydrocama primaeva, 496 tetrica, 170 gutta, 53, 477 psammophora, 95 textiUs, 328 psathyra, 355 tiarella, 200 Le Pietin pulchella, 24, 89, 333, tornatellina, 258, 464 pediyes, 50, 265, 293 541 torrefacta, 382 Leucochroa pulverulenta, 402 tritica, 252, 255 accola, 325 pulvinata, 178 tumulorum, 405 pressa, 325 punctulata, 111 turricula, 163 ultima, 324 INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES. 587 Limax Pachyotus Pupa agrestis, 11, 71 alopecotis, 548 acarus, 515 antiqiiorum, 10, 69, 70, Parmacella anconostoma, 43, 209, 308 auriculata, 312 210, 450, 513, 534 ater, 8, 68 callosa, 313 atomus, 448 canariensis, 308 calyculata, 312 calathiscus, 234 carinata, 308 Patula canicalensis, 221 cinereus, 10, 70, 308 aculeata, 23 cassida, 213 flavus, 11, 71 Bertholdiana, 494 cassidula, 218 gagates, 10, 69, 533 bifrons, 81 castanea, 452 maximus, 10, 70 bilamellata, 537 cheilogona, 213 noctilucus, 309 biplicata, 538 concinna, 219 polyptyelus, 308 Bouvieri, 494 corneocostata, 227 nubfusGus, 9 calathoides, 83 dealbata, 447 variegatus, 11, 71 circumsessa, 317 deUlis, 209, 449 Limnaea concinna, 328 deformis, 216 auricularia, 521 Cutteri, 538 degenerata, 231 ovata, 522 deflorata, 80 Dohrni, 513 Mibeirensis, 521 engonata, 329 edentata, 249 sordulenta, 522 garachicoensis, 326 edentula, 208 truncatula, 272, 467 gorgonarum, 492 fanalensis, 209, 449 Limneus Guerineana, 84 fasciolata, 45 minutus, 272, 467 monas, 21 Ferraria, 230 Lovea % placida, 87, 331 fusca, 226 attenuata, 461 polyodon, 539 f uscidula, 44 cylichna, 264 Pompylia, 327 gibba, 235 folliculus, 247 pusilla, 22, 88, 331, gorgonica, 516 Fritschi, 459 495, 540 granum, 451 gracilis, 250 putrescens, 329 irrigua, 215 iridescens, 262 pygmsea, 86 Isevigata, 223 lanzarotensis, 460 retexta, 330 lamellosa, 236 Leacockiana, 249 rotundata, 21, 85 laurinea, 220 melampoides ,257 scutula, 330 limngeana, 208 mitriformis, 260 servilis, 22, 88, 332, 495, linearis, 207 oryza, 252 541- Loweana, 217 ovuliformis, 2i>5 spinifera, 332 macilenta, 225 producta, 261 stephanophora, 82 macrogira, 447 Eeissi, 458 textilis, 328 microspora, 43, 207, terebella, 251 torrefadta, 382 449 tornutellina, 258, 464 Pedipes millegrana, 227 triticea, 255 afra, 50, 265, 293 Milleri, 513 valida, 459 Physa minutissima, 207 vitrea, 462 acuta, 273, 467 molecula, 512 IVbllagtoni, 248 canariensis, 469 monticola, 232 fontinalis, 273, 467, 469 pygmasa, 47 Marinula Forskalii, 523 pythiella, 454 (squalls, 268, 294 subopaca, 467 recta, 224 Melampus tenerifce, 467 relevata, 229 cequalis, 50, 268, 294, vent"*icosa, 467 rugulosa, 46 465 Wahlbergi, 523 saxicola, 237 exiguus, 266, 293 Planorbis seminulwm, 237 flavus, 520 coretus, 523 sphinctostoma gracilis, 51, 270 glaber, 273 subdiaphana, 51 Melania Items, 273 taeniata, 455 nonpareil, 548 Reissi, 469 tessellata, 46 Tamsi, 525 Plectrophorus umbilicata, 43, 21 tuberculata, 525 Orbignii, 310 450, 554 Pomatias vermiculosa, 47 Nerita Barthelemianum, 301 vincta, 214 elegans, 471 Pupa Wollastoni, 221 tuberculata, 525 abbreviata, 235 Wollastoni, 216 588 INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES. Rissoa Tkeba anatina, 281 eonspv/rcata, 376 littorea, 297, 477 Tornatellina ovuliformis, 263 Stenogyra Torquilla compressilabris, 553 granum, 451 decollata, 42, 206, 445, Truncatella 509 Lowei, 280, 476 Goodalli, 510 truncatula, 279, 296 subdiaphana, 511 Turbo Subulina perversus, 48, 242 melanioides, 550 striatella, 206 Vertigo subplicata, 552 pygmeea, 47 terebellum, 552 Viquesnelia Succinea atlantica, 12 asperula, 557 Vitrina Bensoniana, 557 angulosa, 16 helence, 557 Behniiy 75 imperialis, 556 Blauneri, 316 Lowei, 520 Bocagei, 101 picta, 556 brevispira, 15 rudorina, 556 brumalis, 14 SanctEe-Helenae, 555 canariensis, 315 solidula, 557 fasciolata, 300 Wollastoni, 521 finitima, 15 Lamarckii, 74, 77 Testacella Lamarckii, 313 haliotidea, 73, 311 latebasis, 315 Maugei, 13, 72, 310 laxata, 16 Theba marcida, 76 conoidea, 37 media, 76 Vitrina mollis, 14 nitida, 76 pelagica, 16 reticulata, 315 ruivensis, 74 Teneriffce, 75, 313 Valuta auris-vuljrina, 548 XeropMla apicina, 33, 377 Zonites alliarius, 535 atlanticus, 20 trumalis, 17 cellaring, 19, 535 clymene, 324 orygfalltowi 19 festinans, 323 fulvus, 20 fe>m, 320 miguellimus, 18 rotundatus, 21 Vidalianus, 18 volutella, 17 ^ azorica, 49 LOXDON : PRINTED BY BPOTTISWOODB AXD CO., 5BW-STREKT SQUAEJI AND PARLIAMEST STREET LIST OF WORKS PUBLISHED BY L. 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