UC-NRLF SB SbM 31b /i^ ^--- t :,|/^/ia<>/ 1 i vj (,u,rntua wuins vn j. /tcurtmcui unit j:rucncat, science ; AND PLACIDO AND JUS TO GENEB, Civil Engineers. LONDON: E. & P. K SPON, 16, BUCKLEBSBIJRY, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS :- "A very useful guide to the Practical Engineer." Civil Engineer <$ Architects' Journal. " The object of the Authors seems to have been to afford to the Practical Man the means of investigating for himself the variety of formula from which general rules are deduced ; and the formulae are accompanied and elucidated by practical rules. The problems and examples s^em to have been carefully worked, and we feel satisfied that even well-informed Practical Engineers will derive benefit from the study of a treatise, which appears to be also peculiarly suited to the Student, and the Enquirer." Mining Journal. ^ " To the Practical and Scientific Engineer, and to the Assistant Engineer who aspires to pass his examination for Chief, with credit to himself and the service, we can cordially recommend the work." The Nautical Standard. " A considerable mass of useful matter is contained in the pages of this book: the association of the Messrs Gener with Mr. Hann in this work was evidently with a view to supply all those practical details which cannot be looked for from the mere theoretic enquirer, but with which actual and constant experience alone can give acquaintance, and iheir labours in this clt'i/ai tment have been attended with considerable success. We may refer especially io a very full and, as far as we know, original investigation of the effects of lap and lead of the Slide, and the pages upon Chimneys.' Mechanics' Magazine. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID ELECTRIC SCIENCE; ITS HISTORY, PHENOMENA, AND APPLICATIONS. F. C. .BAKEWELL, AUTHOR OF "NATURAL EVIDENCE OF A FUTURE LIFE," ** PHILOSOPHICAL CONVERSATIONS, ESSAYS ON MECHANICAL SCIENCE ; INVENTOR OF THE COPYING ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH, ETC. Jllustrateli uritl) upmarts of One fluntircb ttJoob-Cngratmujs, LONDON: INGRAM, COOKE, AND CO. 1853. PRINTED BY ROBSON, LEVEY, AND FfcANKI/YK, Great New Street and Fetter Lane. PBEPACE. THE attention that electricity now commands, by its intimate relations with the other physical sciences and by the important objects to which it is applied, makes it particularly desirable that the student of natural philosophy should have the means of attaining, in a compendious form, a knowledge of the progress of electric science to the present day, and of comprehending its varied phenomena, and the applications of which it has been found capable. With this object in view, the author has endeavoured to set forth clearly, yet concisely, the prominent points in the history of electricity, and to notice and explain all those phenomena which indicate any special attribute of that peculiar force. In attempting to comprise all that is important to be known of the history, the phenomena, and the applications of electricity within a single volume, there is considerable risk of producing a mere chronological record and an explanatory catalogue rather than an interesting treatise. When, indeed, it is considered that Priestley's History of Electricity occupies a thick quarto volume though written before the most important sources of electric force had been revealed by Galvani and Yolta, by (Ersted, See- beck, Faraday, and Armstrong it might be supposed that a history which includes those discoveries, and is contained within forty pages, must be only a barren sketch. To afford space for circumstantial illustration and explanatory remarks, attention has been concentrated on the characteristic facts, by the adoption of which course it is hoped that the historical notice of the advancement of electric science will be found interesting as well as instructive. As a mere statement of effects would have proved unsatisfactory with- out an explanation of the causes that produce them, such explanations have been given as appeared to the author to afford the clearest insight into the nature of electrical action. Though the Franklinian theory of W374419 IV PREFACE. the excitement of frictional electricity has been generally adopted, because it is the most simple, and voltaic action has been attributed to chemical agency, theoretical discussions have been avoided as much as possible, lest they might tend to obscure rather than to throw light on the causes of electrical phenomena. In some few instances views have been taken of the action of electric force different from those commonly entertained ; but in such cases the reasons for the departure from received opinions have been fully stated. The author is not aware that the many varied inventions for the appli- cation of electric power to the uses of man have been previously described collectively. In noticing them, prominence has been given to those objects that are of the greatest importance ; it having been considered sufficient in appliances of less consequence merely to indicate the mode of operation, and to explain the principles of their action. By dividing the consideration of electric science into its history, phe- nomena, and applications, some repetitions have almost unavoidably oc- curred, in order to make each part complete in itself. It is conceived, however, that the advantages attending such an arrangement, by affording a clearer conception of each branch of the subject, more than counter- balance the inconvenience of occasionally going, for a short distance, over the same ground. HAVERSTOCK TERRACE, HAMPSTEAD, June 1853. CONTENTS. PART I. THE HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY. CHAPTER I. PAGE First discovery of electric attraction Dr. Gilbert's additions to known elec- trics Curious fallacies of early electricians Invention of the electrical ma- chine Discovery of electric light and repulsion Identity of electricity and lightning suggested Distinction between conducting and non-conducting bodies discovered The two kinds of electricity discovered by Du Fay Sparks from the human body Improvements in electrical machines Igniting power of the electric spark The Ley den jar Extraordinary alarm at the electric shock Exaggerated descriptions of its effects Electrical batteries Dangerous shocks given with them Conducting power of the earth ascertained Franklin's theory of electricity . . . . .9 CHAPTEK II. The identity of lightning and electricity pointed out by Franklin Electricity drawn from the clouds in France Franklin's electric kite Lightning- conductors invented Dangerous experiments with lightning Death of Professor Eichmann Beccaria's experiments on atmospheric electricity Electrical induction discovered The theory of vitreous and resinous electricity revived Measurement of electric forces Inventions of the torsion balance and of the electrophorus Progress of discovery to the end of the eighteenth century .... : V . * "< . 19 CHAPTER III. Discovery of Galvanism, and the circumstances that led to it Galvani's erroneous notions of the exciting cause Volta's investigations Invention of the Voltaic pile Commencement of the science of Voltaic electricity Various Voltaic batteries Theories of their action Investigations by Sir Humphrey Davy Decomposition of the alkalies and earths The experi- ments that led to the discovery founded on a hoax Prodigious Voltaic bat- teries constructed Napoleon Bonaparte's experience of their power Un- successful application of Voltaic electricity by Sir H. Davy . . . .27 CHAPTER IV. Discovery of Electro-magnetism Increase of the force by coils of wire Elec- tro-magnets Tangential action of the force Invention of the Galvano meter Its application to telegraphic purposes Discovery of Magneto-elec- tricity Magneto-electrical machines Thermo-electricity Faraday's ex- perimental researches Introduction of new terms Daniell's constant bat- tery Discovery of the electrotype process Development of electricity from high-pressure steam Present state of electric science . . . .35 VI CONTENTS. PAKT II. THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. CHAPTER V. GENERAL PROPERTIES. Static and current electricity Electrical excitement by friction Attraction and repulsion Illustrative experiments Electrics and conductors All substances electrics when insulated The opposite kinds of electricity Negative and positive electrics changeable Mutual dependence of the two electricities Electrical induction The Electrophorus Influence of conductors on surrounding bodies The Electrometer Various inductive powers of electrics Explanation of all electrical phenomena by induction The two theories of electricity . . . 47 CHAPTER VI. DIRECT DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICITY. Electrical machines; cylinder, plate, and gutta-percha Influence of points Explanation of the cause Electricity confined to exterior surfaces Intensity of machine-excited electricity Inflammation of combustibles by the spark Kesistance of the air Nature of electric discharge Disruptive, brush, and glow discharge Colour of the electric spark * 60 CHAPTER VII. ACCUMULATED ELECTRICITY. The Leyden jar Its construction and mode of action the amount of electricity always constant Chain of Leyden jars self-charged The charge in the glass, and not in the coating Charged plate of glass Electrical batteries Intensity of force diminished by extension Residual charge Lateral dis- charge : its cause and effects Distribution of electricity during discharge Universal discharger Lane's discharger Quadrant electrometer . .71 CHAPTER VIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS. The electric shock : its physiological effects Heating power of the electrical battery All electrical effects consequent on resistance The electric light : its instantaneous duration calculated Magnetising and decomposing power of static electricity 78 CHAPTER IX. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY. Beccaria's observations of a thunder-storm Mr. Crosse's apparatus and ex- periments Remarkable phenomena of a thunder-storm Different con- ditions of artificial electricity and lightning Lightning-conductors Sup- posed danger from lateral discharge Various kinds of lightning-conductors Safest place in a thunder-storm Causes of the electrical state of the clouds Sheet-lightning and forked-lightning Thunder The aurora borealis . 83 CHAPTER X. ELECTRICITY FROM HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM. Steam, an abundant source of electrical excitement Hydro-electrical machine State of the electricity excited by it Combination of quantity and intensity Friction of water the cause of excitement Faraday's experiments on high- pressure steam .* .92 CONTENTS. Vll CHAPTER XI. EXCITEMENT OF VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. PAGE Excitement of electricity by metallic contact and by chemical action Mutual influences of chemical action and electricity Simple Voltaic circle Con- struction of the Voltaic pile Identity of Voltaic and fractional electricity Volta's couronne de tasses Conditions requisite for the excitement of Voltaic electricity Solid and liquid elements of the battery Their actions and re- actions Faraday's hypothesis of conduction through fluids Resistance to the Voltaic current Ohm's formula Local action in batteries Intensity and quantity of electricity considered Their correspondence and difference 95 CHAPTER XII. PHENOMENA OF VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. Different conditions of Frictional and Voltaic electricity The two poles of the battery How to distinguish them Mystification caused by new terms Voltaic action immediate and continuous Its rapid transmission exemplified Resistance of wires to the electric current Heating effects of the Voltaic battery Combustion of carbon Extraordinary physiological effects Con- trivances for giving shocks "Water-batteries Intensity of their action Mr. Crosse's water-battery Cause of the intensity of water-batteries . ? . 109 CHAPTER XIII. SECONDARY CURRENTS. The Voltaic current dependent on resistance Induction of secondary currents on making and breaking contact Induction of electricity in a separate wire The direction of secondary currents opposite to primary Faraday's views of the action of induced currents . ' , . 1 1 17 CHAPTER XIV, ELECTRO-CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITION. Decomposition of water Transference of the elements through intermediate ves- sels Faraday's hypothesis Infinitesimally small particles acted on Sus- pension of chemical affinity by Voltaic action Supposed identity of chemical affinity and electricity Decomposition of the alkalies Remarkable combus- tion of paper by Voltaic action Decomposition of metallic salts Definite action of electro-chemical force Electro-chemical equivalents Absolute quantity of electricity in bodies The quantity in a grain of water estimated The Voltameter . . ? - - - 120 CHAPTER xv. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Effect of Voltaic currents on magnetic needles Magnetism induced in the con- ducting wire Directions of deflected magnetic needle by opposite currents Multiplication of effect by coils of wire Galvanometers, their extreme sensi- tiveness Magnetic action of copper wires Polar direction of a wire coil Electro-magnets ; their great power and limited spheres of attraction Ratio of diminution of attractive force Proportionate sizes of wire and iron Eco- nomical effect of long coils Great rapidity of electro-magnetic action Resi- dual power in electro-magnets Medical coil-machines Rotary motion of conducting wires 128 CHAPTER XVI. MAGNETO, THERMO, AND ANIMAL ELECTRICITY. Induction of electricity by magnetism Multiplication of effects by motion Mag- neto-electric machines: their powerful effects Magneto-electric spark Decomposition by magneto-electricity Correlation of magnetic and electric forces Development of electricity by heat List of thermo-electrics Ther- mo-electric batteries Indications of temperature by thermo-electricity viii CONTENTS. PAGE Animal electricity Electrical organs of the torpedo Identity of animal and voltaic electricity Electrical power of the gymnotus Connexion between nervous influence and electricity 140 CHAPTER XVII. ECONOMICAL APPARATUS. Simple form of apparatus for frictional electricity Directions for constructing electrical machines Leyden jars and batteries Electrometers Electro- phorus Universal discharger Voltaic batteries Electro-magnets Gal- vanometers Observations on exciting liquids for Voltaic batteries . . 148 PAET III. THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. CHAPTER XVIII. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS MEANS OF COMMUNICATING. First attempts to transmit messages by electricity Conducting power of the earth Opinions respecting the cause Resistance of long wires to transmis- sion Voltaic currents Modes of making electric communications Difficul- ties of insulation Defects of the present system Submarine telegraphs New plan proposed Prospect of telegraphic communication with America . 153 CHAPTER XIX. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS SIGNAL INSTRUMENTS. Progress of telegraphic invention Instruments invented by Lomond, Reizen, Soemmering, Ronalds, Ampere, Schilling, Gauss, Steinhil, Alexander, Davy Cooke and Wheats tone's needle telegraph Action of the needle tele- graph Rapidity of transmission Henley's Magneto-electric telegraph Breguet's semaphore 160 CHAPTER XX. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS RECORDING INSTRUMENTS. Morse's telegraph Modification of it by the Electric Telegraph Company Bain's dotting telegraph Brett's printing telegraph Copying telegraph Mode of transmitting copies of writing Regulation of the instruments Rapidity of the copying process Means of maintaining secrecy . . . 1 67 CHAPTER XXI. ELECTRO-METALLURGY. Competing claims to the discovery Deposition of metals from their solutions Its dependence on secondary results Apparent anomaly of deposition in a single cell Formation of moulds Copying medals Reduplication of cop- per-plate engravings Glyphography Electro-plating and gilding . .175 CHAPTER XXII. ELECTRIC CLOCKS. First application of electricity to indicate time Bain's self-acting electric clock Means of making and breaking contact Application of mechanical power The earth-battery Shepherd's electro-magnetic clock Independence of the pendulum and its advantages Instantaneous indication of Greenwich tune at distant places 182 CHAPTER XXIII. MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. The electric light Electro-magnetic engines Blasting rocks Explosion of fire-damp in mines Sounding the sea Determining longitudes Fire alarms Table-moving Harpooning Conclusion . , . . .187 ELECTKIC SCIENCE; ITS HISTORY, PHENOMENA, AND APPLICATIONS. PART I. THE HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY. CHAPTER I. First discovery of electric attraction Dr. Gilbert's additions to known electrics Curi- ous fallacies of early electricians Invention of the electrical machine Discovery of electric light and repulsion Identity of electricity and lightning suggested Dis- tinction between conducting and non-conducting bodies discovered The two kinds of electricity discovered by Du Fay Sparks from the human body Improvements in electrical machines Igniting power of the electric spark The Leyden jar Extraordinar}'- alarm at the electric shock Exaggerated descriptions of its effects Electrical batteries Dangerous shocks given with them Conducting power of the earth ascertained Dr. Franklin's theory of electricity. THERE requires no deep research in the pages of antiquity to trace the rise and progress of the science of electricity. It sprang into being in com- paratively recent times ; and after the first halting-stages of its existence were surmounted, it advanced from infancy to manhood with the rapidity of its own lightning spark j and though not yet arrived at maturity, it has attained a degree of importance scarcely to be equalled by any of the phy- sical sciences. Some of the ordinary phenomena of electricity, indeed, attracted ob- servation from the earliest periods. Not to mention lightning and its accompanying thunder, the excitement of sparks by the rubbing of furs must have been noticed, and wondered at, by the nomad tribes who first inhabited the earth. The earliest recorded observation of electrical phe- nomena, however, occurs 600 years before the Christian era. About that time, it is stated that Thales of Miletus, one of the seven sages of Greece, remarked that amber, when rubbed, attracted light bodies to its surface. This seems to have been the extent of his observations ; but the fact af- forded ample matter for speculation. He conceived that amber must possess some inherent living principle, called into action by friction, and that when thus excited it emitted an invisible effluvium, constantly return- ing to itself, and bringing back with it those substances which were not too heavy to resist its adhesive force: The next recorded notice of elec- B 10 THE HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY. trical attraction is given by Theophrastus, 300 years afterwards. He remarked that the crystal called by him lyncurium, supposed to be tourmalin, attracted light bodies to its surface. The shock given by the torpedo is mentioned by Pliny j but that phe- nomenon was not, until the middle of the last century, imagined to have any connection with the attractive properties of amber and tourmalin. Some very remarkable facts are also mentioned by Eustathius, who lived in the fifth century of the Christian era. He states that a freedman of Tiberius was cured of the gout by the shock of the torpedo ; the first known instance of the application of electricity to medical purposes, and, if authentic, much more successful than its application in modern times. Eustathius further relates, that Wolimer, king of the Goths, was able to emit sparks from his body ; and that a certain philosopher, whilst dress- ing and undressing, emitted flashes of light. There is a void of nearly 1200 years ere we find any other distinct notice of electrical phenomena. The subject must, however, have attracted attention j for at the beginning of the seventeenth century a book by Dr. Gilbert was published, entitled De Magnete, in which many other sub- stances besides amber and tourmalin are mentioned as having the property of attracting light bodies when rubbed ; but as amber was the substance first noticed to possess that property, its Greek term electron had pre- cedence in giving a name to the infant science of electricity. When we consider that previously to the announcement of Dr. Gil- bert's discoveries, the only known electrics were amber, tourmalin, and jet, the accessions he made to the number must be regarded as an important first step in the progress of electricity. He added at least twenty to the list of electrics, including most of the precious stones, glass, sulphur, sealing-wax, and resin ; and he determined that those substances, when rubbed under favourable circumstances, attract not only light floating bodies, but all solid matters whatever, including metals, water, and oil. He observed also that the conditions most favourable to the excitement of the attractive power are, a dry state of the atmosphere, and a brisk and light friction ; whilst moist air and a southerly wind he found to be most prejudicial to the production of electrical effects. The deductions of Dr. Gilbert from his experiments were in many in- stances curiously fallacious. In pointing out, for instance, the distinction between magnetic and electric attraction, he affirmed that though magnetic bodies rushed together mutually, it was only the excited electric that exerted any power on the bodies attracted ; and he noticed as a special distinction between magnetism and electricity, that the former repelled as well as attracted, whilst the latter only attracted. After the discoveries and investigations of this father of electric science, there was a lapse of about sixty years with scarcely any progress. Mr. Boyle is the next person whose investigations are worth mention. Though he repeated and confirmed former experiments, and devoted much time to the subject, he did little more than add some few to the number of electrics. This philosopher has, indeed, the reputation of being the first who discerned the electric light ; but his notice of it was so indistinct that he can scarcely be said to be the discoverer of the luminous property of electricity. Mr. Boyle's theory of electrical attraction was similar to that of Thales; THE HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY. ll Without, however, attempting to assign a cause for the active principle. He conceived that the excited electric emitted a glutinous effluvium which laid hold of small bodies in its progress, and on its return to the electric carried them with it. This theory was advocated by other electricians at the time, and experiments were made, and are recorded in the Philosophi- cal Transactions, which were considered to prove the emission of glutinous particles. The most important advances in the science at this time were made by Otto Guericke, burgomaster of Madgeburgh, the inventor of the air- pump, who was contemporary with Mr. Boyle. The apparatus with which electricians had experimented till near the end of the seventeenth century was of the most simple kind. A rod or flat surface of glass, resin, or sulphur, rubbed with the hand or with a piece of woollen, was their best means of exciting electricity ; it may therefore be supposed that the quantity at any time under observation was very small. Otto Guericke constructed the first electrical machine. It consisted of a sulphur globe, whirled round on an axis, whilst he held his hand to it to serve as a rubber. Sulphur, it may be remarked, was a favourite electric with early experimenters, as it was imagined that elec- tricity was emitted with the sulphurous effluvium produced by the fric- tion. In the construction of M. Otto Guericke's electrical machine, for example, he cast the sulphur in a glass' globe, and then broke the glass which would have served the purpose better in order to expose the sul- phur to the action of the rubber. With this machine, rude as it was, Otto Guericke excited much greater quantities of electricity than had previously been produced ; and he was thus enabled not only to see flashes of light, but to hear the snapping noise of the electric spark. It may seem extraordinary that the most commonly observed pheno- menon of electricity had not been before noticed as a property pertaining to electrical bodies. It should be borne in mind, however, that furs and silks, from the friction of which sparks are so frequently emitted, had not been classed as electrics, and the only property of electricity then known was that of attraction. It was not likely, therefore, until the two pheno- mena of attraction and the emission of light were observed combined in the same substance, that the excitement of sparks by friction should be considered due to electricity. On Otto Guericke must also be conferred the honour of having disco- vered the property of electric repulsion. He ascertained that a feather, when attracted to an excited electric, after adhering to it for a short time, is repelled from the surface, and that it will not again approach until it has touched some other body to which it can part with the electricity it contains. He observed, also, that a feather when thus repelled by an ex- cited electric, always keeps the same side presented towards it. As there was a correspondence between this fact and the position of the moon towards the earth, it was assumed that the revolution of the moon round the earth might be caused by electrical attraction and repulsion. The discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, shortly afterwards, dispelled this notion, and so far engaged the attention of scientific inquirers, that elec- tricity for a time remained in abeyance. Newton had, indeed, paid a passing attention to electrical phenomena, but the only addition made by him to the facts before collected was, that electric attraction and repulsion 12 THE HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY. penetrate through glass. He made known, for instance, that when a plate of glass is excited on one side, the other side also becomes electrical. About the same time that Otto Guericke obtained decisive evidence of the luminous properties of electricity, the fact was made more strikingly manifest by Dr. Wall, who operated with a stick of amber of large dimen- sions. He used a piece of woollen cloth for a rubber, and appears to have been remarkably successful in eliciting by that means a greater amount of electricity than had been excited even with the sulphur-globe of Otto Guericke. The first idea of resemblance between electrical phenomena and thunder and lightning was suggested to Dr. Wall by the apparently remote analogy of the crackling sounds and sparks ; and the fact deserves to be recorded in his own words : " From the friction of the amber," he observes, " a pro- digious number of little cracklings were heard, and every one of these produced a little flash of light. And what to me is very surprising, upon its eruption it strikes the finger very sensibly, wheresoever applied, with a push or a puff like wind. The crackling is full as loud as charcoal on fire ; and five or six cracklings or more, according to the quickness of placing the finger, have been produced from one single friction, light always suc- ceeding each of them. This liglit and crackling seems in some degree to represent thunder *andliglitning" Little further progress was made for nearly forty years. During that interval, the accumulation of facts and improvements in the apparatus were slow and insignificant. As yet, experimenters had worked without any system, and without in the least comprehending the principles on which the effects they produced depended. It was not until 1729 nearly 130 years after the first book on the science had been published that the distinction between conductors and non-conductors of electricity was dis- covered. This important fact was accidentally ascertained by Mr. Stephen Grey, whilst attempting to communicate electricity to a line suspended by threads. His first experiments were unsuccessful, because he suspended the line by threads that conducted the electricity from it nearly as quickly as it entered. It was then suggested by Mr. Wheeler, who assisted at the experiment, that the cause of the escape of the electricity was the thickness of the packthread employed, and he recommended that silken threads should be tried, because being much thinner, it was supposed the electric fluid would not be able to flow through it so readily. Accordingly the silk thread was tried, and with great success. So little were the experimenters aware that the difference in the effects was caused by the different conducting properties of the substances em- ployed, and so impressed were they with the notion that success with the silk suspenders was entirely owing to their superior fineness, that they endeavoured to obtain still better results by suspending the line on very fine wires. The total failure of the experiment in this case induced them at length to consider that there must be a difference in the conducting properties of the substances employed. The attention of electricians having been thus directed to this subject, light was gradually, though still feebly, thrown on the causes of success and failure in their experiments under different circumstances. Lists of con- ducting and of non-conducting substances were made, when it was found that glass, resin, and all bodies known as electrics, were bad conductors of THE HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY. electricity, and that those in which electricity could not be excited were conductors. In the conducting and non-conducting properties of these substances great difference was soon detected; glass and resin being the worst, and metals the best conductors. Nearly contemporaneously with the discovery of the different conduct- ing properties of electrics and non-electrics was the announcement that M. Du Fay, intendant of the French king's gardens, had detected the existence of two distinct kinds of electricity. This, like all the other dis- coveries hitherto made, originated from accidental circumstances. A piece of gold-leaf having been repelled from an excited glass rod, M. Du Fay pursued it with an excited rod of sealing-ivax, expecting that the gold-leaf would be equally repelled by that electric ; but he was astonished to see it, on the contrary, attracted to the wax. On repeating the experiment he found the same result invariably to follow : the gold-leaf when repelled from glass was attracted by resin ; and when repelled from the latter was attracted by glass. Hence M. Du Fay assumed that the electricity excited by the two substances was of different kinds ; and as one was pro- duced from glass, the other from resin, he distinguished them by the names vitreous and resinous electricity. It is a curious fact that M. Du Fay, the discoverer of this important property of electricity, afterwards repudiated his own discovery. Subse- quent experiments and consideration induced him to depart from the truth he had developed, and to imagine that the effects observed arose entirely from difference in the degrees of force excited by different electrics ; the more powerful attraction of the one overcoming the feeble repulsion of the other. It is difficult to conceive how he could have thus retrograded from the position he had established ; for supposing the gold-leaf when repelled from the excited glass to have been attracted to the resin by superior electrical force, this superiority of force could not have yielded to the weaker attraction of the glass ; yet the mutual interchange of attractive and repellent power must have been frequently noticed. Other investi- gators, however, confirmed the fact he had discovered and thus singularly renounced ; and the original terms "vitreous" and "resinous" electricity continue to be retained by a majority of electricians. One of the experiments devised about this period, which excited great astonishment, and tended to direct the attention of philosophic inquirers to the subject of electricity, was the development of sparks from the human body. Mr. Grey suspended a boy horizontally with hair lines, and communicated electricity to him by means of an excited glass tube, when sparks were then drawn from all parts of the boy's body. This phe- nomenon, depending simply on the fact that the bodies of animals are conductors of electricity in consequence of the fluids they contain, was conceived to be owing, in some mysterious manner, to a connexion between the electric effluvium, as it was called, and the vital principle. M. Du Fay suspended himself in a similar manner for the purpose of experiencing the sensation, and the experiment soon afterwards became the most popular in the range of electrical phenomena, when the more convenient mode of insulation by standing on a cake of resin, or on a glass stool, was introduced. About the middle of the 18th century, the investigation of electrical phenomena was undertaken by several scientific inquirers in Germany. 14 THE HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY. M. Boze, Professor of Philosophy at Wittemburg, made considerable im- provement in the mode of exciting electricity, by the addition of metal conductors to the revolving glass globes of his machines. In the first instance his conductor was held by a man, insulated by standing on a cake of resin ; but he shortly afterwards adopted the more convenient method of supporting the conductor by means of silk cords ; and to faci- litate the passage of the electricity from the excited globe, he added a number of linen strings to the conductor, which served the purpose, though very imperfectly, of the metal points subsequently used. M. Boze and other experimenters adopted the plan of increasing the quantity of electricity excited, by bringing several globes into action at the same time, and concentrating their power in one conductor. With these instruments they are represented to have produced effects which seem incredible with such imperfect apparatus, and the accounts must be considered to be greatly exaggerated. It is stated, for instance, that by sparks from these electrical machines blood was drawn from the finger; that they produced a sensible shock extending from the head to the feet ; and that they were sufficiently powerful to kill small birds. Even with the improved electrical apparatus of the present day, with the addition of metal points and amal- gamated rubbers, at that time unknown, nothing approaching these effects can be produced by the largest machines. Of the experiments performed by the continental philosophers at this period, none excited so much general interest as the setting on fire of in- flammable substances. This was first accomplished by Dr. Ludolph, of Berlin; and the experiment was quickly repeated and improved on in dif- ferent parts of Europe. The inflammation of spirits of wine, of phos- phorus, and even of gunpowder, by an electric spark emitted from the finger of a person insulated by standing on resin, was considered so ex- traordinary, that it not only drew the attention of more men of science to this branch of natural philosophy, but the exhibition of these and other electrical wonders became a very popular public entertainment. Quickly following the development of the igniting powers of the electric spark was the discovery of the Ley den phial, the most astonishing of any of electrical phenomena then made known, and which opened an entirely new field for scientific investigation. For the honour of being the original discoverer of the Leyden phial there were several claimants ; as is generally the case with important dis- coveries and inventions. It is commonly attributed to M. Cuneus of Leyden, at the beginning of the year 1746, and was, like all antecedent discoveries, the effect of accident, so far, at least, as he was concerned. It occurred to him whilst repeating a well-devised experiment of Professor Muschenbroeck for collecting and confining the " electric effluvium." The professor conceived, if he could impart electricity to a conducting substance entirely surrounded by non-conductors, that it would be thereby prevented from being dissipated, and the force might be concentrated. The most convenient form of trying the experiment appeared to be to electrify water contained in a glass bottle, connection with the conductor of the machine being established by an iron nail passing through the cork into the water. The experiment, however, was not attended with any results to Professor Muschenbrosck. The object he contemplated was, indeed, accomplished, but the accumulation of electricity in the phial was not THE HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY. 15 manifested, owing to the want of a conducting surface on the outside by which it could be concentrated. M. Cuneus, in repeating the experiment, happened to grasp the bottle with his hand, which thus served for the requisite conducting surface outside the glass, and when with the other hand he endeavoured to disengage the nail from the conductor of the machine, he was startled by receiving a smart shock through his arms. Professor Muschenbrceck then renewed the experiment, with the advantage of the experience of M. Cuneus, and with equal success. In these expe- riments with the Leyden phial, and for a considerable time afterwards, the bottle was always grasped by the hand, the cause of its producing the effect not being understood. Though M. Cuneus acquired the reputation of being the discoverer of the Leyden phial, the claim of M. Von Kleist, dean of the Cathedral of Camin, to be the first discoverer, rests on strong ground. It is stated that he sent an account of the discovery to Dr. Leiberkuhn of Berlin, on the 4th November, 1745. This account, communicated to the Academy of Berlin, and entered among their proceedings, is to the following effect : " When a nail or a piece of thick brass wire is put into a small apothe- cary's phial and electrified, remarkable effects follow ; but the phial must be very dry or warm. I commonly rub it over beforehand with a finger on which I put some pounded chalk. If a little mercury, or a few drops of spirit of wine be put into it, the experiment succeeds the better. As soon as this phial and nail are removed from the electrifying glass, or the prime conductor to which it has been exposed is taken away, it throws out a pencil of flame so strong, that with this burning instrument in my hand I have taken above sixty steps in walking about my room. When it is electrified strongly, I can take it into another room, and there fire spirits of wine with it. If, whilst it is electrifying, I put my finger, or a piece of gold which I hold in my hand, to the nail, I receive a shock which stuns my arms and shoulders. A tin tube, or a man, placed upon electrics, is electrified much more strongly by this means than in the common way. When I present this phial and nail to a tin tube which I have, fifteen feet long, nothing but experience can make a person believe how strongly it is electrified. Two thin glasses have been broken by the shock. It appears to me very extraordinary that when this phial and nail are in contact with either conducting or non-conducting matter, the strong shock does not follow. I have cemented it to wood, glass, sealing-wax, metal, , are connected with the metallic base, and through it with the earth. To increase the sensibility of this electrometer, metal discs, AB, called condensers, are added, one of which is attached to the brass cap, and the other is mounted on a support that is movable by a joint at the bottom, so that it may be removed to the position indicated by the dotted lines in the figure. By the in- duction of electricity on the surface of the movable disc several successive times, and by its reaction on the electrometer, an accumulation of the electric force is effected ; by which means the presence of otherwise inappreciably small quantities of electricity is de- tected. This instrument, and others of a similar construction, though called electrometers, do not indicate the quantity of electricity; and the name elec- troscope, which has been re- cently applied to them, is more appropriate to their character. The torsion-balance of Coulomb, which has been previously noticed, measures the electric force exerted, and may therefore with strict pro- fig. 9. fig. 10. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF ELECTRICITY. 57 priety be called an electrometer. It consists of a fine rod of shellac, c, at each end of which there is a gilded pith ball, the rod and balls being suspended from the centre by a filament of spun-glass a. The ball d is similar to the others, and is also fixed to a rod of shellac, with a corresponding ball at the other end. The latter is called the carrier-ball, as it conveys electricity from the body to be tested to the electrometer. When applied to the excited body under examination, it receives a portion of the electricity, and on being then placed in its position in the instrument, the suspended ball that rests against it is repelled. By turning the screw b the two balls may be brought together ; and the amount of torsion or twist given to the filament of glass, so as to overcome the electrical repul- sion, is measured by a graduated scale. The action of electrical induction takes place through all non-conducting bodies, though not with equal facility, the transmission of the influence being readiest through those substances which are the worst conductors of electricity. The term dielectrics has been given to those bodies that permit induction to take place through them ; but it seems to be a useless multiplication of names, since all electrics are also dielectrics. The following has been ascertained experimentally to be the comparative order of the inductive power of the principal electrics : SPECIFIC INDUCTIVE CAPACITY. Air 1-00 Resin . . . . 177 Pitch 1-80 Wax 1-86 Glass 1-90 Sulphur ..." 1-93 Shellac 1-95 Though gutta-percha is not included, its inductive capacity is known to be greater than that of any other body. An important portion of Faraday's Experimental Researches in Elec- tricity is occupied with investigations respecting the nature of inductive action. He has arrived at the conclusion that induction " is a physical action occurring between contiguous particles, never taking place at a distance without polarising the molecules of the intervening dielectric, causing them to assume a peculiar constrained position, which they retain so long as they are under the coercing influence of the inductive body." According to this view of the question, therefore, all the particles of air, and of every solid non-conductor, must assume a polar arrangement, like the particles of iron-filings when within the sphere of magnetic attraction ; and in this manner act directly, through a chain of contiguous particles, on the bodies in which electricity is induced. The property of induction is now adduced to explain every pheno- menon of static electricity ; irrespective of the opposing theories of the two electricities, or of the mode by which inductive action is eflected. The phenomena of attraction and repulsion are thus explained : the two states of electricity being admitted to exert a mutual attraction on each other, the induction of negative electricity by positive, and the reverse, 58 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. must necessarily be attributable to an attractive force. The repulsion of bodies similarly electrified is considered to be caused by attractive forces in opposite directions, and not by any operating repulsive power exerted among the particles of such bodies. Two simib Jy electrified pith balls, for example, are supposed to diverge in consequence of each one inducing an opposite state of electricity in surrounding bodies, towards which they are consequently attracted in opposite directions ; the divergence and apparent repulsion from each other being occasioned altogether by at- tractive forces. The existence of a negative force, as repulsion may be regarded, is indeed opposed to the principles which have been established by investigation in other departments of physical science ; and by the hypothesis of inductive action the student of electricity is called upon to dismiss the action of repulsion from operating forces, as the student of chemistry is compelled to deny the existence of cold as a positive pro- perty. It seems questionable, however, whether the term " induction " has not been introduced unnecessarily, since all the phenomena may be regarded as the results of electrical attraction. The question whether there are two distinct kinds of electricity, or only one kind which is exhibited in different states of intensity, though interesting in a theoretical point of view, is not essential to the explana- tion of electrical phenomena, which may be almost as readily explained by one hypothesis as by the other. The analogy of those other powers in nature which, though apparently operating as distinct forces, have been proved to consist of only one, as well as the more simple character of the plus and minus theory, incline us strongly in its favour. The foundation on which the Franklinian theory rests is thus stated by Dr. Priestley : " According to this theory, all the operations of elec- tricity depend upon one fluid sui generis, extremely subtle and elastic, dispersed through the pores of all bodies ; by which the particles of it are strongly attracted, as they are repelled by one another. When the equi- librium of this fluid in any body is not disturbed, that is, when there is in any body neither more nor less of it than its natural share, or than that quantity which it is capable of retaining by its own attraction, it does not discover itself to our senses by any effect. The action of the rubber upon an electric disturbs this equilibrium, occasioning a deficiency of the fluid in one place and a redundancy of it in another. This equi- librium being forcibly disturbed, the mutual repulsion of the parti- cles of the fluid is necessarily exerted to restore it. If two bodies be both of them overcharged, the electric atmospheres repel each other, and both the bodies recede from one another to places where the fluid is less dense. If both bodies be exhausted of their natural share of this fluid, they are both attracted by the denser fluid existing either in the atmosphere contiguous to them, or in other neighbouring bodies ; which occasions them still to recede from one another as much as when they were overcharged."* The statement of the theory of vitreous and resinous electricity we shall also take from Dr. Priestley, who, though an advocate for the sing >- fluid hypothesis, has stated the arguments for and against both with great impartiality : * Priestley's History of Electricity. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF ELECTRICITY. 59 " Let us suppose, then, that there are two electric fluids which have a strong chemical affinity with each other, at the same time that the par- ticles of each are as strongly repulsive of one another. Let us suppose these two fluids in some measure equally attracted by all bodies, and ex- isting in intimate union in their pores ; and while they continue in this union, to exhibit no mark of their existence. Let us suppose that the fric- tion of any electric produces a separation of these two fluids, causing the vitreous electricity of the rubber to be conveyed to the conductor, and the resinous electricity of the conductor to be conveyed to the rubber. The rubber will then have a double share of the resinous electricity, and the conductor a double share of the vitreous ; so that upon this hypothesis no substance whatever can have a greater or less quantity of electric fluid at different times. The quality of it only can be changed. The two electric fluids being thus separated will begin to shew their respective powers, and their eagerness to rush into reunion with one another. With whichsoever of these fluids a number of bodies are charged, they will repel one another, and they will be attracted by all bodies which have a less share of that particular fluid with which they are loaded ; but will be much more strongly attracted by bodies which are wholly destitute of it, and loaded with the other. In this case they will rush together with great violence. " Upon this theory every electric spark consists of both fluids rushing contrary ways and making a double current. When, for instance, I pre- sent my finger to a conductor loaded with vitreous electricity, I discharge a part of the vitreous and return as much of the resinous, which is sup- plied to my body from the earth. Thus both the bodies are unelectrified, the balance of the two powers being perfectly restored." Dr. Priestley proceeds to state, with great fairness, the analogies and the facts which may be adduced in support of the two distinct electric fluids. The combination of two caustic and powerfully-active substances, as an alkali and an acid, in the form of a neutral salt, in which the pro- perties of neither of the constituent parts is perceptible, is one of the ana- logies advanced in favour of the vitreous and resinous fluids being com- bined, and rendered perceptible only when their combination is disturbed. It appears from the preceding consideration of the properties of the two electricities, that the cause of electrical attraction is the endeavour they make to combine and return to a neutral state. This attractive power, which is extended in the phenomena of induction to considerable distances, seems to afford sufficient explanation of the cause of those phe- nomena, without supposing the exertion of any separate action of induc- tive force. And if we concur in the explanation assigned for the mutual repulsion of negatively- electrified bodies, attractions of the two electricities in opposite directions will supply adequate cause for all the phenomena of repulsion, without the necessity of supposing that there exists any posi- tively active repulsive power in electricities of the same kind. 60 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTKICITY. CHAPTEE VI. DIRECT DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICITY. Electrical machines ; Cylinder, Plate, and Gutta Percha Influence of points Expla- nation of the cause Electricity confined to surfaces Intensity of machine-excited electricity Inflammation of combustibles by the spark Resistance of the air Nature of electric discharge Disruptive, brush, and glow discharge Colour of the electric spark. THE excitement of electricity by friction with the hand is adequate to illus- trate the primary phenomena and elementary properties of the electric fluid ; but for the exhibition of its powerful effects and more complicated actions, it is requisite to employ other apparatus. The quantity excited must be greater in a given time, and means must be provided for collect- ing and accumulating the electricity when excited. The electrical machines that were used by Du Fay and Priestley con- sisted of a sulphur globe whirled round on an axis, with the hand ap plied for a rubber. The globes of sulphur were supplanted by cylinders of glass ; and though that form has in a great measure given place to the more powerful plate-machine, the cylinder is so well suited for purposes of general experiment, that it continues to be preferred in cases where no extraordinary power is required. Figure 12 represents an approved construction of this kind of electrical fig. 12. machine. The cylinder a, placed horizontally, is mounted upon sup- ports of glass varnished, to insulate it from the ground. The rubber g consists of a hair-cushion covered with leather, over which is placed a flap of black silk. The cushion is mounted on a glass support, for the purpose of insulation when the exhibition of negative electricity is re- DIRECT DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICITY. 6V quired ; and it is adjusted by a screw ra, to regulate the pressure on the cylinder. In the ordinary working of the machine the cushion is con- nected by a chain with the ground, whence the supply of electricity is derived. A hollow brass or tin cylinder h, rounded at each end, and placed at a short distance from the glass cylinder, serves to collect the electricity as it is excited. On the side facing the glass there is a row of metal points which facilitate the collection of electricity ; and to prevent it from passing off to the earth, the metal cylinder, called the prime conductor, is mounted on a varnished glass support k. For the convenience of attaching apparatus to the prime conductor, holes are made on the top and at one end. In some electrical machines a metal cylinder similar to that of the prime conductor is attached to the rubber, as represented in the wood-cut, for the purpose of facilitating experiments with negative electricity. In large cylinder-machines the prime conductor is usually mounted on a separate stand, detached from other parts of the apparatus ; but moderately sized instruments are generally constructed with the conductor attached to the same base as the cylinder, an arrange- ment being contrived to allow of its adjustment at different distances. A cylinder electrical machine of about nine inches diameter is suffi- ciently large for ordinary* purposes of experiment. An apparatus of that size will, under favourable circumstances, fully charge a quart Leyden jar with twelve turns of the handle. Little need be said in explanation of the action of this machine, which is only a modification of the means of electrical excitement by the friction of a glass tube with the hand. On turning the handle e, friction is produced between the surface of the cylinder and the rubber ; the electrical equi- librium is thereby disturbed, and electricity is excited, which, when the prime conductor is removed, exhibits itself in bright flashes of light round the cylinder. When the points of the prime conductor are presented to the revolving cylinder, the electricity is immediately transferred to it, and it emits sparks to any conducting substance brought near. The electricity thus abundantly excited is supplied from the earth to the rubber, which is continually having its supply drawn from it by the coercive force called into action by friction with the glass. That the electricity is derived from that source is evident from the great diminution of quantity when the metallic connexion between the rubber and the ground is removed. In that insulated state the rubber becomes strongly charged with negative electricity, and sparks pass between it and any conducting body brought near almost as abundantly as from the prime conductor when in full action. The rationale of the excitement of electricity by the machine is, ac- cording to the Franklinian theory, very simple. The friction of the glass and silk, by disturbing the electrical equilibrium, deprives the rubber of its natural quantity of electricity, and it is therefore left in a negative state, unless a fresh quantity be continually drawn from the earth to supply its place. The surplus quantity is collected on the prime conductor, which thereby becomes charged with positive electricity. On the hypothesis of two electric fluids, the same frictional action causes the separation of the vitreous from the resinous electricity in the rubber, which therefore re- mains resinously charged; unless there be a connexion with the earth to restore the proportion of vitreous electricity of which the rubber has been deprived. 62 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. The electrical excitement of the machine is greatly increased by apply- ing to the rubber a metallic coating consisting of an amalgam of zinc, tin, and mercury. It is prepared by melting together two parts by weight of zinc, and one of tin, with which, whilst in a melted state, six parts by weight of mercury are mixed. The mass is shaken well together till it cools, and it is then pounded finely in a mortar and mixed with lard to the consistence of a paste. The amalgam is spread on the cushion only, care being taken to prevent it from being spread on the silk flap. The effect of an amalgam of this kind in increasing the electrical ex- citement is very decided, though some difference of opinion exists as to the principle on which the action depends. It has been imagined that the amalgamated metals are oxydised during the friction with the rubber, and that the electricity is due to chemical action. The more simple explana- tion appears to be, that the coating of metal on the rubber assists in con- ducting the electricity from it. The use of the silk flap is merely to pre- vent the electricity from discharging itself into the air before it reaches the conductor, and it would be unnecessary if the collecting points were brought near the rubber. The adhesion of particles of amalgam to the silk flap is prejudicial to the action of the machine by forming conducting points for the dispersion of the excited electricity. fig. 13. Plate machines are now much used on account of the greater quantity of electricity that can be excited by that arrangement of the instrument. A disc of glass about a quarter of an inch thick has an axis fixed in its centre, firmly supported by two cheeks of baked wood. On the upper and lower parts of these cheeks four cushions are fixed, to press against DIRECT DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICITY. 63 both sides of the glass plate at the top and at the bottom. Small flaps of silk are attached to the cushions to prevent the electricity excited from being dissipated before it arrives at the collecting points of the prime con- ductor. The conductor itself is also fixed to the upright cheeks, but is insulated from them by a horizontal glass support. Rows of points serve to collect the electricity from both sides of the glass plate, at the top and bottom. By this arrangement a much larger surface of glass is ex- posed to friction, and two rubbers can be employed on each side of the plate. The surface exposed to friction in a plate machine with a glass disc of only one foot in diameter is more than double that of a nine-inch cylinder machine. The inconvenience of a plate machine, as usually constructed, arises from the imperfect insulation of the rubbers, in consequence of which the negative electricity excited cannot be exhibited. An electrical machine in which the exciting surface consisted of gutta-percha was shewn amongst the philosophical instruments at the Great Exhibition. An end- less band of gutta-percha A was stretched over rollers B B placed above each other about two feet apart. The rotation of the upper roller communicated a rapid ver- tical motion to the band of gutta- percha, which was pressed against at the top and bottom by hard hair brushes, c c, that served as rubbers. The electricity was col- lected on each side by a branching conductor D, armed with points, and concentrated in a similar manner to the arrangement of the plate machine. Though we have not had an opportunity of trying the effect of this machine, we have heard it very favourably spoken of. It presents some practical advantages that would make it preferable to glass machines, among which must be mentioned its non-liability to fracture, and the su- perior excitability of its surface.* Sheets of gutta-percha may also be attached to discs of wood to serve instead of glass in plate electrical machines. With an electrical machine of any of the kinds mentioned, most of the phenomena of electricity can be exhibited in a much more convenient manner than by an excited glass tube, and some of them could scarcely be manifested without the aid of such an apparatus. It is requisite, how- ever, for its due action, that the machine should be placed before the fire for a short time before it is used, to expel the moisture that adheres to the glass and the cushion, and that the insulating glass supports should fig. H. * The Jurors' Reports of the Great Exhibition, which have been published since the above notice was written, make very favourable mention of this machine. 64 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTEICITY. be rubbed with a warm silk handkerchief. These conditions being attended to, and the rubber being covered with amalgam, the prime conductor will emit sparks several inches in length when the handle is turned rapidly. The action of the apparatus will, however, be considerably influenced by the state of the weather, whatever precautions be taken to keep it dry. On a fine frosty day the sparks emitted will be longer and more abundant than can be obtained when the atmosphere is charged with moisture, because the damp air acts as a conductor in restoring the electrical equilibrium. The peculiar influence of points in withdrawing the charge from an electrified body may be readily shewn by fixing a pointed wire to the prime conductor of ^n electrical machine. When the point is attached, the apparatus appears to be deprived of its power of exciting electricity, and but few and very feeble sparks will be emitted. The point, in fact, disperses the electric fluid almost as rapidly as it is excited ; and if the room be darkened, rays of light will be seen issuing from it into the air in the form of a cone, of which the point is the apex, the light being brighter there, and diminishing as the rays expand. When the point is fixed to the insulated rubber charged negatively, the effect is the same in the dispersion of the charge,'but the appearance is that of a star instead of a luminous cone. These different appearances of the electric light at the rubber and at the prime conductor induced Franklin to infer that the latter emitted electricity, and was consequently in a positive state, and that the rubber was negatively electrified the plus and minus hypothesis being assumed. On presenting the back of the hand to a metal point fixed on the prime conductor, a sensation similar to that of a small blast of air will be per- ceived ; and several kinds of apparatus have been contrived to exhibit the action of the force, whatever it may be, that issues from or is induced to- wards electrified points. The most simple of these contrivances is the electrical jack, which consists of four light pieces of wire placed cross- wise, and balanced horizontally on a pivot in the centre. The ends of these wires are pointed, and are bent in the direction of a tangent to the circle described by the apparatus during its rotation on its axis. When attached to the prime conductor, as represented in fig. 15, and the machine is put in action, the blasts from the bent points cause the air against which they strike to react on the ap- paratus, and to turn it rapidly round ; in the same manner that water or steam issuing from jets simi- larly directed turn water-mills and model steam- engines, on the principle of reaction. Another and very curious experiment, which is adduced as proving the emission of some active fig. 15. force from an electrified point, is the following : Put a little sealing-wax at the end of the pointed wire A, fig. 16, and whilst the machine is in action melt the wax. A thread of sealing-wax finer than a spider's web will then be propelled from the point ; and if a piece of white paper be held near, the convolu- tions of the web-like films, as they overlap each other, produce a remark- able and sometimes a beautiful effect, DIRECT DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICITY. 65 It might be supposed, if electricity be emitted only from the positive prime con- ductor, and the insulated rubber be elec- trified negatively, by having its natural share of electricity abstracted from it, that there would be no emission from the point fixed to the rubber, but rather an influx towards it. This, however, is not the case; for the phenomena of propelling wheels and projecting sealing-wax fila- ments occur whether the point be positively or negatively electrified. This is one of the difficulties which the advocates of the plus and minus states of electricity have to contend with ; for the phenomena of equal apparent emission from negatively electrified points appears to support the original hypothesis of Du Fay, that there are two distinct electric fluids. To account for the apparent anomaly, it is said that the effect of propulsion is not produced by the emission of negative fluid from the point, but that it is caused by the mutual attractions always subsisting between bodies in opposite states of electricity. The seeming emission of air from points fixed on either of the conductors of the electrical machine is merely a secondary and a mechanical effect produced by the air being put in motion by the continuous discharges from the points. The cause why points exert such powerful influence in the discharge of electricity has been explained by the researches of M. Coulomb into the distribution of electricity on the surfaces of bodies of different forms. On a sphere, every part of the surface being equally distant from the centre, the distribution of electricity is equal ; but the more the shape of the body departs from that of a sphere, the more unequally is the electricity dis- tributed. M. Coulomb insulated a metal rod, two inches in diameter and thirty inches long, with hemispherical ends; and having charged it with electricity, he found that at a distance of two inches from the end the electricity was to that in the middle of the rod as 1^ to 1. At one inch from the end the proportion was as If to 1, and at the extreme end it was as 2^y to 1. It appears from the results of his experiments that the intensity of the electrical charge increases in a very rapid proportion towards the edges of an insulated conductor ; that it augments still more at the corners; and that when points project, their extremities concentrate the electricity with great additional intensity. By the aid of these experiments, the cause of the escape or discharge of electricity from points may be readily inferred. The non-conduct- ing air which surrounds an electrified body resists the escape of the electricity in proportion to its pressure on the surface, the amount of resistance being in an inverse ratio to the intensity of the electric force. If, therefore, the force be concentrated at a point where the amount of surface-resistance to its escape is reduced to the smallest quantity, the concentrated force meets with comparatively little obstruction, and rapidly rushes towards the surrounding bodies which are exerting an attractive power on the excited electricity. One of the many effects of electrical induction is the distribution of static electricity entirely on the surfaces of conductors. The electricity communicated to any substance induces an opposite state of electrical ex- 66 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. citement on surrounding bodies, and the mutually attractive in- fluence draws all the electric fluid to the surface. Thus an insulated hollow ball, however thin its sub- stance, will contain a charge of electricity equal to that of a solid fig 17 ball of the same size, all the charge being distributed, in either case, on the surface alone. An experiment contrived by M. Biot affords a very satisfactory illustration of the distribution of electricity on surfaces. Let a metal globe A, fig. 17, be suspended by a silken cord, and com- municate to it a charge of electricity. Two hemispheres B, B, that will exactly enclose the globe, should be insulated by glass handles, and placed over it when thus charged, so that the exterior surfaces of the hemispheres may become the outside of the globe. Under these circumstances, the whole charge of electricity will be transferred from the globe to the hemi- spheres; and when they are removed by the glass handles, all the electricity of the globe will be discharged, and will be retained on the exterior surfaces of the hemispheres. The interior surfaces of hollow vessels have not any electricity dis- tributed on them, because there is no opposing surface on which the elec- tricity of the opposite kind can be induced. The inside of a hollow metal globe, for example, has opposed to it only the metal already charged with electricity of the same kind as its own; consequently, there can be no inductive action on such surface. The absence of electricity from the inside of charged metallic vessels may be shewn by electrifying a metal ice- pail or a pewter pot placed on an insulating stand, and then lowering into it a metal ball suspended by silk, allowing it to touch the inside. When the ball is withdrawn, it will not indicate the least trace of elec- tricity; but if it be then applied to the outside of the metal vessel, it will acquire and carry away a large portion of the charge. A more striking exemplification of the diffusion of elec- tricity exclusively on the outsides of vessels is afforded when, instead of a solid metallic vessel, a cylinder formed of wire-gauze is employed. Let the insulated ball B be lowered into the wire-gauze cylinder A, fig 1 8, when elec- trified and mounted on an insulating stand, and it may touch every part of the interior without receiving any por- tion of the electricity with which the exterior surface is charged, though the slightest touch on the other side of the open wire mesh would communicate its electricity to the ball. When a wire-gauze cover is placed over an electrometer, it effectually prevents the gold leaves from being affected by excited electrics, and it is customary to cover all deli- cate instruments of the kind with a metallic net, to protect them from injury by too violent action. The fact that by increasing the surface of any body charged with electricity the intensity is diminished, was known to Dr. Franklin, who illustrated this absorbing influence of ex- DIRECT DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICITY. 67 tended surface by electrifying a chain heaped together on an insulating stand, and then drawing part of it upwards by a silk thread. When the surface capable of being surrounded by an electrical atmosphere was thus increased, the intensity of the charge was diminished, and by lowering the chain again the original force was regained. Another mode of shew- ing the effect of enlarging the surface is to wind a strip of tinfoil round a small insulated wooden cy- linder, as represented in the annexed woodcut. ^Vhen a charge of electri- city is given to the metal, the pith-balls a, a diverge. Take hold of the small piece of ribbon 5, and draw some of the foil from the cylinder, so as to expose a fig. 19. large surface, and the balls collapse. On winding the foir again on the cylinder the balls again di- verge. It is evident, therefore, that the quantity of electricity undergoes no change by the altered state of the surfaces, but that the intensity is diminished by the same quantity being diffused over a larger space. The difference in effect produced by expanding or contracting the surface over which a given charge of electricity is diffused will be further noticed when we speak of the electrical battery. Though the electrical charge resides on the surfaces of conductors, it does not exist as an atmosphere of electricity around them, as was for- merly imagined ; but it seems to be confined within the external surface. No difference is made in the distribution of electricity on metals when a part or the whole surface is covered with varnish, or even with a thick coat of wax. The electricity excited by the electrical machine is in a high state of intensity ; but the quantity is comparatively small. Its concentrated energy enables it to force a passage through the non-conducting air to a greater distance than when collected in much larger quantities in a lower state of intensity; but the physical effects of the long spark emitted are only feeble. They are sufficient however to shew, in addition to the general phenomena of attraction and repulsion which we have noticed, the igniting power of electricity in some of the more inflammable substances. If spirits of wine be warmed in a metal spoon, and a spark from the conductor be made to pass through the spirit, it will be instantly set on fire. This experiment appears the ' ' . -| more curious when the spark is passed f | I ' ( from the finger of a person placed on an insulating-stool. Hydrogen gas may also be inflamed by a spark. For performing this experi- fi s- 20 - nient in the most efficient manner, an electrical cannon or pistol is con- 68 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. structed. It consists of a brass tube, about one inch in diameter and six inches long, closed at one end. A piece of wire a, fig. 20, that is to conduct the electricity through the gas, is introduced into the tube, but is insulated from it by ivory or wood, b. The most convenient way of charging the pistol is to attach a tube to a bladder containing an explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases, to insert it perpendicularly into the mouth of the pistol, and then, by gently squeezing the bladder, to force the gas out. In this way the atmo- spheric air is displaced, and the cannon is charged without wetting the insulating ivory. The open end is then closed with a cork whilst the pistol continues to be held inverted, to prevent the escape of the hydrogen. On taking a spark from the machine through the wire, the gas explodes with a loud report, and propels the cork to a considerable distance. In charging the pistol in this manner from a bladder filled with an explosive mixture of hydrogen gas, care should be taken not to allow a lighted candle to be brought near. From neglect of this precaution on one occasion, an accident happened to the author that produced considerable alarm. He was filling a gun-barrel with explosive gas from a bladder held under his arm, when, in consequence of approaching too close to the candle, the contents of the bladder exploded, extinguishing the lights and stunning his arm and side, though it did no serious damage. The resistance offered by air to the passage of electricity may be very beautifully illustrated by sparks from the machine. If the air were a con- ductor there could be no manifestation of electrical phenomena, for the equilibrium would be restored as quickly as it was disturbed; but the resistance of the air serves to retain the excited electricity on the surfaces of electrified bodies. When the electricity possesses sufficient intensity to force its way through the resisting air, the discharge is accompanied by a bright spark. If the machine be powerful and in good order, sparks eight or ten inches long may be obtained, which, in overcoming the resistance of the non-conducting medium, are diverted from a straight path and describe a ziz-zag course, resembling a flash of forked lightning. That the resistance to the passage of elec- tricity from body to body is caused by fig. 21. * ,. ,1 something more than by the intervening space, is proved by the facility with which electrical discharge is effected through vessels exhausted of air. For instance, let a glass tube c, fig. 21, about three inches in diameter and two feet long, be fitted at each end with a brass cap, to which a wire and a brass ball are attached. At the end B there is a screw to fit on to the air-pump, by which the tube may be exhausted. On applying one end to the prime conductor, and the machine is put in action, the electricity passes readily through the partial vacuum, and is. discharged through the tube. When the experiment is performed in the dark, the interior of the tube will be observed to be luminous with beautiful purple-coloured flashes, which present a miniature resemblance to the aurora borealis. If the air be gradually admitted whilst the machine continues in action, and the tube be removed a short distance from the conductor, so that sparks may pass between them, the resistance to the electricity will in- DIRECT DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICITY. 69 crease as the air is admitted, until the sparks can no longer force a pas- sage. At an early stage of the re-admission, when the air is still greatly attenuated, the electric spark will pass through like a ball of light, moving comparatively slowly, so that its form and course may be dis- tinguished. This very interesting experiment, which requires a little address for its perfect development, exemplifies the phenomena of meteors or "falling stars" in the upper regions of the atmosphere, where the air is less rarefied than in the higher fields of space where the aurora cor- uscates. Faraday has examined with great care the various kinds of elec- trical discharge, with a view to establish his theory of induction; and he has succeeded in accumulating a great number of interesting facts con- nected with the transmission of electricity through resisting media. Fara- day's theory of induction, as we have before stated, supposes that the particles of non-conducting bodies, when acted on by an electric force, assume a polar state, and form a chain of contiguous particles, each one of which has a positive and negative end. This polarised chain of particles, it is assumed, extends from the excited electric through the air or other non-conducting body, and induces in the nearest conducting body a state of electricity opposite to that of the coercing force. In proportion as the particles of different substances possess the power of communicating elec- tricity to each other, their tendency to assume a polar condition dimin- ishes ; and, on the other hand, the greater the non-conducting property of the particles, the more strongly will they take the polar direction. In other words, induction can only take place across insulating substances, and the inductive action is more or less readily assumed according to the power of conducting electricity. Applying this theory to the explanation of electric discharge through resisting media, Faraday assumes that there is a limit to the influence which the intervening chain of polarised particles possesses in retaining the attracting forces apart, and that when any of the contiguous particles have attained their highest degree of polarised exaltation, they can no longer resist the passage of the electric force. Thus when one or more links of the chain are subverted, the two forces cannot be restrained. Every case of discharge is therefore preceded by inductive action which coerces the insulating particles into a polar state, until they are restored to their natural condition by the overpowering attraction of the combining forces. The electric spark is considered " as a discharge or lowering of the polarised inductive state of many di- electric particles by a particular action of a few of the particles occupying a very small and limited space, all the previously polarised particles returning to their first or normal condition in the inverse order in which they left it, and uniting their powers meanwhile to produce, or rather to continue, the discharge effect in the place where the subversion of force first occurred." The sudden restoration of the electrical equilibrium by the mutually-attracting forces bursting through the intervening non-con(Jucting space, is termed disruptive discharge. It may 70 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. take place either in the form of a spark or in a series of rapidly-intermit- ting discharges, so near together as to appear continuous. The latter is called the brush discharge (fig. 22), from the form of its luminous corus- cations. To produce the brush discharge with effect requires the machine to be in good order, and the intensity of the electricity on the prime conductor to be increased by adding to it a projecting rod with a rounded end. The discharge takes place from the end into the air, or to any conducting body brought near, and it is accompanied with a continuous rushing noise. Professor Wheatstone has proved that the sound is produced by a rapid succession of disruptive discharges, and that the brush of light observable in a darkened room is resolvable into a number of brushes, each of which indicates a separate and instantaneous discharge ; though the discharges are so rapid as to mingle together in one luminous expanding cone, with a bright apex near the discharging conductor. The difference in the appearance of the brush discharge from the positive and negative conductors is very observable. The brushes obtained from the negatively-charged conductor (fig. 23) are shorter, and the discharges are more rapid, " being seven or eight times more numerous in the same period than those produced when the rod was charged positively to an equal degree."* Another form of discharge is obtained when a fine point, instead of a blunted thick wire, is attached to the prime con- ductor. In that case, the expanding brush accompanied wHh a rushing sound gives place to a small pencil of rays, which 1 1 1 produces a steady light. This has obtained the name of the |(/ glow discharge, a, fig. 24. It is probable that even this steady and noiseless discharge may be resolved, like that of the brush, into an innumerable quantity of intermittent discharges, mingled together so intimately as to be sepa- rately indistinguishable. When a fine point is attached to the insulated rubber of the machine, the light presents the form of a star, b. The light of the electric spark varies as it passes through different media. In air the sparks have that in- tense light and bluish colour which are so well known, and often have faint or dark parts in their course when the quantity of electricity is not great. In nitrogen gas they have more colour of a bluish or purple character; and Faraday considers them remarkably sonorous. In hydrogen, the colour is crimson ; in oxygen, whiter than in nitrogen, and not so brilliant ; in carbonic acid gas similar to air, but with a green tinge, and remarkably irregular ; in coal gas the spark is sometimes green, sometimes red, and occasionally one part green and another red, and the black parts occur very suddenly. These various colours of the spark in different gases are considered by Faraday to be attributable " to a direct relation of the elec- tric powers of the particles of the dielectric through which the discharge fig. 23. a\ fig. 24. * Faraday's Experimental Researches. ACCUMULATED ELECTRICITY. 71 occurs, and are not the mere results of a casual ignition, or a secondary kind of action of the electricity upon the particles which it finds in its course, and thrusts aside in its passage."* The brush discharge also exhibits peculiar characters in the different gases, the effect in nitrogen being finer in form, light, and colour than in any other gas, and evolving a greater quantity of light. The peculiar character of nitrogen in relation to the electric discharge must, it is sup- posed by Faraday, have an important influence over the form, and even the occurrence of lightning, as that gas, which extends its discharge farther than any other, constitutes four-fifths of the atmosphere. CHAPTER VIT. ACCUMULATED ELECTRICITY. The Leyden jar Its construction and mode of action The amount of electricity always constant Chain of Leyden jars self-charged The charge in the glass, and not in the coating Charged plate of glass Electrical batteries Intensity of force diminished by extension Residual charge Lateral charge : its cause and effects Distribution of electricity during discharge Universal discharger Lane's discharger Quadrant electrometer. THE power of accumulating electricity by means of the Leyden jar has placed in the hands of electricians a force of almost unlimited extent. In our sketch of the history of electric science, we have .already adverted to the nature of the apparatus. As at present constructed, it consists of a thin glass jar A, fig. 25, coated within and without with tin-foil, which reaches to about three inches of the top. A wooden cover B serves as a support to a straight thick brass wire c, that passes through the centre of the cover, and has a metallic connexion by a chain or wire with the interior coating. This wire rises a few inches above the cover, and is surmounted by a hollow brass ball, which is screwed on to the top of the wire to prevent the dispersion of the electricity from the end. The sizes of the fi s- 25 - jars vary from half-a-pint to ten gallons. One holding about a pint will give a shock as strong as most persons like to receive. To charge a jar with positive electricity, connect its small brass ball with the prime conductor of the machine, and make a connexion between the outside coating and the ground. When fully charged, it will give in- dications of its electrical condition by a muttering sound ; and in the dark, rays of light will be seen issuing from the edges of the tin-foil and from the ball. The notion of Muschenbrceck, which led to the discovery of the Leyden jar, was to collect electricity within a phial to prevent its dispersion, and thereby to store up an increased quantity of the electric fluid ; but it is * Experimental Researches. THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. now ascertained that a jar when highly charged does not contain more electricity than it did before it was applied to the conductor. The effect produced by charging is not to increase the quantity, but only to disturb the natural electricity previously present in a latent state on the inside and outside of the glass. There is injected into the inside, by connexion with the electrical machine, an amount of positive electricity, whilst an equal amount of negative electricity is driven from the outside by the force of electrical induction ; and unless the electricity on the outer surface of the glass can be thus driven off by affording it a connexion with the ground, the inside cannot receive a charge. Let a Ley den jar be insulated from the earth by placing it on a glass stand, and it will receive scarcely any electricity from the conductor ; not more than equal to the quantity which can escape from the outside to the surrounding air. If the knob of another insulated jar be connected with the ground, and the outside coatings of the two jars be brought near together, sparks will then pass rapidly from the prime conductor to the knob of the first, and they will also pass as rapidly between the outside coatings of the two jars. In this manner both the Ley den jars become charged, and it will be found that they are charged equally, but with electricity of opposite kinds. The first one, that derived its electricity directly from the prime conductor, will be charged positively ; the second, that derived its charge from the electricity escaping from the knob to the ground, will be negative. Place the two jars on the table, and sus- pend between them a pith ball B or other light substance, and it will be attracted alternately from one to the other in rapid vibrations, clearly shewing that the electricity in the two jars is of opposite kinds. The phenomena that occur during the charge of a Leyden jar have been adduced as evidence in support of the Franklinian theory of a single electric fluid, the outside being supposed to be in a minus state after part- ing with its natural quantity to the other jar. But the phenomena are explicable also on the hypothesis of two fluids, it being assumed that they are separated from their neutral state by the coercing force of the free electricity communicated to the inside of the jar. Franklin attempted to apply practically the charging of one jar from the escaping electricity of another. He inferred, that if a series of insulated jars were arranged with the outside coatings and knobs alternately touch- ing, the coating of the last one being connected with the ground, that by this arrangement the positive electricity expelled from the outside of the first jar would charge the second ; that the electricity from the outside of the second would charge the third positively, and so on to any num- ber ; and that an immense electric force might be thus accumulated from the same quantity of electricity that is required to charge a single jar. Let ABC represent a series of three jars, A and B being mounted on ACCUMULATED ELECTRICITY. 73 insulating glass stands. On making connexion from the prime conductor of an electri- cal machine to the knob of A, that jar will be charged posi- tively, and an equal amount of electricity will be expelled from the outside into B, which will also be positively charged. The third jar c will in like manner be charged from the outside of B, and the electricity which was expelled from A, on arriv- ing at the outside of the last jar of the series, will be con- ducted to the earth. fi g . 27. To effect the discharge of a jar, it is requisite that a connexion be made between the positive elec- tricity within and the negative electricity without, so that the equilibrium may be restored. Now if a metallic connexion be made from the knob of B to the knob of A, there will be a discharge of the first jar only; for though the connexion is made with the knob of B, none of the positive electricity within can be discharged, for it is restrained by the coercing force of the opposite electricity on the outside. If metallic connexion be made between the outside of B and the knob of A, both those jars will be discharged, and the third will remain charged; but by bringing a wire from the outside of c to the knob of A, the three jars will be at once dis- charged. We have been led away by the phenomena exhibited in charging the Leyden jar from the consideration of the cause of its accumulating elec- tricity, and discharging the force instantaneously. We have stated that the cause depends on inductive action operating through the substance of the non-conducting glass. Exemplifications of this action through glass have been previously given. It was shewn that a pane of glass when ex- cited by friction on one side, has negative electricity induced on the other, and that a glass tumbler may be charged with electricity by exposing the inside to the influence of an electrified point, whilst the outside is grasped by the hand. The electricity thus collected on the surfaces of the pane of glass and the tumbler is sluggish in its action, and is dissipated by slow degrees, on account of the non-conducting property of the glass surfaces ; but if metal plates be applied on each side of the pane of glass, the elec- tricity is instantly concentrated at any point, and on connecting the two surfaces with a wire, a discharge takes place, exactly as in the Leyden jar. The charged tumbler might also be converted into a Leyden jar by the application of interior and exterior casings of metal foil, to serve as con- ductors, to concentrate at any point the electricity distributed over the surface of the glass. To prove most conclusively that the charge of a Leyden jar is retained on the surface of the glass, and not in the metallic coatings, Leyden jars are made with tin inside and outside casings, so contrived that they may be easily removed. A jar of this kind, when charged and placed on an in- F THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. sulating stand, may have the metal casings removed and others substituted for them ; yet after this change the jar will be found to retain its charge. The metal serves only to conduct the electricity simultaneously from all parts of the glass. A plate of glass affords the most convenient mode of illustrating that the electrical charge is retained by the glass and not by the metal. Let a pane of glass A A, fig. 28, about one foot square, be covered on one side with tin-foil, and laid horizon- tally on the table. To the other side apply the insulated metal disc c of an electrophorus ; connect the disc with the prime conductor, and fig- 28. a few turns of the machine will charge the glass. Remove the disc by the insulating handle B, and it will manifest scarcely any trace of elec- tricity. Let the same or another disc be again applied to the surface of the glass, and on making connexion between the metals on the opposite sides a strong discharge will take place. A movable metal disc might be applied to each surface of the glass with similar results; but the ar- rangement indicated in the figure is more convenient. When a more powerful charge of electricity is required than a single jar will retain, several are combined to form an electrical battery. For convenience, the jars are placed in a box with divisions, the bottom being fig. 29. lined with tin-foil, to make connexion with all the exterior coatings. The knobs of the jars are connected together by wires, as represented in fig. 29 ; and there is a metal hook projecting from the side of the box connected with the tin -foil lining. Thus all the interior and all the outside coatings of the jars are connected; and when communication is made between the prime conductor and any of the knobs of the jars the whole are simultaneously charged. They are also discharged simultaneously by making connexion between the projecting hook and any one of the knobs. ACCUMULATED ELECTRICITY. 75 The combination of several small jars is found better than having a smaller number of large ones, because the thickness of the glass necessary in jars of large size obstructs induction through it. By an arrange- ment of many jars, an amount of electric force may be accumulated that would almost equal the destructive power of lightning. The battery used by Faraday in his experiments consisted of fifteen equal jars, coated eight inches upwards from the bottom, and twenty-three inches in circum- ference ; so that each contained 184 square inches of glass coated on both sides, independently of the bottoms of the jars, which were of thicker glass, and contained each about fifty square inches. The total coated surface of the battery consequently comprised 3500 square inches of coated surface. The electrical battery at the Polytechnic Institution exposes a coated surface of nearly eighty square feet. To receive the full charge of such a battery would be instant death. A battery of nine quart jars is sufficient to exhibit the deflagrating effects of electricity on a small scale ; nor would it be safe to receive a shock from a battery of that size. It is a fact deserving consideration that the accumulation of quantity diminishes the intensity of electricity. For instance, an electrical machine when in good action will emit sparks four inches long. When a Leyden jar is charged with twelve such sparks, the accumulated electricity will not force its passage through more than a quarter of an inch ; and if the same quantity be distributed among the jars of an electrical battery, the discharge will not take place through the eighth of an inch. The quantity of electricity is in each case the same, but the state of intensity diminishes in proportion to the surface over which it is diffused. The difference between quantity and intensity is still more remarkably manifested in the different conditions of frictional and voltaic electricity, as will be subse- quently noticed. One of the peculiar phenomena of the electrical battery is the residual charge. When communication is made between the inside and outside coatings of a battery consisting of several jars, the whole of the electricity is not immediately discharged. On again making connexion between the inside and outside coatings, after a short interval, a second discharge will occur ; which, though comparatively feeble, might occasion a disagreeable shock. The cause of this residual charge is partly attributable to the accumulation of electricity on those parts of the jar just above the metallic coating ; which portions, not being in direct contact with the metal, are not conducted with equal rapidity. Part of the charge also enters into the pores of the glass, and is thus removed from immediate contact with the metal. The simplest kind of instrument employed for discharging a Leyden jar or an electrical battery is a thick curved piece of brass wire, fitted with a small ball at each end. One of these balls is applied to the outside coating, and when the other is brought near to the knob of the jar the electricity instantly passes through the wire with a smart snap or report, connexion being thus made between the two charged surfaces of the jar. When, however, a discharger of this kind is employed for an electrical battery a slight shock is felt, owing to what is termed the lateral dis- charge; therefore, to avoid the inconvenience and the danger that might arise from holding the wire in the hand, an insulated wire is generally employed. Its form is represented in fig. 30, as applied in discharging a 76 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. Leyden jar. Two thick brass wires a a, of equal lengths, and terminated with brass balls, are jointed together at c for the con- venience of adjustment, and are cemented to a glass handle 6, which serves to insulate the wires from the hand, and prevents the liability of any perceptible portion of the charge being received by the operator. There has been much discus- sion among electricians on the subject of lateral discharge, in reference more particularly to the safety of lightning-conductors ; we shall therefore notice in this place the cause of the phenomenon. It is the case with electricity, absolute heat. Thus the application of ice will produce an electric current as well as the appli- cation of heat ; and by applying ice to one corner and the flame of a spirit- lamp to the other at the same time, the effect is greatly increased. The intensity of the thermo-electric current from a single circuit is extremely feeble, and is altogether impeded even by a short length of fine wire ; but it may be greatly increased by multiplying the series, as in the voltaic pile. With a series cf very short and thin bars of bismuth and antimony, having their alternate ends soldered together, and insulated from each other by pieces of thick paper, a very delicate thermometer may be constructed, which indicates, by the deflection of the galvanometer needle, variations of temperature much too minute to be appreciated by iny other indicator of heat. By multiplication of the series sparks have been produced, and electro- magnetic effects have been obtained. A vivid spark was elicited by Che- valier Antinori of Florence, on breaking contact ; and Professor Wheat- stone successfully repeated the experiment. He used a thermo-battery of MAGNETO, THERMO, AND ANIMAL ELECTRICITY. 145 thirty pairs of bismuth and antimony, packed into a cylindrical bundle 1 *2 inch long and three-quarters of an inch in diameter, with a coil of in- sulated copper ribbon 50 feet long and 1^ inch broad. Mr. Watkins, by using a thermo-electric battery of thirty pairs, each plate being 1*5 inch square and O33 inch thick, and heating one end of the arrangement with a hot iron, whilst the other was kept cool with ice, succeeded in exciting an electro-magnet to such an extent as to support a weight of ninety- eight pounds.* M. Mellori and Professor Forbes have made valuable use of thermo- electricity in their researches into the nature of heat, as it affords the most delicate means of detecting variations of temperature. The apparatus of Professor Forbes is represented in fig. 73. The thermo-electric battery A, mounted on its stand, con- sists of thirty-six alternations of bismuth and antimony in very short and thin bars, con- nected at their ends, but insu- lated laterally by paper. The terminal elements of the bat- tery are produced at c, to which thick copper wires connected with the galvanometer G are attached. In his experiments the deflections of the needle were examined through a mag- nifying instrument, so that the least movement might be ob- served. The instrument is so sensitive in its indications that the approach of the hand towards the end of the battery produces a deflection of several degrees. Another source of electricity the last we have to notice is derived from the organisation of living animals. There are several fishes which possess the power of giving electrical shocks ; but those best known in this country are the torpedo and the gymnotus. The former is found in the Mediterranean, and along the shores of France and the south of Eng- land. It is a species of ray. The electrical organs lie on each side of the head, and consist of a great number of hexagonal prisms, 'with their bases to one side of the fish and their apices to the other. Upwards of one thousand of these prisms have been counted in a single organ. The power of communicating shocks depends entirely on the nerves of the fish, for its heart may be taken out without diminishing the effect ; but the instant that the nerves are divided the electrical power is lost. The back and the belly are in opposite states of electricity, that of the back being positive, and that of the belly negative; and to receive a shock.it is neces- sary to make a communication between them. The accompanying figure shews the fish with part of the skin turned over, so as to expose the right electric organ, which presents the appear- ance of a honeycomb. The mouth is shewn at d ; the ten bronchial fig. 73. Dr. Golding Bird's Natural Philosophy. 146 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTKICITY. apertures at e e ; ff the outer margin of the great lateral fin ; g g two smaller fins, and h the tail fin. The electrical properties of the gymnotus, or electrical eel, are better known than those of the torpedo, because some living specimens exhibited in London, first in the Adelaide Gallery and now at the Polytechnic In- stitution, have enabled Faraday and other electricians to make experiments with the electricity evolved. The electrical organs are arranged from the head of the fish to the tail on each side of the spine, like a voltaic bat- tery; the end near the head being positive, and the tail negative. The whole power of this living battery is exerted when connexion is made between the head and the tail; and if the communication be made between any intermediate parts, the effect is diminished in the same degree as in a voltaic battery under similar circumstances. On putting small live fish into the water with the gymnotus, the latter forms itself into a circle enclosing the fish, and sends a charge through the water, which instantly stuns its prey. When the hand is held in the water whilst the charge is transmitted, a shock is felt, though not so strong as when the gymnotus is touched at its two extremities. fig. 75. Fig. 75 represents a gymnotus with the electrical organs laid bare, the skin being turned over on each side. Flat portions and cross divisions appear in parallel lines nearly in the direction of the axis of the body. They consist of thin membranes nearly parallel to each other ; their breadth about the semi-diameter of the body, but of different lengths. In the figure, a represents the head ; b the cavity of the body ; dd the ventral fin ; ee the skin turned back ; //the external muscles of the fin ; gg the MAGNETO, THERMO, AND ANIMAL ELECTRICITY. 147 large electrical organ ; h h the smaller organ. Fig. 76 presents two views of the entire fish. fig. 76. In a series of experiments with the gymnotus, Faraday clearly esta- blished the identity of its peculiar power with that of voltaic electricity of great intensity. It produces a succession of shocks at short intervals ; it effects electro-chemical decomposition, evolves heat, emits sparks, affects the galvanometer, and renders iron magnetic. An attempt was made to estimate the power of the apparatus, and though the experiments were not very satisfactory, Faraday was led to conclude that a single medium discharge of the gymnotus is at least equal to a Leyden battery of fifteen jars containing 3500 square inches of glass, coated on both sides and highly charged. The electrical eel experimented with was forty inches long, but it is found in the rivers and lakes of Venezuela six feet in length. Horses that venture into the pools where the gymnotus abounds are stunned by their shocks and often drowned. Humboldt mentions that on one occa- sion he witnessed about thirty horses and mules driven into a pool oc- cupied by numbers of gymnoti, which glided under the bellies of the animals and discharged through them most violent and repeated shocks. The horses, convulsed and terrified, their manes erect, and their eyes staring with pain and anguish, made unavailing struggles to escape. The electrical energy of the eels, however, became exhausted in less than a quarter of an hour, and those horses that had contrived to keep above water during the attack recovered. The power of developing electricity appears to be limited to about eight genera of the known fishes. Frogs and some other animals of low organisation are peculiarly sensitive to the influence of electricity, but it is very questionable whether they possess any voluntary power of its de- velopment. The experiment of the convulsion of the limb of a dead frog by making a communication between a muscle of the leg and a nerve, which has been adduced as a proof of the electricity of frogs, is altogether 148 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. distinct from that control of the electrical power which is exercised by the torpedo and gymnotus. That there exists some intimate connexion between nervous influence and electricity there is little doubt. Many attempts have been made, and with some success, to prove that the human body generates electricity; and we have heard it publicly asserted, and maintained by ingenious arguments, that the lungs are galvanic batteries which are constantly generating vast supplies of the electric fluid, which are conveyed by the nerves to the brain, and thence distributed to the whole nervous system to stimulate the vital functions. Dr. Golding Bird affirms, that "it is quite indisputable that the human body is always in an electric state, but of the feeblest tension, never exceeding that evolved by the contact of a plate of zinc with a plate of copper. It increases with the irritability of the person, and appears to be greater in the evening than in the morning, and disappearing altogether in very cold weather." * It appears to be also certain that electricity exerts an influence on the germination of seeds, though the experiments hitherto made on this subject have led to no satis- factory results. From the mysterious connexion which is known to subsist between electricity and the nervous system, it is but a step to attribute the in- fluence of the imagination, and of other affections of the mind, to electrical causes. On this supposition is founded the belief in mesmerism; which assumes that an invisible electric fluid may be emitted by the power of will from the finger-ends of the operator, and be transfused into the system of the patient. It is not our intention to enter that debatable ground ; we allude to the subject only as it is one of the most notable forms in which the prevailing opinion of the influence of an electric fluid on the vital functions has clothed itself. It is a deeply-interesting question, however, which still remains to be proved, whether the same force which, differently modified, produces electricity, magnetism, and heat, is also to be identified with the immediate stimulus of vitality. CHAPTER XVII. ECONOMICAL APPAEATUS. Simple form of apparatus for frictional electricity Directions for constructing Electri- cal Machines Leyden Jars and Batteries Electrometers Electrophorus Uni- versal Discharger Voltaic Batteries Electro -Magnets Galvanometers Obser- vations on exciting' liquids for Voltaic Batteries. THERE are many students strongly inclined to explore the attractive regions of electric science, whose researches might add greatly to the stock of knowledge, and tend to the elucidation of the mysteries in which the rela- tions of electricity to other forces and to the vital principle are shrouded ; but they are deterred from advancing by the cost of the necessary apparatus. We propose, therefore, to assist in removing this obstacle by giving hints * Elements of Natural Philosophy, p. 307. ECONOMICAL APPARATUS. . 149 for the construction of apparatus which any one possessed of a certain degree of mechanical skill can put together himself. Every thing that is absolutely necessary for exhibiting the phenomena of frictional electricity may be provided at the cost of a few shillings, when no great amount of electrical force is required. The author, when a boy, made and experimented with an apparatus of the very simplest kind. His first exciter of electricity was a long bottle of the same shape as those in which eau-de-Cologne is contained, but wider and larger. An old piece of black silk, on which a little aurum musivum was spread, served for the rubber ; and with this bottle, after it had been well dried before the fire, an energetic excitement of positive electricity was obtained by holding it in one hand and rubbing it briskly with the other. For exciting negative electricity a large stick of sealing-wax was used. With the glass electric a Leyden jar, consisting of a large glass tumbler coated inside and out with tin-foil to within an inch of the rim, was fully charged in a quarter of a minute. The discharging-rod was a piece of bent wire ; and an insulated stand was formed of a piece of board mounted on a small phial cemented to the wood with sealing-wax. An electrical machine was afterwards made of equally simple materials. The cylinder was a large phial, into the hol- lowed bottom of which was cemented an axis, shaped with a knife to fit into the hollow at one end, and rounded at the other like a spindle. A rudely-constructed handle was cemented into the neck of the phial, and it was mounted upon two wooden supports fixed into a flat board to serve as the base. The prime conductor was part of the handle of a hair- broom, rounded off at each end and covered with tin-foil. It was mounted on a long narrow phial for its insulating support, and pins were stuck into the wood to collect the electricity. The cushion was supported on a wooden prop, and pressed against the bottom of the small cylinder. With this ma- chine, sparks two inches long could be obtained, and it could fully charge the tumbler Leyden jar with about twenty turns of the handle. With an apparatus so rude and costless in its construction, many of the most remarkable phenomena of electricity could be exhibited ; but its diminutive size and rough appearance were scarcely suited for the labo- ratory of an adult experimental philosopher : we notice it merely to shew at what little expense electrical phenomena may be exemplified. We shall now describe a means of providing an apparatus of a better kind, suitable for all experiments with frictional electricity. A length of stout glass tube, two feet long and an inch and a half in diameter, which may be purchased at a barometer-maker's for one shilling, serves as an excellent means of exciting electricity by manual friction. It should be varnished inside to prevent the moisture of the atmosphere from condensing and adhering to the glass, and it should be closed at each end with corks. Aurum musivum (sulphuret of tin), a small quantity of which may be purchased at an operative chemist's, serves even better than amal- gam to stimulate the excitement of electricity by alternating friction. The glass cylinders for electrical machines may now be purchased of various sizes from the philosophical glass-vendors. One of these, six inches in diameter, fitted into a frame consisting of a wooden base and two uprights made of baked wood, will answer for most purposes very well. The prime conductor may also be of wood, covered with tin-foil ; its insu- lating support being a glass tube about nine inches long, varnished. Pins, 150 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. or pieces of brass wire sharpened at both ends, may be stuck into the wood to collect the electricity from the_ excited cylinder. The cushion, with its flap of silk attached, may be supported on an upright of well- baked wood firmly fixed into the wooden base, which will press against the side of the cylinder by the springy nature of the w r ood. A handle may be purchased to cement into the neck of the cylinder, it being of not much consequence whether it be insulated or not. Leyden jars may be easily made by coating glass jars with tin-foil in- side and out, the foil being made to adhere by a thin layer of paste. A thick brass wire, to serve for the connexion with the inside coating, should be supported in a firm position in the centre of the jar by a large cork, and a piece of thin wire must be attached to the bottom to make connexion with the inside coating. The object of having thick wire is to prevent the dissipation of electricity, which takes place from points and small surfaces. The end of the wire outside should, for the same reason, be covered with a hollow brass ball. Such balls, with screw-holes for the wires, may be obtained at the philosophical -instrument makers' for three pence each. In forming a battery of Leyden jars, they should be fitted into a box about half their height, with partitions inside to prevent the jars from being broken by collisions ; and the bottom of the box should be lined with tin-foil, to form a metallic connexion between the outside coatings. All the wires or knobs connected with the insides of the jars should also be joined together by wire. A battery of six quart jars, sufficient to deflagrate small strips of metal leaf, may thus be constructed at a cost of fourteen shillings. An electrometer presents little difficulty. Four inches of glass tube two inches in diameter may be cemented on to a wooden stand, having first pasted two narrow strips of tin-foil one inch and a half long opposite to'.-each other inside on the lower part of the tube. The strips of tin-foil should be connected together, and have also a metallic connexion outside the stand. A cork covered with tin-foil may be fitted into the top of the tube, instead of a metal cover, allowing a small piece of foil to project in the centre inside for the convenient attachment of two strips of gold-leaf. The gold-leaves should reach so far down as to be rather below the strips of foil on the side of the tube, taking care, in pasting them to the cover, that the metallic connexion is not obstructed by the paste or gum. In making an electrophorus, recourse may again be had to wood covered with tin-foil, as a substitute for solid metal. Paste a disc of tin- foil nine inches in diameter on a flat board, and over the foil fix a disc of the same size of thick sheet gutta-percha, or pour over it some melted resinous cement, made as flat as possible. The conducting insulated plate may consist of a flat circular piece of wood, smaller than the cake of cement ; the surface being covered with tin-foil, and having attached to the centre of its upper surface a piece of glass tube to serve for the in- sulating handle. An universal discharger, insulating stands, and stools may be made by using short lengths of strong glass tube for the insulating supports. Gutta percha will be found a very convenient substance for many smaller parts of apparatus, as it may be easily moulded into form by immersing it in hot water, and no known substance is so good an insulator. By adopting ECONOMICAL APPARATUS. 151 the plan thus sketched out, any person, with a little ingenuity and me- chanical skill, may put together a yery complete and sufficiently powerful apparatus for general experiments with frictional electricity, at a cost of less than two pounds. Experiments with voltaic electricity, if continued, are more costly, be- cause, in addition to the original expense of the apparatus, there is the constant consumption of the exciting materials. For those experiments, however, which do not require a numerous and powerful combination of plates, voltaic apparatus may be made at even less cost than that for frictional electricity. Zinc plates may be obtained at the metal-ware- houses of various degrees of thickness, and cut into any size required, at the rate of fivepence the pound. It is not desirable to have the plates less than the eighth of an inch thick. They may be readily amalgamated by dipping them for a few seconds into diluted sulphuric acid, to clean the surfaces, and then sprinkling over them some globules of mercury, which may be rubbed on the zinc with the end of a cork. The only part of the manipulation in making voltaic batteries that is attended with any difficulty, is the soldering of the metallic connexions. The method of doing it is, however, soon acquired, and with a brazier's small soldering-iron, a little soft solder, and some muriatic acid, the cop- per connexions and the binding screws may be soldered on to zinc plates without much trouble. A voltaic arrangement, consisting of two pairs of zinc and copper plates six inches square, may be fitted up in earthenware cells for four shillings. Such voltaic battery will ignite fine metal wires, decompose water and most other compound substances, powerfully excite electro-magnets, deposit metals from their solutions in the processes of electrotyping and electroplating, and, by inducing secondary currents, give strong electric shocks. The large flat earthenware cells cost one shilling each ; therefore it is most economical, when many combinations are required, to divide a long water-tight wooden trough into compartments by cementing into it square pieces of slate or thick glass, about an inch and a half apart. Electro-magnets are very readily made. Having obtained from a smith some pieces of best soft bar-iron, bent into the shape of the letter U, wind round each limb a quantity of covered copper wire, observing to twist it round each in the same direction and as evenly as possible, and the magnet is complete. The quantity and thickness of the wire depend on the kind of magnet that is required, as previously explained.* Covered copper wire of the size of thick bell- wire (No. 14), which is the kind generally used for primary magnetic coils, is sold for three shillings the pound. Thirty yards of such wire are sufficient to make a powerful horse- shoe magnet, with iron about half an inch in diameter and five inches long. The wire for inducing secondary currents should be wound upon the primary coil, but separated from it by a piece of silk ; and medical coil-machines for giving shocks by secondary currents require at least 1000 yards of very fine covered wire. The finest silk-covered copper wire to be procured is as thin as a human hair. ' Its price is sixteen shillings the pound, and one pound of it contains 18,000 yards. Though wire of this extreme degree of tenuity is much used for secondary circuits and for * Page 133. 152 THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICITY. highly sensitive galvanometers, it is questionable whether a rather thicker wire, that will allow a greater quantity of electricity to pass, is not to be preferred. To construct a galvanometer in the easiest way, it will be advisable to purchase a common pocket-compass, which may be procured for two shil- lings. Fix on to the magnetic needle a very thin strip of paper at right angles to it, to serve for the index. Twist across the compass-box a number of turns of fine wire, so that the coil wound round it may be about half an inch wide and about a quarter of an inch in thickness. The galvanometer thus formed should be fitted into a small box open at the top, to enable it to be placed steadily, and through the sides of the box let the wires from each end of the coil project. When used horizontally, the compass should be so adjusted that the coil and the needle may be parallel to each other ; therefore both will then be in the magnetic meridian, the needle being concealed by the coil. When the two ends are connected with any source of voltaic electricity, so that the current may pass through the coil, the needle will be immediately deflected, and the paper index will shew the direction and the amount of the deflexion. Simple galvano- meters of this construction were employed by Dr. O'Shaughnessy on the first telegraphic lines in India, and they were found very efficient instru- ments at a distance of several hundreds of miles. The exciting liquid for voltaic batteries most generally used is sul- phuric acid, diluted with water in various proportions. When the zinc plates are well amalgamated, one measure of acid may be diluted with ten of water ; but when the plates become worn a weaker solution is desirable. By this dilution local action is avoided, and the effect is equally powerful j because the zinc when worn exposes a larger surface, and is more easily attacked by the acid. When powerful action is not necessary, it is better to employ a much more diluted acid, in the proportion even of one to forty. Sulphuric acid, when purchased by the pound, is very cheap. A large stop- pered glass bottle, containing ten pounds, may be bought for half-a-crown. Solutions of alum and of salt are good exciters when energetic action is not required. Sulphate of copper is also a good exciter of voltaic electricity ; but when used, the zinc should be placed in a separate porous cell, con- taining diluted acid or a saline solution ; otherwise metallic copper deposits on the zinc, when immersed in the sulphate, and produces counteraction. The preceding remarks on the construction of economical apparatus, though not perhaps sufficient as explicit directions, will serve at least as hints to those who desire to exercise their ingenuity or to save expense. When neither motive operates, the student may supply himself with better apparatus than he can hope to make from any of the manufacturers of philosophical instruments. PAET III. THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. CHAPTER XVIII. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS MEANS OF COMMUNICATING. First attempts to transmit messages by electricity Conducting power of the earth- Opinions respecting the cause Resistance of long wires to transmission Voltaic currents Modes of making electric communications Difficulties of insulation Defects of the present system Submarine telegraphs New plan proposed Pro- spect of telegraphic communication with America. THE practical application of electric force to the requirements of civilised life can scarcely be dated beyond fifteen years from the present time ; yet within that short period the power of electricity has been applied, with more or less success, to a vast variety of purposes. The transmission of lightning messages, the working of machinery, the chronicling of time, the lighting of streets, the manufacturing of metal utensils, gilding and plating, even sounding the depths of the sea, and the detection of the midnight burglar, are among the many varied uses to which electricity has been directed. The rapid transmission of electric discharges through extended lengths of wire suggested, at a very early period of the history of electricity, the idea of its applicability to telegraphic purposes. The first plan for trans- mitting messages by that means of which there is any record, was that of M. Lesarge, of Geneva, in 1774. The signals were made by pith-ball elec- trometers, placed on insulated wires extended between the places with which communication was to be established. The discharge of a Leyden jar, on being sent through the wire at one end, caused the pith balls to expand on the other. There were as many insulated wires as letters of the alphabet, each one serving to indicate a separate letter; and, as the electric discharge was sent successively through the wires, by noticing those on which the pith balls expanded, the words to be transmitted were spelt. Thus we perceive that at least seventy years before any electric tele- graph was in practical operation, a plan for establishing such means of com- munication had been pointed out. Several other modes of making commu- nications by frictional electricity were invented, which will be noticed in the next chapter ; but most of them, like that of Lesarge, required a separate wire for indicating each letter. The discovery of voltaic electricity, and still more that of electro-magnetism, greatly added to the facility of trans- mitting signals ; nevertheless twenty-six wires, one for each letter, were generally considered requisite ; and the difficulty of forming an insulated L 154 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. wire connexion through which the voltaic current may be transmitted without loss of power, is still the great difficulty in telegraphic communi- cation, even when two wires only are employed for each instrument. Before we describe the various modes that have been invented for transmitting electric messages, it is desirable that we should explain the means of making communication, and shew how the difficulties to be en- countered may be overcome. The experiments undertaken in 1747 by Dr. Watson and other Fellows of the Koyal Society, at Shooter's Hill, on the conduction of electricity through wires supported on short posts, not only proved that at a distance of two miles the charge passed instantaneously, but also that the return circuit, of equal length, could be transmitted through the dry ground. In those experiments frictional electricity was employed, the discharge of a Ley den jar having been sent through the circuit. The force of voltaic elec- tricity is comparatively so feeble, that scarcely any sensible current would pass through ground as dry as that purposely selected for its dryness in. Dr. Watson's experiments ; but when plates connected with the two poles- of a voltaic battery are buried in moist earth, the conduction is so perfect, that at a distance of several hundreds of miles no appreciable quantity of voltaic electricity is obstructed by resistance. The honour of the discovery of the conducting power of the earth has been claimed in recent times, though the fact was established by experiment before the close of the last century. The " earth-circuit," as it is called, is now made use of in all telegraphic communications, and is of great practical utility, not only because it dimi- nishes the resistance to the electric current, but it effects also a consider- able saving of expense. If wire communication alone were depended upon, it would be necessary to have one wire to conduct the current, and another to convey it back to the battery ; but by introducing large copper plates into the earth at the corresponding stations, the return circuit is completed through the moist ground, and one wire is saved. This saving of wire y which in the case of a single circuit amounts to one-half, is not propor- tionally great when several circuits are employed ; for a single wire will serve for the return circuits of any number that may be used, in the same manner as the earth. The annexed diagram will explain more clearly the action of the earth- circuit. The letters A B represent the wires making communications be- .77. tween the batteries D and E, and the telegraphic instruments i o, at the receiving station. The electricity from the copper end of the battery D would be conducted along A through the instrument I, by the wire K to ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS MEANS OF COMMUNICATING. 155 the earth-plate H. It would be then transmitted through the earth, on. its return to the battery, in the direction of the arrows, to the other earth- plate G, and thence it would find its way to the zinc pole of the battery D, and complete the circuit. In the same manner the electric current from the copper end of the battery E would be transmitted through the wire B, and would complete its circuit also by means of the earth-plate e, and would traverse the course indicated by the arrows, and return to the zinc end of E. Though both electric currents traverse the same wire, from the instruments I o to the earth -plate H, and are thence transmitted through the earth to a single plate G at the transmitting station, there is no mingling of currents, the electric current of each battery being kept as distinct as if separate wires were used both for the transmitted and the return current. It would, indeed, be as impossible for the separate currents transmitted from the two batteries to be mingled together, as it would be for the written contents of two letters enclosed in the same mail-bag to inter- mix. The entire separation of the two currents, when transmitted through the earth, also takes place when a single wire only is used for the returning portion of the circuit. Suppose, for instance, the plates H and G, in- stead of being buried in the earth, were directly connected by an insu- lated wire, the current from each battery would be equally separate ; bat the resistance offered by the wire being very much greater than that of the earth, not nearly so much of the power of the battery would be trans- mitted. Pure water is estimated to offer three million times the resistance of copper to the passage of an electric current. It seems, therefore, an anomalous fact, that the moisture of the earth should conduct electricity between two distant points so very much better than metal wires. The fact is, indeed, so contradictory to the known relative proportions of the conduct- ing powers of water and metals, that attempts have been made to explain the phenomenon by assigning other causes than mere conduction. It has been assumed that the earth is a vast reservoir of electricity,* and that the positive current from the battery E, when it enters that reservoir, is at once transferred by some process different from that of conduction to the corresponding plate. This opinion has received countenance in quarters that have given it more importance than it would otherwise seem to deserve, especially when it is well known that an imperfect conductor can compensate for its defec- tive state of conduction by increase of volume. Take, for instance, the two metals copper and iron. Iron offers seven times the resistance of cop- per to the passage of an electric current ; but by proportionally increasing the size of the iron wire, a current of electricity will be transmitted through it as readily as through the better conducting metaL In the same manner, by bringing into conducting action a large body of interposed moist earth, the electricity, which would not pass through a small quantity, is transmitted without any apparent resistance when a large sectional area is included between the plates buried in the ground. Professor Matteuchi has made numerous experiments with a view to ascertain the amount of resistance offered by the earth to an electric cur- rent, and the mode by which the transfer is effected, the result of which * Electric Telegraph Manipulation, by C. V. Walker. 156 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. is decidedly in favour of the opinion that the transmission is produced directly by means of conduction only. " If/' as he observes, " the effect was caused by immediate absorption and reproduction, a mere contact with the earth would be sufficient ; but it is essential that the plates buried in the ground should present a large surface, without which there is a comparatively small quantity of electricity transmitted." The Electric Telegraph Company generally bury a quantity of sulphate of copper with the earth-plates, so as to surround them with a good liquid conductor, which serves, practically, to increase the conducting surfaces that connect the poles of the battery with the earth. The resistance of a wire to the passage of an electric current increases with its length, but not in direct proportion. In experiments by Professor Morse, of the United States, when using a battery of 100 pairs of plates, it was found that when the current was transmitted through one mile, one- third of the battery power was lost ; at a distance of two miles, one-half the power was transmitted ; and at a distance of five miles, only one-fifth the quantity of water could be decomposed in the voltameter, compared with the decomposing power of the battery when no length of wire at all was interposed. The resistance proceeded in a diminishing ratio until a distance was attained beyond which there appeared to be little further diminution of the power transmitted. The same result has been observed in the telegraph lines in England. The diminution of the electric current by resistance of the wire is not much greater at a distance of 200 miles than it is at a distance of 100, provided the insulation be very good ; but if the insulation be imperfect, of course the loss of power will increase with the length of the circuit. The difficulty of effecting perfect insulation of the wires is the greatest impediment to the establishment of telegraphic communication. The wires are either supported on posts, or they are covered with gutta-percha, and laid in trenches underground. The former plan is generally adopted. The posts are about fourteen feet high, and cross arms of wood D D (fig. 78), eighteen inches long, are fixed to them cross-wise, about ten inches apart. At each end of the short wooden arm balls of earthenware b b are attached, in the sides of which nicks are made to hold the wire ; and these globes are covered with a cap of galvanised iron, to protect them from the rain, and to prevent the deposi- tion of dew. The earthenware being an imperfect conductor of electricity, insulates the wires from the posts, and prevents the electric current from passing down them to the earth in wet weather. Balls of glass are beginning to be used instead of earthenware, as that substance is a better insulator. Iron wire, one-sixth of an inch in diameter, and galvanised to prevent corrosion, is the kind used in the telegraph lines of this country. As many as thir- teen of these wires are attached to the posts on the North- Western Kail- lig. 78. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS MEANS OF COMMUNICATING. 157 way, near London. Some of them extend to Liverpool and Manchester, some to Glasgow, and some are connected with the intermediate towns. By placing wires forming short circuits in close proximity to those of long circuits, the difficulty of insulation on the longer circuits is consider- ably increased. Let D I represent a wire extending from London to Liver- pool, and EO one extending from London to Birmingham, both sup- ported on the same posts within a few inches of each other. In a damp fig,79. state of the atmosphere, when there is any defect in the insulation of the wires, the electricity in its course along D I will be continual^ passing to the wire E o, as shewn by the dotted lines ; for it can by that means take a shorter return-circuit by passing to the earth-plate of o, and thus return by the plate, which is common to both wires, to the battery of D, instead of traversing the whole of the long circuit to I. In this manner it not unfrequently happens that so much of the electric current is diverted that the telegraph instruments cannot be worked. In the opinion of the author, the escape of electricity from the wire is greatly facilitated by the exposure of the wires in such close proximity to each other without any insulating coating. He brought this subject before the notice of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at the two last meetings at Ipswich and Belfast; and in the papers read by him on those occasions he endeavoured'to shew that the greater part of the loss of electricity in damp weather is owing to the communication from wire to wire through the moist atmosphere, and is not occasioned by defective insulation at the posts. In this opinion several telegraphic engi- neers now agree ; and to secure perfect insulation, not affected by rain or fog, it would be necessary to varnish or otherwise insulate the surfaces of the wires. It is the opinion of many electricians that the low intensity of voltaic electricity effectually prevents it from passing from wire to wire, even through an atmosphere of fog. This opinion is, however, opposed to sound reasoning on well-established facts ; and though on the small scale in which experiments can be conducted in a laboratory, no appreciable quan- tity of voltaic electricity will pass through the air. such limited means of observation are not to be depended on when the surfaces exposed are very great. Each iron wire from London to Liverpool exposes a surface of not less than 45,000 square feet ; and between several surfaces of that extent, only six inches apart, there can be little question that a large quantity of the electric power must be transferred and lost when the air is charged with moisture. The wires on the telegraph lines in India are thicker, and they are 158 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. placed at a greater elevation than in this country. The stronger wires were found to be necessary to enable them to support the large birds and the monkeys that perched and congregated upon them ; and greater height was required to allow loaded elephants to pass underneath. Dr. O'Shaugh- nessy, the superintendent of the East India Company's lines, has also introduced the plan of making the posts stronger as well as higher, by which means they may be placed at greater distances apart; not more than eight posts being required in a mile. In this country it has been customary to consider the protection of a railway essential to the esta- blishment of telegraph lines. The protection, however, that a railway affords is more imaginary than real; and in India the completion of a system of telegraphic communication over 2000 miles of country will pre- cede the construction of railways. When the atmosphere is in an electrical condition, the telegraphic instruments are often disturbed, though no current is transmitted along the wires from the batteries ; and during thunder-storms the wire coils have been destroyed by lightning. To prevent this disturbance by atmo- spheric electricity, lightning-conductors are attached to the posts at certain distances. In the underground plan of laying down telegraphic lines, the copper wires are covered with gutta-percha, and are then laid in trenches two feet deep. This plan is found more expensive than the suspension of wires on posts, and it has not, until recently, been adopted in this country, except- ing under special circumstances, such as connecting the wires with the telegraph stations in towns by passing under the streets. In those cases it is usual to protect the wires by enclosing them in iron tubes. In Prussia the underground system was at first generally adopted; but it is giving way to the suspension on posts, as the gutta-percha coating was attacked by vermin when not enclosed in tubes. A successful under- ground line has been recently laid down along the common road from London to Dover, in connexion with the submarine telegraph to Calais, which may perhaps be the means of introducing that method more exten- sively into the telegraph system of England. The plan that has been found most successful for submarine telegraphs is to enclose several copper wires, coated separately with gutta-percha, within a hollow wire cable, of which the insulated wires form the core. Cables of this kind, resting on the bed of the English Channel and of the German Ocean, now serve to transmit messages between England and the Continent, and answer the purpose remarkably well. Fig. 80 shews the mode of enclosing the wires in their outer casing of fig. 80. iron. The protruding end c exhibits the copper wires covered with gutta- ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS MEANS OF COMMUNICATING. 159 percha, and twisted spirally ; B is a covering of hempen twine, to form the core ; A the cable of iron wire, and the other end shews a section of the whole. The principal objection to that system is its cost. The cable from Dover to Calais, with four thin copper wires enclosed, cost, we understand, Copper wire is used for submarine telegraphs, because copper is a much better conductor of electricity than iron; and as a thinner wire answers the purpose of conduction, it may be more easily insulated, and forms a smaller core for the external cable. This mode of forming sub- marine telegraphs is, however, in the author's opinion, open to many objections. All the failures that have occurred in endeavouring to establish submarine telegraphic communication have arisen from the breaking of the wires. The experimental wire across the English Channel broke shortly after the first signal was transmitted ; it was the same with that from Holyhead to Dublin, though protected by a thick wire covering ; and the first wire from Donaghadee to Port Patrick was cut in two by mistake. It seems highly objectionable, therefore, to continue the use of thin copper wire under circumstances which experience has shewn require additional strength. The rejection of thick iron wire, on the ground that it is more difficult to insulate than thin copper of equal conducting power, seems to be not well founded. As iron conducts electricity witb less facility than copper, any defect in the insulating coating will have a less injurious effect than if an equal or a much smaller surface of copper was exposed ; therefore, the difficulty of insulation would not be increased by the use of the stronger and less perfectly-conducting metal. The cable, it is true, would be thicker ; but its strength would be increased in a very much greater proportion, and there would be much less danger of failure. In forming a submarine telegraph it would be desirable not to employ many wires, which increase the difficulty of insulation, but to rely rather on increasing the rapidity of transmission by the use of superior instru- ments. The actual number of public messages transmitted by the Electric Telegraph Company between all parts of England and Scotland in the half-year ending in July 1852, amounted to 85,915 ; and that number might be transmitted through a single wire if the most rapid instruments were employed. Having succeeded in connecting England with the continent of Europe by submarine telegraph, so as to transmit intelligence instantaneously from London to Brussels and Paris, the problem that remains to be solved is, to effect similar communications with America, the East Indies, and Aus- tralia. It has, even at present, almost resolved itself into a question of money. Such a cable as that which now connects France with England might, by proper arrangements and the aid of a number of steam-ships, be stretched across the Atlantic. The cost of the cable, with the ex- pense of laying it down from the western coast of Ireland to New Brunswick, would not amount to one million pounds sterling ; and for the accomplishment of a great national object, so important to commerce and to our colonial government, the expenditure of one million is scarcely worth consideration as an objection. But if the mode of communication which we have indicated as most suitable for submarine telegraphs were adopted, the cost would not amount to nearly so much, nor would the difficulty of laying down the wire be so great. 160 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. A single wire telegraph between England and America would, in the first instance at least, be amply sufficient. A thick galvanised iron wire or rod, coated with gutta-percha, and that coating protected for some dis- tance by a covering of iron wire, might be constructed at a comparatively small cost, and would be much stronger and form a more efficient con- ductor of electricity than a thin copper wire. Such a telegraph-wire might be laid down between the west of Ireland and America for less than 100,OOOZ. It should be remembered, also, that in the depths of the At- lantic, beyond the range of animal or vegetable life, and where no anchors ever reach, the telegraphic wire would be free from the dangers to which it is exposed in shallower seas. There is, indeed, no practical difficulty in extending a telegraph wire to America that may not be easily sur- mounted ; and with the almost certain prospect of instantaneous commu- nication between the old and new world, for one-tenth the cost of build- ing a bridge across the Thames, it cannot be long before that event is realised. The extent of telegraphic communication in Great Britain at the pre- sent time is about 3000 miles, in France 2000, Prussia 4000, Austria 3000, and in America not less than 15,000. CHAPTEK XIX. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS SIGNAL INSTRUMENTS. Progress of telegraphic invention Instruments invented by Lomond, Reizen, Soem- mering, RonaLds, Ampere, Schilling, Gauss, Steinhil, Alexander, Davy Cooke and Wheatstone's needle telegraphs Action of the needle telegraph Rapidity of trans- mission Henley's Magneto-Electric Telegraph Breguet's Semaphore. THE form of instrument first contrived by Lesarge, in 1774, for transmit- ting telegraphic messages has been already noticed. In 1787 M. Lomond so far simplified the means of telegraphic communications, as to point out the way of transmitting signals with a single wire. He adopted Lesarge's plan of using a pith-ball electrometer ; and he indicated the letters of the alphabet by the numbers, and the variations in the duration, of the diver- gences of the balls. With this telegraph M. Lomond communicated be- tween different rooms in his house, the force employed being that of an electrical machine. Ten years afterwards a very ingenious application of electric light to telegraphic purposes was made by M. Reizen. He pasted on a pane of glass strips of tin-foil with spaces cut out in the form of letters of the alphabet, so that when an electric spark was transmitted through the con- voluted foil, the light at the interstices presented the form of the letter to be indicated. As a means of indicating the signals this mode was perfect, but it required a separate wire for each letter. Several other ingenious contrivances were invented on the continent for the transmission of signals by frictional electricity at the commencement of the present century, but none that deserve special notice in this summary. The first known application of voltaic electricity for the transmission ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS SIGNAL INSTRUMENTS. 161 of signals was that of M. Soemmering, in 1809, as announced to the Aca- demy of Sciences of Munich. The bubbles of gas arising from the de- composition of water served to indicate the letters to be transmitted. Thirty-five gold wires were inserted through the bottom of a long narrow glass vessel, half filled with acidulated water. The circuit of the voltaic battery was passed through the water by connecting any two of the wires with the opposite poles of the battery. The instant that connexion was made and the circuit completed, bubbles of hydrogen gas rose from one of the wires, and of oxygen from the other. The hydrogen gas, being in the proportion of twice the volume of the oxygen gas, could be easily dis- tinguished. Every wire signified a letter of the alphabet, and that wire from which the hydrogen was successively evolved was the letter to be noticed. By this means a very efficient mode cf signalling by electro-che- mical decomposition was arranged ; but the practical difficulty of requiring so many wires would, under even more favourable circumstances, have prevented its adoption. By a simple modification of the instrument, how- ever, it may be easily adapted to the transmission of all required signals with a single wire. If two gold wires only were inserted through the bot- tom of the glass vessel, the hydrogen gas might be made to issue from one or the other by reversing the poles of the battery, in the manner now done with the needle telegraph, as will be presently explained. By this means the issue of hydrogen gas from the right-hand wire might signify one letter, and from the left wire another. A repetition of the jets of gas, from either of the wires alternately, might signify other letters ; and thus the whole alphabet might be indicated by a single circuit, in the same manner, and almost with equal facility, as it is now done, by deflecting a magnetic needle to the right hand and to the left. To call attention when a message was to be transmitted, M. Soemmering proposed to liberate a wound-up alarum by means of the evolution of the gas. A modification of M. Soemmering' s telegraph, by which all the signals might be transmitted with two voltaic circuits, was, indeed, proposed by M. Schwieger. By his plan the variations of the symbols were caused by employing two batteries of different powers, which consequently evolved different quantities of gas, and also by making varied intervals in the emissions of the gas from the gold wires. A very remarkable form of electric telegraph was invented by Mr. Ronalds in 1818, in which, however, he reverted to frictional electricity for the actuating agent. At each corresponding station he had a revolving dial carried round by the seconds-hand of a clock. On this dial the letters of the alphabet were marked, and they were seen in succession through a small aperture, near to which was suspended a pith-ball electrometer. The two dials were made to revolve exactly together, so that when a letter appeared at one aperture the same letter appeared also at the aperture on the corresponding dial. The pith-balls were maintained in a diverging condition during the transmission of a message ; and the instant that the letter required to be indicated came in sight at the transmitting station, the electricity sent through the communicating wire was discharged, and the collapse of the pith-balls directed the attention of the observer to it at the receiving station. In this manner communications could be transmitted with a single wire. The synchronous movement of the two clocks, to en- sure the same letters appearing at the same time at each instrument, was obtained by adjusting them by an electric signal before each message. 162 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTEICITY. Mr. Ronalds was very persevering in his attempts to perfect his tele- graph, and to bring into notice the advantages of electricity as a means of telegraphic communication. He, at great expense, insulated eight miles of wire in glass tubes on the lawn of his house at Hammersmith, through which the telegraph was worked. He endeavoured to direct the attention of the government to the subject ; but he met rebuff instead of encourage- ment. The government officials told him that telegraphs are of no use in time of peace, and that the semaphore answered all the required purposes ! It is in this manner that attempts at improvement are generally received by persons in authority. They will not give themselves the trouble to investigate the merits of any invention, but wait until it has struggled through all difficulties, and forces itself on their notice. Of the very many useful inventions that are lost in the struggle which inventors have to make, little or nothing is known. In the case of Mr. Ronalds, finding his endeavours to be hopeless, he not long afterwards quitted England, and took no further steps to improve a system then considered by the government of so little value, but which is now, year by year, becoming of more and more importance as means of general communication. The discovery of electro-magnetism by Professor (Ersted presented a new means of transmitting signals by voltaic electricity ; and in 1820 M. Ampere laid before the Academy of Sciences a method which he had con- trived for sending messages by the deflection of magnetic needles sur- rounded by coils of wire ; his plan, however, required a separate wire for each symbol. The Baron de Schilling made a great practical improvement on the plan of Ampere. He first constructed, at St. Petersburgh, in 1832, a telegraph in which five magnetic needles were employed. By the single deflection of these five needles alternately to the right or to the left, ten primary signals were obtained, without the necessity of two needles being used at the same time. The combination of a few such signals was made to express whole words or sentences. He also invented an alarum. The motion of one of the magnetic needles allowed a weight to fall, and sound an alarm. Another of Baron Schilling's plans, of a later date, was to use only one magnetic needle ; and by counting the deflections to the right or to the left, the letters of the alphabet were indicated.* Not long after the discovery of magneto-electricity by Professor Fara- day, Messrs. Gauss and Weber of Gottingen applied the magneto-electric machine to the transmission of messages. They employed only a single needle to make all the symbols, and a telegraph operating on that princi- ple was worked at Gottingen for a distance of a mile and a quarter. Dr. Steinheil's telegraph, invented in 1837, presented great advance- ment in the application of electricity to telegraphic purposes. It is spoken of by Mr. Highton as a perfect arrangement, and as one which " may well ut to shame many of the plans afterwards patented in this kingdom." r. Steinheil could either transmit messages by sound or by making per- manent marks on paper. This telegraph consisted of a single circuit, half of it being galvanised wire, the other half the earth, and the stations be- tween which the telegraph worked were twelve miles apart. One or two magnetic needles were employed as required, and they were deflected by * The Electric Telegraph, by E. Highton. S ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS SIGNAL INSTRUMENTS. 163 magneto-electricity. When it was required to telegraph by sound, the needles struck against either of two bells differently toned. When the message was recorded, the needles were furnished with small tubes holding ink, and by their motions dots were made on paper properly moved in front of them by wound-up mechanism, one needle making dots in one line, and the other needle making dots in a line underneath the former. Not more than four dots were required to make any of the letters, and some were marked by a single dot. The mode of recording on paper the messages transmitted by this means will be rendered more intelligible by the annexed representation of the symbolical alphabet made by the pen- holding needles. ABDEFGHCHSCfflKL MINT O PR S TVW Z L AX\ rn""*-, A> J V- - "~VS/ YV\% fig. 81. Before the year 1837 scarcely any attempt besides that of Mr. Ronalds's had been made in England to improve the electric telegraph; but that year seems to mark the commencement of the direction of inventive genius to the subject in this country, which has since progressed most rapidly. In June 1837 the electric telegraphs of Mr. Alexander and of Mr. Davy were publicly exhibited in London. The former operated by removing screens from before letters of the alphabet. The letters were painted on a frame, and were concealed from sight by small light screens attached to the magnetised needles, the deflection of which, when the voltaic current passed through the coils, successively exposed the letters to view. Mr. Davy's telegraph was constructed on the same principles, but the letters were painted on ground glass illuminated from behind, consequently the letters were more distinguishable. Both these telegraphs required a sepa- rate voltaic circuit for each symbol. It is, indeed, curious to notice in the progress of telegraphic invention, that notwithstanding the impracti- cability of using a telegraph which required so great a number of wires, notwithstanding also that the mode of transmission by one or two wires had been often pointed out, how resolutely each inventor in succession adhered to the appropriation of a separate wire for every symbol to be transmitted. In 1837, Professor Wheatstone, who, in conjunction with Mr. Cooke, succeeded in establishing the first working electric telegraph, appeared in the field. The patent taken out by Messrs. Cooke and Wheatstone in 1837 was for a needle telegraph, in which the symbols were made with five needles. In the following year the arrangement was simplified so far as to reduce the number of needles to two. That arrangement of the double needle telegraph is the one that continues to be generally used in this country. It would occupy far too much space to give an account of all the modifi- cations and improvements in the modes of transmitting messages that have been since introduced. Upwards of fifty patents for electric telegraphs have been obtained in England since the first of Messrs. Cooke and Wheatstone's, and numerous other similar inventions have been patented on the continent and in America ; but it will be sufficient to limit our no- tice to those that possess the most distinguishing features. 164 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. The needle telegraph is simply a delicate galvanometer constructed of numerous coils of the finest copper wire covered with silk. The magnet- ised needle is placed upright, the lower end being slightly heavier, to make it assume a perpendicular position when in its normal state. There are two oblong coils of the fine wire connected together, between which the needle is poised. The object of employing two connected coils instead of a single one, is to allow the axis that carries the needle to pass between. fig. 82. The diagram exhibits a perspective view of a mounted needle h. The axis is supported within the coil i k, so as to allow the needle to vibrate with the least possible resistance from friction. The needle h is fixed to the end of the axis, and is outside the coil, to serve as an index to denote the deflection of the needle. The poles of the outer needle are in a reversed position to those of the inner one, so that the magnetic action of the coil, when the current passes, tends to deflect them both in the same direction and with increased force. The index is, however, sometimes made of a light strip of wood, but by that means some of the power of the coil is lost. When the voltaic current is sent through the coils the needle is instantly deflected either to the right or to the left, according to the di- rection in which the current passes ; the connexions with the copper and the zinc ends of the battery being so arranged that they may be reversed on moving the working handle either to the right or to the left. The arrangements of the instrument to reverse the directions of the voltaic current are rather complicated ; but the principle on which they depend will be readily understood by inspection of fig. 83. The letters D E ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS SIGNAL INSTRUMENTS. 165 represent the communicating wire, in which there is a break at the trans- mitting station. Close to this break is placed a movable piece b d, that slides laterally, and it is connected with the two poles c z of the voltaic battery. The upright wires at b d, each connected with the zinc pole z, are insulated from the wire e, which is connected with the copper pole c. It will be evident, therefore, that if the piece to which these wires are attached be shifted towards the right, the wire e will touch the communicating wire at D, and b will touch E. By these contacts with the two ends of the com- municating wire, the circuit of the voltaic battery will be completed, and an electric current will be transmitted from c to D, in the direction of the arrow, to the earth-plate H, thence to the receiving station, and back again, through the instrument I, to the zinc pole z. The lateral move- ment of the wires connected with the battery to the left will, in the like manner, bring e, which is in connection with the copper pole, to E, and d of the zinc pole to D, and the current will then be sent in the opposite direction, viz. from the copper pole of the battery to E, through the instrument I to the receiving station ; and it will fig . 83> return by the earth-plate H to the zinc end of the battery. By rapidly changing the positions of the wires from side to side, the voltaic current may be thus reversed several times in one second ; and each reversal of the current will change the direction in which the needle is deflected. By the adoption of what is called a code of signals, the deflections of a single needle may be made to denote all the letters of the alphabet. The code at present in use in this country for a single needle -telegraph is shewn in the annexed diagram ; the number of deflections of the needle to the right and left being made to indicate the letters under which the marks are placed. The deflections of the symbols for each letter commence in the direction of the short marks, and end with the long ones. Thus it will be seen, that to indicate the letter D the needle is first deflected once to the right and then once to the left ; whilst two deflections, beginning with one to the left and ending with one to the right, signify the letter R. It will be observed that all the symbols in the left division -A. B C M !H" O IP of the scale commence with a \ \\ \\\ \\\\ / // /// //// right-hand deflection and end X XX XXX XXXX I ' " ll/ ///l with the left; whilst those on the D B I A R S T right division commence with the \, \, \\. 1 J J/ J// left and end with a deflection to the right. When the double = * TT V TT needle-telegraph is used, the V ^ ^ II / ^1 / number of successive deflections | requisite to denote all the letters M "u U II II A\ of the alphabet are fewer, because, WWW N W \V with two needles capable of being fig. 84. 166 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. pointed in both directions, six primary symbols are obtained by a combi- nation of the deflections of the two needles. A practical knowledge of the working of the needle instruments is generally acquired within a month. Some of the telegraph clerks have become so expert by continued practice, that they can transmit as many as 150 letters a minute with the double needle instrument. It is, however, much more difficult to read the symbols than to transmit them ; and as the messages must be written down, the rapidity of transmission is prac- tically limited to the speed of writing, which seldom exceeds 100 letters a minute, and that is considerably faster than the average rate of transmission. In the early stages of the progress of the electric telegraph it was con- sidered very important to have the means of calling attention when a mes- sage was to be transmitted, and there were many contrivances for ring- ing bells at the distant stations. The use of alarums has, however, been discontinued at nearly all the stations of the Electric Telegraph Company. ^The sound of the needles striking against the pins fixed in the dial to limit the range of the deflections is generally sufficient to call the attention of the clerks, who are constantly seated near their instruments. When ala- rums are required, bells are sounded by liberating a wound-up mechanism by withdrawing a detent by means of an electro-magnet. Fig. 85 represents a front view of a double needle instrument. The handles are held by the clerks, and by moving one or both to the right or to the left one or both of the needles are correspondingly deflected. In transmitting messages in this manner it is customary for the clerk at the receiving instrument to intimate at the end of each word that he under- stands, by giving a single deflection of the left-hand needle to the right ; when he does not understand, and requires the word to be re- peated, he deflects the same needle to the left. There have been many patents obtained for modifi- cations of the needle tele- graph ; but they are all identical in principle with the original one of Messrs. Cooke and Wheatstone. One of the objects that it has been the endeavour to at- tain, is a dead beat of the needle without any vibration. It is now the practice to use a piece of lozenge-shaped magnetised steel instead of a needle within the coil, that form having been found to be more sensitive to the action of the voltaic current, and to produce less vibration. One arrangement of the needle telegraph, quite distinct from the fore- going, is the magneto-electric telegraph invented by Mr. Henley. We have already noticed several attempts to apply magneto-electricity to tele- graphic purposes, but that of Mr. Henley is by far the most successful. Two armatures, in close proximity to strong permanent magnets, are made fig. 85. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS RECORDING INSTRUMENTS. 167 to revolve rapidly by striking down projecting levers ; and the revolutions of the armatures induce currents of electricity along the communicating wires, that re-act on the magnetic needles, and cause them to be instantly deflected. The electricity generated in this manner is small in quantity, and of comparatively great intensity, therefore more liable to be diverted from the circuit by imperfect insulation. Another difficulty which this form of telegraph has to contend with is, that the current cannot be conveniently reversed, therefore each needle is only deflected in one direction. Two communicating wires are consequently required to obtain the same com- bination of deflections that can be given with a single wire when a voltaic current is transmitted. It is a great advantage of this system that it dis- penses with the use of voltaic batteries, which are very troublesome and expensive ; and it remains a question to be determined by practical expe- rience, whether this advantage is sufficient to counterbalance the objections attending the use of the magneto-electric telegraph. The electric telegraph used on all the telegraph lines in France was invented by M. Breguet, and transmits symbols resembling those of the semaphore. Two movable arms attached to the tops of two stationary vertical pillars are made to assume positions at certain angles in the cir- cles they describe, and the combinations of those different positions in the two arms allow of their expressing a great variety of symbols, which correspond exactly with the code of the discarded semaphore. We have heard this kind of signal telegraph highly commended, and have seen messages that were transmitted by it at the rate of 120 letters a minute. It possesses the advantage, from the great variety of com- binations of which it is capable, of not requiring successive actions to in- dicate any letter of the alphabet or numeral. The movements are effected by electro-magnets, which give rotary motion to wheels that carry round the arms ; and the accuracy with which it is necessary that the semaphore should be pointed to the required angles renders very nice adjustment of the instruments indispensable. CHAPTEE XX. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS RECORDING INSTRUMENTS. Morse's telegraph Modification of it by the Electric Telegraph Company Bain's dot- ting telegraph Brett's printing telegraph Copying telegraph Mode of transmit- ting copies of writing Regulation of the instruments Rapidity of the copying pro- cess Means of maintaining secrecy. THE telegraphic instruments we are now about to describe record on paper the messages they transmit ; in other telegraphs the symbols are exhibited for an instant and disappear. Many more errors occur in read- ing the evanescent signals than in the transmission of them ; but as the recording instruments impress what is transmitted, the message may be read at leisure when the whole is completed. 168 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. We have already noticed, in the progress of telegraphic invention, the recording telegraph of Dr. Steinheil, which made dots on paper by means of ink-holders fixed to magnetic needles. That plan, though it has formed the model of several subsequent inventions, was imperfect, because the deflections of the needles were retarded by the weight of the pens, and the marks made were not sufficiently distinct. The most successful of the instruments that impress arbitrary symbols on paper is that of Professor Morse of America, invented in 1837, and since considerably improved. The transmitting part of the instrument is of the very simplest kind, and might be carried in the waistcoat-pocket. It consists only of a key, like the key of a musical instrument, which, on being pressed down, makes connexion with the voltaic battery for a shorter or longer duration, according to the time that the finger of the operator is pressed upon it. The receiving instrument is more compli- cated. By means of clock mechanism, a small drum, round which a long strip or ribbon of paper is rolled, is made to revolve. The paper as it is unrolled from the drum passes under a lever attached to the keeper of an electro-magnet, armed with a projecting point. When the electro-mag- net is put into action, the lever is drawn down on the paper, and the point makes an indentation on it. As the paper is continually drawn along, the length of the indentation varies from a mere dot to a long stroke, according to the time that the lever continues to be pressed against the paper ; and by varying the duration of the pressure on the trans- mitting key, dots and strokes are impressed on the paper at the receiving station. Conventional symbolical alphabets have been arranged, by the alternation of the dots and strokes, which, with a little practice, may be easily read. The symbolical alphabet that has been adopted in this coun- try, when a modification of Morse's system is used, is represented in figure 86. A. B C !>__ E _JP_ _r_ 3C_ I K jL _??__ ?. Q S __ J L. T TT IT "W 3Z__ ~S: 25^ fig. 86. As the mechanical power required to impress marks on the paper is stronger than could well be transmitted directly through the long circuit, a local voltaic battery and magnet are employed to do the work ; and they are brought into action by means of a small electro-magnet, surrounded by a great number of convolutions of very fine wire, that may be actuated by the feeble current transmitted by the communicating wire. This kind of telegraph is extensively used in the United States, and it is also coming into use in Belgium and Germany. In the modification of Professor Morse's instruments, as occasionally used by the Electric Telegraph Company, the marks on the paper are made by the agency of electro-chemical decomposition, and not by mecha- nical pressure. The application of electro- chemical decomposition to telegraphic purposes was first adopted by Mr. Davy in 1838. His plan ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS RECORDING INSTRUMENTS. 169 was to moisten paper in a diluted solution of nitric acid and prussiate of potass, and to send a voltaic current from the positive pole of the battery through a steel wire pressing on the paper. By the action of electricity the oxygen of the acid attacks the steel wire, and a deposition of iron is made on the paper, and it is converted into prussian blue by the prussiate of potass. The arrangements of Mr. Davy's recording telegraph need not be described, as they were never made practically available ; but his system of marking paper by electro-chemical agency has been successfully applied to other telegraphs. In 1846, Mr. Bain contrived a modification of Professor Morse's system, in which the marks are made by Mr. Davy's process. The transmission of symbols in this telegraph of Mr. Bain's is not effected by a key moved by hand, but metallic contact is made and broken by mechanical means. Apertures are punched in a strip of paper, to correspond with the dots and strokes intended to be impressed on the paper of the receiving instrument. The paper-message when thus prepared is passed rapidly over the peri- phery of a metal wheel, and a brass wire-spring, connected with a voltaic battery, presses on the paper as it passes along. The spring, by pressing through the holes, touches the wheel, which is connected with the other pole of the battery, and thus completes the voltaic circuit, which is again broken when the spring rests on the insulating paper. Mr. Davy's pre- pared paper is applied at the receiving station, and the effect of the action of the two corresponding instruments is to transmit dots and strokes, marked in prussian blue on the paper at the receiving station, agreeing with the smaller and larger holes punched in the strip passed through the transmitting instrument. The annexed diagram represents a piece of the punched paper with the symbols of the word " Bain." . 87. The rapidity of transmission by this means exceeds that of any other telegraph. As many as 1000 letters a minute have been transmitted from London to Manchester; but the time required for punching the paper preparatory to sending a message is a serious drawback to the general use of the system. The Electric Telegraph Company, when they employ any other instru- ment than the needle, use that of Professor Morse, with the substitution of electro-chemical marks for those produced by mechanical pressure. The rate at which messages can be transmitted by means of the key with a single communicating wire is about ninety letters a minute. The transmis- sion, however, requires the utmost attention on the part of the operator, who cannot continue to transmit at that rate for many minutes at a time. Among the early inventions of recording telegraphs were some that printed letters from metal types. Professor Wheatstone and Mr. Bain dis- puted for the honour of being the inventor of the first printing electric telegraph ; but their instruments did not attain such a degree of perfection 170 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. as to render them practically useful. Mr. House of America, and subse- quently Mr. Brett, have, however, succeeded in producing printing tele- graphs which work effectively through long circuits. The mechanism is complicated, but the principle on which the action depends may be easily understood. A small wheel, that revolves by the agency of electro-mag- netism, carries on its circumference metal types of each letter of the alphabet, which are inked as the wheel turns round by rubbing on the surface of a small inking roller. At one part of the circumference of the type-wheel there is a ribbon of paper close to the types, and by the pres- sure of the paper against the wheel the letter that is opposite to it is printed. The movement of the type-wheel is regulated by the operator at the transmitting instrument, who, by bringing an index to point on the dial of his instrument to the letter required, it at the same time causes the type-wheel to move round, so as to bring a corresponding letter opposite the paper. A local electro-magnet is then put in action ; by which means the drum on which the paper rests is pressed against the type, and the letter is printed. As each letter is thus printed, the strip of paper is moved onward about a quarter of an inch, to leave a clear space for the next. The action of the printing telegraph is rather slow ; but it is worked with a single wire. We have not seen it working faster than at the rate of forty letters a minute ; but we are informed that it can print upwards of sixty letters in that time. One peculiar advantage of Mr. Brett's arrangement is, that the type-wheel is placed in correct position at the end of each transmission; so that if by mistake an error is committed, by printing one letter instead of another, that error is not continued to the next letter, for the type-wheel is adjusted to start from zero be- fore the next movement of the index. All preceding printing tele- graphs were liable to perpetuate errors whenever a single one had been committed. The copying-telegraph, of which the author of this work is the in- ventor, transmits copies of the handwriting of correspondents. The advantages of this mode of transmission are, that the communications may be authenticated by the recognised signatures of the parties by whom they are sent, and as the writing received is traced from the original message, there can be no errors of transmission; for every letter and mark made with the pen are transferred exactly to the other instru- ment, however distant. The electro-chemical mode of marking the paper, invented by Mr. Davy, is adopted in the copying process. The writing is copied on paper soaked in a solution of prussiate of potass and muriatic acid, a piece of steel wire serving for the pen. The paper is placed round a cylinder about six inches in diameter, and a steel wire, connected with the copper end of the voltaic battery, presses upon it, and is carried slowly along by a screw as the cylinder revolves. By this arrangement, when the voltaic current passes uninterruptedly from the wire through the paper to the cylinder which is connected with the zinc end of the battery, lines are drawn upon it at the same distance apart as the threads of the screw that carry the point. These lines are in fact but one continuous spiral line, commencing at one end of the cylinder and ending at the other. The communication to be transmitted is written on tin-foil, with a pen dipped in varnish. Thin sealing-wax varnish, made by dissolving ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS RECORDING INSTRUMENTS. 171 sealing-wax in spirits of wine, answers the purpose best, as it dries very quickly. The letters thus written form on the conducting metal surface a number of non-conducting marks, sufficient to interrupt the electric current, though the deposit of resinous matter is so slight as not to be perceptible by the touch. The message on tin-foil is fixed round a cylinder at the transmitting instrument, which instrument is a counterpart in its mechanical arrange- ments of the receiving one, and either of them may be used to transmit and receive messages. A metal style in connexion with the voltaic battery presses on the tin-foil, and it is carried along by an endless screw as the cylinder revolves, exactly in the same manner as the steel wire that draws lines on the paper on the receiving instrument. The varnish writing, when it interposes between the style and the tin-foil, stops the electric current ; consequently, at every part where the electric current is stopped by the varnish at one instrument, the steel wire ceases to make marks on the paper at the other station. Both instruments are so regulated that the cylinders rotate exactly together, therefore the successive breaks of the electric current by the varnish-letters cause corresponding gaps to be made in the lines on the paper ; and the succession of these lines, with their successive gaps where the letters occur, produces on the paper of the receiving instrument the exact forms of the letters. The letters appear of a white or pale colour on a ground of blue lines, there being about nine or ten lines drawn by the wire to make one line of writing. In the diagram, A shews the writing on tin-foil, from which the copy is made in the form shewn at B. It is essential to the correct working of the instruments that the cylin- ders should rotate exactly together. This synchronous movement of the two instruments is effected by means of regulating electro-magnets, aided by a " guide-line" on the transmitting cylinder. The moving power of each instrument is gravity, accelerated motion being prevented by a rapidly revolving fan, which produces a very steady movement of the cylinder. The speed may thus be very easily varied by adding or by taking off weight. The " guide-line" consists simply of a strip of paper pasted across the tin-foil at a right angle, as shewn at c. That strip of paper effectually stops the electric current, and leaves a gap of equal breadth in each line drawn on the prepared paper of the receiving instru- ment. If the receiving instrument be moving at exactly the same speed as the transmitting one, these gaps in each line will be in the same relative 172 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. positions, and will fall under each other on the receiving cylinder, making a broad white stripe corresponding with the strip of paper on the trans- mitting cylinder. But if the receiving cylinder be moving faster than the other, the gaps in the lines will not fall under one another, but every one will be farther towards the right hand. By noticing the position of these gaps on the paper, it may be seen exactly how much faster one instrument is going than the other, and weight may be taken off the receiving instru- ment until the gaps form a continuous stripe. In this manner the two instruments may be regulated to move together. It is immaterial at what distance apart they are ; for if they be in the same room, or two hundred miles from each other, the same plan of adjustment must be adopted. Supposing the mechanism of the instruments to be very good, and that there were no irregularities on the surfaces of the cylinders, the plan of regulating by means of the guide-line alone would be sufficient for the copying process. Legible writing may, indeed, be obtained in that manner, but not with sufficient accuracy and certainty to be depended on in ordi- nary working operations. To secure the requisite degree of accuracy and certainty, an electro -magnetic regulator is used. This may be brought into action by means of a second communicating wire, or by local action alto- gether ; in the latter case a single wire only is required to work the copy- ing telegraph. When two wires are employed, one of them is used for the electro-magnet that regulates the instruments, the other for transmitting the current that marks the paper by electro-chemical decomposition. The diagram will assist in explaining the mode of regulating the instruments when a separate wire is used for that purpose. fig. 89. A side view only of the two instruments is given, without their stands or other mechanism than that which appears on the outside of each ; the trains of wheels propelled by the weights being contained within the cheeks A A and B B, and the cylinders being on the opposite sides. The wheel D is fixed to the projecting arbor of a fast-moving wheel next to the fan, and it makes twelve revolutions to one of the cylinder. Two springs e e, insulated from the instruments by being mounted on wood, are con- nected by wires c z to the voltaic battery, and to the electro-magnet M on the other instrument. The other end of the coil of wire round the electro- magnet is fixed to the voltaic battery, so that when the two springs e e touch; the circuit of the battery is completed, and the electro-magnet is ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS RECORDING INSTRUMENTS. 173 instantly brought into action. This occurs once every revolution of the wheel D, by the projecting part g pressing the two springs together. The wheel E on the instrument A is fixed on to the arbor of a wheel corre- sponding with that of D, and likewise makes twelve revolutions to one revolution of the cylinder. The keeper K of the electro-magnet has an arm or lever L added to it, which reaches to the circumference of the wheel E, and, when the keeper is attracted by the magnet, rubs against a projecting part of the circum- ference o, and thus operates as a break to check the motion of the instru- ment. In regulating the instruments to rotate synchronously by these means, a heavier weight is put on A than on B, to cause it to rotate consi- derably faster than the other when the break is not applied. But when both instruments are set in motion, the lever being pulled down each time that the springs are pressed together by the wheel D, the break is thus put in operation just sufficiently to make the movements of the two instru- ments correspond. By this arrangement it will be observed that one instrument regulates the other; and it has it under such complete control, that if the speed of B be diminished, the movement of A will be retarded by the longer continued action of the break, and be made to rotate equally slowly, and even to stop by stopping the motion of B. When the instruments are worked at a distance from each other, the electro-magnet M is put into action by a local battery, and the contact is made and broken by an intermediate small electro-magnet, as in Mr. Morse's telegraph. In that manner the copying telegraph has transmitted messages with perfect accuracy from Brighton to London. When a single communicating wire only is used, the instruments are regulated independently of each other by means of pendulums. Clock- movements, with pendulums that beat four times in a second, are employed at each instrument. These pendulums at every vibration strike against springs, at each contact with which the electro-magnets which regulate the instruments are brought into action. The arrangement of the mode of making and breaking contact by the pendulum will be easily understood by the diagram. The pendulum D is fig. 90. 174 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. connected by the wire c to the electro-magnet M. The springs 5 s' are con- nected with the voltaic battery v, from which a wire z connects with the other end of the coil of the electro-magnet. It will be evident, therefore, that when the rod of the pendulum vibrates against s s', the voltaic circuit is completed through the magnet, which is brought into action in regulat- ing the instruments as rapidly as the pendulum beats. Each instrument has its regulating magnet and pendulum, and the regulation of each is thus effected independently, without requiring a second wire. The guide-line serves to indicate with the greatest accuracy whether the pendulums at two corresponding stations are beating together ; for if one be vibrating faster than the other, the guide-line on the paper will be slanting instead of perpendicular ; and by means of an adjusting screw to raise or lower the pendulum-bob, the two may be readily adjusted to beat together. In this manner a variation of even the thousandth part of a second may be observed and corrected. It may probably be supposed, because the metal style has to pass over each line of writing nine or ten times to complete it, that the copying, process must be necessarily slow ; but it is, on the contrary, the quickest mode of transmission yet invented, with the exception of Mr. Bain's. A cylinder six inches in diameter will hold a length of paper on which one hundred letters of the alphabet may be written in a line. When the instruments are working at their ordinary speed, the cylinder revolves thirty times in a minute ; and allowing ten revolutions to complete each line of writing, the rate of transmission is three hundred letters in a minute. Much greater speed than that has been obtained ; and there is, indeed, no limit to the rapidity of transmission other than the diminishing strength of the mark on the paper when the decomposition is extended over a larger surface. One of the advantages which the copying process also possesses is the means it affords of maintaining the secrecy of correspondence. It is now customary for those who wish their communications not to be known to> transmit messages in cypher, by which certain letters or figures have sig- nifications given to them which are only intelligible to the parties corre- sponding. This plan has the serious disadvantage of being very liable to error, because the clerks engaged in transmitting such a message are pur- posely kept in ignorance of the meaning of the symbols they transmit. By the copying telegraph whatever symbols are made on the tin-foil are trans- mitted as accurately as if written in full, for no manipulation whatever i& required, the effect being produced altogether by mechanism. There is also a special mode of maintaining secrecy by transmitting the messages impressed on the paper invisibly. If the paper be moistened with diluted acid alone, the iron is deposited on the paper, but no mark whatever is visible, and the paper remains blank until it is brushed over with a solution of prussiate of potash, which instantly renders it legible. In this manner messages written with colourless varnish may be trans- mitted without any one seeing the contents ; that part where the name and address are written being alone rendered legible till the message is delivered to the person for whom it is intended. The author trusts he shall be excused for having described thus fully his invention of the copying telegraph. It is very probable that he attaches more importance to it than those not so specially interested may ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 175 think that it deserves ; but he has received the assurance of some scientific gentlemen who have been the longest and the most successfully engaged in such undertakings, that the copying of writing is the beau-ideal of tele- graphic communication, and that sooner or later it must supersede all other means of corresponding by electric telegraph. CHAPTER XXL ELECTRO-IIETALLITRGY. Competing claims to the discovery Deposition of medals from their solutions Its de- pendence on secondary results Apparent anomaly of deposition in a single cell Formation of moulds Copying medals Reduplication of copper-plate engravings Glyphography Electro-plating and gilding. THE important application of electricity to working in metals is of even more recent date than the invention of the electric telegraph. The fact that metals could be "revived" from their solutions by means of electricity was, indeed, known at the beginning of the present century. In 1805 Brugnatelli gilded a large silver medal by connecting it with the negative pole of a voltaic battery, and then immersing it in a solution of ammo- niuret of gold ; but, strange as we now think it, the practical use to which this peculiar action of electricity might be applied did not occur to him. Mr. Spencer of Liverpool claims to be the first who discovered that the deposition of metals by electrical agency might be rendered useful in the arts. He states, that when experimenting in 1837 with a Daniell's battery, he used a penny instead of a plain piece of copper for a pole ; and that on removing the wire which connected the penny with the battery, he pulled off a portion of the deposited copper, which he found to be im- pressed with a counterpart of the head and letters of the coin. Even this did not suggest to Mr. Spencer any useful application, until he accident- ally dropped some varnish on a piece of copper similarly connected with the negative pole, and he observed that no deposition of copper took place on those parts covered by the varnish. It then occurred to him that by covering a sheet of copper with varnish or wax, and cutting a design through it so as to lay bare the metal, the copper would be deposited from the solution of sulphate of copper in the lines of the design cut through the wax, and would adhere to the surface of the plate, producing the figure in relief. The statement of the experiments by Mr. Spencer was not made known until 1839, after Professor Jacobi of St. Petersburgh was announced to have made a similar discovery. Indeed, before the account of Mr. Spencer's experiments was published, a letter from Mr. Jordan, a printer, appeared in the Medianics Magazine of May llth, 1839, describing a method of producing copper casts by what is now known as the electro- type process. It appears, therefore, that though Mr. Spencer was the first discoverer, the earliest published notice referred to the discovery of Jacobi, whilst the letter of Mr. Jordan contained the first explanation of the mode 176 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. by which the effects may be produced. It was not, however, till the autumn of the same year, when Mr. Spencer brought the subject before the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and exhibited numerous specimens of electrotype casts and designs, that the attention of the public was directed to this application of electric force. It is well observed by Mr. Napier, in his excellent treatise on electro- metallurgy, to which we are much indebted, " In reviewing the rise and progress of any discovery in the arts and sciences, particularly of one con- nected with chemistry, there are two circumstances which almost invariably demand especial notice. The first is, that the discovery has been the result of accidental observation rather than the result of a direct endeavour to make the discovery. The second is, that after the discovery has been made known, it is found that many previously published experiments exhibited results which bore more or less directly upon the subsequent discovery, and which are consequently sometimes cited to detract from the merit of the discoverer, and the originality and value of his discovery." These remarks apply with special force to the art of electro- metallurgy. It is to Mr. Spencer, however, that we are inclined to award the honour of the discovery, and the merit of having brought it into practical operation in this country. The deposition of metals in the process of electro-metallurgy has been to be the result of secondary action, arising primarily bion of water in the fluid menstruum. ju xx v U*^LrwDAUlVrU V/J. previously explained 1 from the decompositi< fig. 91. Let b be a vessel containing a saturated solution of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol), with three circular medals immersed in it and connected with the voltaic battery a by the wires c d, from the copper and zinc plates respectively. An electric current will thus be established from d, which is in connexion with the copper of the battery, to b, and the oxygen of the fluid decomposed will be liberated on the surface of the copper plate e, to which it is attached, and the hydrogen on the medals. But the nas- cent hydrogen, the instant that it is liberated from its association with oxygen in the fluid, and before it can assume a gaseous form, combines with the oxygen that holds the copper in solution, and with it constitutes another particle of water, and the copper is deposited on the medals. The deposition of the metal from its solution is the result of a variety of rather complicated chemical actions. The strong affinity of oxygen for the hydrogen, with which it was combined to form water, is first overcome ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 177 by the influence of the electric force. The oxygen, liberated at the plate e, immediately enters into combination with the sulphur in the solution to form a fresh particle of sulphuric acid ; the hydrogen, freed from its combination with oxygen, is transferred to the medals, and its affinity for oxygen being greater than that subsisting between the oxygen and the copper held in solution, the hydrogen re-enters into combination with oxygen and forms a fresh particle of water, whilst the copper is set free in its metallic state and is deposited. In all the processes of electro- metallurgy, whether they consist in the depositions of copper or of other metals from their solutions, the same chemical actions and reactions take place ; the hydrogen in every case effects the deposition of the metal by combining with the oxygen which holds the metal in solution at one pole of the battery, after having been separated from an equal particle of oxy- gen at the positive pole. There is, consequently, throughout the process a continual decomposition of water at one pole of the voltaic battery, and a recomposition of exactly the same quantity of water at the other pole. One of the simplest illustrations of metallic depo- sition by electro-chemical action is afforded by the following experiment. Put a silver spoon A, fig. 92, into a glass containing a solution of sulphate of copper, and into the same glass insert a piece of zinc z. No change will take place in either metal so long as they are kept apart, but as soon as they touch, copper will be deposited on the spoon, and if it be allowed to remain, the part immersed will be completely coated with copper, which will adhere so firmly that mere rubbing alone will not remove it. The same effect takes place, if instead of bringing the metals into contact in the solution, they are connected externally e g . 92. by the wire c. The foregoing experiment represents the electrotype process as carried on in a single cell, the metal surface whereon the copper is deposited then forming the conducting plate of the voltaic arrangement by which the electricity is generated. It must be observed that, in this single-cell ar- rangement, the deposition takes place on the conducting plate ; whereas, when the operation is conducted in a separate cell, it is on the plate con- nected with the zinc that the deposition occurs. In order to explain this apparent anomaly, let it be remembered that the metal is always deposited from its solution on the surface into which the electric current enters, and that that is the negative pole of the battery. The electricity excited by the zinc passes through the fluid and enters into the conducting plate ; therefore, when the deposition takes place in the same cell, the metal is deposited on that surface ; but whjsn the electric current is transmitted through a wire into a separate cell, it then proceeds from the conducting plate, that wire becomes the positive pole of the battery, and when intro- duced into the decomposing cell, the electric current passes from it to the metal surface connected with the other, or negative pole, on which accord- ingly the deposit takes place. Having, we trust, made the rationale of the electrotype process intelli- gible, it is only necessary to give a general explanation of the modes of operating. Those who desire to pursue the art practically will do well to 178 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. consult the able and compendious treatises on this subject by Mr. Napier, Mr. Smee, and by Mr. C. V. Walker. The first application of the electrotype process was to copying ancient coins and medals, and that continues to be the principal use to which it is applied by amateurs. To obtain a fac-simile of a medal, it is necessary in the first place to make a mould, to serve as a matrix for the copper to be deposited upon. This may be done, when circumstances will permit, by obtaining an electrotype directly from the surface of the medal. To do this, the surface whereon the deposition is to take place must be well cleaned, and afterwards smeared over with a minute quantity of sweet oil or with black lead, which is requisite to prevent the deposited copper from adhering. The thinnest possible film of oil should be allowed to remain, and even after the medal has been rubbed with dry cotton-wool, sufficient will adhere to effect separation from the deposit. It is evident that only one face of the medal can be copied at a time, therefore the side not to be operated on must be protected by a covering of wax. The preparation of the medal is com- pleted by twisting a fine wire round the edge for the purpose of suspending it in the copper solution, and of connecting it with a piece of amalgamated zinc. The decomposing apparatus may consist of a large preserve jar, fig. 93, to hold the solution of sulphate of copper, and a porous vessel c placed within the jar to contain the zinc. Fill the porous vessel to within a few inches of the top with a mixture of sulphuric acid and water, in the proportion of one of acid to twenty-four of water, taking care that the solution in the jar and the acidulated water in the porous vessel are nearly on the same level. The medal e suspended by the wire is then immersed in the jar, and is connected with the zinc in the porous vessel by the wire a b, as shewn in the diagram. This arrangement may be considered as equivalent to a single cell of a Daniell's battery, in which the medal represents the conducting plate. The electric action is established as soon as the zinc and the copper are immersed ; the deposition of the copper on the medal immediately begins, and it is continued as long as the action is maintained. In twenty-four hours the deposited copper will be about the thickness of a card, which is quite sufficient. This coating of copper may be easily separated from the medal, and will be found to present an exact counterpart of it, those parts in relief on the medal being of course presented as sunk in. The mould thus formed is to be treated exactly as the medal, and the copper will be deposited in it, so that when removed the electrotype will be a fac-simile of the medal, with the intaglio and relief corresponding with the original. A mould of this kind will, with care, serve to take many copies. A mould made by depositing the copper on the surface is more sharp in its details than moulds taken by other means ; but in many cases, espe- cially with ancient coins, the surfaces cannot be cleaned so as to allow of this mode being adopted, and other means of making the moulds must be found. One of the best plans is to make a cast of the original in fusible metal. A strip of tin is bound round the edge of the coin, about a quar- ter of an inch higher than the highest part. The metal is melted and fig. 93. ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 179 poured into a small wooden tray, and when cooled into a semi-fluid state, the coin is suddenly pressed upon it and held down till the metal " sets." The fusible metal is made by melting and mixing together tin, lead, and bismuth, in the proportions of two of the latter to one each of the former metals. This alloy melts at a temperature below that of boiling water, therefore it affords great facility for removing the moulds from the deposits in case they should adhere. Wax, plaster of Paris, and gutta-percha, are frequently employed for making moulds, especially for large objects. When such substances form the moulds, it is necessary to cover their surfaces with black-lead, bronze- powder, or other conductors of electricity. The discovery that plumbago- will impart a sufficiently good conducting surface to objects that are otherwise incapable of receiving metallic deposits, has afforded great faci- lity in extending the electrotype process. Flowers, leaves, lace, and even insects, may be thus coated with a thin protecting film of metal, which preserves their forms accurately and durably. A recent valuable application of the electrotype process is the coating of glass and earthenware vessels, which are thus rendered fire-proof; for the metallic coating quickly distributes the heat equally over the surface, and thus prevents them from breaking, as they otherwise would, by unequal expansion. The surface of the glass or porcelain is first roughened by the fumes of hydro-fluoric acid, and then varnished and black-leaded, to form an adhering and conducting surface for the metallic deposit. One of the most delicate operations of the art of electrotyping is that of copying copper-plate engravings. A cast is first made from the plate by electro-chemical action, in the same manner as a mould is taken from a medal. In such a cast all the lines are in relief ; it is requisite, there- fore, to make a second deposit on that surface to obtain a fac-simile with the lines engraved. Nothing shews more clearly the beauty of the elec- trotype process than these transfers of copper-plate engravings. The finest lines are most faithfully copied, and it is impossible to distinguish a print taken from the electrotype from the proof impression of the ori- ginal. It was at one time expected that this mode of multiplying copper- plate engravings would supersede engraving on steel plates ; but it has been found in practice, that the copper deposited does not possess sufficient hardness to resist the wear and tear of copper-plate printing. This ob- jection may, however, be overcome ; and there were displayed in the Great Exhibition sheets of copper deposited by electro-chemical decom- position, that appeared to possess the firmness of hammered plates. A very successful application of electro-metallurgy to the fine arts is the process called glyphography. It consists in depositing on a plate of copper a design in relief, that may be printed from by the letter-press. The surface of the copper-plate is coated with wax, through which the design is cut sufficiently deep to expose the metal. This plate is then electrotyped, and copper is deposited in all the lines cut through the coat- ing. By this means there is left on the plate, when the wax is removed, a perfect copy of the design in relief, so bold as to be printed from. This is, in fact, the original process invented by Mr. Spencer. The advantage it possesses over wood-engraving is in the facility of shading by " cross hatching," as it is termed, so as to resemble an etching on copper-plate. 180 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. The success or failure of the electrotype process depends very much on the preparation of the copper solution, and on the strength of the vol- taic battery. A saturated solution is not so well adapted for the purpose, as such a solution diluted with one-fourth part of water. To prevent it from becoming too weak by the deposition of metallic copper, some crys- tals of the sulphate are added during the process. Mr. Smee determined the laws that regulate the deposition of metals in different states. The strength of the battery, in relation to the strength of the solution, causes the metals to be deposited either as a black pow- der, in a crystalline form, or as a flexible plate. The metals are deposited as a black powder when the current of electricity is so strong that hy- drogen is evolved from the medal or negative plate in the decomposition cell. The crystalline state occurs when there is no evolution of gas and no tendency thereto. The regular deposit takes place when the electric current is stronger in relation to the solution than in the last case, but is not sufficiently strong to cause the evolution of gas. The art of electro-metallurgy has been more extensively practised in plating and gilding than in any other way. To appreciate the advantage of the process of electro-plating, it is requisite that the mode of manufac- turing plated articles by the ordinary means should be understood. A thick plate of silver was attached to an ingot of copper, and the metals after being heated were passed through rollers, until they were reduced into a thin sheet of plated copper, the silver being equally spread over the surface. The plated copper was then cut into pieces, punched into the required forms, and soldered together ; the interior being filled with melted lead. Such articles cannot be ornamented by engraving or chas- ing, but by milling and punching only. When the process of electro- plating is used, the articles may be cast, or put together in any con- venient method, and the most elaborate designs may be worked in metal, which, on being afterwards coated with the purest silver, presents an ap- pearance in every respect equal to the finest works in the solid metal. The operations for electro-plating differ in several particulars from the ordinary process of the electrotype. The single-cell arrangement which has been described is inapplicable to the deposition of one metal upon another of a different kind. The plan of having a separate battery, with two or more combinations of plates, is indeed necessary even in the deposition of copper upon copper, when the operation is conducted on a large scale, and the electric current has to pass through a considerable re- sisting medium. When a separate battery is employed, the vessel in which the deposition is effected is called the decomposing trough. To effect the deposition of silver or gold upon metals that are more easily oxidisable, a peculiar kind of menstruum is required ; for if the silver be held in solution by an acid that will attack the baser metal, no electro-chemical deposition of metallic silver can be effected. The men- struum that is found most suitable for the purpose is a solution of cyanide of potassium. There are various modes of preparing the solution and dis- solving the silver, but the cheapest and best, as recommended by Mr. Napier from practical experience, is to dissolve the silver in a solution of cyanide of potassium, by the action of a voltaic battery. The proportions mentioned are for operation on a large manufacturing scale, but the quan- tities may be reduced according to the requirements of the amateur. The ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 181 directions he gives are as follows: "Dissolve 123 ounces of cyanide of potassium in 100 gallons of water ; get one or two flat porous vessels, and place them in this solution to within half an inch of the mouth, and fill them to the same height with the solution ; in these porous vessels place small plates or sheets of iron or copper, and connect them with a zinc terminal of a battery ; in the large solution place a sheet or sheets of silver connected with the copper terminal of the battery. This arrange- ment being made at night, and the power employed being two of Wollas- ton's batteries of five pairs of plates, the zincs seven inches square, it will be found in the morning that there will be dissolved from 60 to 80 ounces of silver from the sheets. The solution is now ready for use, and by ob- serving that the articles to be plated have less surface than the silver plate forming the positive electrode for the first two days, the solution will then have the proper quantity of silver in it." The strength of the solution recommended is that of one ounce of silver to the gallon. During the process of plating, the sheets of silver immersed in the solution gradually dissolve as the metal is deposited, and by this means the solution is maintained at the same strength. In preparing articles for plating, they must be completely freed from grease by washing in an alkaline ley, and dipped into very diluted nitric acid to remove any traces of oxide. The object is then suspended in the decomposing trough and connected with the negative pole of the bat- tery, the positive pole being connexion with a sheet of silver in the solution. Silver is immediately deposited, and the plating process proceeds as long as the object continues immersed. An ounce and a half of silver to one square foot of surface gives an excellent plating. The articles when taken out of the solution are white, the silver being afterwards polished on the parts required to be bright. A bright deposit may, however, be made by adding a little sulphuret of carbon to the solu- tion. When a thin coating of silver is deposited on a bright surface, the silver is also bright ; and in order to obtain a coating of dead silver on a medal, it should have a thin film of copper deposited over its surface be- fore it is immersed in the silver solution, by which means the silver, even when very thin, will be white. In operating on a large scale, the decomposing trough is upwards of two yards long, one yard deep, and one yard wide, and contains about 250 gallons of the solution. At Messrs. Elkington's establishment at Birming- ham, several of these troughs are in continual use. The silver plates in a single trough expose a surface of nearly thirty square feet, and the articles to be plated are suspended from metal rods that are connected with the positive pole of the battery. The voltaic batteries used by Messrs. El- kington generate large quantities of electricity of low intensity. When we inspected their manufactory, the deposition of each trough was effected by plates the zincs of which were three feet long by eighteen inches wide. Mr. Napier, however, recommends batteries with smaller plates, with several combined in a series, to increase the intensity of the electric cur- rent. The operation of electro-gilding very closely resembles that of electro- plating. The gold solution may be prepared by dissolving gold in a solu- tion of cyanide of potassium in the same manner as the silver, but the liquid should be heated. The strength of the gold solution need not ex- 182 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. ceed half an ounce of gold to the gallon, and a sufficiently thick coating of the metal is deposited in two or three minutes. Voltaic batteries of three or four pairs of plates are generally employed for electro-gilding; but if the solution be heated to nearly the boiling-point, a single pair will an- swer the purpose, for the hotter the solution the less the battery power required. The method of gilding, before the introduction of the electro-chemical process, was extremely injurious to health. The gold was converted into a thin amalgam with mercury, which was brushed over the surface of the article to be gilt, and exposed to a strong heat to dissipate the mercury. The mercurial fumes produced the most pernicious effects, notwithstanding all the care taken to prevent them ; so much so, indeed, that the average lives of the workmen engaged in gilding by mercury do not exceed thirty-five years. Electro-gilding is also prejudicial to health, though not to the same extent, and the operation should be conducted in a lofty well- ventilated room. CHAPTER XXIT. ELECTRIC CLOCKS. First application of electricity to indicate time Bain's self-acting electric clock Means of making and breaking contact Application of mechanical power The earth battery Shepherd's electro-magnetic clock Independence of the pendulum, and its advantages Instantaneous indication of Greenwich time at distant places. THE claim to the invention of electric clocks has been disputed by Profes- sor Wheatstone and by Mr. Bain ; but whatever claim Professor Wheat- stone may have to be the original designer of such application of electric force, to Mr. Bain is unquestionably due the merit of having brought it into practical operation. In 1841, Mr. Bain, in conjunction with Mr. Barwise, obtained a patent for the application of electricity to the regulation and movement of clocks. The invention at that time specified had for its principal object the move- ment of several clocks by currents of electricity, transmitted at regular intervals by the agency of a clock of the ordinary construction. The ad- vantage proposed to be gained was, to make any number of clock-dials in a large establishment indicate exact time with one well-made clock, with- out requiring any impelling mechanical power. By a subsequent improve- ment of the invention, each clock was made to move independently by electricity, without any assisting clock to regulate the transmission of the electric current. The arrangement by which the independent regulated movement is obtained will be understood by the annexed figure. The bob A of the pendulum A B consists of a hollow coil of covered copper wire. A hollow brass tube c c, about two inches in diameter, passes through the coil, there being sufficient space left for the coil to move to and fro without touching. Within the hollow tube, and on each side of it, are placed permanent bar magnets, with their similar poles presented ELECTRIC CLOCKS. 183 fig. 94. towards each other at a distance of about four inches apart. For example, the magnets within the tube on the right hand have their north poles pre- sented to the coil, and those on the left hand have also their north poles presented to it. When an electric current passes through the coil it becomes instantly- magnetic ; the end towards the right, we will suppose, having a south polarity, and that towards the left a north polarity. The coil is consequently immediately attracted towards the right, and is repelled by the magnets on the left, as the pendulum swings in that direction. Before arriving at the end of its vibration, the connexion with the vol- taic battery is broken by the action of the pendulum itself; the magnetic property of the coil instantly ceases, and it descends by the force of gravity. On ascending the other arc of its vibration, contact is again made with the battery, and the electric current is sent through the coil, but in the reverse di- rection ; so that the left-hand end of the coil has south polarity given to it, and the right becomes the north pole. By this reversal of the current the coil is impelled towards the left, and the vibrations of the pendulum are thus maintained for an indefinite time. To make and break contact with the wires of the voltaic battery, and to reverse the direction of the electric current, a light sliding frame is car- ried from side to side by the pendulum. The wires e d, from the opposite ends of the hollow coil, are carried up the pendulum-rod. A cross-piece of wood fixed to the clock-case serves as a stage whereon the light movable frame slides, the uprights whereon it rests being gold wires. Inlaid in the stage or cross-piece are studs of gold, connected by wires to the voltaic battery. When the pendulum vibrates towards the right, the movable frame is carried towards the right hand, so that two of the upright gold wires rest on the studs ; by this means connexion is made with the voltaic batter}', and an electric current is transmitted through the coil A. On the returning vibration of the pendulum the movable frame is shifted towards the left, and the electric current is reversed, the polarity of the coil being thus changed at each vibration of the pendulum. In ordinary clocks the impelling power of a weight or spring commu- nicates motion to a train of wheels, and the use of the pendulum is to retard and regulate the motion ; but in Mr. Bain's electric clock the movement of the pendulum propels the hands, and the train of wheels is dispensed with. The mode by which the vibrations of the pendulum are applied to propel the hands will be readily understood on inspection of fig. 95. An electro-magnet A is fixed on the top of the clock, and an electric current is sent through the coil on each vibration of the pendulum. Each time that the electro-magnet is put into action by these transmissions of electricity, the keeper B, to which the light-jointed click-lever D is attached, is attracted, and falls into a tooth of the ratchet wheel E. When the con- nexion with the battery is broken on the fall of the pendulum, the lever is forced back by the spring at B, and thus advances the wheel the space of 184 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. fig. 95. one tooth. A small spring keeps the wheel steady, and prevents it turning back during the next vi- bration ; and by this arrangement the ratchet-wheel is advanced one tooth by two swings of the pendu- lum. Thus, when the wheel con- tains thirty teeth, and the pendu- lum vibrates once a second, the wheel will make one complete revolution every minute. That wheel will therefore constitute the seconds wheel of the clock, and the minute and hour hands may be moved by it, in the same man- ner as in ordinary clocks. The voltaic power employed by Mr. Bain in working these clocks consists of a large plate of zinc, and a quantity of coke buried in moist ground. Mr. Bain first directed attention to the use that may be made of the moisture of the earth in exciting a very steady current of voltaic electricity. In the earlier experiments he employed a large plate of zinc and a corresponding plate of copper ; but it was afterwards found that coke or charcoal, among which copper wires were introduced to act as conductors, answered the purpose better, because a larger surface is thus exposed to contact with the moisture. On making connexion be- tween the coke and the zinc a current of electricity is established, which, though of very feeble intensity, is sufficiently powerful to keep the pendu- lum of the electric clock in motion. It was supposed by Mr. Bain that the electricity thus excited was de- rived directly from the earth, and he attached great importance to the discovery as a new source of obtaining electric power ; but the effect is due only to the moisture of the earth acting on the zinc, and plates of equal size, if immersed in water, would generate an equal amount of elec- tricity as when buried in the ground. In practice, however, there is con- siderable advantage gained by employing an " earth battery," for the action proceeds undisturbedly, and a battery of this kind will continue at work for a year or longer without requiring any attention. Objection has been raised to Mr. Bain's clock, that as the pendulum is impelled by the direct action of electro-magnetism, it is liable to be affected by any variation in the power of the voltaic current, and such variations are continually taking place, even in the earth battery. The mode of making contact by the movable piece is also uncertain, and by a slight deposition of dust the connexion may be interrupted. With proper care, however, these clocks will continue to perform well for several months without touching them. Mr. Shepherd, whose gigantic electric clock kept time over the central entrance of the Great Exhibition, has effected a considerable improvement by rendering the movement altogether independent of variations in the electric power. In his clocks the vibrations of the pendulum are main- tained by repeated blows of a small spring, the electro-magnetic power ELECTRIC CLOCKS. 185 being employed only to draw back the spring after it has given the blow, so as to be ready to strike again when the pendulum returns. The regu- larity of the movement is still further secured by detaching the pendulum from the mechanism that propels the hands, which are moved forwards by separate electro-magnets. All that the pendulum does is to make and break contact with a voltaic battery by striking against a small spring at every vibration. The instant that contact is made, not only is the impel- ling spring drawn back by an electro-magnet, but other electro-magnets are brought into action alternately, and by their successive altractions propel the seconds-wheel of the clock. By this arrangement the isochro- nous motion of the pendulum is not interfered with by any variation in the power of the battery, nor by the attachment of mechanism of any kind. Figure 96 shews Mr. Shepherd's arrangement for making and break- ing contact with the voltaic batteries, and his mode of applying electro- magnetism to propel the mechanism of the clock. A metallic cross-bar A, fixed to the upper part of the pendulum, has two projecting pins of platinum, that dip alternately in cups of mercury in m, as the pendulum vibrates. Wires are carried from each cup of mercury to a separate vol- taic battery, and from the batteries to the electro-magnet B, and thence to the pendulum of the clock. A permanent magnet N s is fixed to the top of the palette D, which is so arranged in respect to the ratchet- wheel E, that it propels it one tooth at each double action. Thus, when the pendulum vibrates to the right, as shewn in the figure, connexion is made through the cup m with the battery cz, and the electro-magnet attracts the north pole N of the permanent magnet, and repels the south pole. The opposite action takes place when the current is reversed, by making connexion through the cup m', and the other battery is brought into play. In this manner the alternate movements are continued, and the ratchet-wheel is regularly propelled. A single pendulum will serve to move the hands on the dials of any number of clocks. Such an arrangement has been in operation for some N 186 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. BL. time at an extensive warehouse in the city. All the dials of a numerous series of clocks are regulated by one pendulum placed in the counting- house, and the wire required to communicate between the pendulum and the dials in different parts of the warehouse is upwards of a quarter of a mile in length. When several clocks are required in one establishment, great advantage is derived by employing electro-magnetism in this man- ner, because the dials of all indicate exactly the same time ; they can be constructed at considerably less cost than good ordinary clocks, and they continue to go without the trouble of winding up. The public clocks of a whole town might thus be propelled, by employing a more powerful vol- taic battery, the movements of all being regulated by a single pendulum. In connexion with electric clocks may be mentioned the means of indicating exact time at different places. An arrangement of this kind has been recently completed between the Royal Observatory at Greenwich and the Electric Telegraph Company's office in the Strand. A large ball on the top of the Royal Observatory falls daily, to indicate exact, time at one o'clock, and a similar ball on the top of the Telegraph Office also falls at the same instant ; communication being made between the two places by an insulated telegraph wire. The method by which the descent of the ball in the Strand is effected will be understood on inspection of figure 97. Let A represent a sec- tion of the tube on which the large hollow ball B slides up and down. A jointed lever E, consisting of a piece of soft iron, acts as the keeper of the elec- tro-magnet M, and when resting perpendicularly, a projection on the other side takes hold of a catch D in the straight arm that is fixed to the ball, and thereby holds it in position at the top of the per- pendicular tube. The instant that the ball on the Royal Observatory falls, it makes contact with a voltaic battery in connexion with the wires c z of the electro-magnet M, and brings that magnet into action \ the keeper E is attracted from the catch D, by which the ball is supported, and it thus falls at the same instant as the ball at the Observatory. To prevent concussion, by accelerated velocity during the descent, a plunger attached to the rod that supports the ball is introduced in the tube F, and by compressing the air within, the fall of the ball is sufficiently retarded. The arrangements at the Observatory for libe- rating the ball exactly at one o'clock were effected by Mr. Shepherd in the following manner : Three small pairs of springs for making contact, a, b, c, are fixed on the frame of the clock, so that they may be pressed together by projecting pins e,f,g, on the wheels that carry the hour-hand, the minute- hand, and the seconds-hand respectively. The hg.97. wire z connected with the voltaic battery is at- tached to the pair of springs c, and when they are pressed together by the pin e, metallic contact is made with the spring THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. 187 fig. 98. b, by a connecting wire w. When these springs are pressed together by the pin on the wheel B, con- nexion with the battery is extended to the third pair of springs a, and on contact being made by the pin on the seconds -wheel c, the voltaic cir- cuit is completed through the three springs, and the electric current puts in action an electro-magnet, which withdraws the detent that supports the ball on the top of the Royal Observatory. It will be observed that to com- plete the circuit it is necessary that the three contact springs should be pressed together at the same time. As the hour-hand on the first wheel A, which revolves once in twenty-four hours, approaches towards one o'clock, it first presses together the spring d, and as that wheel moves slowly, contact is made for a quarter of an hour or more before the time required. The minute-wheel B next makes contact about half a minute before one o'clock, but no effect is produced until the seconds-wheel c makes contact exactly at one o'clock, and at that instant the voltaic current passes, first to the electro-magnet on the Observatory, and thence to the electro-magnet which liberates the ball on the Telegraph Office in the Strand. The balls are wound up by mechanism at half-past twelve o'clock. It is proposed to extend similar arrangements to different parts of the kingdom, through the telegraph wires j so that correct Greenwich time may be known once every day. In the figure some of the wheels in the train of the clock are omitted to avoid confusion ; but it is evident that by this arrangement the voltaic circuit can only be completed once during the revolution of the hour- wheel, however often contact is made with the springs connected with the other wheels. CHAPTER XXIII. MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. The electric light Electro- magnetic engines Blasting rocks Explosion of fire-damp in mines Sounding the sea Determining longitudes Fire-alarms Table-moving Harpooning Conclusion. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. THE application of electricity to the purposes of illumination was brought prominently into notice about four years since, and then promised to become a most valuable means of lighting streets. The electric light proposed to be employed, though introduced as a new discovery, was 188 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. nothing more than the previously well-known evolution of brilliant lumi- nous rays from charcoal points when exposed to the action of a powerful voltaic battery. The light thus produced almost equals in brilliancy and purity that of the sun; and if means could be found of regulating the action, so as to ensure steadiness and certainty, it would prove a most useful source of illumination. Mr. Stait, when proposing to make the electric light available, in- vented a voltaic battery intended to act with great steadiness, and he introduced arrangements for adjusting the charcoal points, which im- provements it was thought would overcome the difficulty ; but though he succeeded in maintaining the light for a short time, it could not be regu- lated with the steadiness and certainty requisite for practical use. An ingenious contrivance by Mr. Allman was in the Great Exhibition, of a self-acting adjustment of the charcoal points, so that the distance apart might vary in proportion to the variations in the power of the battery. We have not, however, heard of any practical application of this invention ; and we fear it has not been found to overcome the difficulty. Another objection to the application of the electric light, in an eco- nomical point of view, is the cost of generating the electric force. It has been ascertained by experiment that the expense of maintaining the requisite battery power would considerably exceed that of the quantity of gas that would yield an equivalent amount of light. This objection, though it might prevent the electric light from coming into general use, would not prevent its being applied in many cases where the question of cost is an inferior consideration, could the constancy of the light be depended on. The impediment to the perfection of the invention, occasioned by the cost of exciting power, will probably be removed by the discovery of some better and cheaper means of exciting voltaic electricity than by the consumption of zinc ; and in that case the electric light may become as common a source of artificial illumination as coal-gas is at the present day. Even in the imperfect state in which the invention now remains, the electric light might, with proper care and attention, be applied with great advantage to many lighthouses on the coast. Some recent investigations, by Professor Wartmann of Geneva, into the applicability of the electric light, tend indeed to shew that it may be used to advantage more generally than we have, in the existing state of the invention and in the imperfect condition of the voltaic battery, assumed to be practicable. It is asserted that the light emitted from a single pair of charcoal points equals that of 300 large burners ; and that when a powerful voltaic circuit is formed, the charcoal points may be introduced at several parts of the circuit, and thus distribute the light from several points of illlu- mination.* ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ENGINES. The application of electro-magnetism as a moving power is, like the electric light, also awaiting, for practical purposes, further improvements in the mode of generating voltaic electricity. Electro-magnetic engines of various kinds have been constructed, some * Philosophical Magazine, January 1853. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ENGINES. 189 of which have propelled boats and worked printing machines; but the amount of power obtained has been so small compared with the cost of the -voltaic battery, as to render such applications of electricity practically useless as substitutes for steam. The most simple of the various modes by which electro-magnetism may be applied to propel machinery is shewn in the annexed diagram. fig. 99. The lever A B, jointed at B, is either made of soft iron or it has bars of soft iron fixed on each side to serve as keepers for the electro-magnets E D. The magnets are fixed in inclined positions, as shewn in the figure, so that the keepers on the movable lever may rest on the poles of each alternately, as it is attracted from side to side. Two pairs of metal studs ee, hh' are connected respectively with one end of the coils of the electro -magnets and with the voltaic battery that brings them into action. Thus, the wire of magnet D is connected with e, and a wire from the stud e is connected with the battery. A movable piece of metal m slides laterally, and is shifted from side to side by the curved piece n striking against it when the lever A B is in action. When that sliding piece of metal rests upon either pair of studs, it completes the communication with the voltaic battery through the magnet to which the stud is connected. In the position of the engine, represented in the figure, the sliding piece is resting against the stud connected with the electro-magnet D, which consequently becomes magnetic and attracts the lever. The instant before the keeper comes in contact with the magnet, the connexions are reversed, by the curved piece n shifting the sliding metal from its contact with e e against the opposite studs ; and by this means the magnet E comes into action, and the lever is attracted towards it. In this manner the lever may be kept in action for an indefinite time. The alternating movement may be converted into rotary motion by means of a crank, in the ordinary manner. In some electro-magnetic engines rotary motion is communicated di- rectly to a wheel, without the intervention of a crank, by fixing a number 190 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. of electro-magnets in the circle of rotation close to the periphery of the wheel, into which numerous pieces of soft iron are inlaid. Each electro-* magnet is brought into action in succession by making and breaking contact with the voltaic battery as the wheel revolves ; by this means there is a continuous change in the points of attraction round which the wheel is thus made to rotate. One cause why so little power is obtained by electro-magnetic engines of these constructions is the limited sphere of electro-magnetic attraction. In the arrangement of the vibrating arm, for example, the force with which the keeper is attracted is very feeble until it approaches close to the magnet, when the magnetic action must necessarily cease. With a view to overcome this objection, an arrangement has been contrived in which the attractive power of a hollow coil is employed. A model engine of this kind was placed in the Great Exhibition. Its mode of action will be understood by the annexed section. Two hollow coils of covered copper fig. 100. wire A B are fixed vertically, the coils being connected together as if they formed the helices of an electro-magnet. Inside the coils two hollow cylinders of soft iron ii and ee are introduced. Two plungers c D, formed of soft iron, are mounted on a balance lever F. The ends of the coils are connected with the balance lever in such manner that as each end rises and falls alternately, it reverses the direction of the voltaic current through the coils in a manner similar to that shewn in fig. 99, and thus reverses the poles of magnetic attraction. In the position represented, the plunger D having reached the centre of the coil, where there is no magnetic action, the direction of the electric current is reversed by the lever, and c is then attracted into the hollow coil A. The lever is thus alternately lifted up and down like the beam of a steam-engine, the two hollow coils repre- senting the two cylinders. By this means of applying the force of induced magnetism the spt ?re of attraction is very much increased, especially when permanent steel magnets are used as plungers, for it then extends almost to the centre ; and as the attractive power in one of the coils diminishes, the repelling pow-r of the other is correspondingly increased. We have not heard of any prac- tical application of this form of electro-magnetic engine; but it is a new mode of applying the force of electro-magnetism, which promises to be attended with favourable results. p. 191. ROUND DOWN CLIFF BLASTED BY ELECTRICITY. BLASTING ROCKS. 191 In the Reports of the Juries of the Great Exhibition an electro-mag- netic engine, invented by Mr. Hjorth of Denmark, is highly spoken of. It operates on the same principle as the engine we have just noticed. It consists of two sets of hollow horse-shoe electric magnets, conical inside, with a corresponding number of solid electro-magnets, which by mutually attracting each other, make a double stroke of four inches in length. The power has been found, by means of a spring-balance, to be about thirty pounds at the commencement of the stroke when the distance of the re- spective poles is about half an inch, decreasing slightly by degrees as the piston enters into the hollow electric magnet.* The Jury state, " we can- not help flattering ourselves that the attainment of this mysterious motive force will soon be followed by the making it available for practical pur- poses." BLASTING ROCKS. When a voltaic current is transmitted through a thick wire, it is con- ducted so freely that there is no sensible increase of heat. But if a very thin wire be interposed in the circuit, the resistance thus offered to the electric current causes the evolution of heat sufficient to make the wire red-hot. This heating property of the voltaic current has been rendered available in blasting rocks. Thick wires from a voltaic battery containing a series of plates of not less than four inches square are laid down to the spot where the explosion is to take place, and at that point the circuit of thick wire is broken, and a short length of very fine platinum wire is in- troduced. The fine wire is usually inserted in a cartridge of gunpowder, and it is covered over by the powder to be exploded. When every thing is properly arranged and all persons have retired to safe distances, the thick wires are connected with the two poles of the battery, and the pow- der is instantly ignited. This plan of blasting rocks is more effectual and more free from danger than the ordinary method of igniting the powder by a fuse, for it some- times happens that the lighted fuse communicates with the powder before the time calculated \ occasionally also it hangs fire, and the men, supposing it to be extinguished, approach the mine and are killed by the unexpected explosion. The application of voltaic electricity to the purposes of igniting large charges of powder was first successfully made by Col. Pasley in blowing up the wreck of the Royal George, and it has since been generally em- ployed for submarine explosions. The most remarkable instance of this application of electricity was the removal of an immense mass of the Round Down Cliff at Dover, on the 26th of January, 1843. The cliff was 375 feet above high-water mark ; and as a projection of it prevented a di- rect line of the South-Eastern Railway being taken to the mouth of the Shakespeare tunnel, it was resolved to remove the obstruction by blasting. Three different galleries and three shafts connected with them were exca- vated in the chalk rock. The length of the galleries was about 300 feet, and at the bottom of each shaft was a chamber eleven feet long, five feet high, and four feet six inches wide. In these chambers 18,000 pounds of gunpowder were placed in bags, with the mouths open and loose powder scattered over them. The distance of the charges from the face of the * Reports of the Juries, class x. p. 283. 192 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. cliff was about seventy feet. At the back of the cliff a wooden shed was constructed in which three voltaic batteries were arranged. Each combined battery consisted of eighteen of Daniell's cells and two common batteries of twenty pairs of plates each. To these batteries were connected thick wires, covered with cord to insulate them from the ground. The wires were laid upon the grass to the top of the cliff, and then falling over it were carried to the eastern, the central, and the western chambers. The wires were each 1000 feet long, and it was ascertained by experiment that the electric current was sufficient to heat the interposed length of platina wire at a distance of 2300 feet. The powder was divided into three charges, each one being exploded separately by a distinct circuit, it being- arranged that at the instant the central charge was fired, the voltaic cur- rent should also be transmitted through the two other circuits. Flags were fixed at various points on the cliffs to warn people not to approach, and on the top of the Round Down Cliff a larger flag was planted, towards which all eyes were directed as the time appointed for the explosion ap- proached. "At twenty-six minutes past two o'clock," as reported in the Times of the following day, "a low, faint, indistinct, indescribable, moaning subterranean rumble was heard, and immediately afterwards the bottom of the cliff began to belly out, and then, almost simultaneously, about 500 feet in breadth of the summit began gradually but rapidly to sink. There was no roaring explosion, no bursting out of fire, no violent and crashing splitting of rocks, and, comparatively speaking, very little smoke } for a proceeding of mighty and irrepressible force, it had little or nothing of the appearance of force. The rock seemed as if it had ex- changed its solid for a fluid nature, for it glided like a stream into the sea, which was at the distance of 100 yards, perhaps more, from its base." The top of the Round Down Cliff did not fall down on to the beach as might have been expected, but it descended almost perpendicularly, retain- ing its former distinctive character at a lower level than the surrounding cliffs which it before overtopped, as represented in the accompanying engraving. By this blast one million tons of chalk were removed, which would have otherwise required twelve months' labour to cut away. EXPLOSION OF FIRE-DAMP IN MINES. The same arrangement that is adopted for blasting rocks might be applied, with great effect, to diminish the loss of life occasioned by explo- sions of carburetted hydrogen gas in coal-mines. It is the practice in many mines that are considered to be " fiery," for a man to descend every morning, before the miners go to work, to ascertain whether the passages are in a safe condition. The duty of the "viewer" is to proceed to all the dangerous parts with a safety-lamp, and if he finds from the indications of the flame within the wire gauze that the atmosphere is inflammable, the miners are not allowed to descend until additional means have been taken to ventilate the mine. This duty is sometimes very negligently performed, and in the case of a fatal explosion which occurred last summer, several of the miners accompanied the viewer with unprotected candles, and most of them were killed. The trouble and loss of time of this precautionary examination and its accompanying danger might, the author conceives, be saved, by igniting lucifer-matches, or other combustibles, by voltaic electricity in various SOUNDING THE SEA. 193 parts of the mine. This might readily be done at a very trifling cost. A thick insulated wire fixed to the side of the shaft from the mouth of the pit to the farthest part of the workings, and there attached to a copper plate immersed in a pool of water, would serve to conduct the current of electricity, and the return current might be completed by a similar plate of metal buried a few feet deep in the moist earth near to the battery at the pit's mouth. By intercepting the thick wire circuit in those parts usually most dangerous, and introducing a short piece of very fine platina wire, heat sufficient would be evolved at those points, when the circuit was completed through the battery, to ignite lucifer-matches laid upon the fine wires over night. By this means the condition of the mine could be as- certained in an instant, without personal examination. There would of course be objections raised to any plan so different from the usual routine, but in the opinion of the author it presents an easy, safe, and practicable mode of testing the safety of coal-mines, which it would be advisable, at all events, to try. SOUNDING THE SEA. In sounding the sea by "the lead" at great depths, it is difficult to ascertain exactly when the weight strikes the ground. An ingenious contrivance has been in- vented by Mr. Bain for removing the difficulty by em- ploying electrical agency. We are not aware that the invention has yet been brought into use ; but it may be desirable to explain the modus operandi as an illustration of one of the many different ways in which electricity may be applied. In fig. 101, A represents a metal spring-hook, the curved end of which c presses against the projection z, when the two points are not kept apart by the weight of the lead, as they are represented to be in the woodcut. The end c is insulated from the other part of the hook by the piece of wood d. A wire g, connected with the end c, proceeds from one of the coils of an electro-mag- net on the deck of the ship ; the wire f proceeds from a voltaic battery to which the other end of the coil of the electro-magnet is attached. By this arrangement it will be perceived that when the points z and c come in con- tact, the electro-magnet will become active; and the keeper, as it is attracted, may strike a bell, or give notice in any other convenient way. This would take place as soon as the lead touched the ground, for its weight would then cease to operate against the action of the spring in keeping the two ends apart ; and by this means the in- stant that the bottom was reached would be made known. For the sake of shewing the action more clearly the two wires are represented in the figure as entirely sepa- rated ; but they might be both twisted together round the plumb-line, if care be taken to insulate them from each other by a covering of cotton well varnished. 1. 101. 194 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. DETERMINING LONGITUDES. Instantaneous communication from place to place, by means of elec- tricity, has been applied to determine the longitude. This was first done in America at great distances apart, and recently in this country; Professor Challis, of Cambridge observatory, having in May last undertaken a series of experiments, in connexion with the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, for that purpose. The principle on which this application of electric force depends is very simple. A telegraphic wire was connected with the ob- servatory at each place, and the instant that the seconds-hand of the clock at Greenwich indicated a given time, a signal was transmitted through the telegraph-wire, and the Cambridge time was directly noted. The difference between the two affords the means of determining the longitude with great exactness, by shewing how much sooner the sun comes to the meridian at Cambridge than at Greenwich. FIRE ALARMS. Electro-magnetism has been ingeniously applied to sound an alarum in case of fire. The action of the instrument depends on the well-known expansion of mercury by heat. The mercury is contained in a glass bulb similar to the bulb of a thermometer ; and when heated it rises up the tube and touches a wire which is connected with a voltaic battery, and instantly brings into action an electro-magnet. A detent is then withdrawn from a piece of clock-mechanism, and an alarm is thus sounded whenever the room in which the thermometer-instrument is placed becomes heated a few degrees above the ordinary temperature. In the accompanying figure A represents the glass bulb ; B c are two short tubes communicating with it, into which wires are introduced. The bulb is filled with mercury, and placed in a vertical position, so that when it is ex- panded by heat it will rise up in the tube and touch the wire. The wire at the bottom is connected with the elec- tro-magnet, and that at the top with the voltaic battery ; and in this manner the circuit is completed as soon as the mercury becomes sufficiently expanded to rise as high as the wire c. A thermo-electric alarm might at very trifling cost be placed in every room of a house, one voltaic battery and one loud alarum being sufficient for all. In hotels, and in all large esta- blishments, an apparatus of this kind would prove a great safeguard, as it would be the means of giving warn- ing of danger before any indication of fire was otherwise perceptible. TABLE-MOVING. As the alleged phenomena of table-moving, which at present attract much attention, have been generally attributed to electrical agency, it fig. 102. TABLE-MOVING. 1 95 might be considered an omission in this work if the subject were not no- ticed. We have no hesitation in asserting, that it is absolutely impossible such effects could be produced by the known properties of electricity. Even admitting which we are far from being inclined to do that elec- tricity can be excited by the imposition of hands, and that it could be so excited with unlimited abundance, no acccumulation of electrical force could operate in such a manner on a solid table placed upon the floor. Let us consider for a moment the physical circumstances necessary to produce the simplest of the movements stated to occur. To raise a table on one side a few inches from the ground by electrical attraction would, in the first place, require a greater amount of electric force than was ever generated by the most powerful artificial means. Such a concentration of electricity could not fail to exhibit itself by the emission of sparks, by the attraction of all surrounding movable objects, and by the repulsion of any light bodies placed upon the table. No such effects are represented to be exhibited j and we are told that tables move without any previous manifestation of the ordinary phenomena of electrical attraction. It is also irreconcilable with all the known actions of static electricity, to sup- pose that it could be accumulated in quantity and intensity on such an imperfect insulator as a carpet. Even if that were possible, the attrac- tion of the floor, as the nearer object, would greatly surpass that of the ceiling, and would therefore hold the table more firmly to the ground, in- stead of lifting it up. If, again, voltaic electricity be the assumed agent, the difficulties are no less insurmountable. Attractive power in that case could only be ob- tained by inducing magnetism. We must suppose, therefore, the exist- ence of some undiscovered property, which can impart an unknown kind of magnetism to wood, that is capable of attracting other similar bodies. But even admitting all this, a cause would still be wanting to account for the magnetised table being attracted to the more distant ceiling instead of to the floor. We have only considered the causes necessary to account for the mere raising of a table on one side ; and if the known properties of electricity are unable to produce that simple effect, they would be still less adequate to cause movements at the will of the operators, which, even though en- dowed with vitality and intelligence, a rigid table could not accomplish without assistance. In addition to those inventions we have described, there are numerous other applications of electricity ; some of which, however, are of little practical utility, and in other cases the practicability of the applications of the force is too questionable to render it requisite to give special descrip- tions. Among the variety of objects to which electricity has been applied may be mentioned a means of measuring the velocity of cannon-balls, and of other rapidly moving bodies ; a mode of performing on musical in- struments ; the detection of the frauds of omnibus-conductors ; and a plan for catching whales. The last-named invention we have only recently seen noticed, and if feasible, it will certainly afford great advantage to the arctic fishermen. The harpoon is connected by a wire to a voltaic battery, and the instant it strikes a whale it is to communicate a stunning shock that will render the creature powerless. 196 THE APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. It is impossible to conceive limits to the extent to which electric force may be applied by the ingenuity of man as progress continues to be made in the science, and especially when more facile methods of generating elec- tricity are discovered. Its importance as a means of transmitting intel- ligence is becoming daily more appreciated ; and when the electric tele- graph has received the improvements of which it is already capable, it will become a general means of correspondence. The other object to which we look forward at present as most likely to effect important changes in the social condition of mankind is, the application of electricity as a moving power. The practical part of the science is not yet sufficiently advanced to enable us to expect an early approach of this event ; but we feel assured that not many years will have passed before means will be found of employing electric force with great advantage for that purpose ; and when that time arrives, changes will be effected in the means and facilities of locomotion, as great as any that have been introduced by the power of steam. INDEX. ABSOLUTE quantities of electricity, 126. Air, resistance of, to electrical conduction, 67. Alkalies, the decomposition of, 33, 123. Alexander's telegraph, 163. Amalgam, 62. Amber, its attractive properties discovered, 9. Animal electricity, 145. Apparatus, economical, 148. Applications of electricity, 153. Atmospheric electricity, 83. Attraction, electrical, 48. Aurora borealis, 67, 91. Aurum musivum, 149. BAIX'S electric clocks, 182. telegraph, 169. invention for sounding the sea, 192. Battery, electrical, 74. thermo-electric, 145. Beccaria's observations of a thunder-storm, 83. Blasting rocks by electricity, 191. Boyle's theory of electrical attraction, 10. CANTON'S discovery of induction, 21. Charcoal, action of voltaic current on, 115. Chemical affinity identical with electrical attraction, 123. suspension of, 122. Clouds, electrical condition of, 90. Coils of wire, multiplying effect of, 130. Conduction through liquids, 100. moist earth, 154. Conductors, list of, 51. Constant battery, 43, 106. Contact-breaker, self-acting, 137. Cooke and Wheatstone's electric telegraph, 163. Copying electric telegraph, 170. Coulomb's determination of electrical laws, 26. electrometer, 57. Couronne-de-tasses, 98. Crosse's account of a thunder-storm, 84. water-battery, 115. Cuneus's discovery of the Leyden phial, 14. Currents induced by secondary action, 119. Current, electric, a conventional term, 99. DANIELL'S constant battery, 43. water-battery, 115. Davy's, Sir H., decomposition of the al- kalies, 33. sheathing for ships, 35. Davy's electric telegraph, 163. Decomposition, electro -chemical, 120. of metallic salts, 124, 177. of water, 82, 121. Definite electro-chemical action, 126. Deflections of magnetic needles, 128. Deposition of metals, causes of, 177. Discharge, brush, 69. glow, 70. Dischargers, 75. Distribution of electricity on surfaces, 65. Distributive discharge, 87. Du Fay's discovery of two electricities, 13. EARTH-battery, 184. Earth-circuit, 154. Electric light, 187. Electrics, list of, 53. change of state in, 53. Electric clocks, 182. 18. Electric discharge through the ground, Electric shock, effects of, 78. its imagined effects, 16.J shocks, formidable ones given by Franklin, 17. Electric Telegraph Company, their plan of insulating, 156. batteries used by, 105. Electric time- ball, 186. Electrical attraction, phenomena of, 48. battery, 74. induction, 54. jack, 64. Electrical machine invented, il. , cylinder, 60. , plate, 62. , gutta-percha, 63. machines, how to make, 149. Electricity, absolute quantity of, 126. "in water, 126. excitement of, by animal volition, 145. 198 INDEX. Electricity, excitement of, by chemical ac tion, 95. effluent steam, 45, 92. evaporation, 191. friction, 2, 47, 93. heat, 40, 144. magnetism, 39. nature of unknown, 99. two kinds of, 51. Electro-chemical decomposition, action of, 41. definite, 126. Electro-gilding, 181. Electro-magnets, 133. their limited spheres of attraction, 135. how to make, 152. Electro-magnetic engines, 188. Electro-magnetism, its discovery, 35. instantaneous communication of, 136. Electrometer, 56. , Coulomb's, 57 Electrometers, how to make, 150. Electrophorus, 27, 55, 150. Electro-plating, 180. Electrotype, discovery of, 44, 175. process, 176. Evaporation, excitement of electricity by, 191. Exciting liquids for voltaic batteries, 152. FALLING stars, 91. Faraday's discovery of magneto-electricity, 39. experimental researches, 41. experiments with high-pressure steam, 92. new terms, 41. Fire-alarms, 194. Fire-damp in mines, explosion of, 192. Franklin's, an unpublished letter of, 89. kite experiment, 22. suggestions for drawing lightning from the clouds, 21. theory of the Leyden jar, 18, 73. Franklinian theory of electricity, 58. Friction, excitement of electricity by, 2, 47, 93. GALVANI'S experiments, 27. Galvanometer, invention of, 38. construction of, 130,152. Gilbert's discoveries, 10. Glass, excitement of electricity by, 48, 60. Glyphography, 179. Graphite, used for voltaic batteries, 99, 105. Grey's discovery of conductors and non- conductors, 12. Grove's battery, 107. Guericke, Otto, his discoveries, 11. Gutta-percha electrical machines, 63. Gymnotus, 146. HEATING power of electricity, 79. Henley's magneto-electric telegraph, 166. Human body, electricity of the, 148. Hydrogen gas, evolution of, in voltaic bat- teries, 95. INDUCED currents, 119. Induction, electrical, 54, 57. Inductive capacity, 57. Inflammation by the electric spark. 67. Insulation of telegraph wires, 156. Intensity, cause of increase by voltaic bat- teries, 102. Intensity of frictional electricity, 67. Jacobi's discovery of electro-metallurgy, 175. Jordan's electrotype experiments, 175. LANE'S discharger, 77. Lateral discharge, 76, 87. Lesarge's electric telegraph, 153. Leslie's quadrant electrometer, 77. Leyden phial, discovery of, 14. jar, phenomena of, 71. theory of, 73. Leyden jars charged in series, 72. i how to make, 150. Light from charcoal- points, 113. Lightning-conductors, 88. Lightning drawn from the clouds, 21. Local action in voltaic batteries, 102. Lomond's electric telegraph, 160. Loss of electricity in mixed telegraphic circuits, 157. MAGNETS, permanent, their spheres of at- traction, 134. Magnetic needles, deflections of, 128. properties of voltaic current, 128. Magnetising power of electricity, 82. Magneto-electricity, 39, 140. Magneto- electric machine, 141. Medical coil machine, 138. Metals, their relative voltaic powers, 98. Muschenbroeck's experiments, 14. NEEDLE telegraph, 164. Nervous influence, its connexion with electricity, 114, 148. New terms, Faraday's, 41, 110. CERSTED'S discovery of electro-magnet- ism, 36. Ohm's formula of resistance, 101. PHYSIOLOGICAL effects of electricity, 114. Pistol, electrical, 67. Points, influence of, 64. Poles of a voltaic battery, 110. Porous cells, 106, 108. Priestley's statement of electrical theories, 58. ' QUADRANT electrometer, 77. INDEX. 199 Quantity of electricity in bodies, 126. RAPIDITY of voltaic action, 111. Recording telegraph instruments, 167. Reizen's electric telegraph, 160. Repulsion, the action of, explained, 57. Residual charge, 75. Resinous electricity, 52. Resistance essential to electrical action, 79,96, 117. Resistance of long wire circuits, 156. Resisting media, electrical discharge through, 69. Reversing currents, 165. Richmann, Professor, killed by lightning, 21. Ronalds's electric telegraph, 161. Rotation of magnets, 139. SCHILLING'S electric telegraph, 162. Sealing-wax emitted from points, 64. Secrecy of telegraphic correspondence, 1 74. Seesbeck's discovery of thermo-electricity, 40. Secondary currents, 117. Sheet-lightning, 90. Shepherd's electric clock, 184. Signal telegraph instruments, 160. Sremmering's electric telegraph, 160. Sounding the sea, 193. Spark, electric, colours of, 70. instantaneous duration of, 81. Spencer's electrotype experiments, 175. Spiral coils, effect of, 118. Static and current electricity, 47. Static electricity confined to exterior sur- faces, 66. Steinheil's electric telegraph, 162. Submarine telegraph wires, 158. Submarine telegraphs, new system of, 159. Surfaces, influence of, on electrical in- tensity, 67. TABLE-moving, 194. Tangential direction of deflecting force, 138. Telegraph, electric, Bain's, 169. Breguet's, 166. copying, the, 170. Coo'ke and Wheatstone's, 163. Lesarge's, 153. Lomond's, 160. Morse's, 167. Reizen's, 160. Ronalds's, 161. Soammering's, 161. Schilling's, 162. Steinheil's, 162. Alexander's, 163. Davy's, 163. Henley's, 166. Telegraphs, electric, rejected by Govern- ment, 162. Telegraph-lines, mode of constructing, 158. Telegraph-wires in India, 158. Telegraphic communication with America suggested, 159. signals, 163, 165, 168. Theories of two electricities, 58. Thermo-electricity, its discovery, 40. Thermo-electric batteries, 145. Thermo-electrics, list of, 144. Thunder, cause of, 91. Thunder-cloud, condition of electricity in. 86. observations of, 83. phenomena of, 84. Thunder-house, 80. Thunder-storms, safest place during, 88. Torpedo, 145. Transmission of telegraphic messages, rates of, 166, 169, 174. UNIVERSAL discharger, 77. Ure's galvanic experiments on a dead body, 114. VITREOUS electricity, 52. Volta's discoveries, 29. Voltaic action, its rapidity, 111. controlling force of, 125. conditions necessary for, 100. Voltaic battery, heating effects of, 112. theories of, 31. its decomposing agency, 32. Babington's, 104. Cruikshank's, 104. Daniell's, 43, 106. Grove's, J07. Smee's, 107. Wollaston's, 105. positive and negative poles of, 110. Voltaic batteries, action of, explained, 102. how to make, 151. Voltaic electricity conducted by moist air, 157. identical with frictional, 109. its low intensity, 112. Voltaic pile, 97. Voltameter, 127. Von Kleist's experiments on accumulated electricity, 15. WALL'S suggestions respecting lightning, Water, decomposition of, 82, 121. excitement of electricity by, 93. Water- battery, Crosse's, 115. Daniell's, 115. Water- batteries, cause of their intensity, 116. ZINC, action of acidulated water on, 95. voltaic electricity excited by, definite in quantity, 108. Zinc plates, amalgamation of, 102. LONDON : PRINTED BY LEVEY, ROBSON, AND FRANKLYK, Great New Street and Fetter Lane. NEW, CHEAP, AND IMPORTANT EDUCATIONAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY INGRAM, COOKE, AND CO. THIRD EDITION. Webster's Dictionary of the English Language. Exhibiting the Origin, Orthography, Pronunciation, and Definition of Words ; comprising also a Sy- nopsis of Words differently pronounced by different Orthoepists, and Walker's Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. A new- edition, revised and enlarged by C. A. GOODRICH, Professor in Yale College: with the addition of a Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names and their pronun- ciation. With Portrait of Dr. Webster. The new words that have been added amount to several thousands, and the Dictionary now contains 27,000 words more than " Todd's Edition of Johnson." 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