GI38 6 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID GASTRIC DERANGEMENTS. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE. Unlike all other forms of phosphorus in combination, such as dilute phosphoric acid, glacial phosphoric acid, neutral phosphate of lime, hypo- phosphites, etc., the phosphates in this product are in solution, and readily assimilated by the system, and it not only causes no trouble with the digestive organs, but promotes in a marked degree their healthful action. In certain forms of dyspepsia it acts as a specific. Dr. T. G. COMSTOCK, of the Good Samaritan Hospital, St. Louis, says: " For some years we have used it in a variety of derangements characterized by debility, as also in chronic gastric ailments. It is ap- proved of, unanimously, by the medical staff of this Hospital." Send for descriptive circular. Physicians who wish to test it will be furnished a bottle on application, without expense except express charges. Prepared under the direction of Prof. E. N. HORSFORD, by the RUMFORD CHEMICAL WORKS, Providence, R. L Beware of Substitutes and Imitations. UBKf COUFGf 'M ThjE 1 Bacterial Poisons. BY DR. N. GAMALEIA. TRANSLATED BY E. P. HURD, M.D., Member of the Massachusetts Medical Society and of the Climatological Society ; one of the Physicians to the Newburyport {Mass^ Hospital. GEORGE S. DAVIS, DETROIT, MICH. 80 Copyrighted by GEORGE ?. DAVIS. 1898. TABLE OF CONTENTS. FIRST PART. CHAPTER I. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE PUTRID POISON. PAGE Experiments with the Toxic Effects Produced by Sub- stances Undergoing Decomposition Seybert, Gas- pard, Stich Establish the Symptoms and the Lesions of Experimental Septicaemia Panum Gives the Proof that it is Produced by a Chemical Poison Bergmann and Schmiedeberg Determine this Poi- son to be an Alkaloid: Sepsine I CHAPTER II. THE MICROBIAL ETIOLOGY OF PUTREFACTION AND OF THE INFECTIONS. Contest between the Chemical and the Vitalist Doctrines The Contradictions and the Results Obtained by the Chemists Their Explanation Insufficient by Reason of the Absence of the Notion of Specificity Definitive Victory of the Vitalist Doctrine The In- fectious Diseases are Admitted to be Caused by Specific Fermentations 12 CHAPTER III. THE DISCOVERY OF PTOMAINES. Selmi Draws Attention to the Ptomaines Obtained from Cadavers Leucomaines and Ptomaines of Gautier The Researches of Brieger on Ptomaines 20 VI PAGE CHAPTER IV. INFECTION is AN INTOXICATION BY THE MICROBIAN POISON. Bacteriology Aims to Explain Infection by the Invasion of the Animal Economy by Microbes Three Dis- eases, Diphtheria, Cholera, Tetanus, where this Ex- planation is Not Possible Discovery of Chemical Vaccination Discovery of the Different Chemical Poisons of Bacteria which May Produce All the Symptoms of the Disease without the Intervention of Microbes Actual Point of View: The Infectious Disease is an Intoxication by the Poison of the Pathogenic Microbe 30 SECOND PART. CHAPTER V. THE CHEMICAL NATURE OF THE BACTERIAL POISONS. Different Conceptions of the Chemical Nature of the Bacterial Poisons. First Stage: The Ptomaines Differences between the Ptomaines of Selmi, of Gautier, and of Brieger The Peptotoxine of Brieger Researches of Salkowsky, of Bouveret and Devic Researches of Bassi on Typhotoxine Works of Baumann The Ptomaines are Perhaps Artificial Products Opinion of S. Martin. Second Stage: The Diastases Researches of Roux and Yersin Criticism of the Notion of Diastases. Third Stage: The Toxalbumins Work of Brieger and Frankel 39 VII PAGE CHAPTER VI. THE CHEMICAL NATURE OF THE BACTERIAL POISONS (CONTINUED). Criticism of the Work of Brieger and Frankel Re- searches of Proskauer and Wassermann The Mi- crobe Poisons have Not yet been Prepared in a State of Purity Similar Non-Microbian Poisons The Work of Stillmarck Demonstration of the Albu- minoid Nature of the Diphtheritic Poison Toxi- cological Differentiation of the Bacterial Poisons Natural and Artificial Poisons: Their Characters The Chemical Vaccines The Antitoxines or Cura- tive Substances Hypothesis as to the Chemical Nature of the Poisons The Nucleo-albumins and the Nucleines The Consequences of this Hypothesis.. . 52 CHAPTER VII. THE ORIGIN OF THE MICROBIAN POISONS. Preconceived Idea that the Poisons Can Only Come from the Decomposition of Albuminoid Bodies Ex- periments Already Old which Overthrow this Idea Researches of Polotebnoff, Popoff, Bergmann, Schul- ler Numerous Researches Made at the Laboratory of Pachoutine Recent Labor of Guinochet The Microbian Poisons are Not Products of Decompo- sition, but the Result of Synthesis Are They Se- cretions? Arguments in Favor of this Idea Argu- ments which Combat it Thje Poisons are Intimately Linked to the Bodies of the Bacteria The Experi- ments of Cantani and of the Author The Re- searches of Buchner on the Proteins Criticism of these Researches All the Microbe Poisons Come VIII PAGE from the Bodies of Bacteria Utility of this Source for the Microbes 65. CHAPTER VIII. ACTION OF THE BACTERIAL POISONS ON THE ANIMAL ORGANISM ACCUSTOMANCE AND IMMUNITY. Insufficiency of our Knowledge of the Mode of Action of the Bacterial Poisons on the Animal Organism Local Action of the Modified Poisons Selective Ac- tion of Tuberculin and Malleine Destruction of Poisons in the Bodies of Refractory Animals Explanations of the Different Contradictions Resume and Conclusions on the General Toxicity of Microbes 78 THIRD PART. CHAPTER IX. THE POISONS OF TETANUS. Researches of Brieger, Kitasato and Weyl, Knud Faber, Tizzoni and Cattani, Brieger and Frankel, Vaillard and Vincent and Kitasato, on the Properties of the Tetanus Poison The Investigations of Bruschetini and of Camara Pestana on its Diffusion in the Ani- mal Body Vaccination against Tetanus: Behring and Kitasato The New Notions Contributed by these Authors 88 CHAPTER X. THE POISONS OF TETANUS (CONTINUED). Vaccination against Tetanus is Obtained by Tizzoni, IX PAGE Cattani, and Vaillard The Researches of Kitasato; of Behring; of Brieger, Kitasato, and Wassermann Immunization The Labors of Tizzoni, Cattani, and Vaillard The Researches of Ehrlich; of Brieger and Ehrlich; of Brieger and Frank Application of the Method of Behring and Kitasato to the Treat- ment of Tetanus in Man 97 CHAPTER XI. THE POISONS OF DIPHTHERIA. The Researches of Roux and Yersin; of Loffler C. Frankel Succeeds in Vaccinating Animals against Diphtheria The Researches of Behring and His Discovery of Immunization The Difficulties Not Yet Surmounted of Diphtheritic Vaccination 106 CHAPTER XII. THE POISONS OF CHOLERA AND OF THE AVICIDE VIBRIO. The Researches of the Author on the Poisons of Cholera and of the Avicide Vibrio The Researches of Her- nandez and Brtthl, of Niessen and Behring, and of Zasslein 1 14 CHAPTER XIII. THE POISONS OF TUBERCULOSIS. The Researches of Koch, of Maffuci, of Prudden and Hodenpyl, of Straus and the Author, of Grancher and Ledoux-Lebard The Tuberculin of Koch, and the Researches which it has Provoked The Toxo- mucin of Weyl 120 X PAGE CHAPTER XIV. THE POISONS OF CHARBON AND OF GLANDERS. Insufficiency of our Toxicological Knowledge respecting Charbon and Glanders Different Writings on the Subject 127 CHAPTER XV. PRACTICAL RESULTS OBTAINED BY THE STUDY OF MICROBIAN TOXICOLOGY. Rapid Indications respecting the Other Bacterial Poisons Immunization as a Result of Toxicological Studies. 133 PREFACE. The Bacterial Poisons are here for the first time made the subject of a connected treatise. The genera] plan of this work is as follows: When bacteriology, extending its domain beyond certain etiological data concerning infection, sought to penetrate the pathogeny thereof, there arose a necessity of undertaking the study of chemical poisons produced by the microbes. This study first imposed itself in diseases such as cholera, diphthe- ria, and tetanus, where the pathogenic agent is found lodged in a limited part of the organism and yet causes a general affection. In these cases, the pathogenic action of the bac- teria can be explained only by the systemic poisoning pro- duced by the specific products of these bacteria. But the same explanation has been found to hold good in diseases of another type, where, as in tuberculosis, the lesion produced by the pathogenic agent is strictly circumscribed to the spot where this agent vegetates; here also we have proved that the lesion does not come from the microbe as a living organism, but from its chemical poisons the lesion and the disease may be reproduced by the dead microbe, which can, of course, act only by the toxic substances which it contains. The study of bacterial poisons concerns not only the pathogeny of infectious diseases; it finds also practical appli- cations for their prophylaxis and treatment. It has been demonstrated that a sure and inoffensive vaccination may be obtained without the help of living microbes, and that the refractory state may be conferred simply and solely by the soluble products of micro-organisms. Lastly, a new method has been found immunization which has direct applica- XII tions in therapeutics, being capable not only of preventing disease, but of curing it when once declared. Here the role of living bacteria is even less than in chemical vaccination. The cure of infectious diseases is obtained with the serum of vaccinated animals. The theory of immunity has also profited by the knowl- edge of the poisons of bacteria; it has been shown that the immunity of animals against infectious diseases is in close relation with their resistance to microbial poisons; the latter is subordinated in its turn to the elaboration by these ani- mals of special substances antitoxines which have the property of neutralizing the action of microbial toxines. From this aggregate of facts, a new science has sprung up: the science of Microbial Poisons, which is based at once on bacteriology, on biological chemistry, and on general physiology. From bacteriology it borrows its data about microbes as producers of poisons; but the important results obtained with the analogous poisons of different origin, such as abrine, ricine, robine, necessitate the extension of the domain of microbial toxicology beyond microbism. To biological chemistry belong the methods of prepara- tion and of isolation of bacterial poisons; from it we must demand information as to their nature and their production. Lastly, the study of their mode of action on the animal organism, of their diffusion, and of their destruction in the organism, belongs to the domain of general physiology. Thus, microbial toxicology touches at once on bacteriol- ogy, on biological chemistry, and on general physiology; it is the science of bacterial poisons, and has for its object the -study of their chemical nature, of their mode of production, .and of their action on animals. This work is divided into three parts: The first part History of Microbial Toxicology de- XIII scribes the evolution which the study oi systemic poisoning in the infections has undergone. The second part General Toxicology treats of our actual information respecting the chemical nature of the microbial poisons, their production, and their destiny in the animal body. The third part Special Toxicology will be the exposi- tion of the data acquired concerning the toxines of different diseases. N. G. Paris, May, 1892. THE BAOTEKIAL POISONS. First Part: History of the Development of Our Knowledge Respecting the Bacterial Poisons. CHAPTER I. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE PUTRID POISON. SUMMARY. Experiments with the Toxic Effects Pro- duced by Substances Undergoing Decomposition Seybert, Gaspard, Stick Establish the Symptoms and the Lesions of Experimental Septicczmia Panum Gives the Proof that it is Produced by a Chemical Poison Bergmann and Schmiedeberg Determine This Poison to be an Alkaloid: Sepsine. The first microbial poisons studied experimentally were products of putrefaction. Chemists were led to this study by the important etiological role which putrefaction plays in ancient medicine. It was be- lieved that the emanations from decomposing matters might produce typhoid and malarial fevers. The I 000 putrefaction of wounds gave rise to the complications so formidable and so frequent, of septicaemia and pyaemia. A "spontaneous" tendency of the living organism to putridity characterized certain wide- spread diseases such, for instance, as scorbutus. The diseases of putrid origin thus constituted an important group of affections which corresponded nearly to our infectious diseases of to-day. Despite this importance which, from an early antiquity, medicine accorded to putrefaction, the experimental study of the latter is relatively recent. Towards the end of the last century, gtejj|^.- jr perimented with blood serum, pus, and putrid meat. He introduced these matters into the general circula- tion of the dog. He noticed that the toxic effects varied proportionately to the quantities of liquid in- jected. Thus, for instance, 20 cubic centirneters of putrid serum killed a dog Jn_the_j^ace7flL~several hours, with vomitings, convulsions, and progressive en- feeblement; 3 grammes caused deathjrrtwo da^s, with dysenteric pnenomefrar^ doses below two grammes produced only a temporary diarrhoea, followed by a complete restoration of the animal. Seybert also studied the effects of the same putrescent sub- stances when they were introduced by mouth into the stomach. In these cases the toxic effects were nil. Moreover, in opening the stomach of the dog three hours after a meal of putrid meat, Seybert no longer found in the mass undergoing digestion the ? ..-. putrid aspect and odor. Seybert cites in this connec- tion the researches of Spalanzani, who was absolutely convinced of the innocuousness of putrid foods after having fed dogs, cats, and birds with them. Gaspard, physician of Saint Etienne, pursued some experimental researches on the putrid poison. His experiments established several important points respecting the effects of putrid matters. y Gaspard showed that (fafiflmp 1 ^ blood, pus, and meat produce in animals a rapid and mortal intoxication. On the contrary, fresh organic liquids such as saliva, urine, and sperm, when injected for control, are found to be non-toxic. Gaspard showed, moreover, that the putrid infusions of plants also poison animals. The symptoms of this poisoning were very con- stant and typical, being independent of the source of the putrid substances, whether vegetable or animal, and of the place of the injection. This intoxication (septic or putrid infection) was characterized by tremblings and convulsions, vomitings, and diarrhoea, the latter often sanguinolent. The animals died in dyspnoea, cyanosis, and complete prostration. At the autopsy, the pathognomonic lesion of the putrid infection consisted in a haemorrhagic enteritis. Gaspard concluded from his experiments that a special poison, the putrid poison, is formed by putre- faction. This poison produces the same disease and the same lesions in all the animal species. 4 In order to determine the nature of the putrid poison, Gaspard experimented with the different gases formed by putrefaction. He found that car- bonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen are not that ammonia, on the contrary, is toxic, but that it cannot produce the symptoms of putrid infection^ Hence was overthrown the preconceived idea of the ancients, who believed the principal danger to be in the putrid gases of decomposition. The researches of Gaspard established subsequently the formation, in the course of putrefaction, of a special and very active poison.* Other experimenters followed in the way marked out by Gaspard. Magendie, Leuret, Dupuis, Darcet, and Sedillot confirmed on all the principal points the fundamental reseaches of Gaspard. They discovered his putrid poison, without, however, determining its- chemical nature. Virchow found that the putrid poison does not act, like the other chemical poisons, in proportion to- rts quantity. Its activity depends rather on the de- gree of decomposition of the substances whence it is derived. From this point of view, Virchow ranks it among the ferments. Stich has made very careful and interesting re- 'Searches on putrid matters. He injected putrefied albuminoid products, after repeated filtration through- * Gaspard: Physiological Memoir on the Purulent and. Putrid Maladies (Journal de Physiologic, 1822 and 1824). T r* paper, into the veins of dogs, of hares, and of birds. The latter showed themselves the most susceptible to poisoning. The typical lesion consisted in a hyper- semia of the intestines. But especially interesting are the researches of Stich on the toxicity of faecal matters. The aqueous extract of the excrement of a dog, injected into the veins of this animal, was found to be very toxic; but the same extract introduced into the stomach or rec- tum of dogs was completely inoffensive. Stich carried this study farther. Introducing the excrement of one animal into the stomach or rectum of an animal of another species, he found that poisoning was the result. It follows that immunity exists for animals only in relation to their own in- testinal contents. Stich asks: What are the causes of this absence of auto-intoxication?* He leaves the question unsolved. The most important researches on the putrid poison belong indisputably to Panum. J^i^rr^asks if the accidents of putrid infection are really due to a chemical substance or to the action of bacteria multiplying in matters undergoing putre- faction? To solve this question, he instituted numer- ous important researches on the putrid poison, and confirmed the results obtained by Gaspard. duced a typical intofijfiflt^" *T **"- '"-f^*^ nf fied meat. This intoxication was characterized by * Stich, Charite Annalen, 1853. K prostration, vomiting and diarrhoea, and rapid death. The autopsy showed a more or less pronounced gastro-intestinal catarrh. Having reproduced this putrid infection of Gas- pard, Panum then demonstrated that it was due to the action of a chemical poison independent of the ^pjpO^g^^gj^ggjBjpgj^^^gjgfcMefMVHMUMMMPMMMI . ..** * agency of bacteria. The putrid liquids, though per- fectly clear, and freed from every foreign germ by re- peated filtration through paper, none the less retained their toxic properties. Nor was the putrid poison de- stroyed by ebullition for eleven hours, which ought surely to kill all living germs. Having thus settled the fundamental question as to the inorganic charac- ter of the putrid poison, Panum studied its chemical properties. He found that this poison was not vola- tile; for the distilled products of the putrefied matters,, while having the fetid odor, are not at all toxic. The putrid poison was fixed, and the dry residue ^of the evaporation of the putrefied matters retained all their toxic properties.. This dried residue did not give up to alcohol its chief toxic principle. The alco- holic extract had a different physiological action from the putrid matters; it produced a manifest narcosis,, which Panum compared to that produced by the alkaloids of opium. The veritable putrid poison capable of causing the typical poisoning was, on the contrary, soluble in water, although it adhered to the precipitates of the albuminoid substances coagulable by heat; it was also partially retained by the filters. L t 7 __ __ Panum showed also that his poison had nothing in common with the well known substances produced by putrefaction, such as leucin and tyrosin. He stopped here in his chemical investigation, and did not further indicate the nature of his putrid poison. It was suffi- cient for him to have given the irrefutable proof that it was not organized. The work of Panum produced an enormous im- pression upon the scientific world. Hidden by its author in an unknown Danish publication, the memoir of Panum was found there by a German writer, who published an analysis of it in Schmitt's Jahr- biicher for 1859. In this extensively circulated pub- lication the results of Panum's researches became known to the whole scientific world. A great num- ber of experimenters in Germany and, especially, in Russia, occupied themselves with the verification of these results and the chemical study of the putrid poison. The University of Munich then offered a prize for the best essay on " Putrid Infection and Its Causes." Two memoirs were deemed worthy of a prize: those of Henner and Schweninger. These writers confirmed the fundamental result of Panum, that the putrid poison is of chemical nature, and that the action of microbes is nil in putrid infection. As to the nature of the poison, they favor Virchow's view that it should be ranked among the ferments, for it acts in infinitesimal quantity, has a period of incu- bation, and always produces the same typical affec- tion. Since the same year, 1866, there have appeared at Dorpat numerous theses devoted to the chemi- cal study of the putrid poison. We may cite the memoirs of Raison, Frese, Weidenbaum, Schmitz, Petersen, A. Schmidt, and Brehm. These theses also confirm Panum's position. Raison shows that the putrid poison is not retained by filtration through charcoal. The minimum dose of 0.0036 gramme of the filtered liquid killed a horse by intravenous in- jection. He found also that the putrid poison, evap- orated to dryness, could be subjected for several hours to a heat of 130 C. Weidenbaum has seen that the putrid poison supports discontinuous ebulli- tion, repeated several times. These two writers, and the other pupils of the school of Dorpat whom we have mentioned, have also seen the putrid poison support without alteration the different chemical manipulations, such as the action of sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, precipitation by acetate of lead and nitrate of mercury, etc. Lastly, they even suc- ceeded in obtaining the putrid poison in a state of purity, and of determining its chemical nature. It is the celebrated sepsine found in 1868 by Bergmann and Schmeideberg. This important result was ac- complished by a complicated method based on the employment of corrosive sublimate. In 1866, Bergmann published the results of his 9 researches made with Schmiedeberg on the chemical properties of the poison contained in putrefied yeast. They found that this poison supports for eight hours digestion in boiling alcohol. The alcoholic extract of the putrefied yeast is found, after evaporation, to be powerfully toxic. To separate the active principle, Bergmann and Schmiedeberg precipitated it in alco- holic solution by corrosive sublimate. The mercurial precipitate was washed in alcohol, dissolved in water, and decomposed by hydrogen sulphide. The liquid, freed from sulphide of mercury by filtration, was heated to get rid of the excess of hydrogen sulphide, and treated with carbonate of silver, which, by form- ing an insoluble chloride of silver, removed free hydrochloric acid from the solution. The filtered liquid obtained after this last operation was almost colorless and perfectly clear. It had the specific toxicity of the putrid poison. In 1868 these experimenters (Bergmann and Schmiedeberg) obtained, in crystalline form, the salt of this poison with sulphuric acid, and called 'it the sulphate of sepsine. This salt was proved to be eminently toxic. Injected in the dose of one centi- gramme in the vein of the dog, it provoked imme- diately vomiting and sanguinolent diarrhoea, and at the autopsy hsemorrhagic ecchymoses were found in the stomach and intestines. The publication of Bergmann and Schmiedeberg's discoveries naturally produced a profound impres- IO sion. For a time, chemists believed they had at last got hold of the famous putrid poison whose existence had been demonstrated by Gaspard, whose purely chemical nature had been proved by Panum, and which had finally been obtained in a crystalline form by Berg- mann and Schmiedeberg. This sepsine would alone henceforth explain all the various accidents of medi- cal and surgical septicaemia. It was believed that the way was finally opened for the easy interpretation of all the infections. Chemists went to work to seek out and to study this sepsine. Petersen and A. Schmidt found it in putrid blood, and thus confirmed the data of Bergmann and Schmiedeberg. Nevertheless, the most competent authorities soon admitted the impossibility of ascribing all the effects of the putrid poison to sepsine alone. First, it is not found in all putrefied substances; thus, for in- stance, Fischer could not find it in putrid pus. Berg- mann himself, in applying his method of extraction to different putrid matters, has isolated substances which had nothing in common with sepsine. Other toxic substances were extracted from the putrid matters. Zuelzer and Sonnenschein have found another septic alkaloid in the infusions of putrid meat. This body has all the reactions of the vegetal alkaloids, such as atropine and hyoscyamine. It possesses also the physiological action of the latter. Injected under the skin of animals, it provokes dilatation of the pupils, relaxation of the intestines, and exaltation of the heart's action. The conclusion was inevitable that the poisons produced by putrefaction were numerous and differ- ent, according to conditions necessary to determine. In the following chapter we shall study the researches which have been undertaken to elucidate the rationale of putrefaction and of septicaemia. Only, we shall see in studying the different pos- sible causes which influence the production of the putrid poison, that experimenters had overlooked the principal one, viz., the intervention of microbes. Be- tween the Chemical School and the Vitalists, there was destined to be a memorable struggle, which ended in the victory of the latter a victory which completely cast into the shade the results acquired by the chemical study of the putrid poison. CHAPTER II. THE MICROBIAL ETIOLOGY OF PUTREFACTION AND OF THE INFECTIONS. SUMMARY. Contest between the Chemical and the Vitalist Doctrines The Contradictions and the Results Obtained by the Chemists Their Explana- tion Insufficient by Reason of the Absence of the Notion of Specificity Definitive Victory of the Vitalist Doctrine The Infectious Diseases are Ad- mitted to be Caused by Specific Fermentations. From antiquity, two contrary interpretations of the etiology of putrid and infectious diseases have prevailed. The Chemical Doctrine set forth in the previous chapter is, that matters in the process of decomposi- tion constitute poisons sufficient to account for all the symptoms of the infections, and that the microbes found in these putrid matters are only inconstant and inoffensive accompaniments. The other, or Germ Theory, affirms that the microbes are really the sole agents of putrefaction and of infectious diseases, and that just as the inanimate matters do not alter and fer- ment without the intervention of microbes, so the presence of the latter is indispensable for the produc- 13 tion of the infectious disease. We shall now see how this Vitalist doctrine has definitively supplanted the Chemical. The chemical and toxicological researches on the putrid poisons did not realize the fundamental condi- tion of all scientific work; they did not give results that were always constant and uniform. Chemical analysis revealed different properties in the active principles isolated. Experimentation in the hands of different chemists did not produce the same symptoms and the same lesions with the poisons obtained from putrid substances. This inconstancy of results was soon noticed by investigators. Thus, for instance, one of them * expresses himself in this way: " There is not agreement as to the pathology of the putrid infection or as to its nature. Thus, cer- tain chemists (Henner, Schmidt, Petersen) affirm that the convulsions and tetanic attacks are important characters of putrid infection; others, on the contrary (Dupuis, Sedillot, Stick, Raison, and Schmitz), have never or but rarely seen them. Even the constant existence of vomiting and diarrhoea, supposed to be pathognomonic of putrid infection, is denied by cer- tain experimenters. The same may be said of the anatomical lesions. Thus Gaspard, Leuret, Virchow, Panum, Stick, Henner, Bergmann, and others affirm *Rawitsch: Zur Lehre von der putriden Infection und deren Beziehungen zura sogenannten Milzbrand. Berlin,. 1872. 14 that hsemorrhagic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is a characteristic lesion; while others (Du- fiuis, Sedillot, Billroth, J?aison,and Schmidt) have found in mortal cases the intestinal mucous membrane intact. Several writers think that sanguineous ecchy- moses in the different organs are characteristic of putrid infection, while others have not seen them in their autopsies. Bergmann believes that the modifi- cations of the spleen are constant and pathognomonic, while Davaine affirms that it is just the absence of hypertrophy of the spleen in putrid intoxication that enables us to differentiate it from charbon. To explain the causes of these variations in the results of experimentation, writers have referred us to the different sources of the putrid substances, alleging that putrefied meat acts differently from putrefied blood, etc. Stress has also been laid on the differences of the action of the putrid poison, accord- ing to the different places of its introduction into the animal economy. Thus, the effects of subcutaneous in- jections were distinguished from those of intravenous injection; in the first case, a more or less intense local inflammation was aroused, complicated with suppuration and gangrene; in the second case, there appeared the septic infection, as Gaspard described it. We have, moreover, been referred to the different receptivity of the animals under experimentation, varying according to species, race, and age. But it has been especially remarked that the toxicity of putrid products undergoes very considerable varia- tions in the course of putrefaction. The putrefied matters, instead of becoming more and more toxic as decomposition went on, were found to be even less toxic, the first stages only giving rise to the most violent poisons. Billroth shows that relatively fresh pus, even when it is not putrid but " good and laud- able," may produce by intravenous injection very violent and febrile reactions, even ending in death. H. Fischer demonstrated that pus which was very toxic at the onset, loses, in putrefying, its specific and septic toxicity. Bergmann has found that putrefied blood is more toxic in the first five to six days. Heller has remarked the same fact. Samuel has studied this question in detail. He finds that there are three periods in the toxicity of putrid substances: phlogogenous, septogenous, and pyogenous. In the first, the inoculation of putrid substances is followed by transient inflammatory symptoms which disappear without leaving any local or general troubles. In the septogenous stage, specific toxic products appear which provoke the true "septic infection." It is here that we note the most terrible local and general phenomena of septicaemia: the former going on to septic gangrene, the latter to ful- minant septicaemia which kills with the rapidity of hydrocyanic acid. Later on, these septic properties of the progressively decomposing putrid substances become attenuated little by little, to leave remaining i6 in the pyogenic stage only the power of prodncing localized and benign suppurations. But all these distinctions, despite their consider- able interest, did not quite suffice to explain the in- constant and conflicting results of experimenters. There remained always an irreconcilable differ- ence between the chemical poison of Panum, the activ- ity of which depended on the dose injected, and the virus of Davaine, which acted in infinitesimal doses and which was found in increased quantity in the cadavers. It was evident that the septicaemias of which the dif- ferent writers spoke were not at all identical, and that their differences depended on a factor having quite other powers than those 'alleged by the chemists. But above all, the chemical doctrine was unable to explain the remarkable fact discovered by Coze and Feltz, and confirmed by Davaine, Hiller, and others: the septic poison, instead of being enfeebled by dilution, like all the chemical poisons, in the cadavers of the animals it had killed, was found to be exalted. It was evidently a special poison fitted to reproduce itself just like living beings. From this fact there was only one step to the conclusion that this poison was constituted by bacteria. One might, it is true, still find refuge in the hypothesis of Liebig and Robin, that the soluble ferments are albuminoid mat- ters in process of decomposition, which may transmit their alterability to other bodies and reproduce them- selves in this way indefinitely. But this hypothesis. of Liebig was completely ruined in its chemical ap- plications by Pasteur, who demonstrated peremptorily that fermentation (or decomposition) does not exist apart from the life of organized ferments. Moreover, the contagionists were soon able to go farther in showing the fallacy of the chemical doctrine, and to prove that certain microbes separated from their morbid products were able to produce determinate diseases. Thus, it was proved that charbon, hereto- fore ranked among the putrid fevers, was produced by the bacterium of Davaine; that septicaemia was caused in man by the septic vibrio of Pasteur; that the different septicaemias and pyaemias in animals had each its special pathogenic agent, living staphylococci or streptococci. At the same time was established the fundamental notion, proclaimed by Ferdinand Cohn, of the specificity of the bacteria, which con- stitute each a being apart, characterized by its mor- phology and by its functions, chromogenic, zymotic, or pathogenic. Weigert and Ehrlich brought to the aid of this study the processes of staining by anilin dyes, which enable microscopists to recognize the bac- teria. Koch introduced the Abbe" method of illumina- tion and the method of culture on solid media, which have helped bacteriologists to make immense strides in their knowledge of the microbes. Thus was con- stituted Bacteriology, which has been making such rapid advances. It is now known with certainty that the infectious diseases are due to the action of mi- crobes. i8 The vitalist doctrine was not in absolute contra- diction with the results obtained by chemists, and Panum has the merit of having understood, just as Selmi and Brieger did later, the possibility of recon- ciling the two theories. Panum said "that it is incontestible that my putrid poison is purely chemical, but it might be pro- duced by a microbe, even a determined microbe. In diseases, both the pathogenic microbe and the produc- tion of the poison by the microbe may play their respective parts." But the conciliatory voice of Panum was not heeded, and the chemists made vigorous opposition to the victorious march of bacteriology. They continued to bring forward proofs in favor of this view that the microbes were but simple accompaniments of the poisons of Panum, Bergmann, and Schmiedeberg. They filtered the toxic products through filtering paper or through clay, and studied the effects of these filtered liquids. They employed heat, dialysis, the different chemical reagents, to eliminate the living microbes of their experiments. They cultivated the microbes in media deprived of albuminoid substances, to show that in these cases they were inoffensive (Hiller). But to bacteriologists all these experiments of the chemists were null and void, for they could not have been well conducted without previous knowledge of the properties of the bacteria. Nay, more; all the experiments on systemic intoxication where the in- i 9 fluence of a chemical poison made itself felt, could but embarrass the bacteriologists, adding a supple- mentary factor to their study of the functions of bac- teria. Under these conditions the bacteriologists, quite naturally, made a profound distinction between in- toxication and infection. Intoxication was character- ized by the sudden appearance of the accidents, by the proportionality of the effects to the doses (doses always considerable), by the absence of specificity for it could be produced by the most common bacteria if injected in sufficient quantity. It had to be carefully avoided in bacteriological studies. These concerned themselves only with infection, which was produced by life and the multiplication of specific microbes in the animal body. It was independent of the dose of microbes introduced into the animal body, and it ap- peared after an incubation necessary for their multi- plication. The infectious disease was a specific fermentation, linked to the life and multiplication of the pathogenic microbes, just as alcoholic fermenta- tion depends on the life of the yeast. In ignoring intoxication the bacteriologists had to ignore all the experimental researches on the chemical poisons; and the dualism of intoxication and infection long bore as a heavy weight on the develop- ment of microbiology. But during this time the microbian poisons reappeared in a quite different science, and their study was being pursued outside of bacteriology. CHAPTER III. THE DISCOVERY OF PTOMAINES. SUMMARY. Selmi Draws Attention to the Ptomaine? Obtained from Cadavers Leucoma'ines and Pto- maines of Gautier The Researches of Brieger on Ptomaines. In a celebrated trial, where the domestic of Gen. Gibbone was accused of the death of the latter, the chemists found in the cadaver the alkaloid delphinine. But Francois Selmi, professor of chemistry at Bo- logne, who was called as an expert witness for the defense, demonstrated by a detailed chemical analysis that the base isolated by the government experts was quite distinct from the delphinine and other alkaloids of vegetal origin. According to Selmi, the base in question was of animal origin, and came from the putrefaction of the cadaver. This dictum of Selmi was completely at variance with the general convic- tion, according to which the alkaloids could only be produced by plants. Shortly after, similar facts were adduced, and drew attention more and more to the researches of Selmi. In the trial of Sonzagno, at Cre- mona, the first experts thought they had found morphine in the cadaver. Selmi peremptorily demon- 21 strated that what they had found was a cadaveric alkaloid. There was still later a celebrated trial in Italy where the prosecution endeavored to make out a case of poisoning by strychnine; here Selmi affirmed the cadaveric source of the base found, and the prisoner was acquitted on this testimony. Since 1870, Selmi has been making experimental and chemical investigations on the organic bases found in cadavers. To this order of researches he was led by noting the presence in cadavers of sub- stances which possessed the general and even the specific reactions of alkaloids, but which could be distinguished by the absence of all toxic action. Selmi had the notion that alkaloids similar to those of animal origin could be produced by the very fact of putrefaction. To verify this idea he instituted a long series of researches upon exhumed cadavers, of which the disease, the death, and the duration of burial were known to him. He there discovered, in fact, a great number of both inoffensive and toxic alkaloids, with different chemical properties, and more or less like the alkaloids of plants. Pursuing further his researches on these products, Selmi demonstrated their origin in the putrefaction of albuminoid matters, for he found that ptomaines also take rise in the albumin of putrefied egg. These discoveries of Selmi were too revolutionary of former notions to be accepted without opposition. 22 We have already mentioned how, in certain criminal prosecutions, they forced themselves upon the atten- tion of the whole scientific world. These expert findings of Selmi in Italy had also their counterpart in Germany, in the celebrated trial of Brandes-Klebs in 1874. Chemists had extracted from the cadaver of Klebs a very toxic alkaloid which they had identified with coniine. Otto showed that it was neither coniine nor nicotine, though it resembled these alkaloids. He believed it to be a ptomaine,, and this was the opinion of the experts. It is doubtless true that Selmi was not the first to find organic bases of animal origin; that Marquardt, of Stettin, in 1865 extracted from a human cadaver a toxic alkaloid resembling coniine, which he called septicine; that Dupr and Bence Jones, in 1868, found in animal bodies a substance bearing a marked resemblance to an alkaloid; that Sonnenschein, in 1869, discovered in a cadaver an alkaloid which he thought was coniine, but which proved not to be toxic; the merit none the less belongs to Selmi of having been the first to subject these animal bases to a profound series of researches, and of thereby explaining their true meaning and importance. It is noteworthy that in Selmi's estimation the interest in the study of ptomaines was by no means limited to legal medicine by reason of their simulation of vegetal alkaloids. He had well comprehended the signification which they might have for biological chemistry and physio- 23 logical pathology. In biological chemistry the pto- maines were to Selmi a new demonstration of the absence of any clear-cut limits between the vegetable and animal kingdoms. At the expense of animal matters might be produced alkaloids quite like those which down to Selmi's time were believed to be exclu- sively of vegetal origin. To general pathology the importance of the discoveries of Selmi was still greater. The same substances which the microbes may produce at the expense of the dead animal body, they may elaborate in the living body; in other words, the infectious disease produced by the microbes may give rise to the formation of ptomaines in the dis- eased organism. In fact, Selmi found ptomaines in the urine in cases of typhoid fever, pneumonia, and tetanus. The premature death of Selmi arrested these important researches. The movement imparted to science by Selmi was of very great importance. A large number of memoirs have been recently published on the ptomaines. To mention only a few, Nencki in 1876 gave the first analysis of a ptomaine, obtained by the putrefaction of gelatin with the pancreas. This was collidine, a base already extracted from the products of distilla- tion of animal oil. Morrigia and Battistini in 1875 showed that very toxic ptomaines can be got from cadavers, whose action is quite similar to that of curare. Rorsch and Fass- bender found in the cadaver a ptomaine resembling 24 digitalin in its action. Brouardel and Bontmy dis- covered a base very similar to veratrine. Gautier and Etard, in 1881, defined chemically two other bases, parvoline and hydrocollidine, found in the products of decomposition of fish, and of the meat of the horse and the ox. The fourth ptomaine defined was corindine, found in 1883 by Quareschi and Mosso. We must devote more time to the extremely im- portant researches of Armand Gautier. Gautier had announced in 1871 that during the putrefaction of fibrin there is formed a certain quantity of alkaloids, both fixed and volatile. In 1881-1883 he made, with Etard, a series of researches which disclosed the chemical nature of certain pto- maines of putrefaction belonging to the pyridic and hydropyridic series. According to Gautier, all the decompositions of albuminoid bodies taking place away from the air give rise to alkaloids. Putrefaction is always accom- panied by the formation of ptomaines; but the normal life of animals, which in great part goes on in the ab- sence of free oxygen, leads also to the formation of organic bases, which Gautier has grouped under the name of leucomaines. Such are xanthine, creatine, etc. Whenever perturbations of the normal con- ditions of life augment the want of oxygen in the body, as in anaemia and the infectious diseases, then the basic products or ptomaines arise in increased quantity. The non-elimination of the normal leuco- 25 maines, and the production ol ptomaines, are so many Causes of intoxication (or poisonjnp^ of the Certain leucomaines are extremely toxic; for instance, the secretions of the different venomous animals. (Already, in 1866, Zalewsky had isolated from the salamander the alkaloid samandrinej) We have seen with what amplitude of view Gau- tier established his conception as to the origin, virtu- ally identical, of the alkaloids in vegetables, animals, and microbes. These bases of the same nature are derived everywhere from the same source, the fllhij- mins; everywhere in the same fundamental condi- tions^ d ^2^^ M !?. JjlL^tfaCL .absencfer ^ g^no^ quantity of oxygen. Guided by these general ideas, Gauffer and his pupils found a great number of new leucomaines. But the exposition of their history does not enter into the plan of this book. The study of the ptomaines properly so called, which interest us particularly here, owes its great progress during the past few years to the researches of Brieger. Brieger has made a systematic study of a great number of questions called up by the history of the ptomaines. Thanks to the perfected chemical methods, he has succeeded in isolating numerous ptomaines perfectly denned as chemical units. We shall indicate the principal results which he obtained. Seeing the facility with which the ptomaines form in the midst of albuminoid substances in putrefaction, Brieger asked if the alkaloids might not result from 26 the simple solution of the albumins by the soluble ferments. In fact, in digesting meat by pepsin, he noted the appearance among the products of this digestion of a convulsivant organic base, which he called peptotoxine. We shall return later to this remarkable result, which has an enormous importance in connection with this question of ptomaines. In putrid cadavers, and in the flesh of mammals and of putrid fish, Brieger found a certain number of bases regarded by him as constant representatives of the ptomaines of putrefaction. They all belong to the category of ammoniacal compounds, amines. Be- sides the methyl and ethyl amines, Brieger has isolated in a state of perfect purity cadaverine, putrescine, neurine, muscarine, ethylendiamine, saprine, myda- leine, and a great number of others. They are chiefly diamines. Lastly, Brieger took up again the idea of Panum and of Selmi, and made a study of the ptomaines produced by the microbes of infectious diseases. He has studied also the bases formed in the cultures by the typhic and tetanic bacilli, by the vibrio of cholera. But by these latter studies Brieger enters into the new period of the evolution of ideas concerning the rdle of bacterial poisons, a period which shall be set forth in the fol- lowing chapter. A. On the Constitution of the Artificial and Natural Alkaloids. The first vegetable alkaloid, morphine, was dis- _ 27 covered by Sertiirner in 1806. Since then the num- ber of organic bases extracted from plants or pre- pared artificially has been considerable, especially during the past few years, and chemists have at last succeeded in determining their constitution. The principal alkaloids are derivatives of pyri- dine, which much resembles benzol. Pyridine is a benzol where an atom of nitrogen (N, which is trivalent) replaces the group CH (which has also three free atomicities). In the formula of pyridine, the atoms of hydrogen may be replaced by the monovalent groups C H- | -H, or (CH.) H Thus we have picoline. If this substitution be made twice, we shall have putidine; with three groups of CH 3 instead of 3 atoms of H, we obtain collidine, and after a new substitution, corindine. All these products are energetic bases obtained artificially by the dry distillation of bones (oil of Dippel). Collidine and corindine are already known to us, for they have also been found in the products of putrefaction. The natural alkaloids of plants are a little more complex, but they are also the substitution products of pyridine or of piperidine (which is hydrogenated pyrodine). Thus, coniine is a propylpiperidine, or a piperidine 28 where an atom of H is replaced by the monoatomic group C 3 H 7 which is called propyl. Other alkaloids of plants are derivatives of quinoline, which corre- sponds to naphthaline where an atom ojE. N replaces the group CH.* B. The Amines. Ammonia has the formula: H NH 8 , or N H. H The atoms of H in ammonia may be replaced by the alcohol radicals. This substitution gives rise to the ammoniacal compounds, or the amines. Thus, methyl-alcohol has the formula CH 3 HO. In this formula CH 3 is the alcohol radical called methyl, combined with the group HO, which is called hydroxyle. The methyl may replace one, two, or three atoms of hydrogen in the ammonia. We shall have monomethylamine, dimethylamine, trimethyl- amine: H H CH 8 N H N CH 8 N CH 3 CH 8 CH 8 CH 8 The bivalent alcohol-radicals may unite with two molecules of ammonia. The resulting bodies are called diamines. Thus, ethylen C 2 H 4 which has the two atomicities free, forms ethylendiamine: -C 8 H 4 N HH N HH * Von Pictet: The Chemical Constitution of the Vegetal Alkaloids. Paris, 1888. 2 9 Most of Brieger's ptomaines are diamines. Thus, putrescine is a tetramethylendiamine; the bivalent alcohol-radical CH 2 is called methylen: H H N CH 8 CH 8 CH 2 CH 8 N -H H Cadaverine is a pentamethylendiamine: H H N CH 2 CH 8 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 8 N H H REFERENCES. Selmi: "Ptomaine od. Alcaloide Cadaverice." Bo- logna, 1881. Husemann: "Die Ptomaine und ihre Bedentung fttr die Gerichtliche Chemie und Toxicologie " (Archiv der Pharmacie, Bd. 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21). (Effinger: " Die Ptomaine oder Cadaver Alcaloide." Wiesbaden, 1885. Gautier: " On the Alkaloids Derived from the Destruc- tion of Animal Tissues, Ptomaines and Leucomalnes " (Bull, de 1'Acad. de M6d., Jan. 12 and 16, 1886). Gautier: " Chimie Biologique." Paris, 1892. Hogouneq: " The Alkaloids of Animal Origin." Paris, 1886. Roussy: " Ptomaines and Leucomalnes " (Rev. des Sc. Med., t. xxxi, 1888). Brieger: " Untersuchungen uber Ptomaine." Three volumes. Berlin, 1885-1886. Brieger: " Beitrag zur Kentniss der Zusammensetzung des Mytilotoxins nebst einer Uebersicht der Bisher in ihrer Haupteigenschaften bekannten Ptomaine und Toxine '" (Virchow's Archiv f. Pathol. Anat., 1889, t. 115, p. 483). CHAPTER IV. INFECTION IS AN INTOXICATION BY THE Ml- CROBIAN POISON. SUMMARY. Bacteriology Aims to Explain Infection by the Invasion of the Animal Economy by Microbes Three Diseases, Diphtheria, Cholera, Tetanus, where this Explanation is Not Possible Discovery of Chemical Vaccination Discovery of the Different Chemical Poisons of Bacteria which May Produce All the Symptoms of the Disease without the Inter- vention of Microbes Actual Point of View: The Infectious Disease is an Intoxication by the Poison of the Pathogenic Microbe. We quit bacteriology at the moment when, obtain- ing a decisive victory over the chemical etiology of the infectious diseases, it denied the importance of the poisons produced by the microbes. The faculty of the bacteria of fabricating poisons presented no interest to the bacteriologists, for it belonged to the common bacteria, those of putrefaction, which live on materials deprived of life, while the pathogenic bac- teria were characterized by their power to develop in the living organism and to invade it. We must remember that bacteriology originated in the study of fermentation, with which naturally the infectious disease came to be assimilated. As alcoholic fermentation had found its provisional ex- planation in the life without air of the yeast plant, so the disease was explained by the life of the microbe in the animal body. Thus, for example, in the deadly anthrax, whose study has been intimately associated with the begin- nings of bacteriology, and which long served as the type of the bacterial diseases, the animals died with a great quantity of bacteria in the blood of all the organs. It was suppesed that the death of the ani- mals was caused by this enormous mass of foreign bodies invading the animal humors, and the mechan- ism of the disease was explained by the mechanical effects of the presence of these foreign bodies in the blood, and the capillary emboli therefrom resulting. Writers also insisted on the evils resulting from the subtraction of oxygen from the red globules by the anthracoid bacteria, the lack of oxygen in the tissues, and the asphyxia therefrom resulting. They also had much to say about the asphyxia of the animal by the carbonic acid set free by the microbes. In a more general way they directed our atten- tion to the energetic nutrition of the bacteria, which get possession of the pabulum of the animal cells and kill them when starved. Oftener still they contented themselves with vague expressions about the struggle for existence 3 2 between the animal cell and the microbe, without attempting further to analyze this vast conception.* This was, we repeat, because the rising bacteri- ology was dominated by the analogy between the in- fectious disease and fermentation by figured bodies. Just as the decomposition of matters in fermentation was produced not by a chemical substance, or enzyme, but by the life without air of the ferments, so the infectious disease was the corollary of the life of the pathogenic bacteria in the animal body. And we have just seen that absorption of oxygen by the bac- teria was especially invoked in explanation of the mechanism of the disease. At the same time, the idea of intoxication by chemical poisons, which at an early period dominated infection, was not completely given up. Davaine be- lieved that the anthracoid bacteria secrete a product which agglutinates the red globules of the blood. Pasteur, by the filtration of anthracoid cultures, proved the existence of this agglutinating diastase. Toussaint invoked the existence of a phlogistic poison produced by the anthracoid bacteria. He believed that he could even isolate it and confer with it immunity against charbon. Chauveau also adduced arguments in favor of this chemical vaccination by the bacterial poisons. But chemical vaccination found a formidable op- *Duclaux: " Le Microbe et la Maladie." Paris, 1866. 33 ponent in Pasteur, who saw in it the overthrow of his vitalist doctrine of fermentation and disease. As in the fermentations the diastases or soluble ferments play only a secondary role in preparing the substances for the principal transformations effected by the living ferments, so the diastases of the pathogenic bacteria can only serve to explain the relatively unimportant symptoms of the disease which itself, as well as the chemical vaccine, was due solely to the life of the bacteria. But in proportion as bacteriology made its new conquests, the insufficiency of this pathogeny of the infectious diseases became the more manifest. In 1884, Loffler found the bacillus of diphtheria. He showed that this bacillus is always strictly localized in man to the mucous membranes which are the seat of the lesion. So in animals we only find it at the site of inoculation, and not in the internal organs, where it cannot live. This microbe, which does not invade the organ- ism, is nevertheless very pathogenic. Loffler showed that this pathogenic action is due to the production by the bacillus of a violent chemical poison, which is absorbed at the place where the bacillus makes its habitat and vegetates. The problem of microbian poisons still more im- peratively urged itself on the attention of the profes- sion when Koch discovered his cholera- vibrio. Koch demonstrated that the comma bacillus does 3 ooo 34 not penetrate the internal organs of the victims of cholera, but remains always limited to the intestinal canal. It, however, produces the grave symptoms of cholera poisoning. Koch concluded that the comma bacillus secretes a violent poison which explains the clinical phenomena of the disease. His prevision turns out to be supported by experiment. Cholera cultures sterilized in totality, or filtered of bacteria, and even the ptomaines extracted from these cultures, have been found endowed with a toxicity more or less appreciable. A third bacterial disease was soon found to be absolutely inexplicable without the intervention of a soluble poison. This is tetanus. The bacillus of tetanus, discovered by Nicolaier, is strictly limited to the place of its inoculation. It nevertheless produces a terrible constitutional intoxication. Brieger sought for the tetanic poison, and found in the cultures of the bacillus and in the tetanized muscles several specific ptomaines which provoked convulsions in animals. The great importance of the microbial poisons was emphatically demonstrated, thanks to the triumph of the doctrine of chemical vaccines. The possibility of vaccinating animals against infection by the soluble products of bacteria, affirmed in the case of charbon by Toussaint and by Chauveau, and denied by Pasteur, was established several years later by the researches of numerous experimenters 35 e.g., Wooldridge for charbon, Salmon and Smith for hog cholera, Beumer and Peiper for typhoid fever, Char- rin for the pyocyanic disease. Latterly researches on chemical vaccinations have multiplied, and we may without exaggeration affirm that the acquisition of immunity in infectious diseases is a fact, thanks to the chemical products of the microbe. Lastly, we have succeeded in separating the microbes from their chemical poisons by filtration. The decisive step in this direction was taken by Roux and Yersin. They found that after filtering through the Chamberland filter the cultures of the diphtheria bacillus, they obtained, with the filtered liquid entirely deprived of bacilli, toxic effects on the animals under experimentation. These toxic effects are obtained with minimum doses, and resemble the infection after incubation or after inoculation with the living bacilli. We may, for example, produce by the injection of filtered cultures the same diph- theritic paralyses as with the bacillus itself. This identity of effects constitutes a real demonstration of Loffler's notion that the diphtheritic bacilli act on the animal economy by the poison which they produce. The researches of Roux and Yersin were soon confirmed by Loffler himself and by many other experimenters. It was also found that diphtheria is not the only disease producible by the chemical products of the specific micro-organism. Filtered cultures of the - 36- bacilli of tetanus were found by Knud-Faber, Tiz- zoni, Vincent, and others, to be extremely toxic. These filtration products, injected in animals, re- produced in them all the symptoms so characteristic of tetanus. Lastly, in the case of cholera also, I have succeeded in reproducing all the typical symptoms of the disease with the cultures of Koch's vibrio steril- ized by discontinuous heat. From many other microbes, as we shall see as we go on, poisons more or less viru- lent have been separated. At the onset of this period of the discovery of bacterial poisons, it was believed that we should have to distinguish two classes of infectious diseases. In one class would be ranged the infectant microbes which produce the disease and kill solely by their abundant development in the body of the animal; as types of this form, we were referred to charbon, tuberculosis, pneumonia, septicaemia in the hare. These microbes were supposed not to have the power to fabricate poisons. In the second class we had the toxine-making microbes, as those of cholera, tetanus,, diphtheria, which cannot pullulate abundantly in the animal economy, but are endowed with extreme toxi- genous power. But this distinction is not legitimate. First, the same microbes produce in certain animal species gen- eral septicjmaladies, and local lesions in other species: the anthracoid bacterium and the lanceolate strepto- coccus of pneumonia are examples. A still more im- 37 portant argument against this distinction is that in the case of the so-called infectant microbes, we have succeeded in finding the poisons which they prepare. Thus the anthracoid poison has been described by Martin and Christmas; the pneumonic poison by G. -and F. Klemperer; the tuberculous poisons by Koch, Maffuci, Prudden and Hoddenpyl, Strauss, and my- self. By all the researches which we have reported in this chapter, it has been established to a certainty that the pathogenic microbes act on the animal organism by means of the poisons which they produce. From this point of view the importance of the microbian poisons becomes extremely great. At the outset of our historical survey we saw that systemic intoxication, to Hiller and his partisans, dominated infection; the poisons " formed in the midst of the tissues in decomposition" were everything, and the microbes nothing, in the disease. Later the importance of these two factors was inverted: the intoxication was a common place phe- nomenon, meriting no special attention; the entire dis- ease was produced by the progressive invasion of the living animal by the microbe. To day intoxication has reconquered its rights. Infection is considered as an intoxication, but it is a special intoxication by the specific poison of a patho- genic bacterium. Progress, as Hegel has defined it, traverses three _ 3 8 - successive stages. The second is the negation of the first. The last approaches the first in its form, but explains the contradiction of the first two phases. Second Part: General Microbial Toxi- cology. CHAPTER V. THE CHEMICAL NATURE OF THE BACTERIAL POISONS.' SUMMARY. Different Conceptions of the Chemical Na- ture of the Bacterial Poisons. First Stage: The Ptomaines Differences between the Ptomaines of Selmi, of Gautier, and of Brieger The Pepto- toxine of Brieger Researches of Salkowsky, of Bouveret and Devic Researches of Bassi on Typhotoxine Work of Baumann The Ptomaines are Perhaps Artificial Products Opinion of S. Martin. Second Stage: The Diastases Researches of Roux and Yersin Criticism of the Notion of Diastases. Third Stage: The Toxalbumins Work of Brieger and Frdnkel. The conceptions of the bacteriologists on the chemical nature of the bacterial poisons have already gone through several successive stages, under the in- fluence principally of other toxicological researches of the same epoch. 40 Panum, whose brilliant achievements deserve so often to be cited, had found that the principal poison of putrid matters is insoluble in alcohol, and re- sembles certain albuminoid substances which, like the peptones, are not modified by boiling. But since Panum's researches, the attention of investigators has been directed more and more to toxic substances which are soluble in alcohol and are analogous to the most formidable of known poisons, the vegetal alka- loids. Of the putrid poison of Gaspard and of Panum, Selmi, Gautier, and Brieger studied only one part, the ptomaines. Regarding their task from a purely chemical point of view, these three chemists bestowed but little study on the physiological action of the toxic substances they were testing. Nor did they compare, as Panum did, the toxicity of the pri- mary poison with that of the different extracts ob- tained from it. The sole end of Selmi, Gautier, and Brieger was to extract from the putrid matters in a state of perfect purity certain definite chemical bodies, the ptomaines, whose pre-existence in these matters did not seem to them to merit a special demonstra- tion. All three have succeeded in their efforts. But it would be very instructive to enter a little more into detail in the examination of the results which they have obtained, and to compare the differ- ent ptomaines of these three writers. Selmi found some cadaveric alkaloids extremely like those of vegetal origin. Thus, for instance, he has isolated a cadaveric coniine, which by all its chemical reactions and by its physiological action is not distinguishable from the vegetal alkaloid. The other chemists, contemporaries of Selmi, found also, as we have already seen, ptomaines re- markably like the veritable alkaloids. We need only mention the bases which resemble conicine (Sonnen- schein), nicotine (Wolkenhaar), atropine (Tuelzer), veratrine (Brouardel and Bontmy). Later Gautier, Nencki, Quareschi, and Mosso found other ptomaines which constantly accompany putrefaction. These were collidine, parvoline, corin- dine bodies less complex than the vegetal alkaloids, but still belonging to the pyridic series. Later still, Brieger studied putrefaction under its various aspects. He discovered everywhere new ptomaines, but did not succeed in finding those of Selmi, nor even those of Gautier. The ptomaines of Brieger are diamines, and do not belong to the pyridic series. To what can these constant differences be due, and why have these chemists constantly found these different products? Evidently, we must hold in suspicion their differ- ent methods of extraction of ptomaines. We might even be warranted in believing that these methods were likely to create artificial products which did not pre-exist in the matters analyzed. We cannot here 42 enter into the chemical details as to the methods em- ployed by Selmi, Gautier, and Brieger; we will con- tent ourselves with the analysis of only one special point of this question. We will study the history of the peptotoxine of Brieger. This history has a capital importance in connection with the entire question of ptomaines and their origin in albuminoid matters. We have already seen (see Chap/ III) that Brieger found a toxic ptomaine among the products of peptic digestion. In subjecting the different species of albu- min, or even of peptone, to digestion with gastric juice, Brieger discovered a toxic body soluble' in ethyl and amyl alcohol, giving the characteristic reaction of the alkaloids. Brieger gave the name of peptotoxine to this ptomaine, which he supposed to be an aromatic amine. As all albuminoid matters in undergoing de- composition begin by being converted into peptones, it is quite natural that Brieger should find his pepto- toxine at the onset of all the putrefactions which he studied. It disappeared after the first week. We see what great interest is attached to peptotoxine. This toxic ptomaine is the necessary stage through which pass all the albumins in being liquefied by the soluble ferments of animal or bacterial origin. Being formed at the expense of the albumins by the relatively simple mechanism of diastasic fermentation, peptotoxine might well serve as a key to explain the appearance of ptomaines with the intervention of microbes. Salkowsky, who has studied with much care this 43 question of the peptotoxine of Brieger, has never been able to find it in the products of gastric digestion. He supposed that Brieger's alkaloid was produced by the intervention of putrefaction during and with the aid of the manipulations.* The question has just re- ceived an unexpected solution by the researches of Bouveret and Devic. f These writers have demon- strated that peptotoxine is an artificial product which is formed at the expense of albuminoid matters by the combined action of hydrochloric acid and of alcohol. Already Tanret had insisted on the close kinship between the peptones and the alkaloids. He had even shown that by the action of soda on the peptones, we may form alkaloids extractable by ether. Later, Dreschel saw that albuminoid substances boiled with acids yield among the products of their de- composition the organic bases. Bouveret and Devic have now shown that even less energetic reagents cause peptotoxine to appear at the expense of the proteids. The evaporation of albuminoid substances at 39 C. in presence of free HC1, leads to the for- mation of bodies which by the action of alcohol give rise to peptotoxine. There forms, by heating with a feeble excess of the free acid, an intermediate body at the expense of the soluble albumins. This intermedi- ate body (santonine or acid albumin?) is decomposed by alcohol, and yields to the latter the toxic ptomaine * Salkowsky, Virchow's Archiv, 1891, t. 124, p 409. f Revue de Med., 1892, Nos. i and 2. 44 which did not exist before the action of acid and alco- hol. These important researches throw a new light on the question of ptomaines. The method of Brieger, employed in all his re- searches, begins ordinarily by the evaporation of the first matters in presence of hydrochloric acid, and by the extraction of the residue by alcohol. Now this initial operation already gives rise to the artificial production of ptomaines. It follows that the results obtained by Brieger can give us no information as to the poisons which pre-exist in the matters subjected to his investigation. They disclose to us only the prod- ucts, more or less constant, of decomposition of these matters as a result of varied and complicated re- actions. And even, sometimes, we do not know whence come these products: from the normal albu- mins or from microbian poisons? Thus, for instance, although Kulneff found, by Brieger's method, ethyl- endiamine in the contents of a dilated stomach, we believe with Bouveret and Devic that this body was introduced by the operations. What must we think of numerous other ptomaines found everywhere by Brieger ? As for the typhotoxine of Brieger, Bassi has shown that it does not pre-exist in the cultures of the typhoid bacillus, but that it may be extracted from them by the method of Brieger.* As it has not been * Bassi: La Tifotoxine di Brieger (Gaz. Chim. Italiana, 1889, t. 18, p. 521). 45 obtained by the culture of any other microbe, it is possible that it may be a product of decomposition of the typhoid poison. In tetanus, Kitasato and Weyl have found by the method of Brieger the different ptomaines which he had indicated. It is possible that these ptomaines may be formed by the decomposition of the primary microbian poison, and it is certain that they are not the poison itself.* More recently, Baumann has found a new method for the detection of diamines. By this method he has rediscovered in cystinuria many of Brieger's ptomaines, and has thus put beyond doubt their inde- pendent existence in the urine. But Baumann's method, which is based on the employment of chloride of benzoyle, is too harsh for the microbian poisons, which are, as we shall see farther on, extremely fra- gile.f We see, then, that all these researches on the ptomaines cannot give us any idea as to the chemical nature of the microbian poisons. First, they depend on methods which are too- energetic, which may form artificial products even with the normal albumins bodies relatively stable. * Kitasato and Weyl, Zeitschrift f. Hygiene, t. viii, p. 404. f Udransky and Baumann: Ueber das Vorkommen von Diaminen, etc. (Zeitschrift f. Physiol. Chemie, 1889, * 13, p. 562). - 46 - And one has no idea of the decompositions which they may effect in the microbian poisons. Secondly, these researches have been made too exclusively from the point of view of pure chemistry; while the useful study of the microbe poisons is im- possible without the constant control of experimenta- tion. Naught but experimentation on animals can enlighten us as to the toxic effects proper to the poisons of the different microbes. This alone can indicate whether, after the different chemical man- ipulations, we have not destroyed or decomposed the primitive microbian poison, or substituted another for it. This true method of microbian toxicology has not been followed by Brieger and other seekers after ptomaines. We may note here that Martin, in studying the poison of charbon,* comes to the same conclusion as ourselves; to wit, that the ptomaine which one finds in the anthracoid cultures does not pre-exist there, but is there combined with an albuminoid substance. On the other side, microbian toxicology has suc- ceeded in showing, in accordance with Panum, that the toxic products of bacteria are not soluble in alcohol. Arloing has extracted from cultures in bouillon of the pneumococcus liquefaciens bovis a toxic phlogo- genous substance which is precipitable by alcohol, * See also in this connection, Seams Woodhead, "Bac- teria and their Products," London, 1891. 47 soluble in water and glycerin, and whose toxicity is destroyed by heating above 110 C. Arloing gave the name of diastase to this toxic substance, solely because among the microbian products only the ptomaines and diastases were known. The ^ former are soluble in alcohol, the latter are not.* Shortly afterward, Christmas also observed that the staphylococcus aureus produces in cultures a basic substance precipitable by alcohol. Roux and Yersin experimented with the filtrate of diphtheria cultures (obtained through the Cham- berland filter), and published several interesting re- actions of the same. This poison is enfeebled or de- stroyed by heating above 60 C. It is not soluble in alcohol. It is carried down by the different precipi- tates which form in the midst of the liquid which contains it; e.g., under the action of phosphate of lime, alumina, etc. Roux and Yersin conclude that by all these re- actions the diphtheritic poison resembles diastases; and none the less by its intense activity in infinitesi- mal doses. This identification of the microbian poisons with the diastases was neither original nor new, for it had long been a habit of chemists to attribute to diastases every mysterious and unknown action exercised by a substance of indeterminate nature. Thus we have seen that Virchow, Schwenninger, and Stich affirmed * Arloing, " Les Virus." Paris, 1891. _ 48 the diastasic nature of the putrid poison. The ven- oms of serpents have for a long time been regarded as soluble ferments. More recently the poison of jequirity was considered an enzyme. This notion has not, however, given any real advancement to science, for the diastases themselves are perfectly unknown to us in their chemical properties. There is one exception, however: the diastases are characterized by their determinate chemical action on other substances. Pepsin, trypsin, and papain dissolve albuminoid substances; ptyalin and maltine break up starch into dextrine and glucose; invertin inverts cane sugar; emulsin and saponin decompose the glucosides. Now the only really scientific way of ranking the microbian poisons among the diastases would be to identify them from the point of view of this determinate chemical action. It is necessary to show that these poisons exercise a hydrating action on a certain class of substances, and that their toxic action proceeds precisely from this chemical reaction. No serious attempt has been made in this direction by the partisans of the diastasic nature of the microbian poisons. They have ap- pealed, it is true, to the great activity of these poisons in very small doses. But from this point of view we should have to rank among the diastases, hydrocyanic acid, metilcarbylamine, the alkaloids such as nicotine glucosides such as digitalin, salts of metals like cor- rosive sublimate, metalloids like phosphorus and fluorine. 49 But there are still serious arguments against the identification of the microbian poisons with the known diastases. Fermi and others have studied the differ- ent enzymes secreted by the microbes, and have found that they have no appreciable toxic action.* It follows that the toxic action of the bacteria is not linked to their fermentative action; it does not coincide with any known diastasic action. As for any new diastasic action, we cannot deny it; at the same time we cannot affirm it till we have found it. It is evident that the toxic action of these poisons is re- duced to some sort of chemical reaction, but we are far from knowing this reaction. Consequently, to say that the microbe poisons are diastases, is to speak inexactly if we mean any diastases actually known, and to juggle with words if we suppose a new diastase with unknown action. On the other hand, we cannot deny the numerous analogies between certain poisons and the soluble ferments analogies which we shall indicate later on. We must come down to the re- searches of Brieger and Frankel before we find the first serious attempt to determine the chemical nature of the microbian poisons. This attempt has had much success, although it was not made under the conditions one could have desired. f * Fermi: Die Hydrolytische Enzyme (Cent. f. Physiol- ogic, 1891). f Brieger and Frankel: Untersuchungen tiber Bacterien- gifte (Berlin. Klin. Woch., 1890, Nos. n and 12). 4 OOO 5 Brieger and Frankel first studied the diphtheritic poison. They found that this poison behaves with the different reagents like an albuminoid substance. This poison is precipitated by the neutral salts in ex- cess, such as the sulphate of ammonia and sulphate of soda. It is not precipitated by sulphate of mag- nesia. It is precipitated by absolute alcohol, and is very soluble in water. By repeated precipitations by alcohol, and dialysis (contrarily to Roux and Yersin, Brieger and Frankel have seen that the poison does not pass through the dialyzing membrane), the sub- stance was obtained in a state of purity. This sub- stance gave the following reactions: It is not pre- cipitated by ebullition, sulphate of soda, common salt, sulphate of magnesia, dilute nitric acid (even with the aid of heat), or by acetate of lead. It is precipitated by carbonic acid (in saturated solutions), by the concentrated acids, by acetic acid and ferro- cyanide of potassium, by phenol, by the organic acids (soluble in excess), by sulphate of copper, by nitrate of silver, by corrosive sublimate. It is laevogyrous. From all these, and other reactions not mentioned, the writers conclude that their toxic substance is exceed- ingly like serum-albumin. They have even analyzed this substance and found that it gives the elementary composition of the albumins. ~ Brieger and Frankel have also studied, but more superficially, the other microbe poisons. They have found, beside the toxic albumins, certain globulines, which are distinguished from albumins by their in- solubility in distilled water. CHAPTER VI. THE CHEMICAL NATURE OF THE BACTERIAL POISONS (Continued). SUMMARY. Criticism of the Work of Brieger and Frdnkel Researches of Proskauer and Wasser- mann The Microbe Poisons have Not yet been Pre- pared in a State of Purity Similar Non-Microbian Poisons The Work of Stillmarck Demonstration of the Albuminoid Nature of the Diphtheritic Poison Toxicohgical Differentiation of the Bacterial Poi- sons Natural and Artificial Poisons: Their Char- acters The Chemical Vaccines The Antitoxines or Curative Substances Hypothesis as to the Chemical Nature of the Poisons The Nucleo-albumins and the Nucleints The Consequences of this Hypothesis. We must dwell longer on the toxalbumins of Brieger and Frankel, for the researches of these writers have captivated the scientific world by their apparent chemical rigorousness, and were followed by the creation of toxalbumins, toxalbumoses, and toxopeptones from every source. The conclusions of Brieger and Frankel, nevertheless, call forth grave ob- jections. And first, in order to prove that the diphther- itic bacilli produce a special albumin, have they elimi- nated the albuminoid substances from the bouillon ? 53 Far from that, they have even added to the ordinary bouillon which serves for the cultures the serum of blood. How, then, can they believe that this serum- albumin which they find again at the end of their purifications is not the substance they introduced, carrying down in its precipitations, as Panum had already shown, the true microbian poison ? This supposition becomes a certainty when we regard the feeble toxicity of the pure substance of Brieger and Frankel, compared with the far greater toxicity of Roux and Yersin's impure product of their calcic precipitate. In fact, Brieger and Frankel have less right to say that the diphtheritic poison is a tox- atbumin than one would have to affirm that it is phos- phate of lime. But phosphate of lime is a body well known, and it is very easy to tell whether it contains impurities. The albumins are much more difficult to analyze. The proof of this is that Brieger and Frankel have not been able to show us isolated the albumins of broth and of serum, on the one hand, and the pretended toxic albumin on the other. There is no doubt, then, that in the experiments of Brieger and Frankel the diphtheritic poison was always mixed with the albu- mins of the culture media, and that the chemical reactions described by them were those of the latter. It may seem strange that these writers, when studying the chemical nature of the microbian poi- sons and finding them so closely associated with 54 albumins, had not thought to first separate the albu- mins from their cultures, leaving the microbes to vegetate in media deprived of albuminoid substances. But they had the preconceived idea that the bacterial poisons could only be formed at the expense of the albumins of the culture media. They give us no proof of this notion, so widespread and yet so inexact, as we shall show later on. But even apart from the cultures in media de- prived of albumins, there were many other means for determining the chemical nature of the bacterial poisons. We might, for example, study what chemical changes coincide with the heating of the filtered cul- tures above 60 C. a temperature which destroys the diphtheritic poison. We offer this suggestion because Brieger and Frankel have made researches which may seem of a like nature. They have studied the non-toxic albumin produced by the emasculated diphtheria-bacillus, and found it distinguished by sev- eral constant characters from the albumin containing the diphtheria poison. First, it is brown, while the latter is white. It is soluble in dilute alcohol, and combines with phenilhydrosine, while the toxic albu- min does not combine with that body, but with chlor- ide of benzoyl. It contains more carbon, less oxygen and nitrogen, than the toxic albumin. As the virulent bacilli are distinguished from the attenuated by the energy of their assimilation, it is clear that this dis- 55 tinction between the different albumins of their cul- tures found by Brieger and Frankel must be of com- plex origin, and does not permit us to judge as to the nature of the diphtheritic poison., We must conclude that, despite all the chemical parade and apparatus of their work, Brieger and Frankel have not succeeded in proving the legitimacy of their conclusions that the microbian poisons are albumins. Moreover, the same verdict has been reached by the authors of another work, emanating also from Koch's laboratory Wassermann and Pros- kauer. These writers have found in diphtheritic cultures the two albumins of Brieger and Frankel the yellow and the white. They have seen that the yellow albu- min is especially preponderant in the cultures deprived of toxicity; it is not itself toxic. The white albumin was more abundant in the toxic cultures, and pos- sesses a great degree of toxicity; by its chemical reac- tions this toxic albumin corresponds to what Kuhne calls albumose; it is precipitated by alcohol even when dilute, by the concentrated acids, the salts of the heavy metals, by potassium ferrocyanide, and by acetic acid. It is not precipitated by ebullition, by nitric acid, by basic acetate of lead, by sulphate and chloride of sodium in excess. But Wassermann and Proskauer are far from being prepared to identify the diphtheritic poison with this albumose. They remark, on the contrary, - 56 - that the ordinary bouillon of culture always contains certain albumoses by reason of the infusion of meat. There does not exist, therefore, any serious argument to favor the view that the toxic body which they have isolated is not the same albumose of the bouillon with which is found mingled the poison. This last idea is confirmed by the fact that different portions of albu- mose isolated from the same toxic culture differ in their toxicity; they have, evidently, carried down vary- ing quantities of the poison. The German writers conclude that the albuminoid nature of the diphtheria poison is possible, but that it has not been proved. From all these researches we infer that the diph- theria poison is closely associated with the albumin- oid substances, and more particularly with albumose, whose reactions it shares. Just as in the case of the ptomaines, when chem- ists sought for substances analogous to the alkaloids of vegetal origin, the study of microbian toxalbumins clearly discloses a parallel tendency in the efforts and acquisitions of biological chemistry and of toxicology /'. ^-per-cent. solution of phenic acid) in a flask closed with a glass stopper, with no other precaution against the entrance of the air or of microbes. They found also that this immunizing power of serum is not abolished by dilution with distilled water, or by heating it twenty-five minutes at 65 C. when it begins to coagulate. They insist also on the fact that to cure tetanus when declared, it is necessary to employ stronger doses of the serum than would be required for propyhlaxis. We must say a few words, in conclusion, about the therapeutic attempts made on man with the im- munizing serum. Kitasato was the first to attempt * Behring and Frank, Deutsche Medic. Wochenschrift, 1892, No. 21. 105 to cure tetanus in man by the serum of the vaccinated hare. He employed very feeble doses, and his at- tempt was not crowned with success. Tizzoni and Cattani, on the contrary, report already seven cases of cure by their antitetanine, prepared with the serum of vaccinated dogs. More recently, this treatment was attempted without success in two cases of human tetanus in Paris.* It is evident that there have as yet been too few cases to warrant speaking for or against the method of Behring and Kitasato. But the brilliant results of experimentation leave no doubt that success on man is only a question of method and of doses. *Annales de 1'Institut Pasteur, 1892, No. 4. CHAPTER XL THE POISONS OF DIPHTHERIA. SUMMARY. The Researches of Roux and Yersin; of Loffler C. Frdnkel Succeeds in Vaccinating Animals against Diphtheria The Researches of Behring and His Discovery of Immunization The Diffi- culties Not Yet Surmounted of Diphtheritic Vac- cination. In filtering the diphtheritic cultures through the Chamberland filter, Roux and Yersin obtained toxic liquids. These filtered cultures injected in animals produce the same series of symptoms as the living diphtheria bacillus. In guinea-pigs these filtered cul- tures generally cause the following lesions: At the place of inoculation is found an exudative oedema; the lymphatic glands are congested; the small intes- tine, the lungs, and the suprarenal capsules are en- gorged; and the pleura contains a serous effusion. The systemic intoxication of hares is characterized especially by diarrhoea and fatty degeneration of the liver. In smaller doses which kill only after a long time, the poison of the filtered cultures may provoke in animals the different paralyses which are so fre- quent in diphtheria in man. 107 The toxic substance is completely destroyed by heating for ten minutes up to 100 C.* In another memoir, Roux and Yersin have studied at greater length the properties of this diph- theritic poison, which they have classed among the diastases f We shall not enter farther into the discus- sion as to the chemical nature of this poison a discus- sion which is set forth at length with all its biblio- graphical details in Chapter VI. Loftier has confirmed the existence of the diph- theritic poison. He extracted it by means of glycerin from cultures made on hashed meatj The resistance of the diphtheria poison to the dif- ferent means of destruction has been but little studied. Heat above 60 C. destroys it, or, as we believe, mod- ifies it, leaving the cachectizing poison uninjured. The same decomposition is obtained by the action of the peptic diastases, such as trypsin and pepsin. Con- tact with alcohol modifies also the diphtheritic poison. The different oxidizing agents, as potassium perman- ganate, destroy it completely. The reducing agents, such as HS 2 , have no action on it. Roux and Yersin have completely failed in their *Roux and Yersin, Annales de 1'Inst. Pasteur, 1888, No. 12. f Roux and Yersin: Study of Diphtheria (Annales de 1'Inst. Pasteur, 1889, p. 273). | Loffler, Deutsche Medic. Wochenschrift, 1889, Nos. 5 and 6. io8 attempts to habituate or to vaccinate animals against the diphtheritic poison. C. Frankel has been more successful. In heating cultures of diphtheria at 70 C, he has succeeded in depriving them in great part of their toxicity, while not injuring their vaccinal power. He has found that the heating of diphtheritic cultures three weeks old should be made at the tem- perature of from 60 to 70 C. If this temperature is exceeded, you obtain no longer vaccinant effects, and you even produce a slow intoxication of the animals. With cultures heated to 70 C., and inoculated in the dose of from 10 to 20 cubic centimeters under the skin of guinea-pigs, immunity is conferred at the end of two weeks.* Shortly after Frankel's communication, appeared the memoir of Behring on the same subject. Behring gives five different processes of vaccinating animals against diphtheria: 1. With the sterilized cultures, as in the method of Frankel. 2. With diphtheritic cultures to which has been added trichloride of iodine. 3. By the pleuritic exudation of guinea-pigs which have died of diphtheria. 4. By the inoculation of animals with the virulent diphtheritic bacillus followed by their treatment by trichloride of iodine in subcutaneous injection. * Vide Gamalela, in C. R. de la Soc. de Biologic, Feb. 20, 1892; also C. Frankel, Berlin. Klin. Woch., 1890, No 49. 109 5. By oxygenated water, which has the property of vaccinating the animals against diphtheria, just as trichloride of iodine vaccinates them against tetanus. The great number of processes which were only touched upon in the memoir of Behring made it plain that this author did not possess a good method of vac- cination against diphtheria.* And his subsequent pub- lications only went to confirm this conviction. Proskauer and Wassermann have attempted to vaccinate against diphtheria by the poisons subjected to heat, but with constantly negative results. f Zimmer, at the laboratory of C. Frankel, has veri- fied the exactitude of the assertions of Behring. He has noted, in general, that a more or less complete vaccination may result from the employment of these different processes, but that no one of them is certain. With most of the processes of Behring the immunity of the animals is the exception, and an ultimate death is the rule. Only one of the methods of Behring should be signally excepted: it is that of the injection in the animals of diphtheritic cultures attenuated by the addition of trichloride of iodine. This process has given Zimmer positive results. J It is far, however, * Behring, Deutsche Medic. Woch., 1890, No. 50. f Proskauer and Wassermann, Deutsche Med. Woch.. 1891, No. 17. \ Zimmer, Deutsche Medic. Woch., 1892, No. 16. no from constituting a definitive method of vaccination, for Behring himself does not trust it; in his most re- cent work on this subject he describes as his method of anti-diphteritic vaccination certain extremely com- plicated processes. He injects successively diphthe- ritic cultures heated to 90, 80, and 70 C.; then mixtures, at different degrees of strength, of cultures with trichloride of iodine. Despite this long and complicated preparation, you will note in his experi- ments that most of his vaccinated animals die of diphtheria. Moreover, Behring himself acknowledges that he does not possess a satisfactory method of vaccination. We shall see further on, what enormous interest is attached to this problem of how to find a sure method. The principles which guide Behring in his vaccination procedures are the following: To give immunity to receptive animals, and to augment immunity in animals which already pos- sess it in a certain degree, the vaccinal injections ought to be followed by a reaction of the organism. This reaction is general and local.* Behring does not indicate in what the first consists; as to the local reaction, it is a tumor more or less circumscribed. If the vaccinal reaction is nil, the vaccinal injection will * Behring and Wernicke, Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, t. xii, p. 10. Also, Gamaleta's articles in Ann. de 1'Inst. Pas- teur, 1888, No. 10, and Centralblatt f. Bacteriologie, 1888, t. iv, p. 161. Ill not give any immunity, or will not augment the pre- existing immunity. If the reaction is excessive, the vaccinal injection leads to an opposite effect; it aug- ments the receptivity of the animal to diphtheria. If the reaction is moderate, the animals acquire a cer- tain degree of immunity, but only at the end of a certain time several weeks or several months. Ac- cording to this exposition, you can see with what difficulty and slowness vaccination is made by the procedures of Behring. Consequently, it is with reason that the authors of a recent work on the subject Brieger, Kitasato, and Wassermann declare that there does not thus far exist any process which enables us to vaccinate with certainty against diphtheria. In making use of Wool- dridge's method, they give, in their turn, a new pro- cedure: they cultivate the diphtheritic bacillus in extract of thymus, and then heat this culture (after C. Frankel) between 60 and 70 C. for fifteen min- utes. With the vaccine prepared in this way, they have obtained some positive results. But this mixed procedure is not more sure.* Although we do not yet possess a satisfactory method of vaccination against diphtheria, the fact of the possibility of this vaccination is sufficiently estab- lished. *Breiger, Kitasato, and Wassermann, Zeitschrift fttr Hygiene, t. xii, p. 137. Also, Behring and Kitasato, Deutsche Medic. Wochen., 1890, No. 49. 112 The study of these vaccinated animals has led Behring and Kitasato to results extremely interesting. Behring* has noted and this fact has been con- firmed by other observers that the inoculation of the diphtheritic bacillus in vaccinated animals is followed by the formation of a necrotic patch under which the bacillus long lives in a state of activity. It is not, we perceive, destroyed in the vaccinated organ- ism. It does not even seem to have lost its virulence, for its subsequent inoculation in animals not vaccin- ated provokes in them typical diphtheria. As, how- ever, it remains inoffensive to the vaccinated organism which gives it harbor, Behring supposed that the lat- ter possesses the power of destroying its poison. We have seen in the history of the tetanus poison how this supposition was confirmed by Behring and Kitasato. For diphtheria, as for tetanus, these authors found in the serum of vaccinated animals certain remarkable antitoxic properties. The serum of certain animals vaccinated against diphtheria guinea-pigs, hares, sheep has the power to destroy in vitro the diph- theritic poison; it may consequently prevent and cure diphtheria in animals in which it is injected in suffi- cient quantity. If all these researches have not yet led to any * Behring: Communication to the Congress of Hygiene. London, 1891. good practical result in the cure of diphtheria in man, this is due solely to the difficulty of procuring the serum of vaccinated animals in great quantity; and this difficulty depends on the absence of a good method of vaccination. It is for this reason that we have here dwelt at such length on the question of vaccination against diphtheria. 8000 CHAPTER XII. THE POISONS OF CHOLERA AND OF THE AVICIDE VIBRIO. SUMMARY. The Researches of the Author on the Poi- sons of Cholera and of the Avicide Vibrio The Researches of Hernandez and Bruhl, of Niessen and Behring, and of Zasslein. The history of the development of our sources of information respecting the poisons of cholera, shows in a typical manner the struggle of the different con- ceptions concerning the chemical nature of the micro- bian poisons. In order to explain cholera, we have seen successively advanced such considerations as the products of the metabolism of the Indian vibrio, the diastases which it secretes, and, lastly, the action of the microbe by its own substance.* Cantani was the first to indicate that the cholera poison may be neither a diastase nor a ptomaine, but the cholera vibrio itself. This he has not proved, f I have myself found the two cholera poisons: the primary poison and the modified poison. The first, * Gamalela: Experimental Researches on the Poisons of Cholera (Arch, de Med. Exper., March i, 1892). t Cantani, Deutsche Medic. Wochen., 1886, No. 45. which we believe to be a nucleo-albumin, has the property of provoking a systemic intoxication ex- ceedingly like the symptoms of Asiatic cholera. In hares this intoxication manifests itself chiefly by a prolonged and violent diarrhoea; in dogs the vomit- ings predominate, and may last several hours. In all cases the poison determines a violent lesion of the gastro-intestinal tube. This poison is extremely fragile. It is destroyed by heat above 60 C., by alcohol, and by the strong alkalies. It is carried down by the different precipi- tates which may be produced in the cholera cultures; for example, by that which is formed by acetate of lead. It may be extracted from them by alkalinized water. What is the mode of action of this poison ? By some of its reactions it resembles the soluble fer- ments. We know also that the cholera vibrio may produce the different diastases. It may be asked if it is not these diastases which are toxic in the cultures of cholera? Some think that the excessive produc- tion of liquid in cholera stools is the result of a hyper- secretion of the intestinal glands (Cohnheim), and we know that the substances secreted by the glands stimulate their activity if injected into the blood. In studying the toxic action of the cultures of different microbe producers of diastases, we find, in fact, that they all have as a common character a certain diarrhceic action, though this is most marked in n6 the cholera cultures. Even certain samples of pan- creatin, in our experiments produced diarrhoea in hares. But the results with this latter substance have not been constant, and we have at least succeeded in procuring some trypsin which is extremely active as a peptic diastase and which has no diarrhceic action. Many other ferments which we have studied in this- connection were also devoid of the property of pro- voking diarrhoea. We must conclude that the diarrhceic poison of cholera does not belong to the category of these fer- ments. The diarrhceic action is very general in the class- of microbian poisons, but it is due to another mechan- ism than that indicated above. We have found still another cholera poison, which is very stable. It belongs to the class of our modified poisons, or nucleines, which Buchner has de- nominated proteins or alkali-albumins. This poison has no other interest than that of being associated with the vaccinal substance of cholera. But we shall not here set forth the details of cholera vaccination,, which is still under controversy. There exists a microbe which resembles in all respects that of cholera. It is the avicide vibrio, which I discovered at Odessa. Chemical vaccination with this microbe is at present the best known of all the vaccinations. As, besides, it has many analogies with cholera vac- cinations, we shall venture to say a few words about it. The vaccinal substance or substances which are potent against the avicide vibrio are also associated with the nucleine or modified poison of the vibrio. They may be isolated in two ways. First, if you sub- ject to distillation in a vacuum the vibrionic cultures, the substances which pass over have a manifest vac- cinal action, while the toxic nucleine remains in the residue. Now Briihl has found that if we precipitate the toxic substance by acetate of lead, the filtrate vaccinates perfectly. The vaccinal action of the volatile products would lead one to think that the vaccine is a ptomaine, but the ordinary methods for the isolation of the ptomaines have resulted only in inactive substances (Bruhl). Alcohol especially seems to enfeeble the vaccinal properties of the vibrionic cultures. The study of the serum of animals vaccinated against either the avicide vibrio or the cholera vibrio reveals certain remarkable peculiarities. While the serum of ordinary guinea-pigs favors the growth of the avicide and cholera vibrios, the serum of guinea-pigs vaccinated against these diseases acquires the property of completely destroying these microbes. We have no need of insisting upon the bearing of these facts on the true solution of the problem of im- munity. Still another fact of considerable theoretical im- portance has been found in connection with the dis- eases caused by these two vibrios. Guinea-pigs which n8 are vaccinated against the avicide or cholera vibrio are not more resistant to the vaccinal poison than non-vaccinated guinea-pigs. This fact is of funda- mental interest in reference to the entire mechanism of vaccination. Denied at first by certain bacteriologists, it was later affirmed by the same, and adduced in opposition to the great principles established for tetanus and diphtheria. We have seen that in these two diseases the animals which are vaccinated against the living microbe become also refractory to the microbian poisons. Cholera and the vibrionic septicaemia seemed to- be an exception to this rule, for in these two diseases the animals succumb to the same dose of the poison as the control animals. But this exception is only apparent, and it disappears when we recognize the distinction between the primitive and the modified poisons of bacteria. Towards the primitive poisons of cholera and of septicaemia, the vaccinated animals are quite as re- fractory as is the case with diphtheria and tetanus. They are not refractory towards the modified poisons; but as these latter are artificial products, this has nothing to do with the theories of immunity. With regard to the mechanism of vaccination, it may appear strange that the modified poisons to which the animal is not habituated render it refrac- tory to the primitive poisons and to the bacteria. n 9 Here also we must make a distinction. The vaccinal substance is not the modified poison, for it may be separated from it. Not being toxic, it does not vac- cinate the animals by the fact of habituation, but probably by forming in their bodies a compound which has antitoxic properties. r CHAPTER XIII. THE POISONS OF TUBERCULOSIS. SUMMARY. The Researches of Koch, of Maffuci, of Prudden and Ifodenpyl, of Straus and the Author, of Grancher and Ledoux-Lebard The Tubercu- lin of Koch, and the Researches which it has Pro- voked The Toxomucin of WeyL The tuberculous poisons have only lately been found. Bacteriologists were long and unsuccessfully searching for the toxic substances in the cultures of Koch's bacillus, and they have only found them by applying directly to the bacillus itself. Koch has seen that the bacillus tuberculosis when dead provokes by subcutaneous injection the formation of abscesses in animals. Moreover, he has obtained from the bodies of the bacilli a substance called tuberculin, which has long been believed to exercise a specific action on the tuberculous.* Maffuci has found a cachectizing influence in tuberculous cultures dead by age or killed by dis- continuous sterilization.f * Koch, Deutsche Medic. Wochenschrift, Jan. 18, 1891. f Maffuci, Centralblatt f. Allgemeine Pathol., Dec. 15, 1890. 121 Prudden and Hodenpyl have seen that the bacilli when boiled and well washed may give rise to the formation of curable nodular lesions.* Straus and I have shown that the cadavers of tubercle bacilli provoke in different animals a disease which in its course and its lesions is extremely like tuberbulosis produced by living bacilli. This disease, which Grancher and Ledoux-Lebard have propossd to call necro-tuberculosis,f is characterized by the development in inoculated animals of a great sensi- tiveness towards a new inoculation of tuberculosis. This predisposition manifests itself by rapid death after re-inoculation. The inoculation of dead bacilli produces such changes in the animal organism that the animals die very speedily after a new injection of tuberculosis, an injection which produces only tardy effects in healthy animals. Another symptom of necrotuberculosis, but much more apparent, is the continuous and progressive emaciation of the animals. They may lose as much as one-half of their initial weight. They die in a pro- found cachexia. At the autopsy we find characteristic lesions. The different organs, and especially the lungs, in * Prudden and Hodenpyl, New York Medical Journal, June 6 and June 20, 1891. . f Straus and Gamalela, Archives de Medecine Experi- tnentale, 1891, No. 6. Grancher and Ledoux-Lebard, Arch, de M6d. Exper., 1892, No. I. 122 the case of intravenous injection of dead bacilli, are strewn with granulations formed of epithelioid and embryonal cells, and containing tubercle bacilli. The volume of the nodules which may be thus produced in the different organs depends almost exclusively on the size of the mass of cadavers which has been inoc- ulated. It is very interesting to note that the animal organism cannot dislocate the bacterial colonies which are inoculated into it. When once the existence of the tuberculous poi- son, and its presence in the cadavers of the bacilli, was established, it was necessary to seek to determine the toxic substance and to isolate it from the bacilli. There were evidently different means for pro- ceeding to this extraction. By alcohol and ether Hammerschlag has extracted from the bacilli, in addi- tion to lecithin and fat, a toxic substance which kills- animals with convulsions.* Later, Zuelzer also suc- ceeded in finding a convulsivant ptomaine in tubercu- lous cultures.f Much more interesting was Koch's discovery. By means of glycerin-water at a boiling temperature and in a neutral medium, Koch has extracted from tubercle bacilli an albuminoid substance called tuber- culin, which provokes in tuberculous animals fever * Hammerschlag, Correspondenzblatt fur Schweizer- Srzte, Oct. 15, 1888, and Centralblatt f. Klin. Med., Jan. I, 1891- f Zuelzer, Berlin. Klin. Wochen., Jan. 26, 1891. 123 and inflammation of the bacillary foci. Koch has studied in detail the many very interesting properties of this tuberculin.* Tuberculin dissolved in glycerin- water is a very stable body which supports a heat of 1 60 C. It is easily precipitable by alcohol. But if we attempt to purify it and to free it from glycerin and salts, its properties are modified. Aque- ous solutions of purified tuberculin are very unstable in absence of glycerin. They easily give a precipitate more or less abundant of a substance, insoluble in water but soluble in alkalies, which preserves the toxic action of the tuberculin. In absence of salts, the purified tuberculin is no longer precipitated by abso- lute alcohol. The purified tuberculin has all the reactions of albuminoid substances. It gives a precipitate by acetic acid which is soluble in excess of the reagent. It contains a great quantity of phosphorus. But it is evidently not a pure substance, for it leaves from 14 to 21 per cent, of ashes, and then its mode of prepa- ration by the concentration of cultures made in bouillon adds to the extract of bacillary bodies all the substances pre-existing in the bouillon. Hunter f has endeavored to advance still farther our knowledge of tuberculin. Unfortunately he also * Koch, Deutsche Medic, Wochen., 1891, No. 43. Gama- lela, Arch, de Med. Exper., 1891, No. 2. f British Medical Journal, July 28, 1891. 124 ~ made use, in his chemical researches, of the crude tuberculin of Koch, prepared by means of culture bouillons, instead of taking the bacilli themselves, washed and cleaned. In this crude tuberculin Hunter found the four albumoses of Kuehne and Chittenden. It is to be regretted that he did not attempt to find them in the primitive bouillon of the cultures. Hunter has also compared the differences in the action on the tuberculous man and animal of the dif- ferent modified tuberculins. The modification A, which is the precipitate obtained by absolute alcohol, has the property of producing the local reaction with very little fever. The modification C, which contains the substances not precipitated by absolute alcohol, produces chiefly a high fever. The modification B, which is the precipitate obtained by supersaturation of the tuberculin with ammonium sulphate, possesses the power of provoking the local and salutary reac- tion without constitutional disorders. Lastly, the modification CB has all the curative virtues of Koch's tuberculin, without possessing the disadvantages either the local inflammatory or the general febrile reaction. This happy modification, CB, is obtained by getting rid, by absolute alcohol, of most of the albumins, and by the dialysis of other injurious sub- stances. These results of Hunter are founded on an altogether insufficient number of experiments. Fur- thermore, according to all the other experimenters, and particularly Pfuhl, the collaborator of Koch, tuber- 125 culin has not any curative properties, especially if you prevent the local reactions.* The tuberculocidin of Klebs, prepared by means of tuberculin, is entitled to no greater confidence. As to the chemical nature of tuberculin, we can- not pronounce with certainty until we have a purer preparation. There is no doubt that it belongs to our class of modified poisons, which we suppose to be nucleines or nucleinic acids. It is evident, also, that in Koch's tuberculin is not found the primary tuber- culous poison. The action of tuberculin does not explain the effects produced by the dead bacilli. This action is not characteristic of tuberculin, for it is also provoked by many other bacterian extracts. The effects proper to the tuberculous poison con- tained in the microbian cadavers, the predisposition which it creates, and the suppurative and caseous lesions, cannot be produced by tuberculin. More important in this respect is the substance which Weyl has extracted from tubercle bacilli by means of a solution of caustic soda. This substance, insoluble in acetic acid, is classed by Weyl among the mucins, but it does not form a reducing substance, and it contains phosphorus. It may be nucleo-albu- min in the sense of Kossel and Hammersten. This mucin of Weyl has a toxic action. Bjr subcutaneous injection it produces in mice and * Pfuhl, Zeitschrift ftir Hygiene, t. xi, page 241. 126 guinea-pigs a necrosis of the skin. But the toxi- cological study of Weyl is too incomplete. We cannot but suppose that he had under observation the actual primary tuberculous poison, that which produces the local lesions of tuberculosis.* *Weyl, Deutsche Medic. Wochen., Jan. 12, 1891. CHAPTER XIV. THE POISONS OF CHARBON AND OFGLANDERS. SUMMARY. Insufficiency of our Toxicological Knowl- edge respecting Charbon and Glanders Different Writings on the Subject. Charbon (splenic fever, wool-sorters' disease, deadly anthrax), which once had so great a doctrinal importance as to guide the first steps of students in bacteriology, has not preserved this eminent place in toxicological researches. Toussaint believed that he could confer immu- nity on sheep and young dogs by means of anthracoid blood freed from living bacteria by filtration or by heating to 55 C., and even by antiseptics. Chauveau brought powerful arguments in favor of this chemical vaccination.* After having, with Pasteur, denied its reality, Chamberland and Roux published later some experi- ments which showed that it is in fact possible to vac- cinate sheep against charbon by means of soluble substances, f *Annales de 1'Institut Pasteur, 1888, No. 2. \ Chamberland and .Roux, Ann. de 1'Institut Pasteur, 1888, No. 7. 128 Already, moreover, before these experiments, this possibility had been demonstrated by Wooldridge. He found that anthracoid cultures made in a solution of the substance which he called tissue-fibrinogen* might confer immunity on hares if injected subcuta- neously, when freed from living microbes by ebullition or by filtration. What is surprising in the experi- ments of Wooldridge is that his substance conferred immunity not only when it was injected long before the injection of the living and virulent microbe, but also in the case of its simultaneous injection with the microbe. Wooldridge thus furnishes the first in- stance of the experimental cure of an infection by means of vaccination. f The interesting researches of Wooldridge, inter- rupted by the premature death of this young savant, have only recently been taken up again by Brieger,. Kitasato, and Wassermann. But what is a little singular, the authors having very well succeeded in preparing by the method of Wooldridge chemical vaccines against the different pathogenic microbes, have been less fortunate with charbon. Perhaps * Wooldridge, Arch. f. Anatomic und Physiologic, Physiologische Abtheilung, 1888, p. 527. Wooldridge's first publications date from 1887. fThe fibrinogenous substances of Wooldridge are com- pounds between the albuminoids and lecithin. He extracted them from different fresh organs, and especially from the thymus and testicles of animals. I2 9 these men have not been sufficiently persevering in this direction, having the old prejudice as to the radical distinction between the toxic diseases (tetanus, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid fever) on the one hand, and the septicaemias (charbon, rouget of swine, etc.) on the other.* Wooldridge's experiments on charbon have also been continued by Hankin and Martin. f Hankin has cultivated the anthrax bacillus in Liebig's beef-extract with the addition of fibrin. From these cultures he has isolated, by precipitating them with alcohol, an albuminoid substance which he calls albumose. This albumose has the property of vaccinating against charbon, and even of curing this disease. We must, however, immediately add that Peter- mann, who has repeated exactly the experiments of Hankin, has arrived at entirely negative results. Be- fore Petermann, Landi also obtained only negative results. Martin| has cultivated the anthrax bacillus in a solution of pure alkali-albumin. He has studied in detail all the chemical products which form in cul- *Brieger, Kitasato, and Wassermann, Zeitschrift f. Hygiene, t. xii, fasc. 2. f Hankin, British Medical Journal, Oct. 12, 1889, p. 810. $ Sidney Martin, Proceedings of the Royal Society, May, 1890. Annual Report of the Local Government Board, London, 1889-1890, p. 235. 9000 130 ture-broths. In accord with Kuehne, he has found the three albumoses and the peptone which result from the digestion of albuminoids by the proteolytic ferments. He has also found an organic base. The albumoses and the base are all toxic, especially the latter. A toxic ptomaine was long since isolated from anthracoid cultures by Hoffa,* who employed three different methods for its extraction, and who cultivated the anthrax bacterium on meat, or on eggs mixed with bouillon. The ptomaine of Hoffa is, however, very little toxic like that of Martin. Lando Landi f has made some very interesting researches on the substances produced by the anthra- coid bacterium. He has found abase toxic to mice, of the carbopyridic series, and some peculiar albumoses, which may be obtained in a crystalline state; but his attempts to vaccinate animals with all these products have not succeeded. Lastly, Christmas} seems to have obtained some positive results. He vaccinates hares against char- bon by two processes: First, by the diseased anthra- coid organs crushed and emulsified in water, in which the bacteria are killed by eucalyptus essence, and the products then filtered through paper. In his * Hoffa: Die Natur des Melzbrand Giftes. Wiesbaden, 1886. f Lando Landi, C. R. de la Soc. de Biologic, July 25, 1892. :{: Christmas, Ann de 1' Inst. Pasteur, 1891, p. 487. second process he makes anthrax cultures in a medium composed of yolks of eggs, egg albumin, and veal broth feebly alkaline, in equal parts. The bacilli grow very well in this medium, but do not form spores. After five or six days of incubation at 30 C , the cultures are diluted with water and passed through the Chamberland filter. The filtered liquid possesses feeble vaccinal properties. If the cultures are prolonged beyond sixty-seven days, they become very toxic and not at all vaccinant. These anthra- coid poisons have not been studied by Christmas. To sum up, we see that despite a considerable number of researches the anthracoid poisons still remain almost entirely unknown to us, and the little that we do know is not yet established with certainty. The poisons of glanders were first studied by Finger.* He found that boiled cultures of the glanders bacillus are toxic; but the phenomena which they produce have no similarity to the symptoms of farcy- infection. He has succeeded in some excep- tional cases in conferring immunity on hares against the living microbe by means of these boiled cultures. Later, this question was again taken up by Bromberg,f who has seen that even at 120 C. the toxic properties * Finger, Ziegler's Beitrage zur Path. Anatom., 1889, t. vi, p. 373- f Bromberg, C. R. des Travaux de 1'Institut Veterinaire de Kharkow, t. iii, i88g. 132 of the cultures of the glanders bacilli are not com- pletely destroyed. Since then, the poisons of glanders have been only studied from the special point of view of malleine applied to the diagnosis of latent glanders, as we have before seen (see page 78). It is thus seen that our sources of knowledge re- specting the poisons of glanders are scarit. CHAPTER XV. PRACTICAL RESULTS OBTAINED BY THE STUDY OF MICROBIAN TOXICOLOGY. SUMMARY. Rapid Indications respecting the Other Bac- terial Poisons Immunization as a Result of Toxi- cological Studies. We are obliged to stop here in our study of the microbe posons. We must, however, before closing, enumerate some of the special treatises on the sub- ject which the student would do well to consult. First, the memoirs of Charrin and of Bouchard's laboratory on the pyocyanic poisons;* those of Mon- fredi and Traversal and Roger on the poisons of erysipelas; J of Chamberland and Roux on the septic poison and that of symptomatic charbon; those of Arloing on the poison of the bacillus heminecrobio- * Charrin: The Pyocyanic Disease. Paris, 1889. Also his opening article in the new Traite de Medecine, tome i. f Monfredi and Traversa, in Giorn. Intern. Science Mediche. 1888. \ Roger, C. R. de la Soc. de Biol., July 4, i8qr. Chamberland and Roux, Ann. de 1'Institut Pasteur, 1887, No. 12. Roux, Ann. de 1'Institut Pasteur. 1888, No 2. - 134 phylus; * those of Selander on hog-cholera; f those of Hericourt and Rechit and Courmont and Dor on the bacillus of the tuberculosis of birds.]; We must also cite the researches of Schiff and of his successors who have endeavored to solve the problem proposed by Stich (see page 5). But we hasten to abridge- all these details, which are very insignificant in com- parison with the great principle of which it remains. for us to to speak. We refer to immunization. Thanks to the impetus which has been given the last few years to the researches of microbian toxicol- ogy, science has been able to discover and establish definitively on solid bases a principle which is likely to be of inestimable value in medicine. According to the doctrine of immunization, it is in our power to prevent and cure infectious diseases by the serum of animals refractory and prepared. |[ We have already seen how immunization is realized in * Arloing: Les Virus. Paris, 1891. f Selander: Contribution -to the Study of Swine-pest (Ann. de 1'Institut Pasteur, 1890, No. 9). t Hericourt and Richet, C. R. de la Soc. de Biol., 1891* p. 470. Courmont and Dor, Arch, de Med. Exper., 1891, No. 6. Bouchard: Lemons sur les Auto-intoxications. Paris,. 1879. Roger: The Action of the Liver on Poisons. Paris, 1886. || This preparation, we may remind the reader, is effected by saturating these refractory animals with the toxic soluble or vaccinant products of the corresponding pathogenic mi- crobes. the case of tetanus. It has been applied to yet many other diseases. First it has been established for fibrin- ous pneumonia by the labors of Emmerich and Fovit- sky and the two Klemperers.* It has been confirmed by the researches of Archaroff.f Klemperer has given the results of the application of immunization in the treatment of forty cases of pneumonia in man.;); Im- munization has also been applied to the rouget of hogs, to the septicaemia of mice, to the disease caused by Friedlander's microbe, and the pyocyanic disease. More recently still, a way has been found for giving immunity against typhoid fever, by Brieger, Kitasato, and Wassermann,| and for robine by Ehrlich.^f Seeing the great number of immunizations which have been discovered in the short space of about eighteen months, one might almost be warranted in concluding that immunization is a general principle, and that, conse- quently, all the infectious diseases are curable by this method. On the other hand, the researches of Ehr- * Emmerich and Fovitsky, Mtlnch. Medic. Woch. , August 11, 1891. G. and F. Klemperer, Berlin. Klin. Woch., August 24 and 31, 1891. fArch. de Med. Exper., 1892, No. 4. j Berlin. Klin. Woch., May, 1892. Klemperer, Berlin. Klin. Woch., May, 1892. See also Munch. Medic. Woch., 1892, Nos. 5 and 6. || Brieger, Kitasato, and Wassermann, Zeitsch. f. Hy- giene, t. xii, fasc. 2. 1 P. Ehrlich, loc. cit. - 136 - lich, who applies immunization against the poisons of plants, as abrine, ricine, and robine, demonstrate peremptorily that it is against the soluble poisons principally that immunization acts, and that by neu- tralizing the soluble poison one becomes master of the infection. And this gives support still further to the principal thesis of my book: that the patho- genic microbes are injurious only by their poisons that infection is only intoxication by the bacterial poisons. Moreover, it was in the experiments with the poisons of tetanus and diphtheria that immunization was discovered. And it seems a little strange that the discovery was not sooner made, for the studies on the microbian poisons are less complex than the re- searches on living bacteria. Thanks to the relative simplicity of its problems, microbian toxicology has been able to free itself of the first of the clogs of preconceived ideas which impede and obstruct the other domains of bacteriology. Antiseptics and Disinfectants We desire to call attention to the following antiseptic and disinfectant preparations: Ethereal Antiseptic Soap (Johnston's) is a hydro-alcoholic solution of Castile soap which was devised by an experienced nurse in the surgi- cal clinic of the Jefferson Medical College. It may be made weak or strong in antiseptic value by dissolving mercuric chloride in it in propor- tions indicated in the case in hand. Since its introduction its use has been extended to the treatment of parasitic affections with much success. Antiseptic Liquid arrests decomposition and destroys noxious gases that emanate from organic matter in sewers and elsewhere, and may be used in cellars, barns, outhouses, and the sick-room. (Send for Note 01 the Disinfectant of the Future, by Prof. Alfred L. Loomis ) Antiseptic Tablets are convenient for the extemporaneous prepa- ration of antiseptic solutions of definite strength for disinfectant purposes and for antiseptic sprays. Eucalyptus and Thymol Antiseptic is adapted for use as an anti- septic internally, externally, hypodermatically, as a douche, a spray, by atomization, and as a deodorant. Its application in surgery is unlimited. It combines the antiseptic virtues of benzoic acid, boric acid, oil pepper- mint, oil eucalyptus, oil wintergreen, oil thyme and thymol. Disinfectant Powder possesses in a high degree disinfectant, ab- sorbent, and antiseptic properties. It is admirably adapted for the dis- infection of excreta in cholera, yellow fever, and typhoid fever, and in all diseases in which such an agent is indicated for the purpose specified. Labarraque's Solution we supply for the use of those who desire to employ it for its local or internal antiseptic action. It may be diluted to suit the indications. Sulphur Candles thoroughly employed are effectual in the fumiga- tion and disinfecting of rooms after infectious diseases. We shall be pleased to forward, on request, any information desired con- cerning these products. PARKE, DAVIS & CO., Detroit, New York, Kansas City, and Walkerville, Ont. - OF - GEORGE S. DAYIS, Publisher. THE THERAPEUTIC GAZETTE. A. Monthly Journal of Physiological and Clinical Therapeutics. EDITED BY H. A. HARE, M. D., G. E. DeSCHWEINITZ, M. D., EDWARD MARTIN, M. D. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.OO PER YEAR. THE INDEX MEDICUS. A Monthly Classified Record of the Current Medical Literature of the World. 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