' AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF SIR GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY, K.C.B. I SonDon: c. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. 263, ARGYLE STREET. : F. A. BROCKHAUS. Sorfe: THE MACMILLAN CO. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF SIR GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY, K.C.B., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S, F.R.A.S., HONORARY FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, ASTRONOMER ROYAL FROM 1836 TO l88l. EDITED BY WILFRID AIRY, B.A., M.lNST.CE, CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1896 [All Rights reserved] Cambridge : PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PREFACE. THE life of Airy was essentially that of a hard-working, business man, and differed from that of other hard-working people only in the quality and variety of his work. It was not an exciting life, but it was full of interest, and his work brought him into close relations with many scientific men, and with many men high in the State. His real business life commenced after he became Astronomer Royal, and from that time forward, during the 46 years that he remained in office, he was so entirely wrapped up in the duties of his post that the history of the Observatory is the history of his life. For writing his business life there is abundant material, for he preserved all his correspondence, and the chief sources of information are as follows : (1) His Autobiography. (2) His Annual Reports to the Board of Visitors. (3) His printed Papers entitled Papers by G. B. Airy." (4) His miscellaneous private correspondence. (5) His letters to his wife. (6) His business correspondence. (i) His Autobiography, after the time that he became Astronomer Royal, is, as might be expected, mainly a record of the scientific work carried on at the Greenwich Obser- vatory : but by no means exclusively so. About the time when he took charge of the Observatory there was an immense development of astronomical enterprise : observa- tories were springing up in all directions, and the Astronomer A B. 239026 *. .*"' Vi PREFACE. Royal was expected to advise upon all of the British and Colonial Observatories. It was 'necessary also for him to keep in touch with the Continental Observatories and their work, and this he did very diligently and successfully, both by correspondence and personal intercourse with the foreign astronomers. There was also much work on important subjects more or less connected with his official duties such as geodetical survey work, the establishment of time-balls at different places, longitude determinations, observation of eclipses, and the determination of the density of the Earth. Lastly, there was a great deal of time and work given to questions not very immediately connected with his office, but on which the Government asked his assistance in the capacity of general scientific adviser : such were the Cor- rection of the Compass in iron ships, the Railway Gauge Commission, the Commission for the Restoration of the Standards of Length and Weight, the Maine Boundary, Light- houses, the Westminster Clock, the London University, and many other questions. Besides those above-mentioned there were a great many subjects which he took up out of sheer interest in the investigations. For it may fairly be said that every subject of a distinctly practical nature, which could be advanced by mathematical knowledge, had an interest for him : and his incessant industry enabled him to find time for many of them. Amongst such subjects were Tides and Tidal Obser- vations, Clockwork, and the Strains in Beams and Bridges. A certain portion of his time was also given to Lectures, generally on current astronomical questions, for he held it as his duty to popularize the science as far as lay in his power. And he attended the meetings of the Royal Astronomical Society with great regularity, and took a very active part in the discussions and business of the Society. He also did much work for the Royal Society, and (up to a certain date) for the British Association. PREFACE. vii All of the foregoing matters are recorded pretty fully in his Autobiography up to the year 1861. After that date the Autobiography is given in a much more abbreviated form, and might rather be regarded as a collection of notes for his Biography. His private history is given very fully for the first part of his life, but is very lightly touched upon during his residence at Greenwich. A great part of the Auto- biography is in a somewhat disjointed state, and appears to have been formed by extracts from a number of different sources, such as Official Journals, Official Correspondence, and Reports. In editing the Autobiography it has been thought advisable to omit a large number of short notes relating to the routine work of the Observatory, to technical and scientific correspondence, to Papers communicated to various Societies and official business connected with them, and to miscellaneous matters of minor importance. These in the aggregate occupied a great deal of time and attention. But, from their detached nature, they would have but little general interest. At various places will be found short Memoirs and other matter by the Editor. (2) All of his Annual Reports to the Board of Visitors are attached to his Autobiography and were evidently intended to be read with it and to form part of it. These Reports are so carefully compiled and are so copious that they form a very complete history of the Greenwich Observatory and of the work carried on there during the time that he was Astronomer Royal. The first Report contained only four pages, but with the constantly increasing amount and range of work the Reports constantly increased in volume till the later Reports contained 21 pages. Extracts from these Reports relating to matters of novelty and importance, and illustrating the principles which guided him in his conduct of the Observatory, have been incorporated with the Auto- biography. (3) The printed " Papers by G. B. Airy " are bound in Vlll PREFACE. 14 large quarto volumes. There are 518 of these Papers, on a great variety of subjects : a list of them is appended to this history, as also is a list of the books that he wrote, and one or two of the Papers which were separately printed. They form a very important part of his life's work, and are frequently referred to in the present history. They are almost all to be found in the Transactions of Societies or in newspapers, and extend over a period of 63 years (1822 to 1885). The progress made in certain branches of science during this long period can very fairly be traced by these Papers. (4) His private correspondence was large, and like his other papers it was carefully arranged. No business letters of any kind are included under this head. In this corre- spondence letters are occasionally found either dealing with matters of importance or in some way characteristic, and these have been inserted in this biography. As already stated the Autobiography left by Airy is confined almost entirely to science and business, and touches very lightly on private matters or correspondence. (5) The letters to his wife are very numerous. They were written during his occasional absences from home on business or for relaxation. On these occasions he rarely let a day pass without writing to his wife, and sometimes he wrote twice on the same day. They are full of energy and interest and many extracts from them are inserted in this history. A great deal of the personal history is taken from them. (6) All correspondence in any way connected with business during the time that he was Astronomer Royal is to be found at the Royal Observatory. It is all bound and arranged in the most perfect order, and any letter throughout this time can be found with the greatest ease. It is very bulky, and much of it is, in a historical sense, very interesting. It was no doubt mainly from this correspondence PREFACE. IX that the Autobiography, which so far as related to the Greenwich part of it was almost entirely a business history, was compiled. The history of the early part of his life was written in great detail and contained a large quantity of family matter which was evidently not intended for publication. This part of the Autobiography has been compressed. The history of the latter part of his life was not written by himself at all, and has been compiled from his Journal and other sources. In both these cases, and occasionally in short paragraphs throughout the narrative, it has been found convenient to write the history in the third person. 2, THE CIRCUS, GREENWICH. NOTE. The Syndics of the Cambridge University Press desire to express their thanks to Messrs Macmillan & Co. for their courteous per- mission to use in this work the steel engraving of Sir George Biddell Airy published in Nature on October 31, 1878. ' TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGES Personal Sketch of George Biddell Airy . . . . i 13 CHAPTER II. From his birth to his taking his B.A. Degree at Cam- bridge . . . . . .... 14 48 CHAPTER III. At Trinity College, Cambridge, from his taking his B.A. Degree to his taking charge of the Cambridge Observatory as Plumian Professor. . . . 49 81 CHAPTER IV. At Cambridge Observatory, from his taking charge of the Cambridge Observatory to his residence at Greenwich Observatory as Astronomer Royal . 82 122 CHAPTER V. At Greenwich Observatory, 1836 1846 . . . 123 177 CHAPTER VI. At Greenwich Observatory, 1846 1856 . - . . 178 225 CHAPTER VII. At Greenwich Observatory, 1856 1866 . . ; 226 261 CHAPTER VIII. At Greenwich Observatory, 1866 1876 . . . 262 314 Xll TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGES At Greenwich Observatory, from January ist, 1876, to his resignation of office on August i5th, 1881 . 315 345 CHAPTER X. At the White House, Greenwich, from his resignation of office on August i5th, 1881, to his death on January 2nd, 1892 ...... 346 368 APPENDIX. List of Printed Papers by G. B. Airy, and List of Books written by G.-B. Airy ...... 369 404 INDEX ... 405 414 CHAPTER I. PERSONAL SKETCH OF GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. THE history of Airy's life, and especially the history of his life's work, is given in the chapters that follow. But it is felt that the present Memoir would be incomplete without a reference to those personal characteristics upon which the work of his life hinged and which can only be very faintly gathered from his Autobiography. He was of medium stature and not powerfully built : as he advanced in years he stooped a good deal. His hands were large-boned and well-formed. His constitution was remarkably sound. At no period in his life does he seem to have taken the least interest in athletic sports or competitions, but he was a very active pedestrian and could endure a great deal of fatigue. He was by no means wanting in physical courage, and on various occasions, especially in boating expeditions, he ran considerable risks. In debate and controversy he had great self-reliance, and was abso- lutely fearless. His eye-sight was peculiar, and required correction by spectacles the lenses of which were ground to peculiar curves according to formulae which he himself in- vestigated : with these spectacles he saw extremely well, and he commonly carried three pairs, adapted to different distances : he took great interest in the changes that took place in his eye-sight, and wrote several Papers on the subject. In his later years he became somewhat deaf, but not to the extent of serious personal inconvenience. A. B. i GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. The ruling feature of his character was undoubtedly Order. From the time that he went up to Cambridge to the end of his life his system of order was strictly maintained. He wrote his autobiography up to date soon after he had taken his degree, and made his first will as soon as he had any money to leave. His accounts were perfectly kept by double entry throughout his life, and he valued extremely the order of book-keeping: this facility of keeping accounts was very useful to him. He seems not to have destroyed a document of any kind whatever : counterfoils of old cheque-books, notes for tradesmen, circulars, bills, and correspondence of all sorts were carefully preserved in the most complete order from the time that he went to Cambridge ; and a huge mass they formed. To a high appreciation of order he attributed in a great degree his command of mathematics, and sometimes spoke of mathematics as nothing more than a system of order carried to a considerable extent. In everything he was methodical and orderly, and he had the greatest dread of disorder creeping into the routine work of the Observatory, even in the smallest matters. As an example, he spent a whole afternoon in writing the word " Empty " on large cards, to be nailed upon a great number of empty packing boxes, because he noticed a little confusion arising from their getting mixed with other boxes containing different articles ; and an assistant could not be spared for this work without with- drawing him from his appointed duties. His arrangement of the Observatory correspondence was excellent and elaborate : probably no papers are more easy of reference than those arranged on his system. His strict habits of order made him insist very much upon detail in his business with others, and the rigid discipline arising out of his system of order made his rule irksome to such of his subordinates as did not conform readily to it : but the efficiency of the Observatory unquestionably depended mainly upon it. As his powers failed with age the ruling passion for order assumed a greater prominence; and in his last days he seemed to be more PERSONAL SKETCH. anxious to put letters which he received into their proper place for reference than even to master their contents. His nature was eminently practical, and any subject which had a distinctly practical object, and could be advanced by mathematical investigation, possessed interest for him. And his dislike of mere theoretical problems and investigations was proportionately great. He was continually at war with some of the resident Cambridge mathematicians on this subject. Year after year he criticised the Senate House Papers and the Smith's Prize Papers question by question very severely : and conducted an interesting and acrimonious private correspondence with Professor Cayley on the same subject. His great mathematical powers and his command of mathematics are sufficiently evidenced by the numerous mathematical treatises of the highest order which he published, a list of which is appended to this biography. But a very important feature of his investigations was the thoroughness of them. He was never satisfied with leaving a result as a barren mathematical expression. He would reduce it, if possible, to a practical and numerical form, at any cost of labour : and would use any approximations which would conduce to this result, rather than leave the result in an un- fruitful condition. He never shirked arithmetical work : the longest and most laborious reductions had no terrors for him, and he was remarkably skilful with the various mathematical expedients for shortening and facilitating arithmetical work of a complex character. This power of handling arithmetic was of great value to him in the Observatory reductions and in the Observatory work generally. He regarded it as a duty to finish off his work, whatever it was, and the writer well remembers his comment on the mathematics of one of his old friends, to the effect that " he was too fond of leaving a result in the form of three complex equations with three unknown quantities." To one who had known, in some degree, of the enormous quantity of arithmetical work which he had turned out, and the unsparing manner in which he had devoted I 2 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. himself to it, there was something very pathetic in his discovery, towards the close of his long life, "that the figures' would not add up." His energy and business capacity were remarkable. He was made for work and could not long be happy without it. Whatever subject he was engaged upon, he kept his object clearly in view, and made straight for it, aiming far more at clearness and directness than at elegance of periods or symmetry of arrangement. He wrote his letters with great ease and rapidity: and having written them he very rarely had occasion to re-write them, though he often added inser- tions and interlineations, even in the most important official letters. Without this it would have been impossible for him to have turned out the enormous quantity of correspondence that he did. He never dictated letters, and only availed him- self of clerical assistance in matters of the most ordinary routine. In his excursions, as in his work, he was always energetic, and could not endure inaction. Whatever there was of interest in the places that he visited he examined thoroughly and without delay, and then passed on. And he thus accomplished a great deal in a short vacation. His letters written to his wife, while he was on his excursions, are very numerous and characteristic, and afford ample proofs of his incessant energy and activity both of body and mind. They are not brilliantly written, for it was not in his nature to write for effect, and he would never give himself the trouble to study the composition of his letters, but they are straight-forward, clear, and concise, and he was never at a loss for suitable language to express his ideas. He had a wonderful capacity for enjoyment : the subjects that chiefly interested him were scenery, architecture, and antiquities, but everything novel or curious had an interest for him. He made several journeys to the Continent, but by far the greater number of his excursions were made in England and Scotland, and there were few parts of the country which he had not visited. He was very fond of the Lake District of PERSONAL SKETCH. 5 Cumberland, and visited it very frequently, and each time that he went there the same set of views had an eternal freshness for him, and he wrote long descriptions of the scenery and effects with the same raptures as if he had seen it for the first time. Many of his letters were written from Playford, a village in a beautiful part of Suffolk, a few miles from Ipswich. Here he had a small property, and generally stayed there for a short time once or twice a year. He was extremely fond of this country, and was never tired of repeating his walks by the well-known lanes and footpaths. And, as in Cumberland, the Suffolk country had an eternal freshness and novelty for him. Wherever he went he was indefatigable in keeping up his acquaintance with his nu- merous friends and his letters abound in social reminiscences. His memory was singularly retentive. It was much remarked at school in his early days, and in the course of his life he had stored up in his memory an incredible quantity of poetry, ballads, and miscellaneous facts and information of all sorts, which was all constantly ready and at his service. It is almost needless to add that his memory was equally accurate and extensive in matters connected with science or business. His independence of character was no doubt due to and inseparable from his great powers. The value of his scientific work greatly depended upon his self-reliance and indepen- dence of thought. And in the heavy work of remodelling the Observatory it was a very valuable quality. This same self-reliance made him in his latter years apt to draw conclusions too confidently and hastily on subjects which he had taken up more as a pastime than as work. But whatever he touched he dealt with ably and in the most fearless truthseeking manner, and left original and vigorous opinions. He had a remarkably well-balanced mind, and a simplicity of nature that appeared invulnerable. No amount of hero- worship seemed to have the least effect upon him. And GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. from a very early time he was exposed to a great deal of it. His mind was incessantly engaged on investigations of Nature, and this seems to have been with him, as has been the case with others, a preserving influence. This simplicity of character he retained throughout his life. At the same time he was sensible and shrewd in his money matters and attentive to his personal interests. And his practical good sense in the general affairs of life, combined with his calm and steady consideration of points submitted to him, made his advice very valuable. This was especially recognized by his own and his wife's relations, who consulted him on many occasions and placed the fullest confidence in his absolute sense of justice as well as in his wise counsel. He was extremely liberal in proportion to his means, and gave away money to a large extent to all who had any claim upon him. But he was not in any sense reckless, and kept a most cautious eye on his expenses. He was not indifferent to the honours which he received in the scientific world, but he does not appear to have sought them in any way, and he certainly did not trouble himself about them. His courtesy was unfailing : no amount of trouble could shake it. Whether it was the Secretary of the Admiralty, or a servant girl wanting her fortune told : whether a begging- letter for money, or miscellaneous invitations : all had their answer in the most clear and courteous language. But he would not grant personal interviews when he could avoid it : they took up too much of his time. His head was so clear that he never seemed to want for the clearest and most direct language in expressing his meaning, and his letters are models of terseness. In all his views and opinions he was strongly liberal. At Cambridge at an early date he was one of the 83 members of the Senate who supported the application to permit the granting of medical degrees without requiring an expression of assent to the religious doctrines of the Church of England. And in 1868 he declined to sign a petition against the abo- PERSONAL SKETCH. lition of religious declarations required of persons admitted to Fellowships or proceeding to the degree of M.A. And he was opposed to every kind of narrowness and exclusiveness. When he was appointed to the post of Astronomer Royal, he stipulated that he should not be asked to vote in any political election. But all his views were in the liberal direction. He was a great reader of theology and church history, and as regarded forms of worship and the interpretation of the Scriptures, he treated them with great respect, but from the point of view of a freethinking layman. In the Preface to his " Notes on the Earlier Hebrew Scriptures " he says, "In regard to the general tone of these notes, I will first remark that I have nothing to say on the subject of verbal inspiration. With those who entertain that doctrine, I can have nothing in common. Nor do I recognize, in the pro- fessedly historical accounts, any other inspiration which can exempt them from the severest criticism that would be applicable to so-called profane accounts, written under the same general circumstances, and in the same countries." And his treatment of the subject in the " Notes " shews how entirely he took a rationalistic view of the whole question. He also strongly sided with Bishop Colenso in his fearless criticism of the Pentateuch, though he dissented from some of his conclusions. But he was deeply imbued with the spirit of religion and reflected much upon it. His whole correspond- ence conveys the impression of the most sterling integrity and high-mindedness, without a trace of affectation. In no letter does there appear a shadow of wavering on matters of principle, whether in public or private matters, and he was very clear and positive in his convictions. The great secret of his long and successful official career was that he was a good servant and thoroughly understood his position. He never set himself in opposition to his masters, the Admiralty. He never hesitated to ask the Admiralty for what he thought right, whether in the way of money grants for various objects, or for occasional GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. permission to give his services to scientific matters not immediately connected with the Observatory. Sometimes the Admiralty refused his requests, and he felt this very keenly, but he was far too busy and energetic to trouble himself about such little slights, and cheerfully accepted the situation. What was refused by one Administration was frequently granted by another; and in the meantime he was always ready to give his most zealous assistance in any matter that was officially brought before him. This cheerful readiness to help, combined with his great ability and punctuality in business matters, made him a very valuable servant, and speaking generally he had the con- fidence of the Admiralty in a remarkable degree. In many of his Reports to the Board of Visitors he speaks gratefully of the liberality of the Admiralty in forwarding scientific progress and research. In matters too which are perhaps of minor importance from the high stand-point of science, but which are invaluable in the conduct of an important business office, such for example as estimates and official correspondence, he was orderly and punctual in the highest degree. And, what is by no means unimportant, he possessed an excellent official style in correspondence, combined with great clearness of expression. His entire honesty of purpose, and the high respect in which he was held both at home and abroad, gave great weight to his recommendations. With regard to his habits while he resided at the Observatory, his custom was to work in his official room from 9 to about 2.30, though in summer he was frequently at work before breakfast. He then took a brisk walk, and dined at about 3.30. This early hour had been prescribed and insisted upon by his physician, Dr Haviland of Cam- bridge, in whom he had great confidence. He ate heartily, though simply and moderately, and slept for about an hour after dinner. He then had tea, and from about 7 to 10 he worked in the same room with his family. He would never retire to a private room, and regarded the society of his family PERSONAL SKETCH. as highly beneficial in " taking the edge off his work." His powers of abstraction were remarkable : nothing seemed to disturb him ; neither music, singing, nor miscellaneous con- versation. He would then play a game or two at cards, read a few pages of a classical or historical book, and retire at ii. On Sundays he attended morning service at church, and in the evening read a few prayers very carefully and impressively to his whole household. He was very hospitable, and delighted to receive his friends in a simple ^and natural way at his house. In this he was most admirably aided by his wife, whose grace and skill made everything pleasant to their guests. But he avoided dinner-parties as much as possible they interfered too much with his work and with the exception of scientific and official dinners he seldom dined away from home. His tastes were entirely domestic, and he was very happy in his family. With his natural love of work, and with the incessant calls upon him, he would soon have broken down, had it not been for his system of regular relaxation. Two or three times a year he took a holiday: generally a short run of a week or ten days in the spring, a trip of a month or thereabouts in the early autumn, and about three weeks at Playford in the winter. These trips were always conducted in the most active manner, either in constant motion from place to place, or in daily active excursions. This system he maintained with great regularity, and from the exceeding interest and enjoy- ment that he took in these trips his mind was so much refreshed and steadied that he always kept himself equal to his work. Airy seems to have had a strong bent in the direction of astronomy from his youth, and it is curious to note how well furnished he was, by the time that he became Astronomer Royal, both with astronomy in all its branches, and with the kindred sciences so necessary for the practical working and improvement of it. At the time that he went to Cambridge Physical Astronomy was greatly studied there and formed a IO GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. most important part of the University course. He eagerly availed himself of this, and mastered the Physical Astronomy in the most thorough manner, as was evidenced by his Papers collected in his " Mathematical Tracts," his investigation of the Long Inequality of the Earth and Venus, and many other works. As Plumian Professor he had charge of the small Observatory at Cambridge, where he did a great deal of the observing and reduction work himself, and became thoroughly versed in the practical working of an Observatory. The result of this was immediately seen in the improved methods which he introduced at Greenwich, and which were speedily imitated at other Observatories. Optics and the Undulatory Theory of Light had been very favourite subjects with him, and he had written and lectured frequently upon them. In the construction of the new and powerful telescopes and other optical instruments required from time to time this knowledge was very essential, for in its instrumental equipment the Greenwich Observatory was entirely re- modelled during his tenure of office. And in many of the matters referred to him, as for instance that of the Light- houses, a thorough knowledge of Optics was most valuable. He had made a great study of the theory and construction of clocks, and this knowledge was invaluable to him at Greenwich in the establishment of new and more accurate astronomical clocks, and especially in the improvement of chronometers. He had carefully studied the theory of pendulums, and had learned how to use them in his ex- periments in the Cornish mines. This knowledge he after- wards utilized very effectively at the Harton Pit in comparing the density of the Earth's crust with its mean density ; and it was very useful to him in connection with geodetic surveys and experiments on which he was consulted. And his mechanical knowledge was useful in almost everything. The subjects (outside those required for his professional work) in which he took most interest were Poetry, History, Theology, Antiquities, Architecture, and Engineering. He PERSONAL SKETCH. II was well acquainted with standard English poetry, and had committed large quantities to memory, which he frequently referred to as a most valuable acquisition and an ever-present relief and comfort to his mind. History and Theology he had studied as opportunity offered, and without being widely read in them he was much at home with them, and his powerful memory made the most of what he did read. An- tiquities and Architecture were very favourite subjects with him. He had visited most of the camps and castles in the United Kingdom and was never tired of tracing their con- nection with ancient military events : and he wrote several Papers on this subject, especially those relating to the Roman Invasions of Britain. Ecclesiastical Architecture he was very fond of: he had visited nearly all the cathedrals and principal churches in England, and many on the Continent, and was most enthusiastic on their different styles and merits : his letters abound in critical remarks on them. He was ex- tremely well versed in mechanics, and in the principles and theory of construction, and took the greatest interest in large engineering works. This led to much communication with Stephenson, Brunei, and other Engineers, who consulted him freely on the subject of great works on which they were engaged : in particular he rendered much assistance in con- nection with the construction of the Britannia Bridge over the Menai Straits. There were various other subjects which he read with much interest (Geology in particular), but he made no study of Natural History, and knew very little about it beyond detached facts. His industry was untiring, and in going over his books one by one it was very noticeable how large a number of them were feathered with his paper "marks," shewing how carefully he had read them and referred to them. His nature was essentially cheerful, and literature of a witty and humourous character had a great charm for him. He was very fond of music and knew a great number of songs; and he was well acquainted with the 12 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. theory of music: but he was no performer. He did not sketch freehand but made excellent drawings with his Camera Lucida. At the time when he took his degree (1823) and for many years afterwards there was very great activity of scientific investigation and astronomical enterprise in England. And, as in the times of Flamsteed and Halley, the earnest zeal of men of science occasionally led to much controversy and bitterness amongst them. Airy was by no means exempt from such controversies. He was a man of keen sensitive- ness, though it was combined with great steadiness of temper, and he never hesitated to attack theories and methods that he considered to be scientifically wrong. This led to dif- ferences with Ivory, Challis, South, Cayley, Archibald Smith, and others ; but however much he might differ from them he was always personally courteous, and the disputes generally went no farther than as regarded the special matter in question. Almost all these controversial discussions were carried on openly, and were published in the Athenaeum, the Philosophical Magazine, or elsewhere ; for he printed nearly everything that he wrote, and was very careful in the selection of the most suitable channels for publication. He regarded it as a duty to popularize as much as possible the work done at the Observatory, and to take the public into his confidence. And this he effected by articles communicated to newspapers, lectures, numerous Papers written for scientific societies, reports, debates, and critiques. His strong constitution and his regular habits, both of work and exercise, are sufficient explanation of the good health which in general he enjoyed. Not but what he had sharp touches of illness from time to time. At one period he suffered a good deal from an attack of eczema, and at another from a varicose vein in his leg, and he was occasionally troubled with severe colds. But he bore these ailments with great patience and threw them off in course of time. He was PERSONAL SKETCH. 13 happy in his marriage and in his family, and such troubles and distresses as were inevitable he accepted calmly and quietly. In his death, as in his life, he was fortunate : he had no long or painful illness, and he was spared the calamity of aberration of intellect, the saddest of all visitations. CHAPTER II. FROM HIS BIRTH TO HIS TAKING HIS B.A. DEGREE AT CAMBRIDGE. FROM JULY 2/TH 1801 TO JANUARY ISTH 1823. GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY was born at Alnwick in North- umberland on July 27th 1801. His father was William Airy of Luddington in Lincolnshire, the descendant of a long line of Airys who have been traced back with a very high degree of probability to a family of that name which was settled at Kentmere in Westmorland in the I4th century. A branch of this family migrated to Pontefract in Yorkshire, where they seem to have prospered for many years, but they were involved in the consequences of the Civil Wars, and one member of the family retired to Ousefleet in Yorkshire. His grandson removed to Luddington in Lincolnshire, where his descendants for several generations pursued the calling of small farmers. George Biddell Airy's mother, Ann Airy, was the daughter of George Biddell, a well-to-do farmer in Suffolk. William Airy, the father of George Biddell Airy, was a man of great activity and strength, and of prudent and steady character. When a young man he became foreman on a farm in the neighbourhood of Luddington, and laid by his earnings in summer in order to educate himself in winter. For a person in his rank, his education was unusually good, in matters of science and in English literature. But at the age of 24 he grew tired of country labour, and obtained a post in the Excise. After serving in various Collections he was appointed Collector of the Northumberland Collection FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 15 on the 1 5th August 1800, and during his service there his eldest son George Biddell Airy was born. The time over which his service as Officer and Supervisor extended was that in which smuggling rose to a very high pitch, and in which the position of Excise Officer was sometimes dangerous. He was remarkable for his activity and boldness in contests with smugglers, and made many seizures. Ann Airy, the mother of George Biddell Airy, was a woman of great natural abilities both speculative and practical, kind as a neighbour and as head of a family, and was deeply loved and respected. The family consisted of George Biddell, Elizabeth, William, and Arthur who died young. William Airy was appointed to Hereford Collection on 22nd October 1802, and removed thither shortly after. He stayed at Hereford till he was appointed to Essex Collection on 28th February 1810, and during this time George Biddell was educated at elementary schools in writing, arithmetic, and a little Latin. He records of himself that he was not a favourite with the schoolboys, for he had very little animal vivacity and seldom joined in active play with his school- fellows. But in the proceedings of the school he was suc- cessful, and was a favourite with his master. On the appointment of William Airy to Essex Collection, the family removed to Colchester on April 5th 1810. Here George Biddell was first sent to a large school in Sir Isaac's Walk, then kept by Mr Byatt Walker, and was soon noted for his correctness in orthography, geography, and arithmetic. He evidently made rapid progress, for on one occasion Mr Walker said openly in the schoolroom how remarkable it was that a boy 10 years old should be the first in the school. At this school he stayed till the end of 1813 and thoroughly learned arithmetic (from Walkingame's book), book-keeping by double entry (on which knowledge throughout his life he set a special value), the use of the sliding rule (which knowledge also was specially useful to him in after life), mensuration and algebra (from Bonnycastle's books). He 1 6 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. also studied grammar in all its branches, and geography, and acquired some knowledge of English literature, beginning with that admirable book The Speaker, but it does not appear that Latin and Greek were attended to at this school. He records that at this time he learned an infinity of snatches of songs, small romances, &c., which his powerful memory retained most accurately throughout his life. He was no hand at active play: but was notorious for his skill in con- structing guns for shooting peas and arrows, and other mechanical contrivances. At home he relates that he picked up a wonderful quantity of learning from his father's books. He read and remembered much poetry from such standard authors as Milton, Pope, Gay, Gray, Swift, &c., which was destined to prove in after life an invaluable relaxation for his mind. But he also studied deeply an excellent Cyclopaedia called a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences in three volumes folio, and learned from it much about ship-building, naviga- tion, fortification, and many other subjects. During this period his valuable friendship with his uncle Arthur Biddell commenced. Arthur Biddell was a prosperous farmer and valuer at Playford near Ipswich. He was a well- informed and able man, of powerful and original mind, extremely kind and good-natured, and greatly respected throughout the county. In the Autobiography of George Biddell Airy he states as follows : " I do not remember precisely when it was that I first visited my uncle Arthur Biddell. I think it was in a winter : certainly as early as the winter of 1812 13. Here I found a friend whose society I could enjoy, and I entirely appreciated and enjoyed the practical, mechanical, and at the same time speculative and enquiring talents of Arthur Biddell. He had a library which, for a person in middle life, may be called excellent, and his historical and antiquarian knowledge was not small. After spending one winter holiday with him, it easily came to pass that I spent the next summer holiday with him : and at the next winter holiday, finding that there FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 17 was no precise arrangement for my movements, I secretly wrote him a letter begging him to come with a gig to fetch me home with him : he complied with my request, giving no hint to my father or mother of my letter : and from that time, one-third of every year was regularly spent with him till I went to College. How great was the influence of this on my character and education I cannot tell. It was with him that I became acquainted with the Messrs Ransome, W. Cubitt the civil engineer (afterwards Sir W. Cubitt), Bernard Barton, Thomas Clarkson (the slave-trade aboli- tionist), and other persons whose acquaintance I have valued highly. It was also with him that I became acquainted with the works of the best modern poets, Scott, Byron, Campbell, Hogg, and others : as also with the Waverley Novels and other works of merit." In 1813 William Airy lost his appointment of Collector of Excise and was in consequence very much straitened in his circumstances. But there was no relaxation in the education of his children, and at the beginning of 1814 George Biddell was sent to the endowed Grammar School at Colchester, then kept by the Rev. E. Crosse, and remained there till the summer of 1819, when he went to College. The Autobiography proceeds as follows : " I became here a respectable scholar in Latin and Greek, to the extent of accurate translation, and composition of prose Latin : in regard to Latin verses I was I think more defective than most scholars who take the same pains, but I am not much ashamed of this, for I entirely despise the system of instruction in verse composition. " My father on some occasion had to go to London and brought back for me a pair of 1 2-inch globes. They were invaluable to me. The first stars which I learnt from the celestial globe were a Lyrae, a Aquilae, a Cygni : and to this time I involuntarily regard these stars as the birth-stars of my astronomical knowledge. Having somewhere seen a description of a Gunter's quadrant, I perceived that I could A. B. 2 1 8 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. construct one by means of the globe : my father procured for me a board of the proper shape with paper pasted on it, and on this I traced the lines of the quadrant. " My command of geometry was tolerably complete, and one way in which I frequently amused myself was by making paper models (most carefully drawn in outline) which were buttoned together without any cement or sewing. Thus I made models, not only of regular solids, regularly irregular solids, cones cut in all directions so as to shew the conic sections, and the like, but also of six-gun batteries, intrench- ments and fortresses of various kinds &c. " From various books I had learnt the construction of the steam-engine : the older forms from the Dictionary of Arts and Sciences ; newer forms from modern books. The newest form however (with the sliding steam valve) I learnt from a 6-horse engine at Bawtrey's brewery (in which Mr Keeling the father of my schoolfellow had acquired a partnership). I frequently went to look at this engine, and on one occasion had the extreme felicity of examining some of its parts when it was opened for repair. " In the mean time my education was advancing at Playford. The first record, I believe, which I have of my attention to mechanics there is the plan of a threshing- machine which I drew. But I was acquiring valuable infor- mation of all kinds from the Encyclopaedia Londinensis, a work which without being high in any respect is one of the most generally useful that I have seen. But I well remember one of the most important steps that I ever made. I had tried experiments with the object-glass of an opera-glass and was greatly astonished at the appearance of the images of objects seen through the glass under different conditions. By these things my thoughts were turned to accurate optics, and I read with care Rutherford's Lectures, which my uncle possessed. The acquisition of an accurate knowledge of the effect of optical constructions was one of the most charming attainments that I ever reached. Long before I went to FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 19 College I understood the action of the lenses of a telescope better than most opticians. I also read with great zeal Nicholson's Dictionary of Chemistry, and occasionally made chemical experiments of an inexpensive kind : indeed I grew so fond of this subject that there was some thought of apprenticing me to a chemist. I also attended to surveying and made a tolerable survey and map of my uncle's farm. " At school I was going on successfully, and distinguished myself particularly by my memory. It was the custom for each boy once a week to repeat a number of lines of Latin or Greek poetry, the number depending very much on his own choice. I determined on repeating 100 every week, and I never once fell below that number and was sometimes much above it. It was no distress to me, and great enjoyment. At Michaelmas 1816 I repeated 2394 lines, probably without missing a word. I do not think that I was a favourite with Mr Crosse, but he certainly had a high opinion of my powers and expressed this to my father. My father entertained the idea of sending me to College, which Mr Crosse recom- mended : but he heard from some college man that the expense would be 200 a year, and he laid aside all thoughts of it. "The farm of Playford Hall was in 1813 or 1814 hired by Thomas Clarkson, the slave-trade abolitionist. My uncle transacted much business for him (as a neighbour and friend) in the management of the farm &c. for a time, and they became very intimate. My uncle begged him to examine me in Classical knowledge, and he did so, I think, twice. He also gave some better information about the probable ex- penses &c. at College. The result was a strong recommen- dation by my uncle or through my uncle that I should be sent to Cambridge, and this was adopted by my father. I think it likely that this was in 1816. "In December 1816, Dealtry's Fluxions was bought for me, and I read it and understood it well. I borrowed Hutton's Course of Mathematics of old Mr Ransome, who had come to 2 2 2O GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. reside at Greenstead near Colchester, and read a good deal of it. "About Ladyday 1817 I began to read mathematics with Mr Rogers (formerly, I think, a Fellow of Sidney College, and an indifferent mathematician of the Cambridge school), who had succeeded a Mr Tweed as assistant to Mr Crosse in the school. I went to his house twice a week, on holiday after- noons. I do not remember how long I received lessons from him, but I think to June 1818. This course was extremely valuable to me, not on account of Mr Rogers's abilities (for I understood many things better than he did) but for its train- ing me both in Cambridge subjects and in the Cambridge accurate methods of treating them. I went through Euclid (as far as usually read), Wood's Algebra, Wood's Mechanics, .Vince's Hydrostatics, Wood's Optics, Trigonometry (in a geometrical treatise and also in Woodhouse's algebraical form), Fluxions to a good extent, Newton's Principia to the end of the 9th section. This was a large quantity, but I read it accurately and understood it perfectly, and could write out any one of the propositions which I had read in the most exact form. My connexion with Mr Rogers was terminated by his giving me notice that he could not under- take to receive me any longer : in fact I was too much for him. I generally read these books in a garret in our house in George Lane, which was indefinitely appropriated to my brother and myself. I find that I copied out Vince's Conic Sections in February 1819. The first book that I copied was the small geometrical treatise on Trigonometry, in May 1817: to this I was urged by old Mr Ransome, upon my complaining that I could not purchase the book : and it was no bad lesson of independence to me." During the same period 1817 1819 he was occupied at school on translations into blank verse from the ^neid and Iliad, and read through the whole of Sophocles very carefully. The Classical knowledge which he thus gained at school FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 21 and subsequently at Cambridge was sound, and he took great pleasure in it : throughout his life he made a practice of keeping one or other of the Classical Authors at hand for occasional relaxation. He terminated his schooling in June 1819. Shortly afterwards his father left Colchester and went to reside at Bury St Edmund's. The Autobiography pro- ceeds as follows : " Mr Clarkson was at one time inclined to recommend me to go to St Peter's College (which had been much enriched by a bequest from a Mr Gisborne). But on giving some account of me to his friend Mr James D. Hustler, tutor of Trinity College, Mr Hustler urged upon him that I was exactly the proper sort of person to go to Trinity College. And thus it was settled (mainly by Mr Clarkson) that I should be entered at Trinity College. I think that I was sent for purposely from Colchester to Playford, and on March 6th, 1819, I rode in company with Mr Clarkson from Playford to Sproughton near Ipswich to be examined by the Rev. Mr Rogers, incumbent of Sproughton, an old M.A. of Trinity College : and was examined, and my certificate duly sent to Mr Hustler : and I was entered on Mr Hustler's side as Sizar of Trinity College. "In the summer of 1819 I spent some time at Playford. On July 27th, 1819 (my birthday, 18 years old), Mr Clarkson invited me to dinner, to meet Mr Charles Musgrave, Fellow of Trinity College, who was residing for a short time at Grundisburgh, taking the church duty there for Dr Ramsden, the Rector. It was arranged that I should go to Grun- disburgh the next day (I think) to be examined in mathe- matics by Mr Musgrave. I went accordingly, and Mr Musgrave set before me a paper of questions in geometry, algebra, mechanics, optics, &c. ending with the first proposi- tion of the Principia. I knew nothing more about my answers at the time : but I found long after that they excited so much admiration that they were transmitted to Cam- bridge (I forget whether to Mr Musgrave's brother, a Fellow 22 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. of Trinity College and afterwards Archbishop of York, or to Mr Peacock, afterwards Dean of Ely) and were long preserved. " The list of the Classical subjects for ,the first year in Trinity College was transmitted to me, as usual, by Mr Hustler. They were The Hippolytus of Euripides, the 3rd Book of Thucydides, and the 2nd Philippic of Cicero. These I read carefully and noted before going up. Mr Hustler's family lived in Bury; and I called on him and saw him in October, introduced by Mr Clarkson. On the morning of October i8th, 1819, 1 went on the top of the coach to Cambridge, knowing nobody there but Mr Hustler, but having letters of introduction from Mr Charles Musgrave to Professor Sedgwick, Mr Thomas Musgrave, and Mr George Peacock, all Fellows of Trinity College. " I was set down at the Hoop, saw Trinity College for the first time, found Mr Hustler, was conducted by his servant to the robe-maker's, where I was invested in the cap and blue gown, and after some further waiting was installed into lodgings in Bridge Street. At 4 o'clock I went to the College Hall and was introduced by Mr Hustler to several undergraduates, generally clever men, and in the evening I attended Chapel in my surplice (it being St Luke's day) and witnessed that splendid service of which the occasional exhibition well befits the place. " As soon as possible, I called on Mr Peacock, Mr Mus- grave, and Professor Sedgwick. By all I was received with great kindness: my examination papers had been sent to them, and a considerable reputation preceded me. Mr Peacock at once desired that I would not consider Mr C. Musgrave's letter as an ordinary introduction, but that I would refer to him on all occasions. And I did so for several years, and always received from him the greatest assistance that he could give. I think that I did not become acquainted with Mr Whewell till the next term, when I met him at a break- fast party at Mr Peacock's. Mr Peacock at once warned me FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 23 to arrange for taking regular exercise, and prescribed a walk of two hours every day before dinner : a rule to which I attended regularly, and to which I ascribe the continuance of good general health. "I shewed Mr Peacock a manuscript book which contained a number of original Propositions which I had investigated. These much increased my reputation (I really had sense enough to set no particular value on it) and I was soon known by sight to almost everybody in the University. A ridiculous little circumstance aided in this. The former rule of the University (strictly enforced) had been that all students should wear drab knee-breeches : and I, at Mr Clarkson's recommendation, was so fitted up. The struggle between the old dress and the trowsers customary in society was still going on but almost terminated, and I was one of the very few freshmen who retained the old habiliments. This made me in some measure distinguishable : however at the end of my first three terms I laid these aside. " The College Lectures began on Oct. 22 : Mr Evans at 9 on the Hippolytus, and Mr Peacock at 10 on Euclid (these being the Assistant Tutors on Mr Hustler's side) : and then I felt myself established. " I wrote in a day or two to my uncle Arthur Biddell, and I received from him a letter of the utmost kindness. He entered gravely on the consideration of my prospects, my wants, &c. : and offered at all times to furnish me with money, which he thought my father's parsimonious habits might make him unwilling to do. I never had occasion to avail myself of this offer: but it was made in a way which in no small degree strengthened the kindly feelings that had long existed between us. "I carefully attended the lectures, taking notes as appeared necessary. In Mathematics there were geometrical problems, algebra, trigonometry (which latter subjects the lectures did not reach till the terms of 1820). Mr Peacock gave me a copy of Lacroix's Differential Calculus as translated by himself 24 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. and Herschel arid Babbage, and also a copy of their Ex- amples. At this time, the usfe of Differential Calculus was just prevailing over that of Fluxions (which I had learnt). I betook myself to it with great industry. I also made myself master of the theories of rectangular coordinates and some of the differential processes applying to them, which only a few of the best of the university mathematicians then wholly possessed. In Classical subjects I read the Latin (Seneca's) and English Hippolytus, Racine's Phedre (which my sister translated for me), and all other books to which I was referred, Aristotle, Longinus, Horace, Bentley, Dawes &c., made verse translations of the Greek Hippolytus, and was constantly on the watch to read what might be advan- tageous. " Early in December Mr Hustler sent for me to say that one of the Company of Fishmongers, Mr R. Sharp, had given to Mr John H. Smyth, M.P. for Norwich, the presentation to a small exhibition of 20 a year, which Mr Smyth had placed in Mr Hustler's hands, and which Mr Hustler immediately conferred on me. This was my first step towards pecuniary independence. I retained this exhibition till I became a Fellow of the College. "I stayed at Cambridge during part of the winter vacation, and to avoid expense I quitted my lodgings and went for a time into somebody's rooms in the Bishop's Hostel. (It is customary for the tutors to place students in rooms when their right owners are absent.) I took with me Thucydides and all relating to it, and read the book, upon which the next term's lectures were to be founded, very carefully. The latter part of the vacation I spent at Bury, where I began with the assistance of my sister to pick up a little French : as I per- ceived that it was absolutely necessary for enabling me to read modern mathematics. " During a part of the time I employed myself in writing out a paper on the geometrical interpretation of the alge- braical expression V i. I think that the original suggestion FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 2$ of perpendicular line came from some book (I do not re- member clearly), and I worked it out in several instances pretty well, especially in De Moivre's Theorem. I had spoken of it in the preceding term to Mr Peacock and he encouraged me to work it out. The date at the end is 1820, January 21. When some time afterwards I spoke of it to Mr Hustler, he disapproved of my employing my time on such speculations. About the last day of January I returned to Cambridge, taking up my abode in my former lodgings. I shewed my paper on V I to Mr Peacock, who was much pleased with it and shewed it to Mr Whewell and others. " On February I I commenced two excellent customs. The first was that I always had upon my table a quire of large-sized scribbling-paper sewn together : and upon this paper everything was entered : translations into Latin and out of Greek, mathematical problems, memoranda of every kind (the latter transferred when necessary to the subsequent pages), and generally with the date of the day. This is a most valuable custom. The other was this : as I perceived that to write Latin prose well would be useful to me, I wrote a translation of English into Latin every day. However much pressed I might be with other business, I endeavoured to write at least three or four words, but if possible I wrote a good many sentences. " I may fix upon this as the time when my daily habits were settled in the form in which they continued for several years. I rose in time for the chapel service at 7. It was the College regulation that every student should attend Chapel four mornings and four evenings (Sunday being one of each) in every week : and in this I never failed. After chapel service I came to my lodgings and breakfasted. At 9 I went to College lectures, which lasted to n. Most of my con- temporaries, being intended for the Church, attended also divinity lectures : but I never did. I then returned, put my lecture notes in order, wrote my piece of Latin prose, and then employed myself on the subject which I was reading for 26 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. the time : usually taking mathematics at this hour. At 2 or a little sooner I went out for a long walk, usually 4 or 5 miles into the country: sometimes if I found companions I rowed on the Cam (a practice acquired rather later). A little before 4 I returned, and at 4 went to College Hall. After dinner I lounged till evening chapel time, ^ past 5, and returning about 6 I then had tea. Then I read quietly, usually a classical subject, till 1 1 ; and I never, even in the times when I might seem most severely pressed, sat up later. " From this time to the close of the annual examination (beginning of June) I remained at Cambridge, stopping there through the Easter Vacation. The subjects of the mathe- matical lectures were ordinary algebra and trigonometry : but Mr Peacock always had some private problems of a higher class for me, and saw me I believe every day. The subjects of the Classical lectures were, the termination of Hippolytus, the book of Thucydides and the oration of Cicero. In mathematics I read Whewell's Mechanics, then just published (the first innovation made in the Cambridge system of Physical Sciences for many years) : and I find in my scrib- bling-paper notes, integrals, central forces, Finite Differences, steam-engine constructions and powers, plans of bridges, spherical trigonometry, optical calculations relating to the achromatism of eye-pieces and achromatic object-glasses with lenses separated, mechanical problems, Transit of Venus, various problems in geometrical astronomy (I think it was at this time that Mr Peacock had given me a copy of Wood- house's Astronomy 1st Edition), the rainbow, plans for anemo- meter and for a wind-pumping machine, clearing lunars, &c., with a great number of geometrical problems. I remark that my ideas on the Differential Calculus had not acquired on some important points the severe accuracy which they acquired in a few months. In Classics I read the Persae of ^Eschylus, Greek and Roman history very much (Mitford, Hooke, Ferguson) and the books of Thucydides introductory to that of the lecture subject (the 3rd): and attended to Chronology. FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 27 On the scribbling-paper are verse-translations from Euripides, careful prose-translations from Thucydides, maps, notes on points of grammar &c. I have also little MS. books with abundant notes on all these subjects: I usually made a little book when I pursued any subject in a regular way. " On May 1st Mr Dobree, the head lecturer, sent for me to say that he appointed me head-lecturer's Sizar for the next year. The stipend of this office was 10, a sum upon which I set considerable value in my anxiety for pecuniary inde- pendence: but it was also gratifying to me as shewing the way in which I was regarded by the College authorities. "On Wednesday, May 24th, 1820, the examination began. I was anxious about the result of the examination, but only in such a degree as to make my conduct perfectly steady and calm, and to prevent me from attempting any extraordinary exertion. " When the Classes were published the first Class of the Freshman's Year (alphabetically arranged, as is the custom) stood thus: Airy, Boileau, Childers, Drinkwater, Field, Iliff, Malkin, Myers, Romilly, Strutt, Tate, Winning. It was soon known however that I was first of the Class. It was generally expected (and certainly by me) that, considering how great a' preponderance the Classics were understood, in the known system of the College, to have in determining the order of merit, Field would be first. However the number of marks which Field obtained was about 1700, and that which I obtained about 1900. No other competitor, I believe, was near us." In a letter to Airy from his College Tutor, Mr J. D. Hustler, there is the following passage : " It is a matter of extreme satisfaction to me that in the late exami- nation you stood not only in the First Class but first of the first. I trust that your future exertions and success will be commensurate with this honourable beginning." " Of the men whom I have named, Drinkwater (Bethune) was afterwards Legal Member of the Supreme Court of India, Field was afterwards Rector of Reepham, Romilly 28 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. (afterwards Lord Rorpilly) became Solicitor-General, Strutt (afterwards Lord Belper) became M.P. for Derby and First Commissioner of Railways, Tate was afterwards master of Richmond Endowed School, Childers was the father of Childers who was subsequently First Lord of the Admiralty. " I returned to Bury immediately. While there, some students (some of them men about to take their B.A. degree at the next January) applied to me to take them as pupils, but I declined. This year of my life enabled me to under- stand how I stood among men. I returned to Cambridge about July nth. As a general rule, undergraduates are not allowed to reside in the University during the Long Vacation. I believe that before I left, after the examination, I had made out that I should be permitted to reside: or I wrote to Mr Hustler. I applied to Mr Hustler to be lodged in rooms in College : and was put, first into rooms in Bishop's Hostel, and subsequently into rooms in the Great Court. "The first affair that I had in College was one of disap- pointment by no means deserving the importance which it assumed in my thoughts. I had been entered a Sizar, but as the list of Foundation Sizars was full, my dinners in Hall were paid for. Some vacancies had arisen : and as these were to be filled up in order of merit, I expected one : and in my desire for pecuniary independence I wished for it very earnestly. However, as in theory all of the first class were equal, and as there were some Sizars in it senior in entrance to me, they obtained places first : and I was not actually appointed till after the next scholarship examination (Easter 1821). However a special arrangement was made, allowing me (I forget whether others) to sit at the Foundation-Sizars' table whenever any of the number was absent : and in conse- quence I received practically nearly the full benefits. " Mr Peacock, who was going out for the Vacation, allowed me access to his books. I had also (by the assistance of various Fellows, who all treated me with great kindness, almost to a degree of respect) command of the University FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 29 Library and Trinity Library : and spent this Long Vacation, like several others, very happily indeed. "The only non-mathematical subjects of the next exami- nation were The Gospel of St Luke 3 Paley's Evidences, and Paley's Moral and Political Philosophy. Thus my time was left more free to mathematics and to general classics than last year. I now began a custom which I maintained for some years. Generally I read mathematics in the morning, and classics for lectures in the afternoon : but invariably I began at to o'clock in the evening to read with the utmost severity some standard classics (unconnected with the lec- tures) and at 1 1 precisely I left off and went to bed. I con- tinued my daily translations into Latin prose as before. "On August 24th, 1820, Rosser, a man of my own year, engaged me as private tutor, paying at the usual rate (14 for a part of the Vacation, and 14 for a term): and immedi- ately afterwards his friend Bedingfield did the same. This occupied two hours every day, and I felt that I was now com- pletely earning my own living. I never received a penny from my friends after this time. " I find on my scribbling-paper various words which shew that in reading Poisson I was struggling with French words. There are also Finite Differences and their Calculus, Figure of the Earth (force to the center), various Attractions (some evidently referring to Maclaurin's), Integrals, Conic Sections, Kepler's Problem, Analytical Geometry, D'Alembert's Theorem, Spherical Aberration, Rotations round three axes (apparently I had been reading Euler), Floating bodies, Evolute of Ellipse, Newton's treatment of the Moon's Varia- tion. I attempted to extract something from Vince's Astro- nomy on the physical explanation of Precession : but in despair of understanding it, and having made out an expla- nation for myself by the motion round three axes, I put together a little treatise (Sept. 10, 1820) which with some corrections and additions was afterwards printed in my Mathematical Tracts. On Sept. I4th I bought Woodhouse's 30 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. Physical Astronomy, .and this, was quite an epoch in my mathematical knowledge. First, I was compelled by the process of " changing the independent variable " to examine severely the logic of the Differential Calculus. Secondly, I was now able to enter on the Theory of Perturbations, which for several years had been the desired land to me. "At the Fellowship Election of Oct. ist, Sydney Walker (among other persons) was elected Fellow. He then quitted the rooms in which he had lived (almost the worst in the College), and I immediately took them. They suited me well and I lived very happily in them till I was elected Scholar. They are small rooms above the middle staircase on the south side of Neville's Court. (Mr Peacock's rooms were on the same staircase.) I had access to the leads on the roof of the building from one of my windows. This was before the New Court was built : my best window looked upon the garden of the College butler. " I had brought to Cambridge the telescope which I had made at Colchester, and about this time I had a stand made by a carpenter at Cambridge : and I find repeated observa- tions of Jupiter and Saturn made in this October term. "Other mathematical subjects on my scribbling-paper are: Geometrical Astronomy, Barometers (for elevations), Mac- laurin's Figure of the Earth, Lagrange's Theorem, Integrals, Differential Equations of the second order, Particular Solu- tions. In general mathematics I had much discussion with Atkinson (who was Senior Wrangler, January 1821), and in Physics with Rosser, who was a friend of Sir Richard Phillips, a vain objector to gravitation. In Classics I read ^Eschylus and Herodotus. "On October 5th I received notice from the Head Lecturer to declaim in English with Winning. (This exercise consists in preparing a controversial essay, learning it by heart, and speaking it in Chapel after the Thursday evening's service.) On October 6th we agreed on the subject, " Is natural differ- ence to be ascribed to moral or to physical causes ? " I taking FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 31 the latter side. I spoke the declamation (reciting it without missing a word) on October 25th. On October 26th I received notice of Latin declamation with Myers : subject agreed on, " Utrum civitati plus utilitatis an incommodi affe- rant leges quae ad vitas privatorum hominum ordinandas pertinent " ; I took the former. The declamation was recited on November II, when a curious circumstance occurred. My declamation was rather long : it was the first Saturday of the term on which a declamation had been spoken : and it was the day on which arrived the news of the withdrawal of the Bill of Pains and Penalties against Queen Caroline. (This trial had been going on through the summer, but I knew little about it.) In consequence the impatience of the undergraduates was very great, and there was such an uproar of coughing &c. in the Chapel as probably was never known. The Master (Dr Wordsworth, appointed in the beginning of the summer on the death of Dr Mansell, and to whom I had been indirectly introduced by Mrs Clarkson) and Tutors and Deans tried in vain to stop the hubbub. However I went on steadily to the end, not at all frightened. On the Monday the Master sent for me to make a sort of apology in the name of the authorities, and letters to the Tutors were read at the Lectures, and on the whole the transaction was nowise disagreeable to me. "On the Commemoration Day, December I5th, I received my Prize (Mitford's Greece) as First-Class man, after dinner in the College Hall. After a short vacation spent at Bury and Playford I returned to Cambridge, walking from Bury on Jan. 22nd, 1821. During the next term I find in Mathe- matics Partial Differential Equations, Tides, Sound, Calculus of Variations, Composition of rotary motions, Motion in resist- ing medium, Lhuillier's theorem, Brightness of an object as seen through a medium with any possible law of refraction (a good investigation), star-reductions, numerical calculations connected with them, equilibrium of chain under centripetal force (geometrically treated, as an improvement upon Whe- 32 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. well's algebraical method), investigation of the magnitude of attractive forces of glass, &c., -required to produce refraction. I forget about Mathematical Lectures ; but I have an impres- sion that I regularly attended Mr Peacock's lectures, and that he always set me some private problems. " I attended Mr Evans's lectures on St Luke : and I find many notes about the history of the Jews, Cerinthus and various heresies, Paley's Moral Philosophy, Paley's Evidences, and Biblical Maps : also speculations about ancient pronun- ciations. "For a week or more before the annual examination I was perfectly lazy. The Classes of my year (Junior Sophs) were not published till June 11. It was soon known that I was first with 2000 marks, the next being Drinkwater with 1200 marks. After a short holiday at Bury and Playford I returned to Cambridge on July i8th, 1821. My daily life went on as usual. I find that in writing Latin I began Cicero De Senectute (retranslating Melmoth's translation, and comparing). Some time in the Long Vacation the names of the Prizemen for Declamations were published : I was disappointed that not one, English or Latin, was assigned to me: but it was foolish, for my declamations were rather trumpery. "My former pupil, Rosser, came again on August I4th. On August 29th Dr Blomfield (afterwards Bishop of London) called, to engage me as Tutor to his brother George Beecher Blomfield, and he commenced attendance on Sept. ist. With these two pupils I finished at the end of the Long Vacation : for the next three terms I had one pupil, Gibson, a New- castle man, recommended by Mr Peacock, I believe, as a personal friend (Mr Peacock being of Durham). " The only classical subject appointed for the next exami- nation was the 5th, 6th and /th Books of the Odyssey : the mathematical subjects all the Applied Mathematics and New- ton. There was to be however the Scholarship Examination (Sizars being allowed to sit for Scholarships only in their FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 33 3rd year : and the Scholarship being a kind of little Fellow- ship necessary to qualify for being a candidate for the real Fellowship). " When the October term began Mr Hustler, who usually gave lectures in mathematics to his third-year pupils, said to me that it was not worth my while to attend his lectures, and he or Mr Peacock suggested that Drinkwater, Myers, and I should attend the Questionists' examinations. The Ques- tionists are those who are to take the degree of B.A. in the next January : and it was customary, not to give them lectures, but three times a week to examine them by setting mathematical questions, as the best method of preparing for the B.A. examination. Accordingly it was arranged that we should attend the said examinations : but when we went the Questionists of that year refused to attend. They were reported to be a weak year, and we to be a strong one : and they were disposed to take offence at us on any occasion. From some of the scholars of our year who sat at table with scholars of that year I heard that they distinguished us as ' the impudent year,' ' the annus mirabilis,' &c. On this occasion they pretended to believe that the plan of our attendance at the Questionists' examinations had been sug- gested by an undergraduate, and no explanation was of the least use. So the Tutors agreed not to press the matter on them : and instead of it, Drinkwater, Myers, and I went three times a week to Mr Peacock's rooms, and he set us questions. I think that this system was also continued during the next two terms (ending in June 1822) or part of them, but I am not certain. "In August 1821 I copied out a MS. on Optics, I think from Mr Whewell : on August 24th one on the Figure of the Earth and Tides ; and at some other time one on the motion of a body round two centers of force; both from Mr Whewell. On my scribbling paper I find A problem on the vibrations of a gig as depending on the horse's step (like that of a pendulum whose support is disturbed), Maclaurin's Attrac- A. B, 3 34 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. tions, Effect of separating the lenses of an achromatic object- glass (suggested by my old ; "telescope), Barlow's theory of numbers, and division of the circle into 17 parts, partial differentials, theory of eye-pieces, epicycloids, Figure of the Earth, Time of body in arc of parabola, Problem of Sound, Tides, Refraction of Lens, including thickness, &c., Ivory's paper on Equations, Achromatism of microscope, Capillary Attraction, Motions of Fluids, Euler's principal axes, Spherical pendulum, Equation fr -^ = -^ , barometer, Lunar Theory well worked out, ordinary differential equa- tions, Calculus of Variations, Interpolations like Laplace's for Comets, Kepler's theorem. In September I had my old telescope mounted on a short tripod stand, and made experi- ments on its adjustments. I was possessed of White's Ephe- meris, and I find observations of Jupiter and Saturn in October. I planned an engine for describing ellipses by the A polar equation ~ , and tried to make a micrometer I + e cos with silk threads converging to a point. Mr Cubitt called on Oct. 4 and Nov. I ; he was engaged in erecting a tread- mill at Cambridge Gaol, and had some thoughts of sending plans for the Cambridge Observatory, the erection of which was then proposed. On Nov. 19 I find that I had received from Cubitt a Nautical Almanac, the first that I had. On Dec. ill made some experiments with Drinkwater : I think it was whirling a glass containing oil on water. In Classics I was chiefly engaged upon Thucydides and Homer. On October 6th I had a letter from Charles Musgrave, intro- ducing Challis, who succeeded me in the Cambridge Obser- vatory in 1836. " At this time my poor afflicted father was suffering much from a severe form of rheumatism or pain in the legs which sometimes prevented him from going to bed for weeks together. "On the Commemoration Day, Dec. i8th, I received my FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 35 prize as first-class man in Hall again. The next day I walked to Bury, and passed the winter vacation there and at Playford. "I returned to Cambridge on Jan. 24th, 1822. On Feb. 1 2th I kept my first Act, with great compliments from the Moderator, and with a most unusually large attendance of auditors. These disputations on mathematics, in Latin, are now discontinued. On March 2Oth I kept a first Opponency against Sandys. About this time I received Buckle, a Trinity man of my own year, who was generally supposed to come next after Drinkwater, as pupil. On my sheets I find inte- grals and differential equations of every kind, astronomical corrections (of which I prepared a book), chances, Englefield's comets, investigation of the brightness within a rainbow, proof of Clairaut's theorem in one case, metacentres, change of independent variable applied to a complicated case, gene- rating functions, principal axes. On Apr. 8th I intended to write an account of my eye : I was then tormented with a double image, I suppose from some disease of the stomach : and on May 28th I find by a drawing of the appearance of a lamp that the disease of my eye continued. " On Feb. i ith I gave Mr Peacock a paper on the alteration of the focal length of a telescope as directed with or against the Earth's orbital motion (on the theory of emissions) which was written out for reading to the Cambridge Philosophical Society on Feb. 24th and 25th. [This Society I think was then about a year old.] On Feb. I my MS. on Precession, Solar Inequality, and Nutation, was made complete. " The important examination for Scholarships was now approaching. As I have said, this one opportunity only was given to Sizars (Pensioners having always two opportunities and sometimes three), and it is necessary to be a Scholar in order to be competent to be a candidate for a Fellowship. On Apr. loth I addressed my formal Latin letter to the Seniors. There were 13 vacancies and 37 candidates. The election took place on Apr. i8th, 1822. I was by much 32 36 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. the first (which I hardly expected) and was complimented by the Master and others. Wrote ; the formal letter of thanks as usual. I was now entitled to claim better rooms, and I took the rooms on the ground floor on the East sicje of the Queen's Gate of the Great Court. Even now I think of my quiet residence in the little rooms above the staircase in Neville's Court with great pleasure. I took possession of my new rooms on May 27th. "The Annual Examination began on May 3 , -j^-rl , &c., and on certain other days thus: \ . ' 2nd ist 3rd &c. On Saturday, Jan. i ith, I paid fees. On Monday, Jan. I3th, the proceedings of examination began by a breakfast in the Combination Room. After this, Gibson gave me breakfast every day, and Buckle gave me and some others a glass of wine after dinner. The hours were sharp, the season a cold one, and no fire was allowed in the Senate House where the Examination was carried on (my place was in the East gallery), and altogether it was a severe time. " The course of Examination was as follows : "Monday, Jan. I3th. 8 to 9, printed paper of questions by Mr Hind (moderator); half-past 9 to II, questions given orally ; I to 3, ditto ; 6 to 9, paper of problems at Mr Hig- man's rooms. " Tuesday, Jan. I4th. 8 to 9, Higman's paper; half-past 9 to n, questions given orally ; I to 3, ditto ; 6 to 9, paper of problems in Sidney College Hall. "Wednesday, Jan. I5th. Questions given orally 8 to 9 and I to 3, with paper of questions on Paley and Locke (one question only in each was answered). "Thursday, Jan. i6th. We went in at 9 and I, but there seems to have been little serious examination. " Friday, Jan. i/th. On this day the brackets or classes as resulting from the examination were published, ist bracket Airy, 2nd bracket Jeffries, 3rd bracket Drinkwater, Fisher, Foley, Mason, Myers. 40 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. " On Saturday, Jan. i8th, the degrees were conferred in the usual way. It had been arranged that my brother and sister should come to see me take my degree of B.A., and I had asked Gibson to conduct them to the Senate House Gallery : but Mr Hawkes (a Trinity Fellow) found them and stationed them at the upper end of the Senate House. After the preliminary arrangements of papers at the Vice-Chancellor's table, I, as Senior Wrangler, was led up first to receive the degree, and rarely has the Senate House rung with such applause as then filled it. For many minutes, after I was brought in front of the Vice-Chancellor, it was impossible to proceed with the ceremony on account of the uproar. I gave notice to the Smith's Prize Electors of my intention to ' sit ' for that prize, and dined at Rothman's rooms with Drink- water, Buckle, and others. On Monday, Jan. 2Oth, I was examined by Professor Woodhouse, for Smith's Prize, from 10 to i. I think that the only competitor was Jeffries. On Tuesday I was examined by Prof. Turton, 10 to i, and on Wednesday by Prof. Lax, 10 to I. On Thursday, Jan. 23rd, I went to Bury by coach, on one of the coldest evenings that I ever felt. " Mr Peacock had once recommended me to sit for the Chancellor's medal (Classical Prize). But he now seemed to be cool in his advice, and I laid aside all thought of it." It seems not out of place to insert here a copy of some "Cambridge Reminiscences" written by Airy, which will serve to explain the Acts and Opponencies referred to in the previous narrative, and other matters. THE ACTS. The examination for B.A. degrees was preceded, in my time, by keeping two Acts, in the Schools under the Univer- sity Library: the second of them in the October term imme- FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 41 diately before the examination ; the first (I think) in the October term of the preceding year. These Acts were reliques of the Disputations of the Middle Ages, which probably held a very important place in the discipline of the University. (There seems to be something like them in some of the Continental Universities.) The presiding authority was one of the Moderators. I appre- hend that the word " Moderator " signified " President," in which sense it is still used in the Kirk of Scotland ; and that it was peculiarly applied to the Presidency of the Disputa- tions, the most important educational arrangement in the University. The Moderator sent a summons to the " Re- spondent" to submit three subjects for argument, and to prepare to defend them on a given day : he also named three Opponents. This and all the following proceedings were conducted in Latin. For my Act of 1822, Nov. 6, I sub- mitted the following subjects : " Recte statuit Newtonus in Principiis suis Mathematicis, libro primo, sectione undecima." " Recte statuit Woodius de Iride." " Recte statuit Paleius de Obligationibus." The Opponents named to attack these assertions were Hamilton of St John's, Rusby of St Catharine's, Field of Trinity. It was customary for the Opponents to meet at tea at the rooms of the Senior Opponent, in order to discuss and arrange their arguments ; the Respondent was also invited, but he was warned that he must depart as soon as tea would be finished : then the three Opponents proceeded with their occupation. As I have acted in both capacities, I am able to say that the matter was transacted in an earnest and business- like way. Indeed in the time preceding my own (I know not whether in my own time) the assistance of a private tutor was frequently engaged, and I remember hearing a senior M.A. remark that my College Tutor (James D. Hustler) was the best crammer for an Act in the University. At the appointed time, the parties met in the Schools : 42 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. the Respondent first read a Latin Thesis on any subject (I think I took some metaphysical subject), but nobody paid any attention to it: then the Respondent read his first Dogma, and the first Opponent produced an argument against it, in Latin. After this there were repeated replies and rejoinders, all in viva voce Latin, the Moderator sometimes interposing a remark in Latin. When he considered that one argument was disposed of, he called for another by the words " Probes aliter." The arguments were sometimes shaped with con- siderable ingenuity, and required a clear head in the Respon- dent. When all was finished, the Moderator made a compli- mentary remark to the Respondent and one to the first Opponent (I forget whether to the second and third). In my Respondency of 1822, November 6, the compliment was, " Quaestiones tuas summo ingenio et acumine defendisti, et in rebus mathematicis scientiam plane mirabilem ostendisti.' In an Opponency (I forget when) the compliment was, " Magno ingenio argumenta tua et construxisti et defen- disti." The Acts of the high men excited much interest among the students. At my Acts the room was crowded with undergraduates. I imagine that, at a time somewhat distant, the mainte- nance of the Acts was the only regulation by which the University acted on the studies of the place. When the Acts had been properly kept, license was given to the Father of the College to present the undergraduate to the Vice- Chancellor, who then solemnly admitted him "ad respon- dendum Quaestioni." There is no appearance of collective examination before this presentation : what the " Quaestio " might be, I do not know. Still the undergraduate was not B.A. The Quaestio however was finished and approved before the day of a certain Congregation, and then the under- graduate was declared to be "actualiter in artibus Bacca- laureum." Probably these regulations were found to be insufficient FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 43 for the control of education, and the January examination was instituted. I conjecture this to have been at or shortly before the date of the earliest Triposes recorded in the Cambridge Calendar, 1748. The increasing importance of the January examination naturally diminished the value of the Acts in the eyes of the undergraduates ; and, a few years after my M.A. degree, it was found that the Opponents met, not for the purpose of concealing their arguments from the Respondent, but for the purpose of revealing them to him. This led to the entire suppression of the system. The most active man in this suppression was Mr Whewell : its date must have been near to 1830. The shape in which the arguments were delivered by an Opponent, reading from a written paper, was, " Si (quoting something from the Respondent's challenge), &c., &c. Cadit Quaestio ; Sed (citing something else bearing on the subject of discussion), Valet Consequentia ; Ergo (combining these to prove some inaccuracy in the Respondent's challenge), Valent Consequentia et Argumentum." Nobody pretended to understand these mystical terminations. Apparently the original idea was that several Acts should be kept by each undergraduate ; for, to keep up the number (as it seemed), each student had to gabble through a ridicu- lous form " Si quaestiones tuae falsae sint, Cadit Quaestio : sed quaestiones tuae falsae sunt, Ergo valent Consequentia et Argu- mentum." I have forgotten time and place when this was uttered. THE SENATE-HOUSE EXAMINATION. The Questionists, as the undergraduates preparing for B.A. were called in the October term, were considered as a separate body; collected at a separate table in Hall, attending no lectures, but invited to attend a system of trial examina- tions conducted by one of the Tutors or Assistant-Tutors. 44 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. From the Acts, from the annual College examinations, and (I suppose) from enquiries' in the separate Colleges, the Moderators acquired a general idea of the relative merits of the candidates for honours. Guided by this, the candidates were divided into six classes. The Moderators and Assistant Examiners were provided each with a set of questions in manuscript (no printed papers were used for Honours in the Senate House ; in regard to the ol TroXXol I cannot say). On the Monday on which the examination began, the Father of the College received all the Questionists (I believe), at any rate all the candidates for honours, at breakfast in the Combi- nation Room at 8 o'clock, and marched them to the Senate House. My place with other honour-men was in the East Gallery. There one Examiner took charge of the 1st and 2nd classes united, another Examiner took the 3rd and 4th classes united, and a third took the 5th and 6th united. On Tuesday, one Examiner took the ist class alone, a second took the 2nd and 3rd classes united, a third took the 4th and 5th classes united, and a fourth took the 6th class alone. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday the changes were similar. And, in all, the questioning was thus conducted. The Examiner read from his manuscript the first question. Those who could answer it proceeded to write out their answers, and as soon as one had finished he gave the word "Done"; then the Examiner read out his second question, repeating it when necessary for the understanding by those who took it up more lately. And so on. I think that the same process was repeated in the afternoon ; but I do not remember precisely. In this manner the Examination was conducted through five days (Monday to Friday) with no interruption except on Friday afternoon. It was principally, perhaps entirely, bookwork. But on two evenings there were printed papers of prob- lems: and the examination in these was conducted just as in the printed papers of the present day : but in the private College Rooms of the Moderators. And there, wine and FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 45 other refreshments were offered to the Examinees. How this singular custom began, I know not. The order of merit was worked out on Friday afternoon and evening, and was in some measure known through the University late in the evening. I remember Mr Peacock coming to a party of Examinees and giving information on several places. I do not remember his mentioning mine (though undoubtedly he did) but I distinctly remember his giving the Wooden Spoon. On the Saturday morning at 8 o'clock the manuscript list was nailed to the door of the Senate-House. The form of further proceedings in the pre- sentation for degree (ad respondendum quaestioni) I imagine has not been much altered. The kneeling before the Vice- Chancellor and placing hands in the Vice-Chancellor's hands were those of the old form of doing homage. The form of examination which I have described was complicated and perhaps troublesome, but I believe that it was very efficient, possibly more so than the modern form (established I suppose at the same time as the abolition of the Acts). The proportion of questions now answered to the whole number set is ridiculously small, and no accurate idea of relative merit can be formed from them. THE COLLEGE HALL. When I went up in 1819, and for several years later, the dinner was at J past 3. There was no supplementary dinner for special demands. Boat-clubs I think were not invented, even in a plain social way, till about 1824 or 1825; and not in connection with the College till some years later. Some of the senior Fellows spoke of the time when dinner was at 2, and regretted the change. There was supper in Hall at 9 o'clock : I have known it to be attended by a few undergraduates when tired by ex- aminations or by evening walks; and there were always some seniors at the upper table: I have occasionally joined them, 46 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. and have had some very interesting conversations. The supper was cold, but hot additions were made when re- quired. One little arrangement amused me, as shewing the ecclesiastical character of the College. The Fasts of the Church were to be strictly kept, and there was to be no dinner in Hall. It was thus arranged. The evening chapel service, which was usually at 5^ (I think), was held at 3; and at 4 the ordinary full meal was served in Hall, but as it followed the chapel attendance it was held to be supper; and there was no subsequent meal. There were no chairs whatever in Hall, except the single chair of the vice-master at the head of the table on the dais and that of the senior dean at the table next the East wall. All others sat on benches. And I have heard allusions to a ludicrous difficulty which occurred when some princesses (of the Royal Family) dined in the Hall, and it was a great puzzle how to get them to the right side of the benches. The Sizars dined after all the rest; their dinner usually began soon after 4. For the non-foundationists a separate dinner was provided, as for pensioners. But for the founda- tionists, the remains of the Fellows' dinner were brought down ; and I think that this provision was generally preferred to the other. The dishes at all the tables of undergraduates were of pewter, till a certain day when they were changed for porce- lain. I cannot remember whether this was at the time when they became Questionists (in the October Term), or at the time when they were declared "actualiter esse in artibus Baccalaureos " (in the Lent Term). Up to the Questionist time the undergraduate Scholars had no mixture whatever; they were the only pure table in the Hall : and I looked on this as a matter very valuable for the ultimate state of the College society. But in the October term, those who were to proceed to B.A. were drafted into the mixed body of Questionists : and they greatly disliked FROM BIRTH TO B.A. DEGREE. 47 the change. They continued so till the Lent Term, when they, were formally invited by the Bachelor Scholars to join the upper table. MATHEMATICAL SUBJECTS OF STUDY AND EXAMINATION. In the October Term 1819, the only books on Pure Mathematics were: Euclid generally, Algebra by Dr Wood (formerly Tutor, but in 1819 Master, of St John's College), Vince's Fluxions and Dealtry's Fluxions, Woodhouse's and other Trigonometries. Not a whisper passed through the University generally on the subject of Differential Calculus ; although some papers (subsequently much valued) on that subject had been written by Mr Woodhouse, fellow of Caius College ; but their style was repulsive, and they never took hold of the University. Whewell's Mechanics (1819) contains a few and easy applications of the Differential Calculus. The books on applied Mathematics were Wood's Mechanics, Whewell's Mechanics, Wood's Optics, Vince's Hydrostatics, Vince's Astronomy, Woodhouse's Plane Astronomy (perhaps rather later), The First Book of Newton's Principia: I do not remember any others. These works were undoubtedly able; and for the great proportion of University students going into active life, I do not conceal my opinion that books con- structed on the principles of those which I have cited were more useful than those exclusively founded on the more modern system. For those students who aimed at the mastery of results more difficult and (in the intellectual sense) more important, the older books were quite insufficient. More aspiring students read, and generally with much care, several parts of Newton's Principia, Book I., and also Book III. (perhaps the noblest example of geometrical form of cosmical theory that the world has seen). I remember some questions from Book III. proposed in the Senate-House Examination 1823. 48 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. In the October term 1819, I went up to the University. The works of Wood and Vince* which I have mentioned, still occupied the lecture-rooms. But a great change was in preparation for the University Course of Mathematics. During the great Continental war, the intercourse between men of science in England and in France had been most insignificant. But in the autumn of 1819, three members of the Senate (John Herschel, George Peacock, and Charles Babbage) had entered into the mathematical society of Paris, and brought away some of the works on Pure Mathematics (especially those of Lacroix) and on Mechanics (principally Poisson's). In 1820 they made a translation of Lacroix's Differential Calculus ; and they prepared a volume of Ex- amples of the Differential and Integral Calculus. These were extensively studied : but the form of the College Ex- aminations or the University Examinations was not, I think, influenced by them in the winter 1820 1821 or the two following terms. But in the winter 1821 1822 Peacock was one of the Moderators ; and in the Senate-House Examina- tion, January 1822, he boldly proposed a Paper of important questions entirely in the Differential Calculus. This was considered as establishing the new system in the University. In January 1823, I think the two systems were mingled. Though I was myself subject to that examination, I grieve to say that I have forgotten much of the details, except that I well remember that some of the questions referred to Newton, Book III. on the Lunar Theory. To these I have already alluded. No other work occurs to me as worthy of mention, except Woodhouse's Lunar Theory, entirely founded on the Dif- ferential Calculus. The style of this book was not attractive, and it was very little read. CHAPTER III. AT TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, FROM HIS TAKING HIS B.A. DEGREE TO HIS TAKING CHARGE OF THE CAMBRIDGE OBSERVATORY AS PLUMIAN PROFESSOR. FROM JANUARY ISTH, 1823, TO MARCH ISTH, 1828. "ON Jan. 3y increased reputation from the matters in which I was now engaged, the power of thus commanding an increase of income. I should then have, independent of my Fellowship, some competent, income, and a house over my head. I was quite aware that some time might elapse, but now for the first time I saw my way clearly. The care of the Observatory had been for two or three years attached to the Plumian Professorship. A Grace was imme- diately prepared, entrusting the temporary care of the Obser- vatory to Dr French, to me, Mr Catton, Mr Sheepshanks, and Mr King (afterwards Master of Queens' College). On Dec. 6th I have a note from Mr King about going to the Observatory. " On Dec. 6th my Paper on corrections of the elements of the Solar Tables was presented to the Royal Society. On Dec. Qth, at I h. 4 m. a.m. (Sunday morning), I arrived at the result of my calculations of the new inequality. I had gone through some fluctuations of feeling. Usually the important part of an inequality of this kind depends entirely on the eccentricities of the orbits, but it so happened that from the positions of the axes of the orbits, &c., these terms very nearly destroyed each other. After this came the considera- tion of inclinations of orbits ; and here were sensible terms which were not destroyed. Finally I arrived at the result that the inequality would be about 3"; just such a magnitude as was required. I slipped this into Whewell's door. This is, to the time of writing (1853), the last improvement of any importance in the Solar Theory. Some little remaining work went on to Dec. I4th, and then, being thoroughly tired, I laid by the work for revision at some future time. I however added a Postscript to my Royal Society Paper on Solar Errors, notifying this result. " On Dec. iQth I went to Bury. While there I heard from FROM B.A. DEGREE TO PLUMIAN PROFESSORSHIP. 79 Whewell that Woodhouse was dead. I returned to Cam- bridge and immediately made known that I was a candidate for the now vacant Plumian Professorship. Of miscellaneous scientific business, I find that on Oct. I3th Professor Barlow of Woolwich prepared a memorial to the Board of Longitude concerning his fluid telescope (which I had seen at Woodford), which was considered on Nov. 1st, and I had some corre- spondence with him in December. In June and August my Trigonometry was printing. "On Jan. 5th, 1828, I came from London. It seems that I had been speculating truly ' without book ' on perturba- tions of planetary elements, for on Jan. i/th and i8th I wrote a Paper on a supposed error of Laplace, and just at the end I discovered that he was quite right : I folded up the Paper and marked it 'A Lesson/ I set two papers of questions for Smith's Prizes (there being a deficiency of one Examiner, viz. the Plumian Professor). "Before the beginning of 1828 Whewell and I had deter- mined on repeating the Dolcoath experiments. On Jan. 8th I have a letter from Davies Gilbert (then President of the Royal Society) congratulating me upon the Solar Theory, and alluding to our intended summer's visit to Cornwall. We had somehow applied to the Board of Longitude for pendulums, but Dr Young wished to delay them, having with Capt. Basil Hall concocted a scheme for making Lieut. Foster do all the work : Whewell and I were indignant at this, and no more was said about it. On Jan. 24th Dr Young, in giving notice of the Board of Longitude meeting, informs me that the clocks and pendulums are ready. " I had made known that I was a candidate for the Plumian Professorship, and nobody thought it worth while to oppose me. One person at least (Earnshaw) had intended to compete, but he called on me to make certain that I was a candidate, and immediately withdrew. I went on in quality of Syndic for the care of the Observatory, ingrafting myself into it. But meantime I told everybody that the salary 80 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. (about ^"300) was not sufficient for me ; and on Jan. 2Oth I drafted a manifesto or application to the University for an increase of salary. The day of election to the Professorship was Feb. 6th. As I was officially (as Lucasian Professor) an elector, I was present, and T explained to the electors that I could not undertake the responsibility of the Observatory without augmentation of income, and that I requested their express sanction to my application to the University for that purpose. They agreed to this generally, and I was elected. I went to London immediately to attend a meeting of the Board of Longitude and returned on Feb. 8th. On Feb. I5th I began my Lectures (which, this year, included Mechanics, Optics, Pneumatics, and Hydrostatics) in the room below the University Library. The number of names was 26. The Lectures terminated on Mar. 22nd. "On Feb. 25th I received from Mr Pond information on the emoluments at Greenwich Observatory. I drew up a second manifesto, and on Feb. 26th I wrote and signed a formal copy for the Plumian electors. On Feb. 27th I met them at Caius Lodge (the Master, Dr Davy, being Vice- Chancellor). I read my Paper, which was approved, and their sanction was given in the form of a request to the Vice- Chancellor to permit the paper to be printed and circulated. My paper, with this request at the head, was immediately printed, and a copy was sent to every resident M.A. (more than 200 went out in one day). The statement and composi- tion of the paper were generally approved, but the University had never before been taken by storm in such a manner, and there was some commotion about it. I believe that very few persons would have taken the same step. Mr Sheepshanks wrote to me on Mar. 7th, intimating that it was desperate. I had no doubt of success. Whewell told me that some people accused me of bad faith, in omitting allusion to the 100 a year received as Member of the Board of Longitude, and to the profits of Lectures. I wrote him a note, telling him that I had most certain information of the intention to FROM B.A. DEGREE TO PLUMIAN PROFESSORSHIP. 8 1 dissolve the Board of Longitude (which was done in less than six months), and that by two years' Lectures I had gained 4$ (the expenses being 200, receipts 245). This letter was sent to the complaining people, and no more was said. By the activity of Sheepshanks and the kindness of Dr Davy the business gradually grew into shape, and on Mar. 2ist a Grace passed the Senate for appointing a Syndicate to con- sider of augmentation. Sheepshanks was one of the Syndi- cate, and was understood to represent, in some measure, my interests. The progress of the Syndicate however was by no means a straightforward one. Members of the Senate soon began to remark that before giving anything they ought to know the amount of the University revenue, and another Syndicate was then appointed to enquire and report upon it. It was more than a year before my Syndicate could make their recommendation : however, in fact, I lost nothing by that delay, as I was rising in the estimation of the University. "The Observatory house was furnished, partly from Wood- house's sale, and partly from new furniture. My mother and sister came to live with me there. On Mar. I5th 1828 I began the Observatory Journal ; on Mar. 2/th I slept at the Observatory for the first time, and on Apr. i5th I came to reside there permanently, and gave up my college rooms." A. B. CHAPTER IV. AT CAMBRIDGE OBSERVATORY. FROM HIS TAKING CHARGE OF THE CAMBRIDGE OBSERVATORY TO HIS RESIDENCE AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY AS AS- TRONOMER ROYAL. FROM MARCH ISTH 1828 TO JAN. IST 1836. 1828 " I attended a meeting of the Board of Longitude on Apr. 3rd. And again on June 4th ; this was the last meeting : Sheepshanks had previously given me private information of the certainty of its dissolution. On Apr. 4th I visited Mr Herschel at Slough, where one evening I saw Saturn with his 2O-foot telescope, the best view of it that I have ever had. In June I attended the Greenwich Observatory Visi- tation. Before my election (as Plumian Professor) there are various schemes on my quires for computation of transit corrections, &c. After Apr. I5th there are corrections for deficient wires, inequality of pivots, &c. And I began a book of proposed regulations for observations. In this are plans for groups of stars for R.A. (the Transit Instrument being the only one finished): order of preference of classes of observations: no reductions to be made after dinner, or on Sunday : no loose papers : observations to be stopped if reductions are two months in arrear: stars selected for parallax. The reduction of transits begins on Apr. I5th. On May I5th Mr Pond sent me some moon-transits to aid in determining my longitude. Dr Young, in a letter to me of AT CAMBRIDGE OBSERVATORY. 83 May /th, enquires whether I will accept a free admission to the Royal Society, which I declined. On May pth I was elected to the Astronomical Society. Towards the end of the year I observed Encke's Comet: and determined the latitude of the Observatory with Sheepshanks's repeating circle. On my papers I find a sketch of an Article on the Figure of the Earth for the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. "As early as Feb. 23rd I had been in correspondence with T. Jones, the instrument-maker, about pendulums for a repetition of the Dolcoath Experiments. Invitations had been received, and everything was arranged with Whewell. Sheepshanks, my brother, and Mr Jackson of Ipswich (Caius Coll.) were to go. and we were subsequently joined by Sedgwick, and Lodge (Magdalene Coll.). On July 3rd Sheep- shanks and I started by Salisbury, taking Sherborne on our way to look at the church, which had alarmed the people by signs of a crack, and arrived at Camborne on July 8th. On the I4th we set up the pendulums, and at once commenced observations, our plan being, to have no intermission in the pendulum observations, so that as soon as the arc became too small a fresh series was started. On July 2Qth we raised the instruments, and Sheepshanks, who managed much of the upper operations, both astronomical and of pendulums, mounted the pendulums together in his observatory. We went on with our calculations, and on August 8th, on return- ing from a visit to John Williams at Barncoose, we heard that there was a * run ' in Dolcoath, that is a sinking of the whole mass of rock where it had been set free by the mine excava- tions: probably only a few inches, but enough to break the rock much and to stop the pumps. On Aug. loth the calcu- lations of our observations shewed that there was something wrong, and on the I3th I perceived an anomaly in the form of the knife edge of one pendulum, and of its agate planes, and suggested cautions for repeating the observations. We determined at once to repeat them : and as the water was rising in the mine there was no time to be lost. We 62 84 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. again sent the instruments down, and made observations on the 1 6th, 1 7th and i8th. On the igth I sent the instruments up, for the water was near our station, and Sedgwick, Whewell, and I went on a geological expedition to the Lizard. On our return we met Sheepshanks and the others, and found the results of the last observations unsatisfactory. The results of comparing the pendulums were discordant, and the knife edge of the faulty pendulum had very sensibly altered. We now gave up observations, with the feeling that our time had been totally lost, mainly through the fault of the maker of the pendulum (T. Jones). On the 28th we made an expedition to Penzance and other places, and arrived at Cambridge on the i/th of September. " In the course of the work at Dolcoath we made various expeditions as opportunity offered. Thus we walked to Carn Brea and witnessed the wrestling, the common game of the country. On another occasion Sedgwick, Whewell, and I had a capital geological expedition to Trewavas Head to examine granite veins. We visited at Pendarves and Trevince, and made the expedition to the Lizard already referred to, and saw many of the sights in the neighbourhood. After visiting Penzance on the conclusion of our work we saw Cape Cornwall (where Whewell overturned me in a gig), and returned homewards by way of Truro, Plymouth (where we saw the watering-place and breakwater: also the Dock- yard, and descended in one of the working diving-bells), Exeter, Salisbury, and Portsmouth. In returning from Camborne in 1826 I lost the principal of our papers. It was an odd thing that, in going through Exeter on our way to Camborne in 1828, I found them complete at Exeter, identified to the custodian by the dropping out of a letter with my address. " On my return to Cambridge I was immediately im- mersed in the work of the Observatory. The only instru- ment then mounted at the Observatory was the Transit. I had no Assistant whatever. A Mr Galbraith of Edinburgh AT CAMBRIDGE OBSERVATORY. 85 had questioned something in one of my Papers about the Figure of the Earth. I drew up a rather formal answer to it: Whewell saw my draft and drew up a much more pithy one, which I adopted and sent to the Philosophical Magazine. For comparing our clocks at the upper and lower stations of Dolcoath we had borrowed from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, six good pocket chronometers : they were still in the care of Mr Sheepshanks. I arranged with him that they should be sent backwards and forwards a few times for determining the longitude of Cambridge Observatory. This was done on Oct. 2ist, 22nd, 23rd: the result was 23 S *54, and this has been used to the present time (1853). It evinced an error in the Trigonometrical Survey, the origin of which was found, I think, afterwards (Dr Pearson in a letter of Dec. 1 7th spoke of the mistake of a may-pole for a signal-staff). I drew up a Paper on this, and gave it to the Cambridge Philosophical Society on Nov. 24th. (My only academical Paper this year.) I had several letters from Dr Young, partly supplying me with calculations that I wanted, partly on reform or extension of the Nautical Almanac (which Dr Young resisted as much as possible). He considered me very unfairly treated in the dissolution of the Board of Longitude : Professor Lax wished me to join in some effort for its restoration, but I declined. " As my reduction of observations was kept quite close, I now began to think of printing. In regard to the form I determined to adopt a plan totally different from that of any other observations which I had seen. The results were to be the important things : I was desirous of suppressing the separate wires of transits. But upon consulting Herschel and other persons they would not agree to it, and I assented to keeping them. I applied to the Press Syndicate to print the work, and on Nov. loth at the request of T. Musgrave (afterwards Archbishop of York) I sent a specimen of my MS.: on Nov. nth they granted 250 copies, and the printing soon commenced." 86 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. 1829 " During a winter holiday at Playford I wrote out some investigations about the 'orbits 0T comets, and on Jan. 23rd 1829 I returned to Cambridge. The Smith's Prize Exami- nation soon followed, in which I set a Paper of questions as usual. On Feb. i8th I made notes on Liesganig's geodetic work at the British Museum. " I was naturally anxious now about the settlement of my salary and of the Observatory establishment. I do not know when the Syndicate made their Report, but it must have been in the last term of 1828. It recommended that the salary should be annually made up (by Grace) to 500 : that an Assistant should be appointed with the assent of the Vice-Chancellor- and dismissable by the Plumian Professor: and that a Visiting Syndicate should be appointed, partly official and partly of persons to be named every year by Grace. The Grace for adopting this Report was to be offered to the Senate on Feb. 27th. The passing of the Grace was exposed to two considerable perils. First, I found out (just in time) that a Senior Fellow of Trinity (G. A. Browne) was determined to oppose the whole, on ac- count of the insignificant clause regarding dismissal of Assist- ants, which he regarded as tyrannical. I at once undertook that that clause should be rejected. Secondly, by the absurd constitution of the ' Caput ' at Cambridge, a single M. A. had the power of stopping any business whatever, and an M.A. actually came to the Senate House with the intention of throwing out all the Graces on various business that day presented to the Senate. Luckily he mistook the hour, and came at 1 1 instead of 10, and found that all were dispatched. The important parts of the Grace passed without any opposi- tion : but I mustered some friends who negatived that part which had alarmed G. A. Browne, and it was corrected to his satisfaction by a new Grace on Mar. i8th. I was now almost AT CAMBRIDGE OBSERVATORY. 87 set at rest on one of the great objects of my life: but not quite. I did not regard, and I determined not to regard, the addition to my salary as absolutely certain until a payment had been actually made to me : and I carefully abstained, for the present, from taking any steps based upon it. I found for Assistant at the Observatory an old Lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Mr Baldrey, who came on Mar. 16. " On May 4th I began lectures : there were 32 names. The Lectures were improving, especially in the optical part. I do not find note of the day of termination. I do not know the actual day of publication of my first small volume of Cambridge Observations, 1828, and of circulation. The date of the preface is Apr. 2/th 1829. I have letters of approval of it from Davies Gilbert, Rigaud, and Lax. The system which I endeavoured to introduce into printed astronomical observations was partially introduced into this volume, and was steadily improved in subsequent volumes. I think that I am justified, by letters and other remarks, in believing that this introduction of an orderly system of exhibition, not merely of observations but of the steps for bringing them to a practical result quite a novelty in astronomical publica- tions had a markedly good effect on European astronomy in general. In Feb. and March I have letters from Young about the Nautical Almanac : he was unwilling to make any great change, but glad to receive any small assistance. South, who had been keeping up a series of attacks on Young, wrote to me to enquire how I stood in engagements of assistance to Young : I replied that I should assist Young whenever he asked me, and that I disapproved of South's course. The date of the first visitation of the (Cambridge) Observatory must have been near May nth: I invited South and Baily to my house ; South and I were very near quarrelling about the treatment of Young. In a few days after Dr Young died : I applied to Lord Melville for the superintendence of the Nautical Almanac: Mr Croker replied that it devolved legally upon the Astronomer Royal, and on May 3, 6c. 108 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. WHITEHALL, Feb. igth 1835. SIR, I will give immediate directions for the preparation of the Warrant settling the Pension on^Mrs Airy the effect of which will be, as you suppose, to grant the' Pension to her for her life. I assure you I never gave an official order, which was accompanied with more satisfaction to myself than this. I have the honor to be, Sir. Your faithful Servant, ROBERT PEEL. Mr Professor Airy, 65 s , 24 3i'i7 s , 41 23-25*; the geodetic longitudes, computed from elements which I published long ago in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, are I2 m O'34 S , 24 m 3 1 '47 s , 4i m 23'o6 s . It appears from this that the ele- AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. 167 ments to which I have alluded represent the form of the Earth here as nearly as is possible. On the whole, I think it probable that this is the best arc of parallel that has ever been measured. "With regard to the Maine Boundary: on May 7th Col. Estcourt, the British Commissioner, wrote to me de- scribing the perfect success of following out my plan : the line of 64 miles was cut by directions laid out at the two ends, and the cuttings met within 341 feet. The country through which this line was to pass is described as sur- passing in its difficulties the conception of any European. It consists of impervious forests, steep ravines, and dismal swamps. A survey for the line was impossible, and a tenta- tive process would have broken the spirit of the best men. I therefore arranged a plan of operations founded on a determination of the absolute latitudes and the difference of longitudes of the two extremities. The difference of longitudes was determined by the transfer of chronometers by the very circuitous route from one extremity to the other; and it was necessary to divide the whole arc into four parts, and to add a small part by measure and bearing. When this was finished, the azimuths of the line for the two ends were computed, and marks were laid off for starting with the line from both ends. One party, after cutting more than forty-two miles through the woods, were agreeably sur- prised, on the brow of a hill, at seeing directly before them a gap in the woods on the next line of hill ; it opened gradually, and proved to be the line of the opposite party. On continuing the lines till they passed abreast of each other, their distance was found to be 341 feet. To form an estimate of the magnitude of this error, it is to be observed that it implies an error of only a quarter of a second of time in the difference of longitudes ; and that it is only one-third (or nearly so) of the error which would have been committed if the spheroidal form of the Earth had been neglected. I must point out the extraordinary 1 68 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. merit of the officers who effected this operation. Transits were observed and chronometers were interchanged when the temperature was lower than 19 below zero : and when the native assistants, though paid highly, deserted on ac- count of the severity of the weather, the British officers still continued the observations upon whose delicacy everything depended. "Of private history: From July 3rd to Aug. I3th I was in Ireland with my wife. This was partly a business journey in connection with the determination of the longitude of Valencia. On Jan. 4th I asked Lord Lyndhurst (Lord Chancellor) to present my brother to the living of Hel- mingham, which he declined to do: but on Dec. I2th he offered Binbrooke, which I accepted for my brother." 1845 " A map of the Buildings and Grounds of the Observatory was commenced in 1844, and was still in progress. On Mar. i gth I was employed on a matter which had for some time occupied my thoughts, viz., the re-arrangement of current manuscripts. I had prepared a sloping box (still in use) to hold 24 portfolios : and at this time I arranged papers A, and went on with B, C, &c. Very little change has been made in these. In reference to the time given to the weekly report on Meteorology to the Registrar General, the Report to the Board of Visitors contains the following paragraph : ' The devotion of some of my assistants' time and labour to the preparation of the Meteorological Report attached to the weekly report of the Registrar General, is, in my opinion, justified by the bearing of the meteorological facts upon the medical facts, and by the attention which I understand that Report to have excited.' On Dec. I3th the sleep of Astronomy was broken by the announcement that a new planet, Astraea, was discovered by Mr Hencke. I immediately circulated notices. But in this year began a more remarkable planetary AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. 169 discussion. On Sept. 22nd Challis wrote to me to say that Mr Adams would leave with me his results on the explanation of the irregularities of Uranus by the action of an exterior planet. In October Adams called, in my absence. On Nov. 5th I wrote to him, enquiring whether his theory ex- plained the irregularity of radius-vector (as well as that of longitude). I waited for an answer, but received none. (See the Papers printed in the Royal Astronomical Society's Memoirs and Monthly Notices). In the Royal Society, the Royal Medal was awarded to me for my Paper on the Irish Tides. In the Royal Astronomical Society I was President ; and, with a speech, delivered the Medal to Capt. Smyth for the Bedford Catalogue of Double Stars. On Jan. 2ist I was appointed (with Schumacher) one of the Referees for the King of Denmark's Comet Medal : I have the King's Warrant under his sign manual. The Tidal Harbour Commission com- menced on Apr. 5th: on July 2 1st my Report on Wexford Harbour (in which I think I introduced important principles) was communicated. One Report was made this year to the Government. In the matter of Saw Mills (which had begun in 1842), I had prepared a second set of plans in 1844, and in this year Mr Nasmyth made a very favourable report on my plan. A machinist of the Chatham Dock Yard, Sylvester, was set to work (but not under my immediate command) to make a model : and this produced so much delay as ulti- mately to ruin the design. On Jan. 1st I was engaged on my Paper ' On the flexure of a uniform bar, supported by equal pressures at equidistant points.' " (This was probably in con- nection with the support of Standards of Length, for the Commission. Ed.). In June I attended the Meeting of the British Association at Cambridge, and on the 2Oth I gave a Lecture on Magnetism in the Senate House. The following quotation relating to this Lecture is taken from a letter by Whewell to his wife (see Life of William Whewell by Mrs Stair Douglas) : " I did not go to the Senate House yester- day evening. Airy was the performer, and appears to have L7O GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. outdone himself in his art of giving clearness and simplicity to the hardest and most complex subjects. He kept the attention of his audience quite enchained for above two hours, talking about terrestrial magnetism." On Nov. 29th I gave evidence before a Committee of the House of Com- mons on Dover Harbour Pier. " With respect to the Magnetical and Meteorological Estab- lishment, the transactions in this year were most important. It had been understood that the Government establishments had been sanctioned twice for three-year periods, of which the second would expire at the end of 1845 : ano ^ it was a ques- tion with the scientific public whether they should be con- tinued. My own opinion was in favour of stopping the observations and carefully discussing them. And I am convinced that this would have been best, except for the subsequent introduction of self-registering systems, in which I had so large a share. There was much discussion and cor- respondence, and on June /th the Board of Visitors resolved that ' In the opinion of the Visitors it is of the utmost im- portance that these observations should continue to be made on the most extensive scale which the interests of those sciences may require.' The meeting of the British Associa- tion was held at Cambridge in June : and one of the most important matters there was the Congress of Magnetic Philosophers, many of them foreigners. It was resolved that the Magnetic Observatory at Greenwich be continued permanently. At this meeting I proposed a resolution which has proved to be exceedingly important. I had remarked the distress which the continuous two-hourly observations through the night produced to my Assistants, and determined if possible to remove it. I therefore proposed * That it is highly desirable to encourage by specific pecuniary reward the improvement of self-recording rnagnetical and meteoro- logical apparatus : and that the President of the British Association and the President of the Royal Society be requested to solicit the favourable consideration of Her AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. 171 Majesty's Government to this subject/ which was adopted. In October the Admiralty expressed their willingness to grant a reward up to 500. Mr Charles Brooke had written to me proposing a plan on Sept. 23rd, and he sent me his first register on Nov. 24th. On Nov. 1st the Treasury in- formed the Admiralty that the Magnetic Observatories will be continued for a further period. " The Railway Gauge Commission in this year was an important employment. The Railways, which had begun with the Manchester and Liverpool Railway (followed by the London and Birmingham) had advanced over the country with some variation in their breadth of gauge. The gauge of the Colchester Railway had been altered to suit that of the Cambridge Railway. And finally there remained but two gauges : the broad gauge (principally in the system allied with the Great Western Railway); and the narrow gauge (through the rest of England). These came in contact at Gloucester, and were likely to come in contact at many other points to the enormous inconvenience of the public. The Government determined to interfere, beginning with a Com- mission. On July 3rd Mr Laing (then on the Board of Trade) rode to Greenwich, bearing a letter of introduction from Sir John Lefevre and a request from Lord Dalhousie (President of the Board of Trade) that I would act as second of a Royal Commission (Col. Sir Frederick Smith, Airy, Prof. Barlow). I assented to this : and very soon began a vigorous course of business. On July 23rd and 24th I went with Prof. Barlow and our Secretary to Bristol, Gloucester, and Birming- ham : on Dec. I7th I went on railway experiments to Didcot : and on Dec. 2pth to Jan. 2nd I went to York, with Prof. Barlow and George Arthur Biddell, for railway experiments. On Nov. 2 ist I finished a draft Report of the Railway Gauge Commission, which served in great measure as a basis for that adopted next year. " Of private history : I wrote to Lord Lyndhurst on Feb. 2Oth, requesting an exchange of the living to which he had 1/2 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. presented my brother in Dec. 1844 for that of Swineshead : to which he consented. On Jan. 2Qth I went with my wife on a visit to my uncle George Biddell, at Bradfield St George, near Bury. On June Qth I went into th& mining district of Cornwall with George Arthur Biddell. From Aug. 25th to Sept. 26th I was travelling in France with my sister and my wife's sister, Georgiana Smith. I was well introduced, arid the journey was interesting. On Oct. 2Qth my son Osmund was born. Mr F. Baily bequeathed to me 500, which realized 450." Here are some extracts from letters written to his wife relating to the visit to the Cornish mines, &c. PEARCE'S HOTEL, FALMOUTH, 1845, June I2//&, Thursday. Then we walked to the United Mines in Gwennap. The day was very fine and now it was perfectly broiling : and the hills here are long and steep. At the United Mines we found the Captain, and he invited us to join in a rough dinner, to which he and the other captains were going to sit down. Then we examined one of the great pumping engines, which is considered the best in the country: and some other engines. Between 3 and 4 there was to be a setting out of some work to the men by a sort of Dutch Auction (the usual way of setting out the work here) : some refuse ores were to be broken up and made marketable, and the subject of competi- tion was, for how little in the pound on the gross produce the men would work them up. While we were here a man was brought up who was hurt in blasting : a piece of rock had fallen on him. At this mine besides the ladder ways, they have buckets sliding in guides by which the men are brought up: and they are just preparing for work another apparatus which they say is tried successfully at another mine (Tresavean) : there are two wooden rods A and B reaching from the top to the bottom, moved by cranks from the same wheel, so that one goes up when the other goes down, and vice versa: each of these rods has small stages, at such a distance that when the rod A is down and the rod B is up, the first stage of A is level with the first stage of B\ but when the rod A is up and the rod B is down, the second stage of A is level with the first stage of B : so a man who wants to descend steps on the first stage of A and waits till it goes down: then he steps sideways on the first stage of B and waits AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. 173 till it goes down : then he steps sideways to the second stage of A and waits till it goes down, and so on : or if a man is coming up he does just the same. While we were here Mr R. Taylor came. We walked home (a long step, perhaps seven miles) in a very hot sun. Went to tea to Mr Alfred Fox, who has a house in a beautiful position looking to the outside of Falmouth Harbour. PENZANCE, 1845, June 14, Satitrday. Yesterday morning we breakfasted early at Falmouth, and before 9 started towards Gwennap. I had ascertained on Thursday that John Williams (the senior of a very wealthy and influential family in this country) was probably returned from London. So we drove first to his house Burntcoose or Barncoose, and found him and his wife at home. (They are Quakers, the rest of the family are not.) Sedg- wick, and Whewell, and I, or some of our party including me, had slept once at their house. They received George and me most cordially, and pressed us to come and dine with them after our visit to Tresavean mine, of which intention I spoke in my last letter: so I named 4 o'clock as hour for dinner. After a little stay we drove to Tresavean, where I found the Captain of the mine prepared to send an Underground Captain and a Pit-man to descend with us. So we changed our clothes and descended by the ladders in the pumpshaft. Pretty work to descend with the huge pump-rods (garnished with large iron bolts) working violently, making strokes of 12 feet, close to our elbows; and with a nearly bottomless pit at the foot of every ladder, where we had to turn round the foot of the ladder walking on only a narrow board. However we got down to the bottom of the mine with great safety and credit, seeing all the mighty machinery on the way, to a greater depth than I ever reached before, namely 1900 feet. From the bottom of the pump we went aside a short distance into the lowest workings where two men nearly naked were driving a level towards the lode or vein of ore. Here I felt a most intolerable heat : and upon moving to get out of the place, I had a dreadful feeling of feebleness and fainting, such as I never had in my life before. The men urged me to climb the ladders to a level where the air was better, but they might as well have urged me to lift up the rock. I could do nothing but sit down and lean fainting against the rocks. This arose entirely from the 174 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. badness of the air. After a time I felt a trifle better, and then I climbed one short ladder, and sat down very faint again. When I recovered, two men tied a rope round me, and went up the ladder before me, supporting a .part of my weight, and in this way I ascended four or five ladders (with lorig rests between) till we came to a level, 260 fathoms below the adit or nearly 300 fathoms below the surface, where there was a tolerable current of pretty good air. Here I speedily recovered, though I was a little weak for a short time afterwards. George also felt the bad air a good deal, but not so much as I. He descended to some workings equally low in another place (towards which the party that I spoke of were directing their works), but said that the air there was by no means so bad. We all met at the bottom of the man-engine 260 fathoms below the adit. We sat still a little while, and I acquired sufficient strength and nerve, so that I did not feel the slightest alarm in the operation of ascending by the man-engine. This is the funniest operation that I ever saw : it is the only absolute novelty that I have seen since I was in the country before : it has been introduced 2 J years in Tresavean, and one day in the United Mines. In my last letter I described the principle. In the actual use there is no other motion to be made by the person who is ascending or descending than that of stepping sideways each time (there being proper hand-holds) with no exertion at all, except that of stepping exactly at the proper instant : and not the shadow of unpleasant feeling in the motion. Any woman may go with the most perfect comfort, if she will but attend to the rules of stepping, and forget that there is an open pit down to the very bottom of the mine. In this way we were pumped up to the surface, and came up as cool as cucumbers, instead of being drenched with perspiration. In my description in last letter I forgot to mention that between the stages on the moving rods which I have there described there are intermediate stages on the moving rods (for which there is ample room, inasmuch as the interval between the stages on each rod used by one person is 24 feet), and these inter- mediate stages are used by persons descending-, so that there are persons ascending and persons descending at the same time, who never interfere with each other and never step on the same stages, but merely see each other passing on the other rods. It is a most valuable in- vention. We then changed our clothes and washed, and drove to Barncoose, arriving in good time for the dinner. I found myself much restored by some superb Sauterne with water. When we were pro- posing to go on to Camborne, Mr and Mrs Williams pressed us so AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. 175 affectionately to stop that we at length decided on stopping for the night, only bargaining for an early breakfast this morning. This morning after breakfast, we started for Redruth and Camborne. The population between them has increased immensely since I was here before. &c. &c. Here is a letter written to his wife while he was engaged on the business of the Railway Gauge Commission. It con- tains reminiscences of some people who made a great figure in the railway world at that time, and was preceded by a letter which was playfully addressed " From the Palace of King Hudson, York." GEORGE INN, YORK, 1845, Dec. 30. I wrote yesterday from Mr Hudson's in time for the late post, and hope that my letter might be posted by the servant to whom it was given. Our affairs yesterday were simple : we reached Euston Station properly, found Watson there, found a carriage reserved for us, eat pork-pie at Wolverton (not so good as formerly), dined at Derby, and arrived in York at 5.20. On the way Watson informed me that the Government have awarded us .500 each. Sir F. Smith had talked over the matter with us, and I laid it down as a principle that we considered the business as an important one and one of very great responsibility, and that we wished either that the Government should treat us handsomely or should consider us as servants of the State acting gratuitously, to which they assented. I think the Government have done very well. Mr Hudson, as I have said, met us on the platform and pressed us to dine with him (though I had dined twice). Then we found the rival parties quarrelling, and had to arrange between them. This prevented me from writing for the early post. (I forgot to mention that Saunders, the Great Western Secretary, rode with us all the way). At Hudson's we had really a very pleasant dinner: I sat between Vernon Harcourt and Mrs Malcolm (his sister Georgiana) and near to Mr Hudson. This morn- ing we were prepared at 9 at the Station for some runs. Brunei and other people had arrived in the night. And we have been to Darlington and back, with a large party in our experimental train. George Arthur Biddell rode on the engine as representing me. But the side wind was so dreadfully heavy that, as regards the wants of the 176 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. case, this day is quite thrown away. We have since been to lunch with Vernon Harcourt (Mrs Harcourt not at home) and then went with him to look at the Cathedral. The Chapter-house, which was a little injured, has been pretty well restored : all other things in good order. The Cathedral looks smaller and lower than French cathedrals. Now that we have come in, the Lord Mayor of York has just called to invite us to dinner to-morrow. I propose to George Arthur Biddell that he go to Newcastle this evening, in order to see glass works and other things there to-morrow, and to return when he can. I think that I can persuade Barlow to stop to see the experiments out, and if so I shall endeavour to return as soon as possible. The earliest day would be the day after to-morrow. The following extract is from a letter written to Mr Murray for insertion in his Handbook of France, relating to the Breakwater at Cherbourg, which Airy had visited during his journey in France in the autumn of this year. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1845, Oct. %th. My opinion on the construction I need not say ought not to be quoted : but you are quite welcome to found any general statement on it ; or perhaps it may guide you in further enquiries. To make it clear, I must speak rather generally upon the subject. There are three ways in which a breakwater may be constructed. i. By building a strong wall with perpendicular face from the bottom of the sea. 2. By making a bank with nothing but slopes towards the sea. 3. By making a sloping bank to a certain height and then building a perpendicular wall upon it. Now if the ist of these con- structions could be arranged, I have no doubt that it would be the best of all, because a sea does not break against a perpendicular face, but recoils in an unbroken swell, merely making a slow quiet push at the wall, and not making a violent impact. But practically it is nearly impossible. The 2nd construction makes the sea to break tremen- dously, but if the sloping surface be made of square stone put together with reasonable care there is not the smallest tendency to unseat these stones. This is the principle of construction of Plymouth Breakwater. In the 3rd construction, the slope makes the sea to break tremendously, and then it strikes the perpendicular face AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. 177 with the force of a battering ram : and therefore in my opinion this is the worst construction of all. A few face-stones may easily be dislodged, and then the sea entering with this enormous force will speedily destroy the whole. This is the form of the Cherbourg Digue. From this you will gather that I have a full belief that Plymouth Breakwater will last very long, and that the Digue of Cherbourg, at least its upper wall, will not last long. The great bank will last a good while, gradually suffering degradation, but still protecting the Road pretty well. I was assured by the officers residing on the Digue that the sea which on breaking is thrown vertically upwards and then falls down upon the pavement does sometimes push the stones about which are lying there and which weigh three or four tons. I saw some preparations for the foundations of the fort at the eastern extremity of the Digue. One artificial stone of concrete measured 12''$" x 6''7" x $''?", and was estimated to weigh 25000 kilogrammes. A. B. 12 CHAPTER VI. AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 1846 " ON Nov. /th I proposed a change in the form of Estimates for the Observatory. The original astronomical part was provided by the Admiralty, and the new mag- netical and meteorological part was provided by the Treasury : and the whole Estimates and Accounts of the Observatory never appeared in one public paper. I pro- posed that the whole should be placed on the Navy Esti- mates, but the Admiralty refused. I repeated this in sub- sequent years, with no success. Meantime I always sent to the Admiralty a duplicate of my Treasury Estimate with the proper Admiralty Estimate. Stephenson's Railway through the lower part of the Park, in tunnel about 850 feet from the Observatory, was again brought forward. On Feb. 2Oth it was put before me by the Government, and on March 9th I made experiments at Kensal Green, specially on the effect of a tunnel : which I found to be considerable in suppressing the tremors. On May 6th I made my Report, generally favour- able, supposing the railway to be in tunnel. On May I3th I, with Mr Stephenson, had an interview at the Admiralty with Lord Ellenborough and Sir George Cockburn. The Earl appeared willing to relax in his scruples about allowing a railway through the Park, when Sir George Cockburn made a most solemn protest against it, on the ground of danger to an institution of such importance as the Observatory. I have no doubt that this protest of Sir George Cockburn's really deter- AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 179 mined the Government. On June zoth I was informed that the Government refused their consent. After this the South Eastern Railway Company adopted the line through Tranquil Vale. In consequence of the defective state of Paramatta Observatory I had written to Sir Robert Peel on April i6th raising the question of a General Superintending Board for Colonial Observatories : and on June 27th I saw Mr Gladstone at the Colonial Office to enquire about the possibility of estab- lishing local Boards. On June 2pth a general plan was settled, but it never came to anything. Forty volumes of the Observatory MSS. were bound an important beginning. Deep-sunk thermometers were prepared by Prof. Forbes. On June 22nd Sir Robert Inglis procured an Order of the House of Commons for printing a paper of Sir James South's, ostensibly on the effects of a railway passing through Green- wich Park, but really attacking almost everything that I did in the Observatory. I replied to this on July 2ist by a letter in the Athenaeum addressed to Sir Robert Inglis, in terms so strong and so well supported that Sir James South was effectually silenced." The following extract from a letter of Airy's to the Earl of Rosse, dated Dec. I5th 1846, will shew how pronounced the quarrel between Airy and South had become in consequence of the above-mentioned attack and previous differences : " After the public exposure which his conduct in the last summer compelled me to make, I certainly cannot meet him on equal terms, and desire not to meet him at all." (Ed.)." In the Mag. and Met. Department, I was constantly engaged with Mr Charles Brooke in the prepara- tion and mounting of the self-registering instruments, and the chemical arrangements for their use, to the end of the year. With Mr Ronalds I was similarly engaged : but I had the greatest difficulty in transacting business with him, from his unpractical habits. The equipment of the Liverpool Obser- vatory, under me, was still going on : I introduced the use of Siemens's Chronometric Governor for giving horary motion to an Equatoreal there. I have since introduced the same prin- 12 2 180 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. ciple in the Chronograph Barrel and the Great Equatoreal at Greenwich : I consider it important. On Feb. I3th I received the Astronomical Society's Medal for the Planetary Reduc- tions. In the University of London : At this time seriously began the discussion whether there should be a compulsory examination in matters bearing on religious subjects. After this there was no peace. For discovery of "Comets three medals were awarded by Schumacher and me : one to Peters, two to De Vico. A comet was seen by Hind, and by no other observer : after correspondence, principally in 1848, the medal was refused to him. With respect to the Railway Gauge Commission : On Jan. 1st, in our experi- ments near York, the engine ran off the rails. On Jan. 2pth the Commissioners signed the Report, and the business was concluded by the end of April. Our recommendation was that the narrow gauge should be carried throughout. This was opposed most violently by partisans of the broad gauge, and they had sufficient influence in Parliament to prevent our recommendation from being carried into effect. But the policy, even of the Great Western Railway (in which the broad gauge originated), has supported our views : the narrow gauge has been gradually substituted for the broad : and the broad now (1872) scarcely exists. On June 2Oth Lord Can- ning enquired of me about makers for the clock in the Clock Tower of Westminster Palace. I suggested Vulliamy, Dent, Whitehurst ; and made other suggestions : I had some cor- respondence with E. B. Denison, about clocks. I had much correspondence with Stephenson about the Tubular Bridge over the Menai Straits. Stephenson afterwards spoke of my assistance as having much supported him in this anxious work: on Dec. nth I was requested to make a Report, and to charge a fee as a Civil Engineer ; but I declined to do so. In January I went, with George Arthur Biddell, to Portsmouth, to examine Lord Dundonald's rotary engine as mounted in the 'Janus,' and made a Report on the same to the Admiralty: and I made several subsequent Reports on the same matter. AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. l8l The scheme was abandoned in the course of next year ; the real cause of failure, as I believe, was in the bad mounting in the ship. " The engrossing subject of this year was the discovery of Neptune. As I have said (1845) I obtained no answer from Adams to a letter of enquiry. Beginning with June 26th of 1846 I had correspondence of a satisfactory character with Le Verrier, who had taken up the subject of the disturbance of Uranus, and arrived at conclusions not very different from those of Adams. I wrote from Ely on July gth to Challis, begging him, as in possession of the largest telescope in Eng- land, to sweep for the planet, and suggesting a plan. I received information of its recognition by Galle, when I was visiting Hansen at Gotha. For further official history, see my communications to the Royal Astronomical Society, and for private history see the papers in the Royal Observatory. I was abused most savagely both by English and French." The Report to the Visitors contains an interesting account of the Great Lunar Reductions, from which the following passage is extracted : " Of the Third Section, containing the comparison of Observed Places with Tabular Places, three sheets are printed, from 1750 to 1756. This comparison, it is to be observed, does not contain a simple comparison of places, but contains also the coefficients of the various changes in the moon's place depending on changes in the elements. . . . The process for the correction of the elements by means of these comparisons is now going on : and the extent of this work, even after so much has been prepared, almost exceeds belief. For the longitude, ten columns are added in groups, formed in thirteen different ways, each different way having on the average about nine hundred groups. For the ecliptic polar distance, five columns are added in groups, formed in seven different ways, each different way having on the average about nine hundred groups. Thus it will appear that there are not fewer than 150,000 additions of columns of figures. This part of the 1 82 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. work is not only completed but is verified, so that the books of comparison of Observed and Tabular Places are, as regards this work, completely cleared out. The next step is to take the means of these groiips, a process which is now in hand : it will be followed by the formation and solution of the equations on which the corrections of the elements depend." The following remarks, extracted from the Report to the Visitors, with respect to the instrumental equipment of the Observatory, embody the views of the Astronomer Royal at this time : " The utmost change, which I contemplate as likely to occur in many years, in regard to our meridional instruments, is the substitution of instruments of the same class carrying telescopes of larger aperture. The only in- strument which,. as I think, may possibly be called for by the demands of the astronomer or the astronomical public, is a telescope of the largest size, for the observation of faint nebulae and minute double stars. Whether the addition of such an instrument to our apparatus would be an advantage, is, in my opinion, not free from doubt. The line of conduct for the Observatory is sufficiently well traced ; there can be no doubt that our primary objects ought to be the accurate determination of places of the fundamental Stars, the Sun, the Planets, and, above all, the Moon. Any addition what- ever to our powers or our instrumental luxuries, which should tend to withdraw our energies from these objects, would be a misfortune to the Observatory." Of private history : " In March I visited Prof. Sedgwick at Norwich. On Mar. 28th the ' Sir Henry Pottinger ' was launched from Fairbairn's Yard on the Isle of Dogs, where I was thrown down and dislocated my right thumb. From Apr. 10th to 1 5th I was at Playford. On June loth Prof. Hansen arrived, and stayed with me to July 4th. From July 6th to loth I was visiting Dean Peacock at Ely. From July 23rd to 29th I was at Playford, where for the first time I lodged in my own cottage. I had bought it some time AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 183 before, and my sister had superintended alterations and the addition of a room. I was much pleased thus to be connected with the happy scenes of my youth. From Aug. loth to Oct. nth I was with my wife and her sister Elizabeth Smith on the Continent. We stayed for some time at Wiesbaden, as my nerves were shaken by the work on the Railway Gauge Commission, and I wanted the Wiesbaden waters. We visited various places in Germany, and made a lo-days' excursion among the Swiss Mountains. At Gotha we lodged with Prof. Hansen for three days; and it was while staying here that I heard from Prof. Encke (on Sept. 29th) that Galle had discovered the expected planet. We visited Gauss at Gottingen and Miss Caroline Herschel at Hannover. We had a very bad passage from Hamburgh to London, last- ing five days : a crank-pin broke and had to be repaired : after four days our sea-sickness had gone off, during the gale a valuable discovery for me, as I never afterwards feared sea-sickness. On Dec. 22nd I attended the cele- bration of the 3OOth anniversary of Trinity College." The following extracts relating to the engines of the " Janus " are taken from letters to his wife dated from Ports- mouth, Jan. 6th and /th, 1846 : As soon as possible we repaired to the Dock Yard and presented ourselves to the Admiral Superintendant Admiral Hyde Parker (not Sir Hyde Parker). Found that the " Janus " had not arrived : the Admiral Superintendant (who does not spare a hard word) expressing himself curiously thereon. But he had got the proper orders from the Admiralty relating to me : so he immediately sent for Mr Taplin, the Superintendant of machinery : and we went off to see the small engine of Lord D d's construction which is working some pumps and other machinery in the yard. It was kept at work a little longer than usual for us to see it. And I have no hesitation in saying that it was working extremely well. It had not been opened in any way for half a year, and not for repair or packing for a much longer time. . . . This morning we went to the Dock Yard, and on entering the engine house there was Shirreff, and Lord D d soon appeared. The 1 84 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. " Janus" had come to anchor at Spithead late last night, and had entered the harbour this morning. Blowing weather on Saturday night. We had the engine pretty well pulled to pieces, and sat con- templating her a long time., Before- this Denison had come to us. We then went on board the "Janus * with Shirreff but not with Lord D d. The engines were still hot, and so they were turned back- wards a little for my edification. (This was convenient because, the vessel being moored by her head, she could thus strain backwards without doing mischief.) The vacuum not good. Then, after a luncheon on board, it was agreed to run out a little way. But the engines absolutely stuck fast, and would not stir a bit. This I con- sidered a perfect Godsend. So the paddle-wheels (at my desire) were lashed fast, and we are to see her opened to-morrow morning. This morning (Jan. yth) we all went off to the " Janus," where we expected to find the end of the cylinder (where we believe yesterday's block to have taken place) withdrawn. But it was not near it. After a great many bolts were drawn, it was discovered that one bolt could not be drawn, and in order to get room for working at it, it was necessary to take off the end of the other cylinder. And such a job ! Three pulley hooks were broken in my sight, and I believe some out of my sight. However this auxiliary end was at last got off : and the people began to act on the refractory bolt. But by this time it was getting dark and the men were leaving the dockyard, so I left, arranging that what they could do in preparation for me might be done in good time to-morrow morning. 1847 "On Nov. 1 3th I circulated an Address, proposing to discontinue the use of the Zenith Tube, because it had been found by a long course of comparative trials that the Zenith Tube was not more accurate than the Mural Circle. The Address stated that ' This want of superior efficiency of the Zenith Tube (which, considered in reference to the expecta- tions that had been formed of its accuracy, must be estimated as a positive failure) is probably due to two circumstances. One is, the use of a plumb-line ; which appears to be affected with various ill-understood causes of unsteadiness. The other is, the insuperable difficulty of ventilating the room in AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 185 which the instrument is mounted.' On December 2Oth I circulated an Address, proposing a Transit Circle, with telescope of 8 inches aperture. The Address states as follows : ' The clear aperture of the Object-Glass of our Transit Instrument is very nearly 5 inches, that of our Mural Circle is very nearly 4 inches.' I had been requested by the Master-General of Ordnance (I think) to examine Candidates for a Mastership in Woolwich Academy, and I was employed on it in February and March, in conjunction with Prof. Christie. In January I applied to Lord Auckland for money-assistance to make an astronomical journey on the Continent, but he refused. On Mar. igth Sir James South addressed to the Admiralty a formal complaint against me for not observing with the astronomical instruments : on Mar. 3 ist I was triumphantly acquitted by the Admiralty. In June I was requested by the Commissioners of Railways to act as President of a Commission on Iron Bridges (suggested by the fall of the bridge at Chester). Lord Auckland objected to it, and I was not sorry to be spared the trouble of it. In December I was requested, and under- took to prepare the Astronomical part of the Scientific Manual for Naval Officers. On Sept. 24th occurred a very remarkable Magnetic Storm, to which there had been nothing comparable before. Mr Glaisher had it observed by eye extremely well, and I printed and circulated a paper con- cerning it. Hansen, stimulated by the Lunar Reductions, discovered two long inequalities in the motion of the Moon, produced by the action of Venus. In the Report to the Visitors this matter is thus referred to : 'In the last summer I had the pleasure of visiting Prof. Hansen at Gotha, and I was so fortunate as to exhibit to him the corrections of the elements from these Reductions, and strongly to call his attention to their certainty, the peculiarity of their fluctua- tions, and the necessity of seeking for some physical explana- tion. I have much pleasure in indulging in the thought, that it was mainly owing to this representation that Prof. Hansen 1 86 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. undertook that quest, which has terminated in the discovery of his two new lunar inequalities, the most remarkable discovery, I think, in Physical Astronomy.' In discussing points relating to the discovery 0f Neptune, I made an un- fortunate blunder. In a paper hastily sent to the Athenaeum (Feb. 1 8th) I said that Arago's conduct had been indelicate. I perceived instantly that I had used a wrong expression, and by the very next post I sent an altered expression. This altered expression was not received in time, and the original expression was printed, to my great sorrow. I could not then apologize. But at what appeared to be the first opportunity, in December, I did apologize; and my apology was accepted. But I think that Arago was never again so cordial as before. On July 4th Hebe was discovered. After this Iris and Flora. Now commenced that train of discoveries which has added more than 100 planets to the Solar System. On Oct. 8th was an Annular Eclipse of the Sun, of which the limit of annularity passed near to Green- wich. To determine the exact place, I equipped obser- vatories at Hayes, Lewisham South End, Lewisham Village, Blackwall, Stratford, Walthamstow, and Chingford. The weather was bad and no observation was obtained. In the Royal Astronomical Society: In 1846, the dispute between the partisans of Adams and Le Verrier was so violent that no medal could be awarded to either. In 1847 I (with other Fellows of the Society) promoted a special Meeting for con- sidering such a modification of the bye-laws that for this occasion only it might be permissible to give two medals. After two days' stormy discussion, it was rejected. In the University of London : At a meeting in July, where the religious question was discussed, it was proposed to receive some testimonial from affiliated bodies, or to consider that or some other plan for introducing religious literature. As the propriety of this was doubtful, there was a general feeling for taking legal advice: and it was set aside solely on purpose to raise the question about legal consultation. That was nega- AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 1 87 tived by vote : and I then claimed the consideration of the question which we had put aside for it. By the influence of H. Warburton, M.P., this was denied. I wrote a letter to be laid before the Meeting on July 28th, when I was necessarily absent, urging my claim : my letter was put aside. I determined never to sit with Warburton again : on Aug. 2nd I intimated to Lord Burlington my wish to retire, and on Aug. 2Qth he transmitted to the Home Secretary my resig- nation. He (Lord Burlington) fully expressed his opinion that my claim ought to have been allowed. On June Qth, on the occasion of Prince Albert's state visit to Cambridge, knighthood was offered to me through his Secretary, Prof. Sedgwick, but I declined it. In September, the Russian Order of St Stanislas was offered to me, Mr De Berg, the Secretary of Embassy, coming to Greenwich personally to announce it: but I was compelled by our Government Rules to decline it. I invited Le Verrier to England, and escorted him to the Meeting of the British Association at Oxford in June. As regards the Westminster Clock on the Parliamentary Building: in May I examined and re- ported on Dent's and Whitehurst's clock factories. Vulliamy was excessively angry with me. On May 3ist a great Parliamentary Paper was prepared in return to an Order of the House of Lords for correspondence relating to the Clock. With respect to the Saw Mills for Ship Timber: work was going on under the direction of Sylvester to Mar. i8th. It was, I believe, at that time, that the fire occurred in Chatham Dock Yard which burnt the whole of the saw- machinery. I was tired of my machinery : and, from the extending use of iron ships, the probable value of it was much diminished ; and I made no effort to restore it." Of private history : " In February I went to Derby to see Whitehurst's clock factory ; and went on with my wife to Brampton near Chesterfield, where her mother was living. From Apr. 1st to 5th I was at Playford. On Holy Thursday, I walked the Parish Bounds (of Greenwich) with the Parish 1 88 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. officers and others. From Apr. igth to 24th I was at Birming- ham (on a visit to Guest, my former pupil, and afterwards Master of Caius College) and its neighbourhood, with George Arthur Biddell. From June 23^ to 28th I was at Oxford and Malvern : my sister was at Malvern, for water-cure : the meeting of the British Association was at Oxford and I escorted Le Verrier thither. July 28th to 3Oth I was at Brampton. From August loth to September i8th I was engaged on an expedition to St Petersburg, chiefly with the object of inspecting the Pulkowa Observatory. I went by Hamburg to Altona, where I met Struve, and started with him in an open waggon for Liibeck, where we arrived on Aug. 1 4th. We proceeded by steamer to Cronstadt and Petersburg, and so to Pulkowa, where I lodged with O. Struve. I was -here engaged till Sept. 4th, in the Obser- vatory, in expeditions in the neighbourhood and at St Petersburg, and at dinner-parties, &c. I met Count Colloredo, Count Ouvaroff, Count StroganofF, Lord Bloom- field (British Ambassador), and others. On Sept. 4th I went in a small steamer to Cronstadt, and then in the Vladimir to Swinemiinde: we were then towed in a passage boat to Stettin, and I proceeded by railway to Berlin. On Sept. 9th I found Galle and saw the Observatory. On Sept. loth I went to Potzdam and saw Humboldt. On the I2th I went to Hamburg and lodged with Schumacher : I here visited Repsold and Rumker. On Sept. I4th I embarked in the John Bull for London, and arrived there on the evening of the 1 8th: on the i6th it was blowing 'a whole gale,' reported to be the heaviest gale known for so many hours ; 4 bullocks and 24 sheep were thrown overboard. From Dec. 3rd to 8th I was at Cambridge, and from the 22nd to 3ist at Playford." Here is a letter to his wife written from Birmingham, containing a note of the progress of the ironwork for the Menai Bridge : AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 189 EDGBASTON, BIRMINGHAM, 1847, Apr. 22. Yesterday morning we started between 10 and n for Stourbridge, first to see some clay which is celebrated all over the world as the only clay which is fit to make pots for melting glass, &c. You know that in all these fiery regions, fire-clay is a thing of very great im- portance, as no furnace will stand if made of any ordinary bricks (and even with the fire-clay, the small furnaces are examined every week), but this Stourbridge clay is as superior to fire-clay as fire-clay is to common brick-earth. Then we went to Fosters' puddling and rolling works near Stourbridge. These are on a very large scale : of course much that we saw was a repetition of what we had seen before, but there were slitting mills, machines for rolling the puddled blooms instead of hammering them, &c., and we had the satisfaction of handling the puddling irons ourselves. Then we went to another work of the Fosters not far from Dudley, where part of the work of the Tube Bridge for the Menai is going on. The Fosters are, I believe, the largest iron masters in the country, and the two principal partners, the elder Mr Foster and his Nephew, accompanied us in all our inspections and steppings from one set of works to another. The length of Tube Bridge which they have in hand here is only 1 20 feet, about \ of the whole length: and at present they are only busy on the bottom part of it : but it is a prodigious thing. I shall be anxious about it. Then we went to other works of the Fosters' at King's Wynford, where they have blast furnaces: and here after seeing all other usual things we saw the furnaces tapped. In this district the Fosters work the lo-yard coal in a way different from any body else: they work out the upper half of its thickness and then leave the ground to fall in: after a year or two this ground becomes so hard as to make a good safe roof, and then they work away the other half: thus they avoid much of the danger and diffi- culty of working the thick bed all at once. The ventilation of these mines scarcely ever requires fires, and then only what they call "lamps," those little fire-places which are used for giving light at night. (In the Northumberland and Durham pits, they constantly have immense roaring fires to make a draught.) Then we came home through Dudley. 190 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. During his stay in Russia, there was a great desire manifested by the astronomers and scientific men of Russia that he should be presented to the Emperor. This would no doubt have taken place had not tj*e movements of the Court and his own want of time prevented it. The following letter to the British Ambassador, Lord Bloomfield, relates to this matter : PULKOWA, 1847, August 2$th. Wednesday evening. MY LORD, I had the honour yesterday to receive your Lordship's note of Sunday last, which by some irregularity in the communi- cations with this place reached me, I believe, later than it ought. From this circumstance, and also from my being made acquainted only this afternoon with some official arrangements, I am compelled to trouble you at a time which I fear is less convenient than I could have desired. The object of my present communication is, to ask whether (if the movements of the Court permit it) it would be agreeable to your Lordship to present me to the Emperor. In explanation of this enquiry, I beg leave to state that this is an honour to which, personally, I could not think of aspiring. My presence however at Pulkowa at this time is in an official character. As Astronomer Royal of England, I have thought it my duty to make myself perfectly acquainted with the Observatory of Pulkowa, and this is the sole object of my journey to Russia. It is understood that the Emperor takes great interest in the reputation of the Observatory, and I am confident that the remarks upon it which I am able to make would be agreeable to him. I place these reasons before you, awaiting entirely Your Lord- ship's decision on the propriety of the step to which I have alluded. I am to leave St Petersburg on Saturday the 4th of Septeoiber. I have the honor to be My Lord, Your Lordship's very faithful servant, G. B. AIRY. Lord Bloomfield, 6^., 6 to my answer of the 25th September, in which I expressed my sense of the high honor conferred on me by His Majesty the Emperor of Russia in offering me, through your Excellency, the Order of St Stanislas, and my pride in accepting it: I beg leave further to acquaint you that I have thought it necessary to make enquiry of Lord John Russell, First Lord of Her Majesty's Treasury, as to my competency to accept this decoration from His Majesty the Emperor of Russia: and that his Lordship in reply has referred me to the following Regulation of the British Court; "5th. That no Subject of Her Majesty could be allowed to accept the Insignia of a Foreign Order from any Sovereign of a Foreign State, except they shall be so conferred in consequence of active and distinguished services before the Enemy, either at Sea, or in the Field ; or unless he shall have been actually employed in the Service of the Foreign Sovereign." In consequence of the stringency of this Regulation, it is my duty now to state to your Excellency that I am unable to accept the decoration which His Majesty the Emperor of Russia was pleased, through your Excellency, to offer to me. I beg leave to repeat the expression of my profound reverence to His Majesty and of my deep sense of the honor which he has done me. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your Excellency's very faithful and obedient servant, G. B. AIRY. To His Excellency Count Ouvaroff) In the course of the following year a very handsome gold medal, specially struck, was transmitted by Count Ouvaroff on the part of the Emperor of Russia, to Mr Airy. A. B. 13 194 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. 1848 " In April I received Authority to purchase of Simms an 8-inch object-glass for the new Transit Circle for 300. The glass was tested and found satisfactory. While at Playford in January I drew the first plans of the Transit Circle : and C. May sketched some parts. Definite plans were soon sent to Ransomes and May, and to Simms in March. The instru- ment and the building were proceeded with during the year. The New Transit Circle was to be erected in the Circle Room, and considerable arrangement was necessary for continuing the Circle Observations with the existing instru- ments, whilst the new instrument was under erection. When the new Transit is completely mounted, the old Transit Instrument may be removed, and the Transit Room will be free for any other purpose. I propose to take it as Private Room for the Astronomer Royal. On May I2th I made my first proposal of the Reflex Zenith Tube. The principle of it is as follows : Let the micrometer be placed close to the object-glass, the frame of the micrometer being firmly connected with the object-glass cell, and a reflecting eye-piece being used with no material tube passing over the object-glass : and let a basin of quicksilver be placed below the object-glass, but in no mechanical connection with it, at a distance equal to half the focal length of the object-glass. Such an instrument would at least be free from all uncertain- ties of twist of plumb-line, viscosity of water, attachment of upper plumb-line microscope, attachment of lower plumb-line microscope, and the observations connected with them : and might be expected, as a result of this extreme simplicity, to give accurate results. A considerable error was discovered in the graduation of Troughton's Circle, amounting in one part to six seconds, which is referred to as follows : ' This instance has strongly confirmed me in an opinion which I have long held that no independent division is comparable AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 195 in general accuracy to engine-division, where the fundamental divisions of the engine have been made by Troughton's method, and where in any case the determination by the astronomer of errors of a few divisions will suffice, in conse- quence of the uniformity of law of error, to give the errors of the intermediate divisions.' The method of observing with the Altazimuth is carefully described, and the effect of it, in increasing the number of observations of the Moon, is thus given for the thirteen lunations between 1847, May 15, and 1848, May 30. 'Number of days of complete observations with the Meridional Instruments, in ; number of days of complete observations with Altitude and Azimuth Instru- ment, 203. The results of the observations appear very good ; perhaps a little, and but a little, inferior to those of the Meridional Instruments. I consider that the object for which this instrument was erected is successfully attained.' Being satisfied with the general efficiency of the system arranged by Mr Brooke for our photographic records (of magnetical observations) I wrote to the Admiralty in his favour, and on Aug. 25th the Admiralty ordered the pay- ment of ^500 to him. A Committee of the Royal Society also recommended a reward of 250 to Mr Ronalds, which I believe was paid to him. On May 1st the last revise of the Lunar Reductions was passed, and on May 5th, 500 copies were sent for binding. In this year Schumacher and I refused a medal to Miss Mitchell for a Comet discovered, because the rules of correspondence had not been strictly followed : the King of Denmark gave one by special favour. In this year occurred the discovery of Saturn's 8th Satellite by Mr Lassell : upon which I have various correspondence. On the 1 8th of December the degree of LL.D. was conferred upon me by the University of Edinburgh. The Ipswich Lectures: A wish had been expressed that I would give a series of Astronomical Lectures to the people of Ipswich. I therefore arranged with great care the necessary apparatus, and lectured six evenings in a room (I forget its name it 132 196 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. might be Temperance Hall high above St Matthew's Street), from Mar. 1 3th to the end of the week. A short- hand writer took them down : and these formed the ' Ipswich Lectures,' which were afterwards published by the Ipswich Museum (for whose benefit the lectures were given) and by myself, in several editions, and afterwards by Messrs Macmillan in repeated editions under the title of ' Airy's Popular As- tronomy.' It had been found necessary to include under one body all the unconnected Commissions of Sewers for the Metropolis, and Lord Morpeth requested me to be a member. Its operations began on Oct. 28th. In constitu- tion it was the most foolish that I ever knew : consisting of, I think, some 200 persons, who could not possibly attend to it. It came to an end in the next year." Of private history : " I was at Playford from Jan. 1st to nth, and again from Jan. i/th to 25th: also at Playford from June 2 ist to July I2th. From Aug. 23rd to Sept. I2th I was in Ireland on a visit to Lord Rosse at Parsonstown, chiefly engaged on trials of his large telescope. I returned by Liver- pool, where I inspected the Liverpool Equatoreal and Clock- work, and examined Mr Lassell's telescopes and grinding apparatus. From Dec. 6th to 2Oth I was at Edinburgh with my wife, on a visit to Prof. J. D. Forbes. We made various excursions, and I attended lectures by Prof. Wilson and Sir W. Hamilton : on the i8th I gave a lecture in Prof. Forbes's room. I received the Honorary Degree of LL.D., and made a statement on the Telescopes of Lord Rosse and Mr Lassell to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Returned to Greenwich by Brampton." Here is a reminiscence of the " Ipswich Lectures," in a letter to his wife, dated Playford, 1848 Mar. 14, "At the proper time I went to the hall : found a chairman installed (Mr Western) : was presented to him, and by him presented to the audience : made my bow and commenced. The room AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856, 197 was quite full : I have rarely seen such a sea of faces ; about 700 I believe. Everything went off extremely well, except that the rollers of the moving piece of sky would squeak : but people did not mind it : and when first a star passed the meridian, then Jupiter, then some stars, and then Saturn, he was much applauded. Before beginning I gave notice that I should wait to answer questions : and as soon as the lecture was finished the Chairman repeated this and begged people to ask. So several people did ask very pertinent questions (from the benches) shewing that they had attended well. Others came up and asked questions." The following extracts are from letters written to his wife while on his visit to Lord Rosse at Parsonstown in Ireland. On the way he stopped at Bangor and looked at the Tubular Bridge Works, which are thus referred to: " Stopped at Bangor, settled pro tern, at the Castle, and then walked past the Suspension Bridge towards the Tube Works, which are about ij mile south-west of the Suspension Bridge. The way was by a path through fields near the water side : and from one or two points in this, the appearance of the Suspension Bridge was most majestic. The Tube Bridge consists of four spans, two over water and two over sloping land. The parts for the double tube over the water spans (four lengths of tube) are building on a platform as at Con- way, to be floated by barges as there : the parts over the sloping banks are to be built in their place, on an immense scaffolding. I suspect that, in regard to these parts, Stephen- son is sacrificing a great deal of money to uniformity of plan : and that it would have been much cheaper to build out stone arches to the piers touching the water The Tube Works are evidently the grand promenade of the idlers about Bangor : I saw many scores of ladies and gentlemen walking that way with their baskets of provision, evidently going to gipsy in the fields close by." 198 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. THE CASTLE, PARSONSTOWN, 1848, Aug. 29. After tea it was voted that the night was likely to be fine, so we all turned out. The night was uncertain : sometimes entirely clouded, sometimes partially, but objects were pretty well seen when the sky was clear : the latter part was much steadier. From the interruption by clouds, the slowness of finding with and managing a large instru- ment (especially as their finding apparatus is not perfectly arranged) and the desire of looking well at an object when we had got it, we did not look at many objects. The principal were, Saturn and the Annular Nebula of Lyra with the 3-feet ; Saturn, a remarkable cluster of stars, and a remarkable planetary nebula, with the 6-feet. With the large telescope, the evidence of the quantity of light is prodigious. And the light of an object is seen in the field without any colour or any spreading of stray light : and it is easy to see that the vision with a reflecting telescope may be much more perfect than with a refractor. With these large apertures, the rings round the stars are insensible. The planetary nebula looked a mass of living and intensely brilliant light : this is an object which I do not suppose can be seen at all in our ordinary telescopes. The definition of the stars near the zenith is extremely good : with a high power (as 800) they are points or very nearly so indeed I believe quite so so that it is clear that the whole light from the great 6-feet mirror is collected into a space not bigger than the point of a needle. But in other positions of the telescope the definition is not good : and we must look to-day to see what is the cause of this fault. It is not a fault in the telescope, properly so-called, but it is either a tilt of the mirror, or an edge-pressure upon the mirror when the telescope points lower down which distorts its figure, or something of that kind. So I could not see Saturn at all well, for which I was sorry, as I could so well have compared his appearance with what I have seen before. I shall be very much pleased if we can make out what is the fault of ad- justment, and so correct it as to get good images everywhere. It is evident that the figuring of the mirror, the polishing, and the general arrangement, are perfectly managed. AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 199 THE CASTLE, PARSONSTOWN, 1848, Aug. 30. Yesterday we were employed entirely about the Great Telescope, beginning rather late. The principal objects had relation to the fault of definition when the telescope is pointed low (which I had remarked on the preceding night), and were, to make ourselves acquainted with the mechanism of the mirror's mounting generally, and to measure in various ways whether the mirror actually does shift its place when the telescope is set to different angles of elevation. For the latter we found that the mirror actually does tilt \ of an inch when the tube points low. This of itself will not account for the fault but it indicates that the lower part is held fast in a way that may cause a strain which would produce the fault. These operations and reasonings took a good deal of time. Lord Rosse is disposed to make an alteration in the mounting for the purpose of correcting this possible strain. THE CASTLE, PARSONSTOWN, 1848, Aug. 31. The weather here is still vexatious : but not absolutely repulsive. Yesterday morning Lord Rosse arranged a new method of suspend- ing the great mirror, so as to take its edgewise pressure in a manner that allowed the springy supports of its flat back to act. This em- ployed his workmen all day, so that the proposed finish of polishing the new mirror could not go on. I took one Camera Lucida sketch of the instrument in the morning, dodging the heavy showers as well as I could; then, as the afternoon was extremely fine, I took another, with my head almost roasted by the sun. This last view is extremely pretty and characteristic, embracing parts of the mounting not shewn well in the others, and also shewing the Castle, the Observatory, and the 3 -feet telescope. The night promised exceed- ingly well : but when we got actually to the telescope it began to cloud and at length became hopeless. However I saw that the fault which I had remarked on the two preceding nights was gone. There is now a slight exhibition of another fault to a much smaller extent. We shall probably be looking at the telescope to-day in reference to it. 200 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. THE CASTLE, PARSONSTOWN, 1848, Sept. i. A Yesterday we made some alterations in the mounting of the great mirror. We found that sundry levers were loose which ought to be firm, and we conjectured with great probability the cause of this, for correction of which a change in other parts was necessary. The mirror was then found to preserve its position much more fixedly than before. ... . At night, upon trying the telescope, we found it very faulty for stars near the zenith, where it had been free from fault before. The screws which we had driven hard were then loosened, and immediately it was made very good. Then we tried with some lower objects, and it was good, almost equally good, there. For Saturn it was very greatly superior to what it had been before. Still it is not satisfactory to us, and at this time a strong chain is in pre- paration, to support the mirror edgeways instead of the posts that there were at first or the iron hoop which we had on it yesterday. Nobody would have conceived that an edgewise gripe of such a mass of metal could derange its form in this way. Last night was the finest night we have had as regards clouds, though perhaps not the best for definition of objects. THE CASTLE, PARSONSTOWN, 1848, Sept. 2. I cannot learn that the fault in the mirror had been noticed before, but I fancy that the observations had been very much con- fined to the Zenith and its neighbourhood. 1849 " In July the new constant-service water-pipes to the Observatory were laid from Blackheath. Before this time the supply of water to the Observatory had been made by a pipe leading up from the lower part of the Park, and was not constant. In May the new staircase from my dwelling-house to the Octagon Room was commenced. In the Report to the Visitors there is a curious account of Mr Breen's (one of AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 2OI the Assistants) personal equation, which was found to be different in quantity for observations of the Moon and obser- vations of the Stars. The most important set of observations (of planets) was a series of measures of Saturn in four direc- tions, at the time when his ring had disappeared. They appear completely to negative the idea that Saturn's form differs sensibly from an ellipsoid. Among the General Remarks of the Report the following appears : ' Another change (in prospect) will depend on the use of galvanism ; and as a probable instance of the application of this agent, I may mention that, although no positive step has hitherto been taken, I fully expect in no long time to make the going of all the clocks in the Observatory depend on one original regulator. The same means will probably be employed to increase the general utility of the Observatory, by the exten- sive dissemination throughout the kingdom of accurate time- signals, moved by an original clock at the Royal Observa- tory; and I have already entered into correspondence with the authorities of the South Eastern Railway (whose line of galvanic communication will shortly pass within nine furlongs of the Observatory) in reference to this subject.' I agreed with Schumacher in giving no medal to Mr G. P. Bond ; his comet was found to be Petersen's. Five medals were awarded for comets in 1847 (Hind, Colla, Mauvais, Brorsen, Schweizer). The Liverpool Observatory was finished this year : and the thanks of the Town Council were presented to me. Respect- ing Fallows's Observations at the Cape of Good Hope : I had received the Admiralty sanction for proceeding with calculations in 1846, and I employed computers as was con- venient. On July 20th of this year 1 was ready with final results, and began to make enquiries about Fallows's personal history, and the early history of the Cape Observatory. On Oct. 23rd I applied for sanction for printing, which was given, and the work was soon finished off, in the Astronomical Society's Memoirs. In the month of March I had com- menced correspondence with various persons on the imperfect 202 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. state of publication of the British Survey. Sheets of the Map were issued by scores, but not one of them had an indi- cation of latitude or longitude engraved. I knew that great pains had been taken in giving to* the principal triangulation a degree of accuracy never before reached, and in fixing the astronomical latitudes of many stations with unequalled pre- cision. Finally 1 prepared for the Council "of the Royal Society a very strong representation on these subjects, which was adopted and presented to the Government. It was entirely successful, and the Maps were in future furnished with latitude and longitude lines. I was elected President of the Royal Astronomical Society on Feb. gih. In June I went with Sheepshanks to see some of the operation of measuring a Base on Salisbury Plain. The following extract from a letter to his wife dated 1849, June 2/th, relates to this expedition : ' In the morning we started before eight in an open carriage to the Plain : looking into Old Sarum on our way. The Base is measured on what I should think a most unfavourable line, its north end (from which they have begun now, in verification of the old measure) being the very highest point in the whole plain, called Beacon Hill. The soldiers measure only 252 feet in a day, so it will take them a good while to measure the whole seven miles. While we were there Col. Hall (Colby's successor) and Yolland and Cosset came.'" Of private history : " I made short visits to Playford in January, April and July. From July 28th to Sept. I2th I made an expedition with my wife to Orkney and Shetland. From Dec. 24th to 26th I was at Hawkhurst, on a visit to Sir John Herschel." 1850 "The Report to the Board of Visitors opens with the following paragraph : ' In recording the proceedings at the Royal Observatory during the last year, I have less of novelty AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 203 to communicate to the Visitors than in the Reports of several years past. Still I trust that the present Report will not be uninteresting ; as exhibiting, I hope, a steady and vigorous adherence to a general plan long since matured, accompanied with a reasonable watchfulness for the introduction of new instruments and new methods when they may seem desirable.' Since the introduction of the self-registering instruments a good many experiments had been made to obtain the most suitable light, and the Report states that ' No change what- ever has been made in these instruments, except by the introduction of the light of coal-gas charged with the vapour of coal-naptha, for photographic self-registration both of the magnetic and of the meteorological instruments.... The chemi- cal treatment of the paper is now so well understood by the Assistants that a failure is almost unknown. And, generally speaking, the photographs are most beautiful, and give con- ceptions of the continual disturbances in terrestrial magnetism which it would be impossible to acquire from eye-observa- tion.' Amongst the General Remarks of the Report it is stated that ' There are two points which have distinctly engaged my attention. The first of these is, the introduction of the American method of observing transits, by completing a galvanic circuit by means of a touch of the finger at the instant of appulse of the transiting body to the wire of the instrument, which circuit will then animate a magnet that will make an impression upon a moving paper. After careful consideration of this method, I am inclined to believe that, in Prof. Mitchell's form, it does possess the advantages which have been ascribed to it, and that it may possess peculiar advantages in this Observatory, where the time-connection of transits made with two different instruments (the Transit and the Altazimuth) is of the highest importance.... The second point is, the connection of the Observatory with the galvanic telegraph of the South Eastern Railway, and with other lines of galvanic wire with which that telegraph communicates. I had formerly in mind only the connection of this Observatory 204 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. with different parts of the great British island : but I now think it possible that our communications may be extended far beyond its shores. The promoters of the submarine tele- graph are very confident of the practicability of completing a galvanic connection between England and France : and I now begin to think it more than possible that, within a few years, observations at Paris and Brussels may be registered on the recording surfaces at Greenwich, and vice versa.' Prof. Hansen was engaged in forming Lunar Tables from his Lunar Theory, but was stopped for want of money. On Mar. /th I represented this privately to Mr Baring, First Lord of the Admiralty ; and on Mar. 3Oth I wrote officially to the Admiralty, soliciting 150 with the prospect, if neces- sary, of making it 200. On Apr. loth the Admiralty gave their assent. The existence of Hansen's Lunar Tables is due to this grant. The King of Denmark's Medal for Comets was discontinued, owing to the difficulties produced by the hostility of Prussia. On Aug. ist I gave to the Treasury my opinion on the first proposal for a large reflector in Australia : it was not strongly favourable. In August, being (with my wife and Otto Struve) on a visit to Lady Breadalbane at Taymouth Castle, I examined the mountain Schehallien. As in other years, I reported on several Papers for the Royal Society, and took part in various business for them. In the Royal Astronomical Society I had much official business, as President. In March I communicated to the Athenaeum my views on the Exodus of the Israelites : this brought me into correspondence with Miss Corbaux, Robert Stephenson, Capt. Vetch, and Prof. J. D. Forbes. In December I went to the London Custom House, to see Sir T. Freemantle (Chairman of Customs), and to see how far decimal sub- divisions were used in the Custom House." Of private history: "From Mar. iQth to 22nd I was on an expedition to Folkestone, Dover, Dungeness, &c. From Apr. 3rd to 8th at Playford, and again for short periods in June and July. From Aug. ist to Sept 5th I was travelling AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1846 TO 1856. 2O5 in Scotland with my wife and Otto Struve (for part of the time). At Edinburgh I attended the Meeting of the British Association, and spoke a little in Section A. I was nomi- nated President for 1851 at Ipswich. We travelled to Cape Wrath and returned by Inverness and the Caledonian Canal. I was at Play ford for a short time in October and Decem- ber." 1851 " In this year the great shed was built (first erected on the Magnetic Ground, and about the year 1868 transferred to the South Ground). The chronometers were taken from the old Chronometer Room (a room on the upper story fronting the south, now, 1872, called Library 2) and were put in the room above the Computing Room (where they remained for 10 or 12 years, I think) : it had a chronometer-oven with gas-heat, erected in 1850. The following passage is quoted from the Report to the Visitors : ' As regards Meridional Astronomy our equipment may now be considered complete. As I have stated above, an improvement might yet be made in our Transit Circle ; nevertheless I do not hesitate to express my belief that no other existing meridional instrument can be compared with it. This presumed excellence has not been obtained without much thought on my part and much anxiety on the part of the constructors of the instrument (Messrs Ransomes and May, and Mr Simms). But it would be very unjust to omit the further statement that the expense of the construction has considerably exceeded the original estimate, and that this excess has been most liberally defrayed by the Government.' In December Sir John Herschel gave his opinion (to the Admiralty, I believe) in favour of procuring for the Cape Observatory a Transit Circle similar to that at Greenwich. I had much correspondence about sending Pierce Morton (formerly a pupil of mine at Cambridge, a clever gentlemanly man, and a high wrangler, but somewhat flighty) 206 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. as Magnetic Assistant to the Cape Observatory : he was with me from May to October, and arrived at the Cape on Nov. 27th. I was much engaged with the clock with conical motion of pendulum, for 'uniforrrf movement of the Chrono- graphic Barrel. Regarding galvanic communications : On Sept. iQth I had prepared a Draft of Agreement with the South Eastern Railway Company, to which they agreed. In November I wrote to Sir T. Baring (First Lord of the Ad- miralty) and to the Admiralty for sanction, which was given on Dec. i8th. In December I had various communications about laying wires through the Park, &c., &c., and correspon- dence about the possibility of using sympathetic clocks : in June, apparently, I had seen Shepherd's sympathetic clock at the Great Exhibition, and had seen the system of sympathetic clocks at Pawson's, St Paul's Churchyard. In the last quarter of this year I was engaged in a series of calculations of chrono- logical eclipses. On Sept. 3/ 500 to 35 r> ooo. The level error was not sen- sibly affected. The Sidereal Standard Clock preserves a rate A. B. 21 322 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. approaching to perfection, so long as it is left without dis- turbance of the galvanic-contact springs (touched by its pen- dulum), which transmit signals at every second of time to sympathetic clocks and the chronograph. A readjustment of these springs usually disturbs the rate. To facilitate the observations of stars, a new working catalogue has been prepared, in which are included all stars down to the third magnitude, stars down to the fifth magnitude which have not been observed in the last two catalogues, and a list of 258 stars of about the sixth magnitude of which the places are required for the United States Coast Survey. The whole number of stars in our new working list is about 2500. It may be here mentioned that an extensive series of observa- tions was made, during the autumn, of about 70 stars, at the request of Mr Gill, for comparison with Mars, Ariadne, and Melpomene. On Apr. loth last, a very heavy fall of rain took place. Between Apr. lod. 5h. and Apr. lid. 2h., 2*824 inch. was recorded, and 75 per cent, of this, or 2*12 inch., fell in the eight hours between 13! h. and 21 J h. ; and on May 7, I inch of rain fell in 50 minutes, of which J inch fell in 15 minutes. The supplementary compensation continues to be applied with success to Government chronometers which offer facilities for its introduction, and a marked im- provement in the performance of chronometers returned after repair by the makers appears to have resulted from the increased attention now given to the compensation. Of the 29 competitive chronometers, 25 have the supplementary compensation." With regard to the reduction of the observa- tions of the Transit of Venus : After reference to the diffi- culties arising from the errors and the interpretation of the language used by some of the observers, the Report con- tinues thus : "Finally a Report was made to the Government on July 5th, giving as the mean result for Mean Solar Parallax 8" "76"; the results from ingress and from egress, however, differing to the extent of o"*i I.... After further examination and consideration, the result for parallax has AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1876 TO l88l. 323 been increased to 8"' 82 or 8"'83. The results from photo- graphy have disappointed me much. The failure has arisen, perhaps sometimes from irregularity of limb, or from atmo- spheric distortion, but more frequently from faintness and from want of clear definition. Many photographs, which to the eye appeared good, lost all strength and sharpness when placed under the measuring microscope. A final result 8"' 17 was obtained from Mr Burton's measures, and 8"*o8 from Capt. Tupman's. With regard to the Numerical Lunar Theory : A cursory collection of the terms relating to the Areas (in the Ecliptic) led me to suppose that there might be some error in the computations of the Annual Equation and related terms. A most jealous re-examination has how- ever detected nothing, and has confirmed my belief in the general accuracy of the numerical computations. I dare not yet venture to assume an error in Delaunay's theory; but I remember that the Annual Equation gave great trouble to the late Sir John Lubbock, and that he more than once changed his conclusions as to its true value. In February I was engaged on the drawings and preparations for my intended Lecture at Cockermouth on the probable condition of the interior of the Earth. The Lecture was delivered in April. At different times in the autumn I was engaged on diagrams to illustrate the passage of rays through eye-pieces and double-image micrometers. The miscellaneous scientific correspondence, which was always going on, was in this year unusually varied and heavy." Of private history : He was at Playford till Jan. 26th. In April he went to Cockermouth to deliver his Lecture above-mentioned : the journey was by Birmingham, where he stayed for two days (probably with his son Osmund, who resided there), to Tarn Bank (the residence of Isaac Fletcher, M.P.) : the lecture was delivered on the 22nd : he made excursions to Thirlmere and Barrow, and to Edward I.'s Monument, and returned to Greenwich on the 27th. From June 1 7th to 28th he was at Playford. From Aug. igth to 21 2 324 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. Sept. 1 7th he was travelling in Scotland, visiting the Tay Bridge, the Loch Katrine Waterworks, &c., and spent the last fortnight of his .trip at Portinscale, near Keswick. On Dec. 23rd he went to Playforct. 1879 " The manuscripts of every kind, which are accumulated in the ordinary transactions of the Observatory, are preserved with the same care and arranged on the same system as heretofore. The total number of bound volumes exceeds 4000. Besides these there is the great mass of Transit of Venus reductions and manuscripts, which when bound may be expected to form about 200 volumes. With regard to the numerous group of Minor Planets, the Berlin authorities have most kindly given attention to my representation, and we have now a most admirable and comprehensive Ephemeris. But the extreme faintness of the majority of these bodies places them practically beyond the reach of our meridian instrument, and the difficulty of observation is in many cases further increased by the large errors of the predicted places. After a fine autumn, the weather in the past winter and spring has been remarkably bad. More than an entire lunation was lost with the Transit Circle, no observation of the Moon on the meridian having been possible between January 8 and March I, a period of more than seven weeks. Neither Sun nor stars were visible for eleven days, during which period the clock-times were carried on entirely by the preceding rate of the clock. The accumulated error at the end of this time did not exceed o s> 3. Some difficulty was at first experienced with the Thomson Electrometer, which was traced to want of insulation. This has been mastered by the use of glass supporters, which carry some sulphuric acid. The instrument is now in excellent order, and the photo- graphic registers have been perfectly satisfactory since 1879, AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1876 TO 1 88 1. 325 February, when the new insulators were applied. From the annual curves of diurnal inequality, deduced from the Mag- netic Reductions, most important inferences may be drawn, as to the connection between magnetic phenomena and sun- spots. These annual curves shew a well-marked change in close correspondence with the number of sun-spots. About the epoch of maximum of sun-spots they are large and nearly circular, having the same character as the curves for the summer months ; whilst about the time of sun-spot minimum they are small and lemniscate-shaped, with a striking resem- blance to the curves for the winter months. The connection between changes of terrestrial magnetism and sun-spots is shewn in a still more striking manner by a comparison which Mr Ellis has made between the monthly means of the diurnal range of declination and horizontal force, and Dr R. Wolf's 'relative numbers' for frequency of sun-spots. The records of sunshine with Campbell's Registering Sun-dial are pre- served in a form easily accessible for reference, and the results are communicated weekly to the Agricultural Gazette. Prof. Oppolzer's results for the determination of the longitudes of Vienna and Berlin, made in 1877, have now been made public. They shew a remarkable agreement of the Chrono- metric determination formerly made with the Telegraphic. It may be of interest to recall the fact that a similar agree- ment was found between the Chronometric and Telegraphic determinations of the longitude of Valentia. For observing the Transit of Venus of 1882, the general impression appears to be that it will be best to confine our observations to simple telescopic observations or micrometer observations at Ingress and Egress, if possible at places whose longitudes are known. For the first phenomenon (accelerated ingress) the choice of stations is not good ; but for the other phenomena (retarded ingress, accelerated egress, retarded egress) there appears to be no difficulty. With regard to the Numerical Lunar Theory : Respecting the discordance of Annual Equation, I suspend my judgment I have now discussed the theory 326 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. completely ; and in going into details of secular changes, I am at this time engaged on that which is the foundation of all, namely, the change of excentricity of the Solar Orbit, and its result in producing Lurfar Acceleration. An import- ant error in the theoretical formulae for Variations of Radius Vector, Longitude, and Latitude, was discovered ; some cal- culations depending on them are cancelled." Referring to the magnitude of the printed volume of "Greenwich Observa- tions," and the practicability of reducing the extent of it, the Report states thus : " The tendency of external scientific movement is to give great attention to the phenomena of the Solar disc (in which this Observatory ought undoubtedly to bear its part). And I personally am most unwilling to recede from the existing course of magnetical and meteorological observations.... The general tendency of these considerations is to increase the annual expenses of the Observatory. And so it has been, almost continuously, for the last 42 years. The annual ordinary expenses are now between 2\ and 3 times as great as in my first years at the Royal Observatory. \/ Mr Gill was appointed to the Cape Observatory, and I wrote out instructions for him in March : there was subse- quently much correspondence respecting the equipment and repairs of the Cape Observatory." In the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society for January an article had appeared headed " Notes on the late Admiral Smyth's Cycle of Celestial Objects, Vol. II." by Mr Herbert Sadler. In this article Mr Sadler had criticized the work of Admiral Smyth in a manner which Airy regarded as imputing bad faith to Admiral Smyth. He at once took up the defence of his old friend very warmly, and proposed certain Drafts of Resolu- tions to the Council of the Society. These Resolutions were moved, but were amended or negatived, and Airy immediately resigned his office of Vice-President. There was considerable negociation on the subject, and discussion with Lord Lindsay, and on May Qth Airy's Resolutions were accepted by the Council. In October Airy inspected the " Faraday " tele- AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1 8/6 TO 1 88 1. 327 graph ship, then lying in the river near Messrs Siemens' works, and broke his finger by a fall on board the vessel. In this year Airy wrote and circulated a letter to the Members of the Senate of the University of Cambridge, on the subject of the Papers set in the Smith's Prizes Examination. In this letter, as on former occasions, he objected much to the large number of questions in " purely idle algebra, arbitrary combi- nations of symbols, applicable to no further purpose." And in particular he singled out for comment the following ques- tion, which was one of those set, " Using the term circle as extending to the case where the radius is a pure imaginary, it is required to construct the common chord of two given circles." This drew forth as usual a rejoinder from Prof. Cayley, who wrote enclosing a solution of his problem, but not at all to Airy's satisfaction, who replied as follows : " I am not so deeply plunged in the mists of impossibles as to appre- ciate fully your explanation in this instance, or to think that it is a good criterion for University candidates." Of private history: On Jan. 2ist he returned from Play- ford. On March 22nd he attended the funeral of his sister at Little Welnetham near Bury St Edmunds : Miss Elizabeth Airy had lived with him at the Observatory from shortly after his appointment. For about a week at the end of April he was visiting Matlock, Edensor, and Buxton. From June 1 4th to July 1 8th he was staying at Portinscale near Keswick. He was at Playford for two or three days in October, and went there again on Dec. 23rd for his usual winter holiday. The following letter, relating to the life of Thomas Clark- son, was written to Dr Merivale, Dean of Ely, after reading the account in the " Times" of October loth of the unveiling of a statue of Clarkson near Ware : 328 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, LONDON, S.E. 4*.^ 1879, October 11. DEAR SIR, Pardon my intrusion on you, in reference to a transaction which has greatly interested me the honour paid by you to the memory of Thomas Clarkson. With very great pleasure I have heard of this step : and I have also been much satisfied with the remarks on it in the "Times." I well remember, in Clarkson's "History of the Abolition," which I read some 60 years ago, the account of the circumstance, now commemorated by you, which determined the action of his whole subsequent life. It is not improbable that, among those who still remember Clarkson, my acquaintance with him began at the earliest time of all. I knew him, intimately, from the beginning of 1815 to his death. The family which he represented must have occupied a very good position in society. I have heard that he sold two good estates to defray the expenses which he incurred in his personal labours for Abolition : and his brother was Governor of Sierra Leone (I know not at what time appointed). Thomas Clarkson was at St John's College; and, as I gather from circumstances which I have heard him mention, must have been a rather gay man. He kept a horse, and at one time kept two. He took Orders in the Church ; and on one occasion, in the course of his Abolition struggle, he preached in a church. But he afterwards resolutely laid aside all pretensions to the title of Minister of the Church, and never would accept any title except as layman. He was, however, a very earnest reader of theology during my acquaintance with him, and appeared to be well acquainted with the Early Fathers. The precise words in which was announced the subject for Prize Essay in the University were "Anne liceat invitos in servitutem trahere." After the first great victory on the slave trade question, he estab- lished himself in a house on the bank of Ullswater. I have not identified the place : from a view which he once shewed me I sup- posed it to be near the bottom of the lake : but from an account of the storm of wind which he encountered when walking with a lady over a pass, it seemed to be in or near Patterdale. When the remains of a mountaineer, who perished in Helvellyn (as described AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1876 TO 1 88 1. 329 in Scott's well-known poem), were discovered by a shepherd, it was to Mr Clarkson that the intelligence was first brought. He then lived at Bury St Edmunds. Mrs Clarkson was a lady of Bury. But I cannot assign conjecturally any dates to his removals or his marriage. His only son took his B.A. degree, I think, about 1817. I think it was in 1814 that he began his occupation of Play ford Hall a moated mansion near Ipswich, formerly of great import- ance where he lived as Gentleman Farmer, managing a farm leased from the Marquis of Bristol, and occupying a good position among the gentry of the county. A relative of mine, with whom I was most intimately acquainted, lived in the same parish (where in defiance of school rules I spent nearly half my time, to my great advantage as I believe, and where I still retain a cottage for occa- sional residence), and I enjoyed much of Mr Clarkson's notice. It was by his strong advice that I was sent to Cambridge, and that Trinity College was selected: he rode with me to Rev. Mr Rogers of Sproughton for introductory examination ; he introduced me to Rev. C. Musgrave (subsequently of Halifax), accidentally doing duty at Grundisburgh, who then introduced me to Sedgwick, Peacock, and T. Musgrave (subsequently of York). In 1825, when I spent the summer at Keswick, he introduced me to Southey and Wordsworth. Mr Clarkson lived about thirty years at Playford Hall, and died there, and lies interred with his wife, son, and grandson, in Playford churchyard. I joined several friends in erecting a granite obelisk to his memory in the same churchyard. His family is extinct : but a daughter of his brother is living, first married to T. Clarkson's son, and now Mrs Dickinson, of the Rectory, Wolferton. I am, my dear Sir, Very faithfully yours, G. B. AIRY. The Very Reverend, The Dean of Ely. 1880 " The Admiralty, on final consideration of the estimates, decided not to proceed with the erection of a new Library 33 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. near the Magnetic Observatory in the present year. In the mean time the space has been cleared for the erection of a building 50 by 20 feet. I have removed the Electrometer Mast (a source of some 'expense* and some danger), the per- fect success of Sir William Thomson's Electrometer rendering all further apparatus for the same purpose unnecessary. Many years ago a double-image micrometer, in which the images were formed by the double refraction of a sphere of quartz, was prepared by Mr Dollond for Capt. Smyth, R.N. Adopting the same principle on a larger scale, I have had constructed by Mr Hilger a micrometer with double refrac- tion of a sphere of Iceland spar. Marks have been prepared for examination of the scale, but I have not yet had oppor- tunity of trying it. The spectroscopic determination of Star- motions has been steadily pursued. The stars are taken from a working list of 150 stars, which may eventually be extended to include all stars down to the fourth magnitude, and it is expected that in the course of time the motions of about 300 stars may be spectroscopically determined. A new pressure-plate with springs has been applied by Mr Browning to Osier's Anemometer, and it is proposed to make such modification as will give a scale extending to 5olbs. pressure on the square foot. Other parts of the instrument have also been renewed. As regards the reduction of the magnetical results since 1863 : In the study of the forms of the individual curves ; their relations to the hour, the month, the year ; their connection with solar or meteorological facts ; the conjectural physico-mechanical causes by which they are produced ; there is much to occupy the mind. I regret that, though in contemplation of these curves I have remarked some singular (but imperfect) laws, I have not been able to pursue them. The mean temperature of the year 1879 was 46*1, being 3*3 below the average of the preceding 38 years. The highest temperature was 80*6 on July 30, and the lowest 137 on Dec. 7. The mean temperature was below the average in every month of the year ; the months of greatest AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1876 TO 1 88 1. 331 deviation being January and December, respectively 6'8 and 7*6 below the average ; the months of April, May, July, and November were each between 4 and 5 below the average. The number of hours of bright sunshine, recorded with Campbell's Sunshine Instrument, during 1879, was only 983. In the summer of 1879 Commander Green, U.S.N., came over to this country for the purpose of determining telegraphically the longitude of Lisbon, as part of a chain of longitudes extending from South America to Greenwich. A successful interchange of signals was made with Commander Green between Greenwich and Porthcurno on four nights, 1879, June 25 to 29. The results communicated by Com- mander Green shew that the longitude of Lisbon Observatory, as adopted in the Nautical Almanac, requires the large correction of + 8'54 8 . With regard to the coming Transit of Venus in 1882 : From the facility with which the requirements for geographical position are satisfied, and from the rapid and accurate communication of time now given by electric tele- graph, the observation of this Transit will be comparatively easy and inexpensive. I have attached greater importance than I did formerly to the elevation of the Sun I remark that it is highly desirable that steps be taken now for deter- mining by telegraph the longitude of some point of Australia. I have stated as the general opinion that it will be useless to repeat photographic observations. In April Mr Barlow called, in reference to the Enquiry on the Tay Bridge Disaster. (The Bridge had been blown down on Dec. 28th, 1879.) I prepared a memorandum on the subject for the Tay Bridge Commission, and gave evidence in a Committee Room of the House of Lords on Apr. 29th." (Much of the Astronomer Royal's evidence on this occasion had reference to the opinions which he had expressed concerning the wind- pressure which might be expected on the projected Forth Bridge, in 1873.) In May Airy was consulted by the Post- master-General in the matter of a dispute which had arisen between the Post Office and the Telephone Companies, which 332 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. latter were alleged to have infringed the monopoly of the Post Office in commercial telegraphs : Airy made a declara- tion on the subject. In July Mr Bakhuyzen came to England to determine the longitude of* Leyden, on which he was engaged till Sept. 9th. and carried on his observations at the Observatory. In July Airy was much engaged in perusing the records of Mr Gill's work at the Cape of Good Hope. Of private history : On Jan. 24th he returned from Play- ford. From June I4th to July 4th he was again at Playford. From September 2ist to October 2oth he was staying at Portinscale near Keswick. On Dec. 23rd he went again to Playford for his winter holiday. Respecting the agitation at Cambridge for granting University degrees to women, the following extract from a letter addressed to a young lady who had forwarded a Memorial on the subject for his consideration, and dated Nov. loth, 1880, contains Airy's views on this matter. " I have not signed the Memorial which you sent for my con- sideration: and I will endeavour to tell you why. I entirely approve of education of young women to a higher pitch than they do com- monly reach. I think that they can successfully advance so far as to be able clearly to understand with gratification to themselves and with advantage to those whose education they will superintend much of the results of the highest class of science which have been obtained by men whose lives are in great measure devoted to it. But I do not think that their nature or their employments will permit of their mastering the severe steps of beginning (and indeed all through) and the complicated steps at the end. And I think it well that this their success should be well known as it is sure to be among their relatives, their friends, their visitors, and all in whom they are likely to take interest. Their connection with such a place as Girton College is I think sufficient to lead to this. But I desire above all that all this be done in entire subservience to what I regard as infinitely more valuable than any amount of knowledge, namely the delicacy of woman's character. And here, I think, our views totally separate. I do not imagine that the University Degree would really imply, as regards education, anything more than is AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1876 TO 1 88 1. 333 known to all persons (socially concerned in the happiness of the young woman) from the less public testimonial of the able men who have the means of knowing their merits. And thus it appears to me that the admission to University Degree would simply mean a more extended publication of their names. I dread this." 1881 " The new line of underground telegraph wires has been completed by the officers of the General Post Office. The new route is down Groom's Hill in Greenwich, and the result of this change, at least as regards the earth-current wires, and probably as regards the other wires, has not been satisfactory. It was soon found that the indications of the earth-current wires were disturbed by a continual series of petty fluctua- tions which almost completely masked the proper features of earth currents If this fault cannot be removed, I should propose to return to our original system of independent wires (formerly to Croydon and Dartford). The new Azimuth- mark (for the Altazimuth), upon the parapet of the Naval College, is found to be perfectly satisfactory as regards both steadiness and visibility. The observations of a low star for zero of azimuth have been omitted since the beginning of 1 88 1 ; the mark, in combination with a high star, appearing to give all that is necessary for this purpose. All the instru- ments have suffered from the congealing of the oil during the severe weather of the past winter, and very thorough cleaning of all the moving parts has been necessary. The Solar Eclipse of 1880, Dec. 31, was well observed. The first contact was observed by four observers and the last contact by two. The computations for the observations have been excep- tionally heavy, from the circumstance that the Sun was very low (86 1 4' Z. D. at the last observation) and that it has therefore been necessary to compute the refraction with great accuracy, involving the calculation of the zenith distance for 334 GEORGE BIDUELL AIRY. every observation. And besides this, eighty-six separate computations of the tabular R. A. and N. P. D. of cusps have been required. Amongst other interesting spectroscopic observations of the Sun, a remarkable spectrum of a sun-spot shewing 17 strong black lines or bands, each as broad as b^ in the solar spectrum, was observed on 1880, Nov. 27 and 29. These bands to which there is nothing corresponding in the Solar Spectrum (except some very faint lines) have also been subsequently remarked in the spectrum of several spots. The Police Ship ' Royalist ' (which was injured by a collision in 1879 an d had been laid up in dock) has not been again moored in the river, and the series of observations of the temperature of the Thames is thus terminated. Part of the month of January 1881 was, as regards cold, especially severe. The mean temperature of the period January 12 to 26 (15 days) was only 24'2, or 147 below the average ; the temperature fell below 20 on 10 days, and rose above the freezing point only on 3 days. The highest temperature in this period was 35'3, the lowest 127. On January I7th (while staying at Playford) my son Hubert and I noticed an almost imperceptible movement in the upper clouds from the South- East. On that night began the terrible easterly gale, accompanied with much snow, which lasted to the night of the 1 8th. The limiting pressure of 50 Ibs. on the square foot of Osier's Anemometer was twice exceeded during this storm. With respect to the Diurnal Inequalities of Magnetic Horizontal Force : Assuming it to be certain that they originate from the Sun's power, not immediately, but mediately through his action on the Earth, it appears to me (as I suggested long ago) that they are the effects of the attraction of the red end or north end of the needle by the heated portions of our globe, especially by the heated sea, whose effect appears to predominate greatly over that of the land. I do not say that everything is thus made perfectly clear, but I think that the leading phenomena may be thus explained. And this is almost necessarily the way of AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1 8/6 TO 1 88 1. 335 beginning a science. In the first few years after the strict and systematic examination of competitive chronometers, beginning with 1856, the accuracy of chronometers was greatly increased. For many years past it has been nearly stationary. I interpret this as shewing that the effects of bad workmanship are almost eliminated, and that future improve- ment must be sought in change of some points of construction. Referring to the Transit of Venus in 1874, the printing of all sections of the Observations, with specimens of the printed forms employed, and remarks on the photographic operations, is very nearly completed. An Introduction is begun in manuscript. I am in correspondence with the Commission which is entrusted with the arrangements for observation of the Transit of 1882. The Numerical Lunar Theory has been much interrupted by the pressure of the Transit of Venus work and other business." In his Report to the Board of Visitors (his 46th and last), Airy remarks that it would be a fitting opportunity for the expression of his views on the general objects of the Observatory, and on the duties which they impose on all who are actively concerned in its conduct. And this he proceeds to do in very considerable detail. On May 5th he wrote to Lord Northbrook (First Lord of the Admiralty) and to Mr Gladstone to resign his post of Astronomer Royal. From time to time he was engaged on the subject of a house for his future residence, and finally took a lease of the White House at the top of Groom's Hill, just outside one of the gates of Greenwich Park. On the 1 5th of August he formally resigned his office to Mr W. H. M. Christie, who had been appointed to succeed him as Astrono- mer Royal, and removed to the White House on the next day, August 1 6th. His holiday movements in the portion of the year up to August 1 6th consisted in his winter visit to Playford, from which he returned on Jan. 24th : and a subsequent visit to Playford from June 7th to i8th. 336 GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY. The following correspondence relating to Airy's retirement from office testifies in a remarkable manner to the estimation in which his services were held, and to the good feeling which subsisted between him and his Official superiors. 10, DOWNING STREET, WHITEHALL, June 6, iS8i. DEAR SIR GEORGE AIRY, I cannot receive the announcement of your resig- nation, which you have just conveyed to me, without expressing my strong sense of the distinction you have conferred upon the office of Astronomer Royal, and of the difficulty of supplying your place with a person of equal eminence. Let me add the expression of my best wishes for the full enjoyment of your retirement from responsibility. I remain, dear Sir George Airy, Faithfully yours, W. E. GLADSTONE. ADMIRALTY, June loth, 1881. SIR, I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admi- ralty to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th instant, intimating your desire to retire on the i5th August next from the office of Astronomer Royal. 2. In reply I am to acquaint you that your wishes in this matter have been communicated to the Prime Minister, and that the further necessary official intimation will in due course be made to the Treasury. 3. At the same time I am instructed by their Lordships to convey to you the expression of their high appreciation of the remarkably able and gifted manner, combined with unwearied diligence and devotion to the Public Service (especially as regards the Department of the State over which they preside), in which you have performed the duties of Astronomer Royal throughout the long period of forty-five years. 4. I am further to add that their Lordships cannot allow the present opportunity to pass without giving expression to their sense AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY 1876 TO l88l. 337 of the loss which the Public Service must sustain by your retirement, and to the hope that you may long enjoy the rest to which you are so justly entitled. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, ROBERT HALL. Sir G. B. Airy, K.C.B. &>c., &>c., Royal Observatory, Greenwich. ADMIRALTY, 28/7* June, 1 88 1. SIR, My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have much pleasure in transmitting copy of a resolution passed by the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory on the 4th June last, bearing testimony to the valuable services you have rendered to Astronomy, to Navigation, and the allied Sciences throughout the long period during which you have presided over the Royal Observatory. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, ROBERT HALL. Sir George Biddell Airy, K.C.B. 6 234, 237, 240, 359 Athenaeum Club 62 Atkinson, Senior Wrangler 1821, 30 Atlantic cable 230 Atmospheric railway (see Railways) Auckland, Lord 104, 108, 109, 124, 185 Aurora Borealis 294 Australian Observatories (see also Ob- servatories) 204 Auwers, Dr 343345 Babbage, Charles 24, 37, 48, 70, 92, 152, 238 Baily, Francis 87, 91 93, 95, 98, 101 103, 125, 127, 130, 133, 134, 139, 144, 158, 165, 172 Bakhuysen, of Leyden 331 Balance (Public Balance) 304 Baldock, Commander 213 Baldrey, assistant 87, 89, 114 Banks, optician 38 Baring, Sir T. no, 204, 206 Barlow, Prof. 79, 134, 171, 176 Barlow, W. H. 303, 331 Barnard, Proctor 91 Barnes, Miss 138 Barnes, Gorell 264 Barometers 291, 301, 304, 319 Barry, Sir C. 217 Barton, Bernard 17 Baxter, secretary to the Admiralty 290 Beacons, floating 230 406 INDEX. Beaufort, Captain 93, 95 97, IOT, 102, 124, 125, 132134, 138 Beaumont's Observatory 104 Bedingfield, pupil 29 Bell Scholarships (see Examinations) Bessell, astronomer 76, 98, 99 Biddell, Arthur, uncle of G. B. A. 16, i7 *9, 23, 7 1 , 9L 9 2 IIO I2 9 132, 160, 242 Biddell, George, uncle of G. B. A. 67, 172, 208 Biddell, William, uncle of G. B. A. 56 Biddell, George Arthur, son of Arthur Biddell 171176, 180, 188 Biographical notes 295, 296 Bissett, pupil 50 Blackwood, Captain 206, 210 Blakesley, Canon 161 Blasting 138, 146, 160, 163 Bliss's observations 157, 159 Blomfield, G. B., pupil 32 Bloomfield, Lord 188, 190 Board of Longitude 72 74, 76, 77, 7982, 85, 141, 231 Boileau 27 Bond, G. P. 230 Books, written by G. B. A., Appendix Book Society, Cambr. 55 Bosanquet 206 Bouch, T. Civ. Eng. 303 Boundary of Canada (see Canada) Bouvard, E. 69, 76, 77, 134, 165 Bowstead, 109 Bradley's observations 102, 157, 159, 243 Brazil, Emperor of 295, 298, 355 Breakwaters (see Harbours) Breen, assistant 157, 206 Brewster, Sir D. 95, 96, 100 Bridges 64, 77, 180, 185, 189, 197,228, 271, 3 02 , 3>3 33', 356 Brinkley, Dr 75 Bristow, Miss 149 Britannia Bridge (see Bridges) Brooke, Charles 171, 179, 195 British Association 94 97, 99, 103, 130, 143, 165, 169, 170, 187, 205, 206, 213, 244, 247, 358 Brougham, Lord 101, 103 Browne, G. A. 86 Brunei, Civ. Eng. 175 Buck 124 Buckland, Dr 91 Buckle, pupil 35, 36, 39, 40, 51 Burgoyne, Sir J. 157 Burlington, Lord 131, 136, 187 Burton 323 Busts (see Portraits) Calculating machines 37, 152, 230 Calvert 60 Cambridge Observatory : Assistants 87, 98 Cambridge Observatory : Instruments 84, 89, 90, 92, 94, 96 98, 100, 104, no, 114 116, 125, 129, 132, 138, 151, 165 Printed observations 85, 87, 88 91, 93' 96, 99 Io8 ' IIO > "4 " 6 i*5' T 32 General 78 87, 90 94, 97, 103, 108, in, 114 116, 129, 216, 365 Cambridge University 227, 230, 232, 237, 247, 251, 287, 332 Cambridge Observatory, U.S.A. 271 Canada boundary 160, 167, 168 Cankrein, pupil 53, 72 Canning, Lord 160, 180 Cape of Good Hope, Observatory and Survey 95, 96, 101, 104, 131 133, 140, 142, 153, 158, 201, 205, 206, 219, 244, 252, 253, 288, 326, 332 Carpenter, assistant 302 Cartmell, Dr 266269 Case 144, 145 Catalogues of stars (see Stars) Cathedrals and churches 50, 83, 145, 147, 149, 155, 176, 210, 361, 362 Catton 78 Cavendish experiment 130, 133, 139, 148 Cayley, Prof. 273280, 309, 327, 355 Challis, Prof. 34, 91, 138, 151, 165, 169, 181 Chalmers, Dr 51 Cherbourg (see Harbours) Chesil Bank 155, 156 Childers 27, 28 Childers, First Lord of Admiralty 286, 290 Christchurch 154, 155 Christie, Prof. 126, 134, 185 Christie, Astronomer Royal 288, 318, 3^0, 335, 353' 360 Chronographic barrel (see Galvanic Registration) Chronometers 67, 68, 85, in, 124, 127, i33 ^S, H 1 * J 53, r 58, 205, 219, 244, 258, 259, 260, 270, 280, 289, 302, 307* 313' 322, 335, 3^5 Churches (see Cathedrals) Church service 355, 356 Cincinnati Observatory 151 Clarendon, Lord 227 Clark, Latimer 217 Clarkson, Thomas, and Mrs Clarkson 17, 1923, 31, 62, 64, 234, 313, 327329 Cleasby, pupil 64, 72 Clegg 157 Clinton, pupil 50, 53, 64 Clocks, 158, 180, 187, 201, 206, 207, 213, 215 218, 220, 223, 226,240, 270, 293, 3 OI 3 6 , 32i, 324, 366 Cockburn, Sir G. 178 INDEX. 407 Coinage (see Decimal Coinage) Colby, Col. 91, 95, 140, 148, 152, 202, 357 Colchester 15 21, 141, 318, 362 Colenso, Bishop 264, 265, 310 College Hall 4547 Collorado, Count 188 Colonial Observatories (see Observa- tories) 179 Comets 83, 86, 95 97, no, 133, 169, 180, 195, 201, 204, 232, 307 Commissions 133, 134, 139, 151, 158, 165, 169, 171, 175, 176, 180, 196, 217, 224, 228, 237, 240242, 247, 257, 280, 281, 287, 301, 331, 335 Compass corrections 134 136, 139, 140, 165, 219, 224, 228, 237, 260, 3 r 3 3^0, 359, 363, 364 Cookson, Dr 282 284 Cooper, pupil 62, 63 Cooper's telescope (see Telescopes) 108 Copying press 123 Corbaux, Miss 204 Corryvreckan whirlpool 248 Courtney, Rev. J. 92, 137, 148 Cowper, First Commissioner of Works 240 Crawford, pupil 76 Criswick, assistant 221, 246 Cropley, 67, 69, 71, 73 Crosse, Rev. E. 17, 19, 20 Cubitt, Sir W. 17, 34, 56, 73, no, 163 Daguerrotypes 144 Dalhousie, Lord 171 Davy, Sir Humphrey 54, 55, 67 Davy, Dr 70, 80, 81, 100 Daynou, Lieut. 227 Deal time ball 213, 216, 217, 218, 222, 228, 231 De Berg 187 Decimal coinage and decimal sub- dividing 204, 217, 224, 281 Dee navigation (see Rivers) Degrees (see also Orders and Elections to Societies) 40, 61, 69, 165, 195, 196, 251, 272, 311 Deighton, publisher 67, 90 De La Rive 233 De La Rue 241, 295, 302, 348 De Launay 293, 296, 303 Deluge, The 220 De Morgan, A. 227 Denison, E. B. 180, 207, 213, 217 Denison, Sir W. 133, 184 Denison, H. 207 Denmark, King of 169, 195, 204 Dent, clockmaker 158 Dent-dale 149, 150 Devonshire, Duke of 251 Dobbs, pupil 6 1 63, 65, 69 Dobree, lecturer 27, 30 Docks (see Harbours) Dolcoath experiments 66 68, 71, 79, 83, 84 Dollond, instrument maker 71, 92, 330 Drainage 196, 231, 366 Drinkwater, Bethune 27, 32 36, 38 40, 5052, 134 Double-image micrometer 139, 141, 330 Douglas, Sir H. 228 Dover (see Harbours) Dublin professorship (see Professorships) Dublin Observatory (see Observatories) 108 Due, Baron 211 Dundas, Admiral 207 Dundonald, Lord 180, 183, 184 Dunkin, assistant 206, 210, 221, 243,246 Dunlop, astronomer 96 Durham observatory 139 Earnshaw 79 Earth currents 239, 245, 260, 281, 285, ^86, 333 Eastons, manufacturers 77 Eclipses (see also Ancient Eclipses) 104, 115, 127, 151, 154, 186, 206, 208, 209, 227, 232, 241, 242, 244, 271, 292, 333 Edinburgh Observatory 101, 230, 232 Edmonston, Dr 208 Education (see University Education) Egyptian Astronomical Tablets 224 Elections to societies, &c. (see also Degrees and Orders) 50, 62, 64, 83, 89, 108, 127, 217, 297, 311 Electricity, atmospheric 165, 215, 319, 3 2 4 330 Ellenborough, Lord 178 Ellis, W., assistant 221, 224, 237, 304, 308 Elphinstone 52 Encke and Encke's Comet 83, 95 97, i33 !83 Encyclopaedia Metro politana 63, 65, 67, 69, 83, 89, 94, 142, 152, 166 Engines (see Steam-engines) Equatoreal, large 224, 227, 229, 231, 236, 241, 243, 263, 287, 288, 292, 304, 306, 307 Estcourt, Col. 167 Evans, lecturer 23, 32 Examinations 72, 74, 79, 86, 89, 93, 95, 98, 102, 105, 185, 237 Exhibitions and prizes 24, 27, 31, 38, 49> 313 Exodus of the Israelites 204 Eye, defects of 61, 63, 65, 220, 237, 244 Eye, estate at 132, 143 145 Fallows, astronomer 95, 201 Faraday 93, 95, 2 1 7, 244 Farish 52 Farr 230 408 INDEX. Fellowship 53, 61, 69 Field 27, 38, 41, 61 Fisher 39 Fishmongers' Company 24 Fletcher, Isaac, M.P. 272,. 288, 323 Floating Island, Derwentwater 320 ?' Fluid telescope, Barlow's 79 Foley 39 Forbes, Prof. J. D. 126, 179, 196, 204 Foster, Messrs 189 Fox, Alfred 173 Freedom of the City of London 311 3H Freemantle, Sir T. 204 French, Dr 70, 78 Friends, Personal friends at Cam- bridge 116 122 Fries, Prof. 210 Galbraith 84 Galle 181, 183, 188 Galvanic communication, Time-signals, Clocks, and Registration (see also Earth currents) 201, 203, 204, 206, 211, 213, 215 218, 222, 223, 226, 228, 230, 231, 233, 240, 244, 256, 258, 259, 262, 263, 280, 302, 326, 331, 333 Gambard 88 Gas Act 237 Gauss 126, 139, 183 Gautier 88, 233 Geodesy 240, 323, 353 Geology 55, 84, 91, 100, 353 Geological Society 89 Germany 302 Gibson, pupil 32, 36, 39, 40, 52 Gilbert, Messrs 77 Gilbert, Davies 79, 87, 89, 96, 134 Gill, astronomer 318, 322, 326, 332 Gladstone, W. E. 179, 217, 336 Glaisher, assistant 98, 104, 109 nr, 115, 129, 130, 132, 142, 148, 185, 216, 304 Glasgow Observatory 139, 143 Gordon 72 Gosset 202 Goulburn, Chancellor of the Exchequer 151, 152, 162 Gould, Dr B. A. 271, 301, 343 Goussel 62 Graduation of circles 194 Grant, of Glenmoriston 96 Great Circle sailing (see Navigation) Great Eastern (see Ships) Great Exhibition 206, 207 Great Gable 148, 220 Green, Commander U.S.N. 331 Greenwich 187, 367 Greenwich Observatory, before his ap- pointment as Astronomer Royal 54, 55, 68, 76, 80, 82, 85, 88, 90, 9296, 99, 103 Greenwich Observatory: Appointment as Astronomer Royal, and subsequently as Visitor 103 105, 108, 109, 222, 306, 335337, 339, 340, 346, 354 Buildings and grounds in, 123, 124, 126, 131, 133, 139, 168, 194, 200, 205, 216, 224, 242, 245, 259, 262, 269, 280, 285, 315, 321, 329 Instruments j 30, 133, 139, 157 159, 180, 182, 184, 185, 194, 205, 214, 215, 218, 224, 226, 229, 231, 238, 240, 243, 257, 259, 262, 269, 270, 287, 286, 288, 291, 293, 301, 302, 304, 306, 315, 318, 320, 321, 331, 333, 353 Assistants 109, 129, 130, 157, 201, 21-6, 238, 290, 296, 304, 341, 342, 367, 368 Computations 244, 280 Papers and manuscripts (arrange- ment of) 123, 131, 158, 1 68, 179, 280, 324 Estimates 151, 178, 269, 290, 326 Printed Observations 138, 152, 153, 157, 165, 195, 218, 263, 319, 324, 326, 363 Visitations and Reports 125, 141, i53> 157, !59> l6 , l8l > J 82, 184, 185, 203, 205, 212, 215, 216, 224, 226, 231, 232, 236, 240, 246248, 258, 262, 271, 289, 290, 293, 295, 303, 39, 3 2 6, 335, 337339 35", 360, 362, 363, 365 General 132, 141, 160, 179, 240, 310, 360 Gresswell 224 Groombridge's Catalogue (see Stars) Guest, Caius College 52, 61, 108, 188 Haarlem 211 Hall, Col. 202 Halley and Halley's Comet 1 10, 2 19, 29 1 Hamilton 38, 41, 207 Hamilton, Sir W. R. 75, 196 Hamilton, Admiral 240 Hansard 76 Hansen, Prof. 181 183, 185, 204, 219, 227, 229, 235, 236, 238, 239, 244 Hansteen 206 Harbours 169, 170, 176, 177, 217, 228 Harcourt, Rev. W. Vernon 94, 97, no, 175, *7<5 Hartnup, astronomer 129, 130, 365 Harton Colliery experiments 220, 221, 223 Haviland, Dr 8, 148, 162 Hawkes, Trinity College 40 Hebrew Scriptures 204, 220, 309, 358 Heliograph 302 Hencke 168 Henderson, astronomer 96, 101, 131 Henslow, Prof. 91 INDEX. 409 Herbert, G. 230 Hereford 15, 225, 320 Herschel, Sir John 24, 38, 48, 54, 55, 67, 69, 74, 75, 82, 85, 89, 91, 93, 94, 99, 100, 101, 114, 116, 132, 140, 142, 153, 160, 163, 207, 220, 221, 223, 233, 244, 297 Herschel, Miss Caroline 183 Herschel, Col. J. 359 Hervey, pupil 53 Higman, Tutor, Trinity College 39, 53, 61, 62, 70 Hilgard, U.S.A. 301 Himalaya Expedition (see Eclipses) Hind, Moderator 39 Hind, Superintendent Nautical Al- manac 142, 180, 201, 210, 212, 216, 244 Hopkins 109 Hovenden, pupil 63 Hudson 175 Huggins, Dr 316, 344, 363 Humboldt, Baron A. jt^6j 188 Humphreys 206, 209, 210 Hussey, Dr 134 Hustler, Tutor, Trinity College 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 33, 41 Hyde Parker, Admiral 183 Hygrometers 103 Ibbotson, pupil 69 Iliff 27 Illnesses 101, 129, 173, 182, 183, 327, 353. 360, 362367 Inequality, Venus and Earth 77, 78, 94, 98, 99 Inglis, Sir R. 179 Institut de France 104, 105, 297 Institution of Civil Engineers 152, 207, 271 Inverness, Northern Institution of 64 Ipswich Lectures 195 197, 362 Ireland, notes of 163, 164 Ivory 75 Jackson 83 Jackson, John 360 James, Sir H. 220, 240 Janus (see Steam-engines) Jarrow (see Harbours) Jeffries 3840 Jerrard, Dr 136 Jervis, Major 140 Jeune, Dr, V. C. of Oxford 243 Johnson, Capt. 134 Johnson, astronomer 238 Jones, instrument-makers 77, 83, 84, 94, 96, 97 Jones, R. 09 Journeys : Scotland and Cumberland 50; Swan- sea 52 ; Derbyshire, &c. 60 ; Wales 64; Keswick, &c. 64; Cornwall, &c. 67, 68 ; Orleans 69 ; Lake District, &c. 76; Continent, Ob- servatories, &c. 88 ; Cornwall, &c. 83, 84; Derbyshire 90; Oxford &c. 91; Cumberland 91 ; Ireland 94; Scotland 96; Derbyshire, &c. 100; Cumberland, &c. 103; Ire- land 1 08; Kent 129; S. Wales 132; Luddington and Yorkshire 137 ; Border of Scotland 143 ; S. Wales 148 ; Cumberland and Yorkshire 148 150; South of Ire- land 1 60 ; Ireland 168 ; France 172; Cornwall 172; Germany 183; Petersburg, &c. 188; Ireland 196; Shetland 202 ; Scotland 205 ; Sweden 208 211; Madeira 214; Cumberland 217 ; Cumberland 221; Oban, &c. 225; Italy and Sicily 228; West Highlands 231; Switzerland 233; Central France 238 ; Spain (eclipse) 242 ; Cumber- land 245 ; West Highlands 248 ; West Highlands 253; Cumberland 261 ; Norway 263 ; Cumberland 272; Switzerland 281; Cumber- land 288 ; Cumberland 290 ; Cum- berland 293; Scotland 296; Scot- land 306; N. of Scotland 318; Ireland 320; Scotland, &c. 324; Cumberland 327 ; Cumberland 332; Cumberland 350; Cumber- land 352; S. Wales 354; Cum- berland 358; Cumberland 362 Julius Caesar, landing of 207 Jupiter (see Planets) 97, 99, 104, 115, 116, 127, 307, 319 Keeling 18 Kennedy 90 King, Joshua 70, 78 Kingstown 253 Knight, publisher 103 Knighthood, offers of in 113, 187, 254 2 56, 296 Lagarde 69, 88 Laing 171 Landman, engineer 126 Langton 272, 288, 290, 293, 296, 306 Laplace 69, 79, 99 Lardner, Dr 75 Lassell, and Lassell's telescope 195, 196 Latitude determinations 83, 114 Lax, Prof. 40, 72, 85, 87 Lectures : College 62, 6567, 70 Professorial 71 77, So, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99, 102, 104, 108, 113, 114, 124, 125 Miscellaneous 70, 132, 142, 169, 195, 196, 206, 207, 217, 230, 233, 244, 260, 287, 323, 362, 367 Lefevre, J. G. S. 134, 171 INDEX. Leitch, Dr 220 Le Verrier 181, 187, 233, 257, 317 Lewis, H. 52 Lewis, Sir G. C. 224, 254 Lightfoot, Rev. Dr 285 Lighthouses 51, 225, 240 242, 355 Lightning 262 Lillingstone 96 Lindsay, Lord 326 Listing, Prof. 343, 353 Liverpool Observatory 139, 151, 179, 196, 201, 253, 365 Livingstone, Dr 230 Lloyd, Dr 75 Lloyd, Prof. 1 26 Lockyer 362 Lodge 83, 88 London University 131, 136, 139, 148, 1 80, 1 86 London, Freedom of the City 311 314 Long vacations, with pupils 52, 64, 69 Longitude determinations 85, 91, 93, 158, 160, 166168, 216, 219, 223, 227, 230, 232, 240, 246, 253, 263, 271, 301, 319, 325, 331, 332 Longitude, Board of (see Board of Longi- tude) Lowe, Chancellor of the Exchequer 220 Lubbock, Sir John 98, 99, 127, 130, 131, 134, 136, 142, 238 Lucas (computer) 233 Lucasian Professorship (see Professor- ships) Lunar Reductions 127, 130, 133, 139, 142, 148, 151, 153, 158, 165, 181, 185, 195, 214, 235, 239 Lunar Theory and Tables (see also Numerical Lunar Theory) 127, 131, 185, 204, 227, 229, 235, 236, 239, 244 313. 354> 36o Lyndhurst, Lord 105, 162, 168, 171 Lyons, Sir E. 209 211 Macaulay, T. B. 61 Macdonnell, Dr 75 Maclean, of Loch Buy 96 Maclear, Astronomer 92, 93, 101, 131, 133' r 5 8 2I 9 238, 2 44. 253 Madras Observatory 101 Magnetic Observatory and Magnetism (see also Meteorology, Compass corrections, and Earth currents 124, 126, 131, 133, 139, 141, 142, 148, 151, 165, 169, 170, 171, 179, 185, I95> 2 >3. 215, 216, 222, 224, 233, 239, 240, 244248, 252, 256, 257, 259, 260, 263, 281, 287, 291, 292, 294, 302, 304, 319, 325, 326, 330, 334, 357. 358 Main, Robert 109, no, 216, 238 Maine Boundary (see Canada) Maiden, Prof. 207, 220 Malkin 27, 52, 63 Malta 320 Man-Engines (see Mines) Manuscripts (see Papers) Mars (see Planets) 116, 252, 318 Marshman, pupil 64, 65 Marth, A. 240 Martin, Trin. Coll. 161 Maskelyne, astronomer 102, 128, 159 Mason 39 Mathematical Investigations (see also Appendix "Printed Papers") 224, 240, 247, 355, 357 Mathematical Tracts 65 67, 90, 94, 233 Mathematical subjects in 1819, 47, 48 Maudslays and Field 218 May, Ransomes and May 158, 194 Medals 95, 98, 104, 169, 180, 193, 272, 320 Melbourne University 220 Melville, Lord 87 Mercury (see Planets) 286 Merivale, Dr 327, 328 Meteorology 116, 147, 168, 179, 232, 270, 271, 281, 289, 291, 292, 301, 303, 304, 3 l6 3!9> 322, 324, 326, 330, 33L 334, 355357 Meteors 270 Middleton, Sir W. 207 Milaud 209, 210 Military researches 238 Miller, Prof. 102, 158, 237 Mines 66, 67, 71, 76, 79, 83, 84, 172 175, 189 Minto, Lord 124, 135, i f2 Mitchell, astronomer 151, 203 Mitchell Miss 195 Molesworth, Sir W. 217 Monteagle, Lore} 237 Monument in Playford church 137 Moon: Observations of 158 160, 195, 214, 230, 235, 263, 307, 316, 324 Theory and Tables of (see Lunar Theory and Tables) Reductions of Observations of (see Lunar Reductions) Mass of 88, 89 Morpeth, Lord 196 Morton, Pierce, pupil 52, 108, 205 Murchison, Sir R. 213 Murray, publisher 176 Musgrave, Charles 21, 22, 34 Musgrave, T. Archbishop 21, 22, 85 Myers 27, 31, 33, 39, 265 Nasmyth 169 Nautical Almanac 74, 76, 77, 85, 87, 91, 92, 104, 214, 216, 331 Navigation 233, 313, 365 Neate, pupil 53 Neptune and Uranus 133, 134, 165, 169, 181, 183, 186 INDEX. 411 Newall 306, 318 Newcombe, Prof. 343 New Forest 155 Northampton, Lord 142, 144 Northumberland Telescope 100, 104, no, 125, 132, 138, 151, 165 Numerical Lunar Theory 293, 296, 303, 305, 308, 317* 3 J 9 3 2 <> 323. 3 2 5, 335, 346350. 354 356, 358, 360 362 Observatories: see American, Australian, Beaumont's, Cambridge, Cambridge U.S.A., Cape of Good Hope, Cincin- nati, Colonial, Dublin, Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Greenwich, Liverpool, Madras, Oxford, Paris, Paramatta, Pulkowa, St Helena, Williamstown Occultations 227 O'Connell 163, 164 Ogilby, pupil 65, 69 Oppolzer, Prof. 325 Opponencies (see Acts and Opponencies) Optics 55, 75 77, 87, 90, 92, 93, 95, in, 220, 323, 336, 363 Orders (see also Degrees and Elections to Societies) 187, 191 193, 220, 256, 293, 296, 298, 304, 311 OuvarofT, Count 188, 191 193 Oxford Observatory 142 Oxford, Miscellaneous 165 Packington, Sir J. 233 Palmerston, Lord 256 Papers (see Appendix " Printed Papers") Papers, Arrangement of 123, 131, 158, 168, 179, 280 Parachute, Fall of 1 30 Parallax (see Sun) Paramatta Observatory 96, 179 Parker, Charles 1 1 1 Parker, Vice-Chancellor 49 52 Paris, Dr 66, 67 Paris Observatory 223, 257, 269, 290, 291, 301 s Exhibition, 222 Paris Parliamentary Elections 98, 104, 130 Pasley, Col. 146 Paul 142 Peacock, George 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 31 33, 35, 3 8 > 40, 45, 48, 49 53, 55, 63, 66, 69, 70, 77, 119121, 134, 152, 154, 161, 165, 182 Pearson, Dr 85 Peel, Sir Robert 105 108, 151, 179 Pendulum Investigations and Experi- ments 66, 67, 71, 79, 83, 84, 220, 221, 223,359 Penny Cyclopaedia 97, 101, 132 Pension 105 108, 306 Pentland 104, 105 Percy, Bishop 218 Personal sketch i 13 Philosophical Society, Cambridge 35, 38, 50, 55, 63, 65, 70, 75, 85, 89, 92, 93, 95, 99, 101, 104 Philpott, Dr 233 Photography 230, 239, 241, 247, 295, 302, 305, 307, 308, 316-319, 323, 3*4, 33i Piers (see Harbours) Pinheiro, Lieut. 355 Pipon, Lieut. 160 Plana, astronomer 88 Planetary influences 249, 250 Planetary Reductions 98, 100, 102, 104, no, 130, 133, 139, 142, 148, 153, 180, 263 Planets (see also Transits of Venus) 77, 78, 82, 94, 9799, 104, 115, 116, 127, 133, 134, 165, 168, 169, 181, 183, 186, 195, 198, 200, 2or, 212, 247, 252, 257, 263, 286, 291, 307, 315, 318, 319, 322, 324 Plantamour 234 Playford 182, 320, 353, and frequently throughout Plumian Professorship (see Professor- ships) Pocket-books for Observations 116 Pogson, astronomer 221 Pond, astronomer 73, 76, 80, 82, 87, 93, 123, 127129 dock, Capt. 95 Portlock, Portraits, busts, &c. 50, 102, 354 Post Office, (clocks, &c.) 223, 226, 331, Post Office, stamps and envelopes 144 Pouillet 69 Prince Albert 162, 207 Pritchard, Rev. C. 215, 358, 362 Prizes (see Exhibitions) Probable errors 240 Professorships : Dublin 75 ; Lucasian 69 71 ; Plu- mian 77 81, 86, 89, 92, 93, no Public Schools Commission 247 Pulkowa Observatory 188 193, 252, Pupils : Bedingfield 29; Bissett 50; Blom- field 32 ; Buckle 35, 36, 39, 40, 51; Cankrein 53, 72; Cleasby 64, 72; Clinton 50, 53, 64 ; Cooper 62 ; Crawford 76; Dobbs 61 63, 65, 69; Gibson 32, 36, 39, 40, 52; Guest 52, 61, 108; Hervey 53; Hovenden 63 ; Ibbotson 69; Lewis 52; Marshman 64, 65 ; Morton 52, 108, 205; Neate 53; Ogilby 65, 69 ; Parker 49 52 ; Rosser 29, 30, 32; Smith 64; Tinkler 69; Tot- tenham 64; Turner 53, 61 63, 72,73; Wigram64; Williamson 49 412 INDEX. Pym, Engineer 157 Queen, H. M. the Queen, 161, 317 Queroualle, Mdlle de 360 Quetelet 88 Railways, near Observatory 126, 178, ^ 252, 259, 262, 291, 294 Railway Gauge Commission 171, 175, 176, 180 Railways, miscellaneous 138, 143, 156, . i57t ^L 354 Rain (see Meteorology) Rainbows 357 Ransomes, also Ransomes and May 17, 19, 20, 125, 152, 158, 194, 205 Reach 50, 51 Reflex zenith tube 194, 226 Religious tests and views 7, 264, 265, 284, 285, 309 Repsold 1 88 Rhodes 131 Richardson, assistant 98 Rigaud, Prof. 87, 96, 102 Rivers 207, 213, 217, 232, 334 Robinson, Dr 91, 94 Robinson, Capt. 160 Rogers, Rev. 21 Rogers, school assistant 20, 56 Romilly, Lord 27, 28 Ronalds 179, 195 Rose, Rev. H. J. 142 Rosse, Lord, and Rosse's Telescope 161, 179, 196, 198 2OO, 221, 222 Rosser, pupil 29, 32 Rothery 351 Rothman 36, 37, 40 Round Down Cliff, blasting of 163 Rouse, Rev. R. C M. 357 Routh, Dr E. J. 143, 244, 258, 266, 272, 293 Royal Astronomical Society (see also Appendix "Printed Papers") 83, 89, 98, 99, 104, 127, 134, 169, 180, 181, 186, 201, 202, 204, 206, 213, 217, 219, 230, 272, 281, 305, 310, 326, 348, 355 Royal Exchange clock 158 Royal Institution 206, 217 Royal Society (see also Appendix " Printed Papers ") 67, 73, 78, 83, 92, 94, 95, 103, 127, 142, 148, 169, 195, 202, 204, 213, 224, 230, 233, 244, 247, 258, 272, 293, 303, 310, 359 Royal Society of Edinburgh 108 Runcker, Paramatta 54 Riincker 188, 220, 221 Rundell 237, 363 Rusby 38, 41 Russell, Lord John in, 191, 192 Sabine, Col. 223, 233, 240, 247, 248 Sadler, H. 326 Saint Helena Observatory 127 Samuda 157 Saturn (see Planets) 82, 307 Saunders, G. W. Ry 175 Saw-mills (see Ship timbers) Schehallien, mountain 204 Scholarship 35, 36 Scholefield 162 Schumacher 91, 134, 169, 180, 188, 195, 201, 214 Scientific Manual 185 Scoop- wheels 152 Scoresby, Dr 219, 237 Scriptural Researches (see Hebrew Scriptures) Sedgwick, Adam 22, 54, 69, 72, 83, 84, 98, 100, 119, 136, 140, 149, 153, 161, 173, 182, 187, 299, 300 Selvvyn, Prof. 264 Senate House Examination (see also University Education) 39, 43 45, 237, 265, 266, 273, 282 284 Sewers Commission 196 Sheepshanks, Rev. Richard, and Miss Sheepshanks 67, 77, 78, 80 85, 9 2 > 93' 95' 97 9 8 > 100105, 108, in, 114, 121, 130, 134, 142, 165, 202, 224, 227, 230, 301 Sheepshanks Fund and Scholarship 227, 230, 232, 237, 247, 365 Shepherd, clock-maker 206, 213, 223 Ships 231, 237, 260, 351 Ship-timbers, Machinery for sawing, 152, 169, 187 Shirreff, Capt. 152, 183 Simmons 221 Simms, F. W. 109 Simms (see Troughton and Simms) Skeleton forms 37, 102, no, 123, 148, 1 60 Sly, draughtsman 151 Smith, Rev. R. Smith, father-in-law of G. B. A., and Mrs Smith, 5660, 66, 71, 132, 137, 142, 187, 231, 238 Smith, the Misses Smith, sisters of Richarda Airy, Susanna 91, 101 ; Elizabeth 99, in, 183; Georgiana 99, 103, in, 172; Florence, 108; Caroline 138 Smith, Archibald 237 Smith, Sir Frederick 171, 175 Smith, M., pupil 64 Smith, engineer 156 Smith's Prizes 40, 49, 72, 79, 86, 89, 93> 95 98, 102, 105, 230, 238, 260, 309, 3 2 7 Smyth, Capt. W. H. 88, 91, 93, 157, 167, 326, 330 Smyth, Piazzi 227, 230 Societies, &c., Elections to (see Elec- tions) Solar Eclipses (see Eclipses) INDEX. 413 Solar Inequality (see Sun) Solar System (see Sun) 253 Solar Tables (see Sun) South, Sir James 38, 54, 55, 69, 73, 87, 9193,9699, 103, 157, 179, 185, 238 South's Telescope 9799, 103 South- Eastern Railway 126, 179, 201, 203, 206, 218, 233, 262, 294 Southampton 154 Southey (Poet) 64, 65, 76, 149 Spectroscopy 257, 304, 307, 315, 316, 3i8, 330, 334 Spottiswoode 355 Spring-Rice, Lord Monteagle 104, 105, no 112, 126, 130, 134, 136 Standards of Length and Weight, and Standards Commission 133, 134, 139, *5' 5 i5 8 > J 65> 169, 217, 224, 247, 257, 280, 281, 287, 301, 313 Stars 97, 100 102, no, 127, 130, 132, i33> l6 5> 20I 2 3 2 53 28 "> 28 9> 304, 307, 322, 324, 330, 357, 362 Start Point 230, 233, 244, 246, 258, 309 Steam-engines 18, 09, 70, 180, 183, 184, 2ii Stephenson, George 90 Stephenson, Robert 90, 178, 180, 204 Steventon 109 Stewart, Prof. Balfour 357 Stjerneld, Baron 209, 210, 211 Stokes, Prof. 274, 276, 305, 337, 366 Stone, Astronomer 238, 259, 280, 288, 289, 291, 354 Stratford, Lieut. 93, 101, 156, 216 Stroganoff, Count 188 Strutt, Lord Helper 27, 28 Strutt, Jedediah 60 Struve, Otto 165, 166, 188, 204, 205, 240, 243, 343, 357 Stuart, Prof. J. 350 Sun: Miscellaneous 227, 253, 304, 307, 316, 318, 320, 324, 325, 326, 331, 334 Parallax of (see also Transits of Venus) 230, 252, 318, 322, 323 Eclipses of (see Eclipses) Inequality, Venus and Earth 77, 78, 94, 98, 99 able Tables of 73, 76, 78 Surveys (see Trigonometrical Surveys) Sussex, Duke of, 103 105, 126 Sutcliffe 36 Sutcliffe, Miss 148 Sydney University 207 Sylvester 169, 187 Sweden, King of 209, 210, 304 Tate 27, 28 Taylor, architect in Taylor, First Assistant to Pond, 100, 124 Taylor, H. 97, 100, 101, 102, 127 Telegraphs (see Galvanic communi- cations) Telescopes (see also Cambridge Obser- vatory Instruments, and Greenwich Observatory Instruments) 79, 97, 98, 99, 103, 108, 196, 198200, 221, 230, 240, 286, 291, 292, 294, 306 Teneriffe Experiment 227, 230 Thames, the River, 232, 334 Theology (see also Hebrew Scriptures and Colenso) 356, 358, 363, 365 Thermometers 179, 289, 301, 304, 316 Thermo-multiplier 286, 288, 289 Thirl wall, Bishop 272 Thomas, assistant 130 Thompson, Master Trin. Coll. 272 Thomson, Sir W. 319, 359, 364 Tidal Harbour Commission 169 Tides, 142, 148, 152, 154, 165, 169, 207, 213, 217, 240, 320 Time-signals and Time (see also Gal- vanic communication, &c.) 201, 213, 215, 216, 222, 228, 230, 233, 244, 258, 302, 309, 351, 352, 360, 367 Time balls (see Time signals) Tinkler, pupil 69 Tottenham, pupil 64 Traill, Dr 60, 90 Transit Circle, 8-inch 185, 194, 205, 2ii, 214, 216, 222, 229, 232, 238, 243, 257, 262, 263, 269, 288, 291, 315, 321, 324, 353 Transits of Venus 261, 281, 286, 289, 292, 295, 302, 304, 305, 308, 313, 317, 318, 319, 322, 324, 325, 331, 335, 346, 35 Trigonometrical Survey 85, 95, 127, i3 2 !33> r 40 J 4 2 > H 8 * 2 2 f 253, 269 Trinity College, Cambridge 183, 227, 233 234, 247, 272, 285, 311, 356, 365, 3^8 Trinity House 230 Tripos Examination (see Senate-House Examination) Troughton and Simms 94, 97, 98, 103, no, 132, 194, 205, 260, 286, 294, 302. 315 Tulley, optician 38, 54, 90, no Tupman, Capt. 302, 323 Turner, pupil 53, 6163, 72, 73 Turton, Prof. 40, 65, 90 Tutorship 53, 61, 62, 6567, 70 Ulrich, J. G. 158 Universities (see Cambridge, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Melbourne, Oxford, Sydney) University Education (see also Smith's Prizes and Senate-House Examina- 414 INDEX. tion) 39, 4345, 47 4 8 > I ^'2, 265, 266269, 273280, 282284, 39 3^7, 33^, 361 University Press, 65, 85, 90, 95, 102 Uranus (see Neptune) Valencia (see also Longitude Deter- minations) 158, 160, 240, 246, 253,- 263, 271 Venus (see Planets, and Transits of Venus) Venus and Earth inequality (see Ine- quality) Vernon Harcourt (see Harcourt) Vetch, Capt. 204 Vibrations of ground 126, 178, 226, 259, 291 Vignoles, C. B., engineer 156, 241, 242 Vulliamy, clockmaker 187, 217 Wales, Prince of 320 Walker, Byatt 15 Walker, James, engineer 126 Walker, Sydney, 30 Warburton, H. 127, 187 Washington, Capt. 230 Water telescope (see also Fluid tele- scope) 240, 286, 291, 294 Watson 175 Waves (see Tides) Webster, M.P. for Aberdeen 318 Western 196 Westminster clock (see also Clocks) 187, 207, 213, 217, 240, 270 Wexford harbour (see Harbours) Wheatstone 142 Whewell, William 22, 25, 26, 31, 33, 43. 47, 53, 63, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 7880, 8385, 90, 100, 103, 105, 117119, 142, 148, 150, 152, 161, 169, 173, 227, 230, 232, 238, 266 White House, the, 335, 346, 347, 363, 3 6 5 Wigram, pupil 64 Williams, John 83, 173, 174 Williamson, pupil 49 Williamstown Observatory 252 Wilson, Prof. 196 Winchester 145 Winds (see Meteorology) Winning 27, 30 Wood, Sir Charles 109, 130 135, 222, 227 Wood, Dr 47 Woodbridge, Suffolk 358, 362 Woodhouse, Prof. 29, 40, 47, 48, 72, 77, 79 Woolwich Academy (see Examinations) Wordsworth, Dr, Master of Trin. Coll. 3 1 ' 3 6 , 53, 6l Wordsworth, poet 64, 76, 149, 150 Wrede, Baron 210 Wynter, Vice-Chancellor, Oxford 157, 1 66 Yolland, Col. 154, 202 York Cathedral 50, 147, 149, 176 Young, Dr 55, 67, 69, 74, 77, 79, 82, 85,87 CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY j. AND c. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library II or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY _ Bldg. 400, Richmond Fielisl Station 4 University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 "1 ! r. ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF ot_ Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FC RECEIVED JUL 2 6 2005 DEC 16 CIRCULATION DEPT. UL 09 1990 . General Library YC 22344 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES ,239026