^(( 5 GEN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU ISSUED BY ^imiM. THE CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU Lewis E. Aubury, State Mineralogist ■(<>( COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS, CALIFORNIA G0UPUKEN73 Cr iiwis I mmi V ''I. '>. ^ ^ i M-f-:. ^ n. \ RELIEF MAP OF CALIFORNI/^ BY N. F. DRAKE Department of Geology, Stanford University. Accon:panyjng Bulletin No. 46 General Index to Publications of th California State Mining Bureau Issued by the CALirORNIA STATE MINING BUREAI LEWIS E. AUBURY State IVlineralogist 1907 BULLETIN No. 46 SAN FRANCISCO, JUNE, 1907 GENERAL INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU ISSUED BY THE STATE MINING BUREAU FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO UNDER THE DIRECTION OF LEWIS E. AUBURY, - - STATE MINERALOGIST SACRAMENTO: W. W. SHANNON, SUPERINTENDENT STATE PRINTING UNIVERSItV^ CALIFORNIA LIBRARY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS LETTER or TRANSMITTAL To Hon. J. X. < iii.i.KTT. Governor of California, and lo the Board of Triisl<(s of (he iSlate Mining Bureau. Gentlemen: T have the lioiior to transmit Bulletin No. 46, "A (Jeneral Index to the Publications of the State Mininji" I^ureau." Since the organization of the Bureau, a \i\v\iv number of Reports, I'uUetins. Maps, etc., have Ijeen published, iiiid in order to assist the l)ubli(' in a knowledge of what these pu])lications contain, it has been deemed best to issue a bulletin of theii' contents. Very respectfully. h. E. AUBURY, State Mineralogist. 'o' San Francisco, June 15, 1907. Jf<^/^ GENERAL INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS Of THE CAllfORNlA STATE KINING BUREAU. Compiled by CHARLES ii. YALE. Tin- follow i ml: iiulfx to tlu' Viirimis lu'|)ort.s, liiilh-liiis, luvuistcrs. etc., issiKHl by the State Mininir Hurean from its orMlletins and Retristers, subjects, mines, ami counties have been arranoth title and author. No attempt has been made to IikTcx, for instance, the chapters on gold mining, forming so large a portion of most of the Reports. Nor are the names of mines or counties indexe(T. These are already alpha- betically arranged in the respective volumes. Those looking for records or descriptions of particular mines nnist seek them under the county headings in the various volumes or in the index to said volnmes. By looking in the 13th Report — 1896 — the system adopted maj' be readily 8 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. understood. Since that time Bulletins on single subjects have been issued, and the contents of each have been alphabetically arranged by subject and county, and suitably indexed. In referring to volumes in this index it is to be borne in mind that the figures following the words indicate the number of the Report; and the prefix '*Bul." before a figure indicates the number of the Bulletin. For example, "Antimony, 12, 13, Bui. 38" indicates special references to this metal in the 12th and 13th Reports and in Bulletin No. 38, and the page may be found by reference to the index of said Reports and Bulletin. It does not follow, however, that antimony is nowhere else mentioned in the publications of the Bureau, because there may be a number of brief references to its occurrences in the various Reports which would be shown in the index of the Report where such reference is made. With respect to Structural and Indus- trial Materials, what appeared relating to them in all previous Reports and Bulletins has been incorporated in and summarized in Bulletin No. 38. Dates of all Reports may be found after the word "Report." All Registers of ]\Iines and Minerals in counties may be found after the word "Register"; and all maps which appear separately or with the text of Reports are alphabetically arranged under the word "Map." Aaron, C. H. Finding value of specimens, 0. part 2. Hydro-metallurgy of gold, 8. Ilydro-motallurgy of silver, 8. Act for restraining barriers, 13. Adams, J. M. Concentration of ores, 6, part 2. Adobe, Bill. .IS. Alpine County, mineral deposits, 12. Altitudes in California, 2, 6, part 2. Ancient river-beds, Forest Hill Divide, 10. Anderson, Winslow. Desiccated human remains, r.ul. 1. Antimony, 12, 13, Bui. 38. Arastra, double, 13. Argentiferous galena, 12, 1.3. Armstrong, J. F. Register of mines. El Dorado County. Asbestos, 12, 13, Bui. 38. Asphalt, 10, 13, Bui. IC. Bui. 32. Genesis of California, Bui. 16. And natural gas, 7, 10, 12, Bui. 16. Assay of gold, 2, 4. Attwood, Melville. Milling of gold quartz, 2. Litliology of wall rocks, 8. Aubury, Lewis E. Copper resources of California, Bui. 23. Aubury, Marion. Register of mines, Kern County. Auriferous black sands of California, Bui. 4^. Auriferous gravels of California, 9, 10, 12. Auriferous conglomerate in California, 12. Authors of works on California mining, geology, etc., Bui. 30. GENERAL INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS. 9 B Bailey, G. E. Saline deposits of California. Bui. 24. Minorals of California (printed 1002). Register of mines, San Bernardino Connty. Barriers, re.'ftraininn. Act for, 13. Baryta, 12. Bui. 38. Bauxite in California, Bui. 38. Beach sands. See Bl.\ck S.\ND8. Behr, Hans C. Mine drainage and pumps, Bui. 9. Bell signals in mines, 12. Bibliography of geolojjy, paleontology, and mineral resources of California, Bnl. 10; Bui. 30 (2d edition), (.f snlinos, Bui. 24. Bituminous rock, 12, 13. Black sands, 1. 10. K'.. Bui. 45. Black sand torn, i;{. Blackmar, C. E. Register of oil wells, Los Angeles County. Blake, W. P. Rare minerals, 2. Board of Examiners, report to. 11. Bodie mines, xii'lil (M». Charles (J. Yale. No. '2-. ^liiMTal in'oduction of ('alifdriiia for fourteen years. Charles (J. Yale. No. 23. Copper resources of California. Lewis K. Anbury. No. 24. Saline deposits of California. G. K. Bailey. No. 2.'>. Mineral production of California, by counties, l'.)OL Charles G. Yale. No. 2t!. Mineral production of California for fifteen years. Charles G. Yalo. No. 27. Quicksilver resources of California. Wm. l'"orslner. No. 28. Mineral production of California, by counties, 1902. Charles G. Yale. ■ No. 29. Mineral production of California for sixteen years. Charles G. Yale. No. 30. Bibliograi)hy of geology, paleontology, and mineral resources of California (2d edition). A. W. \ ogdes. No. 31. Chemical analy.ses of California petroleum. II. X. Cooper. No. 32. Production and use of petroleum in California. Paul W. Prutzman. No. 33. ^Mineral production of California, by counties, 190.'{. Charles G. Yale. No. 34. Mineral production of California for seventeen years. Charles G. Yale. No. 35. Mines and minerals of California for 1903. Charles G. Yale. No. 30. Gold dredging in California. J. K. Doolittle. No. 37. Gems, jewelers' materials, and ornamental stones. George F. Kunz. No. 38. Structural and industrial materials of California. Under direction of Lewis E. Anbury. No. 39. Mineral production of California, by coinitios, 1904. Charles G. Yale. No. 40. Mineral production of California for eighteen years. Charles G. Yale. No. 41. Mines and minerals or California for 19t>4. Charles G. Yale. No. 42. Mineral production of California, by counties, 1905. Charles G. Yale. No. 43. Mineral production of California for nineteen years. Charles G. Yale. No. 44. Mines and minerals of California for 190.5. Charles (J. Yale. No. 45. Anriferons black sands of California. J. .\. Kdman. No. 40. General index to publications of the California State Mining Bureau. Charles G. Yale. Calaveras County gravel channels, 12. Calaveras tufa, Bui. 38. California, origin of name, 6, part 1. State ])ublications, Piul. 30. Caminetti lav^, 12. GEXKKAL IN'DRX TO I'l " BLICATK )NS. 11 Canvas table, Itul. 0, Itiil. 18. Carbonates, T'lil. 24. Carbonic acid gas, 12. Cartography of Californin. Bui. 'AO. {Sier aho Maps.) Catalogue of Mining Bureau Library, rubiisliod ISUli. Catalogue of Mining Bureau Museum. Fiist aiiinial. I'ublished 1882. SiMiiiid aiiiiiial. I'libli.sliod 1885. Tliiril aiiiuial. riiblislird 1887. Fonrlli animal. I'liblislH'd IS'.lO. Fifth annual, rublislu'd 181l!t. Cement, analyses of, T?iil. 38. ( aliloriiia. 8. it. 12. Hul. 'M. I'lants in California, Kul. 38. Tc-sis i<{. r.iil. 38. Channel Islands, Reology of, 9. Channel system, Calaveras County, 12. I'uiv^i Hill IHvido. 10. Chlorination, 0, part 2. liul. IS. Chrome ores, 4, 12, Bui. 38. Chrysoprase, l.'>, Rul. 37. Classification Mother Lode rocks, Bui. IS. Clays, in California, 4. 0, 12. Bui. 38. ( '(iiiiIKisitiun of. \'u\. '.'S. llJKh and low {jrade. Bui. ;>S. Coal in California. 7. 12. 13. Coal burners, converting to oil. Bui. .32. Coast Range copper deposits, Bui. 23. Coining ini'cioiis metals, 8. Colorado Desert, in. Colorado Desert Mining District. Slei)hen Bowers. Printed 1001. Colusa County, geolo^'y of, 11. Combustion of petroleum, Bui. 32. Compressed air as motive power, 13. rninsiiiission at North Star mine, 13. Comstock ore sampling, 13. Concentration of ores, fi, part 2. Concentrating (luicksilver ores, Bui. 27. Concrete rock, Bui. 38. Condensers for quicksilver, B>il. 27. Conveyor reel, 13. Cooper, A. S. Genesis of petroleum and asphalt in California, Bnl. Id. Cooper, H. N. Chemical analy.ses of California petroleum, T'.ul. 31. Cooper, J. G. Catalofjuc of California fossils, 7, P>u]. 4. Fossils as indicating minerals, 9. Copper in Cnlifornia counties, 12. 13. Bi\l. 23./ ^ California, historical notes on, Bui. 23. Resources of California, Bui. 23. Costs of dredging. Bui. .30. of niininir on Mother Lode. P.ul. 18. County mine registers. See REf;iSTERS. County maps. Sec >L\PS. Current wheels, 1.'?. Cyanide process, 10, Bui. 5. Application and results, Bui. .^. D Davidson, A. V. Register of mines, Inyo County. Davidson, J. M. Register of mines, Siskiyou County. Debris Commissioner Act, 12. 12 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. DeGroot, Henry. Hydraulic mining. 2. (ilass manufacture in California. 9. Drift mining, 2. Searles borax marsh. 10. P.cach sands, 10. Desert springs, list of. Bui. 24. Diamonds in California, 2, 4, 13, Bui. 37. Diatomaceous earth. See iNFUfeOKlAL. Diestelhorst dredge, 13, Bui. 36. Distances, legal, in California, G, part 2. Ditches, mining, 9, 10. Dittmar, M. E. Register of mines, Shasta County. Doolittle, J. E. Gold dredging in California, Bui. 36. Dredge, Diestelhorst, 13, Bui. 36. Dredging in California, history of, Bui. 36. Cost of, Bui. ;{(;. Horse power registered, Bui. 36. Records and data, Bui. .'56. Dredging districts of California, Bui. 36. Dredging gravels, area of, Bui" 36. Drier for ores, 13. Drift mining, 2, 8, 10. Dunn, R. L. Drift mining, 8. River mining, 9. Auriferous conglomerate in California, 12. E Earthquake, Owens Valley, 8. Edman, J. A. Register of mines, Plumas County. Auriferous black sands of California, Bui. 45. Electric power transmission, 12. Elevation in California deserts, Bui. 24. Of (luicksilver mines, Bui. 27. Emery, 12. Ethnology, Pacific Slope, 2. F Fairbanks, H. W. Geology of Colusa County, 11. Geology of El Dorado County, 12. Geology of Lake County, 11. Geology of Monterey County, 12. Geology of Napa County, 11. Geology of San Bernardino County, 11. Geology of San Benito County, 12. Geology of San Diego County, 11. Geology of San Luis Obispo County, 12. Geology of Santa Barbara County, 12. Geology of Shasta County, 11. Geology of Tehama County, 11. Geology of Ventura County, 12. Geology of Mother Lode region, 10. Geological map of Orange County, 11. Geological map of Shasta County, 11. Geological map of Trinity County, 10. Geological map of Red Rock District, 12. Geological map of Goler District. 12. Geological map of Summit District, 12. Mineral deposits of Inyo, Mono, and Alpine counties, 12. Fertilizers, Bui. 24. GENERAL INDEX TO PLBLICATIONS. 13 Fineness of California gold, 4. Fireboxes for oil fuel, liul. 32. Foote. A. D. Power traii-sinission, North Star mino, 13. Forest trees i>t" California, 2. Forstner, Wm. Quicksilver resources of California, Hul. 27. Fossils, liibliotcrapli.v and references, I?(il. 4. CalaloKiio of California, 7, Bui. 4. Indicating mineral deposits, 9. IJst of, Unl 11. .New six'cies of California, Bui. 11. In Orange County, Bui. 4. French chalk, 13. Fuel oil in locomotives, Bui. 32. .Miners' use of, Bui. 32. In steamships, Bui. 32. Value in California, Bui. 19, Bui. 32. Fuller's earth, Bui. 38. Furnace, McDougal roasting, Bui. 27. Quicksilver. Bui. 27. G Gas-making, petroleum in, Bui. 32. Gems in California, lUil. 37. in California, where found, Bui. 37. Properties of, Bui. 37. Gem minerals, California, distribution of, Bui. 37. Gem mining, historical outline of, P>ul. 37. Geology of Channel Islands, 9. of copper belt of Shasta County, Bui. 23. of dredging areas, Bui. 36. of El Dorado County, 12. of Madera and Mariposa counties, 12. of Monterey County, 12. of Mother Lode gold belt, 10, Bui. 18. of Mother Lode in Kl Dorado County, 13. of oil districts, Bui. 19. of Pacific Slope, 2. of San P.enito County, 12. of San Luis Obispo County, 12. of Santa Barbara County, 12. of Shasta County. 11. of \'pntura County. 12. Geologists of California, State, 4. Geological history of salines, Bui. 24. Geological surveys of California. 4, 9. Geological and Geographical Survey reports, Bui. 30. Glass manufacture in California, 9, Bui. 38. Glossary of mining terms, 2. Gold, assay of, 2, 4. Belt .Mother Lode, division of. Bui. 18. Discoveries in California, early, 4. Fineness of California. 4. Hydro-metallurgy of, S. Microscopic slides of, 3. Mines in California, yield per ton, 4. Mill practices in California, Bui. 6. Ores, milling. See Milling. Ores, mining, 10. In ore, testing amounts of, 5, 6, part 2, 12. In tailings, 3. 14 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Goler District, 12. Goodyear, W. A. Coal in California, 7. I'^artlKiuiikc. Owens Valley, 8. lIi.stor.v Mount Whitney, 8. Island of Santa Cruz, 1). Granite, 32, P.ul. 38. Graphite, 13. Gravels, auriferous. Hce AuiUFEROUS. Great Basin, P.ul. 24. Gumbinner, J. Kelininj; precious metals, S. H Hammond, John Hays. ]Milling of gold ores in California, 8. Mining of gold ores in California, 10. Auriferous gravels of California, 10. Hammond, R. P. Location of mines, 10. Hanks, Henry G. Borax in California, 3. Hanksite, .5. Harris, Lew B. Register of mines, Santa Barbara County. {Register of mines. Yuba County. Hasson, W. F. C. Electric transmission, 13. Hilgard, E. W. Asphalt in Ventura County, 10 Hobson, John B. Bann(>r Mountain District (with map), 10. Duncan Hill District (with map), 10. Nevada County (with map), 10. Placer County (with map), 10. Ophir District (with map), 10. Iowa Hill Divide (with map), 10. Santa Maria River (with map), 10. Water i-esources, Nevada County (with map), 10. \, Hubon, I. A. Register of mines, San Diego County. Human remains, desiccated, Bui. 1. Hydraulic ejectors, 11. Hydraulic mining, 2, 0, 10, 13. Act delining. 12. Caniinetti law, 12. Hydraulic mines, rock conveyor for, 13. Hydraulics, i)rac(ical, 0, part 2. Hydro-metallurgy of gold, 8. Of silver, S. I Infusorial earth, 2, 12, 13, Bui. 38. insular flora, 9. Irelan, Linna. Pottery in California, 9. Irelan, William, Jr. Chlorination, 6, part 2. Iron, Fresno County, 10. In California, 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13. Bui. 38. Isaacs, John D. Preservation of structural timbers, 13. Johnson, Wm. Clays in California, 9. Cyanide process, 10. K Kellogg, A. Forest trees of California, 2. Kirby, E. B. Sampling and mea.suring ore bodies, 13. Keyes, W. S. Western lead smelting, 8. GENERAL INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS. 15 Kunz, George F. Ci-ins. jfwelors' iiuiteriiils, and ornamental stones of Cnlifomia, Bui. y?. L Lake County, };ft)l<>>;.v, 11. Law, ilisscitati(tn on .ViiHTiiiin minin;;, 11. Lead in California, 4. S Itiiii;. S. 1(1. Leggett, T. H. j'.liiiric tran.sniissinn in mining, I'J. Library catalogue <<( ilif Mining I'.urt'au. Trinted 1S92. Limestone in Calironiia, 4. 12, Bill. :?S. Limekilns, ISiil. ;!S. Lithia in California. Hul. 08. Lithology of \mi1I riK-ks. S. Location of mines, 10. Locomotive fnt'l tests, lUil. 32. I.i.liiid fii.'l f(.r, I'.iil. .TJ. Lowden, W. S. Hi lmsi.t of Mines, Trinity County. M Macadam, I'J, T-iil. ."{S. Madera County, j:<''ili)};y of, 12. Madeira, George. Kogister of Mines, Lake County. Magnesite, 12. V.',, Rul. ^58. Manganese, 12, 13, I'ul. 38. Map, .Mpine, Mono, and Inyo counties, r.ul. 44. Amador County (irilh l\'i(/i.stul. 30, Kl Dorado County { iritit h'tf/istrr of Mines of county, 1902), and Bui. 44. Forest Hill Divide, 10. Forest reserves in California, issued 1007. Fullerton oil field, I'.ul. .32. Geological. Sec Map, Geological. Georgetown Divide, 11. Golden Feather channel, 11. Green Mountain Group Copper Mines, Bui. 23. Gold mines near Grass Valley, 10. Ilumholdt and Trinity counties, Bui. 44. Iowa Hill Divide, 10. Inyo County (uith Register of Mines of county, 1902). 16 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Maps — Continued. Island City Copper Mines, Bui. 23. Julian District, San Diego County, I!, part 1. Kern County (icith Register of Mints of county, 1904), and Bui. 44. Kern River oil fields. Or»l. Map, Geological, .\inador County. See Register of county. Calilurnia. with lOlh lieport. East and Central Shasta County, copper belt, Bui. ~'A. Kl I>orado County. See Riiji.stcr of count y. Foothills of Santa Ana Mountains, Bui. HI. Gravel channels near Placerville, 12. (Jranite outcioppiujrs in California, Bui. 3S. Los Angele.s County, Bui. 11. Los Angeles oil fields, Bui. 19. Mariposa County. »Scc Rrginter of Mincx of county. Napa, Sonoma, and Lake counties, l?ul. 27. Napa, Sonoma, and Lake (luicksilver districts, Bui. 27. Nevada County. 10. Oil districts, Santa Barbara County, Bui. 11. Orange County, southeast portion, Bui. 19. Placer County. 10. Peninsula of San Pedro, Bui. 19. Puente Hills (relief), Bui. 19. Puente Oil Fields, Bui. 11. San Diego, Oran;;e. and San P.eiiiardino counties, 11. Shasta County, 11. Shasta County copper belt, western part, Bui. 2'.'>. Sierra County. See Register of Mine.s of county. I'.lti.'!. Territory between Los .Vngeles and Santa Ana Mountains, Bui. 19. Territory between Sespe and Piru creeks, Bui. 19. Tuohinine County. See Register of Mi)ies of county. lOO.'J. \'entura County oil deposits. P.ul. 11. West Los Angeles County, Bui. 11. Yuba County. Sec Registry of Mines of county. 190.". Mariposa County, geology of. 12. Marble, 12, Bui. 38. I »ist riliiii ion in California. I'.ul. .'•8. McGillivray, J. D. Comstock ore sampling, 13. McLaughlin, R. P. Register of Mines, Tuolumne County, 1903. Means, J. H. .Maj. of Oil City Field, Bui. 15. Metallurgy of quicksilver, Bui. 27. Meteorites; 10. Mica, 2. Bui. r;S. Microscopic slides of gold, 3. Mills, discharge of, Bui. 6, Bui. 18. Specifications for, (5, part 2. Weiirht of (|uartz, <>, part 2. Mill screen frames, Bui. 6, Bui. 18. Miller. W. P. Map of Trinity County, 10. Milling of gold ores, 2, 8. Milling practices, gold, Bui. 6. Mine bell signals, 12. 2 BLL. 4G 18 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Mine drainage, 6, part 2. And i>imii.s. H. ('. Helir. Riil. 9. Mine timbering, methods of, Bui. 2. Minerals of California, 4, 5, 6, part 1, 11. Mineral lands in railroad grants, 10. Mineral production of California. See BtrLLETlNS. Mineral paint, 12. 13, Bui. 38. Mineral products of United States, 6, part 2. Mineral resources Western States, Bui. 30. Minerals, rare, in California, 2. Mineral springs of California. 0, part 1; 12; 13. Mineralogists of California, 4. Mineralogy of carbonates, Bui. 24. Mining Bureau, Act, 12. Exhibit, New Orleans, 5. Library catalogue. See Catalogue. Museum catalogue. See Catalogue. Origin of, first Report. Publication.s. .SVr Bulletin 30 and Blt-letin 46. Maps. See Bulletin 30 and Bulletin 46. Trustees Report. {See first pages of each report, and Bui. 20.) Mining canals, 13. Mining, Costs on Mother Lode, 18. Gold ores in California, 10. Laws, 6, part 2 ; 11. Machinerj- on Mother Lode, Bui. 18. Methods on Mother Lode, 18. Terms, glossary of, 2. Mollusca of Channel Islands, 0. Mono County, mineral deposits, 12. Mother Lode region of California, 18. Map, 10, re-published 1896. Ore deposits, 13. Mount Whitney, 8. N Napa County, geology, 11. National Museum, proceedings. Bui. 30. Natural gas, 7. 10, 12, Bui. 3, 13. Nevada County, water resources, 10. New Almaden quicksilver product, Bui. 27. New Orleans, Mining Bureau exhibit, 5. Niter in California. Bui. 24. In Chile, Bui. 24. Nitrates, Bui. 24. Clicmistry of. Bui. 24. North, Edward. Pico Canon Oil Field, 10. North Star Mine power transmission, 13. Ocean beach sands. See Bl.\ck Sands. Oil. Sec Petroletm. Oil and gas yielding formations of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties, Bui. 11. Oiled roads, Bui. 32. Onyx, 12. Bui. 38. Orange County, geology, 11. GENERAL INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS. 19 Orcutt, C. R. (-'olorado Desert, 10. Ore bodies, sampling and lueaisuring, 13. Ore deposits on Mother Lode, l.'J. Ciiii. ksilver. r.ul. 21. Quicksilver, genesis of, Bui. "JT. Ore sampling, V.'>. Ore testing for gold, .">, G, part 2. Owens Lake, Bui. 24. Parker, I. Register of Mines, Placer County. Paul, A. B. Flour gold, 2. Paving blocks, lli. I'.ul. .'^8. Pectolite, V2. Penniman, W. H. H. Kigister of Mines, Calaveras County. Petroleum ami asphalt in t.'alifornia, Hul. l(i. California, chemistry of. r.ul. 31, Bui. '.i'2. California, history of, 4, Bui. .T2. Combustion of, Bui. '.V2. Districti^ of California, Bui. ;!2. Evai>oration tests. Bui. .'52. Fields of Calif<.rnia. Ul, 12, 13, Bui. :;. Bui. lit, Bui. 32. Fuel values of, Bui. 11>, Bui. 32. -\s fuel in Ixs Angeles, 13. (Jenesis of, Bui. U>. Geology of fields, B.»il. I'.t. Bui. 32. In gas-making. I'ul. ."'.2. And gas-yielding formations in Central Valley, Bui. ."J, Bui. 10. History of production in California, Bui. 32. Production and use of. in California, Bui. 32. Storing and heating, P.ul. .32. Using vessels, Bui. 32. Betining. Bui. 1.3. I'.ul. 1!>, Bui. 32. Wells, cast of, Bui. 32. WelLs. production of, Bui. 19, Bui. 32. Yicldin-.,' formations, I'.iil. T.i. Bui. 32. Pico Canyon oil field, 10. Pipe lines, Bui. 10. Platinum, 12. 1.''., Bui. 38. Pottery in California. 0. Preston, E. B. (Jolden Feather channel, 11. Sal ton Sea, 11. (Jfdd mill practices. liul. <». Producer gas. l". Prutzman, Paul W. Production and use of petroleum in California, Bui. 32. Q Quartz crystals, Bui. .38. Quartz mills, weight of. t!. part 2. Quicksilver deposits of California. 4, 10, 12, 13, Bui. 27. Quicksilver furnaces, Bui. 27. Quicksilver resources of California. Bui. 27. Railroad e.xplorations and survey.s, Bui. .30. Randall. P. M. Practical hydraulics, 6, part 2. Randol, J. B. Quicksilver raining, 10. Red Rock District, 12. 20 CALIPORNLV STATE MINING BUREAU. Refining and coining precious metals, 9. Refineries, oil, in California, Bui. 19, Bui. 32. Register of Mines and Minerals, Amador County. J. B. Tregloan. Prepared 1903. r.utte County. W. K. Thomas. Tropared 190:!. Calaveras County. W. H. H. Penniman. Prepared 1899. El Dorado County. J. F. Armstrong. Prepared 1902. Inyo County. A. V. Davidson. Prepared 1902. Kern County. Marion Anbury. Prepared 1904. Lake County. George Madeira. Prepared 1901. Mariposa County. E. M. Wilkinson. Prepared 1903. Nevada County. Charles E. Uren. Placer County. I. II. Parker. Prepared 1902. Plumas County. J. A. Edman. Prepared 1898. San Bernardino County. G. E. Bailey. Prepared 1902. San Diego County. I. A. Hubon. Prepared 1902. Santa Barbara County. Lew B. Harris. Prepared 190G. Shasta County. M. E. Dittmar. Prepared 1902. Sierra Coimty. Geo. F. Taylor. Prepared 1903. Siskiyou County. J. M. J)avid.son. Prepared 1898. Trinity County. W. S. Lowden. Prepared 1898. Tuolumne County. R. P. McLaughlin. Prepared 1903. Yuba County. Lew B. Harris. Prepared 1905. Register of oil wells of Los Angeles County. C. E. Blackmar. Prepared 1903. Reports of Secretary of War, Bui. 30. Reports of State Mineralogist. First. Henry G. Hanks. Published 1880. Second. Henry G. Hanks. Published 1882. Third. Henry G. Hanks. Published 1883. Fourth. Henry G. Hank.-^. Published 1884. Fifth. Henry G. Hanks. Published 1885. Sixth, part 1. Henry G. Hanks. Published 1887. Sixth, part 2. Wm. Irelan. ,Tr. Published 1887. Seventh. Wm. Irelan, Jr. Published 1888. Eighth. Wm. Irelan, Jr. Published 1888. Ninth. Wm. Irelan, Jr. Published 1890. Tenth. Wm. Irelan, Jr. Published 1890. Eleventh. Wm. Irelan. Jr. Published 1893. Twelfth. J. J. Crawford. Published 1894. Thirteenth. J. J. Crawford. Published 189f;. Resources of California, 4. Restraining barriers Act 4, 13. Ricketts, A. H. History of American mining law. 11. Riffle bars, steel, 13. River mining, 9. Roads, oiled, Bui. ;>2. Roasting furnace, McDougal, Bui. 23. Robinson, F. W. Hydraulic mining. 2. Roscoelite, 2. Rowlands, R. Gravel channels near Placervilie. 12. Rubble, Bui. 38. Russell process, 8. S Sa lathe, F. Refining petroleum. 13. Salt in California, 2, 12, VA, Bui. 24. Salton Sea, 11, Bui. 24. Sampling and measurement of ore bodies, 13. San Bernardino, geology, 11. San Diego County, 6, part 1. Geology, 11. GENERAI, INDEX TO PIBLICATIONS. 21 San Joaquin Valley, 19. San Nicolas Island, 8. Sandstone in California, I'J. linl. 38. Santa Cruz Island, V>. Santa Maria River, !<•. Scientific Society Publications, Bui. 30. Schiedel. A. Cyanide process, I?ul. ij. Searles Borax Marsh, 10. Bui. 24. Serpentine in California, Bui. 38. Shasta County, jieology. 11. Shells, W.St N. American. .1. (J. Cooper. Printed 1S94. Sierra Nevada copper belt, Bui. 23. vX Silver in California, 4, 12. Ilydro-iut'tallurgy of, 8. Slate in California. Bui. 38. Slime plants, I'-iil. IN. Smithsonian Institution, reports, Bul. 30. Soapstone, T_'. I'.iil. .j8. Soda, 12, i:5. I'.ul. 24. Soot-cleaning machines, I'.iil. 27. Southern and Eastern copper deposits, Bul. 23. >, Specimen, linding value of, 6, part 2; 12. Specifications for 20-stamp mill, »i, part 2. Springs cniuaining borates, Bul. 24. Desert, Bul. 24. Siskiyiiu County, 11. Statistical bulletins. .SVf BULLETINS. State Geological Society, 1. State Geological Surveys, Bul. 30. Steam shovel, 1)!. Steatite, i:'., Bul. 38. Stetefeldt on producer gas, 10. Stone, Artificial, Bul. 38. Stones, Building, of California, Bul. 38. Storms, W. H. Ancient channels in Calaveras County, 12. Conglomerate deposits, Calaveras County, 12. Geology of Madera County, 12. Geology of Mariposa County, 12. Methods of mine timbering, Bul. 2. Mother Lode ore deposits, 13. Mother I.odo r»'i:ion of Ciilifornia, Bul. 18. Structural and industrial materials of California, Bul. 38. Structural materials, 1.3, Bul. .'iS. In r.urtau .Museum, Bul. .'.8. Sulphur in California. 4, 13; Bul. 38. Summit Districts, 12. Surveyor- General's reports, Bul. 30. T Tailings, gold in. 3. Samples, 13. Washing. i:{. Taylor, George F. Register of Mim^s and Mineral.s, Sierra County. Tehama County, geology of, 11. Thomas. F. F. Waterwhools, 8. Thorne, W. E. Register of Mines and Minerals, Butte County. Timbering of mines, Bul. 2, Bul. 18. Timber, preservation of, 13. 22 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAL'. Toms for beach sands, 13. Trachyte, 13, Bui. 38. Travertine, 12, Rul. 38. Tregloan, J. B. Register of Mines and Minerals, Amador County. Tufa, 12, Bui. 38. Tungsten, Bui. 38. U University of California, publications, Bui. 30. United States Census Reports, Bui. 30. Coast Survey Reports, Bui. 30. Government publications, Bui. 30. Geological Survey Reports, Bui. 30. Mint Reports, Bui. 30. Navy Reports. Bui. 30. Uren, Charles. Register of Mines and MineraLs. Nevada County. Vogdes, A. W. Bibliography of geological, paleontological. and mineral resources of California, Bui. 10, Bui. 30. Volcanic rocks, 12. Volcanoes, 2. Von Petersdorff, F. C. Lead smelting, 10. Meteorites, 10. W Wall rocks, lithology of. 8. Wasson, Joseph, death of, 3. Water blast, 13, Bui. 11. And reflector. Bui. 11. Water power, and compressed air transmission, 13. Water resources, Nevada County, 10. Waterwheels, 8. Watts, W. L. Ga.s and oil yielding formations of Central Valley of California, Bui. 3. Mineral springs of Siskiyou County, 11. Oil as fuel in Los Angeles County, 12. Oil and ga.s yielding formations of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties, Bui. 11. Oil and gas yielding formations of California, Bui. 19. Synopsis general report of Mining Bureau. Bui. 20. Wheelan, F. H. Gas wells at Summerland, 10. Whitney, Mount, 8. Wilkinson, E. M. Register of Mines and Minerals, Mariposa County. Willey, H. J. Geological Surveys of C-aJifornia, 9. Wiltsee, E. A. Hydraulic ejectors, 11. World's Fairs, 5. Y Yale, Charles G. Mine drainage, G, part 2. Report to Board of I*]xaminers. 11. Mineral production of California by counties, 1894, Bui. 7. Mineral production of California by counties, 1895, Bui. 8. Mineral production of California by counties, 1896, Bui. 12. Mineral production of California by counties, 1897, Bui. 13. Mineral production of California by counties, 1898, Bui. 14. Mineral production of California by counties, 1899. Bui. 17. Mineral production of California by counties. 1900. Bui. 21. Mineral production of California for fourteen years, Bui. 22. GENERAL INDEX TO PrBLICATIONS. 23 Yale, Charles G. .MiiuTiil i)r<)iliir;il iiriKliKtiou of Califoriiiii for liftct-ii yt'i\rs. Hul. lit!. Mineral production of California by counties, I'.MHi. Mul. \1S. Miuornl jjroduction of California for sixteen years, l\\\\. '2'J. Mineral proy counties, I'.Ml."}. Mul. ."{;!. Mineral production of California for seventeen years. Hul. 34. California mines and minerals. l!Mi;{, I?ul. .'{."i. Mineral production of California hy counties, 1!H14, l?ul. .'I'.t. Mineral production of California for eighteen years. liul. 4n. California mines and minerals. 1!M)4. I?ul. 41. Gold production of California from 1S4.S to T.MI4. Mineral production of California by counties, 1905, Hul. 4"_'. Mineral production of California for nineteen years. Hul. 4.'t. California mines and minerals, VM~>, liul. 44. General index to publications of the California State Mining Bureau, Bui. 46. Yates, L. G. Geology of Channel Islands. 0. Insular tlora, !• Mollusca of Channel Islands, I). Yield per ton of California gold mines, 4. Zinc in California, Bui. 38. 24 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. CONTENTS or PUBLICATIONS CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU, ISSUED BY THE DIFFERENT STATE MINERALOGISTS. HENRY G. HANKS, State Mineralogist from May, 1880. to May, 1886. First Annual Keport of tlie State ]\Iineralolakp. (Appendix.)* On the milling of gold quartz, by INIelvillo Attwood. (Appendix.)* Forest trees of California, by Dr. A. Kellogg. (Appendix.)* Notes on hydraulic mining, by F. W. Robinson. (Appendix.)* Hydraulic and drift mining, by II. DeGroot. (Appendix.)* Flour gold, by A. B. Paul. (Appendix.)* Catalogue of the State ]\Iuseum of California, Vol. I. being the col- lections made by the State Mining; Bureau for the year ending April 16, 1881. Sacramento, 1882. (Revised and reprinted 1888.) 220 pp. ♦These papers appear to have been originally printed separately, and then bound together in the Second Report as an appendix. CONTENTS OF Pl'BLlCATIONS. 25 Third Aniuial Report of the State MiMerah)j;ist for the year ending June. 1883. Saeramento. 1883. Ill pp. 21 illustrations. I'art I. Condition of Hureaii. Death of Joseph \Va.s.son. Gold in tailings. MicTosi-oi)ii' slides alluvial gold. Part II. Horax deposits of California and Nevada. Hep">"t «ays (p. 8) a map of borax deposits of l)oth states is published, but it is not fiiuiid in said report. Fourth Annual Report of the State Mineralotrist. for Ihc year ending .May 15, 1884. Sacramento, 1884. 410 pp. 7 illustrations. History of (ieologi. Ilobson. Ancient river beds of the Fore.st Hill Divide, by Ross E. Browne. Searles bora.\ marsh, by 11. DeCJroot. Auriferous beach sands, by H. DeGroot. Santa Maria River, by .1. P.. Ilobson. (Jas wells at Siimmerland, by F. II. Wheelan. Asphaltura mine of Ventura Asphalt Company, by E. W. Hilgard. I.,t»ad smelting, by F. C. ^'on PetersdorfT. Mining of gold ores in California, by .lohn Hays Hammond. Location of mines, by R. P. Hammond. Jr. Producer gas at Marsac Mills. I'tah. by C. \. Stetefeldt. Colorado Desert, by C. R. Orcutt. Quicksilver mines and reduction works, by .1. P>. Randol. Mineral lands on railroad grants. Cyanide process, by Wm. D. Johnston. Meteorites, by F. C. Von Petersdorff. 28 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Cataloirne of the State Mnsenm of California. Vol. IV, being the col- lections made by the State ]\Iining Bureau from March 31, 1887, to August 20, 1890. Sacramento, 1890. 261 pp. Catalogue of the Library of the State ^Mining Bureau, San Francisco, September 1, 1892. Sacramento, 1892. 149 pp. Eleventh Report (First Biennial) of the State Mineralogist, for the two years ending September 15, 1892. Sacramento, 1893. 612 pp. 73 illustrations. 4 maps. Geological map of Shasta Countj-, by II. W. Fairbanks. Geological map of parts of San Diego, Orange and San Bermirdino counties, by II. "\V. Fairbanks. Topographical map of Golden Feather Channel, Butte County. Map of the Georgetown Divide, El Dorado County. Editor's report to Board of Examiners, by Charles G. Yale. Review of mine.s of the State, by counties. Geology and mineralogy of Shasta County, by II. W. Fairbanks. Geology of Tehama. Colusa. Lake, and Xapa counties, by H. W. Fairbanks. Geology of parts of San Diego, Orange, and San Bernardino counties, by H. W. Fairbanks. Golden Feather Channel Company, by E. B. Preston. Salton Lake, by E. B. Preston. Mineral springs in Siskiyou County, by W. L. Watts. Hydraulic ejectors, by E. A. Wiltsee. Origin, development, and establishment of American mining law, by A. H. Kicketts. JAMES J. CRAWFORD, State Mineralogist from February, 1893, to February, 1897. Twelfth Report (Second Biennial) of the State ^lineralogist, for the two years ending September 15, 1894. Sacramento, 1894. 541 pp. 101 illustrations. 5 maps. Map of channel system of Harmony Ridge, Nevada County, by Ross E. Browne, ^lap of principal gravel channels near Placerville, by R. Rowlands. Map of Auriferous conglomerate deposits, Siskiyou County, by R. L. Dunn. Map of Ancient channel systems of Calaveras County, by W. H. Storms. Map of the Auriferous conglomerate deposit between San Andreas and Mokelumne Hill. Calaveras County, by W. II. Storms. Antimony in California. Argentiferous galena. A>;phalt. Bituminous rock. Borax. Chrome iron. Coal in California. Coal, analyses of. Copper. ^ Gold in California, by counties. Geology of Madera and Mariposa counties, by W. H. Storms. CONTEXTS OF IM ULICATIONS. 29 Twelfth Report (Second Bieunial) — Continued. Gypsum in California. Iron. Magnesite. Manganese. Mineral spring.s in California, witii analyses. Natural ga.s. Petroleum. Quicksilver. Silver. Structural materials. ( Vnient. Clays, for brick and pottery. Granite. Macadam. Marble, limestone, and lime. I'aving blocks. Sandstone. Steatite or soapstonc. Travertine and onyx. Trachyte, tufa, and volcanic rock. Asbestos. Baryte. Diatomaceous earth. P^mery. Mineral paint. Natural carbonic acid gas. I'pctolite. Platinum. Salt. Soda. Determining amount of gold in specimens. Electric transmission plants in mining operations, by Thomas li. Leggett. Red Rock, (ioler and Suiumit districts, Kern County, by IT. AV. Fairbanks. Auriferous conglomerate in California, by R. L. Dunn. Mineral deposits of Inyo. Mono, and Alpine counties, by II. W. Fairbanks. Geology of a portion of El Dorado County, by H. W. Fairl)anks. Ancient channel system of Calaveras County, by W. H. Storms. Geology of northern Ventura, Santa Barbara. San Luis Obispo, Monterey and San Benito countie.s. by IT. AV. Fairbanks. State Mining Bureau Act. Mine bell signals. Flydraulic Mining Definition Act. Caminetti Act. Debris Commissioner Act. Bulletin No. 2. Methods of mine timbering, by W. H. Storms. San Francisco, June, 1894. Sacramento, 1894. 58 pp. 75 illustrations. (Second edition issued 1896.) Bulletin No. 3. Gas and petroleum yioldinir formations of the Central Valley of California, by W. L. Watts. San Francisco, August, 1894. Sacramento, 1894. 100 pp. 13 illustrations. 4 maps. Map of Cireat Central Valley of California, by W. I,. Watts. Sketch map of Sunset oil claims, by W. L. Watts. Sketch map of asphaltum veins of Asphalto, by W. L. Watts. Sketch map of oil claims near Coalinga. by W. L. Watts. 30 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Bulletin No. 4. Catalogue of California fossils, by J. G. Cooper. Parts II, III, IV, and V. Sacramento, 1894. 73 pp. 67 illustrations. (Part I was published in the Seventh Annual Report of the State :\Iineralogist, 1887.) Part II. Bibliography and references. Part III. Additions to catalofiue .since 1888. Part l\. Keniarks on fossils from Orange County. Part V. Description and figures of new species of California fossils. Bulletin No. 5. The cyanide process, its practical application and economical results, by Dr. A. Scheidel. San Francisco, October, 1894. Sacramento, 1894. 140 pp. 46 illustrations. Catalogue of West North American and many foreign shells, with their geographical ranges, by J. G. Cooper. San Francisco, April, 1894. Sacramento, 1894. Bulletin No. 6. California gold mill practices, by E. B. Preston. San Francisco, September, 1895. Sacramento, 1895. 85 pp. 55 illus- trations. Bulletin No. 7. Mineral production of California, by counties, for the year 1894, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1895. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 8. Mineral production of California, by counties, for the year 1895, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1896. Tabular sheet. Gold production of California from 1848 to 1895, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1895. Tabular sheet. Map of Mother Lode region, by II. W. Fairbanks. Prepared in 1890. Re-issued, with additions, January 1, 1896. Sacramento, 1896. Bulletin No. 9. Mine drainage, pumps, etc., by Hans C. Behr. San Francisco, August, 1896. Sacramento, 1896. 210 pp. 206 illus- trations. Thirteenth Report (Third Biennial) of the State IMineralogist, for the two years ending September 15, 1896. Sacramento, 1896. 726 pp. 93 illustrations. 1 map. Geological map of Mother Lode belt in El Dorado County, by II. Lahifif. Antimony. Argentiferous galena. Asphalt and bituminous rock. Borax. CONTENTS OF PUBLICATIONS. 31 Thirteenth Report (Third Biennial) — Continued. Chromic iron. Coal. Coi>i)er. Gold (by roiintiw). In Gold chapter are following miscellaneous subjects: Tailings sampler. Toms for beach sands. Tailings, washing. Steam shovel. Diestelhorst dredge. Current wheels. Arastra, double. Conveyor reel. liock ronveyor for hydraulic mines. Steel-cai)i)ed riffle bars. Water blast. Ore drier. Gypsum. Iron. Magnesite. Mangane.sc. Mineral si)rings, analy.ses. Mining canals. Natural gas. retroleuni. Quicksilver. Structural materials. Asbestos. Cl'.rysoprase. Diamonds. French chalk. (iraithite. Infusorial earth. Mineral i>aint. Platinum. ^ Salt. Soda. Sulphur. Zinc. Preservation of structural timbers, by .John D. Isaacs. Methods of refining petroleum, by F. Salathe. Oil as fuel in Los Angeles County, by W. L. Watts. Ore deposits with reference to Mother Lode, by H. W. Fairbanks. Electric power tran-. Foote. Compressed air as motive power, by J. W. Piuell. Act for constructing and repairing restraining barriers in California rivers. Bulletin No. 10. Bibliofrraphy relating to the preolopry, paleontology and mineral resources of California, by A. W. Vogdes. San Fran- cisco, September, 1896. Sacramento, 1896. 121 pp. 32 CALIFORNIA STATE MIXING BUREAU. Bulletin No. 11. Oil and jras yielding formations of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties, by W. L. Watts. San Fran- cisco, December, 1896. Sacramento, 1897. 94 pp. 6 maps. Geological map of Los Angeles County, by \\'. L. Wattj^. Geological map of West Los .Vngeles. by W. I^. \\'atts. Geological map of Puente oil Held, by W. L. Watts. Geological map of Ventura County oil deposits, by \V. L. Watts. Map of cross-section of Santa Paula Canon, by W. L. Watts. Geological map of oil districts S. K. Santa Barbara County, by W. L. Watts. Water blast. Water bla.st and reflector. List of fossils. A. S. COOPER, State Mineralogist from February, 1897, to February, 1901. Bulletin No. 12. Mineral production of California, bj' counties, for 1896, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1897. Tabular sheet. Gold production of California, 1848 to 1896, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1896. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 13. ^Mineral production of California, by counties, for 1897, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1898. Tabular sheet. Gold production of California, 1848 to 1897, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1897. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 14. ]\Iineral production of California, by counties, for 1898, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento. 1899. Tabular sheet. Gold production of California. 1848 to 1898, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1898. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 15. ]\Iap of Oil City tields, Fresno County, by John. H. Means. Sacramento, 1899. Bulletin No. 16. The genesis of petroleum and asphalt in California, by A. S. Cooper. San Francisco, December, 1899. Sacramento, 1899. 39 pp. 29 illustrations. Also contains a chapter on "Prospecting for petroleum." Bulletin No. 17. ^Mineral production of California, by counties, for 1899, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1900. Tabular sheet. CONTENTS OF PUBLICATIONS. 33 Gold profliiotion of California, from 1848 to 1899. by Cluirlos G. Yale. Sacrainciito. 1899. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 18. Mother Lode region of California, by W. H. Storms. San Francisco, October, 1900. Sacramento, 1900. 154 pp. 49 illus- trations. Geology of the gold belt. Divisions of the gold belt. Clnssilicntion of roclo*. Methods of uiining. Cost of mining. Mining machinery. Code of mine bell signals. Canvas tables. Slime plants. Mill screen frames. Regulating height of discharge in mills. Methods of timbering. Chlorination works. Bulletin No. 19. Oil and gas yielding formations of California, by \\^. L. Watts. San Francisco, November, 1900. Sacramento, 1900. 236 pages. 60 illustrations. 8 maps. Geological map of the I'uente Hills, by W. L. Watts. Geological map of foothills Santa Ana Mountains, by W. L. Watts. Geological map of I^os Angeles oil fields (2), by W. L. Watts. Geological map of Peninsula of San IVdro, by W. L. WatL'^. Geological map of southeastern portion of Orange County, by W. L. Watts. Geological map of territory between Sespe and Firu creeks, by W. L. Watts. Geology of the oil districts. Production and prospective wells in the counties. San Joaquin Valley. Description and condition of the counties. Pipe-lines and refineries. Geographical and geological range of oil-yielding formations. Character and fuel values of California oils. Review of petroleum industry of California. Catalogue of the State Museum of California, Vol. V, being the col- lections made by the State ]\Iining Bureau from September, 1890, to :\ray 30, 1897. Sacramento, 1899. "Report of Board of Trustees for four years ending September 1, 1900. 15 pages. Sacramento, 1901. Bulletin No. 20. Synopsis of general report State Mining Bureau, by W. L. Watts, Sacramento, 1901. 21 pp. (Not issued for general distribution.) 3 BUL. 46 34 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. LEWIS E. AUBURY, State Mineralogist, February, 1901 (incumbent, June, 1907). Bulletin No. 21. Mineral production of California, by counties, for 1900, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1901. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 22. Mineral production of California, for fourteen years, 1887 to 1900, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1901. Tabular sheet. Gold production of California, from 1848 to 1900, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1900. Tabular sheet. Eeconnaissance of the Colorado Desert mining districts, by Stephen Bowers. Sacramento, 1901. 19 pp. 2 illustrations. Bulletin No. 23. The copper resources of California, by Lewis E. \/ Aubury. San Fran-cisco, April, 1902. Sacramento, 1905. 282 pp. 69 illustrations. 9 maps. Relief map of California. Map of part of Shasta County copper belt. Map of Sulphide Copper District, Shasta County. Geological map of western part of Shasta County copper belt. Geological map of eastern and central parts of Shasta County copper belt. Map of Island Mountain Cons. Copper Mines. Sketch map of Mineral Hill group of mines. Map of Green Mountain group of mines. Map of known copper deposits of California. The copper ores. Historical notes. Geology of copper belt of Sha.sta County. McDougal roasting furnace. Coast Range copper deposits. Review by counties, with descriptions of mines. The Sierra Nevada copper belt. Southern and eastern copper deposits. Bulletin No. 24. Saline deposits of California, by G. E. Bailej^ San Francisco, May, 1902. Sacramento, 1902. 216 pp. 99 illus- trations. 5 maps. Map of saline deposits of southern portion of California. Relief map of California. Map of Lakes Le Conte and Aubury. Map of Mohawk Desert dry lakes. Map of California, showing location of saline deposits. The Great Basin. Geological history. Borates. Historical notes on borates. Borax production of California. Borates by counties. Springs containing borates. Desert springs, list and location of. Manufacture of borax. Borax minerals. Carbonates. Natural soda. CONTENTS OF PUBLICATIONS. 35 Bulletin No. 24 — Continued. OwciLs lake. MiiKMiilofjy of oarbonatos. Salt. Minoralofiy of iniiioral ihlorides. Sal ton sea. Nitrates. Niter in Chile. Historical notes on niter. Chemical notes on niter. California niter deposits. •Miiieralofiy of nitrates. Niter analyses. Notes on fertilizers. K leva t ions. Bibliography. Bulletin No. 25. ^Mineral production of California, by counties, for 1901, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1902. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 2(i. Mineral production of California for the past fifteen years, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1902. Tabular sheet. Gold production of California, 1848 to 1901, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, ]901. Tal)ular slieet. Minerals of California, by G. E. Bailey. Sacramento, 1902. 56 pp. 5 illustrations. 20 maps of counties. Gold production of California, 1848 to 1902, by Charles G. Yale. Sac- ramento, 1902. Tabular sheet. Eeport of Board of Trustees for the year ending' June 30, 1901, and year ending; June 30, 1902. Sacramento, 1902. 17 pp. Bulletin No. 27. The quicksilver resources of California, by William Forstner. San Francisco. June, 1903. Sacramento, 1903. 273 pp. 144 illustrations. 8 maps. (}eolo;;i(al map of parts of Napa, Sonoma, and Lake countie.s quicksilver districts. Map of Sulphur Creek district. Condition of the (piicksilver industry, (ieology of fiuicksilver bell of California. Ore deposits. (Jenesis of quicksilver ore (lei)osits. Districts and niint^ north of San Francisco. Districts and mines south of San Francisco. New .Mniaden Mine, total output. Quicksilver in Trinity and other counties. Metallurgy of quicksilver. Concentrating sy.stem. Furnaces. Condensers. Soot-cleaning machines. t Elevations of mines by counties. 36 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Bulletin No. 28. Mineral production of California, for 1902, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1903. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 29. Mineral production of California for past sixteen years, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1903. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 30. Bibliography relating to the geology, paleontology, and mineral resources of California, by A. W. Vogdes. 2d ed. San Francisco, June 30, 1903. Sacramento, 1904. 290 pp. Publications of State of California. State Geological Surveys. Surveyor-General's reports. State Mining Bureau publications. California, Senate and Assembly documents. University of California publications. Publications of United States Government. I'ublications of Senate and House of Representatives. Reports of Secretary of War. Navy publications. Railroad explorations and surveys. Mineral resources of Western States. U. S. Mint I'eports on mineral resources. Coa.st Survey reports. Census reports. Geological and Geographical Surveys. U. S. Geological Survey reports. Smithsonian Institution reports. National Museum proceedings. Publications of .scientific societies. Geological Surveys other than California. Miscellaneous publications. Lists of authors. Cartography of California. Maps published by State Mining Bureau. Authors of works on California mining. Bulletin No. 31. Chemical analyses of California petroleimi, by H. N. Cooper. Sacramento, 1904. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 32. Production and use of petroleum in California, by Paul W. Prutzman. San Francisco, March, 1904. Sacramento, 1904. 230 pp. 116 illustrations. 14 maps. Map of oil districts of California, by Paul W. Prutzman. Map of FuUerton oil fields, by Paul W. Prutzman. Map of Puente oil field, by Paul W. Prutzman. Map of Whittier oil field, by Paul W. Prutzman. Map of city oil field of Los Angeles, by C. A. Blackmar. Map of eastern portion of Newhall oil field, by Paul W. Prutzman. Map of Summerland oil field, by Paul W. Prutzman. Map of Kern River oil field, by Paul W. Prutzman. Map of Sunset oil field, by Paul W. Prutzman. Map of Midway oil fields, by Paul W. Prutzman. Map of McKittrick oil fields, by Paul W. Prutzman. CONTENTS OF PUBLICATIONS. 37 Bulletin No. 32 — Continued. Map of Coaliugii oil fields, by Paul W. Prutzman. Maj) of Santa Maria oil lit'lds, by Paul \V. Prutzman. Map of \'('ntiira oil fields, by I'aul W. Prutzuinn. History and production of oil in California. Topo{;rai)hy and geology. Drilling. Cost of \Cell. Field operations. Uses of crude oil. Physical characteristics of California crude oil. Calorific value. Use of oil for fuel. Economy of use. Combustion. Evaporative tests. Injectors and burners. Firebo.xes. Storage and history. Regulation of oil tires. Liquid fuel on locomotives. Converting coal burners to oil burnens. Locomotive fuel tests. Liquid fuel on steamships. Oil-using vessels. Government boiler tests. Minor uses of fuel oil. Petroleum in gas-making. Oiled roads. Oil-refining industry. Refinery oils, analyses. Methods of refining. Asphalt from oil. Chemistry of California petroleum. Bulletin No. 33. Mineral production of California, by counties, for 1903, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1904." Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 34. ^Mineral production of California for seventeen years, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1904. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 35. Klines and minerals of California, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1904. 55 pp. 20 county maps. Relief map of California. Gold production of California, 1848 to 1904, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1904. Tabular sheet. Report of Board of Trustees of State Mining Bureau for fiscal year ending June, 1903, and for fiscal year ending June, 1904. Sacra- mento, 1904. 13 pp. Relief and mineral map of California, 1904. 38 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Bulletin No. 36. Gold dredging in California, by J. E. Doolittle. San Francisco, May, 1905. Sacramento, 1905. 120 pp. 66 illustrations. 3 maps. Relief map of California. Map of dredging lands near Feather River. Map of dredging lands in Folsom district. History of dredging operations. Area of dredge gravels. Geology. Agriculture. Types of dredges. Horse power required. Screens and sluices. Dredge crews. Working costs. Dredge records. Prospecting and exatuination of conditions. Dredge mining districts of California. Dredge data. Bulletin No. 37. Gems, jewelers' materials, and ornamental stones of California, by George F. Kunz. San Francisco, June, 1905. Sacra- mento, 1905. 168 pp. 54 illustrations. Distribution of gem minerals in California. Historical outline. Properties of gems. Localities where found in California. Gem mines in California. Bulletin No. 38. Structural and industrial materials of California, under direction of Lewis E. Anbury, State IMineralogist. San Fran- cisco, January, 1906. Sacramento, 1906. 412 pp. 150 illustrations. 1 map. Map showing area of granite outcropping in California. Economic features of California building stones. Classification of building stones. References on California building stones. Kinds of building stones in California. Selection of building stones. Durability of building stones. Methods of ascertaining durability of building stones. Artificial preservatives. Granite. Granite quarries and districts in California. Limestone and lime. Distribution of limestone in California. Uses of limestone and lime. Limekilns. Marble. References on California marble. Marble distribution in California. Sandstone. Sandstone quarries in California. QQ CONTENTS OF PUBLICATIONS. Bulletin No. 3S— Continued. Serpentine. Slate. U.'feronces on CiUifornia slate. Slate in California. VoUauic and intrusive rotk.s. Artilicial stone. California. low-grade flays. Adobe. Building brick manufacture. Brick-making niacbines. r.rick, tlassitication of. Antimony. Asbestos. Barytes. Bauxite. Calcareou.s tufa. Chromite. Concrete rock. Fuller's earth. Glass-making materials. Graphite. Gypsum. Infusorial or diatomaceous earth. Iron ore. Jasper. Lithia. Macadam. Magnesito. Manganese. Mica. Mineral paint. Onyx. raving blocks. Platinum. l*y rites. Bubble. Quartz crystals. Soapstone. Talc. Sulphur. Tungsten. Specimens of structural substances in Bureau museum. Bulletin No. 39. Mineral produetion of California, by counties, for 1904, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1905. Tabular sheet. Bulletin \o 40. Mineral production of California for eighteen years, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1905. Tabular sheet. 40 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Bulletin No. 41. Mines and minerals of California, for 1904, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, .1905. 54 pp. 20 county maps. Gold production of California, 1848 to 1904, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1905. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 42. Mineral production of California, by counties, 1905, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1906. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 43. Mineral production of California for nineteen years, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1906. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 44. California mines and minerals for 1905, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1907. 31 pp. 20 county maps. Report of Board of Trustees and State Mineralogist, covering the tifty-sixth fiscal year ending June 30, 1905, and fiftA'-seveuth fiscal year ending June 30, 1906. Sacramento, 1906. 20 pp. Map of forest reserves in California. Sacramento, 1907. Bulletin No. 45. Auriferous black sands of California, by J. A. Edman. Sacramento, 1907. 10 pp. Bulletin No. 46. General index of publications of the California State Mining Bureau, by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1907. MAPS AND REGISTERS. ISSUED DURING ADMINISTRATION OF A. S. COOPER. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Plumas County, by J. A. Edman. Data collected 1898. Sacramento, 1900. 36 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Calaveras County, by W. H. H. Penniman. Data collected April, 1899. Sacramento, 1900. 50 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Siskiyou County, by J. M. Davidson. Data collected February, 1898. Sacramento, 1900. 50 pp. CONTENTS OF PUBLICATIONS. 41 Ke^Mster of mines and minerals, witli map, of Siskiyou County, by W. S. Lowden. Data collected October, 1898. Sacramento, 1900. 46 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Nevada County, by Charles E. Uren. 18 pp. ISSUED DURING ADMINISTRATION OF LEWIS E. AUBURY. Register of mines and minerals, with mai>, of Lake County, ])y George ^ladeira. Data collected Noveml)er, 1901. 14 pp. Register of mines and minerals, witli map, of Placer County, by Ivan 11. Parker. Data collected February, 1902. 21 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with mai), of El Dorado County. 1\y J. P. Armstrong. Data collected Ai)ril, 1902. Includes also an economic geological map of the county. 32 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Shasta County, by M. E. Dittmar. Data collected :\Iarch. 1902. 27 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Inyo County, by A. V. Davidson. Data collected March, 1902. 24 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of San Bernardino County, by G. E. Bailey. Data collected July, 1902. Also contains nuip of the mountains of San Bernardino County, and list of elevations. 35 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of San Diego County, by I. A. Hubon. Data collected October, 1902. List of elevations. 15 pp. Register of oil wells in Los Angeles County, with map, by Charles A. Blackmar. Data collected April, 1903. 13 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Sierra County, by George F. Taylor. Data collected June, 1903. Also economic geologi- cal map of western half of county. 24 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Tuolumne County, by R. P. McLaughlin. Data collected July, 1903. Also economic geo- logical map of southwestern portion of county, and table of elevations. 24 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Amador County, by John B. Tregloan. Data collected August, 1903. Also economic geological map of west half of county. 17 pp. 42 CALIFORNIA STATE MIXING BFREAU. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Mariposa County, by E. M. Wilkinson. Data collected December. 1903. Also economic geological map of northwestern portion of county, and list of elevations. 19 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Butte County, by W. E. Thorne. Data collected December, 1903. Also map of dredging lands adjacent to Feather River, and list of elevations. 13 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map, of Kern County, by INIarion Anbury. Data collected January, 1904. Also map of Kern River oil field, by P. W. Prutzman ; map of IMcKittrick oil field, by P. W. Prutzman ; map of i\Iidway oil field, by P. W. Prutzman ; map of Summit oil field, by P. W. Prutzman. 37 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map. of Yuba County, by Lew B. Harris. Data collected October, 1905. Also economic geological map of county and map of dredging lands near Oroville. 20 pp. Register of mines and minerals, with map. of Santa Barbara County, by Lew B. Harris. Data collected IMarch, 1906. Also map of Summer- land oil field; map of Santa Maria oil field; map of Los Alamos oil field. 12 pp. APPENDIX. -«! D9 O Z i'. ^ ^ o H c -< o H " en ^ Oh ■" o « u 3 a o -H 4^ K 2 fe o o V ■a a d is> e o O o o <-} Cm 05 O, Qli D S r 3 En -; -> o « -o O^ °"^ •-> CO 5^ S Z .2 28. Monterey 4,000 29. Tulare 2,300 30. Ventura 1,200 31. Santa Barbara. 725 32. Alpine 575 33. SanLuisObispo 300 34. Mendocino . 40 Undistributed 147,500 Total .$19,197,043 TOTAL MINERAL PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA FOR 1905. Tlie following table shows the yield and value of mineral substances of California for 1905, as per returns received at the State IMining Bureau. San Francisco, in answer to inquiries sent to producers: Quantity. 112 tons 40,304 " 24.753 " 46,334 " Asbestos Asphalt Bituminous Rock Borax Cement 1,26.5,553 bbls. Chrome 40 tons Clays (Brick)... 286,618 M Clays (Pottery) 133,805 tons Coal 46,500 " Copper 16,997,489 lbs. Fuller's Earth 1,344 tons Gems... - GlassSand.. 9,257 " Gold.. Granite 228,788 cu. ft. Gypsum 12.850 tons liifusorial Earth. 3,000 " Lead 533,680 lbs. Lime 616,995 bbls. Limestone ... 192,749 tons Lithia Mica 25 " Macadam 1,440,455 " Magnesite (Crude) 3,933 " Marble. 73,303 cu. ft. Mineral Paint . 754 tons Mineral Water 2,194,150 gals. Natural Gas 148,345 M cu.ft. Paving Blocks 3,408 M Petroleum 34,275,701 bbls. Platinum 200 oz. Pyrites 15.503 tons Quicksilver 24.655 flasks Rubble 1,183,802 tons Salt 77,118 " Sandstone 302,813 cu. ft. Silver .. Slate 4,000squares Soapstone .300 tons Soda 15,000 " Tungsten 52 " Value. $2,625 285.2<)0 60,436 1,019,1.58 1,791,916 600 2,27^,786 130,146 144,500 2,650,605 38,000 148,500 8,121 19,197,043 353,837 54,500 15,000 25,083 555,322 323,325 276 942,503 16,221 129,450 4,025 538,700 102,479 134,347 9,007,820 3,.320 63,958 886,081 774,267 141,925 483,268 678,494 40,000 3.000 22,500 18,800 Total value $43,069,227 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 53 MINING BUREAU PUBLICATIONS. PM])lieations of this Bureau will Ije sent on receipt of the requisite amount and postaj;e. Only stamps, coin or money orders will be accepted in payment. (.1// publirntions not mentioned are exhausted.) Attention is respectfully called to that portion of Section 8. amend- ment to the ^linin^' Bureau Act. approved March 10, 1903, which states : "The Board (Board of Triustees) is hereby empowered to fi.x a price upon, and to dispose of to the pul)lic, at such i)rice. any and all pub- lications of the Bureau, includino: reports, bulletins, maps, rejristers. €tc. The sum derived from such disposition must be accounted for and used as a revolvinp: printinjr and publishing' fund for other reports, bulletins, maps, reiristers. etc. The prices fixed must approximate the actual cost of printiui; and issuintr the respective reports, bulletins, maps. rcLristers. etc.. without reference to the cost of obtaining; and preparing the infornuition embraced therein." Price. Postage. Report XI— ISKL*. Fii-st Hicnnial $1 f>0 $0 15 Rei>ort XIII— 18t)t;. Tliinl Hi.-iiiiia! 1 •»<> 20 Bulletin No. f> — "(lold Mill Practices in California" (3d edition).. no 04 Bulletin No. !» — "Mine Drainage, Pumiis. Etc.." hound (50 08 Bulletin No. IT. — ".Map of Oil Cily Oil Fields. Fresno County. Cali- fornia" *^»'' 02 Bulletin No. Iti — "(Jencsi.s of Petroleum and Asphaltura in Cali- fornia" (3d edition) 'jO 03 Bulletin No. 1*3 — ""Copper Resources of California" ">0 12 Bulletin No. 24 — ""Saline Deposits of California" 50 10 Bulletin No. 27 — ""(Quicksilver Kesources of California" 75 08 Bulletin No. 30 — ""RihlioKraphy Relating? to the (Jeolojry. Pala?ontol- ofjy and Mineral Resources of California." including List of Maps. 50 10 Bulletin No. 31 — "Chemical Analysis of California I'etroleuni" 02 Bulletin No. 3"J — ""Production and I'se of California Petroleum'... 75 08 Bulletin No. 3<", — ""(Jold Dredgins in California" (2d edition) 50 08 Bulletin No. 37 — "•(Jems and .lewelers' .Materials of California" (2d edition) -"'^ 08 Bulletin No. 38 — ""Structural and Industrial .Mat<-rials of California" 75 20 Bulletin .No. 30 — ""Mineral Production of California" — 1'.»04 02 Bulletin No. 41 — "'Mines and Minerals of California" — VM\A 04 Bulletin No. 4"2 — "".Mineral Production of California" — 10(J5 02 Bulletin No. 43 — "Mineral Production of California for Nineteen \- •• 02 1 ears "*" Bulletin No. 44 — "Mines and Minerals of California" — 1!M)5 04 Bulletin No. 4.5 — ""The .\uriferous Black Sands of California" 10 (-)2 Gold Production in California from 1.S48 to liMMi ■_ 02 Register of Mines, with Map, Amador County 25 08 Register of Mines, with Map. Butte County 25 08 Register of Mines, with .Map. Kl Dorado County 25 08 Register of Mines, with .Map. Inyo CV)unty 2n 08 Register of Mines, with .Map. Kern ('ounty 2.j 08 Register of Mines, with Map, Lake County 2.> OS Register of Mines, with Map, Mariposa County 2.5 08 Register of Mines, with Map, Nevada County 2.j 08 Register of Mines, with Map, Placer County 2-_> 08 Register of Mines, with .Map. San Bernaniino County 25 08 Register of Mines, with Map, San Diego County 25 08 Register of Mines, with Map. Santa Barbara County 25 08 Register of Mines, with Map, Shasta County 25 08 54 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. MINING BUREAU PUBLICATIONS— Conh/me(/. Price. Postage. Register of Mines, with Map. Siprni County .$0 2.j $0 OS Reiiister of Mines, with Ma]). Siskiyou County 25 OS Register of Mines, with Map, Trinity County 25 OS Register of Mines, with Map, Tuolumne County 25 OS Register of Mines, with Map, Yuba County 25 08 Register of Oil Wells, with Map, Los Angeles City 35 02 Map of .Mother Lode 05 02 Map of Desert Region of California 10 02 Map Showing Copper Deposits in California 05 02 Map of Calaveras County 25 03 Map of Plumas County 25 03 Mineral and Relief Mao of California 2.5 05 Mai) of Forest Reserves in California (mounted) 50 OS Map of Forest Reserves in California (unmounted) 30 00 California Mine P>ell Signals (cardboard ) 05 02 California Mine Bell Signals (paper) 03 02 Samples (limited to three at one time) of any mineral found in the State may be sent to the Bureau for identification, and the same will be classified free of charge. It nuist be understood, however, that )io assays, or quantitative determinations, will be made. Samples should be in lump form if possible, and the outside of package should be marked plainly with name of sender, postoffice address, etc. A letter should accompany samples, and a stamp should be inclosed for reply. LAW RELATING TO MISREPRESENTATION OF MINES BY ANY OFFICER OF A CORPORATION TRANSACTING BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA. Section 1. Any superintendent, director, secretary, manager, agent, or other officer, of any corporation formed or existing under the laws of this State, or transacting business in the same, and any person pre- tending or holding himself out as such superintendent, director, secre- tary, manager, agent or other officer, who shall willfully subscribe, sign, endorse, verify, or otherwise assent to the publication, either generally or privately, to the stockholders or other persons dealing with such corporation or its stock, any untrue or willfully and fraudulently exaggerated report, prospectus, account, statement of operations, values, business, profits, expenditures or prospects, or other paper or document intended to produce or give, or having a tendency to produce or give, to the shares of stock in such corporation a greater value or less apparent or market value than they really possess, or with the intention of defrauding any particular person or persons, or the public, or persons generally, shall be deemed guilt.y of a felony, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in State prison, or a . county jail, not exceedings two years, or by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by both. Sec. 2. All Acts and parts of Acts in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. Approved March 22, 1905. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ;,{K . JM 13 '85 JUN12 '85 JAN "62 Hi 4, I'^ln )M\ ^1 vt^ utc^ LIBRARY, OOLLEOK OF AOBICUI/TUBB, DAVIS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 5r>i-9,'39( 1359s) 38216 IN 24 California. Dept. of C3 natural rfesources. Division pf mines. A3 no. 46 Bulletin io.46 ([Yale. C.S . 3 cong). ; General indsx to publi- cations of the California state mining bureau) APK 8 1969 liL.. nc t>9 " '80 „U,//7* SCIENCES ilBRARi 3?^^^ LIBRARY, OOLLKOE Or AORICTJLTTTRB, DAVIS UNIVERSITY OF CALITORNIA 3 1175 00829 3352 M V'v-::[sm.