v-^ MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES ARMY 1916 CORRECTED TO APRIL 15, 1917 (Changes, Nos. 1 and 2) WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 U ti c^^^ WAR DEPARTMENT, Document No. 504 Office of the Surgeon General, War Department, Office of the Chief of Staff, Washington, D. C, February 10, 1916. This Manual is published for the information and government of the Regular Army and Organized MiUtia of the United States. By order of the Secretary of Wax: H. L. Scott, Major General, Chief of Staff. The regulations in this Manual are only a part of the general body of regulations with which the medical officer must acquaint himself. For regulations general in nature, or wliich affect other branches of the service, he should consult the Army Regulations properly so called. In addition special reference is necessary, for pre- cise information on the subjects with which they deal, to the manuals for the other staff departments, to the Drill Regulations and Service Manual for Sanitary Troops, to the Field Service Regulations, to the Tables of Organization, to the Manual for Courts-Martial, to the Amiy Transport Service Regulations, to the Manual of Pack Transportation, to the Regulations of the War Department Governing the Organized Mihtia, to the Regulations for the United States MiUtary Academy, to the Small Arms Firing Regulations, to the Manual of Interior Guard Duty, to the Regulations for the Unifonn of the United States Army, to the Rules of Land Warfare, etc. Regulations for the Examination of Officers for Promotion, Post Exchange Regulations, Rules for the Examination of Recruits, Regulations Regarding the Examination and Appoint- ment of Persons in Ci-vil Life to be Second Lieutenants in the Army, etc., are pub- lished in general orders from time to time. An index reference to these and other general orders of interest to the medical officer will be found in the appendix to this Manual. 3 •:!(;g914 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Part I. — General Medical Administration. Par. Article I. — The Medical Department, its organization and -personnel 1-130 Organization 1 Medical Corps 2-13 Medical Reserve Corps 14-19 Dental Corps 20-32 Hospital Corps 33-50 Contract surgeons 51-55 Nurse Corps 56-102 Civilian employees 103-130 Article II . — Education and training 131-181 Library, Surgeon General's Office 132-133 Army Medical Museum 134-135 Army Medical School 136-146 The Army Field Service and Correspondence School for Medical Officers. 147 Field problems for medical officers 148-153 Instruction in hygiene , 154 Instruction in first aid 155 Training of the Hospital Corps, general 156 Field hospitals and ambulance companies 157-166 Hospital Corps detachments 167-180 Instruction in the field 181 Article 111 .—Sanitation 182-203 Infectious diseases 183-200 Reports of epidemic diseases 201-203 Article IV. — Hospitals and medical attendance 204r-350 Service of hospitals, general 205-279 Post hospitals 280-281 Department hospitals 282 General hospitals 283-316 Army and Navy General Hospital 317-333 General Hospital, Fort Bayard, N. Mex 334-344 Medical attendance 345-350 Article V. — Department laboratories 351-360 Secretions, excretions, and tissues 352-355 Water 356-360 Article VI. — Duties of medical officers 361-381 General 361-363 Department surgeons 364-370 Department sanitary inspectors 371-374 Attending surgeons 375-376 Disbursing officers 377-379 Medical supply officers 380 Medical officers of the transport service 381 6 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Par. Article Vil — Phybicul examine tinns 382-397 Cadet candidates and cadets 382-383 Candidates for commission 384-385 Officers — Examinations for promotion, retirement, leave of absence, the aviation service, and annual examinations 386-390 Applicants for enlistment 391 Enlisted men — Recruits, deserters, for discharge, for aviation service. . . 392-395 Other examinations 396 Vision, color sense, and hearing 397 Article VIII. — Records, reports, and returns 398-473 List of reports and returjis 398 List of records 399 Mode of keeping and authenticating reports, returns, and records 400 Reports of births and deaths 401 Correspondence records 402-406 Clinical records 407-411 Medical history of post 412 Reports pertaining to personnel 413 Sanitary reports 414-417 Surgical reports 418-420 Special reports and articles for publication 421-423 Report of Medical Department passengers on transports 424 Reports and records on abandonment of posts 425 Disposition of old records 426 Register and report of sick and wounded 427-464 Register of dental patients and report of dental work 465-473 Article IX. — Supplies and materials 474-527 General provisions 474-476 Requisitions 477-495 Transfer of medical supplies 496-500 Accountability 501-503 Distribution of field medical supplies in time of peace 504-506 Returns of medical property 507-508 Sales -•■-•- 509-510 Disposition of medical property on abandonment of posts 511 Use and care of medical property 512-526 Meteorological instruments 527 Part II. — The Sanitary Service in War. Article X. — The sanitary service in war—General 528-586 Administrative zones 528-529 Objects of Medical Department administration 530 Duties of the Medical Department "I'-'h' I' ^^^ Personnel of the sanitary service 532-533 Titles of medical officers 534 Organized voluntary aid 535-536 Individual voluntary aid 537-541 Insignia of sanitary personnel, formations, and materiel 542-546 Status of sanitary personnel and materiel 547-549 Guards for the sanitary service 550 Medical supplies 551-555 Correspondence, reports, returns, and records 556-584 Organization of the Medical Department in war 585-586 TABLE OF CONTENTi=?. 7 Par. Article XI. — The service of the interior 587-626 General - 587-591 Mobilization camps 592-597 Concentration camps 598-601 Camp'hospitals 602-605 General hospitals 606 Convalescent camps 607-608 Hospitals, ports of embarkation 609 Surgeons, ports of embarkation 610 Hospitals for prisoners of war 611 Medical supply depots 612 Hospital trains and trains for patients 613-617 Rest stations 618 Hospital ships and ships for patients 619-625 Sanitary inspectors 626 Article XII. — The theater of operations — General 627-629 Requirements for an efficient sanitary service 627-629 Article Xlll.— The zone of the advance 630-750 Classification of the sanitary service 630 Sanitary troops on duty with line organizations 631-650 The sanitary train 651-715 The administration of the sanitary service of the division 716-750 Article XIV. — The. line of communications 751-827 General 751-756 The base hospital 757-765 The convalescent camp 766 The contagious disease hospital 767-768 Trains, boats, and ships 769-772 Casual camps for sanitary troops 773 Sanitary squads 774-777 Field laboratories 778-779 Rest stations 780-781 The base medical supply depot 782-786 The advance medical supply depot 787-792 The evacuation hospital 793-803 The evacuation ambulance company 804-812 Administration 813-827 Article XV. — Administration of the sanitary service of the theater of operations. . 828-830 The chief surgeon of a field army 828-830 Article XVI. — Resume of the operations of the sanitary service in uw 831-841 Part III. — Supply Tables. Article XVII. — Post supply tables 842-848 Medicines, antiseptics, and disinfectants 843 Stationery 844 Miscellaneous supplies 845 Laboratory supplies 846 Identification supplies 847 X-ray supplies 848 Article XVIII. — Dental supply tables 849-856 Portable outfit 854 Base outfit 855 Additional supplies • • 856 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Par. Article XIX. — Field supply tables 857-901 Individual equipment, medical officer 864 Individual equipment, Hospital Corps 865 Regimental ccmbat equipment 866-868 Camp infirmary •. . 869-870 Camp infirmary reserve 871 Regimental hospital 872 Weight carried by camp infirmary wagon 873 Ambulance company ,j.j ^<.>.-.i.-. 874-878 Field hospital :.j. 879-883 Division surgeon's office 884-885 Camp hospitals 886-888 Evacuation hospital, base hospital, and medical reserve unit 889-892 Base medical supply depot 893-894 Advance medical supply depot 895 Field lal)oratory '896 Evacuation ambulance company ; 897 Hospital ships and ships for patients 898 Hospital trains and trains for patients 899-900 Office of the chief surgeon, field army, and of the surgeon, base group 901 Article XX. — Formulae., contents of chests, cases, etc 902-959 Formulae of nonofficial compound medicinal preparations listed in the supply tables 902 Contents of chests, cases, etc., and spare parts 903-959 Article XXI. — BlanTc forms 960-965 Medical Department 961 Adjutant General 's Office 962 Quartermaster Corps 963 Ordnance Department 964 Inspector General's Department 965 Appendix. PART I. GENERAL MEDICAL ADMINISTRATION. ARTICLE 1.— THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. ORGANIZATION. 1. The Medical Department, under the act of Congress approved April 23, 1908 (35 Stats., 66; G. O. 67, 1908), as modified l)y the act of March 3, 1911 (36 Stats., 1054; G. O. 45, 1911), establishing the Dental Corps, consists of the Medical Corps, the Medical Reserve Corps, the Dental Corps, the Hospital Corps, and the Nurse Corps; to which may be added the contract surgeons employed by virtue of the provisions of the act of February 2, 1901 (31 Stats., 752; G. O. 9, 1901), and other civilians employed from time to time under the authority of the annual appropriation acts. The general duties of the department are pointed out in Army Regulations. MEDICAL CORPS. 2. Extract from the act of April 23, 1908 (35 Stats., 06): Sec. 2. That the Medical Corps shall consist of one Surgeon General, with rank of brigadier general, who shall be chief of the Medical Department; fourteen colonels, twenty-four lieutenant colonels, one hundred and five majors, and three hundred captains or firet lieutenants, who shall have rank, pay, and allowances of officers of corresponding grades in the cavalry arm of the service. Immediately following the approval of this act all officers of the Medical Department then in active service, other than the Surgeon General, shall be recommissioned in the corresponding grades in the Medical Corps established by this act in the order of their seniority and without loss of relative rank in the Army as follows: Assistant surgeons general, with the rank of colonel, as colonels; deputy surgeons general, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, as lieutenant colonels; surgeons with the rank of major, as majors; assistant surgeons, who at the time of the approval of this act shall have served tlu-ee years or more, as captains; and assistant surgeons, with the rank of first lieutenant, who at the time of the approval of this act shall have served less than three years as such, as first lieu- tenants; and hereafter first lieutenants shall be promoted to the grade of captain after three years' service in the Medical Corps. Sec. 3. That promotions in the Medical Corps to fill vacancies in the several grades created or caused by this act, or hereafter occurring, shall be made according to seniority, but all such promotions and all appointments to the grade of fii-st lieutenant in said corps shall be subject to examination as hereinafter provided : Provided, That the increase in grades of colonel, lieutenant colonel, and major provided for in this act shall be filled by promotion each calendar year of not exceeding two lieutenant colonels to be colonels, three majors to be lieutenant colonels, fourteen captains to be majors, and of the increase in the grade of first lieutenant not more than twenty-five per centum of the total of such increase shall be appointed in any one calendar year; 11 12 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Provided further , That those assistant surgeons who at the time of the approval of thia act shall have attained their captaincy by reason of service in the volunteer forces under the provisions of the act of February second, nineteen hundred and one, section eighteen, or who will receive their captaincy upon the approval of this act by virtue of such service, shall take rank among the officers in or subsequently promoted to that grade, according to date of entrance into the Medical Department of the Army as commissioned officers. Sec. 4. That no person shall receive an appointment as first lieutenant in the Medical Corps unless he shall have been examined and approved by an Army medical board consisting of not less than three officers of the Medical Corps designated by the Secretary of War. Sec. 5. That no officer of the Medical Corps below the rank of lieutenant colonel shall be promoted therein until he shall have successfully passed an examination before an Army medical board consisting of not less than three officers of the Medical Corps, to be designated by the Secretary of War, such examination to be prescribed by the Secretary of War and to be held at such time anterior to the accruing of the right to promotion as may be for the best interests of the service : Provided, That should any officer of the Medical Corps fail in his physical examination and be found incapaci- tated for service by reason of physical disability contracted in the line of duty, he shall be retired with the rank to which his seniority entitled him to be promoted; but if he should be found disqualified for promotion for any other reason, a second examination shall not be allowed, but the Secretary of War shall appoint a board of review to consist of three officers of the Medical Corps superior in rank to the officer examined, none of whom shall have served as a member of the board which examined him. If the unfavorable finding of the examining board is concurred in by the board of review, the officer reported disqualified for promotion shall, if a first lieutenant or captain, be honorably discharged from the service with one year's pay; and, if a major, shall be debarred from promotion and the officer next in rank found qualified shall be promoted to the vacancy. If the action of the examining board is disapproved by the board of review, the officer shall be considered qualified and shall be promoted. Sec 6. That nothing in this act shall be construed to legislate out of the service any officer now in the Medical Department of the Army, nor to affect the relative rank or promotion of any medical officer now in the service, or who may hereafter be appointed therein, as determined by the date of hia appointment or commission, except as herein otherwise provided in section three. (a) Section 5 above was modified by tbe proviso in the act of March 3, 1909, reading as follows (35 Stats., 737): Provided, That any major of the Medical Corps on the active list of the Army who, at his first examination for promotion to the grade of lieutenant colonel in said corps, has been or shall hereafter be found disqualified for such promotion for any reason other than physical disability incurred in the line of duty, shall be suspended from promotion and his right thereto shall pass successively to such officers next below him in rank in said cori)s as are or may become eligible to promotion under existing law during the period of his suspension; and any officer suspended fi-om promotion, as hereinbefore provided, shall be reexamined as soon as practicable after the expiration of one year from the date of the completion of the examination that resulted in his suspension; and if on such reexamination he is found qualified for promotion, ho shall again become eligible thereto; but if he is found disqualified by reason of phj'sical disability incurred in line of duty, he shall be retired, with the rank to which hi.9 seniority entitles him to be promoted; and if he is not found disqualified by reason of such physical disability, but is found disqualified for promotion for any other reason, he shall be retired without promotion. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND TEESONNEL. 13 APPOINTMENTS. 3. All applicant for appointment in the Medical Corps of the Army must be between 22 and 30 years of age, at the time of taking the preliminary exammation, must be a citizen of the United States, must have a satisfactory general education, must be a graduate of a reputable medical school legally authorized to confer the degree of doctor of medicme, and must have had at least one year's hospital training, including practical experience in the practice of medicine, surgery, and obstetrics. (a) Appointments to the Medical Corps are made by the President, upon the recommendation of the Surgeon General, after the appli- cants have passed the prescribed examination. The examination will consist of two parts — a preliminar}- examination, and a final or qualifying examination, with a course of instruction at the Army Medical School intervening. (b) Permission to appear for examination should be applied for by letter to The Adjutant General of the Army. The application must be wholly in the handwritmg of the applicant, must give the place and date of his birth, must indicate the place and State or Territory of which he is a permanent resident, and must inclose certificates, based upon personal acquaintance, from at least two reputable persons as to his citizenship, character, and habits. Should his origi- nal application reveal any disqualification he will be so advised. Should no disqualification be disclosed he wiU be given an oi)por- tunity to complete his application by lilmg his personal history. Should this indicate no disqualification he will in due season be formally invited to appear before the local board (par, 4) at the point most convenient for him, and a date will be fixed for his appearance. (c) No allowances will be made for the expenses of applicants undergoing preliminary examinations. 4. The preliminary examinations will' be conducted, under instruc- tions from the Surgeon General, by local boards of one or more medical officers, and by a central board of not less than three, which shall be known as the Army Medical Board. (a) Local boards will be convened at the larger military posts as occasion requires. Permanent local boards also will be established from time to time where deemed necessary. 5. Each applicant, upon presenting himself to the local board, wiD, prior to his physical examination, be required to submit the diploma conferring upon him the degree of doctor of medicine, and to sign the following certificate : I certify, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I am not affected with any form of disease or disability which will interfere with the performance of the duties of the office for appointment to which I am about to undergo examination. 14 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. If he fails to submit his diploma, or declines to give the certificate, the examination will not proceed. (a) Physical examination.— If he submits his diploma and gives the prescribed certificate the board will then proceed with his physi- cal examination, which will conform in all respects to that required of candidates from civil life for commission in the line of the Army, except in respect to vision, the minimum requirements of which are fixed from time to time in general orders. (See Appendix : Physical Examinations . ) The physical examination will be made complete in each case, even though a disqualification be discovered, so as to ascertain whether any other disqualifications exist. If the board finds one or more disqualifications which in its opinion are permanent it will reject the applicant and not proceed with the mental examina- tions. It is higlily desirable that when an applicant is rejected for physical disqualification the cause or causes of rejection should be so clearly established as to be conclusive of the reasonableness and propriety of the rejection. Should the board have a doubt as to the permanency of the disqualification it may require appropriate addi- tional testimony concerning the same, and such evidence as may be obtainable bearing on the medical history of the applicant and of his family. Should the board find one or more physical disquali- fications which in its opinion are temporary m nature and such as may be overcome by the time the applicant, if otherwise accepta- ble, would be ordered to attend the Army Medical School, it may pro- ceed with the mental examinations, if the applicant so desires, upon the understanding that he shall present himself at a time and place to be designated by the Surgeon General for a second physical exam- ination and upon the condition that his acceptance as a candidate shall be subject in all respects to his qualifying at the second physical examination. In reporting the physical examination in such case the reasons which led the board to consider the disqualifications temporary and influenced it to continue the examination notwith- standing the same will be fully set forth in its report. The physical examination will be reported on the form provided for the puipose. (b) The applicant having been found physicaDy qualified, or the physical disqualifications found being only temporary as provided in the preceding section, the board will next proceed with the mental examinations, which will be in writing, as follows : General education. — This examination may be omitted at the dis- cretion of the Surgeon General in the case of applicants holding diplomas or certificates from reputable literary or scientific colleges, nonnal schools or high schools, or of graduates of medical schools which require an entrance exammation satisfactory to the Surgeon General. When held it will cover mathematics (arithmetic, algebra; MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 15 and plane geometry), geography, history (especially of the United States), general literature, Latm grammar, and the reading of easy Latin prose. Questions in these subjects will be sent from the Surgeon General's Office if examination therem is required. Professional education. — This will be in the following subjects, upon questions supplied to the board from the Surgeon General's Office: Anatomy, physiology and histology, chemistry and physics, materia medica and therapeutics, surgery, practice of medicine, obstetrics and gynecology. (c) Upon the conclusion of the examination the local board will return the applicant's diploma to him. {d) The local board will report its proceedings on the form provided therefor direct to the Surgeon General, noting thereon its opinion of the applicant's aptitude for the service as good, fair, or poor. It will forward therewith without marking them the questions and answers in the mental examinations. 6. The favorable findings of the local board as to an applicant's physical qualifications, its opinion as to his aptitude for the service, and the questions and answers in his mental examinations, will be referred by the Surgeon General to the Army Medical Board, which will mark the applicant's questions and answers proportionately to their relative value in each class, will rate his aptitude for the service, and will make final report to the Surgeon General as to his qualifica- tions. Proficiency in English grammar, orthography, and composi- tion will be determined from the applicant's examination papers. An applicant who in the opinion of the Army Medical Board is physi- cally disqualified will be rejected on that ground, notwithstanding the favorable finduigs of the local board. An applicant who is defi- cient in English grammar, orthography, and composition will be rejected. An applicant who has been examined as to his general education and fails to make a general average therein of 75 per cent will be rejected. An applicant who has been found physically quali- fied, and whose general education and English grammar, orthography, and composition have been found satisfactory, and who makes a gen- eral average of 80 per cent in his professional examination and in aptitude, will be reported as qualified; the board may, however, reject any candidate who fails to make 65 per cent in any profes- sional subject. 7. An applicant failing in one preliminary examination may be allowed another after the expiration of one year, but not a third. Withdrawal from examination during its progress, except because of sickness, will be deemed a failure. 8. Qualified applicants will be appointed to the Medical Reserve Corps with the rank of first lieutenant, and upon pledging themselves to accept a commission in the Medical Corps, if found qualified in 16 MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. the final examination, and to serve at least five years thereunder, unless sooner discharged, will be ordered to the Army Medical School, Washington, D. C, for instruction as candidates for admission to the Medical Corps of the Army, If, however, a greater number of applicants qualify than can be accommodated at the school, the requisite number will be selected according to their relative standing as marked by the Army Medical Board. (a) Qualified candidates ordered to the school receive the pay and allowances of a first lieutenant for the journey from their homes to Washington, and while on duty at the school. 9. The final or qualifying examination of graduate candidates for appointment in the Medical Corpa.will be held by the Army Medical Board (par. 4) immediately after the close of the term of the Army Medical School. It will cover the following points: First, the can- didate's physical qualifications; second, his clinical skill and acumen; and third, his general aptitude for the service. (a) The physical examination will be thorough. If it reveals a permanent incapacity for active military service, the candidate will be relieved frorh active duty and his discharge from the service recom- mended. If it reveals an incapacit}^ curable within a brief period, the candidate will be regarded as physically qualified, and the clinical examination will be proceeded with. The question whether the in- capacity is permanent or curable is one for the examining board to determine. In case of doubt the examination will be discontinued, and the candidate relieved from active duty to afi^ord him an oppor- tunity to effect a cure. A candidate relieved from active duty for this purpose may, upon the recommendation of the Surgeon General, be called into active service the following year, for final examination with the next class of candidates. Should he then be found physi- cally incapacitated he will be again relieved from active duty and his discharge from the service recommended. (h) The candidate having been found physically qualified, the board will then proceed with his clinical examination and the inquiry into his general aptitude, giving him appropriate ratings under each head conformably to instructions from the Surgeon General. (c) Graduate candidates who are fomid physically qualified and who obtain a general average of 80 per cent in their preliminary professional examination, in their course at the Army Medical School, in their clinical examination, and in their general aptitiide, will be eligible for appointment in the Medical Corps. (d) Eligible candidates may, if they so desire, take a special examhiation in ancient or modern languages, higliei- mathematics, or scientific branches other than medical. Proficiency therein will be rated by the board conformably to instructions from the Surgeon General. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 17 ie) The relative standing for appointment of eligible candidates will be determined by the total number of points obtained in the preliminary professional examination, in the school, in the clinical examination, in general aptitude, and in the special examination, if one is taken. (f) Eligible candidates who fail to receive appointments because of lack of vacancies at the time of qualification may receive them in the order of their standing as vacancies occur before the graduation of the next class. Thereafter they shall not be eligible for appoint- ment in the Medical Corps, but will be preferred for selection for volunteer commissions and for active duty in the Medical Reserve Corps. EXAMINATION FOR PROMOTION. (See par. 2, sec. 5.) 10. Regulations governing the examination of officers of the Army for promotion are published by the War Department from tune to time in general orders. (See Appendix: Officers.) 11. Before proceeding with the physical examination for the pro- motion of a medical officer, the officer about to be examined will be required to submit, for the information of the examinmg board, a certincate as to his physical condition. If he knows of no physical disqualification existing, the certificate will take the following form: I certify, to the b(?st of my knowledge and belief, that I am not affected with any form of disease or disability which will interfere with the performance of the duties of the grade for promotion to which I am about to undergo examination. (a) The -certificate called for in this paragraph wiU be attached to the proceedings of the board. PERSONAL REPORTS. 12. The personal reports made to the Surgeon General in compli- ance with Army Regulations by officers of the Medical Corps at inde- pendent posts and stations wiU be fox-warded direct. In other cases they wiU be made in duplicate and forwarded to the department sur- geon who will send the original without delay to the Surgeon General and retain the carbon copy for his own records. 13. Officere of the Medical Corps will immediately upon any change in their stations, status, or duties report the same to the Surgeon General, stating the authority therefor, with the number, date, and source of the order making the change. These reports will be made and forwarded as in the preceding paragraph. 93440°— 17 2 18 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. 14. Extract from the act of April 23, 1908 (35 Stats., 68) : Sec. 7. That for the purpose of securing a reserve corps of medical oftlcers available for military service, the President of the United States is authorized to issue com- missions as first lieutenants therein to such graduates of reputable schools of medicine, citizens of the United States, as shall from time to time, upon examination to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of War, be found physically, mentally, and morally qualified to hold such commissions, the persons so commissioned to constitute and be known as the Medical Reserve Corps. The commissions so given shall confer upon the holders all the authority, rights, and privileges of commissioned oflicefs of the like grade in the Medical Corps of the United States Army, except promotions, but only when called into active duty, as hereinafter provided, and during the period of such active duty. Oflicers of the Medical Reserve Corps shall have rank in said corps according to date of their commissions therein, and when employed on active duty, as hereinafter provided, shall rank next below all other officers of like grade in the United States Army: Provided, That contract surgeons now in the military service who receive the favorable recommendation of the Surgeon General of the Army shall be eligible for ap- pointment in said reserve corps without further examination: Provided further , That any contract surgeon not over twenty-seven years of age at date of his appointment as contract surgeon shall be eligible to appointment in the regular corps. Sec. 8. That in emergencies the Secretary of War may order officers of the Medical Reserve Corps to active duty in the service of the United States in such numbers as the public interests may require, and may relieve them from such duty when their services are no longer necessary: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed as authorizing an officer of the Medical Reserve Corps to be ordered upon active duty as herein provided who is unwilling to accept such service, nor to prohibit an officer of the Medical Reserve Corps not designated for active duty from service with the militia, or with the volunteer troops of the United States, or in the service of the United States in any other capacity, but when so serving with the militia or with vol- imteer troops, or when employed in the service of the United States in any other capacity, an officer of the Medical Reserve Corps shall not be subject to call for duty under the terms of this section: And provided further, That the President^is authorized to honorably discharge from the Medical Reserve Corps any officer thereof whose services are no longer required : And provided further. That officers of the Medical Reserve Corps who apply for appointment in the Medical Corps of the Army may, upon the recommendation of the Sirrgeon General, be placed on active duty by the Secretary of War and ordered to the Army Medical School for instruction and further examination to determine their fitness for commission in the Medical Corps: And provided further , That any officer of the Medical Reserve Corps who is subject to call and who shall be ordered upon active duty as herein provided and who shall be unwilling and refuse to accept such service shall forfeit his commission. Sec. 9. That officers of the Medical Reserve Corps when called upon active duty in the service of the United States, as provided in section eight of this act, shall be subject to the laws, regulations, and orders for the government of the Regular Army, and during the period of such service shall be entitled to the pay and allowances of first lieutenants of the Medical Corps with increase for length of service now allowed by law, said increase to be computed only for time of active duty: Provided, That no officer of the Medical Reserve Corps shall be entitled to retirement or retirement pay, nor shall he be entitled to pension except for physical di.sability incurred in the line of duty while in active duty: And provided further , That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the appointment in time of war of medical officers of volunteers in euch numbere and with such rank and pay as may be provided by law. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT^ ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 19 15. An applicant for appointment in the Medical Reserve Corps must be between 22 and 45 years of age, must be a citizen of the United States, must be a graduate of a reputable medical school legally authorized to confer the degree of doctor of medicine, and must have qualified to practice medicuie in the vState or Territory in which he resides. (a) Appointments in this corps are made by the President upon the recommendation of the Surgeon General after the applicants have passed the prescribed examinations. Permission to appear for examination is obtained by application to The Adjutant General of the Army similar to that required in the case of apphcants for appoint- ment in the Medical Corps (par. 36). Should his original application reveal any disqualification, the applicant will be so advised. Should none be disclosed, he will be given an opportunity to complete his appUcation by filing his personal history, accompanied by a certifi- cate from the proper State or local official that the applicant is duly qualified to practice medicine in the State or Territory where he resides. Should his personal history indicate no disqualification, he will in due season be formally invited to appear before the examin- ing board at the place most convenient for him. No allowances will be made for the expenses of applicants undergoing examination. 16. The examination will be conducted, under instructions from the Surgeon General, by boards of one or more officers of the Medical Corps convened from time to tune, as required, at military posts or stations. (a) Upon presenting himself to the board the applicant will be required to submit the diploma conferring upon him the degree of doctor of medicine and to give a certificate similar to that prescribed in the case of applicants for appointment in the Medical Corps (par. 5). If he fails to submit his diploma or declines to give the certificate the examination will not proceed. (b) Tlie diploma having been submitted and the certificate given, the board will then make a thorough physical examination of the applicant, which must conform in all respects to that required of candidates for commission in the Medical Corps (par. 5a). If any physical disqualification for the service is found the examination will be discontinued. The findings and action of the board wiU be reported on the form provided for the purpose. (c) The applicant having been found physically qualified, the board will next proceed with his professional examination in the following subjects: Practice of medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and hygiene. This examination will be oral and sufficiently com- prehensive to determine whether, in the opinion of the board, the applicant is qualified to practice his profession under • the usual conditions of the military service. Should the oral examination in 20 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. any subject be unsatisfactory, the applicant may be required to take a written examination therein. (d) Upon the conclusion of the examination the board will return the applicant's diploma to him. The proceedings of the board will be reported direct to the Surgeon General. 17. An officer of the Medical Reserve Corps assigned to active duty in the service of the United States will immediately upon arrival at his fu^t station be subjected to a critical physical exami- nation by a board of one or more medical officers constituted for the purpose, if such board is available. If no such board is available at the station to which he is assigned, he will be ordered to report to the nearest medical officer for examination before proceeding to his station. Upon presenting himself to the board the officer will be required to give a certificate identical with that requhed of candidates for commission in the Medical Corps (par. 5). The certificate having been given, the board will then proceed with the physical examination, which will conform to that prescribed in paragraph 5a, and be made complete, even though a physical dis- qualification be discovered, so as to ascertain for record whether any other physical disqualification^ or defects exist. The examination will be reported to the Surgeon General upon the form provided therefor, noting thereon in full the disqualifications or defects found and the board's recommendation whether the officer shall be continued on active duty or shall be forthwith relieved. (a) Upon rehef from active duty (except in the case of an officer forthwith relieved for disqualification found at the examination immediately following his assignment to active duty) the officer will again be subjected to a critical physical examination by a similar board, to which will be referred the report of the physical examination made when the officer was called into active service. The examination upon relief will be completed in all respects and reported to the Surgeon General on the appropriate form, modified as necessary. All physical disqualifications or defects found on such examination will be fully reported. In case any of them were noted on the report of the physical examination made wlien the officer was called into active service, the report of the board will indicate whether there appears to have been any change therein since that examination. If any of the physical disqualifications or defects found on the former examination are not found when the officer is examined upon his relief, the report of the board will afiirni- atively set forth that fact. (b) The provisions of this paragraph may be waived by tlie Surgeon General in the case of Reserve Corps officers called into active service for temporary duty. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 21 PERSONAL REPORTS. 18. Officers of the Medical Reserve Corps in active service will render personal reports similar to those made by officers of the Medical Corps mider paragraphs 12 and 13. 19. Every officer of the Medical Reserve Corps not in active service will report his address to the Surgeon General at the end of each calen- dar year. He will also report promptly every change of address. DENTAL CORPS. 20. Extract from the act of March 3, 1911 (36 Stats., 1054): Hereafter there shall be attached to the Medical Department a Dental Corps, which shall be composed of dental surgeons and acting dental surgeons, the total number of which shall not exceed the proportion of one to each thoiisand of actual enlisted strength of the Army; the number of dental siu-geons shall not exceed sixty, and the number of. acting dental surgeons shall be such as may, from time to time, be authorized by law. All original appointments to the Dental Corps shall be as acting dental siu-geons, who shall have the same official status, pay, and allowances as the contract dental siu^eons now authorized by law. Acting dental sm-geons who have served three years in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of War shall be eligible for appointment as dental surgeons, and, after passing in a satisfactory manner an examination which may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, may be commissioned with the rank of first lieutenant in the Dental Corps to fill the vacancies existing therein. Officers of the Dental Corps shall have rank in such corps according to date of their conmiissions therein and shall rank next below officers of the Medical Reserve Corps. Their right to command shall be limited to the Dental Cosps. The pay and allowances of dental surgeons shall be those of first lieutenants, including the right to retirement on account of age or disability, as in the case of other officers: Provided, That the time served by dental surgeons as acting dental or contract dental siu-geons shall be reckoned in com- puting the increased service pay of such as are commissioned under this act. The appointees as acting dental surgeons must be citizens of the United States between twenty-one and twenty-seven years of age, graduates of a standard dental college, of good moral character and good professional education, and they shall be required to pass the usual physical examination required for appointment in the Medical Corps, and a professional examination which shall include tests of skill in practical dentistry and of proficiency in the usual subjects of a standard dental college course: Provided, That the contract dental surgeons attached to the Medical Department at the time of the passage of this act may be eligible for appointment as first lieutenants, Dental Corps, without limitation as to age: And provided further, That the professional examination for such appointment may be waived in the case of contract dental surgeons in the service at the time of the passage of this act whose efficiency reports and entrance examinations are satisfactory. The Secretary of War is authorized to appoint boards of three examiners to conduct the examinations herein prescribed, one of whom shall be a surgeon in the Army and two of whom shall be selected by the Secretary of War from the commissioned dental surgeons. ACTING DENTAL SURGEONS. 21. Applications for examination for appointment as acting dental surgeons under the foregoing law should be made to the Surgeon Gen- feral, who will furnish blanks therefor on request. They must in each 22 MANUAT, FOR THR MEDICAI. DEPARTMENT. case be accompanied by certificates from at least two reputable per- sons as to the applicant's citizenship, character, and habits. (a) When an applicant is selected for examination his application and the certificates therewith will be referred by the Surgeon General to the examining board designated to examine him for its information. The applicant will in due season be notified when and where to present himself to the board. (6) No allowances will be made for the expenses of candidates undersroing examination. 22. Examinations will be authorized and boards to conduct them will be convened from time to time as may be deemed necessary. The medical member of the board will be its president and the junior dental surgeon its recorder. The procedure of the board will cor- respond to that of other army boards of a similar character. 23. When two or more dental examining boards are convened at the same time one of them will be designated by the Surgeon General as the central examining board, to prepare the questions for the written and oral examinations to be conducted simultaneouslyby the several boards. In order that there may be no premature disclosure of the questions, the same will be transmitted by the central board confiden- tially to the Surgeon General for distribution to the other boards in season for the latter's action. When but one board is convened it will prepare the questions for the written and oral examinations of the candidates to appear before it. 24. Each candidate upon presenting himself to the examining board will, prior to his physical examination, be required to sign the certifi- cate required of applicants for appointment m the Medical Corps of the Army (par. 5), and to submit therewith his diploma as a graduate of a standard dental college. If he declines to give the certificate or fails to submit his diploma, the examination wiU not proceed. (o) Physical examination. — His certificate having been given and his di])loma having been found satisfactory and returned to him, the medical member of the board will then proceed with the physical examination of the candidate, which will conform in aU respects to that required of candiilates from civil life for commission m the Medi- cal Corps of the Army. If any physical disqualification for the service is found, the examination will be discontinued and the candidate rejected. The findings of the medical meml)cr of the board in respect to the candidate's physical qualifications will be recorded on the form provided for the purpose, and accompany the report of the board upon the conclusion of the examination. (h) Professional examination. — If the candidate is foimd physi- cally qualified, the whole board wiU then proceed with his professional examination. This will consist of oral and wiitton questions and clinical wojk, particidar stress being laid upon the j)rafti('al examina- MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 23 tion. The oral examination will include oral surgery, operative den- tistry and prosthetic dentistry. The subjects of the written exami- nation will be anatomy, physiology and histology; materia medica and therapeutics; dental pathology and bacteriology; chemistry, physics and metallurgy. The clinical examination wiU be of such a character as will thoroughly test the candidate's practical knowledge of operative and prosthetic dentistry. An average of 75 per cent will be required to qualify in the sub- jects of the written and oral examinations, and 85 per cent in the practical examination. (c) To insure uniformity of standards so far as practicable, the answers to the questions in the written examinations will be rated by the central board, if one has been convened. Whether there is a central board or not, the local boards will rate the oral and practical examinations and report their findings in regard to the physical com- petency, the moral character, and the general fitness for the service of all the candidates examined by them. (d) The board will make a full report of the examination of each candidate and forward aU papei-s connected therewith direct to the Surgeon General, or to the central board if one has been convened. (e) Detailed instructions for the guidance of the board will be fur- nished by the Surgeon General. 25. Candidates who qualify at the examination will be preferred for employment as acting dental surgeons in the order of their stand- ing at the exammation, according to the needs of the service during the ensuing year. After the expiration of a year, they will no longer be considered eligible until again exaniined. (a) Contracts to perform the duties of an acting dental surgeon will be entered into on Form 45, by the Surgeon General only, with selected candidates who have qualified as hereinbefore required. They wiU be annulled only as provided in Army Regulations. DENTAL SURGEONS. 26. Acting dental surgeons whose work and conduct during a service of three years as disclosed by the records of the War Depart- ment have given rise to no material and well-grounded criticism will be regarded as eligible for appointment to the grade of dental sur- geon, upon the occurring of vacancies therein, subject to a physical and professional examination by a board duly constituted as pre- scribed by law. 27. The candidate upon presenting himself to the board will, prior to his physical examination, sign the certificate required of applicants for appointment in the Medical Corps of the Army (par. 5) . If he declines to give the certificate, the examination will not proceed. 24 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 28. Physical examination.— The certificate having been given, the medical member of the board will proceed with the candidate's physical examination, which will conform to that prescribed in para- graph 24rt for candidates for appointment as acting dental surgeons, and will be conducted, discontinued, recorded, and reported in like manner. 29. Professional examination. — The candidate having been found physically qualified, the board will then proceed with his professional examination. This will comprise two parts, the written examina- tion and the practical examination. A general average of 75 per cent and not less than 60 per cent in any one subject (except Medical Department administration) will be required to qualify in the written examination, and a general average of 85 per cent in the practical examination. (a) The written examination will include 10 questions, to be formu- lated by the board, in each of the following subjects: (1) Medical Department administration — Army Regulations so far as they relate to the Dental Corps of the Army or to the dental surgeon as an officer of the Army; Manual for the Medical Department, so far as it relates to the Dental Corps ; Manual for Courts-Martial; (2) oral hygiene; (3) orthodontia; (4) operative dentistry, includmg recent progress in etiology, pathology, therapeutics, and operative methods; (5) oral surgery, including recent progress in etiology, pathology, thera- peutics, and operative procedure. (b) The practical examination will be within the scope of the follow- ing schedule. It is not expected that work will be requu'ed under all of the clinical sub-heads indicated. The board will exercise its judg- ment in selecting the tests according to the time and clinical material available. 1. Operative: Examination of the oral cavity and diagnosis of pathological conditions found; extraction of roots of broken down teeth; adjusting porcelain crown, cast base, or grinding; gold filling; compound gold filling; compound amalgam filling; oxyphosphate fill- ing; treatment of exposed pulps and putrescent root canals; prophy- lactic treatment. 2. Prostlietic: Taking impressions of mouth, running models, mounting on articulator, and articulating teeth; makmg gold cro%vu, or gold and porcelain crown, or gold and porcelain bridge. 30. The board will make a full report of the examination of each candidate on the forms provided for that purpose and wiU forward all papers connected therewith direct to tlie Surgeon General. (a) Detailed instructions for the guidance of the board will be furnished by the Surgeon General. 31. (Candidates who qualify will be recommended to tlie President for commission. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 25 PERSONAL REPORTS. 32. Dental surgeons and acting dental surgeons will render personal reports similar to those made by officers of the Medical Corps under paragraphs 12 and 13. HOSPITAL CORPS. CONSTITUTION OF THE CORPS. 33. Extract from the act of March 1, 1887 (24 Stats., 435): That the Hospital Corps of the United States Army shall consist of hospital stewards, acting hospital stewards, and privates; and all necessary hospital services in garrison, camp, or field (including ambulance service) shall be performed by the members thereof, who shall be regularly enlisted in the military service; said corps shall be permanently attached to the Medical Department, and shall not be included in the effective strength of the Army nor counted as a part of the enlisted force provided by law. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of War is empowered to appoint as many hospital stewards as in his judgment the service may require; but not more than one hospital steward shall be stationed at any post or place without special authority of the Secre- tary of War. Sec. 3. That * * * hospital stewards * * * shall have rank with ordnance sergeants, and be entitled to all the allowances appertaining to that gi-ade. Sec. 4. That no person shall be appointed a hospital steward unless he shall have passed a satisfactory examination before a board of one or more medical officers as to his qualifications for the position, and demonstrated his fitness therefor by service of not less than 12 months as acting hospital steward; and no person shall be desig- nated for such examination except by written authority of the Surgeon General. Sec. 5. That the Secretary of War is empowered to enlist, or cause to be enlisted, as many privates of the Hospital ('orps as the service may require, and to limit or fix the nimiber, and make such regulations for their government as may be necessary; and any enlisted man in the Army shall be eligible for transfer to the Hospital Corps as a private. They shall perform duty as wardmasters, cooks, nurses, and attend- ants in hospitals, and as stretcher bearers, litter bearers, and ambulance attendants in the field, and such other duties as may by proper authority be required of them. Sec. 6. That * * * privates of the Hospital Corps * * * shall be entitled to the same allowances as a corporal of the arm of service with which on duty. Sec 7. That privates of the Hospital Corps may be detailed as acting hospital stewards by the Secretary of War, upon the recommendation of the Surgeon General, whenever the necessities of the service require it; * * *. Acting hospital stewards, when educated in the duties of the position, may be eligible for examination for appointment as hospital stewards as above provided. (o) Section 18 of the act approved February 2, 1901 (31 Stats,, 753), fixed the number of hospital stewards at 300 and provided: That men who have served as hospital stewards of volunteer regiments or acted in that capacity during and since the Spanish-American War for more than six months may be appointed hospital stewards in the Regular Army: And provided further, That all men so appointed shall be of good moral character and shall have passed a satisfactory mental and physical examination. (h) The act of March 2, 1903 (32 Stats., 930), defuies the present status of the corps as follows: That hereafter the Hospital Corps of the United States Army shall consist of ser- geants first class, sergeants, corporals, privates first class, and privates; the rank * * * of sergeants first class, sergeants, and privates first class shall be as now provided by law for hospital stewards, acting hospital stewards, and privates of the Hospital Corps; * * *. That the Secretary of War is authorized to organize com- panies of instruction, ambulance companies, field hosjntals, and other detachments of the hospital Corps as the necessities of the service may require. 26 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, MASTER HOSPITAL SERGEANTS, HOSPITAL SERGEANTS, SERGEANTS, FIRST CLASS, AND SERGEANTS. 34. An application for appointment as master hospital sergeant hospital sergeant, sergeant first class, or sergeant must be accom- panied by an affidavit statmg whether or not the appUcant is married. Applications from commands under the immediate supervision of the War Department will be forwarded direct to the Surgeon General. Applications from other posts or commands will be for- warded: (1) If for appomtment as master hospital sergeant, hos- pital sergeant, or sergeant first class, through the department sur- geon to the Surgeon General; and (2) if for appointment as sei-geant, to the department surgeon. (a) Api>ointments of married men to the grades of master hos- pital sergeant, hospital sei^geant, sei^eant first class, and sergeant will be made only with the understanduig that the applicant will be entitled to no special consideration on account of his mairtal condition. (6^. M. M. D., No. 1.) 35. Examinations for aj>pomtment to these grades are conducted by boards of medical officers conformably to the provisions of Army Regulations. The examinations will be both oral and practical, and written. They will embrace the same subjects for all the grades, the higher the grade the more difficult the examination. (a) Examinations for appointment to the grades of master hos- pital sergeant, hospital sergeant, and sergeant first class at all posts, and for appointment to the grade of sergeant ui commands directly under the War Department, wiU be held at such times as may be designated by the Surgeon General. The questions for the written examinations will be prepared in his ofiice. (6) Examinations for appomtment to the grade of sergeant, except in commands dnectly under the War Department, will be held under the direction of department surgeons whenever they deem the same necessary (generally once or twice a year) without pre- vious reference to the Surgeon General. The questions for the written examinations will be prepared by the department surgeons. (c) The examining board will investigate and report upon the candidate's qualifications under the following heads: (1) Physical condition; (2) character and habits, especially as to the use of stimu- lants and narcotics; (3) discipline and control of men; (4) knowledge of regidations; (5) nursing; (6) dispensary work; (7) clerical work; (8) principles of cooking, and mess management; (9) Medical Depart- ment driU; (10) minor sm'gery and first aid, inchuHng extraction of teeth. The board will require the candidate to prepare a full set of papers pertaining to the Medical Department, and to driU a detach- ment of the Medical Department sufficiently to demonstrate his thoroui^h knowledije of tlie drill rciruhitious. MEDICAL DEI>AIITMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 27 (d) The written examination will embrace the following subjects: (t) Ai'ithmetic; (2) materia medica; (3) pharmacy; (4) care of sick and ward management; (5) minor sm-gery and first aid; (6) elemen- tary hygiene. Ten questions will be asked in each subject. Profi- ciency in penmanship and orthography will be estimated from the papers submitted. (e) The report of the examining board in ihe case of a candidate for appointment as master hospital sergeant, hospital sergeant, or sergeant first class will be forwarded with the examination papei*s direct to the Surgeon General, under whose direction the papers will be marked. In the case of a candidate for appointment as master hospital sergeant or hospital sergeant the board in forwarding the papers will report its opinion, based on the candidate's past record and experience, as to liis ability, adaptability, and general fitness for the position. The board wlQ mark the papers of a can- didate for appointment as sergeant, and will then send them to the department surgeon, or in the case of a command directly under the War Department, direct to the Surgeon General, with its report as to the candidate's qualifications. If the report is made to a dei^artment surgeon, he wUl, after taking appropriate action in the premises, fort- ward aU the papers, with a note of his action, to the Surgeon General inclosing a copy of the questions asked in the written examination. (/) The scope and character of the examination for appointment as sergeant first class, limited warrant, or sergeant, limited war- rant, win be prescribed by the Surgeon General from time to time as occasion requues. In forwarding its report the board will recom- mend whether the candidate should be appointed. (g) Eligibility for appointment to these grades in the case of candidates who qualify wiU continue for one year from the dates of their examinations respectively. (C. M. M. D., No. 1.) 36. Master hospital sergeants, hospital sergeants, sergeants first class, and sergeants may be reenUsted in their respective grades, on the authority of the Surgeon General, subject to the conditions pre- scribed in Army Regulations, (a) A sergeant first class who desires to reenlist will report that fact, through medical channels, to the Surgeon General, at least 60 days before the termination of his active service with the organization under his current enhstment. A reexamination will be held before first re- enlistment if the appUcant has served for more than one year in the grade. In case an applicant has served for less than one year in this grade, the examination may be waived by the Surgeon General, pro- vided the detachment commander and the department surgeon having supervision over it concur in the statement that he has performed his duties efficiently. In case examination has been waived before first reenhstment, it will always be held before the second reenhstment. No examination on subsequent reenlistments will ordinarily, bejiqld 28 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. unless, in the judgment of the Surgeon General, the interests of the service require it. (6) Examinations for reenhstmeiit in the grades of muster hos- pital sergeant, hospital sergeant, and sergeant are not required. (C. M. M. D., No. 1.) ACTING COOKS. 37. The act of Confess approved May 11, 1908 (35 Stats., 109), providing for acting cooks for the Hospital Corps, is regarded as having established a new grade in that corps. (a) Actmg cooks are not enhsted as such. Under authority granted by the Surgeon General, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 38, an officer commanding any hospital or otlier sani- tary formation may appoint acting cooks by promotion from among the privates first class or privates on duty therein. (6) An acting cook may be reduced for inefficiency or misconduct at the discretion of such officer, but acting cooks who were pro- moted from the grade of private first class will not be reduced to the grade of private except by order of a department surgeon, the Surgeon General, or by sentence of a court-martial. 38. Acting cooks are authorized in the proportion of not to exceed 6 per cent of the total enlisted strength of the Hospital Corps. The}^ will be authorized and assigned by the Surgeon General to hospitals and other sanitary formations where needed as are sergeants, Hos- pital Corps. (a) In general it is considered tliat one cook is sufficient for a mess of 50 persons or major fraction thereof. CORPORALS. 39. The appointment of corporals and lance corporals of the Hos- pital Corps is governed by Army Regulations. ENLISTMENTS IN AND TRANSFERS TO THE CORPS. 40. Medical officers will not make enlistments or reenlistments for the Hospital Corps without obtaining special authority from the bur- geon General of the department surgeon. Department surgeons are authorized to enfist for the Hospital Corps up to the regular allowance of their respective departments without reference to the Surgeon General. They may also authorize reenfistments of privates, pri- vates first class, lance corporals, corporals, and sergeants, serving within their respective departments. (See Army Regulations.) (a) Contract surgeons can not make eidistments, as the oath must be administered by a commissioned officer. (6) The enfistment papers of all men enlisting or reenlisting in the Hospital Corps will be forwarded direct to The Adjutant Goiicral of the Anny. 41. When a man is enlisted for, reenlisted in, or transferred to, the Hospital Corps the nuMlical oflicc^r who fii-st receives tlie soMier will MEDICAL DEPAETMENT, ITS OEGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 29 forward a copy of his descriptive and assignment card, or in the absence of such card a copy of his descriptive Ust, direct to the Sur- geon General. ENLISTED ASSISTANT TO THE DENTIST. 42. The enhsted assistant to the dentist will be attached to the detacliinent of the Hospital Corps. He will be regarded as being under special instruction while on duty with the dentist and will not be required to attend other instruction. DUTIES OF NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 43. The duties of noncommissioned officers of the Hospital Corps are to maintain disciplhie in hospitals and watch over their general police; to supervise the duties and assist in the instruction of the members of the Hospital Corps in hospital and in the field; to look after and distribute hospital stores and supphes ; to care for hospital property; to compound medicines; to prepare reports and returns; and to perform such other duties as may, by proper authority, be required of them. ASSIGNMENT TO DUTY. 44. Sergeants first class. Hospital Corps, are assigned to duty by the War Department on the recommendation of the Surgeon General. Other members of the Hospital Corps are assigned to duty by the department commander on recommendation of the department sur- geon, except at independent posts, where all assignments are made by the War Department. In the Philippine Department, in the Hawaiian Department, and in the Canal Zone, all members of the Hospital Corps are assigned by the department commander. CHANGES OF STATION OR STATUS. 45. During time of peace all changes in the personnel of the Hos- pital Corps by enlistment, discharge, death, desertion, etc., and all changes m the stations of its members by departure for, or arrival from, another post or command, will be reported at once, and such other changes from the status of duty at post or with the command as may affect their availability for transfer or detached service, as sick- ness, confinement, furlough or absence without leave, lasting as long as ten days, will be reported on the tenth day and again upon return to a duty status, by the officer commanding the detachment or Medi- cal Department organization. («) In cases of discharge the report will show, first, the soldier's character given on discharge; second, objections to his reenUstment, if there are any, otherwise the fact that there are none; third, his physical condition, good or poor; fourth, whether he is single or mar- ried; fifth, his mail address; and sixth, such other information as may be pertinent. (b) In all cases the particulars of the changes reported will be indi- cated in full. 30 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (c) From independent posts and stations these reports will be for- warded direct to the Surgeon General. In other cases they will be forwarded in duplicate to the department surgeon who will send the original without delay to the Surgeon General and retain the carbon copy for his own records. 46. Whenever in time of peace a soldier of the Hospital Corps is transferred from one station to another the surgeon of his old station will make an efficiency report of the soldier on Form 80 and attach it to the descriptive list forwarded to the surgeon of the soldier's new station. A duplicate of the report will be attached to the retained descriptive list. CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENTS. 47. The clothing allowances of enlisted men, including soldiers of the Hospital Corps, are prescribed in War Department orders published from time to time. (See Appendix: Clothing and Equipnfient.) (a) White duck clothing as issued by the Quartermaster Corps should be worn by Hospital Corps men on duty in the wards, dis- pensaries, post-mortem rooms, operating rooms, messrooms, and kitchens of hospitals; also by Hospital Corps men on duty as assistants to dental surgeons. White clothing soiled while on such duty may be included in the hospital laundry (par. 267). (h) Medical officers when transferring members of the Hospital Corps from one station or command to another will transmit with the descriptive list of each man a statement showing the sizes of his cloth- ing as kept on file at his old station. (See Appendix: Clothing and Equii^ment.) 48. When a soldier of the Hospital Corps is transferred from one post or command to another (except as noted in (a) and (6) of this paragraph) no articles of public property, other than the necessary clothing, will be transferred with him unless ordered by the authority directing the soldier's transfer. (a) In the case of soldiers of the Hospital Corps ordered on field service, the equipment to be taken is usually prescribed in the order directing the movement. When not so prescribed the equipment transferred with the soldier will be that specified in paragraph 865a. (6) The articles of individual equipment to be carried by members of the Hospital Corps en route to or from the Philippine Islands are pre- scribed in general orders. (See Appendix : Hospital Covps.) 49. Articles of personal equipment, belonging to the Medical De- partment, which a detached soldier carries with him, will be listed upon duplicate invoice blanks, Form 28, each invoice being signed by the issuing officer, and by the soldier acknowledging receipt of the property. The invoices will when practicable indicate the soldier's destination. One of them will be forwarded with the soldier's de- MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 31 scriptivo list or descriptive and assignment card, upon which a remark will be made that it is so accompanied, as ''Invoice here- with of medical property in the soldier's possession"; the other will be forwarded at once by the issuing officer direct to the Surgeon General. The issuing officer will drop from his return the articles thus transferred, which will be taken up by the officer to whom the soldier reports. The latter officer will execute duplicate receipts therefor on Form 28 (naming therein the soldier with w^hom the articles were received), one of which he will forward at once direct to the Surgeon General and the other to the issuing officer, filing with his retained papers the invoice which accompanied the descrip- tive list or descriptive and assignment card. (For general rule gov- erning transfers of medical property see par. 496 et seq. For medical property transferred with sick see par. 228.) (a) Ordnance property transferred in the possession of enlisted men will be accounted for as prescribed in Army Regulations. RETURN OF THE HOSPITAL CORPS. 50. This return will be rendered bimonthly for sanitary troops in garrison, upon Form 47 (for the periods ending Jan. 31, Mar. 31, May 31, July 31, Sept. 30, and Nov. 30, respectively), and monthly for sanitary troops in the field, upon Form 47a, by the immediate com- manding officer of every sanitary formation, and will be forwarded through medical channels to the Surgeon General within five days after the close of its period. A final return will be made upon the breaking up of each such sanitary formation. CONTRACT SURGEONS. 61. Extract from the act of February 2, 1901, section 18 (31 Stats., 752): That in emergencies the Surgeon General of the Army, with the approval of the Secretary of War, may appoint as many contract surgeons as may be necessary, at a compensation not to exceed $150 per month. 62. Contracts with private physicians are entered into only by the Surgeon General or by his authority. They are either general or special. .(a) General contracts will be made on Form 44; special on Form 44a. If made by the Surgeon General himself they w^ill be executed in triplicate, one number for the physician, the other two for the Surgeon General and the Auditor for the War Department. When the contract is made by another officer a fourth number should be executed to be retained by him. (b) Contracts will be annulled only in conformity with their stipu- lations. 32 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 53. A general contract obligates the contract surgeon to take station and change station as ordered. He is furnished quarters at the miUtary post where he is stationed, and is expected to give his enth-e time to the pubhc service. He receives pay as stipulated in the contract, and the travel, fuel, and light allowances of a first lieutenant. Under existing law it is not the policy of the department to make or authorize general contracts except in extraordinary cases, and upon a full exhibition of the necessity thereof. If the exigency requiring the employment of a contract surgeon is likely to be tem- porary the contract will be made for a term of three months only or less. If its longer continuance is probable the term will usually be one year. In either event it is subject to annuhnent when the services of the physician are no longer requked. (a) Short-term general contracts may be made with any graduate of a reputable medical school legally authorized to confer the degree of doctor of medicine, who has qualified to practice medicine in the State or Territory in which he resides. Appropriate evidence that he has so qualified should be required before the contract with hmi is executed. (b) Long-tenn general contracts will be made only with such graduate and qualified practitioners, who are citizens of the United States, after they shall have passed an appropriate examination as to their physical and professional qualifications for the military service. Applications for employment under such contracts will be made to the Surgeon General, who will furnish blanks for the purpose upon request. They will be considered only as the exigency requiring the appointment of a contract surgeon shall arise. They must in each case be accompanied by testimonials from at least two reputable persons as to the applicant s citizenship, character, and habits, and by a certificate from the proper local official that the applicant has qualified to practice medicine in the State or Territory where he resides. Should the application be favorably considered, the appli- cant will at the proper time be invited to appear before the examining board at the place most convenient for him. No allowances will be made for his expenses while undergoing examination. The examina- tions will be conducted, under instructions from the Surgeon General, by boards of one or more officers of the Medical Corps convened therefor at military posts or stations. Upon presenting himself to the board the applicant should submit his diploma, and evidence of his citizenship (if of foreign bu^h), which will be returned to him upon the conclusion of the examination. Having insjiected his diploma and the evidence of his citizenship, the board, if the same are found satisfactory, will then make a thorough physical examma- tion of the applicant, wliich must conform in all respects to tliat required of candidates for connuission in the Medical Corps. If any MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 33 physical disqualification for the service is found the examination will be discontinued. The board will report the physical examination on the form provided therefor. Should no physical disqualification be found, the board will next proceed with a professional examination of the applicant similar to that prescribed in the case of applicants for appointment in the Medical Reserve Corps (par. 16c). It will make a full report of the examination of each applicant and forward all the papers connected therewith direct to the Surgeon General. If the examination is satisfactory a contract will m due season be sent the applicant for signature. 54. Special contracts are for local service only, at stations therein designated, as, for example, at arsenals, where the amount of service called for is not usually suflacient to warrant the assignment thereto of a medical officer. No travel imder such contracts is required. Tlie physician contracted with is neither expected to take station at the post nor to give up his private practice, except in so far as he has to do so in order to carry out his public duties. He is not furnished quarters or other allowances, and his pay proper constitutes his entire compensation. (a) Special contracts may be made with any graduate of a reputable medical school, legally authorized to confer the degree of doctor of medicine, who is a citizen of the United States and has qualified to practice medicine in the State or Territory in which he resides. Appropriate evidence that he is a citizen of the United States, and that he has qualified to practice as above, should be required before the contract with him is executed. PERSONAL REPORTS. 55. Contract surgeons will render personal reports similar to those made by officers of the Medical Corps under paragraphs 12 and 13. NURSE CORPS. 56. Extract from the act of February 2, 1901 (31 Stats., 753): Sec. 19. That the Nurse Corps (female) shall consist of one superintendent, to be appointed by the Secretary of War, who shall be a graduate of a hospital training school ha^ing a coiu-se of instruction of not less than two years, whose term of office may be terminated at his discretion, whose compensation shall be one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, and of as many chief nurses, nurses, and reserve nurses as may be needed. Reserve nurses may be assigned to active duty when the emer- gency of the service demands, but shall receive no compensation except when on such duty: Provided, That all nurses in the Nurse Corps shall be appointed or removed by the Surgeon General, -^vith the approval of the Secretary of War; that they shall be graduates of hospital training schools, and shall have passed a satisfactory professional, moral, mental, and physical examination: And provided, That the superintendent and nurses shall receive transportation and necessary expenses when traveling under orders; that the pay and allowances of nurses, and of reserve nurses when on active 93440°— 17 3 34 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Bervice, shall be forty dollars per month when on duty in the United States and fifty dollars per month when on duty without the limits of the United States. They shall be entitled to quarters, subsistence, and medical attendance during illness, and they may be granted leaves of absence for thirty days, with pay, for each calendar year; and, when serving as chief nurses, their pay may be increased by authority of the Secretary of War, such increase not to exceed twenty -five dollars per month. Pay- ments to the Nurse Corps shall be made by the Pay Department. (a) The foregoing was modified by the terms of the act of March 23, 1910 (36 Stats., 249), as follows: The superintendent and members of the Female Nurse Corps shall hereafter be paid at the following rates: Superintendent Nurse Corps, one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; female nurses, fifty dollars per month for the first period of three years' service; fifty -five dollars per month for the second period of three years' service; sixty dollars per month for the third period of three years' service; and sixty-five dollarsper month after nine years' service in said Niu-se Corps; and all female nurses shall hereafter be entitled, in addition to the rates of pay as herein pro\'ided, to ten dollars per month when serving beyond the limits of the States comprising the Union and the Territories of the United States contiguous thereto (excepting Porto Rico and Hawaii), and to cumulative leave of absence with pay at the rate of thirty days for each calendar year of service in said corps; and when serving as chief nurses their pay may be increased by authority of the Secretary of War, such increase not to exceed thirty dollars per month; and the superintendent shall be entitled to the same allowances, when on duty, as the members of the Nurse Corps. (&) Extract from the act of March 4, 1912 (37 Stats., 72) : That the superintendent and members of the Female Nurse Corps when serving in Alaska or at places without the limits of the United States may be allowed the same pri\aleges in regard to cumulative leaves of absence and method of computation of same as are now allowed by law to Army officers so serving. (c) Extract from the act of March 4, 1915 (38 Stats., 1068): That the superintendent shall receive such allowances of quarters, subsistence, and medical care during illness as may be prescribed in regulations by the Secretary of War. (d) Extract from the act of March 4, 1915 (38 Stats., 1069) : Hereafter at places where there are no public quarters available, commutation for the authorized allowance therefor shall be paid to * * * members of the Nurse Corps * * * at the rate of $12 per room per month. THE SUPERINTENDENT. 57. The superintendent, imder the direction of the Surgeon General, has general supervision of the corps. She will by author- ized inspections from time to time and by reference to the prescribed reports and returns keep herself constantly informed of the numbers, distribution, and competency of the individual members of the corps, and of its state and condition as a whole. She will communicate with nurses' training schools, nurses' associations, and similar pro- fessional bodies with a view to ascertaining where acceptable nurses for Army service may be available ; will conduct the necessary cor- MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 35 respondence concerning the qualifications of applicants for appoint- ment in the corps; will make the professional examination of those who shall meet the required preliminary conditions; and when vacancies occur will recommend the appointment to the same of eligible applicants. Shie will prepare the questions for the examina- tion of nurses for promotion to the grade of cliief nurse, will rate the answers received thereto, and will recommend the promotion of those found qualified as their services shall be needed. She will make timely reconmiendations regarding the assignment, transfer, dis- cipline, and discharge of nurses, and the reduction and discharge of chief nurses. She will endeavor by all suitable means within her power to maintain the usefulness of the corps as a part of the Medical Department of the Army, will propose to the Surgeon General as occasion requires appropriate measures for the promotion of its morale and efficiency, and will perform such other supervisory duties as the Surgeon General shall prescribe. CHIEF NURSES, THEIR SELECTION, REDUCTION, AND DISCHARGE. 58. Chief nurses are not appointed as such, but are selected by promotion from the grade of nurse. (a) When two or more nurses are serving at the same station one will be assigned to duty as chief nurse. 59. Permanent assignments to duty as chief nurse are made only by the Surgeon General, upon the recommendation of the superin- tendent. A nurse will not be permanently assigned to duty as chief nurse imless she shall have passed a satisfactory examination. (a) Nurses who exhibit marked executive ability, good judgment and tact will be recommended to the Surgeon General by the com- manding officer of the hospital or other sanitary formation with which they are on duty for examination for promotion to the grade of chief nurse. (6) Any nurse, regardless of the length of her service, may request examination for promotion to the grade of chief nurse. Her request will be forwarded to the Sm-geon General through her immediate commanding officer with his recommendations in the premises, and the recommendations of his chief nurse if he has one. (c) Nurses approved and recommended for promotion under the above provisions, and such others as shall be selected by the super- intendent, shall be eligible for examination for permanent assignment to duty as chief nurses. (d) At such times as he may deem necessary the Surgeon General will designate a medical officer to conduct the examination of ap- proved candidates. He will in due season transmit lists of questions prepared by the superintendent to the examining officer, who will 36 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. safeguard them against premature disclosure, will make sure that the candidates receive no unauthorized assistance during the exam- ination, and will upon its conclusion transmit all the examination papers, includmg both questions and answers, to the Surgeon Gen- eral for his action. 60. A nurse permanently assigned to duty as chief nurse will not ordinarily be relieved therefrom except by direction of the Surgeon General; but in case of serious misconduct she may be summarily relieved and assigned to duty as nurse pendmg such further meas- ures of discipline as may be deemed necessary. If for any other reason the services of a permanent chief nurse are no longer required as such the commanding officer of the hospital or other sanitary formation may temporarily relieve her from duty as chief nurse and assign her to duty as nurse; or if she so elects she may be honorably discharged from the corps. All reductions from chief nurse to nurse for whatever cause will be at once reported to the Surgeon General, with a full statement of the reasons for the action taken. 61. Pending the permanent assignment of a chief nurse the com- manding officer of the hospital or other sanitary formation where two or more nurses are serving may assign one of them temporarily to duty as chief nurse. A nurse so assigned shall be known as ''temporary chief nurse" and shall hold such assignment only so long as no properly qualified permanent chief nurse is available. While serving under such assignment she shall be entitled to the same pay and allowances she would receive if she were a permanent chief nurse. (a) Temporary chief nurses may be relieved from duty as such and assigned to duty as nurses at the discretion of their immediate commanding officers. APPOINTMENT OF NITRSES. 62. Applications for appointment in the Nurse Corps should be made to the superintendent, who will furnish blanks therefor. (a) An apphcant for first appointment must be between 25 and 35 years of age and unmarried. If not a citizen of the United States, she must before appomtment make a declaration of her intention to become such, and, if she wishes to continue in the Nurse Corps, must at the proper time take out final naturalization papers. (6) Applications from States and Territories where registration is required by law will be considered in the cases only of graduates of training schools which are acceptable to the State or Territorial boards of registration. In making appointments from among eligible appli- cants residing in such States and Territories preference will be given to those who are registered. 'U ' ' •" MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEl,. 87 (c) Nurses who have had previous service in the Army Nurse Corps and are otherwise acceptable will be given preference for appointment over new nurses who qualify for the corps. 63. Physical qualifications. — ^The applicant's physical fitness for service will be ascertained by a careful physical examination. The examination will be made when practicable by a medical officer of the Ai-my at his proper station. When, however, this would require the applicant to make an unreasonably long journey, the Surgeon General may authorize her examination by a private physician of good repute in the vicinity of her residence. The applicant must be not less than 60 inches nor more than 70 inches in height; and must weigh not less than 100 pounds, nor more than 195 pounds. Marked disproportion between height and weight will be a cause of rejection. The medical examiner will send his report direct to the superintendent and not give it to the applicant. Its contents will be regarded as confidential. (See also par. 74a.) 64. Moral, professional, and mental qualifications. — ^An applicant will not be eligible for appointment in the Nurse Corps unless she shall have graduated from a training school for nurses giving a thorough professional education, both theoretical and practical, and requiring a residence of at least two years in an acceptable general hospital of 100 beds or more; except that graduates of .training schools connected with hospitals not meetmg the above requirements may, upon submitting proof of at least six months' subsequent experience in a large general hospital, be put on the eligible list if found othei-wise qualified. To ascertain the apphcant's qualifica- tions the superintendent of the Nurse Corps will request a certificate from the superintendent of the school from which the applicant graduated, showmg: (1) The date of the apphcant's graduation; and (2) her moral character and professional qualifications durmg her period of trainmg, at the date of her graduation, and (so far as known) at the time of the apphcation. If the applicant was trained under a former superintendent, the latter may also be asked for a certificate. These certificates will be regarded as confidential. Apphcants must submit such other evidence of fitness as may be required. {a) The professional and mental examination of applicants will be in writing and wiU be conducted by the supermtendent. It will ordmarily take the form of requiring from the candidates short essays or papers on practical professional subjects selected by the superm- tendent. The subjects selected will be furnished to each appHcant with her application blanks, and she wiU submit her essay with her formal application. The essay must be hi the handwriting of the applicant. Typewritten papers will not be accepted. 38 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 66. Applicants wlio fulfill the prescribed conditions as to their physical, moral, professional, and mental qualifications will be placed on the eligible list for appointment as their services may be'requhed. 66. No applicant will be appointed unless she shall agree to serve for three years. 67. A nurse who desires to contmue in the corps after three years' service therein will apply for continuation of service by letter for- warded at least four months before the end of the three years to the Surgeon General, through the commanding officer of the hospital or other sanitary formation to which she is attached, who will forward therewith his recommendations m the premises and the recommenda- tions of the chief nurse. If the recommendations of her commanding officer are unfavorable the nurse will be promptly notified of that fact. To obtain favorable action on such application the nurse must have had a satisfactory record for efficiency and conduct. The superintendent of the Nurse Corps will advise the Surgeon General whether the applicant's record is such as to make her con- tinuance in the corps desirable. Due notice will be given to the apph- cant and officers concerned of the action taken upon the application. (a) A similar procedure for continuation of service will be followed toward the end of every period of three years of continuance in the corps. . DISCHARGE. 68. A nurse who fails to apply for continuation of service as pro- vided in paragraph 67, or whose continuance in the service is not authorized by the Surgeon General, will be discharged on or about the expiration of the three-year period in which she is serving, making due allowance for accrued leave of absence; the period of three years, six years, nine years, etc., as the case may be, to be calculated from the date of her letter of appointment: Provided, That a nurse under orders to proceed to her home to await discharge will not be discharged until she shall have arrived home, or shall have had sufficient time to arrive home by following the usual route of travel with ordinary dihgence. Nurses may also by order of the Surgeon General be discharged at any time, regardless of the three-year periods, making due allowances for accrued leaves of absence: (1) Because of their reduction from the grade of chief nurse (see par. 60); (2) because of a reduction of the military establishment or a decrease in the number of sick requiring nursing which makes their further employment unnecessary; (3) because of then* own illness disabling them from the performance of their duties (see par. 87); (4) because of their unsuitabifity for the military service; (5) because of their own misconduct; and (6) in proper cases on their own application. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 39 (a) Honorable discharges will be given in all cases except to nurses discharged for misconduct or to those whose resignations are accepted conformably to the provisions of paragraph 70a. (&) Discharges will be executed by the commanding officer of the hospital or other sanitary formation to which the nurses are attached. 69. Kecommendations for the discharge of a nurse on account of misconduct will be submitted to the Surgeon General, with a report of the facts, after a careful investigation, in which she shall have had a fair opportunity to be heard in her own defense. The term ' ' mis- conduct" includes the case of a nurse who of her own motion quits or abandons the service in advance of discharge. 70. A nurse who, having served continuously more than three years, desires her discharge, may obtain the same upon application therefor by letter to the Surgeon General. If she is on duty her application will be forwarded through her immediate commanding officer; if she is on leave in the Philippine Islands it will be forwarded through the department surgeon; in other cases it will be forwarded direct. (a) A nurse who, having served continuously less than three years, desires her discharge, may apply therefor by letter similarly for- warded, stating her reasons in full. If these reasons are sufficient in the judgment of the Surgeon General he may grant her an honor- able discharge; if, in his judgment, they are not sufficient, he may consider her application a resignation and accept the same. 71. Upon honorable discharge from the service the following indorsement wiU be placed upon the nurse's letter of appointment: = , 19—. With the approval of the Secretary of War, and by order of the Surgeon General dated , the nurse witlun named is honorably discharged from the Army Nui'se Corps, to take effect , 19 . United States Army. (a) If a nurse is to be discharged by acceptance of her resignation, the following indorsement wiU be placed on her letter of appoint- ment: ,19-. With the approval of the Secretary of War the resignation of is ac- cepted to take effect , 19 . United States Army. (6) When the nurse is discharged for misconduct the word "honor- ably" in the indorsement of discharge will be omitted, and the words "for misconduct" will be inserted after the word ''Corps." (c) When the nurse's letter of appointment is not available for the indorsement thereon of her discharge a letter of discharge of equivalent purport will be sent to her. 40 MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 72. Except as provided in the following paragraph, orders to pro- ceed to her home, there to await discharge, will be given to every nurse desiring the same who is about to be discharged. In arranging travel orders in such cases it must be borne in mmd that the Govern- ment will not pay the traveling expenses of a nurse in the status of leave of absence. (a) When a nurse arrives home for discharge she will at once report by letter to the Surgeon General inclosing her letter of appointment and a copy of her official travel order. 73. Orders to proceed to her home will not be given (1) to a nurse who is discharged -on her own request before the expu'ation of three years of continuous service, except to a nurse who is to be discharged upon her own election because of reduction from the grade of chief nurse; (2) or, before the completion of two years of continuous serv- ice in the Philippine Islands, to a nurse on service m those islands who is discharged on her own request, or who, failing to apply for continuation of service at the end of the three-year period in which she is serving, is discharged on or about the expiration of such period conformably to paragraph 68; (3) or to a nurse who is discharged for misconduct. (a) Any nurse, however, who is discharged for misconduct while serving beyond the continental limits of the United States, or in the Canal Zone, or in Alaska, will be furnished transportation to a home port and allowed the necessary expenses incident to travel thereto, provided she applies for the same within 30 days of the date of her discharge. ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS. 74. Army nurses will be assigned to duty at hospitals or other sanitary formations in the United States or abroad, and on trans- ports, according to the needs of the service. (a) At the station where a nurse fii'st reports for duty after her appointment, the surgeon will require her to undergo a careful physi- cal examination. A report of the same will be forwarded, on Form 69, direct to the Sm'geon General. (See also par. 63.) (6) Usually the nurse's first assignment will bo to a station in the United States, to afford her an opportunity to become acquainted with mihtary usages. (c) The usual tour of duty without the limits of the United States proper will be two years. 75. When nurses are required for sei-vico with any organization of the Medical Department, the commanding officer thereof will, by letter stating the circumstances and necessities of the case, make application through the department surgeon to the Sui-geon General, or, in the case of independent commands, direct to the Surgeon Gen- eral, for as many as mny ])e needed. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 41 (a) Should there be a surplus of uurses with any hospital or other sanitary formation, the commanding officer thereof will in hke man- ner immediately report the fact to the Surgeon General. In the case of surplus nurses serving beyond the hmits of the United States the surgeon of the forces with which they are on duty will recom- mend to the commanding general that they be returned to the United States. Nurses so returned will on arrival at the home port report at once to the department surgeon of the territorial department withm the limits of which the port is situated, who will place them on temporary duty and request instructions as to his further action in the premises from the Surgeon General. 76. A nurse will not leave her station except under orders or when granted a leave of absence. (a) When a nurse leaves her station under orders or on leave of absence the commanding officer of the organization of the Medical Department with which she has been on duty will indorse on her letter of appointment the date of her departure and the date and source of the authority therefor. The letter of appointment will be given to the nurse, together with a copy of her travel order. The date of arrival at her new station or of return to duty will be similarly indorsed on her letter of appointment. (b) When a nurse leaves her station under orders to proceed to another station the surgeon of the station from which she departs will prepare in her case a record of assignment and pay, Form 66, and mail the same without delay to the officer to whom she is ordered to report. Should she be again transferred without having been absent or having received pay at her new station, her commanding officer may, instead of preparing a new record, forward the one received by him to her next commandmg officer by indorsement expressly stating such facts. 77. Nurses will not be transferred from one department to another except by authority of the Surgeon General, but a department sur- geon may transfer nurses, should the exigencies of the service require it, from one hospital to another within his department. PAY. (See par. 56a.) 78. The pay of chief nurses at general hospitals, at base hospitals, and on hospital ships will be their pay as nurses plus $30 a month. The pay of other chief nurses will ordinarily be their pay as nurses plus $20 a month; but hi cases where special skill and capabiUty are required the Surgeon General m his discretion may increase the additional amount to not more than $30 a month. (a) The additional pay provided for chief nurses as above can be allowed to them only when they are actually serving as such. When 42 MANUAL FOB THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. on leave of absence or en route between stations they can draw only their pay as nurses. 79. Subject to the modifications indicated hereinafter, nurses, including chief nurses, will be paid monthly on pay rolls prepared and certified by the commanding officer of tlie hospital or other sani- tary formation to which they are attached for duty. Blank forms for the purpose will be furnished by the Quartermaster Corps. The instructions thereon must be carefully observed. (a) Discharged nui'ses will be paid on pay rolls certified by the commanding officer of the hospital or other sanitary formation to which they were attached at the time of discharge. (6) The pay accounts of nm'ses ordered home for discharge will be prepared in the office of the Surgeon General. (c) All payments to nurses must be noted on their letters of appoint- ment. QUARTEES. 80. When practicable, the allowance of quarters provided by Army Regulations for nurses on duty m hospitals will mclude 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 1 sitting room, and the necessary toilet rooms for the common use of all the nurses, and a separate bedroom for each nurse and chief nurse; also at hospitals where more than 5 nurses are stationed, an office and a separate sitting room for the chief nurse. (a) The Medical Department will supply the necessary fm'niture and care for the quarters of nurses on duty in hospitals. Sheets, towels, piUowcases, table Imen, and other washable articles so supplied will be laundered as a part of the hospital laundry. SUBSISTENCE. 81. The rations of nurses and chief nm'ses on duty in hospitals are commuted at the rate authorized in the annual appropriations for the support of the Army and paid mto the hospital fund con- formably to the provisions of Army Regulations, and paragraph 248 of this Manual. The commanding officer of the hospital will provide a proper mess for the members of the Nurse Corps, mcluding service, allowing them their equitable share in all the revenues of the fund. (a) Nurses and chief nurses on Government transports will be furnished meals free of charge m the saloon mess. (6) When on duty in a city or town or at a station where subsist- ence is not furnished by the Government they receive commutation of rations at the rate of $1 a day. Wlien on leave of absence with pay they receive commutation of rations at the rate of 25 cents a day. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 43 TRANSPORTATION AND TRAVELING ALLOWANCES. 82. Nurses traveling under orders are entitled at public expense to their own transportation and to traveling allowances and trans- portation of baggage as provided in Army Regulations. They will not be allowed to delay en route except when such delay is authorized in the travel order. All such authorized delays will be regarded as leave. 83. The Quartermaster Corps wiU ordinarily furnish the required transportation in kind, or will issue transportation requests upon carriers for the same. (a) Wlien transportation in kind is not furnished, and transporta- tion requests can not be procured, the nurse may pay her own travel fare (which must not exceed the cost of a first-class hmited ticket between her starting point and her destination), and ask for reimbursement in her expense account lq accordance with the following section : (b) When a nurse traveling under orders incurs travelmg expenses for which she is entitled to reimbursement she will prepare her account of the same on Form 350 or 350a, W. D., inclosing therewith an itemized statement of the expenses, in duphcate (showing the date when and the place where each item thereof was incurred), and receipts for the several items charged, or her certificate that it was impracticable to obtain them. She will sign and make oath to the correctness of the voucher before an officer having authority to administer oaths. If the expenses were mcurred en route home for discharge, she will after her arrival home forward the completed voucher to the Surgeon General for his action; if they were other- wise incurred, she will submit the voucher to the commanding officer of the hospital or other sanitary formation to whom she reports at the end of her journey, who will certify it if he finds it correct and transmit it to the nearest disbursing quartermaster for settlement. With these papere the nurse will send a copy of her official travel order. (c) When transportation requests issued by the Quartermaster Corps are not used, or when they are exchanged for railroad tickets and the tickets, or any parts of the same, are not used, the miused transportation requests, tickets, or parts of tickets, must in com- pfiance with Army Regulations be returned to the officer who issued the requests. 84. A nurse on service beyond the contiaental limits of the United States, or in the Canal Zone, or in Alaska, who is ordered to a home station, or to her home for discharge, will usually be provided at the station where she is serving with transportation to a home port. On 44 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. arrival at such port she will apply to the depot quartermaster at the port or in its immediate vicinity, if there is one, for the further trans- portation required, exhibiting her travel orders. If there is no depot quartermaster in the vicinity, she will herself procure the necessary further transportation conformably to the provisions of paragraph 83a. 85. Travel to and from points beyond the limits of the United States and between island possessions will be by Army transport in all cases where practicable. MEDICAL CARE AND TREATMENT. 86. A nurse is entitled to medical treatment while on duty. This will ordinarily be furnished at the hospital to which she is attached; but m proper cases the Surgeon General, or the department surgeon within his department, may order a nurse's transfer to and treatment in some other Army hospital. When the treatment requu'ed by a nurse on duty can not otherwise be had, the necessary civihan service may be employed as authorized by Ai'my Regulations. Bills con- tracted by a nurse for medical care while on leave or absent without leave can not be allowed. 87. A nurse will not be discharged for disabihty contracted in line of duty until after reasonable time has been allowed for treatment. 88. Upon the arrival of a nurse at the first station to which she is assigned after her appointment, she will be vaccinated against small- pox. If the first vaccination is noneffective it will be repeated at the end of eight days. (a) Existing orders require that all persons entering the military sei'vice be immunized against typhoid fever. (See Appendix: Typhoid Prophylaxis.) (6) The date and result of the last vaccination against smallpox, and the date of the administration of each dose of the typhoid vaccine, will be indorsed upon the nurse's letter of appointment. {c) Tlie medical officer under whom a nurse is serving will be held responsible that she is properly protected agamst smallpox and typhoid fever in accordance with the above requirements. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 89. The leave year of a member of the Nurse Corps will be reck- oned in each case from the date of her letter of appointment. A leave credit of two and one-half days for each month of completed service and leave with pay under her appointment will be allowed, against which will be charged all absence on leave with pay. Leave credits will not be allowed for periods of absence without pay. Unused leave credits may accumulate to an aggregate not exceeding MEDICAL DEPARTMEN'T, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 45 120 days. Leave to the amount of the accumulated unused leave credits may be granted whenever the exigencies of the service per- mit. Final leave will be granted prior to discharge to the amount of accumulated leave credits. Extra leave of absence with pay on account of illness can not be granted. (a) A leave credit accruing but unused under one appointment can not be carried over and become available under a subsequent appointment. 90. A nurse desiring leave of absence will apply therefor in WTiting through the chief nurse to her irmnediate commanding officer for his action conformably to the preceding paragraph. The original paper granting the leave will be given to the nurse. 91. Subject to the modification indicated in section (a) of this para- graph, when accumulated leave of absence with pay is granted to a nurse on service in Alaska or beyond the continental limits of the United States for the purpose of coming to and returning from the United States, the running of such leave shall be calculated between the date she reached or might have reached the United States and the date she left or should have left the United States via the usually traveled routes. If the nurse's return to service abroad is not required, the termination of her leave shall be calculated from the date she arrived or should have arrived in the United States via the usually traveled route. (a) In the case of a nurse coming to the United States from or going from the United States to service in the Philippine Islands who desires to make the journey by a route other than the custom- ary one in order to visit foreign countries on leave of absence while en route, an allowance of 30 days as on status of duty without right to reimbursement of traveling expenses will be made, in addition to the time granted as for leave of absence, to cover the average amount of time necessary to perform the .journey from the Philip- pine Islands to the usual port of arrival in the United States or from said port to the Philippine Islands; and in calculating the run- ning of her leave the said period of 30 days for travel shall in each instance be excluded. (b) When leave with pay is granted a nurse on service in the Phil- ippine Islands to be absent therefrom other than to come to the United States, the running of such leave shall be calculated between the date of reaching Manila from her station and the date of leaving Manila in returning to her station. 92. Leave of absence without pay and allowances is permitted under the circumstances indicated in Army Regulations; and may be granted in other cases when the conditiims of the service are favorable. 46 MANUAL FOR THE IMEDICAL DEPARTMENT. UNIFORM. 93. The uniform of the Nurse Corps will consist of a waist, a skirt, a belt, a collar, a cap, and the badge of the corps. Details of material, make, and design will conform to specifications prescribed by the Surgeon General. No changes therein will, be made without his authority. 94. The nurse may procure her uniforms after she reaches her post of duty, where detailed instructions on the subject will be supplied her. 95. The imiform will invariably be worn during the hours of duty. Nurses not in uniform will not be allowed in the wards. 96. Nurses' uniforms soiled while on public duty will be washed as a part of the hospital laundry. (See par. 267.) 97. The badge of the corps will be a caduceus of gold or gilt, superimposed in the center by a monogram of the letters ''A. N. C. " in white enamel. It will be worn as prescribed by the Surgeon General. REPORTS AND RETURNS. 98. A return of the Nurse Corps is required monthly from every hospital or other sanitary formation with which nui'ses are on duty or to which they are attached. It will be forwarded on Form 63; within five days after the end of the month covered by it, through the department surgeon to the Surgeon General, or in the case of inde- pendent commands direct to the Surgeon General unless otherwise ordered by him. 99. An efficiency report of nurses is required monthly on Form 62 from every hospital or other sanitary formation to which nurses are assigned or attached, and will include all the nurees on duty with or attached to the organization during the month or any part thereof. It will be prepared by the chief nurse, if there is one, otherwise by the commanding officer, and will be forwarded by the latter within five days after the end of the month through the channels indicated in the preceding paragraph for the monthly return. A special effi- ciency report will be prepared in like manner for every nurse upon her departure from one station for another, showing where she has gone and the date of her departure, and will be forwarded in duplicate within five days after the change to the commanding officer of the hospital or other sanitary formation to which she has been transferred. Should two or more nurses make the same change at the same time a single special efficiency report covering them will be sufficient. A copy of each report will be retained by the commanding officer of the organization where it was prepared, and will be open to the inspection of only his chief nurse, his executive officer, and higher authority. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITK ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 47 (a) A special efficiency report sent to a nurse's new station will be attached to the next monthly efficiency report from such station made after its receipt. 100. All changes in the personnel of the Nurse Corps by discharge, death, etc., all changes in the stations of its members by departure for or assignment to another hospital or other sanitary formation, or by arrival or assignment from another organization, and all other changes in then- status (such as from present for duty to present sick; from present sick to duty; from present to leave of absence, specifying its duration; from leave of absence to present), including changes in assignments as chief nurses, will be reported on the day of the change through the department surgeon to the Surgeon General, or in the case of independent commands direct to the Surgeon General. DUTIES OF CHIEF NURSES AND NURSES. 101 . For duties of members of the Nurse Corps assigned to hospitals see paragraphs 311 to 315. RESERVE NURSES. (See par. 536.) 102. The enrolled nurses of the American National Red Cross Nurs- ing Service will constitute the reserve of the Army Nurse Corps, and in time of war or other emergency may with their own consent be assigned to active duty in the military establishment. Wlien the emergency necessitating the employment of reserve nurses is immi- nent the Surgeon General will request the proper officer of the Red Cross Society to nominate from among the enrolled nurses qualified for the work to be done as many as the Surgeon General may deem necessary to enable him to choose those for assignment to active duty. (a) When called into active service they will be subject to all the estabhshed rules and regulations for the government of the Nurse Corps, and will receive the pay and allowances of nurses on the regular list. (b) A reserve nurse wiU not be relieved from active service except by order or authority of the Surgeon General. Except in case of misconduct she will, if she so desires, be furnished travel orders to her home before the order of relief shall take effect. The provisions of paragraph 7Sa will apply to reserve nurses. Upon relief from active service the following form of indorsement will be placed upon the nurse's letter of assignment, if the same is available; otherwise a letter of equivalent purport will be sent her: , 1^. With the approval of the Secretary of War, and by order of the Surgeon General dated , 19 — , the reserve nurse within named is relieved from active eervice in the military establishment, to take effect , 19 — . United Stales Army. 48 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPABTMENT. (c) When a reserve nurse is assigned to active service the Surgeon General wOl by letter promptly advise the proper officer of the Red Cross Society to that effect. When she is relieved from active service he will communicate that fact likewise by letter, stating the cause of her relief and whether her services have been satisfactory. CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. (For Hospital Matrons, see par. 265.) 103. The employment of male nurses, of female nurses not in the Nurse Corps, of cooks, and of other civilians necessary for the proper care of sick officers and soldiers, is authorized in the annual appro- priations for the "Medical and Hospital Department," under such regulations fixing their number, qualifications, assignment, pay, and allowances as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War. The pay of civilian employees, such as clerks, messengers, watchmen, packers, laborers, etc., in the administrative offices and supply depots of the Medical Department is provided for in the same appropriations. HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES. 104. The number and assignment of contract nurses, cooks, and other civihans employed at military hospitals for the proper care of the sick therein will be determined by the Surgeon General or, under his instructions, in the Philippine Department by the department surgeon. (a) Their qualifications for their respective employments will be ascertained by practical tests established from time to time by the Surgeon General. 105. Hospital employees whose pay does not exceed $60 a month may, under authority obtained from the Surgeon General, be selected by the medical officer in charge of the hospital; and they may be reduced or discharged by such officer as the interests of the service require. (See par. 318o.) (a) When the circumstances of the employment make it necessary a ration may be allowed in addition to pay proper of $60 a month or less in conformity with Ai'my Regulations. 106. Hospital employees whose pay exceeds $60 a month will be appointed by the Surgeon -General, and will be rationed only imder special authority from the Secretary of War. They may be reduced or discharged at the discretion of the Surgeon General as the interests of the service require. (See par. 318c.) 107. Such quarters as may be available will be furnished for the use of those employees whose constant presence at the hospital is necessary or appr<^priatc. MEDICAL DEPAKTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 49 DEPOT AND OFFICE EMPLOYEES. 108. Civilians employed in the supply depots and administrative offices of the Medical Department are of two classes: (1) Those whose duties are unskilled manual labor only; and (2) those of higher grade. The former are subject to Labor Regulations promulgated by the President. The latter are classified employees, subject to civil-service rules. 109. The Labor Regulations govern the employment of unskilled laborers in Federal offices in nearly all of the large cities of the United States. Where they are in force they must be strictly observed, whether the laborers are required for temporary or permanent work. To secure the services of laborers under the Labor Regulations appli- cation for the certification of eligibles should be made to the local board of labor employment. 110. The number and compensation of unskilled laborers and workmen in the depots and offices of the Medical Department are determined by the Surgeon General under the direction of the Sec- retary of War. (a) No such workman or laborer will be permanently employed by the month without authority from the Surgeon General, nor at more than $60 a month without the special authority of the Secretary of War. They may be reduced or discharged at the discretion of the Surgeon General as the interests of the service require. (6) In emergencies requiring prompt action, when the services of enlisted men are not to be had, laborers may be temporarily employed (under Labor Regulations, if applicable), without previous authority, at not more than 25 cents an hour. (f) The employment of unskilled laborers or workmen in the Phil- ippine Department will be supervised by the department surgeon under instructions from the Surgeon General. 111. When the position of an unskilled laborer or workman em- ployed at $60 a month or less by authority of the Surgeon General becomes vacant the vacancy may be filled if necessary (under Labor Regulations, when applicable), without new authority, report of the changes to be made promptly to the Surgeon General. 112. Persons employed as unskilled laborers or workmen will not be assigned to work of the grade performed by classified employees. 113. Civihan employees in the depots and administrative offices of the Medical Department above the grade of unskilled laborer or workman are appointed by the Secretary of War, upon the recom- mendation of the Surgeon General, from lists of eligibles furnished by the United States Civil Service Commission, or by reinstatements or transfers by the Secretary of War under civil-service rules. (But see par. 114.) Their number and compensation are fixed by the Sec- 93440°— 17 4 50 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. retary, and their promotion, reduction, and removal are determined by him, upon the Surgeon General's recommendation. Tlieir assign- ments to and transfers between stations, at home or abroad, are regu- lated by the Surgeon General, under the Secretary's direction. (See par. 117.) 114. In case of a vacancy among them by death or otherwise, the officer under whom it occurs will promptly advise the Surgeon General whether it is necessary to fill the same, and if so will make such recommendation for promotion or original appointment as may be appropriate. Temporary appointments without examination and certification by the Civil Service Commission, pending permanent appointment, promotion, or transfer, are not made by the Secretary to any classified position except when the public emergency so requires, and then only upon the prior authorization of the com- mission. Appointments so authorized continue only for such period as may be necessary to make appointment through certification of ehgibles or by promotion or transfer; and in no case without prior approval of the commission do they extend beyond 30 days from the Secretary's receipt of the certification, or (if the vacancy is to be filled by promotion or transfer) beyond 30 days from the date of the temporary appointment. (a) When a classified position in the PhiUppine Islands becomes vacant it may be filled in the regular way, or if specially authorized by the Secretary of War, by appointment from the ehgible hsts of the Philippine civU-service board. 115. Recommendations for the promotion of a classified employee should originate with the officer or officers mider whose supervision and control the employee is serving. No recommendation originating otherwise will be considered. If the employee procures such recom- mendations to be made by any other person, his so doing will be cause for debarring him from the promotion proposed. A repetition of the offense will be sufficient cause for discharge. 116. Classified employees will be promoted, reduced, or discharged only by the Secretary of War; but the ofiScer under whom they are serving may suspend them from duty and pay for cause. He will inform the suspended employee of the reasons for his suspension, and give him three days in which to answer the same in writing. Should the answer be satisfactory, he may at once without further action restore the employee to duty and pay. Should no reply have been received at the end of the three days, or should it be unsatisfactory, he wiU report his action, his reasons therefor, and his recommenda- tions m the premises (together with tlie written answer received by him, if any) to the Surgeon General, for the information and action of the Secretary. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 51 117. Clerks transferred to the Philippines will be allowed an increase of $200 in annual compensation, to take effect on the date of leaving station in the United States. Clerks transferred from the Phihppines will be reduced approximately 20 per cent in compensa- tion, provided such reduction does not lower their pay below the rate they were receiving for their former service in the United States (unless their efficiency record calls for a lower compensation). Such reductions wiU take effect on the date of arrival at the new station. Clerks so transferred forth and back will receive the regulation allow- ances of transportation and expenses en route between stations. No classified employee will be transferred from the United States to the Philippmes, or vice versa, except upon authority of the Secretary of War previously obtained. REPORTS OF CHANGES OF STATUS. 118. Every appomtment, promotion, reduction, or discharge of a civilian employee, temporary or permanent, made by an officer of the Medical Department, will be reported promptly to the Surgeon General, with the name of the person concerned, the date of the change, and citation of the authority therefor. In case of death the date and place of death will be given; in case of death or discharge the date to which the employee was last paid, and by what officer. A record will be kept in each office of the name and address of the employee's nearest relative, who will be at once notified of thQ employee's death. (See Appendix : Civilian Employees.) 119. When a clerk is transferred from one office to another the officei-s concerned will report to the Surgeon General the date of his departure from the old station and the date of his arrival at the new. The officer at the old station will by letter inform the officer at the new station of the date to which the clerk was last paid. EFFICIENCY REPORTS OF CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES. 120. Every officer under whom classified employees of the Medical Department are serving will prepare and forward to the Surgeon General on June 30 and December 31 of each year a report of their efficiency during the preceding six months. 121. In determining the efficiency of each such employee the factors of attendance, ability, adaptability, habits, and application wiU be considered, and each marked separately on a scale of 100. Abihty will be' given four times the weight, adaptabifity twice the weight, and habits twice the weight of either of the other factors, which will each be given a weight of one. The fuial efficiency figure will be obtained by dividing by 10 the aggregate of the markings under the several heatls, and will represent, so far as practicable, the 52 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAETMENT. record of each employee as made from day to day during the six months. In connection with abihty, the character, quaUty, and quan- tity of work will be marked as indicated on the form. (Form 20, W. D.) (a) The names in each class or grade will be entered in the order of merit, those with the same efficiency figure being arranged according to length of service in the Medical Department. 122. The following rules will be observed in keeping efficiency records and preparing semiannual reports thereof- Attendance. — A record will be kept in each office upon which will be noted daily the duration of all absences from official duty on the part of persons whose names are to appear on the semiannual effi- ciency report. From the time record thus kept the figure of attend- ance to be used m the preparation of that report will be obtained. A deduction of two points will be made for every three days' absence on leave without pay or on account of personal sickness which is accounted for and approved m accordance with the leave regulations: Provided, That absence on account of sickness may be disregarded in cases of special merit or where it would be manifestly imjust to include such absence in the calculation of the efficiency figures. Deduction for absence without leave will be made at the rate of five points for each day, and further deduction will be made in the figure representing habits if required by the nature and degree of the offense. Tardiness will be considered in connection with habits, and if of frequent occurrence will be made the subject of special action as prescribed under that head. Ability. — Wherever practicable a record will be kept of the amount and character of work performed each day by persons whose effi- ciency is required to be reported. The record of work for each six months will serve as a basis for determining the relative abihty of the persons engaged thereon, proper deduction being made for all errors or deficiencies that may have been reported. The abihty figure of those employed upon work that can not be tabulated or stated numerically will be determined by the chief of office upon his own observation and knowledge. While the amount of work creditably performed is valuable as a guide in estimating ability, too much importance should not attach to this factor except as between persons employed in substantially the same way. Character and quality of work must be regarded as much more important than quantity, and, as these elements can not be ascertained by any automatic process or be stated numerically from day to day, the opinions of officers and supervising clerks, who ])y constant association and observation acciuire intimate knowledge of the personnel of their own office, must be relied upon to a great MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS OBGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 53 extent to determine the relative merits of the individuals employed under thoir direction. When clerks of a particular class perform satisfactorily work of a grade usually assigned to a higher class gTeat credit should be given therefor. If for lack of ability clerks are employed upon work usually assigned to a lower class, the marking should be correspond- ingly low, although the work itself may be exceedingly good. Adaptability. — Under the head of "Adaptability" there should be considered intelUgence, aptitude, fitness for the general duties of an office, and demonstrated capacity for the performance of a higher class of work. As in respect of abiUty, these elements will be weighed and the figure of adaptabihty determined therefrom by the chief of office, assisted by recommendations of officers and others in super- vising positions. HaMts. — In estimating habits consideration should be given to sobriety, integrity, subordination, cheerful and zealous obedience to orders and regulations, and promptness and courtesy in all the rela- tions of official business. The rating will be made in the manner prescribed for ability. Insubordination, disregard of regulations, fre- quent tardiness, drunkenness on duty, or any conduct prejudicial to the good order and discipline of an office should be made the subject of special inquiry and action as directed in regard to absence without leave. Application. — ^Under the head of "Application" should be repre- sented the degree of diligence and faithfulness which has been shown in respect of attention to duty, the rating to be made in the manner prescribed for abihty. 123. The following special rules respecting the ability and adapt- ability marks of clerks will also be complied with: (a) Rate no clerk higher than 95 in either ability or adaptability. (&) Rate no two clerks at the same ability figure unless they are clearly of equal ability, and in no case rate thi-ee or more in the same grade in the same office at the same ability figure, unless they are employed on tabulated work which determines the figure. (c) Rate no one at a higher figure in adaptability than in ability. (d) Whenever two are rated at the same figure in ability, distiQ- guish between them by tating one at least one-half (five-tenths) of a point less in adaptability than the other. If no other ground for this difference is apparent, let it be based on the length of service in the present grade, the one having the shorter term of such service getting the lesser adaptability. (e) Assign no clerk a liigher figure in either factor than is warranted by his actual efficiency, as compared with that of the other clerks of the same grade in the office during the period of the list and at the 54 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. end thereof, regardless of any higher figure that may have been assigned to him on any previous lists. 124. Each semiannual efficiency list should show the relative stand- ing actually earned by each employee of the office as compared with fellow employees during the half year covered by it, regardless of his standing on any prior list. It does not follow because an employee's absolute efficiency remains unchanged that he should retain the effi- ciency ratings previously given him; other employees in the mean- time may have shown such increase in efficiency that they are justly entitled to precede him in relative standing. The efficiency figure of any employee, as well as the figures representing the factors composing it, being thus relative only, must necessarily change from time to time, even in the case of an employee whose actual efficiency remains unchanged. Each efficiency list displaces and supersedes the prior list, and should represent the relative values of all the employees thereon for the period covered by the list and at the end of that period, regardless of what their relative values were on previous lists. Officers will bear these considerations in mind in preparing the effi- ciency lists in question. 125. All promotions in the classified service will be made in the order of merit as established by the last semiannual efficiency report, subject to such examination as may hereafter be ordered under civil- service rules: Provided, That any person entitled to promotion under the terms of this regulation who shall become markedly inefficient, or be guilty of any serious misconduct after the preparation of the last semiannual efficiency report, shall forfeit the right to promotion, and the same shall accrue to the next eligible person on the list. 126. Those who fail during any six months to attain an efficiency rating of 70 will be regarded as deficient in their respective classes and subject to regrading, and will, in the discretion of the officer under whom they are serving, be reported to the Surgeon General for reduction. All who, on two consecutive reports, fall below 70 in efficiency will be invariably reported for reduction. All who, on two consecutive reports fall below 60 in efficiency or below 50 in either application, habits, or ability, will be reported for discharge. In the case of those entitled to preference under section 1754, Revised Statutes, the figures 65, 55, and 45 are substituted for 70, 60, and 50, respectively, in the two preceding paragraphs. 127. The semiannual efficiency reports in each office will, if prac- ticable, be placed where access to them can bo had by all concerned; but where, by reason of the large number or widely separated loca- tions of those interested, material interference with current work and loss of time would bo occasioned by allowing each individual access to the reports, a transcript from the semiannual report will be MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ITS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. 55 forwarded to each person whose name is borne thereon as soon as practicable after the completion of the report. This transcript will show the efficiency rating and lineal number, or relative standing, of the person to whom it is furnished. 128 . A copy of each semiannual efficiency report will be forwarded by the Surgeon General to the Secretary of War as soon as practi- cable after the expiration of each six months. LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 129. Regulations governing leaves of absence of civilian employees are published in special circulars by the War Department. (See Appendix: Civilian Em'ployees.) REPORTS OF EMPLOYEES INJURED. 130. Regulations governing the operation of the Government "Compensation Act" for employees injured in the service of the United States, are published in special circulars by the War Depart- ment. The Surgeon General will on application furnish appropriate forms for the necessary reports. (See Appendix : Civilian Employees.) ARTICLE n.— EDUCATION AND TRAINING. 131. The educational duties of the Medical Department are of a twofold nature — to the public, and to the military services, regular, volunteer, and militia. The connection with public education is maintained through the Library of the Surgeon General's Office and the Army Medical Museum. The professional training of the mihtary services is carried out chiefly by the regular courses of instruction given medical officers at the Army Medical School in Washington, D. C, and at the Army Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, by the courses given the Hospital Corps in field hospitals, ambulance com- panies, and detachments, and by the teaching of hygiene and first aid to other branches of the Army. LIBRARY, SURGEON OENERAL'S OFFICE. 132. This has been characterized as "the great, central, medical library of reference of the Nation" (6 Comp. Dec, 740). Under the provisions of the act of March 3, 1901 (31 Stats., 1039), facilities for study and research therem are afforded to scientific investigators, students, and graduates of institutions of learning in the several States and Territories as well as in the District of Columbia; and its material, under suitable rules and regulations, is available for loan to such persons, and to schools, societies, and public libraries in every State of the Union. It consists now of over half a million books and pamphlets, all of which are catalogued and arranged for ready use. Every year a volume of the Index Catalogue is prepared, which, as it deals with both subjects and authors, is itself a compre- hensive book of reference. The Index Medicus, published monthly by the Carnegie Institute, is based on the new additions to the library and gives a monthly bibliography of medicine and the allied sciences. 133. Books that can be readily replaced will be loaned to medical officers of the Army, who will be held responsible for the safe return of the volumes within two weeks from the day of their receipt. In special cases this time may be extended. ARMY MEDICAIi MUSEUM. 134. The museum, like the library, affords facilities for study and research to scientific investigators, students, and others under the act of March 3, 1901. Its general purpose is the collection, preservation, 56 EDUCATTON AND TRATNTNQ. 67 and exliibition of: (1) Material illustrative of military medicine and sui'gery, and the diseases of armies; (2) material and appliances relating to the hygiene of troops and to public sanitation ; (3) material illustrative of the advance of medical and surgical knowledge and its allied sciences, such as chemistry, microscopy, photomicrography, anthropology, and anthropometry; (4) material of interest and value to the history and archaeology of the Medical Department of the Army. The collection includes pathological specimens of all kinds which have any scientific interest for the mihtary surgeon, the pathologist or the medical student, particularly such specimens as show the effects of gunshot or other injuries inflicted by the various missiles and weapons used in war, and such as exhibit diseased condi- tions of the various organs and viscera of the human body incident to service in the field and in the tropics. It includes also models of the anatomical structure of the human body; of the various surgical instruments in use in this country from the time of the Revolutionary War; of the microscope from its crude primitive form to the most improved present-day instrument; of dental instruments and speci- mens; of litters, ambulances, dressings, and materials used on the field of battle by the various armies of the world; of hospitals, illus- trating their construction and arrangement; and of many other appH- ances and apparatus not here enumerated. These exhibits are not available for issue or loan, except on great public occasions and under the safeguard of extraordinary guaranties; but they may always be seen in their place in the museum building in the city of Washington. 135. Medical officers and others interested in the progress of med- ical science are invited to make contributions to the Army Medical Museum. Medical officers who have the opportunity are expected to collect and send interesting medical and surgical specimens, espe- cially those that illustrate tropical diseases and those that show the effects of modern firearms and of the more primitive weapons that are still employed in warfare. Specimens of arms, medicines, medical instruments and appliances, when any of these differ from those used by the white race in the United States, will be acceptable. Speci- mens of poisonous insects and reptiles are also desired. (a) Soft tissues, intended for gross specimens, should be placed in a solution of one part formalin and four parts water, the specimen being completely covered by the solution. The fluid on very soft tissue, or large masses of tissue, such as the liver, spleen, etc., should be renewed after the first two or three days. When formalin is not obtainable, commercial alcohol may be used. Bones and joints, after having been roughly cleaned, may be simply wrapped in a cloth wet with the preservative solution and then again wrapped in oiled paper or silk. 58 MANUAL FOB THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (h) Soft tissues intended for microscopical examination should be cut into small pieces and placed in a solution of one part formalin and nine parts water, or in alcohol. (c) Since glass and earthenware vessels are liable to be broken in transit, the use of tin vessels for large wet specimens is recommended, the covers to be tightly soldered on. Wliatever vessel is used should be packed in sawdust, excelsior packing, stiff paper, or equivalent substitute, in a wooden box. (fZ) A tag should be firmly affixed to every specimen. It should have a number or letter and give the name of the donor, the date and place of collection, and, if practicable, a brief description of the specimen itself. In the case of wet specimens put up in alcohol these data should be written in pencil (which is not affected by alcohol) upon a slip of wood. Wlien formalin is used, the data should be written on a slip of paper and inclosed in a vial, which should be attached to the specimen. A letter of advice reporting the mark on the specimen, briefly describing it and giving its history, should be sent direct to the curator of the Army Medical Museum. The more complete the history the more acceptable the specimen will be. (e) Although Army Regulations authorize the transportation of all such contributions by the Quartermaster Corps, nevertheless if the' importance of the specimen or its security demands a more prompt delivery, the package may be sent direct by express on a Government biU of lading (forms for which wiU be furnished by the curator) to the curator of the museum, who wiU arrange for the payment of the transportation charges. Small dry specimens may be sent by mail, and small wet specimens also, if inclosed in the containers which have been approved by the Post Office Department. (/) The receipt of every package will be duly acknowledged and the specimen credited to the contributor. ARMY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 136. The school wiU be known as the Army Medical School and wiU be located in Washington, D. C. Its personnel will consist of the faculty, such special professors and instructors as may be as- signed to temporary duty at the school, the students, and such enlisted men and civilian employees as may be assigned to it for duty. Its object is to train the students therein in the subjects that pertain to the duties of the Medical Department. It will also carry on such scientific work and investigations as may be directed or authorized by proper authority. '.' 137. The commandant, professors, and assistant professors ar-e detailed by the War Department from among the officers of the Medical Corps; the special professors are nominated by the faculty, with the approval of the Surgeon General, from among distinguished EDUCATION AND TEAINTNO. '59 members of the Medical Reserve Corps; the instructors are officers of other branches of the Army detailed b}^ the War Department to give special courses of mstruction. THE FACULTY. 138. The faculty will consist of the commandant, who shall be its president, the professoi's, and assistant professors. It will meet at such times as the commandant shall deem advisable. It will arrange the program of instruction, prescribe the textbooks appropriate thereto, the allotment of time to each subject, and the character and scope of the exammations and will have final determination of aU questions concerning the proficiency of students, subject, however, in all respects to the express provisions of law, of the Manual for the Medical Department and other orders and regulations issued by authority of the Secretary of War. The adjutant will be the secretary of the faculty. ADMINISTRATION. 139. The general administration of the school is intrusted to the commandant. In case of the absence of the commandant the senior professor present wiU be the acting commandant. The comman- dant wiU report annually on or before July 1, the progress of the school and its needs, including an account of the instruction given and the proficiency of the several students. 140. The adjutant will be chosen by the commandant from among the professors or assistant professors. He wiU be the custodian of the records of the faculty, will conduct the correspondence of the school, and will promulgate the orders of the commandant. 141. The property officer will be chosen by the commandant from among the professors or assistant professors. He will be accountable for aU the property of the school, and may, under the direction of the commandant, make authorized purchases for the school and certify accounts therefor for settlement. THE STUDENTS. 142. The student body will consist of officers of the Medical Re- serve Corps who are candidates for appointment in the Medical Corps (par. 8), such medical officers of the Army and of the Organized Mihtia as may be ordered or authorized to attend the school, and enlisted men of the Hospital Corps ordered to the school for instruc- tion. 143. Candidates for appointment in the Medical Corps. — ^AU candi- dates for appointment in the Medical Corps of the Army who pass the preliminary examination will be required to attend the school, in conformity with paragraph 8. , ^^^^ rmeJ-I>ifli 60 MANTTAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTTVIEXT. (a) The school term will commonce on October 1 of each year and will continue for a period of eight months. (h) The course of instruction will be both theoretical and practical and wiU comprise the following subjects: First period {Oct. 1 to Jan. 31). (1) Bacteriology, pathology, and laboratory diagnosis.. (2) Medical Department administration. (3) Mihtary hygiene. (4) Military surgery. (5) Mihtary medicine and tropical medicine. (6) Sanitary chemistry. (7) Sanitary tactics (including map reading and sanitary-service problems) . (8) Ophthalmology. (9) Roentgenology. (10) Equitation. Second period {Feh. 1 to May 31). (1) Bacteriology, pathology, and laboratory diagnosis. (2) Medical Department administration. (3) Military hygiene. (4) Military surgery. (5) Mihtary medicine and tropical medicme. (6) Sanitary chemistry. (7) Sanitary tactics (mcludmg map reading and sanitary-service problems). (8) Ophthalmology. (9) Operative surgery on the cadaver. (10) Roentgenology. (11) Psychiatry. (12) Military law. (13) Equitation. (14) Lectures by special professors. (c) Examinations will be held at the end of each period and at such times throughout the course as individual professors may deem advis- able. A candidate who is unable to take the final examination with his class, owing to sickness or other unavoidable cause, will be examined as soon as practicable thereafter. For this examination the topics and questions will be similar to, but not identical with, those given in the general examination. (d) Ratings for graduation are made by the faculty upon the pro- ficiency shown in the course pui-suod during the school term and at the mid-term ^nd the final examinations, and upon deportment. EDUCATION AND TRAINING. 61 Candidates who obtain a general average of 80 per cent in the total rating and who do not fall below 70 per cent in any one subject will be given certificates of graduation (Form 67) from the school. Grad- uates who have attained an average of 80 per cent wiU be rated as "proficient," and those who have attained an average of 90 per cent wiU be rated as "proficient with honor." (e) If it shall appear during a candidate's attendance at the school that his appointment to the Medical Corps would be undesii-able, he wiU forthwith be reUeved from active duty and his discharge from the service recommended. In cases of gross misconduct, travel home prior to rehef from active duty will not be ordered. (/) If the candidate fails to qualify for graduation conformably to the regulations of the school, he will be relieved from active duty and his discharge from the service recommended. A second course in the school will in no case be allowed. 144. Medical officers of the Army. — ^Any medical officer of the Army may, upon the recommendation of the Surgeon General, be detailed for special instruction at the school. Medical officers of the Army who are stationed at or near the city of Washington, or are on leave, may, with the permission of the Surgeon General, attend the school. Apphcation in such cases will be made through mihtary channels. (a) Medical officers of the Army who have pursued the prescribed special course of instruction with proficiency will be given certificates to that effect. 145. Medical officers of the Organized Militia. — ^Medical officers of the Organized Mihtia are admitted to the school under the provisions of section 16, act of January 21, 1903, as amended by act of May 27, 1908 (35 Stats., 402), and the following regulations: (a) A mihtia officer in order to be eligible for the course of mstruc- tion must be below the grade of lieutenant colonel and not less than 22 nor inore than 35 years of age. He must be physically qualified, of good moral character, and a citizen of the United States. He must have been a member of the Organized Militia for at least one year, and must possess such prefiminary educational quahfications as wiU enable him to participate profitably in the prescribed course of instruction. (h) Mihtia officers desiring to attend the school must be nominated to the Secretary of War by the governors of their respective States and Territories, or by the commandmg general. District of Columbia Mihtia, and the nomination must in each case be accompanied by an affidavit of the nominee, stating his age, citizenship, the medical school from which he received his degree, the date of his graduation, and the length of his service in the Organized Militia, and by a cer- tificate from the colonel of his regiment or other satisfactory person as to his good moral character. 62 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (c) Militia officers, before their admission to the school, must sign an agreement to attend and pursue the required course of study and to be bound by and conform to the rules and disciphne imposed by Army Regulations and the regulations of the school, and to serve at least one year in the medical department of the Organized Mihtia of their respective States after completion of their course at the school. (d) The expense to the Government on account of mihtia officers attending the school is strictly hmited to travel allowances, quarters or commutation of quarters, heat, hght, and subsistence. The travel allowances consist of mileage or transportation allowed by law. Commutation of quarters or allowance of quarters in kind is the same as provided by law for officers of the corresponding grade hi the Army. For subsistence each mihtia officer is paid $1 per day while in actual attendance at the school. (c) Each mihtia officer must provide liimself with the proper uni- forms of his State or Territory. The course of study will requhe the entire time of the student, so that no outside occupation during the school term will be practicable. ( f ) The course of instruction for mihtia officers will commence on October 1 and end on January 31 following. It wiU be both theoreti- cal and practical, and will comprise the following subjects: (1) Bacteriology, pathology, and laboratory diagnosis. (2) Medical Department administration. (3) Military hygiene. (4) Mihtary surgery. (5) Military medicine and tropical medicine. (6) Sanitary chemistry. (7) Sanitary tactics (including map reading and sanitary- service problems). (g) Examinations will be held at the end of the period and at such times throughout the course as individual professors may deem advisable. (h) Any officer showing neglect of his duties or a disregard of orders will be reported to The Adjutant General of the Army with a view to withdrawal of the authority to attend the school. (^) A militia officer who attains a general average of 80 per cent m the total rating and who does not fall below 65 per cent in any one subject, will be given a certificate of proficiency, and such fact will be reported to the governor of liis State or Territory, or, in the case of a medical officer of the Organized Militia of the District of Columbia, to the conmianding general, District of Columbia Militia. ij) A militia oflicer who fails to obtain the rathig necessary to secure a certificate of proficiency, but wlio has shown zeal and inter- est in his work, may, at the discretion of the commandant, be given a certificate of attendance. EDUCATION AND TRAINING. 63 146. Enlisted men of the Hospital Corps. — Such enlisted men of the Hospital Corps as the Surgeon General may from time to time select will be ordered to the school for instruction in bacteriological labora- tory work, roentgenology, photography, or other special subject. (a) Enhsted men who satisfactorily complete the course prescribed for them, will be given a certificate of proficiency therein. (Form 60&.) THE ARMY FIELD SERVICE AND CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL FOR MEDICAL OFFICERS. 147. This school is a branch of the Army Service Schools at Fort Leavenworth and is governed by regidations published in general orders. (See Appendix: Medical Officers.) FIELD PROBLEMS FOR MEDICAL OFFICERS. 148. The duty which devolves upon the Medical Department as a whole, and upon each unit and individual in particular, to be ready at aU times to render such service as might be required in war, is coordinate with the obhgation to maintain sanitary conditions and render medical attendance to troops in garrison in time of peace. That this may be reaUzed, emphasis should be laid on the necessity for utihzing to the fullest extent every opportunity which is pre- sented for training in the duties of field service. Each individual of the sanitary service should know his own duty and the duty of each of those under him, if he is in command ; and, in addition, should have sufficient knowledge of the mission of those with whom he comes in contact to insure concert of action. 149. The knowledge required is both theoretical and practical. The former embraces the study of: (1) The general principles which govern combatant forces and the resultant conditions with which the sanitary service has to deal including conditions of the march, camp, and the several forms of combat, the system of supply and the methods of communication; (2) the general scheme of administration; (3) the composition and disposition of organizations including the space which they occupy on the road and in camp and the places assigned to Medical Department organizations and individuals with relation to the combatant troops; (4) the nature of the sanitary service which will be required by the troops and the equipment and personnel which may be necessary for that service under different conditions. Strictly speakmg, knowledge of the latter is obtainable only under war conditions, but very much of a practical nature may be learned by a study of drill regulations and by applying them in simulated war conditions, such as field exercises with mobile troops. 160. War plans and plans for the conduct of maneuvers simulating war are based on certain hypotheses published by the War Depart- 64 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. ment in its various manuals governing the details of organization, the plans for mobilization, and the general operation of the service in war. A method of instruction in very general use consists in the formulation of problems based on the hypotheses contained in official pubhcations which develop questions involving the tactical adminis- tration of organizations, and which call for the application of theo- retical knowledge if the problem is a map problem or problem for written solution, and of both theoretical and practical knowledge in case of a field problem. The sanitary service should avail itself of all opportunities which present to cooperate with line troops in the solution of problems and should formulate problems for the purpose of developing situations simulating those which the sanitary service would be required to meet in time of war. 151. The hypotheses generally accepted by the line should form the bases of all problems so formulated; for example, a sanitary problem should be formulated in accordance with the strength of organizations as pubhshed in regulations, with the order of organiza- tions 4n the march table, with the road space allotted, with the distances published as normally covered by marching troops, with the rate of speed of messengers, etc. It is always understood that these hypotheses are to be regarded as general, and that actual conditions may deviate widely from them. 152. Certain general deductions may be made from experience in war, which will serve as hypotheses on which plans for the operation of the sanitary service may be based. Casualties may be estimated at 10 per cent of the troops engaged, with the understanding that certain organizations may suffer very much heavier losses, while some may suffer less. Of the casualties, the killed may be estimated at 20 per cent; seriously wounded, 8 per cent; less seriously wounded but requiring transportation, 32 per cent; the wounded able to walk to dressing stations or field hospitals, 40 per cent. The demand for bed capacity in the rear of the zone of the advance will depend upon the frequency and severity of the engagements. There have been instances when after several months campaigning it has reached 40 per cent of the strength of the Army maintained at the front. For field problems it should be assumed that a bod capacity equivalent to 10 per cent of. the total force in the zone of the advance is imme- diately available when troops take the field, and that facilities have been provided for promptly supplementing that number should the occasion require. 153. The total number of sick and wounded to be provided for having been detei-mined, base or general hospitals are allotted in the proportion of I to each 500 bt^ls to l)e provided. It may be assumed that the total medical personnel required from front to rear will be equivalent to 10 per cent of the total strength of the troops in the EDUCATION AND TRAINING. 65 home territory and in the theater of operations. Of this personnel, it may be assumed that 8 per cent will be required to be organized and that 2 per cent will be unorganized (individual voluntary aid and civilians impressed or hired as occasion may demand) . Of the total of 10 per cent required it may be assumed that the medical service of the Army will be handled by civilian assistants to the ex- tent of 3 per cent (1 per cent organized into hospital columns and field columns — paragraph 536^ — and 2 per cent unorganized) ; and that the 7 per cent belonging to the Army will be distributed as follows: Medical officers, 0.74 per cent; Nurse Corps, 0.52 per cent; enlisted, 5.74 per cent. The total number of medical officers required may be estimated at 1 per cent or above, assuming that whatever is required above 0.74 per cent will be furnished from civilian sources (Medical Reserve Corps). Of the 10 per cent of sanitary personnel thus pro- vided, 4 or 5 per cent may be assumed as allotted to the zone of the advance and the balance on the line of communications or in the home territory, depending upon the policy of the administration as to where the sick and wounded sent to the rear are to be cared for. In the past, armies have required for their sanitary service as a whole, from front to rear, one individual for every man sick or wounded, this being due to the fact that more than one-half of the personnel required for the service is held in readiness to render first aid and transport disabled to the rear, and is not available for their care thereafter. INSTRUCTION IN HYGIENE. / 154. Hygiene is taught to cadets at West Point conformably to the Regulations for the United States Military Academy, and to commis- sioned officers of the Army and of the militia at garrison and service schools as prescribed by general orders issued from time to time for the regulation of military education in the Army. INSTRUCTION IN FIRST AID. f 165. The instruction necessary to enable company officers to drill the enlisted men in their companies in the duties of litter bearers and methods of rendering first aid to the sick and wounded will be given chiefly by practical demonstrations made in their presence. The prescribed drills of the detachment of the Hospital Corps will be utilized for this purpose, especial attention being given to the instruc- tijon in first aid. The practical demonstrations, accompanied by full explanations, should include methods of arresting hemorrhage, of applying the dressings contained in the first-aid packet, of immobiliz- ing a fractured limb, of resuscitating those apparently drowned, etc., and should be supplemented by lectures designed to convey all essen- 93440°_17 5 66 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. tial information with reference to the anatomy of bones and blood vessels, the causes and treatment of syncope and of heat exhaustion, the differential diagnosis and treatment of sunstroke, the rationale of the various measures of first aid to the sick and wounded, etc. TRAINING OF THE HOSPITAL CORPS, GENERAIi. 156. While the personnel of the Medical Department has important duties to perform in peace, as well as in war, readiness for active service should be one of the principal objectives to be kept ia view in all peace-time training. The activities of all concerned will con- sequently be directed toward the attainment of that end. The value of an organization is to be judged, not only by the efficient per- formance of its function during peace, but by its ability to take the field and to meet successfully every phase of war service. Command- ing officers of sanitary units and Hospital Corps detachments will be given great latitude in the choice of ways and means for trainhag their personnel and will be held to a corresponding responsibility for results attained. FIELD HOSPITALS AND AMBULANCE COMPANIES. 157. A hmited number of field hospitals and ambulance companies are maintained in time of peace to provide trained organizations for duty with the troops when they are on field service and to afford a means for training officers and men of the sanitary service in the work of the sanitary field organizations. So far as practicable men trained in these organizations should constitute that portion of the Hospital Corps personnel at posts which is assigned to units of the divisional sanitary train on mobilization. (See Army Regulations: Hospital Corps.) In the training of these organizations special attention should be given to those elements of field work for instruction in w^hich only limited facilities are afforded at posts, such as the practical use of the articles of field equipment, lines of aid, equitation, care of animals, and the use of the pack saddle. 158. The personnel of these organizations in time of peace com- prise two classes: (1) A permanent cadre, consisting of such number of noncommissioned officers and men as are deemed necessary to maintain continuity of policy and method in instruction; (2) tem- porary personnel attached to these organizations for purposes of instruction. (a) Details of organization of field hospitals and ambulance com- panies are given in Tables of Organization. 159. On field service with a mobilized division, field hospitals and ambulance companies operate under directors, whose relation to them EDUCATION AND TRAINING. 67 is similar to that of a major of the line to his battalion. (See pars. 652 and 692.) In time of peace when two or more of these miits take permanent station at the same post imder conditions which do not warrant the assignment of a du-ector, the senior officer on duty with the organizations will assume in general the duties of a director of the several units in addition to his duties as company commander. For purposes of post administration, the several units may be treated as a sanitary battaUon, a combined morning report being furnished, etc. 160. The senior officer of two or more field hospitals or ambulance companies will conduct the course of instruction as though they were a single organization, and will assign the instructors from the per- manent personnel of the organizations, as he may deem best. In other respects, however, the several organizations will retain their autonomy as separate and distinct administrative and tactical units, each under the command of its own senior medical officer. The discipline and interior economy of these organizations wiU, so far as practicable, conform to those of a company of infantry. 161. The program of instruction for these organizations, the sequence of the subjects, the manner in which the same shall be taught, the details thereof to be taken up, and the number of hours to be given to each will be prescribed by the War Department. 162. The course for privates first class and privates will comprise, in addition to discipline, the following subjects: (1) Duties of a sol- dier; (2) bearer drill; (3) first aid, including bandaging and the use of Medical Department equipment; (4) personal and camp hygiene, including the sterilization of water and disinfection; (5) anatomy and physiology; (6) care of animals, equitation, packing, and driving; (7) the operation of the sanitary service in the field. 163. Records of class work will be kept for each individual in each subject of the course, preferably upon loose sheets appropriately ruled or m a blank book adapted to the purpose. (a) The relative standings of men pursuing the same courses, as determined by their average monthly standings, will be published monthly to their respective classes. 164. Privates first class and privates who obtain a final mark of 70 per cent in each subject of the course, wiU be given certificates of proficiency on Form 60. (a) Any man who, after two months' instruction, shows such mental incapacity and inaptitude as to render his further attendance on this course of mstruction useless, will be reported to the Surgeon General for his action. (b) Men who fail to attain proficiency in any subject may, in the discretion of the officer in charge of instruction, bo required to go over the subject again. 68 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 165. Enlisted men of the permanent personnel who shall have taken the prescribed course and obtained certificates of proficiency- will not ordinarily be required to take the course again ; but should it subsequently appear probable that any such enlisted man, having a certificate of proficiency, is nevertheless not proficient in one or more of the subjects, he may be required to take the course therein once more. If upon the second course the soldier does not show proficiency, his former certificate will be canceled by ^vriting across its face the words: "Canceled for failure to qualify in (naming the subject or subjects) on second course, to , 19 ." This notation will be signed by the officer in charge of instruction. Failure to qualify on such second course will be reported at once to the Surgeon General with a view to securing the soldier's transfer to post duty, it being the aim of the department to retain in the permanent personnel only such qualified men as will be a constant example of efficiency to the men of the temporary personnel attached for instruction. Should, however, the soldier taking such second course in whole or in part be again found proficient a new certifi- cate of proficiency will not be given him, but a notation of the facts will be made in his descriptive list. A third course will be required in no case. Lack of efficiency in practical work after a second course will indicate the necessity of other measures of discipline. 166. Further regulations for the government of field hospitals and ambulance companies and the training of their personnel will be found in Drill Regulations and Service Manual for Sanitary Troops. HOSPITAL CORPS DETACHMENTS. 167. Every Hospital Corps detachment under the command of a medical officer will undergo the instruction hereinafter prescribed, unless excused therefrom by special direction of the Surgeon General. DISCIPLINE AND DUTIES OF THE SOLDIER. 168. Instruction in discipline — including character, conduct, mili- tary bearing, obedience, and general efficiency — is to be taken up at once when the recruit joins the detachment, and never ceases, being given by commissioned and noncommissioned officers in connection with the soldier's daily round of duties and continued as long as he remains in the service. 169. Instruction in the duties of the soldier will cover the Articles of War, the soldier's handbook, the orders and regulations in regard to saluting, the granting of indulgences, arrest and confinement, the wearing of uniforms, etc. Besides the few hours of fornuil teaching provided for in the first regular winter course in garrison every oppor- tunity should be taken at all times to impart information in these various subjects. EDUCATION AND TRAINING. 69 BEARER DRILL AND FIELD WORK. 170. Instruction in drill and field work will be given throughout the year for one hour a week. All members of the detachment will attend it unless excused by the surgeon for some special reason. (a) This instruction includes all the subjects in Part I of the Drill Regulations and Service Manual for Sanitary Troops and all the usual employments of fieldw^ork, especially — Uses of the first-aid packet. Uses of other articles of the individual equipment of the Hospital Corps soldier. First-aid treatment of fractures in all regions of tlie body. The methods of transporting wounded in peace and in war. Organization of the ambidance company. Work of the ambulance company durmg an action. Establishment of aid and dressmg sta- tions. Collection, care, and transportation of the wounded from the firing line to the field hospital, with the tagging of patients and the treating of them as indicated, using first-aid equipment and extemporized materials. Use and care of articles of field hospital equipment. Pitching and striking tentage and packing field equipment. 171. Full advantage should be taken of the summer marching and encampment of troops to impart the above instruction. (a) Occasionally, throughout the year, all available men should be taken out for marches with and without the litter. CARE OF ANIMALS AND EQUITATION. 172. Men of the Hospital Corps will be instructed in the care of animals and in equitation as prescribed in Army Regulations and in General Orders. WINTER COURSES OF INSTRUCTION IN GARRISON. 173. The regular winter courses of instruction in garrison comprise a period of 34 weeks from November 1 to June 30. Acting cooks will be required to attend those in cooking only. All the other men of the detachment will take the prescribed courses, except ' ' qualified " men, men excused by the Surgeon General from further instruction under the provisions of paragraph 178a, and the absolutely neces- sary attendants in the hospital, such attendants being detailed as far as practicable from the "qualified" men and those excused by the Surgeon General. Night nurses, when on duty all night as such, will be considered "necessary attendants" within the meaning of this paragra,ph. 'III) (li l):>t develop, report thereof should be made to the office upon a register card, marking it in red ink "Change of diagnosis," and forwarding it with the next ward morning report. (a) When the diagnosis of a case under treatment in quarters is changed, or complications or sequela3 develop, a report thereof upon a card similarly marked should be forwarded to the office by the attending surgeon within 24 hours. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 79 213. The change of diagnosis card should be signed or initialed by the ward surgeon or the attending surgeon and be filed with the register card of the case to which it relates as the voucher for the correction of the register card conformably to paragraph 436. TRANSFER OF PATIENTS. 214. Patients may be transferred, under proper military authority, from one hospital or medical control to another, for observation or to obtain better treatment or hospital accommodations. 215. In every case of transfer the surgeon of the hospital or command from which the patient goes will make out a transfer card on Form 52 ; it should he headed "Transfer card,"' be a duplicate of the patient's register card, including the information thereon in space 18 (except that it should also contain such details of the case as will probably be of value to the receiving officer) , and be signed by the transferring officer. The transfer card of a patient sent to a general hospital for observation and treatment should, in time of peace, and when prac- ticable in time of war, be accompanied by a copy of the clinical record of his case. (a) When more space is required to perfect entries on the transfer card, an extension slip should be used in the manner pointed out in paragraph 434a. 216. The transfer card will in ordinary transfers be sent to the surgeon of the receiving hospital or command; but in transfers to the Government Hospital for the Insane it will be sent to the Surgeon General, with a copy attached of the medical certificate required by the Department of the Interior. (See Army Regulations: Govern- ment Hospital for the Insane.) (a) If the patient is to be unattended en route, the transfer card may be transmitted in his care, or by mail, at the discretion of the transferring officer. If the patient is to be under the charge en route of an officer or soldier, the card will be transmitted through the officer or soldier so in charge. (h) When many patients are transferred at one time under the charge of an officer or soldier en route, the transfer cards will be verified personally by such officer or soldier, or when the number transferred is too great for personal verification, by his subordinates or assistants. (See also pars. 583 and 584.) 217. The surgeon of the receiving hospital or command will note on the back of the transfer card the fact and date of the arrival of the patient at his station and forward the card with his next report of sick and wounded. The surgeon of the receiving hospital or com- mand will make a register card, Form 52, of the case (see par. 428), noting thereon such of the information conveyed by the transfer card as is pertinent. 80 MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (a) Should the patient named on a transfer card transmitted by mail not arrive at the receiving hospital within a reasonable time, the surgeon thereof will note on the back of the card the fact that the patient did not arrive, and forward the card with his next report of sick and wounded. DEATHS. 218. Whenever the death of an officer, enlisted man, or civilian employee occurs at a military post or station, or with a command in the field, the senior medical officer present will immediately report in writing to the commanding officer of such military post or station or command in the field the name of the deceased, with rank and organi- zation if he was an officer or enlisted man, or the department and capacity in which he was employed if he was a civilian employee, the date, time, place, and cause of death, and the present location of the body. 219. The death of a medical officer, dental surgeon, acting dental surgeon, contract surgeon, or sergeant first class. Hospital Corps, will be immediately reported by the attending surgeon or nearest medical officer direct to the department surgeon. A duplicate of the report will be sent direct to the Surgeon General. Note. — Other reports and procedures regarding deceased officers and deceased sol- diers are prescribed in Army Regulations. REFUSAL OF SURGICAL TREATMENT. 220. An enlisted man who refuses to submit to a surgical operation that the attending surgeon certifies is without appreciable risk to the life of the soldier and is necessary for the removal of a disability that prevents the full performance of any and all military duties that properly can be required of the soldier will, for such refusal, be brought to trial by general court-martial under charges preferred under the sixty-second article of war; but if in any such case the attending sur- geon is in doubt as to whether the proposed operation involves appre- ciable risk to life the soldier will not be brought to trial, but will be discharged on certificate of disability. {a) When an enlisted man is to be brought to trial for the offense named in this paragraph the surgeon will furnish the required cer- tificate. EFFECTS OF PATIENTS. 221. The commanding officer of the hospital is responsible that due care is observed in safeguarding the money, valuables, clothing, and other effects of patients admitted to hospital. Money or other valua})los will be receipted for by the commanding officer or by an officer designated by him, and, when practicable, deposited in the hospital safe or in a bank. Enlisted men are forbidden to retain money or other valuables received from patients for safe-keeping. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 81 (a) In the presence of the patient, or of another enhsted man in case the patient is unconscious or msane, his clothmg and other effects will be tagged (Form 76) for identification and Hsted in duph- cate on the patient's property card (Form 75). This list with the effects will then be sent to the individual in charge of the storeroom for patients' effects. He will retain the original list and turn the duplicate in to the record ofRce, or give it to the patient as the regu- lations of the hospital may provide. In the smaller hospitals the duty of caring for patients' effects as outlined above will devolve upon the wardmaster; in general or other large hospitals it wiU be performed as directed in paragraph 303. 222. The soiled clothing of patients will be washed, before it is put away, as a part of the hospital laundry (par. 267). When there is reason to suspect that the clothing is infected such measures of disinfection as may be necessary to protect the command will be taken and accounts for the expenses incident thereto will be for- warded on Form 330, W. D., for settlement, with an explanation of the circumstances. 223. When the patient goes to duty, is furloughed, or is discharged from the service the surgeon wiU restore his effects and take his receipt. 224. When the patient is transferred from a hospital his effects wUl, if he is able to take care of them, be restored to him. Wlien he is unable to take care of them, they wiU be intrusted to the rank- ing officer or soldier in whose charge the patient is put. A list of the effects will be furnished to such ranking officer or soldier, who will give his receipt therefor to the transferring officer. On arrival at destination said custodian of the effects in transit wiU turn them over, with the list, to the commanding officer of the receivmg hospital, and take his receipt therefor. 225. In the event of the death or desertion of enlisted or commis- sioned patients or of military prisoners in. hospital, their effects will be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Army Kegulations. 226. The effects of deceased civilian patients, if claimed withm a reasonable time, will be delivered to their legal representatives. If not claimed within a reasonable time, they will be sold by the hospital council and the proceeds taken up and accounted for with the hos- pital fund. Should claim thereafter be made within three years for the proceeds, the same may on the authority of the Surgeon General be paid over to the legal representatives of the deceased. A similar procedure will be followed in the case of effects abandoned by civHian patients upon their departure from the hospital. Watches, trinkets, personal papers, and keepsakes of civilians wiU not be disposed of as long as there is a fair prospect of fuiding their rightful owners. 93440°— 17 6 82 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC PROPERTY IN THE POSSESSION OF PATIENTS. 227. Public property brought into the hospital by the patient will also be listed m duplicate on his property card, Form 75. If his disabihty is so slight as to require treatment for a few days only, the property will be kept intact, tagged, and restored to him upon his return to duty, taking his receipt therefor; otherwise, it will, if practicable, be turned over at once to his commanding officer, whose receipt should be obtained. If such transfer is not practicable, the following action will be had: (1) The medical officer wiU take up on his return the medical property in the soldier's possession and forward his receipt therefor to the accountable officer; (2) if the medical officer is accountable for quartermaster or ordnance prop- erty, he will take up on his quartermaster or ordnance papers all property belonging to those departments brought ux by the patient; otherwise he will transfer such property to the nearest representa- tives of those departments, whose receipts therefor should be obtained; (3) the patient's commanding officer wiU be immediately notified be mail of the action taken under (1) and (2). (See also pars. 640 and 649.) 228. Hospital clothing will be worn by patients only during their stay in hospital. Each article will be marked as hospital property. When very sick soldiers are transferred from one hospital to another the hospital clothing necessary for their comfort may be sent with them, properly invoiced, and accompanied by a check list, giving the names of the men in whose possession it is. Under the provisions of this paragraph, crutches and similar articles may, if necessary, be similarly transferred with the patient from one post or hospital to another. (See pars. 496 et seq.) 229. Upon the discharge from service of men permanently disa- bled, they may ret am the surgical appliances then in their use which are necessary for their comfort and safety, and the accoimtable officer will drop the same from his next return of medical property, submit- ting a certificate explaming the circumstances as a voucher for so doing, DESTRUCTION OF INFECTED PROPERTY. 230. Infected clothing and other articles which can be immersed in boihng water, or otherwise dismfected, without material mjury, should be disinfected and not burned. Articles destroyed to prevent contagion must be accounted for by the affidavit of the officer respon- sible, set ting forth fully the circumstances necessitating such destruc- tion. (See par. 502.) HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 83 MESS MANAGEMENT. 231. The food supplies for the hospital personnel and patients consist of rations issued bj the Quartermaster Corps, of articles pur- chased with or derived from the hospital fund (see pars. 248 to 262), and of products of the hospital garden. 232. When, under the conditions usually prevailing at any post, camp, or station, or with any command, the commutation of the rations of the sick m hospital and the members of the Nurse Corps on duty therein would not be sufficient for tlie purchase of suitable food, the surgeon should make application through military channels to The Adjutant General of the Army for the issue of rations in kind. 233. The provisions of Army Regulations relating to company messes will be applied as far as they are adaptable to hospital messes. 234. The conmianding officer of the hospital will maintaua con- stant watchfulness over the messes. He should regard himself as trustee for the men and nurses to whom, collectively, the rations and hospital fund belong, and should exercise every precaution to prevent peculation and abuses at their cost. On account of the large cash transactions incident to the conduct of hospital messes, and the opportunities afforded by them for irregular and dishonest practices, he should take the most painstaking care when detailing enlisted men to mess management to choose only those of known probity and good habits. For the same reason he should see that the creditors with whom the mess deals are of good repute and as few as possible, and require their bills to be settled promptly at the end of every month. In large hospitals he may put the messes under the supervision of a junior officer; but even m that case he should by frequent inspections see that waste or wrongful diversion of suppUes or funds is not permitted, and that the messes are so managed that neither patients nor personnel shall have just grounds of com- plaint of the character or quantity of their food. 235. Each ward surgeon will, every morning, immediately after the first round of his ward, fill out a diet card. Form 73, covering the diet requirements of his patients for the ensuing 24 hours. Bills of fare for regular, hght, and liquid diets should be made out and posted in the wards and kitchens. Additional articles not included in these diets are to be ordered for special cases only. (a) The diet cards from the wards wiU be sent promptly to the hospital office, where the necessary card or cards will be made out covering the meals of the hospital personnel. All the cards will thereupon be turned over to the noncommissioned officer in charge of the mess in season for his action toward the preparation oi the day's 84 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. diimer. Additional cards for newly admitted patients or newly arrived personnel will be made out promptly when necessary and sent to the noncommissioned officer in charge of the mess without delay. The diet cards may be destroyed after they have served their pur- pose; usually they will have no value beyond the day of their date and the following day. 236. Each hospital mess will be placed under the immediate charge of a competent noncommissioned officer. (a) It will be his duty to receive and care for all articles of food for the mess, and he will be held responsible for their proper dis- position. He should be provided with suitable apparatus for pre- serving perishable foods and a suitable storeroom for the balance, and should secure them by proper locks. He will issue daily from the stores to the kitchen the articles required by the diet cards and will see that the food is cooked as indicated thereon. He will keep such record of his receipts and issues as the surgeon may prescribe according to the needs of the particular hospital, no special form there- for being provided. He will be responsible for the condition and cleanli- ness of the kitchen and cooking utensils, and the kitchen force will respect his orders accordingly. He will be responsible also for the cleanliness and discipline of the messroom, the service of the meals therein, and the distribution of food to wardmasters for patients unable to leave the wards ; and for the cleanliness of the napery and table utensils used in serving the food. He will see that table clothing and utensils used for patients suffering from infectious disease are properly disinfected before being returned to the storerooms for further use. He will be provided with a sufficient number of assistants to assure the prompt and efficient performance of these duties. 237. A mess account on Form 74 will be kept by the noncommis- sioned officer in charge. It should be filed at the end of every month with the retained hospital fund papers for that month. Inordinate gains in the plus column would indicate undue economy in the diet, while, on the other hand, continual losses in the minus column woukl signify mismanagement of the hospital fund or improper care of the food supplies. The commanding officer of the hospital should inspect this record at frequent intervals, with a view to keeping constantly informed in this respect. (a) When there is more than one mess, a consolidated mess account on the same form for the entire hospital should be kept in the office, the noncommissioned officers in charge of the several messes being required to report daily the data therefor. 238 . For methods of preparing food for both sick and well, reference should be had to the authorized Handbook for the Hospital Corps and the Manual for Army Cooks. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. '85 239. When the number of sick requiring special diet is large, the commanding officer of the hospital may establish one or more diet kitchens for the preparation of their food, under the immediate dii-ection of such skilled dietists as are available. Competent dietists belonging to the Nurse Corps may be assigned to this duty. Rules for the management of diet kitchens will be prescribed by the com- manding officer of the hospital according to tlio particular needs of each case. DISPENSARY MANAGEMENT. 240. All prescriptions will be written in the metric system. They will be placed on file in three separate files, as follows: (1) Pre- scriptions for alcohol or alcoholic liquors and for medicines con- taining opium or any of the salts, derivatives, or preparations of opium or coca leaves. (2) Prescriptions for civilians which do not include articles of the preceding class. (3) All other prescriptions. Prescription files will be subject to inspection by inspectors and post commanders at all times. (a) In connection with file (1) a record will be kept of the dis- pensary receipts and expenditures of each article specified therein. Unless otherwise authorized by the Surgeon General, this record will be made on blanks of Fonn 17a, adapted as may be necessary to the purpose. A separate slip will be kept for each form in which the liquor or drug is supplied, as "Morphinse sulphas, powder" or "Morphine sulphas, 10-mgm. hypo, tablets." The date of receipt thereof from the storeroom will be noted in the left-hand column and the amount, in the proper metric unit, in the debit column. The expenditures will be noted by entering the prescription number in the left-hand column and the amount expended in compounding the prescription in the credit column. At least once a month the slips will be balanced and the quantities remaining on hand will be verified by a medical officer and the facts noted over his signature. 241. Active poisons, alcohol, alcohoHc liquors, and all habit- forming drugs will be kept under lock and key in a separate closet. 242. Civifian employees of the Army stationed at military posts may purchase medical suppHes when prescribed by a medical officer. (a) Medicine charges for employees not in hospital will be as follows: In ordinary cases, 25 cents for each prescription; in the case of rare and expensive medicines, dressings, appliances, etc., at such increased rate, to be determined by the surgeon, as will reimburse the United States their cost. (b) Medicine charges for civilian employees in hospital are fixed at 25 cents a day in Army Regulations. 243. The responsible officer will at the end of each month, without delay, deposi'^ the net amount collected during the month with the 86 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. nearest United States depositary, to the credit of the Treasurer ot the United States under the special fund "Replacing medical sup- plies" for the proper two-year period or periods. (See par. 510.) The net amount collected is the gross amount collected, less the expenses of deposit, if any, such as the cost of a money order to make remittance to a depositary at a distance. Immediately upon making a deposit or a remittance to a depositary the responsible officer will notify the Surgeon General by letter direct that lie has done so, stating expressly the source from which the moneys arose, to wit, "Proceeds of sales of medicines to civilians,'' and specifying not only the period during which the proceeds were collected, but also the inclusive dates during which the sales were made, i. e., during which the medicines were furnished. If the collections during any month cover medicmes furnished during parts of two fiscal years (as, for example, collections during July for medicines furnished during June and July) , the notification will show clearly how much of the amount deposited was for medicines furnished in each of the two years. (a) The proceeds of the sales will be accounted for in the manner required by paragraph 509a of this Manual. 244. At isolated posts where issues to civilians become necessary to save life or prevent extreme suffering, medical officers will make such issues, and at the end of each month will peport the circum- stances to the Surgeon General, or in the Philippine Department to the department surgeon. Unless the patient is destitute, charges will be made and the proceeds disposed of and accounted for as in the case of employees. HOSPITAL BUILDINGS. 245. When an allotment of funds for the repair of a hospital or quarters of a sergeant first class has been made, the surgeon will be notified of the action by letter from the Surgeon General, through the department surgeon, the receipt of which will be acknowledged by return mail. Estimates and other papers referring to a hospital must be prepared separately from those for quarters of a sergeant first class. On the last day of each month, until the work is completed and so reported, the surgeon will advise the Surgeon General, through the department surgeon, of the progress effected, or, if none, the cause of the delay so far as he can ascertam it. 246. The painting of new hospital floors is prohibited. They may be finished in oil and paraffin, or oil, wax, turpentme, etc., to which coloring matter may be added if decuned necessary. Floors of veran- das and porches should be protected by paint. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 87 HOSPITAL SAFE. 247. Knowledge of the conibinatiou of the lock of the liospital safe will bo guarded with the utmost care. Any change in the combi- nation will be immediately reported by confidential letter direct to the Surgeon General, or in the Philippine Department direct to the department surgeon, identifying the safe by its make and number. HOSPITAL FUND. 248. Tlie hospital fund is derived — (1) From commutation of rations of patients and members of the Nurse Corps. (2) From savings on rations of the Hospital Corps. (3) From dividends from post exchange. (4) From dividends from post garden. (5) From money received for the subsistence of officers and civil- ians treated in hospital. (6) From sales of property purchased with hospital fund (par. 259), or products pertaining to the hospital fund (vegetables from hospital garden, etc.). 249. In addition to the post exchange dividends due the hospital detachment, the exchange council, with the approval of the command- ing officer, shall determine the amount, if any, to be turned over to the surgeon for the sick in hospital. (See Appendix: Post Exchange Regulations.) 250. Seamen in the Army Transport Service who have signed ship- ping articles entitling them to medical treatment at the cost of the United States, and have been placed in hospital by proper authority, are entitled to subsistence, medicines, and medical attendance while in hospital. The cost of subsistence will bo reimbursed to the hos- pital fund out of the medical and hospital appropriation. {a) Vouchers adapted to the facts in each case and stated in favor of the hospital fund as follows, on Form 330, W. D., will be forwarded from time to time for the action of the department surgeon: For subsistence of John Doe, a civilian employee of the U. S. A. T. Sherman, while under treatment in Hospital, — , January 1 to 11, 1913, on the footing of an enlisted man, 11 days, at 40 cents a day. Above-named man had signed the usual shipping articles for a voyage, entitling him to medical care when sick, and his term of service had not expired prior to the last date for which subsistence is charged in this account. Payment by authority of Secretary of War, June 1, 1912 (1906208, A. G. 0.-1419G4, S. G. O.). (b) The certificate to the correctness of the bill will be signed in the name of the hospital fund (designating the hospital to which it per- 88 MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. tains) by the custodian thereof, who will sign his own name, with rank and designation as custodian. The certificate that the articles have been received, etc., will be signed by the transport quartermaster, and the statement will be added that the "above-named patient was sent to the Hos- pital by proper authority, " 251. The hospital fund is regarded as a company fund, and is applicable generally to similar purposes, in the interest of enlisted men of the Hospital Corps, and of the sick under treatment and mem- "bers of the Nurse Corps on duty in military hospitals. 252. The officer commanding the hospital will ordinarily be the custodian of the hospital fund ; but when specially authorized by the vSurgeon General he may turn it over to a commissioned assistant. 253. The custodian will bo held to a personal accountabihty for the loss of any portion of the hospital fund not deposited and locked in the hospital safe or deposited in a bank. 254. The officer commanding the hospital will see that due economy in expending the fund is observed, and that expenditures are not made for improper purposes. Receipts will be taken for all payments. 255. Gratuities to hospital cooks and assistant cooks may be au- thorized by department surgeons or the Surgeon General when the amount of the hospital fund on hand justifies such expenditure. (a) A gratuity of not exceeding $10 a month may be paid from the hospital fund to the hospital gardener, when authorized by the depart- ment surgeon or the Surgeon General. (h) Vouchers for gratuities will cite upon their face the date and source of the authority for paying them. 256. The purchase from the hospital fund of alcoholic liquors, except for the use of the sick in hospital, is prohibited. 257. When any part of a detachment of the Hospital Corps leaves its post in command of a medical officer for service in the field the surgeon of the post may turn over to such officer an equitable pro- portion of the hospital fund on hand for the use of the detachment taking the field. (a) Necessary transfers of the hospital fund from one post to another in the department may be authorized by the department surgeon, but transfers of funds from one department to another, except as provided in the first part of this paragraph, will be made by order of the Surgeon General only. 258. The hospital fund will be audited by the hospital council at the end of every month and when the custodian is relieved from its custody. (a) The proceedings of the council required by Army Regulations will be recorded on the retained statement of the hospital fund. (See Appendix : Hospital Fund.) HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 89 259. Articles of durable property purchased with the hospital fund will be kept for the benefit of the sick, the enlisted men of the Hospital Corps, and the members of the Nurse Corps by the officer charged with the custody of the fund. When the same become worn out or unfit for use they may be dropped, destroyed, or sold by authority of the department surgeon or of the Surgeon General. Applications for authority to drop, destroy, or sell durable articles should recite their exact condition and the length of time they have been in use. The proceeds of sales of such property revert to the hospital fund. 260. Within five days after its audit the custodian will forward a statement of the fund and return of durable property on Form 49 to the department surgeon, or in the case of a post or command under the immediate supervision of the War Department to the Sur- geon General, accompanied by the prescribed vouchers. (a) The department surgeon will take such action on the state- ment and return as he may deem appropriate, and will in due season forward it witli his approval or comment to the Surgeon General. If the department surgeon approves it, he will return the vouchers to the hospital for file. If he does not approve, he will forward all the papers to the Surgeon General. 261. Invoices and receipts for hospital fund or hospital fund property transferred will not be required; but upon the complete transfer of fund and property from one custodian to another the new custodian will acknowledge the receipt thereof by entry over his signature across the face of the former custodian's final statement and return. 262. A duplicate of each statement and return will be filed with the retained records of the hospital. ICE FOR HOSPITALS. 263 . The chief use of ice in hospitals is as an article of food or for the preservation of food. For such use it should be obtained from the Quartermaster Corps, from the ice plant, if one is available, as provided in existing orders (see Appendix : Ice) , or as an issue under Army Regulations, when authorized; or by purchase from the hos- pital fund. 264. Ice required for medical administration proper, such as for ice baths of the sick, for medical photographic work, etc., should be procured from the Quartermaster Corps ice machine, if one is avail- able, or be obtained by purchase at the cost of the medical and hos- pital appropriation. Routine purchases of ice for medical purposes will not be made without the previous authority of the Surgeon General, or, in the Philippine Department, of the department sur- 90 MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. geon. Accounts for emergency purchases will invariably be accom- panied by a separate statement of their necessity. Accounts for ice for medical work will be stated on Form 330 or Form 330a, W. D., will show in the officer's certificate (taking care not to encroach upon the approval space to the right of the $ sign) or on the blank fold on the back of the form, specifically what the ice was for — as, e. g., for use in the treatment of sick in hospital, for use in develop- ing photographic negatives for identification work, etc. — and will be forwarded, with one invoice of articles purchased, Form 12, to the department surgeon, or if from a command under the immediate supervision of the War Department, to the Surgeon General, unless otherwise directed by him. HOSPITAL MATRONS. 265. Authority for the employment of hospital matrons is given by section 1239, Revised Statutes. Their compensation of $10 a month and a ration in kind or by commutation is estabfished b}^ sections 1277 and 1295. 266. It is the duty of the hospital matron to mend and keep in repair the table, hand, and operatmg linen, the bedding and the hospital clothmg belonging to the Medical Department, including the linen of the dentist's office, and to do the hospital laundry, or so much thereof as possible up to a minimum of 500 pieces a month, from time to time, as the same may be required by the surgeon. (a) In the case of matrons on duty at the larger posts and at general hospitals the Surgeon General may modify or waive so much of this provision as requires the laundering of a minimum of 500 pieces of hospital linen a month in addition to all the mendmg. 267. The hospital laundry comprises: First, the linen, clothing, and bedding belongmg to the Medical Department, as above enu- merated; second, the washable clothing of patients admitted to hos- pital, which requires cleansing before it can be put away (par. 222) ; third, the white coats and trousers of the enlisted attendants (par. 47a) ; fourth, the uniforms (par. 93) of the Nurse Corps soiled while on public duty. (a) Soiled blankets, spreads, and other heavy pieces should not be allowed to accumulate, but should be washed a few at a time as they become soiled, so as to equahze the matron's work. 268. The compensation of the matron being fixed by law, no extra compensation for performing any of the duties incident to her em- ployment can be allowed, nor can other persons be employed at the expense of the United States to do her work or any part of it. (a) Matrons are forbidden to farm out their work to other persons. (6) Matrons are not entitled to leaves of absence or to pay and rations while absent or while unable to perform their duty. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 91 (c) Matrons who are unable or unwilling to meet these requirements should be discharged. 269. When the number of pieces to be laundered is more than the matron can do (having m mind the minimum of 500 pieces a month above required) the excess may be put out under the provisions of paragraphs 270 to 278. When it would be an economy and advantage to put the entire lamidry out instead of the excess only, the facts should be reported to the department surgeon for his mformation with a view to obtaming the necessary instructions and authority for further action. For the purpose of this report the matron's total compensa- tion, including pay and allowances, is regarded as equivalent to $18 a month, of which $3 may be taken as for the mending, and the balance, $15, for the laundering. LAUNDRY WORK NOT DONE BY MATRONS. 270. The excess laundry at hospitals where there are matrons and the entire laundry at other hospitals (except those with laundry plants or otherwise provided for under special instructions from the Surgeon General) may be put out to private laimdries. When com- petition is not had the responsible ofhcer will ascertain the lowest prices current m the vicinity for good hand or machine work and govern his action accordingly. 271. Individual laundrymen and laundresses may be employed under this authority without advertising for proposals, provided they do the work in person, the same bemg regarded as personal services within the meaning of section 3709, Revised Statutes. The vouchers will bear a notation showmg that the work was done by the creditor in person. 272. Laundry work by steam laundries, or corporations, firms, or individuals who do a general laundry business, the actual work being done by employees of such laimdries, corporations, etc., may be engaged m open market as follows : First. When proposals have been invited and none have been received, or when the proposals are above the market rate, or are otherwise unreasonable. Second. When it is impracticable to secure competition, as, for example, when there is but one laundry within accessible distance of the post or station. Third. Wlien there is a public exigency which requires the imme- diate performance of the work. An emergency can not rightfully be held to continue for a longer period than may be necessary to enter into a contract for the contmuing service required. Work hired, how- ever, between the time of inviting proposals and the final approval of a contract thereunder may properly be regarded as an emergency procurement. The emergency having been met, steps should be 92 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPABTMENT. taken to obtain proposals and lot contracts for future service in com- pliance with the general rule below (par. 273). Fourth. When the monthly laundry is so small, amounting to but a few dollars, that no competitive bids could reasonably be expected. 273. When, however, the number of pieces to be put out is large and reasonabl}^ constant, the work should be advertised, taking all proper steps to obtain competition thereon, and contract should be awarded for the same to .the lowest responsible bidder. Blanks for the purpose will be furnished by the Surgeon General on application. The regulations respecting the time and mode of advertising, the opening and abstracting of bids, and the forwarding of papers will be observed as in the purchase of supplies. Bids will onHnarily be invited by the dozen or the hundred without regard to the different classes of goods to be laundered. If bidders will not submit bids in this form, separate bids on each kind of article may be invited, and awards made under special instructions from the Surgeon General, or in the Philippine Department from the department surgeon. (a) Wlien a more satisfactory monthly arrangement may be effected without advertising, and the amount involved does not exceed $500 for any one month, the requirements of this paragraph may be waived by the Surgeon General, or in the Philippine Depart- ment by the department surgeon. 274. C'Ontracts entered into on awards in these cases will as a rule be made for a fixed period of time, as, e. g., for the six montlis ending December 31, or the six months ending June 30, of any fiscal year. If deemed advisable, contracts for a less or a greater period may be entered into, but in no case should a single contract cover service in different fiscal years. The contracts will be executed in triplicate. Contracts at posts within a department will be made subject to the approval of the department surgeon. They will be promptly forwarded, together with the abstracts of proposals and accompanying papers, and the bonds, when bonds are required, to the department surgeon upon whose approval they are conditioned. Before approval, he will see that they are correct and regular in every respect. One of the approved numbers will be given to the contractor and the other two will be sent jjromptly to the Surgeon General (one for file in his office and the other for transmittal to the Auditor for the War Depart- ment), accompanied by both numbers of the bond, when bond is required, and, separately, the abstract of proposals with its exhibits. The Surgeon General will submit to the Secretary of War any serious errors or defects discovered. Contracts at posts and stations under the immediate supervision of the War Department will be made sub- ject to the approval of the Surgeon General, to whom all numbers of the contract, the bonds when bonds are required, and the abstract, with accompanying papers, wiU be forwarded. No work will be let HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 93 under the contract until tlio approval upon which it is conditioned has been o;iver. 275. In addition to the three original numbers of the contract executed as above, two copies will be made, one for the contractmg officer, the other for the returns office of the Department of the Interior. The latter, prepared in strict conformity with sections 3744 and 3746, Revised Statutes, wiU be transmitted direct. 276. Bonds for the faithful performance of contracts for laundry work will not be required except when specially directed by the Sur- geon General, or in the Philippine Department by the department surgeon. 277. Vouchers for laundry work hired under the preceding para- graphs will be prepared on Form 330 or Form 330a, W. D. They wiU be forwarded to the department surgeon; or, if from a command under the immediate supervision of the War Department, to the Surgeon General unless otherwise directed by him. They will show: First, the period during which the work was done, from first to last dates; second, the hospital for which it was done; third, in general terms, the classes of articles laundered, such as hospital Imen, patients' clothing, nurses' uniforms, white suits of enlisted attendants, each or all as the case may be; fourth, the number of each class in gross, if a flat price by number, regardless of the several kinds of pieces, is to be_ paid, or, m detail, under each class, if separate prices are to be paid for the several kinds of pieces; fifth, the price or prices by the piece, dozen, or hundred, the charge by classes or items, and the total claimed. (a) When flat prices are to be paid, regardless of the several kinds of pieces, the vouchers will exhibit the classification of pieces as follows, for example : Hospital linen (property of the Medical Department), 417 pieces, at 2 cents. . . $8. 34 Patients' clothing (their own property), 7 pieces, at 2 cents 14 \Miite suits of enlisted attendants (their own property), 22 pieces, at 2 cents 44 Nui-ses' uniforms (their own property), 19 pieces, at 2 cents 38 9. 30 (b) But when different prices are to be paid for the various pieces, the vouchers will exhibit the items under each class of pieces in the following form : Hospital linen (property of the Medical Department) : Blankets, 10, at 20 cents $2. 00 Mosquito bars, 6, at 5 cents 30 Bath towels and sheets, 200, at 2 cents 4. 00 Hand towels, 200, at ^ cent 1. 00 Nurses' uniforms (their own property) : Caps, 8, at 5 cents 40 Collars, 10, at 2 cents 20 94 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Patients' clothing (their own property): Undershirts, 2, at 7 cents $0. 14 Drawers, 2, at 5 cents 10 WTiite suits of enlisted attendants (their own property) : Trousers, 10, at 7 cents 70 Coats, 8, at 12 cents 96 9.80 (c) The officer will certify that "Xo articles are charged for in the foregoing account except such as are constituted a part of the hospital laundry by paragraph 267, M. Al. D.," taking care not to encroach upon the approval space to the right of the $ sign. 278. Vouchers for laundry at a hospital where there is no matron will contain in the officer's certfficate the notation "No matron at post." (a) Vouchers for excess laundry at a hospital where there is a matron will be accompanied by a statement showing the matron's name, the kind and number of pieces laundered by her and put to hire, respectively, during the period covered, and by a certificate that she was unable to do any of the laundry put out. These will be separate from the vouchers, which should contain no reference thereto. HOSPITAL RULES. 279. The following rules are given for the internal administration of hospitals. They should be conspicuously posted with any others that may be decided upon by the surgeon. (a) GENERAL RULES. (1) In the smaller hospitals tlie senior noncommissioned officer, imder the direction of the surgeon, is in immediate charge of the hospital and the Hospital Corps detach- ment. He will see that all men of the detachment and all patients in the hospital are always present or accounted for. He will require all members of the detachment to perform their duties quietly and treat the sick with gentleness and consideration.' (2) The noncommissioned officer in charge of pubUc property will keep an accurate account of the same and its place of distribution. (3) Each man in charge of a department of the hospital, as wardmaster, noncommis- sioned officer in charge of mess, etc., is responsible for the properly used in his depart- ment. He will keep a list of the same and will by frequent inventories assure liimself of its presence. (4) All public property in the possession of the men must be kept in good order and all missing or damaged articles accounted for. (5) A noncommissioned officer or other man, upon his assignment to a department of the hospital, will make liimself familiar with the special orders governing it, and all must familiarize themselves with the standing orders of the hospital. (6) All noncommissioned officers and privates of the detachment will be present at all formations unless specially excused. 1 In the larper hospitals it may be necessary to distribute these duties among several noncommissioned oflicers as determined by the commanding ollicer of the hospital. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 95 (7) All men on duty in the kitchen and mess room will arise at least one hour l)eforo reveille; all other members of the detachment, unless specifically excused, will arise at or before first call for reveille. (8) Immediately after reveille each man will arrange his bed and personal belong- ings in a neat and orderly manner. All clean underclothing will be neatly folded and placed in the lockers, which will be uniformly packed; other clothing will be brushed and hung in the lockers or in a specially designated place. Soiled clothing will be kept in the barrack bags. Shoes will be polished and neatly arranged in the lockers or under the sides of the beds. (9) All beds will be overhauled and cleaned each week and, weather permitting, the bedding and mattresses, together with the other clothing, will be well shaken and hung out to air for at least two hours. Mattress covers will be changed imme- diately before each monthly inspection or oftener if necessary. Sheets and pillow- cases will be changed at least once each week. (10) A card bearing the name of the soldier will be attached to the foot of his bed, and his accouterments will be hung, neatly and uniformly arranged, on the foot end iron of his bunk. (11) The squad room will always be kept clean, neat, and orderly. (12) The men will pay the utmost attention to personal cleanliness; each will bathe at least once weekly, his hair must be kept short, and his face shaved, or beard neatly trimmed, and his underclothing frequently changed. (See Army Regulations.) (13) Members of the detachment will wear the prescribed uniform at all times when present at the post. While on fatigue they may wear the fatigue dress. While on duty in wards; dispensary, operating room, mess room, or kitchen, they will wear the white uniform. (14) No member of the detachment will leave the hospital bounds except by per- mission of proper authority or, in case of emergency, in the execution of duty. (15) Immediately after breakfast the hospital will be thoroughly policed in every department. It must be ready for inspection at the hour designated by the surgeon and always be kept absolutely clean. (16) No member of the hospital personnel will borrow from or have financial dealings with any patient. (17) When necessary a noncommissioned officer in charge of quarters will be detailed daily by roster from noncommissioned officers on duty with the detachment, and an emergency squad will always be designated. (18) The noncommissioned officer in charge of quarters will make an inspection of all wards and quarters at such times as the surgeon may direct, will report all imau- thorized absentees to the noncommissioned officer in charge of the detachment, and will see that no unauthorized lights are burning. In case of fire he mil give the alarm and proceed as ordered in fire regulations. He vnll be responsible for the efficient performance of the watchman's duties. (19) The night watchman, when one is necessary, will be under the immediate orders of the noncommissioned officer in charge of quarters. He will patrol the hos- pital grounds at least once every three hours and will be constantly on the alert for fires, lights, and unauthorized persons in or about the hospital. He will at once report to the noncommissioned officer indicated all unusual occurrences and viola- tions of existing orders which come under Ms observation. (h) ■WARD RTJIjES. (1) The wardmaster of each ward is directly responsible to the ward surgeon. He is in charge of his ward and the enlisted assistants and patients in it, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. 96 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (2) The wardmaster is responsible for the cleanliness and order of his ward, for the public properly therein, and for the effects of his patients until they have been turned over to the proper custodian. He is responsible for the prompt delivery of prescrip- tions to the dispensary, of medicines to his ward, and of the diet orders to the hospital office. (3) In wards to which members of the Nurse Corps are not assigned the wardmaster is responsible for the administration of medicines and other treatment prescribed, the keeping of records, and all other duties that may be assigned to him by the ward officer. (4) Phenol, bichloride of mercury, other active poisons, alcohol, and alcoholic liquors, when necessarily on hand in the ward, will be kept under lock and key and every precaution taken to prevent their improper use. (5) On the death of a patient the wardmaster will notify the ward surgeon, or in his absence the medical officer of the day. He will not remove the body from the ward until after it has been examined by a medical officer. (6) The wardmaster will see that patients are acquainted with the ward rules. (7) Before leaving the ward at the end of his daily tour of duty, the wardmaster will turn over to liis relief all orders of the ward surgeon, accompanied by such expla- nation and instruction as may be necessary. (8) Upon reaching the ward, patients will be promptly bathed, clothed in clean hospital clotMng, and put to bed, imless their condition indicates otherwise or a specific order forbids. (9) Money and valuables found on patients will be disposed of as prescribed in paragraph 221, M. M. D. The commanding officer will not be responsible for money or valuables of patients not turned over for deposit in the hospital safe. (10) A clinical record will be carefully kept for each patient. Upon final disposi- tion of the case tliis record will be completed and signed by the ward surgeon and turned in to the record office. (M. M. D., par. 407.) (11) No information regarding the diseases or condition of patients under treat- ment will be given to anyone except those authorized under the regulations to receive it. (12) Visitors will be allowed to see friends in the ward at a specilied time, when their presence will in no way disturb other patients; but female visitors will not be permitted in the wards except when cases are serious, and then only by special per- mission of the ward surgeon. (13) Bed linen will be changed on occupied beds at least twice weekly, and oftener if necessary to insure cleanliness. Whenever a bed is to be occupied by a new patient clean linen will be furnished. All bedding and clothing used by infectious cases will be promptly disinfected when removed from the beds. Patients will not occupy their beds when dressed in other than hospital clothing. (14) Loud noises, boisterous actions, the use of profane language, and gambling are forbidden in the wards, and no food, intoxicants, or other articles of food or drink, except as prescribed or authorized, will be brought into the wards. (15) Patients are forbidden to use towels, basins, toilet articles, eating utensils, or articles of clothing pertaining to another patient. POST HOSPITALS. 280. Post hospitals are maintained at garrisoned posts and in the main each receives patients only from the garrison to which it belongs. 281. The senior medical officer of a post commands the hospital, its persoiiind aiul patients, subject to the authority of the post com- mander, to whom his relations are analogous to those of a company HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 97 commander. His duties are indicated in general terms in Army Regulations. (a) He will determine wliat patients are to be admitted to the hospital, wiU assign them to wards or divisions according to conven- ience and the natm*e of their complaints, and wiU take proper meas- ures for their care and treatment. By liis prescription and mider his direction convalescent patients may be employed to perform such hght pohce duty in and about the hospital as may not be injurious to their health. He w^ill decide when they are so far recovered as to be able to leave hospital and will return them to duty or to quarters accordingly. (6) He wiU be responsible for the care and preparation of the necessary hospital reports, registers, and records, as well as for all public property which may come into his possession ; for the proper expenditure of supphes and funds; and for the preparation of re- quisitions, returns, and muster and pay rolls of the hospital. He will require a proper performance of duty by the entire hospital personnel and will make and enforce proper regulations as to the sanitary, disciplinary, and other requirements of the hospital. DEPARTMENT HOSPITALS. 282. A department hospital is under the control of the commanding officer of the department in which it is situated. In all other respects its organization, administration, and function correspond to that of a general hospital. GENERAL HOSPITALS. 283. General hospitals are maintained for the following purposes: (1) To afford better facilities than can be provided at the ordinary post hospitals for the study, observation, and treatment of serious, complicated, or obscure cases. For this purpose general hospitals are equipped with the best modern apparatus for the study and treatment of such cases, and maintain a specially quahfied per- sonnel. (2) To afford opportunities for the performance of the more difficult or formidable surgical operations, facilities for which may be lacking at post hospitals. (3) To study and finally dis- pose of cases that have long resisted treatment elsewhere, and to determine questions of the existence, cause, extent, and perma- nence of mental and physical disabilities of long standing or unusual obscurity. (4) To instruct and train junior medical officers in general professional and administrative duties. (5) To form a nucleus for the development of the larger hospitals required in the home territory in time of war. 284. General hospitals are under the exclusive control of the Surgeon General, except in matters pertaining to the administration 93440°— 17 7 98 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. of military justice and are governed by such regulations as are pre- scribed by the Secretary of War. The senior medical officer on duty therem will command the same and will not be subject to the orders of local commanders other than those of territorial depart- ments to whom specific delegation of authority may have been made. (See Army Regulations.) 285. Officers and enUsted men on the active Hst of the Army who shall have been transferred to a general hospital for treatment only will, when fit for duty, be returned to their proper posts or com- mands by the commanding officer of the hospital, unless he shall have been otherwise instructed. (See Army Regulations.) 286. AH supphes except medical, for general hospitals, including allotments for current repairs, are obtained through the headquar- ters of the territorial departments in which they are located. (See Appendix: General Hospitals.) 287. In the case of an officer or eiiUsted man who has been under treatment in a general hospital for tliree months, a special report will be made to the Sm-geon General giving the history and diagno- sis of the case, a brief statement of the treatment and its results, and the prognosis; unless, if an enUsted man, he is to be discharged on certificate of disability. 288. An officer or enhsted man will not be admitted or readmitted to a general hospital except when authorized by liis commanding officer or higher authority. 289. A general hospital of standard size has a capacity of 500 beds, exclusive of isolation wards. Complete plans and specifications for the erection of temporary hospitals of this capacity, for use in time of war or other emergency, are on file in the Surgeon General's Office. These plans and specifications are also suitable for use in the erection of additional buildmgs for the temporary expansion of hospitals already organized. 290. The following tabular statement fiu-nishes a working plan of administration and gives an approximate idea of the personnel required : ADMINISTRATION DIVISION. COMMANDING OFFICEK. 1 colonel or lieutenant colonel, M. C. adjutant's office. (In charge of administrative records and correspondence, telegraph office, telephone exchange, and post office.) 1 major, M. C. 2 sergeants first class, H. C. 11 privates, H. C. 1 sergeant, Signal Corps. 1 first-class private, Signal Corps. 2 civilian employees, M. D. (stenogra- phers). HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 99 registrar's office. (Ill charge; of medical and surgical records; commanding officer, detachment of patients; in charge of patients' money and valuables.) 1 major or captain, M. 0. 2 sergeants first class, H. 0. 1 sergeant, H. C. 6 privates, H. C. quartermaster's office. (In charge of quartermaster, medical, ordnance, and Signal Corps property and funds; construction and repair of buildings; transportation; police and care of grounds; disinfecting, laundry, heating, lighting, and ice plants; clothing and baggage room of patients.) 1 major or captain, M. C. 1 captain or lieutenant, M. 0. 2 sergeants first class, H. C. 5 sergeants, H. 0. 22 privates, H. C. 2 quartermaster sergeants, Q. M. G. 1 sergeant first class, Q. M. C. 7 sergeants, Q. M. C. (1 stenographer, 1 clerk, 1 overseer, 1 blacksmith, 1 plum- ber, 1 carpenter, 1 engineer). 8 corporals, Q. M. C. (1 foragemaster, 1 storekeeper, 1 baker, 1 printer, 1 painter, 1 farrier, 1 saddler, 1 gardener). 1 cook, Q. M. C. 7 privates first class, Q. M. C. (5 team- sters, 2 firemen). 5 privates, Q. M. C. (laborers, scavengers, etc.). Civilian employees (seamstresses, laundry employees, attendants, scrub women, etc.). hospital mess. (In charge of hospital messes, kitchens, bakery, and special diet service; post ex- exchange; hospital fxmd.) 1 captain or lieutenant, M. C. 2 sergeants first class, H. C. 4 sergeants, H. C. 10 acting cooks, H. C. 30 privates, H. C. 4 Army Nurse Corps (dietists). 6 civilian employees, M. D. (1 chief cook. 2 cooks, 2 assistant cooks, 1 baker). COMMANDING OFFICER, DETACHMENT, H. C. (In charge of detachment, H. C, on duty at the hospital; recruiting, identification work, and sick call.) 1 captain or lieutenant, M. C. 1 sergeant first class, H. C. 4 sergeants, H. C. 2 corporals, H. C. 5 acting cooks, H. C. 20 privates, H. C. OFFICER OF THE DAY. (Detailed from roster of medical officers. In charge of the guai'd; receiving office, roster of patients and morning report of admissions and losses; ambulance, emer- gency, and fire-alarm service; information office.) 3 sergeants, H. C. 6 privates, H. C. OFFICER OF THE GUARD. (Detailed from roster of junior medical officers. Commands the guard under the direction of the officer of the day.) 2 sergeants, H. C. ' I 24 privates, H. C. 2 corporals, H. C. I This detail is made in time of war only and when the guard is not furnished by the line. 100 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. CHAPLAIN. (In charge of chapel, library, reading rdom, amusement hall, and post echool.) 1 oflScer, Corps of Chaplains. ) 1 private, H. C. PROFBSSIONAIi DIVISION. CHIEF OF MEDICAL SERVICE. (In charge of the medical service, receiving ward, and difipensary.) 1 major, M. C. 12 privates, H. C. 2 sergeants, H. C. I CHIEF OF SURGICAL SERVICE. (In charge of the surgical service, including the operating and dressing rooms.) 1 major, M. C. 1 captain or lieutenant, M. C. 1 sergeant, H. C. 4 privates, H. C. 5 Army Nurse Corps. (Ward oflicers may be assigned additional duties in eye, ear, nose, and throat, genito- urinary and other special services; assistants to operating surgeon, etc.) 12 captains or lieutenants, M. C. I 70 privates, H. C. 6 sergeants, H. C. I 53 Army Nurse Corps. LABORATORY. (In charge of chemical, bacteriological, and X-ray laboratories and morgue.) 1 captain or lieutenant, M. C. I 2 sergeants, H. C. 1 sergeant first class, H. C. | 4 privates, H. C. DENTAL SERVICE. (In charge of dental service.) 1 lieutenant, D. C. I 1 private, H. C. NURSING SERVICE. (In charge of nursing service.) 1 chief nurse, A. N. C. 1 assistant chief nurse, A. N. C. 1 supervising night nurse, A. N. C. 7 civilian employees, M. D. (1 cook, 1 assistant cook, 5 attendants). See also Wards and Hospital Mess. CONVALESCENT CAMP. 1 captain or lieutenant, M. C. 11 sergeant, H. C. 1 sergeant first class, H. C. 16 privates, H. C. Note. — The term "private, H. C." is used in the above table to denote both privates first class and privates, H. C. (a) Tlic allowance of the members of the Quartermaster Corps or their civilian substitutes and of the civilian employees of the Medical HOSPITALS AND MEDICaL A'ITE'NT>A''N'C'F; 101 Department will vary according to the character and special work of the hospital, and will be decided in each case by the proper authority. For the duties of the several grades in the Quartermaster Corps see "Quartermaster Corps" in the Appendix. (b) In time of war 25 per cent of the officers of the professional division, 25 per cent of the ward attendants, and 75 per cent of the nurses might be furnished by personnel from the American National Red Cross Society. This corresponds approximately to one Red Cross hospital column. (See pars. 102 and 536fc.) COMMANDING OFFICER. 291. 'Hie commanding officer has all the responsibiUty of a post commander as prescribed in Army Regulations, in addition to the general management of the hospital. ADJUTANT. 292. Under the direction of the commanding officer the adjutant will have charge of the correspondence and various rosters of service; he will make, publish, and verify all orders and details, keep the records of the hospital, and perform such other duties as are required by regulations. Through him the commanding officer communicates with the officers and men of his command. He is the representative of the commanding officer and the executive officer of the hospital. REGISTRAR. 293. The registrar will have charge of all medical and surgical records and will see that careful and accurate clinical histories and sick and wounded records are kept. He will prepare all reports and returns pertaining to the sick and wounded. He wiU act as the com- manding officer of the detachment of patients and will have charge of all records, accounts, and returns pertaining thereto. He will care for the money and valuables of patients in hospital. QUARTERMASTER. 294. The quartermaster will be in charge of aU pubHc property, supplies, and funds; the construction and repair of buildings; trans- portation; outside poHce and care of grounds; laundry, disinfection, and refrigeration plants; power plant, shops, and baggage store- rooms. The property necessary to equip the different departments of the hospital will be issued on memorandum receipts to the re- sponsible officers. Tliese officers will check property at least once a month, and upon transfer of their responsibility. All losses or ex- cesses of property wiU be promptly reported to the accountable officer. 102 MANUAI. FOR- THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. » MESS OFFICER. 295. The mess officer will establish and conduct such messes and furnish such diets as the commanding officer may direct, in accordance with the principles of mess management outlined in paragraph 231 et seq. He will be accountable for and expend the hospital fund under the supervision of the commanding officer. COMMANDING OFFICER, DETACHMENT HOSPITAL CORPS. 296. Tlie detachment commander wiU command the personnel of the Hospital Corps on duty at the hospital. He wiU supply such details to different departments of the hospital as may be directed by the commanding officer. He will be responsible for the discipUne, instruction, equipment, and rationmg of the detachment and will keep all records and accounts pertaining to the individual members thereof. He will provide for the subsistence of all prisoners in the guardhouse. He w^ll hold the daily sick call for the personnel of the hospital and perform such other duties as the commanding officer may direct. OFFICER OF THE DAY. 297. The officer of the day will be assigned to duty for a tour of 24 hours, during which he will always be accessible for cases of emergency and to meet the requirements of the duties hereinafter stated. He will be notified by the adjutant of his selection for duty on the day preceding that on which his tour begins. He may be required to perform his regular duties when they will not conffict with the performance of his duties as officer of the day. 298. Three noncommissioned officers will ordinarily be detailed permanently as assistants to the officer of the day, and there wiU be at all times one noncommissioned officer and one private on duty in his office. The noncommissioned officers will report to the officer of the day at the beginnmg of their respective tours of duty and will in no case leave the office until the arrival of their rehef. 299. At an hour to be designated in hospital orders the old and the new officers of the day will report to the commanding officer, the old officer of the day to render his report, the new officer of the day to receive such instructions as the commanding officer may wish to give. At the expiration of his tour of duty the officer of the day will report in writing to the commanding officer the hours at wliich the prescribed inspections were made; any breaches of discipline, infraction of the hospital rules, neglects or disorders that may have occurred during his tour of duty; and any other occurrences which should properly be brought to the attention of the command- ing officer. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 103 300. The officer of the day will make a general inspection of the hospital at such hours as the commanding officer may direct. Dur- ing this inspection he will note any disorder or neglect and, if prac- ticable, will immediately correct the same. He will satisfy himself that the watchmen or guards are familiar with their duties and are performing them satisfactorily. During his tour of duty he will inspect at least one of the meals served in each hospital mess. He will receive the reports of the roll calls required by orders. On the outbreak of fire he will assume charge until the arrival of the fire marshal or of the senior officer present at the hospital. In the absence of the ward surgeon he will examine the body of any patient who may die during his tour of duty and order its removal to the morgue, notifying the adjutant of his action. 301. The officer of the day will examine and admit all incoming patients. If the officer of the day is temporarily unavailable, the noncommissioned officer on duty in the receiving office wiU notify the adjutant of the arrival of patients, and the adjutant wiU act in his stead or designate another officer to act temporarily as sub- stitute for the officer of the day until he is again available. In no case will a patient be admitted and assigned to a ward until he has been seen and examined by the officer of the day or some regularly designated substitute. (a) If there is any doubt as to the ward to which he should be assigned the patient will be held m the receiving ward for disposi- tion by the chief of the medical service. The officer of the day will receive money and valuables from patients on admission and will turn them over to the registrar for safe keeping. An attendant from the receiving office will conduct incoming patients to the wards to which they have been assigned, care for their baggage and equip- ment, and turn over to the wardmaster the patient's admission sUp. (See par. 209.) 302. The noncommissioned officers on duty with the officer of the day wiU keep a card index of patients in hospital and will enter gains and losses on the morning report of sick. (Form 71.) 303. Upon the admission of a patient to hospital the noncommis- sioned officer will secure his effects, other tlian money and valuables, hst them in duplicate on the patient's property card (Form 75), tag them for identification (Form 76), and turn them over to the noncommissioned officer in charge of the store room for patients' effects. The latter will sign both hsts, retain one of them and return the other, which will be filed in the registrar's office. Upon the departure of a patient from hospital the wardmaster wiU notify the noncommissioned officer on duty, who will obtain the hst of the patient's effects from the registrar's office, and upon their dehvery to 104 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. the patient obtain his receipt, which will be returned to the registrar's office for file. (See par. 221.) 304. All pubhc property left by patients at the hospital will be turned over to the quartermaster, who will dispose of it as indicated in paragraph 227. 305. In time of peace the noncommissioned officer on duty will have charge of the Hospital Corps men on duty as watchmen. He will satisfy himself that they have been properly instructed and understand their orders. He will maintain quiet and order in the hospital and will notify the officer of the day of any unusual occurrence. 306. In time of peace the hospital will be guarded by Hospital Corps men detailed as watchmen under the officer of the day and his noncommissioned assistants. In time of war the necessary guard will ordinarily be performed by a permanent detail of sani- tary troops, and for this purpose the Hospital Corps personnel will be increased. (a) When this detail from the sanitary troops is not available the necessary guard may be obtamed on request from the department commander. When the commander of such a guard is a commis- sioned officer he will confer with the commanding officer of the hospital as to the character of the guard duty desired by the latter, but wiU exercise no control over the sanitary formation. If such a guard is not accompanied by a commissioned officer it will be reported by the noncommissioned officer in charge to the command- ing officer of the hospital and will be placed under the immediate command of the officer of the day. CHIEFS OF SERVICE. 307. The chiefs of the medical and surgical services, respectively, will be responsible for the proper administration of their depart- ments. They will assign the ward surgeons to their duties and wiU see that patients are admitted to suitable wards and that they receive proper care and treatment. They wiU visit and inspect their wards frequently and will consult with and advise the ward surgeons. The receiving and observation ward will be in charge of tlie chief of the medical service. WARDS. 308. Medical officers when assigned to duty as ward surgeons will be held responsible for the professional care of the patients, for the condition of the wards, and for the proper performance of the duties devolving upon the nurses and attendants assigned to service in con- nection therewith. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 105 309. Ward surgeons will make such visits to their wards as the commanding officer may prescribe and such additional visits as may be necessary. In the absence of the ward officer the officer of the day will attend cases of emergency, and it will be the duty of the ward officer to call to the attention of the officer of the day any cases of critical illness that may require attention during such absence. 310. Ward surgeons will report to their chief of service the names of patients in their wards whom they consider fit subjects for dis- charge on certificate of disability or for transfer to other hospitals. They will report all cases of critical illness to the adjutant and verify the addresses of relatives. CHIEF NURSES AND NURSES. 311. Chief nurse. — The chief nurse will be under the immediate orders of the comnianding officer of the hospital. She will have general supervision of the nursing service in all wards in which nurses of the Nurse Corps are on duty, and will be in charge of the nurses' quarters. {a) She will familiarize herself with the Army Regulations and the Manual for the Medical Department in so far as they relate to the Nurse Corps, and will instruct the nurses under her supervision in such regulations as refer to them and in the duties peculiar to Army work. (b) She will see that nurses. properly perform their duties and will be responsible for the maintenance of discipline among them both in wards and in quarters. She will at once report any neglect of duty or serious breach of discipline to the commanding officer of the hospital. (c) She will arrange the hours of duty and assignments of all nurses and will be responsible for the execution of all orders relating thereto. {d) She will be responsible for the comfort and general well-being of the nurses under her, and will promptly report to the commanding officer of the hospital any matters which improperly affect the same. She will also bring to his attention at once any case of illness among the nurses. (g) When required by the commanding officer of the hospital, she will supervise the instruction in practical nursing of Hospital Corps men on ward duty. 312. Supervising night nurse.— When necessary, the chief nurse wiU assign a nurse to supervise the nursing service of the hospital at night. Ward nurses on night duty will respect the orders of the supervising night nurse accordingly. They will apply to her for instructions if they need them and will inform her at once of aU emer- 106 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. gencies arising in the wards. The supervising night nurse will on being relieved report to the chief nurse any unusual incidents of the night's work and any derelictions of duty on the part of the night nurses, 313. Head nurse. — The chief nurse will designate one nurse for each ward to act as its responsible nursing head. The head nurse will receive from the ward surgeon all orders relating to the care and treatment of the patients in her ward and will record them for the guidance of both day nurses and night nurses. She will be respon- sible for the proper nursing of the patients and the proper serving of all food in the ward. She will be responsible to the chief nurse for the conduct and work of the ward nurses and will advise the chief nurse concerning their efficiency. Her hours of duty will be the same as those of other nurses, but ordinarily she will be required to perform night duty only one month in six. 314. Nurses. — The duties of Army nurses will be such as are usually performed by trained nurses in civil hospitals of like general character. So far as practicable, their hours of duty will not exceed eight a day. They will not be required, except under the stress of emergency, to serve more than one month in three on night duty. (a) Day nurses will be at all times responsible for the proper service of the ward to the head nurse of the ward. (6) Night nurses will be responsible during the night to the super- vising night nurse, if there is one. If there is no supervising night nurse, they will be directly responsible to their respective head nurses for the night service of the wards. In either event the niglit nurses on being relieved by the day nurses will make wi'itten reports of their work to their respective head nurses. 315. If the hospital is large enough to require it, one or more nurses may be assigned to duty as assistants to the chief nurse, but they shall receive no additional compensation therefor. CONSUT.TING BOARD. 316. The commanding officer will detail a board of tlu'ce medical officers to which will be referred all cases deemed by the ward sur- geon and the chief of his service proper cases for consultation. A.RMY AND NAVY GENERAL HOSPITAL, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. 317. This hospital, under tlie law establishing it (act June 30, 1882, 22 Stats., 121), is "subject to such rules, regulations, and restrictions as shall be provided by the President of the United vStates." The regulations made by the Presitlent, promulgated from time to time in general orders, are indicated in the following paragraphs under this heading. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 107 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 318. The organization of the hospital shall consist of one medical officer of the Army, who shall command it, and such other medical officers of the Army and Navy as may be necessary, to be detailed by the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy, respectively; one officer of the Quartermaster Corps or of the line of the Army as an acting assistant quarteniiaster, detailed by the Secretary of War; such noncommissioned officers and men of the Hospital Corps as may be authorized by the Secretary of War; and such civil em- ployees as may be necessary for the proper service of the hospital. (Executive order of Aug, 25, 1892, G. O. 60, 1892.) (a) The duties of the medical officers and of the detachment of the Hospital Corps shall be those prescribed by the regulations and general orders affecting the Army. (Ibid.) (6) The duties of the officer acting as a quartermaster shall be such as pertain to the Quartermaster Corps as prescribed by the regulations and orders of the Army, as well as such duties as may be ordered in connection with this particular service. (Ibid.) (c) The civil employees shall be appointed by the commanding officer, having in view their fitness for the service requu-ed. They shall be governed by such rules as may be promulgated for the service of the hospital, and they may be discharged by the appointing officer for unfitness or when their services become unnecessary. (Ibid.) DISEASES. 319. This hospital is devoted to the treatment of such diseases as the waters of Hot Springs have an established reputation in bene- fiting. (Executive order of Aug. 25, 1892, supra; also incorporated in Army Regulations.) (a) Relief may reasonably be expected at the Hot Springs in the following conditions: In the various forms of gout and rheumatism, after the acute or inflammatory stage; neuralgia, especially when depending upon gout, rheumatism, or metallic or malarial poisoning; paralysis not of central origin; the earlier stages of locomotor ataxia; chronic Bright's disease (the early stages only) ; functional diseases of the liver; chronic skin diseases, especially the squamous varieties; and chronic conditions due to malarial infection. (b) Admissions to this hospital of all such cases regardless of their severity is not, however, contemplated. Its facilities will not be extended to mild and transient cases which should yield to ordinary treatment, but are reserved for those of a serious and obstinate char- acter which, though resisting ordinary methods of relief, promise a rapid and permanent recovery from the use of the waters of the springs. 108 MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. ADMISSIONS AND DISPOSITIONS. 320. The authorized classes of patients are designated in Army Regulations, based on the Executive order of August 25, 1892, supra, and Executive onh^rs amendatory thereof dated May 4, 1893, and May 1, 1897, pubhshed respectively in General Orders No. 40, 1893, and 26, 1897. (a) Admission to the hospital for treatment from the classes authorized shall be subject to such rules as may be prescribed by the War, the Navy, or the Treasury Departments, respectively. (Execu- tive order, Aug. 25, 1892.) 321. The admission of officers and enlisted men of the Army on the active list and of officers of the Army on the retired list is governed by the provisions of Army Regulations. 322. Retired officers of the Army under treatment may leave the hospital at their discretion. They will not remain in the hospital longer than three months without special permission from the War Department. When such special permission is desired, the com- manding officer of the hospital wiU, not later than two weeks before the end of the three months, report to Tlie Adjutant General of the Army the patient's condition. 323. Enlisted men of the Army on the retired list will be admitted only upon permits issued by the Surgeon General, who wiU furnish applicants with the necessary blank forms of application. They may leave the hospital at their discretion. They may be dismissed from the hospital at the discretion of the commandmg officer. 324. Permits for the admission of officers and enlisted men of the Army on the retired lists will not be valid after 21 days from their date. 325. Officers and enlisted men of the Navy, are admitted under regulations prescribed. by the Secretary of the Navy. 326. Officers of the Coast Guard and of the Public Health Service are admitted on the request of the Secretary of the Ti'easury to the Secretary of War, and upon the recommendatit)n of the Surgeon Gen- eral of the Army. 327. Permits for the admission of honorably discharged soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy may be issued, when there are vacant beds, by tlie Surgeon General of the Army, from whom blank forms of application can be obtained. Tiiese must be properly filled in, giving all necessary information in relation to the applicant, and should be c ])rol)able period required for hospital treatment. These permits will not be valid after 21 days from their date. Patients admitted under this autliority may bo discharged HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 109 from the hospital by the commanding officer at any time he may deem proper. Expenses to and from the hospital must be defrayed by the appUcant. SUBSISTENCE. 328. The rations of enUsted men on the active hst on duty or under treatment, and of members of the Nurse Corps on duty, at this hospital, are commuted as prescribed in Army Regulations. 329. Enhstcd men on the retired list and honorably discharged soldiers and sailors pay for their subsistence at rates fixed in Army Regulations. 330. Such officers as may be under treatment when subsisted in the hospital shall be subject to a charge for subsistence not to exceed $1.50 a day, to be paid to the senior medical officer on the last day of each month or upon leaving the hospital. (Executive order, Aug. 25, 1892.) (a) ^lihtary or naval cadets shall in like manner pay a subsistence charge not to exceed $1 a day. Such cadets wliile patients may have the privilege of the officers' mess, at the discretion of the offi(?er m command. (Ibid., as amended by G. O. 5, 1894.) (b) Should an officer or cadet die in the hospital, or should he from any cause fail to pay any account for subsistence when due, this shall be immediately reported by the senior medical officer to the Surgeon General of the Army, who shall certify the fact to the Quartermaster General of the Army, to the Sm-geon General of the Navy, or to the Secretary of the Treasury, as the case may be, and the proper officers of the War, Navy, or Treasury Departments shall take such steps as will promptly secure to the hospital payment of the amounts due. (Executive order, Aug. 25, 1892.) 331. The senior medical officer shall account monthly to the Sur- geon General of the Army for all money received or expended on account of officers and enUsted men. (Ibid.) 332. Subsistence stores for use in the officers' and enhsted men's messes may be purchased by the officer in command of the hospital from such officers of the Quartermaster Corps as the Quartermaster General may designate. (Ibid.) DISCIPLINE OF PATIENTS.. 333. The act of March 3, 1909 (35 Stats., 748; G. O. 49 of 1909, p. 26), provides that: All persons admitted to treatment in the Army and Navy General Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark., shall, while patients in said hospital, be subject to the rules and articles for the government of the armies of the United States. 110 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. GENERAL HOSPITAL, FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. ADMISSIONS. 334. Under the provisions of Army Regulations the general hos- pital at Fort Bayard, N. Mex., has been set apart as a sanatorium for the treatment of officers and enlisted men of the Army who are suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Cases of tuberculous laryngitis are to be classed with pulmonary tuberculosis and should be sent to Fort Bayard even though, as rarely happens, there is no unmistakable evidence that the lungs are also involved. Cases of acute pleurisy with effusion will not be sent to Fort Bayard unless there is likewise tuberculous involvement of the lungs or unless the tuberculous nature of the pleural disease is determined by other facts than the mere existence of an effusion. Cases of surgical tuberculosis which are believed to require operative treatment should not be sent to Fort Bayard with a view to operation. In general, no cases of surgical tuberculosis should be sent to Fort Bayard miless the condition of the patient is such that benefit may be expected from hygienic treatment in which outdoor life plays a prominent part, or, in other words, unless the patient is not strictly confined to his bed by the nature of his disease. Cases of tuberculosis not involving the respiratory tract will not be sent to Fort Bayard without specific authority from the War Department, for which authority application will be made to The Adjutant General of the Army, the apphcation to be accompanied in every case by a fuU medical report. (a) The provision of Army Regulations as to the responsibility of the surgeon for the transfer of tuberculous cases to Fort Bayard should not be misunderstood by medical ofhcers. The mtent of this provision is to secure promptitude in making the diagnosis and in transferring early cases of pulmonary tuberculosis ; it is not the intent of the provision to direct the transfer of cases of pulmonary tubercu- losis irrespective of their physical condition. (b) Pulmonary tuberculosis is a chronic disease attended by acute exacerbations, in one of which its existence is usually detected. The exacerbations are, as a rule, attended by an extension of the tuberculous involvement. If the exacerbation is shght, or if the course of the disease is of a chronic nature, there may be no fever or but little fever, and the patient may be able to travel without injury. If, however, there is a well-marked fever with other signs of constitutional disturbance, it is of vital importance that the patient be required to rest until his temperature drops and the activity of the pulmonary disease lessens or disappears. When such evidence of improvement is apparent the patient may be subjected to the fatigue of a railroad journey without probability of serious harm. On the other hand, when the disease is too far advanced to HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. Ill permit such abatement of severity there arc two alternatives — the progress toward death msij be continuous and rapid or a chronic febrile movement may continue indefinitely. In the former case it is useless to send the patient to Fort Bayard ; in the latter opportu- nity to receive the treatment at that hospital should be given the patient, and he should be sent there if he is believed to have sufficient strength to endure the journey. In the case of a disease that presents such a variety of manifestations it is impossible to give general instruc- tions that will always be fully applicable to the individual patient. If there is doubt as to the course that should be pursued, report of the case should be made to the Surgeon General and instructions requested. (c) Since the administration of tuberculin by hypodermic injection may be attended by grave dangers to the patient, except in the hands of those specially skilled in diagnosis, tubercufin will be used in this rdanner in the diagnosis or treatment of tuberculosis only with due care and precaution. The use of tuberculm to obtain the ophthahno reaction, being not without danger to the eyes of patients, is for- bidden. (d) The cutaneous or Von Pirquet reaction gives positive results in cases of inactive tuberculosis. No patient will therefore be sent to Fort Bayard, nor will the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis be re- ported, unless physical signs are present which estabfish the diagnosis. 335. Patients wiU be admitted to this hospital in the following order: Officers and enhsted men of the Army on the active Hst; officers and enhsted men of the Army who may be retired or dis- charged while under treatment at this hospital; beneficiaries of the United States Soldiers' Home; ofiicers and enlisted men on the retired hst; officers and enlisted men of the Navy upon special authority from the Secretary of War, and such others as may have such authority or that of the Surgeon General of the Army. (a) The treatment of officers and men of the Navy and Marine Corps is specially directed by the act of March 2, 1907 (34 Stats., 1172). 336. The transfer of officers and enhsted men of the Army on the active hst for treatment at Fort Bayard is governed by the express provisions of Ai-my Regulations. 337. The Surgeon General of the Ai'my is authorized to provide for the care and treatment of discharged soldiers entitled to the benefits of the United States Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C, whose admission to the sanatorium may be approved by the board of commissioners of the home. 338. Officers and enhsted men on the retired hst of the Army desiring admission to this hospital may make direct application, accompanied by a medical certificate, to The Adjutant General of the Army for the necessary permission. 112 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. HOSPITAL CHARGES. 339. Officers under treatment when subsisted in the hospital will be subject to a charge for subsistence not to exceed $1.50 per day. 340. The expenses of maintenance of patients from the Soldiers' Home are paid by the board of commissioners of the home from the Soldiei-s' Home fund. 341. The charge for the subsistence of patients admitted by special authority of the Secretary of War or the Surgeon General, including Navy and Marme Corps patients, will be, if on the footing of officers, $1.50 per day, and if on the footing of enhsted men, $5 per week. (a) The subsistence charge in the case of retired officers, retired erdisted men, and civilian employees admitted under the authority of Army Regulations, will be $1.50 per day if on the footing of officers, and 50 cents per day if on the footing of enhsted men. 342. The commanding officer is authorized to charge civdians qn the footmg of officers a moderate sum, proportionate to their means, for attendance and nursing. This charge will not be more than $1 a day, and may be remitted in the discretion of the commanding officer. 343. All moneys received under paragraphs 339, 340, 341, and 342 will be taken up on the hospital fund account. DISCIPLINE OF PATIENTS. 344. The act of June 12, 1906 (34 Stats., 255), provides that: All persons admitted to treatment in the general hospital at Fort Bayard, X. Mex., shall, while patients in said hospital, be subject to the rules and articles for the gov- ernment of the armies of the United States. MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. (See Army Regulations.) FAMILIES OF OFFICERS AND MEN, DEFINITION. 345. For purposes of medical attendance under Army Regulations, the family of an ofhccr or enlisted man will be understood to include his wife, minor children, and other dependent members of his house- hold, mcluding servants. EMPLOYEES OF POST EXCHANGES. 346. Civilians employed in post exchanges are entitled to the same medical and hospital attendance and the same privilege of purchasing medicines allowed employees paid from public funds. PRIVATE PRACTICE OF MEDICAL OFFICERS. 347. If citizens residing in the neighborhood of a military post desire the professional attendance of an army medical officer, it is regarded as not inconsistent with the requirements of the regulations HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. 113 governing the Army for such officer to render his services, when tliis does not interfere with the proper performance of his official duties. But the estabhshment of an office outside of the Umits of a military post for the purpose of engaging in civil practice is prohibited. CIVILIAN PHYSICIANS PRACTICING ON MILITARY RESERVATIONS. 348. A civilian physician desiring to practice medicine on a mih- tary reservation must register his name with the post commander and must agree, in writing, to observe the rules and regulations rela- tive to the protection of the command against infectious or epidemic diseases that may be in force at that time or that may be promul- gated thereafter. (See Appendix: Civilian Physicians.) 349. Existmg orders require that whenever a civihan physician is sumuioned to take charge of a case of disease of an officer or an en- listed man at any garrisoned post or in the f amihes of officers, enhsted men, or civiUan employees thereat, the patient or responsible person will at the same time inform the commanding officer, who will notify the surgeon. (a) It will thereupon be the duty of the surgeon to ascertain, if possible from the attendmg physician or by personal examination of the patient if deemed necessary, the nature of the disease and, if it proves to be infectious and a source of danger to the garrison, he wiU retain supervision of the case and be responsible for all measures of isolation, prevention, and disinfection. If an officer or enhsted man be the patient, it wiU be the duty of the surgeon in any case to report the nature of the disease to the post commander in order that the latter may, if the interests of the service demand it, require the patient to be placed imder charge of the surgeon. OFFICERS SICK IN QUARTERS. 360. Officers sick in quarters wiU, if able to do so, report at least once each day to the surgeon at the hospital for examination and treatment. If unable to leave their quarters the surgeon will visit them there at least once each day. 93440°— 17 8 BII giff i (1,1 .•■ ■ .'ifii A 'lift viil,' y.- ARTICLE v.— DEPARTMENT LABORATORIES. - ! i ! I f i 351. Department laboratories are maintained for the purpose of making sucli examinations as can not well bo made at the smaller laboratories of post hospitals. Sm-geons may, unless otherwise instructed, send specimens for examination to the nearest depart- ment laboratory, makmg appropriate explanation direct to the officer in charge of the laboratory. '' SECRETIONS, EXCRETIONS, AND TISwSTJBS. 352. In forwardmg specimens to the department laboratories the , following directions should be observed: ). (a) Blood. — For agglutination tests blood should be sent in Wright's capsules, properly sealed and labeled. For identification of typhoid or paratyphoid organisms blood should be collected in vials of ox-bile medium. Dried smears of blood should be taken in the usual way. Blood for the complement fixation tests should be sent m well-filled Wright's capsules. All requests for complement fixation tests will be made on Form 55q or Form 55r and the first request in each case will be accompanied by a Wassermann card (Form 97), or a gonococcus fixation card (Form 99) as the case may be. (b) Feces and urine. — For identification tests for suspected organ- isms specimens of feces and urine should be forwarded in small, sterile vials. In cases of suspected typhoid or paratyphoid fever additional specimens should be sent in vials of ox-bil© medium. Feces for examination for ova should be mixed with an equal volume of 10 per cent solution of formahn and shipped in sealed vials. (c) Spinal fluid.— For bacteriological or serological exammations several cubic centimeters of fluid should be collected aseptically and sent in sterile, well-sealed glass containers. Cytological examina- tions must be mad© with fresh fluid at the place of collection. (d) Sputum, pus, or other exudate. — Specimens should be collected aseptically in sterile containers and sealed with wax or paraffin. (e) Stomach contents.— The gastric contents are preferably ob- tamed one hour after an Ewald test breakfast, freed from gross particles by straining or filtration, placed in clean bottles and shipped to the laboratory with the least practicable delay. 114 DEPARTMENT LABORATORIES. 115 (/") Solid tissues. — Tissues for histo-pathological examination should be fixed and forwarded in 10 per cent formalin or in 70 per cent alcohol, in sealed glass containers. A short clinical history- should accompany each specimen. For the identification of ncgri bodies small smears should be made by crusliing sections of gi'ay matter, Ammon's horn or cerebellum, between slides. These smears should be fixed while moist m absolute methyl alcohol and should be sent in 80 per cent ethyl alcohol. The smears should not be dried. Also if possible masses of these nervous tissues should be placed in bottles in pure glycerin, sealed and forwarded for animal inoculation. 363. Wlien material is sent for identification tests the causative organism suspected should be specified in each case. 354. Special media for cultivation of organisms may be obtained direct from the laboratories. 366. Special containers for the collection and transmission of material to the laboratories will upon request be furnished by the laboratory to which the material is to be sent for examination. (a) All bottles containing fluid material sent through the mails must be securely packed in cotton in double containers. WATER. 356. At the time of forwarding the water the officer to whom it is sent should be advised of the followuig particulars: (1) Tlie date, place, and mode of shipment; (2) the date and place of the collection of the water; (3) the character of the watershed, its topography, and the uses to which the country is put if inhabited; (4) the proximity of houses, barns, privies, or other possible sources of contamination to the place of collection or the source of supply; (5) the proximity of fertihzed land to such place or source, and whether the said land is higher or lower than the adjacent land; and (6) such other infor- mation as may suggest a possible deleterious influence on the purity of the water. If the water is from a well the letter should report the depth of the well, the strata found in digguig or boring it, and the depth of the water in the well. 357. The specimens should, when practicable, be collected by a medical officer. If the water to be examined is deUvered through pipes or is pumped from a well or cistern, the local supply pipe and all pump connections should be emptied by allowing the water to run for 15 minutes before taking the samples. 358. Bacteriological examinations. — Samples of water for bacterio- logical examination should be collected in bottles furnished for the purpose. Each bottle is sterilized before leaving the laboratory, and the glass stopper is protected by a piece of heavy sterilized muslin securely wired to the neck of the bottle. The stopper should not be removed until immediately before the bottle is filled. 116 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (a) In taking specimens from a faucet or pump (after emptying the supply pipes and connections conformably to par. 357) a small, gentle stream should be allowed to flow, the stopper taken out, the bottle grasped near the bottom, held in an upright position, and the stream permitted to flow into the bottle until it is filled to the shoulder. The stopper should then be replaced; both it and the cloth should be secured by carrying the wire several times aroimd the neck of the bottle and twisting the ends tight. The stopper must be handled only by the square cloth-covered top. The lip of the bottle must not be brought in contact with the faucet or spout, nor should the neck of the bottle or naked part of the stopper be permitted to come in contact with any object during the manipulation. The projecting flange is designed to protect the plug of the stopper, which it will do if the stopper, after withdrawal, is held by the top in a vertical position. The stopper should not be laid down and the cloth should not be handled by the fingers except in the act of securing the wire about it. When well water is to be examined the bottle should be filled directly from the bucket constantly in use for drawing the water, and from no other vessel. (b) On account of the labor involved and the possibility of error, bacteriological examinations of water collected in any other than the prescribed receptacles will not be made. (c) Each package should be plamly marked to show the source from which the sample is taken and the date of collection. (d) The case should be marked, "Water for bacteriological exami- nation," and it should be forwarded by mail at the earliest moment. (vSee par. 355a.) 359. Chemical examirMtions. — The quantity of water forwarded for chemical examination should be not less than 3 liters. The recep- tacles for transporting it should be chemically clean, and all vessels used in its collection should be as clean as it is possible to make them. (a) Glass-stoppered bottles of suitable size are best adapted for the preservation of a sample of water in its original condition. In pouring the water into bottles it should not come into contact with the hands of the operator or with anything not essential to the operation. Bottles should be filled to within an inch of the stoppers; the stoppers should be carefully rinsed and inserted and secm'ed with a canvas cover tied tightly around the neck of the bottle. Sealing wax or similar material should not be used to secure the stoppers.^ (b) If no proper receptacles are available at the post or camp suit- able bottles may be obtained upon application to the officer to whom the specimens are to be sent for analysis. Bottles so obtained should when filled be repacked in the box in wliich they came, reversing the cover, which should have the laboratory address thereon. The DBPARTMEITT LABOBATOSXBB. 117 package should be tagged or labeled to show the place and date of collection. (c) Water for chemical analysis should be shipped, immediately after its collection, by express. A Medical Department bill of lading will be made for each such shipment and the carrier's signatm'e taken thereto upon turning over the package for transportation. Until a special form shall have been provided therefor Form 153, Q. M. C, may be adapted to the purpose by altering the symbol "W. Q." in the upper right-hand comer to read "W. Medical," followed by the number of the bill. The consignor should in every case fill out the instructions for billing at the foot of the bill of lading, specifying therein that the freight charges are to be vouched to the Surgeon General, Washmgton, D. C, and should immediately mail the bill to the consignee, who will upon receipt of the articles accom- plish the bill and surrender it to the carrier. The consignor should at the time of shipment furnish the carrier with a shipping order (Form 156, Q. M. C), and mail a memorandum of the bill of lading (Form 154, Q. M. C), to the Surgeon General, with information as to the purpose of the shipment unless the same is clearly revealed by entries on the bill. 360. Upon completion of an examination of water (chemical or bacteriological) the officer making it wiU report the results thereof to the officer who asked for it, and will at the same time furnish a copy of such report direct to the Surgeon General, with a copy of the letter called for by paragraph 356. ARTICLE VI.— DUTIES OF MEDICAL OFFICERS. GENERAL. 361. Certain responsibilities and duties in addition to those incident to the practice of medicme devolve upon a medical officer by virtue of his commission as an officer of the Army. These responsibilities and duties may be grouped under two general heads: (1) Advisory; (2) administrative. The former includes the duties of the staff officer to his commander, the latter the duties of an organization or detachment commander to his superiors and to the detachment or organization which he commands. For example, the duties of sanitary inspectors are advisory; those of the commanding officers of general hospitals are admmistrative; while the duties of post surgeons are both advisory and admmistrative. 362. The duties of a medical officer acting in an advisory capacity are, in general, as follows: (1) To keep himself informed of existing conditions and, especially in the case of a moving command, of conditions that may be antici- pated, which have a bearing upon the health and physical efficiency of the command. (2) Tp communicate to his commander such of this information as has a bearing upon military administration and to recommend such measures as the surgeon deems advisable to meet the existing or anticipated conditions. The scope of the information required, and of the field which recommendations must cover, varies greatly. It includes the training of the command in matters of personal hygiene and military sanitation; the provision of facilities for maintaining good sanitary conditions; and, in so far as they have a bearing upon the physical condition of the troops, the equipment of individuals and organizations, the condition of buildings or other shelter occupied by troops, the character and preparation of food, the suitability of clothing, the disposal of waste, and the disposition of the sick and wounded including action on requests for leave or furlough on account of sickness. (3) To make prescribed reports and returns and to take such action on the reports and returns of his subordinates as may be required by existing regulations. 118 DUTIES OF MEDICAL OFFICERS. 119 (4) To perform such other duties as may be required of him by superior authority. . ^ i ir : j c i ; l'I j ^ (a) While medical officers acting as teclmical advisdi^ ' of ^ ^Heir commanders are responsible for pointing out unsanitary conditions and making proper recommendations for their correction, the direct' responsibility rests with the commander. If, however, the com-' mander authorizes the medical officer to give orders in his name for the correction of defects, then the duties and responsibilities of thJ3 latter are correspondingly mcreased. ^' 363. Medical officers acting in an administrative capacity are directly responsible for the condition and efficiency of their com-^ mands. Their duties are similar in character to those of adminis-' trative officers of the line of the Army. More specifically they are charged with the following: (a) The training, discipline, efficiency, and assignment to duty of the personnel which they command and the supervision of the inter--' nal economy of their organizations. (b) The maintenance of equipment in proper condition by requi- sition for supplies needed and by proper care of property on hand. (c) The keeping of the prescribed records and the making of the prescribed reports and returns. . i (d) The performance of such other duties as may be required of them by superior authority. DEPARTMENT SURGEONS. 364. A department surgeon is chiefly an advisory officer; but in certain matters pertaining exclusively to the activities of the sanitary service within his department he acts in an admmistrative capacity. • His general duties under these two heads are given in paragraphs 361, 362, and 363. 365. In time of peace the special duties of a department surgeon (a) To report on the efficiency of each medical officer serving in thp department. (b) To authorize enlistments in the Hospital Corps. ' ^j (c) To recommend transfers to the Hospital Corps from the line. (d) To supervise the examination of corporals, privates first class, and privates of the Hospital Corps for appointment as sergeant.. therein. (e) To promote members of the Hospital Corps to the grade of , private first class, lance corporal, and corporal therein. (/) To recommend the transfer of members of the Hospital Corps from post to post. {g) To supervise the instruction of the Hospital Corps. 120 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (A) To recommend appropriate action on estimates for the con- struction and repair of hospitals, of quarters for sergeants first class, Hospital Corps, and of other buildings of the Medical Department. (i) To examine requisitions for medical and hospital supplies and to take appropriate action thereon as indicated hereinafter in the article on supplies, ., ij) To give authority under Army Regulations for the presenta- tion of unserviceable medical property to an inspector for condem- nation. f]c) To recommend appropriate disposition of condemned medical property on inventory and inspection reports referred to him for remark. (I) To supervise the distribution of field medical supplies within his department in conformity with paragraphs 504 to 506. (m) To act on accounts for supplies purchased for, or services rendered to, the Medical Department. (n) To act on accounts of civilians for the medical care and treat- ment of persons entitled thereto at the expense of the United States. (o) To examine and audit the statements of \h.e hospital fund, to which end he should verify the vouchers therewith and ascertain the propriety of the expenditures vouched for. 366. In time of war or when war is imminent department surgeons are charged, in addition to the duties prescribed for time of peace, with the supervision of the sanitary service in connection with the mobilization of the Organized Militia, or volunteer forces, within departmental limits. (See par. 594.) 367. Wlienever he deems it necessary the department surgeon should request an order for the department sanitary inspector to inspect the posts in his department. 368 . So far as he has authority each department surgeon will take final action on all letters, papers, reports, and returns referred to or received by him; he should not forward them unless they require action by higher authority. (a) He should list the reports and returns periodically required from medical officers under his supervision, should check them off as they are received, and note their disposition as they are dis- posed of. (b) Reports and papers en route to higher authority which call for no special action at his hand, including personal reports of med- ical officers, reports of sick and wounded, and returns of the Hospital Corps, need not be formally indorsed; but they should receive his office stamp before transmittal. (c) An appropriate correspondence record should be made of the action taken by him on all papers r^' " : ■ *i$AV)^^\^i. CANDIDATES FOR COMMISSION. 384. The physical examination of candidates in civil life, and soldier candidates, for appointment to the grade of second lieutenant, is governed by regulations published from time to time in general orders. Appointments in the Medical Corps are subject to the physical examination indicated in paragraphs 5a and 9a . of this Manual; in the Medical Reserve Corps to the examination indicated in paragraphs 14, IQh, and 17; m the Dental Corps to the examination indicated in paragraph 28. (See Appendix: Physical Examinations — Candidates for commission in U. S. Army.) 385. For the purpose of securing a hst of persons specially cj[ualified to hold commissions in any volunteer force which may be called for and organized under the authority of Congress boards of officers are convened by the Secretary of War to examhie applicants from civil life and from the Ai'my. Tlie constitution of the boards and the physical requirements for appUcants are prescribed in general orders. (See Appendix: Physical Examinations — Candidates for commission in the Volunteers.) OFFICERS— EXAMINATIONS FOR PROMOTION, RETIRE- MENT, LEAVE OF ABSENCE, THE AVIATION SERVICE, '^' AND ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. • 386. The physical exammation of officers for promotion is a part of their general examination, and is governed by regulations pub- lished from time to time in general orders. (See Appendix: Officers — Examination of, for promotion.) 125 126 MANUAL FOE, THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 387. Regulations for the examination of officers for retirement appear in the Manual for Courts-Martial, Courts of Inquiry, and Retuing Boards. 388 . The physical examination of officers upon their application for sick leave of absence is governed by express provisions in Army Regulations. 389. Applicants for detail in the aviation service of the Anny are required to submit to a special physical examination, the require- ments of which are published from time to time in general orders. (See Appendix : PTiysical Examinations — Aviation service.) 390. The requirements of the annual physical examination pre- scribed for all commissioned officers are published from time to time in general orders. (See Appendix: Physical Examinations — Officers.) APPLICANTS FOR ENLISTMENT. 391. Tlie physical examination of applicants for enlistment is con- ducted in accordance with Rules for the Examination of Recruits and instructions supplementary thereto published in general orders from time to time. (See Appendix: Physical Examinations — Afflicants for enlistment. See also Ai'my Regulations.) ENLISTED MEN— RECRUITS, DESERTERS, FOR DIS- CHARGE, FOR AVIATION SERVICE. 392. The personal identification record of recruits (finger-print and photographic system) is made under orders issued from time to time by the War Department. (See Appendix: Identification Records.) 393. The physical examination of apprehended and surrendered desertei-s is governed by Army Regulations. The form of certificate required is given in the Manual for Courts-Martial. 394. The physical examination of enlisted men for discharge on account of disability is subject to the provisions of Army Regulations, and of instructions issued from time to time in general orders. (See Appendix: Discharge of Enlisted Men.) "., , 396. A special pliysical examination is prescribed in general orders for certain enlisted meii of the aviation section of the Signal Corps. (See Appendix : Physical Examinations — Aviation service.) OTHER EXAMINATIONS. 396. Other physical examinations are regulated as follows: For appointment as acting dental surgeon, paragraph 24a, this Manual; for appointment in the Nurse Corps, paragraph 63, this Manual; at the station where a member of the Nurse Corps first reports for duty, paragraph 74a, this Manual; for admission to the Government Hos- ])ital for the Insane, Army Regulations; for admission to the Army PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS. 127 and Navy General Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark., Army Regulations; for admission to the general hospital at Fort Bayard, N. Mex., para- graph 334 of this Manual, and Ai-my Regulations; for officei'S and enlisted men of the Organized Militia when called into the service of the United States, Army Regulations: Militia, Organized — Physical examinations. VISION, COLOR SENSE, AND HEARING. 397. The methods of determining and recording acuity of vision, color sense, and acuity of hearing prescribed in orders and instruc- tions relating to the examination of recruits will be followed as far as practicable in conducting all other tests of vision and hearing in the Army. (See Appendix: Physical Examinations — Vision, color sense, and hearing.) AllTICLE Vin.— REPORTS, RETURNS, RECORDS. AND LIST OF REPORTS AND RETURNS. 398. The following table includes the usual reports and returns required of officers of the Medical Department in time of peace (for reports made under field-service conditions only, see par, 558) : Name of report, etc. Form No. Num- ber of copies. To whom sent. Remarks. (a) Daily. ( 1 ) Surgeon's morning report of sick. (2) Morninj; report, detachment of Hospital Corps. (3) Dailj' sick report, detach- ment ofHospital Corps. (6) Trimonthly. (D Trimonthly report of enlist- ments. (c) Monthly. (1) Personal report of medical officer, dental surgeon, acting dental surgeon, or contract surgeon. (2) Return of the Hospital Corps. (3) Efficiency report of nurses. (4) Return of the Nurse Corps. (5) Pay rolls, enlisted men (G) Pay roll. Army Nurse Corps. (7) Ration r'iturn of matron and others rationed sepa- rately. (8) Voiicher for commutation of rations of enlisted men , Army Nurse Corps, etc., in hospital. (9) Statement of hospital fund. (10) Report of sick and wounded (11) Report of dental work (12) Sanitary report . 71,M.D 332,A. G. O 339,A. G.O 18 A.G.O 1 1 1 2 2orl 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 C. O Made after sick call CO Returned by the ad- jutant to the hospital Do. Kept at hospital.. 1 to The A. G.; 1 retained. 2 to S.G. through D.S. or 1 direct. 1 to S. G. through D.S. or direct; 1 retained. 1 to D. S. or to S.r,.;l retained. do At recruit depots and depot posts made by commanding officer. At other garrisoned posts and stations made by recruiting officer. See pars. 12, 13, 18, 19, 47a, M. I) 32, and 55. Monthly return for 62,M.D field use only. See par. 50. See par. 99. 63, M. D See par. 98. 3Gf>, W. D.; 3Gf>a, W. D. 334, W. D.; 334a, W. D. 223, Q. M. C 351, W. I) 3 to C. 1 returned to surgeon 2topayingQ. M.; 1 retained. 1 to C. O.; memo. kept at hospital. 2toC.O to be retained. 1 original and 1 memo- 49, M. D 1 to D. S. or to S.G.;1 retained. 1 toS. G. through I). S.,or direct; 1 retained. 1 to S.G. through medical chan- nels; 1 retained. 1 to The A. G. through military channels; 1 re- tained. 1 to The A. G.; 1 retained. randum. See pars. 2r>0, 261, and 51, M. D.;51o, M. b.; 516, M. D.; 52, M. r>. 57, M. D 262. See pars. 457 to 464. See par. 473. 50, M. D See pars. 414 to 417. (13) Report of medical exami- nation of applicants for enlistment. 2G5, A.G. O 128 BEPOBTS, BETUBNS, AND BECOEDS. 129 Name of report, etc. (c) Monthly— Contmued. (14) Report of progress of re- pairs to hospital. (15) Report of progress of re- pairs to quarters of ser- geants first class, Hos- pital Corps. (16) Voucher for hospital laun- dry not done by hospital matron. (17) Account current (18) Report of Issues of medicine to civilians. (19) Requisition for forage (20) Report of ordnance charges on muster and pay rolls. (21 ) Statement of charges , quar- termaster property. (22) Report of meteorological observations. (d) Bimonthly. (1) Muster roll, detachment of Hospital Corps. (2) Muster roll, soldiers in hos- pital. (3) Return of the Hospital Corps. (e) Quarterly. (1) Special requisition for med- ical supplies. (2) Requisition for tableware and kitchen utensils. (3) Certificate of breakage, china and glassware. (/) Semunnually. (1) Return of ordnance and ordnance stores. (2) Statement of charges for ord- nance property on muster and pay rolls. (3) Returnofhorseequipments (4) Requisition for blanks Form No. (g) Anntjallt. (1) Statement of preferences. . . (2) Efficiency reportofofficers.. (3) Requisitions for medical supplies. (4) Report of surgical operar tions. (5) Statement of repairs, etc., to hospital. (6) Statement of repairs, etc., to quarters of sergeants first class. Hospital Corps. Letter ....do 330 or 3.30(7, W.D. 3206 or 320, W.D. Letter 218,Q. M. C 94,O.D 208,Q. M.C Weather Bureau . 21, A. G. O.... ....do 47,M.D 35, M. D 16fi, Q. M. C... 207, Q. M.C... 18, O.D.; IScover. 86, O. D. 18a, O. D. 37M. D.. Num- ber of copies. 423,A. G. O 429, A. G. O 33,M.D.;35,M.D. 58, M. D Letter do 4 or 3 3 To whom sent. 1 1 4 or 3 1 1 1 8. G S. G.... 2toI). S. or to the S. G. 1 to S. G.; 1 re- tained. 1 to S.G.; in Phil- ippine Depart- ment to D. S. 2toC.O 1 to Q. M., who pays the detach- ment; 1 retained. 2 to Q. M.; 1 re- tained. Through director State section Weather Bureau to S. G. 2 to mustering officer. ....do 1 to S. G. through D. S. or direct; 1 retained. 4 to D. S. or from independent posts, 3 to S. G. 2 to C. O.; 1 re- tained. Q. M. 1 to C. of O. (ex- cept in Philip- pine Depart- ment, where to D. O. O.); 1 re- tained. do .do. Remarks. 1 to S. G. (except in Philppine Department, where to D. S.); 1 retained. To The A. G. di- rect. To The A. G. through mili- tary channels. 4 toD. S. or, from inde pendent posts, 3 to S. G. 1 lo D. S. or to S. G. Q.M .do. See par. 245. Do. 1 original and 1 memo- randum. See par. 277. Accompanied by the appropriate vouch- ers. See par. 244. From designated posts. See par. 527. 1 returned to hospital to be retained. Do. Bimonthly return in garrison. See par. 50. 1 returned to surgeon to be retained. See par. 482 et seq. Wnen Hospital Corps detachment is messed separately. When Quartermaster Corps china and glass- ware are used. Vouchers to accom- pany. To accompany return. Vouchers to accom- pany. See instructions on the form. See Army Regulations. 1 returned to surgeon to be retained. See par. 477 et seq. See pars. 418, 419, and 420. See Army Regulations. Do. 93440°— 17- 130 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAETMENT. Name of report, etc. (A) Occasionally. (1) Ration return, detachment of Hospital Corps. (2) Report of change of station or status, M. O., D. S., A. D. S.,C. S., H. C, or A. N. C. (3) Change of station, M. O., D. S.,orC. S. (4) Report of death of officer. . , (5) Report of death of ofTicer, enlisted man, or civilian. (6) Report of death of M. O., D. S., A. D. S.,C. S.,or Sergt. f. c H. C. (7) Certificate of death (8) Inventory of effects, de- ceased oincer, enlisted man, or civilian. (9) Efficiency reportof officers. (10) Efficiency report, Army Nurse Corps. (11) Efficiency report, Hospital Corps. (12) Record of assignment and pay, Army Niu'se Corps. (13) Enlistment paper of soldier enlisting or reenlisting. (14) Report of physical exami- nation ofrecruit. (15) Identification record, re- cruit. (16) Designation of beneficiary. (17) Descriptive and assign- ment card, recruit. (18) Account of clothing issued to recruit. (19) Descriptive list (20) Reservist's descr i p t i v e card. (21) Notification of transfer to Army reserve. (22) Allotment of pay (23) Discontinuance of allot- ment of pay. (24 J Report of soldier's deposit (2.5) Advice of soldiers' deposits. (26) Report of transfer, deser- tion, or death of soldier havmg deposits. (27) Final statement, enlisted man. (28) Notification of discharge, enlisted man. Form No. 223, Q. M. C I^etter do Telegram I,etter do Local form 34, A. G. O 429, A. G. O 62, M. D 80, M. D , 66, M. D 22, A. G. O 135, A. G. O 260, A. G. 0.;261 A. G. O. 380, A. G. O 25, A. G. O 140, A. G. O 29, A. G. O . 443, A. G. O.. 559, A. G. O.. 38, Q. M. C... 39, Q. M. C... Letter 8a, Q. M. C No form pre- scribed. 370, W.D 3, A. G. O ..vi> I . Num- ber of copies. 2 2or 1 Usual- ly 2 To whom sent. 1 to C. O.; memo, copy kept at hospital. 2 to S. G. through D. S. or 1 direct. To The A. G. di- rect. To The A. O CO 1 to D. S., 1 to S. G. To local health of- ficer. 2 to The A. G.; 1 retained. To officer's new C. O. or to sur- geon of his new station. 1 toC. O. of hospi- tal to which transferred; 1 retained. 1 forwarded with D/L; 1 retained. 1 to nurse's new C. 0.;1 retained. As prescribed on the form. The A. G. direct. The A. G.; in the Philippine De- gartment to the . G. thereof. The A. G. direct.. CO To accomyjany de- scriptive and as- signment card. Number and dis- position accord- ing to circum- stances as pre- scribed in regu- lations. 1 to reservist; 1 to office where rec- ords are kept. 1 to The A. G. di- rect; 1 retained. 1 to Q. G.; 1 re- tained. Q.O C O. with payroll Q.a : Q.G As prascribed on the form. Paying Q. M Remarks. Made at such mtervals as the C O. may direct. See pars. 12, 13, 18, 19, 32, 45, 55, and 100. See Army Regulations. O f officers on active list who have no imme- diate commanders, and of officers on the retired list. See par. 218. See par. 219. See Army Regulations-, Deceased soldiers. See Army Regulations. See par. 99. See par. 46 See par. 766. Notation made on sol- dier's D/L. See Appendix: Army— Reserve. Do. Notation of discontin- uance made on re- tained copy of allot- ment of pay. In urgent cases report by telegraph. See Army Regulat ions: Final payiruiU, en- listed men. REPORTS^ RETURNS, AND RPiCORDS. 131 Name of report, etc. (h) Occasionally— Continued. (29) Discharge certiflcate, en- li.sted man. (30) Certificate of disability (31) Furlough (32) Statement of service. . (33) Certificate of indebtedness of employee for haspital service. (34) Special requisition for med- ical supplies. (35) Requisition for clothing (in bidk). (36) Requisition for clothing (individual). (37) Statement of clothing (38) Requisition for ordnance. . . (39) Return of medical prop- erty. (40) Report of survey (41) Inventory and inspection report. (42) Special sanitary report Manuscript . Letter. 43) Report on oflicer or en- listed man who has been in general hospital three months. (44) Report of appearance of epidemic disease at or near a military post or station. (45) Report of appearance of epidemic disease in a mil- itary command en route to new station. (46) Notification to local board Letter or local ofhealth of appearance of form, infectious disease at a military post. I (47) Reports of births V. S. 109 Form No. 525, A. G. 0.;526, A. G. O.; 527, A. G. O. 17,A. G. O. 66, A. G. O. 15, A. G. O. 49a, M. I) . 35, M. D. 213, Q. M. C 165, Q. M. C 1656, Q. M.C. 386,0. D 17, M. D.; 17a, M.D.;176,M.D. 17c, M. D. 196, A. G. O 1,1. G.D Letter -do. V. S. 9S. Letter... (4S) Reports of deaths (49) Special reports of interest- ing cases. (.50) Report of change of combi- do. nation of lock of hospital safe. I (j) On Breaking up of Hospi- i TAL. (1) Current periodical reports and returns to be com- pleted. Num- ber of copies. 4 or 3 3 2 1 3 2 To whom sent. Soldier C. O do To accompany charges against enlisted man for trial by court- martial. As reqmred by Army Regula- tions". 4 to D. S. or 3 to the S. G. 3 to Q.M. direct. 2to Q. M. direct. Retained. 2 to C. C; 1 re- tained. 1 to S. G.; 1 re- tained. 3toC. O 2 to inspect ing offi- cer. To The A. G. through m i 1 i- tary channels. 2toS.G 1 to C. O.; 1 to D. S.;ltoS. G. 3 copies as in pre- ceding case; ad- ditional copy to surgeon of new station. Board ofhealth. . , To Director of Cen- sus. do S.G.through med- ical channels. 1 t S. G . (2) Retained records Number of copies and dLsposition as at the end of full stated peri- ods in each case. The A. G., with schedule. Remarks. To be given by field ofTioer of soldier's reg- iment or corps, or by the commanding offi- cer when no field offi- cer is present. 1 returned to surgeon to be retained. See par. 485. Separate slips for each man drawing cloth- ing. Filed with requisition to which it pertains. See par. 507. See Army Regulations. See par. 416. See par. 287. See par. 201. Do. See par. 203. See par. 401. Do. By the attending phy- sician. See pars. 421 and 422. See par. 247. 132 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. LIST OF RECORDS. 399. The following list includes all the principal records required to be kept in military hospitals in addition to retained copies of reports, returns, etc.: (1) Register of sick and wounded (Form 52). (2) CHnical records (Forms 55, a iou). (3) Prescription files (par. 240). (4) Register of dental patients (Form 79). (5) Correspondence records (pars. 402 to 406). (6) Record of instruction of the Hospital Corps (pars. 163 and 178). MODE OF KEEPING AND AUTHENTICATING REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 400. In the absence of a medical officer the officer designated to take charge of medical property will sign all property and admmis- trative papere, while the physician who renders professional service will sign papers of a professional character, such as reports of sick and wounded, surgical reports, morning sick reports, etc. (See pars. 435a and 4606.) REPORTS OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 401. Reports of births and deaths as they occur at military posts will be made to the Director of the Census, Washhigton, D. C, upon blank forms furnished by him for that purpose, on requisition made by the post commander. (a) Births and deaths occurring at military posts will also be reported to municipal and State health authorities, if desired by them. (See Army Regulations.) (6) For notations of births and deaths to be made on the report of sick and wounded, see paragraph 459. CORRESPONDENC^E RECORDS. 402. The record card system, as prescribed in War Department orders, will be used for recordmg and filing the correspondence at the offices of department surgeons, unless otherwise directed by higher authority, and at general hospitals, medical supply dep'^ts, and such other offices as may bo specially authorized to employ it. 403. The correspondence book system, as prescribed in War Department orders, will be used for recording and filing the corre- spondence of all post hospitals and other sanitary formations not mentioned in the precedmg paragraph, except those for which some other system is specially prescribed. REPORTS, RETTTRNS, A'N'D RECORDS. 188 404. The correspondence of an attending surgeon at the head- quarters of a department will be considered a part of the correspond- ence of the department surgeon's office. (a) The correspondence of other attending surgeons will be kept as at post hospitals, except as the same may be varied by the authority of the Surgeon General. 405. The required correspondence books are furnished by The Adjutant General. The materials necessary for the record card system are furnished by the Quartermaster Corps. (See pars. 962 and 963.) 406. For reference to general orders governing correspondence see Appendix: Records and Correspondence. For method of keeping cor- respondence records in the field see paragraph 564. ClilNICAIi RECORD. 407. A clinical record will be kept for every patient in hospital. Forms 55a and 55/ will be used in every case; the other lettered blanks of Form 55 will be used as the nature or importance of the case may warrant. 408. Upon the transfer of a patient from one ward of the hospital to another, the clinical record will be sent with him to the new ward. The fact of transfer will be noted on the record. 409. Upon the departure of a patient from the hospital all the sheets of the clmical record will be arranged in their proper order, fastened together at the top, all entries completed, and the record signed by the ward surgeon. The record so completed and signed will be sent to the office with the next morning report of the ward (par. 211). 410. A similar clinical record should be kept for all serious cases in quarters. Upon the discontinuance of treatment because of the completion of the case or the patient's departure from post or com- mand the record should be forwarded to the hospital office. 411. The bedside notes (Form 68) kept by the nurse are for tem- porary use. They should not be filed with the clinical record but may be destroyed at the discretion of the commanding officer of the hospital. MEDICAL HISTORY OF POST. 412. A medical history of every permanent post will be kept by the surgeon in a loose-sheet binder (par. 844). The duplicates of the sanitary reports (par. 414) and the duplicate report sheets of sick and wounded (par. 460a) will be filed therein in a single chronological sequence. Additional sheets measuring about 13 by 8 inches for noting the occurrence of epidemic diseases (par. 201) and other data 134 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMEXT. of general and sanitary interest will be inserted as occasion requires at their proper places in the chionological sequence. The prescribed record of the ofRcial indorsements on sanitary reports will invariably be made on the duplicates filed in the medical history. REPORTS PERTAINING TO PERSONNEL. 413. Reports and returns pertammg to the personnel of the Medical Department are considered under their respective headings in Ai-ticle I. SANITARY REPORTS. 414. The sanitary reports called for by Army Regulations consti- tute a record of the sanitary conditions of a post or conmiand month by month and should be complete either in themselves or by refer- ence. A duphcate of each report will be retained with the medical records of the post or command. At a permanent post the dupUcates will be filed in and form a part of its medical history. (See par. 412.) 415. Important changes in sanitary conditions occurring during the month will be fully described in the monthly report, Form 50. Wlien, however, there has been no important change and there are no readily preventable sanitary defects remainmg uncorrected, it will not be necessary to report in full imder each heading of the form. Under these circumstances a general statement under each heading should be made, referring by date to the previous reports wliich contam more extended mformation on the subject. (See pars. 201 and 202.) 416. While the monthly sanitary reports are commonly used as the form of communication for suggestions requiring administrative action, the medical officer may, if he deshes, make important recommendations the subject of a special sanitary report. The fact that such a special report has been rendered will be referred to on the next monthly sanitary report, with a brief note as to its contents. (See par. 182.) 417. When a regularly authorized sanitary inspector is present for duty with troops in the field the monthly sanitary report (Form 50) is not made by the surgeons of regimental and other similar organiza- tions. (See par. 747a.) SURGICAL REPORTS. 418. Not later than two weeks after the close of the calendar year the surgeon of every permanent post within the jurisdiction of a department commander will forward to the department surgeon a surgical report on Form 58 exhibiting the important surgical o})erations performed at that post during the preceding year. 419. Similar reports will be made from general hospitals, recruit depots, and other independent posts direct to the Surgeon General. REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 135 420. Department surgeons will consolidate the reports received by them (separate consolidations being made, first, for officers and sol- diers, second, for civilians, and tliird, for Filipino scouts) and forward -the consolidated reports direct to the Surgeon General with their amiual reports (par. 370). The original reports received from posts will be forwarded with the department surgeon's consohdated reports. speciaIj reports and articles for publication. 421 . Wlien a medical or surgical case presents unusual or interestmg features a special report of the same will be forwarded by the attend- ing surgeon, through medical channels, to the Surgeon General. Copies of the clinical record (pars. 407 to 411) should be forwarded therewith. ' • - . r 422. Special reports are mvited on other medical, surgical, and sanitary subjects which appear to merit their preparation. Wlien they involve only professional interests they should be forwarded, through medical channels, to the Surgeon General. 423. Medical officers will not publish professional papers requiring reference to official records or to experience gained in the discharge of their official duties without the previous authority of the Surgeon General. REPORT OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT PASSENGERS ON TRANSPORTS. 424. Medical superintendents of the Army transport service, on the day following the arrival or sailing of a transport, will forward direct to the Surgeon General a passenger list of the personnel of the Medical Department aboard the vessel. REPORTS AND RECORDS ON ABANDONMENT OF POSTS. 425. When a post is abandoned or a detachment is broken up, the medical officer will report the fact to the department surgeon, and after completing all current reports will forward them to the Surgeon General. ''See also Army Regulations: Records — Care and preserva- tion of.) DISPOSITION OF OLD RECORDS. 426. Registers of sick and womided will be permanently preserved. Other records and retained copies of reports and returns kept at mihtary hospitals will, in the absence of specific regulations and orders governing their disposition, be destroyed after five years from their date. (See Army Regulations: Records.) (a) Accumulations of obsolete and worthless documents at mde- pendent admmistrative offices of the Medical Department should be 186 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. reported every few years to the Surgeon General with a view to obtain- ing authority from the Secretary of War for their destruction. These reports should indicate the character of the documents in question, their date or period, and, if known, the date of the last call for them. REGISTER AND REPORT OF SICK AND WOUNDED. THE REGISTER. 427. A full record of the sick and wounded of every military post or station and separate command which is attended by a medical officer or private physician will be made on register cards, Form 52 ; but this requirement wiU not be appUcable in time of war to troops or commands in the theater of operations, except camp hospitals (or field hospitals acting as such), evacuation hospitals, base hospitals and other immobile sanitary formations on the line of communica- tions. (See pars. 575 to 582.) These cards collectivel}^ constitute the register of patients, and a case carded on them is said to be on the register. (a) The commanding officer will provide the surgeon with any information the latter may not have which is necessary for preparing and completing the register. 428. A register card will be made: (a) For every person admitted to the hospital for treatment. (h) For every officer and enlisted man with the command, includ- ing retired officers and soldiers under assignment to active duty, who, though not admitted to the hospital, is excused on accomit of sick- ness or injury from the performance of his military duty, or of some part of it, such as attendance on certain calls, drills, target practice, mounted duty, etc. (c) For every officer and enlisted man with the command who, though not excused from duty, is prescribed for or treated, or placed under observation witli a view to treatment or, in the case of an enlisted man, to discharge on account of disability, if his disabiUty is of such a character as to have a probable bearing on his subsequent medical history: Provided, That a case once carded for record only under this provision will not again be carded for record only on the same register except when necessary to comply with the provisions of sections (d), (e), (/), and (h) of this paragraph. For example, every case of venereal disease or insanity, or suspected venereal disease or insanity, which comes under observation or treatment, will, unless previously on the register or otherwise requin^d to be registered, be carded for record only under this provision. (c?) For every officer and enlisted man with the command, not cur- rently on the register, who is retired or discharged for disability, or dies. REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 137 (e) For every officer and enlisted man with the command, not currently on the register, who is sent to another station or command for obsers^ation or treatment. (/) For every officer mth the command, not currently on the register, who departs from the command on sick leave. (g) For every officer and enhsted man whose case is received by transfer conformably to the provisions of paragraphs 214 to 217. (h) For every retired officer, retired soldier, former officer, or former soldier with the command but not in the hospital who dies. 429. Except as required by paragraph 428 a case prescribed for but not admitted to hospital or excused from duty will not be registered. 430. Cases mider treatment by the dentist ^\^ll be entesred on the register of sick and wounded only when such entry is required by the provisions of paragraph 428. 431. When an officer or soldier sick in hospital is retired from active service, whoUy retired from service, dismissed, or discharged, his case as an officer or soldier will be closed (par, 450) and a new card made for it covering his contmuance in hospital under his new status. (a) If an applicant for enlistment sick in hospital is sworn in as a soldier, his case as a civiUan will be closed and a new card made for his case as a soldier. (h) Appropriate cross references from the old to the new cards, and vice versa, will be made in these cases. 432. The register cards will be made day by day as the cases are taken up. (See pars. 208a and 209.) They will be kept in two files, the current file and the permanent file. (a) The current file will consist of the register cards of uncompleted cases arranged in dictionary order according to the surnames of the patients. It constitutes a ready index to aU cases currently on the register. Cards wih be transferred from the current file to the per- manent file immediately upon their completion and the preparation of their report cards. (b) The permanent file wih comprise aU the register cards of com- pleted cases. The cards therein wiU be filed in the serial order of their register numbers. (c) A card index to the register will be kept on Form 52a, one index card for each individual patient whose name appears in the register. When a register card is started and its number determined the index wQl be searched for previous admissions of the patient. If an index card for the patient is found, the new number will be entered thereon, and the number of the last previous admission will be noted on the new register card (par. 443). If no index card for the patient is found, one wiU be at once prepared. The index cards wiU be filed alphabetically in dictionarj^ order according to the sur- names of the patients. 138 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMEXT. 433. Cases taken up on register cards should be borne thereon until tinally disposed of. (See par. 450.) 434. The cards will be legibly '\^Titten in mdelible black ink, using the typewriter when practicable. (a) Entries must not be crowded. When the space provided on the front of the card under any heading is not sufficient to complete an entry thereunder, the record thereof will be continued on the back of the card, or, if still more space is required, upon an extension slip. The extension shp must be of the same size as the card, and be pasted to the lower margin of the back of the card, ushig about one-half an inch for the seam; this will place the seam at the top of the card when the latter is filed. Wlien an entry is contmued its two parts should be comiected by cross references, using a small letter in parenthesis, thus, (a), so that the record can be readily followed. 435. The senior medical officer is responsible for the correctness and safe-keeping of the register. He will sign or mitial all register cards completed durmg the period of his responsibility; but at general hospitals or brigade posts, or when specially authorized by the Surgeon General, he may designate one or more junior medical officers to sign or initial them, preferably in each case the officer in attend- ance thereon. (a) Wlien, in the absence of a medical officer, the command is attended by a civihan physician, he will sign the cards for the cases completed under his care. 436. Alterations and additions when necessary to correct or com- plete the record may be made in the register cards of uncompleted cases at the discretion of the senior medical officer of tlie command for the time being. A change of diagnosis will be indicated hi the space " comphcation, seq., etc.," givuig the date of the change, and the origmal entry under "cause of admission" will not be distm'bed. A change of diagnosis in such cases requnos no authentication, as its date places the responsibility for it. Other changes sliould be authenticated by the initials of the officer who makes them. (See par. 213.) (a) Alterations and additions to the register cards of completed cases may be made in hke maimer by the medical officer who was responsible for the card at the tune it was completed if he is still the senior medical officer of the command. If he has been superseded the card will not be changed, but a successor who concludes, upon mformation received, that the card is erroneous m any particular may file a supplemental card therewith of the same size as the regis- ter card, indicating thereon such conclusion and the information or reasons upon which it is based. The supplemental card should bo headed "Su])plemontal card, No. ," inserting the register number of the register card, and should be dated and signed by the officer EEPOirrS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 139 filing it. A cross reference to the supplemental card identifying it by its date may appear upon the register card, but it will be a refer- ence only, thus, "See supplemental card dated ," and contain none of the matter recorded on the supplement. (See pars. 462, 463, and 464.) DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING REGISTER CARDS. (See pars. 208 to 213.) 437. Name. — Name should be correctly and legibly written. Initial letters or abbreviations may be used for middle names only. 438. Rank, company, and regiment or staff corps. — The usual abbre- viations may be employed. {a) Changes in the patient's rank, company, and regiment or corps while his case is current on the register wiJl be recorded in this space, givmg dates of changes. (6) If the patients are discharged soldiers, apphcants for enlist- ment, or members of the Organized Militia, those facts, respectively, will be set forth on their cards under this heading, giving in the case of former soldiers the organization to which the}^ last belonged, and in the case of militiamen their militia organization. Other civilians should be designated simply as civilians. 439. Age, years. — The age at birthday nearest to date admitted is required. 440. Race.—UsQ "W," ''C," ''F," 'T. R," ^' I," meaning "white," "colored," "Filipino," "Porto Eican," or "Indian." 441. Nativity. — Place of birth; give State, if a native; country, if foreign. Usual abbreviations. 442. Service, years. — Give length of service to date of admission, in years and fractions thereof, whether contmuous or not. 443. Register No. — Every card will have a number for convenience of reference. These numhers will be consecutive and will be carried forward indefinitely. In order that the medical history of a patient may be more readily traced, his last previous register number, if he has previously had a register card at the post, should be entered imme- diately before his current number. (a) So long as a field command, attended by a medical officer or private physician, is unattached to a permanent station, or its hos- pital or infirmary is not discontinued by consolidation with that of another command, its register cards should be numbered continu- ously without regard to the various changes of its location. 444. Date of admission.— \Jnder date of admission give the day, month, and year the case is taken up. Figures should not be used to designate the month. 445. Source of admission. — Indicate in this space the source from which the patient was directly received. Officers and enlisted men of 140 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. the command are generally admitted "From command;" but may be "From desertion," etc. In the case of a casual, the name of his proper station should be given, in addition to the place from which he was directly received, thus, e. g.: "Casual from command, proper station, Fort A;" or "Casual from S. S. Southland, from Norfolk, Va., proper station, Fort B." In the case of an original admission from a passuig or other command which is unaccompanied by a medical officer the fact should be recorded, thus, e. g.: "Detachment, Twelfth Infantry, en route A to B, unaccompanied by a medical officer." (o) In the case of a patient received by transfer from another hos- pital or command (pars, 214 to 217) the name of such hospital or command wiU be given, with the date of the original entry of the case and its register number on the register thereof, if known. (6) The following additional notations will be made in parentheses in this space: 1. In cases taken up under section (c), paragraph 428 — (Carded for record only: under treatment [or observation] but not excused from duty). 2. In cases taken up under section {d) — (Carded for record only; not currently on the register). 3. In cases taken up under section {e) — (Carded for transfer only; on full duty while with command) . 4. In cases taken up under section (/) — (Carded for record of sick leave only; on fuU duty while with command). 446. Cause of admission. — Give the name of the disease and its location if it is localized; or in case of injury, its cause, location, character, and severity, with the attending circumstances, date of occurrence, and nature of missile, weapon, or other producing agent. Wlien the patient has two or more diseases or injuries at the time of admission, each of them will be recorded under this head. Should the original disability, or, if there is more than one, should any of them, be cured before the final disposition of the patient, the fact and date of such cure will also be stated in this space. In the case of a patient received })y transfer the diagnosis made at the receiving liospital will be recorded. If this diagnosis differs from that on the transfer card, tlie add itional entry will be made. ' ' Diagnosis on trans- fer card not concurred in. ' ' (See pars. 455 and 456.) (a) In entering causes of admission distinction should be made between the primary or remote cause and tlie exciting or proximate cause, the latter being regarded as the cause of admission within the meaning of this paragraph. For example, cydoplegia jn'oduced for the purpose of measuring a refractive error should be recorded as tlie cause of admission, rather than the refractive error itself, wliich should be mentioned in brackets. So also, in a case admitted for operation to cure or correct a congenital or other defect, as, for exam- REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 141 pie, hammertoe or phimosis, no pathological eonditiou being present which would of itself require admission, the purpose to operate is the cause of admission and should be so recorded by the words, "For operation," indicating the defect in brackets. It is necessary to observe this distinction with care, to assure proper determination of the question whether the actual cause of admission shall be recorded as in the line of duty or not. (See par. 448.) 447. The place of treatment, quarters or hospital, and the dates of changes from the one to the other, will be indicated in the cause of admission space. 448. In line oj duty. — Herein will be recorded, in the case of every officer or enlisted man on the active list, and of every officer and enlisted man on the retired list who is for the time being serving imder an assignment to active duty, the opinion of the medical offi- cer, based on a full consideration of all the facts, as to whether the cause of admission was incurred in the line of duty, it being under- stood that the entry relates to the immediate cause of admission as defined in paragraph 446«, and not to the remote cause. If the patient has two or more diseases or injuries at the time of admission, an opinion as to line of duty will be separately recorded for each. In forming and recording his opinion on this point the medical officer will be guided by the following instructions: {a) All diseases or injuries from which an officer or enlisted man suffers while in the military service of the United States may be assumed to have occurred in the line of duty, unless the surgeon knows: First, that the disease or injury existed before entering the service; second, that it was contracted while absent from duty with- out permission; or, third, that it occurred in consequence of willful neglect or immoral conduct of the man himself. When the patient is admitted for an operation or procedure which is designed to improve his physical fitness or efficiency for the military service, such operation or procedure will be recorded as in the line of duty, without reference to the fact whether the condition to be remedied originated in the line of duty or not, provided that the primary cause is not the result of the patient's own misconduct. (6) When a soldier is disabled while absent with leave, the ques- tion of line of duty must be determined by the circumstances attend- ing the incurrence of the disability, but the fact of being so absent should be stated. (c) When a medical officer expresses the opinion that an injury occurring during athletic sports, properly indulged in, was received in the line of duty, the opinion is accepted by the Surgeon General as satisfactory and final. {d) In all cases in which the opinion is expressed by "no," and in cases of venereal diseases by "yes," the circumstances attending the 142 MAXUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPABTMENT. incidence of the disability, and on wliicli the opinion is based, slionld })e stated under the diagnosis. 449. Complications, seq., etc. — Herein will be recorded complica- tions and intercurrent diseases appearmg subsequent to admission, surgical operations, and changes of diagnosis. The date will be given in each instance. (a) When the intercurrent disability subsequently appearing is in no way dependent on the primary affection, the medical officer will record in this space his opinion as to whether it originated in the liso of duty, with such explanatory remarks as may be necessary. Should it be cured before the final disposition of the patient the fact and date of cure will also be recorded here. (b) Upon recording a change of diagnosis the medical officer will also record in this space his opinion whether the disability as diag- nosed by him originated in the line of duty, with appropriate explana- tory remarks when necessary. (c) In recording a surgical operation its character will be briefly described, using as far as practicable the commonly accepted name for it. The word "operation" alone is not sufficient. 450. Disposition.— ilerem record the completion of ihe case by entry specifying the method of its completion. Return to duty is always a completion of the case, including cases registered under the provisions of paragraph 428c. Transfer to another hospital (par. 214) completes the case on the medical records of the transferring hospital or command. Cases of officers and soldiers are completed by capture or any change in their military status which separates them from the active list of the Army, such as death, desertion, retirement, resignation, dismissal, or discharge from the service. (See par. 431.) Cases of officers and enlisted men on the retired lists and of civilians registered upon their admission to hospital con- formably to the provisions of paragraph 428a are completed, so far as the register is concerned, by their departure from hospital, r (a) When a patient departs from the command or hospital on ordinary or sick leave or furlough his card will be completed by apprgs- priate record of such departure, with a statement as to whether the cure was complete or not. Should he resume the status of sick upon his return from leave or furlough his case will be registered anew. I (&) Register cards made for record only under paragraph 428c, the patient not" liaving been excused from duty, should be completed at once, regardless of the continuance of treatment or observation, by entering ' ' Doing full duty ' ' under this head and repeating the date in the date of disposition space. Should the provisions of sections (a), {})), (d), (e), if), or (h), paragraph 428, become applicable during continued treatment or observation, or subsequently, the case will again be registered in conformity therewith. REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 143 (c) Cases of death, and of retirement or discharge for disalMhty, carded under the provisions of paragrapli 428^, will be completed at once by entry in this space specifying the nature of the casualty. (d) In case of death, the fact of death, the general, determining, and all contributing causes of the death, and the result of the autopsy, if one was held, will be recorded in this space ; also a statement whether the cause of death originated in the service and in the line of duty, with an explanation of tlie circumstances upon which the opinion if negative is based. Should the cause of death in any case be un- known, a brief note of such circumstances as may throw light upon the subject will be entered. In case of suicide the cause or causes which led to the act will be stated. (e) In case of retirement or discharge on account of wounds or disease, the fact of retirement or discharge on such account, and the cause and the degree of the disability will be recorded under this head. If the cause was some other disability than that for which the patient was admitted, statement should be made whether it originated in the line of duty. Wlien the opinion expressed is "no," the circum- stances attending the incidence of the disability and on which the negative opinion is based should be recorded. (/) The cases of patients who are retired from active service, or wholly retired or discharged from the service, by order, sentence, operation of law, or expiration of term, should be completed by entry specifying such fact; and a statement should be made of the degree of disability due to the complaint for which the individual was under treatment at the time of his separation from the service, unless it was unquestionably not received in the line of duty. (g) The cases of officer patients who depart from the hospital or command in obedience to orders to proceed to their homes and await retirement will be completed upon such departure by recording the fact thereof and its date. (h) When the disease or injury causing death or discharge has been aggravated by the willful and persistent refusal of the patient to sub- mit to such reasonable restrictions, methods of treatment, or surgical operations as would, in the opinion of the medical officer, have con- duced to the cure or to the lessening of the disability, the fact should be noted. (i) When a patient is returned to duty the entry "duty" will suffice, the cure being assumed to be complete unless a statement to the contrary is entered. (7) In case of transfer to another hospital or command, the specific destination of the patient should be stated. (k) Desertion is final disposition of the case and the card should be completed accordingly. Should the deserter come again under military control and resume the status of s^ck, a new card will be made for him as for a new case, conformably to the general rule. 144 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 461. Bate oj disposition. — Give day, month, and year of disposition. Figures should not be used to designate months. In all cases of dis- charge on certificate of disability the date of discharge as given in the letter of notification from the adjutant will be recorded. 452. Name of hospital, etc. — Enter in this space on every register card the designation of the hospital, establishment, or organization to which the register pertains, and its location or locations during the period covered by the card. Spaces 19 and 20 ("Sent with report of S. & W. for the month of " and "from") need not be filled out on the register card. 453. Classification. — Spaces 22, 23, 24, and 25 at the bottom of the face of the card are for the use of the Surgeon General's Office only, and will not be filled out on the register or report cards. 454. Space 26, "Days of treatment in current case" on back of card will be filled out month by month on the register card, extending the table as may be necessary for cases remaining from one year to another. The day of admission will be counted as a day of treatment in every case. The day of return to duty will iidt be counted as a day of treatment. The day of disposition for all other cases under treatment will be counted as a day of treatment, except for patients transferred to a station or hospital in the near vicinity who should arrive at such station or hospital on the same day. NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES AND RULES FOR RECORDING DISA- BILITIES. 456. Diseases and mjuries will be recorded on the register m accord- ance with the following nomenclature of diseases. When diseases or injuries occur for which no terms are furnished in the table of nomenclature or for which the terms furnished are general in char- acter, they will be recorded under such scientific terms commonly applied to them by the profession as will briefl}^ and accurately describe them. (a) The numbers and terms used as the headmgs in this table, although in some cases not classified m accordance with the latest medical knowledge, are those mcluded m the international table of nomenclature which is adopted for uniformity of tabulation. The subheads are grouped under these headings largely in accordance with the order followed b}^ the Census Office and by the Bellevue Hospital nomenclature. I. — Gkneral Diseases. 1. Typhoid fever. la. Typhoid fever. lb. Typhoid bacilhis carrier. Ic. Typhoid vaccination. IJ. Paratyphoid fever. EKPOKTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDB. l^^S 2. Tj-phus fever. 3. Relapsing fever. 4. Malaria. 4a. Aestivo-aiitumnal. 4b. Malarial cachexia. 4c. Quartan '' 4d. Tertian. 4e. Undetermined. 5. Smallpox. 5a. Variola. , ' _ . „ 5b. Vaccinia. .kJ.M IfinuuobdA ... ,- . , . 1 a,r.r ,...',U ^- i tl ,' I T. 5c. Varioloid. 6. Measles. lo siaoli/'n 7. Scarlet fever. 8. Whooping cough. 9. Diphtheria. .iif^toeJ*i 10. Influenza. 12. Asiatic cholera. 13. Cholera nostras. 14. Dysentery. 14a. Bacillary. 14b. Entamoebic. 14c. Unclassified. (State kind if detemiined.', 15. Plague. 16. Yellow fever. '■' 17. Leprosy. 18. Erysipelas. 19. Other epidemic diseases. 19a. Cliickenpox. 19b. Dengue. 19c. Filariasis. (State species and lesion.) 19d. Gennan measles. 19e. Hemoglobinuric fever. 19f. Malta fever. 19g. Mumps. 19h. Yaws. 19i. Epidemic diseases not specified. 20. Purulent infection and septicemia. 20a. Aerogenes capsulatus infection. 20b. Septicemia. 20c. Pyemia. 21. Glanders. 22. Anthrax. ' 23. Rabies. 24. Tetanus. 25. Mycoses. 9^o Act.inoTnvroRiq. '''■ •**''■ -r rfrK 25b. Aspergillosis. 25c. Blastomvcosis. 25d. Pityriasis versicolor. 25e. Other mycotic diseases. 26. Pellagra. 27. Beriberi. 93440°— 17— ^10 146 MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 28. Tuberculosis of the lungs. 28a. Tuberculosis of larynx. 28b. Tuberculosis of pleura. 28c. Tuberculosis, pulmonary, rhronic. 29. Miliary tuberculosis, acute. 29a. Tuberculosis, broncho pneumonic, acute. 29b. Tuberculosis, general, acute. 29c. Tuberculosis, pneumonic, acute. 29d. Tuberculosis, pulmonary miliary, acute. 30. Tuberculous meningitis. 31. Abdominal tuberculosis. 32. Pott's disease. Tuberculosis of vertebra, 33. WTiite swelling. Tuberculosis of joints. (State location.) 34. Tuberculosis of other organs. (State organ involved.) 36. Rickets. Scoliosis. 37. Syphilis. 37a. Hereditary, 37b. Primary. 37c. Secondary. 37d. Tertiary. 37e. Period not determined. 37f, Syphilis acquired nonvenereally. 38A. Soft chancre. 38Aa. Chancroid. 38Ab. Chancroidal bubo. 38Ac. Chancroidal phimosis. 38B. Gonococcus infection. 38Ba. Gonorrheal arthritis. 38Bb. Gonorrheal bubo. 38Bc. Gonorrheal diseases of eye. 38Bd. Gonorrheal epididymitis. 38Be. Gonorrheal urethritis. 38Bf. Urethral stricture. 38Bg. Other effects of gonorrheal infection. 39. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the buccal cavity. 40. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the stomach and liver. 41. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the peritoneum, intestines, and reef um. 44. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the skin. 45. Cancer and other malignant tumors of other organs and of organs not specified. (Under 39-45, specify whether carcinoma, epithelioma, or sarcoma.) 46. Other tumors (tumors of the female genital organs excepted). Benign tumors. (State structure involved and character of tiunor.) 47. Acute articular rheumatism. 47a. Rheumatic fever, acute. 47b. Rheumatic fever, subacute. 48. Chronic rheumatism and gout. 48a. Articular rheumatism, chronic. 48b. Gout. 48c. Arthritis deformans. 50. Diabetes. 50a. Diabetes mellitus. 50b. Glycosuria. RErORTS, RETURNS, AMD RECORDb. 147 51. Exophthalmic goiter. 52. Addison's disease. 63. Leukemia. 53a. Hodgkin'a disease. 53b. Leukemia. 54. Anemia, chlorosis. 5-ia. Pernicious anemia. 54b. Simple anemia (cause indefinite). 54c. Splenic anemia, chronic. 55. Other general diseases. 55a. Diabetes insipidus. 55b. Hemophilia. 55c. Obesity. 55d. Purpura. 55e. Other general diseases not specified. 66. Alcoholism (acute or chronic). 56a. Alcoholism, acute. 56b. Alcoholism, chronic. 56c. Delirium tremens. 56d. Psychosis polyneuritica (Korsakoff 's syndrome). 57. Chronic lead poisoning. 58. Other chronic occupation poisonings. (State kind.) 59. Other chronic poisonings. 59a. Drug habit. (Specify drug.) 59b. Other chronic poisoning. II. — Diseases of the Nervous System and of the Organs of Special Sense. 60. Encephalitis. 60a. Abscess of brain. 60b. Encephalitis, acute. 61. Simple meningitis. 61 A. Including cerebrospinal fever. Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. 62. Locomotoi' ataxia. 63. Other diseases of the spinal cord. 63a. Anterior poliomyelitis, acute. 63b. Multiple spinal sclerosis. . 63c. Myelitis. (State kind.) 63d. Progressive muscular atrophy. 63e. Spastic paralysis of adults. 63f. Other spinal-cord diseases not spe< " ed. 64. Cerebral hemorrhage; apoplexy. 66. Paralysis without specified cause. 66a. Hemiplegia, old. 66b. Paralysis of . (State nerve.) (Do not use ae a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 66e. Paraplegia ataxic. 67. General paralysis of the insane. 68. Other forms of mental alienation. 68a. Defective mental development. 68b. Constitutional psychopathic state. 68c. Dementia arterio sclerotic. 68d. Dementia precox. 68e. Dementia (cause unknown). 148 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 68. Other forms of mental alienation — Continued. 68f. Hypochondriasis. 68g. Melancholia involutional. 68h. Nostalgia. 68i. Paranoia. 68j. Paranoid states. 08k. Psychasthenia. 681. Psychosis exhaustive, infective, and toxic. 68m. Psychosis intoxication. 68n. Psychosis, manic depress^ive. 68o. Psychosis, traumatic. 68p. Variety of insanity not ascertained. 69. Epilepsy. 69a. Epilepsy. 69b. Psychosis epileptic. 72. Chorea. 73. Neuralgia and neuritis. 73a. Neuralgia. (State nerve.) 73b. Neuritis. (State nerve.) 73c. Multiple neuritis. 73d. Hysteria. 73e. Psychosis, hysterical. 74. Other diseases of the nervous system. 74a. Angioneurotic edema. 74b. Epilepsy, Jacksonian. ■ 74c. Hiccough. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 74d. Migraine. 74e. Neurasthenia. 74f. Psychosis due to organic brain disease. 74g. Diseases of nervous system not specified. 75. Diseases of the eyes and their annexa. 75A. Follicular conjunctivitis. 75Aa. Conjunctivitis, acute. 75Ab. Conjunctivitis, chronic. 75Ac. Conjunctivitis, follicular. 75Ad. Conjunctivitis, phlyctenular. 75B. Trachoma. 75C. Other diseases of the eyes and their annexa. 75Ca. Amaurosis. 75Cb. Amblyopia. 75Cc. Asthenopia. 75Cd. Astigmatism. 75Ce. Bley)haritis. 75Cf. Cataract. 75Cg. Chalazion. 75Ch. Choroiditis. 75Ci. Dacryocystitis. . 75Ck. Glaucoma. 75C1. Hordeolum. 75Cm. Hypermetro]r>ia. 75Cn. Iritis. 75Co. Keratitis. 75Cp. Myopia. "REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 149 75C. Other diseases of the eyes and their aunexa— Oontiuued. 750q. Optic neuritis. 75Cr. Panophthalmitis. 75Cs. Presbyopia. 75Ct. Pterygium. 75Cu. Retinitis. 75Cv. Sclerotitis. 75Cw. Snow blindness. 75Cx. Diseases of the eye and annexa, not spe(nfied. 76. Diseases of the ears. 76a. Cerumen, accumulation of. 76b. Otitis externa. 76c. Otitis interna. 76d. Otitis media. 76e. Other diseases of the ear. III.— Diseases of the Circulatory System. 77. Pericarditis. 78. Aciite endocarditis. 78a. Endocarditis, acute. 78b. Myocarditis, acute. 79. Organic diseases of the heart. 79a. Cardiac dilatation. 79b. Cardiac hypertrophy. 79c. Endocarditis, chronic. 79d. Myocarditis, chronic. 79e. Valvular heart disease. 79f . Other diseases of the heart. 80. Angina pectoris. 81. Diseases of the arteries, atheroma, aneurysm, etc. 81a. Aneurysm. 81b. Arterial sclerosis. 82. Embolism and thrombosis. 82a. Embolism. 82b. Thrombosis. 83. Diseases of the veins (varices, hemorrhoids, phlebitis, etc.). 83a. Phlebitis. 83b. HemoiThoids. ,i -.,!'. 1. 83c. Varicose iilcer. 83d. Varicose veins. 83e. Varicocele. 84. Diseases of the lymphatic system (lymphangitis, etc.). 84a. Lymphadenitis (nonvenereai;). 84b. Ivymphangitis (non venereal"). 84c. Other diseases of the lymphatic system. 85. Tlemon-hage; other diseases of the circulatory system. 85a. Bradycardia. 85b. Cardiac palpitation. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 85c. Epistaxis. 85d. Tachycardia. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 85e. Other diseases of the circulatory system, not specified. 150 MANUAL FOR THK MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. IV. — Diseases of the Respiratury System. 86. Diseases of the nasal fossae. 86a. Rhinitis, acute. 86b. Rhinitis, atrophic. 86c. Rhinitis, hypertrophic. 86d. Adenoids. 86e. Deviation of nasal septum. 86f. Polypus, nasal. 86g. Other diseasies of nasal fossae. 87. Diseases of the larynx. 87a. Laryngitis, acute. 87b. Laryngitis, chronic. 87c. Other diseases of the larynx. 88. Diseases of the thyroid body. 88a. Goitre (except exophthalmic). 88b. Thyroiditis. 89. Acute bronchitis. 90. Chronic bronchitis. 91. Broncho-pneumonia. 92. Pneumonia (lobar). 93. Pleurisy. 93a. Empyema. 93b. Hemothorax. 93c. Pleurisy, acute fibrinous. 93d. Pleurisy, chronic fibrinous. 93e. Pleurisy, serofibrinous. 93f. Pleuritic adhesions. 93g. Pneumothorax. 94. Pulmonary congestion, pulmonary apoplexy. 94a. Congestion of lung, acute. 95. Gangrene of the lung. 96. Asthma. 97. Pulmonary emphysema. 98. Other diseases of the respiratory system. 98a. Hemoptysis. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 98b. Hay fever. 98c. Other diseases of the respiratory system, not specified. V. — Diseases op the Digestive System. 99 A. Diseases of the teeth and gums. 99Aa. Alveolar abscess. 99Ab. Dental caries. 99 Ac. Gingivitis. 99Ad. Pyorrhea alveolaris. 99B. Other diseases ot the mouth and annexa. 99Ba. Ulcer of mouth. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 99Bb. Glossitis. 99Bc. Stomatitis. 99Bd. Other diseases of the mouth and annexa, not specilied. REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 151 I 100. Diseases of the pharynx. 100a. Abscess of tonsil. 100b. Hyper trophied tonsils. 100c. Tonsillitis, acute, follicular. lOOd. Pharyngitis. lOOe. Other diseases of the pharynx. 101 . Diseases of the esophagus. 102. Ulcer of the stomach. 103. Other diseases of the stomach (cancer excepted). 103a. Dilatation of stomach. 103b. Gastritis, acute, catarrhal. 103c. Gastritis, chronic, catarrhal. 103d. Hyperchlorhydria. 103e. Hypochlorhydria. 103f. Other diseases of the stomach, not specified. 105. Diarrhea and enteritis (2 years and over). 105a. Colitis. 105b. Diarrhea. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 105c. Enteritis. 105d. Enterocolitis. 105e. Fermentation, intestinaU 105f. Gastroenteritis. 105g. Ulcer of duodenum. 105h. Ulcer of intestines. 106. Ancylostomiasis. 107. Intestinal parasites. 107a. Ascaris lumbricoides. 107b. Oxyuris, vennicularis. 107c. Strongyloidis intestinalis. 107d. Tapeworm. (State kind.) 107e. Other intestinal parasites. 108. Appendicitis and typhlitis. 108a. Appendicitis, acute. 108b. Appendicitis, chronic. 109. Herniae; intestinal obstructions. 109a. Inguinal hernia. 109b. Intestinal obstruction. 109c. Other herniae. 110 A. Diseases of the anus. llOAa. Proctitis. llOAb. Fissiu'e of anus. llOAc. Fistula in ano. HOB. Other diseases of the intestines. llOBa. Abscess about rectum. llOBb. Autointoxication, intestinal. llOBc. Constipation. llOBd. Sprue. llOBe. Other diseases of the intestines not specified. 111. Acute yellow atrophy of the Uver. 112. Hydatid tumor of the Uver. 113. Cixrhosia of the liver. 114. Biliary calculi. ^1^2 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAfi^'lvtENT. 115. Other diseases of the liver. 115a. Abscess of the liver. 115b. Adhesions about gall bladder. 115c. Cholangitis. ;.!■.;;. 115d. Cholecystitis. 115e. Displacement of liver' '^'""•'''T "'^ ^ 115f. Functional derangement of liver (bilioupne.=!s). 115g. Other diseases of the liver and gall l)lail(ler. 116. Diseases of the spleen. 117. Simple peritonitis (nonpuerperal). 117a. Peritonitis, general. (Do not iise'as'U'priniary diagnosis anUpu cause can be determined.)''-'' ""'- 117b. Peritonitis, local. 118. Other diseases of the digestive system (cancer and tuberculosis excepted). 118a. Disease of the pancreas. ■ 118b. Subphrenic absce.ss. 'bujiHiir. I'i buj; itaxfiifiKl .^.ill 118c. Other diseases of the digestive system not spec^ifi^dl ' '" VI. NONVENERAL DISEASES OP THE GeNITO-I^RINARY HySTEM AND AnNEXA. 119. Acute nephritis. 120. Bright's disease. , -, . 120a. Albuminuria. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 120b. Nephritis, interstitial, chroni<'. 120c. Nephritis, parenchymatous, chronic. 120d. Uremia. (Use only as a secondary diagnosis, under appropriate form of nephritis.) 121. Chyluria. 122. Other diseases of the kidneys and annexa. 122a. Congestion of kidneys. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis -when cause can be determined.) ,v . 122b. Hematiu-ia, renal. (Do not use as a priKiary diag]pi,o^ when cuase can be determined.) 122c. Perinephritic abscess. 122d. Pyelitis. 122e. Pyelonephritis. 122f. Pyonephrosis. 122g. Other diseases of kidney and annexa not specilied. 123. Calculi of the urinary passages. 123a. Calculus in bladder. 123b. Nephrolithiasis. 123c. Ureteral coUc (colic, renal). 124. Di.seases of the bladder. 124a. ('ystitis. 124b. Enuresis. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 124c. Retention of urine. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when cause can be determined.) 124d. Other diseases of the bladder. 125. Diseases of the urethra, urinary abscess, etc. 125a. Strictiu-e of urethra (non venereal.) 125b. Simple urethritis. 125c. Other diseases of the urethra, not specified. BEPORTS^ RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 153 126. Diseases of the prostate. 126a. Hypertrophied prostate. 126b. Prostatitis (nonvenereal). 126c. Other diseases of the prostate. 127. Nonvenereal diseases of the male genital organs. 127a. Balanoposthitis. 127b. Epididymitis (nonvenereal). 127c. Hydrocele. 127d. Orchitis (nonvenereal). 127e. Paiuphimosis. 127f. Phimosis. 127g. Other nonvenereal diseases of the male genital organs. VIII. Diseases op the Skin and of the Cellular Tissue, 142. Gangrene. 142a. Gangrene. 142b. Raynaud's disease. 143. Furuncle. 143a. Carbuncle. 143b. Fm'uncle. 144. Acute abscess. 144a. Abscess. 144b. Celluhtls. 145. Other diseases of the skin and amiexa. 145A. Trichophytosis. 145B. Scabies. 145C. Other diseases of the skin and annexa. 145Ca. Acne. 145Cb. Bromidrosis. 145Cc. Sarcopsiliasis. (Chigger.) 145Cd. Chilblain. 145Ce. Corns. 145Cf . Dermatitis venenata. 145Cg. Eczema. 145Ch. Erythema. 145Ci. Herpes. 145C j . Herpes zoster. 145Ck. HjT^eridrosis. 145C1. Impetigo. 145Cm. Ingrowing nail. 145Cn. Prickly heat. 145Co. Myiasis. 145Cp. Onychia. 145Cq. Pompholyx. 145Cr. Paronychia. 145C8. Pediculosis. 145Ct. Pempliigus. 145Cu. Pityriasis. 145Cv. Psoriasis. 145Cw. Ulcer. 145Cx. Urticaria. 145Cy. Wart. 145Cz. Other diseases of skin and annexa not specified. 154 MAlsrUAL FOR THF. MEDlfWI, DEPARTMENT. IX. — Diseases op the Bones and of the Organs op Locomotion. 146. Diseases of the bones (tuberculosis excepted). 146a. Frontal sinusitis. 146b. Mastoiditis. 146c. Necrosis. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis when caiise ran be detennined.) 146d. Osteomyelitis. 146e. Periostitis. 146f. Other diseases of the bones (tuberculosis excepted). 147. Diseases of the joints (tuberculosis and rheumatism excepted). 147a. Ankylosis. 147b. Arthritis. 147c. Loose body in joint. 147e. Synovitis (not to include traumatic synovitis). 149. Other diseases of the organs of locomotion. 149a. Bursitis. 149b. Ganglion. 149c. Hallux valgus (bunion). 149d. Hammer toe. 149e. Metatarsalgia. 149f. Myositis. 149g. Flat foot. 149h. Rheumatism, muscular. 149i. Tenontosynovitis. 149j. Torticollis. 149k. Other diseases of organs of locomotion not specified. X. — Malformations. 150. Congenital malformations (stillbirths not included). Xn. — Old Age. 154. Senility. 154a. Psychosis, senile. 154b. Senility. XIII. — Affections Produced by External Causes. 155. Suicide by poison. 156. Suicide by asphyxia. 157. Suicide by hanging or strangulation. 158. Suicide by drowning. 159. Suicide by firearms. 160. Suicide by cutting or piercing instruments. 161. Suicide by juini)ing from high plare, 162. Suicide by crushing. 163. Other suicides. 164. Poisoning by food . lC4a. Ptomaine poisoning. 164b. Other poisonings by food. 165A. Venomous bites and stings. lfi5B. ( )ther acute poisonings (deleterious gases excepted). 165Ba. Narcotic poisoning, acute. 166Bb. Corrosive and irritant poisoning, acute. IfiSBc. Other acute poisonings. REPORTS, BETURNS, AND RECORnS. 155 166. Conflagration. (To include all injuries of whatever nature resulting from the biuTiing of buildings, ships, and forest fires.) 167. Bums (conflagration excepted). 167a. Bums of — . (State site.) 167b. Corrosive burns. 167c. Scalds. 167d. Sunburn. 167e. X-ray burn. 168. Absorption of deleterious gases (conflagration excepted). 169. Accidentiil drowning. 170. Traumatism by firearms. 171. Traumatism by cutting or piercing instruments. 171a. Incised wound. 171b. Punctured wound. 172. Traumatism by fall. 174. Traumatism by machines. 175. Traumatism by other crushing (veliicles, railroad, landslides, otc). 176. Injuries by animals. 177. Starvation. 177 A. Overexertion. 177Aa. Exhaustion from overexertion and exposure. 177B. Starvation. 177Ba. Deprivation of water. 177Bb. Deprivation of food. 178. Excessive cold. 178a. Exposure to extrerne cold. 178b. Frostbite. 179. Effects of heat. 179a. Heat exhaustion. 179b. Sunstroke. 179c. Ill-defined effects of heat. 180. Lightning. 180a. Lightning stroke. 181. Electricity (lightning excepted). 182. Homicide by firearms. 183. Homicide by cutting or piercing instrumenta. 184. Homicide by other means. 185. Fractures. 185a. Dislocation. 185b. Sprains. 185c. Fracture. (State location and cause.) 186. Other external violence. 186a. Abrasion. 186b. Blister. 186c. Concussion. 186d. ('ontused wound. ]86e. Contusion. 186f. Deformity (traumatic or noncongenital). 186g. Lacerated wound. 186h. Ruptured muscle. (State muscle.) 186i. Ruptured organ. (State organ.) 186j. Other traumatisms not specified. 156 MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. XIV. — Tm,-Defined Diseases. 188. Sudden death. (Cause uiiknowni.) 189A. Disease not specified or ill dedned. 189Aa. Febri(;ula, simple, continued and other fevers of undetermined cause.. 189Ab. Seasickness. 189Ac. Headache. 189Ad. Insomnia. 189B. No disease, feigned disease. 189Ba. Under observation, undiagnosed or unknown. 189Bb. Malingering. .,. j i'l' : 466. The following special requirements will he observecf: (a) Pathological lesions should be recorded rather than their symp- toms. (h) In all cases in which the cause of admission is a local manifesta- tion of a general affection the character and locality of the one and the nature of the other should be stated. (c) The organ or part aifected should be specified when the name of the morbid condition fails to indicate it, as in paralysis, aneurism, ulcer, herpes, etc.; also in inflammations, as adenitis, osteitis, artlu*itis, synovitis, etc., and in local injuries, as abrasions, burns, contusions, dislocations, etc. (d) Inflammations should be reported as acute or chronic, and the grade of the inflammatory condition of the mucous membranes, whether catarrhal or suppurative, should be stated. (e) The term "heart disease" should not be recorded when the special affection can be determined. (f ) In pulmonary affections the lobe or lobes involved should be designated; also, in the case of diseases that are not always bilateral, whether the disease is confined to the right or left or extends to both lungs. The comphcations of pleurisy should be particularly noted. (g) Deviations from the normal in cases of impairment of vision or hearing should be ascertained and noted. (h) In case of injury, its character, location, and severity should be stated, the date of its occurrence should be given, its cause should be noted, the nature of the missile, weapon, or other producmg agent shown, and the circumstances attending its origin indicated. If it was accidental, that fact should appear. If it was intentional, the record should show whether it was judicial, homicidal, suicidal, self- inflicted, or otherwise, as the case may be. In gunshot wounds the points of entrance and exit of the missile and the parts implicated should ])(' recorded. (i) Fractures should be designated as simple, comminuted, com- pound, or complicated, the character of the complications ])eing stated. REPORTS^ RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 157 (j) The exact location, variety, and cause of hernia should be given, and, when strangulated, the condition and the means employed for relief. (k) Diseases due to venereal contagion, to the abuse of stimulants or narcotics, or to immoral practices should be so recorded. (I) Distinction should be made between inflammations of venereal origin and those of non venereal origin, as in cases of balanitis, orchitis, bubo, etc., specifying the nature of the venereal cause and the causa- tion in the non venereal cases. . i (m) Distuiction should also be made between the venereal ulcer known as chancroid and the hard chancre of primary syphilis. (n) The terms "venereal warts," "venereal bubo," etc., are mdefi- nite and should not be used. The lesion should be recorded and its specific cause stated. (o) In cases of old injury constitutmg a cause of admission the original injury and the condition of the injured part at the date of current admission will be stated. If there is no record of the original mjiu^y in the register, record will also be made under this head of its date, place, and cause, and the circumstances attendmg it; but if the date, cause, etc., are given in the register for a previous admission the same need not be repeated, but may be referred to as follows: "For date, etc., of origmal mjury, see Reg. No. — ." (p) In all cases of poisoning the name of the poison shoidd be given. (q) Special notes should be made of cases of malingermg or feigned diseases and of the means employed for their detection. (r) When no diagnosis can be reached, the fact shoidd be stated, together with the conditions which prevent the recognition of the disease or injury. REPORT OF SICK AND WOUNDED. 457. The report of sick and wounded comprises, (1) the report sheet (Form 51), which provides for general information and numer- ical tabulations concerning the command and the civihans there- with; (2) the nominal check list (Forms 51a and 51&) for a chi'ono- logical list of cases registered; (3) the report cards (Form 52) for details of the several cases. 458. Subject to exceptions similar to those indicated in paragraph 427, this report is required monthly from every military post and separate command which is attended by a medical officer or civifian physician. It will be rendered separately for regular and volunteer troops, that of regulars to embrace aU data pertaining to civihans. It will be forwarded before the fifth day of the next succeeding month as foUows: From a general hospital or other independent post or command direct to the Siu"geon General, unless otherwise ordered by him ; from a transoceanic Army transport to the medical superin- tendent of the transport service at the transport's home port, for 158 MANirAL FOR THK MKDICAL DKPABTMENT. transmittal to the Surgeon General; and from any other organization or hospital to the department surgeon for like transmittal. (a) When a hospital is closed or a command is discontinued a report covering the unreported period of service, giving the beginning and the end thereof, will in like manner he forwarded within five days thereafter. (b) If there has been no case on sick report, either remaining from last report or admitted during the month, Form 51 will nevertheless be forwarded. It will give the name and strength of the command, etc., with such remarks as may be deemed of interest to the depart- ment surgeon or the Surgeon General. 469. All births and maiTiages occurring at the post or with the command and all deaths among the civilians with the command will be recorded on the report of sick and wounded under the heading "Births, marriages, and deaths." 460. A report card is required for every case registered during the month, and if the case is not completed until a subsequent month a second report card will be forwarded with the report for the month during which it is completed. With the report for December, report cards will be forwarded also for all cases remaining December 31 which were registered previous to December. (a) A duplicate of the report sheet and of the nominal list will be retained with the medical records of the post or command. At a permanent post the duplicate report sheets will be filed in and form a part of its medical history. (See par. 412.) (h) The senior medical officer "will fill in and sign the certificate at the foot 'of the first page of the report sheet. (See par. 400.) The report cards will be initialed as provided in paragraph 435 for reg- ister cards. If there is neither medical officer nor civilian physician with the command when the report is to be made, the officer in charge of the property of the hospital will make the report over his own signature and ijutial the cards. (c) Alterations should in every instance be autlienticatod by the initials of the officer or physician who signs the report and initials the report cards respectively. 461. Reports of sick and wounded received by a department sur- geon will be promj)tly subjected to a critical examination, and such memoranda taken therefrom as he may need for the purposes of his office. Should he find the papers correct, he will forward them at once by informal indorsement (e. g., dating stamp) on the report sheet to the Surgeon General. Should he fijid any errors therein, he wiU immediat-Cily by letter to tlie r(^sponsible surgeon call atten- tion to the same and du'ect the necessary action for their correction. He will not, however, detain the papers in his office awaiting cor- rection but will as in the other event forward them at once to the REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 159 Surgeoji General in like manner with a copy of his letter in the premises. The surgeon should reply to the department surgeon's letter by indorsement thereon. (See also pars. 462, 463, and 464.) After the reply has been noted by the department surgeon it will be forwarded without delay to the Surgeon General. CORRECTIONS OF AND ADDITIONS TO REPORT CARDS AFTER THEIR RENDITION. 462. When the diagnosis is changed or a complication or intercur- rent disability is noted on the register card of a remaining case before its completion (par. 436) and after the first report card of the case has been forwarded, the Surgeon General will be immediately noti- fied thereof by letter sent through the same channel thi'ough which the report was fonvarded. The advice will give the new matter to be added, together with the date of the change or of the appearance of the complication or intercurrent disabiUty. 463. "When other corrections or alterations are made in the regis- ter card of a remaining case before its completion and after the first report card of the case has been forwarded, a new card, signed by the senior medical officer, marked "Correction card" in the lower margin on the back of the card directly below the table for days of treatment, indicatmg plainly what the corrections or alterations are (each of which will be initialed by the responsible officer), will be forwarded with the next ensuing monthly report: Provided, That when the case is completed upon the next ensuing monthh- report the card required for the completion of the case under paragraph 460 wiU be sufficient, and a separate correction card will not be for- warded. 464. When the register card of a completed case is altered imder paragraph 436a. after its final report card has been rendered, a cor- rection card similarly marked and signed by the senior medical offi- cer, showing plainly all the alterations, each of which will be authen- ticated by the initials of the responsible officer, will be immediately forw^arded to the Surgeon General through the usual channel. "V\Tien a supplemental card is filed with the register card of a completed case conformably to paragraph 436a, a full and exact copy thereof, giving the register number and marked "Transcript of supplemental card" in the lower margin on the back of the card directly below the table for days of treatment, will be at once foi*warded likewise. REGISTER OF DENTAL PATIENTS AND REPORT OF DENTAL WORK. 465. A register of dental patients will be kept on cards. Form 79, at every post or station attended by a member of the Dental Corps. 466. The case of every officer and enfisted man of the Army who 160 MAIS^UAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. is treated by the dentist will be entered in the register, a separate card being naade for each period of continuous treatment. Upon the con- clusion of continuous treatment in any case its card will be closed by appropriate entry in the ''Results'' column. (a) Should it become necessary to discontinue work on a case on account of the dentist's departure from the station the case will be closed on the card, making a record of the status of the work in the "Results" column. (b) If an officer or soldier previously on the register, i. e., for whom a closed dental card is on file, should begin a new course of treat- ment, whether for the dental disabihties formerly treated or other- wise, a new card will be made for the new course of treatment. 467. The dental cards in the several cases will be made day by day as the treatments begin. They will be kept in two files, each ar- ranged in dictionary order according to the surnames of the patients^ the current file and the permanent file. The current file wiU con- sist of the cards of all uncompleted cases and the completed cards in current use for the preparation of the next report of dental work. Cards will be transferred from the current file to the permanent file immediately foUowmg their completion and the preparation of the ensuing report of dental work. 468. The cards will be legibly written in indelible black ink, by pen or typewriter, as may be most convenient. The entries will not be crowded. Extended entries, when necessary, may be made in the manner indicated in paragraph 434a. 469. Tlie dentist will sign or initial all dental cards covering treat- ments given or concluded by him. Alterations will be authenti- cated by him by his initials. 470. The nomenclature given on page 2 of the monthly report of dental work (Form 57) wiU be employed so far as applicable in record- ing dental and oral diseases and injuries. 471. To effect economy of space and insure uniformity of records, abbreviated entries are prescribed as indicated m the following tables : cijAssification of the teeth. 1. Superior central incisors. 2. Superior lateral incisors. 3. Superior cuspids. 4. Superior first bicuspids. 5. Superior second bicuspids. 6. Superior first molars. 7. Superior second molars. 8. Superior third molars. 9. Inferior central incisors. 10. Inferior lateral incisors. 11. Inferior cuspids. 12. Inferior first bicuspids. 13. Inferior second bicuspids. 14. Inferior first molars. 15. Inferior second molars. 16. Inferior third molars. XoTE.— In de.signating the teeth, and in recording all operations upon them, the dental surgeon will indicate the tooth by the above plan, using the letters R and L to designate the right and left sides and the figures 1, 2, 3, etc., to designate the teeth. Ezamplf.i.— HI, right superior central incisor; I/H, left inferior first molar. REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 161 Incisors and cuspids: A. Labial. B. Lingual. C. Inciaal. Incisors and cuspids: G. ^Mesial. H. Distal. CLASSIFICATION OF CAVITIES. Simple cavitws on exposed surfaces. Bicuspids and molars : D. Occlusal. E. Buccal. F. Lingual. Simple approximate cavities. Bicuspids and molars: I. Mesial. J. Distal. Compound cavities. Incisors and cuspids: K. Mesio-labial. L. Disto-labial. M. Mesio-lingual. N. Disto-lingual. 0. Mesio-incisal. P. Disto-incisal Q. Mesio-disto-incisal. Note.— In recording all operations of filling the toeth, the cavity will be described by the dental surgeon according to the preceding classification, using the letters A, B, C, etc., to designate its location. Examples. — A, simple cavity in labial surface of an incisor or cuspid tooth; I, simple cavity in mesial surface of a bicuspid or a molar; V, compound cavity in mesial, distal, and occlusal surfaces of a bicuspid or a molar. CLASSIFICATION OF FILLING MATERIALS. • Bicuspids and molars: R. Mesio-occlusal . S. Disto-occlusal. T. Occluso-buccal. U. Occluso-lingual. V. Mesio-disto-occlusal. W. Bucco-linguo-occlusal. Tin. Amalgam . Oxyphosphate. Gutta-percha. >JoTE.— The kind of filling material employed will be indicated by using the first letter cf the word de.'^ig- nating that material. Example— RS, V, A: Tooth, right superior second bicuspid; cavity, mesio-disto-occlusal surfaces; filling materinl. amalgam. If a combination filling is employed, it will be designated by the first letters of the words designating the materials used. Example.— 1^1, S, G-0: Tooth, left superior second molar; cavity, disto-occlusal surfaces; filling mate- rial, gutta-percha and oxyphosphate cement. OTHER OPERATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS. In recording operations made with gold (he full word gold should be written out. Other operations upon the teeth will be designated by a combination of letters, as follows: Abscess lanced : A-L. Calculus removed: C-R. Gums lanced: G-L. Pulp capped: P-C. Pulp devitalized: P-D. Pulp extirpated: P-E. Root canal filled: R-F. Tooth extracted: T-E. Tooth treated: T-T. Further treatment: F-T. 472. Details of cases will be carded as follows: (a) Spaces 1 to 9 will be filled out in the manner prescribed for the register of patients (pars. 437 to 442). 93440°— 17 11 162 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (h) h\ space 10 the diagnosis will be recorded. One line should be taken for each morbid condition requiring treatment which is found when the case is fii-st entered or which subsequently develops durmg the course of the treatment. (c) The date, nature, and residt (as, e. g., cured, improved, unim- proved, successful, unsuccessful, or undetermined) of the treatment of each such condition will be entered in spaces 11 and 12, with such additional remarks in the latter space as may be appropriate. 473. A report of dental work is required monthly on Form 57 from every military post or command at or with which a member of the Dental Corps has been on duty during the month. It will be made and signed by the dentist. If no patients have been treated during the month, the report, with a statement to that effect under "General remarks," will nevertheless be rendered. (a) The report will be forwarded, tlu-ough medical channels, to the Surgeon General, before the fifth day of the next succeeding month. ARTICLE IX.— SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 474. The sujjply table enumerates the medical supplies issued to the Army and the quantities and sizes of original packages. These supplies are selected for the military service, and it is beheved that all necessary articles are included and that the quantities allowed will be found sufficient under ordinary circumstances. Requests for particular preparations simply because they are agreeable to the taste or save trouble in compounding will not be approved; nor will preparations of a drug be furnished when one or more practically equivalent ones are on the supply table. The Medical Department will supply from time to time new remedies of determined thera- peutic value, but newly introduced remedies which offer no manifest advantage over those ah-eady issued will not be supplied. (a) Medical officers are requested to communicate freely to the Surgeon General any suggestions tending to the improvement of medical supplies, appliances, etc., and to make reports as to new designs of apparatus, field equipment, etc. 475. In preparing returns, requisitions, invoices, and receipts pertaining to medical and hospital supplies, the nomenclature, order of entry, classification, and weights and measures of the supply table will be followed. To facilitate the handling of these papers one line of writing only will be placed in each interlinear space. No letter of transmittal is required with them. 476. Medical officers in charge of medical supply depots will pur- chase and distribute m-edical and hospital supplies for the Army according to instructions given them from time to time by the Surgeon General. (See par. 380.) Purchases at posts or by officers not in charge of supply depots (except prescriptions purchased under the provisions of Army Regulations, and antitoxins purchased under the authority indicated hereinafter in the supply table) will not usually be made without special authority from the Surgeon General, or, in the Philippine Department or Hawaiian Department, from the department surgeon. When the emergency is so great that there is not time to obtain special authority by mail through the regular channels, application therefor may be made direct by telegi-aph. Wlien it is impracticable to telegraph, small quantities of articles im- mediately needed to save hfe or prevent suffering and distress among 163 164 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAETMENT. tlio sick may be purchased without advance authority. Vouchers for such unauthorized purchases will be forwarded without delay on Form 330 or Form 330a, W. D., to the department surgeon, or if from a command under the immediate supervision of the War Depart- ment to the Surgeon General, unless otherwise directed by him. They must invariably be accompanied by a letter explaining why the necessary articles were not on hand, and what the circumstances were which did not admit of requiring for them in the regular way or of making telegraphic application for authority to purchase them. Timely action in requiring for supplies, will as a rule obviate the neces- sity of telegraphic application or of unauthorized purchases. (a) Purchase vouchers must be accompanied by one invoice of articles purchased, Form 12, a duphcate of which should be retained by the officer accountable for the property. ' REQUISITIONS. POST MEDICAL SUPPLIES. 477. Annual requisitions for post medical supplies will be prepared on Form 33, for the year commencing January 1, unless some other date is designated by the vSurgeon General. (a) They will be forwarded not less than 20 days before the begin- ning of the year, to the department surgeon, in quadruplicate, or in the case of general hospitals and independent posts direct to the Surgeon General in triplicate. 478. Articles of which a defmite allowance is given on the supply table will be required for on the annual requisition except as other- wise provided in paragraph 486. No remark will be made opposite the name of any article that a special kind or special make or pattern is wanted, as the annual requisition is intended to include only such articles as are kept on hand in supply depots for issue, and not such as have to be specially purchased; the latter when wanted must be asked for on special requisition. (a) Only such cjuan titles will be asked for as probably will be needed during the year, computed on the basis of original packages. Frac- tional parts of a bottle or package will not bo asked for. The quan- tities asked for, plus the quantities on hand, must not exceed those specified in the table for the official population most nearly corre- sponding to that of the post or command. The cpiantity of each article on hand, as verified by a medical ofiicer in accordance with paragraph 512a, will be stated and wifi be deducted from the quantity allowed annually by the supply table (ignoring for the purpose of this deduction fractional parts of bottles and packages on hand) to ascertain the balance which may be asked for, if needed. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS. 165 (b) Before forwarding an annual requisition it will be carefully examined and compared with the supply table to see that it has been correctly made out in strict accordance with these regulations and to avoid the delay that its return for correction will occasion if they are not complied with, 479. The local prevalence or rarity of certain diseases, as well as the quantity or number on hand of each article, will be considered in the preparation and approval of annual requisitions. 480. The smaller posts will not need all the articles included in the supply table. The surgeon is not expected to require for an article merely because it is listed. He should call only for what there is reason to think he will need. 481. The department surgeon to whom an annual requisition is forwarded will see whether it is prepared in accordance with the above regulations. If it is, he will approve and forward one copy direct to the medical supply depot designated for his territory by the Sur- geon General; if it is not, he will alter it to conform to these regula- tions, and then forward it to the depot approved as altered. In either event, he will forward the second copy of the requisition, with the action taken by him noted thereon, direct to the Surgeon General. He will retain the third copy in the files of his office and will return the fourth copy to the surgeon with his modifications, if any, noted thereon. 482. Special requisitions for post medical supphes are annual, quarterly, or emergency. They will be made on Form 35, but sepa- rately from those for field medical supphes and those for dental sup- plies. The same number of copies will be executed, and they will be forwarded to the department surgeon or to the Surgeon General direct, as in the case of amiual requisitions from the same posts or hospitals. (See par. 477a.) 483. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 486, articles not on the supply table which will be needed during the year wiU be called for on the ammal special requisition. It will be forwarded with the regular annual requisition. Tlie articles will be listed in alphabetical order, and the necessity for them will ])e fuUy explained in the column of "Remarks." To avoid delay in filling these recpiisi- tions a full description of special articles, instruments, and appli- ances required for will be given in "Remarks," together with a state- ment of their cost or approxunate cost, as ascertained from dealers' catalogues or other reliable sources of information. When unusual drugs or chemical reagents are called for similar information as to their cost will be furnished. 484. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 486 and in the foot- notes to the supply tables, articles on the supply table of which no allowance is stated, or which are issued "as required," wiU be called for 0)1 the quarterly special requisition. 166 MANUAL fOE THE MEMCAL DEPARTMENT. (a) When supplies are exhausted or their exhaustion is imminent, a renewal thereof may he asked for on the quarterly special requisi- tions forwarded during the remainder of the year. Tliese articles should be listed accordhig to the nomenclature, classification, and alphabetical arrangement of the supply table. (b) When quarterly special requisitions are necessary they will ordinarily be forwarded on or before January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1, for the ensumg three months, respectively. A quarterly requisition may, however, be forwarded at any tune during the char- ter in which the supplies are needed, (c) When under these regulations a quarterly special requisition would be made at the same tune as an ammal special it will be con- solidated therewith. 485. Wlien, as a result of the prevalence of an epidemic or for any other reason, necessary supplies are likely to be exliausted before the next quarterly special requisition is to be made, they will be called for on an emergency requisition, Form 35, forwarded at once upon the development of the deficiency, with a full explanation of the emergency and its cause. In extreme cases telegraphic apphcation should be made direct to the Surgeon General, or in the Philippme Department or Hawaiian Department to the department surgeon, for the supplies needed to meet the emergency, which will be followed by a letter of explanation. Surgeons will be held accountable for any suffering which may result from their failure to requu*e for supplies when it is evident the same will be needed. (a) Tlie frequent rendition of emergency post requisitions would usually argue a want of reasonable foresight in requirmg for supplies, or a want of proper economy in the use of hospital property, and would be a reproach to medical administration. If due care hi the use of hospital property is exercised, and the regulations herein made for the timely preparation of annual and quarterly requisitions are observed, it will seldom be necessary to resort to the emergency or telegraphic requisition. 486. The following special rules wlU be observed: (a) Identification supplies will be asked for on quarterly special requisitions. On these requisitions no other items should appear, as identification supplies are issued from the New York supply depot only. (b) Articles required to replace imserviceable property, whether on the supply table or not, will bo required for on the quarterly special requisition. The exact immber and condition of the imserv- iceable articles on hand will be expressly stated in "Remarks." (c) Mmeral od, coal, gas, and electric current, for operating steril- izers, X-ray machines and otlior therapeutic apparatus will bo obtained on request addressed to the Surgeon General, or, in the ]*hilippine or ILiwaiian Departments, to the department surgeon. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS. 167 (d) Supplies for a siibpost or camp will, in the absence of orders to the contrary, be required for quarterly upon the surgeon of the main post or command, who will issue them after approval by the depart- ment surgeon. 487. The department surgeon to whom a special requisition is forwarded "w411 personally and carefully scrutmize it and make such changes therein as he may deem proper. He will indorse on each of three copies his approval or recommendation as to the action to be taken and wiU forward them, except as indicated in section (a) hereinafter, to the Surgeon General. He will retain the fourth copy in the files of his office. One copy of the requisition forwarded to the Surgeon General's Office will be returned to the surgeon, through the department surgeon, with modifications, if any, noted thereon. In the Pliihppine and Hawaiian Departments the department sur- geons are authorized to act upon special requisitions as upon annual requisitions. (a) In the case of a special requisition to meet an emergency not admitting of delay the department surgeon is authorized to approve the same, forwarding one copy, with his approval indorsed thereouy to the medical supply depot designated for his territory, forwarding a second copy to the Sm'geon General with an indorsement stating the circumstances, retaming the third copy in his files, and returning the fourth copy to the surgeon with his modifications, if any, noted thereon; but requisitions for articles not on the supply table must in aU cases be fon\^arded to the Surgeon General for his action (except in the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, where the department sufgeons will act upon them). 488. Medical supply officers to whom approved requisitions' for suppHes are referred by department surgeons conformably to these regulations are authorized to issue the same from stock, if on hand, or to purchase them for issue, if not on hand, subject, however, to instructions given by the Surgeon General respectmg the allotment and expenditm'e of public fmids available for pm*chases. FIELD MEDICAL SUPPLIES. (For provisioas respecting requisitions from organizations in the field, see pars. 551 to 553.) 489. Requisitions to replenish field medical supplies or to replace unserviceable field equipment at permanent posts will be executed in triphcate, on Form 35, and will be forwarded to the department surgeon, or, in the case of an independent post or station, direct to the Surgeon General. (a) The department sm-geon who receives a requisition in triplicate for field medical supplies in conformity with this regulation will promptly •forward the same, ^vith his recommendations indoi-sed on each copy, to the Sm-geon General. In the Philippine and Ha- 168 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, waiiaii Departments the department surgeons are authorized to act upon them as upon requisitions for post suppHes. One copy of the requisition will be returned to the surgeon with modifications, if any, noted thereon. 490. Requisitions from permanent posts for field medieval supphes should be umiecessary except immediately following active military operations or as the rosult of changes in the supply tables. DENTAL SUPPLIES. 491. Articles of post medical supplies needed by the dental sur- geon will be issued by the surgeon, as to his other assistants, from time to time in such quantities as are needed for the work at the post. The surgeon is charged with the responsibility of keeping on hand the articles indicated in the supply tables as used by dental surgeons. 492. Requisitions for other dental supplies, annual and special, will be executed in triplicate by the dentist, who will forward them through the surgeon to the department surgeon, or, in the case of independent posts or commands, to the Surgeon General. The department surgeon will promptly transmit them, with his recom- mendations indorsed on each copy, to the Surgeon General. In the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments the department surgeons are authorized to act upon them as upon requisitions for post supphes. One copy of the requisition will be returned to the dentist with modi- fications, if any, noted thereon. J 493. i\jinual requisitions will be made on Form 36 for the year beginning January 1 (unless some other date is designated by the Surgeon General) and will be forwarded not less than 20 days before that date. (a) Articles of which a definite allowance is fixed on the dental supply table will be required for on the annual requisition, except as othenvise provided in paragraph 491. Annual dental requisitions will be subject to the regulations in paragraph 478 governing the preparation of annual post requisitions, so far as the same are apphcable. 494. iVrticles on the dental supply table for which no allowance is specified or which are issued "as required," will be required, for on quarterly special requisitions, Form 35, except as otherwise provided in paragraph 491, for the quarters beginnuig January 1 , April 1 , Jidy 1 , and October 1 . (a) Articles not on the dental supply table, which are absolutely necessary for dental work soon in prospect, will also ])e called for on the quarterly special requisition, with a full explanation of their necessity. (&) Textbooks on dental sid)je(;ts will be askcul for on •quarterly special reciuisitions. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS. 16d 495. In emergencies, when dental instruments, appliances, or sup- plies not on hand, or to replace similar articles which have become miserviceable, will be needed before the next quarterly special requisi- tion, they may be required for on an emergency special requisition, to be forwarded at once upon the development of the emergency, with a full explanation of its character and cause. TRANSFER OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES. (See pars. 49 and 228.) 496. In ordinary transfers of medical supplies the transferring offi- cer will at once forward invoices (Forms 23, 24, 28, or 31) in dupli- cate, one to the Surgeon General direct and one to the receiving offi- cer. The latter will promptly upon completion of the transfer for- ward receipts (Forms 23, 24, 28, or 31) in duplicate, one to the Sur- geon General and the other to the transferring officer. A packer's list (Form 32) will, if necessary, be furnished by the transferring officer. (a) All supplies shipped will bear the name of the consignor as well as that of the consignee. 497. In cases in which complete transfer of medical property occurs, the receiving officer, instead of giving separate receipts, as provided in paragraph 496, wiU receipt for the property transferred on the final return, both original and duplicate (Form 17c), of his predeces- sor. The transferring officer will at once forward the original return, bearing the receipt above prescribed, to the Surgeon General. The duplicate return will be filed with the retamed records of the hospital. (See Appendix : Records and Correspondence.) 498. Great care should be exercised before receipting for cases of mstiTiments, microscopes, and other property of similar character not enumerated on the property papere in detail, to ascertain that the fuU contents of such cases are present and in good order. Incomplete cases will be receipted for as such and a list of the missing articles will accompany the receipt, in order that the proper officer may be held accountable for the deficiency. Receipts without remark for cases of instruments and similar property wiU be considered as evidence that they are complete and in accordance with the lists of contents marked in the cases or as given in the supply table, and the receiving officer wiU be held responsible in accordance therewith. 499. The transferring officer wiU enter on his invoices, and the receiving officer on his receipts, the condition of aU articles not serviceable. 600. Medical officers will report to the Sm'geon General and to the transferi'mg officer all defects observed in the quality, quantity, or packing of medical supplies. lYO MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. ACCOUNTABILITY. 601. Medical officers will take up and account for all medical prop- erty of the Ai'my wliich comes into their possession. If it is property with which they have not been formally charged (as, e. g., property foimd at post) they will report if possible to whose account it is to be credited. (See, however, par. 5046.) (a) Members of the Dental Corps will follow a similar coui^e regard- ing dental property coming into then* possession, except supphes issued mider paragraph 491. 502. No medical property will be accounted for as on hand at the end of the accounting period unless the same is then in fact on hand. Medical property expended, lost, or destroyed must be ckopped accordingly, and credit therefor claimed by certificate or affidavit as required by Army Regulations. If the evidence is considered satis- factory by the Surgeon General the credit will be allowed as claimed; if not satisfactory, the accomitable officer will be required to refund the value of the property. (See par. 230.) 503. In invoicing or accountmg for broken packages, such as bottles, jars, etc., fractions will be given as one-foiu-th, one-haK, thi'ee-fom'ths. DISTRIBUTION OF FIELD MEDICAL SUPPLIES IN TIME OF PEACE. 504. Surgeons on duty with line organizations are charged with the responsibility of keeping on hand in time of peace the field medical supplies mentioned in paragraph 632. These supplies will be so distributed that in case of mobilization the various organizations will arrive at their concentration camps completely equipped, but with- out medical supplies m excess of the prescribed allowances. For example: If a regiment is divided between two stations the camp infirmary may be assigned where the larger proportion of the regi- ment is stationed and the combat equipment to the station of the other units. If a regiment is divided between three or more stations the camp infirmary may be assigned to one station, and the combat equipment to another, while the units at each of the other stations may be supplied with an extra medical and surgical chest (par. 932), The additional articles for the establishment of a regimental hospital should be kept at the same station as the camp infirmary, as they are supplementary to the latter and of little value by themselves. (a) If the supphes thus provided for detached battalions or com- panies prove insufficient for the requirements of practice marches and other field exercises engaged in during peace they may be sup- plemented by equipment improvised from post supplies, but requisi- tions for field supplies in excess of these provisions should not bo necessary. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS. 171 (h) In order to carry out the provisions of this paragraph, surgeons of detached battahons or companies will be required to hold the supplies (except individual equipments) pertaming to the combat equipment and camp infirmary on memorandum receipt from the surgeon at regimental headquarters. 605. When the battalions or companies of an organization are sta- tioned in different departments but belong to the same tactical division the distribution of the field medical equipment of the organi- zation will be decided by the War Department upon the recommen- dation of the department commander in whose department the headquarters of the organization is stationed. 506. In the event of mobilization organizations will take with them to the concentration camp the combat equipment and the camp infir- mary only unless otherwise specifically directed by the department commander, except that the extra medical and surgical chests pro- vided for detached battalions or companies may be taken if required for use en route. In the latter case such additional supplies will be turned in to the depot when the organization has joined its division. (See par. 365Z.) RETURNS OF MEDICAI. PROPERTY. (See par. 3806.) 507. Officers in charge of medical property will on being relieved of the same prepare a return thereof in duplicate (Forms 17, 17a, 176, and 17c), showing aU articles received, expended, sold, trans- ferred, etc., during its period. The original of this return will be promptly transmitted to the Surgeon General. The duplicate, with a complete set of vouchers, will be filed with the retained records of the hospital. (See Appendix: Records and Correspondence.) (a) Returns of property issued for personal use, including the portable dental outfit, will be rendered at the end of each calendar year. (&) Returns of field supplies will be made separately from returns of post supplies. (See, however, par. 504&.) 508. Returns of dental property wiU be made by the dentist having custody thereof. SALES. 509. When medical property is sold the officer responsible therefor will pay the necessary authorized expenses of the sale, if any, out of the proceeds, taking proper vouchers for such payments, and wiU deposit the balance or net proceeds, without delay, and if possible on or before the last day of the month during wliich he receives the proceeds, with the nearest United States depositary, to the credit of 172 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. the Treasurer of the United States. Immediately upon making the deposit he will notify the Surgeon General by letter direct of his action, givmg the date or dates of the sale and the amomit of the proceeds of the articles sold on each date. (a) Within 10 days after the end of the month during wliich he receives the proceeds of the sales he will render to the Surgeon General direct an account current (Form 3206 or Form 320, W. D.) debiting liimself thereon under the proper heading Avith the net pro- ceeds of the sales and crediting himself with the amount deposited. He will insert the proper heading, that is, the designation of the proper fund to wliich the proceeds go (see par. 510) in one of the blank spaces provided therefor at the top of the ruled columns. He will forward with his account an exhibit in duplicate of the articles sold, as follows : First. In the case of a sale of condenmed property at auction or on sealed proposals, if there were any expenses attending the same, the exliibit will be made out on Form 325, W. D., and be accompanied by the vouchers for the expenses of sale; if there were no expenses, the exhibit will be made out either on Form 325 or on Form 322, W. D., as the accountable officer may prefer; in either event, the exhibit will be accompanied by a copy of or a suitable extract from the inventory and inspection report. Second. In the case of sales of medicines to civihans under para- graphs 242 to 244 of this Manual the exhibit will be made out on Form 322a, W. D. Tliird. In the case of other authorized sales the exhibit will be made out on Form 322, W. D. (6) A duphcate of the account and a triplicate of the exliibit should be retained by the officer. 510. The proceeds of authorized sales of serviceable medical property accrue to the special fund ''Replacing medical suppUes" for the proper two-year period, thus: Tlie proceeds of sales made durmg the fiscal year 1916 pertam to the fund "Replacing medical supplies, 1916-17;" the proceeds of sales made during the fiscal year 1917, to the fund "Replacing medical supplies, 1917-18," and so on from year to year. The accountable oflicer should render his accounts accordingly, carefully noting that it is the date of sale that determuies the fund to be credited and not the date of collectmo: the proceeds, wliich is immaterial m this comiection; otlu>rwise embarrassment in th(5 adjustment of his accounts will follow. (a) The proceeds of sales of condenmed property accrue to "Mis- cellaneous receipts," and should be so designated. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS. 173 DISPOSITION OF MEDICAL PROPERTY ON ABANDON- MENT OF POSTS. 511. Unless modified by special instructions from the Siu"geon General, the following rides will be observed in tlie disposition of medical property upon the abandonment of a post: (a) Unserviceable property ^vill be submitted to an inspector, with a view to final disposition by sale or destniction. (b) A list of all other articles will be forwarded to the department surgeon, or, in the case of an independent post, to the Surgeon Gen- eral, for decision as to where they shall be sent. (c) Onl}^ such nonexpendable articles as are in perfect order, mcluding recent medical works, and instruments which can not be transferred to other posts without unnecessary duplication, should be turned m to a medical supply depot. USE AND CARE OF MEDICAL PROPERTY. 512. Officers will be held responsible for the serviceable and com- plete condition of all property in their possession, except such as may have been rendered imserviceable by fair wear and tear. (a) Tlie responsible officer will once each year cause all medical property in liis charge to be carefully examined by a commissioned medical officer and verified by the returns, invoices, etc. 513. With the permission of the surgeon, medical officers may take books and mstruments from the hospital- for professional use; but no medical property of any description will be taken away from a post by an officer on being reheved or when availing himself of a leave of absence, except by authority of the Surgeon General, or, within the limits of the Philippine or Hawaiian Departments, by authority of the department surgeon. 514. The stock of alcohol, alcoholic liquors, opium, and the salts, derivatives, and preparations of opium or coca leaves will be kept in a locked closet in the storeroom and only issued to the dispensary in unit containers from time to time as may be necessary, upon the written order of a medical officer. (a) In the storeroom, receipts and expenditures of these articles will be accoimted for in the manner prescribed for the dispensary (par. 240). 515. Field supplies and equipment will not be used at posts, except when required for purposes of instruction. 516. Field chests and appliances will be frequently inspected and kept in perfect order for immediate field use. 517. The exchange of medicines with druggists is prohibited. 518. The issue of articles for use in the preparation of cleaning mixtures, cosmetics, or perfumeiy, or for use with spirit lamps, etc., is prohibited. 174 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, 619. The rosponsible officer will cause all instnunents in his charge to be exammed by a commissioned medical officer at least once each month. 520. Steel and plated instruments may be prevented from rusting by keeping them in a 20 per cent formalin solution saturated vriih. borax. 621. Surgical insti-uments and appliances that require and are con- sidered v7orth repairing will be reported through the department surgeon to the Surgeon General, or in the Philippme or Hawaiian Departments to the department surgeon, mth a statement of the repairs needed, giving the name of the maker of each article. 622. The responsible officer will also report to the Surgeon General, or in the Philippine or Hawaiian Departments to the department surgeon, such articles of bedding or furniture as may need and are considered worth repair or renovation. The Work should be done by post labor if practicable, request being made for authority to purchase necessary material. If this is not practicable, the officer will obtain one or more estimates in detail of the cost of repair or renovation of such bedding or furniture and fonvard them with his report. 623. Blankets not in use should be frequently examined and prop- erly protected. When stained but otherwise in good condition they should be continued in service. Hospital bedding will not be used by members of the Hospital Corps, except when on duty in the wards. 624. When a type%vriter is to be transported the ribbon spools should be removed and packed separately, the carnage of the machine securely tied to the base in such a manner that it can not move in any direction, and the steel rods or blocks for locking the carriage placed in position. Medical officers will be held responsible for dam- ages to ty]3ewriters which result from careless packing. 625. Rubber and flexible catheters and bougies will be kept in talc or glycerin to preserve them. 626. When the canvas in litters becomes soiled it will be removed from the litters, washed, and replaced. When it becomes torn or unserviceable new canvas of the proper size should be applied for to replace it. METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS. 527. Meteorological observations will be taken at such posts as may be designated by the Surgeon General, to whom a rcptu't will be rendered promptly at the end of each month on the form furnished by the director of the State section of the Weather Bureau and through the office of the said director. Such meteorological instru- ments as are required for use at designated posts will be obtained by application to the State section director; and when an}'^ of these instruments become broken or miserviceable the request for new SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS. 175 ones will state the circumstances attending the breakage, and, if a thermometer, the parts of the instrument will be returned by mail to the office of the State director. Receii)ts for these instruments will be made out by the surgeon on forms transmitted with the instruments.- When relieved from duty at a station, the surgeon will notify the State officer, in order tliat the responsibility for the property may be properly transferred. Meteorological instruments heretofore issued by the Medical Department will be borne upon the returns of medical property until broken or worn out, but articles fmiiished by the Weather Bureau will not be taken up on these returns. PART II. THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR. 93440°— 17 12 177 ARTICLE X.— THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR, GENERAL. ADMINISTRATIVE ZONES. 628. In time of war the activities of the mihtary estabhshment embrace: (1) The service of the interior. (2) The service of the theater of operations. 529. The service of the interior is carried on by: (1) Department commanders. (2) Bureau chiefs, having for this purpose general depots of supply, general hospitals, arsenals, etc. (a) The service of the theater of operations is carried on by the commander of the field forces. The theater of operations is divided into two zones: (1) The zone of the Hne of commmiications. (2) The zone of the advance. (h) The service of the interior functions both in peace and in war; that of the theater of operations in war only. OBJECTS OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRA- TION. 630. The objects of Medical Department administration in war are: (a) The preservation of the strength of the Army hi the field by (1) the necessary sanitary measures; (2) the retention of effectives at the front, and the movement of noneffectives to the rear without obstructing mihtary operations; and (3) the prompt succor of wounded on the battle field and their removal to the rear, thus pre- venting the mmecessary withdrawal of combatants from the firing line to accompany the wounded, and promotmg the general morale of the troops. (6) The care and treatment of the sick and hijured in the zone of the advance, on the hne of communications, and in home territory. DUTIES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 631. The Medical Department is charged with the administration of the sanitary service. Specifically, its duties are: (a) The initiation of sanitary measures to hisure the health of the troops. 179 180 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (h) The direction and execution of all measures of public liealth among the inhabitants of occupied territory. (c) The care of the sick and wounded on the march, in camp, on the battle field, and after removal therefrom. (d) The methodical disposition of the sick and wounded. (e) The transportation of the sick and wounded. (/) The estabhshment of hospitals and other formations necessary for the care of the sick and womided. (g) The supply of sanitary materiel necessary for the health of troops and for the care of the sick and wounded. (h) The preparation and preservation of individual records of sick- ness and mjury, in order that claims may be adjudicated with justice to the Government and to the individual. PERSONNEL OF THE SANITARY SERVICE. GENERAL ENUMERATION. 632. In time of war the sanitary service includes: (1) All persons servmg in or employed by the Medical Department, including officers and men temporarily or permanently detailed therein. (2) Members of the American National Ked Cross assigned to duty with the Medical Department by competent authority. (3) Individuals whose vohmtary service with the Medical Depart- ment is duly authorized. (a) The personnel of the Medical Department and aU other pereons assigned to duty wath that department are collectively called sani- tary troops. 533. The foUowing persons serve in or are employed by the Medical Department: (1) Medical officers of the Regular Army (including officers of the Medical Reserve Corps), of the Organized Mihtia called into the service of the United States, and of the Volunteer Army. (2) Physicians under contract. (3) Members of the Dental Corps. (4) Members of the Hospital Corps. (5) Members of the Nurse Corps. (6) Officers and soldiers of the fine or staff detailed for duty with the Medical Department. (7) Civihans employed by the Medical Department. TITLES OF MEDICAL OFFICERS. 534. The title of the senior medical officer on the staff of the com- mander of a field army is "chief surgeon"; of a lino of communica- tions, "sm'geoji, base group"; of a division, "division surgeon"; of a THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR, GENERAL. 181 brigade operating iiidepoiidently, "brigade surgeon"; of a detach- ment, regiment, or smaller command, "the surgeon"; of a field hos- pital or other sanitary formation, and of an ambulance company or detachment thereof, "commanding officer." ORGANIZED VOLUNTARY AID. 635. Organized voluntary aid may be utilized to supplement the resources and assist the personnel of the Medical Department through the American National Red Cross under the authority of the act of Congress approved April 24, 1912 (37 Stats., 90). This organization, in accordance with the terms of its charter (Act Jan. 5, 1905, 33 Stats., 600), is "a medium of communication between the people of the United States and their Army." No volunteer aid from any society or association will, therefore, be accepted for the Army of the United States except through the American National Red Cross. 636. The following regulations, approved by the President of the United States, govern the status, organization, and operations of this society when employed with the Army: (a) The organized Red Cross units serving with the land forces will constitute a part of the sanitary service of the land forces. (b) Wlien the War Department desu'es the use of the services of the Red Cross in time of war, or when war is imminent, the Secretary of War will communicate with the president of the society, specifying the character of the services required and designating the place or places where the personnel and materiel will be asseml)led. (c) Wlien any member of the Red Cross reports for duty with the land forces of the United States, pursuant to a proper call, he will thereafter be subject to military laws and regulations as provided in Article 10 of the International Red Cross Convention of 1906, and will be provided with the necessary brassard and certificate of identity. (d) Except in cases of great emergency. Red Cross personnel serv- ing with the land forces will not be assigned to duty at the front, but will be employed in hospitals in the service of the interior, at the base, on hospital ships, and along lines of communications of the military forces of the United States. (e) Red Cross organizations will not establish independent hos- pitals or other mstitutions, but will assist military sanitary forma- tions at the places above indicated. (/) Before military patients are assigned thereto, separate estab- lishments maintained by the Red Cross Society will be placed under the immediate direction of a medical officer of the Army. Such officer will be held responsible for the management, discipline, and records of the institution; he will regulate admissions and discharges and see that the interests of both the Government and the patients are conserved. 182 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (g) No columns, sections, or individuals of the Red Cross Society %vill be accepted for service by the War Department miless previously inspected by a medical officer of the Army and found qualified for the scr\ace expected of them, (h) The Red Cross Society may be called upon in time of war, or when war is impendhig, for the foUowmg classes of personnel: (1) Physicians and surgeons. (2) Dentists. (3) Pharmacists. (4) Nurses. (5) Clerks. (6) Cooks and other hospital personnel. (7) Litter bearers, drivers, and other transport personnel. (8) Laborers. (i) To facilitate the training of Red Cross personnel for the duties it may be called upon to perform in time of war, it is divided into three classes: Class A. Those willing to serve wherever needed. Class B. Those willing to serve in the service of the interior only. Class C. Those willing to serve at place of residence only. Class A wiQ be organized into sections and columns, uniformed and equi})ped as may be prescribed by the central conmaittee of the Red Cross and approved by the War Department. Such organized and equipped sections and columns will be trained for service at the bases and along the lines of communication of the forces in the field. Class B will be tramed lor service m hospitals and other sanitary institutions that may be established m the sendee of the interior. Individuals of this class may also be organized into sections and columns and uniformed and equipped as prescribed for class A. Class C will be composed of individuals of local Red Cross Societies, who, on accomit of their occupation or experience m the care of sick and other hospital duties, may be expected to render efficient service m military sanitary institutions established in their locaHty. (j) The Red Cross service at the base, along the line of communica- tions, or in a mUitaiy district will be under the supervision of a director general, who will conduct the service under the du'ection of the chief surgeon of the field army or expeditionary force. (k) For service at the base and along lines of commimications Red Cross personnel will be organized into — Field columns. Hospital columns. Supply columns. Information bureau sections. (Z) Field columns will supplement and assist the regular transport in the transportation of patients from field hospitals to evacuation THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR, GENERAL. 183 and base hospitals, b}^ the use of litters, ambulances, hospital trains, trains for patients, hospital ships, and ships for patients; by the establishment of rest and food stations, and by the performance of such other duties as they may be called upon to perform. Field columns wiU be organized as foUows: 1 director. 4 assistant directors. 4 section chiefs. 16 assistant section chiefs. 64 men. Afield colunni will be composed of four sections, each consisting of — 1 assistant director. 1 section chief. 4 assistant section chiefs. 16 men. In addition to the above, each director of a column will have a staff of two section chiefs to keep the records and conduct the supply service of the column. Directors and assistant directors must be qualified physicians in good standing. The training of field columns should mclude instruction in first aid, elementary hygiene, and Hospital Corps drill. The personnel of such columns should be made practically familiar with the use of the various appliances (includmg improvisations) for transporting sick and wounded, such as litters, ambulances, and other vehicles, with the fitting up of trains and ships for patients, and with other simi- lar duties. Instruction should also be given in tlie organization and conduct of rest and food stations. Some personnel of each column shoidd also be made proficient in methods of disinfection. (m) Hospital columns must be prepared to supplement and assist military hospital formations, to perforin the necessary ward service, and to take up certain branches of hospital work, such as laundering and repair of linen, the management of kitchens, etc. Sections of hospital colunnis may also be assigned to duty on hospital trains and ships, and to other military sanitary institutions. Hospital columns for service at the base and along the line of com- munications will be organized as foUows: 1 director. 3 assistant directors. 6 chief nurees. 45 nurses. Such number of cooks ward orderlies, and laborei-s as may be necessary. 184 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. The hospital cohimn will ]>v composed of three sections, each con- sisting of — 1 assistant director. 2 chief nurses. 15 nurses. Such numher of cooks, ward orderlies, and lahorers as may be necessary. . In addition to the above, each director of a column will have a staff of two section chiefs to keep the records and conduct the supply- service of the column, and such number of staff pln-^sicians as may be deemed expedient. Directors, assistant directors, and staff physicians must be qualified practitioners of medicine in good standing. The staff of the director of a hospital column may also include dentists. The training of hospital columns should comprise, in addition to strictly professional subjects, practical instruction in methods and materiel used in evacuation and base hospitals, and in hospital trains and ships. Methods and means of improvising hospital accommo- dations from local resources should also be included. (n) Supply columns, composed of pharmacists and others experi- enced in handling medical and hospital supplies, clerks, teamsters, and laborers, will be organized for the purpose of establishing and conducting a Red Cross supply service in connection with the military sanitary supply department. The training of the personnel of supply columns must mclude prac- tical instruction concerning the kind and character of supplies used in the sanitary service, the methods of purchase, inspection, distribu- tion, and such methods of accounting as may be prescribed b}^ the central committee of the Red Cross. (o) Information bureau sections composed of clerks, stenog- raphers, and typewriters will serve under the immediate super- vision of directors general of the Red Cross, and will be instructed in methods of correspondence, and of obtaining the necessary informa- tion from military authorities concerning sick and wounded and the dead, for the purpose of furnishing such information to relatives and friends. Information bureau sections may also bo attached to the bureau of information for prisoners of war. (p) A register will be kept in the olhce of the Surgeon General of the Army, upon which will be entered the name, place, strength, equipment, and efficiency of organized Red Cross units. No organ- ization will be entered on the register, however, unless it shall have been inspected and approved by a representative of the War Depart- ment. A Red Cross unit that has been inspected niul found (juaUfied THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR, GENERAL. 185 will be carried on the register for one year after date of such inspec- tion. Applications from columns or sections for entry upon the Surgeon General's register will be forwarded through Red Cross channels to The Adjutant General of the Army. Applications from columns or sections borne on the Surgeon General's register for continuance on said register will bo submitted annually on or before June 1, through Red Cross channels, to The Adjutant General of the Army. (q) Members of organized columns when in service will wear the uniform prescribed by the central committee and approved by the War Department. Their equipment will be assimilated to that used in the sanitary service. (r) The personnel serving with the land and naval forces in time of war or threatened hostilities will, while proceeding to their place of duty, while serving thereat, and while returning therefrom, be transported and subsisted at the cost and charge of the United States as civilian employees employed with said forces. Red Cross supplies that may be tendered as a gift and accepted for use in the sanitary service will be transported at the cost and charge of the United States. (s) Forage will be issued to Red Cross organizations in the field in case of emergency only, upon the guarantee of the Red Cross author- ities that such issues will be replaced, or the cost thereof refimded. (t) When available, suitable quarters may be assigned to the Red Cross in active service. INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTARY AID. 537. The chief surgeon of a field army, a division surgeon, a surgeon base group, or the surgeon of any organization operating independ- ently may, in emergency, with the consent of his commanding officer and under the authority of the Surgeon General, accept service volunteered individually by civihan physicians, nurses, litter bearers, cooks, etc. 538. The officer accepting such services will assign volunteers to duty according to the circumstances of the emergency. They may, when the necessity is great, be utilized in the zone of the advance; but as a rule they are accepted for duty only on the line of com- munications or in the service of the interior. 539. The commanding officer of a general hospital may accept similar individual volunteer service in his hospital when authorized by the Surgeon General. 640, The services of individual volunteers who do not appear to be physically robust and able to withstand the hardships to which they arc likely to be exposed should invariably be rejected. 186 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 641. Individual volunteers whose services are accepted will be under the immediate orders of the officers commanding the hospitals or other sanitary formations to which they may be assigned. INSIGNIA OF SANITARY PERSONNEL, FORMATIONS, AND MATERIEL. (Sec Rules of Land Warfare.) 642. In campaign, all persons belonging to the sanitary service and chaplains attached to the Army wear on the left arm a brassard bearing a red cross on a white ground, the emblem of the sanitary service of armies. This brassard is issued and stamped with a number by competent authority, and in case of persons who do not have military uniforms it is accompanied by a certificate of identity. 543. Brassards will be issued to the uniformed personnel of the sanitary service and to chaplains by the senior medical officer of the organization with which they are on duty. To other individuals entitled thereto under the provisions of the Geneva convention brassards and certificates of identity (Form 61) will be issued by the division surgeon, surgeon, base group, the department surgeon, or the Surgeon General, as the case may require. The certificate of identity will bear the same number as the brassard. 544. The person to whom a certificate of identity is issued will retain it in his personal possession and exhibit it when called upon by competent authority to do so. Care will be exercised to prevent the certificate of identity or its container from coming into the hands of another pei-son. The loss of a brassard or of a certificate will be investigated and reported by the immediate commander to the office which issued the lost article. 645. All sanitary formations display during daylight (reveille to retreat) the Eed Cross flag accompanied by the National flag. If a sanitary formation falls into the hands of the enemy it displays while in such situation the Red Cross flag only. At night the positions of sanitary formations are marked by green lanterns — a camp infirmary by one green lantern; a field hospital by two green lanterns, one above the other; and an ambulance company or its dressing station by on(i green lantern above one white lantern. 546. All materiel pertaining to the sanitary service is also marked with the Red Cross emblem, a red cross on a white ground. STATUS OF SANITARY PERSONNEL AND MATERIEL. (See Rules of Land Warfare.) 547. All persons mentioned in paragraph .5.'^2 and armed detach- ments or sentinels ordered by competent authority to guard sanitary formations are respected and protected under all circumstances. If they fall into the hands of the enemy, they do not become prisoners of THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR, GENERAL. 187 war but are disposed of as provided in Article 1 2 of the Geneva conven- tion, 1906. In order to obtain this protection, the commanding officer of every sanitary formation shoidd require of his subordinates a strict observance of the terms of the Geneva convention. 648. The disposition of captured sanitary materiel is governed by the provisions of Chapter IV of the Geneva convention, 1906. 649. In order that materiel may be entitled to the protection af- forded by the Geneva convention, it must be set apart for the use of the sanitary service exclusively. To this end, transportation which properly pertains to the Medical Department is assigned to that department and will not be diverted therefrom by commanders sub- ordinate to the one by whom such assignment was made nor by offi- cers of other staff departments. This includes ambulances, wagons, and animals, with their personnel, hospital trains, ships, and boats, together with the crews for working such trains, ships, and boats. (a) Transportation for the temporary use of the Medical Depart- ment, including wagon and railway trains, boats, etc., is reported by the officer in charge to the senior medical officer, under whose orders such transportation remains until the -special work to which it was assigned is completed. (h) Medical and other supplies for' the use of the sick and wounded are transported, so far as possible, by the Medical Department with its own transportation. GUARDS FOR THE SANITARY SERVICE. 650. When necessary, armed guards are furnished from the line for the protection of the sanitary service, and the personnel of the latter may also be armed and use their arms in self-defense or in defense of the sick and wounded. Field hospitals, when not parked with the divisional trains, are ordinarily guarded by ambulance companies, guards from the line being detailed only when this is impracticable. Other sanitary formations are furnished guards by army, division, line of communications, or detachment commanders, as the case may be. When the commander of such a guard is a commissioned officer, he confers with the medical commander as to the character of the guard duty desired by the latter, but exercises no control over the sanitary formation. MEDICAL SUPPLIES. 551. In combat, expenditures of surgical dressings and similar arti- cles from the equipment of troops on the line are normally replenished from the reserve supplies of the nearest ambulance company or camp infirmary. No formal requisitions, invoices, or receipts wiU be required. (a) In emergencies the division surgeon may authorize the transfer of supplies between other sanitary formations. If the supplies so 188 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. transferred are nonex})endable, invoices and receipts will bo executed and forwarded in the usual manner. (h) Medical Department blank forms for the use of troops not under the jurisdiction of a department commander, operating with a tactical command mobilized for field service, wdiether in the theater of operations or in the interior, or in time of war or of peace, will be procured by requisition, Form 37, on the chief medical officer of the command (camp surgeon, division surgeon or surgeon medical base group as the case may be), who will alter and approve the same at discretion for issue from his emergency reserve or from the proper depot. (See paragraphs 885 and 961). Blank forms of other staff departments will be procured as provided by the regulations of those departments or by Army Regulations. (c) Supply depots on the line of communications obtain their sup- plies in the manner prescribed in paragraphs 782 to 792. (C. M. M. D., No. 2.) 552. With the exceptions noted in the preceding paragraph, all medical supplies for troops in the theater of operations will be re- quired for on emergency special requisitions (Form 35). These requisitions will be made in duplicate. Those from divisional troops will be forwarded to the division surgeon. This officer will modify them at his discretion, and if the requisition, as approved, is within the hmits of the prescribed allowances for the organization making it, the original will be forwarded to the most convenient depot for issue. If the requisition as approved calls for articles in excess of the pre- scribed allowances, it will be forwarded to the surgeon, base group, for his action: Requisitions from sanitary formations on the Hue of communications will be forwarded thi'ough medical channels to the surgeon, base .group, who will modify them at his discretion and for- ward the origmal to the most convenient depot for issue. In all cases the duphcate copy of the requisition will be returned to the office of origin wath modifications, if any, noted thereon. («) In emergencies medical supplies may be issued to evacuation ambulance companies and evacuation hospitals on requisitions ap- proved by the surgeon, advance group. 553. Sanitary formations operating in the service of the interior obtain their medical supplies as prescribed for time of peace. (See pare. 477 to 495.) 554. Medical and other supplies for the use of the sick and woimded are transported, so far as possible, by the Medical l)o{)artment with its own transportation. Supplies which can not be thus transported are invoiced to the Quartermaster Corps for transportation, and their shipment is expedited as much as possible, amnmnition and rations alone, as a rule, having precedence. When necessary, members of the Hospital Corps are detailed to accompany medical property. 555. The method by which supplies are fonvarded from the line of communications and distributed to troops in the zone of the advance is described in Field Service Regulations: Supply Service. THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR, GENERAL. 189 CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, RETURNS, AND RECORDS. 556. The reports and returns' prescribed by regulations all serve a useful purpose in facilitating the proper distribution and mainte- nance of the forces at front and rear, in preserving their mobility, in providing them with the necessary funds, supplies, and equip- ments, in securing a proper account and record of the various measures taken regarding them, and generally in promoting the efficiency of military action. If the required papers are not promptV and correctly prepared, valuable experience which might be utilized for improvement in methods will be lost; coordination, of paramount unportance in campaign, will fail; the interests not only of the Govenmient but of the individual soldier as well will be sacrified; the Hospital Corps and Medical Department units will be improperly and msufficiently suppUed; the dead will be unaccounted for; and the sick and wounded under treatment will suffer needless misery and privation. Medical officers must accordingly use ever}^ endeavor under all conditions of service to insure the prompt and correct execution of the prescribed reports and returns. 557. Correspondence, reports, and returns which in time of peace wouhl be forwarded to or through the department surgeon as pre- scribed in Part I of this Manual will, in the theater of operations, be forwarded to the division surgeon if from organizations or persons serv- ing with mobilized divisions, and to the surgeon, base group, if from organizations or persons on duty with the line of communications. 558. All the usual reports and returns required of medical officers in time of peace are given in paragraph 398. Such of these as are applic- al)le to the changed conditions will be made in time of war. The fol- lowing special reports and forms are required only during campaign: (a) Daily field rejjort of sanitary personnel and transportation (Form 82). — This report will be made daily to the proper medical superior by the senior medical officer of every organization in the field, a copy being retained. Telegraphic report of the data called for thereon may be required if necessary. (b) Daily field report of patients (Form 83). — This report will likewise be rendered daily, as in the preceding case. (c) Monthly reports from dimsional sanitary inspectors required by paragraph 747a, Form 50. (d) Reports of the sanitary inspections of Medical Department organizations required by paragraph 748a, Form 506. (e) Certificate of identity (Form 61). — This certificate is issued to those who are entitled to wear a brassard but who do not wear a uniform. (See pars. 542 and 543.) (/) Diagnosis tags. — -On the battle field diagnosis tags are applied to all sick, wounded, and dead and are used in recording and report- ing casualties. (See pars. 567 to 574.) (g) List of sick and wounded (Form 53). — With the exceptions noted in paragraph 575 tliis form will be used as a substitute for Forms 190 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 51, 51a, 5lh, and 52 in reporting and recording the sick and wounded in the theater of operations. (70 Return of casualties (Form 149, A. G. O.). — This report is made after every action in which casualties have occurred, by the commanding officer of each independent organization. Casualties pertaming to the personnel of the organization making the report only should be included. Regimental surgeons funiish regimental commanders with information necessary for the preparation of the report. (i) In the case of Medical Department units which have quarter- master accountability such additional records, reports, returns, etc., as are required by the Quartermaster Corps must be kept and made. 559. The various blank forms for the preparation of the papers required by the several departments concerned are enumerated in paragraphs 961 to 965. They must be obtained as indicated therein for time of peace or, in the case of troops in the theater of operations, as prescribed in paragraph 551?). 560. Division surgeons and other medical officers in the field whose functions are analogous to those of division surgeons will conduct their paper work along the lines indicated in paragraph 368. In the zone of the advance, paper work should be reduced to the minimum consistent with maintaining the efficiency of the service, the hiterests of the Government and of individuals. 561. On the conclusion of a campaign division surgeons and the surgeon, base group, will make a report to the chief surgeon of the field army of the work of the Medical Department under their super- vision during the campaign. The chief surgeon of the field army will make a consolidated report to the Surgeon General, covering the work of the Medical Department of the entire Army during the campaign, and will forward therewith the reports received from the division surgeons and the surgeon, base group. 562. After the conclusion of an engagement each ambulance company, field hospital, evacuation ambuhmce company, and evacua- tion hospital will make a special report of its work during the engage- ment to the proper medical superior; and hospital trains, trains for pa- tients, hospital ships, and ships for patients will upon the completion of each trip make a report thereof to the surgeon, base group, or to the Surgeon General if the train or ship is operatmg under his immediate direction. 563. Medical supply depots on the line of conuinmications wiU make returns, reports, and records similar to those of home depots. In addition they will make to the surgeon, base group, the daily field reports of sanitary personnel and transportation requiretl by para- graph 558. THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR, GENERAL. 191 564. The correspondence book and document lile system of keeping correspondence records will be used by all sanitary formations in the theater of operations unless, in special instances, a more elaborate system is prescribed by proper authority. (See Appendix: Records and Correspondence,) 565. An hidelible pencil may be used for correspondence and in the preparation of all reports and returns except muster rolls, pay rolls, discharge certificates, and final statements. 566. When, in the theater of operations, retained records accumu- late to such an extent as to be burdensome to an organization, they wiU be classified according to the staff department to which they respectively pertain, securely wrapped and labeled and forwarded for safe keeping to the surgeon, base group, or to such other officer as the division surgeon may direct. The labels should show the character of the contents of each package, the name of the organiza- tion to which they belong, and the inclusive dates which the records cover. RECORDS OF SICK AND WOUNDED. 667. During and after an engagement diagnosis tags will be. attached to all womided and dead as soon as practicable. They wiU be made out ui duplicate. 568. In the case of wounded the primary purpose of the tag is to advise the medical officers under whose observation the womided successively come of the treatment previously given at the several points of relief on the field or on the way to the rear. 569. The tag mil be made out by the first medical officer or member of the Hospital Corps who treats the man previous to admission to a hospital on the line of communications. (It is unnecessary to tag a patient who is admitted to a hospital on the line of communications without having been previously tagged.) If the patient is badly hurt, the identification tag may be utilized to obtain the necessary information concerning his name, rank, etc. The origmal diagnosis tag will be attached to the patient's clothing. 570. The dead found on the field will be tagged in each case by the Medical Department troops who first reach the body, in order that other medical personnel may not lose time examming it. The tag wiU be attached to the clothing of the deceased. 571. Tlie dupHcates of the diagnosis tags wiU be disposed of as follows : (a) Those made out by the sanitary personnel of an organization for the officers and sokUers of their own command will be retained by the surgeon until disposed of as provided in paragraph 574. (6) Those made out for officers and soldiers of other commands will be transmitted as soon as possible after the close of each day of 192 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. an engagement to the division surgeon accompanied by the check list directed to be sent to that ojfficer by paragraph 579. 572. The original tags will be disposed of as follows: (a) Tliose of wounded who are returned from aid stations to the firmg Ime without going farther to the rear will be removed and retained by the regimental surgeon. (6) Those of wounded who are retmTied to their organizations direct from dressing stations (par. 682) or from the station for shghtly womided (par. 714a) will be removed upon their reporting for duty and be turned over to the surgeons of their several organiza- tions, respectively. (c) Those of wounded who are admitted to a field hospital and retamed there for definitive treatment will be removed and forwarded to the division surgeon. If the patients are subsecpently transferred to the line of communications, they wiU not be retagged, but wiU be accompanied by transfer lists in regular form (par. 583). (d) Those of wounded who are being evacuated from the zone of the advance will not be disturbed until the patients are admitted to hospital on the line of communications, when the tags will be removed, stamped with the name of the admitting hospital, and the date of receipt of the patient, and forwarded immediately to the division surgeon of the division to which the wounded belong. (e) Tliose of wounded who die while in transit from the field to hospital (the death in each case being noted on the tag as required by the printed instructions in the tag book), and the tags attached to the dead found on the field, will be removed when the bodies are pre- pared for interment or equivalent disposal, and will be sent likewise to the division surgeon. 673. The division surgeon will cause the tags received by liim in compliance with paragraphs 571 and 572 to be distributed without delay to the senior medical officers of the commands to which the men tagged belong, so that they may be available in accounting for officers or soldiers who would otherwise be carried as missmg on the returns of their organizations. 574. Having served their purpose in completing the records of the organizations, all the tags, both originals and duplicates, wiU be for- warded with the next periodical fists of sick and wounded therefrom. 575. The register of patients prescribed by paragraph 427 and the monthly report of sick and wounded by paragraph 458 are not re- quired from mobile troops or commands in the theater of operations. In lieu tliereof a record or list of the sick and wounded ■\^'ith i'vvrj mobile command in the theater of operations which is accompanied by a medical officer will be kept day by day by such officer on Form 53, as directed in the followhig paragraplis and in tlie instructions prmted on the forju. Field hospitals immobilized and acting as THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR, GENERAL. 193 camp hospitals, evacuation hospitals, base hospitals, supply depots, contagious disease hospitals, field laboratories, and other similar sanitary formations will not be regarded as mobile units within the meaning of this paragraph, but will keep the register of patients and render monthly reports of sick and wounded in accordance with the regular rule. 576. The list of sick and wounded will contain a record of the following cases : (a) Every officer or soldier with the command who is excused from duty on account of sickness or injury, or who receives a wound of any character in action whether it involves excuse from duty or not. (h) Every officer or soldier with the command, not currently on the list, who is sent to another command or place for observation or treatment. (c) Every officer, not currently on the lisl, who departs from the command on sick leave. (d) Every officer or soldier with the command, not currently on the hst, who is retired, or discharged for disabiUty, or dies ; and every civilian with the command who dies. 677. In determining the cases to be entered on the list of sick and wounded under the provisions of paragraph 576, officers and soldiers who are killed or wounded in action wiU be considered as with the command by whose sanitary personnel they are tagged. The names of such officers and soldiers will therefore not necessarily appear on the list of sick and wounded of their own organization. (See par. 579a.) 578. Except as provided in paragraph 580, the list of sick and wounded will be made in duplicate, and at the end of the month covered by it the original thereof will be forwarded thi'ough medical channels to the Surgeon General. The duplicate will be retained. 579. After the close of each day of an engagement the casualties resulting from the action will be entered on the monthly list of sick and wounded in two groups, first those suffered by the personnel of the organization making the Hst, second those occurring among the personnel of other organizations. An extra carbon copy of that portion of the list containing entries of the first group will be made and sent immediately to the organization commander to enable him to prepare his return of casualties (Form 149, A. G. O.) or, if preferred, the extra carbon copy for the organization commander may be made on Form 149 direct, as the size and ruling of the two forms are similar. An extra carbon copy of that portion of the list containing entries of the second group will be made in like manner and immediately sent to the division surgeon in order that there may be at the head- quarters of the division a check upon the names of men reported as 93440°— 17 13 194 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. inissiiig in the casualty retui'iis of the organizations to which they, belong. (a) In entering on the list of sick and wounded the casualties resulting from an engagement there should be included only those cases which have not been previously tagged by members of other organizations and in the case of field hospitals those retained for definitive treatment (par. 572c), except that all cases transferred to the lino of communications should be recorded by the organization transferring them in order that there may be a record within the division of the final disposition of such cases. (See par. 577.) 580. Stations for slightly wounded will make a single copy of the list of sick and wounded. At the end of each day and when the station is closed the list will be sent at once to the division surgeon. 681 . Evacuation ambulance companies should include in their list of sick and wounded only such cases as pertain to their own personnel and suchcases as may, under exceptional circumstances, fall into theirhands without having been previously tagged by other sanitary formations. 682. Hospital trains and hospital ships make complete lists in regular monthly form only of cases occurring among their own per- sonnel and, in the case of a hospital ship, of cases admitted thereto for definitive treatment. 683. "^i^Tiero patients are transferred from mobile organizations at the front to the line of communications a nominal list of them should if practicable be prepared in duplicate by the transferring officer, the original of which should be receipted and returned to him by the receiving officer. Extra carbon copies of so much as may be per- tinent of the transferring officer's regular list on Form 53 may be made for this purpose. Transfers from camp hospitals in the zone of the advance, should there be any such, will be accomplished by regular transfer cards (par. 575). (a) The duplicates of the nominal lists mentioned, or the transfer cards as the case may be, furnished as above to an evacuation ambu- lance company, will be turned over to the evacuation hospital or other sanitary formation to which it delivers the patients. Similar disposi- tion will be made by a hospital train or hospital ship of the nominal lists or transfer cards received by it. 684. Should a hospital train or hospital ship receive patients unac- companied by nominal lists or transfer cards, the commanding officer of the train or ship will as soon as practicable prepare a nominal list of such patients on Form 53 (separate and apart from his regular monthly list of sick and wounded) for disposition as above provided. Should the preparation of such a list be impracticable he will list the patients who seem to be in danger of death so as to be able if death occurs to report the necessary details. THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR, v'^.ENERAL. 195 (a) Should any of the easos bo. lost en route by death, capture, etc., he will without delay report the cases so lost, giving the date and nature of the loss, to the surgeon, base group, or if the movement of the sick and wounded is under the immediate direction of the Surgeon General, direct to him, forwarding with such report the transfer cards (if any have been received) of the patients so lost. (&) In the case of sick and wounded necessarily left at a hospital other than the one designated to receive them, their transfer cards, or a nominal list, as the case may be, will be left with the conunanding officer of such hospital, and a similar report of the patients so disposed of will be made at once. ORGANIZATION OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT IN WAR. 585. The details of organization, the amounts and kinds of trans- portation allowed, and the factors on which the allowance of trans- portation is based, are given in Tables of Organization. 586. The following table gives an outhne of the organization "of the Medical Department in war: Surgeon General. Service of the interior. Department surgeons. Medical service, moliilization camps. Medical service, concentration camps. Camp hospitals. General hospitals. Convalescent camps. Hospitals, ports of embarkation. Surgeons, ports of embarkation. Hospitals for prisoners of war. Memcal supply depots. Hospital trams and trains for patients. Rest stations. Hospital ships and ships for patients. Sanitary inspectors. Theater of op erations (chief surgeon, field army). Zone of the ad- vance (divi- sion sur geons). Zone of the line of communi- cations (sur- geon, base group). Medical department personnel on duty with line organizations. i Directors of anibu- jCainp infirmaries, lance compMiies. \Ambulance companies. °hos*itlls°^ ^*''^}Field hospitals. Base section (surgeon, base group): Base medical supply depot. Base hospitals. Convalescent camps. Contagious disease hospitals. Trains, boats, and ships. Casual camps for sanitary troops. Sanitary squads. Field laboratories. American National Red Cross units. Sanitary inspectors. Intermediate section (surgeon. Intermediate group): Rest stations. American National Red Cross units. Advance section (surgeon, advance group): Advance medicsal supply depot. _ .. 1 Ti /Evacuation hospitals. banitary column. ^Evacuation ambulance companies. ARTICLE XI.— THE SERVICE OF THE INTERIOR. GENERAL. 587. During time of active military operations such peace organizations of the Medical Department in the service of the interior (par. 528) as post hospitals, general hospitals, and medical supply depots must be largely augmented to meet the changed conditions and to provide for the increased number of sick and wounded. The requirements of the theater of operations, which must receive first consideration, will necessitate the substitution to a very large extent of personnel from the Medical Reserve Corps, the Volunteers, the American National Red Cross and other civilian sources, in place of the Medical Corps, Hospital Corps, and Army Nurse Corps assigned to these institutions in tune of peace. (See par. 538.) 588. As a part of the service of the interior a medical service for the transportation of the sick and wounded and their care while in transit will be organized in rear of the theater of operations. 589. Before a command leaves its station or camp in home terri- tory en route to a camp of concentration, or to the theater of opera- tions, all members thereof and all civihans who are to accompany it should be examined to ascertain their freedom from contagious disease and their physical fitness for the contemplated movement. 590. In movements of troops by rail the senior medical officer of the command will inspect the accommodations provided, giving special attention to the water supply, and will make proper recom- mendations for the correction of any defects observed. 591. The several kinds of Medical Department organizations required in the service of the interior in time of war are indicated in paragraph 58G. MOBILIZATION CAMPS. (See Army Regulations: Organized Militia.) 592. The places of assembly for Volunteers and for the Organized Militia of a State, Territory, or the District of Columbia when called into the service of the United States are known as mobilization camps. 593. The sanitary service of a mobilization camp is under the direc- tion of the senior medical officer on the staff of the camp commander, who will be designated camp surgeon. So far as practicable officers of the Medical Corps only will be detailed as surgeons of mobihzation camps. 196 THE SERVICE OF THE INTERIOR. 197 594. The chief objects to be attained by the Medical Department at camps of mobilization are: (a) To make the physical examinations prescribed in Army Regu- lations and to secure accurate records of the condition of officers and men upon their admission to the Federal service. This will be effected ia accordance with instructions from the War Department. (6) To make physical examinations of civilians attached to troops and to exclude those who are unfit for the contemplated service. (c) To administer prophylactic vaccinations. A record of these vaccmations will be kept as prescribed in paragraphs 187, 188, and 193. ((Z) To equip all nidividuals and organizations with such articles of Medical Department property as are requu-ed by existing orders, and to completely equip all individuals and organizations pertaining to the Medical Department. (e) To instruct all nidividuals and organizations so far as practicable in personal and camp hygiene, and in addition to instruct Medical Department personnel, commissioned and enlisted, in the routine work of the Medical Department in the field. An important factor in the instruction will be the object lesson afforded by the achnin- istration of the camp and the measures inaugurated for the mainte- nance of sanitary conditions therein. This instruction will be carried out under the immediate supervision of the camp surgeon actmg under the direction of the department surgeon. It will be system- atically arranged and will foUow a defmite program furnished by the department sui^eon. 595. AM letters and reports to the department surgeon, the division surgeon (unless he is in camp), or the Surgeon General will be for- warded through the camp surgeon in order that they may be returned to the writer for correction, if necessary. 596. Tlie equipment for a camp hospital, varying accordmg to the anticipated strength of the camp, will be supplied to mobihzation camps by direction of the War Department, without requisition. 597. SuppUes and equipment pertaming to the Medical Depart- ment in the hands of organizations temporarily at camps of mobihza- tion will be maintained intact, bemg used only for purposes of drill and instruction. The camp surgeon will provide a suitable place m which the medical persoimel attached to organizations may hold sick call and will furnish the necessary supplies for the treatment of the sick. CONCENTRATION CAMPS. (See F. S. R.: Service of the Interior.) 698. The places which are selected by the War Department, when war is imminent or has been declared, for the assembly of troops for joint operations or for embarkation, are known as concentration camps. 198 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 599. The sanitaiy service of a concentration camp is under the direction of the senior medical officer on the staff of the camp conunander, (rt) In addition to his routine duties as camp surgeon it will be the duty of this officer to continue the instruction of the personnel begun at the home stations of the troops or at the mobilization camps; to ascer- tain by mspection of descriptive lists, vaccination registers, and other records available whether the prescribed vaccinations and physical examinations of all the personnel of the camp have been made and to complete such inoculations or vaccmations as may be necessary; and by proper measures to make sure that all troops are equipped as contemplated in regulations. (See par. 594.) 600. A camp hospital will be provided for the camp upon requisi- tion by the camp surgeon, unless other hospital facilities are available in the immediate vicinity. 601 . Tlie supplies and equipment pertaining to the Medical Depart- ment in the hands of organizations temporarily at the camp will be maintained intact, bemg used only for purposes of drill and instruc- tion. The camp surgeon will provide a suitable place in which the personnel attached to organizations may hold sick call and will fur- nish the necessary supplies for the treatment of the sick. > CAMP HOSPITALS. 602. A camp hospital is an immobile miit organized and equipped for use in camps where the care of the sick would otherwise result in the immobihzation of field hospitals or other sanitary formations pertaining to organizations. 603. Department and division surgeons and other administrative officers charged with providing for the sick and wounded under field service conditions will prevent the immobilization of sanitary forma- tions pertaining to organizations by providmg for the estabhshment of camp hospitals where necessary. 604. The equipment and personnel of a camp hospital will vary with the requirements of the situation. A suitable camp hospital for one or two regiments may be formed with a regimental hospital equipment, less transportation (pars. 869 and 872), as a nucleus. A camp hospital for a brigade or larger organization may utihze the equipment of a field hospital (par. 879 only) as a nacleus. In para- graph 886 will be found a list of supplemental supplies for the equip- ment of camp hospitals, more or less of which will be necessary according to the conditions which are to be met. (See also par. 859.) 605. A camp hospital is under the control of tlie senior medical officer on the stafi" of the camp commander and is administered by him or by one of his subordinates. THE SEBVICE OF THE TNTElIIOPw 199 OENERAL HOSPITALS. ' ' 606. Additional general hospitals will be established by the Surgeon General in time of war at such points as may be deemed most suitable. CONVALESCENT CAMPS. 607. Convalescent camps will be estabhshed as branches of general hospitals whon necessary. The commandiug officer of the hospital will also command the camp. (a) Such camps will be used for patients who no longer need hos- pital treatment but are not yet in sufficiently vigorous health to return to their commands, 608. Patients in convalescent camps will be borne upon the register of sick and wounded at the general hospital. (See par. 447.) HOSPITALS, PORTS OF EMBARKATION. 609. At a port of embarkation where there is a general hospital any further hospital accommodations that may be required will be operated as branches of the general hospital. At a port of embarka- tion where there is no general hospital, a port of embarkation hos- pital wiU be esta,blished and operated under the immediate control of the surgeon, port of embarkation. SURGEONS, PORTS OF EMBARKATION. 610. The surgeon, port of embarkation, is the sanitary adviser of his commanding officer in all matters pertaining to the Medical Department. He is charged with (1) the control of the port of embarkation hospital when it is not a branch of a general hospital; (2) the provision of medical attendance at the headquarters to which he is assigned; (3) the medical supermtendence of the transport service ; (4) the provision of medical supplies, including those required by transports; (5) the duties of camp surgeon (par. 599) of the con- centration camp so long as it is controlled by the commander of the port of embarkation, HOSPITALS FOR PRISONERS OF WAR. 611. Hospitals for prisoners of war will be established by the Sur- geon General at points determined upon by the Secretary of War. They will have the status of general hospitals, and as such each will be managed under the direction of the Surgeon General, except that the officer charged with the custody and safe-keeping of the prisoners will maintain such guards over the hospital as may be necessary to prevent the escape of the prisoners therein. 200 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOTS. 612. Additional medical supply depots will be established by the Surgeon General as he may deem necessary, having due regard for the sources of supply and the facilities for distribution. HOSPITAL TRAINS AND TRAINS FOR PATIENTS. 613. Hospital trains are Medical Department organizations and will be provided by the War Department when required for the trans- portation of the sick and wounded. In cases of emergency when liospital trains are not available ordmary trains for patients wiU be provided for the temporary use of the Medical Department. 614. A hospital train made up of 10 cars, of which 8 are for patients (capacity 200), is allowed, in accordance with Tables of Organization, a personnel of 3 medical officers (captains or lieutenants) ; 3 noncom- missioned officers (1 sergeant first class, 2 sergeants); 2 acting cooks; 22 privates fii-st class and privates (20 nurses, 2 orderlies). 615. The equipment of hospital trains and the personnel and equip- ment of trains for patients will be determined according to the needs of each case. 616. Hospital trains and trains for patients in the service of the interior will operate under the direction of the Surgeon General. Each train will be under the command of the senior medical officer on duty therewith. 617. The commanding officer of a train will, some hours before it is due at the hospital which is to receive its patients, notify the commanding officer of the latter by telegram of the time of its arrival and the number of patients to be provided for. REST STATIONS. 618. Rest stations will be organized at points on the railway lines where attention can best be given to sick and wounded en route. So far as possible the personnel of such stations will be obtained from the American National Red Cross. HOSPITAL SHIPS AND SHIPS FOR PATIENTS. 619. On over-sea expeditions hospital ships and ships for patients may both be required. They will be provided by the War Depart- ment. 620. Hospital sliips are Medical Department organizations and will be used solely by that department. Ships for patients are ordinary transports or vessels turned over to the Medical Department for tem- porary use in emergencies when hospital ships are not available. 621. The personnel of a hospital ship (capacity 200 beds) consists of 5 medical ofTiccM-s (1 fioutenant colonel or major, 4 captains and THE SERVICE OF THE INTERIOR, 201 lieutenants); 5 nonoonimissioned officers (1 sergeant first class, 4 ser- geants); 5 acting cooks; 30 privates first class and privates (29 nurses, 1 orderly). 622. The equipment of hospital ships and the personnel and equip- ment of ships for patients will bo determined according to the needs of each case. 623. Hospital ships (including those furnished by the American National Red Cross) and ships for patients while in use as such wiU be commanded by medical officers of the Army. 624. In addition to carrying sick and wounded between ports, hospital sliips and ships for patients may be utihzed for carrying Medical Department personnel and supplies when this does not inter- fere with their primary object. 625. So far as possible the commanding officer of the ship will notify the receiving hospital, in advance, of the prospective time of arrival and the number of patients aboard. SANITARY INSPECTORS. 626. Mihtary establishments in the service of the interior operated under the direct control of the War Department will be inspected by sanitary inspectors designated by the Surgeon General. The duties of such officere are analogous to those of department sanitary in- spectors, and they wnll be governed by the regulations prescribed for the latter (pars. 371 to 374) in so far as they are applicable to the chano;ed conditions. ARTICLE Xn.— THE THEATER OF OPERATIONS, GENERAL. REQUIREMENTS FOR AN EFFICIENT SANITARY SERVICE. 627. The mobility of an army may be the factor which deter- mines its success or its failure. It is therefore highly important (1) that the army should be relieved as promptly as possible of the encumbrance of its sick and wounded; (2) that this should be accom- plished without obstructing other military operations in progi*ess, and with the minimum of transportation and personnel. (a) In view of these requirements, it is evident that the sanitary service must be thoroughly organized; that it must operate syste- matically, and that its personnel should have had thorough prelimi- nary training. 628. Efficient medical administration should therefore provide: (1) In the zone of the advance, only emergency treatment for the wounded and their prompt transportation to the rear; (2) in the zone of the line of communications, a service so complete in equip- ment, supplies, and personnel that it will afford the sick and wounded all the facilities and comforts of the service of the interior, rendering it unnecessary to transport farther to the rear such patients as will later be able to rejoin their commands; (3) in every sanitary station from the firing ,line to the base, a careful classification of the sick and wounded according to the nature and severity of their disabili- ties, with a view to such disposition as will pi'event any uiuiecessary depletion of the combatant forces. 629. For the evacuation of the sick and wounded to the rear it will be necessary for the Medical Department to utilize all available transport. In addition to that normally assigned to the department, combat wagons and field train wagons when authorized by competent authority, automobiles, and other impressed civilian transportation of all kinds, should be obtained and used when the situation demands. 202 ARTICLE Xin.— THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE. CLASSIFICATION OF THE SANITARY SERVICE. 630. The sanitary personnel of the zone of the advance may be divided into two general groups, as follows: First, that attached to line organizations smaller than a brigade, wliich functions under the immediate orders of the organization commanders ; second, that com- prismg the sanitary trains, which functions under the orders of divi- sion surgeons in accordance with such general or specific instructions as they may receive from their division commanders. SANITARY TROOPS ON DUTY WITH LINE ORGANIZA- TIONS. (See also Field Service Regulations.) 631. Sanitary troops with line organizations, including detach- ments with regiments, battahons, trains, etc., vary in personnel with the strength of the organization served and the nature of the duties they are required to perform. (See Tables of Organization: IFar — Regimental Organizations.) 632. When a regiment is operating independently the Medical Department equipment available for its use consists of the first-aid packet carried by each officer and enlisted man of the Army as a part of his individual equipment ; the articles carried as individual ec{uip- mcnt by each medical officer (par. 86-4) and by each member of the Hospital Corps (par. 865) ; the combat equipment (pars. 866 and 867) ; the camp infirmary equipment (pars. 869 and 870) ; and the additional articles necessary for the estabUshment of a regimental hospital (par. 872). (a) The additional articles for the regimental hospital will be taken to the field only under circumstances requiring the organization to provide hospital care for its own sick and wounded. 633. Wlien a regiment or other line organization is operating as a part of a division the Medical Department equipment provided for its exclusive use consists of the first-aid packets and individual equip- ments mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and the combat equip- ment (pars. 866 and 867). A small box of surgical dressings (par. 954) and one or more litters are earned on each ammunition wagon. The requisite articles for the establishment of the aid station are carried on the pack mule allotted the sanitary service, wliich marches 203 204 MANUAT. FOE THE MEDICAL DEPAETMENT. vsdth the combat train of the organization. The medical officer responsible for this equipment wiU see that it is complete and that it is maintained intact for service in combat. (a) On the march and in camp, with the exceptions noted in para- graph 601, the medical supplies and dispensary service required by- regimental organizations are provided thi'ough the medium of the camp mfirmary, (h) In combat it is contemplated that the expenditiu-es of dressings, etc., from the equipment of regimental organizations will bo replen- ished from the reserve supplies of the nearest ambulance company or camp infirmary. (See par. 551.) 634. The surgeon of a line organization is both an advisory and an administrative officer (par. 361). (a) He commands the sanitary troops on duty with the organiza- tion. (b) He is the adviser of the organization commander in medical and sanitary matters and, to the extent of his authority, is responsible for the execution of sanitary measures in connection with the organization. (c) He provides care and treatment for the sick and wounded, and is responsible for the efficient performance of the entire sanitary service of the organization. (d) He makes sueli sanitary inspections as may be necessary. In connection therewith he supervises the water supply and its purifica- tion, the sanitation of kitchens, the disposal of garbage and waste water, the police of latrines and urinals and the filling in and mark- ing of the same when discontinued, the police of bathing places and picket lines, the measures taken for the destruction of flies and mos- quitoes, and all other sanitary procedures necessary to preserve the health of the command. (e) He instructs, at suitable times designated by the commanding officer, the entire personnel of the organization in personal hygiene and first aid. (/) He trains his subordinates in all departments of field sanitary work. ig) He makes timely requisition for necessary supplies and equip- ment. 635. On the march the duties of the sanitary personnel are to render first aid where required, to transport the sick and wounded, and to make suitable disposition of them on arrival in camp. 636. Ordinarily the surgeon marches with the regimental com- mander, and one medical officer marches in the rear of each battahon. Each officer is mounted and accompanied by a mounted orderly. The remaining regimental sanitary persomiel usually march with the battalion units. '« •>biin >l')n(| o.. THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE. 205 637. When out of the presence of the enemy, ambulances are ordi- narily ordered distributed by the division commander throughout the column, in the rear of regiments, battalions, etc. Unless otherwise ordered these ambulances join their companies at the end of the day's march or at the beginnmg of an engagement. When a regiment operates independently it may be assigned its full quota of four ambulances. (See pars. 673 and 721.) 638. A soldier falling out of the marching column from sickness or injury is sent to a medical officer in the rear, with a pass from his company commander, showing the soldier's name and organization. The medical officer returns the pass, showing the disposition made of the soldier. The man may be given authority to ride in the ambu- lance at the rear of the regiment, or his arms and personal equipment may be carried in the ambulance, and he may march at the rear of the regiment with the sanitary detachment. 639. When an ambulance at the rear of a regiment is filled it may fall out and join its company at the rear of the column, and the director of ambulance companies or the ambulance company com- mander may send forward another ambulance to take its place; or the ambulance may remam with the regiment, and men requiring transportation may be given diagnosis tags authorizing their trans- portation by the ambulance company in the rear. In the latter case the men fall out and report to the commander of the ambulance company for transportation. 640. The arms, personal equipment, and clothing of a soldier who falls out are taken with him in the ambulance. The horse, saber, and horse equipment of a soldier admitted to the ambulance or otherwise separated from his organization because of sickness or injury are taken back to the troops by the noncommissioned officer who accom- panied him. 641. Upon halting for the night all but the trivial cases are taken in charge by a field hospital designated by the division surgeon, or they are sent to the rear, as the conditions may warrant. It may be neces- sary to leave them under shelter — in houses, if practicable — with the necessary food and attendants until taken in charge by sanitary troops from the line of communications. 642. In combat the duties devolving on the sanitary personnel are to render first aid to the wounded; to establish and operate an aid station, and to collect the wounded thereat; to direct those with trivial wounds to return to the line, and to direct others with sUght wounds to the station for slightly wounded ; and in exceptional cases to transport the severely wounded to the dressing station. 643. The detachment invariably accompanies its line unit in com- bat, rendering first aid to as many as possible of those who fall out, 206 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. without losing touch with tlie command. It is assisted by the band if the latter is assigned to duty with the sanitary troops. 644. Unless medical assistance is available, the wounded apply their first-aid packets, if practicable. With this exception the care of the wounded devolves upon the sanitary troops, and no combatant, unless duly authorized, is permitted to take or accompany the sick or wounded to the rear. 645. With dismomited troops the aid station, not more than one for each regiment or smaller independent unit, will bo established as the engagement develops and the number of wounded warrant it, providing it is probable that the command will remain, for a short period at least, near the proposed location of the station. With a mounted command the sanitary detachment accompanies the troops during the whole course of the engagement, pausing only so long as is necessary to render fu'st aid and to collect the womided at some place where they can be turned over to an inhabitant of the country to be cared for. The commander of the advancing foot troops or of the advance section should be promptly notified of the location of the womided thus collected. 646. In locating the aid station it is of the highest importance that advantage be taken of any shelter from fire which the terram affords. To a large extent the distance of the station from the firing line must depend upon this consideration. It wiU be borne in mind that any building which offers a good target for artiUery fire is worse than no shelter at all, and that the nearer the station is to the front the safer it wiU be from dropping projectiles. 647. The surgeon remains, as a rule, at the aid station, with a non- commissioned officer and the necessary number of privates, for to this station the commanding officer wiU send information or orders which he may have to communicate to the surgeon, and through tliis station the surgeon gains contact with the units of the sanitary train in the rear. The other medical officers and the remainder of the detachment keep in touch with the &"mg line, tending the wounded as far as possible and conveying the helpless to the station, if practicable. If the enemy's fire is such that the wounded can not reach the station advantage is taken of trenches, ravines, and other inequalities of the ground affording temporary shelter, and the womided are brought in durmg intervals in the firing or after nightfall. 648. No one belonging to the sanitary personnel of an organization will go farther to the rear than the aid station, except by authority of the surgeon. 649. The aid station, which will often be but httle more than a place for assembhng the woimded, should not undertake elaborate or fixed arrangements for their care and treatment, as its personnel must keep in touch with the regiment and be prepared to close or move the sta- THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE. 207 tion without delay when the regiment moves. The treatment given will usually be limited to first aid and to the readjustment of dressings. Occasionally it may become necessary to ligate an artery or to per- form an emergency operation. Fractures, if not previously immobi- lized, should be put in splmts. Diagnosis tags will be attached to aU womided and the duphcates disposed of as directed m paragraph 571. The arms and equipment of womided separated from their companies and taken in charge by the Medical Department should, so far as practicable, accompany them mitil they reach the line of conmiuni- cations. 650. In the course of battle the advance of troops may result in the aid station being separated so far from the Ime that it can no longer fulfill its pm'pose. In this case it must be advanced to a more favorable location. Ordinarily the wounded left behuid will be looked after by the advancing ambulance company, but if it is apparent that this will be long delayed a small portion of the regi- mental personnel may be detailed to remain with them. Similar action will be taken in case of retreat. The closing or moving of the station rests on the decision of the regimental sm'geon. In reaching his decision he should be governed by the primary necessity of always keeping in touch with the regiment. THE SANITARY TRAIN. 651 . The sanitary train is composed of camp infirmaries, ambulance companies, and field hospitals. It is commanded by the division surgeon. THE DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE COMPANIES. 652. For each division a medical officer of the grade of major is designated as director of ambulance companies and there is assigned imder him one sergeant and one private first class or private, Hos- pital Corps, both momited. The relation of the director of am- bulance companies to the division surgeon and to the ambulance companies is similar to that of a major of the line to the colonel of his regiment and to the companies of his battalion. He maintains no office of record but communications from the division surgeon to the ambulance companies and vice versa are sent through him for his information. 653. The director of ambulance companies will make frequent inspections to ascertain whether all the companies have their regu- lation allowance of personnel and equipment, whether the personnel are properly instructed, and whether the equipment is in good con- dition, and wiU take the necessary measures to correct any deficien- cies foimd therein. 208 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 664. On the march the director will ordmarily accompany one of the ambulance companies on duty with the marching troops and wiU superintend the ambulance service of the march. He will keep the division surgeon advised as to where communications will reach him. 656. His duties during and immediately after combat comprise supervision of the removal of the wounded from the aid stations (and in emergencies from the front) and their care and treatment en route, via the dressing stations, to the field hospitals. His activities cover, therefore, the entire zone between the firing line and the field hos- pitals, with the terrain of which he should make himself familiar, and he will proceed from point to point thereof as his presence may be required. As far as practicable he will keep the division surgeon apprised of his movements. (a) He wiU, under the division surgeon's authority, direct the open- ing of dressing stations at the places decided upon. Under the same authority he will direct such changes in the location of these stations as may be necessary during the battle, and their closing and the reassembling of the several units for movement with the division as soon as practicable after its conclusion. 666. The director of ambulance companies also commands the camp infirmaries of the division, as outlined in paragraph 659. CAMP INFIRMARIES. 657. Each regiment of a division has assigned to it in time of peace one camp infirmary equipment (pars. 869 and 870), including one wagon belonging to the divisional sanitary train. (See Tables of Organization: Peace — Regimental Organizations.) 668. When the division is assembknl the camp infirmary equip- ments authorized for the service of the mobilized division (usually on the basis of one for each brigade) are retained for duty as camp infirmaries. The remaining camp infirmary equipments, except trans- portation, are turned in to the officer in charge of medical supphes and the wagons thus released are assigned to those units of the sanitary train for which no transportation is provided in time of peace. 659. The camp infirmaries retained for the service of the division will be placed by the division surgeon under the immediate charge of the director of ambulance companies. This officer will receipt and account for the property and will be held responsible for its condi- tion and completeness at all times. He will have general charge of the assignment of the infirmaries to the troops which they are intended to serve and he wiU keep the descriptive lists and accounts of the permanent pei"sonnel on duty therewith. THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE. 209 660. For permanent duty with each infirmary there will be required one sergeant, Hospital Corps, in immediate charge of the property, and one driver. The men and animals of the camp infirmary will usually be attached, for rations and forage, to one of the regiments served by the infirmary or to an ambulance company. 661. The camp infu-maries with each division will be numbered from one upward consecutively, and the wagon belonging to each infirmary will be marked as prescribed in Tables of Organization. (See also par. 545.) 662. The primary function of the camp infirmary is to furnish dispensary facilities to one or more organizations during field service when other provision is made for the hospital treatment of all sick and wounded or for their prompt evacuation to the rear. When such provision is not made and the camp infirmary becomes the nucleus aroimd which a camp hospital (see par. 604) is developed, it becomes an immobile unit, and if the organization to which it is attached should move another camp infirmary will be required to accompany it. 663 . The senior medical officer of the units served by the infu-mary assumes charge of the infirmary service and is authorized to call du'ectly on the other organizations for theu* proportionate share of medical officers and sanitary personnel for such service. 664. The sergeant on permanent duty with the infumary, after reporting to the senior medical officer of the units served, remains in subordinate charge of the equipment as the representative of the du'ector of ambulance companies. 665. When the camp mfii-mary is to be opened for service the surgeon in charge will, with the approval of the camp commander, notify the sm'geon of each other unit which the infirmary is to serve of the time at which it will be available for his use to hold sick call. He will maintain such service at the infirmary as the conditions may warrant. 666. In combat the equipment of the camp infirmary may be uti- lized for the establishment of a station for slightly wounded. (See par. 7106.) THE AMBULANCE COMPANY. 667. Tlie ambulance companies will be numl)ered from 1 upward in a single consecutive series for the entire military establishment. 668. The vehicles of the ambulance company will be marked as prescribed in Tables of Organization. (See also par. 545.) 669. The commanding officer of the ambulance company is under the immediate orders of the director of ambulance companies, when there is one; otherwise, he is under the immediate orders of the division surgeon. 93440°— 17 14 210 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAETMENT. 670. The personnel of an ambulance company at war strength, as given in Tables of Organization, are ordinarily distributed as follows: (a) With the dressing station, including the litter bearers: 4 offi- cers, 1 sergeant first class, 6 sergeants, 1 actuig cook, 40 privates first class and privates, all of the Medical Department. (h) With the wlieeled transportation: 1 officer, 1 sergeant first class, 1 sergeant, 1 acting cook, 28 privates first class and privates (1 as farrier, 1 as saddler, 2 as musicians, 12 as ambulance drivers, and 12 as ambidance orderlies), all of tlie Medical Department; also 1 sergeant Ot>lacksmith) and 3 privates (drivers) of the Quarter- master Corps. 671. The function of the ambulance company is to collect the sick and wounded, to afford them temporary care and treatment and to transport them to the next sanitary imit in the rear. 672. In camp the ambulance company operates an ambulance service between the camp infirmaries and the field or other hospitals. 673. On the march ambulances are distributed among the march- ing troops, usually one to each regiment, for the purpose of supph^- ing transportation to those who become unable to march. (See pars. 637 and 721.T 674. In combat the company operates in two parts (par. 670). The first establishes and operates a dressing station and collects the wounded thereat, the second operates the wheeled transportation in evacuating the wounded. 675. The dressing station party, includijig the litter bearers, with its equipment on pack mules, moves forward in rear of the troops ready to estabhsli the dressing station. 676. The location of the dressing stations and the number to be established will be determined by the division surgeon acting under the instnictions of the division commander. The director of ambu- lance companies will supervise their opening, giving the necessary orders therefor to the commanders of the ambulance companies. He wiU report their opening to the division surgeon. 677. Exact rules can not be fonnulated as to the time when the dressing station shall be opened. Generally spealdng, when the advance has ceased and the wounded are so numerous that the}' can no longer be cared for by the regimental personnel, the time has come for the opening of the station. 678. It is desirable that the site selected for a dressing station have the following advantages: (1) Protection from rifle fire, (2) protec- tion from direct artillery fire, (3) accessibility for wheeled transpor- tation, and (4) a supply of water. Effective shelter from fire is the chief desideratum. A site inaccessible to ambulances on account of exposure to fire need not invariably be condemned, for the greater THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE. 211 part of the work of the ambulances is done after the close of the battle, or after nightfall. The station will always be pushed as far to the front as possible to reduce to the minimum the distance over which the wounded must be carried on litters. 679. In some cases in which the establishment of the dressing station has been delayed, or in which the troops are about to move forward, it may be possible to locate the dressing station at the aid station, thus practically ehminating one station. Under these circumstances the dressing station assumes the work of the aid station and the persoimel of the two stations cooperate until the aid station moves forward. (a) The requirement that the sanitary personnel with the com- batant organizations keep in touch with those organizations may make it necessary for them to leave the wounded where they fall, pausing only to administer such aid as may be absolutely essential. Cases thus left will be collected and cared for by the dressing station party as it advances. (See par. 650.) 680. As soon as the dressing station is opened its bearei*s under the direction of a medical officer proceed to the front as far as the enemy's fire permits. Ordinarily they will be divided into as many sections as there are aid stations, each under a noncommissioned officer, and one section will proceed toward each aid station. (a) They direct wounded who are able to walk, to the station for slightly wounded. They transport other wounded from the aid station to the dressing station. Wlien practicable they also assist the regimental medical personnel in the care and removal of wounded from points in advance. (h) Meanwhile the commanding officer of the company with the dressing station personnel proceeds to put the dressing station in condition to receive patients. When possible for wheeled transpor- tation to reach the dressing station, a message should be sent to the officer in charge of the ambulance train directing hhn to report at the station with the ambulances. 681. Tlie work of the dressing station is carried on under the following departments: Dispensary. Kitchen. Receiving and forwarding. Sfightly wounded. Seriously wounded. 682. All womided will pass through the receiving and forwarding department. Those whose injuries are not sufficient to incapacitate them for the present performance of their mifitary duties will, after receiving the necessary treatment, be directed to return to their 212 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. units, and the fact that such directions have been given them will be noted upon their diagnosis tags. Other shghtly wounded, able to walk, wall, after hke treatment, be immediately directed to the rear in command of their highest ranking officer or soldier. Generally they will be sent to the station for slightly wounded. 683. At the dressing station only such operations will be performed as may be immediately required to save hfe or to render the patients fit for further transportation. Permanent occlusive dressings may be apphed if time permits. The rules to be followed generally are that no operative or other interference should be attempted under conditions unfavorable for asepsis or antisepsis, and that no wounded for whom transportation is available should be delayed at the dress- ing station. Conditions in these respects must vary widely in differ- ent battles; when there are good facilities for the surgical treatment of cases and at the same time lack of transportation for wounded, it would manifestly be proper to give them definitive treatment. 684. A memorandum showing the number of patients received and their disposition will be kept in the receiving and forwarding depart- ment. Diagnosis tags should be apphed to all wounded not previ- ously tagged and supplemental entries made on tags as required. For further records of sick and wounded required of ambulance com- panies, see paragraph 575 et seq. 685. The ambulances and wagons remain farther to the rear than the dressing station (usually in proximity to some unit or station through which communication with division headquarters may be maintained) until it is practicable to determine a fine of evacuation for the wounded. As soon as the dressing station is estabhshed and the location of the field hospital is determined, a safe route for the ambulance service between these two establishments is sought, and, when found, the ambulances advance to begin the removal of wounded from the dressing station. The wagons of the ambulance company, carrjang a reserve of dressings, may remain at a field hospital, whence the supplies may be sent forward by ambulances returning to the dressing station. (See par. 728.) 686. Ambulances must reach the station as early as possible even at the risk of losses. Ordinarily ambulances will carry wounded only from the dressing station to the nearest field hospital, immediately returning to the former; any other destination for wounded must be prescribed by the division surgeon. 687. When the ambulances are insufficient the division surgeon should request the division commander to permit the Medical De- partment to make use of part or aU of the transportation of the division on its return from the front. 688. During the daytime when a battle is still in progress it wiU rarely be possible for ambulances or other wheeled vehicles to ad- THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE. 213 vance farther to the front than the dressing station. Opportunity to have them do so will sometimes occur at night, and on the con- clusion of an engagement they should always be used, as far as may be, at all points on the battle field. 689. To prevent further injury, it is important that the wounded should bo handled or othei*wise disturbed as little as possible in the course of their transportation to the rear. No wounded man once placed on a litter should be removed from it without evident neces- sity until he reaches the field hospital, whether he is transported by ambulance or otherwise. 690. While authority to close a dressing station or to move it must ordinarily be obtained from the division surgeon, nevertheless under exceptiouiil conditions, when communication with the division sur- geon is interrupted, the director of ambulance companies may, if he deems the emergency requires it, close or move the station at dis- cretion. In this case the division surgeon will be notified as soon as possible of the action taken. (a) Should it be impossible to evacuate the wounded at a dressing station before it is closed or moved, by reason of retreat or otherwise, the commanding officer of the ambulance company will leave with the wounded, according to their number and condition, sufficient medical personnel and supplies to provide for their immediate necessities, and will advance or withdraw with the division the remainder of the per- sonnel and equipment. THE DIRECTOR OF FIELD HOSPITALS. 691. For each division (except cavalry divisions) there is desig- nated as director of field hospitals one medical officer of the grade of major and there is assigned under him one sergeant and one private first class or private. Hospital Corps, both mounted. 692. The director of field hospitals is, like the director of ambu- lance companies, immediately under the division surgeon and is the latter's executive in respect to the field hospitals of the division. His supervision over the field hospitals is similar to that exercised by the director of ambulance companies over those companies. 693. He will ordinarily accompany the field hospital in advance on the march and remain with it in camp. He will keep the division surgeon informed of his movements. 694. He should maintain communication with the director of am- bulance companies, to enable that officer to make suitable arrange- ments for the removal of patients from the front, and with the sur- geon in charge of the sanitary column from the advance section to promote the rapid evacuation of patients to the rear. 214 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. THE FIELD HOSPITAL. (Capacity 216.) 695. The field hospitals will l^e numbered from 1 upward in a single consecutive series for the entire military establishment. 696. The wagons of the field hospital will be marked as prescribed in Tables of Organization. (See also par. 545.) 697. The commanding officer of the field hospital is under the immediate orders of the director of field hospitals, when there is one; otherwise he is under the immediate orders of the division surgeon. 698. The personnel of a field hospital at war strength, as given in Tables of Organization, are ordmarily assigned as follows: 1 major (commanding); 5 captains and lieutenants (1 adjutant and quarter- master, 4 ward surgeons) ; 3 sergeants first class (1 acting first sergeant m general supervision of the hospital and in charge of medical prop- erty and records, 1 in charge of transportation and quartermaster property and records, 1 in charge of mess supphes and cookuig); 6 sergeants (1 in charge of the dispensary, 1 in charge of operatmg equipment, 1 in charge of patients' clothing and effects, 3 m charge of wards); 3 acting cooks; 55 privates first class and privates (46 attendants, 1 dispensary assistant, 1 artificer, 4 orderUes, 3 super- numeraries); and of the Quartermaster Corps, 1 sergeant (wagon master) and 7 privates (drivers). 699. The f miction of the field hospitals is to keep in touch with the combatant organizations and to provide shelter and sucli care and treatment as are practicable for the sick and wounded of the division who are brought in by the ambulance companies until the sanitary service of the line of communications takes charge of them. A field hospital can meet these requirements only when it is reUeved so promptly by the sanitary units in the rear that its mobility is not mterfered with. Prompt evacuation of the sick and ^vounded is necessary also to secure for them the facilities for treatment and the comforts which are available on the Ime of communications. 700. On the march and m temporary camps, however, the field hospitals are the nightly collecting points for the divisional sick and uijured who are unable to continue the march, and must provide for the care of such patients until they can be turned over to the medical service of the line of communications or to a local hospital or hospitals. (See par. 641.) The use of the field hospitals for this purpose should be carefully regulated by the division surgeon. (a) So far as practicable in each division only one field hospital at a time will be used in this service, leaving the othere entirely free of patients. Furthermore, only so much of the oqui])ment of the field hospital assigned to this work should be mipacked as is required to care properly for the patients actually in the hospital and their THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE. 215 necessary attendants who are to remain behind when the division moves on. The nuinl)er of personnel detailed to remain will bo as small as possible. (h) The equipment which has not been unpacked and the pei-sonnel who have not been detailed to remam with the patients will move with the division. (c) Every effort will be made by the division sm-geon to dispose of the patients left behmd. Should unusual delay in turnmg them over to the medical service of the luie of communications supervene, temporary provision for them should be arranged in civil hospitals of the locality or otherwise as may be most practicable until the medical units of the line of commmiications can take charge of them. (d) As soon as the patients are disposed of, the personnel detailed for the temporary care of such patients will immediately rejoin the hospital. 701. For service in combat, the locations of the field hospitals and the number to be opened will be determined by the division surgeon acting under the instruction of the division commander. The director of field hospitals will supervise their opening, givuig the nec- essary orders therefor to the commanders of the field hospitals. He wiU report their openmg to the division surgeon. (a) It is desirable that they be centrally located and beyond the zone of conflict, which will usually necessitate placing them 3 or 4 miles in rear of the dressing stations. (b) Field hospitals should be easily seen and reached from front and rear and yet not be in the way of troops and trains. An ample supply of good water is necessary, and suitable buildings are of great advantage. Such buildings should be utihzed first, and only so much tentage put up as may be required. (c) If the enemy retires, field hospitals will be estabhshed, if pos- sible, near the dresshig stations havuig the greatest number of woimded. (d) A field hospital may be moved foi-ward mider the direction of the division surgeon to replace a dressmg station and to take over the patients. 702. The time when field hospitals should open will be communi- cated by the division surgeon to the director of field hospitals, should there be one, or, there bemg none, to the commanding officers of the hospitals concerned. (a) Only one wiU, as a rule, be opened early in the battle. This will be done as soon as the number of womided justifies it. The other field hospitals should not be set up mitil the necessity for them is apparent. If the conditions are such that the wounded can be evacuated directly to the line of communications, the opening of field hospitals will be mmecessary. 216 MANUAL FOR THE MF.DTCAr. DEPARTMENT. 703. On the receipt of an order to open a field hospital the fol- lowing departments will be established: Dispensary. Kitchen. Receiving and forwarding. Slightly wounded. Seriously wounded. Operating room. Mortuary. 704. All wounded arriving at-the field hospital will be received at the receiving and forwarding department, which is the administrative office of the hospital, (a) The slightly wounded, able to walk, will be immediately directed to the rear or to the station for slightly wounded, as the circumstances may indicate. (6) The seriously wounded, and the slightly wounded unable to walk, will be assigned to the proper department for treatment. (c) Records of the wounded will be made as prescribed in para- graph 575 et seq. 705. Under ordinary battle conditions operations at the field hospitals should be such only as are needed to fit the patients for transportation to the rear. Many extensive dressings will, however, be required under all circumstances. All operations should be done under the strictest antiseptic or aseptic precautions, and every effort made to dress cases so that they will not require redressing for some time. Patients should be fed, if practicable, before being sent to the rear. 706. Every opportunity should be taken to transport the wounded to the rear. Ordinarily they will be turned over to the transportation of the line of communications, but the returning transport of the division may be utilized for this purpose in the same manner as at the dressing stations (par. 687). 707. When the number of wounded is very great and the trans- portation facilities are bad, with no rear hospitals to relieve field hospitals, the latter will, despite all efforts, become crowded with wounded which they can not dispose of. In this case the division surgeon may be compelled to concentrate all wounded in one or two field hospitals so as to free the others for an advance. The hospitals left behind should be cleared as soon as possible, in order that they may rejoin their division. (a) When no adequate provision is made for the evacuation of the sick and wounded and a field hospital becomes the nucleus around which a camp hospital (par. 604) is developed, it becomes an immobile unit, and, if the troops to which it is attached THE ZONE OF THE AIH'ANCE. 217 should move, another field hospital will ])e required to accompany them. 708. Field hospitals ordered to close or to move will dispose of their patients as directed by the division surgeon. (a) If by reason of retreat or otherwise a field hospital is required to move before it can evacuate its patients, its commanding officer will take action smiilar to that prescribed for dressing stations in the Hke contingency. (See par. 690a.) 709. The opening, moving, and closing of field hospitals will be reported by their commanding olficers through the director of field hospitals to the division surgeon, who will report the same when necessary to the surgeon of the advance group of the fine of com- munications. THE STATION FOR SLIGHTLY WOUNDED. 710. The station for slightly wounded is a transient divisional organization on the battle field; it has no permanent personnel or definitely prescribed equipment. (a) The personnel required for the station, usually one medical ofiicer, two noncommissioned officers, and eight privates, will be detached from such unit of the sanitary train as the division surgeon may elect. In some instances it may be practicable to utiUze per- sonnel sent forward from the line of communications. (h) For the equipment of the station one of the camp infirmaries of the division may be utilized, or" a medical and surgical chest and such other supphes as are necessary may be temporarily detached from one of the field hospitals. 711. The functions of the station for slightly wounded are (1) to afford a place where men who are unable to accompany their units into combat may be assembled; (2) to relieve dressing stations and field hospitals of the congestion incident to the presence of the shghtly wounded who can walk and who require but little attention. 712. The station, usually one for each division, is established when combat is imminent. It should be about the same distance from the firing line as the field hospitals. A building should be selected for its use when practicable. It should preferably be located on the route over which the troops have advanced, as this route is the one which the disabled are most likely to follow in working their way to the rear. In any case it should be so conspicuously marked that it can be found readily. 713. Extensive preparations at this station are unnecessary. A tent should be erected, if no building is available, where dressings may be applied or readjusted and arrangements made for the prepara- tion of simple nourislunent. Diagnosis tags should be attached to all wounded not already tagged. The duplicates of the tags wiU be 218 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. disposed of as directed in paragraph 571 . A list of sick and wounded will be prepared as prescribed in paragraph 580. .m^^dl 714. As soon as possible wounded at the station who are not able to return to their commands will be collected into groups and directed to the rear in charge of one of their number. (a) Minor cases requiring no further treatment or only sHght treat- ment mil, however, be directed to return to their organizations, and the fact that such directions have been given them will be noted on their diagnosis tags. Men who arrive at the station without author- ity and are able to do duty wiR be tmiied over to the provost guard for return to their organizations. (h) Should any of the sick or woimded be found too much exhausted or too badly hm't to go farther afoot, the commandmg officer of the station will report them to the nearest field hospital. 715. Upon the conclusion of the engagement the personnel and equipment of the station will be disposed of as directed by the division surgeon. THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SANITARY SERVICE OF THE DIVISION. 716. In administrative matters the division surgeon bears a rela- tion to the units of the sanitary train similar to that of a regimental commander to the battahons and companies of liis regiment. 717. In order that the sanitary service may attam its highest effi- ciency, flexibihty in the distribution o'f sanitary persomiel and equip- ment is essential. The elements comprismg the sanitary train are, therefore, not ordinarily assigned to units smaller than a division, unless the unit is operating independently. They are, however, fre- quently attached to smaller units as, for example, when a division marches by two roads, a part of the sanitary train may accompany each detachment of the division. Under these circumstances the miits of the sanitary tram are subject to the general control of the senior Ime officer present with the immediate conmaand which they accompany. 718. When, by divisional orders, units of the sanitary tram are temporarily separated from direct headquarters control and placed with hne organizations or trams, the senior medical officer present with the units will report them to the line officer in command without further orders and will receive his instructions in such matters as the conduct of the march and the location and security of the miits in camp. Units so separated from headquarters are not regarded as detached unless they are specifically ordered to report to the com- mander of the hne troops for duty. 719. The method of control of the sanitary traui varies according ro circumstances. For example, at a camp where arrangements have been made in advance for an adequate supply of water and THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE, 219 forage, an entire division may he assembled, in which case all the elements of the sanitary train will be directly controlled by the divi- sion surgeon (par. 651). On the other hand, to facilitate loading on ships, for example, the troops of a division may be concentrated at one port and the trains at another port, in which case the entire sanitary train is mider control of the commander of the divisional train and under the immediate command of the senior medical officer with the sanitary train. 720. When the division is on the march the sanitary train is ordi- narily divided. The division surgeon will advise the division com- mander as to which units of the sanitary train he considers necessary for service with the marching troops and which miits may be placed under the commander of the divisional tram. When the latter units are released from the divisional train they remain imder the imme- diate command of their senior medical officer mitil the division surgeon assumes control. 721. On a march not in the immediate presence of the enemy, con- ditions may warrant placing an entire ambulance company with the advance guard and the distribution of the ambulances of one or more companies through the main body, an ambulance following each regiment or independent battahon. (See pars. 637 and 673.) 722. A field hospital will ordinarily be needed to care for the dis- abled brought in by the ambulances at the end of the march, and should be placed m the marching column with due regard for this requirement. A field hospital used for this purpose will be promptly evacuated in order that it may proceed with the troops when they advance. 723. In order that the men needing medical attention may be cared for as soon as practicable after camp is established, the camp infir- maries may be distributed through the marchuig colunm, one in proximity to each group of organizations which will camp together. When for any reason this is not practicable they will march with the field trams of the units which they are to serve. 724. When combat is imminent, elements of the sanitary train scattered through a marching column may be ordered to fall out, al- lowmg the troops to pass forward. It is essential at this juncture that no sanitary miit hamper the movement of combatant organizations. 725. In combat, the operation of the divisional sanitary units wiU be governed in general by the character of the engagement, whether defensive, offensive, or retrograde, and in each particular case by the immediate conditions incident to the locahty. 726. Wlien the mission of the command is defensive, and particu- larly if a fine of fortifications or some natural barrier, such as a river, can be taken advantage of, it may be practicable to make, in advance, ■ a definite outHne of the sanitary service. Under these circumstances 220 MANUAL FOR TITE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. the zone within which casualties will probably occur can be deter- mined with sufficient accuracy to enable the division surgeon to make definite recommendations concernmg the announcement in the battle order of the location of the station for slightly wounded, the dressing stations, and the field hospitals. As soon as the distribution of the troops on the fine of defense is indicated the aid stations may be located and routes from them to the dressing station may be selected. The sanitary service of the fine of communications may send forward evacuation ambulance companies and evacuation hospitals riito the zone of the advance in readiness to evacuate the wounded immedi?.tely . 727. Wlien the command takes the offensive the difficulties of the sanitary service are greatly increased. The station for sUghtly wounded is estabUshed at once for assembling the sick who are not able to accompany their organizations into battle. As the situa- tion develops the organizations, followed by their sanitary detach- ments, move forward. Wounded are given first aid, but no aid sta- tion is established until the organization has ceased, temporarily at least, to advance, and until the number of wounded in that vicinity justifies it. (See par. 645.) The time and place for the opening of the station is determined by the organization commander, unless he has authorized the surgeon to use his discretion in the matter. Dressing stations are estabhshed when required by the number of wounded on any sector of the line. The division surgeon, with the approval of the division commander, gives directions for the opening of the station to the director of ambulance companies. Tlie dressing station, as soon as it arrives at its location, sends forward bearers to estabhsh communication with the aid stations of organizations serv- ing on its sector of the line. (See par. 680.) 728. The wagons of the ambulance companies may be left at field hospitals, in order that the supphes wliich they carry may be for- warded to the dressing stations by means of the ambulances as they go back and forth. (See par. 685.) 729. All the field hospitals may be held in readiness to establish until definite information can be secured as to the progress of the engagement and the number of casualties, or when conditions war- rant it one field hospital may be established as soon as the dressing stations are located (par. 702a). Ordinarily the work of field hos- pitals will n(it commence until several hours after the engagement has begun. 730. In a retrograde movement, whenever practicable, transpor- tation and supplies precede the troops. The sanitary service vnH require some ambulances held as near as possible to the roar guard, which should be accompanied by a liberal allowance of sanitary per- somiel. So far as practicable the wounded in rear-guard actions THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE. 221 should be placed on litters and promptly carried forward to the ambulances. 731. The defensive, offensive, and retrograde movements prac- tically cover the entire field of the activities of the sanitary service in combat. The rencontre engagement necessarily develops into one of these three by the time a definite course of procedure for the sanitary service must be determined. 732. ^¥hatever the form of the engagement the division surgeon arranges, as soon as practicable, for the publication in orders of the information necessary for the operation of the sanitary service. In order that divisional orders may not be burdened with details, he recommends for inclusion in these orders only such information as is required by combatant organizations and their attached sanitary per- sonnel, and he issues orders direct to the units of the sanitary train embodying the details of the service which concern these units only. 733. Combatant troops desire to know (1) the location of the aid station for their organization, and (2) the location of the station for slightly woimded. The location of the aid station is pubhshed by the organization commander as soon as it has been determined, while the location of the station for sUghtly wounded should be published in the battle order. 734. It is important that the surgeons of combatant organizations should know as early as practicable the location of the dressing sta- tion serving their sector of the Une, in order that they may so locate the aid stations as to reduce to the minimum the distance that patients will have to be carried by litter bearers. The surgeons of combatant organizations also require information as to the location of the station for slightly wounded. 736. The divisional battle order usually furnishes information in paragraph 4 as to the location of the station for slightly wounded, and in defensive operations it may announce the locations of dressing stations and possibly of field hospitals, though the latter, as a rule, does not directly concern the combatant troops. Wlien it is impos- sible to determine in advance of an engagement the locations of the dressing stations, that information is furnished the combatant organizations through military channels as soon as practicable. In any case the surgeons of combatant organizations finally learn the locations of the dressing stations through the litter bearers who are sent forward to the aid stations. 736. In defensive engagements, as indicated above, the division surgeon may recommend that paragraph 4 of the battle order state that a station for slightly wounded is established at a designated point; that dressing stations wiU be located at designated points to serve certain sectors of the Ime, for example, one to serve the sector extendmg from the left flank to a certain road, house, creek, or other 222 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. landmark indicated on the maps, with which the troops are sup- plied, another to serve the sector extending from the point above mentioned to the right flank; and, in case conditions warrant such an amiouncement in advance, that one or more field hospitals will bo established at designated places. 737. In offensive movements it may be impracticable to include in the divisional order anything more than the statement of the loca- tion of the station for slightly wounded, and if deemed expedient some information concerning the places at wliich ambulance com- panies and field hospitals will hold themselves in readiness. (See par. 685.) 738. If the locations of the dressing stations and field hospitals have not been announced in the battle order, the division surgeon, with the approval of the division commander and ordinarily after consul- tation with the directors of field hospitals and ambulance companies, will issue orders concerning the locations of these units and will usually designate by munber the field hospital and ambulance company units which are to open at the locations specified. He also transmits such information necessary for the operation of the sanitary units as he may have received from the division commander, e. g., the routes vehicles may take between front and rear. 739. In a retrograde movement a formal order may not be issued. In tliis case the sanitary units not rendering service with troops will bo governed by the general instructions given the commander of trains ; those serving the troops will bo governed by the ordere of the officer in immediate command on whom devolves the responsibility for meeting emergencies as they arise. 740. In service with mounted commands pertaining to an infantry division it is ordinarily impracticable to establish aid stations in combat. The sanitary personnel continue with the organization. When any of them pause to render first aid, they rejoin the command as soon as possible. (See par. 645.) 741. When a cavalry division is operating as a screen, the sanitary service is confronted by many difficulties. The cavalry may be one or more days' march in advance of the infantry divisions and, in a hostile country, may make no effort to continue in control of the toiTitory over which it has passed. The mission of the sanitary serv- ice under these conditions will be to render first aid and to transport the wounded as rapidly as possible to the nearest place accessible to the sanitary service of the infantry or of the line of communications. For this reason a cavalry division is provided with a greater number of ambulances in proportion to the divisional strength than an infantry division. In case it is deemed impracticable to take hospital equip- ment into the area in advance of tlic iiifantry divisions a field hospital pertaining to the cavalry division may be estabUshed within the line : / n.'THE ZONE OF TITE ADVANCE. 223 controlled by the foot troops, and under these circumstances the addi- tional ambulance facilities proviiled will be required to transport the wounded to the field hospital. On the other hand, if conditioiLs war- rant advancing the field hospital into the area between the infantry and cavalry, abundant ambulance faciUties will be required to trans- port wounded to the field hospital from the broad front which the cavalry when acting as a screen may occupy. Under these circum-^ stances the use of a portion of the ambulances for transportation of the unmounted Hospital Corps attached to the field hospital may be unavoidable to enable the field hospital to keep in touch with the mounted troops. When opposing armies approach each other cavalry is finally mthdrawn from the intervening space and may take position on the flanks of the infantry, in which case the sanitary service is operated as in an infantry division and may be directed by the com- mander of the field forces to cooperate with the sanitary units of the infantry or of the line of communications. 742. The service of sanitary detachments with organizations of the cavalry division is similar to that of the sanitary troops with the cav- alry of an infantry division. When difficulties *f communication render it impracticable for the division surgeon to direct personally the sanitary service with the cavalry division, much will necessarily be left to the initiative and judgment of the director of ambulance companies and the senior medical officer mth each individual unit. DUTIES OF THE DIVISION SURGEON. 743 . The division surgeon is both an advisory and an administrative officer. (See par. 361.) In his advisory capacity he makes recom- mendations concerning all matters pertaining to the sanitary welfare of the command and concerning matters pertaining to the personnel and equipment of the sanitary service under organization commanders. In his administrative capacity he is in immediate command of the medical department personnel attached to division headquarters, of the sanitary train, and of American National Red Cross units, and other voluntary aid personnel should they be authorized in excep- tional cases to perform service with the division. 744. The duties of the division surgeon that may be specifically stated are as follows: (a) He.wiU take action on all official papers passing through his office in a manner similar to that prescribed for department surgeons (pars. 365 and 368). The channels through which papers pertaining to the medical department go forward ^^^11 be determined by the chief surgeon of the field army according to circumstances. (See par. 828.) (b) He will render to the cliief surgeon, field army, the consolidated daily field report of sanitary personnel and transportation and the 224 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAETMENT. consolidated daily field report of patients (Form 84) and the weekly noneffective curve chart (Form 85). (c) He wiU see that proper inspections are made of sanitary condi- tions in the division and of the medical units of the division. These inspections wdll ordinarily be made by the sanitary inspector. (d) He will arrange a systematic and orderly service for the care and disposal of the sick and wounded of the division in camps, on the march, and in battle, having in view the retention of effectives at the front and the prompt removal of noneffectives to the rear. (e) He will keep the surgeon, advance group, advised as to the probable requirements of the sanitary service of the division and as to the nmnber of patients for whom provision will be required on the lino of communications. (/) He will keep the chief surgeon of the field army advised as to the efficiency and requirements of the divisional sanitary service. (g) On the march the division surgeon ordinarily accompanies the division commander, giving such advice and information regarding the sanitary service as may be called for, and securing all information necessary concerning the disposition of troops to enable him to formulate plans for the sanitary service which these dispositions will require. (h) When battle is imminent he will utilize all facilities available to familiarize himself with the terrain which will probably be covered and will obtain and distribute to the officers of the sanitary train such information of a general nature as will assist them to determine their course of action. (i) After an engagement he will immediately report losses in med- ical personnel to the division commander and will take proper meas- ures to replace the supplies and equipment of the sanitary troops of the division. He will free field hospitals of patients as promptly as possible in order that they may be ready for another engagement or a forward movement. 745. The senior medical officer of a brigade or detachment acting independently will perform for the command such of the duties of a division surgeon as the circumstances may render necessary. THE DIVISION SANITARY INSPECTOR. 746. As an assistant to the division surgeon a medical officer of the rank of lieutenant colonel is assigned to each division for duty as sanitary inspector. He is primarily an advisory officer (par. 362) but may in addition he assigned certain executive duties. 747. A sanitary inspector is charged especially with the supervision of the sanitation of the command to which he is assigned. In this connection he inspects and reports upon the sanitary conditions within the command, upon the occurrence of preventable diseases and THE ZONE OF THE ADVANCE. 225 the sufficiency of the measures taken for their prevention, and in general upon all matters affecting the sanitary care of troops. (a) At the end of every month each sanitary inspector wiU for- ward to the Surgeon General, through military channels, a report of the inspections made hy him during the month under the provisions of this paragraph, indicating the sanitary defects, if any, observed and the measures taken for their prevention. This report will be made on Form 50, modified if necessary to suit the case. 748. Sanitary inspectors also inspect and report upon the adminis- tration of the units of the sanitary train; the efficiency, instruction, and adequacy of the medical persoimel; the condition of hospitals; ■ the character and sufficiency of medical supplies; the facilities for transporting medical supplies and the sick and wounded; and in general all matters affecting the care, well-being, and comfort of the sick and wounded. (a) A report of each formal inspection made under the provisions of this paragraph will be made on Form 506, and will l)e forwarded within five days after the inspection is made through military chan- nels to the Surgeon General. A duplicate will be filed in the office of the division surgeon. Should this report indicate any irregularities or defects of medical administration, the sanitary inspector will fur- nish a triphcate through military channels to the medical officer commanding the Medical Department organization concerned, who will, without delay, report by indorsement thereon what remedies he has applied or will apply to correct each of the irregularities or defects noted. Such reports so indorsed will also be forwarded through military channels to the Surgeon General. 749. Organization commanders are usually required by divisional orders to remedy sanitary defects reported to them by the sanitary inspector. To facilitate the attainment of satisfactory sanitary con- ditions the sanitary inspector may be authorized by the division commander to direct, in the name of the latter and within such limita- tions as he may prescribe, the prompt correction of conditions jjreju- dicial to the health of the troops. 760. For the purpose of supervismg or executing sanitary meas- ures in divisional camps of more or less duration sanitary squads may be organized and placed under the control of the sanitary inspector. (See pai-s. 774 to 777.) {a) Manure and refuse dumps used by the division in common, the water supply, measures for the prevention of mosquitoes and flies, the policing of areas outside the jurisdiction of organization comr manders, etc., may be placed in charge of such squads. (h) In the employment of sanitary squads in divisional camps the provisions of paragraph 777 will be strictly complied with. 93440°— 17 15 ARTICLE XIV.— THE LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS. GENERAL. 751. The line of communications is the connecting link between the service of the interior and the zone of the advance. It is established when an important force is about to engage in field operations involv- ing a movement from a base imless the territory through which the supply services extend can be safely occupied without military oper- ations of an extensive character. In the latter case administration and supply are accompUshed as in the service of the interior. 752. The point at which the base of a line of communications is to be established is fixed in War Department orders. The zone of the line of communications embraces all territory from and including the base to the point or points where contact is made with the trains of the combatant forces. Certain of its activities, including those of the sanitary service in evacuating the wounded, extend forward into the zone of the advance when necessar}^ 763. The line of communications is ordinarily divided into a base section and an advance section. In certain cases, due to prolonga- tion of the line of communications, an intermediate section may be required. An advance section is required at the head of each impor- tant route of supply diverging from the base. 754. The mission of the sanitary service of the line of communica- tions is (1) to provide such adequate facilities for the treatment of the sick and wounded that those not permanently disabled may be returned to the front with the least practicable delay; (2) to furnish such an efficient evacuation service as will promptly relieve the fighting forces of the encumbrance of their sick and wounded and allow the sanitary units in the zone of the advance to maintain contact with their combatant organizations; (3) to organize and ■maintain a system of supply that will enable the sanitary troops in the theater of operations to replenish their equipment and supplies by direct methods and without delay; (4) to maintain satisfactory- sanitary conditions among the troops on the line of communications and, if necessary, to take entire charge of sanitation among the inhabitants of the occupied territory. 755. When the military conditions in occupied territory are such as to impair the usual agencies of medical relief among the inhabi- tants thereof, the Medical Department may take such measures, not 226 THE LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS. 227 incompatible with the necessities of the occupying forces, as may be necessary to relieve the distress and suffering of the sick. 756. The Medical Department units pertaining to the line of com- munications are the following : Base group. — A medical supply depot, one or more base hospitals, and, when required, convalescent camps, contagious disease hospi- tals, hospital trains and trains for patients, hospital ships and ships for patients, casual camps, sanitary squads, field laboratories, and organizations of the American National Red Cross. Intermediate group. — Rest stations, organizations of the American National Red Cross, and such other sanitary formations as may be necessary. Advance group. — Two evacuation hospitals and one evacuation, ambulance company for each division at the front supplied from the advance section, and an advance medical supply depot. The evacu- ation hospitals and evacuation ambulance companies of the advance section are collectii^ely known as the sanitary column. THE BASE HOSPITAL. (Capacity 500.) 767. Base hospitals are Medical Department units of the line of communications under the supervision of the surgeon, base group. They will occupy buildings, if suitable ones are available. 758. The base hospitals will be numbered from 1 upward in a single consecutive series for the entire military establishment. They will be further distinguished by adding the designation of the field army to which they belong, as "Base Hospital No. 9, 3rd Field Army." 759. These hospitals should be established at the base and, when necessary, in accessible situations along the line of commmiications. The number to be assigned to each line of communications when first established is determined on the basis of the number of troops to be served and the percentage of sick and wounded which may reasonably be anticipated in the particular campaign lq question. (See par. 152.) (a) New base hospitals may be established when those already in operation have become too far separated from the Army, when they are needed to supplement the services of more advanced hospitals, or when new sites will be more convenient to handle wounded. (&) On the eve of battle it may be necessary for the surgeon, base group, to open additional base hospitals near the front or to augment the personnel and supplies of those already established there. 760. The personnel allowed a base hospital, as given in Tables of Organization, are ordinarily assigned as follows : 20 medical officers, 1 colonel (commanding), 1 major (operating surgeon), 18 captains 228 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. and lieutenants (1 adjutant, 1 quartermaster, 1 pathologist, 1 eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist, 2 assistant operating surgeons, 12 ward surgeons); 1 dental surgeon; 8 sergeants first class (1 general supervision, 1 in charge of office, 1 in charge of quartermaster sup- plies and records, 1 in charge of kitchen and mess, 1 in charge of detachment and detachment accounts, 1 in charge of patients' clothing and effects, 1 in charge of medical property and records, 1 in charge of dispensary); 16 sergeants (1 in dispensary, 2 in store- rooms, 1 in mess and kitchen, 4 in office, 2 in charge of police, 6 in charge of wards); 14 acting cooks; 115 privates first class and pri- vates (68 ward attendants^ 3 in dispensary, 5 in operating room, 1 in laboratory, 14 in kitchen and mess, 6 in storerooms, 4 orderlies, 5 in office, 4 outside police, 1 assistant to dentist, 4 supernumeraries) ; 46 nurees, female^ (1 chief nurse, 1 assistant to chief nurse, 41 in wards, 2 in operating room, 1 dietist). 761. So far as adaptable the regulations for general hospitals will govern the interior administration of base hospitals. (See pars. 283 to 316.) 762. The base hospitals are designed to receive patients from the field and evacuation hospitals, as well as cases originating on the line of commmiications, and to give them definitive treatment. They should be well equipped for such treatment and there should be sent to the home temtory only those patients who require special treat- ment or whose condition is such that they may be regarded as either permanently disabled or likely not to recover within a reasonable time. If, however, the number of new cases from the front is taxing the base hospitals beyond their capacity or the facilities thereof are inadequate from any cause to meet the demands upon them, more extensive evacuation of patients must be effected. On the eve of battle the base hospitals near the front should be cleared as far as possible to make room for new patients. 763. Unless otherwise provided the personnel, supplies, and equip- ment for the evacuation of patients from advanced base hospitals to the rear will come from the hospitals receiving them. 764. The commanding officer of the hospital will indicate under "Remarks" in his daily report made on Form 83, the number of pa- tients who require transfer so that arrangements may be made ac- cordingly. He should himself supervise the selection of patients for furtlier transfer in order to keep down to the lowest possible figure the number of men lost to the Army. 765. Base hospitals ordered to close will dispose of their patients as directed by the surgeon, base group. 1 When female nurses are not available, additional enlisted men will bo assigned in their stead. THE LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS. 229 THE CONVALESCENT CAMP. 766. In appropriate cases convalescent camps may be established in the vicmity of base hospitals. Such camps will be branches of the base hospital near which they are situated. THE CONTAGIOUS DISEASE HOSPITAL. 767. Ordinarily cases of infectious disease occurring among troops in the theater of operations will be cared for in the isolation wards of base or other hospitals and so far as practicable at or near the place of origin of the disease. In the presence of a serious epidemic, however, special facilities for the isolation of cases may be required. In this event the surgeon, base group, with the authority of the commander of the line of communications, will organize such contagious disease hospitals as may be necessary to meet the emergency. 768. No definite organization for these hospitals can be prescribed in advance of their establishment. The personnel for their opera- tion will be procured from the home territory or provided from the line of communications as circumstances may warrant. TRAINS, BOATS, AND SHIPS. 769. The general regulations governing the organization, personnel, materiel, and operation of hospital trains, trains for patients, hospital ships, and ships for patients in the service of the interior wiU apply also to the similar medical department units on the line of communi- cations, except that the duties performed by the Surgeon General with respect to the former will devolve in the latter case upon the sm'geon, base group. (See pars. 613 and 619.) 770. As hospital trains are permanent Medical Department units, when their organization on the line of communications is necessary timely measures to procure the prescribed personnel therefor from home territory should be instituted. Pending the arrival of such per- sonnel the medical officei-s and Hospital Corps men needed to operate these trains should temporarily be drawn from other Medical Depart- ment units on the line, exclusive of the evacuation hospitals and evacuation ambulance companies, whose personnel should under no ordinary circumstances be diminished. (a) When it is necessary to organize trains for patients they may also obtain their medical personnel temporarily from other units on the line of communications exclusive of the evacuation hospitals and evacuation ambulance companies, but permanent details from the service of the interior should be requested for their contmued operation. 771. General arrangements for the running of hospital trains and trains for patients will be made by the sm-geon, base group, with the 230 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, officer in charge of the base. Details in regard to the loading and un- loading of patients at railway stations %vill be arranged between the officers in charge of such stations and the commandmg officers of the evacuation ambulance companies or hospitals wliich are to transfer or receive the patients. 772. Circumstances will rarely be such that hospital ships will be available on the line of communications. But navigable streams will often offer opportmiities for the more comfortable and expedi- tious transportation of the sick and injined than can be had by land, and the surgeon, base group, should in such event avail hinxself thereof by organizing the necessary boat service. The personnel and sup- plies for such service will be drawn from the line of communications as in the case of trains for patients. CASUAL CAMPS FOR SANITARY TROOPS. 773. These camps are designed for the reception, shelter and con- trol of Medical Department persomiel on their arrival and during their stay at the base pending assignment. They will, w^th the approval of the commanding officer of the Ime of communications, be estab- lished by the surgeon, base group, at or near the base. They will be under the immediate command in each case of the senior medical officer on duty therein, and their admmistration wiU be governed by general military principles. SANITARY SQUADS. •774. For the purpose of giving attention to sanitary matters not within the control of regimental or other miUtary organizations, sanitary squads will be organized on the line of commmiications at such places as may be necessary. 775. The personnel of such squads will consist of enlisted men of the Hospital Corps augmented by such number of other enlisted men and civilian laborers as the amount and character of the work may justify. Each squad will be in immediate charge of a medical officer. 776. The function of sanitary squads is to supervise or execute, as the case may be: (1) The necessary measures for the sanitation of camp sites, towns or villages not occupied or garrisoned, or of such parts of the same as may be otherwise unprovided for; (2) sanitary work that may be necessary for the general welfare but that can not be performed conveniently or profitably by individual organizations; (3) the operation of sanitary apparatus used by troops in common and not under control of any one organization. 777. Sanitary squads will not be employed to relieve regimental and other similar organizations of the duty of providing for the sani- tation of their owii camps. THE LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS. 231 FIELD LABORATORIES. 778. One or more field laboratories will be established on the line of communications where most convenient for the work to be accom- plished. A suitable building should be chosen in each case, prefer- ably in a town provided with water and gas supply. 779. The technical supplies for a field laboratory are listed in para- graph 896. Such additional equipment will be supplied as the sur- geon, base group, may deem necessary. REST STATIONS. 780. Rest stations are organized for the purpose of giving tem- porary care and treatment to sick and wounded en route. When on railway lines those established on the line of communications are similar in every way to those pertaining to the service of the interior and their personnel should, if practicable, be obtained in like maimer. (See par. 618.) 781. In exceptional cases the distance between the hospitals in the zone of the advance and the advance section of the line of conununi- cations may be so great that it will be necessary to establish rest stations on the route of the evacuation ambulance companies. Under these circumstances the rest stations will usually be of a tem- porary character and their personnel and supplies will be provided by the evacuation ambulance companiep. At such stations provision should be made for temporary but comfortable shelter, nourishing food, and readjustment of dressings or other treatment necessary to enable the patients to proceed comfortably to their destination. THE BASE MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOT. 782. A medical supply depot will be established at the base. The officer in charge of this depot will prepare in quadruplicate a list of all supplies required, showing the maximum and minimum quantities of each article which should be kept on hand in the depot, havmg due regard in formulating this estimate to the number of troops to be supplied, the tune required by the depot to replenish supplies, the character of the military operations in prospect, etc. In stating the minimum quantity of supplies the supply officer should include at least one medical reserve unit (par. 891) for each division at the front, in addition to the supphes likely to be required by the sanitary formations on the line of communications. Three copies of the above- mentioned list will be forwarded through military channels to the commander of the military forces. Wlien approved, one copy will be retained at the headquarters of the commander of the field forces, one copy wiU be sent to the Surgeon General, and one copy will be returned to the officer in charge of the depot. 232 Manual for the medical department. (a) When the supply ou hand of any article exceeds or falls below the specified maximum or mhiimum, the fact will be reported in writing to the commander of the line of communications and to the senior medical officer on the staff of the commander of the field forces, with appropriate explanatory remarks. 783. Stock to replace issues from these depots will be maintained without formal requisition. (See F. S. R.: Zone of the Advance, General.) When such replenishment is desired, single copies of the invoices on which supplies were issued, stamped "Replenishment requested," will be forwarded direct to the designated source of supply. Any articles shown on an invoice for which replenishment is not desired wUl be erased therefrom before the invoice is stamped and forwarded. Invoices stamped and forwarded as above described will be acted upon as if they were approved requisitions. 784. Requisitions from the depot for other than the replenishment of issues, if within the limits of the maximum and minimum table, will be forwarded in duplicate to the surgeon, base group. He wUl modify them at his discretion, forward one copy to tlie issuing depot in the home territory and return the other copy to the base depot with his modifications, if aiiy, noted thereon. 785. Requisitions for supplies not provided for iii the maximum and minmium table require the approval of the Surgeon General. 786. In emergencies the surgeon, base group, may authorize local purchases to supply the immisdiate needs of the depots on the fine of communications. (See par. 819^.) THE ADVANCE MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOT. 787. The stock on hand at this depot will be considered a part of the available supply of the base depot, as far as the table fixing the maxhuum and minimum stock limits is concerned. 788. Maximum and minmium limits of stock to be maintained at this depot will be determined by the commander of the line of com- munications on recommendation of the surgeon, base group, to whom any variation of stock above or below the prescribed limits will be reported at once with appropriate explanatory remarks. In making his reconmiendations the surgeon, base group, should include in the minimum quantity of supplies to be mamtaiiied at this depot at least one medical reserve unit (par. 891). 789. Issues from the advance depot wdl be replenished from the base depot without formal requisition, in the manner provided under base supply depots (par. 783). 790. Requisitions from the advance depot for supplies other than those required to replace issues will be forwarded in duplicate to the surgeon, base group. He will modify them at his discretion, send THE LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS. 23S one copy to the base supply depot for issue and return the other copy to the writer with his modifications, if any, noted thereon. 791. The advance depot is intended as a source of supply for troops in the zone of the advance and it should not, except in emer- gency, be depleted by issues to evacuation hospitals, evacuation am- bulance companies, and other units on the line of communications. 792. The operations of this depot will necessarily be controlled by the military situation in the zone of the advance. If the troops are occupying defensive positions with little probability of an immediate advance the depot may be established in buildings, if they are avail- able, or under canvas; if they are advancing the depot may be main- tained on barges, in box cars, or on motor trucks. In the latter case the prescribed stock of supplies may, temporarily, have to be reduced to such essentials as surgical dressings, medicines, and other articles of that class. In determining the character of the articles that may be eliminated under these circumstances much will depend upon the facility with which supplies can be obtained from the base. THE EVACUATION HOSPITAL. (Capacity 432.) 793. The evacuation hospitals are Medical Department . units belonging to the line of communications. Ordin 'ily two evacua- tion hospitals will be assigned to a line of communications for each division which it serves in the zone of the advance. They wiU be numbered and designated like the base hospitals (par. 758). 794. The personnel of an evacuation hospital at war strength as given in Tables of Organization are ordinarily distributed as follows: 16 medical officers, 1 lieutenant colonel (commanding), 1 major (operating surgeon), 14 captains and lieutenants (1 adjutant, 1 quar- termaster, 2 assistant operating surgeons, 10 ward surgeons); 8 ser- geants first class (1 in general supervision, 1 in charge of office, 1 in charge of quartermaster supplies and records, 1 in charge of kitchen and mess, 1 in charge of detachment and detachment accounts, 1 in charge of patients' clothing and effects, 1 in charge of medical prop- erty and records, 1 in charge of dispensary); 20 sergeants (1 in dis- pensary, 2 in storerooms, 1 in mess and kitchen, 4 in officCj 1 in charge of police, 10 in charge of wards, 1 in operating room); 10 acting cooks; 141 privates fii-st class and privates (98 ward attendants, 3 in dispensary, 5 in operating room, 10 in kitchen and mess, 4 in storerooms, 4 orderlies, 5 in office, 6 outside police, 6 supernu- meraries). 795. The primary function of the evacuation hospital is to replace field hospitals so that the latter may move with their divisions, or to take over their patients with the same object in view. So far as it 234 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. would not interefere with this function the evacuation hospital may- be used for ordinary hospital purposes on the line of communications. 796. An evacuation hospital is preferably established on a rail- way or navigable stream, but this preference must, of course, yield to the military situation. Care should be taken to choose a site accessible to wheeled transport and with an abundant supply of water and fuel. When suitable buildings are available they will be utilized. 797. The places where evacuation hospitals are to be established or to which they are to be moved will be determined by the surgeon, advance group, under the authority of his commanding officer. 798. Before a battle all evacuation hospitals will be brought as far forward as possible and will remain in readiness for opening or further advance. 799. The duties of an evacuation hospital when opened are similar to those of a field hospital in combat (par. 701) and corresponding departments will be created (par. 703). 800. The character of the surgical treatment to be given to wounded therein will vary widely under different conditions. Wlien during battle many wounded are being received the treatment afforded will hardly be more extensive than that at field hospitals, viz, emergency operations and better preparation for transport. When few wounded are coming in and there is no probability of an early move, complete treatment may be given even dm'ing battle. 801. Serious cases requiring protracted treatment and all patients permanently incapacitated should be sent to the rear from evacua- tion hospitals as soon as their condition permits. (a) When battle is expected active measures of evacuation should be employed to clear the evacuation hospitals in use so that they may be ready for movement toward the front. (6) Dm-ing battle all patients in evacuation hospitals who are fit for transportation should be hurried to the rear as soon as possible to make room for new cases from the front. It will rarely be possible for evacuation hospitals to send slightly wounded back to their organizations during combat, but every opportunity should be taken to do so in order that such wounded shall not become further sepa- rated from their commands. 802. The necessary transportation for moving patients to the rear from evacuation hospitals will be provided by direction of the com- manding officer of the advance section of the Ime of commmiications. 803. The commanding officer of the evacuation hospital will uidi- cate, under "Remarks" in his daily report made on Form 83, the number of patients who require transportation to the rear. THE LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS. 235 THE EVACUATION AMBULANCE COMPANY. 804. Evacuation ambulance companies are organized only in time of war or when war is imminent. They are allowed in the proportion of one for each division at the front. They will be num- bered consecutively from 1 upward for each field army to which they belong, as " Evacuation Ambulance Company No. 1 , 3rd Field Army. " 805. The commanding officer of the company is under the im- mediate orders of the surgeon, advance group. 806. The allowance of personnel and equipment for an evacuation ambulance company will be that provided for an ambulance company with such modifications as the conditions under which the former is serving may warrant. Motor ambulances should, if practicable, be sub- stituted for horse-drawn vehicles. Ordinarily pack mules will not be required, and, owing to the fact that the company normally oper- ates from the head of the line of communications where there is a supply depot, the quantity of reserve surgical dressings provided for the ambulance company may be largely reduced. 807. The primary function of the evacuation ambulance company is the evacuation of field hospitals and the transportation and care of patients en route therefrom to evacuation, base, or other hospitals on the line of communications or to points with train or boat connec- tions for rail or water transport to such hospitals. 808. On the march the company will be brought up to clear field hospitals of patients collected by the latter (par. 700), and to take them to points on the fine of communications. 809. When battle is soon to occur it will usually be necessary to greatly increase the number of vehicles and bearers of the company. This increase will be provided by the officer in charge of the advance section on the recommendation of the surgeon, advance group. 810. Just before a battle commences all evacuation ambulance companies should be located as far in advance as the conditions permit. 811. At the proper time or times during or after the battle each company, under instructions given therefor by the surgeon, advance group, will proceed to the field hospitals which it is to evacuate, will report to the commanding officers thereof, will receive the patients who are to go to the rear, and in due course will deliver them to the Medical Department organization which is designated for their further care. (a) The evacuation ambulance company will receive and provide for all patients turned over to it by a field hospital. (See also par. 706.) (h) It will also receive and provide for the slightly wounded, able to walk, who report to it by proper authority from the dressing stations, the station for slightly wounded, or other places on the field. 236 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 812. The assignment of the sick and wounded to the various kinds of transport (automobiles, ambulances, wagons, country carts, bearers, etc.) will be made by the commandmg officer of the com- pany according to their condition. In doubtful cases the authorities of the hospital should be called upon for necessary information. ADMINISTRATION. 813. For administration and control the line of communications is organized as follows: (1) A service of defense. (2) A supply, sanitary, and telegraph service. (3) A service of mihtary railways. 814. The commander of the line of communications is responsible, under existing regulations, for the defense of the zone and for the government of that portion of the zone placed under military control. All troops, mihtary estabhshments, and personnel in the zone of the hne of communications are under his control. He is responsible that the reserve of supphes on hand in his various depots shall be maintained between the maximum and minunum amomits fixed by the commander of the field forces. 815. All personnel pertaining to the sanitary service of the hne of communications report at the base for assignment to duty. Here advance and intermediate sections are organized and sent fonvard as required. 816. Base, intermediate, and advance sections are each commanded directly by the commander of the hne of communications through an assistant chief of staff authorized to issue orders in his name. 817. Tlie senior medical officer assigned to duty at the base section of the line of communications (surgeon, base group) acts in a dual capacity. (1) He is the technical adviser of the commander of the Hne of communications on all matters relating to the operation of the Medical Department within the zone of the line of communica- tions. In this capacity he transacts his business directly with the headquarters of the line of communications. (2) He acts in an exec- utive capacity, controlling directly all Medical Department estab- hshments pertaining to the base. In this relation all communications between the surgeon, base group, and the commander of the line of communications pass through the officer in charge of the base. 818. As adviser to the commander of the line of comnumications the duties of the surgeon, base group, and the relation he bears to the medical personnel iji the zone of the line of communications, are analogous to those of a department sui-geon, and he will be governed by the regulations for the latter (see pars. 364 to 370), with such modi- fications as the different conditions demand. To the extent of his THE LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS. 237 aiitliority the surgeon, base group, is responsible for the efficiency of the entire medical service of the line of communications, and for the accomplishment by such service of its mission as outlined in para- graph 754. 819. Tlie duties of the surgeon, base group, that may be specifically stated are as follows: (a) He will direct and control personnel of the American National Ked Cross on duty with the line of communications. (&) He will decide whether personal service individually volun- teered shall be accepted (par. 537) ; and when accepted, he will direct how it shall be employed. (c) He will devise appropriate measures for the shelter, supply, treatment, and transport of the sick and wounded, including suitable provisions to secure the retention of effectives at the front and for the sending of noneffectives to the rear; and will consult with the chief of staff and the heads of other staff departments in reference to the details of such measures. (d) He will coordinate the Medical Department administration of the Ihie of communications, and to that end will keep continuously in touch with the surgeons of advance and intermediate groups. (e) He will conmaunicate with the Surgeon General regarding med- ical arrangements for the movement of patients from the base to home territory and the provision of Medical Department personnel and supplies from the home territory for the line of communications. (/) He will act on requisitions for Medical Department supplies as provided in paragraph 552. 0*^^' "■ (g) With the approval of the Surgeon General he may give author- ity for the purchase in local markets of medical supplies immediately necessary for the care of the sick and wounded and the prevention of the spread of disease. (h) With the approval of the Surgeon General he may receive vol- untary contributions in money or kind for the benefit of the sick and wounded and he may expend the same as he deems fit. (i) With the approval of the Surgeon General, he may make con- tracts with surgeons and employ or authorize the emplo3^nent of other civilians for emergency service under the Medical Department on the line of communications. (j) When battle is impending, he will take such steps as are neces- sary to insure that mobile units of the line of communications are free to advance when required; that hospitals are cleared for new cases; that sufficient medical supphes are collected in the immediate rear of the army to meet the exigencies of combat; and that person- nel available for assistance in the zone of the advance are assembled and held in readiness as far forward as practicable. 238 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (k) He will make timely recommendations to tbe commander of the line of communications regarding transportation required for medical supplies and for patients, (Z) He will render to the chief surgeon of the field army the consoli- dated daily field report of sanitary personnel and transportation and the consolidated daily field report of patients (Form 84) and the weekly noneffective curve chart (Form 85). 820. The relations of the senior medical officer assigned to duty with the advance section (surgeon, advance group) and of the senior medical officer of any intermediate section that may be estabhshed, to the surgeon, base group, are similar to those of post surgeons to department surgeons. 821. The surgeon, advance group, under the supervision of the officer in charge of the advance section, controls directl}" all sanitary units at the head of the line of communications. 822. Tlie surgeon, advance group, has general charge of the trans- portation of patients from the field hospitals or other units in the zone of the advance to the evacuation hospitals or other places on the line of communications prepared for their reception, 823. During or after battles of any magnitude the transportation included in the sanitary column will usually be found greatly inade- quate for the evacuation of the wounded. It will be the duty of the surgeon, advance group, to anticipate these conditions and to make timely provision for obtaining the increased transportation neces- sary. Under competent authority, vehicles belonging to the civiHan population may be impressed, and use made of the supply column of the advance section. He should direct the operation of such addi- tional transportation until the emergency is past. 824. Under all circumstances the surgeon, advance group, should maintain close touch with the division surgeons and medical organ- izations at the front and make suitable arrangements to relieve them promptly of the sick and wounded left behind. 826. When battle is impending, he will clear his evacuation hospi- tals as far as necessary, so that room may be available for wounded from the front; he will assemble near the front his evacuation ambu- lance companies and one or more evacuation hospitals, and he will advance supphes to points where they may be readily available for the divisional units. 826. One of the most important duties which devolve upon all medical officers in the zone of the line of communications is careful exercise of judgment in making recommendations regarding the transfer of the sick and wounded to the home territory in order that hospitals on the line of communications may not be burdened with patients who are permanently disabled and that soldiers who are THE LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS. 239 likely to be able to rejoin their commands within a reasonable time be not sent too far to the rear. 827. The duties of sanitary hispectors assigned to the service of the line of communications are analogous to those of department sanitary inspectors, and they will be governed by the regulations for the latter (pars. 371 to 374) with such modifications as the different conditions demand. ARTICLE XV.— ADMINISTRATION OF THE SANI- TARY SERVICE OF THE THEATER OF OPERA- TIONS. THE CHIEF SURGEON OF A FIELD ARMY. 828. The chief surgeon of a field army belongs to the technical and administrative group of the staff of the commander. During the period of grand tactical operations when a hne of communica- tions is in operation the chief surgeon is, in general, an advisory officer, administering directly only the limited personnel of the Medical Department attached to headquarters. In his advisory capacity he concerns himself only with the broad prmciples under- lying sanitary administration. His recommendations are such, that ' when promulgated by the commander, the details of the sanitary sei-vice wiU be left to subordinate commanders. Under these con- ditions the chief surgeon maintains no office of record. He may, however, direct that all or any of the Medical Department reports from the zone of the advance pass through the office of the surgeon, base group, before being forwarded to the War Department, in order that the information contamed therein may be tabulated for his use or that the reports may be returned for correction. 829. Upon the completion of the grand tactical operations and upon the discontinuance of an organized line of communications, or if no line of communications has been organized, he assumes a more direct control of such Medical Department personnel, depots, hospitals, etc., as the War Department may place under the command of the officer upon whose staff he is serving. Under these circum- stances the chief surgeon will maintam an office of record in so far as he is assigned the duties which devolve upon the surgeon, base group, when a line of communications is operated. 830. The duties of the chief surgeon include those outlined in paragraph 362. He is specifically charged with the following: (a) He will keep the Surgeon General advised of the condition and efficiency of the sanitary service of the command. (6) He will take the necessary steps to insure coordination of the sanitary service of the zone of the advance and the zone of the line of communications, and to that end will keep continually in touch with the division surgeons and the surgeon, base group. (c) Ho will make recommendations relative to the adequacy of the table of maximum and minimum supplies to be maintained in the depots on the line of communications. (See par. 782.) 240 ARTICLE XVI.— RESUME OF THE OPERATIONS OF THE SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR. 831. Wlien war is imminent, the Regular Army is mobilized at its permanent posts or stations and the Organized MiUtia at mobiUza- tion camps. Little is required of the Medical Department at the time of mobilization in connection with the preparation of organiza- tions of the Regular Army for active service. Field equipment is maintained at designated stations or depots in readiness for service at all times; the men of the Hospital Corps available for service with line organizations and with the sanitary train are designated in time of peace and are in readiness to join their respective units. The men composing the line organizations have been given thorough physical examinations which have been made of record, and they have been vaccinated against smallpox and typhoid fever. Each man is equipped AA^ith a first-aid packet and has been instructed in its use. So far as the Medical Department is concerned, therefore, these troops should be in readiness to proceed from their points of mobilization to the camps of concentration on short notice. 832. Mobihzation camps for the Organized Militia are provided in each State. An officer of the Regular Army commands each camp and has on his staff a camp surgeon, usually a medical officer of the Regular Army. Mobihzation camps are operated under the control of department commanders, who are responsible for the complete preparation and equipment of the troops which assemble there. The work of the Medical Department at these camps is super- vised by the department surgeon and the sanitary inspector of the department. The camp surgeon is provided Math an adequate corps of assistants. Physical examinations of troops mobilized are made and recorded in accordance with specific instructions from the War Department. Vaccinations agamst smallpox and typhoid fever are administered and records made thereof. Individuals and organiza- tions are furnished such portions of their equipment as pertain to the Medical Department; and such training in sanitary matters is given both the fine troops and the sanitary troops as is possible, and appro-' priate to each (par. 594). When for any reason it is impracticable to fully prepare individuals and organizations for service at the front, so far as this preparation devolves upon the Medical Department, the camp surgeon wiU furnish a full report to the department surgeon 93440°— 17 16 241 242 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. showing what remains to be done in order that the latter may take the necessary steps to have the preparation of such individuals and organizations completed at the eamp of concentration. 833. After mobilization, equipment, and preUminary training, the troops are assembled at concentration camps for immediate use against the enemy or for transport to an over-sea theater of opera- tions. At camps of concentration the general mstruction and train- ing of line and sanitary troops in connection with the work of the sanitary service is conducted under the direction of the camp surgeon. 834. On leaving camps of concentration, troops pass from the serv- ice of the interior to the theater of operations, where they come under the control of the commander of the field forces. They may pass directly into the zone of the advance or they may traverse the zone of the hue of communications before reaching the zone of the advance, or they may be assigned to duty on the hne of communications. In the latter case they may be assigned either to the service of defense, to the supply, sanitary, and telegraph service, or to the service of miUtary railways. The relations and duties of the sanitary personnel in this zone aio described in paragraphs 751 to 827. 835. The sanitary service of the zone of the advance is treated in detail in paragraphs 630 to 750. The purpose of the service in camp, on the march, and in combat is to render temporary aid to the sick and wounded and to expedite their transportation to the rear, always making such disposition as will secure the retention at the front of all men fit for duty and relieve the fighting force of the impediment incident to the presence of men incapacitated for duty. To that end the service of the advance is assisted by the service of the line of communications, if one has been organized; otherwise directly by the service of the interior. In either event it cooperates with the advance station of the service in its immediate rear. When battle is imminent, the resources of the sanitary service behind the zone of the advance are placed in readiness to meet the demands for the care and transportation of the wounded which may reasonably be expected, and personnel and supplies are advanced as near the seat of operations as practicable, reaching forward into the zone of the advance if conditions warrant it. 836. The troops engaged in combat are accompanied by medical officers and Hospital Corps attendants; ordinarily a meidical officer with a detachment of Hospital Corps men accompanies each bat- tafion into combat, and the surgeon of each regiment with the equip- ment carried on a pack mule (par. 866) establishes an aid station. The wounded apply their own first-aid dressings, if practicable, and the sanitary personnel attached to organizations render first aid as soon as possible. The sanitary personnel with each battahon collect the wounded in groups and transport those who are unable RESUME OF OPEKATIONS OF SANITARY SERVICE IN WAR. 243 to walk to the regimental aid station. Men with trivial wounds are sent back to their commands when their wounds are dressed, and those slightly wounded but able to walk are directed to the station for slightly wounded several miles in the rear, in order that dressing stations and field hospitals may not be unnecessarily congested by the presence of this class of men. 837. At the aid stations the sanitary service with troops connects with the service of the sanitary train. Each ambulance company establishes a dressing station in a protected location usually some distance in rear of the aid station. The dressing stations send for- ward bearers to remove the wounded who have been brought in to the aid stations. At the dressing stations light nourishment is pro- vided, dressings are examined and adjusted or reapplied, as conditions may require, and the patients who require transportation are made as comfortable as possible until it is practicable to transport them to the rear, usually to the field hospitals. Wlienever possible the dressing stations are so located that they can be reached by wheel transportation, and the wounded are sent to the field hospitals in ambulances. 838. The field hospitals do not perform the functions of civil hos- pitals or of base or general hospitals, in that their equipment is limited to those things necessary to provide shelter, nourishment, and emergency treatment for patients until they can be transferred to the immobile units at the rear. At the field hospitals no beds or cots are provided. The patients are placed on straw over which blankets are spread. The service of the zone of the advance con- trolled by the division surgeon terminates with the field hospitals. The units of the line of communications pushed for^^ard into the zone of the advance (par. 825) relieve the field hospitals of their sick and wounded as rapidly as possible. 839. One of the evacuation hospitals held in readiness at the head of the line of communications will ordinarily receive the patients from the field hospitals. In some cases an evacuation hospital is pushed forward and takes charge of the patients at the location of the field hospital; in other cases transportation from the advance section of the line of communications is sent forward to the field hospital to receive the patients, and in many cases the wagons going to the rear for supplies wiU transport the patients back to the refilling point where they will be turned over to the wagons sent forw^ard from the advance section. The evacuation hospital is the first sanitary unit in which provision is made to retain patients for any length of time. It is equipped with cots, blankets, and a liberal supply of comforts for the sick, but ordinarily the evacuation hospitals wiU be cleared of patients as early as practicable in order that they may be ready to receive others from the front. The patients are usually sent back 244 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. by trains or boats to the base hospitals where all possible comforts and facilities for their care are provided. All sick and wounded who will be able to return to dut}^ within a reasonable time will bo retamed m these hospitals rather than turned over to the service of the inte- rior. Patients who no longer need medical attention are placed in convenient camps operated in connection with the base hospitals until they regain sufficient strength to return to their commands. The base is the great center of medical activity of an army. Personnel and supplies intended for the Army are accumulated here and sent forward as required. The sick and wounded are sent back to the base and cared for. Records of both supplies and personnel are kept at the base, and such abstracts and tabulations as the chief surgeon of the field army may require from time to time are made here and sup- plied to him. 840. The losses at the front are being constantly replaced by men sent forward through the channels above described. New recruits are sent to the mobilization camps where they are equipped and driUed and pushed forward to meet the demands in the zone of the advance, 841. Supplies furnished by the Medical Department for troops at the front are ordinarily obtained from the supply depot at the head of the line of communications on requisitions approved by the divi- sion surgeon. Each sanitary formation may make its own requisition, and its supplies may be sent forward from the advance section to the refilling pomts where the transportation furnished by the line of com- munications turns over the supplies to the transportation sent back from the divisional organizations. The stream of supphes coming foi-ward consisting of rations, clothing, and ammunition is constant, and ample opportunity is afforded to bring up the articles required by the sanitary service with the other supplies. Wlien found to be more convenient the regimental sanitary supplies may be replenished from camp infirmaries or from the supplies carried by ambulance com- panies, these latter making requisitions for the supphes which they require. The supply depot at the advance section draws its supplies from the depot at the base, the stock of which is automatically main- tained by the service of the interior. PART III. SUPPLY TABLES. [The names of expendable articles are printed in roman type, and nonexpendable in italic] 245 ARTICLE XVII.— POST SUPPLY TABLES. 842. In computing the official population entitled to medicines at a station the nearest round number in the supply table is to be taken and requisitions made accordingly. If a post contains a population of more than 1,000, the requisition should caU for the allowance of expendable articles for 1,000 plus that for the excess over 1,000. Articles furnished to dental surgeons under the provisions of para- graph 491 are indicated by an asterisk (*) before each item. 843. MEDICINES, ANTISEPTICS, AND DISINFECTANTS. Articles.' Allowance for 1 year for posts having offieial population of — 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 Acacia, powder, 1 pound, in wide-mouth bottle bottles. . Acetanilidum, i pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Acetphenetidinum (Phenacetin), i pound, in wide-mouth bot- tle bottles. . Acidum aceticum, j pound, in glass-stopper bottle do Acidum boricum, powder, J poimd, in wide-mouth bottle . -do — Acidum citricum, J poimd, in wide-mouth bottle do Acidum hydrochloricum, A poimd, in glass-stopper bottle do Acidum nitricum, J pound, in glass-stopper bottle do Acidum oxalicum, for surgical use, i pound, in wide-mouth bot- tle bottles . . Acidum salicylicum, 3 ounces, m wide-mouth bottle do — ♦Acidum sulphuricum, J pound, in glass-stopper bottle do — Acidum sulphuricum aromaticum, J pound, in glass-stopper bot- tle bottles. . * Acidum tannicum, powder, 3 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle, do — Acidum tartaricum,| pound, in wide-mouth bottle do — Adeps lanae hydrosus, i pound, in wide-mouth bottle do — ♦Adrenalin chiorid, 1-mgm. tablets, 20 in tube tubes. . Aether, J pound, in tin tins.. *Aethylis chloridum, 3 ounces, in metal tube tubes. . ♦Alcohol, 5 gallons, in bottle bottles. . Alcohol, denatiu-ed. (See par. 845.) Aloe, powder, 1 ounce, in bottle do — Alumen, powder, J poimd, ui wide-mouth bottle do — Ammonii bromidum, i pound, in wide-mouth bottle do — Ammonii carbonas, lumps, i pound, in wide-mouth bottle. . -do — Ammonii chloridum, i pound, in wide-mouth bottle do — Amy lis nitrls, 5-drop spirets, 12 in bo.x boxes. Antimonii et potassii tartras, i ounce, in bottle bottles. Apomorphinae hydrochloridum, 6-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube tubes . Aqua ammoniae, 10 per cent, 1 pound, in glass-stopper bot- . bottles. tie. ♦Aqua hydrogenii dioxidi, 1 pound, in bottle,^ as required. . -do ♦Argenti nitras, crystals, 1 ounce, in bottle do — Argenti nitras fusus, 1 ounce, in bottle do — Argyrol (or equivalent) , 1 ounce, in bottle do — Arsenitrioxidum, 1-mgm. tablets, 250 in bottle do... Asafoetida, i ounce, in bottle do — Aspirin, 1 ounce, in bottle do... Atropinae sulphas, J'ounce, in bottle do... Atropinae sulphas, 0.65-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes J Official drugs appear under their Latin designations as given in the while nonofficial articles are listed by their English names, ■i To be asked for as needed, on account of rapid deterioration. 3 I 4 1 United States 3 72 8 10 9 12 (J 8 4 3 lU T) 8 lO.'i 11 7 2 3 4 14 2 2 2 20 6 8 Pharmacopoeia, 247 248 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Medicines, antiseptics, and disinfectants — Continued. Articles. Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of — 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 Atropinae sulphas, 0.13-mKm. ophthalmic disks, 50 in tube.. tubes.. 11111 Balsamum Teruvianum, J pound, in wide-mouth bottle.. bottles.. 2 2 2 3 3 Balsamum tolutanum, i pound, in wide-mouth bottle do 112 3 4 Bismuth! subcallas, i- pound, in wide-mouth bottle do 1112 2 Bismuth! subnitras,"* pound, in wide-mouth bottle do 2 2 3 3 3 Caffeinacitrata, 4 ounce, in bottle do 4 4 4 8 8 Calx chlormata (chlorinated lime), 1 pound, in zinc container,! as required pounds. . Camphora, powder, J pound, in wide-mouth bottle bottles.. Capsicum, powder, J ounce, in bottle do Cera fiava, in \-pound cake cakes. . Chloralum hydratum, 1 ounce, in glass-stopper bottle bottles.. ♦Chloroformum, i poiuid, in tin tins . . Chrysarobinum, J ounce, in bottle bottles. . ♦Cocainae hydrochloridum, J ounce, in wide-mouth bottle, .do *Cocainae hydrochloridum, 10-mgm. h-vpodermie tablets, 20 in tube tubes.. Codeinae sulphas, 1 ounce, in bottle bottles. . ♦CoUodium, 1 oujice, in bottle do Copaiba, i, pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Creosotum, 1 ounce, in glass-stopper bottle : -do ♦Cresol, 1 pound, in bottle do Creta preparata, J pound, in wide-mouth bottle do. Cupri sulphas, 1 ounce, in bottle do. Digitalinum, 1-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube tubes. . *Emetinae hydrochloridum, 22-mgm. hj-podermic tablets, 20 in tube, as required tubes.. Emplaslrum belladonnae, 2 yards by 6 inches, in tin tins.. Emplastrumcantharidis, 1 yard by 6 inches, in tin do Emplaslrum sinapis, 4 yards by flinches, in tin do Eucainae hydrochloridum-B , 1 ounce, in bottle bottles. . . Eucalyptof, 1 ounce, in bottle do Extrac-tum belladomiae foliorum, 1 ounce, in bottle do Extractum glycyrrhizae purum, } pound, in jar jars.. Extractum hvoscvami, 1 ounce, in bottle bottles.. Extractum rhamni purshianae, 130-mgm. tablets, 250 in bottle, bottles Ferri et quininae citras solubilis, 3 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle, bottles Ferri phosphas solubilis, 1 pound, in bottle bottles.. Ferri sulphas exsiccatus, } pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Fluidextractum colchici seminis, 1 ounce, in bottle do Fluidextraetum ergotae, i pound, in bottle do Fluidextractum ipecacuahhae, i poimd, in bottle do Fluidextractum pruni virginianae, 1 pound, in bottle do Fluidextractum zLngiberLs, i pound, in bottle do Foot powder (par. 902), i pound, in tin With perforated cover, ^ as required tins. . *Glycerinum, 1 pound, in bottle bottles. . Guaiacoliscarbonas, i pomid,in bottle do Heroini hydrochloridum, in 5.5~nigm. tablets, 500 in bottle, .do Herouii hydrochloridum , in 1-onnce bottle do.... Hexamethvlenamina (Urotropin), 1 ounce, in bottle do... Homatropinac hydrobromidum, 15 grains, in bottle do Hvdrargyri chlofidura corrosivum, 3 oimces, in bottle do Hydrargyri chloridum corrosii-um (commercial), 1 pound, in bottle ." bottles . . HydrargjTi chloridum corrosixiim, tablets (antiseptic) (par. 902), 250 in wide-mouth bottle bottles. . Hydrargyri chloridum mito, 32-mgm. tablets, 250 in bottle, .do Hvdrargyri chloridum niite,(j.5-nigm. tablets, 250 In bottle, .do HydrargJTi chloridum mite, 2 ounces, in bottle do HydrargJTiiodidum flavum, 10-mgm. tablets, 250 in bottle. do HydrargA-rioxidum flavum, 1 ounce, in bottle do HydrargA-risalicvlas, 1 ounce, in bottle do Hyoscinae hvdrobromidum, 0.(55-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube ". tubes. . Ichthy olum, 3 oimces, in wide- mouth bottle bottles. . lodurh, 1 ounce, in glass-stopper bottle do Ipecacuanha, powder, 3 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle do Liquor cresolis compositus, 1 quart, in bottle do « On account of the rapid deterioration which chlorinated lime undergoes it should be asked for only in anticipation of actual needs. 2 Allowed on basis of one can for each enlisted man of organizations of foot troops to carry out provisions of General Orders. (See Appendix: Feet.) POST SUPPLY TABLES. Medicines, antiseptics, and disinfectants— Contimied. 249 Articles. Allowance for 1 year for posts having olBcial population of— 100 1,000 ♦Liquor forraaldehydi (37i per cent), 1 quart, in bottle '..bottles. Liquor fornialdehydi (37j'per cent), 5 gallons, in jug i ... . -JUgs- Liquor potassii arsenitis, J pound, in bottle bottles. Lithii citras elTervescens, 32-t-mgm. tablets, 25 iji bottle do. . . Lvcopodium, 3 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle - . - -QO- • - - Sfagnesii carbonas, powder, 2 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle, bottles ■:■■• Magnesii sulphas, 4 pounds, in tm ..tins. . Massa hydrargyn, 3 oiuiees, m wide-mouth bottle bottles. Menthol", 1 ounce, in wide-mouth bottle .do. . . Methylis salicvlas (oil of wintergreen, sj-nthetic), 1 ounce, m glass stopper bottle bottles. . Morphinae sulphas, powder, i ounce , m bottle .• " " r°.' " " *Morphinae sulphas, 8-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 m tube, tubes : - Naphthaleuum pounds. . Neosalvarstm, 900 mgms., in tube, as required tubes. Nitroglycerin, 0.65-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube do. .. ♦Normal saJme solution tablets (par. 902), 100 in wide-mouth I^Qttie bottles. Oleoresinaaspidii, 1 ounce, in bottle do. . . Oleum aurantiicorticis, 1 ounce, in bottle do Oleum caryophylli, 1 ounce, in glass-stopper bottle do Oleum gossMJii seminis, 1 quart , in bottle do Oleum menthae piperitae, 1 oimce, in glass-stopper bottle. . .do Oleum morrhuae, 1 pound, in bottle do Oleum ricini, 1 quart, in bottle do Oleum santali, 1 ounce, m glass-stopper bottle do Oleum terebinthinae rectiflcatum, 1 quart, in bottle do Oleum theobromatis, ) pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Oleum tiglii, 1 ounce, in bottle do Opiipulvis, 2 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle do Pepslnum,3 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle do Peptonizing tablets (par. 902), 125 in wide-mouth bottle do Petrolatum, 3 pounds, in tin - - •}^- ■ Petrolatum liquidum, 1 pound, in bottle bottles.: *Phenol, i pound, in bottle do Phenolphthalein, 130-mgm. tablets, 250 in bottle do Phenylis salicvlas (Salol), 3 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle. . .do. . . . Phvsostigminae sulphas, 0.0325-mgm. ophthalmic disks, 50 m tube tubes. Pilocarpinae'hydrochioridum, 8-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in t;ul3e tubes. . Pilulae alo'ini ' compositae (or tablets) (par. 902), 250 in Ijottle bottles. . Pilulae catharticae compositae (or tablets), 400 in bottle do. . . . Pilulae copaibae compositae (or tablets) (par. 902), 2oO m bottle . bottles. . Pilulae fe'rii compositae (or tablets) (par. 902), 80 in bottle.. .do Plumbi acetas, 6 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle do Potassii acetas, 6 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle do Potassii bicarbonas, 1 pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Potassii bromidum, 1 pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Potassii chloras, powder, 1 pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Potassii chloras, 324-mgm. tablets, 250 in bottle do Potassii et sodii tartras, 3 pounds, in tin - - -^J^- ■ Potassii hvdroxidum, 1 ounce, in glass-stopper bottle bottles. . Potassii iodidum, ^ pound, in wide-mouth bottle do j Potassii permanganas, 1 pound, in wide-mouth bottle ' . . . ..ao Protargol (or equivalent), 1 ounce, in bottle .".do. . . Pulvis glycyrrhizae compositus, i pound, in wide-mouth bot- tjg bottles.. Pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii, j pound, in wide-mouth bottle, .do Quininae hydrochlorosulphas, 32-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tul>e ; • ; - "A-, • • "i 'fPi^^ ' ' Quininae sulphas, crystals, 1 ounce, in wide-mouth bottle., bottles. . Quininae sulphas, 200-mgm. tablets, 500 in wide-mouth bot- ^tie bottles. . Resina podophylii, * ounce, in bottle do • Rheum, powder, 2 ounces, m wide-mouth bottle do Saccharum lactis, powder, 3 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle, .do iFor generating formaldehyde gas, 1 pmt formaldehyde s«lf io^^' 1 PO"^* P^t^f^^^^if, Pf„SXto and i pmt water should be mLxed in a deep container (e. g. , a close stool j . This quantity is adequate lor 1,000 cubic feet of air space. 10 1 7 8 24 5 4 20 10 14 3 1 1 4 1 16 18 24 18 6 1 8 10 12 10 12 14 5 6 7 S 12 12 2 3 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 4 4 4 6 6 4 6 8 6 8 10 20 30 40 22 26 30 2 4 4 4 5 ' 8 10 12 10 12 14 10 12 14 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 4 250 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Medicines, antiseptics, and disinfectants — Continued. Articles. Salvarsan, fiOO mgms. in tube, as required tubes.. Santoninum, 3L'-ni};m. tablets, 250 in bottle bottles.. Sapo mollis (green soap), 1 pound, in jar jars.. Serum antidipht hericum • Serum ant imeniniiit idis i Serum ant itctaniciun ' Sodiibicarbona.s, 1 pound, in wide-mouth bottle bottles.. Sodii bicarbonas et mentha piperita, tablets (par. 902), 400 in bottle bottles. . Sodii boras, powder, 1 pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Sodii bromidum, 6 oimces, in wide-mouth bottle do *Sodii carljonas monohydratus, for surgical use, 1 potind, in wide- mouth bottle bottles. . Sodii tluoridum, 5 pounds, in package packages. . Sodii phosphas exsiccatus, powder, 3 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle bottles. . Sodii salicylas, 6 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle do Spiritusaetheriscompositus, ^ pound, in glass-stopper bottle. do Spiritus aetheris nitrosi, h pound, in glass-stopper bottle do *Spiritus ammoniae aromaticus, J pound, m glass-stopper bot- tle bottles. . Spiritus frumenti, 1 quart, in bottle do Spiritus glycerylis nitratis, 1 ounce, in glass-stopper bottle. . .do Strvchnmae sulphas, 1-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 250 in bot- tle botties. . Sugar, white, 12 pounds, in can can.s. . Sulphur, in roll potnids . . Stilphur lotum, i pound, in wide-mouth bottle bottles.. Syrupus forri iodidi, i potmd, in bottle do Syrupus h>T5ophosphitum compositus, 1 pound, in bottle. . .do Syrupus scillae, 1 poimd,in bottle do Talcum, 2 poimds, in screw-top tin tins. . Thymol, 1 otuice, m bottle bottles . . ♦Thymolis iodidum (.Vristol), 1 ounce, in bottle do ♦Tiiictura aconiti, 1 ounce^ in bottle do Tinctura benzoini composita, J poimd, in bottle do Tincturacantharidis, -J- pomid,in bottle do Tinctura capsici, i pound, in bottle do Tinctura ciuchonae composita, 1 pound, in bottle do Tinctura digitalis, ^ poimd, in bottle do Tinctura ferri chloridi, 1 poimd, in glass-stopper bottle do Tinctura gentianae composita, 1 poimd, in bottle do Tinctura myrrhae, i pound, in bottle do Tmctura nucis vomicae, J poimd, in bottle do Tinctura opii, 1 pound, hi bottle do Tinctura opii camphoiata, 1 pound, in bottle do Tinctura strophantlii, 1 ounce, in bottle do Trochisci ammonii chloridi, 125 in bottle do Unguentum hydrargyria ^ jjound, in wide-mouth bottle do Unguentum hydrargyn chloridi mitis, 30 per cent, 2 pounds, In jar jars. . Vaccine, smallpox,^ as required units. . Vaccine, typhoid,^ as required c. c . . Vaccines, special s c. c. . Veronal, 324-mgm. tablets, 250 in bottle bottles. . Zinci oxidum, i pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Zinci sulphas, J pound, in wide-mouth bottle do Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of — 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 1 Upon the appearance of a case requiring antitoxin the surgeon may purchase locally such quantity as he may need for immediate use. Further supplies, estimated as necessary, will be procured bv telegram, sent direct to the officer in charge of the supply depot nearest the post or station. Quantities to meet the contingencies of a possible epidemic should l)e asked for and supplementary requests made as the necessity arises. Request should lie made for containers holding so many units, e. g., 5 tubes of 1,000 units, 3 tubes of 5,000 units, etc. A report of these requests will be made to the Surgeon General through the deinirt- ment surgeon. Careful scrutiny of the time limit placed on the package should be made and the unused quantit ies should be returned to the supply officer from whom they were received immediately upon the estal)lishment of the fact that they are no longer needed, in order that they may be returned to the dealer and credit be secured to the department. f Smallpox vaccine will bo asked for by letter addressed to the department surgeon. T>'phoid vaccme- will be asked for by letter addressed to the Surgeon General through the department surgeon. On account of the liability of tlicsc jircjdurts to becoiiie inert they will lie askeii lor unlv in such iiuaiuities as are needed for early use. In requiring for tjT^hoid vaccine state the size of the ampiil wanted. s Streptococcus, staphylococcus, staphylococcus-acne and gonococcus vaccines are furnished from the Army Medical School on special request. 844. POST SUPPLY TABLES. STATIONERY. 251 Articles. *Bands, elastic, of the following sizes: Tliread bands, l|-ineh. 2-inch, 2-1-inch, and 3-ineli; heavy bands, i by 2J inches and J by 3 inches (sizes desired to be stated), as required dozen.. Baskets, lettiT number. . Baskets, waste paper do Binder, loose-leaf , for medical history of post (see par. 412) do Blank forms (see pars. 960 to 965). *Blotters, hand do Books, blank, crown (cap), 250 pages do *Books, blank, Svo, 150 pages do Books, prescription (see par. 240) do Cups, sponge do Envelope openers « do Envelopes, oflicial, large do ♦Envelopes, olRcial, letter do ♦Envelopes, official, note do Erasers, rubber, pencil do ♦Erasers, rubber, typewriter do Erasers, steel do Files, Shannon (for clinical histories); as requited do *Ink, black, powder or tablets (suthcient m box for 1 quart of fluid) boxes. . *InK, red, 2 ounces in bottle bottles. . Inkstands. number. . Labels, for dispensing set, as required do Labels, for vials gross. . Labels, poison, assorted do Pads, desk niunber. . Pads, ink, for stamps do ♦Pads, prescription dozen. . ♦Paper, blotting, for desks quires. . ♦Paper, blotting, small pieces for hand blotters pieces. . Paper, carbon, cap, 100 sheets in box boxes. . ♦Paper, carbon, letter, 100 sheets in box do ♦Paper fasteners do Paper, manifolding, cap, 250 sheets in package packages.. Paper, manifolding, letter, 500 sheets in package do ♦Paper, manifoldmg, letter, perforated, 500 sheets in pack- age packages. . Paper, typewriter, cap, 250 sheets in package do ♦Paper, typewriter, letter, 500 sheets in package do Paper weights number. . ♦Paper, writing, letter quires. . ♦Paper, writing, note do Paper, writing, note, 100 sheets in pad pads. . ♦Paste, photo, and library jars.. ♦Pencils, lead number. . ♦Penholders do Penracks do ♦Pens, steel gross. . Punch, perforating number. . Rulers do Stamp, penalty, rubber do Stamps, rubber, as required do Tape, office, red spools. . Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of — 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 200 600 100 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 200 600 100 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 8 3 3 12 1« 2 4 24 24 3 3 1 3 4 3 1 3 3 200 SOO 200 3 3 3 4 4 300 800 200 4 4 4 300 1,000 300 5 5 300 1,000 300 5 5 5 252 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPABTMENT. 846. MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES. Articles. Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of — 400 600 800 1,000 Alcohol, denatured, 5 gallons in bottle, as required bottles. . Apparatus, compressed air (par. 903), as required number. . Apparatus, ehctric^ do Apparatus for administration o/saZvarsan, as required do Apparatus, restraint (par. 904) do Applicators for throat, metal do Applicators for throat, wood gross. . Aprons, cook's number.. Atomizers, hand do Bag, obst(trical ( par. 905) do Bags, rubber, hot water do Bags, rubber, ice, for head do Bandages, flannel, 3-inch roller dozen. . Bandages, gauze, roller, assorted, in boxes of 6 dozen boxes. . Bandages, rubber, Martin number. . Bandages, suspensory dozen . . Bandage winder ^ number. . Bars, mosquito do Basinsfor sponges, etc., white enamel do Basin, dtlft,for office do. . . *Baains, hand, white enamel do . . . Basins, White enamel, for operating room do. . . Baskets, laundry do. . . Bath bricks do. . . Bath, robes (gowns, convalescent) do. . . Bed cradles do... Bedpans, white enamel do. . . Bedsteads, white enamel do. . . Bells, call do. . . Benzin, 1 quart, in bottle,^ as required bottles . Blankets, white number.. Blowers for iiisect powder do Boiler, cotiee, 11^ quart, enamel or tin do Boilers, coffee, 6-quart, enamel or tin do Boiler, double, for cooking, 11-quart do Boilers, double, for cooking, i-quart do Boilers, instrument do Boilers, tin, copper bottom do Bookcases, as required do Bottles, 4-quart, glass stopper, for antiseptic solutions do Bougies, flexible,'^ as required do Bout, chopping do Bowls, soup, delft do Bowls, sugar, with lid do Boxes, folding, for tablets dozen . . Boies, fracture, folding number. . Boxes, ointment, impervious dozen. . Boxes, pill do Boxes, powder do ♦Brooms, com number. . Brooms, hair, long handle, for floors do ♦Brooms, whisk do Brushes, hair, counter (brushes, hair , fen floors) do ♦Brushes, hand, fiber do Brushes, paint do Brushes, scrubbing do Brushes, shaving do Brushes, stove blacking do Brushes, weighted, for polishing floors do Brushes, weighted, for polishing floors, extra brushes for, as lequired, number Buckets, covered, metal, 7-quart number. Buckets, fiber do Buckets, galvariized-iron do Cabinet, metal, for blanks and documents do Cabinet, metal, for blanks and documents, extra sectiems for , as re- quired number . Cabinets for dressings and instruments, large (approximately: cab- inet 42 by 36 by 16 inches; stand 24 inches high) number. . 144 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 192 2 1 3 1 1 72 6 60 2 60 100 60 36 6 2 10 35 2 24 2 4 6 > When the chlorid of silver dry cells become exhausted, request should be made to have them sent to depot for recharging. The thumbscrews holding them in place in the battery should always accompany cells sent for recharging. '■i Used for making bandages of any width desired from unbleached muslin, in lieu of muslin bandages formerly issued by the box. " Benzin of a specific gravity not greater than 0.724 will be issued as required for use with the thermo- cautery, Paquelin's. * The French scale will be used in giving the sizes of bougies. POST SUPPLY TABLES. Miscellaneoiis supplies — Continued. 253 Articles. Cabinets, for dressings and instruments, small (approximately: cabinet 40 by 24 by 16 iuches; stand 24 inches high) . . . .number. . Cabinets for medicines, ward do Can openers do Caps, for cooks do Capsules, gelatin, 100 in box, sizes 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (state size re- quired) boxes. - Case, aspirating (par. 910) number. . Case, dental (par. 911) do Case, ear, nose, and throat (par. 912) do Cases, emergency (par. 913) : do Case, eye (par. 914) do Cases, forceps, hemostatic (par. 915) do Case, general operating (par. 916) do Case, genito-unnary (par. 917) do Case, gynecological (par. 918) do Case, pocket (par. 923) do Case, post-mortem (par. 924) do Case, tooth-extracting (par. 925) do Case, trial lenses (par. 920) do Catheters, fiexible,'^ as required do Chairs, arm do Chairs, common do Chairs, invalid, rolling do Chairs, office, revolving do Chairs, rocking do ♦Chamois skins do Charts, anatomical sets. . Chest, tool. No. 1 (par. 937) number. Cleaver do . . . Clocks do . . . Close stools. (See Pails, commode.) Clothesline, manila yards. Colanders number. Cork extractors do . . . Cork presser do . . . Corks, long taper, sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 (sizes desired to be stated), dozen Corkscrews number. . *Cotton, absorbent, in roll pounds.. Cotton bats do Crinolin (stenta-book), 6-yard pieces pieces. . Cruets, vinegar and oil number . . Crutches .pairs. . Crutches, rubber tips for, No. 16, J-inch; No. 18, f inch; No. 19, |-inch (state size desired) number. . Cups do — Cups, drinking, paper, as required do Cups, feeding do — Cups, spit, white enamel do Cups, spit, paper, as required do Cups, spit, paper, metal frames for do Curettes, as required do Cushions, rubber, small do Cushions, rubber, open center do Cushions, surgical, Kelly's do Cuspidors do Desks, office do Dippers do — Dishes, meat, assorted do — Dishes, pickle do Dishes, soap, with covers, for office do Dishes, vegetable do — Dispensing set (par. 942), as required sets.. Egg beaters number. . Eye shades, single or double do — Fans, palm-leaf do — First-aid packets (par. 944), 2 as required do First-aid packets for Instruction (par. 945) do, — First-aid packets for shell wounds (par. 946) (for Coast Artillery stations), as required number. , Floor polisn, or brightener, 1 gallon, in can cans. Floor wax, 2 pounds, in can do Forceps, needle number. . 1 The French scale will be used in giving the sizes of catheters. 2 For issue as a part of the individual equipment of line troops, troops are given in the Field Supply Tables. Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of— 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 8 24 2 3 4 6 1 1 1 5 60 1 2 1 144 2 36 10 2 3 6 12 40 216 3 48 2 1 2SS 3 60 14 4 60 12 320 3 2 30 70 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 60 4 5 7 8 1 1 1 8 90 2 2 1 360 3 72 16 6 4 2 8 12 "400 8 10 16 20 2 I 2 The allowances for field use by sanitary 254 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Miscellaneous supplies — Continued. Articles. Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of — 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 4 2 3 3 300 4 2 3 3 500 6 3 6 6 900 6 3 6 6 1,300 Forks, carving number. . Forks, flesh do. . . . Forks, table, silver-plated do — Freezers, ice-cream, as required do — Funnels, glass, 25 c. c do Funnels, glass, 250 c. c do Funnels, glass, 500 c. c do Funnels, glass, 1,000 c. c do . . Gauze, plain - - ■ - - . -yards . Gloves, rubber, light, medium, heavy, and medium rough, sizes and numbers as required pairs . . Glue, liquid, in small commercial tins tms. . Gowns, operating number. . ♦Graduates, glass, 10 c. c , do — Graduates, glass, 100 c. c do. . . . Graduates, glass, 250 c. c do — Graduates, glass, 500 c. c do — Graduate, glass, 1,000 c. c do. . . . Graters, large do Graters. small do Gravy Doats do — Gridirons do — Grindstone, kitchen, complete, 10-inch do. . . Hand grenades do — jjones do — Hose, rubber 'i-i'nch, in BO-foot lengths, as required lengths. Hose, nozzles for number. Hose, reel cart for do — Inflator, Politzer's do. . . Inhaler, chloroform, with drop bottle do Inhaler, ether do — Irrigators, stand for do — Irrigators, Valentine's do — Jars, large, for dressings, etc do — Jars, small, covered, for sut'dres, etc do — Kettle, crou.p do. . . Kettles, tea do . . . Knife, chopping do. . . Knives, bread do. . . Knives, butcher's h " ' Knives, carving do. . . Knives, table, silver-plated do. . . Ladder, step do . . . Ladles .---- do... Lamps, chimneys for,i as required h " " ' Lamps, hand j°' '" Lamps, shades for,> as required do. . . Lamps, spirit, glass do. . . Lamps, stand ' - - .- - - • -do. . . Lamps, wicks for (for lamps and spirit lamps),' as required..do. . . Lanterns, complete - - do. . . Lanterns, e.xtra globes for, white, as required do. . . Lanterns, wicks for, as required do. . . Lawn mower do. . . Linoleum,^ as required yards. Litters with slin^s^ number. Litters, canvas for, as required pieces. Litters, tacks for, 75 in package, as requii-ed packages. Looking glasses number. . Lye, concentrated, 1 pound in can cans. . Mats, door, manila .* number. Mats, door, metal j*' " ' ' Mattress covers do. . . Mattresses, hair, in three equal parts do . . . Measures, metal, 1-pint, 1-quart, S-quart, and J^-quart sets. Meat cutter number. * Medicine droppers dozen . Medicine glasses number. Mill, coffee •. do. . . Mops, handlos for do. . . Mops, heads for do. . . Mortars and pcsiles, glass, 10 cm do. . . 1 The kinds of lamps for which chimneys, shades, and wicks arc desired should be stated on requisit ion.'*. 2 Furnished for olhccs and di.spensary and in l-yard strips for halls and wards. Requisitions for linoleum will be accompanied by an estimate of t)ie cost of i)urchasinK it at or near the post. > One litter is issued to rach compnny on memorandum receipt. The allowances for sanitary troops on field service are given in the Field Supply Tables. POST SUPPLY TABLES. Miscellaneous supplies — Continued . 255 ArticlfiS. Allowance for 1 year for pasts having official population of^ Mortars and pestles, Wedgwood, 8 cm number. . Mortars and pestles, Wedgwood, 20 cm do Mortar and pestle, Wedgwood, SO cm do Mosquito bars. (See Bars, mosquito.) Muslin, unbleached yards. . Needle, sailmakor's number.. Needles, com,mon, assorted papers. . Needles, surgical, assorted, as required number. Needles, surgical, Hagedom's, 20 in set sets . Needle, upholsterer's number. . Oil can with pump, 5 gallons do. . Oilcloth, for table yards Ophthalmoscope number. . Pails, commode {close stools) do. . Pails, white enamel do. . Paint, white enamel, 1-pint tin tms. . Pajamas, coats number. . Pajamas, trousers do Pans, dish, deep, retinncd, 21-quart do Pan, dish, extra heavy, retinned or metal, 3S-quart do Pans, dust do Pans, frying do — Pans, milk do Pans, muffin do *Pans, sauce do Paper , filtering, round, 10-inch packages. . Paper, oiled , in 5-vard roll rolls. . Paper, tarred, in 30-yard roll, as required do Paper, toilet, in roll of 2,000 sheets do. . . . Paper, wrapping, blue quires. . Paper, WTapping, bro\vn do Paper, wrapping, white "?••-- Pencils, hair, 1 dozen in vial \nals. . Percolators, glass nurnber. . Pill machine '^^ Pillowcases, cotton do Pillows, feather 5° Pillows, hiir do put tile, 5 by 10 inches do. . . . Pins, common, assorted papers.. Pins, safety, 3 sizes dozen. . Pitcher, delft, for office number. . Pitchers, delft, 1-pint !l°---- Pitchers, delft, 4-quart do. . . Pitchers, sirup, glass do. . . Pitchers, white enamel do Plaster, adhesive, z. o., 5 yards by 2i mches » spools. Plaster of Paris, in 4-pound tin tms. Plates, dinner number. Potato masher do. . . Pots, mustard, with wooden spoons " j°- • • Pots, stock, 24-quart do. . . Pots, tea, enamel or tin a'" Pot, watering ^°' ' ' Pus basins do. . . Racks for urinals and bed pans do. . . Razors a'" Razors, strops for do. . . Refrigerators, large or small, as required do. . . Retorts, stands for -do. . . Rods, glass, assorted, in 10-oimce package packages . . Rolling pin number. . Safe, iron do. . . Saucers » Also issued on special requisition at the rate of 1 spool to each to carry out provisions of existing orders. (See Appendix: Feet.) 600 30 150 6 12 6 9 1 1 128 32 32 1 S 30 1 2 4 3 2 40 6 48 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 800 1,000 200 8 16 8 12 2 1 192 48 48 1 10 36 1 4 6 3 3 50 S 56 1 2 2 3 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 IS 1 4 3 10 128 128 3 1 6 3 10 4 3 5 5 300 10 20 10 15 2 1 256 64 64 1 12 40 1 4 8 4 3 60 10 72 1 2 2 3 1 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 18 1 4 3 12 160 160 3 1 6 3 10 4 3 6 400 12 24 12 18 2 1 320 80 80 1 15 48 1 4 10 4 3 70 12 84 1 2 2 3 1 4 3 2 2 20 men of organizations o f foot troops 256 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Miscellaneous supplies — Continued. Articles. Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of— 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 Shears number. Shears, for fixed bandages do — Sheeting, rubber yards. *Sheets, cotton number. , Shirts, cotton do — Shoes, wooden, for bedstead's do — Sickle do. . . . Sieves, flour do — Silk, oiled, in 5-yard roll rolls. Skimmers number. Slippers pairs. Soap, common pounds. *Soap, Ivory cakes. *Soap, scouring pounds. Spatulas, S-inch number. Spatulas, 6-inch do — Speculum, rectal do — Sphygmomanometer do — Splints, Hodgen's, right or left, as required do — Sponge holders do — Spools, Halstead's, glass do — Spoons, basting, tinned iron do — Spoons, table, silver-plated do — Spoons, tea, silver-plated do. . . Sprinklers, powder, h.r do. . . Stair treads, linoleum.^ as required do. . . Stair treads, rubber nosings for, ^ as required do... Stair treads, molding for, as required feet. Stamp, with outfit, for viarking hospital clothing number. Steels do. . . 2 1 6 100 16 64 1 1 2 1 12 80 72 48 1 1 1 1 2 1 10 200 32 128 1 1 3 1 20 100 90 72 2 2 1 1 3 1 14 300 48 192 1 2 4 2 30 120 108 96 2 2 1 1 3 100 30 3 1 18 400 64 256 1 2 5 2 40 140 126 120 2 2 1 1 100 6 80 Sterilizer, for dressings do. . . Stethoscopes, double do.. . Stools, revolving, irhite enamel do.. . Stoves, alcohol, aa required do. . . Stove blacking papers. Suppository mold number . Sutures, catgut, plain or chromicized, sterilized, 18 inches, in tube, assorted sizes^ tubes. Sutures, horsehair, 100 In coil coils . Sutures, kangaroo tendon, sterilized, 1 suture in each tube, .tubes. Sutures, silk, braided, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes, in pack- age packages . Sutures, silkworm gut, 100 in coil coils . Sutures, silver wire, in yard lengths yards. Syringes, bulb, rubber number. Syringes, ea r and iilccr do . . . Syringes, extra needles for ,3 as required do. . . Syringes, extra wires for, as required bundles . Syringes, fountain, metal, 2-quart, proifua/ed (irrigators). ..number. Syringes, fountain, rubber do . . . Syringes, glass, Luer type, 2 c. c. (for antityphoid vaccination), as required number . Syringes, glass, Luer type, 10 c. c, as required do. . . Syringes, glass, Luer type, SOc. c. (for injection of neosalvarsan), as required ". number. Syringes, hypodermic (par. 9i6) do. . . Syringes, penis, glass, in case do. . . Tables, bedside, iron, white enamel do. . . Tables, bedside, white enamel, tops for, as required do. . . atoWes, dining, extension, as required do. . . Ttibles, instrument do. . . Tables, operating do. . . Tables, typewriter do. . . Tape, cotton pieces . Tape measures, linen, 6 feet number. Thermo-caulrry, Paquelin's (par. 957)< do. . . Thermometers, bath do. . . ♦Thermometers, clinical ^ do. . . Thermometers, meteorological do. . . Thread , cotton, assorted spools . Thread, linen, unbleached, 200 yards on spool do. . . 1 State niimber and dimensions of treads. 2 Kinds and sizes to bo stated on requisilion.s. 3 In making re(iuisition for extra needles specify make of syringe and size of needle desired. * Benzin of aspocific gravity notgroater than 0."724 in l-llter bottles will beissued as required for use with this cautery. 6 Clinical thermometers are issued on request by letter approved by the department surgeon. 4 125 40 POST SUPPLY TABLES. Miscellaneous supplies — Continued. 257 Articles. Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of — 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 Tongue depressors, metal number. . Tongue depressors, wood gross. . Tourniquets and bandages, rubber number. . Tou-els,bath dozen.. Towels, dish do * Touels, hand do Towels, paper, fitures for number.. Towels, paper, in roll rolls. . Traps, mouse number. . Traps, rat do Trays, bed, with legs .do Trays, butler's do Tia'ys, instrument, iihite enamel do Troicel, garden do Tubes, drainage, rubber, 3 sizes, 1-yard length yards. . Tubes, rectal number. . Tubes, stomach do Tubing, glass, assorted pounds. . Tubing, rubber, sizes as specified yards.. Tub. bath, portable, on wheels number.. Tubs, foot do. . . Tubs, wash do... ♦Tumblers, glass do. . . Twine, fine or coarse pounds. Tti.ine boxes number. Typewriters do... T>-pewTiters, record ribbons for,' as required do. . . Urinals, glass, graduated do Vials, in sizes as desired dozen. . Vision test set (par. 959) : number. . M'ater coolers do. Window shades with fixtures, complete,^ as required do. 4 mo 1 2 150 1 2 8 200 1 3 10 250 1 3 4 14 2 7 7 35 4 35 3 2 10 5 3 1 6 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 84 6 2 2 12 300 1 3 ' Supplied on the order of the department surgeon. One for each machine only at a time should be asked for. The make of machine should be stated in the request. 2 Requisitions for window shades and fixtures will be accompanied by an estunate of the cost of mak- ing or purchasing these articles at or near the post. 93440°— 17 17 258 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 846. LABORATORY tSUPPLIES. Articles. Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of — Arid, ncctic, t-liirial, 1 pound, in glass-stopper botllo bottles.. Apar-at'ar, \ pound, in packufjc packages. . Alcohol, absolute, othyl, 1 pound, in glass-stopper bottle. .bottles. . Alcoliol, methyl, reagent, 1 pound, in glass-stopper bottle., .do Aniline oil, 2 ounces," in bottle do AppiirntiiK, dislilling number.. Balsam, Canada, 1 ounce, in bottle bottles.. Baxkcts, u-'iTC, for test tube s number . . Bath, wain, for p'lrafti n, as rec (uired do Bath, water, copper, for tr.H tubes do Bath, water, tripod for do Beakem, glnns, sizes 15 c. c. to SOO c. c do Bismarck brown, J ounce, in bottle bottles.. Bottle, balsam number. . Bottle, dropping, for oil of cedar (1 with microscope) do Bottles, dropping, T. K.,foT stains, 2 ounces do Bromin, 1 ounce, in bottle .» bottles.. Brushes, test tube number . . Burettes, glass stop-cock, 25 c. c, subdivision IjW c. c do Burettes, supports for, ivith double clamp and three rings do Burners, Bunsen's^ do Centrifuge, hand do Covers, glass ounces . . Cylinders, graduated, with foot, 10 c. c number.. Cylinder, graduated, with foot, 25 e. c do Dishes, evaporating, porcelain, sizes, 35 c. c. to 300 c.c do Dishes, I'etri's do Dishes, Stender, 30 by 50 mm do Eosin, J ounce, in bottle bottles . . Flasks, Frienmcyer's, 250 c.c number. . Flasks, Frienmeyer's, 600 c.c do Flasks, ErJcnmeijer's, l/KK) c.c do Flasks, Frienmeyer's, 2,000 c. c do Forceps, corer-glass, S'ovy's do Forceps, cover-glass , Sleu'art's do Forceps, straight, mediu m fine do Fuchsin, J oiiuce, in bottle bottles.. Fuchsiu, acid, J ounf-e, in bottle do Gau e, wire, iron, asbestos centers, 4 by 4 inches pieces. . G elat in, in 2-ounco package packages . . Gentian violet, i ounce, in bottle bottles. Glucose, powdered, J poimd, in bottle do... Hemaglobin scales, Tallquist "s number. llemato.xylin, J ounce, in bottle bottles. Hemacytometer number. Hone, Belgian, Sby Ih inches, ^ as required do. .. Incubator, bacteriological ,'i as required do. . . Jars, staining, Coplin's do. . . Labels, microscopical, square, 500 in book books. Methylene blue, i oimce, in bottle bottles . Microscope, -post (par. 951) number. Microtome, complete, as reciuired do... Oil, imn)ersiou, 1 ounce, in bottle bottles. Paper, filtering, Swedish, Munktel's quires. Papeij litmus, blue and rod, 100 strips in vial, of each vials. ParalliU, soft and hard, as required pounds. Pencils, wa.K, red number. Peptone, A pound, in wide-mouth bottle bottles. Pipettes, ice nunilier. Pipettes, 5 c. c do. . . Pipettes, 10 c. e do. . . Pipettes, 25 c. c do. . . Pipettes, graduated, 5c. c '. do. . . Razor, strop for. Badger, Emerson's electric, I4 inches lonq:- as required number. Retorts, stands for. (See par. 845.) Rings, filtering, porcelain do . . . Rods, glass, 5 mms. thick, 15, 20, and 30 cms. long, assorted. pounds. Section lifter, small number . Slides, glass, 25 by 75 mms do^eii. Stcriliztr. hot-air. 10 by 12 by 10 inches number. Stopcocks, Mohr's,for rubber tubing do. . . Test glasses, f ootid, urinary do • Issued only to posts supplied with gas. - Issued only for use with microtome. 3]n making requisition state method of heating available, whether alcohol, petroleum, or gas. POST Sl'lM'I.V TAHI.F.S. Lahonitonj suppU^ — (.■onliuup'l. 259 Articles. Test tubes ilozen . . Test irtbcs, stand for number. . Thermointlir, dumical, 0-lOu° ( do Thcrmomdt r, clicmical, 0-200° C .■ do Tripnis, iron, liuvscn's do Urcomctt r, Dortmits- Hinds do Urinomttcrs do Watch glasses, Syracuse do Wire, platinu m , hea -'p inches. . Wire, plaiinvm, medium ;. .do Wright's stLiin. powdor. 0.2 gram in ampul i ampuls.. Xylol, in .j-ijound bottle bottles. . Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of — 400 two SOO 35 40 45 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 6 6 12 12 6 12 12 2 3 3 1 2 9 I To prepare the stock solution dissolve CO mpms. in 20 c. c. of methyl alcohol, reagent (acetore free). For use filter and make up to 25 c. c. with methyl alcohol. 847. IDENTIFICATION SUPPLIES. Articles. Allowance for 1 year for po.sts having official population of — 100 200 4tX) 600 SOO 1,000 Boi for holding developing tray number. . Ca mera irilk icns do Camera with lens, stand for do Chair. rcroJving, photo do Crayon, chalk, white, 1 gross in box bo.xes. . Developer for films, in tube, as required tubes. . Developer for paper, in tube, as required do Dry cells, as required number. . Film pack ad'tjier do Film pack adapter, slide for, as required do Film packs. 12 films in pack, as required do Finger Prints, Classification andUsesof, Henry copy.. Fixing salts, in package, as required packages. . Flashlight cage number. . Flashlight cartridges, as required do Graduates, glass, S-ounce do Ink plate do Ink, printing, in J-pouud tube tubes. . Lantern, ruby number. . Magnesia riblsons, 50 in box, as required boxes. . Metjl clips, for holding magnesia ribbons. (See Forceps, cover- glass, Stcirart's. par. S46.) Paper, printing,photographic,3 1.iy oh incites, as required .packages. . Photo, clips, as required number. . Printing brjard • do Printing frames do Push button do Roller, i7ik, handle for , do Roller, ink, sn mmer, as required do Roller, ink, u-inter, as required do Shade, roller, with hood (background) do Slate.i, /,"; by Uh inches do Spark coll '. ' do Spark pluei do Thermometer, chemical, 0-100° C. do Tra-^ing cloth, as required yards . . Tray, developing, for 6 by 7 plates number. . Tray, developing, for 8 by 10 plates do Trays, developing, for 11 by 14 plates do 1 Requisitions for identification .supplies shotild be made on Form 35 only. On these requisitioiis no items, except those pertaining to identification of soldiers, should appear as they are filled from the^ew York Supply Depot only. . -^t , * • i- i,* s A printing box may be furnished in lieu of the printing board for posts equipped with electric light. 260 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 848. X-RAY SUPPLIES. Articles. Apparatus, X-ray, as required number. . Apron, rubber, lead impregnated do Barium sulphate, for X-ray worlc, 1 pound, in bottle bottles. . Bismuth subcarbonate, 1 poimd in bottle do Carriers, plate, S by 10 inches and H by 17 inches, for use with tanks, of each number. . Chrome alum, crystals, 1 pound, in bottle bottles.. Films, dental. X-ray, 6 dozen in box boxes. . Fliwroscope, hand number. . Fumiel, glass, ribbed, 500 c. c do Gloves, rubber, lead impregnated, size 9 pairs.. Holder, plate, for use instead of envelopes number. . Hydroquinon, J pound, in botlle bottles.. Metol (or equivalent ), 1 ounce, in bottle do Plates, X-ray, 8 by 10 inches, 10 by 12 inches, 11 by 14 inches, and 14 by 17 inches, as required number.. Sodium carbonate, dry, 1 pound, in bottle bottles.. Sodium hyposulphite poimds. . Sodium sulphite, dry do Screens, intensifying, 10 by 12 inches and IJ, by 17 inches, of each, number Stereoscope number . . Tanks, developing, soapslone, Ui by Ui by 19 inches deep, inside measurement number. . Tray, developing, for 10 by 12 inch plates do Trays, d(rehiping,for 14 by 17 inch plates do — Tubes, X-ray, Coolidge, as required * do — Tubes, X-ray, tungsten target, 6-inch diameter (for use with induc- tion coil), as required number. . Tubes, X-ray, tungsten target, 7-inch diameter (for use with trans- former), as required number. . Allowance for 1 year for posts having official population of — 600 800 1,000 ARTICLE XVIII.— DENTAL SUPPLY TABLES. 849. The articles listed in the following tables comprise the usual equipment for use by dentists in the Army, including both portable and base outfits. (a) The portable outfit is in greater part contained in the dental chests, viz, instrument chests Nos. 1 and 2, supply chest, dental engine chest, dental cliair chest, and dental field desk, thus facilitat- ing transportation between itinerary stations. Dental chests are issued empty on proper requisition. {h) The base outfit consists of a complete portable outfit, except furniture, plus a laboratory equipment and dental office furniture. Base outfits are supplied at general hospitals and other important stations designated by the Surgeon General, where they permanently remain. 850. The numbers in the body of these tables immediately foUow- mg the names of tlie articles indicate their size or pattern, taken from the catalogues of the leading dental manufacturers of the country. 85 L The supply of expendable articles is estimated for six months, 852. The articles listed in the tables which are to be furnished by the surgeon from post supplies, under the provisions of paragraph 491, are indicated by an asterisk ]>efore each item. 853. Instruments and supplies for plate work wiU not be furnished. Plates are supplied by the Medical Department only when the teeth were destroyed by gunshot wound or other traumatic injury incurred in the line of duty. In such a case the dentist wiU, by letter to the department surgeon or the Surgeon General, as may be appropriate, reciting the fact and circumstances of the injury, request the plate or plates required. Upon approval of the request, of which the dentist will be advised, he will forward to the medical supply depot designated in the approval the impressions or models necessary for the construction of the plate, giving the shade number wanted, and the depot will procure and issue the same. 261 262 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAETMEXT. 854. PORTABLE OUTFIT. (a) MEDICINES. *Aei(lum sulpliuricum, J pound, in glass-stopper bottle bottles. *Acidum tanuicum, powder, 3 ounces, in wide-mouth bottle do... Acidum trichloraceticum, 1 ounce, in glass-stopper bottle do... *Adrenalin chlorid, 1-ingm. tal)lcts, 20 in tube. ^ tubes. *Aethylis chloridum, 3 ounces, in metal tube do. . . ♦Alcohol , 1 q uart , in bottle ^ bottles. *Aqua h ydro^pnii dioxidi, 1 pound, in bottle : do. . . *Argenti nitras, crystals, 1 ounce, in bottle ^ do. . . ♦Chloroformum , i "pound , in tin , . : j. tins. ♦Cocainaohydrochloridum, J oimce, in wide-mouth bottle 'Sii-..'.'.^1 bottles. *Cocaiuaehydrochloridum, 10-mgm.Jiypodermic tablets, 20 in tube ^.-. tubes. ♦Collodium , 1 ounce, in bottle '.'. bottles. *Cresol , 1 pound, in bottle do. . . *Emet inae hydrochloridum, 22-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, as required tnlws. Eugcnol, 1 ounce, in bottle i.i,.j.,. bottles. *Glycerinum, 1 pound, in bottle '. iKvJj.'A'. l.L . . . .do. . . *Liquor I'ormalfleh vdi (37.V per cent), 1 quart, in bottle ,^.., ,. . .^^ do. . . Mercury, redistilled, 4 ounces, in bottle '. do. . . *Morph inae sulphas, S-mgra. hypodermic tablots, 20 in tube tubes. *Normal saline solution, tablets (par. 902), 100, in wide-mouth bottle bottles. Novocain suprareniim, tablets, Xo. " E " (F.-l I. Co.) tubes. ♦Phenol, J pound, in bottle bofttles. Phenol, camphorated, 4 ounces, la bottle , , do. , , *Sodii carbonas monohydratus, for sui'gical use, 1 pound, in wide-mouth bottle. .:. do... Sodii dioxidi, 2 ounces,'in screw-top tin , : ,tins. Sodium and potassium, in sealed tube ..:i... ......'.•.:;.. tnbes. ♦Spiritusammoniaearomaticus, h pound, in glass-stopper bottle. ....... .,i,.t...... ...4... bottles. *Thymolisiodidum (Arisioli, 1 ounce, in bottle..... ......' ....'..■'■.. '.'.'.'.■.'.l..^i..';V.:.,.. .do... *Tiricturaaconiti, 1 ounce, in Ijottle ....,..,. ^.,f. do... *Tincturaiodi, 4 ounces, in glass-stopper boti le '.'.'..'.'..'. do... (h) STATIONERY. *Bands, elastic, assorted sizes. (See par. 844) dozen. . ■,,,(} *BlotteTS, hand number. . ' 2 *Books, blank, Svo, 150 pages ., ,----. do...-, , ,2 ♦Envelopes, official, letter : ......:. do. ... 150 ♦Envelopes, official, note do„...^ 1 i v'Q ♦Eraser, rubber, typewTiter do ' I Eraser J steel do. ..- / 1 Examination blanks, No. 2 do. . ; . ■" 300 Files, Sha nnon do. ... . :.4. ♦Ink, black, jxiwder or tablets (sufficient in box for 1 quart of fluid) boxes. . 1 ♦Ink , red, 2 ounces, la bottle bottles. . ' 1 ♦Pads, prascription number. . 12 ♦Paper, blotting, tor desks quires. . 1 ♦I'aper, blotting, small pieces for hand blotters pieces.. 10 ♦Paper, carbon, "letter sheets. . IQ ♦Paper fasteners number. . 50 ♦Paper, mauifoldmg, letter, perforated sheets. . 100 ♦Paper, typewriter, letter . . ; do 100 ♦Paper , writing, letter ^ .\.^^ > j | ^t^.!/^. .-h-i ..-.---- do 50 ♦Paper, writing, note, 100 sheets in pad .'.' '.....'.. pads. . 3 ♦Piiste, photo and library .-j.j.J^j^jjt/^y. .j.tKJ^tj.j.^-i.i.y.,.;. .1^, jars.. 1 ♦Pencils, lead ". . .' .'....' !.'...'.'.. f!' ..';... ! uuml ;er. 6 ♦Penholders .^Ly.;,v.j^.i[-.H^^.j£l.....:/H,.J.>..V. do.... 2 ♦Pens, steel ; do 24 (c) BOOKS. 'jqi.f^i Ij!->!l)"m ') (Contained iji field desk.) , .{»4^!7bli ?)(l lii 7 Army RequlntUms.. c 'Uies Ixviul Jid-lcTui Meiiica, TheTnp(ni,tics,and Prescri/ition Writing (Jjorifi) ^ ilo Dentil Pathology, 'I hera iH-iitics,and Pharmacology (Tiuchiird) ,.^..' ,. do. Dentistry, First-Aid 1. i;yun) .,,.. ;...;... u<.'.l.-t.>i.Ul- ii'iJJ-MO'Ui- •iiJ.i<'---• Adjutant General's Departme-at) number. . Dental engagement slip, l'\>rm 6.5 do — Invoice of, or rccoipt for, dental supplies. Form 31 1**- ■ ■ Register of dental patients, card , Form 79 ■ j " ' " Report of dental worlj. Form 57 do — Requisition for blank forms, Form 37 ■ do — llciiuisition for dental snpidies, annual. Form 36 do. . . Requisition for dental sujiplips, special. Form 3.t ( o. . . Return of medical propei ty, front, card. Form 17 ( o. . . Return of medical proper! y, original. Form 17« <"- - ■ Return of medical jiropt'rt y, retained. Form \~h ( <>. . . Return of medical property, back, card, Form 17c •. do. . , (c) INSTKUMENTS AND APPILIANCE^. A malgam plugger, double end, No. 5 - . - - , nuiiiber . . Anvil, cast base, siivill do. . . , Bands, fr.acture, Anglo's, 4 bicuspid and 2 malar , sots. Blower, chip, and lioi-air syringe, No. 38, with, wooden mouth protector number.. Blower, chip, e.\tra bulbs for "" — Bottles, office, preiiaration. No. 6, as requiied - flO- - - Burnishers, c. s., Nos. 25, 27-S, 29, 32, liJ^-S, 36, of each do. - - Case, office, oak, preparation, eighteen ^-oz. glass-stopptr bottles <^o. . Case, ollice, preparation, o.xtra i-ounce glass-stopper b ittles for ao. . . Chisels, c. s., points, Nos. 3,-^3, S4, 35, 36, 4t, 42, of each co... Clamps, rubber dam, Ivori/s, Nos. 9, 19, 20, 21 , 22:i, 23a, 56, and Bi-nnp, of each -do. . . Cleanser, ro.>t-caii,il, Donaldson's, No. b, all fine, 6 in package packages . Corkscrew, folding number. Bentiinetcr, metal. Kirk's ""- „• Elevators, set of 4 shanks with handle, Dodel S5t is. Engine, dental, with No. 2 slip-joint attachment number. Engine, dental, cable "A", as required '}0- • - Engine, dental, cable "A", sheath for, as required <|0 - ■ • Engine, dental, duplex springs for - - ■ 'lO- ■ - Engine, dented, duplex springs, sheath for, part 14x, as required ao. . . Engine, dental, e.xtra cords for ..._.......... uo. . . Engine, dental, handpiece for, " M" contm-angle, for slip-jointNo.2 ao. . . Engine, dental, hand piece for , No. 2, right angle, for .shji-joivt No. 2 ao. . . Engine, dental, hand piece for, No. 7, straight, for slipioi nt No. 2 wt li^ ' Engine, dentai.lubricating oil for, 1 ounce, in b-ttle...... ,;„^w' Engine, dental, slip-joint connections for, part C2, as required number. Knaine, dental, slip-joint connections for, part F'2, rs required ao. Engine instruments for handpieces, "M " centra-angle, and No. 2 riglit-angle: Burs, bud, 4.1, 47, 50, of each. Burs, dent .do., do.. ate, 557, 558, 559, 560, 508, of each ao. re, 57, 60, 61 , of each '^o- ..i„.i „„^„ -jQi Tf ^r, 07 QQ 41 nfenrb ao. Burs, fissur., _ , , , , , Burs, invert edccno, 331,, 31, 35, 37, .39, 41, of each ..-.----- a"-- liurs plug-linishing, 200, '202, 221, 224, 225, 231, 245, of each do. . Burs,rouiid,i,l,2, 4,6,8, 10, of each ao.. Burs, wheel, 12, 14, 16, of each • - r ""■•-■ Drills, 100, 103, of each ■. 4"- • - ■ Drills, Gates-Glidden, 174, 176, of each. ""■ - ■ Mandrels, 302, 303, of each do" " S^:!ikr!^;";SSme!uumgfit,^unted;-l^,-ls7,-^ Engine instruments for liandpiece No. 7: , Burnishers, smooth, Nos. 0. G. & E., of each )\„"" Burs, bud, 45, 47, 50, of each - ""••-■ Burs, dentate, 557, 558, 559, 500, 568, of each ao. . . . Burs, fissure, 57, 60, 61, of each - Ar,'" Burs, inverted cone, 33^, 34, 35, 39, 41, of each ...... • ao. . . . Burs plug-finishing, 200, 202, 221 , 224, 2'26, '231, 24.), of each rto- - - Burs, round, ^ , 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, of each ' ' rin ' ' Burs, wheel , 12, 14 , 1 (i, of each V"- ■ • • Drills, 10(1, 103, of each - Ji"" • • Drills, ( iat ts-( didden, 1 74, 176, of each .- ""■ - - Mandrels, 3()2, 303, of each V^ ■ - • Mandrels, Morgan-Maxfield V ;',;."";:; " 'iJa ' W, V- oi a 'oor ' 007 " o'is ' 941 ' nV I'oints, carborundum, medium grit,, mounted, 186, 187, 189, 211, 219, 22i,, 227, 2,^4,^241,^01 each - - - - - fi(, Reamers, root, Peeso's, 2, 3, of each ^j'^- • ■ Erc!^^^^'^kK^f:^,^e:47;72;^:ioo:m:w^^^^^^^^^ of each . .do. Explorer's, c. s. points, 5, 6, 11, 12, 18, of each - •""• File, gold, half-round, 7-inch do "" File, gold, round, 7-invh ^^ Forceps, croirn-s!iltin,g 4 flo Forceps, rul)ber-dam , clamp, Brewer's Forceps, ruhher-dam, piinch, perfected 1 •2,50 24 500 12 4 6 24 4 800 800 4 6 12 6 12 2 12 6 6 12 6 3 2 1 1 12 6 12 2 12 6 6 12 6 3 2 3 2 2 2 264 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Portable outfit — Continued. INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES— Continued. Forcrpx, tooth-cztracting 10, 16, 20L, 20R, 27, 37, 65, 103, IM, 213, of each number. . Force jjx, vtdiif-cuttiii^. No. 3 do Hammer, riveting. No. "A"' do Handles, cone socktl, No.t. 2, 3, of each do Holder, cotton feed, cylinders for packages. . Holder, for cotton, aseptic, luniy glass number.. Holder, for mercury, cnonij. No. 1 do Holder, for nerve broach, No. 6 do Holder, rubher-dam, Anatomik do Hone, oil, Arkansas stone, in wooden box do Lamp, alcohol. No. 26, with nealing tray No. do Lamp, alcohol, e.xtra wicks for do — Lancet, abscess, metal handle. No. 5 do Lancet, gum, metal handle. No. 2 do Mallet, metal case. No. 11 do Matrix retainer. Ivory's, No. 1 do Matrix retainer. Ivory's, extra bands for, bicuspid and molar, of each do Matrix strips, steel, 5 in box boxes. . Mechanical dam, A utomaton, with rubber chin rest number. . ♦Medicine droppers do — Mirror, hand, hevd edge, 6-inch do — Mirrors, jnoitth, aluminum handles do — Mirrors, mouth, ext ra glasses for, magnifying and plain, size No. 4, of each do — Mortar and pestle, glass. No. S do Mortar and pestle, Wedgwood, 6 cm do — *Pan, sauce do — Pliers, cone socket, No. 102 do — Pliers, dressing. No. 2 : do — Pliers, dressing. No. 17 do — Pliers, office, smooth beak. No. 122 do — Pluggers, amalgam, Woodson's, Nos. 1,2, 3, in set sets. Plu^gt rs, plastic, Nos. 4, 5. 2S, 28, 31, 37, 39, 40, 40a, of each number. Plungers, root-canal, Donaldson's, Nos. 2, 4, 6 (state number desired) do. . . Post puller. Little Oiant do. . . Pots, medicine, glass, Dappen's, green and white, of each do — Probe, silver, in case do. . . Root drier, Evans's do. . . Saw, dental, complete, Gordon White do. . . Saw, dental, Gordon White, extra blades for do. . . Saws, dental, ribbon, |-inch, thin do — Scalers, c. s. points, Nos. 3, 6, 12, 26, 26, SO, 33, 34, 40, 41,54, 59, of each do. . . Scalers, pyorrhea, as required do — Scissors, gum J Curved on flat , No. 22 do — Separator , adjustable , Ivory's do. . . Shade bar do. . . Shears, No. 32 do. . . Slab, mixing, glass, No. 6 do... Spatulas, bone, Ascher's, Nos. A, B, of each do... Spatula, German mlver, large, Kerr's do. . . Spatulas, Nos. 9 and 11 ,of each do. . . Sterilizer , Down's do... Syringe, abscess. No. S3, irith rubber and platinum points do. . . Syringe, hypodermic , denial, all metal, No. 172 A do.. . Syringe hypodermic, deulal, all metal, extra needles for, imperial razor-edge points, gauge 24, straignt and curved , of each numl-.er. Syringe, water. No. SI a, Moffalt do. . . Syringe, water, No. 21a, Moffatt, extra bulbs for do. . . Syringe, water, No. 39 do. . . Svringe, water, No. 39, extra pipes for, curved do. . . ♦Thermometer, clinical do. . . Tool, universal do. . . Wire, iron, binding. No. 32 gauge : spools. Wire, ligature, Angle's, No. 187 boxes. (/) FURNITURE. *Basin, hand, e.w .'.';:'.'.:/ number. Chair, dental, por table, in chest a'" Chair , dental , portable, in chest, crate for do... Chest, empty , for denial engine : do. . . Chest , for denial engine, crate for do... Chest, supply, empty .'. do. . . Chest, supply, craie for j"""' Chests, ivslr'umtnl , empty do... Chests, inslniineni . crates for do... Cuspidor , niekel-plaled , No. 6 do • • • Desk , JieUl, dental, empty a" Desk , field, dental, crate for do. . . *Screen , bed .folding , frames for , white enamel do. . . *Sheets, cotton do. . . Stand, portable, complete, Clark's, le.is table, for field use do. . . Table , pressed steel, white. No. 90, Harvard, table base to fit Clark's stand do... DENTAL SUPPLY TABLES. 265 Portable outfit — Continued . {g) MISCEIiljANEOTrS. Alloy, copper, 1 ounce, in box V ?n^^' ' Alloy, True-Dent, shavmf;s, 1 ounce, in bottle bottles. . Alloy, 20th Centurv, shavings (Caulk Co.) af- • • ■ Aprm.rubher ". number.. Box, snap, metal, small 'J^ ♦Brushes, hand , fiber .do ... . Cement , copper ( Ames's) -.---•-.■; bo.xcs . . Cement, o.xyphospluUe, C and B special (Ames's) colors, yellow, white, light-gray, pearl^ray, dark brown , of each bo.xes . . *Chamois skins number.. *Cotton, absorbent , in roll .pounds . . Cotton, absorbent, rolls, 6 Inches long, f inch, ', inch, | inch in diameter, 100 m box, of each, .bo.xes. . Cots, finger, rubber dozen. . Covers, paper, aseptic, 12 by 12, for bracket table, 100 in box boxes. . Crown Tcmorcr, bandles.f, Dalton number. . Cro'mis, porcelain , detached post,' as required ■ -tjo Crowns, porcelain, detached post,' extra posts for -do Cups, drinking, paper, 100 in box boxes. . Cups, drinking, paper, holder for, nickel number. . Cups, jwlishing, soft rubber, large and small, of each uo Cups, tin , 2 in nest nests. . Disks, bristle, Robinson's, Nos. 9 and 11, and cup shape, of each numl)er. . Disks, carborundum, knife-edge, diameter J, «, J, of each at> Disks, in boxes, 100 each: Sandpaper , sizes ?. , | , f , giit 00 , as required j° "' ' Garnet paper, sizes ^ , f , f, grit | , as required do- Emerv paper, sizes i, |, J, grit 6^ as required do Cuttlefish iiaper, sizes J, |, J, grit fine, as requii-ed do. . . Fiber, devilaliziug, arsenical, in jar » J^s. Floss, silk, waxed, flat, 24 yards in spool spools. Gowns, operating nuinber . ♦Graduate, glass, 10c. c -do- • - Gutta-percha stopping. Excelsior, sticks, J ounce, in box bo.xes. Gutta-percha stopping, temporary, pink, sticks, 1 ounce, in box do. . . Modeling composition, Perfection (Detroit), * pound, in box do. . . Mold guide for crowns, case of 59 molds, with shade guide cases. Napkins, dental, aseptic, 50 in box boxes. Ox-para i l-' ' Paper, articulating, thin, in books booKa. Paper points, absorbent bo.xes. Plaster of Paris, impression, 4 pounds, in screw-top tin .tms. . Points, nerve-canal, gutta-percha, large and medium, of each boxes. . Pulp preserver and capper (Caulk's) do Pumice st one, powdered , 1 pound , in screw-top tin tins . . Rubber dam, plain, medium, IS feet by 6 inches, in sealed tins -do — Shellac, sticks, 1 dozen, in box boxes. . *Soap, Ivory cakes. . *Soap, scouring pounds. . Stove, alcohol. number.. Strips, Perfection, polishing, assorted grits, in boxes boxes *Toweh,hand number.. ♦Tumblers, glass - -dO- - - • Varnish, sandarach, 2 ounces^, in bottle Dotties. . AVax, inlay, impression, Taggart's boxes. . . Wheels, carborundum, square edge, Nos. 301 to 312, inclusive, of each number. Wheels, compressed leather, for polishing, Nos. J, 1, 2, of each V ' ' /n' " ' Wood, orange, sticks, large, 25 in bimdle bundles. 1 24 6 1 6 2 3 1 24 3 6 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 6 2 1 3 60 2 2 2 3 3 6 1 Requisition for cro^vns should be made by letter as needed, designating cro\vn wanted by reference to numbers of mold in mold guide and shade in shade guide. 266 855. MAISrUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAETMEXT. BASE OUTFIT. (a) OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT. A ir compressor, unit, aulomatic, electric, wilh tank, No. 95 number A ir compressor, unit, automatic; tubing, connections and valves for, as required Baskets, letter " " number Baskets, waste paper '.".'....... do Bench, combination, No. 17, with bellows .'.'.."..''.'.".....'.'.'.'.'." do Bookcase (Olol)e), oak, sectiomil, base, top and units jor books, lilanks, and records, as required ' do " *Broom,corn do ' *Broom, whisk ............!..!..!!!!!!!!.!!!.!!.' !do Cabinet, dental, aseptic, pressed steel. No. 510 .....Ao Chairs, arm _ ^jg Chair , dental. Diamond, cane seat and back {white), as required ' do Chairs, office, revolving do Chairs, rocking W.......... .... .[].'. "do Clock, for office .[[..W .\\] do Cups, »ponge do Cuspidors \. .................. .(\o Cuspidor, fountain, No. 6, complete, with saliva ejectvr, floor connections for, and tahte dttachmcnt white enamel number Cuspidor, fountain, No. G, extra bowls for, as required do Desk, office rto" " Engine, dental, electric, folding bracket, all-cord, with part A'-.?, for B. F.7 do Envilupe opener do!!!! Hi all r, ehctric. No. 3, sprat/ bottles and water glass !.!!..!!! !do! ! ' Heater, electric. No. S, cut-off No. .',, with S feet of tubing, for operating spray bottles ! ! ! ! ! !do! ! ! ! Jars, large, for dressings do Looking-glass !.!!!!!!!!! !do Mat, rubber, for dental chair !.!!!!!!!!! !do ! Paper treights ! ! ! !! !do! ! ! ! Sterilizer, electric. No. 1 « !!!!!!!! ! !do! ! ! ! Stamp, penalty !!!!!!!!! !do! ! ! ! Stool, ojif rating, adjustable, wliite enamel do. . ! ! Stool, ri vol ring, white enamel (for laboratory) do!!!! Switchboard, eli ctric, type lA do! ! ! ! Syringe, hot-air, electric '. !!!.do!!!! Tablis, bedside, ir hits enamel do!!!! Table, pressed steel, white. No. 90, Harvard, table base to fit chair arm !...!.!!!!! !do! ! ! ! Trays, aseptic, enamel, steel, 12% by 121 inches do. ! ! ! Typewriter do!!! Typewriter, record ribbons for, as required !!!.!!!!! !do ! ! Water cooler, 6-gallon do ! ! ! ! (i) LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. A rticulalor, No. 9 number. Blowpipe, automaton > -...do..! Bowls, plaster, A and B, of each do!!! Bridge repair set do.!! Bridgorepair set, extra nuts for !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !do! ! ! Brush, laboratory , plain, stiff bristles, | inch do!!! Burner, Bunscn's, dental, No. 12, with spider -^ !do! ! ! Casting machine. Simpler !.do!!! Chalk, prepared, 2 pounds, in friction or sere, v top tin tins. Cones, felt, largo, blunt and pointed, of eac'.i number. File , gold , flat , 6-inch do... File, gold, half-round, 6-inch do. . . File, gold, round, G-inch do..! Force jis, inichanieal, clasp-bending. No. 8, McKellop's ' do! . ! (lautji , jiliite and wire do... Htniinu r, swaging, 1^ pounds do... Hub mold do. . . Investment compound (Taggart's), H pounds, in tin tins. A'niii s. plaster, Nos. 6 and 10, of each number. Liidlr, milting, No. 8 do... Lump, aleiihol, large, Purdy's do... Lathe, iliciric, Columbia, including 7 chucks and &wr chuck do. .. Lead, '.-ixiuiid ingots ingots. Metal, M.illott's do... Molding corapoimd.^jjouud tin tins. J'lii rs, contouring, No. 1 15, Crescent number. I'lii rs, riiiitonring. No. 114, Johnson do... I'liirs, round-nose. No. 107 do... H ul)l>cr, rod pounds. Bandpiijicr, No. 00 to 1, of each sheets. Saw, f rami , mechanical numtier. Saw, frame, niwlianical, extra blades for do. . . Shears, Nos. 8, Ui, 11, of each do... Soldering and heating outfit, gasoline generator, No. 45, complete, less blowpipe stand ' do. . . ' Issued only to stations where gas is not available. - Usiiod ouly to stations whore gas is available. DENTAL SUPPLY TABLES. 267 Base ?^(/?^— Conlimied. LABORATORY EQUIPMENT— Continued. Soldering appliance, Afellott 's, improved, with blowpipe, pad, and damps, complete number . . Spatula , plaster, i-inch ^ ..,. .^.j. .Qo Spatula, rubber, 4-inch .^. ..a.~J i...j.^.ao Tongs, soldering, 7-inch ^o Trays, lower impression, Nos. 1,3.6, 15, 17, 22, of each ..■.....^^y.. ....>... -^ao.^~ Trays, upper impression, Nos. 1,3,5, IS, U, 18,of each .. .... .^...^AUJiJUiii. ...■.i...^ao.j.^' Tubina, rubl)er, i-hich, heavy wall, white ,.......*<..... - -c --•-•; ' " ■?® ' Tmrs, Nos. 'b, C, D. E, L, of each Vsmi. .U-f./f . JlIiLd : number. . Vise, bench, jeweler's, i-inch ' ' dn Wax, carver for, Roach's w^c'" Wax, inlay, Taggarfs - "2„ ^- " Wax, base plate, pink, .\-pound box - - - ;"p- ; " • Wheels,brush,Nos.3,.i, li, b), 24,2.5,ofeach -.■-•,--•;.--■---■- -ViV,;-" -iV," """•",;?. o^hp" Wheels! carborundum, lathe, square edge, 1 and 2 mches diameter, -h, § inch width, grita C and K , e 1. numij6r. . Wheels, carborundum,' iathe^ round edge, 'u' arid 2^ inches diameter, i, \, I inch width, grits C and E of each number. . Wheels, felt, square' edge. No. 3; round edge No. 4; knife edge No. 2, of each do. . . . Wheels, polisliing, chamois skin, for lathe, diameter 2i inches do Wliclstone, carborundum, 5-inch -' ^^ a f 856. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES. i The following equipment, in addition to the articles hsted under paragraphs 854 and 855, ma.y be suj^phod to general hospitals and such important stations as may be designated by the Surgeon General. Burnishe.1, Tantalum, double end, No.l :-|-----tfJ"lTIUjilJpC*l:""-™'^o^'^" i 1 Spatula, aaate. .ish's ,-;-■-•■ "V " "r." ■; hnx-Rs" ' 4 Strips, celhiloid, thin, in box .•--■:-■■ - ^„ " i H .■^vnthet ic porcelain, Oaulk's, 10 shade, full portion, in box .do I i Synthetic porcelain, Caulk's, shade guide for uuuiuer. . , , ^ ,..,j. in')V( ki: ;-t')q<) Jtl feOriOJiq -'rorrff.t ARTICLE XIX. FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. 857. In the following tables an attempt has hovii made to prescribe an equipment which will meet the needs of the Medical Department under actual campaign conditions, and at the same time reduce the wheeled transport to the minimum consistent with efficiency. 858. For units normally functioning in the zone of the advance, supplies have been allowed on the basis of replenisliment from the line of communications every 10 days, as the rule, or in extreme cases witliin 20 days. 859. The needs of camp, evacuation, and base hospitals vary to such an extent under different conditions of service that the equip- ment tables for these organizations must be considered as a guide in their organization rather than as an iron-chad rule for their future administration. 860. The equipment designations used in the following tables are those prescribed in general orders. Equipment "A" is the equip- ment prescribed for use in campaign; in simulated campaign, or on the march. Equipment "B" is the equipment which, in addition to equipment "A", is prescribed for the use of troops in mobilization, concentration, instruction, or maneuver camps, and during such pauses in operations against an enemy as permit the ])etter care of troops. Equipment "C" is the sum of equipments "A" and "B", and therefore includes every article prescribed for field service. Wheeled transportation is provided for equipment "A" only. (See Appendix, Equipment: ''A," ''B," and " 6".") 861. In order that the responsible officers may be informed of the supplies included in the different field units as kept in store in and issued from the depots, and for the convenience of organization com- manders, quartermaster and ordnance supplies have been included in the equipment tables. It should be remembered, however, tlmt in the case of quartermaster supplies the allowances as given in Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supplies, wiU govern in case of conflict of statement. 862. The abbreviations used under the heading ''Source" in the different tables are as follows: "M" for Medical Department, "O" for Ordnance Department, and "Q" for Quartermaster Corps. 863. Field supplies which are not contained in chests or other con- tainers suitable for shipping will, as far as practicable, be packed in standard packing boxes with hinged lids, hasps, and staples. Each 268 FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. 269 box will have a list of the contents on the inside of the lid. It should be plainly marked with its serial number, its weight, and the name of the miit to which it belongs. Standard samples of these l)Oxes are kept at the Field Medical Supply Depot in Washington. 864. INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT, INIEDICAL OFFICER. Articles. Belt, web, medical ofjicer's ■. number. . Case, instrument (par. 919) do Case, medicine (par. 920) do Diagnosis t ags books. . j Flask, empty, for morphine solution number, .j Syringe, hypodermic (par. 956) do : SjTinge, hypodermic, extra needles for do — Thermometer, clinical do C. Remarks. XoTE.— The articles included in the above list constitute special equipment carried only by medical officers i)eIo\v the grade of lieutenant colonel. Field equipment pertaining to officers in general is given in Uniform Regulations. 865. INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT, HOSPITAL CORPS. Articles. Source. Remarks. (a) Belt, web, Hospital Corps number.. Belt, web, Hospital Corps, contents of (par. 907) number. Canteen , do — Canteen cover, dismounted do — Fork do. . . Hand ax, Infantry i do... Hand-ax carrier do. . . Hanger, double, iceb, for canteen do. . . Knife do. . . Meat can do. . . Pouch for diagnosis tags and instruments... do.. . Eat ion bags, Cavalrv pairs. Shelter tent half number. . Shelter tent pole do Shelter tent pins do — Spoon do — (^) Bar, mosquito, single number.. Bed sack do — Cot do.... Fieldkit, clothing component ^ do — Overcoat do Surplus kit- do Sweater ...do — ^Carried on belt when dis / mounted: in pommel pock- et when moimted. * 1 for every 2 men. Carried on the person or saddle. For winter use only. Carried in surplus kit bag. When prescribed only. 1 Detachment commanders are authorized to reduce, by 4 inches, the length of the handle of the hand ax issued to the Hospital Corps providing the change is made in a workmanlike manner. The shorter handle will be especially necessary for use by mounted men. 2 The clothing component of the field kit includes the clothing actually worn by the soldier and that carried on the person or saddle. This is supplemented by the surplus kit, the two together constituting the clothing component of the service kit. The articles contained in each of these kits are given in general orders. (See Appendix, Clothing a jjd Equipment.) Note.— The method of packing the equipment for mounted and dismounted men is described in Drill Regulations and Service Manual for Sanitary Troops. 270 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 866. REGIMENTAI^ COMBAT EOTJIPMENT. •M-M : Articles. Ax, short MfiAle... number. Bag, no.ir do... linff, va/rr, sterilizing do. . . Bat, pack mule, empty , No. / (par. 909).. .do. .. BrnKh, horse do... Bucket, g.i do... Candles, lantern do. . . Chest, medicala/id surgical (par. 932) do... Covib,currv do... Desk, field, 'No. 2 (par. 941) do. . . Guidons, ambulance, without staff do. . . Lanterns, folding do. . . Litters, with siitigs: Batdilidii c)l' Engineers do. . . Ba' talion of Signal Corps do. . . Regiment of Artillery do... Regiment of Cavalry do. . . Regiment of Infantry do... Manuals, A rmv Regulations, etc do. . . Saddle, pack (par. 9.53) do. . . Surgical dressings (par. 955) boxes. Surgical dre.mnijs, ambulance (par. 954): Regiment of .\ rtillery do Regiment of Cavalry do. Regiment of Infantry do. Tentage. heavy: Fly, icall tent, small, uith ropes. . .number. . Tent pins, small do.. Wire cutters do. . Total weight, about pounds Cubic space, about feet \ B C Source. M Q Q M Q M M M Q M Q M 1 ^^ "m " M Remarks. 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 2 2 1 7 fi 9 * 1 1 2 3 9 1 6 1 ■ i,i; . For i)ack mule. * Based on Tallies of Organi- zation. * I for each captain or lie«. tenant not privately mounted. * Kcpleni.-^hcd by Q. AI. * 1 fore and 1 hind on each mount. 1 fore and 1 hind in pack. Note. — Quartermaster supplies for the sanitary personnel, forage, rations, etc., are included in the regi- mental allowances as published in F.quipmenl Tables, ti. M. Supplies. (See Appendix: Quartermaster Supplies.) FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. 271 868. METHOD OF PACKINCJ THE AID JSTATIOX EQUIPMENT. '*8 (Carried on the pack mule.) Kight side: Medical and surgical chost uumber . . Left side: Ax, short handle do Box, pack mule. No. 1 do Candles, lantern do Guidons, ambulance, without stall do Lanterns, folding do Lime, hypochlorite tubes. . Shoes, niule, fitted number.. Surgical dressings, box of (contents only) do Wire cutters , do Top Bag, nose do... Bag, water, sterilizing do. . . Brush, horse do... Bucket . galvanized iron do. . . Comb, curry do... Fly, wall tent, small -do. . . Tent pins, small do. . . Pounds. 100 Total weight . Pounds. 100 32 233 Note.— If under exceptional circumstances the pack mule is required to keep pace with fast moving ravalry . the pack will have to be lightened by dispensing with the top load, otherwise sore back and exhaus- tion of the mule are almost certain to occur. 869. CAMP INFIRMARY. IVl:. Articles MEDICINES AND ANTISEPTICS. Foot powder (war. 902) tins. . Iodine swabs, 6 in a box boxes. . Spiritus ammonise aroraaticus, i pound in glass-stopper bottle bottles . . MISCELLANEOUS. Alcohol, denatured, 2 quarts, in tin tins. . Ba^, water, sterilizing number. . Basins, hand do Bvxkcts, galvanized iron do Candles pounds . . Case, emcrgawy (par. 913) number. . Chest, medical and surgical (par. 932) do Chest, medical and surgical, suiyplcmcrttarij (par. 933) number. . Corks, No. 2, 150 in a bag bags.. De.9k, field, No. 2 (par. 941) number. . Flag , distinguishing , Red Cross do Flag, hal yards for , 50 feet do Flag, national, storm do Flag, staff for, comphtc do Food, box of {par. 948)* do Guidon, ambulance, with staff do Lanterns, without globes or u-icl;s do Lanterns, globes for, green do Lanterns, globes for, white do. . .. Lanterns, wic' sfor dozen. . Litters, ivith slings number. . Rope,g-inch feet.. Soap, Ivory cakes. . Spade number. . Stove, nkohol do Surgicnl dressings (par. 955) boxes. . Tent, wall, complete nimiber. . Tow i Is, hand dozen.. Twine, coarse pounds. . Venereiil prophylaxis unit (par. 95S). . .number. . Vials, 1-ouuce dozen.. Total weight pounds.. Cubic space feet. . 100 100 i 1 1 1 2 I 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 100 10 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 6 840 41 100 100 1 2 100 10 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 6 Source. Remarks. (Jther medicines and anti- septics are contained in the chest, medical and surgical; in the case, emer- gency: and in the venereal prophylaxis imit. See be- low under Miscellaneous. 1 Quartermaster bucket on wagon. For emorge.icy use only 840 41 272 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAETMEXT. 870. The following articles are not kept in the depots as a part of the camp infirmary equipment, but must be obtained from the proper supply department as indicated for each item under "Source." Articles. Source. Remarks. Covers, mule, blanket-lined number. . 4 Equipments, individual, Hospital Corps (par. 1 865), number. Equipments, individual, Quartermaster Corps, 1 number. Lime, hypochlorite tubes. . 20 Afules, draft number. Oil. mineral quartos. Shoe.';, mule, fitted number. .■ 18 Wagon, escort, and harness, complete do 1 For winter use only. Ba-sed on Tables of Organiza- tion. *M. D., Q. M. C, and O. D. Do. ♦Replenished by camp quar- termaster. Do. For list, see Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supplies. Note. — Heavy tentage. forage, and other similar camp supplies, for use of the pei-sonnel and animals of the camp infirmary are not included in the above list as they will be provided for camp use by the ambulance oompanj- or other organization to which the infirmary is attached for rations and forage (par. 660). CAMP INFIRMARY REfSERVE. 871. The articles listed below do not form a part of the regidar equipment of the camp infirmary, but when a camp infirmary is serv- ing with divisional troops under conditions which, in the opinion of the division surgeon, make it necessary or desirable to have within the division an additional supply of medicines and dressings for the sanitary troops on duty with line organizations or for the infirmaries themselves, the following articles will be procured on requisition and carried on each camp infirmary wagon. (See par. 633 6.) These supplies belong in equipment ''A." MEDICINES AND ANTISEPTICS. Acetphenetidinum (Phenacetin), 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in 12-ouncetin tins. . Acidum boricum, 324-mgm. tablets, 700 in 12-ouncetin tins.. Acidum salicylicum, 324-mgm. tablets, 400 in 12-ouncetin tins. . -Vlcohol, 3 pints in tin do Amylis nitris, 5-drop spirets, 12 in box boxes. . Apomorphinae hydrochloridum, 6-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube tubes. . Argenti nitras, crystals, 1-ounce in bot- tle bottlers.. Argenti nitras fusus, 1 ounce in bot- tle bottles.. Aspirin, 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bot- tle bottles.. Capsicum, 32-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tm tins.. Chloralum hydratum, 324-mgm. tablets, 400 in bottle bottles.. Cocainae hydrochloridum, 10-mgm. hypo- dermic tablets, 20 in tube tubes.. Codeina, 32-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin tins.. Collodium, 1 ounce in bottle bottles. . Emplastrum belladonnae, 2 yards by 6 inches, in tin " tins.. Foot powder (par. 902), i pound in tin with perforated cover tins. . Glycerinum , 3 pints in tin tins. . Heroini hydrocnioridum, 5.5-mgm. tablets, 500 in 3-bunce tin tins. . Hexamethylenamina (I'rotropin), 324- mgm. tablets, 600 in 12-ounee tin. . .tins. . Hy drargy ri chloridum corrosivum , tablets (antiseptic) (par. 902), 250 in bot- tle bottles.. Hvdrargvri chloridum mite, 32-mgm. tab- lets, 1,000 in bottle bottles. . Hydrargyriiodidum flavum, 10-mgm. tab- lets, 7.^0 in 3-ounce tin tins. . Ichthyokim, 3 ounces in wide mouth bot- tle.'. bottles.. Iodine swabs, 6 in box boxes. . lodum-potassiiiodidum, in tubes. . tubes. . Linimentum rubefaciens, tablets (par. 902) 200 in 12-ounce tin tins.. Macnesii sulphas, 3 pounds in tin ... do Mistura glycvrrhizae composita, tablets (par. 902), 3,"6tX1in 12-ounce tins tins. . Morphinae sulphas, 8-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube tubes. . Morphinae sulphas, S-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin * tins. . Normal saline solution tablets (par. 902), 1,')0 in 12-ounce tin tins.. Oleum ricini. 3 pints in tin tins.. Oleum terebinthinae rectificatum. 3 pints rutin tins.. Petrolatum , in 1 2-ounce t in do Phenol , J pou nd in bot tie bott les . . Phenylis" salicvlas (Salol), 324-mgm. tab- lets, 500 in bottle bottles. . Piiulae aloini compositae (or tablets) (par. 902), 750 in 3-ounce tin tins. . 10 2 2 2 20 200 2 5 1 48 1 1 4 2 8 8 1 1 FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. Medicines aiul (inlltscplivs-' rontinued. 273 Pllulae camphorae et opii (or tablets) (par. 902), 875 in 12-ounce tin tins. . Pllulae catharticae compositae (or tablets) 1,200 in 12-ounce tin tins. . rilulae ferri compositae (or tablets) (par. 902), 1,200 in 12-ounce tin tins. . riunibi acetas, 130-ingra. tablets, 000 in 3- ouncetin tins. . Potassiibroniiduni,324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle bottles. . Potassiichloras, 324-mgm. tablets, 1,200 in 12-ounce tin tins . . Potassiiiodidum, 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle bottles.. Potassii permanganas, 324-mgm. tablets, 1,200 in 12-ounce tin tins. . Protargol (or ecjuivalent), 1 ounce in bot- tle bottles.. Pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii, 324-mgm. tab- lets, 700 in r2-ounce tin tins . . Quininae hydrochlorosulphas, 32-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube tubes. . ■Quininae sulphas, 200-mgm. tablets, 1,000 in 12-ounoe tin tins. . Sapo mollis (green soap), ^ pound jar in case jars.. Sodii bicarbonas, 324-mgm. tablets, 1,000 in 12-ounce tin tins.. Sodii bicarbonas et mentha piperita, tab- lets (par. 902), 1,000 in 12-ounce tin. .tins. . Sodii carbonas monohydratus, for surgical use, i pound in 12-ounce tin tins. . Sodii salicylas, 321-mgm. tablets, 000 in 12- ounce tin tins. Spiritus ammoniae aromaticus, J pound in glass stopper bottle bottles. Strychninae sulphas, 1-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube tubes . Sulphur lotum, J pound in 12-ounce tin tins. ThymoHs iodidum (Aristol), 1 ounce in bottle bottles . Tinctura digitalis, 0.3 c. c. tablets, 800. in 3-ounce tin tins. Tinctura opii, i pound in bottle. . .bottles. Trochisci animonil chloridi, 3o0 in 12- ounce tin tins. Unguentum hydrargyri, J pound in wide mouth bottle bottles.. Unguentum hydrargyri chloridi mitis, 30 per cent, I pound in wide mouth bot- tle bottles.. Veronal, 324-mgm. tablets, 100 in 3-ounce tin tins. . Zincl oxidum, powder, k pound in 12-ounce tin '. tins.. Zinci sulphas, 324-mgm. tablets, 250 in 3- ounce tin tins. . 2 2 8 36 1 2 1 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Alcohol, denatured, 2 quarts in tin. . .tins. . First-aid packets (par. 944) number. . Individual dressing packets (par. 949) number. Surgical dressings ( par. 955) boxes. 1,000 4 Weight 1,050 pounds. Cubic space 42 feet. Note.— The medicines and antiseptics listed above are identical with those contained in boxes 1,2,3, and 4, of the field hospital (par. 879). REGIMENTAL HOSPITAL. 872. The regimental hospital, complete, consists of one camp infirmary equipment (pars. 869 and 870) and the additional articles named below. (See pars. 632 and 657.) Articles. STATIONERY. Paper, manifolding, letter, 500 sheets in package, packages. Paper, manifolding, letter, perforated, 500 sheets in package, packages. Paper, typewriter, letter, 500 sheets in package, packages. BLANK FORMS, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (PAR. 961). 1 Nos. 51 and 51a, of each number. . No. 516 do. . . . No. 52 do.... MISCELLANEOUS. Bars, mosquito number 12 12 M Bars, mosquito, frames for pairs 12 12 M Bars, mosquito, spreaders for frames... number 12 12 M Bedpan, enamel ware or agate ware do 1 1 M Bedsacks do.... 12 12 M 1 When regimental hospitals are issued intact this list wiU govern, but such other Forms as may be neces- sary will be furnished subsequently as required, 93440°— 17 18 B. 6 12 100 6 12 100 Source. Remarks. Used only in time of peace or when the regimental hospi- tal is being operated as a camp hospital. See pars. 427 and 575. 274 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Articles. MiscELLAJfEOus — Continued. Blankets, gray number. . Blnnkcfs, rubber do Brooms, corn do Brushes, scrubbing do... Buckets, enamel ware, 3 in nest nests. Cases, bedding, large, empty number. Chest, mess (par. 93-)) do Chest, sterilizer (par. 935) do Corks, assorted, 300 in bag ."bags . Cots '. number. Cotton, absorbent, in roll pounds. Gauze, plain in 5-yard roll rolls. Pail, com mode (close stool) number. Pajamas, coats do... Peijamas, trousers do. .. Taper, toilet packages. Pillow sacks number. Pins, common papers. Pins, safety, 3 sizes dozen . Plaster, adhesive, z. o., 5 yards by 1 inch, spools. Range, field. No. 2 number. Sheeting, rubber yards. , Splints, wire gauze for rolls. , Tentage, heavy: Canvas, latrine screen number. Tents , hospital, complete do ToweU, bath do Twine, coarse pounds. Typewriter number. Typewriters, record ribbons for .do Urinals do — Vials, 1-ounce ...dozen. Vials, 2-ounce dozen. . Weight, without infirmary pounds. Weight of infirmary do. . . Total weight do. . . Cubic space, without infirmary foot. Cubic space of infirmary do... Total cubic space feet. 850 Source. Remarks. 840 1,720 850 840 2, 570 52 108 42 52 150 These should be supple- mented if necessary by using the blankets from the patients' individual equip- ments. As containers for bedding, pajamas, etc. For contents see Equipment Tables, Q.M. Supplies. See Note below. None of the articles listed in par. 870 are included in these figures except mineral oil. Note. — Heavy tentage and other quartermaster supplies for the use of the sanitary personnel, forage, rations, etc., are included in the regimental allowances as published in Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supplies. 873. WEIGHT CARRIED BY CAMP INFIRMARY WAGON. (Exclusive of driver and his individual equipment.) (a) Camp Infirmary Proper. Supplies as listed in pars. 869 and 870 Sergeant in charge, and his individual equipment ( Jrain, 4 mules, 3 days Rations (see par. 660) JV.XIf.Tyi/HH' Total weight. Pounds. 8.50 180 108 1,138 (6) With Reserve Supplies. Camp infirmary proper Reserve supplies (par. 871). P. 138 i;o5o Total weight (c) With .Vdditional Supplies for Regimental Hospital. 2,188 Camp infirmary proper Ji . . . '. .i. . . Equipment "A," (par. 872)' U...\.:,i. 1,138 Total -height: 'I./ITW, a, 018 • If transportation for medical officers' baggage, tentage, forage, etc., is provided by the regimental flel train as required liy Kiold Service Regulations, equipment "B" (par. 872) may also be ciirried withoi exceeding the maximum load for one wagon. thout FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. AMBULANCE COMPANY. 275 874. The following articles are kept on hand in the Medical Depart- ment depots and will be shipped intact on an ai)proved requisition for "one ambulance company equipment (par. 874, M. M. D.)." Subsequent requisitions for replenishment of these supplies must, however, be forwarded to the proper supply department as indicated for ea,ch item under "Source." Articles. A. (o) Medicines and Antiseptics. Foot powder (par. 902), } pound in tin, tins. Iodine swalis, 6 in box T)oxes. Spiritus ammonia? aromaficus, \ pound in glass-stopper bottle, bottles. (6) Stationery. (See also par. S7.5.) Paper, carbon, letter, 100 sheets in a 1 lox, boxes. Paper, manifolding, letter, 500 sheets in package, packages. Taper, manifolding, letter, perforated, 500 sheets in package, packages. Paper, typewriter, letter, 500 sheets in package, packages. Stamp, penalty, rubber, with pad, number. (c) Miscellaneous. Alcohol, denatured, 2 quarts in tin. tins . . At, short hnrulle number. . Axes, with helves do Bags, nose do — Bags, wafer, pack mule pairs. . Bag, water, sterilizing number. . Basins, hand do — Blankets, gray . .do... Blankets, rubber do. . . Boxes, pack mule, empty, Nos. 2, S, i, 6, 6, 7, ana S (par. 909) of each, number. Brooms, corn number. Brooms, stable do... Brush, horse do . . . Brush, marking do. .. Brushes, scrubbing do. . . Buckets, galvanized iron do. . . Buckets, galvanized iron do . . . Bugles, with sling do. . . Calcium carbide, 2 pounds in tin. . .tins. Candles, lantern pounds. Carborundum wheel, with fixtures, num- ber. Cases, bedding, small, empty.... nnmhcr. Case, emergency (par. 913) do... Case, pocket, farrier's do. . . Chest, medical and surgical (par. 932)do . . Comb, curry do. . . C. D. S.i Source. 10 ., 1 1 fi 4 2 * 1 6 G 18 * 12 * 1 1 4 2 1 1 3 8 8 4 2 15 4 S 2 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 Remarks. Other medicines and anti- sepl ics are contained in the chesi , medic^il and surgical; in the case, emergency ; and . in the surgical dressings, boxes of (pars. 954 and 955). Other Medical Department stationery including Man- uals, Army IJegulations, etc., is contained in desk, field, No. 2. 1 additional on eacli wagon. 4 additional on each wagon and each ami )ulance. *Used at dressing station when necessary. For use withchlorinated lime. 2 basins, rubber, in medical and surgical chest. *Taken to dressing station if conditions demand. Do. For pack mules. 1 additional on each wagon and each ambulance. 1 additional on each wagon and each ambulance. Containers for blankets. See Note 1. For pack mules. 1 additional on each wagon and each ambulance. » The supplies listed under this heading comprise that part of the "A" equipment which is used in estab- lishing the dressing station. 276 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Articles. Miscellaneous— Continued. Cooking utcTisils: March kit — Cake turner number. . Cans, water, nested do Cleaver do Dipper, large do — Fire irons sets. . Fork, meat, large numher.. Kettles, camp, uilh covers, .do Knife, meat, large do Pans, bake do Corks, No. 7, for alcohol tins do Deck, field, i\'o. .' (par. 941) do First-aid packets (par. 944) do flag, dislinfiniahirtg. Red Cross do Flag, hnhjards for, 50-foot do Flag, vniionnl, storm do Flag, staff for, complete do Food, a mbulance boxes of ( par. 947) .do Food, boxes of (par. 948) do Forge, portable do Forks, stable do Cilobes, lantern (see Lanterns, globes for). Guidons, ambulance, without staff, number. Guidon and standard carrier number. . Head nets, mosquito do Horseshoer's emergency equipment, .do Iniiividual dressing packets (par. 949), nunil>er. Iron, bar, assorted pounds. . Irons, branding, hoof, set number. . Jack, wagon do Lampblack pounds. . Lamps, acetylene number. . Lanterns, without globes or wicks do Lanterns, without globes or nicks.. do Lanterns, folding do. . . Lanterns, globes for, green do. . . Lanterns, globes for, white do... Lanterns, globes for, white do. . . Lanterns, wicks for do. . . Lantern.s, wicks for do. . . Leather, harness, black poimds. Litters, canvas for pieces. Litters, tacks for, 75 in package, packages. Litters, with slings number. Marking outfit, for leather, model 1910, number. Marking outfit, for metal, model 1910, number. Matches, safety boxes. . Medicines and dressings, veterinary, pounds. Nails, assorted pounds. . Nails, horseshoe do Needle.s, harness, assorted papers. . Oil, sperm pmts.. Pannier, veterinary number. . Paper, toilet packages. . Paulin, large number. . Pickaxes, with helves do I'istol ball-cartridges, caliber .45, model 1911, number. Pistol belts, model 1912, without saber ring, number. Pistol holsters number. . Pistols, automatic, caliber 45, model 1911, number. Pistols, magazirusfor, extra number. . Pot, marking do Rakes, steel do Range, field. No. 1, complete do Kivels and burrs, copper, assorted, pounds. 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 24 1 500 1 2 1 1 12 3 1 12 1 8 1 1,000 15 2 252 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 24 1 500 1 2 1 1 12 3 1 4 8 1 1,000 60 1 1 1 6 5 3 D.S. 75 33 7 1 1 10 1 6 252 12 12 12 24 1 4 1 20 Source, Remarks. Additional cooking utensils are contained In range No. 1. 1 wall tent fly is allowed for kitchen purposes. See Tcntage, heavy. To be used only for sick and wounded. Do. 1 guidon ioith staff on each ambulance. May be used with saddle of any model. See Note 1, par. 875. 1 additional on each wagon and 2 additional on each ambulance. For repair of Q- M. harness. For repair of litters. Do. 4 additional on each ambu- lance. *12 in each ambulance bo.x of food. See Note 1, par. 875. Do. Do. Do. 1 additional on each wagon. See Note 1, par. 875. Do. PTELD SUPPLY TABLES. 277 Articles. Miscellaneous— Continued. Rope, picket-line, J-incft feet. Rope, I inch o limited by the bulk (ordinary boxcar is .U)X>.\^ feet, 2,304 cubic feet); flat cars, ;! wagons or :'. ambulances, or ainl)ulances knocked down but tops not removed. 877. Articles used in camp only, sucli as garbage cans, crude oil, lime, straw, etc., are supplied by the camp ciuartermastor and wilj not be taken to the field by organizations. The allowances are specified in Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supplies. FIELD SUPPLY TABLES, 27Q 878. MEJTHOD OF PACKING THE DRESSING STATION EQUIPMENT. Right side: ^^u^E No. 1. Medical and surgical chest , uuniber.. 1 Left side: ■ ' ' • ' Ax '...,,„_,.., do 1 Box, pack mule. No. 2 .'i.^l. ;•.'".. ..'. do 1 I Alcohol, denatured tins. . 2 Basins, hand number.. 6 Calcium carbide tins . . 4 Candles pounds. . 2 Corks, extra, for alcohol tins number. . 6 Guidons, without stafT do 6 Lami)s, acetylene do Lanterns, folding do 8 Lime, hypochlorite tubes. . 5 Paper, toilet packages. . .'i Rope, I inch feet. .50 Soap, Ivorv cakes. . ti Tent pins, short number. . 12 Twine, coarse lialls. . 1 ^\■ ire cutters number. . 1 Pounds. 100 Top: Buckets, galvanized- iron do — Bags, water, pack mule pairs. . 1 Total weight . Right side: MULE No. 2. Box, pack mule. No. 3 number. . 1 . I. ... Surgical dressings, box of (contents only) do 1 Towels, hand do 6 Left side: Box, pack mule, No. 4 do 1 Surgical dressings, box of (contents only) do — 1 Towels, hand do — 6 Top: Blankets gray do — 6 Blankets, rubber do — 3 Total weight . Right side: MULE No. 3. Box, pack mule. No. 5 number.. 1 Surgical dressings, box of (contents only) do — 1 Towels, hand do — 6 Left side: Box, pack mule. No. 6.. do — 1 Surgical dressings, box of (contents only) do — l Towels, hand do — 6 Top: Blankets, gray , do. ... 6 Blankets, rubber ; do. ... 3 Total weight . Right side: MULE No. 4. Box, pack mule. No, 7 number. Bucket, galvanized-iron.. do... Food, box of (contents only) , — do... Spoon, serving do. .. Stove, alcohol do . . . Left side: Box, pack mule, No. 8 do Bucket, galvanized-iron do — Food, box of (contents only) do. . . . ' Spoon, serving do — Stove, alcohol do — Top Tent flies, wall, small do. Total weight . Pounds 100 40 92 92 60 234 108 106 34 246 1 The water bag should be carried in the top bucket. If it is wrapped around the buckets, serious injury to the bag will result. Note 1. -On the march, not in the presence of the enemy, blankets, both woolen and rubber, are habitually carried on the ambulance company combat wagon. On long marches, under similar condi- tions, the other top loads may also be carried in an accessible plafe on the combat wagon. When the dressing station party is about to separate from the wheeled transportation, the top loads of mules Nos. 1 and 4, and if necessary those of mules Nos. 2 and 3. may be quickly put in place on the mules. Note 2.— .\s the weights of the boxes are changed by expenditure of their contents, readjustment must be made in order to maintain the riglit and left loads of each mule at approximately the same weight. Sore backs will certainly be produced if this precaution is neglected. 280 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. FIELD HOSPITAL.. 879. The following articles are kept on hand in the Medical Depart- ment depots and will be shipped intact on an approved requisition for "one field hospital equipment (par. 879, M. M. D.)." Subsequent requisitions for replenishment of these supplies must, however, be forwarded to the proper supply department as indicated for each item under "Source." PacV- Nb.i Articles. (o) Medicines and antiseptics. Acetphenetidinum (Phenacetin), 324- mgni. tablets, 500 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Acidum boricum, .■)24-mgm. tablets, 700 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Acidum salieylic-um, 32-1-mgm. tablets, ■100 in l2-oirnce tin, tins. Adrenalin ehlorid, l-mgm. tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. Aether, J pound in tin tins.. Alcohol, 3 jjints in tin do — Amylis nitris, 5-drop spirets, 12 in box, boxes. Apomorphinae hydrochloridum, 6- nigm. hypodermic tablets, 20ln tube, tubes. Argenti nitras, crystals, 1 ounce in bot- tle, bottles. Argenti nitras tusus, 1 ounce in bottle, bottles. Argyrol, 1 ounce in bottle bottles. . Arseni trioxidum, l-mgm. tablets, 500 in 3-ounce tin, tins. Aspirin, 324-mgm. tablets,500 in bottle, bottles. Atropinae sulphas, 0.fi5-mgm. hypoder- mic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. Bismuthi subnitras, 324-mgm. tablets, 700 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Caft'eina citrala, 65-mgm. tablets, 250 in bottle, bottles. Capsicum, 32;mgm. tablets, 600 In 3- ounce tin, tins. Chloralum hvdratura, 324-mgm. tablets, 400 in bottle, bottles. Chloroforraum, 1 pound in tin — tins. . Cocainae hydrochloridum, 10-mgm. hy- podermic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. CcKleina, 32-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin, tins. Collodium, 1 ounce in bottle. . .bottles. . Digitalinum, l-mgm. hypodermic tab- lets, 20 in tube, tubes. Emetinae hydrochloridum, 22-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. Emplastrum belladoimae, 2 yards by 6 inches in tin, tins. Emplastrum, cantharidis, 1 yard by 6 inches in tin, tine. Foot powder (par. 002), } pound in tin with perforated cover, tins. Glycerinum, 3 pints in tin tins. . Heroini hydrochloridum, 5.5-mgm. tab- lets. 500 in 3-ounce tin, tins. Hexamethylenamina (Urotropin), .324- mgm. tablets, tiOOin 12-ounce tin, tins. 20 144 M M Remarks. 1 additional in each medical and siu'gical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. *5 in each medical and surgi- cal chest. 1 12-ounee bottle in each med- ical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. 3 additional in each me in box ■ ■ - boxes. . lodum-potassii iodiduin, in tube, tubes. . , , ^ , Linimentum rubefaciens, tablets (par. 902), 200 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Mainiesii sulphas, 3 pounds in tin. .tins. . Mistura glvcyrrhizae composita, tab- lets (par." 902), 3,600 in 12-ounce tm, tins. , , Morphinae sulphas, S-mgm. hypoder- mic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes Morphinae sulphas, 8-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin, tins. Nitroglycerin, 0.ti5-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. Normal saline solution tablets (par .902) , 150 in 12-ouuce tin, tins. Oleum ricini, 3 pints in tin tms Oleum terebinthinae rectificatum, 3 pintsin tin, tins. Oleum theobromatis, h pound in 12- ounce tin, tins. Petrolatum, in 12-ounce tin tms. Phenol, i pound in bottle bottles. . Phenylis salicylas (Salol), 324-mgm tablets, 500 in bottle, bottles. Pilulae aloini compositae (or tablets) (par. 902), 750 in 3-ounce tin, tins. Pilulae camphorae et opii (or tablets) (par. 902), 875 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Pilulae catharticae compositae (or tab- lets), 1,200 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Pilulae ferri compositae (or tablets) (par 902), 1,200 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Plumbi a-^etas, 130-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin, tin?. , , , , Potassii bromidum, 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle, bottles. Potassiichloras. 324-mgm. tablets, 1,200 inl2-ounr>tin,t5ns. Potassii iodidum, 324-mgm. tablets, aOO in bottle, bottles. * , , * Potassii permanganas,324-mgm. tablets, 1,200 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Protargol (or equivalent), 1 ounce m bottle, bottles. .. Pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii, 324-mgm. tablets, 700 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Quininaehydrochlorosulphas,32-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes Quininae sulphas, 200-mgm. tablets, 1,000 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Sapo mollis (green soap) , i-pound jar in case, jars. . Serum antidiphthericum, as required. . Serum antitetanicum, as required . . . . . 1 Sodii bicarbonas, 324-mgm. tablets, 1,000 in 12-ounce tin, tins. 1 Sodii bicarbonas et mentha piperita, tablets (par. 902), 1,000 in 12-ounce tm, tins. 1 Sodii carbonas monohydratus. forsurgi- cal use, h pound in 12-ounce tin, tins. 1 Sodii salicylas, 324-mgm. tablets, 600 m I 12-ounce tin, tins. C. Source. 20 200 48 20 10 20 200 20 Remarks. M M M M M M 1 tin additional in each medi- cal and siugical chest.. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. *3 in each medical and surgi- cal chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. 20 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. Do. Do. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 45 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. *8 in each medical and surgi- cal chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. *1 in supplementary chest. 2 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additi<^nal in each medical and surgical chest, and 4 additional in sterilizer 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 2 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplement- ary chest. 10 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 3 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 2 additionalin sterilizerchest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. m MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Pack- age No. 25 Articles. Medicines and antiseptics — Contd. Spiritus ammoniae aromaticus, I pound in glass-stopper Ijoltle, bottles. Spiritus frumenti, 1 quart in bottle, bottles. Strychninae sulphas, 1-mgm. hypoder- mic tablets, 20 in tube, tul)es." Sulphur lotum, J pound in 12-ounce tin, tins. Thymolis iodidum (Aristol), 1 ounce in bottle, bottles. Tinctura digitalis, 0.3 e.c. tablets, 800 in .'i-ounce tin, tins. Tinctura opii, i pound in bottle. bottles. Trochlsci ammonii chloridi, 3.50 in 12- ounce tin, tins. Unguentum hydrargyri, i pound in wide-mouth bottle, bottles. Unguentum hydrargyri chloridi mitis, 30 per cent, h pound in wide-mouth bottle, bottles. Vaccine, smallpo.x, as required Vaccine, typhoid, as required Veronal, 324-mgm. tablets, 100 in 3- ouncf tin, tins. Veterinary medicines (See Medicines, veterinary, under Miscellaneous.) Zinci oxidiim, powder, i pound in 12- ounce tin, tins. Zinci sulphas, 324-mgm. tablets, 250 in 3-ounce tin, tins. (6) Stationery. (See also par. 880.) Books, blank, 8-vo number. . Books, note, manifolding, ^hy 6 inches, binders, number. Books, note, manifolding, 4 by 6 inches, fillers, number. Labels for vials gross. Labels, poison dozen. Manuals, Army Regulations, etc Paper, carbon, letter, 100 sheets In box, boxes. Paper, manifolding, cap, 250 sheets In package, packages. Paper, manifolding, letter, 600 sheets In package, packages. Paper, manifolding, letter, perforated, 500 sheets in package, packages. • Paper, typewTiter, cap, 250 sheets in package, packages. Paper, typewriter, letter, 500 sheets in package, packages. Stamp, penalty, rubber, with pad, number. (e) Miscellaneous. Alcohol, denatured, 2 quarts in tin, tins. Aprons, rubber numt)er. Atomizer, hand do... Aies, with helves do... Bags, rubber, hot water and syringe, number. Bags, water, sterilizing numl)er. Bandages, flannel, 3-ineh roller, .dozen. . Source. Remarks. 2 additional in supplemen- tary chest. 5 pint additional in supple- mentary chest. 20 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Filleii sprinkler in each med- ical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. *1 in each medical and surgi- cal chest. *5 in field desk No. 1, 1 in each medical and surgical *10 In field desk No. 1. 1 in each medical and surgical chest, i gross additional in each medical and surgical chest. *3 dozen in each medical and surgical chest. ♦Contained in field desk No. 1. 1 box In field desk No. 1, *1 in field desk No. L *2 in each medical and surgi- cal chest, 6 in sterilizer chest. *1 in supplementary chest. 1 additioual on each wagon. 1 additional in eacti medical and surgical chest, 2 addi- tional in supplementary cliest. For use with calcium hypo- chlorite. FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. ass Articles. Miscellaneous— Continued. Bandages, gauze, compressed, 3 sizes, 1 gross in box, boxes. Bandages, plaster of Paris, .3-inch, indi- vidual packets, dozen. Bandages, rubber, Hariin number. Bandages, suspensory dozen. Basins, hand niunber. Bedpans, box of {par. 900) do... Bedsacks do. . . Blankets, gray do. . . Blankets, rubber do. . . Bougies, neiible, Nos. //, 13, 15, 17, SO, Si. French scale, number. Boxes, folding, for tablets gross. Boxes, ointment, 3 in nest nests. Brooms, com number. Broom, stable do... Brushes, hand, fiber do. . . Brush, marking do — Brushes, scrubbing do — Buckets, enamel ware, 3 in nest, .nests. . Buckets, galvanized-iron number. . Buckets, galvanized-iron do Bugles, with sling do — Calcium carbide, 10 pounds in tin, tins. Candles pounds. . Canvas, 12.4 ounces yards.. Cases, bedding, large , empty .. .nnmheT . . Cases, bedding, small, empty do — Cases, emergency (par. 913) do — Cases , forceps , hemostatic (par. 915), number. Case, general operating (par. 916), number. Cases, operating, small (par. 922), number. Case, pocket, farrier's number. Cases, tooth extracting, S forceps in can- vas roH, number. Catheters, flerible, assorted, Nos. IS, 17, 18, go, 22, 24, French scale, number. Cement, ambroid ounces . Chest, acetylene (par. 927) number. Chest, cooking utensils (par. 929), number. Chests, medical and surgical (par. 932), number. Chest, medical and surgical , supplemen- tary (par. 933), number. Chest, sterilizer (par. 93-5) number. Chest, tableware (par. 936) do. . . Chest, tool, iVo. ^ (par. 938) do... Cooking utensils: March kit— Cake turner do. . . Cans, water, nested do. . . Cleaver do . . . Dipper, large do . . . Fire irons sets. Fork, meat, large number. Kettles, camp, with covers. do. . . Knife, meat, large do. . . Pons, bake do. . . Corks, assorted, 300 in bag bags. Corkscrews number. 1 220 280 144 24 C. 1 Source. 1 220 280 144 Remarks. 6J dozon addilional in each medical and surgical chest. *J dozen in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in each medical and siugical chest. 1 dozen additional in supple- mentary chest. 2 basiiLS, rubber, in each medical and surgical ciiest, and 4 in sterilizer chest. In 5 large bedding cases; In 14 large bedding cases. In 8 small bediiint; cases. *6 in supplementary chest. 1 gross additional in each medical and surgical chest. 8 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 6 additional in each medical and surgical chest, and 6 additional in sterilizer chest. 1 additional on each wagon. For repair of tents. Contamers for bedding, etc. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. *1 in each medical and sur- gical chest. See Note 1, par. 880. *1 in each medical and sur- gical chest. *3 in each medical and sur- gical chest, 6 in supple^ mentary chest. For repair of tents. In case of necessity, to be supplemented by the uten- sils pertaining to patients' individual equipments. .Additional cooking utensils are contained in range No. 1, furnished by the Quar- master Corps, and in the chest, cooking utensils, furnished by the Medical Department. One wall-tent fly is allowed for kitchen purposes. (See Tentage, heavy.) 1 additional in supplemen- tarychest; 1 in each medical and surgical chest. 284 MANUAL FOrj THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Pack age No. Articles. B. C. Source. Remarks. 2a-24 13-19 29 43 22 84 84 84 81 8-15 20-21 28 25 25 83 24 46-50 } IiscELLANEOUS— Continued . Cotton, absorbent, in roll pounds.. Cotton, absorl>ent, sterilized, in 1-ounce package, packages. Cups, ena met itare number . . Desk, field, No. 1 (par. 940) do... Eye shades, single do... First-aid packets (pur. 944) do. . . Flag,distingu isliing, Red Cross do. . . Flag, hiilijdrd.sfor.SOfeet do... Flag, nationiil, tftorm do... Flag, staff for. complete do. . . Food, tmxei o/(paT. 94S) do. . . Forks, stable do Funnel, agate ware do Gauze, sublimated, 2 half-yard lengths in package, packages. Globes, lantern. (See Lanterns, globes for.) Gloves, rubber, sizes 8 and 9 pairs. . Graduate, gla.«s, 100c. c number. Graduate, glass, 250 c.c do Guidons, ambulance, with staff do Guidon and standard carrier. ..number. . Head mirror, in case do. .. Head nets, mosquito do Individual dressing packets (par. 949), number. Inhalers, chloroform, Fsmarch, with drop bottles, number. Iron, bar, assorted pounds . Jack, wagon number. Lampblack pounds. . Lanterns, without globes or wicks, num- ber. Lanterns, without globes or wicks, .do Lanterns , globes for , green do . . . Lanterns, globes for, white do. . . Lanterns, globes for, white do. . . Lanterns, wicks for dozen. Lanterns, wicks for number. Leather, harness, black poimds. Litters, canvas for pieces. Litters, tacks for, 75 in package, pack- ages. Litters, with slings number. Marking outfit, for leather, model 1910, number. Marking outfit, for metal, model 1910, number. Matches, safety, boxes dozen. Medicine droppers number. Medicine glasses do Medicines and dressings, veterinary, poimds. Mortars and pestles, porcelain, 7 cm., number. Muslin, unbleached yards . , Nails ." Nails, a.ssorted pounds . . Nails, horseshoe do Needles, common, assorted papers . . -Needles, harness, assorted do -N'eedlas, surgical, a.ssorted dozen. . Pajamas, coats numt>er. . Pajamas, trousers do. . . . Paper, litmas, blue and red, 100 strips in vial, of each, vials. 20 SIX) 100 1 2 1 1 200 2 20 800 100 1 2 1 1 200 2 32 1 1 20 3 3 26 3 2 3 32 2tj additional in each medical and surgical che-st. 1 additional in each medical and surgical cli&st, and 2 in supplementary chest. *(i in supplementary chest. *(^ontents purcnased from hosjiilal fund when practi- cable. (See par. 948.) *1 in sterilizer chest. 40 additional in each medical and surgical chest . 2 pairs additional in each medical and surgical chest, and 8 additional in steri- lizer chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. May lie used with saddle of any model. *1 in supplementary chest. For the guard. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional on each wagon. For repair of Q. M. ham«is. For repair of litters. Do. 6 boxes additional in each medical and surgical chest; 6 boxes in sterilizer chest. 6 additional in supplemen- tary chest. 1 ad(litional in each medical and surgical chest. See Note 1, par. 880. *1 in each medical and surgi- cal chest. *1 box in chest, cooking uten- sils. See Note 1, par. 880. *2 in supplementary chest. See Note 1, par. S80. .\dditional in operating case."!. I In 1 small bedding case. ♦1 of each in supplementiry chest. FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. 285 Arlii'les. MiscKLLANEous— Continued. 30 Taper, toilet pacKages. . Piiulin, large num))er. I'enciLs, hair, 1 dozen in vial vials. PicJcaxcs, with helves num1>er. Pill tile, hard rubber do — Tins, common papers . Tins, safety, 3 sizes dozen . ristol l^all-cartridRfts, caliber 45, model 1911, number. Pistol belts, model 1913, without saber ring, number. Pistol holsters numl )er . Pistols, automatic, caliber /,S, model 1011, number. Pistols, magazines for , extra., .number. Piaster, adhesive, z. o., 5 yards by 1 inch, spools. Plaster, adhesive, z. o., ,5 yards by 2\ inches, spools. Pot, marking number. Rakes, steel do. . . Range, field. No. 1, complete do. . . Razors do.. . Razors, strops for do Rivets and burs, copper, assorted, pounds. Rope, picket line, ^-inch feet. . Scissors number. . Sheeting, rubber yards . . Sickle number. . Shoes, horse and mule, extra: Horse pounds.. Mule do.... Soap, hand cakes . . Soap, Ivory do Sjiades number. . Spatulas, S-inch do Specula, ear, set of 3 sets. . Speculum, rectal number. . Splints, coaptation, 5 in set sets.. Splints, wire gauze for, 1 yard in roll, rolls. Splints, wood veneer number. . Sponges, gauze, 1 dozen in 1)ox. .bo.xes. . Sprinklers, powder, h. r number. : Stencil outfit do Sterilizei ,for dressings do Stethoscope, double do Stick, size, shoe do — Stoves, alcohol do Stretcher, shoe do Sutures, catgut, chromicized, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes in package, packages. 26 Sutures, catgut, plain, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes in package, pack- ages. Sutures, silk, braided, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes in package, pack- ages. 26 Sutures, silkworm gut, 100 incoil.coils. . Sutures, silver wire, yard lengths, yards. Syringes, fountain. (See Bags, rubber, hot water and syringe. ) Syringes, hypodermic (par. 956), num- ber. 2 * 20 40 252 12 12 12 24 24 1.6 125 20 50 100 100 10 C. [Source. 6 20 40 252 12 12 12 24 24 3.2 125 20 1 100 100 100 10 4 Q <.i Q M M Q M M M llemarks. *1 in each medical and surgi- cal chest. *1 in supplementary chest. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 2 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 3 additional in each medical and surgical chest. See Note 1, par. 880. *1 in each medical and sur- gical chest. Do. See Note 1, par. 880. *1 in each medical and sur- gical chest. For litters when ased as oper- ating tables. *1 in chest, cooking utensils. *2 in each medical and sur- gical chest, and 5 in steri- lizer chest. 1 additional on each wagon. *1 in each medical and sur- gical chest. *1 set in supplemetary chest. *1 m supplementary chest. 12 additional in supplemen- tary chest. *40 in sterilizer chest. *1 in each medical and sur- gical chest. For marking cloth or canvas. *1 in sterilizer chest. *1 in supplementary chest. 1 additional in sterilizer chest. 10 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 20 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 10 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. Do, 286 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Pack age No. 28 82 25 25 Articles. Miscellaneous— Continued. Syringes, hypodermic, extra needles for, niimlier. Syrinfjes, penis, glass, in case. number. Syringe, rectal, h. r., O-ounce do Tags, diagnosis Ijooks . Tape measure, foot number. Tape weasitre, 60 inches do. . . Tcntnge, hearij: Cnnvaif, lutrine screen do... Covers, canvas* do. . . Flp, wall-tent* do. . . Tents, hospital, complete do. . . Tents, pyramidal, large, complete, number. Tents, wall, small, complete, num- ber. Tents, ward, complete number. Test tubes, 3 in nest nests. Thermometers, clinical numVjer. Thread, cotton, assorted spools. Thread, saddler's, assorted pounds. Tongue depressors, metal number. 7*00?, universal do. . Tourniquets and bandages, rubber, num- ber. Towels, dish do Towels, hand dozen. Trays, instrument, enamel ware, number. Trusses nimiber . Tube, stomach do. . . Tubing, drainage, imperforated, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, yards. Twine, coarse pounds. Typewriter number. Tj-pewriters, record ribbons for. .do. . . Vials, 1-ounce dozen. Wax, saddler's pounds. . Weight, packed pounds . . Cubic space, packed feet. . C. 14,2004,000 18,200 6501 200 850 Source. Remarks. 12 additional in e;ioh medical and surgical chest. 12 additional in supplemen- tary chest. *1 in supplementary chest. 2 additional in each medical and surgical chest; 12 in supplementary chest. *1 in supplementary chest. *For ward tents. ♦For use of kitchen. *2 in supplementary chest. 6 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional m supplemen- tary chest. See Note 1, par. 880. *1 in eiicli medical and sur- gical chest. *1 in sterilizer chest. 1 additional in each medical and surgical che.st. *24 in chest, cooking ut»en- sils. In 2 small bedding cases. 2 in sterilizer chest. For supporting litters used as operating tables. *1 in supplementary chest. 2 pieces additional in each medical and surgical chest and 6 additional in supple- mentary chest. dozen additional in each medical and surgical chest and 2 dozen in supplemen- tary chest. 880. Tlio following articles arc not kept in store hy the Medical Department. In organizing a field hospital, or in making subsequent requisitions for replenishment, these articles must be obtained from the proper supply department as indicated for each item under "Source." FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. S87 Articles. B. C. Source. Uemarks. Bags,,surphis kit number. Calks, toe, horseshoe do... Candles do — Coal, smithing , pounds. Cover, mule, blanket-lined number. Equipments, horse (par. 9415) do. . . Equipments, horse, Quartermaster do. . . Equipments, individual, Hospital Corps (par. 8(35), number. Equipments, individual, Quartermaster Corps, number. Forage Ouidon, field hospital {bunting), with staff, number. Horses, riding, for enlisted men number. Horses, riding, for officers do... Lime, hypochlorite tubes. Matches, safety, boxes number. Mules, draft do. . . Mule, riding do. . . Oil, mineral gallons. Oil, neal's-foot pints. Rations: Field Reserve Salt, rock poimds. Shoe,s, horse and mule, fitted: Horses, riding * number. Mules, draft do. . . Soap pounds. Stationery, field dask allowance Stoves, tent, with pipe and other accessories, number. Wagons, escort, with harness, complete, number. . 100 24 28 1 14 2 112 14 28 112 Q Q Q Q Q *Based on Tables of Organi- zation. *Supplied when necessary. *10 davs' supply. See Army Regiilation-s. **SeeNote2. For winter use on riding mule. 4 additional on each wagon. ♦Based on Tables of Organi- zation. For riding mule. *1 for each man of Hospital Corps. **M. D., Q. M. C, and O. D. *1 for each man of Quarter- master Corps. **M. D., Q. M. C, and O. D. *See Army Regulations and Field Service Regulations. **See Note 2. *Based on Tables of Organi- zation. *1 for each captain or lieuten- ant not privalelv mounted. *See Note 2. Do. Based on Tables of Organiza- tion. • *See Note 2. Do. rSee Field Service Regula- tions. **See Note 2. *See Note 2. 1 fore and 1 liind on each moimt. *Includes riding mule. 16 fitted shoes on each wagon. *See Note 2. *See Note 1. When prescribed only. *For allowance, see Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supplies. See Note 1. Note 1.— For list of contents consult Equipment Tallies, Q. M. Supplies. Note 2.— A 10 days' supply of this article will be taken to the field ,liy organizations. The additional amoimt authorized by re;.^ulations for camp use will be furnished by the camp quartermaster. '881. If a field hospital is to be entrained, with personnel and trans- portation at war strength and ''C" supplies complete, a railway train composed of 2 tourist sleeping cars (or 1 tourist sleeper and 1 day coach), 1 kitchen car, 1 baggage (or box) car, 3 standard stock cars, and 3 flat cars will be required. Note.— For method of arriving at transportation required see Note to paragraph 876. 882. Articles used in camp only, such as garbage cans, crude oil, lime, straw, etc., are supplied by the camp quartermaster and will not bo taken to the field by organizations. The allowances are specified in Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supphes. biwi lift IbtohIM— -OTOVI 288 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 883. liOADING TABLES, FIELD HOSPITAL WAGONS. The following tables are based on actual loading experiments and should be adhered to until the experience of the commanding officer is such as to justify him in making changes to meet the particular conditions under which the hospital is operating. The endeavor has been so to arrange the loads as to obtain a fairly even distribution of weight and at the same time make it unnecessary to unload all the wagons when the hospital is to be pitched for one or two days only and comparatively few patients are to be accommodated. If the hospital is serving in a community where buildings for its use are available the tentage would naturally be first dispensed with in case transportation should be unavoidably reduced. Pack- age No. Pounds. 8-9 44 4 5 6 7 16 18 20 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32-3.J 36 38 39 4.5 46-50 56-57 78 82 Wagon No. 1. Food, boxes of numljer. . Lanterns, complete, M. D do Ax with nelve do Bags, water, sterilizing do Buckets, galvanized iron, Q. M do Cooking utensils, march kit (including tent fiy ) sets. . Lanterns, complete, Q. M ". number. . Pickaxes.with helves do Range, No. 1, complete do Rope, picket feet. . Spades nimiber. . Sp; Te; ent, wall, small, complete do. Candles, Q. M. (when issued). Lime, hypochlorite tubes Matches", Q. M boxes Oil , mineral gallons Soap, common pounds Baggage, 6 oflicers Rations, 2 days' field, 1 day's reserve number.. 246 Weight '. . . .:..:. If bagage and tent is carried for direct or of field hospitals, add __[ .100 24 4 14 Total weight . Wagon No. 2. Alcohol boxes . Anesthetics do Whisky do. . ! Alcohol, denatured do. . . Bandages do. . . Cotton, absorbent, packages do. . . Gauze, packages do... Cotton, absorbent, in rolls do. . . Dispensary accessories do. Sutures, needles, etc do... Cases, operat ing, etc do. . . Basins, rulitier gloves, etc do. Splints do. . . Toilet paper do. . . Bed pans and urinals do Buckets bundles. Chest , medical and surgical . . . ; number. Chest, medical and surgical, supplementary do.. . Chest sterilizer do. . ] Lanterns, complete, M. D., 10 in a box boxes. Litters number. . 20 Blankets, gray cases. . 2 Towels, hand do... Trus.ses for operating tables number. Ax, with helve do. Total weight . 180 59 5 16 10 200 5 18 264 18 10 120- 30 14 300 738 1,988 170 2,158 74 116 76 68 83 65 60 41 58 70 71 60 90 66 88 102 104 95 82 59 450 230 87 45 5 2,345 Note.— Mineral oil and lanterns should be well separated from rations and cooking utensils, FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. 289 Wagon No. 3. Desk , field -f -K-- -number. Ax, with helve a"- ■ ■ Teiil s, hospit ill, fomplete • a" Tenis, ward, complete, with covers for canvas do. . . Allowance for wet canvas, 50 per cent of 1 ,090 pounds Total weight . Wagon No. 4. Ax, with helve number . . 1 Tents, hospital, complete auterns, globes for, while ........... .;.number . . Lanterns, wilhout glohes or wicks do Medicine glasses '. do Microscope, field, with accessory case (par. 950).. do Mortars and peslles, Wedgwood, 20 c. m do Muslin, imbleached yards. . Needles, surgical, assorted dozen. . Pails, com mode (close stools) number . . Pajamas, coats do Pajamas, troitsers do Paper, toilet packages. . Paper, wrapping, brown quires. . Pilltile, h.r numl)er.. Pillow cases, cotton do Pillow saclts do Plaster ol Paris, 4 pounds, in tin tins.. Scales and weights, apothecary's, metric system (par. S45) number. . Slienrs do Sheets, cotton do Silli, oiled, in 5-yard rolls rolls. . Spatulas, 5-inch number. . Splint.s, Uodpen's do Stethoscopes, double do Sutures, catjrut, plain, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes in package packages. . Sutures, silk, braided, sterilized, )8 inches each, 3 sizes in package packages. . Tables, bedside, folding number. . Tables, mess, folding do Tables, operating, field do Tentage, heavy: Canvas, latrine screen do Tents, hospital, complete do 3Vtt(s, pijramiaal, large, complete do Tents, wall, small, co)nplete do Test tubes, 3 in nest nests. . Towels, bath number. . Towels, dish do lowels, hand do Typewriter : do Tj'pewriters, record ribbons for do. . . Urinals do Urinomett.r do Vials, 2-ounce ., ..•..;....'.. . dozen . . Vials, 4-ounce .' do Weight packed, about pounds. . Weight of nucleus do Total weight, about do Cubic space feet . . Cubic space of nucleus ^ ...:...:... .do 3,900 2,570 1 100 100 4 1 100 54 3 1 1 200 1 1 2 2 3, 000 IS, 200 6,470 21,200 2 108 2 200 200 6 1 200 lOS 1 2 400 2 2 2 3 4 144 6,000 18,200 24,200 260 150 Total cubic space : :'J. . .do. i.i'i I'.i(ljod'.HJ5 ilj^l ,U:>,'iju\\ 410 200 ! 850 1,050 4U0 850 1,250 ir,o ■4 2 300 300 1 300 100 8 1 3 600 2 2 7,700 18,200 25,900 650 S50 1.500 FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. 293 887. When a camp hospital is assigned to a mobilization camp there will 1)(^ included in its equipment, in addition to the articles enumer- ated above, one Recruiting outfit (par. 952) for each 2,000 contem- plated enlistments, together with the necessary blank forms. 888. Articles used in camp only, such as garbage cans, crude oil, hme, straw, etc., are supphed by the camp quartermaster and will not be taken to the field by organizations. EVACUATION HOSPITAL, BASE HOSPITAL, AND MEDICAL RESERVE UNIT. 889. Evacuation and base liospitals are not strictly hmited to articles listed in this table. See paragraph 859. 890. A medical reserve unit is a collection of medical supphes which it is estimated will meet the immediate requirements of a reserve for one infantry division. A certam number of these units will be kept in the Medical Department depots in time of peace ready for emergency issue. No provision is made in the medical reserve unit for replenishing the supplies of sanitary formations on the hne of communications. (See par. 782.) 891, MEDICAL SUPPLIES. Articles. (a) MEDicrsTEs and Antiseptics. Acetphenetidinuni (Phenacetin), 324-mg:m. tablets, 500 in 12-ounee tin, tins. Acidum boricum, 324-mgm. tablets, 700 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Acidum nilricum, in J-pound glass-stopper bottle, bottles. Acidum salieylieum, 324-mgm. tablets, 400 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Acidum sulphmicum aromaticum, in A-pound glass- stopper Ijottle, bottles. Acidum lamiicum, 324-mgm. tablets, ciOO in bottle, bottles. Adeps lanae, \ pound in wide-moutb bottle bottles. . Adrenalin chlorid, 1-mgm. tablets, 20 in tube. . .tubes. . Aether, } pound in tin tins.. Alcohol, 3-pint tin do Amylis nitris, 5-drop spirets, 12 in box boxes. . Apomorphinae hydrochloridum, 6-mgin. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. Aqua ammoniae, 10 per cent, 1 pound in glass-stopper bottle, bottles. Argent initras, crystals, 1 ounce in bottle bottles.. Argenti nitras fusus, 1 ounce in bottle do Argyrol, 1 ounce in bottle do Arseni trioxidum, 1-mgm-. tablets, ,500 in 3-ounce tin, tins. Aspirin, 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle bottles. . Atropinae sulphas, 0.6o-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. Bismuthi subnitras, 324-mgm. tablets, 700 in 12-ounce tin, tins. 6 6 1 3 3 3 6 6 288 54 6 18 6 3 3 4 2 Remarks. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. 5 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 12-ounce bottle in each med- ical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. 3 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. Do. Do. 7 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 2 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 294 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Medical supplies — Continued. "3 a Articles. ll 1 1 . Remarks d'S. > P9 g3 1 Medicines and Antiseptics— Continued. Caffeina cilratii 0.>nigni. liiblets, 2.50 in bottle. .l>ottles. . 3 2 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Camphora, powder, h pound in wide-mouth bottle, 5 bottles. Capsicum, 32-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin tins. . 2 3 2 Do. Chloralum hydratum, 324-mgm. tablets, 400 in bottle, 4 2 Do. bottles. Chloroformum, J-pound tin tins. . 288 144 432 3 additional in each medical and surgical chest: 12 addi- tional in supplementary chest. 7 additional in each medical Cocainae hydror-hloridum, 10-mgm. hypodermic tablets, ■ 40 60 36 20 in tube, tubes. and surgical chest. Cocainae hydrochloridnm, J-ounce, wide-mouth bottle, bottles. Codeina. 32-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-oimce tin tins. . 2 3 2 3 2 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Collodiu m , 1-oimce bottle bottles . . 12 18 5 2 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Digitalinum, 1-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, 10 18 5 additional in each medical tubes. and surgical chest. Emetinae hydrochloridnm, 22-mgm. hypodermic 10 18 Do. tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. Emplastrum belladonnae, 2 yards by 6 inches, in tin, 2 3 2 1 additional in supplemen- tins, tary chest. Emplastrum cantharidis 1 yard bv 6 inches in tin. tins.. 2 Do. Foot powder (par. 902), i pound in tin with perforated "'26' 100 1 additional in each medical cover, tins. and surgical chest. Glycerinum, 3 pints in tin ■ tins. . 2 3 2 i pint additional in supple- mentary chest. Eeroini hydrochloridnm, 5.5-mgm. tablets, 500 in 3- 2 3 2 1 additional in supplemen- ounce tin. tins. tary chest. Eexameth>lpnamina (Urotropin), 324-mgm. tablets. 2 3 2 Do. 600 in 12-uunie tin, tins. HvdrarL'vri thluridum corrosivum, tablets (antiseptic) 20 30 30 1 tin in each medical and (par. 902), 2i')0 in wide-mouth bottle, bottles. surgical chest. Hydrargyri chloridum mite, 32-mgm. tablets, 1,000 in 4 6 4 1 additional in each medical bottle, "bottles. and surgical chest. Hydrargyri iodidum flavum, 10-mgm. tablets, 750 in 4 6 2 1 additional in supplemen- 3-ounce tin, tins. tary chest. Hyoseinae hydrobromidum, 0.65-mgm. hypodermic 10 10 3 additional in each medical tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. and surgical chest. Ichthyolum, 3-ounce wide-mouth bottle bottles. . 4 6 2 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Tq^IJj-i/i SW3,1^S G ill box - DOXGS . . 100 lodum-potassii iodidum, in tube tubes. . "400' "mo 680 20 additional in each medical and surgical chest. Ipecacuanha, powder, 3-ounce wide-mouth bottle, bottles. Linimentum rubefaciens, tablets (par. 902), 200 in 12- 4 - 4 6 4 1 additional in each medical ounce tin, tins. and surgical chest. Liquor formaldehydi (37.^ per cent), 1 quart in bottle, 12 bottles. Magnesii sulphas, 3 pounds in tin tins. . 10 15 8 Do. Menthol l-oimce wide-mouth bottle bottles. . 4 ...... Mistura glycyrrhizae eompo.sita, tablets (par. 902), 3,600 ""2 3 Do. in 12-ounce tin, tins. Morphinae sulphas, 8-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in 96 144 144 45 additional in each medical tube, tuV)es. and surgical chest. Morphinae sulphas, 8-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounco tin. 2 3 2 1 additional m supplemen- tins. tary chest. Nitroglycerin, 0.65-mgm, hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, 36 24 8 additional in each medical tubes. and surgical chest. Nitroglycerin ().65-mgm. tablets 250 in bottle.. bottles.. 3 Normal saline solution tablets (par. 902), 150 in 12-ounce ...... 3 2 1 additional in supplemen- tin, tins. tary chest. Oleum gossvpii .seminis 3-pint tin. tms. . 8 Oleum men'thae piperitae, in 1-ounce glass-stopper bot- 3 tle, boiiles. Oleum ricini. :i-i)int tin ; tins. . 8 12 7 Do. Oleum hTcbinlliinae rectiflcatum, 3-pint tin do 4 6 2 Do. Oleum thcoliromnlis, \ pound in 12-ounce tin do Opii puU'is 2-ounce wide-mouth bottle bottles. . 3 2 Do. 2 Potroialum', in 12-ounce tin tins. . "'ih' 24 "ii' 2 additional in each medical and surgical chest. FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. 295 Medical supplies — Continued. Articles. Medicines and Antiseptics— Continued. Phenol, h pound in bottle bottles. . Phenylis salicylas (Salol), 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bot- ' tle,bottles. Pilulae aloini compositae (or tablets) (par. 902), 750 m 3-ounce tin, tins. Pilulae camphorae et opii (or tablets) (par. 902), 875 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Pilulae cathartieae compositae (or tablets), 1,200 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Pilulae ferri compositae (or tablets) (par. 902), 1,200 m 12-ounce tin, tins. Plumbi acetas, 130-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin. tins.. Potassii bromidum, 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle, bottles. Potassii chloras, 324-mgm. tablets, 1,200 m 12-ounce tm, tins. Potassii et sodii tartras, 1-pound tin tins. . Potassii iodidum, 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle, bottles. Potassii permanganas, 324-mgm. tablets, 1,200 m 12- ounee tin, tins. Protargol (or eciuivalent), 1 ounce in bottle — bottles. Pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii, 324-mgm. tablets, 700 in 12- oimce tin, tins. Quininae hydrochlorosulphas, .32-mgm. hypodermic tab- lets, 21) in tube, tubes. Quininao sulphas, 200-mgm. tablets, 1,000 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Sapo mollis (green soap), H»und jar m case jars. Serum antidiphthericum, as required units. Serum antitetanicum, as required do. . . Sodii bicarbonas, 324-mgm. tablets, 1,000 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Sodii bicarbonas et mentha piperita, tablets (par. 902), 1,000 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Sodii carbonas monohydratus, for surgical use, J pound in 12-ounce tin, tins. Sodii salicylas, 324-mgm. tablets, 600 in 12-ounce tin, tins. Spiritus ammoniae aromaticus, i pound m glas.s-stop- per bottle, bottles. Spiritus frumenti, 1 quart in bottle bottles . Strychninae sulphas, 1-mgm. hypodermic tablets, 20 in tube, tubes. Sulphur lotum, i pound in 12-ounce tin tins. . Thymol, 1-oimce bottle bottles. . Thymolis iodidum (-\ristol), 1-ounce bottle do Tinctura digitalis, i pound in bottle do Tmctura digitalis, 0.3 c. c. tablets, 800 in 3-ounce tin, tins. Tinctura opii, *-pound bottle bottles. . Trochisci ammbnii ehloridi, 3.'?0 in 12-ounce tin tins. . Ungupntum hydrargyri, h pound in wide-mouth bottle, bottles. Unguentum hydrargyri ehloridi mitis, 30 per cent, 1 pound in wide-mouth bottle, bottles. Vaccine, smallpox, as required units. . Vaccine, typhoid, as required c. c. . Vaccines, sjiecial ^ - do — Veronal, 32-1-mgm. tablets, 100 in 3-ounce tin tins. Zinci oxidum, powder, h pound in 12-ounce tin . .do — Zinci sulphas, 324-mgm. tablets, 250 in 3-ounce tin. do. . . 1 Streptococcus, staphylococcus, staphylococcus-acne Army Medical School on special request. Kemarlis. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest , and 4 ad- ditional in sterilizer chest . 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 2 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. 10 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 3 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 2 additional in sterilizer chest . An emergency supply of these serums should always be kept on hand by the depots on the line of communica- tions. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest^. 2 additional in supplemen- tary chest. J pint additional in supple- mentary chest. 20 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Filled sprinkler in each med- ical antl surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. Do. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. .\n emergency supply of these vaccines should always be kept on hand by the depots on the line of communica- tions. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. Do. Do. and gonococcus vaccines are furnished from the 296 MANITAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Medical supplies — C'ontinued . Articles. (6) Stationery. Bands, elastic, assorted gross. Blank forms Books, blank, crown ('cap), 250 pages number. Books, blank, S-vo., 150 pages do. . . Books, note, manifolding, A by 6 inches, binder" do. . . Books, note, manifolding, 4 by 6 inches, fillers. . .do. . . Envelopes, official, large do. . . Envelopes, official, letter, 1,000 in a box boxes. Erasers, rubber, pencil number . Erasers, rubber, typewriter do . . . Eraser, steel do Files, Shannon, small do Ink, black, powder or tablets boxes. Ink, red, powder or tablets do Isabels for vials gross. Labels, poison, assorted do Manuals, Army Scgitlations, etc , Pads, prescription dozen. . Paper, blotting quires. Paper, carbon, cap, 100 sheets in box boxes. Paper, carbon, letter, 100 sheets in box do Paper fasteners do Paper, manifolding, cap, 250 sheets in package, pack- ages. Paper, manifolding, letter, 500 sheets in package, pack- ages. Paper, manifolding, letter, perforated, 500 sheets in package, packages. ^ Paper, typewriter, cap, 250 sheets in package. packages. Paper, typewriter, letter, 500 sheets in package, pack- ages. Paper, writing, letter, 100 sheets in pad pads. Paper, writing, note, 100 sheets in pad do. . . Paste, photograph, in tube, with brush tubes. Pencils, indelible dozen. Pencils, lead do. . . Penliolders do. . . Pens, st eel gross. Ruler number . Stamp, penalty, rubber, with pad do Tags, shipping do (c) Miscellaneous. Alcohol, denatured, 2 quarts in tin tins.. Ambulances, motor number. . Apparatus, restraint (par. 904) do Apparatus, X-ray do G 6 2-4 100 1 6 6 24 200 1 12 12 * 18 2 1 6 1 50 Remarks. 1 grass additional in field desk No. i. *See footnote '. 1 additional in field desk No. 1. 5 addiiional in field desk No. 1. 10 additional in field desk No. 1. 25 additional in field desk No. 1. 150 additional in field desk No. 1. 1 additional in field desk No. I. *1 in field desk No. 1. For clinical histories. 1 additional in field desk No. 1. Do. 3 dozen additional in each medical and surgical chest. *In field yard roll rolls. . Soap, hand cakes. . Soap, Ivory do Soup, assorted, 1-pound tin tins. . Spatulas, S-inch (par. 932) number. . Specula, car, set of 3 (par. 933) sets. . Speculum, rectal (par. 933) number. . Splints, coaptation, .5 in set sets.. Splints, Hodgen's, right and left, of each number. . Splints, wire gauze lor, 1 yard m roll rolls. . Splints, wood-veneer number. , Sponges, gauze, 1 dozen in box boxes. . Spools, glass, Halstead's number. . Sterilizer , for dressings do Stethoscopes, double (par. 933) do Stoppers, rubber, for 4-ounce vials dozen. . Stools, revolving, w. e number. . Stoves, alcohol do Stoves, alcohol, extra wicks for do Sugar, granulated, 4 pounds in tin tins. . Surgical dressings (par. 95.5) boxes. . Surgical dressings, ambulan-ce (par. 954) do Sutures, catgut, chromicized, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes in package, packages. Sutures, catgut, plain, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes in package, packages. Sutures, horsehair, 100 in coil coils. . Sutures, silk, braided, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes in package, packages. Sutures, silkworm gut, 100 in coil .^ ;...,.. .....coils.. 'f ' 'J I Sutures , sih-er- wire, yard lengths . . . . ; ..... yards . . Syringes, fountain. (See Bags, rubber, hot-water, and syringe.) Syringes, hypodermic (par. 956) number. . Syringes, hypodermic, extra needles for do Syringes, penis, glass, in case do.... Syringe, rectal, h.r., 6-ounce (par. 933) do.... Tables, bedside, folding do Tables for instruments do Tables, mess, folding do Tables, operating, field, folding do Table, operating, post standard do Tags, diagnosis books. . Tape measure, 60 inches number.. Tea, green or black, i pound in package package.s. . Test tubes, 3 in nest". ". n(«ls . . Test tubes, 1 by 12 inches dozen.. Thermometers, clinical number. . Thread, cotton, assorted spools. . Tongue depressors, metal number. . Tourniquets (par. 907) do Tourniquets and bandages, rubber do 20 1,320 500 500 12 300 30 1,920 800 800 24 'iuo 100 200 12 IG 24 12 .300 500 12 144 Remarks. In .small bedduig cases . 12Q in each. 2 additional in each medical and surgical chest: h addi- tional in sterilizer chest, v. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chesi. *1 in supDlementary chest. I>o. 12 additional in supplemen- tary chest. *1 Arnold sterilizer in steri- lizer chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. For operating room. 1 additional in sterilizer chest. 10 additional in each medical aiid surgical chest. 20 additional in each medical and surgical chest. 10 additional in each medical and surgical cliest. 1 additional in each medical and surgical chest. Do. 12 additional in each medical and siu'gieal chest. 12 additional in supplemen- tary chest. *1 in "supplementary chest. 2 additional in each medical and surgical chest: 12 addi- tional in supploraentarv chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary chest. 2 additional in sikpplemen- tary chest. G additional in each medical and surgical chest. 1 additional in supplemen- tary cliest. 1 additional in each medical and suruical chest. For Hospital <'orj)s belts. I additional in each medical and surgical chest. FIELD SUPPI>Y TABLES. 301 Medical supplies — Continued. Articles. Miscellaneous— Continued. Towels, baih dozen. Towels, di.sh do. . . Towels, hand do... Trays , instrument , enamel ware number. Tnbc, stomach do . . . Tubing, drainage, unperforated, Nos. 1, 2, and 3. yards. Twine, coarse pounds. Twine, fine do . . . Typeivrilers number. Type\vTiters, record ribbons for do. . . Urinals, enamel ware or agate ware do. . . Urinomelers do... Venereal prnphylaiis unit (par. 958) do. . . Vials, l-ounce dozen. Vials, 2-ounce do. . . Vials, 4-ounce do... Wire cutters number. Total weifjht, packed pounds. Cubic space feet. 30 6 144 3 * 30 "5 3 34,663l44,31i;i4,862 2,104 2, 938 774 Kemarks. In large bedding cases, 5 dozen in each. 2 dozen additional in chest, cookini; utensils. In small bedding cases, 24 dozen in each. 2 additional in sterilizer chest. *1 in snpplomcntary chest. 2 pieces additional in each medical ami surgical chest: (i additional in supplemen- tary chest. 892. QUARTERMASTEK SUPPLIES. [These supplies are not kept in store in Medical Department depots.] Articles. A xes, with helves number Bags, water, sterilizing do . . Brush, marking , do. . Bugles, with slin^... ; ; : do. . Canvas, 12.4 oim'ces. ,. . .-t . .,. , f-,-rtn ■; yards Cement, ambroid. : . .- J .. .W. . . i,'.'. i ilvA '. t . . .otmces Flag, distinguishing, Bed Cross number Flag, halyards for ; do . Flag, national, storm do. . Lampblack .^ ; ,. i . .pounds Oven, field. No. 1, complete .'..'...'.; . . .number PauUns do. . Pickaxes, with helves^ . do. . Pot, marking do. . Rakes, steel do. . Range, field, JVo. 1 do. . Spades do. . Stick, size, shoe do . . Stoves, tent, with pipe and other accessories do. . Stretcher, shoe do Tape memure, foot do. . . . Tentage, heavy: Canvas, latrine screen do Covers, canvas, for ward tents do Tents, hospital, com.plete do Tents, pyramidal, large, complete.'. do Tents, wall, small, cornplete do Tents, ward, complete' do Total weight, packed pounds . . Evacua- tion hospital. 19,275 Base hospital. 2,922 Remarks. For repair of tents. Do. [staff furnished by M. D. j (See par. 891.) See Appendix: Quartermas- ter Supplies. For contents see Equipment Tables, Q,. M. Supplies. *When prescribed For al- lowance, see Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supplies. *Base hospitals will be fur- nished with heav5' tentage only when buildings are not available. 302 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. BASE MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOT. (See pars. 782 to 786.] 893. The supplies to be kept for issue by the depots in the theater of operations are determined upon as indicated in paragraph 782. 894. As a guide in organizing a base medical supply depot the following list of articles is suggested as meeting the requirements for office and storeroom equipment. (a) MEDICAIi SUPPIilBS. Blank forms (see pars. 960 to 96.5). Brooms, corn number.. Buckets, galvanized iron do Chcst,todl,No. 1 (par. 937) do.... Desks, field, No. 1 ( par. 940) do ... . Lanterns, globes for, white do — Lanterns, wicks for dozen . . Lanterns, without globes or wicks number. . Paper, wrapping, brown quires. . Scales and weights, platform number. . ! Stationery (to be selected from post supplies, par. 844). I Twine, coarse pounds. . Twine, fine do Typewriters number. . ' Typewriters, record ribbons for do — i (6) QUARTERMASTER SUPPLIES. Axes, with helves number. . Brushes, marking do Cans, drinking water do Flag, distinguishing, Red Cross do Flag, halyards for do Flag, national, storm number. Lampblack pounds. Pots, marking number. Range, field, No. 2 _ do . . . Spades ' do. . . ADVANCE MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOT. (See pars. 787 to 792.) 895. If the advance depot is more or less stationary and occupy- ing buildings it will be organized like the base depot and require similar equipment. On the other hand, if this depot is keeping in close touch with troops in active operations it will constitute a rolling reserve for the divisions at the front. Under these condi- tions its own equipment and the supplies it keeps on hand for issue will be limited by the character and quantity of transportation available for its use. FIELD LABORATORY. 896. The technical supplies for a field laboratory are contained in the following chests, case, etc. The other equipment necessary in furnishing the laboratory will be supplied on requisitions approved by the surgeon, base group. Case, microscopical supplies, supplementary (par. 921) number. . Chest, futd laljoratory No 1 (par. 930) . . .do Chest, fidd laboratory No. 2 (par. 931).. .do Crate, fit Id laljoratory (par. 939) do Microscope, field, with accessory case (par. 950) number . . . Total weight pounds . . FIELD SUPPLY TABLES. 303 EVACUATION AMBULANCE COMPANY. 897. The supplies and equipment of an evacuation ambulance com- pany are, with the exceptions noted in paragraph 806, similar to those of an ambulance company. The dressing-station supphes may be used in establishing rest stations. HOSPITAL SHIPS AND SHIPS FOR PATIENTS. 898. These ships will be equipped under special instructions from the Surgeon General. HOSPITAL TRAINS AND TRAINS FOR PATIENTS. 899. Hospital trains, to consist ordinarily of 10 cars, will br equipped under special instructions from the Surgeon General. 900. Litter fittings for the conversion of box cars for hospital pur- poses are supplied by the Medical Department. These fittings are so assembled as to provide transportation for 24 recumbent patients in. each car. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SURGEON, FIELD ARMY, AND OF THE SURGEON, BASE GROUP. 901. No definite equipment is prescribed for these offices. The chief surgeon, field army, is not an administrative officer and will therefore not require as much office equipment as a division surgeon. On the other hand, as no transportation is required for the ofl&ce equipment of the surgeon, base group, it will be unnecessary to limit his supplies to those aUowed division surgeons. (For division sur- geon's office equipment see par. 884.) ARTICLE XX.— FORMULAE, CONTENTS OF CHESTS, ( ASES, ETC. 902. FORMULAE OF NONOFFICIAL COMPOUND MEDICI- NAL PREPARATIONS, LISTED IN THE SUPPLY TABLES. Foot pnwdfr. Acidum salicylicum parts. . Aniyluni .', thick rubber, connecting container with force pump yards. . Tubing, thick rubber, silk-covered, coimect- ing container with cut-off yards.. 1 For larger posts, recrait depots, and general hospitals a larger set may be furnished. 1.2 2.4 904. APPARATUS, RESTRAINT. (In wooden boz, with handle and lock.) Anklets pairs . Keys to lock buckles number. Muff, leather do. . . Strap, bed number . Strap, waist do. . . Wristlets pairs. 304 J?'ORMULAE, COXTENTS OF CHESTS, CASES. ETC. 305 905. BAO, OBSTETRICAI,. (/n leather case.) Cases, canvas, for insfniments number. . Contahur, metal, for sutures do Contai-nrrs, metal, uith bottles for antiseptic tablet,'!, ctiloroform, and ergot, and jar for petroliifum number. . Cranioclast do Forceps, obstetrical, Elliott's do Forceps, obstetrical, Tarnier's, axis traction. Luck's modification number. . Forceps, placental do Hook, blunt, Braun's number. Needle holder do. . . Needles, case for do. . . Needles, surgical, assorted do . . . Pehnmeter, Martin's do. . . Perforator, Sviellie's do. . . Scissors, curved on flat, one point sharp, 8*", Sim's ...number. Sutures, catgut grams. Sutures, silk do... 906. BEDPANS, ETC., BOX OF. {Pine box uith hinged lid and hasps, u- eight 88 pounds.) Bedpans, u-hite enamel number. . Poti, chamber, white enamel do. . Urinals, white enamel number. , 907- BELT, WEB, HOSPITAL. CORPS. (The belt itself, with pouch for instruments, is furnished by the Ordnance Department.) COXTENTS OF BELT. Articles. Place in belt. (Pockets are numbered from left front aroimd belt to right front.) Bandages, gauze, compressed number. . Gauze, sublimated, two J- yard pieces in package, packages Individual dressing packets (par. 949) . .number. . Iodine swabs, 6 in box bo.xes. . Pins, common papers. . Pins, safety dozen.. Plaster, adhesive, z. c, 5 yards by 1 inch .spools. . Spirilus ammoniae aromaticus, in flask v: iih cvp, flasks Tourniquet, field number. . Pocket No. 9. Pocket No. 3. Pockets Nos. 4,5,6, 7, and S. Pocket No. 2. Pocket No. 10, front compartment. Pocket No. 1, front compartment. Pocket No. 1. Pocket No. 10. Pocket No. 1. CONTENTS OF POUCH. Case, linen or canvas, containing: Forceps, dressing number. Scissors, dressing do. . . Pencil, lead, with metal cap number. 1 Tags, diagnosis books. 1 Note. — Medical officers are authorized to make such changes as they desire in the expendable contents of the belts worn by their orderlies. Under some circumstances it m.ay also be desirable to make substi- tutions in the contents of belts worn by noncommissioned officers. In case of transfer of the belt to another medical officer the standard contents "should be restored. 93440°— 17- -20 306 MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 908. BOOKS, MEDICAL., BOX OF. (Pine box with hinged lid, hasp, and padlock, treight about SB ■pcunis.') Contains such works on surgery, practice of medicine, therapeu- tics, mihtary hygiene, tropical diseases, nursing, and medical field service as may be selected by the Surgeon General. The list of books on the inside of lid, signed by the officer in charge of a supply depots will be the authorized list of contents. ^ QQQ BOXES, PACK MUIiB. These boxes are fiber or canvas covered chests with locks and keys and with outside dimensions approximately the same as those of the medical and surgical chest (par. 932). The number of each box is plainly marked on the outside, and on the inside of the cover of each box is a list of the articles it is intended to contain, with directions for packing them. . Box No. 1, with contents, and one medical and surgical chest, con- stitute the side loads for the pack mule assigned to the sanitary service of each regiment. (See par. 868.) Boxes Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 with their contents, and one med- ical and surgical chest, constitute the side loads of the ambulance company pack mules. (See par. 878.) Tlie weight of each box, empty, must nou exceed 30 pounds, except that of box No. 2, which may be 31 pounds. Note.— Until the supply is exhausted empty surgical chests (par. 894, M. M. D. 1911) with certain modi- fications of the trays will be issued in place of boxes 3,4,5, and 6 of the new model. 910. CASE, ASPIRATING. {In metal case.) Needles, a^piratim number . Obturator, blunt, for canula do. . . Pump fio. . . Trocar and canula with stopcock do. . . Tube, double current, metal, with rubber stop- per number. Tube, metal, with extra wires do. . . Tubing attachments do. . . TuDing, rubber pieces. Note.— Many of the older cases are of leather or wood. qj J CASE, DENTAL.. {In leather-covered case.) Burnishers, Nos. 3 SO, ,i6 number. . Chisels, Nos. 5 and 6 do Drill, lint, spear-pointed J No. 102 do Engine bit holder, revolmn-g head do Explorer, No. 5 do Excavators, Nos. 10, U, 10, 21, J,l , SS, 86, l.U, US, 1J,6 numlier.. Files, Nos. 00, 0, 1, of each do — Forceps, college number. (iuttu-perclia stopping < unccs. IlciiilUsfur instruments number. Hone ilo. . . Mirror do... Paper, bibulous sheets. Scaler, No. 3 number. Spatula, No. 1 do. . . FORMULAE, CONTENTS OF CHESTS, CASES, ETC. 307 912. CASE, EAR, TS'OSE, AND THROAT. (a) MODEL OF 1916. (In canvas roll, %vitli metal cctxe for delicate instruments. Outline of instruments stamped on roll and names of contained instruments stamped in case.) Adenatome, La Force number. . Applicators, nasal, special da A pplicators, nasal, Bosworth's do Catheters, eustachian , silver, sizes 1,2, S.&o Chisels, mastoid, Schwartz's, sizes 1 and H, number Chisel, nasal, Freer's-submucous . . .number. . Curettes, adenoid, Barnhill's, sizes 1, S, 4, number Curettes, mastoid, Buck's, sizes 1 and 3, number Elevator, dull-edged, Freer's, submucous, number Elevator, sharp-edged, Freer's, submucous, number Forceps, ear, angular, Wilde's number. . Forceps, nasal, angular. Knight's do Forceps, ossophageal, spiral do Forceps, septum, compression, A sch's. .do Forceps, septum, Jansen- Middlelon, modi- fied number. . Forceps, tonsil-seizing, Burrows do Oag, mouth, Denhart's do Gouges, mastoid, Schwartz's, sizes 1 and 2, number Headband, metal, folding, TTorra^rs. number. . Head mirror, Scinch, with ^inch opening, number Knife, paracentesis, small, light, flexible shank, number Knife, submucous, Freer's, flat, round- bladed number. Knife, submucous, Freer's, half-round, straight number. Knife, ''wivtl, Ballenger's, small size. . .do. . . Knives, turbinate, Ballenger's, right and left, of each 1 number. Mirrors, laryngeal, boilablei^inch and l-imh diameter) number . Otoscope, Siegel's, pneumatic, with 3 specula, number Punch, antrum, Wagner's, consisting of 1 universal handle, with 1 forward and 1 hack- ward cutting tip number. Scissors, nasal, Watson's, saw-edge do Separator, tonsil, special model do. . . Snare, tonsil, Tyding's, 1 plain and 1 ring tip, number Specula, ear, Brown's, metal, set of 3 sets. Speculum,nasal, bivalve, Bosworth's. number. Speculum, nasal, septal, Goldstein do.. . Syringe, ear, with metal shield, Pomeroy's, 3-ounce number. Syringe, tonsil, with extension, metal, with 3 finger rings and 2 needles, gold points, 1 curved and 1 straight number . Tongue depressor, Bosworth's ; . . . do . . . Tube, diagnostic, Tnynbee's do. . . Wire, for snares, sizes 3, 5, 7 spools. (6) MODEL OF 1913. (In canvas roll, with metal case for delicate instruments. Outline of instruments stamped on roll and names of contained instruments stamped in case.) Applicators, nasal, Allen's number. . • Applicators, nasal, Bosioorth's do Cattieters, eustachian , sibber, sizes, 1,2, 3. do Chisels, mastoid, Schwartz's, sizes 1 and 2, number Chisel, nasal, Freer's, submucous... nuxahev.. Curettes, adenoid, Barnhill's, sizes 1, 3, 4t number. Curettes, mastoid. Buck's, sizes 1 and 3, nu mber Elevator, dull-edged, Freer's, submucous, number Elevator, sharp-edged, Freer's, submucous, number Forceps, ear, angular, Wilde's number. . Forceps, nasal, angular. Knight's do Forceps , cesophageal , spiral do Forceps, postnasal, Brandegee's do Forceps, septum, compression, Ascii's, number Forceps, tonsil-seizing, Ballenger's. .number . . Gag, mouth, Denhart's do Gouges, mastoid, Schwartz's, sizes 1 and 2, number Headband, metal, folding, WorraW s. number . . Head mirror. Scinch, with ^inch opening, number Knife, paracentesis, small, light, flexible shank, number Knife, submucous, Freer's,flat, round-bladed , number Knife J submucous, Freer's, half-round, straight number. Knife, swivel, Ballenger's,. small size do. . . Mirrors, laryngeal, boilable (h-inch and 1-inch diameter) ." number. Otoscope, Siegel's, pneumatic, with 3 specula, number Punch, antrum, Wagner's, consisting of luni- versalhandle, with 1 forward and 1 backward cutting tip number. Punch, septum, Foster-Ballcnger's, small, number Saws, nasal, Bosworlli's, 1 up-cutting and 1 down-cutting number. Scissors, nasal, Watson's, saw-edge do Snare, tonsil, "Tyding's, 1 plain and 1 ring tip, number Specula, ear. Brown's, metal, set of 3 sets. Speculum, nasalj bivalve, CoalUey's. number. Syringe, ear, with metal shield, Pomeroy's, 2-ounce number. Syringe, tonsil, with extension, metal, with 3 finger rings and 2 needles, gold points, 1 curved and 1 straight number. Tongue depressor , Bosworth's do Tube, diagnostic, Toynbee's do Wire, for snares, sizes 3, 5, 7 spools. Note. — A number of older model cases are in service, contents of which are listed in par. 815; M. M. D, 1911. 308 913. MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, CASE, EMEROENCY. {In aluminum, brass, or leather case, with detachable sling.) Tablets, in h-ounce h. r. bottles; A c e t p"h e n e t i dinum (Phenacetln), raeras Aspuiii mems. . Bismuthi subnitras do — Cafieina citrata do Heroini hydrochloridiim do IIydrarg\'Ti chlor. corros. (par. 902) HvdrargJTi chlor. mite mgms. . Mistura glycjtrh. comp. (par. 902) Morphinae sulphas mgms . . Piliilae aloini comp. (par. 902) Pilulae camphorae et opii (par. 902) Pilulae cathart. comp Pota.ssii bromidum mgms. . Pul vis ipecac, et opii do Quininae sulphas do Sodii bicarbonas do Sodii bicarb, et menth. pip. (par. 902). . . Sodii salicylas mgms. . Ttnctura digitalis c. c. . Veronal mgms. . 324 324 324 65 5.5 32 324 324 200 324 324" 0.3 324 Tablets, hypodermic, extra (one tube of each): Digitalinum mgms . Quininae hydrochlorosulphas do. . . Instruments, etc.: Bistouries, curved and straight, of each, number Case, linen, for instruments number. Forceps, dissecting do. . . Forceps, hemostatic do. . . Needles, surgical, assorted do. . . Plaster, isinglass, 5 by 18 inches. . .rolls. Scalpel number. Scissors, straight do... Sutuies, silk, sterilized, 3 sizes in pack- age .packages . Suture, silver wire, sterilized, 1 yard, pac kages Syringe, hypodermic ( par. I'.'jO) . .number. Thermometer, clinical do . . . Note. — For tropical use Ihe contents of the emergency case, as listed above, are packed in a canvas roll, each roll containing, in addition, a brass box for sutures and hypodermic tubes. 914. CASE, EYE. {In mahogany case.) Currette, chalazion, Mcyhocfer's, size & number Cystotome, Graefe's number Dilator, lachrymal, Weber's, graduated, .do. . Forceps, chalazion, A yer's do. . Forceps, cilia, plain do. . Forceps, fixation, Dudley's do. . Forceps, iris, angular do.. Forceps, trachoma, Noyes's do.'. Forceps, trachoma, Prince's do. . Keratome, angular, Jaeger's do . . Knife, canaliculus, half-curved, Weber's number Knives, cataract, Graefe's, B. *& C. .number Lid elevator, Desmarre's do.. Lid holder, hard rubber, Jaeger's do. . Needle, cataract, narrow do.. Needle holder, Stevens's number. Needle, knife, Knapp's do . . . Needles, assorted, full cm'ved do. . . Probes, lachrymal. Bowman's, 4 in set.. sets. Scalpel, small number. Scissors, enucleation, full curved do. . . Scissors, iris do. . . Scissors, tenotomy, Stevens's do. . . Scoop, Graefe's, hard rubber do. . . Spatula and probe, one handle do... Speculum, Noyes's do. . . Spud, Dir's, on fixed handle do... Suringe, lachryinal, Anel's, all metal, with 3 tips number. Tenotomy hook do. . . Test drum, with cannepin and Beudruchc skin number. 916. CASE, FORCEPS, HEMOSTATIC. (In canvas roil.) Halstead's curved number. . Halstead's mosquito do Jones's straight. . . .number.. Note. — In the older issues the forceps are contained in a leather case. FORMULAE, CONTENTS OF CHESTS. CASES, ETC. 309 916. CASE, GENEUAIj OPERATING!. (In canvas roll, with two metal boxes as containers. Outline of instruments stamped on cnnvas and names written in metal box.) Bistoury , curved , probe pointed number Bistoury, curved, sharp pointed qo. . . Bistoury, straight, sharp pointed do. . . Bougie, filiform do. . . Box, suture, with S spools do. .. Buttons, Murphy's, S inset sets. Catheter, silver, No. 18, French scoie. number. Catheter, staff, tunneled, Gouley's do... Chisel do... Clamps, intestinal. Murphy's do. . . Director, grooved, medium do. . . Drills, bone, in handle, set of S sets. Earhook and spoon. Gross's number. Elevator and raspatory do... Eye spud, Dii's do. .. lorceps, bone cutting, flat blade, Lis- ton's number. Forceps, bullet, long, Senn's do. . . Forceps, clamp, compression, Kelly's. . .do. . . Forceps, clamp, compression, Pean's. . .do. . . Forceps, clamp, straight, 6-inch do. . . Forceps, delicate, spring ao. . . Forceps, dressing and bullet, Forwood's.do. . . Forceps, dressing, spring do. . . Forceps, hemostatic, curved, Hal stead's. do. . . Forceps, hemostatic, Jones's, 2-inch bite. do.. . Forceps, hemostatic, straight, small jaw. ao. . . Forceps, mouse tooth do... Forceps, rongeur and bone holding, For- wood's number. Forceps , T-shaped, Pratt's do . . . Gag, mouth do. . . Gouge do. . . Guide, filiform, Gouley's do... Knife, amputating , large, 7-inch blade. . .do. . . Knife, cartilage do... Mallet, Forwood's number . . Needle, aneurism do Needle, helical do Needle holder, Truaz's or Richter's do Needles, artery, blunt, right and left do Needles, case for do Needles, curved, assorted do Needle, open-eyed, Kobinson's do Needles, straight, round » do Needles, straight, triangular do Pins, Wyeth's do Probe, aluminum do. . . . Probe, double, 8-inch, silver do Razor, metal handle do Retractors, double ends, nested do Rongeur, De Vilbiss's, with extra blade, .do. . . Saw, amputating, 2 blades do Saw, metacarpal do Saws, wire, set of 3, with handles set s . . Scalpels, assorted number . . Scissors, angular do Scissors, curved on flat do Scissors, heavy, blunt do Scoop, Ferguson's, with elevator do Silkworm gut coils. . Specula, ear, silver-plated, set of 3 sets. . Sutures, horsehair, 100 strands in coil. .eoUs. . Sutures, silk, 3 assorted sizes in pack- age packages . . Syringe, aspirating, with 3 needles, .number. . tongue depressor, wire, folding do Trephine, De Vilbiss's do Trocar and canula, silver, set of 4, in metal box sets.- Tube, tracheotomy, silver number. . "Wire, silver, Nos. 21 and 24 yards.. Note. — In the older issues the instruments are contained in a mahogany or oak case with leather pouch and strap, and a case of slightly different pattern is listed under par. 4G0, M. M. D., 1906. 917. CASE, 1V CASE, GYNECOLOGICAL. {In canvas case.) Canvas case, as instrument ftoWcr.. .number. . Curette, double, McLauren's do Curette, Holbrook's douche, set of 3, with handle sets. . Depressor, double end, Sims's number. . Dilator, uterine. M'athen's do Douche, plain , L(onard's do Forceps, com pnt:.si(in, '^\-inch, 1 straight and 1 curved, Pean's number. . Forceps, dressing, Bozcman's do Forceps, tenaculum, Skene's do Forceps, tissue, right angle do Forceps, traction, small, Collins's do Needles, S with handle, Peaslec's sets. . FacKcr, gauze. Cook's number. . Probe, uterine, Sims's number. . Repositor, uterine, Elliott's do Scissors, curved on flat, one point sharp, SJ inches, Sims's number. . Scissors, hawkbill, Skene's do Scissors, straight, one point sharp, 8i inches, Si7ns's number. . Sound, uterine, Simpson's do Specula, Sims's, medium and large do Speculum, urethral and cervical, Bru- nage's number.. Speculum, vaginal, trivalve, Nott's do Sponge holder , forceps , Kelly's do — Sponge holder, Sim.^'s do — Tenaculum, Dudley's do — 919. CASE, INSTRUMENT, FOR MEDICAL OFFICER'S BELT. (In khaki-colored canvas case.) Bistoury, straight number. . Container, metal, for scalpel and bis- toury number. . Forceps, artery and needle. Abbey's do Forceps, hemostatic, Jones's do Forceps, mouse-tooth, Liston's do Needle, aneurism and grooved director com- bined number . . Needles, surgical, assorted number. . Scalpel do ScU^sors, straight do Sutures, catgut, plain, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes in package packages.. Sutures, silk, braided, sterilized, 18 inches each, 3 sizes iu package pa kages.. 920. CASE, MEDICINE, FOR MEDICAL OFFICER'S BELT. (A metal case, with clips for five h.r. bottles containing the following tablets:) Acetphenetidinum (Phenacetin) mgms. Mistura glycyrrhizae composita (par. 902) . . Pilulae catiiaVticae compositae Pulvis ipecacuanahae et opii mgms. Quininae sulphas do. . . 324 200 Note.— .\ny medical officer may make such substitutions in the contents of his own case as he may desire. 921. CASE, MICROSCOPICAL SUPPLIES, SUPPLEMENTARY. (Hardwood case with lock and keg; ivciyhi. J,1 pounds.) Acid, acetic, glacial, in T. K. dropping bottle ounces . . Acid, hydrochloric, c. p., in glass-stopper bottle ounces. . Agglutometer{P.D. & Co.) numoer.. Alcohol, absolute, in T. K. dropping bot- tle ounces. . Alcohol, methyl, Merck's reagent, in glass- stopper IJottlc ounces. . Beakers, tall form, 3 in nest nests. . Bottles, dropping, 1-ounce T. E number. . Clamp, Stoddart do — Covers, glass, No. 1, square, 2 mm. .ounces.. Eosin, w. g., dry, Gruebler, 0.1-gm. tablets, 6 in tube tubes. . File, triangular, small, 4 inches number. . Fuchsin, Gruebler, 0.1-gm. tablets, 6 in tube tubes. . Funnels, glass, 1-ounce number. . Gentian violet, Gruebler, 0.1-gm. tablets, 6 in tube tubes. . Gower's solution, 1-ounce bottles.. Graduate, conical. 30 c. c number. . Hemocytometer, Zappcrt Ewing, with pi- pette's number. . Hemoglobinometer , Tallquist do Iodine and potassium iodide mixture. tubes. . Methylene blue, Gruebler, 0.1-grm. tablets, (3 in tube tubes. . Normal saline solution tablets, in S-ounce screw-top bottle bottles. . Oil, analine, in glass-stopper bottle. . .ounces. . Paper, filtering, 10 by 10 cm., 50 sheets in package packages. . Paper, litmus, red aud blue vials. . Paraffin, in seamless tinbo.x ounces.. Petrolatum, in seamless tin box do Phenol, in glass-stopper bottle do Pipettes, 1 c. c , graduated in hundredths, in aluminumAcase number. . Slides, glass, 3 by 1 inch gross.. Slides, glass, 3 by 1 inch, with one concav- ity number. . Syringe, gla.'!s, Luer type, 10 c. c, with S neeillrs, in metal case number. . Test tulies, :> in nest nests. . Tubing, glass, large and small, in alwninum case pieces. . Tubing, rubber, -^ inch, in metal 6oi..feet.. Urinomcter, small number. . Watch glasses, Syracuse, ground edge. do — Wright's stain, 0.05-gm. tablets, d in tube tubes. . Note.— This case is supplementary to the microscope, field, with accessory case (par. 950). FORMULAE, CONTENTS OF CHESTS, CASES, ETC. 311 922. CASE, OPERATING, SMALL.. (In canvas roll or tvooden case.) Bistoury, curved, probe-pointed number. . Bistoury, straight, sharp-pointed do Catheter, male, plated do Chisel do. . . . Director, grooved, with myrtle leaf do Elevator and scoop do Forceps, bone, corrugated handles, scooped out number . . Forceps, bullet and dressing, combined, For- rrood's number . . Forceps, dissecting, mouse-tooth do Forceps, hemostatic do Knife, amputating number Needle, aneurism do . . Needle holder do. . Needles, surgical, assorted dozen Probe, double, silver number Saw, amputating do. . Scalpels do . . Scissors , curved on flat , with Collins' slock do. . Scissors, straight, with Collins's lock. . .do. . Suturesi silk, 3 sizes in jiacl^age... packages Sutures, silkworm gut coils 923. CASE, POCKET. (In canvas roll, with metal holder for knives, etc.) Bistoury, curved, sharp pointed number. Bistoury, straight do... Catheter, plated, male and female tips . . .do . . . Caustic holder and exploring needle com- bined number. Director, grooved, with myrtle leaf do. . . Forceps, dissecting, mouse-tooth do. . . Forceps, hemostatic and needle do. . . Forceps, hemostatic, long do... Forceps, hemostatic, short number. Needle, aneurism do. . . Needles, surgical, assorted do. . . Probe, double, with silver tips do. . . Scalpels do... Scis-iors, straight do... Sutures, silk, braided, sterilized, 3 sizes in package packages. Note. — In the older eases of this type, the instruments are contained in a leather case, wifh buckskin cover. 924. CASE, POST-MORTEM. (/;j canvas case, with metal box for knives, etc. Outline of instruments stamped on the canvas and names of contained instruments in metal box.) Blowpipe number. Chain and hooks do. . . Costntome chisel do. . . Enterotome do. . . Forceps, dissecting do. . . Hammer, steel do.. . Knife, amputating, large do... Knife, amputating, small number. Knife, cartilage do. . . Needles do. . . Saw do . . . Scalpels, assorted do. . . Sci.isors, straight do... Tenaculum do. . . Note.— In the older cases the above articles are contained in a wooden case. 925. CASE, TOOTH-EXTRACTING. {In leather-covered case, with lock and double handle.) Elevators, Nos. 6 and 7 number. . Forceps, coivhorn, No. 23 do Forceps, lower bicuspid and canine. No. 21, number Forceps, lower incisor and bicuspid. No. 21, number Forceps, lower molar. No. IS number. . Forceps, universal root, No. 7 do. . Forceps, upper bicuspid and canine. No. 11 number '. Forceps, upper front root , No. 1 ...number Forceps, upper incisor and canine. No. 13. number Forceps, upper molar, No. 18 number Forceps, upper wisdom. No. 10 do. . Lancet, gum do. . 312 926. MANUAL FOE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. CASE, TRIAL LENSES, (/n mahogany or oak case.) Dislcs number . . One plain metal. Two metal with stenopaic aperture. Two metal with stenopaic slit. One with Maddox rod. One with half-frosted disk. Two blue glass, dark and light. One red glass. Three smoked glasses, different shades. One plain glass. Geneva lens measure number. . Lenses, cylindrical, concave pairs. . Lenses, cylindrical, convex pairs. Lenses, spherical, concave do. . . Lenses, spherical, convex do. . . Mirror, plain, retinoscopic, l^inch .number. Prisms do. . . One pair each of 1, 2, 3, i. One-half pair each of 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20. Tape measure, small, spring. I Tnf/er.number.. Trial frame, graduated, doublecell do Trial frame, graduaKd, triple oil, outer cell rotating ,adju.^tahlef rameand hooks.nuinhei .. 21 35 35 1 15 Note. — The spherical and cylindrical lenses are marked in both English and dioptric systems on the case and in the dioptric system on the lenses. 927. CHEST, ACETYLENE. (^Brass-bound chest, with hasp and button, weight 41 pounds.) Packed in corners of chest: Canisters, three-cornered , )or calcium carbide, number Coiled on top of generator: Tube, distributing, rubber, J-inch feet. . Packed inside acetylene generator: Bucket, water, uilh bail. number.. Burner tips, acetylene, extra, ?^-foot...do Can, metal, with lid, for holding extra parts, number Carbide magazine, automatic-feed, screwed in- side gas bell number. . Clamps, tentpole, to supporidistributing pipe, number Diaphragm, rubber, extra number. . Drier and filter, acetylene gas do... Drop pipe, screw, metal, for operating cluster fixture number. Felt, extra, for drier and filter pieces. . Fixture and burner, ward, L-s'haped..numheT. Fixture and cluster of 4 burners, operating light number. Funnel, metal, for charging carbide feed maja- zin-e number. Gas bell do. . . Heat deflector, for operating light fixture, number Pincers, gas fitter's number. Pipe, distributing, metal. S-icay, with stop- cock and tube dips number. Pipes, distributing, metal, 2-way, with tube clips niunber . Reflector, metal do. . . Reflector support, with tube clip do. . . Screw driver do. . . Washers, extra do... Water container, outside, with clips do. . . White lead, in compressible tube tubes. 928. CHEST, COMMODE. (Iron-bound wooden chest, with hinged top, removable bottom, and hasp and button, weight 62 pounds.) Bedpan, white enamel number.. Chamber pot, white enamel do Paper, toilet packages. . Spit cup, white enamel number . Urinal, white enamel do. . , 929. CHEST, COOKING UTENSILS. (Iron bound chest, weight 1S4 pounds.) Batter whip and mixer number. Biscuit cutter, rotary do. .. Bread board do... Cake turner do. . . Can openers '. do... Cleaver, butcher's do... Clothesline feet. Cookbook, A rmy number. Corkscrew and opener do. . . Dipper do... Dishes, vegetable and pudding do. . . Fgg whisk do. . . Emergency Dietforthe Sick, Munson. ..do... Forks, fl(sh do. . . Knife and saw, combination do. . . Knife, butcher's do. . . Ladle, soup .do. . . Lantern do... Masher, potato number. Match box do. . . Nail box, filled do. . . Nutmeg gratir do... Platters, meat do... Pot chain and scraper do. . . Sickle do. . . Soap box do. . . Spice box, with 6 cans do. . . Spoons, serving do. . . Sqw(zcr, Itmon do... Steel, butcher's do... Tea steeper do. . . Tea strainer do... Towels, di.sh do. . . Trays, serving do. . . Wire, unne^iled coils. Wire cutter and pliers number. FORMULAE, CONTENTS OF CHESTS, CASES. ETC. 313 930. CHEST, FIELD LABORATORY, NO, 1. ( "U'eight 90 pounds.) Baskets, wire, for test tubes number. Bath, water, copper do. . . Bucket, copper, for media do. . . Burners, Burh'ottle : bottles. . Protargol (or equivalent), 1 ounce in bot- tle bottles. . Quininae hydrochlorosulphas, 32-mgm. hy- jiodermic tablets, 20 in tube tubes. . Quininae sulphas, 200-mgm. tablets, 1,000 in 12-ounce tin tins.. Sodii salicylas, 324-mgm. tablets, 600 in 12- ounce tin tins.. Strychninae sulphas, 1-mgm. hypodermic talilets, 20 in tube tubes.. Thymolis iodidum (Aristol), in sprinkler, number Unguentum hydrargyri chloridi mitis, 30 per cent, i pound in wide-mouth bottle, bottles ... I The tubes of hypodermic tablets are all in one 12-omice tin. 314 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPAETMENT. Chest, medical and surgical — Continued. MISCELLANEOUS. Aprons, rubber number. . Bag, rubber, hot-waicr,and syringe do Bandages, gauze, compressed, 3 sizes. . .do Bandages, plaster of Paris, in individual packets nuinher.. Bandage, rubber^ Martin do Bands, elastic, m pouch do Basins, hn nd, rubber do Book, Mank, 8\o do Book, note, manifolding, 4 by 6 inches, binder, numl)er Book, note, manifolding, 4 by 6 inches, filler number. . Boxes, folding, for tablets gross. . Boxes, ointment, 3 in nest nests.. Box, soup metal number. . Brushes, hand, fiber do Case, forceps, hemostatic (pai'. 915) do Case, operating, small (par. 922) do Case, tooth-extracting, 3 forceps in canvas roll, number Catheters, flexible, 17, 20, 24, French scale,^ in tin number. . Corks, for 1-ounce vials, 50 in bag liags. . Corkscrew number. . Cotton, aljsorbent, sterilized, 1-ounce pack- age packages. . Cup, enamel ware number. . Gauze, sublimated, 2 half-yard lengths in package packages. . Glopes, rubber, in pouch, sizes 8 and .9. .pairs. . Inhaler, chloroform, Esmarch, ivith drop bot- tle number. . Labels, for vials dozen . . Labels, poison do — Matches, safety boxes. . Medicine glass, in uoodcn, case number. . Miirtar and pcsth, porcelain, 7 cm do I'encils, hair, 1 dozen in vial vials.. Pencils, indelible number. . I'ins, common papers. . Pins, safetv dozen. . I'laster, adhesive, z. c, 5 yards by 1 inch, spools '. Pouch, for gloves number. . Razor do Razor, strop for do Scissors do Soap, hand cakes . . Spatula, 3-inch number . . Spoon, tea do Sutures, catgut, chromicized, sterilized, is inches each, 3 sizes in package. . .packages. Sutures, catgut, plain, sterilized, IS inches each. 3 sizes in package packages. . Sutures, silk, braided, sterilized, IS inches each, 3 sizes in package packages. . Sutures, silkworm gut, 100 in coil coils. . Syringe, hypodermic (par. 9.")6) number. . Syringe, hypodermic, extra needles for, numl )er . ." Tags, diagnosis books.. Thermometers, clinical number. . Tins, enameled, as containers do Tongue depressor do Tourniquet and bandage, rubber do Towels, hand do Tubes, drainage, 2 sizes, in tin with cathe- ters pieces . . Vials, 1-ounce number. . 933. CHEST, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL, SUPPLEMENTARY. {Weight 95 pounds.) MEDICINES AND ANTISEPTICS. Acidum boricum, 324-mgm. tablets, 700 in 12-ounce tin tins. . Acidum salicylicum, 324-mgm. tablets, 400 in 12-ounce tin tins.. Amylis nitris, 5-drop spirets, 12 in box, boxes Argenti nitras, crystals, 1 ounce in bottle, bottles Argenti nitras fusas, 1 ounce in bottle, bottles Argyrol, 1 ounce bottles.. Arsenii trioxidum, 1-mgm. tablets, 500 in 3-ounce tin tins. . Aspirin, 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bot- tle bottles. . CafTeina citrata, 65-mgm. tablets, 250 in bottle bottles. . Capsicum, 32-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin tins. . Chloralum hvdratum, 324-mgm. tablets, 400 in bottle bottles. . Chloroformum, i pound in tin tins.. Codeiua, 32-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin tins. . Collodium, 1 ounce bottles. . Emplastrum belladonnae, 2 yards by 6 inches, in tin tms. . Emplastrum cantharidis, 1 yard by 6 inches, in tin tins.. 01ycerinum,i))intin bottle bottles.. Hcroini hydrochloridum, 5..5-mgm. tablets, 500 in 3-ounce tin tins.. Hexamethylonamina (Urotropin), 324-mgm. tablets, (lOOin 12-ounce tin tins.. Hvdrargyri iodidum flavnm, 10-mgm. tab- lets, 750 in 3-ounce tin tins.. Ichthyolum, 3 ounces bottles.. Morphinae sulphas, 8-mgm. tablets, 600 in 3-ounce tin tins. . Normal saline solution tablets (par. 902), 150 in 12-ounce tin tins. . Oleum ricini, 3 pints in tin do Oleum terebinthinao rectificatum, 3 pints in tin tins.. Oleum theobromatis, h pound in 12-ounce tin "- tins.. Phenylis salicylas (Salol), 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle bottles. , Pilulae aloini compositae (par. 902), 750 in 3-ounce tin this. Pilulae ferri compositae (par. 902), 1,200 in 12-ounce tin tins. Plumbi acetas, 130-mgm. tablets, 600"in 3- ounce tin tins. Potassii chloras, 324-mgm. tablets, 1,200 in 12-ounce tin tins. Potassii iodidum, 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle bottles. Potassii permanganas, 324-mgm. tablets, 1 ,200 in 12-ounce tin tins. Pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii, 324-ragm. tab- lets, 701) in 12-ounce tin tins. Sodii bicarbonas, 321-mgm. tablets, 1,000 in 12-ounce tin tins. Sodii bicarbonas et mentha piperita, tablets (par. 902), 1,000 in 12-ounce tin tins. Sodii carbonas monohydratus, for surgical use, -i pound in rj-ouhce tin tins. Spiritus ammoniae aromaticus, .J pound in glass-stopper Itottle bottles. Spiritus frumenti, A pint in bottle do... Sulphur lotum, 'j pound in 12-ounce tin tins. Tinctura digitalis, 0.3 c. c. tablets, 800 in 3- ounce tin tins. Tinctura opii, i pound in bottle bottles. Trochisci ammonii chloridi, 3.')0 in 12-ounce tin tins. Unguentum hydrargyri, i pound in wide- mouth bottle '. bottles. Veronal, 324-mgm. tablets, 100 in 3-ounce tin tins. Zinci oxidum, powder, k pound in 12-ounce tin tins. Zinci sulphas, 324-mgm. tablets, 250 in 3- ounce tin tins. FOEMULAE, CONTENTS OP CHESTS, CASES, ETC. Chest, medical and surgical — Continued. 315 MILCELLANEOUS. Atomizer, hand number. . Bags, rubber, hot-water, and syringe do Bahciages, suspensory dozen.. Bougies, Jieiiblc, Nos. 11, 13, 15, 17, 20. -22, French scale, in tin u'ithcathetcrs. .number. . Catheters, flexible, Nos. 15, 17, 18, W, 22, 24, French scale, in tin with 6om(7!>«.. .number. . Corks, for vials, ;')0 in bag bags.. Corkscrew number. . Cups, enamel ware do Eye shades, single do Graduate, glass, 100 c. c, mease do Head mirror, in case do Medicine droppers do Needles, common, assorted papers. . Paper, litmus, blue and red, lOOstripsin vial, of each vials. . Pill'tile, h.T number. . Specula, ear, set of 3 sets.. Speculum, rectal number. . Splints, wire gauze for, 1 yard in roll . . . rolls. . Stethoscope, double number. . Syringes, penis, glass do Syrinoe, rectal, hard rubber, 6-ounce do Tags, diagno.sis books. . Tape mcdsure. 60-inch number. . Test tubes. Tm nest nests. . Thread, cotton spools. . Tins, enameled, as containers number. . Tubes, drainage, unperforalod, in tin with catheters pieces. . Tvhe . stnuiach number. , Vials, 1-ounce dozen. . 934. CHEST, MESS. To serve 25 persons. (^Iron-bound wooden chest, weight 225 pounds.) Batter whip and mixer number. Biscuit cutter, rotary do Bowls, ermmel ware or aluminum do Bread board do Cake turner do Can opener do Chopper, meat and vegetable do Clearer, butcher's do Clothesline..., feet.. Cookbook, A rmy number. . Corkscrew and opener do Dipper do Dishes, vegetable, enamel ware do Egg ichisk do Emergency Diet for the Sick, Munson. .do Forks, flesh do Forks, steel, triple-plated do Knife and saic, combination do Knife, butcher's do Knives, steel, triple-plated do Ladle, soup do Lantern do Masher, potato do 29 Afatch sifc number. Nail box, filled do. . . Nutmeg grater, patent do... Pitcher, large, enamel ware do... Pitcher, small, enamel ware do... Plates, enamel ware or aluminum do. . . Platters, meat do... Pot chain and scraper do. . . Saucers, deep, enamel ware or aluminum number Shakers, glass, salt and pepper, of each. .do. . . Soap box do. . . Spice box, zvith 6 cans do... Spoons, serving do... Spoons, steel, triple-plated do... Squeezer, lemon do.. Steel, butcher's do. . Tea steeper do.. Tea strainer do. . Towels, dish do. . Trays, serving do. . Wire, aimealed coils Wire cutter and pliers number 935. CHEST, STERILIZER. ( Weight 83 pounds.) A prons, rubber •. . .number. Bands, rubber do. . . Basins, rubber do... Box, soap, metal do... Brushes, hand, fiber do. . . Corks, extra, for 8-oiuice bottles do. . . Funnel, agateware do. . . Gloves, rubber, sizes 8 and 9 pairs. Matches, safety boxes. . Phenol, J pound, in bottle bottles. Pouches, for gloves number. Sapo mollis (green soap), J-pound jar in case jars.. Soap, hand cakes.. Sponges, gauze, 1 dozen in box boxes. . Sterilizer number. . Stove, alcohol do Tank for alcohol do Tool, universal do Towels, hand do Trays, instrument, nested do 316 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 936. CHEST, TABLEWARE. (Irorv-bound chest, weight 176 pounds.) Bowls, enamel ware or aluminum, .number. Forks, steel, triple-plated do. . . Knives, stcd. triph-platcd do... Pitcher, large, eiiamel ware do... Pitcher, small, enamel ware do... Plates, enamel ware or aluminum, .number. . 106 Saucers, enamel ware or aluminum. . ..do I 106 Shakers, glass, salt and pepper, oj each.. do I 6 Spoons, steel, triple-platea. do \ 100 937. CHEST, TOOL, NO. 1. ifn wooden chest with handles and lock, weight ISO pounds.) Awl, scratch number. . A wis, brad, assorted do Bit, expansive, \ to U inch do Bit, screw driver ". do Bits, drill, a.f.sorted do Brace, ratchet do lirads and tacks, assortea, in tin box. .boxes. . Chalk line, with reel and awl, complete, number Chisel, cold, ^-inch number. . Chisel, socket firmer, ^inch, with handle. do Chisel, socket firmer, l-inch, with handle.do Chisel, socket firmer, 1-inch, withhandle.do Chisel, socket firmer, \h-inch, with handle number ." Countersink number. . Dividers, 8-inch do Drawing knife, carpenter's, oval blade, 10- inch number. . File, flat bastard, 10-inch, with handle, numoer File, round bastard (rat-tail), 10-inch, with handle number. . File, saw, taper, 'S^-inch, with handle. . .do File, saw, taper, i-inch, with handle do File, saw, taper, -i^^-inm, with handle. . .do Gauge, marking do Gimlets, wooden handles, assorted do Hammer, nail, adz-eye do Hatchet, shingling do Level, spirit, pocket, iron top plate, japanned, number Mallet, carpenter's, round number. Nail puller, large do. . . Nail set, square, 4-inch do. . . Oiler, zinc do . . . Oilstone do... Pincers, carpenter's, steel jaw, S-inch.. .qo. .. Plane, fore, iron frame, 18-inch do... Plane, hollow, woodenframe do. . . Plane, jack, iron frame, 14-inch do... Plane, rabbet, iron frame, S-inch do. .. Plane, rounding, woodenframe do. . . Plane, smoothing, iron frame, 9-inch do. . . Pliers, combination, 6-inch do. . Rasp, wood, half-round, 10-inch, with handle, number ' Rule, boxwood, brass-bouivi, i'-/oo(.. number Saw, hand, 20-inch do. . Saw, keyhole, 10-inch do.. Saw , panel, 16-inch do.. Saw, rip, 22-inch do. . Saiv set do. . Screw, bench, iron, 1-inch diameter do.. Screw driver, ratchet, 6-inch do.. Screw driver, regular, 4-i'nch .do.. Screw, hand, 10-inch do.. Spckesha ve, 3-i nch do . . Tape measure, 50-foot do.. T-bevel, S-inch da. . Try square, rosewood ^ 9-inch do.. Wrench, monkey, 10-inch do.. 938. CHEST, TOOL, NO. 2. (In wooden chest ivith hnndlri and lock, weight H.'i pounds.) Bits, auger, -^inch, h-inch, l-inch, 1-inch, of each number. Bit, screw-driver do . . . Box opener do... Brace, ratchet .• do. .. Chisel, cold, 6-inch do. . . Chisel, socket firmer, i-inch do. . . Chisel, socket firmer, H-inch do... File, 6-inch, mill bastard do. . . File, saw , S-inch do . . . Hammer, nail do... Hatchet, claw do... Nciils, assorted boxes. Oilstone, Wa-ihita number . Plane, smoothing do.. . Pliers, combination do. . . Rule, boxicood, 2-foot number. Saw, panel, 20-inch do... Saw, rip, 22-inch do. . . Screws, assorted boxes . Spokeshave, S-inch number. Stencils, brass, letters and figures sets. Stencil brush number. Stencil pot, black do. . . Tacks and brads, assorted boxes. Tags, shipping number. Tape m easure, 50-foot do . . . Tins as containers for nails, screws, and stencils number. Tool, universal do. . . Try square, rosewood, 9-inch do. . . 939. CRATE, FIELD LABORATORY. ( Weight 82 pounds. ) Funnel, agateware number.. Incubator , complete do Screw driver . number.. FORMULAE, CONTENTS OF CHESTS, CASES, ETC. 317 940. DBSE, FIELD, NO. 1. ( Weight 100 pounds.) (a) STATIONERY. Bands, elastic, assorted sizes gross. . Book, blank, 8vo, 150 pages number. . Books, note, manijolding , 4 by 6 inches, bind- ers number. . Books, note, manifolding, 4 by 6 inches, fill- ers number. . Envelopes, official, large do Envelopes, official, letter do — Eraser, rubber do — Eraser, steel do Ink, black, powder or tablets boxes. . Ink, red, powder or tablets do Ink wells number. . Pads, prescription do Paper, blotting pieces. . Paper, carbon, letter, 100 sheets in a box, boxes Paper fasteners boxes. Paper, writing, letter, 100 sheets in pad, pads.* Paper, writing, note, 100 sheets in pad, pads Paste, photo tubes. Pencils, indelible number. Pencils, lead do... Penholders do. . . Pens, steel do. . . Ruler do. . . Stamp, penalty, rubber, with pad do. . . Tags, shipping do. . . 6 1 3 24 4 24 1 1 100 (6) POUCH FOR BLANKS. Pouch, canvas-lined, waterproof^. . .number. . Tubes, japanned tin, with close-fitting covers, nest of 4^ nests..: 1 (c) MANUALS, ARMY REGULATIONS, ETC. A rmy Regulations number. . Drill Regulations and Service Manual for Sanitary Troops number. . Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supplies do. . . . Field Service Regulations do Manual for Courts- Martial number. Manual /or Medical Department do... Manualjor Quartrrmaster Corps do... Rules of Land Warfare do. . . Tables of Organization do. . . All published changes in the above-named publications should be placed in the desk at the time of issue from the depot. (d) BLANK FORMS, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (par. 961). Nos. 17, 17c, 19, 24, 37, 4S, 49a, 59, 74, and 78, of each number. . 6 Nos 470, 49,50, and 56, of each do 12 Nos. 28, 35, and 53, of each number. Nos. 77, 82, and S3, of each do. . . Nos. 17oand 176, of each do... 24 48 300 (e) BLANK FORMS, ADJUTANT GENERAL's DEPARTMENT (par. 962). No. 370 W. D number. . Nos. 489, 526, and 527, of each do Nos. 3, 15, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 59, 66, 99, 135, 141, 143, 149, 196, .332, 339, 3S0, 383. 415, and 525, of each number. . No. 34 number. No. 29 do... Correspondence Book do. . . (/) BLANK FORMS, QUARTERMASTER CORPS (par. 963). Nos. 366 W. T). and 366a -W. D., of each, number Nos. 38, 218, 223, and 406 (small), of each, books Nos. 69 and 70, of each number. . Nos. 39, 160. 160o, 165&, 180, 204, 208, 213, and 213a , of each number. . Nos. 8a and 41, of each do No. 201 do.... No. 165 do. . . . 24 100 » To be used for carrying blanks, stationery, etc., when conditions are such that the field desk can not betaken. 2 Containers for stationery, etc. , m pouch. Sizes of tms as follows: One 2J. inches diameter and 11 inches long. One 2 inches diameter and lO.V inches long. One 1} inches diameter and 10 inches long. One 1 inch diameter and 9 inches long. 318 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Desk, Field, No. 1 — Continued. {g) BLANK FORMS, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT (par. 964). Nos. 151 (pad of 30 sheets) and 1715 (pam- phlet), of each number. . Nos. 18a and 19, of each do Nos. 86, 94, and 386, ol each number. Nos. 18 and 152, of each do... Ql) INSPECTOR general's DEPARTMENT (par. 965). No. 1 number. . No. la number.. 10 941. DESK, PIEIiD, NO. 2. ( Weight 35 pounds.) (a) STATIONERY. Bands, elastic, assorted sizes gross . . Book, correspondence (issued by A. G. Dept.) number. . Books, note, manifolding, 4 by 6 indies, hind- ers number.. Books, note, manifolding, 4 by fi inches, fillers number . . Envelopes, official, letter do Eraser, rubber do Ink, black, powder or tablets boxes. . Irik well number. . Pads, prescription do — Paper, blotting pieces. . Paper, carbon, letter, 100 sheets in a bo-x, boxes Paper, writing, letter, 100 sheets in pad, pads Paper, writing, note, 100 sheets in pad, pads Paste, photo tubes . Pencils, indelible mimber. Pencils, lead do... Penholders do . . . Pens, steel : do. . . Rider do. . . (5) MANUALS, ARMY REGULATIONS, ETC. Army Regulations number. . Drill Regvlations and Service Manual for Sanitary Troops number . . Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supplies do Field Ser'Hce Regulations number. . Manual Medical Department do Rules of Land Warfare do All published changes in the above-named publications should be placed in the desk at the time of issue from the depot. (c) BLANK FORMS, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (par. 961). Nos. 17, 17c, 24, 37, 47a, 49, and 50, of each, number Nos. 35, 56, and 78, of each number. Nos. 28 and 53, of each number.. Nos. 17u, 176, 77, 82, and 8;?, of each . . .do 942. DISPENSING SET. Salt mouth bottles. 500 gm number. . 250 gm do 125 gm. .' do 60 gm do SaJi mouth bottles, amber colored. 60 gm ....-• nuralter. . Steeple-top jars. 260 gm. number.. Tincture bottles. 1 liter number. 500 c. c do... 2.')0c.c r do... 125 c.c do... fiOc.c do... Tincture bottles, amber colored. 12.") c. c ininilier. Total bottles do. . . Total jai's do. . . 16.-? 10 FORMULAE, CONTENTS OF CHESTS, CASES, ETC. 319 943. EQUIPMENT, HORSE, HOSPITAL CORPS. {,Ncw model.) Bridle, Cavalry number. Carrier strap do. . . Cooling strap do. . . Currycomb do. . . Feed bag do. . . Grain bag do. . . Horse brush do. . . Lariat do... PicJcet pin number. Picket^in carrier, special do. . . Pommel pockets pr.irs. Rnlion bag retaining strap, special . .number. Saddle do. . . Saddle blanket do. . . Spurs pairs. Spur straps sets. Note.— With each eouipment there is issued one halter and strap (or rope) for stable use, and one horse cover (or horsp cover, blanket lined), when necessary. Spurs and spur straps are carried as personal equipment l\v the Ordnance Dejiartment. They are included here and omitted from paragraph 86.5 as a matter of convenience in accounting. 944. FIRST-AID PACKET. (Tn metal case 4 by 21 by 1 inch.) Bandages, gauze, sublimated, 4 by 84 inches, number Compresses, gauze, sublimated, 3i by 3J inches (one sewed to each bandage), nurabei Pins, safety, No. 3 number. Directions for ax^plication, printed do. . . Note.— Directions for applying first-aid packets are also given in the Drill Regulations and Service Manual for Sanitary Troops. For specifications for fu-st-aid packets refer to Appendix: First-aid packets. 945. FIRST-AID PACKET, FOR INSTRUCTION. (In a cardboard box; contents unsterUized.) This packet consists of a cardboard box, with the same contents as given for the metal case (par. 944), but of stronger, more dm-able, and unsterilized material. 946. FIRST-AID PACKET, SHBI.I.-WOUN'D. (In tough paper, -n-ith directions printed thereon.) Bandage, gauze, sublimated, 3 by 48 inches, attached to a compress of sublimated gauze 6 by 9 inches number. . Bandage, gauze, sublimated, 5 yards by 3 inches number. . Pins, safety, No. 3 do 947. FOOD, AMBULANCE BOX OP. ( Wooden chest with padlock and two keys, weight 36 pounds.) Beef, soluble, liquid or extract, in 3-ounce container number. . Can opener do Cocoa, 8-ounce tin tins. . Matches, safety, In tin box boxes. . MUk, condensed, unsweetened, 1-pound tin tins. . Pepper, black, 1 ounce, in dredge with screw cap number. Salt, 3 ounces, in dredge with scretr cap. do Sugar, granulated, 4 poimds, in tin tins. Tea, green or black pounds. Note.— This box, with the special containers belonging to it, is ordinarily issued empty, with tlie expectation that food for the sick will be purchased from the hospital fund. 320 948. MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. FOOD, BOX OF. ( Wooden box with padlock and two keys, 'xOeight 90 -pounds.) Beef, soluble, liquid or extract, 3-oiince container number. . Can opener do Cocoa, 8-ounce tin tins. . Collee, ground, 2 pounds, in tin tins.. Hard bread, J pound, in carton cartons. . Milk, condensed, unsweetened, 1-pound tin number. . Pepper, black, 1 ounce, in glass shaker. number '. Salt, table, 4 ounces, in glass «/iafcer, number. Soup, assorted, 1-pound tin tins. Sugar, granulated, 4 poimds, in tin. . .do. . . Tea, green or black pounds. Note. — This box, with the special containers belonging to it, is ordinarily issued empty, with the expectation that the food for the sick will be purchased from the hospital fund. 949. INDIVIDUAIi DRESSING PACKET. The contents of this packet are identical with those of the first-aid packet (par. 944) , but they are inclosed in a nonmetal covering. Note.— The directions for applying the first-aid packet, as given in the Drill Regulations and Service Manual for Sanitary Troops, are equally applicable to the individual dressing packet. 950. MICROSCOPE, FIELD, WITH ACCESSORY CASE. ( The microscope case and the accessory case arc both contained in a harness-leather case with handle.) MICROSCOPE. (In hardwood case with lock mid two keys.) Microscope, with Abbe condenser and iris diaphragm number. . Nose piece, triple do Objectives, Nos.SandS, and }-^imh oil immer- sion, of each number. . Oculars, Nos. S and /,, of each number. Oil, immersion, bottle in case do. . . Stage, mechanical do. . . ACCESSORY CASE. (Hardwood case with lock and key.) Acid, hydrochloric, 1 per cent in 95 per cent alcohol , in glass stopper bottle ounces . . Alcohol , absol ute, 60 c . c .in glass stopper bottle, bottles Alcohol, methyl, GO c.c. in glass stopper bottle, bottles Bottles, dropping, T. K.SOc.c number. . Bottle, glass stopper, for cover glasses in al- cohol number. . Bottles, glass stopper, for slides in alcohol, number Carbol-fuchsin, 0.1-gm. tablets, 6 in tube, tubes Covers, glass ounces. . Forceps, cover glass, Cornet's number. . Forceps, straight, medium fine do Forceps, straight, medium heavy do Graduates, glass, 10 c. c. and 50 c. c. nested, of each number. . Labels, microscopical, square boxes. Lamp, alcohol number. Lancit, hlnod do... Loo]), plal inum, with handle '. do. .. Medicine dioppers, straight do. . . Methylene blue, 0.1-gm. tablets, 6 in tube, tubes Needle, platinum, with handle number. Paiier, filtering, Mimktel, No. 1 F. packages. Pencil, lead number. Pencil, wax do... Phenol, c. p. 30 c. c. in glass stopper bottle, bottles Slides, glass dozen. Wire, platinum, extra cm. Wrirht's stain, 0.05-gm. tablets, 6 in tube, tubes 951. MICROSCOPE, POST. (In hardwood case with lock and two keys.) Microscope, with Abbe condenser and iris diapli ragm number . . Nose piece, triple do. . . Objectives, Nos. 3 and 6, and ^inch oil immer- sion, of each number. Oculars, Nos. S and 4 , of each munber . . 1 Oil, immersion, bottle incase do 1 Stage, mechanical do 1 FOEMULAE, CONTENTS OF CHESTS, CASES, ETC. 321 952. RECRITITING OUTFIT, EMERGENCY. (See par. 887.) Astigmatic dial, triple line number.. 1 Classifwalion ana Use of Finger Prints, Henry number. . 1 Container for text cards do 1 Cotton, absorbent, in roll pounds. . 2 Head mirror number. . 1 Ink platt do 1 Ink, printing, in *-poimd tube tubes. . 1 Pads, practice ". number. . [ 8 Roller, ink, handle/or do 1 Roller, ink, summer number Specula, ear, 3 in set sets Speculum, nasal number Stethoscope, double do. . Syringes, glass, Luer type, H c. c do.. Syringe, glass, extra needles for do. . Tape measure, 60 inches do.. Thermometers, clinical do.. Tongue depressor do. . Vision test card, folding do. . 963. SADDLE, PACK. (Net weight, complete, 75 pounds.) The Medical Department pack outfit consists of the packsaddle proper and a number of accessory articles. THE PACKS.\DDLE PROPER. Pack frame, metal number. . Stretchers or spreaders for saddle pads, corru- gated metal number. . Saddle pads do Quarter straps do Quarter strap ring sets, complete, consisting of 2 rings with leather union and 2 cintha straps sets.. Cincha. horsehair, double do Accessory leather straps number. . Breast collar straps number. Breast collar body piece do. . . Breast collar neck piece do. . . Breast collar choke strap do... Fork straps for trtrnbacK do. . . Turnback and crupper, complete do. . . Breeching hip strap do. .. Breeching strap do.. . Breeching body piece. do. . . Thongs, rawhide do. .. ACCESSORY ARTICLES. Rice frames, modified, Nos. I and 2. of each number. . Straps, leather, for attachment of frame to rear cincha ring number. . Load straps, web, long and short, of each, num- ber '. Load cincha (belly piece), short, complete with 2 cincha straps number . . Load cincha {top piece), long, complete, number Manta, canvas, 6 by 6 feet, with 20 rawhide thongs number. Saddle blanket do. .. Blind, cupped, complete do. . . METHOD OF USING THE PACK OUTFIT. To use the pack outfit, the saddle blanket is placed on the animal and the packsaddle proper over the blanket. The breast collar and breeching are adjusted to the animal as required. The saddle is then firmly cinched in position. To prevent undesirable moving about on the part of the pack animal while the saddle and load are being placed in position, it is advisable to blindfold the animal by means of the cuppod blind. To load the animal, place the No. 1 frame on the saddle followed by the No. 2 frame (the number is stamped on the horizontal bar of each frame). Adjust the leather straps attached to the D rings on the under side of each frame so that when snapped into the cincha rings of the saddle they will hold the frame firmly against the saddle but not so tightly as to bend the frame. The boxes or other articles 934400-^17 21 322 MANUAL FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, constituting the side loads are placed iu tlu^ frames and secured by the short load straps passed to the D rings on the horizontal bar of each frame. The top load, if any, is then put in place. The long load straps are now thrown over all, the rings in their ends slipped into the hooks on the frames, and the straps drawn up tightly hy means of the buckles. If necessary, the load may be further sccm-od by the use of the load cincha. Experienced packers may find it an advantage to substitute for the load straj>s a single length of f-inch rope with a ring, or loo]), in one end. The boxes carried as side loads need no protection from the weather. When a top load is carried it is wrapped in the manta before being loaded. Great care should be taken that approximately the same weight is carried on each side of the saddle, otherwise the load will cany badly and the pack animal will be likely to develop sore back. 954^ SURGICAL DRESSINGS, AMBULANCE BOX OF. ( Wooden chest. Weight 28 pounds.) Bandages, gauze, compressed, 3 sizes, number Chloroformura, J-pound tins number. . Cotton, absorbent, sterilized, in 1-ounce package packages. . Individual dressing packets (par. 949), number , . . . Gauze, sublimated, 2 half-yard lengths in package packages. . Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum, tablets (antiseptic) (par. 902), 3.50 in 12-ounce tin tins. . Iodine swabs, 6 in box boxes. . Pins, safety dozen . . Plaster, adiiesive, z. o., 5 yards by 1 inch, spools Spiritus ammoniae aromatlcus, J pound in glass stoppered bottle '. . .bottles. . Vials, 4-ounce, with rubber stoppers. number 955. SURGICAL DRESSINGS, BOX OF. ( Weight 03 pounds.) Bandages, gauze, compressed, 3 sizes, number Cotton, absorbent, sterilized, in 1-ounce package packages. . Individual dressing packets (par. 949), number Gauze, sublimated, 2 half-yard lengths in package packages. . loduni-potassiiiodidum tubes.. Pins, safety, 3 sizes dozen. . 144 44 48 140 GO 6 Plaster, adhesive, z. o., 5 yards by 1 inch, spools ". Sapo mollis (green soap), J-pound jar in case, jars Splints, wire gauze for, 1 yard in roll . . rolls . Splints, wood veneer number. Tags, diagnosis books. Vials, 4-ounce, with rubber stoppers, number 956. SYRINGE, HYl»ODERMIC. This syringe, as now issued, has as accessories, besides two needles and extra wires (the needles and wires are expendable), one tube of each of the following hypodermic tablets: Apomorphinae hydrochloridum mgms. . .\tropinae sulphas do Cocamae hydrochloridum do () 0.6."; 10 Morphinae sulphas.. .,... mgms.. Nitroglycerin '. .;. do Strychninae sulphas '.l.l'. do iTTT! 0.6.5 1 rOBMULAR, COXTENTS OF CHESTS, CASES, ETC. 323 967. THERMO -CAUTERY, PAQUEL.IN'8, (hi imitation-Uatber covered case.) Apparatus, double bulb, for supplying air, number Cautery knife number. . Cautery point do Handle, canulated, ebony number. Reservoir, for hydrocarbon do. . . Tube, lengthening do. . . Tube, rubber do. . . Note. -Some of the older models have, in plate of the cautery point, a cautery button, or both may be found in some cases. 958. VENEREAL PROPHYLAXIS UNIT. (In pine box tvith. hinged lid. M'eight 1,5 pounds.) Basins, c.w number. . Form 77, M. D do — Graduate, .class, 120 f. c. in ca.ic do — Hydrargyri ehloridum corrosivum, tablets (antiseptic) (par. 902), 350 in 12-oimce tin, tins Protargol, 2 gms. in ampul ampuls. 3 200 1 1 200 Soap, Ivory cakes.. Sponges, gauze, 1 dozen in box boxes. . Syringes, penis, h. r number.. Towels, hand do Unguenlum hydrargyri chloridi mitis, 30 per cent, .J pound in wide-mouth bottle, bottles Note.— List of contents and directions for administering the prophylactic are pasted on inside of cover. gcg VISION TEST SET. Cards, folding, test, for testing visual acuity, nimiber Dial, triple line, astigmatic number. Eye color disk, blue and broton do — Pamphlet of instructions for using the vision test set number.. Test type card, Jaeger, indestructible. ...do Testwools, Holmgren, fortestingcolorsense.sets.. ARTICLE XXI.— BLANK FORMS. 960. In the following lists are included all Medical Department forms, the War Department standard forms issued and used by the Medical Department, and those forms of other staff departments which are in common use by medical officers. These forms are sup- phed as indicated under each department, respectively, except that in the theater of operations blank forms are obtained as indicated in paragraph 551. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 961. Requisitions for tliese blanks for the use of troops under the jurisdiction of a department commander will be made on Form 37, on the basis of a six months' supply for posts or of a one month's supply for troops in the field, and be forwarded to the department surgeon, who will alter them as he deems appropriate and refer them as approved to the proper medical supply depot for issue. Requisi- tions for the use of troops under the immediate jurisdiction of the War Department will be prepared in like manner and forwarded to the Surgeon General. (See par. 551 b.) {G. M. M. D., No. 2.) Form No. Purpose. 14 320 320B 322 322A 325 326 327 329A 329B 330 330A 330B 330C 334 334A 335 341 A 352 353 354 355 356 365 377 12 ICa 16b 16c 16d 17 17o 176 17c 18 (a) \y KK Department Standakd Forms. Report of open-market purchases and procurement of services not personal exceeding $100. Account current (large size, 10 appropriations, 16 by loy. Account current (small size, 2 appropriations, 14 by 8). Abstract of funds received from authorized sales of public property (exhibit to account current). Abstract of funds received from sales of medicines to civilians (exhibit to account current). Accoimt of sales of public property at public auction or on sealed proposals (exhibit to accotmt cur- rent). ►Combination, invoice of and cash receipt for funds transferred (voucher to account ciurent). Abstract of disbursements (medium size, 11 appropriations, 16 by \0h, exhibit to account current). Abstract of disbursements (small size, 3 appropriations, 14 by S, "exhibit to account current). Voucher to alistract of disbursements, for purchases and services other than personal, including laundry accounts (small size, 10^ liy S). Voucher "to abstract of disbursements, for purchases and services other than personal, including laundry accounts (long size, 14 by 8). Voucher "to abstract of disbursements, for purchases and services other than personal, extra fheet, lOJ by 8 (insert). Voucher to abstract of disbursements, for purchases and services other than personal (book form, double sheet, 16 by lOJ). Voucher to abstract of disbursements, pay roll of civilian employees (including Army Nurse Corps). Voucher to abstract of disbursements, pay roll of civilian employees, extra sheet. Voucher to abstract of distnirsements, personal services (individual pay roll of employee). Voucher to alistrait of disbursements, for job printing (small size, 14 by ,8i). Voucher to abstract of disbursements, for purchases of medicines on prescription. Voucher to abstract of disbursements, personal services, medical attendance by ci\-ilian physician. Voucher to abstract of disbursements, personal services, examination and vaccination of recruits by civilian physician. Voucher to abstract of disbursements, care and treatment by civil hospital. , Voucher to abstract of disbursements, personal services, civilian nurse. Subvoucher, receipt for cash payment. Voucher to abstract of disbursefaents, personal services, reimbursement of medical bills. (6) Medic.\.l Department. Invoice of articles purchased (to accompany bill for supplies). Issue slip, expendable property. Issue slip, noncxpendablr property. Credit slip, nuncxpcndabli' property. Exchange slip. iuiuexpi'ii(lai)lp propertv. Return of mecliiul property, front, card. Return of nviliial properly, original. Return of medical prdjierty, retain. Return of me^, 1908. Changes: See Orders, Bulletins, and Changes. Civilian Employees: Compensation act, for those injured, Oir. 68, 1908, and Cir. E, War Department, Apr. 2;i, 1912. Death of, action to be taken by senior medical officer present, G. O. 07, 1910. Report of under "Compensation act," Cir. 08, 1908. Entitled to time in which to vote at congressional elections, Bui. 4, 1915. Issue of fuel in kind to, Bui. 43, 1914. Leaves of absence, Cir. A, War Department, Jan. 12, 1912. Ration allowance in military ho-spitals, Bui. 8, 191G. Ration returns of, G. O. 121, 1902. Civilian Physicians: Attending officers or enlisted men on garrisoned posts, G. O. IGO, 1905; Cir. 26, 1907. Clothing and Equipment: Badges ami medals, see Badges. Chevrons will not be issued to indicate service for which a campaign badge has been given, Cir. 83, 1907. "Tlothing order," allowance in kind, articles issued without charge, money allowance, prices charged when lost, etc., sizes of clothing, and allowance of tableware and kitchen utensils, G. O. 22, 1915. "^ Deserter's, disposition of, G. O. 15, 1915. Field kits and surplus kits. G. O. 56, 1915. IdentificiitioTi tags, see "Clothing order"; also Uniform Regulations. GratuiloTis issue of, when destroyed to prevent contagion, Cir. 20, 1899. Olive drab cotton cloth, directions for laundering, Cir. 59, 1910. APPENDIX. 335 Clothing and Equipment — Continued. Overcoats, see "Clothing order." Record of sizes to be kept by detachment commanders, Uniform Regulations. Shoes, neats-foot oil for, Cir. 72, 1907. Sweaters, issue and use of, see "Clothing order. -' \Mien ordered oversea, G. O. 206, 1910. Clothing Order: See under Clothing and Equipment, Clothing Rolls: See Officers^ Equipment. Confidential Documents: Responsibility of officers for, Cir. 78, 1907. ^ I Continuous Service: See Enlisted Men. Contract Surgeons: Entitled to admission to Government Hospital for Insane, Cir. 56, 1906. \ Forage for horses of, Cir. 61, 1902. i Quarters of, Cir. 82, 1905. Cooks, Hospital Corps: See Hospital Corps. Correspondence: See Records and Correspondence. ■ Deaths: { Of civilian employees, see Civilian Employees. Of enlisted men, see Deceased Enlisted Men. Of officers, see Deceased Officers. Deceased Enlisted Men: Action to be taken by senior medical ofncer present, G. O. 67, 1910. Campaign badges, part of the effects of, Cir. 45, 1905. Deceased Officers: Action to be taken by senior medical officer present, G. O. 67, ]ni0. APPENDIX. 337 Dental Surgeons: Acting, not officers of Army, Bui. 5, 1915. How carried on the rolls, Cir. 33, 1905. Quarters of, Cir. 32, 1905. Dentists' Assistants: See Hospital Corps. Descriptive Lists: See Records and Correspondence. Discharge of Enlisted Men: At isolated stations where there is no commanding officer, G. O. 52, 1906. By favor, illegal, G. O. 31, 1914. By pm-chase, G. O. 31, 1914. Circumstances under which boards should l>e convened, Cir. 18, 1909. Discharge may be signed by staff officers of field rank, Bui. 52, 1914. For inaptitude or bad habits, Bui. 10, 1915; Par. Ill, Bui. 24, 1915. On surgeon's certificate, Army Regulations; G. O. 174, 1909, as modified by G. O. 191, 1909, Cir. 62, 1909, G. O. 11, 1912, G. O. 69, 1913, G. O. 82, 1914. Porto Rico Infantry and Philippine Scouts, G. 0. 174, 1909 does not apply, Cir. 62, 1909. "When one dependent parent has died since enlistment, G. O. 31, 1914. Without honor, when caused by venereal disease, G. O. 1^5, 1905; Cir. 93, 1908. EflBciency Records: See Officers. Enlisted Men: Clothing of, see Clothing and Equipment. Commutation of rations, Bui. 8, 1916. Continuous service, accomplished only by actual reenlistment within three months, not by application, Cir. 3, 1908. Credit at post laundries, see Laundries. Death of, see Deceased Enlisted Men. Debts of, policy of War Department, Cir. 47, 1910. Discharge of, see Discharge of Enlisted Men. APPENDIX. 339 Enlisted Men— Continued. Identification of, see Identification Records. Insane^ see Insane. Line of duty, see Line of Duty. Pay, loss of for "misconduct," Bui. 18, 1915. Pay of, wheu held after expiration of enlistjient, (?ir. 53, 1902. Physical examinations of, see Physical Examinations. Transferred from one arm to another, cost of, Cir. 45, 1906. Travel allowances of, see Travel Allowances. Enlistment Papers: See Records and Correspondence. Equipment: "A," "B" and "C," G. O. 85, 1914. Desky, regimental sanitary troops, carried on field train, G. O. 35, 1914. Gf enlisted men, see Clothing and Equipment. Gf the Hosijital Gorps, see Hospital Corps, and Clothing and Equipment, Gf officers, see Officers^ Equipment. Tables, Quartermaster Supplies, see Quartermaster Supplies. Unit accountability, G. G. 52, 1915. Examinations: For promotion of oSicers, see Officers. Physical, see Physical Examinations. Feet: Care of, G. O. 26, 1912; G. G. 30, 1913. See also The Soldier's Foot and the Military Shoe, Munson, Field Glasses: See Officers^ Equipment. Field Service: See Mobile Army. Field Training: See Mobile Army. APPENDIX. 341 Field Trains: T^oadine: tables, G. O. 8, 1915. Fire Extinguishers: To be recharged annually, G. O. 5, 1914. First Aid: Artificial respiration, Schaefer, Bui. 37, 1914. First-Aid Pacliets: Description of, G. O. 84, 1900. Issue and use of, Cir. 2, 1908; (!. O. 44, 1918. Fuel: Issue and allowances of at military posts, G. O. (13, 1915. Zones of equal temperature, G. O. 57, 1914; G. O. 40, 1915. Hawaiian Department, Par. V, G. O. 65, 1915. Funds: Use of, for other purposes than those for which appropriated, G. ( ). 9, 1914. General Hospitals: Supplies for, see Supplies. Gifts: To superiors forbidden, G. O. 77, 1909. Hague Conventions: See Red Cross. Hearing: Method of testing, see Vision and Hearing. Horse Equipment: Hospital Corps, care of, see Hospital Corps. Officers, see Officers' Horse Equipment. Hospital Corps: Clothing, see Clothing and Equipment. Dentists' assistants, Cir. 33, 1905. Destined for the Philippine Islands, equipment to be taken, Cir. 6, 1907, r APPENDIX. 343 Hospital Corps — Coulinued. Equipment of, see Clothing and Equipment, and Manual for the Medical Depart- ment. Horses and horse equipment for their use will be cared for by them, Cir. 92, 1909. IrLstrurtion in equitation, G. O. 169, 1911. Members of, proficient in identification work, G. O. 8, 1910. Quartermaster pi'operty transfen-ed with, see Qriartmnnster Supplies. Transfer to or from the line, is for the convenience of the Government, Cir. 81, 1909; G. O. HO, 1913. Hospital Fund: Retained statement of, to constitute council book required by Army Regulations, G. O. 67, 1914. Ice: Issue of, G. O. 117, 1904. Identification Records: As testimony, Cir. 11, 1909; G. O. 9, 1916. Electric light instead of magnesium ribbon, Cir. 79, 1908. Finger print system, adoption of, G. O. 68, 1906. In the Philippine Islands, G. O. 206, 1906; G. O. 119, 1909. Members of Hospital Corps, proficient in, see Hospital Corps. Recording, forwarding, and technique of, Cir. 44, 1906; Cirs. 2, 75, 85, 1907; Cirs. 16, 51, 1908; Par. II, G. O. 85, 1914. Identification Tags: See Clothing ami Equipment. Insane: Scheme for examination of, Cir. 12, Surgeon General's Office, 1913. Those entitled to enter the Government Hospital for, Cir. 11, 190? See also Officers, and Contract Surgeons. Eitchen Cars: Employment of, G. O. 218, 1909. Fuel for cooking, G. 0. 34, 1910. Ration to be issued for use on, G. O. 56, 1910, APPENDIX. 345 Letters and Indorsements: See Records and Correspondence. Light: Allowance of, to different buildings, G. 0. 33, 1915. Line of Duty: Decisions of Judge Advocate General, BuJs. 9, 14, 26, 1915. Loading Tables: See Field Trains. Medals: See Badges. Medical Corps: Physical requirements for candidates for appointment in, see Physical Examina- tions. Medical Oflficers: Army Field Ser\'lce and Correspondence School for, G. O. 128, 1911. See Officers; also Medical Corps. Medical Reserve Corps: Status of officers of, on first joining, Cir. 13, 1909. ^ See also Officers. Militia, Organized: See Organized Militia. Mobile Army: Administration and supply in time of war, G. O. 35, 1913. Equipment "A," "B," and "C," see Equipment. Field training and practice marches, G. 0. 17, 1913. Quartermaster supplies for, see Quartermaster Supplies. Staffs of commanding generals of, G. O's. 30, 37, 1913. Training of, G. O's. 17, 41, 1913. See also Field Service Regulations; Army Regulations; Tables of Organization; Manual for the Medical Department. APPENDIX. 347 Morning Reports: See Records and Correspondence. Mosquitoes: Mineral oil for destruction of, Cir. 23, 1901. Mounts, Private: See Private Mounts. Muster Rolls: See Records and Correspondence. National Red Cross Society: See Red Cross. Officers: Annual physical examinations of, see Physical Examinations. Annual test ride of, G. O. 148, 1910. May use flat saddle, G. O. 197, 1910. Of the permanent staff corps, G. O. 72, 1913;. G. O. 77, 1914. Arrival in the United States, date determined by date of dockage of the trans- port, Gil-. 12, 1910. Baggage of, see Officers' Baggage. Death of, see Deceased Officers. Efficiency records of, Bui. 15, 1914. Exandnation for promotion, G. O. 14, 1912; Section referring to medical officers amended by G. O. 86, 1914. Families of, on Army transports, Bui. 10, 1916. Holding office under Pliilippine Government, G. O. 4, 1914. Insane, accoimts of, Cir. 54, 1902. Ordered to Government Hospital do not receive mileage, Cir. 29, 1903, Leave of absence from the Philippine Islands, G. O. 48, 1907. Medical Reserve Corps, see Medical Reserve Corps. Messes, clubs, etc., G. O. 54, 1909. Over-sea travel, meala on transports, reimbursement fur, G. O. 86, 1911. APPENDIX. 349 O flB cers — Continued . Pay accounts of, must cover whole of salary for one or more calendar months, G. O. 62, 1901. (See, however, Quarters, (hinmutation o/aud Private Mounts, Additional pay for.) Personal effects, transportation of, for student officers, Bui. 4, 1916. Physical examinations of, see Physical Examinations. Private moimts of, see Private Mounts. Private property of, shipped on Government hill of lading, Cir. 14, 1910. Special passports for field officers only, Cir. 67, 1905. Statement of preferences and other sources of information for Secretary of War, Bui. 6, 1915. To report to Commanding General, Western Department, on arrival in San Fran- cisco en route to or from the Philippine Islands, G. O. 80, 1914; Par. IV, G. O. 25, 1915. Use of outside influence, G. O. 18, 1902; G. O. 31, 1913. When requiring use of transports must apply for transportation immediately upon receipt of order, G. O. 196, 1907. Officers' Baggage: Allowance of, on railroads when destined over sea, Bui. 26, 1914. Articles that may be taken within 50-pound limit, see Fi^ld Trains: Loading Tables. How packed for transportation in the field, G. O. 201, 1905; Cir. 42, 1906. Loading tables, see Field Trains. Officers' Eiiuipment: Bedding rolls for sale to officers, Cir. 22, 1909. Canvas bucket and basin for sale to officers, G. O. 136, 1911. Clothing rolls for sale to officers, Cir. 3, 1910. Field glasses may be piirchased from the Signal Corps, G. O. 178, 1910. Identification tags, see Clothing and Equipment. Horse equipment, see Officers' Horse Equipment. Russet leather, care of, see Ordnance Property. Sleeping bags, G. 0. 11, 1912. Trunk locker suitable for, see Officers' Baggage. ^mT ^i":: :u' APPENDIX. 351 Officers' Horse Equipment: Classification of, see Ordnance Property. Included in personal baggage, Cir. 47, 1909. Set of, what constitutes, G. O. 24, 1914. To be issued by post ordnance officers, G. O. 25, 1912. Officers' Private Mounts: See Private Mounts. Olive Drab Cotton Cloth: Dirertions for laundering, see Clothing and Equipment. Orders, Bulletins, and Changes: Issue and presentation of, G. O. 2:^1 , 1910; G. O. 11, 1912; Par. II, G. O. 50, 1915. Ordnance Property: Charged on muster and pay rolls, G. O. 59, 1907. Classification of, Cir. 14, 1908; Cir. 90, 1909. Reports of survey on, Cir. 92, 1908. Requisitions for, Cir. 87, 1907; Cir. 16, 1910; G. O. 100, 1911; G. O. 15, 1912. Russet leather, care of, Cir. 23, 1910; Bui. 10, 1912. Saddle blankets, care of, Cir. 47, 1909. See also Ordnance Property Regulations. Organized Militia: Acts to promote the efficiency of, G. O. 54, 1914. Ambulance companies, minimum strength of, G. O. 51, 1914. Expenses of inspecting officers, G. O. 75, 1914. Field hospitals, minimiun strength of, G. O. 51, 1914. Medical officers, course of instruction for. Par. II, G. O. 43, 1915; G. O. 9, 1916. See also War Department Regulations for the Organized Militia. Paratyphoid Fever: Diagnosis and study of, Cir. 11, Sixrgeon General's Office, 1913. Passports for Officers: See Officers. APPENDIX. 353 Paymasters' Clerks: Have the same status as officers and are entitled to medical attention and medi- cine, G. O. 143, 1911. Pension Examiners: Permitted to make investigations in military hospitals, Bui. 47, 1914. Pliysical Examinations: Applicants for enlistment. In the Regular Army, (Rules for the Examination of Recruitg) G. O. 6(5, 19J0; Cir. 1, Adjutant General's Office, 1915. In the Porto Rico Provisional Regiment, Cir. 39, 1906. Teeth of, requirements concerning, Oir. 60, 1906. Visual requirements, Cir. 26, 1909. See also Recruits. • Aviation service, G. O. 86, 1914; G. 0. 20, 1915. Cadet candidates, Cir. Adjutant General's Office, Aug. 24, 1914. Candidates for commission in United States Army. Cavalry, Field Artillery, Coast Artillery, and Infantry, Pars. 6, 10, 17, and 31, G. O. 64, 1915. Engineers, G. O. 8, 1916. Medical Corps, visual requirements, G. 0> 112, 1911. PhiUppine Scouts, G. O. 195, 1908. Porto Rico Provisional Regiment, G. O. 193, 1908. Candidates for commission in the Volunteers, G. O. 57, 1909; G. O. 54, 1914; G. O. 50, 1915. Officers. Annual, G. O. 148, 1910. For Mounted Service School, G. O. 59. 1913. For promotion, see Officers, Examination of for promotion. Physical defects to be reported in detail, G. O. 104, 1903. Post noncommissioned staff officers, G. O. 43, 1909. Recruits at depots and posts, G. O. 154, 1905; Cir. 15, 1907. Student candidates for miUtary instruction camps, Bui. 23, 1915, APPENDIX. 355 Physical Examinations — Continued . Venereal inspections, see Venereal Diseases, Prevention of. Vision, color sense and hearing, methods of testing, G. O. 199, 1906. Physicians, Civilian: See Civilian Physicians. Porto Rico Provisional Regiment: Physical requirements for, see Physical Exa^ninations. Post Exchange: Regulations for, G. O. 17fi, 1909, with amendments. Responsibility of Council, Opinion Judge Advocate General, Bui. 9, 1915. Post Noncommissioned Staff: See Enlisted Men; also Physical Examinations. Private Mounts: Additional pay for, where pay accounts are prepared in advance, Ci. O. 72, 1914; while on leave of absence with half pay, Bui. I, 1916. Certificate to be furnished when shipped, G. O. 181, 1910. Additional when shipped to Philippine Islands, Bui. 2, 1915. Descriptive card to accompany, when shipped. Par. II, G. O. 6, 1915. Duties of conunanding officers regarding, G. O. 125, 1908; G. O. 9, 1916. Must be maintained at officer's station, Cir. 69, 1909. Must be used in annual test rides, Cirs. 57, 59, 1909. Must meet specifications or no forage or additional pay can be drawn, Cir. 88, 1908. Salt and vinegar for, Cir. 33, 1909. Six months allowed for training, G. O. 34, 1914. Specifications for, G. O. 29, 1911; G. O. 46, 1913; G. O. 33, 1914; G. O. 9, 1916. Stabling for, rent of, par. 9, G. O. 34, 1915. Stallions as mounts, Cir. 78, 1910; G. O. 9, 1916. Transportation of, for officers attending service schools, Bui. 4, 1916. Property: Of retired soldiers who die in Army hospitals, Bui. 46, 1914. Retained papers, disposition of, see Records and Correspondence. APPENDIX. 357 Property — rontinTipd . I'nit accountability for, see Equipment. See also Ordnance Property and Quartermaster Supplies. Public Animals: Horses, altering shape of mane or tail prohibited, G. O. 112, 1903. Mallein test, Oir. 74, 1909. Records to be kept, G. O. 252. 1009; Cir. 54, 1909; Bui. 19, 191.'^; Bui. 20, 1915. Quartermaster Corps: Duties of the several grades of enli.''ted men, G. O. 40, 1912. Quartermaster Supplies: Equipment Tables, Q. M. Supplies, 1915, G. O. 39, 1915. Title authorized Bui. 35, 1915. Loading tables, see Field Trains. Loan of, prohibited, Bui. 32, 1913. Method of marking and packing, G. O. 10, 1914. ' Ovens, field, G. O. 29, 1914. Pyramidal tent, method of folding, Bui. 9, 1913. Table ware and kitchen utensils, see Clothing and Equipment. Transferred with enlisted men, G. O. 65, 1915. Quarters: Commutation of, for commissioned officers, acting dental surgeons, pay clerks Nurse Corps, G. O. 35, 1915; G. O. 5, 1916. Where accounts are prepared in advance, G. O. 72. 1914. Rental of, G. O. 34, 1915. See also Enlisted Men, Contract Surgeons, and Dental Surgeons. Ral)ies: Treatment of suspected ca.ses, Cir. 9, Surgeon General's Office, 1912, Railroads: Inferior equipment, Cir. 47, 1907. Kitchen cars, see Kitchen Cars. Land grant and bond aided, G. O. 41, 1907, as amended. APPENDIX. 359 Rations: See Subsistence Stores. Records and Correspondence: Communications sent direct to The Adjutant General, G. O. 24, 1912. Correspondence book system of correspondence, G. O. 109, 1906; Bui. 4, 1914. Devscriptive lists to be accompanied by authenticated copies of summary court trials and official copies of sentence by other courts, G. O. 137, 1909. Disposition of useless records, Bui. 8, 1916. Enlistment papers of those who have been dishonorably discharged from a pre- vious enlistment, G. O. 78, 1914. Letters and indorsements, G. O. 23, 1912; Bui. 24, 1912; briefs prohibited, G. O. 53, 1913; not to be addressed through The Adjutant General, Oir. 8, 1909. Morning reports, G. O. 194, 1909. Muster rolls, corrections of, to be sent direct to The Adjutant General, G. O. 24, 1912; separate roll required for each company of the Coast Artillery Corps, Cir. 3, 1903. Record card system of correspondence, G. O. 92, 1909, Cir. 92, 1909. Retained property and money accounts, disposition of, G. O. 71, 1914. Telegrams, addresses to be used, G. O. 63, 1914. Telegraph, instructions for use of, G. O. 14, 1913. Typewriters, use of, in preparing, Cir. 41, 1910. Recruit Depots: Supplies for, see Supplies. Recruits: Disinfection of clothing of, Cir. 37, 1906. Duties of boards of officers when convened at depots and posts, Cir. 15, 1907. See also Applicants for Enlistment. Red Cross: Geneva Convention of 1906, and Hague Convention of 1907, Bui. 6, 1913; also Rules of Land Warfare. National Red Cross Society, regulations for and organization of when employed with the land forces of the TTnited States. G. O. 170, 1911. Russet Leatlier: Care of, see Ordnance Property. ) APPENDIX. 361 Saddle Blankets: Care of, see Ordnance Properly. Salvarsau; Method of admiuistratioii, Cir. 14, S, G. O., 1914. Sanitary Units: ' History of services to be kept, G. O. 1, 1905. Shoes: See Clothing and Equipment. Stables: Fires in, G. O. 1, 1912. State Department: Medical officers to examiue certain candidates for appointment in, G. O. 64, 1910. Steam Heating Plants: Care of, Cir. 1, 1902. Subsistence Stores: ^ Beef, fresh, instructions for inspection of, G. O. 27, 1904; G. O. 28, 1906. Charged against enlisted men, Cir. 79, 1907. Rations, savings not allowed at maneuver camps. Par. II, G. O. 7, 1915. Supplies: For general hospitals, G. O. 11, 1912. For recruit depots, G. O. 11, 1912. See also Mobile Army, Quarterrnasler Supplies, and Ordnance Property, Surgical Operations: Refusal to submit to, par. 220, M. M. D., based on G. O. 43, 1906. Surplus Kits: See Clothing and Equipment. Tableware and Kitchen Utensils: See "Clothing order' ' under Clothing and Equipment. Telegrams: See Records and Correspondence. D APPENDIX. 3(33 Transports: Liquors not allowod on, G. O. Ill, 1911. Meals oil, reimljtirsemeut for, see Officers. Surgeons to go on hoard with first troops, (i. O. 48, 1908. See also Army Transport Ser\dce Regulations. Typhoid Fever and Paratyphoid Fever: Diagnosis of, Cir. 11, Surgeon General's Office, 1913. Typhoid Prophylaxis: Instructions for adniinistration and keeping records of, Cir. 16, Surgeon General's Office, 1916. To whom administered and records to be kept, G. O'e. 4, 23, 1915. Typhus Fever: Diagnosis and prevention of, Bui. 10, 1916. Unit Accountability: See Equipment. Vaccination: Antismallpox, G. O. 30, 1914. Method prescribed, Bui. 30, 1914. Antityphoid, see Typhoid Prophylaxis. Venereal Disease: Discharge without honor because of, see Discharge of Enlisted Men. Loss of pay because of, G. O. 31, 1912; G. O. 13, 1913; decision regarding mean- ing of word "misconduct," Bui. 43, 1914. Prevention of, G. O. 17, 1912; G. O. 13, 1913. Vision and Hearing: See Physical Examinations. Visual Acuity: Medical reports on, Cir. 5, 1908. Volunteer Forces: Act concerning, Bui. 17, 1914. Physical examination of candidates for commission in, see Physical Examinations. INDEX. (Numbers refer to paragraphs.) Abandonment of Posts : "l)isposition of medical property on, 511. Records and reports, 425. AbbreTiatlong : Field supply tables, 862. Register of dental patients, 465. Aceonntabillty : Appliances issued to discharged patients, 229. Army Medical School, property, 141. Articles destroyed to prevent contagion, 230. Hospital fund, 252, 253, 260, 262. Medical property, 229, 380, 501 to 503. Proceeds of sales of medical property, 509, 510. Public property brought in by patients, 227, 304. Returns of property, 141, 380, 497, 501, 508. Accounts : Ho.spital laundry, 271, 272, 274, 277, 278. Ice, 264. Mess, 234, 236, 237. Proceeds of sales of medicines to civil- ians, 243. Proceeds of sales of other medical prop- erty. 509, 510. Subsistence charges, etc.. Army and Navy General Hospital, 330, 331. Subsistence charges, etc.. Fort Bayard, 339 to 342. Supplies purchased, 377, 476. To be paid by disbursing officers, 377. Acetylene Chest: Contents of, 927. Acting Cooks: Provisions concerning, 37, 38. See also Hospital Corps. Acting Dental Snrgeons: General provisions, 21 to 25. See also Dental Corps. Acting Hospital Steirards: See Hospital Corps. Administration of the Sanitary SerTlce: Division, 716 to 750. (See also Diri- sional Sanitary Service.) Objects of, 530, 628. Resume of, in war, 831 to 841. Administrative Zones : In time of war, 528. 529. Advance Medical Supply Depot: Issues from, 552, 7S9. Maximum and minimum limits of stock, 788. Operating equipment. 895. 93440°— 17 23 Advance Medical Snpply Depot — Continued. Purpose of, 791. Records, reports, and returns, 563, 575, 788. Replenishment of issues, 789. Requisitions from, 790. Shelter for. 792. Supplies to be kept at, 788, 792. Advance Medical Snpply Depot Eqntpment: Operating equipment, 792, S95. Supplies for issue, 788, 792. Advertising : Hospital laundry, 272, 273. Aid Stations: Closing, 649, 650. Combination with dressing station, 679. Defensive engagements, 726. Diagnosis tags applied, 649. Duties at, 642, 645, 647, 649, 650. Effects of patients, 649. Equipment of, how carried, 633, 866 notes, 867 notes, 868. Equipment table, 866, 867. Establishment of, 642, 645, 646. Evacuation of, 642, 650, 655. Loading tal)le for mule, 868. Location, 646. Moving, 649, 650. Number to be opened, 645. Offensive engagements, 727. Opening, 645, 740. Personnel, 647. Rear-guard actions, 730, 739. Shelter, 646. Supplies for, 866, 867. Transportation of wounded to and from, 642, 647, 650, 674, 679, 680. Ti-eatment at, character of, 649. With mounted commands, 740. Aid, Voluntary: Medical Department in the field, 535 to 541, 819. Allowances, Personal: Acting dental surgeons, 20. Candidates for Medical Corps, 8. Civilian employees, 103, 105 to 107, 117. Clothing, Hospital Corps, 47. Contract surgeons, 53, 54. Dental surgeons, 20. Hospital matrons, 265 to 269. Hospital stewards, 33. Medical Corps, 2. Medical Reserve Corps, 8, 14. Militia medical officers at Army Medical School. 145. Nurse Corps, 56, 80 to 91. 90. 365 366 INDEX. i,> t.,.,l!.'4tf Ambulanre Box of Food: Contonts of, 947. Ambulance Box of Surgiral Dressings: Contents of, rtr>4. Ambulance Companies, Peace Organization: Ccrtificat('s of proflcicncy for mou uutkT instruction, 164, 165. Commanrlins officer, 159, 160. Discipline, 160. Duties of permanent personnel, 158. Instruction, courses of, 161 to 165. Law autliorizing, 33. Organization, 158. Personnel, 158. Records of class work, 163 to 165. Use of, in instruction of Hospital Corps. 157. See also Hospital Corps. Ambulance Companies, War Organization: Commanding officer, 534, 669. Designations, 667. Dressing stations, see that title. Duties, general, 671 to 673. Duties, in camp, 672. Duties, in combat, 674 to 690. Duty, to furnish supplies during combat, 551, 633. Duty, to guard field hospitals, 550. Law authorizing, 33. List of siclf and wounded, 562. Personnel, 670. Rear-guard actions, 730, 739. Records, reports, and returns, 562, 579, 684. Report after each engagement, 562. Senior medical officer's title, 534. Station, on march, 637 to. 641, 673, 720. Supply table, 874 to 877. Wagons, station of in combat, 685, 728. With Cavalry divisions, 741. See also Ambulance Company Equipment and Dressing stations. Ambulance Company Directors: General provisions, 652 to 656. See also Directors of Am'bulance Com- panies. Ambulance Company Equipment: Articles liept in store, S74. Articles not kept in store, 875. Articles supplied by camp quartermas- ter, 877. Cubic measurements, as stored, 874. Loading table for mules, 878. Rail transportation for, 876. Requisitions for, 874, 875. Supply table, 874, 875. Vehicles, how marked, 668. Weight, as stored, 874. Weight for pack animals, 878. Ambulances: Marking of, 668. Not to be diverted from Medical Dei)art- ment, 549. With regiments on the march, 637 to 640. See also Transportation. Ambulances, Motor: For camp hospitals, 886. Ambulances, Motor — Continued. For evacuation ambulance companies, 806. For evacuation and base hospitals, 891. American National Red Cross: See Red Cross. Analysis of Water: Provisions concerning, 356 to 360. Antitoxins : At depots on line of communications, 891 note. Purchase of, 843 note. Requisitions for, 843 note. Apparatus : Compressed air, 903. Improvement of, medical officers to sug- gest, 474. Restraint, 904. .Vppliances : Improvement of, medical officm-s to sug- gest, 474. Issues and sales to civilians, 242, 243. Issues to discliarged patients, 229. Transferred with patients, 228. Applicants for Enlistment: Examination, physical, 391. Identitication record, .■>92. Register of patients, 438. Appointments : Acting dental surgeons. 20 to 25. Civilian employees, 103, 104, 106, lOS to 111, 113, 114, 118. Civilian employees. Army and Navy Gen- eral Hospital, 318. Contract surgeons, 51 to 54. Dental surgeons, 26 to 31. Medical Corps, 2 to 9. Medical Reserve Corps, 8. 14 to 16. Nurse Corps, 56, 57, 62 to 67. Sergeants first class. Hospital Corps, 34 to 36. Sergeants, Hospital Corps, 34 to 36. Appropriations: " Replacing Medical Supplier," 510. Arms : Guards, sanitary formations, 550. Sick on the march, 640. Wounded on the field, 649. Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark.: Administration, 318. Admissions, 320 to 327. Charges for subsistence, 328 to 332. Commutation of rations, 328. Discipline of patients, 333. Diseases for which suitable, 319. Law establishing, 317. Organization, 318. Reports of condition of patients, 287. Subsistence, 328 to 332. Army Field Service and Correspondence Scliool for Medical Otliccrs : Provisions concerning, 147. Army Medical Hoard: Examinations by, candidates for Medi- cal Corps, 4, 6, 9. Law cstablisliing, 2. INDEX. 307 Army MedioHl Miispum: General provisions, 131,. 134, 135. Loan of specimens, 135. Method of transmitting specimens, 135. Army Medical School: Adjutant, 138, 140. Administration, 139 to 141. Candidates for Medical Corps, to attend, 8, 143, ' Certificates of graduation, 143, Civilian employees, 136, Commandant, 137, 138, 139, Course of instruction, 143, 144, 145, 146. Duties. 136. Enlisted men, H, C, 136, 142, 146, Faculty. 138. Graduation, 143. Instructors. 136, 137. Medical officers of the Army, 142, 144. Medical officers of the Organized Militia, 142, 145, Personnel, 136. Professors, 136 to 138, Property officer, 141, Records, 140. Reports, annual, 139, Special professors, 136, 137, Army Transporti Service: Duties of medical superintendents and surgeons, 381. Medical superintendents, reports of, 424. Seamen of, in Army hospitals, 250. Surgeons, ports of embarkation, as super- intendents. 610, Aspirating Case: Contents of. 910. Attending Surgeons : Assignment, 375, Correspondence record and document file system, 402, 404, Duties of, 375, 376. Antomobiles : Impressed, for evacuation of wounded, 629, 823, Aviation Service : Physical examinations for, 389, 395, Badge : Nurse Corps, 93, 97, Bag, Obstetrical: Contents of, 905. Bands : Assignment to sanitary service, 643. Base Dental Outfit: Contents of, 855. Base Hospital Equipment: Ambulances, motor, 891 note. Blank forms, 891 note. Cubic measurement of medical supplies, 891. Medical supply table, 891, Not strictly limited to supply table, 859, 889. Quartermaster supply table, 892. Weights, 891, 892. Base Hospitals: Blanks for, 891 note. Uase Hospitals — -Continued. Closing. 76,5. Convali'scetit camp branches, 766. Designation of, 758. Evacuation of, 762. Function of, 762. General provisions concerning, 757 to 765. Location of, 759. Not strictly limited to supply table, 859, 889. Number to be established, 153, 759. Personnel of, 700. Records of sick and wounded at, 5T5. Regulations for interior administration, 761. Supplies for, 891, 892. Surgeon, base group, to clear before bat- tle, 819. See also iJa.se Hospital E(iuipmcni. Base Medical Supply Depot Equipment: Operating equipment, suggestive, 894. Supplies for issue, 872, 893. Base Medical Supply Depots: Blanks, requisitions for, 551. Commanding officer, duties, 782. Establishment of, 782. General provisions concerning, 782 to 786. Issues from, 552. Operating equipment, 894. Purchases for, 786. Records, reports, and returns, 563, 51Z,, 782. Replenishment of issues, 783. Requisitions for supplies, 551, 783 to 785. Supplies, maximum and minimum list of, 782, 787. Supplies to be kept at, 782, 891. See also Medical Supply Depots and Medical Supply Officers. Battle : See Combat. Bayard, Fort: See Fort Bayard General Hospital. Bed Capacity: Amount necessary in war, 152, Bedding: Care of, in squad rooms, 279. Care of, in storerooms, 523. Care of, in wards, 279. Disinfection of, in wards, 279. Laundering of, 266 to 278. Repair of, 266, 267. L'se of, by Hospital Corps, 523. Bed Linen: Disinfection of, 279, Bed Fans, Box of: Contents, 906. Belt, Hospital Corps: Contents of, 907. Belt, Medical Officer's: Contents of, 864. Instrument case, contents of, 919. Medicine case, contents of, 920. 368 INDEX. Bile Hcdium: For cultures, 191, 352. Births: Record of, on reports of sick and wound- ed. 459. Reports to Director of Census, 401. Reports to municipal and State healtli autlioritics, 401. Blankets : Airing and care of, 279, 523. Disinfection of, 279. Laundering of, 266 to 278, 523. Blank Forms: Adjutant General's Department, list of, 962. Base hospitals, 891 note. Division surgeon's emergency supply, 885. Evacuation hospitals, 891 note. Field desks, 940, 941. Inspector General's Department, list of, 965. Medical Department, list of, 961. Ordnance Department, list of, 964. Quartermaster Corps, list of, 963. Requisitions for, 960 to 965. Requisitions for, in the theater of oper- ations, 551. Blood : For diagnostic purposes, 191, 352. Boards of Health: To be notified of appearance of infec- tious disease, 203. Boards of ReTiew: Law establishing, 2. Bonds : Contracts for laundry work, 276. Books : Dental, requisitions for, 494. Medical, bo.^ of, 908. Medical, disposition, on abandonment of posts, 511. Medical, removal from hospital, 513. Bougies : Preservation of, 525. Boxes : Bed pans, contents of, 906. Books, contents of, 908. Food, ambulance, contents of, 947. Food, contents of, 948. Pack mule, description of, 909. Surgical dressings, ambulance, contents of, 954. Surgical dressings, contents of, 955. Boxes, Packing: Field supplies, 863. Water for analysis, 359. Brassards : Red Cross personnel, 536. Sanitary service, 542 to 544. Brigades : Duties of senior medical olEcer, 603, 7-1."). Buildings, Hospital: I'rovisions concerning, 245, 246. See also Hospital Buildimjs. fadets and Cadet Candidates: Examinations, physical, 382, 383. Subsistence charges at the Army and Navy fleneral Hospital, 330. Camp Hospital Equipment: Ambulances, motor, not included in ship- ping weight, 886 note. Ambulances, motor, not kept in store, 886 note. Articles furnished by camp quartermas- ter, 888. Cubic measurements, 886. Field hospital equipment as a nucleus, 604, 886. Not strictly limited to supply table, 604, 859. Recruiting outfit for, 887. Regimental hospital equipment as a nucleus, 604, 886. Supply table, 886. Weights, 886. Camp Hospitals: For concentration camps, 600. For mobilization camps, 596. General provisions, 602 to 605. Not strictly limited to supply table, 859. Records of sick and wounded, 427, 575, 583. Transfer of patients from, 583. Camp Infirmaries : Assignment of, 659. Command of, 656, 659, 663. Designation of, 661. Dispensary service for regimental organi- zations, 633. Duty to furnish supplies in combat, 551, 633. Evacuation of, 672. Forage for animals, 660, 870 note. Function of, 662. In combat, possible use of, 666. Number allowed, 657, 658. Personnel of, 659. 660. Property, accountability for, 659, 664. Rations for personnel, 660. Service of, 663, 665. Shelter and camp supplies for, 870 note. Station on the march, 723, 724. With mobilized divisions, 658. With regiments, 657. Camp Infirmary Equipment : Accountability for, 659, 664. Articles kept in store, 869. Articles not kept in store, 870. Camp infirmary reserve, 871. Cubic space occupied, 869. Distribution of, in time of peace, 501 to 506. For station for slightly wounded, 666. Supply table, 869. 870. Wagon, how marked, 661. Weight carried by wagon, 873. Weight of, as stored, 869. Camp Infirmary Reserve : Cubic space iiccupied, 871. Loading table, 873. INDEX. 369 Camp Infirmary Reserve — Continued. Supply table, 871. Weight of. 871. When furnished, 871. Camps : Casual, 773. (See also Casual Camps.) Concentration, 598 to 601. (See also Concentration Camps.) Convalescent, 607, 608. (See also Con- valesnent Camps.) Hospitals for, 596, 600, 60.S. Medical service of, 593 to 597, 599 to 601. Mobilization, 592 to 597. (See also J/o- bili::a1ion Camps.) Camp Surgeons: Concentration camps, 599 to 601. Mobilization camps, 593 to 595, 597. To report deficiencies in eriuipment, etc.. 832. Candidates for Commission: Examinations, physical, 384, 385. Medical Corps, 2 to 9, 142, 143. See also Dental Corps, Medical Corps, and Medical Reserve Corps. Canvas for Litters: Washing and replacing, 526. Cases, Contents of: Accessory, microscopical, 950. Aspirating, 910. Dental, post, 911. Ear, nose, and throat, 912. Emergency, 913. Eye, 914. Forceps, hemostatic, 915. General operating, 916. Genito-urinary, 917. Gynecological, 918. Hemostatic forceps, 915. Instrument, medical officer's belt, 919. Medicine, medical officer's belt, 920. Microscopical, accessory, 950. Microscopical supplies, supplementary, 921. Operating, general, 916. Operating, small, 922. Pocket, 923. Post-mortem, 924. Small operating, 922. Tooth-extracting. 925. Trial lenses, 926. Casnal Camps for Sanitary Troops: Establishment and functions of, 773. Line of communications unit, 756. Relation to Medical Department organi- zation in campaign, 586. Casualties in Action: Estimate of, 152. Catalo^e Index: Library, Surgeon General's Office, 132. Catlieters : Preservation of, 525. Cautery, Paqnelin's : Contents of, 957. Cavalry Division: Sanitary service of, 741, 742. Cavities In Teeth: Classification of, 471. Cerebrospinal Meningitis : Report of appearance of, 201. Certificates : Graduation from Army Medical School, 143. Identity, 542 to 544. Identity, for Red Cross personnel, 536. I'roflciency, Army Medical School, 144, 145, 146. Proficiency, Hospital Corps, 146, 104, 105, 178. Change of Diagnosig Cards: Provisions concerning, 209, 211, 212, 213. Chests, Contents of: Acetylene, 927. Commode, 928. Cooking utensils, 929. Field laboratory No. 1, 930. Field laboratory No. 2, 931. Medical and surgical, 932. Medical and surgical, supplementary, 933. Mess, 934. Sterilizer, 935. Supplementary, 933. Tableware, 936. Tool No. 1, 937. Tool No. 2, 938. Chief Tfnrses: Assistants, 315. Duties of, 311. General provisions concerning, 58 to 61. Law authorizing, 56. Pay, 78, 79. Quarters, 80. Rations, SI. To prepare efficiency reports, 99. See also Xiirse Corps. Chief Surgeon, Field Army: Duties, general, 828 to 830. Duty to act as surgeon, base group, when, 829. Equipment of office, 901. Report on campaign, at conclusion of, 561. Supplies to be kept on line of communi- cations, 782, 830. Title, 534. Voluntary aid, individual, may accept, 537. Civilian Employees: Allowances of, 103, 105 to 107, 117, 289. Appointment of, 103 to 106, 108 to 111, 113, 114, 118, 318. Army and Navy General Hospital, ap- pointment and discharge, 318. Assignment, 103, 113. Changes of station and status, 118, 119. Classified, 102, 113, 116, 117. Death of, 118, 130, 218, 219, 226, 459. Depot and office employees, 108 to 117. Discharge of, 105, 106, 110, 113, 115, 116, 118, 126, 318. Efficiency reports of, 120 to 128. 370 INDEX. Civilian Employees — Continued. Employment by surgeon, base group, 810. Expenses in changing station, 117. Expenses proceeding to place of employ nient. lO:^. Hospital employees, 104 to 107, 290, 318. In general hospitals, 290. Injuries of, 130. Issues and sales to, of appliances, dress- ings, medicines, etc., 242 to 244. Laborers, unskilled, 103, 108 to 112. Labor regulations, 108, 109, 111. Leaves of absence, 129. Number allowed, 104, 110, 113. Pay, 103, 105, 106, 110, 113, 117. Post exchanges, medical and hospital care, 346. Prescriptions for, to be kept on separate file, 240. Promotion of, 113 to 118, 125. Qualifications of, 103, 104, 109, 113, 114. Quarters of, 103, 107. Rations of, 105, 106. Reduction of, 105, 106, 110, 113, 116 to 118, 126. Sanitary squads, 775. Subsistence, 103, 105, 106. Subsistence charge at Fort Bayard, 341. Suspensions, 116. Transfers, 113, 117, 118, 119. Transportation and expenses, 103, 117. Vaccination of, 186. i'Uilian Hospitals: Employment of, to clear field hospitals on the march, 700. Civilian Pliysicians: Practicing on military reservations, 348, 349. Red Cross, 536. Volunteers for field service, 537 to 541. Civilians : Care of, at Fort Bayard, 341, 342. Issues and sales to. of appliances, dress- ings, medicines, etc., 242 to 244. On register of patients, 438. Physical examination of, preparatory to field service, 589. Reports of sick and wounded, data con- cerning, 459. See also Inhabitants of Occupied Terri- torij. Clvll-SerTice Rules: Application to appointment of civilian employees, 108, 113, 114. Cleaning: Mixtures: Issue of medical property for, prohib- ited, 518. Clerks : Civilian, 103, 108, 113, 117. See also Civilian Employees. Clinical Records : Brief used as admission card, iV9. Disposition of, 211, 279. Files for, 844. General hospitals, 29.'?. General provisions, 407 to 41 1 Clinical Records — Continued. List of blanks, 961. Patients transferred from ward to ward 211, 408. Patients transferred to general hospital 215. Clinical Tliermometers : Requisitions for, 845 note. Clothing: Disinfection or destruction of, 222 230 279. Hospital Corps, allowances, 47, 865. Hospital Corps, white duck, to be worn when, 47. Hospital, repair of, 266, 269. Hospital, to be marked as hospital prop- erty, 228. Hospital, to be worn by patients, 228. Laundering of, belonging to enlisted at- tendants in hospital, 47, 266 to 278. Laundering of. belonging to Medical De- partment, 266 to 278. Laundering of, belonging to patients, 222, 266 to 278. Laundering of, uniforms of Nurse Corps, 96, 266 to 278. Repair of, Medical Department, 266. Coal : Requisitions for, 486. Color Sense : Examinations for, 397. Combat : Aid stations, 642, 645 to 650. Ambulance companies, function of, 671, 674 to 690. Bands, assistance of, 643. Base hospitals in, 759. Camp infirmaries in, 666. Care of wounded devolves on sanitary troops, 644. Diagnosis tags, use of, 567 to 574. Director of ambulance companies, duties, 655. Director of field hospitals, 692, 694. Divisional sanitary service in, 724 to 742. Division surgeon, duties concerning, 724 to 742, 744. Dressing stations, establishment of, 674 1o 684, 690. Evacuation ambulance companies func- tion of, 807, 809 to 812. Evacuation hospitals, function of, 795, 798, 801. Field hospitals, function of, 699. 701 to 709. First-aid packets, use of, 644. Objects of Medical Department in, 530, 531, 628, 029, 754. Regimental medical service of, 642 to 650. Replenisliijicnt of supplies, 551, 633. Reports and returns after each engage- ment, 55S, 562, 567 to 574, 579. Stations for slightly wounded, 711 to 715. Supplies for troops on the line, replenish- ment of, 551, 033. INDEX. 371 Combat — Continued. Surgeon, advance Kroup, duties of, Hl'2 to 825. SurKt'on, base group, duties of, 819. Combat Etiuipmcnt, Regimental: Table of, 80(j, 807. See also Rei/iiiwntal Combat Equipment. Commode Chest: Oouteuls of, 928. Commutation of Rations: .\rm.v and Navy General Hospital, 328. Hospital matrons, 205. Nurse Corps, 81, 282, 248. I'atients in hospital, 232, 248. See also Rations in Kind and Suhsist- encc. Complications : Record of, on register of patients and re- ports of sick and -wounded, 449, 462. Compressed-Air Apparatus : Contents of, 903. Concentration Camps: Camp hospitals for, 600. Definition of, 598. Equipment of troops at, 599. Instruction at. 599. Physical examinations at, 599. Sanitary service at, control of, 599. Sick call, supplies for, 601. Surgeons of, 599. Vaccinations at, 599. Contagious Disease Hospitals: In the field, 586, 756, 767, 768. Records of sick and wounded at, 575. Contagious Diseases: Boards of health to be notified of appear- ance, 203. See also Z>i.sea«(S, Infectious. Contract Dental Surgeons : General .provisions, 21 to 25. See also Dental Corps. Contracts : Bonds for contracts for laundry work, 276. Laundry work, 274 to 276. Contract Surgeons: Allowances of, 53, 54. Ann>ilm('nt of contracts, 52, 53. Appointment, 14, 51 to 54. Compensation, 51 to 54. Contracts with, 52 to 54. Deaths of, reports, 219. Discharge of, 52, 53. Duties, 53, 54. Employment of, by surgeon, base group, 819. Enlistments not to be made by, 40. Examinations for em-ployment as, 53. Expenses of applicants, 53. Law authorizing employment, 51. Number allowed, 51. Pay, 51, 52. Personal reports, 55. Qualifications for employment, 53. Quarters, 53, 54. Contributions, Voluntary: Surgeon, base group, may receive, etc., 819. CouTalescent Camps: Branches of general hospitals, 289, 766. Establishment of, 766. Line of communications unit, 756. Records of sick and wounded of, 608. Relation to Medical Department organi- zation in campaign, 58(;. Cooking Utensils, Chest of: Contents, 929. Cooks, Acting: General provisions, 37, 38. See also Hospital Corps. Cooks, Hospital: Civilian, 103 to 106. Gratuities to, 255. Volunteer, for field service, 537 to 541. See also Acting Cookif. Corporals, Hospital Corps: General provisions, 39. See also Hospital Corps. Correction Cards: Reports of sick and wounded, 463, 464. Correspondence : Attending surgeons, 404. Books, 405, 962. Channels in the field, 557, 744, 828. Convalescent camps, 607. Correspondence book system, 403. Department surgeons, 369, 402. Directors of field hospitals and ambu- lance companies, 652, 692. Disposition of retained records In the field, 566. General hospitals, 402. General orders governing, 406. Hospitals, 403. Indelible pencil may be used in the field, 565. In the field in time of war, 556, 557, 560, 564 to 566. Line of communications, 557. Medical supply depots, 402. Mobilization camps, 595. Mobilized divisions, 557. Record card system, 402, 405. Records of, 402 to 406. Correspondence School: For medical officers, 147. Cosmetics : Issuf of medical property for, prohibited, 518. Crate, Field Laboratory: Contents of, 939. Crutches : Transfer of, with patients, 228. Curtains, Window: Requisitions for, 845 note. Dead : Diagnosis tags applied to,- 558, 567. 570. Disposition of. 279, 300. Effects of deceased patients in hospital, 225, 226. 372 INDEX. Deaths : Acting dental surgeons, reports of, 219. Civilian employees, reports of, 118, 130, 218. Contract surgeons, reports of, 219. Dental surgeons, reports of, 219. Enlisted men, reports of,' 218. Hospital Corps, reports of, 45. Medical olBcers, reports of, 219. Nurses, reports of, 100. Officers, reports of, 218, 219. Tatients' effects, disposal of, 225, 226. Patients en route, 584. Record of, on list of sick and wounded, 576. Record of, on register of patients, 428, 450. Record of, on reports of sick and wounded, 401, 459. Reports to Boards of Health, 401. Reports to Director of Census, 401. Sergeants first class, Hospital Corps, re- ports of, 219. Uental Assistant: Provisions concerning, 42. Dental Case: Contents of, 911. Dental Cases: Record of, on register of patients, 4.30. Deutal Corp?: Allowances, 20. Appointments, acting dental surgeons, 20 to 25. Appointments, dental surgeons, 20, 26 to 31. Authority of, 20. Contracts, acting dental surgeons, 25. Deaths, reports of, 218, 219. Discharge, acting dental surgeons, 25. Enlisted assistant, 42. Examinations for appointment, 22 to 24, 25 to 30. Expenses of candidates, 21. Grades in, 20. Law establishing, 20. Number allowed, 20. Part of Medical Department, 1, 20, 533. I'ay, 20. Personal reports, 32. Promotion, 26. Rank of dental surgeons, 20. Retirement. 20. Status, acting dental surgeons, 20. See also Dentists. Dental Patients: Register of, 465 to 472. Denial Property: Returns of, 508. Dental Supplies: Accomitablllty for, 501 to 503. Articles furnished by surgeons, 491, 852. Expendable articles estimated for six months, 651. General provisions, 849 to 853. Dental Supplies — Continued. Plate work, 853. Requisitions for, 491 to 495, 853. Supply table, 854 to 856. Dental Supply Table : Additional supplies, 856, Base outfit, 855. Portable outfit, 854. Dental Surgeons: General provisions, 20 to 32. See also Dental Corps. Dental Work: Reports of, 473. Dentists : Accountability for medical jjroperty, 501 to 503. Issues of post supplies to, 491, 852. Returns of medical property, 507, 508. See also Dental Corps. Department Hospitals: Provisions concerning, 282. See also Oeneral Hospitals and Hospital Service. Department Laboratories : Containers for specimens, 355. Material for identification, 353. Packages sent by mail, 355. I'urpose of, 851. Secretions, excretions, and tissues, 352. Special media supplied, 354. Water, 356 to 360. Department Sanitary Inspectors: Duties of, 371. Inspections by, 372 to 374, Reports, 372 to 374. Department Surgeons: Correspondence, record, and document sys- tem, 369, 402. Duties of, 364 to 370. Hospital fund, duties re.specting, 257, 260. Instruction, Hospital Corps, duties re- specting, 176. Laundry of hospitals, authority over, 269. Mobilization camps, to furnish program for instruction, 594. Nurses, transfer of, 77. Provision of camp hospitals, 603. Reports and papers, 368 to 370. Reports, annual. 370. Reports of sick and wounded, duties re- specting, 461. Reports of surgical operations consoli- dated, 420. Requisitions for supplies, action on, 481, 487, 489, 492. Sanitary inspector, assistant to, 371. Deposits : Proceeds of sales of medicines to civilians, 24.3. Proceeds of sales of other medical prop- erty, 500. Depots, Medical Supply: See Adrancc Medical Supplu Depots, nasc Medical Supply Depots, and Medical Supply Depots. INDEX. 373 Descriptive and Aggignment Cards: Copies of. to be forwarded to the Sur- geon General in cases of men trans- ferred to the Hospital Corps, 41. Medical property in possession of men transferred, to be noted on, 49. DescrlptlTB Lists: Camp inflrmarj- personnel, 659. Copies of, to be forwarded to the Surgeon General, in cases of men transferred to the Hospital Corps, 41. Medical property in possession of men transferred, to be noted on, 49. Proficiency of Hospital Corps men trans- ferred, to be noted on, 46, 179. Deserters : Effects of patients who desert, 225. Physical examinations of, 393. Desertions: Hospital Corps, reports of, 45. Record of admission from, on register of patients, 445. Record of, on register of patients, 450. Desks, Field: Contents of No. 1, 940. Contents of No. 2, 941. Diagnosis : "Change of diagnosis" cards, 211, 212, 218. Change of, entry as to line of duty, 449. Change of, upon admission of patients by transfer, 446. Changes of, on register, to be reported to Surgeon General for correction of re- port cards, 462. Nomenclature to be used in recording, 555, 556. Record of, on register, alterations in, 4."6. Record of, on register of dental patients, 472. Record of, on register of patients, 446, 455, 456. Diagnosis Tags : General provisions concerning, 558, 567 to 574. Use of, at aid stations, 649. Use of, at dressing stations, 684. Use of, at stations for slightly wounded, 713. Use of, on the march, 639. Diet Cards: Use of, 235. Diet Kitchens: Provisions concerning. 239. See also Mess Management. Diet of SIek: See Mess Management. Diphtheria : Antidiphtheritic serum, procurement of. 843 note, 879, 891 note. Report of appearance of, 201. Director of the Census: Reports of births and deaths to, 401. Directors of .imbulanee Companies: Command camp infirmaries, 656. Duties, general, 652, 653, 656. Directors of Ambniance Companies — Continued. Duties in combat, 055, 676. Duties on the march, 639, 654. Records and files, 652. Relation to organization of Medical de- partment in campaign, 586. Station on the march. 654. With cavalry divisions, 742. Directors of Field Hospitals: Duties, general, 692 to 694. Duties in coml)at, 692 to 694, 701. Records and files of, 692. Relation to organization of Medieal De- partment in campaign, 586. Station on tlie march, 693. Directory of Medical Personnel: To be kept by department surgeons, 369. Disbursements : Hospital fund, division surgeons to au- dit, 365. Mess bills to be settled promptly, 234. Disbursing Officers: Duties of, 877 to 379. Proceeds of sales, how to account for, 509, 510. Discharged Soldiers; At Army and Navy General Hospital, 327, 329. At Fort Bayard, 335, 357. On register of patients, 438. Discharges : Acting dental surgeons, 22. Civilian employees, 105, 106, 110, 113, 115, 116, 118, 126. Civilian employees. Army and Navy Gen- eral Hospital, 318. Contract Surgeons, 52, 53. Enlisted men, for refusal of surgical treatment, 220. Enlisted men, physical examinations for, 894. Hospital Corps, reports of, 45. Hospital matrons, 268. Medical Corps, 2. Medical Reserve Corps, 8, 14, 143. Nurse Corps, 56, 57, 60, 68 to 73, 86, 100. Record of, on register of patients, 427, 431, 450. Students at Army Medical School, 143, 145. Discipline of Patients: At Army and Navy Gener.il Hospital, 333. At Fort Bayard, 344. In hospital wards, 279. Diseases : Nomenclature, dental, 470. Nomenclature, general, 455. To be treated at Army and Navy Gen- eral Hospital, 319. Diseases, Epidemic: Duty of civilian practitioner on military reservation respecting, 348, 349. Reports of, 201 to 203. Diseases, Infections : Civilian physician discovering, duty re- specting, 348, 349. 374 INDEX. Diseases, Infectioas — Continued. Examinations of porsounel for, before go-. ing on field service, 589, 594. General provisions, 188 to 200. Malarial fever, 195 to 197. Paratyphoid fever, 184 to 191. Reports of, 201 to 203. Smallpox, 192 to 194. Syphilis, 200. Typhoid fever, 184 to 191. Venereal diseases, 198 to 200. Disinfection : Bed liueu, 279. Beds, 279. Clothing, 230, 279. Rooms, St3 note. Dismissal : liocord of, on register of patients, 431, 4.50. Dispensary Management : Provisions concerning, 240 to 244. Dispensing Set: Bottles and jars of, 942. Distribution of Field Supplies: Regimental, for field operations, 632, 633. Regimental, in time of peace, 504 to 506. Distribution of Sanitary Troops: Of division, 716 to 742. Of Medical Department in campaign, 572. DiTisional Sanitary Service, Administration of: Ambulance companies on the march, 721. Battle order, 732 to 739. Camp infirmaries on the march, 723, 724. Cavalry division, 741, 742. Defensive engagements, 726, 736. Division surgeon's orders, 732, 735, 738. Information required by combatant troops, 733, 735. Information required by regimental sur- geons, 734, 735. Offensive engagements, 727 to 729, 737. Rear-guard actions, 730, 739. Rencontre engagements, 731. Sanitary train, control of, 717 to 720. Sanitary train in camp, 719. Sanitary train in combat, 725, 726. Sanitary train on the march, 718, 720 to 724. See also Division Surgeons and Division Sanilary Iiisiirclors. Division Sanitary Inspectors: Asshstant to division surgeon, 740. Duties of, 746 to 750. May be authorized to correct defects di- rect, 749. Reports of, 747, 748. Sanitary squads, 750. Divisions, Tactical: Administration of sanitary service, 710 to 742. Reserve supplies for, 890, 891. See also Diris-ional Hunitarti Service, Di- tnsion S- lishment of, 701, 702. List of sick and wounded, 578. Paper work, method of conducting, 560, 744. Provision of camp hospitals, 603. Red Cross units, command of, 743. Reports on campaign, at conclusion of, 561. Reports to chief surgeon, field army, 744. Report to division commander after each engagement, 744. Requisitions from divisional units, action on, 552. Sanitary inspections, 744. Sanitary train, control of, 716 to 724, 743. Station on march, 744. Title, 534. Transfer of supplies between sanitary formations, 551. Voluntary aid, individual, may accept, 537. See also Divisional Sanitary Service. DlTlsIon Surgeon's Office Equipment: Blank forms, emergency supply, 885. Cubic measurement, 884. Other supplies, 884 note. Supply table, 884. Weight, 884. Documents: Files of, 402, 403, 405, 406, 564. Obsolete, disposition of, 426. Retamed, in theater of operations, 566. Dressing Packet, Individual: Contents of, 949. Dressings, Surgical: Ambulance box of, contents of, 954. Box of, contents of, 955. Civilians, issues and sales to, 242 to 244. First-aid packets, contents of, 944 to 940. Individual dressing packet, contents of, 949. Replenishment of, in combat, 551, 633. Shell-wound, 946. Dressing Stations: Bearers, 670. Closing, 090. Combination with aid station, 679. Defensive engagements, 720. Departments of, 681. Diagnosis tags, use of at, 682, 684. Effects of patients, 649. Equipment table, 874 to 878. Establishment of, 676, 677. Evacuation of. (ISO. «82, 685 to 690. General provisions, 675 to 6S4, 690. Location of, 676, 678, 679. Moving. 690. Offensive engagements, 727. Opening, 670, 077. INDEX. 375 Dressing Stations — Continued. Rear-guard .actions, 730, 7H9. Records, number of patients, etc., to bo noted, (5S4. Shelter from fire, 678. Transportation of wounded to and from, fi89. Treatment at, character of, G83. Durable Property: Disposition of. 259. I'urchaso of, 259. Return of, 2G0, 262. Transfer of, 261. See also Hospital Fund. Dnty, Line of: Record of, on daily sick report, 207. Record of, on register of patients, 448. 449. Duty, Betnrn to: Record of, on register of patients, 450. Surgeon to decide when patients shall. 281. Ear, Nose, and Throat Case: Contents of, 912. Education and Training: General provisions concerning, 131 to 181. Effects of Dead and of Patients : Infected clothing, 230. In hospitals, 221 to 226, 279. In general hospitals, 29.3, 301, 303. Efficiency Reports: Civilian employees, 120 to 128. Hospital Corps, 46. Nurse Corps, 99. Electric Batteries: Dry cells, recharging of, 845 note. Electric Current: Requisitions for, 486. Emblem of Sanitary Service : Personnel, formations, and materiel, 542 to 546. Emergency Case: Contents of, 913. Employees : Civilian, 103 to 130. See also Civilian Employees. Enlisted Men: Deaths, reports of, 218, 219, 279, 300. Discharge, physical examination.s for. 394. Identification records of, 392. Laundry of clothing of, 267. Surgical treatment, refusal of. 220. Valuables of patients, forbidden to re- ceive, 221, 279. See also Hospital Corps. Enlistments: While in hospital, effect of, on register of patients, 431. See also Hospital Corps. Epidemic Diseases: Civilian practitioners treating oQ mili- tary reservations, 348, 349. Reports of, 201 to 203. Equipment : "A," " B," and " C " defined, 860. Equipment — Continued. Field, suggestions for improvement of, 474. Horse equipments, 943. Hospital Corps, transfer of, 48, 49. Sick and wounded in the field, 640, 649. Wheel transportation for equipment "A" only, 860. Equipment Tables : .Vdvance medical supply depot, 895. Ambulance company, 874 to S7S. Base hospital, 891, 892. Base medical supi)ly depot, 894. Camp hospitals, 886. Camp infirmary, 869, 870, 873. Camp infirmary reserve, 871, 873. Chief surgeon, field army, oflice, 901. Division surgeon, blank forms, 884, 885. Division surgeon's office, 8.S4. Evacuation ambulance company, 897. Evacuation hospital, 891, 892. Field hospital. 879 to 883. Field laboratory, 896. Hospital Corps, horse, 943. Hospital Corps, individual, 865. Hospital ship, 898. Hospital train, 899, 900. Medical officers, individual, 864. Medical reserve unit, 891. Regimental combat equipment, 866 to 868. Regimental hospital, 872, 873. Surgeon, base group, office, 901. Estimates, Construction and Repair of Hospitals: General provisions, 245. Evacuation Ambulance Companies: Commanding officer, duties, 805. Defensive engagements, 726. Designation of, 804. Duties of, 808 to 812. Emergency supplies for, 552. Equipment, 806. Function of, 807. General provisions concerning, 804 to 812. Increased transport for, 809. Location of, 810. Motor ambulances for, 806. Number of, allowed, 804. Fersonnel, 806. Records, reports, and returns, 562, 581. Relations to Medical Department organi- zation in campaign, 586. Report after each engagement, 562. Rest stations established by, 781. Supplies for, 806. Evacuation Ambulance Company Equipment; Motor amiiulances for, 806. Pack mules probably unnecessary, 806. Reserve dressings probably unnecessary, 806. Similar to that of an ambulance company, 806, 897. Evacuation Hospital Equipment: Ambulances, motor, 891 note. Blank forms for, 891 note. 376 INDEX. Efacnatlon Hospital Eqiilpmont — Continued. Cubic measurement of medical supplies, 891. Medical supplies, 801. Not strictly limited to supply table, 850, 889. Quartermaster supplies, 892. Weight, 891. 892. Eracuation Hospitals: Blauks for, 891 note. Buildings to be used when available, 700. Comniaudiiig oflBcer, duties of, 790. Defensive engagements, 726. Designation of, 793. Emergency supplies for, 5.52. Evacuation of, 801. Function of, 79,5, 799. Line of communications units, 79S. Location of, 796, 797. Moving, 797, 708. Not strictly limited to supply table, 8,">9, 889. Number allowed, 793. Opening, 798. Personnel of, 704. Records, reports, and returns, 575, 80.3. Relation to organization of Medical De- partment in campaign, 586. Supply tables, 891, 802. Transportation for evacuation of, 802. Treatment of wounded at, character of, 800. See also Evacuation Hospital Equipment. ETacnatlon of Sick and Wounded : Additional transport for, 629, 687, 800, 823. Chief problem of Medical Department, 530, 627, 754. Line of communications, 754, 819, 825. Selection and classification of patients for, 628, 826, 839. See also under the several field units. Examinations: Acting dental surgeons, for appointment and promotion, 20, 21 to 24, 26 to 30. Chief nurses, 59. Contract surgeons, for appointment, 53. Dental Corps, for appointment, 26 to 30. Field appliances and chests. 516. Hospital Corps, sergeants first class and sergeants, 33, 85, 36. Infectious diseases, examinations of troops for discovery of, 589. Instruments, monthly, 519. Laboratory specimens, 352 to 355. Medical Corps, for appointment and pro motion, 2, 10, 11. Medical property, annual, 512. Medical Reserve Corps, for appointment, 14 to 17. Nurse Corps, by superintendent, 57. Nurse Corps, chief nurses, 59. Nurse Corps, for appointment, 56, 63 to 65. Red Cross units, by medical oflScers, 536. Pathological specimens, 352 to 355. Examinations — Continued. Physical. 382 to 397. (See also Physical Examinations.) Water, 356 to 360. Examining Boards: For acting dental surgeons, 22 to 24. For contract surgeons, 53. For Dental Corps, 22 to 24, 26 to 30. For Hospital Corps, sergeants first class and sergeants, 33, 35, 36. For Medical Corps, 2 to 9. For Medical Reserve Corps, 15 to 17. Exchanges, Post; Dividends from, 348. Medical and hospital care of employees of, 346. Expenses of Sales: M(>dical property, 509. Expenses, Traveling: Acting dental surgeon.s, candidates for employment as, 21. Civilian employees, 104 to 117. Contract surgeons, 53. Medical Corps, candidates for appoint- ment in, 3, 8. Militia ofllcers, while attending Army Medical School, 145. Nurse Corps, 56, 72, 73. 82 to 85. Red Cross personnel, 536. Eye Case: Contents of, 914. Families : Definition of, with respect to medical at- tendance, 345. Feces : P"'or diagnostic purposes, 191, 352. Female Nnrses: See Xiirse Corps and yurses. Field Army, Chief Surgeon: General provisions, 828 to 830. See also Chief Surgeon, Field Army. Field Chests: Contents of, 927 to 938. Field Desks: Contents of No. 1, 940. Contents of No. 2, 941. Field Equipment: See Equipment and Equipment Tables. Field Hospital Directors: General provisions, 691 to 694. See also Directors of Field Hospitals. Field Hospital Equipment: Articles kept in store, 879. Articles not kept in store, 880. Articles supplied by camp quartermas- ter, 882. As a nucleus for camp hospital equip- ment, 604, 886. Containers for, how marked, 879 note. Cubic measurements as stored, 879. Grain, 1 day's in jockey box, 883 note. Loading table for wagons, 883. Rail transportation rcciuired, 881. Retiuisitions for, 879, 8S0. Supply table, 870, 880. Tentage, directions for loading, 883 note. INDEX. 377 Field Hospital Equipment — Continued. Wagons, how marked, 606. Weight as carrifd on wagons, 883. Weight as stored, 879. Field Hospitals, Peace Organization: Certiflcatos of proficiency for men under instruction, 164, 165. Commanding officer, 159, 160. Discipline, 160. Duties of permanent per-sonnel, 158. Instruction, courses of, 161 to 165. Law authorizing, 33. Organization, 158. Personnel, 158. Records of class work, 163 to 165. See also Hospital Corps. Field Hospitals, War Orgaiiization : Blanks for, 879, 940. Civil hospitals, transfers to, 700. Closing, 708, 709, Collecting points for sick, 700. Commanding officer, 697. Defensive engagements, 726, Departments of, 703, 704. Designations of, 695. Diagnosis tags, use of, 572. Dressing stations, replacement of, 701. Duties, general, 699 to 709. Duties, in combat, 701 to 707, Duties, on the march, 700. Establishment of, 701, Evacuation of, 699, 700, 704, 706 to 70S Function of, 699. General provisions concerning, 695 to 709. Guards, 550. Immobilization of, to be prevented, 603 700, 707. Law authorizing, 33. Location of, 701. Moving, 708, 709. Number to be established, 701. Offensive engagements, 729. Opening, 700 to 702, 709. Personnel, 698. Rear-guard actions, 730, 739. Records, reports, and returns, 562, 704. Report after each engagement, 562. Station, on march, 722. Supply tables, 879 to 882. Treatment at, character of, 705. With cavalry divisions, 741. See also Field Hospital Equipment. Field Laboratories: Establishment and function of, 778. Records of sick and wounded at, 575. Relation to Medical Department organiza- tion in campaign, 586, Supply table, 896. Field Laboratory Chests: Contents of No. 1, 930. Contents of No. 2, 931, Contents of crate. 939. Field Medical Supplies: Base supply depots; on hand at, 782. ' Containers for, 863. Field Medical Supplies— Continued Delivery of, in the zone of the advance, 00.5. Department sanitary inspector's duties regarding, 371. ^^'^^nment surgeon's duties regarding. Distribution of, in time of peace, 504 to 506. Equipments "A", " B ", and "C" de- fined, 860, Iloj^pital Corps man may accompany, 5o4, Inspections of, 516. Litters, replacement of canvas, 526, Maximum and minimum list of' 78'> ' 7ss 8.30. ' "' ' Not to be used at posts, 515. I'acking of, 863. Replenishment, how often, 858. Replenishment in combat, 551. Requisitions for, in peace, 489^ 490. Requisitions for, in war, 551 to 553, Returns of, 507. Tables of, 857 to 901. Transportation of, 549, 554. Wheeled transportation for* "A" supplies only, 860. See also Equipment and Equipment Tables. Field Microscope with Accessory Case: Contents of, 950. Field Problems for Medical Officers : Casualties in action, 152. General provisions concerning, 148 to 153. Medical personnel required in war 153 FleW Supply Tables: General outline, 857 to 901. See also Equipment Tables. Fire: In hospitals, 279, 300, Firearms : Guards for sanitary formations, 550. Wounded on the field, 640, 649. '-'irst Aid: Instruction in, 131, 155, 162, 170. 594 634. First- Aid Packets: Contents of, 944 to 946. Issues of, to line troops, 845 note. Personnel provided with, 632, 633. Wounded to apply, when, 644. Sanitary service, 545. Floors : Hospitals, oiling, painting, etc., 246. Food Boxes: Contents of ambulance box, 947. Contents of box, 948. Foot Powder: Issue of, to troops, 843 note. Forceps Case, Hemostatic: Contents of, 915. Fprmaldehyde : Gas, rule for generating, 843 note. a7« INDEX. Forms : See BImik Forms. Formnl» : Unofficial compound merticinal prepara- tions. 002. Fort Bayard General Hospital: Admissions, :534 to 3?.8, ;'.06. Discipline of patients, 844. Examinations, pliysical, for admission, 396. General provisions, 334 to 344. Hospital charges, 339 to 343. Navy patients. 335, 341. Transfers to, 334, 836. Fractures : Record of, on register of patients, 456. Fuel: Requisitions for coal, gas, and oil, 486. Fund, Hospital: General provisions, 248 to 262. See also Hospital Fund. Furloughs : Hospital Corps, 45. Record of, on register of patients, 450. Gardener, Hospital: Gratuities to, 255. Gas, as Fuel: Requisitions for, 486. General Hospitals: Additional in time of war, 606. Adjutant, 200, 292, 297, 301. Administration division personnel, 290. Admissions to, 288, 301. 307. Assistants to officer of the day, 298, 301 to 306. Augmentation of, in war, 587, 606. Capacity of those of standard size, 289. Chaplain, 290. Chief of medical service, 290, 307, 310. Chief of surgical service, 290, 307, 310. Commanding officer, 284, 290, 291. Commanding officer, detachment Hospital Corps. 290, 296. Commanding officer, detacliment of pa- tients, 293. Consulting board, 316. Control of, 284. Convalescent camp, 290. Dental service, 290. Enlisted men under treatment three months, 287. Executive officer, 292. Expansion of, plans for, 289. Fire in, 300. Function of, 283. Guards for, 300. 305, 306. Hospital Corps detachment, 290, 296. Hospital fund, 295. Hospitals, ports of embarkation, as branches of, 609. Laboratory, 290. Matrons on duty at, 266. Mess, 290, 295, 300. Money and valuables of patients, 293, 301. GoiMTiil Hospitals — Continued. Nursing service, 290, 311 to 315. Officer of the day, 290, 297 to 302. Officer of the guard. 290. Officers under treatment three months. 287. Patients' effects, 293, 301, 303. Patients under treatment three months, 287. Personnel of, 290. Plans and specifications for, 289. . _,,^ Professional division personnel, 290. Public property at, 294, 304. Purposes of, 283. Quartermaster, 290, 294. Quartermaster Corps men, 290. Rod Cross, use of, in time of war, 290. Registrar, 290, 293. Report on cases under treatment three months, 287. Reports and returns, 287, 292, 293. Return to duty of those under treat- ment. 285. Supplies for, how obtained, 286. Temporary, 289. Voluntary aid, acceptance of, 539 to 541. Wards, 279, 290, 308 to 310. Ward surgeons, 290, 307 to 310. Watchmen, 300, 305. See also Hospital Service. General Operating Case: Contents of, 916. Geneva Convention of 1906: I'rovisions of, 543, 547 to 549. Genito-l rinary Case: Contents of, 917. Gonorrhea : Provisions concerning, 198, 199. Government Hospital for the Insane : Examinations, physical, for transfer tp, 396. Transfer cards of cases sent to, 218. Gratuities : To cooks and gardeners, 255. Guards : For general hospitals, 306. Sanitary service, in the field, 550. Gynecological Case: Contents of. 918. Health, Boards of: To be notified of appearance of infectious disease, 203. Hearing : Examinations of. 397. Hemostatic Forceps Case: Contents of, 915. Hernia : Record of, on register of patients. 455. History, Medical, of Posts: General provisions, 412. See also Medical History of Posts. Horse Equipments: Hospital Corps, 943. Hospital Boats: See Hospital Ships. INDEX. 379 Hos|ilial Buildings; Construction and I'opair of, "245, 1204, ;?fir). Floors, 246. Quarters of sergeant first class. Hospital Corps, 24.5, 365. Repair of, 245, 365. Koports of proi^ress of work on, 245. Hospital Charges: Army and Navy General Hospital, 32'.>, 330. Fort Bayard, 339 to 343. Hospital Corps: Acting cooks, 37, 38. Acting hospital stewards, 33. Assignment to duty, 44. Bedding, use of by, 523. Certificates of proficiency, 146, 164, 178. Changes of station or status, reports of, 45, 46, 47. Clothing, allowances, 47. Clothing, sizes of, 47. Clothing, white, when to be worn, 47. Constitution of, 33. Cooks, acting, 37, 38. Corporals, 39. Deaths, reports of, 45, 219. Dentist's assistant, 42. Descriptive and assignment cards, 41, 49. Descriptive lists, 41, 47, 49, 179. Desertions, 45. Discharges, 45. Duties, general, 33, 43, 279, 298. Duties in general hospitals, 301 to 306. Efficiency reports, 46. Enlistments in, 40, 41, 45. Equipment, method of packing, 865 note. Equipment table, 865. Equipment transferred with, 48, 49. Field kits, 865 note. Furloughs, 45. Horse equipments, 943. Hospital stewards, 33. Instruction of, 131, 156, 167 to 181, 296. Instruction of dental assistant, 42. Lance corporals, 39. Laundering of white clothing, 47, 267. Law establishing, 33. Noncommissioned officers, duties, 43. Number allowed, 33. Personnel for general hospitals, 290. Return of, 50, 180. Sergeants first class and sergeants, 33, 34 to 36. Service kits, 865. Sickness, report of, 45. Surplus kits, 865 note. Transfers of, to other stations, 44 to 49. Transfers to, 33, 40, 41. See also Amhulance Companies and Field Hospitals. Hospital Corps Belt: Contents of, 907. Medical officers may make changes in con- tents, 907 note. Transfer of, 907 note. Hospital Coiinrlh: To ;iiulit liospital fund, 258. HoNpKal Employees: See Oivilinn Employees. Hospital Fund: Accountability for, 253, 260 to 262, 295. Audit of, 258, 365. Company fund, equivalent to, 251. Custodian of, 252, 253, 260, 261, 29.5. Department surgeon, action of, 255, 257, 259, 260, 365. Durable property bougbt with, 259 to 262. Expenditure of, 251, 254, 256, 365. General hospitals, 295. Gratuities, 255. Liquors, purchase restricted, 256. Mess accounts, 237. Proceedings of council, 258. Purchases with, 231, 256. Receipts to be taken, 254. Sources of, 248, 249, 331, 343. Statements of, 260 to 262, 365. Transfer of, 257 to 261. Hospital Garden: Products of, 231, 248. Hospital Gardener: Gratuities to, 255. Hospital Laundry: General provisions, 265 to 278. See also Laundry, Hospital. Hospital Matrons : Allowances of, 265 to 269. Discharge, 268. Duties, 266 to 269. Farming work forbidden, 268. Ijaw authorizing, 265. Leave of absence, 268. Pay. 265 to 269. Rations, 265 to 269. Statement of work done by, 278. Hospital Rules : {References are to subsections of paror graph 279.) Absence without leave, a 14. Arising, hour of, a 7. Bedding, squad room, care of, a 9. Bedding, ward, care of, b 13. Beds, squad room, arrangement and care of, a 8, a 9, a 10. Beds, ward, care of, b 13. Borrowing from patients, a 16. Clinical records, 6 10. Clothing, disposition of, a 8. Deaths, b 5. Diet orders, b 2. Duties of senior noncommissioned officer, a 1. Duties of those in charge of departments, a 5. Emergency squads, a 17. Equipments, disposition of, a 10. Fire, a 18, a 19. Formations, all to be present at, a 6. fJambling, b 14. General rules, a. Inspections, a 15, a 18, a 19. 380 INDEX. Hospital Rnles — Continued. Kitchen and mess attendants, a 7. Lights, unauthorized, a 18, a 19. Liquors, precautions concerning, b 4, & 14. Noncommissioned offlcer In charge of quarters, a 17, a 18, a 19. Patients, care of, o 1, 5 8. Patients, discipline of, b 1, & 14, b 15. Patients' eflfects, 6 2. b 9. Patients, giving information regarding, prohibited, b 11. Patients to be made acquainted with ward rules, b 6. Personal cleanliness, a 12. Poisons, precautions concerning, b 4. Police, a 15. Prescriptions and medicines, b 2, b 3. Profanity in wards, b 14. Public property, care of, o 2, a 3, a 4, b 2. Squad rooms, care of, a 11. Uniform, a 13. Visitors, b 12. Wardmaster, duties of, b 1 to b 15. Ward records, b 3, b 10. Ward rules, b. Wards, cleanliness of, b 2. Watclimen, a 18, a 19. Hospitals : Army and Navy General, 317 to 333. Base, 757 to 765. Camp, 602 to 605. Contagious disease, 767, 768. Department, 282. Evacuation, 793 to 803. Field, 695 to 709. Sort Bayard General, 334 to 344. General, 283 to 316. Port of embarkation, 609. Post, 280, 281. Prisoners of war, 611. Regimental, 632. See also under the above several heads. Hospital Safe: Combination of, 247. Hospitals, Civilian: Transfer of patients to, in the field, 700. Hospital Service: Admission and distribution of patients, 209 to 211. Bedding, hospital, to be used only in hospitals, 523. Buildings, 245, 246. Change of diagnosis cards, 212, 213. Civilian employees, post exchanges, 346. Civilian patients, charges for medicine, 242. Civilians, issues to prevent suffering, 244. Correspondence record and document file system, 402 to 406. (See also Corre- spondence.) Deaths, 218, 219, 225. (See also Deaths.) Diet kitchens, 239. Dispensary management, 240 to 244. Durable property, 259 to 262. Effects of patients, 221 to 226. Gratuities, 255. Hospital Service — Continued. Hospital fund, 248 to 262. (See also Hospital Fund.) Hospital rules, 279. (See also Hospital Rules.) Hospital safe, 247. Ice for, 263, 264. Infected property, destruction of, 230. Laundry, 265 to 278. (See also Laundry.) Matrons, 265 to 269. Medicine, issued or sold to civilians, 242, 243. Mess management, 231 to 239. (See also Mess Management.) Patients, admission and distribution of, 209 to 211. Patients, appliances transferred with, 228. I'atients, civilian, charges for medicine, 242. I'atients, clinical records of, 209, 279. (See also Clinical Records.) I'atients' clothing, disinfection of, 222. Patients' clothing, laundering of, 222, 267. I'atients, clothing to be worn by, 228. Patients, duties to be performed by, 281. Patients' effects, 221 to 226. Patients, transfers and transfer cards of. 209 to 211, 214 to 217. Prescriptions, 240 to 244. I'roperty brought in by patients, 227, 304. Property, infected, 230. Property, use and care of, 512 to 526. Regulations for interior administration, 279. Sales of medicine, disposition of proceeds, 243. Seamen, Army Transport Service, 250. Sick call, 206 to '208. Ward morning reports, 211. Ward rules, 279. (See also Hospital Rules.) See also General Hospitals and Post Hos- pitals. Hospital Ships; Command of, 623. Equipment and supplies for, 622, 898. Insignia of, 542. Line of communications, 769, 772. Not to be diverted from Medical Depart- ment, 549. Personnel, 621. Records, reports, and returns, 5S2, 584, 625. Red Cross, 623. Register of patients on, 584. Relation to organization of Medical De- partment in campaign, 586. Report after each trip, 5G2. Service of the interior, 619 to 625. Ships for patients, 619 to 625, 769 to 772. Use and operation of, 624. INDEX. 381 Hospitalis, Torts of Embarkation: Control of, 609. Establishment of, 609. May 1)0 branches of general hospitals, 009. Hospital Trains: t'oniuuuul of, 616. Etiuipment and supplies for, 615, 899 Line of communications, 769 to TTli. Litter fittings for box cars, 900. Not to be diverted from Medical Uepart- ment, 549. Personnel, 614. Records, reports, and returns, 562, 582, 584, 617. Report after each trip, 562. Register of patients on, 584. Relation to Medical Department organi- zation in campaign, 5S6. Service of the interior, 613 to 617. Trains for patients, 613 to 617, 769 to 772. Hyi?iene: Instruction in, 131, 154, 594, 634. Hypodermic Syringe: Accessories, 956. Ice: For hospitals, 263, 264. Identification Records: Of recruits, 392. Identification Sapplles: Ice, 264. Requisitions for, 486, 847 note. Supply table, 847. Identification Tags: Provisions concerning, 221, 227, 303. Identity, Certificates of: Provisions concerning, 542 to 544. Index Catalogue : Library, Surgeon General's Office, 132. Index Medicus: Library, Surgeon General's Office, 132. Index to Register of Patients : How made, 432. IndlTldual Dressing Packet: (•ont?nts of, 949. Individnal Voluntary Aid: General provisions, 537 to 541. i'ercentage of, that may be used in war, 153. Infantry Division: Administration of sanitary service of, 716 to 750. Infected Clothing and Property: Treatment of, 230. Infectious-Disease Hospitals : See Contai/ioits Disease Hospitals. Infectious Diseases: - General provisions, 183 to 200. See also Di'^eases, Infections. Infirmary, Camp: General provisions, 657 to 666. See also Camp Infirmaries. Inhabitants of Occupied Territory: Relief of distress and suffering, 755. Sanitation among, 531, 754. 93440°— 17 24 Insane: Physical examinntions of, 396. Transfer cards of, 216. Insignia: Brassards, 542 to 544. Flags of sanitary service, 515. Sanitary materiel, 546. Sanitary personnel, 542 to 544. Sanitary units, 545. Inspections: Ambulance jcompanies, by directors, 653. Divisional units, administrative, 747. Divisional units, sanitary, 744, 746. Equipment, at mobilization camps, 594. Field appliances and chests at posts, 516. General hospitals, by officer of day, 300. Hospitals, daily, 279. Instruments, monthly, 519. Line of communications, administrative and sanitary, 827. Nurse Corps, by superintendent, 57. Posts, by sanitary inspectors, 371 to 374. Posts, by surgeons, 182, 414 to 417. Red Cross, by medical officers, 536. Regiments, by surgeons, 634. Service of the interior, by sanitary inspec- tors, 626. Troops, before going in field, 589. Troop trains, 590. Venereal, 198. See also Sanitary Inspections. Inspectors, Sanitary: See Hanitary Inspectors. Instruction : Army Field Service and Correspondence School, 147. Army Medical Museum, 134, 135. Army Medical School, 136 to 146. Field problems for medical officers, 148 to 153. First aid, 131, 155, 162, 170, 594, 634. Hospital Corps, 131, 156 to 181, 296. Hygiene, 127, 154, 594, 634. Library, Surgeon General's Office, 132, 133. Mobilization camps, 594. Professional training, military services, 131, 283. See also Army Field Service and Cor- respondence School, and Army Medical School. Instrument Case : Medical officer's belt, 919. Instruments : Cases of, receipts for, 498. Examinations of, monthly, 519. Meteorological, 527. Removal from hospital, 513. Repair of. 521. Rust, prevention of, 520. Intercurrent Diseases : Record of. on register of patients and reports of sick and wounded, 446, 449, 462. 382 INDEX. Iniolrcs: Articles purchased, 378, 476. Articles transferred, 496 to 499, 503, 551. As requisitions, 783. Broken packages, 503. Nomenclature, 475. To conform to supply tables, 475. T'nserviceable articles, 499. Kits, Service : Hospital Corps. 865. Laboratories, Department: General provisions, 351 to 360. See also Department Laboratories. Laboratories, Field: General provisions, 778, 779. See also Field Laboratories. Laboratories, Hospital : Supplies for, 846. Laborers : See CiiiUan Employees. Labor Begulations: See Civilian Employees. Lance Corporals: Appointment of, 39. See also Hospital Corps. Laundry, Hospital: Accounts for, 271, 272, 274, 277, 278. Advertising for proposals for, 272, 273. Bedding, 266, 523. Blankets, 523. Bonds for contracts for, 276. Canvas for litters, 526. Contracts, 274 to 276. Cost of, 269. Definition of what comprises, 267. Excess, not done by matron, 269, 270, 278. Matron to do not les« than 500 pieces, 266. Nurses' quarters, linen from, 80. Nurses' uniforms, 96, 267. Patients' clothing, 222, 267. Leaves of Absence: Civilian employees, 129. Matrons, hospital, 268. Nurse Corps, 56, 76, 89 to 92. Record of, on register of patients, 428, 450. Sick leaves, officers, physical examina- tions for, 388. Lenses, Trial, Case of: Contends of, 026. Library, Surseon General's Office: General provisions, 132, 133. Part of educational system, 131. Line of CommnBlcations : Administration of sanitary service of, 813 to 827. Advance section, 752, SI.";. Base section, 752. Description of, 529, 751 to 753. Divisions of, 753, 756. Inhabitants of occupied territory, 754. 755. Intermedlafo section, 752, 815. May act in the zone of the advance, TiJf'i. 752, 809. Line of Communications — Continued. Medical Department units on, 756. Medical service of, 751 to 827. Mission of the sanitary service of, 628, 754, 755, 826. Relation to other zones, 586. What constitutes, 751. Line of Duty: Record of. on daily sick report, 207. Record of, on register of patients, 448, 449. Liquors : In storerooms, 514. Prescriptions for, to be kept on separate file, 240. Purchase of, with hospital fund, 256. List of Sick and Wounded: Cases to be entered on, 576, 577, 579. Casualties In action, method of entering, 579. Disposition of, 578. Evacuation ambulance companies, 581. Hospital trains and hospital ships, 582. Number of copies required. 578, 579. Stations for sllglitly wounded, 580. Use of, in making nominal list of pa- tients transferred, 583. Use of, in making returns of casualties, 579. Use of. to check list of soldiers reported as missing, 579. " With the command," meaning of, 577. Litters : Canvas for, repairing and washing of, 526. Fittings for freight cars, 900. Issue of, to line troops, 845 note, 866 note. Number issued to different arms of serv- ice, 866. Transportation of, on the march, 866 note. Wounded on, when to be removed from, 689. Loading of Mnles and Wagons: Camp infirmary, 87.'!. Camp infirmary reserve, 873. Dressing station, 878. Field hospital, 883. Regimental combat equipment, 868. Regimental hospital, 873. Malarial Kexistor: I'rovisions concerning, 105 to 107. Malingcrlni?: Record of, on register of patients, 456. Marine Corps: Patients at Army and Navy General IIos pital, 325, 327, 329. Patients at Fort Bayard, 335, 341. Marriascs : Record of, on reports of sick and wound- ed, 459. Matrons, Hospital: (leneral provisions, 265 to 269. See also Hospital Matrons. INDEX. 383 HeaslfB : Report of appearanco of, 201. Medlral and Siurplcal Chest t Contents of, 932. Medical and Surgical Chest, Supplementary: Contents of, 933. Hedlesl Attendance: Civilian employees of post exchanges, 34n. Poisons : Precautions concernins?, 240, 241, 270, 514. Portable Dental Outfit: Contents of, 854. Post Exchanges : Dividends, 248, 249. Medical and hospital care of civilian em- ployees of, 346. Post Gardens: Dividends, 248. Gratuities to gardener, 255. Post Hospitals: Augmentation of, in war, 587. Patients may be given light employ- ment, 281. Reports and returns, 281, 398. Surgeon's duties, 281. Surgeon's relation to post commander, 281. See also Hospital Service, Post Medical Supplies: Based on population, 842. Identification supplies, 847. Laboratory supplies, 846. Medicines and antiseptics, 843. Miscellaneous supplies, 845. Requisitions for, 477 to 488. Stationery, 844. X-ray supplies, 848. See also Medical Suppjies, Reguisitionti, and Returns of Medical Property. Post-Mortem Case : Contents of, 924. Posts, Ahandonment of; Disposition of medical property, 511. Records and reports, 425. Posts, Medical Histories of: General provisions, 412. See also Medical Ristonj of Post. Posts, Supplies for: Table, 842 to 848. See also Post Medical Supplies. Prescriptions : Books for filing, 844. Provisions concerning, 240 to 242. Prisoners of War: Captured sanitary personnel, 547. Hospitals for, 586, 611. Private Practice: Of civilian practitioners on military res- ervations, 348 Of medical officers, 347. Private Property: Of patients in hospitals, and on route to hospitals, 221 to 220, 279, 293 301 303. Privates, and Privates First Class, Hospital Corps : See Hospital Corps. Promotion: Civilian employees, 113 to 118, 125. Dental Corps, 20, 26. Medical Corps, 2, 10, 11. Nurse Corps, 57 to 59, 61. I'hysical examinations of officers for, 386, Property Cards: How used, 221, 227, 30.3. Property, Dental: Returns of. 508. Property, Durable: General provisions, 2.59 to 261. Sales of, 248. See also Hospital Fund. Property, Medical: See Medical Property. Property, Private: See Private Property. Property, Public: See Public Property. Property Returns: See Returns and Returns of Medical Property. Prophylaxis Unit, Venereal: Contents of, 958. Publication : Articles for, 423. Public Health Service; Admission of officers of, to Army and Navy General Hospital, 326. Public Property: Arms and equipments of patients sepa- rated from their commands, 640, 649. Care of in hospitals, 279, 512 to 526. Destroyed to prevent contagion, 230. Disinfection of, 230. Transferred with Hospital Corps men, 48, 49. With patients admitted to hospitals, 227, 279, 304. See also Medical Property and Returns of Property. Purchases: Antitoxins, 843 note. Army and Navy General Hospital, sub- sistence stores, 332. Army Medical School, 141. Authority for, 476, 786. Base medical supply depots, 786. Depots, 476, 488, 786. Durable property, 259. Hospital fund, 231, 256, 259. Ice, 264. Invoices of articles purchased, 377, 476. Local and post, 476. Serums, 843 note. Surgeon, base group, to authorize when, 786, 819. Unauthorized, 476 388 INDEX. Pus: Laboratory examination of, 352. Quartermaster Corps : Allowance of men for general hospitals, 289. Duties of the sever.il grades, 289. Quartermaster Corps Reports and Returns: From Medical Department units in the field, 558. Quartermaster Property: Brought in by patients, 227, 304, 04.), 649. Quartermasters: Of general hospitals, 290, 294. Quarters : Civilian employees. 103, 107. Nurse Corps, 56, 80, 311. Sergeants first class. Hospital Corps, 245. Railway Cars: Capacity of different classes of, 870 note. Rations in Kind: Civilian employees, 105, 106. Hospital matrons. 26.5, 266. Hospitals, when to be Issued, 232. Nurse Corps, 81. See also Commufafion of Rations and Subsistence. Receipts : For hospital-fund payments, 254, 261. For medical supplies transferred, 475, 496 to 500, 503. 551. For meteorological instruments, 527. Records, Reports, and Returns from the tSeveral Medical Offices and Orifanizatlons : Ambulance companies, 163, 165, 562, 6S0, 684. Army Medical School, 139. Attending surgeons, 375. Base medical supply depots, 563, 782. Chief surgeons, field army, 830. Convalescent camps, 608. Department laboratories, 360. Department sanitary inspectors, 373, 374. Department surgeons, 365, 369, 370. Detachment commanders, 40, 41, 45 to 47, 49, 50, 178. Directors of ambulance companies and field hospitals, 652, 654. Disbursing officers, 379. Division sanitary inspectors, 747, 748. Division surgeons. 561, 573, 744. Evacuation ambulance companies, 5t'i2. 583. Evacuation hospitals, 562, 803. Field hospitals, 103, 165, 562, 704, 709. General hospitals, 287, 292, 293, 294, 296, 299, 302. Hospital ship.s, 562, 583, 584, 625. Hospital trains, 562, 583, 584, 617. Medical superintendents. Army Transport Service, 424. Medical supply depots, 380, .563. Medical supply officers, 3,80, 782. Post hospitals. 281. Ships for patients, 562, 583, 584, 625. Stations fur slightly wounded, 580, 713. | Records, Reports, and Retnrng, etc. — Contd. Surgeons, base group, 561, 788, 819. Surgeons of posts, 281. Trains for patients, 562, 583, 584, 617. See also Correspondence. Records, Reports, and Returns, General Pro- visions : Abandonment of posts, 426. Authentication of, 400. Births, 401. Channels through which forwarded, in the field, .557. Deaths, 401. Dispo.sition of old records, 426, 566. Disposition, on abandonment of posts, 425. Field commands, 556 to 584. General article on, .398 to 473. Indelible pencil, use of, in preparation of, 565. List of, those required in war, 558. List of, usually required from posts, .398, 399. Marriages, 459. Special reports and articles for publica- tion, 421 to 423. Kocruitrng Outfit, Emergency: Contents of, 952. Kecrnlts : Identification record, 392, Red Cross; Application for services, by Secretary of War, 5636. Brassards and certificates of identity for, 536e, 542 to 544. Character of employment, 536rf. Constitutes part of sanitary service, 532, 536a. Director general to supervise, 536;. Discipline, 536c, 536/. Emblem, 546. Equipment, 536(j'. Field columns, 153, 530fc, 536J. - Flag, 545. Forage, 536s. General provisions, 535, 536. IIo,spital columns, 153, 290, 536Jk, 536m. Information bureau sections, 530/i-, 530o. Insignia. 542, 545, 546. Medical officers to command, 530/. Medical officers to inspect, 536.f7, 530p. Not to establish independent Institutions, 536e. Nurses, reserve, 102. Personnel, classes of, furnished, 536/(. Personnel, classification of, for training, 53(!/. Personnel, for general hospitals, 289. Personnel subject to ifiilitary laws and regulations, 536p. Personnel, transportation and subsist- ence of, 530r. Personnel, use of in war, 587. I'rotectlon affonied by, 547 to 550. Quarters, 53G<, INDEX. 389 Red Cross — Continued. Register in Surgeon General's Office, 536/). Regulations, 536. Reserve nurses, 102. Supplies, transportation of, 5?>Gr. Supply columns, 536fc, 536n. Training of, 536t. Uniform, 536(?. Reduction : Chief nurses, 57, 60. Civilian employees, 105, 106, 110, 113, 116 to 118, 126. Regimental Aid Station: General provisions, 633, 642 to 650. See also Aid Slation. Regimental Ambulances: Station on march, 637 to 630. Regimental Combat Equipment: Articles kept in stoi'e, 866. Articles not kept in store, 867. Distribution of, in peace, 504 to 506. How carried, 633, 866 notes, 867 notes, 868. Loading table for mule, 868. Supply table, 866, 867. Use of, except in combat, prohibited, 633. Weight carried by pack animal, 868. Weight of, as stored, 866. Regimental Hospital Equipment; As a nucleus for camp hospital, 604, 886. Camp infirmary e()\iipment as a nucleus, 872. Cubic measurement as stored, 872. Distribution of, in time of peace, 504 to 506. One equipment "A" to be kept in each medical reserve unit, 891 note. Supply table, 872. Weight carried by wagon, 873. Weight of, as stored, 872. Regimental Medical Service: Aid stations, 042 to 650. Disposition of sick on the march, 637 to 641. Duties of regimental sanitary detach- ment, 635, 042, 643. Duties of regimental surgeons, 634, 647. Equipment, distribution of, in peace, 504 to 506. Equipment for, 632, 633. In camp, 634. In combat, 642 to 650. On the march, 635 to 641. Personnel for, 631. Sanitary squads prohibited, 777. Stations of sanitary personnel in com- bat, 636. Stations of sanitary personnel on the march, 636. With cavalry divisions, 742. Register, Malarial : I'rovisions concerning, 195 to 107. Register of Dental Patients: Rules for keeping, 465 to 472. Register of Patients; Additions to and alterations of, 436. Admission, cause of, 446, 455, 456. Admission, dale of, 433. Admission, source of, 445. Age of patients, 439. Applicants for enlistment, description of, 438. Authentication of, 435. Capture of patient, record of, 450. Cards to be continued until cases are completed, 433. Cards to be made, when, 208, 209, 210, 217, 431, 432. Cases to be carded, 217, 428 to 431. Cause of admission, 446, 455. Cause of admission, special require- ments concerning, 456. Change of status, patients in hospital, new cards required when, 431. Civilian patients, description of, 438. Classification of cards, 453. Company of patient, record of, 438. Completion of case, what constitutes, 450. Complications, sequelse, etc., record of, 449. Corps of patient, record of, 438. Corrections of, 436. Death of patient, record of, 428, 450. Dental cases, when to be carded on, 430. Description of patient, 438. Desertion of patient, record of, 450. Diagnosis, change of, 211 to 213, 449. Diagnosis, record of, 446, 455, 456. Disabilities, rule for recording, 455, 456. Discharged soldiers, description of, 438. Discharge of patient, record of, 450. Diseases, nomenclature of,- 446, 455. Dismissal of patient, record of, 431, 450. Disposition of patient, record of, 433, 450, 451. Duty, line of, 448, 449. Duty, return to, of patient, 450. Entries on, how made, 434. Extension slips, 434. Files, 432. Furlough of patient, record of, 450. Index to, 432. Intercurrent diseases, record of, 446, 449. Leave of absence of patient, record of, 428, 450. Length of service of patient, 442. Militia patients, description of, 438. Name of patient, record of, 437. Nativity of patient, record of, 441. Place of treatment, quarters or hospital, 447. Place of treatment, ward, 210. Race of patient, 440. Rank of patient, 438. Regiment of patient, 43S. Register numbers, 432, 443. Resignation of patient, record of, 450. Retirement of patient, record of, 450. 390 INDEX. Register of Patients — Continued. Senior medical officer responsible for, 435. Signatures to, 435. Supplemental cards, 436, 464. Surgical operations, record of, 449. Transfer of patient, record of, 210, 450. Treatment, days of, table, 454. Register, Syphilitic : Provisions concerning, 200. Repairs : Furniture, 522. Hospital bedding and clothing, 266, 269, 523. Hospital buildings, 245, 246. Instruments. 521. " Replacing Medleal Supplies " : Appropriation, 510. Reports and Returns : List of those recjuircd in peace, -SOS. List of those required in war, 558. See also Records, Reports, and Returns. Reports, Miscellaneous : Births and deaths, 401. Civilian employees, see Civilian Em- ployees. Deaths, 218, 219, 401. Dental work, 473. Documents, useless, 426. Epidemic diseases, 201 to 203. Examining boards, contract surgeons, 53. Examining boards. Dental Corps, 23, 24, 30. Examining boards, Hospital Corps, 35. Examining boards. Medical Corps, 6. Examining boards. Medical Reserve Corps, 16, 17. General hospitals, condition of patients, 287. Hospital buildings, or quarters for ser- geants first class. Hospital Corps, progress of work on, 245. Hospital Corps, changes of stations or status, 45, 46, 47, 219. Hospital Corps, instruction, 164, 178, 180. Hospital safe, change of combination, 247. Inspections, sanitary, 373, 374, 626, 747, 748, 827. List of sick and wounded, 575 to 584, . Meteorological, 527. Morning reports of sick, 208. Nurse Corps, 60, 67, 69, 75, 76, 98 to 100. Patients, dally, in the field, 558. Personal, see Personal Reports. Posts, abandonment of, 425. Sanitary personnel and transportation in the field, daily, 558. Sanitary personnel on transports, 424. Special, 421, 422. Surgical, 418 to 420. See also Records and Returns. teports of Sick and Wounded: Alterations of. 400, 403, 404. Authentication of, 460, 463, 464. Reports of Sick and Wounded — Continued. Births, record of, 459. Commands, from what required, 458. Correction cards, 463, 464. Corrections, 460, 462 to 464. Deaths, record of, 459. Department surgeon's action, 461. General provisions concerning, 457 t» 464. Marriages, record of, 459. Signatures, 459. Transmittal of, time and channel, 458. See also List of .Siffc and Wounded. Requisitions : Annual requisitions, post supplies, 477 to 481. Base medical supply depots, 551. Blank forms and books, 960 to 965. Blank forms in the theater of operations, 551. Clinical thermometers, 845 note. Coal, 486. Combat, replenishment in, 551. Dental supplies, 491 to 495. Department surgeons, action of, 481, 487, 489, 492. Divisional troops, 552. Division surgeon, action of, 552. Electric current, 486. Emergency requisitions, 485, 487, 495. Evacuation ambulance companies, 552. Evacuation hospitals, 552. ■ Field medical supplies, 489, 490, 504. Field organizations, general provisions, 551 to 553. Gas, 486. Identification supplies, 486. Line of communications, 551, 552. Medical supply officers, action of, 488, Meteorological instruments, 527. Mineral oil, 486. Nomenclature, 475. Photographic apparatus, 486. Post medical supplies, annual and spe- cial, 477 to 488. Service of the interior, troops in, 553. Special requisitions, field supplies, 490. Special requisitions, post supplies, 482 to 488. Subposts and camps, 486. Surgeon, advance group, action of, 552. Surgeon, base group, action of, 552. Theater of operations, troops in, 552. Unserviceable property, replacement, 486. Window shades, 845 note. Reserve Nurses : General provisions, 102. See also ^'urse Corps. Rest Stations : Duties of, 780. 781. Equipment for, 781. Line of communications, 780, 781. Location, 618, 781. Personnel of, 618, 780, 781. Service of interior, 618. Restraint Apparatus: Contents of. 904. INDEX. 891 B£gniii6 of the Sanitary Srrvirp In War: Combat. 83G. Concentration camps, 833. Equipment of troops, 831, 832. Evacuation of wounded, 835 to 839. Line of communications, 838. Lines of aid, 836 to 839. Mobilization, Organized Militia, 832. Mobilization, Regular Army, 831. Physical examinations, 831, 832. Prophylactic measures, 831, 832. Replacement of losses, 8-tO. Supplies for the front, 835, 839, 841. Training at concentration camps, 833. Training at mobolizatlon camps, 832. Zone of the advance, 835. Retired Officers and Enlisted Men: Assigned to active duty, and on register of patients, 448. Treatment at Army and Navy General Hospital, 321, 322 to 324, 329. Treatment at Fort Bayard, 335, 338. Betirement : Dental surgeons, 20. Medical Reserve Corps, 14. Physical examinations for, 387. Record of, on register of patients and reports of sick and wounded, 428, 431, 450. Betnrns : Casualties, 558, 579. Dental property, 508. Field supplies, 507. Hospital Corps, 50, 180. Hospital fund property, 260 to 262. List of those required in peace, 398. List of those required in war, 558. Medical property, general provisions, 507, 508. (See also Returns of Medi- cal Property.) Meteorological instruments, 527. Nurse Corps, 98. Ordnance property, 398. Quartermaster Corps property, 398, 558. See also Records, Reports, and Returns. Betorns of Medical Property: Army Medical School, 141. Broken packages, 503. Complete transfers, 507. Complete transfers to be receipted for on return, 497. Dental supplies, 508. Destroyed to prevent contagion, 230. Directions for preparing, 475. Expended, lost, or destroyed, 502. Field supplies, 507. Field supplies on memorandum receipt, 504. Found at post, 501. Issued for personal use, 507. Medical supply officers, 380. Portable dental outfit, annually, 507. Received with patients, 227. Surgical appliances with men discharged from service, 229. BevleTT, Boards of: Law establishing, 2. SaiMlc, Pack: Accessories, 953. Boxes for use with, 909. Safe, Hospital: Combination of, 247. Sales : Accounts of, 509, 510. Civilians and civilian employees, medi- cines for, 242 to 244. Civilians in hospital, abandoned effects of, 226. Hospital fund property, 248, 259. Sanitary Establishments and Formations: Guards for, 550. Insignia of, 545. See also Sanitary Personnel and Sani- tary Service; also for the several kinds or formations, their respective designations. Sanitary Inspections : Divisions, 744, 746. Line of communication units, 827. Posts, by sanitary inspectors, 373. Posts, by surgeons, 182, 414 to 417. Regiments, by surgeons, 634. Service of interior units, 626. Troop trains, 590. Sanitary Inspectors: Department, 371 to 374. Division, 746 to 750. Line of communications, 827. Service of the interior, 626. Sanitary Materiel: Captured, 548. Insignia of, 546. Status of in war, 548, 549. See also Medical Supplies. Sanitary Personnel: Conduct of, to insure immunity, 547. Distribution of in war, 153. General enumeration of, 532. Immunities in war, 547. Insignia of, 542. Number of, allowed, 585. Required in war, 153. Status of, 547. Training necessary, 148. 149, 627. See also the several units under their re- spective designations. Sanitary Reports: By department sanitary inspectors, 373, 374. By division sanitary inspectors, 747, 748. By surgeons of posts or commands, 182, 198, 202, 412, 414 to 416. Sanitary Service in War: Correspondence, reports, returns, and rec- ords, 556 to 584. Duties of department surgeons, 366, 593, 594. Duties of the Medical Department, 531. Efficiency of, 14S, 149, 627 to 629. Field service, branches of, 528, 529, Guards for, 550. Individual voluntary aid, 537 to 541. Insignia of personnel, formations and ma- teriel, 542 to 546. 392 INDEX. Sanitary Service in War — Continued. Line of communications, 751 to 827. Medical supplies, 551 to 555. Objects of Medical Depai-tmcnt, 530. Organization in war, 585, 586. Organized voluntary aid, 535, 536. Personnel of, 532. Resume of operations, 831 to 841. Service of interior, 587 to 626. Status of sanitary personnel and mate- riel, 547 to 549. Theater of operations, administration of, 828 to 8.30. Titles of medical officers, 534. Zone of the advance, 630 to 750. See also Saniiary Personnel and the sev- eral Medical Department organizations under their respective names. Sanitary Squads: Provisions concerning, 586, 750, 774 to 777. Sanitary Train: Ambulance companies on the march, 721. Camp iuflrmaries on the march, 723, 724. Command of, 051, 716. Composition of. 651. Control of, 717 to 720. Distribution of elements of, on the march and in camp, 717 to 724. Division surgeou"s relation to, 716. I'Teld hospitals on the march, 722. In combat, 725, 720. Sanitary Troops: Persons included by the term, 532. See also Sanitari/ Pel sonnel and Swnitwry Service; also the several Medical De- partment units under their respective names. Sanitary Troops on Duty with Line Ur§ranlza- tions : General provisions, 631 to 650. See also Regimental Medical Service. Sanitation : Direct responsibility of commanding offi- cers, 362. Duties of medical officers in regard to, 182, 183. General provisions concerning, 182 to 203. Infectious diseases, 183 to 200. Medical officers to act as sanitary ad- visers, 362. Mobilization camps, 594. Sanitary detachments, 634. Sanitary squads, 750, 774 to 777. Sehools : Army Field Service and Correspondence, 147. Army Medical, 136 to 146. Seamen. Transport Service : Allowances in Army hospitals, 250. Serpreanls. and Serjeants First Class, Hospital (Jorps : General provisions, 34 to 36. See also Hospital Corps. Serums : Allowances, see Supply Tables. Purchase of, 843 note. Requisitions for, 843 note. To be kept at depots on line of communi- cations, 891 note. Service Kits: Hospital Corps, 865. Service of Hospitals: General provisions, 205 to 270. See also Hospital Service. Service of the Interior: Description of, 528, 529. General provisions concerning, 587 to 591. Shell- Wound Dressing: Contents of, 946. Ships for Patients; I'rovisions concerning, G19 to 625, 709, 772. See also Hospital Ships. Sick and W^ounded: Bed capacity, necessary in war, 153. Care in handling of, 689. Classification of, 028, 702, 826. Disposition of, on the march, 638, 041, 700. Estimated number in war, 152, 153. Records of, in peace, 427 to 464. Records of, in war, 567 to 584. Sick Call: At concentration camps, 601. At divisional camps, 665. At mobilization camps, 597. Provisions concerning, 206 to 208. Sick Report, Daily: Diseases due to misconduct, 207. Smallpox : Report of appearance of, 201 to 203. Vaccination for, 88, 192. Soldiers : See Knlisted Men. Soldiers' Home: Beneficiaries of, treatment at Fort Bay- ard, 337, 340. Special Reports: General provisions concerning, 421 to 423. Patients in general hospitals, 287. Specimens, Laboratory: Containers for, 355. Preservation and transportation of, 135, 191. 352, 355. Spinal Fluid: For diagnostic purposes, 352. Sputum : Laboratory examination of, .^52. Squads, Sanitary: Provisions concerning, 586, 750, 774 to 777. Statements of (he Hospital Fund: Provisions concerning, 2(iO to 262. Stations for Slliflitly Wounded: Closing. 715. Defensive engagements, 726. Diagnosis tags, use of, at, 713. INDEX. 393 stations for Slightly Wounded — Coutinued. Eqnipuiont and supplies for, 666, 710. Establishment and number of, 712. Evacuation of, 714. Function of, 711, 713. General provisions concerning, 710 lo 715. List of sick and wounded at, 580, 713. Location of, 712. Marking of, 712. Offensive engagements, 727, Opening, 712. Personnel of, 710. Rear guard actions, 730, 739. Records, reports, and returns, 580, 713. Sick to be assembled at, before battle, 727. Treatment at, character of-, 713. Stations, Best: I'rovisions concerning, 618, 780, 781. Sterilizer Chest: Contents of, 935. Stomach Contents: Laboratory examination of, 352. Subsistence : Army and Navy General Hospital, pa- tients at, 328 to 332. Bayard, Port, patients at, 330 to 343. Civilian employees, 103, 105, 106. Hospital matrons, 265 to 269. Militia oflBcers at Army Medical School, 145. Nurse Corps, 81, 328. Red Cross personnel, 536. Seamen of Transport Service, 250. Subsistence Stores; Purchase of, at Army and Navy General Hospital, 332. Superintendent, Nurse Corps: General provisions, 57. See also Nnrse Corps. Supplemental Cards: For register of patients and reports of sick and wounded, 436, 464. Supplies, Dental: Supply table, 849 to 856. See also Dental t^uiiplics. Supplies, General Hospitals: Provisions concerning, 286. Supplies, Medical: See Mi'dlcal Property, Mcd'u-ul l^iippliex, Sanitari/ Materiel, and ie also Fieh! Medical Supplies. Supply Table, Post: Antiseptics, 843. Disinfectants, 843. Identification supplies, 847. Laboratory supplies, 846. Medicines, 843. Miscellaneous, 845. Nonofficial compound medicinal prepa- rations, formulsB of, 902. I'opulation, official, for computing allow- ances, 842. Stationery, 844. X-ray supplies, 848, Surgeon, Advance Group: Duties of, 823 to 825. Function of, 821, 822. Relation to surgeon, base group, 820. Requisitions for medical supplies, action on, 552. Surgeon, Base Group; Civilian employees, may engage, 819. Contagious disease hospitals, establish- ment of, 767. Duties, general, 817 to 810. Duties when battle is impending, 819. Equipment of office, 901. ■ Hospital ships, supervision of, 769. Hospital trains, operation of, 769. Red Cross, control of, 819. Report on campaign, at conclusion of, 561. Reports to chief surgeon, field army, 819. Requisitions for medical supplies, action on, 552, 784, 790, 819. 394 INDEX. Surgeon, Base Group — Continued. Status of, 817. Supplies at advance depot, 788. Supplies, local purchase of, 786, 810. Title, 5.34. Voluntary aid, individual, may accept and direct, 537, 810. Voluntary contributions, may accept and expend, 810. Surgeons, Ports of Embarkation: Duties of, 610. Surgical Dressings: Contents of ambulance box of, 954. Contents of box of, 955. Replenishment of, in combat, 551, 6'i3. Surgical Instruments: See Iiistnimcnts.- Surgical Operations: Record of, on re;:;ister of patients, 440. Reports of, 418 to 420. Surgical Treatment: Refusal of, 220. Syphilitic Register: Required, 200. Tableware, Chest of: Contents, 936. Teeth, Classification: For reports of dental work, 471. Tentage : Directions for loading on wagons, 8.s:', note. Tetanus : Antitoxin of, requisitions for, 843 note. Theater of Operations: Administration of, 828 to 830. Description of, 528, 529. General provisions, 627 to 629. Thermo-Cantery, Paquelin's : Contents of, 057. Thermometers, Clinical : Requisitions for, 845 note. Throat, Ear, and Nose, Instrument Case for: Contents of, 912. Tissues: Laboratory examination of, 352. Titles : Medical officers, 534. Tool Chests: Contents of No. 1, 937. Contents of No. 2, 938. Tooth-Extracting Case : Contents of, 925. Training: Of Hospital Corps, 156, 157. Of medical officers, 148 to 1.53, 157. Rod Cross, 536. Responsibility of medical officers concern- ing, 148, 156, 363. See also Instruction. Trains for Patients: Litter fittings for box cars, 900. Provisions concerning, 613 to 617, 769 to 771. See also Hospital Trains. Trains for Troops: MedicMl inspection of, 590. Trains, Hospital: Sec Hospital Trains. Transfer Cards: Provisions concerning, 209, 215 to 217, 583, 584. Transfers : Civilian employees, 113, 117, 118, Hospital Corps, 45 to 49. Malarial cases, 197. Medical supplies, 496 to 500. Meteorological instruments, 527. Nurse Corps, 74 to 77. Patients, 214 to 217, 583, 584. Syphilitic cases, 200. Vaccination, incomplete cases of, 187, 193. Venereal cases, whether or not on sick report, 198. Transportation, Medical Department: Allowance of, for field units, 585. Authority over, 549. Immunity from capture, 549. Impressment of, 629, 823. Increased provisions of, for evacuation of wounded, 629, 809, 823. Not to be diverted, 549. Rail, Inspection of, 590. Temporary, after battle, etc., 629, 823. Use of, for medical supplies, 549. See also Ambulances, Hospital Ships, Hospital Trains, Sliips for Patients, and Trains for Patients. Transportation of Medical Property and Sup- plies : Capacity of railway cars, 876 note. Hospital ships may be used for. 624. Medical Department transportation to be used for, 549, 554. Railway cars reiiuired for an ambulance company, 876. Railway cars required for a field hospi- tal, 881. Specimens for Army Medical Museum, 135. Wheeled transportation provided for equipment "A" only, 860. Transportation of the Sick and Wounded: Additional transport required, 629, 687, 809, 823. Chief task of field medical administra- tion, 530, 627. From the aid stations, 679, 680. From the base hospitals, 762, 76.3. From the battle field to the aid stations, 645, 647. From the dressing stations, 671, 682, 685, 686, 690. From the evacuation hospitals, 801, 802, 819, 825. Fi-om the field hospitals, 699, 700, 704, 706 to 708, 744, 807, 808, 811, 812, 822. From the station for slightly wounded, 714. On lines of communication, 754, 819, 822, 823. On tlie march, 638, 639. Service of the interior, 588. See also Ambulances and Traiisportation, Medical Department. INDEX. 395 Transport Serflce: Duties of medical superinteudents and surgeons, 381. Medical superintendents to report Medi- cal Department personnel on, 424. Seamen of, in hospital, 250. Surgeons, ports of embarkation, as medi- cal superintendents of, 610. Travrlingr Expenses: See Expenses-, Traveling. Trial Lenses, Case of: Contents of, 926. Troop Trains: Sanitary inspection of, 590. Tnherculin : Use of, 334. Tubercnlosis : Treatment of, at Fort Bayard, 334. Typewriters : Packing of, 524. Ribbons, requisitions for, 845 note. Typhoid Fever: Bile medium for cultures, 191, 352. Blood for diagnosis, 184. Care of, 184, 185. Diagnosis from paratyphoid, 190. Release of cases, 185. Reports of cases, 189, 201 to 203. Vaccinations for, 88, 186 to 188. See also Vaccination. Urine : For diagnostic purposes, 191, 352. Vaccination, Antismallpox. At concentration camps, 599. At mobilization camps, 594. Civilians, 192. Enlisted men, 192. Method of performing, 194. Nurses, 88. Officers, 192. Records of, 193. 594. Vaccination, Antityphoid: At concentration camps, 599. At mobilization camps, 594. / Civilian employees, 186. Enlisted men, 186. Method of administration, 186. Nurses, 88. Officers, 186. Records of, 187, 188, 594. See also Typhoid Fever. Vaccines : Requisitions for, 843 note. Valuables of Patients: Provisions concerning, 221 to 226, 279, 293, 301, 303. Venereal Diseases: Care of, 198. Daily sick report, marking of, 207. Inspections to detect, 198. List of cases to be kept, 198. Orders concerning, 198. Records of, 198, 199, 200. Syphilitic register, 200. Venereal Prophylaxis Cnlt; Couteuts of, 95S. Vision: Examinations of, .397. Record of errors of, on register of pa- tients, 456. Vision Test Set: Contents of, 959. Voluntary Aid: Individual, 153, 537, 541. Organized, 153, 535, 5.36. Volunteer Medical Officers: Appointment of, 14. Volunteers : Physical examinations for commissions in, 385. Use of, in war, 587. Von Pirqnet Reaction: Use of, 334. Vouchers : For hospital laundry, 271, 272, 274, 277, 278. For purchases, 878, 476. Seamen, Transport Service, subsistence of, 250. Wardmasters : Duties, general, 279. Duty, to list effects of patients, 221. See also Hospital Rules. Ward DIorning Reports: Provisions concerning, 210, 211. Wards : In general hospitals, 308 to 310. See also Hospital Rules. Watchmen : Duties of, 279, 305, 306. Employment of, 103, 108, 113. In general hospitals, 305, 306. Water, Examination of: Bacteriological, 358. Chemical, 359. Collection of, 356 to 359. Reports concerning, 356, 360. Water Supply: Inspection of, on trains for troops, 590. Supervision of, by sanitary detachments, 6.34. AVeiphts and Measures: Metric system to be used on prescrip- tions, 240. Su|)ply tables to l)e followed, 475. Window Shades and Fixtures: Requisitions for, 845 note. Wounded : See jS'icfc and Wounded. Wounds : Record of, on register of patients, 446, 455, 456. Zone of the Adrance: Classification of the sanitary service of, 630. Description of, 529. Mission of the sanitary service of, 628. Replenishment of supplies, 858. Zone of the Line of Communications: See Line of Communications. o ^-— ii^^rB^-''""" _l00m-7;40 (69368) /f/7 BIOLOO LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY