UC-NRLF B M SDE DMB * I ^ Railway Equipment Obligations Compiled and Issued by the Bond Department of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140 Broadway ,, , u J «♦,»»» Fifth Avenue & 43d Street 33 Lombard Street T ^ V r New York L.onuon« i^* ^> Third Edition November 30, 1914 Ml'-' ^^^G^ Copyright 1914 by Guaranty Trust Co. of New York G « « • w • •:•< '••*,••• ....... i .« • . . . . . Li- \J Abbreviations Explanatory Note A. = Annually. C. = Coupon. Interch. := Interchangeable. r. = Registerable as to principal only. R. = Fully registered. S. A. =: Semi-annually. V. = Obtainable in $500 denominations. * = Indicates there is on the face of the bond or note, or in the agreement securing it, a covenant which, in our opinion, obligates the issuing company to pay interest without de- duction for the Normal Federal Income Tax of 1%. t = Indicates that we do not find such a covenant. 3 Abbreviations Trustees Am. T. Bos. = American Trust Co., Boston, Mass. B. = Bankers Trust Co., N. Y. C. = Central Trust Co. of N. Y. Cit S. & T., Qev. =z Citizens Savings & Trust Co., Cleveland, O. Col. = Columbia Trust Co., N. Y. Com. St. L. = Commonwealth Trust Co., St Louis, Mo. Com. T., Phila. = Commercial Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Com. T., N. Y. = Commercial Trust Co., N. Y. E. = Equitable Trust Co. of New York. Em. = Empire Trust Co., N. Y. F. = Farmers Loan & Trust Co., N. Y. F. & C. Tr., Louis. =i Fidelity & Columbia Trust Co., Louisville, Ky. Fid. T., Bait. = Fidelity Trust, Baltimore, Md. Fid. T., Phil. = Fidelity Trust. Philadelphia, Pa. F. N. = First National Bank, N. Y. F'k'n T. = Franklin Trust Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. F. T. & S. B. Chic. = First Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, 111. G. = Guaranty Trust Co. of New York. Gir. Phil. =:Girard Trust Co, Philadelphia, Pa. G. T. & S. D., Phil. —Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Guar. S. & T. Qev. = Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Cleveland, O. H. T., Hob. = Home Trust Co., Hoboken, N. J. Mer. T. & D., Bait. = Mercantile Trust & Deposit Co.. Baltimore, Md. Merch. L. & T., Chic. = Merchants Loan & Trust Co., Chicago, 111. M. V. T., St. L. = Mississippi Valley Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. N. T., Tor. = National Trust Co., Toronto, Can. N. Y. T. = New York Trust Co., N. Y. No. Nat. Bk., Toledo = Northern National Bank, Toledo, O. O. C, Bos. = Old Colony Trust Co., Boston, Mass. Pa. C. I. L. & G. A. = Penna. Co. for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities, Pliiladelphia, Pa. Phil. T.. S. D. & I. = Phila. Trust, Safe Deposit & Insurance Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Prov. L. & T., Phil. = Provident Loan & Trust Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. S. D. & T.. Bait. = Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Baltimore, Md. St. L. U. T. = St. Louis Union Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. Sup. S. & T. Gev. = S'lpcn.ir Saving's & Trust Co., Cleveland, O. T. G. & T. = Title Guarantee & Trust Co., N. Y. U. S. T., N. Y. = United States Trust Co. of N. Y. U. S. M. & T. = United States Mortgage & Trust Co., N. Y. Un. = Union Trust Co., N. Y. Un. T., Pitts. = Union Trust Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Railway Equipment Obligations* On the following- pages we present short descriptions of the more im- portant equipment obligations of the principal railways. The statements given have been obtained as far as possible from original sources and include some data which, so far as we know, have never been previously published. This information we believe to be accurate, but we would be glad to have our attention called to omissions or errors for insertion or correction in sub- sequent editions. i By way of introduction we wish to present some considerations bearing on the history and present investment position of this class of security. As the name indicates, these securities are issued to provide railway companies with funds to pay a part of the cost of new rolling stock — cars and locomotives. They are variously described as Equipment Bonds or Notes, and Car Trust or Equipment Trust Certificates, and are generally issued in one of two forms: (1) Car Trust or Equipment Trust Bonds and Notes, which are direct obligations of a railway company or of some association formed for the purpose, and, if the latter, guaranteed by endorsement by the Rail- way Company. Such bonds or notes are secured by title to the equip- ment purchased, and by a Contract of Conditional Sale or of Lease of such equipment to the Railway Company as lessee or purchaser, both title and contract being held under a Trust Agreement for the benefit of the bondholders. (2) Car Trust or Equipment Trust Certificates secured by title to the equipment purchased and by a Contract of Lease to the Railway Com- pany. The title may be taken in some individual or association, and a jL contract with the Railway made by such individual or association as \ lessor and both title and contract assigned to a Trustee, or the title may J/ be vested originally in the Trustee and the lease made by the latter "^ direct to the Railway Company. Certificates are issued by the Trustee, either in the form of a "certificate of beneficial interest" in the lease, or in the form of "shares" in an association acting as above *For a more extended discussion of this subject we refer the reader to Cham- berlain's Principles of Bond Investment, Chapter XXIII, Henry Holt & Co., New York. 1911. n ^ stated, both title and contract of lease being held under a trust agree- ment for the benefit of the certificate holders. Payment of principal and interest of the certificates is further guaranteed by covenant of the Railway Company. This latter form is usually called the "Phila- delphia Plan," and originated because some of the states and prin- cipally Pennsylvania does not recognize the conditional sale as a proper principle for the issuance of equipment bonds. The Trusts securing these obligations are created for periods running from ten to fifteen years, the former being the usual duration. An initial payment on account of the cost of the equipment covered amounting to from 10% to 25% is usually made by the Railway and notes or certificates repre- senting the remainder — 75% to 90% of cost — are issued payable in equal annual or semi-annual instalments with interest payable semi-annually. Bonds so secured have sometimes been issued all maturing at the end of twenty years, a Sinking Fund being provided for the annual retirement of bonds, or for the purchase of additional equipment. These, however, are unusual and the present trend is towards an issue payable in twenty equal semi-annual instalments. /" The general terms of the Trust Agreements securing these obligations are now established, and the law covering the validity and interpretation is well settled. The forms are subject to a number of technical variations which do not, however, materially afifect the actual security. The Indenture definitely states the amount of the issue, rate per cent., form, and maturity, together with a description of the equipment covered, its cost and the initial payment by the Railway. Each piece of equipment must be marked, as evidence of ownership and for identification, with the name of the Trustee followed by the words "Trustee, Owner" or some similar inscription. The Railway covenants to keep the equipment insured against loss by fire, to maintain it in good order and repair — ordinary wear and tear excepted, to replace items that may be destroyed, and to furnish the Trustees from time to time with lists showing the physical condition of each item. Under either of the forms of issue described above the title to all the equipment remains in the Trustee until the debt is fully paid and under the Trust Agreement and Lease or Contract of Sale the Trustee has the right in case of default to take possession of and sell the property covered, and also has a right of action against the Railway Company for principal and interest of the debt, or for any part which may be represented by deficiency in the amount realized at such sale of the equipment. 8 The initial payment of part of the cost provides an immediate margin of security for the equipment obligations. The annual depreciation of the equipment as estimated under the rules of the Master Car Builders Associa- tion is: for wooden car bodies, and trucks other than all metal, 6%; for wooden car bodies with steel underframe, 5j/2%; and for all metal car bodies and trucks, 5%, upon the yearly depreciated value thereof. Where, therefore, the principal of the debt is paid in instalments as above, the margin of security under normal conditions of business would constantly increase as the earlier maturities are paid off. Table showing depreciated value of equipment and per cent, of margin of security over outstanding notes at the end of each year of the life of ten-year equipment trust, payable in equal instalments: Wooden Equipment Value at 6% % of Cost as Represented % Margin of % of Cost as Represented % Margin of Year Depreciation by Outstanding Notes. Security. 10% by Outstanding Notes. Security. 25% 10% of Cost Paid. of Cost Paid 25% of Cost Paid. of Cost Paid New 100 90 11 75 33 1 94 81 16 67.5 39 2 88.36 72 21 60 47 3 83.05 63 32 52.5 58 4 78.07 54 44 45 73 5 73.39 45 63 37.5 96 6 68.98 36 91 30 130 7 64.84 27 140 22.5 188 8 60.95 18 239 15 306 9 57.29 9 514 7.5 663 10 53.86 All Paid All Paid Steel Equipment. Value at 5% % of Cost as Represented % Margin of % of Cost as Represented % Margin of Year Depreciation by Outstanding Notes. Security. 10% by Outstanding Notes. Security. 25% 10% of Cost Paid. of Cost Paid 25% of Cost Paid. of Cost Paid New 100 90 11 75 33 1 95 81 17 67.5 40 2 90.25 72 25 60 50 3 85.73 63 37 52.5 63 4 81.45 54 51 45 81 5 77.27 45 72 37.5 106 6 73.50 36 104 30 145 7 69.83 27 158 22.5 212 8 66.34 18 268 15 342 9 63.02 9 600 7.5 740 10 59.87 All Paid All Paid The wonderful increase in the number of all-steel passenger cars placed in service in the country since January 1, 1909, is all the more remarkable when we remember that the first modern experimental all-steel passenger car for use on steam roads was not placed in service until 1906. The use of the steel frame, side door suburban car on the Illinois Central in the fall of 1902 was probably the first move toward the introduction of steel passenger equipment. Experience of a crude design of side door equipment in tem- porary use during the Chicago World's Fair demonstrated the value of this principle in handling suburban traffic and a steel frame was adopted for the superstructure because of its marked advantages for this type of construction. The Pennsylvania Railroad officers became interested in the develop- ment of an all-steel car because of the necessity of providing fireproof equip- ment under the North and East Rivers in connection with the terminal in New York. The first experimental cars for through passenger traffic were built by the Pennsylvania Railroad at the Altoona and the Southern Pacific at the Sacramento shops. These were built in 1906 ; but it was not until the middle of 1907 that the first real move was made toward the introduction of the all-steel car for passenger service. Today many of our roads use nothing but all-steel or steel underframe equipment on their high-class pas- senger trains. The behavior of these cars in rough service and wrecks has indicated their value from a safety standpoint, although there is still a con- siderable question as to the best type of design to properly dissipate the end shocks and afford the greatest protection. One of the most important considerations in connection with Equipment notes is that in cases of receivership or reorganization of a Railway Com- pany, it is the practice to maintain payment of both principal and interest of equipment issues under authority of Court, the Court authorizing the Receiver to borrow money for this purpose if necessary. This principle is based on the fact that the equipment is necessary to the operation of the property, and that the railway, as a quasi--puh\ic corporation, must be kept in operation for the public convenience. From this it has usually resulted that equipment obligations have fared better in reorganizations than the mortgage bonds of the reorganized or foreclosed company. A study of the history of the various Receiverships of the past years forcibly illustrates this point as well as the soundness of this plan of financing and the protection afforded the investor. The following railway companies, reorganized between 1888 and 1914 either with or without foreclosure, all had outstanding equipment obligations. In every case principal and interest of such obligations were paid in full, 10 while other securities, with a few exceptions, were reduced in rate or amount, or both : Atchison, Topeka c*v: Santa Fe Railroad. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Buffalo & Suscjuehanna R. R. Corp. Central Railroad & Banking Company of Georgia, Chesapeake .J^c Ohio Railway. Chicago tS: Southern Railway. Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo Railway. (Now Hocking Valley Railroad). Kansas City, Pittsburgh & Gulf Railroad. (Now Kansas City Southern Railway). New York, Lake Erie &: Western Railroad. (Now Erie Railroad). Norfolk & Southern Railway. Northern Pacific Railroad. Philadelphia t^ Reading Railroad. Richmond & Danville Railroad. ) ■»! c i.u -n •^ r- ■ r) c TD 1 f Now Southern Railway. Georgia racinc Railway. ) Seaboard Air Line. Southern Indiana Railway. Toledo, St. Louis, &. Kansas City Railroad Co. (Now Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad). Union Pacific Railway. The following railway companies, reorganized after foreclosure, either paid their equipment obligations in full or offered the holders an advan- tageous exchange of securities which amounted to considerably more than such payment. Other securities were reduced in rate or amount: ^, ^ Denver & Rio Grande Railway. ^ , , Norfolk & Western Railway. The Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic R. R. Company has been in the hands of receivers, but was bought in by the General Protective Committee in June, 1914. The following roads are at present in the hands of a Receiver: — Buffalo & Susquehanna Railway. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. Chicago, Peoria &: St. Louis Railroad. Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad. 11 Colorado Midland Railway. International & Great Northern Railway. Kansas City & Memphis Railway. Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad. New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railroad. Pere Marquette Railroad. Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern Railroad. St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad. Trinity & Brazos Valley Railway. Wabash Railroad, Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad. All of the foregoing are in default on one or more issues of mortgage bonds, but, with the exception of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railway Company and the Pere Marquette Railroad Company, are meeting their equipment obligations. There are special conditions surrounding the Cin- cinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railway issue, which make its case one from which general conclusions cannot be drawn. Regarding the default in the principal of Pere Marquette Equipmicnt issues, an agreement has been reached between the Receiver of the road and holders of these bonds whereby the Receivers are to deposit a certain sum each month with the Columbia Trust Company of New York to be applied to payment of interest and principal of these equipment obligations. From the above review it will be noted that in practically every case of railway reorganizations the principal and interest of equipment obligations have been paid in full or the holders otherwise reimbursed without loss. Final settlement in the matter of an issue of the Detroit Southern Railway Co., now the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton R. R., is still pending. The Com- pany defaulted in June, 1908, in the payment of the interest on $1,656,000 Car Trust Notes. The equipment covered by these notes was sold, and, as we understood, was purchased by or on behalf of the noteholders and all of the notes were used in payment of the purchase price. The notes have not yet been cancelled, but it is expected that they will be turned in shortly and the matter closed. While these securities are not generally listed on any exchange the majority of the issues enjoy an active market and sale can usually be made without difficulty. In view of the foregoing we believe that this class of security combines in as high a degree as any, the three essential require- ments of a good investment, namely : security, marketability and interest return. >r 12 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Alabama Great Southern R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "B" . . . 4K'% Dated Feb. 1. 1905 Due $50,000 S.A. to Feb. 1. 1915 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $50,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co.. N. V. Trustee, N.YT. Form C Alabama Great Southern R.R. Co. Car Trust .Series "C" . . . 4^'% Dated May 1, 1906 Due $74,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1915, $73,000 May 1, 1916 Issued $1,479,000 Outstanding $221,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Blair & Co.. N. Y. Trustee. F'k'n-T Form C Alabama Great Southern R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "D" . . . 4^% Dated July 1. 1909 Due $50,000 S.A. to July 1, 1919 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $500,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Em. Trustee, Em. Form C Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Ry. Co. Car Trust Bond Series "A" . . 6% Dated May 15. 1911 Due $50,000 A. to May 15. 1921 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $350,000 *Int. pay. May and Xov. 15 at .Maitland. Coppcll & Co.. N. Y. Trustee, N.T. Tor. Form C Security : 12 Locomotives 1,000 Bo.x Cars 250 Gondola Cars 200 Coke Cars 100 Ore Cars Equipment cost $1,141,246.50. Outstanding notes represent 4% of original cost. Security: 8 Locomotives 250 Coke Cars 250 Flat Cars 250 Gondola Cars 250 Steel Hopper Cars 1.000 Box Cars Equipment cost $1,741,002.50. Outstanding notes represent 12% of original cost. Security: 20 Locomotives 10 Passenger Cars 3 Mail Cars 2 Baggage Cars 250 Steel Hopper Cars 375 Steel Gondola Cars 200 Steel Un.lerframe Flat Cars Equipment cost $1,207,903.60. Outstanding notes represent 41% of original cost. Security : 20 Locomotives 230 Freight Cars Equipment cost $525,000. Outstanding notes represent 56% of original cost. Callable at par and interest on any interest date. 12a RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Ry. Co. Car Trust Bonds Series "B" . . 6% Dated Aug. IS, 1911 Due A. to Aug. 15, 1921 Issued $225,000 Outstanding $157,500 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 15 at Maitland, Coppcll & Co., N. Y. Trustee, . Form C. Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Ry. Co. Car Trust Bonds Series "C" . Security : 105 Freight Cars 2 Snow Plows Also Passenger Train Equipment Callable at par and interest on any interest date. Dated May 15, 1912 Due $7,000 A. to May 15. 1917, $8,000 May 15, 1918-1922 Issued $75,000 Outstanding $61,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 15 at Maitland, Coppell & Co., N. Y. Trustee. . Form C. Security : 25 Flat Cars 88 Ore Cars 1 Crane 1 Wrecker Callable at par and interest on any interest date. American Refrigerator Transit Co. Equipment Notes Series "A" . 5% Dated June 1, 1911 Due S.A. to June 1, 1921 Issued $1,188,000 Outstanding $774,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C Security : 1,000 Steel Underframe Refrigerator Cars Equipment cost $1,314,400. Outstanding notes represent 58% of original cost. American Refrigerator Transit Co. Equipment Notes Series "B" 5% Dated Dec. 2. 1912 Due $24,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1922 Issued $480,000 Outstanding $408,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at F.T.&S.B. Trustee, F.T.&S.B., Chic. Form C. Security : 500 Steel Underframe Refrigerator Cars Equipment cost $573,630. Outstanding notes rep- resent 71% of original cost. 12b RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS American Refrigerator Transit Co. Equipment Notes Series "C" 5% Dated May 1. 1*)I3 D ic $105,000 S.A. to May 1, 1923 Issued $2,150.(^)0 Onl-taiKlipR $1.7X5,000 *!nt. pay. May and Nov. 1 at F.T. & S. and F. Nat., N. Y. Trii.-tee, F.T.&S., Cliic. Form C, r. Ann Arbor R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "A" 5% Dated Nov. 1. 1909 Due $33,000 S..\. to Nov. 1, 1919 Issued $660,000 O.itstanding $330,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C Ann Arbor R.R. Co. First Lien Equip. Notes Series "B" 5% Dated Jan. 1, 1911 Issued $600,000 Due $30,000 S..^. to Jan. 1, 1921 Outstanding $330,000 ♦Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Em. Trustee, Em. Form C Security : 2,000 Steel L'nderframe Beef Cars Equipment cost $2,632,000. Outstanding notes represent 67% of original cost. Security: 500 Steel Gondola Cars 300 Steel Underframe Bo.x Cars Equipment cost $826,880. Outstanding notes rep- resent 39% of original cost. Security : 13 Locomotives 4 Passenger Cars 2 Cafe- Parlor Cars 5 Motor Cars 105 Steel Box and Refrigerator Cars 1 Steel Car-Ferry Equipment cost $853,407. Outstanding notes rep- resent 3S% of <>rir.riiial cost. Redeemable at 102'/^. 12c RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Ann Arbor R.R. Co. American Loco. Equip. Notes 5% Dated Aug. 1, 1912 Due $7,500 S.A. toAug. 1,1915 Issued $41,577 Outstanding $15,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Harvey Fisk & Sons, N. Y. Security : 3 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $56,577. Outstanding notes rep- resent 26% of original cost. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Notes Series "A" 5% Dated May 1, 1906 Due $60,000 S.A. to May 1, 1916 ' $66,000 Nov. 1, 1916 Issued $1,206,000 Outstanding $246,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at E. Trustee, E. Form C Security : 1,100 Box Cars 300 Flat Cars 19 Passenger Cars 6 Mail and Baggage Cars 16 Locomotives Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "B" . 5% Dated July 1, 1907 Due $86,000 S.A. tojuly 1,1917 Issued $1,720,000 Outstanding $602,000 *Int. pay. Jan. & July 1 at Harris, Forbes & Co., N. Y. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security : 1,200 Coal Cars 500 Box Cars 300 Flat Cars 30 Caboose Cars 25 Locomotives Equipment cost $2,317,998.90. Outstanding bonds represent 25% of original cost. Atlantic Coast Line R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "A" . 4% Dated Mar. 1, 1907 Due $225,000 S.A. to Sept. 1, 1917 Issued, $4,500,000 Outstanding $1,123,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at U.S.Tr. Trustee, S.D.&T., Bait. Form C, r. Security : 100 Locomotives 2,500 Steel Underframe Box Cars 780 Steel Underframe Flat Cars 25 Passenger Cars 8 Mail and Express Cars 20 Express Cars Equipment cost $5,000,000. Outstanding represent 22% of original cost. bonds 12d RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Atlantic Coast Line R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "B" . 4i/<% Dated Dec. 1. 1911 Due $125,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1921 Issued $2,500,000 Outstanding $2,000,000 ♦Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at U. S. Tr., N. Y. Tnistee, S.D.&T.Balt. Form C, r. Security : 15 Passenger Locomotives 20 Freight Locomotives 1.900 Steel Underframe Box Cars 100 Steel Underframe Flat Cars 41 Steel Underframe Passenger Cars 8 Steel Mail Cars Equipment cost $2,777,778. Outstanding notes represent 72% of original cost. Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Dated Feb. 1, 1912 ^y2% Due $1,000,000 A. to Feb. 1, 1922 Issued $10,000,000 Outstanding $8,000,000 *Int pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Company's office, N. Y. Trustee, Gir. Phil. Form C, r. Security : 150 Locomotives 3,000 Hopper Cars 2,000 Coke Cars 2.000 Box Cars 1.000 Gondola Cars Equipment cost $11,000,000. Outstanding notes represent 72% of original cost. Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co. Equipment Notes 4^% Dated April 1. 1913 Issued $10,000,000 *Int. pay. April and Oct. N. Y. Trustee. Gir. Phila. Due $1,000,000 A. to April 1. 1923 Outstanding $8,000,000 1 at Company's office. Form C, r. Security: 110 Mikado Type Locomotives 30 Pacific 10 Mallet 1 Electric " 112 Passenger Cars 1,822 Gondola Cars 2,000 Hopper Cars Notes not to exceed 90% of cost of equipment. Guaranteed nncdnfiitinnally as to principal and interest by B. & O. R.R. 13 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Bangor & Aroostook R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "C" . 5% Dated June 1, 1906 Due $45,000 S.A. to June 1, 1916 Issued $900,000 Outstanding $180,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Brown Brothers & Co, N. Y. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 510 Box Cars 635 Flat Cars Equipment cost $1,000,903. Outstanding notes represent 18% of original cost. Bangor & Aroostook R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "D" . 5% Dated April 1, 1907 Due $45,000 S.A. to April 1, 1917 Issued $900,000 Outstanding $225,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Brown Bros. & Co, N. Y. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 300 Flat Cars 706 Box Cars 40 Stock Cars 6 Caboose Cars Equipment cost $1,000,000. Outstanding notes represent 22% of original cost. Bangor & Aroostook R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "E" . 5% Dated Oct. 1, 1911 Due Alternately $12,000 and $13,000 A. to Oct 1, 1921 Issued $125,000 Outstanding $88,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Brown Bros. & Co., N. Y. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 2 Gasolene Electric Motor Cars 6 Locomotives Equipment cost $140,000. Outstanding notes rep- resent 61% of original cost. 14 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Bessemer Sc Lake Erie R.R. Co. Erie Equipment Bonds Dated Feb. 28, 1902 Due Mar. 1, 1922 Issued $1,220,000 Outstanding $1,220,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at H. T. Hob. Trustee, H. T. Hob Form C Security : 11 Locomotives 1,000 Steel Hopper Cars (Not on the market) Bessemer & Lake Erie R.R. Co. Standard Equipment Bonds . 5% Dated April 1. 1905 Due .\pril 1, 1925 Issued $1,060,000 Outstanding $1,060,000 ♦Interest payable April and Oct. 1 at H. T. Hob. Trustee, H.T. Hob. Form C Security: 12 Locomotives 1,000 Steel Gondola Cars (Not on the market) Bessemer Sc Lake Erie R.R. Co. National Equipment Bonds . 5% Dated May 1, 1905 Due $40,000 A. to Mar. 1, 1915 Issued $400,000 Outstanding $40,000 ♦Interest payable March and Sept. 1 at H. T. Hob. Trustee H.T. Hob. Form C Security : 400 Steel Cars (Not on the market) Bessemer & Lake Erie R.R. Co. Bessemer Equipment Bonds . 5% Dated March 1, 1907 Due $110,000 A. Mar. 1. 1918 to 1927 Issued $1,100,000 Outstanding $1,100,000 ♦Interest payable March and Sept. 1 at H. T. Hob. Trustee H.T. Hob. Form C Security : 6 Locomotives SCO Hopper Cars 500 Gondola Cars (Not on the market) 15 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS ] I Bessemer & Lake Erie R.R. Co. Conneaut Equipment Trust Bonds 5% Dated April 1, 1909 J Issued $300,000 Due April 1, 1919 Outstanding $300,000 ♦Interest payable Apr. and Oct. 1 at H. T. Hob. Trustee H.T. Hob. Form C Security : 25 Locomotives (Not on the market) Bessemer & Lake Erie R.R, Co. Meadville Equipment Trust . . 5% Security : 35 Locomotives Dated March 1, 1911 Due $55,000 A. Mar. 1, 1922 to 1931 Issued $550,000 Outstanding $550,000 ♦Interest payable Mar. and Sept. 1 at H. T. Hob. Trustee H.T. Hob. Form C Bessemer & Lake Erie R.R. Co. Albion Equipment Trust . . . 5% Security : 500 Steel Gondola Cars 400 Steel Underframe Box Cars Dated June 1, 1912 Due $75,000 A. June 1. 1923 to 1932, $100,000 June, 1933, $100,000 June, 1934 Issued $950,000 Outstanding $950,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at H. T. Hob. Trustee H. T. Hob. Form C 100 Steel Box Cars Boston & Albany R.R. Co. (N.Y.C. & H.R.R.R.) Equipment of 1912 . . . .4^% Security: Equipment costing 10% in excess of bond issue. Guaranteed as to principal and interest by the New York Central. Dated Oct. 1, 1912 Due $500,000 A. to Oct. 1, 1927 Issued $7,500,000 Outstanding $6,500,000 tint. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1. Trustee, G. Form C, r, R. 16 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Buffalo & Susquehanna Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "A" . . 5% Dated July 2, 1906 Due $43,000 S.A. to July 1, 1916 Issued $871,000 Outstanding $172,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Harris, Forbes & Co.. N. Y. ' Trustee, U.S.M.&T Form C Sfxurity : 100 Steel Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,036,181.25. Outstanding notes represent 16% of original cost. Assumed by Buffalo & Susquehanna R.R. Corp. Buffalo & Susquehanna Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "B" . . 5% Dated April 1, 1907 Due $27,000 S.A. to April 1, 1917 Issued $540,000 Outstanding $135,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Harris, Forbes & Co., N. Y. Trustee, U.S.M.&T. Form C Security: 500 Gondola Cars 4 Passenger Cars • 2 Passenger and Baggage Cars 5 Locomotives Equipment cost $670,085.10. Outstanding notes represent 20% of original cost. Buffalo & Susquehanna Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "C" . . 5% Dated August 1, 1907 Due $45,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1917 Issued $900,000 Outstanding $270,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Col. Trustee, Pa.Co.I.L&G.A. Form C Security : 450 Gondola Cars 150 Hopper Cars 150 Steel Undcrframe Box Cars 15 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $1,126,117.50. Outstanding notes represent 23% of original cost. Assumed by Buffalo & Susquehanna R.R. Corp. Buffalo & Susquehanna Ry. Co. Car Trust Series "D" . . 5% Dated August 1, 1907 Due $15,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1917 Issued $300,000 Outstanding $90,000 *rnt. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Pa.Co.I.L&G.A. Trustee, Pa.Co.I.L&G..\. Form C, r. Security: 150 Gondola Cars 50 Hopper Cars 50 Steel Undcrframe Box Cars 5 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $375,372.50. Outstanding notes represent 24% of original cost. Assumed by Buffalo & Susquehanna R.R. Corp. 17 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "A" . 4^^% Dated May 1, 1889 Due May 1, 1919 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $495,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at A. Iselin & Co., N. Y. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "B" . 4^/^% Dated May 1, 1901 Due May 1, 1921 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $993,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at A. Iselin & Co., N. Y. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security (now pledged) 731 Gondola Cars 7 Combination Cars 4 Baggage Cars 5 Coaches 1 Snow Plow 9 Locomotives 1 Cafe Parlor Car 1 Pile Driver 1 Scale Test Car 1 Locomotive Crane Valued as of July 22, 1914, after allowing for depreciation, at $888,748. Sinking Fund of 5% per annum for purchase of bonds at par or of additional equipment as further security. Security (now pledged) : 29 Locomotives 19 Passenger Cars 19 Coke Cars 2 Gas Motor Cars 1 Tank Locomotive 1,354 Gondola Cars 3 Locomotive Cranes Valued as of July 22, 1914, after allowing for depreciation, at $1,767,841.63. Sinking fund same as Series "A." Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "C" . 4j^% Dated May 1, 1901 Due May 1, 1921 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $904,000 ♦Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at A. Iselin & Co., N. Y. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security (now pledged) : 53 Locomotives 1,033 Gondola Cars 10 Box Cars 1 Combination Car 1 Wrecking Crane 1 Locomotive Crane Valued as of July 22, 1914, after allowing for depreciation, at $1,693,428.91. Sinking fund same as Series "A." 18 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "D" . 4^/2% Dated Nov. 1. 1902 Due Nov. 1, 1919 Issued $2,000,000 Outstanding $752,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at A. Iselin & Co., N. Y. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "E" . 4^/2% Dated May 1, 1904 Due May 1, 1922 Issued $2,000,000 Outstanding $1,156,000 ♦Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at A. Iselin & Co., N. Y. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "F" . 4^% Dated April 1, 1907 Due April 1, 1927 Issued $3,000,000 Outstanding $1,773,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at A. Iselin & Co., N. Y. Trustee. G. Form C, r. Security (now pledged) : 45 Locomotives 3 Passenger Cars 301 Box Cars 1,213 Gondola Cars 10 Stock Cars 23 Refrigerator Cars 76 Coke Cars 4 Combination Cars 1 Baggage Car Valued as of July 22, 1914, after allowing for depreciation, at $2,235,144.74. Sinking Fund 6% per annum to buy bonds at 105 or better. If they cannot be purchased at this price the Trustee draws them by lot at 105. Sinking fund bonds to be cancelled. Security (now pledged) : 30 Locomotives 10 Passenger Cars 1,988 Gondola Cars 102 Box Cars 2 Combination Cars Valued as of July 22. 1914, after allowing for depreciation, at $2,239,493.59. Sinking fund same as Series "D." Security (now pledged) : 27 Locomotives 2.135 Steel Gondola Cars 515 Box Cars 1 Steel Coach Valued as of July 22, 1914, after allowing for depreciation, at $3,536,192.21. Sinking Fund 6% per annum of bonds issued for purchase or redemption by lot at par. Sink- ing fund bonds to be cancelled. Subject to call for Sinking Fund at par. Subject to redemption as a whole or in part at 102. 19 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "G" . 4% Dated Oct. 1, 1909 Due Oct. 1, 1929 Issued $3,000,000 Outstanding $2,640,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at A. Iselin & Co., N. Y. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security (now pledged) : 2,450 Steel Coal Cars 914 Steel Underframe Box Cars 100 Steel Underframe Flat Cars 22 Steel Passenger Train Cars 25 Gondola Cars 13 Locomotives Valued as of July 22, 1914, after allowing for depreciation, at $3,317,941.62. Sinking Fund same as Series "F." Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "H" . 5% Dated July 1, 1913 Due $125,000 A. Jan. 1, 1915 to 1930 Issued $2,000,000 Outstanding $2,000,000 tint. pay. Jan. and July 1 at A. Iselin & Co., N. Y. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security: 1,000 Steel Underframe Coal Cars 500 Steel Underframe Box Cars 500 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars 15 Mikado Type Locomotives Equipment cost about $2,200,000. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "K" 4>4% Dated Oct. 1, 1905 Due $130,000 Oct. 1, 1915 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $130,000 tint. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com.. N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Security : 26 Coaches 575 Box Cars 12 Caboose Cars 10 Baggage Cars 6 Sleeping Cars 10 Mail and Express Cars 12 Locomotives Equipment cost $1,370,388.67. Outstanding notes represent 9% of original cost. 20 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "L" 4^% Dated June 1, 1906 Due $250,000 June 1, 1915, $200,000 June 1. 1916 Issued $2,200,000 Outstanding $450,000 tint. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee. Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r. $500 & $1,000 Security: 1,000 Box Cars 300 Flat Cars 50 Stock Cars 50 Refrigerator Cars 34 Passenger Cars 8 Baggage and Mail Cars 4 Palace Cars 12 Caboose Cars 3 Sleeping Cars 2 Dining Cars 46 Locomotives 1 Snow Plow Equipment cost $3,051,443. Outstanding notes represent 13% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "M" 4>^% Dated Nov. 1, 1906 Due $57,000 A. to Nov. 1, 1915, $58,000 Nov. 1, 1916 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $115,000 tint. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Security : 550 Box Cars 6 Coaches 5 Mail and Express Cars Equipment cost $696,182.80. Outstanding notes represent 16% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "N" 43^% Dated June 1, 1907 Due $50,000 A. to June 1. 1917 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $150,000 tint. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r. $12,500 & $1,000 Security: 60 Flat Cars 8 Passenger Cars 3 Sleeping Cars 6 Mail and Express Cars 175 Stock Cars 50 Ore Cars 2 Parlor Cars 4 Locomotives Equipment cost $710,893.36. Outstanding notes represent 21% of original cost. 21 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "O" 4^% Security : 750 Box Cars 170 Dump Cars 140 Flat Cars Dated June 1, 1907 Due $150,000 A. to June 1, 1917 Issued $1,500,000 Outstanding $450,000 tint. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 25 Caboose Cars 4 Snow Plows 19 Day Coaches 2 Mail and Express Cars 6 Baggage Cars 2 Dining Cars 21 Locomotives Equipment cost $2,136,264. Outstanding notes represent 21% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "P" 4>^% Security : 750 Box Cars 25 Stock Cars 30 Dump Cars Dated Aug. 1, 1907 Due $100,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1917 Issued $2,000,000 Outstanding $600,000 tint. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 20 Refrigerator Cars 2 Mail and Express Cars 3 Baggage Cars 5 Day Coaches 5 Snow Plows 1 Cafe Car 69 Locomotives Equipment cost $2,844,101. Outstanding notes represent 21% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "R" 4>4% Security: 500 Box Cars 200 Convertible Cars SO Ore Cars Dated Alarch 1, 1908 Due $170,000 A. to Mar. 1, 1918 Issued $1,700,000 Outstanding $680,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 194 Flat Cars 4 Caboose Cars 1 Baggage Car 24 Day Coaches 39 Locomotives Equipment cost $2,451,224. Outstanding notes represent 27% of original cost. 22 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Alortgage Bonds Series "S" 4>^% Dated March 1, 1909 Due $100,000 A. to Mar. 1, 1919 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $500,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com,, N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Security : 3 Sleeping Cars 2 Snow Plows 10 Refrigerator Cars 32 Caboose Cars 750 Box Cars 5 Baggage and Mail Cars 4 First Class Coaches 15 Locomotives Equipment cost $1,403,027. Outstanding notes represent 35% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "T" 4^^% Dated March 1, 1909 Due $150,000 A. to Sept. 1, 1919 Issued $1,500,000 Outstanding $750,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Security: 125 Flat Cars 1,200 Box Cars 125 Stock Cars 8 Passenger Cars 1 Baggage and Mail Car 4 Combination Cars 6 Baggage Cars 15 Caboose Cars 15 Locomotives Equipment cost $2,108,743. Outstanding notes represent 35% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "U" 43/^% Dated Nov. 1, 1909 Due $50,000 A. to Nov. 1, 1919 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $250,000 tint. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Security: 3 Sleeping Cars 2 Parlor Cars 15 Caboose Cars 350 Flat Cars 27 Refrigerator Cars 100 Box Cars 2 Cafe Cars 5 Snow Plows Equipment cost $692,932. Outstanding notes represent 36% of original cost. 23 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Canadian Northern Ry. Co., Ltd. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "V" 4^% Dated May 1, 1910 Due $300,000 A. to Nov. 1, 1920 Issued $3,000,000 Outstanding $1,800,000 tint. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Security: 2,100 Box Cars 50 Caboose Cars 50 Auto Box Cars 100 Steel Ore Cars 100 Logging Cars 50 Stock Cars 500 Flat Cars 250 Convertible Cars 18 Passenger Cars 6 Passenger and Baggage Cars 7 Baggage and Mail Cars 3 Dining Cars 4 Parlor Cars 5 Baggage Cars 50 Refrigerators 3 Locomotives Equipment cost $4,203,598. Outstanding notes represent 42% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series "I" 4J^% Dated Aug. 1, 1910 Due $29,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1915, $33,000 Aug. 1, 1915 Issued $294,000 Outstanding $62,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security : 10 Passenger Locomotives 12 Switching Locomotives Equipment cost $367,600. Outstanding represent 16% of original cost. notes 24 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "Al" 43^% Dated Feb. 1, 1911 Due $184,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1920, $188,000 Feb. 1, 1921 Issued $3,500,000 Outstanding $2,396,000 tint. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N.Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Security: 4 Snow Plows 10 Baggage Cars 20 Ore Cars 1,600 Box Cars 4 Dining Cars 300 Flat Cars 250 Convertible Cars 200 Stock Cars 100 Refrigerator Cars 38 Passenger Cars 6 Passenger and Baggage Cars 2 Mail and Baggage Cars 10 Sleeping Cars 15 Caboose Cars 42 Locomotives Equipment cost $4,996,870. Outstanding bonds represent 47% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co, Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "Bl" 45^% Dated Sept. 1, 1911 Due altcrnatelj' $74,500 each March 75,500 each Sept. to Sept. 1, 1921 Outstanding $974,500 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., Trustee, Phila.T.S.D.&I. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Issued $1,500,000 Security : 6 Snow Plows 1,332 Box Cars 190 Flat Cars 31 Caboose Cars 11 First Class Coaches 15 Second Gass Coaches 6 Passenger and Baggage Cars 2 Cafe Parlor Cars Equipment cost $2,094,447. Outstanding notes represent 467o of original cost. 25 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "CI . 4^% Dated April 1, 1912 Issued $2,000,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. Due $100,000 S.A. to April 1, 1917, $110,000 S.A. to April 1, 1922 Outstanding $1,600,000 1 at Phil. T. S. D. & I. Trustee, Phil.T.S.D.&I. Form C, r. Security : 28 Locomotives 1,084 Box Cars 650 Flat Cars 300 Ballast Cars 20 Caboose Cars 1 Snow Plow Equipment cost $2,700,000. Outstanding notes represent 59% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "Dl" 4>^% Dated April 1, 1912 Due $150,000 S.A. to April 1, 1917; thereafter $165,000 to April 1, 1922 Issued $3,000,000 Outstanding $2,400,000 tint. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Security: 1,866 Box Cars 250 Flat Cars 100 Ballast Cars 21 Baggage Cars 50 Caboose Cars 4 Dining Cars 29 First Class Coaches 5 Second Class Coaches 3 Combination Cars 2 Passenger and Mail Cars 12 Baggage and Mail Cars 41 Locomotives Equipment cost about $4,000,000. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Imperial Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. First Mortgage Bonds Series "El" 4>^% Dated Sept. 1, 1912 Due $105,000 S.A. to Sept. 1, 1922 Issued $2,000,000 Outstanding $1,680,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at Can. Bk. of Com., N. Y., Lon. and Tor. Trustee, Nat.Tr.Tor. Form C, r, $500 & $1,000 Security: 10 Tank Cars 1,025 Box Cars 70 Automobile Cars 75 Caboose Cars 5 First Class Coaches 25 Second Class Coaches 6 Sleeping Cars 2 Parlor Cars 37 Locomotives Equipment cost about $2,797,370. Outstanding notes represent 60% of original cost. 26 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series 'Fl" 4y2% Dated March 1, 1913 Issued $4,000,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. Trustee, Gir., Phila. Due $210,000 S.A. to Sept. 1, 1922, $220,000 Mar. 1, 1923 Outstanding $3,580,000 1 at Gir., Phila, Form C, r. Security: 700 Flat Cars 1,780 Box Cars 300 Hart Convertible Cars 71 Stock Cars 25 Passenger Cars 90 Locomotives 2 Snow Plows Equipment cost $5,333,600. Outstanding notes represent 67% of original cost. Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "Gl" 4i^fo Dated March 1, 1913 Issued $1,000,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. Trustee, Gir., Phila Due $50,000 S.A. to Mar. 1, 1918; $55,000 thereafter S.A. to Mar. 1, 1923 Outstanding $900,000 1 at Gir., Phila. Form C, r. Security : 32 Locomotives 343 Box Cars 20 Passenger Cars 79 Stock Cars Equipment cost $1,339,932. Outstanding notes represent 67% of original cost Canadian Northern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "HI" . 5% Dated Dec. 1, 1913 Issued $750,000 tint. pay. June and Dec. Trustee, Gir., Phila Due $40,000 S.A. Dec. 1, 1914 to June 1, 1923; $30,000 Dec. 1, 1923 Outstanding $750,000 1 at Gir., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 300 Box Cars 75 Ore Cars 25 Refrigerator Cars 50 Caboose Cars 6 Sleeping Cars 10 Coaches 8 Switching Locomotives Elquipment cost 25% in excess of issue. 27 5" TZTZFyCZ^r: S— ^ *A* i ~a . ■ - ; .xrs Si^Sl 3i. -XT? :L^:: :5 SIC :sr +'.tnTTTrnT=7 Zzxsz. ZeiL -. -- ': 2ns f ■ r . ■ . _iii ,-i.riiimTff I _• "^rrr: -tsw: ttttp= imr .#=»- _ - _ "r "'r id k UTTTrnTfrrr .'•iic ■r^ -SET _;2I- -JL '•rrn isr^. jhl 3iir .iiok 5rnnr Z ELniimnsir ns: ELSTE-^E. ■'irsarrrrnig 3icirt 4I%- if '.ru.iiKi" z:zs~ — I'-rmF^rf ^ Zmc J" ra" f-^ iiE 1 IFJZ -ja£ L. :.J-^ •31 ^iTSr — _:_ -.IF. - _ - 3. Z Z ?irrn: y;.-*- •'» i V z^Z r . Csr: -m: —IK HUTTrr - K T-T- ^iinr C- : - Z-^^rrii i-r C.:. *je: : ^irnt *^. *«i X i^t.£rss > .j«r Vi. s RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Central of Georgia Ry. Co. Central of Georgia Equipment Ass'n Shares Series "K" Dated March 1, 1907 Due $38,000 S.A. to March 1, 1917 Issued $760,000 Outstanding $190,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept, 1 at Kountze Bros., N. Y. Trustee, Gir., Phila. 'Form C, r. Security: 500 Box Cars 25 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost 10% in excess of entire issue. Guaranteed principal and interest by endorse- ment by the Central of Georgia Railway Company. Central Vermont Ry. Co. Car Trust Series "A" . 4>^% Dated March 1, 1905 Issued $620,000 Due $16,000 each Mar. and Sept. 1, $15,000 each June and Dec. 1 to March 1, 1915 Outstanding $31,000 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, . Form C. Security : 1,000 Box Cars 2 Cafe Parlor Cars 2 Smoking Cars 2 Baggage Cars 4 Coaches Central Vermont Ry. Co. Locomotive Trust Series "B" 43^% Dated Aug. 1, 1906 Due $20,000 A. to Aug. 1, 1916 Issued $200,000 Outstanding $40,000 Int. pay. Quar. Feb. 1 at Royal Trust Co., Mont. Trustee, . Form C Security: 4 Passenger Cars 10 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $218,000. Outstanding notes represent 18% of original cost. 30 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Central Vermont Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "C" . 4cy2% Dated April 1, 1907 EKie $13,000 each Apr. 1 ; $14,000 each Oct. 1 to April 1, 1917 Issued $270,000 Outstanding $67,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Nat. T., Tor. Trustee, Nat. T., Tor. Form C. Security: 500 Flat Cars. Equipment cost about $295,000. Central Vermont Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "D" Dated Feb. 1, 1912 Due $49,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1922 Issued $980,000 Outstanding $735,000 ♦Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 1,000 Steel Underframe Box Cars 200 Steel Hopper Coal Cars 2 Baggage Cars 6 Coaches 2 Parlor Cars 1 Dining Car 3 Switching Locomotives 4 Pacific Type Locomotives Equipment cost $1,094,210. Outstanding notes represent 67% of original cost. Central Vermont Transportation Co. Guaranteed Gold Bonds Series "A" 5% Dated May 15, 1909 Due $12,000 each May 15. $13,000 each Nov. 15 to May 15, 1921 Issued $300,000 Outstanding $162,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 15 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 2 Steel Steamships, "New York" and "New London" Guaranteed principal and interest by the Central Vermont Railway Company. 31 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Central Vermont Transportation Co. Guaranteed Gold Bonds Series "B" 5% Dated May 1, 1912 Due $50,000 S.A. to May 1, 1922 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $750,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 2 Steel Steamships Callable at 102^. Equipment cost about $1,331,000. Guaranteed principal and interest by the Central Vermont Railway Company. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "F" . 4% Dated Dec. 15, 1904 Due $35,000 Dec. 15, 1914 Issued $700,000 Outstanding $35,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 15 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. Security : 20 Locomotives 500 Steel Gondola Cars Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "G" . 4% Dated April 1, 1905 Due $90,000 S.A. to April 1, 1915 Issued $1,800,000 Outstanding $90,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Fid. T., Phila. Trustee, Fid. T., Phila. Form C, r. Security : 18 Locomotives 1,500 Steel Gondola Cars Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "H" . 4% Dated April 2, 1906 Due $80,000 S.A. to April 1, 1916 Issued $1,600,000 Outstanding $240,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Fid. T., Phila. Trustee, Fid. T., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 35 Locomotives 995 Steel Gondola Cars 32 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Scries "I" 4% Dated June 1, 1906 Due $50,000 S.A. to June 1, 1916 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $250,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. Security: 1,000 Steel Gondola Cars Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "J" . 4% Dated Aug. 1, 1906 Due $95,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1916 Issued $1,900,000 Outstanding $380,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, Com.T.N.Y. Form C. Security : 2,000 Composite Steel Gondola Cars Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "K" . 4% Dated Oct. 15, 1906 Due $80,000 S.A. to Oct. 15, 1916 Issued $1,600,000 Outstanding $320,000 ♦Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 15 at G. Trustee, G. Form C. r. Security : 1,000 Gondola Cars 40 Locomotives Equipment cost $1,746,100. Outstanding notes represent 18% of original cost. 33 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "L' 4% Dated Jan. 2, 1907 Due $112,000 S.A. to Jan. 1, 1917 Issued $2,250,000 Outstanding $560,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C, Security: 2,000 Steel Gondola Cars Equipment cost $2,477,500. Outstanding notes represent 22% of original cost. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "M" 4% Dated Feb. 1, 1907 Due $113,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1917 Outstanding $565,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Issued $2,250,000 Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C Security: 2,000 Flat Bottom Steel Gondola Cars Equipment cost $2,477,500, of which 9% was paid by the company. Outstanding notes repre- sent 22% of original cost. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. Monongahela River Cons. Coal & Coke Co. Equipment Notes (Car Trust of 1905) . . 4K% Dated Jan. 2, 1905 Issued $445,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. Trustee, . Due $22,000 S.A. to May 1, 1915 Outstanding $22,000 1 at U.S.M.&T. Form C. Security: 600 Twin Hopper Steel Cars Originally issued by M. R. C. C. & C. Co. Guar- anteed principal and interest by Pittsburgh Steel Co. Assumed by C. & O. Ry. Co. under agreement of purchase of equipment dated February 9, 1910. 34 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chesapeake Steamship Co. Equipment First Mortgage Bonds 5% Dated May 1, 1910 Due $30,000 S.A. to May 1, 1920 Issued $600,000 Outstanding $330,000 Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Mer. T. & D. Trustee, Mer.T.&D., Bait. Form C. Security: 2 Steamships Cost $750,000. of which 20% was paid by the com- pany. Outstanding bonds represent 30% of original cost. Chesapeake Steamship Co. Equipment First Mortgage Bonds 5% Dated Oct. 1, 1912 Due $30,000 S.A. to April 1, 1924 Issued $630,000 Outstanding $570,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Bait. Trustee, Mer.T.&D., Bait. Form C. Security: 2 Steamships Cost $785,400, of which 197o was paid by the com- pany. Also by equity in the two steamships subject to the above bonds dated May 1, 1910. Outstanding bonds represent 72% of original cost. Chicago & Alton R.R. Co. The Chicago & Alton Equip- ment Ass'n Shares, Series "C" 4% Dated Nov. 1, 1905 Due $98,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1915 Issued $1,960,000 Outstanding $196,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form R. Security: 200 Hopper Cars 1,000 Box Cars 300 Stock Cars 200 Refrigerator Cars 10 Locomotives By a supplemental lease dated March 31, 1908, 5 Pacific Type Locomotives Cost of equipment, exclusive of last named item, $1,976,637, of which $16,607 was paid by the company. Guaranteed principal and interest by endorsement by the Chicago & Alton R. R. 35 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chicago & Alton R.R. Co. The Chicago & Alton Equip- ment Ass'n Shares, Series "D" 4% Dated June 1, 1906 Due $113,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1918 Issued $2,260,000 Outstanding $452,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form R. Security : 25 Locomotives 1,300 Box Cars 300 Stock Cars 300 Flat Cars 100 Furniture Cars Cost $2,274,092, of which $14,092 was paid by the company. Outstanding notes represent about 19% of the original cost. Guaranteed prin- cipal and interest by the Chicago & Alton R. R. f Chicago & Alton R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "E" 4>4% Dated Nov. 1, 1908 Due $82,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1918 Issued $1,640,000 Outstanding $656,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C Security : 2,000 Steel Gondola Cars Cost $2,051,916, of which 25% was paid in cash by the company. The outstanding bonds represent 31% of the original cost. Chicago & Alton R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "F" . 4>^% Dated Feb. 1, 1909 Due $12,000 each Feb. 1, $13,000 each Aug. 1 to Feb. 1, 1919 Issued $250,000 Outstanding $112,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 20 Locomotives Equipment cost $313,543, of which 20% was paid by the company. Outstanding notes represent 35% of the original cost. Redeemable at 101. 36 1 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chicago & Alton R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "G" 5% Dated Oct. 1, 1910 Issued $722,000 Due $72,000 A. to Oct. 1, 1918, $73,000 Oct. 1 1919 and 1920 Outstanding $434,000 ! *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct 1 at Pa. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security: 10 Mogul Switching Locomotives 10 Pacific Passenger Locomotives 20 Mikado Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $849,500, of which 15% was paid by the company. Outstanding notes repre- sent 51% of the original cost. Guaranteed principal and interest by endorsement by the Chicago & Alton R. R. Redeemable at 101. Chicago & Eastern IlHnois R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "C" . 4}^% Dated Jan. 1, 1905 Due $53,000 S.A. to Jan. 1, 1915 Issued $1,060,000 Outstanding $53,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C Security: 800 Steel Underframe Coal Cars 500 Box Cars 200 Dump Cars Equipment cost $1,192,622, of which 11% was paid by the company. Outstanding bonds represent 4% of original cost. Chicago & Eastern IlHnois R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "D" . 4^/2% Dated Jan. 3, 1905 Due $15,000 S.A. to Jan. 1, 1915 Issued $300,000 Outstanding $15,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C Security: 500 Box Cars Equipment cost $337,000, of which 11% was paid by the company. Outstanding bonds repre- sent 4% of original cost. Chicago & Eastern Illinois R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "E" . 4^^% Dated Aug. 1, 1905 Due $125,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1915 Issued $2,500,000 Outstanding $250,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 30 Locomotives 2,500 Freight Cars 25 Caboose Cars 3 Postal Cars Equipment cost $2,864,601.20, of which 12% was paid by the company. Outstanding bonds represent 8% of original cost. 37 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chicago & Eastern Illinois R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "F" . 4^% Dated Feb. 1, 1906 Due $220,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1916 Issued $4,400,000 Outstanding $660,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 89 Locomotives 3,250 Freight Cars 25 Caboose Cars 3 Dining Cars Equipment cost $5,010,000, of which 12% was paid by the company. Ovitstanding bonds repre- sent 13% of original cost. Chicago & Eastern Illinois R.R. Co. Am. Car & Foundry Equipment Notes, Series "G" .... 5% Dated Oct. 1, 1907 Issued $2,480,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. Trustee, B. Due $124,000 S.A. to Oct. 1, 1917 Outstanding $744,000 1 at B. Form C. Security: 2,000 Dump Gondola Cars Equipment cost $2,737,912, of which 9% was paid by the company. Outstanding notes repre- sent 27% of original cost. Chicago & Eastern Illinois R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "H" . Dated Sept. 3, 1912 Issued $3,310,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept and B. Trustee, Com.T., Phila, Due $166,000 each Mar., $165,000 each Sept. to Sept. 1, 1922 Outstanding $2,647,000 . 1 at Com. T., Phila., Form C, r. Security : 3,000 Steel Service Cars 20 Steel Underframe Caboose Cars 25 Mikado Type Locomotives Equipment cost $3,686,220, of which 10% was paid by the company. Redeemable at 101. 38 I RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chicago & Eastern Illinois R.R. Co. E. & T. H. Equipment Series "B" 4><% Dated Feb. 1, 1905 Due $20,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1915 Issued $400,000 Outstanding $20,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 500 Coal Cars Chicago & Eastern Illinois R.R. Co. E. & T. H. Equipment Bonds Series "C" 4>4% Dated Feb. 1, 1906 Due $60,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1916 Issued $1,200,000 Outstanding $180,000 *Int pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 1,500 Wooden Coal Cars 6 Freight Locomotives 2 Switching Locomotives Equipment cost $1,385,000, of which 13% was paid by the company. Outstanding notes represent 13% of original cost. Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Ctfs. of 1912 Series "A" 4>^% Dated July 1, 1912 Due $300,000 A. to July 1, 1922 Issued $2,700,000 Outstanding $2,400,000 tint. pay. Jan. and July 1 at F. Trustee, F. Form C, r, R. Security: 75 Locomotives 3 Observation Buffet Cars 6 Steel Dining Cars 6 Parlor Cars 30 Steel Coaches 10 Steel Smokers 483 Refrigerator Cars 500 Flat Cars 146 .-Vutomobile Cars 111 Bo.x Cars 39 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Ctfs. of 1912 Series "B" 4/2^ ci. Dated Oct. 1, 1912 Issued $3,000,000 tint. pay. Apr. and Oct. Trustee, F. Due $300,000 A. to Oct. 1, 1922 Outstanding $2,400,000 1 at F. Form C, r, R. Security : 454 Automobile Cars 517 Refrigerator Cars 2,699 Box Cars Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Ctfs. of 1912 Series "C" 4>4% Dated Issued $4,000,000 tint. pay. Jan, and July 1 at F Trustee, F. Due $400,000 A. to July 1, 1923 Outstanding $3,600,000 Form C, r, R. Security : 4 Locomotives 2.000 Gondola Cars 2,005 Box Cars Equipment under A, B and C cost not less than amount of certificates. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "A" . 4>^% Dated March 15, 1911 Due $21,000 S.A. to Sept. 15, 1918, $22,000 S.A. to March 15, 1921 Issued $425,000 Outstanding $278,000 Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 15 at E. Trustee, E. Form C. Security : 10 Locomotives 100 Automobile Cars 200 Flat Cars 2 Passenger and Baggage Cars 3 Passenger Cars 1 Dining Car 37 Steel Undcrframe Flat Cars Equipment cost $500,555. Outstanding bonds represent 55% of original cost. 40 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "B" 4^^% Dated Oct. 16, 1911 Due $37,000 each Apr. 15, $38,000 each Oct. 15 to Oct. 15, 1921 Issued $750,000 Outstanding $525,000 ♦Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 15 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 9 Mikado Type Locomotives 1,000 Steel Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,065,300. Outstanding notes represent 49% of original cost. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "C" . 4]^% >ated Aug. 1, 1913 Due $50,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1923 ssued $1,000,000 Outstanding $900,000 lit. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 1,000 Steel Gondola Cars 250 Steel Underframe Flat Cars Equipment cost $1,262,750. Present outstanding bonds represent 71% of original cost. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co. Equipment Notes .... ^Y/fo Dated Feb. 1, 1907 Due $325,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1917 ssued $6,500,000 Outstanding $975,000 Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at F. N., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 50 Locomotives 65 Passenger Cars 5,000 Freight Cars Equipment cost $7,892,369.90, of which \1% was paid by the company. Outstanding notes represent 12% of original cost. 41 00 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS [Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co Equipment Notes Series 'G* . 4" [>at<^d Tu!r 1. 1912 Due $iro.ca) S-.\. to July 1. 1927 i July 1 c«. B. Form C ■' ^ '.ric Motor C*r$ :uc $441aXV S a. to 'v'v ! '/\V i $4.4:0 vXXl O ^int pay. }*il utd July I at B. Trustee. B. Form C. R. bKCfRmr ; ves tr5 Type Lc .5 C &OA C.4X5 IS Steel Chair Cars • l^ars 10 S ce Can Can cost. C5 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co. Rock Island Improvement Co. Equipment Bonds "A" . . 43^% Dated Jan. 3, 1905 Due $225,000 S.A. to Jan. 1, 1915 Issued $4,500,000 Outstanding $225,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 50 Locomotives 1,000 Box Cars 475 Coal Cars 500 Furniture Cars 250 Dump Cars 2 Postal Cars 7 Baggage Cars 10 Chair Cars 10 Passenger Cars 1,500 Refrigerator Cars 250 Ballast Cars Equipment cost $4,502,891.55. Outstanding notes represent 5% of original cost. Guaranteed principal and interest by endorsement by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co. Rock Island Improvement Co. Equipment Bonds "B" . . 4>4% Dated Nov. 1, 1905 Due $280,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1915 Issued $5,605,000 Outstanding $560,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 75 Locomotives 2,750 Box Cars 750 Stock Cars 247 Ballast Cars 5 Mail Cars 17 Baggage Cars 7 Dining Cars 57 Passenger Cars 3 Double Plow Distributing Cars 250 Furniture Cars 8 Combination Cars Equipment cost $5,649,196.17. Outstanding notes represent 9% of original cost. Guaranteed principal and interest by endorsement by Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railwaj'. 44 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Chicago, Terre Haute & Southeastern Ry. Co. Equipment Notes 5% Dated April 1, 1913 Due $40,000 S.A. to April 1, 1922, $45,000 Oct. 1, 1922 and April 1, 1923 Issued $810,000 Outstanding $690,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at F. T. & S. Trustee, F.T.&S., Chic. Form C, r. Security: 900 Steel Hopper Cars 13 Caboose Cars Elquipment cost $907,245. Outstanding notes rep- resent 76% of original cost. Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. Co. R. W'inthrop & Co. Car Trust Notes 4^% Dated Oct. 1, 1904 Due $92,000 Oct. 1. 1914 Issued $1,840,000 Outstanding $92,000 •■Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at R. Winthrop & Co., N. Y. Trustee. . Form C Security: 29 Locomotives 170 Box Cars 986 Coal Cars 2 Miscellaneous Cars Equipment cost $2,408,337. Outstanding notes represent 3% of original cost. Zincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. Co. R. Kleybolte & Co. Equipment Notes 4^% Dated April 1, 1905 Due $54,000 S.A. to April 1, 1916 ssued $1,080,000 Outstanding $216,000 'Int. pay. .-\pr. and Oct. 1 at J. P. Morgan & Com- pany. Trustee, . Form C. Security: 30 Freight Locomotives 9 Parlor Cars 30 Passenger Cars 4 Mail Cars 11 Baggage Cars 3 Cafe Cars 150 Coal Cars 50 Caboose Cars 7 Mail, Baggage and Express Cars 45 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Cincinnati, Hamilton &Dayton Ry, Co Equipment Trust Series "A" Dated Feb. 1, 1910 Due $116,000 S.A. to June 1, 1920 Issued $2,320,000 Outstanding $1,508,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at J. P. Morgan & Co. Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 1,500 Steel Coal Cars 500 Steel Underframe Box Cars 500 Automobile Cars 5 Pacific Type Locomotives 20 Consolidated Locomotives Equipment cost $2,897,005. Outstanding notes represent 52% of original cost. Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry. Co, Equipment Trust Series "B" . 4^/^% Dated May 1, 1906 Due $97,000 S.A. to Alay 1, 1915 $96,000 Nov. 1, 1915 and May 1, 1916 Issued $1,938,000 Outstanding $289,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at E. Trustee, E. Form C. Security: 1,500 Gondola Cars 1,000 Box Cars 250 Coke Cars 250 Flat Cars 40 Ballast Cars 1 Plow Equipment cost $2,348,915. Outstanding notes' represent 12% of original cost. I Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "C" . 4^/2% Dated May 15, 1911 Due $50,000 S.A. to May 15, 1921 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $650,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 15 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 45 Locomotives 20 Passenger Cars 6 Postal Cars j 100 Coal Cars 1 Equipment cost $1,254,527. Outstanding cer- tificates represent 51% of original cost. 46 i RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co, Equipment Trust of 1914 . . 5% Dated June 1, 1914 Due 1-15 A. to June 1, 1929 Auth. $5,600,000 Issued $3,870,000 Outstanding $3,870,000 tint. pay. June and Dec. 15 at G. Trustee, G. Form, C, r. Security : 2,585 Steel Underframe Box Cars 2,500 All Steel Gondola Cars Equipment cost $4,282,853.25. Outstanding certificates represent 90% of original cost. Colorado & Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "A' 5% Dated April 1, 1907 Due $52,000 S.A. to April 1, 1917 Issued $1,026,000 Outstanding $260,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security: 15 Freight Locomotives 2 Passenger Locomotives 350 Dumping Stock Cars 350 Ingoldsby Ore Cars Equipment cost $1,258,475. Outstanding notes represent 20% of original cost. Redeemable at 101. Colorado & Southern Ry. Co. Pullman Equip Lease Deferred Rentals Dated Feb. 11, 1907 Due $15,112.25 with int. S.A. to May 1, 1915 ssued $2,417,906 Outstanding $15,112,25 !nt. pay. May and Nov. 1. Security: 300 Box Cars 2 Passenger and Mail Cars 47 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Colorado Southern New Orleans & Pacific R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "A" . uyo Dated Feb. 1, 1907 Due $80,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1917 Issued $1,600,000 Outstanding $400,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 38 Locomotives 500 Box Cars 250 Flat Cars 200 Ballast Cars 75 Oil Tank Cars 20 Caboose Cars Equipment cost $1,895,136. Outstanding notes represent 20% of original cost. Delaware & Hudson R.R. Co. Equipment First Lien Bonds . 4^% Dated July 1, 1907 Issued $10,000,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July N. Y. Trustee, U.S.M.&T. Due July 1, 1922 Outstanding $9,643,000 1 at company's office, Form C, r, R. Security: 6,000 Coal Cars 2,900 Box Cars 1,500 Steel Underframe Cars Equipment cost over $12,000,000. Amount of sinking fund Dec. 31, 1913, $3,361,968. Denver & Rio Grande R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "B" . 5% Dated Sept. 1, 1907 Issued $1,500,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept, Trustee, T.G.&T. Due $75,000 S.A. to Sept. 1, 1917 Outstanding $450,000 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Form C. Security : 1,000 Steel Gondola Cars 28 Locomotives Equipment cost $1,788,600. Outstanding bonds represent 25% of original cost. 48 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Denver & Salt Lake R.R. Co. Equipment Notes . 5% Dated March 1, 1913 Due $25,000 S.A. to Mar. 1. 1917, $24,000 S.A. to Mar. 1. 1923 ssiied $488,000 Outstanding $413,000 Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at E. Trustee, E. Form C, r. Denver, Northwestern & Pacific R.R. Co. Equipment Notes 5% )ated Aug. 1, 1910 Due $17,500 Quar. to Feb. 1, 1916 ssued $348,608.80 Outstanding $107,500 nt. pay. Quar. Feb. 1 at Harvey Fisk & Sons. Trustee, . Form C, $5,000. Detroit, Toledo & Ironton R.R. Co. Equipment Notes 6% )ated April 15, 1914 Due $25,000 S.A. to Oct 15, 1915 $50,000 S. A. to Oct. 15, 1917 ssued $250,000 Outstanding $250,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 15. Trustee, N. Y. T. Form C, $5,000 Security : 300 Steel Gondola Cars 100 Steel Frame Box Cars 25 Stock Cars 6 Refrigerator Cars 3 Steel Passenger Cars 1 Steel Combination Car 15 Miscellaneous Cars 2 Locomotives Equipment cost $650,281.75. Outstanding notes represent 62% of original cost. Security: 20 Locomotives Equipment cost $435,761. Outstanding notes rep- resent 24% of original cost. Guaranteed by endorsement by the American Locomotive Company. Security: These notes represent the unpaid obligation of the Railroad Company for the repair and improvement of 1,763 box and Gondola coal cars and arc a first lien on said cars. Crie R.R. Co. 1 Equipment Trust Scries "H" . 4% (>ated June 1. 1905 Due $100,000 S.A. to June 1, 1915 jsued $2,000,000 Outstanding $200,000 Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Gir.. Phila. Trustee, Gir., Phila. Form C, r. Security : 137 Freight Locomotives 19 Passenger Locomotives Equipment cost about $2,523,032. Outstanding certificates represent 7% of original cost. 49 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Erie R.R. Co. Security (original) : Equipment Trust Series "I" . 4% 100 Locomotives 4,000 Steel Underframe Box Cars 2,000 Steel Hopper Cars 500 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars Dated Dec. 2, 1905 Due $350,000 S.A. to June 1, 1916 Outstanding $1,400,000 1 at Pa. I. L. & G. A. r.A. Form C, r. Issued $7,000,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G Equipment cost $8,625,000. June 1, 1909, box cars, and on June 1, 1912, 2,000 tional box cars were withdrawn from and delivered to the company. 2,0OC addi- leas« Erie R.R. Co. Security: Equipment Trust Series "J" . 4% 500 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars 500 Steel Underframe Flat Cars Dated Nov. 1, 1906 Due $47,000 S.A. to May 1, 1916, $57,000 Nov. 1, 1916 Issued $950,000 Outstanding $198,000 tint. pay. May and Nov 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Erie R.R. Co. Security : Equipment Bonds Series "K" . 4>^% 500 Produce Cars Equipment cost $657,500. Outstanding represent 22% of original cost. bonds Dated Feb. 1, 1907 Due $29,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1917 Issued $580,000 Outstanding $145,000 tint. pay. Feb. and Aug '. 1 at N. Bk. of Com., N. Y. 1 Trustee, . Form C. Erie R.R. Co. Security : Car Trust Ctfs. Series "L" . . 5% 2,000 Steel Hopper Cars Equipment cost $2,450,000. Outstanding represent 26% of original cost. I notes Dated July 1, 1907 Due $107,000 S.A. to July 1, 1917 Issued $2,140,000 Outstanding $642,000 tint. pay. Jan. and July 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. 5 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Erie R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "M" . 5% Dated July 1, 1907 Due $29,000 S.A. to July 1, 1917 [ssucd $580,000 Outstanding $174,000 "Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Gir., Phila. Trustee, Gir., Phila. Form C. Security: 38 Locomotives Equipment cost $724,875. Outstanding notes represent 21% of original cost. Erie R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "N" . 5% Dated Oct. 1, 1907 Due $152,000 S.A. to Oct. 1, 1917 [ssued $3,040,000 Outstanding $1,064,000 ►Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at F. N. Bk., N. Y. Trustee, Col. Form C. Security: 3,000 Steel Underframe Pox Cars Equipment cost $3,480,700. Outstanding notes represent 30% of original cost. Srie R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "O" . 5% )ated Aug. 31, 1907 Due $50,000 S.A. to Oct. 1, 1917 ssued $1,000,000 Outstanding $300,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at C. Trustee, C. Form C. Security: 1,000 Hopper Cars Equipment cost about $1,228,000. 51 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Erie R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "Q" . 4^^% Security : 1,000 Steel Box Cars 500 Steel Underframe Cars Dated Aug. 2. 1911 Due $230,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1921 Issued $4,600,000 Outstanding $3,220,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Fid. T. Trustee, Fid.T., Pliila. Form C, r. 200 Steel Underframe Refrigerator Cars 300 Automobile Cars 2,000 Gondola Cars 35 Passenger Cars 5 Passenger and Baggage Cars 35 Mikado Type Locomotives 20 Switching Locomotives Equipment cost $5,425,134. Outstanding cer- tificates represent 59% of original cost. Erie R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "R" . 4>4% Security: 25 Passenger Cars 11 Passenger and Baggage Cars Dated Aug. 2, 1912 Due $108,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1922 Issued $2,160,000 Outstanding $1,728,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. 300 Automobile Cars 500 Coke Cars 50 Mikado Type Locomotives Equipment cost $2,632,870. Outstanding notes represent 65% of original cost. Erie R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "S" . 4>^% Security: 1,500 Steel Underframe Box Cars 30 Mikado Type Locomotives 6 Pacific Type Locomotives Equipment cost $2,511,219. Outstanding cer- tificates represent 67% of original cost. 1 Dated Dec. 3, 1912 Due $100,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1922 Issued $2,000,000 Outstanding $1,700,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. S i RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Erie R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "T" . 5% Security: 1,500 Steel Underframe Box Cars Equipment cost $1,613,950. Outstanding cer- Dated June 16, 1913 Due $66,000 S.A. to June 15, 1923 Issued $1,320,000 Outstanding $1,188,000 tint. pay. June and Dec. 15 at Col. Trustee, Col. Form C. tificates represent 1Z% of original cost. Erie R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "U" . 5% Security: 1,500 Steel Box Cars 500 Steel Hopper Cars Dated July 2, 1913 Due $117,000 each Jan., $118,000 each July to July 1, 1923 Issued $2,350,000 Outstanding $2,115,000 Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C, r. 500 Gondola Cars Equipment cost $2,829,376.66. Outstanding cer- tificates represent 74% of original cost. ' Erie R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "V" . 5% Security : 1,000 Steel Hopper Cars Equipment cost $1,186,437. Outstanding cer- 1 vited June 16, 1913 Due $100,000 A. to June 15, 1923 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $900,000 tint. pay. June and Dec. 15 at N. Y. T. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C, r. tificates represent 75% of original cost. Erie R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "A" . 5% Security : 50 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $1,330,890. Outstanding cer- Dated Sept. 1, 1913 Due $56,000 S.A. i to Sept. 1. 1923 Issued $1,120,000 Outstanding $1,008,000 ♦Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C. tificates represent 75% of original cost. 53 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Fort Worth & Denver City Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "B" . 070 Dated April 1, 1907 Due $19,000 S.A. to April 1, 1917 Issued $376,000 Outstanding $95,000 *Int. pay. April and Oct. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security: 5 Switching Locomotives 2 Passenger Locomotives 10 Freight Locomotives 6 Caboose Cars 150 Ballast Cars Equipment cost $442,569. Outstanding represent 21% of original cost. notes Fort Worth & Denver City Ry. Co. Pullman Equip. Ctf. Deferred Rentals Dated May 1, 1905 Due $50,500.84 S.A. to May 1, 1915 Issued $980,780,41 Outstanding $50,500.84 Int. pay. May and Nov. 1. Security : 12 Passenger Cars 4 Baggage Cars 900 Box Cars I I Georgia Southern & Florida Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "C" . 4^% Dated March 15, 1910 Due $25,000 S.A. to March 15, 1920 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $275,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 15 at E. Trustee, E. Form C. Security : 15 Locomotives 205 Steel Underframe Box Cars 100 Steel Flat Cars Equipment cost $587,310. Outstanding bonds represent 46% of original cost. Georgia Southern & Florida Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "D" . 4>^% Dated Aug. 1, 1912 Issued $425,000 Due $21,000 each Feb., $22,000 each Aug. to Aug. 1, 1917; then $21,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1922 Outstanding $339,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 10 Locomotives 5 Steel Frame Passenger Cars 2 Steel IMail and Baggage Cars 4 Steel Baggage and E.xpress Cars 208 Steel Underframe Box Cars 60 Steel Flat Cars Equipment cost $504,150. Outstanding notes represent 67% of original cost. 54 J51JS RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Grand Trunk Ry. of Canada Equipment Notes Series "A" 4>4% Dated May 1, 1912 Due $197,000 S.A. to May 1, 1922 Issued $3,940,000 Outstanding $2,955,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 3,000 Steel Underframc Box Cars 500 Refrigerator Cars 500 Automobile Cars 1,000 Steel Hopper Cars Equipment cost $4,483,675. Callable as a whole at 102><. Outstanding notes represent 70% of original cost. Grand Trunk Ry. of Canada Equipment Notes Series "B" . 4>^% Dated Nov. 1, 1912 Issued $3,360,000 ♦Int. pay. May and Nov. Trustee, B. Due $168,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1922 Outstanding $2,688,000 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Form C. Security : 100 Locomotives 2,000 Box Cars 50 Tank Cars Equipment cost $3,820,730. Outstanding notes represent 70% of original cost. Callable at 102J^. Grand Trunk Ry. of Canada Equipment Notes Series "C" 4^% ! Dated Nov. 1, 1913 Due $113,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1918, $112,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1923 Issued $2,250,000 Outstanding $2,024,000 ♦Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, E. Form C. Security : 126 Steel Passenger Train Cars 500 Stock Cars 500 Flat Cars Equipment cost $2,625,185. Outstanding represent 11% of original cost. notes Hocking Valley Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series 'A" 4% Dated Feb. 1, 1907 Due $23,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1917 Issued $458,000 Outstanding $115,000 ♦Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at U. S. M. & T. Trustee, U.S.M.&T. Form C, r. Security : 500 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars Equipment cost $573,000. Outstanding notes rep- resent 20% of original cost. 55 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Hocking Valley Ry. Co. Car Trust Series O-T . . . 4% Security: 1,000 Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,200,000. Outstanding notes Dated Feb. 15, 1907 Due $48,000 S.A. represent 15% of original cost. to Feb. 15, 1917 Issued $960,000 Outstanding $180,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 15 at Company's Office, N. Y. C. Trustee, Lincoln Tr. Form C, r. Hocking Valley Ry. Co. Pullman Co. Series "C" 4% Dated Apr. 1, 1907 Due $37,000 S.A. to Apr. 1, 1917 Issued $740,000 Outstanding $185,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Merch. L. & T., Chic. Trustee, . Form C, r. Hocking Valley Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "E" 4% Dated Aug. 1, 1907 Due $25,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1917 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $150,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Em. Trustee, Em. Form C, r. Hocking Valley Ry. Co. Car Trust No. 1 of 1908 Dated Feb. 15, 1908 Due $25,000 S.A. to Feb. 15, 1918 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $175,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 15 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security : 850 Box Cars Security : 500 Gondola Cars M Equipment cost $618,955. Outstanding bonds rep- resent 237o oi original cost. Security : 500 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars Equipment cost $617,470. Outstanding notes rep- resent 28% of original cost. 56 L^"*^ 3k RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Hocking Valley Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series of 1913 5% Dated Aug. 1, 1913 Due $100,000 A. to Aug. 1, 1923 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $900,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T.Phila. Form C, r. Security: 1,000 Steel Coal Cars 6 Mikado Type Locomotives 2 Passenger Locomotives Equipment cost about $1,250,000. Outstanding notes represent 72% of original cost. Callable at par. Hocking Valley Railway. Equipment Trust Series of 1914 ^Y^Jo Dated Feb. 2, 1914 Due $80,000 A. to Feb. 1, 1924 Issued $800,000 Outstanding $800,000 tint. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Com. T.. Phila. Trustee, Com.T.Phila. Form C, r. Security : 1,000 Steel Coal Cars Equipment cost $940,000. Outstanding amount represents 85% of cost. Callable as a whole at 101 on any interest day. Hudson & Manhattan R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "A" Dated Mar. 1, 1909 Due $46,000 S.A. to Mar. 1, 1919 Issued $920,000 Outstanding $414,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security : 90 All Steel Passenger Cars, with motor equipment of 360 h.p., costing $1,242,220 Outstanding notes represent 33% of original cost. Hudson & Manhattan Co. Car Trust Series "B" 5% Dated Oct. 1. 1910 Due $25,000 S.A. to Oct. 1, 1920 ' Issued $500,000 Outf^tanding $300,000 tint. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security: 50 All Steel Passenger Cars equipped with 360 h.p., costing $662,500 Outstanding notes represent 45% of original cost. 57 KAll-rWAY H.yUlFJVlliJNi Uiil^lUAlUJJNb Hudson & Manhattan Co. Security: Car Trust Series "C" .... 5% 36 All Steel Passenger Cars equipped with 450 h.p. and full multiple control cost- Dated Aug. 1, 1911 Due $21,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1921 ing $510,000. Outstanding notes represent 57% of original cost. Issued $420,000 Outstanding $294,000 tint pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. f Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain R.R. & Coal Co. Equipment Trust 16th Series . 4>^% Security: 500 Steel Gondola Coal Cars Equipment cost $537,000. Outstanding notes rep- resent 43% of original cost. Dated Oct. 1, 1906 Due $16,000 each Redeemable at 102i^. Apr. $17,000 each Oct. to Oct. 1, 1916; thereafter $17,000 S.A. to Oct. 1, 1921 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $236,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Phila. T. S. D. & I. Trustee, Phila.T.S.D.&I. Form C, r. Illinois Central R.R. Co. Security: Equipment Trust Series "A" . 4^% 17 Steel Mail 35 Steel Baggage Cars Dated Feb. 1, 1913 Due $400,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1923 Issued $8,000,000 Outstanding $6,800,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T. Phila. Form C, r. 4 Steel Observation Cars 9 Steel Chair Cars 40 Steel Passenger Cars 5,000 Steel Gondola Cars 500 Steel Flat Cars 30 Caboose Cars 135 Locomotives Equipment cost $9,413,080. Outstanding certifi- cates represent 72% of original cost. Callable at 102^ after Feb. 1, 1918. 58 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Illinois Central R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Scries "B" Dated Aug. 1, 1913 Due $175,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1923 Issued $3,500,000 Outstanding $3,150,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Un. T. Pitts. Trustee, Un.T.Pitts. Form C, r. Security: 10 Steel Postal Cars 10 Steel Mail and Baggage Cars 7 Steel Passenger Cars 3 Steel Dining Cars 500 Steel Underframe Stock Cars 500 Steel Underframe Fruit Cars 500 Steel Underframe Refrigerator Cars 800 Steel Underframe Furniture Cars 1,000 Steel Gondola Cars Equipment cost $4,375,000. Outstanding certifi- cates represent 72% of original cost. Callable at 102>/^ after Aug. 1, 1918. International & Great Northern R.R, Equipment Notes Series "A" . 6% Dated Oct. 1, 190S led $380,000 Due $19,000 S.A. to Oct. 1, 1918 Outstanding $152,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C. Security : 10 Freight Locomotives 500 Box Cars Equipment cost $420,000. Outstanding notes rep- resent 36% of original cost. Subject to call at par. International & Great Northern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust 5% Dated Aug. 1. 1913 Due $50,000 S.A. to .'\ug. 1, 1923 [ssued $1,000,000 Outstanding $900,000 fint. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, E. Form C. Security : 13 Oil Burning Freight Locomotives 400 Steel Underframe Box Cars 400 Steel Underframe Stock Cars 200 Steel Gondola Cars Equipment cost about $1,245,000. 59 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Iowa Central Ry. Co. Car Trust "A" . , Dated May 1, 1909 Due $32,000 A. to May 1, 1919 Issued $320,000 Outstanding $160,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Company's office, N. Y. Trustee, Pa.C.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Iowa Central Ry. Co. Car Trust Series "B" Dated Oct. 1, 1910 Due $16,000 Oct. 1, 1914, then $15,000 A. to Oct. 1, 1920 Issued $154,000 Outstanding $90,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Company's office, N. Y. Trustee, Pa.C.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security: 12 Locomotives 100 Steel Gondola Cars 250 Wooden Coal Cars Equipment cost $407,000. Outstanding notes represent 39% of original cost. Security: 10 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $181,815. Outstanding notes represent 49% of original cost. Kanawha & Michigan Ry. Co. Equipment Car Trust of 1906 Dated Aug. 15, 1906 Due $23,000 S.A. to Aug. 15, 1916 Issued $460,000 Outstanding $92,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 15 at Sup. S. & T. Co., Cleve. Trustee, . Form C, r. Security: 500 Gondola Dump Cars Notes issued for full cost of equipment. 60 KAiJ-«WAX JliV^UiriVirilN X ^J15JL.lUAAX\JlNa Kanawha & Michigan Ry. Co. Equipment Trust . 5% Dated May 1, 1909 Due Serially to May 1, 1917 Issued $166,000 Outstanding $97,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at No. Nat. Bk., Toledo. Trustee, . Form C. Security: 300 Gondola Cars Kanawha & Michigan Ry. Co. Equipment Notes 43^% Dated July 1. 1912 Due $60,000 S.A. to July 1, 1922 Issued $1,200,000 Outstanding $420,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Un. T. Trustee, Un.T. Form C. Kanawha & Michigan Ry. Co. Equipment Trust .... ^Yijo Dated July 1, 1914 Issued $1,200,000 tint. pay. Jan. and July 1, Trustee, Un. Due $60,000 S.A. to July 1, 1924 Outstanding $1,200,000 Form C. Security: 1,000 Steel Coal Cars 1,000 Steel Underframe Coal and Ballast Cars 3 Steel Underframe Passenger Cars 2 Steel Underframe Baggage and Mail Cars 10 Freight Locomotives 2 Heavy Switching Locomotives Equipment cost $1,333,400. Outstanding notes represent 31% of original cost. Callable at par. Security: 1,160 Steel Gondola Cars 5 Steel Passenger Cars 2 Steel Baggage and Mail Cars 7 Consolidation Freight Locomotives Equipment cost over $1,335,000. Callable as a whole, but not in part, at par on 30 days' notice. 61 XXX^X X^ T T X^ JU J.^^-^ ^/ XA J.TA'-'X V .b -y^ a_^ a-#^^ma a ^ a ^.r ^ v •»# Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "A" . 43/2% Dated Jan. 3, 1905 Due $65,000 S.A. to Jan. 1, 1915 Issued $1,300,000 Outstanding $65,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "B" . 4>^% Dated Aug. 1, 1905 Due $85,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1915 Issued $1,700,000 Outstanding $170,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C, r. Kansas City Southern Ry. Co. . Equipment Notes Series "D'' Dated Dec. 15, 1912 Due $62,000 S.A. to Dec. 15, 1924 Issued $1,448,000 Outstanding $1,364,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 15 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. Lehigh & Hudson River Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Ctfs. Series "A" 4>^% Dated June 1, 1906 Due $40,000 A. to June 1, 1916 Issued $400,000 Outstanding $80,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Pa. Co. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.Co.I.L.&G.A. Form C. Security : 400 Furniture Cars 1,300 Box Cars 300 Hopper Cars 50 Caboose Cars Equipment cost $1,468,259. Outstanding notes represent 5% of original cost. Security : 30 Locomotives 16 Mail and Combination Cars 500 Hopper Cars 500 Gondola Cars 400 Dump Cars 100 Steel Drop Cars Equipment cost $1,939,730. Outstanding bonds represent 8% of original cost. f Security : 20 Locomotives 1,000 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars 100 Steel Underframe Furniture Auto Cars 200 Steel Underframe Flat Cars Equipment cost $1,758,993. Outstanding notes represent 77% of original cost. Callable at par and interest. Security: 6 Locomotives 250 Gondola Coal Cars 10 Low Side Gondola Cars 75 Box Cars 25 Steel Ore Cars Equipment cost $490,000. Outstanding certificates represent 16% of original cost. 62 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Lehigh & New England R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "A" 43^% Dated June 1, 1908 Due $30,000 A. to June 1, 1923 Issued $450,000 Outstanding $270,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at G. T. & S. D., Phila. Trustee, G.T.&S.D., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 300 Steel Coal Cars 300 Box Cars 2 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $519,471. Outstanding notes represent 52% of original cost. Guaranteed principal and interest by Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co. Callable at 102>^. Lehigh ^% Dated May 1, 1911 Due $45,000 A. to May 1, 1925, $70,000 May 1, 1926 Issued $700,000 Outstanding $565,000 ♦Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at G. T. & S. D., Phila. Trustee, G.T.&S.D., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 500 Steel Coal Cars 300 Box Cars 7 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $803,700. Outstanding cer- tificates represent 70% of original cost. Callable at 102^- Lehigh & New England R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "C" 4:y2% Dated Feb. 1, 1913 Issued $550,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. Due $35,000 A. to Feb. 1, 1927, $60,000 Feb. 1. 1928 Outstanding $515,000 1 at G. T & S. D., Phila. Trustee, G.T.&S.D., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 500 Steel Under frame Box Cars 100 Steel Coal Cars 5 Freight Locomotives 1 Switching Locomotive 1 Steam Wrecking Crane EJjuipment cost $642,356. Outstanding cer- tificates represent 80% of original cost Callable at 101. 63 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Lehigh & New England R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Ctfs. Scries *'D" 4>1% Dated Mar. 2. 1^14 Duo $40.0(10 A. to Mar. 1, 1929 Issued $6(X1,000 Outstanding $600,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at P.I.L.&G.A. Trustee, P.l.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 7 Consolidated Freight Locomotives 3 Switcliinsi' Locomotives 200 Steel Gondola Coal Cars 500 Steel Hopper Coal Cars Equipment cost $706,0^)5. Outstanding: certifi- cates represent S4''c of original cost. Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Scries "J' ^'470 Dated Oct. 3, 1907 Due $250,000 S.A. to Sept. 1, 1917 Issued $5,000,000 Outstanding $1.5a').000 ♦Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at Company's office, Phila. Trustee, U.S.M.&T. Form C. r. Security: 3,0W Steel Coal Cars l.(XX) Steel Box Cars l.Oai Steel Gondola Cars Equipment cost $5,824,820. Outstanding notes represent 25% of original cost. Louisville & Nashville R.R. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "A" . 5% Dated June 2, 1913 Due $325,000 S.A. to June 1, 1923 Issued $6,500,000 Outstanding $5,850,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1. Trustee, F.&C.Tr., Louis. Form C, r. Security: 20 Freight Locomotives 4 Pacific Type Locomotives 26 Steel Underframe Passenger Cars 2 Steel Underframe Baggage and Mail Cars 8 Steel Underframe Baggage Cars 5 Steel Postal Cars 3,000 Steel Hopper and Gondola Cars 3.000 Freight Cars Equipment cost $7,226,420. Outstanding bonds represent 80% of original cost. 64 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Mexican Central Ry. Co., Ltd, Ivjuipment and Collateral Bonds, First Series 5% Dated April 1, 1897 Due $50,000 A. to April 1, 1917 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $151,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at O. C, Bos. Trustee, O.C, Bos. Form C, R, $1,000 or £205. Security : 40 locomotives 710 Box Cars 240 Coal Cars 25 Caboose Cars Equipment cost $1,000,000. Outstanding bonds represent 15% of original cost. Additionally secured by deposit of $225,000 par value Prior Lien 4j/2's of the National Rys. of Mexico. Mexican Central Ry. Co., Ltd. Equipment and Collateral Bonds, Second Series 5% Dated Oct. 2, 1899 Due $50,000 A. to Oct. 1, 1919 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $250,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at O. C, Bos. Trustee, O.C, Bos. Form C. R, $1,000 or £205. Security : 45 Locomotives 16 Passenger Cars 350 Box Cars 100 Stock Cars 50 Flat Cars 50 Coal Cars 30 Caboose Cars Additionally secured by deposit of $450,000 par value Prior Lien 4H's of the National Rys. of Mexico. Redeemable at 102 J/^. Minneapolis & St. Louis R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "A" . 5% I Dated April 1. 1909 Due $60,000 A. to April 1, 1919 Issued $600,000 Outstanding $300,000 ♦Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Pa. C. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.C.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 7 Freight Locomotives 4 Passenger Locomotives 3 Switching Locomotives 750 Wooden Box Cars 100 Wooden Gondola Coal Cars Equipment cost $725,000. Outstanding represent 41% of original cost notes 65 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Minneapolis & St. Louis R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "B" . Dated Oct. 1, 1910 Due $18,000 A. to Oct. 1, 1920 Issued $180,000 Outstanding $108,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Pa. C. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.C.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security: 2 Mogul Switching Locomotives 10 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $212,170. Outstanding represent 50% of original cost. notes Minneapolis & St. Louis R.R. Co. Car Trust Series "C" . Dated Nov. 1, 1912 Due $19,000 A. to Nov. 1, 1918; thereafter $18,000 A. to Nov. 1, 1922 Issued $186,000 Outstanding $148,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Pa. C. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.C.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 12 Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $216,180. Outstanding represent 68% of original cost. notes Minn., St. Paul & S. Ste. Marie Ry. Co. Equipment Car Trust Series "A" . Dated Jan. 3, 1907 Due $96,000 S.A. to July 1, 1916, $111,000 Jan. 1, 1917 Issued $1,935,000 Outstanding $495,000 Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at agency of Bk. of Mon., N. Y. Trustee, C. Form C. Security : 63 Passenger Cars 1,225 Freight Cars 50 Locomotives 1 Steam Wrecker Equipment cost $2,418,750. Outstanding notes represent 20% of original cost. Callable at par. 66 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Minn., St. Paul & S. Ste. Marie Ry. Co. Equipment Car Trust Series "B" 4>4% Security: 500 Ore Cars 300 Stock Cars Dated April 1, 1910 Due $61,000 S.A. to April 1, 1920 Issued $1,220,000 Outstanding $671,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at agency of Bk. of Mon., N. Y. Trustee, C. Form C. 900 Box Cars 100 .Automobile Cars Equipment cost $1,525,000. Outstanding notes represent 44% of original cost. Minn., St. Paul & S. Ste. Marie Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "C" . 4^^% Security: 15 Freight Locomotives 16 Passenger Locomotives Dated March 1, 1911 Due $60,000 S.A. to March 1, 1921 I?>ued $1,190,000 Outstanding $780,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at agency of Bk. of Mon., N. Y. Trustee, C. Form C. 35 Steel Passenger Cars 35 Caboose Cars 2 Steam Wrecking Cranes Equipment cost $1,358,866. Outstanding notes represent 58% of original cost. 1 Minn., St. Paul & S. Ste. Marie Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "D" . 4>4% Security: 6 Coaches 400 Steel Underframe Cars 'Dated June 1. 1912 Due $51,000 S.A. to Tune 1, 1922 Issued $1,020,000 Outstanding $816,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at agency of Bk. of Mon., N. Y. Trustee, C. Form C. 350 Box Cars 100 Refrigerator Cars 200 Vegetable Cars 5 Freight Locomotives 4 Switching Locomotives Equipment cost $1,278,703.21. Outstanding notes represent 63% of original cost. 67 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Minn., St. Paul & S. Ste. Marie Ry. Co. Security: Equipment Trust Series "E" . 4^% 15 Baggage Cars 16 Coaches Dated Jan. 1, 1913 Due $159,000 S.A. to Jan. 1, 1923 Issued $3,180,000 Outstanding $2,703,000 12 Sleeping Cars 1 Cafe Car 3 Postal Cars *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at agency of Bk. of Mon., N. Y. Trustee, G. Form C. 2 Dmmg Cars 1,500 Box Cars 200 Ballast Cars 200 Flat Cars 20 Caboose Cars 300 Ore Cars 25 Locomotives Equipment cost $3,806,657. Outstanding notes represent 71% of original cost. Minn., St Paul & S. Ste. Marie Ry. Co. Security : Equipment Trust Series "F" . . 5% 10 Locomotives 1,050 Steel Box and Ore Cars Dated Dec. 1, 1913 Due $64,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1923 10 Passenger Cars Equipment cost 15% in excess of note issue. Issued $1,280,000 Outstanding $1,216,000 Int. pay. June and Dec. 1. Trustee, Gir.T. Form C, r. Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Ry. Equipment Notes 5% Dated Sept. 25, 1911 Due $50,000 S.A. to July 1, 1916 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $200,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at F. T. & S., Chicago. Trustee, F.T.&S., Chic. Form C. Security : 20 Locomotives 6 Coaches 4 Combination Cars 2 Official Cars 106 Box Cars 25 Coal Cars 910 Dump Cars 40 Mineral Cars 10 Caboose Cars Callable at par. 68 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Notes . . . 5% Dated June 2, 1913 Due $95,000 S.A. to June 1, 1923 Issued $1,900,000 Outstanding $1,710,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1. Trustee, C. Form C. Security: 40 Mikado Type Locomotives 1,000 Steel Underframe Box Cars 10 Steel Baggage Cars 5 Steel Chair Cars 5 Steel Coach and Mail Cars 5 Steel Postal Cars 3 Steel Baggage and Mail Cars 3 Steel Dining Cars Equipment cost $2,376,000. Outstanding notes represent 71^ of original cost. Callable at par. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Co. Equipment Trust uyo Dated April 1, 1914 Due $38,000 S.A. to Oct. 1, 1921; $39,000 S.A. to Apr. 1, 1924 Issued $765,000 Outstanding $727,000 tint. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form Security: 30 Locomotives 200 Ballast Cars Equipment cost $900,000. Outstanding notes represent 80% of original cost. Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. AIo. Pac. Equip. xA.ssoc. Series "F" 5% Dated Dec. IS, 1904 Issued $480,000 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 1. Trustee, B. Due $48,000 Dec. 1, 1914 Outstanding $48,000 Form R. Security: 500 Gondola Cars 2 Coaches 1 Chair Car 1 Dining Car 1 Postal Car 1 Baggage and Express Car Equipment cost $489,688.84. Outstanding notes represent 9% of original cost. 69 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. Mo. Pac. Equip. Assoc. Series "G" Dated June 15, 1904 Issued $430,000 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 1. Trustee, B. Due $43,000 June 1, 1915 Outstanding $43,000 Form R. Security : 25 Locomotives 10 Postal Cars Equipment cost $431,250. Outstanding notes represent 20% of original cost. Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. Mo. Pac. Equip. Assoc. Series "H" Dated Aug. 15, 1905 Issued $1,000,000 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 1. Trustee, B. Due $100,000 Mar. 1, 1915 Outstanding $100,000 Form R. Security: 500 Box Cars 1,000 Coal Cars Equipment cost $1,004,955. Outstanding notes represent 10% of original cost. Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. Mo. Pac. Equip. Assoc. Series "I" Dated Dec. 1, 1906 Issued $770,000 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 1. Trustee, B. Due $77,000 A. to Dec. 1, 1916 Outstanding $231,000 Form R. Security: 50 Consolidated Freight Locomotives Equipment cost $770,750. Outstanding notes represent 30% of original cost. ■s 70 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "1" Dated May 1, 1907 Due $335,000 A. to May 1, 1917 Issued $3,350,000 Outstanding $1,005,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Col. Trustee, Col. Form C, r, R, Interch. Security : 3,000 Wooden Coal Cars 750 Wooden Stock Cars 750 Ballast Cars Equipment cost $3,730,500. Outstanding bonds represent 26% of original cost. Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series "2" . 5% Dated Nov. 1, 1911 Issued $2,940,000 Due $147,000 S.A. to Nov. 1. 1921 Outstanding $2,058,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at C. Tnistee, C. Form C. Security : 54 Locomotives 1 Gas Motor Car 13 Steel Mail Cars 1 Steel Paper Car 15 Steel Underframe Baggage Cars 1,000 Steel Underframe Automobile Cars 1,000 Steel Underframe Box Cars Equipment cost $3,275,539.79. Outstanding notes represent 62% of original cost. Callable as a whole at par. Mobile & Ohio R.R. Co. Efiuipmcnt Trust Series 'A" Dated May 1. 1899 Due May 1. 1919 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $498,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at F. L. & T. Trustee. F.L.&T. Form C, r. Security: 32 Locomotives 200 Fruit Cars 200 Gondola Cars 20 Bo.\ Cars 7 Baggage and Mail Cars 15 Way Cars 1 Coach Car 23 Caboose Cars 4 Express Cars 71 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Mobile & Ohio R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series 'B' 5% Dated Oct. 1. 1899 Due Oct. 1, 1919 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $499,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at F. L. & T. Trustee, F.L.&T. Form C, r. Security : 21 Locomotives 100 Fruit Cars 300 Gondola Cars 75 Box Cars 19 Way Cars SO Ballast Cars 1 Dining Car 9 Passenger Cars 9 Express Cars 2 Baggage and Mail Cars 4 Caboose Cars Equipment cost 10% in excess of bond issue. Mobile & Ohio R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "D" 4% Dated July 1, 1905 Due $33,000 S.A. to July 1, 1915 Issued $675,000 Outstanding $66,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C. Security: 25 Locomotives 550 Box Cars Equipment cost $777,673.50. Outstanding notes represent 8% of original cost. Mobile & Ohio R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "E" . 4^% Dated March 1, 1906 Issued $916,000 *Int. pay. Alar, and Sept. Trustee, G. Due $46,000 Sept. 1, 1914, $45,000 Mar. and Sept. 1, 1915, $44,000 Alar. 1, 1916 Outstanding $134,000 1 at G. Form C. Security : 10 Locomotives 900 Box Cars 100 Furniture Cars Equipment cost $1,046,000. Outstanding notes represent 12% of original cost. 72 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Mobile & Ohio R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "F" . 4^% Security: 6 Locomotives 6 Steel Passenger Cars Dated Mar. 1, 1912 Due $23,000 each Mar. 1, $22,000 each Sept. 1 to Mar. 1, 1922 Issued $450,000 Outstanding $338,000 ♦Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. 4 Steel Underframe Mail and Baggage Cars 1 Steel Underframe Express Car 334 Steel Gondola Cars 50 Steel Underframe Automobile Box Cars Equipment cost $500,651. Outstanding bonds represent 67% of original cost. Mobile & Ohio R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "G" . 5% Security : 14 Locomotives 522 Steel Gondola Cars Dated Nov. 1, 1913 Due $32,000 S.A. to May 1, 1922 $31,000 S.A. to Nov. 1. 1923 Issued $637,000 Outstanding $573,000 tint. pay. May and Nov. 1 at B. Trustee. B. Form C. 20 Steel Underframe Caboose Cars Equipment cost $750,437. Outstanding notes rep- resent 76% of original cost. New Orleans Great Northern R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "A" . 5% Security: 300 Box Cars 200 Flat Cars Dated Feb. 1, 1909 Due $25,000 S.A. to Aug. 1. 1917, $50,000 Feb. and Aug. 1, 1918 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $250,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at N. Y. T. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. 65 Stock Cars 200 Gondola Cars 73 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS New Orleans, Texas & Mexico R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "B" Dated Sept. 15, 1911 Due $56,000 S.A. to Sept. 15, 1923 Issued $1,334,000 Outstanding $1,008,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 15 at E. Trustee, G. Form C. Security: 1,000 Steel Underframe Refrigerator Cars 250 Flat Cars 4 Gasolene Electric Motor Cars Equipment cost $1,493,167. Outstanding notes represent 67% of original cost. New Orleans, Texas & Mexico R.R. Co, Pullman Co. Equipment Notes . Dated Feb. 1, 1907 Due $4,770.78 Quar. to Feb. 1, 1917 Issued $190,831.20 _ Outstanding $42,937.02 Int. included with principal pay. at Boatman's B., St. L. Trustee, . Security : 12 Coaches 4 Baggage Cars 4 Baggage and Mail Cars New York Central Lines. Equipment Trust of 1907 Dated Nov. 1, 1907 Due $2,000,000 A. to Nov. 1, 1922 Issued $30,000,000 Outstanding $16,000,000 tint. pay. May and Nov. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r, R. Security : 691 Locomotives 153 Passenger Cars 16,425 Freight Cars 650 Service Cars Equipment cost 10% in excess of note issue. Out- standing notes represent 48% of original cost. Guaranteed principal and interest jointly and severally by N. Y. C. & H. R. R.R. Co., Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry., Michigan Central R.R., C. C. C. & St. Louis Ry. Co., Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R.R. Co., and Toledo & Ohio Central Ry. Co. 74 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS New York Central Lines Equipment Trust of 1910 4^7o Dated Jan. 1, 1910 Due $2,000,000 A. to Jan. 1, 1925 Issued $30,000,000 Outstanding $22,000,000 tint. pay. Jan. and July 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r, R. Security: 425 Locomotives 132 Passenger Cars 22,400 Freight Cars 250 Service Cars Equipment cost 10% in excess of note issue. Out- stnnding notes represent 67% of original cost. Guaranteed principal and interest jointly and severally by N. Y. C. & H. R. R.R. Co., Lake Shore & Alichigan Southern Ry., Michigan Central R.R., C. C. C. & St. Louis Ry. Co., Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R.R. Co., and Toledo & Ohio Central Ry. Co. New York Central Lines Equipment Trust of 1912 4J^% Dated Jan. 1, 1912 Due $1,000,000 A. to Jan. 1, 1927 Issued $15,000,000 Outstanding $13,000,000 tint. pay. Jan. and July 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r, R. Security : 118 Locomotives 95 Passenger Cars 14,350 Freight Cars 150 Service Cars Equipment cost 10% in excess of note issue. Out- standing notes represent 74% of original cost. Guaranteed principal and interest jointly and severally by N. Y. C. & H. R. R.R. Co., Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry., Michigan Central R.R., C. C. C. & St. Louis Ry. Co., Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R.R. Co., and Toledo & Ohio Central Ry. Co. New York Central Lines Equipment Trust of 1913 . 4>4% Dated Jan. 1. 1913 Due 1/15 of total outstanding A. to Jan. 1, 1928 Authorized $24,000,000 Issued $22,438,000 Outstanding $21,602,000 tint. pay. Jan. and July 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r, R. Security: Tlie Equipment Trust Agreement provides that the amount of certificates issued shall not ex- ceed 90% of the actual cost of the equipment. Guaranteed principal and interest jointly and severally by N. Y. C. & H. R. R.R. Co., Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry., Michigan Central R.R., C. C. C. & St. Louis Ry. Co.. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R.R. Co., and Toledo & Ohio Central Ry. Co. 75 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS New York, New Haven & Hartford R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "A" . 5% Security : 87 Steel Passenger Coaches 28 Steel Smoking Coaches 15 Steel Postal Cars Dated, April 1, 1914 Due $166,000 A. to April 1, 1929 Issued $2,490,000 Outstanding $2,490,000 tint. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at F. Trustee, F. Form C, r. 17 Steel Multiple Unit Cars 26 Steel Multiple Unit Trailer Cars Equipment cost $3,002,399. Outstanding certifi- cates represent 83% of original cost. New York, Ontario & Western Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "A" . 4>^% Security: 14 Locomotives 7 Passenger Cars Dated April 1, 1910 Due $36,000 S.A. to April 1, 1920 Issued $648,000 Outstanding 396,000 tint. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. 500 Coal Cars New York, Ontario & Western Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "B" . 4^4% Security : 350 Coal Cars 100 Gondola Cars Dated March 1, 1911 Due $35,000 S.A. to March 1, 1916 Issued $350,000 Outstanding $105,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. New York, Ontario & Western Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "C" . 4>^% Security: 500 Steel Coal Cars 300 Box Cars Dated March 1, 1913 Due $30,000 S.A. to March 1. 1928 Issued $900,000 Outstanding $810,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. 50 Stock Cars 50 Refrigerator Cars 100 Flat Cars Equipment cost $1,054,828. Outstanding notes represent 76% of original cost. 1(i RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS New York, Susquehanna & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "A" . 4>^% Dated Aug. 1. 1911 Due $40,000 S.A. to Aug. 1, 1921 Issued $800,000 Outstanding $560,000 ♦Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Com. T. Phila. Trustee, Com. T. Phila. Form C, r. Security : 1,000 Steel Hopper Cars Equipment cost $1,045,860. Outstanding certifi- cates represent 55% of original cost. Norfolk & Western R.R.-^ — Equipment Trust Series "C" . 4% Dated April 3, 1905 Due $200,000 A. to April 1, 1915 Issued $2,000,000 Outstanding $200,000 ♦Int. pay. .Apr. and Oct. 1 at Com. Tr., Phila. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 17 Freight Locomotives 2,000 Hopper Cars Equipment cost $2,024,083. Outstanding notes represent 9% of original cost. Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Ecjuipment IVust Scries "D" 4% /o Dated Nov. 3. 1905 Due $100,000 A. to Nov. 1, 1915 [ssued $1,000,000 Outstanding $100,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Nov. 1 at Com. T., Phila. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Security : 9 Locomotives 1,000 Drop Bottom Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,023,407. Outstanding notes represent 9% of original cost. Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "E" . 4% Dated Dec. 4. 1905 Due $100,000 A. to Dec. 1. 1915 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $200,000 ^Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 5 Locomotives 500 Box Cars 300 Hopper Cars 175 Steel Coke Cars Equipment cost $1,027,055. Outstanding notes represent 19% of original cost. 77 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "F" 4% Dated Feb. 3, 1906 Due $100,000 A. to Feb. 1, 1916 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $200,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Security : 9 Locomotives 500 Hopper Cars 325 Steel Coke Cars Equipment cost $1,053,661. Outstanding notes represent 19% of original cost. Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "G' 4% Dated May 3, 1906 Due $100,000 A. to May 1, 1916 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $200,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "H" 4% Dated June 5, 1906 Due $100,000 A. to June 1, 1916 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $200,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "]" . 4% Dated July 5, 1906 Due $100,000 A. to July 1, 1916 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $200,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Security : 41 Locomotives 390 Hopper Cars Equipment cost $1,024,415. Outstanding notes represent 19% of original cost. Security : 8 Locomotives 300 Hopper Cars 600 Box Cars Equipment cost $1,033,132. Outstanding notes represent 19% of original cost. Security : 25 Locomotives 300 Hopper Cars 400 Box Cars Equipment cost $1,043,295. Outstanding notes represent 19% of original cost. 78 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "K" 4% Dated Aug. 3, 1906 Due $100,000 A. to Aug. 1, 1916 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $200,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 12 Locomotives 895 Hopper Cars Equipment cost $1,037,567. Outstanding notes represent 19% of original cost. Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "L" . 4% Dated Dec. 3, 1906 Due $100,000 A. to Dec. 1. 1916 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $300,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Security : 30 Freight Locomotives 545 Hopper Bottom Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,027,914. Outstanding notes represent 29% of original cost. Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "M" Dated March 4, 1907 Due $100,000 A. to March 1, 1917 issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $300,000 fint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 3 Freight Locomotives 490 Hopper Coal Cars 500 Drop Bottom Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,048,740. Outstanding notes represent 28% of original cost. *Jorfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "N" . 4% Security : 500 Gondola Cars 500 Hopper Cars )ated April 4, 1907 Due $100,000 A. to April 1. 1917 ssued $1,000,000 Outstanding $300,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Equipment cost $1,047,075. Outstanding notes represent 28% of original cost. 79 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "O" Dated June 4, 1907 Due $100,000 A. to June 1, 1917 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $300,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C, r. Security: 300 Stock Cars 300 Gondola Cars 430 Hopper Cars Equipment cost $1,052,520. Outstanding notes represent 28% of original cost. Norfolk & Western R.R. Co. Equipment Trust of 1914 . . 4^^% Security : 80 Mallet Freight Locomotives 11 Passenger Locomotives Dated Feb. 2, 1914 Due $500,000 S.A. Feb. 1, 1915 to Aug. 1, 1924 Issued $10,000,000 Outstanding $10,000,000 tint. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Com. T. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form C. 4,000 Steel Hopper Cars 700 Steel Gondola Cars 500 Steel Box Cars 500 Steel Stock Cars 250 Steel Flat Cars 35 Steel Passenger Cars 5 Steel Dining Cars 29 Steel Miscellaneous Cars Equipment cost not less than $10,750,000. Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Pa. Steel Rolling- Stock Trust Series "H" 4% Security : 500 Steel Underframe Refrigerator Cars Outstanding notes represent 10% of original cost. Dated May 1, 1905 Due $100,000 May 1, 1915 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $100,000 Int. pay. Quar. Feb. 1 at Com. T., Phila. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form R. 80 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Pa. Steel Freight Car Trust Series "B" to "G" . . . 4% Dated Sept. 1. 1905 Due $100,000 of each series A. to Sept. 1, 1915 Issued $6,000,000 Outstanding $600,000 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 1 at Com. T.. Phila. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form R. Security : 4,089 Freight Cars Outstanding notes represent 10% of original cost. Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Pa. Steel Freight Car Trust Series "H", "I" & "K" . . 4% Dated June 1, 1906 Due $100,000 of each scries A. to June 1, 1916 Issued $3,000,000 Outstanding $600,000 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 1 at Com. T.. Phila. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form R. Security: 1,004 Steel Underframe Box Cars 670 Steel Gondola Cars Outstanding notes represent 20% of original cost. Not in the hands of the public. Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Pa. Steel Ecjuip. Imp. Trust Series "A", "B", "G", "H", "I" & "K" sy2% Dated Jan. 1, 1906 Due $100,000 of each series A. to June 1, 1916 Issued $6,000,000 Outstanding $1,200,000 Int. pay. Quar. Jan. 1 at Com. T., Phila. Trustee, Com.T., Phila. Form R. Security : 25 Steel Underframe Box Cars 3,908 Steel Gondola Cars Outstanding notes represent 20% of original cost. Not in the hands of the public. 81 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Pa. Gen. Freight Equip. Trust Issue of 1906, Series "A" to "Y" 4% Security : 4,998 Steel Underframe Box Cars 996 Steel Underframe Refrigerator Cars 10,060 Steel Gondola Cars Outstanding notes represent 19% of original cost. Dated Feb., May, Aug. Due $100,000 of each and Nov. 1, 1906 series A. Feb., May, Aug. and Nov. 1 to 1916 Issued $26,000,000 Outstanding $5,000,000 Int. pay. Quar. Feb. 1 at Fid. T., Phila. Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Pa. Gen. Freight Equip. Trust, Issue of 1907, Series "A" to "I" 4% Security: 412 Steel Underframe Box Cars 6,856 Steel Gondola Cars Outstanding notes represent 30% of original cost. Dated May, Aug. Due $100,000 of each and Nov. 1, 1907 series A. May, Aug. and Nov. 1 to 1917 Issued $9,000,000 Outstanding $2,700,000 Int. pay. Quar. Feb. 1 at Fid. T., Phila. Trustee, Fid.T., Phila. Form R. Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Pa. Gen. Freight Equip. Trust, Issue of 1910, Series "A" to "K" 4% Security : 10,159 Freight Cars Outstanding notes represent 60% of original cost. Dated May 2, 1910 Due $100,000 of each series A. to May 1, 1920 Issued $11,000,000 Outstanding $6,600,000 Int. pay. Quar. Feb. 1 at Fid. T., Phila. Trustee, Fid.T., Phila. Form R. 82 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Pa. Gen. Freight Equip. Trust, Issue of 1912. Series "A" to "G" 4% Security : 875 Steel Refrigerator Cars 1.000 Steel Automobile Cars 3,000 Steel Gondola Cars 50 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars 800 Steel Underframe Bo.x Cars Outstanding notes represent 80% of original cost. Dated June 1. 1912 Due $100,000 of each scries A. to June 1, 1922 Issued $7,000,000 Outstanding $5,600,000 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 1 at Fid. T., Phila. Trustee. Fid.T., Phila. Form R. Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Pa. Gen. Freight Equip. Trust, Issue of 1913 43/^% Security : 4,500 Box Cars 7,500 Gondola Cars 1,500 Coke Cars Dated .April 1, 1913 Due $1,970,000 A. to April 1, 1923 Issued $19,700,000 Outstanding $17,730,000 Int. pay. Quar. Jan. 1 at Fid. T., Phila. Trustee, Fid.T., Phila. Form R. 1,000 Automobile Cars 500 Refrigerator Cars Outstanding notes represent 90% of original cost. Pare Marquette R.R. Co. Amer. Loco. Co. Notes Series "A" 5^ Security : 12 Locomotives Equipment cost $167,940. Dated Jan. 3, 1910 Due Jan. 3. 1913 Issued $125,955 Outstanding $22,500 Int. pay. Quar. Jan. 1 Trustee. Am.Loco.Co., N.Y. Form C. Pere Marquette R.R. Co. Amer. Loco. Co. Notes Series "B" 5% Security: 15 Locomotives Equipment cost $237,275. Dated July 1. 1910 Due July 1. 1913 Issued $177,956 Outstanding $30,000 Int. pay. Quar. Jan. 1. Trustee, Am.Loco.Co., N.Y. Form C. 83 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Pere Marquette R.R. Co. Equipment Notes 4^% Dated Oct. 1, 1904 Due $76,000 Oct. 1, 1914 Issued $1,520,000 Outstanding $456,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Robt. Winthrop & Co., N. Y. Trustee, Robt. Winthrop & Co., N. Y. Form C. Pere Marquette R.R. Co. Cin. Ham. & Day, Ry. Kleybolte Equipment 4>4% Dated April 1, 1905 Due $34,371.77 S.A. to April 1, 1916 Issued $764,269 Outstanding $171,858.85 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1. Trustee, C. Form C. Pere Marquette R.R. Co. Equipment Notes . 6% Dated Aug. 1, 1908 Due $40,000 S.A. to April 1, 1914 Issued $489,646.16 Outstanding $200,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 20 Locomotives 1,250 Box Cars 100 Coal Cars 1,000 Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,977,266, of which 23% was paid by the company. $228,000 of outstanding amount purchased by Receivers from proceeds of Receivers' Cer- tificates. Security : 15 Locomotives 1 Postal Car 7 Mail Cars 5 Baggage Cars 20 Coaches 5 Parlor Cars 150 Coal Cars 3 Cafe Cars 15 Caboose Cars Notes issued for total cost. Security : 750 Gondola Cars Equipment cost $606,532.50, of which 19% was paid by the company. $100,000 of outstanding amount purchased by Receivers from proceeds of Receivers' Cer- tificates. 84 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Pere Marquette R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "C" Dated June 15, 1910 Due guar, to June 15, 1915 Issued $232,752 Outstanding $100,088.90 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 1 at Pullman Co., Chicago. Trustee, Pullman Co., Chic. Form Security : 20 Coaches 8 Baggage Cars 2 Baggage and Mail Cars Equipment cost $290,940, of which 20% was paid by the company. Pere Marquette R.R. Co. Pullman Equipment Series "A' and "B" 5% Dated April 1, 1911 Due $132,000 S.A. to April 1, 1919 Issued $2,112,000 Outstanding $1,980,000 ♦Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 4,000 Box Cars Equipment cost $3,661,200, of which 42% was paid by the company. $396,000 of outstanding amount purchased by Receivers from proceeds of Receivers' Cer- tificates. Pere Marquette R.R. Co, Equipment Notes . Dated June 1, 1911 Due $44,000 S.A. to June 1, 1921 Issued $870,000 Outstanding $748,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 50 Locomotives 12 Coaches 2 Baggage and Mail Cars Equipment cost $1,023,913, of which 15% was paid by the company. Pittsburgh & Shawmut R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Certificates 5% Dated Nov. 1, 1912 Due $10,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1922 Issued $200,000 Outstanding $150,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Col. Trustee, Col. Form C. Security : 250 Coal Cars Equipment cost $241,250. Outstanding certifi- cates represent 62% of original cost. 85 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Pittsburgh, Shawmut & Northern R.R. Co. Equipment Notes (Receivers) . 5% Dated Dec. 1, 1910 Due $11,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1920 Issued $220,000 Outstanding $143,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1. Trustee, . Form C. Security : 250 Steel Hopper Cars Equipment cost $270,400. Outstanding notes represent 53% of original cost. Rutland R.R. Equipment Bonds 45^% Dated May 1, 1901 Due $33,000 A. to May 1, 1916 Issued $495,000 Outstanding $49,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1. Trustee, G. Form C. Security : 600 Box Cars 250 Coal Cars Equipment cost $571,422. Outstanding bonds represent 8% of original cost. Rutland R.R. Equipment Trust 4^% Dated April 1, 1902 Due $100,000 A. to Oct. 1, 1917 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $229,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1. Trustee, Am.T., Bos. Form C, R. Security : 34 Locomotives 35 Passenger Cars 705 Freight Cars 10 Service Cars 86 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Rutland R.R. Equipment Trust of 1912 4>4% Dated May 1. 1912 Due $34,000 A. to May 1, 1927 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $442,000 tint. pay. May and Nov. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security: 500 Steel Freight Cars 4 Steel Passenger Cars 6 Passenger Locomotives Certificates issued for 90% of cost of equipment. Rutland R.R. Equipment Trust of 1913 454% Dated April 1. 1913 Due 1/15 A. to April 1, 1928 Authorized $495,000 Issued $210,000 Outstanding $196,000 tint. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security: 1 Mail and Baggage Car 2 Baggage Cars 3 Smoking Cars 3 Coaches 7 Locomotives Notes issued for not over 90% of actual cost of equipment. St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "G" . 4^/2% Dated April 1. 1906 Due $154,000 S.A. to April 1, 1916 Issued 3,080.000 Outstanding $462,000 ♦Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Blair & Co.. N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C Security: 45 Locomotives 3,050 Freight Cars 5 Postal Cars Equipment cost $3,567,202. $1,848,000 redeemed and pledged under General Lien Mortgage, June 30, 1914. 87 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "I" . 5% Security : 2,000 Box Cars 500 Stock Cars Dated Feb. 1. 1907 Due S.A. to Jan. 1, 1917; $166,000 July 1, 1914. Each year's instalment $1,000 less than preceding year. Issued $3,357,000 Outstanding $818,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at F. T. & S., Chic. Trustee, F.T.&S., Chic. Form C. 250 Flat Cars 500 Furniture Cars 50 Caboose Cars Equipment cost $3,732,074.18. Outstanding notes represent 21% of original cost. $1,867,000 redeemed and pledged under General Mortgage, June 30, 1914. St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "]" . 5% Security : 10 Chair Cars 6 Passenger and Mail Cars Dated Sept. 20, 1906 Due $5,006.02 Quar. to Sept. 20, 1916 Issued $200,240.80 Outstanding $45,054.18 Int. pay. Quar. Mar. 20 at Boatman's Bk., St. Louis Trustee, . Form C. $120,144.48 redeemed and pledged under General Mortgage, June 30, 1914. St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "K" . 5% Security : 250 Gondola Cars 150 Ballast Cars Dated March 1, 1907 Due $18,000 S.A. to March 1, 1917. Amounts of instal- ments slightly ir- regular. Issued $359,000 Outstanding $87,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at B. Trustee, St.L.U.T. Form C. Equipment cost $408,642.17. Outstanding notes represent 21% of original cost. $218,000 redeemed and pledged under General Mortgage, June 30, 1914. 88 I RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Security: Efiuipment Notes Series "L" . 5% 3,000 Steel Undcrframc Bo.x Cars 1,000 Steel Underframe Coal Cars Dated Aug. 1, 1907 Due S..\. to .-\ug. 1. 1917; $251,000 Aug. 1, 1914. Each 500 Steel Underframe Stock Cars Equipment cost $5,614,556.06. Outstanding notes represent 26% of original cost. instalment less. Issued $5,074,000 Outstanding $1,481,000 ♦Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at B. Trustee, St.L.U.T. Form C. St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "M" Dated Nov. 15, 1907 Issued $1,057,452 Int. pay. Quar. Feb. Trustee, Due $26,436.30 Quar. to Nov. 15, 1917 Outstanding .$317,235.60 15 at Merch, L. & T., Chic. Form C. Security: 25 Baggage Cars 6 Mail and Baggage Cars 37 Coaches 15 Chair Cars 4 Cafe Observation Cars St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "N" . 5% Dated July 1. 1909 Due $65,000 S.A. I to Jan. 1, 1916, I $64,000 July 1, 1916 ssued $909,000 Outstanding $259,000 Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at C. Trustee, C. Form C. Security: 15 Locomotives 3 Passenger and Mail Cars 6 Mail and Baggage Cars 7 Baggage Cars 12 Passenger Cars 6 Dining Cars 6 Chair Cars 250 Oil Tank Cars RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Gold Certificates Series "O" Co. 6% Dated Jan. IS, 1908 Due $33,000 S.A. to Jan. IS, 1918 Issued $669,000 Outstanding $231,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Prov. L. & T., Phila. Trustee, Prov.L.&T., Phila. Form C. Security : 4S Locomotives Equipment cost $743,690. Outstanding certificates' represent 31% of original cost. St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Equipment Notes Series "P" Co. Dated Oct. 1, 190^ Issued $2,650,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at B Trustee, B. Due $132,000 each Apr. 1, $133,000 each Oct. 1 to Oct. 1, 1919 Outstanding $1,325,000 Form C. Security : 35 Locomotives 1,000 Steel Coal Cars 5 Steel Coach and Cafe Cars 10 Steel Coach and Baggage Cars 3 Steel Coach and Mail Cars 3 Steel Baggage and Mail Cars 10 Steel Coaches 3 Brown Hoists 3 Wrecking Cranes 500 Hopper Cars 250 Flat Cars 150 Caboose Cars Equipment cost $2,951,820. Outstanding notes represent 44% of original cost. St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "Q" . 5% Dated Aug. 1, 1910 Due $72,000 each Feb. 1, $73,000 each Aug. 1 to Aug. 1, 1920 Issued $1,450,000 Outstanding $870,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at C. Trustee, C. Form C. Security : 53 Locomotives 11 Passenger Train Cars 6 Motor Cars 250 Steel Underframe Box Cars Equipment cost $1,617,034.96. Outstanding note?" represent 53% of original cost. 90 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS It. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Equipment Notes Series "R" . 5% )ated Dec. 1, 1910 Due $5,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1920 ssued $100,000 Outstanding $55,000 Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at U. S. Exp. Co., N. Y. Trustee, U.S.E.xp. Form C. Security: 25 Refrigerator Cars Equipment cost $107,525.50. Outstanding notes represent 5\% of original cost. It. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. Equipment Xotes Series "S" )ated Oct. 1, 1911 Due $74,000 S.A. to Oct. 1, 1923 ssued $1,776,000 Outstanding $1,332,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at K Trustee, G. Form C. it. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co. 'Frisco Construction Co. Equip. "A" 'ated Sept. 1, 1912 Due various S.A. to Sept. 1, 1917 isued $2,762,000 Outstanding $2,252,000 It. pay. Mar and Sept. 1 at Col. Trustee. Col. Form C. Security : 32 Locomotives 500 Steel Underframe Refrigerator Cars 15 Steel Coaches 10 Steel Chair Cars 30 Steel Mail, Dining and Miscellaneous Cars Equipment cost $1,968,834. Outstanding notes represent 67% of original cost. Security : 1,800 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars 1,000 Steel Underframe Bo.x Cars 200 Steel Underframe Ballast Cars Equipment cost $3,068,914.90. Outstanding notes represent 737o of original cost. 91 K A : '. \\ A V K <> I" I r M K \ •■ V MU I u A Vl O N S l>*ti * -xV^ ■• -^^ V.V ^^.MirtH «,'' 1 ■s< <>v"* \> i> l\»tMi,r(iA iion:; St l.diiin, linii IVIotintniii Ar rt'Hitliriti Ky Co, I I I III M'ltltit.illi ( ,11 I Ml ;l ' .VI if-q "(I" r,'/, I.. I». . I, \'>\*, . .1 t-'.lO.diN) ()iil4lnni|itit( tlM.'XKI >ltil pity (JiiMt, Mnr, t ill t'liilii Tfinlrr, I'lirin C Skmiui I V *A) I 'II (i(ii«»llv»^e l'<|ill|illl<-|ll i'idI f/>/)'.,MK) Oiil«lMllVi i/mi V : Ky. (:«». Imim Miiiiiil.ini < 1/ txiMiriiollvK* 11 1 \{\n[ Sriir* / I'llr fillvKr* 1 I'rillik "V* , . U'/n l'>|Mltiitiriil '• Oiilvtuii'lliiK M (III t:i Ml M>"/f ^.^ |mm. I. r>i 1 iMr p\\.{**) A to jlllir 1. V)Vi, ihcrfArirr I'tr./NK) A lo llllK- 1, I'AV '1 %V>'t}**) r>iii<:ijiMiiiit/ %\u.\,{iin) pny 'JiMi Mar, 1 ul I'IiiIm TriKlrr, I'm III (', }t LoniH, (I'lii M'liiiil.iiti /v Soiitlimi Uy Co. l'.<|l|i|ifiMiil I'.oimU .'.riirn "I" 5% ■».' .1 r.iir I, VAU \h\f |V/,'i'iri A to j T'l'/ 'liil (iny. Uiiur M^i I nl M I ,,.-irr U. I'orm ( , I, H, In'- »• I' Sk i/mrv; 4.VK) W'.».«l.ii I'.MK rum ('qillliinriit («»«» |4/K. '•,.»<*», Oiilelmi/lllil/ l.'H'1 = I'lmcriil //'/. i>\ i>t\\i\u*\ (Oil. 'AJ RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series "2" . 5% Security : 11 Locomotives 21 Passenger Cars 500 Flat Cars 900 Stock Cars \ 2,000 Gondola Cars i Equipment cost $3,235,735.85. Callable as a who at par. Outstanding notes represent 62% t original cost. Dated Nov. 1, 1911 Due $145,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1921 Issued $2,900,000 Outstanding $2,030,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at C. Trustee, C. Form C. St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Pacific Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "3" . 5% Security : 25 Locomotives Equipment cost $524,263.75. Outstanding not* represent 85% of original cost. Dated March 2, 1914 Due $25,000 S.A. to March 1, 1923, $22,000 Sept. 1, 1923 Issued $472,000 Outstanding $447,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at Phila. T. S. D. & I. Trustee, Phila.T.S.D.&I. Form C, r. St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. Ry. Equipment Trust . . . 5% Security: 31 Locomotives Equipment cost $409,155. Outstanding note represent 41% of original cost. Dated April 1, 1909 Due $34,000 A. to April 1, 1919 Issued $340,000 Outstanding $170,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Pa. Co. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.Co.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. 94 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series "A" 5% Dated April 1, 1910 Due $46,000 A. to April 1. 1920 [ssued $460,000 Outstanding $276,000 »Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at U. S. M. & T. Trustee, U.S.M.&T. Form C. Security : 16 Locomotives 3 Parlor Cars 14 Passenger Cars 6 Chair Cars Equipment cost $541,277.80. Outstanding notes represent 51% of original cost. St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Scries "C" Dated June 1, 1913 Due $33,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1923 Issued $660,000 Outstanding $594,000 [nt. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Phiia. T. S. D. & I. Trustee, Phila.T.S.D.&I. Form C, r. Security: 20 Locomotives 200 Coal Cars 2 Steel L^nderframe Parlor Cars 3 Steel Underframc Dining Cars Equipment cost $782,249. Outstanding represent 75% of original cost. notes 5t. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series "D" . 5% Dated Feb. 1, 1914 Due $17,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1924 [ssued $340,000 Outstanding $323,000 [Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1. Trustee, U.S.T., N.Y. Form C. r. Security : 205 Steel Service Cars 8 Gas Electric Motor Cars Equipment cost $400,000. Outstanding notes represent 80% of original cost. Callable at par. 5t. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series "E" 5% )ated Apr. 1, 1914 Due $85,000 S.A. to April 1. 1924 ssued $1,700,000 Outstanding $1,615,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security : 1,500 Steel Underframe Box Cars 400 Steel Underframc Flat Cars 100 Steel Underframe and Steel Service Cars Equipment cost $1,900,000. Callable at par. Frame 95 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equip. Trust (Old) Series "D" 5% Dated Nov. 1, 1897 Due $15,000 A. to Nov. 1, 1917 Issued $300,000 Outstanding $45,000 Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at M. T. & D. Trustee, M.T.&D., Bait. Form C. Security : 7 Locomotives 350 Box Cars 150 Flat Cars Equipment cost $300,000. Outstanding notes rei resent 15% of original cost. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "E" 5% Dated Apr. 1, 1905 Due $25,000 S.A. to April 1, 1915 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $25,000 Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at 24 Broad St., N. Y. Trustee, Blair & Co., N. Y. Form C. Security : 10 Freight Locomotives 250 Gondola Cars 250 Hopper Cars 50 Stock Cars 10 Express Cars Equipment cost $612,575. Outstanding bonds rej resent 4% of original cost. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "F" Dated Dec. 1, 1905 Due $51,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1915 Issued $1,020,000 Outstanding $153,000 Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Vendor, Blair & Co. Form C. Security : 20 Locomotives 500 Steel Underframe Ventilated Box Cai 500 Steel Underframe Box Cars 2 Mail and Baggage Cars 8 Passenger Cars 5 Express Cars Equipment cost $1,279,460. Outstanding bond represent 11% of original cost. i Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "G" Dated June 1, 1906 Due $88,000 S.A. to June 1, 1916 Issued $1,760,000 Outstanding $352,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at N. Y. T. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. Security : 40 Locomotives 435 Box Cars 1,000 Gondola Cars Equipment cost $2,106,750. Outstanding bond! represent 16% of original cost. 96 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "H" Dated Sept. 1. 1906 Due $26,000 S.A. to Sept. 1, 1916 Issued $520,000 Outstanding $104,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at N. Y. T. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. Security : 5 Locomotives 10 Passenger Cars 5 Dining Cars 5 Express Cars 5 Mail and Baggage Cars 500 Flat Cars Elquipment cost $625,770. Outstanding bonds rep- resent 16% of original cost. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "I" . 5% Dated Mav 16. 1907 Due $65,000 S.A. to May 1, 1917 Issued $1,300,000 Outstanding $325,000 ♦Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Prov. L. & T. Trustee, Prov.L.&T.,Phila. Form C, r. Security : 10 Coaches 500 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars 1,000 Steel Underframe Box Cars SO Ballast Cars Equipment cost $1,719,502.50. Outstanding notes represent 18% of original cost. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Scries "J" . 5% Dated June 1, 1907 Due $45,000 S.A. to June 1, 1917 Issued $900,000 Outstanding $270,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at N. Y. T. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. Security : 1,000 Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,138,750. Outstanding notes represent 23% of original cost. Seaboard Air Line Ry, Co. Equipment Trust Series "K" 5% Dated July 1, 1907 Due $15,000 S.A. to July 1, 1917 Issued $300,000 Outstanding $90,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Phila. T. S. D. & I. Trustee. Phila.T.S.D.&I. Form C, r. Security: 25 Locomotives Equipment cost $393,000. Outstanding notes rep- resent 22% of original cost. 97 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "L" Dated Dec. 15, 1909 Due $69,000 S.A. to Dec. 15, 1919 Issued $1,380,000 Outstanding $828,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 15 at 24 Broad St., N. Y. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. Security : 20 Locomotives 1,000 Ventilated Box Cars 25 Stock Cars 5 Express Cars 4 Mail and Baggage Cars 3 Vestibule Cars 3 Passenger and Baggage Cars 1 Steam Pile Driver 2 Steam Wrecking Cranes 1 Unloader Equipment cost $1,564,209.55. Outstanding notes represent 52% of original cost. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "N" 4>^% Dated Sept. 6, 1911 Due $75,000 S.A. to Aug. 15, 1921 Issued $1,500,000 Outstanding $1,050,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 15 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, N.Y.T. Form C. Security : 25 Locomotives 1,000 Box Cars 200 Steel Phosphate Cars 30 Caboose Cars 3 Express Cars 3 Combination Cars 3 Postal Cars Equipment cost $1,775,650.20. Outstanding notes represent 59% of original cost. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "O" 4>^% Dated July 15, 1912 Due $103,000 S.A. to July IS, 1922 Issued $2,060,000 Outstanding $1,648,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 15 at 24 Broad St., N. Y. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 26 Locomotives 10 Steel Passenger Cars 14 Steel Combination Cars 6 Steel Dining Cars 3 Steel Express Cars 1,000 Steel Box Cars 200 Steel Coal Cars 25 Steel Underframe Caboose Cars 2 Wrecking Cranes Equipment cost $2,300,581.42. Outstanding notes represent 71% of original cost. 98 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "P" . 5% Dated Aup. 15, 1913 Due $95,000 S.A. to Aup. 15. 1923 Issued $1,900,000 Outstanding $1,710,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 15 Trustee, E. Form C. Security : 46 Locomotives 500 Steel Box Cars 250 Steel Coal Cars 250 Steel Underframe Flat Cars 2 Steel Express Cars 5 Steel Dining Cars 10 Steel Passenger Cars Equipment cost $2,373,228.20. Outstanding notes represent 72% of original cost. Callable at 102J/4. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "Q" Dated July 1. 1914 Due $72,000 S.A. to July 1, 1924 Issued $1,440,000 CKitstanding $1,440,000 tint. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Gir., Phila. Trustee, Gir.. Phila. Form C, r. Security : 29 Locomotives 462 Box Cars 15 Steel Passenger Cars 9 Passenger and Baggage Cars 5 Steel Mail and Baggage Cars 7 Steel Postal Cars 9 Steel Express Cars Equipment will cost $1,600,043.81. Outstanding certificates represent 90% of original cost. Somerset Coal Co. Equipment Trust of 1906 5% Dated Dec. 1, 1906 Diie $76,000 A. to Dec. 1, 1918 Issued $916,000 Outstanding $380,000 Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Fid. T. Bait. Trustee, Fid.T.Balt. Form C, r. Security: 1.000 Steel Underframe Coal Cars Equipment cost about $1,076,000. Outstanding notes represent 35% of original cost. 99 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Southern Pacific Company. Equipment Trust Series "A" ^y2jo Dated Nov. 1, 1905 Due $140,000 S.A. to Mar. 1, 1923 Issued $10,120,000 Outstanding $8,968,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at company's office, N. Y. Trustee, Com.T.Phila. Form C, r. Security: 3,181 Box Cars 961 Gondola Cars 700 Work Cars 850 Stock Cars 240 Flat Cars 200 Tank Cars 45 Caboose Cars 5 Gasolene Motor Cars 84 Electric Passenger Cars 25 Locomotive Tenders 114 Locomotives Equipment cost almost $11,249,747. Callable at 102^ after Mar. 1, 1918. Southern Pacific Company. Equipment Trust Series "B" 41^% Dated Sept. 2, 1913 Due $201,000 A. to Sept. 1, 1923 Issued $2,010,000 Outstanding $1,809,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at company's office, N. Y. Trustee, Com.T.Phila. Form C, r. Security: 6 Steel Combination Cars 13 Steel Baggage and Mail Cars 34 Steel Baggage Cars (>2) Steel Coaches 20 Steel Chair Cars 6 Dining Cars 6 Steel Buffet Baggage Cars 20 Electric Street Cars 10 Locomotive Tenders ZIZ Freight Train Cars Equipment cost about $2,237,021. Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "E" 4^% Dated July 1, 1904 Due $147,000 Dec. 1, 1914 Issued $2,955,000 Outstanding $147,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Prov. L. & T. Trustee, Prov.L.&T.Phil. Form C, r. Security: 120 Locomotives 1,000 Steel Coal Cars 1,500 Freight Cars Equipment cost $3,478,245. Outstanding represent 3% of original cost. notes 100 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT GBI IGATIONS Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "H" 4J^% Dated Mar. 1. 1905 Due $225,000 S.A. to May 1, 1915 Issued $4,500,000 Outstanding $225,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Prov. L. & T. Trustee, Prov.L.&T. Form C, r. Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "K" 4% Dated Nov. 1, 1905 Due $140,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1915 Issued $2,800,000 Outstanding $280,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Prov. L. & T. Trustee, Prov.L.&T. Phila. Form C, r. Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "L' ^y2jo Dated Feb. 1. 1906 Due $300,000 S.A. to Feb. 1, 1921 Issued $9,000,000 Outstanding $3,900,000 *Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1 at Fid. T. Trustee, Fid.T. Phila. Form C, r. Security : 79 Locomotives 2.000 Steel Under frame Coal Cars 3.000 Box Cars Equipment cost $5,022,515. Outstanding notes represent 4% of original cost. Security: 98 Locomotives 750 Steel Flat Cars 750 Steel Gondola Cars 300 Ballast Cars 6 Distributing Cars Equipment cost $3,205,465. Outstanding notes represent 6% of original cost. Security: 100 Locomotives 7,500 Box Cars 1.000 Steel Coal Cars 1,500 Steel Gondola Cars Equipment cost $10,279,845. Outstanding notes represent 7>1% of original cost. 101 "3 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "M" . 4>4% Dated June 1, 1909 Issued $1,400,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. Trustee, Gir.Phil. Due $70,000 S.A. to June 1, 1919 Outstanding $700,000 1 at Gir. Phil. Form C, r. Security: 50 Locomotives 6 Passenger and Baggage Cars 6 Express and Baggage Cars 6 Mail and Baggage Cars 6 Postal Cars 88 Passenger Cars 3 Chair Cars 4 Dining Cars Equipment cost $1,850,152.85. Outstanding notes represent Zl% of original cost. Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Scries 'N' 4>^% Dated Apr. 1, 1910 Due $260,000 S.A. to Apr. 1, 1920 Issued $5,200,000 Outstanding $3,060,000 ■*Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. 1 at Pa. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security: 75 Locomotives 3,620 Steel Coal and Coke Cars 1,000 Steel Underframe Box Cars 150 Steel Underframe Stock Cars 10 Passenger and Baggage Cars Equipment cost $6,532,535. Outstanding represent 46% of original cost. notes Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "O" 43^% Dated May 1, 1911 Due $75,000 S.A. to May 1, 1921 Issued $1,500,000 Outstanding $975,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Pa. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 63 Locomotives 69 Passenger Train Cars Equipment cost $1,836,884.69. Outstanding notes represent 52% of original cost. 102 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "P" . 4>4% Dated Dec. 2. 1911 Due $75,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1921 Issued $1,500,000 Outstanding $1,125,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Pa. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 1,700 Steel Gondola Cars 500 Bo.x Cars 250 Steel Flat Cars Equipment cost $1,807,000. Outstanding represent 62'/c of original cost. notes Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "Q' 4>^% Dated June 1, 1912 Due $75,000 S.A. to June 1, 1922 Issued $1,500,000 Outstanding $1,200,000 Int. pay. Jvine and Dec. 1 at Pa. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 45 locomotives 36 Passenger Train Cars 275 Ventilated Box Cars 150 Automobile Box Cars 100 Steel Flat Cars Equipment cost $1,808,130. Outstanding represent 61% of original cost. notes Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "R" 5% Dated Aug. 15, 1913 Due $88,000 S.A. to Aug. 15. 1923 Issued $1,760,000 Outstanding $1,584,000 ♦Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. IS at Pa. I. L & G. A. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security: 25 Locomotives 1,220 Steel Gondola Cars 500 Steel Coal Cars 150 Steel Undcrframe Stock Cars Equipment cost $2,200,248. Outstanding represent 72% of original cost. notes 103 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Southern Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "S" Dated April 1, 1914 Due $215,000 S.A. to April 1, 1924 Issued $4,300,000 Outstanding $4,085,000 Int. Apr. and Oct. 1 at P.I.L.&G.A. Trustee, P.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 75 Locomotives 3,250 Steel Underframe Box Cars 500 Steel Flat Cars 100 Steel Underframe Stock Cars 25 Steel Underframe Poultry Cars 35 Passenger Cars 4 Dining Cars 15 Combination Cars 2 Cabooses 2 Dynamometer Cars Equipment cost $5,422,885. Outstanding amount represents 75% of original cost. Texas & Pacific Ry. Co. Texas & Pacific Equipment Assoc. Series "E" 5% Dated Dec. 15, 1904 Due $8,000 Dec. 15, 1914 Issued $80,000 Outstanding $8,000 *Int. pay. quar. Mar. 15 Trustee, B. Form R. Security : 7 Chair Cars 3 Passenger Cars 1 Mail and Baggage Car 1 Baggage and Express Car 2 Postal Cars 12 Stock Cars Equipment cost $88,185. Outstanding notes rep- resent 9% of original cost. Texas & Pacific Ry. Co. Texas & Pacific Equip. Assoc. Series "F" 4>^% Dated Dec. 15, 1905 Issued $150,000 *Int. pay. quar. Mar. Trustee, B. 15 Due $15,000 A. to Dec. 15, 1915 Outstanding $30,000 Form R. Security : 3 Locomotives 1 Postal Car 3 Passenger Cars 2 Baggage Cars 2 Mail and Coach Cars 50 Stock Cars 25 Coal and Ballast Cars 175 Coal Cars Equipment cost $159,936.25. Outstanding notes represent 19% of original cost. 104 KA11-.WAY ±1 ' IPMJtl,INi UOivlLi/^ilUINO Texas & Pacific Ry. Co. Texas & Pacific Equip. Assoc. Series "G" 5% Dated Dec. 15, 1906 Due $25,000 A. to Dec. 15, 1916 Issued $250,000 Outstanding $75,000 *Int. pay. quar. Mar. 15 Trustee, B. Form R. Security : 12 Locomotives 75 Coal and Ballast Cars 3 Baggage and Express Cars 1 Baggage and Mail Car 1 Postal Car 20 Caboose Cars Equipment cost $271,696.35. Outstanding notes represent 27% of original cost. Texas & Pacific Ry. Co. Texas iS: Pacific Equip. Assoc. Series "H" 5% Dated Jan. 1, 1908 Issued $250,000 *Int. pay. quar. Jan. 1 Trustee, B. Due $25,000 A. to Jan. 1, 1918 Outstanding $100,000 Form R. Security : 11 Locomotives 6 Passenger Cars 2 Postal Cars 2 Mail and Baggage Cars 1 Baggage and E.xpress Car 1 Coach and Baggage Car 50 Coal and Ballast Cars 41 Stock Cars Equipment cost $254,598.60. Outstanding notes represent 39% of original cost. Texas & Pacific Ry. Co. Texas &. Pacific Equip. Assoc. Series "J" 5% Dated Aug. 1. 1910 Issued $180,000 *Int. pay. quar. Feb. 1 Trustee, B. Due $18,000 A. to Aug. 1, 1920 Outstanding $108,000 Form R. Security : 300 Flat Cars 2 Steel Postal Cars Equipment cost $206,500. Outstanding notes rep- resent 52% of original cost. 105 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Texas & Pacific Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "AA" 5% Dated June 1, 1907 Issued $3,100,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. Trustee, T.G.&T. Due $155,000 S.A. to June 1, 1917 Outstanding $930,000 1 at Blair & Co., N. Y. Form C. Security : 40 Locomotives 10 Passenger Coaches 3,000 Box Cars Equipment cost $3,696,000. Outstanding represent 25% of original cost. notes Texas & Pacific Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "BB" Dated June 1, 1912 Due $60,000 A. to June 1, 1922 Issued $600,000 Outstanding $480,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1, at Blair & Co., N. Y. Trustee, E. Form C. Security : 20 Locomotives 200 Steel Gondola Cars 8 Chair Cars 7 Coaches 1 Baggage and Mail Car 1 Private Car Equipment cost $694,749.71. Outstanding notes represent 77% of original cost. Toledo & Ohio Central Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series "17" 4% Dated May 15, 1907 Due $28,000 S.A. to May 15, 1917 Issued $560,000 Outstanding $140,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at Phil. T. S. D. & I. Trustee, Phil.T.S.D.&I. Form C. Security: 650 Box Cars Toledo & Ohio Central Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series "19" 4% Dated Jan. 1, 1910 Due $60,000 S.A. to Jan. 1, 1920 Issued $1,200,000 Outstanding $660,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Prov. L & T. Trustee, Prov.L&T.Phil. Form C, r. Security: 500 Box Cars 1,000 Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,500,240. Outstanding notes represent 44% of original cost. 106 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Toledo, St. Louis & Western R.R. Co. Car Trust 4/2% Dated Sept. 1, 1906 Due $50,000 S.A. to Sept. 1, 1916 Issued $1,000,000 Outstanding $200,000 *Int. pay. Mar. & Sept. 1 at Pa. I. L. & G. A. Trustee, Pa.I.L.&G.A. Form C, r. Security : 750 Box Cars 500 Gondola Cars Equipment cost $1,183,000. Outstanding notes represent 16% of original cost. Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Ry. Co. Equipment Notes Series "A" . 43^% Dated Feb. 1, 1913 Due $75,000 S.A. to Feb. 1. 1923 Issued $1,500,000 Outstanding $1,275,000 Int. pay. Feb. and Aug. 1. Tntstee, C. Form C. Security: 4 Locomotives 1,000 Box Cars 150 Flat Cars 50 Ballast Cars 150 Steel Coal Cars Notes issued to 90% of cash cost of equipment. Trinity & Brazos Valley Ry. Co. Equipment Trust Series "A" 5% Dated Apr. 1, 1907 Issued $500,000 *Int. pay. Apr. and Oct. Trustee, G. Due $25,000 S.A. to Apr. 1, 1917 Outstanding $125,000 1 at G Form C, r. Security : 22 Locomotives 175 Flat Cars 50 Gondola Cars 8 Caboose Cars Equipment cost $617,097.40. Outstanding notes represent 20% of original cost. Guaranteed principal and interest jointly by Rock Island and the Colorado Southern. Redeemable at 101. Virginia & Southwestern Ry. Co. E(]aipment Bonds Series "E" . 4J^% Dated Nov. 1, 1911 Due $25,000 S.A. to Nov. 1, 1921 Issued $500,000 Outstanding $350,000 Int. pay. Mar and Nov. 1 at B Trustee, B. Form C. Security: 7 Mikado Type Locomotives 600 Steel Gondola Cars 65 Steel Underframe Box Cars Equipment cost $640,850. Outstanding bonds rep- resent 54% of original cost. 107 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Virginia & Southwestern Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "F" Dated June 16, 1913 Due $22,000 each June 15, $21,000 each Dec. 15 to Dec. 15, 1918; there- after $21,000 S.A. to June 15, 1923 Issued $425,000 Outstanding $404,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 15 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 3 Mikado Type Locomotives 445 Steel Coal Cars Equipment cost $500,230. Outstanding bonds rep- resent 80% of original cost. Virginia & Southwestern Ry. Co. Equipment Bonds Series "G" Dated Mar. 2, 1914 Due $24,000 each Mar. 1, $23,000 each Sept. 1 to Mar. 1, 1921; thereafter $23,000 S.A. to Mar. 1, 1924 Issued $467,000 Outstanding $444,000 tint. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C. Security : 2 Mikado Type Locomotives 1 Passenger Locomotive 650 Steel Gondola Coal Cars Equipment cost $550,346. Outstanding bonds rep- resent 80% of original cost. Virginian Ry. Co. First Lien Equip, Notes Series Dated Nov. 1, 1908 Due $188,000 each May 1, $187,000 each Nov. 1 to Nov. 1, 1918 Issued $3,750,000 Outstanding $1,500,000 *Int. pay. May and Nov. 1 at E. Trustee, E. Form C, r. 22 Locomotives 27 Passenger Train Cars 27 Caboose Cars 261 Flat Cars 488 Hopper Cars 319 Box Cars 891 Stock Cars 1,500 Steel Coal Cars 123 Miscellaneous Cars Equipment cost $4,500,000. Outstanding represent 33% of original cost. notes 108 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT UBEIUATIONS Wabash R.R. Co. Equipment S.F. Bonds of 11)01 . 5% Dated Mar. 1, 1901 Due Mar. 1. 1921 Issued $3,000,000 Outstanding $1,717,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at B. Trustee. B. Form C, r. Security : Original equipment cost $3,300,000. Sinking fund provides for retirement of bonds at 108 of $150,000 annually to Mar. 1. 1916 200,000 ' 1. 1921 If bonds not retired sinking fund may be used to purchase additional equipment. Wabash R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "B" . 4>^% Dated Dec. 1, 1904 Due $43,000 Dec. 1, 1914 Issued $870,000 Outstanding $43,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at Col. Tr. Trustee, Col. Tr. Pitts. Form C. Security : 500 Steel Freight Cars 499 Wooden Freight Cars Wabash R.R. Co. Equipment Trust Series "C" ^Yijo Dated July 2, 1906 Due $309,000 S.A. to July 1, 1916 Issued $6,180,000 Outstanding $1,236,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at Lee, Higginson & Co., Boston Trustee, O.C.Bos. Form C. Security: 80 Locomotives 4,000 Steel Under frame Gondola Cars 2,000 Wooden Bo.x Cars Equipment cost $7,166,798.40. Outstanding notes represent 17% of original cost. Callable at 101. 109 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Western Maryland R.R. Co. Equipment Ctfs. Series "A' 5% Dated Jan. 1, 1909 Due $27,000 S.A. to Jan. 1, 1919 Issued $536,000 Outstanding $216,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C. Security : 13 Locomotives 500 Hopper Cars 2 Mail and Express Cars 12 Caboose Cars Equipment cost $635,845. Outstanding certificates represent 34% of original cost. Wheeling & Lake Erie R.R. Co. Twenty-Year Equip. S.F. Bonds Dated Jan. 1, 1902 Due $150,000 A. to Jan. 1, 1917, $175,000 A. to Jan. 1, 1921, $173,000 Jan. 1, 1922 Issued $2,500,000 Outstanding $1,298,000 *Int. pay. Jan. and July 1 at B. Trustee, B. Form C, r. Security: 34 Locomotives 25 Passenger Train Cars 2,600 Coal Cars 500 Box Cars 10 Caboose Cars Wheeling & Lake Erie R.R. Co. Commonwealth Tr. Co. Ctfs. Series "A" 4>^% Dated Dec. 1, 1904 Due $51,000 Dec. 1, 1914 Issued $510,000 Outstanding $51,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 Trustee, Com.St.Louis Form C. Security : 1,000 Wooden Gondola Cars 110 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS Wheeling & Lake Erie R.R. Co. Receivers Equipment Series "A" Dated Mar. 1, 1913 Due $101,000 S.A. to Sept. 1, 1922, $100,000 Mar. 1, 1923 Issued $2,019,000 Outstanding $1,706,000 *Int. pay. Mar. and Sept. 1 at CiL S. & T. Trustee, Cit.S.&T.Qev. Form C. Security : 1,500 Cars 20 Locomotives Equipment cost $2,284,000. Outstanding certifi- cates represent 74% of original cost. Zanesville & Western Ry. Co. Car Trust No. 1 of 1907 . 4% Dated Dec. 2. 1907 Due $25,000 S.A. to Dec. 1, 1917 Issued. $500,000 Outstanding $175,000 *Int. pay. June and Dec. 1 at G. Trustee, G. Form C, r. Security : 500 Steel Underframe Gondola Cars Equipment cost $737,220. Outstanding notes rep- resent 23% of original cost. Guaranteed principal and interest by Toledo & Ohio Central Railway Co. Ill THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. NOV 9 193b 1 LD 21-100m-8,'34 ra 05575 328528 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY