n BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/clironiclesofcrutOOjerrriGli f.-: j^- THE CHRONICLES OF THE CRUTCH. BLANCHARD JESROLD. AUXHOR OF "THE LIFE AXD REMAINS OF DOUGLAS JERROLD ;'' " I3IPERIAL TARIS;" " IHE FRENCH UNDER ARMS;" ETC., ETC. LONDON: WILLIAM TINSLEY, 314, STRAND. MDCCCLX. DEDICATION. THESE CHRONICLES ARE INSCRIBED TO ALDEKMAN W. A. MATTHEWS I (op SHEFFIELD), m GRATEFUL RE5IEMBRANCE OP HIS GRACEFCL HOSPITALITT, AND HIS CORDIAL SERVICES; BY HIS FRIEND, B.J. ckr 038 PEELIMINAEY WORD. NEAraA' all the papers included in these " Chronicles" have appeared in the pages of " Household "Words ;" while some are printed for the first time. For those not hitherto printed, the author ventures to bespeak the indidgence with -which his "Household Words" papers have been received. October, 1860. CONTENTS. CH.AJ>TER I. Page The Brethren of the Crutch 8 CHAPTER II. Brother Lebord's gossip about Paris Lamps ; together with lis account of "A Dinner with a IMysteiy." — Brother Hartopp adds some gossip about the Buonapartes. . . . . . . 27 CHAPTER III. Old Creighton's story of " The World's Common Verdict." — Brother Sands ventures to ask, ""^Tiat is Life? " — The Master, tempted by the success of the Brothers, and delighted with some extraordinary Cavendish, talks about " Pipes !" . . 51 CHAPTER IV. Lebord's account of " The French Piou-Piou ! " — A letter from Brother Hartopp's nephew, in which he describes " The Conquering Heroes coming" fi'om Italy. CHAPTER V. Brother Balder, the artist, has two di-eams: one, about *' The Best of AH Good Company; " — one, " Sitting Before Chatterton." . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 82 CH.\PTER VI. Brother Frowde describes "The British Museum a Century Ago." — The Master communicates his paper on the " Invalids of the French Army." . . . . . . . . • . . . 97 Viil CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. Pace Brotlier Hon-ocks takes the Brethren on an Atlantic Cmise. — "Eyes I\Ia