m):r)^XXH)4faX:tnn^n):trt£ft^^^HI3HHntt 'f No. 412"^ m' 1921 The Voyages and Discoveries of Early Travellers and Missionaries PART I.'^ AMERICA \ MAGGS BROS. 34 8L33, CONDUIT STREET, NEW BOND ST., LONDON, W. jHHHgnHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHn j^i Foreword. THE items in this Catalogue are arranged in chronological order, accord- ing to the date of publication, and an alphabetical index and a subject index are given at the end. The reader will therefore be able to see at a glance the wealth of interesting and unusual items herein con- tained, many of which are quite unique. Among the more interesting items are the following : — (No, 3) The First Edition in German of the First Letter of Columbus, of 1497; (No, 4) Pedro Alvarez Cabral's (The Discoverer of Brazil) Copy of One of the Earliest Books referring to the New World, namely, Pomponius Mela, Salamanca, 1498; (No, 6) Waldseemiiller's Cosmography, 1509 (containing the four Voyages of Vespuc- cius); (No, 8) Padilla's The Twelve Triumphs of the Twelve Apostles; (No. 9) Cortes' Second and Third Letters, 1532; (No, 13) Diaz de Ysla, Tractate against the Serpentine Evil, 1539; (No, 16) Zumarraga's Christian doctrine, Mexico, 1543; (No, 19) A complete set of the first editions of the works of Las Casas, 1552-3; (No. 20) Giron's Treslado, 1553 (the only copy known of the contem- porary account from Lima, of the outbreak of the last revolt of the Conquista- dors); (No. 22) The first collection of Jesuit Missionary Letters in Spanish, 1555; (No. 36) The illuminated manuscript of the rules of the Mexican Inquisition, made for the Grand Inquisitor of Mexico, 1597; (No. 37) Joan Baptista's Manual for the Conversion of the Mexican Indians, printed in a Mexican Convent in 1600; (No. 40) The only copy known of Miguel de Monsalve's Reducion de Todo el Peru, Lima, 1604; (No, 50) Figueroa's History of the First Expeditions to California, Florida and New Mexico, 161 7; (No, 52) The Secret Sailing Instruc- tions for Spanish Boats returning from America. 1619; (No. 55) Arriaga's Extirpation of Idolatry in Peru, Lima, 1621; (No. 70) The Secret Manuscript Maps of the Americas; (No, 72a) PineUo's Question Moral (The First Book on American Drinks), 1636; (No, 78) Montoya's Catechism in the Guarani tongue, 1640; (No, 97) First English Edition of the Cambridge platform, 1653; etc., etc. This catalogue is supplementary to our Catalogue No. 403 (America and The East) and forms a companion to our Catalogue 401 (Autograph Letters of Celebrities coimected with America, and of Documents and Manuscripts con- cerning American History). The second part of the Catalogue, which will be numbered 413, is in the printers' hands and wiU comprise Early Works on Australasia, Africa, and The Near and Far East. FRONTISPIECE. Ortetu. ^eojimp ti- i^PITQME Oriental I Ocx:idental J^aut iGeograiica PerezFeli^de^usrnm.S^fhrJe la Caja X^Qiutman ,DtMU0deM.edinadetasTor res, 'Mjarauesde TbinliM.onaMerw, Conde Je Pa^tnacoello tVatdorce, Comendador \de Vatdepenas.^ran Canctlhrde las In \dias,Teffrero^mBml deta Corona deAra fon, iConJejodellalm, Capttan detas cter. lyosdal^o dela^uan^ de laSealper fona i Sutnitlw de Corps Por el LioeiaciacJo Afltomb (J^Leon Relator del SupremoiReal Consep de lasIndmL • Qa^ Pnuilegto . E^J^ijzJrid^ Par Juan QonzaUz^'. ^tde m^^^:--mm. Title-i)a"e fi'om " Tinelo, Epitomk de la Biblioteca Oriental y Occidental." No. 412 1921 THE VOYAGES 6r DISCOVERIES OF EARLY TRAVELLERS . AND MISSIONARIES. PART I. AMERICA. Selected from the Stock of MAGGS BROS. (B. D. MAGGS, C. A. MAGGS, E. U. MAGGS), DEALERS IN FINE & RARE BOOKS, PRINTS & AUTOGRAPHS 34 &- 35, Conduit Street New Bond Street, London, W. Tilegraphic &- Cable Address: "Bibliolite, London." Tel.: "Mayfair, 583L" ^ r- ^' Books can be sent on Approval, if desired, subject to all expenses of carriage being paid and decision made within two days of receipt. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR SENDING BOOKS ON APPROVAL TO AMERICA AND ABROAD. Commissions undertaken at any of the principal Auctions. (All prices are nett, and do not include carriage.) 4 PART 1. AMERICA. 1482 A.D. [i] POMPONIUS MELA. Cosmograiihia sive Oe situ Orbis. Unaoum Prisciani ex Dionysio Thessalonicensi de situ Orbis interpretatioiie. Black Letter, long lines, 30 to a full page. Rubric on first leaf of text printed in red. With very interesting woodcut map of the World on verso of first leaf and with two large and five smaller woodcut ornamental capitals.i 4to, half morocco, g.e. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, \%th July, 1482. £52 lOs Church No. 1. Hain *11019. On. the verso of leaf A 1 is a modified Ptolemaic Map of tho World engraved on wood, which shows Europe, Asia, and the northern, portion of Africa. On the latter we find the Nile, with its sources in two lakes, one directly on. the equator, and tli© other just south of it. These lakes correspond in place with those now called the Albert and Victoria NyaJiza, showing that their location was surmised, if not actually known to geographers, at least four centuries before their late re-discovery. At the south, streams rising in mountains flow into these lakes. The Niger in western Africa is also laid down. This map is a very early example of true chiaroscuro printing. Of Pomponius Mela nothing whatever is known, but he is believed to have lived in the time of the Emperor Claudius. This is one of the earliest geographical works, the editio prinoeps of which appeared in 1471. It is written in a clear and simple style and iiotwithstanding its conciseness is enlivened with interesting descriptions of manners and customs. In the Church Catalogue only five other copies are mentioned (British Museum; Bodleian; University Library, Cambridge, England; John Carter Brown; and Lenox Libraries). 6ir393 1''$AAC Vurc^^c f umg von 9irpMia+vnt)j66r vo gropen wmi l)crlic^en?mgen9iein^e/elbe m^lcn fytit^t- Woodcut of " Thk Kix(; ok Spain with his Attexuaxts," from the First German Edition or Translation of the First Letter of Columbus. Strassburg, 1497. See Item No. 3. Title-page from " Jdan de I'adilla, Los doze Triumphos de los doze Apostoli Sovilln 1M1 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 9 1510 A.D. [7] ALBERTINI (Franc, de). Opusculum d© Mirabilibus novae et Veteris Urbis Romae. Woodcut border to title. Printed in Roman letters, 27 long lines to the full page. Small 4to, original vellum binding. Rome, 1 5 10. £12 12s Harrisse B> A.V. 64. CJiurch No. 33a. THE riKST EDITION. The author of this work, in the masterly way in which he discourses upon the aiiluquities of Home, shows himself to have been one of the most learned archaelogists of his day. After speaking of the Eome of the past, he proceeds, in his third book, to the consideration of the New Rome, and finishes the work with a chapter on Florence, in which he enumerates its orators, writers, painters, and other famous men among whom, on the recto of I'he last printed leaf, appears a, reference to Vespuccius, and his discovery of New Islands. This allusion is of considerable interest, and as translated reads as follows : " In the New World Albericus Vespulsius, a Florentine, sent by the Most Faithful King of Portugal, and later by the Catholic King of Spain, first discovered New Islands, and unknown places, as appears in his Libellum, in which he graphically describe® the stars and New Islands, and as also appears in his Epistle on (/he New WorM, to Laurentius de Medici, the younger. These words plainly indicate the existence of two books by Vespuccius prior to 1.510. In addition to the Church copy, the Church Catalogue was only able to quote other copies in two libraries (British Museum and Lenox Libraries). 1521 A.D. [8J-PADILLA (Juan de). Lo® doze Triumphos de los doze Apostoles; fechos por el cartuxano; professe in Sancta Maria de las cuevas en Sevilla. Black Letter, double columns. Title within large woodcut representing the twelve Apostles, printed in red and black, and very fine large woodcut of the head of Jesus on reverse of title, large woodcut of the Saints and of the town of Jerusalem printed in red and black, a few smaller cuts. Folio, vellum (few headlines shaved). Sevilla, Juan Varela, 1521. (See Illustration, Plate No. II.). £75 Harrisse, B.A.V., Additions No. 67. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. In Triumph IX., Chapter II., there is the following reference:— Ya declinava de las Fortunadas Yslas; Aqueste ligero Centauro; Alii do las perlas hallo conel auro Colon por las Ondas jamas navegadas. Lasdiras faetas de fuego mezcla-das Yva tirando con fuerca de trueno'; El cielo de turva de mucho serino Y mas que las nuves en alto levadas. Discuren ligeras sin rienda ni freno. The author is Juan de Padilla, born in 1468, and who died sometime after 1518 Ticlmor quoting Sarmiento, says that Juan Padilla ros« to important ecclesiastical authority under the crown and in the Order of the Carthusians. 10 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1532 A.D. Cortes' Second and Third Letters, WITH additional Account of the Franciscan Missionary Schools in Mexico. [9] CORTES. DE INSULIS NUPER INVENTIS NARRATIONES CUM PETRI MARTYRIS LIBELLO. His acoesseruint Epistolae duae de felicissimo apud Indos Evangelii incremento, quas superioribus hisce diebus quidam fratres Mino. ab India in Hispaniam transmisserunt. Item Epitome de in- ventis nuper Indiae populis idolatris ad fidem Christi, atque adeo ad Eccleslam Catholicam oonvertendi^ autor© N. Herbon. Roman letter, long lines, with portrait of the Emperor Charles V. on title-page enclosed in a border displaying 25 escutcheons of Spanish towns and provinces (repeated twice), and printer's mark on the last leaf. Small folio, boards. Cologne, Arnold Birckman, September, 1532. (See Illustration, Plate No. IIL). £65 Second Latin Edition of the Seconfi and Third Letters. Harrisse B.A.V. No. 168. Church No. 63. This edition contains besides the Second and Third Letters of Cortes in Latin, Peter Marltyr's " De Insulis," and a letter from Martin de Valencia, dated June 12th, 1531, at the Convent of Thalmanaco, in Yucatan, with others sent from Mexico by Bishop Zumarraga (fhe first Bishop of Mexico) giving an account of the Franciscan Schools in Mexico for the teaching and conversion of the Indians. HThe Church Catalogue only knew of copies in the following Libraries: British Museum, Huth, John Carter Brown, American Geographical Society, Lenox, Hoe, Long Island Historical Society, Library Company of Philadelphia. Library of Congress, and Ayer Library. Hemanda Cortes, the Cmiqueror of Mexico, was born in 1485, and died near Seville, Llec- 2, 1547 In 1629 his remains were exhumed and taken to the City of Mexico, but their present resting jdace is unknown. He made his first voyage to the New World in 1504. In 1511 he returned, having joined Valasquez' expeditio^i to Cuba- as the commander's executive officer, a position in which he served with distinction^. In 1518 he persuaded Valasquez to appoint him commander of a party to explore Mexico. At the last moment Valasquez appears to have regretted the appointment, but Cortes liastened his preparations and left Santiago on the 18th of Nov., 1518, landing on. the shores of Mexico of the fourth of the following March. He sailed along the coast, finally taking possession of Tabasco. At San Juan de Ulloa he first learned of the extensive empire over which Montezuma ruled, and decided upon its conquest. He thereupon founded the city of Vera Cruz, caused himself to be appointed Captain^General of the colony, scuttled his ships, and set out on his march toumrds the city of Mexico, .ifter four battles he entered Tlascala September 8. 1519, and soon after pushed on towards Mexico^, reaching that city early in November with a force of same 6,000 natives and a mere handful of Spaniards. He seized Montezuma and placed him in irons, but afterwards restored him to a- semblance of liberty. An attempt at this juncture by Valasquez to com.pel him to surrender his command temporarily diverted him from his object. He promptly cavtured Narvaez and the army v^hich had been sent again.st him, recruiting his own forces from the defeated troops. He then returned to Mexico only to find that the people had risen against the Spaniards. Driven from the city, a battle was fought on the plains of Otumba, in which Cartes wan- such a decisive and bloody victory as to re-establish hi's prestige. While carrying on his invasion he wrote a series of Letters to the Emperor Charles V., giving a detailed account of his progress. These are the basis of almost all that is knoxvn of the events tvhich took place during that notable conquest. MAGGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 11 1533 A.D. [10] COLUMBUS (Christopher). Bellum Christianorum Pnncipum contra Saracenos autore Roberto Monarcho. Cristophorus Colom de primae Insularum, m Mari Indico sitarum, lustra- tione, quae sub rege Ferdinando Hispaniarum facta est. Small folio, half vellum. Basle, Henricus PetruSy i^l2>- ^21 Harrisse B.A.V. No. 175. Church No. 66. THIS CONTAINS ON PAGES 116-121 COSCO'S LATIN TRANSLATION OF COLUMBUS'S LETTER TO GABRIEL SANCHEZ ANNOUNCING THE DISCOVERY OP AMERICA. THIS IS THE EDITION FROM WHICH MOST EAELY WRITERS QUOTE The author of this contemporary Chronicle of the First Crusade was a iiiauk called Robert, in the cloi'ster of the Monastery of Saint Remigius, at Rheims, of which he was the Abbot. He accompanied Godfrey de Bouillon to the Holy Land, and in this work describes as an eye-witness the events of the years 1095-1099. THE CHURCH CATALOGUE WAS ONLY ABLE TO TRACE COPIES IN THE HARVARD. JOHN CARTER BROWN, AND LENOX MBRARIES. {An extra leaf with printer's mark is not found in oxir copy). 1533 A.D. [ii ] MARTYR (Peter). De rebus Oceanlcis & Orbe Novo (Secades tres: .... Legationis Babylotiicae Libri Tres: Folio {blank margin, of title repaired), half morocco, g. c. Basle, Joannes Bebelius, 1533. £35 Harriss© B.A.V. No. 176. Church No.. 65. This work contains the first three Decades and an abridgment of the Fourth, contain- ing t/he discoveries of Columbus, Vespucius and Cabot, and new discoveries by Cortes. THE CHURCH CATALOGUE COULD ONLY MENTION THREE FURTHER COPIES (BRITISH MUSEUM. JOHN CARTER BROWN, AND LENOX LIBRARIES). 12 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1534 A. D. [12] MARTYR (Peter) and others. Historia (fe L'Indle Occicfentale. With the large two-page map and the three large woodcuts. 3 parts in i vol., sm. 4to, limp vellum. Venice, 1534. ^25 Harrisse, B.A.V. 190. Church No. 69. The work is divided into three parts which are seldom found together. The first seems to have been talcen, in great part, from the Decades of Peter Martyr; and the second, from the work of Oviedo, printed at Toledo in 1526. The third part is a translation, with additions, of the anonymous work, " La Conquista del Peru," printed at Sevilla in ir)34. This third part has sometimes been wrongly described as a translation of Francisco Xeres'. " Verdadera Eelacion de la Conquista del Peru," also printed at Seville, in 1534. The large double map is the earliest one of Saint Domingo. It is very rare. Harrisse desciibes another large map (of the West Indies) but of that only one copy is known, in the Lencfx Library. Ours is an interesting copy which has some contemporary MS. notes in the margin; title and last few leaves slightly wormed. THE CHUECH CATALOGUE ONLY KNEW OF COPIES IN THE FOLLOWING LIBRAEIES: BEITISH MUSE0M, HUTH, JOHN CAETEE BEOWN, LENOX, AND AYER LIBRARIES. Pietro Martire d'Anghiera, better known by his Latinized name Petrus Martyr, the first historian of America, was born at Arona, in July, about 14'55, and died at Grenada, in Spain, in 1526. He possessed eminent ability and learnina, and is believed to have been the first writer to notice in his works the discovery of America by his countryman Columbus, as he is the first who published a treatise descriptive of the peculiarities of the nended to the Brevissima Relacion are iTsually ujentioned as a separate tract, though it is really a part of that work. It contains the (Continued over.) MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Las Casas (Bartholome de) — continued. narrative of a Spanish traveller \fh.o witnessed some of the cruelties practised upon the natives by the Spaniards. III. This tract gives the eighth of the proposed remedies, and assigns twenty reasons to prove that the Indians should not be given to the Spaniards in any form of slavery. IV. The Bishop, during his absence in Mexico attending a council, had written twelve ruLes to the confessors whom he had appointed in his diocese to govern them in giving absolution. T'he rites of the Church were, by a Bull of Pope Paul III., refused to all who held Indians in slavery, and restitution of goods obtained by violence from them was required by the rules of the Bisihop founded upon this great authority. Complaint having been made to the Council of the Indies of the rigour of these rules, the thirty propositions were written to sustain them. V. This tl-act contains a strong enunciation of Las Casas' convictions, which grew out of his controversy with Sepulveda. It contains, first, a summary, by Domingo de Soto, of the differences between the two idisputajits; second, the arguments of Sepiilveda; and third, the twelve replies of Las Casas to the same. VI. This tract contains judicial authorities and reasons why the natives should be restored to freedom. VII. This tract was written in America in 1546 or 1547, for the direction of Con- fessors, during Las Casas' attendance at the council held in the City of Mexico, in 1547, and may first have been printed in that city. By these rules the Confessors of his Bishopric were instructed to deny the offices of the Church to all such persons as held repartimientos, or who did not restore the avails of unrequited labour to the Indians, VIII. This tract gives the principles on which Las Casas conducts his defence of the rights of the natives, and was evidently written to familiarize the Clergy with the prin- ciples upon which he based his whole llheory of the rights of t'he Indians to personal liberty and rights of property. IX. The purpose of this tract is to prove the sovereign Empire and universal dominion by which the Kings of Castille and Leon held the West Indies. EXCESSIVELY RARE. A Complete Set of these original treatises, containing the nine parts as issued. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. With title-pages nearly all printed in red and black with woo^lcut borders. Parts 3 and 5 each with the final blank leaf and genuine printed cancel slips of two lines each. The slips appear in but a few other copies, among which are those in the British Museum, Rothschild, and Lenox Libraries. THE CHURCH CATALOGUE ONLY KNOWS OF SETS IN THE FOLLOWING NINE LIBRARIES: BRITISH MUSEUM, HUTH, ROTHSCHILD, JOHN CARTER BROWN, PEQUOT, LENOX, HALSEY, HOE, AND AYER LIBRARIES. Bartoknne de Las Casas, the Apostle to the Indians of the Sixteenth Century, was horn in Seville in 1474 of aristocratic lineage, and died at Madrid in 1566. In 1502 he went with Nicolas de Ovando to Hispaniola, where he settled, and in 1510 teas ordained a priest. In 1511 he went as curate to a village in Cuba.. He soon began to preach against the atrocious wrongs committed by the Spaniards against the natives, under a system of slavery MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ig Las Casas (Bartholome de) — continued. the most cruel and destructive the world Jms ever known. Tlxis drew upon him the animosity of his sordid countryraen. Unable, by any means in his power, to check this cruelty, in 1515 he returned to Spain to make a personal appeal to his sovereign. Ferdinand's death, which happened soon after his arrival in Seville, put an end to his hopes in this direction, but he found sympathetic friends in Cardinal Ximenes and Adrian, the Regents, though he encountered general hostility to his views. He returned to Hispaniola Nov. 11, 1516, fortified with the title of the "Protector of the Indians." He made numerous voyages between the Indies and Spain, in his endeavours to alleviate their condition. At last wearied with his efforts and lack of success, he retired to a Dominican convent in San Domingo, in 1522. He there spent eight years in retirement, occupied in study and writing. In 1539, while in Spaiii, he wrote " The Destruction of the Indies," one of the most gruesome books ever written. (NO. 19 (1) OF OUR CATALOGUE). It was not at firit allowed to he printed, hut was submitted to the Emperor and his ministers. Twelve years later the work was published with a dedication to Philip, the heir to the throne. Though the number of victims was contested, it should be remarked that the acts of cruelty which he described were never called in question. It was at this time, while detained in Spain by the Council for the Indies, that he won his grand and decisive triumph in securing the promulgation of the New Laivs for the Indies by Charles V., the Leyes y OrdenanQos Nuevamente hechas, por su Magestad, Alcala, 1543; the decisive clause of which commanded that for no cause whatever should any Indian thereafter be made a slave. In 1544 he was consecrated Bishop of Chiapa, and on July 4 embarked for Hispaniola with forty-four monks. Resigning his bishopric, he returned to Spain for the last time in 1.547, and three years later engaged in his bold controversy with Sepulveda, who with Oviedo were his most formidable opponents at the Spanish Court. In 1552-1553, at Seville, Las Casas printed the series of nine tracts usually cited by the title of the first, " Brevissima relacion de la destruycion d& las Indias." The^se are our principal sources of information in regard to his allegations against the Spanish oppressors of the Indians. (NO. 19 OF OUR CATALOGUE). The writings of Las Casas afforded a most formidable weapon for any nation on ill terms with the Spaniards. Numerous editions were printed in Holland diuring its war with Spain. Similarly translations appeared in France and England. There has recently appeared some disposition among historical writers to attempt to minimize the honor which Las Casas has so long held in the estimation of the world, if not to prove him an unsuccessful and disappointed man. Fiske, however, happily expresses the well-nigh universal esteem, in which Las Casas is held, when he characterizes him, as " A figure which is in some respects the most beautiful and sublime in the annals of Christianity since the Apostolic age." His labours for the amelioration of the condition of the Indians under Spanish domination certainly presents a picture of self-sacrifice and devotion which will continue to inspire the admiration of mankind so long as the Christian religion sJiall endure. 20 MAGGS BROS . 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1553 A.D. The Only Copy Known of the Contemporary Account from Lima, in Peru, OF the Outbreak of the Last Revolt of the Conquistadors. [20] FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ CIRON. TRESLADO DE UNA CARTA EMBIADA DE LA CIUDAD DE LOS REYES A ESTA CIUDAD DE SEVILLA CONTANDO DE COMO' SE HA ALCADO EN LE CUZCO FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ CONTRA LA S.C.C.M. DEL EMPERADOR NRO SENOR; Y ASSI MESMO DE "COMO ENTONELARON A VENTURA BELTRAN PORQUE MATO SU MUGER. 'Black Letter, woodcut border on title, large woodcut of cavalry and artillery occupying half the title-page. 8 pp., 4to, half bound, g. e. Sevilla, 1553. '(See Illustration, Plate No. VII.). £25a THERE IS NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. THE ONLY COPY KNOWN OF THE CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNT FROM LIMA IN PERU, OF THE OUTBREAK OF THE LAST REVOLT OF THE CONQUISTADORS AGAINST THE KING OF SPAIN. AT THE END IS A LIST OF ALL THE CAPTMNS WHO WERE IN LIMA (EACH ONE BEING NAMED SEPARATELY, TOGETHER WITH HIS RANK). The last two pages are devoted to a relation of the crime of a son of Doctor Beltran, of the Royal Council, Ventura Beltran, by name, who having returned from the Indies with more debtls than money, was bewitdhed by the devil, and poisoned his wife in Madrid. Francisco Hernandez Giron followed Pizarro in 1532 and distinguished himself during the conquest of Peru. He became rich and powerful, and was highly esteemed by the Spanisit Conquistadors whom in secret he incited to disaffection towards Spain. In 1553 he was ordered to put down the revolt of the Province of Choreas, but took advantage of the death of the Viceroy Don Antonio de Mendoza, who had died in July, 1552, to head a formidable insurrection with the object of maintaining the right of the conquerors to exact forced service from the Indians. During the interregnum between the death of Don Antonio de Mendoza the last Viceroy and the arrival of his successor, the country was ruled by the judges of the Audiencia. Giron raised troops in 1553 at Cuzco and flying the standard of revolt he drew to himself all the Spaniards who had been engaged in the factions of Almagro and Pizarro. He arrested the governor of Cuzco and seized the reigns of government. He defeated the Royal Spanish troops and shortly afterwards defeated the army of the judges at Chuquinga in May, 1554. He did not know how to profit by this victory and was hopelessly routed at Pucara an 11th October, 1554-. He was abandoned by his troops, captured in the mountains to which he had retired, and on 1th December, was executed at Lima. This was the lafst revolt of the Conquistadors of Peru. In July, 1555, Don Andres Hurtado de Mendoza, Marquis of Canete, entered Lima as Viceroy of Peru, and ruled with an iron hand for six years. He at length brought the turbulent Conquistadors to their knees, and completely stamped out the previous anarchy. iMAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1554 A.D. [21] MEDI NA (Pedro de). L' Arte cteli tiavegar, in laqual si ootitengono le regole, dechiarationi, secretin & avisi, alia tiona navegation necessarii, Roman Letter, long lines to a full page. With large woodcut of various types of ships on title and numerous fine woodcut diagrams in the text, and large map of the world. Small 4to, vellum. Venice, 1554. £25 Church No. 98. The aufhor, who was with Cortes, may be said to have been the founder of th& literature of seamanship. He was entrusted by the King with the examination of pilots and sailing-masters for the West Indies, taught navigation, and was held in high esteem as a cosmographer. This book was most popular with the successors of Columbus and was translated into several languages. The map may be taken as embodying the result of Spanish discovery in 1540, as reported to him by the pilots, with whom his official position as examiner brought him into constant intercourse. It shows the mouth of the Mississippi, " E.SPT. SAN.," and the lands around tihe river and Gulf of the Saint Lawrence. Newfoundland had not yet been discovered to be an, island. The river Saguenay is here indicated, a remarkable feature in so early a map. The full-page map is noteworthy; a heavy graduated and numbered black line drawn vertically near the centre, divides the Spanish from the Portuguese possessions. On the map we find in that portion of it which is devoted to the New World the following places, Florida, Labrador, Newfoundland, New Spain, Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Yucatan, etc. FINE COPY. THE CHURCH CATALOGUE WAS ONLY ABLE TO LOCATE ONE OTHER COPY', NAMELY', IN THE LENOX LIBRARY. 22 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1555 A.D. Only One other Copy known. First Collection of Jesuit Missionary Relations in Spanish. [22] COPIA DE UNAS CARTAS DE ALCUNOS PADRES Y HER- MANOS DELA COMPANIA DE JESUS QUE ESCRIVUIERON DE LA INDIA, JAPON Y BRASIL A LOS PADRES Y HERMANOS DE LA MISMA COM- PANIA, EN PORTUGAL, TRASLADAS DE PORTUGUES EN GASTELLANO. FUERON RECEBIDAS EL ANO DE 1555. Black Letter, title within woodcut border of flowers, birds and monkeys, etc. Small 4to, calf. Lisbon, Joan Alvarez, 1555. (See Illustration, Plate No. VIII.). £250 Cordier Cols. 43-44. Not in Rodrigues, Bibliotheca Brasilica. THE ONLY^ copy KNOWN TO CORDIER AND TO SILVA WAS IN THE LISBON national library. fine copy op one of the rarest books on brazil and japan and hardly known at all. the only bibliographer who mentioned the book before cordier, innocencio da silva, mentions its extre]\[e rarity. it is the first collection of jesuit le^tters in the spanish language. Tfte volume contains nine letters written by Jesuit missionaries to their European colleagues. Letter from Brother Pero Correa to a Brazilian m,issionary (this letter refers to the conversions made by Father Nobrega among the Carijo and Tupiniquines Indians). Letter from Brother Joseph from Brazil to the Jesuit Fathers (about the mission in the Province of Piratininga; the conversion of the Ibirajara Indians by Father Correa; account of the death of Father Juan de Sosti, the companion of Father Correa). Letter from Brother Joseph from, Brazil (another letter of the sarnie missionary dated 15 March, 1555, from the mission of the Province of Piratininga). Letter from Father Juan de Aspilcueta (very interesting account of the travels of this missionary in the interior of Brazil, in which he speaks of the Tapuya, Cathiguzu, Tamoya Indians; the Indian Festivals, fruits and animals, etc. This letter is dated St. John's day 1555, from Porto Seguro). Letter from Brother jirias Blando writing from, Goa, 23rd December, 1554, from the College of St. Paul de Goa, and speaking of Fernando Mendez Pinto. Letter from Brother Heman Mendez of the Company of Jesus (dated 5th April, 1554, from the Malacca College). This letter is from the celebrated traveller Fernando Mendez Pinto; he wrote it while he was a novice and intended entering the Order of Jesuits. Letter from Father Mestre Melchior, from Malacca, dated 3rd December. 1554. Letter from Brother Pedro de Alcaceva, from Goa in 1554, information abouf some things referring to the customs and laws of the kingdom of China, which a man who had been a captive there for six years related in Malacca in the Jesuit College (this curious document is attributed to the traveller Fernando Mendez Pinto). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 23 1561 A.D. [23] ALVAREZ (Francisco}. Historia de las Cosas de Ethiopia, en la qual se cuenta muy copiosamente, el estado y potecia del emperador della, (que es el q muchos han pensado ser el preste Juan) con otras inflnitas particulari- dades, assi de la reiigio de aquella gete, como de sus cerimonias. Copia de diversas cartas de algunos padres y hermanos de la compania de Jesus. Rece- bidas 1555. delas granites marauillas, q dios nuestro senor obra en augntenta do la sant Fe catolica, en las Indias del Rey de Portugal, y en el reyno d Japon, y en la tierra de Brasil. Con la description d'las vanas leyes y costumbres de la gente del gran reyno de la China y otras tierras nuevamete, descubiertas. With the Arms of Don Artal de Alagon, Conde de Sagasto, engraved on wood on the title-page. Black Letter, double columns. Folio, calf. Saragossa, 1561. (See Illustration, Plate IX.). £85 Rodrigues 143. Very rare Spanish edition made by Thomas Padilla, from the Portu- guese. Alvarez was sent by King Manoel of Portugal to Ethiopia with the Ambassador Duarte Galvao, he remained six years in Abyssinia, and this work contains a full account of tlhis intei esting voyage. On folio 66 begins the second part, with separate title, the Jesuit relations from Brazil, in Spanisih, which end on Folio 80. Title reads in translation as follows : — " Copy of various letters from some Fathers and Brothers of the Order of Jesuits, received in 1555, of the great marvels which our Lord has accomplished in augmentina the Holy Catholic faith in the Indies, belonging to the King of Portugal, and in the kingdom of Japan, and in the land of Brazil. With the description of the various laws and custonns of the people in the grand kingdom, of China, and other lands rccenthj discovered." 1563 A.D. [24] ZARATE (A.). Le Historie dello Scoprimento et conquista del Peru, nelle quali si ha plena et particolar relatione delle coste successe in quelle bande, dal principio fino alia pacificatione delle Provincie, si in quel che tocca alio scoprimento, come al successo delle guerre civili occorse f ra gli Spagnuoli et Capitani, che lo conquistarono. Nuovamente di lingua castigliana tradotte dal S. Alfonso Ulloa. 4to, boards. Venice, 1563. £15 15s Zarate, the Comptroller of Accounts for Castile, was sent out as treasurer-general, with the first viceroy, Blasco Nunez de Vela, to examine into the financial affairs of Peru, where he remained many years. He carefully collected notes and materials in his journal during his residence at Lima, and, on his return to Spain, began the compilation of a history from the discovery of Pizarro t/O the departure of Gasca He had access to the best official sources of information, and his work is of great historical value, though strongly prejudiced and tedious and inelegant in its style. The original manuscript is preserved at Simancas. Zarate was a man of rank and education. His history, whether we attend to its matter or composition, is a book of considerable merit. NO COPY OF THIS EDITION IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 24 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1565 A. D. [25] MUNSTER (Sebastian). La Cosmographie Universeile cotitenant Ja situationi d^ tovstes les parties d'u Monde. Illustrated with 14 double woodcut maps, double woodcut views of cities, and some hundreds of other woodcut views, figures, etc. Thick folio, old calf {rebacked). Paris, 1565. £7 108 The maps include the world map showing America, with Brazil, Florida, Magellan Straits and Cuba, and also one of North and South America, entitled " La Table des Isles neufves, lesquelles on appelle Isles d'Occident et d'Indie pour divers regardz." Pages 1265-1282 give a description of the New World, headed : " Des Nouvelles Isles, comment, quand & par qui elles ont estees trouvee6," illustrated with 15 curious cuts. 1572 A.D. [26] EPISTOLA patrum Lusitanorum Societatis iHesu adi socios qui Romae versantur, de Duodedm eiusdem Societatis pro Catholica Fide inter- feotis, Mense Septemfori 1571. 22 pp., i2mo, calf. Naples, iS7^- *21 NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. * * * The letiter from tlhe Jesuits in Portugal, concerning the ^lartyrdom of their celebrated Missionary to Brazil, Azevedo and his companions, in the month of September, 1571. 1572 A.D. [27] BO EM US. Omnium fere gentium nostraeque aetatis natlenum habitus et effigies. In eosdem Joannis Sluperii epigrammata. With 120 full-page woodcuts of male and female costumes. i2mo, morocco, inside dentelles, g. e. Antwerp, 1572. £7 lOs No copy in the Church Catalogue. Contains two woodcuts of Brazilian men and women with the following verses : — " La Brasilienne.^' " Le Bresilien." " Les femmes la, sont vestues ainsi, " L'Homme du lieu auquel le Bresil croist Que se pourtraict le monstre et represente. Est tel qu'icy, a Toeil il apparoist. La des guenons, et Perrociuetz aussl Leur naturel exercice s'applique Aux estrangiers elles mettent en vent©." Couper Bresil, pour on faire trafique." The woodcutis were made by a Flemish artist, Antonius Bosch, called Sylvius. The French verses are by Franyois Descerpz. 1576 A.D. [28] PORCAOCHI (Thomas). L'IsolePiu Famose del Mondo. Engraved title, and 48 finely engraved maps, with extensive letterpress description to each one. First Edition. Folio, vellmn. Venice, 1576. £6 lOs * * * The eight American Maps included in this valume, each of which has a long description, are: — Temistitan, Mexico, Mondo Nuovo, Isola Spagnuola, Isola Cuba, Jamaica, Isola de St. Giovanni, Mappamondot NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 25, 1580 A.D. [29] FROBISHER (Martin). De Navigation© in Regionis Oocidentis et Septentrionis Narratio historica, e Gallico sermone in Latmum translata per J. T. Freigium. Folding woodcut Frontispiece of Greenland ers with Canoes, Spearing fish, etc. i2mo, Russia gilt, g. e. Noribergae, in officina Catharinae Geslachen, 1580. £45- A VERY RARE CONTEMPORARY VOLUME GIVING DETAILS OF FROBISHER'S FAMOUS VOYAGE TO THE NORTHERN BAY AND THE STRAITS WHICH NOW CARRY HUDSON'S NAME. HE GIVES A DESCRIPTION OF THE CUSTOMS AND MANNERS OP THESE LANDS AND OF OTHER UNKNOWN AND MARVELLOUS THINGS. " Frobisher sailed from Harwich on 31 May with a fleet of fifteen vessels, in three divisions, headed by the Aid, Judith, and Thomas Allen, for the ' North-West parts,' and the fancied treasures of Meta Incognita. Taking a new route, he sailed down the Channel and along the Southern coast of England and Ireland, and sighted Cape Clear on 6 June. Hence he sailed north-west until the 20th, when he reached the south of Greenland, where he landed, and named it West England, giving the name Charing Cross to the last Cliff of which he had sight as he sailed past two days later. On 2 July the fleet sighted the islands off Meta Incognita, but could not proceed on account of the ice. After losing himself in the ' Mistaken Streight ' {i.e., Hudson's) through no want of being warned by the more experienced Christopher Hall, master of the Aid, Frobisher anchored in the Countess of Warwick's Sound 31 July, where he found Fenton in the Judith, who arrived there ten days before him. Meanwhile Hall in the Thomas Allen was beating up in the open two or three of the other vessels which had lost their bearings in the storms and mist. After wasting nearly two months in finding the rendezvous and repairing damages there, the only results were the acci- dental discovery of a new strait by Frobisher, afterwards explored by Hudson, the further discovery of the upper part of Frobisher Bay by Best, and the loading of the soundest vessels with mineral that turned out to be worthless. The fleet sailed for England early in September, and arrived at various ports near the beginning of October. " One curious fact of geographical interest in this voyage of 1578 remains to be noted. The Emmanuel Buss of Bridgwater, as she came homeward, to the southeast of Friesland (i.e., Greenland), discovered an island in lat. 57^° north, and sailed along the coast three days, ' the land seeming to be fruitful, full of woods, and a champaign country.' This island has been a source of perplexity to map-makers and navigators down to our day. It was doubtless an island, now submerged, a phenomenon by no means unknown in these regions, if we are^ to believe Ruysch, in his map of the 1507 Ptolemy." D.N.B. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 26 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1586 A. D. [30] CONSALES DE MENDOZA (P. Maestro Giovanni). Historia della 'Chitia, Descritta nella lingua Spagnuola. Et tradotta nell' Italiana, dal M. Francesco Avanzo. i2mo, calf. Venice, 1586. £12 12s * * * This was the product of three missions. The notes of Martin cle Rada, or de Herrada, in the first expedition (along with Pedro de Sarmiento) in 1575, and those of Gonzalez de Mendoza on his mission of 1578, enabled the latter to write the Historia. A third journey in 1581, by Martin Ignacio de Loyola, furnished the Itinerario, which includes Mexico and the Philippines. This Itinerario is very interesting. Fr. Ignacio on his voyage to China went via the Canaries and St. Dominique, from there he passed to Vera Cruz, across Mexico, between Mexico and Acapulco, and re-embarked from this port for the Philippines and China. Although brief, the account of the voyage is extremely interesting. He speaks of the Discovery of New Mexico bv Ant. d'Espeio. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1587 A.D. [31] HOLYWOOD (John); JOHANNES DE SACRO BU8T0. Sphaera. Addita sunt quaedam ad explanationem eorum quae iti sphaera dicuntur facientia. With numerous woodcuts. i2mo, linif vellum. Venice, 1587. £2 2s NOT IN CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1589 A.D. [32] ACOSTA (Father Joseph de) Soc. Jes. De iiatura Novi Orbis libH II, et de promulgatione Evangelii apud barbaros, sive de procuranda Indorum ^lute libri VI. First Edition. i2mo, half vellum. Salamanca, I 'i)^g. £10 lOs This work is one of the most interesting books published by the early Spanish writers •on America. Dedicated to King Philip II. of Spain. Acosta was a missionary in Peru from 1571 to 1576, after which he livetl in Mexico for two years. He was a careful and accurate observer of all that he saw, and his work is of great intrinsic value. Part of the work was written during his stay in Peru, and it was completed after his return to Spain. The title reads in translation as follows : — " Two books about the nature of the New World and of the pleaching of the Gospel -to the barbarians, or six books about obtaining salvation for the Indians." NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 27 1589 A.D. [33] ICONES Heroum BeJIica virtute tnaxim^ iilustriufn, iliustratae elo- giis a Vaientiiio Thilone. With numerous fine full-page portraits. 4to, vellum. Basel, 1589. £5 5s Contains fhe portraits of Christopher Columbus, Cortez, Francis Pizarro, etc., with appropriate verses. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1590 A.D. First Edition of Vecellio's Famous Costume Plates. [34] VECELLIO (Cesare). Habiti anticfii et mocterni di diverse parti deil mondo. With 420 woodcuts of male and female costumes. Thick ?>yo,dark broivn levant morocco, tivo-line fillet border on sides, gilt -panel back, inside dentelles, g. e. Venice, 1590. £10 lOs First Edition. These remarkable woodcuts were engraved after the designs of Titian, tlie author^s uncle. Leaves 432-499 are devotetl to the costumes of the inhabitants of Asia and America. - (.39 costumes in all.) NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 28 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1592 A.D. [34a] RAGGUACLIO d'Aloune Mission! dell' Indie Orientaii, & Ooci- dentali. Cavato da alcuni avisi scritti gli anni 1590 & 1591. Da i PP. Pietro Martinez, Provinciale dell' India Orientale, Giovanni d'Atienza, Provinciale del Peril, Pietro Diaz, Provinciale del Mexico. Al Rever. P. Generale della Com- pagmia di Giesu, & raccolto dal Padre Gasparo Spitilli della medesima Com- pagnia. i2mo, new boards. Rome, 1592. £75 Contents: California and Mexico. Cavato de Alcnne lettere del P. Martino Perez della Compagnia di Giesu, scritta dalla nuova missione della Provincia di Zinaloa alii Padri del Messico nel mese di Decembre 1591. 12 pp. Sinoloa is the Mexican Province facing Lower California. There is an interesting reference to California in this Letter, California being mentioned by name. The translation of this passage reads: "^ That Province is more than 300 leagues distant from the City of Mexico, and extends over the mountains. On the right is the Mountain of the Tepehuani Indians and on the left the sea (half-a-day's journey), and on the other side the Bay extends to| Zibola and California which are Pro- vinces situated towards the West and are very large and populous. And on the other side of the Mountain the famous New Mexico lies two days' journey off." Peru. Cavato da Una del Padre Allesandro Valignano, al Padre Rettor© di' Manila nelle Pilippine a 18 di Febraio 1591. Della Missione della Cina. DELLE MISSIONI DEL PERU. Concerning the six Jesuit Colleges, three Residences and four missions in Peru, at Lima, Cuzco, Tuccaman, Itatin, etc., 18 pp. This is one of the scarest Jesuit Missionary relations, and is the first edition. A French transliation was only published two years later. NOT IN THE CHURCH COLLECTION. 1592 A.D. THE CATALAN " CONSOLADO DA MARE." [35] LLIBRE DE CONSOLAT DELS FETS MARITIMS. With fine woodcut on title-page of a ship in full sail. Folio, vellum. Barcelona, 1592. £15 15S This is the Catalan translation of the famous " Consolado da Mare." This work contains everything that has to do with the sea and sailors. Courts of Admiralty, merchant vessels aaid their customs, ships of war and Admirals, harbour rules, •etc., etc. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 29 1597 A.D. Illuminated Manuscript for the Grand Inquisitor of Mexico. [36] MEXICAN' INQUISITION. RBGLA DE LA CONFRADIA DE LOS SENORES INQUISIDORES OFFICIALES, Y FAMILIARES DE LA INQUISI- CION DESTA CIUDAD DE MEXICO. 1597. A beautifully written Manuscript on vellum, in a neat Roman hand, long lines, 20 to a page, 48 11. (7I inches by 5tV)- Richly adorned with three full-page Miniatures : — (i) The Elaborate Arms of Philip II. of Spain. (2) Full-length portrait of Pedro de Cordova, the Apostle to the Indians. (3) A Beautiful Representation of the Crucifixion. All these Miniatures are executed in colours, and have a rich border of gold with flower designs. The volume is further adorned with a number of ^arge Initial Letters in gold and colours, and each page is written within a gold border of a rope design. Small 4to, Sfanish binding of old red velvet, with silver centre and corner ■pieces, catches, and clasps, g. e. 1 597. (See Illustration, Plate No. X.). £150 * * * A MOST interesting AND VALUABLE MANUSCRIPT OF THE EARLY DAYS OF CHRISTIANITY IN MEXICO, BEING THE RULES OF THE BROTHERHOOF OF THE INQUISITION IN THAT CITY. * * * THIS IS THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT MADE FOR THE INQUISIIION, AND ACCORDING TO THE TEXT FORTY COPIES WERE TO BE PRINTED, ONE FOR EACH OF THE INQUISITORS. THIS IS EVIDENTLY THE ONE ESPECIALLY WRITTEN AND ILLUMINATED FOR THE GRAND INQUISITOR. IT EVENTUALLY CAME INTO THE HANDS OF THE EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN OF MEXICO, ACCORDING TO A MANU- SCRIPT NOTE ON THE LAST PAGE. 30 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1600 A.D. Manual for the Conversion of the Indians. [37] BAPTISTA (Fray Joan; Lector de Theologia, y Guardian del Con- vento de. Sanctiago Tlatiluleo; de la Provincia del Sancto Evangelio). Adivei^ tencias para ios Confessores de los Naturales; primera parte. i2mo, old calf. Mexico, En el Convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco^ for M. Ocharte, 1600. £125 * * * An exceedingly rare volume on the Religious Instiruction of the American Indians, printed in the Convent of Tlatilulo in Mexico. The Catechism is printed in double columns in Mexican and Spanish. The Author, Juan Baptista, was born in Mexico in 1555 and was one of the most distinguished and learned men in the New World. He was Professor of Philosophy and of Theology in the College of the Monastery, one of his pupils being Juan de Torquemada, the historian of the Indians. BapWste made a special study of the native Mexican language, which he completely mastered. He died in 1615. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1S01 A.D. [38] GUZMAN (Louis de). Historia de las Missiones que ftan hecho los relsgiosos de la Compania de Jesus, en la Imfia Oriental, y en los Reynos de la China y Japon. 2 vols., folio, calf. Alcala, 1 60 1. £52 lOs * * * A VERY INTERESTING WORK, giving the history not only of the Missions to Japan, China, and India, but also a long account of the Missions in Brazil. This Brazilian section occupies nearly 40 pp^ NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1603 A.D. The Jesuit Missionary Successes in Peru. [38a] TQiRRES RUBIO (Padre Diego de). Soc. Jes. Relatione Breve circa il f rutto cKe si raocoglie con gli Indiani di quel Regno. Done si raccon- tano anche alcuni particolari notabili succesi gli anni prossimi passati. AI fine s'aggiunge la lettera annua dell' Isole Filippine del 1600. i2mo, nezi/ boards. 93 pp. Rome, Luigi Zannetti^ 1603. £52 10& The relation of Torres Rubio also contains copies of the following letters : Delli Padri Gio Romero, e Gasparo di Monroy di Tucuman. Del Padre Andrea Ortiz di Santa Croce della Serra. Del Padre Diego Samaniego di Santa Croce della Serra. Lettera del P. Diego Vazquez della residentia di lulii al Padre Provinciale. The latter portion of the book contains the annual letter from the Philippines written by Fatlher Francesco Vaez, June 10, 1601, and contains the reports from the Jesuit Resi- dences at Manilla, Antipolo, Zebu, Samar, Dulac, and Alangalan. Father Diego de Torres Rubio spent nej\rly all his life in Peru, and was the author of various grammars and vocabularies in the Quichua and Aymara languages. He was the* Procurator of the Jesuit Order in Peru. NOT IN THE CHURCH COLLECTION. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ^i 1603 A.D. [39] BENES (Juan Botero). Relacioties iiniversales c*el mundo. With vignette on title and very large fine folding map of the world. Fold- ing maps of Europe, of Asia, Africa, very fine large map of North America, made in Valladolid in 1598, by Fernando de Solis, by Order of Don Antonio Lopez de Calatayud, and showing parts of Australia. Folio, calf. Valladolid, 1603. £18 18s Contents. — Part I.: First book, Europe; second book, Asia; third book, Africa; fourth book, America. THE FOURTH BOOK CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING HEADINGS :— MUNDO NUEVO; DE LA PENINSULA SETENTRIONAL (NOKTH AMERICA AND CANADA), TIERRE DE LOS BACALLAOS (NEWFOUNDLAND), NORUM. BEGA; APALQUEN ; IXORIDA; GOLFO MEXICANO; NUEVA ESPANA; GUASTECAN, RIO DE LAS PALMAS PANUCCO; MEXICO; MECHOACAN; NUEVA GALICIA; CABO DEL ENGANO; QUTVIRA; JUCATAN; TIERRA FIRME; GUATIMALA; NICARAGUA. THE FIFTH BOOK CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING HEADINGS :— CASTILLA DEL ORO; GOLFO DE URABA, O DE DARIEN; PARYA; RIO DE ORALLANA; MARANON ; BRAZIL; RIO DE LA PLATA; ESTRECHO DE MAGALLAJ^ES; CHILE; PERU; CUZCO: AREQUIPA, LIMA; CAXAMALCA; QUITO; TIERRA DE LA CANELA; SANTA CRUZ DEL MONTE ; TUCUMANOS. THE SIXTH BOOK CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING HEADINGS :—ISLAS DEL MAR DEL PERU Y DE LA NUEVA ESPANA; ISLAS DE SALAMON; NUEVA GLTilNEA ; TIERRA DEL PAPUE; ARCIPIELAGO DE SANT LAZARO; JAPON; ISLAS DE LA CHINA; FILIPINAS-, BANDA; ISLAS MALUCAS; BORNEO; ZEYLAN; ISLAS DEL BRAZIL; ISLAS DEL MUNDO NUEVO; ISLAS DE LOS CARlBOS; ISLAS DE LA ESPANOLA; JAMAYCA; CUBA; ISLAS DE LA NUEBA FRANCIA (CANADA); ISLAS DEI, OCCEANO HYPERBORICO. The second part of the book is devoted to the greatness of states, begiiining with Britain, Rome, the Empire of China, the Kingdom of Siam, the Kinrj of Callicut, and the Grand Mogul, the King of Persia, the King of Japan, the Empire of Prester John, the great Turk. The author then describes the European possessions of the King of Spain, passing on to his possessions^ in the New World and Philippines. The author states that the Christian population of Brazil in 1591 consisted of 11.000 Portuguese families, 40,000 negroes, and 50,000 Indians. This is the first edition of the exceed- iingly rare Spanish translation (the work was originally written in Italian). Rodrigues was unable to add a copy to his collection. NOT IN CHURCH CATALOGUE. 32 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35 > Conduit Street, London, W. 1604 A.D. The Only Copy Known. [40] MONSALYE (Fray Miguel de), a Dominican Missionary in Peru. REDUCION UNIVERSAL DE TODO EL PIRU, Y DE MAS INDIAS, CON OTROS MUCHOS AVISOS PARA EL BIEN DE LOS NATURALES DELLAS, Y EN AUMENTO DE LAS REALES RENTAS. DIRIGIDO A LA CATOLICA MAGESTAD DEL REY DON FELIPE TERCERO. COMPUESTO POR EL PADRE FRAY MIGUEL DE MONSALVE, DE LA ORDEN DE PREDICA- DORES, MORADEL DEL REYNO DEL PIRU. 4to, vellum. {Lima, 1604.) £210 THE ONLY COPY KNOWN OF ONE OF THE RAEEST BOOKS ON AMERICA, PRINTED IN AMERICA PRIIVATELY FOR THE AUTHOR TO PRESENT TO THE KING AND THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE INDIES. The author gives a short glossary of Indian terms and a list of Indians who live with the Spaniards, or in their service. In the preface he states that he has been a rover throughout America. He has visited Peru, New Granada, Domingo, Porto Rico, Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, New Andalusia, etc. He calls the King's attention to the fact that much silver and gold is being yearly exported from Mexico, Peru, and the Nuevo Regno (de Granada) illegally without paying excise to the Crown. In the same way sugar and slares are being dealt with in Porto Rico, Caracas, Jamaica, San Domingo, Cuba, etc., without paying excise to the King. Not only Spaniards are defrauding the Royal revenues, but Eng- lish, French and Portuguese. He states that the whole of the mines were busy defrauding the King and that he lost 200,000 pesetas yearly in this manner from the mines alone. The state of disorganisation in the Spanish provinces was s-urpagsing all belief. The author proposes to tell the King a secret by which he can multiply the riches coming from the Indies many times and add to their population. The author spent 37 years among the " Miserables Indios." He alleges that the Indians were terribly maltreated and murdered to enrich their Sjxtnish- task^nasters. He describes the means to obtain more than one million pesos yearly for the King in addition to what he was already receiving from. Peru, without raising the taxes. From the Library of and with the old bookplate of Antonio Alvarez de Abreu, Member of the Supreme Cciineil of the Indies. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 33 1608 A.D. [41] CARCILASSO DE LA VEGA (el Inca). Primera parte de los com^ mentarios reales, que tratan ctel origeti de los Inoas, reyes que fueron del Per% de su idolatria, Teyes, y govierno en paz y en guerra; de sits vidas y conquis- tas, y republica, antes que los Espanoles passaron a el. Small folio, old calf. Lisbon^ Pedro Crasbeeck, 1608(9). First Edition. Together with the second volume. Historia general del Peru. Trata el descubrimiento del, y como lo gcinaron los Espanoles. Las guerras civiles que huvo entre Pigarros, y Alma- gros, sobre la parti j a de la tierra. Castigo y levantamiento de tiranos, y otras sucessos particulares que en la Historia se contienen. Folio, calf. First Edition. Together 2 volumes. Cordova, Viuda de Andres Barrera, 161 7. £45 These two volumes, the second of which w£is printed «ight years after the first and in a different town (and in a different country), are rarely to be found united and still more rarely in good condition. The second volume is printed in a larger size than the first. The first volume bears the name of the Franciscan Convent of Leyria (Portugal) in gold letters on upper cover. Garcilasso de la Vega, the author, was a son of one of the conquerors of Peru, hy his wife, Chimpa Ocllo, a grand-daughter of the great Inca Tupac, Yupanqui, the last native monarch of Peru. He was proud of both paternal and maternal origin, and assum.ed the Spanish name of the first, while he was careful to assert his Incarial descent. He was a gentleman of refinement and possessed of much learning, speaking Spanish and Quichua from infancy. A descendant of the proud race of the Incas, he was a most industrious and careful historian of the evil fortunes of his race, as well as a chronicler of the victories of its conquerors. 1606 A.D. [42] GARCIA DE CESPEDES (Andres). Regimiento de Navegacion q mando hazer el Rey nuestro Senor por orden de su consejo Real de las Indias. With engraved frontispiece, engraved folding map (showing California), and numerous cuts in the text. Folio, half bound. Madrid, 1606. £25 A learned and very important work for the history ot mathematics and hydrography. The second part (the hydrography) contains an excellent guide for navigating from Spain to South America and in addition many interesting documents are to be found therein relating to the dispute as to the line of demarcation between Portugal and Spain. Cespedes, who was the royal mathematician and cosmographer of the Indies, com- posed some further works on astronomy, which were however not published. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 34 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1609 A.D. [43] CUERREIRO (Fernao). Relacaiti Annat Das Cousas que fezeram OS Padres da Companhia de Jesus tias partes da India Orientai, & em alguas oiitras da conquista deste reyno do anno de 606 & 607. & do processo da oon- versao, & Christaitdade daquellas partes. Tirada das cartas dos mesmos padres que de la vierao. 4to, calf. Libson, i6og. £44 The work is divided into foxir books; the first treats of Japan and China, the second of India (Malacca, Madure, Malabar, etc.), the third of Goa, Mogor, Din, Abyssinia. Book IV. is entirely devoted to Brazil and Guinea (leaves 191-204). Rcdrignes, No. 1170. " This relation is very important for the minute details which are given in it." Guerreiro's books have always been rare, and this is one of the rarest. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1609 A.D. The King of Spain's Instruction for the Humane Treatment of the Indians. [44] MONTESCLAROS (Marques de). " El Rey, Marquee de Montes- olaros, Virrey, Governador y Capitain General de las Provincias del Piru, mande dar las Ordenes que paracieron convenientes, sobre el servicro personal allvio, y bueti tratamiento de los Indies." Folio, calf. Madrid, 1609. £45 Unique copy of an ofiBcial publication referring to th^ treattment of the Indians of America, especially with reference to work in the minesi. The King orders all workers in the mines, both slaves, Indians, and blacks, to be occupied equally, whether they wish to or not. He wishes clothes to be sold to the Indians at cheap prices, and those who would cheat £hem to be severely punished, etc., etc. The King wishes the Indians to be treated with all humanity (as then known). At end is a slip of paper containing the autograph signature of the Marques do Montesclaros. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 35 1610 A.D. The First Printed History of the Discovery and Conquest of New Mexico. [45 ] VI LL AGRA (Caspar de). Historia ok contains an account of the colonization of Panama by the Spanish, and of the sacking of Panama and Nombre de Dios by tlie English * under Sir Francis Drake. The last two pages of the book have been mended, and on the last page there are some words in facsimile. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1620 A.D. [54] PORCACOHI (Thomas). L'Isole Pill Famose Del Mondo. Engraved title, and 48 engraved maps with letterpress descriptions. Folio, original vellum. Padua, 1620. £4 4S- *** The American Maps, each with a long description, included in this volume are: — Tcmistitan, Mexico, ilondo Nuovo, Isola Spagnuola, Isola Cuba,. Jamaica,. Tsola de St. Giovanni,. Mappamonda. NOT IN CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 39 1621 A.D. The famous Extirpation of Idolatry in Peru. [55] ARRIAGA (Pablo Joseph de). Soc. Jes. Extirpacioni de la idolap tria (tel Pim. 4to, calf. Lima, Geronymo de Contreras, 1621. (See Illustration, Plate No. XIIL). £175 THIS IS the only copy OF THE BOOK KNOWN TO US, AND IS OF THE greatest importance for the history OF THE STEPS TAKEN FOR THE EVANGELISATION OF PERU, BY THE JESUITS. The chapters are as follows :— Chapter 1. How idolatry in the Archbishopric of Lima is to be discovered. Chapter 2. What) things are worshipped today by the Indians, and in what their idolatry consists. Chapter 3. The priests of idolatry. Chapter 4. What is offered in their sacrifices, and hxm. Chapter 5. What feasts are held by the Huacais. Chapter 6. Of the abuses and superstitions of the Indians. Chapter 7. Of the reasons and causes of tlie idolatries of the Indians of to-day. Chapter 8. Other causes of the idolatries of the Indians. Chapter 9. The numerous idolatries of the Provinces: which have not yet been visited. Chapter 10. The Provinces which are visited contain much idolatry. Chapter 11. The means of uprooting idolatry. Chapter 12. How and what is to be done by the visiting Priest to extirpate idolatry. Chapter 13. What the visitador and the missionaries must do when among the people, and how they must divide their time and their sermons. Chapter 14. How the visit must be begun. Chapter 15. How the Indians must be examined, etc. Chapters 16 & 17. How the visit must be continued, etc. Chapter 18. The state of the remedies of the extirpation of idolatry .in this Arch- bishopric in the beginning of Lent, 1621. Chapter 19. The state of Christianity in this Archbishopric and other parts of Peru. Chapter 20. The greati importance of the missions; further, edict and constitutions against idolatry; form of absolution; litany to the feast of the Cross; and at end a vocabu- lary of native words used in the text, which are explained in Spanish. This is one of the books which the newly-founded Cortes Society of America is intend- ing to print in English in their new series of " Documents and Narratives concerning the Discovery and Conquest of Latin America." NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 40 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 1622 A.D. Spanish Play on the Noble Deeds of the Great Viceroy of Peru. [56] BELMONTE BERMUDEZ (Luis de). Algunas Hazanas a& las heohas de Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoga, Marques de Canete. 4to, old calf. Madrid, 1622. £75 The author of this book accompanied Mendaiia (the discoverer of the Solomon Islands), and Fernando Quiros, when they discovered Austlralia. Belmonte is the author of the extensive history of the Australian regions and was the chronicler of the expedition. The above work is a comedy in which the following are the Spanish characters :^ The Marques de Canete; Don Felipe de Mendoza, his brother; Keynoso, master of the camp, etc.; and there are twelve other Indian personages among the actors. This book is a drama celebrating the deeds of Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza, Marques de Canete, tbe famous Viceroy of Peru. Belmonte was secretary fo Quiros during the voyage of 1606. He remained faithful to Quiros in his adversity and after his master's death became a poet of some celebrity. He had edited " The Memorials " for him, stood by him to the last, and after his death went to Mexico, and appears to have returned in 1616. In 1618 he settled in Madrid. Eleven of his plays are known; Ticloiior mentions them as being a mixture of what is sacred and what is profane. 1623 A.D. [57] LAM ECO (Manuel Rodriguez). Asstento y capitulacion que se tomo con Manuel Rodriguez Lamego, sobre la renta y provicion general de Esclavos negros que se navegan a las Indias por tiempo de ocho anos y precio de ciento y veinte mil ducados cada ano. Ano de 1623. Folio, neiv boards. Madrid, 162^. £25 An official document of the greatest importance for the slave trade in the Spanish Colonies in America. On the last page it is authenticated and approved by Greg. Perez de Andrade, an official of the secretariat of the Council of the Indies for Peru (autograph signature). The title reads in translation as follows: — " The contract and stipulation which was made with Manuel Rodriguez about the revenue and general slock of negro slaves, which are to be sent to the Indies during a period' of eight years, at the price of 120,000 ducats each year." NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. TOLEETEN iNgVLEN Maier NliWiTRE. "Cranat ^DEINSVLISNV PER INVENTIS FERDINANDI CORTESII adCaroIum V. Rom. ImpcratoremNarratfones,cumalio quodam Petri Martyris ad Clemcntem VII' Pon- tificcm Maximum confimilis argumenti libcllo. •His acce(rcrnnt Epi'Mae du3C,de fcliciflTrmo apudlndos Euangclii incrcmento,duas fupcrioribus hifce diebus qui- dam fracres Mino.ab India in Hifpaniam tranfmiferunt. I|ltfm Epitome de inueotisnupcr Indiac populis idololatris ad fidem Chrifti.atc^ adeo ad Ecdefiam Catholicam conuer- tendis,AutoreR. P. F. Nicolao Herborn,regularisobfer- uantiar,ordinis Minonjm Gcnerjrfi CommilTario Cifmontano* ALGRECff!/ il Venduntur fn pinguJ Gall Anno M. D, XXX: ma. XXII, TVRCIE SiBlLIEN. GALISSIENr MiNORRK iHERVSALEf Ceciuen Leon Title-page from Cortes' Skcond and Third Letters, with .Hlditional account of the Franciscan Missionary Schools in Mexico. Cologne, 1532. fOCon p:iaiIegio imperial ferpcmmo; quc^ulgarmcn tc en£rpafidC€Ham9do feubasqfucojdenado (endofpitaloetodos losfamos^XiJbo na:fecbopo2ruf oia50cffla. Title-page from " Diaz de ysla, Tractado contra el ;Mal St:RPENTiNO. Sevilla, 1539. xMAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 41 1624 A. D. The Misadventures of a Viceroy of Mexico. [58] MEMORIAL de lo sucedido en Ba Ciudad de Mexico, desde e\ dia primero de Noviembre, de 1623 tiasta quienze de Enero de 1624. Folio, calf. (Mexico), 1624. £31 lOs Very important document consisting of 25 leaA-es, and certainly printed in ]\Iexico in 1624. Don Diego Carilto de Mendoza y Pimentel, Marquis of Gelves, seventeenth Viceroy of Mexico, succeeded to his title in September, 1621; his nature was hard and he was 'subject to fits of temper. Frotn the beginning of his rule he decided to clear the roads of the high- waymen with which they were infested. He disbelieved everything that was told him about the inundations to which the City of Mexico wds subject, and in order to show that the height of the Lagoons could prevent the floods from, taking place, he had the dykes of the Rio de Cuautitlan broken through. The river immediately covered the lagoons and was the cause that in December, 1623, at the time of the rains the town was inundated. The quarrels that he had with the Archbishop Juan Perez de la Sema caused the revolt to break out in the month of January, 1624, which obliged the Viceroy to seek refuge in the Convent of San Francisco, whicih he only left to re-embark for Spain at the end of the same year. The Archbishop was recalled and named Bishop of Zamora. This document is written in favour of the Archbishop. As soon as the Marquis de Gelves returned home he answered this Memorial with some Pamphlets of his own in 1625. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1624 A.D. [59] ATTAYDE (Antonio de, Capitao Geral du Armada de Portugal). Cargos que resuitarao da deveissa que os Govertiadores de Portugal mandarao tirar de Dom Antonio db Attayde, Aceroa du perda da nao da India, Nossa Senhora da Conoeissao, que os inimigo® queimarao o Anno de 1621, E. Resposta d6i Dom Antonio a os Cargos. 62 pp., folio. Together with the Sentencas dadas sofare a devassa quie se ttrou de Dom Antonio de Attayde^ Capitao General! da Armada de Portugal. 8 pp., 4to. The two works in one vol., folio, leather {a little wormed). Lisbon, 1624. £15 15s * * * The official Report of the Court Martial and Findings of the Court on the Portu- guese Captain-General for allowing the Dutch to capture the treasure ship " Nossa Senhora da Concei^ao " from Brazil. At this period the Dutch were gaining tte mastery over the Portuguese Colony of Brazil. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 42 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 1624 A.D. [60] AN CHI ETA. Eloge du P. Joseph Anquieta, de la Compagnie de Jesus; Lequel mourut au Brasil le 9. de Juiti 1597, laissant un bruit universel de sa saintete, & d6 ses miracles, apres avoir sem6 la saint Foy en oes pais-la I'espace de quarante-quatre ans. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, Cramoisy, 1624. £10 lOs Very rare account of the " Apostle of Brazil." NO copy IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 1625 A.D. The Only Copy known of the Oporto Edition. [61] BRAZIL. Relacam verdadeira d^ tudo o succedido na restauragaa da Bahia de todos os Sanctos desd^ o diai em que partirao as armadas de sua Magestade, te'o em que em a dira Cidade forao arvorados seus estadartes com grande gloria de Deos, exaltagao do Rey & Reyno, nome de seus vassallos que nesta empresa se acharao anihilacao & perda dos rebeldes Olandezes ali domados. 16 pp., sm. 4to, vellum. Porto, 1625. £31 lOS * * * The only copy known of this very rare relation of the recapture of Bahia from the Dutch by the Portuguese and Spaniards, attributed to Joao de Medeiros Correa. Unknown to Rodrigues. It was also printed in Lisbon the same year and only three copies of that issue are known. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1625 A.D. [62] DAVILA PADILLA (Fr. Augustin). Historia de la Fundacion y discurso de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico de la Ord^n de Predicadores por las vidas de sus varones insignes y cases notables d^ Nueva Elspana. Edicion Segunda. With engraved vignette on title. Folio, limf vellum. Brussels, 1625. £15 15s AN INVALUABLE WORK FOR THE HISTORY' OF THE EARLIEST MISSIONS TO THE NEW WORLD. (A small repair to blank of title and leaf 1, and last six lines of final leaf of index in facsimile.) All editions of this important work are of extreme rarity. It contains some of the most valuable materials in existence for the history of the Spanish Conquest and settlements in America; as well as of the manners, language, and religions of the aborigines. Davila Padilla was born in Mexico in 1562, and had the fullest opportunities of obtaining authentic information. He is the earliest writer who mentions the estiablishment of Printing in the New World, and the fact that the Scala Coeli of St. Joannes Climacus translated by his namesake Juan de Estrada from the Latin version, was entitled to the distinction of being the first book printed in America (about 1535-6). The author was made Archbishop of San Domingo in 1599 and died in 1604. He used as a source the manuscript of Fray Diego Duran, then unpublished. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 43 1625 A.D. With the Rare Folding Plan of Bahia. [63] GUERREIRO (Father Bartolameu). Jornada ttos vassalos da Coroa de Portugal, pera se recuperar a oidad^ do Salvador, na Bahya de todos os Santos, tomada polios Olandezes, a oito de Mayo de 1625. With a fine large folding plan of Bahia. 4to, vellum. Lisbon, 1625. £52 lOs VERY RARE RELATION OF THE RETAEjING OF BAHIA FROM THE DUTCH BY THE PORTUGUESE. INNOCENCIO APPEARS NEVER TO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SEE A COPY OF THIS WORK AS HE DESCRIBES IT INCOMPLETELY. COPIES WITH THE ENGRAVED PLAN ARE ESPECIALLY SCARCE. Rodrigues 1168 NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1625 A.D. [64] PURCHAS (Samuel). Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchase his Pilgrimes. Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen, and others: of all the Circum-navigations of the Globe, all Voyages to the Cape, India, China, Japan, the Malay Archipelago, and of Travels by land in Asia, America, and elsewhere. Wherein Gods Wonders in Nature, and Providence, The Acts, Arts, Varieties and Vanities of Men, with a world of the Worlds Rarities, are by a world of Eywitnesse Authors, related to the World . . .• All examined, abbreviated, illustrated with notes, enlarged with discourses, adorned with pictures and expressed in Mapps. 4 vols., folio. Purchas His Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all ages and places discovered from the Creation unto this Present. .... The Fourth (and best) Edition, much inlarged with Additions. With numerous engraved maps and plans, including a fine copy of the very scarce folding map of Virginia, also the folding map of New Foundland, New France and New England. (Engraved title to vol. i in facsimile). Together 5 vols., original calf, rebacked. London, 1625-6. £40 The contents of tlie vols, are as follows : — Vol. I. Voyages and Travels of Ancient Kings, Apostles and Philosophers; Voyages of Circumnavigation of the Globe; and Voyages along the Coasts of Africa to the East Indies, Japan, China, the Philippine Islands, and the Persian and Arabian Gulfs. Vol. II. Voyages and Relations of Africa, Ethiopia, Palestine, Arabia, Persia, and (Continued over) 44 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. Purchas — continued. other parts of Asia. Vol. HI. Voyages to Tartary, China, Russia, North-West America, and the Polar Regions. Vol. IV. Contayning English Voyages to tihe East, West, and South parts of America; many Sea and Land Fights, Invasions and Victories against the Spaniards in those parts, and the Spanish Islands and coast towns; Plantations in Guiana, and adventures of English- men amongst the Americans; Voyages to and about Southern America; Voyages to, and lande travels in Florida, Virginia, and other parts of N. America; French Plantings, Spanish Supplandings, English Plantations, Discoveries, Acts and Occurrences, in Virginia and Summer Islands, 1606-24; English Discoveries and Plantations in New England, New-found- land; with the Patent and Voyages to New Scotland; Relations also of the Fleets set forth by Queene Elizabeth againstj the Spaniards. Vol V. Purdhas, his Pilgrimage^. Book VIII comprises : Relations of the Discoveries, Regions, and Religions, of the New World; of New France, Virginia, Florida, New Spaine, with other regions of America, Mexicana, and of their Religions. In this is contained the substance of over 1,200 separate narrators of the world's explorations, telling their stories in their own language. It contains much material that had not previously been printed. This is one of the fullest and most important collections of voyages and travels in the English language; a part of the third, and fifth, and all of the foiirth volume, being devoted to voyages to America. [64a] DITTO. Another Copy. 5 vols., folio, original calf. London, 1625-6. £21 * * * iSlightly defective, Vol. 1 wanting the Engraved Title. Vol. 2, Title and one leaf damaged. Vol. 3, some leaves at end of table stained. Vol. 4, has the Virginia map in facsimile. Otherwise a good sound copy. 1625 A.D. [65] FREITAS (Fr. Seraphino de). De justa imperio Lusitanorum Asiatico. Title printed in red and black. 4to, calf. YaUadolid, 1625. £12 12s In this work Seraphino de Freitas attacks Grotius, who objected to the Portuguese control of the Seas. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1625 A.D. [66] CARPENTER (Nathanael). Geography Delineateii forth In two bookes. Containing the Sphaericall and Topicall Parts thereof. With numerous geographical diagrams. 4to, Vim-p vellum. Oxford, 1625. £1 5S 1628 A.D. [67] BRAZIL. TOMAIO DE VARGAS (Thomas). Restauraoioii de la Oludad del Salvador, I Baia de Todos-Sanctos , en la provincia del Brasil. For las Armas De Don Philippe IV. el Grande Rei Catholico de las Espanas. , . . Small 4to, calf. Madrid, 1628. £15 15s NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, Londctti, W. 45 1628 A.D. The Annual Missionary Letters. [68] HISTOIRE (te c® qui s'est pass6 en Ethiopie, Malabar, Brasil, et es Indes Orientales. Tiree des Lettres escrites es annees 1620 jusques a 1624. Addressee au R. P. Mutio Vitelleschi, General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Traduite de I'ltalien. en Frangois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie (par le Fere Jean Varde). 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1628. £24 Rodrigues, No. 1226. Pages 149-170 are devoted exclusively to Brazil; they contain an abridgment of the letters sent to Europe by Father Ferdinand Cardim, and are signed Michael Baralho D'Araujo. In addition to the Brazilian items there are letters from Ethiopia, Malabar, Macao, Goa, Cochin-China, etc., which contain many curious details about the manners and inhabi- tants of the country. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1629 A.D. First Edition of the First American Bibliography. [69] LEONPINELO (Antonio de). Epitome de la BftHioteca Oriental y Occidental; nautica y geografica. With finely engraved title. 4to, old calf. Madrid, 1629. (See Illustration, Frontispiece). £63 Very fine copy of the first edition which is now excessively rare, of the first American Bibliography which was ever printed. Most copies want the engraved frontispiece, which is in our copy. This work is extremely important for American bibliographers and is generally cited under the name of Pinelo, which was a surname adopted by Antonio de Leon named " The Chronicler of t'he Indies." The author was born in Peru, and educated at Lima. He wrote many important works which for the most part only exist in manuscript. (See also our No. 72a, p. 52 of this Catalogue). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1630 A.D. " The Secret Maps of the Americas and the Indies secured from the secret Portuguese Archives by the Spanish Secret Service, in 1681, by Order OF A Governor of Mexico, and Presented by him to the King of Spain, AND the Council of the Indies, on April i6th, 1692." [70] TEIXEIRA [Joaoi, Cosmographer of the King of Portugal.] TABOAS GERAES DE TODA NAVEGACAO. DURDIDAS E EMENDADAS POR DOM JERONIMO DE ATTAYDE. COM TODOS OS PORTOS PRINCI- PAES DAS CONQUISTAS DE PORTUGAL. DELLNEADAS POR JOAO TEIXEIRA, COSMOGRAPHO DE SUA MAGESTADE. ANNO DE 1630. Ornamental title and 28 maps carefully drawn with pen and ink and tinted (size 18 by 28 inches). Folio, levant morocco, by Riviere. Lisbon, 1630. (See Illustrations, Plates Nos. XIV., XV., XVI.). £750 CONTENTS. (1). " Primera de Demarcaciones entre Costilla y Portugal. Mapa de todo el Mundo." (Double page). (2). " Segundo Mapa. De Demostraciones de Puertos de Cartaxena, Puerto Belo, Havana, y Santa Marta." (4 plans of the above ports). O). " Tercero Mapa de Europa, Africa y Parte de la America." {Double page). (4). " Quarto Mapa de los Puertos principales de Espana y de las Yslas de las Canarias, y terteras y delos de casta del Brasil y Rio de la Plata." {Double page containing 17 plans of the above ports, including plans of the Ports of Bahia, Porto Seguro, Porio do Spirito Sancto, Rio 'de Janeiro, Porto de San Vicente, Rio Grande, Porto da Parayba, and a plan of the mouth of the Rio da Prata). (5). " Quinto Mapa de la Verdadera demarcacion de la America meridional y costas de (Guinea y Cafres." (Double page, at bottom, is shewn outline map of the Northern part of Terra Incognita Austral). (6). " Sesto Mapa de diversos Puertos y fortalezas de las costas de Africa, Etiopia, U de la India Oriental." (Double page, containing 13 fine plans of the ports nientioned above, including views of the Island of St. Helena, Loanda, av^d the port of Angola, and detailed views of Goa, Diu, Gamao, Bassim, Chaul, Mangalore, Barcalor, Cannanore, Cran- ganor). (7). " Septimo Mapa del Archipielago de la India Oriental." {Double page, at bottom is shewn map of " Terra Incognita Austral," shewing various places with the following notes: " Nuca antara descuberta por Manoel Godinho de Eredia, ano. 1601; Terra descuberta Pelos Holandezes, ague chamarq, Endracht, ou Concordia; Dedalis Landt; F. Holtmans Eylanden; Dirick-Hartochsrade" (8). " Octavo Mapa de Puertos de la India Oriental y parte de su costa." (Double MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 47 The Secret Maps — continued. page, contain'mg twelve plans of ports as above, including Colombo, Manilla, Gale, Cochin, Mozambique, Mombasa, and a very fine plan of the coast of India and the port of Goa). (9). " Noveno Mapa de las Costas de la Persia, Asia, Tartarian y China." (Double page). (10). " Dezimo Mapa de otros Puertos de la India, y Mar Roxo, y de las Yslas de las Moluccas y Phelipinas." (Double page, showing 18 plans and maps as above, inchtding the Straits of Manilla, plan of the Red Sea, and its ports, Suez, Muscat). (11). " Onceno Mapa de las Costds de la Asia y de la America sentrional (North America)." (Double page, showing the coasts of California, New Spain and Mexico, Florida, etc., and below. Northern Australia, with the Solomxm, Islands, and land marked " Terra que descobrio o Capitao P. Fernandez de Queiros, ano. 1606." (12). " Duo dezimo Mapa de los Puertos de la Navidad y de Acapulco en Nueva Espana." (Two plans of these porlfs in New Spain). (13). " Decimo tercio Mapa de Grulanda (Greenland) y de la Moscovia." (Double page, showing Greenland, Iceland, Great Britain and Ireland, Nova Zem,bla, Scandinavia, and the northern borders of Russia). (14). " Decimo quarto Mappa de las Tierras del Norte." (Double page, map of the Baltic, Scandinavia, Finland, Northern Germany, Livonia, and northern Russia). (15). " Decimo quinto Mapa de las Terras del Flandes." (Double page map of the Netherlands). (16). " Decimo sexto Mapa de algunos Puertos de la Italia." (Six plans of ports as above, including Palermo, Medina, Malta, Villa Franca, and Taranto). (17). " Decimo septimo Mapa de diversas terras del Mundo." (Double page, showing Southern Europe, as far as Constantinople and north Africa from, Morocco to Palestine, including the whole of the Mediterranean). (18). "Decimo otavo Mapa Puertos de Levante." (Plans of five ports as above, including Gallipoli, Alexandria, Alexandretta, Constantinople and the Sea of Marv^ora). (19). " Decimo nono Mapa Costas y Mares de Levante." (Double page). (20). " Vixesimo Mapa de Yslas que tiene la entrada del el Formaso Rio de las Amazonas." (Double page, this description is attributed to Antonio Vicente of Pernambuco). (21). " Vixesimo prima Mapa de las Yslas de Levante par Derotas." (Double page). (22). " Vixesimo segundo Mapa de las tierras Maritimas Incognitas de Botonga." (Double page, being a map of South America, 'showing the gold and silver mines, etc., copper, iron and lead mines, all beautifully tinted). (23). " Vixesimo tercio Mapa de las Tierras de la Ccmta hasta La India Oriental." (Double page, this is a map of South Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope a little above Lorenzo Marquez). (24). " Vixesimo Quarto Mapa de la Costa del Norweste y Norte de la India, y Ysla de Ceilan." (Double page). (25). " Vixesimo Quirvto Mapa Puertos Ysla de Larnocha y de Santa Maria, y de la Costa del Mar del Sur y tierra firme de Chile y del Peru." (Containing eight plans and views of the above islands and ports in Chile, and Peru). (26). " Vixesimo seito Mar del Sur y Costas del hasta las Yslas de los Ladrones." (Double page, showing an enormous stretch of country called "Terra Incognita Austral" stretching from the equinoxial line to the Antarctic circle. The northern portion of which is labelled " Terra que descobrio au Capitao P. Fernandez de Qu.eiros, anno. 1606 "). (27). Map of Tierra del Fuego and below map of northern Australia, labelled " Tierra Incognita en lo Interior estos Sierras son todas Insulos perlos dos Ylos que el ano de 1576 (Continued over) 48 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. The Secret lAsi^s— continued. descubrio Juan Fernan de Gallego." (On this map Lemaire Straits are noted, as well as the Straits of Magellan and on the Tierra del Fuego there is a manuscript note that in 1678 26 Dutchmen from the Maluccas landed there, nearby the English discovered a population who had plenty of gold). (28). A later map of Tierra del Fuego made by Dan Francisco de Seixas y Lovera, ano. de 1690. With a reference to the expedition of Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa in 1681 to a British colony established with a, fort in 1675, and to another English colony establislied before 1650. Inserted befobb the Portuguese title are two blank leaves with the following inscrip- tions, IN Spanish: — " Mapas generales originates y universalis de Todo el Orbe con los Puertos principales y Fortelezas de Ambas Indias, y una descripcion topographica de la region Austral Magal- lonica ano. de 1692, que ofrece Al Rey Nuestro Senor en su Real y Supremo Consejo de las Indias el Capitan Don Francesco de Seixas y Lovera eleito alcalde Mayor Govemador de la Provincia de Tacuba el en Reyno de la Nueva Espana par su Magestad Siendo Presidente en el referido consejo el Exmo. Senor Marques de los Velez gentilhombre de Camas de su Magestad, y de sus consejos de Estado y guerra y superintendente general de todos Las Armadas maritimas de esta Monorchia. Par mano del Senor Don Ma7iuel Garcia de Bustante." THIS SPANISH TITLE READS IN TRANSLATION AS FOLLOWS :— " GENERAL MAPS, ORIGINAL AND UNIVERSAL OF THE WHOLE WORLD, TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL PORTS AND FORTRESSES OF BOTH INDIES, AND A TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AUSTRALIAN MAGELLANIC REGION, IN THE TEAR 1692, OFFERED TO THE KING OUR LORD, IN HIS SUPREME AND ROYAL COUNCIL OF THE INDIES, BY CAPTAIN DON FRANCISCO DE SEIXAS Y LOVERA, ELECTED CHIEF ALCALDE AND GOVERNOR OF THE PROVINCE OF TACUBA IN THE KINGDOM OF NEW SPAIN, FOR HIS MAJESTY; THE PRESIDENT OF THAT COUNCIL BEING HIS EXCELLENCY THE MARQUIS DE LOS VELEZ, GENTLEMAN OF HIS MAJESTY^S BEDCHAMBER, AND OF HIS COUNCILS OF STATE AND WAR, AND GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT OF ALL THE MARITIME ARMADAS OF THE MONARCHY. PRESENTED ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNOR BY DON MANUEL GARCIA DE BUSTANTE." The second blank leaf has the following dedication in Spanish, and reads as follows: — " Tabla de las materias que se contienen en este libra. Primeramente en este primero mapa se demu0stra par los Partugeses la demarcacion de las Canquistas entre las das Coronas el qual Mapa es el que ordinarimente ensenan en los Congresas que se an ofrecido y afrecen entre Castilla y Portugal para parmedia del enganar los Ministeros Partugeses alas Castel- lanos par que en este dicho Mapa introducen los Partugeses el engano sacando la tierra del Brazil cien leguas mas al Oriente de lo que deve esta para par este medio meter en su demar- cacion el Rio de la Plata que no esta en la de ellos Porque en la distancia que ay de la Costa mas immediata del Brasil a la de Malagueta en Guinea par la escala del dicho mapa ay de distancia de la una a la otra Costra qiuitrocientas y diez leguo^, y assi ensenanda las Portu- . geses acia el Poniente la tierra del Brasil en el Caba de San Vicente osurpan las dichas cien leguas cansituenda el Meridiano de 360, grados de la Equinacial mas de 8 grados fuera desulugar porque deve Estar los dichos 8 grados mas acia el Oriente y assi sene que en este primera Mapa senalan distintamente la Casta del Brasil qu^ en el quinto Mapa par quanta en el primero dicha la Costa del Brasil par el Caba de San Agustin de la Guinea a Malagueta las MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 49 The Secret Maps — continued. dichas quatrocientas y diez leguas, y en el segundo Mapa, y mas distaticia con muy poca diferencia entre estcts dos Castas porque este que se llama segundo mapa lo es en este libra de las dem,arcaciones entre las dos Coronias par quanta el primera es el su puesto y el que se llama segundo es el quinto mapa de este libra en que los Portugese panen las Castas del Brasil y las de la Africa, Etiapica, cama deven estar. " Abriguase esta verdad parque en la distancia que ay desde el Bio de la Plata hasta el Cabo de Bueno Esparanza su panen en el primera mapa que ay de la una a la atra parte 1,100 leguas y en el segundo mapa de la atra demarcacion verdadera que es en el quinta m,apa de este libra manifiestan los Partugeses que ay desde el Rio de La Plata a el Caba de Buena Esperanza 1,200 leguas de distancia can que las 100 leguas que ay de diferencia, son las que ■los Portugeses osurpan par poner dentro de su demarcacion el Rio de La Plata que esta las dichas 100 leguas fuera de ella, loqual assi se manifiesta can toda evidencia par las dichos iitapas, echos par las mayores hombres que tuvo la Corona de Portugal, de harden de ella, que can esta, cautela tenia este libra de inapas original en su Bibltotlieca de la Ciudad y Archivo Real de Lisbaa de adande el ana 1681 le saca par servir a su Magestad el Capitan Don Francisco Seixas y Lovera, par yntelixencias y dinera, que para ella tuva par canozer la grande impartancia de este libra para la Carona de Castilla pues sabre ser original para azer las mapas de tada el Mundo es verdadera y mana escripta toda sin averse impresso asta aora el qual ademas de haver Costado mas de 4,000 Escudas de Plata para azerse se ocuparon inuchos ■unos en su disposician per la qual se premia despues del Levantamiento de Portugal al dueno del, que fue dan Geronimo de Ataide, uno de las primeras titulos de aquel Regno, que antes Jue general de las Armadas Navales de la India Oriental. " Can el qual libra sirve el Capitan Don Francisco de Seixas y Lovera a su Magestad ■en su Real Supremo cansejo de las Indias, siendo Presidente en el, el exma. Senor Marques de los Velez, par mana del Don Manuel Garcia de Bustamente del cansejo de su Magestad, y su secretario, etc. " Va al fin de este mismo libra un mapa de demostracion de las Costas y Yslas de la region Austral Magallanica que canto da certeza a dispuesto eldicho Dan Francesco de Seixas ■can practica y thearica suficiente. " Canto de to contenido en este libra se sirvira su Magestad del en las Cangresos contra I'ortugal y demas a 7nas tendra el cansejo Real de Indias este original para saber la cierte ■que se ofresca en la muchas dudas que se SueUn afrecer con las demastraciones que muchos pretendientes presemtan en el cansejo siendo de ellas la major parte enciertas con que podien- dose par este medio aberiguar la verdad sera su Magestad mejor servido pues esta a laganos menos que para grandes Monarchias. Madrid, de Abril, 16 de 1692 anas. {Signed) Don Francesco de Seyxas y Lovera." Translation of iHis dedication reads as follows : — TABLE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK. FIRSTLY, ON THE FIEST MAP THE PORTUGUESE SHOW THE DEMARKA- TTON OF THE CONQUESTS BETWEEN THE TWO CROWNS (OF PORTUGAL AND SPAIN). THIS IS THE MAP WHICH THE PORTUGUESE USUALLY SHOW AT THE CON- 'GRESSES WHICH HAVE TAKEN PLACE AND TAKE PLACE BETWEEN CASTILLE AND PORTUGAL. IN ORDER TO CHEAT THE SPANISH MINISTERS THE PORTU- GUESE MINISTERS MAKE USE OF THIS MAP, BECAUSE IN THIS SAID MAP THE PORTUGUESE HAVE INTRODUCED A DECEIT AND HAVE TAKEN AWAY THE LAND •OF BRAZIL 100 LEAGUES MORE TO THE EAST FROM WHERE IT OUGHT TO BE, BY (Continued over) 50 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Secret Maps — continued. THIS MEANS THEY INCLUDE 'IN THEIE DEMARCATION THE EIO DE LA PLATA^ TO WHICH THEY HAVE NO EIGHT. BECAUSE IN THE DISTANCE WHICH THERE IS FROM THE IMMEDIATE COAST OF BRAZIL TO THE COAST OF MALAGUETA, IN GTJINEA, ON THE SCALE OF THAT MAP THERE ARE 410 LEAGUES DISTANCE FROM ONE COAST TO THE OTHER. AND SO THE PORTUGUESE, BY SHOWING THIS MAP, TOWARDS THE WEST THEY USUEP THE SAID 100 LEAGUES IN BEAZIL BY CAPE SAINT VINCENT CONSTITUTING THE MEEIDIAN OF 360 DEGEEES FROM THE EQUATOE THEY TAKE AWAY MOEE THAN 8 DEGEEES BECAUSE THESE SAID 8 DEGREES SHOULD BE MORE TO THE EAST, AND ALSO IT IS SEEN DISTINCTLY IN THIS FIRST MAP THAT THEY SHOW THE COAST OF BRAZIL, WHICH IN THE FIFTH MAP THEY SHOW DIFFERENTLY (jFROM THE CAPE OF SAINT AUGUSTIN OF GUINEA AND MALAGUETA, THE SAID 450 LEAGUES), AND THE SECOND MAP SBTOWS A GREATER DISTANCE, WITH LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO COASTS, BECAUSE THE MAP WHICH IS CALLED SECOND MAP IS THE ONE WHICH IS IN THIS BOOK OF THE DEMARCATIONS BETWEEN THE TWO CROWNS, WHILE THE FIRST IS SUPPRESSED; AND THE ONE WHICH IS CALLED SECOND IS REALLY THE FIFTH MAP OF THIS BOOK IN WHICH THE PORTUGUESE PLACE THE COAST OF BRAZIL AND ETHIOPIC AFRICA WHERE THEY REALLY SHOULD BE. THIS TEUTH IS EASILY SEEN BECAUSE THE DISTANCE WHICH THEEE IS FROM THE EIO DE LA PLATA TO THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE IN THE FIEST MAP IS 1,100 LEAGUES, AND IN THE SECOND MAP (THE FIFTH IN THIS BOOK) THE POETUGUESE SHOW THAT THERE ARE 1,200 LEAGUES FROM THE RIO DE LA PLATA TO THE CAPE OF GOOD HJOPE, WHICH WITH THE DIFFERENCE OF 100 LEAGUES ALREADY MENTIONED HAVE BEEN USURPED BY THE POETUGUESE IN THEIR DEMARCATION OF THE RIO DE LA PLATA, WHICH IS REALLY 100- LEAGUES OUTSIDE THEIE LINE OF DEMARCATION. THIS IS MANIFEST BY THE SAID MAPS WHICH HAVE BEEN MADE BY THE: BEST MEN WHOM THE CROWN OF PORTUGAL COULD FIND, AND BY ITS ORDERS, ATJD WHICH WAS KEPT WITH ALL POSSIBLE SAFEGUARDS AS A BOOK OF ORIGINAL MAPS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE CITY AND ROYAL ARCHIVES OF LISBON, WHENCE IN 1681, TO SERVE HIS MAJESTY, CAPTAIN DON FRANCISCO SEIXAS Y LOVERA REMOVED IT TO SERVE HIS MAJESTY (USING INTELLIGENCES AND MONEY), AND HE FOUND ITS IMPORTANCE FOE THE CEOWN OF SPAIN, BECAUSE IT IS AN OEIGINAL AND HAS THE MAPS OF ALL THE WOELD AND IS WRITTEN TRULY AND BY HAND. NOTHING OF IT HAS BEEN FEINTED UP TO THE PEESENT DAY, MOEEOVEE IT MUST HAVE COST MOEE THAN 4,000 SILVER CROWNS TO MAKE, AND MANY YEARS WERE SPENT IN MAKING IT, AND FOR WHICH, AFTER THE REVOLT OF PORTUGAL, ITS OWNER, DON GERONTMO DE ATIAIDE, WAS REWARDED WITH ONE OF THE HIGHEST RANKS OF THAT KING- DOM, HE WHO HAD BEFOEE BEEN THE COMMANDEE OF THE NAVAL AEMADAS OF THE EAST INDIES. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 51 The Secret Maps — continued. WITH THIS BOOK CAPTAIN DON FRANCISCO DE SEIXAS Y LOVERA BEGS TO SERVE HIS MAJESTY. IN HIS ROYAL AND SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE INDIES. AT THE TIME THE PRESIDENT WAS THE MARQUES DE LOS VELEZ. THE BOOK WAS PRESENTED BY DON MANUEL GARCIA DE BUSTAMENTE, OF HIS MAJESTY'S COUNCIL, AND SECRETARY. AT THE END OF THE SAME BOOK IS A MAP OF THE COAST AND ISLANDS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MAGELLANIC REGIONS, WHICH DON FRANCISCO DE SEIXAS HAS MADE FROM HIS PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL OBSERVATIONS. THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK HAVE BEEN GIVEN IN ORDER THAT HIS MAJESTY MAY USE IT IN THE CONGRESSES AGAINST PORTUGAL, AND MOREOVER THE ROYAL COUNCIL OF THE INDIES MAY KEEP THIS ORIGINAL SO AS TO RESOLVE THEIR DOUBTS ON MANY POINTS WHEN PEOPLE PRETEND TO KNOW WHAT IS UNCERTA,IN. IN THIS WAY THE TRUTH WILL BE KNOWN AND HIS MAJESTY WILL BE BETTER SERVED, WHICH IS DESIRABLE BOTH IN SMALL AND 'GREAT MONARCHIES. MADRID, 16TH APRIL, 1692, SIGNED DON FRANCESCO DE SEIXAS Y LOVERA. DOA" FRANCESCO BAS ALSO SIONED TEE ADDITIONAL MAPS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MAGELLANIC REGIONS. 1630 A.D. [71] MENDOZA CLorenzo de). Supiioacion a su Magestad Catolica del Eey, ante sus Reales cansejos de Portugal y de las Indias, en; defensa de los Portugueses. 58 pp., srn. 4to, new boards. Madrid, 1630. £6 6s * * * A defence of the Portuguese rights in America. The author was Archbishop of Lisbon and Presbitero y Comissario del Santo Oficio ©n la villa imperial de Potosi (in Bolivia). NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1632 A.D. [72] BRAZIL. BRE DAN (Daniel). Desengano a los pueblos del Brasil, y demas portes en los Indias Occidentales, para quitarles las dudas y falsas imaginaciones que podrian tener acera de las Declaraciones de los Illustrissimos Senores Estados Generales, y los Administradores de la Compania. 14 pp., sm. 4to, wrappers. Amsterdam, 1632. £21 * * * A defence of the actions of the Dutch " Compania de las Indias Occidentales " ■written from Holland for circulation in Brazil, at the period when Holland had possession of that country. Not in Rodrigues. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 52 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1636 A.D. The First Book on " American Drinks." [72a] LEON PINELO (Antonio). Question moral si el chocolate que- branta el ayuno eclesiastico. Tratise de otras bebidas y cotifecciones que se usan en varias provincias. With finely engraved title by J. de Courbes. 4to, polished calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e., by F. Bedford. Madrid, Viuda de Juan Goncalez, 1636. . £25' The " question moral " is whether it is a mortal sin for ecclesiastics to drink chocolate before celebrating Mass. Tobacco is referred to in several places, and folios 36 — 42 are devoted to discussion as to whether tobacco may be smoked before Communion, as to the nature of tobacco, its use and names, and whether the use of tobacco breaks the fast. Antonio de Leon was born in Peru, and studied at Lima. He was named " The Chronicler of the Indies," and is the author of the famous and very rare first American Bibliography ever printed (our No. 69). The book is dedicated to the governor of the Indies, and the autihor mentions in his preface that he has investigated all the principal drinks which Iiave been discovered in the world, especially in the New World of the Indies, that is, America. In his work Pinelo discusses all American drinks, used by the Indians in New Spain, Peru, Nicaragua. Guatamala. etlc., etc. The author complains that the American Indians drink too much. He mentions 118 different drinks, not including mixed drinks. 1637 A.D. Trade with Mexico and the Philippines. [73] CRAY Y MONFALCON (Don Juan, Procurator General of the Philip- pines in Madrid). Memorial informatorio al Rey Nuestro Senor en su Real y supremo conseio de las Indias. Por la Insigne y siempre leal Ciudad de ManHa, cabega de las Islas Filipinas. Sobre las pretensiones de Aquella Ciudad, y Islas, y sus Vezinos, y Moradores, y commercio con la Nueva Espana. With vignette on title. 84 pp., folio, half bound. Madrid, Imfrenta del Reyno, 1637. fiTS' This extremely rare volume is not quoted by Pinelo Antonio mentions the author but does not mention this work. Tavera No. 1244. " The most important document for the history of the commerce and the products of the Philippine Islands.'' It contains at the end a resume of the history of the Philippines.^ Grau lays stress on four chief points; firstly, in what form and in w!hat quantity there should be trade with the Philippine Islands. Secondly, if permission should be given to a larger extent) than heretofore to send merchandise from the Philippines to Mexico and' return the valrue thereof in silver. Thirdly, if the permission already given to send mer- chandise should apply to goods of Chinese provenance or only to native products of the country. Fourthly, if permission should be given anew for Peru to trade to Mexico because- of the damage that the Philippines had suffered when this said trade had been suspended. It is interesting to note in this connection that in 1593, by a Royal decree dated 11th January, the merchants of the Philippines were forbidden to go to China to buy merchandise. THERE IS NO COPY IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, OR IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 53 1638 A.D. The Missionary History of Peru. [74] CALANCHA (Antonio de la). Coronica moralizada del Ordeit de San Augustitii em el Peru^ con sucesos exemplares en esta Monarquia. With finely engraved frontispiece showing Augustinian monks preaching: to American Indians, and large plate of the Martyrdom by impalement of Diego Ortez (at Vilcabamba), engraved by De Jode, which is nearly always wanting. Thick folio, vellum. Barcelona, 1638. £52 lOs- " This chronicle is very important for the civil and ecclesiastical history of Peru." Copies with the large plate are of the greatest rarity. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1639 A.D. The Missionary History of Paraguay. [75] RUIZ DE MONTOYA (Antonio), Soc. Jes. Conquista esplritual hectia por los religiosos die la Compania d& Jesus, en las Provincias dtel Parar guay, Parana, Uruguay,. y Tape. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1639. £52 IDs VERY RARE. The Maximilian collection did not include any copy. A history of the Jesuits of Paraguay and the surrooinding countries, containing much valuable information on the Indians, their Religious Rites, etc. Father Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, celebrated Missionary of Paraguay, was born at Lima in 1593. He joined the Jesuit Order in 1606 and was sent by them as a missionary to America. He converted over a hundred thousand Indians. He died at Lima in 1652. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1639 A.D. [76] LOBKOWITZ (J. Caramuel). Philjppus Prudens Carol! V. imp. Filius Lusitaniae^ Algarbiae, indiae^ Brasiliae, Legitimus rex demonstratus. With beautifully engraved coatsof-arms, title-page and 25 magnificent portraits of the Kings and Queens of Portugal. Folio, vellum. Antwerp, Plantin, 1639. • £10 lOS Not in Rodrigues. This very important work is devoted to proving the claims of Philip, the son of Charles- v., as the only legitimate King of Brasil, India and Portugal. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1639 A.D. Sjy'] JOSEF DE ZiSNEROS, Comisario general en el Peru. Disctirso en ef insignG' Autoi dtei la F6, celebrado en esta Real Ciudad de Lima a veinte y tres de Enero, de 1639. 4to, roan. Lima, Geronymo de Conireras, 1639. £10 lOs Very important sermon preached at an Auto de Fe held on the 23rd Jauuary, 1639, by the Commissary General in Peru of the Franciscan Order, who was a. high official of the Inquisition. It is dedicated to the Viceroy and Captain General of Peru, Don Luis Geronymo de Cabrera y Bobadilla. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 54 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 1640 A.D. The Indian Catechism of Brazil. [78] MONTOYA (Father Antonio Ruiz de), Soc. Jes. Catecisma de la Jengua Guarani. (In Guarani and Spanish). Double columns, i2mo, vellum, gilt back, g. e. Madrid, Diego Diaz de la Can era, 1640. £125 We have been imable to trace another copy of tJhis extraordinary rare Catechism in the language of the Guarani Indians, which is the name of the language spoken in a very largo part of the South East portion of South America (Paraguay, Ura^uay, Brazil) ; one of the dialects, the Tupi, ihas become the current language of Brazil, and it is called " Lingoa <3reral do Brasil." Father Ruiz de Montoya, the celebrated missionary of Paraguay, was born at Lima in 1583, and entered the Order of Jesuits in 1606. He was sent to the missions where he converted more than 100,000 Indians. This learned missionary died at Lima in 1652. He was a most active missionary and at the same time a most excellent linguist. Even Eodrigues .was unable to add a copy of this book to his collection as the work is so rare. 1642 A.D. [79] RELAGAO verdacfeira dos Sucessos do Gonde' de Gastelmelhor, preso na cidade de Cartagena de Indias, & hoje livre, por particular merce do Ceo, & favor del Rey Dom Joao IV, na cidade de Lisboa. With woodcut of Royal Arms on title. 4to, vellum. Lisbon, 1642. £10 lOs NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1642 A.D. [80] BRAZIL. ANDRADA LEITAO (Dr. Francisco de. Ambassador to Holland). Gopia das Proposigoes e secunda ailegaQam presentou acerca d^ restituicao da Gidadte de S Paulo> d& Loancfa em Angola, & da Ilha, & Cidade de San Thome, acerca da Ilha, Cidade & districto do Maranham, & outros lug- ares, Cidades & fortalezas, Naos, & navios guerreados, usurpados & tomados por OS vassallos delles, despois do tratado da paz renovada com os ditos Sen- hores Ordens Geraes 14 Junio 1642. 28 pp., small 4to, calf. Lisbon, 1642. £25 * * * A very rare tract concerning the return to Portugal of the various cities and •districts in Brazil captured by the Dutch. Rodrigues mentions tihis book but was unable to find a copy to add to his collection. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 55 1642 A.O. The Jesuit Missionaries in Brazil. [81] GUERREIRO (Bertholameu, Soc. Jes). Cloriosa Coroa d'esforca- dos Religiosos da Companhia d^ Jesu mortos polla Fe Catholica nas Conqiiistas dos Reynos da Coroa dte Portugal. With finely engraved title-page. Folio, old calf , gilt and gauffred edges. Lisbon, 1642. £35 RODRIGCES No. 1169. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. Very interesting work which contains much valuable material for the history of the luissiooos in South America, Asia, and the Orient in the 16th and early 17th centuries. There are many curious eulogies of tlhese missionaries, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian, and among them some of the most ardent propagators of Christianity among the Indians, such as Jose de Anchieta, Saint Francis Xavier, etc. This is the only edition which has been publislhed of this important Chronicle of the Jesuit Order, and it is this circumstance which partly explains the extreme rarity of copies.. No copy of this work has appeared for sale for many years; even Pinto de Matos in his l\fanual of Portuguese Bibliography confessed that he had never seen a copy for sale. The third part of the book is entirely devoted to Brazil from Hhe first expedition of the six Jesuits who in 1549 accompanied Thome de Souza under the direction of Father ManoeL da Nobreda. 1642 A.D. [82] ANDRADE. LEITAM (Francisco dej Embaixador extraordinario nos Estados de Olanda). Disoiirso Politico sobre o se aver de largar a coroa de Portugal, Angola, S. Thome & Maranhao, exclamado aos Altos & Poderosos Estados de Olanda. Large Arms of Portugal on title. 12 pp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 1642. £12 12s * * * Written by the Portuguese Ambassador to Holland, two years after Portugal had thrown off tihe Spanish Yoke and after Holland had restored Brazil to Portugal. It is a proposal that Portugal and Holland should combine against the common enemy Spain and thus protect their American and other Colonies. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1644 A.D. [83] CHILI. Al Secretario Juaiii Baptista Sanz Navarrete, Secretario en el Real de las Indias, de la parte de la Nueva Espana. Disposicion, que se deve tener, para Acabar la Guerra de Chile, poblar a Valdivia, y iemas Fuercas necessarias, remitida su razon. 16 pp., small 4to, new boards. {Madrid, 1644.) * £12 12a * * * A very interesting Memorial concerning the Conquest of Chili, with many- notices about the Indians. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 56 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ? 1645 A.D. The Most Comprehensive, History of the Jesuit Missionaries. [84] NIEREMBERG (Juan Eusebio). Volume I. Ideas de Virtud en Algunos Claros Varones de la Compania de Jesus. Madrid, Maria de Quinones, 1643. Volume II. Firmamento religiose de luzidos astros, en algunos claros varones de la Compania de Jesus Cumplense en este tomo, ye en el antecedente ima Centuria entera. Madrid, Maria de Quinones, 1644. ' Volume III. Honor del gran Patriae^ San Igitaeio de Loyola^ fundador 4& ta Compania de Jesus, enque se propone su vida y la del Apostol de las Jndtas S. Francisco Xavier. Con la milagrosa histoha del admirable Padre J^arcelo Mastrilli, etc. Madrid, Maria de Quinones, 1645. Volume IV. Vidas exemplares y venerables memorias de algunos claros varones de la Compania de Jesus, de los quales es este tomo IV. Madrid, Alonso de Paredes, 164^. £35 We will only quote the notices referring to America contained in these four volumes althougih they are full of valuable information about Japan, China and India. Volume 1. Pages 244-256, Life of Ignacio de Azevedo, martyred in Brazil with 39 <:ompanions ; pp. 256-258, Life of Francisco I'erez Goday, one of Azeved^'s 39 companions; pp. 258-263, Life of Pedro Diaz and eleven Jesuits martyred on the way to Brazil with .4.zevedo; pp. 513-557, Life of Joseph of .inchieta, the Apostle of Brazil, who spent 44 years with the Indians. Vol. II. pp. 230-263, Life of Marciel de L&rencana, the Apostle of Parana, he arrived in Lima in 1592 and spent 39 years in converting the Indians of Paraguay, his life contains interesting accounts of the Paraguay missions; pp. 362-385, Life of Diego de Saura, who died in Manilla from an illness contracted in the interests of the co-untry; pp. 476-489, Lives of Roque Goncalez, Juan del Castillo and Alonzo Rodriguez, martyred in the Paraguay missions, 1628; pp. 489-493, Lives of Pedro Correa and Juan de Sossa, martyred by Brazilian Indiana in 1654; pp. 504-506, Life and martyrdonn of Hernando de Tobar, Tnartyred by the Tepeyuano Indians of Nueva Biscaya in 1616; pp. 507-521, Lives of seven missionaries martyred by the same Indians in 1616 and following years; pp. 544-548, Life of Goncalo de Papia, of the mis'sion of New Spain, who was killed by the Indians in the Province of Sinaloa in 1594; pp. 676-693, Life of Pablo Joseph de .irriaga, who remained 37 years in Peru and is well kncnon by his treatise on the extirpation of Indian idolatry; pp. 693-704, Life of Juan Dario of .iltavilla, who spent his life among the Indians of the Tucuman Province; pp. 713-717, Life of Francisco Pinto, born in Pernambuco in 1553, killed in 1608 by the Indians who lived an the shores of the river Maranon; etc., etc. Vol. IV. Life of Julio Pascual, martyred by the Indians of the Province of Sinaloa; pp. 86-88, Life of Manuel Martinez, martyred in the same Province; pp. 113-137, Life of Juan Seh Parricio, provincial of Peru, born in 1546, died in 1622; pp. 200-206, Life of Pedro Gravina, a missionary for over 30 years in the Province of Cinaloa {died 1635); pp. 206-213, Life of Caspar Osorio Valderradana, martyred by the Chiriguani Indiarts {Paraguay in 1639); pp. 214-215, Life of Ant. Ripario, martyred with Osorio; pp. 246-253, Life of Migual de Fuentes, wlw spent 20 years in the missions of Peru, etc., etc.; pp. 604-607, Lives of Juan B. Segura and Luis de Quiros, martyred in Florida (P1568); pp. 607-610, Life of Pedro Martinez, the jirst martyr of Florida (1554); pp. 685-687, Life of Diego de Torres Rubio, who spent nearly all his life in Peru, and wrote grammars and vocabularies in the Quichua and Aymara languages, etc., etc. NOT /IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. Plate V. s^j^ j^?^^^^^5?j^a^^^^^ Title-page of " Zumarraga. Doctrina brkvk. One of the rarest specimens of :\!exicim Typography and First Edition of the Famous Manui' of Christianity for the American Indians. The third dated Book Printed in America. Mexico, 1543-4. Title-page of one of Las Casas' AmeriIcan Treatises, the first of a Complete Set of 9. Seville. 1552-3. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. $7 1646 A.D. [85] OVALLE (Alonso de). Historica Relatione del Regno de Cile e delle Missioni, e ministerii che esercita in quelle la Compagnia di Giesu. With large folding map, 14 full-page engraved plates, and 18 woodcuts (plans, houses and maps). Twelve cuts are views of the different buildings belonging to) the Jesuits in the Province of Chili, and six are plans of the Ports of Valparaiso, Coquimbo, Quintero, Concepcion, Isle of Saint Mary and the Island of Mocha- Small folio, Iwip vellum {a few mar gifts slightly wormed). Rome, 1646. £25 First Italian issue of the best history of Chili, which appeared at the same time as the Latin issne. The plates are curious^ One at page 58 represents a miraculous tree like Jesus crucified, growing in the valley of Limadhe, in Chili; another the sudden appearance of the Virgin at a battle between the natives and the Spaniards; others, the various games, costumes, etc., of the Indians. Most copies of this edition are usually wanting some of the plates. Father Ovalle, born at Santiago del Chile in 1601, wrote Ihis great work while he was acting as Procurator of his Province at Eome. He died at Lima in 1651. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1648 A.D. [86] CHILI. Chaparro (P. Juan Gongalez; de la Compania de Jesus). Relacion del Gran Terremoto; o tremblor de tierra que assolo toda la Cuidad (de Santiago) de Chile en el Nuevo Mundo. Small 4to, 4 pp., calf. Seville, 1648. £5 5s *** An account of the terrible earthquake of the 13th of May, 1647, which completely destroyed the City of Santiago and the efiects of wlhich were felt over the greater part ot South America. NOT IN THE CHUPtCH CATALOGUE. 1648 A.D. [87] HOOKER (Thomas, late Pastor of Church of Hartford upon Connec- ticutt in New England). A Survey of the Summe of Churoh Discipline. Where- in the Way of the Churches of New England is warranted out of the Word, and all exceptions of weight, which are made against it, answered. 4to, calf {rebacked). - London, 1648. £3 3s NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1649 A.D. [88] BRAZIL. BERNARDO DE BRAGA (Lente de Theologia na Pro vincia do Brasil & Abbade de S. Bento de Pernambuco). Sermani qiiOi PregOU na fesia que fez o Mestre de Campo Anitrd Vidai de Negreiros. 28 pp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 1649. £5 5s. * * * Sermon preached by Father Bernardo de Braga on the Feast of Our Lady of Nazaretih, after the sermon of Fatiher Mathew of St. Francis, who had renounced the. Bishopric of Meliapor in East India in order to become Commissioner ctf Infantry in Brazil. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 58 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 1650 A.D. [89] TAMARIZ DE CARMONA (Antonio). Relacion y description del Temiiro Real de la Ciudad de la Puebla de los Angeles en la Nueva Espana, y su Catedral. Que de orden: de su Magestad acaibo, y consagro a 18 de Abril de 1649 ^1 Senor Don Juan de Palafox y Mendo^a, del Consejo Real de las Indias, y Obispo desta Diocesi; su despedida, y salida para los Reynos de Espana. Con dos Cartas Pastorales del mismo. 4to, vellum. {Mexico), 1650. £6 6s NOT IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. The above is a description of the Cathedral in the city of Puebla de loa Angeles, in New Spain. It was consecrated on the 18tih of April, 1649, by Bishop Palafox y Mendo^a. The book also describes the departure of the Bishop for Spain, and gives two of his pastoral letters. 1650 A.D. Original Missionary MS. Vocabulary of the Guarani Language. [90] VOCABULARIO de lingua Guarani. Original manuscript written by a missionary in the 17th century on about 350 pages of paper, being a Portuguese-Guarani vocabulary. Folio, calf. {Brazil, ca. 1650.) £42 The Guarani language is spoken in a considerable part of the South Eastern portion of South America, Paraguay, Uraguay, Brazil, and one of the dialects Ihas become the common language of Brazil. 1650 A.D. [91] ROXAS (Alonso de). Al Rey Nuestro senor, per la Provinoia de. la Compania de Jesus de la Nueva Espana. En Satisfacion de un libro de el visitador obispd D. Juan de Palafox y Mendoza. Publicado en nombre de el dean, y cabildo de su iglesia catedral de la Puebla de los Angeles. 278 pp., 4to, vellum. {Mexico, about 1650.) £10 lOs Father Alonso de Roxas, the author of this Memorial, was the procurator general of the Jesuit Order for the province of New Spain. Palafox answered this memorial in 1652 ill a folio volume of 157 pages. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 59. 1650 A.D. [92] COTTON rjohn, Teacher of the Church of Christ in Boston in New England). Of the Holinesse of Church- Members. Small 4to, full russia gilt, g. e. London, 1650. »7 lOs A Treatise written, after Cotton, was temporarily suspended for the disuse of the " ceremonies " in Boston. NOT IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 1650 A.D. Printed in Mexico. [93] MEXICO. Relacion del Solemne Jubilee (fe< las Missiones, que los Padres de la Compania de Jesus, celebraron y administraron este Ano de 1649, en la Ciudad de Mexico par orden del Senor D. Juan de Manozca, Arcobispo desta Metropoli. 20 pp., small 4to, wraffers. Mexico, 1650. £6 6s * * * A relation of the Jubilee of the Jesuit Catholic Mission.^ in Mexico NOT IX THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1652 A.D. The Portuguese Missionaries in America. [94] CARDOSO (George). Agiologio Lusitano dos Sanctos, e Varoens illustres em virtude do Reino de Portugal, e suas Conquistas. 4 vols., folio, old calf, Lisbon, 1652. £25 Rare Hagiology of the Portuguese Saints and Missionaries in America and the Orient, referring to their work at Amboyna, Bassora, Brazil, Cambodia, Ceylon, China, Japan, Nagasaki, Goa, India, Morocco, Nagapatam, San Paolo, San Vicente (Brazil), Sumatra, San Thome, Guadalupe, Macassar, Porteseguro (Brazil), Timur, Bengal, Cochin-China, Madure, Mocambique, Canton, Ceuta, Pegu, etc. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1652 A.D. [95] PALAFOX Y MENDOZA (Juan de). Bishop Al Rey Nuestro Senor. Satisfacion al Memorial de Los Religiosos dela Compania de Jesus de la Nueva- Espana. Por La Dignidad Episcopal de la Puebla de Los Angeles Sobre la Execucion, y Obediencia del Breve Apostolico de Nuestro Xantisimo Padre Inno- cencio X. Expedido en su favor a XIIIL de Mayo de M.DC.XLVin. y Passado Repetidamente, y Mandado Executar por el Supremo Consejo de las Indias. En el qual determino su santidad veinte y seis Decretos Sacramentales, y Jurisdic- cionales, importantes al bien de las Almas. Folio, vellum. Madrid, 1652. £5 5s Memorial presented to the King by the famous Bishop of Puebla de los Angeles. It was an answer to the attack of Father Alonso de Roxas. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. t6o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1652 A.D. Printed in Mexico. [96] PALAFOX Y MENDOZA (Juan de), Bishop. Al Rey Nuestro Senor. Satis facion Al Memorial De Los Religiosos de La Compania del Nombre de Jesus de la Nueva-Espana. For La Dignidad Episcopal de la Puebla de los Angelos. Sobre La Execucion, y Obediencia del Breve Apostolico de N. Santissimo Padre Innocencio X. Expedido en su Favor a XIIII de Mayo de M.DC.XLVIII. Pas- sado repetidamente, y mandado executar por el Supremo Consejo de la Indias. En el qual determine su Santidad veinte y seis Decretos Sacramentales, y Juris- .diccionales, importantes al bien de las almas. 157 leaves, folio, /lalf calf. {Mexico), 1652. £10 10s Memorial presented to the King by the famous Bishop of Puebla de los Angeles. It was an answer to the attack of Father Alonso de Roxas. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1653 A.D. The First English Edition. [9;] CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. A Platform of Church. Discipline: Gathered out of the Woid of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Messen- gers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in New-England : To be presented to the Churches and General Court for their Consideration and Acceptance in the Lord. The First English Edition, edited with a Preface by Edward Winslow. 29 pp., small 4to, uncut as issued. Printed in N ew-En gland; and Reprinted in London for Peter Cole, 1653. (See Illustration, Plate No. XVIL). £105 * * * exceedingly rare, and probably unique in UNCUT STATE. EBWAEI) Wl^SLOW , the famous leader of the Pilgrivi Fathers, was at this time in England getting Parliament to pass an Act for the Promoting and Propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in New England. This book is the Celebrated CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM, in which is embodied the .ecclesiastical policy of New England Congregationalism. The work was the result of the deliberations of the synod called in May, 1646, and ■ continued by adjournment to August, 1648. " It is," says Dexter, " a terse, clear, and well- balanced summary of the general system which had been already outlined in the treatises of the New Engla7id Elders; enlarged by being carried to its logical conclusions on a few points which had never been fully developed." John Cotton, of whom Roger Williams wrote that the people of Ma^ssachuSetts " could hardly believe that God would suffer Mr. Coiton to err," possibly had the largest agency in the preparation of this work, notwithstanding ..the fact that the original manuscript is in the handwriting of Richard Mather. The First Edition^ printed in Cambridge, 1649, sold at .Auction in 1913, fen- S3425.00. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 61 1654 A.D. [98] PALAFOX AND THE JESUITS. Ultimo brave cfe la Santidad de Jnnocencio X. Del ano de M.DC.LTIII. Sobre Algunas differencias Espiri- tuales, Jurisdiccionales, y Sacrament ales, que se siguieron entre la Jurisdiccion Episcopal de la Puebla de los Angeles, y los Religiosos de la Compania de Jesus de la^ Nueva-Espana, en el qual se confirma los dos Breves antecedentes del ano de 1647, y de 165 1, y se pone silencio perpetuo, declarando la Apostolica Sede toda la cotroversia, y los puntos que por uiia y otra parte se consultaron. A que se iiguieron tres Cedulas Reales, despachadas por el Real Cosejo de las Indias, para que se execute, y cumpla. Y el obedecimiento del Reverendissimo P. General dela Compania e del P. Procurador. Folio, calf. {Madrid, 1654.) £10 lOs See also Noe. 95 and 96 of this Catalogue for other works on the controversy between the Bishop of Puebla de los Angeles and the Jesuits. 1659 A.D. Privately Printed Contemporary Account of the Peruvian Missionaries. [99] ACUNA (Gonsalez de). Informe a N.R.P.M. general d^l orden d© Predicoadores, Fray Jhoani Baptista de Marinis, With engraved title-page. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1659. £25 The above privately-printed work is an account of the state of the Province of St. John the Baptist in Peru, rendered by the author to the General of the Order. He gives a complete account of the historical facts connected with Peru, Venezuela, New Spain, etc., etc. We have been unable to iind any reference to the sale of a copy of "this book, which comprises 448 pages of important facts and bibliographies of missionaries and important documents. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1661 A.D. [100] CLUVERIUS (P.). Introduotjonis in Universam Geegraphicutn Libri VI. With many inteiesting maps (some 46 in, number), including a very fine folding map of America (showing California, etc.), and a fine large world map. 4to, half calf , g. e. Amsterdam, i66i. £3 lOs 1662 A.D. [loi] XARQUE (Francisco). Vida Prodjglosa del Padre Antonia Ruiz 4>e Man toy a. 4to, calf. Saragossa,. 1662. £5 5s Father Ruiz de Montoya, the celebrated Jesuit missionary of Paraguay, was born at Lima in 1583. He joined, the Jesuit Order in 1606 and became a missionary. During his lifetime he converted over a hundred thousand Indians. In 1652 he died at Lima. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 62 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 1682 A.D. [102] RELAGION del etiquentro que tuivierott dos Naos de las Indias Oocidentales, con una esquadra de Fragatas de Guerra Turques cas a la vista de Tarifa, y sobre el Cabo de Trafalgar, este ano de 1662. Large woodcut at top of title. 4 pp., folio, new boards. Madrid, 1662. £6 6s * * * An interesting relation of the successful defence of the American Treasure Ships against a vastly superior fleet of Turkish pirates when nearly home. NOT IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 1663 A.D. History of the Jesuit Missionaries in Brazil. [103] VASCONCELLOS (Padre Simao de). Chronica d^ Companhia de Jesu do Estado do Brasil e do que obrarao seus filhos nesta parte do Novo MundO. Tomo Primeiro (all published) do Entrada da Companhia de Jesu nas partes do Brasil et dos fundamentos que nellas lan^arao & continuarao seus Religiosos em quanto^ alii trabalhou o Padre Manoel da Nobrega, Fundador"; & primeiro Provincial com sua vide & morte digna de memoria; e algunas noticias antecedentes curiosas, e necessarias das cousas daquelle Estado. With finely engraved frontispiece. Folio, calf. Lisbon, 1663. £31 lOs- Chronicle of tihe greatest importance for the years 1549-157(K The Contents are : Noticias curiosas, 188 pp. ; Chronica, 479 pp. ; Verses of Father Joseph Anchieta in praise of the Virgin, pp. 481-528; and Indexw " One of the best works published in the 17t)h century," according to Innocencio. Father Simao de Vascon cellos was born in Oporto in 1597 and died at Rio de Janeiro in 1671. He was Procurator General of the Jesuits at Rome and Provincial of Brazil. He was the companion of Father Vieira on his voyage to Lisbon in 1641 and then went to Rome. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1663 A.D. Portugal the First Missionary Kingdom. [104] SO USA (Antonio de). Proposta que o secretario d© estado An^ tonio d© Sousa d© Macedo fez vocalmente por mandado d© Sua Magestade, ajunta dos Ecclesiasticos, Cathedraticos, & outras Pessoas doutas, & Ministros de Tribunaes. No Conuento de S. Francisco de Lisboa. 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 1663. £5 5s The author refers to the fact that the Churches were without prelates, whole provinces of this kingdom and all the islands and the conquered lands (in America and India) were totally in want of the sacrament of Confirmation, and as regards the greater part also in want of the sacrament of the extreme unction for want of oil, and there was no oil for cere- monies of Baptism. Other nations were not in want of them and the natives were begging for these things from the enemies of Portugal, to whom Portugal had first preached the- Gospel; Portugal was the first kingdom of the world which was first Christian and Catholic, it was the first missionary kingdom and the most glorious one. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 63 1666 A.D. [105] DAVIES (J.). The history of the Caribby-lslancts, viz. Barbadoes, St. Christopher, St. Vincent, Martinico, Dominico, Barbouthos, Montserrat, Nevis, Antego, etc., in all twenty-eight. With a Caribbian vocabiilary. With numerous curious fuU^age plates. Folio, old calf, rebacked. London, 1666. £3 lOs NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1669 A.D. [106] SARMIENTO DE LOS SALVADORES (Agustin). Clarin (fe la Aurora y Excelenoias (te la Reyna dei los Angeles Maria. With engraved portrait of the author. 4to, old calf gilt. Lima, Joseph de Contreras, 1669. £4 lOs The author was Rector of the Parish Church of St. Sebastian in the City of Lima in Peru, and formerly a Royal Official in the Tribunals of the " Santa Cruz " in New Spain, and then a cleric in the Archbishopric of Lima. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1670 A.D. [10;] GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Histoire de la Florida ou relation da se qui s'est pass6 au voya^ d^ Ferdinand! d^ Soto, ou la conquete de ce pays. i2mo, red morocco, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, 1670. £4 4s FINE COPY. This is a contemporary narrative of Hernando de Soto's Conquest of Florida, and the second to be published. The work is based upon the relations of eye-witnesses and was written forty years after the eventis which it narrates, and with the professed object of iloing justice to tile memory of De Soto. Field, in his Indian Bibliography, devotes a long note to this author and Ihis works. 1670 A.D. [108] R ESP U EST A que dio cierto ministro al Rey Philipe solire las oosas ife Portugal. 4 PP-, 4to. N.P., about 1670. £2 2s The author asks the King in what way the millions from the Indies were spent. He states that the Portuguese conquered tlhe East Indies and barbarous nations; Holland was •conquered in Brazil (which is a part of America, the author states) by the Portuguese. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1671 A.D. [109] LA RUA (Fernando de). Commissary General of the Franciscan. Order for iNew Spain. Informe que hizo al rey Nuestro Senor, en virtud de su real sedula el Padre Frey Fernando de La Rua . . ano de 1669; dado a. la estampa el P. Matheo de Heredia, procurador general en la corte de Madrid ano de 167 1. Folio, 7ieiv boards. Madrid, 1671. £10 10& Very fine copy of a document wihich is extraordinarily interesting because it gives a detailed account of the State of the Franciscan mission in Mexico in 1669. NOT IX THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1672 A.D. [no] VEITIA LINAGE (Joseph de). Norte de ta Contratracion de la& indias Ocoittelltates (en la qual se trata de la Creacion y origen de la Real. Audiencia, de los Tribunales del Consul ado, de la plata, y oro, y de los assien- tos, de los licencias de commerciar en las Indias, de las Armadas y Flotes, los Pilotes, y un Epitome de los Puertos de las Indias, etc.), With finely engraved frontispiece. 2 vols., folio, calf. Sevilla, 1672. , £10 lOs Kodrigues 2470. This work contlains a resume of the laws and institutions of Spanisli America; it is rare and spoken highly of by Salva. Veitia Linage of Burgos, who was a royal treiisurer, had a rather oheciiiered career. An embezzlement from the Royal Treasure took place between Acapulco and Vera Cruz in the year 1709, in its transmissicm homewards from the I'liilippine Islands through tihose towns. Accusation was made against Veitia, the author of the above book. NOT IK THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1672 A.D. [in] LOARTE (Fr. Lucas). HistOlia de la Vida, Milagros, y Virtudes del Glorioso San Luis Bertran, del orden de Predicadores. Small 4to, original vellum. Madrid, 1672. . £6. lOs * * * St. Luis Bertran was the celebrated Missionary to the American Indians. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 65 1672 A.O. " The Apostle of Brazil." [112] VASCONCELLOS (Father Simon de). Villa do Vetveravel padre Joseph de Atiohieta, da Compaithia de Jesu, taumaturgo do Novo Mundo, na Provincia do Brasil. With remarkable engraved portrait, showing Anchieta taming wild beasts. Folio, calf. Lisbon, 1672. £25 Eodrigues 2460, " Earissimo." Father Joseph Anchieta was born on the Island of Teneriffe in 1533, and joined the Noviciate of .the Jesuits at Coimbra at the age of 17^ He embarked in 1553 for Brazil, where he spent the rest of his life and converted uhe Indians very successfully. He died in the Capitania of Espiritu Santo in 1597. He has been named " The Apostle of Brazil." NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1673 A.D. Published for the Use of the Missionaries in Mexico. [113] VETANCURT (Fray. Aug. de). Arte de lengua Mextcana, dis- puesto por orden, y mandato de N. R^o p. Fr. Francisco Trevino, Predicador Theologo, Padre de la Santa Provincia de Burgos, y Comissario^General de todas las de la Nueva-Espana. Small 4to, cloth. Mexico, 1673. £21 One of the most valuable and rarest Mexican Grammars. Published for use of the missionaries in Mexico. Father August de Bethencourt was born in Mexico in 1620, became a Franciscan Missionary at a very early age, and spent nearly the whole of his life among the Indians. He had a profound knowledge of the Mexican language. He died at the age of 80^. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1675 A.D. Original Manuscript. [114] PROMOTION OF TRADE IN ENGLAND. A Manuscript of 86 pp. Small 4to, limp vellum. Circa 1675. £35 An interesting manuscript ending with the following : " The premises considered and redressed the people of England would recover their antient glory and greatness, and in short time be the highest and most powerful people in Europe." Etc. It is a powerful treatise concerning the trade of Great Britain and tihe cause of its (Continued over) 66 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Promotion of Trade in England — continued. decline. The Author states how the Dutch have captured practically the whole of England's trade with Europe, even capturing the produce of our Colonies, and whereas formerly the Dutch had no manufactures they now manufacture in huge quantities woollen and other textile goods, which they export to all parts of the world. Tihe chief reason given for the rise of the Dutch is that we have allowed them to monopolize the fisheries, thus giving them encouragement to build ships, and the great number of their fishermen have enabled them to man a great Navy which has become a dominant power on the seas, and that they thave allied themselves with the Princes of Ger- many " and so elevated with their vast armies and strength of their league, Germanie having in 200 years not been so united, that now, instead of seeking or designing a good peace, they discourse of nothing more than the mine of France itselfe." The Author further states that instead of seeking an alliance with Holland, we should have made alliance with France, " A peace between England & France may bee maintained, but betwixt England and Holland never, nor a peace long unlesse Holland and Zeeland would bee brought to another sort of regulation in Trade than they could ever yet be brought too." The treatise deals with many very interesting details as to the amount and values of the Fisheries in various years, and of the textile goods. It further relates the aggression of the Dutch in the English Colonies in America and how in self defence we had to seize their Colony of New Amsterdam (now New York). " In Onno 1601 several Merchants of Holland set out 17 Armatures for to seize, plunder and make prize of all Spanish ships and vessels in the West Indies or to burn and destroy any of the Spanish towns and villages in those parts, and for the better effecting their designe they received liberty of Queen Elizabeth to loan some harbour about the Island Manhattan, Ac, betwixt the degree of 40 and 41 where they could finde the most convenient places for their cleaning and refitting their ships, here they built a large magazine for their purpose which they fortifie.od rpc/ rado: nf o feilo:: ^ afli nicfmo t>c como cntondard a vctura bdtran po:qmato fuiiin§cr '4 ^Ss^ r Title-page of the only copy known of llie Contemporary Account from Lima, in of the Outbreak of the last revolt of the Conqnistaclors\ " Francisco Hernandez Giron. Treslado de una Carta." I'cru, Plate VIII. .^>^ #^'^ Copia de vnas Cartas dcalgunos padres yhcrma nosdcla companiadelefus cjuecf criuicron dcla India, Upon, y Bra fil alospadres y her id a nosdcla mii macotppaniajcn Portugal irafla dadas de porcuguesen cadclla no. Fueio reccbidas cl aiio dc mil y cjuinicntos y cincucntay cinco. ^Acabaronfe a trcze dias ddnics dc Dcziennber. Por f oan Aluarcz. Alio. M. D. IV. Title-paye of the First Collection of Jesuit ^lissionary Kelations in Spanish. Lisbon, 1555. See Item No. 22. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 73 1689 A.D. [130] A COMPLEAT COLLECTION OF PAPERS, in Twelve Parts; relating to the Great Revolutions in England and Scotland. 12 parts in i volume, small 4to, new half calf. London, 1689. £3 3s *** Part 6 contains: "A Narrative of the Miseries of New England, by reason of an Arbitrary Government erected there." " That a Colony so considerable as New England is, should be discouraged, is not for t!he Honour and Interest of the English Nation; in as much as the people there are generally Sober, Industrious, Well-Disciplin'd, and apt for Martial Affairs; so, that he that is Sovereign of New England, may by means thereof (when he pleaseth) be Emperor of America." Concerning Massachusets Colony, Plimouth Colony, Conecticot Colony, Boston, New-York, Charles-town. Also " The Petition and Address of John Gibson and George Willow on the behalf of the Inhabitants of Cambridge in New England." 1690 A.D. Christian Doctrines for the Indians in their Native Tongue. [131] RUIZ BLANCO (Father Matias). A Franciscan Missionary. Conversion do Piritu. De Indios Cumanagotos, Palenques. y Otros. Sus Principos, y Incrementos que oy tiene, con todas las cosas mas singulares de Pais, politica, y ritos de sus naturales, practica que se observa en su Reduccion, y otras cosas dignas de memoria. i2mo, vellum. Madrid, 1690. £105 Pages 112-160 of this work contain " Practica que ay en la Ensenan^a de los Indios, y un directiuo para que los Eeligiosos puedan commodamente instruirlos las cosas essen- ciales de la Religion Christiana." This is a collection of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church in the language of the Indians of New Andalusia and New Barcelona. At the end of the work are verses in the Indian langiuage to celebrate Christmas. THIS WORK IS OF THE GREATEST RARITY. Father Mathias Buiz Blanco was commissary and Apostolic preacher of the m,issions of Piritu, and was horn at Estepa. He became professor of the Franciscan Order at Sevilla, in 1666. In 1670 he left as a missionary for active work in the missions of New Andalusia, Cunuina, etc. He evangelised the Tharacudres Indians, founded the mission of St. John the Fvangelist, and then went to the Topocuare Indians, where he founded another mis 4to, boards. Naples, 1744. £7 lOs In favour of the Jesuits in the Paraguay. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 94 MAGGS BROS., 34 ^*^ 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1744 A.D. [194] AN ACT for granting a Liberty to carry Sugars of the Growth, Produce, or Manufacture of any of His Majesty's Sugar Colonies in America, from the said colonies directly to foreign Parts in Ships built in Great Britain, and navigated according to Law, etc. Folio, boards. London, 1744. ^ lOs 6d 1746 A.O. On Texas. Presentation Copy from the Author. [195] ESPINOSA (Fray Isidro Fehs de). Chronica apostolica y sera- phica de todos ios colegios de propaganda fide de esta Nueva Espana de Missioneros Franciscanos observantes. Parte primera. Folio, vellum. Mexico, Viuda de D. J. B. de Ho gal, 1746. £31 lOs A work of the greatest rarity and importance^ A few chapter headings : " Descubri- miento de la provincia de Ios Assinais, Uamados Texas " ; " Providencias que dio el Sr. Conde de Galve para la provincia de Ios Texas, y todo lo que sucedio hasba el ano de 93 en que se retiraron todos Ios Misioneros"; ' Descripcion de la provincia de Ios Texas, costumbres de loft INDIOS, y la variedad de sus ritos, idolalTias y supersticiosas ceremoniaa/' The author treats of the rites, oustoms and manners of the Indians of the region of Guatemala, Iricaragua, Honduras, Talamanca, Lacandon, Rio Grande, Charguez, Eio de San Antonio. This is a presentation copy from the author (two lines in his autograph) to the College of St. Eoque de Calamucha. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1746 A.D. New York's First Contribution to Science. [196] COLDEN (Cadwallader) An Explication of the First Causes of Action in Matter; and of the Cause of Gravitation. 8vo, 75 pp., uncut in lettered buckram -portfolio. New York: Printed in the Year 1745. London Refrinted : for J. Brindley, 1746. £12 lOs * * * The first London Edition and exceedingly rare This work. New York's first contribution to science, was written by Lieutenant- Governor CadAYallader Colden, and is the first draft of chapters 1 and 2 of his larger work Principle of Action in Matter, v.^hioh appeared in London, 1752. The work excited much comment at the time of its publication. Colden, one of the first of American scientists, was a friend of Linnaeus and Franklin, MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 95 Golden (Cadwallader) — continued. and was also prominent in political life, being Acting Governor of New York during the Stamp Act agitation, at which time he was burned in efl&gy in Bowling Green. The work seems to have become scarce as early as 1786, for in January of that year Mr. Jefferson, writing to Francis Hopkinson, observes : — " Many, many years ago, Cadwallader Golden wrote a very small pamphlet on the subjects of Attraction and Impulsion, a copy of which he sent toMonsieur de Bufton. He was so charmed with it that he put it into the hands of a friend to translate, who lost it. It has ever since weighed upon his mind, and he has made repeated trials to have it found in England. But in vaiui He applied to me. I am in hopes if you write a line to the booksellers of Philadelphia to rummage tiheir shops, thnt some of them will find it. Or perhaps some of the careful old people of Philadelphia or New Jersey may have preserved a copy. Whether Hopkinson was successful does not appear." — Menzies Catalogue. 1746 A.D. Life of the Missionary Father Vieyra " the Great." [197] BARROS (Father Antonio de, S.J.). Vida do apostolico Padre Antonio Vieyra da Companhia do Jesus, chamado por Antonomasia "O Grande," acclamada no Mundo por principe dos oradores evangelicos, pregador incomparavel dos reys de Portugal, varao esclarecido em virtudes, e letras divi- nas, e humanas, Restaurador das Missoes do Maranhao, e Pore, With full-page portrait of Vieyra converting the Indians, and vignettes. Folio, calf. Lisbon, 1746. £8 8s Rodrigues 348. Father Antonio de Barros was born at Lisbon in 1697 and became the Superior of the Jesuits in that town. He died at Lisbon in 1754. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1746 A.D. [198] AN ACT for the better Encouragement of the Tradls of His Majesty's Sugar Colonies in America in the West Indies. Folio, boards. London, 1746. 14s * * * " Mariners belonging to Privateers or Trading Ships, not to be impressed ; for the better encouragement of His Majesty's Ships, and private ships of War, and the annoying and diminishing the Power and Wealth of his Majesty's Enemies in those parts," unless any of the colonies are threatened with invasion, when they may be impressed. 1746 A.D. [199] AN ACT to oontjntie two Acts of Parliament; one for encouraging the Growth of Coffee in His Majesty's Plantations in America, and the Other for the better securing and encouraging the Trade of His Majesty's .Sugar Colonies in America (in the West Indies). Folio, boards. London, 1746. ' " lOs 6d q6 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 1747 A.D. [200] EXTRACTS from the several treaties subsisting between Great Britain and other Itingdoms and States, of such articles and clauses as relate to the duty and conduct of the commanders of the King of Great Britain's ships of war. Second edition. 4to, old calf. London, 1747. £2 2s Among the many references to America is the " American treaty " of 1686 with France; the treaty of peace at Utrecht, 1713; the American treaty of commerce of 1686 (confirming the treaty of Breda, of 1667); the treaties with Spain; Ihe marine treaty of Utrecht with Spain, 1713; the treaty of Munster, 1648; the American trealy of 1670 with Spain; the treaty of peace at Utrecht, 1713, etc. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE 1747 A.D. [201] GOLDEN (Hon. Cadwallader). The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, Which are dependent on the Province of New-York in America, and are the Barrier between the Enghsh and French in that Part of the World, &c. . • With folding map. 8vo, orignal calf. London, 1747. £5 5s * * * This is the First Complete Edition, containing, additions and alterations. It originally appeared in New York in 1747. It is the First General History of the Iroquois Indians, and was written to thwart t'he efforts of the French to monopolize the Fur Trade. Golden was a most intelligent observer, and is frank and positive in stating his conviction that the Indians had been degraded and demoralized by their intercourse with the whites. 1747 A.D. [202] LINCOLN (Bishop of). A Sermon Preached before the Incorpor- ated Socilety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at their Anniversary Meeting in the Parish Church, of Mary-le-Bow, on Friday, Feb. 20th, 1746. Together with an Abstract of the Proceedings of the Society; for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, containing references to some parts of America. Also a List of the Sum Total of Benefactions, Salaries, etc., expended in New England, New York, Pennsylvanian , etc. 64 pp., 4to, seivn. London, 1747. £1 5s NOT IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 97 1748 A.O. With a View of Buenos Ayres. [203] FERREIRA DA SYLVA (Silvestre). Relacdo do Sitio que o Gover- nador de Buenos Aires, D. Miguel de Salcedo poz no anno de 1735, a Praga de nova Colonia do Sacramento, sendo Governador da mesma Praga, Antonio Pedro de Vasconcellos. With five plans, including a view of " Buenos Aires." 4to, calf. Lisbon, 1748. £12 12s The author of this relation was a standard bearer in the fortress during the siege. The colony of Sacramento was founded in 1678 by the Portuguese and taken two years later by the Spaniards, who restored it to the Portuguese in 1681, according to the peace treaty made between Portugal and Spain. It was, however, taken and retaken several times till 1777, when it was finally destroyed by. the Spaniards. NOT IX THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 1748 A. D. [204] ORDENANZAS de sii Magestad par el Govierno Militar, Politico^ y EconoTnico de su Armada Naval. Two parts, with fine vignettes, engraved by Moreno. 4to. The dedication copy to King Ferdinand TV., of Spain, tnost elaborately bound in red morocco, sides fully covered with ornamental borders, and inlaid leather, with the Royal Arms in centre of each cover , and the Royal Croivn repeated several times on the back, g. e. Madrid, Juan de Zuniga, 1748. £35 Volume I. contains the Orders for travels to America, which occupy pages 386-418, and are entitled " De los Viages a America." ]\rAGXIFICENT COPY ON LARGE PAPER. 1748 A.D. [205] ANSON (George). A Voyage round the World in th© years 1740-4. By George Anson, Commander in Chief of a Squadron of His Majesty's Ships, sent upon an Expedition to the South-Seas. Compiled by Richard Walter, M.A. With Charts of the Southern Part of South America, of Part of the Pacific Ocean, and of the Track of the Centurion round the World. Fourth Edition, thick 8vo, old calf. London, 1748. 14s NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. q8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1749 A.D. [206] BERREDO (Bernardo Pereira de). Antiaes Historicos Cfe Estado do Maranhdo em que se da Noticia do sou d^scobrimento e tudio mais que nelle tetrn suooedido d^sde o anno em que foy descuberto ate o de 1718. Folio, calf. Lisbon, 1749. £25 Rodrigues 388. First edition of this most important work. According to Varnhagen, " It is one of the most valuable books in existence for the history of Brazil." " One of the rarest books and at the same time one of the best private histories of Brazil." — Leclerc. Berredo was governor of Maranon and Captain General of Mazagan in Morocco. He died on March 13th, 1748, at Lisbon, before the book was printed. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATL4.L0GUE. 1749 A.D. [207] AN ACT for encouraging the People known by the Name of Unitas Fratrum ox United Brethren, to settle in His Majesty's Colonies in America. Folio, boards. London, 1749. 12s 6d * * * The United Brethren or Moravians to be allowed freedom of conscience, allowe Malo, Reales exequias de la serenissima senora Da Ysabel Farnecio princesa de Parma, y reyna de las Espanas: celebradas en la santa iglesia cathedral en la imperial corte mexicana. With 16 emblematic engravings and a folding plate of the catefalque in the Cathedral. 4to, calf. Mexico, 1767. £6 6s NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1768 A.D. [242] CAUSA Jesuttica de PortugaT, o documentos autenticos, bulas, leyes reales, despachos de la secretaris de estado, y otras piezas originales, Que precedieron a la Reforma, y motivaron despues la expulsion de los Jesuitas de ios Dominios de Portugal. En que se halla la Republica del Paraguay, y Maranon, Que contiene la relacion de la Guerra que sustentaron los Jesuitas, contra las Tropas, Espanolas, y Portuguesas, en el Uruguay, y Parana. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1768. £10 lOs Interesting work containing all the documents, bulls, etc.. referring to the war between the Jesuits and tihe Portuguese and Spanish troops in Uruguay and Parana. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1768 A.D. [243] BOSTON. AMES (N.). An Astronomtcal Diary or Almanack for 1768. Calculated for the Meridian of Boston, New England, the Courts in Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, etc., etc. Small 8vo, new boards, UNCUT. Boston, U.S.A., 1768. 18s NOT IN CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 11 1 1768 A.D. [244] HOWARD (Middleton). The Conquest af Quebec: a Poem. Sm. 4to, original ivraffers, uncut. Oxford, 1768. £2 lOs This poem secured the Chancellor's Prize for the best English Poem on the Conquest oi Quebei. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1768 A.D. [245] OLDMIXOK (John). The British Empire in America, containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and present state of all the Biitish Colonies, on the Continent and Islands of America. With numerous finely engraved folding maps, including A New Map of North America (with California as an island); New Map of New Foundland, New Scotland, etc.; Virginia and Maryland; Carolina; JBermudos; Barbadoes; Jamaica; etc., by Herman Moll. 2 vols., 8vo, original calf. London, 1768. £3 lOs 1769 A.D. [246] NODAL (Bartholome Garcia de). Reiaoion del Viage al desoubri- miento del Estrecho nuevo de San Vincente etc, las Derrotas db la America Occidental per Manuel d^ Echavelar. With folding map of the Straits of St. Vincent and Magellan. 2 vols, in I, small 4to, original vellum. Cadiz (1769). £8 lOs The work gives an account ot the Spanish expedition sent out by order of Philip III., immediately after the return of Schouten's expedition, for the exploration of the Magellan Straits. The brothers ISlodal sailed from Lisbon on 27th December, 1618, and did not return until July 9 of the following year. They had with them two Dutch pilots, Jan de Witte, named in the narrative, and Valentine Jansz, who wrote another account of the same voyage, which is preserved in the Archives of the Hague. They had both been with Schouten on his voyage. Tlie Strait Le Maire Avas le-christened Saint Vincent, which name it retained for some time on Spanish maps. The map accompanying this work is supposed to have been suppressed. It enters more into detail than that of Le Maire. 112 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, 1769 A.D. [247] SANCHO DE SANTA JUSTA Y RUFINA (Basilic). Exemplares de carta que el lflo y Rmo. Senor D. Basilto Sanoho fie Santa y Rufina Arzo- bispo de Manila^ Metropolitan© de las Islas PhiHpinas escrivio al Muy Ilustre Senor Govemador, y C apit an General de las mismas, Mariscal de Campo D. Joseph Raon, con el motivo de haberse efectuado por un Senor Ministro de la Real Audiencia la supression de unos Impressos, instructivqs de la conducta, y doctrinas de los Regulares de la Compania, dados al publico en Madrid Con Superior permiso y que conduxo a Philipinas la Fragata de su Magestad nom- brada La Venus; el ano de 1769; de Edicto. Que su Senora illustrissima mando publicar verificada la dicha supression, para aquietar las conciencias de los Fieles de su Diocesi; De respuesta en que su senoria illustrissima para mstruccion de su Pueblo, satisface a los escrupulos de cierto Theologo, que de resultas de la publicacion del Edicto le escrivio una carta censurando los Im- pressos referidos. With engraved frontispiece containing a portrait of Charles III., King of Spain, above four statues representing America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Small folio, calf. Manilla (1769). £10 lOs This very interesting work refers to the suppression of pamphlets attacking the con- duct and doctrines of the Jesuits, which were published in Madrid, and brought to the I'hilippines in 1769, in H.M. frigate " La Venus."' The Archbishop wished the suppression of the pamphlets to be discontinued, which caused much trouble among the public. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1769 A.D. [248] MAGELLAN'S VOYAGE. ORTEGA (Casimoro de) Resumen Historico del primier Viage hecho al redecfor del Munde, emprendido por Her- nando de Magallanes, y llevado felizmente a termino por el famoso Capitain Espanol Juan Sebastian del Cano. Frontispiece. 55 pp., sm. 4to, calf. Madrid, 1769. £2 lOs XOT IN THE CIIUECH CATALOGUE. 1769 A.D. [249] MAUDUIT (Israel). A Short View of the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, with respect to their Original Charter and Constitu- tion. 71 pp., 8vo, new boards. London, 1769. £2 2S * * * " In all the late American disturbances, and in every attempt against the Authority of the British Government, the People of Massachusetts Bay have taken the lead. Every new Move towards Independence has been theirs. And in every fresh Mode of Eesis- tanc© against the Laws, they have first set the Example and then issued their admonitory Letters tc tlhe other Colonies to follow it." etc. XOT IX THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. xMAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 113 1769 A.D. [250] LORENZANA (F. A.)- Gonotlios Mexioanos Provinciaies primero y segutido oetebrados en la Muy noble, y ntuy real ciudad de Mexico en los anos 1555 y 1565. With vignettes. 4to, vellum. Mexico, 1769. £6 6s Very important collection- of the Mexican Provincial Councils published here for the first time from original documents by the learned Archbishop of Mexico. The first Mexican council took place in 1555 under the presidency of the Archbishop Alonzo de Montufar. In addition to the Mexican provincial councils Lorenzana has printed in this volume a catalogue and biography of the Archbishops of Mexico, of the Bishops of Puebla (preceded by the Bulls relating to the election of the Church of that town) of Guatemala, Antiequera, Michoacan, Guadalaxara, Yucatan, and Durango. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1770 A.D. [251] CORTES' (Hernando). Historta de^ Nueva^Espana, aumentada com otros documentos, y notas. Por Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzo- bispo de Mexico. With vignette on title, frontispiece engraved by Navarro, a folding map of New Spain, engraved in 1769, large folding plate of the great Temple of Mexico, 31 plates of Mexican hieroglyphics, and large folding map of Cali- fornia, by the pilot Domingo del Castillo, and a full-page plate of the ancient Mexican calendar. 4to, vellum. Mexico, 1770. £7 10s Extremely important work containing valuable documents on the history of the Conquest of Mexico. The mere fact that the three celebrated letters of Cortes (second, third and fourth) are reprinted in this volume, together with the notes of the learned Archbishop of Mexico, add to its value. Between pages 176 and 177 is a facsimile on 31 full-page engraved plates of a Mexican book in hieroglyphical characters (together with the transcription and Spanish translation), which contains a list of tthe different towns which paid tribute to' the Emperor Montezuma before the Spanish conquest. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1770 A.D. [252] CALLOWAY (Jos., late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania). The Examination before the House of Commons, in a Committee on the American Papers, with Explanatory Notes. Second Edition. 86 pp., 8vo. London, 1770. Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. 93 pp. Large folding plan of the British and Rebel Army in the Campaign. 4th Edition. 1777. A Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount H — e, on his naval conduct in the Americaai War. Second Edition, corrected. 50 pp. A Reply to the Observations of Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Howe. 148 pp. Four Pamphlets together in i vol., 8vo, half calf. £8 lOs 114 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1771 A.D. [253] BOSSU (M). Travels through that part of North America formerly oalted Louisiana, translated from the French by J. R. Forster. Illustrated with Notes relative chiefly to Natural History, to which is added a Systematic Catalogue of all the known Plants of English North America, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, fine copy in the original calf. London, 1771. £6 6s NOT IX THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1771 A.D. [254] PORTUGUESE TRADE AND COMMERCE with England. Original Manuscript. Clearly written on upwards of 350 pp. Folio, vellum. Circa 1771-93. £5 5S Written chiefly in English, shewing the position of Portuguese trade with England and other coointries. Comprising a, full account of British imports to and exports from Portugal; quantity of Portuguese and foreign grain in the corn market of Lisbon on 1st Jan., 1790; table of figures shewing the commerce of Portugal with foreign nations in 1776; copies of various letters and despatches from foreign consuls and ministers; questions from the Marquis of Carmarthen concerning the Slaves of Africa, to be sold in the Colonies belonging to the Portuguese in East and West Indies; extracts from the Duke of Leed's letter concerning Tobacco; explanation of Portuguese coin; tables of figures stating the Exports and Imports with Holland. Russia, Sweden, France, Italy and Spain; number of merchant ships entered in Lisbon in the years 1774-87. Including a draft letter to the Hon. Robert Walpole, in which the writer announces his intention of collecting into one view the commerce between Great Britain and Portugal, the effect of the great earthquake of 1755, and the destruction of the temporary wooden custom house by fire, 1764, on trade. The writer also discusses the contraband trade carried on by the Portuguese with the inhabitants of Buenos Ayres, etc., etc., etc. 1771 A.D. [255] RAMSAY (A.). An Historical Essay on the English Constitu- tion. •. . wherein the Right of Parliament, to Tax our distant Provinces, is explained, and Justified, upon such constitutional Principles as will afford an equal Security to the Colonists, as to their Brethren at Home. 8vo, imcut, original wrappers. London, 1771. £3 3S NOT IX THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 115 1771 A.D. [256] AN ACT for allowing tlie importation of Salted Beef, Pork, Bacon, and Butter, from the British DominiollS In America, for a hmited time. Folio, boards. London, lyji. • lOs 6cl 1772 A.D. [257] AN ACT for fuirther continuiing two Acts made \n the Sixth and Ninth Years of His Majesty's Reign^ for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters, in His Majesty's Dominions in America. Extended till March 24th, 1774. Folio, boards. London, 1772. lOs 6d 1772 A.D. [258] AN ACT extending the time of an " Act for importation of Salted Beef, Pork, Bacon, and Butter, from Ireland, and from the British Dominions in America, for a limited time." Further continued till March ist, 1773. Folio, boards. London, 1772. lOs 6d 1772 A.D. [259] AN ACT for granting a Drawbaol( of Part of the Customs upon the Exportation of Tea to Ireland^ and the British Dominions in America; for allowing the Importation of Rice from the British Plantations into the Ports of Bristol, Liverpoole, Lancaster, and Whitehaven, for immediate exportation to foreign Parts. Folio, 12 pp., boards. London, 1772. 18s * * * To encourage the tea traffic with Ireland and the British Dominions in America, and to try and prevent smuggling; three-fifths of the tax is to be withdrawn for five years, etc. 1772 A.D. Printed in Mexico. [260] CATECiSMO para uso de los Parrocos, hecho por el iV Concilio Provincial Mexicano celebrado 1771. With engraved plate. 4to, old calf. Mexico, Printed by order of the Holy Council, 1772. £10 lOS NOT IN THE CHITRCH CATALOGUE. Ii6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1772 A.D. [261] ULLOiA' (Antonio de). NotJoias Americaiias: Entretenimientos phisicos-historicos sobre la America Meridional, y la Septentrional Oriental. Territories, Climas, Produciones, vegetales, animales, minerales. De los Indios naturales de aquellos Paises, sus costumbres, y usos. Sobre la Lengua y sobre el modo en que pasaron los primeros Pobladores. 8vo, old calf. Madrid, 1772. £2 lOS First Edition. Leclerc, " Ouvrage ciirieux et fort interessant." NOT IX THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 1773 A.D. [262] MASERES (Francois), Avocat anglois. M^titoire a Defense d'Utl Plan D'Acte d€ Parlemeiit pour I'etablJssennent des Loix dte la Province do Quebec, centre Les Objections de Mr. Francois Joseph Cugnet, Gentilhomme Canadien. Folio, wrapfers. Londres, 1773. £6 6s Francois Maseres, an Englishman, was formerly H. Britannic Majesty's Procureiir- Genera? in the Province of Quebec; while Fr. Joseph Cugnet, a Canadian, was the French Secretary to the Governor and Council of Quebec. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1773 A.D. [263] AN ACT for allowing^ the Imfiortatioii of Wheat, Wheat-flour, Indian Com, Indian Meal, Biscuit, Pease, Beans, Tares, Callivancies, and all other sorts of Pulse, from his Majesty's CoJonies in America] mto this King- dom, for a limited Time, free of Duty. Folio, boards. London, 1773. lOs 6d 1774 A.D. [264] A MAP of the most inhabited part of New England, containing the Provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island. Divided into Counties and townships. With two inset plans, Plan of Boston Harbour, and Plan of the town of Boston, and inset engraving of the landing of the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock, 1620. Two large sheets, 20 by 40 inches, by Thos. Jeffery. London, 1774. £2 5S MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 11; 1774 A.D. [265] AMERICAN WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. Coliection of Pamphlets as follows: — Letters from a Farmer, in Pennsylvania, To' the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, 136 pp. Philadelphia Printed: and London Re-pinted for J. ^Almon, ^77 A- A New Essay (By the Pennsylvanian Farmer) on the Constitutional Power of Great-Britain over the Coloniesi in America; with the Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their instructions to their Representatives in Assembly. 126 pp. Philadelphia Printed: and London Re-printed for J. Almond 1774- Montcalm (Marquis de). Letters from the Marquis de Montcalm, Governor-General of Canada; to Messrs. De Berryer & De La Mole, In the Years 1757, 1758, and 1759. With an English Translation. French and English on opposite pages. 28 pp. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1777. An Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the present disputes with America, By an Old Memiber of Parliament. 'The Fourth Edition, Corrected. 46 pp. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1776. A Second Appeal to the Justice and interests of the People, on the Measures respecting America. By the Author of the First. 90 pp. London: Printed for J. Almon, 177^. A Speech, Intended tO' have been delivered in the House of Commons, in support of the Petition from the General Congress at Philadelphia. By the Author of an Appeal to the Justice and Interests of Great-Britain. 66 pp. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1775. Zubly (John J.). A Sermon on American Affairs, preached At the Opening of the Provincial Congress of Georgia. Addressed to the Right Honourable The Earl "of Dartmouth With an Appendix, giving a Concise Account of the Struggles of Swisserland to recover their Liberty. "/■^ pp. Philadelphia Printed : and London Re-printed for J . Almon, ^77^- Estwiok (Samuel). A Letter to the Reverend Josiah Tucker, D.D., Dean of Gloucester, in answer to His Humble Address and Earnest Appeal, &c. With a Postscript, in which the Present War against America is shewn to be the effect, not of the causes assigned by him and others, but of a fixed (Continued over) ii8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. American War for Independence — continued. Plan of Administration, founded in system: The Landed opposed to the Com- mercial Interest of the State, being as the Means in order to the End. 125 pp. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1776. The' Pltea of th© ColOflies, On the Charges brought against them by Lord M — d, and Others, in a Letter to His Lordship. 47 pp. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1775. ComnflOtli Sense; Addressed to the Inhabitants of America. A New- Edition, with several Additions in the Body of the work. To which is added an Appendix, together with an Address to the People called Quakers. 54 pp. Philadelphia Printed : London Re-printed, 177^. Plain Truthi: Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet, intitled Common Sense. Written by Candidus. Second Edition. 47 pp. Philadelphia Printed: London Re-printed, 1776. AdditiOflS to CominH>n Sense; Addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 47 pp. Philadelphia Printed : London Re-printed, 1776. Extraots from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, on the Fifth of September, 1774. 59 pp. Philadelphia Printed: London Re-printed, 1774. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, held at Philadelphia, September 5th, 1774. To which is added (Being now first printed by Authority) An Authentic Copy of the Petition to the King. 66 pp. London: Printed for J. Almon, 177S- Journal of th© Proceedings of th© Congress^ held at Philadelphia, May loth, 1775. 200 pp. Philadelphia Printed : London Re-printed, 1776. Journal of th© Provinoiali Congress of South Carolina, 1776. 134 pp. Charles-Town Printed: London Re-printed, 177^. Together, bound in 4 vols., 8vo, contemporary half calf. £10 lOs 1774 A.D. " TtiE Laws of the Indies." [266] RECOPILACiON d© Leyes dte los Reynos d^ las Indias. Man- dadas imprimir, y publicar por la Magestad Catolica del Rey Don Carlos II. Tercera Edicion. Double columns. With fine vignettes on titles. 4 vols., folio, old calf, gilt backs. Madrid, 1774. £10 lOs With the great " Indice General." An extreme-ly important and rare collection of the Laws of the Indies, which are the basis of many of the Laws of the UsS.A. NOT IN CHURCH CATALOGUE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. irg 1775 A.D. [267] JEFFERY (Thos). An Exact Chart of the River St. Laurence, from Fort Frontenac to the Island of Anticosti shewing the Soundings, Rocks, Shoals, &c. , with Views of the Lands and all necessary instructions for navi- gating that river to Quebec. With inset maps of The Seven Islands, Passage from Cape Torment into the South Channel of Otleans Island, Road of Tadousac, and printed instru<:- tions for sailing up the river. 3 by 2 feet. London, 1775. £1 1s 1775 A.D. [268] AN ACCURATE MAP of North Amen'oa Describing and distin- guishing the British and Spanish Dominions on this great Continent according to the Treaty of 1763, also all the West India Islands belonging to and possessed by the several European Princes and States. With inset maps of Baffin and Hudson's Bay and the Passage by Land to California discovered by Father Eusebius Francis Kino, and also the Articles of the Treaty of Peace. 2 large sheets, 21 inches by 4 feet. London, 1775. £1 lOs 1775 A.D. [269] BOSTON. BICKERSTAFF'S Boston Almanach for 1775, Cal- culated for the Meridian of Boston, N.E.; with Account of the Inhabitants of New Zealand. With woodcut portrait of natives, and the substance of the First Charter granted to the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Post 8vo, sezved, uncut. Boston, 1775. £1 10s XOT IX THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1776 A.D. [270] THE THEATRE OF WAR in North America, with the Roads and a Table of Distances. With inset, "Evan's Polym.etric Table of America show- ing the Distances between the Principal Towns, Forts, and other Places in the British Colonies." The lower portion of the sheet contains " A Compendious Account of the British Colonies in North-America, and a Table of the various, populations." Size 21 inches by 30 inches. London, 1776. (Slight stains). £1 Is ISO MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1776 A.D. [270a] HOLLAND (Major). The Provinces of New York, and New Jersey; with part of Pensilvania, and the Province of Quebec. With insets of: — Plan of the City of New York; Chart of the Mouth of Hudson's River, from Sandy Hook to New York; Plan of Amboy with its En- virons. Size I ft. 1 1 ins., by 4ft. 5in. London, August /th, 1776. £2 2s 1776 A.D. [271] POWNALL (T., M.P.). A Topographicaj' Desoription of such parts of North America as arei oonitained in the annexed Map of the Middle British Colonies, &c., in North America. By the late Governor of Massa- chusetts Bay and South Carolina, and Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey. 46 pp. With appendix 16 pp. containing accounts of various travels. With very large engraved folding map of the Middle British Colonies in North America by Lewis Evans, with the additions of New England and Border- ing Parts of Canada by T. Pownall. Folio, uncut, original wrappers. London, 1776. £15 15s XOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1776 A.D. [272] SMITH (W.). The history of the Province of New York from the first discovery. To which is annexed a description of the country, an account of the inhabitants, their trade, religious and political state, and the constitu- tion of the courts of justice in that colony. 8vo. Fine copy in original boards, uncut. London, 177^. £5 5S This work is the first history of New York. The author was graduated from Yale College in 1745, became a distinguished lawyer of New York, and later was Chief Justice of the Province. Being a Loyalist during the Eevolutionary War. after the contest was over he moved to Canada, where he was also appointed Chief Justice. This work as pub- lished brought the history of the Colony down to the year 1736. In it the writer anticipates some of the events of the war from 17.54-60, which took place while he was writing it. Plate XIII. EXTIRPACION D E L A IDOLATRIA DEL P I R V. VIliTCIDO JL ^ET N. S. EN SF R^E.X L CONS £10 DE INDIES, Por cl Padre Pablo Icfeph de Arriaga dc la Compaiiiadc l£svs. Poi G E R o N y M o dc C o N T R E R A s Impreflor de Libros. Con Lxenciit, Ano i62l. Title-page of Arriaga's famous work on the Evangelisation of Peru by the Jesuits. The only copy known to us. Lima, 1621. Plate XIV. T"e k r a -^ DOLAVRA noi - .,4%yi''^ Keproduction (greatly reduced) of part of one of the Secret Maps of the Americas and the Indies (dated 1630); secured from the Portuguese Archives by the Spanish Secret Service in 1681 by order of a Governor of Mexico and presented by him to the King of Spain and the Council of the Indies on April 16, 1692, See Item No, 70. j MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 121 1776 A.D. [273] PAINE (Thomas). ComnHm Sense: Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, on the following interesting Subjects: — I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in general, with Concise Remarks on the English Constitution.. II. Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. III. Thoughts on the present State of American Affairs. IV. Of the present Ability of America, with some miscellaneous Reflec- tions. Written by an ENGLISHMAN. 76 pp., small 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, Printed and Sold by R. Bell, 1776. £3 3s Paine met Franklin in London, and was persuaded by him lo emigrate to America. He settled in Philadelphia in 1775, where in the following year, at the suggestion of Dr. Benjamin Eush, he wrote and published this work, for which the legislature of Pensylvania voted him .£500. The work was so successful that it went through several editions in Phila- delphia and the other Colonies, not less than 100,000 copies of it being sold. It was written for the purpose of inducing the British colonists of America to renounce- the sovereignty of the King and declare their independence. The American editions contain reflexions on the King and Government of Great Britain, which were omitted in the English editions. 1776 A.D. [274] TUCKER (Dean ot Glocester). A Series of Answers to certain popular objections, against separating from the rebellious Colonies, and dis- carding them entirely; being the Concluding Tract on the subject of American Affairs. 8vo, boards. '• Glocester, 1776. £1 lOS- Josiah Tucker, the Dean of Gloucester, wrote a long series of tracts, exceetling over a period of ten years, in which he advocates the peacefirl separation of America from the Crown. His views, which now appear thoroughly sagacious, were considered at the time as visionary and exasperating. 1777 A.D. [275] MARMONTEL. Les Inoas, ou la destruction de I'Empire de Peru. With fine impressions of the frontispiece and 10 plates after Moreau. Engraved by De Launay, Duclos, DeGhendt, Helman, Leveau, Nee and Simonet. 2 vols., 8vo, Old French marbled calf. \\ \, ' Paris, 1777. £2 lOS- XO COPY IX THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 122 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1777 A.D. [276] A NEW MAP of the W|K>le Continetit of America, divided into North and South and West Indies, with a descriptive account of the European Possessions as settled by the Definitive Treaty of Peace Conckided at Paris Feb. 10, 1763. With large inset map of Baffin's and Hudson's Bays, and lists of the various European possessions, also the Articles of the Treaty of Peace. 2 large sheets, 21 inches by 4 feet. London, 1777. £1 15S 1777 A.D. [277] PRICE (Richard). Aciditionali Observations on the Nature and Value of Civil Liberty and the War with America; also Observations on Schemes for raising Money by Public Loans. 8vo, boards. London, 1777. lOs 6d In recognition of his services in the cause* of liberty. Dr. Price was presented with the Freedom of the Citjr of London, and it is said that the encouragement derived from this book had no inconsiderable share in determining the American colonists to declare their independence. 1778 A.D. [278] BARROS Qoao de), and COUTO (Diogo do). Da Asia. Nova Edicao, With maps and three portraits. 24 vols., small Svo, old calf , gilt backs. Lisbon, Regia Ojficina Tyfografica, 1 778-1 788. £12 12s The best account of the early discoveries of the Poituguese. In this etlition all that appeared of the original work has been reprinl-etl and the missing portions supplied from other sources. First collective edition of all the Decades of Barros and Couto The t<^nth and •eleventh decades were first published in the above edition. The eleventh decade, by Diogo do Couto, the original manuscript of which has disappeared and has not been recovereil, consists of a resume of " Feitos que os Portuguezes fizeram no descobrimento dos mares, e conquistas das terras do Oriente, em quanto governaram a India ^Manoel de Soiiza Coutinho, « Mathias de Albofiuerqiiet The work is divided up as follows : — Vols. 1-8. Joa de Barros' 4 Decades. Vol. 9. Life of J. de Bari-os by ]\Ianoel Severin de Faria, and general index to the :four Decades of his " Asia.'' Vols. 10-23. Life of Diogo de Couto and his eleven " Decades." Vol. 24. General Index to Couto's Decades. Rodrigues, Bibliotheca Brasiliana, No. 351. The " Asia " contains the fullest historical account of the voyages and conquests MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 123 Barros (Joao de), and CoutO (Diogo do)continued. of the Portuguese iu the East, including Africa, Brazil, etc. Barros, who is one of the most correct and classical of Portuguese writers, is universally esteemed as a historian. He was born about 1496 and died at the age of 74. He served three Portuguese Kings— Manuel, John III. and Sebastian. Couto was the chronicler and chief Keeper of the famous Archives of Torre do Tombo (which are still preserved in Lisbon), and died in 1616. The histories of Cabral (the discoverer of Brazil), Vasco da Gama, the Albuquerques, Tristan da Cunha, are all fully treated by the most competent Portuguese historian, who had all the Archives of the Indies at his disposal. 1779 A.D. [279] A NEW and Correct Map of North America, with the West India Islands. Divided according to the last Treat>^ of Peace, concluded at Paris loth Feb., 1763. Whereinare particularly Distinguished the Several Provinces fand Colonies which compose the British Empire, laid down according to the Latest Surveys and Corrected from the Original Materials of Cover. Pownall, 1779. With inset map of Baffin and Hudson's Bay. Also, inset map " The Passage by Land to CALIFORNIA, discover'd by Father Eusebius Francis Kino a Jesuit; between the years 1698 and 1701, before which, and for a considerable time since California has always been described in all Charts and Maps as an Island." Together with the Articles of the Treaty of Peace concernmg the Division of the Colonies and Islands. Two large sheets, each measuring 21 inches by 4 feet. London, 1779. £1 lOs 1779 A.D. [280] CARVER (J.). Travels through the Interior Parts of North Amerioa, in the Years 1766, 1767, t-nd 1768. Illustrated with Folding Maps, and copperplate engravings. Second Edition, 8vo, original calf. London, Printed for the Author , i77g. £2 18s ^ * * Pages 420-440 contain a Vocabulary of the Chipeway Language. 1779 A.D. [281] PERU. BOUSO (Dr. Joachin). Oracion Panegyrica con que ia Real Universiidad de San Marco® dte Lima, Capital del Peru, celebro en su Reci- bimiento a Manuel de Guirior, Teniente General de la Real Armada, Virrey Gobernador y Capitan General de estos Reynos del Peru y Chile. Small 4to, original vellum binding. Lima, en la Jmpenta de los Ninos Huersanos (1779). £5 5s- * * * With portrait of Guirior, engraved by Vasquez at Lima. NOT IN THE CHUKCH CATALOGUE. 124 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 1779 A.D. [282] CAULIN (Antonio). Historia CorONGraphica, natural y evangelica de la Nueva Andalucia, provincias de Cumana, Guayana, y Vertientes del Rio Orinoco. With engraved frontispiece, large folding map, and three fine plates of martyred missionaries and Indians. Folio, Spanish calf, Madrid, ijyg. £12 12s The map is a very fine one, on a large scaile, and was executed by Louis Surville i:nder the order of Don Joseph Galvez, a noted name in Spanish American history. Caulin spent many yeai's as a missionary in the Northern regions of South America, among the In- dians, and his descriptions are the most truthful which are extant. He gives long descriptions about the customs, habits, natural products, and precious stones Avhich are to l?e found in many parts of Ajnerica. The author also gives many details on the famous missionaries among the American Indians. NO COPY IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1779 A.D. [283] HOWE (Lord). A Lettei' to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount H — e, on his Naval Conduct in the American War. 8vo, unbound, uncut. London, 1779. £1 14s NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1780 A.D. [284] CHALMERS (George). Political Annals of the Present United Colonies from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763. Compiled chiefly from records, and authorised often by the insertion of State Papers. Thick 4to, original calf. London, 1780. £4 4s Chalmers, who was a clerk on the Board of Trade, made a very thorough study of the State Papers, and came to tihe conclusion that the colonists from the start not only quietly assumed, but really aimed at an independence. It should however, be rememberefl. that he wrote after the event, and gives no opinion for his authority. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. I2; 1780 A.D. [285] BURCOYNE (Lieutenant-General). A State of the ExpecTition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, by Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, and verified by Evidence; with a Collection of Authentic Documents, and an addition of many circumstances which were prevented from appearing before the House by the prorogation of Parliament. Written and Collected by Himself, and dedicated to the Officers of the Army he Commanded. With 6 large Folding Maps and Plans. Second Edition. 8vo, original boards, uncut. London, 1780. £3 3s 1781 A.D. Colonel Simcoe's Copy. [286] HOWE (Lieut.-Gen. Sir Wilham). The Narrative of Lieut. Cen. Sir William Howe^ in A Committee of the House of Commons, on the 29th of April, 1779, relative to His Conduct, during his late command of the King's Troops in North America: To which are added. Some Observations upon a Pamphlet, entitled Letters to a Nobleman. Third Edition, no pp., 4to, original half calf. London: H. Baldzvin, 1781. £15 15s * * * From the Library of Lieut. Col. Simcoe, the famous Commander of the "' Queen's Rangers " in the American War ; and the first Governor of Upper Canada ; with his book- plate inside cover, and with many marginal notes and comments in pencil, some initialeil by him. 1781 A.D. [287] FLORIDA. Diario de las operaolones de la expedicioti contra La Plaza de Panzaoola conoluida por las Armas de S. M. Catdlica, baxo las ordenes del Mariscal de Campo B. Bernardo de Galvez. 48 pp., small 4to, wrappers. {Havana, 1781.) £16 16s * * * An extremely rare relation of the re-capture of the chief port of Florida by the Spaniards, with the Articles of Capitulation agreed upon by the English. Panzacola, town and port of Florida, situated on the Bay of St. Marie de Galvez, was taken by the French in 1719. It was ceded tx> England in 1762 by the Treaty of Versailles. In 1781, an expedition commanded by Bernardo de Galvez, re-took it from the English. It is an account of this expedition which is given in the present tract. NOT 'IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 126 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1782 A.D. [288] NUIX (Juan). Reflexior of ithe United States bf America, begun and held at the City of New- York on Wednesday the Fourth of March in the Year 1789, and of the Inde- pendence of the United States the thirteenth. 160 pp. Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, Printers to the United States, i/gi. ACTS passed at the Second Session of the Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the City of New-York, on Monday the Fourth of January, in the year 1790: and! of the Independence of the United States the fourteenth. To which are added the Treaties betwixt the United States and Foreign Nations. 414 pp. Philadelphia \ Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, Printers to the United States. 1791. ACTS passed at the Third Session of the Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, on Monday the sixth of December, in the Year 1790: and of the Independence of the United States the fifteenth. T'a which is added an Appendix, containing Resolves, &c., of the Old Congress. 120 pp. Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, Printers to the United States. 1791. Together 3 vols, in i, 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1791. £5 5s 1791 A.D. [312] PAINE (Thomas). A Letter to the Earl of Shelbume, now Mar- quis of Lansdowne, on his Speech, July 10, 1782, respecting the acknowledg- ment of American Independence:) with an Appendix, containing Thoughts on the Peace, and probable advantages thereof. New Edition. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London, 1791. 8s 6d NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1792 A.D. [313] ULLOA (Antonio de). Noticlas Ameiicanas; Entretenimientos phisicos-historicos sobre la America Meridional, y la Septentrianal Oriental Territorios, Climas, Produciones, vegetales, animales, minerales. De los Indios naturales de aquellos Paises, sus costumbres, y usos. Sobre la Lengua y sobre el modo en que pasaron los primeros Pobladores. 8vo, calf, gilt, g. e. Madrid, 1792. £2 2S NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 134 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 1793 A.D. [314] INSTRUCGION para el mejor Regimetii db tos establecimientos fixos de Marine en Cartagena de Inifiasi, Montevideo, y S. Bias dte Calif ornias. 4 pp., folio, wrafpers. Madrid, 1793. £3 3s NOT IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 1794 A.D. [315] A NEW MAP of the whole Continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies. Wherein are exactly described The United States of North America, as well as the Several European Possessions according to the Preliminaries of Peace signed at Versailles January 20th, 1783. Com- piled from Mr. D'Anville's Maps of that Continent, with the addition of the Spanish Discoveries in 1775 to the North of CALIFORNIA, and corrected in the several parts belonging to Great Britain, from the original Materials of Gover- nor Pownall. With inset map of the Countries adjoining to Baffin's and Hudson's Bays, and lists of all the possessions in America belonging to the various countries. Two large sheets, each 4 feet by 21 inches. London, 1794. £1 10s 1794 A.D. [316] COUTINHO (J. J. C. A.), Bishop of Pernambuco, Brazil. Ensaio Economico sofere o Comercio dte Portugal e suas Colonies. 4to, old calf. Lisbon, 1794. £2 2s First Edition of this important work. Not in Rodrigue®, who only mentions the second edition of 1816. This work is dedicated tb the Prince of Brazil. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1794 A.D. [317] WILLIAMS (Samuel). The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Large folding map. 8vo, original calf. Printed at Walfole, New Hampshire, 1794. £1 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 135 1795 A.D. History of the Dominican Missionaries, printed in Mexico. [318] HIDALGO (Miguel). Glorias Dominicanas en su esolarecido, e ilustre militar tercer orden. Contiene e. Origen de este Institute, su antigue- dad; con la relacion del origen y establicimento del Santo Tribunal de la Fe, y del de sus Familiares, y Ministros. With two full-page plates, one of Saint Dominic. Printed on thick paper. Large paper copy, green morocco, floral border ori sides, gilt back, g. e. Mexico, 1795. £5 5s NOT IX THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 1795 A.D. [319] UNITED STATES REVENUES. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, for the Improvement and better Management of the Revenues of the United States; read in the House of Representatives of the United States, February 2nd, 1795. II pp., 8vo, wrappers. Philadelphia, 1795. £1 5s NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1795 A.D. [320] FIGUEIRA (Luiz). Arte da grammatica (fa lingua (fo Brasil. Ouarta Impressao. 8vo, calf. Lisbon, 1795. £3 lOs Eodrigues, No. 1002. The author was born in 1573 at Almodovar and entered the Company of Jesus in 1592. He was sent to Brazil and became the companion of Father Francis Pinto, who was killed by the Indians. Father Figueira escaped the danger and returned to Portugal after he had spent more than twenty years as a missionary, in order to obtain fresh missionaries. On his return he was shipwrecked at the mouth of the River Amazon and was massacred with 13 companions in July, 1643. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. i.S6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1796 A.D. [321] WASHINGTON (George). Epistles^ Domestic, Confictential and Official, written about the Coimmencement of the Americani Contest, when he entered on the Command of the Army of the United States. 8vo, original hoards, uncut. Neiv York Printed, London Reprinted, 1796. £1 6s " An infamous barefaced forgery manufactured in New York at the Headquarters of the British Army under ye wing of the British Commander in Chief for the purpose of Blackeng. ye charactier of Genl. Washington and degrading him in the opinion of congress of America, but wch on ye contrary they contemned and laughed at and for wch noble attempt ye fabricator was rewarded by a British Pension." — Contemporary IMS. note in a copy of this book. NOT IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 1796 A.D. [322] STEDMAN (J. G.). Narrative of a five year's expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772 to 1777. Elucidating the history of that country and describing its productions, with an account of the Indians of Guiana, and negroes of Guinea. With 80 fine plates, mostly by Blake, some by Bartolozzi, and other good engravers, and maps. 2 vols., 4to, half calf. London, 1796. £3 3s NOT IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE. 1796 A.D. [323] IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AND DISPATCHES which accom panied the Message of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, April 3rd, 1798. Charleston, April 26th, 1798. Priesttey (Dr.). Copies of Original Letters recently written by Persons in Paris to Dr. Priestley in America. Taken on board of a neutral Vessel. London, 1798. Letter fronn Edmunfl Burke to a Noble Lord on the Attacks made upon him and his pension in the House of Lords. With passing references to the loss of the American Colonies. London, 1796. Three tracts in i vol., 8vo, old half calf. 1796-8. 15s NOT IN THE CHUECH CATALOGUE' MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 137 1796 A.D. [324] AMERICAN INDIANS. An Act for establishing, trading houses with the Indian Tribes (Fourth Congress of the United States at the First Session begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, December 7th, 1795). Signed in print at end by Geo. Washington as President, Jonathan Dayton, Speaker, and John Adams, Vice-President. 3 pp., folio, unbound. Philadelphia, 1796. £2 10s NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUM. 1796 A.D. Spanish Treaty of Friendship with the United States. [325] REAL CEDULA de S.M. y Senores (tei Consejo en que se mantfa observar y guardaf el Tratado de Amistad, Limites y Navegacion concluido y ratificado entre su Real Persona y los Estados Ut^idOS d© America. 30 pp., folio, unbound. Madrid, 1796. £7 7s * * * The Treaty of Friendship between Spain and United States negotiated by George Washington. NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1796 A.D. [326] WILLYAMS (Rev. C). An Account of the Campaign in the West Indies in 1794, under the command of Sir C. Grey and Vice- Admiral Sir J. Jervis, with the reduction of the Islands of Martinique, St. Lucia, Guadaloupe, Marigalante, Desiada, etc. With map and plan. , 4to, original boards, uncut. London, 1796. £5 1()S NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1796 A.D. [327] AMERICA. An Address from Robert Coodloe Harper, of South Carolina, to his Constituents, containing his reasons for approving of the Treaty of Amity, commerce and navigation with Great Britain. To which is annexed a letter from Governor Jay to the Author. 8vo, new boards. Philadelphia, 1796. 18s NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 138 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1796 A.D. [328] AMERICA. Thie Speeoh of Mi*. Ames, in the House of M.L. Representatives of the United States, when in committee of the whole, on Thursday, April 28th, 1796. In support of the following motion: Resolved that it is expedient to -pass the laws necessary to carry into effect the Treaty lately concluded between the United States and the King of Great Britain. 8vo, neiu hoards. Philadelphia, 17^. £1 lOs NOT IN THE CnrECH CATALOGUE. 1796 A.D. [329] GILBERT (William). The Hurricane: A Theosophical and Western Eclogue. To which is subjoined, A Solitary Effusion in a Summer's Evening. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1796. £1 lOs * * * "\t gives, and is grounded on, a Tlieosopliical view of tlie relation between America and Europe." 1796 A.D. [330] PAINE (T.). The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. 8vo, new boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 17^. £1 NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1796 A.D. [331] JAMAICA. The Proceedings of the Governor and Assembly of Jamaica, in regard to the Maroon Negroes : Pubhshed by Order of the Assembly. To which is prefixed, An Introductory Account, containing Observations on the Disposition, Character, Manners, and Habits of Life of the Maroons, and a Detail of the Origin, Progress, and Termination of the Late War between those People and the White Inhabitants. Frontispiece. 8vo, calf. London, 17^. £1 5s NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. ■ . - Plate XV. C.ilh.io. de L/im-i, no Mnu, do Sit i PiLiL'v em altut.T. , d^ • i x - G. e na Co{H do ^ do Sul xr^ I>i;production of part of one of the Secret Maps of the Americas and the Indies (dated 1630); secured from the Portuguese Archives by the Spanish Secret Service in 1681 by order of a (lovernor of Mexico and presented by him to the King of Spain and the Council of the Indies on April 16, 1692. Plate XVI. LVproduction (i-daced) di pavt of one of the Secret Maps of the Americas and the Indies (dated 1630); sedured frd'.u rive roriuguese Archives by the Spanish Seeret Service in 1681 bv order of a Gov^, being a Plan for Meliorating the Condition of Man by Creating in every Nation a National Fund, 8vo, new boards, uncut. Philadelphia, Printed by R. Folwell for Benjamin Franklin Bache, circa 1800. 188 NOT IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE 1800 A.D. [350] THE PROSPECT before us. Vol. I, 8vo, new boards. Richmond-Virginia, 1800. £1 16s The design of this book is to exhibit the multiplied corruptions of the Federal Govern- ment, and more especially the misconduct of the President, Mr. Adams. 1800 A.D. [351] PROCEEpiNGS of th© Virginia Assembly, on the Answers of Sundry States, to their Resolutions, passed in Decemiber, 1798. 8vo, new boards. Philadelphia, 1800. £1 lOs 1800 A.D. [352] A BRIEF Statement of Opinions, given in the Board of Commis- sioners, under the sijcth article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce & Navigation, with Great Britain; with an Appendix containing certain articles of the treatise with Great 'Britain; and references to opinions delivered by Judges of the supreme & circuit courts of the United States; by one of the Commissioners. 8vo, new boards. Philadelphia, 1800. £1 5s 1800 A.D. [353I WASHINGTON. CHAUDRON (LeF. Simon) OraJson Funfebre, du Frere George Washington Prononcee le premier Janvier 1800, dans la loge Francaise, L'Amenite. 28 pp. Discours adresses par le Venerable F : de la Grange, aux officiers de la G : Loge, Aux Epouses des Masons et aux Visiteurs. 5 pp. 8vo, nezv boards. Philadelphia, 1800. £1 lOs ' MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 145 1800 A.D, [354] DESULTORY Reflections on the New Potrtical Aspects of publio affairs, in the United States of America, since the commencement of the year 1799. 8vo, new boards. New York, i8(X). £1 lOs " If there was ever a time for war, it was that in which America made her exhibiifions of hostility to keep peace An armed & hostile peace, under a popular form of Government, is of all conditions the most preposterous " 1800 A.D. [355] WASHINGTON (G). Letters from His Excellency George Wash- ington, President of the United States of America, to Sir J. Sinclair, Bart., M.A., on Agriculture, and other interesting topics. Engraved from the original letters, so as to be an exact fascimile of the handwriting of that celebrated character. 4to, half calf. London, 1800. £2 2s 1800 A.D. [356] WASHINGTON (George). Political Legacies, to which is annexed an appendix containing an accoimt of his Illness, Death, and the National Tributes of Respect paid to his Memory. With a Biographical Outline of his Life and Character. With the rare portrait of Washington. Svo, original calf. Boston, 1800. £2 2s Dedicated to Mrs. Washington. 1801 A.D. Colonel Simcoe's Copy. [357] MACKENZIE (Alexander). Voyagies from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; in the Years 1789 and 1793. With a Preliminary Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Fur Trade of that Country. Illustrated with portrait and large folding maps. 4to. Fine co-py^ in straight- grain red morocco^ g. e. , London, 1801. £12 12s * * * Presentation Copy to General Simcoe, who commanded the " Queen's Rangers " duriiig the American War, and the first Governor General of Canada. With inscription to him on fly-leaf, and the General's book-plate inside cover. 146 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London. W. 1801 A.D. [358} MACKENZIE (Alexander). Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Laurence through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; In the Years -1789 and 1793. With a preliminary account of the rise, progress, and present state of the fur trade of that country. With portrait and large folding maps. 4to, calf. London, 1801. £6 lOs 1801 A.D. .[359] WASHINGTON (George). Oraison Funebre du Frfere George Washington, prononoeei le premier Janvier 1800 dans la loge Frangaise L'Amenite, par le Frere Simon Chaudron, orateur de la loge. 35 pp., 8vo, wrappers. Philadelphia, 1801. £1 lOs • * * A Masonic Funeral Oration on Washington at the French Lodge at Philadelphia. 1803 A.D. [360] DUVALLON. Vue de la Golonie Espanole du Mississippi, ou des Provinces de Louisiane et Floride Occidentale; en I'annee 1802. Par un obser- vateur resident sur les lieux. B . . . Duvallon, editeur. With two coloured folding maps. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1803. £3 lOs " Sur les nombreuses relations que nous avons de la Louisiane, ces observations ont I'avantage d'offrir le dernier etat d'un pays si vaste et des contrees que Favoisinent." 1803 A.D. [361] ORDENANZA GENERAL formada de orden de su Magestad^ y mandada imprimir y puiblicar para el gobiemo e instruccion de Intendentes, Subdelegados, y demas empleados en Indias. Large Paper Copy. Folio, red morocco, gilt back, g. e. Madrid, viuda de Ibarra, 1803. £3 3S Administrative document issued by Charles III. and promulgated by Charles IV. of Spain. « [361a] Another Copy. Ordinary paper, calf. £2 2s ^ MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 14; 1804 A.D. [362] MERRILL (O. C). Th© Hapfiiness of America. An Oration delivered at Shaftsbury on the fourth of July, 1804. 8vo, boards, uncut. Bennington, 1804. ^^ "^^ *** With t'he signature of Safford Eobinson on title, a Colonel on Washington's staff, who fought at Bennington. 1805 A.D. [363] FULLARTON (Col.). A Refutation of the Pamphlet which Colonel Picton addressed to Lo;rd Hobart (relating to Trinidad). 4to, original tmaffers. London, 1805. 12s 6(1 Presentation Copy to " The Marquis of Townshend from the Author." 1806 A.D. [364] ARGENTINE. A la Recotiquista de 1^ Cafiitai de Buenos-Ayres per las Tropas de mat* y tierra, a las ordenes del Capitan de Navio, Don San- tiago Liniers. 12 Agosto de 1806 (in verse). 4 pp., small 4to, new boards. Buenos Aires, en la impenta de Ninos Expositos, 1806. £10 lOS 1806 A.D. [365] MANUAL EXERCISE and Evolutions of the Cavalry, as prac- tised in the late American Army. Small 8vo, calf. Concord, 1806. £2 5s' 1809 A.D. [366] JEFFERSON (Thomas). The Inaugural Speeohes and Messages of Thomas Jefferson^ late President of the United iStates, together with the Inaugural Speech of James Madison, his Successor in Office. Post 8vo, new boards, uncut. Boston, 1809. 18s 1810 A.D. [367I STEELE (R). Tour through Part of the Atlanta; or, Recollec- tions from Madeira, The Azores, and Newfoundland. Visited in the Summer of 180Q in H.M.S. "Vestal." With chart of the ship's Track. 8vo, calf. London, 1810. £1 1s 148 MAGGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1810 A.D. [368] IDEA General del discurso y de las Memortas publicadas per la direcdon Hidrografica sobre los fundametitos que ha tettido para la construo- ciom de las Cartas de Marear, que ha dado a Luz desde 1797. '^J pp., i2mo, wrappers. Madrid, 18 10. £1 lOs * * * An interesting little book on Hydrography, includes " Observaciones practicadas en las Islas Marianas y Filipinas, en la Nueva Holanda, y en el Archipelago de los Amigos,"' " Observaciones astronomicas en Puerto-Rico, Cartagena, Havana y Vera Cruz/' 1810 A.D. [369] PAREDES (Gregorio). Alinanaqiie Peruano, y guia de forasteros para el ano de 181 1. i2mo, old calf. Lima, 1810. £3 3s. Contains a list of all the officials of State. 1811 A.D. [370] PIKE (Z. M.). Exploratory travels through the western terri- tories of North America^ comprising a voyage from St. Louis, on the Missis- sippi, to the source, and a journey through the interior of Louisiana, and the North-Eastern Provinces of New Spain, Performed in the years 1805, 1806, 1807,. by Order of the Government of the United States. With folding map of Louisiana! and a part of New Mexico, and a map- of the Mississippi River. 4to, Russia. London, 181 1. £6 lOS- 1811 A.D. [371] VENEZUELA. Ignacio de Cortabarria (Antonio, comisionada Regio para la Pacificacion General de las Provincias de Venezuela). A Los Pueblos de las Provincias de Caracas, Barinas, Cumana, y Nueva Barcelona. 59 pp., small 4to, new boards. {Madrid, 181 1.) £6 6s * * * Venezuela and Colombia declared their Independence of Spain in 1811, and after eleven years of warfare succeeded in effecting tiheir liberation. This pamphlet was printed for circulation to gather together the Royalists in Venezuela to support the Crown of Spain. ' MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 14c, 1811 A.D. [372] CORTABARRIA (D. Mtonio Ignacio; Comisionado Regio p>aia la Pacificacion Geaeral de las Provincias de Venezuela). (Proclama) a los vecinos }■ habitantes de las Provincias de Caracas, Barinas, Cumana, y Nueva Barcelona. 8 pp., folio, unbound. Puerto Rico, 181 1. £5 5s * * * A Proclamation for reconciliatton with the Mother Country of the Revolted I'rovince of Venezuela. 1811 A.D. [373] AN INQUIRY into the Past and Present relations of France and the United States of America. 8vo, new boards. London, 181 1. £1 lOs An article, from the first volume of the American Eeview, presumably written by Mr. Walsh; comprising some letters written by ihim to Robert Goodloe Harper; upon England and France. 1811 A.D. [374] CANCELADA (D. Juan Lopez; Redactor de la Gazeta de Mexico). Rutna (te la Nueva Espana, si se declara el comer cio libre con los extrangeros. 84 pp., small 4to, ivraffcrs. Cadez, 181 1. £2 lOS * * * An interesting political economy pamphlet against Free Trade; showing the Commerce of Mexico, California, Yiicatan, etc., with South America, etc. 1812 A.D. [375 1 WASHINGTON (G). Farewell Address to the People of the United States. With the rare portrait of Washington, engraved by Reed. F'cap. 8vo, original boards. Windsor, U.S.A., 181 2. £1 5s 1812 A.D. [376] MA WE (John). Travels in the Interior of Brazil^ particularly in the Gold and diamond districts of that Country. Including a, Voyage to the Rio de la Plata,, and an Historical Sketch of the Revolution of Buenos Ayres. With 8 plates, one coloured, and a map. 4to, half calf. London. 1812, 16s 150 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 1813 A.D. [377] THE GOSPELS' according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John translated into the language of The Esquimaux Indians on the coast of Labrador; by the Missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum or United Brethren residing at Nain, Okkak and Hopedale. Printed for the use of the Mission by The British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. A very handsome cofy from the Library of the Duke of Cam- bridge in contemforary full blue morocco extra, sides decorated in gold, full gilt back, inside dentelles and silk fly and end leaves, g. e. London, 1813. £4 4S * * * The First Edition cf the three Gospels— St. John's Gospel, thoug-h mentioned on the title page, ia not included. 1814 A.D. [378] LEWIS <& CLARK. Travels to the source of the Missouri River, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean. Performed by order of the government of the United States, in the years 1804, 5, & 6. Published from the official report and illustrated by a map of the route and other maps. 4to, calf (rebacked). London, 1814. £7 16s 1815 A.D. [379] PRESAS (Jose de). Represeiitacion que eleva al Rey Don Fer- nando VII, Don Jose de Presas, contador que fue de la provincia de Granada, con motivo de las persecuciones que sufrio en aquella ciudad . . . por adicto a la actual familia reinante y especialmente a la Serenisima Senora Prin- cesa del Brasil. 4to, lirraffers. Cordova, 1815. £1 16s> Jose de Presas was apparently persecuted for his devotion to the cause of Donna Carlota Joaquina du Bourbon Infanta of Spain and Princess of Brazil. 1815 A.D. [380] AN Exposition of the Causes and Character of the fate War with Great Britain, published by Authority of the American Government. 8vo, new boards. London, 181 5. £1 16s An interesting and important exposition drawn up by the American Government, as an appeal to the people, in order to point out the necessity of efficient preparations that would assure tihe successful termination of the Campaign of 1815; by the expulsion of the British from every part of the American Continent. " This document is official, & comes .... from the pen of Mr. Madison himself, or from that of Mr. Monroe. It has been published in all the American newspapers. . . ." MAGGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 151 1815 A.D. [381] MERRILL (O. C). An Oration, delivered at the Meeting House in Bennington, Vermont, on the Sixteenth of August, Anno Domini 181 5. 8vo. Bennington, Yt. Darius Clark, August, 181 5. £2 lOs 1815 A.D. [382] BALTIMORE. Niles Weekly Register. Numbers 183 to 195. March 4, 1815, till May 27, 1815. Bound in i vol., small folio, old half calf. Baltimore, 181 5. £1 1s Contains important details of the War of 1815, references to Champlain, etc. 1815 A.D. [383] LEWIS AND CLARKE. Travels to tlie Source of tiie Missouri River and Across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean. Performed by order of the Government of the United States, in the years 1804-6. Published from the official report and illustrated by a map of the route and other maps. 3 vols., 8vo, original calf, gilt back. London, 1815. £4 lOs 1816 A.D. [384] CAREY (Mathew). The Olive Branoh; or, Faults on both sides, Federal and Democratic. A serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgive^ ness and harmony. 7th Edition, enlarged. Thick post 8vo, m. e. Middlebury, Yt., 1816. 15s 1817 A.D. [385] REID (J.) and JOHN HENRY EATON. The Life of Andrew Jackson, Major General in the Service of the U.S.; comprising the history of the wax in the south from the commencement of the Greek campaign to the termination of hostilities before New Orleans. With fine* portrait and 4 folding maps. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1817. 14s 152 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1817 A.D. [386] CAZAL (Padre Manoel Ayres de). Corografia Brazilica, ou rela- cao historico-geografica do reyno do Brazil. 2 vols., 4to, calf. Rio de Janeiro, 181 7. £3 lOs Important work dedicated to the King. First volume contains the history of the discovery of America and Brazil, followed by a description of the Provinces of San Pedro, do Parana, Uruguay, San Catalina, San Paulo, Matogrosso, Goyez, Minas Geraes. The second volume contains a description of the other Provinces of Brazil, i.e., Eio Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Porto Seguro, Bahia. Sergipe d'El-Eei, Pernambuco, Parahiba, Eio Grande do Norte, Ciara, Piauhy, Maranhao, Para, Solimoes, Guiana. 1817 A.D. [387] SILVA PORTO (Manoel Joaquim da). Elogio p©r occazido do fausto, e gloriozo successo das Armas Portuguezas contra os insurgents de Pemambuoo. (In verse). 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1817. £1 lOs Unknown to Eodrigues. Dedicated to King John V]I., King of Portugal and Brazil. 1817 A.D. [388] SHILLIBEER (Lieut. J). Narrative of the Britoti's Voyage to Pitcairn Island, including an Interesting Sketch of the present state of the Brazils and of Spanish South America. Illustrated with frontispiece and eighteen Etchings by the Author, from drawings on the spot. 8vo, original boards. Taunton, 181 7. lOs 6cl 1819 A.D. [389] EDWARDS (B). The history, oivil andi ootnmeroial, of the British West Indies, with a continuation to the present time. With maps and plates. Fifth Edition. 5 vols. 8vo, and i vol. 4to (containing the maps and plates), in all 6 vols., half morocco, gilt hacks, t. e. g., by De C overly. London, 18 19. £4 4s 1819 A.D. [390] BURNEY (James). Chronological history of North-Eastern voyages of discovery ami of the early eastern navigations of the Russians. With large folding map. 8vo, boards. London, 1819. £1 lOs Contents: — Captain James Cook on the North West Coast of America; Captain Cook through Bering's Strait and in the Sea north of the Strait; Journey of Hedenstrom to the New Siberia; Voyage of Commodore Bering and Captain Tschirikow to America; etc., etc. MAGGS BROS., 34 &'35, Conduit Street, London, W. 153 iai9 A.D. [390a] HIPPISLEY (G). A Narrative of the Expedition to the Rivers Orinoco and Apur6, in South America; which sailed from England in Novem- ber, 181 7, and Joined the Patriotic Forces in Venezuela and Caraccas. By a late Colonel of the First Venezuelian Hussars, in the service of the Republic, and Colonel-Commandant of the British Brigade in South America. Thick 8vo, half contemporary morocco, m. e. London, 1819. £1 lOs * * * An interesting account of the barbarous war between the Spanish Royalists and the Eepublicans in Venezuela, and of the British Brigade, the majority of whom died from disease and exposure. Casting doubt on the final triumph of Bolivar, owing to ihis utter incompetence, etc. 1S21 A.D. [391] CABRERA DE NEVARES (Miguel). Memoria sotore ei estado actual cte las Americas y medio de paoificarlas. 72 pp., i2mo, original wrapfers. Madrid, 1821. £2 lOs *** A memorial to conciliate the Revolted. Spanish Colonies in America with Spain. 1821 A.D. [392] VENEZUELA. Manifiestos de la oorrespondenoia que ha medi- ado entre los Ceneraies Condle de Cartagena y Don Miguel de la Torre, jefes del ejercito de Costa-firme, con el de los disidentes Don Simon Bolivar, desde el restablecimiento de la Constitucion hasta la e scandalosa e inesperada roptura del armistico por Bolivar. 90 pp., small 4to, new hoards. Madrid, 1821. £5 lOs * * * A very important tract concerning the Independence of Venezuela. 1822 A.D. [392a] WILSON (Alex.), BONAPARTE (Chs. Lucian), JARDINE (Sir Wm.). American Ornithology; or. The Natural History of the Birds of the United States. Portrait and 97 finely coloured plates of birds. 3 vols., half morocco, t. e. g. London and Edinburgh, 1832. £7 lOs * * * Containing in addition, accounts of many travels through the U.S.A. in search foT birds. 154 MAGGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1822 A.D. [393] DOBRIZHOFFER (M.). An account of th© Abipones, an eques- trian people of Paraguay. From the Latin of Martin Dobrizhoffer, eighteen years a missionary in that country. (Translated by Southey.) 3 vols. , 8vo, sprinkled calf ^ by Bedford. London, 1822. £3 3s Lowndes, " A singularly interesting and curious -WGrk, containing the most complete and extraordinary description of savage life that has ever been published." 1823 A.D. [394] COLUMBUS. Codice Diplomatico Colombo^ Americans ossia Raccolta dl Dooufnenti OriginaJi e inediti, spettanti a Cnstof oro Colombo aUa scoperta ed al Governo dell' America. Portrait and several plates. 4to, full riissia, joints ref aired, g. e. Genova, 1823. £2 2s 1823 A.D. [395] HUNTER (John D.). Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North America, from childhood to the age of nineteen; with anecdotes descriptive of their manners and customs. To which is added some account of the soil, climate, and vegetable productions of the territory westward of the Mississippi. 8vo, boards, uncut. - • London, 1823. ' ' 18s 1823 A.D. [396] MA WE (John). Travels in the Interior of Brazil. With notices on its Climate, Agriculture, Commerce, Population, Mines, Manners, and Cus- toms; and a particular account of the Gold and Diamond Districts. Including a Voyage to the Rio de la Plata. With coloured plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1823. 12s 6d 1824 A.D. [397] BULLOCK (W.). Descriptioni of the Unique Exhibitiotii called Ancient Mexico; collected on the spot in 1823 by the assistance of the Mexican Government, and now open for public inspection at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. With large folding plate of the Exhibition. 8vo, new boards. London, 1824. lOs 6d Plate XVII. PLATFORM O F CWch-Dirdpline : Gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Meflengers of the Churches affembled in.the Synod at CAMBRIDGE NEW EN GLAND: To be prefented to the Churches and general Court for their Confideration and Acceptance in the Lord. Hoyp amiable arethj TabernacUtt O LordofHoj^t ? Pfal. 84,1. Lord I have loved th^ Habitation of thy Houfe^ and f lace \i'here Thine- Honor dwtUeth, Pfal. 26. 8. Om thing have I de fired of the Lord^ that 1 TPtHfegl^after, that I may dmH in the Houfe of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lird^ and to inquire in his Temple* Pfal. Z'j, 4. Primed in iVf»- JE»^/W J and Reprinted in Z'Wc;* for P iter Cole i at thcfignotthe Princing-Prefs in et)rnhi]j near ihc Royal Exhcange. . i 6 1 3. Title-page from the First English Edition of " The Cambridge Platform/' London, 1653. See Item No. 97. FLATE XVlil. Db Lesseps. Journal liistorique du Voyage dans I'expedition du Coiute de la I'eiousei. 2 vols. Paris, 1796. Bound tor Marie Antoinettk, Queex of France. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 155 1824 A.D. [398J GRAHAM (Maria). Journal of a Voyage to Brazil and Residence there during part of the years 1821, 2 and 3. Illustrated with eleven plates and nine vignette engravings. •• ■ 4to, original boards, uncut. ' "• " London, 1824. £1 Is- 1825 A.D. [399] BOMTEMPO (J. M.). Trabal'hos medicos offerecidos a Magestade Don Pedro I. Imperador do Brazil. 4to, original wrappers. Rio de Janeiro, 1825. £2 2s Containing a memorial oil some illnesses of Eio de Janeiro, and especially on the general abuse and pernicious effects of quinine; and a plan for the medical tfhirurgical Academy in Eio de Janeiro. • . . , . . 1825 A.D. [400] MANIFESTAC10N que, de la criminal conducta del jeneral Olaneta hace a S.M. el Virei del Peru. Reimpresa a peticion del Brigadier D. Andres Garcia Camba. 4to, wrappers. ..•..''', /Manilla, Imprenta de Sampaloc, 1825. £3 lOs Tlie manifestation was written by Jose de la Serna, and is dated Cuzco, 15th July, 1824. In addition to this there are no less than 36 documents printed at the end. The whole matter refers to the conduct of General Olaneta in Peru during the Revolution. 1825 A.D. [401] R I BE IRQ DE SAMP AID (F. Xavier). Diarlo da Viagem que ent vistta e correioao das povoacoes da oapltania de S. Jos^ do Rio Negro fez o Ouvidor, e Intendente geral da mesma F. X. Ribeiro de Sampaio no anno de 1774 e 1775. Vindica-se o direito dos seus verdadeiros limites pela parte do Peru, nova Granada, e Guyana. E tratase a questao da existencia das Amazonas Americanas, e do famoso lago dourado. 4to. : - • Lisbon, 1825. £1 lOs- nhe question is seriously discussed of the existence of American Amazons. 156 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W, 1827 A.D. [402] DE RODS (F. F.). Personal narrative of travels in the United States ami Canada in 1826, with remarks on the present state of the American Navy. With plates, printed by Hullmaridel, including N. York and the Narrows taken going up the Hudson, " A View of Halifax, Chester, Mass., Waterworks of Philadelphia," etc., and a large folding view of Quebec. 8vo, boards. London, 1827. 15s 1827 A.D. [403] QUEBEC. Almanac (The) and British American Royal Kalen- dar for 1827. With Civil List of the Province of Lower Canada in English and French, etc. i6mo, original wrappers. Quebec, 1827. £2 2s 1827 A.D. [404] CASTRO (Fray Manuel). Sagrada Mision de Agustinos Recole- tOS a las OUatro Partes' Ctel MlindO, apoyada en principios teologicos y docu- mentos historicos. Elogio de esta Orden a su Capitulo General ano 1820. 8vo, calf. Huesca, 1827. £2 2s 1828 A.D. [406] BELTRAMI (J. C). A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, lead- ing to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River, with 3. description of the whole course of the former and of the Ohio. With portrait and maps. 2 vols. , 8vo, russia. London, 1828. £2 10s I MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 157 1828 A.D. [407] JURAS REALES (Baron de). Entretenimientos de un prisionera en las Pravincias en Rio de la Plata. With engraved frontispieces and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. Barcelona, 1828. £2 2s Among the contents are: Differences of suicides in America from those in Europe; observations on the music of the Indians ; on the ancient and modern cannibalism among the American nations; of the capacity of the Indians for forming abstract and general ideas; knowledge of astronomy, geometry, arithmetic, among the ancient Indians; on an antique painting of the Tarasco Indians; on the violent propensity which the Indians have for idolatry; etc. 1828 A.D. [408] BUR FORD (Robert). Description of a View of the City of St. Sebastian, and the Bay of Rio Janeiro, now exhibiting in the Panorama, Leicester Square. Large folding view of Rio Janeiro. 8vo, new boards. London, 1828. 15s 1828 A.D. [409] WARD (H. G.). Mexico in 1827. By His Majesty's Charge d' Affaires in that Country during the Years 1825, 1826, and part of 1827. Folding view of Mexico City and numerous other plates. First Edition. 2 vols., thick 8vo, neiv half calf, gilt, m. e. London, 1828. £2 2s 1828 A.D. [410] MEXICO. Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between His Majesty and the United States of Mexico. Together with two additional articles thereunto annexed. Signed at London, December 26th, 1826. Pre- sented to both Houses of Parliament, by Command of His Majesty. 1828. 13 pp., folio, unbound. London, 1828. 6& 1829 A.D. [411] HEAD (G.). Forest Scenes and Incidents In the Wildfe of North America: being a Diary of a Winter's Route from Halifax to the Canadas, and four months' Residence in the Woods of Lakes Huron ajid' Simcoe. Post 8vo, half morocco gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1829. 12s 6d 158 MAGGS BROS., 34 & ss, Conduit Street, London, W. 1829 A.D. [412] BRITO (P. J. Miguel de). Memoria politica sobre a capitania de Santa Catharina escripta no Rio de Janeiro em o Anno do 1816. With large folding maps and plates. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Lisbon, 1829. £2 2s Rodrigues, No. 470. Important monograph on t!he district of Saint Catharina, in Brazil. 1830 A.D. [413] COLLINS (S. H.). The Emigrant's guide to and description of the U.S. of America, including several authentic and highly important letters from English emigrants now in America, to their friends in England. i2mo, cloth. Hull, about 1830. 15s 1830 A.D. [414] WALSH (Rev. R.). Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. With large folding plan of Rio de Janeiro and 20 plates, including views of Rio de Janeiro, S. Jose, S. Joao d'el Rey, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1830. £1 Is 1830 A.D. [415] LIN ATI. Costumes et Moeurs de Mexique. Une collection de trente trois planches. 4to, half russia gilt, t. e. g. Londres {Engelmann), 1830. £4 lOs * * * Thirty-three coloured plates of the Costumes of Mexico. 1831 A.D. [416] QUEBEC. BURFORD (Robert) Description of the View of the City of Quebec, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square. Folding plate. 8vo, new boards. London, 1831. 15s I MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 155 1831 A.D. [41;] BALANZA dtel Commericio (to Espana con nuestras Americas y las potencias extranjeras en el ano cfe 1827. Folio, calf. Madrid, 1831. £3 lOs 1832 A.D. [418] CARVALHO E CUNHA (Benigno Jose de). A navega^ao aerea ou a ntaneira segura cfe viajar pelo Ar para qualquer parte d^i mumlo. i2mo, half calf , t. e. g. Bahia, 1832. £10 ICs This little work, printied in Brazil, is dedicated by the author to the Portuguese emigrants in Brazil who had left Portugal, maltreated by England under Wellington's ministry, because of their devotion to Queen Maria II. The author spent many years trying to find an ancient city which he imagined in the neighbourhood of Bahia, but died before finding it. Unknown to Eodrigues and Blake. 1834 A.D. [419] NIAGARA. BURFORD (R.). Description of a View of the Falls of Niagara, exhibited at the Panorama, Leicester Square. Folding view. 8vo, neiu boards. London, 1834. 8s 6(1 1834 A.D. [420] BURFORD (Robert). Description of a View of the City of New Yorl<, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square. Painted by the Proprietor from drawings taken by him in the Autumn of 1832. With two narrow oblong views of New York, looking up Chatham Street, and up Broadway, and text descriptive of all the buildings and points of interest, and a short general account of New York. 8vo, new boards. London, 1834. 18s 1834 A.D. [421] HAWKINS. Pioture of Quebec. With Historical Recollections. Engraved title-page and 14 plates, chiefly views of Quebec, from Originals, by A. J. Russell. 8vo, original cloth. (Quebec, 1834. ^2 5s *- i6o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1835 A.D. [422] LOUREIRO (Manoel Jose Gomes). MemoHas dos Estabeleol- mentos Portuguezes a PEste d^ Cabo da Bao Esperan^a. 8vo, half bound. Lisbon, 1835. £2 2s Refers to the Portuguese Colonies in Brazil, Goa, Mocambique, Delagoa Bay, Timur, East Africa, etc. 1836 A.D. [423] PERU. BURFORD (Robert). Description of a View of the City of Lima and the surrounding country, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square. Folding plate. Svo, neiv boards. London, 1836. 8s 6d 1£38 A.D. [424] REPORT upon the Finances and Internal Improvements of the State of New York, 1838. Post 8vo, half morocco, g. e. Reprinted at Neiv York. N.D. lOs 6d 1838 A.D. [425] TEXAS. Ordinances and Decr^s of the Consultation, Pro- visional Government of Texas and the Convention which assembled at Wash- ington March i, 1836. Houston, 1838. Brealving away from the Mexican Confederacy. 155 pp. Laws of the Republic of Texas. 4 vols. Houston, 1838-g. Together 5 vols, in i, thick Svo, old half calf. Houston, 1838-9. £2 lOs 1839 A.D. [426] HEAD (Sir Francis B.). A Narrative. Crown 8vo, uncut. London, 1839. 12s Bd The above narrative is a result of Sir Francis Head's experience in the administra- tion of Upper Canada, from 1835 to 1838. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 161 1839 A.D. [427] PARISH (W.). Buenos Ayras and the Provinces of the Rio de ia Plata; their present state, trade and debt; with some account from original documents of the progress of geographical discovery in those parts of S. America during the last 60 years. With large folding map, plan and plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1839. . 12s 6d 1839 A.D. [428] HEAD (Sir Francis B.). A Narrative. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1839. lOs 6d Ilhe above narrative is a result of Sir Francis Head's experience in the administra- tion of Upper Canada, fronii 1835 to 1838. 1841 A.D. [429] CATLIN (Geo.). Letters and Notes on the Manners^ Customs, and Conditions of the North American Indians. Written during eight years' travel, amongst the wildest tribes of Indians in 1 832-1 839. 400 engravings from the Author's original paintings. Original Edition. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1841. ■ £3 3s 1841 A.D. [430] BENTLEY (Charles). Twelve Views in the Interior of Guiana; from drawings executed after sketches taken during the Expedition, carried on in the years 1 835-1 839 imder the direction of the Royal Geographical Society of London. With descriptive letterpress by Rob. H. Schomburgk, accompanied by illustrations on wood. Map of Guayana, and series of 12 magnificently coloured views. Folio, original -pictorial boards. London, 1841. £12 12s 1841 A.D. [431] A NARRATIVE of the Early Days and Remembrances of Oceela Nikkanochee, Prince of Econchatti, a young Seminole Indian : son of the King of the Red Hills, in Florida : with a brief history of his nation, and his renowned uncle Oceola, and amusing tales, illustrative of Indian Life in Florida. Written by his Guardian. Illustrated. 8vo, half green morocco gilt, g. e. London, 1841. £1 1 62 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1843 A.D. [432] BOLIVAR. DescripcioiT de los hotiores funebres consagrados a los restos del liberador Simon Bolivar, decretados en 1842. Royal 8vo, Spanish calf. Caracas, 1843. , £2 2s 1843 A.D. [433] LIFE IN MEXICO during a Residence of Two Years in that Country, by Madame C — de la B — . with Preface by W. H. Prescott. First Edition. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1843. £1 5s " The present work is the result of observations made during a two years' residence in Mexico, by a lady, whose position lihere made her intimately acquainted with its society, and opened to her the vast sources of information in regard to whatever could interest an enlightened foreigner. It consists of letters written to the members of her own family, and, really, not intended originally— however incredible the assertion— for publication. 1845 A.D. [434] CHALMERS (George). An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies; being a Comprehensive view of its origin, derived from the State Papers contained in the Public Offices of Great Britain. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, nn:ut. Boston, 1845. 15s 1848 A.D. [435] CALIFORNIA. FREMONT Brevet Capt J C). Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky MountainSj in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-4. Large folding map and 4 plates. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1846. " ' £1 lOs 1846 A.D. [436] WARBURTON (Eliot\ Hochelaga; or, England in the New World. Frontispiece. Second Edition, revised. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth. London, 1846. 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. V»^ 163 1847 A.D. [437] RAMIREZ (J. F.). PriNjeso de residencia contra Petro de Atva- rado y Nuno d© Guzmail. Ilustrado con estampas sacadas de los antiguos codices Mexicanos y, notas y noticias biograficas. With portrait of Alvarado and three very interesting coloured plates after Mexican manuscripts. 8vo, half calf. Mexico, 1847. £1 5s Interesting account of the law suits against the early conquistadors of Mexico for their cruelty. The case against Nuno de Guzman alleged, the torture and murder of Calt- Tiontzin, King of Mechocam, were due t)o Guzman, and the illustrations given seem to show that the natives believed bo at the time. 1847 A.D. [438] HENRION (Baron). Histoire gdn^rale des Missions catlioliques depuis le XIII e si^oi^ jusqu'a nos jours. With many folding maps and plates. 4 vols., 4to, half morocco. Paris, 1847. £5 5s Contains accounts of the Catholic Missions in America from their arrival with Columbus in Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Bogota, Eio de la Plata, North and South America, Florida, New Mexico, Canada, Nova Scotda, Paraguay, etc., etc. 1847 A.D. [439] PHILLIPS (John). Mexico Illustrated. With Descriptive Letter- press in Spanish and English, and 26 plates. Lithographed by A. Rider. Folio, half morocco. London, 1848. £2 lOs 1847 A.D. [439a], GOSiSE (Philip Hy.). The Birds of Jamaica. Assisted by Richard Hill, Esq., of Spanish-Town. Thick post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1847. 8s 6d 1848 A.D. [440] RALEIGH (Sir Walter). The Discovery of the Large, Rich, and Beautiful Empire of Guiana^ with a i elation of the Great and Golden City of Manoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado). Performed in the Year 1595. Reprinted from the Edition of 1596, with some unpublished documents relative to that Country. Edited with copious explanatory notes and a bio- graphical Memoir by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk. With a folding map. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, Hakluyt Society, 1848, £6 6S i64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W 1849 A.D. [441] MAYNARDE (Thos). Sir Francis Drake his Voyage, 1595, To- gether with the Spanish Account of Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico. Edited, from the original manuscripts, by W. D. Cooley. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, Hakluyt Society , 1849. £1 lOs 1850 A.D. Coloured Copy. [442] MEXICO illustrated in twenty-six drawings by John PhiUips and A. Rider (no letterpress). 26 magnificent coloured plates drawn on stone. Atlas folio, original -portfolio. Circa 1 850. £10 10s 1851 A.D. [443] BURFORD (Robert). Description of Views of the Falls of Niagara and the City of Jerusalem, now exhibiting in the large circle of the Panorama, Leicester Square. With long oblong views of Niagara and Jerusalem. 8vo, neiv boards. 1851. lOS 6d 1851 A.D. [444] ARTEC Ul (Jose). Cronica de la Provincia de San Franoisco de Zacatecas. 8vo, half calf. Mexico, 1 85 1. £1 lOs Reprint of the first edition printed at Mexico, 1737, together with a continuation : " Memorias para la continuacion de la Cronica aeopiadas por Fr. Antonio Galvez, ano de 1827." 1853 A.D. [445] BURFORD (R). Desoriptton of a View of the City of Mexico and Surrounding Country, exhibiting in the Panorama, Leicester Square. Folding view. 8vo, new boards. London, 1853. 10s 6d 1857 A.D. [445a] HERBERT (Hy. Wm). Frank Forester's Horse and Horseman- ship of the United States and British Provinces of North America. With 14 engraved portraits of racehorses, vignette title on India paper, and 60 wood engravings. 2 vols., royal 8vo, original cloth. Neiif York, 1857. 16s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 165 1858 A.D. Chronicle of the Franciscan Missionaries in Brazil. [446] JAB ATA M (Antonio de Santa Maria). Neve Orbe Serafico Brasilice ou Chronica ctos Fractes Menores cfa Provinoia do Brasil. 5 vols, in 2, 8vo, half roan. Rio de Janeiro, 1 858-1 862. £5 lOs The first 2 vols, are a reprint of the work that was published in Lisbon in 1761, while vols 3 — 5 are published for the first time from the manuscript in tihe Archives in the Fran- ciscan Convent at Bahia. This chronicle of the Franciscan Missionaries appears complete for the first time in these volumes. 1858 A.D. [447] MOLLHAUSEN (Baldwin). Diary of a Journey from the Missis- sippi to the Coasts of the Pacifio with a U.S. Govt. Expedition. With an in- troduction by Alex, von Humboldt. Translated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. With large folding map, 11 coloured plates and 12 woodcuts. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. 'London, 1858. £2 15s 1859 A.D. [448] CHAiVIPLAIN (Samuel). Narrative of a Voyage to the West indies and Mexico in the years 1599-1602. Translated from the original and unpublished manuscript, with a Biographical Notice and Notes by Alice Wil- mere. Edited by Norton Shaw. With maps and illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, Hakluyt Society, 1859. ^^ 5s 1859 A.D. Original Manuscript. [449] LOG BOOK. Log of H.M. Ship "Pearl," Captain Sothehy. Begun January ist, 1856, ended June i6th, 1859. Original Manuscript Log Book, with a Diary of the Naval Brigade's landing and work in India. Adorned with many very fine coloured drawings, plans, etc., with a drawing of the Ship, surrounded with floral border (as frontispiece). Com- prising II coloured drawings, 19 pen and ink sketches, 4 coloured sectional plans, and 3 maps, by the master's assistant, E. T. R. Merewether. Folio, half morocco. £16 16s Containing coloured views of Places visited by the " Pearl " on its voyage round the world, including a view of Funchal; Straits of Magellan (Chilian penal settlement); Volcan (Continued over.) i66 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street. London. W. Log Book — continued. San Miguel; Cape Froward; Glacier in Maria Cove; Esplanade in Calcutta; Caun Island; Gulf of Nicona; Sandwich Islands; Cape Pillar; Etc., etc., and three Maps showing the track " from Calloa to Panama and Guatinolo," " South American Chart, from Rio to Valparaiso and Calloa," and " Nortih Chincha Island." At the beginning of the volume are four coloured plans of " Transverse Section of the Boat,'^ " Upper and Lower Decks," and " Plan of Holds Engine and Store Eoom " ; with minute eind carefully-executed measurements to each. The " Pearl," the first of a new class of 21 gun corvettes, weis commissioned in 1885 toy Captain Sotheby, and was armed with the prospect of a Baltic Expedition, but the Russian war being over, she was fitted out for a long foreign voyage. In 1856 she sailed for the Pacific, calling at Madeira, Rio de Janeiro, and passing through the Straits of Magellan, Sandwich Isles, arrived at Valparaiso, and from there sailed on to Chincha Island, and finally reached the China Seas. The " Pearl " was then ordered to proceed with the " Shannon " for Calcutta, and there took part in the great Indian Rebellion. Very soon the " Pearl's " Naval Brigade, of 175 men and ofl&cers, landed, and fought) in conjunction with the Goorkha and Sikh Forces, a diary of which occurs in the Log Book, with remarks, etc.. Camp Captangunga, Camp Dumvoreahgunga, Camp Bustee, etc., etc. When peace was declared the Naval Brigade marched to Allahabad and then on to Calcutta, where they were entertained in the Town Hall. The homeward voyage was made via Madras, and Trincomalee and the Cape, arriving at Plymouth in June, 1859. * * * Accompanying this Log Book is a copy of The Cruise of the " Pearl " round the World by Rev. A. Williams; with an account of the operations of the Naval Brigade in India. 8vo, cloth. London, 1859. 1859 A.D. [450] DAWSON (S. J.). Report on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement, and between the latter place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan. 3 large folding maps. Folio, original binding. Toronto, 1859. £2 lOs 1860 A.D. [451] GUTIERREZ (Juan M.). Apuntes Biograficos de Escritores, Oradores y hombres de Estado de la Republioa Argentina. i2mo, half morocco. Buenos Aires, i860. 12s 6d In addition to the 23 biographies contained in the work, there are two important essays : " La Quiehua en Santiago " and " A Confedera^ao dos Tamayos." 1860 A.D. [452] HICKMAN (William, B.A.). Sketches on the Nipisaguit, a river of New Brunswick. Large 4to, original cloth, gilt. Halifax, N.S. and London, i860. £14 14s * * * A series of 8 finely-coloured plates of Bathurst and the river Nipisaguit, with interesting descriptive text to each plate of the salmon fishing, etc. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 167 1860 A.D. [453] SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R). Archives of Aboriginal Itnowletfge con- taining all tlie original papers leiid before Congress respecting the history, antiquities, language, ethnology, pictography, rites, superstitions and mytho- logy of the Incfian tribes of the United States. With numerous plates, many coloured, and all full-page. 6 vols., 4to, original cloth. Philadelphia, i860. £22 10s 1861 A.D. [454] BOLLAERT (William, F.R.G.S.). The Expedition of Pedro de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre in search of El Doradb and Omagua in 1560-1. Translated from Fray Pedro Simon's " Sixth Historical Notice of the Conquest of Tierra Firme." Introduction by Clements R. Markham. With folding map of north of South America, showing the Track of the Expedition. 8vo, original cloth {worn), uncut. London, Hakluyt Society, 1861. £1 Is 1862 A.D. [455] CATLIN (George, Author of " The North-American Indians," etc.). The Breath of Life: or, Mal-respiration and its Effects upon the Enjoy- ments and Life of Man. 26 humourous engravings, printed in facsimile of the original manuscript. 8vo, original boards. London, 1862. £1 2s 6li 1863 A.D. [456] BATES (H. W.). The NatureUist on the River Amazon^ a Record of Adventures, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator, during eleven years of Travel. With numerous illustrations. First Edition. 2 vols., post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1863. £1 16s 1864 A.D. [458] CI£ZA DE LEON (Pedro de). Travels, A.D. 1532-50. Contained in the First Part of his Chronicle of Peru. Translated and Edited, with Notes ajnd an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. Folding map of Peru, Quito and New Granada. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, Hakluyt Society, 1864. £1 5s * * * Presentation copy from the translator with autographed inscription. 1 68 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1864 A.D. [459] CARAYON (August). Premiere Mission des J6siiJtes au Canada. Lettres et Documents inedits. 8vo, half roan. Paris, 1864. £2 2s Contains 31 unpublished letters of Jeeuits from Canada. 1865 A.D. [460] ANDACOYA (Pascual de). Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila in the Provinces of Tierra Firme or Castilla del Oro^ and of the Discovery of the South Sea and the Coasts of Peru and Nicaragua. Trans- lated and Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. With folding map of the Isthmus of Panama at the time of its discovery. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London^ Hakluyt Society, 1865. 12s 6d 1865 A.D. [461] VASCONCELLOS (Simao de). Chronica da Compaiihia d^ Jesu do Estado Af^ Brasil et do que obraram sous filhos n'esta parte do novo Mundo. . . . E Algumas Noticias curiosas e mecessarias das cousas d'aquelle estado. Tomo primeiro (e unico). Second Revised Edition, with additions. 2 vols., 8vo, wra-pfers. Lisbon, 1865. ' £2 2s Rodrigues 2459. Second and revised edition of the Jesuit Father's great work, of which the first edition appeared in 1663. 1865 A.D. [462] HUERTA (Felix de). Estado geografico, topografico, estadis- tico, historico-religioso de la Provincia de San Gregorio Magno de religiosos menores de San Francisco en las Islas Filipinas. Comprende el numero de religiosos, Conventos, Pueblos, situacion de estos anos de su fundacioii tribu- tos, almas pruducciones, industrias cosas y casos especiales de su administra- cion espiritual, en el Archipielago Filipino desde 1577 hasta 1865. Thick 8vo, half morocco. Binondo, 1865. £l 5s Copies of this book, which was printed in the Philippine Islands, are scarce; it) is interesting as giving an account of all the Convents in Mexico, China, Formosa, Japan, Siam, etc. A list of the 173 Franciscans martyred in Japan, etci, etc. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. i6g 1866 A.D. [463] LISBOA (Conselheiro). Relacao cfe Uma Viagem a Venezuela, Nova Granada e Equador. With numerous maps, tables, lithographic plates of costume, and views, including those of Caxacas, Bogota, Quito, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Brussels, 1866. £1 1s 1£66 A.D. [463a] KING (Major W. Ross). The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada, or notes on the Natural History of the Game, Game Birds, and Fish of that Country. Illustrated with coloured plates and woodcuts. Large Svo, new half morocco, t. e. g. London, 1866. £2 2s [463b] DITTO. Original cloth, uncut. London, 1866. £1 14s 1868 A.D. [464] MAJOR (Richard Henry). The Life Of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed The Navigator. Comprising the discovery, within one Century, of half the World. From Authentic Documents. With 5 illustrations and many maps, etc. Svo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1868. £1 1s 1869 A.D. [465] BURTON (Richard F). ExploraUons of The Highlands of the Brazil; with a full account of the Gold and Diamond Mines. Also, canoeing down 1,500 miles of the great river Sao Francisco, from Sahara to the Sfea. With large folding map and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1869. £3 3s 170 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 1870 A.D. [466] LA TEILLAIS (C. de). Etude Historique, Economique et Politi- que sur les Colonies Portugaises. Lcur Passe, Leur Avenir d'apres les Decrets deNov. et Dec. i86g. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1870. 10s 6d 1871 A.D. [467] MAFFEII (Eugenio) y Ramon Rua Figueroa (Bibliografia Mineral Hispano-Americana). Apuntes para una Bibliotheca EspanoTa de libros etc relatives al conocimfento de las riquezas minerales coticernientes a lal Penin- sula y a posesiones de Ultramar. Double columns. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Madrid, 1 87 1. £2 lOs The above is arranged alphabetically by author's names, and contains in addition .v very full index. 1873 A.D. [468] [PONCE (Alonso.)] Relacien de algunas cosas que sucedicion al Padre Alonso Ponce en las provincias de Nueva Espana, siendo Comisario General de Aquellas Partes. Escrita por dos Religiosos, sus companeros. Ahora por primera vez impressa. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Madrid, 1873. ^^ ^^ First Editioni. Printed for the first time from the original manuscript. Alonso Tonce left Spain for Mexico in 1584, and this account of his traTels and work there, by two of his companions, is of great value for the early history of that country, and also of Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Cuba, all of which he visited. Ponce was appointe Indi- jertas en Chile, 8vo, cloth. Santiago de Chile, 1909. £1 10s 1910 A.D. [551] GERSTE (A.). Notes sur fa medioine et les botanique des anctens M^xioains. Deuxieme edition revue et corrigee. 8vo, cloth. Rome, 1910. 12s 6d 1910 A.D. [552] SANCHEZ LABRADOR (Jose). El Paraguay Catolioo. With numerous plates, some folding, and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. Buenos Aires, 1910. £2 lOs First edition of this work which is of the greatest importance owing to the historical, geographical, and ethnological material contained therein. Tho author was born in Spain in 1717 and entered the Order of Jesuits in 1731. The contents comprise his important monograph on the Mbaya Indians, which fills a void in our knowledge of the American Indians. i88 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 1911 A.D. [553] THE KING'S BOOK OF QUEBEC. [With Preface by Earl Grey]. Folding map and 36 illustrations (some in colours) and portraits. 2 vols., small 4to, new half morocco extra^ uncut, t. e. g., by Riviere. Ottawa, 191 1. £7 7s " The object of this volume is twofold. To unite more closely Canadians of French and of British descent; and to create a public opinion in favour of preserving the Battlefields of Quebec in a manner worthy of their traditions." — Earl Grey. This forms the Memorial Volume of the Quebec Tercentenary Celebrations of July, 1908. Its preparation has been entrusted to Dr. Doughty, the Dominion Archivist, and to Colonel Wood, of Qiaebec, the author of " The Fight for Canada." The Contents consist of : — Historical Background : — Conditions in Europe — Jacques Cartier — Samuel Champlain — The Missionaries — The Intendant Talon — Frontenac — La Salle — The Struggle for Supremacy. Tercential Quebec, by Lieut.-Col. Wood :— ^Introductory — Preparation — Celebration^ — ^The Pageant. * * * Only a small number of copies were issued. 1911 A.D. [554] CORAZON DE MARIA (Fabo del). Restoracion tfe la Provincia de la Candelaria. With portrait and plates. 8vo, cloth. Bogota, 1911. 7s 6cl This is an account of the Augustin missionaries in Columbia. 1912 A.D. [555] TORRES LANZAS (Pedro). Independencia de America. Frientes para su estudio. Catalog© de documentos conservados en el archivo general de Indias de Sevilla. 5 vols., 8vo, Spanish calf. Madrid, 191 2. £4 4s 1913 A.D. [556] AC U ADO (Fray Pedro de) HIstoria de Venezuela, escrita en 1581 per Fray Pedro de Aguado. 2 vols., 8vo, original wrappers. Caracas, 1913-1915. 15s First edition printed from an unpublished Manuscript in the Library of the Eoyal Academy of History, Madrid. INDICES. (I). Authors and Titles. Acos-ta (Joseph) De Natura Novi Orbis, 1589 No. 32 Acosta de Samper (S.) Colombia, 1909-10. ..548 Acuna (G. de) Infoime del oiden de Pre- dicadores, 1659 99 Act for naturalizing, 1739 178 Act for preventing schemes, 1741 186 Act for Sugar, 1744 194 Act for Trade, 1746 198 Act to continue Parliament, 1746 , 199 Act for United Brethren, 1749 207 Act for Culture of Silk, 1750 209 Act for making Potash, 1751 212 Act re Wills, 1752 214 Act to extend Liberty, 1757 223 Act for Duties, 1764 234 Act for importation of Salted Beef, 1771... 256 Act for Mutiny, 1774 257 Act" for Beef, Pork, etc., 1772 258 Act for Tea, 1772 259 Act for Wheat, 1773 263 Address from R. G. Harper, 1796 327 Aguado (P. de) Venezuela, 1913-15 .556 Albertini (F. de) Mirabilibus Novae et Veteris Urbis Rornae, 1510 7 Aldrete (B.) Varias Antiguedades, 1614 ... 49 Alvarez (F.) Historia de las cosas de Ethi- opia, 1561 23 American War for Independence, Pamph- lets, 1774 265 America, Map of N.A., 1775 268 T— Map of Theatre of War, 1776 270 Map of Continent, 1777 276 New and correct Map, 1779 279 - — — Map, 1753 292 New Map, 1786 297 New Map, 1794 315 American Indians, Act for trading, 1796. ..324 America, Address to the People, 1798 ... 340 MS. account, 1750 208 Ames (N.) Almanach, 1768 243 Ames' Speech, 1796 328 Amunategui (M. L ) Drama en Chile, 1888 ...* 493 Amunategui Solar (D.) Indijenas en Chile, 1909 550 Anchieta (J.) Vita, 1738 177 (Joseph) Eloge, 1624 60 Andagoya (P. de) Narrative, 1865 460 Andrada Leitao (F. de) Proposicoes resti- tuicao de S. Paulo, 1642 80 Andrada Leitao (F. de) Discurso, 1642 ... 82 Andre (E.) Naturalist in Guineas, 1904 ... 538 Andrews (J.) War with America, 1785 ... 470 Anriciue (N.) and Silva (J.) Biblio. Chile, 1902 532 Anson (G.) Voyage, 1748 205 Apianus (P.) Cosmographia, 1545 17 Argentine, Eeconquista de Buenos Aires, 1806 364 Arriaga (Joseph de) Estirpaeion de la idola- tria del Peru, 1621 55 Arrowsmith, Map of U.S., 1800 346 Artegui (J.) Cronica, 1851 444 Assis BrasiL (J. F. de) De Governo Presi- dencial, 1896 516 Associacao do Quarto Centenario Brazil, 1900-2 524 Attayde (Antonio de) Cargos, 1624 59 Attorney and Solicitor General's Opinions, 1673-1703 114a Azevedo (J. L. de) Os Jesuitas, 1901 526 Azpurua (R.) Biografias, 1877 475 Baffin (W.) Voyages, 1881 479 Balanza Del Comercio de Espana, 1831 ... 417 Balthassar de Medina (F.) Chronica, 1652 ... 122 Baltimore, Nile's Weekly Register, 1815.. .352 Baptista (J.), Advertencias para los Con- fessores de los naturales, 1600 37 Barros (A. de) Vida do Antonio Vieyra, 1746 197 (J. de) and Couto (D. de) Asia, 1778-88 278 Basalenque (D.) Historia Prorincia de S. Nicolas, 1886 490 Bates (H. W.) Naturalist on Amazon. 1863... 456 Behaim (Martin) His Life and Globe, 1908... 546 Belmonte Bermudez (Luis de) Algunas Ha- zanas de los Hechos del Marques de Canete, 1622 56 Beltrami (J. C.) Pilgrimage, 1828 406- Benes (J. B.) Relaciones Universales, 1603... INDICES — Continued , (I.) AUTHOES AND TITLES— Cantmued. Bentley (C.) Views in Guiana, 1841 430 Beretarius (S.) Vida del Padre J. de An- chieta, 1618 .• 51 Bernardo de Braga, Sermam, 1649 88 Berredo (B. P. de) Maranhao, 1749 206 Bickerstaff's Boston Almanac, 1755 269 Blackmore (W.) N.A. Indians, 1877 474 Blake (A.) Bibliografia Brasileiro, 1883- 1902 483 Boemus, Nationum habitus, 1572 27 Bolivar; Descripcion Funebres, 1843 432 Bollaert (W.) Expedition of P. de Ursua, 1861 454 Bom tempo (J. M.) Trabalhos Medicos, 1825... 399 Bonaparte (R. de) etc., Le Mexique, 1903 ... 535 Bossu (M.) Travels, 1771 253 Bouso (Dr. J.) Oracion, 1779 281 Brant (S.) Stultifera Navis, 1497 2 Bredan (D.) Desengano a los pueblos del Brasil, 1632 72 Brief Statement, 1800 3.52 British Empire in America, 1741 182 Brito (P. J. M. de) Memoria, 1829 412 Bullock (W.) Ancient Mexico, 1824 397 Bur ford's View of Niagara, 1851 443 Burford's View of Rio de Janeiro, 1828 ... 408 Burgoyne (Lt.) Expedition from Canada, ' 1780 285 Burney (J.) Voyages, 1819 390 Burton (R. E.) Highlands of Brazil, 1869... 465 €abral (A.) Vita del Padre Azevedo, 1743... 189 (Pedro Alvarez) His copy of Pompo- nius Mela, 1498 4 Cabrera de Nevares (M.) Memoria, 1821. ..391 Callander (J.) Terra Australis, 1766 ... 239 Cambridge Platform, 1653 97 Canada; Map of Eastern Canada, 1720 ... 154 Candido (A.) Discurso, 1900 523 Canto (E.) Labrador, 1884 486 Carayon (A.) Jesuites au Canada, 1864 ... 4.59 Cardoso (G.) Agiologio, 1652 94 Cardus (J.) Misiones Franciscanas, 1886 ... 491 Carey (M.) Olive Branch, 1816 384 Caro de Torres; Relacion, 1620 53 Carpenter (N.) Geography, 1625 66 Carvalho e Cunha (B. J. de) Navega^ao, 1832 418 Carver (J.) Travels, 1779 280 Cassani (J.) Glorias de la Com. Jesus, 1734... 171 Castro (F. A. de) Vida del Padre Diego Luiz de Sanvitores, 1723 1.59 Castro (M.) Misiom, 1827 404 Catechismo, 1771 260 Catecismo breve, 1759 228 Catlin (G.) Breath of Life, 1862 455 Catlin (G.) N.A. Indians, 1841. 1876 ...... 429 & 472 Caulin (A.) Historia, 1779 ?82 Causa Jesuitica de Portugal, 1768 242 Cazal (M. A. de) Corografia Brazilica. 1817... 386 Chalmers (G.) Annals, 1780 284 Chalmers (G.) Revolt of Colonies, 1845 ... 434 Champlain (G.) Voyage, 1859 448 Chantre y Herrera; Misiones en el Mara- non, 1901 .528 Chaparro (J. G.) Relacion del; Gran Terre- moto, 1648 86 Charlevoix (P. de) Nouvelle France, 1744... 192 Chaudron (G.) Oraison Funebre de Wash- ington, 1800 3,53 Chauncy (C.) Seasonable Thoughts, 1743 ... 190 Chirino (P.) Relacion Islas Filipinas, 1890... 496 Churchill's Voyages, 1704 142 Cieza de Leon (P. de) Travels, 1864 4.58 Clavigero (F. G.) California, 1789 302 Clinton (Sir H.) Narrative, 1783 289 Cluverius (P.) Geographicum, 1661 100 Colden (C.) First Cause of Action in Matter, 1746 196 Colden (C.) Five Indian Nations, 1747 ... 201 Collins (G. H.) Emigrant's Guide. 1830 ... 413 Colombia; Diario, 1741 184 & 185 Columbus; Autografos, 1892 -502 Book of Privileges, 1893 .. .507 - Codice, 1823 394 First Letter (First German treinsla- tion), 1497 3 Historia de su vida, 1892 506 Lettre et Carte, 1902 .529 Libros y Autografos. 1891 .501 Nuevos Autografos, 1902 531 de primae Insularum in Marl Indico sitarum, 1533 10 Columbus 33 Colombo (F.) Vida; Padre Pedro Urraca, 1790 309 INDICES — Continued. U) AUTHORS AND TITLES— Cont/nued. Compendium of Voyages, 1756 222 Compleat Collectiou of Papers, 1689 130 Conceicao (A. da) Primizia Serafica, 1733 ... 169 Cancelada (Juan L.) Ruina de la Nueva Espana, 1811 374 Cooper (Rev.) North America, 1789 305 Copia de Cedula . . . Peru, 1689 129 Copia de unas Cartas de Padres de la Com- pania de Jesus, 1555 22 Corazon de Maria (F. del) Provincial de la Candelaria, 1911 554 Cornwallis (Earl) Answer to Clinton, 1783... 289-290 Cortabarria (D. A. 1.) Proclama, 1811 ... 372 Cortes 33 Cortes (H.) Second and Third Letters (Ue insulis Nuper Inveutis) 1532 9 Cortes (H.) Second and Third Letters (Von dem Nevven Hispanien, 1550) 18 Cortetj (H.) Nueva Espana, 1770 251 Cory (C. R.) Birds of Bahama, 1890 ... 495a Courboin (A.) Chez les Indiens, 1901 ...... 525 Coutinho (J. J. C. A.) Comercio de Portugal e suas Colonies, 1794 316 Couto (D. do) Observavoes, 1790 307 Cotton (J .) of Holineese of Church Members, 1650 92 Cubeiro (P. S.) Uescripcion del Mnndo, 1697 , 135 Curtis (Sir R.) Book containing Views, 1799 344 Darien; Information, 1699-1700 136 Papers and Letters, 1700 138 Davies (J.) Caribby Islands, 1666 105 Davila Padilla (A.) Historia . . . Provin- cia de Santiago de Mexico, 1625 62 Dawson (G. J.) Exploration of Red River, 1859 '. 450 Decreto de Philip V, 1744 193 De Lesseps (M.) Voyage, 1790 306 Delisle (G.) Carte du Canada. 1703 140 Carte du Canada, 1710 148 De Roos (F. F.) Travels in U.S and Canada, 1827 402 Desultory Reflection on U.S., 1800 354 Diario de las operaciones . . . Panzacola, 1781 287 Diaz de Ysla (Ruy) Traetado contre el mal serpentino. 1539 13 Disposicion . . . Guerra de Chila, 1644 ... 83 Dixon (Capt. G.) Voyage. 1789 303 Dobrizhofier (M.) Abipones, 1822 393 Douglas (W.) First Settlements in N.A., 1755 217 Dublin Magazine, 1798 338 Dudley (R.) Voyage, 1899 519 Du Perier (M.) Voyages 1708 144 Duvallon; Colonic Espanole du Mississippi, 1803 360 Echave y Assu (F. de) La Estrella de Lima, 1688 128 Edwards (B.) French Colony in St. Domin- go, 1797 333 British West Indies, 1819 389 (J.) Faithful Narrative, 1790 310 Elias de Molino (A.) Bibliograha, 1880 ... 476 Enrich (F.) Hist. Comp. Jesus en Chile, 1891 500 (J.) Late War, 1763 233? Epistola patrum Lusitanorum. Soc. Jesu, 1572 26 Eslaba (G. de) Diario, 1741 181 Espinosa (J. F. de) Chronica . . . Nueva Espana, 1746 195 Estado de las Misiones de la Nueva Cali- fornia, 1785 296 Estado Politico del Peru, 1742 188 Exposicion . . . La Ciudad de Santa Fe, 1712 150 Exposition of Late War with G. Britain, 1815 380 Extracto historial . . . Nueva Espana, 1736 173 Extracts from Treatises, 1747 200 Faria e Castro (J. C> de) Henrique Le Navi- gateur, 1902 530 Febris (A.) Arte de lengua de Chile, 1765... 236 Felix (G.) Vasco da Gama, 1909 54ff Felix de Espinosa (I.) Cronica, 1899 ... 520 Fernandez (A.) Historia eclesiastica, 1611... ^46 (J. P.) Missiones de los Indies, 1726... 163 Misiones de los Indies, 1896 ... 515 Ferreira da Sylva (S.) Buenos Aires, 1748... 203 Figueroa (FrancisKio de) Memorial, 1617 ... 50 Figueira (L.) Lingua de Brasil, 1795 320 Four Indian Kings, 1710 147 Freire de Monterroio Mascarenhes (J.) Os Orizes Conquistados, 1716 151 Freitas (S. de) De justo imperio Lusitan- orum Asiatico, 1625 65 Fremont (J. C.) Expedition to Rocky Moun- tains, 1846 435 INDICES— Confznued. (I.) AUTHORS AND TITLES— Continued. Freyre (F. de Brito) Nova Lusitania, 1675... 11.5 Frobisher (M.) De Navigatione in Regionis Oecidentis, 1580 29 Fullarton (Col.) Refutation of the Pamph- let, 1805 363 Galancha (A. de la) Coronica del Orden de San Augustin en el Peru, 1638 74 Galloway (J.) Letters, 1770 2.52 Garcia (G.) Origen de los Indios, 1729 ... 165 Galvao (Antonio) Tratado, 1731 167 Galvez (B.) Reales Cedulas, 1783 291 Garcia (G.) Calendarios Mexicanos, 1907 ... 544 Garcia de Cespedes (A) Navegacion, 1606 ... 42 Garcia de la Concepcion (J.) Vida del Pedro de San Joseph Betaneur, 1723 160 Garcia-Irigoyen (C.) Santo Toribio, 1906-8... 541 Garcilasso de la Vega; Commentarios reales . . . Origen de los Incas, 1608-9 41 Garcilasso de la Vega; Historia general del Peru, 1617 41 Garcilasso dc la Vega; Histoire de la Flo- ride, 1670 107 Gerete (A.) Medicine des Anciens Mexicains, 1910 551 Gilbert; The Hurricane, 1796 329 Giron (Francisco Hernandez) Treslado de una Carta, 1553 20 Gonsales de Mendoza (Maestro G.) Historia della China, 1586 30 Gonzalez (J. E.) Hist, de Nuevo Leon, 1885 .. 489 Gospels in Language of Esquimaux, 1813 ... 377 Oosse (P. H.) Birds of Jamaica, 1847 ... 439a Graham (M.) Voyage to Brazil, 1824 398 Grav y Monfalcon (Juan) Memorial, 1637 ... ^ 73 Guazzo (M.) Historia, 1540 14 Guerreiro (B.) Gloriosa Coroa, 1642 81 Guerreiro (B.) Jornada dos vassalos . . . reouperar do Bahia, 1625 63 Guniilla (J.) Orinoco, 1741 183 ■ (P. J.) Historia . . . Orinoco, 1791 ... 308 Gutierrez (J. M.) Biograficos, 1860 451 Guzman (L. de) Historia de las Missiones, 1601 38 Hamy (Dr. E. J.) Galerie Americaine, 1897... 517 Harper (R. G.) Dispute United States of France, 1797, 1798 335 and 341 Harris (J.) Voyages, 1744 191 Harriss© (H.) Christopher Columbus, 1892... 505' Hawkins; Picture Quebec, 1834 421 Head (F. B.) Narrative, 1839 426, 428 Head (G.) Forest Scenes, 1829 411 Heath (Major W.) Memoirs, 1798 336 Henrion (Baron) Missions Catholiquee, 1847 ,... 43j Herberti (H. W.) Horse and Horsemanship, 1857 445a Herrara (A. de) HistoTia de los Castellanos, 1725-1730 161 Hersent (G.) Argentine, 1903 536 Heylin (P.) Cosmographie, 1677 117 Hickman (W.) Nipisaguit, 1860 452 Hidalgo (M.) Glorias Dominicanas, 1795 ... 318 Hippisley (G.) Expedition to Orinoco, 1819... 390a Histoire de ce qui s'est passe en Ethiopie, 1628 68 Holland (Major) New York, 1776 270a Holywood (John) Sphaera, 1587 31 Hooker (T.) Survey of Church Discipline, 1648 87 Hornaday (W. T.) Amer. Nat. History, 1904 538a Hotten (J. C.) Original lists of Emigrants, 1874 469 Howard (M.) Conquest of Quebec, 1768 ... 244 Howe (Lord) Letter, 1779 283 Howe (Sir W.) Narrative, 1781 286 Huerta (F. de) Estado Geografico, 1865 ... 462 Hues (R.) Tractatus de Globis, 1889 494 Hunter (J. D.) Captivity among Indians, 1823 395 Hylacomylus (M.) Cosmographia, 1509 ... 6 Icones Heroum Bellica, 1589 33 Idea General . . . Hidrografica, 1810 368 Ignacio de Cortabarria (A.) A los Pueblos, 1811 371 Inquiry into relations of France and U.S., 1811 373 Instruccion para el Mejor Regimen, 1793 314 Jaboatam (A.) Orbe Serafico novo Brasilico, 1761 231 Jaboatam (A. de St. M.) Novo Orbe Serafico Brasilico, 1858-62 446 Jamaica. — Proceedings, 1796 331 Jeffery (T.) Chart of St. Lawrence, 1775... 267 Plan of St. Lawrence, 1760 229 Jefferson (T.) Inaugural Speeches, 1809... 366 INDICES— Continued. (I.) AUTHORS AND TITLES— Continued Joseph de Zisneros. Discurso en el insigni Auto de la Fe, 1639 77 Julian (A.) La perla de la America, 1787 300 Juras Reales (Baron) Entretenimientos, 1828 407 Jusfcel (H.) Voyages, 1684 124 Keith (Sir W.) British Plantations, 1738... 176 King (W. E.) Sportsman in Canada, 1866... 463a Kino (E. F.) Exposicion astronomica, 1681... 120 Kretschmer (K.) Entdeckung Amerikas, 1892 503 Lacroix (A.) La Montague Pelee, 1904 537 Lahontan (Baron de) Voyages, 1705 143 Lamego (Manuel Rodriguez) Assiento y Capitulacion, 1623 57 La Rea (A. de) Cronica, 1882 481 La Rua (F. de) Informe, 1671 109 Las Casas (B. de) Treatises, 1552-3 19 (B.) Historia de la Indias, 1875-1879... 471 Le Cat. Traite, 1765 238 Le Pointe (H.) Les Pastes Militaires, 1906... 542 Leon Pinelo (A.) Biblioteca Oriental y Occidental, 1629 >... 69 : Question Moral, 1636 72a Le Teillais (C. de) Colonies Portugaises, 1870 466 Lewis & Clark. Travels, 1814, 1815. ...378, 383 Lillington (Col. Luke) Reflections on Bur- chet's Memoirs, 1704 141 Linati. Costumes Mexique, 1830 415 Lincoln (Bishop) Sermon, 1747 202 Lisbon (C.) Viagem a Venezuela, 1866 ... 463 Llamosas (L. de la) Relacion . . . Peru, 1692 133 Llibre d© Consolat dels fets maritims, 1592... 35 Loarte (L.) Historia del San Luis Bertran, 1672 : Ill Lobkowitz (J. C.) Philippus . . . legitimus rex demonstratus, 1639 76 Log Book of H.M.S. " Pearl," 1859 449 London Magazine, 1761 232 Lorenzana (F. A.) Concilios Mexicanos, 1769 250 Loureiro (M. J. G.) Memorias, 1835 422 Lossa (F.) Vida de Lopez, 1613 48 Lozano (P.) Gran Chaco, 1733 168 Carta . v . Missionero del Paraguay, 1740 179 Lozano (S. J.) Historia. Com. Jesus en Para- guay, 1754-5 216 Mackenzie (A.) Voyages, 1801 357, 3.58 Maffeii (E.) Bibliotheca Espanola, 1871... 467 Major (R. H.) Life of Prince Henry, 1868... 464 Manifestacion . . . General Oloneta, 1825 400 Manual Exercise of Cavalry, 1806 365 Marcel (S.) Cartes et Globes, 1893 510 Margil (Padre) Peregrine, 1737 174 1742 187 Marmontel (S.) Brasilia Pontificia, 1758... 226 Maseres (F.) Memoire Province de Quebec, 1773 262 Mauduit (I.) Colony of Massachusetts, 1769... 249 Martyr (Peter) De Insulis Nuper Inventis narrationes, 1532 9 De rebus Oceanicis & Orbe Novo, 1533 11 Historia de Tlndie Occidentale, 1534 12 Mawe (J.) Travels in Brazil, 1812 376 Travels in Brazil, 1823 396 Maynerde (I.) Drake's Voyage, 1849 441 Medina (Pedro de) L'Arte del Navegar, 1554 21 Memorial de lo sucedidi . . . Ciudad de Mexico, 1624 58 Mendoza (L. de) Suplicacion, 1630 71 Merrill (O. C.) Happiness of America, 1804... 362 Oration, 1815 381 Mexican Inquisition (Manuscript), 1597... 36 Mexican Picture Manuscript, 1895... 513, 514 Mexico. Treaty of Peace, 1828 410 Life in, by C— de la B— , 1843 433 Illustrated, 1850 442 Burford's View, 1853 445 Mexique Conquis, 1752 213 Moll (H.) Atlas Manuale, 1709 146 Moll (H.) Map of North America 155 Mollhausen (B.) Journey, 1858 447 Monner Sans (R.) Catalanes Ilustres, 1893 509 Monsalve (M. de) Reducion Universal de Peru, 1604 40 Montcalm (L. J.) Prise des Forts de Oswego, 1756 219 Montesclaros (Marquis de) Buen trata- miento de los Indios, 1609 44 Monteyro de Vido. Constituciones, 1719... 152 Montoya (A. Ruy de) Catecismo de la lengua Guarani, 1640 78 Morden (R.) Geography, 1700 187 Munster (S.) Cosmographie, 1565 25 INDICES — Continued. (I.) AUTHORS AND TITLES-ContJnued. N (M.T.A.) O. Principe de Nassau, 1900... 522 Nantes (B. de) Kalecismo Indico, 1709... 145 Narrative of Oeeola, 1841 431 New England Map, 1774 264 New York. Burford's View, 1834 420 Finances, 1838 424 Niagara. Burford's View, 1834 419 Nieremberg (J. E.) Jesuit Missions, 1643-7... 84 Nieuhofs (J.) Brasil, 1682 123 Nodal (B. G. de) Viage, 1769 246 Nova Scotia. Original Papers, 1797 332 Nuix (J.) Reflexiones, 1782 288 Oldmixon (J.) British Empire, 1768 245 Ordenan^as . . . navios que navegan a las Indias Ocidentales, 1619 52 Ordenanza General, 1803 361, 362 Ordenanzas . . . Armada Naval, 1748 204 Ordenanzas del Consejo Real de las Indias. 1681 121 Ordonnance du Roi, 1756 220 Ortega (C. de) Reeumen Historico, 1769.... 248 (J.) Historia del Nayarit, 1887 492 Ovalle (A. de) Historica Relatione del Regno de Cile, 1646 85 Oviedo (L. A. de) Vida de Sta Rosa, 1711.. 149 Oviedo y Banos (J.) Provincia de Venezuela, 1723 157 Padilla (Juan de) Los doze Triumphos, 1521 8 Paine (T.) Agrarian Justice. 1800 349 .Common Sense, 1776 273 Decline of English Finance, 1796... 330 Letter to Shelburne, 1791 31 S Palafox y Mendoza (Juan de) Satisfacion al Memorial. 1652 9.5. 96 Ultimo breve, 1654 98 Paredes (G.) Almanaque Peruano, 1810. . 369 Parish (W.) Buenos Ayres, 1839 427 Pena Montenegro (A. de la) Itinerario, 1726 162 Penafiel (A.) Anc : Mexican Art, 1890 495 Penn (W.) Address to Protestants, 1679... 118 and Duke of Buckingham. Three Tracts 1?7 Pennington. Marriage Certificate, 1723... 158 Pereira (Nuno Marquez) Peregrine, 1760. 230 ditto, 1765 ?35 Peru. Burford's View, 1836 423 Phillips (J.) Mexico, 1848 439 Piccolomini (A.) De la Sfera del Mondo. 1540 15 Piedrahita (L. F.) Conquestas de Granada. 1881 478 Pike (W.) Northern Canada, 1892 504 (Z. M.) Travels, 1811 370 Pimentel (F.) Literatura en Mexico. 1883... 485 Pomponius Mela. Cosmographia, 1482.... 1 ditto (Cabral's Copy), 1498 4 Ponce (A.) Relacion, 1873 468 Porcacchi (T.) Isole piu famose. 1576 ... 28 Porcacchi (T.) Isole piu famose, 1620 .... 54 Portlock (N.) Voyage, 1789 304 Portuguese Trade, MS., 1771-93 2.54 Portulano, 1767 240 Pownall (T.) Middle Colonies, 1776 271 Presas (J. de) Representacion, 1815 379 Price (R.) Civil Liberty, 1777 277 Proceedings of Virginia Assembly, 1800... 351 Promotion of trade in England, 1675 ... 114 Prospect before us, 1800 350 Proyecto Para Galeones . . . Peru, 1720... 153 Purchas (S.) Hakluytus Posthumus, 1625-6... 64, 64a Quebec. Almanac. 1827 403 Burford's View. 1831 416 King's Book. 1911 553 Manuscript Observations, 1787 ... 298 Ragguaglio d'alcune Missioni, 1592 34a Raleigh's Guiana, 1848 440 Ramirez (J. F.) Processo, 1847 437 Ramsay (A.) Essay, 1771 2.55 Raphael de Jesus. Entrepresa de Pernam- buco, 1679 110 Recopilacion de Leyes, 1774 ^ 266 Records of New Amsterdam, 1897 518 Regla de la Confradia de los Inquisidores . . . de Mexico, 1597 36 Reid (J.) and Eaton (J. H.) Life of Andrew Jackson, 1817 385 Relacam verdadeira . . . restauracao da Bahia. 1625 61 Relacao abbreviada . . . Relig : Jesuites, 1756 221 Relacao . . .do sxicessos . . . Cartagena, 1642 79 Relaciom de la Conquista de los Nayaritas, 1722 156 Relacion del enquentxo que tuvieron dos Naos, 1662 102 Relacion del Jubileo de las Missiones, 1650 93 Rene-Moreno (G.) Bibliog : Bolivia, 1905... 540 Bolivia, 1901 527 Representacion . . . de Lima, 1750 210 Respuesta de la Provincia de el Nuevo Reyno de Granada, 1696 134 INDICES — Continued. (I.) AUTHORS AJS'D TITLES— Comfmued. Respueeta que dio cierto ministro, 1670... 108 Ribadeneyra y Barrientos (A. J. de) Manual, 1755 218 Ribeiro.de Sampaio (X.) Diario, 1825 ... 401 Ripalda (G. de) Catechismo, 1784 294 • Catecismo Mexicano 227 Rivera Marquez (P. de) Continente Ameri- cano, 1728 164 Rivero (J.) Misiones de los Llanos, 1883... 484 River Plate, Conquest of, 1891 498 Roblee (A. de) Resguardo contra el Olvido, 1757 225 Rocha Pitta (S.) America Portugueza, 1730... 166 Rodriquez (J.) San Agustin de Lima, 1908... 547 Roosevelt (J.) Wilderness Hunter, 1893.. 510a Roxas (A. de) Memorial ... en Satisfacion, 1650 91 Ruidiaz y Caravia (G.) Florida, 1893-4 ... 508 Ruiz Blanco (M.) Conversion de Piritu, 1690 131 Ruiz de Montoya (A.) Conquista espiritual, 1639 75 Russell. Maps, 1783-1800 -.... 293 Sa (S. P. de) Historia, Rio da Plata, 1900... 521 Saavedra Guzman (A. de) Peregrino Indiano, 1880 477 Saba (O. P. de) Viris Peruvianis, 1788... 301 Saldamando (E. T.) Jesuitas el Peru, 1882... 482 Samper (J. M.) Bolivar, 1884 488 San Antonio (J. F. de) Chronicas, 1738-44.. 175 Sanchez Labrador (J.) Paraquay, 1910... 552 Sancho de Santa Justa y Rufina (B.) Exem- plares de Carta, 1769 247 Sandin (A.) Relacion Sumaria, 1685 126 Santos y Salazar (D. M. de los) Invencion de la Santa Cruz, 1890 497 Sarmiento de los Salvadores (A.) Clarin de la Aurora, 1669 106 Schoolcraft (H. R.) Aboriginal Knowledge, 1860 453 Shillibeer (Lieut. J.) Briton's Voyage to Pitcairn, 1817 388 Silva (J. M. P. de) Literatura de Portugal e Brazil, 1884 487 Silva Porto (M. J. da) Elogio, 1817 387 Simcoe (Lieut.-Gen.) Letter, 1799 343 Ode, 1798 337 Smith (W.) New York, 1776 272 Solis (A. de) Conquista de Mexico, 1684... 125 Soto y Marne (F.) Relacion . . . Cartagena, 1753 215 Sousa (A. de) Proposta, 1663 104 Speed (John) Theatre of Empire, 1676 ... 116 Stamler (J.) Dyalogus, 1508 5 Stedman (J. S.) Narrative, 1796 322 Steele (R.) Tour, 1810 367 Suarez de Figueroa (C.) Hechos de Mendoza Marques de Canete, 1613 47 Tamariz de Carmona (A.) Relacion, 1650.. 89 Tarleton (Col.) Campaigns, 1787 299 Teixeira (J.) Taboas geraes de toda Nave- gacao, 1630 70 Tejera (F.) People's Venezolanos, 1881... 480 Tello (A.) Cronica . . . Nueva Mexico, 1891... 499 Terris (J. de) Quatrieme Centenaire, 1894 511 Texas. Ordinances, 1838-9 425 Thorius (R.) De paeto seu tobaco, 1800 ... 348 Topia (F. de) Representacion, 1701 139 Tomaio de Vargas (T.) Restauracion del Salvador, 1628 67 Torres Langao (P.) Independencia de America, 1912 555 Torres Rubio (Diego de) Relatione Breve, 1603 : 38a Tovar (M.) Hist. Ecc. del Peru, 1873-6... 473 Tucker (Dean) Series of Answers, 1776... 274 Ulloa (A. de) Noticias Americanas, 1772... 261 ditto, 1792 313 United States. Acts, 1791 311 Case respecting British Debts, 1797... 334 Documents, 1798 323 Real Cedula, 1796 325 Revenues, 1795 319 Short Account of Congress, 1798... 339 Uzielli (G.) Vita Toscanelli, 1894 512 Valcarcel (D.) Reales exequias, 1767 241 Valencia (Martin de) De Insulis Nuper Inventis Narrationes, 1532 9 Valverde (A. S.) Idea, 1785 295 Vasconcellos (S. de) Chronica, 1663 103 ditto, 1865 461 Vida de Joseph de Anchieta, 1672... 112 Vecellio (C.) Habiti, 1590 34 Veitia Linage (J. de) Indiae Oceidentales, 1672 110 Venegas (M.) California, 1757 224 Venezuela, Manifiestos, 1821 392 Vergara y Vergara (J. M.) Lit. Nueva Granada, 1905 539 Vespuccius (Amerigo) Voyages, 1509 6 JNDICES^-Contimied. (I.) AUTHORS AND TITLES— Continued. Vetancurt (A. de) Arte de lingua Mexicana, 1673 113 Vidal (M.) Historia del Convento de S. Augustin, 1751 211 Villagra (G. de) Nueva Mexico, 1610 45 Vocabulario de lingua Guarani, 1650 90 Voto . . . Isla de Santa Cruz, 1735 172 Waldseemueller (M.) Cosmographiae, 1509 6 Oldest Map, 1903 534 Walsh (Rev. A.) Notices of Brazil, 1830... 414 Warburton (E.) Hochelaga, 1846 436 Ward (H. S.) Mexico, 1828 409 Washington (G.) Epistles, 1796 321 Farewell Address, 1812 375 Letters, 1800 355 Oraison Funebre, 1801 359 Political Legacies, 1800 356 Weld (I.) Travels, 1799, 1800 342, 345 Welde (T.) and Winthrop (J.) Story of Antinomians, 1692 132 Whitefield (G.) Journal, 1740 180 Williams (G.) History Vermont, 1794 317 Willock (J.) Voyages, 1800 347 Willyams (Rev. C.) Campaign in W.I., 1796 326 Wilson, Bonaparte, and Jardine. American Ornithology, 1832 392a Wolfe (General) Apology for Life, 1765... 237 Wright (M. R.) Brazil, 1907 543 Xarque (F.) Vida del Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, 1662 101 Zarate (A.) Historie . . . Conquista del Peru, 1563 24 Zumarraga (Bishop) De Insulis Nuper Inventis, 1532 9 Doctrina Breve, 1543-4 16 (II). Subject Index. American Indians (Books on and for)... 16, 32, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 55, 78, 111, 113, 139, 145, 163, 174, 227, 228, 294, 324, 395, 429, 431, 453, 472, 474, 477 Argentine 203, 427, Brazil 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 51, 59, 60, 61, 67. 68, 72, 80, 81, 82, 88, 103, 112, 115, 123, 145, 151, 152, 169, 177, 189, 206, 230, 231, 320, 376, 386, 396, 398, 399, 418, 446, 461, 465, 483, 487, 516, 523, 543 California ... 34a, 50, 120, 224, 239, 296, 302. Canada 29, 140, 148, 154, 155, 192, 201, 220, 229, 262, 267, 271, 285, 298, 332, 337, 343, 357, 358, 402, 403, 411, 416, 421, 426, 452, 459, 463a, 479, 486, 504 Chile 53, 83, 85, 86, 236, 493, 500, Cosmography (Atlasses, etc.) ... 1, 4, 6, 15 25, 28, 31, 54, 65, 70, 116, 117, 137, 146, 240, 494, 510 , 19. 131, 377, 451 63, 119, 226, 414, 435 219, 342, 532 17, 167, Florida 50, 107, 164, 287, 283, 508 Inquisition in America 36, 77 Jesoit Missions (see also American Indians) i 22, 26, 32, 34a, 38, 38a, 55, 74, 75, 78, 81, 84, 91, 93, 101, 103, 171, 179, 221 Medical 13 Mexico 16, 30, 34a, 36, 45, 48, 50, 58, 62, 73. 93, 113, 122, 125, 156, 160, 213. 241. 251, 260, 294, 318, 397, 409, 410, 415, 433, 437, 439, 442, 444, 445, 468, 485, 492, 495, 499, 513, 514, 535 Mexico (Books printed in) 16, 96, 113, 120, 122, 227, 228, 241, 294, 318, 437 Navigation, etc. ... 21, 35, 42, 52, 153, 204, 368 Paraquay ... 75, 101, 163, 179, 193, 216, 393, 552 Peru 20, 34a, 40, 41, 47, 53, 55, 56, 74, 99, 128, 129, 133, 150, 153, 188, 210, 275, 289, 301, 309, 369, 400, 401, 423, 473, 482 Peru (Printed in) 77, 281 Venezuela 157, 463, 480, 556 CURRENT CATALOGUES. {Mostly Illustrated). Qni. No. 379.— Early English Literature before 1700 382.— English Literature, 18th Century 387.— Aeronautical Books and Engravings „ 393.— French Literature and Armorial Bindings „ 395.— Illuminated Manuscripts, Incunables, Woodcut Books, etc. ... „ 397.— Rare and Beautiful Books, Manuscripts and Bindings „ 398.— Engraved Portraits, Decorative Subjects, Etchings, etc 399.— Autograph Letters and MSS. (Christmas, 1920) „ 400. — Standard Authors, Library Sets, etc „ 401.- Autograph Letters, MSS., etc. of American Interest (Spring, 1921) „ 402.— Incunabula (Books Printed before 1501) „ 403.— America and the East (Early Geographies, etc.) „ 404.— Illuminated Manuscripts and Miniatures (European and Oriental) 405.— Autograph Letters and MSS. (Summer, 1921) „ 406 — Association Books „ 407— Bookbinding (Historical and Decorative) „ 406. — Engraved Portraits and Decorative Subjects, Etchings, Drawings, etc. „ 409.— Books on the Fine Arts „ 410. — Early Works on Medicine, AJlchemy, etc „ 411.— Autogrraph Letters and MSS (Autumn, 1921) „ 4rl2. — Americana „ 413.— Australasia, China, Japan, India, Africa, and Turkey 414.— First Editions, Part I., A— K ... „ 415.— First Editions, Sports and Pastimes, Pairt II., L— Z 089 Items 516 „ 1.494 „ 920 ,. 1,474 „ 385 „ 712 „ 773 „ 1626 „ 599 „ 763 „ 532 „ 339 „ 831 „ 544 „ 461 „ 1557 347 1,041 556 • * • All the Catalogues enumerated above are current and quite distinct from eac^ other; they represent only a small part of our very large stock of Fine and Rare Books, Prints, and Autographs. Customers' " Wants " searched for and reported free of charge. Orders through an Agent should be duplicated direct, thus ensuring same receiving immediate attention. Clients having no further use for this Catalogue would greatly oblige by passing it on to some friend likely to be interested. itMHHHtmmtHHHHHHHHHmiMHHJmHHHHHHHHHHHHHnHHnHHHHaiaB No. 412 1921 The Voyages and Discoveries of Early Travellers and Missionaries PART I. AMERICA MAGGS BROS. 34 & 35, CONDUIT STREET, NEW BOND ST., LONDON, W. gg ^mfflHHHHHHHHHHHHHnHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHnHHHHHHHHHHHHHHJ No. 413 1921 The Voyages and Discoveries of Early Travellers and Missionaries PART II. AUSTRALASIA, CHINA, JAPAN, INDIA, TURKEY, AND AFRICA MAGGS BROS. 34 & 35, CONDUIT STREET, NEW BOND ST., LONDON, W. toHHHHtttIHHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHHXaiHHHHHHHnH«HHt(HHHHHH< Books can generally be sent on Approval, if desired, subject to all expense* of carriage being paid and decision made within two days of receipt. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR SENDING BOOKS ON APPROVAL TO AMERICA AND ABROAD. (For List of Current Catalogues, see inside back cover). Commissions undertaken at any of the principal Auction! . (AH prices are nett, and do not include carriage.) i[.) iMIjii'U'^.f^-'^'T 'h^i ^^y^r^r:^ V f'- ■^1 .04 mm Pre pt rtenecrftes a .i*^- - ! Frontispiece from Juan Francisco de San Antonio, Chronicas de la Provincia de San Gregorio de religiosos de S. Francisco en las Islas Philipinas, China, Japon, etc. Sampaloc (Suburb of Manilla). 1738—1744. See Item Xo. 823. ' ! 1 .' ; \ No. 413 1921 THE VOYAGES €r DISCOVERIES OF EARLY TRAVELLERS AND MISSIONARIES. PART II. Australasia, China, Japan, India, Turkey and Africa. Selected from the Stock of MAGGS BROS. (B. D. MAGGs, C. A. MAGGS, E. U. MAGGS), DEALERS IN FINE 8 RARE BOOKS. PRINTS & AUTOGRAPHS 34 &- 35, Conduit Street New Bond Street, London, W. 7\legraphic Ssr" Cable Address: "Bibliolite, London." Tel.: "Mayfair, 5831." Engraved Title from Morgans Sucesos de las Islas 1-hilipin.' Mexico, 1609. See Items Nos. 567 and 713a. PART II. [Numeration of items continued from Part I. Catalogue No. 412.] (A.) AUSTRALASIA. The Discovery of the Australasian Archipelago as related by De Quiros in his Memorials to the King of Spain, A.D. 1609-1613. {See Items Nos. 567 to 572; Pages 5 to 22.) The voyage of Quiros was the first event in the story of Antarctic en- terprise. Its object was the discovery of the Southern Continent and the annexyztion of the South Pole. It was thS dream of an enthusiast. It was a failure, but not altogether a barren failure. Others of another 7tation were to follow up his idea, but he opened the glorious record of Antarctic discovery. Captain Cook made known the Southern Continent imagined by Quiros , and actually seen by Torres. Captain Cook first crossed the Antarctic circle, and searched all round it for the supposed coast-lines of Quiros. Great communities were to arise in the Southern Continent, in Australia and New Zealand, but not of Spanish race. The achievements of the peoples of the Iberian peninsida were of vast importance to the world; but they came to an end with the voyage of Quiros. The mantle of discovery fell on other shoulders. Pedro Fernandez de Quiros was born at Evora, in Portugal, in 1565. In I5Q5 he accepted the post of chief pilot in the ship of Alvaro de Mendana, who had received a concession to colonize the Solomon Islands, which he had discovered thirty years before. The expedition culminated at the Island of Santa Cruz, a new discovery, with the slaughter of the old Camp-Master, the deaths of Mendana, and his brother-in-law Don Lorenzo, the succession of the (Continued over) 2 ^ ; ; MAGGS BROS,,.34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. Th6 bi^'obveVy of th6* AustraJasiani Archipelago— continued. widow. Dona Isabel, to the command of the expedition, and the disastrous -voyage to Manilla. Quiros brought a sinking shif, with rotten spars and rigging, safely over an unknown Sea from Santa Cruz to Manilla. It was during this voyage, and while gaining experience in the navigation of the Pacific Ocean and the treatment of natives, that Quiros conceived his grand project. He was a cartographer, and, in studying existing maps, he saw a great Southern con- tinent extending across the ocean, from the Strait of Magellan to New Guinea. He thought that here was a discovery as famous as had been made by Columbus or Da Gama. Another great continent extending to the South Pole to be added to the dominions of his sovereign, with millions of souls to be saved and brought within the fold of the Church. He devoted his life to the realisation of this glorious dream with unswerving devotion, undaunted by difficulties or wearisome delays to his dying day; literally killed by Councils and Committees; but succumbing only with his last breath. He became a man with one idea. The Duke of Cesa, Spanish Ambassador at Rome, was so much interested- in Quiros' s project that he assembled the most eminent geographers to examine and report to him upon it. The Duke introduced him to the Pope Clement VIII and they gave him letters of recommendation to the Spanish Government. Quiros arrived at Madrid in 1602, and had interviews with Kin^ Philip III. Within a year he had obtained a royal order , addressed to the Viceroy of Peru, instruct- ing that dignitary to fit out two ships at Callao , to enable Quiros to undertake an expedition for the discovery of the Antarctic continent. Quiros sailed for Peru in the summer of 1603. He was shipwrecked near Curaqoa, in the West Indies, and had to pass some time at Caraccas. Quiros arrived at Lima quite destitute, owing to the refusal of the royal officials on the route to give him any pecuniary assistance, although they had positive orders to do so. He found shelter in the house of a potter; and it was some days before he could get an audience of the Count of Monterey, who was then Viceroy of Peru. Eventually the Viceroy recognised the necessity for carrying out the royal orders. Vessels were tardily bought and fitted out at Callao, for the expedition of Quiros, in the last months of 1605. There were two ships and a launch. The ship chosen for Quiros was called the Capitana, and named San Pedro y San Pablo. She was 150 totts. The other ship was called the Almiranta, 120 tons. They carried one hundred and thirty men and six friars. Luis Vaez de Torres, the second in command under Quiros, was a good sailor and pilot, an energetic and capable leader, and loyal to his chief. But his most faithful and devoted friend was young Luis de Belmonte Ber- mudez. Born at Seville in about 1585, this youth had gone out to seek his for- tune, first in Mexico and then at Lima. Fired by the stories told him of the Araucanian war in distant Chile, he composed a panegyric on the youthful deeds of the Marquis of Canete, the first product of his muse. {See item No. 573 in this Catalogue). Quiros complained bitterly of the delay in fitting out the expedition, which obliged him to sail so late in the year. He considered that he should MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 3 The Discovery of the Australasian Archipelago — continued. heave sailed not later than, the /\th of October. He did not obtain his despatch. until the 21st of December. Quiros came to a fatal decision to alter his course. He adds in one of his Memorials that winter was af poaching, that there was a mutinous spirit among his creiv, that he was ill in bed. If Quiros had continued on his course he would have discovered New Zealand, and his dream would have been partly realized. Quiros fortunately came upon Toumaco, the principal Island of what is now called the Duff group. Here he found a native chief from whom he received such detailed information respectitig the distance of islands, and, a^ was understood, even Continental lands to the southward, that the most san- guine hopes appeared to be approaching realisation. The project of going to Santa Cruz was abandoned, and Quiros steered south, fully anticipating the consummation of his dreams of discovery. Nor was he destined to be alto- gether disappointed. Island after island, all lofty and thickly inhabited, rose above the horizon; and at last he sighted such extensive coast-lines that he believed the Southern Continent to be spread out before him. The Islands of the New Hebrides Group, such as Aurora, Leper, and Pentecost, overlapping each other to the south east, seemed to him to be continuous coast-lines, while to the south west was the land which he named Austrialia del Espiritu Santo. All appeared to his vivid imagination to be one continuous Continental land. The vessels anchored in the Port of Vera Cruz, on the southern extreme of the great Bay of St. Philip and St. Jajnes. He had found the largest Island of what Captain Cook named the New Hebrides Group, yet not a very large island. He showed his belief by his grandiose proceedings. There was a ceremony of taking possession in the names of the Church, of the Pope, and of the King. Quiros took possession of " All this Region of the South, as far as the Pole, which from this time shall be called Austrialia del Espiritu Santo, with all its dependencies for ever, and so long as right exists, ^^ in the name of King Philip III. A great city was to be founded and named " The New Jerusalem," and its river was to be the Jordan. All the municipal and royal officers were nominated, and a knightly order of Espiritu Santo was instituted, subject to confirmation by the King. There were processions, religious dances, High Masses and fireworks. The great navigator had tivo serious drawbacks in his rejoicing. He was disabled by a serious illness; and the natives, owing to the misconduct of the Spaniards, were persistently hostile. After being at anchor in this Port of Y era Cruz, from the yd of May to the %th June, 1606, the little fleet sailed with the object of completing the discovery of the Southern Continent. Then came the catastrophe. It came on to blow hard and it was resolved to return to the anchorage. Quiros was in despair; at last he determined to make for Santa Cruz. It ivas resolved to cross the line and make for Acapulco; a four months^ voyage. Quiros bewailed his position, but consoled himself (Contmued over) 4 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Discovery of the Australasian Aroliipelago — continued, with the reflection that his return would at least enable him to make known his discovery , and to urge upon the King, and his Councils, the im-portance of completing them. He also felt confident in Torres, his second in command, who was left behind, on board the Almiranta. Quiros hoped his discoveries would be continued by Torres, and he rejoiced when some years afterwards he received the news of the successful voyage of Torres. After waiting for some days for the Capitana with Quiros on board, Torres continued his voyage and discovered the Bay and Islands at the East end of New Guinea. He discovered Basilisk Island, Jenkins Bay, and China Strait {all later re-discovered by Morsby). He also discovered the Port of Monteray, on the south coast of New Guinea. From Triton Bay Torres pro- ceeded to Ternate, whence he continued his course to Manilla. His letters to Quiros {PRINTED BY QUIROS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS SEVENTH EXTANT MEMORIAL TO THE KING, NO. 568 IN OUR CATALOGUE), and to the King, from that place, are dated June and July, 1607. Quiros landed at Acapulco, was very coldly received by the officials at Mexico, and reached Madrid on the gth of October, 1607. ^^ "^^^ quite destitute. He only had two maravedis, which he gave ta a beggar. But his faithful young Secretary remained true to him. During the first eleven days, he had not money to\ buy\ ink or paper. He wrote his first Memorial on the flyleaves of a pamphlet. He got the 7noney for printing it by selling his clothes. To print the second, he sold] his bedding; for the third, h^ pawned the royal banner under which he had taken possession of Espiritu Santo. After seventeen months of extreme penury , the King granted him 500 ducats. Quiros tells us that he sent in fifty memorials in fifty months. Of these, eight have been preserved {For two additional ones, hitherto unknown, see Nos. 570 and 571 of this Catalogue). The first was written in 1607. He describes the events of the voyage, and makes excuses for altering course when he had reached 26° S., and for having parted company with Torres. He explains his view that the Antarctic continent runs from Espiritu Santo S.E. to Magellan Strait, a land of vast extent; " a neu& world.'' He says that he gave the name of " Austrialia del Espiritu Santo " from His Majesty's title of Austria. Worn out by delays and obstruction, he gladly accepted the promise to give him command of a new expedition. Ignorant of the contra-des-pacho , he -put his trust in the honour of the new Viceroy of Peru, Don Francisco de Borja, with whom he proceeded on the voyage to Peru, accompanied by his zvife and two children. He thought that at lengtM his grand ideas were to be realised. Fortunately, he was saved from being undeceived by a timely death at Panama on his way out. He died at the age of fifty, driven to his grave by Councils and Comtnittees. His faithful Secretary, Belmonte Bermudez, who had edited the Memorials for him, stood by him to the last. [Adapted from Sir Clements Markham's Preface to the " Voyages of Quiros/' Hakluyt Society^. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1609 A.D. The Discovery of the Marquesas Islands and the Isle of Santa Cruz BY De Mendana and De Quiros. [567] MORCA. (Antonio de). Sucesos de las Islas Philipinas. With finely engraved title shewing a view of the Philippine Islands. 4to, old calf. Mexico, 1609. (See Illustration, Plate No. I.). £250 This is the original issue of De Morga's work on the Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, China, and Japan, at the close of +he 16th century. It is extremely rare, and there is> no copy of it im the National Library, Paris. The'caitalog-ue of the Greoiville Dibrary in the British Museum states that " This booik, printed in Mexico, is fo,r that reason probably, unknown to bibliographers, though a book of great rarity." In the Dialogo Cortesano Philipino of Father Joseph Torrubia, published in Madrid, 1736, the Inhabitant of the Court of ]VIadrid says, that he has nrot heard of such a book nor of the author; the Philippine Spaniard answers him that the book was printed in Mexico in 1609, and is now scarcely to be foitnd, but that he possesses a copy; anJd he describes De Morga as a man an whom arms and science were united in a most friendly manner, and says that lie composed his book from original documents, since he was the first Auditor of the Audiencia of Manilla. De Mo(rg:a is lless remarkable foir his literary merits than for his qualities as a jurist and administrator and a commander. His book is rather an historical tlian a geographical work, but the account of Alvara De Mendana's second voyage by his pilot Fernandez de Quiros, g-iven by De Morga, is of great importance. On the voyage Mendana and Quiros discovered the Marquesas Islands and the Island of Santa Cruz. The Philippines had a great advantage over the British colonic- (according to the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley, in his tran.-latiAn of De Morga's took published for tha Hakluyt Society), in the active coK>peration of the Monks, who were not very numerous, but rather were insufficient in number for the work they had to do. Tavera No. 1776. The only copies known to Tavera were in the British Museum, National Library, Madrid, Private Library of the King- of Spain, and a copy in the Academy of History, Madrid. 6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1610 A.D. Proposals for Colonising Australasia and converting THE Natives in 1610. Only One other Copy Known. [568] Q UIROS (Pedro Fernandez de). (Relacioit y Memorial al Rey y su consejo de Indias acerca cfe la Austratia^ su descubrimiento y usos y costum^ bres de sus habitantes.) The seventh extant Memorial. 46 pp., folio, vellum. {Madrid^ 16 1 o). (See Illustration, Plate No. II.). £950 hitherto only one copy of this memorial has been known, rr WAS the COPY^ in the private library of the king of SPAIN, WHICH WAS reprinted by ZARAGOZA IN 1890 AS " ADDICION Q ", IN ms " HISTORIA DEL DESCUBRIMIENTO DE LA REGIONES AUSTRIALE9 HECHO POR EL GENERAL PEDRO FERNANDEZ DE QUIROS." THIS, THE SEVENTH EXTANT MEMORIAL, IS, ACCORDING TO QUIROS, THE FIFTIETH THAT HE WROTE, IT IS MUCH THE LONGEST. IT BEGINS BY RE- CAPITULATING THE CONTENTS OF HIS EIGHTH AND SIXTEEN-TH MEMORIALS, AND IN IT HE MAKES PROPOSALS FOR COLONIZING THE NEW CONTINENT; BE HER.E COMPARES HIMSELF TO COLUMBUS, DA GAM A, AND MAGELLAN. IT AISO CONTAINS AN INT^ERESTING REPORT BY HERNANDO DE LOS RIOS, THE PROCURA- TOR OF THE PHILIPPINES, OF A VOYAGE TO NEW GUINEA, BY A PORTUGUESE NAMED MIGUEL ROXO DE BRITO; ALSO AN EXTRACT FROM A LETTEai RECEIVED BY QUIROS, FROM HIS SECOND IN COMMAND, TORRES (THE DISCOVERER OF THE TORJIES STRAITS), DATED, JUNE 15th, 1607; AND A REPORT BY RUY GONZALEZ DE SEQUEIRA, THE GOVERNOR OF THE MOLUCCAS. QUIROS REPEATS HIS PROPOSALS AND AGAIN DWELLS ON THE IMPORTANCE OF THE INTENDED DISCOVERIES. Ajter a preliminary appeal to the King, Quirois begins as follows: — "The greatness of the newly discovered la7ids (judging from what I saw, and from, what Luis Vaez de Torres, the Admiral under my command, ivrote to your Maje'sty and to me), is well established. Its length is as much as all Europe, and Asia Minon-, as far ais the Caspian, with all the islands of the Mediterranean and the Ocean which encompasses. That hidden pari is one fourth of the world, and of such capacity that double the kingdoms of which your Majesty is at present the Lord, could fit into it, and this u'itho>ut any neighbourhood of Turhs or Moors, or others of the nations which are prone to cause disquiet and unrest on their borders. " .\ll the lands that were seen fall within the Torid Zone, and a part of them touch the Equator, the latitude of which may perhaps go as far n* 90 degrees, others somewhat less; and if they turn out as they promise, there will be lands thai are Antipodal to the greater part of Africa, to the greater Asia, to all Europe, and to Florida. I would remark that the lands I saw in 1.5° are much better than Spain (as will he seen presently), and that others should be an earthly paradise. " The population fs numerous, the colours of the people are white, black, tawny, shades of Mulattos, Indians, and crosses of one and the other. Some have their hair black, thick and loose, others have it twisted and curly, others ruddy and fine: these differences being indicative of much intercourse and comjnerce. For the above reason flS well as owing to the excellence of the land, and because up to the present date we were in no hurry to go there. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 7 De Quiros, Relacion — continued. also because they do not work in silvermines, and do other hard work for ourselves, and j(xr many other reasons, it is to be believed that these people are verij numerous; but they do not know any kind of art, fortified places, nor army, kings nor law; being nothing more than simple heathens, divided into tribes, and with little friendship between them. Their arms are bows and arrows without {poisonous) herbs, clubs, sticks, lances, and wooden darts. It is a decent people, clean, cheerful and reasonable, and so grateful have I found them that there is reason to hope that with the aid of Divine providence, and by gentle means, it will be very easy to pacify, to indoctrinate, and to content them. Tthese three measures are very necessary in the beginning, that afterwards all may walk towards those Holy ends they ought to seek, in great or small thing's, with all the verities. " Their houses are of wood and roofed with palm leaves. They make much use of mother-of-pearl shells for chisels, planes, ^saws; while they wear large and small plates of it round their neck's. They do not know what riches they possess, and value highly articles of our own make, such as knives, beads, mirrors, and such like. They have their boats well made, and sufficient for passing from one island Ho another, whidh they can see, or which they estimate to be a day or two days off. All this its an indication of a civilized people." He nea:t describes the fruits, trees and vegetables, flesh, food, and fisl^. He also describ&s the silver, pearls, gold and spice. " The industry of the Spajiiards in raising the native products will make the products of this country better and more profitable than what is raised in ^eru or New Spain. Altogether this land, will be made so rich that it alone will suffice to supply America, and to enrich Spain. The natives are not to be looked upon as having our needs, tastes and desires, nor our estimation of thinifs ; but as men who seek, with the least work pos'sible to pass their lives, not to tire themselves about the rest of the things which tire us." He then describes the Bay of St. Philip and St. James and the Port of Vera Cruz : — "At break of day, and afterwards, tee found great harmony, caused by millions of different sorts of little birds, like nightingales, thrushes, larks, linnets, millions of iswallows, paroquets and parrots, which were seen. We smelt many odours of flowers, like orange flowers, from which I judged that the climatie wens mild. " Here may presently be built a very great and popular city, whose inhabitants will ev.joy the above mentioned commodities and riches, as well as those which my small imagina- tion is unable to set forth, and those which time will show. They can keep up communication with the Provinces of Chili, Peru, Panama^ Nicaragua, Gudtamala^ New Spain, the Moluccas and. the Philippines ; of all of which lands your Majesty is lord. " I do not exaggerate if I say that it can maintain and a.ccomrnodate two hundred tJiousand Spaniards, in fine that is the world of which Spain is the centre, and^so far as it is a body, this is the nail. This point should be well considered. " I well believe by the prudent counsel, magnanimity, and Christian piety of your Majesty, that, with much care, the matter will be comsidered touching the settlement of those important lands now di'scovered; the principal obligation being not to leave them desert, but to make this the means of making our Lord God known in all of them, believed in, worshipped, and served, as now the Devil is served. Also this has to be the door by which so many people charged by your Majesty, have to enter for pood, and to avoid the cares that would arise if enemies of the Roman Church should come to show their false doctrines and convert all the blessings I have set forth into great evils, and call themselves lordts of the Indies. "If his conjectures made Cristobal Colon pertinacious, they make me ai importunate respecting what I -saw and felt and what I offer; for which may your Majesty command that such order may be taken as will enable the enterprise to be put forward, and I will give full satisfaction. " My Lord, this is a great work, for the Devil wages such mortal war, and it is not well that he should be able to do so much, your Majesty being the defender of the right." (Ccmtiaued over) 8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. De Quiros, Relacion — continued. Next follows an account of what the Imliam of i'he Island of Tauviaco said concerning ■pearls, a chapter of the second Memorial presented to the King (now lost). Then follows the interesting report by Hernando de las Rios, the Procurator of the Philippines, of a voyage to New Guinea, by a Portuguese named Miguel Roxo de Brito. .in extract follows from a letter received by Quiros dated 15th June, 1607, from his second in I'ommand, Lui'S Vaez de Torres, and which reached him on the last of August, 1609, relating the discovery of the Strait which now bears his name, which separates Australia from New Guinea. Now follows a long report by Buy Gonzalez de Sequeira, the Governor of the Maluccas, referring to natives who had arrived from New Guinea, and of many islands that were hitherto unknown in the neighbourhood of New Guinea and of the Tierra .iu&tral. Quiros then reprints the contents of his sixteenth Memorial, which contain^ many references to Spanish jjolicy in Chili, and urging the King to send out missioaries to convert the natives. He records his ccmversation with Pope Clement VIII., who told him that his demands were just. He makes detailed proposals for the government of the newly-discovered land, and for the good treatment of the natives, and for their conversion. He paijs much uttejition ta the seanian-ship of the proposed expedition, and to the navigating maps and the general management of the expedition. He writes much about Columbus's expedition and compares himself to Columbus, Da Gama and Magellan, as well as to Cortes and Pizarro. He asks for the following to be sent with him: eighty laymen and clerics, including^on Mancio del Urena, twelve Spanish Capuchin monks {they had written him 102 Utters), Fray Bernardino, and Fray Andres del Alameyda, both Dominican monks, six captains, who had offered to accompany him, etc., etc., and submiiis detailed estimates. THE SCARCITY OF THIS MEMORIAL (AND INDEED OF ALL MEMORIALS OF QUIROS) IS TO BE PARTLY ATTRIBUTED TO AN ORDER OF PHILIP III., CONFIS- CATING THEM ALL. THIS DOCUMENT IS AT SIMANCAS IN THE ROYAL ARCHIVES, AND HAS BEEN TRANSLATED BY SIR CLEMENTS MARKHAM, AND PUBLISHED IN HIS EDITION OF THE VOYAGES OF QUIROS (HAKLUYT SOCIETY). " MEIMORIAL TO HIS MAJESTY TOUCHING SOME PAPERS PR'INTED BY THE CAPTAIN PEDRO FERNANDEZ DE QUIROS IN THE YEAR 1610." " The Captain Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, whom. Your Majesty has ordered to prepare to return to Peru, in order to prosecute the discovery and settlement of the unknown Southern lands, has printed several memorials in this Court, and recently a very long one, in which he discourses on the exj^edition he commanded, and treats indirectly of many other things touching the government of the Indies, and other subjects well let alone; and has given and distributed these memorials among various people, both of this nstion and foreigner's, a proceeding which may cause serious inconvenience, as well from the information that foreigners may be able to gather, and thus send notices of those land's and of the navigation to their countrymen, as from the fact that most of the affairs treated of in the said memorial are misrepresented. It, therefore, seems convenient that Your Majesty should order all these memorials and papers that have been printed, with the originals, to be recovered; and thai no others be published without permission from Your Majesty in Council. " Your Majesty will order what is for your service. Madrid, October 31sf, 1610 " {then in the handwriting of King Philip III.) as follows : — "TELL THE SAME QUHROS TO COLLECT THESE PAPERS, AND GIVE THEM WITH SECRECY TO THE OFFICERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE INDIES, FOR THESE THINGS ARE NOT TO PASS THROUGH MANY HANDS." Plate II. Senor. L Capitan Pedro Fernandez de Qniros. VM-ordena y manda afo Confejo de Indias,que me dedefpachoj a mi fatijfacion, para queelVirrey del Piru,me de lo que fuerfrraenefter a la poblacion de las tie- rraj Auftrales,adondeV.M.fefirueinandarmeir. Siempre cuue poc cierto,qu« clamores dc las gentes defcubiertas, y por defcubrir, mi bucnafee,conmisjuOaspeticiones,auian de herir los piadofoj oydos,y moiier elanim'oCtiriftianode V.M abs grandezasdeftas dosgrandesyli berales mercedei que aceto, con toda la Immildad a mi pofsible,y por ellas doy ay.M.infini.tasgraci3s:y procBCtodarla vida,con el amor y verdad, que hafta aqui lo he hecho/iruiendo a efta grande emprefa. Senor, fus ma- yorcsbienesjo'tnayores males deaquellasiierrasy gentes, eftan en efte fu bueno,omalprincipio:porefto deuo reprefentardenueuodosmemoria- ie$num.8,ynum.i('. de los i:o. queen eldifcurfo d? tres atios deftamipre- jenfioneneftaGortejdia V.M.eftoafindtf queV. M.los tenga portefli- gos viuosdemtbuena voluntad,y deloquepudeaucr obrado,y fe me de- ue por no auefme ayudado: y porque fi yo faltare, firuan a V- M. de def ■ pertador^y de guiaalosquehuuierendecontinuareHe gran cafo. El pri- mero contiene las grandezas y riquezas de las tierras de que trato, c6 todas las relaciones que aV. M.fehan dado,enrazondelIas mueflroa V. M.pin ladoelraundojredazido a ires puntos: lo que es dorado, reprcfenta todas hsrierrasfabidastloazul losmar-ts yanaiiegadostloneggoja pnrfj'incogni ta.yeneftaloquefe vadefcubriendo. Senor, no ay mas que vn mundo, y de^uesquetratodedefcubrir lo que del falta, he pintado mas dezco. de inachasforma$,y de*(iuchosiam3nos.Enelfegundodigo,los peligrosque aqoellas tierras corren con fiu gentes, y juntamente las India$:el quanto conuienegaftar V.M. fuii3?.iendaporv*na vez: quantos bienes tie aniboj generos efte empleo ha de montar, y affegurar en todos tiempos. Digo fip que fedeuehazcr en llegando; mucftro la planta de la cJudad,y conro eti 9- Ua no ay a pleitos ciuiles,y el modo en los criminales. Mueftro como los na- turals hande fer dotrinados,enfcnados,h.jzend3dos,defendidos y fuflenta- cfos «npaz y jufticia, y tambien parte del demis gouierno para con ellos,y' los nueftros: y otros muchos auifos importantifsimoj,y muy fr utuofos, qud todbs cUos con feiscientas hops de papel que tengo efcritaijy otras muchas, que por folicitar efta obradex6 de efcriuir,lo reduzgoados puntos. El pri- nierd,queV. M.fe Grua darmeinftruciones de lo que deuo, y puedoha- 2er enefte feroicio de Dios.y de V.^4. con feguridad de mi conciencia. El fegundo, vn tal defpacho y perfonas Ecclcfiafticas y feculares,que con ellas V.M.puedaencaminary affegurariodoquantopretende, efpiritual y tem- poralde aquella quafia delmijndo,en cuyo nombre.y en pago de mis ferui- cids,foplicoa V.M.eficazmente.fedignetle leer y confiderar eftos efcritos, y poner remedio en quamo fuenat). Plate III. Sen or. LCapitanPedfoFerB»ndetde Qujroj. L» parte incognita Auftral esjuftamemequartadelGlobojfin (aberfcfx e$ tierra.ofi es aguj,o que partes ticnede Us do»:paraagua pareceniucho,y defptoporcio para buena forma : es capaz de caber en ella dentro delas dos Zonas ' habitable* diez Europas,y quando fea de tierra la tnitad,iercio o quar to,ferancinco,otre$,y vntercio,odo$ y media-.y fino fuercmaitierras que las vlf tas.tienende largo cotno defdeaqui at mar Cafpio,adonde caben vn Pontifice Ro- m»no,elEniperadordeAlett>ania,V.M.contodoifusEftadoJ,laSerenifsiaia Gaf« «leAufl:fia,y Reynos deVngria,yBohemia,cabenlos Reyes deFracia, Inghterra, D/nitnarca,PoIoni3,Noroega,y el gran Duque de Mofcobiaxabc el gran TurcQ con toda quanto poffee.y la Setioria de Vcnecia,y lodos los otros Prmcipes y Rc- publicas que cotieoe deinfinitas naciones.hafta Tartaros Precopenfei. En fumalas tierrs$nueuamentedefcubieriaJConfusIslasdequinzegradosJiaftamedJo,yana puedcn dexar de fertantocoojo la Europa.o dc feis a fiete Efpanas,y puede fer que feanveinte,cincuenta,yaia$defetenta,comolooioftre a V.M.aquien fuplico efi- cazinente,fe firua de eftiaiar la merced fingular q nueftro Senor le haze,y confide- rar la que fue feruido hazerme,pue$ teniendo el mundo lleno de fieruos fuyo$,y de virones fabios y praticos,prudentes y ricos,fio de mi folicitud,o de mis nadas,todo el valor de tan grande obra,por la qual hize.y hago todo quanto pude y puedo,y di go io qu? tcngo dicho muchas vezes,y por miyor lo figuieme en efte vlumo mc- raorialqueprometi. , « < ,. 2 Yae$paffadoeUfioqueV.M.fflemanddefperar,ydelleelmedio,yno veofe trata de defpaeharme,ni fiquiera affeguranmi efperan^a de 4 lo he de fer algun dia.' 3 Si V.Vl.fefiruedarme(como lo deue a Dioi Va fu oerfona Real)defpacho c6- «eniente,y a tiempo que pueda,ya que no fuy en los galeones de los aiios paffadot y prefente.apreftarme para rren lot del ano que viene,y concederme las perfonai cclefufticas y feglares que pido aqui tan ncceffarias,para fundamcnro cjcrto y firme deaquelgrandeedificio,faltaporllegaraLima,yeneUabufcar,yefcogergetcs,apa reiarnauio$.lleuarderefpetolascofasquehindeayudaralafalud,veair,yfuneto, armas para Udefenra,municionc$,herramictas,hierro,y cobre,contodoi los aderc ces para boluerfe a nauegar.En fucna todo quanto es menefter para el culto diuino, adquiriryconferuarChriftiauayprudentcmentc.y refcatarconloslndiosjycon- tentarlos. _ • i' i 4 Esneceffariofaliratiempo^fepropiopara aquella nauegicion,en la qual, y en todo el difcurfo defde aqui no fe defcuydara Saiana$,que Dio$ vccera.y fera fer uido fe Ueguedichofamente al poerto dela Veracruz en la bahia de San Felipe y SI «iago(nouecientaj leguas menos.y de mas feguro viaje de ida y buelta.que ay de Mexico a FiUpinas)adondeIuegofon menefter hornoidecal,ladrilio,yiexas,rom. per penasjcortar 3rboles,aferrar maderas.hazer vnfuerte que lofea,y tencrle bien artillado.y guarnecido,pira poder defenderfede enemigox de Europa,o de la tie- rra,v de lo> que mas fe pueden oFrecer. 5 Conuicnecriir,piantar,fembrar,coger,ybufcarde comer, que es vn eoemigo comun continuo,que no fc puide matar fino con pan y femejanics. t, p jbricar baxeles pequenos.para que a vela y rcmo fc pueda comodamentedef- -ubrir,y traginar por cnuc Islas y baxioi,y tambien nauios de mat y de menos pqr- tijCor. todis'fus.xiL'c.aj v v-la'-,botat dc madera y de barro,baftimentoJ,con lo de- mi' nccsffar ip a I js vj.;ej que fc ban de haaer a Filipipa$,Lima,y Mexico, eo que ' ' - A If First Page from De Quiros' Unknown ;Memorial to the King of Spain, with reference to Philipt) Ill's Expedition and Colonization of California in 1606 a.d., and his i^roposals MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduk Street, London, W. 1610 A.D. Manuscript Relatkdn. [569] QUIROS (Pedro Fernandez de). SEQUEIRA (Ruy Gonzalez de). Relacion del Capitan Sequeka, Covernador quse fue del Maluco, en razon de las Cosas que hay eni las Tierras del descubrimiento del Capitati Qutros. Manuscript presumably in the Autograph of Luis de Belmonte Bermudez, the famous Secretary to Quiros, and well-known Poet and Dramatist. 4 pp., folio. Madrid (1610). £105 THIS RELATION WAS PRINTED IN THE SEVENTH EXTANT MEMORIAL OF quiros, to the KING OF SPAIN, CONTAINING HIS PROPOSALS FOR COLONIZING AUSTRALIA, AND CONVERTING THE NATIVES. IN THIS RELATION CAPTAIN SEQUEIRA GIVES A LONG ACCOUNT OF NATIVES WHO HAD ARRIVED FROM NEW GUINEA, AND (DI" MANY ISLANDS THAT WERE HITHERTO UNKNOWN IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OP NEW GUINEA, AND OF THE TIERRA AUSTRAL. IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT OWING TO THE HIGH COST OF PRINTING QUIROS AND HIS SECRETARY WERE FORCED TO RESORT TO MAKING MANUSCRIPT COPIES OF HIS MEMORIALS I'OR CIRCULATION AT COURT. 10 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1611 A.D. An Unknown and Unpublished Manuscript Memorial by De Quiros, WITH reference TO THE DISCOVERY AND FURTHER COLONIZATION OF Australasia and Conversion of its Inhabitants. [570] QUIROS (Pedro Fernandez de). (Relaclon y Memorial a Su Mages- tad en vista del Papell que le leyo Juan de Civita, enque nuovamente of rece ir a poblar las tierras Australes, proponiendo los medios conducendes.) Manuscript presumably in the Autograph of Luis de Belmonte Bermudez, the famous Secretary of Quiros, and well-known Poet and Dramatist. 4 pp., folio. Madrid {about 1611). £350 IN THIS UNKNOWN AND UNPUBLISHED MAXIJ SCRIPT MEMORIAL, DE QUIROS ACKNOWLEDGES THE COMMUNICATION FROM JUAN DE CIVIZA, SECRE- TARY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE INDIES, OF A RESOLUTION OF KINO PHILIPS WHICH READS IN TRANSLATION AS FOLLOWS: "WITH REGARD TO THE CASE OP CAPTAIN QUIROS. HIS MAJESTY HAS EESOLVED THAT IN SUCH AN IMPORTANT MATTER IT IS NECESSARY TO PROCEED WITH THE GREATEST CAUTION, AND TO ASCERTAIN THE FACTS FOR CERTAIN; HIS MAJESTY WISHES TO HELP TO DIS- COVER WHAT CAPTAIN QUIROS WISHES, AND FOR THAT HE US TO RETURN TO PERU. AND TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS WHICH THE VICEROY WILL GIVE HIM; HIS MAJESTY ASSURES HIM THAT IF HE DOES SO IT WILL BE ACCOUNTED TO HIM AS IF HE ALONE HAD DISCOVERED IT." DE QUIROS TAKES THIS COMMUNICATION PARAGRAPH BY PARAGRAPH, AND REPLIES TO IT IN FIVE SECTIONS. HE CONTINUES AND INFORMS THE KING THAT THERE ARE A NUMBER OP MISSIONARIES WAITING FOR FOUR, FIVE, OR, MORE YEARS HOPING TO JOIN HIM ON HIS EXPEDITION FOR THE RESCUING MILLIONS OF SOULS WHICH ARE BEING LOST. HE ONLY ASKS FOR THE SAME TREATMENT AS WAS METED OUT TO COLUMBUS. DE QUHIOS URGES THE NECESSITY FOR SENDING OUT THE EXPEDl- TION TO THE " TIERRAS DEL AUSTRO,'^ AND STATE& THAT THE CONVERSION OF ITS INHABITANTS CAN NO LONGER BE DELAYED FOR A DAY, OR EVEN AN HOUR. THE MiaiORIAL ENDS WITH THE HOPE THAT THE KING WILLj EiNJOY IN PEACE AND IN SAFETY^ THOSE TREASURES IN HEAVEN AND EARTH WHICH THE SOUTH (EL AUSTRO) IS OFFERING TO THE KING OF SPAIN. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. II 1613 A.D. An Unknown Printed Memorial by De Quiros with reference to Philip III.'s Expedition to and Colonization of California in 1606 a.d. AND His Proposals for Colonizing Australasia, and converting thb Natives. [571] QUIROS (Pedro Fernandez de). (Relacion y Memorial al Rey y su consejo d^ Indias acerca ctel descubrimiento de la Australia.) An unknown Memorial. 8 pp., folio, vellum. Madrid (161 3). (See Illustration, Plate No. III.). £650 no copy of this memorial has hitherto been known, and its con- TiEnts have never been published. zaragossa does not mention it in any way. the memorial is divided INTL'O THIRTY-EIGHT NUMBERED SECTIONiS, EACH OF WHICH CONTAINS AN ARGUMENT IN FAVOUR OF THE KING OF SPAIN Di:SPATCHING DE QUIROS ON A SECOND JOURNEY TO AUSTRALASIA. IN THE COURSE OF ARGUMENT HE MENTIONS THAT AN EXPEDITION HAD BEEN S.EINT (IN 1606 A.D.) TO CALIFORNIA [MONTEREY WAS F0I3NDED BY THIS SPANISH EX- PEDITION], AND THAT HIGH EXPECTATIONS HAD BEEN AROUSED. HE CLAIMS FOR AUSTRALIA FAR GREATER RICHES THAN COULD EVER BE GOT OUT OF CALIFORNIA, OR ANY OTHER OF THE AMERICAN COLONIES. HE MENTIONS THB FACT THAT THE KING HAD ALREADY ISSUED ORDEiRS TWICE TO SEND DE QUIROS WITH AN EXPEDITION, AND COMPLAINS THAT NO EFFECT HAD BEEN GIVEN TO THE ORDERS. AT THE END OF THE MEMORIAL ARE FOUR MANUSCRIPT LINES AS FOL- LOWS : " SE LE DAN CADA MES 100 DUCADOS AQUI MUY BIEN PAGADOS Y SEISMIL DE AYUDA DE COSTA PARA SU DESEMPENO Y EN TODO DICE LO QUE V. M. VE ES UN HOilBRE DE GRANDE ENTENDIMIENTO Y TRAZAS Y PARESCER Y BUEN CRISTIANO." THIS READS (IN TRANSLATION) : " HE IS TO BE GIVEN EVERY MONTH ONE HUNDRED DUCATS IN FULL AND SIX THOUSAND DUCATS TO HELP HIM IN HIS DIFFICULTIES, AND HE IS TO BE TOLD THAT HIS MAJESTY SEES THAT HE IS A MAN OF GREAT INTELLIGENCE, OF GOOD COUNSEL, AND SCHEMES, AND A GOOD CHRISTIAN." T/iis must have been one of the last memorials sent in by De Quircfs, as two years later he was sent to Peru and died on the way out at Panama. IS MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 1613 A.D. The First Attempt to Colonize Polynesia, Published in 161 3. [572] SUAREZ DE FICUEROA (Doctor Chnstoval). Heches de Don Garcia Hurtacfo de Mcncfoza, quarto Marqii^s de Canete. Small 4to, calf. Madrid^ 161 3. (See Illustration, Plate No. IV.). £75 A very rare and important volunae concerning: the discoveries in South America, and also one of the eairliest books concerning tlie " South Seas" Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza was Captain General of Chili and the twelfth Viceroy of Peru (1590-1596). Sent by his father (then Viceroy of Peru) to Chili, he distinguished himself in the wars against the Arancan Indians, whom he vanquished in seven battles, in the present biography is given a valuable description of this war and also of the incidents which happenecl during his Vice-Royalty. It was under his government that the Marquesa.? and Santa Cruz Islands were dis- covered by Alvaro de Mendana, who had for pilot Fernandez de QuiroG. Suarez de Figueroa gives in this book an account of the discovery; also of the expeditions of Drake, Cavendish, and Hawkins, and battles with .these famous English explorers, including the sacking of the I'ort of the City of Nombre de Dios. The expedition to the Southern >Seas occupies pp. 238-292, in w;hich is given a minute djescription of the discovery of the Marquesas and Santa Cruiz Islands — (the Sollomon Islands had been* discovered a few years earlier by Mendana). On his return to Peru from this earlier expedition he endeavoured to organize another expedition to colonize the Islands, but it w^as not till 1595 that he, with Quiros as second in command, was enabled to set sail fbr this purpose. Mendana, however, died on Santa Cruz, and the expedition eventualHy collapsed. Even the position of the Solomon Islands was now veiled in uncertainty, and they were quite lost sight of until, in 1767, two centuries later, Carteret lighted on their Easitern shores. Sir Clements Markham, in his " Voyages of Quinos," published by the Hakluyt 'Society, makes considerable mention of this book, and writes : " In the work entitled Heclios del Marques de Canete, a life of one of the Viceroys of Peru, by Cristoval Suareiz de Figueroa, Book VI., contains an. abbreviated version of the narrative in the Historia, generally copied word for word. Numerous details are omitted, particularly such as are derogatory to tne Spanish character. There are also a few passages which are not in the Historia. Suarez de Figueroa tells us that he had tlie narrative of Quiros before him as he wrote. The account in the work ct Suarez de Figueroa was the only version of the second voyage of Mendana that was known to our historians of Pacific voyag'es, Dalrymple amd Buirney. Quiros was thirty .vears of age when he accepted the ipost of Chief Pilot in the ship of Alvaroi de Mendana, who had received a concession to colonise the Solomon Islands, which he had discovered thirty years before. Quiros' joined this expedition with some misgivings, caused by the quarrelsome character of the Camp Master, the want of order and discipline, and the position assu:med by the Commander's wife and her brothers. Mendana was more than twenty years older than Quiros. The Pilot's position was one of some difficulty; for while on one side lie had to exerci«e tact in his intercourse with the family clique, on the other he found it difficult to avoid firictioin with a most impracticable and quarrelsome did soldier who was Camp Master, and who had a feud with the brothers-in-law of Mendana, which continued to increase in bitterness. The expedition culminated at the island of Santa Cruz, a new di3covery, with the slaughter of the old Camp Master, the deaths of Mendana and his brother-in-law Don Lorenzo, the succession of the widow, Dona Isabel, to the com- ir^and of the expedition, and disastrous voyage to Manilla. It was during this voyage, and while giaininof experience in the navigation of the Pacific Ocean and the treatment of natives, that Quiros conceived his grand project. He was a cartog-rapher. and, in studyiuig existinig maps, he saw a g'reat Southern continent extending across the ocean, from the Btrait of Magellan to New Guinea. He thought that here was a discovery as famous a,s had been made by Columbus or Da Gama. He thought that here was nolt only a great continent extending to the South Pole to be added to the dominions of his sovereign, but millions of souls to be saved and brought within the fold of the Church. He devoted his life to the realisation of this glorious dream with unswerving devotion, never turning aside 'to the right hand or to the left; undaunted by difficulties or wearisome delays MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 13 1622 A.D. [573] BELMONTE BERMUDEZ (Luis de). Algunas Hazanas de las muchas de Don Garcia Hurtad«> d^i Mendoga^ Marques de Canete. 4to, old calf. Madrid, 1622. £75 The author of this book accompanied Mendana (The Discoverer of the Solomon Islands), and Fernando Qiiiros, when they discovered Aii^rtralasia. Belmonte is the author of the ex- tensive history of the Australasian regions, and was the chronicler of the expedition. The above work is a play in which the following are the Spanishi characters : — The Marques de Canete; Don Felipe de Mendoza, his brother; Eeynoso, master of the camp, etc., and there are twelve other Indian persionages among: the actors. The drama celebrates the deeds of Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendopa., Marques de Canete, the famous Viceroy of Peru. Belmonte was secretary to Quiros during the voj^age of 1G06. He remained faithful to QuiTog in his adversity, and after his master's death became a poet of some oellebrity. He had edited " The Memorials " for him, stood by him to the last, and after his death w-enit to Mexico, and appears to have returned in 1616. la 1618 he settled in Madrid. Fieven of his plays are known; Ticknor mentions them as being a mixture of what is saored and what is profane. 1694 A.D. [574] NARBO'ROUGH (J.). Jasmen Tasman, John Wood, and Frederick Marten. An account of several late voyage® and discoveries tc the South and North. Towards the Streights of Magellan, the South Seas, the vast Tracts of Land beyond Hollandia Nova, &c. To which are annexed a large Introduction and Supplement, giving an account of other navigations to those regions of the Globe. With folding maps and plates. 8vo, calf. London, 1694. £3 15s 1744 A.D. [575] VOYAGES. HARRIS (John). A Complete Goliection of Voyages and Travelsij consisting of above Six Hundred of the most authentic Writers. Illustrated by proper Charts, Maps and Cuts. 2 vols., folio, original calf (rcbacked). London, 1744. £5 5s ***This oollection includes MagoHan, Drake, Cavendish. — Dampier's Voyage to New Holland and New Guinea.— Sherlock's Voyage round the World.— Tasman's Voyage of Dis- covery.— Various Travels to the East Indies, China, and Japan. Etc., etc. 14 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1766 A.D. [576] CALLANDER (John). Terra AustraJis Cognita: or Voyages to the Terra Australia, or Southern Hemisphere, during the i6th, 17th, and i8th Centuries. Containing an account of the Manners of the People, and the Pro- ductions of the Countries, hitherto found in the Southern Latitudes; the Advan- tages that may result from further Discoveries on this great Continent, and the Methods of establishing Colonies there, to the advantage of Great Britain. With a Preface by the Editor, in which some geographical, nautical, and commercial Questions are discussed. •With large folding maps of Straits of Magellan, the Southern Hemis- phere, and Australia. 3 vols., 8vo, new half calf. Edinburgh, 1766. £5 5s * * * With presentation inscription from the author. Containing Drake's, Ainerico Vesputio's, Magelilan's, Camargo's, Cavendish's, SarmieJito's, Fenton's, Silva's, John Winter's, Hawkin's, Nodars, Hy. Brewer's, Wm. Dampier's, Lionel Wafer's, Nairboroiigh's, Sharp's, Cowley's, Voyages to S. America and tihe Straits of Magellan; and numerous other Voyages to the South Seas, East Indies, Ausitralia, etc., many of which had not appeared in English before. 1773 A.D. [577] COOK (Captain). Three Voyages Round the World. Complete Set, comprising: — Hawkesworth's account of the Voyages of Capts. Cook, Carteret, Byron and Wallis, for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere. 3 vols. London, 1772,. Voyage towards the South Pole, and Round the World, by Capt. Cook. 2 vols. London, 1779. Voyage to the Paciflci in 1778-80 by Cook and King. 3 vols, text and large folio atlas of plates. London, 17)85. Together 8 vols. 4to, and large folio atlas, full original calf, rehacked, gilt. London, 1773-1785. £21 A FINE SET. 1774 A.D. [578] OTAHEITE. Oberea, Queen of Otaheite. An Epistle from Oberea, Queen of Otaheite, to Joseph Banks, Esq., translated by T, Q. Z., and enriched with Historical and Explanatory Notes. 4to, half calf. London, 177^. £2 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 15 1775 A.D. [579] COOK (Capt.). MARA (John). Jaurnal of the ResoJutiati's Voyage in 1772, '3, '4, and '5. On Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere, by which the Non-Existence of an Undiscovered Continent, between the Equator and the 50th Degree of Southern Latitude is demonstratively proved. Also a Journal of the Adventure's Voyage in the years 1772, '3, ^4. Illustrated with a chart, in which the tracks of both Vessels are accurately laid down, and other cuts. 8vo, new half folished calf , gilt, g. e. " London, 1775. £5 5s This is the very rare account of the second voyage, published surreptitiously and amon>ymousily about 18 months before Cook's own account. Probably John Mairra (Maxa), one 'of the gunner's mates, supplied material from BTis private journal, whihch was put into shape by some literary iper&on in the pay of Newbery. Page S25 says: " Some (ofRoersi) who had kept a. memorial by way of exercise .... reserved their labouirs to gratify therr friends. Of this kind is the journal now submitted to the public." The preface discloses considerable knowledge of private matters connected with the voyage, and gives an account of the causes which led Mr. Banks and his staff to withdraw in high dvidgeon from the expedition at the last mioment. Many of the particulairs of the voyage axe additional. 1776 A.D. [581] [COOK (James).] A Second Voyage round the World in 1772- 1775. 4to, half calf. London, 1776. £10 lOs * * * Another exceedingly rare surreptitious account of Cook's Second Voyage, printed from the journal of one of the crew. Towards the end of the account it is stated that Captain Cook had orders from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty " to send all Journals, Papers, and Writings, relating to the Voyage, to the Admiralty Ollice for their first perusal, and who further requested them not to divulge any particulars of their voyage Avhen they arrived on shore, and to give no direct answers to any questions asked relative thereto." A search was immediately made, and all the Journals and Papers that could he found were put into a box " to be sent to the Admiralty Office by the first opportunity that offered." This account was therefore printed from one of the Journals Tvhich could ruH be found by Captain Cook. It is for this reason that the Author's name does not occur. 1777 A.D. [582] FORSTER (George). A Voyage round the World, in His Britannic Majesty's Sloop, Resolution, commanded by Capt. James Cook, during the Years 1772, '3, '4 and '5. With large foldmg chart of the Southern Hemisphere. 2 vols., thick 4to, original calf, rebacked. London, 1777. £2 7s 6d Forster was the naturalist during Captain Cook's voyage. i6 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 1777-1779 A.D. Captain Cook's Third Voyage to the Souch Seas. r WEBBER'S WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. [582a] WEBBER (J). A most interesting colleDtion of forty-six Water- Colour Drawings made by this artist, who accompanied Captain Cook on his third and last voyage. The drawings depict costumes, customs, portraits of the natives, and the topography of the islands visited. The drawings are mounted in a large folio album, green morocco gilt, the sizes varying from 9 J inches by 6| inches, to 16 inches by 25! inches. (See Illustrations, Plates Nos. V. and VI.). £1,250 This Unique Collection, comprises : — A View of Christmas Harbour in Kerque- len's Land. The Inside of a Hippah, in New Zealand. A View at Anamooka. The Keception of Captain Cook, in Hapaee. A Night Dance by Men in Hapaee. A Night Dance by Women in Hapaee. Poulaho, King of the Friendly Islands, drinking Kava. A Flatooka, or Moral in Tongataboo. Large drawing (varying from the engraved view). A Human Sacrifice, in a Moral, in Otaheite. The Body of a Tee, a Chief, as Preserved after Death, Otaheite. A Young Woman of Otaheit« bringing a present. A Dance in Otaheite. Another scene. A Dance in Otaheite, in- terior. Not Engraved. A War Canoe, with Warriors. A View of Huaheine (varying from the engraved view). A Moral, in Ati. The Inside of the House in the Moral, in Al;ooi. An Inland View in Atooi. An Inland View in Atooi. Another View. A Man of Noofka Sound. A Woman of Nootka Sound. A View of the Habitations in Nootka Sound. The Inside of a House in Nootka Sound. A View of Snug Corner Cove, in Prince William's isound. A Man of iTince William's Sound. A Woman of Prince William's Sound. A Man of Oonalashka. A Woman of Oonalashka. Cances of Oonalashka. The Tschuktschi and Their Habitations. Sea Horses. Inhabitvants of Norix>n Sound and Their Habitations. The Inside of a House in Oonalashka. Tereoboo, King of Owyhee, bringing pre- sents to Captain Cook. A Man of the Sandwich Islands, Dancing. A Canoe of the Sandwich Islands, the Rowers Masked. A Man of the Sandwich Islands in a Mask. A View of Karakakooa, in Owyhee. A Sledge of Kamtschatka. A View of the Town and Harbcur of St. Peter and St. Paul, in Kamtschatka. Summer and Winter Habitations, in Kamt- schatka. Natives in the Interior of a Hut. View on Sea Shore, large tree in centre. View of a Tomb. View of a Tomb on Sea Shore. Engraved portraits of Captain James Cook, by J. K. Sherwin and F. Bartolozzi, Captain James King, by F. Bartolozzi, are also inserted in the volume. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 17 177S A.D. [583] FORSTER (John Reinold). Observations itiaite cfuring a Voyage Round the World, on Physical Geography and Natural History. Folding chart, comparing the languages of the South Sea Islands, also chart of the Islands, according to the inhabitants of O'Taheitee. 4to, half morocco. London, 1778. 18S 6d *** Commencing; with a iournal of the Voyage round the World in H.M.S. Eesolu- tion, 1772-5, Captain Cook's Second Voyage. 1779 A.D. [583a] THE DEATH of Captain Cook. He is standing by the sea- shore, being stabbed m the back by a savage, numerous natives in conflict with English, boat to left. Large and fine engraving, the figures by Bartolozzi, landscape by Byrne after J. Webber. Size 19 by 24 inches, large margin. 1784. £2 2s 1780 A.D. [584] ELEGY on Captain Cook, by Miss Seward. With illustrative notes. First Edition. 4to, fine copy, very handsomely bound by Sangoyski in half dark blue morocco extra, gilt leaves. London, 1780. £4 lOs 1784 A.D. [585] COOK (Capt.). Third Voyage. A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, performed by Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in the years 1776-80. Being a copious, comprehensive, and satisfactory Abridgment of the Voyage written by Capts. Cook and King. With engraved portrait and numerous plates and maps. 4 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1784. 18s 1784 A.D. [586] PARKINSON (Sydney). A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, in his Majesty's Ship the Endeavour: faithfully transcribed from the papers of the late Sydney Parkinson. To which is now added. Remarks on the Preface by the late John Fothergill, M.D., etc., and an appendix containing an account of the Voyages of Byron, Wallis, Carteret, Bougainville, Cook, and Clerke. Portrait and 29 views and maps. Large thick 4to, original calf, rebacked. London, 1784. £3 3s *** I^rge paper copy, complete with tlie additional part i8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W, 17S7 A.D. [587] EDEN (Wmiam). The History of New Holland. From its First Discovery in 1616, to the present time. With a particular Account of its Pro- duce and Inhabitants; and a description of Botany Bay, also a List of the Naval, Marine, Military, and Civil Establishments, to which is prefixed an Introduc- tory Discourse on Banishment. With 2 folding maps. 8vo, half calf. London, 1787. £1 16s 17S7 A.D. [588] Another Copy. %vo, full calf gilt. London, 1787. ' ' ' ■ " £1 16s 1788 A.D. [589] KEATE (George). An Account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the Western part of the Pacific Ocean. Portrait of Capt. Wilson and 16 plates of natives, views, etc. 4to, original calf. London, 1788. £1 1s 1789 A.D. [589a] SOUTH SEA ISLANDS, etc. (Vide Cook's last Voyage, Vols. 2 and 3). View in the Island of Cracatoa. The Plantain Tree in the Island of Cracatoa. The Fan Palm in the Island of Cracatoa. View of the Harbour of Taloo in the Islands of Eimeo. View in Macao. View in Macaoi, including the residence of Camoens when he wrote his Lusaid. Series of six aquatints in colours by J. Webber. Size 11^ by i6i inches, with margins. 1789. The set, £3 3s 1789 A.D. [590] PHILIP (Governor). The Voyage to Botany Bay; with an Account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. To which are added the Journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, and Capt. Marshall; with an account of their new discoveries. Embellished with fifty-five Copper Plates, the Maps and Charts taken from Actual Surveys, and the Plans and Views drawn on the Spot. Thick 4to, original calf (rebacked). London, 1789. £1 lOs *** With remarks on transportation to America; account of Eio de Janeiro; Cape af Good Hope, N. South. Wales; Sydney Cove, Otaheite, List of Convicts sent to N.S.W., etc. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 19 1789 A.D. [591] COOK (Capt.). The Death af Cafitain Cook. A grand serious pantomimic Ballet, in Three Parts. As now exhibiting in Paris with uncommon applause, with the original French Music, New Scenery, Machinery and other decorations. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent Garden. 19 pp., new half brown morocco gilt, t. e. g. London, 1789. £7 lOs 17£9 A.D. Presentation Copy. [592] KEATE (George). An Account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the Western Part of the Pacific Ocean, composed from the Journals and Com- munications of Captain Henry Wilson and some of his officers who in August, 1783, were there shipwrecked in the Antelope. Illustrated with portrait of Capt. Wilson, 16 plates of native ornaments, portraits of natives, views, etc. 4to, original calf. London, Printed for Captain Wilson, 17(89. £2 15s * * * Presentation Copy to Thos. Pennant, the celebrated Antiquary, with Author s inscription on fly-leaf. 1790 A.D. [593] WHITE (John). Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales. Illustrated with 65 plates of Animals, Birds, Lizards, Serpents, curious Cones of Trees, and other Natural Production. One of the Special Copies with all the plates finely coloured. 4to, contemporary calf. London, 1790. £3 18s 1790 A.D. [594] PHILLIP (Arthur). Voyage to Botany Bay. With an Account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, with the Journals and Discoveries of Lieut. Shortland, etc. Portrait, folding maps, views, and plates of Natural History Subjects. Royal 8vo, half calf. London, Stockdale, 1790. £1 lOs 1790 A.D. [595] THE MUTINEERS turning Lieut. Bligh and Part of the Officers and Crew adrift from H.M.S. the " Bounty." Aquatint by and after R. Dodd. Size i6\ by 23 inches, with margins. 1790. £9 9s 2o' MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1793 A.D. [596] BARRINGTON (George). A Voyage to Botany Bay, with a Description of the Country, Manners, Customs, Rehgion, etc., of the Natives. Illustrated title-page and frontispiece. i2mo, new boards. London, 1793. £1 8s 1795 A.D. [597] PARKER (Capt. John). Voyage round the World, written by his Widow. 8vo, original half calf. London, 1795. £1 16s Includes descriptions of Australia, New South Wales, New Zealand, etc. 1796 A.D. [5q8] MARCHAND (£.). Voyage Autcur du Monde pendant les Annees 1790-92. precede d'une Introduction Historique auquel on a joint des Recher- ches sur les terres Australes de Drake et un examen critique du Voyage de Boggeween. 3 vols., and atlas of 15 folding maps. 4 vols., 4to, original hoards, uncut. Paris, 1796. £4 15s 1800 A.D. [599] BARRINGTON (George). A Voyage to Botany Bay, with a description of the Country, manners, customs, religion, &c., of the Natives. Also : A Sequel to Barrington's Voyage to New Soutli Wales, comprising an interesting narrative of the Transactions and Behaviour of the Convicts; Pro- gress of the Colony; Register of Crimes; Anecdotes of most notorious Characters that have been transported to New South Wales. Front and vignette title to first part. Two parts bound inl one vol., post 8vo, cloth. 1st part, London, N.D. {circa 1800). 2nd part, London, 1801. £1 1s f MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 21 1800 A.D. I The Manuscript Journals, etc., of s Peter Heywood I (Originally one of the Mutineers of " The Bounty "). [600] HEYWOOD (Peter). Nautical Remarks and Memoranda of Occur- rences, etc., on board His Majesty's Ships St. Thomas, Polyphemus, Donegal, Nereus, and others between the years 1800 and 18 10. The Original Manuscript Journals, mostly in the hand of Peter Hey- wood, with some entries by his clerk. These, however, are in every case signed at end by Heywood. These Journals are not mere Log Books, but filled with most interesting remarks connected with the various voyages, of which a few headings are given below. Comprised in 3 vols:, folio, original bindings. £65 (1) Remarks on a Passage from Madras, through the iStraitg of Malacca, the China Seas, and on to Amboina. 19 pp. (2) Eemaxts and ObseTvations on u Passage acro-s the Bay of Bengal from Madras to Diamond Is-land and in the Gulph) of Martaban. 1801. 8 pp. (3) Remarks on the passage and anchorage between the Island of Chedduba and the Main Land, giving a very intere-ting account of his reception by the Rajah of that place. 7 pp. (4) Instructions for Ships having occasion to pass withia the Shoalg which ilay off the X.E. Coast of Ceylon. 5 pp. (5) Observations on the wind and weather in the Java and Barda Seas. 15 pp. (6) On a Passage from the Straits of Malacca to the Eastward in His Majesty's Ship Fox. 5i pp. (7) From Madras to Prince of Wales' Island. (8) From China to Penang. 3 pp. (9) Voyage of- II.M.S. Polyphemus, 1807, to the Cape of Good Hope, giving a critical account of Cape Town and St. Helena, Voyage to South America, Monte Video, etc., remark- ing: "The most unexpected had taken place at Buenos Ayres and compelled the Military Chief to promise to evacuate Monte Video by the 7 of Sept., and to withdraw all the British Troops from South America." Capt. Heywood gives a long account of the doings of the Squadron during this unhappy expedition under Co*!. Whitlocke, making many keen critical remarks on the affair. (10) Voyage of the Nereug to the River Plate, Brazil, etc. (11) Cape of Good Hope. Nov., 1796. Extract of a Letter. 25 pp. ' (12) Remarks on a passage across the Bay of Benga^. from Madras to Diamond Island. 8 pp. (13) In IT. M.S. Donegal 1809— giving interesting account of his services under Adiniral Gambler against the French. Etc., etc. Peter Heywood entered the Navy in October, 1786, and made his first voyage as mid- shipman on board "The Bounty" discovery ship, and sailed in her on the voyage to Taliiti. " When the mutiny broke out on 28 Aoril, 1789, Herywood was confined by the mutineers, but was alllowed to oome on deck when the launch was ready to receive Bligh and his party. The boat, however, could not hold them all, and Heywood with some others was left behind, (Continued over) 22 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Hey wood (Peter) — continued. Bligh iprobably thinking that a boy of his tender years would only be an encumbrance. Wher the mutineers split into two parties at Tahiti, Heywood was one of those who n-emained there; and when, on 23 March, 1791, the Pandora, under the command of Captain Edward Edwards* arrived in search of the mutineers, Heywood with Stewart, a fellow-midshipman, at once went off to her in a canoe^ They were immediately put in irons; and the others at Tahiti having been appre- hended, they were all, to the nvimber of fourteen, thrust, ihand-cuffed and heavily ironed, into a sort of cage eleven feet long, built on the after part of the quarter deck, to which air and light were admitted through two iron gratings each about nine inches square. Of the mutineers who had quitted Tahiti nothing could be discovered in a prolonged search. On 28 Aug. the Pandora, in attemptinig to pass through Endeavour Straits, struck on the reef since known by her mame, and was totally lost. No official attempt was made to relea^ the prisoners, but a few minutes before the ship went down the master-at-arms pri- vately let the keys of the irons fall through the grating, and Heywood with some of his companions managed to get out; the rest, Stewart among them, went down with the ship.' " Edwards had assumed these men to be deserving of the severest punishment. Alll the shipwrecked crew naturally suffered privations; but the prisoners were left stark naked, allowed no shelter, a.nd insufficient food. Both at B-atavia, and on the passage to the Cape of Grood Hope in a Diitoh merchant ship, they were treated with excessive severity. At the Caipe Heywood was removed into the Gorgon, where lie was allowed daily exercise on deck, and was confined with only one leg in irons. The Gorgon arrived at Spithead on 19 June, 1792, when Heywood was sent on board the Hector of 74 guns, whose captain, afterwards Sir George Aiontague, treated him with humanity. On 12 Sept. he, with the ether prisoners, was brought befrtre a court-martial. The trial lasted for six days, and on the 18th they were all sentencetl to death; but Heywood was .recommended to mercy in the strongest terms; and the Earl of Chatham, th'en first Lord of the Admiralty, was so convinced of Heywood's innocence that he obtained for him an unconditional pardon. lyord Hood, who had been president of the Court, advised him to continue in. the service, and offered to take liim in the Victory. . . . " In August 1800 Heywood was promoted to be commander ; and on 5 April 1803 was confi.rmed in post rank. He had previously commanded post ships, by acting order from Admiral Eainier, and had, in addition to the ordinary course of duty, completed the survey of a gireat part of the east coast of Ceylon, from which the admiralty charts were afterwaTda published. In 1806 Heywood was flag-captain to Eear-Admiral George Murray in the Poly- phemus at the Cape of Good Hope and in the Eiver Plate; in 1808 he commanded the Donegal off Brest and in the Bay of Biscay. In 1809 he was appointed to the Nereus frigate, in which he wenit out to the Mediterranean, and in April 1810 brought back to England the remains of Lord Colling-wood." 1802 A.D. [6oi] BARRINCTON (George). History of New South Wales, includ- ing Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Parramatta, Sydney, and all its Dependencies, from the original discovery of the Island, with the Customs and Manners of the Natives. With coloured plates of Natural History, Native Customs, etc. 8vo, full original calf, full gilt hack. London, 1802. £1 8s Bar^rington was a native of Kildare, Ireland; he was deported to New South Wales as a convict and became Oflicer of the Peace at Parramatta. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 23 1803 A.D. [60 1 a] OTAHEITE.) Cession of the District of Matavai in tlie Islands of Otaheite to Capt. James Wilson, for the use of the Missionaries. Europeans and natives grouped around a chief who is addressing them, high hills in background. Stipple engraving by Bartolozzi after R. Smirke, R.A. Size 24 by 31 inches, with margins. 1803. £3 lOs 1803 A.D. [602] GRANT (James). The Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery, per- formed in His Majesty's Vessel " The Lady Nelson," of Sixty Tons Burthen, with sliding Keels, in the years 1800, 1801 and 1802, to New South Wales. Illustrated with large folding sketch of the Sliding Keel, also large fold- ing map and 6 copperplates. 4to, original boards, uncut. London, 1803. £3 3s Includes remarks on the hitherto unknown parts of New Holland, various details of his -Interviews with the Natives of New South Wales, observations on the Soil, Natura'l Productions, etc. 1803 A.D. [603] HOCKIN (Rev. John Pearce). A Supplement to the Account of the Pelew Islands; Compiled from the Journals t>f the Panther and Endeavour, two vessels sent by the Hon) East India Co. to these islands in the year 1790, and from the Oral Communication of Captain H. Wilson. Plates. 4to, half calf. London, 1803. ' £2 2s 1803 A.D. [604] GRANT (J.). Narrative of a voyage of discovery performed in his Majesty's vessel " The Lady Nelson," of 60 tons, in the years 1800, 1801 and 1802, to New South Wales. With folding maps, and fine full-page plates (one coloured). 4to, half calf. London, 1803. £3 3s Includino: remarks on the Caipe de Verd Islands, Cape of Goodj Hope, the hitherto unknofwn parts of New Holland, discovered by him in his passage (the first ever attempted from Europe), through the Streight separating that Island from the land discovered by Van Diemen, together with various details of his interviews with the natives of New South Wales, etc. To Avhich is prefixed an account of the origin of sliding keels, and the advantages resulting. 1805 A.D. [606I TUCKEY (J. H.). An Account of a Voyage to Establish a Colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait, on the South Coast of New South Wales, in His Majesty's Ship Calcutta, in the years 1802-3-4. 8vo, half calf. London, 1805. 16s 6d ^4 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 1S07 A.D. [607] PERON (F. A.) and FREYCINET (L ). Voyage de Decouvertes, aux Terras Australes, sur les Cor\^ettes le Geografhe, le Naturalisie, et la Goelette le Casuarina, pendant les Annees, 1 800- 1804. 2 vols., 4to, and the Atlas, containing 41 fine plates of Views, Natural History, Portraits of Natives, mostly coloured, and some printed in colours, and 14 large folding maps and plans. Together 3 vols., half calf, Paris, 1807. £7 10s 1808 A.D. [608] WEBBER (James). Views in the South Seas, from drawings by the late James Webber, Draftsman on board the " Resolution," Captain James Cooke, from the year 1 776-1 780. With letterpress description of the various scenery. These plates form a new series, and are the same size as those engraved from Capt. Cooke's last voyage. The complete set of 16 large and beautifully coloured plates with descriptive text. Large folio, original binding. London, 1808. • £7 lOs The Views comprise : — Queen Charlotte's Sound, New Zealand Boats of tlie Friendly Islands. Canoe of Otahaite. Plaintain Tree. View in Oheitepeha Bay, Otaheite. Chief of Oheitepeha lying in state. Harbour of Taloo, Eimeo. Toopapaoo of a Chief. " Resolution " breaking through the ice with the " Discovery " in the distance in danger. Narta or sledge for burdens in Kamtschatka. Balagans or Summer Habitation, Kamtschatka. View in Macao (2 plates). Island of Pulo Condore. Island of Cracatoa. Fan Palm, Island of Cracatoa. 1810 A.D. [609] IDEA GENERAL cfel disourso y de las Metnorias publicadas por la direccion Hidrografioa sobre los fundamentos que ha tenid^ para la oon- struccion die las Cartas d^ Marear, que ha dado a Luz desde 1797. 37 pp., i2mo, ivraffers. Madrid, 1810. £1 10s *** An interesting little book on Hydrography, includes " Observaciones practicadas en las Islas Marianas y Filipinas, en la Nueva Holanda, y en el Archipelago de los Amigos." Plate IV. H E C H O S DE DON GARCIA HVRTADO DE MENDOZA. Quarto Marques dc Canctc, A DON FR AN C I SCO D E ROXAST SandQUdlfVHque de Lerma,Uarquei de Dema,d'c. POR EL DOCTOR CHRISTOVAL Suarcz dc Figucroa. EK MJD'SJ'D, EnlalmprcntaRcah Ano M. DC. XlIIv . Ti !•.,»- ^.^r. Plate V. ^>° ^ o I d ^ O .i ^ « "^-J ^^P ^.5 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 25 1810 A.D. [610] BARRINCTON (George, Superintendent of the. Convicts). Account of a Voyage to New South Wales; to which is prefixed a detail of hi> Life, Trials, Speeches, etc. London, 18 10. The History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Parramatta, Sydney, and all its dependencies; and an Account of the English Colony. London, 18 10. Together, illustrated with portrait and a number of coloured plates. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut. £3 5s 1810 A.D. [611] Another Copy of both vols. 2 vols., 8vo, original half calf gilt. London, 1810. £2 15s 1813 A.D. [612] TURNBULL (John). A Voyage Roiiwid the World, in the Years 1800, ItvOI, 1802, 1803, and 1804; in which the author visited Madeira, the Brazils, Cape of Good Hope, the English Settlements of Botany Bay and Nor- folk Island, and the principal Islands in the Pacific Ocean. With a Continuation of their History to the Present Period. 4to, half calf. London, 1813. £2 1814 A.D. [613] FLINDERS (Matthew). A Voyage to Terra Australia for the purpose of completing the discovery in the years 1801 to 1803 in H.M.S. Investi- gator, and subsequently in the armed vessel Porpoise and Cumberland schooner, with an Account of the Shipwreck of the Porpoise. Arrival of " Cumberland " at Mauritius and Imprisonment of the Commander during 6A years on that Island. Illustrated. 2 vols., royal 4to, half calf, and Atlas of Charts, folio. London, 1814 £10 lOs 1818 A.D. [614] MARINER (W.) An account of the natives in the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean. With an original gramm.ar and vocabulary of their language. Compiled and arranged from the extensive communications of Mr. Wm. Mariner, several years resident in those islands, by John Martin. Second Edition, with additions. With folding map and plate. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1818. £2 lOs Presentation capy from the author . r - - • , • • . , . 26, MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Stieet, London, W. 1819 A.D. [615] VAUX (James Hardy). Memoirs, written by Himself and the supplement, a new and Comprehensive Vocabulary of the Flash Language. 2 vols. First Edition. Half calf, uncut. London, 18 19. £1 2s 6d * * * With accounts of his two transportations to Australia for felony, arrival at Port Jackson, landing at Sydney, life at Hawkesbury, Castle-Hill, and Parramatta, etc. 1820 A.D. [616] OXLEY (J.). Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales in 1817-18. Folding maps, views of scenery, coloured portrait of native. 4to, half calf , edges uncut. London, 1820. £2 15s 1820 A.D. [617] JEFFREYS (Lieut. Ch.). Geographical and Descriptive Delinea- tions of the Islands of Van Diemen's Land. 8vo, half calf. London, 1820. £1 5s 1821 A.D. [618] COOK (James). The three voyages of Captain James Cook round the world. With map and portrait, 7 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1821. £7 7s The handiest edition of Cook's voyages. 1822 A.D. [619] EVANS (G. W.). A Ceagraphioal, Historical, and Topographical description of Van Diemen's Landi with important hints to Emigrants, and useful information respecting the Application for Grants of Land; together with a list of the most necessary articles for persons to take out. Embellished by a correct map of Hobart Town. 8vo, hoards, uncut. London, 1822. 16s This is one of the copies published without the large chart. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 2;r 1822 A.D. [620] WILSON (Capt. J.).. Memoirs, containing an Account of his. Voyage to the South Seas, Enterprises in India, etc., by J. Griffin. Portrait of King of Taheite. Small 8vo, original calf. Boston, 1822. £1 Is 1823 A.D. [621] ARAGO (J.). Narrative of a Voyage Round the World in the Uranie and Physicienne Corvettes, commanded by Capt. Freycinet, in i8i7'-20, with the Report made to the Academy of Sciences on the General Results of the Expedition. 26 large lithographic plates of manners and customs, portraits of natives and map. 4to, half calf. London, 1823., £3 lOs 1824 A.D. [621a] VAN DIEM EN'S LAND, Very Early Survey of. Chart of Van Diemen's Land from the best Authorities and from Actual Surveys and Measurements, by Thomas Scott, Assistant Surveyor General of Lands in the Island. Most respectfully dedicated to his honour Wm. Sorreil, Esq., Lieut. -Governor of Van Diemen's Land, etc. Very large map, size 36 by 24^ inches, with margins. Engraved by Charles Thomson, of Edinburgh, from the original survey brought home by Captain Dixon, of the Ship Skelton, of Whitby, 1824. Published 1824. £4 4s This map contains table of references, giving names of the principal Grants and Owners, with positions on the Map. Also the distances from Hobart Town to the various towns. Some very interesting remarks are printed on the map, i.e. : — MA.CQUAEIE HAEBOUE. " The Convictis are transported from Hobart Town to this place. The Settlement is upon Sarahs Island, near the upper end of the Harbour. There is a Lieut, stationed there as Commandant. Two small Vessels are added to the Establishment to carry provision.s and prisoners to the Settlement. Small vessels only can cross the bar at the Mouth. " The Passage across from Macquarie Harbour to the Derwent is not yet practicable. " Several of the runaway Convicts from the latter place in attempting to reach the Derwent have died on the road, another party after having killed one of their comrades to preserve their own lives were obliged to return and gave themselves up to the Command- ment." Ett.. etc The North North-West of the Island is marked : " TH/IS PAET OF THE COUNTRY IS UNKNOWN." " P.S.— It was the intention of the Colonial Government to make a Survey of the North-Western partis of Van Dieman's Land in the Summer, between 1823 and 1824, say the months of November, December, and January. A vessel was also to be despatched to co- operate with the Land Expedition on that part of the Coast." Etc. 28 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 1824 A.D. [622] SHOBERL (F.). South Sea Islands, beingr a description of the manners, customs, character, and state of Society among the various tribes scattered over the Great Ocean, called the Pacific, or the South Sea. Illustrated with 26 finely coloured plates of the various Natives, etc. 2 vols., i2mo, stamped calf. London, 1824. £1 14s 1827 A.D. [623] SWEET (Robert). Flora Australasica, or a Selection of Hand- some or Curious Plants, Natives of New Holland, and the South Sea Islands, containing Coloured Figures and Descriptions of some of the Choicest Species. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1827-8. £3 15s Containing 56 coloured plates by R. D. Smith, Botanical Artist, with descriptions by K. S-weet. 1827 A.D. [624] WAKEFIELD (Edward Gibbon). The Trial cf Edward Gibbon Wakefield, William Wakefield, and Frances Wakefield, indicted with one Edward Thevenot, a servant for the conspiracy and for the abduction of Miss Helen Turner, the only child and heiress of William Turner, Esq., of Shrigley Park, in the County of Chester. 8vo, boards. London, 1827. £1 5s Edward Gibbon Wakefield, son of a land-agent in London, was born- in 1796. He was employed at the Embassy at Turin, 1814 — 1816, eloped with a ward ot court 1816, was attached to the Embassy at Paris, 1820-26. He abducted Miss Turner, an heiress in 18216, imprisoned 1826-9, and his marriage cancelletl in Parliament. He afterwards emigrated to Australia. He urged reforms in the administration of the Australian Colonies, procured the discon- tinuance of free grants of land in New South "Wales, 1831, secured formation of South Austra- lian Association, 1834 (Colony founded 1836). He became London agent to the New Zealand Land Company, 1839—1846, he went to Wellington, New Zealand, 1853, and published a number of political pamphlets. (D.N.B.). 1S29 A.D. [625] WIDOWSON (Henry). Present State of Van Diemen's Land, comprising an Account of its Agricultural Capabilities, with Observations on the Present State of Farming, etc., pursued in that Colony, and other important matters connected with Emigration. Folding map. 8vo, half calf. London, 1829. 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 2g f [626] PICTURE OF AUSTRALIA, exhibiting New Holland, Van Die- I men's Land, and all the Settlements from the first at Sydney to the last at the I Swan River. I Folding map. •' Post 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1829. , ' £1 1s 1829 A.D. [627] BURFORD (Rob.). Description of a View of the Towni of Syd- ney, New South Wales; the Harbour of Port Jackson, and the surrounding Country; now exhibiting in the Panorama, Leicester Square. Large folding plate containmg two panoramic views, and 12 pp. of Text. 8vo, new boards. London, 1829. £1 Is 1831 A.D. [628] DESCRIPTION of a View of Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, and the Surrounding Country; now exhibiting at the Panorama, Strand. With folding plate containing two oblong views of Hobart Town. 8vo, new boards. London, 1831. £1 Is 1832 A.D. [629] SOCIETY ISLANDS. A Few Lessons in English and Tahitian, with a View to make an attempt to teach the Natives the English Language. 12 pp., post 8vo, unbound and uncut. Tahiti, Printed at the Mission Press, 1832. £2 2s 1833 A.D. [630] PRINSEP (Mrs. A.). Journal of a Voyage from CaJcutta to Van Dienten's Land. Comprising a Description of that Colony. With a Map. i2mo, original cloth. London, 1833. 12s 6d 1834 A.D. [631] TASMANIA. ROSS (James). The Hobart Town Almanac for 1834. Yost %vo, original wrappers. Hobart Town, 1834. £1 5s Includes list of Government Officials, etc 30 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1834 A.D. [632] DALE (Lieutenant R.). Panoramic View of King George's Sound, part of the Colony of Swan River. Drawn by Lieutenant R. Dale. Ejigraved by Robert Havell. A beautifully-coloured aquatint, measuring 9 feet long by S^ inches wide. Folding to small oblong size, enclosed in cloth portfolio. London, Robert Havell, 1834. £10 lOs 1834 A.D. [634] REPORTS OF THE COLONIES. Comprising— , Bill for the Colonization of South Australia, 1834. Act for the Government of New South Wales, 1842. Australian Colonies Government Bill. Past and Present State of His Majesty's Colonial Possessions, 1849: Cape of Good Hope, Gold Coast, Ceylon, Hong-Kong^ etc., etc. Folio, half calf. London, 1834-1850. £3 lOs 1S35 A.D. [635] THE VAN DIEMEN'S LAND ANNUAL for the Year 1835. Vignette title and folding plan. i2mo, original cloth. , . . Hobart Tozvn, 1835. 12s 6d 1S35 A.D. [636] WHEELER (Daniel). Extracts from liis Letters and Journals when engaged in a Religious Visit to the Inhabitants of some of the Islands of the Pacific Ocean, Van Diemen's Land and New South Wales. 3 parts, complete in i volume, 8vo, half morocco. Lindfield and London, 1835-8. 18s 1S35 A.D. [637] WILSON (T. B., M.D.). Narrative of a Voyage Round the World. Comprehending an account of the Wreck of the Ship " Governor Ready " in Torres Straits, a description of the British Settlements on the Coasts of New Holland, with Appendix on Transportation, etc. Plates. 8vo, half calf. London, 1835. . . ' ' ■ 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 31 1835 A.D. [638] IRWIN (F. C ). The state and position (yf Western Australia commonly oalled " The Swan River Settlement." 8vo, cloth. London, 1835. lOs 6(1 1836 A.D. [639] THRELKELD (L. E). An Australian Spelling Book, in the Lan- guage as spoken by the Aborigines, in the Vicinity of Hunter's River, Lake Macquarie, New South Wales. 8vo, original wraffers, uitcut. Sydney, 1836. £1 lOS 1837 A.D. [640] NEW SOUTH WALES. An Address to the Prisoner Population of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. Small 8vo, cloth. Sydney, 1837. £1 lOS An Address of James Backhouse and George Washington Walker, to the numerous persons who composed the Prisoner Population oif N. S. Wales and Van Diemen's Land. 1838 A.D. [641] AUSTRALIA. Government Blue Book. Report from the Select Committee on Transportation, with the minutes of evidence, Appendix, and detailed Index. Thick folio, original wraffers. London, 1838. ' £1 Is * * * Including, List of convicts who absconded from Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania, from 1822 — 1827, with their fates, articles on Aborigines, Chain Gangs, Convict Labour, Education, Emigration, Bushranging, Female Convicts, New* South Wales, Bermuda, Sheep Stealing, the Penal Settlements, etc., etc. 1840 A.D. [642] TEICHELMANN(C. G.)andSCHURMANN(€. W.). Outlines of a Grammar, Vocaliulary, and Phraseology of the Aboriginal Language of South Australia. Spoken by the Natives in and for some distance around Adelaide. 8vo, wrappers. Adelaide, 1840. 12s 6d 1840 A.D. [643] SKETCHES of Australian Life and Scenery. Oblong folio, original cloth. {Circa 1840), £5 5s ••* Series of 12 coloured plates, with descriptive text under each. Comprising: — Sunday at the Diggings; The Lost Bushman; A New Gold Eush; a Concert on a New Tfnsh; Bushrangers watting foT the Mails in New South Wales; A. Native Dance;' A Native Sepulchre; Christmasi on the Diggings, the appearamoe of a snake; Convicts, a bard labouT gang; Eobbery of the Mails by Bushrangers; New Arrivals on a Gold Digging; Prospecting for Gold rewarded at last. 32 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1S41 A.D. [644] GOODRIDGE (C. M). Narrative of a Voyage to the South Seas, and the Shipwreck of the Princess of Wales Cutter, with an account of Two Years' residence on an Uninhabited Island. Full length portrait of the author in his, sealskin dress, and plates. Post 8vo, full calf extra, g. e. Exeter, 1841. £1 8s 1843 A.D. [645] NEW SOUTH WALES. Votes and Proceedings of tite Legisiativd Council', during^ the Session (Extraordinary), 1843, with the various Documents connected therewith. 56 pp., folio, half calf. Sydney, 1843. £1 1s Contains : — Dailly Proceedings. Papers laid before tlie Council by His Excellency the G.overnor. Bank Liabilities and Assets. Eeport from Committee. Petition from the Mayor and Conncil o.f the City of Sydney on tbe Sydney Corporation Act. From the Library of Sir Daniel Cooper, Bart., first Speaker of tlie Assembly, New South Wales, with bis Autograph on fly4eaf. 1845 A.D. [646] NEW ZEALAND. Government Blise Book. Copies or Extracts of Despatches from Governor of New Zealand to Parliament, June, 1845. With 2 large coloured plans, the new Edinburgh Purchase and reserve for natives, and a Survey of Part of Otago Harbour. Small folio, unbound. London, June, 1845. 12s 6d *** Including despatches conceruing: — Postal Aff:\irs; Abolition of Ciistoms 'Hnties; Land purchases from the Natives; Disturbances at Bay of Islands; Land Question at Taranaki; New Edinburgh, Otago Harbour, etc. 1847 A.D. [647] BREES (S. C). Pictorial Illustrations of New Zealand. A series of 67 engravings of New Zealand views on 23 plates. Large 4to, original boards. London, 1847. £1 lOs * * * Including views of Wellington, Port NicholsDn, Petre Wauganui, Kororarika, Ohiro, Te Aro, etc., etc. 1847 A.D. [648] CR|MSTONE (S. E.). The Southern Settlements of New Zealand. Comprising statistical information from the earliest period to^ the close of the year 1846; together with a summary of the local ordinances, proclamations, etc. From the most authentic sources. %No, unbound. Wellington, N .Z., 1847. lOs 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 33 1847 A.D. [649] KOE ULUAKI mo fiotio ua oe fehui moe tala oe kakai uesiliana; ke ako aki i he gaahi fanau moe gaaht lautoht oe kakai koia. Catechism in the Fiji Language. 72 pp. Yavau, Printed at the Wesley an Mission Press, 1847. £1 Is 1848 A.D. [650] NEW ZEALAND. MOLESWORTH (Sir Wm). Speeoh ef Sir William Molesworth, Bart., M.P., in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, 25th July, 1848, on Colonial Expenditure and Government. 8vo, wraf-pers. London (1848). 15s Ooncerns chiefly Australia, New Zealand, and the Asiatic Islands. 1849 A.D. [651] AUSTRALIA. GONZALEZ (D. Juan; Presbitero). Breve Resena historica de las Misiones Catolicas de Nueva-Holancfa, con importantes y curiosos pormenores facilitados por el Ilmo Sr Obispo de Puerto-Victoria; precedida de una introduccion sobre las misiones Catolicas y la Civilizacion. 46 pp., i6mo, cloth. Madrid, 1849. £2 2s 1849 A.D. [652] KOE GAAHI HIMI, ke hlva aki e he kakai eku ui ko uesiliana, i he otu toga m kotoabe. Hymn Book in the Fiji Language. 56 pp., double columns, original cloth, wraf-pers. Printed at the Wesley an Mission Press, Vavau, 1849. lOs 6d The Fiji Language is that Polynesian language which approaches most nearly to the Papuan language. 1850 A.D. [653] MARTI (Joaquin). Historia del origenv padeoimientos, progresos, y porvenir de las Misiones Catolicas de Nueva-Holanda fundadas y sostenidas por los P.P. Serra y Salvado. With portraits. i2mo, half bound. Barcelona, 1850. £2 2s 1851 A.D. [654] ANGUS (G. F.). Views of the Gold Regions of Australia, drawn on the Spot. Complete series of six coloured lithographs, with descriptive letterpress. Large 4to, original wrappers. London, 1851. £8 8s *** Comprising i—Summerhill Creek; Gold-Washing; Gold Diggers' Encampment; Fitzroy Bar; General View of Ophir; Gold diggers arriving at Bathurst. 34 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 1851 A.D. [655] SHIPLEY (Conway, Lieut R.N.). Sketches in the Pacific. The South Sea Islands. Facsimiles of the signatures of the various kings, facsimile of a letter of Queen Pomare's, and Series of 25 fine tinted lithographic plates of South Sea Scenery with full descriptive text. Large 4to, original cloth. London, 1851. £6 6s * * * With views of Pitcairn's Island, Society Islands (Tahiti, Papeite, Toup Nicoflas, Eimes), Samoa and Feejee Islands. 1851 A.D. [656} BUNCE (D.). Language of the Aborigines of the Colony Victoria, and other Australian districts; with parallel translations and familiar speci- mens in dialogue; as a guide to Aboriginal protectors and others engaged in ameliorating their conditions, i2mo, cloth. Melbourne, 1851. 15s 1851 A.D. [657] FOSTER (J. F. L.). The new coiony of Victoria, formerly Port Philip; together with some account of the other Austrahan Colonies. i2mo, cloth. London, 185 1. 15s Presentation copy to Earl Grey. 1852 A.D. [658] HAM'S five views of the Gold Fields of Mount Alexander and BaHarat, in the Colony of Victoria, drawn on the spot by D. Tulloch. Series of five coloured views, with descriptive text to each. Oblong folio, original pictorial tvraffers. Melbourne, 1852. £6 6s 1852 A.D. [659] NEW ZEALAND. New Testament in Maori. Ko te Kawenata Hon O to Tatou ariki o te kai Whakaora, O ihu Karaiti. 8vo, calf. Ra7iana, 1852. _ £1 1©S 1852 A.D. Welsh Emigrants' Guide to Australia. [660] HUGHES. Gwlad yr aur; Neu, Gydymatth yr Ymfudwr Cymreig i Australia. Can D. AP G. AP Huw, Feddyg. Hefyd Can yr Ymfudwyr, Gan Eben Fardd. With large folding map of Australia, i2mo, original ivraffers^ uncut. Carnarvon, 1852. lOS 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 35 1853 A.D. [661] THOMAS (R. M.), a returned emigrant. The present state of Melbourne, and the gold fields of Victoria, with statistics up to January ist, 1853. 8vo, original wrappers. London, 1853. 5s I 1853 A.D. [662] ROSENDO SALVADO. Memorias historioas sobre la Australia, y particularmente acerca la mision Benedictina de Nueva Nursia [Victoria] y los Usos y costumbres de los salvajes. With map, two portraits, and plates, including views of the Benedictine Settlement, the Murray River, etc. Svo, calf. Barcelona, 1853. £1 lOs 1853 A.D. [663] KOE TOHI eni oe sakalameniti oe elkt, moe fakamau unohe^ bea moe tanu ae bekia. Prayer Book for the Fiji Natives. 24 pp. Yavau, Printed at the Wesley an Mission Press, 1853. lOS 6d 1853 A.D. [664] KOE TOHI eni oe gaahi lotu t he bogibogi oe aho tabu. Prayer Book in the Fiji Dialect. 40 pp. Yavau, Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1853. lOs 6d 1854 A.D. [665] BARCLAY (Captain Andrew). Life Of Cafitaiti Andrew Barclay of Cambook, near Launceston, Van Diemen's Land. Written from his own dictation at Cambock, February 19th, 1836, to Thomas Scott. Asst. Surveyor- General, V.D.L. A short account of the life and adventures of one of the early settlers, about 18 16, in Tasmania. 8 pp., 8vo, half morocco. Circa 1854. £1 5s 1855 A.D. [667] NEW ZEALAHD. GREY (Sir George). Polynesian Mythology, and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race, as furnished by their Priests and Chiefs. Illustrated. First Edition. Ppst 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1855. £1 12s 6d 3G MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1860 A.D. [669] OLIVER (R. A). A Series of Lithographic Drawings from Sketches in New Zealand. Series of 8 fine coloured lithographs. Large folio, original wrappers. London {circa i860). £1 1s *** Comprising : — Te Rangihaeta, Chief of the Ngatitoa tribe; a Korero; A Tangi ; Falls of the Kirikiri; (Stranger's House, Houraki Pah; Half Castes; Puebo; Harry Bluff and Johnny. ■A very scarce collection, and all that was pviblished. 1860 A.D. [6;o] BRISBANE' (General Sir Thomas Makdougall). Reminiscences Of. Illustrated with two portraits and two tinted plates. 4to, original cloth. Printed for Private Circulation, Edinburgh, i860. £1 lOs Among the reminiscences are those connected -with his Governor Generalship of New South Wales. 1861 A.D. [671] MAJOR (R. H.). The Discovery of Australia by the Portuguese in 1601, five years before the Earliest Discovery hitherto Recorded. Royal 4to, original blue morocco, g. e. London, 1861. £2 2s Presentation Copy, with author's signed inscription. 1861 A.D. [672] BAY OF ISLANDS. Original water-oo4otir panorama drawing made in 1861 by T. B. H. of the Bay of Islands, New Zealand, showing the towns of Russell, and Paihia. 68 by 6f inches. Folded to small oblong quarto, and bound in half morocco. £15 15s 1862 A.D. [673] LE TUSI FESILI a le au uesellana. Catechism in one of the Native Australian Languages. 64 pp. Sydney, Joseph Cook & Co., 1862. £1 1s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 37 1863 A.D. [674] STACK (Frederick R.) Views in tiie Province of Auckland, New Zeaiand. Series of six fine coloured lithographic views. Folio, original wrappers. London (1863). £12 12s * * * Comprising :— View of Auckland Harbour, taken during the regatta of Jan., 1862. (The race of the Maori War Canoes). View of Auckland, from the Crater of Mount Eden; ditto, from the lake on the North Shore. View of the Frith of the Thames, Waitemata, Tamaki, and Gulf of Hauraki, from the Howick Ranges. View of Wairoa Creek. View overlooking Manukau Harbour. 1863 A.D. [675] GOULD (John). The Mammals of Australia. Illustrated with 182 large and finely coloured plates. 3 vols., large folio, half bound, g. e. London, 1863. £36 1863 A.D. [676] DESCOBRIMENTO DA AUSTRALIA pelos Portuguezes em 1601, cinco Annos antes do primeiro descobrimento ate entao mencionado. communicado a Sociedade dos Antiquarios de Londres pelo Richard Henry Major traduzido pelo Jose de Lacerda. 23 pp., folio, with a map, unbound. Lisbon, 1863. £1 16s * * * Proving that Australia was discovered by the Portuguese early in the Seventeenth Century. 1865 A.D. [677] GOULD (John). Handbook to the Birds of Australia. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth. London, 1865. £1 lOs 1866 A.D. [678] RIDLEY (W.). Kamiiaroi, Dippll, and Turrubul, languages spoken by Australian Aborigines. Small 4to, full blue calf, gilt back and sides , g. e. Sydney, 1866. £1 1s 38 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1866 A.D. [679] WALCH'S Tasmanian Almanac, and Gukle to Tasmania, for 1866. Being the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth Years of the Reign of Her Present Majesty, Queen Victoria, and the Sixty-second Year of the Settlement of the Colony. Post 8vo, original cloth. Tasjnania, Hobart Town, and Launcest07i. 7s 6d 1868 A.D. [679a] EXPEDITION to North West Australia, 1855, conducted by Mr. A. Gregory and Thomas Baines. Series of four very fine Oil Paintings of scenes during the progress of the Expedition, 1855-6. Taken from the original sketches made in Australia and painted by Thos. Baines when in England, 1868, Size of canvasses, 18 by 26 inches. All signed by the Artist. (See Illustration, Plate No. VII.). The four, £36 15s Inscriptions on backs of pictures : — I. Watering Party of the North Australian Expedition under a clump of Panda nus at Quail Island, Paterson's Bay, Lat. 12.33 Sth Lon. 130. 17 E. Septr. 9, 1855. T. Baines. II. The Baines River and its Sid© Channel just above Curiosity Peak, Victoria Rivet, North Australia; first visited by the artist and Bowman. Ded. 7, 1885. T. Baines, London, June, 1868. III. Stamped© of the Pack Horses on starting for the Interior of Australia from Main Camp on the Victoria River. Jany. 1st, 1856. T. Baines, London, June, 1868. IV. Gouty Stem Tree " Adamsonia Gregorii," 58 feet circumference, near a creek S.E. of Stokes Range, Victoria River. North Australia. Sketched Thursday, Jany. 10, 1856, by T. Baines,, Artist to the Expedition, painted in London. June, 1868. THOMAS BAINES (1822-1875). Artist and Explorer. From 1848-51 accompanied the British Army in the Kaffir War as an artist. In 1855 jointed an expedition which was appointed under Mr. A. Gregory to explore North West Australia. His energy and skill during this appointment secured him the special thanks of the Colonial Government, Ac- Diet, of Nat. Biog. 1870 A.D. ' ' [68o] MEADE (Lieut, the Hon. Herbert, R.N.). A Ride throiigh the Disturbed Districts of New Zealand; together with some account of the South Sea Islands. Being selections from the Journals and Letters of Lieut. Meade; Edited by his brother. With maps and illustrations, some coloured, from the Author's sketches. First Edition. Large 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. London, 1870. 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 39 1873 A.D. [681] BULLER rWalter Lawry). A History Of th© Birds of New Zealamf. With a frontispiece and 35 finely coloured plates. Large thick 4to, neiv half morocco, g. e. London, 1873. £7 7s 1875 A.D. [682] RIDLEY (W.). Kamilaror^ and other Australian Languages. Second Edition, revised and enlarged by the Author, with Comparative Tables of \Vords from Twenty Australian Languages and Songs, Traditions, Laws, and Customs of the Australian Race. 4to, original cloth. New South Wales, 1875. 15s 1878 A.D. Oil Paintings of Maori Chiefs. [683a] CHIEF NGAIRO RAKAI HIKUROA in Wairarapa, New Zealand. Half length, native costume, feathers in hair, face tattooed, • Mrs. Hanne Rupene and her Daughter " Hurria " in Monaia Pa Haniaki District, New Zealand. Half length, native costume, face tattooed, carrying baby on her back. Pair of finely executed oil paintings from the life by G. Lindauer, signed. Size 25! by 21 inches. 18719. Framed in oak and gold. (See Illustration, Plate No. VEL). £63 The celebrated artist G. Lindauer is famous for his paintings of Maoris, and the abov« are beautiful examples of his work. In 1901, Mr. James Cowan compiled a series of " Maori Biographies, sketches of Old Ne-y Zealand," being a Descriptive Catalogue of some of the Maori portraits painted by Lindauer, 1890-1899 A.D. [684] WILSON (Scott B.) and EVANS (A. H.) Aves Hawaiienses: The Birds of the Sandwich Islands. With map and 70 finely coloured plates. Original wrappers bound in at end. 5 parts in one volume, large thick 4to, half levant inorocco, uncut, t. e. g. London, 1890-99. £6 15s 40 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 3=;, Conduit Street, London, W. (B.) THE FAR EAST. India, China, Thibet, Japan, and the Philippines. 1507 A.D. First Illustrated Account of the First Settlement by Europeans IN India. [685] GESTA proxime per Portugalenses iit Incfia Ethiopia & aliis Orientaiibus terns. Wood engraving on title-page and repeated on reverse, where it occupies the entire page, and two small cuts at foot of last page. Gothic Letter, 8 pp., small 4to, calf, g. e. Cologne, 1507. (See Illustration, Plate No. IX.). * £105 THIS IS THE RAREST ISSUE OF THIS EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE TRACT. THE WOODCUTS appear IN THIS ISSUE FOR THE FIRST TIME^'IT WAS FIRST PRINTED IN ROME THREE MONTTIS PRIOR BUT WITHOUT THE CUTS. In bMs most interesting work tlie most notable feats of armg are summarily related which were accomplished by the Portuguese in Mombaza, Cannanore. Cochin, etc., in the year 1505. This is apparently also the first work to mention Ceylon (under the name of "Taprobana ")• These events took place under the Viceroyalty of Francis d' Almeida, Count of Abrantes, who became Viceroy of Portuguese India in 1505. During his administration the Portuguese discovered Ceylon, the Maldive Islands, and Madagascar, to which the name of St. Laurence was given. He intended subduing the whole of the Malabar Coast, but before he could put his iproject into execution, he quarrelled with Albuquerque and resigned. He was kiilled by an ^arrow, near the Cape of Good Hope, in a quarrel with the Kaffirs, on 1st March, 1509, on his return journey to Europe. 1553 A.D. Francis Xavier's Account of his Arrival in Japan and his Attempts AT Conversion of Japanese. [686] NUOVI Avisi Delte Indie di Portugallo ricevuti questo Anno del 1553, dove si tratta della conversione di molte persone principali & tra li altri d'un Re signore de 1 1 ,ooo Isole, con une descrittione delli costumi de y Giapon- esi nostri Antipodi e come loro ricevono la' nostra Santa Fe. i2mo, calf. Rome, Valerio & Luigi Dorico, 1553. (See Illustration, Plate No. X.). £75 We cannot torace any other copy of this work, which contains : — 1. A letter from Father Baltizar Gago, received in the year 1553; 2. A letter from Father Gasparo; 3. A Letter from Slaint Francis Xavier, received in Europe in March, 1553, and giving a long account of Japan and the first attempt of the conversion of the Japanese. He gives an account of his arrival in Japan on 20th August, 1549^ Title (in translation) reads : " New Relations from the Portuguese Indies received in tliis year 1553 in which is an account of the conver*sion of many important persons and another of a King ruling f)ver eleven thousand islands ivith a description of the Japanese, our Antipodes and how they received our Sacred Faith." Platk \'T. t^S' 5 tc OS <» Plate VII. £]^-: ^5^ \i fccS O -M . W ft MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 41 the Far East — continued. 1555 A.D. First Collection of Jesuit Missionary Relations in Spanish. [687] COPIA DE UNAS CARTAS DE ALGUNOS PADRES Y HERMA- NOS DELA COMPANIA DE JESUS QUE ESCRIYUIERaN DE LA INDIA, JAPON Y BRASIL A LOS PADRES Y HERMANOS DE LA MISMA COM- PANIA, EN PORTUGAL TRASLADAS DE PORTUCUES EN CASTELLANO. FUERON RECEBIDAS EL ANO DE 1555. Black Letter, title within woodcut border of flowers, birds and monkeys, etc. Small 4to, calf. Lisbon, Joan Alvarez, 1555- (See Illustration, Plate No. XL). £250 Cordier, col. 43-44. Not in Rodrigues. Tlie only copy known to Cordier and to Silva was in the Lisbon National Library. FINE COPT OF ONE OF THE RAREST BOOKS ON JAPAN AND HARDLY KNOWN AT ALL. THE ONLY BIBLIOGRAPHER WHO MENTIONED THE BOOK BEFORE COR- DIER, INNOCENCIO DA SILVA, MENTIONS ITS EXTREME RARITY. IT IS THE FIRST COLLECTION OF JESUIT LETTERS IN THE SPANISH LANGUAGE. Tlie volume contains nine letters written by Jesuit missionaries to their European colleagues, including: — Letter from Brother Ariag Blando writing from Goa, 23rd December, 1554, from the College of St. Paul de Goa, and speaking of Fernando Mendez Pinto. Letter from Brother Hernan Mendez of ihe Company of Jesus {dated 5th April, 1554, from the Malncca College). This letter is from the celebrated traveller Fernando Mendez Pinto; he wrote it while he was a novice and intended entering the Order of Jesuits. Letter from Father Mesdre Melchior from, Malacca, dated 3rd December, 1554. Letter from Brother Pedro de .i-lcaceva, from Goa in 1554, information about some things referring to the customs and laws of ihe kingdom of China, lohich a man who had been a captive there for six years related in Malacca in the{ Jesuit' College (thfs curious document is attributed to the traveller Fernando Mendez Pinto). 1556 A.D. [688] MARCO POLO. La description geographique ctes provinces et vHles plus fameuses ctei I'Inde Orlentale, meurs, loix, et coustumes des habi- tans d' icelles, mesmement de ce qui est soubz la diomination dui grand Cham, Empereur dfes Tartares. En vulgare francois (par F. G. L.). Red ruled throughout, printer's device on title-page and last leaf. Orna- mental woodcut initials. 4to, red morocco, inside gilt dentelle borders, g. e., by Thompson, Paris. Paris, 1556. £42 FIRST FRENCH TRANSLATION. A MAGNIFICENT COPY WITH WIDE MARGINS. 42 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1561 A.D. [689] ALVAREZ (Francisco). Historia de las Cosas de Ethiopia, en la qual se ouettta muy copiosamente^ el estado y potencia dtel emperador della, (que es el q muchos han pensado ser el preste Juan) coni otras infinitas parti- oularidades, assi de la religio de aquella gete, como de sus oerimonias. Copia de diversas cartas de algunos padres y hermanos de la compania de Jesus. Rece- bidas 1555. delas grandes marauillas, q dios nuestro senor obra en augmenta de la sant Fe catolica, en las Indias del Rey de Portugal, y eni el reyno d'Japon, y en la tierra de Brasil. Con la descripcion d'las varias Ijeyes y costumbres de la gente del gran reyno de la China y otras tierras nuevamente descubiertas. Wfth the Arms of Don Artal de Alagon, Conde de Sagasto, engraved on wood on the title-page. Black Letter, double columns. Folio, calf. Saragassa, 1561. (See Illustration, Plate No. XII.). £75 Eodrigues 143. Very rare Spanish edition made by Thomas Padilla, from the Portu- guese. Alvarez was sent by King Manoel of Portugal! to Ethiopia with the Ambassador Duarte Galvao, he remained six years in Abyssinia, and this work contains la full account of this interesting voyage. On folio 66 b^ins the second i)airt, withi separate title; the Jesuit relar tions in Spanish, which end on Folio 80. Title reads in translation, as follows : " Cosal. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 43 The Far East — continued. 1566 A.D. [691] EPISTOLAE INDICAE. De Stupettdis et Praeclaris Rebus, quas cHvina botiitas in Inctia, & variis Insulis per Societatemi nominis lESU operari cfignata est, in tarn copiosa Gentium ad fid^m conversione. PAYUA (D. Jacobus). De Societatis Jesu Origine. LAUELLINUS (Ant. Flaebellus). Sooietatis Jesu Def»nsis adversus obtreotatores, ex testimonio, & literis Pit Quarti Pontificis Maximi. Three parts in one volume, thick i2mo. Louvain, 1566. £15 15s •** First few leaves wormed at top and slightly defective, repaired. The first part oomtains : — ^Letter of Franciscus Xavier, Cochin, Jan. 15, 1544. Epistola M. Gaspari Belgae ex Societate Jesu Praesbyteri, quas ex Ormutio Insula sinusi Persici Conimbriam ad suos Prates ac Socios dedit, 1549. Altiera Epistola Eiusdem. Alia Epistola, Goa 1553. Alia Epistola R. P. Gaspario Eectoris collegii Societatis Jesu, Gose in India, 1553. Ex literis Reverendi Patris Henrici Henriquez, missio ex urbe Punicali, Nov., 1550. Francis Xavier, 1553. Joannes de Beyra, Cochin, Feb., 1553. Descriptio Eituum & morumi quae in insula nuper inventa ad Septentrionalem plagam Japan nuncupata servantur, ett., etc. 1570 A.D. ONLY ONE OTHER COPY KNOWN. [692] CARTAS que os Padres e Irmaos da Companhia dte Jesus, q andao nos Reynos de Japo escreuerao aos da mesma Companhia da India, e Eurcpa, des do anno de 1549, ate o de 66. Nellas se cota o principio, socesso, e bodade da Christandade daquellas partes, e varios costumes, e idolatrias da gentili- dade. Impressas por mandado do Illustrissimo, Reverendissimo Senhor Do Joao Soarez, Bispo de Coimbra, Conde de Arganil, Thick small' 8vo, calf. Coimbra, Antonio de Mariis, July, 1570. £52 lOS This is one of the rarest of Portugnese relations from Japan and contains no less than 669 leaves, that is Ofver 1,300 pagtes, not including' the index. This book is unknown to Cordier, who only knows of a 4to. edition with 606 leaves. Only o(ne other copy is known of this book wbioh is in the hands of a private collector in Portugal. The whole of the leaves before folio 50, and at the end from folio 655 to end have been reprinted at the private printing press of the former owner, who added them to the volume. The other copy known is also in a similar condition to our copy, and has the missing pages reprinted. In all there are 62 letters from Japan, starting from the year 1549, they are written by the following Jesuits; Mestre Francisco; Paulo Jaipao (addressed to Ignacius Loyola); Cosme de Torres; Joao Fernandez; Pedro Dalsaceua; Ay res Brandao; Gaspar Vilela; Mestre Belchior; Luys Froes; Baltesar Gago; Duarte da Silva; Luys Dalmeyda; Lourenco Japao; Gonoalo Fernandez; Ayres Sanches; Manoel Texeyra; Joao Bautista: Jacome Goncalvez; Joao Cabral. 44 MAQGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W The Far East — continued. 1572 A.D. [693] ACOSTA (Emmanuel). Historia rerunt a Societate Jesu in Oriente gestamm, ad aitniun 1568. Accessere de Japonicis rebus Epistolarum libri IV. Et recentium de Rebus Indicis epistolarum liber ad annum 1570. i2mo, boards. Paris, 1572. £10 10s Cordier, Bibliotheca Japonica, Col. 59, only knows of one copy in the Bibliothequa Nationale, Paris. 1575 A.D. [694] BENJAMIN OF TUDELA. Itinerariutn Benjamim Tudelansis, in quo res memorabiles, quas ante quadringentos annos totum fere terrarum orbem notatis itineribus dimensus vel ipse vidit vel a fide dignis hominibis acepit bre- viter describuntur. Ex. Hebraico Latinum factum B.A. Montano. 8v^o, half calf. Antwerp, Plantin, 1575. £3 5S Firsf) edition in Latin of the voyages of the famous Jewish traveller Benjamin of Tudela. The travels were made chiefly from 1160—1173 a.d. The Hebrew text was first p: .' : T-"," ' . ' ' : ; . . : " ■ ', 'Cologne, 1507. The first illustrated accountf of the first Settlement by EnropL^ans in India. See Item No. 685. " . :-€k MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 57 The Far East — continued. 1611 A.D. [716] GOUVEA (Antonio de). Relacam em que se tratam as guerras e Grandes Victorias que alcancou grande Rey da Persia, Xa Abbas do Grao Turco Mahometto e seu Filho Amethe; as quais resultarao das embaixidaS) que por Mandado da Magestade det Rey de Felippe II de Portugal Fizerao algus religtosos da orden dos Eremitas de S. Augustinho a Persia. 4to, calf. Lisbon, 161 1. £10 lOs Very important contemporary account of the diplomatic and other reflations between Persia and Turkey by a memljer of the Augustinian Mission in Persia. Tlie Shah Abbas of Persia was victorious against the Sultans of Turkey (Mohammed and Achmed). Of great interest is the account of the journey from Portugal to Persia, neither Antonio nor Brunet knew this Portuguese original. 1611 A.D. [717] FERNANDEZ (Alonso). Historia eciesiastica de tiuestros tienv' pos, que es compendio de los excelentes f rutos que enellos el estado ecleslas- tico y sagradas religiones ha hecho y hazen en la conversion de idolatras y reducion de hereges. Y de los ilustres martirios de varones Apostolicos, que en estas heroicas empressas han padecido. With engraved vignette on title-page. Folio, vellum. Toledo, 161 1. £15 15S Alonso Fernandez, a Dominican monk, was born at Placencia and became General of the Dominican Order and died in the Convent of his native town in 1687. Pages 191-330 are devoted to Japan, China, the Philippines, India and Africa. 1614 A.D. [718] INDIA, JAPAN, etc. SUAREZ DE FIGUEROA (C). Historia y Anal Relacion de las cosas que Hizieron los Padres de la Compania de Jesus por las Partes de Orlente y Otras. Small 4to, red morocco. Madrid, 1614. £14 14s * * * Tlie Jesuit Missionaries' Relations coneerRing their experiences in Japan, India, Cochin China, Malabar Coast, and Africa. 58 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued 1615 A.D. IN DEFENCE OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S MONOPOLY. [719] DICGES (Dudley). Th© Defence of Trade. In a letter to Sir Thomas Smith, Knight Govemour, of the East India Companie, etc., from one of that Societie. 4to, vellum {by Riviere'), g. e. London, 161 5. £25 The above pamphlet, the onJy one he published on Indian subjects, -was -written in defence of the East India Company's monopoly. Sir Dudley Digges was born in 1583 and went to University College, Oxford. After taiing his degree he spent some years in foreign travel, in 1607 he Avas knighted at Whitehall. Digges early became a shareholder in the East India Company, and Avas much interested in the North-West passage project, bein^ one of the founders of the Company, incorporated in 1612 for the purpose of trading by that route— then supposed to have been discovered— with the East; in 1614 he was one of the candidates for the governorship of the East India Com- pany. He took an active part in the Parliamentary debates of that year, giving so much ofience to the King, that he was imprisoned for a short time. In 1618 the Emperor of Eussia, who was then engaged in a war with Poland, being) desirous of negotiating alone, James I. ordered the Muscovy and East India Companies to furnish the money, and despatohetl Digges to Eussia to arrange the terms. He left England in April, taking with him .£20,000, and on reaching Eussia, sent his secretary. Finch, to Moscow with ^£10,000 and iettersi from the King. The Eussian Emperor would hear of no terms, but compelled Finch to hand over the money. Digges returned to England with the balance in October. In 1620 Digges was sent to Holland to negotiate a settlement of the disputes; 'between the English and Dutch East India Companies. In 1636 Sir Julius Caesar, Master of the Eolls, died, and Digges succeeded to his office. Digges died in 163.8 and left an annuity of ^20 to provide prizes for a foot-race, open to competitors of both sexes, to be run in the neighbourhood of Faversham every 19th of May. The annual competition was kept up until the end of the last century. Sir Thomas Smith, to whom the book is dedicated and written, was born about 1558, and in June, 1604, he was appointed to be special ambassador to the Czar of Eussia. " When the East India Company was formed in October, 1600, he was elected the first governor, and was so appointed by the charter dated 31st Dec. In 1604 he was appointed one of the receivers for the Duchy of Cornwall, and, in June, to be special ambassador to the Tsar of Eussia. His grandfather. Sir Andrew Judd, was one of the founders of the Muscovy Company, and he himself would seem to have been largely interested in the MuscoA'y trade. Sailing from Gravesend on 13th June, he, with his party, arrived at Archangel on. 22nd July, and was conducted by way of Kholmogori and Vologhda to Jaroslav, where the Em'peror then was. In the course of the winter he obtained a grant of new privileges for the company, and in the spring went on to Moscow, whence he returned to Archangel and sailed for England on 28th May. " In 1603 Smith was a-e-elected governor of the East India Company, and with one break, 1606-7, continued to hold the office till July, 1621, during which time the company's trade was developed and established. In January 1618-19 he was appointed one of the com- missioners for the settlement of the differences with the Dutch, which, however, after some years of discussion, remained for the time, unsettled. His connection with the East India Company and the Muscovy Company led him to promote and support voyages for the discovery of the North-West Passage, and his name, as given by William Baffin to Smith's Sound, stands as a memorial to all time of his enlightened and liberal energy. In 1609 he obtained the charter for the Virginia Company, of which he was the treasurer, an office which he held till 1620, when, on being charged with enrichiiig himself at the expense of the company, and on a MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 59 The Far East — continued. Digges (Dudley) — continued. demand for inquiry, he resigned. The charges against him, which were urged with g'reat virulence, were formally pronounced to be false and slanderous, though Smith was not held to be altogether free from blame; and the renewed inquiry was still going on, when he died at Sutton-at-Hone in Kent on Sept. 1625. He was buried at Sutton, where, in the chuTch, there is an elaborate monument to his memory. The charges against him had met with no acceptance from the king; to the last he was consulted on all important matters relating to shipping and to eastern trade, and for several years was one of the chief commissioners of the Navy, as also goveirnor of the French and Somer Islands companies." (D. N. B.). 1615 A.D. • [720] R&DRIGUEZ (Joao), alias Giram (Soc. Jes.) Lettera annua del Giaponne det 1611 al reveremle Padre Claudio Acquaviva, Generale deiia Com- pagnia di Giesu. i2mo, limp vellum. Rome, Bartolomeo Zannetti, 1615. £18 18s Cordier, col. 271, only knew of one copy, namely, that in the British Museum. The annual letfer is dated ISagasaki, Iflth March, 1612. 1615 A.D. [721] RAGUAGLI D'ALCUNE MISSION! FATTE DALLI PADRf DELLA COMPAGNIA DI GIESU NELL' INDIE ORIENTALI, cioe Nelle Pro- vincie Di Goa, Coocinno, e nell' Africa in Capo Verdte. i2mo, half vellum {soiled). Naples, 161 5. £2 10s Title reads (in translation) :-- " Account of some of the Jesuit Missions in the East Indies, in the province of Goa, Oochin China and Cape Verde in Africa." 1615 A.D. [722] GODINHO (Nicolas), S.J. De Abassinorum rebus, deque Aethio- piae Patriarcliis Joanne Nonto Barreto, et Andrea Oviedo. 8vo, calf. Lyons, 161 5. £12 12s FIRST EDITION. IMPORTANT WORK FOR THE HISTORY OF THE MISSIONS AND THE PORTU- GUESE EMPIRE UN THE EAST INDIES AND IN ABYSSINIA DURING THE 16TH CENTURY 6o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1617 A.D. [723] PINEYRO (Padre Luis), S.J. Relacion del Suoesso que tuvo nuestra Santa Fe en tos Reynos de Japon desde 1612-1615, imperando Cubo- sama. Folio, calf. Madrid, 161;. «25 OKIGINAL EDITION. COKDIER CAN ONLY QUOTE A COPY AT THE BIBLIO- THEQIJE NATTONALE, PARIS. Book I. " Ddl Esiado de Japon, de las causas de la persecueion, y principios della en Surunga, y Arima." Book II. " De la persecucion del Japon en el qnal se trata de lo que sucedio en varios Reynos, y estados de aquel Imperio." Book III. " De la persecucion del Japon, en que se trata del destierro de los Padres, y Martyrios que se siguieron." Book IV. " De la persecucion del Japon, en el qual se trata de lo que passo despues del destierro de los Padres." Book V. "De la persecucion del Japon: Trata de los frutos que Dios nuestro Senor cogio desta persecucion." Father Luis Pineyro, of tlie Jesuit Order, was born in 1560 at Talavera (New Castile), and died at Lisbon in 1G20, three years after the publication of his gre©ople of that kingdom who arrived in the two fehips in Manilla, on the 12th of August, 1623." 1624 A.D. [732] SOTELO (Ludovicus), Franciscan Missionary. A Letter to th© Pope about the state of the Church of Japan. (In Latin.) 20 pp., folio, roan. Rome {about 1624). £12 12s Unknown Franciscan relation about the state of the Church in Japan, numbered into 31 paragraphs, without place or date of printing, but the original letter from which it wae translated into Latin, was dated, " The Prison of Omura in Japan, 20th January, 1624." 1624 A.D. Annual Letters from China for 1619, 1620, 1621. [733] RELATIONE deile cose Piu notabilt scritte negli anni 1619, 1620 & 1621, dalla Cina. Al molto rev. P. Mutio Vitelleschi, preposito generale de la Compagnia di Giesu. i2mo, litnp vellum. Rome, 1624. £10 lOS 1624 A.D. [734] FARIA (Frey Thome de, Bispo de Targa). Sermao feito na Canonizacao de S. Ignacio de Loyola & S. Francisco Xavier. 7 Agosto 1622. 22 pp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 1624. £2 lOS * * * The Sermon preached by the Bishop at -the Canonization festival of the two famous Missionaries to China and Japan, 64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W The Far East — continued. 1625 A.D. [735] CRESPO (Francisco). Relacion de los martyres que este Ano passado de 1624, han padeoido Martyrio por nuestra S. F6. en la Corte del emperador de Japon, per eli Padre Francisco Crespo, Procurador General de la Compania de Jesus de las Indias, Sacada de las cartas que han embiado et P. Provincial, y otros religicsos de la misma ccmpanis, que estan en Mision en aquellos Reynos. 8 pp., folio, zvrafpers. Madrid, 1625. £21 Cordier, col. 307. Cordier had never seen a copy of this book and could only quote it from Sommervogel's bibliography. Title reads (in translation) : — " Eelation of the martyrs who sufiered luartj-rdom in the past year 1624 for the Holy Faith in the Coiirt of the Emperor of Japan, taken from the Letters sent by the Father Provincial of the Jesuits, and other Jesuit Fathers who were on a mission in those kingdoms." 1625 A.D. [736] INDIA. Relacion cierta y verdadera de la felz vitoria y prosperos sucessos que en la India Oriental hau conseguido los Portugueses, contra armadas muy poderosas d^ Olanda^ y Persia, este ano de 1624. La f echa en la Ciudad de Goa, cubega de aquel Reyno, a 27 de Marco, y vino en la Nao Santo Tome. 4 pp. folio, boards. Madrid, 1625. £5 5S * * * An interesting relation of llie I'ortuguese successes in India over the Dutch. 1625 A.D. [737] FREITAS (Fr. Seraphino de). De justo imporio Lusitanorum Asiatico. Title printed in red and black. 4to, calf. Yalladolid, 1625. £12 12s In this work iSeraphino de Freitas attacks Grotius, who objected to the Portuguese control of the seas. 1627 A.D. [738] COMPENDIO de lo que esorive los Religiosos de la Compania en cartas de 627. de lo que passa en los Reynos de Japon. With vignette. 4 pp., folio, ivraffers. Sevilla, Manuel de Sande (1627). £21 Translation of the title reads as follows: — " Comipendium of what the Jesuit missionaries have written in their letters of 1627, of what passed in the kingdoms of Japan." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 65 The Far East — continued. 1627 A.D. The First Missionary Letter from Tibet. [739] THIBET. ANDRADE (Padre Antonio). Relatione del Novo Sooprimento ctel Gram Cataio, overo Regno di Tibet, 1624. 40 pp., i2mo, calf. Rome, 1627. £18 18s Father Andrade was 'the first EurO'peaii after Marco Polo to penetrate into Thibet. This is his first Account sent home, dated from. Agra, 8 November, 1624, and is there- fore the first missionary letter from that Country. 1627 A.D. [740] LETTERE Annue del Giappone Dell' Anno MDGXXII. E della Cina Del 1621. & 1622. Ai molto Reu. in Christo P. Muirto Vitelleschi Pre- posito Generale della Compagnia di Giesu., With fine engraving of the martyrdom of Father Spinola and a plate of the prison. i2mo, calf. Rome, 1627. £21 Cordier, " Bibliofheca Japonica," col. 293. Cordier only knows of one copy of this scarce relation, namely in the Biblioth^que Nationale, Paris. The letters from China are signed by Fathers Semedo Trigault. Contents: Description of Nagasaki and surroundings; In p^rison and sentenced to death for the Catholic Faith; Death of Fathers Pietroi di Gugniga and Luigi Fllores and 13 others ; Death of 21 Dominicans, Franciscans and Jesuits and 30 other Christians : Of the Jesuit Father Carlo Spinola; Of the Jesuit Father Sebastiano) Chimura; Of Antonio Sanga; Death of two young men at Nagasaki; Death of 14 Christians at Nagasaki; Death of 8 monks and 3 laymen at Omura; Death of Pietro, his wife Agata, Giusta, his mother and his sister Marie at Omura; Death of the Jesuit Father Camillo Costanzo at Firando; etc., etc. 1628 A.D. The Protomartyrs of Japan. [741] SUMARIO del Martyrio de los Santos Paulo, Juan, y Diego, JHer- manos de la Gompagnia d& Jesus, y Protomartyres del Japon. 4to, ivraf-pers. Barcelona, 1628. £21 WE KNOW OF NO OTHER COPY. cordier does not know of the existence of this BOOK. These three Jesuits were the protomartyrs in Japan. 66 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1628 A.D. [742] JAPAN. Gomez (P. Pietro). Breve Relatione ctella gloriosa morte di Paolo Miohi, Giovanni Goto, e Giaoomo Gliisai martiri Giapponesi seguita in Nangasachi 5 Febaro 1597, cavata cfa una lettera d^l P. Pietro Gomez, Vice provincials. i2mo, calf. Rome, 1628. £25 * * * AN INTERESTING AND VERY RARE LITTLE BOOK ON THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC MISSIONS IN JAPAN. THIS EDITION NOT KNOWN TO CORDIER. , 1628 A.D. [743] VEIGA (Manoel da). Rela^am geral do Estado da Christandade de Ethiopia; Redugam dos Scismaticos; Entrada e Recebimento do Patriarcha Dom Affonso Mendes; Obediencia dada polo Emperador Saltan Segued com toda sua Corte a Igrega Romana; e do que de novo socedeo no descobrimento do Thybet, a que chamam, grami Catayo. Composta, e copiada das cartas que OS Padres da Companhia de Jesu escreveram da India Orientel dos .Annos de 624, 625 e 626. 4to, vellum, g. e. Lisbon, 1628. ' £5 5s 1628 A.D. The Annual Missionary Letters. [744] HISTOIRE de ce qui s'est pass6 en Ethiopie, Malabar, Brasif, et es Indes Orientales. Tiree des Lettres escrites es annees 1620 jusques a 1624. Addressee au R.P. Muito Vitelleschi, General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Tra- duite de I'ltalien en Frangois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie, ^Par le Pere Jean Varde). 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1628. £24 Comprises letters from Ethiopia, Malabar, Macao, Goa, Cochin China, etc., which contain many curious details about the manners and inhabitants of the eouritry. 1628 A.D. [745] BARROS (Joao de). Decada Primera da Asia dos feitos que os Portugueses fezerao no descobrimento & conquista dos Mares & Terras de Oriente. Folio, calf, gilt back. Lisbon, 1628. £5 5s This is the rare .sfeoond edition of the Portuguese classic on the discoveries of the Portuguese in the East. The " Asia " contains the fullest historical account of the voyages' and conquests of MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 67 The Far Ea$t — continued. Barros (Joao de) — contmued. the Portug^uese in the East, including: Africa, Brazil, etc., Barros, who is one of the most correct and classical of Portugruese writers, is universally esteemed as a historian. He was born about 1496 and died at the age of 74. He served three Portuguese Kings, Manuel, Jolin III., and Sebastian. Couto was the chronicler and chief Keeper of the famous Archives of Torre do Tombo (.which are still preserved at Lisbon), and died in 1616. The histories of Cabral (the discoverer of Brazil), Vaaoo da Gama, the Albuquerques, Tristan da Cunha, are fully treated by the most competent Portuguese historian, who had all the Archives of the Indies at his disposal. 1628 A.D. [746] BARROS (Joao de). Decada Seguncfa da Asia dos feitos que os Portugueses fezerao no desoobrimento & oonquista dos Mares & Terras die Oriente. Folio, calf, gilt back. Lisbon, 1628. £5 5s This is the rare second edition of the Portuguese classic on the discoveries of the Portuguese in the East. The "~Asia" contains the fullest historical aooounit of the voyages andi conquests of the Portuguese in the East, including Africa. Braail, etc., Barros, who is one of the most correct and classical of Portuguese writers, is universally esteemed as al historian. He was born about 1496, and died at the age of 74. He served three Portuguese Kings, Manuel. John III., and Sebastian. Couto was the chronicler and chief Keeper of the famous Archives of Torre do Tombo (which are still preserved in Lisbon), and died in 1616. The histories of Cabral (the discoverer of Brazil), Vasco da Gama, the Albu^iuerques, Tristan da Cunha, are all fully treated by the most competent Portuguese hisitorian, who had all the Archives of the Indies at his disposal. 1628 A.D. [747] BARROS (Joao de). Deoada Terceira da Asia ncis feitos que os Portugueses fezerao no desoobrimento & oonquista dos Mares & Terras de Oriente. Folio, calf , gilt back. Lisbon, 1628. £5 5s This is the rare second edition of the Portuguese classic on the discoveries of the Portuguese in the East. The " Asia '' contains! the fullest historical account of the voyages and conquests of the Portuguese in the East, including Africa, Brazil, etc., Barros, who is one of the most correct and classical of Portuguese writers, is universally esteemed as a historian. He was born about 1496 and died at the age of 74. He served three Portuguese Kings, Manuel, John III., and Sebastian. Coutto was the chronicler and chief Keeper of the faonous Archives of Torre do Tombo (which are still preserved at Lisbon), and died in I6I61. The histories of Cabral (the discoverer of Brazil), Vasco da Gama, the Albuquerques. Tristan da Cunha, are al fully treated by the most competent Portuguese historian who had all the Archives of the Indies at his disposal. 68 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1629 A.D. THE FIRST MISSION TO THIBET. [748] THIBET. ANDRADE (Padre Antonio; de la Compania de Jesus, Portugues). Histaire de ce qui s'est pass^ au Royaume du Tibet, tir6e des lettres cscriptes en I'annee 1628, address^ au R. P. Mutio Yitellesohi. i2mo, calf. Paris, 1629. £27 lOs * * * An extremely interesting account of the first Missionaries in Thibet and of the manners and customs of the natives. Father Aiadrade was the first European, after Marco Polo, to penetrate into that country. 1629 A.D. [749] PAEZ (Gaspard). Histoire de ce qui s*est passe au royaume d'Ethiopie Es ann^s 1624. 1625, & 1626. Tirees des lettres ecntes & adressees au R.P. Mutio Viteleschi, General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Tra- duite de I'ltalien en Francois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1629. £21 1629 A.D. [750] HISTOIRE de ce que s'est pass6 es Royaumes d'Ethiopie, En I'ann^ 1626, jusqu'au mois de Mars 1627. Et de la Chine, en I'annee 1625, jusques en Feburier de 1626. Avec une brief ue narration du voyage que s'est fait au Royaume de Tunquin nouvellement descouvert. Tirees des lettres adressees au R. Pere General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Traduites de I'ltalien en Frangois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie. Svo, half bound. Paris, Cramoisy , 1629. £21 1629 A.D. [751] HISTOIRE de ce qui s'est pass^ au Royaume de fa CKine en I'Ann^e 1624. Tixee des letres ecrites et adressees au R. P. Mutio Viteleschi, General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Traduite de I'ltalien en Francois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie. Svo, calf. Paris, Cramoisy, 1629. £21 These missionary letters are sigrned Vencislas Pantaleon. i . '> MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 69 The Far East — continued. ^ 1629 A.D. [752] ANDRADA (Antonio) and DIAZ (Caspar). Relacioti nueva y cierta que es<;rive el P. Antonio cte Andrada Religioso de la Compania die Jesus, en cartas que Uegarom este ano de 1629 con la Nao de la India Oriental, dando atiiso de tod^ lo que passa en el gran Catayo, y Reynos del Tibet, y Gochtn- cMna, Tonquln, Caraiboia, y Sia^. 4 pp., folio, wrappers. {Madrid, 1629.) £18 18s Title reads (in ^translation) :— " New and certain relation written by a Jesuit father Antonio de Andrada, in letters which arrived in this year 1629, with the ship from the East Indies, in which he gives an account of all that passed in Grand Cathay, and the kingdoms of Tibet, Cochin-China, Tonkin, Camboya, and Sijim." 1629 A.D. [753] DE MATOS (Gabriel). Coni|iendio de lo que escri\/'en los Religion SOS de la Compania en Cartas en 1627. de lo que passa en los Reynos de la China. 4 pp., small folio, wrappers. Madrid, Andres de Parr a, 1629. £15 15s Title reads (in translation) : — " Compendium of what the Jesuit Fathers wrote in their letters of 1627 of what hap- X>ened in the kingdoms of Chia*." 1630 A.D. [754] AVISOS del Feliz sucesso de las cosas espirituales, y temporales en diversas provincias dela India, oonquistas^ y navegaciones de loe PortU' gueses per los anos 1628 y 1629. i6 pp., small 4to, wrappers. Lis'bon, 1630. £10 106 Missionary accounts are included from Africa, Japan, China, Formosa, Macao, et«. Title reads (in translation) : — " Accounts of the fortunate occurrences both spiritual and temporal in various provinces of India, and of the Conquests and navegations. of the Portuguese for the years 162S and 1629." 1630 A.D. The Thirteen Martyrs in Japan. [755] JAPAN AND PHILIPPINES. LUZ (Simao da). Breve Relacao do insigne martyrio de treze religiosos da ordem de S. Domingos da Provincia de N. S. do Rosario das Philippinas que padeoerac no Imperio do Japao po la pregapao do Santo Evangello 1617-1624. i2mo, calf. Lisbon, 1630. £31 106 * * * Exceedingly Rare and valuable for the history of the Catholic Missions in Japan and the Philippines during the early years of the Seventeenth Century. Unknown to Cordier (Bibliotheca Japonica). 70 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1§32 A.D. [756] LITHCOW (William). The Totall Discourse, Of the Rare Adven- tures, and painefull Peregrinations of long nineteene Yeares Travayles, from Scotland, to the most Famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia^ and Africa. Per- fited by three deare bought Voyages, in Surveighing of Forty-eight Kingdomes ancient and Modeme; twenty one Rei-publickes, ten absolute Principalities, with two hundred Hands. With woodcut frontispiece. Thick 4to, stamped calf {some blank margins restored). London, 1632. £10 lOs 1633 A.D. [757] SOUZA (Mathia de), Soc. Jes. Compendio de lo Sucedido en el Japon desde la fundaoion de aqueJIa Christianidad. Y relacion de los martires que padecieron.estos anos de 1629 y 30 sacada de las cartas que escrivieron los Padres de la Compania que alii assisten. 4to, calf. Madrid, Imfrenta del Reyno, 1633. £21 Cordier, Col. 328. The author was boirn in 1596 at Amaranta and died in Lisbon, list June, 1647. Title reads (.in translation) : — " Comixendium of -what has happened in Japan, since the introduction of Christianity there. AjIso relation of the martyrs who have sufiered in the years 1629 and 1630, tak»n from the letters which the Jesuit Fathers have written from Japan. '^ 1634 A.D. [758] HERBERT (Thos.). A Relation of Some Yeares Travaile, Begunne Anno 1626. Into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially the Territories of the Persian Monarchic : and some parts of the Orientall Indies, and lies adiacent. Of their Religion, Language, Habit, Discent, Ceremonies, and other matters concerning them. Engraved frontispiece aiid many other engraved illustrations. First Edition. Small folio, original calf. London, 1634. £7 lOs 1635 A.D. [759] CATALOCO DE LOS RELIGIOSOS de la Compania de Jesus, que fuero atormentadosu y muertos en Japon por la F^ de Christo, ano de 1632, y 1633. Sacado de las cartas annuas que llegaron este ano de 1635. a Lisboa, con la Nave Capitana de la India Oriental. 4 pp., folio, wrappers. Madrid, Andres de Parra, 1635. £18 18s Title reads (in translation) : — " Catalogue of the Jesuits who were tortured or killed in Jaipan because of the Christian faith- in 1632 and 1633. Extracted from the annual Letters •which arrived in this year of 1635 at Lisbon, on board the Captain's ship from the East Indies.'' J MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 71 The Far East — continued. I 1637 A.D. I THE MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENT FOR THE HISTORY OF THE i COMMERCE AND PRODUCTS OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. [760] CRAY y MONFALCON (Don Juan), Procurator General of the Philippines in Madrid. Memorial Itifoimatorto al Rey Nuestro Senor en su Real y supremo OOnseio dte las ln«lias. Por la Insigni y siempre leal Ciudad de Manila, cabega de las Islas Filipinas. Sobre las pretensiones de Aquella Ciudad, y Islas, y sus Vezinos, y Moradores, y commercio con la Nueva Espana. With vignette on title. 84 pp., folio, half bound. Madrid, Imfrenta del Rey no, 1637. £75 This extremely rare volume is not quoted by Pinelo. Antonio mention? the author but does not mention this work. Tavera, No. 1244. " The most important document for the history of the commerce and the products of the Philippine Islands. It contains' at the end a resume of the history of the Philippines. G-rau lays stress on four chief points; firstly, in what form and in' what quantity there should be trade with the Philippine Isilands. Secondly, if permission should be given to a larger extent than heretofore to send merchandise from the Philippines to Mexico and return the value thereof in silver. Thirdly, if the permission already given to send mer- chandise should ajpply to goods of Chinesie provenance or only to native prodiucts of the country. Fourthly, if permission should be given anew for Peru to trade to Mexico because of the damage that the Philippines Iiad suffered when this said trade had been suspended. It is interesting to note in this connection, tiiat in 1593 by a Eoyal decree dated 11th January, the merchants of the Philippines were forbidden to go to China to buy merchandise. THERE IS NO COPY IN THE LIBEARY OF CONGRESS, OR IN THE CHURCH CATALOGUE. 1638 A.D. [761 ] HERBERT (Tho.). Some Yeares Travels Into Divers parts of Asia and Afrique. Describing especially the two famous Empires, the Persian, and great Mogull; weaved with the History of these later Times. As also, many rich and spatious Kingdomes in the Orientall India,; and other parts of Asia; together with the Adjacent lies. Severally relating the Religion, Language, Qualities, Customes, Habit. Descent, Fashions, and other Observations touching them. With a revivall of the first Discoverer of America. Revised and Enlarged by the Author. With engraved title, and 45 engraved maps and curious illustrations. (Second Edition), small folio, russia {rebacked). London, 1638. £5 5S 72 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — contmued. 1639 A.D. [762] STAFFORD (Ignacio). Historta de la cefestial Vocacion, Mis- siones Aposfolicas, y gloriosa Muerte del Padre Maroelo Franc. Mastrilli, Hijo del Marques de S. Marsano. With finely engraved title-page and full-page engraving of the martyr- dom of Mastrillo by the Japanese. 4to, calf. Lisbon, 1639. £15 15s Cordier, Bibl. Japonica, col. 332-3. First Portugtiese Edition. Mastrillo was bom at Naples in 1603 and martyred by the Japanese in 1637. Eetana, No. 104. 1639 A.D. [763] LOBKOWITZ (J. Caramuel) Philippus Prudens Caroli V. Imp. Films LusJtianiae, Algarbiae Indian, BrasiHae, Legitimus rex demonstratus. With beautifully engraved Coats of Arms, title-page, and 25 magnificent portraits of the Kings and Queens of Portugal. Folio, vellum. Antwerp, Plantin, 1639. ' . ' £10 lOS This very important work is devoted, to proving the 6laims of Philip, the son of Charles V., as the only legitimate King of India, Brazil and Portugal. 1640 A.D. [764] CARDIM (Antonio), Soc. Jesu. Elogios, e ramalhete d© Flores boirrifado oom o sangire dos religiosas d^ Companhia de Jesui, a quem os tyrannos do Imperio de Jappao tirarao as vidas por odio da Fe Catholica. Com o Catalogo de todos os Religosos, e seculares, que por odio da mesma Fe forao mortos naquelle Imperio, ate o anno de 1640. With map, large folding plate of martyrs, and 84 full-page engraved plates of Japanese martyrs. 4to, calf. Lisbon, 1650. £52 lOs Complete copies are of the greatest rarity. Father Cardim, a Portuguese Jesuit, was the Procurador General of the Jesuits for the Province of Japan. The large folding plate shows 61 martyrs being decapitated by Japanese Executioners, the names of each being given. Of these 40 were native Japanese converts and four were Portuguese Envoys from Macao. The 84 full page plates show the Jesuit Missionaries, most of them being martyred or tortured; their names are as follow: — Francis Xavier; Francisco de Carriam; Gregorio de Oarvalhal; Theodore M ant eles ; Jo.seph Furnaleto; Saint Paulo Miohi, a Japanese (crucifixion); St. Joam Soan (crucitixion) ; St. Diogo Kisai, a Japanese (crucifixion) ; Diogo de Mesquita ; Francisioo Critana; Mancio Taicioo, a Japanese; Paulo Eioin (a Japanese); Mathias Sanga (a Japanese); Andre Saito; Mancio Missoguci (a Japanese); Mancio Firabayaxi; Baptista Machada (beheaded) ; Leonardo Kimura, a Japanese (burnt alive) ; Ambrosio Fer- nandes; Manoel Barreto; Joam da Fonseca; Agostinho Ota (decapitation); Carlos Espinola* Pr.ATE X. NVOVI AVISI DELLE INDIE di PortugalJo riccuuti queflo Anno deJ 1 5^3 ^doue (I tratU dclja coucrfionc df niol- te pcrfonc principali &traJialtn d'un ' Re fignorc de I rooo. Ifolc, f on vna difcrutionc deJli coftumt de i Giaponefj noftri antipodi^comc loro riceuono la noftra Sanra Fede, ^Jh Kama fcr Valerto Doricoip' tuigifratettn , Title Page from Ndovi Avisi'deli^e'ISdie! fet. franeis Xavier's Account of his arrivci^L in J conversion of the See Item .No. ? 'J,aj),an: ^hd,Hife''at<'emptSua( Plate XL Copia dc vnas Cartas dcalgunos padres yhcrma nosdcla compaiiiadc lerus quecf \ ^£y criuieron dcla India, la-pon, y Bra ^\r//^i filalos padres yhcrroaaos dcla mif macorrpatiia,cn Portugal trafla dadas dc portuguescn caftcUa no. Fueto reccbidas cl ano dcmil ycjuinientos y cincuentay clnco. ^Acabaronfe a trcze dias dclnjcs dc Dczicmber. Por loan Aluarcz. Ano. M. D. LV. ' Title Page of the First Collection of Jesuit ]\Iissionary Relations in Spanish, Lisbon, 1555. Spp TtPiTi Nn. fi87. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 73 The Far East — continued. Cardim (Antonio) — continued. (burnt alive); Sebastiam Kimura (burnt alive); Antonio Kiuni (burnti alive); Pedro Sampo a Japanese (burnt alive); Gon^alo Fusay, a Japanese (burnt alive); Miguel Kiempo, a Japanese (burnt alive); Thome Acafaxi, a Japanese (burnt alive); Luis Cavara, a Japanese (burnt alive); Joam (ihungoco, a Japanese (decapitated); Clamillo Constancio (burnt alive); Pero Paulo (burnt alive); Dionisio Frigixima, a Japanese (burnt alive); Pedro Onizuca, a Japanese (burnt alive); Hieronymo de Angelis (burnt alive); Simao Tempo (burnt alive); Diogo Carvalho (drowned) ; Miguel Carvalho (burnt alive) ; J. Baptista de Bae^a ; Gaspar de Castro; Francisco Paclieoko (burnt alive); Baptista Zola (burnt alive); Balthezar de Torres (burnt ■alive) ; Gaspar Sandamatzu, a Japanese (burnt alive) ; Vicente Kaun, a Korean (burnt alive); Pedro Einsei, a Japanese (burnt alive); Paulo Xinsuke (burnt alive); Joam Kisacu, a Japanese (burnt alive); Miguel Tozo/ (burnt alive); Thome Tzugi, a Japanese (burnt alive); Miguel Xuccan; Miguel Nacaxima; Antonio Pinto (burnt alive); Matheus de Coiiros; Thome Nixifori, a Japanese (burnt alive); Nici;lao Kean Fucunanga (hanged, upside down); Noel Borges (hanged uipside down); Joseph Eeomvy (hanged uipside down); Ignacio Kindo (hanged upside down); Antonio Giajinoni (hanged, upside down); Joam Kidera (hanged upside down); Diogo Taeuxima (burnt alive) ; etc., etc. 1640 A.D. [765] PEREIRA (Bartolomeo). PaciecicfOS libri XII. Decantatur Claris- simus P. Franciscus Paciecus, Lusitanus, Politimensis, e Societate Jesu, Jappon- iae Provincialis, eiusde Ecclesiae Gubernator, ibique vinus pro Christi fide lento i^e concrematus Anno 1626. Parentem associant quotquot ex eadem Societe in Japponia pro Christo gloriose occubuertint. Smo Patri Urbano Octavio Japponia D. et C. Authore P. Bartholomaeo Pereira. With portrait. i2mo, limp vellum {wormed). . Coimbra, 1640. £5 59 See Cordier, Bibliotheca Japonica, col. 350. Cordier only knows of a copy without the preliminary leaves and without the life of Father Pacheco, nor does he mention the portrait. 1642 A.D. [766] CUERREIRO (Bertholameu), Soc. Jes. Closiosa Cofoa d'esfor- cados Religiosos dla Companhia de Jesui mortos polla Fe Catholiea nas Conquis- tas d'os Reynos da Goroa de Portugal. With finely engraved title-page. Folio, old calf, gilt and gauffred edges. Lisbon, 1642. £35 Very interesting work which contains much valuable material of the history of the missions in Asia and the Orient in the 16th and early 17th centuries. There are many curious eulogies of these missionaries, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian, among them some of the most ardent .propagators of Christianity, such as' Saint Francis Xavier, etc. This is the only edition which has been published of this imporitant Chronicle of the Jesuit Order, and it is this circumstance which partly explains the extreme raTity of copies. NO COPY OF THIS WORK HAS APPEARED FOR SALE FOR MANY YEARS, EVEN PINTO DE MATOS IN HIS MANUAL OF PORTUGUESE BIBLIOGRAPHY CONFESSES THAT HE HAS NEVER SEEN A COPY FOR SALE. 74 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1642 A.D. [767] INDIA. CASTRO (Domioao de). El^io do Muyvaleroso e de raras virtud^ Domioao die Castro, lilustrissimo Governador & Visorrey da India. Woodcut of a ship on title. 1 10 pp., small 4to, vellum. Lisbon, 1642. £10 lOs 1642 A.D. [768] CRUSt (Manoel da). Fala, que fes P. Fr. Manoel da Crus^ mestre em S. Theologia, Deputado do S. Officio & das Ordens Militares, na se^funda Instancia^ Vigairo geral da Ordem dos Pregadores da India, x^a acto solemna em que o Conde Joam da Sriva Tello, & Meneses, Visorey, & CapitSo Gerai do Estado da India^ depois de ter aclamado e jurado a Rey Joao IV, juron Principe Dom Theodosio seu prima genito e heredeiro aos 20 de OutobrO 1641. 4to, vellum. Lisbon, 1642. £5 5s 1644 A.D. Inquisition^ in Indl^. [769] DIOGO DE ARE DA, S. J. Sermao que Padre Diogo de Areda, 8.J., pregon no acto da Fee que se celebron na Cidade de Goa, domingo 4de Setembro 1644. 4to, calf . Goa, impresso no Collegia de S. Paulo novo, da C omfanhia de Jesus, 1644. £10 10s Printed in the Jesuit College at Goa. Eajrly senmon preached at an Auto da fe at Goa, India, dedicated to Francisco de Castro, Inquisitor General of Portugal, as " the auto da fe was the largest ever seen in the Bast." In the oi>ening sentence the author states "the Jews are endeavouring to keep the Law of Moses in the Orient, and that the Portuguese were the instruments of Heaven, to put an emd to Judaism and the Jews." 1645 A.D. [770I MENDEZ PINTO fFernan). Historia Oriental de las peregrinar oionesi, adonde se escriven muchas y muy extranas cosas que vio y oyo en Ids Reinos de la China, Tartaria, Sornaoi, que vulgarmente se llama Siam, Cala- minan, Peguu, Martavan y otros muchos de aquollas partes orientales. Folio, limp vellum. Valencia, 1645. • £6 6& MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 75 The Far East — continued. 1650 A.D. " On the Great and Glorious Progress of the Christian Religion in the Kingdom of China. ' ' [771] PICOLOMINI (Father Francisco). Copfa Cle una carta, escrtto por el R. P. Francisco Picotomini, General de la Compania d6 Jesus^ al P. Francisco Franco de la mistna Compania, y Provincial d6 Aragon, sobre los grandes y gloriosos progresses dte lla Religion Christiana, en los Reynos de la China. 4 pp. , small 4to, wrappers. Sevilla, Juan Gomez de Blaz, 1650. £10 lOS 1650 A.D. " On the Great and Glorious Progre^ss of the Christian Religion in the Kingdom of China. ' ' [772] PICOLOMINI (Father Francisco, General of the Company of Jesus). Copi^ db luia Carta, esorita por el R. P. Francisco Piooiominij General de la Compania de Jesus at P. Francisco Franco de la misma Compania, y Provincial de Aragon, sobre los grandes, y gloriosos progresses de la Religion Christiana, en los Reynos de la China. 4 pp., 4to, wrappers. Madrid, por Diego Diaz, 1650. ' £10 lOs 1650 A.D. MANUSCRIPT PLANS OF CEYLON. [773] CEYLON. 34 Plans drawn by a Portuguese in the 17th century, of the fortresses, pagodas, towns, harbours, etc., of the Island of Ceylon, together with a large folding map of the Island. 4to, limp vellum. {Ceylon, about 1650.) £21 1651 A.D. [774] FREIRE DE ANDRADA (Jacinto). Vida de Dom Jodo de Castro* quarto Viso-Rey da India [1500-1548]. With finely engraved frontispiece and portrait of De Castro, and large woodcut of the Cross of St. Thomas, Small folio, calf. Lisbon, 16^1. £14 14is FIRST EDITION, THE STANDARD LIFE OF THE FOURTH VICEROY OF PORTU- GUESE INDIA. 7^ MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1651 A.D. [775] SUMA DEL ESTADO DEL IMPERIO DE LA CHINA, y Chris- tiandad d^l, por las itoticias que dan los Padres de la.Compania de Jesus, que residen en aqui Reyno, hasta el ano de 1649. Aunque los alborotos, y levantamientos de la gran China dan lugar a tener plena noticia del estado de la Christiandad en aquellas Provincias; las que por cartas de los Superiores de la Compania en aquellas dos Vice-Provincias se han tenido en Filipinas desde el ano de 1638. hasta el de 1649. 4 pp., folio, wrappers, Madrid, Pablo de Val, 1651. £12 IDs Title reads (in translation) : — "■ An account of the state and. Christianity of the dominion of China, taken from the notices of the Fathers of the Company of Jesus, living in that country, up to the year 1649." " Also the irevolts and rebellions of great China, giving a full account of the state of Christianity in those Provinces from the letters sent by the' Superiors of the Jesuit Fathers to those in the Philippines, from the year 164S— 1649." 1651 A.D. [7761 CHINA. PICOIO'MINI (Francesco, General de la Compania de Jesus). Una Carta eorita al P. Francisco Franco, Provincial d© Aragon, sobre los grandes y gloriosos progresses de la Religion Christiana en los Reynes de la China. 4 pp., small 4to, nezv boards. Seville, 1651. £6 6s * * * An interesting Missionary letter from China relating the events of the year 1650. 1652 A.D. PORTUGUESE MISSIONARIES IN JAPAN. [777'\ CARDOSO (George). Agiologio Lusitano dos Sanctos, e Varoens illustres em virtude do Reino de Portugal, e suas Gonquistas. 4 vols., folio, old calf. Lisbon, 1652. £25 ' E-are Hagiology of the Portuguese Saints and Missionaries in the Orient, referring to their work at Amboyna, Bassorah, Cambodia, Ceylon, China, Japan, Nagasaki, Goo, India, Morocco, Nagapatam, Sumatra. San Thome, Guadalupe, Macassar, Timur, Bengal, Cochin- China, Madure, Mocambique, Canton, Ceuta, Pegu, etc. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 77 The Far East — continued. 1652 A.D. [778] MARQUES (Pedro). Breve relatione della gloriosa morte oh© il P. Antonio Rubins, ctella Compagnia di Giesu, Visitatore dielia Provincia det Giappone, e Cina, sofferse nella Citta di Nangasacohi, dello Regno del Ciap- pone, con quattro altrl Padri della medesima Compagnia, Antonio Gapece, Alberto Mioisghi, Drego Morales e Franoesco Marquez con tre secolari di Marzo nel 1643. 4to, half vellum. Rome, 1652. £24 Cordier, Bibliotheca Japonica, p. 371. The author, a Japanese, was born at Nagasaki in Japan, and died, in Tonkin. First edition. This is the Italian translation of a Portuguese relation which has not yet been published. The Italian version is attributed to Father Fr. Eosini, by the author of the life oi Father Mecinski (Pages, 285). 1652 A.D. [779] ANJOS (Fr. Manuel dos). Historia universal, em que s© descre- vem OS imperios, monarchias, Reynos, e Provtnoias do mundo, com muitas consas notaveis. 4to, vellum. Coimbra, 1652. £5 5s Pp. 249-444 are devoted to Asia; Chapter 14 of the Second part, " De las Ilhas de Luzon on Filipinas e cidade de Manilha," etc. 1652 A.D. THE ONLY COPY KNOWN. [780] FERNANDEZ (Antonio). Yida da santissima Virgem Maria. With curious woodcut on title-page. 4to, calf. Goa, Imfresso no Collegio de Sam Paido, da Comfanhia de Jesu, 1652. £63 THIS IS ONE OF THE EAEEST AND MOST VALUABLE PKODUCTIONS OF THE JESUIT PRIVATE PRESS IN GOA; IT IS THE ONLY COPY KNOWN TO-DAY. INNO- CENCIO, THE PORTUGUESE BIBLIOGRAPHER, CONFESSED THAT HE HAD NEVER SEEN A COPY, BUT WROTE THAT A BIBLIOPHILE HAD BEEN MENTIONED TO HTM WHO HAD ONCE POSSESSED A COPY. OUR COPY IS IN VERT GOOD CONDI- TION. AND IT IS EXTRAORDINARY THAT EVEN ONE COPY OF A WORK OF THIS NATURE SHOULD HAVE ESCAPED THE TOOTH OF TIME. 78 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1655 A.D. [781] SEMEDO (F. Alvarez). The History of that Great and Renowned Monarchy of China. Wherein all the particular Provinces are accurately described : as also the Dispositions, Manners, Learning, Lawes, Militia, Government, and Religion of the People, together with the Traffic and Com- modities of that Countrey. To which is added the History of the Invasion and conquest by the Tartars, etc. Translated from the Italian by a person of quality. Illustrated with several mapps and figures to satisfie the curious and advance the trade of Great Brittain. Small folio, half calf. London, 1655. £1 lOs 1658 A.D. [782] CHINA. XAVIER (S. Francis). Cioriosos Triunfos do Grande Apostolo do Oriente S. Francisco Xavier, singul^res favores deste novo Thaumaturgo para conn alguas cidades d' Italia, principalmente para com hum menlno da Cidade d'Aquila. Com hum excellente Elogio em nome da Cidade de Parma ao mesmo Santo. 23 pp., small 4to, boards. Lisbon, 1658. 15s 1662 A.D. [783] OLEARIUS (A). Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors sent by the Duke of Holstein to the Great Duke of Muscovy, containing a compleat History of Muscovy, Tartary, and Persia: whereto are added the Travels of Mandelslo from Persia into the East Indies, containing a particular Description of Indostan, Japan, China, &c. Portraits and folding maps. Folio, original calf. London, 1662. £2 18s 1663 A.D. [784] COLIN (Francisco). Labor Evangelica, Ministerios Apostolicos de los obreros de la Compania de Jesus^ fundacion, y progresses de su provincta en las Islas FilipinaS] parte primera. Sacada de los manuscriptos del P. Pedro Chirino. With very large fine folding map engraved in 1659 by Marcos de Orozco. Folio, half calf. Madrid, 1663. £28 Father Colin enteral the Jesuit Order in 1606; in 1625 he embarked for the Philip- MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 79 The Far East — continued. Colin (Francisco) — continued. pines and preached there for some time; at a later date he went to convert the natives of the Island of Mindanao. He died near Manilla in 1660. His work which is of great importance is partly based on the unpviblished documents of Father Chirino. SCIENTIFICALLY CONSIDERED COLIN'S WORK IS THE BEST BOOK ON THE I'HILIPPINES OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. IT IS THE FIRST WORK IN WHICH THE OLDEST DATA OF REAL VALUE ARE GIVEN ON THE FLORA, FAUNA, GEOGRAPHY AND LANGUAGES OF THE ARCHIPELIGO. At the end there are some interesting biographical aocoanits of some Japanese nobles who took refuge in Manilla when they were expelled from Japan for having been converted to Christianity. 1665 A.D. [785] GODINHO (Manoel), Soc. J. Relapao do Novo Caminho que fez por terrai, e mar vintfo da India para Portugal no anno de 1663. 4to, calf. Lisbon, 1665. £8 lOs First Edition. 1667 A.D. [786] KIRCHER (Athanasius). China Monumentis, qua Sacris qua Profanis, neo non variis Naturae & Artis Spectaculis, Aliarumque rerum memorabiliuflfi Argumentis iilustrata. Engraved title, portrait and over 80 plates or illustrations in the text. Folio, new half calf, uncut. Amsterdam, Jacobus a Meurs, 1667. £5 16s 1668 A.D. [787] NIEUHOFF (Joannes). Legatio Batavioa ad Magnum Tartariae Chamiim Sungteium^ Mod^mumi Sinae Imperatorem. Historiarum Narratione, quae Legatis in Provinciis Quantung, Kiangsi, Nanking, Xantung, Peking, & aula Imperatoria ab Anno 1655 ad annum 1657 obtigerunt, ut Dardua Sinensium in bello Tartarico fortuna, Provinciarum accurata Geographia, urbium delinea- tione. Engraved title, large folding map of China, and about 150 engraved views, plates, and in the text, of cities, etc. Small thick folio, original vellum. Amsterdam, 166S. £2 2s 1672 A.D. [788] THE FLAMING ISLANDS, or a full descriptiGn and Account of the strange and terrible fire lately broke out of the Ground in the Island Fyal (Fayal) in Threescore and Ten, several places. As also in some other neigh- bouring Islands. 8 pp., small 4to, new half morocco gilt, g. e. London, 1672. £4 lOs The Island of Fayal lies not far from the Port of Goa, on the East Indian Coast. 8o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1682 A.D. [;8g] INFORMACION ivridioa, que remite la Provincia de el SS^o Rosario dei Philipinas, de la Ordeni de Predioadores, a sui Magestad, a favor de sus Religiosos^ por ocasion de aver intentado sus emulos el desacreditarla en estos Reyno® y ante su Magestad. Folio, calf. {Madrid, 1682). £8 8s Tavera 1355. The only other copy known seems to be that which belonged to Eetana. The above " informacion " was made by Fray Juan Peguero in Manilla on 2nd January, 1682. 1685 A.D. [790] SAN DIN (Alonso). Copia d© una carta esorita al Padre Prey Alonso Sandin, de la Orden de Predicadores, Dlfinidor, y Procurador General de la Provincia del Santo Rosario de Philipinas en esta Corte; en que da noticia de el estado de aquellas Islas. Folio, calf. {Madrid, 1685). £10 lOs Tavera No. 2540. Father Alonso de Sandin was a Spaniard, and in 1682 was elected Vicar General of the Philippines, Japan and China. This anonymous letter was written by a missionary and is dated Manilla, 26th May, 1683. On leaf 8 a tract begins by tihe same author entitled " Puntos que Hemos Sabido se Escriben al consecao centre nos otras este ano.'' 1687 A.D. [791] THEVENOT. The travels of M. de Thevenot into the Levant, m three parts, viz., into Turkey, Persia, and the East Indies. With full-page fine portrait by Faithome. Folio, calf. London, 1687. £3 3s 1688 A.D. [792] GERVAISE (Nicolas). Histoire Naturelleet Politique du Royaume de Slam. Divisee en quatre parties. Le premiere contenant la situation, & la nature du Pays. La seconde, les moeurs des Habitans, leur Loix, & leurs Coutumes. La Troisieme, leur Religion. La quatrieme, ce qui regarde le Roy qui regne a present, & ce qu^il y a de plus particulier dans la Cour de ce Royaume. With large folding map and several illustrations in the text. 4to, original calf. Paris, 1688. £2 2S MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 8i The Far East — continued. 1690 A.D. [793] JACINTO DE DEOS (Padre Fray). (Excommissario Geral do Santo Offtcio da Inquisic^ao de Goa na India Oriental.) Vergel dte Plantas e Flores da Provincia da Maifr^ de Deos dos Capuchos da India Oriental. Folio, old calf. Lisbon, 1690. £7 7s An account of the Capuchin Monks in India (pp. 1-113), China (115-267), Malacca and Siam (pp. 272-295), Cambodgia (pp. 298-353), etc., etc. 1693 A.D. [794] AVRIL (Ph.), Soc. J. Voyage en divers etats d'Europe et d'Asie, Entrepris pour dtecouvrir un nouveau chemin a la Chine. Contenant Plusieurs Remarques curieuses de Physique, de Geographic, d'Hydrographie & d'His- toire. Avec une Description de !a grande Tartaric & des differens Peuples que rhabitent. With engraved frontispiece and plates. 8vo, vellum. Paris, 1693. £3 lOs 1697 A.D. [795] CUBERO (Don Pedro Sebastian). Descripcion general del Mimifo y notables sucessos que han) sucedido en el, con la armonia de sus tiempos, ritos, ceremonias^ oostumbres, y trages d& sus NacioneiS) y Yarones ilustres que en eJ ha avido. With full-page woodcut. 4to, calf [wormed). Valencia, 1697. £12 12S Leclerc mentions the existence of this work, but never saw a copy. Father Pedro Sebastian Cubero, celebrated traveller of the 17th century, was the first to go round the world from West to East, partly by land. He was sent by the Propaganda of Borne to evangelise Asia. On his journey, which lasted nearly seven years, he crossed Ger- many, Hungary, Transylvania, Poland, Russia, Tartary, Persia, India. From Goa he took a boat to China. On his return journey he visited the Philippines and returned to Vera Cruz to embark for Cadiz. His relation is rare, but the second part (the above volume) is far rarer than the first. His work is of great importance, for the details contained therein on China, Russia and Poland, etc 1699 A.D. [796] SANTA MARIA (Agostinho de). Historia de fundacao do Real Gonvento de Santamonica, da oidade de Goa, Gorte do estado da India, e do impen'o Lusitano de Oriente, fundado pelo Dom Aleixo d& Menezes^ ps'tmaz das Hespanhas, e da India. Thick 4to. limf vellum. Lisbon, 1699. £7 15s 82 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — contimied: 1700 A.D. [797] REPARAROS tiistoriales apologetioo® dertgidos el excelentissifno Senor Contfe de Villaumbrosa, Presidente del Canse/a Supremo de CastUla, &0, Propuestos de parte de los missioneros Apostolicos del Imperio de la China. Representando los descudos, que secometen en lui libro, que se ha publicado en Madrid, en grave perjuizio de aquella Mission. Contiene las Noticias Mas puntuales, y hasta aora no publicadas de'la ultima persecucion contra la Fe, con una breve Chronologia da aquel Imperio, y otras curiosidades Historicas, hasta el ano de 1677. 4to, lim-p vellum. Pamplona, about lyoo. £5 5S Privately printed for the Chinese missionaries in their great quarrel with the Pope, in reply to the " Tratados Historicos " of Navarrete, a Dominican. 1700 A.D. [798] FERREIRA (Manuel). Noticias sumtnarias das Perseguicdes da Missam d^ Cochinchina, prinoipiada e oontinuada peios Padres da Comparthia de Jesu. Folio, old calf. Lisbon, 1700. £21 Published anonymously but now generally attributed to Manuel Ferrara. An unusual book, of great importance for the history of the early Portuguese Missions in Cochin China. 1701 A.D. [799] BOWREY (Thos). A Dictionary, English and Malayo, Malayo and English. To which is added Some short Grammar Rules and Directions for the better observation of the Propriety and Elegancy of this Language. And also several miscellanies, Dialogues, and Letters, in English and Malayo; together with a Table of Time, computing the Years and Moons of the Hegira to the years and months of the English Stile, which table will serve in the Malayo Country, all the South Sea Islands, India, Turkey, Arabia, Morocco, and generally in all Mahometan Countries. To which is annex' d, the Malayo Alphabet, with a Si>ecimen of the Character. First Edition. 4to, old calf. London, 1701. £9 9s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 83 The Far East — continued. 1704 A.D. [800] VOYAGES. Churchill's Collection of Voyages and Travels, some now first printed from Original Manuscripts, others translated out of Foreign Languages, and now first published in English, to which are added some few that have formerly appear 'd in English, but do now for their excellency and scarceness deserve to be reprinted. Illustrated with a great number of useful maps and cuts, all engraven on copper. 4 vols., folio, original calf. 'London, 1704. £7 15s Includes : — Naverette (Fernandez) Account of Empire of China. Curious remarks on Empire of Japan. Roe (Sir T.) Voyage to East Indies. Backhoff's Voyag-e into China. Monson's (Sir W.) Naval Tracts. Baldaeus (Philip) East India Coast of Malabar. Gemelli (Dr.) Voyage round the World (India, China, New Spain, etc.). Ten Rhyne's account of Cape of Good Hope. Balda«us' East Indies is illustrated with a series of highly interesting plates, including large folding plates of City of Amadabath, Suratte, Goa, English Fort of Bombay (considered the earliest A-iew) 1707 A.D. [801] LAINEZ (Francisco), S.J. Defensio Indicariim missiommi Madurensis, nempe, Maysurensis, & Carnatensis edita, Oceasione Decreti Ab llfmo D. Patriarcha Antiooheno D. Carolo Maillard de Tournon Visitore Apostolico in indiis Orientalibus lati. Thick small 4to, calf. Rome, 1707. £14 14s The author's former name was Francisco Troyano, and was born at Oporto in Por- tugal. A long biographical account of the author and his work is given by Barbosa Machado in his Bibliotheca Lusitana, Vol. II.. pages 67-68. The above work is of great importance for the history of missions in the East Indies. 84 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1710 A.D. The Chinese Controversy between the Jesuit Missionaries in China AND Cardinal de Tournon. [802] (i) OSSERVAZIONI sopra la Risposta fatta del Procuratore del Sig. Cardinal di Turnoni a cinque Memorialii dtei P. Provana Procuratore d«6 Missionari de la Cina d^lla Coimpagnia di Giiesu. (2) FATINELLI (Gio. Jacomo). Apologia Delle Risposte date dal Procuratore dell' Eminentissimo Sig. Cardinale di Tournon alii cinque Memoriali del Padre Provana Contro Le Osservazioni fatte sopra di esse da tin' Autore Anonimo. 1710. (3) LA VERITA. E L'lntrocenza de' Missionari delta Compagnia di Giesu liella Cina. Difesa contro un libello intitolato Apologia della risposte Date dal Procuratore dell' Eminentissimo Signor Cardinal di Tournon aili cinque Memoriali del Padre Provana contro le Osservazioni di un' Autore Anonimo. (4) SOMMARiO De' Documenti oitati nell' autecedente Difesa deJIa Yerita, ed Innocenza de' Missionari della Compagnia di Giesu nella Cina. Testimonianze della condotta, e animo preoccupato di Monsignor Patriarca contro i Giesuiti nella Cina. With large folding plate showing the sacrifices in the temple in China. 4 works in i vol. 4to, calf. £10 lOS 1710 A.D. [803] FRANCISCO DE SOUZA. Oriente conquistado a Jesu Christo Pelos Padres da Companhia de Jesus da Provincia de Goa. With several engravings. 2 vols., folio, calf. Lisbon, 1710. £10 lOs The above two volumes are full of interesting matter relating to Japan, China, India, Cochin, etc., etc. 1710 A.D. [804] BERNIER (Frangois)). Voyages de Francois Bernier Docteur en Medecine de la Faculty de Montpellier, Contenant la Description des Etats du Grand Mogol, De I'Hindoustan, du Royaume de Kachemirei, &c. With numerous plates (some folding). 2 vols., i2mo, calf, g. e. • Ajnsterdam, 1709-17 10. £2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 85 The Far East — cord'nmed. 1711 A.D. [805] BERNIER (Francois). Voyages contenant la description des 6tats du Grand Mogol, de rHindoustan, d^ Royaume de Kachemire, eto., et ou Ton voit comment Tor et 1' argent apres avoir circule dans le mond passent dans I'Hindoustan, d'ou ils ne re\nennent plus. With maps and plates. '2 vols., i2mo, French crimson morocco^ floral border on sides, gilt backs ^ inside dentelles, g. e. A msterdam ,1711. £3 3s 1711 A.D. [806] CHINA. MAILLARD Di TOURNON (Carlo Tomaso). Rolazione delia preziosa morte d^ll' Eminentiss e Reverendiss Carlo Tomaso Maillard di Tournon, prete Cardinalo della S. R. Chiesa, comimissario, e Visitatore Apostolico Generalei, con le facolta de Legato a latere ncll Impero deila Cine e Regni dell' indie Orientale, Seguita nella Citta dl Macao li 8 d^l mese dl Guigno deli anno 1710. 70 pp., small 4to, calf. Roma, 171 1. £5 5S The famoxis Missionary Cardinal Maillard de Tournon died at Macao in 1710. 1715 A.D. [807] INDIA. Relagam dos Progressos dos Armas Portuguezas no Estado da India, no anno 1714. Sendo Vice Rey, e Capitam General do mesmo estado Vasco Femandes Cesar de Menezes, continuando os successos desde o anno de 17 13 referidos na Relagaon que se imprimio no principio do presente. 20 pp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 171 5. £3 3S 1716 A.D. [808] FREIRE DE MONTERROIO MASCARENHAS (Jose). Relacam dos Progressos das Armas Portuguezas no Estado da India Annos de 1713. 1714, sendo Vice Rey, e Capitam General do mesmo Estado Vasco Fernandas Cesar de Menezes. The 4 parts complete. J^ pp., small 4to, neiv boards. Lisbon, 1716. £15 15s * * * An exceedingly Eare Relation, in 4 parts, of tlie Portuguese activities in India under their celebrated Viceroy Vasco Fernandez Cesar de Menezes. 86 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, Londbn, W. The Far East — continued. 1718 A.D. [809] BE EC KM AN (Captain Daniel). A V<>yage to and from the Island of Borneo, in the East-Indies. With a Description of the said Island : Giving an Account of the Inhabitants, their Manners, Customs, Religion, Product, chief Ports, and Trade. Together with the Re-establishment of the English Trade there. An. 1714, after our Factory had been destroyed by the Banjareens some years before. Also a Description of the Islands of Canary, Cape Verd, Java, Madura; of the Streights of Bally, the Cape of Good Hope, the Hottentots, the Island of St. Helena, Ascension, &c. With some Remarks and Directions touch- ing Trade, &c. The whole very pleasant and very useful to such as shall have occasion to go into those Parts. Illustrated with Maps and Plates. 8vo, original calf. London, 1718. £2 lOS 1718 A.D. [810] RENAUDOT. Anoiennes Relations des Indes et de la Chine, De deux Voyageurs Mahometans, qui y allerent dans le neuvieme sieole; Tra- diiites d'Arabe; aveo Des Remarques sur tes principaux endroits d^ oes Rela- tions. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1718. £2 2s 1723 A.D. [811] CASTRO (Francisco Antonio de). Laureola sacra d© la vida y martirio del Padre Diego Lui^ de Sanvitores, primer Apostol de la Isias Marianas. i2mo, lintf vellum. Madrid, 172^. * £6 6s 1725 A.D. Original Manuscript. [812] ESTADO do prezente Estado da India. Meyos faceis, e efficazes para o seu augmento, e reforma espiritual, e temporal. Tractado Politico, Moral, Juridico, Theologico, Historia, e Ascetico. Escrito na India por quen zela hu, e outro augm. della no. Anno 1725. Manuscript in Portuguese, beautifully and clearly written. • 158 pp., folio, half morocco. 1725. £25 The author sets out to investigate the best way of converting Indians and suggests that they should be forced by the powers of the Kings of Portugal to listen to the propaga- tion of Christian, doctrines. He proposes that the Indian religions should be put down, and all native ceremonies, public or secret, forbidden, etc. He proposes a reformation of the administration of India, both ciA'il and ecclesiastical, more especially as regards the adminis- tration of justice, taxes, etc. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 87 The Far East — continued. 1727 A.D. [813] [JOAO DE CASTRO.] Vita Joannis de Castro, Incfiarum Prore< gis Quarti, [1500-1548] olim ab Hyacintho Freyre de Andrada Lusitano de- scripta tiuno In Latinum cottversa interprete Francisco Maria del Rosso, S. J. With magnificent portrait engraved by Andreas Rossi of De Castro, the Fourth Portuguese Viceroy of India [i 500-1 548] and an engraved full-page plate of the " Cross of St. Thomas." Title printed in red and black. Thick Paper Copy. 4to, half morocco. Rome, 1727. £1 16s 1727 A.D. [814] KAEMPFER (Engelbertus). TKe History of Japan, giving an Account of the ancient and present State and Government of that Empire; of Its Temples, Palaces, Castles and other Buildings; The Chronology and Succes- sion of the Emperors, Ecclesiastical and Secular; Together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam. Translated by J. G. Scheuchzer from the High- Dutch. With the Life of the Author, and an Introduction. Engraved title and many copperplates; with the two Appendices. 2 vols., folio, original calf {rebacked). London, 1727. £5 5s 1730 A.D. [815] GOUVEA PACHECO (Caetano de). Vida e accoens do famoso e felicissimo Sav^, da India Oriental. i2mo, half bound. Lisbon, 1730. ' £5 5s auteresting and rare work -vvhicli contains the history of the definite destruction of the power and preponderance of the Portuguese Empire in India. 1731 A.D. [8 1 61 CALVAO (Antonio). Tratado dos descohrimentos antigos e modernos, f eitos atd e era de 1550, com os nomes parti cul ares das pessoas que OS fizerao; e em que tempos, e as suas alturas, e dos desvairadois camin- hos por onde a pimenta^ e especiarias veeyo da India as nossas partes. Folio, calf. Lisbon, 1731. £10 lOS Eare second edition. The work is divided into two parts. The first entitled " Descobrimentos en diversos annos e tempos e quern forao os primeiros que navegarao." The second is entitled " Descobrimentos das Antilhas e Indias polios Espanhoes feitas," and begins with an account of the discovery of America by Columbus. The discoveries of all the other famous adventurers are described till the year 1550, the last expedition described being the English expedition under Richarte Trebuli (Sir Richard Grenville). The writer, who may be styled the founder of historical geography, spent the early part of his life in the Eastlndies, where he distinguished himself in an expedition which reduced the Moluccas to Portuguese rulev The original edition was so rare even in Hakluyti*.^ time that he says he could never get a sight of a copy. 88 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1732 A.D. [817] TAVARES DE VELLEZ GUERREIRO (Joao). Jornacfo que An- tonio de Albuquerque Coelho, governador, e capitao general da cidade do Nome de Deos de Macao na China, fez de Goa atte chegar a dita cidade no anno del 71 8. i2mo, linif vellum. Lisbon, 1732. . -• £3 3s 1736 A.D. [818] BIER VILLAS (Innigo de). Voyage a la Gdte de Malagar, Goa, Batavia, & autres lieux des Indes Orientales. Contenant Une description des Moeurs, Coutumes & Religion des Indiens; les differens etablissemens de plus- ieurs Nations de 1' Europe, & un detail exact du Commerce de Batavia, avec plusieurs avantures & singularites curieuses. 2 parts in I. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1736. 10s 6d 1736 A.D. [819] COUTO (Diogo de). Asia. Decades (IV— IX) que tratam dos Mares que Descoburam, Armadas, que desbaratarao, Execitos^ que vencerao, e das acgoens heroicas, e faganhas bellicas, que obrarao os Portuguezes nas conquistas do Oriente. With mezzotint portrait of the Author. 3 vols., small folio, calf. Lisbon, Domingo Gonsalves, 1736. £15 15s This edition, of Couto is very rare. It contains fragments of the Ninth Decade, which wore never printed till 1736. The best account of the Early Discoveries of the Portuguese in Asia (China, Japan, India). The author, wiho was born in Lisbon in 1542, went to India as a soldier and resided there ten years. After a visit to his native country he returned to India, and took up the work of Barros, of which only three decades had at ijhat time been, published. " De Couto's ambition," says Theal, " was to bring that magnificent chronicle down to his own time. His writings attracted the notice of the King Filippe I. of Portugal, w.ho .... appointed Diogo de Couto Chronicler of the State of India, and Principal Custodian of the Archives there. The first of De Couto's decades covers the same ground as the fourth of De Barros, but there are eight others, so that between these two writers we have a chronicle covering a Hundred and twenty years. Unfortlunately, a small portion of De Couto's manuscript was destroyed by fire when the work was being printed, and it could not be recovered." 1736 A.D. [820I INDIA. CASTILHO (Antonio de). GGmmentario do oeroo de Goa, e Chaul, no Anno de 1570, sendo Vrco-Rey D Luis de Ataide, escn'pto per Antonio de Castilho, guarda mdr da Torre do Tombo, e agora novamente reimpresso por Lucas d^ Sylva de Aguiar^ 32 pp., small 4to, boards. Lisbon, 1736. £5 15S * ♦ * Very rare account of the Portuguese in India in the Sixteenth Century. ffCopfaDebtwerfa^ Cart4^ DC Blgiino^ padre? ^bermario? oela conipama oe3cfu0* mi^ccbidae cl afio oc mil p quinicntoe cinqti^ta f cin CO. S^claa grandee marautUae , q oio9 iiueftrofefiorob:a en aiismCtooefa fan tafecatohca;enia031ndia9oeliaep oc po:tugal » V en el iKepnod jfripon , p en la tierra oe BiafilCon laoefcription tl iaevariad lepe0,f coftumbiee t)ela gente Del gran ifllepnooe la China f otrae tierrasmicnamSte oef*. cubiertae^en qne ap nnenas t)c ^rande admiracion p bedtficaaon,pero mtipverdadc rao. TitU ;-oiu " Alvakez, ¥. Histoeia dk las Cosas db Ethiopia, SaragO'Ssa, 1561. Plate XITI. LETTERE DELL* INDIA ORIENTALE, Scrirte da'Rcucrendi Padri dclli Compagnia di G i e $ v\ *tJeUe quali ft fcopre la grande arte yfau dagli ijiefii t perliherar l^animedegliin^ fideli Irtdiam dallapotefid del nimico irj" female, & ridurle atla noflra fanta fede . Nouamcnteftampafc, Ccampliate inmolri luogiii, & ricorrctte con ailigcnza . CON PRIVILEGIO. IN ViNEGIA, ApprcHo Antonio Tcnwi. M D L X X X. Title of one of 40 works contained in the Collection of the Jesiiit Missionaries' Annual Letters from Japan, China, Cochin-China, Thibet, Philippines, etc. Home, Venice, Milan and Naples, 1580—1661. See Item No. 695. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Sti^t, London, W. 8g The Far East — continued. 1736 A.D. [821] EXTRACTO historial del expediente que pende en el consejo real, y supremo de las Indias, a instanoiad^ la ciudad de Manilla, y demas de las isias Philippinas, sobre la forma en que se ha de hacer, y ootitinuar el oomeroio, y oontratacion de los texidos d^ China en Nueva-Espana, ecc. For- mado, y ajustado d^ orden det Rey, y aouerdo del mismo consejo, y ai costa de su Magestand^ por un Ministro de la Tabia, sobre los Papeles, y Documen* tos entregados por la seoretaria de Nueva-Espana, y otras n-^emorias parti- culares, ecc. Folio, vellum. Madrid, 1736. £10 lOs This important work, which may be attributed to Don Joseph de Abreu, one of the piost distinguished lawyers of Spain, contains invaluable documents for the commercial his- tory of the Spanish Colonies in the 18th century. It was composed by order of the King and the Council of the Indies, and the author had at his disposal important unpublished official documents on which his work is based. Printed at the expense of the King of Spain, the volume was not published nor allowed to be sold. 1737 A.D. [822] LE COMTE (Lewis), Jesuit. Memoirs and Remarks made in above Ten Years Travels through the Empire of China: particularly, upon Their Pottery and Varnishing Silk and other Manufactures, Pearl-fishing, a description of their Cities and Publick Works, the Philosophy of the Famous Confucius, etc. With many curious Particulars; being, in general, the most authentic Account of that Country. With portrait of Confucius and several copperplates. Thick 8vo, original calf. London, 1737. 16s 1738-1744 A.D. One of the Most Important Chronicles of China, Japan and the Philippines. [823] SAN ANTONIO (Padre Fr. Juan Francisco de). Chronicas de la Apostolica Provinoia de San Cregorio de Religiosos dtescalzos de San Fran- oisoo en las Islas Philipinas, China, Japon^ etc. Printed on a fine silky rice paper. With extraordinary and finely engraved frontispiece to Volume III. 3 vols. , small folio, linif vellmn. Impressa en la Int-prenta del uso de la fro-pria Provincia, sit a en el Con- vento de Nuestra Senora de Loreto del Pueblo de Sam f aloe, Extra-muros de la Ciudad de Manila; Por Fr. Juan de Sotillo, 1738- 1744. (See Illustration, Frontispiece.) £45 The third volume, " Missions of China and Japan," especially is of extreme rarity ; very few copies of the work have ever reached Europe. Volumes I. and II. contain the History of the Franciscan Order in the Philippines from their foundation till 1741. Iti is one of the most important chronicles relating to the Philippines. China and Japan. go MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. The Far East — continued. 1741 A.D. [824] COSTA (Diogo da). Relapam cfas Cuerras da India, desde o Anno d& 1736 at6 o de 1740. 26 pp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 1741. £7 lOs * * * A relation of the troubles of the Portuguese -with the Mahrattas. 1741 A.D. [825] CURVO SEMMEDO (J.). Observa^oens medicas doutrmaes de oem casos gravissimos. Lisbon, 1741. Memorial de varios simplices que da India Oriental, da America, vem ao nosso reino para remedio d^ muitas doencas com modo com que se devem usar. Manifesto que o doutor J. Curvo Semmedo medico morador em Lisboa, faz aos amantes da saude e attentos as suas oonsciencias. In I vol., folio, old calf. £6 6s 1742 A.D. [82;] INDIA. Rela^am veridica dos successes da India D. Luis de Monezes, Vi-Rey e Oapitaon Geral do mesmei estado con o Tratad^ da Paz, que o mesmo senhor concedeo aos grandiosos Zairamo Sauntu Bounsotd, e Rama- ohandra Sauntu Boiinsoid, Sardassal da Pragana Cuddale, e d^mais Provin- oias, conoluido em 1 1 Octubro 1 741 . 12 pp., small 4to, neiv boards. Lisbon, 1742. £3 3s 1742 A.D. [828] INDIA. Nottcia da Viagem que fez segunda vez ao Estado da India ilustrissimo^ e excelentissimo Senfior Marquez do Lourical, e primeiros progresses do setl Ceverno por J. F. M. M. (Jose Freire de Monterroio Mas- carenhas). 24 pp., small 4to, neiv boards. L'is'bon, 1742. ' £3 lOs * * * At end is a Treaty of Peace between the Marquez do Lourical and Zac Rama Saunto Bonsulo, which was concluded on 31st August, 1741, together with the Ratification, translated from the native tongue. 1742 A.D. [829] LISASUETA (Jacinto de) Historia de Thamas Konii-Kan^ Sophi de Persia. Anadida la Irrupcion hecha en los Tartaros Usbeks, despues de la Conquista de el Indoustan, con lodemas, que ha occurido hasta el presente ano de 1742. i2mo, calf. Madrid, 1742. £2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 91 The Far East — continued. 1743 A.D. [8 30] CARTA (1-4) de E(tJfica;Qad, gloriosos trafoalhos dos Missionarios da Coittpanhia de Jesus na Missam de Madure, e maravilhosos Suoessos que Deos neNa obron no anno d^ 1 738, 1 740, 1 743, 1 745. 4 works in i vol., 4to, calf. Lisbon, 1 743-1 753. * ' £21 The first letter is signed Francisco Pereyra, the next three are signed Felis Maria Orti. It is very difficult to unite this set of four letters, which are rarely found together. 1743 A.D. [831] INDIA. Relacam das Victortas, alcancadas na India contra tnimigo Marat^, Sendo Yioe-Rey daquelle Estado D. Luiz Carlos Ignaoio Xavier de Menezes (Marques do LouriQai>. Con huma breve noticia da sua morte. 15 PP-. small 4to, neiv boards. Lisbon, 1743. £3 lOS *** E elation of the victories gained against tJie Mahrattas by the Viceroy of Portu- guese India in 1741-1743. 1743 A.D. [832] CUNHA CRACIANO (Fr. Francisco da). Relaoam da prodlgoza navegacam da nao ohamada S. Pedro e S. Joam da Gompanhia de Macao por merce da milagrozissima imagem de N. S. de Penha de Franca .... Com a explicacam e pintura da grande Cobra que se aohou na dita Nao, e se oriou dentro em huma pipa de agoa. Woodcut on first leaf of the Image of N.S. de Renha de Franga and a figure of the cobra. 31 pp., small 4to, neiv boards. Lisbon, 1743. £5 5s 1745 A.D. [833] SEBASTIAO DO RECO. Vida do Veneravel Padre Joseph Vaz, da congregacao do oratorio de S. Filippe Nert da Cidade de Coa, na India Oriental; Fundador da laboriosa Missao, que os Congregados de^ta Casa tern a sua conta na llha de Ceylao. 4to, old calf. Lisbon, 1745, £2 lOS Interesting account of the life of Father Vaz, founder of (he mission in Ceylon. 92 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1746 A. D. [834] INDIA. Oarta de Edifica^ao, gioriosos trabalhos dos Mission- arios da Companhia de Jesus, Na Missao de Madurd, e maravilhosos successes,' que decs nella obfou no anno de 1740. Dada a Luz Pelo Padre Procurador da Mesma Missam e Provmcia do Malabar. 48 pp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 17:46. £5 5s * * * An interesting account of the Portuguese Missions in the Province of Malabar. 1746 A.D. [835] FREIRE DE M0NTERR010 MASCARENHAS (Jose). Epana- phora Indica. With a large folding pictorial map of Goa. 6 parts in i vol., 4to, half vellum. Lisbon, 1746-1753. £35 Contents : — Vol. I. Epanaphora Indica na qual se da noticia da viageui que Senhor Marquez de Castello novo fez com o Cargo de Vice-Eey ao Estado da India; e dos primeiroa progressos do seu governo; e se refer em tambem os succesos da viagem do Senhor Lourenpo de Santa Maria, Arcebispo de Goa, Primaz da, Azia Oriental. Vol. II. Em que se referem os progressos que tem feito no governo do Estado da India Portugueza, o Senhor Marquez de Castellonovo .... destruindo a Eama Cliandra Saunto, e Zeiramo Sanctu. Bonsulos, Sardassays de Cuddalle Principes Poderosos no Con- tiaente da India, vezinhos a Goa. Vol. III. Continuase em referir os inclitos progressoe do Senhor Marquez de Castellonovo. Expoem-se a ©xpugna^am da Fortaleza de Terecol, a tomada da Armada dos Bounsulos, e o -rendimento da Cidade de Eary. Vol. IV. Na qual se leram os progressos Politicos, Militares, e Civis, que no discurso do Anno de 1747 fez no seu governo o Senhor Marquez de Alorna. Vol. V. Continuam os progressos do governo do Senhor Marquez de Alorna. Expoem-se OS rendimentos das Pra9as de Neutiy, Carly, e Vangrollen, e mais sueessos do Anno de 1748. Vol. V?I. Continuao, e finalieao cs progressos do Governo do Marquez de Alorna. Expoemse as. disposipoens, que fez para defender o Estado da Invazam, que nell« pretender ao fazer os Bonsulos, aliados com os Dessays de Chicory, e Quintur, e com Marattaz, etc 1749 A.D. [836] FLEAURIAU (Father B. G.). Relation Des Conquetes faites dans les Indespar D.P.M. D' Almeida, Marquis de Castel-Nuovo, Comte d'Assitmar, .Ac. Vice Roi, et Capitaine Generale des Indes. Traduite du Portugais de D. Emmanuel de Meirelles, qui s'y est trouve present, Et de I'ltalien d'un Auteur Anonyme, Imprime a Rome en 1748. 8vo, old calf. Paris, 17 ^g. £2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 93 The Far East — continued. 1750 A.D. [837] INDIA. KRENING (P. Joseph). Conqiiistas ira India em Apos- tolicis Missoens da Companhia de Jesuis, soccorridas pelo ceo com milagrosos successes, em cr^ditoi da F6, e estrago da Idolatria, at^ a anno de 1744. 56 pp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 1750. £7 lOS * * * An interesting relation for the history of the Missions in India, dated at end " Malecaripatti 26 Agosto 1745." 1750 A.D. [838] CHINA. SERRAND (Fr. Francisco). La Chrlstiandad de Fogan, en la provincia de Fokieni, en el Imperic de China, cruelmante perseguida del impio CheuHHio-Kien Virrey (*b dioha Provincia. Relacion de las prissiones, car- celes, y tormentor que desde el dia 25 Jimio 1746, han podecido los cinco Chris- tianos de uno, y otro sexo, con un tratado del martyno del Ilmo, y Venerable Senor Don Fray Pedro Martyr Sanz, Obispo Mauricastrense. 68 pp., small 4to, new boards. Barcelona, 1750. - £5 5s A stirring account of the sufierings of the Missionaries in China. 1750 A.D. [839] A MANUSCRIPT relation of Asia dated 1750, and extending to over 1,200 peiges. 2 vols,, small thick 4to, original calf. 1750- £2 10s * * * Containing extensive remarks and notes on the History, Geography, Eeligions, Customs, Arts and Sciences, Natural Products, Present State, etc., of China (140 pp.), Japan, Siam, Philippine Islands ((over 80 pp.), East Indies, India and Ceylon (over 400 pp.), Persia (280 pp.), and the smaller States and Islands, etc. 1751 A.D. [840] INDIA. CONCEICAO (Manoel da). Relapao da ViagenH que Marquez de Tavora, Vice Rey do Estado da India, fez do porto desta Gidade de Lisboa, donde partio 28 Marco 1750, at§ o de Mozambique, aorcde portou em 22 July com 87 dias de viagemi, partindo em 22 Agosto, portou em 22 de Setembro na barra de Coa; aonde fez a sua entrada publica, e deo principio ao seu feitx governo, em huma carta, que do mesmo estado mundou. Fr. Angelo dos Serafins ao Fr. Joseph de Santa Eulalia. 8 pp., small ^to, boards. Lisbon, 1751. £4 4s 94 MAGGS BROS,, 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1751 A.D. [841] VI DAL (Manuel). A ugustinos (te Salamanca. Historia del Con- vento de S. Augustin de Dicha Ciudad. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, gilt backs. Salamanca, 1751. £6 6S Very importiant Convent Chronicle giving full accounts of the Augustine Missions in Africa, etc.; the life of Alonso de Castro, Bishop of Nueva Caceres in the Philippines; Diego de Guevara, Bishop of Camarines in the Philippines; Gregorio de Alaroom, Bishop of Nuevecaceres, Bishop-elect of Cuba; etc. In addition the life of Alvaro de Benavente, Apos- tolic Missionary to China ; Augustin de Corona, Visitor-General of Peru ; Francisco del Corral, Royal Visitor of Peru; Juan de Vivero, Councillor to Don Francisco de Toledo, Viceroy of Peru in the formation of the laws of that Empire; Martin de Rada, twice Ambassador from the King of Spain to the Emperor of China. There are many partdculars about the missionary work in the Philippines, China, Japan, etc., etc. 1753 A.D. [842] INDIA. FELICIANO DA FONSECA (Felix). RelaQao dos felicis- sitnos successes obrados na India Oriental em o Vice Reinade Marquez de Tavora. 8 Dp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 1753. £2 10s 1753 A.D. [843] TORRUBIA (Fr. Joseph). Dissertacion historico-poiitioa y geo- grafica de las Islas Phiiipenas, extension del Maliometisma en ellais, grandes estragos, que han hectio los Mindanacs, Jolves, Camucones y Confederados de esta secta en nuestros Pueblos Christianos etc. Ponese una razon com- pendiosa de los fondos y destinos del Gran Monte Piedad de la Cuidad de Manila. i2mo, calf. Madrid, 1753. £4 lOs Eetana, ''The above is written in dialogue form, and whoever wishes to study thoroughly the question of the Philippine Mahometans must consult this work, one of the best books of the talented author." 1756 A.D. [844] MARTINEZ (Fray Domingo). Compendio historico de la apos- tolica provinoia de San Gregorio d^ Philiptnas, de religiosos menores descalzos de San Francisco . . . con las vitflas, martyrios, y hechos en oomun, y en particular dte sus venerables hijos, correspondientes a la sticcesslon de k)s Trieniosi, y Missiones, dtesde su fundacion, hasta 170S. Folio, vellum. Madrid, 1756. £12 12^ The Chronicle of the Franciscan Order in the Philippines, China, Japan, and Cochin China was begun by Father Francisco dei San Antonio and printed at Sampaloc (1738-44) in three folio volumes. (See No. 823 of tBis Catalogue.) The above is an abridgment of this chronicle made by Father Domingo Martinez, Chronicler-General of the Province. It was published by Father Alexandre Ferrer, of the same Order. Book I. is devoted to the Philippine Islands. Book II. is devoted to China and Cochin China. Book 11 T. treats of Japan. iMAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. gS The Far East — continued. 1756 A.D. [845] PHILIPPINES. CARRILLO (Manuel). Breve Refaoion de las Misslones de las quatro Naciones, llamacfas Igorrotes, Tinguianes, Apayaos y Adanes, nuevamente fundadas en las Islas Philipinas. 28 pp., small 4to, handsomely bound in fjdl crushed levant morocco, g. e. Madrid, 17^^. £101«s * * * The Orighml Edition, written by the founder of these Missions, and published by Padre Miguel Vivas, Procurator-General of the Order of St. Augustine at Madrid. 1758 A.D. [846] COPE (Captain). A New History of the East-Indies. With brief Observations on the Religion, Customs, Manners and Trade of the Inhabitants. With a Description of all the Forts and Settlements of the Europeans, and the Trade carried on by the East-India Company, &c. With a map of the country. 8vo, old calf. London, 1758. £1 lOS 1761 A.D. [847] CAMBRIDGE (Richard Owen). An Account of the War in India, between the English and Frenoh, on the coast of Coromandel, from the Year 1 756 to the Year 1 766. Together with a Relation of the late Remark- able Events on the Malabar Coast, and the Expeditions to Golconda and Surat; with the Operations of the Fleet.. Compiled from Original Papers. Illustrated with maps, plans, &c. Thick 4to, old contemporary calf. London, ij^i. 16s 1769 A.D. [848] SANCHO DE SANTA JUST A Y RUFINA (Basilio). Exemplares de carta que el. Illo y Rmo. Senor D. BasiTio Sancho de Santa y Rulina Arzo- bispo de Manila, Metropolitano de las Islas Philipinas escrivio ai Muy I lustre Senor Governador, y Capitan General de las mismas, Mariscal de Campo D. Joseph Raon, con el motive de haberse efectuado por un Senor Ministro de la Real Audienoia la sufiression d^ unos Imfiressos, instructivos de la conducta, y dootrinas de los ReguJares d^ la Compania, dados al publico en Madrid Con Superior permiso y que conduxo a Philipinas la Fragata de su Magestad nonv brada La Venus; el ano de 1769; d^ Edicto. Que su Senora illustrissima mando publicar verificada la dicha supression, para aquietar las conciencias de los Fieles de su Diocesi; De respuesta en que su senoria illustrissima para in- struccion de su Pueblo, satisface a los escrupulos de cierto Theologo, que de resultas de la publicacion del Edicto le escrivio una carta censurando los Im- presses referidos. With engraved frontispiece containing a portrait of Charles III. , King of Spain, above four statues representing America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Small folio, calf. Manilla (1769). £10 16s This very interesting work refers to the suppression of pamphlets attacking the con- duct and doctrines of the Jesuits, which were published in Madrid, and brought to the Philippines in 1769, in the Spanish Frigate " La Venus." The Archbishop wished the suppression of the pamphlets to be discontinued, which caused much trouble among the public. q6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. The Far East — continued. 1770 A.D. [849] DE GUIGNES. Le Chou-King, en des livres sacr^s des Chinois, qui renferme les fondbmants de leur ancienna histoire, Its principes de leur gouverneinetit, et de leur morale, oievrage recueilli par Cenfucius^ traduit par Gaubil, missionaire a la Chine. With several folding plates of Chinese antiques, musical instruments, etc. 4to, old calf. Paris, 1770. £3 3s 1774 A.D. [850] PHIPPS AND LUDWIDGE. The Journal of a Voyage undertaken by order of his present ^Majesty for making discoveries towards the North Pole In his Majesty's sloops Racehorse and Carcase. To which is prefixed an account of the several voyages imdertaken for the discovery of a North-East passage to China and Japan. With folding maps and a plate " A View of the Whale-Fishery." 8vo, half calf. London, 1774. £3 3s 1774 A.D. [851] STAEHLIN (J.). An account of tiie new northern Archipelago, lately discovered by the Russians, in the Seas of Kamtschatka, and Anadir. With folding map. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1774. £3 lOs 1778 A.D. [852] BARROS (Joao de), and DIOGO DO COUTO. Da Asia. Nova Edicao. 24 vols., small 8vo, old calf, gilt backs. With maps and three portraits. Lisbon, Regia Officina Tyfografica, 1778-1788. £12 12s The best) account of the early discoveries of the Portuguese in Asia. In this edition all that appeared of the original worlc has been reprinted and the missing portions supplied from other sources. First collective edition of all the Decades of Barros and Couto. The tenth and eleventh decades were first published in the above edition. The eleventh decade, by Diogo do Couto, the original manuscript of which ihas disappeared and has not been recovered, consists of a resume of " Feitos que os Portuguezes fizeram no descobrimento dos mares, e conquistas das terras do Oriente, em quanto governaram a India Manoel de Souza Coutinho, e Mathias de Alboquerque. The work is divided up as follows : — Vols. 1 — 8. Jcia de Barros' 4 Decades. Vol. 9. Life of J. de Barros, by Manoel Severin de Faria, and general index to the four Decades of his " Asia.'' Vols. 10 — 23. Life of Diogo do Coiito and his eleven " Decades." Vol. 24. General Index to Couto's Decades. Podrigues, Bibliotheca Brasiliana, No. 351. I MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, 97 The Far East — continued. 1778 A.D. [853] GRAMATIGA INDOSTANA a mais vulgar que se practica no Imperio do gram mogol. Rome, 1778. Bound up with : — GRAMATIGA MARASTTA a mais vulgar que se practica nos Reinos do Nizamaxa, e Idalxa. Rome, 177^. 2 vols, in I, 8vo, half bound. £12 12S Both Grammars are intended for bhe use of Missionaries in India. 1778 A.D. [854] DEFENGES OF GEORGE STRATTON, ESQ.; and the Majority of Gouncil at Madras, in answer to the Accusation brought against them for the supposed murder of Lord Pigot. Containing also a concise Narrative of the Proceedings of Lord Pigot, which occasioned his Arrest and Suspension from the Government; stating the conduct of the different Parties on that Occa- sion, with their motives for continuing his Lordship under Restraint; and shew- ing the Nature of that Restraint. Likewise the Separate Defence of Brigadier- General Stuart, for himself, and for the Military under his Command. 4to, original ivraffers, uncut. London, 1778. £1 5s 1781-2 A.D. [855] MUNRO (Major-General Sir Hector). Three Of his Letter books, from Oct. 7, 1781, to Jan. 13, 1782, covering the period in which he was in command of the Operations against the Dutch Settlements in Tanjore, which finally resulted in his capture of Negapatam after a month's siege on Nov. 12, 1781. Three vols., thick folio, boards. £25 *** Comprising copies of the letters sent by General Munro to the various command- ing officers of the neighbouring garrisons and outposts of the Southern Army, and copies of their letters sent to him. The greater number are written to, or received from. Col. Brath- waite, who was left in charge of Tanjore while Munro was sieging Negapatam. Col. Brath- waite, a few weeks after the close of these letters, was entirely defeated by Tippoo Sahib, on the banks of the Colerun, in Feb., 1782. Comprising in all 250 letters concerning this campaign, containing many very interest- ing accounts of the capture of the various forts and towns, and of the trouble over obtaining pay and rations for the trocips, and of the various negotiations with the Eajah of Tanjore. The majority of the letters are addressed to Munro, or sent by him while in camp before Negapatam,, or in the town after its captmre. 98 MAGPxS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, The Far East — continued. 1784-1813 A.D. [856] TWINING (Richard). Collection of 11 pamphlets dealing with Indian Matters. In I vol., old half calf. London, 1784-1813. £2 15S Comprising : — Substance of a Si)e6ch on the Impropriety of allowing the Directors of the East India Co. to trade to or from India, in their private capacities. An answer to the Second Eeport of the East India Directors, respecting the Sale and Prices of Tea. Obser- vations on the Expediency of making a by-law to prevent the sale of the Commands of E. India Ships. An Enquiry into the true state of the ciuestion of Free Trade with India. Two letters occasioned by Mr. Twining's late letter urging the Suppression of the Scriptures, and the recall of the Missionaries from India. Observations relative to the Renewal of the East India Co.'s Charter. Letter to the President of the Board of Control on the Propagation of Chris- tianity in India. Lettier on the Danger of Interfering in the Religionas Opinions of the Nsitives of India. Etv. 1785 A.D. [857] CEDULA, Real, de Ereccion de la Compania da Filipinas de 10 de Marzo de 1785. Printed upon thick paper. T Small folio, blue morocco , with Arms of Spain on sides, g. e. Madrid, Ibarra, 1785. , £3 3s 1786-1799 A.D. [858] COLLECTION of 21 views of Indian Scenery. Including:— Anburey (Thos). Hinitoostan Scenery, consisting of twelve Select Views in India, drawn during the Campaign of the Marquis of Cornwallis, showing the difficulty of a March thro' the Gundecotta Pass. Collection of 12 fine coloured aquatints, engraved by Francis Tukes. London, 1799. Home (Mr.). Six Views of Seringapatam and District. Collection of 6 fine coloured aquatints, engraved by Mr. Stadler, with letterpress description. London, 1796. Hodges (W.). Pair of Engravings, with letterpress description in Eng- lish and French. Gate of the Tomb of the Emperor Akbar at Secundra, and Tomb of the Emperor Shere Shah at Sasseram in Behar. London, Morris, 1786. Fortifieft Island on the Malabar Coast belonging to Tippoo Sultan, cap- tured by H.M.S. Minerva and Thames. Small coloured aquatmt, 12 inches by 6 inches. London, F. Tukes, March 1794. In I vol., large oblong folio, half morocco. London, 1 786-1 799. £36 f MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. gg The Far East — continued. 1787 A.D. [859] STEWART (Robert, Capt.). Narrative of a Transaction which passed in Bengal in 1782-3 between James Fraser, Esq., and the Executors of the late Lieutenant Colonel Hannay. 4to, wrappers, uncut. 1787. £1 5S 1788 A.D. [860] JUAN DE LA CONCEPCION. Historia general de Philipinas. Conquistas espirituales y temporales de estos Espanoles Dominios, estableci- mientos Progresses, y Decadencias, con noticias universales geographicas, hidrographicas, de H;storia natural, de politica, de Costumbres y de religiones. With 10 folding maps, many by Bagay. 14 vols., 4to, Spanish calf, gilt backs. Manilla, 1788-1792. £21 This invaluable work is the best and most extensive history of the Philippines that has yet been written; it is at the same time the best chronicle of the Augustinian Monks, who settled in the Islands since their first discovery, as well as of their important missions in China and Japan. The work has served as the source for many modern writers on the same subject. The author. Father Juan de la Concepcion, died a year before his bock began to be printed. Its publication was due to Father Joachim de la Virgen de Sopetran, Pro- vincial of the Province of St. Nicholas. The author was born in Madrid on July 1, 1724, and after his education at home he went to the Philippine Islands, where he lectured in Arts and Theology. He became the Provincial Prior and the Chronicler of the Province, Synodal Examiner to the Archbishop of Manila, and Provisor of the Bishop of Nueva Segovia. He returned sick to the city of Manilla, where he died in 1787. Tavera, No. 687, can only quc^e three copies of this Manila-printed book — one in his own library, one in the British Museum, and one at the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. The maps include the following: — Map of Japan, by Bagay; Map of Formosa, by Balagtas; Map of the Island of Guahan, by Phel. Sevilla; Map of Seipan and Tinian, by Phel. Sevilla; Map of the Caroline Isles, by Bagay; and the famous large map of the Philip- pine Isles by the Jesuit Murillo Velarde, engraved by Bagay in 1744. 1790 A.D. [86 1 ] COUTO (Diogo do). ObservaQoes sobre as principaes causas da Decadencia dos Portuguezes na Asia escritas por Diogo do Couto, em forma de Dialogo, com titulo de Soldado Practico publicadas por Antonio Caetano do Antaral. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Lisbon, 1790. 18s loo MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. The Far East — continued. 1790-1805 A. D. [862] MOOR (Capt. Edward, author of the " Hindu Pantheon.") Four MS. CO^mmOfiplace books, in the autograph of Capt. Edw. Moor, each contain- ing over 80 pages of closely written manuscript on rice paper. 4 vols., small folio, boards. Circa 1790-1805. " £2 2s * * * ContainiHg material for his " Narrative of the Operations of Capt. Little's Detachment against the Nawab Tippoo Sultan Bahadur," also much information used later in his " Hindu Pantheon," as well as many private notes, extracts, and other matters of Indian interest 1792-3 A.D. Original Manuscript. [863] MOOR (Capt. Edward, author of "The Hindu Pantheon.") A Narrative of the Operations of Captain Little's Detachment and of the Mah- ratta Army commande^fl by Purseram Bhow cfuring the late Confetteracy in India against the Nawab Tippoo Sultan Bahadur, etc. Large folio, full vellum. 1792-3. £10 lOs * * * Being the preliminary rough manuscript, containing in addition a mass of extra information concerning^ Indian, affairs in general, taken from his owui observatioas or copied from other works and sources, much of which he used later in his " Hindu Pantheon." In 1790, on the outbreak of war, Moor, in command of a Grenadier company, joined the Brigade under Capt. John Little and greatly distinguished himself, notably at the siege and assault of Dharwar, and at the battle o(f Gadjmoor, where he was T>adily wounded, and returned home on sick leave. This account was written during his consequent leisure, and was published in London in 1749. 1792 A.D. [864] FORREST (T.). A voyage from Calcutta to the Mergut Archi- pelago^ lying on the east side of the Bay of Bengal; Describing a Chain of Islands, never before surveyed, that form a Strait on that Side of the Bay, 125 miles in length, and from 20 to 30 miles in breadth; with good Mud Sound- ings and regular Tides throughout; which Strait lying nearly North and South, any ship may work up against the South-West Monsoon, and so get out of the Bay of Bengal, when otherwise, she might be locked up for the Season. Also, An account of the Islands Jan Sylan, Pulo Pinang, and the Port of Queda; the present State of Atcheen; and directions for sailing thence to Fort Marlbro' down the South-West Coast of Sumatra; to which are added. An account of the Island Celebes; a Treatise on the Monsoons in India; a Proposal for making Ships and Vessels more convenient for the Accommodation of Passengers, and Thoughts on a new Mode of preserving Ship Provision; Also, an idea of making a map of the world on a large scale. With portrait, folding maps and views. 4to, calf. London, 17Q2. £1 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, loi The Far East — continued. 1792 A.D. [865] BEM (Thomaz Caetano de). Memorias historicas chronologicas da sagrada religiao dos cierigos regulares em Portugal, e suas conquistas na India Oriental. 2 vols., folio, calf, gilt hacks. Lisbon, 1792-1796. £6 6s Very important Avork for the history of the early Portuguese missionaries in Japan, India and China. 1792 A.D. [866] PROCEEDINGS relative to Ships tendered for the Service of the United East-India Co^mpany, from March 31st, 1791, to March 21st, 1792; with an Appendix. Folio, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1792. 15s 1793 A.D. [867] (MARIA IGNACIA AZLOR Y ECHEVERZ). Relacion historica de la fundacion de este convento de Nuestra Senora d^l Pilar, Compania de Maria, llamada vulgarmente la Ensenanza, en esta ciudad de Mexico^ y com- pendio de la vida y virtudes de N.M.R.M. Maria Ignacia Azior y Eoheverez, su fundadora y patrona. With full-plate engraving of the lady. 4to, calf: Mexico ,^ lygS. £4 4s Title reads (in translation) : — " Historical relation of the foundation of the Convent of our Lady of Pilar, of the Order of Mary, ordinarily called ' La Ensenanza,'' in the city of Mexico, and a compendium of the life and. virtues of its foundress and patroness, Maria Ignacia Azlor y Echeverez." 1795 A.D. [868] INDIA. British India Analyzed: The Provincial and Revenue Establishments of Tippoo Sultann, and of Mahomedan and British Conquerors in Hindostan, stated and considered. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, Printed for R. Faulder, 1795. £1 1s 1796 A.D, [869] PROCEEDINGS of the Court of Directors of the East-India Com- pany, on the subject of recruiting the Company's European Army in India. 4to, wrappers, uncut. (London, 1796). 15s 102 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — contmued. 1796 A.D. [870] EXTRACTS of Letters ami Papers received by the Court of Directors from India respecting Freight. Folio, 280 pp., unbound. {London, 1796). £1 5s 1796 A.D. [871] OBSERVATIONS of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the East-India Company on the proposal of enacting a By-Law to restrain the Sale of Commands of Ships in the Service of the Company. Folio, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1796. . 15s 1796 A.D. [872J REPORTS from the Court of Directors of the East-India Company to the General Court respecting the shipping concerns of the Company, with the papers therein referred to. Folio, original wrappers, uncut. {London, 1796). 15s 1796 A.D. [873] PAPERS respecting the Shipping Concerns of the East-India Company. Folio, original wrappers^ uncut. 'London, 1796. 15s •** I. Letter from Rt. Hon. I[y. Dundas to Sir Stephen Lushington. II. Observations of Court of Directors on dissent of Jacol) Bosanquet and J. Eoberts. III. Letter from the Manag^ing Owiuers of Shipping. IV. Remarks of the Court of Directors on the above letter. Also, the Dissent delivered by Jacob Bosanquet and John Eoberts at a Court of Directors, Feb. 26, 1796. 1796 A.D. [874] OBSERVATIONS of the Court of Directors on a Letter from the Managing owners of East-India Shipping. Folio, unbound. London, 1796. 7s 6d * * * Concerning charges for freight and insurance to India and China. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 103 The Far East — continued. 1S00 A.D. [875] SYMES (Michael). An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava (Burma), sent by the Governor-General of India, in the year 1795. With numerous maps, views, and costume plates. First Edition. Thick 4to, original calf, gilt. London, 1800. £2 106 Fine Copy. 1800 A.D. [876] SYMES (Michael). An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava (Burma), sent by the Governor-General of India, in the Year 1795. With numerous maps, views, and costume plates. Thick 4to, original calf. London, 1800. £2 lOs 1800 A.D. [877] VENTURA DE SALDANHA (Caetano). Rellagao das Missoes das llhas de Sumatra^ e Borneo, e dos Reinos de Golconda e Visnagar, fonda- das pelos Religiosos Theatinos, e despoils de diversas por muitos annos restabelicidas aigumas, e conservadas se o prezente pelo Religiosos da mesma Ordem Goanos para maior gloria de Decs, exalta^ad da Santa Fe, e extens9.o do Dereito Padroada de sua Magestad. MS. clearly written on 20 pages of paper and signed by the author at end. Folio, boards. Goa, 1800. £10 10s 1801 A.D. With the Painted Arms of Napoleon's Marshall, Joachim Murat, AS Grand Admiral of France. [878] JOACHIM MURAT (1767 1 81 5) TAYLOR. Lettres Politiques, Commerciales et litteraires sur I'lnde. Ou vues et interets de I'Angleterre rela- tivement a la Russie a THindustan et a I'Egypte, dediees a M. Dimdas, Ministre de la Guerre a Londres. 8vo, contemporary French calf, fully gilt back, festooned borders on Side, inside dentelles, with the fainted Arms on sides heightened in gold and colours of ] oachim Murat, Grand Admiral of France and Marshal of Nafoleon. Paris, 1 801. (See Illustration, Plate No. XVI.). £52 10s I'AiXTED Arms of the Epoch of Napoleon are almost unknown. The Arms of Joachim MrRAT, who became at a L.ATEB DATE GrAND DcKE OF ClEVES AND BeKG, KiNG OF THE TWO SlCILIES A\D King of Naples, are reproduced in the Armorial du Premikr EmpipvSE, published by the Viscount Reverend and thf Comtb V'illeroy. Books with the Arms of Joachim Murat as Urand .Admiral of France are of exceeding rarity. 104 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, The Far East — continued. 1801 A.D. [S/g] MOOR rCapt. Edw., author of " The Hindu Pantheon.") A Com- pilation Of all the Government and General, Brigade and Garrison Orders, Commands of the Hon. Company, Minutes of Council, or Regulations^ from whatever authority promulgated, from 1750 to 1801, that are now m force and operating on the Discipline or Expenditure of the Bombay Army. Small thick folio, original calf. Bombay, 1801. ' " £1 1s 1803 A.D. [880] OR ME (Robert). History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the Year 1745. To which is prefixed a dis- sertation on the Establishments made by Mahomedan Conquerors in Indostan. 3 vols, in 2. Fourth Edition, revised by the Author. Thick 4to, full original tree calf. London, 1803. £2 lOs *** With numerous maps and plans and the large folding- vie^v of Callcutta in 1756. 1803 A.D. [881] FRANCKLSN (W.). Military memoirs of Mr. George Thomas, who by extraordinary talents and enterprize, rose from an obscure situation to the rank of a general, in the service of the native powers in the north-west of India. With geographical and statistical accounts of several of the States composing the interior of the Peninsula, especially the countries of Jypoor, Joudpoor. and Oudipoor, by geographers denominated Rajpootaneh, the Seiks of Punjub, the territory of Beykaneer. and the country adjoining the great desert westward of Hurrianeh. Compiled and arranged from Mr. Thomas's original documents. With portrait, plate and map. 4to, ivrappers. ■ Calcutta, -printed for the author at the Hurkaru Press, 1803. £3 3s 1803 A.D. [882I AN ACT to enable the East India Company to defray the Expences of certain Volunteer Corps raised by the said Company. Folio, unbound. London, 1803. 5s • 1803 A.D. [883I AN ACT to regulate the Bonds issued by the East-India Company, with respect to the rate of interest, and the Duty payable thereon. Small folio, unbound. London, 1803. 5s Plate XiV. TRATADO DAS BATALHAS , E SUCESSOS DOGALEAM SANTIAGO Com OS Olandet^s m Ilh^ de Sarua £lena, Eda Nao Chagas com os Inglczes cntre asllhas dos Aforcs: ambas Capicanias da carrcyra da India, & da caura,& defaftres, porque em vintc annos fe perderao crin- xa,&oyto Naos dclla. Efcrito por 5\delchior EJlacio do Jmaral. NaOfficina de Antonio Alvares. SVoJnnodei60^. Title Page, of Amaral's Tratado do Batalhas e Sucessos. Lisbon, l(j04. The Original Portuguese Account of the First Expedition to India sent out by the English East India Company. See Item No. 710. Plate XV. RELAGION DEL M AKTIRIO DEL B.P.F.AlonfoNauarrctejdclaOrdcaj* de Predicadores^Y de fu Companero el B.P.F.Her- nando de S.Iorcph,de la Orden de S, Aguftin, Enlapon. Anoi^iy. ORDENADA POR EL P.F.Domingo Gon^aleZjdelaOrdeCL^ de Predicadorcs, Comilfario del Santo Oficio en el Arcobifpado de Manila, En Philippinas, Conlicencia, EnPHILIPPINAS,Anoi5i8. Por Antonio Damba impreflbr de libros, PREAMBVLO. ^r|^^ N T R E los ejccelentlfsiinos Mlfterios de ^l^^r la Religion Ghriftiana , (in cotroucrfia al- I^^ipSS. guna es dertOjq el iugar fupremo alcanna laPafsiS y Muertede nueftroMaeftro CHRISTO, y principalmentc fe confirma con el martirio> y vl- toria defus esfor^ados foldados los Martires ^ cuyo A nu^ Title of Morales' Eelacion del Martirio del P. F. Alonso Navarrete en Japon. Printied in (he Philippines in 1618. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 105 The Far East — continued. 1803 A.D. [884] AN ACT to explain anil amend an Act; passed in the Thirty-ninth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act for regulating the Manner in which the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, shall hire and take up Ships for their regular Service; to continue until the Twenty-fifth Day of March, 1806. Small folio, unbound. London, 1803. 5S 1803-10 A.D. [885] MOOR (Captain Edward). Manuscript in tiie autograph of Capt. Ed. Moor extending to about 400 pages, being the collection of Indian Mis- cellanies for his " Hindu Pantheon." Thick folio, vellum. Circa 1803-18 10. £15 15s * * * On the first page. Moor has written " The Hindu Panthpon — an introduction to the Religion, M3'thology, and Philosophy of the Hindoos." The collection represents his infoTma'tion collected from aHl sources, from his own observation, from various books, from corresipondents, etc., on various matters of Indian Interest in preparation for the publication of his "Hindu Pantheon." 1804 A.D. [886] HUNTER (Wm.). An Essay on the Diseases incident to Indian Seamen, or Lascars, on Long Voyages. With large folding plan. Folio, calf. Calcutta, Printed at the Honorable Company's Press, 1804. £2 lOS 1805 A.D. [887] COPIES of all* Treaties, Engagements, or Correspondence, between the British Government in India and the King or Mogul at Delhi, or with his Ministers, subsequent to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Bassein; so far as the same may be disclosed without Prejudice to the Public Service. Folio, unbound. London, 1805. 15s *** Mostly letters between Marquis Wellesley, General Lake, and his Majesty Shah Allum. 1805 A.D. [888] HUDLESTON (John). Substance of a Speech delivered in the House of Commons on Friday, April 5th, 1805, on the motion of Philip Francis " That this House adheres to the principles established by its unanimous Reso- lution .... that to pursue schemes of conquest and aggrandizement in India is repugnant to the wish, the honor, and the policy of this Country." , 8vo, wrappers. London, 1805. 15s io6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W The Far East — continued. 1806 A.D. [889] WELLESLEY (Marquis) Minutes of the Evidence talten before the Committee of the Whole House, to whom it was referred to consider of the Article of Charge of High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed by Marquis Wellesley, in his Transactions with respect to the Nabob Vizier of Oude. Folio, unbomid. London, 1806. ' £1 5s *** Containing itlie examinations of Lord Teignmouth, George Johnstone, Sir Ailmetl Clarke, Wm. Cowper, J. Eyley, Major Ousley, Lt.-Col. Ed. Baynes, Hy. Strachey, Capt. J. Salmon, Major Gen. St. Leger, Gen. Sir James Hy Craig. 1806 A.D. [890] ARTICLE of charge of high crimes ancf misdemeanors committed by Richard Colley Marquis Wellesley, m his transactions with respect to the Nabob Vizier of Oude. Folio. London, 1806. lOs 6d 1808 A.D. [891] COREA. COUVEA (Alexandre de, Bishop of Pekin}. Carta ^Q excel lentissi mo e reverendissimo Bispo de Pekim ao BIspo de Calandro, Sobre a introduc^ao e progresses do Christiamsmo na Peninsula da Corea 1 784 ao 1797. i2mo, calf. Lisbon, 1808. £10 lOs *** Concerning the introduction of Christianity into Corea. 1810 A.D. Original Water-Colour Drawings. [892] LAURANCE (Lieut. Geo. Bell, R.N., Commander of H.M.S. Gipsey). 138 Finely Executed Original Water-Colour Drawings of Views, on the various Coasts of England, France, Spain, Italy, West Indies, China, etc. Various sizes from 4I by 2f to \o\ by 'j\. Folio, half red morocco. Circa 1810. £16 16s C( >mprising views ot :— Penzance. Ushant. Needles. Lisbon. Teneriffe. Gibraltar. Macao. Etc., etc Cape St. Vincent. Castle of Lipari. View of Ceuia. Etna. Messina. Taorioninum. H.M.S. Gipsey off the Petions, W. Indies MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 107 The Far East — continued. 1810 A.D. [893] THE BOMBAY MAGAZINE. Nos. 2-6. Five numbers, 4to, on rice fa-per, original wrappers. Bombay, printed for the proprietor by Manoel da Cruz, Gazette Press, Aug. -Dec, 1 8 10. £1 5s 1810 A.D. [894] PAPERS relating to East India Affairs. (Madras Army). Small thick folio, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1810. lOs 6d * * * Comprising : — Publication of General orders by Lieut.-Gen., M'Dowalll, 1809. Letters from the Gov. in Count-il at Fort St. George to Directors of E. India Co., to the Seicret Committee of the Couirt of Directors, and varion* enclosures, etc. Concerning serious trouble between the Government in India, the E. India Company's representatives, and the officers and me» of the Army. 1811 A.D. [895] MOOR (Edward, F.R.S.). Hindu Infanticide. An Account of the Measures adopted for suppressing the practice of the Systematic Murder by their parents of Female Infants; with incidental remarks on other customs peculiar to the Natives of India. Edited, with notes and illustrations, by Ed. Moor, author of the " Hindu Pantheon." Large folding map. 4to, full contemporary russia, back and sides tooled with full-length figures of Indian Deities. London, 181 1. £4 4s 1813 A.D. [896] FORBES (James). Oriental Memoirs: selected and abridged from a Series of Familiar Letters written during Seventeen Years' Residence in India: including observations on Parts of Africa and South America, and a Narrative of occurrences in four India Voyages. With 122 fine plates, including the 27 plates from Daniell's Oriental Scenery. The Plates of Natural History subjects are very finely executed in colours. 4 vols., royal 4to, half morocco, uncut. London, 1813. £6 lOS io8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1S13 A.D. ^ [897] DOYLEY (Charles). Th© European in India; from a collection of Drawings by Charles Doyley, Esq., engraved by J. H. Clark and C, Dubourg; with a Preface and copious Descriptions, by Captain Thomas Williamson; accompanied with a brief History of Ancient and Modern India, from the earliest periods of Antiquity to the termination cf the late Mahratta War, by F. W. Blagdon, Esq. Illustrated with 20 fine coloured plates. 4to, contemporary straight-grained morocco, gilt, g. e. London, 1S13. £6 15s 1813 A.D. [898] MINUTES OF EVIDENCE taken before The Honourable House of Commons in a Committee of the whole House, to whom it was referred to consider of the Affairs of the East-India Company, relating to their Trade and Shipping, and the renewal of their Charter. 4to, 272 pp., unbound. London, 18 13. 18s * * * Containing the examination of and 'the various questions put to Warren Hastingfs, Et. Hon. Lord Teignmouth, VVim. Cowper, Thos. Graham, Lieut.-Col. Sir J. Malcolm, Major-Gen. AIpx. Kyd, Wm. Young, David Haliburton, CoH. Thos. Mumro, etc., with their ansiwers. 1814 A.D. [899] THE JAVA Annual Directory and Almanac for 1814, to which is added a list of European inhabitants not m the service of Government. 4to, roan. Batavia, printed by A. H. Hubbard, at the Government Press, 18 14. 10s 6d The first publication of the kind m the English language on the Island of Java. The Hon. T. S. Raffles' copy. 1814 A.D. [900] WATHEN Q.). Journal of a voyage in 1811 and 1812 to Madras, in China, returning by the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena, in the H.C.S. " The Hope," Captain James Pendergrass. With 24 aquatints in colour, from drawings by the author. 4to, boards. London, 1S14. £3 3S MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 109 The Far East — continued. 1814 A.D. L901] RAFFLES (Hon. Thos. Stamford). Substance of a Minute re- corded by Lieut.-Govemor of Java and its Dependencies, wi the 11th Feb- ruary, 1814; on the Introduction of an improved System of Internal Manage- ment and Establishment of a Land Rental on the Island of Java. First Edition. 4to, half calf, 293 pp. Privately Printed, London, 18 14. £2 2s * * * Presentation Copy from Raffles ographiy of Bishnath^ an«l its immedSate neighbourhood; with an Account of the Diseases generally prevailing in Assam. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Calcutta, 1837. 10s 6d 1838 A.D. [930] BURFORD (Robert). Description of a View of Canton, the River Tigress, and the surrounding country; now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square. Folding plate containing two panoramic views, and 16 pp. of text. 8vo, new boards. London, 1838. lOlS 6d 1840 A.D. [931] BURFORD (Robert). Description of a View of The Holy City oi Benares, and the Sacred Ganges. Now Exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square. From drawings taken by Capt. Robert Smith. Large folding plate containing two panoramic views and 12 pp. text. 8vo, new boards. London, 1840. lOs 6d 1842 A.D. [932] MACKENZIE (Keith Stewart). Narrative of the Second Cam- paign in China. With folding plan of the Operations. 8vo, or i gifted cloth. London, 1842. 58 Il6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1842 A.D. [933] CODINHO (Manuel). Rela^ao do Novo Camittho que fez poi* terra e Mar, vindo da India para Portugal no anno de 1663. Segunda Edicao. 8vo, half morocco. Lisbon, 1842. £1 5s * * * The author gives interesting and minute details of his return home from India to Portugal in 1663 via India, Persia, Bassorah, Arabia Felix and Deserta, Mesopotamia, Aleppo, Turkey, etc. 1843 A.D. [934] ELPHINSTONE (Mountstuart). The History of India. Second Edition. With large folding map. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1843. 15s 1S43 A.D. [935] LANGDON (Wm. B.). A Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Collection, now exhibiting at Saint George's Place, Hyde Park Corner, with condensed accounts of the Genius, Government, History, Literature, Agricul- ture, Arts, Trade, Manners, Customs and Social Life of the People of the Celestial Empire. Plates. Svo, original cloth. London, 1843. *S 6d 1843 A.D. [936] CASTRQi (Joao de). Primelro rotaeiro da Costa da India desde Goa ate dio, 1538-1539, via^^nt do vicerei Garcia de Noronha, segundo M.S. autographo, publicado por Kopke. With portrait and facsimiles of the MS. and of the charts and maps. 2 vols, in I, royal Svo. Porto, 1843. £10 10s 1844 A.D. [937] KINGLAKE (A. W.). Eothen; or, Traces of Travel brought home from the East. 2 coloured plates. First Edition. Svo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1844. £4 5S MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 117 The Far East — continued. 1844 A.D. [938] SLEEMAN (Lieut-Col. W. H.). Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official. Chromo-lithographs. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1844. £2 12s 6d 1846 A.D. [939] GUCLIELMOTI. Memorias de las mision«s Catolicas en el Tonkin, noticias braves de la perseoucion que en aquel reino ha sufrido el CatoJicismo, y de los martirios de los misioneros de la Orden de 8anto DomtngO. Traducidas al Espanol por el P. F. Manuel Amado. 8vo, calf. Madrid, 1846. £1 lOs 1847 A.D. [940] FORTUNE (Robert). Three Years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, including a visit to the tea,, silk, and cotton countries : with an account of the Agriculture and Horticulture of the Chinese. Second Edition with appendix. With numerous plates and illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1847. 5s « 1849 A.D. [941] DUNLOP (J.). Mooltan, during and after the siege, being 21 drawings from sketches taken on the spot by John Dunlop, and lithographed in tints by Andrew Maclure. With a descriptive and historical account of the siege. Folio, original cloth. London, 1849. £1 15s 1849 A.D. [942] BURFORD (Robert). Description of a View of the Valley and City of Cashmere, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square. From drawings taken in 1835 by G. T. Vigne, F.G.S. Folding plate containing two Panoramic views, and 15 pp. text. 8vo, new boards. London, 1849. lOs 6d uS MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1851 A.D. [943] EDWARDES (H. B). A year on the Punjab frontier in 1848-49. With map, plates and portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, full polished calf, gilt backs. London, 1851. 15s 1854 A.D. [944] MARKHAM (Col. F.). Shooting in the Himalayas, a journey of Sporting Adventures and Travel in Chinese Tartary, Ladac, Thibet, Cash- mere, etc. Map, 8 plates and woodcuts. First Edition. Royal 8vo, original cloth. London, 1854. £2 2s 1854 A.D. [945] HOOKER (Joseph Dalton, M.D., R.N., F.R.S.). Himalayan Journals; or, Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Hima- layas, The Khasia Mountains, etc. With 12 coloured plates, 2 large plates, and 80 other illustrations. First Edition. 2 vols., original cloth, uncut. London, 1854. - £1 15s Very fin© copy. 1855 A.D. [946] HUERTA (F.). Estado geografico, topografico, estadistico, historioo-relfgioso De la Santa y Apostolica Provincia cte 8. Gregorio Magno, de religiosos menores descalzos de la regular y mas estreoha observacia de N.S.P.S. Francisco en las Islas FMipanas; comprende el numero de Religio- sos, Conventos, Pueblos, situacion de estos, anos de su fundacion, Tributos, Almas, productiones, industria, cosas y casos especiales de su administacion espiritual. en el Archipielago Filipino, desde su fundacion en el ano de 1577 hasta el de 1853. With large folding plan. 8vo, half morocco. Manilla, 1855. £1 5s 1856 A.D. (947] LODWICK (R. W.). Humorous Sketches of the World we live in. Series of 150 humourous sketches of life in India. Large 4to, original cloth. Bombay, 1856. £4 4s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 119 The Far East — continued 1858 A.D. [948] MANUEL DE RIVAS (Padre Fray), a Dominican. Idea del Im- perio de Annam, de lOs Remos Unidos de Tunquin y Cochinchina. 8vo, roan. Manilla, 1858. £1 lOs Contains chapters on the taxes paid to the Emperor of Annam, fishing and hunting in Tonkin, 'religion, superstitions and m9,rriagie customs of the Annamese. Introduction, Propagation and Persecution of Christianity in Annam, and the Martyrs of the Annamese Church. 1858 A.D. [949] THORNHILL (H. B. T.). Rough Notes of an Excursion to the Soonderdoongee Glacier In the Himalaya Mountains, during the Autumn of 1848. 8vo, cloth. London, Privately Printed, 1858. • lOs 6d 1860 A.D. [950] ATKINSON (Capt. G.). Curry and Rice (on Forty tinted Plates) or the ingredients of Social Life at " Our " Station in India. First Edition. 4to, cloth, gilt decorations, g. e. London {about i860). £3 3s 1862 A.D. [951] NENCLARES (E. M. de). Vidas do los Martires del Japon, San Pedro Bautista, San Martin de la Ascencion, San Francisco Blanco y San Francisco de San Miguel, todos de la orden San Francisco naturales de Espana, seguida de una resenai btografica de los 22 restantes no Espandes. With numerous plates of the martyrs. 8vo, half roan. Madrid, 1862. £2 2s 1864 A.D. [952] BLEECK (A. H). Avesta, the religious books of the Parsees; from Professor Spiegel's German translation of the original manuscript. 3 vols, in I, 8vo, cloth. Hertford, 1864. £1 lOs (20 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, VV. --—*._-,, The Far East — cordmued. 1864 A.D. - [953] MOUHOT (H.!. Travels in the central parts of Indo^China (Slant), Cambodia, and Laos, during the years 1858, 1859 and 1860. With map, plates and portrait. 2 vols., 8\^o, cloth. London, 1864. , - 12s 6d 1864 A.D. [954] HOOKER (J. D.). Himalayan journals; or notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, etc. With maps and illustrations (many tinted^. 2 vols., Svo, half morocco, t. e. g. London, 1864. £1 lOs 1864 A.D. [955] CANO (G.). Catalogo de los religiosos de N.P.S. Agustin de la Provincia del nomtire dte Jesus d& Filipinas desde su estabiei^imerdo en estas Islas Hasta Nuestros Dias, con Algunos dates biograficos de lois Mismos. 8vo, calf. Manilla, 1864. £1 lOs Contains a list of all the Augustinian missionaries to the Philippines from 1565-1864. 1865 A.D. [956] L. (H. A, " The Old Shekarry "). The Hunting Grounds of the Old World. With seven lithographic plates of hunting scenes. Third Edition. Thick 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1865. 16s 6d *** Part 1., India; Section I., the Deccan. II., Southern India. III.j The Mountain Ranges. IV., The Himalayas. Part II., Circassiav Part III., Fire-Arms. 1866 A.D. [957] EDEN (Hon. Emily). " Up the Country." Letters written to her sister from the upper provinces of India. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1866. 16s 6d 1867 A.D. [958] WHEELER (J. T.). The History of India from the earliest ages. With maps. 5 vols, in 4, 8vo, half calf. London, 1867- 1876. £5 5s l-LAlil. .^.Vi. 'I'aylor, Lettbes sue l'Inde. Bound for Napoleon's ^Farshall, Joachim Murat (KiiiK of Naples), Grand Admiral of France, Woodcut (greatly reduced) from Caouksin. Stabilimenta Ehodiorum milit-um sacri ordinis Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Hierosolymitani, MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 121 The Far East — continued. 1869 A.D. [959] FERRARI (Joseph). La Chine et I'Europe, leur Histoire et leurs traditions compares. Thick post 8vo, full green calf, g. e. Paris, 1869. 10s 6tl 1870 A.D. [960I FERRANDO (Juan) and JOAQUIN FONSECA. Historia de los Padres Dominlcos en las Islas Filipinas y en sus milsiones del Japon, China, Tung- Kin y Formosa, que oomprende los suoesos prinoipales de la historia general de este Archipielago desde el descubrimiento y conquista de estas islas por las flotas e^anolas hasta 1840. Obra original e inedita, del R.P. Fr. Juan Ferrando corregida por R.P. Fr. Joaquin Fonseca. Con un apendice hasta nuestros dias. With plate and plan. 6 vols., thick 8vo, half roan. Madrid, 1 870-1 872. £6 lOs 1870 A.D. [961] ABREU (G. de Vasconcellos). Colieotion of 15 of his pamphlets. 2 vols., 4to, full vellum. Circa 1870- 1890. £2 lOs * * * With an interesting presentation inscription in each volume, signed by the Author. Comprising: — De I'origine probable des Toukhares et leurs migrations a travers I'Asie. With 2 illustrations. 32 pp. Lisbon, 1880. Para Commenora^ao do tricentenario de Camoes. Fragmentos d'uma tentativa de Estudo Scoliastico da Epopeia Portugueza. 80 pp. Lisbon, 1880. Passos dos Lusiadas. Estudadcs a luz da mitolojia e do Orientalismo 85 pp. Lisbon, 1892. Principios Elementares da Grammatica da Lingua Saoskrita. Parte I. Phonologia. 48 pp. Lisl>on, 1879. Sunimario das Investiga^oes em Samscritologia. Folding plate. .57 pp. Lisbon, 1891. O animismo em Jeral e sua representagao entre os Chinese?. Lisbon, 1889. Sibre a sede originaria da gente arica. Desenvoloimento da sua lingua pelos a^-yns immigrados no Hindustas. Typo aramaico do alphabet© cjne a fixou em Saoskrito. Coimbra, 1878. O Institute Oriental e ultramarino Portugues. (Lisbon, n.d.) As civilisafoes antigas ou do Oriente e as Modernas ou do cceidente. Porto, 1879. Etc. 1874 A.D. [962] HUMBERT (Aime). Japan and the Japanese Illustrated; trans- lated by Mrs. C. Hoey and edited by H. W. Bates. Numerous illustrations. 4to, half morocco gilt, g. e. London, 1874. £1 16s 122 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1S74 A.D. [963] FAYRER (J). The Thanatophidia of Imlia, being a description of the Venomous Snakes of the Indian Peninsula. With an account of the Influence of their poison on life. 31 coloured plates. Folio, original cloth. London, 1874. £6 6s 1878 A.D. [964] LEITNER (G. W.). The Languages and Races of Dardistan. With maps by C. G. Ravenstein and illustrations. 4to, half roan. Lahore, 1878. £1 Is 1875 A.D. [965] DA CUNHA (J. Gerson). Memoir on the History of the Tooth- Relic of Ceylon; with a Preliminary Essay on the Life and System of Gautama Buddha. Illustrated by Drawings and Photographs. 8vo, full vellum, gilt, g. e. London, Calctitta, Madras attd Bombay, 1875. ^"^ "'Os 1876 A.D. [966] DENNYS (N. B.). The folklore of China and its affinities, with that of the Aryan and Semitic races. 4to, half bound. Hong Kong, 1876. £4 4S A most fascinating book referring to ghosts, apparitions, witchcraft, dragons, charm*, dreams, Incky numbers, fables, etc. 1876 A.D. [967] DA CUNHA (J. Gerson). Notes on the History and Antiquities of Chaul and Bassein. Illustrated with 17 photographs, 9 lithographic plates, and a map. 8vo, full vellum, gilt, g. e. Bombay, 1876. £3 3S *** History of Chaul and Bassein from the earliest times; during the period of the I'ortuguese Indian Empire; their capture by the Mahrattas; and finally bj the English. MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 123 The Far East — continued. 1877 A.O. [968] DA CUNHA (T. Gerson). The Sahyadrt-Khanda of The Skanda Purina: a Mythological, Historical, and Geographical Account of Western India. First Edition of the Sanskrit text with various readings. Thick 8vo, full vellum, gilt, royal arms on side, g. e. Bombay, 1877, £1 15s 1877 A.D. [969] TAYLOR (Colonel Meadows, author of " Confessions of a Thug "). The Story of my Life. Edited by his Daughter. Portrait. First Edition. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Edinburgh and London, 1^77. 1(^S 6d * * * An account of 40 j'^ears^ life in India in the service of the Nizam. 1878 A.D. L970] WHEELER (J. T.). Early Records of British India.' a history of the English Settlements in India, as told in the Government records, the works of old travellers, and other contemporary documents, from the earliest period down to the rise of British Power in India. 8vo, half calf. London, 1878. £1 12s 6d 1S78 A.D. [971] BARRANTES (Vicente). Cuerras Piraticas de Filipinas contra Mindarvaos y Joloanos. 8vo, half calf. Madrid, 1878. ■ £1 1s 1878 A.D. [972] ABREU (G. de Vasconcellos). ItivestigaQoes sobre o Caracter da CivilisaQao Ayra-Hindu. Importancia Capital do Samskrtto Como base da Clottologia Afica da Clottologia Arica, no Ensino superior das Lettras e da Historia. In I vol. , small folio, full vellum. Lisbon, 1878. lOs 6d 1879 A.D. [973] REED (Sir E. J.). Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions. With Narrative of a Visit in 1879. Numerous engravings and a map. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth. London, Murray, 1880. 15s 124 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1879 A.D. [974] ANONYMOUS AUCUSTIN MONK. Provimiia de San Nicolas de Tolentino, de Augustinos Desceilzos de la congregaoion de Espana e Imtias. 8v'o, morocco. Manilla, 1879. £1 lOs Important for the history of the missionaries in the Philippine Islands. 1880 A.D. [975] GOMEZ PLATERO (Eusebio). Oatalogo biografico de los reli- giosos Franciscanos dfe la Provincia de San Gregorio Magno de Filipinas. Desde 1577 en que Llegaron los primeros a Manila hasta los de nuestros dias. Thick Svo, half morocco. Manilla, 1880. £2 2s Important bibliographical account arranged chronologically of all the notable Fran- ciscan Monks who served in the Philippines, China and Japan from 1577-1880. 1881 A.D. [976] ABREU (G. de Vasconcellos). Gurso d^ Litteratura e lingua Samskritica Classlca e Vedica. \oI. I. Manual para o Estudo do Samskrito Classico. Part I. Resumo Grammatical. 186 pp. Part 2. Chrestomathia de Textos em Samskrito Classico. p. 187 —p. 410. Vol. 2. Exercicios e Primeiras Leituras de Samscrito (Ap^ndice ao Manual). Part I. Exercicios e Antolojia. 175 pp. Part 2. Vocabulario Samscrito e Portugues. 298 pp. 2 volumes in 4. Royal Svo, full vellum, uncut. Lisbon, 1 881-1897. £3 3s * * * With interesting presentation inscription, signed by the Author, in each volume. Part 2, Vol. 1, and Parts 1 and 2, Vol. 2, are the first of two copies printed on special vellxim paper. 1882 A.D. [977] WILKINS (W. J.). Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic. Illustrated w^ith 65 plates of the various Deities, chiefly taken from Native Pictures. 8vo, -pictorial cloth. Calcutta, 1882. ■ 16s 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 125 The Far East — continued. 1887 A.D. [978] WILKINS (W. J.). Modem Hinduism^ being an account of the religion and life of the Hindus, in northern India. 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1887. 18s 1889 A.D. [979] MANDEVILLE (Sir John). The Buke of John Maundevill, bemg the Travels of Sir John Mandeville, Knight, 13 22- 13 56. A hitherto unpublished English Version from the Unique Copy in the British Museum. Edited, together with the French Text, Notes and an Introduction by George F. Warner. Illustrated with 28 miniatures reproduced in facsimile. Thick royal 4to, original half roxburghe. Printed for the Roxburghe Club, 1889. £22 lOs " In his prologue the author styles himself Jehan de Mandeville, of John Maundevylle, knight, born and bred in England, of the town of St. Aubin or St. Albans; and he declares that he crossed the sea on Michaelmas Day 1322 (1322, in the Egerton and some other English manuscripts), and had passed in his travels by Turkey (i.e., Asia Minor), Great and Little Armenia, Tartary, Persia, Syria, Arabia, Upper and Lower Egypt, Libya, a great part of Ethiopia, Chaldea, Amazonia, and Lesser, Greater, and Middle India. He adds that he wrote especially for these who wished to visit Jerusalem, whither he had himself often ridden in good company. " The work itself is virtually made up of two partSi The first treats mainly of the Holy Land and the routes thither and in the Paris manuscript it gives the title to the whole, viz., ' Le Livre Jehan de Mandeville, chevalier, lequel parle de I'estat de la terre sainte et de merveilles que il y a veues.' Although it is more a guide-book for pilgrims than sttrictly a record of the author's own travel, he plainly implies throughout that he wrote from actual experience. " The second part of the work describes nearly all Asia The place of Boldensele is here taken by Friar Odoric of Pordenone, whose intensely interesting narrative of eastern travel was written in 1330, shortly after his return home. Odoric left Europe about 1316-18. and travelled slowly overland from Trebizond to the Persian Gulf, where he took ship at Hormuz for Tana, a little north of Bombay. Thence he sailed along the coast to Malabar, Ceylon, and Mailapur, now Madras. After visiting Sumatra, Java, and other islands, Champa or S. Cochin-China, and Canton, he ultimately made his way northward through China to Cambalec or Pekin. There he remained three years, and then started homeward by land." (D.N.B.) 1891 A.D. [980] RESENA BIOCRAFICA de los re^igiosos de la Provincia d^l San- tisimo Rosario de Filipinas desde su fundacion hasta nuestros dias. Parte Primera, comprende desde 1587 a 1650. Parte Segunda i65'8-i700. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. Manila, 1891. £1 16s 126 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. The Far East — continued. 1891 A.D. [981] MOULE (Ven. Arthur E., B.D.). New China and Old. Personal Recollections and Observations of Thirty Years. Thirty-one plates and other illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. 1891. 6s 6d 1892 A.D. [982] COPLESTON (R. S., Bishop of Colombo). Buddhism^ primitive and present, in Magadha and in Ceylon. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892. £1 10s 1892 A.D. [983] RETANA (W. £.). Catalogo de la Biblioteca Filipina. Printed on one side of the paper only, double columns. Folio, cloth. Madrid, 1892. ' £2 lOs One of 30 copies only. The author adds that he printed four further copies, as he was forced to by the Spanish law, for copyright purposes, but that he had them printed on very bad paper and cut the margins quite close. 1892 A.D. [984] PER El R A (Jayme, de Sampaio Forjaz de Serpa Pimentel"). Districto de Damao apontamentos d'uma Administragao Colonial. 8vo, half morocco, g. e., Royal monogram on side and title. Lisbon, 1892. lOs 6d 1892 A.D. [985] DAMAN. Reiatorio da Nova Diocese de Damao pelo seu I0. BIspo D. Antonio Pedro da Costa Arcebispo ad honorem de Cranganor. Small 4to, full morocco, inside silk panels and end leaves. Bombay, 1892. 7s 6d 1893 A.D. [986] LEITNER (G. W.). The Hunza and Nagyr handbook, being an introduction to a knowledge of the language, race, and countries of Hunza, Nagyr, a part of Yasin. With a supplement of 254 pages on Dardistan, in 1866, 1886, and 1893; being an account of the history, religions, customs, legends, fables and songs of Gilgit, Chitral, Hunza, , and other parts of the Hindukush. With a map. Second Edition. Small folio, cloth. Woking, 1893. 12s 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 127 The Far East — cotitinued. 1893 A.D. [987] JUAN DE MEDINA. Historia de los sucesos de la Orden de San Agustln de estas Islas Filipinas dtesde que se descubrieron y se poblaron por los Espanoles, con las notlcias memorables. 8vo, half calf. Manilla, 1893. £1 lOs 1893 A.D. [988] MARTINEZ DE ZUNIGA (Joaquin). Estadismo de ias Islas Filiplnas, o mis viajes por este pals. Publica por primera vez extensamente anotada W. E. Retana. 2 vols., 8vo, Spanish calf. Madrid, 1893. £2 10s 1894 A.D. [989] CONWAY (W. M.). Climbing and exploration in the Karakorum- Hlmalayas. With portrait, over 300 illustrations, and atlas of maps. 3 vols., 8vo, original canvas. London, 1894. £1 lOs One of 150 copies signed by the Author. 1894 A.D. [990] VESPUCCIUS (Albericus). The Voyage from Lisbon to India 1505-6. Being an account and journal by Albericus Vespuccius. Translated from the Flemish, and Edited with Prologue and Notes by C. H. Coote. Small 4to, limited Edition, half vellum, uncut, t. e. g. London, 1894. £1 lOs * * * No. 121 of 250 copies. Containing, in addition to the translation, a complete facsimile of the text and woodcuts of the original edition. 1894 A.D. [991] CARDIM (A. F.). Batalhas da Companbia d^ Jesus na sua glorioso provinsia do Japao. Inedito. 8vo, half morocco. Lisbon, 1894. This is a previously unpublished work of the great Jesuit authority on Japan, A. F. Cardim, a Portuguese, first published in 1894 by Luciano Cordeiro. Boimd up with CAMARA (Manoel J). Missoes dos Jesuitas no Oriente nos seculos 16 y 17. With portrait and facsimile of an autograph. 8vo, half morocco. Lisbon, 1894. • . £1 5s 128 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1896 A.D. [992] EAST INDIA COMPANY. Letters received from its Servants in the East. Transcribed from the " Original Correspondence " Series of the India Office Records. With an Introduction by Frederick Charles Danvers From 1602 till 16 17. 6 vols., large Svo, original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. London, 1896- 1902. £3 3s 1897 A.D. [993] DUBOIS (Abbe J. A.). Hindu Manners, Customs and Cere- monies. Translated from the French and Edited by Henry K. Beauchamp. With Prefatory note by F. Max Miiller. With portrait. 2 vols., Svo, new condition, original cloth, uncut. . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1897. 18s 1898 A.D. [994] VASCO DA GAMA. Journal of his First Voyage. Translated and Edited, with Notes, an Introduction and Appendices bv E. G. Ravenstein^ F.R.G.S. Portrait and 7 coloured folding maps. 8vo, full vellum, gilt, g. e. London, Hakluyt Society, 1898. . £1 1s 1898 A.D. [995] ABREU (G. de Vasconcellos). YocabuJario: parte I. Samscrito- portugiaes. parte II. Portugues-samscrito. Suplemento. Indices da parta comparativa. Notas e tradugoes. Royal Svo, vellum, uncut. Lisbon, 1898. lOs 6d 1898 A.D. [996] PHILIPINES. SEDANO (D. Federico de Monteverde y). Cam- paha de Filipinas. La Division Lachambre, 1897. Numerous maps and illustrations. Large thick Svo, full morocco , g. e. Madrid, 1898. 14s. * * * Account of the war between the Spaniards and the insurgents in the Philippines ju»t prior to the Spanish-American War. . MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 129 The Far East — continued. 1898 A.D. [997] RETANA (W. £.). Catalogo abreviatfo de la Biblioteca Filipina de W. E. Retana. Thick 8vo, Spanish calf. , Madrid, 1898. £2 28 1898 A.D. [998] TOMKINSON (Michael). A ilapanese Collection. With nearly 150 illustrations. 2 vols., thick 4to, original half vellum, uncut, t. e. g. London, 1898. £27 lOs * * * Only 200 Copies of this magnificent Work were privately issued by Mr. Tomkinson. These volumes contain notices of many thousands of objects, which, while diSering as to the material of which they are composed, the treatment to which the material has been subjected, and the date of their production, are yet alike in representing the Art of Japan, though under varied aspects. The collection has not been limited to antique specimens, and in no case has mere rarity been a sufficient passport for admission. While in most instances the various objects are typical examples of the finest work of old Japan, others are set among them to show tliat even in these days the hand of the Artist has in no wise lost its cunning. (Preface.) 1898 A.D. [999] LANDDR (A. Henry Savage). In the Forbidden Land. An Account of a Journey in Tibet, Capture by the Tibetan Authorities, Imprison- ment, Torture, and Ultimate Release. Also various official documents, mclud- ing the enquiry and report by J. Larkin, Esq., appointed by the Government of India. With large folding map, and 250 illustrations, including 8 coloured plates. 2 vols., thick 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1898. 12s 6d 1899 A.D. [1000] LITTLE (Mrs. Archibald). Intimate Cilina. The Chinese as I have seen them. With 120 illustrations. Thick 8vo, half calf, uncut, t. e. g. London, 1899. 158 * * * An interesting account of China from 1887 until about 1893. I30 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East — continued. 1900 A.D. [looi] RUSSELL (C. £. M). Bullet and Shot in Indian Forest, Plain and Hill. With hints to beginners in Indian Shooting. Thick 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1900. , 6s 6d 1901 A.D. [1002] LANE-POOLE (Stanley). Sir Harry Parkes in China. With a Portrait and Maps. Thick post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1901. 3s 6d 1901 A.D, [1003] MENDANA. The discovery of the Solomen Islands by Alvaro d^ Mendana in 1568. Translated from the original Spanish manuscripts. Edited by Lord Amherst of Hackney and Basil Thomson. With maps and plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half vellum. London, 1901. £3 lOs One of a hundred copies printed on large paper. 1902 A.D. [1004] MATIGNON (Dr. J. J.). Superstition Crime et Mis^re en Chine (Souvenirs de biologie sociale). Portrait et gravures dans le texte. 8vo, half bound, uncut. Paris and Lyons, 1902. lOs 6d 1902 A.D. [1005] MONTALTO DE JESUS (C. A.). Historic Maoao. With 12 plates and a map. 8vo, original wraffers. Hongkong, 1902. 15s • * * An interesting account of Macao from the early 16th century to modern times, and of the suppression of the pirates. 1904 A.D. [1006] DA SILVA (Joao Maria Antonio). Repositorio de NOQOes de Botanica Applioada, e Prodiiotos Vegetaes mals conheoidos e Usados na China, Tanto na Eoonemia Domestica oomo na Therapeutica e nas Artes. Extrahidas e compiladas de diversas obras. 8vo, blue velvet, with large silver corner -pieces, decorated with a -palm tree design on front cover; Arms in silver in centre; and four silver bosses on back cover , ni. e. Hongkong, Noronha & Co., 1904. £2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 131 The Far East — continued. 1904 A.D. [1007] FORREST (G. W). Histoi-y of the Indian Mutiny, reviewed and illustrated from original documents. With maps, plans and portraits, 3 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1904. 15» 1904 A.D. [1008] VAN WEEREN (Petrus Wilhelmus, Lieut.). Moeurs et CcHitunies des Prinoipaux Peuples des Inctes Neerlandatses. With 28 photographic plates. Large thick 4to, full calf, g. e. Privately Printed, The Hague, 1904. £1 16s 1906 A.D. [1009] KAEMPFER (Engelbert). The History of Japan, together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam, 169092. Translated by J. G. Scheuch- zer. Reprinted from the edition of 1727. With portrait of Sir Hans Sloane, arid reproductions of the Titles, plates, and other illustrations of the original edition, (3 vols., thick Svo, original half tfellum,, uncut, t. e. g. Glasgow, 1906, £3 10s * * * The finely produced MacLehos© edition, being one of 100 copies printed on hand- made paper. 1906 A.D. [loio] LITHCOW (WiUiam). The Total! Discourse of the Rare Adven- tures and Paineful Peregrinations of long Nineteen Yeares Travayles from Scot- land to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica. With portrait and illustrations. Svo, original half vellmn, uncut, t. e. g. Glasgow, 1906. 12s 6d Limited Issue of 100 Copies, with proof impressions of the illustrations. 1906 A.D. [loii] INDIA. ETTINCHAUSEN (Maurice L.). Harsa Vardhana. Empereur et Poete de I'lnde Septentrionale (606-648 A.D.), Etude sur sa vie et son temps. Royal Svo, original wraffers, uncut. Louvain, 1906. 6s The only monograph on the life and times of India's greatest native Emperor, with chapters on the Social and Religious Condition of India in the 7th Century. 1911 A.D. [1012] RIDLEY (H. N.). The Flora of Lower Siam. With a map and author's presentation inscription. Svo, wraffers. London, 191 t. 6s 133 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London. W. (C.) AFRICA. 1482 A.D. [1013] POMPONIUS MELA. Costnographia sive De situ Orbis. Unacum Prisciani ex Dionysio Thessalonicensi de situ Orbis interpretatione. Black Letter, long lines, 30 to a full page. Rubric on first leaf of text printed in red. With very interesting woodcut map of the world on first leaf verso, with two large and five smaller woodcut ornamental capitals. 4to, half morocco, g. e. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, iZth July, 1482. £52 lOs Hain *11019. On the verso of leaf Al is a modified Ptolemaic Map of the World engraved on wood, which shows Europe, Asia, and the northern portion of Africa. On the latter wet find the Nile, with itfe sources in two lakes, one directly on the equator, and the other just south of it. These lakes correspond in place with those now called the Albert and Victoria Nyanza, showing that their location was surmised, if not actually known to geographers, at least four centuries before their late re-discovery. At the south streams rising in mountains flow into these lakes. The Niger, in Western Africa, is also laid down. This map is a very early example of true chiaroscuro printing. Of Pomponius Mela nothing whatever is known, but he is believed to have lived in the time of the Emperor Claudius. This is one of the earliest geographical works, the editio princeps of which appeared in 1471. It is written in a clear and simple style, and notwith- standing its conciseness is enlivened with interesting descriptions of manners and customs. In the Church Catalogue only five other copies are mentioned (British Museum ; Bodleian; University Library, Cambridge, England; John Carter Brown; and Lenox Libraries.) 1556 A.D. [1014] LEO AFRICANUS. Historiale Description de i'Afrique, Tierce partie du morufe. With wooodcut. i2mo, half morocco. Antwerp, Plantin, 1556. £3 3s * * * An extremely rare Missionary Relation, probably the first from the Congo. Tt gives an account of the Missionary successes at San Thome, Angola, etc. 1584 A.D. [1 01 5] COPIA de una Carta de los Padres Carwelitas Descalcos del Convento de N. S. d^ la Cotieepoion de Congo en Ethiopia, para los padres y hermanos de su provinoia. Fecha a 14 Deziembre de 1584. (At end) En la ciudad del Salvador del Reyno del Congo, 14 Deziembre 1584. 8 pp., Gothic Letter, small 4to, new boards, {Lisbon, 1584.) £14 14$ MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 133 Africa — continued. 1614 A.D. [1016] CIENFUEGOS (Bernardo de). Vida del Bienaveiiturado Padre Cotizalo de Sylveira, Sacerdote de la Compania de Jesus^ martirizado en Motio- motapa, Ciudad en la Cafraria. Traducida de Latin en Castellano. Dirigida a Don Luis de Sylveira, Senor de las villas de Goes, &c. Small 4to, original vellum. Madrid, 1614. £6 lOS * * * Gonzalo de Sylveira was a Portuguese missionary to the Kaffirs. 1614 A.D. [1017] ALDRETE (Bernardo). Varias Antiguedades de Espana Africa y otras Provinoias. Engraved titles and maps. Thick 4to, old calf , gilt edges. Amberes, 1614. £5 55 1622 A.D. [10 1 8] BARROS (Tomas de). Copia de una carta que escrivio el Padre Tomas d^ Barros de la Compania de Jesus en Junio de 622. at Padre General, en que d^clara lo que los de la Compania iiizieron en el Imperio die Etiopla, en eJ dicho ano de 622. Folio, wrappers. {Madrid, 1622.) £6 6s Title reads (in translation) as follows : — Copy of a letter written by the Jesuit Father Thomas de Barros, in June, 1622, to the Greneral of t)lie Order, in which he declares what the Jesuit missionaries accomplished in the Empire of Ethiopia, in the said year 1622. 1623 A.D. Uncqt Copy. [ioiq] JOBSON (Richard). The Golden Trade, or a Discovery of the River Gambia, and the Golden Trade of the Aethiopians, also the Commerce with a great blacke Merchant, called Buckor Sano, and his report of the houses covered with Gold, and other strange observations for the good of our countrey. Set down as they were collected in travelling, part of the yeares 1620 and 162 1, Small 4to. A remarkable copy, the bottom and fore-edges being entirely uncut, full straight -grain red morocco, gold lines and corner fleurons, g. e. London, 1623. £52 lOs 134 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Africa — continued. 1624 A.D. [1020] DE MATOS (Father Diego), Soc. Jes. Copia (fe una carta que et Padre Diegoi de Mates die la Compania de Jesus escrive al padre General de ra misma Campania, en que da cuenta a su Paternidad del estado de la con^ version a la verdadera Religion Christiana Catolica Romana, del gran Imperio de Etiopia, cuyo Emperador es el Preste Juan^ escrita en la ciudad de Fremona, su fecha en veinte de Junio de 1621. 20 pp., folio, wraffers. Madrid, Luis Sanchez, 1624. £6 Gd Title reads (in translation) :— " Copy of the letter written by the Jesuit Father Diego do Mates, to the General of tihe same Company, in which he gives an account of the state of conversion to the true Catholic Christian religion of the great empire of Ethiopia, whose Emperor is Prester John; written in the city of Fremona, on the 20th June, 1621." 1624 A.D. [io2i] AFRICA. BARROS (Padre Tomas de, de la Compania de Jesus). Copia de una Carta que escrivio en Junio de 1622 al Padre General, en que declara lo quei lo® de la Compnia hezieron en ell Imperio de Etiopia en el deoho Ano de 1622. *' 24 pp., small 4to, new hoards. Barcelona, 1624. £6 6s * * * A very interesting Missionary letter from the Jesuits in Ethiopia. 1628 A.D. [1022] AFRICA. FERNANDEZ (Padre Antonio; superior de las casas que la Compania de Jesus tiene en el Imperio de Etiopia). Copla de una (Carta) escrita en Daticas, oorte del Emperador de los Abexinos, en 11 Junio 1626, a su Procurador en la Corte de Madrid, del recebimiento que aquel Emperador hizo al Patriarca Catolico^ ye de la reduccion de aquel Imperio a la Iglesia Romana. Woodcut on title, 8 pp., small 4to, new boards. Barcelona, 1628. £5 5S * * * A very interesting Missionary letter. 1629 A.D. [1023] HISTOIRE de oe que s'est pass6 au Royaume d'Ethlopie Es ann^es 1624, 1625 & 1626. Tirees des lettres ecrites & addressees au R. P. Mutio Viteleschi. General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Traduite de I'ltalien en Frangois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie. Small 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1629. £10 lOS MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 135 Africa — continued. 1637 A.D. ACCOUNT OF THE FIRST EMBASSY TO ENGLAND FROM MOROCCO. [1024] MOROCCO. The Amvaii and Intertainements of the EmbassaF- dor Alkaid Jaurar Ben Abdella with his associate Mr. Robert Blaise from the High and Mighty Prince, Mulley Mahamed Sheque, Emperor of Morocco, King of Fesse and Suss. With the Ambassadors good and applauded commendations of his royall and noble entertainments in the Court and the City, also descriptions of some Rites, Customes and Lawes of those Affrican Nations. Likewise Gods exceeding Mercy, and our Kings especiall grace and favour manifested in the happy Redemption of three hundred and two of his Majesties poore subjects, who had beene long in miserable slavery at Salley in Barbary. With the rare portrait of the Ambassador engraved by Glover. Small 4to, full calf. London, 1637. ^10 "15s 1661 A.D. [1025] COUCTO (Antonio de). Centilis Angolliae fidei mysteriis Latino per Antonium Mariam instruotus. Printed in two columns, Latin, Angolese and Portuguese. 4to, red morocco, gilt, gilt back, uncut. Rome, 1661. £5 5s 1669 A.D. [1026] A SHORT and Strange Relation of some part of the Life of Tafi- letta, the great Conqueror and Emperor of Barbary, by one that hath lately been in His Majesties service in that Country. With the very rare engraved portrait of Tafiletta. Small- 4to, full calf. London, 1669. £6 6s 1672 A.D. [102;] A TRUE RELATION of the Inhumane and UnparalleI'd Actions, and Barbarous Murders of Negroes or Moors: committed on three Englishmen m Old Calabar in Guinny; together with a short but true account of the Customs and Manners and Growth of the Country, which is very Pleasant. Small 4to, half calf, neat. London, 1672. £8 lOs 136 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Africa — continued. 1681 A.D. [1028] THE MOORES BAFFLED, being a Discourse concerning Tanger especially when it was under the Earl of Teviot; by which you may find what methods and Government is fittest to secure that place against the Moors, in a letter from a learned person (long resident in that place) at the desire of a person of quality. With the scarce folding plate of Tangiers engraved by Hollar. Small 4to, fine copy in full calf gilf, g. e. London, 1681. £10 10* 1686 A.D. [1029] DAPPER (Dr. O.). Description de L'Afrique contenant ios nomSy la situation et les confins de toutes ses parties, Jeurs rivieres, lours villes, eto. Illustrations and folding plans. Folio, full calf. Amsterdam, 1686. £3 15s An impottant early work on Africa in general, which was translated into several European Languages. There is an interesting view of Table Bay and Mountain, with a sketch of the fort. The illustrations include very many curious maps, views of African ports and towns. At the end of the volume is a gazeteer and index combined. 1695 A.D. [1030] COSTA (Antonio Rodrigues da). Conversam d© el Rei de Bissau conseguida pelo Dom Frei Viotoriano Portuense, Bispo de CaJ>o Verde e Prin- cipe Dom Manoel d^ Portugal celebrado na capella Real desta Corte. 4to, half bound. Lisbon, 1695. £4 4s The Conversion of the King of Bissau. Bissau is one of the isles near Cape Verde. 1705 A.D. [103 1 ] GUINEA COAST. BOSMAN (W). Description of the Coast of Guinea, divided into the Gold, the Slave and the Ivory Coasts, containing a Geographical, Political, and Natural History! of the Kingdoms and Countries, with accoimt of the Rise, Progress, and Present Condition of all the European Settlements upon that Coast, and measures for improving the Guinea Trade,, translated from the Dutch. Folding map and 4 plates of views. •8vo, original calf . London, 1705. £1 1s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 137 Africa — continued. 1706 A.D. [1032] ANCUIANO (Matheo de). Epitome histariai, y cotiquista esptrt* tual del Impero Abyssino, etietiopia la alta, sobre Egypto, a cuyo Emperadof sueleiT llamar Preste Juan, ios de Europa. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1706. £6 6S 111 addition to containing a full account of the missions to the Abyssinians by the Capuchin Monks it contains further accounts of martyrdom suffered by them in America, among the Gorgona Indians, Parayma Indians, in the missions Maracaybo, Los Llanos do Caracas, the Island of Trinidad, the Caracas missions, etc. 1731 A.D. [i 033 ] KOLBEN (Peter, A.M.). The Present State of the Cape of Coot^ Hope: or, A Particular Account of the several Nations of the Hottentots : Their Religion, Government, Laws, Customs, Ceremonies, and Opmions: Their art of War, Professions, Language, Genius, etc. Together with a short account of the Dutch Settlement at the Cape. Translated into English from the Original by Mr. Medley. Illustrated with copperplates. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1731. £4 4s 1733 A.D. [1034] GONCALVES d'ALMADA (Andre). Reia^ao e Descripcao de Guine' na qual se trata das varias naQoetis de negros^ que a povoao, d'os seus costumes, leys, ritosi^ oeremoniasi, guerras, armas, trajos. da qualidade dos pottos, e do cmmerciO. Offerecida ao senhor Dr. Gabriel Antonio Gomes. 8vo, new boards. Lisbon, 1733. £2 2s 1741 A.D. [1035] PEREIRA (Dr. Antonio Martins). Relapaon da Viagem, que fez o Bispo D Fr Joao de Faro para a sua Se da Cidade da Ribeira Grande^ Itha ^'^ Sant lago de Cabo-Yerde, mandada pelou seu secretario Dor Antonio Martins Pereira que o aoompanhou em todos os trabalhos ate a hora da sua morte. 15 pp., small 4to, wrappers. Lisbon, 1741. £2 lOs * * * An Account of the. Voyage and Shipwreck of Bishop Joano de Faro, his capture by the "Negroes and final rescue, when he died from the effects of his terrible sufferings endured whilst in captivity. 138 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Africa — continued. 1749 A. D. [1036] COELHO (Antonio). Memorias Vercfadeyras de Dous Lastimosos Cazos Succedidos em Guin^ em 22. de Fevereiro de 1742. e em 26 de Abril de 1743. em dous Religiosos Missionarios da Santa Provincia da Sol^dade da mais estreita, e regular Observancia do Serasico Patriaca S. Francisco, assis- tentes no Hospicio de N. S. da Concei^ao da llha de Bissao, e em tres escravos que OS acompanhavao, chamados Agostinho, Antonio, e Bento, e outros que nao erao do Hospicio, tambem Christaos. Small 4to, new boards. Lisbon^ 1749. £2 lOs 1751 A.D. [1037] FREIRE DE MONTERROIO MASGARENHAS (Jose) Relacam da Embayxada que o poderoso Rey de Angome, Kiay Ghiri Broncom, senhof dos dilatadissimos sertoens de Guine, mandou ao iilustrissimo D. Luiz Pere- grino de Ataide, Viceroy do Brasil. Woodcut of a ship on reverse of title. II pp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 1751. £1 lOs 1755 A.D. [1038] NORDEN (F. L.). Voyage D'Egy^te et de Nubie, Guvrage en> richi de Cartes et de Figures dessin^es sur les lieux, par I'Auteur meme. Engraved frontispiece and 159 illustrations. 2 parts in i, thick folio, full original calf {rebacked). Copenhague, 1755. £5 5s 1759 A.D. [1039] AD ANSON. A voyage to Senegal, the Isle of Goree and River Gambia. With folding map. 8vo, half calf. London, 1759. £1 lOs 1761 A.D. [1040] JOSE DE SANTA ROSA. Vida e M arty rio dos bemaventurados sete martyres que . . . derramarao, o sangue na Gidade de Marrooos em 4 de Julho de 1 5S5. i2mo, crimson morocco, sides covered with gilt tooling. Lisbon, 1761. £3 38- The seven martyrs were killed in Morocco. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London. W. 139 Africa — continued. 1778 A.D. [1041] HOP (Henri). Nouvelle Desoription du Cap de Bonne^Esp^rance avec un Journal Historique d'un Voyage de Terre, fait par ordre> du Couver- neur Feu Mgr. Ryk Tulbiagh^ dans I'lnttrieur db I'Afrique, Par une Caravane de quatre-vingt-oinq personnes. With 15 engraved folding plates of animals. 8vo, original half calf. Amsterdam, 1778. £1 lOs 1780 A.D. [1042] IRWIN (Eyles). A Series of Adventures in the Course of a Voyage up the Red Sea^ on the Coasts of Arabia and Egypt, and of a Route through the Deserts of Ihebais, hitherto unknown to the European Traveller in the year 1777. Folding maps and plates. 4to, calf, re backed. London, 1780. 12s 6d 1784 A.D. [1043] ROOKE (H.). Travels to the Coast of Arabia Felix, and from thence by the Red Sea and Egypt to Europe, containing a Short Account of an Expedition undertaken against the Cape of Good Hope. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt leaves. London, 1784. ^ £1 8s From the Beckford Library. 1785 A.D. * [1044] SPARRMAN (Andrew). A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and Round the World : but chiefly into the Country of the Hottentots and Caff res, from 1772 to 1776. Translated from the Swedish original. With folding map and 10 engraved plates, 2 vols., full contemporary green morocco. London, 1785. £5 5s Very fine copy. * * * Sparrman sailed round the world with Captain Cook, and gives a description of this voyage in tlie first portion of Vol. I. The remainder of his work is devoted to various travels in South Africa. 140 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Africa — continued, 1790 A.D. [1045] LE YAILLANT. Voyage dans I'lnt^rieur tfe I'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonnes Esp6rartce, cfans les Annies 1780-5. With 3 engraved views and 9 finely coloured plates, including the cele- brated one of the " Hottentot Venus." Two vols, in one, 4to, finely bound by C . Kalthoeber in full contemporary red morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1 7 go. £6 18s Very fine copy. 1790 A.D. [1046] BRUCE (James, of Kinnaird, F.R.S.). Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in the years 1768-1773. With the Appendix, Select Speci- mens of Natural History collected in Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in Egypt, Arabia, Abyssinia, and Nubia, With many engraved plates and maps. First Edition. 5 vols., 4to, full original tree calf. Edinburgh, 1790. £2 2s * * * At tlie time of publication these travels, for the most part, were consideretl as fictitious and several parodies were written on them, the most celebrated being the Travels of Baron Munchausen. 1790 A.D. [1047] LE VAILLANT. Travels from the Cape of CoocJ Hope into the Interior Parts of Africa, including many interesting anecdotes descriptive of the Country and Inhabitants. Inscribed by permission to His Grace the Duke of Montagu. Translated from the French. Numerous plates. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, %ncut. 1790. 18s 1791 A.D. [1048] D ALTON (Richard). Antiquities and Views in Greece and Egypt; with the Manners and Customs oF the Inhabitants : from drawings made on the Spot, A.D. 1749. Engraved on Seventy-nine copper plates by Chatelain, .Vivares, Rooiker, Basire, Mason, etc., etc. The Turkish and Egyptian plates finely coloured, with descriptive text. Large folio, full contemporary calf. London, lygi. £8 lOs Fine copy. ; „ ",- ^ * ,''.■.:,, . , r •■ ..'' -.fVf :-■■-,,.. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 141 Africa — continued. 1797 A.D. The First British Occupation of the Cape of Good Hope. [1049] MACARTNEY (Lord). Lord Macartney's Official Letter Book, whilst Governor of the Cape, comprising his entire Correspondence with Officials, Generals, Admirals, Presidents, and Members of the Senate, Judges, and numerous other people connected with the Government at the Cape, from May 8, 1797, to Nov. 20, 1798. Neatly and clearly written by his Secretary. 409 pp., large folio, rough calf. £87 106 * * * These letters, nearly 750 in number, give a wonderfully interesting picture of the political and social state of the Cape Colony at the time of the first British occupation. They are addressed to members of all classes of the community :— The Burgher Senate, Landdrosts of the various districts, British Officials, Naval and Military Commanders, Captains of various foreign ships at Cape Town, Dutch Farmers, etc. Those addressed to the Burgher Senate and to tlie Landdrosts throw an interesting light on the strained relations existing between the Dutch population and the British authorities. In one (dated 3 June, 1798) Lord Macartney says':— " It is not his intention in future to do the Burgher Senate the honor of con- sulting them with regard to the use of the Stiad House. It is His Order that the Keys be delivered to Brigadier Geoieral Vandeleur. He shall not easily forget the difiiculties made by the Burgher Senate to facilitate the loyal purpose of celebrating His Majesty's Birth- day." In others he points out the advantages to be derived from the British connection. He also gives instTuctions for surveys to l)e made, and makes various suggestions for improve- ments in Cape Town. He complains of the condition of the streets and avenues, " which are so mucli broken up and out of repair that in many places they are become almost impassable." Among the numerous letters to the Landdrosts occurs a long and particularly interest- ing one to the Landdrost of Graaf Eeinet, which is accompanied by a long list of " Instruc- tions " (occupying several pages), and a further list of " Private Instructions," the 7th Article of which orders " For particular reasons and until further orders, the said Landdrost is authorized by these presents to keep watchful eye upon the Correspondence between Graaf Eeinet and the Cape, or other districts, and to intercept, to open and to examine every suspected lettter." Numerous lettsers refer to the Oath of Allegiance which many of the farmers refused to take* Persons refusing are to be arrested and conveyed to the Castle of Cape Town. Severe restrictions are laid on the Dutch with regard to moving from one district to another, without first obtaining permission. Desertions from the Army and Navy appear to have be?n freciuent, and the inhabitants are warned against harbouring deserters, severe penalties beinw threatened in the event of their doing so. A Letter to the President and Members of the Court of Justice abolishes Torture and the Punishment of Death by Breaking on the wheel " and other barbarous modes of execution." Many of the letters bear on Financial Matters, the Paper Cu:TTency, Taxation, Levying of Tolls, Corntraband, Smuggling, the Slavery Question, the Natives, etc., etci. In a long and interesting letter to John Barrow, the celebrated African traveller, he remarks : " In addition to the Political enquiries you are to make, you will direct a particular attention to the following objects : ' What Mines of Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, Iron, Lead and Coal have been discovered, or what appearances of such Mines present themselves to your notice. What Commerce or Intercourse might be carried on with the Hottentots or other savage Nations. . . . Whether the Caffer Country abounds as it is said with Ivory, Gold Dust, and other valuable articles of Trade,' etc., etc." 142 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Africa — continued. 1797 A.D. The First British Occupation of the Cape of Good Hope. [1050] MACARTNEY (Lord). Lord Macartney's Official Diary or Jour- nal whilst Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, from May 4, 1797, the date of his Arrival at the Cape of Good Hope as Governor, to the time of his Depar- ture, Nov. 20, 1798. The Original Manuscript, 364 pages, neatly and clearly written by the Secretary, but with alterations and additions in Lord Macartney's autograph. Folio, original covers. £125 * * * This volume is of the greatest interest and importance for the "history of the Cape Colony, and presents an exceedingly interesting picture of the state of things there at the time of the first British occupation. It opens with an account of the arrival of Lord Macartney on May 4th, 1797, and closes with his departure on Nov. 20th, 1798. Accounts are given of the various disputes between the British authorities and the Burgher Senate. Lists of names appear of numerous Boers who had refused to take the Oath of Allegiance to His Britannic Majesty and the means adopted to compel tliem to do so ar© given. Proclamations on a wide range of subjects are mentioned, viz. : — Against the traffic in Arms and Ammunition, Smuggling, Expeditions against " The Wild Bosjesmen," CafEers, Hottentots, etc., against harbouring deserters from His Majesty's forces. Letters and Reports to and from the Landdrosts of the various districts. Making grounds for Encampments and Building of Huts for the Military. Several of the entries between Oct. 7tli and Nov. 9th, 1797, are taken up with accounts of mutinies among the sailors at Cape Town and of the means adopted to deal with the mutineers and to prevent their communicating with and afiecting the soldiers of the garrison. Among the Burghers are included many names of historic interest, that of De Wet occurs several times, also Van Reenan, Du Toit, Brand, Villiers, Kruger, etc. Mention is also made of the arrival of ships of Americem, Danish, Prussian, and other nationalities, with the restrictions imposed on them with regard to the landing or embarka- tion of cargoes. The volume closes with an interesting declaration by Lord Macartney, in which he says : " I have never accepted nor received, nor expect to receive, any gift, present, benefit, or emolument, except some small articles of fruit, venison, or such trifles as it was out of my power to refuse or elude, all of which I am sure could not exceed the value of from one to two hundred Rix Dollars." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 143 Africa — conimued. 1S01 A.D. [[051] DAMBERGER (C. F). Travels through the Interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco in Caffraria, Mataman, the Desert of Sahara, Barbary, etc., to Morocco. Coloured portraits of natives, maps, etc. 8vo, original half calf. London, 1801. £1 1s 1804 A.D. [1052] MAYER (Luigi). Views tn Egypt, from the original drawings in the possession of Sir Robert Ainslie taken during his Embassy to Constantinople. With historical observations and incidental illustrations of the Manners and Customs of the Natives of that Country. 48 coloured views. Folio, neu> half russia. London, 1804. £6 6S 1808 A.D. [1053] BROOKE (T. H.). A History of the Island of St. Helena, from its discovery by the Portuguese to the year 1806: to which is added an Appendix. Engraved frontispiece by S. Rawle. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1808. 18s 1810 A.D. [1054] ALBERTI (Lodewyck). De Kaffers aan de Zuidkust van Afrika. Large folding plan of Delagoa Bay in colours, and two other plates finely coloured. Royal 8vo, original binding. Amsterdam, 18 10. £1 4s 1810 A.D. [1055] LOG BOOK OF KING WILLIAM IV.'s SON. FITZGLARENCE (Henry, Son of King William IV., by Mrs. Jordan). A Log of the proceedings Of H.M.S. " War^lte," commanded by the Hon. Henry Blackwood, kept by Henry FitzClarence, Midshipman, beginning July 27th, i8ig, and ending Jan. 5, 1811. 26 pp. , folio, original vellum binding. £5 5S The following note is written on first and second pages by Lt.-General C. Fox : — " This Log Book came intio my wife, Lady Mary Fox's possession in 1856 on the deafh of her Brother Rr. Adm. Ld. Ad. FitzClarence. It is written by their brother Henry Fitz- Clarence who left the Navy and went into the Army, he died in India about 1817 or 18. " I went out with (him in the lively Frigate to Cadiz in June 1810 where I joined H.M. ship Blake, Captl Ed. Codrington, he went on to join H.M.S. Warspite. I saw him at Port Mahon for tihe last time in that same year. Addison Eoad, C. Fox, 18. Feby, 1858. Lt. General." 144 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London^ W. Africa — continued. 1816 A.D. [1056] ST. HELENA. BEATSON (Maj.-Gen. Alexander). Tracts rela- tive to the Island of St. Helena, written cfurlng a residence of five years. Illustrated with map and 6 views engraved by Mr. William Daniell. 4to, cloth. London, 1816. £3 10s 1820 A.D. [1057] MOLLIEN (G.). Travels in the Interior of Africa, to the Sources of the Senegal and Gamb'^: performed by cornmand of the French Govern- ment, in the year 18 18. Edited by T. E. Bowdich, Esq. Illustrated with Portrait, folding map and six other plates. 4to, original boards, uncut. London, 1820. 16s 1823 A.D. [1058] ADAMS (Captain John). Remarks on the Cotintry Extending from Cape Paimas to the River Congo, including observations on the manners and customs of the inhabitants. With an appendix containing an Account of the European Trade with the West Coast of Africa. With two maps. 8vo, original boards, uncut. London, 1823. 18s * * * Containing a very interesting relation of this part of Africa, and of the slave trade there; Directions and Hints for ships sailing there, and lists of items which are suit- able for exchanging for palm oil, ivory and gold at the various centres. 1824 A.D. [1059] TAYLOR (Rev. Isaac). Scenes in Africa, for the amusement and Instruction of little Tarry-at-Home travellers. With coloured map and 84 small coloured illustrations of Native Scenery, Customs, etc. i2mo, original hoards. London, 1824. £1 lOs 1825 A.D. [1060] FED CARDOZO DE CASTELLOBRANCO E TORRES (J. C ) Memoria contendo a biographia do Vice-Almirante Luiz da Motta Feo e Torres. A Historia dos Governadores e Capitaens Generals de Angola, desde 1575 ate 1825, e a descripgao geographica epolitica dos reinos de Angola e de Benguella, With a large folding map. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1825. > 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 145 Africa — continued. 1827 A.D. [1061] PHILLIPS (T.). Scenes and Occurrences in Albany and Gaffer- Land, South Africa. Coloured Frontispiece. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1827. £1 5s 1828 A.D. [1062] D'ENHAIVl (Major F.R.S.), CLAPPERTON (Capt.), and OUDNEY (Tlife Late Dr.). Narrative of Travels and Discoveries m Northern and Central Africa^ m the years 1822, 1823, and 1824, extending across the Great Desert to the tenth degree of northern latitude, and from Kouka in Bornou, to Sacka- too, the Capital of the Felatah Empire. Illustrated with 14 plates and a folding map at the end of vol. I. Third Edition. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1828. , . £1 15s 1835 A.D. [1063] MOODIE (J. W. p.). Ten years in South Africa; including a particular description of the Wild Sports of that Country. With frontispieces. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, t. e. g. London, 1835. ' £1 16s 1837-41 A.D. [1064] WILKINSON (J. G.). Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, including their private life. Government, Laws, Arts, Manufac- tures, Religion, and Early History; derived from a comparison of the Paint- ings, Sculptures, and Monuments still existing, with the accounts of ancient authors. With a large number of plates, many coloured, and numerous illustra- tions in the text. 6 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1837-1841. £1 IGs 1838 A.D. Original Manuscript. [1065] HALE (Professor Horatio, Philologist on the United States Ex- ploring Expedition, 1838-42). On the Ethnography of South Africa. The Original Manuscript of this most important work, extending to 122 pp., 4to, neatly written in ink. With numerous drawings by the author. 2 vols., small 4to, original covers. £5 5s Probably the most important work on the Philology of the Kaffir Language. Professor Horatio Hale was one of the most distinguished American Scholars of his day, and he accom- panied Commander Wilkes as Philologist on bhe great American Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. These tt^o volumes comprise records which he made on that voyage. 146 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. Africa — continued. 1838 A.D. [1066] MOORE (Francis). Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa, containing a Description of the several Nations for the space of 600 miles up the river Gambia: their Trade, Habits, Customs, Languages, etc., to whicii is added Capt. Stibb's Voyage up the Gambia in the year 1723. 8vo, original calf. London, 1838. ^ £1 2s 1838 A.D. [106;] BOYCE (W. B.). Notes on Soutli African Affairs from 1834 '^^o 1838, with Reference to the Civil, Political, and Religious Condition of the Colonists and Aboiigines. 8vo, original boards. Graham's Toivn, 1838. _ 12s 6d 1839 A.D. [1068] BOYCE (W. B ). Notes on South African Affairs. 8vo, cloth. London, 1839. "*5s 1840 A.D. [1069] HARRIS (Capt. W. Cornwalhs). Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa. DeHneated from Life in their Native Haunts, during a Hunting Expedition from the Cape Colony as far as the Tropic of Capricorn in 1836 and 1837, with Sketches of the Field Sports. Coloured vignette on title, and 30 fine and large coloured lithographic plates by Frank Howard. Best Issue, with the Heads, Horns, etc., of various Game as tailpieces. Large folio, half morocco gilt, g. e. London, 1840. £22 lOs 1841 A.D. [1070] BURFORD (Robert). Description of a view of the Bombardment of St. Jean D' Acre, with the city and surrounding country, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square. Folding plate containing two panoramic views, and 12 pp. text. 8vo, new hoards. London, 1841. 10s 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 147 Africa — continued. 1841 A.D. [107 1] HARRIS (Capt. William Cornwallis). The Wild Sports of Southern Africa: being the narrative of an expedition from the Cape of Good Hope through the Territories of the chief Moselekatse, to the tropic of Capri- corn. With Appendix, Frontispiece, vignette title-page, and 24 coloured plates, and a map. Royal 8vo, fine copy, neivly ho7ind half morocco gilt, gilt- edges. London, 1841. £3 5s 1841 A.D. [1072] ALVARES D'ALMADA (Andre). Tratado breve dos rios de Guine' d^ Cabo^Verdev desde o rio do Sanaga ate aos baixos de Sant'Anna, etc. Publicado por DIogo Koepke. With folding map. 1594. 8vo, wraffers. Oporto, 1 84 1. 15s The first edition of Wiis book was printed in Lisbon in 1733 under the title of " Eelacao e Descripcao da Guine." 1848 A.D. [1073] ORIENTAL ALBUM, Characters, Costumes, and Modes of Life^ in the Valley of the Nile. Illustrated from designs taken on the spot, by E. Prisse. With Descriptive Letter-Press by James Augustus St. John. With portrait of George Lloyd, fine illuminated title, 30 finely coloured costume plates and numerous engravings on wood. Large folio, half morocco, uncut. London, 1848. £2 lOs 1848 A.D. [1074] USERA Y ALARCON (J. M.). Memoria de la Isia dte Fernando Po. 8vo, red morocco gilt, g. e. Madrid, 1848. lOs 6d Treats of the advantageous geographical position of the island; its products and trade; the nature, religion and customs of the natives; the expeditions thereto; the English Baptist Missionaries there, with a short dictionary of the Bubi language as spoken at Fernando Po. 1853 A.D. [1075] CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Correspondence with the Governor of the Cape of Good; HopOi, relative to the state of the Kaffir Tribes, and the Recent Outbreak in the Eastern Frontier of the Colony. Folding map. Thick folio, half calf. London, 1853. £1 lOs 148 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Africa — continued. 1856 A.D. [1076] CATHCART, Correspotldeiice of Lieut. General the Hon. Sir George Cathcart, K.C.B., relative to his Military Operations in Kaffraria until the termination of the Kaffir War, and to his measures for the future mainten- ance of peace on that frontier, and the protection and welfare of the people of South Africa. Illustrated with seven maps. 8vo, red morocco, all edges gilt. London, 1856. lOs 6d 1857 A.D. [1077] CATHCART (Sir G.). Corras^otidence relative to his Military Operations in Kaffraria until the Termination of the Kaffir War, and to his Measures for the Future Maintenance of Peace on that Frontier, and the Pro- tection of the People of South Africa. With maps. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1857. , lOs 6(1 1858 A.D. [1078] DRAYSON (Capt. Alfred W.). Sporting Scenes amongst the Kaffirs of South Africa. With 8 plates by Harrison Weir, from designs by the Author. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1858. 10s 6(1 1861 A.D. [107Q] LUCAS (f. T.). Pen and Pencil Reminiscences of a Campaign in South Africa. With 21 coloured lithographic plates, including portraits of Natives, Military Scenes, etc. 4to, original cloth. London, 1-861. £3 3s 1869 A.D. [1080] WILMOT (A.) and CHASE (Hon. J.). History of the Colony of the Cape of Cood Hope, from its discovery to the year 1868. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cape Town, i86g. . 12s 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 149 Africa — continued. 1872 A.D. [1081] SHELLEY (G. E). A Handb(K>k to the Birds of Egypt. With 14 finely coloured plates. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1872. £5 lOs 1878 A.D. [1082] WILKINSON (Sir J. Gardner). The Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. With large number of coloured, and other plates, and hundreds of wood- cuts in the text. New edition, revised and corrected. 3 vols., thick 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1878. £2 15s 1881 A.D. [1083] EGYPT. BRUCSCH-BEY (Dr H.). History of Egypt under the Pharaohs. Derived entirely from the Monuments. With Discourse on the Exodus of the Israelites. Translated from the German by P. Smith, with Notes. Folding coloured maps, plans, and woodcuts. Second and Best Edition. 2 vols., thick 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1881. £1 4s 1885 A.D. [1084] CAMERON (Verney Lovett, C.B., D.C.L.). Across Africa. New Edition, with new and original matter and corrected map. With portrait, numerous plates, some folding and coloured, and a large number of illustrations in the text. Also a large folding map showing in detail the whole of Cameron's Journey in pocket at end. Second" Edition, revised. Thick crown 8vo, full -polished tree calf, gilt, g. e. London, 1885. £1 1s * * * Presenfeation copy from the author, Avith a lengthy inscription by him. Thia three and a half years' journey was undertaken in search of Livingstone when it was believe Congo. Apreciagoes Sobre o District© do Congo. Coordehagao de alguns documentos relatives ao Congo. Portrait, several maps and illustrations. Royal 8vo, full red morocco, g. e. Lisbon, 1899. 6s 152 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Africa — continued. 1902 A.D. [1097] PEASE (A. E). Travel and Sport in Africa. With 57 coloured plates, 3 portraits, 37 photogravure plates, 660 illustra- tions in the text, and large folding map. 3 vols., large thick 4to, original binding, uncut, t. e.g. London, 1902. • £2 15s *** Account of travels in Algeria, tlie Sahara, Somaliland, Abyssinia, etc. 1906 A.D. [1098] SALVADO MATTA (Jose Antonio). Africa Occidental Portui- gueza. S. Ttiom^. A Ro^a "Boa Entrada." (La perle des colonies portu- gaises. With 31 photographic plates. 4to, calf, t. e. g. Lisbon, 1906. 6s 1906 A.D. [1099] DENNETT (R. £.). At the back of the Black Man's Mind, or Notes on the Kingly Office in West Africa. With 21 plates and several illustrations in the text. First Edition. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, g. e. J^ondon, 1906. £2 2s 1902 A.D. [iioo] MOZAMBIQUE. Territorio de Manica e Sofalae aadminis- tra^ao da Companhta d^ Mozambique (i 892-1900). With 91 plates and 9 large folding plans. Thick 4to, full red morocco gilt, g. e. Lisbon, 1902. 15s 1906 A.D. [i loi] MANTECAZZA (Vico). II MaroGCO e I'Europa a proposito della Conferenza d'Algesiras. With 63 illustrations. Large 8vo, full morocco. Milan, 1906. 6s * * * The first fifty pages are devoted to Gibraltar. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 153 Africa — continued. • 1906 A.D. [1 102] SCHILLINGS (C. G). With Flashlight and Rifle. A Record of Hunting adventures and of studies in wild life in Equatorial East Africa Translated by F. Whyte, with an Introduction by Sir H. H. Johnston. Illustrated with 302 of the Author's " untouched " photographs taken by Day and Night. 2 vols., royal 8vo, original pictorial buckram.. London, igo6. 18s 1908 A.D. [i 103] 80USAE FARO (Conde de). A iiha de ». Thomd e a Ro^a Agua- Map and numerous plates. Royal 8vo, half bound, g. e. Lisbon, 1908. ' 5s 1910 A.D. [1 104] ST. THOMAS. MANTERA (Francisco). A Mao d'Obra em S. Thom4 e Principe. Numerous maps, charts and plates. Thick 4to, full limp morocco, g. e. Lisbon, 1910. - lOs 6d 1910 A.D. [1105] MENDELSSOHN (S.). South African Bibliography. With 26 full-page plates. 2 vols., royal Svo, cloth. London, igio. £2 lOs The only Bibliography of South Africa, with important bibliographical notes. Only 500 copies issued. 1912 A.D. [1 106] HORSBURGH (B ). Game^Blrds and Waterfowl of South Africa. With 68 fine coloured plates by C. G. Davies, 4to, half morocco, g.^e. London, 191 2. £4 lOs 154 MAGGS BROS . 34 & 35, Ccxnduit Street, London, W. (b.) TURKEY 1477 A.D. EDITIO PRINCEPS OF THE COLLECTED LETTERS OF THE TURKISH SULTAN MAHOMET U. [11 07] MAHOMET II. Epistolae Magni Turoi interprete Laudivio. Praecedit epistola ad Francinum Beltrandum. Roman Letter, 24 long lines to a full page. 4to, old red morocco gilt. {Treviso, Gerardus Lisa, 1474.) £21 Hain *10502. Proctor 6466. Only 1 Copy in U.S.A. (according to Census), viz., in Harvard College Library. 1480 A.D. [iio8] MAHOMET II. Epistolae Magni Turci. Laudlvio interprete. Black Letter, 25 long lines to a full page. Capital spaces. Initials, and initial strokes supplied in red. ^ 4to, half calf. {Cologne, Johann Guldenschaff, about 1480.) £18 18s Not in Hain. Proctor 1220. No copy in the British Museum library. Unknown to Brunet, Graesse and Panzer. Voullieme 825. Only 1 Copy in the Public Libraries of Germany. No Copy in U.S.A. (according to Census). 1481 A.D. [ 1 1 09] T U R C I . Tractatus quidam de Turcis. Black Letter, 32 long lines to a full page. Capital spaces. Marginal summaries. Nuremberg, Conrad Zeninger, 1481. £10 lOs Hain-Copinger *15681. Proctor 2229. British Museum Catalogue, Vol. II., p. 460. Conrad Zeninger's first known book is dated 1479, and there is no direct evidence later than 1482 otf his printing. He issued but few books from his press. The prophecies regiarding Turkish Invasions are mentioned and their authors, viz.. Merlin, Joachim, Cyrillus, Saint Hildiegaxd, St. Bridget and St. Catherine of Sienna. Only 4 libraries in U.S.A. possess copies op this i.nteresting work (according to Census). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 155 Turkey — continued-. 1486 A.D. The Collected Letters of the Turkish Sultan Mahomet E. [1 1 10] MAHOMET II. Epistole Turci Magnl ad multos Scripted et Epis- tole re Soripte ad eundem numero nonaginta. Black Letter, 29 long lines to a full page, with signatures. 4to, half bound. Wurtburg, George Reyser, about i486. £14 14s Hain *10498. British Museum Catalogue VoL II., p. 572. No Copy ix U.S.A. (according to Census). 1496 A.D. [II II] CAOURSIN (G.). Stabilimenta rhodiorum militum sacri ordinis hospitaJis sancti Johannis Hierosolymitani. Black Letter, long lines, fine woodcut initial letters. With 20 magnificent full-page woodcuts of the Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, including a portrait of the author on the last leaf. Folio, blue roan, sides gilt, gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. Ulm, Johann Reger, 1496. (See Illustration, Plate No. XVIL). £140 Hain 4364a. Proctor 2585. Pelieohet 3223. B.M. Catalogue, Vol. II., p. 541. Schreiber 3669. Only 1 Copy in the U.S. of America (according to Census), namely, in the J. P. Morgan Library. A magnificent copy of a fine book. First and only edition with these -woodcnt illustrations. There are only two copies in France, namely, in the Bibliotheque Nationale and Mazarine. The cuts aire most interesting, and show the following items : — Build«rs at work. Reception of a novice. Church of St. John. Attending cripples, etc. The treasury. Session of the Chapter. Election of a master. All these cuts are of great interest, representing the various ceremonies and offices otf the Order of St. John; the portraits of D'Aubusson, the Grand Master of the Order, and of Caoursin, may be considered portraits in default of other representations. Guillaume Caoursin was born at Douai about 1430, and became Vice-ChancelUor about 1462; he died at Rhodes, 1501. Pierre D'Aubusson was born 1423, became grand master in 1476, and Cardinal of St. Hadrian in 1489, and died 1503. He was ifamous' for his resistancei of the siege by the Turks in 1480, the Carmelite le Huen describes the personal appearance of D'Aubusson in his- account of his visit to Rhodes, in 1487. He also mentions the Chancellor of Rhodes (Caoursin .?) —& man of much understanding and great eloquence, a native of Picardy— who had then returned from an embassy to the king of France (probably regarding the custody of the Turkish Prince Zizim). IS6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Turkey — continued. 1497 A.D. The Revelations of Saint Methodius. [ill 2] METHODIUS. Revelatioftes ciivinae a Sanctis angelts factae. Wolgangi Aytinger Tractatus super Methodium. Black Letter, 33 long lines to a full page. Capital spaces, with guide- letters. 4to, vellum. {Meinmingen, Albrecht Kunne, about 1497.) £15 15s The revelations concern " the Beginning of the World, the destruction of various Kingdoms and their future Triumiphs against the Turks, the restoration of the Church and Universal Peace, together with the concordanoea of the prophecies and the End of the World." Hain *11119. Proctor; 2806. British Museum Catalogue, Vol. II., p. 608. Only 1 Copy of this curiocs book in U.S.A. (according to Census), viz., im Harvard College Library. 149S A.D. SAD FATE OF THE CHRISTIAN SLAVES OF THE TURKS. [1113] DE CAPTIVIS CHRISTIANIS. Black Letter, 3 1 lines to a full page. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. With woodcut on title of the Infant Jesus with orb and oak twig. 4to, vellum. Augsburg^ Johann Froschauer, 1498. £10 lOs The book laments the sad fate of the Christian Slaves of the Turks. Hain *4984. Proctor 1826. Britisli Museum Catalogue, Vol. II., p. 397. Pellechet 3562. Only 1 Copy in U.S.A. (according to CeNsrs), viz., in Harvard Cdllege Library. 1499 A.D. THE FUTURE TRIUMPHS OF THE CHRISTIANS OVER TURKS AND SARACENS. [i 1 14] DE FUTURI9 Christianonim triumphis in Turcos and Saracenos. Black Letter, 31 lines to a full page. With woodcut of the Infant Jesus with orb and twig of oak leaves. 4to, vellum. Augsburg, Johann Froschauer , 1499. £1€ lOs- Hain 15643 (without seeing it). Proctor 1482. British Museum Catalogue, Vol. II., p. 398. Only 1 Copy in U.S.A. (according to Census), viz., in Harvard College Library. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 157 Turkey — continued. 1555 A.D. [i 1 1 5 ] BELON DU MANS (Pierre). Les observations de plusieurs singu- larltez et choses memorables, trouv6es ©n Cr6ce, Asie, Ju£f6e, Egypt©, Arabie, ©to., et autres pays dtraitges. With large folding map and numerous woodcuts of animals, trees, views, etc., all coloured. 4to, old blue morocco, two-line fillet border on sides, inside gilt panels, gilt fanel back, g. e. Paris, 1555. £10 1C« Fine oopv containing descriptions of the antiquities of Damascus, Cairo, Jerusalem, Alexandria, and other oriental cities; and other quaint pictures and facts relating to natural history. 1567 A.D. ON TURKISH CUSTOMS. [i 1 16] GEORCIEUIZ (Bartholomaeus). De Turcarum Moribus Epitome. With several small woodcuts. i2mo, contemporary English calf. Lyons, 1567. £6 18s * * *Containing : — D© Turcarum Ritu et Caeremoniis Capitulum. De Turcarum ie Militari. De Turcarum Agricultura. De Afflictione tarn captivorum, quam sub tribute viventium Christianorum. Disputationis cum Turca Habitae narratio. Exhortatio contra Turcas, etc. 1578 A.D. [II 17] KONINCSHOF (Nicolas Honigerus). Pars I. Aula© Turcicae, Othomatinicque Imperii Desoriptio: qua Turcarumi Palatina Officia, mores, religio, sectae item Mahom©ticae, Imperiorumqu© III ex ©a procfeuntiumi status luouletiter enarrantur. Pars II. Solymanni XII & Selymi XIII. Turcar Impp. contra Christianos : vicissimique Christianorum contra hos sub auspiciis trium Potentif. Rom. Imppp. Caroli V, Ferdinandi & Maximiliani II, res gestae, bella, praelia et ex- peditiones, ab anno 1520 usque in praesentem annum 1578. peractae. 2 vols, in I , small thick 8vo, old French morocco, gilt back. Arms on sides. Basil, 1578. £6 10s 1594 A.D. [i II 8] MINADOI (G. T.). Histoira del la Cuerra fra Turchi et Persiani. With large folding map. 4to, original vellum. Vertice, 1594. £3 lOs This classic account of the famous war between the Turks and the Persian.s has been translated into many languages. 158 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London. W. Turkey — continued. 1629 A.D. [i 1 19] RELACION verdadera de la Jornada que hizo el Reverendo Padre Fray Pacificio de Pari^ predicador Capuchlno, a los Reynos de Oriente, para predicar la Fee y licencia que Pe did el Gran Turco pera edificar Conventos y hospitalis. 4 pp., folio, new boards. Granada, 1629. £5 58 * * * An interesting Relation of tihe Missionary Padre Fray Pacificio and history of the Convents established in Greece, Egypt, Palestine, Constantinople, etc. 1632 A.D. [1120] GYLLU6 (P.). De Topographia Constantinopaleos, et de illius Antiquitatibus. Thick i6mo, old calf. Ley den. Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1632. lOs 6d 1646 A.D. [i 121] 8UBTILTY AND CRUELTY: or a True Relation of the Horrible and Unparalleld abuses and intolerable Oppressions, exercised by Sir Sackville Crow. His Majesties -Ambassador at Constantinople., and his Agents, m seiz- ing upon the persons and estates of the English Nation resident there, and at Smyrna, together with the barbarous and tyrannical intentions to doe the like upon their persons and estates in all other parts of the Grand Signors Dominions; directly contrary to the Trust reposed in him by his Majesty, and his owne agreement with the Company of Merchants of England trading into the Levant Seas, at whose charge he is there maintained. Small 4to. A very fine cofy in old English morocco, gold border to sides of festoons and etruscan vases ^ g. e. London, 1646. £14 14s- 1674 A.D. [i 122] SMITH (Thos.). Epistola de Morlbus ao Institutis Turcarum, cui annectitur brevis Constantinopoleos Notitia. Post 8vo, original covers. Oxford, 1674. les- ***Thos. Smith (1638—1710), non-juring divine and scholar. Chaplain to English Amba.ssador at Constantinople. Vice-President of Magdalen College. Great book and manuscript collector and authority. 1674 A.D. [11 23 ] MENDOZA (Diego de). Guerra de Granada hecha por el Rey de EspSna, Don Fetipe II, contra los Mon'scos de aquel Reyno, sus rebefd^s. Pub- licada por Luis Tribaldos de Toledo, Chronista Mayor del Rey por las Indias. 4to. old calf, gilt, g. e. Madrid, hnfrenta Real, 1674. £2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 155 Turkey — continued. 1708 A. D. [1124] FRANCISCO DE SAN JUAN. Mission historial de Marruecos, en que se trata de los Martirios, perseouciones y trabajos^ que lian padecitto los Missionaries^ y f rutos que han oogido las Missiones, que desde sus princi- pios tuvo la Ord^ Serapiiica en el imperio de Marruecos, y continua la Pro- viiii>ia de San Diego de Franciscos Descalpos de Andalucia en el Mismo Imperio. With finely engraved frontispiece of Saints martyred by the Moors and Arabs. Thick foUo, calf. Sevilla,i7o%. £10 lOs In addition to the accounts of the work and martyrdom of the missionaries in the Moorish Empire, many chapters of this Avork are devoted to a description of the religion, customs, etc., of the Moors^ Last four leaves of Index remargined. 1723 A.D. [II 25] VEGA Y TORAYA (Francisco de la). Ctironica de la provincia de CastUla^ L^on, y Navarra^ del ortfen de la Santissima Trinidad, redempcion de Cautivos. Segunda parte. Thick folio J limp vellum. Madrid, 1723. £2 lOS Refers to the voyage of Saint Nicholas and Saint Louis to conquerl the Turks and redeem Syria; to the martyrdom of 112 monks at Constantinople; to Palestine, Egrpt, etc., etc. 1797 A.D. [1 126] MARMOL CARYAJAL (Luis del). Historia del Rebeiion y Cas- tigo d& losi Moriscos del Reyno' d^ Granada. With large folding plan of Granada. 2 vols., 4to, calf. Madrid, 1797. 18s 1820 A.D. [1127] CONDE (J. A.). Historia de la Dominacion de los Arabes en Espana, sacada en varies manuscritos y memorias Arabigas. With illustrations of Arabic inscriptions. 3 vols., 8vo, roan, border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. 'Madrid, 1 820-1 821. £1 lOS' 1841 A.D. [i 128] DESCRIPTION of a view of the City of Damasous, and the sur- rounding conntry. Now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square. Painted by Robert Bur ford. With folding plate containing two oblong views of Dcimascus. 8vo, new boards. London, 1841. lOs 6d i6o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street. London. W. Turkey — continued. 1844 A. D. [1129] HAMMER. Histoire de Fempire Ottoman cfepuis son origin jusqu'a nos jours. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. 'Paris, 1844. £2 lOs Final page lof the table sligrhtly defective. Excellent French translation erf the standard History of the Ottoman Empire from its foundation in 1300 to 1830. 1854 A.D. [1 130] CONSTANTINOPLE. MACBEAN (Capt. Forbes). Sketches of Charaoter and Costume in Constantinople^ Ionian Island, etc., from the orig- inal drawings made on the spot. Lithographed by J. Sutcliffe. 25 beautifully coloured plates. Folio, cloth. London, 18^4. £4 4s Comprising-: — Turkish Ladies Eecreating. Sketch in a Coffee House, Constantinople. Persian Shawl Merchants. Costume of the Montenegro People. Greek Peasantry. Dancing Dervishes. Albanian Costume. Etc., etc., etc., etc. 1S55 A.D. [113 1] TURKISH Costumes and Sketches in the Bosphorus, 1855. A Collection of 42 remarkably fine Original Water Colour Drawings, com- prising full-length Male and Female figures in the National Costume of Turkey, including Ladies of Rank, Officials, Soldiers, Traders, Musicians, A School- master and his Scholars, etc. Two Magnificent Views of the Golden Horn and Constantinople. The drawings average 10 by 7 inches, and are mounted in a folio album, fidl morocco. 1855. , £21 * * * A very interesting Series of Drawings of Turkish Costume, Life and Character — made at the time of the Crimean War. 1684 A.D. [i 1 32] CAR A YON (Auguste). Relation inddites (fes missions de la com- pagnie de Jesus ^ Constantinople et dans le Levant au XVII si^cle. 8vo, half bound. Poitiers, 1864. £1 5s 1873 A.D. [1133] COECK (Peter), of Aelst. The Turks in 1533. A Series of Dravvings made in that year at Constantinople by Peter Coeck of Aelst, and published from wood blocks, by his widow, at Antwerp in 1553. Reproduced with other illustrations, in facsimile, with an Introduction by Sir Wm. Stirling Maxwell, Bart. Large oblong folio, original cloth. London and Edinburgh, Privately Printed, 1873. £® ®^ *** Only 100 copies printed. A.L.'S. of Sir Wm. S Maxwell, concerning the book, enclosed. Also a presentation copy, with signed inscription. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 161 Turkey — coittinued. 1878 A.D. [i 134] KHALIL. Code Musuiman par Ktialil (Rite Malekite-Statut rtel). Text Arabe et nouvelle traduction par N. Seignette. Arabic and French text in parallel columns. Royal 8vo, green morocco, two-line gilt borders on sides, gilt back, in- side dentelles, g. e. Constantine, 1878. £1 5S 1880 A.D. [i 135] BRASSEY (Mrs.). Sunshine and Storm in the East, or Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople. With upwards of 100 illustrations, chiefly from drawings by the Hon. A. Y. Bingham. 8vo, full blue morocco gilt, g. e. London, \Z%o. 10s 6d * * * Fine copy, with original covers bound in. 1893 A.D. [1136] LEVANT. Early Voyages and Travels in the Levant. I. The Diary of Master Thomas Dallam, 1 599-1600. II. Extracts from the Diaries of Dr. John Covel, 1670-79. With some account of the Levant Company of Turkey, Merchants. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by J. Theodore Bent. Portrait of Dr. Covel. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, Hakluyt Society , 1893. lOs 6d 1898 A.D. [i 137] PONS BOICUES (Francisco) Ensayo hio^hibltografico sobre los historiadores y geografos Arabigoi-Espanoles. Double columns. Folio, calf. Madrid, 1898. £1 lOS Very interesting bibJiographical work on the Arab historians and geographers lx>ru in Spain. 1907 A.D. [1138] MORYSON (Fynes). An Itinerary Containing His Ten Yeeres Travell through the Twelve Dominions of Germaniy, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland^ Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland & Ireland. 4 vols., 8vo, original half vellum, uncut , t. e. g. Glasgow, 1907. £2 lOS *** One of the Special Issne of (>ne hundred copies, with proof impreSisiions of the illustrations. i62 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. (E.) PALESTINE. 1486 A.D. [1139] LANGHEN (Rudolphus de), Monasteriensis. Historia de urbis Hierosolymae excidio templique ejus profanattone. Black Letter, 28-30 long lines to a full page. With signatures. No catchwords. 4to, neat calf, two-line fillet border on sides, gilt back, inside dentelles. Deventer {Jacobus, of Breda, about i486.) £18 18s Thje work describes the History of Jerusalem) and the history of the Temple from the time of the first Temple, the days of Nehemiah, the Maccabees, till its destruction at the hands of the army of Titus. This isi the identical copy which Campbell describes under No. 1088 as being No. 908 of the Heber Books in hisi Gand catalogue 908; afterwards Kioss No. 215.5, and is the copy described, by Brnnet. As a matter of fact it is absolutely identical Tvith Campbell 1087. Campbell 1087 and 1088. Hain-Copinger 9895. Proctor 8971. Only 1 Copy in U.S.A. (according to Census), viz., in the Library of the late Henry Walters. 1495 A.D. [II 40] BRANT (Sebastian). De origine et conversatione bonorum regum et de laude Civitatis Hierosolymae cum exhortatione ejusdem reouper> andae. Black Letter, 28 long lines to a full page. Marginalia. With two interest- ing woodcuts and printer's device on last leaf (dated 1495). 4to, half morocco, gilt back. Basel, Johann Bergmann, de Olfe, 1st March, 1495. £16 IGs Hain *3735. Pellechet 2819. British Museum Cataaogue, Vol. III., p. 795. Only 2 Copies in U.S.A. (accoeding to Census). MAGGS BROS., 54 & 35, Conduit Street, London, V*'. 163 Palestine — continued. 1522 A.D. [ 1 1 4 1 ] BR E Y D E N B AC H (Bernard de) . Le grant voyage de H ierusalem divis^ en deux parties. En la premiere est traicte des peregrinations de la saincte cite de Hierusalem. Du Mont Saincte Katherine de Sinay et autres lieux sainctz avec les a, b, c, des lettres Grecques, Caldecs, Hebraiques et Arabicques, avec aucuns langaiges des Turcz translatez en frangois. En la seconde partie est traicte des Croisees et Entreprinees f aictes par les Roys et Princes Chrestiens pour la Recouvrance de la Terre Saincte et Augmenta- tion de la Foy Comme Charles Martel, Pepin, Charlemagne, le Roy Saincte Loys, Godefroy de Bullion et autres qui ont conqueste la cite de Hierusalem. Des guerres des Turcz et Tartarins, La Prince de Constantinople, du siege de Rhodes, la prinse de Grenade, avec I'hystoire de Sophie, les guerres et batailles entre le grant Turc et le grant Souldan f aictes depuis nagueres. Le Chemin et Voyage de Romme avec les stations des eglises ou sont les grands Pardons. Black Letter, title in red and black, with two very large folding wood- cuts, one being a large panoramic view of Jerusalem and its surroundings, and numerous woodcuts in the text. Two parts in i vol., 4to, calf gilt. Paris, four Frangois Regnault, 20 mars, 1522. £55 This French work of Nicole le Huen is not a literal translation of Breydenbach's Voyages because although the French author has followed Breydenbach chapter by chapter and he has reproduced his plates while preserving the main body of the original, he has often added much of his own. In this very rare edition Part II. contains an " account of the wars that took place recently in the years 1516 — 1517 between the Grand Turk and tae Soldan," and many later additions which deal chieHy with the Portuguese Conquest of India. Title and some preliminary leaves wormed. 1523 A.D. [i 142] VARTHEMA (Ludovico de). Itinerario nelo Egypto, nela, Suria, nefa Arabia, Deserta et Felice, nela Persia, nela India & nela Ethiopia. La fede, el vivere & costumi de tulle le pref ate provincie. Roman Letter, long lines, with large woodcut on title of the author in- scribing his discoveries on a terrestrial globe, above a fine ship with sail full set before the wind; numerous woodcut capitals. 4to, i?)th Century calf gilt. Arms of Prince Eugene of Savoy on sides (" Padel&uf relieur " in an old hand on fly-leaf). ' Milano fer Joanne Angela Scinzenzeler , .-^o Afril, 1523. £12 12s Rare edition of an important book, one foliation numeral Slightly shaved, wanta the Table (2 leaves) at end, otherwise a fine copy. 1583 A.D. [1143] YEPES (Fray Rodrigo). Traotado y descripcion breve y com- pendiosa de la Tierra Sanota de Palestina. 4to, limf vellum. Madrid, Imfresso en Monesterio de San Hieronymo, for Juan Yniguez de Lequerica, 1583. £7 1C(& i64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Palestine — continued. 1592 A.D. [1144] ADRICHOMIUS (C.)- Urbis Hierosolymae quemadmodum CKristi tempore floruit, et suburbanorum eius brevi$ (tescriptio. De Locis, item, quae Jesu Christi & Sanctorum Passioneae gestis nobilitata sunt. Adjuncta •est Topographica delineatio ad viuum aenis formis expressa. Large folding plan of Jerusalem, 28 inches by 20 inches. Small 8vo, original vellum. Cologne^ 1592. £1 10s 1632 A.D. [1145] CALAHORRA (Juan), Predicador de Tierra Santa. Giironica de le Provincia de Syria y Tierra Santa de Cerusalen, oontione les progressos que en ella fia heoiio la Religion Serafica, desde el Ano 1219 basta 1632. 1664 A.D. Thick folio, vellum {or calf). Madrid, 1684. £6 6s An important account of the Franciscan Missions in the Holy Land and Syria, and of the History of Jerusalem, etc., from 121&— 1632. 1664 A.D. [1 146] ANTONIO DEL CASTILLO. El devoto Peregrine; viage de Tierra Santa. With plates, some folded, others engraved on the text, of plans and views, and engraved title. 4to, old calf. Madrid, 1664. £4 4s Although there Avere several editions pi-'blished of this really valuable account, the itinerary of Castillo is still very little known to collectors of works on the Holy Land. He made considerable use of Zuallardo in the descriptions of places. 1667 A.D. [1147] IGNATIUS VON RHEINFELDEN. Neue Jerosolymitanische Pilger^Fahrt, Oder kurtze Beschreibung dess Heiligen Lands. With numerous maps and plans, engraved on copper, and woodcuts. 4to, vellum. Wurtzburg, 1667. £2 2s The author, a Franciscan monk, gives an account of all the Capuchin missions in Asia, Africa, etc. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 165 Palestine — continued. 1714 A.D. [1 148] RELANDUS (Hadrian). Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus inustrata. With engraved frontispiece, portrait, and folding maps and plates. 2 vols., 4to, old citron morocco, three-line -fillet border on sides, gilt backs, ^. ^• Utrecht, 1214. £3 3& 1732 A.D. [i 149] DAVEIRO (Pantalian). Itinerario da Terra Sancta, e suas par* ticuJaridades. 4to, old calf. Lisbon, 1732. £2 10s 1739 A.D. ^ [1 150] ALMAS SANTAS (Fr. Miguel). Clamores feitos ao ceo, suspiros dados na Terra Santa de Jerusalem. With woodcut on title. i2mo, calf , some margins wormed. Porto, 1739. £2 10s An unusual chronicle of th© Franciscan Order in Palestine. 1744 A.D. [1 151] JUAN DE EL SANTISSIMO SACRAMENTO (a Franciscan). Viage, y Peregrinacion de Jerusalem. i2mo, calf. Lisbon, 1744. £1 lOs 1835 A.D. [1152] BURFORD (Robt.). Description of a view of tKe City of Jeru- salem, and the Surrounding Country, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leices- ter Square. Folding plate containing two panoramic views of Jerusalem. 8vo, new boards. London, 1835. lOs 6d 1851 A.D. [1 153] BURFORD (Robert). Description of Views of the Falls of Niagara and the City of Jerusalem, now exhibiting in the large circle of the Panorama, Leicester Square. With long oblong views of Niagara and Jerusalem, %vo, new boards. 1851. > - - ..». lOs 6d' INDICES. (1). Authors and Titles. Abreu (G. de V.) Civilisayao Ayra-Hindu, 1878 972 Litteratura Samskritica. 1851-1897 976 Pamphlets, 1870-90 961 Vocabulario, 1898 995 Acosta (E.) Hist. Soc. Jesus in Oriente, 1572 603 Adams (J.) Cape Palmas to Congo, 1823... 1058 Adanson; Voyage to Senegal, 1759 1039 Address to Prison Population, 1837 640 Adrichomius (C.) Hierosolymae, 1592 ... 1144 Alberti (L.) Kafiers, 1810 1054 Aldrete (B.) Antiguedades de Espana, Afri- ca, 1614 1017 Almas Santas (M.) Clamores feitos, 1739 ... 1150 Alvares D^Almada (A.) Guine, 1841 1072 Alvarez (F.) Historia de Ethiopia, 1561. ..68P Anburey (T.) Hindoostan Scenery, 1799... 858 Andrade (A.) Histoire . . Tibet, 1629 ... 748 Relatione . . . Tibet, 1627 739 and Diaz (G.) Relacion Nueva, 1629 752 Anguiano (M. de) Abyssino, 1706 1032 Angus (G. F.) Gold Regions of A. 1851 ... 654 Anjos (M. dos) Historia Universal, 1652.. .779 Antonio del Castillo; Peregrine, 1664 ... 1146 Aquino Guimaraes e Freitas (J. de) Macao, 1828 919 Arago (J.) Voyage, 1823 621 Asia; MS. Relation, 1750 839 Atikinson (G.) Curry and Rice, 1860 950 Australia; O Descobrimento, 1863 676 Pictiure of, 1829 626 Blue Book, 1838 641 Catechism, 1862 673 Life and Scenery, 1840 643 Avisos del Sucesso, 1630 ^ 754 Avril (Ph.) Voyage, 1693 794 Barbary; Short and Strange Relation, 1669... 1026 Barclay (Capt. A.) Life, 1854 665 Baines (T.) Oil Paintings of Expedition to N.W. Australia, 1855 679a Barrantes (V.) Guerras Piraticas, 1878 ... 971 Barrington (G.) History of N.S.W., 1802 ... 601 History of N.S.W., 1810 610, 611 Voyage to Botany Bay, 1793 ,596 Voyage to Botany Bay, 1801 ."199 Barras (J.) and Diogo do Couto; Asia, 1778- 88 8.52 Barros (J. de) Carta, 1622 1018 Carta, 1624 1091 L'Asia, 1561 690 Decada Primera da Asia, 1628 ... 745 Segunda, 1628 74fi Terceira, 1628 747 Beatson (A.) St. Helena, 1816 1056 Beeckman (D.) Voyage, 1718 809 Belon du Mans (P.) Observations, 1555... 1115 -— — - Observations, 1588 698 Belmonte Bermudez (L. de) Algunas Haza- nas de las hechas de Mendoca, 1622... 573 Bern (T. C. de) Memorias, 1792-1796 865 Benjamin of Tudela; Itinerarium, 1575... 694 Bernier (F.) Voyages, 1709-10, 1711 ... 804, 805 Biervillas (I. de) Voyage, 1736 818 Bleeck (A. H.) Avesta, 1864 952 Boavida (A. J-) Missionaries Portuguezes, 1893 1089 Bombay Literary Society, 1819-1823 905 Bombay Magazine, 1810 893 Bosman (W.) Coast of Guinea, 1705 1031 Bounty Mutineers, 1790 595 Bowrey (T.) Dictionary, English and Malay, 1701 799 Boyce (W. B.) Notes on S. African Affairs, 1838-9 1067-1068 Brant (S.) Origine et conversatione bonorum regum, 1495 1140 Brassey (M ) Sunshine and Storm, 1880.. .1135 Brees (S. C. New Zealand, 1847 647 Breydenbach (B. de) .Voyage, 1522 1141 Brisbane (Sir T. M.) Reminiscences, 1860 ... 670 Brooke (T. H.) St. Helena, 1808 1053 Bruce (J.) Travels, 1790 1046 Brugsch-Bey (Dr. H.) Egypt under Pha- roahs. 1881 1083 Buller (W. L.) Birds of New Zealand, 1873... 681 Bunce (D.) Language of Aborigines of Vic- toria, 1851 656 Burford's Hobart Town, 1831 628 View Benares, 1840 9.31 View Canton, 1838 930 View Cashmere, 1849 942 View of St. Jean D'Acre, 1841 ... 1070 View of Sydney, 1829 627 Calahorra (J) Chronica de Syria, 1684.. .1145 Callander (John) Terra Australis Cognita, 1766 i576 Cambridge (R. O.) War in India, 1761 ... 847 Cameron (V. L.) Across Africa, 1885 ... 1084 Cano (G.) Religiosos de N. P. S. Augustin, 1864 955 Cape of Good Hope; Correspondence with Governor, 1853 1075 Carayon (A.) Missions a Constantinople, 1864 1132 Cardim (A.) Elogios, 1654 764 Cardim (A. F.) Batalhas da C. Jesus en Japao, 1894 991 INDICES^C on/inued. (I.) AUTHOKS AND TITLES— Continued. Cardoso (G.) Agiologio, 1652 777 Carrillo (M.) Relacion de las Missiones, 1756 845 Carta de los Padres Carmelitas, 1584 ... 1015 Carla dos Missionaries, 1743-53 830 Carta dos Missionarios, 1746 834 Cartas de alyunos Padres, 1555 687 Cartas que os Padres . . . Iteynos de Japom, 1570 692 Castilho (A. de) Goa, 1736 820 Castro (D. de) Elogio, 1642 767 Castro (P. A. de) Laureola sacra, 1723 ... 811 Castro (J. de) Costa da India, 1843 936 Catalog© de los Eeligiosos en Japon, 1635 759 Cathcart (Sir G.) Correspondence, 1856, 1857 1076, 1077 Caoursin (G.) Hospitalis S. Johannes Hiero- solymitani, 1496 1111 Cedula de Filipinas, 1785 857 Centeno (A.) Historia del Oriente, 1595 ... 701 Ceylon; Plans, 1650 773 Chateliain (H.) Folk Tales of Angola, 1894 ... 1092 Chinese Missionaries Controversy, 1710 ... 802 Churchill's Voyages, 1704 800 Cienfuegos (B. de) Vida del Padre Gonzalo de Sylveira, 1614 1016 Coeck (P.) Turks in 1533, 1874 1133 Coelho (A.) Memorias, 1749 1036 Colin (F.) Labor Evangelica, 1663 784 Compendio de lo que escrive . . en Japon, 1627 738 Conceieao (M. da) Viagem Marquez de Tavora, 1751 ,.... 840 Conceiro (P.) Viagem, 1892 1088 Conde (J. A.) Historia de los Arabes in Espana, 1820-21 1127 Conway (W. M.) Climbing Himalayas, 1894... 989 Cook (Capt.) Deatt of, 1784 583a Death of, 1789 .591 Elegy on, 1780 .584 Second Voyage, 1776 .581 Third Voyage, 1784 .585 -^ Third Voyage; Webber's Drawings... 582a Third Voyage; Webber's Views, 1789... 589n ■ — Voyages, 1773-85 577 Voyages, 1821 618 Cope (Capt.) East Indies, 1758 846 Copies of Treaties with King of Delhi, 180rv.. 887 Copleston (R. S.) Buddhism, 1892 982 Costa (A. E. de) Conversam de el Eei de Bissau, 1695 1030 Costa (D. de) Gnerras da India, 1741 ... 824 Coucto-(A. de) Gentilis AngoUiae, 1661.. .1026 Couto (D. de) Asia, 1736 819 Couto (D. de) Portuguezes na Asia, 1790... 861 Crespo (F.) Eelacion de los Martyres en Japon, 1625 735 Crow (Sir Sackville) Subtlety and Cruelty, 1646 1121 Crus (M. da) Fala, que fes o P. Fr. Manoel da Crus. 1642 768 Cubero (P. S.) Descripcion del Mundo, 1697... 795 Cunha Graciano (F. de) Eelacam, 1743 ... 832 Curvo Semmedo (J.) Observacoens Medioas, 1741 825 Da Cunha (J. S.) Antiquities of Ghaul, 1876 967 Tooth Relic of Ceylon, 1875 965 Sahyadri-Khanda, 1877 968 Dale (Lieut. E.) View King George's Sound. 1834 632 Dalton (E.) Views in Greece and Egypt, 1791 1048 Daman; Diocese de Cranganor, 1892 985 Damascus; View of, 1841 , 1128 Damberger (C. F.) Travels. 1801 1051 Dapper (Dr. O.) Afrique, 1686 1029 Da Silva (J. M. A.) Eepositorio de Nocoes de Botanica, 1904 1006 Daveiro (P.) Terra Sancta, 1732 1149 De Guignes; Le Ghou-King, 1770 849 De Matos (D.) Cartas 1624 1020 • Compendio, 1629 7.53 Denham (F. E S.) Clapperton (Capt.) and Oudney; Travels in Africa, 1828 1062 Dennett (E. E.) Black Man's Mind, 1906 ... 1099 Dennys (N. B.) Folk Lore of China, 1876 ... 966 De Eochemonteix (M.) Quelques Contes Nubiens, 1888 1085 Digges (D.) Defence of Trade, 1615 719 Diogo de Areda; Sermao, 1644 769 Doyley (C.) European in India, 1813 897 Drayson (Capt. A. V.) Sporting Scenes amongst Kaffirs, 1858 1078 Du Bois (J. A.) Hindu Manners, 1897 ... 99.'? Duff (G.) Marathas, 1830 921 Dunlop (J.) Mooltan, 1849 941 East India Company Acts, 1803... 882, 883, 884 Affairs, 1810 894 Charter, 1833 925 Court of Directors, 1796 869 Evidence before House of Commons, 1813 898 Extracts of Letters, 1796 870 Letters, 1896-1902 992 Observations, 1796 874 mmCE^y— Continued. (I.) AUTHOES AND TITLES— Cont/nucf/. East India Company ; Court of Directors 869 Observations of Chairman, 1796 ... 871 — — Papers re Shipping, 1796 873 Proceedings re Ships, 1792 866 Reports, 1796 872 Eden (E.) Up the Country, 1866 957 Eden (W.) New Holland, 1787 587, 588 Edwardes (H. B.) Punjab, 1851 943 Elphinstone (M.) India, 1843 934 Epistolae Indicae, 1566 691 Estado do prezente estado da India, 1725 ... 812 Estado y sucesso de las Cceas de Japon, China, 1621 726 Ethiopie; Histoire, 1629 1023 Ettinghausen (M. L.) Harsa Vardhana, 1906 1011 Evans (G. W.) Van Dieman's Land, 1822 ... 619 Extracto Historial . . . Indias, 1736 821 Faria (T. de) Sermao. 1624 734 Fayrer (J.) Thanatophidia, 1874 963 Feliciano da Fonseca (F.) Suocessos na In- dia, 1753 842 Fee Cardozo de Castellobrauco (J. C.) Mem- oria, 1825 1060 Fernandez (A.) Carta, 1628 1022 Historia, 1611 717 - Vida Virgem Maria, 1652 780- Ferrando (J.) and Fonseca (J.) Historia de los Dominicos en Fi4ipinas, 1870-2 ... 960 Ferrari (J.) La Chine, 1869 959 Ferreira (M.) Noticias Missam de Cochin China, 1700 798 Fiji; Catechism, 1847 649 Hymn Book, 1849 6.52 — Prayer Book, 1853 663-664 Fitzclarence (Henry) Log Book, 18U ... 10.55 Flaming Islands, 1672 ...■ 788 Fleauriau (B. G.) Conquetes faites dans les Indee, 1749 836 Flinders (AI.) Voyage, 1814 613 Forbes (J.) Oriental Memoirs, 1813 896 Forrest (G. W.) Indian Mutiny, 1904 ... 1007 Forrest (T.) Voyage, 1792 864 Forster (G.) Voyage, 1777 582 1778 583 Fortune (R.) Wanderings in N. China, 1847 940 Foster (J. F. L.) New Colony of Victoria, 1851 6.57 Francklin (W.) Memoirs of Thomas, 1803 ... 881 Francisco de San Juan ; Mission de Marrue- cos, 1708 1124 Francisco de Souza; Oriente Conquistado, 1710 803 Eraser (J. B.) Himalaya Mountains, 1820 ... 906-7 Freire de Andrada (J.) Vida de Joao de Castro, 1651 774 Freire de Monterroio Mascarenhas (J.) Eni- bayxada Rey de Angome, 1751 1037 Epanaphora Indica, 1746-53 835 Relac'am dos Armas Portuguezas, 1716 • 808 Freitas (S. de) Lusitanorum Asiatico, 1625... 737 Galvao (A-) Descobrimentos, 1731 816 Gentil; Memoires sur I'lndoustan, 1822... 910 Georgieuiz (B.) De Turcarum Moribus, 1567 1116 Gervaise (N.) Hist. Naturelle Siam, 1688... 792 Gesta proxime per Portugalenses in India, 1507 685 Godinho (M.) Relax^ao do Novo Caminho, 1665 785 — Novo Caminho, 1842 933 Godinho (N.) Aethiopiae, 1615 722 Gomez (P.) Breve R^liatione . . . morte di Paulo Michi . . ., 1628 742 Gomez Platero (E.) Franciscanos de Fili- pinas, 1880 975 Goncalves d'Almada (A.) Relapao de Guine, 1733 . 1034 Gonsales de Mendoza (G.) Historia dellu China, 1586 697 Gonzaliez (Juan) Misiones Catolicas de Nueva Holanda, 1849 6,51 Goodridge (C. M.) Voyage, 1841 644 Gould (J. )Handbook to Birds, 1865 677 Mammals of Australia, 1863 675 Gouvea (A. de) Carta, 1808 891 Jornada, 1606 712 Relacam, 1611 716 Gouvea Paoheco (C. de) Vida do Savagy, 1730 815 Grammatica Indostana, 1778 853 Grant (J.) Voyage of Lady Nelson, 1803... 602, 604 Grav y Monfalcon (J.) Memorial, 1637... 760 Grey (Sir G.) Polynesian Mythology, 1855... 667 Grimstone (S. E.) Southern Settlements of N.Z., 1847 648 Guerreiro (F.) Relacam . . . India, 1603... 709 Relacam. 1609, 1611 713, 71.5 Guerreiro (B.) Gloriosa Coroa, 1642 766 Guglielmoti, Misiones Tonkin, 1846 939 Guinea. True Relation of Murder cf Three Englishmen, 1672 1027 Guzman (L. de) Missiones en la India. 1601... 705 Gyllus (P.) Topographia Constantinopoleos, 1632 1120 INDICES — Continued. (I.) AUTHORS AND Hale (H.) Ethnography of S. Africa, 1838... 1065 Hall (B.) Voyage, 1818 004 Ham's Views of Gold Fields, 1852 6.58 Hammer; Empire Ottoman, 1844 1129 Harris (J.) Voyages, 1744 575 Harris (Capi. W. C.) Game of S. Africa, 1840 lOb'9 Wild Sports of S. Africa, 1841... 1071 Hastings (Marquis) Administration of Indian Government, 1824 915 Herbert (T.) Travels, 1634 7.58 1638 761 Hertslet (Sir E.) Map of Africa by Treaty, 1896 1093 Heywood (P.) Nautical Remarks, 1800-1810... 60a Histoire de se qui s'est passe en Ethiopie, 1628-1629 744, 750, 751 Hodges (W.) Views. 1786 858 Hockin (Rev. J. P.) Pelew Islerio dp Annam, 1858 948 Maori; New Testament. 1852 659 Mara (J.) Journal of Resolution Voyage, 1775 579 Marchand (E.) Voyage, 1796 598 Marco Polo, 1556 688 Travels, 1818 903 Maria Ignacia Azlor y Echeverz; Relacion, 1793 867 Mariner (W.) Tonga Islands, 1818 614 Markham (Col. F.) Shooting in Himalayas, 1854 : 944 Marmol Carvajal (L. del) Rebelion de los Morisoos. 1797 11?6 Marques (P.) Morte de Rubino, 1652 778 Marti (J.) Misionee Catolicas de Nueva Holanda, 1850 653 Martinez (D.) Provincia de San Gregorio de Philipinas, 1756 844 Martinez de Zuniga (J.) Tslas Filipinae, 1893 9«S Maspero (G.) Dawn of Civilization, 1894 1091 Histoire de I'Orient, 1890 1086 Matignon (J. J.) Superstition en Chine, 1902 1004 Mayer (L.) Views in Esrypt. 1804 1052 Meade (R.) Disturbed Districts of New Zealand. 1870 680 Meeriit Magazine. 1835-7 927 Melchior Estacio do Amaral; Tratado, 1604 710 Mendana ; Discovery of Solomon Islands, 1901 1003 Mendelssohn (S.) S. African Bibli oar.. 1910... 1105 Mendez Pinto (F.) Historia. 1645 770 Mendoza (D. de) Guerra de Granada, 1674... 1123 Methodius; Revelationes, 1497 1112 Minadoi (G. T.) Guerra fra Turchi et Persiani, 1594 1118 TITLES — Continued. Moles worth (Sir W.) Speech, 1848 650 Mollien (G.) Travels, 1820 1057 Montalto de Jesus (C. A.) Historia Macsu>, 1902 1005 Moodie (J. W. D.) Ten Years in S.A., 1835... 1063 Moor (E.) Compilation . . . Bombay Army, 1801 879 — Hindu Infanticide, 1811 895 MS. for Hindu Pantheon, 1803-10... 885 Moor (Capt. E.) MS. Books, 1790-1805... 862 Narrative of Operations of Capt. Little, 1792-3 863 Moore (F.) Travels into Africa, 1838 1066 Moores Baffled, 1681 1028 Morales (F.) Relacion del Martirio Navarrete, 1618 725 Morga (A. de) Islas Philipinas, 1609 567, 713a Morocco; Arrival of Embassador, 1637... 1024 Moryson (F.) Itinerary, 1907 1138 Mouhot (H.) Travels, Indo-China, 1864... 953 Moule (A. E.) New China, 1891 981 Mozambique; O Territorio, 1902 1100 Muha Raj Kalee Krishen Behadur 923 Munro (Sir H.) Letter Books, 1781 8.55 Narborough (J.) Voyages, 1694 574 Nenclares (E. M. de) Martires del Japon, 1862 951 New South Wales ; Votes of Council, 1843 645 New Zealand; Bay of Islands. 1861 672 Blue Book. 1845 R4f5 Maoris; Paintings by Lindauer... 683a Nieuhofi (J.) Legatio Batavica, 1668 787 Norden (F. W.) Voyage d'Egypte, 1755... 10.38 Noticia da Viagem ao India, 1742 828 Nuovi Avisi delle Indie di Portugallo. 15.53... 686 Oberea, Queen of Otaheite; Epistle, 1774.. 578 Olearius (A.) Voyages, 1662 .• 783 Oliver (R. A.) Sketches in New Zealand. Oriental Album, 1848 1073 Orme (L.) Military Transactions, 1803... 880 Osorins (H.) De Rebus Emmanuellis. 1.597... 703 Otaheite; Cession of Mataval, 1803 601a Oxley (J.) Expeditions into N.S.W.. 1820. 616 Pacificio (Padre Fray) Relacion, 1629... 1119 Paez (G.) Histoire . . . Ethiopie. 1629... 749 Pantoja (D. de) Carta. 1605 711 Parker (Capt. J.) Voyage, 1795 m? Parkinson (S'.) Voyage, 1784 .586 Pease (A. E.) Travel and Sport in Africa, 1902 -,097 Pereira (A. M.) Viagem, 1741 1035 Pereira (B.) Paciecidos, 1640 765 Pereira (J.) Administra?ao Colonial, 1892... 984 INDICES— ConUnued. (I.) AUTHOltS AND Jb*eion (,x • A.) and Freycinet (L.) Voyage, 1607 607 Philip (Governor) Voyage to Botany Bay. 1789 590 179U 594 Pnilippines; Mapa General, 1820 908 Provincia de S. Nicolae, 1879 974 Piiillips (T.) Albany and Caiferland, 1827... 1061 Phipps and Ludwidge; Voyage, 1774 850 Pieolomini (F.) Carta, 1651 , 776 Carta, 1650 771, 772 Pineyro (L.) Eelacion . . . bauta Fe en Japon, 1617 723 Pimenta (N.) Cartas, 1602 708 — — Lettera, 1601-1602 706, 707 Pomponius Mela; Cosmographia, 1482 ... 1013 Pons Boigues (F.) Arabigo-Espanoles, 1898... 1137 Potocki (J.) Notatki Mipliwskie z Apyki, 1897 1094 Prinsep (Mrs.) Voyage, 1833 630 Quires (Pedro Fernandez de) Eelacion acerca del descnbrimiento de la Aus- tralia, 1613 571 Eelacion ... a poblar las tierras Australes, 1611 > 570 —i Eelacion del Sequeira, 1610 .569 Eelacion y Memorial acerca de la Australia, 1610 .568 Eaffles (T. S.) Establishment of Malay College, 1819 914 Java, 1817 902 Memoir, 1830 922 Statement of Services, 1824 913 Substance of a Minute, 1814 901 Eagguaglio d'Alcune Missioni, 1592 700 1615 721 Eeed (E. J.) Japan, 1880 973 Eelagam dos Armas Portuguezas en India, 1715 807 Eelacam dos Festas, 1623 730 E©la(?am dos successes da India, 1742 89? Eelacam dos victoria-s alcancadas na India, 1743 831 Eelacion . . . de la feiz vitoria en India, 1625 7.36 Eelacion de Japon, 1586 696 Eelacion ... martirics en Japon, 1624... 731 Eelandus (II.) Palaestina, 1714 1148 Eelatione . . . dalla Cina. 1624 7,33 Renaudot; Anciennes Eelations des Indes, ^ 1718 glO Eepararos historiales, 1700 797 Eeports of the Colonies, 1834-50 634 EespTia Biografica . . . Provincia del E( de Filipinas. 1891 Eetana (W. E ) Biblioteca Filipina, 1892.. 983 Gatalogo abreviado, 1898 997 'osano TITLEU— Continued . Eidley (H. N.) Flora of Lower Siam, 1911... 1012 Eidley (W.) Kamilaroi, 1866, 1875 678, 682, 683 Eodriguez (J.) Lettera Annua, 1615 720 Eooke (H.) Travels to Arabia Felix, 1784... 1043 Eosendo Salvado; Memorias sobre la Aus- tralia, 1853 6L2 Eoss (J.) Hobart Town Almanac, 1834... 631 Eumbold (Sir W.) Letter to E. I. Co , 1825... 916 Eussell (C. E. M.) Bullet and Shot in Indian Forest, 1900 1001 Salgueiro (M.) Eelacam das festas, 1621... 728 Sampaiu Forjaz de Serpa Pimentel (J. P.) Urn Auno no Congo, 1899 1096 San Antonio (J. F. de) Chronicas, 1738-44. 823 Sancho de Santa Justa y Eufina (B.) Exem- plares de Carta, 1769 848 Saudin (A.) Carta escrita, 1685 790 Santa Maria (A. de) Histoire de Convento, 1699 796 Salvado Metta (J. A.) Africa Portugueza, 1906 1098 Schillings (C. G.) Flashlight and Eifle, 1906... 1102 Sebastiao do Eego; Vida do Joseph Vaz, 1745 833 Sedana (D. F. de M.) Campana de Filipinas, 1897 996 Semedo (F. A.) History China, 1655 781 Sequeira (Euy Gonzalez de) Eelacion, 1610... .569 Serrano (F.) Christiandad de Fogan, 1750... 838 Seward (Miss) Elegy on Cook, 1780 584 Shelley (P. E.) Handbook to Birds of Egypt, 1872 1081 Shipley (Conway) Sketches in Pacific, 1851... 655 Shoberli (F.) South Sea Islands, 1824 622 Singapore Institution; Formation, 1823... 911 Skinner (T.) Excursions in India, 1832... 924 Sleeman (W. H.) Eambles, 1844 938 Smith (T.) Epistola. 1674 1122 Snodgrass (Major) Burmese War, 1827... 918 Sotelo (L.) Letter to Pope, 1624 732 Sousa e Faro (Conde de) Ilha de G. Thome, 1908 110.3 Souza (M. de) Sucedido en Japon, 1633... 757 Sparrman (A.) Voyage to Cape, 1785 1044 Stack (F. B.) Views in Auckland, 1863... 674 Staehlin (J.) Northern Archipelago, 1774. 851 Stafford (I.) Muerte del Mastrilli, 1639... 762 Stewart (Capt. E.) Transaction in Bengal, 1787 859 Stratton (G.) Def-^nce, 1778 8,54 INDICES— Connnued. (I.) AUTHORS AND Suarez de Figueroa (Dr. C.) Hechos de Mendoza, 1613 572 Historia, 1614 718 Suma del Estado del Imperio de la China. 1651 775 Sumario del Martyrio . . . del Japon, 1628... 7-H Sumatra; Agricultural Society, 1821-2... 909 Sweet CR.) Flora Australasica, 1827-8.... 623 Symes (M.) Embassy to Ava, 1800 875-6 Tahiti; Lessons in English and Tahitian, 1832 629 Tavares (A.) Sermam, 1622 729 Tavares de Vellez Guerreiro (,J.) Jornado de Coelho, 1732 817 Taylor; Lettres Politiques, 1801 878 Taylor (I.) Scenes in Africa, 1824 1059 Taylor (M.) My Life, 1877 969 Teichelmann and Schurmann; Grammar of Aboriginal Language of South Australia, 1840 642 Thevenot; Travels, 1687 ► 791 Tihomas (R. M.) Present state of Melbourne, 1853 661 Thornhill (H. B. T.) Rough Notes, 1858... 949 Threlkeld (L. E.) Australian Spelling Bk.. 1836 639 Thugs; History and Practices, 1837 928 Tomkinson (M.) Japanese Collection, 189^... 998 Torrubia (J.) Mas Philipinas, 1753 8+3 Tournon (Cardinal) Controversy with Chinese Missionaries, 1710 892 True Relation of Murders on three English- men in Old Calabar, 1672 1027 Tuckey (J. H.) Voyage, 1805 606 Turkey.— De Captivis Christianis, 1498.. 1113 De Futuris Christianorum Triumphis, 1499 1114 • Tractatus, 1481 1109 Turkish Costumes, 1855 11.31 Turnbull (J.) Voyage. 1813 612 Twing (R.) Pamphlets. 1784-1813 856 Upham (E.) Buddhism, 1829 920 Urreta (L. de) Historia, 1610 714 Usera y Alarcon (J. M.) Isla de Fernando Po, 1848 1074 Van Diemen's Land .Annual, 1835 63.5 Van Diemen's Land; Map, 1824 621a TITLES— 6'o;t//nuc(/. Van Weeren (P. W.) Moeurs des Indes Neer- landaisee, 1904 1008 Varthema (L. de) Itinerario, 1523 1142 Vasco da Gama; Journal', 1898 991 Vaux (J. H.) Memoirs, 1819 615 Vega y Toraya (F. de la) Provincia de Castilla, 1723 1125 Ventura de Saldanha (C.) Rela