, ' -^ ^ ;*■■■' LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF Class J ^ 58TH Congress, t HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ( Document 3d Session. \ { No. 418. Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 120 Series 0, Underground Waters, 34 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Directok BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW AND INDEX l?hC1 111,1 ''-mm "^ PUBLISHED BY THE UNITED STATES (iEOLOGICAL SUIIYEY 1879-1904 BY MYRON L. FULLER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFIC 190 5 .<> i CONTENTS Page. Letter of transmittal 5 Introduction 7 Bibliographic review 9 Classified key to principal subject entries in index 95 Index 101 3 203822 Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/bibliograpliicrevOOfullricli LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Department of the Interior, LTnited States Geological Survey, Hydrographio Branch, Washington, I). C, Fehrmiry '21, 1905. Sir: I transmit herewith a manuscript entitled "Bibliographic Review and Index of Papers Relatinj^ to Underground Waters pub- lished by the United States Geological Survey, 1879-1904," prepared by Myron L. Fuller, geologist in charge of the eastern section, division of hydrology, to meet the urgent need for definite information as to what has been accomplished by the Surve}' in the line of under- ground-water investigations and what has appeared in Survey publications bearing on the subject. Very respectfully, F. H, Newell, Chief Engineei'. Hon. Charles D. Walcott, Director United States Geological Survey. 5 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW AND INDEX OF PAPERS RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS PUBLISHED BY THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1879-1901 By Myron L. Fuller. INTRODUCTION. On the organization of the division of hydrology in 1903, and the beginning of systematic work on underground waters, an urgent need was felt for more definite information as to what had been published on the subject by both the National and the State surveys and in other publications. Plans were accordingly made for preparing a bibliog- raphy of underground waters, but it was soon found that owing to inadequate indexes it would be necessary to scan nearly every page of geologic publications. As this was not feasible, it became neces- sary to limit the work, for the time at least, to the preparation of a review and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey. These publications, amounting to about 400 volumes and embracing about 1,500 papers, were examined, many of them page by page, and lirief summaries of the facts relating to underground waters were compiled. A large proportion of the references to underground waters are given in connection with geologic descriptions, and most of them are very brief, although some are of importance. Being- incidental to discussions of other subjects, man^^ would doubtless be ordinarily overlooked, especially as in a large number of cases no reference is made to them in the indexes. There are about 600 titles in the bibliography, an average of about 21 for each year from 1880 to 1903, but in 1901, owing to the publication of the results of the systematic work of the new division of hydrology, this number was increased to about 130. In preparing the index two distinct classes of readers w^ere kept in mind, the iirst including those who are interested in the underground- water resources of special regions, and the second those interested in some particular type of ground water or in one or more of the many problems of ground- water occurrence. For the benefit of the first, 7 » INTRODUCTION. comprehensive entries are given under States and other political or natural divisions, while for the benefit of the second are given the numerous subject entries. The aim has been to assemble the latter entries into comprehensive groups, each including references to papers containing material bearing on the subject of the group. The State entries will be found the most complete, as they include many which it is impossible to satisfactorily classify. The subject entries are grouped mainl}^ into a series of what may be termed principal subject entries, which are outlined in the " Classified key to principal subject entries in index," but a large number of other entries, including those which it was impracticable to classif}" and numerous cross references, are included with the view of increasing the usefulness of the index. The general plan followed is the same as that of the geologic bi])li- ographies of Mr. F. B. Weeks, which more nearl}' meet the demands of the user than any other publications of the kind seen b}" the writer. The principal point of ditference is the omission of the abbreviated titles in the index of the present bibliography, due to the fact that the titles of the papers in most cases express little or nothing as to their contents in respect to underground-water descriptions or discussions. On the other hand, the present bibliography attempts to give, in con- nection with the titles, summaries indicating in considerable detail the nature of the portion of the contents bearing on underground waters. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW. A. 1 Adams (George I.). Preliminary report on the lead and zinc deposits of the Ozark region: Ph3^siography. U. S. Geol. Surv., 22d Ann. Kept., pt. 2, pp. 69-75, 1901. Mentions the springs of the Ozark Plateau and Boston Mountains. 2 Oil and gas fields of the Western Interior and Northern Texas Coal Measures. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 184, pp. 1-29, 1901. Contains references to and partial sections of a large number of water, oil, and gas wells. 3 Oil and gas fields of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary for- mations of the Western Gulf coast. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 184, pp. 31-62, 1901. Mentions salt springs (p. 39), gives logs of wells (pp. 57-59), and dis- cusses the association of petroleum, sulphur, gypsum, rock salt, and saline and sulphur waters (pp. 49-53). 4: Geology and water resources of the Patrick and Goshen Hole quadrangles in eastern Wyoming and western Nebraska. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 70, pp. 50, 1902. Describes the geology, physiography, and drainage, including streams, ponds, and sjirings. The springs mainly seep out and are of small vol- ume, but occur at several horizons (pp. 27-28). Deep pump wells are obtained from near contact of Arikaree and Brule Clays (pp. 29-30), and % some water is afforded by the Cretaceous, although it is likely to be alkaline or salty (p. 30). The seepage waters are also higldy mineral- ized (p. 30). 5 Zinc and lead deposits of northern Arkansas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 187-196, 1903. Discusses the character of solutions and the circulation of ground •water in shales, limestones, and dolomites with relation to ore deposits (pp. 190-192). 6 Zinc and lead deposits of northern Arkansas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Professional Paper no. 24, pp. 1-89, 1904. Notes the action of underground waters in ore deposition (p. 32), and discusses the geological factors affecting the circulation (pp. 34-36). The part of waters in ore deposition is further discussed on pages 44-46, and tlie circulation on jiage 89. J. C. Branner is quoted on the forma- tion of breccias by underground waters (p. 87). 10 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 7 Adams (Georj^e I.). The Rabbit Hole sulphur mines ne.ar Hum- boldt House, Nevada. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. 497-500, 1904. DesQribes the occurrence of hot springs and silicious sinter in the region, and associates the deposition of sulpur with such ascending waters (p. 499). 8 Ahern (Jeremiah). Investigations in northern Wyoming. U. S. Geol. Surv., 2d Ann. Kept. Reclamation Service 1902-3, pp. 507-528, 1904. Notes the occurrence of springs near Lake De Smet (p. 515). 9 Alden (William C). Chicago folio. Illinois-Indiana. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 81, pp. 13, 1902. Gives a number of deep-well sections (pp. 2-3) and discusses the water supplies of the drift and of the rock wells in the Potsdam and St. Peters sandstones and Trenton limestone. Analyses are given. The wells originally gave strong flows, but because of the large number drilled the water head has been lowered to 15 to 20 feet below the surface (p. 13). 10 Ayers (H. B.). The Flathead Forest Reserve, Montana. U. S. Geol. Surv., 20th Ann. Kept., pt. 5, pp. 245-316, 1899. Notes the disappearance of streams from the surface bv absorption (p. 261). B. 11 Bain (H. Foster). Preliminar}' report on the lead and zinc depos- its of the Ozark region. U. S. Geol. Surv., 22d Ann. Kept., pt. 2, pp. 33-227, 1901. Contains a chapter on the relation of ores to the circulation of under- ground waters, in which general principles, circulation, courses of underground waters, structural conditions, work of underground waters, including solution, precipitation, diffusion, etc., are consid- ered (pp. 95-110). The ores were in part deposited by ascending waters, in part by descending, and in part deposited by ascending and concentrated by descending waters (p. 203). The relation of the ores to underground circulation is also discussed (pp. 204-207). 12 Lead and zinc deposits of Illinois. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. 202-207, 1904. Notes burden impo.sed on mines by underground water (p. 203), and discusses the relation of underground waters to ore deposition (p. 206). 18 Fluorspar deposits of .southern Illinois. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. .505-511, 1904. Discusses relation of underground waters to ore deposition (p. 510). U Barbour (Erwin Hinckle}^). Wells and windmills of Nebraska. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 29, pp. 85, 1899. Among the subjects discussed are underground-water conditions (pp. 13-16), sheet water (pp. 17-18), artesian waters and well records (pp. 18-24), springs (p. 24), surface and seepage waters (p. 27), fluctua- tions of water level (p. 28), windmills, turbines, and other methods of raising waters (pp. 28-70), well supplies for towns and cities (pp. 73-75), salt wells (p. 78), and blowing, breathing, and sucking wells (pp. 78-80). ,.,r,,r,ER.l KELATING TO UNDEKGKOUND WATEKS. 11 15 Barker (F. C.)- Irrigation in Mesilla Valley, New Mexico. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 10, pp. 51, 1898. The occurrence and source of the ground water in Mesilla Valley (pp. 18-19) and the relative efficiency and cost of bringing it to the surface by wind and steam power (pp. 35-36) are considered. 16 Bascom (Florence). Water resources of the Philadelphia district. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 106, pp. 75, 1904. ■ This paper contains detailed discussions of geology, rainfall, stream measurements, water powers, wells, springs, and public supplies, includ- ing those from streams, wells, and springs. Among the geological for- mations yielding water to wells are the Chickies quartzite, Chester Valley limestone, Wissahickon gneiss, Triassic rocks, and Raritan, Matawan, and Monmouth formations, etc. 17 Bayley (William Shirley). The Menominee iron-bearing districts of Michigan. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 46, pp. 513, 1904. Notes the relation of descending meteoric water to ores (pp. 27-29), and quotes C. Eoniinger on action of percolating waters and D. H. Browne on aqueous origin of ores ( pp. 90-91 ) . The action of percolating waters, either ascending or descending, is considered in connection with ores in the Randville dolomite (p. 224), the origin of cherts (p. 231), and in the deposition or enriciiment of Algonkian ores (pp. .395-401). 18 Maine. [Well and spring records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 27-55, 1904. Discusses the general underground-water conditions (pp. 27-28), and gives tables and notes of wells (pp. 29-47) and springs (pp. 47-55). The well statistics include data on elevation, temperature, analyses, and uses, and the spring statistics data on temperature, quality, analyses, yield, and uses. 19 Becker (George F.). Administrative report [1879-80]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1st Ann. Kept., pp. 37-47, 1880. Discusses the occurrence, temperatures, and composition of the Corn- stock mine waters [Nevada]. 20 Geology of the Comstock lode and the Washoe district, with atlas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 3, pp. 422, atlas, 1882. Analyses of mine waters are given (p. 152) and the hot waters encountered, some of which have a temperature of 170°, are described (pp 228-243). Kaolinization of feldspar, alteration of pyrite, faulting, and solfataric action are considered as sources of heat, most weight being given to the last (pp. 231-243). The water is supposed to have come from a considerable distance, and to have penetrated several miles below the surface (pp. 264 and 387-397). 12 BIBLIOGRAPHIC EEVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 21 Becker (George F.). Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific coast, with an atlas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 13, pp. 486, atlas, 1888. Among the subjects discussed are the following: Geysers of Iceland (pp. 24-26), heat of thermal springs (p. 441), hot springs in minea (pp. 381-382,402), association of cinnabar with hot springs (p. 371), sulphur springs (pp. 367, 777), hot springs and their deposits ( pp. 50, 52) , and origin of ore, solvents, etc. (pp. 438—175). The sinter, ore, and waters of Steamboat Springs (pp. 331-353) and of Sulphur Bank (pp. 251- 268) are described and analyses given. The ores are supposed to have been deposited by hot ascending solutions (p. 416). 22 Summary of the geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope. U. S. Geol. Surv., 8th Ann. Rept., pt. 2, pp. 961-985, 1889. Ascribes the heat of the solfataric springs at Sulphur Bank, California, as resulting from basalt eruption. The water carries sulphydric acid, which attacks basalt and deposits sulphur and cinnabar. Discusses com- position of the waters and refers deposition to loss of heat and pressure. Some of the veins mark former solfataras (pp. 975-976). The springs of the Knoxville district, Steamboat Springs, and Bailey Point, Califor- nia, carry alkaline sulphosalts and deposit quicksilver and gold. They are associated with l)asaltic masses of late geological age. The hot springs at Oat Hill are also mentioned (i^p. 976-980). 23 — Administrative report [1887-SS]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 9th Ann. Kept., pp. 100-102, 1889. Notes the conditions of deposition of cinnabar in hot springs. 24 Report of the geologj^ of the Philippine Islands. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Kept., pt. 3, pp. 487-614, 1900. In connection with the discus.sion of volcanoes the warm springs of Panay, the solfataras and hot springs of Albay and their deposits, and the Hot Springs of Los Bafios are described (pp. 531-534). 25 Beede (J. W.).Prosser (Charles 8.) and. Cottonwood Falls folio, Kansas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 109, pp. 6, 1904. See Prosser (Charles S. ) and Beede (J. W.) 20 Boutwell (J. I\I.). Progress report on the Park City mining dis- trict. Utah. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 31-40, 1903. Descril)es the underground waters encountered in the mines and the collection of the domestic; supply from a tunnel (p. 33). 27 Ore deposits of Bingham, lUah. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 105-122, 1903. Notes the occurrence of springs in Bingham Canyon and the tapping of subterranean water courses by the underground workings. The water supply is thus obtained (p. 107). FDLi.EK.J RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 13 28 Bout-well (J. M.). Progress report on the Park City mining- dis- trict, Utah. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. 141-150, 1904. Notes difficulties with water in mines and their removal by tunnels (p. 149). 29 New Hampshire. [Well and spring records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 56-72, 1904. Considers briefly the general underground- water conditions (p. 56), and gives tables and notes relating to wells (pp. 57-63) and springs (pp. 64-72). The well statistics include data on yield, quality, compo- sition (with analyses), materials penetrated, uses, etc., and the spring statistics data on source, yield, composition (including analyses), tem- perature, and uses. 30 Boyd (David). Irrigation near GreeU\y, Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 9, pp. 90, 1897. Discusses nature (p. 79), composition (p. 79), and damages by seep- age waters at Greeley, and considers remedies (p. 80). The wells in the region above Greeley are described and legal decisions relating to underground waters given. Artesian flows (weak) are obtained at 1,150 feet at Greeley, but underground waters generally fail to reach the surface. 31 Burchard (Ernest F.). Lignites of the middle and upper Missouri Valley. U. 8. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. 276-288, 1904. Gives data relating to borings and well records in Iowa and Nebraska (pp. 277-278, 281). 32 [Burnett (Charles A.) and others,] Irrigation literature. U. S. Geol. Surv., 11th Ann. Rept, pt. 2, pp. 345-388. 1891. Many of the irrigation papers listed contain references to underground waters and springs. 33 Burro-ws (John Shober). The Barnesboro-Patton coal field of central Pennsylvania. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. 295-310, 1904. Notes occurrence of mine waters (pp. 304, 306). c. 34 Campbell (Marius R.). Richmond folio, Kentucky. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., foho no. 46, pp. 4, 1898. Mentions the sulphur, chalyl)eate, and alum springs of the Cliatta- nooga shale (}>. 2), and notes the occ-urrence of caves, sinks, and under- ground channels of the Newman limestone (p. 3). 35 London folio, Kentucky. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geof. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 47, pp. 3, 1898. The occurreuce of chalybeate, sulphur, and alum springs in the Chat- tanooga shale, and of sinks, caves, and underground channels in the Newman limestone is mentioned. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [NO. 120. 36 Campbell (Marius R.). Standingstone folio, Tennessee. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 53, pp. 5, 1899. The oil springs which led to the drilling for oil in the region are described. 37 Danville folio, Illinois-Indiana. General geology. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 67, pp. 1-7 (in part), 1900. Gives a number of deep-well records in connection with the discussion of stratigraphy (p. 2). 38 Huntington folio, West Virginia-Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 69, pp. 6, 1900. Gives a number of deep- well records (pp. 3-4). 39 Charleston folio. West Virginia. U. S. Geol. Surv.., Geol. Atlas of U. 8., foUo no. 72, pp. 9, 1901. Gives several deep- well records (pp. 3-4). 40 Raleigh folio, West Virginia. U. 8. Geol. 8urv., Geol. Atlas of U. 8., folio no. 77, pp. 8, 1902. Gives a number of well and boring records and sections (p. 7) . •41 Masontown-Uniontown folio, Pennsylvania. U. 8. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. 8., folio no. 82, pp. 2, 1902. Gives deep-well record in connection with stratigraphic discussion of the rocks (p. 8) . 42 — [and Fuller (Myron L.)J. Natural gas: Petroleum. Mason- town-Uniontown folio, Pennsylvania, U. 8. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. 8., folio no. 82, pp. 18-20, 1902. Gives a number of deep-well records and a table showing depths of coal, oil sands, etc. , in 24 wells. 43. Campbell (Mariiis R.). Brownsville-Connellsville folio. U. 8. Geol. Surv.. Geol. Atlas of IT. 8., folio no. 94, pp. 19, 1908. Gives partial records of several wells (pp. 7-8). 44 Latrobe folio, Penns3dvania. U. 8. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. 8., folio no. 110, pp. 15, 1904. Gives a large number of sections based on well records (jip. 5-10) and a sheet of well sections. 45 Chamberlin (Thomas C). 'J'lic rctiuisito and (|ualifving conditions of artesian wells. U. 8. Geol. Surv., 5th Ann. Kept., pp. 125-17.'!, lss5. Eujbodies descri^jtions and critical discussions of the lithologic and structural requisites for artesian flows, and considers in some detail the problems of capacity, height of flow, utilization, causes of decrease or failure of flow, arrangement, and testing of wells. The report is illus- trated by numerous figures. FULLER.] EELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 15 46 Chamberlin (T. C.) and Salisbury (R. D.). Preliminary paper on the Driftless Area of the upper Mississippi Valley. U. S. Geol. Surv., 6th Ann. Kept., pp. 199-322, 1885. Mentions artesian wells at La Crosse, Prairie du Chien, Dubuque, etc., and gives thickness of drift penetrated (pp. 223, 303). 47 Champlin (F. A.). Additional well records in Massachusetts. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 112-117, 1904. Gives tables showing among other data the depth, supply, and cost of a considerable number of wells located at East Longmeadow and other Massachusetts localities. 48 Additional well records in Connecticut. U. 8. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 165-168, 1904. Gives tables showing among other data the depth, yield, and cost of wells at various Connecticut localities. 49 Chandler (Albert E.). Water storage, Cache Creek, California. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 45, pp. 48, 1901. Gives well statistics, including depth, cost, efficiency of pumping, and use for irrigation (pp. 24-26), and describes the artesian well near Woodland and the artesian water of Scotts Valley and Upper Lake (pp. 26, 32). 50 Chatard (Thomas M.), Clarke (F. W.) and. A report of work done in the Washington laboratory during the fiscal year 1883-84. See Clarke (F. W.) and Chatard (T. M.) 51 Chatard (Thomas M.). Salt-making processes in the United States, U. S. Geol. Surv., 7th Ann. Rept., pp 491-535, 1888. Discusses the chemistry of brines from wells and other sources ( pp. 498-499), and the product and cost of obtaining salt from brines of differ- ent density ( pp. 527-529) . 52 Clapp (Frederick G.), Fuller (Myron L.) and. Patoka folio, Indi- ana-Illinois. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 105, pp. 12, 1904. See Fuller (Myron L. ) and Clapp (Frederick G.). 5?> Clarke (Frank Wigglesworth) and Chatard (Thomas M.). A report of work done in the Washington laboratory during the fiscal year 1883-84. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull no. 9, pp. 40, 1884. Includes a considerable number of water analyses from springs and lakes in California, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Virginia. IC) BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 54 Clarke (F. W.). Administrative report [1883-84]. V. S. Geo]. Surv., 5th Ann. Kept., pp. 59-62, 1885. Gives partial list of thermal spring or geyser waters analyzed at the Survey during the year, including waters from Yellowstone National Park, Montana and Virginia. 55 Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainly during the fiscal \"ear 1884-85. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 27, pp. 80, 1886. Contains the following analyses (pp. 71-): (1) Incrustation of silica and alumina from gas well in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (Whit- field); (2) water from Matthews Warm Springs, near Bozeman, Mon- tana (Riggs); (3) water from White Sulphur Springs, Meagher County, Montana (Riggs);- and (4) water from mineral spring near Santa Fe, New Mexico (Clarke). 56 Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainly during the liscal vear 1885-86. U. S.'^Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 42, pp. 152, 1887. Contains analyses by R. B. Riggs of waters from two springs near Farmwell Station, Loudoun County, Virginia; from two artesian wells at Story City, Iowa; and from Becks Hot Springs, near Salt Lake City, Utah. 57 Administrative report [1885-86J. U. S. Geol. Surv., 7th Ann. Rept., pp. 127-130, 1888. Describes the work of F. A. Gooch and J. E. Whitfield on spring and geyser waters of the Yellowstone National Park, and announces the discovery of arsenic in the waters. The difficulties of analysis are mentioned. 58 Administrative report [1886-87J. U. S. Geol. Surv., 8th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 189-193, 1889. Mentions the analysis of 18 spring and well waters, and notes the therapeutic value of the waters of the Yellowstone National Park on account of the boric acid and arsenic which they contain. Designates the studies of Gooch and Whitfield as among the most complete on record. 59 Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainh^ during the liscal year 1886-87. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 55, pp. 96, 1889. Contains analyses of artesian waters in Georgia and Alabama by Riggs; of water from Hot and Potash Sulplmr Springs, Arkansas, by Clarke, and of a spring water from near Fort Wingate, New Mexico, by Clarke. 60 Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, maini}' during the fis(;al year 1887-88. U. S. (4eol. Surv., Bull. no. 60, pj). 174, 1890. Analyses of tiie following waters are given (pp. 171-174): (1) Spring water, Lincoln County, North Carolina (Clarke) ; spring water, McLeans- borough, Illinois (Riggs); (3) deep well water, Lebanon, Missouri, (Eakins); (4) and (5) spring waters, Hominy Hill, Arkansas, (Whit- field); (6) 8i)ring water, Denver, Colorado (Kakins), and (7) water from Matilija Hot Springs, near San Buenaventura, California (Riggs). FULLER.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 17 61 Clarke (F. W.). A report of work done in the div^ision of chem- istry and physics, mainly during- the fiscal year 1888-89. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 64, pp. 60, 1890. Contains analyses by T. M. Chatard of spring water from Mountain City, Tennessee; spring water from Grace Spring, Laurel Bloomery, Tennessee; water from the Murry Well, Frankfort, Kentucky; from two artesian wells at St. Augustine, Florida, and from wells near Clinton, Massachusetts (pi*. 57-60). ' 63 Report of work done in the division of chemistr}^ and physics, mainly during the fiscal 3^ear 1889-90. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 78, pp. 131, 1891. Contains an analyses of a spring water from Webster Grove, near St. Louis, Missruri (Hillebrand and Howard) . 63 — — Administrative report. U. S. Geol. Surv., 13th Ann. Kept., pt. 1, pp. 159-162, 1892. Describes analysis sh»)wing sulphate of zinc in springs in Missouri, and mentions temperature work in deep wells at Wheeling and Crumps Bottom, West Virginia. 64 Report of work in the division of chemistry during the fiscal years 1891-92 and 1892-93. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 113, pp. 115, 1893. Gives analyses of waters from Caledonia and American Carlsbad springs of Caledonia and Nashville, New York, and of a thermal spring near Ojo Caliente, New Mexico (pp. 113-114). 65 Analyses of rocks from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1880-1903. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 228, pp. 375, 1904. Among analyses are included travertines, tufas, and calcareous and silicious sinters from Yellowstone National Park, by J. E. Whitfield and F. A. Gooch (pp. 298-299, 322-323). Several of the analyses are pub- lished for the first time. 66 Clements (J. Morgan) and Smith (H. L.). Crystal Falls iron- bearing district of Michigan. ' U. S. Geol. Surv., 19th Ann. Kept., pt. 3, pp. 19-145, 1898. Notes the work of infiltrating waters in the deposition of ores of the Mansfield formation (p. 43) and Upper Huronian (p. 80). 67 Clements (J. Morgan). The Crystal Falls iron-bearing district of Michigan: The western part of the Crystal Falls district. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 36, pp. 11-322, 1899. In the discussion of the ores of the Mansfield slate the drowning of the Mansfield mine by a caving of the roof, allowing the river to enter, is mentioned (pp. 65-66). The ores are regarded in part as replacement deposits, due to alteration by downward infiltrating waters (p. 76, etc.). The ores of the Upper Huronian are regarded as concentrations inasyn- cHnal trough (pp. 183-184). IRR 120—05 2 18 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 68 Clements (J. Morgan), Leith (C. K.), Van Hise (C. R.) and. lion-ore deposits of Lake Superior region. See Leith (C. K. ) and Clements (J. Morgan) and Van Hise (C R.). 69 The Vermilion iron-bearing district of ^Minnesota, with an atlas. U. S. Geel. Surv., Mon., vol. 45, pp. 463, atlas, 1903. The ores of the Soudan formation are ascribed to replacement of cherty carbonates in sedimentary rocks, including jaspellites, by down- ward percolating waters (pp. 227-234). Underground circulation and processes of replacement are considered (pp. 228-230). Explanations similar to those of the Soudan ores are applied to those of the Agawa formation (p. 329). 70 Collier (Arthur J.). A reconnaissance of the northwestern por- tion of Seward Peninsula, Alaska. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 2, pp. 70, 1902. Describes the boiling sulphur springs along Spring Creek in the Shish- maref region. They are surrounded by a mound of deposits 10 feet wide and 2 feet high (p. 56). 71 Cooper (W. F.). Lower Michigan. [Weil and spring records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 489- 512, 1904. Considers briefly the general underground water conditions (p. 489), and gives tables and notes on wells (pp. 490-506) and springs (pp. 507- 512). The well data includes depth, head, source, temperature, yield, quality (with analyses), uses, and records; the spring data, temperature, quality (with analyses), yield, source, uses, and improvements. 72 Co"wgill (Elias Branson). Irrigation practice on the Great Plains. U. S. Geol. Surv. , Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 5, pp. 39, 1897. Among other methods the jjaper considers pumping for irrigation purposes (p. 14). 73 Crosby (William O.) and La Forge (Laurence). Massachusetts. [Well and spring records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 94- 111, 1904. Considers briefly the general underground water conditions (pp. 94- 95) and gives tables and notes relating to wells (pp. 96-102) and springs (pp. 102-111). The well data includes source, yield, quality, tempera- ture, uses, records, and analyses; the spring data, temperature, quality, yield, source, uses, and analyses. 71 Crosby (William O.). Rhode Island. [Well and spring records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 119-125, 1904. Gives well tables showing diameter, depth, source, temperature, yield, quality, uses, analyses, etc., and sjjring tables giving temperature, qual- ity, yield, source, analyses, ancl uses. Fi'LLEK.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 19 75 Cross (Whitman). (Teology of the Rico Mountains, Colorado: Outline of the geology. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 2, pp. 17-36, 1900. Landslides, ibid., pp. 129-151. Describes the occurrence of springs charged with H.^iS, CO.^, and CaCOg, which are jierliaps remnants of solfataric action (p. 3o). De- scribes the work of underground waters in assisting landslides. 76 Curtis (Joseph Story). Silver-lead deposits of Eureka, Nevada. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 7, pp. 200, 1884. Gives a chapter on the water in mines, discussing its relation to fis- sures and types of rock (pp. 107-110). Notes the influence of water level on oxidation (p. 51). Mentions ore deposits of caves in Missouri and upper Mississippi Valley (pp. 65-66), and ascribes the chamber deposits of Eureka to ascending underground waters (pp. 71-74). 77 Dall (^Villiam Healey), and Harris (Gilbert Dennison). Correla- tion papers. Neocene. IT. 8. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 84, pi). 349, 1892. A number of well sections are given in connection with descriptions of rocks of New Jersey (pp. 41-44), Delaware (p. 46), and Florida (pp. 103, 108-109). The natural wells of North Carolina (p. 72), and the circulation of water, including underground streams in Florida, is con- sidered, and sinks and other topographic features resulting from solu- tion mentioned. Some of the Florida springs are described (pp. 88-95). 78 Darton (Nelson Horatio). Bibliography of North American geol- ogy for 1886. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 44, pp. 35, 1887. Several water papers are listed under author's name, but are not indexed by subjects. 79 Record of North American Geology for 1887 to 1889, inclusive. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 75, pp. 173, 1891. Water papers listed in general only under authors. 80 Record of North American Geology for 1890. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 91, pp. 88, 1891. Water papers are not listed except under authors. 81 — — Record of North American Geology for 1891. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 99, pp. 73, 1892. Papers relating to water are listed only under authors' names. 82 Fredericksburg folio, Virginia-Maryland. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 13, pp. 6, 1894. Describes the underground waters at the base of the Columbia and Lafayette formations and the artesian waters of the sandy horizons of the Potomac and Pamunkey. The areas of probable flowing waters are defined (p. 6). 83 Administrative report. U. S. Geol. Surv., 15th Ann. Rept., pp. 153-155, 1895. Describes work relating to artesian waters (p. 155). 20 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 84 Darton (Nelson Horatio.) Preliniinary report on artesian waters of a portion of the Dakotas. U. S. Geol. Surv., 17th Ann. Kept., pt. 2, pp. 603, 1896. The paper gives an outUne of the geologic conditions (pp. 610-612) and describes the various water horizons (pp. 612-614) and their extent (pp. 614-617), after which the descriptions of the wells and of the well prospects in the Dakotas are taken up by counties (pp. 617-665). The pressure and head (pp. 665-670), composition (pp. 676-679) , origin (pp. 679-680), and amount (pp. 680-681) of the w'aters, together with their use for irrigation (pp. 681-690) and power (pp. 690-691) are considered. The problems of construction and management are also treated. Numer- ous sections and other illustrations are given. 85 Catalogue and index to contribution.s to North American geology, 1732-1891. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 127, pp. 1045, 1896. Artesian waters and springs are not indexed as such, Ijut a few refer- ence occur under geologic philosophy, miscellaneous, and under geologic philosophy, chemic geology. 86 Artesian well prospects in the Atlantic Coastal Plain region. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 138, pp. 232, 1896. Discusses the geologic structure and artesian conditions (pp. 18-22) and describes the water horizons, wells, structure, conditions, prospects, composition of waters, etc. , for each of the States from New York to Georgia. Among the water-bearing formations considered are the Crystalline rocks, Potomac, Matawan, Middle Marl (Rancocas) Miocene, Pamunkey, Redbank, Chesapeake, Columbia, etc. 87 Nomini folio, Mar^dand-Virginia. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 23, pp. 4, 1896. Describes springs and shallow and artesian wells. Flowing w'ater comes from the Chesapeake formation, but occurs only in the lowlands, pumj)ing being resorted to in the uplands. The shallow waters are from the base of the Columbia or Lafayette. Gives a map showing the areas of flowing wells and the depths to the basal sands of the Chesa- peake, and the sands within and at the base of the Pamunkey (p. 4). 88 Franklin folio, West Virginia-Virginia. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 32, pp. 6, 1896. Notes the occurrence of sinks in the Shenandoah and caverns in the Lewistown limestone (pp. 2-3). 89 New developments in well boring and irrigation in eastern South Dakota, 1896. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 561-615, 1897. Gives progress of well sinking by counties (pp. 568-590) and shows view of lake supplied by artesian water (pi. 39). Area of known arte- sian water has been extended up the Missouri Valley above Pierre and probably to Bismarck, up the Big Cheyenne to the Black Hills, and up Moreau River and elsewhere. Many heavy pressures have been encountered (pp. 590-592). Other points considered or illustrated are depth to bed rock, use of well water for irrigation, temperature of well waters, chemical analyses of wells and springs, and volume (pp. 592-615). PULLER.] • RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 21 90 Darton (Nelson Horatio). Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of Nebraska west of the one hundred and third meridian. U. S. Geol. Surv., 19th Ann. Kept., pt. 4, pp. 719-785, 1898. Discusses topography and geology (pp. 727-760), underground waters (pp. 761-766), springs (pp. 766-768), and windmill irrigation from wells (p. 780). The following water horizons are considered: Alluvium, Pierre, Ogailala, Arikaree, Gering, Brule, Chadron, Laramie, and Dakota forinations, and the Carboniferous limestones. Many illustra- tions and two underground water maps are given. 91 Underground waters of a portion of southeastern Nebraska. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 12, pp. 56, 1898. Describes the topography (pp. 12-14) and the geology (pp. 14-24) of the region and considers the shallow water-bearing horizons (largely under X50 feet in depth) in fifteen counties (pp. 24-45). Of the deep borings, from 590 to 2,460 feet, only one appears to have reached the Dakota sandstone, and this was a failure. Although drilling through the Cretaceous would be expensive, Dakota water could probably be obtained at many points (pp. 47-48). The use of underground waters for irrigation is described for seven counties. 92 Monterey folio, Virginia- West Virginia. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 61, pp. 7, 1899. Notes the occurrence of thermal springs, sinks, and caves in the Shenandoah limestone (p. 2). 93 Preliminary description of the geology and water resources of the southern half of the Black Hills and adjoining- regions of South Dakota and Wyoming. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Kept., pt, 4, pp. 489-599, 1900. Discusses the topography and geology (pp. 498-562) and considers the waters of the Dakota-Lakota, Minnelusa, and Deadwood sandstones, including wells and springs (pp. 563-574). 94 Washington folio, District of Columbia-Maryland-Virginia. Underground water. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 70, pp. 7, 1901. Describes the sources of water supplies, including the crystalline rocks, and the Potomac, Columbia, and other sedimentary beds. A map showing depths to the top and base of the Potomac formation is given. 95 Preliminar}^ list of deep borings in the United States. Part 1 (Alabama-Montana). U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 57, pp. 60, 1902. Consists of tables giving town, county, depth, diameter, yield, head, temperature, quality, etc., of wells over 400 feet alphabetically arranged by States from Alabama to Montana. References to published records are given. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHIC EEVIEW OF PAPERS Tno. 120. W Darton (Nelson Horatio). Preliniinaiy list of deep borings in the United States. Part 2 (Nel)raska- Wyoming-). U. S. Geol. Siirv. , Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 61 , pp. 67, 1902. Contains well statistics alphabetically arranged by States from Nebraska to Wyoming. 97 Norfolk folio, Virginia-North Carolina. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 80, pp. 4, 1902. Gives a number of shallow well sections in the text and columnar sections of the deep wells at Norfolk and Fort INIonroe on the Well Sec- tion Sheet. Most of the well supplies are from the base of the Colum- bia, the deep wells reaching into the Potomac generally obtaining salt water. Several analyses are given. The results of the deep wells at Norfolk, Fort Monroe, Newport News, and Virginia Beach are discussed. 98 Oelrichs folio, South Dakota-Nebraska. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 85, pp. 6, 1902. Describes the thermal springs of the Minnekahta limestone (p. 3), and gives a map showing the outcrop of the Dakota sandstone, the areas of flowing and pump wells, the depth to the top of the Dakota sandstone, and the altitude to which the water will rise (pp. 5-6). 99 Preliminary report on the geolog}^ any Avater resources of Nebraska west of the one hundred and third meridian. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 17, pp. 69, 1903. Revised edition of no. 90. 100 Camp Clarke folio, Nebraska. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 87, pp. 4, 1903. Describes the character and volume of springs and notes the sinking into the ground of the waters (p. 1). The shallow waters of the river bottoms and the waters of the Arikaree and Ogallala formations are con- sidered. On the table-land abundant and good water can be obtained at de]>ths of from 200 to 300 feet. The Dakota sandstone is untested, but is probably within reach of the drill and will yield good and abund- ant flmvs (p. 6). 101 Scotts Blutf folio, Nebraska. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 88, pp. 5, 1903. Notes the occurrence of spring and seepage water in the valley of Pumpkin Creek (p. 1) and describes the underground waters of the alluvium, etc., along the North Platte (p. 5). The presence of shallow water on the uplands is uncertain, as is also the case in the Brule clay, because of its fissures and crevices. The Laramie is regarded as a possi- ble source of water. The Dakota is untested, but (t)uld probably be reached at 2,000 feet or more and be likely to furnish good flows. The Arikaree formations furnishes water on the plateau at a depth of 200 feet and outcrops with springs in the canyons (p. 5). 102 Newcastle folio, Wyoming-South Dakota. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 107, pp. 9, 1904. Gives a number of well records (pp. 3-5, 8) and discusses at length the underground waters of the Dakota, Lakota, and Pahasapa horizons (pp. 8-9). An analysis of Dakota water is given (p. 8). The artesian water maj) shows the depths of the Dakota and Pahasapa standstones and the areas of flowing and pump wells. The fiiuiing of brines is recorded and an analysis given (p. 9). FULLER.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 23 108 Darton (Nelson Horatio) and (Smith) W. S. Tangier. Edgemont folio, South Dakota-Nebraska. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 108, pp. 10, 1904. Describes the occurrence of sinks and caves in the Minnekahta lime- stone (p. 3) and of recent calcareous tufa deposits (p. 7). The occur- rence of underground waters from the Dakota and Lakota sandstones, together with records and analyses, are discussed (p. 9) and a map showing the areas of flowing and pump wells and the depth and head of the water is given. 104 Darton (Nelson Horatio). Western hydrology. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 93, pp. 117-120, 1904. Tells of the formation and scope of the western section, division of hydrology, and describes the work in Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. The work of the following men is considered: W. T. Lee, W. C. Mendenhall, C. E. Siebenthal, G. E. Condra, E. H. Barbour, C. R. Keyes, C. N. Gould, D. E. Willard, C. M. Hall, F. A. Wilder, I. C. Russell, J. E. Todd, G. B. Richardson, Henry Landes, C. A. Fisher, and C. C. O'Harra. 105 Davis (Arthur Powell). Report of progress of stream measure- ments for the calendar year 1896. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 1-418, 1897. Notes the decrease in flow of wells and springs in Georgia (p. 71) and describes the limestone springs along the Etowah River, Georgia (p. 109). Seepage into lava from Malad River, Idaho (p. 337), and the springs and underflow along Little Fountain Creek, California (p. 231), are also considered. 106 Irrigation near Phoenix, Arizona. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 2, p. 98, 1897. Discusses underground waters briefly (pp. 86-92), naming Phoenix and Mesa as examples of localities having large flows due in part to additions received by the underground supplies through seepage from irrigated tracts. Gives a list of wells of Pinal and Maricopa counties, together with statistics; considers the amount of underflow to be over- estimated, the effect of evaporation underestimated ; discusses the cost of pumping. 107 Investigations in Arizona. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 93, pp. 128-130, 1904. Irrigation of 50,000 acres by wells is expected (p. 128). 108 Day (David T.). Bromine. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res., 1883-84, pp. 851-853, 1885. Notes the brines of the wells of West Virginia and Ohio as sources of bromine. 109 Iodine. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res., 1883-84, pp. 854-858, 1885. Like bromine, iodine is devived from the waters of salt wells. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHIC RE^^EW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 1 10 Day (David T.). Sulphur. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res., 1883-84, pp. 864-876, 1885. Notes the derivation of sulphur from hot spring deposits in Nevada and from solfataras in Utah (pp. 865-866). 111 Bromine. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res., 1885, pp. 486-487, 1886. Notes the extraction of l)romine from the brines of the salt wells. 112 [ ] Salt. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res., 1885, pp. 474-485, 1886. Discusses the brines from wells or springs of Michigan, New York, California, Nevada, and Idaho. 113 Administrative report [1886-87]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 8th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 195-201, 1889. Reports 8,950,317 gallons of mineral water, with a value of 11,284,070, sold during 1886. This is a slight increase over the previous year. 114 Administrative report [1887-88]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 9th Ann. Rept., pp. 1.34-140, 1889. The production of mineral waters for 1887 is stated as 8,259,609 gal- lons, with a value of $1,261,473. 115 Administrative report [1888-89]. U, S. Geol. Surv., 10th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 182-188, 1890. The product of mineral waters for 1888 is given as 9,628,568 gallons, valued at $1,709,302, an increase in both amount and value. 116 Administrative report [1890-91]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 12th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 129-1.34, 1891. Gives the production of mineral waters for 1890 as 14,000,000 gallons, valued at $2,000,000. 117 [ ] Salt [1891]. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S. 189], pp. 572-578, 1893. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1891. 118 [ ] Bromine [1891]. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S. 1891, p. 579, 1893. Gives production of bromine as a by-product of brines, etc., for 1891. 119 Administrative report [1893-94]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 15th Ann. Rept., pp. 203-209, 1895. Gives the production of mineral waters for 1893 as 23,544,495 gallons, with a value of $4,246,734 (p. 209). 120 Day (William C). Potassium salts. U. S. (Jeol. Surv., Min. Res., 1887, pp. 628-650, 1888. These salts are ol)tainc(l in ))art from the brine of wells and springs. Analyses are given. 121 Diller (Joseph Silas). Lassen Peak folio, California. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geo!. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 15, ]>. 4, 1895. Mentions or describes a number of solfataras, hot springs, mud pools, geysers, and sulphur deposits (p. 2). Ft'LLER.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 25 122 Diller (Joseph Silas). Stalactites. The educational series of rock specimens collected and distributed h}- the United States Geological Survey. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 150, pp. 98-99, 1898. Explains origin through action of underground waters. 123 Dodwell (Arthur) and Rixon (Theodore F). Forest conditions in the Cascade Forest Reserve, Oregon: Cascade Range Forest Reserve between townships 18 and 29 south. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 9, pp. 147-227, 1903. Describes underground channel through which fish pass from Deschutes River to Odell and Davis lakes (p. 148). 124 Leiberg (John B.), Rixon (Theodore), and. Detailed descriptions [of timber of townships]. Forest conditions in the San Francisco Mountains forest reserve, Arizona. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 22, pp. 35-91, 1904. See Leiberg (John B. ), Rixon (Theodore), and Dodwell (Arthur). 125 Drake (Noah Field), Lindgren (Waldemai-), and. Nampa folio, Idaho-Oregon. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 103, pp. 5, 1904. See Lindgren (Waldemar) and Drake (N. F. ). 126 Silver City folio, Idaho. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 105, pp. 6, 1904. See Lindgren (Waldemar) and Drake (N. F. ). 127 Button (Clarence E.). The physical geography of the Grand Canyon district. U. S. Geol. Surv., 2d Ann. Rept., pp. 47-166, 1882. Notes several springs available for camp supplies in the Kaibab and other parts of the plateau district, and mentions the occurrence of sink- ing streams (pp. 122, 134). 128 Tertiary history of the Grand Canyon district, with atlas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 2, 264 pp., atlas, 1882. Springs in canyons are mentioned or described on pages 130, 135, 158, 159, and 168; on the Kaibab on pages 129, 139, 157, 166, 171, 172, on the Uinkaret, page 82. Springs are also treated on pages 158, 159, 168, and 234. Sinking streams are considered on pages 129 and 138, and subterranean drainage on page 138. 129 Administrative report. [1886-87.] U. S. Geol. Surv., 8th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 156-165, 1889. Mentions two immense springs giving rise to Metolias River, on east flank of cascades, which is 70 to 80 feet wide and too deep to ford. Other large springs are noted. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 130 Dutton (Clarence E.). The earthquake at Charleston of August 31, 1886. U. S. Geol. Surv., 9th Ann. Eept., pp. 203-328, 1889. Notes the forcing up of fresfi water and mud, the formation of mud craterlets, sink holes, etc. (pp. 224, 241, 246, 280-281, 283,296,297, 298, 302, 322). Mention is made of the failure of artesian wells at Ten Mile Hill, Georgia (p. 284), and of rise of water in certain wells in Alabama (p. 411). The supposed effect on Iowa wells is discredited (p. 443). 131 Eckel (Edwin C). Salt and g-j^psum deposits of southwestern Virginia. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 406-416, 1903. Describes salt wells (pp. 407, 408, 413) and gives records (pp. 408-409). Analyses of brines from Virginia, New York, Ontario, Michigan, Penn- sylvania, West Virginia, England, and France are also given (p. 414). 132 Hayes (C. Willard) and. Iron ores of the Cartersville district, Georgia. See Hayes (C. W.) and Eckel (E. C). 133 Hayes (C. W.) and. Occurrence and development of ochei deposits in the Cartersville district, Georgia. See Hayes (C. W.) and Eckel (E. C). 134 Eckel (Edwin C). The salt industrj^ in Utah and California. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp'^, 488-495, 1904. Notes the derivation of salt from springs in California (p. 494). 135 Johnson (Lawrence C.) and, Mississippi. [Well records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 332-357, 1904. See Johnson (Lawrence C. ) and Eckel (Edwin C. ). 136 Eldridge (George Honians). A geological reconnoissance in northwest Wyoming. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 119, pp. 72, 1894. The paper describes the Stinking Water, Big Horn, and Fort Washa- kie Sulphur Springs. All are hot or warm, have copious flows, and are surrc)uii(l('(l l)y mineral deposits, tbe first by a geyser cone. The waters arc coiisidtTcd to })ossess valuable medicinal properties. The Big Horn and Fort Washakie springs occur at the crest of anticlines. 137 Anthracite-Crested Butte folio. Description of the sedi- m(>ntary formations. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. <■.), i)p. (i-lO, 1S94. Describes hot springs and calcareous tufa nioumls along Anient Creek (p. 9). FULLER.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 27 138 Eldridge (Georo-e Homans). Geology of the Denver Basin in Colorado: P^conomic geolog}', artesian wells. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 27, pp. 401-465, 1896. The chapter inchides a history of the development of the basin, and discussions of the artesian conditions, water horizons, source of water, absorption, transmission, capacity, and yield of water horizons, and life of wells. Chemical analyses, sections, and descriptions of wells are given, together with statistics of location, date, casing, water horizon, depth, discharge in 1886 and 1890, cost, etc., for 357 wells. 139 Emerson (Benjamin Kendall). Geology of old Hampshire County, Massachusetts, comprising Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden counties. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 29, pp. 790, 1898. • Gives a number of deep-well records in Triassic rocks (pp. 380-389), but little information relating to water. Springs are described and analyses given (pp. 751-752). 140 The geology of eastern Berkshire County, Massachusetts. U= S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 159, pp. 139, 1899. Describes the wells on the Dalton fault, giving record, map, and analysis. The water comes from solution i^assages in the limestone along the fault (pp. 90-92) . 141 Emmons (Sanuiel Franklin). Geology and mining industry of Leadville, Colorado, with atlas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 12, pp. 770, atlas, 1886. Among the topics relating to underground waters, the following may be noted: Caves in limestone (p. 394), warm springs (p. 169) , and water level in mines (p. 378) . Ores are regarded as having been deposited by descending aqueous solutions following natural water channels includ- ing bedding planes, joints, and cleavage (p. 378). The thermal spring origin of fissure veins is also mentioned on page 576. 142 Anthracite-Crested Butte folio. Description of the Elk Mountains. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 9, pp. 1-2, 1894. Mentions the travertine and tufa deposits of hot springs and describes the formation of bog ore by the leaching of sulphurets by thermal waters (p. 2). 143 Introduction. Economic geolog}^ of the Mercur mining district, Utah. By J. Edward Spurr. U. S. Geol. Surv., 16 Ann. Kept., pt. 2, pp. 349-.369, 1896. Considers the part of hot underground waters in ore deposition (pp. 367-369). 144 Mines of Custer Count}' , Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., 17th Ann. Rept., pt. ii, pp. 465-472, 1896. Ascribes ores of Bull Domingo andGeysermines to aqueous deposition ( pp. 445-447, 458-464 ) . The latter mine is characterized by strong flows of water charged with carbonates, sulphates, nitrates, etc., of the alka- lies, alkaline earths, and metals. Analyses of the water and of the tufaceous deposits formed by it on its emergence are given. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 145 Emmons (Samuel Franklin) and Tower (George Warren). Butte Special folio, Montana. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atla.s of U. S., folio no. .39, pp. 8, 1897. Notes the action of thermal waters on andesites (p. 6) and describes the superficial and deep-seated springs of the area. The former are generally located at the base of prominences of porous igneous rocks, and are numerous and copious in flow. The latter are both cold and warm, and are generally more or less mineralized, some being used for medicinal purposes. Alkaline carbonates, carbon dioxide, and sul- phuretted hydrogen are common constituents. Some mineral deposits occur (p. 8). 146 Emmons (Samuel Franklin). Tintic Special folio, Utah. Gen- eral conclusions. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 65, pp. 7-8, 1900. Discusses the significance of the ground-water level and describes certain cave dej^osits. 147 Homestake mines. U. S. Geol.' Surv., Prof. Paper no. 26, pp. 55-80, 1904. Notes relation of underground waters to ore deposition. F. 148 Fairbanks (H. A.). San Luis folio, California. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 101, pp. 14, 1904. Describes a number of strong iron and other spring.", some of which are used for bathing (pp. 14). 149 Fellows (A. L.). Water resources of the State of Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 74, pp. 151, 1902. Notes the absorption of rainfall by different varieties of rocks (p. 17) and describes seepage of the South Platte (pp. 65-66), Arkansas River (p. 100), and the Rio Grande (pp. 109-110). 150 Fenneman (N. M.). The Boulder, Colorado, oil field. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 21.3, pp. 322-332, 1903. Discusses the occurrence of fresh and salt water in oil wells, some of which are cased to over 2,000 feet. The lower waters are thermal and rise with some force. 151 Field (John E.). DivcM-sion of North Platte River [Wyomincr- NebraskaJ. U. S. Geol. Surv., 2(1 Ann. Rept. Reclamation Service, 1902-3, pp. 499-507, 1904. Notes occurrence of hot springs, and describes honeycombing of rock by their agency at Alcova, AVyo. (p. 506). 152 Flynn (Benjamin 11.), and Flynn (Margaret S.). The natural features and economic dcvclopnuMit of the Sandusky, Mau- mee, Muskingum, and Miami drainage areas in Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supjjlvand Irrigation Paper no. 91, jip. 130, 1904. Discusses public water supplies, including those from springs, galleries and from siialiow and (Icfp-scated wells, l)oth flowing and noiiHowing (pp. 58-124). Ft'LLEU.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 29 153 Foerste (Aug. F.). Geolog-y of the Carboniferous strata of the southwestern portion of the Narragansett l>asin, with an account of the Cambrian deposits. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 33, pp. 214-393, 1899. (lives record of deep boring in Rhoile Island (p. 322). 154 Fontaine (William Morris). The Potomac formation in Vir- ginia. -U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 145, pp. 149, 1896. Gives an artesian-well section at Fort Monroe (p. 44) and describes an alum spring near Fredericksburg (p. 08). 155 Fortier (Samuel). Seepage water of northern Utah. U. 8. Geol. 8urv., Water Supply and Irrigation Faper no. 7, i)p. .'lO, 1897. Defines seepage waters (p. 11) and considers their importance (pp. 11-13) and origin (p. 13). A considerable number of measurements showing quantity of seejiage water in Cache Valley (pp. 27-44) and in Ogden Valley (pp. 44-47) are given. In the lower portion of the latter more water is returned by seepage than taken out for irrigation during certain months. 156 Conveyance of water in irrigation canals, Humes, and pipes. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 43, pp. 86, 1901. Notes the effect of irrigation in raising the groundwater level (p. 16). 157 [Fuller (Myron L,)], Campbell (Marius R.) [and]. Masontown- Uniontown folio, Pennsylv^ania natural gas; Petroleum. See Campbell (Marius R. ) and [Fuller (Myron L. )]. 158 Fuller (M3^ron L.). Ditney folio, Indiana: General and Pleisto- cene geology. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio irj. 83, pp. 1-7, 1902. Gives diamond drill section near Glezen pos'-office (p. 2) and a num- ber of scattered drift well sections (p. 3). 159 Ditney folio, Indiana. Mineral waters: Water supply. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., fobo no. 84, p. 8, 1902. Describes the character and composition of the mineral springs at the Degonia and Ash Iron Spring resorts, and mentions the occurrence and deposits of Chalybeate Springs. The amount and character of the water supply from drift and rocks is also discussed. 160 Gaines folio, Pennsylvania. General geology. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., fobo no. 92, pp. 9, 1903. Gives deep well record at Gaines (p. 2) and describes a 2,880-barrel water well from a depth of 100 feet in the Chemung rocks at Harrison Valley. The water is mineralized and is regarded of medicinal value (p. 9). 161 Natural gas [Brownsville-Connellsville folio]. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., fobo no. 94, pp. 17-18, 1903. Gives detailed records of several deep wells. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 162 FuUer (Myron L.) and Clapp (Frederick G.). Patoka folio, Indiana-Illinois. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 105, 12 pp., 1904. Gives a number of well records (p. 3) and discusses the occurrence of groundwater, including that of springs and wells, in considerable detail (pp. 11-12). The occurrence of calcareous tufa is described (p. 14). 163 Fuller (Myron L.). Hyner g-as pool, Clinton County, Penns}^!- vania. U. S. Geol. Surv. , Bull. no. 225, pp. 392-395, 1904. Gives record' of 1,965-foot well and notes occurrence of fresh and salt waters at various horizons. 161 Water supply from wells in southern Louisiana. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 101, pp. 74-81, 1904. Discusses the use of well water for domestic, town, railroad, and man- ufacturing supplies, giving a list of towns supplied from wells and a table of analyses. The subject of contamination is also discussed. 165 Rice irrigation in southern Louisiana. U. S. Geo!. Surv., Water Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 101, pp. 82-94, 1904. Deals mainly with irrigation by water obtained from wells, giving tables showing number of farms and acres irrigated by such waters in 1902 (pp. 82-91). A map showing wells and canals is included. 166 Introduction: Contributions to the hydrology of Eastern United States, 1903. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water Supi>ly and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 9-13, 1904. States object of jirogress reports, gives list of . publications of the Sur- vey and a bibliography of principal Survey i)ublications relating to under- ground waters. 167 Organization of the division of hydrology and work of the eastern section. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 15-20, 1904. Gives an account of early Survey work on underground waters, of the organization and scope of the division of hydrology, and a description of the work by States as follows: Maine, W. S. Bayley, G. O. Smith, W. C. Washburn, and L. G. Lord; New Hampshire, J. M. Boutwell; Vermont, G. H. Perkins; Massachusetts and Rhode Island, W. O. Crosby; Connecticut, H. E. Gregory; New York, A. C. Veatch, Arthur HoUick, M. L. Fuller, C. S. Slichter, VV. O. Crosby, and F. B. Weeks; New Jersey, G. N. Knapp; Georgia, S. W. McCallie; Florida, M. L. Fuller; Minnesota, C. W. Hall; Wisconsin, A. R. Shultz; Michigan, W. F. Cooper; Iowa, W. H. Norton; Missouri, E. M. Shepard; Arkan- sas, A. C. Veatch and A. H. Purdue; Louisiana, A. C. Veatch ami (i. I). Harris; Kentucky and Tennessee, L. C. Glenn; Alabama and Missis- sippi, E. A. Smith, L. C. Johnson, J. A. Anderson, R. S. Hodges, and B. F. Lovelace. FiiLi.EK.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 31 168 Fuller (M3M-on L.). Introduction. Notes on the wells, springs and general water resources of certain Eastern and Central States. U. S. Geol. Snrv., Water Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 21-26, 1904. Discusses the methods of work, including the collection, preparation, and presentation of data, the economic value of general water resources, well and spring records, analyses, etc., and gives an explanation of the tables of the report. 169 Florida. [Well and spring records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water Sujjply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 238-274, 1904. Discusses the general underground water conditions (pp. 238-239) and gives tables and notes relating to wells (pp. 240-264) and springs (pp. 265-274). The well data include altitude, depth, source, head, temperature, quality (including analyses), records, and uses; the spring data, temperature, quality (including analyses), source, uses, improve- ments, etc. G. 170 Grilbert (Grove Karl)> Lake Bonneville. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon. vol. 1, 438 pp., 1890. Mentions springs in Death Valley, California (p. 8), and elsewhere (p. 102), Ice spring, Utah (p. 325), hot springs of Fumerole Butte, Utah (p. 333), of Salt Lake City (p. 349), and of Bonneville village, Utah (p. .350), the last two being on faults, are also considered. Other hot springs are noted. 171 Administrative report [1890-91]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 12th Ann. Kept., pt. 1, pp. 52-65, 1891. Discusses underground temperatures as based on observations in the 4,471-foot well at Wheeling, West Virginia. 172 Administrative report [1891-92]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 13th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 83-98, 1892. Notes work of A. C. Peale on mineral waters (p. 88) and of William Hallock on temperatures of Wheeling deep well (p. 96V 173 Administrative report. U. S. Geol. Surv., 15th Ann. Rept., pp. 144-148, 1895. Gives an account of studies on the artesian conditions and of the con- touring of the Dakota sandstone in southern Colorado, etc. (pp. 145-146). 174 The underground water of the Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., 17th Ann. Rept., pt. 2, pp. 551-601, 1896. Describes the geology of the region (pp. 560-580) and considers the derivation of underground waters (pp. 557-558) and general artesian conditions (p. 581). The character, catchment area, capacity, distribu- tion, quality, analyses, and prospects of the Dakota sandstone or its waters are treated at length (pp. 582-595), while the ground water in gravels, in upland and dune sands, and in the terraces is discussed ( pp. 695-598). The considerable underflow of the Arkansas and other streams is pointed out (pp. 599-601) . 32 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 175 Grilbert (Grove Karl). Pueblo folio, Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 36, pp. 7, 1897. Notes the loss of water through absorption by the beds of the Arkan- sas and St. Charles rivers (p. 1) and discusses the various water hori- zons in the Dakota sandstone, including their depth and head. A map showing the areas of flowing and nonflowing wells and the depths of the water horizons is given. 176 Grlenn (L. C). Tennessee. [Well records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water Supi)ly and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 358-367,1904. Gives a general statement of miderground water conditions ( pp. 358- 359) and presents tables and notes relating to wells (pp. 360-365). These include data bearing on depth, head, source, yield, quality, records, and uses. 177 Kentuck3^ [Well records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 369-373, 1904. Considers briefly the general underground water conditions an, j)p. 65, 1897. This paper discusses the original sources (p. 11), available amounts (p. 14), and geological conditions of ground water in general (p. 15), and describes the types and methods of locating ground waters (p. 18). The descriptions of the geography and geology of the area (pp. 19-37) are followed by a consideration of the source, occurrence, properties, flow, etc., of the waters of the Dakota sandstone (pp. 38-43), and of the Tertiary formations (pp. 43-57). The numerous and relatively shallow wells frequently used for irrigation and the springs of Meade County are considered (pp. 48-56). The writer concludes that there is an abundant supply both in the Arkansas Valley and on the uplands, but better means of raising it to the surface are needed (p. 62). 213 Hay (Robert). A geological reconnaissance in southwestern Kansas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 57, pp. 49, 1890. Notes occurrence of sulphate of lime in waters of Medicine River Valley, and describes the occurrence of water in the Dakota sandstone and in the Tertiary grits. Deep salt wells and borings (pp. 25-26) and artesian wells (pp. 13, 30, 48) are mentioned. The absorption of Bear Creek by its gravels is described. 214 Water resources of a portion of the Great Plains. U. S. Geol. Surv., 16th Ann. Rept, pt. 2, pp. 535-588, 1896. Describes and gives lists of springs of various water levels (pp. 545- 547 ) . Other topics considered are sources, catchment, etc. , of the waters (pp. 550-557), volume (pp. 557-565), artesian flow (pp. 565-567), blow- ing wells (pp. 567-568), temperature (p. 568), geology and .topography (pp. 569-579), water horizons of the Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Pleisto- cene formations (p. 580), and utilization of ground waters (pp. 585-586) . Considerable supplies are obtainable, but not enough for all needs of irrigation and other purjioses (pp. 586-588). 215 Geolog}^ of the Fort Riley Military Reservation and vicinity, Kansas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 137, pp. 35, 1896. In addition to the topography, geology, paleontology, etc., a number of copious springs, some used for water power, the flows of mineral waters in the wells of Geary County, and the value of the Carboniferous rocks. Tertiary gravels, and alluvium as sources of supplies are discussed (pp. 32-33). The occurrence of sinks is mentioned (pp. 15, 16, 26, and 27). SIC) Hayden (F. V.). Administrative report [1S81-85]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 6th Ann. Rept., pp. 48-53, 1885. Notes progress of A. C. Peale on the bibliography of mineral waters and the preparation of a statistical paper (p. 53). 217 Administrative report [1885-86]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 7th Ann. Rept., pp. 85-87, 1888. Mentions progress of work on mineral springs, and notes preparation of a second statistical jiapor and work on the bibliography of mineral waters bv A. C. Peale. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS Tno. 120. 218 Hayes (C. Willard). Ringg'old folio, (icoi-<;ia-Tonnessoe. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 2, pp. 3, 1894. Ascribes the segregation of hematite, limonite, and manganese ores to the action of percolating underground waters (pp. 2-3). 219 Kingston folio, Tennessee. *- U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 4, pp. 4, 1894. Notes the disappearance of streams into underground channels or caves, and discusses the formation of "coves" or amphitheaters by the solution of limestone by underground waters (p. 1). 220 Chattanooga folio, Tennessee. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 6, pp. 3, 1894. Disposition of limonite is referred to segregation in pockets or near the surface by percolating waters (.p. 3). 221 Cleveland folio, Tennessee. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 20, pp. 4, 1895. Refers the disposition of limonite ores to segregation l)y percolating waters (p. 4). 222 Pikeville folio, Tennessee. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 21, pp. 4, 1895. Notes the occurrence of subterranean channels in region of Crab Orchard Mountains (p. 1). 223 The Arkansas beauxite deposits. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 3, pp. 435-472, 1901. Provisionally ascribes origin of deposits to waters penetrating to heated syenite, dissolving parts of it, and returning to the surface as springs depositing beauxite (pp. 461-466). 224 Tennessee white phosphates. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 3, pp. 473-485, 1901. Ascribes origin of ores to deposition from solution by underground waters in limestone cavities (p. 479). 225 Rome folio. Georgia- Alabama. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas U. S., folio no. 78, p. 6, 1902. Assigns the derivation of the limonite ores to the action of under- ground waters upon the Beaver limestone along its contact with the Weisner quartzite, and also along the contact of the Bangor limestone with the Oxmoor sandstone. Some iron has also been deposited l)y thermal springs along faults. In the formation of beauxite the surface waters i)enetrated downward to the Conasauga shale and, after dissolving out aluminum sulphate, passed upward along faults and deposited piso- litic grains of beauxite in springs (p. 6). 220 and Kennedy (William). Oil fields of the Texas- Louisiana (Juif Coastal Plain. IJ. S. (Jeol. Snrv., Bull. no. 212, p. 174, 1903. In addition to the discussion of oil wells, mention or description is made of a considerable number of artesian (pp. 18, 33, 87, 118, 122) and thermal wells (pp. 60, 122). Lists of wells of the Jennings district, Louisiana (p. 130), and at Spindletop, Texas (pp. 77-85, 103-104), and records of a large number of gas, oil, and water wells at various points are given. The occurrence of sulphur in water (pp. 17, 18) and the relaticju of salt water to oil (p. 119) are discussed. A description of drilling methods is also given (iij). 166-170). iri.LEn.l EELATTXG TO T^NDEROROT^XD WATERS. 39 227 Hayes (C Wilhird). Intioductioii. Coiitiit)utioiis a) economic ocolooy, 1902. U. S. Geol. Siirv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 9-14, 1903. Gives a table of the geologic folios of the survey, with lists of mineral products, including underground water, artesian water, and mineral spring?. 22S and Eckel (E. C). Iron ores of the Ctirtersville district Georg'ia. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 233-242, 1903. The deposition of the ores is referred to solutions ascending from con- siderable depths along faults and other lines of passage. 229 Hayes (C. Willard). Oil tields of tiie Texa.s-Loui.siana Gulf Coastal Plain. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 345-352, 1903. Describes the occurrence of salt water in the Spindletop pool (p. 350). 230 origin and extent of Tennessee white phosphates. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 418-423, 1903. Ores were deposited in quiet waters in caverns in the limestone, sometimes under hydrostatic pressure. 231 and Eckel (E. C). Occurrence and development of ocher deposits in the Cartersville district, Georgia. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 427-432, 1903. Notes the admission of surface waters to great depths by faults, and discusses the nature and movements of ^-ater connected with the forma- tion of the ores (p. 429). 232 and Ulrich (Edward O.). Columbia folio, Tennessee. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 95, 6 pp., 1903. Notes the occurrence of sinks, caves, and underground streams in the St. Louis limestone. Ordovician phosphates are ascribed to leaching of phosphatic limestones by acid surface waters along joint planes, etc. ( PP- '"'~*^ ) • '^h^ origin of blanket deposits througli underground circula- tion and of collar deposits through capillary circulation are also con- sidered (p. 6). 233 Hayes (C. Willard). Introduction: Contributions to econoniic geology, 1903. r. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. 11-17, 1904. Gives list of Survey publications and notes folios in which discussions of underground waters ai^pear. 231 Herrick (H. N.). Gypsum deposits in New Mexico. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 223, pp. 89-99, 1904. Notes presence of salt and hydrogen sulphide in wells penetrating the gypsum (p. 92), and the occurrence of sinks due to the solution of gypsum. 235 Hilgard (E. W.). Salines of Louisiana. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. 1882, pp. 554-565, 1883. ' Considers the wells and springs affording brines. 40 BTBLIOGEAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 236 Hill (Benjamin F.). Gj'psiim deposits in Texas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 223, pp. 68-73, 1904. Notes impregnation of springs with gypsum, salt, and sulphur (p. 71), and mentions the filling of caves by the former mineral (p. 72). 237 Hill (Robert T.). The present condition of knowledge of the geology of Texas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 45, pp. 95, 1887. Describes the artesian-well experiment under Capt. John Pope in 1857-8 (p. 27). 238 Administrative report. U. S. Geol. Surv., 15th Ann. Rept., pp. 170-171, 1895. Describes artesian investigations in Texas (p. 171). 239 and Vaughan (T. Wayland). Geology of the Edwards Plateau and Rio Grande Plain adjacent to Austin and San Antonio, Texas, with reference to the occurrence of under- ground water. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Rept., pt. 2, pp. 193-321, 1898. Discusses the geography (pp. 201-212), geology (pp. 215-260), arte- sian principles (pp. 212-215), capacity of formations (pp. 260-264), and the underground waters, including artesian and nonflowing wells and springs of the Edwards Plateau (pp. 264-274) and the Rio Grande Plain (pp. 274-321). The identity of artesian and fissure spring waters in the latter, the source of the water, prospecting, chemical analyses, spring rivers, and fault springs are also considered, and the Edwards limestone and Travis Peak foundation discussed as sources of supply. 240 and Vaughan (T. Wayland). Nueces folio, Texas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 42, pp. 4, 1898. Describes caverns in limestones (p. 1) , the honeycombed rocks of the Edwards formation (pp. 2-3), and notes the occurrence of springs and spring rivers throughout the Cretaceous (p. 2). Springs are divided into two groups, the fault springs, as those from Austin to Del Rio, and the gravity springs, as those of the Edwards formation (p. 3). Mentions the value of the Comanche Peak formation as a horizon marker in locat- ing underground waters (p. 2). The Kickapoo water bed at the base of the Edwards formation, the Black Water Hole beds 150 feet higher, and the still higher Justice Spring horizon are described. They give nonflowing wells except along the Balcones fault (p. 4). AVater is pre- dicted in the Trinitv beds 500 feet below the Comanche Peak limestone (p. 4). 241 Hill (Rol)ert T.). Mineral resources of Porto Rico. U. S. Geol. Surv., 20th Ann. Rept., pt. 6 cont., pp. 771-778, 1899. Reports several thermal and mineral springs, some of which have l)een improved by the construc^tion of baths, etc. Sulphur and ferrugi- nous waters are the most common. An analysis of Coamo water is given (pp. 775-776). FULLER.! RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 41 242 Hill (Robert T.). Geooraph}^ and geology of the Black and Grand prairies, Texas. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Kept., pt. 7, pp. 1-666, 1900. An elaborate report covering the geography of the Texas region, especially of the Black and Grand prairies (pp. 25-85), the geology (pp. 86-386), principles of the occurrence of underground waters (pp. 387-394), the artesian well systems of Texas (pp. 394-451), chemistry of the waters (pp. 447-451), and the artesian conditions of Black and Grand prairies by counties (pp. 452-649). The suppUes are from the Cretaceous, including the base of the Trinity, a portion of the Glen Rose, the Paluxy, a part of the beds of the Edwards, Woodbine, and Denison formations and theCorsicana sands of the Navarro beds (p. 419). 243 and Vaughan (T. Wayland). Austin folio, Texas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 76, pp. 8, 1902. Notes the occurrence of interrupted streams and describes the springs of the honeycombed Edwards limestone (p. 2). The quadrangle is underlain by the Trinity group, which should furnish water rising 600 feet above sea level. The variations in depth of the beds are described (p. 8). 244 Hills (Richard Charles). Elmoro folio, Colorado. U. 8. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 58, pp. 5, 1899. Describes the artesian waters of the Dakota sandstone, together with the position, thickness, and depth of that bed. Strong flows are not pi'obable, but small flows can be obtained in Purgatory Valley and else- where. The occurrence of springs is noted. In addition to the descrip- tions, a map showing the outcrop of the water horizon and the extent of and depths to the water bed in the flowing and nonflowing areas is given (pp. 4-5). 245 Walsenburg folio, Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 68, pp. 6, 1900. Describes the Dakota sandstone anti Lower Eocene beds and discusses the structure of the quadrangle. The prospects for flowing and non- flowing wells and the methods and cost of boring are considered, and the requisite conditions of artesian water are noted. A map showing the areas of outcrop of the Dakota sandstone and the Poison Canyon formation, the flowing, nonflowing, and unproductive areas, and the depth to the Dakota sandstone is given. 246 Spanish peaks folio, Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 71, pp. 7, 1901. Discusses artesian conditions and the present and prospective supplies, and describes the Dakota sandstone and Poison Canyon formation. Notes the occurrence of springs. Gives a map showing areas underlain by water-bearing formations and the depth to the Dakota sandstone. - 247 Hobbs (William Herbert). The Newark system of the Pompe- rang Valley, Connecticut. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Kept., pt. 3, pp. 7-162, 1900. Considers the rectilinear arrangement of certain springs as indicating fault lines (pp. 91-93). 42 BTBLTOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 248 Holgate (II. L.). The legal status of irrigation. r. S. Cieol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation ra])er no. 93, pp. l3e springs, Texas (p. 277). The flow of the springs is 60 and 84 second-feet, respectively. rrr.LEi;/! RELATINCx TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 48 •j:>:> Hydrography, Division of. Operations at i-ivor stations, 1SJ>1), Part .5. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 39, pp. 471, 1900. Gives measurements of the tiows of artesian wells i«n the San Benar- dino Valley, California (p. 423). 256 Operations at river stations, 1900. Part 'A. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 49, pp. 292, 1901. Discusses the underground water supply of the South Platte Basin, Colorado (p. 279). 257 Operations at river stations, 1900. Part. 4. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 50, pp. 387, 1901. Discusses seepage in Colorado (pp. 299-306, 320) and considers the underground waters of Arkansas Basin, Colorado (p. 320). The Bar- ton (p. 335), San Antonio (p. 340), Leona (p. 342), San Felipe (p. 345), Toyale (p. 361), Saragos.sa (p. 362), and the springs of Lampasas River (p. 335), Nueces River (p. 343), and Mud Creek (p. 345), all of Texas, are described or mentioned, as are also the artesian wells of the San Anto- nio (p. 340). 258 Operations at river stations, 1900. Part 5. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 51, pp. 487, 1901. Gives a number of discharge measurements of wells in California (pp. 482-484). 259 Operations at river stations, 1900. Part 6. U. S. Geol. Surv., WaterrSupply and Irrigation Paper no. 52, pp. 575, 1901. Describes the construction of wells in southern California ( pp. 497-498) . 260 Operations at river stations, 1901. Part 2 (west of Mis- sissippi River), U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paj)erno. 66, jip. 188, 1902. Notes the source of Mill Creek, Texas, in springs (p. 62), and describes the Carrizo Springs of Texas (p. 63) and the soda springs near the Tieton River, Washington (p. 135). An analysis of the waters of the Carrizo Springs (well) is given (p. 63). 261 Iddings (Joseph P.) and Weed (Walter H.). Livingstone folio, Montana. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 1, pp. 4, 1894. Describes travertine of present and extinct hot springs (p. 3). 262 Irving (John Duer). Economic resources of the northern Black Hills. U. S. Geol. Surv., Professional Paper no. 26, pp. 222, 1904. Mentions the relation of underground waters to ore dep'osits or min- eralization (pp. 110, 136, 190), and gives a more comi)lete discussion on pp. 155-157. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPEBS [no. 120. 263 Irving (Roland Duer). On secondary enlargements of mineral fragments in certain rocks: Summary of general con- clusions. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 8, pp. 48-52, 1884. Ascribes enlargement of quartz grains in the Huron, Potsdam, and St. Peters quartzites to deposition from interstitiallv percolating waters (p. 49). J. 264 Jack (John G.). Pikes Peak, Plum Creek, and South Platte [forest] reserves. U. S. Geol. Surv., 20tli Ann. Rept., pt. 5, pp. 39-115, 1899. Notes the springs of the South Platte reserve (p. 92). 265 Johnson (Lawrence C.) Smith (Eugene A.) and. Tertiary and Cretaceous strata of the Tuscaloosa, Tombigbee, and Ala- bama rivers. See Smith (Eugene A.) and Johnson (Lawrence C. ) 266 Johnson (Laurence C.) and Eckel (Edwin C). Mississippi. [Well records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 332-357, 1904. Considers briefly the general underground water conditions and gives a table of geologic and water horizons (pp. 332-333). Tables of a large number of wells, giving depths, head, quality, supply, geologic horizon of water, etc., are included. 267 Johnson (Willard D.). The high plains and their utilization. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 601-741, 1900. Describes their character, origin, geological structure, and climate (pp. 609-679), and notes the necessity of additional water supplies (pp. 680-691). The occurrence of underground waters, including the catch- ment through basins, sinks, sod cracks, etc., resulting from solution or caving of Tertiary or Cretaceous beds is discussed, and the ground water conditions of the Meade artesian basin and other regions described. Botli wells and springs are considered (pp. 702-741). 268 The high plains and their utilization. r. S. Geol. Surv., 22d Aim. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 631-669, 1901. (lives a physical description of the plains (pp. 637-640) and considers the occurence and origin of the underground waters (pj). 640-642). There appears to be enough water for watering stock, but not enougli for extensive irrigation, except in valleys. Tlie importance of correct well construction is emphasized (p. 669). 269 Keith (Arthur). Knoxvillc folio, Tennessee-North Carohna. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio No. 16, pp. 6, 1895. Describes springs and other sources of water sujipiy of the region of the Knox dolomite, and notes tiic vaiur of spring-iVd streams for water power. FULLi:i!.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 45 270 Keith (Arthur). London folio, Tennessee. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of V. S., folio no. 25, pp. 6, 1896. Describes underground drainage through sinks into the Rutledge lime- stone, and in the Knox dolomite (p. 3). States that the abunt. 5, pp. 209-198, 1900. Notes the occurrence of large springs giving rise to streams (p. 225) and the presence of hot springs (p. 229). Mention is made of the dis- appearance of streams into the lava (p. 231). 289 Forest conditions in the Cascade Forest Reserve, Oregon: Southern part of the Cascade Range Forest Reserve. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 9, pp. 229-289, 1903. Describes springs (pp. 239, 264, 281, 283) and notes absorption of water by pumice (p. 234) and by fissures in the lava (pp. 276, 281). 290 Rixon (Theodore F.), and DodweU (Arthur). Detailed descriptions [of timber of townships]. Forest conditions in the San Francisco Mountains Forest Reserve, Arizona. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 22, pp. 35-91, 1904. Gives occasional references to springs in connection with discussion of forest conditions. 291 Leiberg (John B.). Forest conditions in the Little Belt Mountains Forest Reserve, Montana, and the Little Belt Mountains Quadrangle. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 30, 75 pp., 1904. Mentions springs under "Drainage conditions" in some of the town- sliip descriptions. 292 Leighton (Marshall Ora). Sewage pollution in the metropolitan area near New York City and its effect on inland water resources. U. S. Geol. Surv., AVater-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 72, p]). 75, 1902. Discusses the normal composition of underground waters, including the normal chlorine, and mentions the loss of mechanical sediments and gain in material in solution in the jjassage of water into the ground. 48 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 293 Leighton (Marshall Ora). Normal and polluted waters in north- eastern United States. ' U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 79, pp. 192, 1903. Notes the removal of albuminoid ammonia by natural filtration and discusses the normal composition, especially the chlorine constituent of ground and seepage waters. Points out the necessity of storing such waters in covered reservoirs on account of the abundant nitrates which favor algous growth ( pp. 22-31 ) . 294 Quality of water in the Susquehanna River drainage basin. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 108, 76 pp., 1904. Describes coal mine waters (pp. 24-26) and the underground waters of the Chemung Valley of New York and Pennsylvania (pp. 51-52), the west branch of the Susquehanna (pp. 53-56) and the Juniata (pp. 63-65) . Analyses of waters from mines, springs, wells, and streams are given. 295 Leith (Charles Kenneth), Van Hise (Charles Richard), Clements (J. Morgan) and. Iron-ore deposits of Lake Superior region. See Van Hise (C. R. ), and Leith (C. K. ), and Clements (J. Morgan). 290 Leith (Charles Kenneth). The Mesabi iron-bearing district of Minnesota. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 43, 316 pp., 1903. Discusses the relation of water level to ores, waters in mines, etc. (pp. 234-235), the processes of alteration, including analyses (p. 265) and the laws of circulation (pp. 265-272). The ores are considered to have Ijeen derived from greenalite-bearing sedimentarj' rocks or from carbonates by the action of underground waters (pp. 237-238), the alteration taking place both above and below the water level. The presence of phos- phates in waters from ores and the concentration of the ores by water is considered (pp. 274-275), and the influence of percolating water in the formation of other Lake Superior ores is noted (pp. 277-279). 297 Geologic work in the Lake Superior iron district. 1902. - U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 213, pp. 247-250, 1903. Considers the relation of underground waters to ore deposition ( pj). 249-250). 298 Iron ores in southern Utah. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. 228-237, 1904. Notes agency of percolating waters in ore deposition (p. 235). 299 The Lake Superior iron region during 1903. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. 215-220, 1904. Notes deposition of ores of Menominee district, Michigan, by circulat- ing waters (p. 216). ruLLEH.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 49 300 Leverett (Frank). The water resources of Illinois. U. S. Geol. Surv., 17th Ann. Kept., pt. 2, pp. 695-849, 1896. Considers topography and drainage (pp. 703-717), rainfall (pp. 718- 730), run-off (pp. 730-742), navigable waters (pp. 744-746), water powers (pp. 746-748), drift and shallow and deep rock wells, supplies for towns or cities (pp. 748-765), and rural supplies (pp. 765-782). A chap- ter is devoted to artesian wells, including a discussion of the geology and of the altitude, capacity, casing, head, and quality of water (pp. 785- 818). A considerable number of analyses are given (pp. 819-829). 301 The water resources of Indiana and Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Kept., pt. 4, pp. 419-559, 1897. After considering the physical features, drainage, lakes, etc., of the region (pp. 426-474) a discussion of underground waters, including wells of the drift, shallow and deep rock wells, subterranean drainage lines, springs, analyses of the waters, etc., is given (pp. 474-501). This is followed by extended descriptions of the water supplies of cities and villages (pp. 502-559). 302 The Illinois glacial lobe. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 38, 817 pp., 1899. Gives a chapter on the wells of Illinois (pp. 550-787), in which a classi- fication of underground waters, a discussion of artesian conditions, and detailed descriptions of the wells by counties, with many records, are included. 303 ^ Wells of northern Indiana. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 21, pp. 82, 1899. Gives maps showing distribution of drift and the relation of wells to the drift. Discusses the general conditions of underground supplies and describes and gives records of many wells, both flowing and nonflowing. 304 Wells of southern Indiana. (Continuation of Water Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 21.) U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 26, pp. 64, 1899. Discusses the relations of wells to the geology, including both drift and rock, and describes and gives records of a large number of wells. 305 Danville folio, Illinois-Indiana. Underground water. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 67, pp. 7-9, 1900. Gives a detailed discussion of underground waters and of wells, including both open and tubular, flowing and nonflowing, and drift and rock types. The problems of catchment and head are considered. More than a hundred records giving altitude, depth, head, etc., are included. 306 Glacial formations and drainage features of the Erie and Ohio basins. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 41, 802 pp., 1902. No special discussion of the waters of the drift is given, although many incidental i^eferences to wells and records are included, especially to the flowing wells of Ohio (see index of monograph). lER 120—05 4 _^ Of THE 50 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 307 Lindgren (Waldemar) and Turner (H. W.). Mary.sville folio, California. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 17, pp. 2, 1895. Gives deep-well records at Marysville Buttes and discusses the value of wells as sources of w^ater supply. Some of the water is charged with carbonates and sulphates. 308 Lindgren (Waldemar). The g-old quartz veins of Nevada Citj^ and Grass Valley districts, California. U. S. Geol. Surv., 17th Ann. Kept., pt. 2, pp. 1-262, 1896. Notes the occurrence of strong ascending springs along the quartz veins (pp. 120-124), and ascribes the deposition of the ores to ascending thermal waters containing carbonates, silica, alkaline sulphates and sul- phides, and metals (pp. 173, 262). Analyses of the water and deposits show carbonates and suli^hates of Ca, Mg, Mn, As, Fe, Pb, Mo, etc., and silica (pp. 121-123). The amount of silica is compared with that of waters of Iceland geysers. Steamboat Springs, Nebraska, and Yellow- stone National Park (p. 176). 309 The mining districts of the Idaho Basin and the Boise Ridge, Idaho. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Kept., pt. 3, pp. 617-719, 1897. Notes the occurrence of a hot mineral spiring on a fault at Warm Spring (p. 667). 310 — — Boise folio, Idaho. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 45, pp. 7, 1898. Notes the use of springs for irrigation (p. 1). The springs are esi)e- cially numerous and copious in the sheeted granite area. Several large springs, some hot and w'eakly mineralized, occur in the Payette forma- tion. The artesian wells of the granite and of the Neocene and Pleisto- cene formations, especially the Payette, are considered and the best locations discussed. The occurrence of hot artesian mineral waters near Boise is noted (p. 7). 311 The gold and silver veins of Silver City, De Lamar, and other mining districts in Idaho. U. S. Geol. Surv., 20th Ann. Kept., pt. 3, pp. 65-256, 1899. Describes silicious spring deposits with some gold and silver deposited by thermal waters at De Lamar (pp. 103-104), and the hydrothermal alteration of granite, basalt, and rhyolite are discussed from the chem- ical side (pp. 174-186). Notes the occurrence of hot artesian waters carrying gold and silver at De Lamar (p. 187), and mentions the deposi- tion of ores })y carbonated waters in the Wood River district (p. 217). 312 Colfax folio, California. V. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 66, pp. 10, 1900. Mentions the numerous and copious springs of the igneous rocks and in the auriferous Neocene river gravels. They sometimes interfere seriously with mining (p. 10). 313 The gold belt of the Blue Mountains of Oregon. U. S. Geol. Surv., 22d Ann. Kept., pt. 2, pp. 551-776, 1901. Notes the occurrence of ascending thermal waters (p. 615) and describes thermal mineral springs and their dejiosits, giving analyses (pp. 641-642). , lULLEu.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 51 314 Lindgren (Waklemar.) The water resources of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 77, pp. 62, 1903. Discusses the physical conditions (p. 9-26), ground-water conditions, quality, etc. (pp. 26-28), low and high level springs (pp. 28-30), avail- able ground water (pp. 47-49, 59), and the present and prospective uses for irrigation (p. 56). The wells, which are mostly shallow and uncer- tain as to the amount of water and as to the salt in solution, are described (pp. 37-47). 315 and Drake (N. F.). Nampa folio, Idaho-Oreo-on. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 103, pp. 5, 1904. Gives a number of well records (p. 2), notes the work of hot springs in lake beds (p. 2), and describes the general occurrence of thermal springs, ground waters, and artesian wells (p. 5). 3ir. and Drake (N. F.). Silver City folio, Idaho. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 104, pp. 6, 1904. Discusses in detail the occurrence of warm-spring and artesian waters and wells, giving a table of depths and temperatures of water of the latter (pp. 5-6). 317 Lindgren (Waldemar). A geological reconnaissance across the Bitteroot Range and Clearwater Mountains in jNIontana and Idaho. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 27, pp. 116, 1904. Describes the mineral springs of the region and their temperature, and notes their use for bathing, etc. (pp. 113-114). 318 and Ransome (Frederick Leslie). Report of progress in the geological resurve}' of the Cripple Creek district, Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull, no 254, pp. 36, 1904. Contains a section on underground Waters in which depth of ground water and oxidation, mine waters, occurrence of water in joints of crys- talline rocks, and drainage by tunnels are considered (pp. 31-32). 31!» Lippincott (Joseph Barlow). Water supply of San Bernardino Valley. U. S. Geol. Surv., 19th Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 540-633, 1898. Describes springs and their flow (pp. 563-564), and discusses the artesian wells fed by ground water and by underflow from San Antonio Creek (pp. 565-566). 320 Storage of water on Kings River, California. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 58, pi>. 101, 1902. Discusses the ground water of Kings River delta, from which abundant supplies are obtained (pp. 53-84), and gives statistical tables giving for the wells the depth, character of water-bearing beds, quality of water, methods of lifting, cost, and the amount, use, and saline contents of the waters. Seepage and its effect on ground-water level is noted (pp. 22- 24, 80-82) and the alkalinity and replenishment of the ground water described (pp. 82-88). 52 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF TAPERS [no. 120. 321 Lippincott (Joseph Barlow). Development and application of water near San Bernardino, Colton, and Riverside, Cali- fornia. Part I. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 59, pp. 95, 1902. Describes the artesian district (p. 22), the rate of underflow (p. 22), analyses (p. 23), details of artesian area, including amount and penna- nancy of supply (pp. .38-42), pumping (pp. 42-46), irrigation, springs and wells of Riverside district (p. 62), and wells of the Gage canal sys- tem (pp. 69-78). 322 Development and application of water near San Bernardino, Colton, and Riverside, California. Part II. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 60, pp. 102-141, 1902. Discusses the artesian wells in the East Riverside district, in the Red- lands and San Bernardino quadrangles, in the vicinity of Rincon, etc., and gives tables (pp. 115-134) showing type of wells, depth, height of water, character of strata, quality of water, method of lifting, quantity, and cost of water. Seepage in the San Bernardino Valley is also con- sidered (pp. 108, 113). 323 California hydrography. TJ. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 81, pp. 488, 1903. Describes the gravel fan at the base of the mountains at Pasadena Mesa. The gravel is saturated with water which is collected by wells and tunnels. Well statistics, including depth, flow, etc., are given (pp. 174-180). 324 Lord (Eliot). Comstock mining and miners. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mon., vol. 4, 451 pp. 1883. Gives a chapter on "The contest with water," describing the immense flows of thermal waters encountered and the methods of meeting the problems (pp. 230-244). Other incidental references to mine waters occur. M. 32.5 Martin (George C). Petroleum fields of Alaska and the Bering River coal fields. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 225, pp. 365-382, 1904. Notes the occurrence of oil, gas, and sulpluir springs (pp. 368, 378), and mentions the finding of large flows of water (p. 379). Underground water is assigned a part in the accunuilation and distribution of ore (p. 369). 326 Matthes (Gerard H.). Grand River project [Colorado]. V. S. (Jeol. Surv., Second Ann. Rejit. Reclamation Service, 1902-.3, pp. 210-250, 1904. Notes the settling of the ground because of accretions to the ground water through irrigation (pp. 213, 2.36). FULLER.l RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 53 327 McCallie (S. W.)- Georg-ia. [Water supply, well, and spring- records, j IT. S. Geol. Surv., WattT-Supitlyand Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 207- 236, 190-1. Gives tables showing the sources of public supplies (pp. 208-221 ) and tables and notes on wells (pp. 221-225) and springs (pp. 227-236). The data on public supplies includes source, quality, special uses, etc., on wells, the depth, head, quality, analyses, and yield; and on springs, quality, odor, taste, sediment, mineral deposits, yield, source, uses, improvements, and analyses. 328 McG-ee (W J). The geology of the head of Chesapeake Bay. U. S. Geol. Surv., 7th Ann. Kept., pp. 537-646, 1888. The investigation was made to determine the artesian conditions near Fishing Battery Station. Reviews the conditions necessary for artesian supplies and discusses the local structure and displacements in addition to a general consideration of Coastal Plain conditions. A moderate sup- ply rising nearly to the surface is predicted from the Potomac sands (pp. 644-645). 329 Administrative report [1886-87]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 8th Ann. Kept., pt. 1, pp. 166-173, 1889. Notes bearing of data collected at the head of Chesapeake Bay on artesian waters along the fall line. 330 Administrative report [1887-88]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 9th Ann. Kept, pp. 102-110, 1889. Mentions the artesian well prospects of the Fort Riley Military Reser- vation, Kansas (p. 104), and notes an arrangement with A. J. Phinney to collect boring records in Indiana (p. 105). 331 Administrative report [1888-89]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 10th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 148-158, 1890. Notes progress of the survey of the Fort Riley Military Reservation with a view of determining the water supply and other economic pro- ducts (p. 154). 332 The Pleistocene history of northeastern Iowa. U. S. Geol. Surv., 11th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 189-577, 1891. Describes solution caverns in the Galena limestone and their ores (p. 329), and gives well sections in northeastern Iowa and adjacent por- tions of Illinois. They are mainly geological, but some notes on water are given (pp. 514-540). 333 Introduction: Rock gas and related bitumens. The natural gas field of Indiana, l)y Arthur John Phinney. U. S. Geol. Surv., 11th Ann. Rept, pt. 1, pp. 589-616, 1891. Notes the correspondence of laws governing the accumulation of the of lighter hydrocarbons and artesian waters and considers the reijuisites for artesian flows (pp. 603-604). 54 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 384 McGree (W J). The potable waters of the eastern rnited States. U. S. Geol. Surv., 14th Ann. Kept, pt. 2, pp. 1-47, 189.3. Besides rain and stream water, the accumulation and utilization through wells or si^rings of shallow ground water (pp. 40-42), and the accumulation, underground conditions, etc., of "phreatic" or deep- seated waters of thermal springs and of artesian and other deep wells are considered, and local statistics given (pj). 42-47). 335 Administrative report [1892-93]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 14th Ann. Kept., pt. 1, pp. 210-244, 1893. Notes work of the Survey on potable waters of wells and springs, the occurrence of artesian waters of District of Columbia, at Fortress Monroe, and at Cristield, Maryland (pp. 216, 219), work on the artesian waters of Missouri (p. 232), and studies on general water supplies, including wells (p. 237). A summary of work on artesian waters is also given (p. 230). 336 Mead (Elwood). Water-right, problems of the Bighorn Moun- tains. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 23, pp. 62, 1899. Notes loss by seepage from Little Tongue Elver and loss through funnels, etc., in limestone (p. 49). 337 Means (Thomas H.). The use of alkaline waters for irrigation. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 93, pp. 255- 258, 1904. Notes the use of highly alkaline artesian waters for irrigation in Algiers (pp. 255, 258). 338 Murphy (Edward Charles). Windmills for irrigation. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 8, pp. 49, 1897. In aildition to the critical discussion of the use of windmills as a means of raising ground water f(jr irrigation, a brief description is given of the wells near Garden, Kansas (p. 10). 339 The windmill: its etficienc}^ and economic ise. Part 1. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 41, pp. 72, 1901. Discusses the types and uses of windmills and gives the results of elaborate tests of their efficiency in raising ground water. The artesian wells near Garden, Kansas are also described (pp. 22-23). 340 The windmill: its efficiency and economic use. Part II. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 42, pp. 73- 147, 1901. Describes further tests relating to the efficiency of windmills in raising ground water to the surface. 341 Murphy (Edwin C). Destructive floods in the United States in 1903. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 96, 81 pp., 1904. In connection with the flood descriptions the author cunsidcrs ground storage of water and its effect on the flow of streams (pi.. 71-73.) Fig- ures as to amount of porosity arc given (p. 272). RELATING TO UNDERGROUiS'D WATERS. 55 M'l Newell (Frederick Haynes). Hydrography of the arid regions. U. S. Geol. Snrv./l2th Ann. Eept., pt. 2, pp. 213-361, 1891. Discusses mainly tlie flow and uses of surface waters, but incidentally considers the wells of the Eio Grande Valley (pp. 247, 278), the large alkaline springs near Puerto Vie Luna (p. 284), the springs of Agua Negra (p. 205), Peers (p. 285), Berenda (p. 286), North Spring, Hondo, Block, and Seven rivers (p. 286), Gallinas springs (p. 287), and springs of the San Pedro district (p. 304) . Lost and underground rivers are noted in several instances (pp. 232-234, 282, 287, 315). 343 Water supply for irrigation. U. S. Geol. Surv., 13th Ann. Kept., pt. 3, pp. 1-99, 1892. Estimates a total of 8,097 artesian wells in Western United States in 1890, 3,930 of which are used for irrigating 51,896 acres. In addition there is a still greater number of pumped wells (p. 28). The move- ment of water through rock and sediments and the use of underflow canals is considered (pp. 29-30). The use of seepage waters for irriga- tion near the Jefferson River, Montana (p. 52), and the deep wells at Helena (p. 55) are described. 344 Administrative report. U. S. Geol. Surv., 15th Ann. Rept., pp. 196-198, 1895. Describes work on artesian problems (p. 196). 345 Report of progress of the division of hydrography for the calendar years 1893 and 1894. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 131, pp. 126, 1895. Contains an account of seepage along the Cache la Poudre River, Colorado, and the absorption of water l)y the bed of the Platte River (pp. 31-32). Tables of well records giving the location, year completed, diameter, depth, depth to water, cost of well and machinery, etc., for a large number of wells in Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas are included (pp. 92-126). 346 The public lands and their water supply. U. S. Geol. Surv., 16th Ann. Rept., pt. 2, pp. 457-533, 1896. Gives information relating to the deep wells or springs of Arizona (p. 505), California (p. 509), Colorado (p. 511), Idaho (p. 512), Indian Ter- ritory (p. 512), valley of the Arkansas in Kansas (p. 514), of North Platte River, Nebraska (p. 517), New Mexico (p. 520), North Dakota (p. 521 ), Oklahoma (p. 522), South Dakota (p. 523), and of Texas (p. 524). Other subjects considered are supplies of streams from underground waters (p. 470), seepage (pp. 471, 529), pumping (p. 517), and wells as a source of supply for irrigation (pp. 499-502). 347 Report of progress of the division of hydrography for the calendar year 1895. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 140, pp. 356, 1896. Mentions the springs of the sand-hill regiou of North Carolina (p. 65) and the San Marcos, San Felipe, Las Mosas, Leona, and the springs of Comal River and San Antonio, Texas (pp. 83-85). The seepage of the Ogden Valley, Utah (p. 223), the artesian supply of Caliente Valley, California (p. 267), the underground conditions and supply at Lindsay, California (p. 279), and seepage measurements in Nebraska (pp. 347- 349) are also given. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 348 Nevrell (Frederick Hayne.s). Preface. Pumpinjy water for irri- gation. Bj^ Herbert M. Wilson. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 1, pp. 11-13, 1896. Defines scope and plan for the new series of papers of which this is the first, and gives a list (jf some of the surface and underground water problems imder investigation. 349 Letter of transmittal : H^^drography. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Kept., pt. 4, pp. vii-viii, 1897. Mentions work of Frank Leverett, N. H. Barton, and F. F. B. Cofiin on underground waters. 350 Introduction: Hydrography. TJ. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp, ix-x, 1897. Reviews work of Survey on streams and underground waters from 1888 to 1896. 351 Letter of transmittal: Underground waters of southwestern Kansas. By Erasmus Haworth. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 6, p. 9, 1897. States o))ject of investigatation. 352 Letter of transmittal: Seepage Water of northern Utah. B}^ Samuel Fortier. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 7 (p. 9), 1897. Gives a statement of the importance of underground seepage. 353 Letter of transmittal: Hydrography. U. S. Geol. Surv., 19th Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. vii-viii, 1898. Describes work and papers of Edward Orton and N. H. Darton on underground waters of Ohio and Nebraska respectively. 354 Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1897. U. S. Geol. Surv., 19th Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. Ill, 539, 1898. Describes or mentions the si)rings of Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, and the water supplies of the towns (p. 136), the catchment area of the Dakota sandstone and the artesian basins of the Arkansas Valley in Colorado, as investigated by G. K. Gilbert (p. 352), the hot springs of the Bitterroot Forest Reserve, Montana (p. 401), the artesian wells of the Moxee V^alley, AVashington (with records), and the large springs near the Deschutes River, a tril)utary of the C'olumliia basin, Wa.shington (p. 497). 355 Letter of transmittal: Underground waters of a portion of southeastern Nebraska. By N. H. Darton. V. S. (ieol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Pa]>er no. 12, p. 9, IS98. Dcscrilu'S cliaracti'r of tlic work ami plans for future investigations. FiLi.En.l RELATING TO UNDEEGKOUND WATERS. 57 356 Newell (Frederick Haynes). Introduction. Irrigation systems in Texas. By William Ferguson Hutson. U. S. Geol. Surv., AVater-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 13, pp. 9-16. 1898. Considers in some detail the cost, capacity, and protit of pumping underground waters for irrigation. 357 Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1898. U. S. Geol. Surv., 20th Ann. Kept., pt. 4, pp. 1-562, 1899. Gives a summary of hydrographic investigations (p. 19) and describes the work on underground water.?, artesian wells, pumping, and wdnd- mills (p. 44), and in the Black Hills and Bad Lands, by N. H. Darton (p. 252). Other topics relating to underground waters which are con- sidered are the springs of Cache La Poudre River (p. 240), artesian wells of the Arkansas Valley, Colorado (p. 340), ground-water condi- tions in the Mi-ssissippi Valley (p. 350), use for irrigation and power of the springs of San Antonio River, Texas (p. 355), the hot sulphur waters of Steamboat Springs, California (pp. 384, 387), undergrovind waters of the southern Ute Indian Reservation (p. 412), seepage in Boise Valley (p. 484), artesian well records, artesian wells of Moxee Valley, Washington (p. 508), artesian well discharge measurements (p. 509), underground water at Arroyo Seco and Pasadena Mesa, Cali- fornia, with records (pp. 543-549), and artesian wells of the San Ber- nardino Valley, California (p. 539). 358 Introduction. Experiments with windmills. By Thomas O. Perry. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 20, pp. 11-18, 1899. Gives a general discussion of the uses of windmills in raising under- ground waters for irrigation and other purposes. 359 Letter of transmittal. Wells of northern Indiana. By Frank Leyerett. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 21, p. 7, 1899. States the nature of Mr. Leverett's work and gives reasons for publi- cation in present form. 360 Letter of transmittal. Wells and windmills of Nebraska. By Erwin Hinckley Barbour. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 29, pp. 11-12, 1899. Discusses the value of windmills, especially the hor.e-made types, in developing underground w^aters. 361 Letter of transmittal. Hydrography. U. S. (ieol. Surv., 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 4, p. 7, 1900. Notes the importance of work of N. 11. Darton in the Black Hills region. South Dakota, and mentions that of W. D. Johnson on the High Plains. 58 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [><>. 1-0. 8<)2 Newell (Frederick Haynes). Report of progress of stream meas- urements for the calendar j^ear 1899, U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Eept., pt. 4, pp. 9-488, 1900. The report incidentally discusses the work of the Survey on under- ground waters (p. 27); the pumping of underground waters for irriga- tion in Georgia (p. 142); loss of water from the bed of Black Warrior River, Alabama (p. 152); the work of A. W. Palmer on the analysis of well and spring waters of Illinois (p. 178); springs of Yellowstone National Park (p. 190); ground water at Kearney, Nebraska (p. 26); springs at Mesa Verde and in cliff and Navajo Canyon, Colorado (p. 297); seepage in Mancos Canyon, Colorado (p. 294); artesian wells and seepage measurements in Arizona (pp. 252, 376, 379) , and artesian or underground water in the San Antonio basin and along Lytle Creek and San Diego River, California (pp. 481, 482, 486). 363 Letter of transmittal. Hydrography. U. S. Geol. Surv., 22d Ann.^Rept., pt. 4^ p. 7, 1901. Mentions the paper of W. D. Johnson on " The High Plains and their Utilization." 364 Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1900. U. S. Geol. Surv., 22d Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 9-506, 1901. Notes the value of artesian waters in desert lands (p. 49); mentions the springs near Johnson City, Tennessee, and gives analysis (pp. 231- 233); describes the disappearance of water in sinks in the Thunder Bay region of Michigan (p. 261), and discusses the water resources, including artesian and other underground waters in southeastern Idaho (pp. 421- 430), and in the Kings River Basin of California (pp. 479-480). 365 — — Letter of transmittal. Reconnaissance of Yuba River, Cali- fornia, by Marsden Manson. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 46, pp. 9-10, 1901. Notes thead vantages of wind and electric power in raising undergi-ound watei's. 366 Letter of transmittal. Development and application of water near San Bernardino, Colton, and Riverside, California. Part 1, by Joseph Barlow Lippincott. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 59, pp. 95, 1902. Discusses the resort to tunnels and wells for water supplies. 367 Letter of transmittal. The motions of underground waters. By Charles 8. Slichter. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 67, i)p. 106, 1902. States the object and scope of the investigations of underground waters. 368 — — Letter of transmittal. Geology and water resources of the Patrick and Goshen Hole quadrangles in eastern Wyoming and western Nebraska. By George I. Adams. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 70, p. 9, 1902. Points out the importance of the observations in the two quadrangles, which are typical of iimcli of the i)u])lic-laiid area in this region. FULLER.] RELATING TO UNDEEGKOUND WATERS. 59 3(»t> Newell (Frederick Haynes). Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1901. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 75, p. 246, 1903. Describes the discharge of artesian wells in Moxee Valley, near North Yakima, Washington (i)p. 204-205). 370 Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar 3^ear 1902. Part 1, North Atlantic coast and St. Lawrence River drainage. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 82, pp. 199, 1903. Discusses the necessity of data regarding depth, rate of flow, cost, etc., of artesian wells (p. 9). 371 Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1902. Part 2, southern Atlantic, eastern Gulf, and Great Lakes drainage. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 83, pp. 304, 1903. Discusses the storage of water and possible loss by subterranean flow from sand belt of the Cape Fear basin. North Carolina (pp. 30, 60), the removal of ground water by ditching (p. 242), the ground waters north of Saginaw Bay, Michigan (p. 294), and the absorption of water by limestone in the Thumler Bay region, Michigan (p. 296). 372 Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar 3'ear 1902. Part 3, western Mississippi River and western Gulf drainage. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 84, pp. 200, 1903. Describes the character and flow of the large Barton Springs, near Austin, Texas (pp. 152-153), the Sloan Spring at the edge of the Edwards plateau, Texas (p. 155), and the San Felipe Springs at Del Rio, Texas (p. 161). 373 Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1902. Part 4, interior basin, Pacitic coast, and Hud- son Bay drainag":. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 85, 250 pp., 1903. Mentions inflow of rivers into Carson Sink, Nevada (pp. 78-79) 371 First Annual Report of the Reclamation Service. June 17 to December 1, 1902, 317 pp. Atlas, 1903. Quotes old laws authorizing investigation of underground currents and artesian waters (p. 36), and gives section of reclamation law covering the same poiiit (pp. 61-63). Other underground-water topics treated are:' Use of springs for irrigation in Idaho (p. 172), underflow in Kansas (p. 200), ground waters of Musselshell River basin, Montana (pj). 215-220), artesian investigations in Nebraska (p. 220), irrigation by underground waters (p. 196), springs of Nevada (p. 224), artesian waters of Oregon (p. 273) and South Dakota (p. 278), and artesian prospects on the Columbia p ains of Washington (p. 304). 60 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. lliO. 37r> Newell (Frederick Hajnes). General discussion, organization, and summary of work. U. S. Geol. Surv., 2d Ann. Kept. Reclamation Service, 1901-2, pp. 21-70, 1904. Notes limitations imposed on Reclamation Service in regard to sinking deep wells (pp. 25-27, 39), and mentions pumping from underground waters in Kansas (p. 59). 376 Proceedings of first conference of engineers of the Recla- mation Service with accompanying papers. Report of conference. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 93, pp. 1-116, 1904. Mentions the work of Mr. N. H. Darton and of the western section of hydrology (p. 11), and gives an account of the organization of the hydrologic division (pp. 15, 16). 377 Noble (T. A.). Investigations in Washington. U. S. Geol. Surv., 2d Ann. Rept. Reclamation Service, 1902-3, pp. 487-498, 1904. Notes underground course of Crab Creek for most of course (p. 490). o. 378 Olmstead (Frank H.). Phj\sical characteristics of Kern River, California. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 46, pp. 11- 38, 1901. Describes the wells near Bakersfield which are perforated at each water horizon (p. 28). 379 Orton (Edward). The Trenton limestone as a source of petroleum and inflammable gas in Ohio and Indiana. U. S. Geol. Surv., 8th Ann. Rept., pt. 2 (pp. 475-662), 1889. Notes the penetration of surface waters into oil wells (j). 511) and the position of brine with reference to oil and gas. Analyses of salt water from the Trenton, Niagara, and Upper Helderberg, which form a special type of " limestone brines," are given. Some are used for bottling and medicinal purposes (p. 621). Notes the limitation of progress of water and oil l>y dolomitization (p. 644). 380 Rook waters of Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv., 19th Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 633-717, 1898. Discusses the geology (pp. 638-650) and considers the waters of the Trenton limestone, the Medina and Clinton horizons, Niagara, Onon- daga, and Corniferous limestones, the Ohio shale, the rocks of the Waverly grou]), and the conglomerate and other Carboniferous beds (pp. 65]-()96). Flowing rock wells and artesian wells of buried glacial channels are described (pp. 697-717). P. 381 Parker (Edward W.). Salt [1892]. U. S. (Jeol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1892, pp. 792-800, 1893. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1892. FULLER.] EELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 61 382 Parker (Edward W.). Salt [1893]. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1893, pp. 717-727, 1894. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1893. 383 Salt [1894]. U. S. Geo). Surv., 16th Ann. Kept., pt. 4, cont., pp. 646-657, 1895. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1894. 381 Salt [1895]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 17th Ann. Rent., pt. 3, cont., pp. 984-997, 1896. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1895. 385 Salt [1896]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Rept., pt. 5, cont., pp. 1273-1314, 1897. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1896. 386 Salt [1897]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 19th Ann. Rept. pt. 6, cont., pp. 587-612, 1898. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1897. 387 Salt [1898]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 20th Ann. Rept., pt. 6, cont., pp. 667-688, 1899. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1898. 388 Salt [1899]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Rept, pt. 6, cont., pp. 531-554. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1899. 389 Salt [1900]. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1900, pp. 835-848, 1901. Gives production of salt from wells, springs, and other sources for the year 1900. 390 Peale (Albert C). Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1883-84, pp. 978-987, 1885. Gives a list of mineral spring localities. States the output for 1883 as 47,289,743 gallons, with a value of t;i,139,483, and for 1884 as 68,720,936 gallons, with a value of $1,665,490. Statistics of imports and exports are included. 391 Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1885, pp. 536-543, 1886. A list of mineral spring localities and statistics of production, exports, and imports are given. The outimt for the year is given as 9,148,401 gallons, with a value of $1,312,845. The decrease in production is due to the exclusion of the artesian wells used for the public supply at Mad- ison, Wisconsin. 62 BIBLIOGKAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 392 Peale (Albert C). Lists and analyses of the mineral springs of the United States (a preliminary study). U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. .32, pp. 2.35, 1886. Discusses the flow, temperature, classification, and composition of 657 springs from 405 localities. One hundred and eighty-seven analyses are given. Seventy-four springs are developed as resorts and 72 are used commercially. 393 Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1886, pp. 715-721, 1887. Includes the usual list of spring localities and statistics of production, imports, and exports. The total output for 1886> is given as 8,950,317 gallons, with a value of $1,284,070. 394 Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1887, pp. 680-687, 1888. Spring localities are listed and statistics of production, import, and export given. The output for the year is placed at 8,259,609 gallons, with a value of $1,261,473. 395 Administrative report [1886-87]. V. S. Geol. Surv., 8th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 146-148, 1889. Details progress of work on mineral waters and mentions papers pub- lished during the year. 396 Administrative report [1887-88]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 9th Ann. Rept., pp. 111-114, 1889. Notes the preparation of a third paper on the statistics of mineral waters. 397 Administrative report [1888-89]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 10th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 130-132, 1890. ^lentions the work of Charles W. Redmond on mineral waters (p. 132). 398 Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1888, pp. 623-630, 1890. The production for 1888 is stated as 9,578,648 gallons. Its value was $1,679,302. Both production and value show an increase over previous year. Other statistics and a list of springs are given. 399 Administrative report [1889-90]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 11th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, p. 82, 1891. INIentions his assignment to the Eleventh Census to take charge of mineral waters. 400 Administrative report [1890-91]. U.hS. Geol. Surv., 12th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 91-92, 1891. Describes work on mineral waters for the Survey and for the Eleventh Census. 401 - — Administrative report [1891-92]. U. S. Geol. Surv., i;Uh Ann. Rept., pt. 1, p. 124, 1892: Describes work on mineral water statistics. FiLLEK.] KELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 63 402 Peale (Albert C.)- Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1889-90, pp. 521-536, 1892. The number of springs reporting in 1889 was 258, their product 12,780,471 gallons, and the value of the water $1,748,458. In 1890, 273 springs reported an output of 13,907,418 gallons, with avalue of $2,600,750. Other statistics and lists of springs are given. 403 Mineral waters, U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1891, pp. 601-610, 1893. This year 288 springs, with a production of 18,392,732 and value of $2,996,259, reported. Lists of springs and detailed statistics are presented. 404 Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1892, pp. 823-834, 1893. In 1892 aggregate sales amounting to 21,876,604 gallons, with a value of 14,905,976, were reported by 283 springs. The usual statistics and lists of springs are included in the jiaper. 405 Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1893, pp. 772-794, 1894. The number of springs reporting sales in 1893 was 330; the total amount sold, 23,544,495 gallons, and the value, $4,246,743. In addition to the usual statistics and list of commercial springs a list of springs used as resorts is given. 406 Natural mineral waters of the United States. U. S. Geol. Surv., 14th Ann. Rept., pt. 2, pp. 49-88, 1894. Discusses the history (pp. 53-57) , origin (pp. 58-59), flow (pp. 59-61), source of mineralization (p. 61), relation to geology and geologic struc- ture (pp. 62-64), classification (pp. 64-68), temperature (p. 68), compo- sition (pp. 69-73), distribution (pp. 73-80), and uses of springs (pp. 80-81), and their development as resorts (pp. 81-88). 407 — - Mineral waters [1894]. V. S. Geol. Surv., 16th Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 707-721, 1895. A large falling off of production due to business depression is recorded. Total shipments in 1894" were 21,-569,608 gallons, with a value of $3,741,- 846. Statistics of production, with summaries of exports and imports, are given. 408 Three Forks folio, Montana. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 24, pp. 5, 1896. Describes sulphated alkaline saline thermal waters at Ferris Hot Springs, which resemble the Carlsbad Sprudel Springs. Other hot springs are mentioned (p. 5). 409 Mineral waters [1895]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 17th Ann. Rept., pt. 3, cont., pp. 1025-1044, 1896. Gives product for 1895 as 21,463,543 gallons, a loss of 106,665 gallons from that of the previous year. The value, however, increased from $3,741,846 to $4,254,237. The product by States from 1883 to 1895 (pp. 1026-1031), lists of commercial springs (pp. 1031-1040), and statistics of imports and exports (pp. 1043-1044) are also given. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 410 Peale (Albert C). Mineral waters [1896]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Kept, pt. 5, cont., pp. 1369-1389, 1897. The statistics of production are given by States. The total sales in 1896 amount to 25,795,312 gallons, with a value of $4,136,192. These figures show a marked increase in volume, but a slight decrease in value. Lists of commercial springs and figures showing exports and imports are presented. Ml Mineral waters [1897]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 19th Ann. Kept., pt. 6, cont., pp. 659-685, 1898. The year 1897 showed the largest number of springs yet reported, namely, 381. The production was 23,255,911 gallons, a slight decrease; but the value, which was $4,599,106, showed an increase over 1896. Production by States and districts, lists of commercial springs, and exports and imports are also given. 412 Mineral waters [1898]. . U. S. Geol. Surv., 20th Ann. Kept., pt. 6, cont., pp. 747-769, 1899. The output in 1898 is given as 28,853,464 gallous, with a value of $8,051,833, a large increase over 1897. Statistics of production by States, exports, imports, and lists of commercial springs are given. 413 Mineral waters [1899]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Kept., pt. 6, cont., pp. 597-622, 1900. Gives the product for 1899 as 39,562,136 gallons, with a value of $6,948,030; an increase of 10,708,672 gallons and decrease of $1,103,803. The products by States and districts, lists of commercial springs, imports, and exports are given. 414 Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1900, pp. 899-905, 1901. Gives statistics of production, export and import, placing the total output as 47,558,784 gallons, with a value of $6,245,172. The number of springs reporting was 491. 415 [ ] Mineral waters. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S., 1901, pp. 961-966, 1902. Gives statistics of production and of exports and imports. The total output for the year is given as 55,771,188 gallons, with a value of $7,586,962. The number of springs reporting was 659. 416 [ ] Mineral waters [1902.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S. for 1902, pp. 993-1002, 1904. Gives product for 1902 as 64,859,451 gallons, with a value of $8,793,761. The number of springs (721), output, and value all show an increase over the previous year. 417 [ ] Mineral waters [1903.] U. S. 'Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S. for 1903, pp. 1137-1162, 1904. The production of 725 springs is estimated at 51,242,757 gallons, valued at $9,041,078. The number of springs and value is the greatest ever recorded. A list of the springs of the United States is given. 418 Penrose, Jr. (K. A. F.). Mining g'eolog}' of the Cripple Creek district, Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., 16th Ann. Rept., pt. 2, pp. 111-209, 1896. Considers the part of underground waters in ore deposition (p. 160). FILLER.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 65 419 Peppel (S, V.). Gypsum deposits in Oiiio. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 223, pp. 38^4, 1904. Notes sulphuratted hydrogen in gypsum mines and bore holes (p. 39), and gives record of boring (p. 43). 420 Perkins (George H.). Vermont. [Town water suj)plies, analyses, and well and spring records.] U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 73-93, 1904. Gives tables showing sources of water of towns and cities (pp. 73-76), a large number of sanitary analyses of public and other supplies (pp. 77-81), tables and notes relating to wells (pp. 83-87), and to springs (pp. 87-93). The well data includes quality, yield, source of supply, and records; the spring data, yield, quality, source of water, temperature,, and uses. 421 Perry (Thomas O.). Experiments with windmills. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 20, pp. 97, 1899. A general description of experiments resulting in several improve- ments in the methods of raising ground water by windmills. 422 Phinney (Arthur John). The natural-gas field of Indiana. U. S. Geol. Surv., 11th Ann. Kept., pt. 1, pp. 579-742, 1891. Gives a large number of boring records, mainly geological. Discusses the relation of water to oil and gas, noting the rise of salt water to an average level of 600 feet (pp. 654-655), and ascribes the change of surface waters to brines (p. 656). The Trenton limestone is a great reservoir for water under hydrostatic pressure (pp. 656-663) , the flow depending on porosity (pp. 657-658). A table of water pressures is given (p. 663). 423 Pirsson (Louis Valentine), Weed (Walter Harvey) and. Geology of the Castle Mountain mining district, Montana. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 139, p. 104, 1896. See Weed (Walter H.) and Pirsson (Louis Valentine). 424 Weed (Walter Harvey) and. Geology and mineral resources of the Judith Mountains of Montana. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18th Ann. Rept., pt. 3, pp. 437-616, 1897. See Weed (Walter Harvey) and Pirsson (Louis Valentine). 425 Plummer (Fred G), Mount Rainier Forest Reserve, Wash- ington. U. S. Geol. Surv., 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 5, pp. 81-143, 1900. Describes soda-iron-sulphur springs, giving analysis (pp. 94-96). 426 Forest conditions in the Cascade Range, Washington. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 6, p. 42, 1902. Describes a number of important common and hot soda and sulphur springs and gives an analyses of the water. Hotels using the waters for medicinal and bathing purposes are located at Hot Springs and Madison (pp. 37-39). IRR 120—05 5 66 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 427 Plummer (Fred G.). Forest conditions in the Cascade Forest Reserve, Oregon : Central portion of Cascade Range Forest Reserve. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 9, pp. 71-146, 1903. Describes Breitenbush Hot Springs, Belknap Springs, and other hot and sulphur springs used for bathing, etc. The spring deposits are also described and an analysis of the water given (pp. 77-78). 428 Introduction: Forest conditions in the San Francisco Moun- tains Forest Reserve, Arizona. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 22, pp. 11-35, 1904. Mentions the sparing occurrence of springs and the absorption of water by the lava beds (pp. 16, 31). 429 and GowseU (M. G.). Forest conditions in the Lincoln Forest Reserve, New Mexico. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper no. 33, 47 pp., 1904. Mentions mineral wells (p. 17) and contains important references to common wells at a number of places. 430 PoweU (John Wesley). Report of the Director [1883-84]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 5th Ann. Kept., pp. i-xxxvi, 1885. Mentions the work of Dr. A. C. Peale on the preparation of a bibli- ography of thermal springs. 431 Report of the Director [1885-86]: Work in the Division of Mining Statistics and Technology. U. S. Geol. Surv., 7th Ann. Rept., pp. 38-39, 1888. The output of mineral waters in 1885 is given as 9,148,401 gallons, with a value of $1,312,845. 432 Report of the Director [1886-87]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 8th Ann. Kept., pp. 1-93, 1889. Designates the work of Gooch and Whitfield on the mineral waters of the Yellowstone National Park as " the mo^t complete study of mineral waters of any locality with special reference to their agency in mineral formation ever placed on record " (p. 84). Gives the product of mineral waters for 1886 as 8,950,317 gallons, with a value of $1,284,070 (p. 86). 433 Report of the Director [1887-88], U. S. Geol. Surv., 9th Ann. Rept., pp. 1-46, 1889. Notes the progress of work in the Yellowstone National Park (p. 16), and mentions the work of A. C. Peale on mineral waters (p. 21). The product of mineral waters for 1887 is stated as 8,259,609 gallons, with a value of $1,261,473 (p. 26). 434 Report of the Director [1888-89]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 10th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 3-80, 1890. Describes the work in Yellowstone National Park and notes changes and irregularites of geyser action. The discovery of the sulphide of arsenic in the spring waters is announced (pp. 24-25). The extravasa- tion of thermal waters in Florida is mentioned (p. 33). The product of mineral waters for 1888 is given as 9,628,568 gallons, with a value of $1,709,302. FULLER. I RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 67 435 Powell (John Wesley.) United States Irrigation Survey, First Annual Report, 1888-89. U. S. Geol. Surv., 10th Ann. Kept., pt. 2, pp. 123, 1890. Describes the transfer of surface streams to underground courses (p. 26). 436 Report of the Director [1889-90]. U. S. Geol. Surv., llth Ann. Kept., pt. 1, pp. 1-30, 1891. Gives the product of mineral waters in 1889 as 20,000,000 gallons, with a value of $3,000,000 (p. 20). Notes the discovery of oil and gas by borings suggested by the escape of gas from springs (p. 26). 437 United States Irrigation Survey, Second Annual Report, 1889-90. U. S. Geol. Surv., llth Ann. Kept., pt. 2, pp. 395, 1891. Mentions and defines artesian reservoirs and "sand reservoirs" of underground waters (pp. 204-205). Notes the disappearance by absorp- tion of Saginaches River of the Rio Grande Basin (p. 216). Describes the basins, water horizons, conditions, and sources of water of the artesian wells of the Dakotas (pp. 257-260), and makes a prediction that artesian reservoirs will not furnish important supplies for irrigation (p. 260). General artesian conditions, the Denver Basin of Colorado, the Dubuque wells of Iowa, the Chicago and Rockford wells of Illinois, the wells of Ohio and of Alabama are also considered (pp. 260-262). Other subjects discussed are irrigation from wells in Algeirs and other foreign countries, and the Dakota sandstone as a source of artesian waters. Lists of wells in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Texas are given and the prediction made that pump wells will prove of more ultimate value than artesian wells. 438 Report of the Director [1890-91], U. S. Geol. Surv., 12th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 1-19, 1891. The output of mineral waters for 1890 is stated as 14,000,000 gallons, with a value of $2,000,000 (p. 15). 439 Report of the Director [1891-92]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 13th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 1-66, 1892. Describes investigations of temperatures in deep well at Wheeling, West Virginia (p. 37), and mentions work on underground waters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, New Jersey, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, and Washington (pp. 33-34). The output of mineral waters for 1891 is given as 18,392,732 gallons, with a value of $2,996,2-59 (pp. 45, 51). 440 Report of the Director [1892-93]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 14th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 1-165, 1893. Mentions the work of F. H. Newell on artesian and underground waters in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas (p. 20), and of A. C. Peale on thermal and mineral springs (p. 25). The work of the Survey on geysers and hot springs, and on temperature observations in the Wheel- ing deep well is described (pp. 158-159). The unreliability of under- flow is pointed out (p. 47). 68 BIBLIOGKAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPEES [no. 120. 441 PoweU (John Wesley). Report of the Director [1893-94]. U. S. Geol. Surv., 15th Ann. Kept., pp. 1-108, 1895. Gives the production of mineral waters for 1893 as 23,544,495 gallons, with a value of $4,246,734 (p. 72). Contains an abstract of Bull. no. 108, "A geological reconnaissance in central Washington, by Israel C. Eussel" (p. 101). 442 Pressey, (Henry Albert). H3^drography of the southern Appa- lachian Mountain Kegion. Part 1. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 62, pp. 95, 1902. - Describes or mentions springs of Grandfather Mountain, North Caro- lina (p. 19), Holsten River region, Tennessee (p. 40), Indian Creek, Tennessee (p. 54), Mill Creek, Virginia (p. 68), Hogthief Creek, Vir- ginia (p. 74), and Watauga River, Tennessee (p. 82). The springs of Indian Creek are used for power (p. 54). An underground lakelet and sinks in the Watauga River region (p. 82) and sinks along Buffalo Creek, Tennessee (p. 87), are mentioned. 443 Hydrography of the southern Appalachian Mountain Region. Part 2. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 63, pp. 190, 1902. Notes common, hot, and mineral springs, and sinks of the French Broad in North Carolina and Tennessee (pp. 116-122) and describes the Piedmont mineral springs and others of Upper Creek, North Carolina (p. 156). Also refers to springs of Grandfather Mountain, North Caro- lina (p. 158). 444 New York City folio, New York-New Jersey. Water supply of New York City. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of U. S., folio no. 83, pp. 17-19, 1902. Gives a history of the development of the public supplies, including descriptions of the early wells. Mentions the well supply of Elizabeth and notes the occurrence of strong wells in the Newark formation, as at Pattison. Describes the ground-water well supplies of Brooklyn and the boroughs of Queens and Richmond, and discusses the availability of the ground water and streams of Long and Staten islands as sources of additional supplies. 445 Prosser (Charles 8.) and Beede (J. W.). Cottonwood Falls folio, Kansas. U. S. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas of LI. S., folio no. 109, pp. 6, 1904. Describes springs of Wriford limestone (p. 3). 416 Purdue (A. H.). Arkansas. [Well and spring records.] I'. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Sui){)ly and Irrigation Paper no. 102, pp. 374-388, 1904. Discusses the general underground water conditions (pp. 374-375) and gives tables and notes on wells (pp. 376-384) and springs (pp. 385-388). The well statistics include depth, head, yield, quality (including analy- ses), records, and uses; the spring data, temperature, quality (including analyses), yield, source, uses, etc. PlTLLER.l RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 69 447 Purington (Chester Wells). Preliminaiy report of the mining- industries of the Telluride quadrangle, Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv., 18tli Ann. Kept., pt. 3, pp. 745-850, 1897. Discusses the origin of heated waters and their work in vein formation (pp. 819-824), and considers the relation of ground- water level to min- ing (p. 826). Springs depositing iron oxides at Ophir Valley and in the La Plata Mountains are described (pp. 826-827). R. 44S Raborg (William A.). Salt. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res., 1886, pp. 628-641, 1887. The brines of the wells of Michigan and the springs and wells of New York are discussed. 449 Salt. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res., 1887, pp. 610-625, 1888. The brines of the wells of West Virginia and Ohio and of the springs and wells of New York are considered and analyses given of the Ohio waters. 450 Salt. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res., 1888, pp. 597-612, 1890. Salt wells of New York and Kansas are listed and described and the composition of brines discussed. 451 Salt. U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res., 1889-1890, pp. 483-492, 1892. Gives information pertaining to the salt wells of Michigan and New York. 452 Rafter (George W.) Sewage irrigation. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 3, pp. 100, 1897. Discusses removal of suspended matter and bacteria of sewage waters in passage downward into the earth. 453 Sewage irrigation. Part 2. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 22, pp. 100, 1899. Gives mechanical analyses of sands in relation to their water-holding capacities (pp. 31-33). 454 Water resources of the State of New York. Part 1. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 24, pp. 99, 1899. Discusses the relation of character of rock to absorption of rainfall (pp. 21-22) and describes big springs near Morris Run, Wyoming County, and Canada way Creek, Chautauqua County (pp. 93-94). 455 Water resources of the State of New York. Part 2. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 25, pp. 100-200, 1899. Describes leakage from Glen Falls, feeder of Erie Canal, into lime- stone, amounting to 53 per cent of volume (pp. 159-160), and discusses the loss of water by absorption, etc., from artiticial channels (pp. 173- 178). Describes the wells of Long Island, both deep and shallow, in- cluding the flowing wells of the Brooklyn Water Company and the wells of the sand areas (pp. 191-198). 70 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF PAPERS [no. 120. 456 Rafter (George W.). The relation of rainfall to run-off. U. S. Geol. Surv., Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper no. 80, pp. 104, 1903. Discusses the variations of level of ground water (p. 17), storage of water in soils, and feeding of streams (pp. 43-45) and movements of underground waters (p. 45). Underground streams or channels are noted in Mammoth and Lauray caves, and near Toyah Creek, Texas, anmder- ground waters — Geology, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 599, 600, 601, 602,603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 609, 611. Groundwater movements, 499. Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheeler sur- veys, 491. Irrigation literature, 32. Survey publications, lists of, 166, 227, 233, 577, 578a, 581, 582, 583. Underground waters, general, 484, 488, 677. Boring, methods of. See WeUs and borings, con- struction. See Records; also Wells. Breathing or blowing wells. Great Plains, 214. Nebraska, 14. Brines and salt waters. Descriptions: Arizona, 616. California, 112, 134, 616, 619. Colorado, 616, 619. Dakotas, 616. Idaho, 112, 616. Illinois, 619. Indiana, 379, 422, 619. Kansas, 213, 450, 619. Kentucky, 619. Louisiana, 226, 235. Michigan, 112, 280, 448, 4.51, 532, 616, 619. Minnesota, 560. Montana, 616, 619. Nebraska, 4, 14,- 619. Nevada, 112, 616. New York, 112, 448, 449, 4.50, 451, 616, 619. North Dakota, 560. Ohio, 108, 379, 449, 616, 619. Pennsylvania, 525. South Dakota, 102, 619. Tennessee, 619. Texas, 226, 229. Virginia, 131, 619. Western Gulf coast, 2. West Virginia, 108, 449, 616. Wyoming, 4, 102. General: Brines as a source of bromine. 111, 118. Brines as a source of iodine, 109. Brines as a source of potassium salts, 120. Brines as a source of salt, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 616. Brines, origin of, 422. Brines, chemistry and production of, 51. Relations of salt water to the occurrence of oil and gas, 150, 226, 525. Bromine from mineral waters, 111,118. Brui^ shale, occurrence of water in, 4,90,101. Calaveras formation, occurrence of water in, 554. California. Absorption of streams, 281. Brines, 112,134,616,619. Caves, 551,554. Geysers, 121. Mine waters, 312. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formtion of, 22, 308, 595. Principal Survey publications: Development and application of water near San Bernardino, Colton, and River- side, 321, 322. California hydrography, 323.. Irrigation near Bakersfield, 187. Irrigation near Fresno, 188. Storage of water on Kings River, 320. Water storage. Cache Creek, 49. Water supply of San Bernardino Valley, 319. Pumping, general, 365. 104 INDEX TO PAPERS [NO. 120. California— Continued. Seepage, 188, 320, 322. Solfataras,121. Springs: Analyses, 53, 60, 308, 392, 477. Brine, 134. Composition, 22, 308, 392, 477. Deposits, 67, 121, 308, 477. Descriptions, 22, 105, 121, 134, 148, 170, 251, 286, 307, 312, 319, 321, 392, 458, 477, 509. Failure, 533. Occurrence on— Earthqualje fissure, 477, 553. Faults, 477, 553. Temperature, 392. Thermal, 22, 121, 553. Bathing, 148. Irrigation, 477. Resorts, 406. General, 392. Yield, 392, 406. Tunnels, collecting, 287, 323, 366. Underground waters: Absorption by rocks, 286. Circulation, 321. Composition, 320. Descriptions, 105, 188, 208, 287, 321, 347, 362. Movement of underflow, rate of, 321. Occurrence: Delta deposits and gravel fans, 320, 323. Stream deposits, 208. General, 364. Raising of, 322. Rise of, by irrigation, 187. Temperature due to igneous action, 477. Work of solution, 651, 554. Water horizons, 554. Wells: Brines, 112. Composition, 307, 320, 322. Construction, 258, 259, 378. Cost, 49. Descriptions, 208, 285, 307, 553. Discharge, 49, 251, 255, 319, 322, 378. Failure, 533. Irrigation, 49, 187, 208, 321. Penetration of sea water into, .509. Pumping, 49, 187, 208, 251, 320, 322, 365. Records, 208, 307. Statistics, 320, 322, 323. Temperature, 95. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 104, 471, 572, 573, 580. Canada ( Manitoba), wells and springs, 560. Canal waters, ab.sorption of, in New York, 455. Capacity of materials. See also Porosity. Rocks, 277, 499, 500, 565. Sands, 362, 463, 456, 499, 500. Soils, 277, 362, 499, 500. Capacity of .springs and wells. See Discharge. Carboniferous waters. See Underground waters, occurrence of, systems. Cascade Mountains, springs, 129. Catchment conditions. See Artesian requisites. Caves and caverns. See Solution, caves and caverns. Cave waters, deposits of, 122, 263. Cementation by underground waters, 522, 565. Chadron formation, occurrence of water in, 90. Channels. See Solution, channels. Chattanooga shale, occurrence of water in, 272. Chemistry of underground waters. See Compo- sition and quality. Chesapeake formation, occurrence of water in, 86, 87. Chester Valley limestone, occurrence of water in, 16. Chickies quartzite, occurrence of water in, 16. Cinnabar, deposits of, from springs, 23. Circulation and movements of underground waters. Causes: Capillarity, 277. Deformation, 277. Gravity, 277. Heat, 277. Rock consolidation, 277. General. See Artesian requisites and con- ditions. Descriptions: Arizona, 283. Arkansas, 6, 6, 11. California, 321. Florida, 77. Minnesota, 296. Missouri, 11. Tennessee, 272. Washington, 505. Wyoming, 517. Fissures, movement of water in, 277. Limits of depth, 600, 561, 665. Porous media, circulation in, 277. Principles of (see also Artesian requisites), 11, 45. General, 45, 343, 456, 499, 565, 622. Classification. Springs, 392, 406: Underground waters, 302. Clinton formation, occurrence of water in, 280. Collecting ditches, galleries, and tunnels. See Structures. Colorado. Absorption of rainfall by rocks, 149. Absorption of streams, 175, 345. Brines, 616, 619. Caves in limestone, 141. Mine waters: Analyses, 144. Composition, 144. Deposits, 144. Descriptions, 144, 318, 447, 461. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 141, 142, 144, 414, 447, 460, 461, 619. Principal Survey publications: Elmoro folio, 244. Geology of Denver Basin, 138. Irrigation near Greeley, 230. Pueblo folio, 176. Spanish Peaks folio, 246. Underground waters of Arkansas Valley, 174. DULLER.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 105 Colorado — Continued . Principal Survey i)Ubli(;ations— Continued. Walsenburg folio, 245. Water resources, 149. Seepage, 142, 149, 257, 345, 362. Settling of ground due to ground water, 326. Springs: Analyses, 60, 392, 519. Composition, 75, 392, 516. Deposits, 137, 142, 447, 461, 516. Descriptions, 137, 141, 142, 244, 264, 357, 362, 392, 461, 516. Gases of, 516. Temperature, 392. Thermal, 137, 142, 357. Uses, 392. Yield, 392, 406. Tunnels, drainage, 102. Underground waters: Analyses, 174,461. Artesian basins, 354. Association with oil, 150. Descriptions, 102, 105, 138,174,244,256,257, 354,437. Landslides caused by ground water, 75. Legal decisions relating to, 31). Occurrence in— Dune sand, 174. Gravel, 174. Prospects, 174. Work of solution, 141, 519. Wells: Analyses, 138. Construction, methods of, 245. Cost, 245, 345. Descriptions, 30, 150, 346, 357. Statistics, 345. Temperature, 95. Thermal, 150. Water horizons, 174, 175, 244, 245, 246. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 104, 173,;?28, 439,471,572,573,574,578. Columbia formation, occurrence of water in, 78, 86, 87, 94, 97. Comanche Peak formation, occurrence of water in, 240. Composition or quality. See also Analy.ses and Springs. Gas associated with ground waters, 436, 516,565. Mine waters, Colorado, 144. Springs: Alabama, 392. Alaska, 392. Arizona, 392. Arkansas, 392-446. California, 22, 308, 392, 477. Colorado, 75, 392, 516. Connecticut, 183, 392. Dakotas, 392. Delaware, 392. Florida, 169, 392. Georgia, 327, 392. Idaho, 392. Illinois, 392. Indiana, 392. Indian Territory, 392. Composition or qualitj-— Continued. Springs— Continued. Iowa, 392. Kansas, 392. Kentucky, 392. Louisiana, 392. Maine, 18, 392. Maryland, 392. Massachusetts, 73, 392. Michigan, 71, 280, 392. Minnesota, 207, 392. Mississippi, 392. Missouri, 63, 392, 497. Montana, 145, 392, 591. Nebraska, 392. Nevada, 392, 477. New Hampshire, 29, 392. New Jersey. 392. New Mexico, 392. New York, 392, 610. North Carolina, 392. Ohio, 392. Oregon, 392. Pennsylvania, 392. Porto Rico, 241, 392. Rhode Island, 74, 392. South Carolina, 392. South Dakota, 392, .539. Tennessee, 392. Texas, 392. United States, 95, 96, 392. Utah, 392. Vermont, 392, 420. Virginia, 392. Washington, 392. West Virginia, 392. Wisconsin, 392. Wyoming, 392. Yellowstone National Park, 178, 192, 194, 199, 392, 434. General, 406. Wells and underground waters: Alabama, 502. Arizona, 283. Arkansas, 446. California, 277, 307, 320. Connecticut, 183. Dakotas, 84. Florida, 169. Kansas, 213. Kentucky, 177. Louisiana, 164, 210. Massachu.setts, 73. Michigan, 71, 280. Minnesota. 207, 546. MissLssippi, 26(i. Missouri, 497. Molokai, 314. New Hampshire, 29. New Mexico, 234, 429. New York, 610. Ohio, 419. Rhode Island, 74. Tennessee, 176. Texas, 236, 242. Vermont, 420. 106 INDEX TO PAPERS [No. 120 Composition or quality— Continued. General papers; Composition near trap dikes, 478. Compo.sition in relation to petrology, 487. General composition of ground waters, 292, 293, 494. Connecticut. Principal Survey publications: Additional well records, 48, 181. Well and spring records, 183. Springs: Analyses, 183, 392. Descriptions, 183,. 892. Occurrence on faults, 247, 500. Quality, 183, 392. Temperature, 183, 392. Uses, 183, 392, 406. Yield, 183, 392, 406. Underground water conditions, 183. Wells: Analyses, 183. Cost, 48. Descriptions, 48, 181, 183. Quality, 183. Temperature, 183. Uses, 183. Yield, 48, 181, 183. Work of U. S. Geological Survey 167, 580. Contamination. Springs, 500. Wells, 494, 500, 509. __ Corniferous limestone, occurrence of water in, 380. Corsicana formation, occurrence of water in, 242. Cost of pumping, etc., 320, 356. Cost of wells. California, 49. Colorado, 345. Connecticut, 48. Kansas, 345. Massachusetts, 47. Nebraska, 345. Coves. See Solution, Coves. CraterletB formed by underground waters during Charleston earthquake, 130. Cretaceous waters. See Underground waters, oc- currence of, systems. Crystalline rocks, occurrence of water in, 318. Dakotas. See a.\no North and South Dakota. Artesian conditions, 81. Brines, 616. Principal Survey publications: Artesian waters of a portion of the Da- kotas, .84. Springs: Analyses, 392. Descriptions, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392. Yield, 392. Underground waters: Comj)ositioii, 84. Irrigation, 84. Power, use for, 84. Pressure and head, 84. Volume, 84. Well construction, 84. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 471. Dakota sandstone, occurrence of water in, 84, 90, 91, 93, 98, 100, 101, 173, 174, 175, 212, 213, 244, 245, 246, 354, 500, 539, 542, 543, 544, 560, 613. Decay of rock due to percolating waters, 47s. Dela-ware. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Springs: Quahty, 392. Use, 392. Water horizons, 86. Wells: Descriptions, 86. Prospects, 86. Records, 77. Temperature, 86. Delta deposits, occurrence of water in, 320. Denison formation, occurrence of water in, 242. Deposits by underground waters- Cave waters: Texas, 236. Utah, 146. General, 122. Ground waters: Crusts by evaporation of, 494. Underground deposition of gypsum, Kan- sas, 184. Mine waters, Colorado, 144. Springs: Cinnibar, 23. Salt, 555. Sulphur: Alaska, 70. California, 121. Wyoming, 201. Tufa, travertine, siliceous sinter, etc.: California, 308, 477. Colorado, 137, 447, 461, 516. Georgia, 48. Idaho, 311. Indiana, 159, 162. Montana, 145, 261, 588, 589, 595, 597. Nebraska, 103. Nevada, 7,476,521. North Dakota, 538. Oregon, 313, 427. South Dakota, 103, 538. Texas, 260. Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park, 137, 192, 193, 194, 199, 584, .587. General, 590. Well incrustations, Pennsylvania, .55. General papers: • Antiquity of geyser and hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, 199. E.\hibit of hot spring dep( sits at the Chi- cago Worid's Fair, 198. Mud cones, Rhode I.sland and Massa- chusetts, 626. • Theoretical structure of spring deposits as compared with deposits of Lake La- honton, 474. Devonian limestone, occurrence of water in, 556. Devonian waters. See Underground waters, oc- currence of, systems. Discharge. Springs: Decrease of, Georgia, 105. I'T'LLEi:.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 107 Discharge— Continued. Springs— Continued. Measurements: Alabama, 204. Florida, 203. Georgia, 111, 202, 253, 327. Nebraska, 254. Texas, 252, 254, 267, 260, 347, 357, 372, 392, 536, 537, 568, 572. Statistics: Alabama, 392,406. Alaska, 392. Arizona, 392. Arkansas, 392, 446. California, 406. Colorado, 392. Connecticut, 183, 392. Dakotas, 392. Delaware, 392. Florida, 169, 203, 392. Georgia, 202. 327, 392, 406. Idaho, 392, 406. Illinois, 392, 406. Indiana, 392, 406. Indian Territory, 392, 406. Iowa, 392, 406. Kansas, 392, 406. Kentucky, 392, 406. Louisiana, 392, 406. Maine, 18, 392, 406. Maryland, 392, 406. Massachusetts, 73, 392, 406. Michigan, 71, 392, 406. Minnesota, 207, 392, 406. Mississippi, 392, 406. Missouri, 392, 406, 497. Montana, 392, 406. Nebraska, 406. Nevada, 392. New Hampshire, 29, 392, 406. New Jersey, 392, 406. New Mexico, 392, 406. New York, 392, 406, 610. North Carolina, 392, 406. Ohio, 406. Oregon, 392. Pennsylvania, 406. Rhode Island, 73, 392, 406. South Carolina, 406. South Dakota, 406. Tennessee, 392, 406. Texas, 372, 392, 406. Utah, 392, 406. Vermont, 392, 400, 420. Virginia, 392, 400. Washington, 392, 406. West Virginia, 392, 406. Wisconsin, 392, 406. Wyoming, 392. Yellowstone National Park, 392. Wells: Decrease of: California, 533. Georgia, 105. Illinois, 19. Kansas, 346. South Dakota, 545. General, 45, 500. Discharge — Continued. Wells — Continued. Failure, 45. Fluctuations, 210. Measurements, 277, 600. Regulation of, 484. Statistics: Alabama, 602. Arizona, 283. Arkansas, 446. California, 255, 258. Connecticut, 48, 181, 183. Dakotas, 84. District of Columbia, 94. Delaware, 86. Florida, 169. Georgia, 327. Kentucky, 177. Maine, 18. Maryland, 86. Massachusetts, 47, 73. Michigan, 71. Minnesota, 207, 546. Mississippi, 266. Missouri, 497. Ne\r Hampshire, 29. New Jersey, 86. New York, 610. North Carolina, 86. Rhode Island, 73. South Carolina, 86. United States, 95, 96. Vermont, 420. Virginia, 86. Washington, 309. General, 45, 277, 500. District of Columbia. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral water. Principal Survey publications: Artesian-well prospects in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, 86. Washington folio, 94. Underground waters, 86, 94, 335. Water horizons, 86, 94. ■ Wells: Descriptions, 86, 94. Records, 86-94. Temperature, 86. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 574, 576. Dolomite, occurrence of water in, 5. Dolomitization by underground waters, 519. Drift, occurrence of water in, 9, 162, 249, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305,.380, 547. Drilling, methods of. See Well construction. Dune sands, occurrence of water in, 174. Edwards limestone, occurrence of water in, 2:59, 240, 242, 243, 569. Enlargement of quartz grains by underground waters, 263. Erie-Ohio Basin. Underground waters and wells, 306. Experiments. Flow of water in porous media, 277, 499, 500. Motion of underground waters in Arizona, 283. Faults, relation of springs to. California, 477, 653. Connecticut, 247, 500. 108 INDEX TQ PAPERS [no. 120. Faults, relation of springs to— Continued. Idalio, 308. Nevada, 476. Oregon, 475. Texas, 239, 240, 569. Utah, 170. Faults, relation of wells to, Massachusetts, 140. Ferration by underground waters, 519. Filtration, natural, during absorption of water, 452. Fissility, relation of waters to, 565. Fissures. Absorption of water by, 284. Movement of water in, 277. Relation of spring to: Nevada, 476. Texas, 239, 240, 569. Waters of, 239,. 277, 284, 480. Florida. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publications: Measurement of springs in Florida, 203. Well and spring records, 169. Sinks, 77. Springs: Analyses, 169, 392. Descriptions, 77, 169, 203, 392. Measurements, 203. Quality, 169, 392. Temperature, 169, 392. Thermal, 434. Uses, 169, 392. Yield, 169, 202, 392, 406. Wells: Analyses, 61, 169. Descriptions, 159. Quality, 169. Records, 77, 169. Temperature, 95-169. Uses, 95, 169. Yield, 169, 203. Underground waters: Circulation, 77. Conditions, 169. Temperature, 484, 485. Work of solution, 77. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 439, 580. Fluctuations of ground-water level. Barometric pressure, effect of, 56.5. Causes of, in Nebraska, 528. Descriptions or discussions: Nebraska, 14, 528. South Dakota, 540. General, 456, 565. Folds, relation of springs to, 136. Galena formation, occtirrencc of water in, 332, 556. Gases of underground waters. See Composition. Georgia. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 218, 225, 228, 230, 231. Principal Survey publications: Measurement of springs, 202. Water-supply, well, and spring records, Georg-ia— Continued. Springs: Analyses, 327, 392. Descriptions, 105, 327, 392. Deposits, 327. Measurements, 111,202,2-53,327. Quality, 327, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 327, 392, 406. Yield. 202, 327, 392, 406. Underground water conditions, 327. Water horizons, 86. Water supplies from underground sources, 327. Wells: Analyses, 59, 327. Descriptions, 86,327,500. Irrigation from, 362. Pumping from, 362. Quality, 327. Records, 86. Temperature, 95. ' Yield, 202,327. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167,471,580. Gering formation, occurence of water in, 90. Geysers. California, 121. Iceland, 21. Yellowstone National Park: Action in, 192, 193, 194, 195. Antiqixity of action, 199. Changes in action, 434. Deposits, exhibit of, at Chicago World's Fair, 198. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196. Geyser action. Work of U. S. Geological Survey on, 190, 191. Glen Rose formation, occurrence of water in, 242, 569. Granite, absorption of water by, 284. Granite, occurrence of water in, 310. Gravel, absorption of water by, In Massachusetts, 493. Gravel, occurrence of water in, 174, 283, 323. Great Plains. Principal Survey publications: Water resources of a portion of the Great Plains, 214. Springs, 214. Water horizons, 214.' Wells: Blowing, 214. Irrigation from, 72. Pumping from, 72. Temperature, 211. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 677. Ground water. See Underground waters. Head, general discussions of, 45, 500. Head, influence of heat on, 565. Health, relation to deep wells, 578. Keating', use of springs for, 487. Heating, use of wells for, 487. High Plains. Principal Survey publications: High plains and their utilization, 267, 268. Sinks, 267. Springs, 267. lULLKIt.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. lOV) High Plains— Continued. Underground water: Catchment conditions, 267. Descriptions, 267, 268. Work of solution, 267. Water horizons, 267. Wells: Construction, 267. Description, 267. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 361. Hot springs. See Springs. Hudson River shales, occurrence of water in, Hydrologic work on underground waters, eluding analyses. (See also State entries.) Individuals: Ainsworth, P. H., 575. Alden, W. C, .580. Anderson, J. A., 167. Babcock, E. J., .574, .57.5. Barbour, E. H., 104,573,574,578. Bayley, W. S., 167, 580. Benton, S. S., .547. Boutwell, J. M., 167, .580. Calkins, F. C, 578. Chatard, T. M., 61. Clarke, F. W., 55,59, 60, 63, 64. Coffin, F. F. B., 349. Condra, G. E., 104, 580. Cooper, W. F., 167, 580. Crosby, W. O., 167,580. Darton, N. H., 104, .349, 353, 357, 361, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 578a, Eakins, L. G., 60. Fisher, C. A., 104, 580. Fuller, M. L., 167, 580. Gilbert, G. K., 354, 571, .573. Glenn, L. C, 167, 580. Gooch, F. A., 57, 58, 65, 1S9, 190, 191, 194, 432. Gould, C. N., 104, 580. Gregory, H. E., 167, 580. Hague, Arnold, .578a, .580. Hall, C. M., 104, 577, 578, 678a, 580. Hall, C. W., 167, .580. Hallock, William, 190, .574, 578. Harris, G. D., 167. Hayworth, Erasmus, 674. Hillebrand, W. F., 62. Hills, R. C, .574, .575. Hill, R. T., 572, 573, 674, 675, 677. Hodges, R. S., 167. Hollick, Arthur, 167. Homer, Hamlin, 680. Hood, O. P., 574. Howard, E. S., 62. Johnson, L. C, 167, .580. Johnson, W. D., 361, 363, 574. Keyes, C. R.,104. Knapp, G. N., 167, 580. I,a Forge, Laurence, 580. Landes, Henry, 104. Lane, A. C, 574, 57.5. Lawson, A. C, 572, 573. Lee,. W. T., 104,580. Leverett, Frank, 349, 359, 572, 673, 574, 678. Lindgren, Waldemar, .580. Lord, L. G., 167. Hydrologic work on underground waters, in- cluding analyses— Continued. Individuals— Continued. Lovelace, B. F., 167. McCallie, S. W., 167, 580. Mendenhall, W. C, 104, 580. Murphy, E^ C, 574. Newell, F.'h., 440, 572. Norton, W. H., 167, 580. O'Harra, C. C, 104, 577, 578, 580. Orton, Edward, 3.53. Palmer, A. W., 362. Peale, A. C, 189, 216, 217, 4;M, 433, 440. Perkins, G. H., 167, 580. Phinney, A. J., 330. Purdue, A. H., 167, 580. Redmond, Charles W., 393. Richardson, G. B., 104, .580. Riggs, R. B., 55, .56, 59, 60. Russell, I. C, 104, 441, .578, 580. Shepard, E. M., 167, 580. Shultz, A. R., 167, .580. Siebenthal, C. E., 104. Sitchell, W. A., ,577. Slichter, C. S., 167, 578, .578a, 580. Smith, E. A., 167, .580. Smith, G. O., 167, 580. Smith, W. S. T., 578. Todd, J, E., 104, 677, 578, 578a, 580. Vaughan, T. W., 574. Veatch, A. C, 167, 680. Washburn, W. C, 167. Weed, W. H., 189, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 577, 578a. Weeks, F. B., 167, 580. Whitfield, J. E., 65, 57, .58, 60, 65, 191, 192, 194, 432. Wilder, F. A., 104. Willard, D. E., 104, .580. United States Geological Survey: Analyses, collection of, by, 167, 168. Artesian waters, work on, 335. 344, 853, 356, 3.57, 672. Bibliography of springs, 430. Composition of underground waters, 471. Division of hydrology, work of, 167, 471, 580. Drift, work on waters of, 672. General hydrologic work, 573, 574,. 575, 577. Health, relation of deep wells to, 678. Mineral waters: Eleventh Census, 399, 400. Publications, 395, 396, 397, 400, 401. General, 395, 396, 397. Spring data, collection of, 167, 168. Spring waters, 189. Underground waters in general, .see also under States, 104, 166, 167, 173, 3.50, 353, 3.54, 3.55, 357, 361, 362, 375, 376, 471, 572, 573, 680. Water-supply data, collection of, 167, 168. Well data, collection of, 167, 168, 335. Iceland. Geysers, 21. Springs, 584. Idaho. Brines, 112, 616. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. 110 INDEX TO PAPERS [NO. 120. Idaho — Continued. Ore deposits, pari of underground waters in formation of, 311. Principal Survey publications: Artesian basins of southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon, 386,387,388. Geology and water resources Nez Perce County, 383,384. Geology and water resources of Snake River Plains, 485. Nampa folio, 315. Silver Cily folio, 316. Water resources of southeastern Idaho, 482. Seepage, 105. Springs: Analyses, 392. Deposits, 311. Descriptions, 284, 310, 311, 317, 392,473,482, 483,484,487,488,523,524. Occurrence on faults, 308. Quality, 392. Temperature, 316, 392. Thermal, 311. Uses: Irrigation, 310, 374. Resorts, 406. General, 392. Work of, alteration of granite, 311. Yield, 392, 406. Thermal springs: Composition, 310. Descriptions, 309, 315, 316, 533. Underground waters: Descriptions, 364, 482, 483, 484, 485, 487, 488. Occurrence in: Fissures in granite, 284. Lava beds, 473, 482, 483. Uses, 487. Work of, solution basins, 483. Water horizon.«, 310. Wells: Brine, 112. Descriptions, 315, 316, 346, 483, 488. Discharge, regulation of, 484. Record.s, 315. Temperature, 95. Thermal, 310. Uses for irrigation, 357. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 575, .580. Igneous intrusions, relation of thermal springs to, 145, 586, 595. Igneous rocks, occurrence of water in, 312. Illinois. Artesian conditions, 302. Brines, 619. Mine waters, 12. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, jmrt of underground waters in formation of, 12, 13. Principal Survey puljlications: Chicago folio, 9. Danville folio, 305. Patoka folio, 162. Water resources of Illinois, 300. Rainfall, 300. Illinois — {Continued. Springs: Analyses, 60, 392. Descriptions, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406. Underground waters: Analyses, 300. Classification, 302. Decrease in flow, 9. Descriptions, 300. Occurrence of— Drift, 9, 300, 305. Potsdam sandstone, 9. St. Peter sandstone, 9. General, 437. . Use for public supplies, 301. Water horizons, 556. Wells: Descriptions, 302. Occurrence in- Carboniferous rocks, 162. Drift, 37, 162. Records, 9, 37. Temperature, 95. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 362, 573. India. Absorption of streams, 621, 624. Pumping underground waters, 621, 624. Seepage, 621, 624. Wells used for irrigation, 550, 621, 624. Indiana. Artesian conditions, 305. Brines, 379, 422, 619. Mineral water, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publications: Chicago folio, 9. Danville folio, 305. Patoka folio, 162. Water resources of Indiana and Ohio, 301. Wells of northern Indiana, 303. Wells of southern Indiana, 304. Springs: Analyses, 392. Deposits, 159, 162. Descriptions, 161, 162, 301, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406. Underground waters: Analyses, 301. Descriptions, 301. Occurrence in: Drift, 301, 303, 304, 305. Rock, 301. Subterranean drainage, 301. Use for water supplies, 301. Water horizons, 379, 422. Wells: Brines, 379. Decrease of flow, ".). Descriptions, 9, 37, 3.3. :J01. :'.(I5. RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. Ill Indiana— Continued. Wells— Continued. Occurrence in: Carboniferous rocks, 162. Drift, 162. Records, 37, 158, 159, 303, 304, 305, 422. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 330, 574, 576. Indian Territory. Springs: Description, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Use, 392. Yield, 392. Infiltration works, 481. Instriftnents for measuring underflow, 500. Interference of wells, 277, 499, 500, 540. Intermittent streams. See Ab.sorption of streams. Iodine from mineral waters, 109. Iowa. Caverns, 332. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 332. Springs: Analyses, 392. Descriptions, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406. Underground waters: Descriptions, 307, 332. Work of solution, 3:32. Water horizon, Galena limestone, 332. Wells: Analyses, 56. Records, 31, 332. Temperature, 95. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 107, 439, 5.S0. Irrigation, use of wells and springs for. See Uses of underground waters. John Day formation, occurrence of water in, 480. Joints, relation of springs to, in Texas, 568. Joints, waters in, 565. Kansas. Absorption of streams, 213. Brines, 213, 450, 619. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 510. Principal Survey publication: Underground waters of southwestern Kansas, 212. Sinks, 215. Springs: Analyses, 392. Descriptions, 184, 212, 215, 392, 445, 489. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses: Power, 215. Resorts, 406. General, 392. Yield, 392, 406. Kansas— Continued. Underground waters: Deposition of gypsum by, 184. Descriptions, 212, 330, 331, 437. Methods of locating, 212. Work of solution, 215. Water horizons, 212, 213, 215. Wells: Brines, 450. Composition, 213. Cost, 345. Descriptions, 213, 338, 339, 346, 489. Mineral, 215. Problems, 579. Prospects, 212. Pumping from, §75. Statistics, 345. Use for irrigation, 212. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 104, 439, 440 574, 578, 580. Kentucky. Brines, 619. Caves, sinks, and channels, 34, 35, 557. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 511. Principal Survey publications. Well records, 177. Springs: Analyses, 392. Descriptions, 34, 35, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406. Underground water conditions, 177. Underground water, solution by, 34, 35, 320. Wells: Analyses, 61, 177. Descriptions, 177. Quality, 177. Records, 177. Uses, 177. Yield, 177. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167, .580. Knox dolomite, occurrence of water in, 269, 270 271, 272, 273. Lafayette formation, occurrence of water in, 78 86, 87. Lakes supplied from wells, 89. Lake Superior district. See also Minnesota, Wis' cousin, and Michigan. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 297, 663. Lakota formation, occurrence of water in, 93, 102 103. Laramie formation, occurrence of water in, 90 101. Xava, absorption of water b> : Arizona, 428. Idaho, 473. Oregon, 289. Lava, occurrence of water in, 105, 473, 480, 481 482, 483. Laws relating to underground waters: Laws authorizing artesian investigations, 374 Laws governing artesian investigatiors,572. 112 INDEX TO PAPERS [NO. 120. Laws relating to underground waters— Cont'd. Laws needed, 488. Laws on underground waters, 179, 248. Legal decisions, 30. Leona formation, occurrence of water in, 569. lilmestone, absorption of water by: New York, 45.5. Montana, 461. lilmestone, occurrence of water in, 5. liower magnesian limestone, occurrence of water in, 5.56. Xiouisiana. Brines, 226, 235. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal survey publications: Rice irrigation in southern Louisiana, 165. Underground waters of southern Louisi- ana, 210. Water supplies from wells in southern Louisiana, 164. Springs: Descriptions, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406. Underground waters: Descriptions, 164, 210, 226. Origin, 210. Use for water supplies, 164. Water horizons. Wells: Analy.ses, 210. Construction and drilling, 210, 226. Descriptions, 164, 165, 226. Discharge, variations in, 210. Pumping from, 210. Quality, 164, 210. Records, 210, 226. Temperature, 95, 165. Thermal, 226. Uses: Irrigation, 165. Public supplies, 164. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 471, 572, 580. Machinery, pumping. See Pumping machinery. Maine. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal survey i)iihlication: Well and spring records, 18. Springs: Analy.ses, 18, 392. Descriptions, 18,392. Erosion by, 524. Quality, 18, 392. Temperature, IS, 392. Uses, 18, 392, 406. Yield, IS, 392, 40(1. Underground water conditions, 18. Wells: Analy.ses, 18. Descriptions, 18. Temperature, 18. Maine— Continued. Wells— Continued. Uses, 18. Y'ield, 18. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 580. Marshall sandstone, occurrence of water in, 280. Maryland. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal survey publications: Artesian water prospects in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, 86. Nomini folio, 87. Washington folio, 94. Springs: Analyses, 392. Description, 65, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406. Underground waters, description, 78, 86, 87 94, 320, 335. Water horizons, 86, 87, 94, 574, 676. Wells: Descriptions, 86, 87, 94. Records, 86, 94. Temperature, 86. Massachusetts. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal survey publications: Additional well records in Massa- chusetts, 47. Well and spring records, 73. Springs: Analyses, 73, 139, 392. Descriptions, 73, 139, 392, 492, 493, 496, 626. Quality, 73, 392. Temperature, 73, 392. Uses, 73, 392, 406. Y'ield, 73, 392, 406. Underground water conditions, 73, 493. Wells: Analyses, 61, 73, 140. Cost, 47. Descriptions, 47, 73, 496. Occurrence on faults, 140. Quality, 73. Records, 73, 139, 627. Temperature, 73. Uses, 73. Yield, 47, 73. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 580. Matawan formation, occurrence of water in, 16, 86. Measurement of discharge of wells and springs. See Discharge. Measurement of underflow, 500, .578. Measurement of underflow, instruments for, .500. Medina Siuidstoue, occurrence of water in, 380. Metamorphism by underground waters, 565. Michigan. Absorption of streams by limestone, .371. Ab.sorption of water by .sinks, 364. Brines, 112, 280, 448, 4.51, 532, 616, 619. RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 113 Michigan— Continued. Mine waters, 67. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 17, 66, 67, 299, 515, 562, 563. Principal Survey publications: Lower Michigan mineral waters, 280. Water resources of the lower peninsula, 279. Well and spring records, 71. Sinks, 364. Springs: Analyses, 71, 280, 392. Descriptions, 71, 392. Quality, 71, 392. Temperature, 71, 392. Uses, 71, 392, 406. Yield, 71, 406. Underground waters: Chemistry, 280. Descriptions, 71, 279, 280, 371. Economic value, 280. Temperature, 279. Uses, 279. Work of solution, 364. Water horizons, 279, 280. Wells: Analyses, 71, 280. Descriptions, 71. Quality, 71. Records, 71. Temperature, 71, 95, 279. Uses, 71. Yield, 71. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 279, 280, 574, 576, 578, 580. Minnekahta formation, occurrence of water in, 98, 103. Minnelusa formation, occurrence of water in, 93. Mine waters. Deposits, Colorado, 144. Description.s: Arizona, 463. California, 312. Colorado, 144, 318, 447, 461. Illinois, 12. Michigan, 67. Minnesota, 296. Nevada, 19, 20, 324. Pennsylvania, 33, 294. Utah, 26, 27, 28, .549. Vermont, 598. Wyoming, 517. Use for water supply, 26, 27. Mineral waters. Bibliography, 216, 217. Economic products of: Bromine, 111, 118. Iodine, 109. Potassium salts, 120. Production in the United States, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 390, 391, 393, 394, 395, 398, 402, 403, 404, 405, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 431, 432, 433, 434, 436, 438, 439, 441, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, .578, 578a, 580, 618, 620. IKR 120—05 8 Minnesota. Brines, 560. Mine waters, 296 Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 69, 296, 563. Principal Survey publications: Well and spring records, 207. Well records in Lyon County, 546. Springs: Analyses, 207, 392. Descriptions, 207, 392, 560. Quality, 207, 392. Temperature, 207, 392. Uses, 207, 392, 406. Yield, 207, 392, 406. Underground waters: Circulation, 296. Descriptions, 207, 437. Wells: Composition and quality, 207, 546. Descriptions, 207, 546, 560. Records, 207, 546, 559. Temperature, 95. Uses, 207. Yield, 207, 546. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 471, 580. Miocene waters. See Underground waters, occur- rence of. systems. Mississippi. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publication: Well records, 266. Springs: Analyses, 392. Descriptions, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406. Underground waters, 266. Water horizons, 266. Wells: Descriptions, 210, 266. Quality, 266. Records, 501. Yield, 266. Mississippi Valley. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 76. Underground waters. Descriptions, 357. L^nderflow measurements, 578. Well statistics, 574. Missouri. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 5, 11, 64, 76, 510, 564, 625. Principal Survey publications : Water supply of Livingstone county, 211. Well and spring records, 497. Wells of Joplin and vicinity, 514. lltt INDEX TO PAPERS [NO. 120. Missouri — Continued. Springs: Analyses, 62, 63, 392, 497. Descriptions, 1,392,497. Composition and quality, 63,392,497. Temperature, 392, 497. Uses, 392,406,497. Yield, 392,406,497. Underground waters: Circulation, 11. Descriptions, 211,335,497. Water horizons, 328. Wells: Analyses, 60, 514. Descriptions, 497. Quality, 497. Records, 211,497,514,625. Temperature, 95, 497. Uses, 497. Yield, 497. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167,471,5.s0. Molokai. Principal Survey publication: Water resources of Molokai, 314. Springs, 314. Underground waters, 314. Wells: Composition, 314. Description, 314. Use for irrigation, 314. Monmouth formation, occurrence of water in, 16. Montana. Absorption of streams, 10,586,591,593,594. Absorption of water by limestone, 336. Brines, 616, 619. Caverns, 586. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 588, 596. Principal Survey publication: Formation of travertine and siliceous sinter, 584. Seepage, 336, 343. Springs. See also Thermal springs: Analyses, 63, 392. Composition, 145, 392, 591. Deposits, 145, 261 , 588, .589, 590, 595, 597. Descriptions, 145, 285, 291, 317, 392, 472, 586, 591. Temperature, 392. Uses: Bathing, 594. Resorts, 406, 586, 594. General, 392. Work of: In altering rocks, .595. General, 145. Yield, 406. Thermal springs and geysers: Analyses, .54, 55, .594. Composition, .591. Descriptions, 145, 354, 408, 577,586. Relations to igneous rocks, 145, 586, .595. Underground waters: Descriptions, 472, .593. Work of solution, 586. Water horizons, 453. Montana — Continued. Wells: Descriptions, 593. Temperature, 95. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 145, 439, 577. Mud cones, etc., 626. Myricks formation, occurrence of water in, 569. Natural wells. North Carolina, 77. Nebraska. .Absorption of water, 100. 529. Brines, 4, 14, 619. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publications: Camp Clarke folio, 100. iidgemont folio, 103. Groundwater at Kearney, 528. Underground waters in southeastern Ne- braska, 91. Water resources of Patrick and Gosiien Hole quadrangles, 4. Water resources west of the one hundred and third meridian, 90, 99. Wells and windmills, 14. Sinks and caves, 103. Springs: Deposits, 103. Descriptions, 4, 14, 90, 100, 101, 393. Measurements, 254. Thermal, 98. Use for resorts, 406. Yield, 406. Underground waters: Descriptions, 4, 14, 90, 91, 98, 100, 101, 103, 362, 437. Work of solutions, 103. Water horizons, 4, 90, 91, 98, 100, 103. Wells: Analyses, 103. Breathing, 14. • Cost, 345. Description, 91, 346. Fluctuation, 528. Problems, 579. Pumping by windmills, 14. Records, 4, 14, 31, 103, 345. Salt, 14. Statistics, 345. Temperature, 96, 575. Uses: Irrigation, 90, 91. Town supplies, 14. Work of the U. S. Geological Survey, 104, 353, 355, 374, 440, 573; 574, 578, 580. Nevada. Absorption of streams, 373. Brines, 112, 616. Caves and solution fissures, 197. Mine waters, 19, 20, 324. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in formation of, 20, 21, 22, 76, 197, 522, 596. Springs: Analyses, 53, 392, 476. Composition, 392, 477. Deposits, 7, 476. Descriptions, 374, 392, 476, 584. •ILLEl:.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 115 Nevada— Continued. Springs — Continued . Measurements, 251. Occurrence on faults, 476. Sulphur, 110. Temperature, 392, 476. Uses, 392. Yield, 392. Thermal springs: Deposits, 522. Descriptions, 7, 21, 22, 427, 476, 521; 522. Underground waters, work of. See also Ore deposits. Cementation, 522. Oxidation. 522. Solution, 197. Newark formation, occurrence of water in, 444. Ne^w■ Hampshire. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publication: Well and spring records, 29. Springs: Analyses, 29. Descriptions, 29. Quality, 29. Temperature, 29. Uses, 29, 406. Yield, 29, 406. Underground water conditions, 29. Wells: Analyses, 29, 392. Descriptions, 29, 392. Quality, 29, 392. Temperature, 29. 392. Uses, 29, 392. Yield, 392. Work of the U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 580. New Jersey. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publications: Artesian-well prospects in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, 86. Springs: Analyses, 392. Descriptions, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Use, 392. Y'ield, 392. Underground waters, 86, 444. Water horizons, 86. Wells, 86, 444. Analyses, 392. Descriptions, 86, 444. Records, 77, 86, 613. Temperature, 86. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 439, 471, 580. Newman formation, occurrence of water iu, 34, 35. New Mexico. Mineral waters, occurrence of, 234. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publication: Irrigation in Mesilla Valley, 15. New Mexico — Continued. Sinks in gypsum, 234. Springs: Analyses, 55, 59, 64, 392. Descriptions, 392, 466. Quality, 392. Temperature. 3.t2. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406. Underground waters: Composition, 234. Descriptions, 15, 234, 466. Work of solution, 234. Wells: Composition, 234, 429. Description, 234, 346, 429. Work of the U. S. Geological Survey, 104, 580. New York. Absorption of water by limestone, 455. Brines, 112, 448, 449, 450, 4.51, 616, 619. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publications: Sewage pollution in the Metropolitan area, 292. Water resources. 454, 455. Springs: Analyses, 64, 392. Brine, 448,. 449, 450, 451. Description, 392, 454, 610. Quality, 392, 610. Temperature, 392, 610. Uses, 392, 406, 610. Yield, 392, 406, 610. Streams, underground, 456. Underground waters, 444, 456, 610. Water horizons, 86, 249, 580. Wells: Analyses, 610. Brines, 112. Descriptions, 86, 444, 455, 610. Quality, 610. Records, 80, 610. Temperature, 86, 610. Uses, 610. Yield, 610. Work of the U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 471. New^ Zealand springs, 584. Niagara limestone, occurrence of water in, 43, 371, 556. Niobrai-a formation, occurrence of water in, 441, 545. North Carolina. Absorption of streams, 371. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Natural wells, 77. Principal Survey publications: Artesian-well prospects in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, 86. Norfolk folio, 97. Sinks, 443. Springs: Analyses, 60, 392. Descriptions, 269, 270, 274, 347^ 371, 392,442, 443. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. ll(i INDEX TO PAPERS North Carolina — Continued. Springs — Continued. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406. Underground waters: Descriptions, 86, 97. Work of solution, 443. Water horizons, 86, 97. Well prospects and records, 86, 97. North Dakota. Brines, 560. Mineral waters, production of. . See ^Mineral waters. Springs, 538, 560. Wells: Descriptions, 346, 437, Records, 538. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 104, 572, .573, 574, 576, 578, 580. Ogallala formation, occurrence of water in, 90. Ohio. Brines: Analj-ses, 449. Descriptions, 108, 379, 449, 616, 619. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publications: Natural features and economic develop- ment of the Sanduiiky, Maumee, Mus- kingon, and Miami drainage areas, 152. Water resources of Indiana and Ohio, 302. Springs: Analyses, 392. Descriptions, 301, 392. Quality, 392. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 408. Subterranean drainage, 301. Underground waters: Analyses, 301. Description, 301, 419, 437, Use for public supplies, 152, 301. Water horizons, 301, 380, Wells: Brine, 449, Description, 152,306,380,628, Lists, 185, Records, 38,419,468. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 574. Oil and gas, relation of underground waters to, 3, 150, 226, 422, 436, 525. Oklahoma. Wells, descriptions of, :346. Work of the U, S, Geological Survey, 104,580, Oligocene waters. See Underground waters, oc- currence of, systems. Onondaga formation, occurrence of water in, 380. Ore di'posits, jiart of underground wntcrs in for- mation of— General relations, 565, Localities: Alabama, 22.5, Alaska, 325, Arizona, 462, 463, 463a, 465, Arkansas, 5, 6, 11, 223, 564, California, 22,308,595. Colorado, 141, 142, 144, 414, 447, 460, 461, 519. Ore deposits, part of underground waters in for- mation of — Continued, Localities— Continued. Georgia, 218, 221, 225, 228, 230. Idaho, 311. Illinois, 12, 13. Iowa, 332. Kansas, 510. Kentucky, 511. Lake Superior, 297, 563. Michigan, 17, 66, 67, 299, 362, 515, 562. Minnesota, 69, 296, 563. Mississippi Valley, 76. Missouri, 11, 76, 510, 564, 625. Montana, 588, 596. Nevada, 21, 22, 76, 197, 522, 595. Pacific coast, 21, 22. South Dakota, 147, 262. Tennessee, 218, 220, 221, 224, 2;?2, 275. Utah, 143, 298, 518, 520, 549, 575. Wyoming, 517. General, 5, 565. Oregon. Absorption of streams by lava, 289. Absorption of water by pumice and lava, 289. Blineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publications: Artesian basins of southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon, 486, 487, 488, Geological reconnaissance in southern Oregon, 475, Nampa folio, 315, Springs, common and thermal Analyses, 313, 392, 427, Deposits, 313, 427. Descriptions, 281, 288, 289, 313, 315, 392, 427, 475,487,612. Occurrence on faults, 475. Temperature, 392, 406, Thermal , 281 , 288, 427, 443, 475, 612. Uses, 392, 406. Yield, 392, 406, Underground channels, 123. Underground waters: Descriptions, 374, 487, 488. Uses, 487. Wells: Descriptions, 315. Problems, 579. Records, 315. Work of U. S. Geological Survey, 104, 580, Oxidation by underground waters, 522, Pacific coast. See also under State entries. Ore deposits, part of underground waters, in formation of, 21, 22. Pahasapa formation, occurrence of water in, 10-'. Paluxy formation, occurrence of water in, 242. Pamunkey formation, occurrence of water in,7s, 85, 86. Payette formation, occurrence of water in, 310. Pennsylvania. Brines, .585, Mine waters: Analyses, 294. Descriptions, 33, 294. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. m-LLER.] RELATING TO UNDERGROUND WATERS. 117 Pennsylvania— Continued. Principal Survey publications: Artesian well prospects in the Atlantic coastal plain, 86. Quality of water in the Susquehanna River drainage basin, 294. Water resources of the Philadelphia dis- trict, 16. Springs: Analyses, 294, 392. Descriptions, 294, 392. Quality, 392, 406. Temperature, 392. Uses, 392, 406. \ield,392. Underground waters: De.seription.«, 16, 41, 42, 43, 294. Use for public supplies, 467. Water horizons, 16, 86. Well incrustation, analysis of, ^f>. Wells: Analyses, 294. Descriptions, 89, 160, 467. Record.s, 41, 42, 43, 44, 160, 101, 163, 467, 46s, 614. Temperature, 96. Uses, 467. Permeability of rocks, ."JOO. Petrefaction by underground waters, 480. Philippine Islands. Hot Springs and .solfataras, 24. Pierre shales, occurrence of water in, 90, 547. Pleistocene water.s. See Underground waters, occurrence of, systems. Poison Canyon formation, occurrence of water in, 245,246. Porosity. Rock.s, 277,499,500,565. Sands, 362, 453, 456, 499, 500. Soil, 277,362,499,500. General, 277, 341, 362, 500,565. Porto Rico. Springs, common and thermal. Analyses, 241. Composition, 241. Descriptions, 241. Use for bathing, 241. Potassixun salts from mineral water.s, 120. Potomac formation, occurrence of water in, 78, 86, 94, 328. Potsdam formation, occurrence of water in, 6, 9, 381, 500, 556. Power, use of springs and pumps for. See Uses of springs and wells. Public supplies from underground .sources. Georgia, 327. Louisiana, 164. Nebraska, 14. Ohio, 1.52. Pennsylvania, 467. Vermont, 420. Pumice, absorption of water by, in Oregon, 289. Pumping and other methods of lifting water. Cost, 320, 356. Descriptions: Arizona, 106, 282, 283. ^California, 49, 187, 208, 251, 320, 321,322, 3:>c<. Pumping and other methods of lifting water- Continued. Descriptions— Continued. Georgia, 362. Great Plains, 72. India, 621, 624. Kansas, 375. Louisiana, 210. Nebraska, 14. Public lands, 346. Texas, 252. United States, 343. General, 14, 277, 526, 527, 622, 623. Pumping machinery. Efficiency, 15. Types, 250. Turbines, 14. Windmills, descriptions and use of, 14, .338, 339, 340, 357, 358, 360, 421. Quality of waters. See Composition. Quaternary waters. See Underground waters, occurrence of, systems. Rainfall, absorption of, 149, 454. Rancocas formation, occurrence of water in, 86. Raritan formation, occurrence of water in, 21,35, .59. Records. Geologic: Borings and wells: Alabama, 501, 502. Arizona, 283, 463. Arkansas, 446. California, 208, 307. Delaware, 77. District of Columbia, 86, 94. Florida, 77, 169. Georgia, 86. Idaho, 315. Illinois, 9, 37. Indiana, 37, 158, 159, 303, 304, 305, 422. Iowa, 31, 332. Kentucky, 177. Louisiana, 210, 226, Massachusetts, 73, 139, 627. Maryland, 86. Michigan, 71. Minnesota, 207, 546, .5.59. Mississippi, 501. Missouri, 211, 497, 514, 625. Nebraska, 4, 14, 31, 103, 345. New Jersey, 77, 86, 613. New York, 86, 610. North Carolina, 86, 97. North Dakota, .538. Ohio, 38, 306, 419, 468. Oregon, 31.5. Pennsylvania, 41, 42, 43, 44, 160, 161, 163, 467, 468, 614. Rhode Island, 1.53, 627. South Dakota, 102, 103, 538, 539, .541. 542, 543, .544. Tenne.ssee, 176. Texas, 2, 226, .568. Vermont, 420, Virginia, 86, 97, 1.54, 468, 479, 613. Washington, 480. Western Gulf coast, 3. Western interior, 2. 118 INDEX TO PAPERS [no. 120. Records— Continued. Geologic— Continued. Borings and Mclls — Continued. West Virginia, 38, 39, 40, 468. Wyoming, 23, 102. General: Importance of, 4.5. Interpretation of, 4.5. Statistical: Eastern United States (.see also under States), 334. Wells: California, 320. Colorado, 345. Eastern United States (see also under States), 334. Kansas, 345. Mississippi Valley, 574. United States, 95, 96. General, 322, 323. Reclbank formation, occurrence of water in, 78. Relation of underground waters to oil aiid gas, 3. 18.5, 186, 333, 379, 422. Resorts, use of .springs for, 392, 406, .586, .594. Rhode Island. Mineral waters, production of. See Mineral waters. Principal Survey publication. Well and spring records, 74. Springs: Analyses, 74, 392. Deposits, mud cones, 495. Descriptions, 74, 392, 626. Quality, 74, 392. Temperature, 74, 392. Uses, 74, 392. Yield, 74, 392. Wells: Analyses, 74. Descriptions, 74. Quality, 74. Records, 153, 627. Temperature, 74. Uses, 74, 406. Yield, 74, 406. WorJi of U. S. Geological Survey, 167, 580. Rio Grande basin, absorption of streams, 437. Rocks, absorption of water by, general. California, 286. Colorado, 529. Rocky Mountains, sulphur springs, 017. Rutledge limestone, occurrence of water in, 270, 271, 273. St. Peter sandstone, occurrence of water in, 9, 556. Salt, deposit of, from spring.?, 555. Salt from mineral waters, 381, 382, 383, :«4, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 616. Sand, occurrence f)f water in (sec al.so Drift), .529. Sanitary aspects of iindergronnd waters, 293. Seepage. ,\rizona, 98, 101, 190, 302. California, 1S8, 320, 322. Seepage— Continued . Colorado, 142, 149, 257, 345, 362. Idaho, 105. India, 621, 624. Montana, 336, 343. Nebraska, 4, 101, 347. Public lands, 346. Utah, 1.55, 347, 352. Wyoming, 4. General, 155, 347, 352. Shale, occurrence of water in, 5, 453. Silicious sinter. See Depo.sits, springs. SUicification by underground Avaters, 519. Silurian waters. See Underground Avaters, occur- rence of, .springs. Sinks. See Solution, .sinks. Sinks, absorption of water by, 496, 500. Sioux quartzite, occurrence of water in, .'VIS, .544. Solfataras. See Springs, solfataras. Solution by underground waters, work of. Ba.sins, 483. ("aves and caverns: California, .551, .5.54. Colorado, 141. Iowa, 332. Kentucky, 34, 3.5. Montana, .586. Nebraska, 103. Nevada, 197. South Dakota, 103. Tennessee, 232. Texas, 240, 569. General, 494. Channels: Kentucky, 34, 35, 557. Tennessee, 232. Washington, 377. General, 222. Coves, 219. Fissures, Nevada, 197. Sinks: Florida, 77. High Plains, 267. Kansas, 215. Kentucky, 34, 3.5. Michigan, 364. Nebraska, 103. New Mexico, 234. North Carolina, 443. South Dakota, 103. Tennessee, 232, 270, 273. Virginia, 92. West Virginia, 88, 92. General: Solution of dolomite, Colorado, 519. Wyoming, 1.51. South Carolina. Craterlets and springs associated with the Charleston earthquake, 130. Mineral waters, i>r(i