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A story from Scottish his- tory • 75 *Home Scenes and Heart Studies. A collection of nineteen interesting stories 75 ^Woman's Friendship. A story of domestic life.. 75 *The Women of Israel. Sketches of noted women in Israel , 75 ♦The Vale of Cedars, or The Martyr 75 Complete set of 7 vols $5 00 ANDREYEV, L. Anathema, Tragedy in seven acts. A powerful drama of life among the Russian Jews of to-day net $1 25 AUNT NAOMI. ♦Jewish Fairy Tales and Fables. A number of beau- tiful stories, based on parables of the Talmud and Midrash, written in a manner best suited for children. The only collection of its kind in English. Illustrated net $1 00 2 BLOCK PUBLISHING CO., NEW YORK BEACONSFIELD, EARL OF (Disraeli). Coningsby 60 David Alroy 60 Tancred 60 Complete Works, 1 1 vols $6 60 Novels, 9 vols. Introductions by Earl of Iddes- leigh net $4 5Q HERMAN, HENRY. Worshippers. A narrative of the "intellectuals" of the Russian Jewry in America $1 00 BERNSTEIN, HERMAN. Contrite Hearts. A novel of Jewish Life in Russia and America $1 25 BESANT, WALTER. The Rebel Queen. A vivid, picturesque study of the modern cosmopolitan Jew $1 50 BIEN, RABBI H. Ben Beor. A story of the Anti-Messiah, i. The Man in the Moon, a counter-part of Wallace's "Ben Hur." 2. The Wandering Gentile, a companion romance to Sue's "Wandering Jew" $1 00 BOYLAN, GRACE D. The Kiss of Glory. A beautiful Biblical romance in which Joseph, the son of Jacob, is the leading character 75 BRUDNO, EZRA S. The Tether. A story of the American Jew of to-d-^y, dealing with race-prejudice and intermarriage. $1 50 BUCHANAN, THOMPSON. Judith Triumphant. A romance based on the tale of the Hebrew maiden who saved her city from Holofernes and the Assyrians. $1 50 CAHAN, A. The Imported Bridegroom, and other stories of the New York Ghetto $1 00 CAINE, HALL. The Scapegoat. A romance and a parable. A stir- ring story of Jewish life in Morocco $1 50 FICTION, POETRY, LEGENDS CHURCH, ALFRED J. *The Hammer. An historical story of the Macca- bean times $i 25 COHEN, ISABEL E. *Readings and Recitations. For Jewish homes and schools. A fine collection of verse and prose. $1 00 ♦Legends and Tales. In prose and verse. ... 50 COOPER, SAMUEL W. *Think and Thank. A tale for the young, nar- rating in romance form the boyhood of Sir Moses Montefiore 35 COSTELLO, PIERRE. A Sinner in Israel. A romance of modern Jewish life $1 50 CRAWFORD, F. MARION. The Witch of Prague. A fantastic tale $i 50 Zoroaster. The novel begins with a magnificent description of the march of the Babylonian Court to Belshazzar's feast, with the awful ending of the latter by the marvelous writing on the wall. . $1 50 DAVIS, NINA. Songs of Exile. Translation of 32 poems by Hebrew poets of post-Biblical times 50 DEUTSCH, GOTTHARD. Israel Bruna. An historical tragedy of Moravian Jewry of the i6th century net $1 25 DRACHMAN, RABBI BERNARD. ♦From the Heart of Israel. Partly humorous and partly pathetic, these clever stories portray the joy and the tragedy of Jewish life $1 50 EBERS, GEORGE. Joshua. A story of Biblical times 60 ELIOT, GEORGE. Daniel Deronda 60 ELKIN, HEIMAN J. The Triangle. An American novel in which the intermarriage problem is the main theme. Paper net 50 4 BLOCK PUBLISHING CO., NEW YORK EWING, THOMAS, JR. Jonathan. A drama in verse on the subject of David and Jonathan net $i oo FRANK, ULRICH. Simon Eichelkatz. — The Patriarch. Two stories of Jewish hfe. Translated from the German. With a glossary 75 GERSON, EMILY GOLDSMITH. *A Modern Esther, and other stories for Jewish children. Contains also plays for Purim and Chantikah $l c)0 GINZBERG, LOUIS. The Legends of the Jews. The best and largest collection of Jewish legends, from original sources, that refer to Biblical personages and events. 3 vol- umes. I. From the Creation to Jacob ; II. From Jacob to the Exodus; III. From the Exodus to the Death of Moses. Per volume $2 00 GLASS, MONTAGUE. Potash & Perlmutter. The amusing story of their copartnership ventures and adventures 75 GOLDSMITH, MILTON. *Rabbi and Priest. A graphic story of the life and suffering of the Russian Jew 60 A Victim of Conscience. An interesting Jewish- American novel 75 GORDON, SAMUEL. Sons of the Covenant. A tale of London Jewry. $1 00 Strangers at the Gate. Tales of Russian Jewry. $1 00 The Ferry of Fate. A tale of Russian Jewry. $1 50 HAGGARD, H. RIDER. Margaret. A tale of love and adventure, in the England of Henry VII, of the daughter of a rich Marano or converted Jew $1 50 HANAUER, J. E. *Tales Told in Palestine. Folk-lore stories, col- lected by the author, long resident there, .net $1 25 FICTION, POETRY, LEGENDS 5 HARDING, J. W. The Gate of the Kiss. A romance in the days of Hezekiah, King of Judah 75 HENDLER, G. H. Elchanan. The legend of a Jewish pope, .net 40 HURWITZ, HYMAN *Hebrew Tales. Contains sixty-five tales selected and translated from the writings of the ancient He- brew sages. An unusually interesting volume for young and old net 50 ILIOWIZI, RABBI HENRY. The Archierey of Samara. A powerful, thrilling and vivid novel of Jewish life in Russia 75 In the Pale. Stories and legends of the Russian Jews 75 IMBER, NAPHTALI HERZ. Treasures of Two Worlds. Contains eighty-three legends and traditions of the Jewish nation, many told for the first time in English. Cloth $1 25 paper 75 ISAACS, RABBI ABRAM S. ♦Stories from the Rabbis of the Talmud. A charm- ing collection of parables, anecdotes and legends recorded in the Talmud, illustrating some phases of life and thought in old Judea. The tales are ex- cellently told and the book will give delight and instruction to the reader, young or old. Contents: Faust of the Talmud, Wooing of the Princess, Rip Van Winkle of the Talmud, Rabbinical Romance, Shepherd's Wife, Repentant Rabbi, Inheritance, Elijah in the Legends, When Solomon was King, Rabbinical Humor, Munchausen of the Talmud, Rabbi's Dream, The Gift that Blessed, In the Sweat of the Brow, A Four-leaved Clover, The Expiation, A String of Pearls, The Lesson of the Harvest, The Vanished Bridegroom $1 00 ♦Step by Step. A story of the early days of Moses Mendelssohn 75 6 BLOCK PUBLISHING CO., NEW YORK KELLY, MYRA. *Little Citizens. Stories of the humors of school life east of the Bowery, and the queer little Italian, Jewish and Irish children with their odd dialects and mistakes 75 *Wards of Liberty. Stories of East Side school children $1 50 *Little Aliens. Stories of child life on the great East Side $1 50 KINGSLEY, FLORENCE M. The Star of Love. An intensely interesting story, told in modern language, of Esther, Mordecai, Xerxes and all the well-known characters in the Persian-Hebrew drama which Purim commemorates. Illustrated in colors. A handsome gift book. . $2 00 LAZARRE, JACOB. Beating Sea and Changeless Bar. A tale showing that no power can force a true Jew from his faith. 50 LAZARUS, EMMA. *Poems. With biographical sketch and portrait. Vol. I. Narrative, Lyric, Dramatic. Vol II. Jewish Poems, Translations $2 50 *Poems and Translations. Written between the ages of fourteen and seventeen. Original edition of Miss Lazarus' first volume (1867). Scarce.. $1 00 *Admetus and other Poems. Original edition of Miss Lazarus' second volume (1871). Scarce $1 00 LEAVITT, EZEKIEL. Songs of Grief and Gladness. A volume of poems translated from the Yiddish, Hebrew and Russian $1 00 LEIBSON, JACOB J. *Tommy's Adventures in Blunderland. A clever and amusing juvenile. Illustrated 25 LEISER, JOSEPH. *Canaway and the Lustigs. 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The prophet Isaiah is a notable figure in this strong love story, one of the most popular of this celebiated romancer. Translated from the Hebrew.. net. $1 00 McARTHUR, ALEXANDER. The Leveller. A stirring story with a Russian Jewess as the heroine and in which Rubenstein, the pianist, plays a prominent part $i 00 McLAWS, LAFAYETTE. Jezebel. A romance in the days when Ahab was King of Israel $i 50 MILLER, ELIZABETH. The Yoke. A romance of the days when the Lord redeemed the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage. One of the very best and strongest stories of Biblical times 75 MILLER, SARA. *Under the Eagle's Wing. A story for young people of the time of Maimonides 50 8 BLOCK PUBLISHING CO., NEW YORK MISCH, MARION L. ♦Selections for Homes and Schools, A collection of prose and verse for home reading and for recitation in Jewish schools $i 25 MONTAGUE, E. R. Tales from the Talmud. Stories drawn from the Talmud, the Targums and the Ethics of the Fathers net $1 25 MOSENTHAL, S. H. ♦Stories of Jewish Home Life. A collection of six charming stories, both happy and pathetic. Trans- lated from the German 75 MYERS, JACK M. ♦Jewish Story Book. Eight stories from the Talmud, in simple language 30 NORDAU, MAX. A Question of Honor. A tragedy of the present day, in four acts. Translated from the German version entitled "Dr. Kohn." net $1 00 OPPENHEIM, JAMES. Doctor Rast. Connected short stories giving vivid pictures of New York's teeming East Side. An un- usually strong novel $i 5° PAGE, THOMES NELSON. John Marvel, Assistant. An American story of the present day, dealing largely with social conditions and in which a remarkable Jew, finely portrayed, plays a large part $1 5° PENDLETON, LOUIS. *In Assyrian Tents. The story of the strange ad- ventures of Uriel, founded on incidents of Hebrew history 50 ♦Lost Prince Almon. A charming story c little Prince Jehoash, son of Ahaziah 50 PEREZ, ISAAC LOEB. Stories and Pictures. Translated from the Yiddish, by Helena Frank $1 25 FICTION, POETRY, LEGENDS 9 PHELPS, ELIZABETH S. The Master of the Magicians. A novel of absorb- ing interest in which the prophet Daniel is the cen- tral figure $1 25 PHILLIPS, STEPHEN. Herod. A dramatic poem net $1 25 POEMS FOR YOUNG JUD^ANS. A collection of poems, largely on Palestine and Zionism, for the Jewish youth. Paper 25 RAPAPORT, SAMUEL. Tales and Maxims from the Midrash. Stories from the Midrash in popular dress net $1 50 Tales and Maxims from the Talmud. Together with Deutsch's Essay on the Talmud. .. .net $1 75 RAY, ANNA CHAPIN. *Sheba. The story of a poor, crippled Jewish girl. • 75 RICE, AURELIA. True Nobility, after the German of Buchwald ; For- tune Hunting, a lively story of Jewish life in Amer- ica. Paper 25 RICHARDSON, B. W. The Son of a Star. A romance of the second cen- tury, the hero being the famous Bar Cochba, who led the revolt of the Jews against the Romans. $1 50 ROSENFELD, MORRIS. Songs from the Ghetto. Verses in Yiddish with English translation by Prof. Leo Wiener. ... 75 RUPPIUS, OTTO. The Peddler. A romance of Jewish American life. Paper 15 SCHUTZE, MARTIN. Judith. A tragedy, in five acts, based on the apoc- ryphal story net $1 25 SCOTT, WALTER. Ivanhoe. A romance 60 10 BLOCK PUBLISHING CO., NEW YORK SEGAL, H. The Book of Pain Struggle, called the Prophecy of the Fulfillment. The struggle of the Jews in strik- ing verse. Paper 50 SIDGWICK, MRS. ALFRED. Scenes from Jewish Life. Stories dealing with the middle classes of England and Germany.... $1 00 SIVITER, ANNA P. Nehe. An historical romance of the time of the reign of the Persian King Artaxerxes. The young hero is a Jewish lad and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem figures in the story $1 50 SMITH, F. HOPKINSON. Peter. A novel of which he is not the hero. A Jewish tailor is one of the attractive characters. Illustrated 75 SOLIS-COHEN, Jr., EMILY. *David, the Giant Killer, and other tales of Grandma Lopez. Well-told stories from the Bible, united in one narrative. Illustrated 75 STEINER, EDWARD A. The Mediator. A tale of the Old World and the New. The autobiography of a Polish Jew. . $1 50 Against the Current. The tragic story of a Jewish childhood net $1 25 STEPHENSON, CORA B. The Hand of God. An absorbingly interesting novel of the days of the Judges, with Samson ar 1 Delilah as the leading figures. Illustrated $1 50 TCHIRIKOW, E. The Jews: The Chosen People. A Zionist drama of Russo-Jewish life. Paper 25 THOMAS, AUGUSTUS. As a Man Thinks. A play in four acts in which there are strong Jewish characters net $1 25 FICTION, POETRY, LEGENDS 11 TILTON, DWIGHT. Meyer & Son. An American novel dealing with the problem: Should Jews and Christians intermarry? 75 TOLSTOY, LEO. Esarhaddon and other Tales. Written for the bene- fit of the Kishinef and Gomel sufterers. . . .net 40 TURGENEV, IVAN. The Jew, and other stories $i 25 WADE, MARY H. *Our Little Jewish Cousin. A delightful and in- teresting account of child life in Palestine in which Bible stories are introduced. Written in simple and attractive style 60 WARD, MRS. HUMPHREY. Marriage a la Mode. This celebrated novel has a considerable Jewish interest net $1 20 WARD, JOSIAH H. Come With Me Into Babylon. A story of the fall of Nineveh $1 50 WARFIELD, DAVID. Ghetto Silhouettes. Sketches of daily life of the East Side of New York 50 WISE, RABBI ISAAC M. The First of the Maccabees. An historical novel. Paper • • 25 The Combat of the People, or Hillel and Herod. An historical romance. Boards 25 WOLFENSTEIN, MARTHA. *Idylls of the Gass. Fascinating pictures of past life in an Austrian ghetto 75 *A Renegade and Other Tales. Thirteen delightful Jewish stories 75 12 ZANGWli.1^, ISKAU.!^. Children of the Ghetto. A study of a Peculiar Peo- ple. The book is intended as a study of a race whose persistence is the most remarkable fact in^ the history of the world, the faith and morals of which it has so largely moulded 75 Dreamers of the Ghetto. A chronicle of dreamers, who have arisen in the Ghetto from its establishment in the sixteenth century to its slow breaking-up in our day $1 50 The King of Schnorrers. Grotesque and fantastic, A series of short stories dealing principally with Jewish life in London $1 50 Ghetto Comedies. These short stories are among the most trenchant, appealing and vivid that have been published in recent years. Each one repro- duces a bit of glowing, active life 75 Ghetto Tragedies. Formerly known as, "They that Walk in Darkness." A collection of intensely in- teresting stories $1 50 Blind Children. A collection of poems. .. .net $1 20 The Melting Pot. The celebrated Jewish drama ; an eloquent representation of Jewish life and ideals in America net $1 25 Any book in this catalogue will be sent, delivery, paid on receipt of the published price. A discount isj allowed to schools, libraries, ministers and to parties pur-j chasing in quantities, subject to the rules of the American! Publishers' Association. Discounts and terms made| known on application. BLOCK PUBLISHING CO. 40 East 14lh Street, New Yorkl •*w<7 rfc mrrrr fmim ms m i v zF S SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACIUTY A A 000 296 260 3 REMOVE University Research Library IJ - I i -w l"i.' m