en ON In 00 LJ tTbe tlubor jfacstmfle tTeyts by Samuel Brandon Date of only known edition 1598 {Dyce Collection, S. Kensington.) Reproduced in Facsimile igi2 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER by Samuel Brandon 1598 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXII W^t HirtuBtts d^ctabia By S. Brandon 1598 This facsimile is from a copy of the original and only known early edition in the T)yce collection at S. Kensington. Other copies are in the Bodleian and at Chat^orth. For biographical details the student is referred to " The T)ictionary of National Biography y The special presentment here made, of the verso and recto pages side by side, is due, as in the case of ^^ Tom Tiler and his Wife^' (4- v.)) ^^ the ob')>ious desirability of introducing no neyp sizes into this series — these typo plays, one a i6mo. and the other a i2mo., standing alone in this respect. The reproduction is good and in every way satisfactory. JOHN S. FARMER. 258478 \\ u THETRA- qjCO MOEVI o^ the vcrtuous Doncby Samvel Bk-a^don. I 5 5^ 8. "~~ "1 ^ Cdrmert Amatfejiufquis carmine at^nagerit* LONDON Printed for 7N/iIIiam Fonfonbye, and are to be fouldc at hjs fhop in S.Paules Church- yaide. h <'-> f / '»^' J':!^m''.r':'^'^.::miJmm:.lM^- ^ To the right honorable, and truly vertuous Ladie, the Ladie Lvcia Aydelay: healthjhonor, happincffe and hcaucn. R^re Phcm'ix, vfhichjour life Jtficrifcf, In ^ertutiflame, tofircL- <« life dtuine : Rich trea/ureryofleaueM hji rreafuries. In whom vtorth tpiftiome henor ^er/ttes f}jtne. Sdaine net, the fe artlejje hnmbte lines t3 C/Vfl', With honors e^es let ifertuespUsnts be jean d^ That fbe whoje 'vertues douUed are in you, Sjyot* maj (cape from Lybitinab l-a/ui. Htr dyinifatne, by you maj he prefer tud, Whiles time, a.id men, and memory endure: I cur liuing name by htrs mnught he referued, Didnot theft Una, too much htr worth ebjcure. ThefeUnet, wherein ^fought be free fnm biamcy leitr nable Genius tAH^ ht my Ptn the fame, A ii. Air Airautorc. Cr' ^*Thracian Poet, thtu rtuh/J hit wtfi, J- Brttdmg infurfes, fittj,a»delel$f;ht j Whofefame doeth yet Jurmut hit frcrtutd life ^ ^f*Jl hsmrjteUf vfh*i thou doofl indite, Tor he,who cftcntimei by Mujkkei force, Didftrfents charme,ftreameifiay,Aad trtet remoues In womens mindei^ouldneuer mooue remorfe, ^shi$ ^nhxpfy end doth ^Utnly prooue. Whereftre moftpraili he thyprdift worthy mufi. Which farrefurmounts the might of antique avet Wttmin^ that fexes grace, which dtdrefmfi By heating Orpheus/ o relent their rage. Becaufe no muftckwith their minie aecordett But that whish 9ertuej harmonieajfordes, Mia. Profopopcia al libro. WHen harkingtnuiefiw thy btrth, itfiraight eomtemnd the fame: And arm' d hit tangueytogiueacbArget thy weakeneffe to dtffame. But feeing honort golden hook;* fobnckttovertuetlyne: Hefltiavay at half* afraid, set ceaft not to repine. Btttfeare net iAomvs,mal^returne, and haphfor thyfaine Thou mai/t Anxomas ccm/lort ie^rt when he reuiues againe, S. B. Aiii J ^s&fl ■;• •>'5»ff-vy'.f af^-s a The Argument. j Ftcr tihe 4ath of/Hitttt C^fir , & ihc oucfthrow of Br.nius and Qifsttss ihc chicfc con/pirators: the gouetnmcnt ofthc Romain Empire , remained vnto OtUums Cdjar^ Marke Antony , and ( at that time ) Sextm Tompeius. Marine Antony yto confirm can inuiolable league ofamitie,betwcenc Cdfir jindhimfdfc: tookctowifc O^JJf^ww, the filter of (^y^r. Arftony and Cafar falling ac deba:e,mctat Tarentitm with theit armies, and had bin the caufe of much bloudilicd} biitthat they were appcafcd, bythcwif* dome ofOSiauia , Not long after^ Antony going to make warre with the Parthiofis, andcomming into Syria: the place renew- ed the incnTOry , and the memory reuiued the The Argvment. the long mtermittcd loue,hc once bare to Cleof*trA the Qucene ofty£?ipt : nc there- fore wholy fubieainghimrelle to the defire of this CU0pAtr4 : forfakcth his vertuous wife 0£?rf«w.Wberevpon,hir brother Cafar difdaining that flie (hould fuflfer fo great an indignitie ; maketh warre vpon Canton) ^ and ouercoracth him,firft at AiiiHm , and then 9XPelufuw%, to the vttcr ruinc and dc ftrui^ion,both o( Antony and Cleopatra, Ocfta. I Ocflauiae tra^icomoedia. Thejlagefrpf ojed Rome, ThcAdors. Oflauius Cdftr who vfzs afterwards called OciautA the fifter ofCaJar & wife o^ylvtony, MtctnAS. 7 Two of rhe nobles o^Oihimtst •f^'^^'-lRomainc Ladies, luUa, J ^Antonies children. Syluia, a liceDtious woman. GtmitiHt a Captaiuc. 'My/iiiis nuntius. Chorus, Romofioi (tABusprimus. Otiama. Camtlli, Iiiha. CjimilU, now methinkcsthisgo!d.c:i time, Inuite<; our mindcs to bathe in ftrcamcs of icy : See how the earth doth flourilh in liis prime. Whole liucry fticwcs the abfencc of annoyc. Thcfc woodsjhow they bcdeckt with natures pride, Shewinwardctouchc of new ecmcciucd myrthc . The pretty byrde?,th at i n ihcir coucrts hide, (Free Citti2cns,eucn happy tix)m ihcir birthc ) How they rdcyce! and cuery iirncclefie thing, luen fmiles with ioy : the earth perfumes tlw ayre, , The ayrc,fwccte Ncftar to the earth doth bring. And both with ioye,be2etthcfc children fayre. How richly nature dooth her wealth enrobe : Gluing each thing his bcautie/orme and grace. Eye-plea(ing gTCcne,circlc of this our globe, Great myirour of -<(^^//«youthfiili face. Coulor of Ufe,youthcs liuaiCjhow delight Dwels ftiUwiththee,whilcs wc,whom reafon named (Butfalfly namdeandif I iudgcaright) Princes of all the reft diat nature framed : Still fubicdl arc to (bnrowes tjTanny ; 31aucs U) mifchancCfVanab of fortruties power ; Bearing The Tragicomcedie Bearing the yoakc of endleffe mifoic : Fairc baites of time which dooth vs all dcuoiirc. Now raifde aloft ivi honors highcft icate. Yet in that height farrc fluort of fwcctc content, Now.thrownedowne headlong, be we ncrcfo great. In gulfc of grcefc,which we may not prcuent. Oar plcafarcsjrpofting guefts,)makc butfmall (lay. And ncucr once looke backe when they arc gone ■WhCTCgrccfcs bide long,a:id leaue fuch fcores to payj As make vs banckcrout ere we thinkc thrreon. . let this (imz earth with new-borne beauties grac'd. Doth fty me thinkes in h is dumbc eloquence i Thus (hall you fpring,mongft hcaucnly angels plac'd» Whe deaths cold winter once hath fnatcht you hcocc Thcfe flowcTSjdo bid vs in their language, read In beauties bookcSjhow bcautic is molt frailc ; Wboftyouthfull pridc,th*vntimcly ftcpsdoditrod^ To deaths black kingdome,darkc obliuions vaUc. Thefe natures quirifters,do plaincly fay, Waftc thus your tirae.in fetting forth his^raifc ^Who fcedcsjwhoclothesjwhofils our harts with ioyc And from this dead earth,dooth our bodies raifc. Thus all their mitthc,arc accents of our raoane : Their blif full ftate,of our vnhapoinefle, A perfeft map,svl;erc ondy wc alone, . May fire our good,but neuer it pofRflc. Cam. Madam,as nature morcthen perft^ is. And farrc more faire,thcn that wc iaircft call : SoyouasheyreappaianttohirblUTct . Chicfit of the vertuom OFiauii* Chicfctrcafurcrofhirperfcaionsalli Will nicw your felfe moft wifcand mofl diuinc. In curious fcarch of her raoft hidden will; And foUowin?, but hir footcftcps,yct refine: ThcvniuCTfalffcactsofhir skill. Yet 1 admire, your Eaglc-fightcd eye. Which hath truthes fun-bnght cjtcIc fo wcll^iowne In others wortVicdifccrnes each Attomic, Foractfiillmoft.of what is moft yourowne. Thcfe other acaturcs,hauc theii pro^iCTtics, Which fliew.thcir Syre no niggard of his ftorc, But fuch great guiftcsout mindes immortalize. As proudc ambitions felfr,can wifli no more. And yod,greatLadic,whofc high honorflycs. With vertucs wingcs,in admirations ayre : Towring,an Eagles pychic,aboue the fkies. Where vuls^ar thoughrs.arc fctlcd in dcTpairC; You,wholcdcfignes,haueputoutcnui«eycs, Whofe lampeof vcttuc giues the pureft light } You.thatcnfotte weakcfametoroyallizc. Such hich reuolues,as farrc furpaflc her might, f ou.whofclargepraife.makc8 naked vatue lowrc. And tyres rcport,in painting out youtftoric 5 You,in whofe lappe doth ftjcame the golden raovver. Of all good fortunc,sraciDg higheft gloric Ohowcanyou,oncecntcrtainc a thought, ^ That thcfe high layes fliould ftoupc to forrowcs iurcf Or how can true fclicitie be brought. The faullcft touchc of paffion to endure !" ^^^ r.-SSSK!»5Sfe»ff«Sa»«« - TheTragicomadie Let thofc complaincjwhich fuck mifibrtuncs pap» : Who kuow nought els of vatuc but the name. Who Iccming wile,are fnar'd in foil yes traps, Whofe rafli attcnipts,brccd fwift enfuing fliame. But you hcauens d^~aaaBBrtrast3H'!»!^«s The Tra^ieomoedie Safctie may brcede ciclight,not nourifb praifcj Hardc is the way,from th'earth vnto the ftarrcs. Whiles thus our ftate,dcpcndcd on his (wordc, And thoufand thoiiiands fought his finallend: Could my true louc,in all this timcaffbrdc One quiet thought in pcrfeft mirthc to fpcnd? So many jktiIs as on earth arc found. So niany dangers as on raging fcas. So many tcrrours ail my ioycs confound. For ttuc loue paffions arc no wcakc difcalc. But is this a!l f no jmorc it more may be, Tis greater care, to kcepc,then gct,a crownc Wtuc dooth raifc by unall degrees we Ice ; Wherein a moracntFortunecaltsvsdownc. And furely thofc thatUue in grcatcft place, Wuft take great care.to be fuch as they (ceme: They are not princcs,whom fcle tytlcs grace. Our princclic vcrtues,wc fhould moft cftecme. Thclandcs on A'*pf»«fj{horcs,and beamy ftarrcs. Do not cxcecdc the number of thoft cares Which in our mindes,dopirrevp ciuill warroj And CTofle delights accountcs,at vnawarcs. La thisfiifficcthetcmpcftfoondl tcarcs The highcft towcrs,and who will mount alofte, 1 he more he dimes, the more his footing f cares: Often he flideSjbut fildomc falicth fbfte. ' What words,can paint the infinite of woo? What tonguccan nalfcthofcmiferics relate ? Which thiuidring fortunc^tlircatncd to impofe Vpon if the vertHom O^aniA* Vpon my head,at Tar c»;,but of late. When as mine eyes mought lee(though loth to fee) The l'.,nnes,with whofc cclipfc,my fortune changed: Mincownc dearc Lord.and brothajboth to be In mortall armes.againft each other ranged. Which tempeft calm'd.thc ftorme begins againc. On raifchtetcsmaincjfull faylesmifliapdoth bcarc: I know not now what doth my Lord dctainc. But for 1 know not,I know caufc to f care. To vifu him.atlart 1 was contented , And in thofc forraine coaftcsto make appealer Butmy acccflcjat Athem he preuented, Which makes me thinlcc,more then I will reucalc. And can I then with fonx)wes waight oppretlcd, Thinkc to cnamcU my conceit with ioy i Can I,that am with fortunes wrackc diftrdfed, Hope to eicapc the Ocean of annoy ? Why,thisisioj'C,to tafte no fcencc of death. Till 'dying hov/cr,hauc ftopt our vitall breath. iulu. Ti'i true delight, to know no caufc of grccfe. Although the outward fignes of ioyc be fmall : Who moft rcioycing.fcclcs that inward thccfe, A ftayned conkience findes no ioy at all. Cam. Indccdcl thinke^true ioy,a thing Icucrc , SOTini;ing tironi fountainc of a \'6 tuous mindc; Fri)iiff potlelle faith,and condicncc pure and dcarc, 7hechiefcftgood,thcheaucnshauovsafl)gndc. For as fomcweepe.that are not palling fad: ^' So many laugh that arc not rightly gkd. Gemi' Ctmlmm, Ti/im. Say worthic T//««',what rare accident. In fo fliort ume,j,the foundations lay'd. Which are the Grecian confines chiefeft grace: There, long before wc could approach thcgato Of efthevertmus OEiauia^ O fth.it faire Cit?y,wc encounrer'd were. With people of all agc<,and eftates, Who in their handcs,did boiighcsof Lswrellbcare. Some on their knees, with ioy.and wonder fil'd. Salute the Emprcfle: fome rich giftcsprelcnt. Some ftraw'd the way with flowcrs,and fomc diftil'd Their fwect pcrf umcs,along the fields wc went. Thus to the Cilty were we guarded ftraight. Where for our comming,an the ftates awaitc. There were our cycs.inixitcd to bcholde Moft fumptuous flicwes^with many pleafing fights t There did wc heare, their learned tongues vnfoldc. The mules skill, with rauifhing dcligntcs. Their lowdappIaufe,which parc'd the very skies, Extoldc OiiAutit pafi the reach of fame : And filent £ffA«, wakened with their cries. Taught all the neighbour hy!les,to bleflc her naitte. Thus frankly did two dales themfcluesbeftow, To gratifie our cntertainement there ; Whiles >#«/#»/>, who as it fecm'd did know Of our approach,and thereof ftood in fearc : Sent N/£et\yuto Mheitj,wixh all fpeed. Who to O^MM letters did conuay : Requiring her no further to proccede. But for iiis coroming'in that place to flay. For thither meant he f hordy to repajre, And thcrcftwe would not,fiic fljould vndcrtake So long a iorney,''which mought much impayrc Her hcaltb^and quictybootlcfle for his fake. B3 Sbc i The Tragtcowadie Shc,halfc ''ufpc£ling(as there was good caufc i That this w js but a pradifc of delay : Although vn\villing,yct flic made a patifc, A* one that knew not how to difobay. Inu finding all his word? to want eftcd. And Icaiig notiiing moiight his mindc- recall; 5uch thin" (,nic doth viito him ftraight dircd. As flic had broughtjto pleafurc hi n withalL Which wastwo thouiand cholen men at armcs : Great ftorc of horlcj,wonte to winne their price ; Aiuch armoufjto defend theinfclucsfrom harmcs, A richciy wrought,as cunning tou!d dcuize ; Guiftcjjto reward his bcft-deleruing friends j A fimime of money for his IbuldiCTs paye j And briefly all hir c.:r<,and ftudie bends, To iauc his wayning honor,('roni decaye. But whe Hie (aw^ouglit mought his thoughts rccbne Vnkinde.faith flic.fencclcflc of thine owiwfliamc * lie be my felfc,finc€ thou wilt not be mim.J Thus flie condudedyind away wc came Cam O peerclefic paragon ! O natures pride I FairaCabinet.where wifdomes trcalure lies, EanhsgIory,3ndt_hcheaucusbcloued bride, . Rich fcatc of honor ,vertues paradise. . , Moft noble F.mpre»Ie,praifcof wonaimiinde, Whofe faith endures toe lagq of fortunes flame: Whoft conliant truthc.and truly vcrtuous minde, Scornes fmallcll touche of iuft-defcrucd blame How naturall,aa4 vndcuidcd^arc. The of the vertHoHS OCiauidf The fparkcs of honor, in a noble hartc : Ho'.v induftrie, and \vit,may not compare. With that true touche,ouk b^irthright doth impartt Liue vcrtuous Emprcllc,myrrourof our age. Though chance didharge whole vollycs oTrcptoacfa ; With fortitude withftand proud fortunes rage. Let not deTpairc.ncarc thy fweetc tlioughts cnaoachet Timcmuft needs turne thy mouroingvntoioye, . For true delight from hence his fpring doth take: When we with patience luffcr fharpc annoyc. Mot for our merits^ but for vcrtues uke. Chorus, HEdutnt, hunrtf—re e^ttb eempUiM, H9Wwee,ye$trfr«wms0U*htsrt: fVhemdMth$HfteUrmyctt loyefcemes w$th in todmtlt, ^hJ redftmfilfeedmttit, , EdchmtrtheMfcetterimg^titet ^Jptret our iftigii^ e^re. Hew dilthingt elt vant ftimt t SceHct-folUvfingert*tmttt kg^n* KicMiJt,wlrftoUmentt /nth«m,remtrpfd$othfqfkit ^ Ktftettesofiltfcomtent, iVe (ee^dmd ^mw,htt wdrnte mr ilifi: F'iWffedtnit$/r€e4tt{leafmeimoriAUfoe) CenfoMnAs our hoj^e rfitbftatts : And fowen ourfmtete mithgaU, Thk Tyrttnt of the mihi* : By re A fatty -ant, or li^ CdM fteufr he withftoed: Thefi tt^grauste ottriUi ByjheivtHg what nnugicd, jind wjttte of that tormsnts^i mofi i Whofe wort he afpear^t m ^tng Ufi, iVtre H4tnrefai/fiy nmm'd AftefdatnetomAttktiiAtt Thdtfext, which prtdectiiftt VnferfeU ,wtak«,<*»d frasle. Could itot in worthe ^euaiie t Andtnettfofarrefurmtmtii, Wt fhould Odtxaaaifiiule, Jh fame forte to be houm'd,' She mtmet imtttortui/f^tfi*, . Whiitt he whofheuldexcell f ' J>iPtonour*d h.tth httti^ufr, . ' liudtj his weak^fjfefell, , . .iv ferdotdik/hiuiu hedotthmfene^t Jtyho ttin^^ttide imhfotmjifw^ttn^ 4>id of the vertuous Ottnuia, And Lorde Antonius, thou Thri(e woman €09 juered man: Shall Htt thy hart rfpine^ Their trtutrtfhi to adorne f Oftauiacs 'iertueififi ti:. That wanton lift of thine : AndClco^zUican, Coitimaundthyihofleuen new, jindfditte weuldlrefraine, Trem Fuluiacs /?<«ainft my Lordc brought forthc How he with vallor.nudc cuen fortune yceldc> Andchancc,awaight on well approivcd worthc. 1 was in Media,w[\cn PhrMrtes{[\xf: Great r«i// <»««»,fighting fotmy Lordc : Iftwewhcnhcoiucrigmsfromvsdrcw, • of the vertHotts O^auii. An^pjUt ten thourmd Rom^inej,to the fwoord. I was in prcfcucejWhen a fodninefeare. In blacked: horrour of the darkeft night , So much aftuniflit all that pre(cnt wcie. With fliriking cries that moughteucn ftones afTright- 'J'h.it Antony , with fcare oftreafon inooued. Made Ramnm hutnbly ftvcarc vpon his knee. To ftrikethatheadjthat head l"o much beloucd, l-'rom of his fjioulders^ when he once ihould (cc , Vncuitable danger, to lav holde, Vpon himfelfc; yet could not all ihis,quaik: His haughty courage,but as vncontroulde, He ftill procccdes.his ftoutcft foes t'aflailc. And lulling now, (um'J with the Parthian blood, Thelargeft (cores,of wrongs we did (uftainc. Thence to rttyrc, he now hath thought it good : And for a time at Bltac^eurg to rcmainc. B/ancf^iourf a Citty neere to SyJon plac'd, Vnto the which our whole Campe did rclbrtc. There he entends to ftay,and not in haftc To vifite Rconte,3s moft of them report. Oif.O whatfliould moue my Lord thus long to ftay / £yi. An others tu ng mought better y bewray. (Gid? 0//rf. Whatdoll thou know more the thou haft yet By/. Madam* no morcOi^.Why the am I difiruidc? Why doc I (ec thy (brrow»clowdcd brow, Seemc to conceafe I know not what annoy? Say Bytlim whence thofc troubled lookes may grow? b mv Antoatui lafc ? doth he auoy That The Tr4igicomadte That body free from burt,wouncl or difcaft? Doth hcyctliue and draw his vitall breath? Spcjkc, quickly lpcakc,truth cannot me difpleaft. Where now (ufpition wounds as dccpe as death. Bji. It cannot be but that y our grace doth know* For what can be conccal'd from Princes care? And further fpecch mought fcedcs of difcord fow, Betweene your highcft and my Lord I (tare, OdA.O how delay torments a doubtfull mindc. 1 know,no,he procures I may not hearc Of any thing from thcncc,v/hcreby I finde, Ahhough vnknowne yet double caufe of fcare. Then banidi doubt,and fee thou plaincly tell, Wlwt fttange occafion doth enfovxc his (by? What can Antotuu* princely minde compell. In forraine coaftcs to make fo long delay ; 5v/.Madamc,ihc caufc that made him to rcmaiiK In SyrM ,fo long time when as we went To'ards /'rf»-fA/4,is the fime that doth dctainc. His highneflc now and thus your grace prcuent. O Ar.Am 1 an Empreflc ftill thus difobay'd? And doft thou dare to dally with me ftill? 1 firft enauir'djwlut him in Syrit ftaidc. Why doft thou feare to tell the worft of ill. SyL\h\\K Ukcwifc be hidden from your grace. In humble fort a pardon I bcfcech ; That high difpleafurc gainft mc take not place, Tor what fliall be difdofed by my fpecch. 0<7<< J pardon aU«ro long as all be true. efthevertuom Oclauia, Bjf. Who doth delude let fiiarp dcadi be his due. Then if you lift the truth to vnderftand, The truth is thisahat fond Rgipttart Queene, Quccnt CUopatra doth your will withftand. And him dctaincs.who els had prefent been. oaa.^yiotctiByl.O no.worlds could not him con. To ftay this long in any place br force : (ftrainc But his aScftion is the louing chayne, That from your highneflc dooth his mindc diuorcc. oaa. What KhilUng fearr doth ftreame along theft What frozen ten or makes me ihui to quake? (vains/ What monflTous greefe.what honor.thiisconftxains JMy ftiuing hart,his lodging to forfake i Tell me,from what conceipt may this be gucft J Sjt. They liue togethcr.who knowes not the reft, Ofla. 1 n\uft belceue it fore againft my will JPj/. Hardly we credit what im ports our ill. oaa. But flow beleefc from wifdome doth proceed. £;/.But mortall wounds of prefcnt cure haue need. oa. Some fond report liath made thee felfly dcemc. Byl. I fliunnc rcport,and lightly i^efteeme. But this I fa we, when wc to S^yr$a came, ^ntonitti ftraighttoC/M^rf/rrtlent, A mellcngCT f ©«/««« was his name i Whofe fwiftncs did euen baft it fclfe preucnt. More.then wc knew not,but within fliort (pace Came C/«^i*^r<« royally attended. And met dircftly at th'appointed place. Which fat their ilay the>' had before pretended. . . Thac i^- The Tragkomcedie There did ilicy fporte a time in great exccffc Of all delights which "any eye hath (cenc, And there Antof^im his great louc t'exprefle Did Irankely giuc to this itgj'ptian cjuccnc^ rhan/as .cyprut and Cylicia, Vxcxoi -irdhm where thole people dwell Cald iV./i4/ft«4m,part <^f S>r/<» : And finding that (liccould prruailefowcll With jiutony, flic further did proceed. And bejrd 'i^art ot that land we letpry call. From whence mought be tranfportcd at hirneedc. True balmc.hM to prelerue hir gr.icc withall. This d<)nc,my Lord.to'ards P*rthtX cookehisway. Which we with Her and fworiir did wafteaod biuo^ But in thole confines did not long time (lay, Bui ftcke againe to Sanc^ourgt we returoe. From w l^nce, a poftc was fpeedily addreft. For to crnduft this CieiifMfa thither : She kindly crtndilcends to his rcqueft. Thus there they m«,and there they Hue tocither, Ofl'./.O what hart-piercing grccfe doth thf torm£r| That are thus countercheckt with riiulles louc i What worlds of horror do themfelues prefcnt, Vnto their niindcs that do like paflions proue? O ic!oiifie,whcn truthe once takes thy part, Wh Jt uiCTcj'-wanting tyrant fo fcucrc t V/lwt Syif4,vi\\3iX. Lharibditfvn impart But hafic thofe horrors which in thee appeared I'ooi .' Pluto jfih^ do wc diy rigour dtead } ' " Att of the vertuous OH.mht, All torments arc containde within my breft : ^W/fi doth whole troupes of furier Icadc Within my (bule,with endlcircgreelcopprcft. O dcfats,nowyou defats arc indeed : Your common-wcalthsarc coutht witliin my hart, Within my hart.allrauenir.gbennsdofccdc: And with mad ftirie,ftill encreatcmvfirwrt. grcefc.l tcclc the worft that thou canft doc. 1 tafle the powcrfuU force of mifchicfes pride. \ proue the worft that chance can put mc to. Thedecpeft wound of fortune I abide. But ftavc OSmha, if this be a lye: If thy dcare Lord do conftant yet remaine , Whom dooft thou wrong.is it not Amit»y \ O fault too ercat.rccall it back ac;aine. Canft thou be lo vnkinde,nay fo vniuft, Tocenfme^udgCjCondemne without a caufc? Shall flying talcs make thee fo much miftruft, Him bound to thee by Gods,and natures lawcs f O traytor palTloa.it thou could ft fubduc Thy loueraigncreafbn, what ill tTsigedies Wouldft thou foone.icle.but leloulic adiat. My Lord i8Conftant,and ihcfc arc but lyes. Did not he (wearc on that our nuptiall nay. By all the facred rights we holy decme, By thole immortafl powers which weobayc. By all things els which dearly wc cftccmc . By his right hand.by this our wedding ring. By all that mought a perfcft truthe ciucnd^ I One 1 i The Tragkomoedie One timCjOnc day.onc hourcjfhould furcly bring, Hi$lire,and loucvnto a finall end. Did not he fay.tlicftarrcs from Iicaucn fliouldfall, Thcfiflics (hould vpon the mountaincs range. And Tyber fliould his flowing ftrcamcs'tccail : Before his loucfhoiildeucrthinkc CM change But what of this ? thcfc arc but oncly words. And fo arc thofc which do his faith impcache; poore Odauia,how thy flate affbrdcs, Nought but defp.iirc to fland within thy rcache. The fc.itc of truthe is in our fecrct harts. Not in the tongue, which faKchood oft imparts. Haft back then Tyber to thy fountaincshead, Defcend ye ftarrcs,and this bafc eaith adornc, Let Ntpiunti pcoplcon thefc hillcs be fed, For Antotn is flcdifalfc,and forf\Vornc, Buttis nof fo.my Jntcny is true: His honor will not let him bafcly fall . OfldHtes name will faithful! loue renew • His Innate vcrtuc will his minde recall. 'Asfcareot torment houlds the wicked in: So vtTtucs louc makes good men loath their finne. By I. Madam, I cannot force you to beleeuc That which I fpeake.but that I Ipeakc is true, ' 1 knew too well it would your highncflc grccuc, . And would be lothe your fbrro wcs to renew j But would to God that all my words were lyes. So my difgrace moiight workeyour fvveetc contcnti Would this my fbulc mought be the facriiicc. To efthevertHomOBaitia, To reconcile his louc thus fondly bent. O vcrtue, thou that didft my good afriirr, Arrhenowmy fouleagainli proud? fortunes might: Withoutthy fuccourl may not endure, But tins ftrong tempeft will dcffroy me quite, facred lampc,pure vcrtucs lining flame, That neuer failes fwect comfort to impart : 1 fcelc thy power and dory in t he fame, I heare thee fay in dollet ofmy heart, 05rf«w,liue,and fhew thy felfe a Queenc, Tread thou my path .make confl.incy ihy guide; Let no bafc fearc within thy minde be feene, Let thine ownc footeinto no errour Aide; Make thine ownc thoughts no witncs of thy mifTe; Let thine owncconfcience know no caufe ot blames A bulwarkefVrongc abrazen wall this is. That will rerii>,both forrow.griefc and fliame. Antomm fill.his ownc dilgracc procures, His is the fliult.and on his head Oiall fall. The ftormeof mifchicfcsdcep-reuenging fliown":: When thine own vvorth.inbcaucn fiial theecnIlalU Hisis the faultjbut what'minci'! the wrongs. The errour his, but I endure the fmartj O vertue, if thou be fo pafllng ftronge. Yet once againe rcmooue this from my heart,. Why,vci tuc gricucs but at his ownc difgrace, Ahdmindes difheft.with patience doth rclieuc: With wifedomes light, it ftil dircfts his pace. And cannot fall and therefore cannot grieuc. C WcH The Tragicontoedie Well gricfcjl fcdc that thou ait gricfc indeed > but patience is a prince and muft not yccld: (acrod vcrtuc help me at my ncedj llcpulfc my foes wish thy all maftcring Hiicid. But what, I mu!t not hccre (land and lament. Thy deeds 0^7 .But doth not Syluia blufli to difanull, Hir ovvne good name,hir faith,and couftancic: r>rth not (lie feare,the wrath of heaucn to pull Vpon liir head for luch impictic / (juft, .•»i /. The wrath of hcaiien,why no, the heaiMiu are And I«(Hccyec!dc$ a man his due dcfcrt : ThenfithcIdi->noiniuric,l truft Not !,but he, for both our faults fliall fmarf. A nd tor my faithc and ccnftande . no doubt lie dea!e for that as well as others fhall : But tis mod flrange to fee you go about. To praise the thing that workes all womens foil Why conftancie is that which marrcth all. A vycakeconceipt which cannot wrongs refift, A chalnc it i^ which bindes our lelucs in thrall, AiiJgiiies men fcope to vfcvsa' they lift. * Fox when tlicy know that you willconftaHt bide, Sim!! •fthe vertHOMs OClauU , StnaW is their care,how often they do Aide. Oifyou would but marke the little mappc Of my poorc world,how in times fwift careere 1 manaoe fortune,and with wit entrap A thouland (iich as hould thefc courfcs deare ; Then would you (ay you want the arte of lode. For I fearc nothing Icllc then fuch relaps, The frowardncflc which I in men approouc, Moft troubles me for feare ofaftcr claps. And Lord,you cannot gouemcone alone. When 1 haue many fubied to my beck : 1 alwayes plea&nt, you ftiU making monc, Yon full of fcarc.they dread my frowning check. Nor do I maruaile,for this vnion breedcs A loathing rure,by nature vnto things And confiancie the minde with quiet feedcs. And fctlcd quiet fbone corruption brings. Thus ftrft we loathe.and then we flraignt waics hate. When to one obieft we cntend our mmdc : But I with choice do flill renew the ftate. Of fainting loue.and ftill new p!cafur« findc. Looke how a Bee amongft the verdant fields. From diuers flowers cxtrafts the pleafant thyme. Which well compounded, one fwect matter ycclds; So do I fpend my plfcafure-tafting time, I fcekenotgtaincsof eould in barramc ground. Nor hope for fruite.when harueft is once paft: I like not where afTeclion is not found. If any fall, I flyc from him as faft. C I And The Tragicomoedie And furcly whowilltaftcthcfwcctoflouc, Muil not bctycd vntoonc poorcconccipt; One cannot workc or halfc his praiftifc proouc, V'pon one minde which will be dulled ftraight. But there muft be an emulation piac'.j, Alongft fauouritc»as fpur of fwift dcfire: By letting one ftill (cc another grac'd. As though the on's defcrts did lb require. Two at a time 1 fcldomeentcrtaine. Nor one alone.butalwaies if 1 might, \yhilesany onetocourtme I dctaine. Some other of the crew fhould be in fight i ■Who'njonghtbehold,howfranl;ly 1 bcftow. Both finilcs; and (auours.whac it pleafcd luej Thc}' thinking this from hisdcfcrts to grow. Will rtriuc for to dcierue as well as he, Ihus 1 abound with ftore of proferrcd loue. With vowed faith.wlth prcfents and what not : A Vlien in the end one fortune all muft proouc, And all thclifauoursmuft bcclcanc forgot. C.tm. But will not nil thjr feruantsthce forfakc, To fee a tj'uall fuch high fauonr gained VV7/. U any ienlious foole a (in fete take, Tlicn thus with arte I bring him on amaine. Somccxtraordinat)' taiiour tallcs On lum vnwaresjwhich mny new fire his minJe: Orclsfbmotrully agent him rccallcs, I n Iccrct manner thereunto affign'dj _Who tcls him'^A! offricndfliip) I admire His ofthevertuoHs OShaiiia. His di{contcnt,3nd my vnkindncflc blamej How I doc oftentimes of him enquire, And ftill a figh awaites vpon his name. This way 1 fcldon faile.tillatthe laft, In follies lap affcdion hath him lull'd . From whence with freflt defire heflyes as fad. As if (poore foole) his wings had nere been pull'd. /«/.But fith thy mindc can ncuer be fb free. But that afi*e£lion will on thee lay holde: That being partiall,mc thinkes fliould be A cauL*,that others loue would (bone waxe cold. A)r/.Afreftion,no,I know not fuch a thought. That were a way to make my (ilfea flaue: I hate fubiedtion and will neie be brought, Whnt now I piuc,at others hands to aaue. y«/,But yet 1 know fomc one abouc the red Is mod bclou'djbut that you lift to ieft, Syl.\ louconc moft?I fauourjoue^nd grace, >ioil euery oncwhilcs he in prcfcncc is: Butbcing gone,looke who comes next in place, He's next iny hcart,mycourreis alwaiesthis. And if that any chance to fall away. Shall lode of him thus vexc me at the heart? No griefe.I ncuer mcane to be thy pray. My care and he together fliall depart. C««i.Of ftraying, falling, and I wot not what. So many words hatb5y/«/«« fpcnt in vainc: That timc.and truth^jnd purpoft arc forgot. To Aneortf let vs rcturac againc. I \Vc Wcfpeakc not of thy firtor$,wc complaine Of his vntriuh, that (ccond vnto none. In faitlilclncs : 9f ducty flwuld remaine, For eucr contlant Vnto one alone. Of his vnlriith,\yho hath his honor jftaiu'd. By bafe dcHluig oi hts mariage bed : Who being vowed^hd by oath dctain'd, Is fahcfoc (wofnc/cduc'd and fondly fled. A)/. Why allisone.no wedlockecancompell, Ni> Iaw,nofcarc, noreafbn canconftraine Our iDjnde5,whil«s we in natures cailcls dwell; The pleafing conrfe of nature to rctraine. Mature it fclfc dooth tnoA delight in (hange, T4ie heauens.by motjon do their muluke niakc : The ir lights by diuers waies and courfes raimge; And fome qt tl>em new formes doc aiwaies take. Their workinjj power \i neiier alwaie« onCj, And time it (e!fc leaft.conllant is of all r This earth '.vc fr? and all tliat liues thereon. Without new change, into dcftru^ion fall. Nay what is niQTe,me life of aU thcfe things. Their e(rencc,and pcrfetlion,doth confift In this fame charige, which to -all creature brings That plcafurejwhich in life may not bemift. Sith then alkrearuics are (b highly bleft, • To tartf the fweet of life in often change; If we which aie the prini.cs of the rell, Should want thcfair.e,nic thinks t'wcrc \ay Hiange. For proof*c hcercof, I need not to vnfold i ^.i Such 0fthe vertuoHs Offauht* Such ftrre fctrfit fccret8,(ccnce will make it plaine. What pleafure hadi the eye, when you bcholdc One onely obiect i is't not rather painc? What fweet delight doth charme ihe liflnw^ care^ When onely one tune it doth apprehend ? In tafteand rmeII,likeloathmg doth appeare> Whole euidence.no wit can r^rchend. Since natiue then hath framed for the eye. Such fundric coulors to delight the famcj And for the care fuch firange variety. Of fweeteft njncs,which doe our munckeframC} Such diuers nneates, to pleafc the dainty taftc; So many fauours to deiigh t that fencS) Each other part .with diuers pleafures gt'ac'd; Leaft want of change mought haply breed offence, What,flull the heart the mafler of the rcfV, Be more riflrain'd then any faungebeafl? Shall not the heart.on whom all thoic depend, Haue greater (cope then any of them all. To tafte the piealure of each pleafing friend? Faith mine hath had,and fo it euer fliall . C,i»»f.Peacc wicked woman,nayfouiemonfler peace Whofe very fleps defile the guihiefle earth: Staine of thy (exe,thy poifoned fpcech forceafe. That hath from (inne,and wickcdnes, his birth. Is't not too much to glorj' in thy finne, Ixawd creature,th« hafl ouer-liu'd all fliame f 1 mbouldning others to perfifl therein, When thou thy fclfe flioaldfl (liun and fly the famc; But The Tragicomoidie 6u muft make the he;iuens a prcfidenf, For thy mit'dccdcs, which on thy hcid will power, Etcriiall vcrjge.incv',vi)lelTc thou rcpeit. And ftay the force of mifchicfcs drcad/ull fliowcr. Thefc moouing tlijiigcs are conflam in their kinde Vnto the end for wiiich thc\' were ordiin'd: Not mut;ible like thy vngodly minde, Whofc very thoiiglits with wickedoesarc ftain'd , Our icenccs their peculiar obiedls Siauc, "Whole ftorc,and number, doth vnto vs fltcw. How rcucrcntly we fliould our fclucs bchauo, To'ards him whofe boun ty did ihc fame bcfl ow. O Chaib'.y bnglit vertucs faacd fiame. Be iicucr woman bi'.ely wanting thee, Ik ncucr woman wrong'd adorn'd with thee. Bealldilgrac'dthat mait notthy natnc. Come Juli4,\Nz haue taried hcerc too long, Sj'uia adicw in faith I wilh thee well. No honcll minde I thinke will dt)e ithee wrong, T'u punilluncni: enough to hang in helU Chorus, GFe.itfM/Je tfthisptmef^oUiufi^ime^ IVhch Jdiet Awd timis dietuJet(n U-^hcfe beauiy emer ts thefsme, ^nd sltvatet one ttbideth. Why hafl rhote(mch d man/ier mdit. which aiwaici thni ie!;eli«th: And ofthevertuoHS OSimia. And with nn» torments doth inuadcy The hexrt vhertm it dx»elUth. Affeilian ti thefduage be/^f, kVhich aiwtttet^} Annayeth: Andnentr left 9/ tttte in reff^ But fttUtmrgaoddeflrojefh. AffeSiani fawer mho canfitpf>reJlf« AndmAJler when itjinneth: Ofwerthyprdtfe defernts no lefft. Then he that l^ingdomes wiw.t/h, ^f^r* Antony 4 Pr/nce /ndeede. That (dfe4^e/H»n framed: Him to iemane we fhan/dnot need, IVtth ^iticus life de farmed. Smt thitfrdnctng ^ertnesfoe. In whom allpleafnre fhiKeth: T)ath dllour fcenettanerthrcw, sndreafan ^nJernaineth . JVha doth not iey ,v>henfrom his necl^- Theyaa^ of tonda^ejlideth. Andwtfh to line without the eliecl^. Of him that athertgmdtth? Yet what mere hard, then to ohfermtt In fitch Itcentiom f)e.*fnrt : Thejfotde* meant, vfh:ch doth notfw.tmt, Tremfaered^ertues meafure: Who l(HOV,dndfecjhe wtj effinne Befit TheTragicomcedit Befet With d.mj>eri mJmy: JetJliUftrJifi 4ndt»4ll(e thcrtm, AiMegligentaidnj, Ttit min-'e with det^ft tpifeJrmeftMgktt That nu(chiej'e» handtfckeweth: Andemitet craft dtth irm( /• riMtghf, Afftdnnsftrce fttidttefh. The hdughtj heart with etm'agt ^'It^t. That death} ^ale fare deffiftth: The Prtnct which fnrwet t7 hec§m/rtiiUi yljffdions HtPtrfttrpntftb^ Anu haniHf made ttfelfta kP'S* Our minie vtith e> nmr fatdtth: Till tpe eMrfetmi fffeft the thimg, tVhicb iurdtjIiitSun hvttdtth* The *dth oferremr,ii fig'dc'd, IVith (wenet? fecming^teafitnii At i(dtltght had therein fldf'd, Ttie (tore hnufe tf her trtajurtt. But who to firoout i he fame are htmt, infinfMlima^jtenclMde^l: Im yaine at lafl wiUfure remits ipith IhimefMil end deluded, fVhfre ^ertuei lit lie te^ tern w^ytl, Vfith diHtrs trouUtiCumlred: Direfi OHrfle;i >»/« true i. yes, Amongfithe AngeU numkied. A3ut mm OSlania* O^duid. Ctfar. A^Fcarce defirc,thc Tpring of figh« anrte(Ie, So wiidc a rjfTf.nor no L4ian coaftc. Hath cuer knowne a ^rec'^y !-yoncfle, Rob'd of the pray which (lie afFe£^ed moft, . So beyond ineafurefullof furto.is Ire, A$ is the intndc rob'd o^ hij chiefe dcfirc. deftinit>, that draw the golden twine, Which d ii\\ conduft the neuer-tyrcd pofle. Why haue you le t vridos'd thcleeyes of mine , To fee the field ot all mine honor lofti In vainc I (ought a whyle,to cure tlic wound With balme of hopc.drawne from a con(Unt tninde. But now the truth b manyfe(tly found; 1 heare.I fee,l know.l fede,! finde. The fliamcfiiU wronec, the fcojne and high difdaine Which ;;i!>'«^s>;>~/«a!»»?i!»3r»^-;^ -t-'-.-^.w?^' . The TragicopfotMe Which falthlcfle he moft falfly dooth prctcna. To power on mc whiles from dilpaire in vainc, Wim conftanr hope,m)- wcakncUc I defend, OtormcBt.wbrfc then deaths moA bitter gall: Worfc then is fo\ind in that infcrnall placcj . To fee another glory in my fall j To fte another proud with my difgracc. Why dooft thw ftay.diflreft 0<7^*/« dye. Dead to all ioycs let d eat h thy torments end. Who gauc tl)cc lifCjthe fame doth now deny : AndtoanothCThisafFcAionbentj. , Another dooth thy intereft e nioy : And yet thou liueft,and yet thpu,dooft delay^ . To calmc with death the tempcift pf annoye j When to difgracc thy4ifc dopth thee betray, r Dye dead Oti*mtA, What i aodbafcly dye ? , !, Shall I fit downc and yecld my iclfc to fliame ? Siiall 1 content my fclfe with wrongesj.not I, , ' Reucngc 6llama,Qx thou art too Uam^. Dycncuervnreucng'd of fuchawrongf - My power is fuch that I may well preuaile. And rather then I will endur? hlong, With fier and (word I will you both aflailc. My nature doth abhorre to be tl)us vfcd. My heart dothfcorncfucb monftrousiniurip My birth,niy ftatCjoifdainc to beabufcd. And I will deeply (core thy pcriurie. _jrhenorccfe^ie place a whiie vnto di(d ainc,. ^^^dcpitdc^makc thc cwinge an d flyc awa yi , And ofthevtrUiiHsOBAuVn, And dcath.withdrawthy haftiehand againc. Whiles with aduantagc I their debts repay. How now Oi3rf«>.«,whither wilt thou Ave /, Not what thou maift, but do thou what is iuft: Shall thele fame hands attempt impictic/ J may.I can.I will.I ought,! muflr, Reuenge this high difgracc,this Ctftr will, Byrthe, nature,rearon^al I require the fame. YavcrtuewiUnotbauemctodoilJ., ' " Teeld,aIlthingsyceld,toi;'ertues(aCTedname. : How thcn?euen thus;with paticnccmake thcejfil-ong, The heauens areiuft,let them rtucngc thy wrong. Crucll to mCjfcKt-wronging ^»/oi»)i, ThyToUie (hall not make Oddw^t (inne He be as true m vcrtuous conftancie. As thou art falfe and infamous therein. He be as famous for a vertuous wife. As thou notorious foi fo Icawd a life. Cdftr. As is a fweet pearlc dropping (Ilucr fiiowre. Which fomc milde cloud down (rom the (hadie skte Vpon thcparchcd fliowric fields dooth power : Such is 0S4uiaei fight to CAfsrs cj'es. Hath /<^«im»uailcgaind the gouldcn fleece, Oi: hath 0£iduU faild of hir entent ? Is ^»re«ji within the bounds of Cr«*tf*, Or dooth he ftay at B/anetf^our^ njalccootciit } 0<7. CdjArfhow my now difbatlcd minde Vnites it (elfc to render worthy thanks: Butwoeisme,aoway,nomeanesltu)de, .i No « The TragteontaMe No hope to hide ^nromui lufttul prankcf. I him bcfought.by all that words might C\y, By this fame ring that knit the Oirdi.in knot: By all the rights part on our wcddini* day. But all in v.unc,tor all is now forg* >t" Lookc how (bine proude hard narted mighty rocke. Which makes the Tea a mirroiir for his face*, Rcpcll's the waters with a churlifli ftroake. Which milddy ftriuc his body to imbrace : So his indiir-ttc tninde reiefb my Words And rudely makes mc and my hopes forlorne , His flinty heart naught but rcpulle afibords, And my de(erts retumc me naught but fcornc. C^tf.ir.Wetc not O/ttiMi.i precious in my fighr, Whoft will withftood what I did moft dei^r<'- The bloudy lynes had not been now to wrighie» Of luch raiengeos his lea wd derds require. But worthy branch of braue Od/tuiMi lyne. In C*f.iri thoughtsliue and ptcdominate: Yours is my kingdome and what els is mine. My (elfe,my (ceptcrand my royal ftate. Then fith I euer graunted your rcqiieft, And let you prooue al meancs his loueto winne ; Since you and we in vainc bane done our bell. To ftay his looteoutof the finckcof finncj Now for my fjke.if I mav ought preiiaile. For dead Odjmut neuer (bined worth : fox deare .<* hariaet lour and your aua le. Ejccufc no more his faithlcfncHc henccfoonh, Tceld of the verttioui OFlnnia, Ycdd but to thisjiue hccrcand banifli care, Forget his name that tray tor-likc i«: fled : Line like a Qiu:ene,rcmcmber who you arc. And let me roufc him from his Lcmmnni bed. I.caucyou this houfc of his,an \ what is his. Stand of ycur fcllc fince he cr.tends your fall: Diflioncr not yAur name with others mifle. If loue caqnot recall him terror fliall. O/?. Diihonornot my name! O CxfUr no. My nuil-ric is not of th it d. grec : VVrouglit by my follic op foix'd bv n^y fee. Which niought attribute that diQraa- to me. Tis painc,nn;i gicrre.to bearc and fuTor wrorc;, Butflia'-noap.dljiincto liim that dooth the fame: True patiincc can ;TiiM!y fiiffpr long, Where rajjc and furic do our Hue? defame. Tis'fqrtitii Jc which fcornes the f orce of wrong . And tcmpf IT ncc not to be moou'd withall : Tis conOande makes vs cor}t^mu5jtronj». And wi Idom s'\vork(no free outf chjcTTrom thrali. "IfutTHm wrong'Jvou u)',and tisbaK: fcarc. Without rciiengc to fuflirr miuric : If; cowardizc vnworthy wrongs to beare. And madiief^c to giue way to trecheric, Well thcn,rencnge,but what? Ofiauidfs wrong. Ofwhom ? o^A-ttony. And who is he ? Ah my dec re Lord, that will retumc ere long. And hate his fall, and be mort true to mc. If not, lie then rcucn^e^but how ? with death ? , The TragicontcedU ^ He is my fclfc,his grccfe procures my paine. With fpoilc and lortc I O no that were notgOO^« Ey ccrtaine lofTc to hope for doubtful! gainc How then f be fallc as he is moft vntruc. One wound doth notan others balmc procure. Flame is oo t q uc nght m\h (iaine ,h\it both tcanC A double force not cane to end urc. Whence fprings rcucngc?from malice atid difdaioa Then fpcakc notof it^iar itfs^vainc. Earth open firftthiCcmd^idcdlavrei, • And fwallow mc in thine .infernall wombci Eare willingly Ifwarue from vcrtucs lawes, Trathc my loucs childbed was^truthe be his tombc. (J.tf. Were ytntonj as i oyall in his louc. As he is falfc.forrwome,and fondly beot: Then would I thinkc it rcafon to approouc. And highly prrii(c your vcttuouscntcnt, . Buffith he wiliiuelv doth j-ou fbrfakc , And wilfully pci/irtes to do vi wronc : High honor ciooth require our iivoras to take, Moft iiift rcuengc.which we may not prolongs 0<7.His falfhood dooth not malice raife in mCi But rather (Iiewcs how frailc nuns nature is: An argument which bids me carefull be, Leaft I my fclfc (liould Iikewifc do amilTe. C«/. Can my pafwafions then no whit prcuaile ? Can my requcft no thought of ycelding findc ? Can you eftcemcof him whofe truth dooth faile? pThocarc few women of 0<74iH/<<«iatad«* of the verthoHs UuMUa, Vcfa.Tao few I grant,and therefore am I fach. And though alone, yet will pcrfciicr ftilJ: We imitate the multitude too much, Moft do.as do the moft ,and moft do ill. Thcjjumbcr of the vmucnisji/pjmall , Tfiatlcw dcligRt to tread that lo^ncly waj[ : But wifdomes hclrcis arc iealious of their fall- And thinke it fhamefull all fliould goc aftray. A vcrwouj aft (cemes ftrange in fome mens fight, Becaufe they fcldome faw the like before. But noble inindes are carefull of the right. And others errors make them fearcthe more. How fencelcfly we flcepc in follies bcddCj. How few there are indeed ,Trow all would Cectac Wife,honeft,iuft,how fondly arc wc led. To vfc that leaft which we do moft cftccmc? Then ought a prince to fearc much more then any: Leaft hi<; fault oe a prefident to many. Cdf. And is it vertue then to be mifuied ? Ofld, To giue no caufc why wc (hould be abufed. C^. Do but conient,Ileaftandbearethe blame. 0£l^. To giue confcnt to finne, is finne & (hame. C4^. Aod is it finne to punidi leawdneflc thcnJ 0//rf.Sinne to cxultc vpon repentant men . C^ut he pcrfifts in hatcfull trccherie. Off, True lone may fpring from pardoned inlurie. C/.How may they louc, w ho worlds of diftancc part? Oiha He is not far thats lodg'd within the heart. C.f .But timcj^d ab(ence,will confumc all loue. - rl'J^ Tht Tragic omceMe 0rcft contained, "WuliiJKttU6Zcalcofvatu«louccnfl:uw'd, • Wc ofthevertHOHs OBaitia, Wc maybe dcad,but liuing ncuer ftainci, Wc may be wrongd,but ncuer rightly blam'J . C4/rWcl,for your fclfc proceed as you thinkc befl:: Time and the hcauais,muft fee thcfc wrongs rcdrcft. Cxftr. T'tt'im. PUnc$ti. Great pecrcs that ftriuc with wifdoms laacd £une, Tooucr-liucall humaine memory: Shew mc,for what ctitcnt you hither came. What caufdc you to raiouJt from Anttnj i Tit, By our accellc wc nothing dfc entcnd. But humbly to befccch your maieftic : Vndcr your gracious f luour to defend. Our wrongcd*fclucs from hatcfull iniurie. Proud C/tffl/.j/r.ijiEgypts aaftie Qaecne, Rules ^»/«»7,and wrongs (he carci not where : • So infblcnt hir late attempts hauc been. As no pride-fcorning Romame heart can bcare', S!ie is become our Quccncand goueinour. And we whoft courage fcares the force of no man: By feuilc bafcnclTc of our Empcrour, Mud be content to ftoope vnto a woman. Cj/TWhat Angel QuKn rules thofc Nj!eUh coafls, Whofe bcautic can fo ou4 ' Be The Tragicon7(gdie Ec ncuer Rcmiflnes fb diigrac'd as wc. Kut for hir artificiall ornaments. For pompcfor pridc/or fupafluitic. For nil excdFe that folly reprefcnt5: She dotivcxcecd the height of vanitic. Kir runne- burnt bcamic cannot plcafc his fight. That hath a minde with any icafon fraught ; But'tis hir Syren tongue that dooth delight, Hir craftie Cyces wit which hath him caught. As when from Athens, Niger madcreturiic. And d;d relate th- Emperehe cntcnr. Which hb ofpurpofe had in charge to learAc; And bA hir princely guifts to him prefcnt. And further did with truth difcoucring wordcj Odar:/acs well defcrued prailes frame : An argiinaent which to that Quccne affords, A furious b'aft to raiic a Icalioub flame. Then did flic nothing vnattcmpted leaue, Thit art mouglit fra^ne, or wit mought wtll dcuiz." Which aiought his niinde.ofrcafon quite bcreaue : Andthus fli^; firaighl began to 5;rt»i^. Sheepine; hir body with the want of food, Th«t fhc mough: fecmc to languifli for his fake : And by hir "elturcs would be vnderiiood, Eowfrom hisabfcnce fire hir death fliould take. Hir aecpc lamenting lockcs fixt in his face. In filent tcrrnes prefeiit r.n carncft fiitc : As who fhould lay.O pitty my hard ca(c. Whom violence of pafuoii nul^cth rajitc Hien oftheverttiousOciama. Tlien would flie fland ofpurpofe in his waj'. In any plac*: where he f]iould palfage make; And there as though vn willing to bcwrav. What bitter gricfe fhe inwardly did take; Downe from hercj'csdil^iisa Chriflall tyde. Which at his commmg fhc would dry a^ainc. And fodainly would turnc her head a flde^ As though vnwillingto rcucale her painc. Thus in his prefence raniflied with loy. She fmiles . and f]aewes,w!iat miith flic can deuizc: But in his abftnce drowned with annoy. She feeines to take her life from thotc his eya , Then Mcercmaid -like his fccnces fhe inuadcs. With fwceteft ne£tarof afugcred tongue; Vnto her wi!l,fhc cuer him perlwadcs, The force of her words witch-craft is fo ftrong. Then came the kcnell of her flattering crew. Who largely paint the Pcorv of herd^ath. Like feede Atturneys they her flite renne. And hunt 4»fmiui fpirits out of breath. Wherewith' aflayl'd, he likca man enchiunted. To make her know flic need not to niifdoubt him : Or like, to one with fome m.td fury haunted, Affembleth all the people round about him. In that fayrc Citty roy^lliz'd by fame. By that great Macedonian mo:urke builded: Of whoin it tooke beginnirijj,birth and name- Where on a high TnhutAl' leate which yielded, A large profpc^,wcre plac'd toochayics of goUc; One W^!^- wm ^m^^fw The Tragicomoedie One for himfelfe,anothcr for her grace. And humbler fcates which mought her cluldr e hold. Of fuch like mcttall,in the (clfc fame place. There he eftablifht C/eopatr^,Qwxne C^&gipt, Cyfirus,znd of LiJJa: And that his bounty mought the more befca\e. He ioyn'd thereto the lower Syri4. Ce IJtour all Th'exampies of the moff. in 9aiaf, T .T 7 Hat gmlJedhditei efjfnae^ Y Y^ Doelfdl procure our mijfe : Whichmoft doe take le.tfl care. Toanchoreonthecoajie, Andfeeke our fattiest o tVMtie, Where f.icred^ertuet are. Irom theyr'entendedkijfef Swiete Syrerry:^m£ tOTiguet, Eum naturiifetfe doth draVt l» flattery mofl expert: And force yijliU to fitdt: Whsft tllperfwadingfongeii And Violate the Ux», Ourfcences doeperuert. Whfch le.ifiu mal^s our^utde. Andrntminturiottsdeedt^ Ofpleafuresive aloive. Doecaufe^itodigrtjfe: Which die our thraldom hrmg: Our errour furj breedes^ W hen ft aruelinji \>grtue »iw. When m-priges our mindes opprejfe. (dfffrefi. Jifiarcely iudpda thta^- Theft! treafoH wtrJ^ng mafet, fttUvftrke-oi^r great The one apoore coaceipt^thi otherprooit'da I\i>m» Ex.tmplei make 0/ bolJe, iftktt h befofheete, To tread the doubt full way g To tre.tdthepath ofjinne: Which toe before were tolde. Androexceedinj^ meete^ Wotldlead^t^uiteaftray. ^ We (hiuld not u'iilke therein ; w. Ottatursr/ioft^fslfjndet Perfh^attons kindly mooue, And winners te dot tU: That prooHfsvfeakerexfons foCi Whofe poyfon when we promt , O reafon too 1 00 hlmdc , Wtpoyfinedyloue itftitl. Thatcrojftth ndture \o. But iniury moreftrong. Tht ce ma I- ft ductn^foes^ Doth fiercely 9i incite: CouJuil falfe errours tratne: Bjfujfring to doe wronge^ Mtjleading mofl ofthofe, Which lotgetfuUof the right, -.± '- - - jut The Tragicomosdte Ml theft thrice ^trtuous ^eene,aJfMe thee with (their mi^ht, Wht can ^ule deeJes Jtfpifi, jtnd flattering ttnrHes ntcleil: Jl '$:h m.tlice temfori^e, ^s telle At yjie dot h Aire/l. Giu'- hi»i theLtwrellcTcwne, Ttirmphitmt 'i'l^tri vfeare: The tytlci ofrenowne. Which Kurtuis menarl^J hedte, yirnlthoM mo^ glorious qutcnt^ Thtfe tr Ay tor foes rcpell: That ^ertue may befeene, in that your fexe to dwtll. AndhraMly ^aunt thj worthvhert he moji hafehffet^ Oiljtuta, Meeeends. jtgrij,fa, C*f4r, YOii Iiaiiglity Lor Js,th.it bury doathjund fate. In liuins: momiments of loUy tame: \Vlto(c wortliv praiff Jotli clninic the boundlcs wherewith ctCTiiity joth Ma/c her iiiinic. (date, Cianll whom riiit- y u thdc torcc^ in (i:fh halk? Ciinrt wl^otn lead you this d:uip,cr thrc.tningpowcr? X)oth hatciull i:,tnTiitali)0\}x contiiv.s vvaftc? Cr ofthevertHOHs Otl attic. Or Brennut fword yourliues fcekc to dcuourcr No no my t,orJs, this your concca'ld dcfionc, Ilcfbundiog Echoes c;f moft Ikangc debate: With traqikc tydin]2;cs HIl 'd thcfe cars of mine, 1 hat powr'd on mc the fturme of all yotir liate. Neuci- fince princclie handc ofSy'.uias fbnnc, l.niiic the foundations of thcfc fuitely towers: I'Jid Hiarjic mifchauncc ^o nitich cdyps the funnc, ()l our !»ood fbrtunCjWidi f.ich fitall lowers. Bur iUh;it wiftdonic cuer found a place, Within your fculcs.whichbc.iuiifiLS your praifl*: Now flicw the (I inic,and Hiuc from high difgracc, Our bleeding lionor.and dcatti breathing ioyes. You know liow bloud maintaincs the life of warrcs, As doubttull as dcarc bou?ht the vidory : Mans defliny is ckiiii'd by vnknowne ftarr es. To happy ioyes or mournfull mifery, Ifyou trniniph.you conquer notyour foes, lUitncighbois,kin(ciolkcs and your dcarert friendes } W'hofe wounds bleed lhamc,and deep hart-pcircing I nflccd ofconqucil this isyouramendcs. (woes, But ifmy Lord obiaine t!ie 1 iwrell wreath. And formncfmile on \i\\w with like fiiccclle: . What fatall tempelh.l luioiis rago will breath. From his iicarts caue,your felucb may eafily giicflc. You know when touch of honor win£;<; his mindc. What lyon thoiigl its tyre on his haughty fliulc . \\ here wronged valour raignes tis hard to Hade, Siiclipittyas mav honors pride coutroulc. Th.c:i ■:^M:^%^iiA'^f!^!^i- The Tragicomoedie Then fithyour courfc to looJe vour (clues is bent. To loofe your lines or purchafe lining iliarre: Let \vifedonies eyes,blinde crrours faults preucnt. With ca(<»a rparke,\vith painc is quenchta flame. Be aduocatcs for me to Cxfkrs grace , And ftop in time the current of his hate^ Let gendc pittic in your mindes finde place, Whcu fwoi ds haue pleaded,wbrds wi! come too late You know my fortune eucr hath been fuch, Asd.izeled Eauies eies with honors fliinc: But fince ^ittcniHs hvith augmented much. This (bueraigntv'.nnd great cftarcof mincj Since nnture,fbrtunc,birth and maiefty. In fields of glory ftirrevpciuill vvarres. Which of them moll fhould niifc my dignity. And lift mine honor neereft to the ftarresj Since thefc two Emperours whole princely hands, I)oc i'w.t^ the fccpter oit\vtRomdint ftate: The que my brotiicr,Iinkt in natures b.mds, Theother is my fpoufe and louing mate; Since heauensthemfeluesdi'^ in my lifeprouidc, To flicw the map of their fchcit^'cs: This noot/'f my 1 ords and.all the world befide, ' "i JMake me the obicd of their wondring eyes. Thus I that was more happy then the reft. And did excell in glory and renoune: , With more then moft difgrace fliall be fuppreft, No fall like his that fallcth from a aowne. And that which nature grantcs the mcancft wj'ght, ^ of the vertHOHt OBama, They cannot loofc which haue the conqucfl wonne: Yet with this flrangc T)ylemi7:4 workcs my (pight. Who i'euer winne O ^Auii is vndon e. Great Empri:fTe,this brigiitfunne can witnes wall. So can thcfe heauens before whofc powers I ftand: That gainft our mindes C C«/.Shal he be prais'd that is become our foe, Stainc of our name,foi!e of the Ramaint ftatc- A rerujle man, conuiuer of our wor. And from all honor doth degenerate? Nay what is mote,tis faid hcooth pretend. To workc our ruine.and our fatal end . OJ^.Can foulciufpition thco^and fai{c report. In of the vertnoits OSl^uta, In wifcdomcs confines holde fo large a place : That it can foylc our reafon in fuch fort. To fly the good,and worke his ownc difgracc? The auncicnt Romamei wont to draw thar fwordcs, To purchafe honor, of their ftouteft foes: But you whofe groundes are vaine furmized words. By fccking honor,fliall your honors loofe. Fame hath r^o wings.thc one'of falfe report : The othet hath fome plumes of vcritie j Why then fliould doubtful rumour,rairea forte Ot mortall hate.againft my Lord and me. Suppofchcr^isdasyou hauedone,a power: Hj to defend, not to offend his triend, The heaucns forbid that any fatall hower, Should your proceedings turne t'vnhDppy end. Vnhappy no,he ncucr talk? amiffc. That foilcs his foe before his final ende: High honar.noi long life, the treafuic is. Which uoble min.ies without refpcft defend. OZ/.The prize of honor is not alwaies bloud. Crf.Tis honor all whofe end imports o\ir good. 0//.0 wretched llate where men make hallc to dye. C.«.True valour fecles nor gricfc nor mifcry. Oil. Vic is your brother, be not then vnkindc. C. By all the rightes tltat louing mindes hold dcarcj Lay amies afidc difmiilc tliis puifant hoafl. Let friendly trucerdcafc my miude of feare. If not.ilc drownc my hfcin thefc fametearcs. And tyie with plaints the Pandimian birdes ; Tyre iWHaleionei^'i^ gricft tfiat beara To high a flraiiie,for higkefi ctyraing words, lie make the funtw forpitty doath his ftecdcs In fbrrows Uucij'jand djfdaine your fight; Force niggard Piuto with my wofuU deeds. To entcrtainc my fijules difgra:ed flight. Fife will I flie and llirowde my t'acc from fharoe. Where /'^W*^/ hides his head amongflthe ftarrcs: Or where ambitious 0/Aw,wanting flame Of heauenly lamps,thc cloudcs rwiltiriotion battel. Ought will I doe,bcfore thcfCjCies behold Death's vifTage painted in tfiat pdncclicface: , Before ile fee captiuitiejay holdc On thofe faire lims.vvhich merit higheft grace. Before ilc fee their bloudic weapons drinkc, Th e n e ilar of thy lifc,ot luovic flain'd, Ei* Witli i ►•s-«S'i 'iiBK** was* i %':.. F, The Tragic m cedie Wkh vgly gore : O let mc ncuct thinkc. Or hope uU then, to hauc this life rriaintain'tl. , Bcforcthat timc,dcath is a welcome gucft To my hues lodging : and O lifters dcarc. If cucr pitty dwelt in dyrefull breft. Draw not my threed till that ncwcs'pcirce ntinc earc. How oft when fkcp inuitcs my drowfie ej'e, With natures curitenjf: "Th'^rribafragc of his plcafure to prcfeot. Before p/.Fiuc hundrcth faile of warlike ftiips he brings," Wherewith the froathing Ocean he (cpures : And in his drmy are eight forraignc Kings, Eight Kings in pcrfbn with their mighty powers* A nuodred thoufand well arm'd foote^arcled Vnder t^niJius their chicfc gencall: I'wcluc thcu/and horfc molt ilrondy fumiHicd, Ali of the vertuom OHaaia, All theft arc knowne,and knowne thcfc are not all. C<«/. How new my Lords,is thb thinkc you a ume. To talkc of clemcncie f or oi delay t Is not this mifchiefe in his chiefcfl: prime. Before we could the (peedie (pring bewray? Whatfaith OcJauUto theft tidingsftrange, ' Arcourconiedures vuonfalfliood grounded f Can tiiis fuffice your (ctlcd thoughts to change ? i Are not our Hues with mifchicfes Ocean bounded? Odfa. Had I (b many tongues to paintmy woes. As euer flient night had Oiining eyes: Yet could not ail tbcir eloquence di(clo(e, The thrcwes of grccfe which do my minde fiupMSC But would to God.this world of mifcry, Mought preftmiy be trebled vnto me : So that firam imminent; calamiiie, . My dcereft brother C*//«r mought fac free. For me,long fincc I wel difcern'd the {tormc. And fuught by all meanes how I mought preucnt It: But fith no wit ciw Antony reforme, O 'tis not Ijbut he,ihatwl repent it. i fcar'd the ftrokciirforc I felt the wound, Buf now re(blu*d the vvorft of chance to bide : True forntudc doth in ray foule abound. My honor Icomcs the height of formnes pride.. The worft that can befall me is but death : And O how ftvcetcis his liufs facrinze. On vertues altar that exprcs his breath. And in the armcs of innocencic dyes. [ The Trfigicciradie They ondy fcarf,and oncly wretched are. From whofc bad Ikics ftaind with impictic : Their dying fame doth to the world declare, Mort fliamcfull ftories of foule infamic. But thofc that know notjict them leamc in mc •" That vCTtuoiu mindf can nexicr wretched be. €df. My Lords, 1 wil yec prcftntly prodaimc Markc Antony, a foe vnto our ftate: That all his foucraigntics yec ftraight rcclaimc. And all his dignities annihillate. We will not (ce the Romame Empires fliinc, Byanyftruileraindctobedefamed : To manage fteelc our nature dooth enclinc. Of womcns wanton toyes we are afliamed. And therefore with fuch ha ft.as maybe-fit, A matter that imports our deareft bloud: Wecle meet ^»/ij»/«*Jf the hcaucns permit, And what we {ay,there will wc make it good. Adicw 0*dioy .• Powre (L>w/te whole tentfe^s ofdttnoy, jtnithat which ft much more, Loo.^e what ive beft do deeme ; Djth ^ex our mindet more forty Then that wee leajf efietme. And that which nature faith U bejl : By trjiillyeelds -vsfnalkfl reji. Who dooth not wi(h, to weave The terrour breeding cfowne .• And direfuU fcepter beare. At badge of high renof*fie? Tetwho ntort tufily da cempLt'ine^ That they the brttnt ofw«eifitfiaine. SiAni ■^''^ Tlye Tragicomoedie Sundvfhtfe ftflfcrme. In highefififftne fUce : Though grea: their Jiioriel>e, Tet greater then dil^race. Amlxoho(o(ulit«d te mifehance : As thffe whom fortune doth ddi*4»ce. rhefe iafc earth-creepi/tg mates, P, oudemtte neuerjpjet : When at the greate/i ^atet, HfrpojfMedjM'tferflyes. Each tempen doth twmoyle tht feas : Tf'hen little lakes hane qu/et eafe. 2^?t t!iofe that are hedight, IVith b:4rn!fljt g'lfleringgould, JVhcfepompe dcthj7eal« ourjigkt, JViH) n'onder to behoulde : T.tfi fma'left fweet ivirhout mne^j^aule: Norfttdi truetcyei wsthmthsii call. ThtsdidtLe heaueni imfyfife, NottljattU^ are ^n'tujl : But for to piimjhth3\e. Who glory t» tht'sr lufl. jl»d our mifdeeds prccure lulsa, Geminnf. Camilla, rj Ath Gemmw beheld rh'/^igyptian Qucfne, ■*- ■'The audor ofthctroi^jlcd worlds diitrcdci' Haft thou hir guifts and rare pcrfciTiions fccnc. That makes /*«tr>M/M# fcciices thus digrcflc i Tell vSjis fhc ici admirable faire. That Italy hath none which may coine nigh hir? Doth flic all beauties elfe ^o much impaire. Or els indeed, dooth onrnall fame be lye hir \ Hauethofchiicj'es fo rare an influence, To liouldc and captiuate men; llncesfb. That foyling wit,3pj reafons heft defence. They raiiifliedjmufl: needs thernfthiei forge* ? Ge>n.\ know not what may fecm faire in yoiu fight^ Bccaiifc fomc like vviiat others di fcommcnd : Buc The TragicomceMc But for my felfr^and if I iudge aright. Speaking o£Clec^atra as a trend. The fdirell thing that in herin.iybc fccnc: Isjthat flic is a Ladic and a Qucene. Madame, that fun-burnt coart, ycelds not a face Which with the Ramatn beauties may compare : There mought be found a thoufand in this place j Whofc naturallperfe£tions arc more rare. /«/.How parting fttange it fccmes that Jntmy, Should leaue the paragon of natures pride : And follow hir whofc fliamcfull laxutic, Dooth make the world his folly to deride. Whence (lionld ii fprir.g.thatluch athing fltould be?. Is this his folly,or the hcaucns decree ? . > Cam. His fault no doubt, & croflcth natures lawcs. lul. And I thinkc nptjfor nature is the caufe. By n?.turc W/c arc moou*d,nay forft tolouc : And being forft,can wc refill the f ime ? The powcrtull hand of heaucn wc wretches proouc: Wiio ftrike the flroke,und poore wc,beare the blame. C^w.Louc fure.fro nature tooke his birth by right. But loue of what ? lul. Of bcautic loues delight. CamAni what is bcautic? /w/.fitrt fay what is loue? Cam. I^uc'sa defire of what doth liking moue . , y«r.t>cfircdoth fpring, fro what we wifii, and want, Dooth loofc himfclfc in winning of his taint : fenioying dooth that humor quite fuppiant. And therefore cannot this loucs nature paint. If loiic were a defuc, as you do guclTc, Sitk cfthevertuont OBaUia. Sith none defires that which he doth enioy, Wc could not loue the thing we do poflcfle: For why,enioying,would our louedeflroy. But this IS falfe.and you haue iudg'd ami(T<:. Cam.Svesk you the trutli.whofc iudgmcnt better ij. /«/. I thinkc this loue a deepe affection fure. Wrought by th'inftinft of natures hidden mi^ht. Which in our hearts an vnion doth procure. With that which perfed ftcracs vntoour fiohr. Such is thatlouc which in vsdoth arifc. When fumc nothing fairc, whom we mud needs afTctl, Though rcA(on,wit,and ail the world fay no. C<*w. And what Ihould be the cauil" of all this fame? tu(. I thinly; bccanfc wc lodge ir. natures frame. Look how the Loadftone draws nought els but ftccl?, Though matals far more pretioii< arc about it: Yet this as his fit fubiect fcemrs to tcclc His power attractiue,and mooucs not without it. Or as in diuerfc ^fti uments we (I'e. When any one doth rtrike atuncd firing : 'iTie reft which with the fame in coiwrord be. Will fhew a motion to that fcncclefl'c- thing j When all theotha neither ftiire nor playe^ Airhough perliaps more miificill then they : So .ire our minds .in (i^ght of reafons nav, Straiii'd with the licnt of natnres (yrr pnihi;? : Whofc powafull force, no witj no arte^can ftay. And of the veftuoKi OElauia, And ifyouaskc a farther reafonwhyt In thcfe two thing«,but fhew the caufc of both : A nd then ilc tell you why we Ioue,and loathe. Now.if the power of nature befo ftrong That ctien Icnccleffe things yceld thcrcvnto i why flioidd wc endure Co great a wrong. To bcarc the blame of that which othersdoc. What lining man can ccaftc himfelfe to be. And yet as poHlblc as to rcfraine. From that whereto our nature dooth agree : And fpight of vs, doth v$ thereto conftrame. Who can be angrj' with the fcencclcftc ftcelc, For dcauJng vnto this hard-hatted thing.' Or blame tHat which can neither hcarc,nor fccltf. For nioouing to the other (bunditjg ftiing.' 1 f thcle may be excufd by natures lawes : O how mu.fi more fliould we be free from blame^ Within whofc tender hearts aftcdion drawes. Such da'pe ca radars leading to the fame. CWw. I s bcautie then, folc obicft of our louc? Jj»/. That which fcems fb,doth our artedion mouc. Cam. I cucf thought that vertuc had been bcft. /«/.We praifc that moft,butyctcftcemeJt leaft. C-«.M'hydifeftemd, whofc worth is fo wcl knownc. /«/. To flirw that vice the world hath oucrgrownc. Ca. The name isoften hard in each mahs mouth. /«/ The thing more mre then E.ngles in the foutli. C/iT he thing contcmnd can we the name cfteemc? /«/, Yes al! t! lat arc not Inch as all would fccmc. F Rut The TragkomotdSe Butfiihthisistjicbcauticofthemincte, And nothing iiisournaturalldifcourfc; let \s cxcuios for Antom:ts finde, And to our former purpofc hauc rccourfe . Cdrn. No [ttlt.i^ no,your harueft is too ibiv, For fuch a fiinplc croppc as you rccciue : lou may not tlius pcriill thctruth to wron^, And witli your vvit.thc world fcckc to dccciue. But Lord how willing arc wc to inucnt. And findc out coucrts to obfcure our finnc : As though to hide the fanic^and not repent, Could vs prcfcruc from bein^ drownd therein. Tistrue,tliat nature did the(c buildings frame. Andtrue^that they to natures power are thrall. Andtruc.thatimperfedions foylcthefame. And true.that we by n;jturcs weaknelTc fall. And this is mie.that Gcxiynnatured all'. And g.iuo vs wildomc to (^jpprclTeour will : lie gaue vs pcrfeft rcafon to recall, Affe!i\icns /coutes from followin;v what Is ill. Why wc are men : and this s hath fcnt : His dying fbuic vp to t!ie hcaucnsi bop? . And IS he dead ? JJ)/. J hs better part yet liucih. But to his corps a loivbc Iwcct quiet "jucth OcKt.O poore /'rtfwt/^/Wjnow IfecIcthy^aijK^. Greercsgrcrdic \ uluirc feedes vpon my heart: Vpon my head a flio>verofmilchicfe raines. And all the heaucns conclude to worke mj fmart. O my Antoniui^ my Lord^my Lord : O that Ocl.tuiu had been Uainc for thee ; O that the hcaucns would vnto me aSfifd, That this my bioqdmpught thy li^^^|i|a^)fomt'fce. Mine was the wound thou gautft tbat1^^j|}j^Jcll, , That purple flrcamc extraAedfrcni.q^ylicart; , In my dtcpc padions is tjiy dd.ul).exprHe her homrftngeth. FnderagloriouifheWy A m i)nument rpofi rure. Theeet : Tht garUnd li mofl mettt. Far (itch M n'lnre the fame -y Thy ^ettuebefl dcfnTMcd. TVl'iles anyffMke of worth , Doth lid^ein womambref}: Thy^ratfe among the r- . j^- Bidnocrhofclliowtiipc^siaffure ..::r::. A ncucr changing IpQeJ '. d.. -t" Did not that pCTiur* :-~.dt'j;-. And that diflcmbltngjifcart relent. With too much loue lurpriz'd? O dtire Offau/4 (didft i(k5u fav) Though i OHauial Though Yfe. muft parted ba But for a timc,yct that ftjlill time Secmcs thoufand yecre to mc . When I from thcc flialbc rcmou'd^ From all ioycs 1 fliall part; , I'et fiarthefl when 1 am rcmou'd^ With thcc (hall reft my heart. Then fwcet tike thou no care for mc. But (ighcs and tcares nccle^l: And fliortly if thcheaucn permit, JMy (a(creturnee.\pcd. Hccre would I haue rcplycd fainc. When griefe me tongue did ftay.' And al my words dilolu'd to tcares, Whiles thou didft part awayj, Shall I expcft him that cntcnds, ,To ftc mc neucr, then f' O deep dcceipt I b fraudc! 6 guile ! O fainc dirtcmbling men! What hanor,wonh,or hontfty. In him what pitty were. That being mine without rcmorfe^ Could thcfc abufes hearc i But thou thy felfc,my Loid,to be The agent of my painc : O how can words but make thcc know, Thcgricfc that I fuftaincf The golden pyllers of thj' youths Did promifc vnto me: The ouilding of cnfuing age. Shoul« Should better furniflit be. Hov/ mought 1 but conccitie,«vhaC caufe Moiiolit thcc hcercto compclh Vnielle my (clfehauc been the fame. In louing thee too well. What bcauty,pleafurc,w^1th or Wi% So rare doth Nsltts breed .■^ , . Biu Tyher may rhercwith compaw* If not the (aine exceed Some fond atl'cftion hith bcwitcht, Thv Princely niinde I feare: O'that I could my doubtful thoughts^ From furh fufpition clcare. What is thcrciw morcpowcr»oiforce^ In vertucs (acred (hicld; But noble mindcs m^ft bafely fell, A nd to affcdion yccld ? Or was this fwect carcplcafing word. But placed on thy tongue i, . And neuer planted in tby heart, Still nurft with poifon llrongc. No fuch inordinate affeftcs, • In vertuous mindcs haue pl*ce; Tme noble hearts can not iradure. So mighty a difgracc, . ,, He is no prince that fubicdis, ; ;; , And iubicift vnto hnnc; But flaue-bornc witches *thqr arccalFd, Which do delight therein. Vaine,fooliflilblinde,viipuic, G* Cilhonelil; That t!ioa (b obicA arft To fell thy fdfc for ftorc of earth. Which can no worth impart. The bafcft thought that any tnindc, Vpon the earth may hauc Is f cruilly to makp it felfe. To any thing a n.iue. And by how much the thing more vik, "Which doth our liking moouc .• By Co much morc,morc obiccl he. Which therewith is in louc. Then bafe earth-CT Strife. OEiaHta* Strifc,murthers,and debate. O fccncclefle minde of foolifh man. Which fees not what it hath: But wanting in excediue ftore. Continues errourspath. Thou flialt not nc«i (uch ftore of wcakh, Thv waftage for to pay: When thy offending fbule to hell, Oldc Charon fliall conuay. O (eeke thy wealth in vertues minc9. If thou true ioyes wilt findc: All other things ruconAant ar^ And lighter then the windc. But wanton luft procures thy faQ, And vvorkes my world of woe: An enemy of honcft mindes. Rare vertues common foe. What plague infemall worfe then this, Whofe poyfbned baite doth gainc: Both to the body and the Ibule, An eucrlafting paine. What multitudes of foules arc loft? What Citties ouerthrownc > What Kingdomes by licentioui luft. With mine ouagrowne t Let deep lamenting £7r«*f*,declare Th'effcaofhatefuUluft-. Or that which once was called Trej^ How nothing els but duft. And had not women had the wit. The The danger to repel! : The Srtitnci (words had made vs fecit', 1 he finnrt tlicrcot too well. O let the bleeding mcnicries, Of many in like cale. Be dreadful! motiiws toiiiy mindc. To Icaue this wicked race. Jlovvcanfl thou cenfurc others mi fle. And yet not fee thine ownc:- Can wifcdome ioy at others ioycs. And (ce it fLlfe orc'thrownei fincc thecaufc of this cftcct. Is (b exceeding ill: The horrour of the thing It ftlfc. With tcrrour mou"ht thee fill. Who (oeucrwith the like oHcncc, His body hathdefild: Of'vertucs dcarcft ornaments. His foule was full defpoil'd. Of hinor, worth and forlituJe, . 1 ic loft the (acred mnic : A wA like a coward.did fubieft Himfcll'tofinne and Hiamc. Hcdar.-s, and nights,iuth wholly (pent In dronkennrs and play: r.y follv,and by necli;'^ence, I lath wrou^^ht his whole decay. . Or els thefe V oufin- <;<,Tmainc luincs. He haply did connc-l; Bale flouthfulncs, and loxujy. Which \ Which workc the fame effetJl. O fly inordinate deltghts, tacn pleafurc hath his paine: And he that ftaincd is with finnc. Cannot be cleaneagaine. Let Deniz, torne vntombeJ corps. Sufficiently declare. How this lame loathfbme vice doth make Hir bcfl attendants fare. Do ft thou not know, the fagcs teach, A man fliould neuer doc : The thing that wicked is and vile; Nor yet confcnr thereto f Though waiely he did forcfee, Jt mought cfiapc the light : And be moll Iccretly conceald, And hid from all mens light? How f.«- thou ari:(which |li6iildft cxccll) Prom being excellent : Do but behold and view thy ftlftf, By this their prelidtiit. Who pubikly haft fouldthy fclfc Vnto ctcrnalHliame : And like a fccncelell'c blinded man, Perfeuer'ftin the lame. Or haue ftjmc other plcaf-ires ftrange, Eflrang'd thy mindc from mci For (as men fay) in that fame ooun, Great ftorc of pleafures be, Wc want jiot hcCTc oiu true delights. But OSlania* But if wehad Idle ftore, Oi wanton fports : thou oughtcft no* To flume thy felfe therefore. Our plcafurcs hcerc.may fati{He And plcafe eaqh vertiious minde: A nd he no fpavkc of vcr wc hath, which other feckes to findc. Alluring plcadirc^ftainc onifc. Sower mifchicfs f weetdl roote : By it, nil noble dioughts and deeds, Aretrodenvnder footc, A mindc corrupting monfterviie, A mal-falucingguert, Nurfcof repentance, paine,and grccfc, Depriucrof (\vectercft -, Prince- haunting ficnd,(>\'cetepoy(bned bayte, Falfcthcefeofhappy blilfej Who (ecmes a cuide to hoped ioyes. But leades vs ftill amiflc. Do bu t recount with wisdoms eyes, i Thofe plea furcs which are pad. And (cc whatplearure^proBcjgaine, They yeeld thee now at laft . So when thy ill /pent granted drac; Hiscourfe hath liilly runne : Then fhaltthpu finde thy pleafures fled, Hopes vainc, thy (clfe.vndone. Learne to take pleafure in fuch thingSj Whence true ioyes may arift : Thou canft not do more like a prince. Thca OclanU* Then vainc tilings to dcfpife. Bring not thy fcife,thy houle, thy queer*, V'ntoeternall flume .• In being much more then thy frlfc. And farre lelTo then thy name. Let no delight.make thee forget. What heft befits thy ft.uc : He is no Prince, which hij affec'>s Cannot predominnte. Who for his pleafijre poyfbn drinke*. Though mixt with things moft fwectc Should haue a name by my confeit. For fuch a man more me«e. Or dooft thou hecre diflike perhaps. That DeltA beares fuch fwaye; And (acred vertues holy rights, Haue made thee fiyeaway. 1$ chaftitie foloathfome then Vnto a wanton eare : That bcautie is no beautic, where Such chartedcfiresappearc ? Canlooi'endle, which thcwiljrdifpraife, So pleafca noble minde ; That true nobility contcm'nd, Sole pleafures there they finde f Then niuft I needs difplcafe indeed. And know not what to fay -• . For why the fwine do molt delight. The moft defiled pray. The (Ilucr fifli,by nature doc The -S^SJ r OEiama^ The purc(\ ftreames delight : Thcftatcly Faulcon,iiiidft thccloudcs, Dircfts hir towring flight. The Eagles ff:ldom fit in dalc$, But pcarcb on highcft hils j And euciy thing delights his like. And natures courfc Uilfils. But thou leife conflantthcn all theft. Though fane more bafe tlicnthey: Indeed of ChriAali ftrcames, doft louc In puddles vile to play, TIk>u borne by nature to aduance Thy thoughts to honors height } Doft carclcfly ftoopc vnto fhamc. And fall with thine ownc waight. Then neacr thinkc.I thinkrit (Uaoge That thou art fled from mcc t The hcauens forbid my lowed thoughts* Should fimpathize with the*. But heerdn thou art ^vifc indeed. To hide thy fclfe away : And fuch as neucr haue thee knownc By flilfliood to betray. For w !iy .afliirc thy uld fcrue So many to vndoe. The earth hath Aota &v&^ (b rare, Which wifdomc would not flye : Yea rather hate and frW'ch deteft, Then purchafe fliame thereby. Wno can (bloue a fijortiftg.wic. That it procure his fall : His kindneflc may4>e iud^d'gteat, Butfurehiswit isfmall,-'"^^' Then let vs louc bafc (?i«/iw. For wit and noble bloud ': Nojloathc him rathcr,fiirhi$ wit Knew ncuer what was gpod. And let \* y^rrt likcwift praife. :t5inc- For OSlauid* ForlK wns witty (lire : But wicked too^nd thaefbre Rome Could not his wit endure. The more a man excels in wit. And ill imploj'cs the fame .• The more do all men him dctcft. That loue a vertuous name. Though fiveedy did the Syrem fing, Yet who to them gaue care? Their mcdage to th'/entAa decpes. He prcfently did bcarc. Or is it beauty, that doth fct Thy heart (b much onHu*: A nd captiuate thy feoccs (6, That thou canft not retire i The rareft beauty of the face. Cannot enforce the wife : With painc to purchafe liuing fliatne, And better things dcfpife. Nor are the fayrefl alwaycs found. The befi,(as 1 fuppofc) Some noyfome flowers, do fecme as faiie. As doth the fragrant Rofe. That wonder breeding beauty furc. Which thou doft ib cfteeme: Shall come to nothing at the laft. As firft it was I de erne. The Rofe and Lyllie cannot long Concent and plca{c,thc fights Ko iijouldcn day could cvierfcapc. The OEloHtii, The darkc cnfuing night. Proudc time will buric beauties youth, In fijrrovves of dccaye : Wert thou ten thoufand times a prince. Thou canft not force it ftay . All thcfe fond plcafures(if fond things Dcfcrue fb good a name) Should not fcducca noble minde. To flainc it felfe with flume. The time fhall comc.whcn all thefc fam^ Which fccmc fo riche with ioy : Like tyrants fliall torment thy minde. And vex thee with annoy. When all thofc bonyc-tongucd mates. Can but weepe and lament •• That they by force, muft part from thcc. Whole vitall courfe is (bcnr. When all thy greatnefic muft be left. To fuch as fliall fucceed : When fwceteft pleafures memory, Moll dreadfuU thoughts fliall brccdc j When this lb much defircd Sunn^ Shall but difpleafc thy fight 5 And all thio^ clfc fliall kerac to wan^ The uftcoflweete delight. When all the creatures of the earth. Cannot procure thineeafc : And friends.with (howres of vainc-fhcd tcarcs. Cannot thy greefe appeafc. When tyranizingpaine,fhall flop . .-^Lf:/ The OEidtiia. The p.iiTngc of thy breath! A nd thee compcil to I wcarc thy fclfc. Tint feriunt \ nio death . Then flir.ll onevcrtuousdcsiiimpnrc Wore plea!uvc to thy miaac : Then all the treafiiresthaton e.irtli, Amhitious thoughts c.in findc. The well-fpcrit tii-ne of one fliort day^, One ho\ver,one monu-nt then : Sliiill be more fwcct.then all the ioyes Amongft vi morMll men. Tlicn (iialt thou fiiiuc but one refuge, Which comfort cnn rctaine : A guihlcflc confciencc pure and dearc. From touch of finfuU ftaine. Then fliall tliine inward cyes,bchoul Jc The loathfome path of fmnc : And thy proud heart repihc in vainc. That thcu ha^l walkt therein. Then fiial 1 OilauiMs wrongs appearc. Like monlters tp thine eyes ; A nd thou (lialt curfc the rimCjand day, Tiiat tliou didft me defpile. Then fliall my liglies.audteares, cnflamc! A boncfire in thy mindc : And thou thy fcl.'c,thy Idfir flialt loathe, " For being thus vnkinde. At thy right hand,my wronged ghoaft. Shall iuft complaints renue i Arid on thy icf:,that quccne (hall flicw What What hath been wrought bjybu. Aboue thy head .thine tya fiiall fte The heauens to iuftice bent : Below thy fcete,thcpitofhe'!, Ordain'd for punifhmenr. Ah poore Anrontpn how wilt thou, Abhorre thy wretched Ilatc .• And mort entirely thcii repent. But then t'will be too late. But thou great Emperour doft difclaine Such fliarpc rebukes to findc : Firpietic.and pirticboth. Arc Grangers to thy mindc- Thy braue heroick though rsdo rcome To ftoopc to thefc conceipts : To humble for fuch high reuclues. As honors praifc awaighrs. Then great Hercufi*ityfCiv!fi?;0wne wrongi [ i ;n: i:. ^ '•' To thiiikc how he whooi I htk\*e)o\x'dii <\ i' ;i. '"<"/ Shall plagued be ere lcng.-,v . ' • . "i xh woii .! 1 Ycfknow.though 1 detftlUby i^lt* ' -'<" ' ^ f'l 'i'-"'" 1 beate thcc no til will: .> ' For if.'/->/o«/«/willretutnp, . ai.:.. HelliallbcloucdftiU*. . ,<>!!>< •t:;-; 1';; ' AntoniuitWtiamAf] AMongll the raOwftroMs ftotmc»df woe?,' Whicli do my (oulc (urpnze: • < ' .- Thy d iicfull plairitf. Ui'/rf»/«,Wcto r . : : Prclcntcd xo mincjcycs. '•.!.;• 1 1 hcauei'.s 1 how erbllji baueyouft^ • . bair^l -• Your rtill repugnant Oaries.f.: ..iidiWi--' Which CroUv.cTplliJiikyiiyKd life,; ; d;;i^KTv-• VVlthmorlallciulll\va^nc»*.i ; ' ....-'•'» 1 fce.and know,that,toibc ttue. Which thou Ao^ hccre-Qbictt^ 1 fecthoufighily callt An endleflc tedious night.. My ver}' thoughts fram'd allmy wordcs^ To C/M^4/r ' ...:.. Ortocrcou!natiii.<;. ,■ -> . .. ..j. , But thougli iny yccidirfcriJMrt iW tbeBi''^' .^"ciii '■ •' ' Thv t'leloucdii^dctaiac;. - ' ''■■''■•■ ' ' Tuac d^cd ofmioCiaiir^Ttef pcviVirr; • ' :.. . By lor:-' tcuokcs.igjiiic. •.'.'• vl. :'iu .,> . i';i •' And t»nfc rri^th-lulluopfijgestcach^: ^nhu^v/ ;,,.; i That ciJcry motion fina^lOi I, i >i;t iL-ii-ilblLfn : . , Isbyagre^tcroucrcOBiHf fj"t-.'-»i'<"isu<^f'5 T'-'' ' ' Or hindicd thercvvitiiatl. : ' 'nx.n >'5».iM;z\y.\u, -And nsucrjvife'kiOwfplyWanie^w ' 'r.tlinsdv/ : Asa(ftorofthis iJJ: '- i:rA,xii.\ ''■ Tis not ^»/c»*s^,btif ^Iw-fKraviens, - • '""•^C'j!'; ^ . Which do wifhftand thy will". ' •! ■•: '■ '■ And vvhat the hcaucns do-force «(!«», ••' -•''.■■. We may not difobay : . - !':'• ■-••! * ^ - '^ ^-^^^ When their decrees 'irt'Ott^ccnrouja;' • {"-^"^ '"''''^ O who :my then faytwyif^'J '' ^ • -'^ifii-'J ;: •' The(c nioiii ng ibns^whtt^W ^l^4 hcWimlif; .-^''f • ' ■" ' Our mindes do rule and gOicle: • ■' ' ' / '^n-'jui 1 llj. . ' A lid looke what courfc tlief letT* m, ■'"'*'■•"■'" - ' Thrreinnuiftwc abide. • ^ ' ■' •^'"''J'f'' Tlii^ fparkc ofreafoftfenotouis, ' • '' '* '" • ; • But lent v$ from abouc. ;.ri:j|x.tii: ••- The t/fntony-, " The Gods do glue and take the lame. They make vs loathe and lone/ Then dearejVvhyfliouldft thou fovpbraid " And Iharply reprehend : Thy Antony : for fuch a fault As he may not amend. If in my heart I did thccTiatc, Then were I worthy blame: ' But I haue cucr lou'd thcc wdl. Who well dcferuedft the (anie. And though I cannot thee afford, ■' - ' .' Thcdcarellofmyhcart: -i '■. Yet nccdft thou not thus to cbmplainc, -'' Wlto haft fo large a ^art . . , i;--' "^ ' Noday.no night, their porting courfc/ -^ t^'-OViS So fpcedily could frame: . But they behcld,my thoughts,rctum« Due homage to thy name. ' ';'" WhenbIou.lyterjor,dangcr,dcath,^ : ^i-r Vponmcdidlay houlde: ." ' .,' Thy memory reuiu'd my inindii', '_ Andmadcmycoura^tf^bilde, ' ' No not a thn ufand tierc« affaults, ' ' Andperilsmanymoe: •' Could cucr foroc ihy louliig Heart, 0<7rf«/4 to forgoc. «*'■• • But tyrant louc.mc from my fclfci, And from my Quccnc doth fteald: • And pardon me though I perhaps. Too great a fault rcucalo. " Hi Atti nSfiomc^ w. And pardon nc;45.lrnMflLw:iihl, - • And giuc the machine round, v , ■""* r--.-..- And all thcireafurgs»wo»lthiaBi^r^»( Which therein majib^tfpugi I would from parcRis^chi^ipujj&ion^i , My dcarcft thoughts remount , . , • htih ' '' Surrcnda Suffendcr (ccpter.kingdijmf , crqwnc. For to enioy my loue. And by my.boiinty.tjuth and zcale. The CTring world iliculd (ec: No bafc,orlcruiIej{c6rrhcr tongue; her wit, My (bulcs delight impart? How then can I (vnhappy man) My.felfcfo welldifpofc: As ■^p As mougbt content and pica fe you both,' "1 Who both your fclues oppofv. No Hercitles can thii pcfnr mc, No Sfhyint this doubt extludei Yet thus I fully am refcilu'd, And thus I Aof concludri The knot which canu^Hbe^Vrtdont/ In (under thus I flrilce- Heere will I liue.hecrc will I bidr. And loue\*ou both alike. • J.ct Ctf/^fr fight. 0<7m/<< AowrfW, Letchildrcnwajlc and weep; Thus I re(blue,and thuj I vow, Whic h vow ile fi rmely kccpi • And jf your nwliice, and pcwhaps Mv fortune, dpc procure: ' That all my^wordj and def^.thc worft Coufttutflion mullcndureii- My conftant nuth:ftnd i*kinneucr fliew. It felh more wifely fure ; Then to forgoe that thing with calc Which pajnccnnnot procure. Ah finiie not thu$againft the flr^wnc. But drj' tiiy tcorcs againe^ ror jlmonv. For to palwade mc bootclcs it. To force me is more vainc. Though al the world fliouldmc withfbmd 1 will not be withheld, A Prince diflikcs co be gaincfaid. But fcomes to be compcl'd. And it maybe (for who can tel. What abfccnce may procure) That faircO/?4«/4neuer could, . So long time chafle endure. Ah,can I thinke in fuch cxcefTe^ Of liberty and ftore, OfCerej,B4cebtii,»nd what els. May be dcflred more. Amongft Co many tedious daies. And nights,of great difport; Amongft fiich braue heroicke Lords, As to that Court refortj That thy vnmoued minde, can be So tyed to yef^Ati rightcs. But that fometimes it will content. To yemtt fwcet delights ? Can that faire&ce, which inallhtaitl Doth high afFcftion mouc; Refift fo many flrong attempts. As will aHault thy loue? No. no,they arc not alwaies true* WhicJi doe moft truely fpcakc.- If it were fo,how then am I, More then a woman wcakc! And Antony^ And yet my conlcicncc doth d[( cut, A-iid plaindy this deny; And yetfulpition doth maintainCj ltcaiin6tb--alye. O Low cjn he be cucr brought. To ihinkc nnot her true- Who chrough the guilt of ! lis ownc mindc, "3 hcoihcrslijc doth view? And ilibuld I then rciurneto Roome, Mine honor thus to (oilc? No.rathcr let mc Hndtf a ton-.bc. In any t'orraignc f bylc. And fjncc thou kno%vcfl:(0 too loo wc'.l; jt>itf.mus high dilgracc: Hemuft jMouidc of at! the world. Not tobcholdc ihy fiicc. Thy face the Icchirc cl his miffc. The mjirour oi his fliamc. The cucr wounding rod,and fpur Of my cclipfcd fame, 1"hc difproportion of our thoughts. Could neuer well agree; Thou ftil! iliouldft hate my faithlcfncffc, Ibhifli thy truth to fee, A fault doth neuer with rcmorfe, Ourmindes fo deeply nioue; As when anotlurs guildeilc Iifc> . Our errour doth repioue. Eu : bt it.ihat from all thofc doubtcs, Icouid my mindc fct free-* \Antom', Yet whiles ambitious Cafar Hues, 1 may nut come to thee. Let all the world perfwations vfc. And their bcft counfell giuc- For me,I r " .vill be drawne. In dangers month to hue. 1 cannot brookc.anothcr fliould, . Bcmighrierthcnl;. An cquallinth'ir.ipCTiallfaite, My heart doth much amy. And who fo limplc,that willlookc For faith or ttuth in tho(c; Whofc fiiithlcfiics may hap to gainc, Whofc truth a crownc muft loofe. There is no truth in luch.whofe hearts. An Empire doc affeil: Competitors may ulkc of tmth. But doc all uuth neclctl. And be it.that we could agree Which hath been feldome knowne.* Yet ftill in time,from priuate grudge. Such quarrels great hauc orownc. Such bloudy dccds,{uch ftrifc,dcbatc. Such outragc,murther,death: Thar words.and oathcs and al,hauc prou d But vainediflcmbling breath. No naturcjreafon.counfell.wit. Ambition can conftrainc. To hold vnutolablc truth: Orconfciencc to dctainc. Yci Pale fcarcnnftruft.vnlook'd for chancf,- And fortunes dyrrful frownis.' Moft deep fufpcft^nd fwifireucngc. Attendant arc on crowtics. y^'**^ Not that I dread or fland inftiti,—^ What f.x/Irr can procure, But that this abfencc better raought, Myfafctyafiecure. And it may hjtp(for ftcn'if can td) In time what may be wrtnight; Since vnexpcftcd chauce,my loue ToC/eaf/atrahrou^ht. So happy tim'e, (6 good an howcr. For t hce may hap to fill ; Which may my tone and Elh<^',backe From her againe recall. In hope whereof jO^iftwirf muft Her fighes and teares fiippreflt: VntiH jintomttj find e the racanes, Tfacfc crtours to rcdrcflc. FINIS. Errata, f Ad.2.pag.3.IineS,forhigheftrcadhighne$. ~ A£l.3.pag. 22.1ine g. for frowardnes read forwatdinR# 'i Aft. 5.pag.4.Iinc i.fbr aftribc rcad^flignc. ; / i -O' ■Epift,i.pag.i.linc i6.for Tough read THou^ ; - ' \ RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ,-*^ J* REC-D t-i^ StP lO'eA-uftw AUG 1 }38a A 1 !->. ^'"-^-' '^ ;s6. MAR 2 9 2004 General Library LD 21A-40ni-4, 63 University of California J (D6471sl0)476B ^°'^'= Berkeley | GENERAL LIBRARY U.C. BERKELEY BDQDaTbUMB zse^lQ ?/4! 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