^Ki M ■Am 1 1/ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/collectionofanciOOIainrich ^«t^A^C PKG^Crr ~-#\_ ■» K. COLLECTION OF ANCIENT SCOTTISH PROPHECIES, IN ALLITERATIVE VERSE : REPRINTED FROM WALDEGRAVE'S EDITION,' M.DC.III. EDINBURGH : PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE AND CO. M.DCCC.XXXIII. At a Meeting of the Committee of Management of the Bannatyne Club, held at Edinburgh, May 27, 1833. The Committee having under their consideration the Sheets of H The Whole Prophesie of Scotland, England," &c, which has been reprinted from the original edition by Waldegrave, 1603, in the Anstruther Collection, and collated with that by Hart, 1615, in the Library of their late President, Resolved, That the same shall be forthwith completed, and circulated among the Members of the Club. D. LAING, Secretary. £$881 THE BANNATYNE CLUB. MDCCC.XXXIII. THOMAS THOMSON, ESQ. [PRESIDENT.] THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K.T. RIGHT HON. WILLIAM ADAM, LORD CHIEF COMMIS- SIONER OF THE JURY COURT SIR WILLIAM MACLEOD BANNATYNE. 5 LORD BELHAVEN AND HAMILTON. GEORGE JOSEPH BELL, ESQ. ROBERT BELL, ESQ. WILLIAM BELL, ESQ. JOHN BORTHWICK, ESQ. 10 WILLIAM BLAIR, ESQ. THE REV. PHILIP BLISS, LL.D. GEORGE BRODIE, ESQ. CHARLES DASHWOOD BRUCE, ESQ. THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY. 15 JOHN CALEY, ESQ. JAMES CAMPBELL, ESQ. WILLIAM CLERK, ESQ. HENRY COCKBURN, ESQ., SOLICITOR-GENERAL FOR SCOTLAND. [VICE-PRESIDENT] THE BANNATYNE CLUB. DAVID CONSTABLE, ESQ. 20 ANDREW COVENTRY, ESQ. JAMES T. GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. WILLIAM GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. HON. GEORGE CRANSTOUN, LORD COREHOUSE. THE EARL OF DALHOUSIE. 25 JAMES DENNISTOUN, ESQ. GEORGE DUNDAS, ESQ. ROBERT DUNDAS, ESQ. RIGHT HON. W. DUNDAS, LORD CLERK REGISTER. CHARLES FERGUSSON, ESQ. 30 ROBERT FERGUSON, ESQ. GENERAL SIR RONALD C. FERGUSON. THE COUNT DE FLAHAULT. HON. JOHN FULLERTON, LORD FULLERTON. THE DUKE OF GORDON. 35 WILLIAM GOTT, ESQ. ROBERT GRAHAM, ESQ. LORD GRAY. RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. THE EARL OF HADDINGTON. 40 THE DUKE OF HAMILTON AND BRANDON. E. W. A. DRUMMOND HAY, ESQ. SIR JOHN HAY, BART. JAMES MAITLAND HOG, ESQ. J. HOPE, ESQ., DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF ADVOCATES. 45 COSMO INNES, ESQ. DAVID IRVING, LL.D. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. JAMES IVORY, ESQ. THE REV. JOHN JAMIESON, D.D. ROBERT JAMESON, ESQ. 50 SIR HENRY JARDINE. RIGHT HON. F. JEFFREY, LORD-ADVOCATE. JAMES KEAY, ESQ. THOMAS FRANCIS KENNEDY, ESQ. JOHN GARDINER KINNEAR, ESQ. [TREASURER.] 55 THE EARL OF KINNOULL. DAVID LAING, ESQ. [SECRETARY.] THE EARL OF LAUDERDALE, K.T. THE REV. JOHN LEE, D.D. ALEXANDER WELLESLEY LEITH, ESQ. 60 THE MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN. HON. J. H. MACKENZIE, LORD MACKENZIE. JAMES MACKENZIE, ESQ. JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, ESQ. SIR FREDERICK MADDEN. 65 JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQ. THOMAS MAITLAND, ESQ. VISCOUNT MELVILLE, K.T. WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. THE EARL OF MINTO. 70 HON. SIR J. W. MONCREIFF, LORD MONCREIFF. JOHN ARCHIBALD MURRAY, ESQ. WILLIAM MURRAY, ESQ. JAMES NAIRNE, ESQ. MACVEY NAPIER, ESQ. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. 75 THE EARL OF ORMELIE. SIR FRANCIS PALGRAVE. LORD PANMURE. HENRY PETRIE, ESQ. ROBERT PITCAIRN, ESQ. 80 ALEXANDER PRINGLE, ESQ. JOHN RICHARDSON, ESQ. THE EARL OF ROSSLYN. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, ESQ. THE EARL OF SELKIRK. 85 RIGHT HON. SIR SAMUEL SHEPHERD. ANDREW SKENE, ESQ. JAMES SKENE, ESQ. GEORGE SMYTHE, ESQ. EARL SPENCER, K.G. 90 JOHN SPOTTISWOODE, ESQ. MAJOR-GENERAL SIR JOSEPH STRATON. SIR JOHN ARCHIBALD STEWART, BAR T THE HON. CHARLES FRANCIS STUART. THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. ALEXANDER THOMSON, ESQ. 95 WALTER C. TREVELYAN, ESQ. PATRICK FRASER TYTLER, ESQ. ADAM URQUHART, ESQ. RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE WARRENDER, BAR T 100 THE VEN. ARCHDEACON WRANGHAM. It seems difficult for any one, at the present day, to be fully aware of that degree of fond credulity with which, at a period even within the last century, certain political prophecies were regarded and cherished by the partisans of opposite factions in this country, which the least instructed peasants of a later age would probably treat with contempt and derision. The name of Thomas of Ercildoune, or The Rhymer, was then familiar to his countrymen only as that of a gifted seer, to whom the remote destinies of the Scottish Monarchy had been disclosed, and in whose supposititious vatici- nations their feverish hopes or fears found encouragement or relief. No doubt can be entertained that the obscure and almost unintel- ligible rhymes which then passed current under his name, and under the names of Merlin, Bede, Berlington, and various other soothsayers, must have been fabricated at a period comparatively recent. To the late Lord Hailes we are indebted for the first, and still the only attempt to subject them to the ordeal of historical criticism; and his ingenious and successful exposure of a small VI portion of these impostures, may be safely enough regarded as superseding all farther discussion on their claims to popular belief. " Perhaps it may be thought," says Lord Hailes, " that I have bestowed unnecessary pains in discrediting the popular predictions ascribed to Thomas the Rhymer. Let it, however, be considered that the name of Thomas the Rhymer is not forgotten in Scotland, nor his authority altogether slighted even at this day. Within the memory of man, his prophecies, and the prophecies of other Scottish soothsayers, have not only been reprinted, but have been consulted with a weak, if not criminal curiosity. I mention not particulars ; for I hold it ungenerous to reproach men with weaknesses of which they themselves are ashamed. The same superstitious credulity might again spring up. I flatter myself that my attempt to eradicate it will not prove altogether vain. Be this as it will, in endea- vouring to expose forgeries, I endeavour to maintain the cause of truth." l The edition of the Scottish and other Prophecies on which Lord Hailes deigned to bestow his ingenious and elaborate criticism, was that printed at Edinburgh by Andro Hart, in the year 16 15. This, which is a volume of extremely rare occurrence, was then, 1 Remarks on the History of Scotland, Chap. III. — Edin. 1773. Vll among intelligent bibliographers, believed to have been the earliest publication of the work ; but it is now ascertained that it had been " printed by Robert Waldegrave, printer to the King's most excellent Majesty, anno 1603 ; " and a copy of this, probably the first edition, having been lately brought into notice at the sale of an old family library, it has been deemed a literary curiosity deserving of preservation in an exact reprint. In orthography, and some other minute particulars, it differs from the later edition of 1615 ; and of these variations, a list will be found at the end of the volume. 1 No less than twelve later editions, printed between the years 1680 and 1746, have been inspected, and appear to be merely servile and not very accurate copies, of no intrinsic value, and undeserving of minute collation. 8 As specimens of literary composition, the contents of this volume have but slender claims to regard ; but to those who are curious in tracing the under-currents of political faction in the sixteenth 1 Another copy of this Edition of 1603 occurred at the sale of the late Mr Nassau's Library, and was purchased, it is understood, for the Collection of Richard Heber, Esq. 2 The copy of the Edition 1615, employed for this collation, is that preserved in the rich and curious Library at Abbotsford. In Bagford's MS. Collections regarding Printing, there is a notice of an edition of the Prophecies, " Printed at Edinburgh by the heires of Andrew Hart, 1625." Vlll century, and who have sufficient skill and patience to follow in the track of our greatest modern annalist in detecting the sources of antiquated delusion, the genuine text now presented to them can- not fail to be acceptable. THE WHOLE PHESIE PRO- of Scotland, England, & fome- part of France^ and Denmark^ Pro- phefied bee meruellous Merling, Beid, BertUngtouri) Thomas Rymour, Waldhaue, Eltraine, Banefter, and Sibbilla, all according in ..•:'• one. Containing ma- nyjirangeandmerue- lous things. Printed by Robert Walde- graue, Printer to the Kings moft Excellent Majeftie. Anno, 1603. i < < * c • ' ; [ 3 ] M<2Erling fates in (jto booke tuljo lutll reade tigljt, aittjoctljt DtsS facings be muoutlj, tlje-p fljalbe 3(n tlje trff* Cljap, reade toljo fo tain, (true found, £Dne tljoufand and mote after Cfjrtffes birtlj, ft&ljen tlje Calnalider of Co^ntoell itf called and tlje fcOolfe out of flBailea iss mncuft foi ap, Cljen mang fetlte ftall fall, and mang folbe tile, fl^anp felcoutlj ftal fee feene in all Cjj^iften landejs 3[n t|je ^oone and tfie fea, and fignes of tlje £>>onne, and in all Planned plainelie tljat appeared in tge 0kt>, Cljen ftall tlje Upon be bed in tlje b^oad Botflj, and an fellotune flato ftal fall foone after, and a fteedlng of blood toitljin ftotf time TBottj tge 8§oone and tlje S0erni0, great dule ftal 'maU, and al $0ar ftall murne manp daiess after, . . Cfie great IBeare toitlj ljl$ tusbea tlje fetid ftaltgne a fel ftotoje of tlje ^outft ftal faid Ijim fo? euer, and tljat ILctD ftal ijtd life lofe in another land* Cljen Qial a JFreik be fofiered farre in tlje €>>outlj and to tlje feptl) fibal lie goe tljat ijc come front ©EUtlj nutflj toealtfj and ujojftjip foal ijc goe fjome and tnljabttc aibante unto tlje end, 'Botlj tlje 3fle$ and arane at Ijttf otone urill agtenp men lljal laugfj toljen Ije Some corner TBut muclj felcoutlj ftal be feene tuitljin ftotf time at Ijis otone feinde blood, ttjere ftal Ije begin, Ciioofe of tlje cljeifeil, and cljop of tjjere &ead0, ^onte Marled in fleddeg, and tjanged on lite Lottie put in p^ifon, and muclj paine bpde* C6e Crab ftal be out of fjiss elift a long time Ulify tmfeinde blood, and pet ftal rer otter and otljer betrnea in toljole baniftt fo? euer a i\ Coue= [ 4 ] Conetire ftail be iji$ name, tiie King of tljat feitlj, jFo? tiotli ijte fjavt and ijto Ijead fljall be of flint fogged, Bo iiojd ftall line in tljat land but ijtm felf alone, IBut tfytp ate b^ened in bill, to feeepe ttjem in fcaill> get fljall a man of moae tiaile mat Dim fo$ ener, JFoi fuddenlp Ije fljall goe dotone, and tiie in a fen, Cljeir fljall no King tome in tljat fettft fo? a iang time TBut a fignte of a flonte> tfie faiteft in tlje fittlj, Clje toljite flonte and tlje teid fo fljall Ije &e railed* 3|n tlje moutij of arrane an feltontlj fljall fall, Ctuo bloodie Darts fljall lie taken toitfj a falfe traine, 3nd derflp dnng dotone toitljont anp Dome, Sreland, gDsknap, and otljer lands* manie, : v JF'o? tf# detjj of tljofe tfcuo great title fljall make, : .• •*: • ;CJjeti \m\cij fo^roto ijs feene toittjin Dij* pearetf, : ' : v 15otlj tlje Crab and tlje Cofe, tljep fljall eftape, iFo? mo?e Ijatme at tljat time fljall tljep not Dane, ££lijcn tljt iRanen toupee, manp man fljall tne, jFtom Co^netuel to Caitljnetf tljep fljall ijis me fjeate, Wbtn tlje (Sled in lji$ tlift is tlime to tlje lieigljt, lj)e ronnte not tlje JLgon tjjat ij5 |its$ bind Ho?d, Cljen tlje ®taip toould gonetne all, g gapeg thereafter fc&itlj great gniftss of <£old, tlje floute toonld ije get, Come Ije once in Ijitf rloofeeg, Ije totoetss it neuer, Cljen toould a pooje €ntint be keeper of tlje i&itij, get ©all it faile tlje freit, tljat tfie foole tljinfeetf, Wljtn t&e Cofe rrotoess feeepe toell ijis tome, $oi tlje JFore and tlje jFulmart, tljep ate falfe botlj, (EBljen tlje Eauen and tlje Eufee, ijes tonntieti together 3nd tlje i&td in Jjis tlift, fljall atto^d to tlje fame, Cljen fljall tljep be bolde, and foone to foaile after, Cljen fljal tlje TBntk in belling time mafee a great beate, 3t [ 5 ] 3[t i# fcut tmnde tfiat fie toafiess fo? fie to out atoaan Cfien ftal toafeen up a toeere, and murfi tooe after ft&fien tfie IBtrdes of tfie iHauen ruggeg and reaueg, and tfie leil men of Loutfitane ne loppen on tfieir fiojfe Cfien ftal tfie poo?e people ne fpopled ful netr, and tjje 9£er$ ftal murne mang dagetf after and al tfie aetata truelp tfiat fiands on Ctoeede, and al Loutfitane ftal line on tfietr Itues anter Cfiep fljal nurne and fla# and great reiffes mafes Cfieir dare no pnre man fap tofiofe man fie in Cfien ftal tfie land oe lafcoles fo? loue in tfietr none and falfet ftal fiane foote fnllte fiue peares, and trutfi trulp Hal lie tint and none ftal trull otfier Cfie roofing once ftal not trufi tfie otfier U3or tfie ^on tfie jFatfier no? tfie JFatfier tfie §>on jFo? to fiaue fits goods fie tuould fiaue film fiangd Cfien ftal tfiep a rounfel ral fo? peace of tfie l&ftfi, Co mafce loue among Loads nut tfiat ftal not lafc\ jFo? tfiofe TBarrones and 15acfieler0 tfiat totl not oftep Cfiat loll not feeepe to tfietr me, no? tome to tfieir rail Cfien ftal men fee marfeed fo? tfietr mtldeedess tfiat ftal turne tfinn to tetne fcottfim a tufiile after, jFra mif* ne pall and ttotfe tfi?ee tfie tfijeepe in at end and ouer a toater fie ftal fatre and fee fo? film felf and tn a fatre JForreff ftal an €rn otg 8£anp man ftal lofle tfietr Itfe fat tfie meane time jFo? tfiep ftal pttrfi a field and fetrflte figfit (Upon a fyoade moo?e a Battle ftal nz 16efide a fiorfe Crore, tfiat llandes tn tfie H5o?tfi, 3ft in rouered tottfi dead Coupes and al of a i&ttfi tfiat tfie Croto map not fenoto tufiere tfie Crote fioode Cfie GOoIfe ftal 6e tuatcfiman and feeepe manp utagetf a uj and [ 6 ] and Qml be leil to tlje iLgon 1)155 otone binde ILo^tt JDolp CljutcD 10 combeted nritlj tlje tiefl: of tlje feitlj 2Hitlj languages tljat liues not bp Cijtfft, but tljat ftal jFto IBalcomie to tlje IBafle on tlje b?oad Cep, (not laft and from 3iveland in tlje jFotflj ftal be a fait* figljt, flDf 15at*ge0 and IBellingettf, and manj> fyoad fatle, iij. libbetds $ t&e JFlotoetdeluce fafre tipo Ijigljt Cljen fyal a JDuntet in Ijg come fo^tti of tlje ^outtj, Witb manp matches in toto tetoled full tigljt, and ftal goe one gtss foote ouet tlje toatet of JFoattj, and in jFgfe dial fje figljt and tlje field tain : and tlje Cljiftanes ftal Die one citijci* fide. ftOljcn tljr man in tlje ^oone i$ mod in fjig migfjt, Cljen fyal SDunbatton tutne up tljat ig dofcune, and tfje moutlj of 3uane botlj at one time, anti tlje Lo^d toitlj tlje lucfein ijand ijis life ftal fje lofe, jfo? couetufneg and tteafon tljat lofeg tlje land* GBljen tlje Ctaggeg of Catbat ig tumbled in tlje fe#, at tlje neict fommev after fo^oto foi euet TBeidejs boofees Ijaue 31 feene, and 'Baniftetss alfo, a^etueloutf averting and all acco^detf in one agetueloug Sterling ijs toaftcd atoap Witl\ a toicfted tooman tooe migtjt ftee be, JFo? ftee fjatij rlofed fjim in a Cvaige on Co^ntoel toft* ©Bfjen t&e Cofe in tlje Jftotflj fjatij builded IjijJ neft, IBusked ijfo bivdejj and botonit ijim to flee, Cljen IJjal fortune Ijig fteind tlje gateg tip raft and tigljt fljal Ijaue Ijfo free entrie. Clien tife lljal tlje 6@oone in tlje i13o?tlj to eft, 3!n a cloud as black ass tfje bill of a Ctoto, Cljen itf lofed a ILgon tlje bouldeft and t\yt beft Ctjat tooas bo^ne in IB^itane fince attimtes daietf, Cljen uatmt i ■ .»-■ [ 7 ] Cljen ftal a dreadfull 2D?agone tiaess fjim from fjid tien Co ijelpe tfje Upon toritlj fiiss great migljt, a IBull and a IBaGarD fpurred ftal fpend, Co abide luxt^ tlje ^eare, to reekon fjid rtgljted. 3 iLibfterb engendered of natiue kfnde, QMitfy tlje fterne of OBetfjelem ftal rife in tlje §>out&, ^ !j)02fe and a antfjelope, balDlp Q)al abide, 3 iBeare and a lB^oefe, toitlj bernid fo b^igljt, a paoub Prince in tfie j^eid iLo^dlg ftal ligljt, ftEJitfj bold IBarrond in buftljment to battell ftal toend, Cljcn ftal tlje ^opljcftc pjooue, tljat Cljomad of teller, 6$an£ comelp i&nigljt iss raft under foote, Cfjat ft a I make mapdend nmvnr tljat in botuve dtoeld Clje dreadful dap of deftenie ftal dtfue to tlje nigljt, ftal make mapdend $ turned in mourning be b?ougljt Cljen tljep meet on tfie moaning triitlj tlje ^oone ligljt, TBtttoixt %ttan and tlje ity foaroto ftal be tmogjjt, Cljere tfie Hgon ftal be ljurt and not perfeaued, Cljen ftal lir baaid to tlje beft, tljat fjim tlje butt tojogljt and manp fterne in tljat ftound ftal fald to tfje free, and tlje ploudeft in tlje pm^, to batll ftal be baougljt, Clje fep for and tlje JFulmart in armed are taken, and led to tlje Upon lata to abide, Clje Piper and tlje Pie ftal fuffer tlje fame, and al tlje friendd of tlje JFor ftal be fep made, Cljen ftal trop untrue tremble fo? daead, jFoa daeddour of tlje deadman, fculje tljep Ijeere ijim fpeak ai tlje commons of tlje kitlj, ftal rafl Ijim tlje feezed, Clje bufrljement of "Beuerlatn tljevctmtlj ftal baeake* 2216 en toar men and toooded avuap tuent, and euerie feede in bid feafon kindlp id fet, and vigljt to ell ruled, and falftood id fled, Cfien r 8 ] CJen ftall fie plentte of peace, to Jen latoes Jane no let, CJe fjpous of <£od ftall ting toitj a topfull fong, CJanfeing <£od tjeveof and tfje Ctinitie : and all gvace and goodnes ftall gtoto ns among, and euerie ftnite Ijiall Jane plentie fig land and fip fea, CJen tfie %onnt and tje S^oone IJall ftine fi^igjt, Cljat manp dates afote davfee Jaue bene, 3nd feeepe tjeit* routfe fiotj da# and nigjt, (RHitJ moae mittj tjen men Jane fene, as 15ettiingtones fioofees, and 'Bantder us tells, Sterling and manp mo?e, tjat tnitfi mevnels melles, Hnd alfo CJomaS iftpmont in Jis tales tells, CJep fa# tje ^ajtrons ftall rjoofe tjem a load, CJat ftall make tjem gteatlg to fall undet, CJe ded man fl)all rife : and make tjem aero^d, and tjis i# mncj fcoondei; and fltgjt, CJat Ije tjat toas dead, and fintied in figjt, %\Ml rife againe and liue in tje land, 3(n eomfoat of an poung iftnigjt, CJat fotfnne JatJ cjofen to fie fytt fmsfiand, CJe ft&ijeeie ftall tntme to Jim fnll tigjt, CJat fortune JatJ rjofen to fie f)tt ttiv, 3In g>nrcg ftall Je ftefco an figjt, 3[n IBafiilone filing manp an fieitme on fieit> jTifteene mile from Jetmfalem tje Jolp nttfle win ftall CJe fame ILo^d tftat fieates tje Hgon, (Je, at ^andfo^de toan tje gtee, iFoatune JatJ gtannted Jim t&e Oiftojie* £»>ince fieft tjat Je amies fiaite, jFo* fcoitjont freafon 01 ttaito^ie, SDeftenie ftall not Jim deite SftlJjill fcinde of age til Jim dtfue, JFo* [ 9 ] JFor euerie man tin Oroide mull die, IBnt end Ije (ball in tlje land of Cljrift, 3nd in tlje fllaile of 3iofapljat buried fljall Ije be* C^ 3 The Prophecie of Beid. BGEttoirt tfje rljeife of Summer $ tlje faid tointer, ^Before tljr Ijeat of tljr ijavucft Ijappen (ball a toar, CJjat (£urope<8 landed rainrftlp (ball lie torougljti 3nd rauicft enuie fljall laft nut a toDile, 16ut tlje £gon tottD litss luftie flotoress, JFor Ijarme of fjard Ijcat, fljal Ijap Ijim toftD leaues, Cljen fpeed and fpied Ijim to Spaine into tointer, 311 floum-g in tljr JFortlj fljall follouj Dim on Calender fljall rip Corntoell tljr nobell 3nd indent all Slbanie at ljt0 otone tuill, <£nuie to all aiierig, anone to be turobin HDlde annofrprianrjj, and aibanie tljr fame, Sljall rerouer Caftless $ Coturrjj out of Sarong fjanbtf 223Den TBretoners fljall beate tljem uritD branded of fteele Cljevr fljall no baftavd blood btde in ttjcfc lander, 0lbanujs tljat time King of tljr rattlj, aibanaftus bin and Lord of tijr land, Co tljr Lillie fljall lend, and loue non otljrr, Clje ilgon leader of all, and Lord of all beaftejj, Sljall (eane to tljr Lillie, and line ijtin toitlj 3nD fljall Geir Ijim to ftriur bv tljr ftreames of dumber Clje Stepfons of tlje Lpon fturdelp of tljemfeluejs Cljep fljall ftart up tuitlj firife, and ftur all at once, 3nd ftrifee dotone tlje Stepfonsf, $ deftrop tljem for euer JI3eitDer loue tfjen tlje lillie nor tlje Lgon, 'But tlje ilillte fljall be loofe tuDcn tljt}) Iraft toeene, Cljen [ iQ ] Cjjen all ftiall happen to tlje Ijart Ijappen as it map, and t6e taxlr of tlje fomer totuard tlje ijarueli 15e tfjen tlje Upllie ftalbe loofed ttiljen tljep leaff tljtnfee, Cljen dere l&ings blood ftal quake, for feare of deatlj, jfor Cljurles ftal cfjop of Ijeades of ttjeir tljitl beirnes, and carfe of tlje Crotones tljat Cljrift IjeS anointed, ail ti)i0 muli Definite driue to an end* 3n €gle of tlje Call a tienterous beaff, %ljall)c glaid floures to fang in tijc firfl feafon, and Hire to tlje liepfonS, and ftrifce tljem togetfjer 'Binde bands brtufcle, baile to begin jFor Ije toould garlands get of tljefe faire floures> Cljat tn hornet feafon fpreds fo faire, 15ut foone ftall faile tljt fruite tljat tlje foole tljtnfees, a fell JEortljern flato ftall faide tjim for euer* lt)eirafter on eitlier fide fo^roto ftall rife, C&e TBarges of cleare QBarons dotone ftal lie funfeen %>eculares ftall fit tn fpirituall fetter flDrcup^tng offices, anointed as tljeg toere, Clje true tittlt to purrljafe tljat tlje trutlj Ijolds Cljep ftall torment tljem toitlj torments a neto, Cljen 'Barrons ftall dusk on tljere beft urife, attour tlje JFelles to faire, tmtlj a fag jFore birde Curne firli to Cij^ifl tmtlj todes toriles, lBut foone tljt tod ftall be tint, and Ijis tune lofed Cfjeg ftall efcape fuelj a rljafe, efrljeto tofio fo map, Cljen ftall tlje nobelell efrape toitlj tljt JFelles get fljall tfje one fore tn tljt field efcape, Clje J^alfeon fljall be loofed tn JiS fringes, 3£lljo fo trulls not tljis tatle nor tDe tearme fenotoes, Let Jim on Sterling meane, and Ijis merrie iuords, and true Cljomas tolde in lji$ time after, at t u ] at §>andfotd Hall be feene erample of tljeit; deed**, get it muff ouetd?iue tlje tod in Ijte butfk, IdusJfe tlje notu Barwick tmtlj tD£ bvoad toalletf, Cljou (frail incline to tDj? King, tljat i$ tfjp kind Hotd a$ ^aint IBffa of tljat IButglj in £>tss booite fagea, Cljou ftall toitlj t&e £5011 leind, and leffin for tutt. Cljouglj tljou lie fubxcct to tlje %aron0, fo:uoto tljou not, Cljou (fjall be loofed at tlje lad, beleeue tljou tn Cljrift, and euetg language ftall Ijaue Sjtss ilovDlfnpr to biooke, 31t toajs not loft but (ent fo? a little time, TBold 'Battoirb be blptlj toitlj tljp btoade toalletf, Cljou (ball to tlje Lijon (loupe as Lord of I310 oujnr, Let neuet tlje Libevt Itpptn longer a Dap, 3In bold TSuetaine to btooke a foote btoade of eattlj ftOljo fo doubts of tljis dead, ov denies* Ijeeteon, 31 tioe tljem lucll fot to bnoto tlje dait is deuifed, Cake tlje formed of midleird, and marke bj> tlje felf, ft&itlj foure Crefrentes, rlofed together, C&en of tlje Upon, tlje longed fee tljou rljoofe, Loofe not tlje Ilpones let Ijer l#e ffill, 3If tljou raffes tljrouglj cafe, tlje courfe of tlje fjeauen, take ^ain&andros Crofe tljrife i&eepe turll tljefe teacljments ad Clarkes Ijatlj tolde, tfws beginner tlje Dait dremc as tljou likes, tljou (Ijall not rets in tint feit, aflummed in tjje ttxU £Dr t&e Jieigtjt of tDe Ijeit neereff tlje tointer, j!3o tatle of tlje tearme, toill 31 tlje tell 1But Cljaffitie tlje Cljtftaine of tljeir cljeif torongtf, £Dr in tlje fjeiggt of tlje Ijatmeff, ijard of tljg felf §>ljall toicked um'rds tmdoe, and to tlje tigjt, and tljis or 3f totfl, 3| tojalkned anone, tljouglj 3I torite a0 it *oas, uiift 31 it not [ 12 ] (J^t The Prophefie of Merling. IC is to fal toljen tljep it finDe, ttiat fel on face is faine to flee, C|jat rommeD ate of fftoDlings ftctntie, (RHauing tljtouglj tlje tootke of urinDe, tlje 15eave Ijig muflfel flH upbinDe, anD neuet aftec bunD dial lie, atuap tlje otljet (ball toaue tottft toinDe anD ag tljep come fo ftall tljep flee, %ptt ftall top, anD finke ftall tonDet* tlje DeaD ftall rife, anD tootke gteat toonDet, anD iop ftall tife to man anD toife, Clje fofcotofull (all Mil of llttfe, 311 men fljall top of Dig tefuttection, 3nD in fpeciall men of Eeltgton, t&e mottet iss teaDie, tlje Peffell alfo, tlje fance fljall be btttet anD tljat to Ijte foe, anD tlje Diueto alfo fljall Ijelpin to, Cljen tlje banker of TBeill fljall bloome all about, tljen lite tlje JDutrljeon to fl)ailli$, anD clofe tlje tljetein tljou ftjal be toetpeb toitlj a toinDe, anD pluckeD ilk pen ^>ljal neuet Doun on tljp jskinne, not bto be tlje left Clje t&unDet ftjal tootke tljp DolDe to tlje tolDe eattfj, %Ijal neuet done upon lione, not gtounD be tlje left, anD fo tljat totetcljeD tootke ijs DefftogeD fot euet, Clieit fljal a (fcalpatt gagt toitlj a gilten jjotne, a IPtlleDoto toitlj a toDe, fie a ptime jjolDe, 2ftiitlj tljeit ptered in a place b£ a flteame fiDe, Co fltiue toitlj tlje ffteame, but tljeg no fftengtlj fcaue. jFot tljeit moouing tljep meete in tlje mtD toap, ai tlje gtomes fljal gtouncS be tlje toa# fiDe, anD [ 13 ] and man?) bairnes ffjall Ijaue Ijis b|>er& on tlje back fide, and tfiat iheruaile fljal fal be a JFirtlj fide, 323fjere tlje leader of t&e land fljal Ijis itf e lofe, lBut tfjat bargaine fljall breto in a baire burglj Cljat fljal baniflj front blifle inang littgfjt Ijelme : Wbtxi it is breued on Ijis back, and Ijis breif fcnotone, t)t dnm £Drganes digljt tjjen mag tljou toel deeme £Df al tljr toeil and tlje vncaltl) before tljtn toad torougljt SSQitfj ljunger and tjetrfDipe on euerie Ijil, get tljis toicfced toorld fljal laft" but a toljife, (RUljile a rljiftane mtetjofen e Ijoofe fortlj Dim felfe, and tide ouer tlje Eegion, and for Eo# ljolden> Cljen |)t$s fcutifiers fljal skail al tlje faite §>outlj jFra SDunbertane to Oouer, and Beil al tlje lands, lot fljal lie kid eonquerour, for ije is kinde Lord, l)f al 15retaine tljat Sounds to tlje broad fea, Clje ronquesfing fljal be keened, 9 neuet ronqueff after, 15e tlje eoaft pe fljal knotn ioljen tlje l&nigljt romes, 5>e ijes a mark in tlje middle toljer no man map knoto, fciUljen Ije is fet in tlje (ZEaff tofjere tlje %nn rifetlj, Jl>e Ijes a figne fljal fljeto on tlje ^outlj fide* Signum venenofi fanguinis de ventre matris fuse, al fc&ailes 31 tois, fljal tiiend toitlj tfjat Eop, Jfor to toorke Ijis toil, toljere fie tljinfce toould, #gane, <$askone, and 1I5retane tDe blgtfj, fljal busk to Ijt'S bidding on tfjeir beft toife, Clje toljole men torill fjelp in ijis mofi Digljt, Cljen fljal Ije turne into Cuskane but ttttp or true and busk ijim ouer tDe moutaines on mid tuinter euen, and tljen goe to Eome, and rug dotone tlje toalles and ouer al tlje Eegion Eop fljal be Ijolden, Oft tljis booke Jjaue 31 tone, and better thereafter, Of [ 1* ] ©f aperucloud averting, but it i# toaffed atoap flxEIitlj a touted tooman tooe migljt flje be, {J^f 3 The Prophecie of Bertlington. \T\ Jtytn tljt iRubie iss raifed, ted i d tfiere none, V V OBut muclj rancour fljal rife in iRiuer and Plane a&ucfj forroto t0 feene, tljroto a §)Ieutijound, Cljat beaten Ijorned on fjid Ijead lifee a toild i&art Cijen a bvok fljal make a braid on a braid field, and a Ijound fljal licave aback tmtlj a brime face, Clje fletotljfull %letotljound fljal flap Dim for euer, Cljroto a ttttit of a true, a trapne ffialbe made, Cljat Scotland fljal reto, and England for euer, jFor tlje toljiclj <$ladfmoorc, $ <£ouan mure gaped tljere after, Cljen fljal tlje ban&ed of TBeill bloome al about Cljen tjp tlje jjmrcljeon to ij>atllf0, $ clofe tfjee therein Cljou fljal be tuarped toitlj a toinde, $ plucfeed ilfe pen, €>>all tteuer dotone on tljp dfein, nor bins be tljee left, a tfjunder fljal toorfce tljp Ijald to tlje could eartfj, %W neuer fionr upon ftone, on ground be tijt left and fo tljid toretcljed beaft, id dellroged for euer, (RBljen faitlj failed in Prelated fatocd, and temporal Lorded toil Ijolde nctu latocd, and letljerie Ijolden for priuie folace, and reefe Ijolden from good purcijed, ©Bljen Borne in deuitied in ttoo parted, and euerie Prieft Ijatfj tlje Poped potoer, Cljen fljal tlje land of aibanie, T5e put to great perpleritie, a§an fin fortljinfee, and mid amend, Dread &od, do latu, tljinfee on tlje end. IB* [ 15 ] IStttoixt Cemptallon and tDe 15affe tDou Qjall fee a rigljt faire figDt, £Df bargess anti bellingard, and mang broad faile, &HitD iij» Libertes and tDe flourdeluce Die upon DigDt and fo tDe dreadfall Dragon fDall rife from W den, anti from tDt deepe dougljtclie f (jail dratti to tlje Ijeigljt ffif 15ruce$ left fide fDall fpring out a leif, 30 neere ass tDe nintD Degree, and fDall lie flemed of faire Scotland, 3|n jFrance farre begond tDe fee, and tDen fDall rome againe rtdtng, (KUitD eges tjjat mang men mag fee at aberladie ije fljal figljt, ftOitD Dempin Dolters, and 6or0 of tree, flDn <£o$forde greene it fDall fie feene* HDn (fclaidfmoore fljall tlje battle be, iftoto aibanie tljou make tlje boun, at Did bidding be tljou prompt fpe fljal deil botlj toture and totone, JJ)te guifttf fljal ffand for euer more. tDen boldlg boun tlje thereafter* (Upon a broad moore, a battle fljal be, 'Befide a ffob rrofe of ffone, (DODicD on tlje 8@oore ffands D«, $t fljal be clearly tied ouer nritlj corps of i&nigDttf, Cljat tlje Croto mag not find tuyere tlje eroce floode, Strang tuife fljal tueepe, ane &itt fljal under tlje deed fljal rife and tljat fDal be toonder, and rar Dim rudelp in Did fDire fDield, JFor tDe great romfort of a neto King Jl3oto Dg* tDe IPotoofe, toitD tDp proud fDotoe$> Cafee tDg part of tDe IPelfe, toDm tDe pack open*, 3t [ 16 ] 3lt fljall not be <$ladfmoore bg tlje fep, 3|t fljal fie ladfmoore toljcre euer it be and tlje little lotone tljat fljall be 3fjs bettoirt tlje ilotomond and tlje fea and toell iss tlje man In all Diss life Cijat Ijatfj an cote Ijouss tnto JFgfe, and get once fljall tome tlje Dag ff)t toould tlje Cote Ijous toere atuag, and tljere fljal come an 8)ound out of tlje ^>outfj, 223ttj^ ijtm an ragment of iRatcljesS retorted rigljt, and a&our for tlje feeinlg fljal Ije come and in JFgfe fljall figljt and tlje fetid tofn, get fljal an Jftort&ern flato faile Ijim for euer, and feil Ijim to ronfuuon and returne neuer, an (ZEagle tljen fljal come out of tlje 3l3ortlj, mitij an flock of birdetf fair at tlje fligljt, (KBljiclj fljal make matig fute founder and fall, Cljen fljal an (fcljoft come out of tlje OftJeft, (RBttlj ijtm an faire menge, (Upon tlje OEgil make bint boun, "But Ije fo nie tljen fljal gpe flee, 31 can not tei gou toljat Be Ijeigljt a bailard troto 31 bell D* be, 5)i0 name fljal not be erpremed ass noto, JFor lie toass gotten toitlj an JLadie in priuitie, 5)ijs dougljtie deeded toit&out all doubt %fjal comfort al ijiss eompanie !J)oto euer it Ijaupen for to fall Clje £gon fljal be Lord of all, Clje jfrenclje totfe fljal beare tlje gionne %ljal toeild al 'Bretane to tlje fea, and from tlje 15rucess blood fljall come ass [ 17 ] 00 neere ag tlje nintjj Degree, aiDerueloutf Sterling tljat manp men of telltf, 3nd Cfjomatf facings comes* all at once, CfjogD tfjetr fapings be felcoutlj, tljep ffjal be fuitjj found and tljere Hjal all out glading be, Clje (Erotu fljal lit upon a ftone and d^inke tlje gentle blood fo free, Cake of tlje ribess and beare to Ijer birdess, a0 <£od Ijatlj faiti, fo mud it be, Cljen fljal Ladies laDDess toed, and b^ooke Caflless and Cotoertf Die* IBeid JjatD b^eued in Ijig booke, and TBanifter alfo, ^etueloujs sterling, and al acco^deS in one, Cljomas tijt tvciu , tljat neuer fpake falfe, Confenttf to tljeir facing, d tlje fame terme Ijatlj taken, get fljall tljere come a keene Knigljt ouer tlje fait fea, a feeene man of courage, and bolde man of armeg, 3 Dukes fonne doubled, a bo^ne man in jFrance, Cljat fljal our mirtljejs amend, and mend all our fjarmss after tlje date of our lord 15 13* d tljsife tlj?ee tljere after ffilljicfj Hal baoofee al tlje b^aid 3[le to fjim felfe, 15eturirt riij. and flfoife t&ee tlje Cljietn fljal be ended, tlje Sarong fljal neuer recouer after, $e fljal be crotoned in tlje kitlj, in tlje Caffle of Douer, fcim feemlie fo? to fee, 3 asked Dim Ijollp Ijfo intent, #ood §>it if pout toil fie, gwt tljat pe bpde upon tlje 6ent %ome tmcoutlj tpdinges tell pou me, cKJIjen ftal al tljefe tuama lie gone, Cljat leile men map leue in lee, flE>2 tofjen (Jjall falfljood goe from Jiome and laugljtie iiloiu fjig ijcnu on Ijie* 31 looked from me not a mile, and fato ttoo ftnigljtrs upon a lie, tljep toete atmed feemelp netu, ttoo Ctoceg on tljete fyeffea tljep bare, and tljep toete eled in diuens Ijeto, £Df find^ie countries ass tljep toete, tljc one toass ted as anp blood, %tt in tjts ^Ijield a D^agone feeene, !j)e ffeiud Ijig g>>teed ass lie toere mad, Witij rtafebid twoadjs ftavpe and feeene EigDt to tlje otljet ftettne Ijim lip* ^is$ IDo^fe mass al of filuet fteene JiMs %i)fcid toaa fyaped tigijt feemlie, 3[n it a Eamping Upon feeene* ^eemlp into golde toatf fet, Jl)i0 fco^dout toajs of 3fute fteene, mm [ 19 ] fl&itB filfee and §>abil toell toas plet, 31 looked from me aim; a greene, and fato a ladie on a lie, CBat fucB a one {iati 31 neuer feene* tfie ItgBt of Jet Urine* fo Bie, attour tBe moose tuBere at fte fure, CBe fields me tjjougfjt fatve and greene %>ljt rode upon a ^teid ful (lure, Cijat fucB a one Bad 31 feldome feene : 8>er ^)tetd tuas tuDtte as an# milfce, $)iS ton Bto taile tuar botB full blae, a fide fandle fefcoed tottD filfee as al torn golde it glittered fo, fyi$ Barneffing toas of filfee of pnde, %tt toitb precious ffones free, 5>e ambled on a noble fcinde : (Upon Ber Bead floode CroUineS t&aee : ©er garment fcoas of <£otoles gap, IBut otBer colour fato 31 none, a flptng fotule tljen 31 fato, LigBt befide Ber on a ftone a floope into Ijer Band flje baere, and ljoI|> tuater fte Bad readie, %>bt fp^infeled tBe field botb Bete $ tBere g>aid Beere ftal mang dead coupes lie, at pon bridge t»pon pon burne> O&Bere t&e toater tunnel bjig&t and fteene, C&ere ftal manp deities fpurne, and i&ntgBtes die tBsoto battles fceene Co tBe ttoo i&nigBtes did Qje fag, Let be pout ilrife mp KnigBtes free, Pt take pour JJ)otfe and ride pour tuap [ 20 ] 3$ <$od Ijatlj ordained fo mnft it be, ^>aint andaeto tljon Ijafi tlje Ijigljt, %nint <3toiQt tljon att mp otone &nigljt> tlj^ tojongous aires ftall tuojfce tljee tnoe, J13oto ate tljen one tljete tuaieg gone, Cfie Ladie and tfje Knigljtes ttoo, to tljat beitne tljen tan 3 ment, and asfeed tptljingss be mg fen, ff&ljat feinde of Itgljt toas tDat J faiti ? C&on ftetoed to me upon pone lie, tH tuljetefto came tljofe i&ntgljts ttoo Cljen feemed of a fam countrie, Cljat ladie tljat 31 let tljee fee, tljat in tfje Ctueene of Ijeanen fo bng&t tfje fotole tfiat fleto bn ijtt feme, tljat ij3 g>aint aptrljael mnclj of migljt tlje IKntgljtes ttoo tlje field to ta Wijnt mante men in field ftall figjjt i¬n pon tuell it ftal be fo, tljat die ftal mante a gentle ftnigiit fc&ttlj deatlj ftal manp dougljtie tiaile, tlje Lo^des ftal be tljen atoan, tljttt is no J^attet tljat ran tell, $Mo ftal toin tlje field tljat dap, 3 rrotoned ifttng in avmes tD?ee, (Under tlje 15anet ftal be fet, ttoo falfe and fenned ftal be, tlje tljtrd ftal ligtjt and mafee great let 15aner!S fine againe ftal ftriue, and eome in on tlje otljer fide, tlje tofjite JLpon ftall beate tljem dotone, and toojfee tljem tooe uritlj tuonndeg toide, Clje [ 21 ] Clje 15ate$ Ijeade toitfi tlje tead ilpon, %$ feemelp into read golde fet, Ctjat dan ftal flan tiyt fttng uritlj Ctotone, Cljouglj mann JUsdetf make gueat let, t&ete ftal attout tlje toatet* of jfo^tjj g>et in golde tlje wad ilnom and mann ilo^da out of tlje J13o2tlj to tljat dattel ftal make tijcm noun, tfiete ftal Ctejscenteg route ful keene, tljat toeaves tlje Ctoee as tead a$ dlood, £Dn euetie fide ftal lie fo^otu feene, Defouled is mann dougljtte foode, lBefide a Louglj, upon a lie, tljen ftal aflemble nnon a dan, and mann dougljtte men ftal die jFetu in quiet ftal de found atoap, £Dut ^cotttft i&ing fljal tome full feeene, Clje tead Unon deatetlj {je, a feddeted awoto fpatpe 3f tneene §>>fjal make Ijim totnke and toam to fee, flDut of tlje filde Ije ttjal de led Mljen Ijc id dloodie and tooe fo? dlood, get to Ijte men fljail Ije fan, JFo? <£odg loue nou tutne againe, and giue tfjofe ^utftetne folbe a ftan, Wljy fljould 3 lofe tlje ttgljt ijs mine* 8£n date te not to die tljte dan. Sondes itf falftjoode fled auian, and laugljtie dlotoes Ijte Ijojue on Ijie, £Duv dloodie Ifctng tljat toearejs tjje Crotnne, JFul boldlie fljal Ije dattell dnde, 5)isj 16anet; fljal de deaten doume, IB iij* and [ 22 ] 0nb Ijatlj no Ijole fjttf fieati to Ijide, tlje g>tetne0 tlj?ee tljat dap ftall Me, Cljat beate0 tlje 5)atte in filuet fteene : tljete ls$ no ttclje0 golde no? fee, S$n$ lengthen &i0 life an Ijotote 31 toeene, Clju0 t&ouglj tlje field tljat mnigljt ftal tide and ttoife tetffeeto tlje ifttng toit& Ctotone, ^e toil make manp a TBannet peeld, tljei&nigljt tljat beate0 tlje todde0 t&ee, $e toil bp fo?ce t&e field to ta, v IBut toljen Ije fee0 tlje Upon tile, Cljinfce pe toel fje toil be toae, IBefibe Dim ligljtetf beitne0 t&ee, Ctoo 10 to&tte tlje t&irD 10 blae, tlje todde0 tljjee, fljal flap tlje ttoo, Clje tlji*d of tljem f&al mafee Ijint tile, flDut of tlje field fljal goe no mo?e, TSut one Iftnigljt and fenaue0 tbitt. Cljete rome0 a 'Banner ted a0 blud, 3fn a @Dtp of filuet fljeene, (ECtttlj Ijim come0 manp fetlie fude, to too^fee tlje §>cotte0 muclj &utte and tooe* Cljete romeg a <$ljoft out of tlje toeft, 310 of anotljet language tljen Ije, to tlje battle botone0 Ijtm beft, 30 foone a0 Ije tlje ^enpout tan fee, tlje iRatclje0 too?fee0 tljem gteat toanteli, Cljete tljep ate taped on a lie, 31 eannot tell toljo Ijatlj tlje befit GEaclj one of tDem mafee0 otljet die a toljite ^toane fet into blae, %hal femble ftom tlje ^soutlj fep, ■* Co [ 23 ] Co tooafee tlje Ji3o*tljen folfee great toae, jTo? fenotoe pou tuell tfjujES fljal it lie, tfie ftaifees auc&t tm'tlj uluer fet, §>{jal femble from tlje otljer fiDe, till fje and tlje ^)fcoan be met, Ctjep fljal fcooake tuoe nritlj tuoundes toide, tfjaotu tooundetf toide, t&ere toeedtf ijatfj tuet §>o boldlie brill tljere beirnetf bpde, 3It is no refe totjo gets tjje beff, tljep fgal botlj Die in tljat fame tide, Cljere eomes a Load out of ttje Iftoatlj, Hiding upon a IJ)oafe of tvee, tljat baoad landed Ijatlj bepond jfoatfj, Ctje uitjite Jl)inde bearetlj jje, and ttoo iRatcSjes tljat are bleto, %tt into goltie tljat is fo free, tljat dap tlje (ZEgill fljal Dim flap, and tfjen put tip ijis IBanner Bie : Clje Load tljat beared tbe JLofanetf t&aee, ^et into golde toitlj Softies ttoo, IBefore Bint fljal a battel be, $e toearejs a banner tljat is bleto, %tt toitlj Pecofe tailed tBaee : and luffie JLadiejs Ijeades ttoo, Glnfane of one, eaclj otljer fljal be, all tljaouglj griefe to getljer tljep goe* ] eannot tel toljo uring tlje gree, (Eaclj one of tljem ftal otljer flap, tlje €gill grap fet into greene, tljat fcoeares tlje Ijartea ijeades t&iee, £Dut of tlje ^outfj Ije fljal be feene, to ligljt and rap ijim on a lie, mm . [ 24 ] tt&itfy 35* J&nig&tjs tljat are feeene, 3nD (ZEatletf either ttoo o? tliaee, Jfrom Catlel fljal come fee Dene, 0gafne fljall tljep It neuet fee, at Pinfetn Clmdj tljen fljall fre fpflt, ajHtrlj gentle nlooti tljat dap, Cljeit fljall tlje IBmt lofe tlje gplt, 3nd tlje (ZEagle fceate tt atuap, IBefote tlje toatet man calless Cgne, and tljefr oner Ipes a biiQ of Gone, tlje 'Batves t&ee, loofes tlje gtee, tljeve fljall tfte (ZEagle turn tjte name. Cljeve eomea a fceatt out of tfje aftteft, fc&ttlj Ijim fljall tome a faite mante, 5)10 15aner ijes fceene feldome feene, a baHarti ttotoe 31 6eft Ije ne, Gotten fcotttj a iLadie fljeene, fc&fttj a ftnfgljt tn i^futtte 5)te atmtejs are full eatlj to fenotoe, tlje tead JLpon neater Ije, tljat Upon ftall fo?fafeen lie, and Ije ttgfjt glad to flee atoap 3[nto an flD^c&patd on a Ite, auttfj Dearth gteene anti aliases* gtap, tljevc urill yc mlaifeed lie, il)te men fapetf fjatmefap, tjje <£agle pufcs tjtg TBaner on Ijie anti fapes tlje field Ije twoone tljat dap, tfietr ftall tlje Upon Ipe full Mil, 3[nto a Bailie faite anti fyigljt, a Ladie ftoutes toittj tooadg ftnle, anti fapetf Uioe tootflj tlje cotoarti l&nfg&t [ 25 ] Cljp men ate flame tipon pon Ijil, Co Dead ate manp Oongtie oigljt, Cfjeteat tlje JLpon Itfeess ill, and tatfetf ijte fcaner ijte on fifg&t (Upon tlje moo^e t&at iss fo gtap, TBefioe a Ijeaolejs Ctoce of done, Cfjeve ftal tlje (Eagle trie tljat Dap, 8nd tlje read Upon toxn tlje name, Clje (JEagles t&ee ftal lofe tlje gtee, tljat tljep Bane Ijad tljte manie Dap, tlje tead Upon ftal totn tenotome Win al tlje field and Iieate atoap, £Dne Ctotoe ftal tome, anotljet ftal goe, and d^infce tlje gentle filood fo free, Wfotw al t&efe fetlieg toajs atoap, tljen fatoe 31 turn, lint 31 and fje tljen to tlje betne contlj 3! tap ©Sljete dtuela tjjon o? in tofjat rounttie : flD? tutio ftal tule tlje %lt of T^etaine - JFtom tlje J15o?tfj to t&e Contlj fep j a JFtenclj toife ftall feeate tlje £?on, %ljall tnle all IB^etatne to tlje fep, tljat of tlje Vtom* Wood ftall come, as neete ass tlje nint degree 31 franed fall fcoljat toatf tjia name, ftOljete tljat Ijt tame from tofjat eonnttie ? 31n €tflingtonn, 31 dtoell at Ijame Cljomas IUpmont men caller me, (fct» The Prophefie of Waldhaue. Opon [ 26 ] VPon ILoudon ftato alone as5 31 lap, Looking to tlje Lennox, as me Hit tljougljt, Cfje firft moaning of ^ap medicine to feefee, Jfo? malice anti melodie tjjat moued me fo?e, 31 lytis dotrmc anti leaned me $ lifted toel fleepe, Opon ttje ijeigljt of a bill as tlje noire bad, and ass 31 l£*d dotone and Ijeilded mg e#fe, ^o (jarD 31 a ijoavs tioicc, and a Die me, Cljat bad me ftfllaldljaue betuav and me toel keepe, jfc? feate of a toilde beafl, tljat Ijfo toeitd d^eitf, Cljevetoitlj 31 flonift, and flood and fiatt on m# feete, and fained me on euetp fide, ass tlje uoice bad Cljen 31 looked but let, ligljtlie me fta and fato a Ijitfall in jjie, of fiaiteg together, a Ijund^etlj J Ijope, toel toljollie tfjeit toatf, Cljen of JForejs, a flocke, fullg fiue fcoie, ail following on a fierce beaft, tljat rudely tljem cljafi, Cljat toatf al toood tjj?ouglj toeitd tuofull to fee Etgljt tagged and tent, and tiuen in peecess a battle tuitfj like bafloun, Be boate on Ijitf bjoad luffss, Like a b?imfull beitne battle to make JDe tljougljt to efffcap, and tljem fafl p^essfit, ass Ije in fold fcuould tljem fang, finite at tjij5 tuill, T5ut toljen ijt fato me tuitb fig&t, foone Ije tljem left, and troljcn ije foundered autia^ no moae 31 tljem fami, Cljen groaning gtimlie Ije girt to me foone, as gettet tlje gveat u^euto Ijad done fo? tj&e nonce, lj)e fttuck fafl tuit& Ijiss ftaffc, and flontftt me fo?e, TBut 31 keeped ijhn be Cljtffl, toitlj a keene weapon, Cfiat miass mp ftmo^de miljile 31 ftjuet fmnnging me about and a buckler troell baoad, tljat keeped me befi %* fteftlie Ije forced, me meat foj to make, Cljat [ 27 ] Cfiat fie Ifiundered on tfie fold, and fit's feete fnappered, Cfie fiaffoun on tfie Sent fo^e fi^afed fiim fra, and 31 fiut 6aid on fite fi^eafi, fiofcuned mp felf, 311 grouflings on tfie ground gracioufip fiim field, Cfi?ougfi grace of tfie great <£od, tfiat fiaD me toarned fl)e yelped, fie palmered, and fouled loude, and flrugled fad fiig llrengtfi, and ffrucfe upon loft, "But 31 firtd fiim 6|> tfie fiaire, ass mp fiap toa0, 2nd fiefgfit to fiurt fiim full fo?e, fiut fie film ftill field, and coniured fiim fie Cfijift, and fito motfier deare Cfiat fie Ifiouid feptfi to me fits ftitfi and fitjs kin, IBnt long toatf it tfiat fie lap oj fie fpeafee mtgfit and at tfie lad fie can leaue, and Itgfitlp fie faid, ftOaldfiaue tott tfiou, tfiat toel fies tfie fiapned, Cfiou tfiogfit not tfiat tfip toeird tfite to^ogfit (fiuld fie, TBut let me rife of tfite rare, and refl tfie fiefide and 31 ffiall readilp toitfiout rgot tfie merueia tell, <$reat grace fiatfi tfiou gotten, tfiat got me tfite time, 31 ftall greiue tfie no mo^e fo is tfip grace turned, 'But pet 31 trufted not fiig taile tofiill fie fits trutfi gaue, T5e tfie lata and tfie lead, tfiat fie liued on, Cfiat 31 fure Ifiould fie and fafe, and no euill fietide, Cfien let 31 fiitu rife, and leaned on fiijj (fioulder, and great meruile of lji<$ face, and fitg fcmne fiad, J£>e tuass foamed like a freift all fiitf foure quarters and tfien fiig cfiin and fiitf face fiaired fo tfitcfe dxftitfi fiaire groing fo grime fearfull to fee, 31 framed at fiim foimefl, tfie feare of fiim felf , fflttjp fite figure and fiia face toass fo fearce made ? 31f toearie of tfie tootfd, o* tufiat fiim aled, fyt girned, fie gafped, and groaned full fo?e, Cftept toitfi fiig grap epetf, and fuddenlp fie faide ®ood [ 28 ] &ood game all tlje toap 1*5 a«s <£od mill, JFo? lie is gteiued tfj^ougfi mp guilt, $ 31 no gtace fetued, agg nrilde toanton toil, end m# mifdeedtf, 3 mag fenoto of al tooe, and mp toeitd alatf, lBecaufe of mg {inne> tljat 31 fetued euet, !J)e0 tljis fo^toto and tljte figtjt fent unto me, IBe ttoufcle of mp Mn tljat 31 am of come, JDatlj me tutned in tljte rate, and tatefull me matie, Cljat 31 fjatte no Dope of Ijelp, fo fjelp me out Ho^U, 3j23{itII Ije tljat put me in gtiefe once gtace fend, jFtaine tljou no futtfiet of m^ foote lettf, £0f otljet txioikess ajs 31 tuatt, asfce if tfjou likes, Cljp etling tljou asfce map, fo? anftoete 31 ftall, 3[n tuooDjS and toildetneg toljete manp tua^ess Igea, Cljat 31 Datfened and Datd, 31 IjeigDt tlje to fa#, Cfien ftouneti 3( fietclp of tfjis ftitooll tootfd, (DOljat to lie of toeite, tf fie toil! ougDt, flD? toljo ftould toeild Uj5 in tljis too?ld tljat fo?toto d?eii& Co gtue x& of good mill, and get ttf to peace, 3lf tljeit i& ftuite in tljfe too?ld tljat fo muclj tootflj itf, €?ljould Ijaue fufion on fo^re, and anp faite aftet, 3nd tljen Ije looked to tlje gtound, ij toept al a turtle and Ije gtoaned fo? gteif, toeeping fie faid, a^uclj anget and euill Ijatlj tljijj j>Ie rljoofed, ai tljiouglj oggeted and riff, and (ZEluinig l&nigljt, T6?utug tlj;p IBaitnetime Ijes muclj bail cljofen, ^itue fitff in Q5?etaine to leind tljou toag fyougljt, ^icfenes and fo^toto and foatneg fet toitlj fptfj, (RHfjen tljou femoled to tlje fea tmdet faile found, jRo^otoap ijatlj neddeted tljem, and to neede fyougljt, Cljat Ijatlj netoed tljeit names, and named tljemfelueg, OBngltft, tljat ate (ZEaff foode, and (ZEdwanitf naitnea, TBut [ 29 ] TBut all tlje anger t&at tljc^ make, tfjeir otone ftall be, Cljat tooefull tuetfmureland, tooe mot tlje betide, jFo? tljou tuitlj toarre, and tljp fc^ong bairnetf, (RHtjen tljou mete tuitlj tlje €©er0, $ mured tuitfj tlje fame a^uclj malice and mifcljiefe, tljou made fo? tfjj> felf TBetrnes and banertf tljou b^ougljt upon loft, WiitX} burning and baile Ijatlj tojougljt fosroto, Carlill tDp Captained, Ijatlj muctj tooe tuiougljt, Cljou lljal copelled be toitlj caire, tljou tljinka it out little Cjjep ftall tljp gates pme, tljou games not thereafter, Cljou ftalt galmur and pell : tljat al Jpo^k ftjal it Ijeare Cljen tfje totone ftal be tint, troto tljou not els, Cljp toppeg and tljp turnateg tumbled to tlje ground, §>o falfe fortune fo fel, lje0 t&ee at feid, Cljat fo^ce fljal faile tlje, toljen tljou bell tfjinkeff, 3nd lipnijs on London to leade tljee fo? euer, On Linton and Lindfap, and Lancijafler fljgrea, Cljere ujal a Lpon be Lofed tljat a Lo?d i0, IBotlj of London and of Lojne, a$ tlje Lam toill, Q>e Qjal allege to tlje leid, and tlje lata make, Leue nogfjt upon loft, but tuaffe tljem foj euer, 31 tlje flrengtljes of tlje coal!, and Caftletf euerie one, lot ftjal inclofe tljrm to ijiss Croiunr , $ ouer tljem come, 'Burgane and IBamburgtj, ass ije b# rides : 3nd IButlingess beate it dotone, and burne it fo? euer, Clje mater ftal toelcome Ijim, and tlje toauejs of tlje fep 923ljile Ije ijaue toin in lj£ al tljat ije tljinkeis, Cljsoto tljisES truetlj bpon Ctoeid, ujal be turned after, 3ff toljo twill count tlje time of tlje peare, 3[f euen b# eifcing tlje ijoto^e, and tlje dap come, 3nd angered foi euer mo?e, tfjis olde men deuifes, JOeedlefle tljou jftoafjame, fo? nougijt tljat tljou loofeefi, Cfjere [ 30 ] Cljere ti3 a U3efeer in tlje H3o?tlj, tljp neft ftal deffrop, tljou ftal lie toafted of tljn too?fee$ foi tly$ tojong deed**, Cljere ftal no toarrand tlje toeir, tljat tljou tuinbfl after a black 16air and a 15?ofe, and a 'Bull Dead, 3 15oare toljelpe tottD a 15?ofc, and a b?oad Dead, Qjal tlje boun in tljeir bourea, 9 beare tlje dottne fo? fuitlj, and build tfjem up tljeir toalless, 00 tljeg bed tljinfee, iRed EorburgD tlj£ vole, and reddie tljee boun, tljn roote i# noto raifed top, and rotten in funder, CD?ee iRauenjS and a iftoofee ftal on tljg rock fit and rolp rudely ftal tljep, tljat Eome ftal it beere, jFrom Eos* to iRofdeene toatf tljat rigfjt map be : IReddie tlje iRefcours, tljou reflea no mo?e, jfo? it i0 but reafon tlje tigljt and rente be gathered, aftJljat 3langelft tljou 3l*bDurglj, tljou 3IagK$ fa? nougljt, tljere ftal a gglefull groome dtoel tljee toritljin, Cjje Coto?e tljat tljou trufteg in, ass tlje trutlj ijs, %ljal be traced twit!) a trace, trotu tljou none otljcr, tlje neto Cafile is feeene, feeped ful toeil, thereto take #e good ijeede no? come not tljerein, a ijirde uritfj a Ijand botu, ftal tlje Jeird feeepe, ©ie in a lt)olgne, and in a Ijaire toood, TBotlj Jji0 ijo?nes ftal Ije Bang and jjafi Ijim tljereuritlj SD?efle tljee noto SDumbar, and doe fo? tlje time, tljou Ijaft a d?eid fo? t&e £)?aife, tljat tlje d?oune toould, €l>£ Ijilejs i0 fo Ijard fet, toitlj fialmerjs of fieele, mell Ijauie tljerefo?e, Ijold tljee ful ftill, tlje neto too?fee tljat itf nert on tlje U3o?tlj ffreame, %!>al eafl a blenfe to tfie TBatf, toljen t&e blenfe fljines, IBt it guided toitlj toit and toill bee not toaiflet, tljftc ftal no toaifiet it toeild no? no euill doer, tailless tjold tljee at gome, fo Ijold 31 it be&, JFor [ 31 ] Sot 6ap tfiou to Jt)alidoune, tljou art Butt fo? euet, Cljete is* a 5)uttcljeon in a IjutG, in 5)etiot moo?e IJ)atfi matted tlje mgtfnap in a§)tnto Ctaigess, Cijat Datlj manfiontf mooued maugte of ijte tectij. SDttlton and SDalkeetlj tljeg d^ead no mo^e eltf, IBut tfje IDotone and tfje Doto, tljat t£je d^afee leader, Clje D?agone tfiej> d^oune toould but deuife of JFtanre, Dotfj (ai tljem dougljtelie, ag Ije Ijatlj done euet, (ZEdinbutglj tfjat old Ctaige i$ angeted ful fo^e, JFo? tlje atue of tlje Ctne, tljat in tlje CaG buildes, $t Ijatlj a JFalcons fett tfiat in fat landed IBatfj fjitf feddtfng and Jjttf fltgljt, and Ijte fligljt gatljeted H3eedlej5 t&ep nop tljem tljat is fo? nought, JFo? tljep neuet in tlje neG ftal noutift tfjeit bitdejs, §>ttiueling tBat Gtait place a Gtengtlj of tljat land, Wbp tuitlj lktab?ofe $ ^ttatDetne Gtiuess tpou to patne to2fee$ in a Gall ftal Gand tljem before, stuffed al in Geele tueede, all on Ijotfe bacfe, Cljete Goutnes ftal Ginte, and Gontft tljemfeluetf, tfot Gtoless fo Geiue ftal Gint tljem toitljin* Doe noto SDunbatton toljile tfjg dapeg laG : 3 tojetcfied rloude in tlje OTeG, ad Cldettf tljee tall, JFot tDou att in a Ctaige tljou noto rait d^eadejs, IBeate tljee toell to IBotljtoell, and build it tip all Cljen Ctaufotd $ Cumnofe, toitD eleene men of atmes Let not ligfjtlie tlje lots leap out of totone, jFo? t&ou att JLo^d of tlje lander, $ a neto aibane i&ing, Co £>otogla$ noto doe toell, and it deate Ijolde, jfot SDotoglaa tfie douglitie map endute toell 2)eale tfje beG of tlje landed tljat longetlj tljee to, JFeede [ 32 ] jFeede tljem toitlj fairenes, anti ujttft faire toosdetf, jFp on tlje fellotofljip tljat Ijatlj a falfe end, Catiue and cutft men ace cumbered toi tun* tljere map no Catiue lie Cfjrift tljig feindred defend LaugDtie and largeness are ttoo loue ttjingeaf, 5)e tljat us life gaue loueg tljtm toell, Ifcnigljteg and (Stiffen men thereto ijeede tafee, Call tlje ftttfl men tn rate, nut tJje|> to CljsiCt turne, tljmfce on Dunbarton tlje bolde, in clde bernes time tljat tljou art nut a beeld, and in tljat (and cljiefe tljtm ftalt ta&e Ijeede to tijte token tljat 31 Hal tljee tell : IBeleeue it ass trulj> ass it tuere toritten, Wljtn tlje iLotomond lain ftjal tlje leue take, JFrom tlje land of lienor, and leue it fo? euer, Heap ligljtlie tuttlj loupe, and loofee tljee about, and mantel all tlje Craige toitlj a Cotoer toal, QMitlj 35arge0 and 1i3ellenger$, to ruflj at tlje gates, tljat botlj fifte and foiole tljat on fligljt goes, 15e flited up frefclp and faire t&em tmtljin, tljen is Dunbarton burnt al to potoder, and all in a rlotode, tDe toarre ended for euer* and if ge faile of tlji# freit after riiij* pearetf, gair |>e paiplie, and pairne pe no mo^e* Clje Caflel of Carrik tljat on a Craige fiandes, ^)ljal erg upon Cumnofe for a true nefi, tfiiat into Cliddefdale coaff deueres full fafl, 3ln a IDolpne fo ijie bp a Clfe busk, tfjen fyal tlje <£alloti?a£ <£roome$ get on tljeir a|j)aire0, Cljree toddes and a terfel fljal tene al tlje fcooodtf, JFrom tpnemoutlj to tultie, and be tole free T5ut a <$ofe JDaufee of grototlj ftal griefe Ijim tljen, and get on a grap ag)aire tljat in graffe reftejs* 3fn [ 33 ] 3fn a goto of gotorie dp a grap Gone, $>e ftal tuil^e toitlj tlje toddejs, and t&e tub alfo and fcuitij tlje teind tfjat tss tafeen : turne into JFraunce, Ctoo 223etljer0 and a 2£!olfe ftall tlje field mafee, lirrtiiuct a ^otue and a Lamb tfjat leader tlje flock, 'Before Sutler t&e bargaine ftal beginne, M tn tt booties tjte dags lie ript, tljen ftal tlje 3lle of Eiofap be ranfe ful of fide buftes Cljen eaclj man rues tljem for ruetlj of Dt0 fjart tljat tuould tend from rude and no reft tljole, r atiur in a Craig fljal a totuer mtilDc, and tt$ on Craig jfergutf, tlje cratodone ijs euer, JFor a 'Bucfe in dnt, as a dull Ijorne, 'Bound fcpttfj a bugle blotoe tofjen ije lifeetf, 3 proude poiunc in a preis Lordlg ft a I ligtjt, Qj23ttD Pioteg and Pilltedotoes pulled in tlje crotone, Plaine potoer of tlje Pope ftall tlje Potmte tjaue Co pluck and to punift and part i}tm about, 3 P*?ot ftal partly appeal* ijim agatne, Jfor tjitf part of t£e pelfe, and tlje Potone torong : Cljere ftal muclj fo^roto and fitife ffirre tljem once Cljat ftal tlje sterlings trouble, tljat ffiretf tmttj tuingtf, 3 ©aire toitlj a ©urcljeon and a Ijind Calfe, %lja( Ijir tljcnt in ijolic land and ijolD tljcm t&erein, Wijilt a gragljound tljrm gripe on tlje greefee fea, and goe toitlj tljem gricuouflp toljere Ijim leif lifeetf, Cljere ftal no gaming tljem glee toljile tlje <£ragfjound <£>ripe tlje <$raljound, and greiue Dim ful fore, and buffetted Ijim bitterlp tljen bit tjhn toitlj toarre, <£oe mufing dpon Sterling moae if tljou toil, JFor 31 meane for no more, man at tljitf time* Cljen 31 Uuddied fioode, and Ijim 6ild fiill, C €&en [ 34 ] CBen Be ronlb flutbel^ Aire toitB Bto broad epetf, IBut 31 contB fartBer Bim fraine, for Bi g fatBertf fonle, 3[f ener fteife on tBitf fold formed Bimfeif, CBat Be ftonld Uiftter me fome toap, if Be toift ongBt, flftBat of tgijS toorld and tBfo toeire ftould after betide, CBen as a Upon lie looked me en Hike a$ Be leepe would and rend me in funder 3J)e faid tuepng tBou 22laidBane, 31 tofa fata Beauen, tBat 31 map in tBto toorld al mp tnit Bane, 5l5o tBon getss tBat of ®od, tBeir gained none otBer, to toljome Be gines tBe grace, tBep ate of good life, OBut tBfo taile tBat 31 tell pon, pe ftal twft it toell, 3[t 10 a trailing bnt twetB, tBe fntB tBe to fap, 31 mooned into mp minde Boto tBe fuitB fiandtf. a^nfe on ass tBon map, tlie matter tBon frainetf, tBon finness if tjjon frames feeind farther 31 tell, 3[ Bane pnougB GUaldBane, mp tijap for to make, IDeere in toilderned 31 dtoell, mp tneird for to dree* (£Jp Heere followeth how Waldhaue did con- jure this Spirit to {hew much more of fin- drie things to come, as followeth. Bm fometuBat ftal 31 fap as fntB 31 Bard, among fiegejs unfonnd ttjat oner fate id, CBtee paired of tBe S£ers ftal marrie tBemfelues, 03itB tBe Sgertricfees of S£ar, tBat tBep mncB loue tBofe Orpine beafls toilde, ftall Htt fnl bolde, to baile and to barret beirnetf a neto, tBen ftall be firft toitB tBe bncfeu Bead, tBe otBer a beare tBat is brpme, ftal brne tnitB care, CBe [ 35 ] Cfie tgtrti a bui toitfi a lialte tljat beares fjo?ne$, 5)uge and Jjideous on euerie fide Ijie, ttjefe tfiaee ftal raike and reiue in t|je nrild Jl3o?tfj, tfjeir fta[ none otljer tide tfjefe riatoug beaiieg, a <£ok tmrlj a keene rombr ftal rompajs tfjem tuitij ai fjaill tjje tua^ejs tofjere tlje land Ipes, COitfi fur|j a rreik and a me fyal tljeir kind rife, tljat tlje kinrik be Cfj^ift ftal be rumbled thereof, IBnt tlje Ijappper fialf ftal tlje Cok ijaue, jFo? &e is ijper of Ijead, and ljurtg tlje leg, tfjefe falfe Lurdanes life laffes but a tojjile, Wfyiit tfjiee Liberty in a ling ftom London ftall tome, 3nd leane totoard Loutljtan into Ltnligljrotn ftrivr, totoard <$lafroto tljeg goe graitfjl£ thereafter, attour tlje Ijilletf toljere tlje toap Inexs, and on Sonant £$ooit gvaitij^ tljem to fleepe> tfjrn a Upon ass Load ftall leape tljem among, and learne tljem a leflon tljouglj tljen lairlj tljinke, JFell jFalroneis in field ftal tljeir fep tootflj, and tljeir foiemalejs fo farre flemed fo? euer* Cljen puruep tlje Potuok trnrij tljjt> p^oude ftjatneitf, tljou ftal ijaue part of tlje pelf, fculjen tlje park opens*. Cljen a Cljiftaine unrljofen ftal rljoofe fo? Ijimfelfe, and ride tfjjouglj tlje IRealme and 1Roi> tfjal be railed, tljm fyal ft&ailes too?tljel£ dfcuell upon loft, and rljoofe tljem a rljiefe Lo?d of iRopaltie Ijolden, ©rottess aires of Gotland ftal fraile tljem ful toide, 3ln fl)umber ftal b?ulpe tljeir rigljt fo? to Ijaue, <5reflbn and <^od?ant, tljat toere great Loads, tfje|> toere tailed in tljat time uritfj untrue fol&etf, fpeaurn and euen aires of tlje (and, %fyzl rent tljem and rife, and reill in tljeir toap, €ij a [ 36 ] and nop al tlje jfto^totoaiea tljat Ijatlj tjjem to?onge t^ougljt, ft&ljen deede ftall tife and metuels fteun ILooke ijim flat In face, and none ftal Ijim knoto, Cljen tlje Htllie fo leill tmtfj notable beitnes, ^>endtf bodtoatd in IB^itane to tlje beitne bolde, T5ib# Ijim blptljlp abide in battle f opnt, Cljen a Upon fljall leape loofe ont of Ijandg, Clje fitt out of Jteland nobleft of deeds, 15ut nitjen lie is5 loofe tfjen tell i# ttjeit none, flxBljen tlje &ytt to up and tlje £>>inke under Cljen ftal tlje dead tife and make gteat tuondet, amongl! kind men tn kitlj kindle ftall a rate, Cljete ftal a eouncel fit tljat Qball mafee toljole banket bate : Cljen batons ate fet tuttfj futtle tfjougfjte and phones pattlp to p^ick toitlj pattie faces, and dilailejs uietptf up tuitlj tuondetfull deeded, and Jteland Ijelps tljat Ijead to fjX33 moll Ijigtjt, 3nd all go?feeftite ftal Ijelp, p^oue toljen Ije likes? lot flwll binde ijim to bide luitlj brinies a neto, (ZBntet up a fide toljete tlje fea filler, 3|n Ijis ottme kind gtounti tnljete tljat Be teas bo?ne, ©Elitfj dignitie and deete men, tljat Ijim toell loues, JFo? to conquefi tlje eleate Ctotone of dHnglandjs line, 'But al tuould faile mete not forces* tljat tlje foole tljinfes, 8>e ftould be fubtillie fould toete not CJj?ift toould* Ctjat Ijis dolorous date ftould d?ato to an end : and tlje baftatdtf blood left is fo? euet : Cljen in IBaittane tljat dap fee toljo fo tollL §>ljal neuet IBaftatdS b^ooke a foote b^oad of eattlj, lt)e ftall be ljutled and Datled and Ijafted to deatlj : OTitlj a 2Holfe out of £&aile$ $ bttng |jim out of dates and ronquefi tlje cleate Ctotone of (ZEnglandS tigljt [ 37 ] JJ>e ftal tying al (England into good peace, WfyiXt a punter ftal rife and raigne in tlje JftotfB, Eare up fite T6annerd tmtfj riatoud beiened, jfo? fafetie and fupplie of TB^utud landed, gg)ucij Hurt and ftrife ftal fteire tn a tofjile, .from tlje HSo^tlj to tlje ^s>outlj fep toljo fo lift, jFo? toljen tlje Cotwerd of Cu^in id tumbled in tlje fand (Hlitfj ljunger and Ijard life and falftood on loft, 3Bitfjin irij* geared after great toonderd ftal lie feene, TBjj? tljat tlje Hibbertd race id faftlp at an end* Cljen tlje Ltlltr fo leile fljal leind unto ijt0 landed, 3nd to tlje Upon Hall get ILo^dlljipped great, jFo? tlje ilgon IJjal ariue at Carleile, and leape on tlje land ad Lojd of tlje ground, ij)e ftal leind in tlje land toitlj tjtd leife beirned, and lame tlje Jlibbert and iofe Ijim fo? euer : ^Ijall neuer tlje kibbert leap one dap after, 3fn bold IB^ittane to tyoofee tlje date in neere patted CJjat King IJjal deale and parte all tlje fyoad landed, Co tlje lBntced blood and otljer bolde Knigfjted, Ctjat ftal goe toitlj tlje toap to tlje tuengin of C&ift, 3[n tlje 23aile of 3[ofapljat feene Qial Ije be, Wfotn manp ^ar^aued ftal quafee toitlj tljeir ijarted, ftfflljen tlje dead man fijal rife $ ftetn tljem a figfit 3d merueloud Sterling Ijatlj faid of before, Cafee Ijeede to tljid tale tljat 31 notw tljee tell, and trull it ad trulp ad it fcoere treto to?itten, (RQljen tljat falfet Ijatlj foote and freedome in loft, and rouetife Ijatlj tlje feitlj at Did otone brill, iEHljen laugfjtie in laid loto tinder foote, and feindned in eourtefie bin freind to begple, 3nd no trutlj ftal be fcitljed into cljtfften landed, € iij Wat [ 38 ] IBnt al fet to tiefett and non truff otljer, Bat tlje JFattjer tlje §>onne in tit0 bodiln oatljea, !J)ol£ Cfjurclj fjjal ijaue no girtlj but plainly ouer turned and lerfierl e on loft and non fpare otljer : and eaclj blood tnitfi otljer fenites together, tlje lato of our g)auiour i$ quite forgotten, Ctiis 10 a true talking tljat Cfjomas of telfc, tljat tfje ©are ftal Ijirpil on tlje Ijard lione, 3fn Dope of grace nut grace gets flje non, tljen <$ladfmoore and ®ouane ftal gape tljere after Cljinfee not long on tfjijs loOe tot it id neere Ijand, ft&Jjen tlje JLamb in lofe tljat tlje Ijoln C&urclj beeped, tljen falfet id fet in %tt$t# of iRome, and too^feg fo? tlje toarrande tljat tlje cur toan, 6£an£ ^>eegea ftal figlj toitljin (jjojt time after, and manp merueld ftal be feene toitljin fto^t time, ft&ljen tlje moutlj of arran tlje top Ijatlj ouer turnd, Cljen foal Dunbarton mell of old done deeded, and fo ftjal arran Ijop in a neto maws Ijandjs, 31n Dope of Dunbar toljtn ©ailled ftal Ijalt, ft&ljen t&e !t)unter ftal come tmt& Ijijs feind iRatcljea, ©unt JFotljerik and JFife and tlje field toin, (GEiljen %>ommer is Winter and OTinter id toeete, flxElttlj toarping toind and tempefl great, Cljen falfet is reddp ijis friend to begple, Wiify ijunger and tjeirftip ouer al tlje Mad land0> tljen ftal tlje poo?e people lie fpilled ful neere, tbe leid ttiitlj tlje lucfein ijand id baougljt ou t f tiaietf, ^>ubtelln Ijiss life ftal lofe and man;» a otljer, and manp doug&tie ftal die fo? tljat deede, and manp leid in tlje jRo^tfj ftall tljere life lofe, JFo£ couetoufness and treafon tljen lofetf tlje land, $£anp [ 39 ] 90att£ a nrife and maiden fyal tu?ing botlj tljere Ijandtf, IBttoit tljig toicfced tuar be b?ougljt to an end, tlje firfi roote of tijttf toar ftal rife in tfie Jl3o?tlj, Ctjat tlje 3Ilejs and Ireland ftal moo?ne fo? tgiem botft, and tlje baronial feafed into 15?ute$ lander, Wfytn tlje a^oone is dark in tlje fivfl of tlje number, Witlj JFoure Crefcente0 to eife fo?tlj tlje daiea, 2nd tlj?ife ttn in felcoutlj to fee, Wiitb a IL to lofe out tlje reft of tfie number, %$x\t let tlj?ee and ttoo Clj?eip$ aj$ tljep toill, Ctjitf ia tlje true date tljat Sterling of telltf, and gaue to King Alter artljuus father : and fo? to mene and mufe toitij tljere merrie too?de0, jfo? once 16?ittane ftal be in a neto KnigljteiS Ijandetf, Wfytx fo Ijap to bpDc ftall fee initb ijts eietf, a$ Sterling and ftftaldfjaue Ijatlj faid of befo?e, and true Cljomas told in lji£ time after, and ttaint 'Beid in tixss noofee b?eued tlje fame, €$ute on if pe map fo? mifter |?e Ijaue, 31 ftal giue pou a token tljat Cljomaa of tellsJ, Zfoljtn a lad tnitlj a ladie Hal goe ouer tlje fields, and manp faire tfjing tueeptng fo? d?ead, jFo? loue of tljere deare freindeg lies looking on tjilleg, Cljat it lljal lie tooe fo? to tel tlje teind of tljere fo?roto, Cljen fyal be toafied tljere cljeife landeu, (Klljere <£od curfeg trntlj fit0 inoutlj dead mull folloto : J13ot» toait tljou SOaldljaue mn toil i0 toap to patf, Co toood and tmlderneg tuljere mp fcoap lieg, Cljen in tlje Hibberdg ttj?ee lamed fo? euer and tlje Lpon ftal be lo?d and leader fo? fuitlje and al 15?ittane tlje b?oad ftjal Ijim bote to, and ijis barnage bolde Qjal ijint bite feeepe, Cljen [ 40 ] C6en ftall fruite toel, and fadrion of rorne, 3[f fredome anti fretndflnpe Ijte fiance lie golden, Crg gou Cfiatfien men on Cfjaifl, and Ijonour our King, flDf all rureg and rareg tn tljta eoft angers and tlju0 De fundered me fra 31 ftained no longer, TBut 31 merueld faff at tifo faire Dead, 3f fluddted rtgljt ffafctllte, all flontftt thereof, Cljat 31 totnfced or 31 toi& and torougtjt upon fleepe, and tofjen 31 toalfeed written 31 found, ail tfjefe niordtf on toarre toanted tljere none, lBreued on a broad fcoofce and on mg fcreafi laid, 'Htfled be tlje fcreuer tljat tlje boofce tortte, Cfjen ran 31 mafee me to mufe, and melltng tfjeretoftf) Clje firft morning of Q9ag, tljte meruile 31 fato> a$ 31 lag mine alone on iLofcudoun iLato, Hoofctng to tlje Lennor, ass me leue tljougJjt (J^f 3 Heere endeth the Prophefie of Waldhaue, and now followeth the Scottes prophe- cie in Latine. SCotia maefta dole propria iam perdita prole, Regibus orba tuis, fraude fubadta tuis. Proh dolor ancilla fit libera, fraus perit ilia, Ignarae fobolis gens perit ecce dolis. Magnifici funus regis dolor omnibus vnus, Subdita non legi dat male Regna Regi O grauis anxietas, fexus dolet omnis, & aetas : Quern fera mors rapuit, natio Scota luit. Pridem terra ferax, gens martia, natio verax, Per- [ 41 ] Perdiderat gratum quern tenuere ftatum, Duro confli&u fortunae mobilis i&u Sunt in detenus verfa beata prius. Sub iuga venifti, quae vi&rix ante fuifti : Aduena fceptra gerit, quae velit, enfe terit Anglorum nati nee vi, nee more probati, Vae tibi quod folo preualuere dolo. Gens inuincibilis, gens fortis, genfque virilis, Succubuit fatis, res miferanda fatis. Gloria Scotorum vernans aetate priorum : Vae tantae cladis obtenebrata cadis. Ecce repentinae funt huius caufa ruinae, Contemptus fidei, fraus, dolus, ira Dei. Rerum caecus amor, inopum oppreflio, clamor Iugis, plebs retegens, natio legis egens, Faftus maiorum, vitiorum caufa priorum, Peccati fomes, legis inepta comes. Hunc cecinere ftatum veterum praefagia vatum Singula venere quae cecinere fere. Scandala, terrores, plagas, variofque dolores, Ex ferie fati Scotia difce pati. Gens furget ex te diuerfa profperitate Vix poterunt fcribi, damna futura tibi. Sed ne defperes, quae tantis lutYibus heres, Non eft perpetua plaga futura tua : Credo licet fera veterum prefagia vera : In bonitate Dei, fit tibi cura fpei. Nam quae tot pateris, quae iam captiua videris, Tandem folueris, Imperialis eris. Defuper eueniet tibi virtus, Scotia fiet Vltima profperior, quam tua vita prior. Promittunt veteres, quod erit tibi befiicus haeres Qui [ 42 ] Qui fua Iura nouans regna Iuuabit ouans, Stragibus Immenfis fudabit Scoticus enfis, Rex perdet cuneos vltor vbique reos. Irruit Angligena per eum gens non fine paena, Enfe, fiti, fletu, pefte, tremore, metu. Hoftibus afflictis, ftratis, per praelia viftis, Scotia tuque tui Placida pace frui. IF Alia Prophetia. Cum fuerint anni completi mille ducenti, Et tricenteni fuerint in numero pleni, Bis fex & feni venient ab equore Rheni Tunc ruit Anglorum mala gens & femen eorum. % Alia Prophetia. Anglia te perdet tua gens, quam quilibet odit, Te circum fodit gens Gallica, Scotia rodit. Gallia mutetur, Ibernia infidietur, Vix poflunt fcribi damna futura tibi. IF Alia Prophetia. Flan, fran, confurgent, hifpani viribus vrgent, Dani confurgent, Albani limina lingent, Sco deueftabit, tunc Gallia arma parabit, Et cum hoc fuerit Anglica gens periet. IF Alia Prophetia. Poft Iacobum, Iacobus, Iacobum, Iacobus quoque quintus Et filius daci Regno Regnabit vtroque. (J^t 3 Heere followes the Prophefie of Gildas. When [ 43 ] Wfym fjolg l&irk t'0 to?akeb, $ toil fjatfj no tott and paffoureg ate pluked $ peild but pietg, 32!ljen 3[dolatrie i0 in Cnss, and iRe, and fpiritual IPaftoureg ace tiered anti atoag, 3nd al eilateg in figljt ate imknotone, IBeeaufe of tfjete clothing running o? craft, Spiritually fufpended fubuerted anti fufpefted, Denying tfjete dutie to <£od anti tfjere det, l£>?omped tip like Princes* a$ tlje Peeok p?oude, iRefufing tljere iReligion and tijere rigljt rule, tijen in tlje U3o?tfj a toicked toind ftal bloto, Cljat ai tlje iRealme ftal reto rigljt foone tljere after, tlje igraljound ftal lie greeued and d?iuen at tmder, and tramped fo? Ijtjj tturtlj to toljomc Ijr kept truff Ctje kindefl of lj!0 kitlj ft a I not Dim knoto, HBut ijim and ijitf mitfknoto tljat euet tljeg neuet feneto, tijen ftal mang fetlie Ifal rigljt foone after, and from Caithness to Douer ftal toalke liut toar, and moo?ne fo? Ijitf misfortune tljat failed fo foone, IBut lietter moo?ne fo? ttjemfelueg fo? need tljeg Ijaue : ipailr £ toljcn tljou ijaltctf [jirpil not but gold ttjee, 3lf tljou fpeafeft toljere tljou fpok, it ftal able 0kald tljee, tlje barred Upon latoleg at ttjee ftal be greeued, Sljal fearclj and feeke tljee to deflrog tljee fo? euer, Jpct ftal a beirne from 15ertoick bussk Dim and boun, and fearclj tlje treading of trotoeg t&at toar afo?e tane, T&8 tlje fjeedlctf people tljat Ijeld at tijere otone Dand, C|e ljom$ toljole and tlje Ijcators IjaD deflroged, IReafon ftal be fougljt and granted ftal be none, CDc mourns thereof ftal mene and map not mend, tijen ftal tlje Counfel tofjicfj cumbered ijatlj tlje feitfj, Call fo? romfo?t, but long mag tljeg etaue €6cg [ 44 ] C&ei? mavbed to Hje fjiefi auti to oues fiaile tlje oft, IBut ai in name tljeg tooa&e tljep ftal not paeuaile, tDe£ ftall tooabe tmtoife anb to>it ftal tDej? lacfe, Chen toaned tjjeiv toeivd tljat euet tljep tuat toaougljt, ttjen ftal tlje matches in tbto vegton take 3nd ntnne tfjeit tare tudelp but ang wtuene, tfie beft of tlje bitlj ftal a$ fo? fuppoat, 15ut fbatfe ftal tljep tife tljep ftal be fo ftoeite, Clje ^)ound toljiclj toajss Ijavmed tljen miffed ftal bee, lj)evemeet in ifting OElfd* . dug time, in tljte manes in tlje boobe of filing fytn* tie t&e ©tjct, facing tljefe (ZBngltftmen, foaafmucb as t&eg ufe to daunbennefle, to tteafon, to ratelefnelTe of <£od$s [ 45 ] ®od$ jjoufe. iFitll dp tfie Damns, tlje dp tlje iftoamands and tlje tljivDr time bi> tlje %rottr0 : tgat tljep Ijolbc tlje moll toaetcJjejS anti leaft too^tfj of all otljer : tljep ftal lire ouerrome and mimttf, tljtn tlje tootfd ftjall lie tmQauell. Q^lr The Prophecie of Sibylla and Eltraine. (tlje fca, \T\T^ m *& ^ oate to *tt tt* litem fto^ne to rljofen to V V Cfje nejct geare tljere after <2Madfmooae ftal be al lie in Lotljtan and JFife, C&ouglj [ 46 ] C&ougJ tbt jFulmatrts folfe featetf, tfie a^abatgall $0olbetoatte, tSaougfj t6e fnpplp of tfie fatneti ©art, anb tjje lannfing of tjje fiibhttU IMnfeeb in an later, 3ln JTife and Lontfjian ftal tonb, iftlitlj ntanp Iiotu fctl anb b*anb, anb fiutne and flag al front Imnb : (KUttfiont anp gram Cfjen corner tije ^ntljcfope, tfje blind a^olOctuavtc to flop, Watty ntang a ^engontess in a (ope, JFootffj ofallartejs, tiie Lgon tamping at tfje Bofe, toitfy tije Psonie anti Papingoes, and manp iftnigfjttf tat to riofe, %fal come from tljt ^>out|j* CJje fatileti ijo^fe ftall be feene, Cieb to a ttee gteene, 3nb toitfj autfa la fine 3[n a bage Qial be bo^ne, g>gne ttoa fttpess tn a fteilb, tfiat bap ftal foote tljt fielb* to tijt 3ntljclopc$ bcild, 8nb fetrlj Jjim before* C&e 15eat;n$ Ijeab anb tfie^ocfe, t&e beame anb tlje bloobie gofee, t&ee Ctefrentejj anb a Cofc, %fjaU rome from tfje JlBotflj, tfiep ftall rome to tlje boogie, ^nb KmgljtjEi feeenelg fibail tople, JFo? loue of tlje finkfotle, anb [ 47 ] and figjjt upon JFoatfj, Wfotn tje liattlea d^atoes neete, 3In tjeii; figljt ftal appeate name of men of umt% approaching at Ijmb, Cfjen put rljeu* men in ojtitnanre Witb fine SjundaetJ t^mggtd of jFtawe, and a Duke tfjem to aduance, to lie in tfie aanguatdet and to tljt antjjelope ftjal leind, and take fjim eafilie to fteind, &§tn tlje Ltbuevt ft at tlje trtnD, and defpetate in filifle, ^cottes and JftencD ftal take a part, Ulitlj a pjouti jjaittent Ijeatt, and ftal upon tfie a^oldetuavte ©i tljeg difleuet* JDia lioto to Jjim ftall lie no fceild, ail lji$ Kntgljte ftall lie kild fyim felfe ijs aaine in tlje field and tianquifbt foj euet* Cfjutf (ball tlje tuaras ended be Cfjen peare and pollicie %>ljall vatgne in ai&anie %till uritfcout end, and toljo fo likes to looke, Clje dcfr utptton of tjjitf noofee, Cfji$ unites 15eid twfto toill looke* and fo Dotij make an end* Heere [ 48 ] fi^ Heere followeth a Prophefie pronounced be a Noble Queene and Matron called Sibylla Re- gina Auftri . That came to Solomon through the which fhe compiled foure bookes at the inftance and requeft of the faid King Solomon and others diuers, and the fourth booke was directed to a no- ble King called Baldwine , King of the broade He of Bretaine : of the which fhee maketh mention of two Noble Princes and Emperours the which is called Leones of thefe two fhall fubdue and ouercome all earthlie Princes, to their Diademe & Crowne, and alfo be glorified and crowned in the heauen among Saints. The firfte of thefe two, Is, Magnus Conftantinus that was Leprofus, the Son of S. Helene that found the Croce. The fecond is, the fixte King of the name of Steward of Scotland the which is our mofte Noble King. Brittane. IJI2 Scotland fljall taigne tjje mofle Jftoble and ttali- ant Cfjtftane tfjat eueu toas, ftil of nrifdome g pollfrp, mteil in 31uflue ajs a Upon d feim, [je ftjall be meefee a0 a Lamb, nut fometoljat inclined to ftagelitp of W Mb. 31n litjS time fljal be gteat 3[ulf ic e and peace ♦ 'But alate fo* fo^toto, toi bp treafon fjee fljall bee defltoped ♦ €&te ilamb (ball make manp good Ijoufetf and fatve places ijt fljall tafee greate aduentevoujs trauels and a little before fits deatfc, Ije fljall Ijaue toam toitlj tfjem t&at fljould bee lju$ fteindtf, (j tie ffjall get m&otfe ouev tljem, but be falfet of ljis5 otone Ije fljall be d^atoen to a plate of battle toljeve fir [ 49 ] fie fljall get great difromfo?t, bee tfie tofiicfi fiee (fiall tiie* Cfierefo?e alare fos fo#otn of fiig Igne, ttifjicfi fljall lie in great trouble : and after Dint tfiere fljall be a rfiiftaine of tljr kvtlj unliable as tfie toinde toauering ag tl}t toaueg of tfie fea> 3In fiitf time fljall tfie tfiurcfi tremble a$ an af* pine ieafe and great trouble in all maner of eftatea but it fljall not long lafl* aifo tlje OTolfe fljall rife againft fiim out of tfie JBostfitoefi, and make Dim great trouble, but fie ftall not p^euaile, fo? bee tlje fielp of tlje ft&olfes b*o= tfier and tlje JFor , tlje ftUolfe fljal be flaine bp a tuater fide : and foone after tfiere fljal route out of tlje Jftotffi, a SD^agone and a flfllolfe, tlje fofiicfi fljal bee tlje fielpe of tlje Upon, and tying tljr Realme to great reft and peace toitfi glo?ie, tuitfi tlje mod iog $ triumpfie, tfiat tlje like toajj neuer feene tfiefe manp gearetf before: tot bp t{je ftoeete fmel of tlje Lillie and tlje flotoerdeluce, tljere fljal a Cfiiftane of tlje fcitfi, cfioofe fostfi fiim felfe, liable as a Gone, Gedfaff as tlje Cfi^iffall, ffente ajs tlje Adamant, true as tlje ffeele, immaculate a$ tlje €&on, toitfiout all treafon, fie fljal faile on tlje fea fcoitfi. toalletf on euerp fid, and tljat fcuttlj all gloire and ton to deliuer tlje feitfi out of al tfi^aldome $ dolour, fo? fie fljal be firong ass tfie 2£ioIf , tuife as tfie Serpent, fiumble atf tfie iLambe, fimple aa tfie SDoue, tii&oaious as tfie Upon, Prince of iufiiee, tfie toeil of tfiijs nation, fie fljall binde fits taile toitfi tfie red SD^agone $ artompanp fiim toitfi tfie JLgon : tfiefe tfi^ee fljall rife againft tfie Q^oldetoarpe, tfie tofiicfi i# turfed of <£od : tfita e^oldetoarpe ffial fiaue an eartfilifee sjfein ass an <$oate, tfie uengance of (Sod ffial fall upon fiim f o* finne U tfie fuffering of tfie great p?ide of fiig people bnpuniffi* cd. 0lfo tljep ffiall tfijuft fiim fojtfi of fiiss Eealntr, and make all tfie foure efieife flooded of fits iRealme to runne D bloode, [ 50 ] blood, anti after tljat tlyt a^oldetoarpc ft»aU flee and take a fljip to faue ijimfelfe, fo? Ije ffjall ijaue no moae potoer of ijtd Realm*. 0nd aftet tljat Ije fljal be glad to giue tlyt tljttdc parte of tjid iRcalmc, to Ijaue tlje fourth parte in peace, and Ijee fljal not get it : fo? tlje toll of <£od t0, tljat no man fljal Ijaue merry, but ije tljat tss merciful, 3nd af- ter tljat tie f&al line in fo?roto al Ijid life time, and bp aD uenture fuddenlg in a floud of tlje fea , anti ijid p?ogenie fljal be fatljerleife in firange countries anti landed fo? t- uermo?e, becaufe tljep toere gotten agatnli tlje lato of <£od : fo? bp tljat generation tlje iRealme of €nglande id repleit of all iniquitie and abomination of unne : and fo tlje WaMt tlje £)?agone toitlj tlje Upon, fljal deuide tlje iRealme of (England, anti fo ftal tlje lanti be conqueff bp tlje potoer anti toil of od omnipotent, fo? <£od dotb fuffer man to be pu^ nifljed fo? unne, and tljen fljal tlje £Dule, tlje 15eare, tx3tt|> t&e (JEgill, fie all deftroped, becaufe tfje|> toere untrue to tlje ^oone and rfjanged into Wood, fo? b£ tljere rounfell, tlje iuljite JLgon gentle of nature, frag degenerate and made mtel agatnll tjjem tljat toajs Ijia truftie fretndejj, fo? Ije fljal fie tlje caufe of greate and muclj trouble, and fljedding of mucf) innocent blood, $ tlje begining of great difco?d amongff tljem tljat fljould lie freindss : $ ass fo? Iji0 fucceflKon tljeg fljall neuer inljabite 6i£ lands, 3nd tljen fljal tfje OBucfe deioare, and tafee good Ijeede tljat ijee fljede no blood in tlje lander, but d?ato ijim to Ijig ffrengtlj : fo? t&e (KElolfe fljal atoaite Dim at an aduantage, and lie 131*5 deatfj : and tljen fljal all tlje birdeg of tlje tooode ling fo? io#, tljat tlje OHolfe i0 made foatcljman and enemie to tlje JFor, fo? al fljal bee one in trutfj and peace , treafon fljal be fenotune, and tlje g>onne fljal fljine cleare, but tlje g^oone fljal be under rouer and darfee, til <&od be pleafed to red?eflfe : and tlje toljite Upon ramping fljal Ijaue gijs den at la?ge, fo? Ijig ftedfaft trutlj tljat fie feept to tbe fcitlj, and Ije fljal feepe tlje birder in tljere bounds toitjj al gloir : bot tlje dnico?ne f&al coutcf) ful lotoe, fo? falftjood tljat Ije tu?ougljt tnitfi tlje IRaeuin rolping, 9 tljat toatf fo? tljeir greediness $ treafon tljat tfjep fljall doe bp tlje fea, an mt= der an great lull : fo? tlje Cob tljat fljould Ijaue bene true, toasJ falfe, 9 d?eto toitlj Ijim tlje Papingo, b# tlje tojjiclj tlje IRofe gaue no fmell , tljat euer toatf pleafant to tlje kit& $ fo in tljere trace tljep fljall d?ato tlje bell fotolejj in tfie toood toljerefo?e alas* Q5ut tljen let tljem tafee Ijede fo? tljen routes* tljere deffres, t&e ljo?ne fljal bloto dolour in fbunde tljat all tlje Cafflea on €#ne fljal quake, and tlje foarte fljal tunne 9 mafee little debate, tooe fljal be, but [ 52 ] but it Ojal not long laft : fo? tlje (KHolfe toitlj tlje SDiagon and tge Upon fljai tijep teleafe, tljat long lag in tfytit Den, and tuftice ffjal lie IjaD tjjat Uia0 fiaped to rife ♦ Cljcn fljall ttemfcle 9 qnafee, tlje ^taltoart $ tjje ^tatfee, and tljt vigljt fljal be Ijad tljat tufltre fliai d?atu : and tooe ffjal bt to tljcm tljat no yittit tuould Ijaue, fo? tl>e CDtf- tane of tlje fcitlj tljat <£od iuould fljoulb guide, a flttfee tteafon dotune on euetie fide: and Ijapjrie t0 tljat man tljat map it fee, but Ijapjrie Iss tljat C&iftane tuijat euet Ije 6ee» Finis. COLLATION OF WALDEGRAVE'S EDITION OF THE PROPHECIES, M.DC.III. WITH THAT PRINTED BY ANDRO HART, M.DC.XV. [ 55 ] All the editions of the Prophecies, subsequent to that of Hart in 16 15, appear to be mere reprints of each other, often with great inaccuracy, and consequently of no authority and of little value. The variations between Waldegrave's and Hart's editions, although numerous, consist chiefly of verbal corrections, or variations of spelling, which it would be unnecessary to specify in detail. But every variation of any importance is here pointed out ; and a facsimile reprint of the title-sheet of Hart's publication is added, as, besides the dedication to King James, it will be found to con- tain a translation of the Latin verses inserted at page 40 of Walde- grave's edition. In the present volume, the following typographical errors have been corrected ; but, in other respects, it may be considered a literal reprint. Page 5, line 15, Not the Son — Nor the Son ; line 24, Jhal and fair e—Jhall fair e and. P. 13, line 27, wal — will. P. 16, line 10, rayment — ragment ; line 26, deede is — deedes. P. 24, line 31, Jhirle—flirile. P. 25, line 27, home — hame. P. 26, line 1, London — Loudon. P. 27, line 14, Would haue — Waldhaue. P. 32, line 7> ond — and. P. 35, line 4, reatous — riatous. P. 40, line 22, liber at — libera. P. 41, line 14, clam— clamor ; line 17, come — comes ; line 31, eua tua. P. 43, line 3, in is — is in. THE WHOLE PRO- PHECIE OF SCOTLAND England, France, Ireland and Denmarke, Prophefied by marueilous Merling, Beid, Berlingtoun, Thomas Rymour, Wardliaue, Eltraine, Banefter, and Sybilla, all agreeing in one. Both in Latinc ver/e and Scottish meter. Conteining many ftrange and marueilous mat- ter/ not of before reade or heard. EDINBVRGH, Printed by Andro Hart, ANNO DOM, 1615. ' [ 59 ] SACRO ET AVG. MONA. Iacobo, magnse Brit. Gal. & Hib. Regi & caet. Invicte Regum Regibus edite Regnu JBritannu qui imperio regis Regaliy $ unus Christiane Regula, turn typus es regendi : Regnum relictum junere Regio Regnum receptum munere patrio, Regnes beatus, nos regendos Vsque tuae soboli relinquens. ALIVD. Conditor humani generis, cuftofque IEHOVA Nil homini tribuit, moderate Principe majus : In quo vera DEI, vivenfque elucet Imago. Effigie quam fers, Invi&e monarcha Britannum Exfpectate diu, cui vatum oracla priorum Aurea compofitis promittunt fecula bellis. Viue diu, fed vive Deo, vitaque pera And after enemies bees tbrown down, Sf majlered by weir Then Scotland in peace quietly, paffe ioyful day es for euer. When HEMPE is come and alfo gone, SCOTLAND & ENGLAND mail be all one. K K Q K Q HENRY EDWARD MARIE PHILIP ELIZABETH the 8. the 6. of Spain M. hufb. HE M P E Praifed be God alon, for HEMPE is cum & gon And left vs old Albion , by peace joyned in one. Alia [ 64 ] Priscae Scotorum Prophetiae. Alia Prophetia. Flan, fran, confurgent, Hifpani viribus urgent, Dani difpergent, Almani limina lingent, Sco devaftabit, tunc Gallia arma parabit, Et cum hoc fuerit Anglica gens periet. Alia Prophetia. Poft Iacobii, Iacobos, Iacobii, Iacobus quoque quintus Et Alius Daci Regno regnabit utroque. Alia Prophetia. Millefimus fexcentefimus mirabilis annus Ternus erit, Scotis commoda magna ferens : Ortus & interitus Regum fatalis, & idem Anglorum ad Scotum transferet Imperium. Alia Prophetia de Cathedra Marmorea. Ni fallat fatum, Scoti quocunque locatum Invenient lapidem, regnare tenentur ibidem. Laus IOVAE, variaeque hseres, haeres & Elifse, Namq. abeunt, tibi at adveniunt, fine fanguine regna. FINIS. [ 65 ] Line Page 3. Tempore palet occulta Veritas. By time appeareth hid Trueth. 1. Merling fayes 2. althogh 3. feuenth Chapter 5. Calualider 6. vinqueft 7. ferlies 9. Sun 10. to the Sky 13. ihedding 15. dayes 16. Boare . . . fhal lofe 20. And to the firth 24. comes home 27. off their heads Line Page 4. 2. his heart, 4. brewed in bleife . . . 6. die in alien 7. There (ball 8. But in a 9. fhall be called 11. hearts 14. death of thefe 15. fhall be feene 20. clum to the height 21. He couets not 22. Grape wald 23. giftes 24. Come it once 27. his combe 29. baue rounded 32. great beere to baill 2. 4. 5. 7. 10. Page 5. up a weare, lowping on full neare the Abbies There dare 25. far forrefl . . 27. fiercely . build Page 6. 2. Church bees troubled 4. Balcolmy 6. Balengers, and many a broad faile 7. 3 Libberts 8. come far out of 10. [this line is omitted in Hart's edi- tion. 3 12. on either 14. Dumbartan 29. the Moone into Page 7. 4. Boare 6. flarre 7. Boare . . . Beirnes 9. the price 16. When they meet 18. and not purfued 23. low to abide. 27. for dread of 30. When were men Page 8. 2. The fonnes of God 3. therefore 7. many dayes after [ 66 ] Line Line 10. Barlingtons bookes 7. bound 11. that much meruels 8. vther 13. them, a Lord melles, 18. helpe to 15. The dead man 20. hie thee . . . Hailles and clofe thee 18. rife in the land 21. Then fhal 20. haue chofen 24. ftone on ground be thee left : 22. haue chofen 26. There . . . goate with a gilden home 29. armes bure. 28. Peeres in 31. All the groomes lhall grouch by Page 9. 3. buried that he be. Page 13. 5. the Summer & the fad 1. bych on 6. a harueft 2. fal by 8. earneftly enuy 4. fhal brue in 9. luftis flowres, 9. heir-fhip 15. Aliers 14. Dumbartane 19. byde 15. conquerer . . . kynd 22. leind 16. Brittane 23. leider 18. By the coft 24. fhall leaue 21. He hath 25. ftreims 28. but fret or true 27. and ftire 30. the Wals, Page 10. Page 14. 3. By then the Lillie lhall be 3. . . . Berlington 6. And carue off 5. Plain 8. Eagle 6. feene through a Sluethhound 14. freit that 9. a Back with 18. feates 10. flouthfull Sluethhound 22. their beft 1 1. and traine fhall be 26. check 15. Hailes 16. the wind & Page 11. 18. thy hold 6. liften for euer 21. in Prelates faying 14. foote broad of ground 24. holden for good 17. thy felf 29. finne foretbinke, and miffe 20. Lyonefie, 22. Saint Andrewes Page 15. 23. haue told, 1. Tamptallon 25. ceafe in that feat 7. out as a leafe, 31. wakned 9. fleemed 32. but I wift it noght 10. the fea : 14. hempen helters Page 12. 17. thee boun, 3. fellon face 18. And at his [ 67 ] Line 19. deale both 20. His gift . . . euermore 23. Croce 26. not know where 27. Many a wife fhal weepe and Syce 28. The dead 31. hye thee Pope Page 16. 6. & 8. coat houfe 10. rayment 11. And attour Forth kenely 13. fade him for euer 16. birds farre 19. a faire many 20. the Eagle 25. with a Ladie 30. The French Queene 31. Shall rule all Brittaine 32. Ane from . . . lhall come alfo Page 17. 5. your glaiding 10. the Ladies lads wed 19. our mirthes augment 21. (hall brooke all the broad He Page 18. 4. befide a Ley 5. bairne upon the bent 7. him wholly 8. your wils be 12. Hue in lee 16. upon a Ley 18. on their 19. clad in 22. Dragon fheene, 23. He ftirde . . . were wood, Page 19. 6. where as (he lure 11. wer both 12. A fide faddle 30. Knights then did they fay Line Page 20. 2. haft the right 4. wrangous heires 5. wayes 8. tydings by 10. Thenfliewed Page 21. 1. Beares . . . red Lyon, 2. red gold 21. the field he 24. turne you againe 25. thefe ... a frey 28. falfet 29. Andloudlie 31. the battell bide Page 22. 3. the heart in 5. one houre 6. the Knight 11. Lyon dee, 19. as blood 21. ferly food Page 23. 1. Northerne 3. eight 8. their bairnes bide 9. no reck who 16. Set in gold 17. Egle 19. beares Lo fanes 20. gold and goules 25. Unfaine 29. Eagle 30. hearts heads Page 24. 1. With fiftie fiue 3. Carl ill ... be deene, 5. there lhall 7. There . . . Beare . . . lofe the guilt 9. men cals 10. there ouer lies [ 68 ] Line 11. Beares 15. hath bene 16. beft he be, 17. Gotten betweene 18. And a Knight 20. The red Lyon beareth he 22. And be right glad to be away 32. Woe worth thee Page 25. 2. doughtie (light 13. One Crowne 15. were away 17. Bairne could I fay " 21. A French Queene 23. Which of the Bruces 27. In Erflingtoun, Page 26. 1. London 3. medecine 4. mala die that 5. well to fleepe, 7. layed downe . . . eyes, 9. be warre and me keepe 10. dries : 11. I ftonifht flood, 12. And me faued on 14. hirfel on hie 15. wholly there was, 17. fearce beaft, 18. all madde 23. As him fold 25. fundered away 26. griuily 27. Gerret 28. and ftenfht me fore 29. wapen 30. I fwat 32. me meete to make, Page 27. 3. I but bait 4. grofling . . . gratioufly 9. but I ftill held Line 10. him by 11. he fhould fhew . . . and kin, 14. Would thou haue wit that wel hath 15. thus wroght fhould be 16. reft thee befide 21. But by the Law and leede that I 24. meruile of face and 28. I framed 30. what him ailed 32. gray eyes fuddenly Page 28. 3. wanton will and 5. of my finnes 6. Hath this 12. as I wote 16. Then frained I fiercely of this friuole world 17. to be of warre 18. fliould well us 20. If there are fruits . . . fo much is, 25. All through Oggert and Eaft, Elumis Knight, 26. hath much bade tholed 28. foreneffe fet 29. under faile found 32. Eeryans Page 29. 12. noght els, 14. fo fell hath 16. lippens 17. Linfday 20. alleadge to the leed 21. Leaue nought 23. inclofe to his Crowne 27. in by all 30. day corning, 31. euermore, the old Page 30. 1. fhal he deftroy, 2. Thou fhalt be wefted 4. a brock 6. bouers, & beir them down [ 69 ] Line 8. thee role, 12. Rofden 15. naught 18. trace as truft thou no vther 26. Thy billes is 31. There will no Page 31. 1. For hope 3. myrfnype 4. hath Manftone mooued 11. feare that in farre 12. Both his feddering 15. ftraight place 16. yairn 17. Straherries 19. thee before: 28. the lots leape 30. doe weill Page 32. 7. Chriitian 9. Dumbartan the bold 13. Law fhall the leaue take 16. And mantle the craig 19. Be flitted 20. Dumbartan 22. fourteene 23. yapely 24. Carrick 25. Cumnock 26. coft cleuers 27. an Elfe 28. get out their Maires 29. teene all the fhaues 30. From Tyne mouth to Tulry 31. goafe-Halke . . . grieue Page 33. 1. In a gaw 2. fulzie with the tods and the ferfefall, 3. France, 6. bargan 7. All is it . . . bags bene ript 10. That would reaue Line 11. fhall a Tower beild : 12. Crawdon hes euer 13. Buck is but 22. that flirs 26. himfelfe likes 27. no gaining them 28. Grayhound, and grieue 29. And buffet . . . then bite 31. more man 32. ftudied and flood, and him held Page 34. 2. But I could rather him frame 3. freikon this fold 4. if we wift ought 8. weines on Waldhaue 11. giues that grace 13. [This line is omitted in Hart's edi- tion.] 15. Mufe on if thou may, 16. Thou finnes as thou fraines friend 19. Waldhaue 22. futh I heard, 23. lieges vnfoond 26. brime beaftes fhilde Page 35. 1. The third Bull 4. reatous beafts, 8. fhall be cumdred thereof 10. he is hier 13. Louthian and Linlithgow 14. Glafgow 19. fey woorth 21. proud fhowes, 23. Then Chiftane vnchofen 24. And rid 25. fhall the Wailes worthily 27. Scots . . . fkaile them 30. They were failed Page 36. 1. wrongs wroght 2. When dead 3. flat on the face, [ 70 ] Line 8. The fixt of Ireland 13. counfel 14. are fit 16. werpes with 20. Enter vp at a fide 22. deare men 25. fubtilly fold Page 37. 3. riotous 5. ftirre 7. Torin 9. Within 12. Lordfhips 21. vengin 23. Siryans 24. When fhe 27. true 29. couetice 31. beguile Page 38. 1. deceit 3. haue one girth 7. true token 8. the Hair fhall 12. loofe 13. falfehood . . . Sieges 14. warrand, and that the cure wan 15. Sieges 18. Dumbartan 20. Dumbar when fhall Hailes halt 25. falfehood is readie 28. lucken . . . dayes 29. Subtilly . . . many another 30. many let . . . their life loofe Page 39. 1. their hands 2. warre 3. warre 4. mourne 7. eke foorth the dayes 9. loofe 13. meane . . . their merie Line 1 5. bide . . . eyes 18. brieued 23. their deare 24. their forrou 25. chiefe 27. is away to paffe 32. bleffe keepe, Page 40. 2. Freedome 4. coaft 7. I fludied 9. when I awoke 1 1 . Brieued . . . breft 12. Bleffed . . . brieuer 16. leif thoght 17. [" The Scottes Prophecie in Latine," is, in Hart's edition, transferred to the title-sheet, where it is accom- panied with a translation. See the reprint, pages 60 — 63.] 26. gravis Page 41. 3. Sunt id deterius 7. folo, preda fuere dolo. 8. Gens invincibilis 11. Vel tantae 19. Singula vovere, 26. praefagia 28. captiva, 29. folveris 30. eveniet Page 42. 3. cunctos vltor ubique 11. veniunt 15. circumfodit 19. urgent 20. Dani difpergent, Almani limina 21. Sco devaftabit, 24. Poll Iacobum, Iacobos, Iacobum Ia- cobus quoque quintus 25. Et Alius Daci [ 71 ] Line Page 43. 1. and will lies 2. Paftures are plucked and pild but pitie 4. Paftures 6. their clothing 8. their . . . their 9. Peacock 10. the Religion and their 1 2. rue right 13. Grahound grieued 14. And trampled 18. warre 19. 20. mourne 21. hirple 22. thou fpake it 23. barret 25. Barwick 26. trewe9 27. headleffe 30. moouers thereof (hall mone Page 44. 4. were wroght, 12. ihal roare 15. Cock . . . thogh 18. lieue or loath 20. couetous that cumbred 22. Eldoun 26. Heremite 4. vnflable 5. Sibilla 7. gilded 9. lifts for 13. trueth 15. Thogh 29. Lowthian Page 45. 2. Modewart, 5. a lace, 6. Lowthian 12. in fcope, Page 46. Line 13. Forth 19. Tyed 20. with a vifala fine 22. two (hips 28. Cock 30. broile 31. toile, Page 7. 2. battels 5. Approching 12. tiend 13. bleffe 15. hatred heart 24. reigne Page 48. 1. Prophecie 2. by a . . . Sibilla 5. K. Sol. 8. Britain in the which fhe 10. Leones, how thefe two 12. bee glorified 18. Britaine. 22. fragility 24. hee ihall bee 28. friends Page 49. 1. by the which he 2. line . . . bee 3. chiftan 9. by the help 14. joye 16. Lillie and Flowredeluce 25. well of this 27, 28. Moldewart 29. vengeance 31. foorth Page 50. 1. Moldewarte 3. of this Realme, 7. and die by aduenture 8. flood of [ 72 ] Line Line 12. repleet, . . . abomination 5. degenerat 13. diuide 6. friends 18. tributers 11. that the Buck 19. wholly . . . fpoufe of 17. Sun fhall 21. their . . . their 20. for the ftedfaft 23. dayes 21. keepe . . . their 24. fpoufe 22. but the Unicorne 26. fpecialle . . . fpoufe 23. Rauen 28. fafegard: 24. do by the fea, and vnder 29. their dolour 25. Cock 30. Britaine 28. their trace 31. their 29. heede 32. women 30. their defires 31. Cartels Page 51. 2. Owle, the Boare Page 52. 3. Eagle 5, 6. woe be to them that no pitie 4. counfel 7, 8. and ftrike. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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