LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class 4- This Book was bouna by ^ JOHN BIRD, I b()okbindek « To the Society for promo! iiig Christian Knowledge, y^ g Tht Society for the Propagation of th.e Gospel in Foreign Parfs,'^ •*■ TJi e Associates of the late Rev. Dr. Bray, &c. &r. &c. ■*" ■^ NO. 52, HATTON-GAKDEN, LONDON. ^ ^ m ^ 4 Books of every Description ELEGANTLY BOUND in ^ ^MOROCCO, RUSSIA, and every OTHER MODE of^ BINDING. ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation DOUBLE ENTRY BY SINGLE. C€ntewti at §)tationtr0* ^allj TO HENRY LEES EDWARDS, Esq C|)ifii tmork IS GRATEFULLY AND RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. DOUBLE ENTRY BY SINGLE, Jteto Mttffo'a OF BOOK-KEEPING, APPLICABLE TO ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS ; AND EXEMPLIFIED IN FIVE SETS OF BOOKS. By F. W. CRONHELM. *^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILontion: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY BBNSLEY AND SONS, BOLT- COURT, FLEET- STREET; AND PUBLISHED BY LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER - ROW. 1818. eE (^ PREFACE. In the commercial world, few things are more readily admitted, or more generally experienced, than the importance of Book-keeping. The ruin that rarely fails to punish its neglect, renders it indispensable to the indi- vidual ; whilst, from its connexion with the stability and extension of trade, it becomes interesting even in a national point of view. Proportionate to its utility must be the value of the system that accomplishes its purposes with the greatest degree of conciseness and accuracy, and on the most enlarged scale of applicability. To these qualities the New Method of Book-keeping has firmly, but not arrogantly, laid claim : its pretensions may have been considered weighty, but they have not been hastily as- sumed ; and, with respectful confidence, its vouchers are now submitted to the public. The opposition of prejudice and established usage being the natural birthright of improvement, there may be no impropriety in premising that the liew Method is not the production of mere theory unconnected with practice : it is the result of many years' experience in Accounts, and has been gradually perfected by a series of improvements in the Books of an extensive and diversified establishment. The advantages which it offers will be best explained by a comparison of its leading features with those of the Two Systems hitherto adopted in Accounts. Single and Double Entry are terms which but partially describe these methods, referring not to the entire number of entries, but to those in the Ledger only. In Single Entry, each transaction requires two entries; one in the Day Book, and one in the Ledger. In Double Entry, or the Italian Method, each transaction requires fom' entries ; one in the Waste or Subsidiary Book, one in the Journal, and two in the Ledger. The modern plan of JournaHzing occasionally reduces one of the entries in the /ur/i \ VI PREFACE. Ledger to the fraction of a collective counter-entry ; but it will be shewn hereafter, that, amongst other inconveniences, this occasions new repe- titions in another quarter. Double Entry, however, possesses a com- pleteness and proof of the Accounts, of which the other method is destitute. Hence, Single Entry is short and simple, but imperfect and unsatisfactory ; whilst Double Entry is complete and systematic, but la- borious and complicated. The New Method excludes what is defective, and combines what is advantageous, in each of the others. It obtains by Wo entries the same results as the Italian System by four : it possesses the brevity of Single Entry without its imperfections, and the proof of Double Entry without its repetitions. It will naturally be asked how this union of conciseness and proof can be accomplished. The inquiry leads us to consider the true fundamental principle of Accounts, and to extricate it from forms with which it has long been confounded. The purpose of Book-keeping, as a record of property, is to shew the owner at all times the value of his whole capital, and of every part of it. The component parts of property in trade, are in a state of continual transformation and change ; but, whatever variations they undergo, and whether the whole capital increase, diminish, or remain stationary, it is evident that it must constantly be equal to the sum of all its parts. This Equality is the great essential principle of Book-keeping. It will at once give the Reader a clear idea of the nature of that proof which is so highly, and so justly appreciated in Accounts. For, if the Stock Account be found equal to the collective result of all the other Accounts, the desired proof is obtained ; but, if the least inequality exist between them, the Books must obviously be incorrect. To admit this proof, however, the Books must be complete ; that is, the whole capital, and every one of its parts, must have a distinct Ac- count. Hence Single Entry is incapable of proof, because it attends almost exclusively to the Personal Accounts, omitting one or more of the Accounts of Merchandise, Bills, Cash, or Stock. The clear and simple principle of the equality of the whole to the sum of OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ss^UFORN^ PREFACE. VII its parts, has never before been laid down as the basis of Book-keeping. From its neglect have proceeded those vague and confused notions of Accounts, evinced in almost every treatise, by dividing them into personal, real, and fictitious ; as if the whole capital and each of its parts were not equally real. In this classification, however, the Personal Accounts are treated as if neither real nor fictitious ; whilst the Stock Account is ac- tually said to be in the latter predicament ; or, in equivalent words, the whole capital is pronounced an unreal and imaginary thing ! The equality of Debtors and Creditors is the immediate, but less ob- vious consequence of the principle laid down, and may be considered as the general law for its observance. Every transaction in business being virtually a transfer between two accounts, it must be entered to the debit of the one, and to the credit of the other. In Double Entry, these two balancing entries are made in the Ledger ; and they comprise all that is systematic in the Italian Method. The entries in the Waste Book and Journal are merely preparatory arrangements, unconnected with the prin- ciple and proof of Accounts. In the New Method, the two balancing entries are the only ones that occur. It has no introductory entries, no intermediate Book between the Day Books and the Ledger. All its Day Books being arranged on the plan of debit and credit, they are not merely, as in Single Entry, records of personal transactions ; but each of them is, moreover, a regular Ac- count of some component part of the property, shewing the Balance of Merchandise, of Cash, of Bills Receivable, or of Bills Payable. Thus, the first entry of a transaction in the Day Book, forms immediately one side of the balance, and, by the posted or secondary entry, the equi- librium is completed. The New Method is, therefore. Single Entry in form, and Double Entry in principle, obtaining every result of the Italian Method, with a saving of the whole Journal, and of all the counter-entries in the Ledger. Proportionate also to its greater brevity, must be its greater accuracy ; for it is obvious that every repetition increases the liabihty to error, and the difficulty of detection. Another important feature of the New Method is its universal appU- cability, — a point not resting on mere assertion, but proved beyond con- 11^2510 \ Vm PREFACE. tradiction, by Complete Sets of Books for Retailers, Wholesale Dealers, Manufacturers, Merchants, and Bankers. All these Sets are governed by the same principle; but in the number of the Books, and in the arrange- ment of the Accounts, variations obtain according to the nature of the business. From the pale of the Italian System, Retailers and Manufacturers have ever been excluded ; but the New Method enables them to obtain that PROOF of their Books which has hitherto been deemed imprac- ticable ; whilst Merchants and Bankers, who have acquired it by a series of elaborate repetitions, may now possess it by the most concise and simple form in which it is possible to keep Accounts. By inspecting the arrangement of the following Day Books, and the proof exhibited in the Inventory at the close of each Set, the man of business may see at a glance the plan of the New Method, and its easy apphcation to any description of trade whatever. Advantage has been taken of the numerous Sets of Books, to exhibit a greater diversity of commercial affairs than has appeared in any pre- ceding work. The financial system is varied in every set ; losing concerns are stated, as well as profitable ones ; and the entire settlement of an in- solvency is introduced, with Partnership Accounts on different principles. In the course of this Work, some improvements are suggested, which, however important in themselves, do not form essential parts of the New Method. It may, consequently, be adopted either with or without them, at the discretion of the proprietor or clerk ; and, for this reason, it is proper to give a distinct enumeration of them, namely : 1. Instead of the Balance Account, a distinct Book, called the In- ventory, for the extract of Balances, and proof of the Books. 2. Instead of the Profit and Loss Account, separate Accounts for Profit and for Loss. 3. A distinct Ledger for Partnership Accounts, so as to keep systematic Accounts of the Joint Capital, and of each Partner's Share ; instead of leaving either the Capital or the Shares without a regular Accounts 4. A new plan of routine, applicable in all cases when two or more persons keep the Books. In common posting there is no regular check PREFACE. IX on the original entries ; but this plan proves the primary, as well as the secondary entry, and affords an efficient preventive against fraudulent entries and erasures. To facilitate the objects of the Teacher and the Student, the Author is preparing for the press a School-Book, subordinate to the present Work, of which it will not be an abridgment or epitome, but bear to it the same relation as a manual of arithmetic to the key. It will contain in full detail the materials of the Five Sets of Books, arranged in the order of occur- rence, with references to specific rules for the entries. By this means, the pupil will be obliged to form the Accounts from the materials alone, without access to the constructed Books in the present Work, which is intended to remain as a key in the teacher's hands. In all other school-books, the materials and the books are bound together ; and the learner has the op- portunity of transcribing the latter, instead of constructing them. But the Book proposed will teach Accounts on the true elementary plan that has so long been successfully used in Arithmetic ; and will facilitate in schools a formation of the Books, as similar as possible to their practical con- struction in the counting house. ^ F. W. CRONHELM. Halifax, January 31, 1818. [ -^ ] SKETCH THE PROGRESS OF BOOK-KEEPING. The necessity of some record of property, and of the transactions affecting it, must have been felt in the earliest ages of society. The nature of the first rude expe- dients for this purpose, may be inferred from the allusions of ancient authors, from the customs of yet uncivilized tribes, and from the practice of ignorant and unin- structed persons within the circle of our own observation. Long before the invention of figures, men would begin to designate their simple possessions and debts, by collections of pebbles, of shells, or of small pieces of wood, in which size or colour would represent the kind of property, and number its extent. The explorers of Africa, and of the Pacific Islands, occasionally narrate these rude devices, in which we may discern not merely the dawn of Accounts, but the first germ of that symbolizing principle which has generated the noblest inven- tions, and the most fatal errors of mankind. Another contrivance consisted of notches cut on rods or canes. These fixed and preservable marks were in some respects superior to loose counters, and bear to figures the same relation as sculptured sketches to written language. The ancient Peruvians used the kindred expedient of knotted strings, which they employed not only as numerical symbols, but also as historical hieroglyphics. To the age of notches, must obviously be referred the invention of tallies. It was truly an inge- nious device, to split the rod, so that, by uniting its halves to receive the common indenture, each party might possess a proof, as well as record, of the transaction. The tallies were real, though rude Accounts Current, the conformity of which was ascertained at every new transaction j and they exhibit the first conception of a check on numeral records. PROGRESS OF BOOK-KEEPING. XI The practice of scoring presents us with a third class of expedients for regis- tering Accounts. It was probably at first merely a picture of the counters or notches that preceded it ; but it was an important advance, and opened the way to all those abbreviations and improvements that were crowned by our present system of numbers, the admirable invention of the Hindoos. Of the primitive modes of recording accounts, we possess various testimonies, amono- which that of language is not the least observable. The word calculate is derived from calculus, the Latin term for pebble : when accounts disagree, we still say that they do not talli/ ; and, when we have paid a debt, that we have rubbed oft' our scores. The original pebbles disposed in parallel grooves, or exchanged for perforated beads strung on wires, were marshalled to the most intricate evolutions of numbers in the swanpan of the Chinese, in the abacus of the Greeks and Romans, and in the counting-boards retained in Europe long after the fall of the western empire. The swanpan is still the universal ready reckoner of China ; and an instrument of the same description is used in Russia. During the years 1816 and I8I7, a deputation from the Russian Commissariat resided in the West Riding of Yorkshire, to super- intend the contract for re-clothing the Imperial army. These commissioners brought with them a counting-board, resembling the swanpan ; and assured the Author that it is very prevalent in Russia. Its counters consisted of white and black beads strung on brass wires, and afibrded the usual calculations of business, with considerable rapidity and accuracy. The use of tallies is rapidly decreasing in England, before the wide diffusion of arithmetical knowledge ; but it still exists in the Exchequer, and in the sequestered dairies of our northern counties. It was first applied to the national revenue by the Norman statesmen ; and, guarded by the institutions of the Tally Court, it will probably long be preserved in the British Treasury, — a monument, isolated as the Egyptian obelisks at Rome, and exhibiting, amidst surrounding refinements, a rude but interesting vestige of the science and finance of the eleventh century. The custom of scores is also much on the decline, but it may yet be traced on the chimney-board of the ale-house, and the wainscot of the village shop. It must, however, be observed, that the idea of durability seems to have been excluded from all these primitive attempts at accounts. When the balance was paid, the record was no longer preserved ; the counters were swept from the board % the tallies were broken ; the scores were rubbed out. The Athenians were the most commercial of the Grecian states ; yet, at the period of their highest refinement, they do not appear to have kept permanent accounts. The following interesting remark on this subject, is extracted from the ba ^^ Xll PROGRESS OP BOOK-KEEPING. Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, article Arithmetic, — a treatise, com- bining in rare degrees of excellence, science with elegance, and originality with erudition. " iEschines, in his oration for the Crown, speaking of balanced accounts, says, that the pebbles were cleared away, and 7ione left. His rival, Demosthenes, repeating his expression, adds, that as many cowiters were taken up as were laid down. It is evident, therefore, that the ancients, in keeping their accounts, did not separately draw together the credits and the debts, but set down pebbles for the former, and took up pebbles for the latter. As soon as the board became cleared, the opposite claims were exactly balanced." A similar inference of the want of durable accounts, may be drawn from the parable of the faithless steward in St. Luke*s Gospel. He relinquished to his lord's debtor the true bill for one hundred measures of oil, and directed him to write quickly a new bill for fifty. But had there been any permanent record of the debt, or, in other words, had any books been kept, the fraud would have been unavailing, as it must have been detected by the account. The custom of crossing out, which still exists among retailers, may be considered as a vestige of the fugitive record of accounts. In many cases, the first books would be merely a transfer of the chalk scores to paper ; and the practice of rubbing out would be imitated as closely as possible, by drawing lines over them with the pen. About the commencement of the Christian era, the Romans, however, had attained a permanent Method of Accounts, corresponding, in all probability, to that of Single Entry. A familiar passage in Pliny, describes the collection of debts and credits on opposite pages ; and, in other writers, there are allusions to the practice of posting, and to a distinction of Books, analogous to that of Waste Book and Ledger. Thus, nomina translata in tabulas, denotes articles posted to the Ledger ; nomen jacens, an unposted transaction ; adversaria^ the Memorial or Waste Book ; and tahulce accepti et expensi, a collection of accounts, contrasting debt and credit, like those of the Ledger. To the researches of the ingenious Simon Stevin, we are chiefly indebted for this view of the Book-keeping of the Romans ; but his opinion that they derived it from the Greeks, is very disputable, and far from being supported by the practice at Athens in the age of Demosthenes. Though the Romans were not originally of a commercial character, it must be considered, that, at the period in question, they held united in peace as well as conquest, all the shores of the Mediterranean. This state of things would be highly favourable to the extension of commerce ; and its effects are testified by history, in the numerous colleges or companies of merchants, established in the maritime cities of the empire. It is, therefore, not improbable PROGRESS OF BOOK-KEEPING. Xlll that Rome herself deserves the honour of inventing the method of Single Entry : but, if an external origin must yet be sought, it may be no very presumptuous suggestion to indicate Carthage. That interesting, but unfortunate, republic, exceeded in commerce all the nations of antiquity ; and, from her Asiatic origin and connexions, she possessed, in all probability, a system of numerals far more perfect than that of Rome. These circumstances may justify the inference, that her commercial records would enjoy a proportionate degree of superiority ; and that, either directly, or mediately by her colonies in Sicily and Spain, she may have com- municated the art to her rival and destroyer. The inglorious destruction of the Carthaginian records has placed this conjecture beyond determination, and, along with it, some of the most interesting questions that regard antiquity. When commerce and literature began, in the fifteenth century, to revive from their long slumber during the dark ages, the progress of Book-keeping and of every science connected with numbers, was materially facilitated by the introduction of the Indian notation. That beautiful system, in which every figure increases its expression ten times by removing one place to the left, was brought into Spain by the Arabian conquerors of that country, thence communicated to Italy, and gra- dually diffused over Europe. Venice was in those days the great emporium of oriental and western commerce ; and the adoption of the denary numbers by her merchants, was soon followed by the admirable, though complicated system of Accounts, named the Italian Method from the country of its invention, and Double Entry from the arrangement of its Ledger. Had it received a scientific denomina- tion, it would have been called, from its balancing principle, the System of Equili- brium J or, with greater justice, it ought to have recorded the name of its inventor, now forgotten and unknown. The first treatise on the subject appeared in Italian at Venice, in 1495, from the famous Lucas Paciolus, better known by his local name, De Burgo. This work, and the commercial connexions of Italy, gradually diffused the science. In 1531, John Gottlieb published at Nuremburg the first German treatise ; and in 1543, Hugh Oldcastle bestowed the same benefit on England. 3imon Stevin published in 1602, at Ley den, in the French language, his celebrated work on the application of Book-keeping to Finance. In 1736, Scotland had the honour of producing, in the Book-keeping Methodized of John Mair, the most complete and elaborate exposition of the old Italian Method, ever published. Benjamin Booth gave to the world in 1789, the first Enghsh work illustrative" of the modern Italian Method. The latter system differs from the former, in dividing the Wa'ste Book into various Subsidiary Books, and in journalizing each of themiseparately once a month. This XIV" PROGRESS OF BOOK-KEEPING. Method was rendered elementary, and adapted to schools, in 1801, by the popular treatise of Dr. Kelly. It is unnecessary to enumerate the host of writers who, in every age and country, have followed the track of their predecessors. There are many of recent date, who are highly meritorious within the sphere of their pretensions, but the object of all has been to illustrate and exemplify the Italian Method. They may have smoothed or embellished the road, but they have not shortened it : satisfied with its eventually leading to the proof of accounts, they have implicitly followed its windings ; and have either not perceived its circuitousness, or considered it as irremediable. Mr. Jones's work furnishes a solitary, but unfortunate exception. In 1796, he published the " English System of Book-keeping,** intended to overthrow the Italian ; but, rejecting the essential principle of the science, he resembled the mariner who, at the outset of a voyage of discovery, should cast away the compass 5 and it is not surprising that the attempt was abortive. Is it too much to hope, that England may yet enjoy the honour af perfecting the science of Accounts j and that, as she eclipses all that was wealth and glory in the commercial empires of the Mediterranean, so she may repay the debt of instruction, and restore to Italy the Doppia Scrittura, purified from its repetitions* and guarded from its liabilities to abuse ? [ XV ] CONTENTS. PART I. THEORY OF BOOK-KEEPING. Page Chap. I. Introduction 1 II. Complete and Partial Book-keeping. . 3 III. Principle of Equilibrium 4 IV. Principle of Additions 10 V. Italian Method , 12 VI. Explanation of the New Method .... 15 VII. Examination of Jones's System 23 VIII. Classification^ Arrangement, & Routine, 26 Page Chap. IX. Profit and Loss 30 X. General Extract and Proof 32 XI. Partnership Ledger 35 XII. Private Ledgers 37 XIII. Errors and Frauds 40 XIV. Systematic Preventive of Errors and Frauds 42 XV. Warehouse Ledgers 44 PART II. EXEMPLIFICATIONS. SET I.— RETAILER'S BOOKS. Page Observations A^ Merchandise ' 50 Cash 54 Memorandum Book 5^ Ledger 59 Inventory 64 SET II.— WHOLESALE DEALER'S BOOKS. Observations &] Warehouse Ledger ^Q Cotton 72 Cash 98 Bills Receivable 100 Ledger . 102 Inventoiy 114 SET III.— MANUFACTURER'S BOOKS. Observations 125 Warehouse Ledger 130 Merchandise 136 Adventures 147 Cash . . 160 Bills Receivable ^ 162 Page Bills Payable 166 Ledger 172 Inventory 208 SET IV.— MERCHANTS' BOOKS. Observations 217 Commissions 225 Adventures 235 Cash 254 Bills Receivable 256 Bills Payable 258 Ledger 260 Inventory 292 Partnership Ledger 297 SET v.— BANKERS' BOOKS. ObseiTations 303 Cash 310 Bills Receivable 314 Bills Payable 322 Ledger 326 Inventory 372 Partnership Ledger 376 ^ OP THE UNlVERSIiTY j. or PART I. THEORY OF BOOK-KEEPING. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Book-keeping is the art of recording property, so as to shew at all times the value of the whole capital and of each component part. As a method susceptible of harmony and system, it owes its origin to the invention of money. Without this universal symbol of property, Book-keeping would be merely a series of memoranda, incapable of that beautiful harmony between the whole and the parts, which now entitles it to rank amongst the exact sciences. Without the relation of money, a man might keep accounts of various kinds of property, and even of personal debts ; but he could not collect the different parts into one whole, nor state his real worth by any other method than an enumeration of all his possessions and debts. Neither could he accurately calculate his Profit or Loss from one year to another, unless his property at each period should happen to be composed of parts similar in nature, with either no augmentations, or no diminutions. An example may serve to familiarize these observations, and, at the same time, to give enlarged notions of the admirable utility of money, which not merely circulates and diffuses the productions of nature and art, but, introducing system and harmony into Book-keeping, commands (as with the creative wand of enchant- ment) a new science to spring into existence. B INTRODUCTION. Discarding the use of money, the following Statement shews the property of the individual C, at the beginning and at the end of a year : C's Stock, 1st January. Item No. 1 . — House and Furniture. 2. — 100 Packs of Wool. 3. — 200 Pieces of Woollens. 4. — 80 Cwt. of Cotton. 5. — 100 Pieces Linens due from A. Less No. 6. — 30 Tons of Iron due to D. Os Stock, Slst December. Item No. 1 . — House and Furniture. 2. — 120 Packs of Wool. 3. — 150 Pieces of Woollens. 4. _ 10 Cwt. of Silk. 5. -.— 20 Tons of Lead due from B. Less No. 6. — 8 Hhds. of Sugar due to E. At neither period can C form any cT)nception of the extent of his property, without enumerating the six component parts. Still more vague and uncertain will be his estimate of the Profit or Loss on the year's transactions. Beginning to com- pare the individual items, he will find that in No. 1. no alteration has occurred; that in No. %. he is richer by 20 Packs of Wool, and in No. 3. poorer by 50 Pieces of Cloth ; but in Nos. 4, 5, 6, the two Stocks consisting of different things not ad- mitting comparison, there is an end to all certain conclusions ; and the entire result must remain in obscurity or unsatisfactory conjecture. But restoring the use of money, C becomes provided with a common symbol, by which he can reduce his various possessions and debts to one specific nature, collect the whole into one amount, compare these aggregates at different periods, and thus determine the real extent of his capital, together with his Profit or Loss. Let us repeat the example under this new form. C's Stock, ] st January. No. 1. — House and Warehouse, Value i^lOOO 2. _« 100 Packs Wool . . at ^''20. . 2000 3. — 200 Pieces Woollens . at 10. . 2000 4. — 80 Cwt. Cotton ... at 30. . 2400 5, — 100 Pieces Linens due from A at 4 . ■ 400 ^7800 6. — 30 Tons Iron due to D. at 10.^ 300 C's Worth .^7500 C's Stock, 31st December. No. 1. — House and Warehouse, Value rflOOO 2. — 120 Packs Wool . at ^20. . 2400 3.— 150 Pieces Woollens at 10. . 1500 4. — 10 Cwt. Silk . . at 300. . 3(X)0 5. — 20 Tons Lead due from B. . . . at 2 5.. 500 j€840O 6. — 8 Hhds. Sugar due to E. at 5 0.. 400 C's Worth ^8000 - 7500 C's Profit this Year ^^500 [ 3 ] CHAPTER II. COMPLETE AND PARTIAL BOOK-KEEPING. Complete Book-keeping is that which gives a record of the whole property as one mass, and of all the constituent parts. If the account of the whole mass, or of any of its parts, be omitted, Book-keeping is partial and imperfect. The component parts of property, are Money, Goods convertible to Money, and Personal Debts. The whole mass, or capital, is technically called Stock. Without entering into subdivisions, it will at present suffice to enumerate the objects of Book-keeping under four general heads ; namely, 1. 'Stock Account. 2. Money Accounts. 3. Merchandise Accounts. 4. Personal Accounts. The record of each class of Accounts is equally essential to the completeness and system of the Books, but not equally urgent as regards the interest and con- venience of the proprietor. Of all his Accounts, the Personal are those which most imperiously claim his attention : the evils occasioned by the neglect of other Accounts are remote and contingent ; but immediate and inevitable injury must result from inattention to his Personal Accounts. In all concerns, but more especially in those that invest the whole capital in trade, it is highly necessary to attend to the finances, and provide due resources against pending engagements : hence the Money Accounts are second in the order of urgency. The natural desire which every man of business feels to know his real capital, renders the Stock Account the third object of attention. There remain only the Merchandise Accounts, which are little regarded, ex- cepting by merchants and wholesale dealers, and even by these are frequently neglected. Retailers and manufacturers almost universally omit the record of this class of Accounts, from the erroneous opinion already mentioned, that the nature of their business renders it impracticable. But whenever one of the parts of property is omitted in the Books, they must of necessity be partial and incomplete ; there can be no dependence or harmony between the whole and the parts ; the Stock cannot be procured from the Accounts B 2 4 COMPLETE AND PARTIAL BOOK-KEEPING. aJone, and when it is obtained by valuations and inventories, it will stand uncon- nected and unproved in the Books. In complete Book-keeping, the Stock or capital is known by its particular Account, without enumerating and adding together all the component parts. WJien, however, this general extract of the parts is made, their sum will correspond with the Stock Account, if the Books are correct ; and, thus, the parts and the whole mutually check and verify each other. Here, then, we may discern the great difference between Complete and Partial Book-keeping, as regards their general extracts or inventories. In Partial Book- keeping, the inventory is made to discover the Stock : in Complete Book-keeping, the Stock is previously known; and the object of the inventory is the general proof, as well of the Stock, as of all the other Accounts. In Partial Book-keeping, the capital is ascertained by the single process of collecting its component parts : in Complete Book-keeping, the capital is obtained by two distinct processes ; firstly, by the Stock Account ; secondly, by the collection of the parts ; the correspondence of the two results proving the accuracy of the Books. In Partial Book-keeping, the Profit or Loss cannot be discovered till the Stock is collected, and it is then obtained by comparison with the preceding Stock. In Complete Book-keeping, the Profit or Loss is declared by its Account, prior to the Stock which is ascertained by the entry of the Profit or Loss. Complete Book-keeping has hitherto been practically attained only by the Italian method of Double Entry ; the various forms of Single Entry in use being all more or less partial and imperfect. But the New System of Double Entry by Single accomplishes a record of Accounts, which combines with the brevity of Single Entry, the completeness and proof of the Italian method. Preparatory to the description of this New System, it is desirable to ascertain the real principles of Accounts, and to disentangle them from forms with which they have long been confounded. CHAPTER HI. PRINCIPLE OF EQUILIBRIUM, It is a primary axiom of the exact sciences, that the whole is equal to the sum of its parts } and on this foundation rests the whole superstructure of Book-keeping. It considers property as a whole composed of various parts : the Stock Account records the whole capital ; the Money, Merchandise, and Personal Accounts record the PRINCIPLE OF EQUILIBRIUM. 5 component parts. Hence, in complete Books, there must necessarily and inevitably be a constant equality between the Stock Account on the one hand, and all the remaining Accounts on the other. The introduction of Credit and Bills into commerce, produced two kinds of property directly contrary in their natures : 1st, Positive Property, consisting of Goods, Cash, Bills Receivable, and Debts Receivable. 2d, Negative Property, consisting of Bills Payable, and Debts Payable. And as these two kinds of property mutually destroy each other, it is evident that the Stock, or entire capital, must always be equal to the difference between them, and be of the same nature as that which preponderates. Hence arise three varieties of Stock or Property ; the Positive, the Neutral, and the Negative ; in the first two of which the proprietor is solvent, in the latter, insolvent. An example of each case is here adduced. CASE I. POSITIVE PROPERTY. Positive Parts : Goods • • ^2000 Cash 1000 Bills Receivable 500 Debts Receivable 4500 ^ ^5000 Negative Parts : Bills Payable 800 Debts Payable 1200 •' 2000 Stock, Positive .^3000 The Proprietor is here solvent, with a surplus of £3000, his net capital. CASE II. NEUTRAL PROPERTY. Positive Parts : Goods rf2000 Cash 1000 ., Bills Receivable 500 Debts Receivable 1500 .s^oOOO Negative Parts : Bills Payable 1800 Debts Payable 3200 ■^ 5000 Stock, Neutral , , ^f The Proprietor is here solvent, but worth nothing. PRINCIPLE OF EQUILIBRIUM. CASE III. NEGATIVE PROPERTY. Negative Parts : Bills Payable .... ' ^^2000 Debts Payable 4000 ^^^^ Positive Parts : Goods ^2000 Cash 1000 Bills Receivable 500 Debts Receivable 1 500 ■ . 5000 Stock, Negative ^1000 The Proprietor is here insolvent for One Thousand Pounds, the amount of his deficiency. From the view of property as a whole composed of positive and negative parts, constantly equal to the collective result of those parts, we must now ascend to a higher and more general consideration of it, as a mass of relations between Debtors and Creditors. The application of these terms is originally personal ; but it is extended by analogy to every part of property, and to the whole capital itself. A man's positive property consists of Debts Receivable, Bills Receivable, Cash and Goods : and all these parts are consequently in the same relation to him as proprietor. But the first, or Personal Accounts, bear the relation of Debtors : therefore the others equally bear this relation ; and Bills Receivable, Cash, and Goods are Debtors to him for their respective amounts. So also with the negative parts : persons to whom he owes money being his Creditors, Bills Payable are also Creditors for their amount. Thus all the component parts of property are distributed into Debtors and Creditors ; the positive parts constituting the former, and the negative parts the latter. The Stock, or whole capital, must also come under one of these classes ; for the proprietor, being Creditor for all the positive parts of his property, and Debtor for all the negative parts, must, upon the whole result, be either Creditor for the excess of positive parts, or Debtor for the excess of negative parts j in other words. Creditor for the excess of Debtors, or Debtor for the excess of Creditors ; the direct inference from which is the Equilibrium of Debtors and Creditors throughout the Books. But without thus deducing it from the connexion of the Accounts, this cor- respondence is immediately evident from the very signification of Debtor and Creditor, which being relative terms, the one always implies the other, and cannot exist without it. If, therefore, for every Debtor there must be an equal Creditor, OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PRINCIPLE OF EQUILIBRIUM. 7 and for every Creditor an equal Debtor, the respective sums of these equalities must also be equal. To illustrate this principle, let us repeat the examples of the three cases of property, under a different arrangement. CASE I. POSITIVE PROPERTY. POSITIVE PARTS, OR DEBTORS. NEGATIVE PARTS, OR CREDITORS. Goods j«2000 Bills Payable £ 800 Cash 1000 Debts Payable 1200 Bills Receivable 500 Stock (Proprietor's Capital) 3000 Debts Receivable 1500 ^€5000 Equilibrium- -jg5000 CASE II. NEUTRAL PROPERTY. POSITIVE PARTS, OR DEBTORS. NEGATIVE PARTS, OR CREDITORS. Goods j^2000 Bills Payable £1800 Cash 1000 Debts Payable 3200 Bills Receivable 500 Stock (Proprietor's Capital) Debts Receivable 1500 .£5000 Equilibrium -£5000 CASE III. NEGATIVE PROPERTY. POSITIVE PARTS, OR DEBTORS. NEGATIVE PARTS, OR CREDITORS. Goods ^2000 Bills Payable £2000 Cash 1000 Debts Payable 4000 Bills Receivable 500 Debts Receivable 1500 Stock (Proprietor's Deficiency) 1000 £6000 ^ Equilibrium- £6000 Should it be inquired why the Stock appears to be negative when the property is positive, and positive when the property is negative j this seeming contradiction will be removed by the following consideration. In these general relations of Debtors and Creditors, the estate or concern itself is abstracted from its proprietor, and becomes a whole, of which the Stock or proprietor's Account is now also one of the component parts. If, therefore, his property be positive, the Concern is 8 PRINCIPLE OF EQUILIBRIUM. Debtor to him for that property, the same as to any other person ; and he classes among its other Creditors. If, on the other hand, his property be negative, or himself insolvent, the Concern is Creditor, and he classes among the other Debtors. We are now arrived at the most comprehensive view of the subject, having generalized the three specific cases of property into one. For, when we thus abstract a Concern from its Proprietor, and place the account of Stock or entire capital among the component parts, the Concern itself is constantly neutral, consisting of a mass of relations between Debtors and Creditors, in perpetual and necessary equilibrium. The Concern thus abstracted, is always a cypher ; and all its component parts are equally and mutually dependent upon each other, and upon the whole. It is no longer merely the Stock which is the result of all the other Accounts collected together : every Account has the same property, and may be found or proved in the same manner. For example, if in Case 1. the Account of Goods be required, it is ascertained by collecting all the other Accounts into one result j thus, Creditors : Bills Payable £ 800 Debts Payable 1200 Stock 3000 .1'5000 Debtors: Cash ^1000 Bills Receivable 500 Debts Receivable 1500 3000 Result : Goods j^2000 By a similar process any other Account may be obtained; and hence it is evident that each of the Accounts is equal to the aggregate of the remainder, and that all are in mutual dependence and harmony. The same reasoning may be more concisely expressed in an algebraic form. Let a, h, c, &c. represent the positive parts, or Debtors ; /, m, n, &c. the negative parts, or Creditors ; and s the Stock, or proprietor's real worth. Then, as the whole is equal to the sum of its parts, a -\- b -\- Cy &c. — I — m — 7ii &c. — =b s. By transposition, we obtain a -\- b -{■ c, &c. — I — m — Ui &c. =f= 5 zz o, or that general equation, in which the whole Estate is neutral or a cypher, and includes the Stock as one of its component parts. Here too, it may be observed that the transposition of s changing its sign, explains the reason why the Stock, PRINCIPLE OF EQUILIBRIUM. 9 when positive in itself, becomes negative or creditor as a component part of tlie estate, and positive or debtor when negative. Again, by transposing any one of the terms in the general equation, it may be proved to be equal to all the rest. Thus, ^ + c, &c. — I — m — n, &c. q=: 5 z= — a ; a -\- b -\- c, &c. — m — n, &c. =f: s = I ; a -\- b -{- c, &c. — I — m — n, &c. = rt: 5. Hence the truth of that general proposition already laid down, that any debtor or creditor in the books is equal to the collective result of the other debtors and creditors, an affection which has been commonly supposed peculiar to the stock account. In tracing the principle of equality, we have hitherto considered property in a state of rest ; but we shall find it equally essential to property in motion. This is evident from two considerations : Firstly, At any two periods of time, as the beginning and the end of a year, the equilibrium of debtors and creditors exists in the concern considered in a state of rest. From the axioms, that if equals be added to equals the sums will be equal, or if equals be taken from equals the remainders will be equal ; it is evident that the same equilibrium must exist in all the intermediate occurrences. Secondly, The same thing is apparent in the very nature of all transactions relating to property. The component parts of property in trade are in a state of continual fluctuation and change. In purchases, cash is converted into goods ; and in sales, goods are re-converted into cash. Or, if credit is allowed, the changes are still more numerous. Purchases create personal creditors and goods ; sales convert goods into personal debtors ; receipts convert personal debtors in*o cash ; whilst payments destroy cash and personal creditors. The introduction of bills would multiply the changes by an intermediate stage between personal debts and cash. But all these creations, metamorphoses, and destructions of the parts, resolve themselves into the single case, that in every transaction two accounts are affected, the one receiving what the other communicates. The imparting account is always creditor, and the recipient always debtor ; so that in each occurrence debtor and creditor must perfectly equilibrate. We must proceed to shew that the harmony of debtors and creditors is not disturbed by profits and losses, or, in other words, by the augmentations and dimi- nutions of the capital. Each alteration in the whole mass can be produced only by a correspondent alteration in one of the parts ; and hence two accounts are always affected by the change, namely, the stock account and the account of the part, between which the equality of debtors and creditors is maintained. Thus, when a legacy is c 10 PRINCIPLE OF ADDITIONS. received in money, Cash is debtor, and Stock creditor ; when the sale of goods exceeds the cost. Merchandise is debtor for the surplus or profit, and Stock is creditor ; when the sale falls short of the cost. Merchandise is creditor for the deficiency or loss, and Stock is debtor. In all these cases, there is a transfer between the whole and the part, the one receiving what the other transmits ; but, as it would be in- convenient to record in the stock account every individual alteration of capital, the transfer is made periodically ; and, when the profits and losses proceed from various sources, accounts are opened to collect the particulars, and transmit the general result in one entry to the stock. Till the time of this transfer, the profits and losses remain latent in the particular accounts, without at all disturbing the equality of debtors and creditors, which exists in all the transactions that have produced the profits and losses. Thus, goods bought of A. for ,£900, and sold to B. for £1000, leave a profit of a^lOO, which remains latent in the merchandise account till the periodical transfer. Debtors and creditors are in the mean time perfectly equi- librated ; for in the purchase. Merchandise is debtor ^900, and A. is creditor £900 ; whilst in the sale. Merchandise is creditor £1000, and B. is debtor £1000. The EquiHbrium of debtors and creditors having been demonstrated, as well from the nature of these relations, as from the axiom that the whole is equal to the sum of its parts ; and having been shewn to exist essentially in property, in every state, whether of motion or of rest j we may justly lay it down as the fundamental principle of Book-keeping — a principle not of art or invention, but of science and discovery ; not of mere expediency, but of absolute necessity, and inseparable from the nature of accounts. Mr. Jones has attempted to ridicule it as the " common saying, that for every debtor there must be a creditor ;*' but we shall see hereafter that he was guided imperceptibly by the principle which he imagined to reject, but which it is impossible to banish from complete accounts. CHAPTER IV. PRINCIPLE OF ADDITIONS. From ascertaining a necessary principle of accounts, we must now proceed to in- vestigate one that is merely expedient. The augmentations and diminutions of the various parts of property, may be recorded by two different processes ; the first and most obvious of which is to add immediately every increase, and subtract imme- diately every decrease. Let us exemplify a personal account kept on this plan, PRINCIPLE OF ADDITIONS. 11 conceding to established custom the introduction of every debtor entry with the preposition To, and of every creditor entry with the preposition By. B. Debtor. Creditor. 1817. January I. Dr. To Goods .£400 200 of 200 100 .^100 6. Cr. By Cash Dr 11. Dr. To Goods Dr 16. Cr. By Cash 200 300 500 200 oOO 500 Dr 21. Cr. Bj Goods 26. Dr. To Cash Cr This method has the advantage of shewing at every entry the actual state of the account ; but, consisting of alternate additions and subtractions, it has great lia- bility to error : for the improper operation might easily occur, adding what should be deducted, or deducting what should be added. The second method consists of additions alone, and, on account of this uniformity of process, has justly been preferred. Each account is here considered as composed of positive and negative parts j and its space in the book being vertically divided, the left side is entitled Debtor, and the right. Creditor. In the left column are en- tered all the positive parts, or debits, and in the right column, all the negative parts, or credits. The former example is repeated upon this principle. Dr. B. Cr. 1817. 1817. Jan. 7. To Goods .^400 Jan. 6. By Cash ^200 n. Ditto 300 16. Ditto . . . . 200 26. Cash 100 21. Goods .... 500 26. Balance .... 100 .^900 Jan. 26. By Balance . . of 900 100 Here the debits being ^^800, and the credits ^900, it is obvious that B. is creditor for the difference ^100, being the same result as in the former method, unattended by its exposure to error. Much time is also saved, as the different c 2 12 PRINCIPLE OF ADDITIONS. transactions are simply entered, without any further operation, till the state of the account is required, when both sides are added and equipoised, by entering the difference between them as balance. The balance is immediately transferred to the opposite column, in order to equilibrate its entry, and shew the result of the account. To avoid equivocal expressions, the term balance is restricted in this treatise to the sum thus entered, to make the two sides equal j and therefore, by Balance, the reader will always understand the make-weighty or result of the account. For the same reason, the term Closed is applied to accounts, only when they equilibrate without entering any balance. The promiscuous use of the word balance for things so different as the equilibration, the result, and the close of an account, has occa- sioned much indistinctness and confusion. For instance, *' When there is no balance to bring down, there is a balance of the account, for it balances without entering any balance.*' After thus considering the method of Additions, it must be acknowledged highly useful and expedient ; and, though not a principle of necessity, like the Equilibrium, it deservedly ranks as the secondary law of accounts. The whole system of Book-keeping being constructed on these two principles, our next inquiry must be directed to the shortest and most simple method of ap- plying them to accounts. CHAPTER V. ITALIAN METHOD. This system consisted originally of Three Books : 1. The Waste Book, which opens with an inventory of the property in the concern, and proceeds to give a simple narration of all its transactions, in the order of time. 2. The Journal, which is an abstract of the Waste Book, with a formal statement of the debtor and creditor resulting from every transaction. 3. The Ledger, or register of the component parts of the property, as well as of the whole capital, each account having a separate folio or space allotted to it. The contrivance by which the equiUbrium is maintained, is to post every Journal entry twice to the Ledger, namely, to the debit of one account, and to the credit of another. This double entry in the Ledger has become the appellative of the system, in contradistinction to the single entry in the Ledger, made in those imperfect books which do not record every component part of the capital. ITALIAN METHOD. 13 The inconveniences of recording all transactions indiscriminately in one Waste Book, and of not being able to ascertain the state of Cash, Bills, &c. till the entire processes of journalizing the Waste Book and posting the Ledger are completed, have occasioned an alteration in the old Italian Method. Instead of one Waste Book, several Waste or Subsidiary Books are used, each appropriated to a distinct class of affairs, as the Purchase 3ook, Sales Book, Cash Book, Bills Payable, Bills Re- ceivable, &c. All these books are journalized once a month, so that the Journal is no longer a day book, as its name imports, but a monthly abstract ; and its appel- lation is consequently improper. It may, however, be doubted if this alteration be a positive improvement j for, though it affords great facilities in the first stage of the accounts, it occasions con- siderable delay and encumbrance in the subsequent processes. The whole month must be closed before the Journal entries can commence ; and, before they can be completed, a considerable part of the next month will elapse : then follows all the double posting, so that the arrears of the Ledger will be never less than five or six weeks, and probably often seven or eight. Thus the state of an account can seldom be ascertained from the Ledger alone, but must be traced through the Journal, and all the Subsidiary Books. This is a serious inconvenience. The whole month's similar transactions relating to one account, are classed to- gether in the Journal, and posted in one sum to the Ledger. Hence the latter deals too much in generals ; and the particular information which it ought to give, is too frequently buried in «* Sundries" upon *' Sundries.*' To remedy this incon- venience. Book-keepers are actually driven to the necessity of repeating many of the personal accounts in a separate book, called the Account Current Book, which is merely a Ledger of particulars. This tedious repetition is a sufiicient comment on the impolicy of generalizing the Ledger. From these disadvantages the old Italian method is free ; its Journal and Ledger may be entered up daily or weekly, according to convenience ; and its Ledger is full and explicit in information. We must now consider some defects which are common to all the forms of this system. In the first place, it is a process of much time and labour to repeat the record of a transaction so many times : once it appears in the Waste, or Subsidiary Book, once in the Journal, and twice in the Ledger ; making in the whole four entries. It is due to the modern Italian method to observe, that it curtails in some of the accounts, part of the double posting to the Ledger : thus, the receipts and payments for the whole month, are equilibrated by collective counter-entries. Other trans- 14 ITALIAN METHOD. actions, however, have not this facility ; and whatever may thus be saved from the fourth, will be lost in the fifth repetition in the Account Current Book. Secondly, this frequent repetition increases the hability to error ; and it must be noticed, that, in general, there is no systematic check between the Journal and the Subsidiary Books. In the third place, the process of journalizing is frequently intricate and per- plexing, on account of the various methods of arranging the debtors and creditors in equilibrium. To this subject, elaborate treatises have been devoted, in which the merits of the rival arrangements have been debated with all the majesty of pro- position, theorem and problem ; demonstration, corollary and scholium. In the search of judicious arrangement, ingenious writers have wandered far from simplicity, as may be seen in those complicated combinations, entitled '* Sundries Drs. to Sundries.'* In fact, the more ingenious the accountant, the more will he be dis- tracted with the various methods suggested by his fertile invention ; and the more frequently will he find himself in the situation of the traveller, embarrassed by a multitude of roads to his destination, and hesitating which to choose. As regards the Journal, the most favourable view of the Italian method is perhaps to be found in the manuscript of Mr. Black, an ingenious professor of Book-keeping, well known in the counties of York and Lancaster. In his Journal, distinct columns are allotted to the debtors and creditors, which, being added forwards to the end of the month, are shewn to be equilibrated, and also equal to the aggregate additions of the subsidiary books ; thus establishing a systematic check between those Books and the Journal. The counter-entries of his Journal are also much simplified, by dis- carding the tedious preambles and cumbrous phraseology which are so prevalent in that book. His arrangement of the Bills cannot, however, be recommended on account of their numerous repetitions. They are entered first in the Bill Book ; secondly, in the Cashier, or Cash Book ; thirdly, in the Journal ; and after this twice in the Ledger. Thus they undergo five entries ; and though this number includes a collective counter entry, the repetitions continue most laborious, ex- ceeding even those of the regular Italian method. If any thing could justify or compensate unnecessary repetitions, it would be the elegant arrangement of Mr. Black's Cashier : but, in Book-keeping, brevity and simplicity are objects anterior to masterly combinations. From the best constructed set of Books, it would be easy to make extracts, that, for some particular objects, might exhibit arrangements superior to any thing in the books themselves : but such arrangements are not therefore entitled to be inwoven into their regular system, by the ever pro- hibitable means of repetition. ITALIAN METHOD. 15 After enumerating the defects of the Italian system, candour must acknowledge, that, notwithstanding its slow and intricate operations of Journalizing and Double Posting, notwithstanding its want of simplicity and of determinate rules, it is founded on the just and beai\tiful principles of Equilibi'ium and Additions ; and that it accomplishes a systematic, self-verifying record of Accounts. The name of its inventor is unknown, but the applauses of four centuries have justly been bestowed upon his art ; and, unless a shorter and more simple method be devised for obtaining the same results, it will continue to deserve the preference of the commercial world. CHAPTER VI. EXPLANATION OF THE NEW METHOD. The New Method consists in keeping all the Day Books by Debtor and Creditor, and in posting them directly to the Ledger, without any intermediate proce!&s. In common Single Entry, the Day Books (excepting the Cash) are mere memo- randa of personal transactions; but in the New Method, by altering the arrange- ment of the same entries, the Day Books become also regular accounts of property. Thus it requires no additional labour in the Books ; and yet, by this simple means, it obtains every result of the Italian System ; for it observes the great law of Equi- librium in the clearest manner, every entry having a distinct counter-entry, and the harmony of Debtors and Creditors being evident in the very nature of the posting, the constant rule of which is to transfer from the left side to the right, and from the right side tx) the left. Its discovery was suggested by considering the results of a common Cash Book, kept by Single Entry. On examining the entries in this Book, and their counter- entries in the Ledger, it will be seen, by the following comparative example, that they accomplish the equality of Debtors and Creditors, as completely as all the repeated processes of Journalizing and Double Entry in the Italian System. 16 EXPLANATION OF THE NEW METHOD. CASE I. — Cash Transactions recorded by Single Entry, CASH BOOK. (I) Dr. Cash. Cr By Bolland and Co. £ By Peter Bland By Thomas Howorth By Balance £ Jan. o 15 25 Jan. 31 I () John Smith £ To William Binns To Samuel Brown To Balance. . . . £ 150 Jan. 10 2 400 20 4 1250 30 31 6 800 125 100 275 300 125 800 LEDGER. (1) Dr. John Smith. Cr. Jan. 5 1 By Cash... £ 150 (2) Drs. Bolland and Co. Crs. Jan. 10 1 To Cash . . . ...£ 100 (3) Dr. William Binns. Cr. Jan. 15 1 By Cash . . . £ 400 (4) Dr. Peter Bland. Cr. Jan. 20 1 To Cash ... ...£ 275 (5) Dr. Samuel Brozm. Cr. Jan. 25 1 By Cash. . . £ 250 (6) Dr. Thomas Howorth. Cr. Jan. 30 1 1 To Cash . . . ,.,£ 300 Result : Debtors £ 800 (Equilibrium) Creditors . ,£ 800 EXPLANATION OF THE NEW METHOD. 17 CASE II. — The same Cash Transactions recorded by the Modern Italian Method. SUBSIDIARY BOOK. Dr. Cash. Cr. Jan. 5 15 25 - To John Smith . . .^ To William Binns To Samuel Brown £ 150 400 250 o" Jan. 10 20 30 By Bolland and Co. £ By Peter Bland By Thomas Howorth £ 100 275 300 800 675 ^ (1) JOURNAL. ■T3 O Jan. 5 15 25 1 2 4 6 For the following S To John Smith To William Binr To Samuel Brow Cash Dr. to Sundries. lums received this Month. ,,£ £ 150 400 250 > tu IS,, , Ou s n ., .,.,,,. o* 3 800 P^ Jan. 10 20 30 1 3 5 7 For the following Bolland and Peter Bland Thomas How Sundries Drs. to Cash. Sums paid this Month. Co .£ £ 100 275 300 675 .ii nrfh . fC P_ 13 c .2 '•3 LEDGER. I (1) Dr. Cash. Cr. ^ <5 Jan. 31 31 1 To Sundries . . £ To Balance ...£ 800 125 o" o" Jan. 31 31 1 By Sundries . . By Balance . . . ..£ £ 67.5 125 o ^ Jan. 800 0^ J (2) Dr. John Smith. Cr. Jan. 5 1 By Cash . . ..£ 150 ( ) (3) JDr«. Bolland and Co, Crs. Jan. 10 1 To Cash £ JOO (4) Dr. William Binns. Cr. Jan. 15 1 By Cash ..£ 400 ( 3 (5) Dr. Peter Bland. Cr. Jan. 20 1 To Cash £ 275 (6) Dr. Samuel Brown. Cr. Jan. 25 1 By Cash ..£ 250 ( ) (7) Dr. Thomas lloworth. Cr. Jan . 30 1 To Cash £ 300 B lCSU' t: Debtors ...,,. ..X 800 (Eq uil ibrium) Creditors. . £ J800 a D 18 EXPLANATION OF THE NEW METHOD. These two processes accomplish the same result, but the first is superior in three particulars : Firstly, In simplicity and brevity, saving the whole process of Journalizing and the Cash Account in the Ledger. Secondly, In the mode of equilibrating the Debtors and Creditors. In the Italian Method, all the Personal Debtors are equipoised by a single counter-entry to the credit of Cash, and all the Personal Creditors by a single counter-entry to the debit of Cash j but in the shorter method, each individual Debtor in the Cash Book has a corresponding Creditor in the Ledger, and each individual Creditor a cor- responding Debtor. The Complex Method maintains the equilibrium merely in the whole collectively : the Simple Method has, besides this general harmony, a particular equilibration of each individual entry ; and, consequently, it more de- finitely, if not more completely, observes the great fundamental law of Accounts. Thirdly, In the prevention and detection of error. Supposing Thomas Howorth*s payment of ^300, to be erroneously posted 6^200, the equality of Debtors and Creditors would be destroyed in the Simple Method, and the error detected by calling over, or comparing the Ledger with the Cash Book. If the Journal entry be correct in the Italian Method, the conformity will be equally destroyed, and the error similarly detected ; but if the error originate in the Journal itself, it will no longer disturb the harmony of Debtors and Creditors, and its dis- covery will become more remote and contingent. By avoiding the repetition that occasions it, this liability to error does not exist in the shorter method. In the comparison which has been instituted, every possible advantage has been shewn to the Italian System. Neither the Waste Book nor the Account Current Book is introduced, yet all waiters admit the necessity of the latter, and some con- tend for the use of the former, as a history of the business and a connective index to the Subsidiary Books. The use of these two books would occasion no less than six entries of one transaction ; and would extend the Italian process to three times (instead of twice) the length of the other method. Having satisfactorily ascertained the equilibration of the Cash Book by Single Entry, our next object is to inquire if the Day Books which contain the other branches of business can be kept on the same principle, so as to afford a general equilibration of the Accounts by Single Entry. We have so long been accustomed to other forms of these books, that, on first proposing the question, we are apt to consider this assimilation to the Cash Book as impracticable ; but now, after its accom- plishment, nothing will seem more easy and natural. For, in any of the other Day Books, what is there to prevent its being debited for what is received, and credited for what is withdrawn ? The book of Bills Receivable is debited with Bills Received ; EXPLANATION OF THE NEW METHOD. l9 it is credited with Bills Remitted, and Cash received for Bills falling due. The book of Bills Payable is credited with Acceptances, Promissory Notes, and Drafts on Bankers ; it is debited with Payments of Bills falling due, and Bankers' Accept- ances. The Book of Merchandise is debited with Purchases, Charges and Profits ; it is credited with Sales, Re-charges, and Losses. The following short examples will more fully illustrate the assimilability of all these Books to the Cash Book. 20 EXPLANATION OF THE NEW METHOD. Dr. BILLS RECEIVABLE. Received, Fo. From. No. B7 Date. ' rrm. Order. On. March 2 4 15 20 25 To J. White To Janson and Co. To Farmer and Co. To W. Sims To Watts and Co. 11 12 13 14 15 J. King Jarrold and Co J. Smith Cook and Co. D.Hill . Jan. 7 . Feb. 1 20 . Jan. 22 . Mar. 20 2m. 3 m. 2m. 2 m. 3m. Birch and Co. S. Janson . . . Davy and Co. N. Pitt F.White ... Chalmer and Co. T. Flood. Lloyd and Co. T. BeU. Ogle and Co. March 3 1 To Balance 13 Dr. BILLS PAYABLE. Date. Fo. No. Amount. Accepted. Fo. Drawers. April 20 27 30 To Cash paid 21 22 20&23 £350 150 600 April 5 10 15 15 By Sykes and Co. By S. Lyon. By Gordon and Co. By R. Sampson. To Cash paid To Balance £1100 April 30 By Balance Dr. MERCHANDISE. Jan. 5 15 20 30 31 Jan. 31 Fo. PURCHASES, &C. To Jackson and Co. To Melville and Co. To Ab. Peters To Duncan and Co. To Profit To Balance. 18 42 60 20 Tons Lead, at Ditto at Carriage Discount 5 per Cent Tons Tons of Lead £20 21 £360 882 35 39 175 EXPLANATION OF THE NEW METHOD. 21 PER CONTRA. Cr. Due, Amount. Date. Fo. No. Amount. March 10 May 4 April 23 March 25 June 13 £500 150 375 200 100 £1325 Mar. 7 10 25 28 31 By J. Smith, remitted By Cash, received for By Cash, received for By C. Conder, paid him . . . By Balance 12 11 14 15 13 ;ei50 500 200 100 375 £1325 £375 PER CONTRA. Cr. No. 20 21 22 23 20&23 Order of. J. Dearden P. Hanjs T, Rogers Chaloner and Co. Date. Trm, April 1 Jan. 17 Feb. 24 Mar, 27 2 m. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. Due. June 4 April 20 27 May 30 Amount. £200 350 150 400 £1100 j^eoo PER CONTRA. Cr, Jan. 10 20 25 31 Fo. SALES, &C. By Roberts and Smith. By Duncan and Co. . . By Melville and Co. . . By Balance 10 30 20 60 Tons of Lead at Tons of Lead at Abated 10s. per Ton. . . . Tons of Lead, worth . . , Tons £25 26 22 ' £250 780 21 440 £1491 22 EXPLANATION OF THE NEW METHOD. It is unnecessary to exhibit the Ledger entries for these three Books, or to state their respective processes by the Itahan Method ; for the comparison will obviously be similar to that of the Cash Accounts, and lead to the same inferences. We have, therefore, discovered a Method of Single Entry, which supersedes the circuitous and laborious processes of Journalizing and Double posting, hitherto sup- posed to be the only means of equilibrating Accounts. In this New Method, the Day Books are assimilated to each other and to the Ledger, being all kept by Debtor and Creditor : whilst the Ledger records the Stock, the Personal, and a few other Accounts, the Day Books record the remaining parts of the property : the Cash Book shews the Cash in hand ; the Bill Books shew the amount of Bills payable running, and of Bills receivable, in hand j the Book of Merchandise shews the stock of Goods. The scientific accountant will discern much beauty and simplicity in this general assimilation of the Books. He will perceive the great process of Equihbration regularly and uniformly carried on, commencing in every primary, and completed in every secondary entry : he will observe it easily and naturally emanating from the arrangement and method ; whereas, in the Italian System, it is superinduced by an artificial and laborious contrivance. Here the Equilibrium flows on continuously through the whole mass of accounts ; there it is obtained only by breaking them up, and equipoising them in detached fragments ; as may be seen at a glance in the end- less preambles and intersections of the Journal. The general practicability of the New Method, is another criterion of its merits which ought not to be overlooked. Its principles and its forms apply with equal facility to the minutest Retail, and the most extensive Mercantile Transactions ; to the diversified Accounts of Chartered Companies, and the still more complicated Finances of the State. The laborious process of the Journal has directed the attention of a few writers to the possibility of avoiding it, and of forming the Ledger by Single Entry. It is due to Mr. Tate and Mr. Black to mention, that in the Merchandise Accounts they suggest a method of accomplishing these objects, by posting immediately to the Ledger the periodical additions of the Books of Purchases and Sales. But in the Bills, Mr. Black's repetition of them in the Cash Book is equivalent to their entry in the Journal, and Mr. Tate appears to hesitate between the unsatisfactory expedients of recording them at once as Cash, or of keeping the Bill Book as a mere Memorandum Book. The Book in which Mr. Tate ascertains the result of each lot of Merchandise, is a complete repetition of all the Purchases and Sales j and, there- fore, little is gained in this instance by the suppression of the Journal. It must also be observed that the New Method is very different from the plan of entering in the Ledger the periodical additions of the Day Books. Each of these Books becomes Q3 a complete Account in itself, recording some particular branch of property. Its ad- ditions are not transferred to any other Account j and, though it is convenient to carry forwards the distinct amounts of its Debtors and Creditors to the regular periods of proving the Books, yet this mode of continuation is not necessary; for its Balance may at any time be taken, as that of a Ledger Account, without deranging the system of the Books. Mr. Jones is the only writer who has hitherto attempted a substitute for the Italian Method, and exemplified his plan by a regular set of Books. Though " The English System" succeeded only in the subscription which it raised for its author, it deserves to be noticed, and shall be examined in the following chapter. CHAPTER VII. EXAMINATION OF MR. JONES S SYSTEM. 'Strongly impressed with the defects of the Italian Method, Mr. Jones applied with laudable perseverance to the construction of a new system. Unfortunately for this undertaking, his views of the subject were not comprehensive and scientific j his attention was directed to externals; and, confounding the Form with the Prin- ciple of the Italian Method, he had the misfortune to reject the great fundamental law of Equilibrium. Oppressed by this radical error, it is really astonishing that he accomplished any thing : at the same time it must be observed, that all he did ac- complish, was by the secret assistance of the very principle which he ridiculed and rejected. So strongly was he prepossessed in favour of his system, that he appeared really to consider it as infallible : in the fervour of his prejudice, he denounced its opponents as defective, less in sagacity, than in moral rectitude ; and he even hinted to the Legislature the expediency of making it the law of the land. It is not surprising that these ridiculous and acrimonious insinuations were resented, nor that the unwarranted pretensions of his book laid it bare to the shafts of his antagonists. The work, however, is highly curious ; and, the angry con- troversy which it excited having subsided, a calm review of it will be no loss of either profit or amusement. " The English Systenr' consists of a Day Book and Ledger, ruled in a particular' manner. The Day Book contains three columns ; one on the extreme left of the ^ JONES S SYSTEM. page for Debtors j one on the extreme right for Creditors; and an inner column on the right for the first reception of both Debtors and Creditors, before they are entered in their appropriate columns. This preparatory column is further intended to prove the additions of the other two, to the aggregate of which its sum must always be equal. From the additions of the Debtor and Creditor columns, the result of the business is ascertained. The first impropriety that appears in this plan of the Day Book, is the combi- nation of dissimilar things ; purchases being added with receipts, and sales with payments ; so that, at first view, it is difficult to conceive how any harmonious result can be obtained from these incongruous assemblages. But, on closer examination, it will be seen by the following extracts from the Book, that the threatened confusion is avoided, by immediately neutralizing every personal Cash or Bill entry, with a counter-entry in the opposite column to the Cash or Bill Account. Dr. Cr. Sundry Accounts. Fol. Drs. and Crs. Sundry Accounts. Jan, 2 Cr. Notes and Bills Payable, accepted John 7 Antonio's Draft for Wine due 1st. Sept. ) £1000 O £1000 O ;eiooo 2 Dr. John Antonio, Oporto, for my Ac-") ceptance of his Draft J 1000 17 Cr. Thomas Jones, Bath, received of him. . . , 50 50 50 Dr. Cashier for money received of Jones .... 50 400 Apl.23 Dr. John Vernon, Manchester, remitted him . 400 Cr. Cashier for said remittance 400 400 o £ 1450 Addition of these Extracts £2900 1 £1450 This specimen will sufficiently shew that all the personal Cash and Bill entries are immediately equilibrated by counter-entries. But how is this accomplished ? By mere repetition. Each of these transactions is entered twice in the Day Book ; and, every Day Book entry being posted to the Ledger, it also comes twice into that Book. Thus the heterogeneous addition of all Accounts in one Day Book, occasions four entries of the money transactions ; and the boasted simplicity and brevity of this System terminate in a repetition, equal to that of the Italian Method itself. All personal receipts and payments being, however, neutralized by this awk- ward contrivance, it is evident that the Day Book remains as to its results a Book of Merchandise alone, capable of shewing by the addition of its Debtors and Cre- ditors the profit or loss on the business, and the stock of goods on hand. But all this is governed by the unperceived influence of the rejected principle of Equi- librium. In the first place, the money transactions are obviously equilibrated in both JONES S SYSTEM. *2.J the Journal and the Ledger. As to the remaining accounts, the creditors in the Day Book being virtually at the debit of Merchandise for purchases, &c. do really equi- librate their posted creditors in the Ledger ; and the debtors in the Day Book being virtually at the credit of Merchandise for sales, &c. do really equilibrate their posted debtors in the Ledger. Thus it is by means of the rejected principle alone, that the result of the business is ascertained. From the manner in which this Day Book is opened and closed, there is reason to doubt whether Mr. Jones himself perfectly understood its nature and office. He has no stock of goods at the opening of the business, and, at the conclusion, he appears to be at a loss what to do with the stock then existing. At last, an account is actually opened in the Ledger for " Stock of Goods unsold," where this trouble- some concern is deposited. Now, supposing the business to be continued, the stock of goods will be sold in the regular course of trade, and the sales be entered as usual in the Day Book ; but unless the " Stock of Goods unsold'* be brought back from the Ledger to the Day Book, the apparent result of the business will be com- pletely false. Had Mr. Jones understood the nature of his book as an account of Merchandise, he would have carried down the stock of goods in the book itself as its proper balance, and not have let it abscond to a sinecure account in the Ledger, either to be fetched back again to its appropriate station, or to disconcert the next year's result by its elopement. The columnar arrangement of the Day Book appears to promise more than it accomplishes. The central column merely proves the additions of the other two columns ; but it is no check against entering debtors in the creditor column, or creditors in the debtor column ; a mistake to which the promiscuous assemblage of debtors and creditors on the same page renders the book extremely liable. It must also be observed, that the examples of the Day Book are petty inland transactions of the most simple kind, and that its construction renders it inapplicable to general purposes. At all events, it is not easy to conceive how it could be adapted to a mercantile consignment or account sales, involving a series of debtors and creditors, besides the net result of the transaction; nor has its author thought proper to solve the difficulty. In Mr. Jones's Ledger every account has five columns for debtors, and five for creditors. Four are devoted to the daily postings from the Journal, each containing the entries of three months ; and the fifth receives the sum of each month's entries. All these columns are added and carried forward through the Ledger, to shew that the amounts of debtors and creditors in this book correspond with those of the Day Book. No account is equilibrated, the balances being merely entered as me- moranda in the blank space, or rather in a sixth column, which is also added forwards E 26 Jones's system. throughout the Ledger, ta shew that the difference between the debtor balances, and the creditor balances, leaves the same profit or loss as the difference between the debtors and the creditors in the Journal. But to this irrelevant correspondence, Mr. Jones sacrifices the very accuracy of his books ; for, to accomplish it, he omits to post the moieties of profit to the accounts of the two partners Abraham Bold, and Charles Wise, so that the balances of these two accounts are absolutely false ; and hence it is that there appears any difference between the debtor balances and the creditor balances. Had the profit been posted, there would have been equality of debtors and creditors. Each addition of the Ledger occupies three lines at the foot of every page : thus, in ten years, this book would be nearly filled with additions ; or, at all events, it would be necessary to allot to this purpose a considerable portion of its pages. Upon the whole, it is a most inelegant and cumbrous arrangement. These endless ad- ditions, united with the four-fold entry of the money transactions, render the English System quite as laborious as the Italian Method itself. Mr. Jones was so deceived by the conformity of the Ledger debtors to the Day Book debtors, and of the Ledger creditors to the Day Book creditors, as to consider it tantamount to an infallible proof of correctness ; but, not to mention that he has no check on the original entries in the Day Book, this conformity does not even prove the accuracy of the posting. It is a check merely on that class of un apparent errors which compensate between debtor and creditor, but not on those which compensate in the same relation. If A*s account in the Ledger be over-debited ^100, and B's account be short-debited the same sum, the amount of debtors in the Ledger will still correspond exactly to those in the Day Book. CHAPTER VIII. CLASSIFICATION, ARRANGEMENT, AND ROUTINE. The unscientific divisions and inappropriate appellations which occur in preceding treatises on Book-keeping, being calculated to excite confused and erroneous notions in the student, it may not be useless or irrelevant to devote a little attention to these improprieties. In the titles of Books, the terms Journal and Waste Book are exceptionable in their modern application. Journal, signifying a daily record, is improperly applied to a monthly abstract. The latter meaning, however, is so strongly associated with CLASSIFICATION, ETC. !^7 the term, that, to prevent misconception, it is not applied to any of the books in the present System ; though all of them, excepting the Ledger and Inventory, are real Journals. No loss is suffered by this exclusion, the term Day Book being equally significant, and entirely unequivocal. Equally improper is the appellation of Waste Book applied by some authors to the subsidiary Day Book, which receives the accounts excluded by the other Day Books. In the old Italian method, the terms Waste Book and Journal were appro- priate, the former being a general receptacle of the first rough entries, and the latter a real Day Book. '^' The division of Accounts into Personal, Real, and Fictitious, is one of the most ludicrous that ever enlivened the gravity of the scientific page. Are the Personal accounts unreal ? or, rather, are they something neither real nor fictitious ? Is the Stock, or proprietor's account, a mere fiction? Are the accounts of Profit and Loss of the same romantic nature ? In cases of loss it would be some consolation to consider them in this aerial and poetical light ; but when a balance of profit occurs, the pleasure of the transfer would not be much heightened by this view of the subject. The proprietor may reasonably expect to find something substantial in his Stock Account ; but the professors of Book-keeping, faithful to the Berkleian theory, gravely assure him that it is all fictitious and imaginary. After rejecting the old classification, a new one may be expected ; and we will therefore sketch a substitute in the following tabular view of ACCOUNTS. CLASSES. DIVISIONS. SUBDIVISIONS 1. Personal. r 1. Cash. 1. Parts OF Property."^ 2. Money J 2. Bills Payable. L 3. Bills Receivable. r 1 . Floating Merchandise. 3. Goods J 2. Immoveables. L 3. Conventional Funds. 2. Whole Propehty. Branches. Ramifications. r 1 . Profit 7 V 1. Commission. Stock J 2. Loss | \ ,2. Interest, &c. L 3. Private Account £ 2 -8 CLASSIFICATION, ETC. It will be observed that the second class admits no divisions, but ramifications only ; its subordinate Accounts not exhausting the higher, as in the first class. The Accounts of Profit and Loss are simply branches of the Stock, their object being to prevent numerous petty entries in the latter, to collect together the individual aug- mentations and diminutions of the capital, and to transfer the general result in one entry to the Stock. In like manner, Commission, Interest, &c. are merely ramifica- tions of the Profit and Loss Accounts, which prevent numerous petty entries in the latter, collect the aggregates of their respective departments, and transfer the results in one entry to the Profit or Loss. The Private Account is another main branch from the Stock, its use being to record all sums put into the business, or withdrawn, so as to keep them entirely distinct from the Profit or Loss. The result of the Private Account is also transferred in one entry to the Stock. The Accounts are distributed into various Books, of which the following five will first require our consideration : 1st. The Cash, containing all cash transactions. 2d. The Bills Receivable, containing all bills, whether received or drawn by the proprietor, which he has not to pay or provide for when due. Sd. The Bills Payable, containing all bills which the proprietor has to pay or provide for when due. When the proprietor draws on a banker, this book is some- times called the Banker's Acceptances. 4th. The Merchandise, containing purchases, sales, charges, discounts, profits, losses, &c. 5th. The Ledger, containing the personal accounts, the stock account and its ramifications, the accounts of immoveable and funded property, and occasional abstracts of merchandise accounts. Each of these Books is divisible into two or more, according to the nature and extent of the business, and the number of clerks employed. The first four are called Day Books, from their recording the transactions im- mediately as they occur. In general, these Books receive the primary entries, from which the secondary are posted to the Ledger. In some transactions, however, the entry and counter-entry are both recorded in the Day Books ; and in others, both occur in the Ledger. Payments of due bills, purchases, or sales for cash, and transfers between Ledger Accounts, are the principal entries of this nature ; but in all, the distinctions of primary and secondary cease to obtain. Subordinate to the books of Cash and Merchandise are those of Wages and sundry expenses, in which are entered all payments, not belonging to any account in the Ledger, and too insignificant to appear in the principal books. The additions CLASSIFICATION, ETC. ^9 of these subordinate books are entered periodically in the Cash and Merchandise ; an arrangement which appears preferable to a petty Cash Book kept by debtor and creditor, because the latter occasions two balances of cash. The Book of Merchandise admits various divisions and appellations, according to the nature of the business which it records. In all concerns, where there is a continuous stock of goods, the Merchandise Account must be continuous also. If the business extend to various commodities. Merchandise will be an appropriate general appellative : if it be limited to one commodity, that commodity will supply a specific denomination. Hence, by the woolstapler this book may be termed the Wool Book; by the cotton-vender, the Cotton Book; by the wine merchant, the Wine Book, &c. &c. When the business consists of two or more very distinct branches, each may be allowed a separate Book of Merchandise, with an appropriate designation. In mercantile concerns, the Book of Merchandise is divisible into se- parate Accounts for each particular lot or cargo of goods. According to the extent of the business, and the number of clerks employed, these acfcounts may be com- prised in one or more books. When a separation is required, commissions and ad- ventures may be recommended as divisions ; imports and exports, as subdivisions. In those businesses which do not consist in buying and selling, the term Mer- chandise would be inappropriate ; but in most of them a Book is required in perfect analogy to the Merchandise, and it may generally be distinguished by the name of the trade or profession. For example, Dying for the dyer. Dressing for the dresser, Carriage for the carrier. Farm or Produce for the agriculturist. Insurance for the underwriter, &c. &c. The Banker's business, however, consisting entirely of money accounts, has no book analogous to the Merchandise. It must not be supposed that all the various Accounts and Books enumerated, are requisite in every concern. In businesses on a small scale, the Bill Books are frequently unnecessary, as the few bills that occur may be entered in the Cash Book. The classification of accounts in the Ledger is more easily recommended than accomplished. New accounts are continually opened which will derange those already classed, unless sufficient spaces were left ; and many blank folios interspersed among the accounts, may conduce to omissions, and cause an account to be overlooked, till the final proof of the books^ It is certainly desirable, that similar accounts should not be separated ; but, unless the Ledger be divided into two or more books, the accountant will find it an object of difficult attain- ment. Nor ought it to be too highly appreciated ; the order of these accounts being quite immaterial, in respect to the principles and system of Book-keeping. In the following Books, both methods are shewn ; the Ledger Accounts being pro- miscuously entered in Sets S and 3, and classed in Sets 4 and 5. so CLASSIFICATION, ETC. The simplicity and facility of the present system, render entirely unnecessary those rough or waste books in which some houses make the original entry of invoices, &c. previous to their record in the fair books. Not to mention the loss of time occasioned by this practice, it conduces to inaccuracy ; for every repetition increases the liability to error. It is, moreover, inimical to that ready neatness and habitual precision, which a Book-keeper ought to possess. He is apt to be regardless of accuracy in a book, of which a fair and correct copy is afterwards to be made : thus, inattention and slovenliness may increase, till neatness and precision become elaborate attainments, instead of being familiar habits. Much difference of opinion prevails in Counting Houses, as to the propriety of entering received documents in detail or in abstract : either plan may be adopted in the present system ; but, in the Books which illustrate it, the detailed mode of entry is selected, for the following reason : In many works on Book-keeping, the suppression of the particulars of purchases, renders it impossible either to examine the balance of Merchandise, or to discover the commodities of which it consists. In a published system, at all events, the books ought to contain full information, because the original documents cannot be referred to, as in the Counting House. It is scarcely necessary to remark, that the first entry alone requires the details of the account, and that the counter-entry is always abstracted in a single line. In the new method, the Ledger may be posted daily or weekly, according to convenience ; but it is desirable to avoid long arrears. When the entry and counter- entry both occur in the Day Books, they arise simultaneously ; so that, in this case, the posting is reduced to the mere entry of the reference figur<" The entry and counter-entry must always indicate each other by this figure, and aiso by the name of the account, when specific, immediately after the introductory preposition To or By. The only exception is, the Merchandise of retailers, wholesale dealers, or manufacturers, which being a general account of trade, the counter-entries to this Book are rendered more clear, by referring to the specific subjects of its entries. CHAPTER IX. PROFIT AND LOSS. Profit and Loss have been so universally united in one Account, that the object of their division in the present work, will naturally be inquired. That object is perspicuity. The combination of Profit and Loss occasions in the results of business an indistinctness which perplexes the inexperienced accountant. Whether an ad- PROFIT AND LOSS. 31 venture terminates favourably or unfavourably, it is always closed by a transfer to " Profit and Loss :" the expression itself does not determine if the result be profitable or losing, and it is only after attentive reflection or habitual asso- ciation, that the compound term " Profit and Loss" is perceived to signify profit on the debtor side of an adventure, and loss on the creditor side. In the " Profit and Loss " account itself, the same reflection or habit is required to understand, by the reversed signification of the entries, that those on the debtor side are losses, those on the creditor side, profits. By allotting distinct Accounts to Profit and Loss, all this confusion is removed. Each adventure is closed by an entry, " To Profit," or " By Loss," which dis- tinctly expresses its real result. Nor will this division prevent the general result of the business from being carried in a single entry to the Stock. The least of these two accounts being transferred to the greater, the net result of trade will be passed to the Stock with a clear and unequivocal expression, «* By Profit," or « To Loss." It is acknowledged, that by the compound term " Profit and Loss," the intelli- gent accountant does not apprehend a confused combination of the two opposite things, but the variations of capital generally, without the specific notions of those valuations, that is, whether they be augmentations or diminutions. In this sense, the union of Profit and Loss is perfectly correct ; but it is surely too abstract a sig- nification for comnron use, always requiring an exertion of the mind to surmount the apparent ambiguity and contradiction of the term. Accounts of Profit and Loss are necessary only in those businesses in which the result arises from a variety of sources. The object of these Accounts is to collect the particular results, and transmit the general result in one entry to the Stock, When the result of the business proceeds from a single Account, it must be trans- ferred immediately to Stock, without the intervention of a Profit or Loss Account, as will be shewn in the Retailer's and Wholesale Dealer's Books in the following Sets. It is proper to observe, that there are two methods of closing the Accounts of Profit and Loss, according to the nature of the concern. When the capital is variable, as is generally the case, the net result of Profit or Loss is transferred to the Stock ; but when the capital is invariable (as occurs sometimes in Banking and other Companies) the result must be transferred to the Private Accounts ; for the Stock being fixed and permanent, it neither requires nor admits any entry besides its balance. See an example in the Bankers' Books, Set 5. [ 32 ] CHAPTER X. GENERAL EXTRACT AND PROOF. The end of the year is a customary and convenient period for taking the General Extract, and proving the Books ; but this operation is equally practicable at any other time. In preceding treatises on Book-keeping, the division of the transactions into several months, occasions intermissions so dissimilar from real business, that the period of the following Sets of Books is limited to one month. Their General Extracts necessarily correspond to this period, but without the least intention to recommend it for regular practice. When an Account is added, the two sides either will be equal without further entry, or must be rendered equal by transferring the difference or balance to the opposite column. In the former case, the Account is closed ; in the latter, it is merely equilibrated, but continues open. Much confusion has arisen in Accounts, from applying the term " Closed" indiscriminately to both cases : and it is, there- fore, particularly impressed on the student's attention, that an Account is never closed, till there remains no balance to carry down or transfer. Preparatory to the General Extract, all the accounts must be equilibrated ; and, in those which are unclosed, the balances must be transferred to the opposite column ; for it is solely on condition and by virtue of this equilibrating transfer that the balance can be entered at all. After valuing and carrying down the balance of goods on hand, the Merchandise Accounts must be equilibrated by an entry of Profit or Loss J the ramifications of Profit and Loss must be closed by transfers to those accounts ; and the Profit and Loss tliemselves by transferring the less to the greater, and the net result to Stock, The Private Account must also be closed by a transfer to Stock. The case of a fixed, invariable capital is an exception to these directions, the transfer of Profit or Loss being then made to the Private Account, which carries down and retains its own balance. Every Account being equilibrated, and exhibiting either its close, or its result in — the balance carried down, the Books will be in the following state : 1st. The Stock Balance shews the whole capital, and the other balances skew its component parts. If, therefore, an extract be made of the latter, their sum must be equal to the Stock Balance : and in this equality consists the great proof of Book-keeping. If the result of the inventory do not correspond with the Stock, GENERAL EXTRACT AND PROOF. 33 the Books are incorrect, and must be revised till the error be discovered and recti- fied by a suitable counter-entry. 2ndly. By the great law of Equilibrium, the sum of the Debtors in the General Extract will be equal to the sum of the Creditors ; for, if they do not equilibrate, some latent inaccuracy must occasion the violation of this fundamental principle. These two descriptions are but different views of the same thing j and the best plan of the Inventory or General Extract is to combine them, by entering the Stock last in order, as the Balance of the Estate, in the manner exemplified in the follow- ing Sets of Books. As this General Extract belongs neither to the Day Books nor to the Ledger, it must be recorded in a separate book, called the Inventory, in which may also be en- tered the Valuation of goods on hand requisite to obtain the Balance of the Merchan- dise Account in all businesses excepting the Merchant's. In the Italian system, the General Extract is recorded in the Ledger under the title of Balance Account; but this attempt to include the Inventory in the system of the Books, is founded on wrong principles, and involves manifold inconsistency. Prior to the extract of the Balances, the Books record in their several Accounts, the entire capital, and each of its component parts. If we require them to exhibit in another account an enumeration of the component parts, we ask a mere repetition, which will occasion the following irregularities. Istly. Accounts that remain open are apparently closed. There is no principle that can justify the abstraction of a Balance from the account to which it belongs. It is a feebje apology to say that the privation is only transient, for the purpose of proving the Books, and that the Balances are correctly restored when they are re- opened : but, 2ndly. This restitution is accomplished by a very troublesome and circuitous process, involving no less than three repetitions : the miserable Balance, after being persecuted through the Balance Account, the Waste Book and the Journal, returns at last to its own account, not in its own right or in its own name, but by fa- vour of Stock. Of all the accounts, however, the Stock itself is most unfortunate, its balance being conveyed away, never to be restored; so that it is obliged to com- pound with Sundries for an equivalent, by allowing them free access to its Debtor and Creditor columns. The following example may convey a clearer idea of this compensative arrangement in the Stock Account. OF THE I^NIVERSITY OF i^iFORNlha 34, GENERAL EXTRACT AND PROOF. Dr. STOCK. Cr. 1817. Jan. 1 Dec. 31 31 To Sundries To Private Account To Balance £ To Sundries 10,500 500 10, 00 1817. Jan. 1 Dec. 31 1818. Jan. 1 By Sundries By Profit £ By Sundries '£0,000 1,000 o" 21,000 21,000 1818. Jan. 1 13,000 23,000 It is true that no incorrectness results from this arrangement, the difference be- tween the Debtor and Creditor entries on the 1st of January, 1818, being exactly equal to the Balance, 31 December, 1817, namely: Cr. £23,000 •Dr. 13,000 Balance £10,000 But, not to mention the tedious process l)y which the Account is thus regained, there is an obvious want of harmony and immediate correspondence in the entries ; and it is probably the consciousness of this impropriety that has induced some writers to carry down the Balances to the opposite columns of their respective Accounts, without passing the operations of the Waste Book and Journal. This plan is so far unobjectionable : but, unfortunately, retaining the Balance Account in the Ledger, it incurs the irregularity of making two counter-transfers for one original transfer, as will be seen in the following example. Dr. STOCK. Cr. 1817. Dec. 31 . 31 To Private Account To Balance £ 500 10,000 oi 1817. Jan. I Dec. 3 1 Dec. 31 By Balance By Profit By Balance 9,500 1,000 o" 10,500 10,500 10,000 Dr. BALANCE. Cr. , . J , i_ 1817. Dec. 31 By Stock ..... .jf 10,000 isr- GENERAL EXTRACT AND PROOF. S3 The Balance, being once transferred to the opposite column of its Account, is fully disposed of; and it is contrary to all rule and method to make a second trans- fer of it to the Balance Account : or, being first deposited in the latter, it cannot be methodically restored to its Account, excepting by the circuitous route previously described. The inelegant result of the legal process, and the illegal contrivance by which that inelegance is evaded, afford a double proof that the Balance Account does not belong to the Ledger, in as much as its insertion occasions inevitable inconsistencies. Besides the reason of propriety which requires a distinct Book for the Inventory, there is another of expediency, which deserves to be mentioned. In extensive con- cerns, there may be several hundreds of Balances, and when we add the Valuations of goods necessary to obtain the Merchandise Balance in many businesses, we shall find ample materials for a separate Book. Even if admissible into the Ledger, these voluminous Inventories would be extremely inconvenient, and have an appearance very different from the trim, nut-shell Balance Accounts which are to be seen in treatises on Book-keeping. From the arguments and examples adduced, we may safely conclude that the Balance of every Account ought immediately to be carried to its opposite column ; and that the Inventory, or General Extract of the Balances, being extraneous to the system of the Accounts, ought to be entered in a separate Book. It must also be observed that the entries in the Inventory are not transfers from other accounts, but simply copies or extracts : the Inventory harmonizes with the other Books, but it is not in dependent connexion with them. Preparatory to the equilibration of the Accounts, and the entry of the Balances in the Inventory, it is recommended to sketch the General Extract on a loose sheet, in order that all errors may be rectified, before the Balances are finally entered and carried down. CHAPTER XI. PARTNERSHIP LEDGER. In the case of a single proprietor, the Stock is that proprietor's Account, and shews his net capital. In the case of two or more proprietors, the Stock becomes their Joint Account, and records their collective capital. This is so far satisfactory ; but additional information is required. Each Partner ought to have a distinct Account 36 PARTNERSHIP LEDGER. to record systematically his share of the capital. His Private Account, in which are entered the sums put into the concern, or withdrawn, is no more adequate to this purpose, than the Private Account of a single proprietor. He requires a particular Stock Account which may shew his share of capital, and to which the result of his Private Account may be transferable. There is some difficulty in accomplishing this object, for we cannot open particu- lar Stock Accounts in the same Ledger with the General Stock. The latter contains the whole capital, and equilibrates the other Accounts which contain the compo- nent parts. To open, besides, Accounts for the shares of the property, would amount to a repetition of the whole capital, and destroy the conformity of Debtors and Creditors. The confined and erroneous opinion that all Accounts must come irito the Ledger, has, in this instance, reduced writers on Book-keeping to a dilemma between the miserable expedients of abolishing either the Joint Stock Account, or the Ac- counts of the proprietors' shares. In the first case, the general Stock is to be as- certained by adding the particular shares : in the second, the Shares are stated by a memorandum in the blank space of the Joint Stock Account. It is needless to ex- patiate on these immethodical contrivances. Accounts of Shares can be properly kept only by means of a separate Book, which may be distinguished as the " Partnership Ledger." This Book resembles the Inventory in its relation to the other Accounts. Its entries are not posted or transferred from them ; and, therefore, it is not in dependent connexion with them: but it is nevertheless in perfect harmony with the other Books, and it includes within itself a complete System of Equilibration. It contains the Account of Joint Capital, all Accounts from which transfers are made to Joint Capital, and a parti- cular Account of each partner's share. The Account of Joint Capital is constructed by reversing the entries of the Stock Account, the Debtors becoming Creditors, and the Creditors, Debtors. Thus, in case of positive property. Stock is Creditor for the net amount ; but in the Partnership Ledger Joint Capital is Debtor for the net amount, and each proprietor is Creditor for his share. The reason of this reversion is, that Stock is the proprietors' Account, whilst Joint Capital is merely an Account of the property. Both Accounts shew the whole amount of the property, but in op- posite relations. Stock is the Account of the persons possessing ; Joint Capital, of the thing possessed : Stock equilibrates all the component parts of the property 5 Joint Capital equilibrates the shares of the several partners. The same reversion occurs in the subordinate Accounts. Profit is credited by Joint Capital for the whole gain, and debited to each partner for his proportion : the PRIVATE LEDGERS. 37 balances of the Private Accounts are transferred from Joint Capital to the respective partners : and, the Accounts being then equilibrated, Joint Capital will shew the whole property, and the proprietors' Accounts their particular shares. By means of this Book the conditions and shares of a partnership may be re- served, as exemplified in the Merchants' Books, Set 4. CHAPTER XII. PRIVATE LEDGERS. It is an erroneous objection to systematic Books, that they cannot be kept without making known the entire capital of the proprietor. If he desire privacy on this point, he has merely to exclude from the Books all Accounts not belonging to the floating Stock ; as Estates, Buildings, Funded Property, Loans on Security, Private Accounts with Bankers, &c. &c. If his business be divisible into distinct parts, he "/• may allot separate offices and books to each, and by this partition reserve even his entire floating Stock. A Private Ledger, with a few annual entries, will enable him to systematize all the branches of his property into one capital, as may be seen in the following scheme. Exclusive of this method of privacy, in large concerns where many clerks are employed, the floating capital itself may be reserved, by dividing the Ledger into two or more Books, and by entering the Stock Account with its ramifications in a private Ledger, kept by the proprietor or confidential clerk. In the same Book may also be entered the Financial Accounts, and any others which it may be desirable to remove from common access. By means of a Cash Account in this Ledger, the particular entries of the Private Accounts, the amount of salaries paid to clerks, &c. may be completely reserved. 88 PRIVATE LEDGERS. THE PRIVATE LEDGER OF JOHN SMITH, ESQ. (J) Dr. GENERAL STOCK. Cr. 1817. Dec. 31 31 9 To Cash, Expenditure thisyear To Balance 9,825 181,000 I817. Jan. 1 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 10 By Balance, my Net Capital By Profit this year £ ByBalance,myNetCapital £ 174,500 16,325 n 190,825 190,825 181,000 (2) Dr. COTTON STOCK, LONDON Cr. 1817, Jan. 1 10 To Balance , 37,500 6,500 1817. Ap.30 Dec. 31 9 By Cash withdrawn . ... By Balance. ... .... 4,000 40,000 o Dec, 31 To Profit £ To Balance £ £ 44,000 44,000 Dec. 31 40,000 (3) Dr. WINE STOCK, BRISTOL. Cr. I8I7. Jan. 1 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 10 To Balance. To Profit. . . To Balance 21,500 5,000 26,500 20,000 I8I7. Aug.31 Dec.31 By Cash withdrawn By Balance £ 6,500 20,000 26,500 (4) Dr. RAVENDALE BANK, | Permanent Stock. Cr. I817. Jan. 1 To Balance £ 8,000 (5) Dr. FIVE-PER-CENT. FUNDS. Cr. 9 To Balance .... ToCash^purchased £ To Balance . . £ Funds. 95 96 9,500 4,800 1817. Dec.31 By Balance £ Funds. 15,000 14,300 1 8 1 7. Jan. 1 July 6 10,000 5,000 15,000 14,300 Dec.31 15,000 14,300 PRIVATI : LEDGERS. s 9 COTTON MERCHANT, WINE MERCHANT, AND BANKER. (6) Dr. RAVENDALE ESTATE. Cr. I817. Jan. 1 To Balance £ 80,000 (7) Dr. HOUSE AT LAMBETH. Cr I817. Jan. 1 To Balance £ 7,500 (8) Drs. WILLIAMSON & CO. LONDON, BANKERS, Private Account. Crs. 1817. Jan. 1 Oct. 3 1 Dec. 31 Dec. 3 1 To Balance To Cash To Profit, Interest To Balance. 10,000 4,000 400 1817. June 30 Dec. 31 9 14,400 7,900 By Cash . . By Balance £ 6,500 7,900 14,400 (9) Dr, CASH. Cr. 1817. Jan. 1 April 30 June 30 Aug. 31 Dec. 3 1 31 31 Dec. 31 To Balance To Cotton Stock, withdrawn To Williamson & Co To Wine Stock, withdrawn To Profit, ^th Gain Raven- 1 dale Bank J To Ditto, Net Rents Ravendale Farms .... To Ditto, Dividends 5 per Cent. Funds . . . of To Balance , 500 4,000 6,500 6,500 800 3,000 625 21,925 3,300 I8I7. July 6 Oct. 3 1 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 By 5 per Cent. Funds 7 purchased £ 5000 at 96 j By Williamson & Co. . . . By (General Stock, this 7 year's Expenditure . . . j By Balance 4,800 4.000 9,825 3,300 £ 21,925 O (10) Dr. PROFIT. Cr. I817. Dec. 31 To General Stock. 16,325 I8I7. Dec. 31 31 31 31 31 2 3 9 9 9 31 8 16,325 By Cotton Stock By Wine Stock By Cash, |th Gain Ra- 1 vendale Bank j By Cash, Net Rental of 1 Ravendale Farms .... J By Cash, Dividends onl 5 per Cent Funds ... J By Williamson & Co. Interest 6,500 5,000 800 3,000 625 400 16,325 [ ^0 ] CHAPTER XIII. ERRORS AND FRAUDS. The equality of the parts to the whole, or the equilibration of Debtors and Creditors in the general extract, is the great systematic proof of Book-keeping. It sufficiently protects the Accounts from accidental error ; and it affords to all supplementary checks against intentional error, a basis without which they would be entirely inef- fectual. This proof, however, is of a negative nature : without ity the Books cannot be cor- rect ; but with it, they may be incorrect. It merely shews the general correspondence of the secondary or post entries with the original, and the general accuracy of the Additions; or, in other words, that there is no uncompensated error in the counter- entries, or in the additions. It affords no check whatever on the primary entries, nor against compensated errors in the secondary. By compensated errors we mean such as are neutralized by counter-errors, so as not to disturb the equilibrium of Debtors and Creditors ; and this neutralization of errors, being a very remote chance, generally originates in design and fraud. The following are the cases of compensated errors in the secondary or counter-entries : 1. One Debtor entry may be short-posted, and another over-posted the samei amount. 2. One Creditor entry may be short-posted, and another over-posted the same amount. S. A Debtor and a Creditor entry may be equally short-posted. 4. A Debtor and a Creditor entry may be equally over-posted. 5. to 8. Four similar cases of compensated error may occur in the additions of Accounts. 9. to 12, Four similar cases may occur in the transfer of Accounts to new folios. 13. to l6. Four similar cases may occur in the entry and carrying down of balances. 17. to 9,0. Four similar cases may occur in the general extract of balances in the Inventory, that is, in the very Audit of the Books itself. We have here enumerated twenty simple cases in which Books may be vitiated in the secondary entries without the cognizance of the systematic proof: two or more of these cases may be united in one compensation ; and, including only the single cases and their dual combinations, the varieties would amount to four hundred. ERRORS AND FRAUDS. 41 All these cases may occur in the new method of Accounts, which is the shortest and most simple possible, containing only two entries of each transaction, a primary and a secondary. In the Italian method, the possibilities of error and fraud are multiplied in the exact ratio of the repetitions : and in the same proportion are increased the difficulty and labour of detection. The common guard against these fraudulent compensations of error in the secon- dary entries, consists in calling over and checking the Books by two persons, neither of whom posted the entries j and, besides the calling over, all the Additions and Transfers must be revised, as well as the General Extract itself. This check appears at first satisfactory, yet a perverse ingenuity may render it unavailing, by the erasure and vitiation of two or more verified entries, so as to produce one of the simple or compound cases of compensated errors, already enumerated. There is another species of error in secondary entries, which does not affect the equilibrium of Debtors and Creditors, and therefore requires no compensation. It consists in posting the secondary entry correctly in its amount, and correctly to the debit or credit column, but to a different Account from that to which it belongs. The nature of posting renders this an error of frequent and innocent occurrence ; but it is also very adaptable to sinister purposes, and can be detected only by calling over the name of the Account, as well as the folio of reference, and the amount. The opening of many Accounts in the same folio of the Ledger, conduces to the innocent commission of this error ; and it would, therefore, be some preventive, to have but one Account in a folio. We have hitherto considered Errors only in the secondary entries ; but in the original entries they have a far wider range, and their detection is much more diffi- cult. Whatever mistake or falsification be committed in an original entry, if the same wrong amount be posted in the secondary entry, neither the equilibrium of Debtors and Creditors, nor the call of the Books, has the least power to detect it. The whole system of the Accounts consists in the correspondence between the secondary and primary entries ; its control, therefore, extends to the secondary entries alone ; and over the primary it can exercise no jurisdiction. The species of error to which original entries are liable, are so various, that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to enumerate them all ; they may, however, be reduced to three general classes : — 1st. The falsification of a legal entry; 2d. The suppression of a legal entry ; 3d. The admission of an illegal entry. Errors in primary entries that relate to Personal Accounts, may be detected by 42 SYSTEMATIC PREVENTIVE OF ERRORS AND FRAUDS. the comparison of Balances, or the interchange of Accounts Current ; but fraudulent "errors will not thus be discovered, if the Account Current be drawn out or examined by the contriver of the error. Erroneous primary entries that do not relate to Personal Accounts, such as those between Cash, Bills, and Merchandise, not possessing any external check, are still less liable to detection ; and no method has hitherto been suggested for this purpose, but a careful revision of every primary entry, by the document or voucher from which it was made. In treating on errors and frauds, it is necessary to distinguish between the in- ternal and the external. The internal include all that do not originate in received vouchers ; and these alone are the subject of the present, and of the following chapter. As to the external, or those which are occasioned by incorrect documents, the only guard against them, is a vigilant examination of received Accounts, in every particular of quantity, quality, price, date, terms, and amount. CHAPTER XIV. SYSTEMATIC PREVENTIVE OF ERRORS AND FRAUDS. The facility and simplicity of the New Method, as a system of entries and counter- entries, admit a particular arrangement in the routine of the Books, which precludes the liability to error and fraud. In concerns of any magnitude, let it be an invio- lable rule, that the entry and counter-entry be never^both made by the same Clerk. To this division of the entries, must be united the abolition of posting, by which is understood, that no entry must come into the Books by derivation from another entry. The entry and counter-entry must be made simultaneously, and indepen- dently of each other, from the same voucher, the figures of reference being filled up hereafter by calling over. By this means, the two entries become mutual checks, not merely on their relative correspondence, but also on their absolute validity. Each clerk ought, moreover, to affix his distinctive check-mark to the Additions, Balances, and Transfers of the other. Upon this plan it will be scarcely possible that any erroneous or fraudulent entry should escape detection by the final proof of the General Extract, excepting, indeed^ in the highly improbable case of a conspiracy. Even this remote possibility may be counteracted, by the employment of a third party as Auditor of the Accounts. SYSTEMATIC PREVENTIVE OF ERRORS AND FRAUDS. 43 Audits will be most effectually accomplished in the following manner. Let each of the clerks write the letter and folio of his entry on the original voucher, which must then be passed to the Auditor's unexamined file. The Audit will consist in com- paring the voucher with the entry and counter-entry, and in certifying their accuracy, by filling up the figures of reference. To all Additions, Balances, Trans- fers and Extracts, the Auditor must affix his distinctive check-mark, to denote their accuracy. It is, perhaps, impossible to contrive a more complete set of checks against internal fraud ; yet it may be rendered inefficient by the erasure and vitiation of verified entries. Against this refinement of perverted ingenuity, there remains the single, but effectual check,— to defer till the general equilibration, the audit of all entries from the preceding Balances inclusive. This periodical audit of the Ac- counts will be facilitated by the frequency of the General Extracts. The manner in which it counteracts erasures, is as follows : the alteration of any entry above the addition of an Account, can have no effect, unless the Balance carried down be also altered ; and this Balance cannot be altered without detection, because it will be checked at the next examination by the General Extract, which is itself preserved from vitiation, by remaining in the Auditor's exclusive possession. This system of Checks is perfectly applicable to the Accounts of Chartered Companies, and to the Finances of the State. Its simplicity and evidence, combined with the great final proof of Equilibrium, render it far more satisfactory than any method of repetitions. In each department of those stupendous concerns, there ought to be distinct offices for Entries, Counter entries, and Audits ; an arrange- ment, by which the very magnitude of the business would be made subservient to its increased security from error and fraud. Absolute infallibility in Accounts, is a thing which has been arrogated, but which never has been, nor ever will be, attained. The present system of Checks may, however, justly pretend to what it accomplishes : it removes the possibility of in- ternal fraud, from the proximity in which other systems left it, to such a degree of remoteness, that it can occur only by a conspiracy of the Accountants, involving the Auditor himself. G 2 C 44 ] CHAPTER XV. WAREHOUSE LEDGERS. It has been shewn in the first chapter that Book-keeping, as a science, results from the record of all species of property in their common symbol or representative, money : and the preceding elucidations of Accounts relate entirely to this view of the subject. All Merchandise, however, requires Accounts of two different descrip- tions ; firstly, Accounts of its Value, which have been treated at large ; secondly. Accounts of its Quantity, which remain to be considered. The latter have received comparatively little attention ; but they are equally important : for of what avail is it to keep accurate Accounts of the cost and proceeds of goods, if the quantities bought and sold are not also systematically recorded, so as to shew by their compa- rison the quantity remaining on hand ? What difference is there between the loss of ^100 by a fraudulent entry in the Books, or the loss of <£100 by the embezzlement of goods in the warehouse ? In a Merchant's business, where there is no continuity of stocks, and where the commodities occur in detached masses, the record of their quantity is very simple and easy, more especially so in the present system, which, by framing all Accounts to the form of Debtor and Creditor, combines in one view the history of each lot of goods. In other businesses there is less facility in recording the quantities of Merchan- dise, and in Retail concerns it is impracticable from the minuteness of the sales. In the Wholesale line, the general quantity may be recorded in the Book of Mer- chandise, by means of distinct columns for purchases and sales ; but, for the particular quantities of the several sorts, a Warehouse Book must be kept by Debtor and Creditor, ruled with numerous columns for the various sorts, and a head column for the totality. This total column is extremely useful, answering the object of a Stock Account, and bearing the same relation to the other columns as the Stock bears to the other Accounts ; for, being always equal to the sum of the other columns, its entries, additions and balances, are a constant check on their operations : and, more- over, its correspondence with the general quantity recorded in the Merchandise Account, affords a mutual check on both. An example of this kind is exhibited in the Cotton Merchant's Books, Set 2d, where the quantity of Cotton is proved, to a bag and to a pound, both in the whole number of bags and the whole weight, and in the bags and weight of each particular quality. A similar record of quantity is appUcable to all wholesale businesses. WAREHOUSE LEDGERS. 45 In Manufactories there is more difficulty in obtaining this object, on account of the numerous stages through which the commodities pass, and the various forms which they assume between the raw material and the completion of the manu- facture. In consequence of these changes, a series of Accounts becomes necessary, which must contain at least the fo^owing three : 1st. An Account of the Raw Material ; 2d. An Account of the Goods in process of Manufacture ; 3d. An Account of the Manufactured Goods. Each of these Accounts must be ruled with total and particular columns in the manner described : they may be kept either in one Book or in separate Books, according to the system of the Manufactory, and the number of overlookers em- ployed. These things premised, we procee^ to consider the respective uses and offices of the Accounts. Istly, The Account of Raw Materials must be debited with all purchases, and credited with all applications to the manufactory. The Balance of this Account will shew the quantity of Raw Materials oa hand, unapplied. 2dly. The Account of Goods in process must be debited with the applications of the raw material ; not, however, in the quantity of that material, but in the quantity of manufactures which it ought to produce, according to those rules and proportions which are established in all regular and well managed concerns. This Account being credited with all manufactured goods, its Balance shews the quantity of goods in process of manufacture. 3dly. The Account of Manufactured Goods must be debited with all manufactures, and credited with all sales and consignments ; its Balance shewing the quantity of Manufactured Goods on hand. The entries in these Accounts may be made daily, weekly, or monthly, ac- cording to convenience. If weekly or monthly entries are preferred, all the Ware- house Books which record the particulars of goods received and delivered, must be added for correspondent periods, and recapitulated in the various sorts that compose the total addition, preparatory to the entries in the Warehouse Ledger. Some difficulty may be found in drawing the lines that fix the limit of commence- ment and termination to the process of Manufacture. This must depend entirely upon the system of the Manufactory, and the judgment of the Book-keeper. In many cases it may be expedient to take the line a little within the real termination of the process. Thus in a Woollen Manufactory, the delivery of the piece by the Weaver is undoubtedly the most convenient and definite line for separating the goods in process from the manufactures, notwithstanding the milling and other ope^ rations still requisite for the completion of the fabric. The reason for selecting this 46 WAREHOUSE LEDGERS. line, is that the Weaver*s Book, in which are entered the pieces delivered from the looms, is a more certain record than any subsequent one that can be obtained ; and as the piece has already acquired its final form (though not its final finish), no in- convenience or error can result from thence dating the manufacture. In the Manufacturer's Books, a Warehouse Ledger is exhibited, containing three Accounts for a Woollen Manufactory, similar to those described. These are the principal Accounts, but others may be added, if necessary or convenient. Thus, if wool be not bought ready sorted for application to different qualities of cloth, an account of Sorted Wool may intervene between that of the Raw Material, and of Goods in Process ; and, if desirable, an Account of Finished Goods may be added after the Account of Manufactured Goods. Similar Accounts may be opened for Oil, and the other subordiijate materials. It is scarcely necessary to observe, that when the Manufacturer sells the raw material, or buys manufactured goods, the transaction must be entered to the credit or debit of the respective Account, among the applications, or the manufactures. A little consideration will enable any Manufacturer to strike an analogy to this system. In the case of liquids, as Beer, Oil, &c. the Process Account will be re- corded in appropriate measures ; in minute fabrics, as Hardware, Glass, &c. by the tale ; in dry goods, as Flour, &c. by weight or measure. The Books of an Agricultufist bear some analogy to those of a Manufacturer. A columnar Account of Live Stock may be debited with births and purchases, and credited with deaths, sales and consumption. An Account of Produce may be debited with the result of the harvest, and credited with comsumption and sales. By means of the Warehouse Ledger, the Manufacturer's goods are controlled throughout their multifarious situations, so that merely the very petty embezzle- ments can escape discovery. To instance again the Woollen Manufactory, any deficiency in the quantity of Wool, that exceeds the due allowance for waste ; any deficiency in the quantity of Goods in process, that is not accounted for by the greater waste of wool, or the greater weight of pieces ; any deficiency in the number of Manufactured Pieces, would be immediately detected. This security from gross embezzlements, is all that can be expected. Against the peccadillos of the sorter, the spinner, the weaver, or the packer, no system can be devised : the protection of the pound of wool, and the yard of cloth, must for ever remain witli the vigilance of the overlooker. [ 47 ] PART II.— EXEMPLIFICATIONS. SET I. RETAILER'S BOOKS. Concern Individual. Capital Variable. Business ? . Commenced. Result Profitable. OBSERVATIONS. This Set exhibits the business of John Evans, Woollen-Draper at Halifax, during the month of January 181 7* The concern is supposed to commence on the 1st of that month, without any prior stock of Goods or Debts ; so that there is no Inventory at this date, and the Books are opened by debiting Cash to Stock for the money in hand brought into trade. The Financial System of John Evans is extremely simple. Receiving his returns in ready-money, he deposits in the Bank the surplus of Cash, and takes out Bills for remittance to the Wholesale Dealers who supply his shop. In this mode of business there is no occasion for a Bill-Book, the few Bills that occur being entered in the Cash. In Retail concerns on a more extensive scale, Bill-Books may he requisite, and appropriate specimens may be found in the following Sets of Books. This Concern requires four principal Books, the Merchandise, Cash, Ledger, and Inventory ; and a Memorandum-Book to record the daily amount of Ready-Money Sales and Petty Expenses, the weekly additions of which are entered in the Cash and Merchandise. Even in a small business like this, a Private Account is very necessary, to keep distinct from the result of trade all monies put into it, or withdrawn. It will be seen, that this result is systematically ascertained, and that this humble Draper 48 SET 1. — retailer's books. preserves in his Accounts as perfect an equilibrium of Debtors and Creditors, as can be shewn in any Merchant's or Banker's. He enjoys, therefore, precisely the same proof of his Books, and keeps them on the same accurate principles. He has, however, no adequate means of checking or proving his Goods, the minuteness of his sales rendering it impracticable to keep an Account of their quantities : and, for this reason, the master's vigilant eye is more required in Retail concerns, than in any other. Analogous to these Books, are those of all Retailers, including petty manu- facturers, as Shoemakers, Coopers, Tinners, &c. &c. [ 4^0 ] SET I. THE BOOKS OF JOHN EVANS, WOOLLEN-DRAPER, HALIFAX. 1. Merchandise. 2. Cash. 3. Memorandum Book. 4. Ledger. 5^ Inventory. -^ H 50 SET I. retailer's BOOKS. Dr. MERCHANDISE. (0 1817. Jan, 2 Jan. 3 Jan, 4 Jan. 8 Jan. 1 1 Jan. 13 Jan. 18 PURCHASES, &C, To Johnson and Co. Leeds. 1 Piece Black Cloth 28 yds. . at 8*. 1 Piece Brown Ditto 30 yds. . at 9*. 1 Piece Green Ditto 27 yds. . at IO5. 2 PiecesBlue Ditto, 31. 28. 5(J yds^. .at 125. 1 Piece Scarlet Ditto 26 yds.* . at 15*. Papers and Wrapper 6 m. Credit orbp.Ct.P.B. .11 4 .13 10 . 13 10 .35 8 .IP 10 . 5 To Eraser and Son, Huddersiield. 4 Pieces Drab Casimir 25. 23. 24. 24—96 yds at 5^. . 24 O 4 Pieces Toilinette 3 Ms. Credit 16, 15. 15. I6 — 62 yds at 4*. . 12 Wrapper ■ 8 2 O To Cash, Petty Expenses this week as per Meraorandvun Book. Fol. 2 To James Smith, Frome. 6 Pieces Superfine Broad Cloth. Black 25 yds. . at 2Qy. Brown 27 yds. . at 1\s. Green 26 yds. at 22*. Blue. .. 26.25 53 yds . at 25$. Scarlet 22 yds. . at 285. , 4 Pieces Superfine Drab Casimir — 64 yds. .at 105. Paper and Wrapper 6 m. or 5 p. Credit Ct. P. B. 25 28 28 30 32 O O 7 12 5 16 o 6 To Cash, Petty Expenses this Week, as per Memorandum Book. Fol. 2 To Eraser and Son, Huddersfield. 8 Pieces Toilinette. 13. 17. 16. 12 58 yds. .3.i 4s. 15. 14. 18. 13 60 yds. . at 5s. 6 Pieces Drab Casimir 22. 24. 21 Qj yds. . at 5*. 23. 22. 24 69 yds . . at Qs. Wrapper O 12 O 3 m. Credit 16 15 20 14 To Cash, Petty Expenses this Week, as per Memorandum Book. Fol. 2 Amount carried forwards 93 36 211 4 64 €413 10 14 15 10 MERCHANDISE. 51 (i) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. Jan. 4 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 15 Jan. 18 SALES^ &C. By Cash, Ready Money Sales tliis Week, as per Memorandum Book, Fol. 1 By Charles Green, Shopkeeper, Ripponden. 14 yds. Blue Cloth at 1 35. Oc?. 9 2 6 yds. 'Scarlet Ditto at J 6^. 6c? 4 19 10 yds. Green Ditto atlls.Od. 5 10 10 yds. Drab Casimir at 5s. 6d 2 15 8 yds. Toilinette at 4s. 6d 1 16 o By Cash, Ready Money Sales this Week, as per Memorandum Book, Fol. 1 By Johnson and Co., 5 per Cent. Discount on Goods, 8th January. Amount 93 7 By William Brown, Luddenden, Shopkeeper. 12 yds. Toilinette at 4s. 6d.. 2 14 1 2 yds. Casimir at 6s. 6d. . 3 18 16 yds. Blue Cloth atl35. Orf. .10 8 O By Cash, Ready Money Sales this Week, as per Memorandum Book, Fol. 1 Amount carried forwards 27 16 10 24 37 13 17 32 18 4^143 16 5« SET I. — retailer's BOOKS. Dt. MERCHANDISE. (2) 1817. Jan. 20 Jan. 9,5 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 PURCHASES, &c. Amount brought forwards 413 15 10 To Johnson and Co. Leeds : 10 Pieces of Blue Cloth, 32\ _„„ , .^ ^7 ,^ ,- /? 26. 24. 33. 28. 29/ ^^^ y^^' ^^ ^'' ^^" ' ^^6 17 6 Wrapper and Papers ..,......-..• 6 To Cash, Petty Expenses this week, as per Memorandum") Book, fo. 1 J To Cash, .... Ditto Ditto Ditto. To Stock, gained this Month To Balance, Goods on hand 107 38 562 312 18 17 16 12 10 10 MERCHANDISE, dS (2) PER CONTRA. Cr. SALES, &c. Amount brought forwards 1817. Jan. £0 Jan. 23 Jan. 9,5 Jan. 31 Jan, 31 By James Smith, 5 per Cent. Discount on Goods, 8 January, Amount j^211 G By Charles Green^ Ripponden, 63 yds. Blue Cloth, at 8s. per yd. By Cash, Ready Money Sales this week, as per Memorandum Book, fo. 1 By Cash, Ready Money Sales Ditto Ditto . , . . By Balance, Goods on hand, as per Valuation, Inventory fo. 1 . . ^ 143 10 25 29 41 312 562 16 11 10 11 10 10 12 54 SET I. — ^RETAILER's BOOKS. Dr. CASH. .(1) 1817. Jan. 1 4 11 11 15 18 20 25 27 31 Jan. 31 RECEIPTS, &C. To Stock To Merchandise . . . . To Wilson and Co. . To Merchandise . . . . To Private Account . To Merchandise ... To Wilson and Co. . , To Merchandise . . . . To Charles Green . . To Merchandise . . . . Capital brought into Trade Ready Money Sales this week, as per M"" B. 1 Bill at 2 months on Jones and Co Ready Money Sales this week, as per M'"B. 1 Aunt Baker's Legacy, Net Ready Money Sales this week, as per M^'B. 1 Bill at 2 months on Jones and Co Ready Money Sales this week, as per M^'B. 1 for Goods sold 10th Jan Ready Money Sales this week, as per M"B. 1 To Balance 500 27 88 37 38 32 200 29 24 41 1,020 60 16 13 5 d 18 14 5 2 10 17 10 8 8 O 6 8 11 10 CASH. IjO (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. PAYMENTS, &C, 1817. Jan. 1 2 4 11 11 13 18 20 23 25 28 31 31 31 By Wilson and Co. . . Bankers, Halifax, deposited By Private Account. . taken for Pocket Money By Merchandise .... Sundry Expenses this week, as per M"" B. 2 By Johnson and Co. . Bill at 2 months on Jones remitted .... By Merchandise .... Sundry Expenses this week, as per M'" B. 2 By Wilson and Co. . . deposited By Merchandise .... Sundry Expenses this week, as per M"" B. 2 By James Smith .... Bill at 2 months on Jones remitted .... By Private Account. . James Bell, Shoemaker, as per Receipt . . By Merchandise .... Sundry Expenses this week, as per M"" B. 2 B}' Wilson and Co. . . deposited By Merchandise .... Sundry Expenses this week, as per M"* B. 2 By Private Account . . paid for Board and Lodging this month By Balance • 450 1 3 88 4 100 200 3 1 100 4 60 1,020 1 6 13 7 14 14 12 18 17 4 17 9 8 O 1 8 6 10 9 4 '51) SET I. RETAILER S BOOKS. READY MONEY SALES. (0 1817. January 2 3 4 .January 6 7 8 9 10 U -January 13 14 15 16 17 18 January 20 21 22 23 24 25 January 27 28 29, 30 31 Amount of Receipts this Day Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Entered Cash Fol. 1 and Merchandise, Fol ::]•• Amount of Receipts this Day Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto. .... .Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto. .... .Ditto Ditto Entered Cash Fol. 1 and Merchandise, Fol. ;}..^ Amount of Receipts this Day Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto , Entered Cash Fol. 1 and Merchandise, Fol :\]..x Amount of Receipts this Day . Ditto Ditto Ditto . Ditto Ditto Ditto . Ditto Ditto Ditto . Ditto Ditto Ditto . Ditto.^ . . . . Ditto Ditto . Entered Cash. . . Fol. 1 1 n and Merchandise, Fol. 2 | ' Amount of Receipts this Day . Ditto Ditto Ditto . Ditto Ditto Ditto . Ditto Ditto Ditto . Ditto Ditto Ditto . Entered Cash. Fol. and Merchandise, Fol. 2j ' 4 10 12 27 3 5 4 3 8 11 37 2 4 3 5 3 13 S2 1 6 3 3 2 11 29 10 6 7 12 3 41 19 2 15 16 2 17 10 15 18 1 17 8 10 3 17 18 17 5 10 14 16 J7 13 18 4 17 10 2 8 10 11 6 7 9 2 9 6 1 4 10 4 5 4 7 8 6 11 11 11 6 4 2 10 10 MEMORANDUM BOOK. 57 (2) SUNDRY EXPENSES. 1817. January 1 2 3 4 January 8 10 11 January 13 15 17 18 January 20 22 24 25 January 28 31 Paid R. Brown, Stationer, for Acct. Books, &c. as per Note Ditto S. Green, Carrier, 1 Truss from Leeds Ditto W. Hirst, Ditto, 1 Ditto from Huddersfield Ditto Postage. Entered Cash Fol. 17 j, and Merchandise, Fol. 1 3 * Paid W. Hirst, Carrier, 1 Bale from Frome Ditto T. Jones, for Parcelling Paper, as per Note. Entered Cash Fol. 1 1 ^ and Merchandise, Fol. 1 J * * Paid W. Hirst, Carrier, 1 Truss from Huddersfield . . . . Ditto Postage Ditto J. Hill, for Twine \ Entered Cash Fol. 1 and Merchandise, . . Fol. 1 I 3, Fol. 1 j • £ Paid S. Green, Carrier, 1 Truss from Leeds Ditto R. Pole, Agent for York Insurance Company 1 Premium and Duty on Policy 32147 for c£500 . . . . j Ditto Postage Entered Cash, Fol. I i n and Merchandise, Fol. 2 J * "* Paid T. White, Joiner, for Alterations in Shop Entered Cash Fol. 1 Ditto Postage tered Cash Fol. 17 o and Merchandise, Fol. 2 j * 17 5 2 1 9 18 14 7 10 1 15 2 10 To" 9 SET 1. retailer's BOOKS: LEDGER. 59 INDEX TO THE LEDGER. A B Brown, William, fo. 2. D E F Eraser & Son, fo. 2. G Green, Charles, fo. 2. H I& J Johnson and Co fo 1. M N O Private Accountj fo. 1 . Q R S Stock, .. fo. 1. Smith, James, 2. U& V w Wilson and Co. fo. 1 . X I2 60 SET 1. — retailer's BOOKS. Dr. STOCK. (1) 1817- January 31 To Balance 567 18 10 567 18 10 Dr. PRIVATE ACCOUNT. 1817. January 2 1 23 1 31 1 31 1 To Cashj Pocket Money To Cash, James Bell To Cash, Board and Lodging To Stock, Transfer I 3 4 29 38 1 12 4 2 Drs. WILSON AND CO. BANKERS, 1817- January 1 13 28 January 31 To Cash, deposited To Cash, ditto . . To Cash, ditto . To Balance 450 J 00 100 650 360 11 Dt^. JOHNSON AND CO. 1817. January 11 11 31 1 1- To Bill 2 months To Discount 5 per Cent. To Balance 88 4 107 200 13 13 3 10 LEDGER. 61 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. I8I7. Januaiy l 31 31 January 31 By Cash, brought into Trade By Merchandise, gained this month By Private Account, Transfer. . . , . . By Balance 500 38 16 29 2 567 18 567 18 10 10 PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. January 15 By Cash, Aunt Baker's Legacy , 38 38 O HALIFAX. Crs. 1817. January 11 1 20 1 31 By Bill 2 months By Bill 2 months By Balance . • . . 86 200 360 050 13 14 11 LEEDS. Crs. 1817. January 2 20 1 2 By Goods 93 107 7 3 By Goods -. Q By Balance 200 10 6 January 31 107 1 3 /; 62 SET 1. — retailer's BOOKS. Drs. FRASER AND SON, (2) To Balance . , ., Dr. JAMES SMITH, Bill Discount Dr. CHARLES GREEN, SHOPKEEPER, Goods . . , Goods . . . Balance . Dr. WILLIAM BROWN, SHOPKEEPER, To Goods . . I817. January 31 100 100 14 14 1817. January 20 20 1 2 To Bill 200 10 6 8 To Discount 4 211 I8I7. January 10 23 1 2 To Goods 24 25 2 4 n To Goods n To Balance i 49 6 January 31 1 ! 25 4 1817. January 15 17 LEDGER. 63 (2) HUDDERSFIELD. Crs. I817. January 3 13 January 3 1 By Goods By Goods By Balance 36 64 100 100 10 4 11 FROME. Cr. I817. January 8 By Goods 211 !i 211 6 i O _l 6 j O RIPPONDEN. Cr. 1817. January 27 31 1 By Cash • 1 24 1 25 2 4 n By Balance • 49 6 r LUDDENDEN. Cr. 64 SET I. — RETAILER S BOOKS. (1) VALUATION OF GOODS ON HAND, 31 JANUARY 1817. 193 yards Blue Cloth zX. Ts.Td. 12 yards Black Ditto at Qs \d. 16 yards Brown Ditto ; .... at <^s. id. 5 yards Green Ditto at lOs. id. 18 yards Blue Ditto at 12^. id. 14 yards Scarlet Ditto at 15^. id. 14 yards Black Ditto at 20*. 2d. 23 yards Brown Ditto at 2l5. 2d. 20 yards Green Ditto at 22*. 2d. 30 yards Blue Ditto at 25s. 2d. 18 yards Scarlet Ditto at 285. 2d. 72 yards Toilinette at 4s. id. 40 yards Ditto at 5s. id. 82 yards Drab Casimir at 5s. Id. 50 yards Ditto Ditto at 6s. id. 36 yards Ditto Ditto zi I0s.2d. Entered Merchandise, Fol, ^ £ 73 4 7 2 10 10 14 24 22 37 25 14 10 20 15 18 3 17 5 10 17 11 2 6 3 15 7 14 3 16 4 6 312 7 O 4 5 6 2 4 10 4 O O O 4 10 2 10 INVENTORY. 65 (1) Dr. THE ESTATE OF JOHN EVANS, WOOLLEN-DRAPER, HALIFAX, Cr. 31st Januaiy I8I7. Ll L2 L 1 To Johnson and Co. Balance due 7 to them j To Eraser and Son, Balance due 7 to them \ To Stock, my net Capital 107 100 £ 207 567 775 14 16 10 M2 Cl L 1 By Merchandise, Balance as per ) Valuation j By Cash, Balance in hand By Wilson and Co. Balance due '{ from them ^^ By Charles Green, Balance due 7 from him j By William Brown, Balance due ? from him j £ 312 60 360 25 17 775 16 K [ 67 ] SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER'S BOOKS. Concern Individual. Capital Variable. Business Continued. Result Loss. OBSERVATIONS. The Business of a Cotton-Vender at Manchester is here exhibited for the month of February 1817; and, being a continued concern, two Inventories are given, one for the beginning, and the other for the termination of the period. Five Principal Books are required, namely, the Cotton, Cash, Bills Receivable, Ledger, and Inventory ; with a subordinate Memorandum Book to collect the amount of Postages and Sundry Expenses, for periodical entry in the Cash and Cotton. The form and use of such Memorandum Books having been sufficiently shewn in Set I. it is unnecessary to give their details in this and the following Sets ; and, accordingly, we shall notice merely their weekly or monthly additions. The Financial System of the Cotton-Dealer is nearly as simple as that of the Draper. He pays the Importers chiefly with Bills received from the Manufacturers, so that his Account with the Banker is limited to occasional discounts, and he re- quires no book for Bills Payable. Wholesale Concerns, however, frequently make their payments by their own Promissory Notes or Drafts, in which case a Book of Bills Payable is requisite, and appropriate forms may be seen in the following Sets. The business being confined to a single article, the Book of Merchandise is appropriately called the Cotton Book. The acceptance of a lot of Indigo for a bad debt, gives accidental occurrence to another commodity, but the entries of this K 2 68 . OBSERVATIONS. transaction come into the Cotton Book without any derangement of its system. Should a Wholesale Dealer, however, frequently speculate in articles foreign to his immediate and constant business, he ought to keep a distinct book, similar to the Mercantile Adventures attached to the Manufacturer's Set. The Wholesale Dealer has a great advantage over the Retailer, in possessing a systematic check upon the quantities of his commodities. The particulars of every purchase and sale of Cotton being entered in appropriate columns in the Cotton Book, the general Balance of Quantity is ascertained as fully as that of Value ; and, by means of the Warehouse Ledger, (a distinct book for Quantities alone, as de- scribed. Chap. XV.) the particular balances of each sort are also obtained. Thus the general balance of Quantity is proved by its correspondence to the sum of the particular balances. A third check is obtained, by affixing a mark [ v^ ] against the number of each bag in the purchases when sold off: the numbers unmarked shew the individual bags that compos'e the particular and general balances : and, by this simple contrivance, the Cotton Book is made to answer every purpose of a separate Number Book, exclusive of its proper and more immediate offices. The result of this set of transactions is a heavy loss, occasioned by one of those rapid depreciations which are not unfrequent in the cotton-market ; but, the capital at the commencement exceeding the losses, the proprietor continues solvent. Analogous to these books, are those of Woolstaplers, Dry-Salters, Corn-Factors, Wine Merchants, and all Wholesale Dealers whatever, who keep a continuous stock of goods. [ 69 ] SET II. THE BOOKS OF SAMUEL MANSLEY, COTTON-VENDER, MANCHESTER. 1. Warehouse Ledger. 2. Cotton. 3. Cash. 4. Bills Receivable. 5. Ledger. 6. Inventory. ^0 SET II. — WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (1) PURCHASES. 181/. Jan. 31 Feb. 3 5 7 8 10 To Balance .... To Pratt & Co. To B.Milne .. . To WeUs & Co. To T. Grant . . . To Pratt & Co. Feb. 28 Total. Bags, To Balance . . 120 6.5 38 40 46 70 379 55 Net lbs. 17,994 10,175 6,110 6,380 7,533 11,193 59,386 8,770 West Indian. Bags. Net lbs. 10 10 15 35 1,444 1,595 2,364 5,403 931 Orleans. Bags. 23 20 15 Net lbs. 3,363 3,206 2,418 58 8,987 1,437 Bahias. Bags. Net lbs. 35 30 15 30 110 16 Pemams. Bags. Net lbs. Georgia. 3,207 4,708 2,428 4,966 41 35 31 40 6,050 5,467 5,105 6,227 Bags. 11 8 10 Net lbs. 1,930 1,309 1,598 17,309 2,70s 147 20 22,849 3,049 29 4,837 645 WAREHOUSE LEDGER. ,71 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. Total. West Indian. Orleans. Bahias Pernams. Georgia. SALES. ( Bags. Net lbs. Bags. Net lbs. Bags. Net lbs. Bags Net lbs. Bags Net lbs. Bags Net lbs. 1817. Feb. 3 By Holt & Co. . 12 1.792 •• 12 1,792 — — 3 By S. Lord .... 8 1,191 8 1,191 — — — — — — 4 By B.Carr 14 2,077 14 2,077 — — — — 6 By Binns & Co. 10 1,625 5 741 5 884 8 By T. Hinde . . . IG 2,470 5 703 5 721 i • • 6 1,046 10 By West & Co. 10 1,451 10 1,451 — — — — — — 12 By North & Co. 15 2,198 15 2,198 — — 13 By Holt & Co. . 11 1.627 11 1,627 — — — •— 15 By Binns & Co. 24 3,563 10 1,503 14 2,060 — — 17 By S. Lord .... 18 2,720 •• 10 1,532 8 1,188 — — 19 By West & Co. 32 5,159 8 1,264 16 2,586 •• 8 1,309 20 By B. Carr 25 3,845 10 1,517 15 2,328 — — 20 By Newton & Co. 1 131 1 131 — — 22 By Holt & Co. . 36 5,872 •• 16 2,617 20 3,255 — — 24 By North & Co. 27 4,318 11 1,764 10 1,601 •• •■ 6 953 26 By Binns & Co. 32 5,327 13 2,209 19 3,118 — — 27 By S. Lord .... 33 5,2^9 •• * 10 1,519 23 3,730 — — 28 By Balance .... 55 8,770 6 931 9 58 1,437 16 110 2,708 20 3,049 4 29 645 379 59,385 35 5,403 8,987 17,309 147 22,849 4,837 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER*S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (1) I8I7. To Balance Bags 120 Sundry as per Valuation Net lbs. Price. £. s. (i. 2,161 s. 19 d. Jan. 31 17,994 2 Feb 3 '^ To Pratt and Co.. .... Liverpool 30 Bahia. ^ Gross. Tare. Drft. ^^°- cwt. qr. lb. lb. lb. a/ 1 1 21...5..1 a/ 2 . 1 1 9.. .7.. 1 a/ 3 1 2 14.. .6. .1 a/ 4 1 1 15. ..6.. 1 V 5 1 1 18. ..6.. 1 -y 6 1 1 25. ..6.. 1' a/ 7 1 2 23, . .6. . 1 a/ 8 1 2 25. . . 5. . 1 a/ 9 1 1 18. ..5. . 1 a/ 10 1 27. . .6. . 1 / Present Bill \ ^at 3 Months./ a/ 11 1 3 26. ..6.. 1 a/ 12 1 1 9. . .7. . 1 a/ 13 1 1 18. . .7. 1 a/ 14 1 2 15. ..5.. 1 a/ 15 1 2 27. .7. .1 a/ 16 1 2 23. . . 6. . 1 a/ 17 1 1 6. . . 6. . 1 a/ 18 1 2 1.. .6. .1 '/ IQ 1 1 28. . .5. .1 a/ 20 1 1 25... 5.. I a/ 21 1 19. ..7-. 1 a/ 22 1 1 23. . . 6. . 1 a/ 23 1 1 25... 5.. 1 a/ 24 1 2 27. ..5.. 1 a/ 25 1 1 27. ..5. . 1 a/ 26 1 0' 26. ..6.. 1 a/ 27 1 2 22. . . 6. . 1 a/ 28 1 1 19. . . 7. . 1 y 29 1 1 15. .-7.. 1 a/30 I I...7..I Gross... 43 3 17-179.30 (continued) ^"^'^^l 1 3 13 Draft} ^ ^ ^^ 510 8 19 Net 42 4... Or... 4,708 at 25. 2^/. 150 Carried forwards 22,702 . 510 8 2,161 »>, COTTON. 73 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. Bags • Net lbs Price. £. s. d. £. A\ d. 1817. Feb 3 3 By Holt and Co. . . TVfanrhpsff^r 12 Pemams. No. cvvt. qr. 193. ... 1 2 158. ... 1 1 146 1 1 218 1 1 lb. Tare.Drft 6. .7. . 1 27.. 6. . 1 25 . 6. . 1 g, .6. . 1 /Present Bill \ Vat 3 Months^ 144 1 N 2 209 1 2 152 1 198 1 215 1 157 1 1 163. ... 1 1 116 1 1 4. .7.. 1 17. .6.. 1 15.. 4.. 1 24. .4. . 1 17. .6. .1 17 .6.. 1 13.. 6.. 1 20. . 6. . 1 Gross. ... 16 2 26.70. 12 4 By S. Lord T. & D. . 2 26 1,792 a \.2s.Sd. J •• 238 18 Net 16 0. . . Or. . 8 Feb, 3 . . Stockport 8 Orleans. 199. ••• 1 2 145 1 100 1 1 7..6..I 27. ,5. . ] 7 .6. .1 / Present Bill \ Vat 3 Months / 156 1 1 211 1 1 121. ... 1 1 141 1 2 195.... 1 1 16..5..I 23.. 5. . 1 2. .5.. 1 0. . 6. . 1 12. .5. . 1 • Gross .,11 10.43 8 T. & D. . 1 23 l>191a t2s.4d. " 138 19 17 Net 10 2 15...0r. . 20 Carried forwards 2,983 377 8 74 SET. II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (2) 1817. Feb. 3 'l"o Pratt and Co. CcontinuedJ Present B at 3 Months hs./ 150 35 185 Brought forwards. Pernams. No. a/31, a/ 32. a/ 33. a/ 34. a/ 35. a/ 36. a/ 37. a/ 38. a/ 39. a/ 40. a/41, a/ 42. a/ 43. a/ 44. a/ 45. y46. a/ 47. a/ 48. a/ 49. a/ 50. a/ 51. a/ 52. a/ 53. a/ 54. a/ 55. a/ 56. a/ 57. a/ 58. /59. a/ 60. y Ol . a/ 62. x/63. a/ 64. a/ 65. . qr. lb. Tare.D 21.. .5 25. 26. 25. 23. 27. 1 4. o 19. 2 22. 2 23. 27. 26. 2 19. 1 22. 15. 11. 14. 13. 17. 16. 13. 21. 1 7. 2 16. 1 19- 20. 27. 25. 23. 14. 2 15. 18. 17. .5. . .6.. .7.. .7.. .7.. .6.. .5. . .6.. .6.. .5.. .6.. .7.. .7.. .6.. .5.. .7.. .5.. .5.. .5.. .7.. .6.. .5.. .5.. .6.. . /• • .7.. .6.. .6.. .5.. .5.. .7.. .6.. .5. . .7'- Gross. . 50 3 26.208.35 T. &D.. 2 19 Net 48 3 7.. .Or .. Carried forwards Net lbs. 22,702 Price. 510 £. 2,161 5,467 at 2.y. 4c? 28,169 637 16 1,147 17 3,309 16 COTTON. 75 (2) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. Feb. 4 By B. Can- Feb. 6 ' Present Bill\ ^at 3 Montlis. / By Binns aud Co. ' Present Bill \ ,at 3 Months-/ 20 14 44 Brought forwards. . . . . Manchester. Bahia. No. 129.. 133 . 213. . lip.. 166.. 104.. 203. . 115.. 184. . 176.. 216.. 220. . 202. . 161.. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft 26. . . 7. . 12.. .5 7- 26. 14. 2 1 1 1 O 2 23. 1 14. 20. 6.. 5. . 7 . 6.. .6.. 1...7-. 15. ..C». . 16', . .5. . O. ..5.. 16. ..6.. 22. ..5. Gross.. . 19 1 16, .81. 14 T. &D. 3 11 Net. . 18 2 Or.. . . . . Bury. West Indian. 175. 111. 157. 125. 180. 1 14. 2 3. 25. 1 5. 1 24. Net lbs. 2,983 Gross. ..63 15. .25. T, &D. 1 2 Net Q 2 13 Or.. Georgia. 126. . . 160... 168. . . 150. . . 174. . . 22. 20 , 8.. 16., 18., 7. .J Gross. . . T. &D. Net. . . . 8 1 0, . 35. , 5 1 12 7 3 16. ...Or. . Carried forwards L2 Price. ^77 17 2,077 at 2*. (3c? 259 12 741 at2s.2d. 80 884at3s.3d. 6,685 143 13 223 18 76 SET II. — WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (3; Bags. 185 Brought forward . . . . Net lbs. Price. £. s. d\ 3,309 s. 16 d. 28,169 2 I817. Feb. 5 ^ I To B. Milne .... Live rpool. dian. j i 10 West In No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft. y 70. ... 1 21...5. . 1 a/ 71.. . . 1 2 2I...7. . 1 ^72. .. 1 2 19. ..6.1 .' 73. . . 1 1 17. ..6.. 1 a/74. .. 1 2 21...7. .1 'J 75... 1 21... 5.. 1 . a/ 76. . . 1 1 17... 7.. 1 '^77^.. 1 1 13. ..5.. 1 a/ 78. . . 1 2 19. ..6.. 1 a/ 79. . . 1 2 12. ..6.. 1 Gross. . .14 3 13.. 60. 10 20 T. &D. Net. . . 2 14 1,595 J tl*. lOrf. 146 4 2 14 27 Or.. Orleans. a/ SO 1 21... 5. .1 a/ 81 1 1 19. .7-.1 a/ 82 1 2 i2. . . 6. . 1 V83.. .. 1 1 17. ..6.. 1 a/ 84 1 27. ..5.. 1 . / Present Bill \ \at3 Months./ V 85... . 1 2 23. ..7.. 1 a/ 86. . . 1 2 27. . . 5. . 1 a/ 87 1 1 19. . . 6. . 1 / a/ 68 1 1 13. .7.. 1 a/ 89. . . 1 2 14. ..5.. 1 a/ 90... 1 2 17. ..6.. 1 a/ 91... . 1 1 16. ..7. .1 a/ 92. . . . 1 1 15 ..7. i a/ 93. . . 1 27... 6. .1 i. a/ 94 • . . A/95. .. a/ 96. . . a/ 97. . . a/ 98... a/99... 1 1 27. . . 5. . 1 1 2 15,..5..1 . 1 2 21... 6. .1 1 1 21... 7. .1 1 1 27... 7.. 1 . 1 2 19.. .6.. 1 Gross . . 29 3 15.121.20 (continued) T. &D. Net. . . . 1 1 1 3,206 a t 2s. \d. 333 19 2 28 2 14 Or. . 215 Carrie( i forwards 32,970 480 3 4 3,309 16 2 COTTON. 77 (3) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. Feb. 8 By T. Hinde / Present Bill \ \at 3 Months. ) A4: 60 Brought forward . . . . Blackburn, West Indian. No. 138. 201. m. 191. 217, cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft . X o 7...4..1 .11 8 1 15. 10. 19- 4.. 1 4.. 1 5.. 1 6. .1 Gross. . . 6 2 3. . 23. . 5 T. & D. O 1 o Net 61 3... Or Orleans. 117... 172.. . 114... 106.. . 206. . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24. O 22. 2 4. 19. 10. ,5.. 1 ,4. . 1 6. .1 4.. 1 ,6. .1 Gross, . . 6 2 23. . 25 5 T &D. O 1 2 Net, I 21, . .Or. Net lbs. 6,685 Price, £. 861 Georgia. 212.. . I89. . . 210. . . 167. .. 181... 15. ..7.. 1 2. . . 7. . 1 17... 7. .1 26. . . 7. .1 12.. .7. .1 14... 7.. I Gross. . . 9 3 2. .42. .6 T. & D. 1 20 Net. .9 1 10. . . Or. . Carried forward 703 at 2s. Id. 73 721 at 2s. 3d. 81 1,046 at 3s. Id. 161 5 9>155 315 1,177 12 78 SET II. — WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (4) I8I7. Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb.; To B.Milne, (continued) / Present Bill \ \at 3 Months./ To Cash, paid To Cash, paid Bags 215 8 Brought forward Georgia. No. V 221. '/ 111. V 223. y 224. a/ 225. y 226. V 227. a/ 228. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft 1 1 21...5..1 15. . .7.. 1 1 o 19. 1 1 16. 1 2 17, 1 2 27. 6..1 ,7.-i 5.. 1 5.. 1 1 27. . . 6. . 1 1 19- 1 Gross.. 12 21.. 48. .8 T &D.. O 2 O Net... 11 2 21... Or. Phoenix Office, Insurance against Fire Petty Expenses this week 223 Carried forward Net lbs. Price. 32,970 480 3.309 1,309 at 25.10rf. 185 10 34,279 6Q5 15 12 13 3,999 COTTON. 79 (4) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. Feb. 10 Feb, ] 2 By West and Co. ( Present Bill \ at 3 Months./ By Nor til and Co. / Present Bill \ Vat 3 Months./ 60 10 15 Brought forward , . . . Manchester. Orleans. No. 188. 153. 132. 149. ]65. 107. 183. 208. 147. 214. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft, 1 1 5. ..5.. 1 20. . . 6. . 1 2 O. . . 6. . 1 2 2. ..6. .1 1 18. ..5.. 1 25.. .5. .1 1 17. ..5. .1 1 13. . .5. . 1 24...4..1 1 17. ..5.. 1 Gross. . 13 2 T.&D.. 2 1. .52. 10 6 Net, 12 3 23. . . Or. ... Manchester. Pemams. 108. . 204. . 1(54. . 113. . 131. . 103. . 124.. 139.. 101. . 118. . 180. . 140.. 187. . 128.. ISO.. 23 15 1 1 2 1 6. 5. 14.. .6. 14. 0. 15. 19. 1 12. 16, 14. 22. 1 21, 19. 22. 0. Gross. . 20 2 2. . 85. 15 T.&D. O 3 16 Net 19 2 14... Or. Carried forward Net lbs. 9,155 Price. 1,451 at 2j. 3c? 2,198 at 25. 7d. 12,804 £. d. 1.177 163 283 18 1,624 3 7 80 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALEr's BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (5) I8I7. Feb. 7 To WeUs and Co. /Present Bill\ Vat 3 Months./ (continued.J 223 15 Brought forward . . . Liverpool. West Indian. No. V 270. a/ 271. 272. a/273. 274. 275. ^276. ^277- 278. 279. V 280. -v/281. a/ 282. y 283. 284. 15 cwt. qr. 1 1 lb. Tare. Drft, 21.- .7..I 19. .5. .1 21. .6..1 17. .5. . 1 16.. .7. .1 1;.. .6..1 23.. .6. .1 25. .5..1 19- .5.. 1 17.. .7.1 25.. .5.. 1 26.. .6..1 27.. .6..1 23.. .7..1 15.. .5..1 Gross. . 22 3. 88. 15 T&D. 3 19 Net 21 12. . ..Or. Orleans. 240. . -^241.. 242. . a/ 243. . 244. . ■■/ 245. . 246.. a/ 247. . 248.. 249.. V 250. . 251.. , 252. . , a/ 253 . . , 254. . , 1 1 17. 1 1 25 . 1 2 27. 1 1 26. 1 o 27. 25. 13. IS. 11. 17. 6. 1 O 18. 1 1 26. 25. 27. Gross . . 22 2 0. . 87. 15 T. &D. 3 18 Net 21 10... .Or., 253 Carried forward . Net lbs. 34,279 Price. 2,364 at l^s.grf. 2,418 at 1 J. 11 rf. 39,061 £. 206 231 17 14 438 11 d. 3,999 3,999 COTTON. 81 (5) PER CONTRA. Cr. 181/. Feb. 13 By Holt & Co. / Present Bill \ \^at 3 Months. y Bags. 15 By Binns & Co. / Present Bill \ \3.t 3 Months./ (continued) 85 11 10 106 Brought forward . . Manchester. Baliia. No. 177 102 154 143 197 122 179 135 162 110 134 cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft, 1 2 22. ..6.^1 1 14...6. .1 1 8...5.,. 1 28.. .5. . 1 1 18. . .6.. 1 26, ..5.. 1 1 17 1 10 22. 2 O. 1 25. 6.. 1 6. .1 6.. 1 7. .1 6.. 1 Gross.. 15 22. .64. 11 T, & D. O 2 19 Net 14 2 3... Or. . . . Bury Bahia. 159 112. 171. 127. 200. 123. 219. 148. 137- 173. 1 21, 2 2. 1 15. 2 6. 1 14. 1 o 26. 1 1 20, 1 1 22. 1 2 4. 1 1 16, Gross,, 14 6. .61.10 T. &D. O 2 15 Net ... 13 1 19. . . Or. . Carried forward Net lbs. 12,804 Price. oe. d. £. 1,624 1,627 at 2*. 5d. 196 11 11 1,503 at 2,9. Ad. 15,934, 175 175 1,820 15 M iS2 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (6) I817. Feb.; To Wells & Co. (continued) ( Present Bill \ at 3 Months,/ 253 10 Brought forward Georgia. 263 Carried forward 13 2 COTTON. 83 (6) PER CONTRA. Cr. Bags. 106 Net lbs. Price. 175 s. 7 d. 1,820 s. 15 d. 1817. Brouarht forward 15,934 6 Feb. 15 2 By Binns & Co. . . (continued) / Present Bill X V^at 3 Montlis.y 14 Pemams. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft. 207... 1 25... 5.. 1 182... 1 25. .5.. 1 136. ..1 4. ..5.. 1 185.. .1 1 24.. .6.. 1 120... 1 1 25. ..6.. 1 130... I 1 20...6. ,1 142. .. '1 1 13. . .5.. 1 178... 1 2 7. ..7..I 109. . . 1 1 8. ..5. .1 196 ,. 1 1 25... 6. .1 194... 1 1 15. ..6.. I 205. ..1 1 10 ..5. .1 170... 1 2 6. ..7..I 105. . Gross. . I 1 15. ..6.. 1 1 19 26. .80. 14 A By S. Lord T&D. Net . . . 3 10 257 10 432 17 18 ] 10 . . Or. . 2,060 at 2s. Qd. 17 .... Stockport. 10 Bahia. 1 1 1 21...5 . 1 3. .. 1 2 14. . . 6. 2... 1 1 9-. -7. 6... 1 1 25... 6. 8... 1 2 25. ..5. / Present Bill \ \at3 Months.^ 10... 1 27. ..6. 19- • . 1 1 28. ..5. 22... . 1 1 23. ..6. 1 24... 1 2 27, . .5. 30.. . 1 1. ..7. Gross. . 14 1 4. .58. 10 8 T. &D Net . . . 2 12 1,532 i t 2s. 2d. 165 19 1 4 13 2 20. . . Or. . Pernams. 32 1 1 25.. .5.. 1 34... 1 1 25, . . 7. . 1 40... 1 19. ..6.. 1 43... 1 27. ..7.. 1 46. . . 1 1 22. ..5.. I 50... 1 2 13... 5.. 1 31.. . 1 21... 5.. 1 • 33 1 1 26. . . 6. . 1 - Gross. . 11 10. .46. .8 T. &D. 1 26 V 1,188 c t 2s. 4d. 138 12 1 Net . . . 10 2 12. . . Or. . ' 304 11 3 4 . 20^714 138 1 Carrie( 1 forward 2,558 10 1 M 2 84^ SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (7) Bags 263 Net lbs. Price. ^'. s. d. 4,657 1 . d. 1817. 40,659 3 2 Feb. 8 3 To T. Gran t . .... Liverpool. 15 Bahia. No. cwt. qr. lb. ' Fare. Drft. a/ 255. . . 1 27. . .5. .1 V 256- .. 1 1 26. ..7. 1 V 257. . . 1 2 22. . . 6. . 1 / Present Bill \ Vat 3 Months./ V 258. . . 1 2 23. ..().. 1 y 259. . . 1 1 27. . .7..I y 260. , . 1 I 19. . .5. . 1 V 201. ..12 ig. ..5.1 V 262. . . 1 2 27. . .5. .1 ^263... 1 27. ..7.1 V 264. . . 1 1 11. ..6..1 ^^265,.. 1 2 15. . . 6. . 1 ■ 1- V 266. ..12 17. . .5,. 1 V267. .. 1 2 14. . .7..1 V 268. . V 269. . . 1 1 19. . . 6. . 1 1 26. . .5.. 1 Gross. . 22 2 11. 88. 15 ■ T. &D, 3 19 2,428 a t 2*. Id. 252 18 4 f am tint ledj Net... 21 2 20. . . Or. . 278 Carriec L forward . . 43,087 1 252 18 4 4,657 12 t 2 1 1 1 1 If OF THE \ 1 UNIVERSITY ] \ CF / X;^ 1 FORN^^j**^* COTTON. 85 m PER CONTRA. Or. Bags 138 Brought forward Net lbs. Price. £. s. d. £. 2,558 s. d. 1817. Feb. 19 20,714 3 10 5 By West and Co. . • • • • .... Manchester. 8 West Indian. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare.Drft 70 1 21... 5. .1 72.... 1 2 19. ..6.. 1 74.... 1 2 21...7. .1 79 1 2 12. . . 6. . 1 76 1 1 17.. .7.. 1 75. ... 1 21.. .5.. 1 78 1 2 19. . . 6. . 1 , 77... Gross . . 1 1 13... 5.. 1 11 3 3. .47. .8 16 T. & D Net. . . . 1 27 110 12 11 1 4...0r. . l,264atlJ.9<^. Orleans 81 ... 1 1 19. . .7. . 1 / Present Bill \ V^at3 Months. y 83... 85.. . 88.. . 86... 90... 94... 92... 96... 80.. . 93. . . . 97... 82 91.... 95. . . . m.... . 1 1 17. . .6. . 1 1 2 23... 7.. 1 1 1 13...7. .1 1 2 27. ..5.. 1 1 2 17... 6. .1 1 1 27. ..5.. 1 1 1 I5...7. .1 1 2 21...6. .1 1 21..,5. .1 1 27. . . 6. . 1 1 1 2I...7. .1 1 2 22. . . 6. . 1 1 1 16. ..7.. 1 1 2 15.. .5.. 1 1 2 19. ..6.. 1 i Gross. . 24 12. . 98. 16 8 T. &D. Net .. 10 2 2,586; It 1*. lie/. 247 16 5 23 10...Or. ., Georgia. 227. . . 1 1 27. . . 6. . 1 221... 1 1 21., .5.. 1 223.. .1 19. ,.6 . 1 225... 1 2 17. ..5.-. 1 224. . . 1 1 16. . . 7. . 1 222... 1 2 15. ..7.. 1 226... 1 2 27. ..5.. 1 228. . . Gross. . 1 2 19. ..7.. 1 12 21.. 48., 8 T. & D 2 170 Net... 11 2 21...0r. .. 1,309a t 2s. gd. 179 19 i 538 8 3 Carried forward 25,873 . 3,096 12 \ \ 86 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER*S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (8) I8I7. Feb. 8 To T. Grant . (continued) ( Present Bill \ Vat 3 Months./ 278 31 Brought forward Pemams. No. v' 300. . . y 301. . . a/ 302 . . . V 303. . . v^ 304. . . •/ 305. . . a/ 306. . . a/ 307. . . a/ 308. . . y 309. . . a/310. . . a/ 311... a/312. .. a/ 313... a/ 314. .. a/315... a/316. .. A/317. .. a/318. . . A/319. .. a/ 320. . . a/ 321... a/ 322. . . a/ 323. . . a/ 324. . . a/ 325. , . a/ 320. . . a/ 327. . . a/ 328. . , a/ 329. , . a/ 330. . . Gross . . T. &D. cwt. qr. 1 2 2 1 1 O 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 O 2 1 lb. Tare.D 21.. .5 27. 23. 7.. 6.. 15. ..6. 27. . . 7. 19. 26. 19. -.7.. 22. . . 6. . 21.. .5. . 22. . . 5, . 19- 16. 15. 19. 17. 15. 26. 22. n. 17. 22. 16. 19. 6.. 7.. .7.. ,5. . ,6.. 7.. 6.. 5.. ,6.. .5. ,5. . .7.. .5. . 17.. .6.. 19. ..5.. 22. . .5.. 27. . . 7. . 26. . . 6. . 21. ..5. . 26. ..5.. 47 1 24. 180.3 1 3 15 Net ... 45 2 9.. .Or. 309 Carried forward. Net lbs. Price. 43,087 ■£. 252 18 4,657 13 5,105 at 2s.3d. 574 48,192 827 5,484 17 COTTON. 87 (8) PER CONTRA. Cr. Bags 170 Brought forward Net lbs. Price. \ £. s. d. £. . . 3 ,096 ] s. d. 25,873 2 1 I817. Feb. 20 2 By B. Carr ...... .... Manchester. 10 Bahia. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft 4 1 1 15. ..6.. 1 5 1 1 18...6..1 26 1 26. . . 6. . 1 17 1 1 6...6..1 12.... 11 9.. .7. .1 11 1 2 26. ..6. .1 18 1 2 1...6. .1 21 1 19. .7. .1 / Present Bill \ V^at 3 Months.^ 28 1 1 19. ..7.. 1 7 1 2 23... 6. .1 Gross. . 14 22. . 63. 10 15 T.&D.. 2 17 1,517 a t Is. Od. 151 14 Net... 13 2 5...0r. . Pernams. 35.... 1 2 23... 7.. 1 45. ... 1 2 19. . . 6. . 1 41 1 2 22. . .5. . 1 37 1 1 4. ..6. .1 44 1 26. . . 7. . 1 52 1 2 I6...6, .1 48 1 1 11...5..1 55 1 1 7. ..6.. 1 58 1 20. . . 6. . 1 36 1 27. . . 7. . 1 54 1 21... 5.. 1 60 1 2 25. ..5.. 1 47 1 1 15. ..7.. 1 42 1 2 23...6. .1 57.... 1 1 19 ..7.. 1 252 4 403 18 Gross.. 21 2 26. .91.15 T. & D. 3 22 Net ... 20 3 4. . , Or. . 2,328 at Is. Id. 195 Carried forward 2 '9.718. . 3,500 10 1 88 SET. II. WHOLESAI^E DEALER*S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON, (9) 1817. Feb. 10 To Pratt and Co- / Present Bill \ \at 3 Months./ (^continued) 309 30 Brought forward ... Liverpool. Bahia. No. a/ 340. 341. a/ 342. 343. ^344. 345. 346. 347. a/ 348. 349. a/ 350. 351. 352. 353. a/ 354. 355. a/ 356. a/ 357. 358. a/ 359. 360. a/ 361. 362. 363. a/ 364. 365. a/ 366. a/ 367. 368. a/ 369. Gross T. & cwt. qr. . 1 2 lb. Tare.Drft, 21. ..5, 19- 17. 26. 19. 7,. 6.. 6.. 5. . 14.. .7. 11. . .5. 12., 5. 18., 6. 17- 19- 21. 25. 27. 26. 6.. 7.. 5.. 6.. ,5.. ,5.. .6.. 7.. ,5.. .5.. 19.. .6., 26. . . 7. 27. 15. 19- I/. 19. 21. .7.. .6.. .5.. .5. . .5., 17... 6. 19- 17. 21. .7.. .5.. .7.. 13. ..6.. Net lbs. 48,192 . . 46 O D.. 1 3 21. 177.30 11 339 Net ... .44 1 10. . .Or Can'ied forwai-d. Price. £. £. 5,484 17 4,966 at 2.v,lrf. 53,158 517 517 10 10 5,484 17 COTTON. 89 (9) PER CONTRA. Cr. Bags 195 Net lbs. Price. £. s. d. 3,500 s. 10 d. 1817. Feb. 20 on Tift 1 '; . 5 27.. .6.. 26.. .6.. 23.. .7.. 23.. .6.. 19.. .5.. 25. .5.. 20. .65. 1 20 15 3 ..Or .. Orleans. 84,. 87.. 98. . 89-. 245. . 250. . 241.. 243.. 247.. 253. . Gross . . T. &D Net. . ." 1 27 .5.. 1 .6..1 .7. .1 .5.. 1 .7..I .6. .1 .5. . 1 26. . . 6. . 1 18, ..5. . 1 25. . .5. . 1 19- 27. 14. 25, 6. 25. 14 3 16. ,57. 10 2 11 14 5 Or. Georgia. 229. . . 232. . . 234. . . 237, . . 233. . . 236. . . Gross . . T. &D, Net. ... 2 23. 27. 1 25. 1 27. 1 26. 1 25. 5.. 1 5,. 1 7..I 5. . 1 7. .1 5. .1 8 3 13.. 34. 1 12 8 2 1... .Or, Carried forwards Price. £. 35,721 4,325 d. 1,764 at 1*. 6d. 132 1,601 at Is. Sd. 133 953 at Is. 6d. 119 3S4 16 10 40,039 4,710 94 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER*S BOOKS. Dr. COTTON. (12; I817. Feb .22 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 28 To S. Lord. To Pratt and Co. To Newton & Co. To Cash , 379 Brought forward . . Stockport. Short Weights on Invoice, i 17tli February, 36 lb. > of Pernams j Liverpool. Expenses on Returned Bill, No 51 Liverpool. Carriage this Montli, as per Account Paid Petty Expenses this Week Net lbs. 59,385 at Price. 2^. Od. 379 Carried forward 59,385 £. d. 7.209 11 12 15 36 15 O 7,256 19 COTTON. 95 (12) PER CONTRA. Cr. Bags 259 Net lbs Price. £. s. d. £. . . 4.710 s. d. 1817. 40,030 - - - . . 6 2 Feb. 26 2 By Binns & Co. . . .... Bmy. t 13 Bahia. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft 257... 1 2 22. ..6.. 1 264. ..1 I 11.. .6.. 1 260.. .1 1 19. -5.. 1 263... 1 27. ..7-1 256. . . 1 1 26. . . 7. . 1 265... 1 2 15. ..6.. 1 262... 1 2 27. ..5.. 1 258.. . 1 2 23. . .6. . 1 / Present Bill \ V^at 3 Months.y 268... 1 1 19. ..6.. 1 340... I 2 21...5..1 354. . . 1 2 25. . . 7. • 1 356... 1 2 26... 5.. 1 364. . . 1 2 21... 5.. 1 Gross.. .20 2 2. .76. 13 19 T. & D. 3 5 2,209 a t Is. lOd. 202 91 Net. .. .19 2 25. ..Or.. Pemams. 305.. .1 19. . .5. .1 314... 1 1 19. ,.5.. 1 313. ..1 2 15. . .7.. 1 320. . . 1 2 17. . . 5. . 1 325. . . 1 2 19. ..5.. 1 328. . . 1 26. . . 6. . ] 323. ..1 1 19. . .5. . 1 324... 1 1 17...7. .1 312. . . 1 1 16. . .6. , 1 ' 306. .. 1 2 26. . .5.. I 309... i 2 21... 5.. 1 307... 1 1 19. ..7.. 1 318. . . 1 1 22. . .5. . 1 315. .. 1 1 17... 6.. 1 / 319... 1 2 17.. .6.. 1 ^ 317... 1 2 26. ..6.. 1 327. . . 1 2 27. . . 7. . 1 330... 1 1 26. ..5.. 1 \ 329.. . 1 2 21.. .5. .1 Gross. ..28 3 25.108.19 T. &D. 1 15 3,118a \.2s.0d. 311 16 C ) 514 Net .... 27 3 10. . . Or . . 5 10 I , 291 Carried foi^ward . 45,366 1 . 5,224 1: 96 SET. II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Di\ COTTON. (13) I8I7. Feb. 28 I8I7. Feb. 28 To Balance 379 379 55 Brought forward Bags as per Valuation Net lbs. 59,385 59,385 8,770 £. 7,256 19 7,256 823 19 COTTON. 97 (13) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. Feb 27 By S, Lord. (Present Bill at 3 Montlis, ) Feb.27 28 28 28 By Holt and Co. By B. Milne. By Stock . . . By Balance . , Bai^s. 291 10 23 cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft, 1 17. 19. Brought forward ... Stockport. Bahia. No. 3^2. 344. 357. 350. 361. 366. 369. 348. 367. 350. Gross. . 14 21. .00. 10 T. & D. .0 2 14 Net T3 2 19- 27., 19. 19.. 13. 5. 17. 2 6. Net lbs. 45,366 7.. .Or ., Pernams. 310. . 321 . . 326. . . 370. . , 374. . . 376. . . 384. . . 386. . . 392. . . 389. •• 380. . . 378... 371... 372. . . 383. . . 387.. . 391. .. 390. . . 375. . . 388. . . 381. . . 382. . . 377... Gross. . T. &D. 2 22 2 22 22. 21. 23. 17. 15. 15. 1 11. 1 21. 17 23 1 2 1 9 19 2 1 2 2 1 .5. . .5.. .5. . .5.. .5.. .7.. .6.. .0. . .6.. .6,. .6.. .5. . .7.. .6.. 27. ..5.. 17. ..5.. 19.. -7.. 22. . . 6. . 15., 19. 2 22., 2 23. 1 19. 5. . 5. . 5. . 7.. 6.. 34 2 20.131.23 1 1 14 Net ..." 33 1 6. . . Or. . 55 ^79 , . . . Manchester. Exp' on return'^ Bill, No. 51. . . . . Liverpool, abated Loss this Month as per Valuation Price. I,519atl5.10rf. 3,730 at 2^. Oc? 8,770 Bags 59,385 £. s. d. £. 5,224 .. d. 12 139 410 373 512 O 695 823 7,256 10 o 2 7 8 98 SET II. — WHOLESALE DEALEr's BOOK CASH. RECEIPTS. To Balance To West and Co. Manchester To "West and Co. Manchester Dr. (1) I817. February 1 10 20 February 28 To Balance. 89 158 522 s. 15 6 5 d. 6 10 3 770 91 17 CASH. 99 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. rebruMy 3 1 5 1 6 4 7 4 10 2 12 1 14 1 14 11 15 1 20 2 21 11 25 1 28 6 28 12 > 28 PAYMENTS. By Private Account Donation to the Infirmary By Private Account Bentham and Co., Wine By Cotton Phoenix Office, Insurance against Fire By Cotton Petty Expenses this "Week By Best and Co. Bankers By Private Account P. Pindar, Taylor . , . ; By Private Account Gill and Co. Brewers By Cotton Petty Expenses this Week By Private Account L, Rogers, Butcher By Best and Co. Bankers By Cotton Petty Expenses tliis Week By Private Account Subscription to the Poor By Newton and Co Carriers, Balance By Cotton Petty Expenses this Week By Balance £ £. s. d. 2 2 17 10 15 5 6 8 13 4 150 '7 12 6 12 5 5 14 1 10 6 400 10 5 9 10 10 22 3 6 5 8 91 770 17 6 7 7 100 SET II. — WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Dr. BILLS RECEIVABLE. (1) When received. r£ 1817. Feb. 1 4 25 26 27 28 28 From whom received. No. To Balance . . . To Best and Co, To Holt and Co. To Best and Co. To S. Lord To B. Carr To Binns and Co, To Best and Co. , To R. Hill To Holt and Co. , To S. Lord- , . . , To B. Carr To Best and Co. . To Binns and Co. To T. Hinde . . . To Best and Co. . To North and Co. To Holt and Co. . To Binns and Co. To Best and Co. . To B. Carr To S. Lord To Holt and Co. . To Pratt and Co. To North and Co, To Balance 36 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 51 71 72 m By whom drawn. Best and Co. Manchester J. King . . . T. Ball Best and Co. Leeds , Rochdale . . Manchester , Simeon & Co. Hull Allen and Co. Liverpool . . Carr and Co. Bury , Best and Co. Manchester . Best and Co. Manchester , S. Goodall . . Bury . . . . , T. Gordon . . Edinbro' . Mcllin & Co. Perth Peters & Co. Hull Souter & Co. Liverpool . , L. Cox .... Bury R. Birch . . . Manchester . Best and Co. Manchester . Jaques & Co. Bristol . . . . Norris & Co. Blackburn . , A. Ross .... Edinbro' . . Best and Co. Manchester , Evans & Co. Liverpool . , Johnson&Co. Manchester , Best and Co. Manchester , Forbes & Co. Best and Co. Glasgow . . , Manchester Wilson & Co. F. Laurin . . Perth Ayr Muir and Co. Edinbro' . . Manchester Best and Co. Returned . . . D. Conyers . West and Co, Inverness Leeds . . . Date. 1817. Feb. 1 Jan. 27 Feb. 1 5 2 Jan, 1 Feb. 7 8 10 Jan. 15 1816. Dec. 20 1817. Jan. 20 Feb. 1 Jan. 30 Feb. 10 11 12 10 14 Jan. 1 Feb. 16 Jan. 30 Feb. 17 17 Feb, 10 20 Jan, 1 Feb, 16 6 26 Jan, 31 Feb. 10 3 m. 3 m. 3 m 3 m, 4 m 3 m 3 m. 2m 5 m, 2 m, 4 m, 4 m 3 m 3 m 3 ra, 3 m, 3 m 3 m 5 m 3 m 4 m 3 m 3 m 4 m 3 in 5 m 3 m 4 m. 3 m. 4 m 4 m. To whose Order. Myself T, Rogers . , Holt and Co, Myself S. Lord .... L. West Binns and Co. , Myself R. Hill T. South ... M. Ross H. Gill . . . L. Grant . S. Benson R.Bell., , B, Carr . . Myself Samson and Co. T. Hindc R. Wallace . . . Myself J. Loyd . . . . T. North Holt and Co. . L. Murray . . . Myself Shield and Co. T. Newton . . . L. Murray . . . Holt and Co. . T. Muir , D, Firth . On whom Drawn, Jones and Co. . . London. Chalonci and Co. Ditto. Milton and Co. . . Ditto. Jones and Co. . . Ditto, Kitson and Co. . . Ditto. R. Manks and Co. Ditto. Robarts and Co. . Ditto. Jones and Co, . . Ditto. Jones and Co. . . Ditto. Ogle and Co. ... Ditto. Grey and Co. . . . Ditto. R. Graham . . . Ogle and Co. . . D. Brent J. Riley Jones and Co. . Jones and Co. . \V'atts and Co. . Ogle and Ca. . . J. Hartley .... Jones and Co. . Morgan and Co. Brown and Co. . Jones and Co. . Ogle and Co. . . Jones and Co. . Elmet and Co. . P. Baxter ... J. Karnes Ditto. Jones and Co, , . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ray and Co. . . . Ditto. Raymond and Co. Ditto. BILLS RECEIVABLE. 101 (1) When due. leiT April 26 May 7 April 30 May 4 5 4 10 11 April 13 June 18 Feb, 23 May 23 June 4 May 3 13 14 15 13 17 June 4 May 19 June 2 May 20 20 June 13 May 23 June 4 May 19 June 9 May 29 June 3 13 100 65 150 75 100 50 50 50 165 150 186 97 187 146 12 127 93 350 125 165 73 118 92 285 157 178 225 130 250 363 200 315 150 283 200 350 500 333 250 5 CO 221 5896 221 PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. Feb. 4 12 16 18 26 27 28 How disposed of. By Pratt and Co. , By Wells and Co. Bv Best and Co. By B. Milne . . By Pratt and Co. By B. Milne . . . By Wells and Co. By T. Grant . . . By Pratt and Co. By Pratt and Co. By Holt and Co. . By Balance . . . . No. 36 41 42 43 44 47 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 62 66 67 69 70 51 350 125 d. 8 100 65 73 13 13 118 92 l;'7 178 150 /o 1.30 100 50 50 50 363 11 200 165 150 150 12 0« 97 200 .350 186 500 187 14f) 250 12 Returned . 475 239 285 368 1146 665 647 686 583 500 16 6 12 12 17 12 2 15 18 221 6 5896 log SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. INDEX TO THE Folio A B Binns and Co. Bury 2 Best and Co, Manchester 2 Black and Co. Manchester 2 c Carr, B. Manchester 2 D E Folio F Furniture i G Grant, T. Liverpool 3 H Hinde, T. Blackburn 3 Hill, R. Manchester 3 Holt and Co. Manchester 3 LEDGER. 103 LEDGER. Folio I Folio N North and Co, Manchester 4 Newton and Co. Liverpool 4 K P Pratt and Co. Liverpool 5 Private Account i ' L Lord, S. Stockport 4 s Scott, J. Manchester 5 Stock. \ - • M Milne, B. Liverpool 4 w Wells and Co. Liverpool 5 "West and Co. Manchester 5 ( 104* SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Dr. STOCK. (I> I817. Feb. 28 28 28 To Private Account, Transfer To Cotton, Loss this month . To Balance 60 '',099 3,855 5 18 U 19 Q 7 II Dr. FURNITURE. I817. Jan. 31 To Balance 500 Dr. PRIVATE I817. Feb, 3 5 12 14 15 25 To Cash, Donation . . To Cash, Wine To Cash, Pindar . . . . To Cash, GiU and Co. To Cash, L. Rogers . To Cash, Donation . . 2 17 7 12 10 10 "60" 2 10 12 5 6 10 LEDGER. 105 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. January 31 By Balance 3,855 19 By Balance ^ ^ 3,855 19 Febnaary 28 3,099 14 11 PER CONTRA. Cr. ACCOUNT. Cr. 1817. February 28 1 By Stock, Transfer 60 5 6 60 6 106 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Drs. BEST AND CO. BANKERS, (2) 1817. January 3 1 February 8 10 1 1 20 1 20 9 To Balance To Bill .. To Cash . To Cash . To Interest £. 5. 527 10 285 12 150 400 7 8 11 1,370 d. o 6 o o 8 Drs. BINNS AND CO. 1817. January 3 1 February 6 15 2 6 12 To Balance 285 223 432 514 12 18 17 5 6 To Cotton • 6 To Cotton • 26 To Cotton 10 £ To Balance . ■•••..••• 1,456 13 10 February 28 621 1 4 Drs. BLACK AND CO. J8I7. February 22 10 To Indigo £ 233 Dr. B. CARR, I817. January 3 1 Februarj' 4 20 Febraary 28 To Balance To Cotton To Cotton To Balance , , ,,..... 92 259 403 75Q 79 17 12 18 12 la 6 o LEDGER. 107 (2) MANCHESTER. Crs. I8I7. February 4 5 8 12 16 20 By BiU : By Bin By Bill By Bill By BiU By Bill £. s. 125 16 73 13 157 10 363 11 150 .'00 1,370 11 d. 8 5 1 O O 2 BURY. Crs. I817. February 7 14 IS 28 1 By BiU 1 By Bill 1 By BiU • By Balance 285 200 350 621 1,456 12 O 1 IT 6 o o 4 To" MANCHESTER. Crs. MANCHESTER. Cr. I817. Febmary 7 12 24 28 1 ByBiU ... 1 ByBiU .., 1 By Bills . . . By Balance P 2 92 17 10 250 333 IS 3 79 12 3 756 8 4 108 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Dr. T. GRANT, (3) I817. February 20 28 To BiUs . . . To Balance £ £. s. d. 686 15 6 151 12 5 838 7 11 Dr. T. HINDE, I817. February 8 To Cotton sS 315 12 Dr. R. HILL, I817. January 31 To Balance , £ 356 12 Drs. HOLT AND CO. 1817. January 31 February ^ 3 1 13 5 22 10 27 1 27 13 February 28 To Balance To Cotton To Cotton To Cotton To Returned Bill To Expenses on Returned Bill To Balance 165 238 196 565 75 O 151 15 13 18 11 7 o 17 1,242 8 9 4 8 11 10 O O LEDGER. 109 (3) LIVERPOOL. Cr. 1817.. Febraaiy 8 24 8 5 Febraary 28 By Cotton By.Wells and Co Transfer, By Balance 827 11 838 151 7 11 12 BLACKBURN. Cr. I817. Febmaiy 15 By Bills £ 315 12 MANCHESTER. Cr. 1817. February 10 11 10 1 By Composition. . . . Loss 50 per Cent By Bill 178 178 356 12 MANCHESTER. Crs. I817. February 5 11 17 26 28 By Bills .. . By Bill ... By Bill . . . . By Bill ... . By Balance \65 225 200 500 151 13 15 4 5 . £ 1,241 8 9 110 SET II. — WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS, Dr. S. LORD, (4) I8I7. January 3 1 February 3 17 27 1 6 13 To Balance £. 118 138 304 512 s. 4 19 11 4 d. 7 To Cotton To Cotton 4 10 To Cotton - To Balance £ 1,073 19 9 February 28 572 3 2 Dr. B. MILNE, I817. February 8 16 1 1 13 To Bills . 368 665 12 12 6 To Bills 28 To Abatement «... •.... 2 £ 1,034 4 8 Drs. NORTH AND CO. I817. February 12 24 February 28 To Cotton To Cotton To Balance 283 384 163 10 18 16 668 15 O 2 JO Drs. NEWTON AND CO. I817. February 20 28 To Cotton, lost 1 Bag To Cash £ 14 22 36 14 15 LEDGER. Ill (4) STOCKPORT. Cr. I817. February 6 12 22 25 28 1 ByBiU 1 ByBiU 12 By Short Weights 1 ByBiU By Balance • £. 118 ]30 3 250 572 1,073 s. 4 ]2 O 3 19 LIVERPOOL. Cr. I817. January 31 Februaiy 5 By Balance By Cotton. 368 m5 1,034 12 12 MANCHESTER. Crs. I817. February 17 28 28 By BiUs '. By Bills By Balance 283 221 163 668 18 6 10 15 LIVERPOOL. Crs. I817. February 28 12 By Carriage , 112 SET II. — WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. Drs. PRATT AND CO. (5) I8I7. February 4 12 22 25 26 28 To BiUs To Bills . . , . . . . To Short Weights To Bills To BiUs To Balance 475 1,146 4 583 500 206 2,917 s. 16 17 4 18 9 d. 8 O o 3 O 10 Dr. J SCOTT, I817. January 3 1 To Balance 291 10 Drs. WELLS AND CO. 1817- February 5 18 24 1 To Bills 1 ToBais 3 To T. Grant, Transfer . si 239 647 11 897 6 2 3 12 Drs. WEST AND CO. I817. February 10 19 To Cotton To Cotton £ 163 538 701 13 LEDGER. 113 (5) LIVERPOOL. Crs. I817. January 31 February 3 10 27 27 February 28 By Balance By Cotton By Cotton By Returned Bill By Expences on Returned Bill . . . By Balance £. 475. 1,147 1,217 2,917 206 9 1 10 s. 16 17 16 15 d. S o 7 0" MANCHESTER. Cr. I8I7. February 15 11 By Indigo £ 291 10 LIVERPOOL. Crs. 1817- January 31 February 7 By Balance. By Cotton , £ 239 658 S97 12 9 / MANCHESTER. Crs. 1817. February 10 10 11 1 11 1 By Discount . . 4 158 16 .522 17 6 3 5 11 By Cash 10 20 By Discount « 20 By Cash . . 3 £ 701 13 Q 114 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER*S BOOKS. INVENTORY. (l) I817. Valuation Bags .... Cotton on hand. Net lbs Price. £. s. d. Jan. 31 10 West Indian. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft a/ 175. . . 1 1 14. . . 5. . 1 a/ 136- .. 1 7.,.4..1 a/111... 1 2 3...6..1 a/201. .. 1 1 8...4..1 a/ 157. . . 1 25. . .4. . 1 A/169... I 15...4..1 a/125. .. I I 5. ..5..1 a/ 191..- 1 1 10...5. .1 A/217... 1 2 19.. .6.. 1 a/ 180... 1 1 24. ..5.. 1 Gross.. 13 1 18.. 48. 10 23 T. & D. 2 2 144 8 Net ... 12 3 16. . . Or. . 1,444 at 2s. New Orleans. . a/ 199- . . 1 2 7. . . 6. . 1 a/ 117... 1 1 24. ..5.. 1 ^ a/ 145... 1 27.,. 5.. 1 a/ 172... 1 22...4. .1 a/100. .. 1 1 7.-.6..1 a/ 114... 1 2 4. ..6. .1 a/156. .. 1 1 16. ..5.. 1 a/188. .. 1 1 5...5. .1 a/ 211... 1 1 23...5. .1 a/ 106... 1 19. ..4.. 1 a/121... 1 1 2...5..1 a/ 141... 1 2 0. ..6. .1 a/ 206. . . 1 1 10. . . 6. . 1 a/ 153... 1 20. ..6.. 1 A/195. .. 1 1 12. ..5.. 1 a/ 132. . . 1 2 0. . . 6. . 1 n/214. .. 1 1 17... 5.. 1 a/ 149. . . 1 2 2. . . 6. . 1 a/208. .. 1 1 13. ..5.. 1 A/107. .. 1 25. ..5.. 1 ^/ 147. . . 1 24. . . 4. . 1 .. yi83... 1 1 17. ..5.. 1 v/l65... 1 1 18...5..1 Gross. .311 6. 120. 23 33 T. & D. 1 1 3 364 6 Net ... 30 3. . . Or. . 3,363 a t Is. 2d. 6 Carried forward . * 4.807 508 14 6 ' i II SET ir.— WHOLESALE DEALER*S BOOKS. 11. (2) INVENTORY. 1 81 7. Valuation Bags 33 Broudit forward Net lbs. Price. 508 *. Jan. 31 4,807 14 35 Bahia. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tarc.Drft. v/129. .. 1 2 26...7. .1 ^ 177. . . I 2 11...Q..\ ^133... 1 1 12. ..5.. 1 v/ 102. . . 1 1 14. . . 6. . 1 a/ 213... 1 1 7-..5. .1 v/ 154. ..11 8. . r5. . 1 a/ 119... 1 1 26. ..6.. 1 a/ 143. .. 1 28. ..5.. 1 a/ 166. . . 1 14. . . 5. . 1 -/ 197... 1 1 18. ..6.. 1 a/ 161... 1 22. ..5. ,1 a/ 122... 1 26. ..5.. I a/104. .. 1 2 23...7. .1 a/ 179... 1 1 17.. .6.. I a/ 20^. ..1 1 14. ..6. .1 a/ 135... 1 1 lO. ..6. .1 ^115... 1 1 20. ..6.. 1 'Z 162. . . 1 22. . . 6. . 1 J 184.. ,12 1. .7.. 1 a/ 110... 1 2 0. ..7. .1 V 176... 1 1 15. ..6. 1 a/ 134... 1 1 25. ..6. . 1 - a/ 216. . . 1 16. . . 5. . 1 a/ 159. .. 1 21.. .5. . 1 V 220. . . 1 1 0. . . 5. . 1 a/ 112... 1 2 2. ..7.- 1 a/ 202... 1 1 16. . .6. . 1 a/ 171... 1 1 15. ..6.. 1 y 127. . , 1 2 6. . . 7. . 1 A/173. .. 1 1 16. ..6.. 1 V200. .. 1 1 14. ..6.. 1 a/ 148. . . 1 1 22. . . 6. . 1 a/ 219. . . 1 1 20. . . 6. . 1 a/ 123. . . 1 26. . . 5. , 1 a/ 13;... 1 2 4. ..7..I 607 Gross . . 48 2 16. 206. 35 T. & D. 2 17 Net ... 46 1 27 ... Or. . . 5,207 \\.1iAi, 9 68 Carried forward, 10,014 1.U6 4 .-. Q 2 116 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. INVENTORY. (3) 1817. » Vnlnation Bags 68 Net lbs. Price. 1,116 s. 4 d. Jan 31 Brought forward . 10,014 2 41 Pernams. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare.Drft, a/ 108. ..1 23.. .6.. 1 a/204. . 1 15. ,,5.. 1 a/ 193.. 1 2 6, ..7.-1 a/ 164.. 1 1 14, ..6.. 1 a/ 113,. 1 1 14. . . 6, . 1 a/ 158., 1 1 27. . , 6. , 1 a/ 131.. 1 2 0, .,6. .1 a/ 146. , 1 1 25,,.6. .1 a/ 103. . 1 1 15,., 5.. 1 a/218, . 1 1 9. . • 6. . 1 , a/ 124. . 1 19. .,5.. 1 r A/139. . a/ 144.. a/ 101... a/ 209. , a/'118. . a/152. , a/ 186. , a/ 140. . a/ 198,. a/ 215.,, a/157. . a/ 167.. a/ 163., a/ 128.. a/116., a/ 207, , a/ 182.. a/ 190. . a/ 130. . a/ 194. . a/ 205,. a/ 120. . a/ 196. . a/ 142. . a/ 109. . a/ 178., a/ 170, . a/136. . a/ 105., a/ 185.. 1 1 12, .,5.. 1 1 2 4. . 7..I 1 1 16,,,5..1 . 1 2 17... 6.. 1 1 1 14. ..5.. 1 1 15. ..4.. 1 1 1 22...7, .1 . 1 1 21...5..1 , 1 24. . .4. . 1 1 17. ..6.. 1 1 1 17. . . 6. . 1 1 1 19... 6.1 1 1 13,,.6. .1 1 1 22.. .6., 1 1 1 20. . . 6, . 1 1 25... 5.. 1 1 25., .5. .1 1 2 0. , , 7. . 1 1 1 20. ..6.. 1 1 1 15...6..1 1 1 10,,.5..1 1 1 25...6. .1 1 1 25... 6. .1 1 1 13.., 5.. 1 1 1 8...5. .1 1 2 7...7..1 1 2 6..,7..i 1 ,0 4. ..5,.l 1 1 15... 6.. 1 1 1 24. . . 6. , 1 1 • Gross, , 5Q 1 26.235.41 T. &D. Net. , , 2 1 24 756 5 54 2,..Or. .. 6,050 at Is. 6d. 109 Carriec 1 forward . 16,064 1,872 9 2 SET II. — WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. 117 (4) INVENTORY I817. Valuation Bags. 109 11 Brought forwai'd .' Net lbs. Price. 1,872 s. 9 d. Jan. 31 16,064 2 Best Georgia. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft. VI26... 1 2 22. ..7-. 1 V 192. ..1 2 ' 15.. .7. . 1 V 160. . . 1 2 20. . . 7. . 1 a/212. .. 1 2 2... 7. .1 a/168. .. 1 2 8. ..7. .1 V I89, .,1 2 17.. .7. .1 V150... 1 2 16. ..7.. 1 V 210. . . 1 2 26. . . 7. . 1 a/174. .. 1 2 18. ..7.. 1 VI67... 1 2 12. ..7.. 1 a/181... 1 2 14...7..I Gross.. 18 2. .77. 11 - 1 Total T. &D. 3 4 1,930 at35. .... a^ 289 10 Net. .. 17 26 . .Or. . Entered Cotton, fo. 120 Bags on hand 17,994 2,161 19 2 118 SET. II. WHOLESALE DEAtElt's BOOKS. Dr. THE ESTATE OF (5) L. L. L. L. 31st January, 1S17. To B, Milne, Liverpofoi, Balance due to him To Pratt and C6. ... Ditto nitto to them To Wells and Co. . . Ditto .... Ditto to them . . . . To Stock, my l^et Capital £ £. s. 368 12 475 16 239 6 1,083 3,855 4,939 15 19 11 14 11 INVENTORY. U9 (5) SAMUEL MANSLEY, MANCHESTER. Cr. c. 1 B. R. 1 C. 1 L. 1 L. 2 L. 2 L. 2 L. 3 L. 3 L. 4 L. 5 31st January 181/, By Cash, Balance in hand go By Bills Receivable, Balance in hand. No. 36 350 By Cotton, Balance in hand as per Valuation 2,l6l By Furniture • .' qqq By Best and Co. Bankers, Manchester, Balance due from them !' 527 By Binns and Co, Bvuy ditto ditto !l 285 By B. CaiT, Manchester ditto ditto from him i 92 I By R. Hill, Manchester ditto ditto j 356^ I By Holt and Co, Manchester ditto ditto from them I 1Q5 By S. Lord, Stockport ditto ditto from him 1 is By J, Scott, Manchester ditto ditto , . . , ditto . I '>qi '\\___ <-^-' U,939 s. 15 10 12 17 12 13 4 10 14 d. 6 O ?■ o 6 10 4 7 11 120 SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER S BOOKS. INVENTORY. (6) 1817. Valuation of. . . . Bags. Net lbs. Price. ^. s. d. Feb. 28 .... Cotton on hand. 6 West Indian. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft. 272... 1 2 21. ..6. .1 274... 1 1 16. ..7..I 275... 1 17. . . 6. . 1 278. . . 1 2 19. . .5. . 1 279- ■■ 1 1 17. ..7..I , 234. . , Gross. . 1 1 15. ..5..1 •8 2 21. . 36. . 6 9 T. &D Net . . . 1 14 69 16 8 1 7. . . Or. . 931 at Is. 6d. 6 Orleans. 240. . 1 1 17. ..7..I 2-12. . . 1 2 27. ..5.. 1 2^4. . 1 27. ..7..I 246.. 1 2 13. ..6..1 248 . ] 1 11. . .5.. 1 249.. 1 2 17. ..7..I 251.. 1 18. ..5.. 1 252.. 11 26, ..5.. 1 254. . 1 2 27. ..6..1 Gross. . 13 1 15. .53. .9 16 T, &D. Net . . . 026 119 i5 12 3 9. . . Or. . 1,437 atls.Sd. Bahia. 3-11... 1 1 19. ..7..I ,343... 1 2 26, . . 6. . 1 345. ..1 1 14. ..7..I 346... 1 1 11. . .5.. 1 347. . , 1 2 12. ..6. .1 349... I 1 18, ..5..1 351... 1 2 17, . .5. .1 352... 1 2 19. ..5.. 1 353.. .1 2 21. . . 6. . 1 355. . . 1 1 27. . .5. . 1 358. . . 1 2 26. . . 7. . 1 360... 1 1 15 ..6..1 362. . . I 2 17. ..5.. 1 363... 1 2 19. ..7..I 365... 1 2 17. . .6..1 368. . . Gross. . 1 2 21. ..7..1 25 19. .95.16 T&D. Net . . . 3 27 2,708 i t IS.lOd. 1 248 4 24 20. . . Or. . 8 31 Carriec [ forward . . . 5,076 437 16 J Z SET II. WHOLESALE DEALER'S BOOKS. 121 (7) INVENTORY. I817. Valuation Bags 31 Brought forward Net lbs . Price. 437 s. 16 d. Feb. 28 5,076 2 '^C\ Pernams. No. cwt. qr. lb. Tare. Drft 373,.. 1 1 22, ..7.. 1 379... 1 26...7. .1 385. ,.1 1 17.., 7. .1 393... 1 17. ..5.. 1 394... 1 1 22. . .5. .1 395... 1 1 19. ..5.. 1 396... I 1 5...7. .1 397... 1 2 7. ..5. .1 398. . . 1 2 19. . . 6. . 1 399. . . 1 1 26. . . 7. . 1 400... 1 27. ..7.. 1 401... 1 25. ..6.. 1 402... 1 1 15.. .Q.. 1 403... 1 17. ..5.. 1 404... 1 1 26. ..5. .1 405. .. 1 2 22.. .7. . 1 406... 1 1 12. ..5.. 1 407. . . 1 1 19. . . 6. . 1 408... 1 2 23... 7. .1 409. . . 1 2 24. . . 6. . 1 Gross.. 28 1 26.121.20 / 4 T. & D. 1 1 1 3,aJ9 at Is. 304 18 Net... 27 25... Or.. Georgia. 230. . . 1 1 19. . . 6. . 1 231... 1 2 16. ..7.. 1 235. . . 1.0 27. . . 6. . 1 238... 1 2 25. ..7.. 1 • Gross. ..6 3. .26. 4 T.&D.. 1 2 645 a 1 2s. Qd. 80 12 Net 5 3 1...0r. . 6 Entered Cotton, fo. Ic \ Total 55 Bags . on hand ' . 8,770 823 6 ^ X> <5T? R n^ SET II. — WHOLESALE DEALER'S BOOKS. Dr, THE ESTATE OF 28th Febraaiy 181 7. L 3 To T. Grant, Liverpool, Balance due to him L 5 To Pratt & Co. Ditto . . Ditto due to tliem . . . , To Stock, my Net Capital , (8) 151 206 5. 12 9 358 3,099 2 14 d. 5 10 3 11 se 3,457 17 INVENTORY. V23 (8) SAMUEL MANSLEY, MANCHESTER. Cr. c 1 B R 1 C 13 L 1 L 2 L 2 L 2 L 3 L 4 L 4 By Cash Balance on hand By Bills Receivable, Ditto . . Ditto By Cotton, Balance on hand, as per Valuation By Furniture By Binns Sc Co. . . Bury, . . . Balance due from tliem By Black & Co, . . Manchester, Ditto . . . Ditto . . . By B. Carr, Ditto Ditto due from him . By Holt & Co. ... Ditto Ditto due from them By S. Lord, Stockport, . Ditto due from him . By North & Co. . . Manchester, . Ditto due from them i£ £. s. d. 91 17 6 221 6 8 823 6 8 500 621 1 4 233 4 79 12 3 151 15 5 5/2 3 2 163 10 2 3,457 1/ 2 R 2 [ 125 ] SET III. MANUFACTURER'S BOOKS. Concern Individual. Capital Variable. Business Continued. rLoss, Result < Insolvency, and (^Composition. OBSERVATIONS. The Books of John Henderson, Woollen Manufacturer at Leeds, are here exhibited, for the month of March I8I7. It is a common prejudice that, from the very nature of his business, and the numerous processes through which his goods pass, the Manufacturer is unable to keep his Accounts on the same systematic principles as those of the Wholesale Dealer or the Merchant. The difficulty, however, applies solely to the Quantities of goods, and in no respect to the Accounts, which in all businesses are composed of expenditure and returns, receipts and payments. These particulars the Manu- facturer can ascertain as easily as the Merchant ; and, therefore, he may with equal facility systematize his Accounts. In the first instance, he might prove his Books, as in Set I. without any check on the stock of goods. With the Retailer this imperfection is unavoid- able, because the minuteness of his sales forbids the record of their quantities. The Manufacturer, on the contrary, buys and sells in the gross ; and, though the various processes of his goods render it less easy to prove their quantities than in more simple businesses, this object may be accomplished by a Warehouse Ledger with a series of Accounts for the different states of the commodities. In an extensive Manufactory, the very difficulty of checking the goods renders it but the more 126 SET III. — manufacturer's books. desirable ; for they undergo so many transformations, and lie scattered in such a variety of states, that the Proprietor is ever exposed to accidental, as well as fraudu- lent, losses. In the following example of the Warehouse Ledger, its jurisdiction will be found so comprehensive, that no deficiency of any magnitude in the raw material, nor the deficiency of a single piece after being once put in process, can possibly occur undetected, unless the entries be designedly falsified. There is a Book of a different description, called the Number-Book, which is prevalently used in Manufactories of Piece-goods, as a check upon the stock of merchandise. The best method of keeping this Book, is by two series of numbers, one for the Goods put in process of manufacture, and the other for the Sales. The Manufacture-Numbers come progressively into the Book, and the Sale-Numbers being posted into a parallel column, the Manufacture-Numbers against which no Sale-Numbers appear, will shew the general stock on hand, including both the manufactured goods and those in process. By means of other columns in which the progress of the goods is marked, the uncompleted may be distinguished from the finished manufactures, and any other desirable particulars obtained. The two series of Numbers for Manufactures and Sales, afford a complete check upon the general quantity of the stock j for the difference between their extremes is equal to the total number of pieces on hand. Supposing a Book of this kind to be correctly kept, it would be a very complete recoi'd and proof of the stock, ascer- taining not merely the collective quantities, but the identity and history of every individual piece. Experience, however, has amply shewn its inadequacy to this purpose, arising from the confusion to which the Numbers are liable. A wrong figure put in by the weaver, or the obliteration of a figure in the finishing process, deranges the whole system of the Number-Book. When the Sale-Numbers come to be posted, and the goods to be proved, some pieces have repetitions of the same Manufacture-Number ; in others this Number is not legible, and a proportionate quantity of original Numbers has entirely disappeared. In addition to the difficulty of preserving distinct and accurate Numbers, the errors which may easily be made in posting the Sales, render the Number-Book a very inefficient check on the stock of goods. The Manufacture-Numbers are, however, useful in identifying particular pieces, so as to ascertain the hands through which they have passed, and trace any defect or loss to its real cause. Hence, though the perfect record of quantities must be resigned to tlie Warehouse Ledger, it is desirable to continue the Numbers as useful auxiliaries. In the following Inventory will be shewn the general check produced by the two series of Numbei's on tlie totality of Pieces, which must always be equal to the diffei'ence between their extremes. OBSERVATIONS. 127 In large Manufactories, the unlimited detail of the expenditure requires a number of subordinate Books, in order to disburthen the Cash and Merchandise Accounts from minute entries; and, accordingly, in this concern the Overlookers of the Woolshop, the Factory, and the Warehouse, keep distinct Books for the wages and petty expenses in their respective departments. The Overlooker frequently requires several Day Books and a Ledger, comprehending a little system of Ac- counts within themselves ; but, in subordination to the Principal Books, they are mere Memoranda which transmit their periodical additions. It is, therefore, unne- cessary to exhibit them in detail, not to mention that on this occasion they would probably be more voluminous than all the other Books together. It is usual to open with each Overlooker a Cash Account in the Ledger, and, when the expen- diture is very fluctuating, this method is necessary. Otherwise, the trouble may be avoided by the constant and invariable loan of a round sum, somewhat exceeding the weekly expenditure. These loans, being invariable, require only a memorandum, and always form part of the Balance of Cash. The periodical additions of the Wages will then equilibrate in the Cash and Merchandise, without requiring any entries in the Ledger. As Manufacturers occasionally embark in mercantile speculations, examples of foreign consignments, and of returns in foreign produce, are introduced into this Set. These transactions might be entered in the Merchandise Account, without any derangement of its system ; but, as their results would thereby be blended with the success of the regular business, it is better to record them in a separate Book. In the Adventures, the result of each speculation is distinctly ascertained, whilst the merits of the Manufactory are preserved un mingled with extrinsic affairs. In this establishment there is also a Retail business, superintended by one of the overlookers. The Account of the Shop is kept by two monthly entries, one for the goods it receives, and the other for its encashed sales. As this concern is complicated in its business, uniting with the Manufacturer, the Retailer and the Merchant ; so also in its financial department it combines the Banker, the payments being made by drafts on a Cashier in London, to whom the receipts are remitted in provision. Hence the Accounts require seven principal Books, the Merchandise, Adventures, Cash, Bills Receivable, Bills Payable, Ledger, and Inventory. The result here exhibited is a heavy loss, occasioning insolvency. It may appear improbable that a reverse of such magnitude should be incurred in the course of a month ; but it must be observed, that the two ruinous occurrences of the Liverpool Bankruptcy and the Lisbon Sales, have been pending for an indefinite period, and that there is no improbability in the concurrence of their terminations. At the 128 SET III. — manufacturer's books. time of the failure at Liverpool, a large stock of goods is supposed to have been consigned to Lisbon, with instructions for immediate sale, in order to supply the deficiency of resources. The sacrifice on this forced sale, and the loss with the Liverpool House, occasion the insolvency. At the close of March, John Henderson takes his Inventory, when, finding himself shorn of a handsome property, and considerably indebted to his Estate, with a refusal of further discounts by his Bankers, and no adequate resources against a large amount of Bills payable afloat, he directs his Cashier in London to suspend payments, and calls a meeting of his Creditors. Under the guarantee of his uncle, Peter Grant, to whom he transfers his Build- ings, Machinery, &c. a composition of twelve shillings in the pound is adjusted. The final settlement takes place on the lOth of July, when the dishonoured accep- tances are given up, and the Creditors paid off by Bills on Peter Grant. A change must here be noticed in the entries of the Bills Payable. Whilst drawn on the Cashier, they were merely Promissory Notes, or the Drawer's own Acceptances ; and were not transferred to the Cashier's Account till due. But the Drafts on Peter Grant are direct Bills, the primary responsibility of which he incurs by acceptance ; and, therefore, they are immediately transferred to his credit. In this Set there are three General Extracts, the Inventory being retaken on the 11th July, when the Proprietor finds himself again a man of capital. Analogous to the following Books are those, not merely of Manufactories of Piece Goods, but of all others; as Oil-Mills, Breweries, Foundries, &c.; and of all businesses in which the returns proceed solely or principally from labour, as Farmers, Carriers, Dyers, Dressers, and Finishers of all descriptions. 1^9 J SET III. THE BOOKS OF JOHN HENDERSON, WOOLLEN -MANUFACTURER, UlEDS. 1. Warehouse Ledger. 2. Merchandise. 3. Adventures. 4. Cash. 5. Bills Receivable. 6. Bills Payable. 7. Ledger. 8. Inventory. 130 SET III. — manufacturer's BOOKS. Dr. WOOL. (1) . PURCHASES. Total. A B C D Pks. 81 19 13 17 22 22 13 sc. 2 5 5 1 7 7 6 lb. 9 2 12 7 8 5 17 Pks. 22 13 • ■ \ 13 sc. 8 5 6 lb. 15 12 17 4 Pks. 24 17 22 sc. 3 1 7 lb. 10 7 5 Pk3. 80. lb. 16 4 13 13 Pks. sc. lb. 8 18 15 1 1817. Feb. 28 Mar. 3 5 7 10 11 12 To Balance To S. Marsh To Welch & Co. . To T. Bruce To Gill & Co. ... To D. Carew To Holt & Co. . . To Balance 18 13 13 45 7 4 _ 6 6 15 6 9 30 6 8 190 49 9 64 2 Mar. 31 53 4 11 12 7 10 14 8 6 17 4 4 8 8 11 WAREHOUSE LEDGER. 131 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. APPLICATIONS. Total. A B e D For 1 Pieces Pks. 35 33 33 33 135 1 53 sc. 2 2 6 7 Q 4 lb. 15 5 16 3 19 10 11 Pks. 9 9 8 9 36 12 sc. 3 10 2 5 9 4 7 lb. 7 13 10 10 4 10 Pks. sc. lb. Pks. 7 6 7 6 28 17 45 sc. 11 3 1 7 2 4 6 lb. 6 15 10 ■ 18 9 4 13 Pks. 5 5 5 5 21 8 30 sc 3 1 7 9 10 1 8 8 lb. 16 12 8 5 1 9 11 1 Numbers. 1817. Mar. 8 15 22 29 By Manufactory . By Ditto By Ditto By Ditto By Waste By Balance 12 11 12 11 48 14 8 10 7 9 10 4 8 6 5 S 19 17 6 J 70 172 167 163 1,802 to 1,971. 1,972 to 2,U3. 2,144 to2,3 10. 2,311 to 2,473. 31 31 672 ^ 190 49 9 4 64 ^ S 2 132 SET III. — MANUFACTURER'S BOOKS. Dr. MANUFACTORY. (2) APPLICATIONS. Total Pieces. Cloths. Casimirs. A 78 28 32 27 30 B 102 36 32 35 38 C 60 24 18 21 22 145 D 51 16 14 18 17 116 L 39 16 20 14 12 101 M 87 24 28 30 20 189 N 39 16 16 14 12 97 21 10 12 8 12 63 Numbers. 1817- Feb. 28 Mar R To Balance in process To Wool 477 170 172 167 163 1,802 to 1,971. 1,972 to 2,143. 2,144 to 2,310. 2,311 to 2,473. 1 'j To "Wool 01 To Wool 29 To Wool To Balance in process 1,149 195 243 Mar. 31 , '^sg 86 95 52 48 39 85 34 20 WAREHOUSE LEDGER. 133 (2) PER CONTRA. Cr. MANUFACTURES. Total Pieces. Cloths. Casimirs. A 32 25 28 24 log 86 195 B 38 34 38 38 148 Q^ 243 c 26 22 25 20 93 52 145 D 18 17 15 18 68 48 116 L 14 15 17 16 62 39 101 M N 1817. Mar. 8 By Merchandise 183 165 174 168 26 31 23 24 17 13 18 15 12 8 10 13 15 By Merchandise 22 By Merchandise 29 By Merchandise By Balance in process 31 690 A5Q 104 85 63 34 43 20 1.149 189 ^7 63 134 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. MERCHANDISE. (3) I817, Feb. 28 March 8 15 22 29 Mar. 31 MANUFACTURES. To Balance . . . To Manufactoiy To Ditto To Ditto To Ditto To Balance Total Pieces. Cloths. Casimirs. A B C D L M N 524 183 165 168 94 32 25 28 24 110 38 34 38 38 68 26 22 25 20 52 18 17 15 18 44 14 15 17 16 72 26 31 23 24 48 17 13 18 15 36 12 8 10 13 1214 203 258 161 120 106 176 111 79 18 452 81 86 60 39 44' 84 40 WAREHOUSE LEDGER. 135 (3) PER CONTRA. Cr. I8I7. March 4 6 8 11 12 13 14 15 24 26 30 31 SALES, By Goodwin and Co. . , . By T. Merlin By S. Green By Fairfax and Co By Goodwin and Co. . . . By Consignment to B. Wilson By S. Green By Consignment to H. Melville By Ranger and Co. By Fairfax and Co. By Shop By Balance Total Pieces, 70 50 70 50 60 160 80 100 60 50 12 762 452 1214 20 20 20 20 20 20 Clotlis, 50 122 81 203 30 20 30 20 20 2 172 86 256 40 20 10 10 20 1 101 60 161 D 20 20 20 10 10 1 81 39 120 Casimirs. M 20 50 20 10 10 20 10 10 62 44 106 .92 84 176 N 20 10 10 1 71 40 111 o 30 20 20 10 10 1 61 18 79 136 SET. III.— manufacturer's BOOKS. Dr. MERCHANDISE. (1) I817. February 28 March 3 Purchases, &c. To Balance on hand, as per Inventory, fo. 2 8 To S. Marsh Leeds. Pks. sc. lb. ^. s, d. 9 Sheets Wool, C 13 4 4 ... at aS35 . . . 467 5 4 Ditto Ditto, D 6 18 ... at 50 . . . 303 15 March 3 March 4 March 4 March 5 March 5 March 6 March 7 March / 12 12 To T. Rogers Leeds. 16 Casks Rape Oil, . I8O7 Gallons, at 3^. To Robert Millar. . . London. 10 Casks Olive Oil, . , 1093 Gallons, at 8^. 5 To T. Merlin London. 5 per Cent. Discount on s€ l652 10 4 8 13 To Welch and Co. . . Leeds. Pks. sc. lbs. 9 Sheets Wool, A 13 5 12. .. at .^ 16 per Pack , To Robert Smith Hull. 40 Tons Fuller's Earth at ^ 3 per Ton 12,882 18 d. 8 To Cash. .......... Subscription to the Poor. 13 To T. Bruce . Huddersfield Pk. sc. lb. 1 1 Sheets Wool, B 17 1 7 ... at ^24 per Pack. To T. Newton Sherburne. 12 Packs Teazles at ^9 per Pack. 771 271 437 82 215 120 10 410 108 12 O 10 14 Amount carried forward • s£\\ 15,309 MERCHANDISE. 137 (1) PER CONTRA. SALES, &C. 181/. 5 £. 5. d. March 4 By Goodwin and Co London. 7 Bales containing 70 Clotlis. Nos. Yards. £. n. d. G 21. .801 to 810 Blue, . .A.. .500 at 5*. 8d.. 141 13 4 22. .811 to 820 Scarlet, A. . .490 at "Js. 3d. .177 12 6 23. .821 to 830 Blue, . .B. . 501 at 7.J. Orf. . 1 75 7 24. .831 to 840 Brown, B. . . 493 at 6s. 6d. . I60 4 6 25. .841 to 850 Black, . B. . . 495 at 6s. 4d. . 156 15 26. .851 to S60 Scarlet, B. .. 494 at 8*. 6d. . 209 I9 27. . 861 to 870 Ditto, . . B . . . 489 at 8*. 6d. .107x6 6 70 Tillets at 25. 6c?. . 8 15 Packing 7 Bales atlls.Od.. 7 7 1 ,245 9 in March 6 5 By T. Merlin London. 5 Bales, containing 50 Casimirs, Nos. Yards. £. s. ff. M 1 .. 871 to 880 Black, . N. . 494 at As. 6d. . I j i 3 2. . 881 to 890 Blue, . . N. . 49O at 4*. lOd. .118 8 4 3.. 891 to 900 Ditto, .N. .492 at As.lOd.WQ 18 4. . 901 to 910 Brown, O. .492 at 6s. Id.. 151 14 5. . 911 to 920 Scarlet, O. . 491 at 7s. 3d. . 177 19 Q 50 Tillets at Is. 6d. . 3 15 Packing 5 Bales, ... at 14.y. Od. . 3 10 685 8 1 March 8 7 By S. Green Liverpool. 7 Bales, containing 70 Casimirs. Nos. Yards. £. s. S G-.. 80. .921 to 930 Brown, L ..503 at 2s. lOd. . 71 5 8I..931 to940Blue, . L . .502at 3s. 3d.. 81 11 82. . 941 to 950 Black, M. . 501 at 3*. 6d. , 87 13 83. . 951 to 960 Ditto, M. . 492 at 35. 6d. . 86 2 84. . 961 to 970 Blue, . M. . 498 at 35. lOd. . QS 9 85. .971 to 980 Ditto, M. .498 at 3s. \0d. . QS 9 86, . 98I to 990 Scarlet, M. , 493 at 45. 8d. . 115 70 Tillets at 15. 6d. . 5 5 Packing 7 Bales, at 145. Od. . 4 18 d. 2 6 6 8 642 13 10 ^ Amount carried forward ^ 2,573 11 9 138 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. MERCHANDISE. (2) I8I7. March 7 13 Purchases, &c Brought forward March 8 March 8 13 Maich 10 March 10 March 11 March 11 March 12 14 11 14 14 To Marmot and Co London. c. q. lb. £. s. d. 1 Chest Brown Soap 10 1 at Q5s 43 11 3 1 Ditto Mottled Soap 10 2 2 at 100^ 52 1 1 9 Chests O 4 10 To B. Wallis Leeds. 20 Packs Sizing at 90^. per pack. To Cash for Wages and Petty Expenses this Week. Sorting, Carding, Spinning, &c. as per Book. . A. . 17S 15 9 Weaving, Milling, &c Ditto B. . I93 15 10 Dressing, Pressing, Packing, &c. . Ditto C..181 4 8 To Gill and Co. . Wakefield, p. sc, lb. 9 Sheets Wool C 13 6 13 at ^33. . 447 5 9 6 Ditto Ditto B 9 15 at 48. . 435 O To Garth and Co Leeds. 50 Pieces Canvas, at 30^ 7^ 80 Pieces Tilletting at25J. 100 O To D. Carew Bradford. p. s. lb. 15 Sheets Wool B. . . 22 7 5 ... at ^22 per pack To J. Belson Leeds. 100 Ropes, weight lOOOlbs .... at St/ 25 O 10 Dozen Tilletting Twine ... at 20y 10 o To Manson and Co Leeds. 10 Reams Lapping Paper at 6O5 30 O 1000 lbs. Rope Paper at Qd 25 O O 15,309 Amount carried forward £ 9Q 90 553 882 175 497 d. 6 10 16 35 55 17,694 10 MERCHANDISE. 139 (2) PER CONTRA. Cr. Sales, &:c. Brought forward I817. March 11 March 12 By Fairfax and Co Glasgow. No. 7.. 8. , 9 10. 11. . 5 Bales, contaming 50 Cloths, Nos. . 991 to 1000 Black A.. . 1(X)1 to 1010 Brown A, . .ion to 1020 Blue B. . . 1021 to 1030 Ditto B.. . 1031 to 1040 Scarlet B. 50 Tillets Yards. £. s. d. 501 at 5s. 3d. . 131 10 3 501 at 5s. 4d. . 133 12 501 at 7s. od. .175 7 495 at 7s. od. .173 5 .495 at 8s. 6d. .210 7 6 .... at 2s. 6d. 6 5 3ales at IVs. Od. . 5 5 By Goodwin and Co London. G No. 2S. . 29.. 30.. 31.. 32. . 33., March 13 A5 6 Bales containing 60 Cloths. Nos. Yards. 1041 to 1050 Black C. . 506 at Ss. 1051 to 1060 Blue . . C. . 500 at gs. 1061 to 1070 Brown C. . 491 at Hs. 1071 to 1080 Scarlet C. . 500 at 10^. 1081 to 1090 Blue . . D. . 502 at 12^. 1091 to 1100 Scarlet D. . 502 at 13*. 60 Tillets at 2s. Packing 6 Bales at 21,$. By Consignment to B. Wilson. . . . Gibraltar. Shipped per Mary, by C. FoUet, Liverpool. BW No. 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8 Bales containing 80 Cloths Nos. Yards. 1101 to 1110 Brown A, . 497 at nil to 1120 Blue 1121 to 1130 Black 1131 to 1140 Ditto , 1141 to 1150 Brown 1151 to 1160 Blue.. 1161 to 1170 Ditto . 1171 to 1180 Scarlet (continued) A. . 494 at B. .489 at B. .497 at C. . 502 at C. . 496 at D. . 496 at 12,?. Od. 135. 6^Z 80 Tillets at 2s. 6d Packing 8 Bales at 21,s, Od. 5s. 4d. 5s. 8d. 6s. 4d. 6s. 4d. 8s. 6d. gs. od. £. s. d. 4rf. .210 16 8 Od. . 225 O 6d. . 208 13 6 6d. . 262 10 Od. .301 4 6d. . 338 17 6d.. 7 10 Od. . 6 6 £. s. d. . 132 10 8 . 139 19 . 154 17 .157 7 .213 7 .223 4 .297 12 O .336 16 6 . 10 O . 8 8 2,573 s. 11 d. 9 835 11 1,560 17 Amount carried for\vard ^1,674 2 2 4,970 T 2 140 Dr. I817. March 12 13 15 15 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS MERCHANDISE. PURCHASES, &c. Brought forward To Holt & Co Huddersfield. p. sc. lb. 9 Sheets Wool A . . 13 6 17 at gB\5 per pack To J. Plane Leeds. 50 dozen Boards, at Qs. per dozen To Cash, .... for Wages and Petty Expenses this week : £. s. d. Sorting, Carding, Spinning, &c. as per Book A. . . 1^3 2 4 Weaving, Milling, &c. as per Book B I8916 8 Dressing, Finishing, Packing, &c. as per Book C, 172 18 6 (3) 15 Amount carried forward £ 535 17 18,448 13 11 MERCHANDISE. 141 (3) PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. March 13 A 5 SALES, &C. Brought forward By Consignment to B. Wilson, continued. £. s. d. 1,674 2 2 March 14 8 Bales containing 80 Casimirs. No. Nos. Yds. B W 9. . 1181 to 1190 Brown L . 501 at Is. 10. . 1191 to 1200 Blue . L . 4g6 at 3^. 1201 to 1210 Black M . 501 at 3^, 1211 to 1220 Black M . 492 at 3*. 1221 to 1230 Brown N . 494 at 4s. 1231 to 1240 Blue . N . 498 at 4^. 1241 to 1250 Ditto O . 494 at Qs. 1251 to 1260 Scarlet O . 500 at 7s. 80 Tillets 1*, Packing 8 Bales . . 14*. n. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. £. s. d. lOd. 70 19 6 3d. 80 12 6d. 87 13 6 6d. 86 2 O 8c?. 115 5 4 lOd. 120 7 4d. 156 8 8 3d. 181 5 6d. 600 Od. 5 12 O By S. Green Liverpool. 8 Bales containing 80 Cloths. No. Nos. Yds. S G 87- • 1261 to 1270 Black A 497 at 5s. 3d. 88. . 1271 to 1280 Brown A 505 at 5s. 4d. 89. , 1281 to 1290 Blue B 503 at 7s. Od. go. . 1291 to 1300 Ditto B 496 at 7s. Od. 91. . 1301 to 1310 Scarlet B 495 at 8*. 6d. 92. . 1311 to 1320 Black C 502 at 8*. 4d. 93. .1321 to 1330 Black D 501 at 11*. Od. 94. .1331 to 1340 Blue D 504 at 12*. O^^. 80 Tillets at 2*. 6rf. Packing 8 Bales at 21*. Od. £. s. (I 130 9 3 134 13 4 176 1 173 12 210 7 6 209 3 4 275 11 302 8 10 8 8 Amount carried forward . . e£ 4,970 d. 8 2,584 1,630 9,185 13 143 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. MERCHANDISE. (4) 1817. March 22 Purchases, &c. , Brought forward 22 '-^9 29 14 To Cash, for Wages and Petty Expenses this Week : £. s. d. Sorting, Carding, Spinnmg, &c. as per Book A. 177 15 5 Weaving, MiUing, &c Ditto B. 196 17 3 Dressing, Pressing, Packing, &c.. . Ditto C. 179 10 3 To Cash, Paid Wallis and Co. for Stamps and Stationery . . . , To Ranger and Co. ...... Liverpool. 7i per Cent. Discount on 3^827. 11.8. 30 30 11 To Cash, . . for Wages and Sundiy Expenses this Week : £. s. Sorting, Carding, &c. as per Book A. 171 11 Weaving, Milling, &c Ditto . . . B 192 5 Dressing, Pressing, &c. Ditto. . . . C 16"8 14 18,148 s. d. 13 11 To Henry Melville, London. Amount of Discounts, Salaries, &c. this Quarter, as advised To Horton and Co Bankers. Balance of Interest and Charges in their favour, as per Account 30 30 30 To Cash, for Postages this Month To Cash, for Taxes this Month To Cash, for Salaries this Month : £. s. d. J. Steadfast, Overlooker A 6 5 T. Careful, Ditto B 6 5 S. Jones, Ditto C 6 5 R. Peters, Clerk 12 10 O Amount canied forward s€ 554 28 62 11 13 532 528 39 10 18 11 12 15 11 10 31 20,254 13 MERCHANDISE. 143 (4) PER CONTRA. Cr. 1S17. March 15 Al March 24 14 Sales, &c. Brought forward RL No. 3. 4. By Ranger and Co Liverpool. 4 Bales, containing 40 Clotlis. Nos. Yards. £. s. 1 . . 1441 to 1450 Blue A. . 499 at 5s. 8d. . 141 7 2. . 1451 to 1460 Black A. . 502 at 5s. 3d. .131 15 1461 to 1470 Brown B, . 502 at 6s. 6d. . l63 3 1471 to 1480 Scarlet B. . 500 at Ss. 6d. . 212 10 40 Tillets at 2s.6d.. 5 O Packing 4 Bales at 21^. Od. . 4 4 12 Bales, containing 20 Casirairs, 5 . . 1481 to 1490 Brown L. . 496 at 2s. lOd. . 70 5 6. . 1491 to 1500 Blue M. . 503 at 3^. lOd. . q6 8 20 Tillets at Is. 6d. . 1 10 Packing 2 Bales at 14^. Oof. . 1 8 By Consignment to Henry Melville, London. 6 Bales, containing 60 Cloths, No. Nos. Yards. ^. s. H M 81- • 1341 to 1350 Brown A. . 499 at 5s. Ad. . 133 1 82. . 1351 to 1360 Black A. .500 at 5s. 3d. .131 5 83 . . 1361 to 1370 Blue B. . 505 at 7s. Od. . 176 15 84. . 1371 to 1380 Ditto B. .508 at ^s-Od. . 177 I6 85.. 1381 to 1390 Black C. .502 at 8s. 4d. .209 3 86. . 1391 to 1400 Scarlet D. .493 at 13^. 6d. . 332 15 6 60 Tillets at 2s.6d. . 7 10 O Packing 6 Bales at21s.0d. . 6 6 O 4 Bales, containing 40 Casimirs, 87. . 1401 to 1410 Brown L. . 501 at 2s. lOd. . 70 I9 6 88. . 1411 to 1420 Black M. . 504 at 3s. 6d. . 88 4 O 89. . 1421 to 1430 Blue N. . 503 at 45. lOd. . 121 11 2 90. . 1431 to 1440 Scarlet O. . 501 at 7s. 3d. . 181 12 3 40 Tillets .at 1^. 6c;. . 3 O Packing 4 Bales at 14s. Od. . 2 16 O Amount carried forwaid i€ 9,185 1,642 15 827 11,655 11 144. SET III. manufacturer's BOOKS. Dr. MERCHANDISE. (5) 1817. March 30 9 30 15 30 15 30 10 30 10 30 16 March 30 March 31 Purchases, &c. Brought forward s£ To Halset and Co for Dying this Month, as per Account . . . To S. Morgan, for Healds and Slays, as per Account To Peters and Co for Carriage this Month To Bandor and Co for Millwright's Work To F. Denton for Cards this Month To Field and Co Huddersfield : 60 dozen Coals at 10* 30 Freight, &c 5s. : 15 To Profit , £ To Balance on hand^ as per Inventory fo. 5 £. s. d. 20,254 13 1,135 16 9 26 12 6 57 8 8 227 10 136 15 45 2,149 24,032 11,174 17 1 10 MERCHANDISE. 145 (5) PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. March 26 6 3 15 14 15 16 Salds, &c. Brought forward £ 11,655 1,011 183 2 1 1 2 11,174 5, 8 7 9 17 15 6 5 7 d. By Fairfax and Co Glasgow. 3 Bales, containing 30 Cloths. No. Nos. Yards. £. s. d. F 12. . 1501 to 1510 Black C..'499at 85. 4c?. . 207 18 4 13. . 1511 to 1520 Blue C. . 508 at gs. Ot/. .228 12 14. . 1521 to 1530 White D. . 503 at IO5. 6i., 264 1 6 SOTillets at 25. 6d. . 3 15 Packing 3 Bales at 2l5. 0 ' u [. 147 ] INDEX TO THE ADVENTURES. Folio Consignment to Henry Melville, London 1 Consijynment to Gomes & Co. Cadiz 2 '&' Consignment to Braga & Co. Lisbon ...... t 3 Cochineal per Fernando from Cadiz 4 Consignment to B. Wilson, Gibraltar 5 Composition 6 TJ 148 SET III. — MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. CONSIGNMENT TO (1) I817. February 28 March 15 29 To Balance, 25 ^ales Cloths and Casimirs To Merchandise, . 10 Ditto Clotlis and Casimirs . To Henry Melville, London, 5 per Cent. Discount on Sales 3,947 1,642 207 5,797 s. 9 15 5 10 8 1 7 ADVENTURES. 149 (1) HENRY MELVILLE, LONDON. Cr. 1817. Maich 29 29 By Henry Melville, .... London. Net Proceeds of 35 Bales as per his Account Sales. sS. s. d. 70 Pieces Cloths. . A. 3,410 yards at 4s. . 682 70 Ditto B. 3,426 ditto at 5s. . 856 10 O M 40 Ditto C, 1,982 ditto at 7s. .693 14 O No. 56 to 90. 30. . . . Ditto D. 1 ,500 ditto at 10^. . 750 O 40 Pieces Casimirs L. 1,978 ditto at 2s, . 197 16 40 Ditto M. 1,9/4 ditto at 3^. .296 2 O 30 Ditto N. 1,480 ditto at 4^. . 296 30 Ditto 0. 1,494 ditto at 5s. . 373 10 By Loss 4,145 1,651 5,797 12 18 10 150 SET III. ^MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. CONSIGNMENT TO (2) I8I7. Februaiy 28 To BalancCj 16 Bales Cloths and Casirnirs 2682 jf. j d. I 10 i 8 £ 2682 10 8 ADVENTURi:S. 151 (2) GOMES AND CO. CADIZ. Cr. I817. March 10 March 10 By Gomes and Co Cadiz. Net Proceeds of 16 Bales as per their Account S;<.les. 7 & 8. 9 & 10. 11 & 12. 13 & 14. 15 & 16. Yds. Rials. Rs PI. Qf 20 Pieces Cloths . . A. . .986 at 20 19,720. u 20 Pieces Ditto . . . B . . 1010 at 25 25,250. 1000 at 30 30,CK!0.0 994 at 40 39,760.0 978 at 12 11,736.0 1004 at 15 15,060.0 1002 at 18 18,036.0 996 at 24. . .. .23,904.0 Nos. G 1 & 2. 3 & 4. 5 & 6 20 Pieces Ditto . . . C. , 20 Pieces Ditto . . . D. . 20 Pieces Casimirs I.. , . 20 Pieces Ditto . 20 Pieces Ditto . 20 Pieces Ditto , M .N O 'Charges, 183,466.0 Duties and Custom House Cliarges . . Warehouse Fvent, | per Cent Postages and Petty Expenses, i per Ct Commission, 4 per Cent 7338. 10 Guarantee, 2 per Cent 3Q6g . 5 Bs. PI. Qs. 55,040. 7 917. 5 917. 5 67,883.0 Net Proceeds 115,583. O At the Exchange of 36f/. per Piastre of 8 Rials By T -oss £. £\ 2167 515 2662 3 7 10 152 SET III. — MANUFACTURERS BOOKS. Dr. CONSIGNMENT TO (3) I8I7. Feb. 28 To Balance, 150 Bales Cloths and Casimirs 26,851 s. 15 d. 6 26,851 15 6 ADVENTURES. 1.53 (3) BRAGA AND CO. LISBON. Cr. 1817. March 20 4 By Braga and Co Lisbon, ^. s. d. Net Proceeds of 150 Bales, as pei • their Account Sales. B 1 to 30. . 300 Pieces Cloths . . A. . Yards. Rcas. 14,926 at 1 . 000. . Mil-reas. . 14,926. 000 31 to 60. . 300 Pieces Ditto . . . B. . 14,874 at 1.200.. . 17.848. 800 61 to 75. . 150 Pieces Ditto . . . C. . 7,428 at 1 . 500. . . 11,142. 000 76 to 90. . 150 Pieces Ditto . . . D. . 7,440 at 2.000.. . 14,880. 000 gi to 110. . 200 Pieces Casimirs L . . 0,952 at . 600. . . 5,971.200 Ill to 130. . 200 Pieces Ditto . . 'M. . 0,926 at . 700. . . 6,948.200 131 to 141. . 100 Pieces Ditto . . N. . 4,960 at . 800. . 3,968.000 141 to 150. . 100 Pieces Ditto . . O. . 4,944 at 1.000. . . 4,944.000 80,628. 200 Charges Duties and Custom-House Charges . . . Warehouse Rent, 5 per Cent 9,152.500 . . . 403. 141 13,183.910 Postages and Petty Expenses, i per Cen Commission, 4 per Cent t 403. 141 3,225.128 V N( At the Exchange of 57 d. per Milrea . it Proceeds 67,444. 290 16,018 10,fi33 15 4 2 March 20 2 By Loss 1 26,851 15 6 154 SET. III. manufacturer's BOOKS. Di. COCHINEAL PER FERNANDO (4) I817. March 15 ^arch 17 March 27 16 15 To Gomes and Co, Cadiz, 10 Bags as per Invoice. w No. 121. 122. 123. !24. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. lbs. 202 187 .196 210 176 206 ,212 . 188 Piast. 1955 lbs at 8. Rls. PI. Qs. 125,120.0 £. Duties and Shipping Charges 23,620. 148,740.0 Commission, 2 per Cent 2,975. Cost Rte. 151,715. At the Exchange of 36d. per Piastre of 8 Rials To C, Follet, Liverpool. Charges on the above. se. s. d. Freight and Primage 5y 16 10 Duty and Custom-House Charges 261 3 6 Insurance of ,^3,000, at 2 Guineas per Cent 63 O Policy, i per Cent 7 10 O Del-Credere, i Ditto 15 O O Landing and Petty Charges 4 15 O Commission, 2 per Cent. 409 5 4 8 3 8 To E. Merton, Leeds. 5 per Cent. Discount on j^^ 1,471. 10. O. 2,844 417 73 3,335 13 11 13 O ADVENTURES. 155 (4) FROM CADIZ. Ok 1817 March 24 £. By Halset and Co Leeds. 5 Bags, viz : March 25 15 cwt. qr, lbs. lbs. No. 121 Gross. . . 1 3 14 Tare 8 122 Gross, . . 1 2 20 Tare 7 123 Gross. ..13 8 Tare 8 124 Gross. . . 1 3 22 Tare 8 125 Gross.. . 1 2 18 Tare 7 Gross 904 Tare 38 Tare 1 10 Net. .8 2 22 Or P74 lbs. at 30*. 1,461 By E. Mertoii, Leeds. 5 Bags, viz : cwt. qr. lbs. lbs. No. 126 Gross. . . 1 2 14 Tare 6 127 Gross. . . 1 3 128 Gross. . . 1 3 129 Gross. . . 1 3 18 Tare 8 24 Tare 8 10 Tare 7 130 Gross. . . 1 2 26 Tare 6 Cross 9 8 Tare 35 Tare 1 7 Net 8 3 1 Or 981 lbs. at 30^. 1,471 10 March 30 By Loss 403 £ 3,335 13 X 2 156 SET III. — MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. CONSIGNMENT TO (5> I817. March 13 March 18 March 31 To Merchandise, \6 Bales Cloths and Casimirs, per Mary. 16 To C. FoHet, Liverpool. Charges on'the above. £. s. . 12 18 Export Duty, j per Cent, on s£25SA. 7. 2. Freight, 487 feet, at 2s. per foot Primage, 5 per Cent 2 8 8 Bills Lading , o 4 O Petty Charges 016 O Carriage, 60 Cwt. per Canal, at 2^. 6rf 7 10 Cartage and Porterage 2 8 Commission, 5377 13 11 10 d. BILLS PAYABLE. 16: (1) PER CONTi Cr. Fo. 1817. Feb. 28 Mar. 4 11 4 7 5 s 5 7 11 11 11 8 11 8 12 9 12 9 18 11 18 9 18 10 18 10 18 7 18 7 18 8 18 8 25 11 25 13 25 13 25 13 25 16 25 12 35 12 25 7 25 8 25 8 Order of. By Balance outstanding By Horton & Co By Hilton & Co. By Taylor & Co. By R. Selkirk . . By Horton & Co. By S. Marsh . . . By Welch & Co. By T. Bruce . . . By Gill & Co. . . By Horton & Co. By Halset & Co. By Bandor & Co. By F. Denton . . By Hilton & Co- By R Selkirk. . . By Taylor & Co. By S. Marsh . . . By Horton & Co. By Marmot and Co. By T. Newton By B Wallis ByC.FoUet By Holt & Co. . By Robert Millar By Hilton & Co. By Taylor & Co. By Welch & Co. Date & Term, I817. Mar. 4 Mar, 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 1 1 11 11 11 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Mar. 25 Mar. 25 2 m. 3 m 2 m 3 m 2 m. 3 m 2 m. 2 m 3 m. Due. I817. May 7 June 7 May 14 June 14 May 14 June 21 May 28 May 28 June 28 No. 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 ^\ 500 500 500 1,000 224 10 350 426 17 600 750 750 268 372 400 545 300 350 450 500 500 400 250 650 341 431 200 250 300 500 500 96 108 90 417 203 437 500 500 454 9 15 3 O O 10 12 11 4 O 15 10 O se. s. 57,590 6 2,500 1,001 7 2^100 1,586 7 1,600 2,773 2 1,550 711 16 2,095 10 73,508 10 d. O ' 10 168 SET HI. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. BILLS PAYABLE. (2) I8I7. Julj 10 7 8 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 13 13 13 16 12 12 16 17 17 16 11 To Sundry, for Bills unpaid, relinquished under the Deed of Composition, viz. To Hilton & Co. Leeds. ... Taylor & Co London . , R. Selkuk, Wakefield S. Marsh, Leeds Welch &Co Ditto T. Bruce, , Huddersfield . Gill & Co Wakefield Halset & Co Leeds , Bandor & Co Ditto F. Denton, Ditto . Marmot & Co London T. Newton, Sherburne . . . B. Wallis, Leeds C. Follet, Liverpool . . . Holt & Co Huddersfield. Robert Millar, London .... L. Bruce, Huddersfield Pindar & Sons, Leeds Benson & Co Ditto . Clifford & Co. Bankers, Wakefield Horton & Co, Ditto. . . Leeds . . . ^ £. 2,520 16 2,135 6 1,795 17 6 1,440 19 4 1,546 2 6 1,681 7 6 1,182 11 1,862 12 700 450 247 2 10 108 239 5 417 9 1,075 7 9 765 7 6 462 11 6 659 10 987 8 6 2,150 14,950 37,377 ]3 11 BILLS PAYABLE. 169 (2) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. Mar. 31 By Balance 13 d. 11 37,377 13 11 170 SET III. — MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. BILLS PAYABLE. (3) Fo I817. July 10 17 Drawn On and Accepted By To Peter Grant, London, Nos. 413 to 438j due Sep. 13, 1817 £ 27,218 9 BILLS PAYABLE. 171 (3) PER CONTRA. Cr. Fo. Order of. No. Date &: Term. Due. £. 8,970 1,602 1,581 1,188 1,327 1,056 1,474 1,538 2,305 699 277 33 298 162 72 105 1.290 436 64 148 143 349 645 459 592 395 s. 9 3 9 3 19 13 18 2 3 10 d. 1817. July 10 11 7 8 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 16 14 11 12 13 14 16 10 13 13 13 16 12 12 17 17 By Horton & Co 413 414 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 I8I7. July 10 2 m. I817. Sep. 13 Hilton & Co 7 Tavlor & Co . ... 7 R Selkirk 5 S Marsh . ... 7 . Welch & Co 1 T Bruce 1 Gill & Co 1 . Halset & Co 5 Bandor & Co 11 D Carew 7 12 13 16 5 11 4 4 9 14 6 T. Rogers . . ....... Robert Smith . . , , . . . Gartli & Co Clifford & Co i ...... . F Denton < 5 T Newton . ...... . . , . Marmot & Co B Wallis ^ 8 C. Follet 6 . . . Holt & Co 8 Robert Millar .... Benson & Co, .... Pindar & Sons . 6 2 £ 27,218 9 9 Z 2 17^ SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. INDEX TO THE I G Folio i Folio I Gomes and Co .... Cadiz 4 j Goodwin and Co. . . London 5 Green, S Liverpool 7 Gill and Co Wakefield 9 Garth and Co Leeds 14 Grant, Peter, London \^ B Braga and Co Lisbon , Bmce, T Huddersfield , Bandor and Co. . . Leeds ..>.., Belson, J Leeds Bmce, L Bradford . . . , Benson and Co. . . Leeds 4 9 10 14 16 17 H Hilton and Co Leeds 7 Halset and Co Leeds 9 Horton and Co Leeds 11 Holt and Co Huddersfield 12 Carew, D Bradford . , Clifford and Co. Wakefield 11 16 D K Dwelling-house Denton, F Leeds 3 10 E Loss F Furniture Field and Co Huddersfield Follet, C. ....... Liverpool . . . Fairfax and Co. . . Glasgow . . . . 3 16 16 6 M Manufactory and Warehouses 3 Machinery and Utensils 3 Melville, (Sales Account) Henry, London. . 4 Melville, (Cash Account) Henry, London.. 6 Merlin, T London. . 5 Marsh, S Leeds ... 8 Millar, Robert London. . 12 Marmot and Co London. . 13 Manson and Co Leeds ... 14 Merton, E Leeds ... 15 Morgan, S Leeds ... 15 LEDGER. 17^ LEDGER. N Folio Nield and Co Liverpool 5 Newton, T Sherburne 13 o Private Account Plane, J Leeds Peters and Co Leeds Pindar and Sons, . . Leeds Profit 1 15 15 17 2 R "Rogers, T Leeds. . . . Ranger and Co Liverpool, 12 14 s Stock Shop Selkirk, R Wakefield Smith, Robert, . . Hull 3 ; 13 Taylor and Co London 8, u Folio Welch and Co Wilson, B. . . WaUis, B w Leeds 8 Gibraltar l2^ Leeds 13 X 174> SET III. manufacturer's BOOKS. Dr. STOCK. (1) I817. March 31 31 March 3 1 July 11 11 To Private Account To Loss To Balance To Private Account To Balance Dr. PRIVATE ACCOUNT. £. s. d. 147 12 10 25,131 25,279 13 6 6 4 6,667 9 200 10,616 2 6 17,483 3 3 18 17. March 4 10 12 14 17 19 20 24 July 11 To Cash, T. Gore To Cash, S. GUI To Cash, Wife To Cash, .... J. Brown To Cash, Pocket Money To Cash, .... Hopson and Co To Cash, Bell and Co To Cash, .... Grant and Co To Cash, .... Expenses since 3 1 March 14 15 10 12 5 14 17 57 147 12 6 13 5 7 12 16 12 6 o 6 o 4 O 6 10 200 LEDGER. 175 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817- February 28 March 31 July 1 1' July 11 By Balance By Balance -. By Profit By Balance PER CONTRA By Stock s. s. 18,612 5 Qmi 6 25,279 d. 7 9 17,483 17,483 10,616 Cr. I8I7. March 30 July 11 By Stock 147 12 10 147 12 10 200 176 SET III. manufacturer's BOOKS. Dr. PROFIT. (2) 181/. March 31 2 2 1 To Transfer to Loss £. 2,149 662 17,483 s. 1 9 3 d. 2 July 11 11 To Transfer from Loss 11 To Stock 3 20,294 14 4 Dr. LOSS. 1817. March 10 A2 15 5 20 A3 29 4 29 Al 30 A4 July 10 1 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 7 11 14 To Consignment to Gomes and Co To Nield and Co. Composition Abatement , To Consignment to Braga and Co To Brag^ and Co. Difference of Exchange To Consignment to Henry Melville To Cochineal per Fernando To Cash, Deed of Composition, &c » To Goodwin and Co, . . Discount To T. Merlin Ditto To Fairfax and Co» ... Ditto To S. Green, Ditto To Manson and Co* . >. Return of Composition Abatement 515 7 1 13,854 6 10,833 15 2 22 4 6 1,651 18 4 403 3 7 27,280 14 8 55 10 6 188 3 2 34 5 5 171 15 190 15 10 22 662 9 11 LEDGER. 177 (2) PER CONTRA. Cr. I8I7. March 31 , July 10 5 A6 By Merchandise By Composition 2,149 18,145 s. 1 13 20,294 14 PER CONTRA. Cr. I8I7. March 31 31 2 By Transfer from Profit 1 By Stock JiJy 1 1 By Transfer to Profit 2 A 2,149 25,131 1 13 27,280 14 S 662 662 11 11 17« SET. III.- MANUFACTURER S. BOOKS. Dr. MANUFACTORY (3) I8I7. February 28 To Balance 6,500 d. o Dr. MACHINERY I817. February 28 To Balance 1,500 Dr. DWELLING HOUSE. I8I7. February 28 To Balance 2,200 Dr. FURNITURE. I817. February 28 To Balance 600 Dr. SHOP. 1817. Febi-uary 28 Mai'ch 30 5 To Balance 367 183 13 .9 2 4. To Goods this Month n To Balance . . 551 9 March 31 3S5 1 1 4 i 3 i ^ t LEDGER. 170 (3) AND WAREHOUSES. Cr. I817. Jul/ 10 17 By Peter Grant, Transfer £. 6,500 s. AND UTENSILS. Cr. I817. July 10 ! 17 By Peter Grant, Transfer i,500 PER CONTRA. Cr. I8I7. July 10 17 By Peter Grant, Transfer 2,200 PER CONTRA. Cr. PER CONTRA. 1817. March 30 31 By Cash from S.Jones By Balance 165 385 551 18 4 2 A 2 180 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Drs, GOMES AND CO. (4) 1817. Februaiy 28 March 10 A2 Rials Plate. Qs. Exch. To Balance 60,708 14 at SQd. To Net Proceeds of 16 Bales Woollens 1 15,583 O at 36d. Rte. . 176,291 14 £. 5. d.. 1,138 5 10 2,167 3 7 3,305 9 5 Drs. BRAGA AND CO. 1817. March 20 A3 Mil-reas. Exch. To Net Proceeds of 150 Bales Woollens . . 67,444. 29O at 57d. Rs. . . 67,444. 290 16,018 16,018 Dr. HENRY MELVILLE, LONDON, 1817. February 28 March 29 Al To Balance To Net Proceeds of 35 Bales Woollens 1,318 4,145 5,464 15 12 LEDGER. 181 (4) 1817- March 15 X8 A4 1 CADIZ. Rials PI. Qs. Exch. By Cochineal, per Fernando 151,715 at 36d. By Bills Receivable 24,576 14 at 36d. Crs. Rte, . 176,291 14. 2,844 460 s. 13 16 3,305 d. 1 4 LISBON. Crs. 1817. March 3 1 8 1 15 1 22 1 29 2 29 2 Mil-Reas. Exch. By Bills Receivable l6,842. 105 at 5y d. By Bills Receivable 25,374. 450 at 56^. By Bills Receivable 11,458.900 at S^^d. By Bills Receivable 7,419.385 at 56|rf. By Bills Receivable 6,349. 450 at 57 d. By Loss, Difference of Exchange Rs. . 67,444. 290. 4,000 6,000 2,733 1,754 1,507 22 8 7 19 4 16,018 SALES ACCOUNT. Cr. I817. March 5 29 30 6 A 1 6 By Cashier's Account, Transfer By Discount on Sales By Cashier's Account, Transfer 1,318 207 3,938 5,464 15 5 6 6 6 10 6 182 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Drs. NIELD AND CO. (5) I8I7. Febmaiy 28 To Balance 18,472 18,472 d. Drs. GOODWIN AND CO. I817. February 28 Mai'ch 4 12 March 31 To Balance To (roods . To (roods To Balance 2,384 1,245 1,560 5,190 12 9 17 19 3,763 10 2 3 I Dr. T. MERLIN. I817. February 28 March 6 March 31 To Balance To Goods . To Balance 1,652 685 10 8 2,337 18 685 LEDGER. 188 (5) LIVERPOOL. Crs. 1817. March 4 15 1 2 By Bills Receivable 4,618 13,854 s. 1 6 d. By Loss abated by Composition, y5 per Cent 18,472 8 LONDON. Crs. 1817. March 3 1 1 2 2 By Bills Receivable , 727 700 3,763 16 3 13 By Bills Receivable 31 By Balance By Discount Transfer to Loss 5,190 19 July 10 10 188 3,574 3 19 2 10 By Bills Receivable 3,763 3 *, LONDON. Cr. 1817. March 4 1 1 2 2 By Discount 82 \,56g 685 12 17 8 fi 4 By Bills Receivable 10 31 By Balance i . . I By Discount. Transfer to Loss 2,337 18 5 July 10 10 34 651 5 2 5 By Bills Receivable . . ...... « 685 8 1 - 184 SET III. — MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Drs. FAIRFAX AND CO. 0) 1817. Febaiary 28 March 1 1 2 5 To Balance 1,836 835 1,011 .y. 17 11 7 d. 6 To Goods 9 9 26 To Goods To Balance 3,083 17 March 3 1 3,435 1 Dr. HENRY MELVILLE, LONDON. I817. February 28 March 3 4 5 6 8 11 13 15 18 22 25 27 29 30 March 31 To Balance To Bills Receivable To Bills Receivable , To Sales Account, Transfer To Bills Receivable , To Bills Receivable To Bills Receivable To Bills Receivable To Bills Receivable To Bills Receivable To Bills Receivable To Bills Receivable To Bills Receivable To Bills Receivable To Sales Account, Transfer To Balance 752 10 4,727 16 6,187 19 1,318 15 1,500 6,000 1,522 7 948 16 2,733 8 1,410 16 1,754 7 1,000 1,397 18 2,273 10 3,938 6 37,466 11 8O7 2 o 10 3 O 6 O 6 4 6 6 1 5 II LEDGER. 185 (6) GLASGOW. Crs. 1817. March 13 31 1 2 2 By Bills Receivable ... 248 3,435 s. 16 1 d. By Balance ...« • By Discount, Transfer to Loss . 3,683 17 July 10 10 171 3,2()3 15 6 By Bills Receivable 3,435 1 CASHIER'S ACCOUNT. Cr. 1817- March 3 G 10 13 15 17 19 22 24 V 29 30 31 July 10 17 By Bills Payable due this day. By Bills Payable ditto By Bills Payable ditto. . . . By Bills Payable ditto. . . . By Bills Payable ditto By Bills Payable ditto By Bills Payable ditto By Bills Payable ditto . . . By Bills Payable ditto. . . - By Bills Payable ditto By Bills Payable ditto By Discounts, &c By Balance By Peter Grant, Transfer 3,726 12 2,273 18 3,810 5 4,354 10 3,583 8 3,500 3,756 2 2,500 3,750 3,050 10 1,825 10 528 12 8O7 2 37,466 U 807 2 6 o o o o 10 o 4 O 6 9 11 2 B 186 SET HI. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. S. GREEN, (D 1817. Febmary 28 March 8 1 3 Xo Balance . . 1,542 642 1,630 s. 8 13 13 d. 9 10 To Goods 14 To Goods . .*. 5 To Balance 3,815 16 March 3 1 3,815 16 Drs. HILTON AND CO, 1S17. March 4 ] 18 1 25 1 31 July 10 A6 10 3 To Bills Payable To Bills Payable , To Bills Payable To Balance To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To BiUs Payable • 224 10 650 500 150 1,524 10 1,068 6 5 1,602 9 7 2,670 16 Dr. R. SELKIRK, 1817. TVTarrh .'5 1 1 A6 3 To BiUs Payable 426 341 184 i; 10 18 6 3 18 To Bills Payable 31 To Balance r To Composition, 40 per Cent. To Bills Payable t abated 953 5 9 July 10 10 79^ 1,188 6 9 4 5 1,980 15 9 LEDGER. 187 (7) LIVERPOOL. Cr. I817. March 31 July 10 10 By Balance By Discount Transfer to Loss By Bills Receivable LEEDS. 3,815 d. O 190 3,6^5 15 10 2 3,815 16 Crs. I817. February 28 March 3 1 July 10 By Balance By Balance By Bills Payable, given up WAKEFIELD. 1,524 10 150 2,520 2,670 O 16 16 Gr. I8I7. February 28 March 31 July 10 By Balance By Balance By Bills Payable, given up 2 B 2 953 184 1.795 1,980 18 17 15 188 SET III. — MANUFACTURER*S BOOKS. Drs. TAYLOR AND CO. (8) I817 March 5 1 16 1 15 1 31 July 10 K6 10 3 To Bills Payable To BiUs Payable To Bills Payable To Balance To Composi^tion, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 350 431 500 500 1,781 1,05-J 1,.'581 2,635 O 12 O 12 Dr. S. MARSH, I817 7. March 11 1 18 1 31 July 10 A6 10 3 To Bills Payable To Bills Payable To Balance To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable , 268 200 771 1,239 884 1,327 2,211 15 i 19 Drs. WELCH AND CO. I817. March 11 25 31 July 10 10 A6 3 To Bills Payable To Bills Payable To Balance To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 372 454 215 1,042 704 1,056 1,761 15 15 9 19 12 19 11 9 1 10 ^ LEDGER. 189 (8) LONDON. Crs. 1817. February 28 2 By Balance 1,781 s. 12 d. By Balance ... , 1,781 12 Maich 31 July 10 .500 2,135 6 By Bills Payable, given up 2,635 6 LEEDS. Cr, 1817. By Balance 468 771 9 February 28 March 3 1 A By Wool By Balance 2 1,239 9 4 IVTarr-h ^ 1 771 1,440 19 n July 10 By Bills Payable, given up A 2,211 19 4 LEEDS. Crs. 817. February 28 March 5 1 March 31 July 10 2 By Balance By Wool . By Balance By Bills Payable, given up 827 215 215 1,546 1,761 10 9 1,042 19 4 11 4 6 10 190 SET. III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. T. BRUCE. (9) I817. March 12 31 July 10 10 A 6 3 To Bills Payable To Balance To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 400 776 1,176 983 1,474 2,457 2 13 15 Drs. GILL AND CO. 1817. March 12 1 A6 3 To Bills Payable 545 1,382 3 5 31 To Balance 9 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated 1.927 8 9 July 10 10 1,025 1,538 18 18 R To Bills Payable 1 2,564 16 9 Drs. HALSET AND CO. I8I7. TVTarch 1 8 1 A4 A6 3 To Bills Payable 500 1,461 1.979 5 24 To Cochineal • ^1 To Balance ..• ... . ............ 5 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated 3,940 5 5 July 10 10 1,536 2,305 15 2 To Bills Payable 5 3,841 17 5 LEDGER. 191 (9) HUDDERSFIELD. Cr. 1817. February 28 March 7 1 March 31 July 10 2 By Balance By Wool By Balance By BiUs Payable, given up 765 410 s. 13 14 d. 7 1,176 7 7 776 1,681 7 7 7 6 2,457 15 1 WAKEFIELD. Crs. I817. February 28 March 10 March 31 July 10 By Balance By Wool By Balance By Bills Payable, given up 1,045 882 1,927 1,382 1,182 2,564 5 11 16 LEEDS. Crs. 1817. February 28 March 30 5 2 By Balance 2,804 1,135 8 16 8 By Dyingf Q By Balance * 3,940 5 5 March 31 1,979 1,862 5 12 5 July 10 By Bills Payable, given u «... •• 3,841 17 5 192 SET. III. manufacturer's BOOKS Drs. BANDOR AND CO. (10) 1817.' March 18 31 1 A6 3 To Bills Payable 400 465 s. 5 d. To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated 865 5 July 10 10 466 699 2 3 To Bills Payable 1,165 5 Dr. F. DENTON. I817. March 18 31 July 10 10 A6 3 To Bills Payable ■ To Balance t To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 250 277 52/ 291 436 727 O 15 15 2 13 15 LEDGER. 193 (10) 1317. Februaiy 28 March 30 LEEDS. MaichSl July JO By Balance By Mill-wright's Work . . By Balance By Bills Payable, given up Crs. 637 227 865 465 700 ],165 15 10 O o LEEDS. Cr. I6i7. February 28 March 30 March 31 July 10 By Balance By Cards By Balance By Bills Payable, given up 391 136 527 277 450 727 15 15 15 O 15 2 C 194 SET III. manufacturer's BOOKS Drs. HORTON AND CO. (H) 181 7. March 4 11 18 25 30 July 10 10 A6 3 To Bills Payable To Bills Payable To Bills Payable To Bills Payable To Cash To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 2,500 2,100 1,600 1,550 69 7,819 5,980 8,970 14,950 s. 1 O 9 d. o 4 Dr. D. CAREW, I817. July 10 10 A6 3 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 198 298 497 18 7 4 6 10 LEDGER. 19o (11) BANKERS, LEEDS. Crs. 1817. February 28 March 4 6 11 11 18 18 24 25 25 30 July 10 By Balance By Cash By Bills Receivable By Bills Receivable By Cash By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash, Check to Grant and Co By Cash By Bills Receivable , By Interest and Charges By Bills Payable, given up 500 500 1,500 1,522 600 600 950 57 550 1,000 39 7.819 14,950 o o 7 o o o 16 5 d. o o o 6 o o o 6 o 4 BRADFORD. Cr. I817. March 11 By Wool 2 c 2 19() SET III. manufacturer's BOOKS. Dr. T. ROGERS, (12) 1817. July 10 10 A6 3 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated .. . • ~ 108 162 s. 8 12 d. To Bills Payable 7 . 271 1 Drs. HOLT AND CO. 1817. March 25 1 A6 3 To Bills Payable 203 11 3 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated July 10 10 430 645 3 4 1 8 To Bills Payable 1,075 7 9 Dr. ROBERT MILLAR, 1817. March 25 I 3 A6 To Bills Payable 437 4 n To Bills Payable July 10 10 459 306 4 3 6 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated 765 7 6 Dr. B. WILSON, LEDGER. 197 (12) LEEDS. Cr. I817. March 3 By Rape OA 271 HUDDERSFIELD. Cts. 1817. March 12 3 July 10 2 By Wool By Bills Payable, given up 203 1,075 11 LONDON. Cr. I8I7 r March 4 I July 10 2 By Olive Oil By Bills Payable, given up 437 ^^5 GIBRALTAR. Cr. I8I7. July 10 By Bills Receivable, my Draft 1,000 198 SET III. — MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. ROBERT SMITH, (13) I8I7. July 10 10 A6 3 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 48 72 120 s. d. o Drs. MARMOT AND CO. I817. March 25 July 10 10 A6 3 To Bills Payable To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 9Q 98 148 247 17 5 2 10 2 8 10 Dr, T. NEWTON, 1817. March 25 1 A6 3 To Bills Payable 108 July 10 10 43 64 4 16 To Bills Payable « 108 Dr. B. WALLIS, 1817. March 25 1 July 10 10 A6 3 90 t. abated » 95 143 14 11 239 5 To Bills Payable To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable LEDGER. 199 (13) I8I7, March 5 HULL. By Fullers' Earth LONDON. up SHERBURNE, P LEEDS. Cr. 120 d. j Crs. 1817. March 7 2 2 By Soap 9Q 7 10 July 10 By Bills Payable, given up ' 247 2 in Cr. 1817. March 7 1 2 By Teazles 108 By Bills Payable, given up July 10 108 » Cr. 1817: March 8 2 2 • ■ By Sizing Bv Bills Pavable. eriven un 90 -« — 5 July 10 239 • 200 SET III. — MANUFACTURERS BOOKS. Drs. RANGER AND CO. (14) I8I7. March 24 To Goods J. BELSON, GARTH AND CO. To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated . . . . To BiUs Payable MANSON AND CO. To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated . , . . To BiUs Payable To Cash 827 11 d. 8 Dr. 1817. March 30 5 1 To Discount 1 33 15 5 30 To Cash 35 Drs. I817. July 10 10 A6 3 70 105 175 Drs. I817. July 10 10 1) A(5 3 1 22 33 22 LEDGER. 201 (14) LIVERPOOL, Crs I8I7. March 2Q 29 By Discount ..... By Bills Receivable 62 765 827 1 10 11 LEEDS. Cr. I817. March 11 By Ropes 35 LEEDS Crs. 18 17. March 10 2 By Canvas, &c. 175 LEEDS. Crs. I8I7. March 12 July 11 By Paper . . By Loss, Return of Composition Abatement 55 22 77" 2 r> 202 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS Dr. J. PLANE, (15) I817. March 22 Dr. Dr. To Cash S. MORGAN, E. MERTON, To Cochineal 15 d. O 1817. 5 ] To T)i<;pnnnt • ... . 1 25 6 5 Q •^o To Cash 10 26 12 6 1817. Maich 25 A4 Dr*. PETERS AND CO. I817. March 30 30 1,471 10 2 54 17 11 •5 To Cash '•• 3 - 57 8 8 LEDGER. 20a (15) LEEDS. Cr. I8I7. March 13 By Boards LEEDS By Healds and Slays LEEDS. By Discount By Bills Receivable LEEDS. By Carriage £. 15 d. I817. March 30 Cr. 26 12 Cr. ISI7. March 27 27 A4 2 73 1.397 1,47] 11 18 10 Crs. 1817- March 30 2 D 2 ^04 SET III. — MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Drs. FIELD AND CO. (16) 1817. March 30 5 1 To Discount 2 42 5 15 d. 30 To Cash 45 Dr. C. FOLLET, I817 March 25 31 July 10 10 1 I To Bills Payable To Balance . . . . A6 3 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 417 165 583 9 15 233 349 o83 5 18 Drs. CLIFFORD AND CO. 1817. July 10 10 A6 3 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated 860 1,290 ,0 To Bills Payable 2,150 Dr. L. BRUCE. I817. July 10 10 A6 3 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable lo5 277 462 10 11 7 11 LEDGER. ^205 (16) HUDDERSFIELD. By Coals LIVERPOOL. il per Fernando 5 per Mary .... ip • • • • WAKEFIELD, BANKERS. By Bills Payable, given up f BRADFORD. By Bills Payable, giv:en up Crs. I8I7. March 30 45 Cr. 1817. March 17 18 A4 A5 2 By Charges on Cochineal per Fernando 4J7 165 9 15 By Charges on Woollens per Mary 1 By Balance 583 4 1 March 31 lCi5 417 15 9 1 July 10 By Bills Payable, given up 1 583 4 1 Crs. I817. July 10 2,150 O i I Or. I8I7. July 10 206 SET III. — manufacturer's BOOKS. Drs. BENSON AND CO. (17) I817. July 10 10 AQ 3 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 592 987 19 9 Drs. PINDAR AND SONS, I8I7. July 10 10 A6 3 To Composition, 40 per Cent, abated To Bills Payable 263 395 659 16 14 10 Dr. PETER GRANT, I817. July 10 10 10 10 10 II To Dwelling House, Transfer To Manufactory and Warehouse, Ditto To Machinery and Utensils, .... Ditto . To Henry Melville Ditto . T'^ Bills Receivable To Balance 2,200 6,500 1,500 SO7 12,114 4,096 27,218 o 2 8 18 LEDGER. 207 (17) LEEDS. Crs. 1817. July 10 2 By Bills Payable . . 987, s. 8 d. 6 J LEEDS. Crs. 1817. July 10 2 By Bills Payable • 659 10 LONDON. Cr. 1817. July 10 3 By Bills Payable 27,218 9 q By Balance, his Loan * 27,218 9 9 July 1 1 4,096 18 4 " - €08 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. INVENTORY. (1) I817. Febraary 28 Valuation of Goods on hand. Pks. SCO. lb. £. s. d. 22 8 15 A Wool .' at^l6. .363 13 4 24 3 10 B Wool 24. . 583 O O 18 7 16 C Wool 35. . 652 15 15 6 8 D Wool 50. . 77(i 3 4 Total 81 2 g Wool. ^57 Gallons Rape Oil at . . 3j. 128 11 472 Ditto. . Olive Oil at . . 8s. 188 16 O 10 Tons Fuller's Earth at t. 4. . 40 O () 5 Cwt. Mottled Soap at 5.. 25 O O 5 Ditto Jirown Ditto at 4. . 20 O 4 Packs Teazles at 10. . 40 O O 5 Packs Sizing at 6. . 30 O O Manufactured Goods. 46 Pieces 24 Pieces 24 Pieces 38 Pieces lU Pieces 10 Pieces 10 Pieces 14 I ieces I'ieces Piece- Pieces Pieces 12 6 26 10 Cloths Ditto Ditto Diito Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto iVitto Ditto Ditto A Raw White at £ 9 A Dark Blue . . . Unfinished. . . at 11 A Ditto Finished. . . . B Raw White H Dark Blue . . . Unfinished. . B P-rown ... . Ditto B Black Ditto B Dark Blue . . . Finished . . . B Browa Ditto B BJack Ditto C Raw White at C Dark Blue . . . Unfinished. . . at at at at at , at .at , at , at Goods in all Stages of Process, averaged at the Middle Stage. 78 Pieces Cloths A 50 yards each at £7. . 546 102 Pieces Ditto B 50 yards each at 9. . 9I 8 O O 60 Pieces Ditto C 50 yard^ each at 12. . 720 O O 51 Pieces Ditto D 50 yards each at 16. . 8I6 O 39 Pieces Casimirs L 50 yards each at £3. .117 O O 87 Pieces Ditto M 50 yards each at 4 . 348 39 P.eces Ditto N 50 yards each at 6. . 234 21 Pieces Ditto O 50 yards each at 8. . l6S O 477 Pieces. .414 O O . 264 O .288 O O .418 O . 130 O O I'iO O O . 120 O 336 O .156 O . 78 . 364 O .160 O O 240 Pieces Carried forward £ 2,848 O £. 2,375 11 472 3,000 867 o 6,714 18 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. 209 (2) INVENTORY. I817. February 28 240 Pieces Brought forward ^2,848 O O 12 Pieces 10 Pieces 10 Pieces 32 Pieces 10 Pieces 10 Pieces 22 Pieces 10 Pieces 12 Pieces 22 Pieces 10 Pieces 20 Pieces 10 Pieces 10 Pieces 22 Pieces 8 Pieces 8 Pieces 8 Pieces 2 Pieces 14 Pieces Pieces Pieces Pieces Pieces Cloths Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto C Brown Unfinished. . at ^15. . 180 O C Black Ditto at C Scarlet Ditto at D Raw White at D Dark Blue . . Unfinished. . at D Scarlet Ditto at 15. .150 19.. 190 18.. 576 O 21.. 210 O O 24 .240 O O Casimirs L Raw White at ^ 4. Ditto L Brown Unfinished, .at 5. Ditto L Dark Blue . . Ditto at Ditto M Raw White at Ditto M Brown Unfinished, . at Ditto M Black Ditto at Ditto M Daik Blue . . Ditto at Ditto M Scarlet Ditto at Ditto N Raw White at Ditto N Black Finished. ... at Ditto N Brown Ditto at Ditto N Dark Blue . .Ditto at Ditto N Scarlet ..... Ditto at Ditto O Raw White at Ditto O Black Finished at Ditto O Dark Blue . Ditto at Ditto O Brown Ditto at Ditto O Scarlet Ditto at 8. 7. 9. 9. 10. 11. 9 11 12. 11 13, 524 Pieces. 60 Pieces Canvas at 305, 120 Pieces Tilleting at 25s. 50 Ropes «. at 8s. 20 Reams Paper at 60^, 40 Dozen Boards at 6s. 10 Dozen Band . . at 205. 88 O 50 O O 6.. 72 O 5. ,110 6.. 60 O 6.. 120 O 7.. 70 O 80 O 154 O O 72 O 72 O 80 22 O 126 O 33 72 99 52 90 150 20 60 12 10 O O O Entered Merchandise, fo. 1 Total s£ 6,714 4,394 18 1,432 d. 342 12,882 18 PROOF OF THE STOCK OF PIECES. 477 Pieces in Process. 524 Ditto. , . . Manufactured. Sum 1,001 Pieces. Extreme Manufacture Number. 1,801 Extreme Sale Number 800 Pieces 1,001 Difference. 2 fi ^210 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. Dr. THE ESTATE OF (3) B P 1 h 7 L 7 L 8 L 8 L 8 L 9 L 9 L 9 L 10 L 10 L 11 28th February 181/. To Bills Payable, Amount outstanding To Hilton & Co. Leeds, Balance due to them To R. Selkirk, Wakefield, Ditto . . due to him . . To Taylor & Co. London, Ditto . . due to them To S. Marsh, Leeds, . . Ditto . . due to him . To Welch & Co Ditto . . due to them To T. Bruce, Huddersfield, Ditto . . due to him . To Gill & Co. Wakefield, Ditto , . due to them To Halset & Co. . Leeds Ditto . . ditto To Bandor & Co. Ditto Ditto . . ditto To F. Denton,. . . Ditto Ditto , . due to him . To Horton & Co. Ditto Ditto . . due to them To Stock, my Net Capital 57,590 1,524 953 1,781 468 827 765 1,045 2,804 637 391 500 69,289 18,612 87,902 6 10 5 9 10 13 3 8 15 O 14 5 d. 8 O 9 12 1 TNVKNTORY. ^11 (3) JOHN HENDERSON, LEEDS. Cr. c 1 M 1 A 1 A 2 A 3 L 3 L 3 L 3 L 3 L 3 L 4 L 4 L 5 L 5 L 5 L 6 L 7 L 6 28th February I8I7. By Cash, Balance in hand By Merchandise, as per Valuation By Consignment to Henry Melville, London By Consignment to Gomes & Co. Cadiz By Consignment to Braga & Co. Lisbon By Manufactory and "Warehouses, Value By Machinery and Utensils, Ditto '. . . By Shop, Goods and Debts By DweUing House, Value By Furniture, Ditto By Gomes and Co. Cadiz, Balance due from them By Henry Melville, London, ..... Balance of Sales By Nield & Co. Liverpool, Balance due from them , By Goodwin & Co London, Ditto. . . . ditto. . . ditto , By T. Merlin, London Ditto ditto. . . him . By Fairfax & Co. Glasgow, Ditto. •. . .ditto. . . them , By S. Green, Liverpool, Ditto, . , . ditto. . . him By Henry Melville, London, Balance of Cash ...... £ £. s. d. 1,071 4 10 12,882 18 8 3,947 9 8 2,682 10 8 26,851 15 6 6,500 1,500 367 13 4 2,200 800 1,138 5 10 1,318 15 3 18,472 8 2,384 12 1,652 10 4 1,836 17 6 1,542 8 9 752 10 87,902 4 2 ft 2 212 SET III. manufacturer's BOOKS. INVENTORY. (4) I8I7. March 31 Valuation of Goods on hand. Pks. SCO. lbs. £. s. d. 12 7 10 Wool A at ^15.. 189 7 6 14 8 6 Ditto B at 22. . 323 4 4 17 4 4 Ditto C at 33.. 572 11 8 8 11 Ditto D at 48. . 418 4 Total 53 4 11 Wool. 1,254 Gallons Rape Oil at 3j. . . 188 2 783 Gallons Olive Ditto at 8j. . . 313 4 35 Tons Fullers' Earth at £A. . . 140 O O 8 Cwt. Brown Soap at 90*. . . 36 O 7 Ditto Mottled Soap at 105*. . 36 15 O 8 Packs Teazles at ^9. . . 72 O 15 Ditto Sizing at 5, . . 7-5 26 Pieces 15 Pieces 12 Pieces 28 Pieces 30 Pieces 27 Pieces 29 Pieces 18 Pieces 15 Pieces 5 Pieces 14 Pieces 8 Pieces 12 Pieces 9 Pieces 4 Pieces 14 Pieces Manufactured Goods. Cloths, A Raw at ^ 9. Ditto, A Brown.. . . Unfinished ... at 10. Ditto, A Dark Blue. Ditto at 11. Ditto, A Black Ditto at 10. Ditto, B Raw at 11. Ditto, B Dark Blue. Unfinished ... at 13. Ditto, B Brown. . . .Finished at 13. Ditto, C Raw at 14. Ditto, C Dark Blue. Unfinished ... at 16. Ditto, C Black Ditto at 15. Ditto, C Brown. . . . Finished at 16. Ditto, C Scarlet Ditto at 19. Ditto, D Raw at 18. Ditto, D Dark Blue. Unfinished ... at 21 . Ditto, D Black Ditto at 20. Ditto, D Scarlet Finished at 25 . 234 150 132 280 330 351 .377 252 ,240 75 224 152 216 189 , 80 350 Goods in all Stages of Process, averaged at the Middle Stage. 86 Pieces Cloths, each 50 yards, A at ^ 7. . . 602 95 Pieces Ditto, each 50 ditto, B at 9. . . 855 O 52 Pieces Ditto, each 50 ditto, C at 12. . . 624 O 48 Pieces Ditto, each 50 ditto, D at 16. . . 768 O O 39 Pieces Casimirs, each 50 yards, L at a^ 3. . . 1 17 O 85 Pieces Ditto, each 50 ditto, M at 4. . . 340 34 Pieces Ditto, each 50 ditto, N at 6. ..204 O 20 P ieces Ditto, each 50 ditto, O at 8. . . 160 O O 459 O O O O O O o O O a 266 Pieces. Carried forward £ £. 1,503 10 861 2,849 821 3,632 9,666 10 SET III. MANUFACTURER S BOOKS. 213 (5) INVENTORY. 1817. £. s. d. March 31 2f6G Pieces . Brought forward 9,6'66 7 10 20 Pieces Casimirs L Raw at ^''4. 80 12 Pieces ])itto L Dark Blue. . Finished . . . at 6. . 72 12 Pieces Ditto L Brown Unfinished . . at 5. . 60 26 Pieces Ditto M Raw 1. . . at 5. . 130 12 I'ieces Ditto M Dark Blue . . Unfinished . . at 7. . 84 14 Pieces Ditto M Brown Ditto at 6. . 84 4 Pieces Ditto M Black .... Ditto at 6. . 24 10' Pieces Ditto M Dark Blue . . Finished at 8. .128 12 Pieces Ditto M Scarlet Ditto at 10. .120 16" Pieces Ditto N Raw at 7. 112 . 88 11 Pieces Ditto N Black Unfinished . . at 8. 6 Pieces Ditto N Scarlet .Ditto at 10. . 60 7 Pieces Ditto N Dark Blue. .. Finished 10. . 70 6 Pieces Ditto O Raw at 9. 54 3 Pieces Ditto O Black Unfinished . . at 10. . 30 3 Pieces Ditto O Scarlet Ditto at 12. 36 6 Pieces Ditto* O Dark Blue. . . Finished at 12. 72 452 Pieces 1,304 204 ..60 ..87 .. 7 . 6 .24 . . 10 .. 9 10 10 40 Pieces Canvas at 30s. . 70 Pieces Tilleting at 25s. . 30 Ropes at 5s.. 6 Dozen Band at 20^. . 8 Reams Lapping Paper at 60s. . . 400 lbs. Rope Paper at 6d. . 30 Dozen Boards .at 6s . . Entered Merchandise, fo. 5 Total ,£ 11,174 7 10 PROOF OF THE STOCK OF PIECES. 459 Pieces in Process. 452 1 )itto. . . . Manufactured. Sum 911 Pieces. Extreme Manufacture Number. 2,473 Extreme Sale Number 1,562 Pieces 91I Difference. 214 SET III. — MANUFACTURERS BOOKS. Dr. THE ESTATE OF (6) p 2 L 7 L 7 L 8 L 8 L 8 L 9 L 9 L 9 L 10 L 10 L 11 L 12 L 13 L 14 L 14 L 16 31st March I8I7. To Bills Payable Amount outstanding. To Hilton & Co Leeds Balance due to them To R, Selkirk, Wakefield Ditto to him. . To Taylor & Co London Ditto to them To S. Marsh,. . . . Leeds . ^ Ditto to him. . To Welch & Co, Ditto Ditto 1 to them To T. Bruce, Huddersfield Ditto to him. . To GiU & Co Wakefield Ditto to them To Halset & Co. Leeds Ditto to them To Bandor & Co. Ditto Ditto to them To F. Denton, . . Ditto Ditto to him. . To D. Carew, Bradft)rd Ditto to him. . To T. Rogers, Leeds Ditto to him. . To Robert Smith, Hull Ditto to him. . To Garth & Co. Leeds Ditto to them To Manson& Co.Ditto Ditto to them To C. Follet, Liverpool Ditto to him . . £ ^7,V7 13 11 1.50 184 18 3 500 771 215 9 4 77Q 7 7 1,382 5 9 1.979 5 5 465 5 177 15 9 497 5 10 271 1 120 175 55 165 15 1 45,364 2 11 d. Dr. THE ESTATE OF 12 17 1 nth Jvdy I817. 1,000 4,096 18 L L To B . Wilson, Gibraltar . . . Balance due to him 4 To Peter Grant, London . . . Ditto ditto To Stork mv Net Caoital . L 5,096 10,616 18 2 4 6 £ 15,713 10 - INVENTORY. ^15 (6) JOHN HENDERSON, LEEDS. Cr. C M L L L L L A L L L L L 31st March I817. By Cash, Balance in hand By Merchandise, as per Valuation By Manufactory and Warehouses, Value. . , By Macliinery and Utensils Ditto By Shop Goods and Debts . . . , By Dwelling House Value By Furniture Ditto By Consignment to B. Wilson, Gibraltar By Goodwin and Co. London Balance due from them. By T. Merlin, Ditto Ditto from him . By Fairfax and Co. Glasgow Ditto from them. By S. Green, Liverpool Ditto from him . By Henry Melville, London Cash Account By Stock, my Deficiency 880 11,174 6,500 1,500 385 2,200 800 2,750 3,763 685 3,435 3,815 8O7 38,697 6,Q67 17 7 o 4 O O 2 3 8 1 16 2 45,364 10 3 3 ] 9 9 11 JOHN HENDERSON, LEEDS. Cr. C 1 M 5 L 3 L 3 A 5 11th July I8I7. By Cash, Balance in hand By Merchandise, as per Valuation By Shop, Goods and Debts By Furniture, Value By Consignment to B. Wilson, Gibraltar . . . . 603 11,174 385 800 2,750 15,713 6 10 3 3 10 [ 217 ] SET IV. MERCHANTS' BOOKS. Concern A Partnership. Capital Variable. Business Continued, Result Profitable. OBSERVATIONS. The term Merchant is applied rather indiscriminately to persons on a large scale of business ; but, in a strict sense, it is limited to those who keep no conti- nuous stock of goods. This is the real distinction between Merchants and Wholesale Dealers or Manufacturers, who equally trade in whole masses, but are always presumed to hold stocks of their peculiar articles. Hen035 13 21,106 11 ADVENTURES. 239 SANDOVA.L & CO. MANAGERS OURSELVES I ; D. WALKER |. Or. (?•) 1817. May 1 9 By Sandoval & Co. Buenos Ayres. Their Account Sales 15tli January. Dls. 100 Pieces Baize a4:Ds.85. . .. 8,500 120 Pieces Ditto at QO 10,800 80 Pieces Ditto at Q5 7,600 300 Pieces Blue Cloths. . . at 55 16,500 200 Pieces. . .Ditto at 57.. .• 1 1,400 100 Pieces Scarlet Ditto, .at 75.... 7,500 Rs. Exch. £. s. d. goo Pieces Woollens 62,300 Charges. 9 Ds. Rs. Duties and Custom-House Charges. . 11,873 4 Postages and Petty Charges, § p"" C. . 311 4 Warehouse Rent 1 per Cent 623 Commission and Guarantee, 6 per C 3,738 ., , , , i« i;4/i 9.532 1 Net Proceeds 45,754 0. . . at 50d. 8 May 12 By Sandoval & Co. Buenos Ayres. Their Account Sales 10th February. No. Ds. Dls. 400 Pieces Printed Calicos . . 1 & 2. . at 14 5,600 400 Pieces Ditto 3 & 4. . at 17 6,800 200 Pieces .... Ditto 5 . . at 20. . . , 4,000 400 Pieces White Linens ... 1 & 2. . at 22. , . . 8,800 400 Pieces .... Ditto 3 & 4, . at 27. . . . 10,800 200 Pieces . . Ditto 5 . . at 32. . . . 6,400 400 Pieces Printed Linens. . . 1 & 2. . at 27. .. . 10,800 400 Pieces Ditto 3 & 4. . at 32 12,800 200 Pieces .... Ditto 5 . . at 37 7,400 Rs. 3,000 Pieces Cottons and Linens 73,400 Charges. Dls. Rs. Duties and Custom-House Charges , . 12,338 Postages and Petty Charges, f p'" C . . 367 Rent, 1 per Cent 734 Commission and Guarantee, 6 p'' C^ . 4,404 11,574 7 Net Proceeds 55,557 0. . . at 50(/. 6 21,106 9 2 <>J-0 SET IV. MERCHANTS* BOOKS. (3) Dr. JOINT RETURNS PER DIANA FROM BUENOS AYRES ; 1817. £. s. d. May 1 14 To Roberts & Smith, London. ^ Insurance of ^ 14,000 on Hides, with Private Underwriters, at 4 Guineas per Cent. .... .... 588 s. d. Policy Duty i per Cent 35 623 1 A 8 To Insurance, ^3,500 by Ourselves on Dollars, at 2^ Guineas per Cent. , 91 8 17 15 f) 1 Policy Duty ^ per Cent To Cash, Charges on 15,000 Dollars : 100 12 6 14 Freight 1 per Cent, on Sale ^3,350. 9. 1 33 10 1 Landing, Porterage, Weighing, &c. -f per Cent. . . 4 3 9 Brokerage \ per Cent 4 3 9 41 17 7 15 1 To Cash, Duty on 15,523 Hides at 9 § 327 14 9 2 1 242 SET IV. — merchants' BOOKS. (4) Dr. JOINT COTTON PER BRITANNIA, FROM RIO DE Ourselves 4- 1817. May 8 To Monteiro be Costa, Rio Janeiro, for oiir half Invoice : No. H 1 to 100. . 100. 101 to 200. .100. 201 to 300. . 100. Arrobas. lbs. . Net 397 16 at 8. 000. . Ditto . . . 384 24 at 8. 500. . Ditto . . . 402 8 at 9. 000. \fil-Reas. 3,180.000 3,270. 375 3,620. 250 300 Bags 1,184 16 Rs. 10,070. 625 Charobs. Arrobas. lb. Duty on 1,184 16 at 600 Rs. per Arroba- . . . Rs.710. 700 Brokerage on Ditto at 40. . . . per Ditto 47. 380 New Duty on 300 Bags at 100 Rs. per Bag 30. 000 Marking Ditto at 30 Rs. Ditto 9. 000 Repairing Bags 14.400 811.480 Rs. 10,882, 105 Commission 3 per Cent 326. 463 Rs. 11,208. 568 Our i Proportion Rs. 5,604. 284 At the Exchange of Qod. per Milrea. £ 1,401 1,401 ADVENTURES. 243 JANEIRO, JAMES HORNER AND SON, MANAGERS. James Horner & Son, London, 4. Cr. (4) 1817. May 28 13 By James Horner & Son, London, for Account Sales. 150 B^gs to Whitaker & Co. at 3 months. Net Weight, 18,963 lbs. . . 150 Ditto to Christopher Bland, at 3 months. Net Weight, 19,018 lbs. , . our i Proceeds, as per £. s. d. at 1*. gd. . . 1,659 5 3 at I.''. lOd. . . 1,743 6 4 £. s. d. 300 Bags. a^ 3,402 11 7 Charges. £. s. d. Insurance on ^4,000 at 3 Guineas per Cent. ,126 Policy Duty ^ per Cent . . 10 Guarantee, ^ per Cent . . 20 Duty on 37,981 lbs. at 8*. yd. per 100 lb . . 163 Freight on 1,184 ^ Arrobas at 4:S.Qd . . 266 10 3 Primage 5 per Cent. ..13 6 6 Landing, Dock Dues, Cartage, &c .. 16 12 8 Mending, Sampling, and Weighing . . 19 10 Postages and Sundry Expenses \ per Cent. . . ..17 3 Brokerage on Sale, \ per Cent ..17 3 Commission 3 per Cent, on Sale . . 102 1 7 Guarantee, 1 ^ per Cent, on Ditto ..51 9 Interest, 3 months on Ditto . . 42 10 8 864 12 11 ^2,537 18 8 ' Our Y Proportion 1 268 19 2 -4 1 May 28 1 By Loss, our Half Share . . 132 ^ 1,401 1 5 2 12 244^ SET IV. MERCHANTS BOOKS. (5) Dr. JOINT OIL PER SENEGAGLIA, FROM I817. May 7 May 7 7 21 To Malatesta & Co. Leghorn, Our \ Amount of Invoice. Pezzc. S. D. M No. 1 to 42. . 42 Casks Gallipoli, Cost 6,573 18 3 Casks and Shipping Charges 477 17 4 7,051 15 7 Commission 3 per Cent 21111 1 P. 7,263 6 8 Our Half, P. 3,631. 13. 4- at 48rf, per Pezza 14 To Roberts & Smith, Insurance of ^1,800 at 2 Gs. with Policy \ per Ct. A8 1 May 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 May 30 30 To Insurance, £ 200 by Ourselves at 2 Gs. and Ditto To Cash, paid for Import Duty and Custom-House Charges . 307 3 9 Freight and Primage 55 1 4 Landing, Cartage, and Sundry 19 '7 ^1 To Cash, paid Brokerage on Sale i per Cent To Promiscuous Charges, i per Cent, for Postages, &c To Commission 3 per Cent, on Sales 61 15 I per Cent, on Insurance £ 2,000 5 To Guarantee 2 per Cent, on Sales 41 3 4 i per Cent, on Underwriters ^2,000'. . 10 O To Interest 4 months on Sales To Malatesta & Co Their Half Net Proceeds £ 728 4 5 To Transfer to Account below. Our Half Ditto 728 4 5 To Transfer from Account above. Our Half Invoice To Profit £. 726 42 4 382 10 10 6Q 6 o 14 3 5 5 15 10 10 51 3 4 34 6 2 601 19 2 1,456 8 8 10 2,058 726 1 6 17 4 8 9 728 5 ADVENTURES. 245 MALATESTA AND CO. LEGHORN— EACH ONE HALF. Cr. (5) I8I7. May 30 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 30 12 11 12 By Transfer from Account above. Our Half N. P. By Transfer to Account below By Thomas Jackson &: Son, London. (4 ms. Cash.) 11 Casks containing 1,314 Gallons at i£QS per Tun By Philip Wanstead, London. (4 ms. Cash.) 18 Casks containing 2,111 Gallons at .^'99 per Tun By David Hunter & Co. London. (4 ms. Cash.) 13 Casks containing 1,526 Gallons at £g7 per Tun £. 726 542 885 627 12 10 11 2,058 728 246 SET IV. — merchants' BOOKS. (6) Dr. JOINT COFFEE PER REGENT, FROM MONTEIRO AND COSTA, Ourselves \, Monteiro & Costa | I8I7. 3,000 Bags, May 30 14 To Robeits & Smith, London, Insurance of £ 14,000 with Private Underwriters, at 3 Guineas per Cent 44 1 O O Policy Duty i per Cent 35 O 30 A 8 To Insurance, a^ 1,000 by Ourselves at 3 Guineas per Cent. .31 10 Policy Duty i per Cent , 2 10 510 ADVENTURES. 247 RIO DE JANEIRO— OURSELVES MANAGERS. Nicholson & Co. London, \. Cr. (6) 248 SET IV. — MERCHANTS BOOKS. (7) Dr. EXCHANGE 1817. May 5 1 1 1 J To Bills Receivable;, (No. 6"58) 5,000 Pezze on Leghorn, at]48i. per Pezza Remitted to Rimaverde & Co. Lisbon, where 5,000 Pezze at 840 Reas per Pezza give Rs.4,200. 000 1,000 s. d. 1,000 15 To BiUs Receivablcj (No. QQy) 5,000 Pezze on Leghorn at 48flf. per Pezza Remitted to Lorenzo Davila, Cadiz, to purchase a Bill on Lisbon, and remit the same to Rimaverde & Co. Lisbon. 5,000 Pezze at 156 Piastres per 100 Pezze, give 7,800 Piastres. 7,800 Plasties at 550 Reas per Piastre Rs. 4,2.00. 000 • 1,000 . 26 To Bills Receivable, (No. 674) 5,000 Pezze on Leghorn, at 48rf. per Pezza Remitted to Lorenzo Davila, Cadiz, to purchase a Bill on Paris, and remit the same to Rimaverde & Co, Lisbon. 5,000 Pezze at 156 Piastres per 100, give 7,800 Piastres. 7,800 Piastres at 113 Sous per Piastre 44,070 Francs. 44,070 Francs at 100 Reas per Franc Rs. 4,407. 000 170 10 31 To Profit 3 3,170 10 3 ADVENTURES. 249 ARBITRATIONS. cr. m I817. Mays 14 24 By Bills Receivable, No. 656^ our Draft on Rimaverde & Co. Lisbon. Rs. 4,200, 000 Exchange at 5Qd. per Mikea By Bills Receivable, No. 6Q6, Our Draft on Rimaverde & Co. Lisbon. Rs. 4,290. 000 at the Exchange of 5gd. per Milrea By Bills Receivable, No. 673, our Draft on Rimaverde & Co. Lisbon. Rs. 4,407 .000 at the Exchange of 5Qd. per Milrea £. 1,032 10 1,054 12 1,083 3,170 10 2 K 250 SET IV. MERCHANTS BOOKS. (8) Dr. INSURANCE. I817. May 10 16 24 31 31 14 A9 14 To Roberts' & Smith, Total Loss of our Subscription per James to Revel To Partial Average on our Subscription £ 300 per Nancy to Buenos Ayres, at 15 per Cent To Roberts & Smith, Return Premium on £ 200 per Columbus, at 1 per Cent To Profit To Balance, Premiums on Risks pending £. 150 76 2 195 1,135 1,658 d. O 12 ADVENTURES. 251 PER CONTRA. Cr. (8) 1817. April 30 May 1 A3 2 14 3 C3 5 C2 7 14 7 A5 12 14 19 14 19 Ai 24 14 29 14 30 A6 May 31 By Balance, Premiums on Risks pending By Joint Returns per Diana, from Buenos Ayres, ^3,500 on Silver at 24 Guineas per Cent By Roberts & Smith, London, our Subscription per Ellen to Smyrna, ^400 at 4 per Cent. By Tallow per Neptune from Buenos Ayres, ^500 at 4 Guineas By WooUens per Wellington to Rio de Janeiro, .^500 at 3 Guineas. . . . By Roberts & Smith, London, our Subscription per George to Lima, ^250 at 8 per Cent. . > -. By GallipoU Oil per Senegaglia from Leghorn, ^200 at 2 Guineas By Roberts and Smith, London, our Subscription per Sarah from Lisbon, ^400 at 2 per Cent By Roberts & Smith, London, our Subscription per Alexander to Riga, ^500 at 3 per Cent By Joint Mission per Trafalgar to Buenos Ayres, £ 1 ,000 at 3 Guineas . By Roberts & Smith, London, our Subscription per Brahmin from Cal- cutta, ^300 at 10 per Cent By Roberts & Smith, London, our Subscription per Anne to Bahia, ^350 at 3 per Cent By Coffee per Regent from Rio de Janeuro, £ 1,000 at 3 Guineas per Cent By Balance, Premiums on Risks pending , £. 1,346 100 16 22 17 20 4 8 15 34 30 10 34 1,658 1,135 s. 11 J2 O 5 O 14 d. 3 10 12 2 K 2 252 SET IV. — MERCHANTS BOOKS. (9) Dr. PARTIAL I817. May 16 21 21 14 To Roberts & Smith, London. Partial Loss per Nancy to Buenos Ayres, 10 Bales Woollens M No. 1 to 10, Insured at ^2,500. Which, in a sound state, would have sold (as per Certificate) for Ds. 14,540 But, in consequence of Damage by Salt Water, sold (as per Account Sales) for 11,286 Depreciation. . . Ds. 3,254 Therefore, If 14,540 Ds. lose 3,254 Ds. ^2,500 will lose £ 559 9 10 Charges. Survey and Consular Documents Ds. 127 4 Expenses of Auction Sale 236 4 Ds. 364 At the Exchange of 48d. per Dollar 72 16 O Postages of Documents l 5 8 Loss on ^2,500 at ^25. 6s. lOd. per Cent.. . . ; . ^633 1 1 6 s^ 25. 6. 10. per Cent, on our Subscription of sSSOO is 2 To Commission 2 per O on Loss per Catharine gS 595, 19. . 11 18 4 6 To Kaminski & Co. Net Recovery on Ditto 581 1 l 76 592 19 668 19 11 ADVENTURES. '253 AVERAGE. Cr. I8I7. May 16 21 A8 14 By Insurance, Partial Loss per Nancy, as opposite By Roberts & Smith, London. Partial Loss per Catliarine to Riga on 20 Hhds. Sugar insured by them at ^1,500; which, if sound, would have sold (as per Certificate) for But, in consequence of Average, sold (as per Account Sales) for Roubles. 16,500 10,650 Depreciation . . . Rs. 5,850 Therefore, If l6,500 Roubles lose 5;,850j ^^1,500 will lose 5^531 16 4 Charges. Survey and Consular Documents Rs. 187 Expenses of Auction Sale 315 Roubles 502 At the Exchange of 2s. 6d. per Rouble Postages of Documents 62 15 178 Loss sgs iQ Q Less Brokerage on Recovery i per Cent 2 19 7 (9) 76 592 668 d. , 19 19 11 254 SET IV. — MERCHANTS BOOKS. Dr. CASH. (1) 1817. April 30 May 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 5 1 10 1 10 3 10 3 14 A3 14 1 15 12 16 1 21 4 23 11 23 1 23 1 24 1 26 1 28 C3 29 13 29 1 May 31 Receipts, &c. To Balance To Bills Receivable, due No. 518 and 519 To Bills Receivable, sold No. 653, our Draft on Malatesta & Co To Interest, Discount from Stansfield & Nephew, li per Cent, on ^1,251.5.0 To Bills Receivable, sold No. 656, our Draft on Rimaverde & Co To Ditto due No. 536, 524, and 522 To Ditto due No. 528, 531, and 525 To Interest, Disc' from Peterson & Grenville, 2 per Cent, on ^1,392. 8. 6. To Ditto. .. Ditto on Bills Payable, No. 219, due 12 July 63 days' ^'1,377. 14.5 : To Joint Returns per Diana, Proceeds of Silver To Bills Receivable, sold No. 666, our Draft on Rimaverde & Co To Rogei-s & Wilson To Bills Receivable, due No. 537 to 540 To Debentures, Drawback per Mary To WiUiam Fleetwood's Assignees, Dividend of 6s. 6d. per sS final . , . . To Bills Receivable, due No. 520 and 521 To Ditto sold No. 672, our Draft on MuUer & Schmidt To Ditto sold No. 673, our Draft on Rimaverde & Co To Ditto due No. 523 To TaUow per Neptune, 50 Serrons sold for To James Homer & Son, our ^ Cotton ex Britannia To Bills Receivable, due No. 529 To Balance sS. 6,637 5 9 1,726 10 621 6 6 15 12 10 1,032 10 2,701 17 2 1,563 13 8 27 17 11 17 9 3,350 9 1 1,054 12 6 1,366 8 6 2,192 17 8 388 19 2 195 18 9 1,635 10 505 10 6 1,083 7 9 1,500 234 1 8 1,268 19 4 1,000 30,115 5 7 5,872 CASH. 255 (0 PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. May 1 15 2 1 3 11 5 C 1 5 C2 5 1 5 15 5 1 5 C 1 7 1 10 10 10 1 12 15 12 1 14 A3 15 3 15 1 15 A3 17 1 W Al 19 C3 19 A3 20 13 21 C3 21 A5 22 15 22 1 26 1 26 15 26 1 28 C3 30 A 5 30 1 31 1 31 3 31 Payments, &c. By John Han^lton, Private Account By Bills Payable, due No. 154 to 156 , By Stansfield & Nephew , By Sugar per Roderic, Dock Charges ■ By Woollens per Wellington, Shipping Charges , By Bills Receivable, bought No. 658 on Leghorn , By Charles Simpson, Check to George Smith By Bills Receivable, bought No. 657 on Rio de Janeiro By Sugar per Roderic, Brokerage on Sale By Bills Payable, due No. 138, 179, and 147 By Peterson & Grenville ; By Bills Payable, discounted No. 219 By John Hamilton, Check to Randolph & Co By Bills Payable, due No. 144 , By Joint Returns per Diana, Charges on Dollars By Interest, Discount to Rogers & Wilson, 1 i per Cent, on ^1,366. 8. 6 By Bills Receivable, bought No. 667 on Leghorn By Joint Returns per Diana, Duty and Charges on Hides By Bills Payable, due No. 148 to 150 By Joint Mission per Trafalgar, Duty and Shipping Charges By ^rallow per Neptune, Duty and Landing Charges , . . By Joint Returns per Diana, Brokerage on Sale , By David Walker, Balance , By Tallow per Neptune, Freight and Primage By Joint Oil per Senegaglia, Duty and Charges By John Hamilton, Private Account ._ By Bills Payable, due No. 162, 158, and 145 . . By Bills Receivable, bought No. 674 on Leghorn By Charles Simpson, Private Account By Bills Payable, due No. 166 and 1 67 By Tallow per Neptune, Brokerage on Sale By Joint Oil per Senegaglia Ditto Ditto By Bills Payable, due No. 146 By Bills Receivable, bought No. 678 on Leghorn By Promiscuous Charges, for Postages, Stamps, Salaries, Wages, &c. this month, as per Book of Sundry Expenses By Balance '. £. 500 1,861 1,251 67 90 1,000 176 526 15 978 1,392 1,377 238 1,000 41 17 1,000 1,979 1,350 775 208 69 1,955 284 382 300 1,924 1,000 150 937 13 10 500 728 137 5,872 30,115 5 5 3 5 17 3 11 17 8 14 10 17 1 12 O 10 17 17 12 18 3 O 9 11 5 4 15 6 Q 6 1 O 6 10 9 o 6 5 O 7 7 3 6 2 9 4 5 O O 7 o 6 10 10 o 5 7 2 T 256 SET. IV. MERCHANTS* BOOKS. Dr. BILLS RECEIVABLE. (1) When and how obtained. No. Drawn By. Date. Term. Order of. - Drawn on. 1817. 1817. Apr. 30 May 2 7 To Malatesta & Co. . V653 Ourselves .... London May 2 30 d. s. Bradford & Co. Malatesta & Co. Leghorn. 3 12 To Rogers & Wilson 654 Milner & Son . . Leeds . Apr. 30 3 m. Rogers & Wilson Belfield & Brown London. 655 Woodfall & Co. . Bristol 25 . . . Ditto Watson & Son Ditto. 3 A7 To Exch. Arbitrations V656 Ourselves .... London May 3 60 d. s. Grandison & Co. Rimaverde & Co. Lisbon. 5 1 To Cash V657 Charles Horsfall Ditto Ourselves .... Paramo & Co. Rio Jan. 5 1 To Cash V658 Mellin & Green . London 4 30 d. s. Ditto Nicolini & Son Leghorn. 7 12 To Peter Walsingham veig Ourselves .... Ditto 7 3 m. Order Pet. Walsingham London. 8 7 To Casanova & Co. . 660 Nondimeno & Co. Naples Apr. 5 2 m. Casanova & Co. Weldon & Co. Ditto. 661 Pietro Rosa . . . Ditto 7 30 d. 8. Ditto Marblay & Son Ditto. 10 12 To Dd. Hunter & Co. 662 Chas. Evergreen London May 3 2 m. Slater & Son . . Borland & White Ditto. 663 Fox & Glover . Manchr. Apr. 7 3 m. Order Nelson & Smith Ditto. 664 Alex. Campbell . Glasgow 20 Ditto Caulfield & Co. Ditto. 12 A3 (Joint Returns per") \ Diana J 665 Montenegro & Co. Buen.Ay. Feb. 5 30 d. s. Sandoval & Co. Belfield & Brown Ditto. 14 A7 To Exch. Arbitrations V666 Ourselves .... London May 12 60 d. s. Grandison & Co. Rimaverde & Co. IJsbon. 15 1 To Cash V667 Watkinson & Co. Ditto 10 30 d. s. Ourselves .... Buonocore & Co. Leghorn. 17 6 To Muller & Schmidt 668 Handel & Co. . . Hambh. Apr. 30 2 m. Muller & Schmidt Weston & Grey London. 19 U To Philip Wanstead 669 C. Gregson . . . HuU May 10 3 m. Philip Wanstead Charles Lumb Ditto. 670 John Gregory . . Liverpl. Apr. 25 4 m. John Henderson Parbet & Co. . . Ditto. 21 12 To T. Jackson & Soji 671 Newman & Co. . Dublin 15 3 m. Evergreen & Son S. Tomlinson . . Ditto. 23 6 To Muller & Schmidt V672 Ourselves .... London May 23 30 d. s. James Herman Muller & Schmidt Hambro*. 24 A7 To Exch. Arbitrations ^^673 Ditto Ditto 24 60 d. 8. Randolph & Son Rimaverde & Co. Lisbon. 26 1 To Cash V674 Frazer & Smith . Ditto 20 30 d. s. Ourselves .... Bentivoglio & Co. Leghorn. 28 6 To Vanderloo & Co. 675 Schmidt & Co. Amsterd. 10 2 m. Vanderloo & Sons Mitchell & Co. . London. 28 U To Philip Wanstead . V676 Ourselves .... London 28 3 m. Campbell & Co. P. Simpson . . . Ditto. 29 12 To Dd. Hunter & Co. 677 Brander & Son . Nottingh. Apr. 15 . . . D. Hunter & Co. Crompton & Son Ditto. 31 1 To Cash v'678 John King . . . London May 28 30 d. s. Ourselves .... Colomella & Co. Leghorn. May 31 To Balance • . • \ BILLS RECEIVABLE. 257 Due. 1817. July 23 28 Aug. 10 June 8 10 July 6 10 23 June 14 July 3 Aug. 13 28 July '.8 July 13 Aug. 31 July 18 (1) Sterling Bill . . . 48f/. ^£756 10 381 12 8 Rs. 4,200. 000 at 59rf. Rs. 2,104. 1^1 at md. P. 5,000 . . . at 48rf. 1,000 648 2 10 738 15 281 12 6 500 Sterling BiU . , 50rf. Rs. 4,290. 000 at hU. P. 5000 ... at 48rf. 375 10 500 Sterling Bill at 32s. 6t/. Rs. 4,407. 000 at 59rf. P. 5,000 ... at 48rf. Sterling Bill . at 48rf. £. 29,178 621 1,138 1,032 526 1,000 973 1,648 1,520 2,000 1,054 1,000 1,000 875 461 505 1,083 1,000 1,278 926 837 728 50,390 27,117 2 10 19 1817. May 1 10 23 24 26 26 28 29 31 31 PER CONTRA. Cr. When and how disposed of. 1 1 A7 1 10 1 7 sold By Cash, due By Cash, By Ditto, . . . ditto By Monteiro & Costa, remitted By Exchange Arbitrations . . . By Cash, . . . due By Cash, due By Cash, . . . sold . . . . By Exchange Arbitrations By Cash, . . . due . . . . By Macnamara& Sons, remitted By Muller & Schmidt, protested By Cash, . . . due By Cash, . . . sold By Ditto . . . ditto By Exchange Arbitrations . . By Cash, . . . due By Campbell & Douglas, remitted By Cash, . . . due By Malatesta & Co. remitted By Balance ........ . No. 518 519 653 656 657 «8 536 524 522 528 .531 525 667 537 538 539 540 659 547 520 521 672 673 674 523 676 529 678 1,000 726 10 Sterling Bill . . 48rf. Rs. 4,200. 000 at 59rf. Rs. 2,104. 767 at 60rf. P. 5,000 ... at 48rf. 876 5 10 1,.325 11 4 .500 374 18 8 7.50 438 15 Rs. 4,290. 000 at 59f/. P. 5,000 . . . atiStl. 639 3 7 450 718 12 9 385 1 4 1,000 63d 10 Sterling Bill, at32*. 6d. Rs. 4,407. 000 at 59f/. P. 5,000 ... at iSd. Sterling Bill . . 48\7S>0 ! 6 i;.,8i0 I i9 260 SET IV. merchants' BOOKS. INDEX TO THE A Folio Adventure per RoUa 4 Adventure per Brahmin 5 Adventure per Diana 5 Adventure per Trafalgar 5 G Guarantee. Folio 2 B H Hargreaves & Sons 10 Hunter & Co. David 12 Hammond & Morley 13 Horner & Son, James 13 Hamilton, (Private Account) John 15 c Commission 2 Casanova & Co 7 Campbell & Douglas ' 10 D Debentures 4 Douald & Sons, James 13 Interest Jackson & Son, Thomas 3 12 K Kaminski Sc Co. 6 E F Fleetwood's Assignees, William 11 L Le Maitre &: Sons 6 Loss 1 M Muller & Schmidt 6 Malatesta & Co. (Italian Account) 7 Malatesta & Co. (Sterling Account) 7 Monteiro & Costa (Sterling Account) 8 Monteiro & Costa (Brazilian Account) 8 Macnamara & Sons 11 LEDGER. 261 LEDGER. N Folio o p Profit 1 Promiscuous Charges 3 Peterson & Grenville 10 i Q R Rogers & Wilson Roberts & Smith (Insurance Account) . . Roberts & Smitli (Subscription Account) 12 14 14 S Stock 1 Sandoval & Co. (Sterling Account) 9 Sandoval & Co. (Spanish Account) g Stansfield & Nephew 11 Simpson, Charles (Private Accovint) 15 Three per Cent. Funds Folio 4 u Vanderloo & Co 6 w WiUiams & Heywood 10 Wanstead, Philip 11 Walsingham, Peter 12 Walker, David 13 X Y&Z 26^ SET IV. MERCHANTS* BOOKS, 0) Dr. STOCK. 1817. May 31 15 15 To John Hamilton, Transfer 1,041 327 57,497 10 12 6 d. 11 31 To Charles Simpson, Ditto 2 31 To Balance 7 58,866 9 8 Dr. PROFIT. I817. May 31 31 To Loss, Transfer To Stock , 412 3,220 3,632 Dr. LOSS. 1817. May 28 31 A4 2 3 To Joint Cotton per Britannia 132 201 78 2 6 14 "3 1 To Guarantee .,. 7 31 To Interest 5 412 1 LEDGER, 263 PER CONTRA. CV, (1) I817. April 30 May 31 31 May 31 By Balance, By Interest By Profit . , By Balance. 55,415 230 3,220 58,866 57A97 5 17 6 1 11 8 8 PER CONTRA. Cr. I8I7. May 10 19 30 31 31 31 31 8 5 A5 A7 A8 2 3 By Monteiro & Costa By Adventure per Diana . . By Joint Oil per Senegaglia By Exchange Arbitrations . By Insurance By Commission By Promiscuous Charges , . 23 1,955 1 170 195 1,207 77 3,632 ; 12 17 10 8 19 15 PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. May 31 1 ■ By Profit, Transfer 412 3 1 412 3 1 !264 SET IV. MERCHANTS BOOKS. (2) Dr. COMMISSION. 1817. May 31 1 To Profit 1,20; s. 19 d, 1,207 19 Dr. GUARANTEE. I8I7. May 23 31 11 To William Fleetwood's Assignees, Loss. . . , To Balance on Debts and. Risks Outstanding , 391 875 1,267 17 11 LEDGER. 265 PER CONTRA. Cr. (2) I8I7. May 5 5 19 19 21 28 30 C 1 C2 Al A3 A9 C3 A5 By Sugar per Roderic By Woollens per Wellington . , . By Joint Mission per Trafalgar . By Joint Returns per Diana .... By Partial Average per Catharine By Tallow per Neptune By Joint Oil per Senegagiia .... £. s. 101 53 13 390 4 496 11 11 18 87 16 66 15 19 1,207 PER CONTRA. Or. I817. April 30 Mays 5 19 19 28 30 31 May 31 C 1 C2 Al A3 C3 A 5 1 By Balance on Debts and Risks Outstanding By Sugar per Roderic . By Woollens per Wellington By Joint Mission per Trafalgar By Joint Returns per Diana By Tallow per Neptune By Joint Oil per Senegagiia By Loss ^ By Balance on Debts and Risks Outstanding 405 17 77 6 12 10 90 367 62 3 51 3 201 6 1,267 9 875 8 10 o II 10 4 7 11 8 2 JVl Q66 SET IV. MERCHANTS BOOKS. (3) Dr. INTEREST, I8I7. May 5 15 31 C2 1 Al 1 To Woollens per "Wellington . To Cash, Rogers & Wilson . . 'I'o Joint Mission per Trafalgar To Stockj 1 month's Interest . 27 17 234 230 509 9 1 17 o 7 7 11 Dr. PROMISCUOUS I817. May 3 1 31 To Cash . To Profit 137 77 15 15 215 10 11 LEDGER. 267 PER CONTRA. Cr. (3) I8I; May 3 1 5 C 1 10 1 10 1 19 Al 19 A3 28 C3 30 A5 31 15 31 15 31 1 By Cash, Stansfield & Nephew By Sugar per Roderic By Cash, Peterson & Grenville . By Ditto, Bills Payable No 219 By Joint Mission per Trafalgar By Joint Returns per Diana . . . By Tallow per Neptune By Joint Oil per Senegagiia . . , By John Hamilton By Charles Simpson By Loss £. 15 12 10 51 19 1 27 17 11 17 9 3 Ifj () 240 1 7 41 8 2 34 6 2 3 11 14 8 78 14 5 509 9 1 CHARGES. Cr. I81; May 5 5 19 19 22 28 30 C 1 C2 Al A3 6 C3 A5 By Sugar per Roderic By Woollens per Wellington . By Joint Mission per Trafalgar By Joint Returns per Diana . . By MuUer & Schmidt By Tallow per Neptune By Joint Oil per Senegagiia . , 15 11 11 17 86 6 72 7 5 10 13 11 10 5 1 215 10 2 M 2 2()8 SET IV. — MERCHANTS BOOKS. (4) Dr. DEBENTURES. 1817. April 30 A 1 To Balance S29 458 s. 14 16 d. 5 May 19 To Joint Mission per 1'rafalgar 9 To Balance , 1,288 11 2 May 31 899 12 ' Dr. THREE PER CENT. 1817. April 30 To Balance £ 10,000 at 60 6,000 Dr. ADVENTURE PER ROLLA I8I7. April 30 To Balance 10,593 10 LEDGER. 269 PER CONTRA. Cr. (4) I817. May 21 31 By Cash, Drawback per Mary By Balance 388 ^99 1,288 19 12 11 d. 2 O FUNDS. Cr. I - I I , I TO LIMA. 270 SET IV. .MERCHANTS BOOKS. (5) Dr. ADVENTURE PER BRAHMIN 1817. April 30 To Balance . . 1 d. 17 Dr. ADVENTURE PER DIANA I817. April 30 May 19 To Balance, To Profit... our I Proportion. 5,712 1 ,955 J2 7,668 6 6 Dr. ADVENTURE PER TRAFALGAR I817. May 19 Al To Joint Mission, our \ Proportion 5,712 14 LEDGER. 271 TO CALCUTTA. Cr. (5) TO BUENOS AYRES. Cr, 1S17. May 19 A3 TK\T Tnmf "RphTrn* . Our i ProDortion 7.668 s. 6 d. 7,668 6 6 ' TO BUENOS AYRES. Cr. 272 SET IV. — MERCHANTS BOOKS. Drs. LE MAITRE AND SONS, (6) 1817. May 21 31 1 To Bills Payable 500 J,215 J. 18 d. To Balance y 1,715 18 8 I Drs. VANDEULOO AND CO. 1817. April 30 To Balance 3,632 6 s To Balance May 31 2,353 13 2 Drs. MULLER AND SCHMIDT, 1817. April 30 May 22 22 May 31 To Balance To Bills Receivable, No. 547 protested To Promiscuous Charges, Protest, &c. , To Balance 2,150 500 5 2,656 14 10 1,150 14 Drs. KAMINSKI AND CO. i I817. Mays 30 1 1 To Bills Payable 752 820 1,239 1 15 10 6 4 To Ditto 31 To Balance 2,818 5 10 LEDGER. ^ J73 (6) BOURDEAUX. Crs. I817. April 30 By Balance • . , . 1>715 s. 18 d. 8 By Balance .• May 31 1,215 18 s AMSTERDAM. Crs. I817. May 28 31 1 By BiUs Receivable 1,278 2,353 13 13 fi By Balance 2 . 3,632 6 8 HAMBURGH. Crs. 1817. May 17 23 1 1 By Bills Receivable ^ .... 1,000 505 1,150 10 14 6 6 By Ditto, our Re-draft 31 By Balance 2,656 5 RIGA. Crs. 1817. April 30 May 21 A9 By Balance 2,237 581 4 1 9 1 By Partial Average per Catharine By Balance , , 2,818 5 10 May 31 1,239 4, N, 274 SET IV. MERCHANTS* BOOKS. Drs. CASANOVA AND CO. I8I7. April 30 To Balance Drs. MALATESTA AND CO. LEGHORN, Drs. MALATESTA AND CO. LEGHORN, (7) 1,648 10 1817. April 30 May 31 1 To Balance . • •.■•• 2,476 728 7 4 8 To Bills Receivable _ _ 3,204 12 1 I8I7. May 2 15 7 1 To Sterling Account, Transfer Pezze. y,275 3,631 12,906 S. 5 13 19 D. 10 4 2 Exch. 4Qd. 48d. 1,855 726 1 6 2 To Bills Payable 8 P. 2,581 7 10 LEDGER. 275 (7) NAPLES. Crs. I8I7. f May 8 By Bills Receivable 1,648 d. 10 STERLING ACCOUNT. Crs. I8I7. April 30 May 2 30 7 1 A5 By Italian Account, Transfer By Bills Receivable By Joint Oil per Senegaglia, their i Proceeds 1,855 621 728 3,204 12 ITALIAN ACCOUNT. Crs. I817. April 30 May 7 A5 By Balance * * By Joint Oil p'^ Senegaglia, our ^ Invoice . . Pezze. 9,275 3,631 S. 5 13 19 4 2 Exch. 48c?. 48d. 12,906 2 N 2 1,855 726 2,581 10 276 SET IV. MERCHANTS BOOKS. Drs. MONTEIRO AND COSTA, RIO JANEIRO, (8) I817. April 30 May 5 C2 To Balance To Woollens per Wellington £. 482 2,421 2,904 6 17 d. Drs. MONTEIRO AND COSTA, RIO JANEIRO, I817. May 5 8 5 1 10 1 10 1 To Sterling Account, Transfer To Bills Receivable, our Remittance. To Bills Payable, . . their Draft To Profit on Exchange . . Rs. MU- 2,622 2,104 5,604 10,331 Reas. 033 284 084 Exch. 60 60 59 &55 526 h Tlills Pavnhlp . . • 738 1,111 3,670 12 10 6 Tn Ditto 6 To Balance 5,521 ""o" LEDGER. ^ >81 (10) LONDON. Crs I8I7. April 30 By Balance . 1,392 s. 8 d. 6 \ LONDON. • Crs. I8I7. April 30 May 14 Al By Balance 926 1.847 14 in By Joint Mission per Trafalgar By Balance 2,774 4 May 31 1,847 10 LONDON Crs. 1817. April 30 May 3 C2 783 454 15 5 4 By Woollens per Wellington f) By Balance 1,238 10 May 31 454 5 fi LONDON. Crs. I8I7. April 30 May 2 7 C2 Al By Balance 1,850 490 3,180 10 10 • By Woollens per Wellington By Joint Mission per Trafalgar 5y Balance 5,521 May 31 3,670 10 2 282 SET IV. merchants' BOOKS. (11) Drs. MACNAMARA AND SONS, I817. May 12 22 31 To Bills Payable . . To Bills Receivable To Balance £. s. 1,146 3 973 6 8,622 7 10,741 17 Drs. STANSFIELD AND NEPHEW, 1817. Mays 31 1 To Cash 1,251 4,145 5 12 6 To Balance ... 5,396 17 6 Drs. WILLIAM FLEETWOOD'S ASSIGNEES, 1817. April 30 To Balance • > 587 16 3 587 16 3 Dr. PHILIP WANSTEAD, 1817- April 30 May 1 29 May 31 Ci A5 To Balance To Sugar per Roderic To Joint Oil per Senegaglia ( To Balance \ 2,826 1,480 885 5,192 3,390 9 4 10 10 7 11 LEDGER. 283 LONDON. Crs. (11) I8I7. April 30 May 17 24 Al C4 May 31 By Balance By Joint Mission per Trafalgar By Linens for Sandoval & Co. By Balance 2,516 6,700 1,525 10,741 8,622 s. 17 O "17" d. 8 O LONDON. Crs. I817. May 3 10 May 31 C2 Al By WooUens per Wellington". By Joint Mission per Trafalgar By Balance 1,251 4,145 5,396 4,145 5 12 It' 12 LONDON. Crs. [817. May 23 23 By Cash, final Dividend of 6s. 8d. per ^ . By Guarantee, Loss 195 391 587 18 17 16 LONDON. Cr. I8I7. May 19 28 31 By Bills Receivable By Ditto By Balance . ^. . . . , 875 926 3,390 5,192 10 14 I 2 2 ^284 SET IV. — MERCHANTS BOOKS. (12) Drs. THOMAS JACKSON AND SON, I817 April 30 May 3 28 Cl A5 May 31 To Balance To Sugar per Roderic , , To Joint Oil per Senegaglia To Balance . PETER WALSINGHAM, To Balance To Joint Returns per Diana To Tallow per Neptune To Balance 1,581- 545 2,864 1 11 2,403 5 13 12 d. O 7 10 Dr. 1817- April 30 May 17 24 May 31 A3 C3 973 4,250 784 6,008 5,034 13 Drs. ROGERS AND WILSON, I817. April 30 To Balance Drs. DAVID HUNTER AND CO. I817. April 30 May 5 30 C 1 A5 May 31 To Balance To Sugar per Roderic ... . To Joint Oil per Senegaglia To Balance LEDGER. 285 LONDON. Crs. (12) I817. May 21 31 By Bills Receivable By Balance •im4':^!\ '.'Al: .. 461 2,403 2,864 I 11 LONDON. LONDON. a. . A'. 1817. May 7 31 1 By Bills Receivable 973 5,034 6 13 s By Balance 7 v 6,008 3 Crs^. I8I7. May 3 1 15 1 By Bills Receivable By Cash 1,J3S 1,366 2,504 11 LONDON. Crs. I8I7. May 10 29 31 By Bills Receivable By Ditto By Balance 1,520 837 2,233 4,592 7 17 17 6 4 O 286 SET IV. merchants' BOOKS. (13) Drs. HAMMOND AND MORLEY, I8I7. May 17 22 May 31 A3 C3 To Joint Returns per Diana To Tallow per Neptune . . . To Balance 4,289 1,153 5,442 5,442 15 15 Drs, JAMES DONALD AND gONS, I817. May 19 26 A3 C3 May 31 To Joint Returns per Diana To Tallow per Neptune . . . To Balance 5,437 546 5,984 12 14 5,984 Dr. DAVID WALKER, I8I7. May 19 20 Al 1 To Joint Mission per Trafalgar, his \ share To Cash 5,712 14 1,955 12 7,668 1 6 Drs. JAMES HORNER AND SON, I817. May 28 A4 To Joint Cotton per Britannia, our \ share 1,268 19 LEDGER. 287 1817, May 31 By Balance LONDON. Crs. (13) £. s. 5,442 15 LONDON. Crs. I817. May 31 By Balance 5,984 LONDON. Cr. I817. May 19 A3 By Joint Returns per Diana, his i share 7,668 LONDON. Crs. 18J7. May 29 By Cash 1/268 19 288 SET IV. MERCHANTS* BOOKS. (14) Drs. ROBERTS AND SMITH, BROKERS, LONDON. I8I7. May 21 31 A9 To Partial Average per Catharine to Riga To Balance 592 4,810 19 1 5,403 1 O Drs. ROBERTS AND SMITH, BROKERS, LONDON. I817. April 30 May 2 7 12 19 24 29 May 31 A8 A8 A8 As A8 A8 To Balance To Insurance per Ellen to Smyrna, . To Ditto. . . . per George to Lima, . . . . per Sarah from Lisbon . per Alexander to Riga . To Ditto. To Ditto. To Ditto. To Ditto. ,^400 at 4 per Cent. 250 at 8 Ditto 400 at 2 Ditto 500 at 3 Ditto . per Brahmin from Calcutta 300 at 10 Ditto. . per Anne to Bahia 350 at 3 Ditto. To Balance 587 16 20 8 15 30 10 687 359 12 O O 10 LEDGER. 289 ACCOUNT OF THEIR INSURANCES. Crs. (14) I8I7. April 30 May 1 3 5 7 19 30 May 31 A3 C3 C2 A5 Al A6 By Balance By Joint Returns per Diana from Buenos Ayres, £ 14,000 at 4 G By Tallow per Neptune . . . from Ditto 2,000 at 4 By Woollens per Wellington to Rio de Janeiro 2,000 at 3 By Joint Oil per Senegaglia 1,800 at 2 By Joint Mission per Trafalgar to Buenos Ayres 17,000 at 3 By Joint Coffee per Regent ''. 14,000 at 3 By Balance £. s 3,526 15 623 89 68 42 6 578 476 5,403 1 4,810 ACCOUNT OF OUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. Crs. I817. May 10 16 24 31 A8 A9 A8 By insurance, Total Loss per James By Partial Average per Nancy to Buenos Ayres By Insurance, Return Premium per Columbus By Balance 2 P ^90 SET IV.— MERCHANTS BOOKS. (15) Dr. JOHN HAMILTON, 18I7. May 1 12 ,i. 1 1 3 To Cash 500 238 300 3 s. 10 d. Q To Ditto, Randolph & Co 22 To Ditto 31 To Interest 11 1,041 10 11 Dr. CHARLES SIMPSON, 1817. May 5 20 31 1 1 3 To Cash, George Smith J 76 150 17 14 Q To Ditto .. To Interest 8 327 12 2 LEDGER. 291 PRIVATE ACCOUNT. Cr. (15) 1817. May 31 1 By Stock ." . . 1,011 s. 10 d. 11 1,041 10 11 PRIVATE ACCOUNT. Cr. 1817. May 31 1 By Stock .... 327 12 2 327 12 2 2 P 2 292 SET IV. — MERCHANTS BOOKS. (1) Dr. THE JOINT ESTATE OF JOHN HAMILTON BP L A 8 To L 2 To L 6 To L 6 To L 7 To L 8 To L 9 To L 10 To I. 10 To L 10 To L 10 To L 11 To L 14 To 30th April 1817 . To Bills Payable, Amount Outstanding £. s. d. Insurance, . . . Premiums on Risks Pending 1 ,346 11 3 Guarantee, . . . Del Credere on Debts Ditto 405 17 8 Le Maitre & Sons, Bourdeaux, due to them 1,715 18 8 Kaminski & Co. Riga, ditto ditto 2,237 4 9 Malatesta & Co. Leghorn, Italian Account 1,855 1 2 Monteiro & Costa, Rio Janeiro, Brazilian Account ... 1,181 14 Sandoval & Co. Buenos Ayres, Sterling Ditto 2,154 13 2 Peterson & Grenville, London, due to them 1,3^2 8 6 Campbell & Douglas, Ditto ditto 926 14 O Hargreaves & Sons, . . . Ditto ditto 783 15 4 Williams & Hey wood. Ditto ditto 1,850 10 Macnamara & Sons, . . . Ditto ditto 2,5 1 6 17 8 Roberts & Smith, Account Insurances, London 3,526 15 To Stock, our Net Capital £ £. 21,826 1,752 20,141 43,720 55,415 99^35 11 12 12 5 17 11 INVENTORY. 293 AND CHARLES SIMPSON, LONDON. Cr. (1) C B R L L C L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 1 1 4 4 ] 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 11 11 12 12 12 12 14 30th April 18 17. By Cash, Balance in hand. By Bills Receivable Ditto. , . ditto, . . By Debentures Ditto. . . ditto . . . By Three per Cent. Funds £. s. d. 6,637 5 9 29,178 7 G 829 14 5 . 6,000 O By Sugar per Roderic, Charges By Adventure per Rolla to Lima By Ditto per Brahmin to Calcutta . . By Ditto per Diana to Buenos Ayres 539 16 4 10,593 10 17,127 17 3 5,712 14 2 By Vanderloo & Co. Amsterdam, due from them . . By Muller & Schmidt, Hambro' . . ditto By Casanova & Co. Naples ditto By Malatesta & Co. Leghorn, . - . Sterling Account. By Monteiro & Costa, Rio de Janeiro, Ditto By William Fleetwood's Assignees, London By Philip Wanstead, London, due from him . By Thomas Jackson & Son, Ditto, . . . ditto By Peter Walsingham, Ditto. . . . ditto By Rogers & Wilson, Ditto ditto By David Hunter & Co Ditto . . , , ditto By Roberts & Smith, Account Subscriptions 3,632 6 8 2,150 14 6 1,648 2 10 2,476 7 8 482 6 6 587 16 3 2,826 9 10 1,581 5 973 6 8 2,504 11 2 3,065 12 7 587 12 6 £. 42,645 33,973 17 22,516 99,135 12 17 294 SET IV. MERCHANTS BOOKS. (2) Dr. THE JOINT ESTATE OF JOHN HAMILTON BP A 8 L 2 L 6 L 6 L 10 L 10 L 10 L 11 L 11 L 14 31st May I817. To Bills Payable, Amount outstanding ^'. s. To Insurance, Premiums on Risks Pending 1,135 4 To Guarantee, Del Credere on Debts Ditto 8/5 1 1 To Le Maitre & Sons, Bourdeaux. . due to them 1,215 18 8 To Kaminski & Co Riga ditto. . To Campbell & Douglas, London, ditto . . To Hargreaves & Sons, Ditto. . . ditto. . To Williams & Heywood, Ditto. . . ditto. . To Macnamara & Sons, Ditto . . . ditto. . To Stansfield & Nephew, Ditto. . . ditto. . To Roberts & Smith (Ace* Insurances) Ditto. . . ditto. . 1,239 O 4 1,847 10 454 5 6 3,670 10 O 8,622 7 8 4,145 12 6 4,810 1 7 To Stock, our Net Capital . se £. 19,860 2,010 26,005 47,877 105,374 19 15 10 INVENTORY. 295 AND CHARLES SIMPSON, LONDON. Cr. (2) 31st May ISI7. £, s. d. £. s. d. c 1 By Cash, Balance in hand . 5,872 5 2 B R 1 By Bills Receivable, .... Ditto, . , ditto .27,117 IQ 7 L 4 By Debentures, Ditto, . . ditto, . 899 12 I L 4 By Three per Cent. Funds 6,000 39,889 16 9 C 4 By Linens for Sandoval & Co. Buenos Ajrres . 1,525 A (^ By Joint Coffee per Regent, Premiums 510 n L 4 By Adventure per Rolla to Lima . . . • . 10,593 10 L 5 By Ditto per Brahmin to Calcutta .17,127 17 3 L 5 By Ditto per Trafalgar to Buenos Ayres . 5,712 14 2 35,469 1 5, L 6 By Vanderloo & Co. Amsterdam, .... due from them. . . 2,353 13 2 L 6 By Muller & Schmidt, Hambro', ditto . 1,150 14 6 L 9 By Sandoval & Co. Buenos Ayres, ditto . 1,663 2 L 11 . 3,390 1 4 L 12 By Thomas Jackson & Son,. . Ditto. . , . . . ditto . 2,403 4 8 L 12 By Peter Walsingham, Ditto. .... ditto . 5,034 13 7 L 12 By David Hunter & Co Ditto ditto . 2,233 17 L 13 By Hammond & Morley, . . . Ditto ditto . 5,442 1 *> 3 L 13 By James Donald & Sons, . . . Ditto ditto . 5,984 6 7 L 14 By Roberts & Smith (Account Subscriptions) . 359 2 30,015 10 1 \ 105,374 8 3 [ 297 ] INDEX TO THE PARTNERSHIP LEDGER. Folio Joint Capital 1 Profit 1 Interest 1 John Hamilton 2 Charles Simpson 2 2 Q 298 SET IV. — MERCHANTS* BOOKS. Dr. JOINT CAPITAL (1) I8I7. April 30 May 31 31 May 31 To Balance To Interest To Profit . . To Balance 55,415 230 3,220 5 6 ■ 58,866 g 57,497 d. 1 11 8 Dr. PROFIT I81: May 31 31 To John Hamilton, his Moiety To Charles Simpson, Ditto . . . 1,610 1,610 3,220 Dr. INTEREST. 1817. ^ay 31 31 2 2 To John Hamilton 127 103 5 12 7 To Charles Simpson 4 230 17 11 PARTNERSHIP LEDGER. 299 (i) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. Maj 31 31 31 2 I By John Hamilton, withdrawn 2 ! By Charles Simpson, ditto .. . . By Balance Ji. 1 1,041 327 57,497 10 12 6 9 58,866 11 2 7 PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. May 31 1 By Joint Capital . -•..... 3,220 6 8 • 3,220 6 8 PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. May 31 By Joint Capital 2 Q 2 300 SET IV. MERCHANTS BOOKS. Dr. JOHN HAMILTON. (2) 1817. May 31 31 1 To Joint Capital, withdrawn 1,041 31,243 s. 10 9 d. 11 Tr> Balance - . , 7 V 32,285 .> Dr. CHARLES SIMPSON. I817. May 31 31 To Joint Capital, withdrawn To Balance 327 26,253 26,581 12 17 PARTNERSHIP LEDGER. 301 (2) PER CONTRA. Cr, I8I7. April 30 May 31 31 Ma/ 31 By Balance By Interest By Profit . . By Balance £. 30,547 127 1,610 "ilyl^b 31,243 11 5 3 d. 7 7 4 PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. April 30 1 1 By Balance 24,867 103 1,610 13 12 3 6 May 31 By Interest 4 31 By Profit 4 By Balance 26,581 9 2 May 31 26,253 17 [ 303 ] SET V. BANKERS' BOOKS. Concern A Partnership. Capital Invariable. Business Continued. Result Profitable. OBSERVATIONS. Banking is the most simple of all businesses in regard to its Books ; for, having no Merchandise Account, nor any account analogous to it, its Day Books consist of the Money Accounts alone, namely, the Cash, the Bills Receivable, and the Bills Payable, or London Bankers" Acceptances. In the Deposite Accounts, money is borrowed by the Bank at 4 per cent Interest. In the Loan Accounts, money is lent by the Bank on Securities at 5 per cent Interest. In the Exchange Accounts, Interest is reckoned on both sides at 5 per cent, with a charge by the Batik for Commission and vStamps. Besides these Accounts, there are the promiscuous transactions for which no personal accounts are opened, and which may be classed under the general title of Discounts ; for, either the Banker discounts the customer's Bill, or the customer discounts the Banker's. In these transactions, it is not supposed necessary to state the several parts of the profit accruing from Interest, from Stamps, and from Com- mission : the general result alone is shewn in the Account of Promiscuous Discounts. But if the particulars be desirable, they may easily be obtained by a Memorandum-Book kept for the purpose. In the other Accounts, these branches of the profits are distinctly stated and collected. 304 SET V. — bankers' books. Interest, however, is the great source of the Provincial Banker's emolument. The circulation of Notes on Demand creates a capital which, invested in bene- ficial securities, rains a golden shower on the Bank, without endangering the public Creditor. And as Interest is here the great channel of profit, so it engrosses a principal share of the Accounts. In the Personal Accounts, Interest columns are ruled on the left of the principal column ; and at every entry the Interest is calcu- lated to the next half yearly period of settlement, and immediately recorded. The two general periods for the Balance of Interest, are the 30th of June and the 31st of December. This simultaneous entry of the Interest with the Principal, prevents the enormous accumidated labour of a general set of Interest Accounts Current for the entire six months. At the periods mentioned, the Balance of Interest is struck through all the Accounts, and carried to the principal column, as well as the charges for Stamps and Commission. In the Customers' Books (which are merely open Accounts Current) the Inte- rest is entered only in its half-yearly Balance, along with the other charges. The business being given for the month of June, the periodical close of the Interest Accounts, and the result of the whole half-year, are exhibited, by stating against the Balances on the 31st of May the Interests accrued during the preceding five months. The mark [y] against the Numbers of the Bills Receivable denotes the Bills paid away. By this means the specific Bills which compose the Balance, may be seen without reference to the Portfolio, the unmarked Bills being those that remain on hand. The Book of Notes on Demand requires no exemplification, being a mere Memorandum-Book, with columns for the Numbers, Dates, Values, Signatures, and Countersigns of the Notes issued. When the Notes are finally withdrawn, the respective Numbers are marked as paid and annulled. In consequence of the numerous entries to Promiscuous Discounts and the London Bankers' Accounts, it may promote convenience to separate them from the Ledger, and record each of them in a distinct Book. The Proprietors of this Bank are, Peter Smith, John Brown, Charles Langdon, and George Williams, of whom the first has a third share, the last a sixth, and the two others each a fourth. The conditions of the Partnership are, to maintain an invariable capital of £ 30,000, and to distribute the result of the business in the ratio of the shares. It has already been explained in the Ninth Chapter, that an invariable Stock requires a particular process in the equihbration of the Accounts. When Stock is variable, the results of the Profit, Loss, and Private Accounts, are transferred to it y OBSERVATIONS. , 305 but, as Bn invariable Stock excludes all fluctuation, so it admits no entries in its Account after the first record of the capital The result cf the Profit Account is, therefore, first carried down as its own Balance, and then transferred in shares to the respective Private Accounts of the Partners. Their Accounts of shares in the capital remain, like the Joint Stock, invariable in the Partnership Ledger ; whilst their Private Accounts with the Bank resemble the other Personal Accounts, being equally subject to Interest, and either Debtors or Creditors, according as they are borrowers or depositors. When the capital of a Bank is variable, the mode of keeping the Stock Account, and appropriating the shares of Profit, may be seen in the preceding Set of Books. In the present case of invariable property, it may be objected to the Partnership Ledger, that, as it receives no entries after the first record of the Joint Capital and the shares, it may be dispensed with altogether, and its purpose be equally accom- plished by a Memorandum in the first blank page of the Ledger. To this objection there are two answers: Firstly, A subject so important as the Shares of Capital ought to be recorded in regular, systematic Accounts, and not be committed to the care of a mere Memo- randum. Secondly, Accounts ought to be adapted, not merely to present purposes, but also to future contingencies. So long as there is no alteration either in the Capital, in the Shares, or in the Proprietors, a Memorandum may serve the purpose of re- cording the Shares : but it must be observed, that the permanency of the Capital, &c. relates to the present system of the business, and not to absolute exclusion of change ; the Capital may hereafter be extended or reduced, present Partners may withdraw, new ones may accede, and correspondent alterations take place in the Shares. To record transactions of this description, the Partnership Ledger will be found indispensable. Account with the London Banker. When the Provincial Banker keeps with his London Banker only one Account, debited with remittances, &c. and credited with drafts, &c. this Account will shew the general Balance between them, and answer the internal purposes of system ; but it is totally inadequate to the important external object of checking the London Banker's Accounts Current. For these Accounts Current consisting solely of Cash receipts and disburses, they present no basis of compai'ison with an Account composed chiefly of Bills Receivable and Payable falling due in endless diversity of combinations and dates. Nor will a mere Calendar of due Bills and Acceptances 2 a 306 SET v.— bankers' books. remedy this inadequacy : the actual encashments will ever vary from the calculations,- as well from errors of date in the register, as from postponements in the payment of due Remittances, and the presentation of due Acceptances. In the latter espe- cially, the irregularities and variations are of frequent occurrence ; and it must be observed, that the Calendar is not merely inefficient from its inability to check the individual entries, but also from its having no jurisdiction on the openin"- Balance of the Account Current, nor on the difference existing in that Balance, as produced by the combination of differences in the preceding Account. Hence the Provincial Banker who keeps only one general Account with the London Banker, may continue from year to year his imperfect examinations of Accounts Current, without ever ascertaining the conformity of their Books j and when at length the connexion is closed, there may become apparent an important difference which may have existed or accumulated undiscovered during a long series of years. The disadvantage will in this case fall to the Country Banker j for the London Banker is defended by his regular Accounts Current, the Balances of which iiave never been disavowed, because they could never be examined. The follow- ing arrangement would remove this inconvenience. Instead of one general Account, let the Provincial Banker keep with his London Banker three specific Accounts, which may be briefly distinguished by the letters A, B, C ; and to each of which, in extensive concerns, a separate Book may be allotted, A, is the Account of the London Banker's Acceptances j B, the Account of the Bills remitted to him ; C, the Cash Account. The Acceptance Account is credited for the drafts, and debited to the Cash Account for the due amounts registered in the Calendar. The Bill Account is debited for the remittances, and credited by the Cash Account for the due amounts similarly registered. The Cash Account is, therefore, chiefly composed of transfers from the other Accounts, but it also receives all immediate cash transactions. Let each of these Accounts be ruled with double columns for money, and in the internal columns transcribe the London Banker's Account Current. These columns being regularly equilibrated, and their Balances carried forwards, whatever differences occur between the London and Provincial Balances in the specific Accounts, the combination of those Balances will always shew conformity in the general state of the Account. For though the London Banker transmits only the Cash Account, his Acceptance and Bill Accounts may be regularly and correctly formed. The Debit entries of the Cash supply the Credit entries of the Bills j and OBSERVATIONS, 307 the Debit entries of the latter agree with the Provincial, being vouched by the London acknowledgments of Remittances. In like manner, the Credit entries of the Cash supply the Debit entries of the Acceptances, the Credit entries of which will agree with the Provincial. In the following Ledger is exemplified this combined record of the London and Provincial Accounts ; and in the Inventory the disagreeing Balances of Accept- ances, Bills, and Cash, are shewn to be reconciled by the conformity of the General Balances. It must, however, be observed, that this general correspondence is necessarily produced by the construction of the Accounts in a series of transfers : and, there- fore, it does not prove the correctness of the London Banker's Account Current. It is merely an arrangement preparatory to the proof itself, which is obtained by the following examinations : Firstly, The Acceptances paid must be checked by the original Drafts returned as vouchers of the payments. This process will ascertain the correctness of the London Balance of Acceptances. Secondly, The London Balance of Bills must be checked by the list of Bills in hand, which the London Banker ought always to transmit with his Account Current. Thirdly, The correctness of the London Balances of Acceptances and Bills clearly proves the correctness of the London Balance of Cash. For the general result of the three London Balances is always accurate, by its correspondence with the result of the three Provincial Balances ; so that we have a correct general Balance, composed of three particular Balances, A, B, C ; whereof the first. A, and second, B, being proved correct, the third, C, must also be correct ; for, if it were otherwise, it would necessarily destroy that accuracy of the general Balance, which has in the first instance been established. We may hence deduce the utility of constructing the London Banker's Accept- ance and Bill Accounts ; for, though it is the Cash Account alone that he transmits, yet its Balance cannot be immediately checked ; and its correctness can be ascer- tained solely by inference from the examination of the Balances of Acceptances and Bills. This plan of the London Banker's Account was suggested by an ingenious friend, whose unassuming merit would not permit a more explicit acknowledgment. 2 E 2 [ 309 ] SET V. THE BOOKS OF PETER SMITH, JOHN BROWN, CHARLES LANGDON, AND GEORGE WILLIAMS, BANKERS, LEEDS. 1. Cash. ^. Bills Receivable. 3. Bills Payable. 4. Ledger. 5. Inventory. 6. Partnership Ledger. 310 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. CASH. (1) ISI7. May 31 June 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 4 4 10 4 17 4 4 4 4 4 18 4 4 4 4 4 Receipts. To Balance To Promiscuous Discounts To Ditto Ditto . . . . To Grandison, Neville, & Co, Bank of England Notes To Promiscuous Discounts To Henry Bath To Promiscuous Discounts To Ditto Ditto To Ditto ... Ditto To Ditto Ditto To Ditto Ditto To EUen Wilton To Promiscuous Discounts To Ditto Ditto ... To Ditto Ditto . . To Ditto. .. Ditto ... To Ditto Ditto . . . To Notes on Demand, Re-issued, 4,000 of ^ 1 . 300 of 2. 80 of 5. ^4,000 600 400 To Promiscuous Discounts Carried forward .£ 12,050 256 173 5,000 121 500 270 186 91 75 83 25 90 Q5 87 99 137 5,000 234 3 15 O 15 12 12 7 12 2 o 15 O 12 11 11 15 11 3 8 O 8 O 5 O 10 8 10 4 O 8 6 7 24,549 17 CASH. 311 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. June 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 4 21 13 4 17 14 11 4 21 4 12 Payments. 7 4 7 20 7 16 9 15 9 4 9 12 10 14 10 4 11 20 11 4 11 14 12 4 11 11 13 4 13 12 14 4 14 J3 14 15 16 15 16 4 16 '21 17 18 17 5 18 17 18 16 By Samuel Winsford & Co. Notes ." By Promiscuous Discounts By Charles Langdon By Billington & Co. Notes By Promiscuous Discounts By Sir Charles Slade, his Check to J. Wilton By John Evergreen, Check to Charles Smith By Simpson & White, Notes . By Promiscuous Discounts By George Williams By Promiscuous Discounts ; By Johnson & Sons, Notes By Notes on Demand, withdrawn 4,000 of sSl .^4,000 300 of 2 600 80 of 5 400 By Promiscuous Discounts By Peter Smith By Samuel Winsford & Co. Check to John Holt By Hunt & Milner, Notes By Promiscuous Discounts By Johnson & Sons, Check to T. Walhs By John Evergreen, Notes By Promiscuous Discounts By John Brown By Promiscuous Discounts By John Evergreen, Check to Hartley & Co By Promiscuous Discounts By Simpson & White, Notes By Promiscuous Discounts By Johnson & Sons, Check to B. Saunders By Promiscuous Discounts By Billington & Co. Notes By Hunt & Milner, Check to Robert Bland By Hunt & Milner, Notes , By Promiscuous Discounts , By George Williams By Mrs. Risingham By Promiscuous Discounts By Sir Charles Slade, Check to R. Townsend , By Samuel Winsford & Co. Check to T. Grant Cairied forward sS £. s. 200 73 1 50 300 134 8 74 18 32 10 250 140 19 40 49 10 200 ^,000 345 17 100 26 14 150 70 1 35 15 200 100 50 179 16 41 3 155 8 250 197 12 38 10 77 200 19 16 150 267 18 20 25 160 4 54 13 21 11 9.482 11 6 o 3 O 4 o 10 8 8 o 6 4 O 6 O 6 a o 10 6 o 10 312 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. CASH. (2) I817. June 19 5 20 5 21 5 23 5 24 5 25 5 26 6 17 28 29 June 30 5 5 17 Receipts. Brought forward To Promiscuous Discounts To Ditto Ditto . , To Ditto Ditto . . To Ditto Ditto . . To Ditto Ditto . . To Ditto Ditto . . To Notes on Demand, Issued . . 3,000 of 1 a^ ^3,000 200 of 2 400 20 of 5 100 To Promiscuous Discounts To Ditto Ditto To James Arnold's Assignees, a final Dividend of 65, Qd. on «^ 631. 17. 6 24,549 63 81 58 228 77 139 3,500 58 180 210 29,149 11,070 s. 17 10 )2 13 10 11 12 7 13 12 d. 10 6 9 5 7 6 16 CASH. 313 (2) PER CONTRA. Cr. Paymknts. Brought forward I817. June 19 19 20 20 I'l 21 23 23 ^■k 24 25 25 25 26 26 2d 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 11 5 21 12 5 14 10 5 5 14 18 10 5 11 5 17 13 17 5 18 5 5 3 3 22 22 22 22 22 3 3 3 By Simpson & White^ Notes By Promiscuous Discounts '. By Charles Langdon . . . By Johnson & Sons, Notes By Promiscuous Discounts , By John Evergreen, Check to S. Milne By Samuel Winsford & Co. Notes By Promiscuous Discounts By Ditto Ditto By John Evergreen, Notes By Mrs. Risingham By Grandison, Neville, & Co. Bank of England Notes By Promiscuous Discounts By Simpson & White, Notes By Promiscuous Discounts By Sir Charles Slade, Check to Harris & Son By Billington & Co. Notes By Henry Bath, Check to Tomlinson & Co By Promiscuous Discounts By William Trueman By Promiscuous Discounts By Ditto Ditto By Stamps this month By Bank Expenses, Postages this month By Charles Wilfred, . . Balance of Salary' By John Simpson, .... Ditto .... Ditto By George Riley, Ditto Ditto By John Wilkes, Ditto Ditto By James Thompson, Ditto .... Ditto By Bank Expenses, Half Year's Rent of Bank , By ... . Ditto Worthington & Co. Engravers . . . , By ... . Ditto John Nolan, Stationer By Balance 9,482 250 244 30 200 47 300 168 108 200 20 5,000 238 150 9S 127 200 83 234 50 147 322 107, 14 20 15 10 5 5 52 25 19 11,070 29,149 s. 11 J7 o 4 10 O 11 >7 10 o 1 15 2 12 O 3 14 \2 10 O O O O 10 13 7 16 d. 10 6 o o 5 10 o o o o o s o o 9 Q o 10 4 6 4 O O O (5 O 2 S 314 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. BILLS RECEIVABLE. (1) When .1 received, j^ From whom received. No. By whom Drawn. Date. Term. To whose Order. On whom Drawn. 1817. 1817. May 31 June 2 1 To Balance I To Simpson & White V537 Simpson & White Leeds June 2 2 m. Ourselves James White & Co. London. 6 To S, Winsford & Co. V538 V539 V540 Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 2 2 2 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto . rMttn 2 1 S. Winsford & Co. Rogers & Pearson, Ditto. 2 4 To Promiscuous Discts. v/541 Glengary&Co. . Manchr. May 25 2 m. Ancouts & Son Richardson & Co. Ditto. 3 1 2 To Johnson & Sons 7 542 McGregor & Co. Glasgow 16 3 m. McFarlane & Co. Macnamara & Sons Ditto. 7 543 James Camelford Edinbro' April 29 3 m. Order Archibald Lumb, Ditto. 3 L 3 To Billington & Co. . . 7 544 Billington & Co. Leeds June 3 2 m. Ourselves Samuel Westwood, Ditto. 3 4 To Promiscuous Discts. 7 545 MaundreU & Co. Leeds May 25 2 m. John Smith . . . Robert GrifBth . . . Ditto. 7 546 John Bentley . . . Wakefd. 27 2 m. James Ball .... Mountain & Sons, Ditto. 7 547 Samuel Newton York June 2 2 m. John Ouse Fjurfax & Co Ditto. 7 548 Peter Jones .... Leeds 3 2 m. Simon Laurel . . Snowden & Sons, Ditto. 4 1 3 To Billington & Co. . . 7 549 Billington & Co. Ditto 4 2 m. Ourselves Samuel Westwood, Ditto. 7 550 Ditto Ditto 4 2 m. Ditto Ditto Ditto. 4 A I To Promiscuous Discts. 7 551 Durham Bank . . May 10 3 m. James Conder . Grandison & Co. Ditto. 5 1 4 To John Evergreen . . 7 552 John Evergreen Leeds June 5 30 d. s. Ourselves (Ramon Miranda?^ ,. I &Co l^*"^'^- 5 ' t To Promiscuous Discts. 7 553 T.Northmore .. Preston May 30 2 m. Wm. Kenworthy Davison & Grant, London. 7 554 Hungerford & Co. Leeds Jime 2 2 m. Philip West . . . Strawman & Co. Ditto. 7 555 John Brown . . . Halifax 3 3 m. Himself Charles White . . . Ditto. 5 1 1 To Simpson & White 7 556 Simpson & White Leeds 5 2 m. Ourselves James White & Co. Ditto. fi 1 5 To Hunt & Milner . . 7 557 Hunt & Milner . . Ditto 5 2 m. Order Milner & Hunt . . . Ditto. G ] 2 To Johnson & Sons . . 7^558 Johnson & Sons Ditto 6 2 m. Ourselves Anandale & Sons, Ditto. 6 4 To Promiscuous Discts. 7 559 Bolland & Co. . . Manchr. May 23 2 m. William Smith . Nathaniel Brown, Ditto. • 7 560 Maundrel & Co. Leeds June 4 2 m. Joshua Bland . . Kippax & Co Ditto. Carried forward , . . BILLS RE(^EIVABLE. 315 (1) AVhen due. 1817. Aug. 5 5 5 5 July 28 Aug. 19 1 6 July 28 30 Aug. 5 6 7 7 13 •Negotd. \ ^ June 10/ Aug. 2 5 Sept. 6 Aug. 8 8 9 July 26 Aug. 7 500 200 300 863 648 15 27 43 50 400 350 at36|rf, 19 30 92 234 50 10 6,758 1,000 200 73 1,512 300 136 750 500 1,374 142 250 1,200 200 ^84 14,683 15 PER CONTRA. Cr. I 1817. June 2 11 13 14 How disposed of. By Simpson & White By Grandison Neville & Co By Grandison Neville & Co By Billington & Co. By Promiscuous Discounts By John Evergreen , By Grandison Neville & Co Carried forward 2 S 2 No. 516 522 540 510 518 527 535 529 521 544 504 507 537 538 548 541 545 546 547 530 520 515 539 549 550 551 542 556 543 552 When due. 1817. July 20 Aug. 13 Aug. 5 July 23 24 25 26 27 28 Aug. 6 July 29 30 Aug. 5 July 28 28 30 Aug. 5 July 31 Aug. 1 2 5 7 7 13 19 8 1 June 10 627 15 330 200 1,000 500 837 1,200 413 350 300 472 826 500 200 50 73 15 27 43 100 50 50 300 400 350 500 863 250 648 1,374 957 2,537 3,563 750 360 1,550 3,137 12,856 15 16 110 316 BANKERS* BOOKS. Dr. BILLS RECEIVABLE. (2) When received. 1817. June 7 16 From whom received. No. Brought forward . . . To S. Winsford & Co. 9 4 To Proms. Discounts 9 12 To Johnson & Sons 9 4 To Proms. Discounts By whom drawn. 12 13 13 14 15 To Hunt &Milner 11 To Simpson & White 4 To Proms. Discounts 14 To John Eveip*een 14 To John Evergreen 4 To Proms. Discounts To Simpson & White To Billington & Co. To Proms. Discounts V561 ^502 V563 V564 V 566 V567 V568 7 569 V570 V571 V572 V 573 V574 V575 V576 ^b77 v/578 V579 V580 7 581 7 582 7 583 7 584 7 585 7 586 Stuart & Kirk, T; ndem & Co. Winsford & Co. Date. Edinbro' Dublin Leeds Sandfonl&Merton, York Philip Westerman Leeds Ossiphoff & Co. Andcrton & Smith Luke Green .... Robert Smith . . Hunt & Milncr Simpson & White Ditto 1817. To S. Winsford & Co. To Proms. Discounts To Hunt & Milner To Billington & Co. To Promis. Discounts Carried forward 7 587 7 588 7 589 7 590 7 591 7 592 7 593 7 594 James Strange Roger Bland . Ordonez & Co. Rambouillet & Co. John Ryder .... Samuel Gore . . . John Price .... James Naylor . . Simpson & White Billington & Cq. Ditto David Spink . . . John West . . . . Robert Black . . Rimaverde & Co. Morlcy & Co. . . Hunt & Milncr Ditto Billington & Co. Morgan & Leek Milton & Miles William Ford Riga Hull Wakefd. Leeds Ditto Ditto Ditto Manchr. Bristol Madrid Paris Rochdale Macclcsf. Paisley Dundee Leeds Ditto Ditto Otley Wetherby Tadcaster Lisbon Bradford Leeds Ditto Ditto St. Asaph Leicester Leeds June 2 May 28 June 7 2 3 Apr. 20 May 15 20 June 8 9 10 Term. To whose Order. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. 3 ra. 2 m. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 10 2 m. Feb. 15 Apr. 26 May 15 June 3 Apr. 1 May 2 10 June 12 12 12 June 5 Mayl 10 20 June 6 13 i; S. Winsford & Co. Ditto Ourselves Verdon & Co. . . James Horn . . . Dombrowski & Co John White . . . Philip Brown . . John Penny .... 6 m. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 3 m. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 3 m. 2 m. 30d.s 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. Ourselves Ditto . . . Ditto . . . Himself Order John Evergreen Perrault & Co. James Lord . . . T. Johnson . . . . Robert Taylor. Philip Green . . Ourselves Ditto . . . Ditto . . . William North Robert White . John Smith . . Braga & Co. Order Ourselves . , Order . . . . , 14 2 m. May 23 Apr. 15 JunelO 2 m. 3 m. 2 m. Ourselves . . Themselves . John Smith . James Hope On whom Drawn. Jacob Hall Ijondon. Sir S. Black & Co. Ditto. Philander & Mills Ditto. Worthington & SonSjDitto. Philip Maude & Co. Ditto, Bartlcman & Co. Ditto. Broadman & Sons Ditto. Barringdale & Co. Ditto. Grandison & Co. Ditto. Milner & Hunt, . . Ditto. James White & Co. IMtto. Ditto Ditto. Woodfall & Ward, Ditto. Macnamara & Co. Ditto. Madrigues & Co. Ditto. Legrand & Co. . . . Ditto. Whitaker & Co. . . Ditto. Benjamin Briar, . . Ditto. Macnamara & Co. Ditto. Rowlandson & Co. Ditto. James ^^^lite & Co. Ditto. Samuel Wcstwood, Ditto. Ditto Ditto. Brownson & Co. . Dittp. Carter & Sons, . . . Ditto, Strawman & Co. Ditto. Guimarraens & Co. Ditto. Archibald Ward, Ditto. Milner & Hunt, . . Ditto. Ditto Ditto. Samuel Westwood, Ditto. Glendowcr & Co. Ditto. Castleford & Sons, Ditto. Westman & Wlute, Ditto. BILLS RECEIVABLE. 317 (2) When due. 1817. . ^ Sept. 5. July 31 Aug. 10 Sept, 5 Aug. 6 July 23 18 23 Aug. 11 12 13 13 18 July 29 4 18 Aug. 6 July 4 Aug. 5 July 13 Aug. 15 15 15 18 July 13 18 Aug. 9 16 16 17 July 26 18 Aug. 13 743 382 500 200 1.50 400 600 743 600 6412 500 500 100 100| 17518 250 450 19 5 25 3311 £. 14,683 1,626 350 958 71 150 1,000 329 187 1.343 182 250 1,000 375 1,427 200 700 200 77 25,113 15 18 16 12 10 PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. June 7 9 12 11 12 12 13 14 13 How disposed of. Brouglit forward . . By Hunt & Milner By Promiscuous Discounts By Johnson & Sons By Simpson & Wlilte . . . By Promiscuous Discounts By Grandison Neville & Co. By Billington & Co. By Promiscuous Discounts By Grandison Neville & Co, By Hunt & Milner Carried fonvard No. 563 561 553 555 554 560 558 564 565 562 566 567 568 569 570 574 559 576 373 575 571 572 577 578 579 581 587 580 586 584 585 583 588 When due. 1817. Aug. 10 Sept. 5 Aug. 2 Sept. 6 Aug. 5 9 Sept. 5 Aug. 6 July 31 23 July 18 23 Aug. 11 12 July 29 26 18 Aug. 18 July 4 Aug. 13 13 6 July 4 Aug. 5 15 July 18 13 13 Aug. 8 18 15 9 £. 500 743 19 92 30 50 200 200 150 382 150 187 234 600 329 743 400 600 27 40 50 250 1,427 64 175 100 100 .500 200 12,856 1,243 10 10 192 3 932 958 71 2,246 1,000 117 2,117 700 22,435 10 18 15 5 318 SET. V. bankers' books. Dr. BILLS RECEIVABLE. (3) When receivfed. 1817. June 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 ?0 20 20 21 From whom receved. 15 14 Brought forward . . To Simpson & White To Hunt & Milner . To Proms. Discounts To Proms. Discounts To Johnson & Sons To Billington & Co. To Simpson & White To John Evergreen To Proms. Diccounts To Hunt & Milner . . To Johnson & Sons To Proms. Discounts To S. Winsford & Co, To Johnson & Sons . To S. Winsford & Co. To Proms. Discounts To Proms. Discounts To Simpson & White To John Evergreen Carried forwaul No. By whom Drawn. Date. /595 V596 7 597 V598 v/599 7 600 7 601 7 602 7 603 7 604 7 605 7 606 7 607 7 608 7 609 7 610 7 611 7 612 7 613 7 614 7 615 7 616 7 617 7 618 7 619 7 620 7 621 7 622 623 7 624 7 625 626 Simpson & Wliite Hunt & Mihier Duncan Camphell Somerset & Co, John Lumley . . Roger Maude . . John Hey . . • . ; Leeds Ditto Inverness Bristol Leeds Ditto Ditto Pendragon &Lister Baltimore Billington & Co. Leeds Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Simpson & White Ditto John Evergreen T. Nelson James Smith . . . Musgrave & Co. . Hunt & Milner Ditto Macartney & Co, Philip Wells . . . Vanderloo & Co. Johnson & Sons Ditto Anderson & Co. Charles Scott . . Reginald & Sons Dodson & Co. . . Lamprey & Sons Simpson &; White Ditto Rimaverde & Co. John Evergreen Ditto Hull Malton Leeds Ditto Ditto Edinhro' Newcastle Amsterd. Leeds Ditto Glasgow Dundee Lancaster Manchr. Liverpool Leeds Ditto Lisbon Leeds 1817. June 16 16 Apr.28 May 16 June 5 9 15 Apr.30 June 16 16 16 Term 2 m. 2 m. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 30 d. s 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 19 2 m. 19 May 10 27 Junel5 20 20 May 1 Apr. 15 June 5 20 23 May 10 June 4 May 1 JunelO Apr.30 June24 24 May 31 Junc24 3 m. 3 m. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 3 m. 3 m. 2 m. 3 m. 2 m. 3 m. 2 m. 3 m, 2 m. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. To Avhose Order. Order Ourselves James Forbes . . . Wrighton & Co. Josiah Green . . James West , . . James Hudson Johnson & Sons Ourselves Ditto Ditto Ourselves . . Order James Grant Peter Pole . . Mary Scott . Order . . . Ourselves Gregson & Co. John Boler .... Jac. Mussullbach Themselves .... Ourselves R. Griffith John Douglas . . Thomas Duncan Order T. Drinkwater Ourselves . . . , Ditto 30 d. s. Man'ocos & Co. 2 m. I Ourselves .... On whom Drawn. James White & Co. London. Milner & Hunt, . . Ditto. Archibald Stuart, Ditto. Simon Swift Ditto, Charles Ashton . . , Ditto. Jamieson & Co. . . Ditto. George Comey . , , Ditto, Straw;nan & Co. , . Ditto. Samuel Westwood, Ditto. Ditto Ditto. Ditto Ditts. James White & Co. Ditto. Philipson & Hart, Ditto. Wellwood & Sons, Ditto. Robert North Ditto. Forrester & Co. . . Ditto. Milner & Hunt, Ditto Ditto. Ditto. Alexander & Sons, Ditto. Blanchard & Smith, Ditto. Turvin & Wilde, Ditto. Wolverton & Co. Ditto. McParlane & Co. Glasgow. Hodson & Best . . London. Archibald Muir . . . Ditto. Highfield & Flower, Ditto. Williamson &. Co. Ditto. Glenarvon & Sons, Ditto. James White & Co, Ditto. Ditto Ditto. Peter Swift Ditto. Herman & Co. . . . Ditto. BILLS RECEIVABLE. 319 (3) PER CONTRA. Cr. When due. £. s. d. £. s . d. 1817. d 1 How disposed of. No. When due. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1817. 1817. .... . 25,113 1 2 3 Brought forward .... .... 22,435 15 5 Aug. 19 .... 1,200 1 June 16 11 By Simpson & White . . . 557 Aug. 8 .... 1,200 19 .... ' 150 ( 3 16 4 By Promiscuous Discounts 597 July 31 150 July 31 150 500 o' o' 1 650 < ) 18 12 13 By Johnson & Sons .... By Billington & Co 593 582 601 18 Aug. 15 18 25 175 500 a 19 Aug. 8 63 15 18 50 12 48 10 6 590 16 450 18 50 162 J ) 6 598 July 19 500 1,000 July 23 . . 2,000 ( ) 18 9 By Grandison Neville & Co. 591 Aug. 17 200 Aug. 19 200 602" July 23 2,000 19 300 ' 592 26 19 5 4 19 500 1,000 ( 250 ( 1,291 ' ) ) I 6 594 589 599 600 596 Aug. 13 16 8 , 12 19 33 250 63 48 150 11 15 10 6 6 2,765 2 22 Sept. 22 Aug, 13 30 150 200 4 18 76 18 6 426 1 1,000 200 3 6 ) D 19 19 9 5 By Grandison Neville & Oo. By Promiscuous Discounts 606 607 609 608 610 22 Sept. 22 Aug. 30 13 18 250 1,291 200 150 4 6 1,891 76 4 18 23 23 375 624 15 5 6 & 4 • ► • • July 18 Aug. 8 Sept 23 Aug. 26 713 850 18 8 100 1.736 1 1,563 1 [) 9 3 8 20 23 15 12 By Hunt & Milner By Johnson & Sons ..... 604 605 603 595 19 19 19 19 300 500 200 1,000 1,200 13 7 37 15 325 1 b 611 23 375 15 1,575 15 » 4 48 3 10 23 9 By GrandisottNeviUe & Co. 613 4 200 13 84 6 8 170 400 1,000 1,138 1 b 6 8 6 24 24 11 5 By Simpson & White . . . By Promiscuous Discounts 618 615 621 620 622 612 619 13 8 13 4 2 23 7 325 1,736 84 48 15 19 6 3 8 10 2,395 1,024 4 5 2 27 27 500 500 6 400 624 5 July 29 Aug. 27 938 200 18 6 37 15 ' i • Carried forward 614 July 18 100 137 15 .... 39,879 1 7 5 36, 177 3 350 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. BILLS RECEIVABLE. (4) When received. 6 1 From whom received. No. By whom Drawn. Date, Term. To whose Order. On whom Drawn. 1817. 1817. 13 Brou"'ht forward . . June 25 To Billington & Co. 7 627 Billington & Co. Leeds June25 2 m. Ourselves Samuel Westwood London. . V628 y629 7 630 Ditto Ditto 25 2 ni. Ditto Ditto Ditto 5 To Proms. Discounts Ditto Ditto Glasgow 25 May 11 2 m. 3 m. Ditto James Campbell Ditto Ditto 25 Simon Eraser . . Levant & Noble . . Ditto. 7 631 Ringweil & Co. Leeds Junel2 2 m. Order Bustard & Bell . . . Ditto. 26 5 To Proms. Discounts 7 632 Woodhouse & Son Ditto May 5 3 m. Chartes Fielding Merlin & Drew . . . Ditto. 26 11 To Simpson & White 633 Simpson & White Ditto June26 2m. Ourselves James AVhite & Co. Ditto. 27 5 To Proms. Discounts 634 John Nelson . . . Bradford 20 2 m. George Pearce . . Pattison & Pratt . . Ditto. 7 635 Wormwood & Co. Huddersf. 15 2 m. T. PUchard Risingliam & Co. . Ditto. . 7 636 Wimbleton & Co. Leeds 2 3 m. Charles Bland . . Bertrand & More, Ditto. 27 13 To Billington & Co. 637 Billington & Co. Ditto 27 2 m. Ourselves Samuel Westwood, Ditto. 28 16 To S. Winsford & Co. 638 S. Winsford & Co. Ditto 28 30 d. 8. Order J. Guimmarracns, Oporto. 28 5 To Proms. Discounts 7 639 John King HaUfax 20 3 m. T. Whitehead . . S. Marsden & Sons, London. 29 5 To Ditto 7 640 641 Westerman & Co. Rowlandson & Co. Huddersf. Wakefd. May 23 June25 3 m. 2 m. James Nettleton Order Rosendale & Co. Ditto Brightman & Rich, Ditto. 642 John Cromack Pontefr. 26 2 m. Peter Clark Solomon Law . , . Ditto. 643 Adamson & Sons Leeds 27 2 m. Conder & Smith Archibald Kendal, Ditto. 29 15 To Hunt & Milner 644 Hunt & Milner . Ditto 28 2 m. Order Milner & Hunt . . Ditto. 643 Ditto Ditto 28 2 m. Ditto Ditto Ditto. 646 Ditto Ditto 28 2 m. Ditto Ditto Ditto. June 30 To Balance '. >■ BILLS RECEIVABLE. 321 (^> When due. 1817. Ang. 28 28 38 14 15 8 29 23 18 Sept. 5 Aug. 30 Sept. 23 Aug. 26 28 29 30 Aug. 31 31 31 £. 200 300 300 90 150 87 50 100 75 100 64 238 750 318 381 39,879 800 240 200 150 237 200 1,000 150 478 1,450 44,786 3,990 17 PER CONTRA. 14 1817. 'June25 2G Fo. 13 29 30 How disposed of. Brought forward , By Billington & Co. By Grandison & Co. , 16 By Promiscuous Discounts By S. Winsford & Co 15 By Hunt Si, Milner By Balance No. 616 630 631 632 625 636 629 635 627 639 628 617 624 640 623 626 633 634 637 638 641 642 643 644 645 646 When due. 1817. Sept. 23 Aug. 14 15 8 July 29 Sept. 5 Aug. 28 18 28 Sept. 23 Aug. 28 26 27 26 Aug. 27 27 29. 23 30 28 29 30 31 31 31 713 90 150 200 938 300 50 200 150 300 850 500 75 500 . 200 150 87 200 1,000 100 64 238 750 318 381 £. 36,177 804 1,288 100 10 1,000 1,425 10 3,990 12 44,786 11 6 2 T 3^<2 SET. V. BANKERS* BOOKS. Dr. BILLS PAYABLE. (1) Fo. 1817. Jnne 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 Drawn On and Accepted By. To Grandison Neville & Co. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Carried forward * Nos. 403 to 405 406 to 407 408 to 410 411 to 413 414 to 415 416 to 418 419 to 420 422 Due. 1817. Aug. 5 6 6 421 Sept. 10 423 Aug. 12 424 to 425 13 426 to 428 429 430 to 432 433 434 to 436 437 438 to 440 441 to 442 14 14 15 16 16 17 19 21 £. 174 1,514 612 91 1,350 91 3 87 1,453 £. s. 257 5 1,688 17 258 16 271 19 226 18 703 15 1,000 75 17 233 8 1,441 3 165 4 1,541 6 100 237 13 235 17 8,438 BILLS PAYABLE. 323 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. 4 4 12 4 4 4 16 16 4 4 4 14 4 4 4 16 4 4 5 Drawn on Account of. Drawn By, Order of. No. Date. Term. When due. £. 100 30 127 s. 5 d. £. 257 174 ] 1,514 258 ] 271 ] 226 ] 612 1,000 91 1 75 1 233 1,350 91 165 87 1 ],453. 100 237 1 235 L 1817. June 2 By Proms. Discounts By Proms. Discounts By Johnson & Sons By Proms. Discounts By Proms. Discounts By Proms. Discounts By S. Winsford & Co. By S. Winsford & Co. By Proms. Discounts By Ditto By Ditto By John Evergreen By Proms. Discounts By Ditto By Proms. Discounts By S. Winsford & Co. By Proms. Discounts By Ditto By Proms. Discounts Carried forward . . . Ourselves , Ditto Ditto Ourselves Ditto Johnson & Sons Ditto Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ourselves Ditto . . ^ Ditto S. Winsford & Co. Ditto James Temple Charles Beaton .... John WiUis Jonathan Peterson . . Edward Johnson , . . William Smith Hartley & King .... Samuel Wilson .... George Gill & Son . James Tremain .... Mansfield & Co. ... Warburton & Son . . Philip Crosse Charles West Peter McParlane . . . John Crow John Hopkins George King & Son . Maclean & Co Order 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431, 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 1817. June2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 16 16 16 18 18 2ni. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m, 2 ra. 2 m. 2 m. 1817. Aug. 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 Sept.lO Aug. 10 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 19 19 19 21 21 s. d. 5 7 6 6 6 9 8 6 3 74 100 10 3 4 378 7.35 400 45 77 136 15 12 3 13 6 Is 6 5 200 71 19 6 87 100 39 8 10 6 I 7 239 372 14 6 8 Ditto 8 5 7 6 7 "83 150 8 6 7 Ourselves Ditto 9 Congreve & Sons . . . Order 10 Ourselves Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ditto John Evergreen .... Ditto Ditto 8 6 11 500 500 350 Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ditto 3 11 "so 65 50 "0 4 42 Samuel Lucas Peter Harrison .... Order James Pearson .... Miles Smeaton .... Chas. Hardman & Co. Philips, Johnson & Co. Order Ditto Samuel Ford Anthony Thwaite . . . Order James Windsor .... Ditto Ourselves S. Winsford & Co. Ditto ; Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ditto 4 9 7 6 13 13 ' 46.3 289 7C0 17 10 6 14 16 "37 150 50 13 Ditto Ourselves Ditto J 7 6 18 200 35 17 I i 1 ! 8,438 i I 2 2 T 2 524 SET. V, bankers' books. Br. BILLS PAYABLE. (2) £. 8,438 1,535 1,391 181 58 1,727 229 1,180 140 58 181 150 11 10 18 17 4 10 7 5 11 10 15,273 BILLS PAYABLE. S'25 (2) PER CONTRA. Cr. .2 "o 12 5 14 5 5 16 5 5 14 5 5 5 5 Drawn on Account of. Drawn By. Order of. No. Date. Term. Due. £. ., d. £. 8 438 s. d. 1817. 1817. 1817. 2 2 1 3 5 5 June 18 By Johnson & Sons . By Proms. Discounts By John Evergi-een By Proms. Discounts By Proms. Discounts By S. Winsford & Co. By Proms. Discounts By Proms. Discounts Sy John Evergreen By Proms. Discounts By Proms. Discounts By Proms. Discounts By Proms. Discounts i 1 Johnsoii' iS.: Sons . Ditto Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ditto Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ourselves S. M'insford & Co. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ourselves ..... Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ditto Ourselves Ditto Ditto Ourselves Ditto • \Miiteson & Co. . . . John Wood Charles Pierce .... Order Samuel Robinson . . Order Jackson & Smith . . Order Ditto 443 444 445 44G 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 4.54 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 Junel8 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 23 23 . 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 28 28 28 29 29 3 m. 3ni. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 3 m. 3 m. 3 m. 3 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 ni. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. 2 m. Sep. 21 21 21 Aug.22 22 22 22 23 23 24 Sep. 24 24 24 24 Aug.26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 29 31 31 31 Sep. 1 1 1 387 815 .332 12 9 10 8 6 1,5 35 1 C3 1 15 19 19 450 627 250 20 81 100 18 Order Mallinson & Co. . . . Order Peter Lord Charles Ringwell . . Nelson & Lord . . . Order Graham & Sons . . . Order Wilson & Baker . . . John Evergreen . . . Peter Walstrom . . . John Evergreen . . . Order Samuel Ball ..... Philip North Order Ditto Ditto John Waterford . . . Order 21 21 426 500 372 427 58 17 6 13 6 GO 16 8 14 6 23 79 150 10 229 1 17 » o 1 ) 2 ■) 24 77 50 100 24 263 350 338 18 6 11 8 25 90 50 5 27 28 50 81 50 58 1 10 29 100 50 1 -".n n 15,273 6 9 326 SET V. BANKERS* BOOKS. INDEX TO THE A Folio Arnold's Assignees, James 17 B Bank Expenses 3 Billington & Co 13 Bath, Henry 17 Brandon, Mary 18 Barnard, Samuel 19 Brown, John (Private Account) 20 c Commission 2 G Folio Grandison, Neville, & Co, Ace' A 8 Ditto Ditto B g Ditto Ditto C 10 D Davison, John 19 E Evergreen, John 14 F Five per Cent. Funds 7 H Hunt & Mikier 15 Joint Stock I 1 Interest 2 India Stock 7 Johnson & Sons . . 12 K Loss 1 Langdon, Charles (Private Account) 21 M LEDGER. 3S7 LEDGER. N Notes on Demand Folio , 6 o Profit Promiscuous Discounts. 4,5 u Folio w Winsford & Co. Samuel l6 Wilton, Ellen 18 Watson, Sir Henry ig Williams, George (Private Account) 21 Wilfred, Charles 22 Wilkes, John 22 R Risingham, Mrs. 18 Riley, George 22 S Stamps 3 Stock Dividends 6 Simpson & White 11 Slade, Sir Charles 17 Smith, Peter (Private Account) 20 Simpson, John 22 T Three per Cent. Funds . 7 Trueman, WiUiam 18 Thompson, James 22 X J^8 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. JOINT STOCK, (1) £. Dr. PROFIT. 1817 June 30 1 30 June 30 20 30 20 30 21 30 21 * To Loss, Transfer To Balance To Peter Smith, his y share To John Brown, his ^ ditto, To Charles Langdon, , his 4^ ditto, To George Williams, . his -^ ditto 963 3,303 4,267 17 ]6 13 1,101 5 825 19 825 19 550 12 3^303 16 Dr. LOSS. I8I7. June 30 30 30 3 3 17 To Stamps '. To Bank Expenses To James Arnold's Assignees 256 496 210 963 12 12 12 17 LEDGER. 329 (1) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. May 3 1 By Balance, Permanent Capital PER CONTRA. By Interest By Commission By Promiscuous Discounts By Balance, Net Gain this Half Year PER CONTRA. £. 30,030 Cr. 1817. June 30 30 30 June 30 3,396 123 747 4,267 11 15 6 13 10 10 3,303 3,363 16 16 Cr. 1817. June 30 1 By Profit, Transfer 963 17 963 17 2 U 330 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. INTEREST. (2) ]817. June 30 14 30 17 30 17 30 18 30 IB 30 18 30 18 30 20 30 1 To John Evergreen . To Sir Charles Slade To Henry Bath . . . . To Mrs. Risingham . To William Trueman To Mary Brandon . . To EUen Wilton To Peter Smith To Profit £ s. 37 5 04 6 43 18 33 3 14 19 10 4 1 14 12 3.396 11 3,618 18 5 4 5 10 10 1 1 10 10 Dr. COMMISSION. I81;. June 30 30 10 1 To Grandison, Neville, & Co. To Profit LEDGER. 331 (2) PER CONTRA. Cr. I8I7. June 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 10 30 11 30 12 30 13 30 15 30 16 30 19 30 19 30 19 30 20 30 21 30 21 By Stock Dividends, 3 per Cent. Funds By Ditto 5 per Cent. Funds By Ditto India Stock By Grandison, Neville, & Co By Simpson & White By Johnson & Sons By Billington & Co By Hunt & Milner By Samuel Winsford & Co By Sir Henry Watson By John Davison By Samuel Barnard : By John Brown By Charles Langdon By George Williams 1,200 1,000 400 169 199 45 113 77 8 187 85 125 2 3 2 3,618 O O 15 4 1 16 5 3 10 O 15 5 2 O O 2 3 2 3 9 3 3 6 3 10 PER CONTRA. Cr. I8I7. June 30 11 30 12 30 13 30 14 30 15 30 16 By Simpson & White . . . By Johnson & Sons By Billington & Co By John Evergreen By Hunt & Milner By Samuel Winsford & Co 56 86 49 71 50 81 395 5 10 12 10 15 12 2 U 2 332 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. STAMPS. (3) 1817. May 31 June 30 2 To Balance 217 107 s. 13 12 d. 6 6 To Cash ■ 325 6 Dr. BANK EXPENSES. I817, May 31 June 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 22 30 22 30 22 30 22 30 22 To Balance . . . • To Cash, Postages this Month To Ditto, Half Year's Rent of Bank . . To Ditto, Worthington & Co Engravers To Ditto, John Nolan, Stationer To Charles Wilfred, Half Year's Salary , To John Simpson, . . . Ditto. . . . Ditto , , To George Riley, Ditto Ditto . , To John Wilkes, .... Ditto Ditto . , To James Thompson, Ditto .... Ditto . . 59 14 52 25 19 150 75 50 25 25 496 11 10 10 13 7 o 12 LEDGER. S3S (3) PER CONTRA. Cr. I817. June 30 11 30 12 30 13 30 14 30 15 30 16 30 1 By Simpson & White . . . . By Johnson & Sons By Billington & Co By John Evergreen By Hunt & Milner By Samuel Winsford & Co By Loss 9 8 8 22 11 7 256 325 15 2 17 10 16 12 12 d. 6 6 O O 6 6 PER CONTRA. Cr. 181;. June 30 By Loss 496 12 496 12 334 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. PROMISCUOUS (4) i8i; June 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 16 To Cash To Bills Payable . . . To Cash To Bills Payable . . . To Bills Receivable To Bills Payable . . n^o Cash To Bills Payable . . To Cash To Bills Payable . . To Bills Receivable To Cash To Bills Payable . . . To Cash To Bills Payable , . . To Bills Receivable To Cash To Bills Payable . . . To Cash To Bills Payable . . . To Cash To Bills Receivable To Bills Payable . . . To Cash To Bills Payable . . . To Cash To Bills Payable , . . To Bills Receivable To Cash To Bills Payable . . . Carried fot"ward. . , £ 73 257 134 174 360 258 140 271 49 226 192 345 91 70 75 71 100 233 179 91 . 155 117 165 197 87 77 100 175 267 237 4,980 1 5 8 10 1 16 19 19 10 18 3 17 15 1 17 2 8 16 3 8 10 4 12 19 O* 18 13 6 O 3 O 6 6 8 O O 6 2 6 4 6 8 6 10 8 o o 6 o 4 o o 6 o LEDGER. 836 (4) DISCOUNTS. Cr. I8I7. May 31 June 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 9 9 10 10 1] 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 By Balance By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash :. By BiUs Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By BiUs Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable Carried forward ^ 589 250' 73 173 136 121 500 270 ,142 186 284 91 350 75 71 83 329 90 182 65 375 87 200 99 77 m 650 14 3 15 15 6 15 12 3 12 18 7 12 2 2 17 15 2 18 12 11 16 11 O d. 8 3 6 0' 8 O 5 2 O O 10 8 8 10 6 4 6 () S o 10 7 o 5,703 336 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. PROMISCUOUS (5) I8I7. June 17 1 18 1 .^9 3 19 2 19 2 20 2 21 2 21 2 23 2 23 ■ 2 24 3 24 2 24 2 25 2 25 2 26 4 26 3 27 2 27 2 28 2 28 2 29 2 29 2 30 1 Brought forward To Cash To BUls Payable To Bills Receivable To Bills Payable To Cash To BiUs Payable To Cash To Bills Payable ,. To Cash To Bills Payable To Bills Receivable To Cash To Bills Payable To Cash f. To Bills Payable To Bills Receivable To Cash To Bills Payable To Cash To Bills Payable To Cash • To Bills Payable To Cash - To Profit 4,980 160 235 76 63 244 -181 99 58 168 229 137 108 227 238 140 100 98 58 234 181 147 150 322 747 9,3y3 4 17 18 15 17 18 4 17 11 10 15 17 17 10 5 1 11 }1 10 3 U (? d. 5 10 6 6 6 O O 6 5 o o 10 O o 6 o 6 o 10 4 10 6 LEDGER. 337 (5) DISCOUNTS. Cr. 1817. June 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 Brought forward By Bills Receivable By Cash . . By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Ditto By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Cash By Bills Receivable By Ditto 5,703 162 234 426 63 100 81 58 170 228 400 77 240 139 200 58 237 180 150 478 9,393 s. 8 5 15 18 10 12 13 5 10 O 11 11 12 7 8 13 O 14 d. 9 6 8 6 10 o 6 9 6 5 7 6 6 6 4 5 3 2 X 338 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. NOTES ON DEMAND. (6) 1 To Cash, withdrawn Amount of Notes. £. 5,000 100,000 1817. £1 £2 £5 d. June 7 4,000 70,000 600 20,000 400 10,000 30 To Balance 74,000 20,600 10,400 105,000 • Dr. STOCK DIVIDENDS. I8I7. June 30 30 30 June 30 To Interest, § Year on ^80,000 Three per Cents, due 5 July To Ditto. . . Ditto. ... on 40,000 Five per Cents Ditto. . . To Ditto. . . Ditto. ... on 10,000 India Stock Ditto, . . To Balance 1,200 1,000 400 2,600 2,600 LEDGERo 339 (O) PER CONTRA. Cr. I8I7. May 31 June 17 26 June 30 By Balance By Cash, Re-issued. By Ditto, Issued . . . By Balance 74,000 Amount of Notes, £\. £1. £5 67,000 4,000 3,000 19,600 600 400 20,600 70,000 20,000 9,900 400 100 10,400 10,000 £. 96,500 5,000 3^500 105,000 100,000 PER CONTRA. Cr. 1817. June 30 By Balance , 2,600 2,600 ■» ' 2X2 340 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. THREE PER CENT FUNDS. (7) I8I7. May 31 To Balance 80^000 at 55. . £. 44,000 Dr. FIVE PER CENT FUNDS. I817. May 31 To Balance 40^000 at 90. 36,000 Dr. INDIA STOCK. I817. May 31 To Balance 10,000 at 150. . 15,000 O O LEDGER. 341 (7) PER CONTRA. Cr. PER CONTRA. Cr. PER CONTRA. Cr. 342 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Drs. GRANDISON, NEVILLE, AND CO. BANKERS, LONDON. (8) I817. June 2 3 5 6 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 30 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 To Cash Account due . To Ditto ditto To Ditto ditto. To. ...Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To, . : . Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto '. ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Ditto ditto. To Balance Their Account. 892 2,408 1,000 710 1,083 412 1,837 1,000 200 596 2,280 263 1,367 1,000 1,128 638 1,500 643 43,224 62,189 5 10 17 18 5 12 O O 7 10 14 8 O 13 15 O, 17 18 13 4 11 2 11 o 5 O O O O 4 9 6 o Our Account, 715 2,308 1,000 572 •933 412 1,764 1,000 237 658 2,721 163 926 1,000 1,278 806 1,500 693 42,857 61,552 12 10 11 18 5 19 O 17 9 11 14 6 o 13 5 O 17 8 6 8 2 O 6 O 10 7 6 o 6 O 4 9 o 6 10 LEDGER. 843 (8) ACCEPTANCE ACCOUNT. Crs. I817. May 31 June 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 20 21 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 June 30 By Balance . . . , By Bills Payable By. . . Ditto By. . , Ditto By. . . Ditto . . . . By. . .Ditto . ... By... Ditto By. . .Ditto . . . . By. . . Ditto By. . . Ditto . . . . By. . . Ditto By. . . Ditto By. , . Ditto . . . . By. . . Ditto By. . . Ditto . . . . By. . . Ditto By. . . Ditto By. . . Ditto . . . . By, . . Ditto By. . , Ditto By, . . Ditto By. . . Ditto By. . . Ditto , . . . By. . . Ditto , . . , By. . . Ditto By. . . Ditto , . . . By, . , Ditto By Balance Their Account, 46,916 257 1,668 258 271 226 703 1,000 75 233 1,441 165 1,541 100 237 235 1,535 1.391 181 58 1.727 229 1,180 140 58 181 150 62,189 6 5 17 16 19 18 15 17 8 3 4 6 13 17 11 10 18 17 4 10 7 5 11 10 O 13 43,224 18 d. '7 o 6 6 6 8 O 6 6 o o 6 o 6 3 6 8 2 Om- Account, 46,278 257 1,688 258 271 226 703 1,000 75 233 1,441 165 1,541 100 237 235 1,535 1,391 181 58 1.727 229 1,180 140 58 181 150 61,552 42,857 14 5 17 16 ^9 18 15 17 8 3 4 6 O 13 17 11 10 18 17 4 10 7 5 11 10 1 o 6 6 o 6 8 6 6 6 O 6 3 O 6 8 2 O 10 344 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. GRANDISON, NEVILLE, AND CO. BANKERS, LONDON. (9) I817. ^ay 31 June 2 1 3 1 5 1 11 2 13 2 18 3 19 3 23 3 26 4 June 30 To Balance To Balance To Bills Receivable To Ditto To Ditto To Ditto To Ditto To Ditto To Ditto To Ditto To Ditto Their Account. 38,796 2,537 3,563 3,137 2,246 2,117 2,765 1,891 2,395 1,288 18 16 3 5 O 18 2 4 4 18 d. 10 8 4 4 6 9 4 6 6 6 Our Account. ^. s. 38,596 18 2,537 16 3,563 3 3,137 5 2,246 2,117 18 2,765 2 1,891 4 2,395 4 1,286 18 60,539 13 40,801 -8 5 40,501 8 d. 10 8 4 4 6 9 4 6 6 6 LEDGER. 345 (9) BILL ACCOUNT. Crs. I817. June 2 4 5 7 9 11 13 14 17 19 21 23 24 26 27 30 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 By Cash Account due . By , . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto, ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By ... . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto. • • ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By . . . Ditto ditto. By Balance Their Account. 1,235 687 789 2,494 1,500 975 1,408 1,439 500 691 1,506 926 1,678 8S8 2,054 1,160 40,801 60,739 s. 10 16 12 3 17 4 11 16 9 18 7 9 15 12 8 13 d. O 6 4 8 3 7 6 O 6 8 6 10 6 5 Our Account 1,035 837 789 2,344 1,500 1,108 1,739 500 691 2,006 426 1,678 8S8 2,054 1,460 40,501 60,539 s. 10 16 12 3 O 17 4 11 16 9 18 7 9 15 12 8 13 d. 6 4 8 3 7 6 6 8 o 6 10 6 5 2 Y ^346 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Drs. GRANDISON NEVILLE AND CO. BANKERS, LONDON. (10) I8I7. May 31 June 2 4 5 7 9 11 13 14 17 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 30 30 30 June 30 To Balance To Bill Account, due . . , To . , . Ditto ditto. . . To , ..Ditto ditto... To . . . Ditto ditto. . . To ...Ditto ditto... To . . . Ditto ditto. . . To . . . Ditto ditto. . . To . , . Ditto ditto. . . To .. .Ditto ditto.. . To . . . Ditto ditto. . . To . . . Ditto ditto. . . To . . . Ditto ditto. . . To . . . Ditto ditto. . . To Cash, Bank of England Notes To Bill Account, due . . . To . . . Ditto ditto. . . To . . . Ditto ditto. . . To Difterence of Int. in their Acct To Interest To Balance Their Account. £. 6,358 1,235 687 7sg 2,494 1,500 1,408 1,439 500 691 1,506 926 1,678 5,000 888 2,054 1,160 169 31,466 7,230 s. 19 10 16 12 3 17 4 11 16 9 18 7 9 15 12 15 19 d. 3 6 4 8 3 7 6 6 8 O 6 o 10 6 Dr. Interest 5 per Cent. £. 178 3 2 2 7 4 2 2 3 O 1 2 1 3 O 225 2 19 19 14 7 6 10 11 l6 17 o 9 8 7 8 9 16 19 9 5 8 I 8 3 9 7 3 10 10 6 2 7 6 9 10 Our Account. £. 5',921 1,035 837 789 2,344 1,500 975 1,108 1,739 500 691 2,006 426 1,078 5,000 888 2,054 1,460 169 31,129 7,162 s. 6 10 16 12 3 17 4 11 •16 9 18 7 9 15 12 15 16 d. 9 o 6 4 8 O 3 7 6 O 6 8 6 10 o 6 LEDGER. 347 (10) . CASH ACCOUNT. Crs. I817. June 2 8 By Acceptance Account, due 3 8 By Ditto ditto 3 1 By Cash, Bank of England Notes 5 8 By Acceptance Account, due 6 8 By Ditto ditto, 9 8 By Ditto ditto 10 8 By Ditto ditto. 12 8 By Ditto ditto 14 8 By Ditto ditto 16 8 By Ditto ditto 17 8 By Ditto ditto 18 8 By Ditto ditto. 20 8 By Ditto ditto 21 8 By Ditto ditto, 23 8 By Ditto ditto 15 8 By Ditto ditto 26 8 By Ditto ditto 28 8 By Ditto ditto 30 8 By Ditto ditto 30 By Balance of Interest 30 2 By Commiss"i p'C'on £108,750 30 By Balance Their Account. £. s. 892 5 2,408 10 5,000 1,000 710 17 1,083 18 412 5 1,837 12 1,000 200 5QQ ; 2,280 10 263 14 1,3^7 8 1,000 1,128 13 638 15 1,500 643 IT 271 17 7,230 6 31,466 19 d. 4 o 11 2 11 5 O 4 9 6 h 5 3 Cr. Interest 5 per Cent. £. s. 2 14 8 10 18 9 3 8 I 17 2 13 1 2 4 7 2 3 9 1 3 4 9 4 1 2 19 17 8 8 169 15 225 V d. 11 9 10 6 8 9 7 10 1 5 6 6 10 2 6 10 2 Our Account. £. s. 715 12 2,308 10 5,000 1,000 572 11 933 18 412 5 1,764 19 1,000 237 17 658 9 2,721 11 163 14 926 6 1,000 1,278 13 806 5 1,500 693 17 271 17 7,162 16 31,129 6 d. 6 O o o 8 2 6 10 7 6 6 O Jt 9 6 6 5 2 Y 2 348 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Drs. SIMPSON AND WHITE, .(H) I817. May 31 J line 2 5 10 12 16 19 24 26 30 30 30 30 5 per Cent. To Balance To Bills Receivable To Cash , To Bills Receivable To Cash To Bills Receivable To Cash To Bills Receivable To Cash June 30 To Transfer opposite To Interest To Stamps To Commission, i p^ C on ^22,500 To Balance . Dr. Interest. 183 O 33 s. 15 17 12 7 1 218 15 d. 4 1 4 'h 8 Cr. Interest. ^. 19 s. 14 8 8 11 d. 3 4 2 *6 4,173 957 250 958 250 1,200 250 1,024 150 199 9 56 9,479 ^,379 s. 15 15 O 13 O 5 O 4 15 5 13 13 d. 8 O 6 o o LEDGER. 349 (n) LEEDS. Crs. I8I7. June 2 5 10 12 16 19 24 26 30 30 30 5 per Cent. By Bills Receivable . . . By ... . Ditto By ... . Ditto By Ditto By Ditto By Ditto By ... . Ditto By Ditto By Transfer opposite . . By Balance of Interest By Balance Dr. Interest. £. 33 18 6 11 4 16 18 4 d. 7 9 7 6 4 4 10 8 Cr. Interest. £ 19 199 218 11 4 15 £. 1/00 250 1,000 250 1,200 250 1,000 150 4,379 9'.479 s. o o o o o o 13 13 d. O o o 350 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Drs. JOHNSON AND SONS, (12) I8I7. June 3 6 9 9 13 18 18 20 23 30 30 30 30 June 30 5 per Cent. To BiUs Payable . . . To Cash To Bills Receivable . To Cash , To Ditto To Bills Receivable . To BiUs Payable . . . To Cash To Bills Receivable . To Transfer opposite To Interest , To Stamps To Commission i p"" C on ^34,400 To Balance Dr. Interest. £. 88 89 s. 13 11 14 Cr. Interest. £. 7 5 3 17 10 44 s. 14 3 9 19 12 O 7 11 10 1,514 200 932 35 38 500 1,535 200 1,575 45 8 86 6,671 104 s. 7 o 15 15 10 O 11 O 15 1 2 17 11 d. 6 o o 3 O O LEDGER. 351 (12) LEEDS. Crs. 1817. May 31 June 3 1 6 1 9 2 18 3 20 3 23 3 5 per Cent. 30 30 By Balance By Bills Receivable . . . By Ditto By Ditto By Ditto By ... . Ditto By Ditto By Transfer opposite . By Balance of Interest By Balance Dr. Interest. 53 8 1 3 6 O 14 88 10 15 1 O 6 19 19 11 d. o 1 11 4 2 O Cr. Interest. 44 45 89 12 1 14 10 2 ]32 1..'512 200 958 2,000 200 1,563 104 6,671 7 6 o 13 18 11 17 352 SET V. — BANKERS* BOOKS. Drs. BILLINGTON AND CO. (13) 18I7, May 31 June 3 4 12 14 18 25 27 30 30 30 30 June 30 5 per Cent. To Balance ...... To Cash To Bills Receivable To Ditto To Cash To Bills Receivable To Ditto , . To Cash , , To Transfer opposite To Interest To Stamps To Commission ^ p"" C on ^19,800 To Balance Dr. Interest. 107 1 28 136 18 d. 10 2 11 Cr. Interest. ^. 23 14 O 10 17 1,285 300 750 1,000 200 1,000 804 200 113 8 5,711 1,461 s. 4 o 10 16 17 10 18 18 d 10 o o o 2 LEDGER. 353 (13) LEEDS. Cts. 1817. June 3 1 4 1 12 2 14 2 18 3 25 4 27 4 5 per Cent. 30 30 30 By Bills Receivable By . . . Ditto . Ditto Ditto . Ditto Ditto Ditto By By By By By Dr. Interest. By Transfer opposite . . By Balance of Interest By Balance £. 1 3 6 1 6 1 28 s. 10 18 6 6 17 9 13 Cr. Interest. £ 23 113 136 2 16 18 £. 300 750 1,000 '100 1,000 bOO 200 s. o o o d. o o o o 11 1,461 18 5,711 2 Z 854 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. JOHN EVERGREEN, (14) I8I7. June 4 5 10 11 11 19 21 24 24 30 30 30 30 June 30 5 per Cent. To Cash To Bills Receivable To Cash To Bills Payable ., To Cash To Bills Payable . . To Cash To Bills Payable .. To Cash To I'ransfer opposite • . . To Balance of Interest To Stamps To Commission, i p' C' on £28,650 To Balance Dr. Interest. o 22 37 61 s. 2 11 2 1 3 16 5 d. A 2 2 3 5 Cr. Interest. 8 8 9 7 33 18 £. s. 32 10 1,55b 200 - 1,350 41 3 1,327 15, 47 10 952 10 200 22 10 . 71 12 5,795 11 154 LEDGER. 355 (14) LEEDS. Cr. I817. May 31 June 5 10 11 . J9 24 30 30 30 5 per Cent. By Balance By Bills Receivable By . . . Ditto By .. . Ditto By . . . Ditto By . . . Ditto By Transfer opposite By Interest By Balance Dr. Interest. £. O 1 14 5 22 14 17 17 6 16 10 9 1 4 Cr. Interest. 23 3 33 61 s. 7 15 18 d. 6 4 267 1,374 187 1,343 1,291 1,138 37 154 s. 12 18 10 15 4 18 d. O 10 6 6 5,795 11 2 Z 2 356 SET v. — BANKERS BOOKS. Drs. HUNT AND MILNER, (15) I8I7. May 31 June 7 2 9 1 14 2 14 1 16 1 20 3 29 4 30 30 3 30 2 30 2 June 30 5 per Cent. To Balance To Bills Receivable . To Cash To Bills Receivable . To Cash To Ditto To Bills Receivable . To Ditto Dr. Interest. Cr. Interest. 75 s. 18 To Transfer opposite To Stamps To Interest To Commission i per C on ^^20,200 To Balance . 32 109 10 9 4 11 9 6 11 31 s. 12 4 17 4 18 d. '] "7 \ 11 ^ 216 1,243 150 700 19 150 1,000 1,425 s. I 12 ! 10 O ! 10 11 77 50 5,045 395 16 5 10 d. 6 O O .6 O O o 9 LEDGER. 357 (15) LEEDS. Crs. I817. Jutie 6 9 14 16 20 ^9 30 30 30 5 per Cent. By Bills Receivable By. . . . Ditto . . Ditto , Ditto . Ditto . Ditto By. By. By. By By Transfer opposite . By Balance of Interest By Balance Dr. Interest. 6 4 1 7 12 s. 8 17 10 7 6 32 10 d. 2 8 1 7 11 3 Cr. Interest. £. 31 77 18 5 109 £. 1,200 150 700 150 1,000 1,450 395 5,045 s. o o d. O O O O 358 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dts. SAMUEL WINSFORD AND CO. (16) 1817. June 2 7 7 7 '13 18 21 23 28 30 30 30 30 Jvme 30 5 per Cent. To Cash To Bills Payable . . , To Ditto To Cash To Bills Payable . . To Cash To Bills Payable . . To Cash To Bills Receivable Dr. Interest. To Transfer opposite To Interest To Stamps To Commission, i per C on ^32,700 To Balance 58 59 s. 15 10 14 10 Cr. Interest. £. 9 20 51 8 17 7 I 2 6 ! 11 11 11 200 612 1,000 26 1,453 21 1,727 300 1,000 8 7 81 6,438 40 O O o 14 7 11 4 3 12 15 18 d. O 8 O 3 6 o 8 3 6 O 10 LEDGER. Sd9 (16) LEEDS. Crs. I8I7. May 31 June 2 ; 13 21 23 28 30 30 30 5 per Cent. By Balance By Bills Receivable By Ditto By Ditto By Ditto By Ditto By Ditto By Transfer opposite . . By Balance of Interest By Balance Dr. Interest. 31 11 3 9 1 58 s. 10 19 5 10 5 19 10 d. 10 8 1 4 7 4 10 Cr. Interest. se. 51 8 59 11 3 14 ^'. s. 81 3 200 1,626 5 1,427 7 1.736 19 325 15 1,000 40 18 6,438 8 10 360 SET V. — BANKERS* BOOKS, Drs. JAMES ARNOLD'S (17) 1817. May 31 Xo Balance 421 s. 5 d. 421 5 O » Dr. SIR CHARLES SLADE, 1817- 1 1 2 4 per Cent Interest. 74 54 127 2,806 18 13 15 19 June 4 To Cash • 64 s. 4 1 1 6 d. 3 6 2 4 18 To Ditto Q 26 To Ditto 30 To Balance of Interest 30 To Balance . . • • 10 64 13 3 3,064 6 4 Dr. HENRY BATH, 1817. 2 4 per Cent, Interest. 83 1,460 2 15 June 27 30 30 To Cash . ■ 43 18 6 5 9 To Balance of Interest >..... . . To Balance , 8 43 18 11 1,543 18 5 LEDGER. 361 {17) ASSIGNEES, LEEDS. Crs. 1817. June 29 30 2 1 By Cash, Dividend of &. Sd. on ^631. 17.6. By Loss 210 210 s. 12 12 d. 6 6 * 421 5 •* LEEDS. Cr. I817. 2 4 per Cent. Interest. 3,000 64 6 May 31 June 30 By Balance 64 s. 13 d. 3 4 By Interest By Balance 64 13 3 3,064 6 4 June 30 2,806 19 10 LEEDS. Cr. I817, May 31 June 5 1 30 2 June 30 By Balance By Cash .. By Interest By Balance 4 per Cent. Interest. 42 1 43 11 7 18 11 1,000 500 43 18 18 1,543 1,460 15 3 A S^2 SET V. bankers' books. Dr. MRS. RISINGHAM, (18) 1817. Jiu^e 17 25 1 2 4] )er Cent . Interest. £. 25 20 1,488 s. 3 To Cash 33 s. 3 d. 8 2 10 d. To Ditto 30 To Balance of Interest 30 To Balance 10 ' 33 4 8 1,533 3 10 - Dr. WILLIAM TRUEMAN, 18J7. 2 4 per Cent . Interest. 1 50 714 19 June 28 To Cash ; 14 19 2 10 30 To Balance of Interest ■. .«.......• 30 To Balance •• in • 15 764 19 10 Dr. MARY BRANDON, Dr. 1817. To Balance of Interest 4 per Cent. Interest, 510 June 30 30 1 10 To Balance .. .■..••! * * 10 510 i ELLEN WILTON, 1817. To Balance of Interest ; • • 4 per Cent. Interest. 229 1 June 30 1 4 1 1 30 To Balance >...*.. I 4 1 1 229 1 1 LEDGER. ses (18) LEEDS. Cr. 2 4 per Cent. Interest. 1,500 33 s. 3 1817. May 31 June 30 By Balance 33 s. 4 d. 8 d. By Interest 10 33 4 8 1,533 3 10 June 30 By Balance , 1,488 3 10 LEEDS. Cr. 1817. 2 4 per Cent. Interest. 750 19 May 31 By Balance , 15 June 30 By Interest 14 10 By Balance 15 764 19 10 June 30 714 19 10 - LEEDS. Cr. 1817. 2 4 per Cent. Interest. 5p0 10 . May 31 Jujie 30 By Balance 10 By Interest By Balance 10 0- 510 June 30 510 LEEDS. Cr • 1817. 1 2 By Balance ...... 4 per Cent. Interest. 200 25 4 1 May 31 June 11 4 1 1 By Cash 30 By Interest 1 By Balance « • • • • • * * 4 1 1 229 1 1 Jutae 30 229 1 1 1 3 A 2 J64 SET V. — bankers' books. Dr. SIR HENRY WATSON, (19) 2 , 5 per Cent, Interest. 7,500 187 s. 10 10 1817. May 31 To Balance 187 s. 10 d. d. June 30 To Interest • - To Balance 187 10 7>687 June 30 7,687 10 ' Dr. JOHN DAVISON, 1817. May 31 June 30 2 5 per Cent. Interest. 3,400 85 To Balance ....■••••••• 85 Tn Tnfprpst . . ^.. ............ .»,... To Balance • ....,»*,... •••• 85 3,485 June 30 3,485 Dr. SAMUEL BARNARD, 2 5 per Cent. Interest. 5,000 125 1817. May 31 June 30 To Balance i 125 To Interest To Balance ..*. 125 5,125 June 30 5,125 LEDGER. 365 (19) LEEDS. Cr. 5 per Cent. Interest. 7,687 s. 10 10 1817. June 30 By Balance of Interest 187 s. 10 d. d. 30 By Balance , • • 187 10 7,687 - LEEDS. Cr. 1817. June 30 By Balance of Interest ........ 5 per Cent. Interest. 3,485 85 30 By Balance .*.. 85 3,485 LEEDS. Cr. I8I7. June 30 30 By Balance of Interest By Balance 5 per Cent. Interest. 125 125 5,125 5,125 366 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. PETER SMITH, (20) 1 4 per Cent. Interest. 100 1.892 s. 12 1817. June 7 30 To Cash 14 s. 5 12 d. 1 1 To Balance of Interest 30 8 14 17 2 hQQ'i 12 8 s^. JOHN BROWN, I817. May 31 June 11 30 30 4 per Cent. Interest. To Balance To Cash . . . To Interest To Balance 13 2 15 287 50 2 485 825 16 O 15 7 19 LEDGER. 367 (20) PRIVATE ACCOUNT. Cr. 7- May 31 June 30 30 2 1 4 per Cent. Interest. 876 14 1,101 s. 15 12 5 181 By Balance 14 s. 1/ d. 1 1 Bv Profit this Half Year -id 7 By Balance 14 17 2 1,992 12 8 Tiinza *>n 1,892 12 8 • PRIVATE ACCOUNT. Cr. I8I7. June 30 30 June 30 By Balance of Interest By Profit this Half Year, :|th By Balance 4 per Cent. Interest. 15 2 15 3 825 19 825 19 2 485 368 SET V. BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. CHARLES LANGDON, (21) I8I7. May 31 June 2 20 30 30 4 per Cent. Interest. To Balance To Cash . . To Ditto . . To Interest To Balance 3 O O d. 9 1 8 321 50 30 3 421 825 11 5 2 19 d. O o 6 8 Dr. GEORGE WILLIAMS, 1817. May 31 June 5 16 30 30 4 per Cent. Interest. To Balance To Cash . . To Ditto . . To Interest To Balance 19 2 O 195 40 20 2 293 550 8 O 2 2 12 LEDGER. 369 (21) PRIVATE ACCOUNT. Cr. 1 4 per Cent. Interest. £. 825 s. 19 1817. June 30 By Balance of Interest £. 3 s. 5 d. 6 d. 30 By Profit this Half Year ^th 2 By Balance 3 5 6 825 19 2 June 30 421 2 8 1 PRIVATE ACCOUNT. Cr. 181;, 1 4 per Cent. Interest. 550 12 12 June 30 By Balance of Interest 2 2 3 30 By Profit this Half Year, ^th q By Balance , . , , , , 2 2 3 550 9 June 30 293 2 i 3 B 370 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. Dr. CHARLES WILFRED, (22) I817. May 31 June 30 To Balance . To Cash . . Dr. JOHN SIMPSON, Dr. GEORGE RILEY, Dr. JOHN WILKES, Dr. JAMES THOMPSON, ^. s. d. 130 20 150 1817. May 31 June 30 2 \ Tn Tlfllanpf. '. . 60 15 To Cash . . . . 75 I8I7. May 31 June 30 2 To Balance 40 10 To Cash 50 I8I7. May 31 June 30 2 To Balance , • 20 5 To Cash 25 1817. May 31 June 30 2 To Balance 20 5 To Cash 1 1 25 LEDGER. 371 (22) CASHIER. J817. Jmie 30 By Bank Expenses^ i Year's Salary Cr. 150 s. O d. ACCOUNTANT. Cr. I817. June 30 By Bank Expenses, ^ Year's Salary 75 SUB-ACCOUNTANT. Cr. J8];. June 30 By Bank Expenses, J Year's Salary 50 OUT-DOOR CLERK. Cr. I817. June 30 By Bank Expenses, i Year's Salary OUT-DOOR CLERK. I8I7. June 30 By Bank Expenses, i Year's Salary 25 3 B 2 372 SET V. bankers' books. Dr. 0) THE JOINT ESTATE OF PETER SMITH, JOHN BROWN, L L L L L L L L L L L L 4 6 12 14 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 20 9 10 May 31st, I817. To Promiscuous Discounts, Balance of Profit To Notes on Demand, Amount in Circulation To Grandison Neville & Co. London, Balance due to them. To Johnson & Sons Leeds. . . Ditto . . ditto To John Evergreen Ditto . . . Ditto . . to him To Samuel Winsford & Co. . Ditto . . . Ditto . . to tliem To Sir Charles Blade Ditto . . . Ditto . . to him To Henry Bath. Ditto . . . Ditto . , ditto To Mrs. Risingham Ditto . . . Ditto . . to her To William Trueman Ditto , . . Ditto . . to him To Mary Brandon Ditto . . , Ditto . . to her To Ellen Wilton Ditto . . . Ditto . . to ditto To Peter Smith , Ditto , . . Ditto , . to him To Joint Stock, our Net and Permanent Capital. Grandison, Neville and Co. per Our Account. Crs. By Balance of Acceptances outstanding .^46,278 14 1 Drs. To Balance of Bills in hand s€38,5g6 18 10 Drs. To Balance of Cash 5,921 6 9 44,518 5 7 Crs, By General Balance sk' 1 ,760 8 6 589 96,500 1,760 132 267 81 3,000 1,000 1,500 750 500 200 876 107,156 30,000 14 8 7 12 3 O 15 137,158 1 5 O 6 6 a 9 o o o o o Con- INVENTORY. 373 CHARLES LANGDON, AND GEORGE WILLIAMS, LEEDS. Cr. (1) c 1 B R 1 L 3 L 3 L ; L 7 L 7 L 11 L 13 L 15 L 17 L 19 L 19 L 19 L 20 L 21 L 21 L 22 L 22 L 22 L 22 L 22 L L L tormity. 8 9 10 May 31st. I8I7. By Cash Balance in hand By BiUs Receivable Ditto ditto By Stamps Ditto .^ . . disbursed . . . . By Bank Expenses Ditto .... ditto ....... By Three Per Cent. Funds Cost of ^80,000 By Five per Cent. Funds Ditto 40,000 By India Stock ' Ditto 10,000 Balance due from them Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto him . . By Simpson & White Leeds, By Billington & Co Ditto . By Hunt & Mihier Ditto . By James Arnold's Assignees Ditto . By Sir Henry Watson. . ; Ditto . By John Davison Ditto .... Ditto ditto, By Samuel Barnard Ditto .... Ditto ditto By John Brown Ditto . . By Charles Langdon Ditto . . By George WiUiams Ditto . . By Charles Wilfred Ditto . . By John Simpson Ditto . . By George Riley Ditto . . By John Wilkes Ditto , . By James Thompson . Ditto ditto. . Ditto ditto. • Ditto ditto, . Ditto ditto. . Ditto ditto. . Ditto ditto. . Ditto ditto. Ditto Ditto ditto. Graudison, Neville & Co. per their Account. Crs. By Balance of Acceptances outstandmg ^4&,9l6 6 7 Drs. To Balance of Bills in hand 5^38,796 18 10 Drs. To Balance of Cash 6,358 19 3 45,155 18 1 Crs. By General Balance ..i£. \ ,760 8 6 12,050 6,758 217 59 44,000 36,000 1 5,000 4,173 1,285 216 421 7,500 3,400 5,000 287 321 195 130 60 40 20 20 137,158 7 15 13 11 O O 15 4 12 5 O 16 11 8 o 11 o 6 2 O O O 8 10 6 o 6 o 4 o o o 374 SET V. — BANKERS BOOKS. (2) Dr. THE JOINT ESTATE OF PETER SMITH, JOHN BROWN, L L L L L L L L L L L L L 6 17 17 18 18 18 18 20 20 21 21 9 10 June 30tb, I817. To Notes on Demand, Amount in Circulation • . . . To Sir Cliarles Slade Leeds Balance due to bim. To Henr>^ Bath Ditto Ditto ditto. To Mrs. Risingham Ditto Ditto to her. . To William Trueman .... Ditto Ditto to him . To Mary Brandon Ditto Ditto to her. . To Ellen Wilton Ditto Ditto to her. . To Peter Smitli .... Private Account Ditto to him . To John Brown Ditto . Ditto to him . To Charles Langdon . . Ditto • Ditto to him . To George Williams . . Ditto Ditto. .... to him . To Joint Stock, our Net and Permanent Capital Grandison, Neville, & Co. per our Account. Drs. To Balance of Bills in hand ^40,501 8 5 Drs. To Balance of Cash , 7;.l62 16 5 47,664 4 10 Crs. By Balance of Acceptances outstanding 42,857 8 O Drs. To General Balance ,^4,806 16 10 100,000 2,806 1,460 1,488 714 510 229 1,892 485 421 293 O J9 15 3 19 O 1 12 7 2 2 110,302 30,000 140,302 d. O JO 8 10 10 o 1 8 5 8 2 Con- INVENTORY. 375 CHARLES LANGDON, AND GEORGE WILLIAMS, LEEDS. Cr. (2) C BR L L L L * L L L L L L L L L L L L formity. 4 7 7 7 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 19 19 10 June 30th, 181 7. By Cash Balance in hand By Bills Receivable Ditto. . . , Ditto- By Three per Cent. Funds Cost of ^80,000. . . . By Five per Cent. Funds Ditto 40,000. , . . By India Stock Ditto 10,000 By Stock Dividends By Grandison, Neville, & Co. London, Balance due from them By Simpson & White Leeds Ditto . . . By Johnson & Sons Ditto. Ditto . . , By Billington & Co Ditto Ditto . . . By John Evergreen Ditto Ditto . . . By Hunt & Milner Ditto , Diito . . . By Samuel Winsford & Co. . . Ditto Ditto . . . By Sir Henry Watson .Ditto Ditto . . . By John Davison Ditto Ditto . . . By Samuel Barnard Ditto Ditto . . . . ditto. , ditto. ditto. , him . them , ditto. him . ditto, .ditto. Grandison, Neville, & Co. per their Account. ' Drs. To Balance of Bills in hand £ 40,801 8 5 Drs, To Balance of Cash , 7,230 6 5 48,031 14 10 Crs. By Balance of Acceptances outstanding 43/224 18 O Drs. To General Balance ^4,806 16 10 11,070 3,990 44,000 36,000 15,000 2,600 4,806 4,379 104 l,46l 154 395 40 7,687 3,485 5,125 140,302 16 12 16 13 11 18 7 18 10 2 7 o 10 5 3 9 1 9 4 O o 376 SET V. bankers' books. Dr. JOINT CAPITAL. (1) 1800. January 1 To Sundry Co-Partners, Permanent Amount £. 30,000 d. O Dr. PETER SMITH. Dr. JOHN BROWN. Dr. CHARLES LANGDON. Dr. . GEORGE WILLIAMS. PARTNERSHIP LEDGER. 377 (1) PER CONTRA. Ct. PER CONTRA. Cr. 1800. January 1 By Joint Capital, yd Share Permanent 10,000 d. PER CONTRA. Cr. 1800 January 1 By Joint Capital, jth Share Permanent 7,500 1800. January 1 PER CONTRA. By Joint Capital, \^ Share Permanent Cr. 7,500 PER CONTRA. Cr. 1800. January 1 By Joint Capital, -gth Share Permanent 5,000 THE END. Bensley & Sons, .Printers, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London. 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