BB i 1 PQ NGLISH WITH I jH HihB 3 1822 00001 7129 TV -:> Central University Library University of California, San Diego Please Note: This item is subject to recall. Date Due i jiM APR 1 3 199< 1 r ":r: MAY 1 ? HR Cl 39 (7/93) UCSDLto. PICTORIAL OF THE ENGLISH IN EGYPT, WITH LIFE OF GENERAL GORDON. Pomp of Egypt's elder day. Shade of the mighty passed away, Whose giant works still frown sublime 'Mid the twilight shades of time ; Fanes, of sculpture vast and rude, That strew the sandy solitude! Lo I before our startled eyes, As at a wizard 's wand, ye rise, Glimmering larger through the gloom I While on the secrets of the tomb, Rapt in other times, we gaze. The Mother Queen of ancient days, Her mystic symbol in her hand, Great Isis, seems herself to stand, WILLIAM LISLE BOWLES. Hail I Egypt ! land of ancient pomp and pride, Where Beauty walks by hoary Ruin's side ; Where Plenty reigns, and still the seasons smile, And rolls rich gift of Godexhaustless Nile. Land of the Pyramid and Temple lone, Where fame, a star, on earth's dark midnight shone, Bright seat of wisdom, grand with arts and arms, 'Ere Rome was built, or smiled fair Athens' charms ; Wliat owes the past, the living world to t/iee f All that refines, sublimes humanity. NICHOLAS MICHELL. -t- GENERAL GORDON. "FOR ALL MEN RECOMMKND PATIF.NCK ; FKW, HOWEVER, THEY ARE WHO ARE WILLING TO SUFFER. Thotnas a k'cmpis. _5 , 5 j _ - _ , 1 LONDON: c'l fl \\>{