70 r F ^ 814 N A7 O Z > > z > o BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA jitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation tp://www.archive.org/details/financialstatemeOOarizrich >•// T^^i" FEBRUilRY 1st, IBBB. FIMAMCIA^ STATEMEKT OF^ 7 Fs. Carparatian arganized and existing under and by virtue of the laTA/s nf the Territory nf Arizona, IflCOf^POt^flTED, DEC. 22, 1882. Capital stock, 1,000 Shares, of the par value $500 each, $500,000. Principal Office: PHOENIX, A. T. Property located in the Salt River Valley^ Maricoini County^ A rizona. DFFICERS. President, - - W. J. Murphy, Phoenix, A. T. Secretary, - - W. D. Fulwiler, Phoenix, A. T. Treasurer, - - The Yalley Bank, Phoenix, A. T. DIRECTDRS. Andrew Crawford, Oljicago, 111. J. De Earth Shore, San Gabriel, Oa!. Wm. Chhisty, Phoenix, A. T. Clark Churchill, Phoenix, A. T. W. J. Murphy, Phoenix, A. T. FURPDSES DF THE GDMFANY, To secure title to water, to construct and operate canals, for the purpose of furnishing water for irrigation, water power and city sui)ply. To secure and sell land for town sites and mill sites and otln-r purposes. The Arizona Canal is a fine specimen of engineering skill and very substantially constructed. !t furnishes water to irri- gate 96,000 acres of land, besides city supply and an extensive water power. The soil irrigated by it is of the finest quality for fruit- groA'ing. It [)roduces the olive, fig, pomegranate, raisin, orange, lemon and other tropical fruits, equal to the most favored local- ities of Spain. The climate of the Salt River Valley is semi-tropical, and as bright, beautiful and healthy as sunny Italy itself. ASSETS. Franchise Lo 50,000 miner's inclies of water in Salt Rivtr-r, secured by location under the general laws of the United States, in eonfonnity with the laws of Arizona. Right of way secured from the General Government, under law of Congress. Town sites and mill sites and water power, equal to 1,500 horse-power. Main Canal. 40| miles long, maximum width, 57 ft., and carrying depth 7^ ft.; capacity, 40,000 miner's inches. Con- struction commenced in 1883, and fully completed in 1887, at a cost of 8603,013 96. Estimated Value of Assets $2,000,000 00 E&TiMATED Income : From Sales of water rights, mill sites, etc $1,250,000 00 From Rentals of water and water [)ower, per annum 175,000 00 Market value of a water right, Feb. 1st, 1886 . . .$ 500 00 Market value of a water right, Feb. 1st, 1888. . . 1,000 00 Bonds cancelled since Feb. 1st, 188b. . $ 100,000 00 The proceeds of sales of water rights go to form a Sinking Fund, for the payment of the principal and interest of the Bonds. The Merchants Loan and Trust Co., of Chicago, Illinois, is the Trustee for the bond-holders. IMMEDIATE RESOURCES. In addition to income from rental of water for irrigation and water power. 715i water rights, market value, $l,()uO $715,500 CO Bills Receivable 3,342 50 Accounts Receivable 37,338 25 Cash in Treasurv • 13,61 1 49 Total $769,792 24 TOTSL LISBILITIES. Bonds due Jan. Isi, 1900 $400,000 00 Interest on above, not due 2,666 66 Bills Payable, not due 47,400 00 Interest on above, nut due 988 67 Accounts Payable 10,380 88 Total $461,436 21 INCOME AND EXPENDITURES. For the Last Fiscal Year. INCO^/IK from all sources $112,698 43 EXF*ENDITURES: Interest on Bonds $32,000 GO Interest on Bills Payable 4,000 00 Accounts and Bills Payable 20,579 84 Permanent Improvements. , 23,933 32 Current Expenses 18,573 78 99,086 94 Cash on hand $ 13,611 49 W. J. MURPHY, President. THE VALLEY BANK, Tkeas., By Wm. Christy, Cashier. yJ^.:! >^^'^^ ,-(7, -s '4 -^ • ' • 'i •