Price, 25 cents. The Military System of the Romans By Albert Harknessj LL. D. New Tork : D. A^pleton & Co. Recerit FOR THE STUDY OF GREEK. Hartley's Greek Grammar. He-vised and in part rewritten by FRED- DE FOREST ALLEN, Ph. D., Professor of Classical Philology in Harvard i This grammar not only presents the latest and best results of Greek 3 the language in the light received from comparative philology. The work is clear in its language, accurate in its definitions, j u( li c i ;it, and sufficiently comprehensive for all pur- cumbrous details. It is simple enough for the beginner and comprehensive enough for the most advanced students. 12mo, Greek L?ssons. Prepared to accompany the Grammar of Hadley and Allen. By ROBERT P. KEEP, Ph. D., Principal of the Norwich (Con- necticut) Free Academy. An elementary Greek book intended to serve as a companion and guide to the Grammar, and as an introduction to the study of Xenophon. The publishors commend this work to American teachers with great confidence that it will be found to possess important advantages above other books of its class. 12mo. Price, -$1.40. Elementary Lessons in Greek Syntax, designed to accompany the reading of Xenophon's Anabasis. By S. R. WINCHELL, A. M. >f lessons on Attic Greek Syntax, designed to follow about one study of the etymology of the language. It comprises lessons on the last half of the Grammar, with exercises and vocabularies, all arranged with a view of making the pupil familiar with the fundamental principles of Greek syntax. It is intended as an introduction to a thorough and com- prehensive treatise on Greek prose composition. Price, 63 cents. A Lexicon of the First Three Books of Homei's Iliad. By {]. BLAKE, A. M. <>f this wDrk to furnish the pupil a lexicon of conven- Q which the full and unabridged explanation of each Homeric '.n the same as could be found in a large lexicon. In each case the full knowledge of the word is found the derivation, root-meaning, acquired meanings (both ancient and later), with their different applica- tions, different parts of verbs, cases of irregularly declined words, Homeric as all unusual forms, etc. 12mo. Price, $1.20. Three Months 9 Preparation for Reading Xenophon. By JAMES MORRIS WHITON, Ph. D., author of Whiton's " First Lessons in Greek," and MARY BARTLETT WHITON, A. B., Instructor in Greek in Packer Collegiate Insti ute, Brooklyn. concise and practical new introductory Greek book, designed to accoi; o umn of centuries, with the right wing, or maniple I., in front. 1 2. The left wing, or maniple III., marched straight for- ward, maniple II. fell directly in the rear of III., and maniple I. in the rear of II. This movement gives c abcdj a cohort marching in column of centuries with the left wing, or maniple III., in front. . 22. It will be observed that the column of centuries is 40 feet wide, having exactly the width of a maniple. This seems to have been the favorite column on the march through an open country, or upon highways of sufficient width. Caesar's famous bridge over the Rhine was 40 feet wide, and thus exactly adapted to the width of an army marching in column of centuries. Many roads in Gaul, however, were not more than 15 or 20 feet wide. In what form could a Roman army march over such roads ? In the regular column of centuries, the 60 men belonging to a century were arranged in 5 ranks of 12 men each; but the century was sometimes arranged in 10 ranks of 6 men each. Such an arrangement is represented in c efgh.' Here each century, each maniple, and the entire cohort have only half the usual width, but twice the usual length. The column has only 6 men abreast, and is only 18 feet wide, or, includ- ing the centurion, 22 feet. By adopting a close order, the soldiers, as a century, maniple, or cohort. In this figure it represents a century. The diagonal is drawn from the right of the front to the left of the rear. 1 That is, the maniple which in battle-array formed the right wing of the cohort, became the head of the column. OF THE ROMANS. XXXV11 width could be reduced in case of need to 18, or even 15 feet. 1 23. In 'ijkl' and HjkV the column is called a column of maniples, because it consists of the three maniples of the cohort placed one directly behind another. Here the two centuries of each maniple stand abreast. In c ijkl' the cohort is said to be marching by the right flank, because in forming this column from the line of battle, each man turns, or faces to the right, and thus the file which formed the right flank in battle-array becomes the front rank of the column. In ' ijkl? the cohort is said to be marching by the left flank, because in forming this column, each man turns or faces to the left. 2 24. It will be observed that the column of maniples will be considerably longer than the column of centuries, as it contains more ranks. 3 In this column, each maniple, as it has 12 ranks, will be 48 feet long, or, if we allow 4 feet for the centurion, who probably kept his place at the head of his century, it will be 52 feet long. This gives 156 feet as the length of the cohort marching in a column of maniples. As this column was formed from the line of battle by sim- ply facing to the right or left, the depth of the cohort, 40 feet, naturally became the width of the column, but in marching, as there were only 10 men abreast, the width was often reduced to 30 feet. Upon narrow roads the column of maniples, like the column of centuries, was sometimes reduced to one-half its usual width by doubling its length. Such a column had only 5 men abreast, and could without difficulty march over a road 15, or even 12, feet wide. In forming this column from the regular column of maniples, one of the two centuries in each maniple marched straight on while the other fell in its rear. 1 The regular or normal width of Koman roads was 18 feet. See Jahns, Geschichte des Kriegswesens, page 304. 2 When the cohort marches by the right flank, the right wing, or maniple T., becomes the head of the column ; when it marches by the left flank, the left wing, or maniple III., becomes the head. 3 The learner should carefully distinguish between a column of centuries, as seen in ' abed' and ' abed* and a column of maniples, as seen in ' ijkl ' and ' ijkl. 9 In the former, the column is an unbroken series of centuries, arranged one behind another ; while in the latter, the two centuries of each maniple stand abreast. XXXviii MILITARY SYSTEM! 25. The following summary gives the length and width of the cohort in different positions : FROXT. DEPTH. 1. Cohort in line of battle 120 feet. 40 feet. 2. Cohort in column of centuries . . 40 ' 120 ' 3. Cohort in column of centuries, with 6 files* 18 to 22 240 ' 4. Cohort in column of maniples 2 . . 30 to 40 " 144 to 156 ' 5. Cohort in column of maniples, with 5 files 15 to 20 " 288 to 300 " 26. As an army on the march was liable to attack, it was often necessary to form the line of battle from the line of march. If the enemy appeared on the flank, this was most easily effected from the column of maniples marching in loose order, i.e., with 40 feet front. The simple com- mand, " Halt, front," was all that was needful. 3 If, however, the enemy appeared in front, the line of battle was most readily formed from the column of centuries. 4 LEGION IN LINE OF BATTLE. 27. As a legion is only an aggregate of ten cohorts properly arranged, we may now apply to the legion what we have already learned in regard to the cohort. A legion in line of battle consists simply of ten cohorts, each in its proper position and in battle-array ; a legion on the march, of ten cohorts marching in due order, and with the proper intervals between them. 28. But we have already learned 5 that in a legion in battle-array, the ten cohorts were arranged in three lines, 1 The full allowance would be 22 feet, 18 for the 6 files, and 4 for the cen- turion, reduced in case of need to 18 or less. 2 In loose order, 40 feet ; but this gives each man 4 feet ; if we reduce the allowance to 3 feet, the front of the column becomes 30 feet. 3 Thus if an enemy appeared on the right flank of a column of maniples, as represented by ' ijkl,' it was only necessary for each man to face to the right to place the cohort in line of battle ; but if the enemy appeared on the left flank, it was of course necessary for the men to face to the left. * Thus if the enemy appeared in front of the column of centuries represented by 'abed,' maniple I. halted, maniple II. placed itself at the left of I., and maniple III. at the left of II. See 5, III. OF THE ROMANS. XXX IX with four cohorts in the first or front line, three in the second, and three in the third, as follows l : Legion in Line of Battle. 29. Observe that the cohorts are arranged with intervals between them, that the cohorts in the second line are directly behind the intervals in the first, and that the cohorts in the third line are directly behind the intervals in the second. 2 The cohorts are numbered from 1 to 10, according to the rank and military experience of the centu- rions and soldiers. 8 A position in the front line is more honorable than in either of the others, while in either line a position on the right wing is more honorable than on the left. The first cohort, holding the post of honor, is on the 1 This order of battle is generally supposed to be the acies triplex, so often mentioned by Caesar, but General von Goler claims that the acies triplex refers, not to the three lines of cohorts, but to the three great divisions of an army, viz., the main body or the central division, and the two wings. 2 As the third line was held as a reserve, and was not often called into action, the exact position of the cohorts seems not to have been as definitely determined as in the other lines. The order here given has been adopted from llustow. Goler arranges the cohorts as follows : 4321 10 3 Thus promotions both of centurions and of men were from the tenth cohort to the ninth, from the ninth to the eighth, from the eighth to the seventh, and so on through all the cohorts to the first. Xl MILITARY SYSTEM extreme right of the front line, while the tenth, holding the lowest rank in the legion, is on the extreme left of the third line. 30. The interval between the cohorts in each line was 120 feet, the length of a cohort, but the interval between the lines was probably 240 or 250 feet. Thus the front or length of a legion in battle-array was 840 feet, 1 while its depth from the front of the first line of cohorts to the rear of the third line was from 600 to 620 feet. 1 31. When an army consisting of several legions was marshalled in order of battle, each legion was arranged in three lines, as already described, and the several legions were separated by intervals, probably varying in length with the nature of the ground, but seldom less than 120 feet, the length of a cohort. If we assume that this inter- val was 120 feet, we shall find that the front of Caesar's line of battle on the Axona, with six legions, was 5,640 2 feet and its depth, 600 feet. Thus the line of battle of an army of six legions, numbering in all about 25,000 men, was considerably more than a mile long and almost an eighth of a mile deep, and occupied upwards of 75 acres of ground. OFFICERS IN A ROMAN ARMY. 32. In a Roman army engaged in an important work like the conquest of Gaul, the regular officers were the commander-in-chief, the lieutenant-generals, the quaestor, the military tribunes, the centurions, the praefects, and the decurions. 33. The commander-in-chief, called dux 'belli or imper- ator, had m his own province almost unlimited military power. He was clothed with the full measure of authority which belongs to a commander-in-chief in modern warfare. 34. The lieutenant-generals, legati, were the highest officers in the army under the commander-in-chief. They 1 The front, or length, of the legion was made np of the length of four co- horts and of three intervals, each 120 feet. It was therefore 7 X 12 = 840 feet. The depth was made up of the depth of the three lines of cohorts, each 40 feet, and two intervals, each 240 or 250 feet, i.e., it was 120 + 480 or 500 = 600 or 6:10 feet. * That is 6 X &40 + 5 X 120 = 5,040 + 600 == 5,640 feet. OF THE ROMANS. xli were all of senatorial rank and received their appointment from the senate. In the absence of the commander-in- chief, they assumed his duties. They were sometimes placed in command of important detachments detailed for special service. In the battle with Ariovistus, Caesar placed one of his legions under the command of his quaestor and each of the other five under the command of one of his lieu- tenants. 35. The quaestor had charge of the military chest, and was the quartermaster of the army. He had the rank of a lieutenant-general, legatus, and was sometimes entrusted with a command in battle. 36. The special officers of the separate legions were the military tribunes and the centurions. 37. Each legion had six military tribunes, tribuni mill- turn, who formerly commanded in rotation, two at a time for a period of two months. 1 In the army in Gaul, how- ever, the tribunes were mostly young men of wealth and social position whom Caesar, from personal friendship or political considerations, had selected from the equestrian order and placed upon his staff. They had little military experience or knowledge, and were accordingly incompetent to take the general command of a legion in battle, 2 though they were sometimes entrusted with the command of small detachments detailed for special service. In general, they administered the internal affairs of the legion. They served as staff-officers to the commander-in-chief and as adjutants to the lieutenant-generals and the quaestor. 38. Each legion had also 60 centurions. 3 These officers were in general men of large military experience, who had been promoted from the ranks, as a reward of good service. They were the real commanders, not only of centuries, but also of maniples and cohorts, and, in a certain sense, under the legatus, of the legion as a whole. The two centurions in each maniple differed from each other in rank ; the first, 1 The two tribunes commanded by turns, each for one day. See Marquardt, Romische Staatsverwaltung, Vol. II., p. 352 ; also Jalms, Geschichte des Kriegs- wesens, p. 225. 2 See Book I., 39. 3 According to Goler, there were 120 centurions in each legion, but he includes iu this number the 60 assistant centurions, called optiones. Xiii MILITARY SYSTEM called centurio prior, commanded the maniple, while the second, called centurio posterior, served as his adjutant. The first centurion of the first maniple commanded the co- hort, and the first centurion of the first maniple of the first cohort, called primi pili centurio, or primipilus, 1 was the chief centurion of the legion, and had much to do with the general command. 39. The Romans in their military system seem to have aimed to stimulate ambition and reward fidelity. An enter- prising recruit who on entering the service took his place at the very foot of the legion, in the second century of the third maniple of the tenth cohort, had before him a long career of advancement in the rank and file of the army, and if, by bravery and fidelity, he succeeded in attaining the coveted office of centurion, the prospect of promotion was still before him. He might hope to rise from maniple to maniple, and from cohort to cohort, until, in the end, having passed through all the grades of honor, he should become the chief centurion, the primipilus of the legion. This was the height of his ambition, the goal of his aspirations. 40. The exact order of promotion is still a disputed question. According to Riistow, the six centurions of each cohort formed a separate class, the centurions of the first cohort forming the first class, those of the tenth cohort the tenth class. Thus there were ten classes, and each class contained six centurions. 2 This is probably the prevailing view among scholars. 3 1 See Book II., 25, and Book III., 5. 2 To determine the rank of a centurion, we must know to which cohort he belonged, to which maniple in the cohort, and to which century in the maniple. Thus the full designation of his rank required the use of three separate titles : (1), an ordinal numeral, as primus, if he belonged to the first cohort, secundus, if he belonged to the second ; (2), the word pilus, if he belonged to the first maniple in his cohort, princeps, if he belonged to the second, and hastatus, if he belonged to the third ; and (3) prior, if he belonged to the first century in his maniple, and posterior, if he belonged to the second. Thus primus pilus prior, applied to a centurion, denotes that he commanded the first century of the first maniple of the first cohort, in other words, that he was the chief centurion of the legion ; decimus hastatus posterior denotes that he commanded the second century of the third maniple of the tenth cohort, i.e., that he was the lowest centurion in the legion, while quintus princeps prior denotes that he commanded the first century of the second maniple of the fifth cohort. s According to Goler, however, the first centurion of each cohort belonged to the first class, the second to the second class, the third to the third class, and so OF THE ROMANS. xliii 41. The centurions of the first class, called sometimes primorum ordinum centuriones^ and sometimes simply primi ordines? enjoyed certain honors and privileges not often accorded to the other centurions. As a general rule, they alone of the centurions were invited by the commander to seats in all councils of war 2 in company with the lieu- tenants and the military tribunes. 42. The praefects, praefecti^ commanded divisions of auxiliaries, either infantry or cavalry. The praefects in the army of Caesar in Gaul were mostly young men who had seen little military service. 3 . 43. The decurions commanded small companies of cav- alry. Each company, or troop, called turma, numbering thirty horse, was divided into three sections, called decuriae^ each under the command of a decurion; but the first, or senior, decurion commanded not only his own decuria, but also the entire turma. ORDER OF MARCH. 44. The usual order of march was either the simple column, agmen pilatum,OY the line of battle, acies instructa. The square, agmen quadratum, was resorted to only in extreme cases. LEGIONS MARCHING IN COLUMN Agmen Pilatum. 45. A cohort in column of centuries, as we have already seen (25), has a front of 40 feet, with a depth of 120 feet. If the column was formed from the right, the first cohort led, and was followed by the others in the order of their numbers, but if the column was formed from the left, the tenth cohort led and was followed by the others in the inverse order of their numbers, i.e., the ninth, eighth, etc. on until all the centurions were classified. Thus each class consisted of ten cen- turions, one from each cohort, and there were as many classes as there were centurions in a cohort, i. e., there were six classes of the regular centurions, While, therefore, Riistow divides the 60 regular centurions of a legion into ten classes, of six centurions each, Goler divides them into six classes, of ten each. In the same manner, Goler divides the 60 assistants or sub-centurions, optiones, into six classes, of ten each, making in all twelve classes. i See Book V., 28 and 30 ; Book VI., 7. a See Book I., 41, and Book V., 28. See Book I., 39. xliv MILITARY SYSTEM 46. On the march, the cohorts are supposed to have been separated from each other by an interval of 20 or 30 feet. Assuming an interval of 20 feet, we find that a legion, marching in column of centuries, with a front of 40 feet, was 1,400 feet long, and with a front of 20 feet, 2,600 feet long. 1 47. In general, every Roman soldier carried his own personal baggage. The different articles, consisting of clothing, cooking utensils, and rations for one, two, or more weeks, weighing, probably, in the aggregate, from 30 to 50 pounds, were carefully put up in packages, sarcinae, and firmly secured to a rod, as represented in plate I. On the inarch, the rod was carried on the shoulder. 2 48. The general baggage of the army, called impedimenta, comprising tents, tools, and supplies of various kinds, was carried by beasts of burden, jumenta. According to Rus- tow's estimate, 3 the length of the baggage-train of a legion marching in a column of centuries of full width, was 650 feet, and that of a legion marching in a column of centuries of half the usual -vidth, 1,300 feet. 49. We have just seen (46) that a legion without bag- gage-train, in a column of centuries of full width, was 1,400 feet long, and in a column of half the usual width, 2,600 feet long. Including the baggage-train, therefore, the entire length of the column of full width must have been about 2,050 feet, or two-fifths of a mile, and the entire length of the column of half the usual width, about 3,900 feet, or almost four-fifths of a mile. 4 50. Before the battle of the Sabis, Caesar had eight legions on the march. 5 The length of a column of centu- ries, containing such a force, would be 16,400 feet, upwards 1 The length of a column of full width was 10 X 120 feet-f 10X20 feet = 1,400 feet, and the length of a column of half the usual width was 10 X 2io * eet + 10X20 feet = 2600 feet. This estimate includes the interval of 20 feet between the last cohort of the legion and the first cohort of the next. 2 This arrangement for the convenience of the soldier, introduced by Marius, was called from him mulus Marianus, the "mule of Marius." It was simply a primitive knapsack. 3 This estimate allows to each legion 520 beasts of burden, arranged in Co full ranks, with 8 animals in a rank, and gives 10 feet to each rank. * The column of maniples of any given force would be about one-fifth longer than the column of centuries. 6 See Book II., 19 to 27. OF THE ROMANS. xlv of three miles, if the column was of full width ; and 31,200 feet, upwards of six miles, if the column was of half the usual Avidth. MARCHING IN LINE OF BATTLE Acies Instructa. 51. A legion marching in line of battle was usually arranged in three parallel lines of cohorts ; but these lines might be formed in two different ways, as follows: 1. The three lines of cohorts which constituted the usual order of battle, the triplex acies, formed the three parallel columns. Thus cohorts 1, 2, 3, and 4 formed the first column, 5, 6, and 7 the second, and 8, 9, and 10 the third, as seen in figure 2, below. Fiy.3. Ef IZf Fit/ I. Fig. 2. tar Figure 1 represents a legion in order of battle. Figure 2, a legion marching in order of battle, with its cohorts in column of maniples. Figure 3, a legion marching in order of battle, with its cohorts in column of centuries. xlvi MILITARY SYSTEM In forming these columns, each man faced to the right or left, and marched by the right or left flank. Each cohort marched in column of maniples. In an army of several legions, marching in this order, the second legion w r as placed directly in the rear of the first, the third directly in the rear of the second, and so on to the end of the column. Thus the whole army marched in three parallel columns of maniples. If the enemy appeared on either flank, the col- umns halted, each man faced to the right or left, as the case required, the cohorts separated, and the whole army was in battle-array. This order of march was usually adopted when the enemy was expected on the flank. 2. When the enemy was expected in front, the legion marched straight forward with its cohorts in column of centuries : the three cohorts on the right wing of the le- gion, viz., 1, 5, and 8, fell into line and formed the right column, the central cohorts, 2, 6, and 9, formed the middle column, and the left cohorts, 3, 4, 7, and 10, the left column, as seen in figure 3, above. In an army of several legions, marching in this order, the legions were all placed abreast, and there were three times as many columns as there were legions. Thus an army of 6 legions marched in 18 parallel columns. To form the line of battle from these columns, it was only necessary for each cohort to arrange its own mani- ples in order of battle, as already described (26, foot-note), and then take its proper station in the line. 52. The square, the agmen quadratum, was adopted on the march only in the presence of an over- whelming force of the enemy. In regard to its exact formation, there is some diversity of opinion. According to Rtis- tow, the ten cohorts of each legion formed a rectangle enclosing the bag- gage, as seen in the accompanying figure. Cohorts 1, 2, and 3, in column of centuries, formed the vanguard; cohorts 8, 9, and 10, also in column of centuries, formed the rear- guard; while 5 and 6, in columns of maniples of 5 files, formed the right wing, and 4 and 7, also in column of maniples with 5 files, formed the left wing. Agmen Quadratum. OF THE ROMANS, xlvii 53. In an army on the march, we recognize three parts, more or less distinct : 1. The vanguard, the head of the column, primum ag- men. 1 2. The main body of the army, exercitus, omnes copiae. 1 3. The rear-guard, the rear, novissimum agmen. 1 54. The special organization of the different parts of the column, and indeed the entire order of march, depended largely upon the direction of the movement in relation to the enemy. OEDEE OF MAECH IN ADVANCING. 55. In advance movements in the Gallic campaigns, the vanguard of Caesar's army ordinarily consisted of cavalry and light-armed infantry, together with the tribunes, centu- rions, and legionaries entrusted with the duty of selecting and measuring off the ground for the camp. It was its special duty to reconnoitre the country, to take note of all hostile preparations, to gain tidings of the enemy, 2 and in due time to select a suitable place for the camp. 56. The main body of the army followed the van at a convenient distance. It marched in column of centuries, each legion with its baggage directly behind it ; but the last legion probably detailed a few cohorts to protect its bag- gage, and in that event the cohorts thus detailed formed the rear-guard of the army. In this order of march, the legions, thus separated by their baggage, were exposed in case of an attack to great peril ; they were accordingly said to be impeditae? entangled or impeded by baggage, impedi- mentum. 57. In advancing in the presence of the enemy the legions marched either in column of centuries, with collected - baggage, or in order of battle. With the first arrangement, the main body, consisting of three-fourths of all the legions, followed close upon the advance-guard, and was itself imme- 1 For the use of these terms, see Book I., 15 and 23 ; Book II., 19 and 26. 2 From the van, detachments of cavalry were sent out in various directions, sometimes to great distances. It was by means of such reconnoitring parties that Caesar obtained tidings of the movements of Ariovistus, while he was yet twenty-four miles distant. See Book I., 41. 8 See Book III., 24. C xlviii MILITARY SYSTEM diately followed by the collected baggage-train of the army. The few remaining legions formed the rear-guard of the column. In this order of march, the legions were compara- tively ready for action, and were said to be expeditae, disen- tangled, or free from encumbrance ; l but the individual soldiers were still impediti, and in case of an attack, they required time to dispose of their personal baggage, 2 to remove the coverings from their shields, to put on their helmets, to adjust their field-badges, 3 and, in a word, to prepare for action. 4 In such an emergency, it was the special duty of the advance-guard to secure for them the needful time by engaging the enemy, and thus retarding his movements. 58. Sometimes in advancing in the immediate presence of the enemy, if the ground permitted, the several legions marched abreast, each in three parallel columns in order of battle. 5 For the special formation and arrangement of the columns, see 51. In this order of march, every soldier, free- from his baggage, and fully armed and equipped, was expedituS) ready for immediate action. ORDER OF MARCH IN RETREAT. 59. The order of march in retreat was usually the simple column of centuries with collected baggage. The van- guard, consisting of a legion or more, started in advance, with the entire baggage-train of the army ; at a suitable dis- tance behind marched the other legions, followed by the rear-guard, consisting of cavalry, archers, and slingers. 60. In cases of extreme peril, the agmen quadratum, already explained (52), was adopted in retreat. In such an emergency, all the legions of the army were sometimes massed around their baggage in a single square or rectangle, and sometimes each legion enclosed its own baggage, as explained in 52. The cavalry, archers, and slingers, remain- ing outside of the squares, served as skirmishers. ad See Book II., 19 ; Book V., 2 ; Book VII., 40. See Book I., 24, sarcinas in unum locum conferri. See Book II., 21, ad galeas induendas scutisque tegimenta detrudenda; also insignia accommodanda. See Book VII., 18, sarcinas conferri, arma expediri,jussit. See Book IV., 14. OF THE ROMANS. xlix ORDER OF MARCH IN FLANK~~MOVEME:NTS. 61. Flank inarches 1 were always made in order of battle. The legions generally marched in three columns of maniples. For- the formation of these columns, see 51, 1. In an open country, the cavalry, archers, and slingers, marched on the flank toward the enemy, while the baggage-train was sta- tioned on the other flank. In special cases, each legion was followed by its own baggage. 62. The day's march of a Roman army in the field began at four or five o'clock in the morning and continued till about mid-day. Most of the afternoon was occupied in fortifying the camp and in attending to various duties con- nected with camp-life. The distance usually accomplished in a day does not seem to have differed much from an ordi- nary day's march of modern armies. The average distance was probably about fifteen or sixteen miles. Forced marches (magna itinerd) were, of course, much longer. In one in- stance, 2 Caesar marched about fifty miles in a little more than twenty-four hours ; but this was an exceptional achieve- ment, accomplished under the pressure of a military necessity. ROMAN CAMP. 63. In the military history of Rome the camp has a degree of importance without a parallel in modern warfare. It was the soldier's home, a place of rest and security after the labors and dangers of the day; in it was the altar at which he worshipped. It was always fortified, even when J intended for a single night. Indeed, it was like a fortified city, encompassed and protected by ramparts and a moat. A Roman general seldom went into battle without a forti-^ fied camp directly in the rear. In modern warfare, those who are defeated in battle are exposed to all the perils of a disorderly retreat ; a Roman army, on the contrary, after a defeat, retired in comparative safety to a well fortified camp. 64. In the Roman camp, each legion, cohort, and mani- ple, had a definite space assigned to it ; and this space was bounded on all sides by a street of greater or less width. 1 An army is said to make a flank movement when it passes near the flank of the enemy or marches in a direction parallel to his line of march. * See Book VII., 40 and 41. 1 MILITARY SYSTEM Each maniple occupied a rectangle 108 feet long and 48 feet wide, surrounded by a street, 12 feet wide. Accordingly, the entire space assigned to a maniple, including half the width of the streets which sep- *a ....... the space oc- : : cupied by a cohort in camp iJU. Qn.Qn.Q.Q.D i was 180 feet long and 120 a : wide, as seen in the accom- j P'UUUOnUq j panying figure. I.' I Maniple 11 o ; ! ABCD, the space occupied by ~:r~ir~]r~inr~!rir~iri ' one collort including one half "! one-half of all the cavalry; and (4), all the archers and slingers. 2. In the Middle Division of the camp, called Latera, praetorii, were stationed, besides the commander-in-chief, who occupied the Praetoriwn (1), twelve of the fifty cohorts ; (2), one-half of all the cavalry ; and (3), the entire staff of the commander-in-chief, except the lieutenants and the tribunes, together with the troops devoted to their per- sonal service. 3. In the Retentura were stationed, in addition to the quaestor and his staff, (1) twenty-two of the fifty cohorts, and (2) the auxiliaries, except the cavalry, archers, and slingers. 2 69. In a camp intended for winter-quarters, wooden huts, thatched with straw, took the place of ordinary tents, and sheds were erected to protect the beasts of burden from wind and weather. Moreover, the space allowed to the different parts of the army was doubtless somewhat more ample than in a summer camp. 70. The fortifications of the camp consisted of a wall, vallum, and a ditch, or fosse, fossa. The wall seems to have been ordinarily about 6 feet high, and 6 or 8 feet broad at the top, the ditch about 9 feet wide at the top, and 7 feet deep. 3 Doubtless, in fortifying a permanent camp, castra stativa, in a hostile country, the ditch was 1 The Quaestorium furnished quarters, not only for the quaestor and his staff, but, also, for foreign ambassadors, and for hostages and prisoners. In it were also stored the supplies and the booty. 2 Observe in the internal arrangements of the camp that the auxiliaries, both cavalry and infantry, are stationed near the general and his staff, and that they are completely surrounded by the legionary soldiers. 3 Vegetius, Book I., 24, says that the ordinary ditch was either 9 feet wide and 7 feet deep, or 12 feet wide and 9 feet deep. In these dimensions, it has been observed that the width, as 9 or 12, is divisible by 3, and that the depth is obtained by adding one to | of the width, as width 9, depth f of 9+ 1 = 7, or liv MILITAKY SYSTEM made wider and deeper, and the wall higher and broader. 1 It was sometimes surmounted with a breastwork of pali- sades, lorica? and in special cases wooden towers were erected on it at convenient intervals. Each gate was probably 40 feet wide, and was defended within and without either by a transverse or by a tambour, as seen in the above plan. 8 71. The following figure represents a vertical section of a wall and ditch, the former surmounted with a breastwork of palisades: Vertical Section of a Wall and Ditch. abed represents a ditch, fossa fastigata, 9 feet wide and 7 feet deep. Imno, a wall or rampart, vallum, 6 feet high, and 6 feet wide at the top, furnished with steps on the inside, i.e., on the side ' rnrsn.' pp, palisades, ff, fascines imbedded in the work, to strengthen it. width 12, depth | of 12 -f- 1 =9. Rustow infers that these instances are illustra- tions of a law, and that having the width of any ditch, we can thus at once obtain the depth. As a matter of fact, Caesar generally gives only the width. In opposition to the view of Riistow, Goler thinks that the normal depth of a ditch, whatever its width, was 9 feet, and that Caesar specifies the depth only when it does not conform to the ordinary standard. 1 It has been observed that when Caesar gives the height of a wall with the width of the accompanying ditch, as ditch 9 feet wide, wall 6 feet high ; ditch 15 feet wide, wall 10 feet high ; ditch 18 feet wide, wall 12 feet high, the height of the wall is f of the width of the ditch. This Riistow believes to be the regular law. Indeed, some such relation as this between the dimensions of the ditch an i the wall seems natural, as the earth thrown out of the former was used in constructing the latter. 2 The breastwork was usually made by driving green stakes into the ground, and by binding them firmly together by intertwining their branches. The general height of the breastwork was four or five feet, but in some instances pinnacles, pinnae, projected above it two or three feet, as seen in the figure in 71. 3 The Gauls and the Germans fortified their camps, not by permanent works like the Romans, but by arranging their chariots and wagons in a circle, and using them as a rampart. After a defeat, they often retreated to these tempo- rary defences. See Book I., 26. OF THE ROMANS. lv 72. The side of the ditch nearest to the wall is called the scarp, and the opposite side, the counterscarp. A ditch with sloping sides, as in the figure, was called fossa fasti- gata ; with vertical sides, fossa directis lateribus, and with sloping scarp but vertical counterscarp, /bssa punica. 1 73. The wall was constructed largely from the earth and stone taken from the ditch, but to give the structure greater firmness and strength, branches of trees, bushes, stakes, and fascines were imbedded in it. When the sides of the wall were quite steep, they were usually covered with sods or with brush in the form of fascines. Sometimes logs were used for the same purpose. Moreover, these logs and fascines could be arranged in steps, so that from within the bank or wall could be easily ascended. See figure in 71. The selection of the place for the camp was a duty which required skill, judgment, and experience. 2 Accordingly, this important trust was generally committed to a tribune, or to some other officer of the staff, at the head of a detachment of centurions and legionaries. They marched in advance of the main body of the army, under the protection of the van- guard, and were expected to have the outlines of the camp well defined on the arrival of the legions. 74. For Roman soldiers, marching through a hostile country, no small part of each day's work was the fortifica- tion of the camp, but they shrunk from no labor, and w r ere scarcely less expert with the pick and the spade than with the spear and the sword. With such laborers, three or four hours, in the judgment of Riistow, would be ample for the complete fortification of the camp. 75. But Roman camps in a hostile country were not only strongly fortified, but also carefully guarded. In cases requiring only ordinary vigilance, the duty of keeping guard during the night-watches was entrusted to five cohorts detailed for the purpose from different legions. 1 The first form was generally used by Caesar, though the second also occurs. See Book VII., 72. 2 It was of vital importance that the camp should be pitched, if possible, on a gently sloping hillside of sufficient extent, within easy reach of a good supply of wood and water. It was also important that it should not be near any hill from which an enemy could reconnoitre it, or near any dense forest in which he could be concealed. Ivi MILITARY SYSTEM The tattoo, the signal for setting the night-watches, was sounded at nightfall. A cohort was stationed at each gate, and sentinels were posted on every part of the wall. A fifth cohort was detailed for guard duty in the quarters of the general and quaestor, while every cohort had its own sentry. In cases of unusual peril, the guard was greatly strengthened ; sometimes two or three cohorts guarded each gate. As the night was divided into four equal watches, the guard was divided into four reliefs, each one of which was on duty during one-fourth of the night. The three reliefs not on duty slept upon their arms, as a sort of picket- guard. 76. The reveille was sounded at daybreak. If the march was to be resumed, three successive signals were sounded. At the first signal, the tents were struck ; at the second, the beasts of burden received their loads ; and at the third, the column moved. If, however, a battle was imminent, the march was not resumed ; the tents were left standing, and the camp was committed to the care of a strong guard. 1 Then the soldiers, disencumbered of their knapsacks, and armed and equipped for action, truly expediti, marched out of the camp, and were at once marshalled in line of battle. 77. Roman generals made it an unfailing rule to take every possible advantage of position. For them an open plain was not a good battle-field. The Roman mode of attack required an elevated position, from which the heavy javelins could be hurled into the ranks of the enemy with the greatest effect. 2 MILITARY STANDARDS AND MARTIAL Music. 78. The general standard of the army was the banner, vexillum^ of the commander-in-chief. When displayed from the general's tent in the Praetorium, it was a signal to 1 This guard sometimes consisted of four or five cohorts, detailed from sepa- rate legions, and sometimes of one or more legions recently enrolled. See Book III., 26 ; Book II., 8. 2 For Caesar's own description of his favorite position for marshalling his army for battle, see Book II., 8. From this description, we see how very impor- tant it was that the camp should be pitched upon a hillside of sufficient extent to enable the general to marshal his army for battle near his camp, if not in front of it. OF THE ROMANS. Ivii prepare for immediate action, and when waved before the legions advancing in order of battle, it was the signal for the charge, incur sus. It contained the name of the general and of the army, inscribed in large red letters on a white ground. 79. Each legion had its own standard, which was en- trusted to the special care of the chief centurion, iheprimi- pilus of the legion. 1 It was an eagle of the size of a dove, generally of silver, though under the empire sometimes of gold. The eagle was represented with uplifted wings, as seen in plate I., 9. Sometimes a small banner, vexillum, on which was embroidered the number of the legion, was placed directly below the eagle. 80. The ten cohorts 2 of the legion had their special standards, signaf which were of various forms, sometimes very simple 4 and sometimes more elaborate. For specimens of the latter, see plate L, 5. 81. The standards carried by the cavalry, by the light- armed infantry, and by detachments detailed for special service, were simple banners, vexilla. 5 For the general ap- pearance, form, and size of the vexilla, see plate I., 5, and plate II., 8. 6 82. The chief musical instrument in a Roman army, and indeed the only one mentioned in the Commentaries on the Gallic war, was the trumpet, tuba. 1 This was a wind in- strument of brass in the form of a modern trumpet. The only musicians mentioned by Caesar, in either of his works, 8 1 The loss of a standard was a calamity and a disgrace, both, to the standard- bearer and to the legion. 2 Goler thinks that the maniples had standards, and that the standard of the first maniple was also the standard of the entire cohort, but Riistow rejects this view as utterly untenable. 3 The general name for a standard was signum, and for a standard-bearer signifer, but the more specific names aquila and aquili'er were generally used to designate the standard and the standard-bearer of the legion. The bravest and strongest soldiers were selected as standard-bearers. See Book IV., 25 ; also signiferi in plate II., 5. * A standard was sometimes simply the figure of an open hand upon a staff, and sometimes the figure of an animal, as a wolf or an ox. 6 See Book VI., 36. e Observe in plate II., 5, that one of the elaborate standards has a vexlllum at the top. 7 Goler thinks that every century had at least one tuba. * See Book II., 20, Book VII., 47 ; and Civil War, Book II., 35. Iviii MILITARY SYSTEM are the tubicines and the bucinatores? both of whom are represented with their instruments in plate II., 6 and 7 ; but the lituus, a modification of the trumpet, curved near the end was doubtless used in the cavalry. 2 ROMAN MODE OF ATTACK. 83. When the Roman general had secured his favorite position on the gentle declivities of a range of hills with the enemy sufficiently near in the plain below, he ordered the signal to be sounded with the trumpet. The legions advanced slowly and steadily in order of battle until they were within five hundred or six hundred feet of the enemy, when the standard of the com mandei -in-chief was displayed, and the united blasts of the horn and the trumpet sounded the signal for the charge. From this point, the legions, with poised javelins in their front ranks, pilis infestis, advanced upon the run until the hostile lines were within forty or fifty feet of each other, when a salvo of javelins from the front of the legions carried consternation and death into the ranks of the opposing phalanx. 3 Then, with drawn swords, the Roman soldiers charged the broken ranks of the foe. 4 84. Thus all along the front line a deadly conflict was waged hand to hand, a series of duels, as Riistow ex- presses it. 5 For the moment, it was of course impossible to 1 It seems probable that the bucinator used not only tbe bucina, but also the cornu, the horn, a wind instrument made generally from the horn of a wild ox, and furnished with a silver mouth-piece, but sometimes made from brass. According to Goler, the various military evolutions were first signalled by the horn, and then proclaimed throughout the army by the trumpet. The classicum, which, on the field of battle, was the signal for the charge, was made by the united blasts of the horn and the trumpet. 2 Lucan, Pharsalia, I., 237, characterizes the notes of the lituus and the tuba in these words : stridor lituum clangorque tubarum. 3 The pila which penetrated the hostile shields often stuck fast in them, thus rendering the men unfit for action. Sometimes three or more shields in the dense phalanx were pinned together by these weapons. See Book I., 25. * This onset of the Roman legions with pilum and sword has been compared to a volley of musketry, instantly followed by a bayonet-charge. It is not probable that all the men in the front rank charged with the sword at the same time, as they stood too close together in rank and file to allow the free use of that weapon. Rustow conjectures that the odd numbers in the front rank sprang forward, while the even numbers kept their places in the line, and that thus each man secured ample room for the charge. 6 In this account of the Roman mode of attack, we have followed Riistow. OF THE ROMANS. lix preserve unbroken ranks in the front of the cohorts thus engaged. Along the front line, the whole of the first century of each maniple participated, 'either directly or indirectly, in the terrible struggle. While the first two ranks bore the brunt of the battle, the other three, as oppor- tunity offered, hurled their javelins over the heads of the combatants into the hostile ranks in the rear, and held themselves in readiness to rush to the relief of their com- panions in case of need. Meanwhile, the second century of each maniple, remaining firm and immovable, gave stability to the line. 85. Thus far the cohorts of the second line had taken no part in the battle ; but soon they, too, were seen to be in motion, and, advancing quickly in battle-array through the intervals of the first line, they hurled their javelins into the ranks of the bewildered foe, and then with drawn swords rushed into the thickest of the fight. The exhausted cohorts, thus timely relieved, retired to reform their shat- tered line, and to recover breath and strength for a new onset. Thus the first and second lines continued the con- flict, alternately relieving each other, 1 until the enemy, exhausted and demoralized, yielded to the repeated onsets of the Roman cohorts. The third line formed the reserve, and was summoned to the front only in cases of special need. 2 ROMAN METHOD OF TAKING FORTIFIED PLACES. 86. The Romans recognized three different methods of taking fortified places : 1. By Storm, Assault oppugnatio repentina. 2. By Investment, Blockade obsidio. 3. By Siege, with active operations oppugnatio oper- ibus. 1 In the opinion of Rustow, a line of Roman cohorts seldom remained in active conflict more than fifteen minutes at a time. 2 The Gallic mode of conducting a battle was wholly unlike the Roman. The Gauls staked the issue largely on the first onset. Raising their fearful battle-cry, they advanced against the enemy in solid phalanx, and strove to over- whelm him by the mere momentum and weight of moving masses. The unit in the German line of battle was the solid wedge, the cuneus, so celebrated in* the early history of Germany. The different tribes were massed separately. The charge on the field of battle was an impetuous onset in masses. See Book I., 51. D Ix MILITARY SYSTEM 87. In attacking fortified towns, the Romans often employed certain engines which corresponded to artil- lery in modern warfare. They were designated by the general name tormenta, from torqueo, to twist, as their motive power was derived from the torsion of firmly twisted ropes ; but they were of several varieties. 1. The Scorpion scorpio was a large cross-bow, resting on a standard, as seen in the accompanying Scorpion. figure. 2. The Catapult catapulta was an engine for hurling heavy javelins or oth- er missiles. This was also a modification of the cross-bow ; but the arms of the bow were straight sticks of timber, and its elasticity, or its power of recoil, was pro- duced by the torsion of a large rope, or cable, made from hair or sinews twisted to the greatest possible tension. 1 The construction of the catapult, and the mode of working it, are seen in the following figure : Catapult. 1 Only the very strongest hair was used for this purpose ; and Jahns suggests that it was probably subjected to a special process to increase its strength. The sinews and tendons from the necks of bulls and from the legs of goats, were especially prized for this purpose. Observe that the two sticks of timber, ' a* and *b, J are inserted in two large ropes, or cables, and that their ends, like the ends of a bow, are connected together by a strong cord. In working the catapult, the middle of this cord was drawn back by means of a windlass, 'cd.' Practically, therefore, the catapult was a bow of immense power. OF THE ROMANS. Ixi 3. The Ballista was an engine for hurling balls, stones, and even heavy sticks of wood. In principle the motive power was the same as in the catapult, from which it dif- fered mainly in the fact that it hurled missiles at an angle of 45 degrees. For the mode of working the ballista l see figure 5 in the foreground of plate Y. 4. The Onager was a modification of the catapult. It had only one arm, and that arm worked vertically, while the arms of the catapult worked horizontally. See figure 4 in the foreground of plate V. 2 88. The Turris ambulatoria was a movable tower, often used by the Romans in attacking fortified cities. It was, of course, of various sizes ; but ordinarily it consisted of ten stories, and was about ninety feet high, twenty-five feet square at the base and twenty at the top. 3 Each story had an outer gallery, extending entirely around it. See plate V., 1 . 89. The tower, which was moved forward by means of rollers worked from within, was supplied with one or more drawbridges, which, on being let down upon the wall, fur- nished the attacking party a passage to the enemy's works. The lower story was usually supplied with a battering-ram ; while the upper stories were occupied with the engines of war the tormenta. The turns ambulatoria^ armed with the battering-ram and the tormenta^ and well supplied with archers and slingers, was a movable battery of great power. 90. The Vinea, used to protect soldiers and workmen during siege operations, was a movable shed or arbor, rest- ing on rollers. According to Vegetius, it was usually 16 1 According to Rustow und Kochly, Geschiclite des griechischen Kriegswesens, Book IV., 3, the ballista had such remarkable projectile force that it threw heavy, missiles, on an average, a quarter of a mile, and that it sometimes reached twice that distance. In the Commentaries on the Civil War, Book II., 2, Caesar tells us that beams, or poles, 12 feet long, pointed with iron, hurled from ballistae, passed through four rows of hurdles, probably in the form of vineae (90), or plutei (92), and planted themselves in the earth. The ballista is sometimes compared to the modern mortar. It was capable of throwing missiles of great weight. Stones weighing from one hundred to one hundred and thirty pounds were at times hurled by it. See Rustow uud Kochly; also Schambach, Geschutzverwendung bei den Romern. Altenburg : 1883. 2 Observe that the arm is drawn down by means of a windlass, and that it flies back with great violence as soon as it is released. 3 Atheuaeus, the author of a work, irtpi M/7xa''y^ara>', written, probably, about 200 B. C., mentions a tower 180 feet high and 35 feet square at the base. Ixii MILITARY SYSTEM Vinea. feet long, 7 wide, and 8 high. The roof was of timber, or thick plank, supported by upright posts; the sides were of strong wicker-work. It was sometimes entirely open at both ends, and sometimes partially closed. The roof and sides were covered with raw hides, as a protection against fire. 91. The Musculus was a variety of the vinea. It was of smaller size than the ordinary vinea, but of much greater strength, as it was intended to be used in the immediate vi- cinity of the enemy's works, especially to protect sappers and miners in undermining the wall. 1 See the accom- Musculus. . /> panying figure. 92. The Pluteus was a movable breastwork, or screen, Plutei. 1 Caesar, in his Commentaries on the Civil War, Book II., 10, has described the kind of musculus which he used in the siege of Massilia. It was so strong that blocks of stone hurled from the top of the wall fell harmless upon it. The roof was made of sticks of timber two feet thick, overlaid with brick and mortar, covered with raw hides. OF THE KOMANS. Ixiii resting on rollers. It was usually seven or eight feet in height, and was supplied with loop-holes, through which archers could discharge their arrows. It was of various .forms, as seen in figures 1, 2, and 3. 93. The Testudo arietaria, also used in storming cities, consisted of a movable shed, like a vinea, in which was sus- pended a battering-ram (aries), in the form of a heavy stick of timber, from sixty to a hundred feet long, armed with a large head of bronze or iron. It was worked by men under the cover of the testudo, and was used to effect a breach in the wall. For the general appearance of this machine, and the mode of working it, see the testudo arietaria bat- tering the tower in the background of plate V. 1 THE STORMING OF CITIES Oppugnatio repentina. 94. This method of attack was usually adopted when there was a reasonable prospect of immediate success with- out great loss, especially in proceeding against cities which were well supplied with provisions, but were neither strongly garrisoned nor defended by formidable works. 95. Aided by his engines of war, a Roman general who could lead veteran legions to the attack sometimes found the capture of a walled town a comparatively easy task. 96. Archers and slingers, protected by plutei, and sharp- shooters with catapults and ballistae, drove the enemy from his works. Some filled the moat, while others, under the cover of musculi, strove to undermine the wall, or to set fire to the gates ; the tower was moved slowly forward, the battering-ram began its work ; numerous storming columns, i Caesar seems to have made little use of the battering-ram. The Gallic walls, according to his description, Book VII., 23, were so substantially con- structed, of large beams, stones, and earth, that they could not be destroyed either by tire or by the battering-ram. The following figure is from Goler : Vertical Section of Gallic Wall. Ixiv MILITARY SYSTEM forming the testudo, with their shields close-locked over their heads, as seen in plate V., ad- vanced to the attack ; the ladders were quickly applied ; the sharpshooters, arch- ers, and slingers, redoubled their ef- forts ; the walls were scaled ; the gates were thrown open, and the legions entered. INVESTMENT, BLOCKADE OF CITIES Obsidio. 97. The Romans sometimes compelled hostile cities to surrender, by enclosing them so completely within a continuous line of strong fortifications, that neither supplies nor succor could reach them. This plan was adopted when the place was too strongly fortified and too strong- ly garrisoned to be taken by storm, es- pecially if the population was large, arid the supply of provisions limited. To ensure success, it was sometimes neces- sary to construct a second line of works at a suitable distance from the first, and outside of the investing army, as a pre- caution against attack from without, in case any attempt should be made to re- lieve the city. The most remarkable instance men- tioned in the Commentaries of this method of taking fortified towns, was the investment of Alesia. The town was garrisoned by a force of 80,000 Gauls ; Caesar invested it, and for forty days he lay intrenched before it be- tween two concentric lines of almost impregnable works ; a mighty array of confederate Gauls, 250,000 strong, ar- rived in the rear of his intrenchments ; OF THE KOMANS. Ixv but Roman valor triumphed, and Alesia surrendered to the conqueror. 98. The works with which Caesar enclosed this stronghold of the Gauls were in some respects among the most remark- able mentioned in Roman history. The figure on the pre- ceding page, from Napoleon and Goler, represents a vertical section of the inner line of works, called in modern phrase- ology, contra vallation. 1 SIEGE OF FORTIFIED PLACES Oppugnatio Operibus. 99. With the Romans, a formal siege involved, not only the use of all the ordinary engines of war, but also the long and tedious labor of constructing an agger. It was resorted to only in difficult cases, when a simple investment would be inadequate and when a direct assault without special preparation would promise little success. The agger was a mound, or rampart, beginning several hundred feet from the wall of the besieged city, and extending directly toward it, until it finally reached and overtopped it, and thus fur- nished a broad highway, on which a storming column could advance directly to the highest part of the enemy's works. 2 100. An agger of the ordinary dimensions, 400 or 500 feet long, 50 or 60 feet wide, and from 50 to 80 feet high, 3 required for its construction an enormous amount of timber, stones, earth, and brush. The trunks of trees from 20 to 40 feet in length, and from 1 to 2 feet in thickness, were of the first importance ; indeed the words of Lucan must have been at times almost literally true 4 : "Procumbunt nemora et spoliantur robore silvae." 1 In modern phraseology, the inner line, or that which invests the city, is called contravallation, that outside of the investing army, circumv dilation. This line of works was 11 Roman miles in length, and 400 feet in width. Observe that on the side toward the city was a ditch 20 feet wide ; that on the opposite side, 400 feet from this ditch, was a rampart 12 feet high, and that between these two points were arranged (1) two ditches, each 15 feet wide; (2) five rows of trunks of trees, with branches sharpened to a point, so planted in the earth that only the branches were in sight, called cippi ; (3) eight rows of small pits 3 feet deep, each with a sharpened stake firmly set in its centre, called lilia, lilies, and (4) an indefinite number of short stakes entirely sunk in the earth, to which iron hooks were attached, called stimuli, spurs. 2 In some cases the agger did not reach the top of the wall, but was sur- mounted by one or more towers, which, on being moved up to the enemy's works, secured the necessary height for the storming party. 8 The agger at Avaricum was 80 feet high. See Book VII., 24. * Lucan's Pharsalia. III., 395. Ixvi MILITARY SYSTEM 101. To aid the learner in understanding the more impor- tant steps in a formal siege, we add the following illustra- tions. Fig. 1, page lix, Ground Plan of Siege Operations: 1. ABCD represents the enemy's wall. 2. abed, the space to be occupied by the agger. 3. mm, musculi, protecting laborers levelling the ground. 4. VV, the line of vineae, forming a covered way through which materials were brought for the agger. 5. PP, a line of plutei, protecting the men while building the first section of the agger. 6. TT, turres ambulitoriae, armed with tormenta, and supplied with archers and slingers. 7. pppp, a continuous line of plutei, nearly parallel to the enemy's wall, protecting archers and slingers. 8. w, vv, two lines of vineae, parallel to the agger, forming each a covered way by which soldiers passed to the towers and to the lines ofplutei. 1 9. cdef, a horizontal section of a part of the first story of the agger, showing how the logs were arranged, with intervals between them, and in layers at right angles with each other, showing also an open gallery or way through the middle. 102. An agger, 80 feet in height, usually consisted of eight or ten stories. On each floor was an open gallery, or hall, 10 or 12 feet wide and 8 or 10 feet high, extending the whole length of the agger. The work of construction began at a distance of 400 or 500 feet from the enemy's wall, from which most of its defenders had been driven by the archers and slingers behind the line of plutei y and by the artillery-men in the towers. The materials were brought through the covered way formed by the line of vineae ' W,' while those who were engaged in the actual work of con- struction were protected by the phitei, * PP.' First, large logs were placed firmly upon the ground parallel to each other and at suitable intervals; upon these was placed a second layer of logs at right angles with them, as seen in figure 1. The open spaces between the logs were then filled with earth, stones, sods, brush, etc. Through the middle was left a passage, or open gallery, 10 or 12 feet wide, as stated above. The work continued in this way 1 The line of plutei, parallel to the enemy's works, and the lines of vineae leading to it, are sometimes compared to the parallels and approaches in modern warfare. OF THE ROMANS. Ixvii \ / a h \ / in ra. ^f^ r/7 ^~"~* p P^r-'-" \T f? ^^""""-^ ^rir-1' P" & Q v Q Q Q Q f n f Q p^ D 11 '11 l|" ii ii ii n 'T, Q ,H II .1 ii n n TTll II u n tr ji n n m^^ D LlULk Q Q n D v D D D.v Figure 1. Ground Plan of Siege Operations. Ixviii MILITARY SYSTEM ? m ; i o =E A- 1 i- . !-'-/ i & cS ^3 co ^5 - IE IS fl o M o - 2 1 8 " O II OF THE ROMANS. Ixix until the sides reached the height of 8 or 10 feet, when the open passage was covered overhead with a layer of timbers placed across it. Thus was finished the first section of the first story of the agger. 103. The plutei) nariiMilites. 4- Sarcijiac . 3 . Equites-. PLATE H. 1. Inwemtor. 6.Biicinator. 7. 3.Centurio. 4*.Lictf>r 5 Signifert,. 8. Vexilhim . PLATE nr. J. Mater t a nt/ Casfra Miini&tcUtcdtriportatur. 2, Captivi. PLATE TV. , 1 . , 2. Pzdes, 3. Siynifer, UNIVERSITY OF OF THE ( UNIVERSITY ) Plate VII. VICTORY OVER THE HELVETII. I. 2427, EXPLANATION. 1. Romans in line of battle with the Helvetii(a, a) in front of them. 2. The first two of the Roman lines after they had driven hack the Helvetii (6, b) to the neighboring hill. 3. The third line with the Boil and Tulingi (c) in front of it. U. Two new legions with auxiliaries. 5. Roman camp. a. Helvetii, first position, b. Helvetii, second position, c. Boii and Tulingi. d. Helvetian camp defended by wagons, chariots and baggage. mm^mmmm Romans. mmm Plate VIII. VICTORY OVER ARIOVISTUS. I. 4251. MliHLHAUSEN/; EXPLANATION. 1. Caesar's large camp. #. Caesar's small camp, a. First camp of Ariovistus. I). Hill on which Caesar and Ariovistus met. c. Second camp of Ariovistus. Romans. Germans. SCALE OF MILES THE ! UNIVERSITY OF or THE { UNIVERSITY w Plate XL SIEGE OF OPPIDTJM ADUATUCORUM. II. 2933. EXPLANATION. This stronghold of the Aduatuci occupied the hill, on the right bank of the Sam&re, which now forms the citadel of Namur. A. Roman Agger. T. Turris ambulatoria. C, C. Roman contra vallation with numerous redoubts. C,R. Castra Romana. D. Double wall before the city. SCALE OF MILES i I S | - * fl O) ? I Sfe o 53 Q -S "3 S S S -2 fe 5 | a o o ^ - o H pfl c ^ ^ 03 C C m " IS 1 I I c3 d 12^3 Plate XV. EXPEDITION AGAINST LUTETIA. VII. 5762. o v a c i Dammartin EXPLANATION. Lutetia, Paris; Melodunum, Melun; Agedincum, Sens Sequana, The Seine; Matrona, The Marne; Castra Rom. Castro, Romana; Castra Gall., Castra Qallica. Plate XVI. VICTORY OVER VERCINGETORIX. VII. 66, 67. EXPLANATION. A., A. Roman column on the march. B. Baggage of the Romans. C. Roman camp the night before the battle. D. Roman camp the night after the battle. e. Caesar's cavalry in three divisions. E. German cavalry in Caesar's service. g. The enemy's cavalry. G. The enemy's infantry in line of battle. V. The three camps of Vercingetorix. UNIVERSITY _ OF TITLES OF WORKS CITED ON THE MILITARY SYSTEM OF THE ROMANS. FROHLICH, F. Beitrdge zur Geschichte der Kriegsfuhrung und Kriegs- kunst der Homer. Berlin, 1886. GOLER, A. VON. Caesars gallischer Krieg und das romische Kriegswesen, Freiburg, 1884. GKASER, B. De Veterum Re Navali. Berolini. GUHL UND KONEK. Das Leben der Griechen und Homer nach antiken Bildenverken. HYGINUS. Liber de munitionibus castronlm. JAHNS, M. Handbuch einer Geschichte des Kriegswesens. Leipzig, 1880. KOCHLY UND RUSTOW. GriecJiische Krieg sschriftsteller. LANGE, C. C. L. Historia Mutationum Rei Militaris Romanorum. LINDENSCHMIT, L. Trticht und Bewaffnung des romischen Heeres. LIYY, The Works of. MARQUARDT, J. Romische Staatsverwaltung. MOMMSEN, T. History of Rome. NAPOLEON III. History of Julius Caesar. NISSEN, H. Das Temphnn. POT.YBIUS, The Works of. RHEINHARD, H. Caesaris Commentarii deBello Gallico. Stuttgart, 1885. RHEINHARD, H. Griechischc und romische Krieg salterthumer. RUSTOW UND KOCHLY. Geschichte des c/riechischen Kriegswesens. RUSTOW, "W. Heerwesen und Kriegfiihrung Casars. SONKLAR, R. A. Abhandlung uber die Heeresverwaltung der alien Romer. SHAMBACH. Einige Bemerkungen uber die Geschiitzverwendung bei den Homern, besonders zur Zeit Caesars. Altenburg, 1883. VEGETIUS. Epitoma Rei Militaris. Ixxi. PROFESSOR HARKNESS'S LATIN TEXT- BOOKS. A Complete Latin Course for the First Year contains a series of simple exercises progressively arranged, together with numerous exercises and passages intended for practice in sight-reading and composition exercise ; also a Grammatical Outline, in the exact form and language in which they occur in Harkmss's Standard Latin Grammar. It is designed to serve as a complete introductory book in Latin, no other grammar being required. Progressive Exercises in Beading and Writing Latin, with Frequent Practice in Beading at Sight, intended as a companion-book to Harkness's Standard Latin Grammar. This and the preceding contain numerous notes and suggestions, and an adequate Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary. An Introductory Latin Book. Intended as an Elementary Drill- Book on the Inflections and Principles of the Language. 12mo. This work gives a distinct outline of the whole grammar, with exer- cises in translation from each language into the other, suggestions to the learner, notes, and vocabularies, and prepares the way to both the read- ing and the writing of easy classic Latin. A Latin Grammar. For Schools and Colleges. Edition of 1874. 12mo. A Latin Grammar. For Schools and Colleges. Standard edition of 1881. 12mo. This is a complete, philosophical, and attractive work. It presents a systematic arrangement of the great facts and laws of the language, ex- hibiting not only the grammatical forms and constructions, but also those vital principles which underlie, control, and explain them. The Elements of Latin Grammar. For Schools. 12mo. A New Latin Beader. With Exercises in Latin Composition, in- tended as a Companion to the Author's Latin Grammar. With References, Suggestions, Notes, and Vocabularies. 12mo. The " New Reader " differs from the " Reader " in two respects. The first parts of the two books are wholly different. The New has in this part alternating exercises in translation both ways from one language into the other, with numbered references to the " Grammar " at every step. The second part is substantially the same in both books, except that nine of the Latin sections in the Old are removed, and their places in the New filled with English to be translated into Latin. fSEE NEXT PAGE.] BES'D. ID U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES