o 7K r BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DIARY AND LETTERS OF THE Reverend Joseph W. Cook MISSIONARY TO CHEYENNE DIARY AND LETTERS OF THE Reverend Joseph W. Cook MISSIONARY TO CHEYENNE ARRANGED BY THE RT. REV. N. S. THOMAS, S. T. D. Laramie Wyoming: The Laramie Republican Company Printers and Binders 1919 THE REV. JOSEPH W. COOK Missionary. 1868-1870 T III' !.; Akif; I; f 'i III: !,• A I; Y \\\Ik)\ mDHA! Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/diarylettersofreOOcookricli PREFACE While acting as special preacher at the noonday service in Minneapolis, Minn., during the Lenten season of 191 6, it was my good fortune to meet Miss Charlotte Everett Cook, daughter of the Rev. Joseph W. Cook, first resident missionary in Chey- enne and founder of the Church therein. As a result of the meeting, Miss Cook presented me with what I suspect will prove to be the most valuable historical document relating to the early history of Cheyenne now in existence. It consists of a small quarto copy book of some 120 pages, in which is neatly written, in his own hand, the copy of his letters to Bishops Clarkson and Randall, re- lating to the condition of things in Cheyenne during the years 1868 and 1869. The interesting con- troversy between Mr. Cook and Bishop Randall, as to the proper jurisdiction in which Wyoming in general and Cheyenne in particular was located, arose from the fact that in the general convention of the Church held in Philadelphia in 1865, Bishop Randall had been elected to the Bishopric of Colorado, W^yoming and New Mexico. He was subsequently consecrated on December 28, 1865, and went to Denver to take up his duties from that point. On reaching Denver, he found that, owing to some failure on the part of Congress to make appropriation for its expenses, the territory of Wyo- ming had no existence in fact; therefore, still be- longed to the territory of Dakota, from which it was to have been set off. Bishop Clarkson had been elected as Bishop of Nebraska and Dakota, and as such presumed that his jurisdiction extended over what was to be the territory of Wyoming until such time as the new territory to be known as Wyo- ming became an accomplished fact. The interesting considerations of a personal na- ture set forth in the letters are unfortunately one- sided, as the letters of Bishop Randall and Bishop Clarkson, if still existing, have not as yet come to light. Mr. Cook not only copied his more important letters, but he kept a diary as well. That portion of his diary relating to his sojourn in Cheyenne prior to his departure to Dakota, where he passed the re- mander of his life as a missionary to the Sioux, his daughter most kindly has had copied and sent to me. In publishing it herewith, in connection with these letters, it seemed fitting to publish the diary as it was written and to insert the leters under the appropriate date, so that the letter when read should be preceded with its historical setting. In addition to these letters of Mr. Cook, I have added as an appendix two letters of his contempo- rary at Laramie, the Rev. John Cornell, who is still living, and this interesting correspondence dovetails admirably into the diary and letters. Taken to- gether, they form the one first-hand written docu- ments of the origin of the Church in Wyoming now known to me. The subject matter contained in the volumn has already appeared serially in The: Wyoming Churchman during the years 1917 and 1918. The form in which the diary and letters are related to each other constitute the only difference. N. S. Thomas. Diary of the Rev. Joseph W. Cook, Missionary to Cheyenne, and Let- ters to the Rt. Rev. R. H. Clarkson, D. D., and the Rt. Rev. Geo. M. Randall, D. D., kindly furnished by his Daughter, Miss Charlotte Everett Cook. MR. cook's diary, i868. Jan. 14th. Crossing the dreary, desolate plains, stretching on every side far beyond the reach of human vision; mottled with black from the annual burning of the grass ; a tree seen once only in many miles until we came to Pine Bluffs, and then only scattered thinly over the hills; seldom a habita- tion except the stations about every twenty miles. The vind blew) hard and cold all day. Talked con- siderable to three Blue Noses who were going out to the mines to seek their fortunes. There was but one female on the train, and she only a part of the way. .\rrived in Cheyenne about 7:00 o'clock and finding Mr. Chas. Sherman's quarters at the bank, proceeded there forthw'ith. Was not in. But Mr. Berger, his associate, received me kindly, and I waited ior him. When he returned I delivered my letter fiom Bishop Clarkson and received a very kind and pleasant welcome. He begged me to cast in my lot wlith him here, as he had an empty bed. I was very glad indeed, and highly appreciated his kindness. Jan. 15th. Took boarding at Ford's saloon op- posite at $15.00 per week. After breakfast wtalked out to view the place, and was amazed at what had been accomplished in five months! It is wonderful. The air was quite cold, but I found that I did not suffer from it as in the east, but that on the con- trary it was delightful. Went to a house to inquire/ the way to the fort, and I stumbled upon a church- woman, Mrs. Morrow, who was rejoiced to see clergyman of the church. Sat and talked with he/ for a good while, and did not go to the fort, as it f some distance off and it was late. Jan. i6th. Wrote long letter to Bishop Clark son giving an account of my trip and misfortune in the matter of the pocket-book, and my first impres- sion of Cheyenne. Delivered my letter to Mr. Re^d, engineer of construction on U. P. R. R., and he give me a hearty, kindly welcome. Took box of roots and plants which I brought with me to ask Mrs. Morrow to store them in her cellar. Called on Jars. Street, whom I found a baptized member of the Church, also Mrs. Halliday, a communicant/ and her mother. Jan. 17th. Called on Mr. Whitehead's fimily. Found that gentleman away, but his sister-in-law received me kindly and claims to be a churchWoman. One of the most charming winter days I eVer ex- perienced. An overcoat was superfluous, apd yet the little snow and ice in the streets melted put lit- tle. Mr. Reed kindly invited me down to inoke a cigar, and I had a good deal of a talk with him about the prospects of the Church, and alao about Cheyenne and the railroad. Invited me to go to the end of the line with him tomorrow, but wa^ obliged —8— to decline on account of necessity of preparing some- thing for Sunday. We have been in a crowded state at the bank for the last two nights. No less than seven of us ! Four in beds, one on lounge and twb on the floor. Of course, it was impossible to accomplish anything, and even devotions were al- most impossible. Mr. Reed kindly invited me to make use of his quarters to do my literary work in, which I gratefully accepted. Mr. Berger asked me if I would like to take a look at what w;as to be seen here. I intimated that I would, and so he con- ducted me through the great gambling hell opposite, which was crowided with poor simple souls selling themselves to the devil. It made my heart ache to see them so earnest in their destruction. We went also to the museum, but I saw nothing out of the wjay there until he directed me to a stereoscope in one corner, where upon one turn I found obscene and lascivious pictures, and there stood a man (?) feasting his eyes upon them! lkttkr to bishop clarkson. Chkyknnk, Dakota Territory, Friday, Jan. 17th, 1868. Right Rev. R. H. Clarkson. My Dear Bishop :■ — I started from Philadelphia on New Year's night after having had the misfortune to lose my pocket-book on my way to the depot. I think from the circumstances it could not have been picked, but that it fell out of my pocket and was picked up by the conductor of the street car. I went to the office and made every effort to discover it, but, of course, the conductor knew nothing of it. There was about $150 in it. My kind friend, Mr. Fallen, said he wkDuld take further measures for re- covering it, and as I had a ticket to Cincinnati and had left $20 with his son to pay a balance on a tail- or's bill, he advised me to take that and go on, and if the pocket-book was not recovered by the time I left Ohio, to obtain funds from my cousin in Cin- cinnati. So I came west on the next train. I spent the second Sunday after Christmas in Springfield, O., and then went on to Cincinnati. There was no news of the pocket-book, and so I borrowed $100 from Mr. Hamlin and started west. I reached Chi- cago on Thursday the 9th inst. Presented your let- ter to Mr. Dunlap at his house where I was re- ceived with the utmost kindness, and very agree- ably entertained, as they urged me to stay until the night train. Mr. Dunlap gave me a pass to Omaha. I arrived in Omaha on Saturday, nth inst. and presented your letter to the rector. Mr. Redick in- vited me to take up my quarters with him, which I did. I remained in Omaha over Sunday and as- sisted the rector at morning prayer and again in the evening, and preached. Also assisted Mr. Tongue at the mission and preached. On Monday evening I bade adieu to Omaha and entered upon the last stage of my journey, for which Mr. Van Antwerp very readily obtained me a pass. A snow storm had been raging all day in Omaha, and we were somewhat fearful of being snowed up on the plains. But the snow grew less and less as we progressed until on this side there was scarcely any to be seen. I reached here in safety on Tuesday evening and wtas asked to take a seat in a "buss" for the "only first class hotel in the city." I was landed at the Rollins House, and on entering the place found myself in a billiard room with a large and glittering bar on one side. I ascertaned the w^hereabouts of Mr. Sherman, which was close by, and proceeded at once to his quarters in the bank and presented your letter. He received me very kindly and begged me to take up my quarters with him as he had an extra bed. There are twio others in the bank. Besides the large office there is a small sitting room in the rear, and a small bed room with two beds. This is the headquarters of quite a number of persons, and of course very little quiet can possibly be obtained in any part of the place. Last night, e. g., there were no less than seven of us, four in bed and three upon the floor. At present I am taking my meals at a restaurant at the rate of $15 per week for "square meals." I am told that a room with a fire at the hotels, together with board, cannot be obtained at less than $26 per week. At present I suppose I cannot do better. But, it may be, after I have got somew^hat better acquainted, that I may be able to find some little nook where I may be able to study and write with some comfort. Had I the money I would put up a little house and bring my sister out, for I think that we can keep house cheap- er than 1 can board. I presented your letter to Mr. Reed and found him very pleasant and seemingly very glad to see me and much interested in our church project. And now as to those matters I will try to give you my first view of the situation. Mr. Reed told me he has secured two lots for the church in a very good situation, on the school block. I have discovered several communicants of the Church and quite a number who are nominally church people and attached to our worship. All seem delighted to see me and rejoice that something is to be done to affect the terrible state of things in this worst of all places under the sun. Mr. Reed was to have met Mr. Sherman and myself yesterday to talk over matters and to take steps towlard providing a place for our services. But he did not come. I met Dr. -II- Scott, the Methodist local preacher, and he informed me that he has the use of the city hall on Sunday afternoons and evenings. And that he had left the mornings open, thinking someone would be along shortly with some other kind of service. He is engaged in a thriving business in the canned fruit and furniture line, and cannot pursue both business and preaching, and so expects some regular preacher here after a while. There is a nice school house here already finished — but the carpenters have a lien on the buildings and will not allow it to be used for anything until it is cleared. The Methodists in- formed me that they had engaged it for services as soon as it can be released. Mr. Sherman has just informed me that he and Mr. Reed met and talked some over matters last night, and that they are of opinion that the school house may be bought, and he expects to inquire into it today. It would be very well adapted to our purposes for the present. I will write you again shortly and let you know the state of the case. I sent through by express my books, making a moderate sized box, and two trunks filled wjith bed clothing, etc. I have received the bill from Wells Fargo & Co., and the amount is $94 ! It is an outrageous bill, and I have not the means to release the goods. The husband of one of our communi- cants, Mr. Morrow, is in their office here, and he may be able to get some reduction. I have not yet seen him as he has been absent. But I fear the reduction will be small. I think there are somewhere about four thousand people here. The amount that has been done here is wonderful, and the activity of the place is sur- prising, and the wickedness is unimaginable and ap- palling. This is the great centre for gamblers of all shades, and roughs, and troops of lewd women, and -12- bull-whackers. Almost every other house is a drinking saloon, gambling house, restaurant, dance house or bawdy. In the east, as a general thing, vice is obliged in some measure to keep somewhat in the dark, and a cloak of refinement is thrown over it. But here all is open and above board, and the eyes and ears are assailed at every turn. Last evening right by us here was a terrible shooting affray, and one poor wretch was shot through the jaw and an- other through the arm. A large wagon train came in today, and we shall be likely to have a repetition of last night's deeds and perhaps worse. If there ever was a place which needed a standard lifted up against the enemy, it is here. I feel almost power- less in the presence of it. But I realize that I am not sent in dependent on my own strength, but com- missioned by the Holy Ghost and the Church of God. I must open my commission even here, and proclaim the Gospel of the grace of God whether these poor souls will hear or whether they will for- bear, and depend upon Him to bless my humble ef- forts. You are probably aware that Rev. Mr. Tut- tle has been transferred to the fort here. He is ex- pected today or tomorrow. Although I should at once have been rendered comfortable had I myself been appointed, and the salary would have enabled me to get well settled in preparation for the work here, yet I doubt not it is all right. And I confess that I feel much more comfortable and encouraged by the fact that I have a clerical brother near upon whom I may depend for sympathy and advice, than though I were isolated as I feared I would be. I am charmed with the climate here. With the exception of those searching winds which go to the very bone, it is dehghtful. Today is one of the most beautiful days I ever saw. The place is not —13— protected from the winds as we supposed. Long's Peak, 70 or 80 miles distant, is in sight, and the Rocky range glittering white with snow in the clear sunshine. We seem to be still on the plains, al- though at a very high elevation. I don't believe this can be an agricultural region. It probably would be with the means of irrigation, but Crow Creek, on which we are situated, is quite small. But the Cache la Poudre above may do something for us. There is not to be seen a single tree within many miles of us. I hope to be able to give you something more defi- nite with reference to church matters in a few' days. May God bless and prosper you, my dear Bishop, and hasten your journey to us. With sincere regards, yours in Jesus Christ and his Church, Jose:ph W. Cook. Jan. i8th. Beautiful day, but the wind made it unpleasant to be out. Went and took possession of Mr. Reed's* quarters and wrote sermon on I Cor. 1 1 :2. Showing what I believed St. Paul's policy was in licentious Corinth; and that I proposed to follow the same course in my ministry here, viz., to combat sin by presenting the old truths of the Gospel and the Church of Christ, and striving not to be drawn aside by side issues. Mr. Sherman was able to get the school house for our services. I put a couple of notices in the papers announcing morn- ing service. Spent the evening in various work. Went to Mrs. Morrow's to ascertain whether Rev. Mr. Tuttle, the Chaplain of the Post, had arrived. He got there just as I was leaving. Sat and talked with him awhile. Asked him to assist me tomorrow. Sunday, 2nd after Epiph., Jan. 19th. Beautiful day, and the air was delicious. Prepared for service and went to the school house. Mr. Tuttle was —14— called upon to attend the funeral of a poor young woman who died from an overdose of morphine, and so could not be with me. Sent me his Mission Services to use. Mr. Test brought them, and I was glad to make his acquaintance. Begged me to go and see him. Put on my surplice and celebrated divine service, and preached. Seventy-five persons present, joined in responses heartily. Was fortun- ate in starting familiar tunes and the whole congre- gation sang with a will. Was glad to discover some fine voices. Several persons came to me after ser- vice to express their pleasure, and to give me God- speed. Headache came on after dinner and I was quite unwell. Probably bilious from eating three ^'square" meals a day. Took considerable of a walk with Messrs. Berger, Ruth and Glover. Af- terwards lay down upon the lounge and Mr. Ruth came again and we talked over many points of sci- ence and Christianity. Went to Mrs. Morrow's to tea with Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle and spent evening in pleasant conversation. We started for P. O. and passing, stopped at school house a minute to see what the Methodists were doing. Found the house well filled, and Dr. Scott ranting. Called at Dr. Latham's ofiice and Mr. Tuttle introduced me to him. After left Mr. Tuttle and called in at Messrs. Adams and Glover's drug store and talked awhile. Sung a great deal with Mr. Sherman today, and it has been very pleasant. Jan. 20th. Another charming day. I have never Experienced anything like it in the East. The cli- mate is magnificent. Mr. Reed called and asked me to go down to this office, which I did. Sat some time. Gave his judgment for an immediate organ- ization of the Church here. Wrote letter to Bishop Clarkson telling him of the progress of affairs here. —15— Wrote up journal. Walked with Mr. Berger and called upon Mr. Test, Mr. Paine, and Mr. Abbott. Dr. Alden, Post Surgeon, called on me, and told me what he had done towards securing subscrip- tions for the Church at Fort Russell. Found him very agreeable. Mrs. Street called to give me an invitation to a donation party to be given to Dr. Scott, the Methodist local preacher. Could not bring myself to the point to go, having such a dis- gust for such things. Wrote letter in answer to one from Mr. James Fuller inquiring about Cheyenne as a place for him to establish himself. lettkr to bishop clarkson. Chi:ye:nne, Dakota Territory, Jan. 20th, 1868. Rt. Rev. R. H, Clarkson, D. D, My De:ar Bishop: — We succeeded in obtaining the school house for our services yesterday morn- ing. It had been nicely cleaned, and the only dis- comfort that w!e had was that it was yet a little damp. The day was charming and auspicious for the commencement of our public work here. We did not know definitely that we could obtain the house till the afternoon of Saturday so there was but little time to give notice. I made a few calls and mentioned it, and put notices in two of our daily papers. Yet there were a great many who did not learn of it until after the service. Rev. Mr. Tuttle arrived on Saturday night, and I invited him to as- sist in inaugurating the services here, which he in- tended to do. But Mr. Rollins, keeping a hotel here, and an old member of Mr. Tuttle's parish in Illinois, sent to request him to officiate at the fune- ral of a young woman who died from the effects of an overdose of morphia. So I was alone. He how- —16— ever lent me his mission services (and by the way I don't know what I shall do without some of those services). I have about thirty prayer books, but they are not sufficient. Since writing the above, Mr. Tuttle has been in and informs me that for the present he can divide with me the mission services which he has, about 200, which wiill relieve me of the difficulty. There were about 75 persons present yesterday, and they entered heartily into the services, respond- ing well and conforming to the postures. The sing- ing I conducted myself. I sang tunes which I sup- posed would be familiar, and I was surprised and delighted, for it seemed as though everyone present joined in and sang with a will. I discovered that there was considerable musical talent in the congre- gation, and I have hopes of shortly forming a good choir which, of course, will add to the interest of the services. I preached a short sermon from i Cor. 1 1 :2 — ''For I determined not to know anything among you save Jusus Christ, and Him Crucified/' Simply explaining what I conceived to be St. Paul's policy in wicked, licentious Corinth, and stating the object for which I am here, and my determination, by the help of God, to pursue the same policy with the Apostle, and to present the old facts of the Gospel and the Church of Christ, believing that they are still filled with divine energy to the pulling dow^n of the strongholds of sin, Satan and death. A number came to me after service to welcome me and bid me God speed. I was invited to attend the Methodist services in the evening, but aside from being quite unwell, which would of itself have prevented me, I thought it best to take that stand which would sooner or later have to be taken, and so did not attend. Mr. Tuttle and —17— myself had occasion to pass the school house during their meeting, and we found it filled respectably. I hope during the week to obtain a place in which to hold our Sunday school. To the surprise of my- self and many others the city was remarkably quiet yesterday. Many of the shops were closed, and numbers of persons were to be seen on the streets who had seemingly made an effort to recall some of the associations of Sunday and civilization by chang- ing their clothes and tidying up, and trying to enjoy a little rest from the turmoil and excitement of the week. The hurdy-gurdy at the "Museum" geased its daily and nightly groaning and grinding, to the great relief of the nerves of many who have some music in their souls, and the band which by day and night calls multitudes of poor simple souls to the great gambhng "Hell" opposite paid respect to the Lord's Day also. There are a great many people here who are either Churchmen or accustomed to our services and in sympathy with us. I am surprised at the number whom I have already discovered. And as is usual, they are the more intelligent and respectable of the population. The editors of two of the three daily papers are nominally Churchmen, and are very kind in offering their papers as channels of communica- tion, to give notices, etc. In talking with Mr. Reed this morning, he gives his judgment for an organization at once, instead of Waiting until we have had services for a while. Mr. Tuttle thinks he will be able to offer me a home at his quarters as soon as he gets settled, which will both give me a quieter place for study and writing, and also, probably, very much reduce my expenses. I shall be sorry to be removed out of the city — about two and a half miles — but it is probably the best I — 1&— can do for the present in the crowded state of this wonderful place. I hope you will be able to come to us as soon as you possibly can after your return to your juris- diction. Yours in Christ and His Church, Jose:ph W. Cook. P. S. Mr. Sherman desires me to present his re- gards to you. I find him very kind and pleasant, and both he and Mr. Berger, who is associated with him in the bank, have quite prevented me from be- coming low-spirited, and I feel greatly indebted to them for their kindness. J. W. C. Jan. 2ist. Finished a letter to Mr. Davis. Major Woolley called on me and talked over Church mat- ters and offered his services for furthering the in- terests of Church here. Was very much pleased with the Major. Called on Mrs. Kuykendall to in- quire after her brother. Called at Mrs. Marten's, Taylor's, Shakespeare's, Manion's, and Cornforth's. Called on Mrs. Tuttle at the Rollins house, and had the pleasure of meeting also Mrs. Doherty. Jan. 22nd. Nice day with the exception of the wind. Wrote to Mrs. Smith. Major Woolley called and presened Dr. Alden's compliments and an invi- tation to take up my quarters with him. Accepted the same. Called on Dr. Moore (grandson of Bishop Moore of Virginia)i and met also his partner, Dr. Heimberger, an Israelite. Called on Mrs. Gardner and not finding her in, went into her husband's saloon and talked with him awhile. Called on Mrs. Street and had a long talk on Church matters. Pre- pared my trunks for transfer to the Fort. Suffering a good deal from cold and sore throat. Jan. 23rd. Beautiful day. Letter from Rev. Cort- landt Whitehead of Black Hawk, Colorado, an- —19— nouncing that I have been transferred to Colorado and congratulating me upon same. Gives me very kind invitation to share his bed and board, etc. Cannot but consider it a calamity that Cheyenne has been transferred just now. I hope for the best, but I fear. Wrote to Mr. Whitehead. Election day in Cheyenne, for city government. Considerable ex- citement. Mr. Sherman running for Treasurer. There was some shooting on the street today and so I did not go out until the streets were cleared by the presence of cavalry from Fort Russell. Major WooUey called to say Dr. Alden could not be ready for me until tomorrow. New clerk arrived at Bank from Omaha, Mr. Rhous, a German. Had consid- erable talk with Mr. Maxwell, a correspondent of a Cincinnati paper, on religious subjects, especially that of church unity. Jan. 24th. Most beautiful day. Wrote to Dr. Irving, Secretary Board of Missions, remonstrating against being transferred to Colorado just now, and giving my reasons. Wrote to Rev. Mr. Van Antwerp with reference to a cabinet organ, as a Mr. Smith came in today to make my accquaintance and offer his services to get up a choir. A man called to ask me to go to the Hospital to see a man by the name of Aiken, who wishes to see an Episcopal clergyman. Went round and received a welcome from Dr. Irwin in charge, whom I found friendly to the Church and interested in the establishing of services here. The man was suffering from tubercles in his lungs. Was quite penitent and anxious to do better, as he has been a wanderer both in body and soul. Talked and prayed with him and he seemed comforted. Major Woolley called with Dr. Alden to take me out to the Fort and I came with them. Established myself with the Doctor in his quarters, and then dined with — 20 — Major Woolley and his wife and family of clerks. Dr. Alden took me to his hospital and showed me the Fort. Called on Brother Tuttle and wife at Gen- eral's headquarters. At home, commenced reading "Great Missionaries/' and had a quiet evening. Col- onel Bartlett, son of Prof. Bartlett of West Point, called. Also letter from Brother Rogers of Austin, Texas, inquiring after me and wishing much to hear from me. He has been very successful at Austin, but yet does not count it his home. Feels that his work is to establish churches. Jan. 25th. Did not get to bed until midnight. Slept very well in my new bed. Doctor introduced me to Brown's mess room at 9 o'clock. Immediately after Major Woolley drove up and invited me to ride down town with him and I embraced the opportunity to go down to Bank for rest of my things. Troubled at finding Mr. Sherman very moody. Did not say a word of welcome. Spent rest of evening in read- ing and preparing for Sunday. Techman (Doctor's man, a German) showed me some wolf skins and proposed to get me some. In afternoon took a walk northward, hoping to reach a little line of hills, but the distance of objects on these plains is so decep- tive that I walked until I was tired without actually reaching them. I was surprised to find such num- bers of cactus on the plains ; supposed we were far north of them. Found little snow bird which could not fly and brought it home, thinking I would take care of it till it got well. Put it in Techman's room, but Miss Puss during the evening slipped in with me and captured him and made a nice meal. Snowed fiercely most all evening. Sunday, 3rd after Epiph., Jan. 26th. Party in- tended to go down to Cheyenne, but looked so threatening this morning that no one but myself — 21 — went down. There were only about twenty persons there. Seemed to enjoy the services. Went to Bank afterwards and found Mr. Berger suffering from rheumatism. Received letter from Rev. Mr. Tolman wondering at my move, wishing to know the reason of it, and regretting that he had not been able to carry out his long-cherished wish to have me near himself. Rode out to Colonel Carling's, having an invitation to dine there, and expecting to find Dr. Alden there. But had not arrived, so had to introduce myself and was received very pleas- antly. Doctor did not arrive till late. Spent a very pleasant afternoon with the Colonel and his wife. Sent us home in his ambulance. Captain Pierce spent evening with us. Jan. 27th. Doctor walked down to Colonel Carl- ing's with us and I went on to Cheyenne. Was pretty tired when I arrived. Wrote couple of busi- ness letters and then went round to Hospital. Dr. Irwin talked with me a while, and I invited him to the meeting of those interested in the Church which is called at the Bank tonight. I went into the wards and talked a Httle with the patients, and distributed some tracts and papers. Called on Messrs. Wil- liams, Whitehead, Street, Cornforth, Rogers, Bedell, Gardener, Reed, Shakespeare and Morrow, to in- vite them to the meeting. Mr. Sherman was very pleasant today. Took tea with Mr. Berger. After tea about twenty gentlemen assembled to consult about the Church. I was called to the chair and a resolution was offered looking to an organization of the parish. Called its name St. Mark's Church, Cheyenne. Vestry of seven was elected, consisting of Messrs. Reed, Judge Ford, Colonel Carling, Ma- jor Woolley, Dr. Alden, Mr. Street and Mr. Chas. Sherman. Vestry chose Mr. Reed and I chose Col- — 22 — onel Carling as the Wardens. Building Committee, or rather Committee of Whole to solicit subscrip- tions, was resolved. Mr. Reed promised to get all Jthe stone and heavy timber which we would need from the Black Hills, and bring it free of cost ; and to get our lumber over the Union Pacific railroad free of charge. Colonel Carling would do all the hauling and furnish the architect. Several hundred dollars were subscribed on the spot. Mr. Cornforth was the only one who objected to the project — thought we were crazy. His idea was that they should first see if they were able to support a clergy- man; that clergyman should work around among the people first, for some time, and then if thought best should endeavor to build a church! No one sympathized with him, but they assured him they were not going to let me starve. However, as he had started the matter of support, the gentlemen at once subscribed $225.00 toward the first quarter's salary. When this subject came up for discussion, I called Judge Ford to the chair, as it was a delicate position for me to occupy, and the gentlemen would discuss it more freely in my absence. Sent com- mittee to me to inquire upon what I thought I could live at present. Told them on what terms I came. They suggested $100.00 per month for the present, saying they thought I ought to have $2,500.00 per annum ultimately. But for the sake of urging on the church building was willing to take the other for the present. Thought me very easy in my demands. There was a great deal of enthusiasm in the meeting, more than I ever saw in any similar meeting ; and it was very gratifying and delightful. Rode out with Colonel Carling, Dr. Alden and Major WooUey. Extremely cold tonight. -23- Jan. 28th. Wrote long letter to Bishop Clarkson, giving account of last night's doings. Also to Rev. Mr. Childs to tell him about the wine which I sent to the Episcopal Hospital and which has not yet been sent for, and to ask him to have it sent for. Engaged to go down to Colonel Carling's with Doc- tor, but it has been so fiercely cold and the wind blowing so that w^e had to stay at home. After dinner called with Doctor upon General Stevens, Commander of the Post. Afterwards went on in- vitation to Major Woolley's to meet Captain and Mrs. Ball and to eat some oysters. Found Captain and Mrs. Ball very agreeable people. letter to bishop randall. Cheyenne, Dakota Territory, Jan. 28th, 1868. Rt. Rev. Geo. M. Randall D. D., Bishop of Colorado, etc. Rt. Rev. and Dear Sir : — I have been informed by Rev. Mr. Whitehead that Cheyenne and myself have been transferred from the jurisdiction of Bishop Clarkson to that of the Bishop of Colorado. I now write simply to let you know the state of the case, leaving to you and the proper authorities the decision. Against yourself personally neither I nor any here can have any ground for complaint, I apprehend. I myself cannot but admire the energy and devotion which you have displayed in the difficult field over which you have been placed. Besides, I have felt pride in the high character which you bear in the Church and before the world. I could have no ob- jection, and have not an objection to offer against being under your jurisdiction. I should be pleased to have my Bishop so much nearer than Bishop —24— Clarkson can be ; and knowing two of your clergy, it would be very pleasant for me to be closely asso- ciated with them ; and I hope I may be ultimately. B^t in the present history of Cheyenne, and the ef- fort to establish the Church here, it is very neces- sary for its well and prosperous being that nothing be done to dampen the ardor with which the enter- prise has been undertaken. Those most active in the matter here are personal friends of Bishop Clarkson, and several have been members of his Church and congregation in Chicago. There are quite a number of others from Chicago who have a high personal regard for him. With yourself they have not the pleasure of acquaintance. Na- turally they feel apprehensive for the welfare of. the Church at being transferred to an unknown chief. Some have said it would be impossible to feel the same interest should they be transferred, and it is important to have the full interest and co- operation of all. Besides, Bishop Clarkson has al- ready personally interested a number of persons here in the matter, and has put in train certain in- terests at the East to help on the enterprise; and through him we hope and have a good prospect of gaining certain other points nearer home by which we expect to be very materially helped. We know nothing of the ways and means at your command for helping us, and it would take some time to ascer- tain. In the meantime our efforts must wait. And we deem it of importance that we act promptly and quickly in order that we may keep the prominent and important position which we have taken here as the first Church organization and we hope to have the first Church building. I think most decidedly, with the kindest feelings personally towards yourself, and the deepest respect for you, that a transfer just at —25— this time is most unfortunate for the interests of the Church here. After the present work of building is accompHshed I hope the transfer may be made for many reasons. I have written frankly ; and I pray you may receive it in the spirit in which I have spoken. I believe I am simply seeking the glory of God, and the furtherance of the Church of Christ. Hoping soon to have the pleasure of your ac- quaintance, I am, Rt. Rev. Sir, Yours very truly, Joseph W. Cook. Jan. 29th. Towards noon Captain and Mrs. Ball called to take Doctor and myself down to Colonel Carling's camp to talk with the architect about a plan for the church. Met Mr. Richards there, chief carpenter, and a churchman. He is interested and proposes to do work in his shop for the church, and has been thinking with others there of getting up a chancel window, and would make the chancel furni- ture. For these favors I thank God. Called at Colonel's and did not find him at home. Went with Doctor to see a couple of patients to whom he intro- duced me. Although it is milder than yesterday, the wind blew so Doctor thought best for me to return home instead of going to town as I expected. Com- menced letter American Churchman. Saw Mr. Tut- tle about getting the plans of a church at Harlem, 111., for own use, and Up John's work on churches, both of which he sent for immediately. After dinner went with Doctor into the officers' billiard room and watched the games a little while. Doctor gave me a cigar which made me quite sick so that I was worth- less most of evening. Captain Pierce was in a while. Read synopsis of report of Indian Commissioners to Congress, and heartily approve their suggestions. God grant they may be carried out. —26— Jan. 30th. Walked down to Cheyenne. Called at bank and found Mr. Berger much better of his ail- ments. Called on Messrs. Smith, one of them a churchman. Visited hospital and after talking awhile in the lower ward was introduced upstairs to the city part. I was very much distressed to find that in numbers of cases two sick men occupied one bed ! A thing I have never seen before ; and hor- rible to think of. Found a youth there — Walker by name — from Buffalo, who looked quite delicate, and whose hands indicated he had never done any hard work, and he had, failing to find something here to do, gone to the Black Hills and engaged on the rail- road and now he is laid up. I really pitied him. Called on Mr. Abbott. Walked home by way of Colonel Carling's camp and called in to see how Mr. Stewart and Mr. Fletcher were. Latter better and former worse. Met Mr. S. and brought message to Doctor. Saw the military just returning from a funeral of one of their companions, as I neared Fort. Finished letter to American Churchman. Jan. 31st. Snowed some last night, but has all blown off this evening. Read all afternoon and most of evening. Spirit of Missions, and paper, and Sketch of Life and Work of John Williams, the Missionary of the South Seas. Found that Cap- tain Pierce is Lieutenant Pierce. Feb. 1st, 1868. Prepared for Sunday's services. Doctor offered me his horse to go to town. Got lot of books and papers from Mr. Tuttle and Dr. Alden for the poor fellows in hospital. Went among them and found them very glad indeed to get my litera- ture and begged me to come soon again. Had a few words with a poor fellow suffering from pneumonia. Letter from Bishop Clarkson taking leave of me and sending me over to Bishop Randall. Letter from —27— latter welcoming me and assuming all Bishop Clark- son's promises to me and proposes to obtain teacher if there is want of a parish school. Letter from John Sherman expressing his surprise at my change. Brought out bundle on the horse for Mr. Tuttle. Sunday, Purification, Feb. 2nd. Commenced boarding with Rev. Mr. Tuttle. Captain Ball took me down to service in his ambulance together with Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Woolley. More than one hun- dred present and everything passed off nicely. Sing- ing very good. Lunched with the Tuttles and then walked to Colonel Carling's. Took soup there, and then visited sick in company with Dr. Alden. Got back in time to see "dress parade" at Fort. Men made fine appearance, but I thought it terrible that they should have inspection and general review in morning and then have to turn out on Sunday after- noon also. General S. seems devoid of principle. Dined at Lieutenant Pierce's quarters, with him and Doctor. Captain Coates called on me in evening and sat till bedtime. Found him most agreeable gentleman. Has been a beautiful day. Feb. 3rd. Wrote to Mr. Abel to thank them for their kind remem'brance. To Miss Carrie Roberts to ask her to interest herself in getting some litera- ture for the hospital. Intended to go to city but Doctor thought it too cold, so I walked to Colonel CarHng's. Saw Chas. Anderson, their cook, who is a churchman, and talked with him some. Told Jo- seph, the black boy, that if the colored people would find a place and wished it I would have service for them. In evening had interesting talk with Mr. Mc- Carthy, a very intelligent Irishman, a carpenter, who came in and waited to see Doctor. Went to Major Woolley's to eat oysters; but having fit of indiges- tion today had no appetite for them. Fine day. Beautiful night. —28— Feb. 4th. Finished letter to Mr. Robbins. Rode down to Cheyenne with Major W., and Doctor, and Mr. Tuttle. Called to talk with Mrs. Morrow about forming" a Mite Society. Letters from Mrs. Smith, and Colville. Frank has not arrived yet. Note from Mr. Fallon enclosing one from Mr. Harriman. Feb. 5th. After lunch walked down to Cheyenne. Called on Mrs. Street and talked over church affairs and church work and asked about the Mite Society. Mr. Berger walked out part way with me. Gathered cactus bulbs as I came along to send to some of my friends. Really suffered for first time with cold in my hands. Feb. 6th. Sent cactus to Mrs. Davis, Miss C. Trimble, Mrs. Smith, Miss Mary Hamlin. Mr. Sherman came in very unexpectedly and sat awhile, also Mr. Culbertson. Wrote to Marshall Curry, Bro. Lycett to enclose draft for convocation money and to Hurd and Houghton subscribing further for Smith's Biblical Dictionary. Reading ''Katrina" by Holland. Captain Cahill died today of delirium tre- mens, a sad, sad death. He was under arrest and soon to be court-martialed, and probably would have been dismissed from service. Escaped the judgment of man and gone to the judgment of God. Called on Captain and Mrs. Ball, spent pleasant evening. Feb. 7th. Finished ''Katrina'\ Doctor moving into his new hospital. Bro. Tuttle asked me to walk with him at funeral, did so and acted sexton in scat- tering earth on that hopeless grave. Soldiers dis- covered an old lady on the plain one-half mile from the grave, who was helpless. Said she had been there since Monday afternoon! She is a widow without near relatives, having an only son in Helena, Montana, a successful miner. Had sent her $300.00 and told her to stay in Orriaha and go out to him in —29— the Spring. She feared she might die before Spring and wished to see her son, so started out. Arrived here Monday morning and thought in afternoon she would go out and look around. Lost her way, got frightened, and when worn out sank down with weariness. Has had nothing to eat or drink, only a little snow. Was well and warmly dressed or she would have been frozen to death. Three dresses and warm underclothing, two pairs of stockings, shoes and overshoes. As it is she has only her feet slightly frosted. After getting her some relief in the way of eating and restoring her feet, Doctor sent her to City Hospital. I went with her in ambulance. Had $270.00 on her person. Took the patients lot of newspapers both secular and religious which they seemed glad to get. Held short service in upper ward. Letter from Bishop Clarkson enclosing letter from Mr. Fargo with reference to my goods. He remits the charges on their part. Bishop begs me not to be uneasy about the transfer as Bishop R. will be able to do more for me than he could do, at which Mr. Sherman shakes his head. Called on Captain Coates, but he was shortly after called out to attend court-martial. Feb. 8th. Very cold day. Tonight thermometer 15 degrees below zero. With our very open room through which we can see (through the cracks be- tween boards) it was almost impossible to keep warm. A damp snow mist was prevailing, which made the cold so much more perceptible. Prepared for Sunday. Wrote long letter to Charley Cook and commenced one to Aunt Densmore. Received a let- ter from dear mother and find she is in miserable health. Greatly disappointed I did not go to see them, yet feared the cold would be severe upon me if I did. —30— Septuagesima, Feb. 9th. Very cold and severe wind, but warm on the lee side of the buildings, so much so that the snow melts. By evening all the snow had blown away. Captain and Mrs. Ball were going down to service, so they took Doctor and my- self. About thirty people present and service was very pleasant. Introduced to a Mr. Smith of Con- necticut, a churchman, who was rejoiced to find ser- vices here. He, only a visitor. Short letter from Dr. Walfley directed simply to Cheyenne! But Cheyenne has become so notorious that it came. Doctor has but little to do, so is spending his time in reading; and thinks it will be some years before I receive his wedding cards. Spent rest of afternoon reading "Life of Swedenborg." Amazed at the folly and credulity of his biographer, and of S.'s disciples. Finished letter to Aunt D. Lieutenant Longshore came in and sat awhile. Handsome fellow, and if he would only let liquor alone and was rid of a little youthful folly would be a very agreeable and at- tractive gentleman. Became quite sick from eating mutton for dinner and was not relieved till I had taken an emetic of warm water. Doctor called out at 9 o'clock p. m. to see a man who, in a drunken brawl, was struck and his scalp laid open about 10 o'clock this morning. Had been bleeding ever since ! Doctor found him nearly gone — without pulse. Of so little account is human life in this rough region! LETTER TO BISHOP RANDALL. Cheyenne, Dak. Ter., Feb. 13th, 1868. Rt. Rev. Geo. M. Randall, D. D. My Dear Bishop : — Not yet having received an- swers to my last batch of letters, I may still count myself under the jurisdiction of Colorado, I sup- pose. And as you were kind enough to mention the —31— matter of schools in your letter, I thought I would let you know the state of the case. I have made some investigations of the matter and lay before you the results. From the first I have felt anxious on this subject, yet feared I should be obliged to let the opportunity slip by because of the lack of means to carry it out. The school at the city school house has been started and there are 112 scholars. If I recol- lect correctly, they pay $1.50 each per week. The gentleman's wife assists him part of the time. But of course they cannot do justice to so many. Some of the parents are dissatisfied, and there are some families here who do not send their children at all because of the danger; there being all kinds and sizes in the school. Persons have told me they thought we could start at once with 25 or 30 schol- ars. And had I room I should do so at once. But that is the trouble. I don't suppose we could get a room at all; and if we did we should have to pay about $100 per month. The rent for 15 months would perhaps put up a suitable building. Had I the money I would put up a suitable little building which would do also for Sunday School purposes. But I have not. And I cannot ask the people to do it, for they will have all that they can do to build the church. In the meantime the Romanists will doubt- less come along and settle the matter. Rev. Mr. Tuttle, Post Chaplain, received from the railroad company a lot for school purposes. He hoped to put up a building and have a cousin of his to come and start a school. But he is unable to take the matter in hand now. He offers to lease us the lot for three years free of charge. But our lots are amply suf- ficient, being 132x132 feet. His niece, of Chicago, he represents as an admirable teacher, and splendid singer. The last named qualification is very desir- —32— able in my estimation, at least the ability to teach the children vocal music. Also that she be a good needle woman. Why is it we cannot find devotional women of means, and of good qualifications among us who, for the love of Christ and the furtherance of His Church, will give themselves to this school work, as well as among the Romanists? Even had we a building the remuneration would not be such as to command any but the most ordinary talent, I fear. I should be willing myself to teach for an hour or two per day for the sake of helping such a project along. A granite building with low walls, chapel form, could be put up much cheaper than of wood, and it would be better in many ways. We would not need to plaster it either inside or outside until next fall. But why multiply words and castles in the air? If I had the means, or the strength and skill, I would do the work myself. But, alas! I fear I must suffer the victory to go to Rome, who can com- mand all the money and women she wishes. I wait your advice. We expect to raise about $3,500 for the church, including the $1,000 from St. Mark's, Philadelphia, which I confidently expect. We think that will give us a very respectable build- ing. We thought of building of wood, but we now think some of using granite, which I hope will be the case; although we cannot commence as soon as with wood. Our services are well attended, and the circle of those interested is increasing. In a few weeks I expect we shall have a great rush of population here. I shall be very glad indeed to welcome you when you come out. Yours very sincerely, Jose:ph W. Cook. —33— Sexagesima, Feb. i6th. Charming day. Mrs. Ball rode with me to service. Large congregation, nearly filling the school house. Preached with a great deal of interest. Commenced collection for incidental expenses, and surplus to be applied to purchase of an instrument. Appointed meeting of ladies to form a Mite Society. LE^TTER TO BISHOP RANDALL. ChkyKnne, Dak. Ter., Feb. 17th, 1868. Rt. Rev. Geo. M. Randall, D. D., Bp. Colo., etc. My Dear Bishop : — Yours of 6th inst. reached me on Saturday and I respond as soon as possible to let you know I have not received the check of which you speak as having been sent me a few days previous. I hope it has not been lost. It may have been missent and may yet reach me. I was aware that this portion of Dakota, under the name of Wyoming, was originally assigned and intended by the General Convention to be under your jurisdiction. But as you were reported to have said in the East with reference to it, long before I thought of coming here, that it was a part of your jurisdiction which as yet you had not been able to find ; and as Bishop Clarkson seemed to have juris- diction from the fact that he interested himself in the matter and induced me to come out, and also made certain propositions to the people here — from these facts now could I or the people conclude oth- erwise than that it was granted on all hands, by yourself and others, that so long as this remained a part of Dakota it belonged to Bishop Clarkson? And then as a matter of course we supposed there must be action taken by some responsible body, eith- er by the Board of Missions, or General Convention, before it could be taken out of the hands of one —34— Bishop and transferred to another. But you inform us there has been no action in the matter, and so I suppose you have simply claimed it of Bishop Clarkson as a part of your original grant. You very much mistake my meaning and my state- ment if you suppose there is any feeling against you personally either on the part of the people or myself. Nothing is farther from the truth. But our feeling and opposition to the supposed transfer was on ac- count of our anxiety for the unity and success of the church project here, which we feared would be much hindered by a change of Masters at such a critical time ; and from one who was a personal friend and former pastor of quite a number, to one who is a stranger and known only by reputation. I think you will grant that it was not an unatural and un- wise fear. However, the responsibility is not with us; and since the matter has been decided against us, we shall yet not be rebellious. We accept it in all good faith that it is the will of God; and will do our best endeavors to work with you for the glory of God and the advancement of the interest of His Church here. We are still getting subscriptions for the Church. I do not know what they amount to now. We think of building of granite, which will be much cheaper and far more substantial than wood. I think we shall also try to put up a Rectory at the same time, and if we had the means we could also put up the Chapel for school purposes of which I spoke the other day. We are much obliged for the $i,ooo which you offer us. If you think best you can send it to Mr. Chas. D. Sherman, care Kuntze Bros. & Co., who is Treasurer. We shall be happy to see you on your way out, and hope you will stay —35— with us several days. Services yesterday were large- ly attended. The weather is exquisite here at pres- ent — dry and clear and warm. With sincere re- gards, yours in Christ and His Church. Joseph W. Cook. Feb. 20th. Met the ladies at Mrs. Morrow's. Six present. Opened meeting with prayer and stated the objects of the proposed society. Letter from Mr. Davis at last. Contained check for $45.00 which my late parishioners had contributed after hearing of my misfortune in losing my pocket- book. Mr. Mendenhall acting as lay reader; Gen- eral Trimble still suffering with ulcerated jaw. Mr. Davis has sold our household goods. Mrs.,D. says she can only wish me back among them. Begs me to write to General T. to cheer him up. Did so. Letter from Rev. B. Wistar Morris of German- town informing me that Dr. Irving has nominated me as the Missionary of the Young Christian Sol- diers of the Sunday Schools of St. Luke's, Calvary, St. John Baptist, and St. Michael's, Germantown, and wishing me to write them. Wrote him promis- ing to write them as soon as possible. Feb. 2 1 St. Charming day. Walked up Crow Creek with Mr. Tuttle, searching for moss agates and to see the stream. Doctor and I moVed up- stairs this week and find it much pleasanter than downstairs. Got my books opened and arranged, which is a great comfort to me. Wrote long letter to friend Tolman. Feb. 22nd. Another charming day. Review at Fort in honor of Washington's birthday, but wish- ing to do some business down town, rode down on horseback. Found letter from Sister Helen at Walnut Hills; is nearly well, goes to Columbus soon. Called at Mr. Arnold's to see about cleaning -3^ of school house for service on Sundays. From there went to the hospital to distribute papers for Sunday reading, and to give my Frenchman a book of fa- bles, being the only French book I could scare up. Prepared for Sunday and visited David Clov^, one of our carpenters, who is sick with pneumonia in the Post Hospital. Toward midnight it rained a Httle and it was really a joyful sound to me in this dry country. The wind blew a hurricane and rocked us in our beds. Quinquagesima, Feb. 23rd. Blowing fiercely all day. Called in to see Clow and finding him very sick indeed ; wrote to his brother, who is about 75 miles from here. Doctor went with me to town to service. Owing to the very terrible wind, there were only about twenty-five persons out. Appointed a service on Ash- Wednesday at the house of Mr. Morrow's. Spent afternoon reading church papers and Churton's Early English Church. Called to see Clow a few minutes and found him apparently better. At my request, David, our colored boy, and Wilson, Lieutenant Pierce's colored boy, came to my room and we sang hymns, read Sunday service and I talked to them. Wilson has been brought up m the Church and is quite intelligent. Lieutenant Pierce and Lieutenant Stombaugh came in and spent remainder of evening. *'The Missionary Picture Gallery" was lying on the table and attracted the notice of Mr. S. and we fell into conversation about missions in Japan. I was led to speak of the former Jesuit Missions there and Lieutenant S. asked my opinion of the Jesuits, and I gave it freely; and then he announced that he was a Roman Catholic and a great admirer of the Jesuits. Told him I could not recede from what I had said and further showed how these missions have been a failure in —Z7— various countries so far as any permanent work is concerned. He was rather astonished and tried to defend the Jesuits by saying they were only pio- neers and left their work for others to complete, which position cannot be maintained. Lieutenant Pierce supported my positions by what he has seen in Co., New Mexico, etc. Feb. 24th. Very pleasant day again. Wrote to Jack Eoff, also a couple of business letters, and then walked down town. Met Mr. Smith and we went together to Wells, Fargo & Co., to examine plot of Cheyenne and to find the church lots, and after- wards walked to those lots and viewed the ground. About the most commanding position in the town, but still clear to one side of the town, which is un- fortunate. Called on Mr. Cornforth and Mr. Test. Introduced to Mr. Snyder (chief in freight office of Union Pacific railroad) and Mr. Hill, conductor. Mr. Glover and Mr. Berger walked out part way with me and I was then picked up by ambulance, containing Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle. Dined with Mr. Pierce and Doctor and Lieutenant Stombs. Took some oranges to Mr. Clow and glad to find him bet- ter. Mrs. Woolley and Mrs. Ball and Captain Coates called in the evening. Commenced letter to Brother Rogers, Austin. Feb. 2Sth. Snowed lightly nearly all day. Not very cold. Finished letter. Read considerable in ''Early EngHsh Church." Walked to Colonel Car- ling's with Doctor and made short call. Called on Mrs. Ball in evening. Wrote to Sister Helen. Ash Wednesday, Feb. 26th. Intended to spend morning in preparation for services this afternoon but after a little rest from interruptions, Mr. Gam- ble, a man whom I have met at City Hospital, came in. Professes to be from a church family and him- -3&- ^elf intending to be confirmed as soon as has an op- portunity. Found him quite needy and gave him $2.00 to help him. Dr. walked with me as far as Col. Carling's on my way to town. Called to see Mr. Ward, found him too much afflicted with rheu- matism to attend service this afternoon. Rushed about and did various errands and then went to Mr. Morrow's for service. It was very windy and feared there would be none there. Mr. Smith and Mr. Carlisle came and so we had enough to get the 'blessing. Had full Litany and a couple of hymns, the Gospel and a talk on subject of Lent and self denial. Enjoyed it. Found letter at bank from Bishop Randall. Desires us to build church of grout*, also. Spent evening at bank reading church papers and ending up with a sing with friend Sherman and Mr. Rhoan. Feb. 27th. Charming day. Wrote to Mr. Clow's brother telling him of improvement of his brother. Also to Mr. Fargo with reference to the express charges which have not been remitted. Visited the hospital to take my Frenchman a book, and the oth- ers some religious literature. Found Jones (man to whom I gave shirt, etc.) very low. I hardly think he can recover. Read, prayed and exhorted him very earnestly. Also another man with consump- tion is very low, and I talked with him of his soul's salvation. One man, or rather two of them, spoke to me with reference to Fred Walker (the pale youth who had so greatly excited my sympathy on my first visit to the hospital). He is out now but has no other refuge than a "dug out" on Crow creek, one of whose occupants he accidentally be- came acquainted with, and who now shields him. But it is a party of gamblers, and the men beg me to *Throughout the diary we find this word spelled "graut." —39^ save him from falling into their way of life. I went down then and sought him out. Found him in bed with two others, and a third was getting breakfast, although it was almost noon. Said he had been out to see me twice and missed me and asked him to come out to see me this afternoon. Called on a family down there who had recently come from Utah; English people and the old woman a mem- ber of the church. Also as was coming home dis- covered a house inhabited by a colored woman. Went in and told her who I was, and proposed ser- vice for colored people in her house on Sunday afternoons; to which she assented. Spoke of a night school also, and I must see what I can do in the premises. After I got by Col. CarHng's, Maj. Woolley overtook me with buggy and brought me up. Fred Walker came and he met Mr. Tuttle, whom fortunately I had seen before and to whom I had told Fred's story. He was pleased and invited him to go over when I went to dinner. Accordingly I took him over, and Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle proposed to give him a home until he could look about, if I would keep him tonight. I hunted up clean clothing for him and got him fixed up, as his wardrobe was almost nihil. Feb. 28th. It was a great satisfaction to see Fred cleaned up and dressed in decent clothes. Took him to Mr. Tuttle and left him. Wrote to Rev. Mr. Foote of Salt Lake City. Preparing sermon for Sunday. Reading ''Early English Church". After dinner, as it has been a most charming day, Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle and I walked up the other side of Crow creek. Expected to go to vestry meeting tonight; and Dr. being unwell and Col. Carling also, Maj. Woolley and I concluded no use to go for there would be no quorum. Very sorry indeed, for I want —40— them to get to work. Taught David awhile tonight. Wrote to Dr. Wolfley, to Street, Moore & Co., to tell them need not send me book of architecture as had delayed it so long, and to Up John's to send me theirs. Letter from Miss Carrie Roberts promising to do something for me in the way of literature for the hospital in Cheyenne. Feb. 29th. Wind blew a hurrcane nearly all day. It had been agreed to have a vestry meeting tonight but it was found impracticable as both Dr. and Col. Carling are unwell. I am almost in despair. Ev- eryone has so much business of his own to attend to that it is almost impossible to get on. Got things ready for S. Com., and prepared for Sunday. Read- ing "Early English Church". Wrote to my old schoolmate and playmate. Will Claypole, on the sub- ject of entering the Sacred Ministry. May God bless my words and urge him on to that which is evidently his position in the world. Sent him also "Why I am a Churchman". Called at Capt. Ball's and Mr. Woolley's. Sunday ist in Lent, March ist. Still very windy and disagreeable. Mr. and Mrs. Woolley and Mrs. Ball and Dr. Alden went down to service with me in the ambulance. Col. and Mrs. Carling were there. Judge Bartlett and Judge Ford, also other celebrities. To my pleasure found Rev. Mr. Hitch- ings of Denver, Colorado, there. Made him take the prayers as I had no surplice there for him and I could not spare mine as I had the S. Com. to cele- brate. At the S. Com. had only five Com. The oth- ers left for various causes. Present, Dr. Alden, Mr. Sherman, Mrs. Carling, Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Ball. Took Bro. H. to Fort with us and spent the afternoon partly at Mr. Tuttle's and partly at my own room, talking over ecclesiastical affairs of this —41— jurisdiction. Brought me the regards of Bishop Clarkson and told me he vowed he would have me back into his jurisdiction. Mr. Woolley kindly sent Mr. H. down to Cheyenne as he insisted he must go in order to see Mr. Sherman awhile, and to be ready to start to Denver in morning. Mr. Pal- mer and his son Lieut. Palmer came in and spent evening and I was prevented from having my Sun- day school. Lieut. Pierce came in later. March 2nd. Tolerably windy still. Wrote to Sister Helen, also a number of business letters. To- wards noon Dr. and Lieut. Pierce took me to Col. Carling's camp and left me while they went on to C. Spent time at carpenter shop talking to Mr. Richards about church furniture. Asked him to turn a couple of alms basins, w^hich he promised to do. Talked with several of the carpenters. Mr. Woolley kindly gave me two sticks of cedar for the alms basins. In the evening we waited and waited for Col. Carling to send for us to go to vestry meet- ing. Despairing of the ambulance coming, went and borrowed Capt. Ball's, but before it came the Col.'s came. We all went down and although it was after 8 :oo o'clock when we arrived Mr. Sherman was not to be found. Waited long on him and as he did not come and Judge Ford had arrived, we commenced business. In due time after that Mr. S. came. Col. Carling, Dr. Alden, Mr. Reed, Judge Ford and my- self were elected Building Committee. After meet- ing Judge F. brought in a pitcher of ale for my ben- efit and we had a very agreeable conversation over it. Remained over night. March 3rd. Beautiful day, but pretty windy to- wards evening. Wrote letter with reference to an organ, and then started out to make visits. Called on Mr. Benedict, Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Reed's bro- —42— ther at Mr. Reed's office. On Mr. Chord, Judge Ford's partner. Judge F. and Judge Bartlett came in and we had a very pleasant chat. Called on Mr. Gardener, and sorry to find that I had missed seeing Mrs. G. She started for East this morning. Called on Mr. and Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Gildersleeve and Mrs. Gray at the Dodge house, and dined there. On Mr. Williams and Pollock of ''Rocky Mt. Star". Mr. W. kindly offered me a due bill of $50.00 towards an organ. On Dr. Bedell of "Argus" and on his family ; but did not find them in. Some talk with Mr. Ruth on the street and talked on subject of per- sonal God. Called on Mr. and Mrs. Street, who Judge F. had informed me were sick. Did not see Mrs. S. but Mrs. Halliday informed me she had given birth to a son this morning. Met Mr. S. on the street afterwards and congratulated him. Went to the Hospital and spent a great deal of time talk- ing with the patients and distributing literature. Talked again with Mr. Jones and he said he wished to be baptized into the church. Asked him if it should be done now, and he thought best to put it off. Poor man, I fear he will shortly be beyond it. Talked earnestly to him and left him. Found a churchman there ^yho seems quite a pleasant and in- telligent fellow and claims to be intimate with Mr. Hitchings. Mr. Berger walked some distance with me, and I then overtook Mr. Palmer walking out to the post, and walked out with him. Very hard work, the wind was so strong. Gave Mr. P. Bishop Ran- dall's "Why I am a Churchman". Wrote all even- ing and taught David. March 4th. Pleasant day. Prepared for service this evening. Wrote to Bp. Randall. Walked down town in afternoon. Called to see colored woman about holding services in her house. Was perfectly —43— willing. Did some errands for Dr. and called at hospital and saw Jones, who is still low, but was not ready to be baptized. Read a few verses, said a few words in exhortation and prayed. Mr. Sherman ex- cused himself from going to service on account of necessity of seeing about a law-suit; Mr. Berger be- cause of a letter which he must write to his wife ! We were both reminded of the men in the Gospels. Mrs. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Manion, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Carlisle and Dr. Alden were there. Said Lit- any, sung couple of hymns and talked on subject of Ember week, suggesting subjects of prayer. Letter from John Robinson to say he was to go on 2nd inst., to enter upon his studies at St. John's Training School, Camden, N. J. Thank God for His favor and blessing upon our endeavor to give John a chance to show if there is anything in him for the service of the Sacred Ministry. Letter at last from Mrs. Fallon — all well and continue their interest in me. Frank is better of his cough and at school. Marshall she reports as a good boy and doing well, and greatly tickled at getting a letter from me and will shortly answer. Ring around the moon. LETTER TO BISHOP RANDALL. Cheyenne, Dak. Ter., March 4th, 1868. My Dear Bishop : — I have delayed writing in answer to yours of 19th February in hopes of apprising you of some decided progress in our Church project here. I am sorry that I have noth- ing more progressive than the present will relate. The draft which you sent me has not yet reached me, and I suppose it is now hopelessly lost. We have had service every Sunday since I came, but our congregation necessarily depends very much on the state of the wind. On calm days we have —44— about an hundred worshippers, and on windy days the number varies with the force of the wind. Last Sunday I had the pleasure of Brother Hitching's presence, and his company during the afternoon, and enjoyed it very much. He assisted me in the prayers. I celebrated the S. Communion for the first time on ist inst. I extemporized a S. Table, and by spreading down a piece of carpet upon the edge of the platform, and turning a couple of the low school benches with their backs to the congre- gation extemporized quite a respectable chancel rail. I preached upon the nature and design of the S. Communion. Only Hve communicants came for- ward. There were others at the service, but for some reason they departed with the multitude. We take up a collection every Sunday. It is for in- cidental expenses (which are very small) and the surplus to be added to a subscription for an organ of some kind. There are some excellent singers, but they seem to think they can do nothing until they get an instrument, and so they throw upon me the preaching, praying and singing also; and it is quite a tax. I hope we shall soon be able to get an instrument. Feeling the necessity of having some means of getting the better class of people together, so as to shape society, I organized, two weeks ago, a mite society which promises to be a great success. It meets on Thursday evening every other week. I proposed to them three objects in it^the social, the preparation of garments for cases of necessity, and to aid me in that branch of my work, and aside from these to undertake some special part of the work of building the church, as, e. g., the furnishing of the Chancel. Our second meeting takes place tomorrow evening. After three appointments, which came to naught on account of —45— absence or sickness of vestrymen, we at last got together on the night of the 2nd inst. and ascer- tained where we stand, and have taken a short step. Judge Ford has shown a great deal of energy and interest. After our last meeting he went out and in two days got eight subscriptions for $ioo apiece, refusing from policy to take less. He then handed it to Mr. Street with a list of those who had of- fered less amounts ; and he failed to present it to a single individual ! Dr. Alden has already collect- ed some at the Post. I have been greatly chagrined and annoyed at the want of energy in the matter, for I have felt that we were losing every day. And yesterday I learned that the Romish priest has ap- peared in town, and he is going to work to collect money for his church. There are numbers who will give to one, but they will not give to both and, perhaps, would prefer to give to ours; but if the Padre calls first he. will get it. I think the mistake here has been that a Bishop was not on the ground when population was pouring in here, and money was plenty and circulating freely ; one who had author- ity to collect money, and to make arrangements for building, and who might see to it that the Church got lots, and plenty of ground in the proper place for a church, and church institutions. I have not the slightest doubt that he could have had a good and even elegant church two months ago, and all the money for it collected on the spot. However, it is too late for that now. We have two beautiful lots, 66x132 feet, one-quarter of a block, in the most beautiful and commanding position about the place, but then they are clear away from the popu- lation, clear beyond the town. Then, too, the Luth- erans have the other quarter block right alongside, which, in my estimation, is far from desirable. Mr. -4^ Reed, who chose them, did what he thought best, but the Bishop would have been a better judge of the needs of the case. If Cheyenne grows, as it may considerably, that will doubtless be the desir- able part of town for private residences. But if it does not we are in a bad position for real church work. The sentiment of the vestry is decidedly in favor of granite. But as that kind of building in this region cannot be done until June, they are de- cidedly in favor of building of wood, and just as soon as possible. They believe that had we a church now we should have a regular congrega- tion of three or four hundred. So I suppose it must be of wood, although I should so very much prefer granite. Colonel Carling, Dr. Alden, Judge Ford and myself are appointed a building com- mittee, and we shall meet this week to discuss plans. We have as the basis of our discussions at present the plans of St. Mark's Cottage Grove, 111., and the Episcopal Church at Harlem, 111. During Lent I am having a Wednesday evening service at a private house. I can have no Sunday School as yet, from want of a place. We are much obliged for your offer of $500 for a school house of granite, and I think I shall take advantage of it when possible. But when you come out in May we can determine definitely unless the season should be settled earlier and I could hasten the work, in case I saw my way clear. There is to be a town up the railroad near Fort Sanders, two miles off, to be called Laramie City. It is already laid out, but lots are not yet for sale. Being in a much better country naturally than this place, it is thought there will be considerable of a place there. The railroad will reach there before long, as soon as spring opens. I wish we could have a man —47— there to take time by the forelock as regards the in- terests of the Church. I will write you again as soon as any further steps are taken here. I am, my Dear Bishop, Yours in Christ and His Church, Josi:ph W. Cook. March 5th. Beautiful morning and as balmy as spring. About 3 o'clock a storm of wind came on, and tonight it is snowing and blowing terribly. The house shakes fearfully. Wrote to John Robinson and to Rev. Mr. Reilly enclosing draft for $45.00 for John's use. To Mrs. Fallon, giving her later news of me and my doings, and suggesting that St. Mark's might give us a bell as a baptismal gift, since we have at last the $1,000.00 from them by our transfer to Bishop Randall. To Church Journal to have it stopped. Called on Mrs. Ball and Mrs. WooUey and had talk with each on church matters to some extent. Talk with Doctor about baptism of infants. Wilson Hawkins left us this morning for Saunders. Was sorry to have the boy go. May God keep him and direct him in his most holy ways. Reading ''Carwithen." ^ March 6th. Stormed fiercely all day. Snow drifting in every direction. Wrote long letter to the ''Young Soldiers of H." in Germantown, giving them a description of the plains. Letter also to Rev. B. Wistar Morris. Called on Captain Coates and was very much pleased to find him freed from ar- rest. Had pleasant call. March 7th. Pleasant day. Snow drifting away quite rapidly. Commenced writing sermon, but it was so late and suffered so many interruptions that at last abandoned it. Spent afternoon in regulating Doctor's closet, as he has just discharged David, and Fred Walker, whom he has taken in his place, was -48- late in coming over. Went round with Fred and directed the arrangement of his quarters. After dinner called a few minutes at Captain Ball's and then Doctor and I walked down to Colonel Carling's to talk over plans for a church. Found he had had his draftsman at work on a plan. Spent a pleasant hour and then had delightful walk back in the bright moonlight and delicious air. Just on arrival there was an alarm of fire and Lieutenant Stombo's quar- ters were found to be ablaze. After considerable difficulty they were able to extinguish it. Prepared for Sunday. Sunday, second in Lent, March 8th. Very pleas- ant morning. Snowed towards evening. Mr. Tut- tle, Mrs. WooUey and Mrs. Ball went down with me in the ambulance. Major Jackson, Captain Coates, Lieutenant Spencer and Doctor went in another. I took first part of service and Ante Communion ; Mr. Tuttle the prayers. Preached with good deal of interest. Mr. Reed has returned, and I was very glad to see him. Brought Captain Davis to intro- duce him. Judge Ford, Judge Chase and Judge Bartlett and other worthies were present. The re- sponses were refreshing. I nearly broke down in an attempt to start the Gloria in Excelsis, but recov- ered myself. Remained in town expecting to hold service for colored people, but on going to the house found the old aunty quite unwell and unable to have service. Sat and talked with her awhile, and then called on Mrs. Street, whom I was sorry to find not getting along so well as I could wish. Saw the lit- tle tiny stranger. Met Mr. Street's mother. Called at the hospital to inquire for Jones. Found he died on Thursday unbaptized! Poor creature! Spoke to the doctor about burying people without any service. Mrs. Woolley kindly sent buggy in for me —49— at 5 o'clock. Called at Captain Ball's to see if she would go to service tonight. Found her unwell. Assisted Mr. Tuttle in the service. Quite a good congregation. The sermon, alas ! Rambled all over creation, and I failed utterly to see the point he was driving at. Besides, some things in it were undig- nified. It makes me feel sad. The opportunity for good seems thrown away ! He desires to benefit, but he makes a grand mistake in the means. May God give me wisdom to labor with more directness and efficiency in the field in which He has placed me. Sat up till till near midnight talking with the Doctor. March 9th. Pleasant day, air a little raw. Wrote a long letter to Mr. Davis. Doctor and I agreed to ride together, but there was some misunderstanding at the stables and my horse did not come, so Doctor took his ride and then I rode some distance up the creek. After dinner called on Major Ferris and wife. Major Jackson, Lieutenant Spencer. The two latter not in, called on Lieutenant Hayes and Mr. Major, and Mrs. Woolley. Read some. March 12th. Thirty-second birthday. Went down town and did lot of pastoral work. Dined with Messrs. Sherman, Blinn and Barton. Mr. Tuttle came after me while at dinner to say Mrs. Street wished me to baptize her baby, as she feared it would not live. Baptized it during afternoon. Ves- try meeting in evening. As plans were not ready on account of sickness of draftsfan, we could do but little. Came home with Doctor, Colonel Carling and Major Woolley. March 14th. Stayed with Mr. Sherman last night. Doctor and Lieutenant Pierce came down in ambulance. I took the ambulance and went after a melodean which vestry authorized Mr. S. and me —50— to purchase. Came down in evening to see about the music. Mr. Smith came and played, and we selected the tunes. Stayed all night. Mr. Street's baby died yesterday. Sunday, third in Lent, March iSth. Storming when got up. Looked so threatening thought there would be nobody at service. At 9 130 said the burial service over Mr. Street's child at the Wyoming House. At service time the storm had disappeared and a reasonable congregation assembled. Used our alms basins for the first time and also our melo- dean, which sounded very sweetly. Colonel Carling brought me out. Called at Captain Ball's to wel- come Captain home and to pay my respects to Chap- lain Wright of Laramie. Mr. W. preached for Mr. Tuttle in evening. I announced a lecture on the Bee for Tuesday and Mr. T. announced that I should take his place while off on furlough. Took Mrs. Woolley. LE^TTKR TO BISHOP RANDALL Cheyi^nnk. D. T., March i6th, 1868. My Dear Bishop: — Yours of 2nd inst. came to hand on 12th. I am equally surprised with you that letters are so long on the road. They ought not to be over 6 days at most. Yours of February 3rd containing check has never reached me. I suppose it is hopelessly lost. I suppose of course you have taken measures to stop the payment of it at your bank. I wrote you after a late vestry meeting, in which I informed you of the sentiment which then prevailed with reference to the kind of building we should put up — viz., that to gain time, which is very important, it should be frame. I complained of the dilatoriness of the vestry also. Since then they have moved. All the vestrymen are at home now, and —SI— we had a meeting last Thursday evening (12th 1nst.). It was determined to push the matter of subscriptions, and to commence collecting the money. Dr. Alden had already collected a consid- erable part of the subscriptions at the Post; and Colonel Carling paid in the first installment from the Quartermaster's Depot, and also about $75 from the church at West Point, N. Y. (Mrs. Car- ling is the daughter of Prof. Bartlett.) The sub- scription list now amounts to about $2,500 and Ma- jor WooUey and Mr. Sherman were to work at it today, and we think it will be at least raised to $3,000, which, together with the $1,000 you have promised us, we think will, with our advantages, put us up a very nice church. By the way, you did not respond to my suggestion of sending us, as soon as convenient, that money. Some of our subscrip- tions will undoubtedly be a little slow in coming in, for times are just at present dull; but we think them nearly all as good as gold; so that if you could give us that ready money to work with it would be a very great help just at present in getting things together. Since I wrote we have purchased a melodean (one of Princes', 6 octaves) for $110 — just what it cost in Buffalo, without anything for carriage. Part of the money was furnished by the Mite Society which I wrote you I had organized some weeks ago ; and the rest was what remained over and above inci- dental expenses. It was used for the first time yes- terday ; and I assure you it was a great relief to get rid of starting the tunes, as well as a pleasure to hear an instrument once more. There are several persons who play, and some most excellent singers, and I think we shall get a choir together this week. At first in taking up the collection my hat was used —52— as an alms basin. Then I used a Paten which be- longed to a Communion set which I brought out. Finding a skillful turner at the Quartermaster's, with Colonel Carling s consent, I had a pair of alms basins turned out of a cedar log which Major Wool- ley gave me for the purpose. The turner, Mr. Richards, being a Churchman, did them for nothing. They are exquisitely beautiful and would grace a metropolitan church. The wood itself, red cedar, is very rich; and then I have spent a good deal of time and muscle in polishing them with oil till they are lovely. They are a Httle smaller than I should like ; but they are as large as the log would permit. So far as I can learn, I last week baptized the first child baptized in Cheyenne — the child of T. J. Street, Esq., one of the vestry. Yesterday I said the burial service over the same child. The Chaplain at Fort Russell, Mr. Tuttle, .leaves tomorrow on leave of absence for 30 days. I have engaged to keep up his services at the Fort on Sun- day evenings. Tomorrow evening I am to talk to the soldiers in hopes of doing something to interest them, and have chosen for my first talk The Honey Bee. Never having talked publicly on subjects of natural history, I don't know how I shall succeed. I am thus helping Mr. Tuttle ; but unfortunately I can make but little use of him in helping me, as I had hoped when I learned he was going to be so near me. He does not interest people, and having preached once in Cheyenne before I came, some of the people are dreadfully afraid I will invite him to preach for me. So for poHcy's sake I refrain, al- though his age almost demands of me that I should show him that courtesy. We expected to discuss a plan for the church at our last vestry meeting; but Colonel Carling's —53— draftsman having been sick he was unable to bring them. We expected to meet tonight, and I will de- tain this letter in order to give you the result. Our opinion coincides with your own that whatever we build shall be good, substantial, churchly and free of debt. I hope to be able to present you for consecra- tion on your arrival out, a satisfactory church edi- fice. I will send you a rough sketch of our plan, to give you some idea of it. Major Woolley is very sanguine that we can go ahead at once after the church is up, to build a Rectory. I hope it may be so. I believe it would and could be made a great power in this community. In some respects I think it is almost as important as the church. There are only a few Christian homes here. And if I had a quiet house where I could invite this mass of young men to meet me in the evenings, I believe many would be saved from the temptation to go to these wretched places of amusement ( ?) in order to while away the time. Oh ! if I could only transform my- self into a hundred men for a month or so, I should have not only a church, which is now progressing as well as could be expected, but a rectory, school- house, a hospital also. They all seem pressing needs. But alas ! having neither the fortune, nor the ability to transform myself, I must wait the slow move- ments of men who but little realize the urgency of the case, nor the good which might be accomplished. If we build a rectory it will probably be of granite, as also the school-house. I am writing a series of letters to the Sunday School children of Germantown who, at the sugges- tion of Dr. Twing, have taken me as their mission- ary. Rev. B. Wistar Morris said that I could tell a pretty good story and interest the children, and they might be able to do something more for me than the —54— '- missionary stipend. I have suggested that they turn their attention to providing the school-house. I told him of your offer in that line. They may be able with your aid to give us that most important work. This month the weather has not been so generally fine, although, with the exception of one terrific snow-storm, it has not been so bad. This month and April are said to be the worst in this latitude. The winds are sometimes terrific. Evening. The plan which the draftsman pro- duced did not suit, and so he was set to work again, and we expect to have our vestry meeting on Wednesday evening. Consequently I shall not de- tain this letter. I trust you are being prospered in your efforts in the East. Since my last I have conversed with Mr. S. B. Reed, General Superintendent of Construction on U. P. R. R., with reference to the proposed town at Fort Sanders. It is at an elevation of i,ooo feet above this place, and he thinks decidedly that it will only be a summer town, like Julesburg. Therefore, my information was rather premature. I wish, however, we had the proper man to follow up the railroad and do what good he could. Hoping this may find you in good health, and praying for God's blessing upon you and yours, I am. Yours in Christ and His Church, JosKPH W. Cook. March 17th. Prepared myself quite industriously for tonight. Went over at the time, but not a light nor a fire in the building! Mr. Tuttle had not taken proper means to have things in readiness. But, poor man, he was very busy getting ready to go home to Chicago on leave. I got ready and went down to Colonel Carling's to talk over church plans. Did not find him. Spent pleasant evening with Mrs. —55— C. Wind blowing hard, and I got all in a perspira- tion fighting my way back to the Post. Wrote to Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers of G. Sat up very late talk- ing to Doctor. Paid board bill at Mr. Tuttle's, $45.00, and commenced boarding at Lieutenant Pierce's mess. Paid him $10.00. March i8th. Many interruptions in morning and accomplished nothing. Went to city at noon. Called on Mr. S. B. Reed, and notified him of vestry meet- ing. Made several other calls. On return to bank I was horrified to find Mr. Woolley and Colonel Car- ling there in a terribly maudlin condition. Mr. Sher- man thinking they would not be down to vestry meeting stayed away. Mr. Reed sent to say he could not get away from his office. Colonel C. and Mr. W. did come, and with a plan for the church, and no vestry to discuss it! Plan w^as in most respects just what I did not want, but Colonel C. was not in a condition to talk it over. Brought it home to Doctor and we discussed it till midnight. Disappointed, blue, disgusted with men ! Felt like running away and giving myself to the Indians. March 19th. Did not have any service last night, as Mrs. Morrow w^as sick in bed, and I feared it would be bad for her. Doctor and I rode down town on horseback. Called on Mr. Reed, Judge Ford, Mr. Sherman, and made an appointment out here for vestry tomorrow night. Doctor and I put our heads together to draw a plan for the church, Doctor doing the work. Dined at Major Woolley 's. Mr. Clark, paymaster in army, was there, and his clerk and Mr. Hubbard. Charming day. March 20th. Delightful day. Commenced ser- mon on St. John xv:5. Took ride with Doctor as far as the first ranch and then across to the Quar- termaster's. After dinner walked with Doctor to -56- Colonel Carling's and when the other members of the vestry arrived, Messrs. Reed, Ford and Sher- man, we presented plans and discussed them and our means, and adopted Doctor's plan, reduced lo feet in length and 2 feet in width. Felt a load lifted off my shoulders both by the adoption of this plan and by getting to that stage in the proceedings. Walked back again, quite tired. March 21st. Another pleasant day. Wrote stead- ily all day and finished sermon just before dinner. Dressed and walked down town after dark to meet singers. Stopped to see old colored woman, and if it would be possible to have service at her house. Found her better, but not well. Practised singing awhile with Messrs. Sherman, Smith and Whipple. Wrote to Bishop Clarkson to see if he would use his influence to get our lumber over the N. W. R. R. free. Exhausted. Sunday, 4th in Lent, March 22nd. Most charm- ing Spring morning. Called to see Mrs. Morrow. Found her better. Read and prayed with her. Called to see how Mrs. Street is and found her ready to walk up to her new house, feeling unable to sit through the service at school house. Large congre- gation present. Feeling quite unwell from loss of sleep last night, I made two or three blunders in service. Rode out with Mrs. Woolley and dined at her house. In the evening held service in the Band Quarters ; last night used for Theatre. There were about 200 soldiers present. The responses were wretched and the music horrible. I was quite dispirited, but preached with considerable spirit. Mr. Pearce came in and sat awhile afterwards. Doctor let my lamp fall, and broke chimney and shade. —57- March 23rd. Another most charming day. The grass had begun to spring! Soon after breakfast Mr. Wilson came from town to talk with me about making some effort to do something for the wife and children of Charles Martin (one of the men hung by the ''Vigilantes" on Saturday night), who are said to be in a most destitute condition in Lex- ington, Mo. Promised to do something. Gave him $3.00 and wrote letter to Rocky Mountain Star with reference to the case and took it to Mr. Williams, the editor. Called at hospital and distributed pa- pers. Called on Messrs. Whipple and Abbott, Mrs. Morrow (whom I found better) ; and coming across a nice lot of little children, I went to see their mother, Mrs. Crouse, and found that they were church people, and only just arrived a week or so ago from Mahoney City, Pa. Seemingly very nice people. Called also to see family of name of Wale, EngHsh people who have been out to the Mormon's. Woman in a very weak state. Walked out to Post. Spent evening in writing a speech of Mr. Williams, which I have engaged to remodel and correct for press. March 24th. Found it storming fearfully when we got up, and continued all day and all this even- ing. Snow in great drifts and wind blowing a hur- ricane. Could scarcely find my way through it to go to dinner. Worked all day and evening on the speech and finished it by bedtime. March 25th. Annunciation. Still storming this morning, but ceased about noon. Snow still drift- ing. Rather worthless today ; worked too hard yes- terday. Read most of the day. Wrote to Mr. Tut- tle, and to Mr. Van Antwerp, from whom I received a letter on Monday saying he expected to come up to make me a visit next week. Called at Mr. Wool- -S8- ley's in evening. Talked over church building mat- ters. March 26th. Beautiful day — almost as warm as June. Rode Mr. Woolley's horse down to Cheyenne with Dr. Alden. Did some errands there and re- turned. Some of the streets utterly impossible with snow drifts. Moved Doctor downstairs. Called at Mrs. Morrow's, found her better. Also at Captain Ball's. March 27th. So stupid I could do but little. Spent the morning in writing couple of pages of letter to the Young Soldiers of Germantown. Rode down to town on Lieutenant Pierce's horse. Called to see Mrs. Morrow. Found Mr. Carlisle there and sat some time. Talked over church matters with Mr. Sherman. Met Mr. Crawford on street and had some talk. Also Mr. Shakespeare, who claims to be a churchman and yet keeps his billiard hall open on Sunday and has never been to our ser- vices ! Said, "if he did not keep open, the people would be in some worse place." I responded I sup- posed he kept open purely to make money, and not for the sake of doing good to the morals of the com- munity. He laughed and admitted it. He said, ''We come out here to make money, and we are not governed by the old puritanical ideas prevalent in the states." I was about to retort that I was not of opinion that we had got away from the dominion and from under the eye of the Almighty, but I feared I should offend and debar myself the pos- sibility of doing good to him in future, and I did not utter it. It made me sad. Called on Mr. Smith and upon Mrs. Beck. March 28th. Beautiful day. Fully intended to rewrite a sermon, but interruptions and the noise of pounding in the other part of the house prevented. —59— Got ready for Sunday. Spent day very unsatisfac- torily in reading. In evening Mr. Woolley sent me down to town. Met singers at ''Bank," practiced with them. Letter from Mrs. Stone giving me the news of Chester Valley and filled with regrets from everybody at my absence. Sunday, 5th in Lent, March 29th. Streets are in a horrible condition and yet to my surprise a good attendance at service. Sung "Venite" for first time. Felt no interest in preaching — uphill work. No one down from Fort in vehicle. Walked out with Mr. Richards and Otto Prey. Prepared for service in evening, but messenger came to say could be none, as benches were gone. Went down to see about it, and found that the wretched, disgraceful General had allowed the theatre people to break up Mr. Tut- tle's benches which he had such difficulty in getting, to make a stage! Called at Captain Ball's to let them know would be no service. Met Major Noyes and wife (very pleasant people) and Major How- land and his Mexican wife. March 30th. Had trout for breakfast; and as I have taken the fever for fishing I started out. Fished only a little while, as a rain came on. Rained gently all day. First rain (regular one) since I've been here. Spent rest of day, under Doctor's su- pervision, making a set of book shelves. Called on Mrs. Woolley in evening. Read church papers. March 31st. Breakfasted with Mrs. Woolley and then rode down town with Mr. Mills and Mr. Major. Day somewhat cool, but pleasant. Finished letter to "Young Soldiers." Found Mr. Van Antwerp had not arrived. Made some calls and then met Mr. V. A. and wife at station. Called with him after sup- per at Mr. Reed's office and had some chat. —60— April 1st. Thought to go up to the end of track, but it was snowing and blowing this morning, and continued most of day. Went out with Mr. V. A. and gathered some cactus bulbs, and called on Mr. Reed and Mr. Abbott. Spent most of day with my friends in parlor of Rollins House. Had some con- versation with Mr. Leigh of the Royal Navy. He has been much maligned by the papers as a swin- dler; but I cannot believe it. He seems to me like a green English youth. He is quite fascinating; tells a straight story. Lost his money in Chicago; but supposed he and his sister still had enough to take them to Salt Lake and back to Chicago, where he had ordered a remittance to be sent by his father. Governor of Nassau. Money ran out and was com- pelled to appeal for aid, with promise to return it. Could not but pity the fellow, yet could not help having little suspicion after all that has been said. Walked out towards evening with Mr. V. A. and showed him the city, which is very muddy and dis- gusting. Cleared off this evening. Spent evening also with them and Mr. Belden, a young printer here and formerly of Omaha. Bade the V. A.'s good-bye, as they go in the morning. April 2nd. Beautiful day. Went with Mr. Reed to the Black Hills. Intr6duced me to Mr. R. Case- ment, who, together with his brother. General C, lays the track on the U. P. R. R. Mr. Carlisle went along with me. Dined at Carmichael's with Mr. Lathrop, and afterwards at the earnest solicitation of Mr. Reed went on to the summit of the Black Hills, the highest elevation to which a railroad has been laid in the world. The scenery is perfectly grand from that point; one can see the ranges of mountains for hundreds of miles. From the sum- mit we went in a wagon to Dale Creek bridge, Mr. — 6i— Carmichaers present camp. Here it is beautifully wild, with towering cliffs of red granite. Wandered about for some time gathering a few evergreen plants, and some snail shells. The blasting of the rock on 'both sides of the creek for a channel for the railroad was like the constant discharge of a battery of artillery. After tea at Mr. Carmichael's, Mr. C, Mr. Reed and myself went over to Mr. Creighton's camp and to the telegraph office. Went to bed al- most exhausted. April 3rd. Beautiful morning, but tolerably cold. Commenced letter to vSister Helen. Wandered about a little while; and after seeing Mr. R. off up the railroad, Mr. Lamb brought me in a buggy over to the end of the track. Had to wait a couple of hours there, so I wandered about striving to find some na- tural curiosities, but did not succeed. Mr. Casement joined me and came down on locomotive to Car- michael's. Mr. Lathrop and I dined with him in the ''boarding car," and had a very good dinner. After dinner came down to Cheyenne with Mr. C. Called to see Mrs. Halliday, who is sick, but did not see her, as they wished her to be kept quiet. Her husband said, ''If she gets worse we shall be glad to have you see her." That is the popular notion with reference to the usefulness of the ministry. When the Doctor can do no more, and the poor patient is worn out in body and mind, perhaps half unconscious — send for the minister. Called also on Mr. Gildersleeve and Mrs. Dodge. The latter sick in bed. The former able to be about. Walked out to Fort and was tired exceedingly. Found Doctor just starting his mess and wishing for my advice. Took hold immediately and undertook to manage it for him. Lieutenant Pierce dined with us and Dr. Halliday, Mr. Alden's assistant, arrived while we were at table. —62— April 4th. Very tired still and could do but little except to get ready for tomorrow. In evening after dinner walked down to town to meet the choir. Mrs. Street sick and could not meet there. Mr. Whipple, Mr. Smith and myself sung awhile in Mr. S.'s store, and then went over to the school house, where the Methodist choir was practicing. Miserable choir. Just received their new cabinet organ. Tendered use of it to us. After returning to bank met Mr. Lathrop and Mr. Benedict and had considerable conversation with them. After awhile Mr. Sher- man returned and I talked over church matters with him and found him about as much disgusted and an- noyed by the wicked apathy and delay of Colonel Carling as I am myself. Thought only help was to call meeting of vestry. Palm Sunday, April 5th. Beautiful morning. Large congregation, and service went off pleasantly. Quite a number of new faces and several church people. Preached with considerable spirit. Rode out with Mrs. Carling and Mr. Johnson, her nephew. Reading Spirit of Missions. General Gibbons of Fort Sanders arrived and stayed all night with us. April 6th. Bustled around and got breakfast and then General G. accepted invitation to Mr. Wool- ley's. Attended review of soldiers this morning. General Sheridan reviewed. General Harney, Gen- eral Auger, General Terry and others were spec- tators. I April 7th. Note from Rev. Mr. Goodale saying would be up this evening. Went down town ex- pecting would be vestry meeting this evening, but Colonel Carling and others were off to the Black Hills with the Generals and Indian Commissioner. Met Mr. Goodale and after calling upon Mr. Reed spent rest of evening with him at RolHns House. Letter from Bishop Randall. April 8th. Showed Mr. G. the town. Drummed up the vestrymen for tonight. Brought Mr. G. out to Fort and got Doctor to show him around, as I have been suffering from neuralgia for a couple of days and wished a little rest. Attended the funeral of Theodore Landgraeber, a German who was as- sassinated in the midst of his family on Sunday night last. His poor wife was almost beside herself with grief, and it was a piteous sight. Got all the vestry together this evening except Mr. Street. I w^as instructed to write to Mr. Dunlap with refer- ence to passing our lunuber over the N. W. R. R. ; Colonel Carling and Mr. Reed to order the lumber; Mr. Sherman and myself to see about changing our church lots for some in town. Bade Mr. Goodale good-bye, as he is to go to Black Hills tomorrow and I cannot accompany him. April 9th. Attended funeral of Sergeant Potter, who died suddenly yesterday from effects of liquor. Visited in the hospital, Newmark, the musician, and Mr. Fay, a reporter, accompanying the Indian Com- missioner, who was taken sick with rheumatism. Offered Commendatory prayer and said few words to Private Sherbourne, whom I found evidently dy- ing. Beautiful day. Mr. and Mrs. Ball called. April loth. Good Friday. Walked down town after dinner. Letter from Rev. Mr. Morris ac- knowledging receipt of my letters for Sunday School children, and telling me I would receive letter from teacher of one of his Bible classes pro- posing to furnish some article for the church. Took tea with Mr. Carlisle. Held evening service and made few remarks at Mr. Morrow's. Had choir meeting immediately after at Mr. Street's and or- -64- ganized a choir. Stayed at bank with Messrs. Sher- man and Berger. Easter Even, April nth. Came out to Post this morning and officer came for me to attend funeral of Sherbourne. Unpacked box of roots and planted them. Found quite a number had perished, but still good many doing well. Tooth continuing to torment me with neuralgia. Went over to Hospital Steward and had it taken out, after which felt greatly re- lieved. Messrs. Bragg, Richards, and Prey came up in evening and, having had the Chaplain's organ brought over, we had some music. Visited in hos- pital. Got ready for Sunday's services. Easter, April 12th. Dismal mist this morning, which turned into a light snow towards noon. Doc- tor and I walked down to service. School house full; only five stayed to Holy Communion. Our new choir did very well and added much to the in- terest of the services. Took up collection for Do- mestic Missions. Colonel Carling brought us up in his ambulance. Sent Mrs. Carling some moss from my root box. Wrote to Mr. Tuttle in a bad humor, because in a note received last week he evidently shows that he cares but little for his duties here and wishes to stay in Chicago just as long as he pos- sibly can. Such things do the ministry a great deal of harm. They provoke me. Spent some time in hospital. Read ''The Celestial Country" aloud to the patients. Gave Newmark his supper. Called after tea at Mr. Woolley's and Major Noyes' with Dr. Alden. Read some of Father DeSmet's work on ''Western Missions and Missionaries," which Mr. Fay lent me. Sunday, ist after Easter, April 19th. Past week has been one of hard work, trouble, and anxiety of mind. Tried three times to get vestry together to -65- determine upon some builder and definitely settle matters, according to appointment of vestry last week. First Colonel Carling and Mr. Reed were off to the Black Hills with some railroad men; and next, Colonel was engaged with them another even- ing, and Mr. Woolley could not be there, and next, Colonel and Mr. W. were off to Chicago and the Colonel had vowed he would not now purchase the lumber but simply inquire about it! We wished them to have a vestry meeting to give him peremp- tory orders to (buy. As the necessity for building a frame has passed away (the weather now admitting of granite) that question has again been raised and we wished to discuss that. Rode down to town on Doctor's horse yesterday, and spent day in drum- ming up the vestry, seeing granite builders and car- penters. Came back by Quartermaster's Depot and saw Mr. Richards as to amount of lumber necessary for our chancel furniture as Mr. Woolley has ad- vised me to get Major Noyes to order the cedar from Fort McPherson, and he (Mr. W.) will have it brought upon his hay carts. Came home to tea and then prevailed upon Doctor to go down to ves- try meeting — Mrs. Carling having sent ambulance for our use. Went down although we were both wearied out. Waited and waited at bank and only Mr. Reed came! Amazed that Sherman failed us, but alas ! I seem bound to disappointment. Talked over matters informally and the sense of Doctor and Mr. Reed seemed to be that we had better try gran- ite. I despair of getting the vestry together again, and we shall be obliged to act informally. Came home sad enough. Today went down to service with Captain and Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Noyes and Mrs. Woolley. Our new choir added greatly to our ser- vices. The house was filled with people, and they had to bring in benches from the other room. Preached with interest and almost completely ex- hausted after it. Talked some time with Mr. Lath- rop at the bank. Kindly asked me to go up to see him at the summit of Black Hills where he is now stationed. Organized Sunday School this afternoon with eighteen scholars. Not a single communicant there as a teacher! Asked Mr. Sherman to come, but he excused himself ! It almost makes me blush to think that most of those most earnest here are not the communicants. This afternoon, Mrs. Woolley having sent down for me, I witnessed the departure from the Post of four companies of the infantry, going out along the rail- road to protect the workmen. Very sorry to see them go. Exhausted tonight. Has been quite a pleasant day. April 20th. Ascertained the sentiment of the rest of the vestry with reference to grout which was in favor. Saw other persons about the matter and sat- isfied myself thoroughly as to feasibility. Visited City Hospital. Found Judge Ford very sick at Rol- lins House from bilious colic brought on by dissipa- tion. Sat with him some time. April 22nd. Finished copying my letters to Bish- ops Clarkson and Randall. Wrote to Bishop Ran- dall, but having poured out compliments to him with reference to my vestry, I did not copy the letter with the rest. Walked up Crow Creek this evening and gathered five kinds of flowers. A real rain came on and I was almost wet ; but I was so glad to see it I did not hurry. Sent some of my flowers to Mrs. Woolley, Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Noyes. April 23rd. Dismal day and quite cold. Attend- ed funeral of Wm. C. McClintis who in a delirium evaded his watchers in the Post hospital and wan- -67- dered off with nothing on except shirt and drawers. This was on the 6th inst. He was found six or eight miles from here dead, lying on his face on the plain. After I returned a gentleman came to ask me to marry a couple in Cheyenne on Saturday night. April 24th. Quite cold day, and dismal, and Doc- tor persuaded me not to go to Cheyenne. Prepared for Sunday. Wrote to mother and to Alfred Lee- son enclosing $5.00 for pocket money. April 2Sth. St. Mark's. Rode Doctor's horse down to Quartermaster's Depot and walked from there to Cheyenne. Found letter from mother and sister Julia. Things about as usual at home. Moth- er in better health. Note from Thomas Williamson from Rollins House ! I could not believe my eyes. He was here for two days and did not come to see me ! Brought a package from Mrs. Smith contain- ing a lot of French literature for use in hospital work, nice little case for paper and envelopes, and lot of flower seeds and tracts, and letter from Mrs. S., thinking I would be greatly surprised to see Mr. W. Alas! that he did not give me that surprise. Has gone to Denver. Visited City Hospital and gave Jasper Charland the shoes which Newmark donated to him. Called at Mr. Morrow's and Mr. Manion's. The baby of the latter sick; prayed with them. Did variety of errands and business and then came home. Letter from Mr. Snyder of Omaha, to whom I had written with reference to church lots. He could do nothing, as he had not accepted the lot assigned to him in C. Sent my note with one from himself to the land agent of the Railroad Company in Omaha. Two companies of cavalry ordered off at 5 o'clock this P. M., Mr. Pierce and Dr. Halliday go, and Doctor and I are left alone in our mess. Rode down to city with —68— Mrs. Wanless. At 7 o'clock took little Nettie Mof- row and went to Mr. Shakespeare's to marry Mr. Wm. H. H. Conley and Miss Sarah Scott. Nobody present except Mrs. Shakespeare and Mrs. Correy — gentlemen opposed. Dr. Latham and Dr. Correy came in afterwards. Put notices in papers of ser- vices and of this marriage. Looked in on choir meeting. Spent night at bank. Sunday, 2nd after Easter. Beautiful day. Had headache all night and all morning. About nineteen at Sunday School, but found so irregular could do nothing; and must try to have it at different hour. House full at services. Singing not as good as usual. Mrs. Carling's nurse at church and ran off as soon as service was over; so had to foot it out to Post. Stopped and took dinner with Mr. Richards at Quartermaster's Depot and spent some time in con- versation and singing with him and Mr. Prey and Mr. Benedict, who afterwards walked with me up to Post. Held services in Major Noyes' quarters at 8 o'clock. Tired out. April 27th. Beautiful, charming day. Rode down town hoping to hear about lots, but did not. Filed certificate of marriage of Mr. Conley and Miss Scott. Called on Judge Ford. Bought set of Ap- pleton's Encyclopedia of Mr. Abbott for $42, with money given me by Mrs. Smith to replace that which I lost in Philadelphia. Sent for Tune Books to Chicago, Mr. Morrison paying the telegram — ^$5! Sent Bishop Clarkson $10, my first marriage fee here, to devote to the Indian mission among Santee Sioux. Note from Thomas Williamson from Den- ver saying he would be here again in two weeks. Also a note from Mrs. Smith containing one from Mrs. Frances DuPont containing some cape goose- berry seeds, which I am very glad indeed to get -69- Mr. Reed gave me pass to end of track and return and letter of introduction to Mr. Bentland, agent of Railroad Company at Laramie City, as I propose to go up there to secure lots for the church, so that they may, if possible, be in a desirable locality, and that we may not have the miserable experience which we have had here. Mr. Sherman made me a present of a shell watch-guard. Came home to din- ner. Mrs. Carling kindly came to take me riding. Mrs. Woolley accompanied us. Went some dis- tance above Post and then down to Cheyenne. Called at Mr. Mannion's, but did not find them in. After return, visited Post Hospital and distributed papers and tracts. Dug up little patch of ground in yard, the beginning of a garden. Spent evening in writing up this journal, and reading Father de Smet. May loth, Sunday 4th after Easter. After long waiting and a great deal of trouble and anxiety and writing, I have received the ultimatum of the Rail- road Company with reference to the church lots. They refuse to do anything further. We must abide by their remarkable generosity in giving us lots out of town or buy them ourselves. Save us from such generosity and such friends ! After spending yes- terday in hard work, came home and planted beets and spinach and some potato seed which Aunt Eliza- beth Mead sent me by mail. Showery all day yes- terday and rained quite hard last night. Seemed very strange and unusual. This has been a beautiful day, a little cool in the morning. Rode down in am- bulance as far as Colonel Carling's office and started to walk rest of way, but Mr. Woolley and wife ov- ertook me and took me in. House nearly filled with people. Singing very poor and such that people could not join in! I was mortified. Preached on Confirmation. A Presbyterian clergyman was there, —70— who afterwards came up and spoke with me. Had terrible blow immediately after; Mr. Sherman came and announced that he will probably leave Chey- enne permanently on Thursday next ! Goes into the wholesale grocery business in Omaha and I am al- most broken-hearted. Mr. Berger goes on Tuesday, one of my candidates for confirmation. Mrs. Street announced that she would probably go too, another candidate. So it goes in this restless mass of hu- manity. A Mr. Wolfe came and presented a letter of introduction from Rev. Mr. Foote of Salt Lake. Took lunch with Mr. Street. At Sunday School had twenty-eight scholars. Taught them two hymns and tunes. Had to teach them all together. Went down to bank, but did not gain admittance. Wanted to see Sherman. Alas my friend! Walked out as far as Colonel Carling's with Mr. Isaacs, a lawyer of C, and had a pleasant talk. Spent a while at Mr. WooUey's in the evening. May 13th. Walked down to town after dinner and went with Mr. Sherman to Mite Society at Mrs. Street's. Had pleasant evening with the goodly number of guests. Forty-two dollars were handed in. Stayed with Mr. Sherman at bank. Sorrowing more and more that my friend is to leave me in the wilderness. May 14th. Finding myself worthless for anything else, I went up to Fort Sanders with Generals Sher- man, Auger, Terry, Colonel Carling, and Mrs. C, Mr. Woolley and Mrs. W., and Mrs. Ball and oth- ers. General Gibbon, commander of the Post, invit- ed me to lunch. ' Lieutenant Pierce, whom I was very glad to see again, lent me his horse and a guide and I rode over to the new town of Laramie to see Major Bent about assigning us a lot for church pur- poses. Found he had returned to the Fort to din- —71— ner, so I galloped back. Before coming home I suc- ceeded in seeing him and he kindly promised to set aside one for us, subject to my approval. Lunched at General Gibbons'. Had pleasant visit, but too much hurried to be fully enjoyed. Coming home, had considerable talk with Mr. Marsh, a Presbyte- rian clergyman from Black Hawk, Colo., who has been in Cheyenne to look after Presbyterian inter- ests. May 1 6th. Down town nearly all day at work on church questions. In evening vestr>^ assembled at Dr. Alden's quarters. We were, owing to the alter- ation in our ideas, but not in our draft, able only to decide upon the vexed question as to where we should build- Determined to build upon our own lots already donated by the Railroad Company. Pre- pared for Sunday. Almost exhausted. Sunday, 5th after Easter, May 17th. Mrs. Wool- ley drove down with me to service. Made address on confirmation, doubtful if there will be anyone to be confirmed. Attendance was not large, owing to muddy state of streets, there having been consider- able rain lately, and a very hard one on Friday after- noon. Sunday School was small, also, from same cause. Took leave of dear Sherman with a heavy heart. Mr. WooUey sent down ambulance for me. Major Jackson, Lieutenant Mole of Sanders, and another gentleman rode up with me. Took walk with Mr. Tuttle up the creek. Mr. Palmer and I got into a discussion of church matters which we continued till late in evening. He is a rabid Baptist. Raining some this evening. May 1 8th. Went down town and conferred with the granite man and got his estimates for the church, which far exceeded what we anticipated, and took from me my last hope with reference to that mode —72— of building the church. Submitted the plans to Mr. Preshaw for his estimats. A rain having come on, I took advantage of an ambulance with Mr. Tuttle and came home. Feeling very sad at loss of Mr. Sherman. I wrote to him as a relief. Letter from Mrs. Smith. May 19th. Doctor and I rode down as far as Colonel Carling's and walked down from there to town. Got plans from Mr. Preshaw and submitted them to Mr. Murray. Called on Mr. Casement and Mr. Carlisle. The latter I fear will draw Dack from confirmation. Had long talk with him on subject. Called on Mrs. Mills, who has recently come ready for confirmation, but at the last she draws back. Called on Mrs. Shakespeare and had some talk with her. Not prepared. Mrs. Street came in and ai\ nounced that she was ready. Called to inquire after old Mr. Ward, who is not well. Walked out to Pos^ and found myself almost exhausted. Visited hos- pital after supper. May 20th. Dismal day; raining every few mm- utes. Wrote a long letter to Rev. Mr. Perry, my classmate in Divinity School, in answer to a letter proposing to take some special work about the church for his Sunday School to work for. Pro- posed to him the chancel furniture. Received a let- ter from Uncle Joseph Cook of Milton, N. D., Sett- ing all are well. Also from Jack Eofif and a package of flower seeds from him. Lieutenant Pierce came down from Fort Sanders this evening. A Mr. Ruth- ledge, a builder, came in and made estimates and a bid for the church. Bought a carpet from Colonel Green, late of Fort Laramie, for $30.00. After sup- per Colonel Carling and Judge Ford arrived, and Mr. Woolley and we had a vestry meeting, rejecting the granite question, determining to build of wood. and giving the contract to Mr. Preshaw. Colonel Carling is to order the lumber at once. The great- est unanimity of thought and feeling prevailed. I feel inexpressible relief that the matter is settled, and that something can now be done at once. Laus Deo! I.E:TTE:R to bishop RANDALL Che:yenne, D. T., June 23rd, 1868. My Dear Bishop: — Today some of the lumber arrived for the church, and probably the remainder will be here tonight. It is all paid for; also the freight over the N. W. R. R., which we got at half price. Over the Union Pacific R. R. it was shipped free. All the windows and sash and door frames have been made here, and are ready to put in. All so far is paid for, and we have about $300 in treas- ury. The gentlemen have all been very busy, and they have not been out collecting lately. They are going out, however, now. I do not know how they are likely to succeed, for everything is very dull here now. We hope to be in the church one month from this time. Will it suit you to send us a draft for the remainder of your subscription some time soon? I write thus early supposing you are still in New Mexico and will not be back for some little time. Since you were here it has been the occasion of universal regret that we were compelled to build on our lots which are five blocks from a single re- spectable dwelling. While up at Laramie City the other day to see Mr. Snyder about getting our lum- ber over the Pacific railroad free, I fell in with Mr. James A. Evans, who is acting in Mr. Reed's place as superintendent on construction while Mr. R. is absent at Salt Lake. He inquired after the church, etc. I told him of our difficulty with reference to a —74— lot. He said, ''Well, now, I think I can help you out of your trouble/' He sent for a map of Cheyenne and pointed out to me where he had a lot on the corner of Eighteenth and Ferguson streets, one block north of the postoffice, and on the southeast corner of the block upon which the school house stands. An admirable location; quite central and good. This he told me he would resign in our favor at the original valuation, $450. Told him I thought we would take it. The vestrymen agreed, and today I have accomplished the transfer. I propose to pay for it by the Sunday collections, i. e., after making the first payment, which I propose to raise by special subscription ($150). However, it is confidently ex- pected that when General Dodge learns the circum- stances he will surely remit the whole and give us the lot. He is expected here tomorrow, and Colonel Carling is to see him. I trust he may be successful. He ought to be. Two or three of the ladies got up a strawberry festival last Thursday night, which was very pleas- ant and very successful. It was gotten up in two days, and they cleared about $250. It was for an organ. I will let you know when the church is ready for consecration. I hope Bishop Clarkson will be able to come up. June 30th. Have spent the past month in hard work for the church and now I have to record that I have succeeded in changing the location for the church from Nineteenth and Dodge (four or five squares from any dwelling) to Eighteenth and Fer- guson, one square from postofiice. This accomp- lished through kindness of Joseph A. Evans, Esq., of the Pacific railroad, whom I met at Laramie and —75— who, finding the trouble I was in with reference to the location of the church, resigned his right to the lot in our favor at the original valuation of $450.00. Last week, in company with the city engineer, Mr. Winsor, and Mr. R. Lincoln, I assisted in staking out the lot. On the evening of the day before yes- terday I called on General Dodge and Mr. Ames, Pres., U. P. R. R., and others of the Directors, in- tending to ask General D. to give us this lot instead of the others. Finding Colonel Carling there, and that he had already presented the matter and re- ceived a gracious answer to the effect, "He thought there would be no difficulty about it, he would speak with Mr. House as soon as he came," I did not introduce the subject. Some of the lumber arrived over a week ago; but, of course, that which we wanted last. The remainder arrived today and I am now having it hauled on the ground. Mr. Pre- shaw expects to commence work on it tomorrow. He has, while waiting for lumber, gotten out the door and window frames and sash and cross. I de- termined to devote my wedding fees for the present to ornamenting the chancel window with the (com- paratively) new process of "Diaphanie." The mate- rials have arrived and yesterday I tried to transfer them to glass, beginning with St. Peter. Did not succeed to my satisfaction ; yet the work looks pret- ty well. The balusters and rail for the chancel, of red cedar, are nearly all completed. Mr. Richards and workmen at Colonel Carling's are getting it up, and give the work to the church. Mr. Stearns con- tributes the work on the Bishop's chair. Mrs. Street and Mrs. Morrow got up a festival within thirty-six hours which proved a great success. They cleared about $250.00, which is to go towards a musical in- strument. Went this morning to administer the -76- S. Com. to a sick man in city hospital named Mc- Cabe, but found him dying — did not seem to rec- ognize me. Very sorry, for he seemed earnestly to desire it. After accomplishing various work, came out to Colonel Carling's and told him what I had accomplished. Came home to dinner, and towards evening rode down and called at Colonel Carling's. Mrs. C. received me coldly. Did not ask me to come again. Why they do not come to church, why they are changed toward me I cannot tell. Do not in- quire, as I hope they will soon get over their funk, if they are in one. Otto Prey gave me a bunch of radishes out of his garden; they were very nice. Weather is growing very warm ; the evenings are generally quite cool and even cold. There is still a great profusion of flowers on the plains. The grass is growing dry and yellow. July I St, 1868. Very hot day. Rode down to town on Mrs. Woolley's horse. Saw lumber on the church lot. Saw Mr. Dearborn about the lot and did num- ber of errands. Attended funeral of McCabe. Walked to graveyard in broiling sun. Grave too small and had to wait good while for it to be en-' larged. Almost sick from the heat. Letter from Rev. Mr. Robbins, from whom I was very glad to hear. Dr. Alden tried his hand at putting ''The Last Supper" upon one of the chancel window panes and succeeded very well. I stained rocking chair for Mr Woolley and tried similar one for myself, but it had been varnished and I could not get varnish off, so did not succeed very well. Lieutenant Tompkins and wife arrived this evening and as table was rath- er crowded, Mrs. Woolley invited me to take my meals there for present. Called on Captain Ball, who is suffering from ulcerated legs. Had very agreeable call. Also short one on Mr. Tuttle. —77— July 2nd. Another hot day. Thermometer 85 degrees in my room. Rode down town with Mr. Woolley. Found that there is a whole carload of heavy lumber still behind and that Mr. Preshaw^ cannot do anything until it arrives ! Somehow noth- ing runs smoothly. Went to see Mrs. Krause, who is quite low with child-bed. Thought some better. Worked awhile on chairs. After tea Mrs. W. and I drove down to city and called on Mr. and Mrs. Case- ment, Mrs. Gosline, Mrs. Clayton and Miss Wood. Forgot to record a very pleasing announcement of last night. Mr. Sherman drove up as I was sitting on Mrs. Woolley's veranda after tea, and in conver- sation told me to my great joy that he had last night received a letter which determined him to stay here, after for a long time having had under consideration a very favorable offer of business in Omaha. Thank God! May he still be a blessing and help to the church here. Air quite cool tonight — 67 degrees in my room. July 3rd. Made some attempt at writing sermon, but gave it up at last. Mr. Lincoln concluded to take an offer from Mr. Reed of a situation as rod- man on surveying party for U. P. R. R. towards Salt Lake and so started this evening. Mr. Tompkins and I rode down to city with him. Called on Dr. Henry, whose wife I buried last week. Was just only engaged with business. Major Van Vost as- sumed command of Fort Russell today, to the great relief of many who dislike General Stevenson. Wit- nessed parade this evening with Mr. William Ruth. Temperature much pleasanter today. July 4th. Spent nearly whole day planning Rec- tory and position of buildings on church lot. Rode down to town toward evening. Called to see Mrs. Krause — glad to find her better. Letter from Mr. -78^ Perry. His Sunday School gave me $68.75 to de- vote to some special object for the church. Letter from Felgemaker with reference to an organ. Called at Mr. Tuttle's after tea. Temperature very pleas- ant today. Winds rather high. Sunday, fourth after Trinity, July 5th. Quite hot again. Rode down to service with Mrs. Wool- ley. Tolerable congregation. Singing wretched. Preached with good deal of interest. Eight per- son at S. Com. Took lunch with Mr. Smith. Large Sunday School. Called to see Mr. Bradstreet after Sunday School. Dr. Alden kindly sent down car- riage for me. After tea took Mrs. A. over to service. Mr. Tuttle's sermon was a terrible hodge-podge — felt sorry and annoyed. Sat up late reading The Churchman and retired exhausted. July 6th. Rode down town with Mr. Pierce. Con- sulted with Mrs. Street about ordering a portable pipe organ. Left it with me, so I got money draft for $241.00 and enclosed it to Derrick, Felgemaker & Co., Buffalo, New York. Letter from the Dia- phanie dealer enclosing bill of some new plates which I ordered and telling me he had not the rest on hand. Wrote him again ordering others. Wrote to J. E. House, Esq., land agent of U. P. R. R., with refer- ence to our church lot. Worked on Diaphanie part of afternoon, and then took ride with Mr. Alden and family up the creek to the camp of Major Jack- son and Major Whittlesey of the Thirtieth Infantry. Called at General Stevenson's in evening on Mrs. S. and daughter, and to say good-bye to Mrs. Brent. July 7th. Spent nearly whole day on Diaphanie and succeeded in cleaning the paper off the pictures already on glass. Read some in afternoon and'fin- ished "Golbourn's Farewell Counsels.'' Walked down by creek after tea and gathered some botan- —79— ical specimens. Called on Lieutenant Tompkins and wife, but found Mrs. Tompkins sick. Terrific blow before dark, which cooled the air very much, weath- er having been very hot during day. July 8th. Rode down to town with Doctor and Lieutenant Tompkins. Found at railroad that re- mainder of our lumber will be here today. Laus Deo! Called on Mrs. Mills; still troubled with much serving on Mrs. Robson, sick, and going back to Denver. On Mrs. Halliday — better. Spoke with her on confirmation. Having learned that there is a great rumpus about taking our melodeon away from Miss Farley, who borrowed it to train her children for an exhibition ; borrowed it without my knowl- edge and without the consent of Mrs. Street, into whose charge I had given it to dispose of ; and that the Methodists say (some of whose children are in the school) that if we take it away they will lock up theirs next Sunday, so that we shall not use it, went to see Miss Farley and explain the matter. Gave her the use of it till it is disposed of. Dis- gusted at the foolish and absurd position of the Methodists. Evidently want something to make a quarrel about. Received Diaphanie designs by mail, and Dr. Alden put upon glass "His Blessing Little Children." Reading "Bible Teaching in Nature.'' Little rain in evening. Called on Mrs. Woolley and Mrs. Wells after tea. Colonel Carling wishes me to call vestry meeting, which I did accordingly for Fri- day evening at 7 o'clock at Colonel's office. Letter from Jack Eoif, who is now enjoying vacation in the country. Very warm day, but delightful air to- night. July 9th. Intensely hot, 92 degrees in the shade, 125 or 130 degrees in the sun. Found the remain- der of the lumber at the depot. Went at once to get —80— man to haul it on the ground. Called on Dr. Be- dell's family and Mr. Schiber. Met Mrs. Street and told her the state of the case with reference to the melodeon. Very much vexed. Dined with Mr. Sherman at Ford House. Did some errands for Dr. Alden and came home in big wagon. Spent remain- der of afternoon in Diaphanie. Exhausted. July loth. Very hot in the morning. Drove Doc- tor's horse down to town. Saw lumber on the lot. Called on Mrs. Rutledge, the poor woman whose husband committed suicide some time ago. Church- woman, but has been able to come to service only once. Called on Mr. Slaughter's family, whom I found quite pleasant people. Did some errands and came home to dinner. Prepared for Sunday. Wrote to Moller for some materials for Diaphanie — to Der- rick, Felgemaker & Co., to send me No. 5 organ in- stead of second-hand No. 6, if not too late — to Wenderoth, Taylor & Brown, enclosing draft for $4.00. Quite a delightful rain this evening. Doctor and I walked down to Colonel Carling's office to at- tend vestry meeting, but Judge Ford and Mr. Sher- man failed to come, and Mr. Woolley was too sick to go, so we had to give it up. Worked some at Diaphanie. Spent v/hile at Mr. Tuttle's. July nth. Worked at removing paper from the pictures nearly all day. Rained quite hard this evening again. Has been dull all day. Called at Mr. Tuttles and Mr. Woolley's. Dr. Munroe ar- rived from Fort Laramie. Sunday, 5th after Trinity, July 12th. Delightful day. Doctor drove Mrs. S. and myself down to service, but having bad headache did not come in himself. Rather thin congregation. No musical in- strument there and no choir. I started the Gloria in excelsis and Mr. Smith and Mr. Hutchinson the —81— psalms and hymns. Good Sunday School. Dined with Mr. Webster. Received note and a quitclaim deed for the church lot from Mr. House. Thank God ! After so much tribulation that matter is set- tled to our satisfaction. Mrs. Woolley called for me and brought me home. Exceedinly tired and ex- hausted. Attended Post service in evening. Very few there. Mr. Tuttle preached extemporaneously and it was much better than his usual efforts. July 13th. Rode down to town with Dr. Munroe and Mr. Pierce. Called on Mrs. Morrow and gained permission to get materials for cushions for church. Found Mr. Preshaw commenced work on church this morning. Did lot of errands and came home. Put the last touches on the four panes of the chancel window on which I have been working. After tea Doctor and I drove down to vestry meeting at Col- onel Carling's. Judge Ford and Charles Sherman came and we had a very pleasant meeting talking over the finances and the lot, and the position of the church thereon. July 14th. Rode down to town in Doctor's car- riage. Called at Mr. Morrow's, Mr. Steam's, Mr. Wardman's, Mr. WilHs' and Mr. Dayton's. Found Mrs. Dayton quite weak and sick and about to start East as the only hope of restoration. Dined with Mr. Sherman and then went and assisted in laying the foundation for the sills of the church. Went to the depot at train time and welcomed Bishop Clark- son and Rev. Dr. Keene of Milwaukee. Mr. Tuttle and I persuaded Bishop Clarkson to stay with us over night, but Dr. Keene determined to go on to Laramie. Took Bishop around to see the church foundation. Mr. T. asked him to preach at Post, so service was gotten up on short notice. I read the lessons and prayers and Bishop preached from St. —82— Matt, xviii 14. The humility of the Httle child. It . was a delightful extempore effort. Sat with Bishop and Mr. T. till 11 o'clock. Air delightful tonight. July 15th. Bishop Clarkson came in soon after I was dressed, while I was parleying with my wash- woman. Was much pleased with my chancel deco- rations. New art to him. Mr. Tuttle engaged to call for me to go and see Bishop off, but after bolt- ing my breakfast, as he did not come, I went to his house and lo ! he had gone off without me ! I was very much vexed. Lieutenant Pierce lent me his horse and I rode down, but too late to see him. Let- ter from Charley Cook enclosing photograph of him- self. Met Mr. Lathrop, who asked me to go up to his place in Black Hills with him this evening to have some trout fishing. Concluded to do so ; but notification was sent me to officiate at a wedding this evening, so obliged to defer it. Dined at Mr. Spar- hawk's and had conversation after dinner. Called at Dr. Corey's and as a rain came up, made a long call. Priced some buildings which thought might do for a Rectory. Lady to be married arrived on the train from the East at 7 o'clock. Married them at the Magnolia Laundry on O'Neil street. Received $5.00, which goes toward my window. Dr. Girard came up on train and I rode out home with him. Called at Mr. Tuttle's to inquire if he had heard of my Sunday School books. Explained his running away from me this morning. July i6th. Spent most of day in town making calls and performing other work. Came out to the Black Hills on evening train. Did not meet Mr. Lathrop at the "Tie Pile" as agreed, and his clerk was not there to inform me if he would be there, so after waiting about a half hour I started to walk over to his camp, seven miles off. Had been good -83- deal of rain and the grass was wet. Got into a swamp and got thoroughly wet up to the knees. When I got some distance, and it was growing dark, I saw a man in a buggy at some distance, stopping and evidently observing me. At first I felt some- what afraid, but still continued, and at last, when within gun shot, I waved my handkerchief, as signal of peace. As I approached, to my joy, found it was Mr. Lathrop! He had been detained, but thought he should reach the station in time. The night air grew chilly and I was cold when we arrived at the camp. A Frenchman was routed up, and in a while gave us a comfortable supper and we were soon comfortable. July 17th. Rising this morning, I was charmed by the beauty of the situation which my friend has chosen for his temporary residence. On the top of a steep, hill, rapidly descending on every side, and from the bay window in the eastern side of the house commanding a most extended and charming view of wild mountain scenery. Mr. Lathrop found, after an absence of a couple of days, that his camp was all in an uproar and many men drunk. Intended to go fishing with me, but the state of the camp pre- vented, so I went alone, although he ofifered a man, but I thought I should enjoy myself alone since my friend could not be with me. I walked and climbed rocks until I was nearly exhausted, and at last came to Fish Creek. The scenery was grand, and the flowers exquisite and in great profusion. Up to 3 o'clock I had caught but one fish, although I tried different kinds of flies. At last I abandoned them and, having caught a fat grasshopper, I pulled him in pieces and tried him. With him I caught ten or twelve trout ! Then it was necessary for me to start home. Came near being lost on my return, but at -84- last I came where I found timber had been cut and I knew I was not far from the camp. Mr. Lathrop had gone away on business, but he returned by bed time. Almost exhausted by my day's labor. July 1 8th. My friend expected to take me to the station this morning, but we overslept ourselves. I spent the forenoon in rest and preparation for Sun- day, expecting to come down in afternoon. We started, but when we got within ten miles' drive of the tie pile, the train passed and I was fixed for Sun- day ! I was very sorry, but it could not be helped. More troubled on account of the Sunday School than the service. However, if it must be so, I thought, it is all right, and it is surely exceedingly agreeable to lengthen out my visit with Mr. Lathrop. He drove me round by "Cache le Poudre Rock," whose grand rugged beauty I enjoyed very much. Most of our drive was in the rain, but as we had a top buggy and did not get wet, we enjoyed it. Com- menced reading Mrs. H. B. Stowe's "Agnes of Sor- rento." Spent very pleasant evening. Sunday, 6th after Trinity, July 19th. Most charm- ing morning. Read the lessons and other parts of the service, sung some, and then settled down in the bay window to read and enjoy the magnificent view. Mr. L. was called away a good deal of the time to confer with men who only come in from their camps on Sundays. But when he did come in he was very agreeable. Business troubled him when I first ar- rived, and he was very moody, but he has greatly improved on acquaintance. Late in the evening we drove out, although it was raining again. My friend is so passionately devoted to flowers that we never went out but he brought some home, and this even- ing he gathered them in the rain. Missed supper again, so the Frenchman catered for us and did -85-, very well. Spent evening in reading aloud to Mr. L. and in very pleasant conversation. Did not get to bed till very late after making arrangements to get up very early and meet the passenger train. July 20th. Man did not come to call us until it was too late to get off. However, we got up and had an early breakfast. Then Mr. L. proposed to take me to the lo o'clock train. Took up three little pine trees from the hill on which the house stands, hoping that they may grow as souvenirs of a very pleasant visit. Also picked up some surface speci- mens of the silver ore, near a mine over which the house is built. We started — stopped and picked flowers — missed the train again — tried to get "Sher- man," hoping to overtake the train, but were en- tangled in the country and did not get there until noon. Mr. L. took train for Fort Sanders, and I was obliged to stay until 5 130 p. m. Taking leave of Mr. L., he kindly urged me to come up again next week, saying he should have better arrange- ments and would get me to the train on time the next time I came. Walked down to the Summit Rock after a very good lunch at Mr. Tibbits'. Gath- ered a delicate little bouquet to send to Sister Julia in a letter. Found the monkshood and the cyclamen (I think) growing at the Summit. Plants which in the East have been introduced from Europe. Arranged large bouquet for Charley Sherman, and then wrote letter to Julia and one to Charley Hamlin. On the train I found Harry Blynn and had pleasant conver- sation with him. When I arrived in Cheyenne found letter from Mr. Hayden of the Milwaukee-Chicago Union, saying Moore, Kelly & Co. of Chicago have made an assignment and Mr. K. has sent my order for S. S. books to him to fill. After three months they show some signs of life by failing! I think —86— they richly deserve it. I was never so vexed with anything in my Hfe. I hope I am now to get out of this annoyance. Fortunately found an ambulance coming out, so that I got out home. Folks were very glad to see me, and were wondering what had become of me. Many inquiries had been made about me. There was a large congregation on Sunday, but no Sunday School, as it rained after dinner. July 2 1 St. Drove down town this morning. Vis- ited the church and found things progressing very nicely. Cross was raised while I was there. I think the whole is going to look very pretty. Did some errands, talked some time with Charley Sherman and started out home. Met Major Jackson and Lieutenant Link just going to stable for a horse, so I took them in. Afterwards drove back to Colonel Carling's camp for Dr. Alden, but he was not ready to come. Ordered three sheets of Diaphanie for Mr. Lathrop. Called at Mr. Woolley's and Mr. Ball's. Had pleasure of introduction to General Harney at Mr. Woolley's. Mrs. Ball gave me a couple of boxes of flowers which had been upset. Fixed them and gave to Mrs. Alden. Dr. Alden had letter from Ma- jor Noyes at Fort McPherson, and in it he informed me that he had procured cedar lumber for me at last, by sending out his men for the logs and having them sawed up at the Post. Joyful news to me. Wrote to let him know how to ship it. July 22nd. Rode down to Quartermaster's Depot in the sick ambulance. Conferred with Colonel Car- ling about the painting and glazing, etc. Walked from there to town. On advice of Mr. Preshaw, tried to dispose of the ceiling lumber for the church in order to try to have it plastered instead. Did not succeed. However, riding home with Mr. Woolley in evening, on mentioning it, he offered to take the -87- lumber. Building progressed nicely, putting on the sheeting. Lunched at Mr. Smith's store. Called upon to go to the Rollin's House to see a poor young man dying from an accidental gun shot wound, name Samuel Beers, conductor on the railroad. Hardly conscious. Tried to say a few words to him, but apparently of little use. Prayed with him and com- mended him into the hands of a merciful Saviour. The gentlemen present were affected to tears. Sat a good while with him, hoping there might be a lucid interval. Went to call upon a Baptist, Dr. D., stop- ping at Mr. Whipple's. Returned to the sick man, hoping to find him able to comprehend me, but he was evidently sinking. A sad sight to see a fine, manly form, in full health and strength, so suddenly cut down ! Of how small account is our earthly life! The care, and trial, and trouble, and anxiety of early childhood and youth, and the struggles of manhood to be brought to so sudden a termination — to go out like a spark. If there were no hereafter, what a waste! If there is no preparation for the glorious portion for which a good Father designs us, how useless is it all! What a terrible waste, and trifling! Called at Mr. Stearns' to tell him about the cedar lumber and inquire about the materials for cushioning the church. Mrs. S. gave me a dish of ice cream. Rode out with Mr. Woolley and General Auger and son. General brought me news of Rev. Mr. Poote of Salt Lake City. Called with Rev. Mr. Tuttle on Lieutenant Benner of Eighteenth Infantry in evening. Found him and his wife very agreeable. Note from Moller saying has sent me more varnish for my picture work. Weather very pleasant today. July 23rd. Rode down to Colonel Carling's in ambulance and conferred with him about plastering the church. Seemed favorable to it. Met Mr. Wool- ley there, and I rode with him to the church. Con- ferred with Mr. Preshaw and Mr. Myers with ref- erence to the plastering. Tried to find Mr. Jones to see if he would make a bid on same, but he was not in town. Inquired for Mr. Beers — poor fellow died this morning and body was sent on the train to meet his sister at Omaha. Found Mr. Lathrop in town and had a pleasant chat and dined with him at ''Ford's." Wrote to Brother Hitchings at Denver to let him know I received the Prayer Books and to answer his last two letters. Saw Robinson to talk over painting. Rode out with General Slemmer and General Hunt to the Post, having with us in ambu- lance a couple of young eagles which Mr. Tuttle had procured from the Indians. Called at Mr. Wool- ley's in the evening and met Generals Harney, Auger and Wessels and Lieutenant Benner and Major Jackson. Delightful temperature today. Cool this evening. Wrote to Mr. S. B. Reed, telling him the progress of the church here and asking if he will dispose of his lot which lies alongside of the church lot. Also to Cousin Charley Cook to tell him that I think he would succeed if he came out here, and of the prospects of the place. Enclosed photograph of self to Uncle Lewis Cook. July 24th. Rode down in hospital ambulance to Colonel Carling's and told him about plastering. Walked from there to Cheyenne. Made bargain with Myers, the plasterer. Attended to various things. Called on Mrs. Lafferty and Mrs. Hutchin- son. Came up with Mr. Tuttle. Called on Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Woolley to bid them good-bye, the former going to Boston, the latter to Omaha. Com- menced writing up the minutes of the vestry, in or- der that they may be preserved. Progressing nicely with the church and it is greatly admired. Rather warm, but pleasant.. July 25th, St. J/ames' Day. Quite hot today, but delightful breeze and cool in the evening. Rode down to Colonel Carling's in hospital ambulance ; conferred with him about iDuilding and then walked to town. Authorized Mr. Preshaw to wainscot the church instead of plastering down to baseboards. Tried staining for the rafters. Made final arrange- ments with the plasterer. Called at Mr. Ward's. Mrs. Ward announced that she was going to have her child baptized in our church (she is a R. C). Old Mr. W. absent at W. Bluff. Called a moment on Mrs. Connelly. Letter from Rev. Mr. Hinman of the Santee Sioux Mission, acknowledging my small contribution and telling me they were pros- pering. Wish I were with him ! Rode out with Mr. Tuttle. Called on Colonel and Mrs. Adams in even- ing, and on Mr. Tuttle for something to give my Sunday School scholars ; my books have not yet got through. Dr. Girard got back from Fort Laramie this evening, very glad to get back. LETTe:R to bishop RANDALL Che:ye:nnK, Wyo., July 30th, 1868. My D£:ar Bishop : — Yours of 27th inst. reached me today, and contained the check for $500 for the church, for which we are very much obliged. The advertisement for the school I presented to Dr. Bedell, editor and proprietor of the Cheyenne Argus, and he said he should put it into the daily issue and print it right along. I should like to put it into one of the other papers, also. I will see what I can do. We are getting on very nicely with the church. We are out of debt — at least will be tomorrow when a small bill or two is paid — and w^ have several hundred dollars in the treasury. I have been at work shellacking the rafters, and I intended to do the whole work of staining and var- nishing them also. But with the great clumsy lad- ders which alone are to be had here I fear I shall have to give it up. The labor is too severe. I have undertaken it to save money for other objects — e. g., a fence and other necessary expenses. I shall do the staining and varnishing of the pews, wainscot- ting, etc. Everybody is quite proud of our church already. It is an ornament to the place. I have a portable pipe organ on the way. It was in Chicago last Saturday. I hope the people will find it satisfactory. I rather went against their judgment, or rather impression in getting it instead of a reed instrument, which I detest. After three months of waiting my Sunday School library, etc., has arrived. I was never so tried about anything in my life. They came at last from the Milwaukee Church Union, Messrs. Moore, Kelly & Co. of Chicago having made an assignment. They deserved to fail, being so negligent of business. Hoping soon to welcome you, I am. Yours in Christ and His S. Church, Josh:ph W. Cook, letter to bishop randall Cheyenne, Wyo., Sept. 7th, 1868. My Dear Bishop : — Yours of 3rd inst. I received on my return on Saturday last from a tour to Fort Sanders, Laramie City and the Black Hills. I had premonitory symptoms that I had used my strength up to the last point, on the Saturday before the Con- secration of the Church ; but I kept up until after you returned to Denver. I was then quite wretched and sick, merely from overwork, which showed itself —91— in prostration and a violent attack of dyspepsia. I should have gone off at once to a quiet retreat of .my friend, Mr. A. G. Lathrop, in the Black Hills, as I intended to do. But the gentlemen thought I ought to stay that week and direct the painting of the out- side of the church and the cushioning, and the mak- ing of the chancel furniture. I tried to do so, but I was so wretched all the week that I concluded to ask Mr. Tuttle to take my service for the 30th, and on Saturday I went up to Fort Sanders, where I had been urged to go and hold a service during the stay of the Railroad Commissioners. I held a service on Sunday morning, and immediately after at head- quarters held a baptismal service and christened the infant daughter of General J. H. Potter, Mrs. Blair (wife of Democratic nominee for Vice President) and General W. T. Sherman standing as sponsors. I was detained at Sanders until Wednesday morn- ing. While there a number of persons spoke to me upon the subject, wishing that something could be done for Laramie. I went to the town and visited people there, and found that services are very much desired and that they want a church. There is no service of any kind there at present, though I learn since my return here that a new Methodist preach- er who has been sent here intends to hold ser- vices there on Sunday evenings. The people there who are Churchmen and those well disposed toward the Church look to me to do something there, as I am the only clergyman of the Church within reach. I told them I would do what I could. So I made an appointment for next Sunday evening. But my hands are full here now, for I today started my par- ish school, on faith — ^but more of this hereafter. Some pious ladies of different denominations have started a union Sunday School, which are my detes- —92— tation, from experience, at Laramie, and they are trying to get the idea started that they must have a Union Church also. One earnest Churchwoman was engaged in it, as she thought from force of circum- stances. I told her the way in which I believed the matter would end, and then she determined to take steps in the right direction and to gradually with- draw from the union. She will start a little Sunday School for the Church. I sent her since my return a lot of catechisms and Sunday School papers, and subscribed for 20 copies of The Young Christian Soldier to be sent to her. In order to take time by the forelock and get the start of any denomination there, I engaged this lady to do what she could in the matter of subscriptions at Laramie, and also Mrs. Bent at the Commissioners' house at the Fort to do what she could at Sanders, and accordingly sent them subscription lists. Dr. Durant is very much interested in Laramie. It is his town as this is General Dodge's, and those who know him believe that he will do something handsome for the Church. He is to be out shortly and we shall know. Laramie is going to amount to much more than we suspected when we were there in May last. The railroad company has built a large, fine hotel there and large shops are nearly completed and a round- house for 21 engines. I believe there is a permanent population and it will doubtless be a place of resort. It is far more attractive than Cheyenne. In was suggested in conversation with people at Fort Sanders that if an active young man could be found who would make this venture for Christ and His Church, that he could receive the appointment as chaplain for the Fort and by devoting half the day to Laramie he would be. able to build up the Church there. It is right on the railroad, there are —93— cultivated people there, and, in my estimation, there is no sacrifice in it except good manly blows and hard work for God and His kingdom among men. But for mercy sake, for the sake of the Church, let it be a young man, and a man with some snap, and not an old fossil in the shape of a Chaplain who like one I might name seems to think of nothing but ex- cursions "to have a good time" and is now going on another leave of 30 or 40 days for the second time since early last spring, besides other shorter ones. If necessary, could you aid us any in building a church at Laramie? and will you not try to get some man to come there ? They have asked me for Prayer Books. I have none to spare here. If you have any on hand to spare, will you be kind enough to send them immediately by express, so that, if pos- sible, they may reach me in time for next Sunday? Now as to Convocation : I am very sorry indeed that it is utterly out of my power to go. There are two obstacles. First, it is on Friday, so late in the week that I cannot get back here for Sunday, and I must not be away again if I can help it without leav- ing someone else in my place which I did last Sun- day week. The church was almost empty. I could not have him even, in this case, for he is off tomorrow on his leave. And I cannot close the church. The second obstacle is the expense, counting meals, some- thing like $50 there and back. I want to see my mother this Fall if I can, and I cannot stand both expenses. It would have been a very great gratifica- tion to me to be at the consecration of the church, and especially at the organization of the Convoca- tion. You do me too great an honor in appointing me to preach the sermon, since I am the latest arrival in the jurisdiction, and I appreciate it very highly. I am sorry from the circumstances named that I must —94— decline. Please accept my sincere thanks for your kind honor. I shall try to send you a report, which I will direct to you at Golden City. I hope Mr. Spencer has arrived safely. He start- ed the day I returned. As it turned out, I had hut two days of quiet rest in the hills. On Friday evening I returned to Fort Sanders and Laramie to take the cars in the morning, for home. I wanted to see the lady in Laramie, Mrs. Ivinson, as I had delegated her to see if a young Baptist student for the ministry really intended to remain and open a school which he was talking of doing, and if not to make arrangements for opening a Parish School at once, by sending my own teacher there for the present until I could get another out. He had concluded to do so — ^^but intends to teach only until Christmas. I intend then (D. V.) to open a Parish School, and I shall be much obliged if you will put it on your memorandum to secure a good teacher when you go East. Vocal music I consider indispensaWe in such an one, and if she knows an instrument, so much the better. It is thought 40 or 50 children can be secured there. I am very sorry I was a few days too late in going up there. We ought to have a Missionary on this railroad to take advantage of these openings, to be a watchman for the future interests of the Church. We ought now to have a man to hold services at Benton, and Raw- lin's Springs, and at Green River. The latter place alone will probably not amount to anything after next Winter, and yet it may. And then beyond and off the railroad is South Pass City, at the Sweet- water gold mines, which needs looking after. But where are the men? It makes one's heart sick to contemplate the destitution, the want of men to e^-'^er into these fair fields ripe for the harvest ! The ^5— so-called "good pioneers/' the Methodists, etc., are not the pioneers in this far West. The population is too advanced, too intelligent for them. They want the Church ; although the want may not be clearly defined in their own minds. It is a kind of uncon- scious prophecy like ''the whole creation groaning and travailling together in pain." But to come back, I organized my Parish School this morning with 7 scholars, and the promise of a good many others. I shall teach an hour or two per day, and take charge of the religious instruction. I engaged Miss Farley, the teacher, simply because she was about to open a school again, and I did not wish to cut off her means of support, as I believed I should, should I open my school. She is not the person I want. She neither sings nor plays, and she is not so cultivated a person as I should like. Besides, she has just re- cently become a member of our Church, and knows but little about it. She has not got into the spirit of it. She may improve. But I must bring my long letter to a close. I hope it has not wearied you. It is a report of pres- ent operations. Again expressing my great regret that I cannot be with you and the brethren, I am, my dear Bishop, Yours in Christ and His Church, Joseph W. Cook. letter to bishop randall. Cheyenne, Wyoming Terr., Sept. i6th, 1868. To Rt. Rev. George M. Randall, D. D., Miss. Bp. Colorado, Wyoming and Nezv Mexico. My Dear Bishop : — I herewith send you a report of my work within your jurisdiction up to time of this present writing. I arrived in Cheyenne on the evening of the 14th January, 1868, having been commended by Bishop Clarkson, through whom I was sent out here, to C. D. Sherman, Esq., S. B. Reed, Esq., J. D. Woolley, Esq., and Dr. C. D. Alden, Surgeon at Fort Russell, gentlemen who had interested themselves in the establishment of the Church here, who had taken some steps to that ef- fect and had communicated with Bishop Clarkson with reference to it and the sending out of a clergy- man. Bishop Clarkson went upon the supposition that so long as this was a part of Dakota it was in his jurisdiction. You yourself, Rt. Rev. Sir, rea- soned otherwise, and Bishop Clarkson transferred me and his engagements here to you and your juris- diction. The gentlemen were able to secure a comfortable building erected for a public school, which we could occupy for our services half the day on Sundays. On 19th January we held our first service, which was well attended and the responses and singing good. Many persons here were found to be inter- ested and it was thought wise to effect an organiza- tion at once and take measures to erect a church building. Accordingly a meeting of those interested was called at Kountze Bros. & Co.'s Bank on the 27th January, when about twenty gentlemen assem- bled, discussed the matter and elected a Vestry of seven and started a subscription for the church and the first quarter of the Rector's salary. The Vestry was composed of the following gentlemen: S. B. Reed, General Superintendent of Construction, U. P. R. R. ; Colonel E. B. Carling, A. Q. M., U. S. A. ; C. H. Alden, M. D., Post Surgeon, Fort Russell; C. D. Sherman, Esq., Judge G. W. Ford, T- D. Woolley, Esq., ^nd T. J. Street, Esq. S. B. Reed, Esq., and Colonel Carling were chosen Wardens. Upon the organization of the Vestry it was deter- —97— mined to name the Church St. Mark's, in considera- tion of the fact that St. Mark's Church, Philadel- phia, Pa., had given one thousand dollars to aid in the erection of a church here. Upon our transfer to the jurisdiction, you, Rt. Rev. Sir, assuming to fulfill the engagement of supplying that amount of aid to the work here. The Vestry elected the Rev. Joseph W. Cook, Rector, and voted him a salary for the present of twelve hundred dollars ($1,200) to be paid quarterly in advance. The subscription was pushed until it amounted to over three thousand dol- lars ($3,000) and considerable was paid into the Secretary and Treasurer of the Vestry, C. D. Sher- man, Esq. Plans for a church building were pre- sented and discussed and finally one by Dr. Alden and the Rector was decided upon. The lumber was purchased by Colonel Carling in Chicago, and, through the kind interposition of Mr. Taylor of that city, was shipped free of charge over the Chicago & N. W. R. R. The same favor was granted us by the U. P. R. R. The erection of the building was commenced about the 15th July and was ready for consecration the 23rd of August. I offer below an account of the services on that interesting occasion, and a description of the building which I clip from the American Churchman. Our congregations have generally been very good — much better in the church than when we worshipped in the school house. About the first of March I organized a Mite Society, which has met with very great favor and success. They have devoted a part of their earn- ings to the purchase of an instrument of music, and the remainder toward uniformly cushioning the pews of the church throughout, so that we may pre- sent to strangers, occasional worshippers, and the -98- poor, the very same comforts that the more wealthy in this world's goods may enjoy. A Strawberry Festival was held in June, the pro- ceeds of which were devoted to an organ. I have discouraged the holding of festivals and fairs for the raising of money for religious purposes, believ- ing the principle false and pernicious. Unfortun- ately it has become so common a means of raising money that it is sometimes hard to restrain it. Since my arrival here I have officiated on seventy- four (74) occasions, and have performed the fol- lowing official acts : Baptisms (adults) 3 Baptisms (infants) 5 Presented for confirmation. May 24th — Males 2 Females i Presented for confirmation, Aug. 23rd — Males I Females , 4 8 Marriages 4 Burials 17 Communicants, 20, who have connected them- selves with the Church here. There are others who have not yet reported themselves. In the Sunday School there are about seventy-five scholars, more or less regular in attendance. Owing to the uncertain stay of people in the community, I have heretofore been una'ble to depend upon teach- ers and so have superintended the Sunday School myself, taught them altogether orally, acted as chor- ister and librarian. Owing to new duties recently assumed I have been obliged to ask for teachers. Last Sunday three offered themselves and were put in charge of the older girls, I myself still teaching the boys — and the Sunday previous I was enabled to separate the infant class and put it in charge of a competent teacher. There is a grand opening for a parish school here and I tried to fill it. I opened such a school on 7th September, but owing to the utter incompetency of the teacher was obliged to close it at the end of the week, as I was unable my- self to take hold of it so as to devote my whole time to it. I am in hopes soon to