LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF Class PHI BETA KAPPA AND GENERAL ADDRESS CATALOGUE OF THE UNITED CHAPTERS COMPILED BY, ,-,,*,>, j , 3 J a ' o > 3 > i * > . E>. :B. r^^xi^^orsrs, D. ID SECRETARY OF THE UNITED CHAPTERS, 1889-1901 , MASSACHUSETTS 1QOO WARDEN & CRAWI.EY, PRINTERS NORTH ADAMS, MASS. p 3 iTL> ' "A.' SifVS*^ v/ y&Jtcf* > fiA4JA& 3>i\offo x Z/,2>, Berkeley, Calif* Rev Isaac R Wheelock, 69, Roslindale, Mass Clifford Whipple, 95, t, Bristol, R I Hon Francis W White, 56, M A, Summit, N J Paul M White, 95, 1, 55 Kilby, Boston, Mass Pres Beniah L Whitman, 87, D D, LL D, Columb Univ, Washington, D C Frank P Whitman, 74, Cleveland, Ohio Hon William W Whitman, 43, Pawling, Troy, N Y Henry A Whitmarsh, 76, M A, M D, 64 Jackson, Providence, R I Prof Solon F Whitney, 59, A M, librarian, 9 Garfield, Watertown, Mass Edward N Whittier, 62, M D, Boston, Mass Prof William A Wilbur, 88, A M, Columb Univ, Washington, D C Prof Elmer A Wilcox, 91, LL B, State Univ, Iowa City, Iowa Charles E Willard, 64, 1 W 81, NY City Prin Horace M Willard, 64, Sc D, Mansion School, Wollaston, Mass Rev John B Willard, 42, Still River, Mass Allan H Willett, 86, Urbana, Ohio Prof Alonzo Williams, 70, Providence, R I Benjamin Williams, 95, 1, Jackson, Mich George E Williams, 50, Taunton, Mass John P Williams, 89, A M, M E, 10 Cromwell, Providence, R I Rev James A Williamson, 61, D D, Johnstown, N Y Prof George G Wilson, 86, A M, Ph D, B Univ, Providence, R I Isaac O Winslow, 78, St Albans, Me Thomas W Wood, 84, dentist, 160 Newbury, Boston, Mass John C B Woods, 72, Providence, R I Marshall Woods, 45, M D, Providence, R I Nathan M Wright, 89, editor, Providence, R I Herrick P Young, 87, Greenville, S C , . PHI BETA KAPPA 57 ALPHA OF CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CAL President, Ex-Pres Martin Kellogg, LL D, Yale, 50 Vice-Presidents, Prof William Bradley Rising, Ph D, Hamilton, 64; Prof Mellen Woodman Haskellf Ph D, Harvard 83; Prof William Al- bert Setchell, Ph D, Yale 87 Sec and Treas, Prof Kendric Charles Babcock, Ph D, Minnesota 89 Prof Charles M Gayley, Prof Herbert M Hopkins, Prof E Percival Lewis, Ph D, Prof Joseph C Rockwell, Frank W Aitkjjn, 1900, D Raymond Curtis.99, t, Ralph C Daniels, 99, t, Arthur M Ellis, 99, t, T Sidney Elston, 99, t, Charles 'E Fryer, 1900, Agnes R Jewett, 99, Ivan M Linforth, 1900, Roy V Nye, 99, Harry A Overstreet, 99, Willard G Parsons, 1900, Alfred C Skaife, 1900, Elise Wart^eiler, 99, t, University of California . University of Calif ornial University of California University of California ^ 3 1o to 3 V\ tdLrtet, San Francisco, San Luis^Obispo, University, Berkeley, High School, 32 Church, Santa Cruz, 2023 Channing Way, Berkeley, University, Berkeley, Oakland, 2230 Fulton, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, The Beta House, Berkeley, 824 Waller, San Francisco, Isleton, Calif Calif Calif Calif Calif Calif Calif Calif Calif Calif Calif Calif Calif BETA OF ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, CHICAGO, ILL President, Prof Henry Pratt Judson, (Williams) LL, D Vice Pres, Prof Charles H Thurber Sec and Treas, Prof Henry R Hatfield Susan H Ballou, 97, Lucy H Carson, 98, t, Mary Castle, 95, Ph B, t, Elisabeth T Coolidge, 96, A M, Grace Darling, 97, t, Mrs Helen K Darrow, 99, t, Frank W Dignan, 97, A M, t, * Joseph C Friedman, 96, Frederic M Giles, 98, Rose A Gilpatrick, 96, t, Fannie S Hay, 97, t, John C Hessler, 96, Robert L Hughes, 95, 5831 Monroe, Chicago 502 Goodwin, Urbana, 111 Granville, O High Sch, 2917, Groveland, Chicago 328, 53, Chicago 6443 Jefferson, Chicago 5853 Indiana, Chicago 4120 Ellis, Chicago 6345 Ellis, Chicago Waterville, Me 311 T, N W, Washington, D C 346, 55, Chicago 5440 Monroe, Chicago 58 UNITED CHAPTERS Eleanor L Jones, 96, 573 E'62, Chicago Florence R Jones, 99, t, 6315 Woodlawn, Chicago Minnie Lester, 99, Ph B, Tuscola, 111 Mary C Lewis, 95, t, 5605 Madison, Chicago Susan W Lewis 95, A M, t, 5605 Madison, Chicago Ludwig Loeb, 96, 528 Dearborn, Chicago Angeline Loesch, 98, A M, 46 Lincoln Place, Chicago Mrs Mary Evelyn Lovejoy, 97, A M, t, South Royalston, Vt Mary L Marot, 94, Sc B, t, 411 W First, Dayton, O John P Mentzer, 98, Ph B, 410 Atlas Bid, Chicago Wesley C Mitchell, 96, t, 662* Lexllig toil, *Qk*eag C E, Prof Charles D Adams, 77, Ph D, Rev Ephraim Adams, 39, D D, Melvin O Adams, 71, Prof Myron W Adams, 81, Ph D, Orange H Adams, 81, M D, Chala Vista, Calif Haverhill, Mass Bombay, India Y M C A Bid, Peoria, 111 Supt Streets, Springfield, Mass Hanover, N H 626 Park Av, Waterloo, Iowa Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Atlanta, Ga Vineland, N J 80 UNITED CHAPTERS Hon John A Aiken, 74, judge, George I Aldrich, 75, Edwin H Allen, 85, M D, Prof Frederick J Allen, 80, A M, Fred L Allen, 74, John E Allen, 94, Rev John H Allen, 70, D D, Fisher Ames, 69, David A Anderson, 68, Hans P Anderson, 86, A M, Addison F Andrews, 78, A M, news and jour, Charles C Applegate, 79, Arthur D Arnold, 93, Abraham L Artz, 88, ins, William T Atwood, 99, A M, t, Prof John P Averill, 42, M A, Benjamin F Ayer, 46, L,L D, Rev Franklin D Ayer, 56, D D, Hon Jeremiah E Ayers, 63, A M, Prof Charles A Bacon, 83, A M, George P Bacon, 87, t, Edward G Bailey, 79, C E, Capt Fisher A Baker, 59, Rufus H Baker, 93, LL B, Prof Frank A Balch, 94, A M, Samuel P Baldwin, 92, LL B, Greenfield, Mass Newtonville, Mass 37 Hancock, Boston, Mass Franklin Falls, N H White River Junction, Vt Keene, N H 29 Farewell, Newport, R I 220 Sansome, San Francisco, Calif* North Adams, Mass Sec Int Y M C A, 3 W 29, N Y City 18 E 22, N Y City Lawrenceville, 111 Stoughton, Mass 53 State, Boston, Mass New Market, N H 48 Church, Concord, N H 78 Michigan, Chicago, 111 3739 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa 541 S 12, Denver, Col College, 641 Church, Beloit, Wis 741 Church, Beloit, Wis 100 Broadway, N Y City 2 Wall, N Y City 88 N Main, Concord, N H Norwich University, Northfield, Vt 736 Prospect, Cleveland, Ohio Prin Cecil F P Bancroft, 60, PhD, LittD, LLD, Phil Acad, Andover, Mass Solon Bancroft, 64, Prof Theodore M Barber, 70, A M, Hon James Barrett, 38, LL D, Hon William E Barrett, 80, J Whitney Barston, 46, M D, George K Bartholmew, 58, Ph D, Prof Edwin J Bartlett, 72, M D, Horace E Bartlett, 60, Rev Samuel C Bartlett, 87, missionary, Hon William H Bartlett, 71, A M, Prof Herbert J Barton, 76, A M, Edwin A Bayley, 85, Charles H Beckett, 81, A E Beebee, 90, A M, lumber manuf, 23 Court, Boston, Mass 4710 Beuvenne, Pittsburg, Pa Rutland, Vt 248 Washington, Boston, Mass 6 E 9, N Y City 501 Third, Cincinnati, Ohio Hanover, N H Haverhill, Mass Tottori, Japan West Un Bid, Chicago, 111 Univ 111, Champaign, 111 47 Court, Boston, Mass 100 Broadway, N Y City McMillan, Wis Auburn, Me Joshua W Beede, 58, M D, John D Bell, 89, AM, US Surv, Gen Office, 2041, 9, Boise City, Idaho Louis P Benezet, 99, A M, t, High School, 500 Bradley, Peoria, 111 Jay B Benton, 90, editor, 324 Washington, Boston, Mass Prof Albert S Bickmore, 60, A M, Ph D, Museum Nat His, N Y City George D Bigelow, 73, 73 Tremont, Boston, Mass George W Bingham, 63, Derry, N H Rev William Bird, 44, missionary, Aintab, Turkey Prof Marvin D Bisbee, 71, Hanover, N H PHI BETA KAPPA 81 Henry P Blair, 87, A M, LL B, 213 E Capitol, Washing-ton, D C George W Blaisdell, 78, M D, Manchester, Mass Hon Barton P Blake, 63, A M, llth and Market, Philadelphia, Pa Herbert A Blake, 91, t, 9 Almy, Providence, R I David N Blakely, 89, M D, City Hospital, Boston, Mass Gilbert S Blakely, 88, A M, 2678 Creston, N Y City Quincy Blakety, 94, B D, S Glastonbury, Conn Hon Caleb Blodgett, 56, LL D, Justice Sup Court Mass, Boston, Mass Hon Samuel R Bond, 55, A M, LL B, 13 Iowa Circle, Washing-ton, D C Hon John B Bouton, 49, A M, author, 21 Craigie, Cambridg-e, Mass William C Bouton, 85, M D, 210 Grand. Waukegan, 111 Perry S Boynton, 90, A M, M D, 103 W 84, N Y City Prof Frank P Brackett, 87, A M, Ph D, Pom Coll, Claremont, Calif * Prof Charles F Bradley, 73, D D, Bib Inst, 1745 Hinman, Kvanston, 111 Charles A Braley, 83, 7th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo Hon John L Brewster, 61, A M, Andover, Mass Alton E Briggs, 85, t, Chelsea, Mass Charles H Brock, 88, 418 Olive, St Louis, Mo Hon John G Brooks, 48, M D, Belfast, Me Abram Brown, 67, t, 1068 Franklin, Columbus, Ohio Albert O Brown, 78, 1, Manchester, N H Prof Francis Brown, 70, Ph D, D D, U T S, 700 Park Ave, N Y City Hon John P Brown, 60, M D, Supt Hospital, Taunton, Mass David H Brown, 61, M A, publisher, 76 Summer, Boston, Mass Supt Jonathan I Buck, 89, Schools, Lexing-ton, Mass Will P Buckley, 87, Lancaster, N H Hon Charles A Bunker, 64, Prin State Normal School, Castleton, Vt Eugene D Burbank, 91, A M, Box 66, Ginn & Co, Des Moines, Iowa William R Burleigh, 72, 100 Washington, Chicago, 111 Prof Wilder L Burnap, 63, Burlington, Vt Hon Henry E Burnham, 65, judge, 1911 Elm, Manchester, N H Sherman E Burroughs, 94, LL B, Manchester, N H Rev John H Butler, 73, Somerset, Mich Alfred H Campbell, 77, t, Plymouth, N H Cassius S Campbell, 68, t, Derry, N H Hon Richard C Campbell, 86, A M, ed R Mt News, Denver, Col Prof Isaac N Carleton, 59, A M, Ph D, Bradford, Mass Burt W Carr, 97, Hanover, N H Nathan F Carter, 53, Concord, N H Albion F Cate, 67, 502 Merrimac, Manchester, N H Rev Carter E Cate, 70, 1402 Westminster, Providence, R I Edward F Cate, 82, 1, Wolfeborough, N H Charles F Caverly, 78, M D, 9 Court, Rutland, Vt Rev Charles Caverno, 54, A M, D D, LL D, Lombard, 111 Hon Harrison E Chadwick, 58, A M, 10 Salem, Bradford, Mass Hon Mellen Chamberlain, 44, A M, LL D, Libr, Judge, Chelsea, Mass Prof Charles H Chandler, 68, Ripon, Wis Arthur H Chase, 86, librarian, Concord, N H Charles F Chase, 85, C E, E Berlin, Conn Hon Charles P Chase, 69, A M, Treas Dart, Hanover, N H 82 UNITED CHAPTERS Hon Henry Chase, 50, A M, Agt N E W W, 28 School, Boston, Mass Henry M Chase, Jr, 97, 61 Bradford, Lawrence, Mass Hon William M Chase, 58, L L B, Justice Supreme Court, Concord, N H Prof Charles H Churchill, 45, D D, author, Seattle, Wash Rev Edward W Clark, 44, Rev Francis E Clark, 73, D D, Hon Greenleaf Clark, 55, Isaiah R Clark, 73, Hon John H Clark, 57, LL D, Hon Lewis W Clark, 50, Rev Thomas, M Clark, h, 63, Newton D Clarke, 95, Fred C Cleveland, 95, 1, Henry B Closson, 79, Hon Moses T dough, 34, A M, Westboro, Mass Auburndale, Mass 50 Gilfillan Bid, St Paul, Minn 23 Court, Boston Mass Medical Direct U S N, Amherst, N H Manchester, N H Providence, R I Putney, Vt Lancaster, N H 111 Broadway, N Y City LL B, 17 First, Troy, N Y Rev Levi H Cobb, 54, A M, D D, Sec Cong- Bid Soc, 222 W 23, N Y City Rev W^arren R Cochrane, 59, A M, D D, Hon William N Cohen, 79, A M, LL D, Herbert E Colby, 91, Rev John Colby, 52, James M Colson, Jr, 83, A M, t, Prin John M Comstock, 77, A M, Ph D, Levi L Conant, 79, t, Osmyn P Conant, 79, A M, Publisher, John S Connor, 65, Judge, Antrim, N H 22 William, N Y City Danville, N H Fitzwilliam, N H 271 Harrison, Petersburg, Va Acad, Chelsea, Vt Worcester, Mass 70, 5th, N Y City Cincinnati, Ohio Hon Phineas S Connor, 59, M D, LL D, 104 E Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio Charles B Converse, 63, A M, M D, Rev William A C Converse, 57, Capt Albert W Cooke, 69, A M, Real Est, Charles H Cooper, 77, A M, t, Hon Samuel B G Corser, 41, A M, Rev Carl H Corwin, 87, Supt Edward Cowles, 59, M D, LL D, Guy W Cox, 93, LL B, Prof Isaac J Cox, 96, A M, James A Cox, 96, Louis S Cox, 96, Hon and Col De Witt C Cram, 50, Rev Henry C Crane, 69, Rev Philip W Crannell, 82, A M, Supt Ernest T Critchett, 65, A M, Hon Stephen M Crosby, 49, A M, Banker, Allen C Cummings, 92, George J Cummings, 69, Hon Horace S Cummings, 62, LL B, Mott A Cummings, 82, Pres Amos N Currier, 56, A M, LL D, Rev Henry I Cushman, 65, A M, S T D, Hon Sullivan M Cutcheon, 56, LL D, Rev Calvin Cutler, 56, Jersey City, N J Lyme, N H 31 State, Boston, Mass Mankato, Minn Boscawen, N H 306, S, Calumet, Mich Somerville, Mass Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass 1935 N Flores, San Antonio, Texas 213 W Canton, Boston, Mass 213 W Canton, Boston, Mass Custom House, Dubuque, Iowa East Norton, Mass Corning, N Y Schools, New Ulm, Minn 60 State, Boston, Mass St Johnsbury, Vt Howard Univ, Washington, D C ]756 K, N W, Washington, D C Winchester, Mass Iowa City, Iowa 11 Euclid, Providence, R I 51 Edmund, Detroit, Mich Auburndale, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA 83 Rev Charles Cutler, 52, D D, Talmadge, Ohio Hon Edward S Cutter, 44, A M, LL B, 76 Main, Nashua, N H Prof Charles L Dana, 72, M D, 50 W 46, N Y City John C Dana, librarian, Spring-field, Mass William S Dana, 71, Turners Falls, Mass Supt George H Danforth, 80, Schools, Greenfield, Mass Rev Ozora S Davis, 89, Springfield, Vt Rev William H Davis, 74, D D, Newton, Mass Joseph A De Boer, 84, M A, Actuary, Montpelier, Vt James H Denny, 59, M D, Vienna, Austria Edgar A DeWitt, 82, A M, Business, Dallas, Texas Rev Myron P Dickey, 74, Milton, N H Rev James M Dickson, 53, D D, Brooklyn, N Y Frank E Dimick, 71, 1, 10 Tremont, Boston, Mass Hon James Dinsmoor, 41, LL D, Sterling, 111 Frank P Dodge, 95, Latin School, Roxbury, Mass Prin Frederick W Doring, 83, A M, High School, Woonsocket, R I Vernon A Doty, 92, B L, Business, Bradford, Vt Rev William W Dow, 61, A M, Portsmouth, N it Frank E Drew, 97, 243 Washington, Boston, Mass Charles G Du Bois, 91, 259 S Clinton, Chicago, 111 Prof Emilius C Dudley, 73, A M, M D, 1617 Indiana, Chicago, 111 George E Duffy, 94, manuf, N Andover, Mass Joseph H Dunbar, 79, S Woodstock, Vt Hon De Witt C Duncan, 61, LL B, Vinita, Indian Ter Dana M Dustan, 80, A M, Marion, Mass George Dutton, 55, M D, 52 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Rev John M Dutton, 73, Newport, Vt Prof Earl Eastman, 99, B L, New Preston, Conn Pres John Eaton, 54, LL D, Supt Schools, Porto Rico Hon Joseph G Edgerly, 67, A M, Supt Schools, Fitchburg, Mass Rev T Merrill Edmands, 83, A M, Mankato, Minn Benjamin F Ellis, 89, 104 Perry, Peoria, 111 Prof Charles F Emerson, 68, Ph D, Dean Dartmouth, Hanover, N H Edwards D Emerson, 84, 17 E Swan, Buffalo, N Y Charles W Emery, 75, 1155, 23rd, Oakland Calif * Prof Fred P Emery, 87, Hanover, N H Natt M Emery, 95, M A, t, 129 Wall, Bethlehem, Pa Lee F English, 88, 1, 115 Monroe, Chicago, 111 Rev William F English, 82, East Windsor, Conn George W Estabrook, 61, 82 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Clinton B Evans, 73, 115 Monroe, Chicago, 111 Rev Arthur Fairbanks, 86, Ithaca, N Y Rev Henry Fairbanks, 53, St Johnsbury, Vt Samuel M Fairfield, 76, 63 Park, N Y City Hon Lewis G Farmer, 72, LL B, 5 Tremont, Boston, Mass Jonathan B Farnsworth, 53, Windsor, Vt Charles S Farrar, 50, publisher, 79 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Rev Franklin E Fellows, 55, A M, 55 Otis, Norwich, Conn Hon Brayton A Field, 78, A M, LL B, Watertown, N Y 84 UNITED CHAPTERS Prof Martin H Fish, 52, Temple, N H Rev James C Flanders, 84, Woodsville, N H Prof Robert Fletcher, h, 68, Hanover, N H Robert H Fletcher, 96, Hanover, N H William W Flint, 71, t, St Paul, Concord, N H Charles W Floyd, 85, 87 P O Bid, Boston, Mass Prof John A Follett, 57, M D, Dean, Boston Dental Coll, Brookline, Mass Henry H Folsom, 92, 1, 209 Washing-ton, Boston, Mass Rev Omar W Folsom, 69, Bath, Me Rev William B Forbush, 88, Charlestown, Mass Daniel Ford, 99, 37 West, Hyde Park, Mass Rev David Foster, 49, D D, Winchendon, Mass Prof Herbert D Foster, Hanover, N H John French, 86, 59 Wall, N Y City Warren C French, Jr, 80, 1, 115 Broadway, N Y City Warren K French, 95, Park Hill, N H Prof Albert E Frost, 72, Winthrop, Pittsburg-h, Pa Prof Edwin B Frost, 86, Williams Bay, Wis Prof Oilman D Frost, 86, Hanover, N H Hon Walter C Frost, 76, 4 N Nevada, Colorado Spring's, Col Prof A L Fuller, 86, Ph D, Greek, Adelbert, Cleveland, Ohio Pres Homer T Fuller, 64, Ph D, D D, Drury, Spring-field, Mo Rev William F Furman, 80, A M, Wilton, N H Charles C Gardner, 87, banker, Sarg-ent, Neb Rev Owen H Gates, 83, Ph D, Dorset, Vt Matthew Gault, 90, C E, City Hall, Worcester, Mass James T Gerould, 95, Library Coiumb Univ, N Y City Prof John H Gerould, 90, Ph D, Hanover, N H John P Gifford, 94, M D, Coos, N H Prof Georg-e H Gilbert, 78, D D, Chicag-o, 111 Ernest S Gile, 95, advertising-, 19 High, Boston, Mass Prof John M Gile, 87, A M, M D, Hanover, N H Burton S Gilman, 91, Gardner, Mass William Gibbon, 94, A B, merchant and planter, Egremont, Miss John T Gibson, 64, Jamaica Plain, Mass Georg-e W Glass, 87, Concord, N H Rev George Gleason, 61, Haverhill, Mass Georg-e Goodhue, 76, M D, 133 N Perry, Dayton, Ohio Rev Henry A Goodhue, 57, Westminster, Vt Nathaniel Gordon, 41, Exeter, N H Charles H Gould, 92, 1, 2 Wall, N Y City Hon Frank P Goulding, 63, A M, L/L B, Worcester, Mass Hon Arthur P Greeley, 83, LL M, Pat office, Washing-ton, D C Hon William B Greeley, 81, LL B, 38 Park Row, N Y City Rev Daniel C Greene, 64, D D, missionary, Tokio, Japan Joseph W Grosvenor, 59, A M, M D, 118 Plymouth Ave, Buffalo, N Y Prof Frederick O Grover, 90, A M, Botany, * Oberlin, Ohio Edward L Gulick, 83, t, Lawrenceville, N J Sidney L Gulick, 83, missionary, Matzuyama, Japan William T Gunnison, 92, LL B, Rochester, N H PHI BETA KAPPA 85 Amos Hadley, 44, Concord, -N H Albert K Hallock, 87, LL B, 52 Broadway, N Y City Hon William H Haile, 56, LL D, banker, Spring-field, Mass Arthur H Hale, 86, banker, Manchester, N H Edwin B Hale, 65, 209 Washington, Boston, Mass Hon John C Hale, 57, LL D, judge, 1749 Euclid, Cleveland, Ohio William P Hale, 89, 1, 10 Tremont, Boston, Mass Charles C Hall, 65, M A, Journalist, 587 Lafayette, Brooklyn, N Y Capt Daniel Hall, 54, Dover, N H Edward K Hall, 92, 1, 125 Milk, Boston, Mass Rev Newton M Hall, 88, Spring-field, Mass Ernest G Ham, 94, t, Vergennes, Vt Thomas C Ham, 96, 352 Washington, Boston, Mass Hon Alfred K Hamilton, 63, M A, Cham Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis Charles B Hammond, 77, M D, Nashua, N H Harry H Hanson, 86, Dover, N H Hon Arthur S Hardy, h 79, Ph D, US Mins, Athens, Greece Ashley K Hardy, 94, Hanover, N H Rev George Hardy, 60, Sauquoit, N Y Henry W Hardy, 97, 23 Northey, Salem, Mass Hon John H Hardy, 70, 60 Academy, Arlington, Mass George R Harlow, 78, C E, 448 Ella, Wilkinsburg, Pa Hon Benjamin S Harmon, 82, LL B, 40 Wall, N Y City Hiram P Harriman, 69, Wellfleet, Mass William L Harris, 96, LL B, Glidden Bid, Lowell, Mass Hon William H Hart, 75, A M, Poughkeepsie, N Y Prin Lemuel S Hastings, 70, High School, Nashua, N H John E R Hayes, 95, A M, LL B, 30 Court, Boston, Mass Rev John W Hay ley, 60, D D, Lowell, Mass Prank M Hayward, 80, N Y Life Bid, Kansas City, Mo Rev Silvanus Hayward, 53, A M, Globe Village, Mass Rev Azel W Hazen, 63, AM, D D, Middletown, Conn Prof Charles D Hazen, 89, Ph D, History, Smith, Northampton, Mass Irving A Hazen, 91, 28 W 23, N Y City Marsham W Hazen, 66, 1, 27 Thames, N Y City Isaac L Heath, 65, 1, Munip Court, Manchester, N H John Herbert, 71, 1, 19 Milk, Boston, Mass Prof John L Hildreth, 64, M D, 14 Garden, Cambridge, Mass Benjamin M Hill, 68, A M, Hyde Park, Mass Josiah P Hill, 84, 80 Broadway, N Y City Henry H Hilton, 90, A M, publisher, 13 Tremont, Boston, Mass Hon Lloyd W Hixon, 57, M D, librarian, Nashotah, Wis Rev Prank W Hodgdon, 94, A M, 48 Highland, Orange, N J Lewis Hodgkins, 85, M D, Ellsworth, Me Prof Charles A Holden, 95, B S, Polyt Institute, Worcester, Mass Joseph B Holland, 58, M D, Galesburg, 111 Ira W Holt, 81, t, 362 Mass, Arlington, Mass Gilbert E Hood, 51, 169 Jackson, Lawrence, Mass James D Home, 84, A M, t, Lawrence, Mass Hon John C C Hoskins, 41, C E, 1523 Rebecca, Sioux City, Iowa 86 UNITED CHAPTERS Hon Charles M Hough, 79, LL B, James P Houston, 84, M D, Prof Richard Hovey, 82, Litt D, Ernest Howard, 84, A M, jour, Charles H Howe, 81, t, Elias W Howe, 64, Fred A Howland, 87, 1, Alpheus W Hoyt, 88, M D, Grosvenor S Hubbard, 62, 1, Rev Calvin B Hulbert, 53, D D, Samuel P Hunt, 93, E E, Hon Simeon Hunt, 62, A M, M D, Hon Hiram A Huse, 65, LL B, Rev Charles Hutchinson, 48, D D, Rev Georg-e H Ide, 65, D D, Hon Henry C Ide, 66, Arthur E Jacobs, 83, Prof Arthur W Jenks, 84, D D, Paul R Jenks, 94. t, Prof Frank C Johnson, 97, A M, Georg-e E Johnson, 87, Henry B Johnson, 83, 1, 11 Wall, Jesse Johnson, 63, 1, William E Johnson, 62, Edwin A Jones, 76, Hon Edwin F Jones, 80, LL B, Matt B Jones, 94, LL B, Seth W Kelley, 69, M D, Herman H Kibbey, 91, t, Elmer A Kimball, 85, Hon Richard Kimball, 65, LL B, Charles F King-, 67, t, 160 Broadway, N Y City 1180 Sheffield, Chicag-o, 111 Columb Univ, N Y City 286 Pine, Spring-field, Mass Wakefield, Mass 561 Beacon, Chelsea, Mass Montpelier, Vt Bellevue Hospital, N Y City 35 Wall, N Y City Rome, Ohio 261 Triang-le, Buffalo, N Y East Providence, R I 3 Baldwin, Montpelier, Vt New Albany, Ind 211, 17, Milwaukee, Wis St Johnsbury, Vt 10435 Ewing, South Chicago, 111 N House, Nashotah, Wis Plymouth, N H Meriden, N H Supt Schools, Andover, Mass N Y City 189 Montague, Brooklyn, N Y Woodstock, Vt Stoughton, Mass 936 Elm, Manchester, N H 125 Milk, Boston, Mass Woburn, Mass Mil Acad, Worcester, Mass 1420 Unity Bid, Chicago, 111 Meridien, Texas Boston Highlands, Mass Prin Hiram U King, 73, MA, Boys School, 15 Prospect, Stamford, Conn Samuel T King, 80, M D, Prin Herbert W Kittredge, 79, A M, John Kivel, 76, Hon Edward W Knight, 87, LL B, Rev Frederic H Knight, 82, Kent Knowlton, 94, Hon Fletcher Ladd, 84, LL B, Hon Nathaniel W Ladd, 73, LL B, Rev William P Ladd, 91, Harry D Lakeman, 96, Francis R Lane, 81, M D, Walter A Lane, 95, A M, M D, Edward A Lawrence, 43, Craven Laylock, 96, Rev Samuel R Leeds, h, 62, D D, Charles E Leslie, 77, Arthur G Lewis, 69, 34 Greene, Brooklyn, N Y Westfield, Mass Dover, N H Charleston, W Va 38 Bromfield, Boston Danville, Vt Lancaster, N H 56 Pemberton, Boston, Mass Berlin N H Manchester, N H 1720 Q, N W, Washington, D C City Hospital, Boston, Mass 43 E 10, N Y City Hanover, N H Hanover, N H Hillsboro, N Dak 180 Lincoln, Worcester, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA 87 Calvin W Lewis, 70, Eugene Lewis, 64, 1, Hon Frank W Lewis, 66, LL B, Edward N Libby, 92, M D, Ernest H Lines, 82, M D, Rev Arthur Little, 60, D D, Luther B Little, 82, Edward T S Lord, 91, Frederic P Lord, 98, Prof George D Lord, 84, A M, Greek Prof John K Lord, 68, John K Lord, Jr, 95, 1, Frank O Loveland, 86, 1, Thomas D Luce, 75, Albert M Lyon, 94, Hon Samuel W McCall, 74, M C, Prof Walter V McDuffee, 92, A M, Willis McDuffee, 90, editor, Clarence W McKay, 93, 1, Charles R McKenzie, 93, Supt Edward H McLachlin, 83, A M, Harry N McLaren, 93, Rev Robert G McNiece, 67, D D, Prof John L Mann, 94, C E, Hon Georg-e A Marden, 61, A M, Rev Jesse K Marden, 95, Philip S Marden, 94, LL B, Arthur W Marshall, 46, A M, t, 530 Mass Ave, Boston^ Mass 102 Com Block, Salt Lake City, Utah 45 Milk, Boston, Mass 3094 Washington, Boston, Mass 346 Broadway, N Y City 6 Melville, Dorchester, Mass 5th Ave Hotel, N Y City 153 5th Ave, N Y City Hanover, N H Dartmouth, Hanover, N H Hanover, N H 315 Chestnut, St Louis, Mo U S Gov Bid, Cincinnati, O Nashua, N H 20 Water, Boston, Mass Boston, Mass 78 Spring-, Spring-field, Mass Rochester, N H Elwood Bid, Rochester, N Y 244 Elm, Albany, N Y Schools, S Hadley Falls, Mass 619 Union, Manchester, N H Salt Lake City, Utah Dartmouth, Hanover, N H Asst Treas U S, Boston, Mass Aintab, Turkey 84 Fairmount, Lowell, Mass Metuchen, N J 41 E 66, N Y City Benjamin T Marshall, 97, Hon Peter T Marshall, 76, A M, LL B, R R Director, Horse Heads, N Y Rev Edward D Mason, 72, Georgetown, Mass Charles F Mathewson, 82, LL B, 40 Wall, N Y City Ozias D Mathewson, 90, Barre, Vt Hon Arthur A Maxwell, 83, LL B, 252 Chestnut, Boston, Mass Hamilton Mayo, 73, Leominster, Mass Joseph P Mee, 71, 325 Montgomery, San Francisco, Calif* 120 Broadway, N Y City Steubenville, Ohio St Johnsbury, Vt 1, 514 Main, Cincinnati, Ohio 1330, 11 N W, Washing-ton, D C Newbury, Vt X-Ray Laboratory, Washing-ton, D C Henry Milville, 79, LL B, Rev Charles C Merrill, 94, Rev Charles H Merrill, 67, Chester W Merrill, 66, A M, Daniel F Merrill, 36, Rev John L Merrill, 56, A M, Prof Walter H Merrill, 94, A M, John S Meserve, 97, Oscar S Michael, 81, Ralph I Middleton, 60, David G Miller, 84, Frank W Miller, 93, George S Mills, 90, Winfield S Montgomery, 78, M D, Hanover, N H 3247 N 15, Philadelphia, Pa 12 Lamboll, Charleston, S C Taunton, Mass High School, Dayton, Ohio Belfast, Me 1912, llth N W, Washington, D C 88 , UNITED CHAPTERS Rev Albert W Moore, 64, D D, 22 Chatham, Lynn, Mass Joseph Morgan, 89, t, 294 S Harwood, Dallas, Texas Rev Alva H Morrill, 72, D D, 475 Cottage, New Bedford, Mass Prin Charles H Morrill, 88, A M, Academy, Bakersfield, Vt Frederick A Morrill, 93, 129 Main, Gloucester, Mass Prof Henry A Morrill, 60, 416 Walnut, Cincinnati, Ohio William W Morrill, 74, 6, 1st, Troy, N Y Henry C Morrison, 95, Supt School, Portsmouth, N H Pres Nathan J Morrison, 53, D D, LL D, Fairmount, Wichita, Kan Carroll W Morse, 97, Brookline, Mass Rev Edgar L Morse, 74, Park Falls, Wis Rev Morris W Morse, 87, Crete, Neb Prof Frank Morton, 80, A M, 3331 Wash, San Francisco, Calif* John M Moses, 78, Northwood Ridge, N H Fred L Mudgett, 94, Milton Mills, N H Rev Charles F Mussey, 48, D D, Westwood, Ohio Rev Homer S Newcomb, 52, Patterson, N Y Henry C Newell, 60, M D, St Johnsbury, Vt Rev John P Newell, 49, Thornton's Ferry, N H Horace Newhart, 95, A M, M D, New Ulm, Minn Hon William Niles, 59, A M, banker, 313 Rose, La Porte, Ind William W Niles, 45, 11 Wall, N Y City Rev Edward Norton, 61, Quincy, Mass Charles H Noyes, 92, -t, 19 Laton, Nashua, N H Daniel J Noyes, 61, 150 Broadway, N Y City Frank H Noyes, 97, 1, West Canaan, N H Samuel A Noyes, 59, 150 Broadway, N Y City William B Orcult, 71, 30 Pemberton, Boston, Mass Prof John Ordronau, 50, M D, LL D, Roslyn, N Y Rev John M Ordway, 44, 3125 Chestnut, New Orleans, La Norman J Page, 95, A M, t, Heniker, N H Hon George H Palmer, 45, LL B, Box 348, New Bedford, Mass Lindley G Palmer, 96, 153, 5th Ave ,N Y City Hon Ezra K Parker, 57, LL B, 48 Cust House, Providence, R I Hon Henry L Parker, 56, LL B, 1022 Main, Worcester, Mass Prof Isaac A Parker, 53, Ph D, Greek, Lomb Univ, Galesburg, 111 Walter M Parker, 71, Manchester, N H Supt Wiliam I) Parkinson, 78, A M, Schools, Waltham, Mass Hon Frank N Parsons, 74, LL D, Supreme Court, Franklin, N H Hon Charles H Patterson,, 64, LL B, banker, 16 W 87, N Y City Gen Joab N Patterson, 60, A M, Supt Bldg, Havana, Cuba Supt W alter B Patterson, 83, A M, LL M, Schools, Washing-ton, D C Supt William R Patterson, 75, AM, West Elec, 259 S Clinton, Chicago, 111 Hon Isaac F Paul, 78, LL B, 244 Washington, Boston, Mass Prof Raymond Pearl, 99, Ann Arbor, Mich Hon Edward N Pearson, 81, A M, Sec State, Concord, N H Harlan C Peason, 93, journalist, Concord, N H Frank A Pease, 82, Fall River, Mass Rev Benjamin F Perkins, 59, A M, East Walpole, Mass Charles A Perkins, 90, 1, 32 Nassau, N Y City PHI BETA KAPPA 89 Hon Edwin R Perkins, 57, A M, banker, 1775 Euclid, Cleveland,- Ohio Prof Charles H Pettee, 74, Durham, N H Rev James H Pettee, 73, missionary, Japan Oscar J Pfeiffer, 77, M D, 521 Colfax, Denver, Col Eliphalet P Philbrick, 85, LL B, 89 State, Boston, Mass Benjamin Phillips, 83, Lynn, Mass John L Phillips, 94, Andover, Mass Prof John Pickard, 83, A M, Ph D, Dean Univ, Columbia, Mo Edwin Pierce, 52, t, 15 Knowles, Newton Centre, Mass Franls Pierce, 82, M D, 327 Wash, Haverhill, Mass Rev Alpheus J Pike, 55, Sauk Center, Minn Rev Clarence Pike, 80, Mansfield Center, Conn Hon Samuel E Pingree, 57, Hartford, Vt Frederick W Plapp, 85, t, 2949 N 42, Chicago, 111 John M Poor, Jr, 97, t, Hanover, N H Burrill Porter, 56, North Attleboro, Mass Elmer C Potter, 92, 1, 340 Main, Worcester, Mass Erastus B Powers, 65, 1, 209 Washing-ton, Boston, Mass Hon Samuel L Powers, 74, L,L B, 125 Milk, Boston, Mass Hon Frank Proctor, 78, A M, banker, Franklin Falls, N H Hon Redfield Proctor, 51, LL D, US Senator, Proctor, Vt Thomas W Proctor, 79, 246 Washing-ton, Boston, Mass Charles A Prouty, 75, Newport, Vt Prof Daniel Putman, 51, A M, LL D, Ypsiianti, Mich Prof Charles E Putney, 70, Ph D, Supt Schools, Baldwinville, Mass Charles E Quimby, 74, M D, 44 W 36, N Y City Josiah H Quincy, 84, 19 Milk, Boston, Mass Wilder D Quint, 87, A M, 87, jour Traveler, Boston, Mass William J Randall, 96, Hanover, N H Prof Ambrose L Ranney, 68, M D, 156 Madison, N Y City William A Redenhaug-h, 93, 505 N 13, Quincy, 111 Burt H Redfield, 89, Dover, N H Edward D Reding-ton, Marquette Bid, Chicago, 111 Hon Charles M Reed, 67, LL B, 53 State, Boston Mass Edwin T Rice, 45, 59 Liberty, N Y City Emerson Rice, 87, t, 111 Arlington, Hyde Park, Mass William F Rice, 96, t, 89 Sherman, Springfield, Mass Harvie M Rich, 79, bank treas, Morrisville, Vt Prof Charles F Richardson, 71, Ph D, Hanover, N H Rev Cyrus Richardson, 64, D D, 6 Summer, Nashau, N H Erving L Richardson, 73, t, Avon Park, Fla Henry S Richardson, 96, Walpole, N H James P Richardson, 99, Boston, Mass Hon James B Richardson, 57, 231 Newbury, Boston, Mass Henry A Roberts, 90, M D, State Farm, Mass Rev Charles F Robinson, 90, A M, Meriden, N H Prin Oscar D Robinson, 69, A M, Ph D, High School, Albany, N Y George H Rockwood, 79, 927 W Jackson Boul, Chicago, 111 Rev Levi Rodgers, 66, Port Chester, N Y Jordon J Rollins, 92, 1, 32 Nassau, N Y City 90 UNITED CHAPTERS Hon Jonathan Ross, 51, LL D, Jonathan C Ross, 89, 1, Winfred S Ross, 87, t, George H M Rowe, 64, M D, Howard C Rumery, 95, Rev Moses T Runnels, 53, M A, historian, Hon Alfred Russell, 50, LL D, Hon Horace Russell, 65, LL D, judge, Herbert D Ryder, 76, Moses V Safford, 90, M D, Alex D Salinger, 92, 1, Rev Albert C Sails, 93, Frank L Saltmarsh, 93, Walter Sampson, 86, A M, t, Hon Edward P Sanborn, 76, LL B, Edwin W Sanborn, 78, Irving E Sanborn, 89, A M, editor Union, Jacob O Sanborn, 64 John C Sanborn, jr, 91, Hon Walter H Sanborn, 67, LL D, Rev James B Sargent, 92, A M, William E Sargent, 84, Prof George W Sanderson, 77 Hon Albert R Savage, 71, Edward Savage, 60, N W Guaranty Bid, Prof Artemas W Sawyer, 47, LL D, Charles L Sawyer, 88, A M, LL B, J Augustus Sawyer, 48, Edward P Scales, 55, M D, Hon John Scales, 63, A M, journalist, Prof Clarence W Scott, 74, Rev Walter A Sellew, 66, Rev Robert J Service, 77, Rev John L Sewell, 77, Harold B Shattuck, 97, Elmer D Sherburne, 90, 1, Merrill Shurtleff, 92, James C Simpson, 87, Prof John E Sinclair, 58, Rev Carlos Slafter, 49, A M, Rev Edmund P Slafter, 40, D D, Supt Walter H Small, 78, A M, Schools, Bertrand A Smalley, 94, Fred L Smalley, 94, M D, Arthur T Smith, 96, t, Charles M Smith, 91, Rev Clifford H Smith, 79, Daniel L Smith, 91, 1, Edwin E Smith, 68, M D, Henry L Smith, 69, St Johnsbury, Vt 38 Park Row, N Y City 20 Franklin, Providence, R I City Hospital, Boston, Mass 936 Turner, Chicago, 111 Newport, N H 70 Griswold, Detroit, Mich 280 Broadway, N Y City Bellows Falls, Vt U S Imigrant, N Y City 40 Water, Boston, Mass Guilford Center, N Y West Hartford, Vt Middleboro, Mass 505 Oakland, St Paul, Minn 32 Nassau, N Y City Springfield, Mass Hingham Centre, Mass Lawrence Mass 143 Virginia, St Paul, Minn Hampden, Mass Lancaster, Mass Ripon, Wis Auburn, Me Minneapolis, Minn Wolfville, N S 827 15 S, Minneapolis, Minn 28 State, Boston Mass Newton, Mass Dover, N H Durham, N H Jamestown, N Y 49 Lincoln, Detroit, Mich North Brookfield, Mass Nashua, N H 30 Court, Boston, Mass Lancaster, N H 110 Boylston, Boston, Mass 4 N Ave, Worcester, Mass 17 Chestnut, Dedham, Mass 249 Berkeley, Boston, Mass 166 Shurtleff, Chelsea, Mass Press Club, Boston, Mass Lebanon, N H 47 Mt Vernon, Dover, N H W Rutland, Vt Pittsford, Vt 28 State, Boston, Mass S Wilton, Conn 153, 5th, N Y City PHI BETA KAPPA 91 Hon Henry W Smith, 75, LL B, 16 First, Troj, N Y Herbert L Smith, 82, M D, 156 Newbury, Boston, Mass Rev William B T Smith, 66, Charlestown, N H Hon Frank A Spencer, 63, LL B, McGill Bid, Washington, D C Clarence W Sprine, 80, M D, Fitchburg-, Mass Hon John LeF Stanley, A M, banker, 61 Middle, Gloucester, Mass Sanford H Steele, 70, 1, 32 Liberty, N Y City George W Stetson, 86, 1, Middleborough, Mass Hon John D Stevens, 62, LL B, 139 High, Peoria, 111. Hon Lyman D Stevens, 43, LL D, 78 School, Concord, N H Hon William B Stevens, 65, Stoneham, Mass Hon Darius Steward, 75, A M, 515S Third, Stillwater, Minn Arthur W Stone, 94, 220 Broadway, N Y City Rev Richard S Storrs, Amh 39, D D, LLD, Brooklyn, N Y Amos G Straw, 87, M D, 627 Union, Manchester, N H Frank S Streeter, 74, 77 N Main, Concord, N H Rev Elnathan E Strong, 52, D D, Auburndale, Mass Rev William E Strong, 82, Jackson, Mich Charles C Sturtevant, 99, 23 Pleasant, Keene, N H Hon Wilberforce Sully, 78, LL B, 29 Broadway, N Y City Hugh B Tabor, 96, C E, 83 Church, Middletown, Conn Bishop Ethelbert Talbot, 70, D D, LL D, South Bethlehem, Pa Rev Charles D Tenney, 78, missionary, Tientsin, China Rev Leonard B Tenney, 75, Essex Centre, Vt Hon Harry B Thayer, 79, AM, W Elec Co, 463 W, N Y City Samuel B Thombs, 77, M D, 121 Spring, Portland, Me Frank E Thompson, 71, 21 Ayrault, Newport, R I John F Thompson, 82, M D, 211 State, Portland, Me Prin John G Thompson, 86, A M, Normal School, Fitchburg, Mass J Walcott Thompson, 95, LL M, Salt Lake City, Utah Hon W L Thompson, 58, A M, LL B, 307 Essex, Lawrence, Mass James D Thomson, 56, 27 School, Boston, Mass Charles O Thurston, 84, Kingston, Pa Henry W Thurston, 86, t, 5333 Greenwood, Chicago, 111 Herbert R Thurston, 94, 220 Broadway, N Y City Charles Q Tirrell, 66, Natick, Mass William C Todd, 44, A M, Atkinson, N H Samuel F Tower, 84, t, Eng High School, Boston, Mass Amasa W Townsend, 78, Lebanon, N H Prof Luther T Townsend, 59, D D, Baltimore, Md Edward H Trowbridge, 81, M D, 54 Pleasant, Worcester, Mass John T Trowbridge, 84, Arlington, Mass Prof Benjamin O True, 66, D D, Roch Theol Sem, Rochester, N Y Edward Tuck, 62, architect, Paris, France Hon Gilman H Tucker, A M, 61, publisher, 100 Wash Sq, N Y City Pres William J Tucker, 61, D D, LL D, Dartmouth, Hanover, N H George T Tuttle, 72, M D, Waverly, Mass Hon J Baxter Upham, 42, A M, M D, F A A S, 1748 Broadway, N Y City Hon Warren Upham, 71, A M, Sec Minn His Soc, St. Paul, Minn Rev Edmund M Vittum, 78, D D, Grinnell, Iowa 92 UNITED CHAPTERS Hon Robert M Wallace, 67, LL B, ; Milford, N H Pres George M Ward, 82, Ph D, Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla Oliver S Warden, 89, M A, ed Tribune, .>. -Great Falls, Mont Henry Wardwell, 66, 1, 13 Summer, Salem, Mass Hon Willard Warner, Jr, 80, A M, Supt Furn, Rockwood, Tenn Alfred E Watson, 83, Hartford, Vt Edward S Watson, 95, t, Woburn, Mass Rev Franklin G Webster, 83, Summer Hill, N Y Rev Joshua W Wellman, 46, D D, 117 Summer, Maiden, Mass L Roger Wentworth, 81, 1, 81 Munroe, Somerville, Mass Bartlett H Weston, 64, Dunstable, Mass Frank I Weston, 92, Revere, Mass Alfred A Wheat, 89, 1, 195 Broadway, N Y City Prof Carroll H White, 96, B S, S Walden, Vt Edson W White, 80, 244 Washington, Boston, Mass Leon E White, 90, M D, 543 Boylston, Boston, Mass Nelson Wilbur, 64, M D, Fayetteville, N Y Leonard Wilcox, 65, 520 Olive, St Louis, Mo Ashton R Willard, 79, 340 Commonwealth, Boston, Mass Hon Charles A Willard, 77, LL B, Minneapolis, Minn Prin Harley R Willard, 99, High School, Barton Landing, Vt Joseph M Willard, 87, State College, Pa Clarence H Willey, 91, t, Milton, Vt Rev Samuel H Willey, 45, D D, 905 Sutter, San Francisco, Cal * Berton Williams, 88, elec, Woonsocket, R I LeonO Williams, 86, 162 Ashmont, Boston, Mass Wendel Williams, 88, Milford, Mass Edward L Williamson, 89, A M, M D, 163 W 74, N Y City Hon John W Willis, 77, A M, LL B, 923 Summit, St Paul, Minn Albert G Wilson, 67, 1144 W 3, Dayton, Ohio Guy Wilson, 86, 1, Bethel, Vt Herbert J Wilson, 94, A M, LL B, Malone, N Y Philip H Winchester, 99, Hanover, N H Hon George W Wing, 66, LL B, Montpelier, Vt Rev Fred E Winn, 87, Bennington, N H Rev Franklin P Wood, 68, A M, Acton, Mass Rev George W Wood, 32, D D, Geneseo, N Y Prin Charles T Woodbury, 95, Johnson High School, N Andover, Mass Prin Eri D Woodbury, 63, MA, Academy, Cheshire, Conn Rev George M Woodwell, 84, Bridgton, Me Prof Thomas W D Worthen, 72, A M, Hanover, N H Prof John H Wright, 73, Ph D, Harvard, 38 Quincy, Cambridge, Mass Rev William B Wright, 57, D D, 547 W Ferry, Buffalo, N Y Rev Albert A Young, 56, 531 S Claremont, Chicago, 111 Prof Charles A Young, 53, Ph D, LL D, Astronomy, Princeton, N J John E Young, 78, Exeter, N H PHI BETA KAPPA 93 ALPHA OF INDIANA DE PAUW UNIVERSITY, GREENCASTLE, IND. President, Prof James Riley Weaver, (Alleghany) A M, S T D Vice-Pres, Prof Henry Boyer Long-den, A M Secretary, Prof William Fletcher Swahlen, (Univ Penn) Ph D l^reasurer, Prof Philip Schaffner Baker, M D Bennet M Allen, 98, t, 422 W 11, Pueblo, Col Prof William G Alexander, 93, A M, High School, Evanston, 111 Prof Philip S Baker, 74, A M, M D, UniversiTy,' Greencastle, Ind Prin Otto Basye, 96, A M, High School, Nappanee, Ind Russell K Bedgood, 91, Lafayette, Ind Rev Layton C Bentley, 94, Brazil, Ind Frederick H Bly, 95, A M, Sec F A of A, Taylorville, 111 Bishop Thomas Bowman, D D, LL D, Evanston, 111 Rev Albert T Briggs, 90, Monticello, Ind Prof Wilbur V Brown, 80, Ph D, Greencastle, Ind Chan Henry A Buchtel, 72, A M, D D, U of D, University Park, Col Hon George W Burton, 71, M A, LL B, banker, Orleans, Neb Rev Albert B Cadwell, 98, A M, Manchester, 111 George C Calvert, 93, A M, LL B, journalist, Indianapolis, Ind Rev John E Carpenter, 92, A M, Colorado City, Col Josephine Cartwright, 98, Delphi, Ind James H Cooper, 95, A M, LL B, 126 S 6, Terre Haute, Ind Rev Frost Craft, 70, A M, D D, Decatur, 111 Thomas R Crowler, 94, M D, 568 Washington Boul, Chicago, 111 Hon Will Cumbach, Greensburg, Ind Rev Ira E David, 93, Benson, 111 Charles W De Pauw, 80, A M, New Albany, Ind HonNewland T De Pauw, 79, A M, glass manuf, New Albany. Ind Alfred E Dickey, 94, 1, 932 Stevenson, Indianapolis, Ind Rev Lewis F Dimrnitt, 94, Connorsville, Ind Henry M Dowling, 93, 1, 32 W Walnut, Indianapolis, Ind Prof Trumbull G Duvall, 88, S T B, Ph D, C W U, Delaware, Ohio Edward Eggleston, LL D, author, N Y City Bishop Charles H Fowler, D D, LL D, Buffalo, N Y Eugene A Gilmore, 93, LL B, 5 Tremont, Boston, Mass Pres Hillary A Gobin, 70, D D, De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind Rev Joseph N Greene, 95, A M, Williamsport, Ind Stella W Hawkins, 99, t, Brazil, Ind Prof Nathan W Helm, 99, A M, De Pauw Univ, Greencastle, Ind Veiling W Helm, 96, AM, Sec Y M C A, Tokio, Japan 94 UNITED CHAPTERS John E Higdon, 93 t, Rev Fred W Hixson, 99, A M, Prof Charles W Hodell, 92, Ph D, Prof Oliver P Hoover, 94, A M, James M House, 95, Ph B, LL B, Rev Henry G Jackson, 62, D D, Rev John'P D John, D D, LL D, S Curtis Johnson, 95, A M, M D, Prof Henry H Lane, 99, Ph B, Rev Watson L Lewis, 96, A M, Frank L Littleton, 91, LL B, 2541 Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind 415 Willow, Terre Haute, Ind Womans College, Baltimore, Md Juniata Colleg-e, Hunting-ton, Pa Vincennes, Ind 4558 Dakenwald Ave, Chicago, 111 Greencastle, Ind Rensselaer, Ind 526 Wash, E Lebanon, Ind Greencastle, Ind Indianapolis, Ind George B Lockwood, 94, A M, news cor, (Washington, DC,) Peru, Ind Prof William W Lockwood, 98, A M, (Muncie) Peru, Ind Prof Henry B Longden, A M, Greencastle, Ind Clara Elizabeth Mclntosh, 99, A M, Greencastle, Ind Hon Augustus L Mason, 79, A M, LL B, 1006 W Del, Indianapolis, Ind Prof Cyrus DeW Mead, 98, A M, Prof Thomas W Nadal, 98, A M, Prof Joseph P Naylor, M S, Prof Robert W P Noble, 91, A M, Rev Horace G Ogden, 93, A M, Prof Frederic A Ogg, 99, A M, Edgar G Osborne, 92, LL B, Albert A Patterson, 97, Warren S Peters, 98, t, Rev John Poucher, 65, D D, Orville C Pratt, 95, Prof Arthur R Priest, 91, M A, Rev Clarence Reed, 92, A M, Prof John C Ridpath, 63, LL D, author, Halsted L Ritter, 91, LL B, Roscoe H Ritter, 95, M D, Prin Richard J Roberts, 95, A M, Oliver P Robinson, 97, Emma N Sevinghans, 99, Prof Benjamin F Simonson, 98, Prof William F Swahlen, A M, Ph D, Rev Henry J Talbott, 73, D D, Hon Richard S Tennant, ^7, A M, LL B, William H Thompson, 99, A M, journalist, Mary R Town, 99, t, Rev 'Salem B Town, 66, Prof Charles W Treat, 92, A M Spencer, Ind College, Olivet, Mich Greencastle, Ind University, Vincennes, Ind Attica, Ind Greencastle, Ind Valparaiso, Ind Lpgansport, Ind Knightstown, Ind Lawrenceburg, Ind Supt Schools, Danville, Ind U of W, Seattle, Wash Sullivan, 111 Greencastle, Ind Equitable Bid, Denver, Col 866 Virginia, Indianapolis, Ind High School, Selbyville, 111 Supt Sch, Cannelton, Ind Seymour, Ind Quincy, 111 De Pauw, Greencastle, Ind Evansville, Ind Terre Haute, Ind Riverside, Muncie, Ind Monticello, Ind Greencastle, Ind University, Appleton, Wis Arcadia, Ind Franklin, 111 Rev Raymond J Wade, 98, Rev Marquise M Want, 96, A M, Prof J R Weaver, Alleg Coll, 63, A M, S T B, De Pauw, Greencastle, Ind Hon Roy O West, 90, A M. LL B, 164 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Prof William A Wirt, 98, A M, Supt Schools, Bluffton, Ind Rev William H Wise, 91, Evanston, In Prof Charles L Woodfield, 99, A M, High School, Greencastle, Ind PHI BETA KAPPA 95 ALPHA OF PENNSYLVANIA DICKINSON COLLEGE, CARLISLE, PA. President, Prof Henry C Whitney, Ph D, L H D Vice-Pres, Rev William W Evans, D D Secretary, Prof John P Mohler, Ph D Treasurer, Prof James H Morgan, Ph D Jno D Bacon, 98, A M, LL B, Philopolis, Md Prof Charles M Baker, 93, A M, Teachers College, N Y City Prof Franklin T Baker, 85, A M, Teachers College, N Y City Gen and Hon James A Beaver, LL D, Judge, Bellefonte, Pa Rev Edward Berger, 96, Keyport, N J Hon Edward Biddle 70, A M, Judge, Carlisle, Pa Frank C Bosler, 96, (Harvard 94) A M, LL B, Carlisle, Pa Russell T Boswell, 84, LL B, Drexel Bid, Philadelphia, Pa Bishop Shadrock L Bowman, 55, DD, LL D, Katonah, N Y Hon William DeW Boyer, 88, A M, Capitalist, 1536 Jeff Ave, Scranton, Pa Rev J B Brenneman, 87, A M, Camp Hill, Pa Henry P Cannon, 70, A M, fruit packer, Bridgeville, Del Rev David H Carroll, 68, A M, D D, manf, 1600 Eutaw, Baltimore, Md Hon Asbury J Clark, 63, A M, DL B, 71, 12th, Wheeling, W Va Reynolds Clough, 97, A M, LL B, Dover, Del Rev Vaughn S Collins, 81, AM, W C Academy, Dover, Md Hon Moncure D Conway, 49, L H D, LL D, Paris, France Prof Elmer L Crass, 91, A M, Milford, Del Prof Forrest E Craver, 99, A M, Williamsport, Pa Prof William J Crist, 97, A M, Pennington, N J Prof Hugh A Curran, 89, A M, East Strondsburg, Pa Edward A Curry, 86, M D, Danville, Pa Prof William K Dare, 83, A M, Carlisle, Pa Rev Charles S DaVison, 98, A M, Madison, N J Rev John J Dobbins, 75, A M, Montclair, N J Prin Fred E Downes, 93, A M, Preparatory School, Carlisle, Pa Hon A Lincoln Dryden, 88, A M, Col of Customs; 22 W 25, Baltimore, Md Rev Charles T Dunning, M A, Mechanicsburg, Pa Rev William W Evans, 79, D D, Sunburey, Pa Prof Cecil A Ewing, 98, A M, Academy, Dover, Del Prof Mervin G Filler, 93, A M, Carlisle, Pa Rev W Maslin Frysinger, 71, A M, Tyrone, Pa Prof Edgar H Heckman, 97, A M, Carlisle, Pa Hon Robert M Henderson, 45, LL D, judge, Carlisle, Pa Rev J Frederick Heisse, 86, A M, 509, 3 N W, Washington* D C 96 UNITED CHAPTERS Conway W Hillman, 73, AM, N Pac RR, Chicago, 111 Prof David W Horn, 69, A M, chemistry, 32 W High, Carlisle, Pa Bishop John F Hurst, 58, D D, 1207 Conn, Washington. D C Rev Rogers Israel, 81, A M, St Luke's Rectory, Scranton, Pa Gen and Hon Horatio C King, 58, LL D, 46 Willow, Brooklyn, N Y Prof William W Landis, 91, A M, Carlisle, Pa Rev Ananias Lawrence, D D, Trenton, N J Prof Marion D Learned, 80, A M, Ph D, U of P, 234 W 38, Phila, Pa Prof Guy C Lee, 95, A M, Ph D, J H University, Baltimore, Md Rev Joshua A Lippincott, 58, D D, LL D, 1429 S Broad, Philadelphia, Pa Hon Louis E McComas, 66, LL D, U S Senator, Williamsport, Md Rev William L McDowel, 63, D D, 2134 N 12, Philadelphia, Pa Rev Robert McKay, D D, Morristown, N J Joseph P McKeehan, 97, t, 123 W High, Carlisle Pa George W Mitchell, 95, A M, Supt Schools, Lewes, Del Prof George E Mills, 91, LL B, Carlisle, Pa Prof John F Mohler, 87, Ph D, Carlisle, Pa Prin Oliver C Mordorf , 89, A M, 48 Prospect, Trenton, N J Prof James H Morgan, 78, A M, Ph D, Greek, Carlisle, Pa Rev Benjamin H Mosser, 79, A M, Carlisle, Pa Rev Thomas B Neely, 75, A M, 2017 Diamond, Philadelphia, Pa Rev James C Nicholson, 77, D D, 1702 Harlem, Baltimore, Md Hon Hugh Pitcairn, M D, U S Consul, Hamburg, Germany Hon Moses A Paints, 64, A M, Bedford, Pa Prof Edwin Post, 72, A M, Ph D, Latin, DePauw, Greencastle, Ind Rev Leon C Prince, 98, LL B, Carlisle, Pa Rev Herbert F Randolph, 93, A M, Bernardsville, N J Walter W Rice, 98, A M, LL B, New Bloomfield, Pa Robert H Richards, 95, A M, LL B, Ford Bid, Wilmington, Del Rev Aaron Rittenhouse, 78, D D, 1421, N 54 Philadelphia, Pa Frank B Sellers, 97, LL B, Carlisle, Pa Prof William J Shearer, 87, A M, Supt Schools, Elizabeth, N J Stanley DeV Shipley, 99, A B, (J H University) West Friendship, Md Rev Prof George A Singer, 66, A M, Williamburg, Pa Capt A D Bache Smead, 68, A M, LL B, Carlisle, Pa Prof Joseph G E Smedley, 97, A M, Johnstown, Pa Prof Howard E Smith, 94, A M, Mercersburg, Pa Prof Henry M Stephens, 91, A M, Biology, Carlisle, Pa Rev Harry B Stock, 91, A M, West High, Carlisle, Pa Hon John B Storm, 61, A M, Stroudsburg, Pa Prof Ovando S Super, 73, Ph D, Carlisle, Pa Rev C C Tiffany, 50, D D, Archdeacon, 29 Lafayette, N Y City Dean William Trickett, 68, A M, ,LL D, Law School, Carlisle, Pa Paul A Tulleys, 94, Ph B, Real Estate, Bloomfield, Neb Prof James T Van Burkalow, 93, Ph D, Carlisle, Pa Prof Henry C Whiting, Ph D, L H D, Carlisle, Pa Rev Luther B Wilson, 75, A M, 407 T N W, Washington, D C Prin Raymond H Wilson, 94, A M, High School, Danville, Pa Rev Ezra H Yocum, 82, A M, Harrisburg, Pa Rev Jesse B Young, 68, D D, editor, St Louis, Mo PHI BETA KAPPA 97 EPSILON OF NEW YORK. HAMILTON COLLEGE, CLINTON, N Y. President, Hon M Rumsey Miller Vice-Pres, Prof Edward Pitch, Ph D; Prin A G Benedict; Clinton Scollard, Esq Secretary, Prof Melvin Gilbert Dodge, A M Treasurer, Marshal, Prof William Pierce Shephard, Ph, D (DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS WHO HAVE DIED.) Elliot Anthony, Lawyer, Judge, Author Lewis A Brig-ham, Lawyer, Statesman Loomis J Campbell, Lexicographer, Editor of Webster's International Theodore W Dwig-ht, Jurist, Dean of Columbia Law School Henry A Frink, Professor of Oratory, Author Isaac H Hall, Scientist, Curator Metropolitan Museum A Grosvenor Hopkins, Professor of Latin, Author John Jay Knox, Banker, Comptroller of the Currency John J Lewis, Preacher, Professor of Oratory Samuel F Miller, Lawyer, Member Constitutional Convention Daniel J Pratt, Educator, Secretary of the Board of Reg-ents Oren Root, Scientist, Professor of Mathematics, Educator Horatio Seymour, Statesman, Governor of New York Hon Thomas A Abbott, 70, A M, merchant, 420 Sibley, St Paul, Minn Lincoln C Acker, 89, Ilion, N Y Rev Joseph A Adair, 84, Saginaw, Mich Rev Edward P Adams, 58, Dunkirk, N Y Rev Samuel H Adams, 63, A M, D D, Chap, Clifton Spring's, N Y Herbert G Aldrich, 84, Gouverneur, N Y Allan P Ames, 98, jour, 91 N Hawks, Albany, N Y Charles F Amidon, 82, Fargo, N Dak Prof Henry M Andrews, 99, A M Hamilton Colleg-e, Clinton, N Y Prin S Dwig-ht Arms, 83, Palmyra, N Y Rev John L Bachman, 70, Sweet Water, Tenn Rev Robert L Bachman, 71, Knoxville, Tenn Rev Lucius F Badg-er, 84, Tracy, Minn Burton L Balch, 95, editor, Madison, N J Hon Clarence L Barber, 76, A M, LL B, 15 Wall, N Y City William C Barber, 84, Joliet, 111 98 UNITED CHAPTERS Rev William A Bartlett, 52, A M, D D, NY Mills, N Y Rev Carroll L Bates, 83, Wilkinsburgh, Pa Rev William H Bates, 65, A M, D D, Webster Groves, Mo Lawrence W Baxter, 79, Cobleskill, N Y Rev George Bayless, 64, Mexico, N Y Myron H Beach, 53, 1, 3630 Lake, Chicago, 111 Prof William H Beach, 60, A M, 229 Pleasant, Milwaukee, Wis Crosby J Beakes, 97, 1, 62 William, N Y City Hon Norman H Becker, 62, A M, banker, Seneca Fails, N Y Prof Willis J Beecher, 58, A M, D D, Theol Sem, Auburn, N Y Asa G Benedict, 72, t, Clinton, N Y Rev Isaac O Best, 67, A M, Mayfield, N Y Rev James T Black, 84, A M, 59 Monmouth, East Boston, Mass Albert L Blair, 72, jour, Cambridge, Mass Albert W Boesche, 97, t, Plattsburg, N Y Rev Horace P V Bogue, 63, A M, D D, 1 Hobart, Rochester, N Y Louis Boisot, jr, 77, 1, 444 N Clark, Chicago, 111 Charles A Borst, 81, 3150 U, Washington, D C Rev Henry K Booth, 98, A M, 81 Ashland Boul, Chicago, 111 Calvin L Bradley, 82, 1, 1022 First, Fargo, N Dak Hon Oliver E Branch, 73, M A, LL B, Manchester, N H Prof Herman C G Brandt, 72, A M, Ph D, Hamilton Col, Clinton, N Y Hon John M Brayton, 53, A M, LL B, Delhis, Iowa Prof David R Breed, 67, D D, Homiletics, Pittsburg, Pa Prof George P Bristol, 76, Ithaca, N Y Rev James F Brodie, 76, 136 Federal, Salem, Mass Rev Sherman W Brown, 87, Spencer, Mass Hon Horatio C Burchard, 50, A M, LL B, 7 N Galena, Freeport, 111 Prof Francis M Burdick, 69, LL D, Columb University, N Y City Theodore C Burgess, 83, t, Peoria, 111 Daniel W E Burke, 93, 1, 44 Pine, N Y City Prof Thomas G Burt, 95, M A, Park College, Parkville, Me Hon William M Butler, 70, A M, M D, 507 Clinton, Brooklyn, N Y Starr Cadwallader, 93, 368 St Clair, Cleveland, O Rev Archibald H Campbell, 49, A M, LL B, Harvey, 111 John G Campbell, 93, M D, 6857 Wentworth, Chicago, III Myron E Carmer, 80 M D, Lyons, N Y Clarence U Carruth, 89, A M, LL B, White Bid, Buffalo, N Y Clarence Carskadden, 54, Oneida, N Y William B Caiver, 98, 1, 216 Court, Binghamton, N Y Hon Simeon B Chase, 50, A M, LL B, Hallstead, Pa Thomas W Chesebrough, 96, t, Little Falls, N Y Prof Albert H Chester, h, 91, Ph D, New Brunswick, N J Rev Nelson B Chester, 88, Caldwell, N J Rev Frank S Child, 75, A M, D D, author, Fairfield, Conn Albert L Childs, 61, Waterloo, N Y Walter H Church, 92, t, 47 W 43, N Y City George Clark, jr, 95, t, Ensemore, N Y Julian A Clark, 74, Bloomington, 111 Rev Adelbert S Coats, 74 Buffalo, N Y PHI BETA KAPPA 99 Rev Eben B Cobb, 75, D D, Elizabeth; N J David H Cochran, 50, LL D, 171 Schermerhorn, Brooklyn, N Y Charles B Cole, 87, 1, 45 Wall, N Y City Supt Charles W Cole, 62, A M, Ph D, 354 Hudson, Albany, N Y Theodore F Collier, 94, 41 E 69, N Y City William M Collier, 89, 1, 2 Hamilton, Auburn, N Y Charles E Cong-don, 99, LL B, Randolph, N Y Rev A Willard Cooper, 79, Bangkok, Siam Hon Charles L Corbin, 66, A M, LL B, Jersey City, N J Prof Walter T Cooper, 92, Clinton, N Y Kirk P Crandall, 69, Ithaca, N Y Rev William D Crockett, 90, Canton, Pa Theodore L Cross, 81, Utica, N Y Rev Elbert W Cumming-s, 71, Barre, Vt John M Curran, 92, A M, LL B, Home Insurance Bid, Chicago, 111 Charles H Davidson, 85, ins, 42 Martin Bid, Utica, N Y Rev Edson C Dayton, 81, 1728 Third, Minneapolis, Minn Edmund A DeGarmo, 81, Portland, Me Andrew J Dewey, 98, 1, Watertown, N Y Frederick L Dewey, 82, A M, Ph D, manf, Potsdam, N Y William H DeWitt, 75, 1, Butte, Mont Rev Cassius H Dibble, 68, Periy, N Y Rev Henry M Dodd, 63, Ashland, N Y Prof Melvin G Dodge, 90, A M, librarian, College, Clinton, N Y George E Draper, 69, Sidney, Iowa Rev Carl H Dudley, 92, Augusta, N Y Roy B Dudley, 95, Aug-usta, N Y Hon Charles H Duell, 71, LL D, U S Com Patents (Wash), Syracuse, N Y Charles E Edg-arton, 82, Binghamton, N Y George V Edwards, 91, Schenectady, N Y Rev Maurice D Edwards, 70, A M, D D, St Paul, Minn Burr G Eells, 96, t, North Adams, Mass Rev Frank F Ellinwood, 49, D D, NY City Samuel F Engs, 83, 401 Produce Exchange, N Y City Rev Edgar A Enos, 74, A M, D D, 52 Third, Troy, N Y Rev Albert Erdman, 58, Morristown, N J Harry H Fay, 92, editor, Potsdam, N Y Rev Courtevay H Fenn, 87, Pekin, China William B Fenn, 86, M D, Colorado Springs, Col Rev James A Ferguson, 65, A M, D D, Hanover, N J Rev Samuel J Fisher, 67, D D, Swissvale, Pa Prof Edward Fitch, 86, A M, Ph D, Hamilton College, Clinton, N Y Prof James H Foster, 95, Crawfordsville, Ind Hon John C Fowler, 69, A M, LL B, 337 W Onondaga, Syracuse, N Y Rev Harold J Frothingham, 80, Warsaw, 111 Thomas K Gale, 84, A M, manuf, Syracuse, N Y Rev John H Gardner, 78, Fort Covington, N Y Rev Murray H Gardner, 84, Horseheads, N Y Rev William P Garrett, 86, McGraw, N Y Hon William B Garritt, 49, A M, merchant, 128 Newbury, Boston, Mass 100 UNITED CHAPTERS Albert De A Getmati, 80, M D, Richfield Springs, N Y Herbert H Getman, 79, 1, Amer Bank Bid, Kansas City, Mo Daniel Goodwin, 52, Chicago, 111 William B Goodwin, 59, Waterville, N Y Daniel F Gott, 49, Syracuse, N Y Hon Frederick H Gonge, 79, A M, architect, Winston Bid, Utica v , N Y Rev Rufus S Green, 67, D D, NY City Hon James S Greves, 61, A M, LL B, 32 Park Place, N Y City Frederick W Griffith, 86, Palmyra, N Y Supt George Griffith, 77, 40 Jewett, Utica, N Y Hon Rufus T Griggs, 69, A M, LL B, 87 8th Av, Brooklyn, N Y Lincoln A Groat, 90, 1, 403 Main, Buffalo, N Y Rev James E Hall, 67, M A, Cherry Valley, N Y Nicoll Halsey, 67, A M, merchant, 234 Monroe, Chicago, 111 George H Harkness, 91, 1, 94 Washington, Chicago, 111 Ira F Hart, 49, M D, Elmira, N Y Rev Charles E Haven, 74, Newton Highlands, Mass Rev Egbert D Haven, 65, Rocklin, Calif* Hon Charles A Hawley, 59, Seneca Falls, N Y Gen and Hon Joseph R Hawley, 47, LL D, U S Senator, Wash, D C Thomas E Hayden, 91, Waterville, N Y Hon Franklin H Head, 56, LL D, banker, 2 Banks, Chicago, 111 Pres Charles C Hemenway, 74, Glasgow, Mo Hon John D Henderson, 68, A M, LL B, Herkimer, N Y Charles H Hitchcock, 79, 1, 49 Court, Binghamton, N Y Rev James H Hoadley, 70, D D, 359 W 48, N Y City Rev George Hodges, 77, D D, 3 Mason, Cambridge, Mass Henry D Hopkins, 87, t, Titusville, Pa Prof James B Hopkins, 99, A M, Huron College, Huron, S Dak William H Hotchkiss, 86, 1, 319 Main, Buffalo, N Y Hon William W Howe, 53, A M, LL D, Hennen Bid, New Orleans, La Prof Arthur S Hoyt, 72, D D, 15 Seminary, Auburn, N Y Charles K Hoyt, 70, t, Bellevue, Neb Rev Charles S Hoyt, 77, Oak Park, 111 Hon Georg-e W Hubbell, 67, A M, LL B, 346 Broadway, N Y City Rev Thomas B Hudson, 51, D D, Clinton, N Y Robert W Hughes, 81, Springville, N Y Rev Erwin C Hull, 69, Dresden, N Y Rev Frederick Humphrey, 52, Havre de Grace, Md Hon Chester Huntington, 66, A M, architect, Flushing, N Y City Hon Samuel V V Huntington, 73, A M, manuf, 6<> E 78, N Y City Rev William Hutton, 64, A M, D D, 1627 S 13, Philadelphia, Pa Rev Joseph D Ibbotson, Jr, 90, t, Clinton, N Y Rev J Wilford Jacks, 67, A M, D D, Synod Supt, Geneva, N Y Rev Charles F Janes, 68, M A, 1050 Cortland Av, Syracuse, N Y Rev Theodore F Jessup, 64, Boonville, N Y Rev Thomas D Gester, 70, Millerton, N Y Benjamin R Johnson, 97, A M, Patent Office, Washington, D C Rev Herrick Johnson, 57, D D, LLD, D C L, 1070 N Halsted, Chicago, 111 Prof Arthur Jones, 73, D D, Hamilton, N Y PHI BETA KAPPA 101 Prof Edward N Jones, 83, A M, Ph D, White Plains, N Y Gary M Jones, 88, Watertown, N Y Rev Albert B Judson, 87, Hunter, N Y Hon Charles K Judson, 51, A M, Res Mgr, Box 204, Washington, D C Fred R Keck, 99, t, Southampton, N Y Rev Hiram H Kellogg, 66, Havana, N Y Hon A Palmer Kent, 70 A M, editor, Elkhart, Ind Prof David L Kiehle, 61, A M, LL D, University, Minneapolis, Minn Harry G Kimball, 98, AM, US Patent Office, Washington, D C George W Kimberly, 77, 1, Oriskany Falls, N Y Edward S King, 87, 15 Walker, Cambridge, Mass Prof Robert A King, 85, Crawfordsville, Ind Percy L Klock, 80, 1, 149 Broadway, N Y City Prof George A Knapp, 84, Olivet, Mich Rev Martin D Kneeland, 69, D D, 29 Wyoming, Boston, Mass Walter S Knowlson, 89, Saratoga Springs, N Y Rev Charles E Knox, 56, D D, NY City Rev George W Knox, 74, D D, 700 Park, N Y City Rev William J Knox, 52, 424 E State, Ithaca, N Y Ernest F Kruse, 83, 1, Ellicot Square, Buffalo, N Y Prof John L Lampson, 82, A M, Hermitage Club, Nashville, Tenn Frank F Laird, 77, M D, Utica, N Y William T Laird, 68, M D, Watertown, N Y Charles R La Rue, 93, 1, 100 Broadway, N Y City Charles K Law, 88, M D, 82 Glenwood, Jersey City, N J George Lawyer, 85, A M, LL B, 79 Chapel, Albany, N Y Prof Duncan C Lee, 91, Ithaca, N Y Rev James B Lee, 86, Bloomfield, N Y Rev George L Lerch, 96, A M, 724 Delaware, Buffalo, N Y Hon Henry C Lester, 50, A M, LL B, Geneseo, N Y Rev Welcome Lewis, 49, Coventry, N Y Willard M Lillibridge, 69, Judge, Detroit, Mich Rev Henry Loomis, 66, Yokahama, Japan Rev Archibald L Love, 76, 335 Madison, Albany, N Y Henry M Love, 83, Utica, N Y Rev William D Love, 73, Hartford, Conn Rev Wallace B Lucas, 66, A M, D D, Meridian, N Y Hon Cornelius E Lucky, 69, A M, LL B, Nat Bk Bid, Knoxville, Tenn Prof Eugene W Lyttle, 78, A M, Ph D, Regents office, Albany, N Y Rice Macauley, 69, Stanley, N Y Rev Ariel McMaster, 56, Cherry Valley, N Y Edwin A McMath, 70, Topeka, Kan Jonas F Mann, 87, 1, 45 Wall, N Y City Joseph A Marshall, 68, Lincoln, Neb Robert L Massonneau, 81, 131 Livingston, Brooklyn, N Y Edward D Mathews, 73, 1, 296 Genesee, Utica, N Y Rev William H Maynard, 54, D D, Hamilton, N Y Frederick J Meagher, 99, 14 New, Binghamton, N Y Charles W Merritt, 66, East Aurora, N Y Hon Milton H Merwin, 52, LL D, Justice Supreme Court, Utica, N Y 102 UNITED CHAPTERS Friend H Miller, 95, Horseheads, N Y Rev L Merrill Miller, 40, A M, D D, Ogdensburg, N Y Hon M Rumsey Miller, 68, A M, LL B, Bath, N Y Rev Samuel Miller, 60, A M, Sherburne, N Y William H H Miller, 61, LL D, 1207 N Delaware, Indianapolis, Ind Rev Frank V Mills, 77, Windsor, Conn Georg-e H Minor, 90, A M, LL B, 117 Erie Co Bank Bid, Buffalo, N Y James A Minor, 94, 129 Lexington, N Y City John P Montross, 87, A M, Bank Cashier, 164 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Rev Warren D More, 88, A M, 312 Irvine Place, Elmira, N Y Prof Edgar C Morris, 89, A M, 309 University Place, Syracuse, N Y Rev Andrew B Morse, 49, Asheville, N C Edwin M Nelson, 68, M D, 965 Hamilton, St Louis, Mo Rev John S Niles, 86, Trumansburg, N Y Prof Edward North, 41, L H D, LL D, Hamilton, College, Clinton, NY Hon A Judd Northrup, 58, LL D, judge, 207 Green, Syracuse, N Y Hon Milton H Northrup, 60, M A, journalist, 400 Oak, Syracuse, N Y Rev Luther A Ostrander, 65, D D, Lyons, N Y Rev George H Ottoway, 80, Canastota, N Y Rev George W Owen, 99, Clayville, N Y Rev William L Page, 54, 12 Waverly, Rochester, N Y Rev William N Page, 63, D D, Leavenworth, Kan John H Pardee, 89, A M, V P and Mgr Elec, Canandaigua, N Y Rev Levi Parsons, 49, D D, Mount Morris, N Y William L Parsons, 78, 1, Fergus Falls, Minn Arthur M Payne, 94, Middletown, N Y Rev Henry N Payne, 68, D D, West Point, Miss Prof Eliot R Payson, 69 A M, Ph D, Rutgers, New Brunswick, N J Rev George H Payson, 73, Rahway, N J John G Peck, 87, Great Bend, N Y Pres John H Peck, 59, LL D, R P I, 11 First, Troy, N Y Hon Willard Peck, 64, A M, LL B, 6 North 4, Hudson, N Y Samuel H Peck, 75, East Aurora, N Y Harry P Pendrick, 88, Saratoga Springs, N Y Sidney W Petrie, 76, 1, 766 Ellicott, N Y Albert C Phillips, 71, 1, 1210 S Salina, Syracuse, N Y Rev Charles H Phillips, 82, Jamestown, N Dak Rev Samuel K Piercy, 98, A M, 1107 Bushwick, Brooklyn, N Y Rev Arthur T Pierson, 57, D D, Philadelphia, Pa Frank W Plant, 64, manuf, Joliet, 111 Hon Theodore M Pomeroy, 42, Auburn, N Y Rev Marco N Popoff, 90, Sophia, Bulg Rev Henry A Porter, 78, Ovid, N Y Jermain G Porter, 73, observatory, Cincinnati, O Rev William S Potter, 75, Battle Creek, Mich Rev Edward P Powell, S3, Clinton, N Y Lee S Pratt, 81, t, 592 N Academy, Galesburg, 111 Charles W Rice, 96, t, Geneva, N Y Hon Lloyd F Rice, 71, A M, farmer, Homer, N Y Prof Willard B Rising, 64, Berkeley, Cal* PHI BETA KAPPA 103 Edwin B Robbina, 96, t, Fonda, N Y Rev James A Robinson, 49, Cortland, N Y Rev James Rodgers, 65, Farming-ton, Minn Rev James B Rodg-ers, 85, Rio Janeiro, S A Prof James D Rodg-ers, 89, N Y City Edwin B Root, 83, N Y City Hon Elihu Root, 64, LL D, Secretary of War, Washington, D C Prof Oren Root, 56, D D, L H D, Hamilton College, Clinton, N Y Oren Root, Jr, 94, Cable Building, N Y City Walstein Root, 90, St Louis, Mo Robert S Rudd, 79, Glen Ridge, N Y Emery W Ruggles, 85, M D, 294 Alexander, Rochester, N Y Rev Henry K Sanborne, 84, Alton, 111 Rev Leicester J Sawyer, 59, Tibbals, Fla Hon Lorenzo S B Sawyer, 62, A M, LLB, 617 Hyde, SanFrancisco, Calif* Clinton Scollard, 81, A M, author, Clinton, N Y Rev Dwight Scovel, 54, Clinton, N Y Charles H Searle, 69, Utica, N Y Prof Clayton H Sharp, 90, Ithaca, N Y Prin N Archibald Shaw, Jr, 82, M A, Hamilton Inst, 45 W 81, N Y City Prof William P Shepard, 92, Clinton, N Y John S Sheppard, 60, Penn Yan, N Y Rev Charles Sherman, 66, Sherman, N Y Elmer C Sherman, 82, publisher, S Orange, N J Elihu R Sherman, 87, 1, 822 Ellicot, Buffalo, N Y Isaac S Signor, 70, Albion, N Y Rev Henry M Simmons, 64, Minneapolis, Minn Rev James A Skinner, 57, A M, 1106 East Adams, Syracuse, N Y Edward V D Slauson, 86, 1, 186 Remsen, Brooklyn, N Y J Seymour Slie, 63, 603 W 8, Topeka, Kan Prof Brainard G Smith, 72, Clinton, N Y Edward N Smith, 90, Watertown, N Y Hannibal Smith, 66, 1, Watertown, N Y William H Smith, 99, Watertown, N Y Prof Charles H Smyth, 90, Clinton, N Y Prof Delos D Smith, 90, Clinton, N Y Supt Benjamin B Snow, 50, A M, Schools, 10 Grover, Auburn, N Y Hon Alexander C Soper, 67, A M, manuf, Laflin and 22, Chicago, 111 Hon Champlin H Spencer, 49, A M, LL B, Daytona, Fla Rev Willard K Spencer, 75, Alma, Mich Prof William H Squires, 88, Clinton, N Y Hon Breese J Stevens, 53, A M, LL B, Madison, Wis Hon Solon W Stocking, 55, A M, Pat office, Washington, D C Hon Charles L Stone, 71, AM, LL B, 815 James, Syracuse, N Y Rev Cornelius S Stowitts, 72, 142 Lancaster, Albany, N Y Rev James P Stratton, 65, Tiffin, Ohio Prof Jacob Streibert, 77, Kenyon, Gambier, Ohio Pres Melancthon W Stryker, 72, D D, LL D, Clinton, N Y Rev Albert E Stuart, 91, M A, Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa James N Taylor, 84, 1, 54 William, N Y City 104 UNITED CHAPTERS Rev William H Teel, 63, Hartford, Conn Rev Robert J Thompson, 81, Lima, Ohio Frank W Tilden, 92, t, Blooming-ton, Ind Neile F Towner, 96, 1, 13 N Pearl, Albany, N Y Hon Charles H Truax, 67, LL D, NY City Hon James F Tufts, 72, A M, LL B, Dept Interior, Washing-ton D C Charles Unaugst, 71, 1, 175 Broadway, N Y City Chanc Anson J Upson, 43, L H D, LL D, Glens Falls, N Y Prof Hiram A Vance, 88, A M, Ph D, University, Nashville, Tenn Aug-ustus C Van Duyn, 57, A M, M D, Cottage Grove, Chicago, 111 Hon David W Van Hoesen, 86, A M, LL B, Cortland, N Y Georg-e E Van Kennen, 86, Ogdensburg, N Y Hon Charles Van Norden, 63, D D, LL D, 517, 12, Sacramento, Calif Henry S Verrill, 92, t, Parkville, Mo Edmond J Wag-er, 85, Utica, N Y David B Ward, 73, M D, Poug-hkeepsie, N Y Rev Henry Ward, 62, A M, D D, 512 Swan, Buffalo, N Y John J Ward, 94, t, Brig-hton, Col Charles H Warfield, 89, t, Little Falls, N Y Frederick P Warfield, 96, Canandaigua, N Y Charles Dudley Warner, 51, A M, L H D, D CL, author, Hartford, Conn Rev Stephen D Waterbury, 89, Nicholson, Pa Daniel Waterman, 51, Utica, N Y Rev Arthur J Waugh, 72, Phelps, N Y Hon Abram B Weaver, 51, Deerfield, N Y Hon George M Weaver, 60, A M, LL B, 69 Genesee, Utica, N Y George M Weaver, 91, Utica, N Y Rev William H Webb, 58, D D, Geneva, N Y Rev George S Webster, 78, 107 E 45, N Y City Rev Frank G Weeks, 79, Lincoln Park, N Y Byron Wells, 76, A M, 81 Milk, Boston, Mass Frederick W Welsh, 92, 1, Binghamton, N Y Rev Samuel D Westfall, 60, Redwood Falls, Minn Rev William W Wetmore, 61, 802 W Huron, Ann Arbor, Mich Prof Andrew C White, 81, A M, Ph D, librarian, Cornell, Ithaca, N Y Rev Orson L White, 80, Skaneateles, N Y Rev William G White, 85, Youngstown, Ohio Prof Percy L Wight, 91, A M, Clinton, N Y Hon Gilbert Wilcoxen, 52, AM, LLB, Judge, 85 Cayuga, Seneca Falls, NY Hon James H Willard, 68, Bedford, Ind Hon Myron G Willard, 68, A M, manuf, 103 Clark, Mankato, Minn Prof Samuel G Williams, 52, Ph D, Ithaca, N Y Herbert L Willis, 99, t, Johnstown, N Y George H Witherhead, 88, Manlius, N Y Rev George W Wood, 65, Mackinaw, Mich Prof Arthur M Wright, 72, Waterville, N Y Edward R Wright, 98, 1, 90 Pierrepont, Brooklyn, N Y Rev Ormond W Wright, 73, Barnegat, N J Charles W Yeomans, 92, Mt Vernon, N Y PHI BETA KAPPA 105 ALPHA OF MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. President, Prof Charles Eliot Norton, Litt D, LL D Vice-Pres, Hon Roger Wolcott, LL D Secretary, Librarian William Coolidge Lane Treasurer, Henry Gardner Denney, A M, LL B (DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS WHO HAVE DIED) Charles Francis Adams, Diplomatist John Quincy Adams, President of the United States George Bancroft, Historian Phillips Brooks, Preacher, Bishop of Massachusetts Caleb Gushing-, Lawyer Ralph Waldo Emerson, Author Edward Everett, Orator Cornelius Conway Felton, Greek Scholar, President of Harvard Thomas Hill, President of Harvard Oliver Wendell Holmes, Poet James Russell Lowell, Author John Lothrop Motley, Historian Willard Parker, Physician and Surgeon Theophilus Parsons, Jurist William Hickling Prescott, Historian Jared Sparks, Historian, President of Harvard Joseph Story, Jurist Charles Sumner, Statesman, Orator James Walker, President of Harvard Robert Charles Winthrop, Senator of the United States Hon Edwin H Abbott, 55, AM, LLB, RRPres, 1 Follen, Cambridg-e, Mass Rev Francis E Abbot, 59, Ph D, author, ed, 43 Larch, Cambridge, Mass Samuel L Abbott, 38, A M, M D, 90 Mt Vernon, Boston, Mass Prof William F Abbott, 74, A M, Ph D, 38 William, Worcester, Mass Hon Charles F Adams, 56, LL D, Literature, South Lincoln, Mass Hon George E Adams, 60 A M, LL B, 530 Belden Ave, Chicago, 111 Henry Adams, 58, 1603 H, Washinton, D C Samuel Adams, 92, A M, LL B, 40 Scott, Chicago, 111 Prof Alexander Agassiz, 55, 36 Quincy, Cambridge, Mass Rev Charles F Aiken, 84, t, Cath Univ, Washington, D C 106 UNITED CHAPTERS Prof Victor C Alderson, 85, A M, Dean Armour Inst Tech, Chicago, 111 % Morton A Aldrich, 95, Cambridge, Mass Richard Aldrich, 85, A M, editor, Tribune office, N Y City Edward F Alexander, 99, 341 Emming, Cincinnati, Ohio Alfred M Allen, 82, A M, LL B, 304 Bell Block, Cincinnati, O Hon Charles Allen, 47, LL D, The Berkeley, Boston, Mass Rev Charles A Allen, 58, Bridgewater, Mass Hon Frederick H Allen, 80, A M, LL B, 63 Wall, N Y City Rev Henry F Allen, 60, 200 Beacon, Boston, Mass Joseph Allen, 92, A M, t, 130 E 27, N Y City Willis B Allen, 78, A M, author, 477 Commonwealth, Boston, Mass Frederic Almy, 80, 165 Swan, Buffalo, N Y Prof James B Ames, 68, LL D, Dean of Harv Law School, Cambridge, Mass Albert H Ammidon, 68, 1, 206 Broadway, N Y City Clement W Andrews, 79, A M, librarian, J C Library, Chicago, 111 Prof William H Appleton, 64, Swarthmore, Pa Richard H Arms, 90, 241 Goethe, Chicago, 111 Chester H Arnold, 92, A M, Elec Eng, 176 Park, West Roxbury, Mass Horace D Arnold, 85, M D, 188 Warren, Roxbury, Mass James D Arnold, 94, North Abington, Mass Prof Edward H Atherton, 79, A M, Girls Lat Sch, 82 Ruthven, Roxbury Hon Edward Atkinson, h, 72, LL D, Pres Ins Co, Boston, Mass Prof Charles H Ayres, Jr, 98, A M, (Harvard,) Rahway, N J Marshall Ayres, 63, 12 Broadway, N Y City Prof Angell B Babbitt, 83, A M, 228 N Jackson, Media, Pa Prof Eugene H Babbitt, 86, Columb Utaiv, N Y City Prof Frank C Babbitt, 90, A M, Ph, D, Greek, Trinity, Hartford, Conn Rev William G Babcock, 41, 75 Clarkson, Dorchester, Mass Hon Thomas C Bachelder, 83, A M, LL B, 10 Tremont, Boston, Mass Horace Bacon, 68, banker, 54 Wall, N Y City Hon William F Bacon, 85, A M, LL B, 113 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Prof Frederick H Bailey, 87, Mass Inst Tech, Boston, Mass Hon Hollis R Bailey, 77, A M, LL B, 4 Buckingham, Cambridge, Mass Hon James Q Bailey, Jr, 88, A M, LL B, 5 Tremont, Boston, Mass Charles F Baker, 72, 1, 140 Main, Fitchburg, Mass Prof George P Baker, 87, 195 Brattle, Cambridge, Mass Harvey H Baker, 91, A M, LL B, Newton St, Brookline, Mass William W Baker, 98, 13 Beethoven, Roxbury, Mass Edward D Baldwin 75, Newton, Mass Henry C Baldwin, 80, A M, M D, 126 Commonwealth, Boston, Mass Hon George H Ball, 69, A M, 23 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass John C Bancroft, 54, 61 Mt Vernon, Boston, Mass George C Barrett, 56, Dresduer Bank, Dresden, Ger Hon Charles H Barrows, 76, AM, LL B, Court Square, Springfield, Mass Hon Franklin Bartlett, 69, A M, LL B, 82 Times Bid, N Y City Walter L Bartlett, 92, 205 Merrimack, Newburyport, Mass Edmund B Barton, 98, t, 262 Salisbury, Worcester, Mass Rev George Batchelor, 66, 11 Elmwood, Cambridge, Mass George L Baxter, 63, t, 27 Warren, Somerville, Mass Gregory P Baxter, 96, t, 27 Warren, Somerville, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA 107 Prof Joseph H Beale, Jr, 82, 13 Chauncey, Cambridge, Mass Thomas P Beal, 69, 101 Sears Bid, Boston, Mass Prof Georg-e P Becker, 68, M E, Ph D, U S Geologist, Washing-ton, D C Gordon K Bell, 93, 22 William, N Y City Charles V Bemis, 35, M D, Medford, Mass Georg-e Beudelari, 74, Sun office, N Y City Allen R Benner, 92, t, Phil Acad, Andover, Mass Prof William Z Bennett, 78, Ph D, University, Wooster, Ohio Prof Max Benshimol, 95, A M, 30 Bellevue, North Cambridg-e, Mass Henry N Benry, 93, 238 Ocean, Lynn, Mass Edward D Bettens, 73, 130 W 87, N Y City Thomas S Bettens, 74, 130 W 87, N Y City H Conrad Bierwirth, 84, 35 Weld Hall, Cambridg-e, Mass Hon Edwin M Bigelow, 46 A M, LL B, 27 School, Boston, Mass Prof Frank H Bigelow, 73, M A, S TB, LHD, U S W B, Washing-ton, D C Harry A Big-low, 96, 1, Norwood, Mass Asa W K Billings, 95, A M, Elec Eng Street Ry Co, Havana, Cuba Charles C Binney, 78, 1, Dept Justice, Wash, D C Prof John Binney, 64, D D, Div School, Middletown, Conn Rev James T Bixby, 64, A M, Ph D, Author, 105 Hudson, Yonkers, N Y George A Black, 79, 40 W 59, N Y City William P Blake, 66, 19 Pemberton, Boston, Mass Hon Eugene P Bliss, 58, A M, Pres Ohio H P Soc, 450 E 5, Cincinnati, Ohio Charles W Blood, 99, 31 Woodbine, Auburndale, Mass Prof Maxime Bocher, 88, 15 Larch, Cambridge, Mass Percy G Bolster, 86, 1, 17 State, Boston, Mass Hon Charles J Bonaparte, 71, LL D, 216 St Paul, Baltimore, Md Hon Lawrence Bond, 77, A M, LL B, 40 Water, Boston, Mass Hon Charles P Bowditch, 63, A M, Trustee, 28 State, Boston, Mass Prof Henry P Bowditch, 61, M D, LLD, DSc, 688Boylston, Boston, Mass Augustus J Bowie, 93, 1913 Clay, San Francisco, Cal Rev William W Boyd, 71, 4323 W Pine, St Louis, Mo George C Brackett, 64, 50 Remsen, Brooklyn, N Y Edward H Bradford, 69, M D, 218 Beacon, Boston, Mass Gamaliel Bradford, 49, 68 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Edward C Bradlee, 94, 113 Beacon, Boston, Mass Homer W Brainard, 87, t, 88 Kenyon, Hartford, Conn Frank Brewster, 79, LL B, 39 Court, Boston, Mass William T Brewster, 92, t, Columb Univ, N Y City Josiah Bridge, 84, Dobbs Ferry, N Y George R Briggs, 74, Plymouth, Mass Prof LeBaron R Briggs, 75, 140 Battle, Cambridge, Mass Hugh H Brogan, 85, 1132 Mass, Cambridge, Mass Hon Frederick G Bromberg, 58 A M, 72 St Francis, Mobile, Ala Rev Arthur A Brooks, 79, Isle au Hart, Me Francis A Brooks, 42, 31 Milk, Boston, Mass Frederick Brooks, 68, C E, 31 Milk, Boston, Mass Rev John C Brooks, 72, Springfield, Mass Hon Addison Brown, 52, LL D, Judge, 45 W 89, N Y City Charles E Brown, 97, t, Shortsville, N Y 108 UNITED CHAPTERS Carrol N Brown, 91, 322 Harvard, Cambridge, Mass Prof Charles R Brown, 77, New Centre, Mass Harry L Brown, 96, Hotel Westminster, Boston, Mass Rev Henry W Brown, 52, 4 Forest, Worcester, Mass John A Brown, 79, A M, Private Tutor, 33 Pine, Exeter, N H Lawrence A Brown, 98, 23 Wabon, Roxbury, Mass Louis M Brown, 80, 1, Glens Falls, N Y Reynolds D Brown, 90, 1, 328 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa Hon Rome G Brown, 84, LL B, 1918 Queen, S, Minneapolis, Minn William G Brown, 91, Gore Hall, Cambridge, Mass George H Browne, 78, 24 Garden, Cambridg-e, Mass T Frank Brownell, 65, 120 Broadway, N Y City Hon John D Bryant, 53, A M, LL B, 356 Commonwealth, Boston, Mass Edgar Bucking-ham, 87, M E, Cambridge, Mass William R Buckminster, 94, LL B, 53 State, Boston, Mass James H Bullard, 76, M D, Los Angeles, Cal * William N Bullard, 75, M D, 89 Marlborough, Boston, Mass Clarence A Bunker, 89, A M, LL B, 5 Tremont, Boston, Mass Frederic S Bunker, 84, M D, Lowell, Mass Ernest G Burke, 93, Quincy, Mass Charles C Burlingham, 79, 1, 45 William, N Y City Frederick W Burlingham, 91, 107 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Addison C Burnham, 90, 1, 28 State, Boston, Mass Arthur E Burr, 91, A M, LL B, 935 Tremont Building, Boston, Mass William S Burrage, 92, Cambridgeport, Mass Hon William W Burrage, 56, A M, LL B, 27 School, Boston, Mass Rev George H Burr ill, 79, Claverack, N Y Henry F. Burt, 69, A M, Dahlia Specialist, 63 Burt, Taunton, Mass Prof Harry E Burton, 90, A M, . Hanover, N H John T Busiel, 68, manuf, Laconia, N H Harry Butler, 79, 5 Thomas, Portland, Me Prof William E Byerly, 71, 39 Hammond, Cambridge, Mass James Byrne, 77, 30 Broad, N Y City J Elliot Cabot, 40, Brookline, Mass Richard C Cabot, 89, M D, 190 Marlborough, Boston, Mass William T Campbell, 75 t, Cambridge, Mass Prof George F Canfield, 75, LL B, 48 Wall, N Y City Walker B Cannon, 96, 8 Foxcroft, Cambridge, Mass William M Cannon, 91, Norfolk, Mass Edward Capen, 42, Haverhill, Mass Prof Paul Capron, 96, MA, SI Academy, New Brighton, N Y Prof George R Carpenter, 86, A M, Ph D, Columbia University, N Y City Charles F Carrier, 85, 1, Santa Barbara, Cal t. Prof Almy M Carter, 98, A M, Constantinople, 627 Main, Woburn, Mass Hon James C Carter, 50, A M, LL D, 54 Wall, N Y City Richard B Carter, 98, A M, clerk, 315 Otis, West Newton, Mass William W Carter, 72, 6012 Indiana, Chicago, 111 William W Case, 79, 1, 172 Washington, Chicago, 111 James M Cassety, 56, t, 110, 114th, Buffalo, N Y Edward W Cate, 74, 113 Devonshire, Boston, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA 109 Rev George H Gate, 74, 54 Broomfield, BostonTMass William II Chadbourn, 62, 307 Market, Wilmington, N C James R Chadwick, 65, M D, 270 Clarendon, Boston, Mass Allen H Chamberlain, 85, A M, M D, Foxcraft, Me Charles F Chamberlayne, 78, 60 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Rev Georg-e L Chaney, 59, A M, Leominster, Mass Prof Edward Channing, 78, 17 Brewster, Cambridge, Mass Charles A Chase, 55 A M, bank treasurer, 13 Foster, Worcester, Mass Hon George B Chase, 56, A M, Dedham, Mass Georg-e H Chase, 96, A M, 83 Chestnut, Lynn, Mass John H Chase, 95, t, 2702 St Paul, Baltimore, Md Hon Henry Chauncey, 44, A M, 329 W 77, N Y City David W Chcever, 52, M D, 557 Boylston, Boston, Mass Winthrop L Chenery, 67, A M, insurance, Belmont, Mass Rev William F Cheney, 73, Dedham, Mass George H Chittenden, 91, t, 45 Salcombe, Dorchester, Mass Charles F Choate, 49, 50 State, Boston, Mass Hon Joseph H Choate, 52, LL D, U S Minister, London, Eng William G Choate, 52, 40 Wall, N Y City Jonathan L Cilley, 58, M D, HE 8th, Cincinnati, Ohio George I Clapp, 95, t, Milton, Mass Henry A Clapp, 60, Court House, Boston, Mass Prof Herbert C Clapp, 67, A M, M D, 334 Commonwealth, Boston, Mass Robert P Clapp, 79, LL B, Lexington, Mass Franklin J Clark, 67, Farmington, Me John T Clark, 98, 5 Lambert, Roxbury, Mass Joseph H Clark, 57, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass Walter T Clark, 86, M D, 49 Pearl, Worcester, Mass Charles C Clarke, 74, Customs, Shang-hai, China Samuel B Clarke, 74, 100 Broadway, N Y City Thomas C Clarke, 48, 127 Duane, N Y City S Willard Clary, 77, publisher, 110 Boylston, Boston, Mass Hon Charles W Clifford, 65, A M, LL B, * New Bedford, Mass Carlos C Closson, 92, A M, Los Angeles, Calif* Frederick W Coburn, 91, 109 W 54, N Y City Frederic Coggeshall, 86, A M, M D, 1077 Boylston, Boston, Mass Prof Frank N Cole, 82, Columb Univ, N Y City Walter Cole, 80, 87 W Monument, Baltimore, Md Ernest L Conant, 84, A M, LL B, Univ Club, 54 and 5th Ave, N Y City Frederick S. Converse, 93, AM, Composer, StBotolph Club, Boston, Mass Rev John H Converse, 57, Gwynedd, Pa Hon Frank G Cook, 82, A M, LL B, 44 Garden, Cambridge, Mass Howard H Cook, 93, Ph D, statistician, 71 City Hall, Boston, Mass Rev Joseph Cook, 65, Ticonderoga, N Y Rev Silas P Cook, 67, Pittsfield, Mass Prof Archibald C Coolidge, 87, Cambridge, Mass Hon Daniel HCoolidge, 54, A M. LL B, 114 Commonwealth, Boston, Mass Hon Horace H Cooltdge, 52, A M, LL B, 162 Newbury, Boston, Mass Rev James I T Coolidge, 38, 31 Brewster, Cambridge, Mass Julian L Coolidge, 95, 147 Beacon, Boston, Mass 110 UNITED CHAPTERS Joseph R Coolidge, Jr, 83, Chestnut Hill, Mass J Templeman Coolidge, Jr, 79, 114 Beacon, Boston, Mass Frederic J B Cordeiro, 81, M D, US Navy, Washing-ton, D C Joseph P Cotton, Jr, 96, 1, 15 Park, Newport, R I George A Craigin, 85, M D, 18 Hereford, Boston, Mass Frank L Crawford, 79, 229 Broadway, N Y City Hon George G Crocker, 64, A M, LL B, 19 Milk, Boston, Mass Hon Uriel H Crocker, 53, A M, LLB, 247 Commonwealth, Boston, Mass Hon George W Crosby, 58, A M, treas R H White Co, 518 Wash, Boston Prof Arthur L Cross, 95, Ph D, Univ Mich, 610 S State, Ann Arbor, Mich Headmaster James G Croswell, 73, A M, Brearly Sch, 17 W 44, N Y City Simon G Croswell, 75, 180 Summer, Boston Mass Hon Richard S Culbreth, 76, A M, LL B, Herald Bid, Baltimore, Md Charles R Cummings, 92, Fall River, Mass Prof Edward Cummings, 83, 104 Irving, Cambridge, Mass John Cummings, 91, M D, Cambridge, Mass Prentiss Cummings, 64, A M, LL B, Brookline, Mass Edward L Cunningham, 29, M D, Newport, R I Prof Charles F A Currier, 87, Mass Inst Tech, Boston, Mass Thomas F Currier, 94, . Library, Cambridge, Mass Daniel S Curtis, 46, 50 State, Boston, Mass Edward Curtis, 59, M D, 120 Broadway, N Y City Ernest W Cushing, 67, M D, LL D, 168 Newbury, Boston, Mass Joseph M Cushing, 55, A M, pub, bookseller, 708 Park, Baltimore, Md Prof Herbert E Cushman, 95, Tufts College, Mass Hon S Newton Cutler, 77, A M, mer, Sch Com, 28 Flint, Somerville, Mass William W Cutler, 94, 360 Summit, St Paul, Minn Hon Charles A Cutler, 55, A M, libr, Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass Hon Lewis S Dabney, 61, A M, LL B, 53 State, Boston, Mass Franklin A Dakin, 82, t, 90 Pond, Natick, Mass Hon Frederick W Dallinger, 93, A M, LL B, 384 Broadway, Cambridge Rev Asa Dalton, 48, D D, Portland, Me Prof Lindsay T Damon, 94, A M, English, University, Chicago, 111 Hon Israel P Dana, 71, A M, LL B, Thayer Bid, Kansas City, Mo Allen Danforth, 66, A M, 50 State, Boston, Mass M Grant Daniell, 63, A M, editor, 9 Schuyler, Roxbury, Mass Hon Francis B Daniels, 71, A M, LL B, Pullman Building, Chicago, 111 Herbert H Darling, 89, 21 Pemberton, Boston, Mass Bennett F Davenport, 67, A M, M D, 161 Tremont, Boston, Mass George F Davidson, 85, University Club, San Francisco, Calif * Bancroft G Davis, 85, 1, 23 Court, Boston, Mass Hon Charles G Davis, 40, LL D, judge, Plymouth, Mass Samuel W Davis, 77, West Newton, Mass Hon Horace Davis, 49, merchant, 134 California, San Francisco, Calif t Horace A Davis, 91, 59 Wall, N Y City Leonard H Davis, 92, A M, civil engineer, 10 Allston, Brighton, Mass Rev Thomas Dawes, 39, A M, Brewster, Mass Hon Lafayette L DeFriese, 76, A M, LL B, Mut Life Bid, N Y City Samuel Delano, 79, M D, 39 Newbury, Boston, Mass Hon Horace E Deming, 71, A M, LL B, 11 William, N Y City PHI BETA KAPPA 111 Arthur C Detmiston, 83, 2211 Locust, Philadelphia, Pa Henry G Denny, 52, A M, LL B, 68 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Prof Samuel C Derby, 66, A M, Latin, State Univ, Columbus, Ohio Albert J Dibblee, 93, 1, Mills Bid, San Francisco, Cal George W Dickerman, 82, 237 Broadway, N Y City John H Dillingham, 62, t, 140 N 16, Philadelphia, Pa A J Dallas Dixon, 70, 1, 221 S 5, Philadelphia, Pa Prin Epes J Dixwell, 27, A M, 58 Garden, Cambridge, Mass Hun Frederick Dodge, 67, LL B, 706 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass James A Dodge, 69, t, 116 W Islay, Santa Barbara, Cal Robert G Dodge, 93, Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Rev Charles F Dole, 68, Jamaica Plain, Mass William E Dorman, 98, 158 Ocean, Lynn, Mass Goldthwaite M H Dorr, 97, Cambridge, Mass Walter C Douglass, Jr, 93, 1, Girard Bid, Philadelphia, Pa Charles H Dow, 92, Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Russell Duane, 88, LL B, 911 Pine, Philadelphia, Pa Hon Loren G Du Bois, 76, A M, LL B, 5 Tremont, Boston, Mass Albertus T Dudley, 87, Exeter, N H Augustus W Dudley, 91, M D, North Cambridge, Mass Prof Charles F Dunbar, 51, Cambridge, Mass William H Dunbar, 82, 1, 220 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Frederick S Duncan, 90, 120 Broadway, N Y City Theodore Dunham, 85, M D, 305 W 76, N Y City William B Durant, 65, 19 Congress, Boston, Mass Hon Edmund Dwight, 44 A M, merchant, 191 Marlboro, Boston, Mass Richard J Dwyer, 77, 113 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Prof Louis Dyer, 74, Oxford, Eng Charles M Eaton. 90, Weston, Mass Prin George A Eaton, 92, A M, High School, Ogden, Utah Prof Horace A Eaton, 93, A M, 20 Elmwood, Cambridge, Mass Carroll E Edson, 88, M D, McPhee Bid, Denver, Col Harold Edwards, 96, 108 Mt Vernon, Boston.. Mass Rev Wendell P Elkins, 88, Peterboro, N H Pres Charles W Eliot, 53, LL D, L H D, D C L, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass David A Ellis, 94, 75 Dale, Roxbury, Mass Hon Ralph W Ellis, 79, A M, LL B, 39 Mulberry, Springfield, Mass Hon Irving Elting, 78, A M, LL B, 56 Market, Poughkeepsie, N Y Hon Ellius A Emerson, 75, A M, judge, 260 N Broadway, Haverhill, Mass Edward W Emerson, 66, M D, Concord, Mass Thomas Emerson, 56, Woburn, Mass Prof Ephraim Emerton, 71, Cambridge, Mass Charles C Emott, 70, 186 Grand, N Y City Hon William C Endicott, 47, Danvers, Mass John Erving, 53, 49 Exchange, N Y City Oliver H Everett, 73, M D, 53 Pearl, Worcester, Mass Hon William Everett 59, LL D, t, Quincy, Mass Carl A Ewald, 88, M D, Deckertown, N J Hon Charles S Fairchild, 63, LL D, Pres Trust Co, 46 Wall, N Y City Prof John AFairlie, 95, A M, Ph D, Lee Columb, 890 West End, N Y City 112 UNITED CHAPTERS Prof Will am G Farlow, 66, 24 Quincy, Cambridge, Mass William Faxon, Jr, 83, 704 Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Francis B Fay, 83, A M, LL B, 367 Harvard, Cambridge, Mass Hon Edgar C Felton, 79, A M, Pres Steel Co, Girard Building, Phil, Pa 13 Pleasant, Baltimore, Md 5729 Monroe, Chicago, 111 Tokio, Japan Salem, Mass Broadway, near 117, N Y Williamstown, Mass Washington, D C Pasadena, Cal * Evening Post, N Y City 5622 Ellis, Chicago, 111 40 Water, Boston, Mass Franklin E Felton, 51, Rev William W Fenn, 84, A M, B D, Prof Ernest F Fenollosa, 74, William S Fenollosa, 75, Frederick A Fernald, 82, A M, Bookseller, Prof Orlando M Fernald, 64, A M, J. Walter Fewkes, 75, Ph, D, Ethnology, Prof Henry M Field, 59, A M, M D, Henry T. Finck, 76, Alfred L Fish, 99, Frederick P Fish, 75, Rev William W Fish, Jr, 65, A M, 1501 Wood Ave, Colorado Springs, Col Samuel T Fisher, 76, 1, 930 F, N W, Washington, D C Arthur I Fiske, 69, t, 17 Montrose, Boston, Mass Amos K Fiske, 66, Century Club, N Y City Rev Charles C Fiske, 49, 149 E 46, N Y City George C Fiske, 94, 44 Thayer Hall, Cambridge, Mass Henry M Fiske, 97, Lombard, Dorchester, Mass Irving L Fiske, 97, LL B, 28 Erie, Buffalo, N Y Hon John Fiske, 63, AM, LL D, Litt D, Author,22 Berkeley, Cambridge, Lyman B Fiske, 73, Cambridge, Mass Andrew Fitz, 70, 1, Salem, Mass Prof Isaac Flagg, 69, Ph D, Berkeley, Cal * Daniel H Fletcher, 99, t, Chelmsford, Mass Prof Albert S Flint, 75, A M, Astronomer, 420 Mary, Madison, Wis James H Flint, 76, Charles F Folson, 62, M D, Arthur Foote, 74, musician, Gen Manning F Force, 45, Jermiah D M Ford, 94, Prof Frank H Foster, 73, Ph Herbert B Foster, 95, Prof Harold N Fowler, 89, A M, Austen G Fox, 69, 39 Court, Boston Mass 15 Marlborough, Boston, Mass Dedham, Mass Soldiers Home, Erie Co, Ohio mersville, Mass , Oakland, Calif t timore, Md leveland, O 45 Wall, N Y City 99 Erving, Cambridge, Mass 19 Clinton, Taunton, Mass Jabez Fox, 71, Hon Laurens N Francis, 70, A M, LL B, Prof Henry E Fraser, 86, A M, Boston Lat Sch, Trinity Ct, Boston, Mass Prof Thomas French, 72, A M, physics, 713 E Ridgeway, Cincinnati, Ohio Hon William F Frick, 35, LL B, 126 Franklin* Baltimore, Md Edward Frost, 50, C E, Littleton, Mass Samuel T Frost, 98, 406 Massachusetts, Boston Mass John W Frothingham, 99, 185 Columb Heights, Brooklyn, N Y Theodore L Frothingham, 84, A M, LL B, 32 Liberty, N Y City George P Furber, 87, A M, LL B, 340 ,.S Station, Boston, Mass Hon Horace H Furness, 54, Ph D, L H D, LL P, Litt D, Wallingford Pa Hon William E Furness, 60, A M, LL B, Portland Blk, Chicago, 111 PHI BETA KAPPA 113 Homer Gage, 82, A M, M D, 72 Pearl, Worcester, Mass Thomas H Gage, Jr, A M, LL B, 314 Main, Worcester, Mass Principal Archibald V Galbraith, 99, A M, Academy, Milton, Mass Prof John S Galbraith, 99, A M, St George's School, Newport, R I Hon Justin E Gale, 66, A M, Treasurer Brookside Mills, Weston, Mass Headmaster William Gallagher, 69, South Braintree, Mass Hon James B Galloway, 70, A M, LL B, 115 Monroe, Chicago, 111 Rev William C Gannett, 60, D D, 15 Sibley, Rochester, N Y Hon Robert H Gardiner, 76, LL B, Gardiner, Me Perley Gardner, 98, Exeter, N H William A Gardner, 84, Groton, Mass Frederick E Garland, 98, Gardner, Mass Hon Wendell P Garrison, 61, A M, journalist, Orange, N J Prof Lewis E Gates, 84, Cambridge, Mass Albert Gehring, 94, A M, 109 Edgewater, Cleveland, Ohio Nathan R George, Jr, 90, t, Mass Inst Tech, Boston, Mass Prank S Gerrish, 75, AM, 17 E 76, N Y City Amory T Gibbs, 54, Cambridgeport, Mass Prof William F Giese, 89, Madison, Wis Ralph W Gilford, 92, 1, 17 Wendell, Cambridge, Mass James A Gillet, 63, 109 E 76, N Y City Hon James A Gillis, 49, A M, LL B, Salem, Mass Rev James W Gilman, 77, 1307 N Wis St, Racine, Wis Charles B Gleason, 85, t, 564 S 2, San Jose, Calif* Prof Clarence WGleason 88, AM, Latin School, 6Copeland, Boston, Mass Hon Daniel A Gleason, 56, A M, LL B, Tr F R R, 375 High, W Medford Henry R Gledhill, 91, Jerseyville, 111 Prof Philip B Goetz, 93, M A, 676 Norwood, Buffalo, N Y Henry Goldmark, 78, C E, 270 W 94, N Y City Prof William G Goldsmith, 57, A M, Andover, Mass Joseph L Goodale, 89, M D, 3 Fairfield, Boston, Mass John McG Goodale, 85, 1, 18 Wall, N Y City Rev Alfred Gooding, 77, Portsmouth, N H Hon James W Goodwin, 77, A M, LL B, Haverhill, Mass Prof William W Goodwin, 51, LL D, 5 Follen, Cambridge, Mass Allen W Gould, 72, 175 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 George H Gould, 72, Santa Barbara, Calif* Hon William H Gove, 76, A M, LL B, 254 Lafayette, Salem, Mass Prof Charles H Grandgent, 83, Cambridge, Mass Hon Robert Grant, 73, Judge, 205 Bay State, Boston, Mass Horace Graves, 64, 16 Court, Brooklyn, N Y Hon Francis C Gray, 66, A M, merchant, 7 Mt Vernon, Boston, Mass Hon Horace Gray, 45, LL D, Justice Supreme Court, Washington, D C Prof John C Gray, 59, 60 State, Boston, Mass Prof John H Gray, 87, Ph D, Evanston, 111 Roland Gray, 95, LL B, 176 Beacon, Boston, Mass Russell Gray, 69, 1, 50 State, Boston, Mass Louis M Greeley, 80, 1, 115 Monroe, Chicago, 111 Prof Charles M Green, 74, MD, Harvard, 78 Marlborough, Boston, Mass Frederick Green, 89, 54 Wall, N Y City 114 UNITED CHAPTERS Hon Samuel A Green, 51, LL D, Lib Mass Hist Soc, 1154 Boylston, Boston Samuel S Green, 58, A M, librarian, 12 Harvard, Worcester, Mass Henry C Greene, 94, A M, author, 354 Marlboro, Boston, Mass Prof James B Greenough, 56, Cambridge, Mass William W Greenough, 37, 290 Marlborough, Boston, Mass Curtis Guild, Jr, 81, AM, newspaperman, 282 Washington, Boston, Mass Prof Charles BGulick, 90, AM, PhD, Greek, 18 Walker, Cambridge, Mass Prof Francis B Gummere, 75, A M, English, Haver ford, Pa Binney Gunnison, 86, t, Pierce Bid, Boston, Mass Eugene B Hager, 71, LL B, 33 Temple, Boston, Mass Rev Edward Hale, 79, Div School, Cambridge, Mass Rev Edward Everett Hale, 39, S T D, 39 Highland, Roxbury, Mass Richard W Hale, 92, 1, 10 Tremont, Boston, Mass Robert S Hale, 91, 5 Exeter, Boston, Mass Prof William G Hale, 70, LL D, University, Chicago, 111 Rev Angelo Hall, 91, Turners Falls, Mass Prof Asaph Hall, Jr, 82, A M, Ph D, astronomer, Ann Arbor, Mich Rev Edward H Hall, 51, Cambridge, Mass Charles A Hamilton, 78, t, High School, Brooklyn, N Y Rev Franklin E E Hamilton, 87, 5 Chestnut, Boston, Mass Philip M Hammett, 88, 15 Vine, Melrose, Mass Franklin T Hammond, 92, 49 Langdon, Cambridge, Mass Learned Hand, 93, 25 N Pearl, Albany, N Y Hon Meldon L Hanscom, 67, A M, LL B, 1525 Walnut, Berkeley, Calif * Otto R Hansen, 85, 1, 649 Cass, Milwaukee, Wis Hutchins Hapgood, 92, Evening Post, N Y City Norman Hapgood, 90, Evening Post, N Y City Hon Joseph B Hardon, 61, A M, 1648 Mass Ave, Cambridge, Mass Edwin A W Harlow, 41, M D, Wollaston, Mass Rev Robert H Harlow, 41, Wollaston, Mass Edward A Harriman, 88, A M, LL B, 175 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Rev Nathan H Harriman, 77, A M, 124 N G, Tacoma, Wash Charles M Harrington, 85, 1, Sav Bk Bid, Buffalo, N Y Rev Thomas R Harris, 63, D D, Scarborough, N Y William F Harris, 91, 8 Mercer, Cambridge, Mass Prof Albert B Hart, 80, Cambridge, Mass John G Hart, 93, t, 38 Shepard, Cambridge, Mass Hon Alfred S Hartwell, 58, Honolulu, H I Herbert J Harwood, 77, Littleton, Mass John H Harwood, 93, 1, 708 Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Frank Hasbrouck, 72, 1, Poughkeepsie, N Y Prof Mellen W Haskell, 83, A M, Ph D, U of C, Berkeley, Calif* David G Haskins, 66, 1, Cambridge, Mass Arthur G Hatch, 84, t, Box 1726, Boston, Mass Eugene H Hatch, 84, 1, Plainfield, N J Rev William H P Hatch, 98, A M, South Hartford, N Y Edward S Hawes, 80, 85 Pierrepont, Brooklyn, N Y Hon James W Hawes, 66, A M, LL B, 35 Nassau, N Y City Prof Henry W Haynes, 51, A M, author, 239 Beacon, Boston, Mass George Hayward, 39, A M, M D, 381 Beacon, Boston, Mass I PHI BETA KAPPA 115 Jonathan B Hay ward, 97, Neponset, Mass Mayo W Hazeltine, 62, 170 Nassau, N Y City Prof John B Henck, 40, A M, civil engineer, MontecTto, Calif William P Henderson, 88, Dorchester, Mass Prof George N Henning, 94, A M, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass Prof Henry A Henshaw, 86, A M, B D, 129 Salem, Woburn, Mass Col Thomas Wentworth Higginson, 41, LL D, author, Cambridge, Mass Prof Henry T Hildreth, 85, Salem, Va Prof A Sherman Hill, 53, LL D, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass Edward B Hill, 94, Cambridge, Mass George A Hill, 65, t, , 19 Hilton Hall, Cambridge, Mass Prof Henry B Hill, 69, Cambridge, Mass Rev William Bancroft Hill, 79, A M, Reformed Ch, Poughkeepsie, N Y Prof Francis W Hilliard, 52, D D, Episcopal Church, Oxford, N C William H Hills, 80, ed, Box 1905, Boston, Mass George Hoadley, Jr, 79, LL B, 111 E 4, Cincinnati, Ohio Hon George F Hoar, 46, Worcester, Mass Charles A Hobbs, 80, t, Water town, Mass Prof Archibald L Hodges, 83, AM, 36 E 12, N Y City Nathaniel D C Hodges, 74, Cambridge, Mass Prof Arthur W Hodgman, 90, A M, Ph D, State Univ, Columbus, Ohio Wickham Hoffman, 41, Washington, D C Albert F Holden, 88, A M, mining, Salt Lake City, Utah Frederic M Holland, 59, Concord, Mass Henry F Hollis, 92, 1, Concord, N H Samuel H Hollis, 98, 220 Ocean, Lynn, Mass Rev William H Holman, 75, A M, Cong Church, Southport, Conn Nathaniel Holmes, 37, 9 Holyoke, Cambridge, Mass Hon Oliver W Holmes, 61, Boston, Mass Edwin B Holt, 96, Winchester, Mass Edward W Hooper, 59, 50 State, Boston, Mass Louis L Hooper, 89, t, High School, Washington, D C Nathaniel L Hooper, 46, 56 Chestnut, Boston, Mass John P Hopkinson, 61, t, 29 Chestnut, Boston, Mass Prof James K Hosmer, 55, librarian, Minneapolis, Minn John W Houston, 80, 120 Broadway, N Y City Albert S Howard, 96, Lowell, Mass Charles T Howard, 56, A M, 13 Pearl, Boston, Mass William G Howard, 91, Cambridge, Mass Prof George E Howes, 86, Burlington, Vt Charles J Hubbard, 83, Boston Building, Kansas City, Mo Frank A Hubbard, 73, A M, M D, 157 High, Taunton, Mass Harry Hubbard, 84, 195 Broadway, N Y City Prof Lucius L Hubbard, 72, A M, LL B, Ph D, Geol'st, Houghton, Mich John H Huddleston, 86, M D, 126 W 85, N Y City Rev Henry J Hudson, 43, A M, 70 Court, Plattsburgh, N Y Hon John E Hudson, 62, Pres Bell Telephone Co, 125 Milk, Boston, Mass Woodward Hudson, 79, 1, Concord, Mass Rev Charles A Humphreys, 60, A M, Mt Monadnock, Dorchester, Mass Francis C Huntington, 87, 1, 48 Wall, N Y City 116 UNITED CHAPTERS Rev Wm Reed Hunting-ton, 59, D D, D C L, L H D, Grace Ch, N Y City Edward VV Hutcliins, 72, 1, Sears Bid, Bo.ston, Mass William E Hutton, 95, 1, 23U8 Marion, Denver, Col Pres William DeW Hyde, 79, LL D, Bowdoin, Brunswick, Me Frank Irwin, 90, 57 Wall, New Haven, Conn Prof Charles L Jackson, 67, Cambridge, Mass Carl N Jackson, 98, Cambridge, Mass Ernest Jack-on, 78, t, 383 Beacon, Boston, Mass Frederick G Jackson, 93, t, Dorchester, Mass David R Jaques, 42, 119 E <>0, N Y City Alfred Jaretzki, 81, 45 Wall, N Y City Rev Henry T Jenks, 63, Canton, Mass Frank E Jennison, 83, A M, banker, 2 Wall, N Y City Hon Benjamin N Johnson, 78, A M, LL B, 50 State, Boston, Mass Hon Charles E Johnson, 53, manuf, 142U Gilpin, Denver, Col Hon Edward F Johnson, 78, A M, LL B, Judge, W 7 oburn, Mass Henry A Johnson, 44, 27 Kilby, Boston, Mass Prof Joseph F Johnson, 78, Univ Penn, Philadelphia, Pa Gilbert N Jones, 84, M D, Wellesley Hills, Mass Henry C Jones, 80, t, Latin School, Boston, Mass Frederick D Jordan, 80, Circle City, Alaska Josiah M Kagan, 94, t, Cambridge, Mass Charles H Keep, 82, A M, Sec Merchants Ex, 285 Summer, Buffalo, N Y Prof John A H Keith, 99, A M, De Kalb, 111 Merton S Keith, 72, t, 46 Irving, Cambridge, Mass Prin Clarence E Kelley, 73, A M, High School, Haverhill, Mass Joshua Kendall, 53, t, 13 Appian W 7 ay, Cambridge, Mass Thomas W Kenefick, 77, Palmer, Mass Nehemiah S Kenison, 86, M D, 58 Winter, Boston, Mass Thaddeus D Kenneson, 80, 11 William. N Y City Charles W Kettell, 70, A M, Mech Eng, 19 Brewster, Cambridge, Mass Prescott Keyes, 79, 1, Concord. N H Hon Camillus G Kidder, 72, LL B, 27 W T illiam, N Y City Henry S Kilby, 73, M D, N Attleboro, Mass James T Kilbreth, 94, 1, 5 Beekman, N Y City Hon David P Kimball, 56, A M, 35 Congress, Boston, Mass Prof Albert E King, 97, A M, Erasmus High School, Brooklyn, N Y Cyril N King, 98, Cambridge, Mass Hon Edward King, 53, Pres Union Trust Co, N Y City Gustav H Kinnicutt, 98, 39 E 35, N Y City Hon Samuel Kirkman, 50, A M, Cotton Crop Statistician, Florence, Ala Prof George L Kittridge, 82, A M, English, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass Herbert C Lakin, 94, 1, 52 Wall, M Y City Prof Hammond Lamont, 86, Brown Univ, Providence, R I Hon Artemas W Lamson, 49, LL D, Dedham, Mass William W Lancaster, 97, LL B, 27 W 44, N Y City Hugh McK Landon, 92, A. M, 113 Monument Place, Indianapolis, Ind Alfred C Lane, 83, geologist, Lansing, Mich Gardiner M Lane, 81, A M, 44 State, Boston, Mass William C Lane, 81, A M, librarian, Harvard Univ, Cambridge, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA Prof C C Langdell, 51, LL D, Cambridge, Mass *Gaillard T Lapsley, 93, Walter C Lamed, 71, Ralph C Larrabee, 93, M D, Hon Andrew J Lathrop, 59, A M, LL B, Prof Henry B Lathrop, 89, Prof J Laurence Laughlin, 73, LLD, Univ, 5747 Lexington, Chicago, 111 Charles L Lawrence, 94, 1154 Maple, Los Angeles, Calif Hon Rosewell B Lawrence, 78, A M, LL B, Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Gen and Hon Samuel C Lawrence, 55, A M, manuf, Medford, Mass 325 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 912 Beacon, Boston, Mass Waltham, Mass Stanford University, Calif % Rev William Lawrence, 71, S T D, William B Lawrence, 79, LL B, Hon Frederick Lawton, 74, 1, Prof William C Lawton, 73, William A Leahy, 88, Rev Charles H Leroyd, 58, John K Le Bosquet, 96, Prof Samuel Leland, 77, A M, Rev Otis L Leonard, 66, George V Leveritt, 67, Gilbert N Lewis, 96, t, Frederick T Lewis, 97, Herschel W Lewis, 96, John H Lewis, 95, Hon Louis C Lewis, 65, A M, LL B, Arthur Lincoln, 63, 1, Hon Albert L Lincoln, Jr, 72, LL B, Rev James O Lincoln, 73, A M, t, Roland C Lincoln, 65, Hon Solomon, Lincoln, 57, A M, LL B Lawrence Litchfield, 85, M A, M D, Alfred H Lloyd, 86, Ph D, t, Herbert M Lloyd, 83, LL B, Rev George L Locke, 59, James Loeb, 88, A M, banker, Prof Morris Loeb, 83, Ph D, Josiah Lombard, 63, Hon John D Long, 57, LL D, Rev Joseph M Long, 85, Hon William P P Longfellow, 55, arch, Arthur Lord, 72, Eliot Lord, 72, Gen Charles G Loring, 48, A M, Hon William C Loring, 72, A M, Daniel W Lotham, 85, Thornton K Lothrop, 49, Robert M Lovett, 92, A Lawience Lowell, 77, 1, Hon Francis C Lowell, 76, Judge, Clinton W Lucas, 78, 101 Brattle, Cambridge, Mass Medford, Mass Lowell, Mass Brooklyn, N Y S Boston, Mass Wakefield, Mass Andover, Mass 294, 66th Place, Chicago, 111 Marshfield Hills, Mass 53 Devonshire, Boston, Mass 16 Oxford, Cambridge, Mass 36 Highland, Cambridge, Mass Somerville, Mass Cambridge, Mass 66 Broadway, N Y City 53 State, Boston, Mass 18 P O Square, Boston, Mass San Mateo, Col Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass 53 State, Boston, Mass 5431 5th Ave, Pittsburg, Pa Ann Arbor, Mich Montclair, N J Bristol, R I 27 Pine, N Y City N Y University, 117 W 72, N Y City 12 Broadway, N Y City Sec Navy, Washington, D C Harrington, Me 479 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass Plymouth, Mass Plymouth, Mass Director Museum Fine Arts, Boston LL B, Judge, 2 Gloucester, Boston 93 Greenwood, Cleveland, Ohio 27 Commonwealth, Boston, Mass University, Chicago, 111 Boston, Mass Boston, Mass 15 E 21, N Y City 118 UNITED CHAPTERS Hon James B Ludlow, 81, A M, LL B, 45 Cedar, N Y City Fred B Lund, 88, M D, 529 Beacon, Boston, Mass Henry M Lydenberg, 97, A M, librarian, Public Library, N Y City Hon Arthur T Lyman, 53, A M, manuf, 39 Beacon, Boston, Mass Hon George T Lyman, 42, A M, merchant, Bellport, N Y Samuel A Lynde, 77, 1, 398 Ontario, Chicago, 111 Hugh McCulloch, Jr, 91, Firenze, Italy Walton B McDaniel, 93, t, 69 Dana, Cambridge, Mass Prof Georg-e N McDaniels, 99, A M, Cabot, Vt Prof Joseph H McDaniels, 61, A M, Hobart, Geneva, N Y Hon Wallace Macfarlane, 79, A M, LL B, 32 Liberty, N Y City Georg-e F McKelleg-et, 92, A M, LL B, 709 Cambridge, Cambridgeport Rev Alexander McKenzie, 59, D D, 12 Garden, Cambridge, Mass Prof Kenneth McKenzie, 91, Ph D,W Va University, Morgantown, W Va Rev Haslet McKim, Jr, 66, D D, 33 W 20, N Y City Edwin G Mclnnes, 83, 1, 209 Washington, Boston, Mass James McManus, 71, Natick, Mass Prof Silas M Macvane, 73, Cambridge, Mass John A Macy, 99, 10 Remington, Cambridge, Mass Hon Edgar Madden, 79, A M, LL B, 155 Washington, Chicago, 111 Hon Rowland B Mahany, 88, M A, LL B, 621 Main, Buffalo, N Y Charles F M Malley, 94, A M, LL B, 87 Milk, Boston, Mass Prin George C Mann, 67, High School, Jamaica Plain, Mass Richard C Manning, Jr, 88, vSalem, Mass Prof Philippe B Marcon, 76, Cambridge, Mass Henry O Marcy, Jr, 93, M D, 180 Commonwealth, N Y City Phillip Marquand, 89, 7 Pine, N Y City Prof Arthur R Marsh, 83, Cambridge, Mass H Stanley Marsh, 97, A M, 102 Cambridge, Winchester, Mass Rev John M Marstern, 47, North Camrbidge, Mass Langdon P Marvin, 98, A M, LL B, 344 State, Albany, N Y Hon John W Mason, 82, A M, LL B, Judge, Northampton, Mass Maurice W Mather, 90, t, Cambridge, Mass George W Mathews, 96, 5 Lincoln, Cambridge, Mass Rev Joseph May, 57, D D, 2033 Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa Rev Frederick H Means, 88, Windham, Conn John S Melcher, 81, 1, 27 William, N Y City Joseph W Merriam, 56, M D, US Consul, Chili Henry F Merrill, 74, Customs, Shanghai, China Head Master Moses Merrill, 56, Ph D, Latin School, Boston, Mass Frank D Millett, 69, 92 Clinton, N Y City Clifford Mitchell, 75, M D, 70 State, Chicago, 111 Hon James T Mitchell, 55, LL D, Supreme Court Penn, Philadelphia, Pa Rev Walter Mitchell, 46, A M, Episcopal Church, 254 W 100, N Y City Charles L Mix, 90, M D, 3058 Calumet, Chicago, 111 Hon George P Montague, 71, LL B, McGill Building, Washington, D C William H Moody, 76, Haver hill, Mass William V Moody, 93, A M, t, University, Chicago, 111 Hon Charles Moore, 78, M A, 2013 R, Washington, D C Prof Clarence K Moore, 97, A M, Modern Languages, Belmont, Calif FHI BBTA KAPPA 119 Prof Clifford H Moore, 89, A M, Ph D, 34 Shepard, Cambridge, Mass Arthur W Moore, 80, A M, banker, 171 Beacon, Boston, Mass George S Morison, 63, A M, civil engineer, 35 Wall, N~Y~City Rev Robert S Morison, 69, libr, Harv Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass Hon Albert G Morse, 77, A M, LL B, 120 Washington, Dorchester, Mass Edwin W Morse, 78, editor, 153, 5th, N Y City Hon Godfrey Morse, 70, A M, LL B, 925 Exchange Bid, Boston, Mass Herbert R Morse, 98, 1, 55 Hastings, W Roxbury, Mass James H Morse, 63, 423 Madison, N Y City John T Morse, Jr, 60, 16 Pairfield, Boston, Mass Robert M Morse, 57, Equitable Bid, Boston, Mass William R Morse, 76, t, 32 Northern, Dorchester, Mass Supt Charles H Morss, 80, A M, Schools, West Medford, Mass James F Morton, Jr, 92, 236 Clinton, San Francisco, Calif * Otto Mueller, 81, M D, 539 Pearl, Cleveland, Ohio William A Munroe, 64, A M, 1, 23 Court, Boston, Mass John Murdoch, 73, 195 Walnut, Roxbury, Mass William D Murray, 99, A M, Ocean Ave, Newport, R I David S Muzzey, 93, t, 228 West End, N Y City Prof Bennett H Nash, 56, A M, 252 Beacon, Boston, Mass Frederick H Nash, 95, 1, 5 Tremont, Boston, Mass Prof Francis P Nash, 56, Ph D, LL D, Latin, Hobart, Geneva, N Y George M Nash, 77, Everett, Mass Rev Henry S Nash, 78, 9 Alacia, Cambridge, Mass John U Nef, 84. University, Chicago, 111 James M Newell, 89, 23 Court, Boston, Mass William W Newell, 59, Buckingham, Cambridge, Mass Guy Newhall, 98, LL B, 57 Silsbee Ave, Lynn, Mass Herbert W Newhall, 79, M D, 13 Nahant, Lynn, Mass Albert H Newman, 95, AM, banker, 16 Congress, Boston, Mass Benjamin W Nichols, 42, 40 State, Boston, Mass Edgar H Nichols, 78, 33 Kirkland, Cambridge, Mass Frederick Nichols, 83, 2 Joy, Boston, Mass Henry G Nichols, 77, 40 Water, Boston, Mass Rev Harry P Nichols, 71, A M, Holy Trinity, 18 W 122, N Y City John R Nichols, 94, 194 Washington, Boston, Mass Rev John T G Nichols, 36, D D, Cambridge, Mass Rev William I Nichols, 74, 69 Schermerhorn, Brooklyn, N Y Prof Frank W Nicolson, 87, A M, Middletown, Conn George W C Noble, 58, Private School, 21 Concord, Cambridge, Mass Hon John Noble, 50, LL B, Court House, Boston, Mass Prof Charles E Norton, 46, LH D, LL D, Harvard Univ, Cambridge, Mass Henry S Nourse, 53, civil eng, S Lancaster, Mass Grenville H Norcross, 75, LL B, 35 Congress, Boston, Mass Otis Norcross, 70, LL B, 35 Congress, Boston, Mass Carleton E Noyes, 95, A M, t, 338 Harvard, Cambridge, Mass George R Nutter, 85, A M, LL B, 220 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Hon Daniel J M O'Callaghan, 77, A M, LL B, 99 Nassau, N Y City James S O'Callaghan, 75, LL B, 558 W 150, N Y City John A O'Keefe, 80, A M, LL B, 414 Broadway, Lynn, Mass 120 UNITED CHAPTERS Robert E Olds, 97, 483 North, St Paul, Minn John R Oliver, 94, 175 Ninth, N Y City Prof Thomas E Oliver, 93, Ph D, 3 Beckford, Salem, Mass Frederick L Olmsted, Jr, 94, land arch, Brookline, Mass Leonard E Opdycke, 80, Univ Club, N Y City B Sutro Oppenheimer, 97, 201 W 85, N Y City Herbert I Ordway, 73, Newton Centre, Mass Rev Cyrus P Osborne, 59, 14 Beacon, Boston, Mass Winfred H Osborne, 97, t, 28 Andrew, Jamaica Plain, Mass George L Osgood, 66, A M, musician, Walnut, Brookline, Mass Prof William F Osg-ood, 86, Ph D, Cambridge, Mass Edward O Otis, 71, A M, M D, 308 Commonwealth, Boston, Mass Roscoe P Owen, 63, 1, 73 Tremont, Boston, Mass Prof Curtis H Page, 90, Ph D, Columb Univ, N Y City George T Page, 92, M D, 113 Inman, Cambridgeport, Mass Hon William R Page, 76, A M, manuf. Proctor, Vt George L Paine, 96, AM, 6 Joy, Boston, Mass Hon Robert Treat Paine, 55, LL D, 6 Joy, Boston Charles W Palfrey, 35, Lafayette, Dow, Salem, Mass Francis W Palfrey, 98, 88 Beacon, Boston, Mass Hersey G Palfrey, 60, Bradford, Mass John C Palfrey, 53, M A, 13 Doane, Boston, Mass John G Palfrey, 96, 88 Beacon, Boston, Mass Prof George H Palmer, 64, 11 Quincy, Cambridge, Mass Joseph N Palmer, 86, 1, 50 State, Boston, Mass William H Palmer, 63, broker, 55 Liberty, N Y City Raymond T Parker, 98, 36 Walnut, Lynn, Mass Edward O Parker, 91, M D, 168 W 85, N Y City James C D Parker, 48, music teacher, Brookline, Mass George F Parkman, 44, 33 Beacon, Boston, Mass Henry Parkman, 70, 1003 Exchange, Boston, Mass James P Parmenter, 81, 1, 53 State, Boston, Mass John Parsons, 74, asst libr, 1228 Corona, Denver, Col Starr Parsons, 91, A M, LL B, 126 Beacon Hill, Lynn, Mass Francis B Patten, 79, LL B, 194 Washington, Boston, Mass Thomas F Patterson, Jr, 92, A M, banker, 15 Wall, N Y City John S Patton, 74, 1, Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Wesley Paul, 89, 1, East Saugus, Mass Rev Francis G Peabody, 69, 13 Kirkland, Cambridge, Mass Hon Joseph Peabody, 44, A M, trustee, 30 Kilby, Boston, Mass Robert S Peabody, 66, architect, 53 State, Boston, Mass Edward D Pearce, 71, A M, manuf, chemist, 157 Hope, Providence, R I Henry G Pearson, 93, Weston, Mass Thomas B Peck, 63, Walpole, N H Prof Benjamin O Peirce, 76, 51 Oxford, Cambridge, Mass Prof James M Peirce, 53, LL D, 4 Kirkland, Cambridge, Mass James L Penny packer, 80, A M, publisher, 614 Arch, Philadelphia, Pa Charles B Penrose, 81, Ph D, M D, 1720 Spruce, Philadelphia, Pa Richard A F Penrose, 84, 1331 Spruce, Philadelphia, Pa Rev William T Perrin, 70, 1121 Washington, Boston, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA 121 Hon Amos Perry, 37, LL D, Libr R I Hist Soc, Box 1275, Providence, R I Drake T Perry, 97, 23 Perkins, Cambridge, Mass Henry T Perry, 90, 212 President, Brooklyn, N Y R Ross Perry, Jr, 92, A M, LL M, Fendall Building-, Washing-ton, D C Thomas S Perry, 66, 312 Marlboroug-h, Boston, Mass Prof Ellis Peterson, 53, A M, SuprvBos Schs, 305 Chest, Jamaica Plain Prof William H Pettee, 61, A M, Hon Henry Pickering, 61, A M, Arthur S Pier, 95, George W Pierce, 64, William F Pillsbury, 89, William L Pillsbury, 63, Rev George S Pine, 76, Walter S Pinkham, 87, LL B, Hon George M Pinney, Jr, 78, LL B, William T Piper, 74, Charles A Pitkin, 73, George E Pond, 58, journalist, Albert Poor, 79, A M, LL B, Frank L Porter, 79, A M, insurance, Hon Jesse W Potts, 65, A M, Mich Univ, Ann Arbor, Mich 1 Otis Place, Boston, Mass 201 Columbus, Boston, Mass 50 Equitable Bid, Boston, Mass The Rookery, Chicago, 111 Urbana, 111 Marlborough,. Mass Wollaston, Mass 44 Pine, N Y City 179 Brattle, Cambridge, Mass S Braintree, Mass 345 W 20, N Y City 42 Court, Boston, Mass Lawrence, Mass 342 State, Albany, N Y John O Powers, 91, 1420 Sacramento, San Francisco, Calif* Henry Preble, 75, A M, literature, 42 Stuyvesant, St George, S I, N Y William P Preble, Jr, 75, A M, LL B, 150 Nassau, N Y City Nathaniel A Prentiss, 62, A M, 1, 119 E 38, N Y City Silas D Presbrey, 60, A M, M D, 103 Weir, Taunton, Mass Henry W Prescott, 95, t, 4 AlUltl 1 , ftH,stmni M*u> William A Preston, 54, New Ipswich, N H Prof Sylvester Primer, 74, Ph D, Univ, 2709 Rio Grande, Austin, Texas Edward J Pringle, 45, 522 Montgomery, San Francisco, Califs George Putnam, 54, Henry W Putnam, 69, Herbert Putnam, 83, James J Putnam, 66, M D, William L Putnam, 82, A M, LL B Prof Oscar Quick, 95, A M, Hon Josiah Quincy, 80, Josiah P Quincy, 50, 90 Ames Building, Boston, Mass 85 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Cong Library, Boston, Mass 106 Marlborough, Boston, Mass Ames Building, Boston, Mass University of Illinois, Urbana, 111 13 School, Boston, Mass 82 Charles, Boston, Mass Prin Charles C Ramsay, 92, A M, B M C Durfee H Sch, Fall River, Mass Benjamin Rand, 79, Ph D, 24 Quincy, Cambridge, Mass Edward K Rand, 94, t, Watertown, Mass Edward L Rand, 81, A M, LL B, 740 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass Edward E Rankin, 86, A M, manuf, agent, 502 Park Bid, Pittsburg, Pa Frederick J Ranlett, 80, 1, 87 Milk, Boston, Mass Fletcher Ranney, 83, 23 Court, Boston, Mass Hon Francis Rawle, 69, A M, LL B, 328 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa Arthur Reed, 62, A M, insurance, 27 Kilby, Boston, Mass Rev James Reed, 55, A M, 12 Louisburg Square, Boston, Mass Warren A Reed, 75, 1, 1531 Main, Brockton, Mass Rev Willard Reed, 91, 35 Walker, Cambridge, Mass 122 UNITED CHAPTERS (. 'George Reisner, 89, M D, Museum, Cairo, Egypt Hon John Reynolds, 71, A M, LL B, 60 Plymouth, Montclair, N J John P Reynolds, 45, M D, 416 Marlborough, Boston, Mass Hon R Barnwell Rhett, 49, Huntsville, Ala Charles M Rice, 82, Worcester, Mass Edgar J Rich, 87, 1, Exchange Building, Boston, Mass William R Richards, 74, 31 State, Boston, Mass Ambrose C Richardson, 73, t, 44 Days Park, Buffalo, N Y Myron W Richardson, 86, A M, agent, H M & Co, East Milton, Mass William K Richardson, 80, 1, 40 Water, Boston, Mass William L Richardson, 64, M D, 225 Commowealth, Boston, Mass John Ritchie, 61, 10 Mt Vernon, Boston, Mass Frank R Rix, 75, M D, Flushing, N Y Arthur W Roberts, 81, Ph D, t, Wayne, Pa Reginald C Robbins, 92, 373 Washington, Boston, Mass Royal Robbins, 87, 403 Washington, Boston, Mass Archer T Robinson, 96, t, Mass Inst Tech, Boston, Mass Benjamin L Robinson, 87, Herbarium, Cambridge, Mass Beverley R Robinson, 98, A M, LL B, 42 W 37, N Y City Fred N Robinson, 91, Ph D, t, 24 Grays Hall, Cambridge, Mass Herman F Robinson, 98, 42 W 37, N Y City Rev Lucien M Robinson, 82, A M, 5000 Woodland, Philadelphia, Pa Hon William H Rollins, 41, A M, LL B, 68 Pleasant, Portsmouth, N H Hon Theodore Roosevelt, 80, LL D, Governor N Y, Albany, N Y Rev Theophilus H Root, 85, Framingham, Mass Hon John C Ropes, 57, LL D, 60 State, Boston, Mass Prof James H Ropes, 89, A M, B D, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass Rev William L Ropes, 4f>, A M, Librarian ATS, Andover, Mass Prof Denman W Ross, 75, A M, Ph D, 24 Craigie, Cambridge, Mass William Rotch, 65, C E, 53 State, Boston, Mass George Rublee, 90, 1, 35 Wall, N Y City Frank T Rusk, 77, Journal of Commerce, N Y City Hon Thomas H Russell, 43, L,L D, 27 State, Boston, Mass Arthur W Ryder, 97, Andover, Mnss Barney Sachs, 78, M D, 21 E 65, N Y City Prof Truman H Safford, 54, Ph D, Williamstown, Mass Hon Stephen Salisbury, 56, A M, Pres Am An tiq Soc and Nat Bk, Worcester Simon G Sanger, 48, 519 W L/ovell, Kalamazoo, Mich Prof George Santayana, 86, Ph D, 60 Brattle, Cambridge, Mass Gen Horace B Sargent, 43, Santa Monica, Calif Hon Charles G Saunders, 67, A M, LL B, 95 Milk, Boston, Mass Charles R Saunders, 84, LL B, 40 Water, Boston, Mass George C Sawyer, 55 t, 11 Mason, Cambridge, Mass Henry Schofield, 87, Marquette Bid, Chicago. Ill Hon William Schofield, 79, LL, B, 73 Tremont, Boston, Mass Henry E Scott, 81, t, 21 Wendell, Cambridge, Mass Prof Arthur Searle, 56, 41 Concord, Cambridge, Mass Rev George M Searle, 57, Catholic University, Washington, D C Supt Edwin P Seaver, 64, A M, Schools, Waban, Mass Arthur G Sedgwick, 64, 1, 115 Broadway, N Y City PHI BETA KAPPA 123 Hon Henry D Sedgwick, 43, LL D, Stockbridge, Mass Mark S Severance, 69, A M, 758 W Adams, Los Angeles, Calif* Edward O Sewall, 47, 2721 N Winchester, Chicago, 111 Prof Charles F Seybold, 71, Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio James H Shannon, 97, 71 Hammond, Cambridge, Mass Frederick C Shattuck, 68, M D, 135 Marlboro, Boston, Mass Thomas P Shaw, 66, A M, M D, Lowell, Mass Robert K Shaw, 94, State Library, Albany, N Y Prof D.aniel W Shea, 86, A M, Ph D, Catholic Univ, Washington, D C Prof Joseph H Sheffield, 83, A M, 519 Lunt Ave, Chicago, 111 Chauncey C Sheldon, 70, A M, M D, 49 N Common, Lynn, Mass Prof Edward S Sheldon, 72, 27 Hurlbut, Cambridge, Mass Frederick Sheldon, 42, 193 Madison, N Y City Henry N Sheldon, 63, 1, 538 Mass Ave, Boston, Mass George C Shepard, 74, M D, Bostonia, Calif* Harvey N Shepard, 72, 1, 53 State, Boston, Mass Rev Samuel Shepard, 78, Magnoketa, Iowa Rev Elmer E Shoemaker, 89, Newburyport, Mass Prof Paul Shorey, 78, University, Chicago, 111 William C Simmons, 68, t, Green End, Newport, R I Albert T Sinclair, 64, 82 Devonshire, Boston, Mask Prof Macy M Skinner, 94, A M, Ph D, 33 Holyoke House, Cambridge, Mass Prescott O Skinner, 96, 2849 Washington, Roxbury, Mass John R Slater, 94, University, Chicago, 111 RevCharlesL Slattery,91, A M, B D, Dean of Cathedral, Faribault, Minn Marcus C Sloss, 90, A M, LL B, 222 Sansome, San Francisco, Califs Clarence J Smerdon, 99, 17 Union, Taunton, Mass Prin William H Smiley, 77, AM, High School, 2112 Lincoln, Denver, Col Abbot E Smith, 77, 58 Gilfillan Block, St Paul, Minn Prof Clement L Smith, 63, LL D, Dean Harv, 64 Sparks, Cambridge, Mass Clarence W Smith, 86, A M, S B, Steam Eng, 182 Prospect, Cambridge Rev Daniel A W Smith, 59, Burma, India Edward I Smith, 85, 31 Milk, Boston, Mass Frank W Smith, 77, A M, Teachers College, N Y City Prof Jeremiah Smith, 56, LL D, 4 Berkeley, Cambridge, Mass Theodore C Smith, 92, t, Vassar, ~Poughkeepsie, N Y William C Smith, 85, 712 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass Theophilus G Smith, 71, LL B, Groton, Mass James R Soley, 70, 1, 35 Wall, N Y City Charles C Soule, 62, 45 Warren, Brookline, Mass Nicholas E Soule, 45, M D, 771 Main, Worcester, Mass Rev Franklin C Southworth, 87, A M, B D, 175 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 William M Spackman, 70, 820 Madison, N Y City George H Spalding, 96, 1, 30 Hildredth Building, Lowell, Mass Rev Henry G Spalding, 60, 25 Beacon, Boston, Mass Hon Henry K Spaulding, 70, A M, Civ Serv Examiner, 102 W 93, N Y City Israel M Spelman, 36, A M, Civil Engineer, 62 Sparks, Cambridge, Mass William F Spinney, 74, Customs, Shanghai, China Edward E Sprague, 68, 146 Broadway, N Y City Henry H Sprague, 64, 1, 19 Milk, Boston, Mass 124 UNITED CHAPTERS (, Oliver M Sprague, 94, t, Cambridge, Mass Rufus W Sprague, Jr, 96, 407 Main, Charlestown, Mass Hon J Lewis Stackpole, 57, A M, LL B. 89 State, Boston, Mass Stephen B Stanton, 87, 1, 59 Wall, N Y City Prof Henry P Starbuck, 71, AM, LL B, 6 W Canon Perdido, Santa Barbara William E Stark, 95, t, 26 Whittier, N Cambridge, Mass F Stanley Stebbins 90, t, South Berwick, Me Livingston B Stedman, 87, 1111, 18th, Seattle, Wash Hon Charles C Stein, 71, LL B, Pueblo, Col Prof Charles E Stetson, 54, A M, 27 Granite, Quincy, Mass Edward G Stetson, 63, 1, 508 California, San Francisco, Califs Albert Stickney, 59, 31 Nassau, N Y City Charles W Stickney, 76, mining-, White Pine, Col Hon Sumner B Stiles, 76, A M, LL B, 15 Wall, N Y City Hon Frederic J Stimson, 76, LL B, Exchange Building-, Boston, Mass Frederick J Stone, 74, 41 Wall, N Y City Rev James K Stone, 61, Monastery, W Hoboken, N J Richard Stone, 61, 1, 68 Chestnut, Boston, Mass Horatio R Storer, 50, M D, 56 Washington, Newport, R I Hon Moorrield Storey, 66, A M. LL B, Exchange Building, Boston, Mass Hon Charles S Storrow, 29, C E, 192 Beacon, Boston, Mass Prof William E Storey, 71, Clark Univ. Worcester, Mass Ralph Stout, 98, 429 Monroe, Brooklyn, N Y Rev George L Stowell, 71, Lexington, Mass Hon Charles E Stratton, 66, LL B, 68 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Prof Irving Stringham, 77, Ph D, Math U of C, Prospect, Berkeley, Calif* Hon Edward H Strobel, 77, 67 Sparks, Cambridge, Mass James B Studley, 99, Rockland, Mass Prof Daniel Sullivan, 97, A M, Harvard Club, 27 W 44, N Y City Hon William Sullivan, 78, A M, LL B, 5 Tremont, Boston, Mass Rev John W Suter, 81, Winchester, Mass Hon Theodore Sutro, 71, AM, LL B, Com Taxes, 2SO Broad way, N Y City Francis J Swayze, 79, A M, surveyor, 776 Broad, Newark, N J Isaac H Sweetser, <>8, 256 Marl borough, Boston, Mass Melville H Sweet, 73, Watertown, Mass Samuel F Swinburne, 90, New Rochelle, N Y Gerritt S Sykes, 77, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio Prof William H Sylvester, 79, A M, Newtonville, Mass Thomas L Talbot 76, 1, 4S}4 Exchange, Portland, Me Hon Henry P Talmadge, 68, A M, banker, 68 William, N YCity Laurence A Tanzer, 94, 1, 40 W 93, N Y City John S P Tatlock, 96, t, 306 N Division, Ann Arbor, Mich Frank W Taussig, 79, t, Cambridge, Mass Henry O Taylor, 78. author, 7 W 43, N Y City Hon Nelson Taylor, 75, A M, publisher, 7 E 16, N Y City Thomas F Taylor, 75. 1, 31 Nassau, N Y City William G L Taylor, 80, University, Lincoln, Neb William C Tenney. 39, 720 Delaware, Kansas City. Mo Albert S Thayer/75, 11 William, N Y City Ezra R Thaycr, 88, 1, 220 Devonshire, Boston, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA 125 Hon John A Thayer, 79, A M, LL B, Prof James B Thayer. 52, Prof Joseph H Thayer, 50, Charles S Thompson, 87, Lewis S Thompson, 92, 1, William G Thompson, 88, HeimanI Thomsen. 81, John J Thomsen, 80, S Lothrop Thorn dike, 52, Joseph G Thorp. 79, Pres Charles F Thwing, 76, D D, LL D, Hugh Tallant, 91, Hon Dexter Tiffany, 68, A M, LL B, Rev Francis Tiffany, 47, Francis B Tiffany, 77, 1, Roger E Tileston, 91, Wilder Tileston, 95, William H Tilling-hast, 77, Frederic W Tilton, 62, t, Charles H Titus, 72, Horace P Tobey, 58, Hon Robert N Toppan George A Torrey, 59, Benjamin L M Tower, 69, Frederick Townsend, 93, 1, Howard Townsend, 80, A M, LL B, Henry C Townsend, 71, Perry D Trafford, 89, Georg-e C Travis, 69, 1, Hon Samuel Treat, 37. LL D, U S Judg-e, William M Trotter, 95, A M, real estate, Prof John F Tufts, 72, Main. Worcester. Mass 5 Phillips, CambridgeT Mass 67 Sparks, Cambridge, Mass 1001 Prairie, Chicag-o, 111 16 State, Boston, Mass 1 Mercer, Cambridge, Mass Univ Club, Baltimore, Md Arundel, Baltimore, Md 19 Pemberton, Boston, Mass 115 Brattle, Cambridg-e, Mass Adelbert, Cleveland, Ohio 481, 5th, N Y City 72 Vandevcnter, St Louis, Mo 11 Hilliard, Cambridg-e, Mass Pioneer Press Building-, St Paul, Minn Mattapan, Mass 56 W Cedar, Boston, Mass 50 Garden, Cambridge, Mass Cambridg-e, Mass Box 1544, Providence, R I 76 Pearl, Boston, Mass 58, AM, trustee, 54 Hig-hl and, Cambridge, Mass 17 State, Boston, Mass 40 Water, Boston, Mass 3 Elk, Albany. N Y 29 W 39, N Y City 5 Beekman, N Y City 97 Cedar, N Y City Newton, Mass St Louis, Mo 97 Sawyer, Dorchester. Mass Wolfville, N S Head Master Frederick A Tupper, 80, A M, B HS, 7 Menlo, Boston. Mass Hon Charles H Tweed, 65, A M. LL B, Mills Building, N Y City Hon Hamilton M^K Twombly, 71, A M, t>84, 5th Ave, N Y City Samuel G Underbill, 98, M A, M D, Mtlvin A Underwood, (>6, Edward P Usher, 73, LL B, Henry Van Brunt, 54, Walter L Van Kleeck, 95, t, Hon G Willett Van Nest, 74, A M, LL B, William W Vaughan, 70, Hon Frederick H Viaux, 70, A M, Herman F Vickery, 78, M D, Jonas Vilas, 9f>, Alfred C Vinton, 66, 1, Winthrop H Wade, 81, LL B, Prof Lucien A Wait, 70. Ph D, William C Wait. 82, A M, LL B, Charles H Walcott, 70, 1, 48 Pinckney, Somerville, Mass 33 Milton, Dorchester, Mass Graf ton, Mass 3617 Oak, Kansas City, Mo Medfield/Mass 32 Nassau, N Y City Exchange Building, Boston, Mass treasurer, 53 State, Boston, Mass 263 Beacon, Boston, Mass Waltham, Mass 19 Milk, Boston, Mass 53 State, Boston, Mass Cornell University, Ithaca, N Y Ames Building, Boston, Mass Concord, Mass 126 t UNITED CHAPTERS Henry P Walcott, 58, M D, 11 Waterhouse, Cambridge, Mass Robert Walcott, 95, 1, Ames Building-, Boston, Mass Prof John WH Walden, 88, A M, Ph D, 13 Mt Auburn, Cambridge, Mass Fullerton L Waldo, 98, t, Plainfield, N J Joseph E Walker, 87, Kennett Square, Pa Correa M Walsh, 84, Bellport, N Y Rev John C Ward, 96, M A, Belmont, N Y Robert DeC Ward, 89, t, 25 Brewster, Cambridge, Mass Samuel G Ward, 36, 1608 K N W, Washington, D C George P Wardner, 90, 42 Court, Boston, Mass Charles P Ware, 62, librarian, 125 Milk, Boston, Mass Henry Ware, 93, 1, 82 High, Brookline, Mass Prof William R Ware, 52, 130 K 27, N Y City William R Ware, 71, 211 Tremont, Boston, Mass Hon Herman J Warner, 50, A M, Care F C W, 73 Tremont, Boston, Mass Hon Joseph B Warner, 69, A M, LL B, 53 State, Boston, Mass Charles Warren, 89, 1, 39 Court, Boston, Mass Edward H Warren, 95, 25 Oread, Worcester, Mass Hon Joseph P Warren, 69, A M, LL B, 53 State, Boston, Mass Rev William H Warren, 65, D D, H M Sec, 817 Mich Ave, Lansing, Mich Prof William H Warren, 89, A M, Ph D, Wash University, St Louis, Mo Alexander C Washburn, 39, 40 State, Boston, Mass William T Washburn, 62, 29 Broadway, N Y City Prof Sylvester Waterhouse, 53, Wash University, St Louis, Mo Rev Thomas F Waters, 72, Ipswich, Mass Rev John H Watson, 66, 355 W 20, N Y City Charles A Weatherby, 97, A M, East Hartford, Conn Hon Nathan Webb, 46, LL D, 127 Pleasant, Portland, Me Prof Arthur G Webster, 85, 936 Main, Worcester, Mass Hollis Webster, 84, A M, t, 9 Linden, Cambridge, Mass Joseph R Webster, 54, M D, 15 Arlington, N Cambridge, Mass Prof Raymond Weeks, 90, Ph D, Univ Missouri, Columbia, Mo Albert B Weiner, 80, 512 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa Hon Charles A Welch, 33, A M, LL B, 9 Tremont, Boston, Mass Richard H Weld, 56, 127 State, Boston, Mass James L Wellington, 38, A M, M D, Swansea, Mass Killer C Wellman, 94, Library, Brookline, Mass Edgar H Wells, 97, 1, 16 Hereford, Boston, Mass Samuel Wells, 57, 22 Pemberton, Boston, Mass Prof Barrett Wendell, 77, AM,Ph D,(Harvard)358Marlborough, Boston George A Wentworth, 58, Exeter, N H Paul Wentworth, 68, 1, Sandwich, N H Hon Edmund Wetmore, 60, A M, LL B, 34 Pine, N Y City Alfred A Wheeler, 76, 10 Crocker Building, San Francisco, Calif Harold Wheeler, 77, 1, University Club, San Francisco, Calif George G Wheelock, 60, M D, 75 Park, N Y City Charles J White, 59, A M, t, 24 Quincy, Cambridge, Mass Frank O White, 99, 45 Upton, Boston, Mass Prof Greenough White, 84 A M, B D, Episcopal Ch, author, Sewanee, Tenn Prof Horatio S White, 73, A M, German, Dean, Cornell, Ithaca, N Y PHI BETA KAPPA 127 Joseph E White, 77, 133 May, Cincinnati, JOhio John S White, 70, 20 W 44, N Y City Hon Moses P White, 72, LL B, 1004 Tremont Building, Boston, Mass William H White, 80, 1, Brookline, Mass Rev William O White, 40, A M, 222 High, Brookline, Mass Edmund A Whitman, 81, A M, LL B, 23 Everett, Cambridge, Mass Russell Whitman, 82, 115 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Louis L Whitney, 98, A M, Lincoln, Mass Rev George H VVhittemore, 60, A M, 329 Harvard, Cambridge, Mass James K VVhittemore, 95, Box 2216, Boston, Mass Joseph Wiggin, 93, A M, LL B, 28 State, Boston, Mass Oliver C Wiggin, 66, A M, M D, Kingston, RI George Wigglesworth, 74, 1, 53 State, Boston, Mass Hon Joseph VVilby, 75, A M, LL B, 615 Oak, Cincinnati, Ohio Charles W Willard, 91, Mills Building, San Francisco, Calif* Henry F Willard, 92, 19 St James, Boston, Mass Frank B Williams, 88. A M, LL B, 1st Nat Bank Bid, Hartford, Conn Prof F Beverly Williams, 88, 111 Crawford Road, Cleveland, Ohio Frederic D Williams, 50, A M, 23 Irvington, Boston, Mass Henry Williams, 37, 18 Concord Sq, Boston, Mass Moses Williams, 08, 18 P O Sq, Boston, Mass Rev Theodore C Williams, 76, A M, Master Hackley Sch, Tarrytown, N Y Prof Robert W Willson, 73, Ph D, 64 Brattle, Cambridge, Mass Max Winkler, 89, 97 Dayton, Cincinnati, Ohio Beekman Winthrop, 97, 1, 38 E 37, N Y City Alvin W Wise, 99, LL B, 167 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Charles H Wiswell, 77, t, Lexington, Mass Charles F Withington, 74, M D, Elm Hill, Roxbury, Mass David L Withington, 74, San Diego, Calif* Hon Roger Wolcott, 70, LL D, Exchange Building, Boston, Mass Hon Charles F Woodard, 70, A M, LL B, Bangor, Me Prof George E Woodberry, 77, Columb Univ, N Y City Hon John Woodbury, 80, A M, LL B, Lynn, Mass Prof Calvin M Woodward, 60 A M, Ph D, Wash University, St Louis, Mo Hon Andrew Woods, 77, A M, LLB, 325 Dela Guerra, Santa Barbara, Calif* Alfred Worcester, 78, M D, Waltham, Mass Francis J Worcester, 70, 271 Broadway, N Y City Rev William L Worcester, 81, 3502 Hamilton, Philadelphia, Pa Hon William Worthington, 67, LL B, Wiggins Block, Cincinnati, Ohio Prof Charles H C Wright, 91, M A, French, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass George E Wright, 89, 1, Burke Building, Seattle, Wash Rev J Edward Wright, 61, A M, 19 Baldwin, Montpelier, Vt Sydney R Wright, 97, 1, 56 Franklin, Fall River, Mass Alphonso A Wyman, 83, A M, LL B, 131 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Bruce Wyman, 96, 1, 131 Devonshire, Boston, Mass Morrill Wyman, 33, M D, 77 Sparks, Cambridge, Mass Herbert H Yeames, 95, 1 Joy, Boston, Mass Rev Edward J Young, 48, A M, D D, 519 Main, Waltham, Mass Hon James H Young, 72, A M, LL B, 511 Sears Building, Boston, Mass 128 UNITED CHAPTERS ZETA OF PENNSYLVANIA. HAVERFORD COLLEGE, HAVERFORD, PA. President, Hon James Wood, A M Vice-Pres, Hon John B Garrett, A M Secretary, Prof Wilfred P Mustard, Ph D Treasurer, Prof William C Ladd, A M Executive Committee, The officers and Pres Isaac Sharpless, LL D; Prof F B Gummere, Ph D; Alden Sampson, A M, and J H Scattergood, A M Doug-las H Adams, 96, t, Haverford, Pa Edward P Allinson, 74, 1, 917 Pine, Philadelphia, Pa George A Barton, 82, t, A M, Bryn Mawr, Pa Hon Edward Bettle, Jr, 61, A M, Invest Securities, 514 Walnut, Phila Prof Ernest W Brown, A M, Haverford, Pa Charles H Burr, Jr, 89, A M, LL B, 1004 Land Title Bid, Philadelphia Benjamin Cadbury, 92, A M, 1502 Green, Philadelphia, Pa Richard T Cadbury, 72, A M, John D Carter, 99, Hon Henry T Coates, 62, A M, publisher, William H Collins, 81, A M, Hon Howard Comfort, 70, M A, merchant, Henry S Conard, 94, A M, Morton P Darling-ton, 97, A M, banker, Francis F Davis, 93, A M, Georg-e B Dean, 94, M D, George H Deuell, 96, farmer, Trust Co, Philadelphia, Pa West Chester, Pa Berwyn, Pa Observatory, Haverford, Pa 529 Arch, Philadelphia, Pa Lansdowne, Pa Norway, Pa 53 W 53, N Y City Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio Bang-all, N Y Head Master Jonathan Dickinson, Jr,86, AM, Ing-leside Sch,Levanna,NY Prof Levi T Edwards, 81, A M, Prof A Marshall Elliott, 66, Ph D, Alfred C Garrett, 87, Ph D, Hon John B Garrett, 54, A M, Hon Philip C Garrett, 51, A M, John H Gifford, 79, A M, M D, Prof Seth K Gifford, 76, A M, Vincent Gilpin, 97, A M, Prof Francis B Gummere, 72, Ph D, T Harvey Haines, 96, A M, Prof Albert E Hancock, Ph D, Prof Lyman B Hall, Amh, 73, Ph D, Rev Francis C Hartshorne, 88, A M, L/I Dilworth P Hibbard, 90, 1, Haverford, Pa JH U, Baltimore, Md 27 Everett, Cambridg-e, Mass V P L V R R Co, Rosemont, Pa Logan Station, Philadelphia, Pa 254 Locust, Fall River, Mass Haverford, Pa 526 N Church, West Chester, Pa Haverford, Pa Haverford, Pa Haverford, Pa Haverford, Pa B, Kittanning-, Pa Philadelphia, Pa PHI BETA KAPPA 129 Pres Lewis L Hobbs, 76, A M, Ph D, Guilford College, N C Head Master Richard M Jones, 67,LL D,Wm Penn Char Sch, Philadelphia Prof Rufus M Jones, 85, A M, Haverford, Pa Prof William C Ladd, A M, Haverford, Pa Morris M Lee, <98, A M, 3528 N 18, Philadelphia, Pa John A Lester, 96, Haverford, Pa Daniel C Lewis, 89, Sc D, chemist, Millville, N J Prof Joseph L Markley, 85, A M, Ph D, Mich Univ, Ann Arbor, Mich Hon George G Mercer, 77, LL M, D C L, Drexel Bid, Philadelphia, Pa Prof Frank Morley, 83, A M, Haverford, Pa John S Morris, 91, A M, High School, Philadelphia, Pa Prof Wilfred P Mustard, Ph D, Haverford, Pa Henry S Pratt, Ph D, Haverford, Pa Charles J Rhoads, 93, Trust Co, Bryn Mawr, Pa Theodore W Richards, 85, t, 44 Shepard, Cambridge, Mass Charles Roberts, 64, insurance, 431 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa Alden Sampson, 73, A M, Haverford, Pa J Henry Scattergood, 96, 3515 Powelton, Philadelphia, Pa David Scull, 54, Overbrook, Pa Pres Isaac Sharpless, Sc D, LL D, Haverford, Pa Ira I Sterner, 98, A M, 30 College House, Cambridge, Mass Robert R Tatnall, 90, Ph D, Evanston, 111 Joseph M Taylor, 98, Philadelphia, Pa Prof Allen C Thomas, 65, A M, Ph D, History, Librarian, Haverford, Pa George Thomas, 3rd, 91, Sc D, Iron Co, Parkesburg, Pa Henry E Thomas, 95, A M, real estate, 55 Liberty, N Y City Prof James Tyson, 63, A M, M D, U of P, 1506 Spruce, Philadelphia, Pa George Vaux, Jr, 84, LL B, 404 Girard Building, Philadelphia, Pa Prof Frank K Walter, 99, A B, Haverford, Pa Parker S Williams, 94, LL B, Girard Building, Philadelphia, Pa Rev Charles Wood, 70, D D, Overbrook, Pa James Wood, 58, A M, farmer, Mt Kisco, N Y Stuart Wood, 70, Ph D, 400 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa Stanley R Yarnall, 92, A M, Germantown, Pa 130 UNITED CHAPTERS ZETA OF NEW YORK HOB ART COU, M S, 690 West End Ave, N Y City Felix Arnold, 98, A B, 701 E 62, N Y City Louis P Bach, 85, 237 E 23, N Y City Frederick A Bacon, 81, M A, tutor, R R man, 916 Trinity, N Y City William M Banks, 58, Portchester, N Y Hermann B Barnch, 92, 67 W 70, N Y City John S Battell, 73, insurance, 119 Broadway, N Y City Theodore Baumeister, 87, LL B, Tribune Building-, N Y City Arthur Beach, 72, M D, 300 Sumner Ave, Brooklyn, N Y Clarence G Bernheimer, 97, LL M, 124 W 70, N Y City Henry E Bliss, 84, B S, 1550 Lexing-ton, N Y City Daniel Bontecon, 71, C E, Thayer Building, Kansas City, Mo Hubert F Breitwieser, 97, t, C C N Y, 159 Ross, Brooklyn, N Y Leonard L Breitwieser, 90, 146 Broadway, N Y City Walter M Brickner, 93, M D, 36 W 92, N Y City Everit Brown, 82, M A, LL B, 56 Pine, N Y City Henry E Brown, 82, 56 Pine, N Y City Ronald K Brown, 83, A M, LL B, Central Bk Bid, 320 B'dway, N Y City Louis T Brush, 83, real estate, 304 W 87, N Y City Charles Buerger, 98, 164 W 133, N Y City Leo Buerg-er, 97, 204 E 116, N Y City Ferdinand E M Bullowa, 92, LL B, 31 Nassau, N Y City Lewis S Burchard, 77, A M, LL B, 6 Wall, N Y City William Carl, 91, LL B, 247 W 133, N Y City Henry S Carr, 66, N Y City Henry F Chapman, 67, clerk, 500 Madison, N Y City Evander Childs, Jr, 61, M S, 811 E 116, N Y City John Chaplin, 69, merchant, 140 Church, N Y City 158 UNITED CHAPTERS Nathan Clark, Jr, 70, caterer, 22 W 23, N Y City R Floyd Clark, 80, A M, L L B, 80 Broadway, N Y City Edward M Cole, 73, 1, East Orange, N J Alfred D Compton, 97, t, 40 W 126, N Y City Alfred A Cook, 92, 152 E 71, N Y City Gilbert H Crawford, 68, LL B, 229 Broadway, N Y City Hanford Crawford, 75, A M, merchant, B'dway and Locust, St Louis, Mo Prof Reuben Cronson, 82, A M, 225 E 116, N Y City Prof William A Dalton, 93, M S, Ph D, 1057 Jennings, N Y City Bashford Dean, 86, Ph D, t, 20 W 82, N Y City Charles Derleth, Jr, 94, C E, 674 E 135, N Y City Hon Warren R Dix, 74, A M, LL B, 1046 E Jersey, Elizabeth, N J Gano S Dunn, 89, A M, elec eng, 115 W 71, N Y City Samuel W Dunscomb, Jr, 88, A M, Ph D, LL B, 28 W 128, N Y City Harry Eising, 87, B S, merchant, 50 W 85, N Y City H Seymour Eisman, 93, 124 E 74, N Y City Jesse W Ehrlich, 94, LL B, 54 W 75, N Y City Charles A Elsberg, 90, M D, 137 E 57, N Y City Nathaniel A Elsberg, 91, LL B, 132 Nassau, N Y City Dean Emery, 93, LL B, 52 Broadway, N Y City Capt Oscar Erlandsen, 84, A M, C E, 1217 Park Row Build, N Y City Rev Prof Charles P Fagnani, 73, LL B, D D, U T S, 700 Park, N Y City Ernest A Fintel, 92, B S, C E, 1850 Bathgate Ave, N Y City Julius A Flaum, 95, A M, LL B, 156 Rivington, N Y City McCreery Forbes, 85, M D, 123 E 40, N Y City William Fox, 84, M E, West New Brighton, N Y Prin John L Fruauf , 83 A M, LL B, 621 Lexington, N Y City Jed Frye, 72, 47 Water, N Y City Clarence Galicenstein, 95, LL B, t, 415 Central Park West, N Y City Hon Asa Bird Gardiner, 59, LL D, L H D, Dist Atty, Court Bid, N Y City James Godwin, 58, A M, 146 Grand, N Y City Israel E Goldwasser, 97, 171 E loS, N Y City Prof Louis P Gratacap, 69, M A, curator A M N H, 77 and 78, N Y City Benjamin Griffin, 65, 41 W 58, N Y City John C Gulick, 72, LL B, 132 Nassau, N Y City Abraham L Gutman, 86, LL B, 20 Broad, N Y City Rev Charles L Hall, 66, missionary, Ello woods, N Dakota John D Haney, 93, M S, LL B, t, Girls' High School, N Y City Prof Arthur T Hanson, 98, A M, 145 W 121, N Y City Edward C Henderson, 76, LL B, 59 Wall, N Y City Everett B Heymann, 95, LL B, 66 E 81, N Y City Georg-e Benedict Hickok, 63, M D, 167 W 78, N Y City Rev Edwin T Hiscox, 69, Saratoga Springs, N Y Hon George E Hoe, 64, B S, builder, 10 Liberty Place, N Y City S Milford B Hopkins, 61, AM, Trust Co, 153 Columb Heights, Brooklyn, Charles E Home, 89, M S, editor, C C N Y, N Y City Leigh H Hunt, 77, M Sc, t, 195 W 23, NY City Solomon Hymen, 93, 171 East 94, N Y City Charles B Jessup, 70, Civil Service, 101 W 90, N Y City Lynds E Jones 73, Civil Service, 125 Centre, N Y City PHI BETA KAPPA 159 L C Levin Jordan, 70, Secretary, 34 Cooper Union, N Y City Louis M Josephthal, 87, N Y City Edward Kasner, 96, A M, Ph D, Student, 52 Catharine, N Y City Alan D Kenyon, 78, LL B, 150 Nassau, N Y City Hon William Houston Kenyon, 76, A M, LL B, 321, W 82, N Y City Col Alexander P Ketchum, 58, A M, LL B, 4 William, N Y City Charles A Kinch, 70, M D, 273 W 70, N Y City Herbert A Knox, 96, 472 Mott Ave, N Y City Max J Kohler, 90, LL B, 115 E 71, N Y City Albert Kohn, 88, M D, 217 E 62, N Y City Samson Lochman, 74, LL B, NY City Wilbur Larremore, 75, LL B, 32 Nassau, N Y City Hon Edward Lauterbach, 64, A M, LL B, 22 William, N Y City George C Lay, 69, M A, LL B, 100 Broadway, N Y City Harry Leventhal, 98, B S, t, public school, 228 E Broadway, N Y City Emmanuel Libman, 91, A M, M D, 180 E 64, N Y City Harold E Lippincott, 91, MS, 61 W 19, N Y City Otto T Louis, 90, M M E, manager, 340 E 119, N Y City Hon Charles E Lydecker, 71, LL B, 120 Broadway, N Y City Hon Lucius McAdam, 64, LL B, Hartford Life Ins Co, Hartford, Conn George B McAuliffe, 85, A M, M D, 57 E 65, N Y City Forbes R McCreery, 85, M D, NY City Prof William G McGuckin, 69, 17 Lexington, N Y City Alfred W Mack, 85, M A, importer, 8 W 4, N Y City Morris Manges, 84, M D, 941 Madison, N Y City Prof James W Mason, 55, A M, Ph D, College City of New York Burton C Meidran, 90, LL B, 38 Park Row, N Y City Howard S Meighan, 91, LL B, Mamaroneck, N Y Leo B Meyer. 94, MD, Mt Sinai Hospital, N Y City Henry F Miller, 79, LL B, 44 Pine, N Y City Philip J Mosenthal, 83, M S, Insurance, 46 Cedar, N Y City Fred G Mueller, 82, A M, Gov Service, 45 Neptune, New Rochelle, N Y Hon Hermann J Muller, 73, B S, manuf, 118 Walker, N Y City Harold Nathan, 85, LL B, 44 Broad, N Y City Rev Edwin R Murgatroy, 79, New Vernon, N J Bernard Naumberg, 94, LL B, 124 W 64, N Y City Hon Charles H Nettleton, 70, A M, Manager Gas Co, Derby Conn John C Oakes, 91, U S Army, Washington, D C Nathan Ottinger, 92, 110 E 61, N Y City Charles H Parmly, 88, S M, t, C C N Y, 524 W 114, N Y City Benjamin G Paskusa, 94, 242 E 72, N Y City Frederick E Perham, 88, LL B, 31 Nassau, N Y City Prof Charles L Poor, 86, Ph D, astronomer, 4 E 48, N Y City Bishop Henry C Potter, S T D, LL D, 29 Lafayette Place, N Y City Julius Prince, 89, merchant, 124 Greene, N Y City John Prochazka, 82 manuf chemist, 15 E 12, N Y City Hon Maurice Rapp, 76, LL B, 167 Broadway, N Y City Prof Ira Remsen, 65, A M, M D, Ph D, LL D, J HUniv, Baltimore, Md Arthur F Remy, 90, A M, t, Columb Univ, 112 W 137, N Y City Frederick G Reynolds, 91, LL B, 124 W 132, N Y'City 160 UNITED CHAPTERS Edwin T Rice, Jr, 80, 1, 59 Wall, N Y City Clarence D Rogers, 90, LL B, 141 Broadway, N Y City August Rupp, 84, t, C C N Y, 17 Lexington, N Y City Hon Francis A Sampson, 65, A M, LL B, Sedalia, Mo George Schaettler, 83, LL B, manuf, 533 W 33, N Y City Emelius W Sclierr, Jr, 96, 2067 Seventh Ave, N Y City Oswald Schlockow, 94, Pd M, t, Public School, 914 Forest Ave, N YCity Henry G Scheider, 87, t, 610 W 47, N Y City Livingston Schuyler, 89, 311 E 86, N Y City Edward W Scripture, 85, Psych Lab, New Haven, Conn Ferdinand Shack, 74, M A, LL B, 56 Wall, N Y City Hon Edward M Shepard, 69, A M, LL B, 172 Congress, Brooklyn, N Y Prof John R Sim, 68, A M, Math, C C N Y, 536 W 156, N Y City Augustus Smith, 87, C E, 39 Cortlandt, N Y City Francis Smyth, 91, A M, LL B, 40 Wall, N Y City Otto C Sommerich, 96, LL B, 175 E 79, N Y City Frederick E Stanton, 92, B S, manuf, 475 Broadway, N Y City Prin Edward W Stitt, 81, Pd M Lenox and 134, N Y City Prof William Stratford, 65, A M, M D, Ph D, 263 W 52, N Y City Israel Strauss, M D, Mt Sinai Hospital, N Y City Russsell Sturgis, 56, A M, Ph D, architect, 307 E 17, N Y City Richard L Sweezy, 74, 1, 62 William, N Y City Hon Henry N Tifft, 73, M L, LL B, 11 William, N Y City Hon Irving H Tifft, 77, LL B, 302 Broadway, N Y City Walter Timme, 93, M D, 102 W 85, N Y City Edward F Todd, 84, 1, 33 Liberty, N Y City Rudolph Tombo, Jr, 95, M A, M S, 2 Ridge Place, N Y City Gen H E Tremain, 60, LL B, 146 Broadway, N Y City F Fay Tucker, 93, 145 W 123, N Y City Samuel A Tuska, 84, merchant, 62 William, N Y City Albert Ullman, 81, banker, 40 Exchange, N Y City Hon Joseph Ullman, 75, A M, LL B, 203 Broadway, N Y City Henry Van Kleeck, 72, A M, 518 Boston Bid, Denver, Col Richard Van Santvoord, 72, M D, 106 W 122, N Y City Hon Townsend Wandell, 63, A M, LL B, 51 Chambers, N Y City Walter M Wechsler, 95, LL B, Trust Co, 132 W 74, N Y City Prof Adolph Werner, 57, M S, Ph D, C C N Y, 339 W 29, N Y City Fred W Wendt, 86, clerk, 25 Greene, N Y City Hon Everett P Wheeler, 56, LL B, 45 Broadway, N Y City Hon Henry K White, 60, LL B, St Joseph, Mo Howard P Wild, 69, LL B, 34 Pine, N Y City Hon Peter B Wright, A M, architect, 1112 Cham Commerce, Chicago, 111 Frank S Williams, 78, A M, broker, 60 Broadway, N Y City Rev Richard P Williams, 74, A M, 219 C, N W, Washington, D C John W Wood, 86, A M, editor, 281 Fourth Ave, N Y City Sidney L Wood, 91, M E, Newport News, Va James A Wotton, 66, merchant, 226 W 75, N Y City Edward C Zabriske, 93, 200 E 20, N Y City Louis Zinke, 93, LL B, 129 W 97, N Y City PHI BETA KAPPA 161 BETA OF NEW YORK NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK CITY President, Prof Henry M Baird, D D, L H D, LL D Vice-Pres, Prof John J Stevenson, Ph D, LL D Secretary, Clianc Henry M MacCracken, D D, LL D Treasurer, Prof Francis H Stoddard, Ph D Rec Sec, Prof Marshall S Brown, M A James Abbott, 83, A M, books, 33 E 17, N Y City Rev Lyman Abbott, 53, D D, editor The Outlook, 287 4th Ave, N Y City Rev Walter B Adams, 86, Prot College, Beirut, Syria Rev William Aikman, 46, D D, 122 States, Atlantic City, N J Hon William Aikman, Jr, 72, LL B, 4 Walker Block, Detroit, Mich Rev Henry C Alvord, 76, A M, South Weymouth, Mass Howard C Anderson, 88, 146 Java, Brooklyn, N Y William P H Bacon, 86, 302 Mott Ave, N Y City Prof Henry M Baird, 50, DD,LLD,LHD, Dean NYU, 219 Palisade, Yonkers Henry M Baird, Jr, 91, LL B, 111 Broadway, N Y City Frederic Baker, 52, A M, LL B, 815 Fifth Ave, N Y City Milan D Barnes, 81, LL B, 35 Wall, N Y City Benjamin S Barrington, 98, 226 W 132, N Y City Theodore B Barring-ton, Jr, 94, 226 W 132, N Y City Ira Beard, Jr, 79, Emlin, Germantown, Pa Julian A Becker, 95, 67 W 92, N Y City George Bell, 69, 1, New Brighton, N Y Rev Robert C Bell, 66, Granby, Mass William E Belknap, 88, City Works, Brooklyn, N Y Alfred C Benedict, 97, M D, 86 Convent Ave, N Y City Charles A Bell, 92, broker, 101 W 78, N Y City Ernest F Birmingham, 79, A M, publisher, 19 Park Row, N Y City Rev Albert C Bishop, 60, Keeseville, N Y Rev John D Blake, 84, Marshallton, Del Rev Cornelius R Blauvelt, 64, Nyack, N Y Prof Borden P Bowne, 71, 380 Longwood, Boston, Mass James O Boyd, 95, M A, B D, Theol Seminary, Princeton, N J Rev Cornelius Brett, 62, A M, D D, 509 Bergen Ave, Jersey City, N J John K Brigham, 73, A M, water supply, 50 Willow, Brooklyn, N Y John B Briggs, Jr, 98, 311 Washington, Brooklyn, N Y Marvin Briggs, 52, 128 Noble, Brooklyn, N Y Prof Charles L Bristol, 83, University Heights, N Y Joseph M Brodey, 94, C E, 320 Broadway, N Y City Rev Henry M Brown, 86, 1864 Fleetwood Ave, N Y City Rev Jesse Brush, 54, 318, 14, Buffalo, N Y Joseph H Bryan, 86, A M, M D, Asbury Park, N J Prof Marcus D Buell, 72, A M, S T D, N T Greek, 72 Mt Vernon, Boston Erastus W Bulkley, 91, Ph G, banker, 67 State, Albany, N Y James E Bull, 78, 253 Broadway, N Y City 162 UNITED CHAPTERS James B Burnett, 63, M D, 16 Chestnut, Newark, N J Rev Theodore F Burnham, 71, Vallfjo, Calif* William Allen Butler, 43, LL D, 54 Wall, N Y City Arthur H Cameron, 87, C E, L,L B, 375 Fulton, Brooklyn, N Y William F Campbell, 87, M D, 219 Cumberland, Brooklyn, N Y William M Campbell, 98, A M, building construction, 18 E 62, N Y City Benjamin A Capwell, 81, 108 Franklin, N Y City Rev Samuel Carlile, 55, D D, Newton, N J John H Carll, 70, 1234 Broadway, Toledo, Ohio Rev Hugh S Carpenter, 42, D D, 1401 Pacific, Brooklyn, N Y Rev Samuel T Carter, 58, Hunting-ton, N Y Thomas Carter, 58, Boonton, N J Rev Thomas S Childs, 47, D D, Archdeacon, 1308 Conn Ave, Washington Rev Edward A Collier, 57, D D, Kinderhook, N Y Rev Judson Conklin, 78, 39 Model, Trenton, N J Rev David Conway, 64, Mt Joy, Pa Henry S Cooley, 91, Summit, N J Rev William F Cooley, 78, Chatham, N J Charles F Cooper, 77, 605 Grand, N Y City John C Cozens, 72, t, Amsterdam, N Y Jesse G Carmer, 89, East Orange, N J Hon Edward P Crane, 51, 90 Broad, N Y City J Parker Crittenden, 75, 1, Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa Ernest H Crosby, 76, author, Rhinebeck, N Y Avac Cutujian, 88, M D, 71 Lexington, N Y City Robert B Davis, 78, A M, civil engineer, 101 Milk, Boston, Mass Robert A Davison, 64, 346 Mason, Brooklyn, N Y Prof RobertODoremus,42,AM,MD,LLD,Chem&Phys,CCNY, NY City Hon Henry S Dray ton, 59, A M, LL B, MD, F SL. author, 70, 5th, NY City Rev J Frederick Dripps, 63, D D, 221 W Chelten, Germantown, Pa Prof George M Duncan, 81, 175 Edwards, New Haven, Conn Hon William D Edwards, 75, LL B, 1 Exchange Place, Jersey City, NY Rev James C Egbert, 52, D D, Hoboken, N J Rev John B Falkner, 59, Germantown, Pa Albert W Ferris, 78, M D, 343 Madison, N Y City Richard Ferris, 74, B S, C E, artist, West Shokan, N Y Maybury Fleming, 72, A M, editor, New Brighton, N Y Alden Freeman, 82, M S, 101 Munn Ave, East Orange, N J Frederick S Gibson, 96, 1, 27 Waverly Place, N Y City Prof William K Gillitt, 80, Pelham Manor, N Y Hon Archibald W Hall, 66, A M, LL B, 843 Clinton Ave, Newark, N J Rev W W Halloway, 65, A M, D D, Dover, N J Edward K Hayt, 77, Paterson, N J John A Hedrick, 61, farmer, Salisbury, N C Skidmore Hendrickson, 63, A M, M D, 1275 Bergen, Brooklyn, N Y Prof D W Hering, 87, University Heights, N Y City Robert W Higbie. 82, M A, wholesale lumber, 45 Broadway, N Y City William H Hillman, 81, 275 Hicks, Brooklyn, N Y William J Hoe, 83, A M, builder, 327 W 14, N Y City William M Hoff , Jr, 73, 763 E 142, N Y City PHI BETA KAPPA 163 Prof W A Houghton, 87, Brunswick, Me Arthur H Rowland, 95, A M, Evangelist, New City, N Y Hon William B Kurd, Jr, 72, LL B, Judge, 1167 Dean, Brooklyn, N Y Rev Manicus H Hutton, 57, D D, New Brunswick, N J Andrew B Inglis, 81, 206 Main, Paterson, N J John V Irwin, 94, A M, LL B, 203 Broadway, N Y City Prof Abram S Isaacs, 71, 2 W 14, N Y City Hon Myer S Isaacs, 59, A M, LL M, 27 Pine, N Y City Rev Alfred C V Johnson, 67, Yonkers, N Y Rev Charles H Jones, 82, A M, 525 Oswego, Newark, N J Paul E Jones,88, A M, LL B, 215 Montague, Brooklyn, N Y Arthur M King, 90, 132 Nassau, N Y City William M Kingsley, 83, 74 W 103, N Y City Rev William A Kirkwood, 90, Parkville, N Y James L Kortright, 78, M D, 252 Rodney, Brooklyn, N Y Rev Samuel P Leeds, 43, D D, College Church, Hanover, N H Charles H Leklman, Jr, 84, 229 Broadway, N Y City Rev Henry Lewis, 93, A M, Ph D, 150 Nassau, N Y City Rev John Love, Jr, 68, M A, D D, 505 Third Ave, Asbury Park, N J Charles H Ludlum, 63, M A, M D, Hempstead, N Y Walter D Ludlum, 95, M A, M D, ME Hospital, Brooklyn, N Y William L Ludlum, 68, A M, banker, 48 Wall, N Y City Alexander S Lyman, 84, 32 Nassau, N Y City Joseph B Lyman, 94, 32 Nassau, N Y City Thomas J Maccabe, 96, LL B, 178 W 94, N Y City Rev T Calvin McClelland, 89,MA,Ph D,4Mt Vernon Court, Newport, R I Chanc Henry M MacCracken, M U, 57, LL D, N Y University, N Y City John H MacCracken, 94, University Heights, N Y City Rev Joseph C McKelvey, 89, M A, Plainfield, N J William C Mains, 92, A M, Ph D, LL B, Mount Vernon, N Y Prof D S Martin, 63, 75 W 55, N Y City Rev Edward A Mason, 80, M A, B D, Dexter, Me Prof George C Mason, 92, C E, M S, NYU, Univ Heights, N Y City Rev James A Miller, 88, A M, Ph D, 633 Pennsylvania Ave, Elmira, N Y George A Minasian, 85, M A, LL B, 132 Nassau, N Y City Edgar V Moffat, 76, M D, 476 Main, Orange, N J Rev Elliot H Moore, 91, Fergus Palls, Minn Hon Thomas S Mount, 57, A M, LL B, Stony Brook, N Y Prof Daniel A Murray, 95, Ithaca, N Y Charles W Meyers, 96, 907 Morris, N Y City Freeman R Myers, 54, 86 Trinity, N Y City Walter H Nelson, 77, 490 Degraw, Brooklyn, N Y Francis L Noble, 86, A M, LL B, 2 Wall, N Y City Prof Henry D Noyes, 51, A M, M D, 233 Madison, N Y City Alfred C P Opdyke, 90, 20 Nassau, N Y City Charles W Opdyke, 56, Plainfield, N J Henry B Opdyke, 60, 12 Pine, N Y City William S Opdyke, 56, 1, 20 Nassau, N Y City George W Osborn, 96, University Heights, N Y City Rev John P Otis, 69, M A, LL B, S T B, Mt Salem Lane, Wilmington, Del 164 UNITED CHAPTERS Prof Edward J Owen, 55, A M, Supt Schools, Ticonderoga, N Y Hon Randolph Parmly, 75, A M, LL B, 160 Broadway, N Y City Samuel B Parish, 58, fruit grower, San Bernardino, Cal Prof James M Paton, 83, Middletown, Conn Prof Lewis B Paton, 84, Ph D, Greek, Wesl Univ, Middletown, Conn Eugene F Pearce, 81, M D, 95 Henry, Brooklyn, N Y Rev L W Peck, 45, 302 Chestnut, Scranton, Pa Prin Arthur C Perry, Jr, 92, A M, Ph D, 310 Decatur, Brooklyn, N Y Hon John F Phayre, 61, A M, 105 W 121, N Y City Rev William H Phraner, 60, Jamaica, N Y Rev Wilson Phraner, 47, E Orange, N J Hon Israel C Pierson, 65, Ph D, Act Wash Life Ins, 141 B'dway, N Y City James O Pingry, 62, M D, Millbrook, N Y Vincent Pisek, 82, 347 E 74, N Y City Rev Samuel D Price, 93, A M, Shrewsbury, N J James F Rice, 93, A M, M D, Gnadenhutten, Ohio Rev Herman C Riggs, 52, D D, 40 Rutgers, Rochester, N Y M T Rosenberg, 78, A M, LL B, 1 Exchange Place, Jersey City, N J Prof Isaac F Russell, 75, LL D, D C L, 120 Broadway, N Y City Henry E Schell, 88, salesman, 132 Second, Brooklyn, N Y Prof E R Shaw, 94, Washington Square, N Y City Lemuel Skidmore, 61, A M, LL B, Summit, N J Augustus H Skillin, 92, LL B, 34 Pine, N Y City Henry H Spies, 78, A M, merchant, NYC, Montclair, N J Rev Edward P Sprague, 64, Ph D, D D, Salem, N Y Benjamin H Stern, 95, M A, LL B, 19 Liberty, N Y City Hon Eugene Stevenson, 70, A M, LL B, Paterson, N J Prof John J Stevenson, 63, Ph D, LL D, University Heights, N Y City Hon Richard W Stevenson, 75, A M, LL B, 32 Nassau, N Y City Joseph Strachan, 83, M S, C E, 352 Putnam Ave, Brooklyn, N Y Hon William H Syme, 62, A M, LL B, 170 Broadway, N Y City Daniel D Tompkins, 97, B S, First National Bank, Sing Sing, N Y Louis L Tribus, 85, C E, 84 Warren, N Y City Arthur S Tuttle, 85, Municipal Building, Brooklyn, N Y Erskine Uhl, 60, Sec Y M C A, 3 W 29, N Y City Hon John G Van Home, 72, C E, 71 Broadway, N Y City Cornelius Van Riper, 63, A M, M D, 207 Main, Passaic, N J Philip H Vernon, 53, 1, 111 Broadway, N Y City Rev Thomas Walters, 84, D D, Euclid Ave, Pittsburg, Pa Eugene P Weed, 92, A M, LL B, 117 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn, N Y George C Wetmore, Jr, 79, manuf, Woonsocket, R I Charles G Wheeler, 96, 1, 586 Jefferson, Brooklyn, N Y Rev Theodore F White, 49, D D, Summit, N J Capt Walter F Whittemore, 83, C E, 1 Newark, Hoboken, N J Louis C Whiton, 78, 1, 149 Broadway, N Y City Prof Arthur L Wolfe, 89, Parkville, Mo Prof Samuel L Woodbridge, 39, D D, New Brunswick, N J Rev George S Woodhull, 48, D D, Saginaw, Mich James V S Woolley, 66, A M, M D, 75 E 79, N Y City George D Young, 87, Princeton, N J PHI BETA KAPPA 165 ALPHA OF ILLINOIS NOKTHWKSTKRN UNIVERSITY, EVANSTON, Il Hope Hospital, Ainoy, China Florence W Olivet, 98, A B, 261 Mill, Poughkeepsie, N Y Mary S Packard, 92, M D, 1709 Penn, Pittsburg, Pa Elizabeth E Packer, 96, A B, teacher, Latin, New Centre, Mass Rose A Palmer, 96, A B, 1408 Thirty-first, Washington, D C Anna Redfield Phelps, 73, Librarian, 422 James, Syracuse, N Y Theodora A Phelps, 95, 734 Central, Dunkirk, N Y Henrietta A R Pratt, 93, West Acton, Mass Adella Prentiss, 90, A M, Accom and Mangr, 273 Princeton, Cleveland, O Helen R Putnam, 89, 45 S College, Grand Rapids, Mich Mrs EHza Metcalf Radeke, 76, 254 Benedict, Providence, R I Susan Raymond, 71, A M, 123 Henry, Brooklyn, N Y Amy L Reed, 92, Kingsbridge, N Y Marie Reimer, 97, East Aurora, N Y Mary P Rhoades, 68, t, Brockport, N Y Mrs Mary Smiley Rhodes, 85, Groton, N Y Bertha Richardson, 99, student in Economics. 86 S Oxford, Brooklyn, NY Edith Rickerts, 91, Ph D, teacher, English, Vassar College Cynthia W Ritch, 70, teacher, 109 Atlantic, Stamford, Conn Grace H Robbins, 99, A B, 243 Summit Ave, St Paul, Minn Mrs Florence Halliday Rogers, 91, Chestnut Hill, Mass Alice W Sawyer, 97, teacher, 431 E First, Jacksonville, Fla 204 UNITED CHAPTERS Beatrice Shaw, 97, A M, teacher, Mary Sherwood, 83, M D, Lizzie M Simpson, 98, A M, Jessie V Skelton, 95, A M, teacher, Mrs Martha Hubbard Skinner, 84, A M, Helen M Slade, 94, Mrs Harriet Palmer Slocum, 70, Mrs Emma Colby Smith, 69, A M, Mrs Grace Bliss Snyder, 77, Mrs Elizabeth Hill Spalding, 74, Leila C Spaulding, 99, Elizabeth D Storer, 70, A M, Helen L Storke, 68, Sophie D Storke, 70, Mrs Amelia Esty Stowell, 71, A M, Elma D Swift, 73, A M, Mrs Louise Smith Swift, 87, M D, 196 Ellison, Paterson, N J The Arundel, Baltimore, Md Mexico, N Y Princeton, Ind 206 Elm, Holyoke, Mass Vassar College Pittsfield, Mass 43 N Pullerton, Montclair, N J Rockford, 111 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N Y Bedford Park, N Y City Asheville, N C 167 Whitman, Cleveland, Ohio 167 Whitman, Cleveland, Ohio 303 N Aurora, Ithaca, N Y 130 Academy, Poughkeepsie, N Y Mt Vernon, N Y Eva M Tappan, 75, A M, Ph D, teacher, 32 Chatham, Worcester, Mass Lucy Tappan, 80, A M, teacher, 22 Mason, Gloucester, Mass Helen D Thompson, 99, Vassar, Poughkeepsie, N Y Prof Isabel Nelson Tillinghast, 78, Ph M, Eng, F A Col, Springfield Alta M Tozer, 99, teacher, Mrs Mary Chuwar Trask, 70, Sarah B "Tunnicliff , 92, Alma E Tuttle, 96, A B, teacher, Adelaide Underbill, 88, Elizabeth Updegraff, 95, teacher, Melviua Van Kleeck, 94, A M, Helen Van Vliet, 92, A M, Catherine Warren, 89, teacher, North Bennington, Vt 140 W 46, N Y City Macomb, 111 194 Main, Hornellsville, N Y Library, Vassar College McGregor, Iowa 285 Mill, Poughkeepsie, N Y Virginia Ave, Poughkeepsie, N Y Vassar College Prof Margaret P Washburn, 91, A M, Ph D, Aurora, N Y Mrs Elizabeth Fox Webster, 76, A M, 132 Chestnut, Waterbury, Conn Emilie L Wells, 94, teacher, Vassar College Amy Wentworth, 98, A B, Boston C A S, 46 Sawyer, Dorchester, Mass Mary M Whitney, 68, A M, Vassar, College Ethel Wilkinson, 93, teacher, 1537 Kenmore, Chicago, 111 Mrs Charlotte Halliday Wing, A M, 4822 Lake Ave, Chicago, 111 Ida Wood, 77, Ph D, 2038 Spring Garden, Philadelphia, Pa Laura J Wylie, 77, Ph D, teacher, Vassar College Mary E Wylie, 99, Ph D, 4257 Viola, Philadelphia, Pa Mrs Anne Southworth Wyman, 82, A M, 93 Pinckney, Boston, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA 205 ALPHA OF VERMONT UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, BURUNGTON, VT. President, Prof John E Goodrich, D D Vice-Pres, Hon John H Converse, LL D Secretary, Lucy Florence Burdick Treasurer, Prof Lyman Allen, M D Registrar, Rev George Y Bliss (DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS WHO HAVE DIED) Frederick Billings, President Pacific Railroad Nathan G Clark, Secretary A B C F M Matthew Hale, President United Chapters Phi Beta Kappa Calvin Pease, President University of Vermont Henry J Raymond, Founder New York Times William G T Shedd, Theologian George N Abbott, 49, A M, South Newbury, Vt Pres Charles K Adams, M U 61, LL D, Madison, Wis Prof Ernest Albee, 87, Ph D, Cornell, 62 Dryden Road, Ithaca, N Y George W Alger, 92, LL B, 203 Broadway, N Y City Charles E Allen, 96, bookkeeper, Easthampton, Mass Principal Joseph D Allen, 93, A M, DeLaticey School, Philadelphia, Pa John J Allen, 62, A M, LL B, 203 Montague, Brooklyn, N Y Lyman Allen, 93, M D, 288 Main, Burlington, Vt Egbert J Armstrong-, 94, Castleton, Vt Ella E Atwater, 89, A M, teacher, 123 Pulaski, Brooklyn, N Y Pres Oscar Atwood, 64, A M, Straight, New Orleans, La Rev Will A Babbitt, 92, 9 Park Place, Ashtabula, Ohio Charles W Baker, 86, C E, editor, St Paul Bid, N Y City Mr and Mrs Moses N Baker, 86, Upper Montclair, N J Rev Alanson D Barber, 45, A M, Williston, Vt Rev George I Bard, 57, A M, Meredith, N H Annie R Barker, 78, teacher, Burlington, Vt Hon Horace Barlow, 62, A M, merchant, Hudson, Wis Lucia E Barney, 89, teacher, Erie, Pa Rev Edward C Bass, 59, D D, Providence, R I Hon George W Batchelder, 51, A M, LL B, Faribault, Minn Mary R Bates, 94, Librarian, 31 Loomis, Burlington, Vt Hon Benjamin L Benedict, 55, A M, U S Com, 86 Hancock, Brooklyn, NY Hon Charles L Benedict, 44, LL D, Dongan Hills, S I, N Y 206 UNITED CHAPTERS Hon George G Benedict, 47, A M, jour, 31 S Prospect, Burlington, Vt George W Benedict, 93, A M, Ph D, teacher, Providence, R I Hon Wyllys Benedict, 76, A M, LL B, 140 Broadway, N Y City Prof Allen P Bissell, 58, Ph D, D D, Hebrew, Biddle, Charlotte, N C Rev George Y Bliss, 89, Burlington, Vt Rev Joshua I Bliss, 52, D D, Burlington, Vt Rev Boardman B Bosworth, 91, 616 W 148, N Y City Adelbert W Boynton, 76, Keeseville, N Y Rev Samuel I Briant, 63, Westboro, Mass Clarence S Brigham, 89, M D, Leominster, Mass James A Brown, 63, 1, Burlington, Vt Sarah V S Brownell, 77, office clerk, Burlington, Vt Rev John W Buckham, 85, Salem, Mass Pres Matthew H Buckham, D D, Burlington, Vt Lucy P Burdick, 95, A M, teacher, 18 N Battery, Burlington, Vt Rev Henry K Butler, 61, D D, Alma, Mich Rev Ezra H Byington, 52, A M, D D, 300 Franklin, Newton, Mass Stephen T Byington, 91, Cornwall, N Y Mrs Elizabeth Norton Canfield, 96, Lake Park, Minn Prof Charles ACatlin, 73, Ph B, FR A A S, chemist, 133 Hope, Providence George B Catlin, 80, manuf, Winooski, Vt Newman K Chappee, 91, manuf, Rutland, Vt Rev Lucian W Chaney, 43, A M, Dundas, Minn Supt George H Claflin, 90, C E, creamery, St Albans, Vt Rev Albert W Clark, 65, D D, Prague, Bohemia Anna M Clark, 98, Ph B, teacher, Normal School, Brookfield, Vt Elroy N Clark, 85, LL B, 420 Equitable Building, Denver, Col Henry W Clark, 97, 1, 239 W 79, N Y City Vinton A Clark, 98, B S, Depart Agriculture, Washington, D C Rev William C Clark, 85, A M, Hardwick, Vt George B Cochran, 62, M D, Hudson, Mass James O Codding, 98, teacher, Westminster, Vt Col Charles A Converse, 69, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia Hon John H Converse, 61, LL D, Baldwin Locomotive Wks, Philadelphia Frederick M Corse, 88, A M, manuf, 1161 Amsterdam Ave, N Y City Helen L Cram, 79, M A, teacher, 117 W 115, N Y City Hon Philander Deming, 61, LL B, writer, 12 Jay, Albany, N Y John H Denison, 77, 1. 541 Equitable Bid, Denver, Col Prof Davis R Dewey, 79, Ph D, Economics, Mass Inst Tech, Boston, Mass Supt Frank E Dodge, 88, Ph B, chemist, manufacturer, Frankford, Pa Joseph T Dodge, 45, Ph D, Madison, Wis Rev Dennis Donovan, 64, A M, South Lyndeboro, N H Albert R Dow, 70, Burlington, Vt Prof Edward H Dutcher, 82, A M, East Orange, N J Hon Dorman B Eaton, 48, NY City Fred S English, 96, mech eng, 10 Pearl, New London, Conn Prof David S Estes, 71, D D, Theological Seminary, Hamilton, N Y Rev Edwin C Ferguson, 69, Athens, Tenn Walter C Flanders, 90, 1, 149 Broadway, N Y City Dr and Mrs George I Forbes, 90, 91, 215 Pearl, Burling-ton, Vt PHI BETA KAPPA 207 Rev Calvin H French, 94, 7 Middagh, Brooklyn, N Y Mrs Isabelle Chandler Gates, 89, Burlington, Vt Hon Charles M Gay, 54, A M, editor, 127 Franklin, Newton, Mass Hon John I Gilbert, 59, A M, LL D, lawyer, Malone, N Y Rev Simeon Gilbert, 54, D D, Chicago, 111 Chauncy M Goodrich, 96, 483 Main, Burlington, Vt Prof John E Goodrich, 53, D D, Latin, Burlington, Vt Rev Frank K Graves, 86, A M, teacher, South Royalton, Vt Abel J Grout, 90, t, Brooklyn, N Y Hon Robert N Hall, 57, LL D, Montreal, Canada Erwin M Harvey, 96, 1, Montpelier, Vt Hon Seneca Haselton, 71, Burlington, Vt Ralph L Hayes,86, A M, publisher (Ginn & Co) 1229 Arch, Philadelphia, Pa Allen Hazen, 88, M D, 145 W 66, N Y City Rev Austin Hazen, 85, Thomaston, Conn Rev Carleton Hazen, 88, Rochester, Vt Rev Frank W Hazen, 90, A M, Gaysville, Vt Rev William Hazen, 93, A M, Sherburne, Vt Prof George W Henderson, 77, AM, DD, Straight Univ, New Orleans, La Rev John R Herrick, 47, D D, Polo, 111 Hon Henry W Hill, 76, A M, LL B, 471 Linwood, Buffalo, N Y Mrs Lida Mason Hodge, 75 AM, 88 N Prospect, Burlington, Vt Theodore K Hopkins, 95, A M, LL B, Windsor, Vt Judson B Howard, 88, t, Concord, N H Bessie I Howe, 90, t, 33 W Washington, N Y City Prof Marshall A Howe, 90, Ph D, Botany, Columbia Univ, N Y City Roger W Hulburd, 82, 1, Hyde Park, Vt Merril M Hutchinson, 95, A M, insurance, Montpelier, Vt George E Hyde, 88, C E, U S Geologist, 1924 Third, N W, Washington Eliza C Isham, 86 t, Barre, Vt Jason D Jenkins, 74, East Haven, Vt Leirion H Johnson, 96, Springfield, Mass Hon John A Kasson, 42, LL D, Washington, D C Darwin P Kingsley, 81, A M, 346 Broadway, N Y City Rev Orpheus T Lamphear, 45, Beverly, Mass Rev Warren H Landon, 74, D D, San Rafael, Calif Rev Philo F Leavens, 61, D D, Passaic, N J Elwyn N Lovewell, 98, Ph B, teacher, Gaysville, Vt Hon Elias Lyman, 70, A M, merchant, Burlington, Vt Rev William H H McAllister, 80, Old Orchard, Me Henry M McFarland, 78, 1, Hyde Park, Vt Mrs Annie Leavens Manchee, 96, Newark, N J Prof Joseph W Marsh, 57, Ph D, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore Hon George A Marshall, 61, A M, LL B, 305 Main, Darlington, Wis Willard A Mitchell, 87, 1, 35 Nassau, N Y City Hon Davis G Moore, 58, A M, coal operator, 312 Walnut, Danville, 111 Effie Moore, 76, A M, t, High School, 8 S Willard, Burlington, Vt Edmund C Morse, 93, Island Pond, Vt Rev Edward P Morse, 79, A M, Troy, Pa Edmund C Mower, 92, 1, Burlington, Vt 208 UNITED CHAPTERS Mrs and Mr Walter R Newton, 80, 81, Andover, Mass Harry A Noyes, 93, A M, LL B, 423 W Church, Elmira, N Y Frank H Parker, 74, 325 S Union, Burlington, Vt Madison A Parker, 97, B S in Agr, West Concord, Vt Rev Moses P Parmelee, 55, A M, Trebizond, Turkey Rev Wilson B Parmelee, 53, D D, Oswego, N Y Selim H Peabody, 52, Ph D, LL D, 7424 Normal, Chicago, 111 Mrs Mittie Skinner Peck, 91, Bristol, Conn Hon Hamilton S Peck, 70, A M, Judge, Mayor, Burlington, Vt M Aurelia Peck, 96, teacher, College Farm, Burlington, Vt Julia B Platt, 82, Ph D, Burlington, Vt Theodora M Plumley, 97, Mattoon, 111 Max L Powell, 89, A M, LL B, Burlington, Vt George McC Powers, 83, Morrisville, Vt Hon Horace H Powers, 55, Morrisville, Vt John W Redmond, 86, Newport, Vt Rev Alonzo B Rich, 42, D D, Short Hills, N J Hon John P Rich, 79, A M, manuf, S wanton Junction, Vt George W Roberts 57, M D, 1672 Broadway, N Y City Robert Roberts, 69, Burlington, Vt Hon Homer C Royce, 84, A M, LL B, St Albans, Vt Marion B Rustedt, 98, teacher, Richford, Vt Lillian A Scott, 94, Ph B, teacher, Burlington, Vt Frederick T Sharp, 95, A M, teacher, New Britain, Conn Merton E Shedd, 83, 98 Summer, Boston, Mass Rev William T Sleeper, 50, Sherman Mills, Me George E P Smith, 97, Burlington, Vt Prof Kirby F Smith, 84, A M, Ph D, Latin, J H U, Baltimore, Md Hon Horace E Stevens, 70, AM, contractor, 530 Grand Ave, St Paul, Minn Ralph A Stewart, 93, LL B, 340 Main, Worcester, Mass Supt William M Stiles, 84, A M, manuf, Long Island City, N Y Rev George B Stone, 85, Baltimore, Md Hon George L Stow, 73, AM, LL B, Chelsea, Vt Edward D Strickland, 94, A M, Sec B H S, 395 W Utica, Buffalo, N Y Rev Benjamin Swift, 86, Orwell, Vt MiloLTempleton, 59, A M, Gen Pass Dept S P, 1426, 16th, Oakland, Calif* Rev Charles C Torrey, 49, M A, 14 Essex, Andover, Mass Rev Daniel T Torrey, 81, Providence, R I Rev Henry A P Torrey, 58, Burlington, Vt John C Torrey, 98, Burlington, Vt Rev Joseph Torrey, 52, D D, Shirley, Mass Abel C Tracy, 94, C E (Marlboro), East Randolph, Vt Prof Josiah W Votey, 84, Burlington, Vt William F Waters, 86, Burlington, Vt Supt Frederick A Wheeler, 93, A M, schools, Fairhaven, Vt Henry O Wheeler, 67, 335 S Union, Burlington, Vt Prof and Mrs James R Wheeler, 80, 80, Columb Univ, N Y City George L Wheelock, 87, A M, publisher, 33 E 17, N Y City Mrs Jessie Wright Whitcomb, 84, Topeka, Kan Byron O White, 73, Burlington, Vt PHI BETA KAPPA 209 George W T Whitney, 97, teacher, Barre, Vt Rev Earl M Wilbur, 86, A M, Meadville, Pa Prof and Mrs Frank E Woodruff, 75, 75, A M, A M, Brunswick, Me BETA OF INDIANA WABA^H COLLEGE, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND. President, Prof Joseph F Tuttle, D D, LL D Vice-Pres, Benjamin Crane, A M Sec and Treas, Prof Robert A King-, A M Albert B Anderson, 79, 1, Crawfordsville, Ind Hon Daniel P Baldwin, 56, Logansport, Ind Prof George S Burroughs, Princ 73, D D, Old Testament, Oberlin, Ohio Prof John L Campbell, 48, LL D, Crawfordsville, Ind Capt John E Cleland, 62, Litt D, Indianapolis, Ind Rev Robert F Coyle, 77, D D, Oakland, Calif Benjamin Crane, 73, 1, Crawfordsville, Ind Charles E Crockett, 98, South Bend, Ind Prof William O Emery, Crawfordsville, Ind Prof George A Ferguson, 98, A M, Rising- Sun, Ind Harry N Fine, 96, 1, Crawfordsville, Ind Prof James B Garner, 93, MS, PhD, Chemistry, 125 N Under hill, Peoria, 111 Jesse A Greene, 89, Crawfordsville, Ind Rev Matthias L Haines, 71, D D, Indianapolis, Ind Daniel D Hains, 95, t, Crawfordsville, Ind Prof Benjamin R Howell, 97, A M, English, U of U, Salt Lake City, Utah Prof Hugh M King-ery, Wooster 84, Crawfordsville, Ind Elliott W Kirk, 99, B S, student, 213 W Jefferson, Crawfordsville, Ind Arthur A McCain, 89, Crawfordsville, Ind Rev George L Mackintosh, 84, A M, Indianapolis, Ind Prof Henry Z McLain, 67, L H D, Crawfordsville, Ind Hon John S McLain, 77, A M, Editor Journal, Minneapolis, Minn Hon Thomas R Marshall, 73, A M, LL B, Columbia City, Ind Prof Arthur B Milford, Prin 79, Crawfordsville, Ind Edgar W Olive, 93, 30 Shepard, Cambridge, Mass Prof James H Osborne, 79, Crawfordsville, Ind Rev Douglas P Putnam, 67, D D, Princeton, Ind Prof Charles B F Randolph, 96, M A, Latin, Urbana, Ohio William A Roth, 99, Mankato, Minn Prin Hiram H Ruston, 95, A M, High School, Princeton, Ind Prof Harry L Starr, 93, M A, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind Prof Clarence D Stevens, 94, Ph D, English University, Vincennes, Ind George B Sweazey, 97, t, Salt Lake City, Utah Albert D Thomas, 64, lawyer, Crawfordsville, Ind Prof Mason B Thomas, C U, 90, D S, Botany, Wabash, Crawfordsville, Ind Maurice Thompson, author, Crawfordsville, Ind Gen Lew Wallace, 34, LL D, author, Crawfordsville, Ind Prof Robert N Whitef ord, 90, A M, Ph D, English, 307 Ravine, Peoria, 111 Rev John E Wolever, 99, Brookston, Ind Hon William A Woods, 59, LL D, Judge, . Indianapolis, Ind 210 UNITED CHAPTEKS GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, MIDDLETOWN, CONN. President, Prof James C Van Benschoten, LL D Secretary, Prof Levi Oscar Kuhns, M A Treasurer, Hon David W Northrop, M A (DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS WHO HAVE DIED) Joseph Cummings, Educator, Author, College President Daniel Curry, Editor, Author, College President Calvin S Harrington, Author and Educator Erastus O Haven, Educator, College President, Bishop of M E Church Gilbert Haven, Editor, Bishop of M E Church Albert S Hunt, Secretary American Bible Society Orange Judd, Editor Harvey B Lane, Educator Oliver Marcy, Author, Educator, Scientist James Strong, Author and Educator Alexander Winchell, Author, Educator, Scientist Rev Dudley C Abbott, 89, West Haven, Conn Hon John E Abbott, 69, Boston, Mass Sarah L Abbott, 93, Rochester, N H Rev Edward E Abercrombie, 89, Holliston, Mass Lena M Adams, 92, t, Wethersfield, Conn Lulu G Adams, 95, t, Brookline, Mass Hon Joseph A Adlington, 73, A M, LL B, 15 Argyle, Rochester, N Y Prin Winfred C Akers, 93, AM, High School, 287 Linden, Holyoke, Mass Charles M Allen, 82, t, Pratt Inst, Brooklyn, N Y Pres David Allison, 59, LL D, Mt Allison College, Sackville, N B John A Anderson, 96, 143 Fifth, N Y City William L Anderson, 92, Black Hall, Conn Rev Joseph P Andrew, 76, Paterson, N J Arthur L Andrews, 75, 1, Savings Bank Bid, Albany, N Y Bishop Edward G Andrews, 47, D D, LL D, 150 Fifth Ave, N Y City Prof Wilbur O Atwater, 65, Middletown, Conn Stockton Axson, 90, t, Princeton, N J Hon Clarence E Bacon, 78, M A, LL B, 235 College, Middletown, Conn Francis A Bagnall, 90, A M, t, St Albans, Vt Prof James L Bahret, M A, 131 Cannon, Poughkeepsie, N Y Middlesex A Bailey, 77, t, Emporia, Kan Darius Baker, 70, 1, Newport, R I Rev Henry Baker, 54, D D, Washington, D C Rev William R Baldwin, 62, A M, Friendship, N Y Hon Forrest E Barker, 74, A M, LL B, State House, Boston, Mass Charles A Barnard, 63, 1, 45 Parsons, Brighton, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA 211 Rev Edward A Bawden, 90, Germantown, Pa Rev John W Beach, 45, D D, Middletown, Conn George T Beattys, 85, 1, 31 Liberty, N Y City Rev Leonard L Beeman, 75, Warren, Conn Hon Geo S Bennett, 64, A M, Pres Nat Bank, 4 N Main, Wilkesbarre, Pa Prof John A Bergstrom, 90, Ph D, Indiana Univ, Blooming-ton, Ind Cornelius R Berrien, 96, Montclair, N J George H Bickford, 91, Bennington, Vt Rev Robert E Bisbee, 75, E Pepperell, Mass Rev Edwin A Blake, 72, A M, Ph D, D D, 98 Edwards, Hartford, Conn Albert P Blakeslee, 96, East Greenwich, R I Charles W Blakeslee, 86, t, Long- Branch, N J George H Blakeslee, 93, Cambridge, Mass Charles L Bonnell, 68, A M, M D, 3 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, N Y Rev George C Boswell, 86, A M, B D, Ridgefield, Conn Lahman F Bower, 79, Scranton, Pa Rev John S Breckinridge, 61, D D, Millburn, N J John L Bridge, 88, Waterbury, Conn Rev William Brill, 86, Burnham, Pa Byron A Brooks, 71, t, 314 McDonough, Brooklyn, N Y Prof Jabez Brooks,50, A M, D D, Greek, U of M, 1 708 Laurel Ave, Minneapolis Prin Selden L Brown, 79, A M, High School, Wellesley Hills, Mass Rev William M Brundage, 80, Albany, N Y Hon Alfred C Burner, 79, A M, LL B, Columbia, Pa William E Bruner, 88, A M, M D, N E Building, Cleveland, Ohio Arthur P Bryant, 92, Middletown, Conn Rev Charles H Buck, 64, A M, D D, 101 Summer, Bristol, Conn Rev Walter P Buck, 86, 30 Myrtle, Taunton, Mass Clinton D Burdick, 86, A M, LL B, 175 Remsen, Brooklyn, N Y Arthur N Burke, 89, t, Waltham, Mass Arthur B Calef, 51, Middletown, Conn Prof Henry S Carhart, 69, Ann Arbor, Mich George A Carrahan, 84, Rochester, N Y Hon Augustus B Carrington, 76, M A, LL B, 115 Broadway, N Y City Rev James L Carroll, 51, New Haven, Conn Mrs Ida Gridley Case, 85, M D, Collinsville, Conn Rev William M Cassidy, 88, Hopkinton, Mass Rev George S Chadbourne, 58, D D, Medfield, Mass Prin Charles S Chapin, 80, A M, Westfield, Mass Daniel H Case, 33, LL D, Middletown, Conn Irah E Chase, 50, A M, M D, 59 Park, Haverhill, Mass Rev Wesley D Chase, 63, Carthage, N Y Henry H Chatfield, 89, 1, Bridgehamton, N Y Simon F Chester, 52, t, Springfield, Mass Charles M Child, 90, t, Univ, Chicago, 111 Charles W Church, 64, Waterbury, Conn Rev William R Clark, 52, Cambridge, Mass Ernest P Clarke, 88, A M, Editor Daily Press, Riverside, Calif < Rev George H Clarke, 77, Winthrop, Mass Willis G Clarke, 77, Detroit, Mich 212 UNITED CHAPTERS Rev Isaac N Clements, 70, A M, Cazenovia, N Y Herbert E Cobb, 87, t, 107 Winchester, Chicago, 111 Prof Wellesley P Coddington, 60, D D, Syracuse, N Y Rev Wilmer E Coffinan, 95, Parryville, Pa Rev Jacob A Cole, 87, Newark, N J Hon Georg-e S Coleman, 76, M A, LL B, 80 Broadway, N Y City Prof Henry A Collier, 58, Mt Vernon, Iowa Rev Quincy J Collier, 57, Fayetteville, N Y Rev Benjamin C Conner, 76, Bloomsburg, Pa Samuel J Connor, 92, t, 7408 Parnell, Chicago, 111 Hon Leslie B Cooke, 68, M A, C E, 24 Paddock, Watertown, N Y Rev Jacob P Cooper, 83, MA, 3 Arch, New Bedford, Mass Edward E Cornwall, 87, M A, M D, 146 Herkimer, Brooklyn, N Y Lewis W Craig, 79, t, Wellsville, N Y Mary E Cramer, 95, t, Portland, Conn Prof and Mrs Morris B Crawford, 74, 79, Middletown, Conn Samuel G Gushing, 72, A M, 186 E Maple Ave, Ottumwa, Iowa Prof Prank B Dains, 90, M S, Ph D, Chemistry, 2421 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Wilbur F Dales, 86, Ph D, t, Washington, D C Frederick M Davenport, 89, Columb Univ, N Y City Rev Charles E Davis, 76, Lynn, Mass Stephen B Davis, 59, Middletown, Conn George W Davison, 92, Jamaica, N Y Hon Roswell S Douglass, 61, M A, manufacturer, Plymouth, Mass Rev David G Downey, 84, M A, D D, 530 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, N Y Herbert E Drake, 86, t, 28 Whitmarsh, Providence, R I Charles M Drew, 92, 1, 1400 Summit, Minneapolis, Minn William B Eaton, 89, M D, Hartford, Conn Thomas H Eckfeldt, 81, t, New Bedford, Mass Rev Edward Edson, 60, Yarmouth port, Mass Rev Asahel C Eggleston, 58, A M, 30 Portsea, New Haven, Conn Charles F Eggleston, 90, A M, LL B, 21 S 12, Philadelphia, Pa George M Eggleston, 92, Bristol, Conn Rev David H El a, 57, D D, Hudson, Mass Grace R Emerson, 74, 65 Oliver, Boston, Mass Hon Thomas R Ercanbrack, 58, LL B, Anamosa, Iowa A Howry Espenbade, 94, t, State College, Pa William M Esten, 94, t, Middletown, Conn Edgar S Fernald, 90, A M, editor, 15 Cedar, Springfield, Mass Rev Oliver H Fernald, 63, A M, D D, Dexter, Me Prof William W Fisher, 94, M A, Greek, Coll School, 241 W 77, N Y City Prof Herbert F Fisk, 60, D D, LL D, N W University, Evanston, 111 Henry Floy, 89, A M, M E, consulting engineer, 220 Broadway, N Y City Frederic W Frost, 94, A M, LL B, 54 Wall, N Y City Alice Cora Fuller, 94, Ph B, (t Evansville), 120 Academy, Fitchburg, Mass Catharine A Gardner, 85, t, Portland, Conn Arthur M Gates, 94, t, Dover, Del Herbert P Gerald, 82, Patent Office, Washington, D C Rev Levi Gilbert, 74, D D, New Haven, Conn Norman E Gilbert, 95, J H U, Baltimore, Md PHI BETA KAPPA 2 13 Prof Benjamin Gill, 70, A M, Greek and Latin, State College, Pa Wilbur F Gillette, 79, Wellsville, N Y Rev Andrew Gillies, 76, A M, 1724 Fifth Ave, Troy, N Y Prof Pedro Gillott, 92, A M, Greek and Latin, Wyoming- Sem, Kingston, Pa Wesley C Ginu, 59, A M, Delaware, Ohio Prof Charles G Goodrich, 93, Ph B, 65 Mallery Place, Wilkesbarre, Pa Prof Frederic S Goodrich, 90, Albion, Mich Prof John P Gordy, 78, Athens, Ohio Wilbur F Gorby, 80, t, Hartford, Conn Mary Graham, 89, Ph D, Middletown, Conn Roscoe A Grant, 94, t, Franconia, N H Isabel Graves, 91, A M, Ph D, t, South Hadley, Mass Rev George A Graves, 65, New Britain, Conn Franklin H Griffin, 75, Flushing-, N Y Charles W Gulick, 54, 1, 9 S Oxford, Brooklyn, N Y Roland W Guss, 88, t, Normal School, North Adams, Mass William B Gwinnell, 86, Newark, N J Hon and Rev A E Hall, 72, M A, merchant, Williamstown, Mass Frank K Hallock, 82, M D, Cornwall, ,Conn Rev Albert O Hammond, 65, t, Hackettstonw N J Rev Pres D H Hanaburgh, 70, AM, Drew Ladies Seminary, Carmel, N Y Prof Albert E Hancock, 91, Ph D, 1621 N 15, Philadelphia, Pa Hon Theodore, E Hancock, 71, A M, LL D, Syracuse, N Y Henry I Harriman, 95, Readville, Mass Prof Karl P Harrington, 82, A M, Latin, Univ Maine, Orono, Me Pres Abram W Harris, 80, Sc D, Univ Maine, Orono, Me Prof Charles S Harrower, 63, D D, 245 W 104, N Y City Edwin B Harvey, 59, M D, Westborough, Mass Prof Marcus P Hatfield, 70, Chicago, 111 Pres Bostwick Hawley, 38, A M, D D, Children's S H, Saratoga Springs Rev Emory J Haynes, 67, D D, Poughkeepsie, N Y Bishop Eugene R Hendrix, 67, D D, LL D, Kansas City, Mo Rev Austin H Herrick, 75, Chicopee Falls, Mass Herbert A Hill, 89, 1, Bridgeport, Conn Rev William T Hill, 54, A M, 37 Howe, New Haven, Conn Rev Merrill Hitchcock, 81, White Creek, N Y Alice M Hotchkiss, 88, t, 83 Church, Middletown, Conn Frank C Hoyt, 84, A M, Com Agent Iron, 3 Park Place, N Y City Hon William P Hubbard, 63, A M, LL B, Wheeling, W Va James A Hulse, 90, t, Newark, N J Rev Jesse L Hurlbut, 64, I) D, 150 Fifth Ave, N Y City Prof Ammi B Hyde, 46, M A, S T D, Greek, U of D, University Park, Col Hon Henry C M Ingraham, 64, LL B, 16 Court, Brooklyn, N Y Richard Ingraham, 42, 16 Court, Brooklyn, N Y William M Ingraham, 46, 1, 166 Montague, Brooklyn, N Y Prof Arthur W James, 88, Oxford, Ohio William J James, 83, librarian, Middletown, Conn John E Jenkins, 91, Wilkesbarre, Pa Prof Duncan S Johnson, 92, Ph D, Botany, J H U, Baltimore, Md William A Jones, 81, 1, Newark, N J 2K UNITED CHAPTERS Charles H Judd, 94, Ph D, t, Middletown, Conn Rev William V Kelley, 65, D D, ISO Fifth Ave, N Y City Amherst W Kellogg, 58, 7 , . Milwaukee, Wis Sheldon G Kellogg-, 78, 1, I'M V *fc*t21 Boul West, Duluth, Minn Albert LeR Andrews, 99, t, Williamstown, Mass Lilian H Andrews, 74, M A, LL B, 38 Park Row, N Y City Rev Samuel J Andrews, 39, D D, author, 95h Asylum, Hartford, Conn Rev Henry Anstice, 62, D D, 1917 Wallace, Philadelphia, Pa Rev Rufus Apthorp, 57, Nottingham, Ohio Clarence W Austin, 91, LL B, 206 Kirk Building, Syracuse, N Y Henry W Austin, 88, M A, banker, 172 Washington, Chicago, 111 James F Bacon, 98, LL B, 39 Hamlin, Pittsfield, Mass Robinson P Bainbridge, 92, chemist, Mills, Braddock, Pa Prof Addison Ballard, 42, D D, University Heights, N Y City Harlan II Ballard, 74, M A, Librarian, Pittsfield, Mass PHI BETA KAPPA 223 Louis J Balliett, 93, Nevada Boul, N Y City Talcott M Banks, 90, merchant, 103 Front, N Y City Hon James M Barker, 60, LLD, Justice Mass Supreme Court,Pittsfield, Mass Prin Frank C Barnes, 87, M A, Troy Academy, Troy, N Y Prof Samuel D Barr, 53, MA, 129 Clinton, Cleveland, Ohio Frederick W Barthel, 93, M A, 1550 Lill Ave, Chicago, 111 Pres P Mason Bartlett, 50, D D, LL D, Nat Bank, Maryville, Tenn Prof Edward Barton, 92, Chemistry, U of K, Lawrence, Kan Prof John Bascom, 49, D D, LL D, Williamstown, Mass Rev Austin B Bassett, 81, B D, Ware, Mass Rev John S Bayne, 65, M A, Mendon, 111 Howard H Bayne, 93, 532 Congress, Ottawa, 111 Rev Edward G Beckwith, 49, D D, Paia, Maui, H I Samuel S Benedict, 65, Benedict, Kan Percy F Bicknell, 84, Librarian, Maiden, Mass Prof John M Bigelow, 66, M D, Albany N Y Edmond W Billetdoux, 99, t, W C, Williamstown, Mass Prof Edward A Bir ge, 73, Ph D, Sc D, U of W, 744 Lang-don, Madison, Wis Rev Edwin W Bishop, 92, Stafford Springs, Conn D Hiram Blanchard, 97, M A, t, Round Lake, N Y John W Bockes, 96, t, High School, Brooklyn, N Y Jacob A Bohrer, 91, Bloomington, 111 Rev Robert Russell Booth, 49, D D, LL D, 277 West End Ave, N Y City George H Bradford, 66, 3050 Locust, St Louis, Mo Pres John E Bradley, 65, LL D, Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111 Prof Walter P Bradley, 84, Ph D, Chemistry, W U, Middletown, Conn Prof Walter A Bratton, 95, Whitman, Walla Walla, Wash Prof William K Brooks, 70, LL D, J H University, Baltimore, Md John W Brennan, 94, St Albans, Vt Fred LeR Brown, 99, Williamstown, Mass Horace G Brown, 96, t, 74 Russell, Worcester, Mass Prof Charles A Browne, Jr, 92, M A, State College, Pa Stuart M Buck, 64, M A, Mining Engineer, Maybeury, W Va Rev Charles B Bullard, 75, East Orange, N J Charles M Burdick, 95, Lowville, N Y Rev Charles H Burr, 68, Librarian, Williamstown, Mass Prof Carl D Burtt, 93, 73 Fort Hill Ave, Lowell, Mass Joshua D Bush, 89, merchant, Wilmington, Del David Campbell, 74, 1, Portland Block, Chicago, 111 John G Campbell, 80, publisher, Wellington, Kan Prof Arthur G Canfield, 78, A M, 1318 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan Prof James H Canfield, 68, A M, LL D, Librarian, ColumbUniv, N Y City William E Carnochan, 87, 1, 111 Broadway, N Y City Lawrence W Carr, 99, teacher, Ashburnham, Mass President Franklin Carter, 62, Ph D, LL D, Williamstown, Mass Prin Howard W Carter, 77, A M, Norfolk, Conn Everett D Chadwick, 90, 1, 31 State, Boston, Mass Robert M Chamberlain, 73, 1, Moffat Block, Detroit, Mich Hon Alfred C Chapin, 69, LL D, 24 E 56, N Y City vSupt John B Chapm, 50, M D, LLD, Penn Hosp Insane, Philadelphia, Pa 224 UNITED CHAPTERS Edwin N Chapman, 94, manuf, 102 Macon, Brooklyn, N Y Hon William Cheney, 53, A M, Life Ins, 418 GuarLoan Bid, Minneapolis George F Chipperfield, 76, lawyer, 910 Greene Ave, Brooklyn, N Y Bayard H Christy, 94, LL B, 1225 Carnegie Bid, Pittsburg, Pa Rev Calvin M Clark, 84, Haverhill, Mass Prof Gaylord P Clark, 77, A M,M D,S Univ,619 W Genesee,Syracuse,N Y Robert A Clark, 85, 81 Eastern Ave, Springfield, Mass Leslie L Cleveland, 93, t, Black Hall, Conn Samuel McC Cleveland, 58, 251 W 21, Philadelphia, Pa T Munson Coan, 59, M D, 70 Fifth, N Y City Arthur A Coar, 94, Ellenville, Me Charles C Cobb, 85, 24 Goethe, Chicago, 111 Emanuel Cohen, 76, 1, 313 Kicollet Ave, Minneapolis, Minn Bainbridge Colby, 90, LL B, 120 Broadway, N Y City Hon Edward H Cole, 69, A M, LL B, Nyack, N Y Rev Charles J Collins, 45, M A, 251 W 92, N Y City Marc W Comstock, 88, LL B, Trust Bid, St Louis, Mo Prof John P Congdon, 95, A M, C E, 612 Dakota, S Bethlehem, Pa Ray Connor, 97, 103 Cass, Detroit, Mich Frederick H Cooke, 80, LL B, 40 Wall, N Y City John W Cooke, 89, Cambridge, Mass James S Cooley, 69, A M, M D, Glen Cove, N Y James R Craighead, 95, Lansingburgh, N Y H Burr Crandall, 59, A M, LL B, 1 Somerset, Boston, Mass Samuel Crook, 90, LL B, 93 Nassau, N Y City Rev Ethan Curtis, 66, Kirk Block, Syracuse, N Y Winterton C Curtis, 97, The Dallas, Oregon Prof Starr W Cutting, 81, M A, Ph D, German, University, Chicago. Ill Rev Stephen W Dana, 61, D D. 3925 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa Prof Timothy G Darling, 64, D D, Theol Seminary, Auburn, N Y Philip HDater, 96, civil engineer, 17 Grove Place, Rochester, N Y Charles A Davenport, 67, 142 Chandler, Boston, Mass Francis H Davenport, 70, M D, 419 Boylston, Boston, Mass Rev John G Davenport, 63, D D, Waterbury, Conn Maxwell W Day. 87, Elec Engineer, 351 Summit Ave, Schenectady, N Y Sylvester C Deming, 96, Arlington, Vt Charles M. Demond, 81, 1, 27 William, N Y City Rev John H Denison, 62, D D, Williamstown, Mass Rev John H Denison, 90, 61 Henry, N Y City Robert F Denison, 97, LL B, Lorain and Davis, Cleveland, Ohio Hon Charles A Dewey, 51, MA, Milford, Mass Francis H Dewey, 76, 311 Main, Worcester, Mass James R Dewey, 54, 518 Washington Boul, Chicago, 111 Hon John W Dickinson, 52, M A, Newtonville, Mass Rev Samuel W Dike, 63, LL D, 1 13 Hancock, Auburndale, Mass Edgar R Downs, 76, Denver, Col Rev Myron S Dudley, 63, M A, Nantucket, Mass Rudolph C F Duenhaupt, 74, 4022 Park, St Louis, Mo Hon James R Dunbar, 71, Lawyer, Judge, 23 Court, Boston, Mass Rev Clarence W Dunham, 96, ' Troy, N Y PHI BETA KAPPA 225 Edward C Durfee, 96, t, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa Hon Charles C Dwight, 50, LL D, Justice Supreme Court, Auburn, N Y Rev Charles O Eames, 88, Becket, Mass Hon Frank C Eaton, 72, manufacturer, Columbus, Ohio Rev James P Eaton, 76, D D, Rochester, Wis Walter D Edmonds, 74, M A, LL B, 31 Nassau, N Y City Edward Edwards, Jr, 94, 369 Congress, Troy, N Y Hon William H Edwards, 42, M A, author, Coalburgh, W Va Melville Egleston, 70, M A, LL B, 15 Dey, N Y City William S Elder, 95, Auburn, N Y Clement G Elmer, 95, Ashburnham, Mass Hon Samuel P Ely, 47, M A, 222 Sansome, San Francisco, Calif Justin E Emerson, 65, M A, M D, 128 Henry, Detroit, Mich Nathaniel B Emerson, 65, M A, M D, Box 645, Honolulu, H I Prof Frank A Erwin, 82, A M, LL M, N Y Univ, 32 Waverly PI, N Y City Rev Charles H Everest, 59, M A, D D, 70 North Grove, East Orange, N J Thomas S Fagan, 82, Keenan Build, Troy, N Y Hon Leland Fairbanks, 42, lawyer, 57 Broadway, N Y City Prof Frederick C Ferry, 91, Ph D, Mathematics, Williamstown, Mass Frederick J Fessenden, 87, t, Hill School, Pottstown, Pa Hon Samuel T Field, 48, LL D, Shelburne Falls, Mass Charles A Fiske, 79, t. High School, St Paul, Minn Frederick W Fiske, 72, t, 849 Grand, St Paul, Minn Hon Charles E Fitch, 55, LL D, 49 Oxford, Rochester, N Y Robert G Fitch, 70, Oxford Terrace, Boston, Mass Herbert H Fletcher, 79, journalist, 328 Washington, Boston, Mass Rev George H Flint, 86, M A, B D, 101 Tonawanda, Dorchester, Mass Rev Samuel B Forbes, 55, M A, 206 Wethersfield Ave, Hartford, Conn Rev Addison P Foster, 63, D D, Sec N E Am S S U, Auburndale, Mass Harold E Foster, 95, t, High School, N Y City Walter E Foster, 99, t, High School, N Y City William J Foster, 84, A M, M S, electrician, 11 Univ PI, Schenectady, N Y Frank Foxcroft, 71, journalist, Boston, Mass Rev John A French, 62, D D, Flushing, N Y Walter Geer, 78, M A, LL M, manufacturer, 38 Park Row, N Y City Frederick Geller, 83, 1, 22 William, N Y City Herbert R Gibbs, 71, A M, editor, 4 Park, Boston, Mass Hon William B Gilbert, 68, LL D, Judge, Portland, Oregon Rev Washington Gladden,59, D D,LL D,author,631 E Town, Columbus, O Rev Herbert W Gleason, 77, editor, Minneapolis, Minn Prin James C Greenough, 60, M A, LL D, Westfield, Mass Prof Edward H Griffin, 62, D D, LL D, J H University, Baltimore, Md Prof Charles Gross, 78, Ph D, Cambridge, Mass Hon Frederick W Guenster, 67, M A, LL B, (d March 1900, )Scranton, Pa Rev Thomas L Gulick, 65, Paia, Maui, H I Prin Franklin F Gunn, 82, Glens Falls, N Y Marshall S Hager, 90, 1, 34 Pine, N Y City Edward D Hale, 80, Newtonville, Mass Pres Charles Cuthbert Hall, 72, D D, U T S, 700 Park Ave, N Y City Pres G Stanley Hall, 67, Ph D, Clark University, Worcester, Mass 226 UNITED CHAPTERS Prin Charles S Halsey, 56, A M, 18 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, N Y Pres Rufus H Halsey, 77, A M, State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis Rollin E Harmon, 67, Lynn, Mass William W Hartwell, 96, 88 Pleasant, Woburn, Mass Rev Henry C Haskell, 59, D D, missionary, Bulgaria, Turkey Clifford C Haskins, 98, civil engineer, North Adams, Mass Joel Hathaway, 99, (student U of Penn,) Peru, Mass William LeR Haven, 64, A M, Supt Schools, Morristown, N J Lawrence A Hawkins, 97, Pittsfield, Mass Hon Walter F Hawkins, 84, LL B, Pittsfield, Mass Rev Theron H Hawks, 44, D D, 626 Worthington, Springfield, Mass Rev Warren L, Hayden, 61, A M, Edinburg, Pa Frederick M Herrick, 83, Ph D, 40 Wall, N Y City David S Herrick, 85, t, Battagundu, India William H Herrick, 71, 207 Greenwich, N Y City Charles L Hibbard, 92, 1, Pittsfield, Mass Prof Grosvenor B Hill, 97, High School, Williamstown. Mass Horace G Hill, 79, M D, 3416 Baring, Philadelphia, Pa Alfred E Holcomb, 89, 1, 15 Dey, N Y City William H Hollister, Jr, 70, A M, LL B, 17 First, Troy, N Y Rev Samuel W Holmes, 83, Buffalo, N Y Charles S Holt, 74, 1, 1007 Tacoma Build, Chicago, 111 Thomas Hooker, 65, M A, manufacturer, 511 E Fayette, Syracuse, N Y Rev Henry Hopkins, 58, D D, 916 Holmes, Kansas City, Mo Llewellyn J Howe, 99, 127 Eighth, Troy, N Y Prof Frank G Hubbard, 80, Ph D, U of W, 227 Langdon, Madison, Wis Harry H Hubbell, 98, 78 Irving Place, Buffalo, N Y Rev Charles W Huntington, 76, M A, 12 Nesmith, Lowell, Mass Alexander Hutchins, 57, A M, M D, 796 DeKalb, Brooklyn, N Y Rev Charles L Hutchins, 61, AM, D D, author, Concord, Mass Henry K Hyde, 87, A M, Pres Nat Bank, Ware, Mass Rev Joseph W Hyde, 60, Danvers, Mass Edwards P Ingersoll, 82, 99 Nassau, N Y City Rev Stewart W Irwin, 99, Long Lake, N Y Hon Edward S Isham, 57, LL D, Manchester, Vt Frederick B Jennings, 72, M A, LL B, 86 Park Ave, N Y City Harold E Johnston, 99, Cohoes, N Y Robert H Johnston, 92, 186 Remsen, Brooklyn, N Y Pres Robert E Jones, 79, D D, Hobart College, Geneva, N Y Emerson W Judd, 77, 404 W 57, N Y City Prof Harry P Judson, 70, LL D, Dean University, Chicago, 111 Rev Everard Kempshall, 51, D D, Elizabeth, N J Howard Kennedy, Jr, 89, LL B, NY Life Bid, Omaha, Neb Rev Henry Ketcham, 69, M A, Westfield, N J Rev John L Kilbon, 86, M A, editor, 14 Beacon, Boston, Mass George B Kil bourne, 96, 604 E Town, Columbus, Ohio Hon Virgil P Kline, 66, M A, LLB, 5l7 Cuyahoga Bid, Cleveland, Ohio Dexter A Knowlton, 66, M A, banker, Freeport, 111 Hon Samuel Knox, 36, M A, M C, lawyer, Blandford, Mass Rev George E Ladd, 91, Waterbury, Vt PHI BETA KAPPA 227 George F Lawton, 68, East Cambridge, Mass George P Lawton, 68, Troy, N Y Rev Burke F Leavitt, 68, -Melrose Highlands, Mass Rev George R Leavitt, 60, D D, Beloit, Wis H Shumway Lee, 89, 567 W Ferry, Buffalo, N Y Prof Henry Lefavour, 83, Ph D, Physics, Williamstown, Mass Gardner C Leonard, 87, 472 Broadway, Albany, N Y Alvah M Levy, 91, 1, 59 Highland, Fitchburg, Mass Maurice A Levy, 97, New Centre, Mass Rev Everett E Lewis, 62, M A, Haddam, Conn Jeremiah F Locke, 75, M A, Fall River, Mass Charles W Loomis, 69, 1, Binghamton, N Y Prof Henry M Lyman, 58, M A, M D, Chicago, 111 Prof Albert B Lyons, 65, M D, F C S, chemist, 72 Brainard, Detroit, Mich Hon Curtis J Lyon, 58, M A, Gov Service, 74 Dole, Honolulu, H I Hamilton W Mabie, 67, L H D, LL D, author, editor Outlook, N Y City Rufus B McClenon, 78, A M, Supt Schools, Madison, N Dak James R McDonald,89, A M, publisher,Macmillan Co,Tremont Bid, Boston Chanc George E MacLean,71, Ph D, LL D, State Univ, Iowa City, Iowa Andrew P McKean, 92, LL B, 56 Fourth, Troy, N Y Col and Hon John G McMynn, 48, MA, 416 Wisconsin Ave, Madison, Wis Robert N McMynn, 91, A M, LL B, 504 PabstBld, Milwaukee, Wis Rev Irving Magee, 57, A M, D D, Valatie, N Y Walter D Mapes, 86, t, 423 Dunham Ave, Cleveland, Ohio Edward J Maroney, 98, 522 Chestnut, Springfield, Mass William T R Marvin, 54, M A, printer, 73 Federal, Boston, Mass Herman L Matz, 80, M A, Sec C H P B Co, 301 Cham Com Bld,Chicago, 111 Rudolph Matz, 82, M A, LL B, 55 Portland Block, Chicago, 111 Charles L Maurice, 61, C E, manufacturer, Athens, Pa Prof Carroll L Maxcy, 87, M A, English, Williamstown, Mass Charles May, 73, M A, LL B, 32 Nassau, N Y City Rev Willis W Mead, 80, missionary, Adana, Turkey Prof Leverett Mears, Amh 74, Ph D, Chemistry, Williamstown, Mass Frederick W Memmott, 95, North Adams, Mass Rev Daniel Merriman, 63, M A, D D, Worcester, Mass Prof Willis I Milham, 94, Ph D, Mathematics, Williamstown, Mass Edward C Miller, 95, 1, Skaneateles, N Y Henry C Miller, 67, t, 1481 Broadway, N Y City Hon Jacob F Miller, 59, A M, lawyer, 120 Broadway, N Y City Joel D Miller, 64, M A, Leominster, Mass Rev Carlton P Mills, 78, Wollaston, Mass Franklin H Mills, 93, law student, Amherst, Mass Prof George F Mills, 62, M A, Mass Agr College, Amherst, Mass Willard P Millspaugh, 95, Richmond, N Y Roy W Miner, 97, North Adams, Mass Francis LeB Monroe, 57, M A, M D, Meriden, N H Charles E Montague, 91, M D, Wakefield, Mass Prof George Mooar, 51, D D, Pacific T S, Oakland, Calif * Prof Edward W Morley, 60, A M,Ph D,LL D, Chem, Adelbert, Cleveland, O Pres John H Morley, 63, M A, LL D, College, Fargo, N Dak 228 UNITED CHAPTERS Prof Asa H Morton, L H D, Romance Languages, Williamstown, Mass Rev Alfred E Myers, 66, M A, 309 W 70, N Y City Wilhelmus Mynderse, 71, M A, LL B, 54 Wall, N Y City James R Nash, 89, broker, 35 Wall, N Y City Rev Edward Miles, 91, Mid Coll Ref Ch, 50 Seventh, N Y City Thomas M North, 47, M A, lawyer, 160 Central Park S, N Y City George T Northup, 97, Spy Office, Worcester, Mass Charles C Nott, Jr, 90, 111 Broadway, N Y City Rev Isaac G Ogden, 49, 140 W 63, N Y City Rollo Ogden, 77, journalist, Summit, N J Franklin M Olds, 73, M A, LL B, Newark, N J Prof John M Olin, 73, M A, LL B, U of W, Madison, Wis Howard Opdyke, 93, 8 Union, Schenectady, N Y Howe Paige, 78, N Y Life Bid, Minneapolis, Minn Rev Andrew Parsons, 57, M A, Box 297, Palo Alto, Calif* Rev Eben B Parsons, 59, A M, D D, Secretary, Williamstown, Mass Frederick J Parsons, 81, Ph D, electrician, 10 Ruede Londres Paris,France Payn B Parsons, 92, M D, Asst Physician, Hospital, Northampton, Mass Olcott O Partridge, 94, lawyer, 601 Sears Bid, Boston, Mass Robert W Patterson, 71, M A, editor Tribune, Chicago, 111 Sidney F Pattison, 99, t, Colorado Springs, Col Charles F Pease, 97, merchant, Chester, Mass John H Peck, 95, Pittsfield, Mass Rev Francis N Peloubet, 53, D D, author, Auburndale, Mass Pres Stephen B L Penrose, 85, M A, Whitman, Walla Walla, Wash Prof Charles A Perkins, 79, Ph D, Knoxville, Tenn Rev Henry P Perkins, 79, missionary, Ling Ching, China Rev Alfred T Perry, 80, A M, 80 Farmington Ave, Hartford, Conn Prof Arthur L Perry, 52, M A, D D, LLD, author, Williamstown, Mass Bliss Perry, 81, M A, editor Atlantic, 4 Park, Boston, Mass Rev Charles M Pierce, 57, Auburn, Mass Hon Frank Pierce, 81, M A, LL B, Salt Lake City, Utah Rev Stephen C Pixley, 52, missionary, Natal, South Africa William A Platt, 76, A M, RecGN Bank, 7 19 Equitable Bid, Denver, Col Adair Pleasants, 75, Rock Island, 111 Hon George W Pleasants, 42, Rock Island, HI Prof William Porter, 39, M A, D D, Beloit, 735 College, Beloit, Wis EHsha B Powell, 69, M A, Oswego, N Y Rev D Butler Pratt, 83, 1274 Herkimer, Brooklyn, N Y James B Pratt, 98, 415 Lake, Elmira, N Y Rev Lewellyn Pratt, 52, M A, D D, 170 Broadway, Norwich, Conn Prof Waldo S Pratt, 78, Mus D, Theol Sem, Hartford, Conn Col William P Prentice, 55, Ph D, 9 W 16, N Y City Edmonds Putney, 96, 115 Broadway, N Y City Hon William B Putney, 63, M A, 115 Broadway, N Y City Paul C Ransom, 86, LL B, t, 1298 Main, Buffalo, N Y Prof George L Raymond, 62, M A, L H D, Aesthetics, Princeton, N J Rev Charles P Redfield, 93, Winter Park, Fla Clarence E Rexford, 97, Winsted, Conn Rev William C P Rhoades, 66, D D, Brooklyn, N Y PHI BETA KAPPA 229 Edward W Rice, 68, - Mt Vernon, N Y Fred M Rice, 83, 56 E 120, N Y City Rev George L Richardson, 88, Glens Falls, N Y Wallace E Richmond, 97, 273 Ashland, North Adams, Mass Franklin A Rising-, 64, M A, banker, Winona, Minn Philip A Robinson, 87, M A, clerk, Sun Building-, Washing-ton, D C Rev Walter C Roe, 81, M A, missionary, Colony, Okla Rev William E Roe, 78, D D, Marietta, Ohio George B Rog-ers, 88, A M, t, Phil Acad, Exeter, N H Rev Lewis G Rog-ers, 83, 20 Fenton, Buffalo, N Y Prin Clarence B Roote, 76, A M, Hig-h School, Northampton, Mass Georg-e D Rumsey, 72, Jackson, Chicag-o, 111 Hon Daniel E Safford, 48, M A, LL B, Salem, Mass Hon Georg-e A Sanders, 61, M A, LL D, 508 South 8, Spring-field, 111 Obed H Sanderson, 67, A M, LL B, 45 Cedar, N Y City Cleon J Sawyer, 81, M A, LL M, 220 Broadway, N Y City Rev Henry A Schauffler, 59, D D, Cleveland, Ohio Rev Henry T Scholl, 73, Junius, N Y Georg-e G Scott, 98, Geneseo, N Y Rev Willard Scott, 75, D D, 31 May, Worcester, Mass Horace E Scudder, 58, L H D, Literature, Cambridg-e, Mass Samuel H Scudder, 57, Sc D, Naturalist, Cambridge, Mass Edward T Scully, 94, LL B, Sav Bank Bid, Pittsfield, Mass John D Seacord, 90, Lee, Mass Rev Norman Seaver, 54, D D, Rutland, Vt Rev Albert C Sewall, 67, D D, Schenectady, N Y Rev Charles G Sewall, 93, 11 Arnold Park, Rochester, N Y Willard D Shannahan, 96, 196 Woodland, New Rochelle, N Y Charles L Shaw, 64, Astoria, N Y Norman B Sherry, 99, merchant, Troy, N Y Louis P Slade, 93, M A, t, 620 N Main, Fall River, Mass Frederic M Smedley, 93, 237 Broadway, N Y City Hon Ford Smith, 67, M A, LL B, 420 Olive, St Louis, Mo F DeLysle Smith, 83, 100 Broadway, N Y City Chanc Francis H Snow, 62, Ph D, LL D, U of K, Lawrence, Kan Rev Peter M Snyder, 73, A M, Rockford, 111 Rev Benjamin M Southgate, 90, Pana, 111 Charles Spalding, 90, North Scituate, Mass James F Spalding, 62, A M, D D, literary work, Concord, Mass Prof Leverett W Spring, 63, M A, D D, English Lit, Williamstown, Mass S Romney Spring, 94, LL B, 1137 Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Fred C Stanley, 93, Norwalk, Conn Rev Raymond H Stearns, 80, Hannibal, N Y Francis Lynde Stetson, 67, M A, LL B, 15 Broad, N Y City Hon Homer B Stevens, 57, A M, Judge, 53 Court, Westfield, Mass Rev Halsey B Stevenson, 78, Wolcott, N Y Rev Charles A Stoddard, 54, M A, D D, 156 Fifth Ave, N Y City John L Stoddard, 71, lecturer, Boston, Mass Hon Charles W Stone, 63, LL D, Lieut Gov Penn, Warren, Pa James F Stone, 61, A M, M D, 1806 Green, Philadelphia, Pa 230 UNITED CHAPTERS Rev Alfred E Street, 85, missionary, Hainan, China Hon William P Strickland, 58, LL D, Judge, Northampton, Mass Herman A Strong-, 95, Winsted, Conn Rev Stephen C Strong, 45, M A, Wellesley, Mass Elnathan Sweet, 95, Sec and Treas H B C Co, 13 Ten Broeck, Albany, N Y William H Swift, 63, Portland Block, Chicago, 111 Russell L Tarbox, 92, LL B, 120 Broadway, N Y City Rev Henry Tatlock, 71, A M, St Andrews,306 N Division, Ann Arbor,Mich Rev John Tatlock, 56, D D, Pelham Manor, N Y Arthur V Taylor, 86, 148 N 6, Newark, N J Edward F Taylor, 99, 742 Butler, Brooklyn, N Y Hon Sanborn G Tenney, 86, M A, Judge, Williamstown, Mass Charles T Terry, 89, LL B, 14 Central Park West, N Y City Lyman E Thayer, 94, N Y Life Insurance, N Y City Ellis J Thomas, 88, insurance, 1 Madison, N Y City John J Thomas, 86, M D, 636 Beacon, Boston, Mass Edward R Tinker, Jr, 99, 38 Broad, N Y City Henry W Titus, 98, M D, 36 W 61, N Y City Prof Albert H Tolman, 77, Ph D, University, Chicago, 111 Hon Martin I Townsend, 33, A M, LL D, M C, Troy, N Y Rev Charles C Tracy, 64, D D, missionary, Marsovan, Turkey Rev John L R Trask, 64, M A, PhD,ST D,495 Chestnut, Springfield, Mass Prin J Winthrop Travell, 90, High School, Plainfield, N J John W Travell, 91, M D, 17 E 12, N Y City Gilbert E Treat, 97, 1, Auburn, N Y Percival H Truman, 98, 27 St James, Chicago, 111 Hon Gilbert M Tucker, 67, A M, editor, 304 State, Albany, N Y John L Tupper, 72, 558 Lexington, N Y City William H H Tuttle, 72, Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Arthur W Underwood, 84, M A, LL B, 204 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Herbert S Underwood, 83, M A, editor Advertiser, Boston, Mass Rev Rufus S Underwood, 66, Longmeadow, Mass Henry S Van Ingen,68, M A, real estate, 1323 Cham Commerce, Chicago, 111 Edwin Van Wormer, 92, LL B, 86 Chestnut, Albany, N Y Rev Jonathan Wadhams, 67, Brockport, N Y William F Walsh, 98, 1, 40 E 10, N Y City Seymour Walton, 68,. 1302 Fisher Bid, Chicago, 111 Prof Henry B Ward, 85, Ph D, University, Lincoln, Neb Prof R Halsted Ward, 58, A M, M D, F R M S, 53 Fourth, Troy, N Y Morton S Wardner, 73, M D, Barren, Wis Charles L Warner, 85, M D, Baltimore, Md Levi F Warner, 85, M D, 139 W 21, N Y City William A Way, 88, M A, Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa Prof Walter A Weed, Jr, 92, The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa Rev Edward P Wells, 64, M A, Box 232, Pittsburg, Pa Rev Henry H Wentworth, 85, Goffstown, N H Rev Elliot White, M A, 258 South 8, Newark, N J Henry C Whitehead, 99, 35 Hamilton, Passaic, N J Hon Milton B Whitney, 49, M A, lawyer, Westfield, Mass William W Wight, 69, A M, LL B, 404 Keene,, Milwaukee, Wis PHI BETA KAPPA 231 Hon Marshall Wilcox, 44, A M, LL D, 45 Linden, Pittsfield, Mass Nathaniel F Wilcox, 82, A M, pharmacist, Bridgewater, Mass Prof Henry D Wild, 88, M A, Latin, Williamstown, Mass Pay son S Wild, 91, M A, t, 4045 Drexel Boul, Chicag-o, 111 Irving- D Wildey, 99, Theol student, 41 E 69, N Y City Rev Edward C Wiley, 81, North Granville, N Y Prin Charles A Williams, 88, High School, Hudson, Mass William R Williams, 89, M D, 152 W 57, N Y City Edward E Wilson, 92, 191 Clark, Chicag-o 111 Frank A Wilson, 89, Worcester, Mass Lavalette Wilson, 56, A M, civil engineer, Haverstraw, N Y Rev Merritt J Winchester, 90, Elbridg-e, N Y Frederic T Wood, 98, clerk, War Department, Washing-ton, D C Samuel Wood, 57, Stoning-ton, Conn Frederick R Woodward, 92, t, 11 Simpson, Lowell, Mass Herbert P Woodward, 88, 1, Batavia, N Y Russell M Wright, 41, M A, t, Castleton, Vt Harry V Youngman, 86, M A, merchant, 1 Broadway, N Y City ALPHA OF WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, MADISON, Wis. President, Prof Edward Asahel Birge, Ph D, Sc D Vice-Pres, Prof Charles Homer Haskins, Ph D Sec and Treas, Prof Moses Stephen Slaughter, Ph D Pres Charles K Adams, U of M, LL D, Madison, Wis Sebastian Albrecht, 1900, student, 767 Forest Home, Milwaukee, Wis Helen G Andrews, 99, Lodi, Wis Gertrude Anthony, 99, teacher High School, 127 W Gilman, Madison, Wis Nellie M Bush, 99, teacher Latin and German, Kankanna, Wis Prof Charles WCabeen,82, A M,Romance Language, Univ, Syracuse, NY Lillian E Case, 99, student, 438 Lake, Madison, Wis Prof Ellery W Davis, 79, Ph D, Mathematics, U of N, Lincoln, Neb Lucretia F Hinkley, 99, teacher, 249, 14, Milwaukee, Wis Edward A Hook, 1900, student, S Milwaukee, Wis Dean William E Huntington, 70, Ph D, 12 Somerset, Boston, Mass Joseph Loeb, 1900, student, 726 North, Appleton, Wis Warren M Persons, 99, t, Mathematics, High School, Sheboygan, Wis Prin Ole S Rice, 99, High School, Deerfield, Wis William C Ruediger, 99, teacher, 310 Broadway, Eau Claire, Wis Prof Harry L Russell, 88, Madison, Wis Joseph L Shaw, 99, law student, Geneseo, 111 William C Sieker, 99, teacher, 334, 20, Milwaukee, Wis Katharine E Swain, 1900, student, 385 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis Charles A Vilas, 99, law student, 530 Astor, Milwaukee, Wis 232 UNITED CHAPTERS ALPHA OF CONNECTICUT YAI California, San Francisco.Calif* Homer G Newton, 59, M D, banker, Sherburne, N Y Alfred B Nichols, 80, t. Harvard. Cambridg-e, Mass Hon Effingham H Nichols, 41, LL D, 620 Fifth Ave, N Y City Henry J Nichols, 99, student, Yale, New Haven, Conn Starr H Nichols, 54, 41 Wall, N Y City William T Nichols, 84, editor, Manchester, N H Hon Sereno D Nickerson, 45, A M, LL B, Masonic Temple, Boston, Mass Prof A Eug-ene Nolen, 67, AM, 3 Wood Place, Fitchburg-, Mass Henry S Noon, 94, M A, LL B, Tremont Bid, Boston, Mass Pres Cyrus Northrop, 57, LL D, Minneapolis, Minn John P Norton, 99, Ph D, student, 549 Orange, New Haven, Conn Nathaniel Norton, 60, 289 Macon, Brooklyn, N Y Rev Edward M Noyes, 79, Newton Center, Mass Hon Joseph Olds, 53, M A, LL B, Judg-e, 82 Jefferson, Columbus, Ohio John Olendorf, 69, M A, LL B, 83 Montgomery, Jersey City, N J Henry Opdyke, 90, 1, 20 Nassau, N Y City Rev Prof Frederick W Osborn, 55, M A, Philosophy, Adelphi, Brooklyn Prof Charles G Osgood, 94, Ph D, Rhetoric, U of C, Boulder, Col Prof Edwart T Owen, 72, Madison, Wis Hon S Davis Page, 59, A M, LL B, 700 West End Trust Bid, Philadelphia William H Page, 89, LL M, 1068 Franklin, Columbus, Ohio Rev Prof Levi L Paine, 56, D D, Bangor. Me Rev Charles R Palmer, 55, D D, 127 Whitne)^, New Haven, Conn Harry L Pangborn, 91, M A, LL B, Yale Club, 17 Madison Sq, N Y City Rev William E Park, 61, D D, Gloversville, N Y William Parkin, 74, 48 Wall, N Y City Rev Samuel Parry, 68, Pluckemin, N J William E Parsons, 95, architect, Paris, France Frank D Pavey, 84, 32 Nassau, N Y City Rev Edward P Payson, 61, Montclair, N J Rev George S Payson, 66, D D, NY City PHI BETA KAPPA 245 John B Pearse, 61, 317 Walnut, Boston, Mass John W Peck, 74, Devoy, Conn Prof Tracy Peck, 61, Yale, New Haven, Conn Tracy Peck, Jr, 95, Safe Deposit Co, N Y City Alton W Pierce, 93, Ph D, t, Sheldon, Conn Prof Frederick B Percy, 77, M D, Boston University, Brookline, Mass Prof George H Perkins, 67, Ph D, Geology, U of V, Burlington, Vt Henry A Perkins, 96, M A, E E, 55 Forest, Hartford, Conn Hon Samuel C Perkins, 48, LL D, 627 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa Prof Bernadotte Perrin, 69, LL D, Yale, New Haven, Conn Hon John H Perry, 70, M A, LL B, Southport, Conn Hon John A Peters, 42, LL D, Justice Supreme Court, Bangor, Me Prof George D Pettee, 87, M A, Phil Academy, Andover, Mass Lemuel D Pettee, 98, t, Dobbs Ferry, N Y Rev Arthur S Phelps, 86, Greeley, Col Hon Myron H Phelps, 76, A M, LL B, 220 Broadway, N Y City Prof William L Phelps, 87, M A, Ph D, 44 High, New Haven, Conn Thomas W Pierce, 68, 1, West Chester, Pa Rev Isaac Pierson, 66, Medford, Mass Thomas H Pitkin, 62, Walker Block, Detroit, Mich Prof Samuel B Platner, 83, Ph D, Cleveland, Ohio Harrison G Platt, 88, 1, 242 Washington, Portland, Oregon Rev Howard W Pope, 71, New Haven, Conn Louis H Porter, 96, A M, LL B, 45 Broadway, N Y City Nathan T Porter, 90, 78 Worth, N Y City Peter B Porter, f>7, M D, 150 W 84, N Y City Hon Timothy H Porter, 48, A M, banker, Box 227, Stamford, Conn Rev Lemuel S Potwin, 54, D D, Cleveland, Ohio Prof Jobn R Powell, 97, A M, High School, Joliet, 111 Addison S Pratt, 96, LL B, A M, 120 Broadway, N Y City Prin Julius H Pratt, 82, A M, Ph D, Academy, 471 VanBuren, Milwaukee Foster Pruyn, 97, A M, LL B, 230 State, Albany, N Y Sands F Randall, 70, 99 Nassau, N Y City Joseph F Randall, 62, 1, Morristown, N J William M Raymond, 94, 1, 36 Bellevue, Chicago, 111 Rev William C Reade, 63, Beverly, Mass Prof Edward B Reed, 94, M A, Ph D, Yale, New Haven, Conn Rev Harry L Reed, 89, Albany, Oregon Mitchell D Rhame, 69, C E, 201 State, Minneapolis, Minn Prin Abner Rice, 44, AM, Lee, Mass Rev William H Rice, 59, M A, Gnadenhiitten, Ohio Rev Charles H Richards, 60, 2033 Greene, Philadelphia, Pa Dickinson W Richards, 80, 1, 141 Broadway, N Y City Prof Eugene L Richards, 60, New Haven, Conn George Richards, 72, 141 Broadway, N Y City Rev William R Richards, 75, D D, Plainfield, N J Prof Oliver H Richardson, 89, M A, PhD, History, Yale,New Haven, Conn Prof Rufus B Richardson, 69, Ph D, Athens, Greece Rev Warner B Riggs, 71, Dallas, Texas Isaac W Riley, 92, t, St Pauls, Concord, N H 246 UNITED CHAPTERS Alfred L Ripley, 78, banker, Boston, Mass Hon Thomas G Ritch, 54, M A, LL B, 18 Wall, N Y City Fred O Robbins, 96, t, Yale, New Haven, Conn Prof George W Robbins, 76, A M, 71 Montview, West Roxbury, Mass Howard C Robbins, 99, Theol student, Greenfield, Mass Hon Ellis H Roberts, 50, LL D, Treasurer, Washing-ton, D C Edwin L Robinson, 96, t, 3337 Morgan, St Louis, Mo Hon Henry C Robinson, 53, LL D, Hartford, Conn Michael W Robinson, 57, 1, 698 Fullerton, Chicago, 111 Prof Charles G Rockwood, Jr, 64, M A,Ph D, Mathematics,Princeton,N J Rev Edson Rogers, 57, A M, Cincinnatus, N Y Philip F Rog-ers, 94, M D, Milwaukee, Wis George W Rollins, 76, Latin School, Boston, Mass Rev Edward T Root, 87, M A, B D, 16 Redwing-, Providence, R I Robert K Root, 98, t, New Haven, Conn Prof Charles J H Ropes, 72, D D, Bang-or, Me Grant I Rosenzweig-, 87, N Y Life Bid, Kansas City, Mo Wallis G Rowe, 97, t, 2115 Oregon, St Louis, Mo William L Rowland, 52, A M, librarian, Rockford, 111 Louis B Runk, 93, A M, LL B, 20 S 21, Philadelphia, Pa Hon Julius W Russell, 68, M A, LL B, Judge, Burlington, Vt Darius P Sackett, 66, 20 Sidney, Brooklyn, N Y Prin Daniel S Sanford, 82, High School, Brookline, Mass Rev William H Savary, 57, Jamaica Plain, Mass Lauriston L Scaife, 70, 23 Court, Boston, Mass Benjamin Scharps, 84, A M, LL B, 45 Broadway, N Y City Prof Charles A Schumaker, 92, A M, PhD, Eng, Nor Sch,Oneonta, N Y Prof John C Schwab, 86, New Haven, Conn Rudolph Schwill, 96, t, 339 Main, Cincinnati, Ohio Pres Austin Scott, 69, LL D, New Brunswick, N J Edmund D Scott, 89, M A, t, Holyoke, Mass Charles B Sears, 98, 1, 558 Ellicott, Buffalo, N Y Hon Edward D Selden, 44, A M, Saratoga Springs, N Y Prof William A Setchell, 87, Ph D, Botany, U of C, Berkeley, Calif f Rev Arthur W Shaw, 92, M A, Chichester, N Y Edward Shaw, 47, Museum, Washington, D C Samuel C Shaw, 91, 1, Bridgeport, Conn Albert B Shearer, 62, 524 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa Hon Daniel L Shearer, 42, AM, 8 Dana, Cambridge, Mass George P Sheldon, 67, insurance, 47 Cedar, N Y City Henry C Sheldon, 67, t, 72 Mt Vernon, Boston, Mass Charles E Shepard, 70, 1, 615 N Y Bid, Seattle, Wash Hon C Sidney Shepard, 78, A M, LL B, manufacturer, New Haven, Conn Prof Charles C Sherman, 83, A M, 405 W Onondaga, Syracuse, N Y Prof Lucius A Sherman, 71, U of N, Lincoln, Neb William H Sherman, 80, M D, Yonkers, N Y Hon Nathaniel Shipman, 48, LL D, Judge, Charter Oak PI, Hartford, Conn Hon George Shiras, Jr,53,LL D, Justice U S SupremeCt, Washington, D C Rev Arthur Shirley, 69, M A, B D, Stratford, Conn Hon George G Sill, 52, A M, LL D, 863 Main, Hartford, Conn PHI BETA KAPPA 247 Henry Sillcocks, 98, 23 S Portland, Brooklyn, N Y Alburn E Skinner, 95, A M, Ottawa, Kan Francis G Slade, 91, 18 W 52, N Y City Henry T Sloane, 66, A M, merchant, 884 Broadway, N Y City Benjamin Smith, 67, A M, t, Plymouth, Pa Prof Charles H Smith, 65, LL D, New Haven, Conn Eugene Smith, 59, 1, 31 Nassau, N Y City Prof Frederick M Smith, 80, A M, 21 Niles, Hartford, Conn Herbert A Smith, 89, Ph D, t, Lake Waccabuc, N Y Herbert K Smith, 91, 1, 847 Main, Hartford, Conn James R Smith, 98, student, 31 Felton Hall, Cambridge, Mass Editor of Yale Chapter Catalogue, 1898, pp 126 Joel S Smith, 53, A M, Librarian, Yale, 257 St Ronan, New Haven, Conn Rev Moses Smith, 52, 115 S Leavitt, Chicago, 111 Rev Oscar M Smith, 55, A M, Java, Wyoming Co, N Y Ray B Smith, 91, A M, LL B, Kirk Block, Syracuse, N Y Prof William M Smith, 44, M D, Syracuse, N Y Prof William T Smith, 60, M D, LL D, Hanover, N H Fred P Solley, 88, M D, 33 W 53, N Y City Rev Charles M Southgate, 66, Auburndale, Mass Edward W Southworth, 75, University Club, N Y City Thomas S Southworth, 83, M D, 47 W 56, N Y City Hon Selden P Spencer, 84, A M, M D, Ph D, Judge, St Louis, Mo Prof Homer B Sprague, 52, Ph D, Madison, N J Louis L Stanton, 79, 30 W 49, NY City Edward R Stearns, 70, manufacturer, Cincinnati, Ohio Rev Henry H Stebbins, 62, D D, 24 Prince, Rochester, N Y Rev Charles E Steele, 71, New Britain, Conn Sydney Stein, 84, 85 Dearborn, Chicago, 111 Prof Bernard C Steiner,88,M A, PhD, LLB, Enoch Pratt Lib, Baltimore,Md John W Sterling, 64, 44 Wall, N Y City Hon Charles P Stetson, 55, A M, lawyer, Bangor, Me Frederick W Stevens, 58, 62 Wall, N Y City Henry E Stevens, Jr, 88, A M, lumber, 272 W 89, N Y City Rev Henry A Stimson, 65, D D, 159 W 86, N Y City Henry L Stimson, 88, 1, 32 Liberty, N Y City Frank R Stocker, 98, Law student, Jermyn, Pa William Stocking, 65, editor, Detroit, Mich Anson Phelps Stokes, Jr, 96, B D, Secretary of Yale, New Haven, Conn Corydon G Stowell, 65, A M, t, 459 Dayton, Chicago, 111 Harry L Street, 95, A M, lumber, 133 Astor, Chicago, 111 Rev Augustus H Strong, 57, D D, Theol Sem, Rochester, N Y George A Strong, 71, ' 50 Wall, N Y City Wendell M Strong, 93, t, Yale, New Haven, Conn Charles H Studinski, 97, 1, 40 Wall, N Y City George S Sumner, 95, Ph D, t, Claremont, Calif* Prof William G Sumner, 63, LL D, New Haven, Conn Hon Charles P Taft, 64, M A, LL B, J U D, editor, 316 Pike, Cincinnati Hon William H Taft, 78, LL D, Cincinnati, Ohio Henry E Taintor, 65, Hartford, Conn 248 UNITED CHAPTERS John B Talcott, 46, A M, New Britain, Conn Frank B Tarbell, 73, t, 5730 Woodlawn, Chicago, 111 Prof John P Taylor, 62, D D, Andover, Mass Prof Henry T Terry, 69, Tokyo, Japan Alfred B Thacher, 74, 1, 10 Wall, N Y City John S Thacher, 77, M D, 33 W 39, N Y City Thomas Thacher, 71, 10 Wall, N Y City Aaron S Thomas, 69, 133 W 73, N Y City Prin Isaac Thomas, 81, M A, High School, 8 Wilson, Burlington, Vt Gouverneur M Thompson, 65, 320 Broadway, N Y City Wilmot H Thompson, 98, t, Torrington, Conn Ambrose Tighe, 79, M A, 1, St Paul, Minn Rev John E Todd, 55, D D, Riverside, Calif* Prof Herbert C Tolman, 88, M A, Ph D, Greek, V U, Nashville, Tenn Rev Edward C Towne, 56, M A, Albany, N Y Roger S Tracy, 62, M A, M D, 151 W 106, N Y City George K Tufts, 63, M A, New Braintree, Mass Edgar A Turrell, 67, 1, 170 Broadway, N Y City Rev Henry H Tweedy, 91, 376 Genesee, Utica, N Y Rev Kinsley Twining, 53, D D, L H D, editor, Morristown, N J Rev Alexander S Twombly, 54, D D, Newton, Mass Rev Clifford G Twombly, 91, Newton Highlands, Mass Henry B Twombly, 84, 1, 115 Broadway, N Y City Prof Charles M Tyler, 55, A M, D D, Philosophy, Cornell, Ithaca, N Y Morris F Tyler, 70, Telephone Co., New Haven, Conn Prof Moses C Tyler, 57, LL D, Ithaca, N Y Rev Samuel Tyler, 95, A M, St George's Church, 207 E 16, N Y City Adrian S Van de Graff, 81, 1, Tuscaloosa, Ala Addison Van Name, 58, A M, Librarian of Yale, New Haven, Conn Willard G Van Name, 94, 121 High, New Haven, Conn Hon J Leonard Varick, 68, 206 W 86, N Y City Bishop BoydVincent,67,MA,STD,663 Forest, Avondale,Cincinnati,Ohio Prof George E Vincent, 85, University, Chicago, 111 Isidore Wachsman, 93, Tweddle Bid, Albany, N Y William H Wadhams, 96, 1, 34 Pine, N Y City Otis H Waldo, 79, Borden Block, Chicago, 111 Rev Charles S Walker, 67, Ph D, Amherst, Mass Arthur E Wabradt, 80, A M, LL B, 52 Broadway, N Y City Hon Frederic A Ward, 62, A M, LL M, judge, 31 Nassau, N Y City John D Warnock, 93, Ph D, t, Pottstown, Pa Rev Albert Warren, 67, Leicester, Mass Hon Edwin F Warren, 64, A M, LL B, Nebraska City, Neb Samuel R Warren, 60, Cosmos Club, Washington, D C Pres William E Waters, 78, Aurora, N Y Rev Benjamin Webb, 56, 39 W 33, N Y City Hon Frederick C Webster, 73, M A, LL B, Missoula, Mont Hon John H Webster, 68, M A, LL B, Cleveland, Ohio Prof William H Welch, 70, M D, LL D, J H U, Baltimore, Md Prof Charles H Weller, 95, M A, Hillhouse H S, 17 Parmelee, New Haven Supt Paul I Welles, 85, M A, Southern Ry Co, Columbia, S C PHI BETA KAPPA 249 Thomas F Wentworth, 68, 1, 40 Central Park S, N Y City Hon Clarence L Wescott, 64, A M, LL B, 146 Broadway, NY City Alexander Wheeler, 97, t, High School, 390 Park Place, Bridgeport, Conn Prof Arthur L Wheeler, 93, A M,Ph D, Yale,81 Cottag-e, New Haven, Conn Prof Arthur M Wheeler, 57, LL D, New Haven, Conn Ralph Wheeler, 64, lawyer, New London, Conn Hon William E Wheeler, 66, M A, manufacturer, Portville, N Y Rev William C Wheeler, 80, Newton, Kan Albert B White, 93, Ph D, t, U of Minn, Minneapolis, Minn Thomas H White, 60, M D, Tuckahoe, N Y Lewis P Whitin, 64, M A, merchant, 112 Worth, N Y City James L Whitney, 56, Public Library, Boston, Mass Rev James M Whiton, 53, M A, Ph D, editor, 287 Fourth Ave, N Y City Rev Albert L Whittaker, 92, Phelps Place, North Adams, Mass Gen EKphalet Whittlesey, 42, 8 Iowa Circle, Washington, D C Rev Charles M Whittlesey, 42, 8 Iowa Circle, Washington, D C Frederic R Whittlesey, 87, 100 Hudson, N Y City Heman C Whittlesey, 80, 187 S Main, Middletown, Conn Rev Nathan H Whittlesey, 7l, D D, New Haven, Conn Prof Alexander M Wilcox, 77, Ph D, Greek, U of K, Lawrence, Kan Rev Asher H Wilcox, 59, Norwich Town, Conn Rev Charles H Wilcox, 76, Lawrenceville, N J Hon George A Wilcox, 52, M A, Madison, Conn Ahab G Wilkinson, 56, Patent Office, Washington, D C Rev Andrew J Willard, 53, A M, M D, Burlington, Vt Prof Giles B Willcox, 48, D D, Theol Sem, Chicago, 111 Rev Edward F Williams, 56, D D, editor, 147 Ashland, Chicago, 111 Prin Job Williams, 64, L H D, School for Deaf, 690 Asylum, Hartford.Conn Rev MoseleyHWilliams,64, A M, Ph D,editor, 1122 Chestnut, Philadelphia Bishop Richard H Wilmer, 36, D D, LL D, Springhill, Ala Edwin H Wilson, 65, 16 Lee, Cambridge. Mass John H Wilson, 68, 97 Nassau, N Y City Henry Winn, 59, 1, Maiden, Mass Andrew L Winters, 89, 153 LaSalle, Chicago, 111 Hon Francis E Woodruff, 64, AM, 9 James, Morristown, N J George W Woodruff, 89, A M, LL B, Stephen Girard Bld,Philadelphia,Pa Rev Henry C Woodruff, 68, A M, Bridgeport, Conn Richard W Woodward, 67, 2 Park. Hartford, Conn Alfred C Woolner, 93, A M, LL B, 20 Broad, N Y City Edwin D Worcester, Jr, 76, 35 Nassau, N Y City Wilfred J Worcester, 85, 11 Pine, N Y City Prof Arthur W Wright, 50, Ph D, New Haven, Conn Henry B Wright, 98, Gen Sec Y MC A, Dwight Hall, New Haven, Conn Prof Henry P Wright, 68, LL D, Yale, New Haven, Conn ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Hon Francis Adams, Bowd, 50, A M, LL B, 104 South, Bath, Me Hon Fisher Ames, Dart f9, A M, LL B. Exam Bid. San Francisco, Calif 9 Hon Henry Budd, U of Pa 68, M A, LL B, 727 Walnut, Philadelphia Charles M Burdick, Wms 95, M D, Lowville, N Y 250 UNITED CHAPTERS Hon John H Buttrick, Dart 52, A M, Pres Manuf Co, Lowell, Mass Prof Henry S Carhart, Wesl 69, LL D, Physics, U of M, Ann Arbor, Mich Edwin A Clark, Adelbert 87, A M, M D, Paulding, Ohio Prof Melvin E Crowell, U of R 79, A M, Chem and Physics, Franklin, Ind Francis H Dewey, Wms 76, A M, LL B, Worcester, Mass Hon Charles N M Dunham, Edgarton, Mass George L Farley, Dart 98, teacher, 348 Essex, Lynn, Mass Roy C Flicking-er, U W 99 teacher, 2685 N 42, Chicago, 111 Hon John H Holliday, Hanover 64, A M, editor, Indianapolis, Ind Prof O Perry Hoover, M A, Greek, Juniata, Hunting-ton, Pa Hon Frank P Howe, Brown 72, A M,Pres P R M Co, 251 S 17, Philadelphia Harry I Huber, Dick 98, A M, lawyer, Chambersburg, Pa Wirt E Humphrey, N W 90, A M, LL B, 115 Dearborn, Chicag-o, 111 Prof J H Keener, Princ 97, A M, 13 Hamill House, Lawrenceville, N J John Knox, Brown 87, A M, Treas S B & Co, 388 Wabash, Chicago, 111 Egbert LeFevre, Rut 80, A M, M D, 52 W 56, N Y City Prof Christian P Lommen, U of M 91, Biology, Vermillion, S Dak Rev William H H McAllister, U of Vt 80, A M, 62 Spruce, Portland, Me Rev Donald McLaren, Union 53, A M, D D, 194 Park Ave, Orange, N J Mrs Harriet Kimball McWilliams, N W 83, A M, Dwight, 111 Olivia M Mattison, N W 98, A M, Librarian, Evanston, 111 Rev Peter H Milliken, Rut 76, Ph D, D D, 1433 Poplar, Philadelphia, Pa Hon Walter B Moore, Uof R 61, A M, insurance, 346 Broadway,N Y City Allan M North, Amh 81, A M, teacher, 3 Orton, Binghamton, N Y Cullen W Parmelee, Rut 96, A M, chemist, 100 Kent, Brooklyn, N Y Prof RAF Penrosejr, Harv 84, Ph D, Geologist, Bullitt Bid, Philadelphia Prof Martin W Sampson, Cin 88, A M, English, Univ, Bloomington, Ind Prof Charles B Scott, Rut 81, A M, Ph D, Supt Sch, Santuce, Puerto Rico William J Shaeffer, Dick 91, A M, LL B, Girard Building, Philadelphia Prof Helen M Slade, Vassar 94, A M, (Vassar), Quincy, Mass Prof Martha C Smith, N W 91, Ph B, University, Palo Alto, Calif* Prof J Y Stanton, Bowd 56, Litt D, Greek, Bates, Lewiston, Me Prof Francis H Stoddard, Amh 69, Ph D, Eng, Univ Heights, NY City PresMartyn Summerbell,CCNY71PhD, DD,StarkeySem,Eddytown,NY James F Thompson, Brown 91, A M, musician, 60 Moore, Providence, R I Prof Samuel Thurber, Brown 58, Ph D, Girls' High School, Boston, Mass Brainard Tolles, Ham 86, A M, lawyer, 32 Nassau, N Y City Alexander J Williams, Trinity 96, B S, M D, 309 Sixth, Racine, Wis EXPLANATORY NOTE These Chapter Catalogues have been made from all available materials. There has been difficulty in securing accurate lists of members and their addresses from some chapters. Using the best lists ob- tainable the Secretary has given each man one opportunity, and in most cases two opportunities, to make his name and address correct at the cost of a postage stamp. Over four hundred of these letters have been returned by postmasters, showing imperfect chapter lists and a fluctua- ting race. Grateful acknowledgment is due to the chapter officers for their patience and good nature in responding to the Secretary's repeated calls for information, and especially due to the generous members who have sent their money to help pay for the book. PHI BETA KAPPA 251 CUSTOMS AND STATISTICS Uniformity has been one of the watchwords of the National Coun- cils. As one step toward it, the existing- customs and methods of pro- cedure have been obtained. Questions were sent out to all the chapters asking- the fractional part taken from each class, the colleg-e courses that are regarded as furnishing- eligible men, the time in their course when men are taken, the method of election, the fees and dues, the meetings of the chapter, the ceremony of initiation or welcoming of the new members, the symbols on the key and their interpretation and some matters of a semi-confidential character relative to the society. For the most part the chapter secretaries have responded to these multiform questions with charming patience and the result is herewith submitted. MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY Good moral character and high scholarship are the recognized foundation qualities for membership eligibility. The question at issue has related to the courses of study in which the high scholarship has been obtained. For many years the election was limited to the students pursuing the course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. When the colleges began to give other degrees the question arose regarding Phi Beta Kappa. After prolonged discussion and a reference back to the chapters for their decision the National Council voted that it is not expedient to grant a charter to any institution that does not have the Bachelor of Arts course, but that it is also not expedient to confine the membership to students in that course. At present a very large per cent, probably ninety per cent, of the membership is from the Arts course. The requirements for the Arts degree are not the same in all colleges, though quite generally Latin and Greek, or Latin and a modern language, are required. The following statements from the chapters indicate the present situation. "No distinction is made between classical and scientific courses," (Amherst); "Members are elected from the A B and the Ph B courses, though eighty-five per cent, are from the former," (Brown); "Men are taken from the B A, B L, and B S courses," (Dartmouth); "Men are taken mostly though not altogether from the A B course," (Kenyon); "In earlier days at least nine-tenths have been taken from the A B course, though now the proportion mav be about two-thirds," (Marietta); "We take from both the B A and B S courses, though the proportion from the latter is small," (Middlebury); The College of the City of New York and New York University take from both the classical and scientific courses. Rochester, Syracuse and Wesleyan elect from all courses. Williams gives only the A B degree. The great body of mem- bership in Colgate, Columbia and Cornell, in Rutgers and Union, in Harvard and Yale, is altogether from the Bachelor of Arts course. 252 UNITED CHAPTERS Some chapters fix a limit in the average of the scholarship mark, eighty or eighty-five or ninety per cent, but methods of marking as well as the requirement for the A B degree are not uniform. There is great diversity of method in the selection of Phi Beta Kappa members, perhaps no two of the fifty chapters have the same method, but in all of them the ideals of membership are good character and sound scholar- ship. NUMBER ELECTED FROM EACH CLASS When the old chapters constituted themselves the United Chapters they reserved some rights and privileges. One of these vested rights was the power to elect one-third of each class to Phi Beta Kappa membership. But since in the new order they have voted that the new chapters shall take only one-fourth of each class, the old chapters, in the interest of uniformity and fairness and good scholar- ship, have nearly all agreed to restrict themselves to a smaller frac- tional proportion, so that now only six of the old chapters elect one-third of each class. In fact most of the old chapters have put a much greater restriction upon themselves. Harvard takes twenty-five or thirty from a class of four hundred graduates, or about one-thirteenth of each class. Yale, Cornell, and the College of the City of New York elect about one-eighth of each class. Dartmouth and Ne- braska take one-sixth. Columbia, Syracuse and Williams take one-fifth. Changes are now in progress that will bring other chapters into these restricted ranks. The prevailing limit outside the great University chapters is one-fourth of each class, the limit fixed for the new chap- ters by the National Council. THE TIME OF ELECTION The time of the election to membership in Phi Beta Kappa is later in the college course than has been commonly supposed. Yale is thought to be the only chapter that elects a considerable number at the end of the Sophomore year, though two other chapters take a few men at that point in the course. Three chapters take their men at the end of Junior year. Fifteen chapters elect about half of their number at the end of Junior and the rest at the end of Senior year. Thirty-one chapters elect only Seniors and usually after the final examinations. In most colleges therefore Phi Beta Kappa is a graduate society. The trend is away from the original idea of the literary helpfulness and social comradeship of the Virginians. METHODS OF ELECTION The basis of election is the college system of marks. In some col- leges the Faculty furnishes, by the hands of the Secretary, a list of the highest scholars and if no objection is made to any candidate the list is PHI BETA KAPPA 253 strictly followed. In other colleges a number, somewhat exceeding the number to be elected, is furnished and the voting body make a selection. In some colleges a nominating committee receives from the Faculty record the standing of the best scholars and recommends a list to the voting body. A few quotations from the chapter by-laws indicate the practice. The original Alpha of Virginia says, "The names are proposed by a nominating committee of which at least two shall be members of the College Faculty." Many chapters' say, ''The Secre- tary furnishes the list of the best scholars." "The executive committee borrows the Registrar's books, and prepares a list of nominations." 4k The executive committee nominates from a list of the first third of the class furnished by the Faculty records." THE VOTING BODY As thirty-one of the fifty chapters have no undergradute body the election is in the hands of the Faculty members of the Phi Beta Kappa. In the larger places there is also a body of resident members who are invited to participate in the election of new members. Of those nineteen institutions, having undergraduate members, six lay the whole responsi- bility of election upon the undergraduates and in thirteen the faculty members and undergraduates take common responsibility in the election. Some chapters require a unanimous vote for the election of each new member; other chapters require only a three-fourths vote. The require- ment in most of the chapters is between these extremes and two or three "black balls" are not allowed to prevent an election. MEETINGS In most of those chapters having members a year or more before graduation some literary meetings are held. A few chapters say, 4 'Monthly meetings of graduates and undergraduates are held through- out the year." As has been already mentioned some chapters have a notable list of literary papers prepared for these regular meeting's of Phi Beta Kappa undergraduates. In the larger places it is not difficult to secure able writers and speakers and appreciative audiences. The chapter that has had for so many years the service of Professor Werner, to whom the whole Fraternity is largely indebted for its present prosperity, has held more than thirty notable literary meetings, for which he has secured the writers and speakers and made all other arrangements. Several chapters hold quarterly meetings and arrange for some paper or address, usually by one of the resident Professors. The Phi Beta Kappa Alumni of New York City since 1877 have held nearly seventy reunions, an average of three each year, and heard addresses from the foremost scholars and educators of our country. Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Associations centering at Chicago and Cincin- nati are expecting- to undertake a similar work. 254 UNITED CHAPTERS FEES AND DUES Two chapters have no initiation fee, one chapter fixes the fee at fifty cents, five chapters receive one dollar, fifteen chapters receive two dollars, six chapters receive three dollars, sixteen chapters receive five dollars and five chapters receive ten dollars. It is presumed that the ten dollars cover the cost of the key. The dues are usually nominal, depending- on the votes of the chapter, for banquet or catalogue or speaker at the public meeting's. INITIATION The form by which the new members are received or initiated dif- fers widely throughout the Fraternity. In some chapters the fact of a man's election is reported to him, the admission fee is collected and he helps pay for a dinner to celebrate the event. In other chapters there is an impressive welcoming service conducted by the President of the Chapter or by some leading man of the order selected for that service. A few quotations from the chapters will show the practice. ''There is an impressive initiation followed by a reception," (Amherst); "There is a brief form of initiation," (Bowdoin); ''The initiation is a formal affair conducted by the Secretary," (Brown); "The initiation is a simple ceremony conducted in the chapel," (Colby); "The initiation is formal but not extended," (Colgate); "The initiation is somewhat ex- tended and is conducted by the President who makes an address of welcome and, with the rest of the Society present, gives the welcoming hand to the new members," (Columbia); "There is an evening meeting for initiation with an address by the president," (Cornell); "At the initiation there are brief addresses by the president and others. The initatipn was public for the first time in 1899," (Dartmouth); "The initiation is the event of the year," (De Pauw); "The initiation is a serious ceremony, with an address by the president and the grip by the treasurer," (Hamilton); "There is no initiation and no secrecy. An in- itiation dinner is given by the undergraduates," (Harvard); "The initiation is a brief address by the president or vice-president who gives the grip, and the secretary makes a statement of the obligations of membership," (Hobart)-/ 'The initiation is an impressive ceremony con- ducted by the president, who administers the oath, gives the grip, and explains the aims and symbols of the Society. The oath is a slight dilution of the somewhat strong waters of the original Phi Beta Kappa oath of 1776," (Johns Hopkins) ; "The initiation is held the evening of commencement. The president conducts a brief service of obligation and an orator delivers a short address. This is followed by a banquet," (Kenyon) ; "The initiation is simple and dignified, and conducted by the president of the chapter," (Middlebury) ; "New members are received by the form furnished by the Alpha of New York at the beginning," (Col- lege City of New York); "The initiation is quite formal, with the reading of the constitution and an address partly historical," (Trinity); "The graduate president reads the constitution, the new members signify assent by the uplifted hand, and he recites a Latin formula admitting them to the Society," (Yale). PHI BETA KAPPA 255 INITIATION SERVICE The printed forms of initiation, sent by several chapters, indicate a common origin. When a student has been elected and has examined the Constitution of the Society he answers "I do" to the following pledge: "Do you agree to support the Constitution of Phi Beta Kappa and to generously aid in every honorable -way to enlarge its usefulness f" When the members are assembled for the service some one introduces the members elect, (the chapter rising), saying: "Allow me to introduce to the Phi Beta Kappa these members duly elected. They desire to be admitted to all the honors and -privileges of the Society." The presiding officer (the chapter being seated) addresses the mem- bers elect as follows: "Gentlemen: In recognition of the honorable record that you have made during your college life you have been elected members of the Phi Beta Kappa. For more than a century this fraternity has encouraged upright character and good scholarship. Founded at the venerable seat of learning in Virginia at the very time our national government -was organized it has been closely and actively identified -with the history of our country in the important affairs of church and state. "The Fraternity now embraces ffty chapters in twenty states ivith an active membership of over ten thousand. True to its original purpose the fraternity fosters the love of wisdom and sound learning which should be the guide of life. 7 he -watchword symbolizes that purpose. The hand pointing to the stars indicates a noble aspiration. " "Understanding this object of the fraternity, do you still desire to become members ? " Upon receiving an affirmative answer the presiding officer, or some one appointed for the purpose, explains the motto, the key inscription, and gives the grip. Some chapters call for a pledge of secrecy and a promise to help worthy brothers in distress, like the great order which has sent its phraseology down through all college fraternities. But most chapters are satisfied to let the presiding officer explain these mat- ters, that were once held as sacred secrets, and then give the initiates some general charges: "Gentlemen, We now have the pleasure of welcoming you as associ" ates with us in Phi Beta Kappa. Let your new relation urge you to in- creased diligence in the pursuit of know ledge and the cultivation of virtue. Possessing the treasures of the past it behooves us to make our contribution to the present and to the future. Educated men owe a duty to their country and to humanity, to encourage the love of letters and of sound scholarship and to keep alive the pure jlame of truth." Then turning to the chapter members, who rise, the president says: ''''Gentlemen: 2ou join me in this pleasure of welcoming these new members. Allow me to present them to you I " Then in an informal way the old members shake hands with the new, using the grip of the Society in giving the right hand of fellowship. 256 UNITED CHAPTERS PHI BETA KAPPA KEY At first the badge of the Society was a square silver medal bearing on one side S. P., the initials of the two Latin words that in the early days gave name to the Fraternity, and bearing on the other side the Greek initials of the Society watchword which have given name to the Fraternity all these later years. The Latin words suggested by S. P. have been rendered with a generous freedom, "Science and Philosophy," or 4 'Society of Philosophers," or ^Philosophical Society." On the medal there was also engraved an index finger pointing- to three stars. When the Society came North, or early in its Northern history, the badg-e became a gold key bearing- the same symbols. Some chapters still use the silver medal, giving- one to each initiated member. Pink and blue ribbons were generally used on public occasions in the earlier chapters. The number of stars on the key differs according to the cen- ter of chapter origin. Those chartered by Union took the number of stars that indicated their distance from the Alpha. But the majority of the chapters have now fixed upon the number seven as the symbol of completeness. Upon the chief watchword of the Fraternity there is gen- eral agreement though a few chapters give a changed termination to the Homeric word. In purchasing keys we have had very satisfactory dealing with the firm whose card is given on this page. Their work is excellent and their prices reasonable. We can cordially recommend them to the mem- bers of the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity. Established J849 Small Sue, No. 20, $4.50. DETROIT. Makers of high grade $ B K Keys in two sizes, No. 26 (see page 2), $6.00? No. 20, as illus- trated here, $4.50. Stick Pins, smaller, at $2.00. Also makers of emblems for many other old and prominent college fraternities. Producers of best quality Stationery, stamped with the fraternity emblem or monogram. Correspondence solicited, and visitors to Detroit invited to call at our fine retail jewelry establishment, 1 8 4- 1 86 Woodward Aw, THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JAN 241933 SEP 5 1934 12 1945 22Aug'56TW SEP 14199: JUL24.1962 LD 21-50m-8,-32 YC 61401 226125