AN ENGLISHMAN IN PARIS (NOTES AND RECOLLECTIONS} TWO VOLUMES IN ONE NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1892 Authorized Edition. DUKW Annex CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE The Quartier-Latin in the late thirties The difference between then and now A caricature on the walls of Paris I am anxious to be intro- duced to the quarter whence it emanated I am taken to " La Childe- bert," and make the acquaintance of the original of the caricature The story of Bouginier and his nose Dantan as a caricaturist He abandons that branch of art after he has made Madame Malibran burst into tears at the sight of her statuette How Bouginier came to be im- mortalized on the fa9ade of the Passage du Caire One of the first co- operative societies in France An artists' hive The origin of " La Childebert" Its tenants in my time The proprietress Madame Chanfort, the providence of poor painters Her portraits sold after her death High jinks at " La Childebert" The Childebertians and their peacefully inclined neighbours Gratuitous baths and compulsory douches at "La Childebert" The proprietress is called upon to re- pair the roof The Childebertians bivouac on the Place St. Germain- ues-Pres They start a " Society for the Conversion of the Mahomet- ans" The public subscribe liberally What becomes of the subscrip- tions? My visits to "La Childebert" breed a taste for the other amusements of the Quartier-Latin Bobino and its entertainments The audience The manager His stereotyped speech The reply in chorus Woe to the bourgeois-intruder Stove-pipe hats a rarity in the Quartier-Latin The dress of the collegians Their mode of living Suppers -when money was flush, rolls and milk when it was not A fortune-teller in the Eue de Tournon Her prediction as to the future of Josephine de Beauharnais The allowance to students in those days The Odeon deserted Students' habits The Chaumiere Rural excursions Pere Bonvin's 1 CHAPTER II. My introduction to the celebrities of the day The Cafe de Paris The old Prince Demidoff The old man's mania His sons The furniture and attendance at the Cafe de Paris Its high prices A mot of Alfred de Musset The cuisine A rebuke of the proprietor to Balzac A ver- sion by one of his predecessors of the cause of Vatel's suicide Some of the habitues Tneir intercourse with the attendants Their cour- teous behaviour towards one another Le veau a la casserole What Alfred de Musset, Balzac, and Alexandre Dumas thought of it A silhouette of Alfred de Mussetr His brother Paul on his election as a member of the Academic A silhouette of Balzac, between sunset and sunrise A curious action against the publishers of an almanack A (iii) AN ENGLISHMAN IN PARIS. full-length portrait of Balzac His pecuniary embarrassments His visions of wealth and speculations Ins constant neglect of hit* duties as a National Guard His troubles in consequence thereof L'Hotel des Haricots Some of his fellow-prisoners Adam, the composer of " Le Postilion de Lonjumeau " Eugene Sue ; his portrait His dandy- ism The origin of the Paris Jockey Club Eugene Sue becomes a member The success of " Les Mysteres de Paris " The origin of " Le Juif-Errant" Sue makes himself objectionable to the members of the Jockey Club His name struck oil' the list His decline and disap- pearance 24 CHAPTER III. Alexandre Dumas pere Why he made himself particularly agreeable to Englishmen His way of silencing people The pursuit he loved best next to literature He has the privilege of going down to the kitchens of the Cafe de Paris No one questions his literary genius, some ques- tion his culinary capacities o)r. Veron and his cordon-bleu Dr. Ve'ron's reasons for dining out instead of at home Dr. Veron's friend, the philanthropist, who does not go to the theatre because he objects to be hurried with his emotions Dr. Veron, instigated by his cook, accuses Dumas of having collaborateurs in preparing his dishes as he was known to have collaborateurs in his literary work Dumas' wrath He invites us to a dinner which shall be wholly cooked by him in the presence of a delegate to be chosen by the guests The lot falls upon me Dr. Veron and Sophie make the amende honorable A din- ner-party at Veron's A curious lawsuit in connection with Weber's " Freyscnutz " Nestor Eoqueplan, who became the successor of the defendant in the case, suggests a way out of it Ldon Fillet virtually adopts it and wins the day A similar plan adopted years before by a fireman on duty at the opera, on being tried by court-martial for hav- ing fallen asleep during the performance of " Guido et Genevra " Firemen not bad judges of plays and operas They were often con- sulted both by Meyerbeer ana D'umas Dumas at work How he idled his time away Dumas causes the traffic receipts of the Chemin de Fer de 1'Ouest to swell during his three years' residence at Saint-Germain M. de Montalivet advises Louis-Philippe to invite Dumas to Ver- sailles, to see what his presence will do for the royal city Louis- Philippe does not act upon the advice The relations between Dumas and the d'Orleans family After the Revolution of '48, Dumas becomes a candidate for parliament The story of his canvass and his address to the electors at Joigny Dumas' utter indifference to money matters He casts his burdens upon others Dumas and his creditors Writs and distraints How they are dealt with Dumas' indiscriminate gen- erosity A dozen houses full of new furniture in half as many years Dumas' frugality at table Literary remuneration Dumas and his son "Leave me a hundred francs" 43 CHAPTER IV. Dr. Louis Veron The real man as distinguished from that of his own " Memoirs" He takes the management of the Paris Opera How it was governed before hU advent Meyerbeer's "Robert le Diable" underlined Meyerbeer and his, doubts upon the merits of his work Meyerbeer's generosity Meyerbeer and the beggars of the Rue Le Peletier Dr. V6ron, the inventor of the modern newspaper puff- Some specimens of advertisements in their infancy D,r. Veron takes CONTENTS. v PAGE a leaf from the book of Molierc Dr. Veron's love of money His superstitions His objections to travelling in railways lie quotes the Queen of England as an example When Queen Victoria overcomes her objection, Veron holds out ; ' Queen Victoria has got a successor : the Veron dynasty begins and ends with me " Thirteen at table I make the acquaintance of Taglioni The woman and the ballerian Her adventure at Perth An improvised performance of " Nathalie, la Laitiere Suisse " Another adventure in Russia A modern Claude Du-Val My last meeting with Taglioni A dinner-party at De Morny's A comedy scene between husband and wife Flotow, the composer of " Martha" His family His father's objection to the com- poser's profession The latter's interview with M. de Saint-Georges, the author of the libretto of Balfe's " Bohemian Girl " M. de Saint- Georges prevails upon the father to let his son study in Paris for five years, and to provide for him during that time The supplies are stopped on the last day of the fifth year Flotow, at the advice of M. de Saint-Georges, stays on and lives by giving piano-lessons His earthly possessions at his first success " Rob Eoy " at the Hotel Cas- tellane Lord Granville's opinion of the music The Hotel Castel- lane and some Paris salons during Louis-Pliiliupe's reign The Prin- cesse de Lieven's, M. Tillers', etc. What Madame de Girardin's was like Victor Hugo's Perpetual adoration ; very artistic, but nothing to eat or to drink The salon of the ambassador of the Two Sicilies Lord and Lady Granville at the English Embassy The salon of Count Apponyi A story connected with it Furniture and entertainments Cakes, ices, and tea; no champagne as during the Second Empire The Hotel Castellane and its amateur theatricals Kival companies No under-studies Lord Brougham at the Hotel Castellane His bad French and his would-be Don Juanism A French rendering of Shakespeare's " There is but one step between the sublime and the ridiculous," as applied to Lord Brougham He nearly accepts a part in a farce where his bad French is likely to produce a comic effect His successor as a murderer of the language M. de Saint-Georges Like Moliere, he reads his plays to his housekeeper When the latter is not satisfied, the dinner is spoilt, however great the success of the play in public estimation Great men and their housekeepers Turner, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Eugene Delacroix 62 CHAPTER V. The Boulevards in the forties The Chinese Baths A favourite tobacconist of Alfred de Musset The price of cigars The diligence still the usual mode of travelling Provincials in Paris Parliamentary see-saw be- tween M. Thiers and M. Guizot Amenities of editors An advocate of universal suffrage Distribution of gratuitous sausages to the work- ing man on the king's birthday The rendezvous of actors in search of an engagement Frederick Lemaitre on the eve of appearing in a new part The Legitimists begin to leave their seclusion and to mingle with the bourgeoisie Alexandre Dumas and Scribe The latter's fer- tility as a playwright The National Guards go shooting, in uniform and in companies, on the Plaine Saint-Denis Vidocq's private in- quiry office in the Rue Vivienne No river-side resorts The plaster elephant on the Place de la Bastille The sentimental romances of Loi'sa Puget The songs of the working classes Cheap bread and wine How they enjoyed themselves on Sundays and holidays Theophile Gautier's pony-carriage The hatred of the bourgeoisie Nestor Roque- plan's expression of it Gavarni's M. Thiers' sister keeps a restaurant at the corner of the Rue Drouot When he is in power, the members v i AN ENGLISHMAN IN PARIS. PAGE of the Opposition go and dine there, and publish facetious accounts of the entertainment All appearances to the contrary, people like Guizot better than Thiers But few entries for the race for wealth in those days The Rothschilds still live in the Kue Lafitte Favourite lounges The Boulevards, the Rue Le Peletier, and the Passage de I'Ope'ra The Opera The Rue Le Peletier and its attractions The Restaurant of Paolo Broggi The Estaminet du Divan Literary waiters and Boni- face Major Fraser The mystery surrounding his origin Another mysterious personage The Passage de 1'Opera is invaded by the stockjobbers, and loses its prestige as a promenade Bernard Latte's, the publisher of Donizetti's operas, becomes deserted Tortoni's Louis-Blanc His scruples as an editor A few words about duelling Two tragic meetings Lola Montes Her adventurous career A celebrated trial My first meeting with Gustave Flaubert, the author of "Madame Bovary" and " Salambo " Emile de Girardin His opinion of duelling My decision with regard to it The original of "La Dame aux Came"lias" Her parentage Alexandre Dumas gives the diagnosis of her character in connection with his son's play L'Homme au Camellia M. Lautour-Mezerai, the inventor of children's periodical literature in France Auguste Lireux He takes the manage- ment of the Odeon Balzac again Hi schemes, his greed Lireux more fortunate with other authors Anglophobia on the French stage Gallophobia on the English stage 86 CHAPTER VI. Rachel and some of her fellow-actors Rachel's true character Her greedi- ness and spitefulness Her vanity and her wit Her powers of fascina- tion The cost of being fascinated by her Her manner of levying toll Some of her victims, Comte Duchatel and Dr. Veron The story of her guitar A little transaction between her and M. Fould Her sup- posed charity and generosity Ten tickets for a charity concert How she made them into twenty How she could have made them into a hundred Baron Taylor puzzled Her manner of giving presents Beauvallet's precaution with regard to one of her gifts Alexandre Dumas the younger, wiser or perhaps not so wise innis generation Rachel as a raconteuse The story of her debut at the Gymnase What Rachel would have been as an actor instead of an actress Her comic genius Rachel's mother What became of Rachel's money Mama Felix as a pawnbroker Rachel's trinkets Two curious bracelets Her first appearance before Nicholas I. A dramatic recital in the open air Rachel's opinion of the handsomest man in Europe Rachel and Samson Her obligations to him How she repays them How she goes to Berryer to be coached in the fable of "The" Two Pigeons" An anecdote of Berryer Rachel's fear of a " warm reception " on the first night of " Adrienne Lecouvreur " How she averts the danger Samson as a man and as an actor Petticoat-revolts at the Come'die- Franc,aise Samson and Re'gnier as buffers Their different ways of pouring oil upon the troubled waters Mdlle. Sylvanie Plessy A parallel between her and Sarah Bernhardt Samson and Regnier's pride in their profession The different character of that pride " Apollo with a bad tailor, and who dresses without a looking-glass " Samson gives a lesson in declamation to a procureur-imperial The secret of Regnier's greatness as an actor A lesson at the Conservatoire Re'g- nier on " make-up " Regnier's opinion of genius on the stage A mot of Augustine Bronan Giovanni, the wigmaker of the Comedie-Fran- aise His pride in his profession M. Ancessy, the musical director, and his three wigs 128 CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER VII. PAGE Two composers, Auber and Felicien David Auber, the legend of his youth- ful appearance How it arose His daily rides, his love of women's society His mot on Mozart's "Don Juan" The only drawback to Auber's enjoyment of women's society His reluctance to take his hat off How he managed to keep it on most of the time His opinion upon Meyerbeer's and Halevy's genius His opinion upon Gerard de Nerval, who handed himself with his hat on His love of solitude- His fondness of Paris His grievance against his mother for not hav- ing given him birth there He refuses to leave Paris at the commence- ment of the siege His small appetite He proposes to write a new opera when the Prussians are gone Auber suffers no privations, but has difficulty in finding fodder for his horse The Parisians claim it for food Another legend about Auber's independence of sleep How and where he generally slept Why Auber snored in Veron's com- pany, and why he did not in that of other people His capacity for work Auber a brilliant talker Auber's gratitude to the artists who interpreted his work, but different from Meyerbeer's The reason why, according to Auber Jealousy or humility Auber and the younger Coquelin " The verdict on all things in this world mav be summed up in the one phrase, 'It's an injustice'" Felicien David The man The beginnings of his career His terrible poverty He joins the Saint-Simoniens, and goes with some of them to the East Their re- ception at Constantinople M. Scribe and the libretto of " L'Africaine " David in Egypt at the court of Mehemet-Ali David's description of him Mehemet's way of testing the educational progress of his sons Woe to the fat kine Mehcmet- All suggests a new mode of teaching music to the inmates of the harem Felicien David's further wander- ings in Egypt Their effect upon his musical genius His return to France He tells the story of the first performance of " Le Desert " An ambulant box-office His success Fame, but no money He sells the score of " Le Desert " He loses his savings " La Perle du Br6- sil" and the Coup-d'Etat "No luck" Napoleon III. remains his debtor for eleven years A mot of Auber, and one of Alexandre Du- mas pere The story of " Aida " Why Fe"lieieu David did not com- pose the music The real author of the libretto 152 CHAPTER VIII. Three painters, and a school for pifferari Gabriel Decamps, Eugene De- lacroix, and Horace Vernet The prices of pictures in the forties De- lacroix' find no purchasers at all Decamps' drawings fetch a thousand francs each Decamps not a happy man The cause of his unhappi- ness The man and the painter He finds no pleasure in being popular Eugene Delacroix His contempt for the bourgeoisie A parallel between Delacroix and Shakespeare Was Delacroix tall or snort? His love of flowers His delicate health His personal appearance His indifference to the love-passion George Sand and Delacroix A miscarried love-scene Delacroix' housekeeper, Jenny Leguillou Delacroix does not want to pose as a model for one of George Sand's heroes Delacroix as a writer His approval of Carlyle's dictum, " Show me how a man sings," etc. His liumour tempered by his rev- erence His failure as a caricaturist His practical jokes on would-be art-critics Delacroix at home His dress while at work Horace Ver- net's, Paul Delaroche's, Ingres' Early at work He does not waste time over lunch How he "spent his evenings His dislike of being reproduced in marble or on canvas after his death Horace Vernet viii AN ENGLISHMAN IN PARIS. PAGE The contrast between the two men and the two artists Vernet's ap- pearance His own account of how he became a painter Moral and mental resemblance to Alexandre Dumas pere His political opinions Vernet and Nicholas I. A bold answer His opinion on the mental state of the Eomanotfs The comic side of Vernet's character He thinks himself a Vauban His interviews with M. Thiers His admira- tion for everything military His worship of Alfred de Vigny His in- effectual attempts to paint a scene in connection with the storming of Constantino Laurent-Jan proposes to write an epic on it He gives a synopsis of the cantos Laurent- Jan lives "on the fat of the land" for six months A son of Napoleon's companion in exile, General Ber- trand The chaplain of " la Belle-Poule "The first French priest who wore the English dress Horace Vernet and the veterans of " la grande armee " His studio during their occupancy of it as models His budget His hatred of pifferari A professor The Quartier-Latin revisited . 164 CHAPTER IX. Louis-Philippe and his family An unpublished theatrical skit on his mania for shaking hands with every one His art of governing, ac- cording to the same skit' Louis-Philippe not the ardent admirer of the bourgeoisie he professed to be The Faubourg Saint-Germain de- serts the Tuileries The English in too great a majority Lord 's opinion of the dinners at the Tuileries The attitude" of the bour- geoisie towards Louis-Philippe, according to the King himself Louis- Philippe's wit His final words on the death of Talleyrand His love of money He could be generous at times A story of the Palais-Eoyal Louis-Philippe and the Marseillaise Two curious stories connected with the Marseillaise Who was the composer of it i Louis-Philippe's opinion of the throne, the crown, and the sceptre of France as ad- ditions to one's comfort His children, and especially his sons, take things more easily Even the Bonapartists admired some of the latter A mot of an Imperialist How the boys were brought up Their nocturnal rambles later on The King himself does not seem to mind those escapades, but is frightened at M. Guizot hearing of them Louis- Philippe did not understand Guizot The recollection of his former misery frequently haunts the King He worries Queen Victoria with his fear of becoming poor Louis-Philippe an excellent husband and father He wants to write the libretto of an opera on an English sub- ject His religion The court receptions ridiculous Even the prole- tariat sneer at them The entree ot the Duchesse d'OrWans into Paris The scene in the Tuileries gardens A mot of Princesse Clementine on her fathers too paternal solicitude A practical joke of the Prince de Joinville His caricatures and drawings The children inherited their talent for drawing and modelling from their mother The Due de Nenours as a miniature and water-colour painter Suspected of being a Legitimist All Louis-Philippe's children great patrons of art How the oourgeoisie looked upon their intercourse with artists The Due de Nemours' marvellous memory The studio of Eugene Lami His neighbours, Paul Delaroche and Honore de Balzac The Due de Nemours' bravery called in question The Due d'Aumale's exploits in Algeria considered mere skirmishes A curious story of spiritism The Due d'Aumale a greater favourite with the world than any of the other sons of Louis-Philippe His wit The Due d'Orleans also a great fa- vourite His visits to Decamps' studio An indifferent classical scholar A curious kind of black-mail His indifference to money There is no money in a Republic His death A witty reply to the Le- gitimists 185 The CONTENTS. i x CHAPTER X. PAGE Kevolution of '48 The beginning of it The National Guards in all their glory The Caf4 Gregoire on the Place du Cairo The price of a good breakfast in '48 The palmy days of the Cuisine Bourgeoise The excitement on the Boulevards on Sunday, February 20th, '48 The theatres A ball at Poirson's, the erstwhile director of the Gym- nase A lull in the storm Tuesday, February 22nd Another visit to the Cafe Greiroire On my way thither The Comedie-Francjaise closes its doors Wliat it means, according to my old tutor We are waited upon by a sergeant and corporal We are no longer " messieurs." but " eitoyens " An eye to the main chance The patriots do a bit of busi- ness in tricolour cockades The company marches away Casualties " Le patriotisme " means the difference between the louis d'or and the ecu of three francs The company bivouacs on the Boulevard Saint- Martin A tyrant's victim " malgre lui " Wednesday, February 23rd The Cafe Gregoire once more The National Guards en neglige A novel mode of settling accounts The National Guards fortify the inner man A bivouac on the Boulevard du Temple A camp scene from an opera I leave My companion's account The -National Guards protect the regulars The author of these notes goes to the theatre The Gymnase and the Varietes on the eve of the Revolution Boutte and Dejazet Thursday, February 24th, '48 The Boulevards at 9.30 a. m. No milk The Revolutionaries do without it The Place du Carrousel The sovereign people fire from the roofs on the troops The troops do not dislodge them The King reviews the troops The apparent inactivity of Louis-Philippe's sons A theory about the difference in bloodshed One of the three ugliest men in France comes to see the King Seditious cries The King abdicates Chaos The sacking of the Tuileries Receptions and feasting in the Galerie de Diane " Du cafe pour nous, des cigarettes pour les dames " The dresses of the princesses The bourgeois feast the gamins who guard the barricades The Republic proclaimed The riff-raff insist upon illuminations An actor promoted to the Governorship of the Hotel de Ville Some members of the " provisional Government" at work Mery on Lamartine Why the latter proclaimed the Republic . . 208 CHAPTER XI. The Second Republic Lamartine's reason for proclaiming it Suspects Louis-Napoleon of similar motives for wishing to overthrow it Tells him to go back to England De Persigny's account o.f Louis-Napo- leon's landing in France after February 24th, '48 Providential inter- ference on behalf of Louis-Napoleon Justification of Louis-Napoleon's belief in his "star" My first meeting with him The origin of a cele- brated nickname Badinguet a creation of Gavarni Louis-Napoleon and his surroundings at the Hotel du Rhin His appearance and dress Lord Normanby's opinion of his appearance Louis-Napoleon's French A mot of Bismarck Cavaignac, Thiers, and Victor Hugo's wrong estimate of his character Cavaignac and his brother Godefroi The difference between Thiers and General Cavaignac An elector's mot Some of the candidates for the presidency of the Second Republic Electioneering expenses Impecumosity of Louis-Napoleon A story in connection with it The woman with the wooden legs The salons during the Second Republic The theatres and their skits on the situation "La Propriete c'est le "Vol" France governed by the Na- tional A curious list of ministers and officials of the Second Repub- lic Armand Marrast His plans for reviving business His receptions x AN ENGLISHMAN IN PARIS. PAOK at the Palais-Bourbon as President of the Chamber of Deputies Some of the guests The Corps Diplomatique The new deputies, their wives and daughters 232 CHAPTER XII. Guizot, Lamartine, and Be"ranger Public opinion at sea with regard to the real Guizot People fail to see the real man behind the politician Guizot regrets this false conception " I have not the courage to be unpopular " A tilt at Thiers My first meeting with him A picture and the story connected with it M. Guizot " at home " His apart- ment The company M. Guizot on " the Spanish marriages " Ilia indictment against Lord Palmerston An incident in connection with Napoleon's tomb at the Invalides Nicolas I. and Napoleon My sub- sequent intimacy with M. Guizot Guizot as a father His correspond- ence with his daughters A story of Henry Murger and Marguerite Thuillier M. Guizot makes up his mind not to live in Paris any longer M. Guizot on " natural scenery " Never saw the sea until he waa over fifty Why M. Guizot did not like the country ; why M. Thiers did not like it Thiers the only man at whom Guizot tilted M. Guizot died poor M. de Lamartine's poverty did not inspire the same re- spect Lamartine's impecuniosity My only visit to Lamartine's house Du Jellaby dore With a difference All the stories and anecdotes about M. de "Lamartine relate to his improvidence and impecuniosity Ten times worse in that respect than Balzac M. Guizpt's literary pro- ductions and M. de Lamartine's The national subscription raised for the latter How he anticipates some of the money Beranger My first acquaintance with him Beranger's verdict on the Second Eepub- lic Beranger's constant flittings Dislikes popularity The true story of Beranger and Mdlle. Judith Frere 249 CHAPTER XIII. Some men of the Empire Fialin de Persigny The public prosecutor's opinion of him expressed at the trial for nigh treason in 1836 Superior in many respects to Louis-Napoleon The revival of the Empire his onljr and constant dream In order to realize it, he appeals first to Jerome, ex-King of Westphalia De Persigny's estimate of him Jerome's greed and Louis-Napoleon's generositv De Persigny's finan- cial embarrassments His charity What the Empire really meant to him De Persigny virtually the moving spirit in the Coup d'Etat Louis-Napoleon might have been satisfied with the presidency of the republic for life Persigny seeks for aid in England Palmereton's share in the Coup d'Etat The submarine cable Preparations for the Coup d'Etat A warning of it sent to England Count Walewski issues invitations for a dinner-party on the 2nd of December Opinion in London that Louis- Napoleon will get the worst in the struggle with the Chamber The last funds from London General de Saint-Amaud and Baron Lacrosse The Elysee-Bourbon on the evening of the 1st of December I pass the Elysee at midnight Nothing unusual Lon- don on the 2nd of December The dinner at Count Walewski's put oft at the last moment Illuminations at the French Embassy a few hours later Palmerston at the Embassy Some traits of De Persigny's char- acter His personal affection for Louis- Napoleon Madame de Per- signy Her parsimony Her cooking of the household accounts Chevet and Madame de Persigny What the Empire might have been with a Von Moltke by the side of the Emperor instead of Vaillant, CONTENTS. Kiel, and Leboeuf Colonel (afterwards General) Fleury the only mod- est man among the Emperor's entourage De Persigny's pretensions as a Heaven-born statesman Mgr. de Merode De Morny His first meeting with his half-brother De Morny as a grand seigneur The origin of the Mexican campaign Walewski His fads Kouher My first sight of him in the Quartier-Latin The Emperor's opinion of him at the beginning of his career -Rouher in his native home, Au- vergne His marriage Madame Kouher His father-in-law . . . 261 CHAPTER XIV. Society during the Second Empire The Court at Compiegne The Eng- lish element -Their opinion of Louis-Napoleon The difference be- tween the court of Louis- Philippe and that of Napoleon III. The luggage of M. Villemain The hunts in Louis-Philippe's time Louis- Napoleon's advent Would have made a better poet than an Emperor Looks for a La Valliere or Montespan, and finds Mdlle. Eugenie de Montijo The latter determined not to be a La Valliere or even a Pom- padour Has her great destiny foretold in her youth Makes up her mind that it shall be realized by a right-handed and not a left-handed marriage Queen Victoria stands her sponsor among the sovereigns of Europe Mdlle. de Montijo's mother The Comtesse de Montijo and Halevy's " Madame Cardinal " The first invitations to Compiegne Mdlle. de Montijo's backers for the Imperial stakes No other entries Louis-Napoleon utters the word " marriage " What led up to it The Emperor officially announces his betrothal The effect it produced The Faubourg St.-Germain Dupin the elder gives his views The engaged couple feel very uncomfortable Negotiations to organize the Empress's future household Kebuffs Louis Napoleon's retorts Mdlle. de Montijo's attempt at wit and sprightliness Her iron will Her beauty Her marriage She takes Marie-Antoinette for her model She fondly imagines that she was born to rule She presumes to teach Princess Clotilde the etiquette of courts The story of two de- tectives The hunts at Compiegne Some of the mjse en scene and dramatis personce The shooting-parties Mrs. Grundy not banished, but specially invited and drugged The programme of the gatherings Compiegne in the season A story of an Englishman accommodated for the night in one of the Imperial luggage-vans 288 CHAPTER XV. Society during the Empire The series of guests at Compiegne The amuse- ments the absence of musical taste in the Bonapartes The pro- gramme on the first, second, third, and fourth days An anecdote of Lafontaine, the actor Theatrical performances and balls The ex- penses of the same The theatre at Compiegne The guests, male and female " Neck or nothing " for the latter, uniform for the former The rest have to take " back seats " The selection of guests among the notabilities of Compiegne A mayor's troubles The Empress's and the Emperor's conflicting opinions with regard to female cnarms Bassano in " hot water " Tactics of the demi-mondaines Improve- ment from the heraldic point of view in the Empress's entourage The cocodettes Their dress Worth When every pretext for a change of toilette is exhausted, the court ladies turn themselves into ballerinas " Le Diable a Quatre " at Compiegne The ladies appear at the ball afterwards in their gauze skirts The Emperor's dictum with regard to ballet-dancers and men's infatuation for them The Emperor did not x ii AN ENGLISHMAN IN PARIS. PAGE like stupid women The Emperor's " eye " for a handsome woman The Empress does not admire the instinct William I. of Prussia acts as comforter The hunt Actors, " supers," and spectators " La Com- tesse d'Escarbagnas " The Imperial procession The Empress's and Emperor's unpunctuality Louis-Napoleon not a " well-dressed man " Tne Empress wished to get back before dark The reason of this wish Though unpunctual, punctual on hunt-days The police meas- ures at those gatherings M. Hyrvoix and M. Boitelle The Empress did not like the truth, the Emperor did Her anxiety to go to St. Lazare 304 CHAPTER XVI. The story of a celebrated sculptor and his model David d'Angers at the funeral of Cortot, the sculptor How I became acquainted with him The sculptor leaves the funeral procession to speak to a woman He tells me the story David d'Angers' sympathy with Greece in her struggle for independence -When Botzaris falls at Missolonghi, he makes up his mind to carve his monument "Wishes to do something original He finds his idea in the cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise In search of a model Comes unexpectedly upon her in the Eue du Mont- parnasse, while in company of Victor Hugo The model and her mother The bronze Christ on the studio wail David gives it to his model The latter dismissed A plot against the sculptor's life His model saves him He tries to find her and fails Only meets with her when walking behind the hearse of Cortot She appears utterly desti- tute Loses sight of her again Meets her on the outer boulevards with a nondescript of the worst character He endeavours to rescue her. but fails Canler, of the Paris police, reveals the tactics pursued with regard to " unfortunates " David's exile and death The Botzaris Monument is brought back to Paris to be restored The model at the door of the exhibition Her death 323 CHAPTER XVII. Queen Victoria in Paris The beginning of the era of middle-class excur- sions English visitors before that The British tourist of 1855 The real revenge of Waterloo The Englishman's' French and the French- man's English The opening of the Exhibition The lord mayor and aldermen in Paris The King of Portugal All these considered so much " small fry " Napoleon III. goes to Boulogne to welcome the Queen The royal yacht is delayed The French hotel proprietor the greatest artist in fleecing The Italian, the Swiss, the German, mere bunglers in comparison Napoleon III. before the arrival of the Queen Pondering the past Arrival of the Queen The Queen lands, fol- lowed by Prince Albert and the royal children The Emperor rides by the side of her carriage Comments of the population An old salt on the situation An old soldier's retort The general feeling Arrival in Paris The Parisians 1 reception of the Queen A description of the route The apartments of the Queen at St. Cloud How the Queen spent Sunday Visits the art section of the Exhibition on Monday Ingres and Horace Vernet presented to her Frenchmen's ignorance of English art in those days English and French art critics The Queen takes a carriage drive" through Paris Not a single cry of" Vive 1'Angleterre ! " a great many of " Vive la Heine " England* making a cats-paw of France Keception at the Elysee-Bourbon " Les Demoi- selles de Saint-Cyr" at St. Cloud Alexandre Dumas would have CONTENTS. xiii PAGE liked to see the Queen Visit to Versailles State-performances at the Opera Ball at the Hotel de Ville The Queen's dancing Canrobert on " the Queen's dancing and her soldiers' fighting " Another visit to the Exhibition Beranger misses seeing the Queen " I am not going to see the Queen, but the woman " A review in the Champ-de-Mars A visit to Napoleon's tomb Jerome's absence on the plea of illness Marshal Vaillant's reply to the Emperor when the latter invites him to take Jerome's place His comments on the receptions given by the Emperor to foreign sovereigns Fetes at Versailles Homeward . . 336 CHAPTER XVIII. Marshal Vaillant The beginning of our acquaintance His stories of the swashbucklers of the First Empire, and the beaux of the Kestauration Kabelaisian, but clever Marshal Vaillant neither a swashbuckler nor a beau ; hated both Never cherished the slightest illusions about the efficiency of the French army Acknowledged himself unable to effect the desired and necessary reforms To do that, a minister of war must become a fixture Why he stayed Careful of the public moneys, and of the Emperor's also Napoleon III.'s lavishness An instance of it Vaillant never dazzled by the grandeur of court entertainments Not dazzled by anything His hatred of wind-bags Prince de Canino Matutinal interviews Prince de Canino sends his seconds Vaillant declines the meeting, and gives his reason Vaillant abrupt at the best of times A freezing reception A comic interview Attempts to shirk military duty Tricks Mistakes A story in point More tricks Sham ailments : how the marshal dealt with them When the marshal was not in an amiable mood Another interview Vaillant's tactics " D d annoying to be wrong "The marshal fond of science A very interesting scientific phenomenon himself Science under the later Bourbons Suspicion of the soldiers of the Empire The priest- hood and the police The most godless republic preferable to a con- tinuance of their regime -The marshal's dogr, Brusca Her dislike to civilians Brusca's chastity Vaillant's objection to insufficiently pre- paid letters His habit of missing the tram, notwithstanding his pre- cautions His objection to fuss and public honours 351 CHAPTER XIX. The Franco-German War Friday, July 15,1870, 6 p.m. My friends "con- fident of France being able to chastise the insolence of the King of Prussia" I do not share their confidence; but do not expect a crush- ing defeat Napoleon III.'s presence aggravated the disasters; his absence would not have averted them He himself had no illusions about the efficiency of the army, did not suspect the rottenness of it His previous endeavours at reorganization The real drift of his pro- posed inquiries His plan meant also compulsory service for every one Why the legislature opposed it The makeshift proposed by it Napoleon weary, body and soul His physical condition A great con- sultation and the upshot of it -Dr. Kicord and what he told me I am determined to see and hear, though not to speak I sally forth The streets on the evening of Friday, the 15th of July The illuminations Patriotism or Chauvinism The announcement of a bookseller What Moltke thought of it The opinion of a dramatist on the war The people ; no horse-play No work done on Saturday and Sunday Cabmen "A man does not pay for his own funeral, monsieur "- The northern station on Sunday The departing Germans The Em- xiv AN ENGLISHMAN IN PARIS. PAGE peror's particular instructions with regard to them Alfred de Musset's " Khin Allemand " Pr6 vost-Paradol aud the news of his suicide The probable cause of it A chat with a superior officer The Emperor's Sunday receptions at the Tuileries Promotions in the army, upon what basis Good and bad officers The officers' mess does not exist Another general officer gives his opinion Marshal Kiel and Leboauf The plan of campaign suddenly altered The reason The Emperor leaves St. Cloud His confidence shaken before then Some telegrams from the commanders of divisions Thiers is appealed to, to stem the tide of retrenchment; afterwards to take the portfolio of war The Emperor's opinion persistently disregarded at the Tuileries Trochu The dancing colonels at the Tuileries 367 CHAPTER XX. The war Eeactipn before the Emperor's departure The moral effects of the publication of the draft treaty " Bismarck has done the Em- peror" The Parisians did not like the Empress The latter always anxious to assume the regency A retrospect Crimean war The Em- press and Queen Victoria Solferino The regency of '65 Bismarck's millinery bills Lord Lyons Bismarck and the Due de Gramont Lord Lyons does not foresee war The republicans and the war The Empress Two ministerial councils and their consequences Mr. Pres- cott-Hewett sent for Joseph Ferrari, the Italian philosopher The Empress The ferment in Paris " Too much prologue to ' The Tam- ing of the German Shrew ' " The first engagement The " Marseil- laise " An infant performer The " Marseillaise " at the Comedie- Fran