McANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL A STORY FOR MARINE ENGINEERS BY CAPTAIN C. A. MCALLISTER Engineer-in-Chief United States Eevenue Cutter Service, Washington, D. C. Author of "The Professor on Shipboard" and many other Engineering stories- 38 ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK AND LONDON INTEKNATIONAL MAKINE ENGINEERING 1914 REPRINTED FROM INTERNATIONAL MARINE ENGINEERING COPYRIGHT 1914 BY ALDRICH PUBLISHING CO. Introduction In presenting these lectures of "McAndrew" in book form, the author does so in the hope that they may be of benefit to some of that great class of hard workers whose life "below the grating" is but little understood by the public at large. These men are the backbone of modern seafarers, as they bear the heat and burden of the work of sea transportation. Inured from early youth to the hardest physical toil known to man, it is scarcely to be presumed that their early edu- cation is such as to fit them for the higher positions in engineering; for example, those held by the licensed engineer officers under whom they serve. Yet all who come in contact with them know that there is not another class of workers in any branch of industry containing so large a number of young men ambitious to reach higher positions. Such ambition, of course, requires considerable study of the elements of engineering. It must be admitted that even the sim- plest of text-books on engineering subjects are couched in such language, or so hampered by mathematical formulae, plain as they may be to those whose rudi- mentary education permits them to grasp their mean- ing, as to defeat their very purpose. It has therefore been the aim in this course of lec- tures to present abstruse engineering facts in a simple and, it is hoped, as interesting a manner as possible. Should it succeed in helping some of that type for whom it has been written, the writer will feel much encouraged. Certainly these men, the oilers, coal- passers, watertenders and firemen. of the world's mer- chant marine are deserving of the efforts of all who can be of any assistance to them. The transformation from sail to steam on the great oceans of the world has been so rapid that poets and writers generally are still sounding the praises in song and story of the old-time manner and have not awakened to the fact that the sailor has been replaced by the man in the fireroom or engine-room. Some of the romance of the sea has dis- appeared with the sailorman, but heroism is as much, and more, in evidence with his begrimed successor. Where in the annals of seafarers was ever shown greater heroism than that displayed by the engineer's force of the ill-fated Titanic, who, almost to the man, sank with their ship and at their posts of duty? All the world knows that these hundreds of brawny ar- tisans of the deep could have seized the boats and es- caped with their lives ; but they were men, and it is for the thousands of men like them that this book i? written. G. A. MCALLISTER. CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER T. Introducing James Donald McAndrew . 9 CHAPTER II. School Opens -. ... 14 CHAPTER III. Force, Work and Power, CHAPTER IV. Heat, Combustion and the Generation of Steam. . . . 21 CHAPTER V. Engineering Materials 30 CHAPTER VI. Boilers 39 CHAPTER VII. Boiler Fittings. . . 49 CHAPTER VIII. Forced Draft .... 57 CHAPTER IX. Engines 62 CHAPTER X. Valves and Valve Gear 77 CHAPTER XI. Engine Fittings. . 87 CHAPTER XII. Condensers, Air and Circulating Pumps .......... 100 CHAPTER XIII. Feed Water Filters, Pumps and Injectors ......... 112 CHAPTER XIV. Evaporators and Distillers. ... ................. 123 CHAPTER XV. Electricity .............................. ^7 CHAPTER XVI. Pipes and Valves ............................. CHAPTER XVII. Indicators and Horse Power ................... 149 CHAPTER XVIII. Care and Management of Boilers ................ 162 CHAPTER XIX. Care and Management of Engines and Auxiliaries. . 178 CHAPTER XX. Examination Questions and Answers ......... 195 McAndrew's Floating School CHAPTER I Introducing James Donald McAndrew "I'm tired of shoveling coal and being bossed around," re- marked Tom O'Rourke, one of a party of four husky young fellows who, at the end of a voyage, were just banking the fires in the stokehold on board the coasting steamer Tusca- rora, then lying at her pier on the East River. This remark brought about a general laugh from the other members of the party. "Well," replied Jim Pierce, after the laugh had subsided, "what are you going to do about it? That's just what I've been thinking prttty strongly about ; here I've been three years on this packet, working like a dog, and I don't see any chance of my ever getting anything better to do ; of course, after a while, I may get a chance to squirt oil on that old mill of ours, but what I want to do is to get a 'ticket' and boss the job myself." "Well, why don't you," rejoined Henry Nelson, another member of the party. "The Chief told me the other day that he had worked himself up from the bunkers, and he's pretty good at figures, too. If we only had the head on us that he has, we needn't wait long before the steamboat inspectors would pass us out the right kind of a paper." Gus Schmidt, the fourth member of the party, had, during all this conversation, stood by quietly, drawing great puffs of smoke out of his five-cent meerschaum, and taking in everything that was said. As became his German ancestry, 10 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL he was stolid of disposition and not given to saying much un- less he had something to say. Finally, after he thought it was his turn to get into the conversation, he said: "You fellows make me tired with all your- pipe- dreams ; why don't you get down to business; now I'll tell you what let's do. I just heard the 'Super' on the dock say, to-day that the bunch of kettles in this ship are to come out, that we are going around to Philadelphia to get some new ones, and the ship is to be given a general overhauling at the same time/ so- as to put her in good shape for the next season's work. The Chief is going to boss the repairs, and the four of us are going to be kept by to chip and paint the coal bunkers and do some other high-class stunts like that. The whole job will last about six months, and as we won't have anything particular to do at night, let's buy some books and get the 'old man' to play school teacher for us." "Fine business, Dutchy," said O'Rourke ; "you've got a head on you like a clock. We'll go to it." The idea also met the approval of the other two, and it was decided to brace the genial Chief with the proposition. James Donald McAndrew was a young man, not of French descent, as you no doubt may have surmised by this time, who was born on the great East Side in New York some thirty- eight years ago. Educated in the public schools until he was fourteen, he had successfully served an apprenticeship in a big general repair shop on the waterfront, and at the same time had gone to night school at Cooper Union, where, being naturally bright, he had become thoroughly grounded in the rudiments of an engineering education. Being fond of the water, he had shipped on board a twenty-five hundred ton steamer as a fireman, and in a very short time had taken out his license as a Third Assistant. Being naturally a hustler and capable of making friends among his superior officers, he found himself at the age of thirty-eight the Chief Engi- JAMES DONALD MC ANDREW H neer on the Tuscarora, the biggest ship of the line. It was therefore quite in keeping that the Superintendent should have selected him as inspector of the extensive repairs the ship was about to undergo. Unlike many young men of his age who lead a seafaring existence, he took life somewhat seriously and had gone through the trying years of his devel-^ opment without falling into any bad habits. His father had died when the young man had just started in as a Third Assistant, which left upon him the responsibility of looking after his widowed mother and two young sisters. Conse- quently he was not given to wasting his money and could be found generally attending strictly to his business instead of roaming around town at nights when the ship was in port. His kindly disposition, ready wit and general all-around abil- ity had won for him the respect of the crew, so he was not at all surprised this particular evening upon opening his state- -room door in response to a knock to find four members of the fireroom gang, hats in their hands, Banding on the out- side. "Well, boys, what can I do for you?" was his cheerful salutation. O'Rourke, the self-constituted spokesman of the party, blurted out: "You see, Chief, it's this way; us four young- sters have an idea that we would like to get ahead in the world, and there don't seem to be much of a show for us if we don't get something in our heads. Dutchy Schmidt here thinks that if we will get some books, you might help us out when we get around to Philadelphia this winter putting in the new boilers. We'll have every night in, and as we will all live on the ship, we thought as how you might teach us something for an hour or so every night. We'll make it all right with you for the time you give us. What we want rs to be able to get out our 'tickets' from the steamboat inspec- tors, and we know that you can give us the right steer." "So you want to make me a school teacher, eh?" laughingly 12 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL rejoined Me Andrew. "That isn't a bad idea, though, and if you fellows mean business and will get right down to brass tacks I might consider it. I want to tell you one thing right now, and that is if I do undertake such a job I don't want any monkey business. You'll have to study hard or you'll find me worse than any old Yankee schoolmaster you ever dreamed of. Before I sign up on this proposition I want to know something about each of you. Of course I know you are all pretty good firemen and 'tend to business, but what I must find out from each of you is something about how much of an education you have. I know you are not graduates of a high school or you wouldn't be here flirting with a slice-bar and wrestling with clinkers for a living. O'Rourke, let's hear your spiel first." "Well, sir," replied that worthy, "I ain't much on book learning, but I can write pretty well, understand arithmetic, have studied geography and know a little something about his- tory. When I was a boy I used to know the Catechism from one end to the other, but I'm a little shy on that now." "Never mind," said McAndrew, "this will be no Sunday school you are going to tackle. How about you, Nelson ?" That descendant of some Norse king gave an outline of his educational career which closely corresponded with O'Rourke's, excepting the Sunday school part. Schmidt and Pierce followed in about the same strain, so that the upshot of it all was that Mr. McAndrew considered his contemplated class was about on a par so far as their proposition was con- cerned. "I can see right now that I am up against a hard proposition to train you fellows up so as to enable you to take out your papers, but as long as you mean business I am willing to try out your scheme," said the Chief. "Thank you, sir," was the chorused reply from all four, as light-heartedly they took their departure. Had they been col- JAMES DONALD MC ANDREW 13 lege boys one of them would probably have yelled out, "What's the matter with McAndrew?" to be self-answered in a raucous yell, "He's aH right," etc., but they had not yet reached that high degree: if culture. CHAPTER II School Opens About two weeks later the Tuscarora steamed up the Dela- ware River to the shipyard where the repairs were to be made, fires were hauled, most of the crew discharged and prepara- tions made to begin the work. The four young firemen and Mr. McAndrew were kept very busy for a time after the arrival of the ship, but it was finally decided that the school should begin on what happened to be the first Monday night of the month. The youngsters in the meantime had rigged up a pretty fair school room in the engineer's storeroom, and had hung up a good-sized blackboard on one of the bulkheads. No testimony was given as to just where they obtained this blackboard, but it is safe to say that the shipyard people must have contributed involuntarily from their pattern and paint shops toward the cause of education. Monday night, shortly after supper, the first session of the McAndrew School commenced without any frills or formali- ties. There was no necessity for a roll-call, as a full attend- ance was in evidence. O'Rourke, Pierce, Nelson and Schmidt had each indulged in a clean shave for the momentous occa- sion, and McAndrew himself appeared a little more perked up than usual in honor of his debut as a teacher. Assuming a demeanor somewhat in keeping with his new responsibilities, McAndrew addressed his class as follows: "Young men, we are about to start in oui course of training. SCHOOL OPENS 15 I don't propose to turn out a lot of high-brows from this floating school, but what I do intend, if possible, is to drive enough theory, or whatever you call it, into you to enable you with practical experience to pass your examinations for a license as assistant engineer before any board you happen to go against. I have been making inquiries to find out just what branches you ought to be drilled on to pass the exami- nation, and I find that the law actually requires only two sub- jects, and that is how to make calculations concerning a lever safety-valve and how to figure out the staying of the flat surfaces of a boiler. Of course, no man can be an engineer who understands only those problems, and you will find that before you ever get your 'ticket' you will have to get a good general idea of the whole subject, as these local boards are very thorough. These examinations won't be like the old stories they tell about the examinations held in the early days of the civil service, for example, of how a candidate for a job in the Custom House was asked, 'How many Hessians came over here during the Revolutionary War?' Not know- ing definitely, he answered, 'A d n sight more than went back,' and, as the story goes, he got the job. Another one was the candidate for the position of letter carrier, who, when asked, 'How many miles from the earth to thetmoon ?' replied, 'If I have to deliver letters there I don't want the job.' " "You will find that the questions which the steamboat in- spectors ask you to answer will be only such as you must know to make successful marine engineers." "I therefore propose to post you in a general way on the principal things a seagoing engineer ought to know. I take it for granted that all of you know enough about arithmetic to make ordinary calculations, so we will not waste any time in going over that subject, as you will get enough practice in it as we go along on the other subjects." "At the start, I will insist on each of you getting a thorough MC ANDREWS FLOATING SCHOOL understanding of a few of the elementary definitions in what is known as mechanics, as no one connected in any way with engineering in any of its branches can make a success of it unless he does understand these underlying facts." CHAPTER III Force, Work and Power "Come on, boys, let's turn to and get right at this business," said McAndrew to his class, as they assembled on the follow- ing night. "The first part of this course is going to be what you all need the most a little instruction in elementary princi- ples. - There is no good of a man trying to put a roof on his house until he has at least a pretty fair foundation under it. As I have already told you, I don't want to go into any 'high- brow' theories with you, as both of us would be losing some- thing valuable I'd lose my time and you would lose your interest. "In all branches of engineering the principal output is power in one form or another. Now, it is a safe bet that none of you knows exactly what power is. I want to get the right idea of it firmly impressed on your memory, so that you will not be like a certain Irishman I know of who, through politi- cal influence, got a job to run a small steam engine in the Capitol. A sightseer stopped to look at his engine one day, and asked the son of Erin what horsepower it was. 'Horse- power!' he ejaculated, 'horsepower be ; don't you see that it runs be stame/ "Now to understand what constitutes power you must con- sider three elements force, distance and time. For instance, here is a block of iron which weighs 5 pounds. I lift it -up I foot from the deck by using force to overcome its weight, i8 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL and in so doing I have performed work, which is measured in what is known as foot-pounds; that is, I have performed 5 foot-pounds of work by overcoming the weight of this 5-pound block through a distance of i foot. Now get that fixed in your mind, force is overcoming weight, and work is overcoming weight through distance or space. Now it wouldn't make any difference whether I lifted that 5-pound weight a foot high in a second or ten minutes so far as the term 'work' is concerned, but when you come to 'power' then there is another thing to be considered, and that is the time it takes to perform the work. In measuring anything you must have a standard upon which to base your measurements; thus you buy waste by the pound, oil by the gallon, etc., so the early engineers in looking for a standard on which to measure power quite naturally selected the horse, that faith- ful beast which carries or pulls all manner of burdens for mankind. As a result of experiments on a large number of horses in England many years ago, it was decided that at an average a horse could perform 33,000 foot-pounds of work in one minute; hence this was fixed as the now almost uni- versally adopted standard 'horsepower' for all engines. Al- ways keep in mind, therefore, that power consists of three things force, distance and time. Later on I'll show you how to calculate the horsepower of an engine. "The next foundation stone I want you to lay is to get the right idea of the so-called mechanical powers. Only the other day I heard Nelson say when he was working that small jack- screw, 'Gee ! but this is a powerful little beggar.' Don't forget one thing right at the start ; there never has been any kind of a machine invented where you can get more power out of it than you put in it. In fact, it is always a little less on ac- count of the loss by friction. If that jack-screw appeared to lift a weight of several tons with comparative ease, you must remember that it only lifted it a few inches, while your FORCE, WORK AND POWER IQ hand traveled a good many feet in working the bar. The fundamental principle of all the mechanical powers is that the weight, multiplied by the distance it moves through, is always equal to the force multiplied by the distance it moves through. Suppose we take this foot-rule and put it over a knife-edge on the 4-inch mark. On the short end we will put these two i-inch nuts and on the long end we will put one such nut, and you see that they balance exactly. Why? Simply because 2X4=1X8 = 8. That is the principle of the lever, and later on you will find that it is the principle of the lever safety valve about which you will have to know before you can ever get your 'ticket' from the steamboat inspector. "The next thing you want to understand is the inclined plane. Suppose you want to put a barrel of oil on a truck. You can't lift it off the deck, so you go and get a plank, and, single-handed, you can roll it up and put it in the truck. How could you do it? Simply because you couldn't lift it bodily a distance of perhaps 3 feet you rolled it up a plank 10 feet long. In that manner, while the barrel was lifted vertically 3 feet, you were shoving it for a distance of 10 feet. "A wedge is simply a double inclined plane; to open up a space Y 2 inch wide in a plank you often have to drive the wedge lengthwise eight or ten times that distance. "The screw, such as' that jack I was speaking of, is a com- bination of the lever and the inclined plane. When you take hold of the end of the bar and pull, it acts as a lever on the head of the jack-screw. The thread is simply an inclined plane wrapped around the bolt Between the two you can exert a tremendous pressure to lift anything, but always remember the great number of times you have to pull that bar around, and compare the distance your hand travels with the short distance the weight is lifted, then the 'tremendous pres- sure' exerted won't seem to be so mysterious. 'There are several other so-called mechanical powers, but 2O MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL they are all practically based on the principles of the lever and the inclined plane. "No matter what tool or mechanical contrivance you are using, just try to reason out on the principles I have given you to-night how you are accomplishing the work. To-day, O'Rourke, when you were lifting that main-bearing cap, you know that you couldn't budge it alone, but you had no trouble in hoisting it up with the chain tackle. How do you account for that?" O'Rourke scratched his head a bit and said, "Come to think of it I guess I did pull that chain about a mile before I got the cap up a foot ; the next time I'll let the Dutchman 'hist' her up, while I take observations on how far he has to pull it." "I see," said McAndrew, "that you'll make good as a scien- tist, as the first thing any of them learn is to let some other fellow do the manual labor." CHAPTER IV Heat, Combustion and the Generation of Steam "Having told you something about mechanical powers, I now propose to continue still further my remarks on ele- mentary principles, and will take up the subjects of heat, steam,, combustion, etc. In starting off I will ask you what is steam?" As no one else seemed to volunteer an answer, O'Rourke blurted out, "It's a white gas that kills you if you breathe it." "It will kill you all right, but please remember that steam is not white until it is condensed into small particles of water when it is formed in a boiler it is as colorless and invisible as the air. I am afraid, however, that your idea of steam is somewhat cloudy. Of course, you all know that when you shovel coal in a furnace, and boil the water in the boiler, steam is formed ; but how ? is the question. "Heat, scientific men inform us, is a mode of motion. All substances are composed of infinitesimal small particles called molecules. Heat is the violent motion of these molecules, and may be occasioned in two fundamental ways. The first is what may be termed chemical action or combustion, and that is what interests us most. The element known as carbon, of which coal is largely composed, unites with another element known as oxygen, and heat is generated. Thus we put coal contain- ing carbon in a furnace and admit air containing oxygen 22 MC ANDREWS FLOATING SCHOOL through the grate bars, and heat results from the chemical union of the two elements. They must unite in certain pro- portions, so that is the reason you have to regulate the dampers and ash-pit doors. The right proportion is one part of carbon and two parts of oxygen. Always remember that the air is just as essential in forming heat as is the coal." "The air is much easier shoveling," broke in O'Rourke. Not paying any attention to the interruption, McAndrew contin- ued : "The right kind of a fireman is the one who pays attention to his fires and allows the proper mixture of air to reach the fires. If you put in too much coal, such as the 'crown-sheeters,' which O'Rourke likes to carry, the air does not have sufficient chance to circulate through the hot coals to make good combustion. If the clinkers and ashes are allowed to collect on the grates, they also shut off the proper amount of air and your fires get dead. Hence the best way to make steam is to carry a fire of uniform thickness, not more than 6 to 8 inches deep, and by means of the slice-bars keep the ashes off the grates as much as possible. Another thing is to keep your doors shut as much as you can ; too much air is as bad as too little. When you have to throw in coal do it quickly, and spread it evenly over the fires. If the conditions are such that there is one part of the oxygen to one of carbon, you will not make much steam, as such a mixture does not burn simply smells bad. "As I told you before, there is a method of measuring every- thing by comparing it with some standard. This applies to heat as much as it does to coal itself, only you do not meas- ure 'heat by its weight, as it has none; therefore we must measure it by its effect. One of the effects of applying heat to metals is to cause them to expand or grow larger. Taking advantage of this quality the thermometer was invented, which records the expansion and contraction of mercury in a glass tube as heat is applied. While the thermometer measures the HEAT, COMBUSTION AND THE GENERATION OF STEAM ,2J degree of the heat in a relative manner it does not measure the amount. Hence a unit amount of heat was decided to be the amount necessary to raise i pound of water I degree on the thermometer. They call that amount a British thermal unit." Schmidt was very much interested in this term and re- marked, "I suppose O'Rourke would rather have it called an Irish unit." "Now it may interest you to know that a pound of good coal ought to produce something more than 13,000 of these British thermal units. Remember that, for by the time you boys get to be chief engineers everybody will be buying coal by the number of British thermal units it contains instead of specify- ing some particular brand of coal, as is done now. If you are not buying coal you will be buying fuel oil ; but even so you will \vant to know the thermal units it contains. "In order not to give you any wrong impressions as to the amount of air necessary for combustion, I want to tell you that for every pound of average coal there are needed about two and two-thirds pounds of oxygen. As the air contains only about one-quarter of its weight in oxygen, it is usual in order to obtain a good draft to admit about 20 pounds of air to the pound of coal. That means that approximately 250 cubic feet of air must be admitted to the furnaces for every pound of coal that is burned. Fortunately, the air costs nothing, or the process of making steam would be very ex~ pensive. Although I have advised you to keep the furnace doors open just as briefly as possible, do not forget that some air must be admitted above the fire in order to attain proper combustion. In all well-designed furnace fronts you will find a number of holes for the admission of air, so you must see that they are kept open. "Now as to the other method of generating heat. All of you have noticed that if you rub your hand briskly over a 24 MC ANDREWS FLOATING SCHOOL smooth piece of wood, for example, there is a sensation of warmth. That is due to the energy you exert in the rubbing process. If you do not keep a crank-pin well oiled you know that it will soon become heated up, and if it is allowed to go far enough it is quite possible that sparks would fly or the metal become so heated as to show color. This is but another example of energy being transformed into heat. You all know that the heat from the steam is quite readily turned into power or energy in the engine, so there must be some standard system of comparing one with the other. I have already told you that work is measured in foot-pounds, and that heat is measured in British thermal units. A scientific man named Joule therefore determined that 772 foot-pounds of work was equivalent to a British thermal unit, and that is the way that comparisons are made. O'Rourke, you are quite a strong young man, but you can see that if you hustled as fast as possible, you would not be able to turn out as much work as even I pound of coal. That shows you the difference between using your muscles and your brains. Coal is a very cheap and able competitor of the man who only uses his physical strength, but fortunately for mankind brains can- not be bought so cheaply. "We have seen how heat is generated from coal, and you must keep in mind that heat is the source of all power for marine propulsion. Water is found to be the ideal means of conveyance for transforming the heat into power ; it is easily converted into steam and it exists in great abundance. Hence the large majority of marine engines are designed to work by steam generated from water. You know that the result of starting fires hi a boiler containing water is the generation of steam. If you put a thermometer in the boiler water you would see that some time after the fires are started the tem- perature would gradually rise until it reached the boiling point, usually taken at 212 degrees above zero. The heat thus ap 7 HEAT, COMBUSTION AND THE GENERATION OF STEAM 2$ plied is known as sensible heat, from the fact that it is ap- parent to the senses. After having reached that temperature it takes considerable time until steam is finally formed. This is due to the fact that for water to be turned into steam a great amount of heat is necessary to break up the liquid water and transform it into the vapor steam. The heat thus ab- sorbed by the water in the transformation is known as the 'latent' heat. To bring about this change there are required 966 British thermal units per pound of water, while it only took 152 British thermal units per pound of water to raise it from the temperature it was put into the boiler, say at 60 degrees, to the boiling point." "Does this latent heat burn you as much as the other kind of heat?" said Pierce. 'Try it and see," replied McAndrew. "If you stick your hand in water at the boiling temperature I don't believe you will care whether the heat is 'sensible' or 'latent.' " "If he's sensible I think he will keep his hand out of it," broke in the irrepressible O'Rourke. "Now," continued the instructor, "you have sometimes heard the expression 'saturated' steam, and I suppose you think that something must have been mixed with it; but that is not the meaning at all. It really means steam in its natural condition; that is, for every pound pressure on the boiler there is a certain temperature corresponding." O'Rourke whispered to Schmidt, "I'm on ; now I know why they say a man is 'saturated,' like that drunken oiler we had last trip; it was his natural condition all right." "If more heat is added to the steam than is due to that of its pressure then we have what is known as 'superheated' steam ; and people are waking up to the fact nowadays, after discarding the use of superheated steam years ago, that there is real economy in it. I think that before long you will see nearly all marine engines using superheated steam. 26 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL "If the steam was generated under an atmospheric pressure only, a cubic inch of water would form 1,663 cubic inches of steam. To memorize that fact keep in mind that a cubic inch of water will make nearly i cubic foot of steam. Don't follow that rule too strictly, or some time you may be as badly off as the old lady who, when asked for a pound of shot and not having any scales, remembered the old rule, 'A pint's a pound the world around/ and gave the purchaser a pint of shot. Right here let me warn you about using these old approximate rules too freely unless you really understand why they are used and know the correct ones. Engineering is an exact science, and it does not pay to guess at anything. "Steam, however, is not generated in boilers under atmos- pheric pressure; therefore I want you to know that while water, will begin to boil at a sensible heat of 212 degrees when the steam is unconfined, as the pressure rises, the boiling point is raised correspondingly. Thus at 20 pounds pressure it will not boil until the temperature is 228 degrees, at 50 pounds pressure at 281 degrees, at 160 pounds at 363.6 degrees, and so on. Perhaps I should tell you here that the pressures I have given are what are known as absolute pressures, and I sur- mise that you do not know what that term means. It prob- ably has never occurred to you that air weighs something; you breathe it and move through it as if it did not cause any particular resistance, but the pressure is there just the same. Now to understand it you must consider that the atmosphere we move around in is similar to water ; the deeper you go in it the greater is the pressure, but as we are generally at the bottom of the air, which is at the level of the sea, we usually have the greatest pressure attainable, and it amounts to 14.7 pounds per square inch. In some foreign countries they speak of the pressure on the boiler not as so many pounds per square inch but as so many 'atmospheres.' Thus a pressure of 10 atmospheres, you can quite readily understand, is ten HEAT, COMBUSTION AND THE GENERATION OF STEAM 27 times 14.7 pounds, or 147 pounds gage pressure. If you were at the top of a high mountain, the air pressure would not be so great and water would boil at a less temperature than 212 degrees. The steam gages on a boiler always record the pressure above the atmosphere; hence to find the absolute pressure of steam you must add to the apparent pressure shown on the steam gage the constant 14.7. This is important for you to remember, for later on when we get to talking about pressures in triple-expansion engines and turbines you must forget about steam-gage pressures and deal in absolute pressures." "How is it," asked Schmidt, "that this atmospheric pressure don't crush in our ribs?" "That's a good question," replied the Chief, "and I'll answer you by asking you one. How is it that a thin box without a lid on, sunk at the bottom in 25 feet of water, is not crushed by the water pressure? I'll also tell you the answer, and that is because the water is on both sides of the walls of the box, and it is consequently balanced. So with the human system, we breathe air and get it inside of us and there is a balance. Now if that thin box had a lid on it and was watertight the sides would be crushed by the water pressure." "Gee!" interrupted O'Rourke, "I'll keep my lid off after this ! I don't want my sides crushed in !" "No danger of that," retorted Schmidt. "You are not watertight you've got a leak in -your throat." "Following this discussion on the pressure of air, we might as well take up the question of Vacuum' and get a good idea of that. O'Rourke, what do you understand is meant by a 'vacuum'?" "Why er let me see," replied the talkative one. "Why er it's something in the condenser that sucks in your hand if you put it over the air cock." McAndrew smiled and said, "No; it is something that is 28 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL not in the condenser, and your hand is not 'sucked in' but forced in by the pressure outside ; otherwise, O'Rourke, your answer is excellent. You made two guesses and got them both wrong. You might have gone further in your lucid description and said that it was something which smelled bad. The term vacuum really means the absence of air, or the absolute zero of pressure. I have just told you that the air under normal conditions, at the level of the sea, weighs 14.7 pounds per square inch. Now if you pump out all the air from a box or other receptacle there is no pressure in it because there is no air. If a small amount of air is allowed to rush in there will be, naturally, a small pressure, but how much? That is what we want to know, as there must be some means of measuring it. You all have learned undoubtedly that this ship carries 26 inches of vacuum when we are running. That comes from the fact that some early scientific fellow learned by experiment that the pressure of the atmosphere (14.7 pounds per square inch) was the same as the weight of a column of mercury, or quicksilver, as you may know it, 29.74 inches in height. In other words, a perfect vacuum, or the absence of all air in a condenser, would be shown on the vacuum gage as 29.74 inches. If a small amount of air be admitted the needle on the gage would show a vacuum of less than that, as the balance between the air and the mercury would be disturbed. Finally, if the condenser was opened so that air could rush in freely, the needle would go back to the zero mark. It is customary, therefore, to speak of carrying a vacuum of so many inches, but don't ever speak of having a vacuum of over 30 inches, or people will think you are foolish. As a matter of fact, it is quite difficult on ordinary ships to get a vacuum much over 28 or 28;^ inches. As 2 inches of vacuum is equivalent to I pound of pressure you can see how valuable it is for the working of the engine to have as great a vacuum as possible. HEAT, COMBUSTION AND THE GENERATION OF STEAM 2Q "While on the subject of vacuum, it will be well for us to take up the subject of how far a pump will lift water. After all this is very simple, as the pump does not lift the water at all; it simply pumps out the air, and the air pressure from without forces the water up the suction pipe. On the same principle as the column of mercury, it has been determined that the unit weight of air (the atmospheric pressure) will sustain the weight of a column of water about 33.5 feet in height, and that is the maximum height that water can be lifted by a pump, so never try to pump water through a suction pipe any higher than that. You can force it to almost any height necessary, but you can't lift it any higher than 33.5 feet. There is an old saying that 'Nature abhors a vacuum." It is not sp much an abhorrence as it is the universal tendency of Nature to maintain things in an equilibrium or balance. If you disturb this balance by removing the air from anything, the outside air, water or whatever medium it is, will rush in to restore the equilibrium." Just then, Pierce, who had been leaning back in his chair, intensely interested in what was being said, fell over back- wards, much to the amusement of O'Rourke, who remarked, 'There she goes again ; Nature is restoring his balance !" CHAPTER V Engineering Materials McAndrew, feeling somewhat encouraged at the interest which his class had shown during his remarks on elementary principles, decided that the next step in order would be to give them an idea of engineering materials, so he opened his remarks by saying: "Boys, what material is a cold chisel made from ?" Three of them answered promptly, "Steel, sir/' O'Rourke dissented somewhat by saying that he thought the one he had been using that day must have been made of lead, as he had to grind it so often. Paying no attention to the sally, the engineer pedagogue said : "Well, what is the differ- ence between steel and iron?" As a deep silence followed the question, he remarked : "I thought you didn't know, and that's the reason I asked you. Since you have, I hope, absorbed a few ideas about elementary principles in engineering, I want to drill into you some idea of the materials used in building marine machinery. "The first and most important of them is iron, man's most valuable metal." "What about gold, sir?" interjected O'Rourke. "I'm glad you spoke about that, as it shows that you think what most other people do. As a matter of fact, we could get along very well without gold, but we would have hard sledding to get along without iron. Gold is only valuable because of its scarcity, while iron is valuable on account of its usefulness. Luckily, it is found in great quantities in ENGINEERING MATERIALS 3! almost all parts of the world, and as it would be practically impossible to build marine machinery without it, we will try and see what cast iron really is. "Since the days of old Tubal Cain, iron has been mined and utilized by mankind for all kinds of implements. It exists in a number of different combinations known as ores, some containing as high as 75 percent of pure iron. The first process after it is taken from the ground is to separate the iron from the other substances, and this is done in what are known as blast furnaces. The scheme is to mix the iron ore with coal or other fuel and melt the whole mass down by means of forced combustion of the coal, hence the term 'blast furnace.' The molten iron being heavier than the other sub- stances, is drawn off at the bottom of the furnace, and being liquid is run along channels in a bed of sand, known as the pig bed, into depressions or molds in the sand about 3^2 feet long, 6 inches wide and 4 or 5 inches deep. When these are cold they are known as 'pigs,' and thus we have the raw mate- rial known as pig iron. "Pig iron, of course, varies in quality, as it is affected largely by the impurities of the coal, such as sulphur, silicon, etc., which get mixed with it during the melting process. In olden days, before wood became so scarce, and there were no Pinchots to say 'Woodman, spare that tree,' iron ore was melted down with charcoal, and consequently not so many impurities entered into the pig iron. That metal was then known as charcoal iron, and you can yet hear old timers bemoan the fact that they get so little of it these days. And it is a fact that genuine charcoal iron is now very scarce indeed. However, we get along quite well without it by hav- ing learned to make steel better and cheaper than the pioneers could. "Now that you know something about cast iron, we will see for what purposes it is used on board ship. You all 32 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL probably know that the cylinders are made of cast iron, always have been and always will be, as it cannot be improved upon for the purpose. It has sufficient strength to withstand the strain, will not melt or change under the heat, is readily machined, can be made into almost any form, becomes very smooth on wearing surfaces, and, above all, is very reason- able in price. That combination of qualities can never be excelled by any known metal." "How strong is cast iron?" said Pierce. "That's a good question," was the reply. "As I told you before, everything to be measured must have some standard of comparison. In the case of cast iron, the usual standard is what is known as its tensile strength per square inch. That means the number of pounds it would take to pull a bar one inch square, or one square inch in section, until it breaks. It is placed in a testing machine, which works very much on the principle of a beam weighing machine, and the weight or strain is gradually applied until the test piece breaks in two. The strength of the metal varies according to its quality and treatment, and its quality usually depends on the amount of impurities contained in the metal. "First-class iron, such as used in cylinders, frequently has a tensile strength between 25,000 and 30,000 pounds per square inch. Other and poorer grades, such as are used in grate bars, furnace fittings, etc., have a strength of only 10,000 to 15,000 pounds to the square inch. "Rigidity is the main feature of cast iron, and other tests, such as crushing and bending, are given to it, yet for all prac- tical purposes the marine engineer is satisfied to know that it has the required tensile strength, as that is generally a guar- antee that it will withstand any crushing or bending strains that will be placed upon it. "Bedplates and condenser shells or walls are made of cast iron of fairly good quality, but need not be of such good ENGINEERING MATERIALS 33 material as that used for the cylinders. Guides, pistons, etc., are usually made of the best quality of iron. "What is wrought iron, did you say ? That's something you hear about, but very seldom see these days. Strictly speaking, wrought iron is literally pure iron, or iron with all other ingredients removed. Before we knew so much about steel making there were large quantities of wrought iron used about a ship; in fact, the ship's hull itself was built of it. The process of making it was to melt cast iron in what was known as a reverberatory furnace that is, a furnace where the iron came in contact with the flame but not the fuel. By this means the carbon, etc., was burned out of the molten mass as well as could be, and men called puddlers stuck a bar into the boiling iron, rolled up a ball of it, like you would taffy, put it under a squeezer or hammer to squeeze out the, then either hammered or rolled it out into bars or sheets. This material could be forged, welded or rolled into almost any shape desired. The process of its manufacture was slow and expensive, and it has now been practically abandoned. "Before I go any further I want to impress upon you the main distinction between cast iron, wrought iron and steel. Remember these fundamental facts and you will have the general idea: "i. Wrought iron is pure iron with very little or no carbon in it. "2. Steel is pure iron mixed with from one-tenth of one per- cent to sometimes one and two-tenths percent of carbon, ac- cording to the grade of steel required. "3. Cast iron is iron mixed with about 3 1 A percent of carbon, and with certain combinations even a higher percentage than that. "You will thus see that the main distinction between these different grades of material is the amount of carbon they con- tain. To be sure, there are other ingredients in the mixture, 34 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL such as sulphur, manganese and silicon in varying quantities. Sulphur is always bad, but certain small amounts of man- ganese and silicon are beneficial." "What is this malleable iron we hear about?" inquired Pierce of the instructor. "Malleable," replied McAndrew, "means capable of being hammered or rolled into shape, and although it sounds very good when applied to cast iron, you don't want to hammer it too vigorously or you will find that it will take the shape of two or three separate pieces, such as that two-inch elbow I saw O'Rourke wrestling with this afternoon." "I didn't think you was looking when I busted that elbow," replied the guilty one. "I saw it all right, and let that be a lesson to you that all malleable iron is not as 'malleable' as you might imagine. "In making iron castings malleable, they are packed in some substance, such as mill scale or sand which will not melt, heated to red heat and allowed to stand for a number of days, during which time some of the carbon is withdrawn from the surface of the castings, which to a certain extent makes them tougher and more ductile. This process is used principally for small castings, such as pipe fittings. Some people claim that malleable iron can be welded ; so, to demon- strate whether that claim is true or not, I'll have O'Rourke weld up that elbow he broke." "Gee! I wish you would let me buy a new one instead," pleaded the Irish lad. "I'm not much on this scientific dope." "To return to the subject," said McAndrew, "we will next take up the subject of steel, as used for shipbuilding. "There are two principal processes used in the manufacture of structural steel, the Bessemer and open-hearth. As Bes- semer steel is not used in any part of a ship, it will suffice to discuss the open-hearth process. "This consists essentially of melting pig iron, scrap steel and ENGINEERING MATERIALS 35 wrought iron in a large circular furnace, sometimes as large as 20 feet in diameter, the heat being furnished by the com- bustion of gas over the top of the metal, so that, unlike a blast furnace, the fuel does not come in contact with the metal. This results in burning out the carbon in the mixture to a degree slightly less than that required in the steel to be made. In order to get the exact proportion of carbon re- quired in the mixture, a certain amount of 'spiegel-eisen' is added." "What's that, sir?" inquired O'Rourke. "Ask your German friend," replied McAndrew. "I don't know just what 'spiegel-eisen' is," replied Schmidt, "but in German it means looking-glass iron." "That's right," said the instructor. "It gets its name from its bright surface, and it is really an iron ore containing a large proportion of manganese. This manganese unites with the oxygen and sulphur in the mixture and removes them. Spiegel-eisen also adds the requisite amount of carbon to the mixture. After it is determined by the man in charge of the furnace that the desired mixture is reached, the molten steel is run into ladles, from which it is poured into large molds which shape the metal into huge blocks of steel known as ingots. These ingots are, when needed, heated in a fiery retort to almost a white heat, and run back and forth through rolls until they are shaped into what are known technically as slabs and billets. In that shape they are selected to fill orders for boiler or ship plates and engine forgings, such as shafting, piston and connecting rods, columns, valve stems, etc." "How can you tell this open-hearth steel from wrought iron?" inquired Nelson. "Easy enough," interjected O'Rourke, "ask the man you buy it from!" "That would be all right," said McAndrew, "if he knew the difference himself. As a matter of fact, it is very difficult 36 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL to tell from appearances. Some people claim that they can tell by looking at it, but I have my doubts as to that. Others who are expert in working iron and steel can be reasonably sure by the way they cut. I remember once of being in doubt whether a certain lot of boiler tubes were of wrought iron or mild steel, and I could find no one who was absolutely sure as to the material of which they were made. There is one infallible way, however, of telling, and that is by cutting the metal in two, polishing up the surface and pouring on a little nitric acid. In wrought iron there is bound to be a certain amount of slag in the mixture which strings out in the rolling process and gives the metal the appearance of hav- ing a grain. When nitric acid is applied, the pure iron is eaten away and leaves the grain sticking above the surface. Steel being practically a homogeneous metal is eaten away uni- formly by the acid. "The next most important metal for marine machinery is brass, and I'll ask O'Rourke to tell you what it is." Clearing his throat and assuming an air of importance at being called upon for an expert opinion, the son of Erin replied: "Brass is a metal that is mined I don't know jnst where ; it costs like blazes, smells bad, is 'pisonous' to the skin, gets dirty in five minutes, and is used around an engine room principally for the purpose of keeping the poor firemen busy shining it up when they ought to be resting themselves." "That certainly is a very lucid description, and coming from such an expert on 'brass' it will have great weight. How- ever, I cannot agree with all your conclusions, and especially as to its being mined. "Brass, as it is commonly termed, is not an elementary metal, as it is composed of two and sometimes three ele- ments, such combinations of two or more metals being known generally as alloys. An alloy composed of copper and zinc, or ENGINEERING MATERIALS 37 of copper, zinc and a very small amount of tin, is known as brass. When a larger proportion of tin or other metal, such as aluminum or lead, is used, the alloy is known as a bronze. As a matter of fact, the terms 'gun metal,' 'composition,' and 'bronze' are used rather loosely, and it is hard to draw a line of demarcation between them. "The principal reasons for using brass, composition, bronze, etc., in the construction of marine machinery are their de- creased friction when rubbed on other metals, their freedom from oxidization or corrosion, as it is commonly called, and in some instances for ornamentation. The latter reason is growing less every day, as there is plenty of other work on board a modern vessel to keep the firemen busy without having needless brasswork to polish. ''There are about a million different compositions of cop- per, tin, zinc, lead, antimony, iron, aluminum, etc., which can be made, but the principal ones of interest to marine engi- neers are the following, mixed in the proportions given: "Common yellow brass: Copper, 65.3; zinc, 32.7; lead, 2. "Babbit metal: Copper, 3.7; tin, 88.9; antimony, 7.4. "Brazing metal: Copper, 84; zinc, 16. "Admiralty bronze: Copper, 87; tin, 8; zinc, 5. "Manganese bronze: Copper, 88.64; tin, 8.7; zinc, 1.57; iron, .72 ; lead, .30. "Muntz metal: Copper, 60; zinc, 40. "Navy composition: Copper, 88; tin, 10; zinc, 2. "White metal: Lead, 88; antimony, 12. "Phosphor bronze: Copper, 90 to 92; phosphide of tin, 10 to 8. "Tobin bronze : Copper, 59 to 61 ; tin, I to 2 ; zinc, 37 to 38 ; iron, .1 to .2; antimony, .3 to .35. "You probably will never be called upon to mix any of Ihese compositions yourselves, and it is well that you will "not, 38 as it takes an expert to do it. However, it will do you no harm to know what goes into the various metals with which you will have to deal. "There is another alloy which is rapidly coming in use for marine machinery, known as 'Monel metal.' Unlike other compositions, it is mixed by Nature itself, as it is in reality nickel ore just as it is mined. It is composed principally of nickel and copper in about the proportion of 65 to 35. It has been found to be very efficient for valve seats in steam valves where superheated steam is used, for pump rods and valve stems, and for propellers. The tensile strength is equal to that of steel, and it is non-corrosive in salt water and acids. "I have now described to you in a general way the prin- cipal materials used in an engine room " "You have left the main ones out, Chief !" said O'Rourke. "What are they?" "Why, the gold and silver that are handed out once a month." "You'll have to know a good deal more about steel and brass than you do now before you can connect very strongly with those metals," retorted McAndrew, as he dismissed the class for the evening. CHAPTER VI Boilers "We have now covered the most important of the funda- mental subjects which all engineers should know, so we will begin on the subjects relating to the parts you are most in- terested in, that is, those with which you have already had some practice. I will therefore ask you what, in the opinion of each, is the most important thing to take up." "Propellers," promptly replied Pierce; "they drive the ships." "No, sir," said Schmidt, "let's take up the engines, for they drive the propellers." "I think we ought to begin with boilers, sir," remarked Nelson ; "they furnish the steam which drives the engines." "Ah!" said O'Rourke, "if that's the reason, let's take up 'the walking of the ghost' when he comes across with the money that makes 'em all go." "Nelson," said McAndrew, "has the right idea the boilers are the most important parts of marine steam machinery. If you don't get the steam first, no matter how good the engines and propellers may be, the ship will not move. "I have already told you what happened when coal is put in the furnaces, and now we want to know something about the boilers that hold the steam after it is made. How many kinds of boilers are there, O'Rourke?" "Two, sir," replied that youngster; "tight ones and leaky ones." 40 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL "Well, that's a good distinction, but hardly the kind that we want to talk about, although I'll admit that a tight boiler of any description is better than any kind that leaks. If you were to study books on the subject you would have to read descriptions of a dozen types of shell boilers, but as there is practically only one type used on steamers nowadays, any knowledge you might gain about discarded types would be as useful to you as last year's bird nests. The principal type of shell boiler all marine engineers in the merchant service have to deal with now is the Scotch type single or double-ended. By the time you boys get to be chief engineers even that type will probably be put on the shelf, as the day of the use of watertube boilers is fast approaching. However, as the Scotch boiler is just at present the principal one to be con- sidered, we will give that first attention. This boiler is named, probably, from the fact that it was first developed by Scotch shipbuilders, than whom," said McAndrew, .evidently taking pride in his ancestry, "there are no better in the world. "Up to the present time it has stood the test of service better than any others of the class of shell boilers, and has consequently lived to see the others discarded. Theoretically, an ideal shell boiler, to withstand internal pressure, would be one shaped like a sphere or ball, as curved surfaces need no bracing; flat surfaces should be avoided in boiler work, and the principal feature of a Scotch boiler, which makes it so efficient, is that there are as few flat surfaces as possible. The shell of the boiler is made cylindrical, the furnaces are cylindrical, as also, of course, are the tubes. Consequently, the only flat surfaces are the heads and portions of the com- oustion chambers. "The thickness of the boiler shell depends upon three ihings: the steam pressure to be carried, the diameter of the boiler and the strength of the material used. The steam pressure has gradually been increased, so that now it is not BOILEF3 41 uncommon to find Scotch boilers carrying from 200 to 250 pounds pressure; the diameter has increased so that boilers 16 to 18 feet in diameter are not rare. The time is not far distant when the shells will have to be so thick as to make this type impracticable ; then you will see the watertube boil- ers come into greater use. "In the early days of steam machinery, boiler building was a crude art. Compared with modern methods of construction it was in about the same relation as early wooden shipbuilding bears to modern steel shipbuilding. If a ship carpenter made anything that came within a half inch of the dimensions of the stick of timber he was shaping, he was supposed to be quite accurate. Old-time boiler makers were just about as crude;* they rarely had drawings to follow, a rough sketch on a blackboard in the boiler shop sufficing; holes were always punched, and the drift-pin was used almost continuously. While such methods were all right for boilers using low steam pressures, they would not do nowadays at all. With the high steam pressures now used, and the large size of the boilers, nothing but accurate design and good workmanship will do. In the early days of boiler construction all rivets were driven by hand ; now nearly all rivets are driven by hydraulic pressure of 15 to 30 tons, and even with that it is almost impossible to keep some of the seams and rivets from leaking. "Here is a drawing (Fig. i) of a typical small Scotch boiler which will show the general features of this type. It consists essentially of four steel plates rolled up into the form of a cylinder which is known as the shell of the boiler. Each portion of the shell is known as a course. The courses are lapped over one another and riveted together by what are known as lap joints. The. longitudinal seams come together and are joined by straps or narrow plates on the inside and outside, the whole when riveted together being 42 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL known as a butt-joint. In this shell are two, three, or some- times four smaller cylindrical furnaces which are riveted to the combustion-chamber, a semi-cylindrical box with flat top, front and back, in which the combustion takes place. "You will notice that these furnaces are not straight, but consist of a wavy contour. In this particular case they are known as suspension furnaces. Some of them have a series FIG. 1. SCOTCH BOILER. END VIEW of corrugations rolled into them, the object of both types being to give them sufficient strength to withstand the crush- ing strain brought upon them by the pressure of the steam. It is much easier for a cylindrical tank or figure to withstand an internal or bursting pressure than it is for it to withstand an external or collapsing pressure, hence all furnaces (in Scotch boilers) subjected to high pressures of steam on the BOILERS 43 outside must be corrugated in order that they will not col- lapse under the pressure. "From the combustion chamber to the front head are a number of small tubes, usually from 2 inches to 4 inches in diameter, through which the hot gases pass from the furnaces to the uptake and thence to the smoke stack. It is from these tubes where the greater portion of the steam is formed, as FJG- 2. SCOTCH ROILER, LONGITUDINAL SECTION they are usually from 1/16 to % inch in thickness, so that the heat from the gases is very readily transmitted to the water which surrounds them. "As the heads of the boiler and the larger part of the com- bustion chambers are flat, they must be supported or braced at intervals in order that they may withstand the pressure brought upon them. Later on, I will teach you how to space 44 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL these braces or stays, as they are termed, as that is a question which will be asked before you can get your licenses. "In the furnaces of a Scotch boiler the grate bars are arranged at about the middle at the front end and slope slightly downwards toward the back end. The length of the grates is generally about 6 feet, as that is about as far as a good husky fireman can work his fires properly. Sometimes they are $ l / 2 feet or 6 T / 2 feet long, but in general you will find them averaging 6 feet in length. The capacity of the fireman in this respect really regulates the length of most Scotch boilers. Hence you will find that single-ended boilers very seldom exceed n or 12 feet in length, while double-ended boilers are generally about 20 to 22 feet in length a double- ended Scotch boiler being practically two single-ended Scotch boilers placed back to back and joined together. As I said before, there are a number of other types of shell boilers, but as most of them are obsolete, we will not waste any time on them." "What's obsleet?" inquired O'Rourke. " 'Obsolete' means old-fashioned, not up-to-date," replied the instructor. "I see," replied O'Rourke; "it's something like that hat Schmidt wears when he goes to see his girl in Fishtown." "We will now look into the watertube boiler question a little. This type of boiler is having a hard time in overcom- ing the prejudice against it. At first they were used in swift steam launches and torpedo boats, on account of the great saving in weight as compared with shell boilers. Old-time engineers viewed them as a sort of a necessary evil in that respect and pitied the men who had to run them. The battle for supremacy in speed between the various nations finally led the more daring designers to use them in some swift cruisers and gunboats. As no great harm seemed to have come of this, the more progressive designers finally adopted BOILERS 4,- this type of boiler for battleships. Old-timers shook their heads at this move and predicted dire disaster for the ships thus equipped. However, the results have been so satisfactory that to-day every new battleship throughout the world is fitted with watertube boilers, and they are giving the greatest satis- faction on account of their many superior qualities. "O'Rourke, you of course know something about watertube boilers; how many classes of them do you think there are?" "I don't know much about them myself," replied the young man, "but I heard a fellow out in the shipyard say to-day that there were two kinds, the macaroni and the spaghetti, whatever they mean." "Ha ! Ha !" laughed McAndrew. "I suppose he meant 'macaroni' boilers were those with large straight tubes, and 'spaghetti' as those having small, bent tubes. That is rather a good definition for the two main divisions of this class of boilers, but so far as different designs are concerned there must be two or three hundred, as every designer has his own ideas about getting up a watertube boiler. But these various kinds of boilers remind me of what they say about the fish in the waters around the Hawaiian Islands there are 298 varie- ties, but they only use three of them to eat. "In general, the main difference between Scotch and water- tube boilers is that in the former the hot gases are inside the tubes and the water around the outside, while with the latter the water is inside the tubes and the gases around the out- side. "Watertube boilers usually consist of drums, headers and tubes, all inclosed in sheet metal casings. Usually there are one or two large drums on top and two or more smaller drums at the bottom, the tubes connecting the drums at the top and bottom. The feed water usually enters the boiler in the top drum, and is carried down to the lower drums through tubes or pipes known as down-flow tubes. Sometimes it flows down 46 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL through the tubes themselves. In any event a rapid circula- lation is started up between the water in the lower and upper drums or headers. As the water passes up through the tubes, globules of steam are formed which, discharging into the upper drum with the water, are separated by baffle plates from the water and pass out through the dry pipe into the main steam pipe. The tubes in which the steam is formed are known as generating tubes to distinguish them from down- flow tubes when such are fitted to the boiler. Watertube boil- ers are usually rectangular or box-shaped, as the casing sur- rounds the tubes and the furnaces. In order to prevent the sheet metal casing from burning, it is usually lined with asbestos board and fire brick. Large tube boilers are those which have generating tubes 3, 4 or sometimes 5 inches in diameter. Boilers built of tubes i to 2 inches in diameter are classed as small tube or 'spaghetti' boilers, as O'Rourke's friend would say. "Some engineers prefer one type and some the other, but if I had anything to say about fitting watertube boilers to a merchant vessel, the tubes would be as large as practicable and straight or nearly straight, so that they can be cleaned and examined." "Why don't shipowners use watertube boilers in merchant vessels?" inquired Nelson. "That's hard to answer," replied the Chief, "but I suppose it is for the same reason that many people refused to ride on the elevated road when it was first constructed in New York. They had been brought up to ride in corse cars on the streets : they knew they were safe and sure, and although they could ride faster on the elevated, they preferred the safety which they knew of, rather than to take a chance on the more mod- ern means of transportation of which they were afraid. Such a trait of mankind is known as conservatism, and it is an BOILERS 47 excellent quality until it is carried to excess, when it becomes foolishness. "The advantages watertube boilers have over Scotch boilers are many. The weight of a watertube boiler, with water, is just about one-half that of a Scotch boiler under the same conditions, thus giving that much more cargo-carrying ca- pacity. Steam can be raised in a half hour, as compared to four to six hours for raising steam in a Scotch boiler. There is less danger from a serious explosion, as the parts of a watertube boiler liable to explode are much smaller than the great bulk of a Scotch boiler, under pressure. "A watertube boiler need never wear out entirely, as the various parts can be renewed as necessity requires. When a Scotch boiler wears out, it must be renewed in its entirety, and generally at great expense on account of tearing away the decks and joiner work above the boiler space. "Watertube boilers can be forced much harder, with safety, than Scotch boilers, as they are in a manner flexible and can stand severe usage which ordinarily starts a Scotch boiler leaking. "One of the main features which would appeal most, just now, to you boys, is the matter of cleaning. In watertube boilers there are no back connections to sweep a task which makes the life of an old-time chimney-sweep seem easy in comparison no crown sheets to clean and sometimes scale, no cleaning of the inside of the boiler, where a man must go through contortions like a ferret to get at the heating sur- faces. I doubt if any more disagreeable job could have been devised in the days of the Inquisition than that which befalls the lot of a marine fireman when it is boiler cleaning time on board a ship fitted with Scotch boilers. Surely there is nothing which more discourages men from going to sea. No wonder engineers hurry and get fat as soon as possible, so that it is a physical impossibility for them to get through a 12 by 48 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL 15 inch manhole. If the stokers and coal passers could vote on the type of boiler to be used, I am afraid the Scotch boiler would soon get in the class with Schmidt's hat. "The disadvantages claimed by opponents of watertube boilers are that it takes more skill to tend the feed on ac- count of the smaller quantity of water in the watertube type. This, I am told, is more imaginary than real, although it must be admitted that a water tender must be onto his job at all times and keep his eyes on the glass. So, too, should a water tender with any other type of boiler, as that is a duty where day dreaming does not go. It is also claimed that strictly fresh water must be fed into watertube boilers at all times, but, as a matter of fact, that is so with a modern Scotch boiler if its efficiency is to be maintained. The care of marine boilers of any type is one of the most important duties on board ship. Carelessness on the part of anyone connected with the handling of boilers is not only dangerous to all on board, but frequently results in large repair bills and operating expenses. The most successful engineers are those who keep the boilers in good condition and operate them intelligently.'* CHAPTER VII Boiler Fittings "How many fittings are there on a marine boiler?" inquired McAndrew. "Four, sir," said Nelson. "Only four, eh? Well, what are they?" "The steam gage, gage glass, shovel and slice bar," replied Nelson. "Oh ! come off," said O'Rourke, "the shovel and slice bar are what the highbrows call the 'implements of your trade' they're not fittings." "Well, O'Rourke," said the teacher, "how many do you think there are?" "Oh! at least half a dozen," replied he, "but for the life of me I can't think of their names just now." "O'Rourke, you remind me of the fellow who, when falling off the water wagon, paused in the act of taking a drink and said, There are a dozen good reasons why I shouldn't drink this whiskey, but for the life of me I can't think of one of them now' and then he took the drink. I don't think you have tried very hard to think of the necessary fittings on a boiler, but, at any rate, I'll remind you of some of them. "You all know of the safety valves, which are generally made in pairs and are bolted to the highest part of the boiler. The old-fashioned safety valves were of the ball-and-lever type, but they are not used to any great extent these days, as they are poorly adapted for high pressures, or in fact for use on shipboard at all. One of the most important duties about 5O MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL the fireroom is to see that the so-called easing gear for lifting the safety valves off their seats is kept well oiled and in good working condition. At least every other day the valve should be lifted off its seat for an instant to see if the springs are working well. It might be necessary to open the safety valves in a hurry some day, and if the gear is not kept in good condition they would fail at the critical moment. "The stop valves on boilers are very important fittings, as they control the passage of the steam to the engines. On every boiler you will find a large valve known as the main stop valve, and a smaller one, the auxiliary stop valve. These valves, too, should have their stems lubricated and kept in such condition that they can be worked easily. In this con- nection I want to warn you young men against opening a stop valve on a boiler suddenly many a good man has gone to Kingdom Come by not bearing that in mind. You must re- member that a sudden release of steam often causes large gulps of water to be carried with the steam through the valve and into the steam pipe, where a water hammer is instantly formed and often with the result of bursting the pipe. Even if no water is carried out with the steam, the pipes are cold, and the sudden condensation results also in a water hammer. When you open a stop valve, just 'crack' it at the start by that I mean to turn the handwheel a mere trifle until you can hear the steam hissing through the slight opening. Then wait until you can count at least 200 before you give it another slight turn." "It's too hot up there to be counting very much," inter- jected O'Rourke. "Yes, but it isn't nearly so hot up there as the place you might go to if you opened the valve suddenly," said Mc- Andrew. "We have seen how to get the steam out of a boiler, but after all it is of even greater importance to get the water into BOILER FITTINGS ej; it, for if you fail to keep the water flowing into a boiler under steam, there would soon be something doing. "Schmidt, do you know what a check valve is?" "No, sir," replied he, "I don't know just what it is, but I know where it is, and I know that you open it to let the water in the boiler after you start the feed pump." "That's something to know," continued McAndrew, "but like a certain brand of breakfast food, 'there's a reason for it.' A check valve is one which allows water to pass in only one direction that is, from the pump to the boiler. It is made that way so that in case the feed pipe should burst, the scalding hot water and steam from the boiler would not rush out through the opening in the feed pipe." "I'm on," said O'Rourke, "it's like a one-way ticket to Coney Island you can get down there all right, but you can't get back if you blow in all your money." "Recently all marine boilers were required to have two separate openings in the shell and two separate check valves, a* main and an auxiliary, to regulate the admission of the feed water, so that if one gives out the other can be used. There is also a stop valve located between the check valve and the boiler shell, so that in case of accident to the check valve the stop valve can be closed and repairs made to the check. It pays to take every possible precaution in regard to such an important matter. "After we have provided means for getting ihe water in and the steam out of a boiler, the next thing in importance is to have some way to ascertain the level or height of the water in the boiler. Here, too, every precaution must be taken, for it is a very serious matter. You all have seen the gage glasses and how careful the water tenders are to watch the level of the water in them. The gage glass is, therefore, the most important of the means employed for determining the water level. As a further precaution, there are four gage 52 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL cocks usually fitted on the side or in the front of the boilers at about the desired water level. I must confess that it i: very difficult for anyone, except a locomotive engineer, tc tell exactly the water level by means of these cocks. It takes a trained eye and a trained ear to distinguish between the steam and water when a ship is rolling. The locomotive engi- neer has to depend on gage cocks almost entirely, as it is impracticable to fit gage glasses on a locomotive. On board ship the men rely almost entirely on the gage glass, so they do not get much practice with the try cocks. I would rather take my chances by having two gage glasses fitted, as it is almost certain that both glasses will never be broken or out of order at the same time. "I suppose you have noticed that toy safety valve just over the uptakes on our boilers. If you didn't see the main safety valves, you 'might get the idea that the boiler designer had put a boy to do a man's work. The object of this little valve, which should always be a lever valve with a sliding weight, is to give warning that the steam is almost up to the blowing- off point; hence it is known as a sentinel valve. If for any reason the springs in the safety valve refuse to work, this little valve is sometimes very useful. "You, of course, have heard of the blow valves on the boilers. These are usually fitted to all boilers ; one is known as the 'surface blow' and the other as the 'bottom blow.' In boiling water the lighter impurities, such as grease and other substances, which float on water, are driven to the surface of the water. O'Rourke, I know, has often watched his mother skirri the grease off the top of the boiling pot of soup, when he was a boy and was so hungry he could hardly wait for dinner time. The idea of the surface blow on a steam boiler is about the same, only in a boiler there is a pipe connecting the blow valve to what is known as a 'scum pan,' usually located in about the center of the boiler and at about the low- BOILER FITTINGS 53 water level. At intervals it is advisable to open the surface blow valve and give it a slight blow in order to remove the grease and other floating impurities from the boiler water. "The bottom blow valve is located at the lowest part of the boiler, and there is usually a perforated iron pipe connected to the blow valve. Mud and heavy impurities collect at the FIG. 3. BOURDON STEAM GAGE bottom of the boiler, and an occasional blow will remove such substances. This bottom blow is sometimes used to pump out the boiler when it is desired that it be emptied. "One of the most important of the so-called 'boiler fittings' is the steam gage, for it is by means of this instrument that we are enabled to determine the actual pressure of the steam in the boiler. "Fig. 3 is a picture of the type of steam gage usually fitted to marine boilers. By means of a circular tube having an ellip- tical section as shown, when the pressure is applied to the 54 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL inside of the tube it tends to assume a round section, and the tube itself tends to straighten out owing to the greater area subjected to pressure on the outside surface. The free end of the tube is connected by gear wheels and pinions to the needle on the face of the dial which, when properly adjusted, records the steam pressure. Remember, as I have called to your attention before, boiler gages only record the pressure above the atmosphere and not the absolute pressure. "Steam gages on boilers should be tested at intervals to see that they are adjusted correctly, as it frequently happens that gages on different boilers, all connected up, show a variance of from i to 10 pounds. I once had a green fireman with me who nearly broke his back trying to get the steam on his boiler up to the same pressure carried by the other boiler ; as a matter of fact, the gage on his boiler recorded 5 pounds less pressure, due to its being out of adjustment. The older firemen let him hustle for a day or so before they told him the gage was wrong." "Why do they always put that crook in the pipe to the steam gage?" inquired Nelson. "That's because most water tenders are so used to seeing snakes that they want things to look natural to them when they watch the steam gage," volunteered O'Rourke. "O'Rourke is as nearly right as usual," replied McAndrew. "The real reason is that if the steam acted on the Bourdon tube direct, the expansion due to the varying temperatures would make it record inaccurately. Hence, the crook serves the purpose of a trap, as it fills with water by the condensa- tion of the steam, and this water is forced into the tube by the steam. "Another important fitting is the air cock, which is usually placed at the highest part of the boiler. When fires are started this cock should be opened in order that, as the steam is raised, BOILER FITTINGS 55 all the air in the boiler will be driven out. It should not be closed until live steam issues from the cock. "To impress upon you the importance of paying attention to even the smallest details around boilers under steam, I want to call your attention to a boiler explosion on board an American vessel not many years ago, when over thirty lives were lost and great damage was done because a fireman who FIG. 4. HYDROKINETER was sent on top of the boilers to close the air cock not only closed that fitting but also shut off the cock in the small steam pipe which led to the steam gage. The result was that al- though no steam showed on the gage the pressure in the boiler rose to the bursting point and the explosion followed. Always remember that if you make a mistake like that you endanger not only your own life but the lives of everybody else on the ship. "Some boilers are fitted with what is known as a 'hydro- kineter/ which means literally a water heater. "One of the great faults of all Scotch boilers is that the water under the furnaces and combustion chambers does not circulate properly, or, in other words, it is dead. The hydro- 56 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL kineter is usually located in this dead water, and when live steam is admitted it acts on the principle of an ejector and causes the water to circulate as indicated by the arrows in the sketch. I have seen boilers carrying over 100 pounds of steam when you could bear your hand on the bottom of the shell because of the presence of the dead water underneath the furnaces. Some engineers when raising steam will con- nect the auxiliary feed pump so as to draw this cold water out through the bottom-blow connection and discharge it through the auxiliary feed check valve, thus causing an arti- ficial circulation. There are also several very good patented devices for bringing about this much desired circulation. "Another item which might be classed as a boiler fitting is the so-called fusible plug which the law requires shall be fitted to the tops of combustion chambers and at other important parts of the boiler. This consists of a brass plug screwed into a tapped hole ; the center of this plug is filled with a soft metal, such a Banca tin, which, when not covered by water, will melt and allow the steam to blow through the opening, thus acting as a safety vent." CHAPTER VIII Forced Draft "Before leaving the subject of boilers, we will look into the matter of forced draft. Although this ship is not fitted with any system for that purpose, many other ships are, so it will be well for you to know about the various methods adopted. "I have told you that air is just as important for combus- tion as coal itself. When fires are started in the furnaces the smoke and hot gases go up through the tubes and uptakes to the funnel or stack. You might wonder why they don't come back through the furnace and ash pit doors. The reason why they do not is due to what is known as draft, or the tendency to go up instead of down. Air when heated becomes less dense or lighter in weight, hence it is that at the furnace front and under the grate bars there is a tendency of the air to flow through and up. This tendency is due to the difference in weight of a column of cold air of the height equal to the dis- tance between the level of the grates and the top of the stack, and the weight of a similar column of heated air of the same height. This difference in pressure or weight is usually very slight, but sufficient to cause enough air to flow into the fur- naces to keep up a reasonable rate of combustion. In gen- eral, the higher the funnel the greater the difference in pres- sure, and consequently the better the draft. "Draft is usually measured by a device such as is shown in Fig. 5. One end of the U-shaped tube, which is located in the fire-room, is open to the air pressure in the fire-room, the other is connected by a rubber tube to the space under the grates. The difference between the two pressures compels the MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL water to lower in the free end and rise in the end connected to the tube. We thus speak of draft as measured, not in pounds, but in inches or fractions of an inch of water. Were the pres- sure to be expressed in actual weight, such as a steam gage shows, you would find that i inch of water pressure would equal only two-thirds of an ounce. "Ordinarily natural draft on a steamer of this size is about Y^. to y inch of water, and such a pressure under ordinary FIG. 5. DRAFT GAGE conditions is sufficient to burn enough coal to produce the desired speed of a vessel. There are times, however, when greater speed is demanded than can be produced by natural draft pressures. Fast passenger vessels, steam yachts and torpedo boats must go at full speed either all of the time or at intervals, and under these conditions a greater rate of com- bustion must be obtained. Hence it becomes necessary to use what is termed 'forced' draft, or in other words apparatus for furnishing a greater quantity of air to the furnace than FORCED DRAFT 29 would naturally flow in due to the difference in weight of the two columns of air. "The most primitive system of forced draft is probably illustrated by the boy who, while shooting firecrackers, blows on a piece of punk in order to make the cracker fuses light easier." "Chief," interrupted Schmidt, "I think we could have a good forced draft system on board this ship by making O'Rourke get on his hands and knees and blow under the grate bars; he's about as good a blower as I know of." "That's all right," retorted O'Rourke, "about my forced draft ; I know some one not very far off who couldn't be used for that purpose he eats too much Limburger his breath would put out almost any fire instead of making it burn faster." "If you young men are running a debating club, we had better quit right here and let you fight it out," said McAndrew. "Please go on with the forced draft, Chief," pleaded Pierce, who was by far the most earnest of the Floating School under- graduates. "To return to the subject," continued the instructor, "forced draft on board steam vessels is produced by one of four gen- eral systems. "The first and most generally used is the closed fire-room type, where all parts of the fire-room and boiler compartment are made as nearly air-tight as practicable, and the air is forced into the space by means of centrifugal blowers, which draw in the air from ventilators or sometimes from the engine room and discharge directly into the fire-room. As there is no other escape except through the grate bar spaces, the fires are forced by means of the greatly increased amount of oxygen available for the purposes of combustion. This system is more comfortable for the firemen, as the cooler air from out- side makes the temperature lower. It gives, however, a some- 6o MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL what uncomfortable feeling in your ears, as the pressure is, of course, greater than the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere." "Why can't you put cotton in your ears?" inquired Nelson. "You could if you wanted to, but the pressure would be on the cotton just the same, and there would still be a feeling of pressure on your ear drums. "A steam jet in the funnel is another system of forced draft, and probably the simplest that can be devised. The most efficient jet seems to be one that is located right in the center of the stack, and so proportioned as to blow the steam out through a conical opening, causing it to spread out to the sides of the stack and creating a lowering of the pressure in the up-take, which causes a more rapid flow of the air through the fires. Steam jets are not very economical for marine purposes, as they waste too much valuable fresh water. "On harbor boats or on vessels running in fresh water, they provide a simple and inexpensive forced draft. All steam locomotives use what practically amounts to steam jet forced draft, as you probably know that the exhaust steam from the two cylinders is turned into the stack, which with the engine at full speed produces a very strong draft. "Ash pit draft is another of the four systems used. In this the air is led from blowers through sheet iron ducts, directly to the ash pits, where it is discharged underneath the grate bars. When it becomes necessary to charge the furnace with coal the draft must be shut off, else the flames and gases will be forced out of the furnace doors into the faces of the fire- men. The best type of ash pit forced draft is where the air from the blowers is passed through a heater arranged in the up-takes, whereby some of the heat which would otherwise be lost in the escaping gases is utilized in warming the air which is used for combustion. "Induced draft is used on many vessels; this is caused by locating a large blower at the base of the stack, which draws FORCED DRAFT 6l the gases from the up-takes and discharges them higher up in the stack or funnel. This is much less expensive than the closed fire-room system, and in case of any leaks in the breeching or up-takes the air from the outside rushes in, and thus prevents the escape of gases into the fire-room space, as frequently occurs when natural or forced draft of the other types is used, 'This will close my remarks on the subject of boilers, and as O'Rourke has fallen asleep twice in the last ten minutes. I think you had all better 'turn in/" CHAPTER IX Engines On the following evening McAndrew began his lecture by saying : "Young men, we are now about to take up a subject which I know will interest you greatly, as you all hope to be engi- neers ; that is, men capable of running and caring for engines. "O'Rourke, what, in your opinion, is an engine?" "Let me see," replied the spokesman of the class. "An engine is something that makes the wheels go around." "You're right," replied McAndrew ; "shorn of all qualifying verbiage that is really what it does, and that is its principal function. But how does it do it? that's the question. You all know that when everything is in readiness the man on watch opens the throttle and the screw begins to revolve. If that was the extent of your knowledge you would be simply engine starters and stoppers, but I trust you will know more about it before you get your licenses. "As I told you before, if a cubic inch of water is turned into steam the latter would, under atmospheric pressure, expand into almost a cubic foot of steam. When, however, it is con- fined in a steam-tight vessel such as a boiler, it cannot expand into such a large volume, and consequently the pressure rises. When it reaches, say, a pressure of 180 pounds per square inch, it has a tendency to expand into the volume which it would occupy if all pressure were removed. It is this tendency to expand which makes steam valuable as a source of power, and the greater the pressure the greater the expansion. In ENGINES 63 this connection you should remember the fundamental rule that the pressure multiplied by the volume is always equal. Thus if we have one cubic foot of steam at a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch, it has the same expansive effect as would 10 cubic feet of steam at a pressure of 10 pounds per square inch. "When steam is released from the boiler and enters an en- gine, it tends to expand like a compressed spring if the weight is taken from it. When it reaches the cylinder of an engine through the pipe connecting the boiler to the cylinder it starts to expand, and as the sides of the cylinder and the cylinder head are fixed and rigid, the only way it can increase in vol- ume is to force the movable piston in the cylinder up or down as the case may be. This up and down motion of the piston is transmitted through the piston and connecting rods of the engine to the crankshaft which rotates and turns the propeller. "There have been numerous kinds of engines invented to utilize the expansive force of steam, and step by step they have been improved upon, until now practically nine-tenths of all the marine engines in use are of the vertical, inverted, triple and quadruple expansion types and the more recent type known as the turbine. Obsolete types, or those which have outlived their usefulness, are of interest to show what steps have had to be taken to reach the present standards, but for your purposes the modern engines are those to which you should devote most of your attention. "Nelson, what is your definition of a triple-expansion engine ?" "One that has three cylinders, sir," he promptly replied. "That is true in part," said McAndrew, "as the majority of triple-expansion engines do have three cylinders; but I want to disabuse your mind of the idea, which so many young- sters seem to have, that the number of cylinders determines the type of the engine. Some compound engines have three 64 MC ANpREW's FLOATING SCHOOL cylinders, some triple-expansion engines have four and even five cylinders, so you see that your definition does not hold in all cases. "Engines derive their classification or type from what we may call the different stages in which the expansive effect of the steam is utilized. A simple engine is one in which all of the expansive effect is utilized in one stage ; a compound engine is one in which this is accomplished in two stages or periods ; a triple expansion type is one in which it takes three stages of expansion to get all the work from the steam. Thus if we are using steam at 180 pounds gage pressure in the high- pressure cylinder (or first expansive stage) it partly expands during the first step to a pressure of, say, 60 pounds, when it is exhausted into the second stage, or the intermediate cylin- der, as it is termed; there the expansive force is reduced to, say, 10 pounds gage pressure, when it again passes to another stage, or the low-pressure cylinder, in which it is expanded down to an absolute pressure of perhaps 2 pounds, depending upon the vacuum carried in the condenser. The whole process might be compared to wringing the water out of a tablecloth. "Now, O'Rourke, I suppose when you were a boy you have helped your mother with the family wash on Mondays, haven't you ?" "Sure thing," he replied, "whenever I couldn't stick my kid brother on the job." "Well, you might remember that your mother would take a tablecloth out of the bluing water and give it a twist, thus rinsing out considerable water ; after a while she picked it up, took hold of one end of it while you took the other end, and you both twisted it as hard as you could, with the result that more water came out of it. Finally, she put it in the wringer, for which you probably furnished the motive power, and still more water ran out of it. Well, that's the idea of a triple-expansion engine; it takes three processes to get the ENGINES 65 work out of the steam, just as it took three processes for you to get the water out of that tablecloth." "Gee !" said O'Rourke, "I must have been a triple-expansion laundryman and didn't know it !" "I think from the sound of the hot air which escapes from him he must have been a simple one," volunteered his rival, Schmidt. "Having, I hope, fixed in your mind the idea of a triple- expansion engine, we will now investigate some of its parts. The cylinders, naturally, are the most important of these, as in the-m the work of the steam is performed. "I suppose you know that the name comes from the geomet- rical figure known as a cylinder, as the inside or working surface of the so-called cylinders is perfectly cylindrical; that is, it is exactly circular in section at any point. The outside of a marine engine cylinder is anything but cylindrical, owing to the valve chests, flanges, etc., necessary to fit it for its work. "All steam engine cylinders are made of cast iron, because that is the ideal material for the purpose; no other material would fulfill all the requirements. "The thickness of cylinders depends upon several things, the most important of which is the strain which it is required to withstand. However, you will find that they are always made much heavier than actually necessary, as all parts of machinery are, when designed, given what is termed a 'factor of safety.' That is, after you have calculated how thick any part should be from a theoretical standpoint, you make it act- ually three, four or even five times as thick, then you will be deadsure that you are on the safe side. You might think from that statement that designing engineers do not have much nerve, and as a matter of fact many of them are lacking in that essential. Experience has, however, taught them to be on the safe side, for in marine machinery particularly emergencies develop in the most unusual way at times which upset all 66 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL theories. After cylinders have been in use for a number of years they may become badly scored or out of round, in either of which cases it is necessary to have them rebored. Conse- quently the designer must keep that contingency in mind when determining the thickness. You can always cut off portions of a casting, but you can rarely add anything to them, hence they should be heavy enough at the start. "Attached to and cast with the cylinders are the valve chests which contain the valves for regulating the entrance and exit of the steam to and from the cylinders. They, vary in size and shape in accordance with the type and sizes of valves used. "The cylinder heads are, of course, a necessary adjunct to close up the tops of the cylinders. Relief valves are always fitted at the top and bottom of each cylinder to relieve any steam pressure in excess of the safe working pressure, but principally to relieve the cylinders of water pressure, in case, as may happen, water collects in the cylinders, either from being carried over from the boilers with the steam or from being condensed in the cylinders before they are properly warmed up. Water is, as you may have observed, practically non- compressible, so that if any collects either at the top or bottom of the cylinder, and the piston moves rapidly against it, some- thing must give way. The relief valves, if properly adjusted, serve the purpose of allowing the water to escape and of pre- venting an accident to the head or to the cylinder itself. "To prevent too great a radiation of heat from the cylinders they are lagged with blocks of a non-conductor, such as mag- nesia or asbestos, i]/ 2 to 2 inches thick, held in place either by wood staving or planished sheet iron. This accomplishes two purposes : one of making the engine more efficient by prevent- ing the loss of heat, and the other of keeping the engine room from becoming too hot for comfort. "O'Rourke, do you know what a non-conductor is ?" "It must be a conductor that don't belong to the union," replied the Irishman. ENGINES 67 "Oh ! I'm not talking about street cars," testily replied McAndrew. "There are certain substances which transmit heat very readily, and they are termed 'conductors' ; others which transmit heat very slowly are known as 'non-con- ductors.' It is often said that man cannot improve upon nature, and this is verified by the fact that hair-felt, made principally of cow hair or horse hair, is about the best non- conductor we can use. Hair-felt will burn or scorch if placed on surfaces which are too hot, such as the cylinders of an engine using high-pressure steam, hence combinations of asbestos and magnesia make the best non-conductors for that purpose. "The next parts of a marine engine to be considered are the pistons and piston rods. The pistons are made either of cast iron or cast steel ; sometimes for lightness, as in the case of those used in torpedo boat engines, they are made of wrought steel. If they are made flat and of box section, that is, with double walls, the material used is cast iron. However, the majority of pistons are cast solid of conical section to provide the necessary strength, and in this shape are almost invariably of cast steel. In first-class work they should be machined all over, so as to reduce the clearance spaces as much as possible. It is necessary, 410 matter what the type of piston used, to provide some means of preventing the steam from leaking past the piston. This is accomplished by rings fitted in grooves in the rim of the piston, which either from their natural elasticity or from being forced outward by springs of various forms, keep tight against the wall of the cylinder and prevent the leakage of steam. These rings are always made of cast iron, as no other metal will suffice. Great care is usually taken to. prevent the steel pistons from wear- ing against the sides of the cylinders, as steel on iron is a bad combination where the surfaces are not thoroughly lubricated. "The piston rods, which transmit the motion of the pistons 68 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL to the crossheads, are simply cylindrical columns, securely fastened to the pistons at the top and the crossheads at the bottom, by means of fitting into tapered holes, whictt take up the thrust in one direction and nuts which prevent movement in the other direction. Piston rods are almost invariably made of wrought steel, and to save weight are sometimes made hollow. Now I think I heard one of you fellows say, some- time ago, that a hollow piston rod is stronger than a solid one, or was it a hollow shaft you were talking about? Any- how, you want to forget that, as I find too many people get that foolishness in their minds. A hollow rod or a hollow shaft is stronger than a solid one of the same weight, that is of the same amount of metal used, but you can see that if only the same amount of metal is used the solid rod or shaft will be of a smaller diameter. So hereafter you can say, for example, that a 6-inch hollow rod with a 3-inch hole through it is not as strong as a 6-inch solid rod, but that it is stronger than a 5^-inch solid rod which contains the same amount of metal. Even then it is only stronger when the rod is being pressed down or in compression, as it is called ; when it is being pulled, or is in tension, it would be of the same strength, whether hollow or solid, as there would be the same sec- tional amount of metal to transmit the pull." "Why don't they make piston rods square instead of round?" inquired the studious Nelson. "I'm glad you spoke of that," replied the instructor. "So far as actually transmitting the work is concerned I sup- pose a square rod would do as well as a round rod, but the rod must pass through the bottom of the cylinder so as not to allow the steam to escape. It would be very difficult indeed to build a stuffing-box around a square rod and keep it tight, whereas with a round rod it is comparatively simple. Another reason is that it is much cheaper to machine a round rod than it is a square one. In passing it will be well to consider ENGINES 69 the manner in which steam is prevented from leaking out of the cylinders around the piston rods and valve stems. In the olden days when the steam pressures and consequent tem- peratures were low, it was quite an easy matter to keep rods tight by a simple stuffing-box with an adjustable gland, packed with hemp or other form of soft packing. Nowadays the steam pressures and temperatures are so high that they would soon burn or blow out hemp packing, and the result is that metallic packing has to be used. This has been a fertile field for the inventor, with the result that almost every day a chief en- gineer, when in port, will be met by a man with a new kind of packing, guaranteed to be better than any other kind ever made and capable of saving at least 10 percent in the coal bills. Metallic packing usually consists of rings of cast iron, white metal or composition, held against the rod by the com- pression of springs of ingenious forms. The best of them is the one that keeps the rod the tightest with the least amount of friction." "What kind is that?" said O'Rourke. "You can search me," replied McAndrew. "Now, having described the principal features of cylinders, we must, in regular order, find what they stand on, or what it is that supports them, as you all know that the cylinders must be held in place as rigidly as possible. "What name is given to these supports, O'Rourke?" " 'Colyums,' sir !" replied the one addressed. "Oh ! you are learning fast," said the instructor, "nearly all old-timers refer to them as 'col-yums' instead of 'col-umns,' as the word should properly be pronounced. "Columns are made of numerous designs of cast iron, cast steel and wrought steel. Some engines are supported on cast iron box-section columns at front and, back, but I think the majority of marine engines have cast iron inverted Y-columns at the back and cylindrical wrought steel columns 7o MC ANDREW'S FLOATING' SCHOOL at the front, as shown in Fig. 6, where sections are shown also. In nearly all merchant vessels' engines the condenser is built in the engine frame and forms a part of the support for the cylinders. Short columns, to which the guides are at- tached, are bolted to the top of the condenser." "I thought guides were men who show 'rubes' around the FIG. 6. INVERTED Y AND CYLINDRICAL COLUMN city; how do they get in on this engine game?" inquired the 'butter-in' of the class. "On a marine engine," replied McAndrew, "the guides show the crosshead slippers how to walk the straight and narrow path ; if they permitted them to roam around very much there would be trouble. In that respect they differ from the average two-legged guide such as you have met on shore. "The guides shown in the above sketch attached to the Y-columns are the kind used most extensively for marine ENGINES 71 work. When the engine is backing, the pressure on the guides is in the direction opposite from that when it is going ahead, so this pressure is overcome by what are known as 'backing guides,' which are shown in section C-D. The space back of the 'go-ahead' guide is usually fitted for water circulation, whereby the cold sea water flowing through removes the heat caused by the friction on the rubbing surfaces. Marine n 1 1 \ l ; [j >T < V I / FIG. 7. CONNECTING ROD engines back so little of the time that it is seldom necessary to fit the 'backing guides' for water circulation. "On our way down the engine we next come to the connect- ing rod, by means of which the up-and-down or reciprocating motion is transformed into a circular or rotary motion by means of the crank. Perhaps Schmidt can tell us the German name for connecting rod." "Sure !" said Schmidt. "In the old country they call it the 'verbindungstikken.' " "Gee ! "chimed in O'Rourke, "that's about as long as the rod itself!" 72 MC AN DREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL "Yes, the word is rather long, and it means, literally, a binding stiek, because it binds or connects the crosshead to the crankpin. These rods are almost invariably forged of mild open-hearth steel. Fig. 7 illustrates the type in most general use. "The upper end, as you will see, is forked to span the crosshead, each side of .the fork being fitted with a bearing and the necessary connections to work on the crosshead pin. Solid brass or bronze is used for the bearing metal, as the pressure is too great to permit of the use of soft, anti-friction metal in the bearings. The lower end of the connecting rod is provided with brasses and a cap or binder, all secured by bolts to the T-shaped end of the connecting rod. These brasses are always fitted with 'Babbitt' or other anti-friction metal to reduce the rubbing friction on the crankpin. The white metal surfaces are scored with oil grooves to allow a proper distribution of the lubricating oil. Bearings, such as crosshead and crankpin brasses, necessarily are subject to wear, and consequently must be provided with means of taking up the lost motion. To that end there are spaces between the top and bottom brasses in which are fitted distance pieces of composition and a varying number of strips of thin sheet brass or tin called 'shims,' which, when removed, take up the lost motion due to the wear on the brasses. Later on I will de- scribe to you the method of adjusting crosshead and con- necting rod brasses, which constitutes one of the most import- ant of the many duties which befall the marine engineer. "The crankshaft is the member that actually turns the pro- peller, and hence is the connection between the producer and the consumer of the power, or the middleman, as they would tell you in business circles." "He's the guy that causes the high cost of living; but I never heard him called a crank before," suggested O'Rourke. "Anyhow, the crankshaft is a very important part of an ENGINES 73 engine," continued McAndrew. "Nearly all crankshafts are forged of mild open-hearth steel, but some still are built-up forgings of wrought iron. In some high-class marine work the crank for each cylinder is forged in one solid piece, such as shown in Fig. 8. FIG. 8. SECTION OF FORGED CRANKSHAFT FIG 9. SECTION OF BUILT-UP CRANKSHAFT "The advantage of a crankshaft of this kind is that the sec- tions are interchangeable, so that, for instance, if the low- pressure crankpin should break the high-pressure crank could be put in its place and the engine run compound that is, if the engine was of the triple-expansion type. The built-up crankshaft is, as its name indicates, composed of several parts, the slabs being shrunk and keyed onto the crank pins and sections of the shaft as shown in Fig. 9." 74 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL "Why do some crankshafts have holes in them?" inquired Pierce. "That is done in high-class work for two principal reasons. One is that it saves weight and the other is that in making large forgings of this kind most of the imperfections, or 'pipes,' as they call them, are liable to be in the central part FIG. 10. BEDPLATE FOR TRIPLE-EXPANSION ENGINE IN ONE CASTING of the forging. Making the shaft hollow either removes the imperfections or exposes them to the view of the inspector. "As I told you in the case of the piston rod, a hollow shaft is not stronger than a solid shaft, as many young men im- agine ; it is simply stronger than a solid shaft containing the same amount of metal. To transmit a twisting strain the metal on the outside of the shaft counts much more than metal at the center. For example, take a shaft 10 inches in diameter; the outer portion of the metal only .16 inch in thickness is of as much service in transmitting torsional or twisting strains as the metal 5 inches in diameter at the center of the shaft. Perhaps it will give you a better idea of what I am getting at to state that a shaft 16 inches in diameter, having a lo-inch hole through it, is equal in strength to a solid shaft 15 inches in diameter made of the same kind of metal. ENGINES -5 "Further advantages of hollow crank pins are that in case of a pin breaking it could be repaired temporarily by fitting a large bolt through the hole, which would allow the engine to foe run slowly at least; the hole through crank pins is also used to advantage in some engines to permit of the fitting of cen- trifugal oiling devices. "The bed-plate is the part of the engine which supports the weight of the entire structure, and also forms the seating for FIG^-ll. DETAILS OF BEDPLATE IN FIG. 10. SECTIONS SHOWING MAIN PILLOW BLOCK the crankshaft or main bearings. They are usually made of cast iron and sometimes of cast steel, and consist of a series of athwartship girders, one under each crankshaft bearing, all being joined by fore-and-aft girders, one on each side. Natur- ally, they are made as heavy and substantial as possible. The ibed-plate is secured to the foundation, an integral part of the ship's structure, by means of holding-down bolts. Fig. 10 will show you an ordinary type of bed-plate and Fig. n a main bearing, or 'pillow block,' as it is sometimes called. "The main bearing shown in this sketch is such as used for small engines. On larger engines the bottom brass and the cap or binder, as the top bearing is called, are usually cored to 76 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL allow for the circulation of sea water in order to prevent the bearing from becoming unduly heated when the engine is run at full speed. All main bearings are lined with Babbitt or other anti-friction metal to reduce the friction." CHAPTER X Valves and Valve Gear "Having gone over the principal parts of the engine, we will now take up some of the miner parts, the principal one of which is the valve gear. "It is highly important to allow the steam to enter the cylinder at the right time, and it is equally as important to let it out at the right time. These operations must necessarily be performed automatically. The story is told that in the first engine built by James Watt, which was, of course, a very crude affair, he had not progressed far enough in his design to have the valve operated by the engine itself, and, in con- sequence, a boy was employed to lift the valve and close it at about as near the proper time as his limited training and judgment would allow. Evidently tiring of such monotonous employment, and being of an ingenious turn of mind, he noticed that a certain part of the engine mechanism had about the same motion which he imparted to the valve and at about the same time. Consequently, as the story goes, he tied a stout piece of cord to the valve lever and connected it to the part of the engine which had the coincident motion, where- upon the valve was actuated automatically, and the boy was found by his employer out in the yard playing marbles, civil- ization having not advanced sufficiently far at that remote period to permit of the youngster indulging in the more scien- tific game of shooting craps. 'That boy unconsciously formed the first valve gear ever put on an engine, but since his time there has been consider- 78 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL able improvement in the method of actuating valves. Before describing any methods for moving the valve, you had first better be given an idea of the valve itself. There are a number of different kinds of valves used on stationary engines, but for marine engines there is practically but one type used, and that is known as the slide valve. "There are two principal types of slide valve : the flat D and the piston valve. The simplest kind of a flat D slide valve is like Fig. 12. FIG. 12. PLAIN SLIDE VALVE, MID-POSITION 'This valve, by sliding back and forth over the valve seat, alternately admits and releases steam to and from the cylin- der which drives the piston up and down. In Fig. 12 the valve is shown in what is known as its mid-position. The amount which the valve overlaps the steam port in this posi- tion, A B, is known as the 'lap' of the valve, and you must fix that in your memory, as it is frequently referred to by all marine engineers. There are two kinds of lap, as you will notice that on the inside of the valve it also extends over the port the distance C D. The outside lap, A B, is known as the 'steam lap,' and the inside lap, C D, is the 'exhaust lap.' "In Fig. 13 the valve is shown at the end of its stroke, and you will notice that the valve has opened one of the steam ports on the outside a distance, A B; this is known as 'lead,' and there are two kinds of lead also; the outside, or VALVES AND VALVE GEAR 79 A B, being known as the 'steam lead,' and the inside, or C D, being known as the 'exhaust lead.' " "Chief, that sounds like horse race dope, the kind I used to hear down at Brighton Beach," said O'Rourke. "I suppose you will be telling us next that the high-pressure valve is in the^ lead one lap ahead of the low-pressure." "No doubt, young man, you know more about horse race dope than you do of anything else ; but this is no place for such silly remarks," tartly rejoined Me Andrew. "Why does a valve have this lap ?" inquired Nelson. "There is some sense to a question like that," said the in- structor. "Lap is given to a valve so that the steam can be FIG. 13. PLAIN SLIDE VALVE. POSITION FOR END OF STROKE cut off at a portion of the stroke and be allowed to expand in the cylinder. If the valve was made the same over-all length as the distance between the outer edges of the two steam ports, live steam from the boiler would be allowed to follow the piston nearly the entire stroke, and we would gain nothing from the expansive effect of the steam. "As the piston nears the end of its stroke, a certain amount of the exhausting steam in the end of the cylinder towards which the piston is traveling is retained, and as it cannot escape it is compressed and forms a cushion, which overcomes the momentum of the piston, rod, etc. As this is generally in- sufficient to overcome so much momentum, the live steam' for the return stroke is admitted prior to the time when the 8o MC ANDREW'S FI/JATING SCHOOL piston starts on its return. The amount the steam valve is open at the very commencement of the return stroke is, as before stated, known as 'lead,' the purpose of which is to aid in quickly overcoming the momentum of the moving parts and to start the piston back quickly on its return. "Some old-fashioned simple and compound engines are furnished with a cut-off valve separate, and working upon the back of the regular valve in order to get a sufficient amount of expansion of the steam, but in triple or quadruple-expansion engines we do not need to cut off closely in the high-pressure cylinder, as there are three or four cylinders in which the expansion may take place. A double-ported slide valve is one used when it is desired to get a very large port opening for a comparatively short valve travel; it is practically one valve within another, and there are two steam ports instead of one in the valve seat, the steam for the outside ports entering over the ends of the valve and the steam for the inner ports coming through passageways in the sides of the valve. On nearly all large cylinders it is found necessary to use these double-ported valves, or otherwise the valve travel would be entirely too great. "The great disadvantage in using the flat slide valve is the large amount of power consumed in overcoming the friction between the valve and its seat. For instance, a slide valve of ordinary size would be, perhaps, 30 inches long by 42 inches wide, a flat surface of 1,260 square inches. At only 40 pounds pressure per square inch in the steam chest there would be a pressure of over 50,000 pounds pressing the valve against the valve seat- You can readily imagine that the friction caused by moving iron against iron with such a load as that is enormous. Therefore, flat slide valves are not used to any great extent nowadays except in small engines, and then only for the low-pressure cylinder, where the initial pressure of the steam entering the cylinder is usually not over 5 to 10 pounds. VALVES AND VALVE GEAR 81 "Some wise old-timer, to get away from using flat slide valves, conceived the idea of wrapping up his slide valve into FIG. 14. PISTON V.ALVE the form of a cylinder, and thereby removing all unbalanced pressure from the valve while retaining the advantages of .the slide valve. Its essential features are two pistons or heads 82 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL joined by an intermediate distance piece, all being held in place on the valve stem by nuts and washers, as shown in Fig. 14. "The steam is admitted and exhausted to and from the cylinder by the edges of the valve in precisely the same manner as the flat slide valve. The only disadvantage is the excessive clearance as compared with the flat valve." "What's clearance, Chief?" remarked Nelson. "The clearance space in an engine is the volume of the steam ports and passageways between the piston and the bottom and top heads of the cylinder. It would never do to have the moving piston strike the head, either at the bottom or top, for if it did it would knock them off. Consequently there is usually a space of about l /^ inch at the top and ^ inch at the bottom, always more at the bottom to allow for the bearings wearing down. These distances are known as the linear clear- ances, while the entire volume of the space between the piston at the end of its stroke and the cylinder head, plus the volume of the steam passageways, is known as the volumetric clear- ance. Naturally, as the ports have to reach clear around the piston valve, there is more of this volumetric clearance for this type than there is for a flat valve which lays close up to the cylinder. In modern engine designs this volume is considerably decreased by making the ports straight instead of curved, as shown in the sketch. "Piston valves can be kept tighter than flat slide valves, for the reason that it is usual to fit the two pistons composing the valve with packing rings similar to those used for the main pistons. "We have looked into the principal kinds of valves used on marine engines and know what functions they perform, now we want to know what kind of apparatus it is that moves the valves. There are three principal types of operating gear used on marine engines, known by the names of the inventors, re- spectively, as 'Stephenson,' 'Joy' and 'Marshall.' VALVES AND VALVE GEAR 83 "The Stephenson gear is probably used on over 90 percent of the marine engines in use. If ship's engines had to travel in one direction only, the valve mechanism would be com- paratively simple, but engines of this kind, as well as those on locomotives, have to be reversed frequently, so it is neces- sary to have the valve gear designed so that it can go either ahead or back. "This condition was quite readily solved by Stephenson, one of the first engineers, when he invented his link gear. In this mechanism the fundamental motion is taken from the FIG. 15. PLAIN ECCENTRIC, SKELETON MOTION crankshaft by means of eccentrics keyed to the shaft. Per- haps O'Rourke can tell us the difference between an eccentric and a crank." "That's easy," replied the ever-ready. "If a rich man does queer things he is an eccentric, but if a poor man does the same stunts everybody calls him a crank." "Well, that brings out the idea, anyhow," continued McAn- drew. "There is in reality very little theoretical difference between an engine eccentric and a crank, as an eccentric is practically a self-contained crank. The term 'eccentric' means literally 'having different centers,' whereas 'concentric' means having the same centers. Hence it is that the center of the sheave, forming the eccentric, is set off from the center of the shaft upon which it operates, a distance which is known as the 'eccentricity' or 'throw.' The following will illustrate the idea of the eccentric : 8 4 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL "The distance A C, Fig. 15, between the center of the shaft and that of the sheave is the throw, and the up-and-down mo- tion imparted to the valve, or the valve travel, as it is known, is double this throw. Around the eccentric sheave is fitted a band or strap, as it is termed, made in halves and bolted to- gether, which strap is bolted to the heel of the eccentric rod. This rod is forked at its upper end and spans one end of the rm 3 3 3 rrn i 1 o | | 1 _! 1 H i , ... ~T i /f^TTvh ' ' ~~ 1 ^ M^. f F 1 O IT f..:.-))O 1 1 u HJ Fin FIG. 16. STEPHENSON DOUBLE BAR LINK link. There are two eccentrics and all the necessary con- nections for each cylinder, one known as the 'go-ahead' and the other as the 'backing' eccentric. The go-ahead eccentric rod connects with one end of the link and the backing eccen- tric rod with the other end. "Almost all links for large engines are of the double-bar type ; that is, they are built up of two parallel steel bars, each forming the arc of a circle, the radius of which is equal to the distance between the center of the eccentric sheave and the center line of the bars. VALVES AND VALVE GEAR 85 "You will notice the mechanism in the center of the link. That is known as the link block, and it forms the connection between the link' and the valve stem. In operation the links are thrown from one side to the other, so that the link block is actuated by either the go-ahead eccentric or the backing eccentric, as may be desired, by placing the link block in line with either of these eccentric rods. "Eccentric sheaves are always made of cast iron, in two unequal halves, in order to bring the joint between them on the center line of the shaft, so that they can be readily re- moved. "The eccentric straps which ride on the sheaves are also made in halves, bolted together, and are usually of cast iron or cast steel, lined with white metal in order to reduce the friction. "Eccentric rods and link bars are usually made of wrought steel of the best quality. The link blocks are usually of forged steel, fitted with composition wearing pieces where they rub on the link bars. Sometimes they are cast entirely of bronze. "To reverse an engine, that is, to change it from the ahead motion to the backing motion, or vice versa, there is provided a rock shaft, which extends along the engine columns, and to which it is supported in brackets. On this rock shaft there is secured for the valve gear of each cylinder a lever, or re- versing arm, as it is called. This arm connects to the valve gear links by suspension or bridle rods, as they are sometimes called. This rock shaft on small engines is operated by hand through the medium of a long lever, or in some cases by a large hand-wheel and screw. However, this means is not practicable for larger engines, as it would require more power than a man could apply. Hence all large marine engines are fitted with what is known as a reversing engine, which. con- sists of a steam cylinder, the piston rod of which is connected 86 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL by means of links to the reverse arm on the rock shaft. Fig. 17 will show you details of an ordinary reversing engine. "The valve of this steam cylinder is controlled by what is termed a 'floating lever,' the initial motion being given it by means of the hand reversing lever located at the working platform. A small slide valve of either the flat slide or the FIG. 17. FLOATING LEVER REVERSE GEAR piston slide type controls the admission of the steam to the cylinder. Unless the lever at the working platform is handled by an experienced man, the piston is liable to go forward or backward with a rush, causing the gear to slam. To avoid any damage being done it is customary to fit strong spiral springs at each end of the crosshead guide rod to prevent slamming." CHAPTER XI Engine Fittings "As we look into the fittings which go on a boiler we should also pay some attention to what are known as engine fittings. "The principal of these is the throttle valve, by means of which the engine is started or stopped at will. It is custom- ary to bolt the throttle direct to the high-pressure valve chest, and to operate it by means of a lever and rods from the work- FIG. 18. DOUBLE BEAT POPPET VALVE ing platform. The most generally used type of throttle valve is known as the double-beat valve, the general principles of which are shown in Fig. 18. 'This is really two valves in one, the steam entering through two openings in the valve casing. The two disks are worked on one stem, the upper disk being made slightly larger than the lower one, so that the tendency is always to close the valve. However, this difference in the load on the two disks is so slight that it can readily be overcome by means of the throttle- working lever. This lever works on a notched quadrant, and 88 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL it is held in position by means of a spring latch. In practical working of a throttle you will find that it only needs to be opened a very slight amount in order to work the engine 'to bells/ as it is termed. "Right here it may be well to inform you that a valve does not have to be opened very far to secure a full opening, or to have it 'wide open/ as the term is. A little figuring will illus- trate the idea. For example, if you are using a throttle 10 inches in diameter, its total area is 10 by 10 by .7854 = 78.54 square inches. That is, to find the area of a circle you multiply the diameter by itself, or square it, as the mathematicians would tell you, and then multiply that product by the constant .7854. To find the circumference of a circle you multiply the diameter by the constant 3.1416. This last constant is known as 'pi'; now don't be alarmed, O'Rourke, for that is not the kind you eat, it is simply the Greek letter that is selected to represent the ratio between the diameter and circumference of a circle. The circumference of a lo-inch circle is 31.416 inches. Dividing 78.54, the area in square inches, by the length of the circumference, 31.416 inches, you will find the answer to be 2.5. In other words, a lo-inch throttle valve has to be opened only 2^ inches to be wide open. You should also note that 2^2 is just one-fourth of 10, and bearing in mind that the ratio between the circumference and diameter of all circles is the same, you will see that any valve has to be raised only a distance equal to one-quarter its diameter to be 'wide open.' "Most valves are designed to allow a larger opening, but you will see from the illustration that it is not necessary to jam a valve open as far as it will go in order to get the full area through it." "Isn't it possible to get a triple-expansion engine stuck on a center?" asked Pierce. "Yes, it is not only possible but it occurs quite frequently," ENGINE FITTINGS 89 answered McAndrew. "To avoid trouble of this kind all compound and triple-expansion engines are fitted with what afe termed 'pass-over valves.' " "That must be a Jew valve !" suggested O'Rourke. "This is hardly that kind of a valve," continued the in- structor. "The necessity for such a valve occurs when the high-pressure crank is on the top or bottom center, a con- dition which generally arises at the most inopportune times, such as working the vessel into a dock. However, by quickly opening the pass-over valve, a small stop or slide valve, live steam is admitted into the intermediate valve chest, which starts the intermediate piston in motion and pulls the high- pressure crankpin over the center. The hand-wheel or lever for controlling the pass-over valve is always located at the working platform within convenient reach of the man operat- ing the engine." "Why are drain valves necessary?" asked Schmidt. "Because steam when entering a cold cylinder or valve chest is condensed into water, which, if not allowed to drain off, would cause a water hammer and might break a cylinder head. Drain valves are located at the bottom of each valve chest and cylinder at the lowest points. Sometimes they are operated by means of an extension rod and a hand-wheel at the side of the cylinder, but more often by means of shafts and levers located close up to the working levers, so that the man operating the engine can open or close the dram from any cylinder without leaving his position. "Relief valves are located on each valve chest and at the top and bottom of each cylinder. These are, in reality, small safety valves, similar to those used on boilers, and are for the purpose of automatically relieving any excess pressure, either of steam or water, mostly that caused by water, in the cylinders." "What is the use of a turning engine ?" inquired Nelson. QO MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL "That's easy," volunteered O'Rourke. "It's to keep us horny-handed sons of toil out in the fire-room from breaking our backs by jacking the old engine over every day!" "Judging from some firemen I have had with me," replied McAndrew, looking straight at O'Rourke, "working the turn- ing gear is about the only real work you can get out of them while the vessel is in port. "Turning-engines are not usually fitted on engines of less than 3,000 horsepower, as it is much simpler to have the ordinary hand gear, which usually consists of a large worm- wheel secured to the crankshaft just aft of the engine bed- plate ; a small, vertical or inclined shaft pivoted at the bottom works the worm, which meshes with the main turning wheel, the shaft being operated by a ratchet lever. If steam power is used it is usual to drive the worm-wheel by means of one or two small cylinders, the whole apparatus being so geared that it takes hundreds of revolutions of the small engine to turn the main engine over once." "Why do you have to turn the main engine over when steam is not on it?" asked Pierce. "It is quite often necessary to do so when making adjust- ments to the crankpin brasses, in order to get the particular crank on the top center; sometimes it is necessary to jack the main engine over while adjusting the valve gear. All engines in which metallic packing is used for the rods should be jacked at least once each day, in order to prevent rough places being formed on the polished rods from standing too long in contact with the packing at any particular point of the stroke. "Leaving the main engine and looking aft, the first thing of importance we see is what is known as the 'thrust bearing,' a most important element in steam machinery, as it is by means of this piece of mechanism that all of the driving power of the propeller is transmitted to the ship itself. "As the propeller revolves in the water it has the same ten- ENGINE FITTINGS QI dency to advance that a screw has in a piece of wood, and it is this pushing effect, or thrust, as it is called, which, trans- ' mitted through the agency of the shafting and the thrust bear- ing, drives the ship along. This bearing therefore must be firmly secured to the hull of the ship, and must be so designed as not to become overheated on account of the necessarily large amount of friction on the bearing surfaces. That part of the shafting upon which the thrust bearing is located is known as the 'thrust shaft,' and it is usually made short in length in order to facilitate its removal from the ship when it becomes necessary, as may happen, that it has to be placed in a lathe for the purpose of removing the scores from the bearing surfaces. On this thrust shaft are a number of solid rings or collars, which fit between what are known as 'horse- shoe collars,' and which are supported on rods on each side of the bearing, each being provided with two adjusting nuts on the rods, so that each individual horseshoe may be adjusted to bear a proportionate amount of the thrust of the shaft. The bearing faces of these collars are lined with white metal, so as to reduce the friction to a minimum. The bottom of the bearing usually forms a rectangular tank or trough, which is filled with oil so that the collars on the shaft revolve in it and carry the lubricant to the bearing surfaces. To keep the bear- ing cool it is customary to fit a flat coil of pipe in the bottom of the oil reservoir, and to connect this coil to the water circulating system. The best thrusts also have separate water pipe connections to each horseshoe collar. Too much atten- tion cannot be given to the thrust bearing, for if it is not properly oiled and cooled a great deal of trouble can arise on account of excessive heating. "Just aft of the thrust shaft, the main or 'line shafting' ex- tends to what is known as the 'tail shaft,' the last portion of the propeller shafting. This line shafting is known as the intermediate shaft, and is made in one, two or three sections, 92 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL according to the length of the vessel. All lengfhs of the shaft- ing proper are made of the best quality of wrought steel, and they should be carefully forged and inspected, as the breaking of any part of this important connection between the main engine and the propeller totally cripples the ship if she is of the single-screw type. It is customary to connect the several FIG. 19. DETAIL OF FLANGE COUPLING AND BOLT sections of the shafting together by means of what are known as flanged couplings and tapered bolts, as shown in Fig. 19. "The bolts are made tapered for convenience in backing them out whenever it becomes necessary to remove a section of the shaft. "Each section of the intermediate shafting is usually sup- ported on two bearings, which rest on suitable foundations of plates and angles built up from the frames of the ship. These bearings probably have more names than any other part of the steam machinery. Different people refer to them as 'spring bearings/ 'pillow blocks,' 'tunnel bearings/ 'steady bearings' and plain bearings. However, no matter what they are called their function is a very simple one, namely, that of supporting the weight of the shaft and keeping it in aline- ment. With such simple duties to perform, it is customary to fit the bottom with a brass, or to line it with white metal. ENGINE FITTINGS 93 The top of the bearing serves no other purpose than to keep the dirt out of it, and to support oil cups or compression cups containing grease for lubricating purposes. "Inexperienced oilers, like O'Rourke will probably be, pay a great deal of 'attention to spring bearings, but the old timers give them a familiar slap in passing, as they know that bear- ings of this kind seldom give trouble from overheating. "In single-screw vessels the tail shaft, or propeller shaft, passes through what is known as the 'stern tube,' a heavy cylindrical iron or steel casting extending from the after bulk- head of the shaft alley to the eye of the stern post. It is ad- visable, and also customary, to increase the diameter of the tail shaft over that of the intermediate shafting, as where it passes through the stern bearing it is not possible to inspect it often, and being constantly immersed in salt water it may become badly corroded. To provide against this corrosion the tail shaft is usually encased in composition sleeves shrunk on the shaft by heating the casing before it is slipped in place. By carefully soldering the ends and the joints between the sections of the casing, the water is usually kept out, but unless the soldering is well done the water is liable to leak in and cause havoc to the shaft. "At the forward and after ends of the stern tube, bearings are formed of composition castings containing dovetailed grooves. In these grooves are strips of lignum-vitae, a tropical wood and about the hardest that grows. The bearing surface should be on the end of the grain, and the strips should be well soaked in oil before being driven into place, as the water which circulates around the shaft is the only lubricant it re- ceives. At the inboard end of the stern tube there is a stuffing-box packed with square hemp or flax packing, a job which can only be attended to while the vessel is in the dry dock. There is usually fitted a small cock and a pipe leading to the water space, by means of which a small stream of water 94 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL is allowed to trickle on the stuffing-box and its gland in order to keep them cool. This also allows a circulation of the water in the stern tube. "In sandy or muddy water the lignum-vitae in the bearings is found to cut out quickly, and in some vessels it is cus- tomary to fit a stuffing-box at the after end of the after bearing and to line the stern bearing with white metal. Lub- rication is furnished to such a bearing by means of an oil cup or compression grease cup located above the waterline in an accessible position. ''Fig. 20 will show the usual form of stern tube, bearings, etc., used on single-screw ves- sels." " C h i e f ," interrupted O'Rourke, "you can't go much further aft without telling us about propellers, can you?" "For once, O'Rourke, you are right, as that is certainly the next step. "The subject of propellers is one of the most interesting connected with marine engi- neering. Volumes have been written about them, and nearly ENGINE FITTINGS gcj every engineer of any standing in the business has, at one time or another in his career, attempted to invent a new kind that would be far superior to any other propeller ever made. The Patent Office contains about as many propeller designs as there are ships on the seas. About one of these designs in ten thousand is of any practical use, so let me warn you young men never to let your fancies run to the idea that you can invent a propeller. 'The whole science of propeller designing is based on a process of evolution. Do you know what 'evolution' means, O'Rourke?" ''Sure !" said he of Irish extraction. "That means that man is descended from a monkey." "You have the idea all right, and the modern propeller has about the same relation to the original propeller as a man bears to his original, in accordance to the theory of a certain philosopher named Darwin. "When propellers were first invented, the idea was that they should be as large as it was possible to have them. A story is told of an old-time coasting steamer fitted with an engine of five or six hundred horsepower driving a four- bladed propeller about 15 feet in diameter. She was ambling up the coast one day at a 6-knot clip when the propeller struck a log; whereafter, as the story goes, she imme- diately increased her speed to 7 knots. On examination it was found that one of the blades had been broken off, a fact which immediately started the theory that a three-bladed propeller was the proper thing to use. As a matter of fact, the in- creased speed was undoubtedly due to the reduction in area of an excessively large propeller. "The best designed propellers of to-day are those built in accordance with data derived from propellers which have been in use. Step by step they have been improved upon until ft seems that we have to-day reached a point where but little more 96 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL improvement can be made. The crude propellers used on the first screw steamers and all propellers used since that time have been useful in developing the modern propeller, as it has been from actual experience, and after very expensive ex- perience, too, that perfection in propeller design has been gradually approached. "The results of all these years of experimenting have evolved a standard wheel with uniform pitch and blades elliptical in shape set at right angles to the shaft axis, or slightly raked aft from the perpendicular, according to the individual fancy. The great majority of propellers are now four-bladed, a small portion of them three-bladed, and oc- casionally we see a two-bladed propeller on an auxiliary vessel. "Propellers, small in diameter, are almost invariably made solid ; that is, the hub and blades are cast in one piece, such as shown in Fig. 21. "Larger propellers are of the 'built-up' type; that is, the blades and hub are cast separately and the blades are flanged and bolted to the hub. The advantages of this type are that in case any of the blades are broken they can be replaced without throwing away the entire wheel, and, further, that by slotting the holes in the blade flanges the pitch can be altered if deemed necessary." "What material is best for propellers?" inquired Nelson. , which equals 55. If we were using 20 amperes of current at a pressure of 10 volts the result would be 20 x 10, or 200 watts. "An ordinary i6-candlepower lamp, using 55 watts of cur- rent, will require, on an average, i-io horsepower at the gen- erating engine, so I want to impress upon you the importance of turning off electric lamps which are not needed in any part of the ship, as they soon eat into the coal pile to a con- siderable extent, for every hour that a i6-candlepower lamp is burned there is nearly a pound of coal used under the boilers. "I want to call your attention to the instruments used on the switchboard, which is the name of the apparatus by means of which the current is distributed. The whole electric light system is divided up into circuits or branches, corresponding to the different parts of the ship. For example, there is usually a complete circuit for the engine room, one for the fire room, one for the social hall, etc. If these were water-pipe connec- tions there would be a valve in the pipes at both ends of the circuit. For electricity, what is known as a switch or cut-out is used, and generally located on the switchboard. They are usually of the double pole type, that is, they cut out both the sending side and the return side simultaneously. "Unlike water, electricity is liable to sudden fluctuations of both pressure and volume ; unless some means of easement is provided, damage is liable to result to the wiring or fixtures. Hence at various points in the circuit the current is made to ELECTRICITY 133 pass through short lengths of some fusible alloy, which, when subjected to an unusual current, melts and breaks the circuit. These are made in two types, the link and cartridge ; one is a plain wire, and the other is a wire encased in a fiber tube. The action in this case is similar in effect to the blowing off of a safety valve. "The ammeter is an instrument for indicating by a needle on a dial the amount of current being used, which varies, of course, with the number of lights and fans in use. "The voltmeter, or pressure gage, has the same function as a steam gage on the boiler. "The rheostat is an instrument for using up surplus energy or current, and consists of a series of coiled wires which can be connected up in the circuit by moving a handle across the contact points. You probably know that when the main engine of a ship is required to run slowly, and the boilers temporarily making more steam than can be handled by the engine, it is customary to open what is known as the 'bleeder valve' from the main steam pipe, which allows the high-pressure steam to blow directly into the condenser. This is practically the same purpose for which the rheostat is used, the surplus current be- ing dissipated by the increased resistance of the coils of wire which disposes of the electric energy in the form of heat. "Now a word about wiring to transmit the current to the points where it is needed. As copper offers less resistance to the flow of electricity than any other metal of reasonable cost, it is used almost universally. In laying out the wiring for the ship, the sizes are determined to suit the quantity of electricity to be used in about the same manner that we would proportion piping for the distribution of steam or water. Small wires are made single, and for larger currents it is customary to use a number of small wires either parallel or laid up in the form of a cable. On shipboard it is of the first importance that the wires should be well insulated, that is, covered with a sub- 134 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL stance which prevents entirely, or to a large extent, any flow of electricity through it. The best and most used of such sub- stances is ordinary rubber covered with braided silk or cotton to make the whole covering waterproof. Water is an ex- cellent conductor of electricity, and hence any leakage through the covering on the wires will rapidly result in corrosion of the wires and leakage or short circuiting of the electric cur- rent. In the first marine electric installations the wires were run in wooden strips, but as it was difficult to keep them tight, HHHH FIG. 24. DISTRIBUTION IN PARALLEL the almost universal practice now is to run electric wires in iron pipes known as conduits. Porcelain is another excellent non-conductor of electricity, hence we find that material used for various kinds of electric fittings and lamp sockets. "The wires for electric lights on ships are usually run in what is known as 'parallel,' as shown in Fig. 24. "Each lamp, you will notice, is tapped off between the two wires, so that each will draw a sufficient amount of electricity from the main to run the particular lamp. "Other uses than for lighting on shipboard are fan motors and winch motors." ELECTRICITY 135 "What is a motor?" inquired one of the class. "A motor," said McAndrew, "is simply a small dynamo run- ning backwards. Electric fans are driven by means of the current passing through the wire wound around the magnetic poles, which causes the armature to revolve. The fan blades are secured to an extension of the armature. If the small armature was made to revolve by an engine or other source of power, the motor would generate electricity instead of using it up, and hence become a small dynamo. "In closing my remarks on electricity, I want to impress upon you that, although it is not known definitely what it is, its effects are very well known, and there is no great mystery about it. You do not get something for nothing, as many be- ginners are apt to think. For all electrical energy generated and used, there is a still greater amount of mechanical energy exerted in its production. If the current comes from a bat- tery, you have to produce it by the disintegration or wasting away of the zincs ; if from a dynamo, it takes coal to produce it. The only free electricity we get is that from the clouds in the form of lightning, but no one has, as yet, found a method of utilizing currents from that source." "What about Jersey lightning?" inquired O'Rourke. "I suppose you refer to the New Jersey drink known as 'applejack,' and if that's the case, I haven't heard that that is free, either, but I understand its results are about as fatal as the lightning we get from the clouds. You probably know more about that than any of the others here." CHAPTER XVI Pipes and Valves 'The school will be in order," demanded McAndrew, as he entered "Highbrow Hall," it having been dubbed that by O'Rourke. The cause of this remark was a heated discussion which was being carried on by the four students as to whether the United States or Germany had the larger navy. Gus Schmidt and Nelson were maintaining that Germany was the more powerful, while Pierce and O'Rourke strenuously in- sisted that Uncle Sam was the superior on the water. "Never mind about the navies of the world," said the in- structor, "they're big enough to look after themselves what you boys should be interested in is to be of some use to the merchant marine. I want to discuss this evening the subject of pipes and valves. We have dealt with boilers, engines, pumps, etc., and now we want to connect them up. This is, therefore, a very important matter, as much depends in the successful operation of marine machinery on having proper pipes to carry the steam and water and proper valves to con- trol them. Piping on board ship can be divided into three gen- eral classes, i. e., steam pipes, exhaust pipes and water pipes. "The main steam pipe system is naturally of the greatest importance, as through this system the steam is passed from the boilers to the main engine. "The material generally used for the main steam pipe is copper, on account of its great ductility, the ease with which it is worked and its freedom from corrosion. For sizes up to 10 and 12 inches in diameter it is made of seamless drawn PIPES AND VALVES 137 material in order to avoid the brazed seam, which is liable to be the cause of leakages. As copper expands or increases in length when heated up to the temperature of the steam it car- ries, great care is exercised by designers to make arrangements for this expansion to be taken up without damaging the pipe or its flanges. One method of accomplishing this is by means of the ordinary 'slip joint,' as shown in this sketch. FIG. 25. EXPANSION JOINT "These, however, cause considerable work in order to have them properly packed, and have been known to pull apart and scald people who happened to be in the vicinity. The best method is to lay out the pipes so that there will be a number of large curves or bends in their length ; the expansion then being taken up by the slight bending of the pipes. That is the reason you never see a large steam pipe run straight. As all pipes must be in such lengths as to get them in and out of the spaces they occupy for the purpose of making repairs, the sec- tions must be securely bolted together. This, you may have noted, is accomplished by expanding the ends of the pipes into rings of cast iron or composition, called flanges, and after putting in some packing between the flanges, they are bolted up tightly together by means of a number of bolts of sizes to suit the diameter of the flanges. The making and keeping tight of these pipe joints is one of the most serious parts of an engineer's business. Various kinds of patented packings are used for making these so-called 'gaskets' for pipe joints; many 138 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL of them are excellent, some are good, and others are not worth two hoots. You will each have to learn from your own ex- perience which is the best material to use, but be sure and get the kind which keeps the tightest joint and lasts the longest." "Which one is that?" inquired Nelson. "Ask each packing agent who tries to sell you some, and you will find that he has the goods," was the reply. "Some night when you are compelled to work an extra watch to re- place a blown-out joint over the top of a hot boiler, just make a record of your thoughts regarding that particular kind of packing, and when you get back in port show it to the agent whom you patronized." "Wouldn't we have to write those thoughts on some asbes- tos paper?" inquired O'Rourke. "I think you would," said McAndrew. "Main steam pipes on some vessels carrying very high-pres- sure steam are made of seamless drawn steel, on account of its strength being greater than that of copper. The disadvantages of steel for piping are the difficulty in making easy bends and its liability to corrosion. The flanges on steel pipes are some- times made solid with the pipe, and this makes the strongest job obtainable for a joint of this kind. "Auxiliary steam piping is made of copper, brass, iron or steel, according to the class of work. Seamless drawn copper is about the best that can be used, while ordinary wrought iron piping with screwed joints is often used in the cheaper kinds of work. "Exhaust piping for steam is made of copper or iron, and it only differs from steam piping in being made thinner, as it does not have to withstand so high a pressure. "Speaking of iron piping, O'Rourke, did you ever see a piece of ^$-inch pipe?" "Lots of it," replied the ever-ready. "Well, I'm glad to hear it," said McAndrew, "you are prob- PIPES AND VALVES 139 ably the only one living who has ever seen that size ; as a matter of fact pipe manufacturers do not make any %-inch pipe or any ^g-inch pipe, either. Just why they don't I am unable to say, but the old-timers who originated pipes for use around gas works probably had good reasons for not doing so. "Just jot this down in your memories: Pipe sizes are ]/& inch, *4 inch, fy& inch, y 2 inch, ^4 inch, i inch, \y\ inches, i l /t inches, 2 inches, 2 l / 2 inches, 3 inches, 3^ inches, 4 inches, 4^ inches, 5 inches, and above that in even inches. If any one ever tells you to go and get them a piece of i^-inch pipe, or any other size which is not in the list I have given you, they are trying to run you. Just tell them that the storekeeper is all out of that particular size. "If any one ever asks you the diameter of a i-inch pipe, don't think that it is a similar question to 'What times does the 12 o'clock train leave?' for it is not. While the 12 o'clock train may leave at 12 o'clock, a i-inch pipe is always 1.05 inches inside diameter; a ^-inch pipe is .62-inch inside diam- eter, or nearly ^ inch. Here, again, the old-time gas engineers got in their work ; but if you don't like standard sizes you can go without them; they have come to stay, and you might as well try to buy cheese by the yard instead of by the pound as to get manufacturers to change these old-established standards. "For high pressures, pipes are made 'extra heavy' and 'double extra heavy/ but the outside diameters are the same, the excess metal being put on the inside. "Brass pipes are made of iron-pipe size, and are frequently used in small-sized steam and exhaust pipes. Iron and brass pipes are not bent so easily as copper pipes, hence to change direction in a pipe lead, or to reduce or increase sizes, various standard fittings are used. These, naturally, are made of what is known as 'malleable iron' a cast iron which is not as brittle as ordinary cast iron. Hence if the lead of the pipe is 140 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL to change at right angles, an 'elbow' is used ; if one pipe is to branch off at right angles to another pipe, a 'tee' is used; if two pipes are to be joined together for permanent use, a 'coupling' is used; if sections of piping are to be put up so that they can be taken down, 'unions' are used, and let me say right here that for marine work you can't use too many 'unions,' as they're mighty handy fittings ; then there are 'plugs,' 'caps/ 'reducers,' and various other devices for the .convenient installation of piping, all of them made with stand- ard pipe threads. "For water piping on board ship, copper is almost always used for pipes which handle salt water, although in some cases for bilge pipes, lead is used. Copper has the advantage of not being corroded by salt water, and as it can be bent easily it makes an ideal material for such purposes. For the feed pipes, seamless drawn brass is frequently used for the straight parts and copper pipe for the bends. For the fire main seamless drawn brass is the best material, but as this is very expensive it is seldom used. A very good substitute material for use as fire mains is wrought iron or steel lined with lead. The iron or steel furnishes ample strength to resist the pressure, and the lead lining prevents corrosion of the interior, providing always that no leaks develop through the lining." "What do you mean by 'seamless drawn ?' " asked one of the class. "When pipes were first made they were rolled up into cylin- drical form out of sheet metal, and the seam brazed in the case of copper and riveted for iron or steel. A joint of either kind is an element of weakness, and leaks frequently start from imperfections in the welding or brazing of the joint. Of late years the art of drawing metal pipes from a solid block or ingot over a mandrel has taken great strides, so that to-day it is possible to buy either steel or copper pipes of any size up to 12 inches and over in diameter which have been drawn solid, PIPES AND VALVES 141 and consequently have no seams. Although at present the larger sizes of seamless pipe cost more than built-up pipes, the greater safety, due to the absence of joints, makes it ad- visable to use this pipe, especially for steam and water piping subjected to high pressures. "In main feed pipes on board ship it is always necessary to make them in several lengths to facilitate their installation in crowded spaces, and to make them accessible for repairs. The location of flanges joining these sections together should be very carefully planned out in order to provide freedom of access in making new joints. When a leak occurs in a feed pipe joint it must be repaired very quickly, as boilers under steam won't run long without water. Every .boiler is, of course, provided with both a main and an auxiliary feed connection, but no engineer ever feels very comfortable while even one of these pipe connections is out of order. "Bilge pipes are sometimes made of lead, as I previously stated, but more often they are made of galvanized iron on account of the less cost. In connection with bilge piping it will be well to tell you something about the methods of getting water out of a ship's bilge, as every marine examiner will ask you something about that. The usual form of the question is, 'State how many means there are for getting water out of the bilges ?' Perhaps you can answer it off-hand, O'Rourke." "Sure," said that worthy. "Start the donkey pump, and if that doesn't do the trick put the firemen to work bailing it out with buckets." "Starting the donkey pump would do for ordinary circum- stances, but in an emergency, if you were put to work bailing out the bilges, I am afraid the ship would sink before you carried more than two or three bucketsful up the ladders ; that is, if you didn't work any faster than you usually do. "The usual method of pumping out bilges is by the inde- pendent bilge pump with which most ships are furnished. 142 MC ANDREWS FLOATING SCHOOL This pump can be connected to all compartments of the ship through the manifold, from which pipes lead to all bilges. You may have noticed that valve near the circulating pump which is always kept closed, and should be locked or tied shut. In a great emergency, such as the ship grounding or in collision, the main circulating pump can be connected so as to pump out the bilges, by closing the main injection valves, and opening this emergency or bilge injection valve, as it is termed. On most ships the auxiliary, or donkey pump, usually is connected to the bilge manifold, so that it may also be put to pumping out the bilges. "Many ships are provided with what is known as a 'bilge ejector,' whereby a -jet of steam starts and maintains a syphon effect which forces the bilge water up and overboard. Such a contrivance is too wasteful of steam, and consequently of fresh water, to be used very freely on vessels plying the ocean. If all these devices fail to keep the water in check, then the best thing you can do is to pack your grip and take to the boats." "How about saying your prayers ?" inquired O'Rourke. "I don't think that would work in your case," retorted McAndrew. "A very important point in connection with pumping out bilges is to see that the strainers are cleared. The bilges of all ships, as you may know, usually contain ashes, chunks of waste, shavings and other refuse, and they have been known to con- tain a fireman's undershirt or overalls. These things if drawn into the bilge suction pipes would soon choke them up and the pumps would be useless. Hence it is that the end of every pipe is fitted with some form of a perforated strainer to catch the refuse before it can get into the pipes. The ordinary form is known as the box strainer, which, as its name indicates, is shaped like a box, and has all its sides and its bottom per- forated with three-eighths or one-half inch holes. The top of the box is made easily removable so that it can be cleaned out. PIPES AND VALVES 143 Unless given attention frequently these strainers themselves become plugged up with dirt and refuse, and you young men will probably never appreciate the importance of keeping them cleaned out until you are called on some night while the ship is rolling and pitching in a gale of wind to dive down in bilge water up to your armpits for the purpose of digging bunches of waste and handfuls of ashes out of the strainer boxes. An old-time chief engineer in the navy conferred a lasting boon on seafaring men by inventing what is known as the 'Macomb strainer,' a device whereby the water is strained through a metal basket in a cast iron body with a removable top. By simply removing a clamp in the top of the strainer body the basket can be lifted out and emptied in two minutes. This in- vention has saved much profanity on shipboard, and probably many ships. "In line with a talk on piping, and incidentally with pro- fanity-provoking devices, we might stop casually and consider the steam trap, a necessary evil fitted to all steam plants. The primary purpose of a steam trap is to separate the water from steam in the numerous drains with which all marine machinery must be fitted. This is accomplished, or, I might add, is tried, to be accomplished, in two principal ways : one by the auto- matic filling and emptying of buckets floating in the water of condensation, and the other by difference of expansion in metals as affected by the variance in the temperatures of steam and water. There are about as many different styles of steam traps as there are applicants for an easy job, but there are not more than two or three of these styles fit to use on board ship. I hesitate to tell you which they are, as I am a little uncertain even about their efficiency at all times. "Of equal importance to the piping on board ship are the valves which control the flow of steam and water through them. Most of the work of the engineer, while the vessel is under way, is devoted to the opening, closing and regulating 144 MC ANDREWS FLOATING SCHOOL of valves. Knowing how and when to perform these functions constitutes a large part of an engineer's practical knowledge. The efficient working of marine machinery is largely dependent upon the proper manipulation of valves, and on the other hand nine-tenths of all the trouble on board ship is occasioned by the wrong manipulation of these important details. With this FIG. 26. GLOBE VALVE introduction to the subject you can readily see that it will be well to pay a little attention to them. The valves used on ship- board may be divided into principal classes angle and globe, stop and check, and gate valves, and various combinations of these types. "A globe valve may be denned as one in which the steam, water, etc., enters and leaves the valve flowing in the same direction; an angle valve is one in which the steam, water, etc., enters the valve flowing in one direction and leaves the valve PIPES AND VALVES I4S flowing in a direction usually at right angles to that in which it enters. Figs. 26 and 27 will illustrate these two types. "A stop valve is one in which the disk is under absolute control of the hand wheel, and permits of flow through it in either direction. FIG. 27. ANGLE STOP VALVE "A check valve is one in which the stem is not connected with the disk, and permits of flow through it in only one direction. It can, however, be shut off by screwing down on the hand wheel. "A gate valve is one in which the disk or gate is set at right angles to the direction of flow, and is at all times under control of the hand wheel. (See Fig. 28.) "A cock is in reality a valve of the simplest design, wherein a conical plug is fitted in the body, and the flow of steam or water through it is regulated accordingly as the slit through 146 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL the plug is placed in line with the direction of the flow or at right angles to it. "Valves of all descriptions are made principally of the best quality of cast iron, as that is the cheapest and best adapted metal for the purpose. Composition is frequently used for small valves and for larger valves in high-class work, on ac- SECTIONAL ELEVATION FIG. 28. GATE VALVE SECTIONAL PLAN SHOWING BY-PASS count of its freedom from corrosion and greater strength. Its increased cost, however, precludes its extensive use. "Cast steel is used to some extent for valves subjected to very high steam pressures, owing to its great tensile strength, but the difficulty of obtaining good castings, free from blow- holes, limits its use to places where the greater strength is absolutely necessary. "It is usual to have all cast iron valves 'brass mounted'; that is, to fit them with composition seats, disks, stems and PIPES AND VALVES 147. stuffing-boxes, as these are the parts subjected to the greatest wear. "Seats of valves become grooved by the constant flow of steam or water, and if not attended to regularly are bound to leak. Therefore one of the frequent duties of an engineer is to 'grind in' leaky valves, an operation which consists of re- moving the valve covers, covering the seats with a ground- glass paste and revolving the disk in place until all grooves are removed. A valve reseating machine is a device for 'grinding in' valves mechanically while in place, the same as it would be done if the valve was removed and placed in a lathe. Such a device is a necessity in order to keep valves on a modern ship always tight." "Chief, what is a reducing valve used for?" interrupted Pierce. "Reducing valves are of comparatively recent use around steam plants, and have been made a necessity by the constantly increasing steam pressures now being used on board ship. While these high pressures are necessary for multiple-cylinder main engines to increase the economy of working, there are still certain auxiliaries on all ships which use lower steam pressures. Among these may be mentioned the ordinary recip- rocating dynamo engines, the steering engine, the windlass engine, the bilge pumps, the heating apparatus, steam jackets, etc., and, in fact, wherever it is desirable to have low-pressure steam at a uniform pressure. These are devices whereby the high-pressure steam from the boilers may be reduced and delivered at almost any pressure desirable by regulating the reducer, after which, no matter how much the boiler pressure may fluctuate, a steady lower pressure is maintained for the auxiliaries." "What is a relief valve, and why are they fitted on some pumps?" inquired Schmidt. "A relief valve is simply a small safety valve," replied 148 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL McAndrew. "I have already told you why these are useful on the main engines. On some pumps, and especially fire pumps, it frequently happens that a careless oiler or machinist will start the pump full speed, and if there are not sufficient openings of the stop valves along the fire mains the pressure might rupture the pipe. For that reason one or more relief ' safety valves, set to blow off at a safe pressure, are fitted in the fire main, usually in the engine room, where the escaping water can do no particular harm. "I have already explained to you that a valve need only be opened a vertical distance equal to one-fourth its diameter, and I hope you will bear that fact in mind. Remember, also, what I told you about not opening a steam valve quickly. That, however, does not apply to water valves, as they should be opened as quickly as possible. "In closing this lecture I will call your attention to the pipe covering. In general all pipes transmitting either steam or hot water should be covered with non-conducting material, such as hair-felt for low pressures, and magnesia or asbestos, or the various components of each for the higher temperatures. Es- caping heat not only lowers the efficiency of any steam engine, but it adds to the discomfiture of the men who have to operate the machinery. If you ever have to do any pipe covering remember that you should not cover any of the joints, as it is often necessary to get at them quickly to make new joints, or to set up on them when they leak. All pipe covering should be encased in canvas, and it should be sewed on instead of being pasted, as some contractors like to do. "We have about covered in a general way all parts of a marine installation, and from now on I will direct your atten- tion to what may be termed specialties, and go into a number of subjects with which you will have to be familiar before getting your ticket." CHAPTER XVII Indicator Cards and Horsepower "My subject this evening will be indicating cards," re- marked McAndrew, as his class gathered in the improvised school room after a hard day's work in connection with low- ering two of the new boilers of the Tuscarora in place. "Do you know what a steam engine indicator is?" he in- quired, looking at O'Rourke, who he surmised would be the first to give a reply. He was not disappointed, as that young man immediately volunteered the information that "an indi- cator, sir, is a nickel-plated machine that looks something like a pickle castor ; you screw it into the outside of a cylinder, tie a string to its tail, let it sneeze three or four times, then un- wrap a piece of paper from the outside, which you carry up to the chief engineer, who looks wise, fixes his 'specs,' and de- livers the opinion that she's got too much compression, what- ever that is." "That's a fine description, O'Rourke, and shows that you are a man of keen perception, especially as to the 'look wise' part of the performance. The appearance of knowing all about it seems to attach itself to the face of every man who has an indicator card handed to him for inspection. As a matter of fact there are a great many people who look at indicator cards in this manner who don't know much more about them than any of you boys do right now. For that reason I intend to tell you something about them, so that you will not altogether belie your looks when you come to do the 'wise' act. "An indicator, as its name implies, is used to indicate what 150 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL transpires inside the cylinder. You all know that steam enters at one end of the engine and leaves at the other; but it is what it does in the meantime which interests us most. "One of the principal features of the indicator is a small steam cylinder, which can be connected directly to either one end of the main cylinder or the other, at will, by simply turning a three-way cock. The steam acting on the piston in this small cylinder is therefore duplicating exactly its effect on the piston of the cylinder to which it is attached at every portion of its stroke. The up and down motion of this small piston is trans- mitted by means of a system of small levers and links to a small pencil point, which is made to move in a straight vertical line. "The other main portion of the indicator is the barrel, which by means of a cord attached to a specially arranged reducing gear, is given a rotary motion corresponding on a small scale, of course, to the simultaneous action of the steam engine piston. Then, by pressing this pencil point, moving always in a vertical line, against a piece of paper wrapped around the rotating drum, a figure is drawn, which, to the initiated, shows ex- actly what pressure in pounds per square inch is being ex- erted on the engine piston at every point in its stroke. "The little piston works against a spiral spring of a tension designed according to the pressure which is expected to be used in the cylinder. On the high-pressure cylinder we would use springs of from 60 to 100 pounds tension, on the inter- mediate from 20 to 50 pounds, and on the low-pressure a spring of about 10 pounds tension." Here McAndrew drew the sketch (Fig. 29) on the black- board, and said, "This represents an ideal indicator card taken from a single-cylinder condensing engine." "Huh !" remarked O'Rourke, after the sketch had been com- pleted, "that looks like one of those wooden shoes that Schmidt's grandfather wore." INDICATOR CARDS AND HORSEPOWER 151 Schmidt retaliated by remarking that he would bet that O'Rourke's grandfather was a bog-trotter, and didn't have shoes of any kind to wear. "That'll do," suggested McAndrew. "This is no lecture on 'Shoes of All Nations.' "This card is what you would get off a well-designed engine. The line PQ is known as the atmospheric line, or the line FIG. 29. INDICATOR CARD showing the pressure of the atmosphere. It should always be drawn on the card before making the connection to either end of the cylinder, or otherwise your card will not be of much value. The line RS is known as the line of zero pressure, and has to be drawn on the card with a ruler. As the pressure of the atmosphere is, as I have told you before, 14.7 pounds per square inch, it should be a distance below the atmospheric line equivalent to that pressure on the scale used for whichever tension of spring has been used in the indicator. For example, if a 3O-pound spring has been used, the zero line would be about one-half inch below the atmospheric line and always parallel to it." "What's parallel mean?" whispered O'Rourke to Pierce. Overhearing the question, McAndrew said, "I am surprised that you don't know the meaning of that term. 'Parallel' means two lines that are the same distance apart at all points, 152 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL like railroad tracks, for instance ; they never meet no matter how far they are extended." "Schmidt's feet must be parallel, then," interjected O'Rourke. "He' so bow-legged that they have never met yet.'' "Now referring to the figure again," McAndrew continued, "you all know that the steam is admitted to the cylinder at the end of each stroke almost instantaneously as the valve opens; this causes the pencil point to go up almost vertically as the revolving drum, following the motion of the engine piston, is then practically at a standstill while changing di- rection. This line AF on the card is known as the admission line ; as the valve remains open the steam continues to rush in at the same pressure, thus making the line AB practically parallel to the atmospheric line. This line AB is known as the steam line. B is the point of cut-off, where steam can no longer enter the cylinder direct from the boilers. The point of cut-off varies from .3 to .7 of the stroke, according to the various conditions. "After the valve closes, the steam in the cylinder continues to shove the piston on its travel by the expansive force of the steam. As the piston proceeds on its stroke the pressure of the steam gradually drops, so that the line traced by the pencil assumes a curved shape as shown in the diagram ; this line BD is known as the expansion line. At the point D the valve opens to the exhaust, and the steam rushes out of the cylinder." "Do they call it 'exhausted' because the steam is tired out from pushing the piston?" inquired O'Rourke. "Very likely that's the reason," smilingly replied McAn- drew. "The live steam is now being admitted to the other end of the cylinder driving the piston on its return stroke, and the expanded steam, or 'tired' steam, as O'Rourke thinks it is, continues to escape from the opposite end until suddenly the valve closes at the point E in the stroke, and a certain amount INDICATOR CARDS AND HORSEPOWER 153 of this 'tired' steam is imprisoned in the cylinder. As the piston has not yet finished its stroke this portion of the ex- haust steam is compresed in the cylinder, and acts as a spring to overcome the momentum of the piston when it reaches the end of the stroke. It thus acts very much like a bumper on a freight car. At the point F live steam is again admitted to that end of the cylinder, and the operation, which I have out- lined, is repeated. "The card which I have shown you is, of course, for only one end of the cylinder ; the card from the other end will be of the same general shape, and the pair will look like Fig. 30" : FIG. 30. PAIR OF INDICATOR CARDS "That looks like a pair of wooden shoes on a pigeon-toed man." "What good are all these indicator cards?" inquired Nelson. "That's the point I am coming to," replied McAndrew. "They are not of any use unless you can read them intelli- gently. An indicator card to a trained engineer serves about the same purpose as counting the pulse, taking the temperature and looking at the tongue of a sick man does to a physician. You find out what is going on inside. If there is anything wrong with the valves, or if the piston is leaking, it is shown at once on the card. The principal value of a card is, however, to tell how much power is being developed by the engine, and how it is distributed among the cylinders of a multiple-expan- sion engine. 154 MC ANDREWS FLOATING SCHOOL "Here are some of the examples of wrong valve setting which can be detected. "All eccentrics of a Stephenson link motion valve gear, the one most universally used in marine work, are set at right angles, or one-fourth of the circumference of the crank circle in advance of the crank, plus a small angle known as the angular advance. Now if this angular advance is too large, cut-off occurs too soon, the steam lead, or time the valve is open before the piston reaches the end of the stroke, is too great, and the opening and closing of the exhaust occur too soon ; in other words, all of the functions of the valve are ahead of time, and the result is shown by a card such as I have shown in Fig. 31. "If, on the contrary, this angular advance is too small, then all of the functions of the valve are too late, and the resulting card will be like Fig. 32. FIG. 31. INDICATOR CARDS, WITH ANGULAR ADVANCE TOO LARGE "The steam lap of a valve is, as you have been told before, the amount the valve laps over the steam port when the valve is in its mid-position; the general effect of such a condition is that the cut-off is too soon, the steam opening is late, and as there is not sufficient opening for the entrance of the steam, there is a certain amount of wire-drawing or the effect of passing steam through a contracted opening. This is also in- dicated by a drop in the pressure, which makes the steam line INDICATOR CARDS AND HORSEPOWER 155 get away from its parallel position to the atmospheric line. Such a state of affairs produces a card like Fig. 33. "The opposite effect is caused in all the functions of the valve if the steam lap is too small, as shown by a card like Fig. 34- FIG. 32. INDICATOR CARD, WITH ANGULAR ADVANCE TOO SMALL FIG. 33. INDICATOR CARD, WITH STEAM LAP TOO LARGE FIG. 34. INDICATOR CARD, WITH STEAM LAP TOO SMALL "In the layout of the valve gear the designer may have made the valve stem too long; this would result in too much steam lap on top and too little exhaust lap on the bottom, which would make the cut-off too early at the top and too late at the bottom, the steam opening on top late and at the bottom too early. Such a contingency would produce a card like Fig. 35." 156 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL "That looks as if somebody had given it a swift kick," said O'Rourke. "Exactly so," replied McAndrew. "And if the valve stem was too short it would look as if it had received a swift kick at the other end. "Now if the piston was leaking badly the result would be very noticeable on the expansion line, as it would not be so full as it is when the piston is tight and the steam is expanded normally. In other words the expansion line would drop below FIG. 35. INDICATOR CARD, WITH VALVE STEM TOO LONG OR TOO SHORT its right position on the card, showing that the pressure was low on account of the leak. "There are many other conditions that are shown by the shape of the indicator cards, most of which can be reasoned out by understanding the general conditions affecting the steam in the cylinder. As your experience in reading indicator cards progresses you will be better able to interpret the con- ditions which exist. "We now come to the calculation of horsepower from the indicator diagrams. You will remember that in the early days of this Floating School I tried to impress upon you the mean- ing of power; that is, that it consists of three elements force, in pounds ; distance, in feet ; and time, in minutes. "The element of distance is quite easily determined, as knowing the stroke of the engine in inches, we can, by counting the revolutions and multiplying that number by two (as it INDICATOR CARDS AND HORSEPOWER 157 takes two strokes to make a revolution), quite easily deter' mine how far the piston has traveled in any given time. "The element of time is readily determined by observations on the engine-room clock or on a watch held in the hand. "The third element, of force exerted in pounds, is more difficult to determine, and is the only essential in the calcula- tion which is furnished by means of the indicator card. We know that the steam enters a cylinder at a little less pressure than shown by the boiler gage, and that it leaves at a greatly 1 4242424241 reduced pressure. When we have different pressures at every point of the piston's travel, in order to determine the total pressure exerted we must take the average of all the pressures. This is where the indicator card comes into use, as from the scale of the spring used it is possible to determine the pressure exerted at every point of the stroke. To get the average pressure from an indicator card the simplest method is as follows : "Divide the card into ten intervals, as shown by y , y-i, etc. Between each of these spaces draw dotted lines just half-way between the full lines. Now add up the lengths of all these ten lines, either by measuring each one separately or trans- 1.58 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL ferring them one after another to a strip of paper; divide the total length of all these dotted lines by 10, and the answer, multiplied by the scale of the spring, will give you the average pressure exerted on the piston. "Another method is by what is known as a planimeter, a small instrument which usually comes with every set of in- dicators. By this instrument we can ascertain the area of any irregular figure. We can easily measure the length of the card, so by dividing the area in square inches by the length in inches, the quotient will give us the average height, also in inches. This height, multiplied by the scale of the spring, gives the mean or average pressure. "Having ascertained the mean pressure per square inch, the next step is to find out the total pressure on the piston. The rule for the area of any circle is to square the diameter; that is, multiply it by itself, and then multiply that quotient by the figures .7854, which gives the area in square inches. Knowing the pressure per square inch and the total number of square inches in the piston, we multiply them together to find the total pressure in pounds on the whole piston, which is, as I told you, the last of the three elements necessary in calculating horsepower." "What has 'drawing' got to do with figuring horsepower?" inquired O'Rourke. "I don't quite understand you," said McAndrew. "A guy out here in the shipyard told me only this morning that all you had to do was to remember the word 'drawing' and you could figure horsepower," argued O'Rourke. "Oh! I see what you are driving at. You mean the word P-L-A-N, not drawing. That word has been connected with the subject ever since horsepower was invented. It is a good way to remember the calculation, providing you know what the letters signify. INDICATOR CARDS AND HORSEPOWER 159 P means the average pressure per square inch ; L stands for the length of stroke; A is the area of the piston; N is the number of revolutions. "It is much better to remember the method, however, by reasoning the matter out in terms of force, distance and time, as I have already told you. We want to get the whole problem into so many foot pounds per minute, then we know that dividing by 33,000 will give us the horsepower. The best way to illustrate the method is to work out a specimen for you. For example: "A certain steam cylinder is 41 inches in diameter, the stroke is 36 inches, the mean effective pressure is 42 pounds per square inch, and the number of revolutions is no per minute. What is the horsepower? "We find the area of the piston as follows : 164 1681 7854 6724 8405 13448 11767 1320.2574 "Now multiply the area by the mean effective pressure, 1320.25 42 264050 528100 55450.50 160 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL "This gives us the total pounds pressure exerted on the piston and is the element of force. "The distance the piston moves through is, of course, equal to twice the stroke, as the piston has to go up and down to make one revolution, therefore as 36 inches are equal to 3 feet, multiply by 2, and we have 6 feet as the distance moved in one revolution, and in no revolutions it will have moved 660 feet this is the element of distance. "The element of time is, of course, one minute, as that is the basis on which horsepower is taken. "Now multiply the force (5545O-5 pounds) by the distance (660 feet), and we get 36,597>33O foot pounds per minute. Di- viding this number by 33,000 we find the answer to be 1109 horsepower. The calculations I have shown you would be all right if there were no piston rod ; but as that is, of course, a necessity, we must make allowances for the area of the rod, as no pressure is exerted on that portion of the piston occupied by the rod. I should also tell you that in making the calculations the mean effective pressure per square inch must be taken as the average obtained from the top and bottom indicator cards. "To allow for the piston rod it is customary to calculate its area the same as for any other circle, and to take only half the area of the rod from the total area of the piston, as the rod is, as you know, on only one side. Thus the area of a piston rod 6 inches in diameter is 28.274 square inches. One-half of that is 14.137 square inches. This should be subtracted from the total area of the piston 1320.25, which would leave 1306.11 square inches to be multiplied by 42 to obtain the element force, average or total pressure on the piston." "Chief, what's the use of all this 'dope' about indicator cards and horsepower to the men that drive the engine?" asked Pierce. "I don't suppose that it is very valuable to the ordinary every- day engine-driving man on board ship, but engineers are some- INDICATOR CARDS AND HORSEPOWER l6l what like lawyers in this respect. Every lawyer likes to study about the Constitution and be admitted to practice before the Supreme Court. About one in every hundred ever has oc- casion to use his knowledge in that connection, but he would be a poor lawyer if he didn't aim that high." CHAPTER XVIII Care and Management of Boilers For several weeks there had been an enforced vacation in the Floating School, the reason being that the work of in- stalling the new boilers on the Tuscarora had been rushed night and day in order to get the ship out in time for the heavy trade in the autumn months. The members of the school had been kept so busy that they had but little time for study, and Chief McAndrew, of course, had so much to attend to in the thousand and one details a chief engineer has to think of that he had no opportunity to give the young men any attention. The repair work was finally declared completed ; a dock trial had been held and the new boilers found satisfactory. The ship was to sail early the next morning; O'Rourke and Schmidt had been given two hours' liberty, in which time they had taken a fond farewell of their Fishtown girls. Nelson and Pierce denied that they had any particular sweethearts in Philadelphia, but they had enjoyed their stay in that place so much that they were somewhat loath to leave. A full crew had been shipped for the engineer's department, and the Chief had so arranged it that all of his pupils would be in one watch. Much to his gratification, Jim Pierce had been promoted to be an oiler. Gus Schmidt had been given a boost by being signed as a water-tender, which led O'Rourke to remark that it must have been because he was so fond of water. Nelson and O'Rourke were still retained as firemen, but the Chief had promised them that if they paid close at- tention to business they would be given the first vacancies as water-tenders. The Chief, of course, having three assistants, stood no watch, and he very kindly agreed to continue his classes at such CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF BOILERS 163 intervals while the four aspirants for licenses were "off watch," as it might be convenient for him to spare them a little of his time. The ship proceeded down the Delaware River on her way to New York, and as the four young men stood the 8 to 12 watch, McAndrew said he would give them an hour or so of his time that afternoon. The school was quite a mystery to the other men in the engineer's crowd, and some of them were inclined to be a little facetious about the four "high brows," as they termed them. However, as information regarding the school was imparted to them almost simultaneously with an exploita- tion of the fact that O'Rourke had been awarded several prizes as a heavyweight boxer at an East Side resort, the tendency to sarcastic remarks rapidly dwindled. On addressing his class that particular afternoon, McAndrew . stated that as the ship was now at sea, and was to continue on her regular duties, he would take up the subject of the care and management of machinery, and naturally would begin at the boilers. "Before starting fires under boilers," he said, "we must first examine everything connected with them. See that all stems on the stop valves, check valves and blow valves are oiled, and that the valves can be worked freely. The safety valve gear should be put in good working condition, and the valves raised slightly off their seats. The air cock at the top of the boiler should be opened, or if none such is fitted, open the top gage- cock in order to allow the air to escape. See that the grate- bars are all in place, that the damper works freely, that the handhole and manhole plates are set up tight, that all neces- sary fire tools are on hand, that the bunker doors are opened, and that the surface and bottom blow valves and drain cocks are closed tightly. "If steam has not been raised on any of the boilers so as to allow the running of the pumps, the boilers should be filled by 164 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL means of a hose from the deck, through the top manhole plates. It is only necessary to fill the boiler up to about two- thirds of a glass, as the water 'swells/ as the term is, when heat is applied to it. That is, in an ordinary boiler the water expands in volume as it is heated until it rises 2 or 3 inches in the glass. If no hot coals from another boiler are available, after throwing some coal on the bars, it is usual to start a wood fire at first and throw on a light covering of coal after the fire has commenced to burn freely. Soft coal catches fire comparatively easily, and so your fires will soon be burning in all the furnaces. In Scotch boilers great care must be taken not to force the fires and raise steam too quickly. It takes a long time to get the heavy shell plates warmed through uni- formly, and if steam is raised too hurriedly the seams will begin to leak on account of the unequal expansion. For that reason it is usual to take from six to twelve hours' time in raising steam. One of the great advantages of watertube boilers is that steam can be raised rapidly without doing them any harm, as from their construction the water is rapidly cir- culated in all parts, and a uniform temperature throughout is easy to maintain. For that reason it is safe to raise steam in the average watertube boilers in a half hour if deemed necessary. "The great disadvantage of all Scotch boilers is the large amount of water underneath the furnace which will not cir- culate naturally, and consequently remains quite cool even after steam is formed. To overcome this there are several patented devices which can be fitted to Scotch boilers, which will automatically circulate the dead water under the furnaces until the temperature is raised to very near that of the water above the furnaces. On ships which are not provided with such apparatus it is customary, if steam is available from an- other boiler, to run the auxiliary feed pump slowly, with its suction connected to the bottom blow, and its discharge enter- CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF BOILERS 16$ ing the boiler through the regular feed pipe. This starts up a forced circulation and greatly facilitates the raising of steam. "As steam begins to form slowly it will be first indicated by a slight hissing noise of the air escaping through the air-cock or the gage-cock. This air should be allowed to blow until clear steam can be seen escaping. Then the safety valves should be lowered, all cocks closed, and the steam pressure allowed to rise slowly, not over a rate of ten pounds an hour if there is no particular hurry about the operation. When the pressure rises to, say, 100 pounds, the auxiliary stop valve should be opened and steam admitted to the auxiliary line for the purpose of running the various auxiliaries. "Having raised the steam to the working pressure, and put the boiler in service, the object of the engineer should be to keep it up to its highest state of efficiency; that is, to get out the most steam for the least expenditure of coal. To do this requires constant care and attention, for, like human beings, boilers respond readily to good treatment and rebel at harsh treatment. There are three principal things to do, which, if attended to Mitelligently, will keep a boiler in good condition. The first of these is to feed it with pure water; second, do not subject it to sudden changes of temperature, and, third, fire it properly. "If these three maxims were lived up to there would be but little trouble. Unfortunately, however, they are difficult of accomplishment, and for that reason the average boiler is beset with many ills. Most of these arise from the quality of the water fed to the steel workman. In spite of precautions grease will get in the feed water from the condensed steam; acids will be generated by the contact with the copper condenser tubes and feed pipes, and salt water will get in through leaks in the condenser tubes and pipe connections, and occasionally salt water will have to be fed to make up losses. It is these foreign elements in the feed water which make all the trouble." i66 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL "Yes," broke in O'Rourke, with a meaning glare at Schmidt, "and my father always used to say that it is the foreign ele- ments that make all the trouble in this country." "Is that so?" sarcastically replied Schmidt. "I'll bet it wasn't many days before you were born that he was tramping through Castle Garden himself." "I don't suppose that any of us is eligible to join the Sons of the American Revolution," said McAndrew ; "but that cuts no figure in this land of the free. "As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted, if it were not for the impurities which get into the boilers the engineer would have but little trouble in keeping the interior surfaces clean. To counteract all these impurities is one of the main parts of an engineer's duty. Hence one of the first things to do is to ascertain how much salt water slips in from one source or another. Since steam vessels first plied the oceans, every one has been fitted with an instrument known as a salinometer not 'salometer,' as I have heard O'Rourke term it. This word means literally salt measure, and at that it does not express its use correctly. "Salt, of course, is one of the principal solids in salt water, but there are enough other chemicals in it to start a small drug store. In case any one ever asks you what salt water does contain you can refer to this analysis of the average sea water, as it contains the following parts in 1000 : Water 964745 Chloride of sodium (common salt) 27.059 Chloride of potassium .766 Chloride of magnesium 3.666 Bromide of magnesium .029 Sulphate of magnesia (Epsom salts) 2.296 Sulphate of lime (plaster of paris) 1.406 Carbonate of lime (chalk) .033 1000.00 CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF BOILERS 167 "Some chemists state that there is also a small quantity of gold in sea water; but I wouldn't advise any of you to buy any stock in a company formed for the purpose of getting gold from that source. "Although the instrument I have referred to is called a salt measure, its real purpose is to determine how much solid matter is contained in the water. By adding up the amounts of all the solid ingredients in sea water you will see that they foot up approximately 1/32 of the entire weight of the water. That is, in i pound of salt water there would be 1/32 pound, or y 2 ounce, of solids. Hence all salinometers are graded on that basis; 1/32 means salt water as drawn from the sea; 2/32 means twice as much solid contents as ordinary sea water, and so on. "With every salinometer there is a small glass instrument weighted with shot known as a hydrometer. This instrument is usually graduated in divisions known as 32nds, which is based upon the principle that a floating body displaces an amount of water equal to its own weight. Hence the heavier or denser the water it floats in, the higher will be the portion out of the water. That is the reason that it is easier for a man to float in salt water than it is in fresh water. I have told you before that water expands when heated, hence its weight or density varies with its temperature. Therefore, to use the hydrometer correctly, the water to be tested must be at the same temperature for which the scale on the hydrometer is adjusted. "On most hydrometers there are three scales shown one at 190, one at 200 and the other at 210 degrees F. The method of testing is to open the cock and allow the boiler water to fill a brass vessel, known as the salinometer pot ; if it is below 190 degrees F., as shown by the thermometer, admit sufficient hot water from the boiler to heat it up to one of the three tempera- tures shown on the scale. Then put in the hydrometer and i68 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL observe how high it floats on the temperature scale cor- responding to the temperature of the water. If you should hear some one say that the water is 2*4 or 2^2, it would mean 2^4 thirty-seconds, or 2^ thirty-seconds, as the case might be. "I have devoted some time to telling you about the salino- meter and how to use it, but I will tell you very briefly that it is not of much value nowadays, as that method is too crude for modern usage. You might as well weigh drugs on a hay scale, so far as accuracy is concerned. There is in use on a number of ships a chemical process for determining accurately the amounts of the principal ingredients in boiler water; the apparatus is so simple that if the directions are closely fol- lowed any engineer can use it. "Very few marine engineers allow salt water to be used for make-up feed in these days, hence it is not so essential to guard against scale-forming ingredients in the water. The principal causes of deterioration, such as rust and pitting, are due to the acids which get into the boiler water and thus encourage galvanic action." "What's that?" blurted out O'Rourke. "I thought you wouldn't understand it, O'Rourke, and so I used the term to arouse your curiosity. The word 'galvanic' is derived from the name Galvini, an Italian scientist, who first discovered that an electric current is set up by the action of one metal on another. You all probably know something about the ordinary battery used for generating an electric current. This consists of a glass jar in which are immersed pieces of zinc and copper ; you have probably noticed that the liquid in which they are immersed is slightly blue in color, this being caused by putting in some crystals. The object of these crystals is to form sulphuric acid in which the chemical action between the copper and zinc is readily started, with the result that an electric current is generated ; the further result is that the zinc is gradually eaten away by this action, and after a CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF BOILERS IOQ certain length of time has to be removed. Now if these two metals had been placed in a jar containing pure water there would have been none of this action taking place. "Here, then, is the secret of boiler pitting and corrosion ; the whole boiler, if the water is allowed to get in acid condition, becomes like an immense battery, or rather a collection of small batteries, as this action will take place between different parts of the steel of which the boiler is constructed as well as between a brass feed pipe and the boiler shell, only, of course, it will not be so rapid. Hence it is that for years past baskets containing zinc have been suspended in different parts of the boiler immersed in the water, as the zinc is much more easily attacked by galvanic action than are the steel and iron of the boilers. The zinc is therefore eaten away, and theoretically, at least, the various parts of the boilers are spared. Later investigations on the subject have developed the fact that even the use of zinc is not the best step to be taken, as that is simply remedying the effects without removing the cause. In other words, it is similar to trying to cure a headache for a drunken man after every night's jag instead of making him stop drink- ing the booze and preventing the headaches." "I can understand that argument all right, all right," said O'Rourke, who had been, for him, paying very close attention to McAndrew's remarks. "These later experiments which I refer to have been di- rected towards preventing the boiler water from getting into an acid condition, and thereby stopping galvanic action and rust. It is a well-known law of chemistry that alkalis will counteract or neutralize acids. Plain soda ash, or sal soda, as it is called commercially, is one of the best and cheapest of the alkalis obtainable, hence that is the material best used for counteracting acids in boiler feed water. It is also used to "kill" grease and oils which get into the feed water. Soda and zinc have for many years been relied upon to correct all 17 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL of the evils which beset marine boilers, and yet they continue to rust, pit and eat away. "By a long and continued series of tests recently held, some curious facts have been learned regarding the use of soda in feed water. One is that a small amount of soda, about one- tenth of i percent, is less corrosive than neutral water, or water that is neither acid nor alkaline ; another is that water above one-tenth of i percent, and up to 2.6 percent alkaline, is really more corrosive in its effect than water in its neutral state. Finally, these experiments demonstrated that water containing 3 percent and over of the alkaline solution is ab- solutely non-corrosive. "But the addition of such much ordinary soda to a boiler in which necessarily there are some oils or grease, will in- variably cause violent foaming, or priming, as it is sometimes called. This is prevented by mixing with the soda certain proportions of glucose and a substance known as 'cutch/ which is a form of tannic acid. These ingredients tend to pre- vent foaming and the formation of scale. These materials are combined in standard makes of boiler compounds, and if they are properly used there is little doubt but that pitting and rusting will cease to a great extent. In order to get a 3 percent solution of the boiler water it is necessary to add about $ 1 A pounds of this compound for each ton of water in the boiler. "Heretofore the care of boilers has been very much on the order of quackery in dosing the human system with all kinds of patent nostrums. There are but few medicines given by doctors which really accomplish any good, and they have been developed by experimenting. Many a good man has lost his life by having various kinds of 'dope' tried out in his stomach, and many a good boiler has met an untimely end by ignorant treatment. Now the 'boiler doctors' are really studying the subject, and from this time on boilers will be given better treatment. You young men are coming into the business at a CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF BOILERS 171 time when the new methods of treating boilers are being perfected, and I predict that by the time you get in charge of steam machinery you will know much better how to take care of your boilers than engineers have in the past. "No matter how well you treat the boilers while running they must, at certain periods, be given an overhauling, and at such times the greatest care and attention must be given them. "The fire surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and all de- posits of soot brushed off. The water surfaces must be given the closest attention, and particular care taken to clean all dirt and scale off the crown sheets or tops of the furnaces. As you all know, this is no easy job, especially with Scotch boilers, as the spaces in which a man has to work are neces- sarily cramped, the air he breathes is vile, and there is every condition which would make him shirk the work, yet if the cleaning and scaling are not done properly the boiler and the coal pile will suffer alike. "To give you an idea of the bad effect of even a slight amount of scale on the heating surfaces of a boiler, you will be surprised, I know, to learn that a hard scale only one- twentieth of an inch thick reduces the efficiency of a boiler 1 1. 1 percent. That is, if a boiler is scaled up to that thickness on its heating surfaces, for every hundred tons of coal con- sumed there will be an absolute loss of n.i tons in the steam- producing effect." "That would very nearly pay the fireman's wages, wouldn't it?" inquired Nelson. "Yes, and more than pay them, so you can see the neces- sity for keeping boilers clean. "Soot on the fire surfaces has almost as bad an effect, so you can understand how important it is to blow the tubes while running." "The company ought to pay us extra every time we blow tubes," suggested O'Rourke. 172 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL "That's where you are wrong, as usual, O'Rourke. Em- ployers in these days pay people to look after their interests in every way, and because a man is a .fireman doesn't mean that he is for the sole purpose of shoveling coal in the furnaces. It is the fellow who thinks what he can do to save his employers money by keeping the particular piece of machinery which he is handling up to the highest state of efficiency who gets promoted and carries away the most coin on pay day. "When cleaning boilers it is very important that all the valves and attachments be given a thorough inspection and put in first-class condition. All screw valve stems should be oiled with cylinder oil and graphite, glands repacked, safety valve lifting gear oiled and made to work easily. Small pin-head leaks should be touched up with a calking tool as soon as they are noticed. A leak in a boiler should be treated in accord- ance with the old saying, 'A stitch in time saves nine.' "Many people have the idea that a fireman to be successful need only be sufficiently strong to stand the heat and shovel coal in the furnace for a period of four hours at a time. That is a great mistake, as the successful operation of marine ma- chinery depends more upon skillful firing than upon any other part of the business. No man can be a successful marine engi- neer unless he knows how coal can be burned most efficiently, and sees to it that what he knows in that line is put into force by the gang in the fire-room. The average fireman if left alone to follow his inclination will nearly always fill up his furnaces to the top, under the mistaken idea that a 'crown-sheeter,' as it is termed, makes the most steam. The average fire-room watch will, if 'not instructed otherwise, as soon as they come on duty clean their quota of fires, usually about one of every three, fill up the furnaces, then sit down and smoke for an hour or so. The boilers will also smoke under such treatment and make about as little steam as possible. CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF BOILERS 173 "In order to get the best results the following rules should be stuck to closely : "Carry the fires for natural draft not over 8 or 10 inches thick ; if forced draft is used they should be about a foot thick. "Put on only two or three shovelfulls at a time in each furnace throw it on quickly and spread it evenly over the fire. "Never open more than one furnace door at a time, and close it just as soon as possible. "Never throw in any lumps larger than a man's fist; have the coal passer exercise himself by using a coal maul on larger lumps before putting the coal in the furnace. "Only use a slice bar to remove clinkers or ashes, and to keep the fires bright from the under side. "Keep the ash pans clear at all times. "Clean only one fire at a time, and so regulate the periods between cleanings that they come regularly, if the coal is of uniform quality; otherwise clean them whenever they get dirty. "If the draft is strong and the coal very fine and dusty, sprinkle a little water on the coal. "Keep the fires of even thickness by the use of the hoe or rake ; level them off every other time that coal is thrown into the furnaces. "Have each watch get out its ashes before being relieved, otherwise there will be a scrap with the next watch. "In general, have everything done in the fire-room with some snap." "In other words," butted in O'Rourke, "put some ginger into the work." "Yes, that's it ; let the 'ginger-snap' be the motto of the fire- room." "It's more likely to be the hardtack," suggested the Hiber- nian. 174 MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL "That's true, too, unless you use your brains as well as your muscles." "Won't you tell us something about a water-tender's duties?" asked Pierce, who was feeling the responsibility of his new job. "I was just coming to that," replied McAndrew. "The suc- cess of the fire-room depends largely upon the water-tender ; the engineer of the watch may issue all the instructions about firing that he wants to, but he can't be in the fireroom all the time to see that they are carried out. Hence a rattling good water-tender is very necessary. Primarily he wants to be a man of nerve, quick to think and quick to act, and it's not a bad asset for him to be able to lick any fireman or coal-passer in his watch. Not that he should resort to tactics of that kind far be it from me to suggest any such cruel procedure but I have noticed in my several years of climbing that a water-tender who is handy with his fists generally keeps the ginger in the ginger-snap with his men. His principal job is to keep his mind on his duties during every minute he is on watch, and to keep his eye on the gage-glasses at least once every minute. "He must also see that the furnaces are charged regularly in accordance with his instructions ; that the fire-room is kept clean; that the coal is tallied; that the ash pans are hauled and the ashes blown out, and, in general, that all the routine duties of the fire-room are kept up. Ordinarily he should see that the water is maintained at about half a glass, and that the feed is so regulated by the check valves that it remains steady at that height if possible. As long as a boiler is under steam and the engines running, the feed should never be entirely cut off no boiler has ever yet been blown up by having too much water in it, so there is no danger to the boiler even if you do put too much water in it sometimes there is danger to the engine on account of foaming, caused by too much CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF BOILERS 175. water. In general, the all-important thing to guard against in tending water is that there will always be water showing in the gage-glasses. Low water is the cause of 90 percent of all boiler explosions, and in nearly every case it is a direct result of carelessness. "In case the water does get out of sight, as it will do at times in the best regulated fire-rooms, the first thing not to do is to get excited. No boiler ever has blown up immediately after the water has dropped out of sight. Keep cool yourself and try to cool the affected boiler. If you feel positive that the water level is only a little below the bottom of the glass, open the check valve wide and hold your breath. You may, during your first experience, think that it is taking about one month and ten days for the water to show up, but in reality it is usually visible in four or five minutes; then you can begin to breathe again. If, however, the water is out of sight, and you don't feel positive of the last time you saw it, close the damper ; put up the ash-pit doors ; shut off the main and auxiliary stop valves and the check valve and throw wet ashes or fresh coal over the fires to deaden them. Never haul the fires out until they have been deadened or extinguished by water, as stirring them up temporarily causes an increased heat, which might prove disastrous. In case of low water, the first thing, of course, is to try and remedy it by cutting out the boiler affected, as above de- scribed. But the water-tender must remember that the other boilers are still steaming, and he must not neglect to see that they are properly looked after, notwithstanding the temporary excitement on account of the crippled boiler. To sum it all up, a good water-tender must combine attention to business, quickness to act, and imperturbability of the highest degree." This last qualification simply stunned O'Rourke, and while he was trying to recover from the shock the length of the word had given him, the Chief said : "I knew that would hold 176 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL you, O'Rourke; but don't be alarmed, it simply means the quality of not getting rattled ; you have your share of it. "When the ship arrives in port and the boilers are to be out of use for several days, the fires should not be hauled, but simply allowed to die out gradually, so that there will be no sudden cooling of the boiler shell. It is usually advisable to give them a good blowing off from both the bottom and surface blows. After the steam is gone they should be pumped up full with fresh water, putting on a small pressure of 5 or 10 pounds to make sure that they are filled up. They should never be emptied by blowing off, as that causes too sudden cooling. If the boiler is to be cleaned the fires should be allowed to die out and the water pumped out after the steam has disappeared. "If the boiler is to stand full of water for any length of time, the water should be made alkaline, so as to prevent cor- rosion as far as possible. "If the ship is to be laid up great care should be paid to putting the boilers in such condition that they will not de- teriorate. The grate-bars and furnace fittings, ash pans, etc., should be taken out and stacked up in the fire-room, out of the way but in a convenient position to be replaced. The in- terior of the furnaces, the combustion chambers and the tubes should be thoroughly brushed and cleaned to remove all soot and ashes. They should then be given a coating of black oil all over. The inside or water surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned and then thoroughly dried out by starting a light wood fire in the furnaces for a few moments, and by burning pans of charcoal inside the boiler. Some people prefer to fill the boilers up solid with water when they are to be laid up for several months, but I prefer to have them laid up dry as I have described. All the valves should be overhauled; put in good condition, and the valve stems coated with heavy oil or grease. A hood should be placed over the smokestack in order to keep the rain from leaking down and running into the up-takes. CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF BOILERS 177 "I could tell you lots more about the care of boilers, as you must remember that it is almost an inexhaustible subject. However, I have touched on the high spots of care and man- agement, and you must learn much more by reading and from experience, the greatest teacher of all." "They say old Experience is a hard teacher," suggested O'Rourke. "You will find that he is if you don't follow the rules of his school." "What are they?" "His schools on board ship require diligence, energy and sobriety; if those three are lived up to you will find the old fellow is rather an easy teacher." CHAPTER XIX Care and Management of Engines and Auxiliaries The Tuscarora arrived in New York and was loaded for her first trip South after the extensive repairs she had under- gone. The chief had, of course, been so busy attending to getting the vessel's stores, etc., ready for her regular trips fliat he had paid .no attention to his class other than to caution them to keep on with their studies and to learn as much as they could from observation, keeping in mind what he had told them about the various parts of the machinery. There was a new second assistant by the name of Davis on board, and he had been placed in charge of the boilers. Coming into the fire-room suddenly one day he found O'Rourke de- livering a lecture to a couple of coal passers on how steam was generated. "This blatant heat," he was saying, "is what makes you fellows hustle out the coal ; it's like shoveling snow in the East River to make the tide rise ; you don't seem to get a run for your money until all of a sudden 'biffo,' the steam shows on the gage !" Davis could stand it no longer, and said, "Cut that out, O'Rourke, and get down to work what do you know about steam, anyhow?" This highly incensed the shining light of the Floating School, and he replied rather impudently that he "was only trying to give these ginks a little scientfic dope." Later in the day O'Rourke complained to the chief that the second assistant had cut short his efforts at enlightening the coal passers on matters he had learned at the school, but he was told to pay more attention to his work and not to bother CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF ENGINES 179 with imparting his knowledge to an unappreciative audience. The ship sailed from New York at her scheduled time, and was soon bucking into a southeaster as she headed down the coast. It cleared off the next day, and as everything was working smoothly the chief rounded up his class that after- noon, all of them being off watch, and proceeded to give them some further instruction. He began his remarks by saying that it was a most unusual thing for a chief engineer of a vessel to take time while his vessel was underway to be holding a school for his men, but as he had only a little further to go in his remarks he was determined to finish the job up, even if he did have to defy all precedents. "Having told you something about the care and manage- ment of boilers, I propose this afternoon to give you some hints on the care and management of the main engine and the various auxiliaries in the engine room. "An engineer standing a watch at sea has so many things to attend to that to enumerate them all would fill a book in itself. Probably no other business requires so much alertness and quick acting and thinking as a marine engineer is called upon to do in the proper performance of his duties. Every faculty which God has given him is called into use. Unlike locomo- tive and stationary engineers, he must never allow his engines to stop for days and days at a stretch. A locomotive will be driven for five or six hours and then run into a roundhouse for a rest; a stationary engine will be run for ten or twelve hours and then stopped; but it is very seldom that a marine engine is ever stopped or even slowed down in a voyage last- ing very often a week, or even two weeks at a time. To do this successfully requires the highest degree of skill, and above all things the closest attention to even the most minute de- tails, as the derangement of even a very small part of an engine often results in a serious breakdown at a critical i8o MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL moment. Remember, young men, that to be successful in your business as an engineer there is no detail about the entire mechanism of a ship that is too trivial to demand your closest attention. "Preparations for getting underway for a long trip at sea should begin early in the morning of sailing day. If repairs or adjustments have been made during the stay in port, the engineer should personally see that every set-screw on the moving parts is set up tight; that all the bearings have been oiled around by hand; that all oil cups are filled; that the sight-feeds are properly adjusted and in working condition. To make sure that all parts of the main engine are clear, it is well to turn the engine at least once clear around, either by hand or with the jacking engine. After this is done he should personally see that the worm of the turning gear is thrown out of gear; failure to do this has cost many a man his job. "The first thing to do is to start the circulating pump slowly and get the condenser cooled off and ready for the exhaust steam. An hour or more before time to start, depending upon the size of the engine, steam should be admitted slowly to the steam jackets around the cylinders, if there are any, if not steam can be let into the cylinders direct by cracking the throttle slightly and opening the by-pass valves. All drain valves from cylinders and valve chests must be kept open to the condenser, as steam striking the cold cylinder walls is immediately turned into water, and should be allowed to drain into the condenser. "The warming up of large iron castings must be done slowly and thoroughly never make haste in this process unless in a great emergency. After the cylinders are too hot to bear your hand on them, and having ascertained from the people on deck that sufficient mooring lines are out, steam may be ad- mitted to the engine very slowly at first, and the turns gradu- CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF ENGINES l8l ally increased to not more than half-speed. The reversing engine should be tried back and forth a number of times to see that it works satisfactorily, and to see that the main engine will run well in the backing gear. The water service should be started. The drain valves should be kept partly open all the time that the engine is being warmed up, and, in fact, they should not be closed altogether until the vessel is underway from the dock for at least ten or fifteen minutes. "Before sailing the chief engineer has, of course, satisfied himself that all necessary stores are on board; that the oil tanks are rilled up, and that all wrenches and other tools for making quick repairs or adjustments are in place and easy of access. "Everything now being ready, and the captain advised of that fact, the engineer stands by the throttle, posts a man at the engine-room telegraph, which has been previously tried and found to work satisfactorily, and awaits the starting signal. All signals from deck must be answered promptly, as in working away from the dock and through the crowded harbor any delay whatsoever in quickly working the engine as directed would be dangerous. Full speed is seldom ordered until the vessel is well clear of the harbor, but when it is rung up the throttle should be opened only to such an extent that the engine will just use up all the steam that the boilers will make, and will maintain a uniform number of revolutions. Fluctuations of the steam pressure should be avoided as much as possible, and so far as he is able the engineer on duty should strive to carry uniform boiler pressure, revolutions and vacuum. "The first few hours of a run the man on watch should be unusually alert in feeling bearings, especially those which may have been recently adjusted, in order to detect the first sign of unusual heat. When a bearing starts to warm up it gets 'red hot,' as the saying is, in very short order, and should be 182 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL given instant attention. The causes of hot bearings are in most cases due to being set up too tight or else from insuf- ficient oil supply. Occasionally heating is due to the presence of grit, but that can only result from rank carelessness in not having the bearings sufficiently covered up or otherwise pro- tected when the engine is not in use." "How do you cool a hot journal without stopping the engine?" inquired Nelson. "Put cold water on her, of course, the same as you would cure a headache," volunteered O'Rourke. "That's the very last thing you should do," continued the chief. "The first thing is to give it a large dose of oil, and in nine cases out of ten you will find that it will gradually cool off from that treatment. If it persists in heating up after yon are sure that it is getting plenty of oil get out the proper wrenches and slack off the nuts a trifle. This generally ac- complishes the object sought, but if even that method fails then resort to the water service, as sparingly as possible, but just enough to keep down the heat. If the ship was running in fresh water the effect would not be so bad, but salt water on a bright journal is harmful." "I get you, chief," broke in the effervescing O'Rourke. "Curing a hot bearing is just like curing a man of a stomach ache. If it isn't very bad give him a dose of castor oil; if it gets worse put on a mustard plaster ; if that don't work give him an injection of fresh water, not salt, as that would hurt him." "Your powers of comparison are certainly well developed, O'Rourke, but I fail to see the similarity between slackening up a bearing and putting on a mustard plaster." "Well, if that mustard plaster attends to its business all right the man will want to slack it up, you can bet." "Chief, will you please give us some points on oiling," sug- gested Pierce, who was feeling the responsibility of his new job. CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF ENGINES 183 "I was just coming to that important subject," replied the instructor. "Oiling, like water tending, is a very important job on board ship. Although people refer in a slurring man- ner to the 'greasers' there are few jobs anywhere which have the importance of a marine oiler. A little inattention to his duties may result in doing great damage to the machinery, and may even stop or cripple the ship. An oiler in his rounds must be as regular as clock work, and constantly on the alert with his senses of feeling, hearing, seeing and even smelling. To a trained oiler all these senses come into play. By feeling of revolving crankpins, eccentric straps, main journals, etc., with his hands he can tell instantly if any of them are over- heated, or even if they show a tendency to heat To his sensi- tive ear the first discordant noise, even the slightest squeak, will indicate that some bearing or journal is running dry and needs immediate attention. His eyes must be sufficiently keen of vision to see minute and almost invisible drops of oil pass- ing down the tubes of automatic oilers, and at times to dis- cern even the slightest sign of smoke, which would indicate an overheated bearing. His sense of smell is called into play to detect the first indication of overheated oil or grease." "What about his sense of humor," inquired Schmidt. "Every oiler must have that sense well developed also, as his main object is to prevent any squeaks or groans from the bearings under his charge. "In giving advice to you on oiling I want first to warn you against putting too much dependence on automatic oiling gear of any kind. Such apparatus is all right when it" works well, and I must say that it does work well for 99 percent of the time ; but there is always that small percentage of the time when it does not work well that you must guard against. A change in the temperature of the air surrounding a needle valve on oil reservoirs will often change the adjustment of the drip, so that the bearing to which it directs the flow of oil 184 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL will not receive a sufficient quantity and become heated. The same trouble might be started by a small speck of dirt or grit getting under the valve. Therefore these contrivances must be given very close attention. "Many engineers prefer the old-fashioned wick feeds, as they are much more positive in their action, although not quite so easily adjusted. "Most oilers, and especially beginners, use entirely too much oil, both from oiling by hand and from the automatic feeds. However, this tendency is quite easily regulated by the system of putting every man on an allowance for his watch. The good oiler usually finds his allowance to be ample, whereas the negligent man and the inexperienced man have to hustle to keep things running cool on the amount given them. "A routine should be established, the time between oilings being regulated to suit the speed of the engine and the neces- sity for the oil. Usually crankpins and eccentric straps should be oiled by hand once each twenty minutes; the main journals, link gear, etc., once each half hour. An. inspection of the thrust bearing, spring bearings and. stern tube gland once each half hour is usually sufficient. Piston rods and valve stems should be swabbed every half hour, but as little oil as possible should be used each time, as it is by this means that oil gets inside the cylinders, is carried into the condenser and then pumped into the boilers. This is an evil that must be guarded against as much as possible. "On many modern ships no oil whatever is used to lubricate the main engine pistons and valves ; if any lubricant is neces- sary many engineers use graphite mixed with water. As a matter of fact in engines using piston valves, internal lubrica- tion is not absolutely necessary. The cylinder walls are always at a less temperature than the entering steam; conse- quently some of the steam is condensed, and the water formed by this condensation acts as a lubricant. CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF ENGINES 185 "On the smaller engines, used as auxiliaries, such as pumps, blowers and dynamos, internal lubrication seems to be more of a necessity, and it is by this means that oil gets into the feed water and later into the boilers. The introduction of the steam turbine for driving dynamos and pumps does away with this danger, as, of course, no oil is necessary for the in- terior of turbines. "Many engineers prefer to use grease, or compound, as it is termed, on small journals, and on those which have but little friction. Cups, known as compression cups, are screwed to the caps of such journals, and the oiler, by simply giving a small twist to the screw top on the cup, forces enough grease on the journal to last sometimes for several hours. Some engineers use grease for thrust bearings and tunnel bear- ings, but it is more economical to use oil. On well-designed thrusts the collars on the shafts are made to run in a bath of oil, which is kept cool by salt water circulated through coils in the bottom of the bearing. "Oil should be caught in the drip-pans and passed through oil filters, of which there are several good types on the market, after which it can be used over again. "It takes experience to make a good oiler, but, of course, you cannot get the experience without actually doing the oiling. In your first attempts you will do well if you only take the bark off your knuckles, and perhaps lose a finger nail, while feeling the crankpins and eccentric straps. This is a very important part of his duties and can be learned only t)y practice. One good rule to remember is never to feel a rapidly-revolving piece of machinery that is running toward you ; wait until it starts to go away from you and then feel it very* quickly. No day-dreamer can be successful, as feeling of crankpins, etc., requires quick action. Wherever it is prac- ticable on fixed bearings use the backs of your fingers to feel with, as they are more sensitive to heat than the hardened working surfaces of a man's hand." i86 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL "Schmidt ought to use that nose of his, as they say he is very sensitive about the length of it," suggested O'Rourke, who, for him, had been silent for a long time. Schmidt retaliated by saying that it would never do for O'Rourke to use his cheek for feeling journals, as the metal would have to be red hot for him to even notice it by that method. McAndrew called them both down hard for making such personal references, and said that oilers were supposed to be courteous to one another. If they are not there might be all kinds of trouble when relieving one another as the watches changed. "The man about to be relieved," said he, "must have all his oil reservoirs filled up and all the bearings and journals under his care running cool, or otherwise the oiler coming on watch could refuse to relieve him. "I hope," he continued, "that O'Rourke and Schmidt never have to relieve one another from oilers' watches, as I am afraid they would both be standing double watches the greater part of the time." "Chief, won't you put us onto some of the duties an engi- neer has to do in port?" suggested Schmidt, who was prob- ably the most eager for knowledge of any in the class. "Certainly," replied the general instructor. "The first thing most of them do is to beat it for their own homes, or some- one else's home, according to circumstances. Of course, that is natural, as a man who stands engine-room watches for a week or more at a stretch, is mighty glad to hit the beach and stretch himself out in a four-poster at least one night in ten; but, seriously speaking, there are many important things which the engineer's gang must do before sailing day arrives again. Nowadays any repairs involving machine work of any description is put into the shops, as the engineer's force usually has neither time nor the necessary tools for making any very extensive repairs. The work most usually CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF ENGINES 187 performed in port might be divided up under four headings. Cleaning is one of the first things to perform; adjustment of bearings must be attended to; making new joints and pack- ing of stuffing-boxes must be performed, and examinations of the interiors of cylinders and the auxiliaries must be made periodically. These four divisions of work probably constitute nine-tenths of the duties performed in port. "As soon as the jingle-bell is rung, signifying 'through with the engine/ the boys should be set to wiping the engine down and cleaning up the floor plates. Some engineers like to have a small injector so fitted and connected up that it can be used to wash down the bed-plates and bilges with hot water; but I don't believe in squirting salt water indiscriminately about an engine room, as it is bad for the bearings and bright work. Gaskets, made of hemp, loosely laid up, should be laid across both ends of all the principal journals to keep out any dirt or grit which might be around while the engine is not in use. During the stay in port, bulkheads should be scrubbed if they have become dirty, storerooms cleaned out and put in good order, bilge strainers cleaned thoroughly, the bilges themselves cleaned and kept well painted, the filtering material renewed in the feed tank, and in a general way the whole department given such cleaning, painting and renovating as cannot well be done while the machinery is running. 'The adjustment of bearings is probably one of the most important duties for the engineer and his assistant. If a bearing runs a little slack and develops a slight pound it should be carefully readjusted, or if there has been a tendency for any particular bearing to heat up during the trip it should be examined, and if necessary overhauled and readjusted while the ship is at the dock." "Why are they always monkeying with the crankpins on this ship?" asked O'Rourke. "It seems to me," he continued, "that that is all one of the assistants does while this ship is I??- MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL at the dock. I see him running around with something that looks like a handful of spaghetti, and he is always saying that he has got her down to 29, or some number like that. You'd think he was running a keno game. Ke ought to " "Well, O'Rourke," interrupted the chief, "if you're running this talkfest I'll quit and let you take the chair." "I'm through," meekly replied the Hibernian, realizing, for once at least, that he was sat upon. ''Bearings lined with white metal are now almost uni- versally used," said McAndrew, after re-establishing himself as boss of the school room. "These wear down considerably during long-continued runs, and consequently must be ad- justed more often than the old-fashioned bearings of solid brass. In the early days it was the test of a good engineer to make adjustments by chipping and filing down the edges of the brasses uniformly, as that was the method then in vogue. All bearings in these times have pieces of brass, known as distance pieces, between the upper and lower brasses; when the wear has been excessive these distance pieces can be planed down in a shaper very quickly. However, that is sel- dom necessary, as liners, or shims, consisting of varying thicknesses of sheet brass, are also fitted between the distance pieces and the brasses. By removing one of the thinnest liners a very small lost motion can be- taken up and the tendency of the bearing to pound prevented. Of course, it is necessary to have some slight clearance to all bearings, else it would be difficult to distribute the oil over the rubbing sur- faces. A good rule to remember for the amount of the clear- ance is that for every inch of diameter of a bearing there should be two one-thousandths of an inch of space. Thus for a 12-inch crankpin the clearance should be 12 X .002 .024 inch. This corresponds practically to No. 24 B. W. G., which is a safe clearance space. Some engineers would set them up tighter than that, but when they do there is always a good CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF ENGINES 189 chance for them to heat. By the same rule a 6-inch diameter crosshead pin should have .013 inch clearance, which cor- responds to No. 30 B. W. G." "What's that mean, chief?" asked Pierce. "B. W. G. means 'Birmingham Wire Gage.' Wire, you know, is made of a great many different diameters, and in- stead of expressing them as so many thousandths of an inch, it is much simpler to say No. i, 7 or 27, or whatever it hap- pens to be. Birmingham in England is one of the leading wire manufacturing communities, so the gage most generally used is the one which was adopted at that place many years ago. "In adjusting a bearing, as, for example, the main bearings of the engine, the cap or top part should be removed by means of a chain hoist, and the white metal and oil grooves ex- amined. If it is found that the brass does not bear well on the shaft journal it must be scraped down to a good fit. To do this properly the journal should be smeared over with a thin coating of red lead and oil and the cap put back in place. Where the white metal of the brass touches the shaft there will be red spots. These spots should all be carefully scraped down and the cap again tried as before. A^ter this is repeated several times, the brass should be found to bear on the journal quite uniformly. Always remember that the principal bearing should be in the center of the brass. The outside edges should not touch at all, for if they bear on the journal when it is cold it will be found when the temperature of the bearing rises to a working heat there will be a tendency for the edges to squeeze in on the shaft; or nip, as it is termed, which will cause the bearing to become overheated. It is also necessary to fit them in this way to provide for wear, the heaviest of which is naturally in the center of the brass. After the bearing is found to be satisfactory, so far as its surface is concerned, the oil grooves should be carefully cleaned out, and 190 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL enlarged where necessary, as it is of vital importance to have the grooves amply large and so placed that a uniform dis- tribution of the oil will take place. "For final adjustments three strips of lead wire about 1/16 inch in diameter should be laid across each journal, one at each end and one in the middle. The cap should then be replaced, and the main bearing nuts set down as tightly as possible by means of a box-wrench and a sledge. The posi- tion of the nut in reference to the end of the bolt should be marked with a scriber, so that you will know how tight to set up on the nuts after the cap has again been taken off and the three pieces of lead wire removed. The leads, as they are called, should be measured by means of the wire gage, to see that they are of about the thickness necessary for the desired amount of clearance. A more accurate method for determin- ing the amount of clearance from the leads is by means of the micrometer." "Mike who?" interrupted O'Rourke. "Don't let that word bother you, as the instrument is not an Irish invention, even if its. first name is Mike," rejoined McAndrew. "It is more than likely it was invented by a German; but at any rate it is a very useful measuring ma- chine, by means of which, through the medium of an ac- curately cut screw head and 'a graduated sleeve, thicknesses of one-thousandth of an inch, and even of one ten-thousandth inch can be readily measured. When you get to be engineers you will find it very useful to save these leads, or spaghetti, as O'Rourke calls them, for future reference. A convenient way to do it is to get a large brown-paper book, a scrap- book will do, and cut slits in the pages through which the leads can be held in place. Mark under each set of three leads the name of the bearing from which they were taken, the date, and opposite several points in their length jot down the thick- nesses in thousandths of an inch. CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF ENGINES IQI "Even if a crankpin has been adjusted to your satisfaction by means of leads, it is always a wise precaution to put the end of a pinch bar in between the end of the brass and the crank-web, and if it does not move with a 'chug' after a quick yank on the other end of the bar, the brasses are probably too tight, and should be slacked up slightly until they can be moved in that manner. "When eccentric straps become noisy, they should be taken apart and a small shim removed ; but they should never be set up so tight that they cannot be moved all around by hand after the bearing surfaces have been oiled. "Journals connected with the valve gear do not need adjust- ing very often, but when they do it is a comparatively simple matter, especially if they are fitted with strap, gib and key connections, as many of them are. When first constructed it is usual to leave from 1/16 inch to H i ncn clearance between the two brasses, so to adjust them afterwards it is only neces- sary to drive the taper key in a little further, always beingi sure to set up tightly on the set screw. "Many small pin bearings where the wear is trifling are fitted with solid bushings of brass. When they become badly worn the bushings should be renewed. "The making of new joints and packing small stuffing- boxes should be attended to while the vessel is in port, as there is nothing that annoys an engineer more while the vessel is underway than to have one of these blow out. It is a strange fatality, if I might call it that, that joints and stuffing-boxes always give way at the most inopportune times. A joint will run along perfectly tight while the ship is in a cold climate, but just as soon as she gets down South, and on some par- ticularly hot day, 'bang!' out blows the gasket, and fills an already hot engine room full of steam and vapor. "Then, too, it is generally the joint which is hardest, to get at which lets go, while some joint that is easily remade will 192 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL run along as tight as a bottle for months at* a time. The engineer who is onto his job will have all suspicions joints remade while the vessel is tied up to the wharf and there is time to do the job properly. "The making of joints and packing of stuffing-boxes is something you will have to learn from actual experience. The various materials from which gaskets are made are as numerous as the first man up San Juan Hill, and some of them just about as reliable. As a rule, you should use only rubber gaskets for joints in water pipes. For steam joints various fibrous materials, asbestos woven with wire and usudurian are the best and last longest. In making steam joints you must be exceedingly careful to see that all the old material is scraped from both flanges, and that the flanges themselves are parallel. The holes in the gasket should be cleanly cut, and before it is slipped in place the packing should be smeared over on both sides with black lead and tallow or cylinder oil. Set up on the bolts just as tightly as possible, but not so hard as to twist some of them off, as is done occasionally by muscular young men like O'Rourke." "Honest Injun, chief, that wasn't me that twisted that stud off the feed pump this morning. I won't say just who it was, but I think he can speak German," protested O'Rourke. "Oho ! so one of you is guilty of that very same thing only this morning, eh? Well, whichever one of you highbrows it was will have the pleasure of putting in a new stud while you are resting yourselves off watch to-morrow. "As I was saying," resumed McAndrew, "the bolts on a new joint should be set up as tightly as possible, and then after steam has been on the pipe for an hour or so, they should be followed up, as the saying is, as the heating of the gasket usually allows a little more tightening. "In packing stuffing-boxes, the turns of packing should be put in so that the joints do not come opposite one another, CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF ENGINES IQ3 and this packing should also be rubbed down with black lead and tallow." "Why do you do that, chief?" asked Nelson. "It isn't that it does any particular good in keeping the stuffing-box tight, but it makes it much easier to remove the packing when it is worn out and again has to be repacked. In marine engineering, no matter what you do in the way of construction or repairs, you must provide for all manner of things which may happen in the future. You don't want to be caught like the man who built a boat having a 6-foot beam in a cellar with only a 3-foot door to get it out of and didn't notice the difference until the boat was finished. "Certain parts of marine machinery need to be inspected to see that everything is in good condition. I don't believe, as some engineers apparently do, in taking an engine or an auxiliary apart to see what makes it work so well, but at regu- lar periods, say every three or four months, the cylinder heads should be lifted to see that none of the follower bolts is cracked or has become loose. Water ends of air pumps, feed pumps and bilge pumps should be examined quite fre- quently to see that the valves have not become too much worn and the springs are not broken and are in their proper places. This is particularly necessary if rubber valves are used. The main condenser should be watched closely to see that no leaks have developed in the tubes. This is generally indicated by the water getting too high in the gage glasses on the boilers, as salt water will leak through the tubes to the fresh water side of the condenser and mix in with the feed water, causing a surplus. If you have reason to suspect that any of the tubes are leaking the condenser should be filled with water, the water chest at each end removed, and the ends of all the tubes examined carefully to see if any water is running out. If it does, that indicates that the tube is leaking and it should be removed at once. If there are spare tubes on hand fit one IQ4 M C ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL of them in its place or else plug up the holes in the tube sheets. "After several months of use, condenser tubes become covered with grease from the exhaust steam and fall off in their efficiency of transmitting the heat from the exhaust steam to the circulating water. This is generally indicated by the vacuum falling below its usual height, and the con- denser should be boiled out with a strong solution of soda and water heated by means of a jet of steam. "There are, of course, many other jobs to be attended to while a vessel is in port; in fact, the duties of an engineer while the vessel is tied up remind me of the tribulations of a 12-year-old playmate of mine when I was a youngster. He would get home from school about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and upon reporting to his fond stepmother would every day be saluted about as follows : 'Now, Lewis, you hurry up and get ten or twelve baskets of chips from the shipyard ; run up to the grocery store for me; hoe five rows of potatoes; chop the kindling for the morning; get six pails of water and then you can play the rest of the time before supper.' "After performing all the numerous chores I have told you about which have to be done in port the average engineer who follows the sea can play the rest of the time; but I am afraid that it is mostly after supper that he finds the opportunity." CHAPTER XX Examination Questions and Answers Since the last lecture to his class McAndrew had been so busy with his regular duties that nearly a month had elapsed before another opportunity offered to give the boys in the Floating School further instruction. In the meantime the four young men had continued their studies, using such text- books as they had on hand for the purpose. It seems that Pierce, who was somewhat more ambitious than his ship- mates, had, at about the time that the Chief commenced their instruction, enlisted as a student in one of the large cor- respondence schools and taken up its course in marine engi- neering. The text-books furnished with the course were very comprehensive, and Pierce had kindly loaned them to his fellow students, so that all had profited by studying them. McAndrew commenced his remarks by saying, "We have now covered, in a somewhat brief manner, to be sure, nearly all the principal subjects necessary for an elementary under- standing of marine engineering. It is now up to you to put in practice some of the things I have told you. To get your 'tickets' as assistant engineers is, of course, your ambition. The best way to prepare for your examination for a license is to work out some of the questions which have been asked by the steamboat inspectors. The existing laws in the United States concerning licenses are somewhat vague in regard to examinations, and I will quote you the following extracts from the statutes, which will be of interest to you : 196 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL " 'No person shall receive an original license as engineer or assistant engineer who has not served at least three years in the engineer's department of a steam vessel. * * * " 'Any person who has served three years as apprentice to the machinist trade in a marine, stationary or locomotive engine works, and any person who has served for a period of not less than three years as a locomotive or stationary engi- neer, or any person graduated as a mechanical engineer from a duly recognized school of technology, may be licensed to serve as an engineer of steam vessels after having had not less than one year's experience in the engine department of steam vessels, a portion of which experience must have been obtained within the three years preceding his application, which fact must be verified by the certificate in writing of the licensed engineer or master under whom the applicant has served, said certificate to be filed with the application of the candidate; and no person shall receive license as above, ex- cept for special license, who is not able to determine the weight necessary to be placed on the lever of a safety valve (the diameter of valve, length of lever, distance from center of valve to fulcrum, weight of lever, and weight of valve and stem being known) to withstand any given pressure of steam in a boiler, or who is not able to figure and determine the strain brought on the braces of a boiler with a given pressure of steam, the position and distance apart of braces being known, such knowledge to be determined by an examination in writing, and the report of examination filed with the ap- plication in the office of the local inspectors, and no engineer or assistant engineer now holding a license shall have the grade of the same raised without possessing the above quali- fications. No original license shall be granted any engineer or assistant engineer who cannot read and write and does not understand the plain rules of arithmetic/ "So far as the letter of the law is concerned it would seem EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 197 to be very easy for you to get a license, providing you can solve the two problems called for in the above qualification. But do not fool yourselves by thinking that you can get away with a ticket so easily; while the law on the subject is very old and not brought up to date, you will find that the ex- aminers are very much alive to present conditions. While the law requires satisfactory answers to only those two ques- tions, it does not prohibit further questioning by the inspec- tors, and if you ever pass your examinations you will find that you must be pretty well posted in about every subject connected with the business." "Chief," inquired O'Rourke, "I see that you can get a ticket inside of a year if you are a graduate how about graduates from our school?" "I am afraid," replied McAndrew, "that our .little school here would not score very heavily as a 'fecognized school of technology' ; but do not be alarmed about that. Where there is one licensed marine engineer who is graduated from a 'recognized school of technology' there are at least forty-nine who have graduated from the College of Practical Experience and Self-Help. This little Floating School of ours is simply a branch of that college. "You will notice that the law requires that every candidate must understand the plain rules of arithmetic. I know that you all understand these rules, but I am not so sure that you all understand the plain rules of mensuration, or the measure- ments of area and volume. No one can pass the examination who does not understand these rules, so I will devote a few moments to explaining them to you. MEASUREMENT OF AREAS AND VOLUMES "To find the area of any plain rectangular figure, that is, one having four square corners, you multiply the length by IQo MC ANDREW S FLOATING SCHOOL the breadth. Thus the side of a rectangular tank 8 feet long and 4 feet wide will contain 8 X 4 = 32 square feet. "To find the volume of a rectangular tank we must multiply the length, breadth and depth together. Thus if the above tank is 4 feet in depth it will contain 8 X 4 X 4 128 cubic feet. "A circle is defined as a figure every point of whose cir- cumference or boundary is equally distant from a point within called the center. You are familiar with how it is drawn with a pair of compasses. The diameter of a circle is the length of a line drawn across it and through its center. To find the length of the circumference, or distance around the circle, we multiply the diameter by the figures 3.1416. Thus if the diameter of a barrel is 2 feet, the circumference will be 2 X 3.1416, or 6.2832 feet. "You will very often be required to find the area of a circle ; the way to do it is to square the diameter ; that is, multiply it by itself, and then multiply the quotient by the figures .7854. If you are told that a high-pressure cylinder is 30 inches in diameter, to find its area you first multiply 30 X 30, and get 900. Then 900 X -7854 = 706.86 square inches, the area. "You must always remember those two 'constants/ as they are termed, 3.1416 for the circumference and .7854 for the area of a circle, as you will often have use for them when you do not have time to hunt them up in the text-books." "I can remember them," said O'Rourke. "It's just as easy as remembering 4-11-44." "Yes, and much more useful," said the instructor. "It is also quite important for you to know how to find the volume and area of a cylinder. For example, if you are going to cover a tank with asbestos, you would want to know how to find the total area. A cylinder, you know, is a figure which if cut across perpendicular to its axis at any point EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 199 beteween the top and bottom will be circular in section. Hence if we have a cylindrical tank 5 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, and wanted to know how much material was needed to cover it all over, we would first find the circum- ference of a circle 5 feet in diameter, which is 5 X 3.1416 = 15.708 feet. Multiply this by the height, 10 feet, and we have 10 X 15708 = 157.08 square feet to cover all around the sides. "How would you find the amount of covering for the ends, O'Rourke?" "Multiply her by .7854," replied the young man. "Multiply what?" "Why, the 5 feet diameter, of course," confidently said O'Rourke. "There's where you're wrong, as usual. I told you that in order to find the area of a circle you must square the diam- eter. So we have 5 X 5 = 25 and 25 X -7^54 = 19.635 square feet as the area of one end. But there are two ends, so we must allow for twice that, or 39.27 square feet. This added to 157.08 gives us 196.35 square feet as the total surface of the tank. "It is of equal importance for you to be able to find the volume of a cylinder, or how much it will hold if it is hollow, or how large it is if solid. For example, we want to know how many gallons of oil or water a tank like the above will hold. To do this we must first find the area of the circle, which from the above we know to be 19.635 square feet, and as it is simpler to calculate it in inches we multiply this number by 144, or 19.635 X 144 2827.4 square inches. Right here I want to warn you against a mistake that so many beginners fall into; that is, of multiplying feet by inches. Remember, feet must always be multiplied by feet and inches by inches, or your answer will be wrong. Hence the height or depth of this tank being 10 feet, we must use 2OO MC ANDREWS FLOATING SCHOOL 10 X 12, or 120 inches, as the multiplier. Then we have 28274 X I2 o = 339,288 cubic inches as the volume of the tank. There are 231 cubic inches in a gallon, so we divide the total number of cubic inches in the tank, 339,288 by 231, and we find in even numbers that the tank will contain 1,469 gallons. "There are not many spherical surfaces around marine machinery, but it might be useful at some time for you to know how to find the volume and surface of a sphere or ball. This is defined as a solid bounded by a curved surface, every point of which is equally distant from a point within known as the center. Any line through the center and cutting the surface is the diameter. We will suppose that we have a ball float in the feed tank 12 inches in diameter, and want to know how much sheet copper it will take to make such a float. The rule is to square the diameter and multiply by our old friend 3.1416. Thus 12 X 12 = 144 and 144 X 3-14*6 = 452.39 square inches as the surface of the ball. Now if we had a cast iron ball 6 inches in diameter hanging on a safety valve lever, and wanted to know its weight, we would first find its volume in cubic inches. To do this the rule is to cube the diameter; that is, multiply it by itself twice, and multiply that product by .5236. Thus in this case it would be 6X6X6 = 216, and 216 X -5236 = 113.1 cubic inches in the ball. Knowing that cast iron weighs .26 pound to the cubic inch we multiply 113.1 by .26, and find that the ball weighs 29.41 pounds." "Chief, could you use that rule to find the weight of a highball ?" inquired O'Rourke. "From all I can hear of the subject highballs haven't much weight, as their general tendency is to make you light-headed," suggested McAndrew. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 201 SAFETY VALVE PROBLEMS "Now we are ready for the all-important safety valve problem, and I am particularly anxious to have you under- stand the principle upon which it is worked, rather than to learn some particular example, as is too often the case with beginners. When you come up for examination you will find that the conditions given you will be entirely different from any problem you may have worked out. The following is an outline sketch, which will enable you to follow out the principle involved. "In Fig. 37, O represents the fulcrum, or point where the lever is hinged; V represents the valve; N the center of 1 ftr FIG. 37. SAFTETY VALVE PROBLEM gravity of the lever ; that is the point where, if the lever should be picked up in your hand, it would exactly balance and remain in a horizontal position. M represents the point where the weight W is located on the lever. The forces act- ing on the lever at M and N have a tendency to make it fall or rotate in a direction opposite to the hands of a watch. The weight of the valve and stem at S also has that ten- dency. The only upward force, or the only force tending to make the lever turn in the same direction as the hands of a watch, is the pressure of the steam on the valve V , operating on the lever at the point S. Now, safety valve levers are not supposed to be rotating in either direction, but to remain in equilibrium, hence the downward forces must be such as to balance the upward force, and the only force that can be 2O2 MCA^REW'S FLOATING SCHOOL adjusted to bring them all in equilibrium is that of the weight W. This can be done either by varying the weight itself or by moving it out or in from the fulcrum O. "The tendency to cause the lever to rotate about the ful- crum, with a ball of a given weight, varies with the distance the ball is from the fulcrum exactly as the principle of the levers, which I have explained to you before. To measure this tendency you multiply the weight by the distance from the fulcrum, and the product is known as the moment. Thus a weight of i pound, placed 4 feet from the fulcrum, would have a moment of 4 foot-pounds to cause rotation. Similarly, a weight of 4 pounds placed only i foot from the fulcrum would have the same moment of 4 foot-pounds. If the dis- tances were given in inches we would speak of the moments in so many inch-pounds. "To illustrate these principles, suppose in Fig. 37 we were given the following quantities : Distance OS from fulcrum to center of valve 6 inches. Weight of valve and stem 8 pounds. Diameter of the safety valve 3 inches. Steam pressure 50 pounds. Weight of lever 10 pounds. Center of gravity of lever 20 inches from fulcrum. Distance of weight (OM) from fulcrum 30 inches. Required, the size of the weight necessary to keep the valve in equilibrium when steam is at 50 pounds pressure. "The upward tendency is represented by the pressure of the steam at S. A valve 3 inches in diameter has an area of 7.07 square inches ; this, multiplied by 50, the pressure per square inch, gives us a total upward pressure of 353.5 pounds. But this is 6 inches from the fulcrum, so the moment will be 353-5 X 6 = 2,121.0 inch-pounds. "All the other weights exert downward forces and tend to EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2O3 affect this upward pressure, so we will have the following to work against the 2,121 inch-pounds moment of the valve. "Weight of valve and stem (8 pounds) multiplied by lever arms (6 inches) equals 48 inch-pounds. "Weight of lever (10 pounds) multiplied by distance OA r (20 inches) equals 200 inch-pounds. "We do not yet know the size of the weight W , but we do know its distance from the fulcrum (30 inches), hence we add 48 and 200, and find the sum to be 248, and subtract it from 2,121 and find we have 1,873 inch-pounds to make the downward moments equal to the upward moments. This 1,873 is in inch-pounds, hence dividing it by 30 inches will give us 62.4 pounds as the size of the weight to maintain the balance. "We will suppose that the weight (62.4) had been given us, and we were asked to ascertain what distance it should be located from the fulcrum in order to balance 50 pounds pres- sure on the valve. In this case we would have the same upward pressure from the valve, or 353.5 pounds, and the moment of 2,121.0 inch-pounds. The downward forces for the weights of the valve and stem and the lever will be repre- sented by a total of 248 inch-pounds. As before, subtract this from 2,121 and we have 1,873 inch-pounds. Knowing the size of the weight in pounds (62.4) we divide it into 1,873, and find that the weight should be located 30 inches from the fulcrum in order to be in balance. "Another way the problem might be given you is to find out what the steam pressure would be with all the conditions given as above. The downward pressures would be as before : Inch-Pounds Valve and stem, 8 pounds X 6 inches = 48 Lever, 10 pounds X 20 inches = 200 Weight, 62.4 pounds X 30 inches = 1,873 Total. 2,121 2O4 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL "We know that the area of the valve is 7.07 square inches, and its lever arm, or distance from the fulcrum, is 6 inches, so we have 7.07 X 6 42.42. As there is only the one force acting upward we divide 2,121 by 42.42, and find that a pres- sure of 50 pounds can be carried with the weight set in the position given. How TO FIGURE THE STRESSES ON BOILER BRACES "The next problem we will take up is the one required by law: 'to figure and determine the stresses brought on the braces of a boiler with a given pressure of steam, the position and distance apart of braces being known.' "This is very simple, as it only involves multiplication. Thus if the braces are spaced 12 inches apart each way, and the steam pressure is 160 pounds per square inch, we multiply 12 by 12, and find that there are 144 square inches to be sup- ported, and 144 X ico = 23,040 pounds stress which is brought on one brace. Similarly, if the braces are spaced 14 inches apart horizontally and 10 inches vertically, and the steam pressure is 160 pounds per square inch, we would multiply 14 by 10, and find that there is an area of 140 square inches to be supported by one brace, and 140 X 160 would give us 22,400 pounds, or an even 10 tons, as the total stress on one brace. "The inspectors, however, do not confine themselves to this simple form of the problem, and you are liable to get one like the above, with the addition that they would ask you the safe diameter of the brace. To perform this we must know the United States rules as to the safe working load per square inch of section. These rules give allowances of 6,000 pounds per square inch of section for iron ; above 5 square inches sectional area if steel is used and regularly inspected an allowance of 8,000 pounds per square inch is made; braces above i l /4 inches diameter are not allowed to exceed 9,000 EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 20$ pounds per square inch of section if such stays are not forged or welded. "You might get a question similar to the following: What diameter of bracing should be used to support a flat surface 12 inches by 12 inches, using steam at 200 pounds pressure? The solution would be 12 X 12 = 144, and 144 X 200 = 28,800 pounds to be supported; 28,800 -4- 9,000 = 3.2 square inches. Looking at a table of areas we would find that a stay having a diameter of 2 1/16 inches has an area of 3.341 square inches, which is the nearest area to the one we know to be necessary. Very likely these braces would be made 2 l /% inches in diameter, as that would be the nearest commercial size obtainable. ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE ON A BOILER "Possibly you will be asked how to find what pressure will be allowable on a Scotch boiler, knowing the thickness of shell, the diameter of the boiler, tensile strength of plate, etc. "The United States Government rule is to multiply one- sixth of the lowest tensile strength in pounds by the thick- ness in inches, and divide by one-half the diameter, also in inches ; 20 percentum is to be added if double riveting is used for the horizontal seams, which, of course, would be used these days ; in fact, the seams would probably be triple- riveted, but the rule makes no allowance for that. "For example, if we had a boiler 15 feet in diameter, made of steel plates, the lowest tensile strength of which was Co,ooo pounds per square inch, and the shell was i l / 2 inches In thickness, and we wanted to find what presure would be allowed by the inspectors, we would proceed as follows : 15 feet X 12 = 180 inches diameter. One-half of 180 = 90 inches. One-sixth of the lowest tensile strength (60,000 pounds) = io,oco pounds. 2o6 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL i}/2 inches =1.5 inches. 10,000 X 1.5 = 15,000. 15,000 -=- 90 = 166.6 pounds. "As double riveting allowances must be made, we add 20 percent of this and have 166.6 -f- 33.4 = 200 pounds pressure allowable on the boiler." "Chief," said Pierce, "suppose we wanted to find out what thickness to make this boiler shell, and we knew the size and pressure we wanted to carry?" "We would simply reverse the operation," replied McAndrew. "In other words, multiply the radius in inches by the pressure in pounds and divide by one-sixth the tensile strength. Thus 90 X 200 = 18,000; 18,000 -f- 15,000 = 1.2 inches thick. But for double riveting an allowance of 20 percent additional is made, and 1.2 is only 80 percent (100 20) of the thickness allowance. As 80 percent is 1.2, 100 percent will be 1.5 inches, the thickness which we will have to make the boiler shell in order to withstand the. pres- sure required and conform to the rules. "Strange to say, all the problems required by law to be given candidates for engineers' licenses in this country relate to boilers. These laws were passed in the early days of steam navigation, and I presume that the legislators in those days thought that if a man understood boilers thoroughly he could manage somehow to run the engines. Fortunately for the good of the service the inspectors ask questions concerning nearly all parts of the steam machinery, so it is well to be prepared in a general way." "Why can't we get some of the old examination papers?" observed Nelson. "Just try it for yourself and see," said McAndrew. "In the first place they are not published, so it is not necessary to give any other reasons. "I have, however, put down in my notebook a number of EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2O7 the questions that were asked me on my different examina- tions, and I will give you the benefit of some of those I have had, and also of some of those I have obtained from other engineers. They are as follows: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM MARINE ENGINEERS' EXAMINATION PAPERS Q. What is the advantage of a triple-expansion engine over a compound ; how is the power divided ; how can you tell when the power is equally divided? A. Greater economy, due to a greater degree of expansion of the steam ; the power should be divided as nearly equally as possible between the three cylinders ; the only way to ascer- tain whether the division is equal or not is to take a set of cards from each cylinder and calculate the horsepower which each develops. Q. What are the principal types of condensers? A. Jet and surface. Q. What are the necessary appliances for operating a sur- face condenser? A. The circulating pumps for forcing the cooling water through the tubes, and the air pump for pumping out the condensed water and the vapor from the interior of the condenser. Q. How would you ascertain if a condenser was leaking salt water? A. By taking off the water chest at each end and filling the condenser with fresh water. If any water runs out through the ends of the tubes there are leaks in the tubes, which, when the condenser is in operation, would admit salt water to the condenser. Q. How many sets of valves are there in an air pump; which set could be dispensed with and the pump continue to work? 2o8 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL A. The valves are known as foot valves, bucket valves and discharge valves. The pump could run without foot valves, but it works better with them. Q. What is a vacuum ? A. A vacuum means absence of air. Q. What is steam? A. Steam is a thin, invisible, elastic vapor formed by the application of heat to water. Q. Is it possible to get a perfect vacuum? A. It is not. Q. If a vacuum gage shows 24 inches, how many pounds pressure does that indicate? A. About 12 pounds. Q. Suppose the steam gage shows 60 pounds and the vacuum gage 24 inches, what would be the pressure in pounds per square inch on the piston? A. One-half of 24 inches means a pressure of 12 pounds, so the pressure per square inch on the piston would be 60 + 12 = 72 pounds. Q. What is the duty of a condenser? A. A condenser serves the purpose of condensing or turn- ing the exhaust steam back into its original state as water; in this operation a vacuum is formed which increases the power of the engine by carrying out the expansion of the steam to nearly its limit. Q. How does a leaky condenser affect a boiler? A. It allows salt water to be fed to the boiler, and if the leak is extensive it will cause too great a quantity of water to accumulate in the boiler, so that the boiler will have to be blown down at intervals. Q. Describe the course of steam from the boiler to a triple- expansion engine, naming the valves and pipes, etc., it passes through until in the form of water it reaches the feed tank? A. The steam after being formed in the boiler first passes EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2OO, through the dry-pipe, the object of which is to keep the water out of the steam. It then passes through the main stop valve on the boiler into the main steam pipe. In the main steam pipe is sometimes fitted a separator which removes the water from the steam. Passing through the throttle valve it enters the high-pressure steam chest, thence through the high- pressure valve into the high-pressure cylinder ; after a certain degree of expansion in that cylinder it is exhausted into the first receiver, and passing through the intermediate valve it enters the intermediate cylinder, where another degree of expansion ensues. It is exhausted from the intermediate cylinder into the second receiver, and thence through the low- pressure valve into the low-pressure cylinder, where it is expanded to its final stage and then is exhausted into the condenser. There it is transformed into water by coming in contact with the surface of the cold tubes. This water is pumped out of the bottom of the condenser by means of the air pump, and is discharged into the feed tank, whence it is again pumped into the boilers by means of the feed pump. Q. Where should the throw of the eccentric be placed in relation to the crank of a slide valve engine? A. It should be set ahead of the crank where the steam is taken on the outside of the valve. Q. How would you set an eccentric on a new shaft to have the valve properly set? A. Ninety degrees ahead of the crank, plus the amount of the lap, plus the amount of the lead. Before setting the eccentric you should lock it with a set screw, and then by turning the engine around one revolution see that the lead is correct for both ends. After it is found to be in the correct position then mark and cut the keyway in the shaft. Q. What is meant by lap? A. The amount a slide valve overlaps the steam port, when 210 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL it is in mid-position, if it is on the steam side. On the exhaust side it is the amount it overlaps the exhaust side. The former is used for regulating the cut-off and the latter to provide compression at each end of the stroke. Q. What is meant by lead ? A. By lead is meant the amount the valve is open when the piston is at the end of its stroke. Lead is given to admit steam before the piston reaches the end of the stroke, and to start it off promptly on the new stroke. Q. Can steam be cut off equally in the two ends of a cylin- der when using a lap valve? A. No, it cannot, for the reason that the crank is not hori- zontal when the piston is at half stroke, but a little above the center, due to the angularity of the connecting rod. When the crank is horizontal the piston is a little below the center of its stroke, therefore the steam follows further on the top. Q. Is the lead increased or decreased by shifting the link to mid-position? A. If you have "open" rods the lead will increase as we run in the links, and we shorten the point of cut-off. If the rods are crossed the opposite is the case. Q. What are the practical limits of cutting off with a slide valve ? A. It is not practicable to cut off very short with a lap valve, on account of the excessive lap necessary and the in- creased travel of the valve. Generally speaking, it is inad- visable to cut off at less than ^ the stroke, nor more than %. Q. What is the difference in the throw of an eccentric of a double-ported valve from that necessary for a single-ported valve ? A. Double-ported valves are used to reduce the travel of a valve by giving a double admission at each end, hence the travel is only one-half that of a single-ported valve. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 211 Q. Find the area of opening in a boiler shell for a duplex safety valve, each valve being 3^ inches diameter. A. 3-5 X 3-5 = 12.25, this multiplied by .7854 = 9.62 as the area of one valve ; 9.62 X 2 = 19.24 as the area of the hole in the boiler. The diameter corresponding to that area is practically 5 inches. Q. What is meant by foaming or priming? How do you explain the cause? A. "Foaming" is the violent boiling or ebullition of the water in the boiler, the water level rises and falls rapidly, and water gets mixed with the steam and is carried to the engine; this latter action is known as "priming." Foaming is liable to occur when the boiler is dirty; when the boiler is forced to a great extent; when changing from salt to fresh feed; when too much soda is used in the boiler, or if the boiler does not have sufficient steam space. Q. How would you check "foaming"? A. Slow down the engine ; put on a strong feed ; pump and blow if necessary. Q. What precautions are necessary when the boiler is priming? A. Open all cylinder and valve chest drains, and if neces- sary slow down the engine. Q. What are the bad effects of oil or grease getting into the boilers? A. The oil forms a scum on the surface of the water in the boiler, and gradually collects together with particles of salt scales, sulphate of lime, etc., and will finally settle on the tubes or on the furnace crowns. Being a very poor conductor of heat it is liable to cause the metal to become overheated, with consequent collapse or bulging of the furnaces. The oil will also become decomposed, form acids and expedite elec- trolytic action, with its consequent pitting of the steel plates and tubes. 212 MC ANDREWS FLOATING SCHOOL Q. What density would you carry the water in the boiler, using a high-pressure of steam, such as 180 pounds? A. With steam at that pressure allow the density to rbe as high as 4 or 4^2 thirty-seconds before blowing, as with high temperature if we keep blowing to hold the density low, we increase the scale as the calcium sulphate in the sea water deposits at the comparatively low temperature of 290 de- grees F. Q. How would you determine the density of boiler water if the salinometer was out of order? A. By means of noting the boiling point. Fresh water boils at 212 degrees F. under atmospheric pressure only. Ordinary sea water boils at 213.2 degrees F. At a density of 2 thirty- seconds it boils at 214.2 degrees F., and so on. Q. How high should the water be carried over the tops of combustion chambers? A. Not less than 6 inches. Q. Describe a fusible plug. Where are they placed in a boiler? and for what purpose? What materials are used in their construction? A. A fusible plug is usually made of brass, filled with Banca tin. They are to relieve the pressure in case of low water in the boiler, the theory being that the tin will melt out when there is no water over it, and allow the steam to blow through the hole thus formed. In boilers having combustion chambers they must be placed in the top, or the highest heating surface. In flue boilers one must be placed in each flue and one in the shell of the boiler from the inside just below the fire line, and not less than 4 feet from the forward end of the boiler. Q. Where would you use a soft patch on a boiler, and how should it be applied? A. A soft patch should be used over a weak spot on the boiler, or over a part of a joint where the rivets are cor- roded away and leaking. It should never be used where it EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 213 will come in contact with the fire or flames. It is usual to make them of 3/i6-inch or ^-inch plate, and of a size suf- ficient to overlap all portions of the weak spot to be patched. A templet of lead should be made for the patch. The patch itself should be made to correspond to the templet; it should be lipped around its edges, so as to hold the putty of red lead and iron filings. Each bolt should be fitted with washers and grommets of asbestos thread rubbed down with white lead. Bake the patch with heated irons and set up as tightly on the bolts as possible. Q. Where on a boiler would you use a hard patch, and how should it be applied ? A. A hard patch is used for a permanent job, and can be fitted over a hole or defective part of the boiler, even if it does come in contact with the fire. The defective part should be cut out, a templet made large enough to allow for a riveted joint all around the hole. The holes should be drilled from the templet, and when all is ready drive the rivets and calk the edges all around the same as in regular boiler con- struction. Q. Upon what does the strength of a cylindrical boiler depend ? A. Upon the thicknes of the shell. Q. Why are two safety valves used instead of one? A. The combined area of the two valves must be equal to the area of one valve, as required by the rules of the Steam- boat Inspection Service. When two valves are used there is less likelihood of both getting out of order than would be the case if only one is used. Q. What should be the angle of the seat of safety valves? A. The seats should have an angle of inclination of 45 degrees to the center line of their axes. Q. What determines the size of safety valves of different kinds? 214 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL A. Lever safety valves must have an area of not less than I square inch to 2 square feet of the grate surface. Spring loaded safety valves must have an area of not less than i square inch for each 3 square feet of grate surface, except for watertube boilers carrying a steam pressure exceeding 175^ pounds per square inch, when they are required to have an area of not less than I square inch for each 6 square feet of grate surface. Q. Name all the valves on a boiler, stating the most im- portant one and where it is placed. A. The valves on a marine boiler are the safety valve, main stop valve, auxiliary stop valve, main feed check valve, auxiliary feed check valve, surface blow valve, bottom blow valve, drain valve and sometimes a sentinel valve. The most important one is the safety valve, which is placed on the shell at the highest part of the boiler. Q. What would be the result if both feed valves were shut on a boiler and the engine was in motion at full speed? A. The water in the boiler would be gradually used up, and if not replenished the boiler would explode. Q. Does the water in the glass always show the true level in the boiler? A. No, it does not. Occasionally the pipes leading to the gage glass may become choked up with hardened oil, or the valves may not be opened. These should be frequently tried to see that they are kept open. Q. A ship has six double-ended boilers with six furnaces, each of which is 6 feet 6 inches long by 3 feet 3 inches in diameter, and when the ship is making 15 knots there is 15 pounds of coal burned per square foot of grate area per hour. How many tons of coal would be required for a voyage of 3,000 miles, and how many tons would be burned each day ? A. As each furnace is 6^2 feet long and 3*4 feet in diam- eter, there would be &/ 2 X 3/4 = 21$^ square feet in each EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 215 furnace; 21 1 /& X 6 = 126^4 square feet of grate surface in each boiler ; 12624 X 6 760^ square feet of grate surface in all the boilers; 760^ X 15 = HA^7 l /2 pounds, or 5.09 tons of coal burned per hour; 3,000 -=- 15 = 200 hours' time to make the voyage of 3,006 miles ; 5.09 X 200 = 1,018 tons to make the voyage of 3,000 miles; 5.09 X 24 = 122.16 tons burned each day. Q. If you were in charge of a modern triple-expansion engine, and the intermediate connecting rod broke beyond repair, what would you do? A. Disconnect the rod at both ends; take out the inter- mediate valve, so as to allow the steam to pass from the high-pressure exhaust direct to the low-pressure valve chest and proceed on the voyage, using only the high and low- pressure cylinders. Q. How long would you run a boiler if you had used only fresh water as feed before cleaning it? A. About 700 steaming hours with the main engine in use would be about the safe limit before opening the boiler to clean it, as it will be found at the end of that time that the zincs will need renewing. Q. If the high-pressure valve stem broke beyond repair what would you do? A. Take out the high-pressure valve and let the live steam from the boilers blow directly through to the intermediate valve chest, and run the engine compound with the inter- mediate and low-pressure cylinders. Q. How many gallons of water is pumped per hour by a single-acting plunger pump, whose diameter is 6 inches, stroke IO inches, and making 60 strokes per minute? A. The area corresponding to a diameter of 6 inches is 28.27 square inches. This is found by multiplying 6x6 = 36 X 7854 = 28.27 square inches. Now 28.27 X 10 inches = 282.7 cubic inches per stroke; 282.7 X 60 = 16,962 cubic 216 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL inches per hour; 16,962 ~ 231 (number of cubic inches per gallon) = 73.4 gallons per minute ; 734 X 60 4404 gallons per hour. Q. What are the principal things to look after upon taking charge of a watch? A. See first if there is a half a glass of water in each boiler, that the fires are clean, that the ashes have been blown out, that some coal is out on the plates, that no bearings are run- ning warm, that the feed pump is working well, and that a good vacuum is being carried. Q. What height must a safety valve be raised or lifted to allow a free escape of steam equal to the area of the valve? A. One-fourth the diameter; thus with a 4-inch safety valve it should be lifted i inch. Q. Why are counterbores put into each end of a cylinder? A. To allow the piston to run over the edge at each end of the stroke, so that it will not wear shoulders in the bore of the cylinder. Q. A cylinder is 30 inches diameter, the steam pressure is 125 pounds, and 30 bolts hold the cylinder cover in place. What is the stress on each bolt? A. The area corresponding to 30 inches diameter is 30 X 30 X .7854 = 706.86 square inches, 706.86 X 125 = 88,357.5 pounds total stress on the cylinder cover; 88,357.5 -i- 30 = 2,945.25 pounds stress on each bolt. Q. How should the valves be connected to a boiler? A. They should always be bolted to the shell, never riveted or screwed. Q. How would you find out the distance the piston and shaft had worked down? A. It is customary to mark on the cross-head slipper and cross-head guides the position of the piston at the top of the stroke. If it has worked down from the original position the amount will be the difference between the marks on the guide EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 217 and the slipper. A tram is usually furnished with every engine showing the position of the top of the crankshaft, relative to the facing on the top of the bed-plate under the bearing caps. If the shaft is worn down, the distance can be ascertained by fitting the tram in place on the bed-plate facing and measuring the space between the tram and the top of the crankshaft. Q. What are the principal things to look after before start- ing fires? A. See that there is sufficient water in the boiler, that all valves work freely, particularly the feed check valves ; that the air cock or the top gage cock is left open, to allow the air to escape, and that all man and hand-holes are set up tightly. Q. Before turning the engine over what precautions are necessary for the engine and vessel? A. Inform the deck officers so that they can see that suf- ficient lines are out to hold the vessel to the wharf, and that everything is clear around the propellers. In the engine-room see that the turning gear is disconnected ; that the water ser- vice is turned on ; that all bearings have been oiled ; that there is nothing in the crank-pits, and that all hands are clear of the engine. Q. When the pumps are connected to the engine what would you look after before starting? A. See that the air pump is not filled with water, and that all valves on the discharge side of the feed pumps or bilge pumps are open. Q. What are the causes of feed pumps working poorly? A. Generally, bad management. Either the pumps are not getting the water from the hot well regularly or the check valves on the boilers may be closed. Possibly the valves in the water end of the pump are out of order. 'The foregoing questions which I have quoted cover about 2i8 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL the usual ground that is embodied in the examination given by the inspectors for your first papers. I do not mean to imply that you will get any of these particular questions when you go up for your tickets, but if you understand the princi- ples upon which each of them is worked you ought to be able to pass any examination which they give you. "This will conclude my course of lectures to you. I know I have not covered every subject in marine engineering, as many volumes have been written on the subject. I have en- deavored to give you a good general idea of what you will have to know to be successful. You must not let up in your studies, as no man can keep up to date unless he is constantly studying. By that I do not mean that you should devote all your spare time to books, but at your ages you should give at least one hour a day of your time off watch to studying some of the many subjects connected with your business." "Chief, can you recommend us some good books to get?" queried Pierce. "Oh ! yes, indeed I can ; there are lots of good books which you can buy which will be very helpful to you. For example, there are several correspondence schools wherein for a small sum each month you can not only receive their courses of instruction, but you will get their text books into the bargain. As a rule these books are excellently gotten up and will be of great value to you. "For a good all-around text book on marine engineering it is doubtful if you can find any better than that written by Prof. W. F. Durand. He was once a sea-going engineer him- self before he settled down in a college, so he knows both the practical and the theoretical sides of the business. Many of the best books on marine engineering are by English authors, as the whole world must admit that Great Britain has produced some of the ablest of engineers, particularly those in the marine branch. When you get further along in EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2IQ your business you should each buy yourself a copy of 'Reed's Engineer's Handbook.' All these books are, of course, very useful to you, but you can each write your own book on the subject." "Gee ! we're no highbrows," blurted out O'Rourke. "You don't have to be to write the kind of book I'm going to tell you about. "You should each get a good-sized blank book, made of serviceable paper for writing with ink and well bound. Whenever you see anything of interest in a text book or in any of the engineering papers you may read, copy it down in this notebook. If some older engineer tells you of a good method of making any particular kind of repairs, or gives you any information that you think will be valuable in the future, make copious notes of them in your book. As you grow older you will find that such a note book will become invaluable for reference, and it will increase in value to you every year that it is kept up. When you take your first ex- amination write down all the questions you can remember, and work them out in your notebook. Even if they are not of much value to you after you have attained your license, they may help some young fellow who is coming after you later on. "When these lectures which I have given you are published in book form, I am going to ask the publishers if they will print in the back of the book a lot of tables and useful infor- mation which every marine engineer should have handy. These will include tables of areas of circles, strengths of materials, temperature of steam at different pressures, weights of different kinds of substances with which marine engineers have to deal, etc. I will also ask them to bind with the book a few blank pages, upon which you can write down any other bits of information you may run across which will be of value to you in your business. "This will be my last regular talk with you boys as a class 220 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL in the 'Floating School/ but I will be only too glad to help you with any of your problems whenever I have the oppor- tunity. As it is about time for you to go on watch you had better turn to. I'll keep my eye on each one of you and see that you get a chance as soon as you can get your tickets." "Chief," said Jim Pierce, who had been appointed spokes- man of the class, "I cannot tell you how much all of us appreciate your kindness to us. Every one of us has bene- fited a great deal by the instruction you have given us, and we hope to show you by what we accomplish that your labors with us have not been lost. We want to ask you one parting favor before the 'Floating School' is broken up, and that is if you will do us the honor of going to dinner with your class when we reach New York." "That's easy," laughingly replied McAndrew, "of course I will." About ten days afterward the Tuscarora arrived in New York. The boys had talked over the dinner they were to have on every occasion when they came together. O'Rourke insisted that it must be a "swell dinner," and that "no ordinary West Street restaurant chuck" would go. To this all very readily agreed, and it was decided that they would "blow themselves in a bang-up Broadway joint," as O'Rourke expressed it. Promptly at the appointed hour the four sea toilers, arrayed in their best for the occasion, and accompanied by Chief McAndrew, sat down at a fashionable Broadway restaurant not far from Forty-second street. They were not, of course, togged out in evening clothes, as were most of the other men diners, but their clean-shaven faces, stalwart forms and gen- erally spick appearance made them a very presentable group. O'Rourke had elected himself as master of ceremonies, but he was somewhat taken aback when the polite head waiter handed him several bills of fare, and asked if the party would EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 221 be served a la carte or table d'hote. After getting his breath he replied : "Aw, cut out that frog-eater's chatter and give us the best chow you've got in the joint." McAndrew came to the waiter's rescue, and told him to serve the dinners table d'hote, afterwards explaining to his hosts that that meant they would have to pay only $1.50 each for the dinner, and that they would get a very good meal for less than it would cost them on the other plan. What the boys lacked in style they made up in robust appe- tites, so as each course was served it was quickly disposed of with a noticeable lack of the usual picking and faultfinding indulged in by the habitues of such places. True, there was somewhat of a mix-up In the use of a multiplicity of knives, forks and spoons placed at each plate, but each was made to serve a good purpose, even if Schmidt did try to eat his fish course with a combined fork and spoon usually reserved for the ice cream. The menu was printed in French, which caused much specu- lation as to the composition of the next course, and some grave doubts as to the course under consideration at the time. O'Rourke had looked forward with great expectation to the viand described as "pommes de terre au naturel," and could not refrain from venting his disappointment when they were served, by shouting out, "Gee ! they're nothing but plain old boiled spuds with some grass on them." When the "cafe demi-tasse" was served at the conclusion of the meal, he nearly precipitated a small riot by demanding in loud tones that he be given "a man's size cup of coffee." However, the influence of the good dinner soon calmed his ruffled temper, and when the real Havanas, not Savannahs, as O'Rourke announced he had been accustomed to smoking, were lighted, all was serene at the table. Drawing a small package from his pocket, Pierce, in a few 222 MC ANDREWS FLOATING SCHOOL well-chosen and heartfelt words, presented it to McAndrew. Upon opening the package, McAndrew found, to his complete surprise, that it contained a handsome gold watch and chain. Upon the back of the watch was neatly engraved the fol- lowing : "To Chief Engineer James Donald McAndrew, with the highest esteem and gratitude of his pupils in the 'Floating School.' " Quite overcome with this evidence of his pupils' apprecia- tion of his efforts, McAndrew cleared his throat and said : "Boys, what I have done for you was not with the hope of getting any such handsome reward as this, but from the interest which I take in young men who are anxious to ad- vance themselves in their life work. Each one of you has the making of a good engineer in you, and I wish for you all every success in your efforts to advance. If my instructions serve to help you in accomplishing the first steps in your ad- vancement I shall feel more than repaid. When you get further along, and want to try for higher grades of licenses, I shall, if you desire, and if conditions are such that we can all be together again, be only too glad to try to aid you in the same manner that I have attempted to do with the 'Floating School.' " "We'll have to call it the 'Floating High School/" re- sponded O'Rourke, who was bound to have the last word. THE END Useful Tables for Marine Engineers 224 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL Properties of Saturated Steam. (Condensed from Marks and Davis's Steam Tables and Diagrams, 1909, by permission of the publishers, Longmans, Green & Co.) m f Total Heat 5i 3* . 0> a B"! above 32 F . j OH] 3 | C 3 *"^ o cc 'S v o3 S gW s -a II 8 5 |a % a II 1-1 1*1 , o5 gto.-2 * a oT_ S *! l! n li 11 c3 JH Bfe 2 1 3 g f.SaQ i_ " a *" H a W hH W H > *~ H W 29.74 0.0886 32 0.00 1073.4 1073.4 3294 0.000304 0.0000 .1832 29.67 0.1217 40 8.05 1076.9 1068.9 2438 0.000410 0.0162 .1394 29.56 0.1780 50 18.08 1081.4 1063.3 1702 0.000587 0.0361 .0865 29.40 0.2552 60 28.08 1085.9 1057.8 1208 0.000828 0.0555 .0358 29.18 0.3626 70 38.06 1090.3 1052.3 871 0.001148 0.0745 .9868 28.09 0.505 80 48.03 1094.8 1046.7 636.8 0.001570 0.0932 .9398 28.50 0.696 90 58.00 1099.2 1041.2 469.3 0.002131 0.1114 .8944 28.00 0.946 100 67.97 1103.6 1035.6 350.8 0.002851 0.1295 .8505 27.83 1 101.83 69.8 1104.4 1034.6 333.0 0.00300 0.1327 .8427 25.85 2 126.15 94.0 1115.0 1021.0 173.5 0.00576 0.1749 .7431 23.81 3 141.52 109.4 1121.6 1012.3 118.5 0.00845 0.2008 .6840 21.78 4 153.01 120.9 1126.5 1005.7 90.5 0.01107 0.2198 .6416 19.74 5 162.28 130.1 1130.5 1030.3 73.33 0.01364 0.2348 .6084 17.70 6 170.06 137.9 1133.7 995.8 61.89 01616 0.2471 .5814 15.67 7 176.85 144.7 1136.5 991.8 53.56 0.01867 0.2579 .5582 13.63 8 182.86 150.8 1139.0 938.2 47.27 0.02115 0.2673 .5380 11.60 9 188.27 156.2 1141.1 985.0 42.36 0.02361 0.2756 .5202 9.56 10 193.22 161.1 1143.1 982.0 38.38 0.02606 0.2832 .5042 7.52 11 197.75 165.7 1144.9 979.2 35.10 0.02849 0.2902 .4895 5.49 12 201 .96 169.9 1146.5 976.6 32.36 0.03090 0.2967 .4760 3.45 13 205.87 173.8 1148.0 974.2 30.03 0.03330 0.3025 .4639 1.42 14 209.55 177.5 1149.4 971.9 28.02 0.03569 0.3081 .4523 Ibs. gage. 14.70 212 180.0 1150.4 970.4 26.79 0.03732 0.3118 .4447 03 15 213.0 181.0 1150.7 969.7 26.27 0.03806 0.3133 .4416 1.3 16 216.3 184.4 1152.0 967.6 24.79 0.04042 0.3183 .4311 2.3 17 219.4 187.5 1153.1 965.6 23.38 0.04277 0.3229 .4215 3.3 18 222.4 190.5 1154.2 963.7 22.16 0.04512 0.3273 .4127 4.3 19 225.2 193.4 1155.2 961.8 21.07 0.04746 0.3315 .4045 5.3 20 228.0 196.1 1156.2 960.0 20.08 0.049) 0.3355 .3965 6.3 21 230.6 198.8 1157.1 958.3 19.18 0.05213 0.3393 .3887 7.3 22 233.1 201.3 1158.0 956.7 18.37 0.05445 0.3430 .3811 8.3 23 235.5 203.8 1158.8 955.1 17.62 0.05676 0.3465 .3739 9.3 24 237.8 205.1 1159.6 953.5 16.93 0.05907 0.3499 .3670 10.3 25 240.1 208.4 1160.4 952.0 16.30 0.0614 0.3532 1.3604 11.3 25 242.2 210 6 1161.2 950.. 6 15.72 0.0636 0.3564 1 .3542 12.3 27 244.4 212.7 1161.9 949.2 15.18 0.0659 0.3594 1.3483 13.3 23 246.4 214.8 1162.6 947.8 14.67 0.0682 0.3623 1.3425 14.3 29 248.4 216.8 1163.2 946.4 14.19 0.0705 0.3652 1 .3367 15.3 30 250.3 218.8 1163.9 945.1 13.74 0.0728 0.3680 1.3311 15.3 31 252.2 220.7 1164.5 943.8 13.32 0.0751 0.3707 1.3257 17.3 32 254.1 222.6 1165.1 942.5 12.93 0.0773 0.3733 1.3205 18.3 33 255.8 224.4 1165.7 941.3 12.57 0.0795 0.3759 .3155 19.3 34 257.6 225.2 1166.3 940.1 12.22 0.0818 0.3784 .3107 20.3 35 259.3 |27.9 1166.8 938.9 11.89 0.0841 0.3808 .3060 21.3 36 261,0 1167.3 937.7 11.58 0.0863 0.3832 .3014 22.3 37 262.6 231 '.3 1167.8 936.6 11.29 ).0886 0.3855 .2969 23.3 38 264.2 232.9 1168.4 935.5 11.01 0.0908 < 877 .2925 24.3 39 265.8 234.5 1168.9 934.4 10.74 0.0931 03899 .2882 25.3 40 267.3 236.1 1169.4 933.3 10.49 0.0953 0.3920 .28^1 25.3 41 268.7 237.6 1169.8 932.2 10.25 0.0976 0.3941 .2800 Republished by permission of Messrs. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. from Kent's Mechanical Engineers Pocket- Book. USEFUL TABLES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS Properties of Saturated Steam. (Continued.) 225 fa e Total Heat ^ ~ T 3T- I c- . . above 32 F. fl "3 -- 6*3 3 5 IOQ 1" || 1 -2 IS 6- -" "8 Sc K o> a ng p "3 'c 2*3 5 S 1*3 I ^ tl i fc S3 il 3 1 H^ 2 M c K J i>~ ^ W i 27.3 42 270.2 239.1 1170.3 931.2 10.02 0.0998 3962 2759 23.3 43 271.7 240.5 1170.7 933.2 9.80 0.1020 0.3982 2720 29 3 44 273.1 242.0 1171.2 929.2 9.59 0.1043 0.4002 2681 33.3 45 274.5 243.4 1171.6 923.2 9.39 0.1065 4021 .2644 31.3 46 275.8 244.8 1172.0 927.2 9.20 0.1087 0.4040 2607 32.3 47 277.2 246.1 1172.4 926.3 9.02 0.1109 0.4059 2571 33.3 43 278 5 247.5 1172 8 925.3 8.84 0.1131 ^V)77 2336 34.3 49 279.8 243.8 1173.2 924.4 8 67 0.1153 0^4095 '2502 33.3 50 281.0 250.1 1173.6 923.5 8.51 0.1175 0.4113 2468 35.3 51 282.3 251.4 1174.0 922.6 8.35 0.1197 4130 2432 37.3 52 283.5 252.6 1174.3 921.7 8.20 0.1219 0.4147 '2405 33.3 53 284 7 253.9 1174.7 920.8 8.05 0.1241 0.4164 2370 39.3 54 285.9 255.1 1175.0 919.9 7.91 0.1263 0.4180 .2339 40.3 55 237.1 255.3 1175.4 919.0 7.73 0.1285 0.4196 2309 41.3 56 238.2 257.5 1175.7 918.2 7.65 0.1307 0.4212 2278 42.3 57 239.4 258.7 1176.0 917.4 7.52 0.1329 0.4227 .2248 43.3 58 290.5 259.8 1176.4 916.5 7.40 1350 0.4242 .2218 44.3 59 291.6 261.0 1176.7 915.7 7.23 0.1372 0.4257 2189 45.3 60 292.7 262.1 1177.0 914.9 7.17 0.1394 0.4272 .2160 45.3 61 293.8 263.2 1177.3 914.1 7.05 0.1416 0.4287 .2132 47.3 62 294.9 254.3 1177.6 913.3 6.93 0.1438 0.4302 2104 43.3 63 295.9 265.4 1177.9 912.5 6.85 0.1450 0.4316 .2077 49.3 64 297.0 256.4 1178.2 911.8 6.75 0.1482 0.4330 .2050 50.3 65 293.0 257.5 1178.5 911.0 6.65 0.1503 0.4344 2024 51.3 66 299.0 253.5 1178.8 910.2 6.56 0.1525 0.4358 1998 52.3 67 303.0 259.6 1179.0 909.5 6.47 0.1547 0.4371 .1972 53.3 68 301.0 270.6 1179.3 933.7 6.38 0.1569 0.4385 .1946 54.3 69 302.0 271.6 1179.6 933.0 6.29 0.1590 0.4398 1921 55.3 70 302.9 272.6 1179.8 937.2 6 20 0.1612 0.4411 .1896 56.3 71 303.9 273.6 1180.1 935.5 6.12 0.1634 0.4424 .1872 57.3 72 304.8 274.5 1133.4 903.8 6.04 0.1656 0.4437 .1848 58.3 73 305.8 275.5 1130. 6 905.1 5.95 0.1678 0.4449 .1825 59.3 74 306.7 276.5 1133.9 904.4 5.89 0.1699 0.4462 .1801 60.3 75 307.6 277.4 1181.1 903.7 5.81 0.1721 0.4474 .1778 61.3 76 303.5 273.3 1181.4 903.0 5.74 0.1743 0.4487 .1755 62.3 77 309.4 279.3 1181. 6 902.3 5.67 0.1764 0.4499 .1730 63.3 73 310.3 280.2 1181.8 901.7 5.60 0.1785 0.4511 .1712 64.3 79 311.2 231.1 1182.1 901.0 5.54 0.1803 0.4523 .1687 65.3 80 312.0 232.0 1182.3 933.3 5.47 0.1829 0.4535 .1665 66.3 81 312.9 232.9 1182.5 899.7 5.41 0.1851 0.4546 .1644 67.3 82 313.8 233.8 1182.8 899.0 5.34 0.1873 0.4557 .1623 68.3 83 314.6 284.6 1133.0 893.4 5.28 0.1894 0.4568 .1602 69.3 84 315.4 283.5 1183.2 897.7 5.22 0.1915 0.4579 .1581 70.3 85 316.3 285.3 1183.4 897.1 5.16 0.1937 0.4590 1561 71.3 86 317.1 237.2 1183.6 895.4 5.10 1959 0.4601 1540 72.3 87 317.9 283.0 1183.8 895.8 5.05 0.1980 0.4612 1520 73.3 88 318.7 283.9 1 184.0 895.2 5 00 0.2001 0.4623 .1500 74.3 89 319.5 239.7 1184.2 894.6 4.94 0.2023 0.4633 1481 75.3 90 320.3 290.5 1184.4 893.9 4.89 0.2044 0.4644 1461 76.3 91 321.1 291.3 1184.6 893.3 4.84 0.2065 0.4654 1442 77.3 92 321.8 292 1 1184.8 892.7 4.79 0.2087 0.4664 1423 73.3 93 322.6 292.9 1185.0 892.1 4.74 0.2109 0.4674 1404 79.3 94 323.4 293.7 1185 2 891.5 4.69 0.2130 4584 1385 80.3 95 324.1 294.5 1185.4 890.9 4.65 0.2151 0.4694 1367 226 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL Properties of Saturated Steam. (Continued.) "- g a Total Heat ^^ ^ cu ft M 13 3^ above 32 F. ^"S fa*o Oh-! 03 UU 1 P II |w P.a ~ g" * H <" a 6 u o PH "oj C *- .~ O> 'Q te"^ ^i-) ! *o ft .2 ft t. 53 a ^ P +3 03 a j || |fj o 1 " 1 I* H E * jp O -O-SCQ |e 11 W "c o W 81.3 96 324.9 295.3 1185.6 890.3 4.60 0.2172 0.4704 1348 82.3 97 325.6 296.1 1185.8 889.7 4.56 0.2193 0.4714 .1330 83.3 93 326.4 296.8 1185.0 689.2 4.51 0.2215 0.4724 .1312 G4.3 99 327.1 297.6 1185.2 888.6 4.47 0.2237 0.4733 .1295 85.3 100 327.8 293.3 1!36.3 888.0 4.429 0.2253 4743 .1277 87.3 102 329.3 299.8 1186.7 886.9 4.347 0.2300 0.4762 .1242 89.3 104 330.7 301.3 1187.0 885.8 4.268 0.2343 0.4780 .1208 91.3 106 332.0 302.7 1187.4 884.7 4.192 0.2335 4798 .1174 93.3 103 333.1 304.1 1187.7 883.6 4.118 0.2429 0.4816 .1141 95.3 110 334.8 305.5 1188.0 882.5 4.047 2472 0.4834 .1108 97.3 112 335.1 305.9 1 188. 4 881.4 3.978 0.2514 0.4852 .1076 99.3 114 337.4 303.3 1188.7 880.4 3.912 0.2556 0.4869 1045 UI.3 116 338.7 309.6 1189.0 879.3 3.848 0.2599 4885 .1014 103.3 118 340.0 311.0 1189.3 878.3 3.786 0.2641 0.4903 .0984 105.3 120 341.3 312.3 1189.6 877.2 3.726 2683 0.4919 0954 107.3 122 342.5 313.6 1189.8 876.2 3.668 0.2726 0.4935 .0924 109.3 124 343.8 314.9 1190.1 875.2 3.611 0.2769 0.4951 .0895 111.3 125 345.0 316.2 1190.4 874.2 3.556 0.2812 0.4967 .0865 113.3 123 346.2 317.4 1190.7 873.3 3 504 0.2854 0.49.2 .0837 115.3 130 347.4 318.6 1191.0 872.3 3.452 0.2897 0.4998 .0809 117.3 132 348.5 319.9 1191.2 871.3 3.402 0.2939 0.5013 .0782 119.3 134 349.7 321. 1 1191.5 870.4 3.354 0.2981 0.5028 .0755 121.3 136 350.8 322.3 1191.7 869.4 3.308 3023 0.5043 .0728 123.3 138 352.0 323.4 1192.0 868.5 3.263 0.3065 5057 .0702 125.3 149 353.1 324.6 1192.2 867.6 3.219 0.3107 0.5072 .0675 127.3 142 354.2 325.8 1192.5 866.7 3.175 0.3150 0.5086 .0649 129.3 144 355.3 326.9 1192.7 865.8 3.133 0.3192 0.5100 .0624 131 3 145 355.3 328.0 1192.9 864.9 3.092 0.3234 0.5114 .0599 133.3 143 357.4 329.1 1193.2 864.0 3.052 3276 0.5128 .0574 135.3 150 358.5 330.2 1193.4 863.2 3 012 0.3320 0.5142 .0550 137.3 152 359.5 331.4 1193.6 862.3 2.974 0.3362 0.5155 .0525 139.3 154 350.5 332.4 1193.8 861.4 2.938 3404 0.5169 .0501 141.3 156 3o1.6 333.5 1194.1 860.6 2.902 0.3446 0.5182 .0477 143.3 158 352.6 334.6 1194.3 859.7 2.868 3488 0.5195 .0454 145.3 160 363.6 335.6 1194.5 858.8 2.834 0.3529 0.5208 .0431 147.3 162 364.6 336.7 1194.7 858.0 2.801 0.3570 0.5220 .0409 149.3 164 365.6 337.7 1194.9 857.2 2.769 0.3612 0.5233 .0387 151.3 166 365.5 338.7 1195.1 856.4 2.737 0.3654 5245 .0365 153.3 168 357.5 339.7 1195.3 855.5 2.706 3696 0.5257 .0343 155.3 170 358.5 340.7 1195.4 854.7 2.675 0.3738 0.5269 0321 157.3 172 359.4 341.7 1195.6 853.9 2.645 3780 0.5281 .0300 159.3 174 370.4 342.7 1195.8 853.1 2.616 0.3822 0.5293 0278 161.3 175 371.3 343.7 11%. 852.3 2.588 0.3864 5305 0257 153.3 173 372.2 344.7 1196.2 851.5 2 560 3906 0.5317 .0235 165 3 180 373.1 345.6 1196.4 850.8 2.533 0.3948 0.5328 .0215 167.3 182 374.0 346.6 1195.6 850.0 2.507 0.3989 0.5339 .0195 159.3 184 374.9 347.6 1195.8 849.2 2.481 0.4031 0.5351 .0174 171.3 186 375.8 348.5 1196.9 848.4 2.455 0.4073 0.5362 0154 173.3 183 376.7 349.4 1197.1 847.7 2.430 0.4115 0.5373 .0134 175 3 190 377.6 350.4 1197.3 846.9 2.406 0.4157 5384 .0114 177.3 192 378.5 351.3 1197.4 846.1 2.381 0.4199 0.5395 .0095 179.3 194 379.3 352.2 1197.6 845.4 2.358 0.4241 0.5405 .0076 181 3 196 380.2 353.1 1197.8 844.7 2.335 0.4283 0.5416 .0056 183.3 198 381.0 354.0 1197.9 843.9 2.312 0.4325 0.5426 .0038 USEFUL TABLES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS Properties of Saturated Steam. (Continued.) 227 af 2" a Total Heat - , O , 3M above32F. .J -8 0^ J3 jg If |f il I i * |f o*3 si 8 "8 . || II H o^ j> 1*1 af _ g i II H 2^9 S ~~~ -*J ^ ^ o *-* 11 ^ |.sl "c ^ "c o o < H HH * 5 s h-) ^ w w 185.3 200 381.9 354.9 1198.1 843.2 2.290 0.437 5437 1.0019 190.3 205 384.0 357.1 1198.5 841.4 2.237 0.447 0.5463 0.9973 195 3 210 386.0 359.2 1198.8 839.6 2.187 0.457 5488 9928 200.3 215 388.0 361.4 1 199. 2 837.9 2.138 0.468 0.5513 0.9885 205.3 220 389.9 363.4 1199.6 836.2 2 091 0.478 0.5538 0.9841 210.3 225 391.9 365.5 1199.9 834.4 2.046 0.489 0.5562 9799 215.3- 230 393.8 367.5 1200.2 832.8 2.004 0.499 5586 0.9758 220.3 235 395.6 369.4 1200.6 831.1 I 964 0.509 0.5610 0.9717 225.3 240 397.4 371.4 1200.9 829.5 1.924 0.520 0.5633 0.9676 230.3 245 399.3 373.3 1201.2 827.9 1.887 0.530 0.5655 9638 235.3 250 401.1 375.2 1201.5 825.3 1.850 0.541 0.5676 0.9600 245.3 260 404.5 378.9 1202.1 823.1 1 782 0.561 5719 0.9525 255.3 270 407.9 382.5 1202.6 820.1 1.718 582 0.5760 9454 255.3 280 411. 2 385.0 1203.1 817.1 1 658 0.603 0.5800 0.9385 275.3 290 414.4 389.4 1203.6 814.2 1.602 0.624 0.5840 9316 285.3 300 417.5 392.7 1204.1 811.3 1.551 0.645 0.5878 0.9251 295.3 310 420.5 395.9 1204.5 808.5 1.502 0.666 5915 9187 305.3 320 423.4 399.1 1204.9 805.8 1.456 687 0.5951 0.9125 315.3 330 425.3 402.2 1205.3 803.1 1.413 0.708 5986 0.9065 325.3 340 429.1 405.3 1205.7 800.4 1.372 729 0.6020 9005 335.3 350 431.9 408.2 1205.1 797.8 1 334 0.750 0.6053 0.8949 345.3 360 434.6 411.2 1205.4 795.3 1.298 0.770 0.6085 8894 355.3 370 437.2 414.0 1205.8 792.8 1.264 0.791 0.6116 0.8840 355.3 380 439.8 416.8 1207.1 790.3 1.231 0.812 6147 0.8788 375.3 390 442.3 419.5 1207.4 787.9 1.200 0.833 0.6178 0.8737 385.3 400 444.8 422 1203 786 1.17 0.86 0.621 0.868 435.3 450 456.5 435 1209 774 1.04 0.96 0.635 0.844 485.3 500 467.3 448 1210 762 0.93 1.08 0.648 0.822 535.3 550 477.3 459 1210 751 0.83 1.20 0.659 0.801 585.3 600 485.6 459 1210 741 0.76 1.32 0.670 0.783 Available Energy in Expanding Steam. Rankine Cycle. (J. B. Stan wood, Power, June 9, 1908.) A simple formula for finding, with tha aid of the steam and entropy tables, the available energy per pound of steam in B.T.U. when it is expanded adiabatically from a higher to a lower pressure is: U = H - Hi + T (Ni - N). U = available B.T.U. in 1 Ib. of expanding steam; H and H\ total heat in 1 Ib. steam at the two pressures; T = absolute temperature at the lower pressure; N N\, difference of entropy of 1 Ib. of steam at the two pressures. EXAMPLE. Required the available B.T.U. in 1 Ib. steam expanded from 100 Ibs. to 14.7 Ibs. absolute. H = 1186.3; Hi = 1150.4; T = 672; N = 1.602; Ni = 1.756. 35.9 + 103.5 = 138.4. Efficiency of the Cycle. Let the steam be made from feed-water at 212. Heat required = 1186.3 - 180 = 1006.3; efficiency = 138.4 -*- 1006.3 = 0.1375. Rankine Cycle. This efficiency is that of the Rankine cycle, which assumes that the steam is expanded adiabatically to the lowest pressure and temperature, and that the feed-water from which the steam is made is introduced into the system at the same low temperature. Carnot Cycle. The Carnot ideal cycle, which assumes that all. the heat entering the system enters at the highest temperature, and in which the efficiency is (Ti - Tt) + Ti, gives (327.8- 212) -*- (327.8+ 460) = 1470 and the available energy inB.T.U.=0. 1470X1006.3 = 147.9 B.T.U. 228 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL WIRE AND SHEET-METAL, GAUGES COMPARED. Sc . -0 6 - -o British Imperial g _: . g *S| c*o Si S^ 3 " MCO Standard S (-,j2 oj o fe> G * 03 03 n 02 i a Wire Gauge. 'c ; 2^ . 34 1156 39304 5.8310 3.2396 89 7921 704969 9.4340 4.4647 35 1225 42875 5.9161 3.2711 90 8100 729000 94868 4.4814 36 1296 46656 6. 3.3019 91 8281 753571 9.5394 4.4979 37 1369 50653 6.0828 3.332; 92 8464 778688 9.5917 4.5144 38 1444 54872 6.1644 3.3620 93 8649 804357 96437 4.5307 39 1521 59319 6.2450 3.3912 94 8836 830584 9.6954 4.5468 40 1600 64000 6.3246 3.4200 95 9025 857375 9.7468 4.5629 41 1681 68921 64031 3.4482 96 9216 884736 9.7980 4.5789 42 1764 74083 6.4807 3.4760 97 9409 912673 98^89 4.5947 43 1849 79507 6.5574 3.5034 98 9604 941 192 9.8995 4.6104 44 1936 85184 6.6332 3.5303 99 9801 970299 9 9499 4.6261 USEFUL TABLES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS 231 No. Sq. Cube Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 1JJ lUJUJ 1 00000 J 10. 4.6416 155 24C25 3723875 12.4499 5.3717 131 10231 1030301 10.0499 4.6570 156 24336 3796416 12.4900 5.3832 132 10434 1061203 10.0995 4.6723 157 24649 3869893 12.5300 5 3947 103 10609 1092727 10.1489 4.6875 158 24964 3944312 12.5698 5 4061 104 10316 1124864 10.1980 4.7027 159 25281 4019679 12.6095 5.4175 105 11025 1157625 10.2470 4.7177 160 25600 4096000 12.6491 5.4288 135 11236 1191016 10.2956 4.7326 161 25921 4173281 12.6886 5.4401 137 1 1449 1225043 10.3441 4.7475 162 26244 425 1 528 12.7279 5.4514 133 11664 1259712 10.3923 4.7622 163 26569 4330747 12.7671 5.4626 139 11831 1295029 10.4403 4.7769 164 26896 4410944 12.8062 5.4737 110 12100 1331000 10.4881 4.7914 165 27225 4492 1 25 12.8452 5.4848 111 12321 1367631 10.5357 4.8059 166 27556 4574296 12.8841 5.4959 112 12544 1404923 10.5830 4.8203 167 27889 4657463 12.9228 5.5069 113 12769 1442397 10.6301 4.8346 168 28224 4741632 12.9615 5.5178 114 12996 1431544 10.6771 4.8488 169 28561 4826809 13.0000 5.5288 115 13225 1520375 10.7238 4.8629 170 28900 4913000 13.0384 5.5397 115 13436 1560396 10.7703 4.8770 171 29241 50002 1 1 13.0767 5.5505 117 13639 1601613 10.8167 4.8910 172 29584 5088448 13.1149 5.5613 113 13924 1643032 10.8628 4.9049 173 29929 5177717 13.1529 5.5721 119 14151 1635159 10.9087 4.9187 .174 30276 5268024 13.1909 5.5828 120 14403 1 728000 10.9545 4.9324 175 30625 5359375 13.2288 5.5934 121 14641 1771561 1 1 .0000 4.946 176 30976 5451776 13.2665 5.6041 122 14334 1815343 11.0454 49597 177 31329 5545233 13.3041 5.6147 123 15129 1860367 1 1 .0905 4.9732 178 31684 5639752 13.3417 5.6252 124 15376 1906624 11.1355 4.9866 179 32041 5735339 13.3791 5.6357 125 15625 1953125 11.1803 5.0000 180 32400 5832000 13.4164 5.6462 125 15376 2000376 11.2250 5.0133 181 32761 5929741 13.4536 5.6567 127 16129 2043333 1 1 .2694 5.0265 182 33124 6028568 13.4907 5.6671 123 16334 2097 1 52 11.3137 5.0397 183 33489 6128487 13.5277 5.6774 129 16641 2146639 11.3578 5.0528 184 33856 6229504 13.5647 5.6877 130 16930 2197000 11.4018 5.0658 185 34225 6331625 13.6015 5.6980 131 17161 224309! 11.4455 50788 186 34596 6434856 13.6382 5 7083 132 17424 2299963 11.4891 5.0916 187 34969 6539203 13.6748 5.7185 133 17639 2352637 11.5326 5.1045 188 35344 6644672 13.711315.7287 134 17956 2406104 11.5758 5.1172 189 35721 6751269 13.7477 5.7388 135 18225 2460375 11.6190 5.1299 190 36100 6859000 13.7840 5.7489 136 18496 2515456 11 6619 5.1426 191 36481 696787 1 13.8203 5.7590 137 18769 2571353 11.7047 5.155 192 36864 7077888 13.8564 5.7690 133 19044 2623072 11.7473 5.1676 193 37249 7189057 13.8924 5.7790 139 19321 2685619 11.7898 5.1801 194 37636 7301384 13.9284 5.7890 140 141 H2 19600 19331 20164 2744003 2803221 2363233 1 1 .8322 11.8743 1 1 9164 5.1925 5.2048 5.2171 195 196 197 38025 38416 38809 7414875 7529536 7645373 13.9642 5.7989 14.00005.8088 14.0357l5.8186 1 H 20449 2924207 11.9583 5.2293 198 39204 7762392 14.0712 5.8285 144 20735 2985934 12.0000 5.2415 199 39601 7880599 14.1067 5.8383 145 21025 3043625 120416 5 2536 200 40000 80000CO 14.1421 5.8480 146 21316 3112136 12'.0830 5.2656 201 40401 8120601 14.1774 5.8578 147 143 149 21609 21904 22201 3176523 3241792 3307949 12.1244 12.1655 12.2066 5.2776 5.2896 5.3015 202 203 204 40804 41209 41616 8242408 8365427 8489664 14.2127 14.2478 14.2829 5.8675 5.8771 5.8868 150 151 152 153 154 22500 22891 23104 23409 23716 3375000 3442951 3511803 3581577 3652264 12.2474 12.2882 12.3288 12.3693 12.4097 5.3133 5.325 5.336P 5.3485 5.360 205 206 207 208 209 42025 42436 42849 43264 43681 8615125 8741816 8869743 8998912 9129329 14.3178 14.3527 14.3875 14.4222 14.4568 5.8964 5.9059 5.9155 5.9250 5.9345 232 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL No. Sq. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 210 44100 9261000 14.4914 5.9439 ^65 70225 18609625 16.2788 6.4232 211 44521 939393 1 14.5258 5.9533 266 70756 18821096 16.3095 6.4312 212 44944 9528128 14.5602 5.9627 267 71289 19034163 16.3401 6.4393 213 45369 9663597 14.5945 5.9721 268 71824 19248832 16.3707 6.4473 214 45796 9800344 14.6287 5.9814 269 72361 19465109 16.4012 6.4553 215 46225 9938375 14.6629 5.9907 270 72900 19683000 16.4317 6.4633 216 46656 10077696 14.6969 6.0000 271 73441 19902511 1 6.462 1 6.4713 217 47089 10218313 14.7309 6.0092 272 73934 20123648 1 6.4924 6.4792 218 47524 10360232 147643 6.0185 273 74529 20346417 16.5227 6.4872 219 47961 10503459 14.7986 6.0277 274 75076 20570824 16.5529 6.4951 220 48400 10648000 14.8324 6.0368 275 75625 20796875 16.5831 6.5030 221 43341 10793861 14.8661 6.0459 276 76176 21024576 16.6132 6.5108 222 49234 10941048 14.8997 60550 277 76729 21253933 16.6433 65187 223 49729 11039567 14.9332 6.0641 278 77234 21434952 16.6733 6.5265 224 50176 11239424 14.9666 6.0732 279 77841 21717639 16.7033 6.5343 225 50625 11390625 15.0000 6.0822 280 78400 21952000 16.7332 6.5421 226 51076 1154317C 15.0333 6.0912 231 78961 22188041 16.7631 6.5499 227 51529 11697083 15.0665 6.1002 282 79524 22425768 16.7929 6.5577 223 51934 11852352 15.0997 6.1091 283 80089 22665187 16.8226 6.5654 229 52441 12008939 15.1327 6.1180 284 80656 22906304 16.8523 6.5731 230 52900 12167000 15.1658 6.1269 285 81225 23149125 16.8819 6.5808 231 53361 1232639! 15.1937 6.1358 286 81796 23393656 16.9115 6.5885 232 53824 1243716C 15.2315 6.1446 287 82369 23639903 16.9411 6.5962 233 54289 12649337 15.2643 6.1534 233 82944 23887872 16.9706 6.6039 234 54756 12812904 15.2971 6.1622 239 83521 24137569 17.0000 6.6115 235 55225 12977875 15.3297 5.1710 290 84100 24389000 17.0294 66191 236 55696 1314425C 15.3623 6.1797 291 84681 24642171 17.0587 6.6267 237 56169 13312053 15.3948 6 1885 292 85264 24897088 17.0880 6.6343 238 56644 13431272 15.4272 6.1972 293 85849 25153757 17.1172 6.6419 239 57121 13651919 15.4596 6.2058 294 86436 25412184 17.1464 6.6494 240 57600 13824000 15.4919 6.2145 295 87025 25672375 17.1756 6.6569 241 53081 13997521 15.5242 6.2231 296 87616 25934336 17.2047 6.6644 242 53564 14172483 15.5563 6.2317 297 83209 26198073 17.2337 6.6719 243 59049 14348907 15.5885 6.2403 293 88304 26463592 17.2627 6.6794 244 59536 14526784 15.6205 6.2488 299 89401 26730899 17.29 1C 6.6869 245 60025 14706125 15.6525 6.2573 300 90000 27000000 17.3205 6.6943 246 60516 14886936 15.6844 62658 301 90601 27270901 17.3494 6.7018 247 61009 1 5069223 15.7162 6.2743 302 91204 27543608 17.3781 6.7092 248 61504 15252992 15.7480 6.2828 303 91809 27818127 1 7.4069 6.7166 249 62001 1 5438249 15.7797 6.2912 304 92416 28094464 17.4356 6.7240 250 62500 15625000 15.8114 6.2996 305 93025 28372625 1 7.4642 6.7313 251 63001 15813251 15.8430 6.3030 306 93636 23652616 17.4929 6.7387 252 63504 16003003 15.8745 6.3164 307 94249 28934443117.5214 6.7460 253 64009 16194277 15.9060 6.3247 308 94864 292 181 12J 17. 5499 6.7533 254 64516 16387064 15.9374 6.3330 309 95481 29503629 17.5784 6.7606 255 65025 16581375 15.9687 6.3413 310 96100 29791000 17.6068 6.7679 256 65536 16777216 16.0000 6.3496 311 96721 300S023 1 17.6352 6.7752 257 66049 16974593 16.0312 6,3579 312 97344 30371328 17.6635 6.7824 253 66564 17173512 16.0624 6.3661 313 97969 30664297 17.6918 6.7897 259 67081 17373979 16.0935 6.3743 314 98596 30959144 17.7200 6.7969 260 67600 17576000 16.1245 6.3825 315 99225 31255875 17.7482 6.8041 261 68121 17779581 16 1555 6.3907 316 99856 31554496 17.7764 68113 262 68644 1 7984728 16 1864 63988 317 100489 31855013 17.8045 6.8185 263 69169 18191447 16.2173 6.4070 318 101124 32157432117.8326 6.8256 264 69696 18399744 16.2481 6.415 319 101761 3246175917.8606 6.8328 USEFUL TABLES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS 233 No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Rcot. 320 321 102400 103041 32768000 33076161 1 7.8885 J6.8399 17.91656.8470 ^375 376 140625 141376 52734375 53157376 19.3649 19.3907 7.2112 7.2177 322 103684 33386248 17.94446.8541 377|I42129 53582633 19.4165 7^2240 323 104329 33698267 17.9722 6.8612 378 142884 54010152 19.4422 7 2304 324 104976 34012224 18.00006.8683 379 143641 54439939 19.4679 7J368 325 105625 34328125 18.02786.8753 380 1 44400 54872000 1 9.4936 72432 326 106276 34645976 18.0555 6.8824 381 145161 55306341 19.5192 7 2495 327 1 06929 34965783 18.0831 6.8894 382 145924 55742968 19 5448 7.2558 328 107584 35287552 1 8. 1 1 08 6.8964 383 1 46689 56181887 19.5704 7 2622 329 108241 35611289 18.1384 6.9034 384 147456 56623104 19.5959 7.2685 330 108900 35937000 18.1659 6.9104 385 148225 57066625 19.6214 72748 331 109561 36264691 18.1934i6.9174 386 148996 57512456 19.6469 7.2811 332 110224 36594368 18.2209 6.9244 387 1 49769 57 C 60603 19 6723 7 2874 333 110889 36926037J 18.2483 6.9313 383 1 50544 58411072 19.6977 7.2936 334 111555 37259704 18.2757 6.9382 389 151321 58863869 19.7231 7.2999 335 336 112225 112896 37595375 37933056 18.3030 18.3303 6.9451 6.9521 390 391 152100 152881 593 1 9000 59776471 1 9.7484 19.7737 7.3061 7.3124 337 113569 38272753 18.3576 6.9589 392 153664 60236288 19.7990 7.3166 338 114244 38614472 18.3848 6.9658 393 1 54449 60598457 19.8242 73248 339 114921 38958219 18.4120 6.9727 394 155236 61162984 19.8494 7.3310 340 1 1 5600 39304000 18.4391 6.9795 395 156025 61629875 19.8746 7.3372 341 116281 39651821 1 8.4662 6.9864 5% 156816 62099136 19.8997 7.3434 342 116964 4000 168S 18.4932 6.9932 397 157(09 62570773 19.9249 7.3496 343 1 1 7649 40353607 18.5203 7.0000 398 158404 63044792 19.9499 7.35*8 344 118336 40707584 18.5472 7.0068 399 159201 63521199 19.9750 7.3619 345 119025 41063625 18.5742 7.0136 400 160000 64000000 20.CCOO 7.3681 346 119716 41421736 18.6011 7.0203 401 leoeoi 64481201 20.0250 7 3742 347 120409 41781923 18.62797.0271 402 161(04 64964808120.0499 7.3803 348 121104 42144192 18.6548 7.0338 403 162 -'09 65450627 20.0749 7.3864 349 121801 42508549 18.6815 7.0406 404 163216 65939264 20.0998 7.3925 350 122500 42875000 18.7083 7.0473 405 164025 66430125 20.1246 7.3986 351 123201 43243551 18.7350 7.0540 406 164836 6923416 20.1494 7.4047 352 123904 436 1 4208 18.7617 7.0607 407 165649 6741914320.1742 7.4108 353 124609 43986977 18.7883 7.0674 403 166464 67917312120.1990 7.4169 354 125316 44361864 18.8149 7.0740 409 167281 68417929 20.2237 7.4229 355| 126025 44738875 18.8414 7.0807 410 168100 68921 COO 20 2485 74290 356 126736 45118016 18.8680 7.0873 411 168921 69426531 20.2731 7.4350 357, 127449 45499293 1 8 8944 70940 412 169744 69934528 20.2978 7.4410 358 128164 359 128881 45882712 46263279 1892097 1006 18.9473 7! 1072 413 414 1 70569 171396 70444997 70957944 20.3224 20.3470 7.4470 7.4530 360 129600 46656000 189737 7.1138 415 172225 7147337520.3715 7.4590 361 130321 47045881 19.0000 7.1204 4!6 173056 7199129620.3961 7.4650 362 131044 47437928 19.0263 7.1269 417 1738S9 7251171320.4206 7.4710 363 131769 47832147 19.0526 7 1335 418 174724 73034632 20.4450 7.4770 364 132496 48228544 19.0788 7.1400 419 175561 73560059 20.4695 7.4829 365 133225 48627125 19 1050 7.1466 420 1 76400 74088000 20.4939 7.4889 366 133956 49027896 19.1311 7.1531 421 177241 74618461 20.5183 7.4948 367 134689 49430863 19.1572 7.1596 422 1 78084 75151448 20.5426 7.5C07 368 135424 49836032 19.1833 7.1661 423 1 78929 75686967 20.5670 7.5067 369 136161 50243409 19.2094 7.1726 424 1 79776 76225024 20.5913 7.5126 370 1 36900 50653000 192354 7.1791 425 180625 76765625 20.6155 7.5185 371 137641 51064811 192614 7.1855 426 18'476 7730877620.6398 7.5244 372 138384 51478848 19.2873 7.1920 427 182329 77854483 20.6640 7.5302 373 139129 51895117 19.3132 7.1984 428 183184 7840275220.6882 7.5361 374 139876 52313624 19.3391 7.2048 429 184041 7895358920.7123 7.5420 234 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL No. 430 Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 184900 79507000 20.7364 7.5478 485 235225 114084125 22.0227 7.8563 431 185761 80062991 20.76057.5537 486 236196 114791256 22.0454 7 8622 432 186624 80621568 20.7846'7.5595 487 237169 115501303 220681 7 8676 433 187489 81182737 20.8087 7.5654 488 238144 116214272122.0907 7.8730 434 188356 81746504 20.8327 7.5712 489 239121 116930169 22.1133 7.8784 435 139225 82312875 20.8567 7.5770 490 240100 1 1 7649000 22.1359 7.8837 436 1 90096 82831856 20 8806 7.5828 491 241081 118370771 22.1585 7.8891 437 190969 83453453 20.9045 7.5886 492 242064 119095488 22.1811 7.8944 438 191844 84027672 20.9284 7.5944 493 243049 119823157 22.2036 7.8998 439 192721 846045 1 9 20.9523 7.6001 494 244036 120553784 22.2261 7.9051 440 193600 85184000 20.9762 7.6059 495 245025 121287375 22.2486 7.9105 441 194481 85766121 21.0000 7.6117 496 246016 122023936 22.2711 7.9153 442 195364 86350888 21 .0238 7.6174 497 247009 122763473 22.2935 7.9211 443 196249 86938307 21 0476 7.6232 498 248004 123505992 22.3159 7.9264 444 197136 87528384 21.0713 7.6289 499 249001 124251499 22.3383 7.9317 445 198025 88121125 21.0950 7.6346 500 250000 125000000 22.3607 7.9370 446 198916 88716536 21.1187 7.6403 501 251C01 125751501 22.3830 7.9423 447 199309 893 1 4623 21.1424 7.6460 502 257C04 126506008 22 4054 7.9476 443 200704 89915392 21.1660 7.6517 5u3 253009 127263527 22.4277 7.9523 449 201601 90518849 21.1896 7.6574 504 254016 128024064 22.4499 7.9581 450 202500 91125000 21.2132 7.6631 505 255025 128787625 22.-'.722 7.9634 451 203401 91733851 21.2368 7.6688 506 256036 129554216 22.4944 7.9686 452 204304 92345408 21.2603 7.6744 507 257049 130323843 22.5167 79739 453 205209 92959677 21.2838 7.6800 508 258064 131096512 22.5389 7.9791 454 206116 93576664 21.3073 7.6857 509 259081 131872229 22.5610 7-9843 455 207025 94196375 21.3307 7.6914 510 260100 132651000 22.5832 7.9896 456 207936 94818816 21.3542 7.6970 511 261121 133432331 22.6053 7.9948 457 203849 95443993 21.3776 7.7026 512 262144 134217728 22.6274 8.COOO 458 209764 96071912 2 1 .4009 7.7082 513 263169 1 35005697 22.6495 8.0052 459 210681 96702579 21.4243 7.7138 514 264196 135796744 22.6716 8.0104 <60 211600 97336000 21.4476 7.7194 515 265225 136590875 22.6936 8.0156 461 212521 97972181 21.4709 7.7250 516 266256 137388096 22.7156 8.0208 462 213444 98611128 21.4942 7.7306 517 267289 138138413 22.7376 8.0260 463 214369 99252847 21.5174 7.7362 518 268324 138991832 22.7596 8.0311 464 215296 99897344 21.5407 7.7418 519 269361 139798359 22.7816 8.0363 465 216225 100544625 21.5639 7.7473 520 270400 140608000 22.8035 8.0413 466 217156 101194696 21.5870 7.7529 521 271441 141420761 22.8254 8.0466 467 218039 101847563 21.6102 7.7584 522 272484 142236648 22.8473 8.0517 468 219024 102503232 21.6333 7.7639 523 273529 143055667 22.8692 80569 469 219961 103161709 21.6564 7.7695 524 274576 143877824 22.8910 8.0620 470 220900 103823000 21.6795 7.7750 525 275625 144703125 22.9129 8.0671 471 221341 104437111 21.7025 7.7805 526 276676 145531576 22.9347 8.0723 472 222734 105154048 21.7256 7.7860 527 277729 146363183 22.9565 8.0774 473 223729 105823317 21.7486 7.7915 528 278784 147197952 22.9783 8.0825 474 224576 106496424 21.7715 7.7970 529 279841 148035889 23.0000 8.0876 475 225625 107171875 21 7945 7.8025 530 280900 148877000 23.0217 8.0927 476 226576 107850176 21.8174 7.8079 531 281961 149721291 23.0434 8.0978 477 227529 108531333 21.8403 7.8134 532 283024 1 50568768 23.0651 8.1028 478 228484 109215352 21 8632 7.8188 533 284089 151419437 23.0868 8.1079 479 229441 109902239 2K8861 7.8243 534 285156 152273304 23.1084 8.1130 480 230400 1 1 0592000 21.9089 7.8297 535 286225 153130375 23.1301 8.1180 481 231361 111284641 21.9317 7.8352 536 287296 1 53990656 23.1517 8.1231 482 232324 111980168 21.9545 7.8406 537 288369 154854153 23.1733 8.1281 483 233289 112678587 21.9773 7.8460 538 289444 155720872 23.1948 8.1332 484 234256 1 13379904 22.0000 7.8514 539 290521 156590319 23.2164 8.1382 USEFUL TABLES FOE MARINE ENGINEERS 235 No. 540 541 542 543 544 Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 29 1 600 292681 293764 294349 295936 157464000 158340421 1 59220083 160103007 160989184 23.2379 23.2594 23.2809 23.3024 23.3238 8.1433 8.1483 8.1533 8.1583 8.1633 595 596 597 598 599 354025 355216 356409 357604 358801 2106448/5 211708736 212776173 213847192 214921799 24.3926 24.4131 24.4336 24.4540 24.4745 8.4108 8.4155 8.4202 8.4249 8.4296 545 546 547 543 549 297025 298116 299209 300304 301401 161378625 162771336 163667323 164566592 165469149 23.3452 23.3666 23.3880 23.4094 23.4307 8.1683 8.1733 8.1783 8.1833 8.1882 600 601 602 603 604 360000 361201 362404 363609 364816 216000000 217081801 218167208 219256227 220348864 24.4949 24.5153 24.5357 24.5561 24.5764 8.4343 8.4390 8.4437 8.4484 8.4530 550 551 552 553 554 302500 303601 304704 305809 306916 166375000 167234151 163196608 169112377 170031464 23.4521 23.4734 23.4947 23.5160 23.5372 8.1932 8.1982 8.2031 8.2081 8.2130 605 606 607 608 609 366025 367236 363449 369664 370881 221445125 222545016 223648543 224755712 225866529 24.5967 24.6171 24.6374 24.6577 24.6779 8.4577 8.4623 8.4670 8.4716 8.4763 555 556 557 553 559 308025 309136 310249 3 1 1 364 312481 170953875 23.5584 17187961623.5797 172803693 23.6003 173741112 23.6220 17467687923.6432 8.2180 8.2229 8.2278 8.2327 8.2377 610 611 612 613 614 372100 373321 374544 375769 376996 226981000 228099131 229220928 230346397 231415544 24.6982 24.7184 24.7386 24.7588 24.7790 8.4809 8.4856 8.4902 8.4948 8.4994 560 561 D62 563 564 313600 17561600023.6643 314721 176553431:23.6354 3 1 5844: 1 77504323 23.7065 3 1 6969 1 78453547 23.7276 318096 17940614423.7487 8.2426 8.2475 8.2524 8.2573 8.2621 615 616 617 618 619 378225 379456 380639 381924 383161 232608375 233744896 234885113 236029032 237176659 24.7992 24.8193 24.8395 24.8596 24.8797 8.5040 8.5086 8.5132 8.5178 8.5224 565 566 '>67 568 569 319225 320356 321489 322624 323761 180362125 23.7697 18132149623.7903 182234263 23.0118 1P3250432 23.8323 .8422000923.8537 8.2670 8.2719 8.2763 8.2816 8.2865 620 621 622 623 624 384400 385641 336884 383129 389376 238328000 239483061 240641848 241804367 242970624 24 8998 249199 24.9399 24.9600 24.9800 8.5270 8.5316 8.5362 8.5408 8.5453 570 571 572 573 574 324900 326041 327184 328329 329476 18519300023.8747 186169411 23.8956 187149243:23.9165 18313251723.9374 18911922423.9583 8.2913 8.2962 8.3010 8.3059 8.3107 625 626 627 628 629 390625 391876 393129 394384 395641 244140625 245314376 246491833 247673152 248858189 25.0000 25.0200 25.0400 25.0599 25.0799 8.5499 8.5544 85590 8.5635 8.5681 575 576 577 578 579 330625 331776 332929 334084 335241 190109375 191102976 192100033 193100552 194104539 23.9792 24.0000 24.0208 24.0416 24.0624 8.3155 8.3203 8.3251 8.3300 8.3348 630 631 632 633 634 396900 398161 399424 400639 401956 250047000 251239591 252435968 253636137 254840104 25.0998 25.1197 25.1396 25.1595 25.1794 8.5726 8.5772 8.5817 8.5862 8.5907 580 581 582 583 584 336400 337561 338724 339889 341056 195112000 196122941 197137368 193155287 199176704 24.0832 24.1039 24.1247 24. 1 454 24.1661 8.3396 8.3443 8.3491 8.3539 8.3587 635 636 637 638 639 403225 404496 405769 407044 40832 1 256047875 257259456 258474853 259694072 260917119 25.1992 25.2190 25.2389 25.2587 25.2784 8.5952 8.5997 8.6043 8.6083 8.6132 585 536 587 533 589 342225 343396 344569 345744 34692 1 200201625 201230056 202262003 203297472 204336469 24.1868 24.2074 24.2281 24.2437 24.2693 8.3634 8.3682 8.3730 8.3777 8.3825 640 641 642 643 644 409600 410881 412164 413449 414736 262144000 263374721 264609288 265847707 267089934 25.2982 25.3180 25.3377 25.3574 25.37>2 8.6177 8.6222 8.6267 8.6312 8.6357 590 591 592 593 594 343100 349281 350464 351649 352836 205379000 206425071 207474688 208527857 209584584 24.2899 243105 24.331 1 24.3516 24.3721 8.3872 8.3919 8.3967 8.4014 8.4061 645 646 647 648 649 416025 417316 418609 419904 421201 268336125 269586136 270840n?3 272097792 273359449 25.3969 25.4165 25.4362 25.4558 254755 8.6401 8.6446 86490 86535 8.6579 236 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL No. 650 651 652 653 654 Square. 422500 423801 425104 426409 427716 Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. ~705 706 707 708 709 Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 274625000 27 389445 1 277167808 278445077 279726264 25.4951 25.5147 25.5343 25.5539 25.5734 8.6624 8.6668 8.6713 8.6757 8.6801 497025 498436 499849 501264 502681 350402625 351895816 353393243 354894912 356400829 26.5518 26.5707 26.5895 26.6083 26.6271 8.9001 8.9043 8.9085 8.9127 8.9169 655 656 657 658 659 429025 430336 431649 432964 434281 281011375 282300416 283593393 284890312 286191179 25.5930 25.6125 25.6320 25.6515 25.6710 8.6845 8.6890 8.6934 8.6978 8.7022 710 711 712 713 714 504100 505521 506944 508369 509796 357911000 359425431 360944128 362467097 363994344 26.6458 26.6646 26.6833 26.7021 26.7208 8.9211 8.9253 8.9295 8.9337 8.9378 660 661 662 663 664 435600 43692 1 438244 439569 440896 287496000 288804781 290117528 291434247 292754944 25.6905 25.7099 25.7294 25.7483 25.7682 8.7066 8.7110 8.7154 8.7198 8.7241 715 716 717 718 719 511225 512656 5 1 4089 515524 516961 365525875 367061696 366601813 370146232 371694959 26.7395 26.7582 26.7769 26.7955 26.8142 8.9420 8.9462 8.9503 8.9545 8.9587 665 666 667 663 669 442225 443556 444889 446224 447561 294079625 295408296 296740963 298077632 299418309 25.7876 25.8070 25 8263 25.8457 25.8650 8.7285 o.7329 87373 8. 7< 16 8.7460 720 721 722 723 724 518400 519841 521284 522729 524176 373248000 374805361 376367048 377933067 379503424 26.8328 26.8514 26.8701 26.8887 26.9072 8.9628 8.9670 8.9711 8.9752 8.9794 670 671 672 673 674 448900 450241 451584 452929 454276 300763000 302111711 303464448 304821217 306182024 25.8844 25.9037 25 9230 25.9422 25.9615 8.7503 8.7547 8.7590 3.7634 8.7677 725 726 727 728 729 525625 527076 528529 529984 531441 381078125 382657176 384240583 385828352 387420489 26.9258 26 9444 26.9629 26.9815 27.0000 8.9835 8.9876 8.9918 8.9959 90000 675 676 677 678 679 455625 456976 458329 459684 461041 307546875 308915776 310288733 311665752 313046839 25.9803 26 0000 26.0192 26.0384 26.0576 8.7721 87764 8.7807 8.7850 8.7893 730 731 732 733 734 532900 534361 535824 537289 538756 389017000 390617891 392223168 393832837 395446904 27.0185 27.0370 27.0555 27.0740 27.0924 9.0041 9.0082 9.0123 9.0164 9.0205 680 681 682 683 684 462400 463761 465124 466489 467856 314432000 315821241 317214569 318611987 320013504 26.0768 26 0960 26.1151 26.1343 26.1534 8.7937 87980 8.8023 8.8066 8.8109 735 736 737 733 739 540225 541696 543 1 69 544644 546121 397065375 398688256 400315553 401947272 403583419 27.1109 27.1293 27.1477 27.1662 27.1846 9.0246 9.0287 9.0328 90369 9.0410 685 686 687 688 689 469225 470596 47 1 969 473344 474721 321419125 322828856 324242703 325660672 327082769 26.1725 26 1916 26.2107 26.2298 26.2488 88152 88194 8.8237 88280 8.8323 740 741 742 743 744 547600 54908 1 550564 552049 553536 40522400C 406869021 408518488 410172407 411830704 27.2029 27.2213 27.2397 27.2560 27.2764 9.0450 90491 9.0532 9.0572 9.0613 690 691 692 693 694 476100 477481 478364 480249 481636 328509000 329939371 331373888 332812557 334255384 26 2679 26.2869 26.3059 26.3249 26.3439 8.8366 6.8408 88451 8.8493 8.8536 745 746 747 74S 749 555025 556516 558009 559504 561001 413493625 415160936 416832723 418508992 420189749 27 2947 27.3130 27.3313 27.3496 27.3679 9.0654 9.0694 90735 9.0775 9.0816 695 696 697 693 699 483025 484416 485809 487204 488601 335702375 337153536 338608873 340068392 341532099 26.3629 26.3818 26.4008 26.4197 26.4386 8.8578 8.8621 8.8663 8.8706 8.8748 750 751 752 753 754 562500 564001 565504 567009 5685 1 6 4218750CO 423564751 425259008 42695777/ 428661061 273861 27.404< 27.4226 27.4408 27.4591 9.0856 90896 9.0937 9.0977 9.1017 700 701 702 703 704 490000 491401 492804 494209 495616 343000000 344472101 345948408 347428927 348913664 26.4575 26 4764 264953 26.5141 765330 8.8790 88833 88875 88917 88959 755 756 757 758 759 570025 571536 573049 574564 576081 430368875 432081216 433798093 435519512 437245479 27.4/73 27.4955 27 5136 27.5318 27.5500 91057 9 1098 9.1138 9 1178 9.1218 USEFUL TABLES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS 237 No 760 76 762 763 764 Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 57/60U 579121 580644 532169 533696 438976000 J4407I1081 442450728 444194947 445943744 27.5681 27.5862 27.6043 27.6225 27.6405 9.1258 9.1298 9.1338 9.1378 9.1418 815 816 817 818 819 664225 665856 667489 669124 670761 541343375 543338496 545338513 547343432 549353259 28.5482 28.5657 28.5832 28.6007 28.6182 9.3408 9.3447 9.3485 9.3523 9.3561 765 766 767 763 769 535225 536736 533289 539324 591361 447697125 449455096 451217663 452984832 454756609 27.6586 27.6767 27.6948 27.7128 27.7308 9.1458 9.1498 9.1537 9.1577 9.1617 820 821 822 823 824 672400 674041 675684 677329 678976 551368000 553387661 555412248 557441767 559476224 28.6356 28.6531 28.6705 28.688C 28.7054 9.3599 9.3637 9.3675 9.3713 9.3751 770 771 772 773 774 592903 594441 595984 597529 599076 456533000 458314011 460099648 461889917 463684824 27.7489 27.7669 27.7849 27.8029 27.8209 9.1657 9.1696 9.1736 9.1775 9.1815 825 826 827 823 829 680625 632276 633929 685584 687241 561515625 563559976 565609283 567663552 569722789 28.7228 28.7402 28.7576 28.775C 28.7924 9.3789 9.3827 9.3865 9.3902 9.3940 775 776 777 778 779 630625 632176 633729 635234 636341 465434375 467283576 469097433 470910952 472729139 27.8383 27.8563 27.8747 27.8927 27.9106 9.1855 9.1894 9.1933 9.1973 9.2012 830 831 832 833 834 688900 690561 692224 693889 695556 571787000 573856191 575930368 578009537 580093704 28.8097 28.8271 28.8444 28.8617 28.8791 9.3978 9.4016 9.4053 9.4091 9.4129 733 731 782 733 784 603403 639961 611524 613039 614656 474552000 476379541 478211763 430043637 431890304 27.9285 27.9464 27.9643 27.9821 28.0000 9.2052 9.2091 9.2130 9.2170 9.2209 835 836 837 833 839 697225 698896 700569 702244 703921 582182875 584277056 586376253 588480472 590589719 28.8964 28.9137 28.9310 28.9482 28.9655 9.4166 9.4204 9.4241 9.4279 9.4316 785 786 787 733 739 616225 617796 619369 620944 622521 483736625 435537656 437443403 439303372 491169069 28.0179 28.03 7 28.0535 23.0713 28.0891 9.2243 9.2287 9.2326 9.2365 9.2404 840 841 842 843 844 705600 707281 708964 710649 712336 592704000 594323321 596947688 599077107 601211584 28.9828 29.0000 29.0172 29.0345 29.0517 9.4354 9.4391 9.4429 9.4466 9.4503 793 791 792 793 794 624100 625631 627264 623349 630436 493039000 494913*71 496793083 493677257 500566184 28.1069 28.1247 28.1425 23.1603 28. 1 780 9.2443 9.2482 9.2521 ~.2560 9.2599 845 846 847 843 849 714025 715716 717409 719104 720801 603351125 605495736 607645423 609800192 611960049 29.0689 29.0861 29.1033 29.1204 29.1376 9.4541 9.4578 9.4615 9.4652 9.4690 795 796 797 793 799 632025 633616 635209 636304 638401 502459875 504353336 5062:1573 508160592 510082399 28.1957 28.2135 28.2312 28.2489 28.2666 9.2638 9.2677 9.2716 9.2754 9.2793 850 851 852 853 854 722500 614125000 29.1548 724201 616295051 29.1719 725904 618470208 29.1890 727609 620650477; 29.2062 7293 1 6 622835864 29.2233 9.4727 9.4764 9.4301 9.-+83S 9.4875 800 801 802 803 804 640000 5 1 2000000 641601 513922401 643204 515849608 644809 517781627 646416519718464 28.2843 28.3019 28.3196 28.3373 28.3549 9.2832 9.2870 9.2909 9.2948 9.2986 855 7310251 856 732736 857 734449 858 736164 859 737881 625026375 29.2404 62722201629.2575 629422793 29.2746 63162871229.2916 633839779 29.3087 9.4912 9.4949 9.4986 9.5023 9.5060 805 806 807 808 809 643025 649636 651249 652864 654431 52166012528.37259.3025 523606616 28.3901 9.3063 525557943 28.4077 9.3102 52751411228.42539.3140 52947512928.44299.3179 860 739600 636056000 861 741321 638277381 862 743044 640503928 863 744769 642735647 864 746496 644972544 29.3258 29.3428 29.3598 29.3769 29.3939 9.5097 9.5134 9.5171 9.5207 9.5244 810 811 812 813 814 656100 657721 659344 660969 662596 53144100028.46059.3217 533411 73 1;28.4781 9.3255 535387328*28.4956 9.3294 537367797!28.5132 9.3332 539353 1 441 28.5307 9.3370 865 866 867 868 869 748225 647214625 29.4109 749956 649461896 29.4279 751689651714363:29.4449 75342465397203229.4618 755 161 1656234909129.4783 9.5231 9.5317 9.5354 9.5391 9.5427 238 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL No Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root . Xo. ^925 926 927 928 929 Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 870 87! 872 873 874 756900 758641 760384 762 1 29 763876 658503000 6607763 1 1 603054848 665338617 667627624 29.4958 29.5127 29.5296 29.5466 29.5635 9.5464 9.5501 9.5537 9.5574 9.5610 855625 857476 859329 861184 863041 791453125 794022776 796597983 799178752 801765089 30.4138 30.4302 30.4467 30.4631 30.4795 9.7435 9.7470 9.7505 9.7540 9.7575 875 876 877 878 879 765625 767376 769129 770884 772641 669921875 672221376 674526133 676836152 679151439 29.5804 29.5973 29.6142 29.63 1 29.6479 9.5647 9.5683 9.5719 9.5756 9.5792 930 931 932 933 934 864900 866761 868624 870489 872356 S0435700C 806954491 809557568 812166237 814780504 30.4959 30.5123 30.5287 30.5450 30.5614 9.7610 9.7645 9.7680 9.7715 9.7750 880 881 882 883 884 774400 776161 777924 779689 781456 681472000 683797841 686128968 688465387 690807104 29.6648 29.6816 29.6985 29.7153 29.7321 9.5828 9.5865 9.5901 9.5937 9.5973 935 936 937 938 939 874225 876096 877969 879844 881721 817400375 820025856 822656953 825293672 827936019 30.5778 30.5941 30.6105 30.6263 30.6431 9.7785 9.7819 9.7854 9.7889 9.7924 885 886 887 883 889 783225 784996 786769 788544 790321 693154125 695506456 697864103 700227072 702595369 29.748? 29.7658 29.7825 29.7993 29.8161 9.6010 9.6046 9.6082 9.6118 9.6154 940 941 942 943 944 833600 835481 837364 839249 891136 830584000 833237621 835896888 838561807 841232384 30.6594 30.6757 30.6920 30.7083 30.7246 9.7959 9.7993 9.8028 9.8063 9.8097 890 891 892 893 894 792100 793881 795664 797449 799236 704969000 707347971 709732288 712121957 714516984 29.8329 29.8496 29.8664 29.883 1 29.8998 9.6190 9.6226 9.6262 9.6298 9.6334 945 946 947 943 949 893025 894916 896809 898704 900601 843908625 846590536 849278123 851971392 854670349 30.7409 30.757! 30.7734 30.7896 30.8058 9.8132 9.8167 9.8201 9.8236 9.8270 895 896 897 898 899 801025 802816 804609 806404 808201 716917375 719323136 721734273 724150792 726572699 299166 29.9333 29.9500 29.9666 29.9833 9.6370 9.6406 9.6442 9.6477 9.6513 950 951 952 953 954 902500 904401 906304 908209 910116 857375000 86008535 1 862801408 865523177 868250664 30.8221 30.8383 30.8545 30.8707 30.8869 9.8305 9.8339 9.8374 9.8408 9.8443 900 901 902 903 904 810000 811801 813604 815409 817216 729000000 731432701 733870808 736314327 738763264 30.000C 30.0167 30.0333 30.0500 30.0666 9.6549 9.6585 9.6620 9.6656 9.6692 955 956 957 953 959 912025 870983875 913936873722816 915849876467493 917764879217912 919681 831974079 30.903 1 30.9192 30.9354 30.9516 30.9677 9.8477 9.8511 9.8546 9.8580 9.8614 905 906 907 908 909 819025 820836 822649 824464 826281 741217625 743677416 746142643 743613312 751089429 30.0832 30.099 30.1164 30.133C 30.1496 9.6727 9.6763 9.6799 9.6834 9.6870 960 961 962 963 964 921600 923521 925444 927369 92929C 884736000 887503681 890277128 893056347 895841344 30.9839 3 1 .0000 31.0161 31.0322 31.0483 9.8643 9.8683 9.8717 9.8751 9.8785 910 911 912 913 914 828100 82992 1 83 1 744 833569 835396 75357100C 756058031 758550523 761048497 763551944 30.1662 30.1825 30.1993 30.2159 30.2324 9.6905 9.6941 9.6976 9.7012 9.7047 965 966 967 963 969 931225 933156 935089 937024 938961 398632125 901428696 904231063 907039232 909853209 3 1 .0644 3 1 .0805 3 1 .0966 31.1127 31.1288 9.8819 9.8854 9.8888 9.8922 9.8956 915 916 917 918 919 837225 839056 840889 842724 844561 766060875 763575296 771095213 773620632 776151559 30.2490 30.2655 30.2S2C 30.2935 30.3150 9.7032 9.7113 9.7153 9.7183 9.7224 970 971 972 973 974 940900 942841 944784 946729 948676 912673000 915498611 918330048 921167317 924010424 31.1443 31.1609 3 1 . 1 769 31.1929 3 1 .2090 9.8990 9.9024 9.9058 9.9092 9.9126 920 921 922 923 924 846400 848241 850084 851929 853776 778688000 781229961 783777443 786330467 78&889024 30.3315 30.3480 30.3645 30.3809 30.3974 9.7259 9.7294 9.7329 9.7364 9.7400 975 976 977 978 979 950625 952576 954529i 956484' 95844 li 926859375 929714176 932574833 935441352 938313739 31.2250 31.2410 31.2570 31.2730 31.2890 99160 99194 9.9227 9.9261 9.9293 USEFUL TABLES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS 239 No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. "980 960400 941 192000 31.3050 9.9329 1033 1071225 1108717875 32.1714 10.1153 981 962361 944076141 31.3209 9.9363 1036 10732% 1111934656 32 1870 10 1186 932 983 964324 966289 946966168 949862087 31.3369 31.3528 9.93% 9.9430 1037 1038 1075369 1115157653 1077444 1 1 18386872 32.2025 32.2180 10J218 10 1251 984 968256 952763904 31.3688 9.9464 1039 1079521 1121622319 32.2335 10.1283 935 970225 955671625 31.3847 9.9497 1040 1081600 1124864000 32.2490 10.1316 986 972196 958585256 31.4006 9.9531 1041 1083681 1128111921 322645 10 1343 087 974169 96150430331.4166 9.9565 1042 1085764 1131366033 32.2800 10.1381 933 976144 964430272 31.4325 9.9598 1043 1087849 1134626507 32.2955 10.1413 939 978121 967361569 31.4484 9.%32 1044 1089936 1137893184 32.3110 10.1446 990 980100 970299000 31.4643 9.9666 1045 1092025 1141166125 32.3265 10.1478 991 932081 973242271 31.4802 9.9699 1046 1094116 1144445336 32.3419 10.1510 992 934064 976191438 31.4960 9.9733 1047 10%209 1147730323 32 3574 10.1543 993 936049 979146657 31.5119 9.9766 1043 1098304 1151022592 32.3723 10.1575 994 988036 932107784 31.5278 9.9800 1049 1100401 1 154320649 32.3883 10.1607 995 990025 935074875 31.5436 9.9833 1050 1 102500 1157625000 32.4037 10.1640 996 992016 933047936 31.5595 9.9366 1051 1104601 1160935651 32.4191 10.1672 997 994009 991026973 31.5753 9.9900 1052 1106704 1164252603 32.4345 10.1704 993 996004 99401 1992 31.5911 99933 1053 1108309 1167575877 324500 10.1736 999 993001 997002999 31.6070 9.9%; 1054 1110916 1170905464 32.4654 10.1769 1000 1000000 100000000C 31.6223 10.0000 1055 1113025 1174241375 32.4803 10 1801 1001 1002001 1003003001 31.6336 10.0033 1056 1115136 1177583616 32.4%2 10.1833 1002 1004004 1006012003 31.6544 10.006/ 1057 1117249 1180932193 32.5115 10.1865 1003 1006009 1009027027 31.6702 100100 1053 1119364 1184287112 32.5269 10.1897 1004 1008016 1012048064 31.636C 10.0133 1059 1121481 1 187648379 32.5423 10.1929 1005 1010025 1015075125 31.7017 100166 1060 1123600 1191016000 32.5576 10.1%1 1006 1012036 1018108216 31.7175 10.0200 1061 1125721 1194389981 32.5730 101993 1007 1014049 1021147343 31.7333 10.0233 1062 1127844 1 197770328 32.5883 10.2025 1008 1016064 1024192512 31 7490 100266 1063 1129%9 1201157047 32.6036 10.2057 1009 1018031 1027243729 31.7648 10.0299 1064 11320% 1204550144 32.6190 10.2039 1010 1020100 1030301000 31.7805 10.0332 1065 1134225 120794%25 32.6343 10.2121 1011 1022121 1033364331 31.7%2 10.0365 1066 1136356 12113554% 326497 10.2153 1012 1024144 1036433728 31.8119 10.0398 1067 1138489 1214767763 32.6650 10.2185 1013 1026169 1039509197 31.8277 100431 1063 1 140624 1218186432 32.6803 10.2217 1014 10281% 1042590744 31.8434 10.0465 1069 1 142761 1221611509 32.6956 10.2249 1015 1030225 1045678375 31.8591 100493 1070 1144900 1225043000 32.7109 10.2281 1016 1032256 10487720% 31.8743 10.0531 1071 1 147041 1228480911 32.7261 10.2313 1017 1034239 1051871913 31.8904 10.0563 1072 1149184 1231925248 32.7414 10.2345 1013 1036324 1054977832 31.9061 10.05% 1073 1151329 1235376017 32.7567 10.2376 1019 1033361 1053089859 31.9218 10.0629 1074 1153476 1238833224 32.7719 10.2403 1020 1040400 1061208000 31.9374 100662 107 1155625 1242296875 32.7872 10.2440 1021 1042441 1064332261 31.9531 10.0695 107o 1157776 1245766976 32.8024 10.2472 1022 1044434 1067462648 31.9687 10.0723 1077 1159929 1249243533 32.8177 10 2503 1023 1046529 1070599167 31.9844 10.0761 1078 1162084 125272655232.8329 10.2535 1024 1043576 1073741824 32.0000 10.0794 1079 1 164241 1256216039 32.8481 10.2567 1025 1050525 1076890625 32.0156 10.0326 1030 1166400 1259712000 32.8634 10.2599 1026 1052676 1030045576 32.0312 100359 1031 1 163561 1263214441 32.8786 10.2630 1027 1054729 1033206683 32.0468 10.0892 1032 1170724 1266723368 32.8933 10.2662 1028 1056734 1036373952 320624 10.0925 1033 1172389 1270238787 32.9090 10.2693 1029 1053341 1089547389 32.0780 10.0957 1034 1175056 1273760704 32.9242 10.2725 1030 1060900 1092727000 320936 10.099fi 1035 1177225 1277289125 32.9393 10 2757 1031 1062961 1095912791 32 1092 10 1023 1036 1179396 1280824056 32.9545 10.2783 1032 1065024 1099104768 32.1243 10.1055 1087 1181569 1284365503 32%97 10.2820 1033 1067089 1 102302937 32.1403 10.1088 1038 1183744 1287913472 32.9843 10.2851 1034 1069156 1 105507304 32.1559'10.1121 1089 1185921 1291467%9 330000 10.2883 240 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. Diam. Circum. Area. Diam Circum. Area. Diam Circum. Area. 1/64 . 04909 .00019 23/8 7.4613 4.4301 61/8 19.242 29 465 V32 .09818 .00077 7/16 7.6576 4.6664 V4 19.635 ZV . *fO J 30 680 3/64 .14726 .00173 V2 7.8540 4.9087 3/8 20.028 31 919 Vl6 .19635 .00307 9/16 8.0503 5.1572 1/2 20.420 33 1 83 3/32 .29452 . 00690 5/8 8.2467 5.4119 5/8 20.813 34 472 1/8 .39270 .01227 8.4430 5.6727 3/4 21.206 35 785 5/32 . 49087 .01917 a/? 8.6394 5.9396 7/8 21.598 37! 122 3/16 . 58905 .02761 13/16 8.8357 6.2126 7. 21.991 38 485 7/32 .68722 .03758 7/8 9.0321 6.4918 Vs 22.384 39^871 15/16 9.2284 6.7771 22.776 41 282 1/4 .78540 . 04909 3/8 23 . 1 69 42 '. 1 1 8 9/32 .88357 .06213 3. 9.4248 7 . 0686 !/> 23.562 44 ] 79 5/16 .98175 .07670 Vie 9.6211 7.3662 58 23.955 45 664 H/32 .0799 .09281 Vs 9.8175 7 . 6699 3/4 24.347 47! 173 3/8 .1781 .11045 3 /16 10 014 7.9798 7/8 24 740 48 '. 707 13/32 .2763 .12962 V4 10.210 8.2958 8. 25.133 50.265 7/16 .3744 .15033 5/16 10.407 8.6179 1/8 25.525 51 849 15/32 .4726 .17257 3/8 10.603 8 . 9462 25.918 53 455 7/16 10.799 9.2806 3 /8 26.311 55 088 V2 17/32 .5708 .6690 .19635 .22166 V2 9/16 10.996 11.192 9 . 62 1 1 9.9678 V2 5/8 26.704 27.096 56. '745 58 426 9/16 .7671 .24850 5/8 1 1 . 388 10.321 3/4 27.489 60. 132 19/32 .8653 , 27688 n/ie 11.585 10.680 7g 27 882 61 ^862 5/8 .9635 . 30680 3/4 11.781 11.045 9. 28.274 63 617 21/32 2.0617 .33824 13/16 11.977 11.416 1/8 28.667 65 397 11/16 2.1598 .37122 7/8 12.174 1 1 . 793 1/4 29.060 67 201 23/32 2.2580 .40574 15/16 12.370 12.177 3/8 29.452 69.029 4. 12.566 12.566 1/2 29 845 70.882 3/4 2.3562 .44179 Vl6 12.763 1 2 . 962 5/8 30.238 72.760 23/32 2.4544 .47937 1/8 12.959 13.364 3/4 30.631 74 662 13/16 2.5525 .51849 3/16 13.155 13.772 7/8 31 023 76.589 27/32 2.6507 .55914 1/4 13.352 14.186 10. 31.416 78^540 7/8 2.7489 .60132 5/16 13.548 14.607 31 809 80 516 29/32 2.8471 . 64504 3/8 13.744 15.033 1/4 32.201 82.516 15/ig 2.9452 . 69029 7/16 13.941 15.466 3/8 32.594 84 541 31/32 3.0434 .73708 1/2 14.137 1 5 . 904 1/2 32.987 86.590 9/16 14.334 16.349 5 /8 33.379 88.664 1. 3.1416 .7854 5/8 14.530 1 6 . 800 3/4 33.772 90.763 Vl6 3.3379 .8866 14.726 17.257 7/8 34.165 92 . 886 1/8 3.5343 .9940 9/4 14.923 17.721 11. 34.558 95.033 3/16 3.7306 .1075 13/16 15.119 18. 190 Vs 34.950 97.205 V4 3.9270 .2272 7/8 15.315 18.665 1/4 35.343 99.402 5/16 4.1233 .3530 13/16 15.512 19. 147 3/8 35.736 101.62 3/8 4.3197 .4849 5. 1 5 . 708 19.635 36. 128 103.87 7/16 4.5160 .6230 Vl6 1 5 . 904 20. 129 5/8 36.521 106.14 1/2 4.7124 .7671 Vs 16. 101 20.629 3/4 36.914 108.43 9/16 4.9087 .9175 3/16 16.297 21.135 7/8 37.306 110.75 5/8 5.1051 2.0739 1/4 16.493 2 1 . 648 12. 37.699 113.10 H/16 5.3014 2.2365 5/16 16.690 22.166 1/8 38.092 115.47 ^3/4 5.4978 2.4053 3/8 16.886 22.691 38.485 117.86 13, 16 5.6941 2.5802 7/16 17.082 23.221 3/8 38.877 120.28 7 /8 5 . 8905 2.7612 1/2 17.279 23.758 1/2 39.270 122.72 15 /16 6.0868 2.9483 9/16 17.475 24.301 5/8 39.663 125.19 5/8 17.671 24.850 3/4 40.055 127.68 2. 6.2832 3.1416 n /16 1 7 . 868 25.406 7/8 40.448 130.19 1/16 6.4795 3.3410 3/4 18.064 25.967 13. 40.841 132.73 1/8 6.6759 3.5466 13/16 18.261 26.535 1/8 41.233 135 30 3/16 6.8722 3.7583 7/8 18.457 27.109 1/4 41.626 137.89 V4 7 . 0686 3.9761 15/16 18.653 27 . 688 3/8 42.019 140.50 5/16 7.2649 4.2000 18.850 28.274 1/2 42.412 143. 14 Republished by permission of Messrs. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. from Kent's Mechanical Engineers Pocket- Book. USEFUL TABLES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS 241 Diara. Circura. Area. Diam. Circum. Area. Diam. Circum. Area. 135/8 42.804 145.80 217/8 68.722 375.83 30 1/8 94.640 712 76 3/ A 43. 197 148.49 22. 69.115 380. 13 V4 95.033 7 1 8 69 7 /8 43.590 1 5 1 . 20 17 8 69.508 384.46 3/8 95.426 724 64 14. 43.982 153.94 1/4 69.900 388.82 1/2 95.819 730 '62 1/8 44.375 156.70 3/8 70.293 393.20 5/8 96.211 736 62 i// 44.768 159.48 V* 70.686 397.61 3/4 96.604 742 64 3/8 45.160 162.30 5 /8 71.079 402.04 7/8 96.997 748.69 1/2 45.553 165.13 3/4 71.471 406.49 31. 97.389 754 77 5/8 45.946 1 67 . 99 7/8 7 1 . 864 410.97 1/8 97.782 760 87 3/4 46.338 170.87 23. 72.257 415.48 1/4 98.175 766 99 7/8 46.731 173.78 V8 72.649 420.00 3/8 98.567 773. 14 15. 47.124 176.7! 1/4 73.042 424.56 V2 98.960 779 31 1/8 47.517 179.67 3/8 73.435 429.13 5/8 99.353 785 51 1/4 47.909 182.65 1/2 73.827 433.74 3/4 99.746 791 73 3/8 48.302 185.66 5/8 74.220 438.36 7/8 100.138 797 98 Va 48.695 188.69 3/4 74.613 443.01 32. 100.531 804.25 5/3 49.037 191.75 7/8 75.006 447.69 V8 100.924 810.54 3/4 49.480 194.83 24. 75.398 452.39 1/4 101.316 816.86 7/8 49.873 197.93 V8 75.791 457.11 3/8 101.709 823.21 16. 50.265 201.06 1/4 76. 184 461.86 1/2 102.102 829.58 1/8 50.658 204.22 3/8 76.576 466.64 5/8 1 02 . 494 835.97 V4 51.051 207.39 1/2 76.969 47 1 . 44 3/4 102.887 842.39 3/8 51.414 210.60 5/8 77.362 476.26 7/8 103.280 848.83 1/2 51.836 213.82 3/4 77.754 431.11 33. 103.673 855.30 5/8 52.229 217.08 7/8 78.147 485.98 Vg 104.065 861.79 3/4 52.622 220.35 25. 78.540 490.87 1/4 104.458 868.31 7/8 53.014 223.65 1/8 78.933 495.79 3/8 104.851 874.85 17. 53.407 226.98 1/4 79.325 500.74 1/2 105.243 881.41 Vs 53.800 230.33 3/8 79.718 505.71 5/8 105.636 888.00 1/4 54. 192 233.71 1/9 80.111 510.71 3/4 106.029 894 . 62 3/8 54.585 237.10 5/8 80.503 515.72 7/8 106.421 901.26 1/2 54.978 240.53 3/ 4 80.896 520.77 34. 106.814 907 . 92 5/8 55.371 243.98 7/8 81.289 525.84 1/8 107.207 914.61 3/4 55.763 247.45 26. 81.681 530.93 1/4 107.600 921.32 7/8 56.156 250.95 1/8 82.074 536.05 3/8 107.992 928.06 18. 56.549 254.47 1/4 82.467 541.19 1/2 108.385 934.82 1/8 56 941 258 02 3/8 82.860 546.35 5/8 108.778 941.61 1/4 57.334 261.59 1/9 83.252 551.55 3/4 109.170 948.42 3 /8 57.727 265.18 5/8 83.645 556.76 7/8 109.563 955.25 v" 58.119 268.80 3/4 84.038 562.00 35. 109.956 962.11 5/8 58.512 272.45 7/8 84.430 567.27 1/8 110.348 969 . 00 3/4 58.905 276.12 27. 84.823 572.56 V4 110.741 975.91 7/8 59.298 279.81 Vs 85.216 577.87 3/8 111.134 982 . 84 19. 59.690 283.53 1/4 85.608 583.21 1/2 111.527 939.80 1/8 60.083 287.27 3/8 86.001 588.57 5/8 111.919 996.78 1/4 60 476 291.04 1/9 86.394 593.96 3/4 112.312 1003.8 S/g 60.868 294.83 5 /8 86.786 599.37 7,8 112.705 1010.8 1/9 61.261 298.65 3/4 87.179 604.81 36. 113.097 1017.9 5/g 61 654 302.49 7/8 87.572 610.27 Vs 1 1 3 . 490 1025.0 3/4 62 046 3C5 35 28. 87.965 615.75 1/4 113.883 1032.1 7/8 62.439 310.24 1/8 88.357 621.26 3/8 114.275 1039.2 20. 62 832 314.16 1/4 88.750 626.80 1/2 114.668 1046.3 1/8 63.225 318.10 Jj/8 89.143 632.36 5/8 115.061 1053.5 1/4 63 617 322 06 1/9 89.535 637.94 3/ 4 115.454 1060.7 3/8 1/9 64!010 64 403 326.05 330 06 5/8 3/4 89.928 90.321 643.55 649.18 7/8 37. 115.846 116.239 1068.0 1075.2 5 Q 64.795 334 10 7/8 90.713 654.84 1/8 116.632 1032.5 3/5 65 188 338.16 29. 91.106 660.52 1/4 117.024 1089.8 7,8 65 581 342 25 1/8 91.499 666.23 3/8 117.417 1097.1 21. 65.973 346.36 1/4 91.892 671.96 1/2 117.810 1104.5 Vg 1/4 3 'g 66.366 66.759 6> 1 52 350.50 354.66 358 84 8 5/8 92 . 284 92.677 93.070 677.71 683 . 49 689.30 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 18.202 118.596 118.988 \\\9'.2 1126.7 1/2 -8 3 4 67! 544 67.937 63.330 363.05 367.28 371.54 3/4 7/8 30. 93 . 462 93.855 94.248 695.13 700.98 706 . 86 38. V8 1/4 119.381 119.773 120.166 1 134. 1 1141.6 1149.1 242 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL Dlam Circum. Area. Diara Circum. Area. Diam Circum. Area. 383/8 120.559 1156.6 465/8 146.477 1707.4 547/j, 172.395 2365.0 1/2 120.951 1164.2 3/4 146.869 1716.5 55. 172.788 2375.8 5/8 121.344 1171.7 7/8 147.262 1725.7 1/8 173. 180 2386.6 3/4 121.737 1179.3 47. 147.655 1734.9 1/4 173.573 2397.5 7/8 122. 129 1186.9 i/s 148.048 1744.2 3/8 1 73 . 966 2408.3 39. 122.522 1194.6 1/4 148.440 1753.5 1/2 174.358 2419.2 1/8 122.915 1202.3 3/8 148.833 1762.7 5/8 174.751 2430. 1 1/4 123.308 1210.0 Va 149.226 1772.1 3/4 175. 144 2441. 1 3/8 123.700 1217.7 5/8 149.618 1781.4 7/8 175.536 2452.0 1/2 124.093 1225.4 3/4 150.011 1790.8 56. 175.929 2463.0 5/8 124.486 1233.2 7/8 150.404 1800.1 1/8 176.322 2474.0 3/4 124.878 1241.0 48. 150.796 1809.6 1/4 176.715 2485.0 7/a 125.271 1248.8 V8 151.189 1819.0 3/8 177. 107 2496 1 40. 125.664 1256.6 1/4 151.582 1828.5 Va 177.500 2507.2 1/8 126.056 1264.5 3/8 151.975 1837.9 5 /8 177.893 2518.3 V4 126.449 1272.4 1/2 152.367 1847.5 3/4 178.285 2529.4 3/8 126.842 1280.3 5/8 152.760 1857.0 7/8 178.678 2540.6 1/9 127.235 1288.2 3/4 153.153 1866.5 57. 179.071 2551.8 5/8 127.627 1296.2 7/8 153.545 1876.1 1/8 179.463 2563.0 3/4 128.020 1304.2 49. 153.938 1885.7 1/4 179.856 2574.2 7/8 128.413 1312.2 1/8 154.331 1895.4 3/8 180.249 2585.4 41. 128.805 1320.3 1/4 154.723 1905.0 Va 180.642 2596.7 1/8 129.198 1328.3 3/8 155.116 1914.7 5/8 181.034 2608.0 V4 129.591 1336.4 1/2 155.509 1924.4 3/4 181.427 2619.4 3/8 129.983 1344.5 5 /8 155.902 1934.2 7/8 181.820 2630.7 1/2 130.376 1352.7 3/4 156.294 1943.9 58. 182.212 2642. 1 5/8 130.769 1360.8 7/8 156.637 1953.7 1/8 182.605 2653.5 3/4 131.161 1369.0 50. 157.080 1963.5 V4 182.998 2664.9 7/8 131.554 1377.2 1/8 157.472 1973.3 3/8 183.390 2676.4 42. 131.947 1385.4 1/4 157.865 1983.2 Va 183.783 2687.8 1/8 132.340 1393.7 M 158.258 1 993 . 1 5/8 184.176 2699.3 1/4 132.732 1402.0 Va 158.650 2003.0 3/4 184.569 2710.9 3/8 133.125 1410.3 5/8 159.043 2012.9 7/8 184.961 2722.4 1/9 133.518 1418.6 3/4 159.436 2022.8 59. 185.354 2734.0 5/8 133.910 1427.0 7/8 159.829 2032.8 1/8 185.747 2745.6 3/4 134.303 1435.4 51. 160.221 2042.8 1/4 186.139 2757.2 7/8 134.696 1443.8 1/8 160.614 2052.8 3/8 186.532 2768.8 43. 135.088 1452.2 1/4 161.007 2062 . 9 1/2 186.925 2780.5 1/8 135.481 1460.7 3/8 161.399 2073.0 $ 187.317 2792.2 V4 135.874 1469.1 Va 161.792 2083 . 1 3/4 187.710 2803.9 3/8 136.267 1477.6 5/8 162.185 2093.2 7/8 188. 103 2815.7 1/2 136.659 1486.2 3/4 162.577 2103.3 60. 188.496 2827.4 5/8 137.052 1 494 . 7 7/8 162.970 2113.5 1/8 188.888 2839.2 3/4 137.445 1503.3 69. 163.363 2123.7 1/4 189.281 2851.0 7/8 137.837 1511.9 V8 163.756 2133.9 3/8 189.674 2862.9 44. 138.230 1520.5 1/4 164.148 2144.2 1/2 190.066 2874.8 1/8 138.623 1529.2 3/8 164.541 2154.5 5/8 190.459 2886.6 !/4 139.015 1537.9 1/2 164.934 2164.8 3/4 190.852 2898.6 3/8 139.408 1546.6 5/8 165.326 2175.1 7/8 191.244 2910.5 1/9 139.801 1555.3 3/4 165.719 2185.4 61. 191.637 2922.5 5/8 140.194 1564.0 7/8 166.112 2195.8 !/8 192.030 2934.5 3/4 140.586 1572.8 53. 166.504 2206.2 1/4 192.423 2946.5 7/8 140.979 1581.6 1/8 166.897 2216.6 3/8 192.815 2958.5 45. 141.372 1590.4 1/4 167.290 2227.0 1/2 193.208 2970.6 1/8 141.764 1599.3 3/8 167.683 2237.5 5 /8 193.601 2982 . 7 !/4 142.157 1608.2 1/2 168.075 2248.0 34 193.993 2994.8 3/8 142.550 1617.0 5/8 168.468 2258.5 7/8 194.386 3006.9 1/2 142 942 1626.0 3/4 168.861 2269. 1 62. 194.779 3019.1 5/8 143.335 1634.9 7/8 169.253 2279.6 1/8 195.171 3031.3 3/4 143.728 1643.9 54. 169.646 2290.2 1/4 195.564 3043.5 7/8 144 121 1652.9 l/ 8 170.039 23C0.8 3/8 195.957 3055.7 46. 144.513 1661.9 1/4 170.431 2311.5 Va 196.350 3068.0 1/8 144.906 1670.9 3/8 170.824 2322.1 5/8 196.742 3080.3 1/4 145.299 1680.0 V2 171.217 2332.8 3/4 197.135 3092.6 3/8 145.691 1689.5 5/8 1 7 1 . 609 2343.5 7/8 197.528 3104 9 1/2 146.084 1698,2 3/4 1 72 . 002 2354.3 63. 197.920 3117.2 USEFUL TABLES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS 243 Diam. Circum. Area. Diam Circum. Area. Diam Circum. Area. 63 Vs 198.313 3129.6 71 a/s 224. 23 i 4001. 1 795/a 250. 149 4979.5 1/4 198.706 3142.0 1/2 224.624 4015.2 3/4 250 542 4995 2 3/8 199.098 3154.5 5/8 225.017 4029.2 7/8 250.935 5010 9 V2 199.491 3166.9 3/4 225.409 4043.3 80. 251.327 5026 '5 5/8 199.884 3179.4 7/8 225.802 4057.4 1/8 251.720 5042 '3 3/4 200.277 3191.9 73. 226.195 407 1 . 5 1/4 252.113 5058 7 /8 200.669 3204.4 1/8 226.587 4085.7 3/8 252 506 5073 8 64. 201.062 3217.0 V4 226.980 4099.8 !/2 252.898 5089.6 i/s 201.455 3229.6 3/8 227.373 4114.0 5/8 253.291 5105 4 1/4 201.847 3242.2 1/2 227.765 4128.2 3 /4 253.684 5121 2 3/8 202.240 3254.8 5/8 223.158 4142.5 7/8 254.076 5137.1 Va 202.633 3267.5 3/4 228.551 4156.8 81. 254.469 5153.0 5/8 203.025 3280.1 7/8 228.944 4171.1 1/0 254.862 5168 9 3/4 203.418 3292.8 73. 229.336 4185.4 14 255.254 5184.9 7/8 203.811 3305.6 1/8 229.729 4199.7 3/8 255.647 5200.8 65. 204.204 3318.3 V4 230.122 4214.1 1/2 256.040 5216.8 1/8 204.596 3331.1 3/8 230.514 4228.5 5/8 256.433 5232.8 V4 204.989 3343.9 1/2 230.907 4242.9 3/4 256.825 5248.9 3/8 205.382 3356.7 5/8 231.303 4257.4 7/8 257.218 5264.9 1/2 205.774 3369.6 3/4 231.692 4271.8 82. 257.611 5281.0 5/8 206.167 3382.4 7/8 232.085 4286.3 1/8 258.003 5297.1 3/4 206.560 3395.3 74. 232.478 4300.8 1/4 258.396 5313.3 7 /8 206.952 3408.2 1/8 232.871 4315.4 3/8 258.789 5329.4 66. 207.345 3421.2 1/4 233.263 4329.9 1/2 259.181 5345.6 Vi 207.738 3434.2 3/8 233.656 4344.5 5/8 259.574 5361.8 V* 208.131 3447.2 1/2 234.049 4359.2 3/4 259.967 5378.1 3/8 208.523 3460.2 5/8 234.441 4373.8 7/8 260.359 5394.3 Va 208.916 3473.2 3/4 234.834 4388.5 83. 260.752 5410.6 5/8 209.309 3486.3 7/8 235.227 4403 . 1 1/8 261.145 5426.9 3/4 209.701 3499.4 75. 235.619 4417.9 1/4 261.538 5443.3 7/8 210.094 3512.5 1/8 236.012 4432.6 3/8 261.930 5459.6 67. 210.487 3525.7 1/4 236.405 4447.4 V2 262.323 5476.0 Vs 210.879 3538.8 3/8 236.798 4462.2 5/8 262.716 5492.4 V4 211.272 3552.0 1/2 237.190 4477.0 3/4 263.108 5508.8 3/8 211.665 3565.2 5/8 237.583 4491.8 7 /8 263.501 5525.3 V2 212.058 3578.5 3/4 237.976 4506.7 84. 263.894 5541.8 5/8 212.450 3591.7 7/8 238.368 4521.5 Vs 264.286 5558.3 3/4 212.843 3605.0 76. 233.761 4536.5 1/4 264.679 5574. 8 7/8 213.236 3618.3 1/8 239.154 4551.4 3/8 265.072 5591.4 68. 2 1 3 . 628 3631.7 V4 239.546 4566.4 !/2 265.465 5607.9 1/8 214.021 3645.0 3/8 239.939 4581.3 5/8 265.857 5624.5 1/4 214.414 3653.4 !/2 240.332 4596.3 3/4 266.250 5641.2 3/8 214.806 3671.8 5/8 240.725 4611.4 7/8 266.643 5657.8 1/2 215. 199 3685.3 3/4 241.117 4626.4 85. 267.035 5674.5 5/8 215.592 3698.7 7/8 241.510 4641.5 1/8 267.428 5691.2 3/4 215.984 3712.2 77. 241.903 4656.6 1/4 267.821 5707.9 7/8 216.377 3725.7 1/8 242.295 4671.8 3/8 268.213 5724.7 69. 216.770 3739.3 V4 242.688 4686.9 1/2 26*. 606 5741.5 1/8 217.163 3752.8 3/8 243.031 4702.1 5/8 263.999 5758.3 1/4 217.555 3766.4 1/2 243.473 4717.3 3/4 269.392 5775.1 3/8 217.948 3780.0 5/8 243.866 4732.5 7/8 269.784 5791.9 1/2 218.341 3793.7 3/4 244.259 4747.8 86. 270.177 5808.8 5/8 218 733 3807.3 7/8 244.652 4763.1 V8 270.570 5825.7 3/4 219.126 3821.0 78. 245.044 4778.4 1/4 270.962 5842.6 7 /8 219.519 3834.7 1/8 245.437 4793.7 3/8 271.355 5859.6 70. 219.911 3848.5 1/4 245.830 4809.0 1/2 271.748 5876.5 V8 220.304 3862.2 3/8 246.222 4824.4 5/8 272.140 5893.5 1/4 220.697 3876.0 1/9 246.615 4839.8 3/4 272.533 5910.6 3/8 221.090 3889.8 5 /8 247.008 4855.2 7/8 272.926 5927.6 !/2 221.482 3903.6 3/4 247 400 4870.7 87. 273.319 5944.7 5/8 221.375 3917.5 7/8 247.793 4886.2 1/8 273.711 5961.8 3/< 222.268 3931.4 79. 248. 186 4901.7 1/4 274.104 5978.9 7/8 222.660 3945 3 */8 248.579 4917.2 3/8 274.497 5996.0 71. 223.053 3959 2 V4 248.971 4932.7 V2 274.889 6013.2 Vs 223.446 3973 1 3/8 249.364 4948.3 5/8 275.282 6030.4 V4 223.838 3987.1 1/2 249.757 4963.9 3/4 275.675 6047.6 244 MC ANDREW'S FLOATING SCHOOL Diam Circum. Area. Diam Circum Area. Diam Circum. Area. 877/8 276.067 6064.9 957/s 301.200 7219.4 130 408.41 13273.23 88. 276.460 6082.1 96. 301.593 7238.2 131 411.55 13478 22 Vs 276.853 6099.4 V8 301.986 7257.1 132 414.69 13684.78 1/4 277.246 6116.7 1/4 302.378 7276.0 133 417.83 13892.91 3/8 277.638 6134.1 3/8 302.771 7294.9 134 420.97 14102.61 V2 278.031 6151.4 1/2 303. 164 7313.8 135 424.12 14313.88 5/8 278.424 6168.8 5/8 303.556 7332.8 136 427.26 14526.72 3/4 278.816 6186.2 3 /4 303.949 7351.8 137 430.40 14741. 14 7/8 279.209 6203 . 7 7/8 304.342 7370.8 138 433.54 14957. 12 89. 279.602 622 1 . 1 97. 304.734 7389.8 139 436.68 15174.68 1/8 279.994 6238.6 1/8 305.127 7400.9 140 439.82 15393.80 V4 280.387 6256. 1 1/4 305.520 7420.0 141 442 . 96 15614.50 3/8 280.780 6273.7 3/8 305.913 7447.1 142 446.11 15836.77 V2 281.173 6291.2 yl 306.305 7466.2 143 449.25 16060.61 5/8 281.565 6308.8 5/8 306.698 7485 . 3 144 452.39 16286.02 3/4 281.958 6326.4 3/4 307.091 7504.5 145 455.53 16513.00 7/8 282.351 6344. 1 7/8 307.483 7523.7 146 458.67 16741.55 90. 282.743 6361.7 98. 307.876 7543.0 147 461.81 16971.67 1/8 283. 136 6379.4 V8 308.269 7562.2 148 464.96 1 7203 . 36 1/4 283.529 6397.1 1/4 30S.661 7581.5 149 468.10 17436.62 3/8 283.921 6414.9 3/8 309.054 7600.8 150 471.24 17671.46 V2 284.314 6432.6 1/2 309.447 7620. 1 151 474.38 17907.86 5/8 284.707 6450.4 5/8 309.840 7639.5 152 477.52 18145.84 3/4 285.100 6468.2 3/4 310.232 7658.9 153 480.66 18385.39 7/8 285.492 6486.0 7/8 310.625 7678.3 154 483.81 8626.50 91. 285.885 6503.9 99. 311.018 7697.7 155 486.95 8869.19 1/8 286.278 6521.8 1/8 311.410 7717. 1 156 490.09 9113.45 1/4 286.670 6539.7 1/4 311.003 7736.6 157 493.23 9359.28 3/8 287.063 6557.6 3/8 312. 196 7756.1 158 496.37 9606.68 1/2 287.456 6575.5 1/2 312.588 7775.6 159 499.51 9855.65 5/8 287.848 6593.5 5/8 312.981 7795.2 160 502.65 20106.19 3/4 288.241 6611.5 3 /4 313.374 7814.8 161 505.80 20358.31 7/8 288.634 6629.6 7/8 313.767 7834.4 162 508.94 20611.99 93. 289.027 6647.6 100 314.159 7854.0 163 512.08 20867.24 V8 289.419 6665 . 7 101 317.30 8011.85 164 5 1 5 . 22 21124.07 1/4 289.812 6683 . 8 102 320.44 8171.28 165 518.36 21382.46 3/8 290.205 6701.9 103 323.58 8332.29 166 521.50 2 1 642 . 43 1/2 290.597 6720. 1 104 326.73 8494.87 167 524.65 21903.97 5 /8 290.990 6738.2 105 329.87 8659.01 168 527.79 22167.08 3 /4 291.383 6756.4 106 333.01 8824.73 169 530.93 22431.76 78 291.775 6774.7 107 336.15 8992.02 170 534.07 22698.01 93. 292.168 6792.9 108 339.29 9160.88 171 537.21 22965 . 83 Vi 292.561 6811.2 109 342.43 9331.32 172 540.35 23235.22 V4 292 954 6829.5 110 345.58 9503.32 173 543.50 23506.18 3/8 293.346 6847.8 343.72 9676.89 174 546.64 23778.71 V2 293.739 6866. 1 112 351.86 9852.03 175 549.78 24052.82 5/8 294.132 6884.5 113 355.00 0028.75 176 552.92 4328.49 3/4 294.524 6902.9 114 353.14 0207.03 177 556.06 4605.74 r/l 294.917 6921.3 115 361.28 0386.89 178 559.20 4884.56 94. 295.310 6939.8 116 364.42 0568.32 179 562.35 5164.94 1/8 295 . 702 6958.2 117 367.57 0751.32 180 565.49 5446.90 !/4 296.095 6976.7 118 370.71 0935.88 in 568.63 5730.^3 3/8 296.488 6995 . 3 119 373.85 1122.02 182 571.77 6015.53 1/2 296.881 7013.8 120 376.99 1309.73 183 574.91 6302.20 5/8 297.273 7032.4 121 380.13 1499.01 184 578.05 6590.44 34 297.666 7051.0 122 383.27 1689.87 185 581.19 6880.25 7/8 298.059 7069.6 123 386.42 1882.29 186 584.34 7171.63 95. 298.451 7088.2 124 389.56 2076.28 187 587.48 7464.59 1/8 298.844 7106.9 125 392.70 2271.85 188 590.62 7759.11 1/4 299.237 7125.6 126 395.84 2468.98 189 593 . 76 8055.21 3/8 299 629 7144.3 127 398.98 2667.69 190 596.90 8352.87 I/O 300.022 7163.0 128 402 . 1 2 2867.96 191 600.04 8652. 11 5/8 300.415 7181.8 129 405.27 3069.81 192 603.19 8952.92 3/4 300.807 7200.6 USEFUL TABLES FOR MARINE ENGINEERS 245 WEIGHT OF RODS, BARS, PLATES, TUBES, AND SPHERES OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS. Notation: 6 = breadth, t = thickness, s = side of square. D = ex- ternal diameter, d = internal diameter, all in inches. Sectional areas: of square bars = s 2 ; of flat bars = U; of round rods = 0.7854 > 2 ; of tubes = 0.7854 (Z>* - d 2 ) = 3.1416 (Dt - *). Volume of 1 foot in length: of square bars = 12s 2 ; of flat bars = I2bt- of round bars = 9.4248D 2 ; of tubes = 9.4248 (> 2 - d 2 ) = 37.699 (Dt - t 2 ), in cu. in. Weight per foot length = volume X weight per cubic inch of mate- rial. Weight of a sphere = diam. 3 X 0.5236 X weight per cubic inch. Material. d- -OQ 32U & fa I- n 5^_5 Cast iron Wrought iron Steel Copper & Bronze (copper and tin) Lead Aluminum Glass Pine wood, dry. . 7.218 7.7 7.854 8.855 8.393 11.33 2.67 2.62 0.481 450. 480. 489.6 552. 523.2 709.6 166.5 163.4 30.0 37.5 40. 40.8 46. 43.6 59.1 13.9 13.6 2.5 31/8 \y 3.833 3.633 4.93 1.16 1 13 0.21 31/8 ft 3.833 3.633 4.93 1.16 1.13 0.21 .2604 .2779 .2833 .3195 .3029 .4106 .0963 .0945 .0174 15-16 I. 1.02 1.15 1.09 1.48 0.347 0.34 1-16 2.454 2.618 2.670 3.011 2.854 3.870 0.908 0.891 0.164 .1363 .1455 .1484 .1673 .1586 .2150 .0504 .0495 .0091 Weight per cylindrical in., last col. + 12. 1 in. long, = coefficient of Z> 2 in next to Republished by permission of Messrs. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. from Kent's Mechanical Engineers Pocket- Book. Rainbow Packing l N BO W RA RAI N BO wV^rV RAINBOW for the past twenty-five- years has given perfect satisfaction among Engineers. It is the original Red Sheet Packing. "Rainbow" will pack water and steam joints of highest pressure and not blow out. "Rainbow" Packing is red, but all red packing is not "Rainbow." Be sure that your red sheet bears the trademark "Rainbow" in a diamond. We manufacture a complete line of high grade mechanical Rubber Goods, including Belting, Hose and Packings of every description. For sale everywhere Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co. 16 Warren Street, New York 0^46) Eckliff Automatic Boiler Circulators Fully Protected by U. S. and Foreign Patents. PERFECT CIRCULATION of the water in an internally Fired Boiler is always attended, by perfect equalization of temperatures throughout the boiler it can't be otherwise. And a Standard Tested Thermometer placed at the lowest point of the boiler, with the mercury bulb surrounded Toy the water of the boiler, affords the only means of determining whether or not the temperatures top and bottom are the same in other words whether or not there is proper circula- tion. "WATCH THE THERMOMETER" The "ECKLIFF" is the only Circulator guaran- teed to stand the "Thermometer Test" the only Circulator that does create and maintain perfect circulation in Scotch Boilers. Every competitive test has proved it every "ECKLIFF" installa- tion sustains it. Get the evidence from nearest representative. Write for BooWet and Testimony. Eckliff Automatic Boiler Circulator Co. NEW YORK DETROIT PHILADELPHIA 33 BROADWAY 60 SHELBY ST. BULLITT BUILDING 148 (247) Marine Type Brunswick Refrigerating Machine Direct connected to steam engine: the ideal system for ships' stores refrig- eration. Also complete installations for cargo cold storage. Brunswick Refrigerating Company Main Office and Works: New Brunswick, New Jersey (248) The Continental Iron Works West and Calyer Sts., near 10th and 23d St. Ferries Borough of Brooklyn, New York City Manufacturers of Fox Corrugated and Morison Suspension Furnaces Welded Steel Steam and Water Drums For Water Tube Boilers Embodying Strength with Lightness and Freedom from LEAKAGES incident to Riveted Structures. (249) See Opposite Page (250) The Roberts Marine Water Tube Boiler The Pioneer of its Type The Leader of them all Superelasticity of all parts guarantees reliable joints, even though they are screwed. The boiler with the longest record and the best record. It has repeatedly turned dismal fail- ures into complete successes, and can do it again. The Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Company EXECUTIVE OFFICE: WORKS: 112-114 Chestnut Street, Oakland St., & Railroad, Red Bank, N. J., Red Bank, U. S. A. N. J. REPRESENTED IN NEW YORK CITY BY MR. CHAS. B. WILKENS, 39-41 CORTLANDT ST. See Opposite Page (251) An Engineer's License For YOU? Don't be content to remain a coal passer, a fireman, watertender, oiler, or even an assistant engineer, when you can gain the post of Chief En- gineer by a little well directed study and reading. Make up your mind that you're going to learn how to take charge of an engine that you're going to pass the examination and get your license that you're going to let some other fellow do the hard, back-breaking work that you are now doing. Supplement your reading of "McAndrew's Floating School" by taking a course in Marine Engineering in the International Correspondence Schools. On page 218 McAndrew says: "There are several correspondence schools wherein for a small sum each month you can not only receive their courses of instruction, but you will get their text books into the bargain. As a rule these books are excellently gotten up and will be of great value to you.'' The International Correspondence Schools are the oldest and by far the largest in the world. Their Marine En- gineering experts are ex-marine engineers men of hard practical experience as well of technical training. They have been through the grime and know just the kind of instruction you need. They can teach you by mail all you need to get your license. If your schooling was limited they will start you at the very beginning and make every step clear and interesting. More than twelve thousand men in the United States Merchant Marine are preparing for better jobs under the direction of the I. C. S. Every month more than 400 I. C. S. students report promotions or increases in salary that have come as a direct result of I. C. S. training. What these men have done YOU can do. It won't obligate you in the least to find out HOW the I. C. S. can help you. Just drop them a postal card saying "Tell me about your course in Marine Engineering." Full particulars will be sent by return mail. International Correspondence Schools, Box 957-K,Scranton,Pa. (252) 103,000 Copies Now in Use Kent's Mechanical Engineers' Pocket-Book Eighth Edition, Revised and Enlarged By William Kent, M. E., Sc. D. Mem. Am. Soc. M. E. The 1500 pages of this book sum up all the important facts about materials, forces, powers and appliances, so ar- ranged that any one subject or table can be gotten at instantly. Each chapter is concise, complete and clearly stated. The rules, tables, data, and formulae contained in this book are practical and are invaluable to engineers, mechanics, and students. A copy of KENT should be in the library of everyone identified in any manner with me- chanical practice. Send for pamphlet with Table of Con- tents today. Price, morocco bound, $5.00 net John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 432 Fourth Avenue, New York City London, Montreal, Can. Chapman $ Hall, Ltd. Renouf Pub. Co. 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There are other features which will be found to be of material value both to engineers and scientists. "A remarkably well arranged and complete utilisa- tion of the results of the latest investigations on the properties of steam Will be adopted as the standard by all careful computers" THE ENGINEERING EECORD. Longmans, Green & Co. Publishers Fourth Avenue and 30th St., New York (256) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expir^iflq of loan, ft ejriod. APR 9 1918 FEB '811S27 50m-7,'16 UO I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY