rs UIO B 3 122 332 r Gala Book SUGGESTIONS FOR f T.VALENTINE'S DAY, ST. PATRICK'S DAY IHE PATRIOTIC DAYS AND EASTER "Price m^ Craft WTierc you are planning a parly or entertainment of any kind, there are six Dennison Instruction Books which will be of great help. Several of them give in detail t'ne instructions for making similar articles to those shown in the " Gala Book " How to ^Paper (Costumes Delightful costumes for children and grown-ups, for pageants, plays, costume parties and fancy dances. The illustrations and instructions are so easy to follow and the cost of materials so trifling that you will have as much fun making a costume as you will wearing it. How to Qrepe Flowers The Flowers of many varieties are described step by step. book includes patterns for each flower in actual size. ^Paper Baskets of many shapes and sizes, trays and lamps, may all be made by following the detailed instructions given in this book. "Tables and Favors The hardest part of planning the party table decora- tions are shown in great variety. No matter what kind of a party you are planning, this book has a suggestion which can be adapted to that particular need. Sealing Wax The making of sealing wax beads, pendants, vases, favors and flowers is fully described. Once you have made something of sealing wax, the work is so fascinating you just can't help making something else. How to "Decorate Halls, booths and Automobiles The problem of decorations for dances, bazaars and cele- brations of many kinds both indoors and out is readily solved with the instructions and illustrations to help you. 10 CENTS THE COPY; SET OF SIX BOOKS, 50 CENTS Dennison goods may be purchased everywhere from stationers, depart- ment stores and many drug stores Buy Dennison goods from your local dealer Printed in U.S. A. No. 415-1 iOM-1 ! S! I Imii/kKW^ Gala Book A Book Qiving Suggestions for St. Valentine's Day St. Patrick's Day Patriotic Occasions Easter Week * April Fool's Day and May Day J he Dennison book of suggestions for the spring holi- days, which for several years has been called the "Party Book," comes to you this year with a new name. There is something fascinating about the very word "gala." You have but to say it and at once there comes to your mind a picture of bright colors, attractive decorations and all kinds of jolly times. This book is intended to help the hostess make her party "different" by showing her new ways to use the Dennison materials which are made especially for the various holi- days. The decorations pictured may be easily copied and in almost all cases stock goods are used. Stock goods are listed in the price list at the back of the book. They may be purchased at stationers, department stores, many drug stores and the four Dennison Stores. The made-up articles, such as Jack Horner pies, serving cups and novelties, are not carried in stock but are shown as suggestions for you to copy. Service Bureaus are maintained at all the Dennison Stores and by many dealers, where helpful suggestions and instructions in the use of Dennison products will be given without charge to all who ask or write. / Copyright, 1922, by Dennison Manufacturing Co. 497651 G a 1 a B o o St. Valentine Entertains The conventional color for St. Valentine's Day is red, but the introduction of another color is sometimes charm- ing and if it is a little daring and out of the ordinary it may be just as significant of the day. jl Why not venture away from the rQ. customary colors and combine red with old rose or even use light pink with red? A table decorated with fringe is most effective and at the same time easy to arrange. Fringe is cut as described on page 29. The strips are cut and fastened in place, after which the top is finished with loops of crepe paper rope. The lower edge is then cut in rounding points. Festoons and Cut-outs V 223 complete the overhead decoration. Three cardboard hearts covered with ruffles attached to large gold arrows make the centerpiece. Heart Cut-out V 223 and Arrows V 241 form the nut cup and the cigar holder is made using Heart and Arrow V 228. A "beating heart" favor is really a penny "cricket" inside a double crepe paper heart. A place card may be attached if desired. Page two Gala Boo A Luncheon Table Gay with Hearts Bright red hearts with white and gold wings (Cut-outs V 244) attached to miniature streamers are fastened to the festoon decorations and flutter gaily over this dainty Cupid table. The Jack Horner pie is made by fastening very full double ruffles around a foundation of cardboard and a Cupid cut from Decorated Crepe V 461 swings from the handle. The same crepe, V 461, supplies the border around the table. Three Cut-outs V 243 are pasted around a small serving cup form. The shades which are used on the bracket lights at the sides of the room are made of the heart silhouette which is found on Decorated Crepe V 462. The de- sign is cut out and reinforced around the edges with wire or light weight card- board. An asbestos ring is fastened in place and the shade may be made as a screen, or two designs may be pasted together with an opening at the top. Page three Gala Boo When Hearts Are Trumps Ten days or two weeks before St. Valen- tine's Day the invitations for the card party should be sent out. Daintily printed ones such as V 16 or V 19 may be purchased ready to fill in, or if something more individual is wanted they may be made from cut-outs, seals or designs printed on crepe paper or napkins. To make the invitations pictured Cut-out V236 is pasted on an elongated heart-shaped card, while the Cupid found on Napkin V 412 and Cut-out V 223 give the motif for another attractive design. Real valentines will make appropriate invitations. Valentine Outfit V 3 will furnish material for one dozen valentines. The numbering of the tables may be made part of the decoration by using cardboard hearts attached to flag sticks or heavy wire and finished with ruffles of red crepe paper and a Cupid cut from Decorated Crepe Paper V 462. Simple score card folders are decorated with Cut-out V 243, while tiny pencils make an ideal foundation on which to make the "arrow." An appropriate prize would be a heart-shaped pendant made of sealing wax decorated with flowers. When the refreshments are served the tables are spread with White Table Covers No. 1, to which g* are pasted Cupids and hearts found on Crepe V 461. vS^ Heart-shaped bags may contain a tiny cake or a few bon bons. ' . - Page four i Valentine Decorations for Society or Club Banquet The long, narrow tables which are almost always used for club or society ban- quets are difficult to arrange in any way that will make them look different. If the number of people to be served is not too large, the tables may be arranged to form a hollow square. This arrangement, of course, will permit the seating of only about one-half the number that could be accommodated if places were set on both sides of the table. Table Covers V 219 are used on the tables. If for any reason it is not practical to use them, the regular white cloth may be used and one of the designs of deco- rated crepe attached to the inside edge of the tables. The top of the tables should then have a narrow runner design on the top at the inner edge. Above each table is hung a large red heart cut from mat stock. The center is cut out and a Cupid V 253 suspended in the opening, while narrow red streamers from the point of the heart to the corners of the table and pendant hearts complete the decoration. Large hearts are suspended from the tops of the posts at the points where the overhead festoons are fastened, and banners brighten the plain wall spaces. There are many table accessories which serve at the same time as decorations and favors. Place cards, cut-outs for ices, bon bon boxes, party caps any of these may be purchased ready for use and will add a bit more color to the deco- rative effect. Page five Gala Boo What Cupid Suggests for the Bride The little "Love God" plays a prominent part in many affairs besides those of St. Valentine's Day. All the suggestions for that day, however, may be carried out with equal appropriateness for engagement announcement, bridal shower or luncheon. If an engagement is to be announced, a Cupid and rose bon bon basket at each place hides the interesting secret between two hearts half concealed among the foliage. The "Old Woman with a Basket" place card, made of Cut-out V 235 fastened to a Heart V 223, carries her news tightly folded up and slipped through a slit in her basket. For a "shower" nothing can take the place of a parasol. The question of a foundation is something of a problem, but if one is made of heavy wire similar to the diagram, the problem is already solved. Around the ^^^^j^^^^ Individual parasol serving foundation two ruffles are \&/mc^M^ cups are easy to make and fastened and from the point Jy^f^"-' " '"^ V* s >-"\^''- , carry out the decorative shower dainty ribbons ,_ ^ . *C ' : Kv X %J an d the "filling" is found to be another, but this >!L_-* _"^~~^j time a whole napkin. Before the next course the hostess announces that there are conundrums to be answered and paper and pencils are passed. The pencils are made of small wooden flag sticks sharpened at one end and the point dipped in black ink. The plain part of the pencil should be wrapped with crepe paper; gray paper and gold paper will make a perfect eraser. A place card made of April Fool candy and wire and a candy tree also made of April Fool candy will complete the table decorations. The food which is served should look as unlike what it really is as possible, and if soup looks like ice cream and the last course like the first course so much the better. Iced bouillon may be served in tall sher- bet glasses with a cherry on top. Other things may be easily disguised in the same way and ice cream sand- wiches be the last course. .^j. Balls of confetti made to resemble f/i\\ clowns are attractive favors for a f / ] dance. Confetti Balls No. 12 are the foundations and a ruffle of crepe paper and a fool's cap are all that are needed after a face has been painted on the ball. Page fourteen Let's Go A-Maying The old English custom of observing May Day is becoming more widespread every year. May baskets such as those illustrated, daintily decorated and filled with sweets, are hung on doors while their giver runs and hides before being discovered. The most important feature of a real May Party is the selection and crowning of the May queen. She is chosen from all the maidens of the town as the most beautiful and she presides over all the dances and sports. The May pole must be braided by children in dainty costumes, while fancy dances, contests skill complete the entertainment. Small dolls dressed in fancy costumes, each one s?*'> *^ i i i . i- i _/ _ _;i_ 1% in archery and other games of A May pole may be used as a centerpiece for a May luncheon. Set in the center of the table with dainty ribbons to each place it will prove charming. holding the end of a rib- bon, will make a favor which will delight each guest. A tiny card tied to each doll will allow it to serve as a place card. Page fifteen Gala Boo What to Do with Gummed Seals and Cardboard Cut-Outs The many Dennison Holiday Seals and Cut-outs have been made with special ref- erence to their adaptability for decorating serving cups, place cards, dance orders, tally cards and for school work. Serving Cup No. covered with red crepe paper and decorated with Cut-out V 236. Cut-out V 243 attached to a spiral wire as a decora tion for a serving cup covered with fringed crepe paper. Place card favor made of Cut-out V 243, Seal V 591 and wire. Easily made place card which uses Cut-out V 222, Seal V 644 and cardboard. Uncle Sam Cut-out P 279 on the side of a red, white and blue cup. Cut-outs P 261 and P 263 combined with cup covered with dark brown crepe paper. Seals S 652 attached to cup cov- ered with emerald green. *? \ Bag made of emerald green with Cut-out S 288 on the side. Ruffled basket, handle trimmed with Seal E 650. Menu card made by using Cut-out V 235, Red Hearts No. 9 and white cardboard. Napkin ring of card- board andCut-outE294. Page sixteen Gala Bo o By changing the design and color scheme many of the articles shown here may be made appropriate for another holiday. J } Fi> **&& Seal S 601 Cut-out P 66 Seals and cut-outs pasted to cards of simple design or outline, a few lines drawn with crayon or paint and the place cards are complete. Seal S 599 Cut-out P 263 Cut-out P 261 Menu cards and tally cards of artistic design which are simple to make and very effective. Cut-outs V 225, V 241 and Gummed Hearts No. 9 Seal V 592 Seals V 643, V 647 Cut-out V 223 Any of these designs may be easily copied, using stock goods and cardboard. The decorative devices which are indicated by number are listed in the price list at the back of the book. Page seventeen Gala Boo The Hall Decora Page eighteen A list of materials Gala Bo Valentine Party found on page 20 Page nineteen Gala Boo The Balcony in Patriotic Dress A decoration which is adaptable to many color schemes and which may be used in a number of different ways. Decorated crepe, streamers and large cut- outs combine to make a decorative unit which will be equally effective as a wall decoration across the front or back of a stage, for the upper part of a booth, or for the background of a store window. How the Hall is Made Festive Although the hall illustrated on the preceding pages is decorated for St. Valentine's Day, the same idea may be carried out for any other holiday. Festoons and streamers always help to achieve a desired color effect, while too much cannot be said in favor of crepe paper moss as a decorative material. Thrown over natural branches or wires and allowed to hang irregularly, bright spots of color can be easily made. The cost of materials for the decoration illustrated will be about $25. This cost would vary somewhat according to the size of the hall, the number of windows and the wall spaces which were to be decorated. Materials Used for Valentine Hall Decoration Ceiling Decoration 6 Dozen Festoons each R 1, W 1 or 12 dozen Festoons V 9 Doorway or Window 1 Box Crepe Paper Moss R 1 1 Envelope Cut-outs each V 223, V 224, V 225 Wall Decoration 2 No. 3 Miniature Streamers R 1 2 Envelopes Cut-outs V 224 for each fold of Crepe V 461 required for frieze around hall Pace twenty One Chandelier 3 Folds No. 11 White Crepe Paper J/6 Dozen Miniature Streamers R I 3 Envelopes Cut-outs V 222 1 Sheet No. 11 Mat Stock Stage 18 Sheets No. 11 Mat Stock (for large hearts) 3 Sheets Gold Paper (for arrows) 2 No. 1 Streamers R 1 JSHr- v '. >, Favors for the Dancing Party The idea of having favors as a means of matching partners is one which will add to the gaiety of any dance. The matching may be done in several different ways; the favors may match in design or color or may be mated by the use of duplicate numbers if the party is too large to make any other method practical. The "daisy necklace" has for its center a small round mirror and around it are pasted the daisy petals. The corresponding favor may be a daisy boutonniere. Daisies may be made of other colors besides white. The color of the necklace and boutonniere match. Flower regalia are worn by both ladies and gentlemen; there should be two of each color. The gay "jazz" bracelet, with its jangling bells and bright colored streamers, matches the gentleman's collar. A red, white and blue wand finds a corresponding note in the badge of the same colors. Hats and crowns are always pop- ular and may be made in an endless variety of styles. Two of each color or style will prove attractive. Any of the hats illustrated on pages 22 and 23 as part of the cos- tumes may be used separately for favors. They may be made exactly as pictured or simplified so that they will be easy to make in large quantities. Page twenty-one Gala Boo Costumes for Many Gay Parties Bright green streamers and tiny shamrocks trans- form a simple white frock into a gay costume. If the party were on St. Valentine's Day, red hearts and Cupids would be needed. If a patriotic note must be sounded, Eagle and Flag Crepe P 557 combined with red, white and blue will make a charming slip-over, or red, white and blue can be used in about the same way but producing a very different effect as shown in costume No. 5. An easily made slip-over for a man's costume is made of red with many hearts for decoration. Double ruffles of emerald green and white rolled on the edges will be very different and easy to accom- plish. The large shamrock which trims the hat also has the rolled edge. Page twenty-two Gala Boo A tiny child or a grown-up will be equally attractive dressed in a slip-over topped with a huge ruffled heart. The pointed hat carries out the "clown" idea. "Baby Valentine" is very sweet in her dainty pink and white dress. The valentine itself can be made elaborate or simple as occasion requires, and even a big girl can wear a costume made in just the same style. Double ruffles of Decorated Crepe S 656 and fine green fringe will be an attractive partner for the artist in his green shamrock smock. A wired hoop with pendant pompons of red, white and blue makes a very chic costume which vies in attractiveness with the valentine costume with quaint panniers at the sides. A list of materials required for each of the costumes pictured will be found on page 25. Page twenty-three Gala Boo Each Holiday in Its Own Special Attire The church supper, club tea, bazaar or entertainment which is to be held at any time from early in January until after the Fourth of July cannot help being near the date of some holiday and this gives an opportunity for special decorations. Who would not enjoy her tea more if it were served by charming "Miss Valentine"? The slip-over apron, trimmed with red hearts, can be made just as attractive if trimmed with shamrocks and green ribbons or with shields and gay tricolored streamers. A simpler apron with "Cupids and lovers" is made by combining Decorated Crepe V 462 with plain white. This apron also can be made with other symbols and color combina- tions. Suggestive of the holiday are Uncle Sam's hat and Miss Columbia's cap. For either of these Decorated Crepe P 25 is used. Black mat stock makes the foundation for both George Washington's tricornered hat and "Paddy's" tall hat. Martha Washington's mob cap and the Irish colleen's bonnet are made just alike, except that the Irish bonnet has a ruffle which should be shorter in front and graduated to a deeper ruffle at the back. An emerald green bow and band will make its ownership a subject of no doubt. Page twenty-four Gal Costume Description Most costumes are made over a muslin foundation and the crepe paper sewed or pasted directly to it as seems best. For this kind of costume regular dress patterns are sometimes used, but they are not often necessary. The paper may be sewed by hand or on the sewing machine. The slip-over costume is a style which is very popular, perhaps because it is much less work than a complete dress. It is what its name implies, and is worn over any simple frock, preferably a white one, although a colored one may be used to carry out some particular scheme. The foundation of the slip-over costume is a full width of crepe paper of suffi- cient length to reach from shoulder to bottom of skirt both front and back. To this foundation are attached ruffles, streamers or cut-out designs. There are many variations possible for this type of costume. Often a costume for a man may be in the form of a slip-over. This permits the wearing of the regu- lar suit and if desirable the "costume" may indeed be "slipped over" and in a jiffy Mr. Man appears in conventional evening dress. Any of the costumes illustrated may be easily adapted to another holiday by the use of appropriate colors and designs. Materials for Costumes Shown on Pages 22 and 23 No. 1. Shamrock Costume 3 Folds No. 11 White Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 43 Emerald Green Crepe Paper 6 Envelopes Shamrock Cut-outs S 280 1 Sheet White Mat Stock No. 2. Patriotic Slip-over 1 Fold No. P 557 Decorated Crepe Paper 2 Folds No. 11 White Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 81 Red Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 52 National Blue Crepe Paper No. 3. Man's Valentine Slip-over 1 Fold No. 81 Red Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. V 461 Decorated Crepe Paper 1 Envelope V 223 Red Hearts No. 4. Shamrock Ruffled Costume 3 Folds No. 11 White Crepe Paper 3 Folds No. 43 Emerald Green Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. S 656 Decorated Crepe Paper 1 Spool No. 2 Green Wire No. 5. Red, White and Blue Slip-over 1 Fold No. 11 White Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. P21 Decorated Crepe Paper I Fold No. P 557 Decorated Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 81 Red Crepe Paper 1 Dozen No. 9 Wires No. 6. Little Boy's Valentine Heart Slip-over 1 Fold No. V 461 Decorated Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 11 White Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 81 Red Crepe Paper 1 Sheet No. 13 White Mat Stock 1 Envelope V 222 Red Hearts No. 7. Baby Valentine 1 Fold No. P 2^ Pink Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 11 White Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 296 Decorated Crepe Paper No. 8. Fringe and Shamrock Costume 1 Fold No. 11 White Crepe Paper 2 Folds No. 43 Emerald Green Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. S 656 Decorated Crepe Paper 1 Envelope S 270 Cut-out Shamrocks 2 Pieces No. 7 Wire 1 Spool No. 2 Wire No. 9. Man's Shamrock Smock 3 Folds No. 43 Emerald Green Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 11 White Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. S 656 Decorated Crepe Paper 1 Envelope S 271 Shamrock Cut-outs No. 10. 2 Folds No. P 25 Decorated Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 11 White Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 52 National Blue Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 81 Red Crepe Paper 3 Pieces No. 15 Wire 1 Spool No. 1 Wire No. 11. Valentine Costume 2 Folds No. V 461 Decorated Crepe Paper 2 Folds No. 11 White Crepe Paper 1 Fold No. 81 Red Crepe Paper (Many other costumes are described and illustrated in the book "How to Make Paper Costumes," which is referred to on the inside cover of this book.) Page twenty-five G ala B o o Games for Gala Gatherings One of the hardest questions to decide is what games to have at a party. If the first two or three are appropriate to the holiday on which the party is given, the rest may be just "good fun" regardless of the holiday. A good game to start the evening's fun, particularly if the group is large and not well acquainted with one another, is: Gossip A circle is formed with one or two people in the center. It is their object to get out, and to keep them from doing so the people in the circle must know the name, occupation and some piece of gossip about both of his neighbors. At a signal from the leader each one in the center points to some person and asks him to give the required information about both his neighbors. If he fails he goes into the center. The "gossip" as it is given originally by one's self may be made up for the occasion and be very amusing. At the command "Change your neigh- bors," all change places and this is also an opportunity for those inside the circle to get out into the circle itself. This game should be played but a few minutes, just long enough for all to learn the names of the others. Is Your Aim as True as Cupid's? Whether each girl in the party is to be married or remain single can be proven by her ability to "shoot" Cupid's arrow through a wedding ring. Attach a plain ring to a string and suspend it at a height of about five feet. Each contestant is asked to stand at a distance of ten feet and point a pencil at the center of the ring. She must then walk rapidly toward the ring and try to put the pencil through it. The same position which was assumed when the aim was taken must be rigidly held. "Feathers" of bright red mat stock may be attached to the tops of the pencils, and if the pencils themselves are red they will make attractive favors. Potato Race Each player is to balance a potato (the rounder the better) on the end of a yardstick. The stick is to be held so that the hands do not reach beyond the first six inches at the very most. A prize is awarded to the one who first reaches the goal without dropping the potato. Love Is But a Bubble Suspend a large red heart from the chandelier so that it will be about a foot above the heads of the players. A bowl of soapy water is provided, also a clay pipe for each player. Standing four or five feet away each one in turn, for a given number of turns, blows a bubble and tries to float it so that it will hit the heart. A prize is given the most successful. Page twenty-six Gal Cupid's Art Gallery Give each guest a piece of white cotton cloth, five inches by eight inches, with the name of one of the following subjects typewritten at the top. Cupid The Love Nest The Ideal Lover The Proposal A needle threaded with black silkateen is also given to each one. The "pic- tures" are to be made with outlines of black thread. At the end of fifteen minutes they are collected, the various kinds separated and each group pinned up on strings in different parts of the room, where they are judged. The judging should be done by two or three people, and their comments on style and technique will add to the fun. There should be a prize for each group of subjects. This game may be easily adapted to other holi- days by changing the subjects of the pictures. Eggshell Race The contents of eggs are blown out of the shells and each one colored differently. Each contestant is given a colored egg and a small fan. The egg- shells must be fanned to a given point and back to the starting point. Green Conundrums Small cards decorated with shamrock seals should have written on them these conundrums to be answered with words containing "green": 1. A variety of plum 2. A raw youth 3. A retailer of fresh vegetables 4. Part of a theater 5. Death to insects 6. Almost always fatal 1. Greengage 4. Greenroom 2. Greenhorn 5. Paris green 3. Greengrocer 6. Gangrene 7. Kind of apple 8. Kind of shrub 9. A country 10. A place where plants are kept 11. Turf with grass 12. Mountains in New England 7. Greening 10. Greenhouse 8. Greenbrier 11. Greensward 9. Greenland 12. Green Mountains This Is My Nose (A Good April Fool Game) The leader says, "This is my nose," but points to her knee. At the same time she points with her other hand to someone in the group. The one to whom she has pointed must point to his knee and say, "This is my nose" before the leader can count ten. The leader continues pointing to various parts of the body and calling by the name of some other part. Those who do not answer correctly or before the leader counts ten must drop out. Costumes Prepare a collection of various materials such as folds of crepe paper, both plain colors and decorated designs, ribbons, hats, pins, scissors, and any other materials from which costumes might be made. Assign partners and give fifteen minutes in which each couple shall make a costume for either one or the other. The cos- tumes may be all one kind, "Cupid" for instance, or to each may be assigned dif- ferent months of the year, different nations or historical characters. Page tweuty-seven Gala Boo Features for Dances and Parties While favors are often used as a means of matching partners, there are often times when a simpler way is preferable. A Bluebird Flight For an Easter Dance or a May Party a pretty feature may be introduced, but it can be used successfully only in a hall which has a balcony from which the birds may fly. A small numbered card with a bluebird seal attached is given to each girl. At a signal, bluebirds cut from Decorated Crepe 331 which have been mounted on cardboard or reinforced with wire and also numbered are tossed from the bal- cony; as they flutter down the boys try to catch them and find the girl with the corresponding number. Butterfly seals and butterfly design crepe may be used in the same way. Cupid's Heart Tree An attractive decorative note which may also be used for matching partners is " Cupid's Heart Tree." Two bushes may be made and stood one on either side of the stage, or one will answer if the hearts for the ladies and gentlemen are different colors. A real shrub or branch of a tree may be used, or the "Bush" may be made of crepe paper and wire. When natural branches are used they should be stripped of their leaves and those made of crepe paper used. Two hearts about two inches in diameter made of heavy colored paper or light weight cardboard should be pasted together all the way around except at the top, and the end of a twig slipped be- tween the two. Each heart is numbered and at a given signal the ladies pick the hearts from one tree and the gentlemen pick theirs from the other. The numbers on the two trees should match. When one tree is used, the hearts should be two different colors. A Picnic Luncheon This will be great fun as an unusual way of serving refreshments at a social. Each girl is to bring a decorated basket containing luncheon for two people. Just before the refreshments are to be served chairs should be arranged around the room in groups of four or eight. Above each group is fastened a card with the name of some local summer resort, spelled with misplaced letters, such as Yocen Isandl (Coney Island), etc. Cards are given to each guest, who has five to ten minutes to guess the names of the places. The baskets in the meanwhile have had numbers attached to their handles and when the guessing contest is over the owners of baskets with number one attached are to picnic at Coney Island, all those with number two at Atlantic City, etc. The baskets may then be auctioned off to the men, who find the original owner of each basket. They then proceed to their picnic place and join the rest of the group. Page twenty-eight Gala Boo General Instructions for Using Dennison Crepe Paper Before starting to work have all materials and tools handy, scissors, hammer, pins, tacks, paste and wire. Work for effect. Do not putter over details. Get the general decoration fin- ished, then if time permits, give fine touches. Remember that decorations must come down and use very small tacks and drive in only part way. Wire is better than string for attaching decorations. Two twists hold when string would be apt to slip and be hard to tie. Crepe paper is almost always stretched a little before using. This should be done by two people, one at either end of the paper. First, double the end over once or twice, or, better still, roll it over a ruler or stick so that it will not tear and then pull steadily until it is sufficiently stretched. To cut a strip of crepe paper, slip it part way from the packet, measure the desired width and, using the edge of the packet as a guide, cut through the entire thickness. (Illustration No. 1.) Illus. No. i To make rows of petals or scallops, cut the paper the correct width through the entire fold, unfold and starting with the two ends together, redouble until there are eight thicknesses, cut the paper through all thicknesses, leaving two or three inches at the top uncut. Then unfold. To make fluted edge, hold the edge of the crepe paper between the thumbs and forefingers, then push away with the left thumb and pull forward with the right forefinger. Move the crepe a bit and repeat until the whole strip is fluted. Fluting may sometimes be done to several thicknesses of crepe paper at one time. (Illustration No. 2.) Fringed crepe. For decorative purposes almost all fringe is cut across the grain of the paper. Strips of fringe 20 inches long and any depth up to the whole ten feet of the fold may be made. Unfold, stretch, and cut off pieces the required depth for the fringe. Fold the lower edge up to within an inch of the top. Re- double several times, then beginning at the right-hand edge, cut the fringe as fine as desired, cutting through all the thicknesses but leaving the 1-inch heading uncut. Shake out and stretch, then even off Use as many thicknesses as necessary to give the right effect. (Illustration No. 3.) Illus. No. 2 Illus. No. 3 To wrap wire. Cut a strip of crepe paper across the grain through the entire fold from Yi inch to 2 inches wide, according to the size and length of the wire to be wrapped. Put a little paste on the end of the wire and wind the strip around two or three times very tightly, then holding the wire in the right hand, twirl it round and round. At the same time, with the left hand, guide the paper, slanting it down and stretching it so that it will wrap the wire smoothly. When the end of the wire is reached, cut off the paper and fasten the end with paste. Page twenty-nine Gala Boo Price List of Dennison Stock Goods E729 Decorated Crepe Paper No. V 460 Cupid and Envelopes V 461 Cupid and Garland V 462 Lattice and Silhouette 296 Pink Hearts and Flowers S 655 Boy, Girl and Shamrock S 656 Shamrocks E 726 Chickens and Rabbits E729 Rabbit and Tulips Folds 10 feet long, 20 inches wide, No. P 21 Red, White and Blue Stripe P 25 Stars and Stripes P 557 Eagle and Shield P962 Narrow Red, White and Blue Stripe 294 Tulip 295 Violet 313 Butterfly 952 Pink Blossoms and Leaves ..per fold $0.25 No. 11 White 22 Violet 23 Purple 32 H Pink Dennison Crepe Paper No. 43 Emerald Green 46 Leaf Green 52 National Blue 81 Red No. 61 Light Amber 62 Canary 63 Dark Amber Folds 10 feet long, 20 inches wide .- per fold $0.15. Imperial Crepe Paper No. W 1 White No. G 3 Emerald Green V 2 Violet G6 Leaf Green V 3 Purple B 2 National Blue P 2^ Pink R 1 Red No. Y 1 Light Amber Y2 Canary Y 3 Dark Amber Rolls 8 feet long, 20 inches wide per roll $0.10 Crepe Paper Moss For decorating or packing No. P 2% Pink Y 3 Dark Amber No. G 3 Emerald Green G6 Leaf Green No. R 1 Red W 1 White 6 ounces in box . . . Page thirty These prices do not apply on the Pacific Coast or in Canada. Prices subject to change. per box $0.35 Gala Bo Q Crepe Paper Festoons A.n overhead decoration with fringed edges Plain colors No. W 1 White No. P 2^ Pink No. V 3 Purple R i Red G 3 Emerald Green Y 2 Canary B 2 National Blue V 2 Violet Y 3 Dark Amber 10 feet long, 4 inches wide each $0.07; per dozen $0.75 Combination No. V 9 Red and White No. E 4 Violet and White No. P 42 Red, White and Blue 10 feet long, 4 inches wide each $0.10; per dozen $1.20 Miniature Festoons No. W 1 White No. P 2^ Pink No. V 3 Purple R 1 Red G 3 Emerald Green Y 2 Canary B 2 National Blue V 2 Violet Y 3 Dark Amber 90 feet long, 1H inches wide each $0.10; per dozen $1.00 No. W 1 White R 1 Red B 2 National Blue Crepe Paper Streamers No. P 2^ Pink No. Y 2 Canary G 3 Emerald Green Y 3 Dark Amber V 2 Violet Each No. 1 60 feet long, 1^ inches wide $-l-Q 2 40 feet long, 2H> inches wide HJ P 22 Red, White and Blue Stripe, 40 feet long, 2 inches wide P 23 Red, White and Blue Stripe, 60 feet long, 3 inches wide. . . . Crepe Paper Napkins .30 Per Doz. $1.00 1.00 1.50 2.75 - ; Dennison Napkins Extra heavy Best quality Fast color No. V 1019 Cupid and Pink Heart No. 1003 Violet No. 1022 Jester P 1025 American Eagle 1001 Butterfly Size 14 inches x 14 inches, folded in dozens per dozen $0.15 Fine quality Fast color No. V 411 Cupid and Mail No. E 706 Easter Music V 412 Cupid and Arrow P 500 Shield and Ribbon V 413 Cupid and Heart Lantern P 505 Red, White and Blue Pennant 292 Pink Hearts and Flowers 330 Cherry S 629 Shamrock . 286 Violet 8toVta5i 14 tata 18 of one kind in envelope per envelope $0.15 100 of one kind, banded in 100's per hundred .50 Buy Dennison goods from local dealer. If purchased direct from us postage isextra. Page thirty-one Gala Boo Fast Color Lunch Sets Each set consists of one decorated table cover 61 inches x 84 inches, 1 dozen deco- rated napkins and 1 dozen paper plates of harmonizing color. No. V 119 Red Hearts No. S 135 St. Patrick No. 152 Pink Wild Rose P 125 Patriotic 155 Yellow Flower G 198 Children's Party Set Per set ....................................... ..................... $0.8 Fast Color Table Covers No. V 219 Red Hearts No. S 235 St. Patrick No. 252 Pink Wild Rose P 225 Patriotic 255 Yellow Flower C 298 Children Same as used in Lunch Sets. Size 61 inches x 84 inches. . . .each $0.35 Conventional Design Paper Plates 6 inch No. 600 White; 601 Red 602 Pink; 603 Yellow 604 Green Per dozen .... $0.40 8 inch No. 800 White; 801 Red 802 Pink; 803 Yellow 804 Green Per dozen ,$0.5C V644 S648 A E649 Page thirty-two Gummed Seals All seals approximately 1 i/ inches diameter Valentine No. V 590 Gold Arrow No. V 644 Cupid in Heart V 591 Heart Faces (24 in V 645 Cupid and Bouquet box) V 646 Old-Fashioned Girl V 592 Cupid and Heart V 647 Cupid Lettering V 643 Cupid (2 assorted) 25 of one kind in box per box $0.10 St. Patrick No. S 597 Irish Flag No. S 602 Shamrock & Irishman S 599 Assorted Shamrocks S 603 Hat S 600 Fairy S 648 Girl and Shamrock S 601 Girl and Shamrock S 652 Dancing Figures (2 assorted) 25 of one kind in box per box $0.10 Easter No. E 607 Conventional Violet No. E 650 Bunny with Letter E 649 Bunny and Eggs E 651 Chick with Mirror 25 of one kind in box per box $0.10 Patriotic No. P 419 Union Jack No. P 430 Shield P 429 American Flag P 559 American Flag ( Y 8 in. (assorted right and left) assorted right and left) 50 of one kind in box per box $0.10 No. P 610 Washington No. P 524 Eagle and Flag P 611 Lincoln P 538 French Flag P523 American Flag P 608 Cherries and Hatchet (assorted right and left) P 613 Red, White and Blue Hatchet 25 of one kind in box per box $0.10 These prices do not apply on the PaciJicCoastor in Canada. Prices subject to change Gala Boo Nature Seals No. F 616 Red Rose No. B 622 Robin No. B 626 Scarlet Tanager F617 Chrysanthemum B 623 Parrot B 627 Chicken F 618 Violet B 624 Duckling B 629 Bluebird (cut-out) F 619 Pink Rose B 625 Bluebird B 632 Butterfly (5 asst.) 25 of one kind in box ..................................... ... per box $0.15 Gummed Hearts No. V 202 Yi inch diam., 50 in box No. V 204 1^ inches diam., 25 in box V 203 % inch diam., 50 in box V 205 1% inches diam., 20 in box One color in box, red or gold ....... .......................... per box $0.10 Gummed Stars and Decorations Per BOX No. 1 Stars, % inch diam., 100 one color in box, red, blue, green, gold, silver . . . $0.10 2 Stars, H inch diam., 100 one color in box, red, blue, green, gold, silver, white . .10 4 Stars, % inch diam., 75 one color in box, red, blue, green, gold, silver ..... 10 5 Stars, 1>6 inches diam., 50 one color in box, gold, silver, white ........... 10 6 Stars, 1^6 inches diam., 50 one color in box, gold, silver, white ........... .10 7 Stars, 2 inches diam., 25 one color in box, red, blue, green, gold, silver, white . .10 9 Hearts, 100 one color in box, red or gold .............................. 10 No. 12 Diamonds No. 13 Crescents m No. 14 Circles Gold, silver, red, yellow, black, 25 one color in box .............. per box $0.10 Gummed Cupids No. V 238 Red Cupids, 1M inches high, 25 in box ................... per box $0.10 V 239 Red Cupids, 3 inches high, 18 in box ..................... per box .10 Printed Cut-Outs Valentine No. V 228 Red Heart with Gold Arrow, 2 inches diameter, 10 in envelope V 229 Red Heart with Gold Arrow, 3^ inches diameter, 6 in envelope V 235 Girl with Basket, 3^ inches high, 6 in envelope V 236 Boy Artist, 3^ inches high, 6 in envelope V 237 Flesh Colored Cupid, 4 inches high, 6 in envelope V 243 Red Heart with Wings, 4> inches across, 6 in envelope One kind in envelope .................. per envelope $0.15 Patriotic No. P 261 White Hatchet, Red, White and Blue Head, 3^ inches long, 10 in envelope P 262 White Hatchet, Red, White and Blue, 5^2 inches long, 6 in envelope P 263 Hatchet and Block, 3M inches high, 6 in envelope P 66 Uncle Sam, 4 inches high, 6 in envelope P 90 Red, White and Blue Shield, 2?/6 inches high, 10 in envelope P 271 Red, White and Blue Shield, 4 inches high, 8 in envelope P 92 Red, White and Blue Shield, 4% inches high, 6 in envelope One kind in envelope ................................... per envelope $0.15 St. Patrick No. S 280 Printed Shamrocks, 2 inches high, 12 in envelope S 281 Printed Shamrocks, 2 i yio inches high, 10 in envelope S 282 Printed Shamrocks, 5 7 A inches high, 6 in envelope S 285 Green Hat, 2 inches high, 10 in envelope S 288 Dancing Girl, 3^ inches high, 6 in envelope S 289 Dancing Boy, 3^ inches high, 6 in envelope One kind in envelope ...... . ........... per envelope $0.15 Easter No. E 293 Messenger Boy, 2% inches high, 6 in envelope E 294 Bunny with Basket, 3H inches high, 6 in envelope E 295 Bunny Painting Egg, 3^ inches high, 6 in envelope E 296 Chick with Eggs, 3^ inches high, 6 in envelope E 297 Chick with Bandbox, 3^ inches high, 6 in envelope One kind in envelope .................................. per envelope $0.15 BuyDennison goods from local dealer. If purchased directfrom us postage is extra. Page thirty-three V235 S288 Gala Boo Plain Mat Stock Gut-Outs No. V 220 Red Heart, 1 inch diameter, 30 in envelope V 221 Red Heart, \Y^ inches diameter, 24 in envelope V 222 Red Heart, 2 inches diameter, 18 in envelope No. V 223 Red Heart, 3 inches diameter, 12 in envelope V 224 Red Heart, 4^ inches diameter, 10 in en- velope V 225 Red Heart, 4% inches diameter, 8 in en- velope V 227 Red Heart with Cupid inside, 4^ inches diameter, 8 in envelope V 230 Red Cupid, 1% inches high, 18 in envelope V 231 Red Cupid, 3 inches high, 12 in envelope V 241 Gold Arrow, 4 inches long, 12 in envelope V 242 Red Arrow, 4 inches long, 12 in envelope One kind in envelope per envelope $0.10 Large Gut-Outs No. V 251 Plain Red Heart, 10 inches high each $0.05 V 252 Plain Red Heart with Gold Arrow, V252 No. V 16 Cupid 9 inches high each V 253 Plain Red Cupid, 10 inches high each V 254 Flesh Color Cupid, 10^ inches high. . . each V 244 Red Heart with Wings, 9^ inches across each V 245 Red Heart with Wings, 12*4 inches across each V 255 Plain Red Cupid, 9 inches high each P 260 American Flag, printed both sides, 2^ inches long, staff 6^2 inches, each $0.03 ; per dozen P 67 Uncle Sam, 8 inches tall each P 273 Red, White and Riue Shield, 15 inches high each .10 .05 .15 .05 .10 .05 .25 .10 .15 Invitations No. S 7 St. Patrick Boy and Girl V 19 Old-Fashioned Valentine With envelope each $0.07; per dozen $0.70 No. C 5 Children's, Roy No. C 6 Children's, Boy and Girl at Door and Girl at Gate With envelope each $0.10; per dozen $1.00 Cardboard Cut-Outs for Ices No. V 20 Cupid Shooting No. F 28 Pink Rose Arrow F 29 Jonquil S 10 Irish Flag F 30 Red Rose P 274 American Flag F 31 Chrysanthemum P 279 Uncle Sam 12 of one kind in box per box $0.25 No. C 3 Girl Singing No. C 4 Boy with Guitar 12 of one kind in box per box $0.20 Page thirty-four These prices do not apply on the Pacific Coast or in Canada. Prices subject to change V16 Gal Place Cards No. S 8 Irish Harp S 9 Shamrock and Girl's Head No. V 11 Cupid Shooting Bubbles V 12 Cupid Posting Letter V 13 Cupid Shooting Heart 8 of one kind in box ......................................... per box $0.25 No. V 17 Cupid Heart Vender V 18 Cupid Mail Carrier E 2 Girl and Mirror 6 of one kind in box No. P 2 American Flag P 3 Soldier, Sailor and Uncle Sam 6 of one kind in box No. F 19 Jonquil F20 Chrysanthemum F 21 Pink Rose F 22 Bluebird F23 Bridal 6 of one kind in box No. P 6 Cherry Hatchet Tree and per box $0.20 C 1 Children Standing C 2 Children Seated at Table per box $0.15 No. F 24 Old-Fashioned Girl F 25 Clown F 26 Animal (6 asst.) F 27 Red Rose v 18 per box $0.25 No. V 55 Heart and Arrow S 56 St. Patrick (2 asst.) Each Bon Bon Boxes No. E 57 Easter (2 asst.) P 48 Patriotic (2 asst.) $0.08 Party Caps No. P 520 Patriotic Asst. P 320 Carnival Asst. $0.15; per dozen $1.50 No. 20 Children's Assortment ........................ each $0.10; per dozen $1.00 No. V 420 Valentine Asst. V620 St. Patrick Asst. Each Crepe Paper Flags One half rights, one half lefts No. P 51 American No. S 61 Irish Size 2^ inches x 3 inches ........................ each $0.03; per dozen $0.25 Flags on Staff No. P 57 American Flag on Wooden Staff, 6 J4 inches high Each ............................................. $0.10; per dozen $1.00 Valentine Outfits No. V 3 Assortment of materials for making about 12 valentines In an attractive box each $0.75 Confetti No. 1 White Bags; No. 2 Assorted Bags 11 White Tubes; No. 12 Assorted Tubes .......... each 21 White Bulk; No. 22 Assorted Bulk ............ each 5 Rose Petal, 2K ounces in box ................. each 6 Rose Petal in Fancy Bags ..................... each each $0.04; per dozen $0.35 .06; per dozen .60 .25; per dozen 2.25 .50; per dozen 5.00 .15; per dozen 1.25 Bay Dennison goods fromlocal dealer. If pur chased direct from us postage is extra. Page thirty-five Gala Boo Serpentine Rolls 50 feet long, 7-16 inch wide No. 20 Assorted No. 23 Red No. 27 Green 21 White 25 Orange 28 Pink 22 Blue 26 Yellow Per roll $0.03 Per dozen $0.35 Per gross $3.50 Fireproof Miniature Streamers No. 3 For decorating or to throw at dances or parties. Rolls 30 feet long, y% inch wide No. W 1 White No. P. 2^ Pink No. V 2 Violet R 1 Red G3 Emerald Green V3 Purple B 2 National Blue Y2 Canary Assorted Per roll $0.03 Per dozen $0.30 Per gross . . $3.00 Serving Cup Forms No. 00 1 finches diam., per dozen $0.15 No. 2 2^ inches diam., per dozen $0.20 2 inches diam., per dozen .18 33 inches diam., per dozen .30 Decorated Serving Cups No. 7 Red Rose May Basket No. 14 Pink Rose Petal 9 Yellow Jonquil May Basket 15 Red Rose Petal 10 Pink Rose May Basket 18 Yellow Rose Petal Each $0.25 Each $0.15 Mat Stock (Light Weight Cardboard) Size 22 inches x 28 inches No. 9 Shamrock Green No. 12 Black 11 Red 13 White Per sheet $0.15 Flower Outfits No. 170 Easter Lily, material for 1 dozen No. 185 Wistaria, material for 1^ dozen Each. $1.50 Flower Material Easter Lily Centers per dozen $0.50 Easter Lily Stamens per gross $0.50 Wire No. 1 White, No. 2 Green, No. 5 Annealed, fine per spool $0.08 9 Green, No. 10 White, 36 inch lengths, medium weight per dozen .15 7 Green, 36 inch lengths, heavy weight per dozen .30 78 Green (same weight as No. 7), 18 inch lengths per dozen .15 15 Green, 36 inch lengths, extra heavy per dozen .35 Gummed Cloth Tape No. 3 White, No. 4 Black, % inch wide, 10 yards in box per dozen $0.30 5 White, 1*4 inches wide, 10 yards in box per dozen .45 Adhesives Page thirty-six These prices do not apply on the Pacific Coast or in Canada. Prices subject to change. No. 1 Bottle Glue per bottle $0.15 2 Tube Glue per tube .15 * , The Qala Book (The Dennison Party Book with a new name) How to get the crowd "started" is easy when you put the suggestions in this book to work. There are decorations, costumes and favors illustrated and described for St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, April Fool's Day, May Day and the various Patriotic Holidays. Price 10 cents. a Book The (Christmas *Book Full of suggestions to make Christmas merry decoration suggestions for home, school and public affairs; gift decorations, costumes and games. The ideas for New Year and Twelfth Night parties may be used to keep up the holi- day spirit. Price 10 cents. he 'Bogie Book o New and old spooky Hallowe'en stunts, weird decorations for the home party or large hall, unusual costumes which add to the fun and spirit of the occasion: all these are shown in detail in this interesting book. Price 10 cents. BOSTON Franklin Street FRAMINGHAM, MASS. Stores and Service Bureaus NEW YORK 220 Fifth Ave. at 26th Street /o. PHILADELPHIA 1007 Chestnut Street CHICAGO 62 East Randolph Street LONDON, W. C. 52 Kingsway ill Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN 21, 1908 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIB