UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Ralnh S. T'A- STRUCTURAL TIMBER HAND BOOK ON- PACIFIC COAST WOODS PUBLISHED BY THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 1016 White Building Seattle, Wash. Written and Compiled by O. P.'M. GOSS, Assoc. M. AM. Soc. C. E. Consulting Engineer for the Association. Assisted by CARL HEINMILLER Assistant Engineer. Copyright 1916 by THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Price $1-00 TA INTRODUCTION The purpose of this book is to present information relative to structural timber which will be useful to engineers, architects, and contractors. Particular attention has been given to Pacific Coast species. There have been published from time to time by the U. S. Forest Service and other organizations data showing the strength and durability of Pacific Coast timber. In writing this book an effort has been made to collect such of these data as are up to date and to present them in a concise form for general use. A brief description is given of the four principal species of wood found in Washington and Oregon, viz., Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, Western Hemlock and Sitka Spruce, this informa- tion may be of interest to those not entirely familiar with Pacific Coast conditions. Many thousands of computations have been made in pre- paring the tables in this book. All computations have been cross- checked to eliminate possible errors. Tables show the safe total loads and corresponding deflections for rectangular beams of various sizes. The number of pounds per board foot of lumber, supported by beams, is also shown, which will assist in effecting economical designs. Tables have been computed which show the safe loads on beams limited by the horizontal shearing stress. Other tables show safe total loads on columns of various sizes and still other tables give the maximum spans for mill and lami- nated floors, board measure for various dimensions and lengths, and board measur and weight for unit lengths of Douglas fir dimension timber. Data and figures are given on timber frame-brick mill build- ings, showing costs, insurance rates, and details of construction. Standard formulas for computing stresses covering the usual practical conditions are given. A grading rule for securing struc- tural timbers of high strength is also included. A considerable amount of data is presented on the creosoting of Douglas fir lumber in various forms, such as bridge stringers, mine timbers, piling, ties, bridge caps, paving blocks, silo staves, and other forms. Space is devoted to wooden silos and red cedar shingles. Kiln drying lumber is briefly discussed as well as other subjects of interest to the consumer of wood. 498125 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Acknowledgment is herewith made of the able review of the manuscript of this book by Paul P. Whitham, Assoc. Mem. Am. Soc. C. E., Consulting Civil Engineer and former Chief Engi- neer, Port of Seattle, and Charles C. More, Assoc. Mem. Am. Soc. C. E., Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Washington, both of whom are men of wide experience in the use of struc- tural timber. PACIFIC COAST WOODS A Giant Douglas Fir 17 Feet in Diameter. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION LUMBER CUT OP UHITED STATES - 1913 TIMBER SUPPLY 0? UNITED STATES Other Pacific Coast Species 709,600.000 M Pt 26.1 Percent Fir. 1. Lumber cut of United States in 1913 and distribution of th standing timber supply. PACIFIC COAST WOODS PACIFIC COAST TIMBER The largest and finest growth of timber in the world is found on the Pacific Coast. Figure 1 shows that Douglas fir, a single species, composes more than 25 per cent of the entire standing timber supply of the United States, including both softwoods and hardwoods. The timber stand of Washington and Oregon is such as to insure a permanent source of supply of the highest class of lum- ber. The winter climate in this vast timber belt is very mild, enabling the lumber camps and mills to operate continuously, thereby producing a steady supply of manufactured products. Practically all log transportation is by water and many of the mills are located on tidewater. These conditions make possible the production of lumber at a minimum operating cost. One of the most striking features of the timber supply of Washington and Oregon is the particularly large sizes of tim- bers which are available. Structural timbers of Douglas fir 18"xl8"xl20' to 140' in length may be had at any time and timbers 36"x36"x50' to 80' in length are as readily available. This gives some idea as to the possibilities in manufacturing Struc- tural forms from the huge logs available in these timber states. Lumbering has for many years been the largest industry in the states of Washington and Oregon, and will continue to hold first place for many years to come. Statistics from the U. S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 232 show the lumber cut of these states to have been 6,690,520,000 feet board measure in 1913. This cut amounted to 17.4 per cent of the total lumber cut in the United States in the same year. The lumber products of Washington and Oregon for 1913 were distributed to almost every part of the United States. Approximately 9 per cent were ex- ported to foreign countries. The accompanying map (Fig. 2) was prepared by the U. S. Forest Service, Portland, Oregon, and shows the percentage of the lumber cut in Washington and Oregon in 1913 which was shipped to the various states. This wide distrib- ution is accounted for by the fact that with Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, Western Hemlock and Sitka Spruce from which to select, it is possible to secure a material which will serve any use for which wood is adapted. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 6 BILLI0.1 FEE Fig. 2. Distribution of cut of Douglas Fir and associated species from the States of Washington and Oregon. Figures given in percentage of total cut. and in board feet per capita. In order to give some idea of the uses to which these four species may best be placed, the following description may be of DOUGLAS FIR (Pseudotsuga taxifolia) Common names in use: Red fir, yellow fir, Oregon pine, Puget Sound pine and Douglas spruce. The name Douglas fir has, however, recently been adopted by the U. S. Forest Service and is rapidly replacing other names previously used for this species. Douglas fir is by far the most important of these species. It would be difficult to give a better general description of this wood than is found in the following quotations taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin No. 88. "Douglas fir may, perhaps, be considered as the most impor- tant of American woods. Though in point of production it ranks second to southern yellow pine, its rapid growth in the Pacific Coast forests, its comparatively wide distribution and the great variety of uses to which its wood can be put, place it first. It is very extensively used in the building trades; by the railroads in the form of ties, piling, car and bridge material and by many of the manufacturing industries of the country. As a structural PACIFIC COAST WOODS timber it is not surpassed and probably it is most widely used and known in this capacity." "Douglas fir is manufactured into almost every form known to the sawmill operator. A list of such forms and uses would represent many industries and would include piling and poles, mine timbers, railway ties, bridge and trestle timbers, timbers for car construction; practically all kinds of lumber for houses, material for the furniture maker and boat builder; special prod- ucts for cooperage, tanks, paving blocks, boxes, and pulpwood; fuel; and a long line of miscellaneous commodities." "Piling is extensively employed in harbor-improvement work and in preparing foundations in soft ground for bridges, trestles and other heavy structures. The long, straight, slightly tapering trunk of Douglas fir fits it for this use, and it is strong, resilient, and fairly durable. It has no important competitor as a pile timber in the western part of the United States, and is used almost exclusively for marine and railroad work on the Pacific Coast. The wood is sufficiently hard to penetrate readily most soils, and it acts well under the hammer. It is occasionally necessary to band the tops of piles to prevent brooming and split- ting, but bands are used only where hard subsoils must be pene- trated." "Ties of Douglas fir are both sawed and hewed, though three- fourths are sawed. Those which are sawed are made both from second growth and from mature trees. About two-thirds of the ties supplied by the forests of the western part of the United States are of Douglas fir, the remaining one-third consisting cniefly of western yellow pine, lodgepole pine, redwood and west- ern hemlock. Practically all the large sawmills in Washington and Oregon cut fir ties to order, and some small mills cut little or nothing else. It is customary to saw ties from a large portion of low-grade material obtained in the usual milling operations. Douglas fir generally yields about 25 per cent of high-grade lumber and the remaining 75 per cent must be worked into lower grade lumber, dimension products, timbers, and ties." "BRIDGE AND TRESTLE TIMBERS. Probably the Pacific Coast railroads use more Douglas fir than is consumed by any other single industry. Bridge and trestle timbers of the wood compare favorably in their structural merits with those from any other American species. They are light and strong, fairly resilient and durable, and can be had in any desired size or specification. In THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION trestles, fir is used in the round form for piling, and in dimension sizes for posts, caps, sills, ties, girts, and braces." "CAB MATERIAL. Douglas fir car sills are used in the con- struction and repair of freight and passenger cars throughout the United States. Their strength, elasticity, durability, and the ease with which the wood may be worked make them preferable to all others. The wood is much employed in car building for purposes other than sills. In fact, it is used for nearly all pur- poses, except for draft-rigging supports, which are made of oak or maple. It is employed for siding, framing, flooring, roofing, and many other parts of passenger cars. Though the interi6r finish of cars is generally of hardwood, Douglas fir has been given place in some dining and private cars, because of the beauty of its grain." "HOUSE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL. For house construction Douglas fir is manufactured into all forms of dimension stock, and is used particularly for general building and construction purposes. Its strength and comparative lightness fit it for joists, floor beams, rafters, and other timbers which must carry loads. Occasionally entire buildings are constructed of it, and in some parts of the Pacific States it is practically the only common lum- ber used. The largest consumption is in Washington, California, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado." "FLOORING. The comparative hardness of the wood fits it for flooring, and it meets a large demand. Douglas fir edge-grain flooring is often considered superior to that made from any other American softwood, and it is used on the Pacific Coast to the exclusion of nearly all others." "FINISH. Clear lumber, sawed flat grain, shows pleasing fig- ures, and the contrast between the spring and summer wood has been considered as attractive as the grain of quarter-sawed oak. It takes stain well, and by staining, the beauty of the grain may be more strongly brought out, and a number of costly woods can be successfully imitated. Fir finish has been widely advertised, and the demand for it in the Eastern States, the Middle Western States, and in the Upper Mississippi Valley is rapidly increasing. Its chief use is for door and window casing, baseboards, and all kinds of panelwork. Practically all of the finish is used by the building trades, and the largest use naturally is near the points of production, though it is in great demand in Southern Cali- fornia and in Hawaii." PACIFIC COAST WOODS "PAVING BLOCKS. Paving blocks of Douglas fir, wheii giveii preservative treatment, are rapidly coming into use in municipal improvements. The wood's hardness and the comparative ease with which the blocks may be treated with creosote make it compare favorably with other paving woods. The blocks wear slowly under heavy traffic, are nearly noiseless, furnish fair toe hold to horses, are resilient, and are practically impervious to water. It is important, however, that they be thoroughly im- pregnated with preservative." WESTERN RED CEDAR (Thuja plicata) Common names in use: Red cedar, Arborvitae, Western cedar, canoe cedar, and gigantic red cedar. Western red cedar has certain individual qualifications which particularly fit it for certain purposes. The wood is soft and straight grained. It is especially suited for siding or any out- side forms exposed to the weather since it has remarkable dura- bility and holds paint and stains well. Red cedar is used for the construction of rowboats, canoes, motorboats, and similar small vessels. Having a low shrinkage factor, it readily resists alternate changes from wet to dry. Red cedar is cut extensively into shingles and for this use it has no equal. The life of the red cedar shingle is measured by its mechanical wear since it does not decay. Red cedar is a particularly favored wood for use in lining closets and making clothes chests. The odor of the wood is very pleasant, but it is objectionable to moths and simi- lar insects. Western red cedar is a beautiful wood to work since its grain is so uniform. It may be very smoothly finished and is beauti- ful for ceiling, paneling, or finishing in places where the wood is not subjected to hard wear. Western red cedar is extensively used as a pole and post timber. It has the required strength for this use and its natural resistance to decay is responsible for its wide application in this field. WESTERN HEMLOCK (Tsuga heterophylla) Common names in use: Hemlock, Western hemlock, Western hemlock fir, and Alaska pine. As western hemlock is becoming better known it is gradually gaining a reputation as a distinctive wood, not to be confused in 11 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION its properties with other species of the same family. It is used extensively in building operations on the Pacific Coast and locally commands the same price as Douglas fir for this purpose. The following quotations are taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 115 and give a fair idea of the merits and adaptability of this wood. "STRUCTURAL USES. The demand for western hemlock both in the form of ordinary lumber and for special uses will no doubt increase when its properties are better known. At present it has a very poor market standing because of the prejudice against the name "hemlock." The lumber is practically free from pitch, has a handsome grain, takes paints and stains well, and works smoothly, both spring and summer wood standing up well to the cutting edge. It is at present manufactured into the common forms of lumber, and is also used for pulp, boxes, barrels, sash and door stock, fixtures, furniture and other special uses." "BRIDGE AND TRESTLE TIMBERS. Western hemlock is well suited for use in all but the heaviest construction work, as shown by results of the tests discussed in this bulletin; but up to the present it has had a limited use in bridges and trestles. It has been used in some instances for caisson construction." "CROSSTIES. A considerable amount of western hemlock is cut into crossties. Many of the western railroads use Douglas fir, western larch, redwood, and western hemlock almost ex- clusively for tie material." "POLES AND PILING. Occasionally western hemlock is cut into telephone or telegraph poles, but its use in this form has been very limited. It has the requisite strength for pole use and grows in such dimensions as to make it very suitable for this class of work. With a good butt treatment with some efficient preserving fluid it should give good service as a pole material." "Though practically all piling in the Pacific Northwest is of Douglas fir, western hemlock is used to a limited extent, however, for this class of work and has apparently given satisfaction." "FLOORING. Western hemlock, when cut edge grain, makes an excellent flooring material. It finishes smoothly on account of the uniform texture of the wood and it also wears evenly. It is not suitable for use in damp places, on account of its tendency to warp under such conditions." PACIFIC COAST WOODS "INSIDE FINISHING. As a finish lumber western hemlock has the advantage of containing practically no pitch; it has a beau- tiful grain, works smoothly, takes stain readily, and, when prop- erly dried, will not shrink or swell materially under normal con- ditions. It presents a comparatively hard surface and conse- quently does not mar easily." "BABBELS AND BOXES. Western hemlock is used to a large extent for barrels and boxes for shipping foodstuffs. For this purpose it serves admirably, since the wood is odorless and taste- less. Its strength and lightness also add to its value for these uses. It has some tendency to split when nails are driven into it, but this fault may be largely overcome by the use of fine nails." SITKA SPRUCE (Picea sitchensis) Common names in use: Tideland spruce, Great tideland spruce, and Western spruce. The peculiar characteristics of spruce have obtained for it a wide variety of applications. It is a very white, straight-grained wood of tough fiber, is entirely without taste or odor, and is of exceptionally light weight and extremely stiff. It is probably the stiffest softwood in the United States, in proportion to its weight. It cuts to particular advantage for doors, window and door frames, mouldings, stepping, cornices, and is extensively used for bevel siding for house construction. It is very desirable and economical for large doors, such as are used for garages, freight houses and similar structures. Because of its entire lack of taste or odor it is unsurpassed for the manufacture of containers for shipping butter, meats and other food products, and it is given special preference for making refrigerators. It is highly valued, and has a wide demand in the con- struction of pianos, organs, violins, guitars and mandolins. Because of its stiffness, tough fiber, straight grain, and light weight, it has been given a prominent place in the building of aeroplanes. Spruce has been used quite extensively in pontoon bridge construction. It is found to combine strength and lightness to the highest degree, and is easily transported from place to place, and is tough enough to stand rough usage. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION MECHANICAL AND PHYSICAL FKOFEKT1ES OF TIMBER It is difficult to obtain a correct comparison of the strength properties of structural timbers, yet, from a practical point of view, structural sizes furnish the data sought by engineers and others to guide them in their designs. In preparation of the following tables showing the various properties of structural timbers, every effort has been made to obtain the most up to date figures available. In all comparisons made consideration has been given to the size of the timbers, general quality, moisture condition and to other factors which affect the strength. Many publications have been issued from time to time containing values for structural timbers. In many cases the timbers have been unlike in grades and have varied materially in moisture content. Due to variations in such fac- tors as mentioned, comparisons have been in many cases very misleading. This point has been recognized in preparing the following data and every effort has been made to eliminate com- parisons which are not on the same basis. VARIABILITY OF TIMBER All species of timber show variations in weight and strength. These variations are considerable in some cases depending upon the quality of the clear wood as well as the grade and condition of seasoning of the timber. It is essential that the quality of the timbers of any species be determined by due consideration of these factors rather than locality of growth, etc. The density classification for Douglas fir timbers proposed on pages 31 to 33 is expected to eliminate to a large extent these variables and insure a product of uniform strength qualities. BENDING STRENGTH OF LARGE STRINGERS Tables I and 2 show results obtained from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin No. 108, pages 74 to 123. In order to make the comparison) fair to all species approximately 30 per cent of the lowest tests were discarded, thus eliminating timbers with serious defects. This elimination is particularly necessary because of the fact that certain species were tested in many cases with large knots purposely placed on the tension face of the beam in order to determine the influence of such defects upon the strength. Douglas fir was the principal species used in studying the effect PACIFIC COAST WOODS JJg ?r odd d d K P ?, H i 0^3 - E2 " dsS-*^ o * 8 8 38 8 K I lilS S ri i g i s : s H 5 sg s s s a Id ll 111 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION AVERAGE STRENGTH VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL TIMBERS AIR-SEASONED MATERIAL TABLE 2 Taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 108. B in d o " o M M :* O oi |. B Jli -. S2S oS5i^ S 55 2 22 IP ill O o | ddd od|d }'* III 8~ JJs s | | s s : 2 :: JijSTJIIs. i 8s i s 5 ^SsS * JfJ-Lllfl Per Cent I S i 1 S 35 SS j ri J II lill liell !*M 5 1 1 i 1 I i 1 II ' U S M i 1 Is 1 II 1 I |s I I tJ* a S i 5 S S S S IS g-a II Per Cent i 3 S S S S S 55 III 22 2^= 322^ H * - - s a , = m I Ji Jt IS SSSZ3S USS ZSX S S i K |H jil jl ji |1 I j |l 16 PACIFIC COAST WOODS of knots, therefore approximately 30 per cent of the Douglas fir stringers, car sills and joists were chosen with knots in the tension face which materially affected the strength. Such timbers should not be included in establishing strength values for any species. No stringers were used in tables 1 and 2 in which the cross section was ess than 60 square inches. AVERAGE STRENGTH VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL TIMBERS (Grade I, Tentative Grading Rule s, U. S. Forest Service) GREI :N MATE RIAL Results taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 108, Page' 65. TABLE 3 Table 8. Relative Relative Fiber Stress Modulus Modulus Strength Stiffness No. at of of based on based on Species of Elastic Limit Rupture Elasticity Modulus of Modulus of Tests per Sq. In. per Sq. In. per Sq. In. Rupture. Douglas Fir Elasticity. Douglas Fir =100 per cent =100 per cent Lbe. Lbs. 1000 Ibs. PerCent Per Cent Douglas Fir 81 4402 6919 1643 100.0 100.0 Longleaf Pine.... 17 3734 6140 1463 88.7 89.0 Loblolly Pine.... 45 3513 5898 1535 85.3 93.4 Shortleaf Pine. . . . 35 3318 5849 1525 84.5 92.8 Western Hemlock 26 3689 5615 1481 81.1 90.2 Western Larch... 45 3662 5479 1365 79.2 Tamarack 9 3151 5469 1276 79.0 77> Redwood 21 4031 4932 1097 71.3 66.8 Norway Pine 17 3082 4821 1373 69.6 83 6 Note. See Table 3 "Variability of Timber" page probably shows the best 14. available data published in any Government bulletin for comparing the strength of different species of structural timber. The data in this table are taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin No. 108, page 65. This table shows results of tests on a large number of stringers of different species graded by the tentative grading rule of the U. S. Forest Service. All these timbers were of practically the sai ne grade. The results show Douglas fir to be the strongest wood with a modulus of rupture of 6,919 pounds per square inch. This value is based on 81 tests of full size bridge stringers. The modulus of elasticity for the same set of stringers is 1,643,000 pounds per square inch HORIZONTAL SHEAR. There seems to be an impression among those unfamiliar with Douglas fir that this wood is not capable of developing i high unit stress in horizontal shear. The erroneous impression has come largely from comparing the shearing stress developed in Douglas fir beams tested on long spans and in many THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION cases under center loading, with similar shearing stresses devel- oped in timbers of other species tested on shorter spans under third point loading. Since the horizontal shear developed de- pends on the maximum load, it is very clear that a higher shear will be developed in beams tested under third point or uniform loading than in those tested under center loading. Due to this fact the horizontal shearing stress developed in Douglas fir stringers tested under center loading should not be compared to that developed in stringers of other species tested under third point loading. Tables 4 and 5 show the horizontal shear developed in 8"xl6"xl6' Douglas fir bridge stringers tested under one-third point loading on a 15-foot span. These results were obtained from the Seattle Timber Testing Laboratory of the U. S. Forest Service and they do not appear in any other publication in the form here shown. The results are very significant and show that Douglas fir is capable of resisting high horizontal shearing HORIZONTAL, SHEAR DEVELOPED IN 53 8"xl6"xl6' DOUGLAS FIR BEAMS GREEN MATERIAL Tested on a 15-foot Span Under 1/3 Point Loading Data furnished by U. S. Forest Service from results of tests made at the Seattle Timber Testing Laboratory. TABLE 4 Grade No. of Tests Maximum Horizontal Shear Developed per Sq. In. Number Failing Horizontal Shear Shear Developed in Stringers Failing in Horizontal Shear per Sq. In. Average Maximum Minimum Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Clear and Select.... Merchantable Common 25 15 13 405 404 330 3 8 471 425 371 474 476 371 468 391 371 Table 4 shows results for green stringers and table 5 gives similar results for air seasoned material. Of 53 green stringers tested 25 were of clear and select grades, 15 merchantable and 13 common. The grading rule used in grading these timbers was the export rule of the West Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association. Of the 25 stringers of clear and select grades, 3 failed in horizontal shear at an average stress of 471 pounds/sq. inch. The maximum was 474 and the minimum 468 pounds/sq. inch. Eight of the 15 merchantable sticks failed by horizontal PACIFIC COAST WOODS shear at an average stress of 425 pounds/sq. inch. The maximum was 476 and the minimum 391 pounds/sq. inch. HORIZONTAL, SHEAR DEVELOPED IN 19 8"xl6"xl6' DOUGLAS FIR BEAMS AIR-SEASONED MATERIAL Tested on a 15-foot Span Under 1/3 Point Loading Data furnished by U. S. Forest Service from results of tests made at the Seattle Timber Testing Laboratory. TABLE 5 Grade No. A. Maximum Horizontal Shear Developed per Sq. In. Number Failing in Horizontal Shear Shear Developed in Stringers Failing in Horizontal Shear per Sq. In. Average Maximum Minimum Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Clear. . . , Merchantable Common 7 6 6 444 386 385 7 3 5 444 375 384 615 488 427 364 256 351 Table 5 shows similar results for 19 air seasoned stringers. Of 16 full sized green bridge stringers recently tested at Portland by the Bureau of Standards (see table 16, page 43) 9 failed by horizontal shear developing an average stress of 426 pounds/sq. inch with a maximum of 503, and a minimum of 381 pounds/sq. inch. CRUSHING STRENGTH OF LARGE SIZES Tables 6 to 8 show the maximum compressive strength of short columns of Douglas fir, western hemlock, and western larch. In these tables the material has been grouped into four classes, namely, clear specimens, specimens containing knots ] X" in diameter or less, specimens containing knots 1 X>" to l 1 /^" in diameter, and specimens containing knots larger than I 1 /-:" in diameter. Results are shown for both green and air seasoned material except in the case of Douglas fir. In the mining districts of the United States both round and square timbers are used. In an effort to show the relative value of timbers used for this purpose, table 9 has been pre- pared. , This table shows the maximum crushing strength in pounds per sq. inch for mine timbers of a number of western species. The strength of a number of the Rocky Mountain species which are used extensively in mine work is also given. This comparison shows the great superiority of the Coast woods over those grown in the high altitudes. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION AVERAGE STRENGTH VALUES FOR DOUGLAS FIR IN COM- PRESSION PARALLEL TO GRAIN 6"x6"xl8" POSTS Results taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 88, Page 33, Table 6. TABLE 6 GREEN MATERIAL Material No. of Tests Rings & Moisture Content Weight per Cubic Foot Corn- Strength at Elastic Limit per Sq.In. Crushing Strength at Maxi- mum Load per Sq.In. Modulus of Elas- ticity per Sq.In. As Tested Oven- dry Per Cent Lbe. Lbe. Lbs. Lbs. 1000 Ibs. Clear,... PinknotefJi'orless in diameter) Standard knots ( 1 A' to \Yi in diam- eter) Large knots Cover 1J-2* in diameter) 130 62 227 97 11.8 10.4 9.0 9.4 30 4 31.6 30.9 29.9 38.1 37.7 37.8 38.0 29.2 28.6 28.9 29.3 3099 2931 2708 2406 3918 3698 3386 3062 1321 1401 1187 940 20 PACIFIC COAST WOODS AVERAGE STRENGTH VALUES FOR WESTERN HEMLOCK IN COMPRESSION PARALLEL TO GRAIN 6"x6"x24" POSTS Results taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 115, Page 21, Tables 5 and 6 TABLE 7 GREEN MATERIAL Com- Crushing Weight per pressive Strength Cubic Foot Strenirth at Maxi- Modulus of Elas- Material No. of Tests Rings Moisture atElastic mum ticity per Content Inch As Limit Load Oven- per per Tested Per Cent Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 1000 Ibs. Clear.... 46 15.7 48.5 41.2 27.7 3018 3507 1676 Pin knots (' 2 ' or less in diameter) 12 12.5 48.4 38.1 25.6 2880 3396 1670 Standard knots CM>' to I 1 // in diam- eter) 11 15.7 42.0 36.6 25.8 2838 3197 1624 I^arge knots (over I 1 2" in diameter) 13 14 6 42 379 26.8 2590 2901 1364 AIR-SEASONED MATERIAL Clear 64 1'in Knots (^ 2 ' or less 18.6 18.4 329 27.8 5176 5952 2109 in diameter) 8 18.2 1$.6 33.3 28.1 4523 .! 6051 1756 Standard knots (>i" to I 1 2 ' in diam- eter) 25 18.1 18.8 34.0 28.6 4556 5516 2217 I.arge knots (over U 2 ' in diameter) 5 14.7 19.3 35.9 301 4248 5150 2215 21 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION AVERAGE STRENGTH VALUES FOR WESTERN LAKi'll US- COMPRESSION PARALLEL TO GRAIN 6"x6"x24" POSTS Results taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 122, Page 20, Tables 5 and 6 TABLE 8 GREEN MATERIAL Material No. of Tests Rings Moisture Content Weight per Cubic Foot Com- pressive Strength at Elastic Limit Sq^n. Crushing Strength at Maxi- mum Load per Sq.In. Modulus of Elas- ticity per Sq.In. As Tested Oven- dry Per Cent Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 1000 Ibs. Clear Pin knots (Yz* or less in diameter) Standard knots (W to \y{ in diam- eter) Large knots (over lp* in diameter) 51 20 28 8 25.4 21.7 24.2 23.8 52.3 48.1 44.5 46.2 44.8 42.9 39.2 40.5 29.3 28.9 27.0 27.8 2635 2955 2577 2569 3630 3772 3226 3069 1528 1820 1521 1442 AIR-SEASONED MATERIAL Clear Pin knots (W or less 67 26.5 15.0 36.1 31.3 3801 6253 1769 in diameter) 69 24.3 15.8 35.5 30.7 3165 5994 2025 Standard knots (Vz" to \y< in diam- eter) 49 22.3 15.6 33.1 28.6 2553 4921 1500 Large knots (over \y in diameter) 8 22.9 15.5 31.8 27.5 4520 STRENGTH OF CLEAR WOOD Table 10 shows results of tests on small, clear, green speci- mens. The values given are averages and give a fair idea of the strength of the various species in this form of material. The following diagram is taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 88 and may be used in estimating the strength of small, clear specimens which have seasoned to a point where strength begins to increase. For example, U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 108, page 71, shows the strength of small, clear Douglas fir beams 2"x2" in cross section containing 19 per cent moisture to be 10,378 pounds/sq. inch. If similar 2"x2" beams of Douglas fir containing 16 per cent moisture had been tested the modulus of rupture should have been 10,378x12,400=13,840 pounds/sq. inch. "9^00 Any other corrections in strength values may be made in a simi- lar manner. PACIFIC COAST WOODS 14000 13000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 ^ n K \ \ \ 6 j \ \ \ \ \ \ \ j 100 ULL ,3 l/PTU f fti \ \ \ S \ RUSHI yo sn CNGTH 4 \ < N ( 9^- e s= 1 noouu s or 'LAST => -S 4s S 2 S 25 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION GRADING RULES FOR STRUCTURAL TIMBERS The dry weight of small clear specimens, particularly for wood containing little or no resinous substance, is a definite indi- cation as to the strength of the wood fiber. This fact is shown for Douglas fir in U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 108, figure 15, page 39; with an increase in dry weight of from 19 to 36 pounds per cubic foot, there is an accompanying increase in strength (modu- lus of rupture) of from 5,500 to 10,500 pounds per square inch. These figures indicate increases of 47.2 and 47.7 per cent re- spectively for weight and strength based on the maximum values. The question now arises, does this same law hold for timbers of standard structural sizes? In order to get some data on this point, diagrams 2 and 3 have been prepared. These diagrams are obtained from the results of tests of Douglas fir bridge stringers in which defects did not cause first failure. The strength values are taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 108. In each of these diagrams the timbers have been arranged in the order of their strength (modulus of rupture), and the corresponding dry weights in pounds per cubic foot plotted in each case. Diagram 2 shows results of tests of green Douglas fir timbers (8"xl6"xl6'), and diagram 3 shows similar results for air seasoned Douglas fir. stringers. Diagram 2, "Green Timbers," shows that with an average increase in strength of from 4,800 to 8,250 pounds per square inch, there is an average increase in dry weight of from 26.7 to 31.8 pounds per cubic foot. These figures indicate that for an increase in strength of 41.9 per cent there is an increase in weight of 16.1 per cent. Diagram 3, "Air Seasoned Timbers," shows that with an average increase in strength of from 5,350 to 8,760 pounds per square inch, there is an average increase in dry weight of from 24.2 to 30.7 pounds per cubic foot. These figures indicate that for an increase in strength of 39.0 per cent, there is an increase in weight of 21.2 per cent. In both diagrams 2 and 3 the dry weights often vary almost to ex- tremes when no appreciable variation is found in the strength. In diagram 3 the last portion of the curve shows a marked in- crease in weight, which is accompanied by a very decided drop in strength. Diagram 2 shows no drop in weight over the last quarter of the curve where the drop in strength is very material. In other words, the relation found between dry weight and strength is erratic, and the dry weight cannot be depended upon 26 1'ACIFIC COAST WOOD 2t5 THE WEST"COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION DRY WEIGHT MODULUS OF RUPTURE LBS. PER CU. FT. LBS. PER SQ.IN. O< O> si CO O lUUCI OOOOOO 10 u *. 01 a 5 R 5 J3 * 1 * PI < s - j If / liv t ^^Tv* 1 c "rV-- / 1 ^^^ li \\P n_ \\ 7 ^ *>// 1 j / I i ' I I JT* / j S 1 I HJ / / l/^T s *^- / jL-^T*^ / * % CD 3 10 a 8 8 t g j Diugn J7) 1 ( >^ 1 ^^*r 1 < Vj 33 / H /, IS I \ 'f J I ~55^. If > j/ I ? oV ' V\ 1 ) ^ f r 1 ] I / t / So ^T JP^ ^S * / ^ ^ ' / im 3. Relation between Modulus of Rupture seasoned Douglas fir bridge stringers tested on 15' span. and Dry Weight. Air- 8"xl6" in cross-section PACIFIC COAST WOODS to forecast the strength of structural timbers containing defects to any great degree of certainty. Exhaustive tests show that good quality timbers exhibit high strength values both before and after seasoning. Some species show a greater tendency to check in seasoning than others, and consequently are apt to show less gain in strength and some- times a loss due to seasoning. Douglas fir and western hemlock exhibit an average tendency to check, but tests show that tim- bers of these species maintain their original green strength after seasoning plus some additional strength, depending upon the character of the original material and the amount of checking which occurs due to seasoning. For reasons, as shown above, it is not practicable to go to the refinement of determining the true density of individual timbers. It is sufficient to examine a timber and see that it has reasonable density based on the amount of summerwood and that it is free from injurious defects. The standard grade used on the Pacific Coast at the present time to secure high grade structural timbers is "Selected Com- mon." This grade covers timbers selected from the grade known as No. 1 Common as shown below. "No. 1 COMMON" "This grade shall consist of lengths 8 feet and over (except shorter lengths be ordered) of a quality suitable for ordinary constructional purposes. Will allow small amount of wane, large sound knots, large pitch pockets, colored sap one-third the width and one-half the thickness, slight variation in sawing and slight streak of solid heart stain." "Defects to be considered in connection with the size of the piece." "Discoloration through exposure to the elements or season checks not exceeding in length one-half the width of the piece shall not be deemed a defect excluding lumber from this grade, if otherwise conforming to the grade of No. 1 Common." "SELECTED COMMON" "This is a grade selected from the grade of No. 1 Common, and shall consist of lumber free from defects that materially impair the strength of the piece, well manufactured and suitable 29 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION for high class constructional and structural purposes or the pur- pose for which it is intended, including bridge timbers, floor joists, ship timbers, factories and warehouses, designed to carry heavy loads, etc." The "Selected Common" grade will secure good material for general constructional purposes. There is a demand, however, for a rule which will make a still closer separation of timbers, elimi- nating all pieces not possessing high strength values. In formulating the following proposed grading rules for "Selected Structural Douglas Fir Timbers" an effort has been made to form a rule which is simple, practicable and fair to both producer and consumer. Above all it has been the aim by means of this rule to obtain a grade of timber which is suitable for the highest class of construction wprk and which will admit only tim- bers of high strength values. There is a demand for such a rule and it will be possible with this rule to use a higher safe fiber stress than that in use at the present time for timbers of the ordinary grades. This rule does not in any way take the place of other rules of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, but it is intended for use in securing particularly strong timbers. Careful consideration in forming the rule has been given to de- fects of the common type and to the influence of quality of the wood fiber. The position of knots in stringers bears a very close relation to the strength of the piece, therefore special at- tention has been given to this subject. Figure 3 shows a beam divided into three volumes. Volumes 1 and 2 are portions in which maximum fiber stresses are developed and volume 3 is the portion of low tensile and compressive stresses. Flgr. 3. Division of stringer Into volumes for considering position of knots. Stringers of the highest grade must also be composed of dense strong fiber and free from all injurious defects. With these points in mind, the following specification has been prepared which allows fairly large knots in volume 3 but restricts to I 1 /*-" the size of the knots in volumes 1 and 2. 30 PACIFIC COAST WOODS SELECTED STRUCTURAL DOUGLAS FIR SPECIFICATION FOR BRIDGE AND TRESTLE TIMBERS PROPOSED RULE 1. DEFINITIONS. The following definitions are used in con- nection with this grading rule: (a) Annual Ring. Each annual ring is composed of two distinct types of wood structure i. e., the porous, light colored and light weight springwood formed during the first part of the growing season and the hard, dense and darker colored summer- wood formed during the latter part of the growing season. (b) Summerwood. Summerwood is the hard, dense portion of the annual ring. It is darker in color than the more porous springwood. (c) Sound and Tight Knot. A sound and tight knot is one which is solid across its face and which is as hard as the wood surrounding it; and is so fixed by growth or position that it will retain its place in the piece. (d) Encased Knot. An encased knot is one whose growth rings are not intergrown and homogeneous with the growth rings of the piece in which it occurs. The encasement may be partial or complete; if intergrown partially or so fixed by growth or po- sition that it will retain its place in the piece, it shall be con- sidered a sound and tight knot. (e) Loose Knot. A loose knot is one not firmly held in place by growth or position. (f) Rotten Knot. A rotten knot is one not as hard as the wood surrounding it. (g) Measurement of Knots. In Beams the diameter of a knot on the narrow or horizontal face shall be taken as its projection on a line perpendicular to the edge of the timber. On the wide or vertical face, the smallest dimension of a knot is to be taken as its diameter. In Columns the diameter of a knot on any face shall be taken as its projection on a line perpendicular to the edge of the timber. (h) Diagonal Grain. (Including cross and spiral grain.) Diagonal grain is grain not parallel with all the edges of the piece. (i) Dense Douglas Fir. Shall show on either one end or the other an average of at least 6 annual rings per inch or 18 rings in 3 inches and at least 33 1/3 per cent summerwood, as measured 31 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION over the third, fourth and fifth inches on a radial line from the pith, for girders not exceeding 20" in height, and for columns 16" square or less. For larger timbers the inspection shall be made over the central 3 inches on the longest radial line from the pith to the corner of the piece. Wide ringed material ex- cluded by the above will be accepted provided the amount of sum- merwood as above measured shall be at least 50 per cent. . In case where timbers do not contain the pith, and it is im- possible to locate it with any degree of accuracy, the same in- spection shall be made over 3 inches on an approximate radial line beginning at the edge nearest the pith. The radial line chosen shall be representative. In case of disagreement between purchaser and seller as to what is a repre- sentative radial line the average summerwood and number of rings shall be the average of the two radial lines chosen. 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. (a) Shall contain only Dense Douglas Fir timbers as denned in paragraph (i). (b) Shall consist of lumber, well manufactured, square edge and sawed standard size; solid and free from defects such as ring shakes and injurious diagonal grain; loose or rotten knots; knots in groups; decay; pitch pockets over 6 inches long or % inch wide or other defects that will materially impair its strength. (c) Occasional variation in sawing not to exceed ^4 inch scant at time of manufacture allowed. (d) When timbers 4"x4" and larger are ordered sized, they will be % inch less than rough size, either S1S1E or S4S, unless otherwise spe'cified. .. STBINGEBS, GIBDEBS AND DEEP JOISTS. Shall show not more than 15 per cent of sap on each of the four sides, measured across the sides anywhere in the length of the piece. Shall not have in volumes 1 and 2 knots greater in diameter than *4 the width of the face in which they occur with a maximum of 1^ inches in diameter. Shall not have in volume 3 knots larger than 1/3 the width of the face in which they occur with a maximum of 3 inches in diameter. Knots within the center half of the span shall not exceed in the aggregate the width of the face in which they occur. Shall not permit diagonal grain in volumes 1 or 2 with a slope greater than one in twenty. When stringers are of two span length they shall be considered as two separate pieces 32 PACIFIC COAST WOODS and the above restrictions applied to each half. The inspector shall place his stamp on the edge of the stringer to be placed up in service. CAPS AND SILLS. Selected structural Douglas fir shall show not more than 15 per cent of sap on each of the four sides, meas- ured across the sides anywhere in the length of the piece, and shall be free from knots larger than % the width of the face in which they occur with a maximum of 3 inches in diameter. Knots shall not be in groups. POSTS. Selected structural Douglas fir shall show not more than 15 per cent of sap, measured across the face anywhere in the length of the piece, and shall be free from knots larger than ^4 the width of the face in which they occur with a maximum of 3 inches in diameter. Knots shall not be in groups. LONGITUDINAL STRUTS OB GIKTS. Selected structural Douglas fir shall show no sap on one face; the other face and two sides shall show not more than 15 per cent of sap, measured across the face or side anywhere in the piece, and shall be free from knots over 2 inches in diameter. LONGITUDINAL X-BRACES, SASH BRACES AND SWAY BBACES. Se- lected structural Douglas fir shall show not more than 15 per cent of sap on two faces and four square edges, and shall be free from knots over 2 inches in diameter. BRANDING. The inspector shall brand each timber which conforms to the above requirements "Selected Structural Douglas Fir." THE WEST COAST LrMr.F.UMKX'S ASSOCIATION RECOMMENDED WORKING UNIT STRESSES The following table shows the working stresses recommended in the latest building codes of the cities of Seattle, Wash., and Portland, Oregon. The City of Seattle Building Code was issued in 1914, while that of the City of Portland has more recently been revised. WORKING UNIT STRESSES RECOMMENDED IN SEATTLE AND PORTLAND BUILDING CODES TABLE 11 Extreme Shear Fiber Com- Com- Species City Stress and Tension pression Parallel pression across Horizontal Parallel Tension across with to Grain in to Grain Grain Grain Grain Beams Direct Douglas Fir. Seattle.... Portland... 1600 1800 1600 1600 400 400 150 175 200 240 "ioo" Western Seattle.... 1400 1400 350 130 180 Hemlock. . Portland... 1500 1500 290 120 180 ""75"' After making a careful study of the structural properties of Douglas fir and western hemlock, the following values are rec- ommended by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for selected structural Douglas fir timbers: WORKING UNIT STRESSES RECOMMENDED BY WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION TABLE 12 Extreme Com- Com- Shear Species Class of Construction Fiber Stress and pression Parallel pression across Horizontal Parallel Tension across Tension to Grain Grain in to Grain Grain with Grain Beams Direct Protected Structures. 1800 1600 400 175 240 100 Douglas Fir- Highway Structures 1500 1330 330 150 200 85 Railway Structures 1200 1070 270 120 160 65 Protected Structures 1500 1500 310 120 180 75 Western Hemlock.. Highway Structures 1250 1250 260 100 150 65 Railway Structures 1000 1000 210 80 120 50 PACIFIC COAST WOODS KILN DRYING DOUGLAS FIR Kiln drying is one of the important phases of lumber manu- facture. Of late years a great many improvements have been made in the construction of kilns, and in the methods of piling, heating and ventilating. Some woods are much more difficult to kiln dry satisfactorily than others, but the general principles herein mentioned apply to all woods, and particularly to Pacific Coast species. 1. The heat should be carefully regulated. Extremely high temperatures cause the wood to become to brittle. 2. The piling should be such as to enable the heat to enter the wood uniformly, and the use of wide stickers should be avoided. Vertical piling has done a great deal toward the elimination of checking and warping. 3. Draughts of outside air and too much ventilation cause the lumber to check and warp. Steam baths before drying greatly aid in preventing checking, warping and case hardening. Pacific Coast woods present no serious problems in kiln dry- ing, and with the perfected methods now in use a thoroughly satisfactory product is obtained. All finish lumber should be properly kiln dried before being placed in a building. Correct methods of kiln drying prevent the resin from oozing through the varnish and also largely eliminate shrinking and swelling, and aid in securing high class finish. Dimension lumber is now dried for uses where dry material is desirable. No serious difficulties are experienced in drying dimension stock up to three inches in thickness. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION CREOSOTING DOUGLAS FIR The creosoting of Douglas fir has been practiced on the Pacific Coast for more than 25 years. The creosoting of such forms as lumber, piling and paving blocks has proved an entire success. Douglas fir is a hard wood to treat, however, and it has required a great deal of study and experimenting to pro- duce thoroughly satisfactory results. There are two general classes of creosoted material, as follows: 1. Wood which must retain its full strength after treat- ment. 2. Wood in which the strength is not so important, the real problem being that of protection against wood-destroying agents. The second class of material mentioned has caused no trou- ble. The difficulty has; been with the first class. Both the steaming and boiling processes of treatment have been employed in creosoting Douglas fir. The steaming process will produce a good penetration, probably slightly better than the boiling, but it also appears to weaken the timber slightly more than the boiling process. In such forms as bridge stringers and ties, treatments sufficiently severe to obtain satisfactory penetra- tions have caused a material loss in strength. The problem, therefore, which has confronted the industry on the Pacific Coast has been that of developing a process of creosoting these forms which would secure a thorough penetration and at the same time would not cause a material loss in strength. From experiments which have been made it has been shown that high temperatures and high pressures in these treatments are largely responsible for the loss in strength of the wood, which under such treatments amounted to as much as 33 to 35 per cent in bridge stringers. Even greater losses than these have occurred in the treatment by the above processes of Douglas fir ties. These treatments in the past have been applied about as follows: PACIFIC COAST WOODS BOILING PROCESS The timbers were placed in the retort in a green condition, and boiled in creosote oil under atmospheric pressure for 22 to 24 hours at a temperature ranging from 230 to 260 Fahr.. This boiling period was used to season the timber and prepare it for receiving the oil. After* the boiling period was completed, pres- sure was applied beginning with zero and rising as high as 145 to 185 pounds per square inch. The pressure was continued over a period of 4 to 6 hours, at a temperature of approximately 210 to 230 Fahr.. By this method 10 to 14 pounds of oil per cubic foot were injected into the wood. STEAMING PROCESS The timbers were placed in the retort in a thoroughly green condition and steamed at 90 pounds per square inch for 4 to 7 hours at a temperature of approximately 325 to 335 Fahr.. A vacuum of approximately 20 inches was then applied for 18 to 20 hours at a temperature of about 220 Fahr.. At the end of the vacuum period creosote oil was introduced and pressure applied, rising from zero up to 160 pounds per square inch. This press- ing period was continued for 2 to 4 hours at a temperature of approximately 208 Fahr.. Ten to 14 pounds of oil per cubic foot were usually injected by this process. It will be noted that in both the above processes high tem- peratures were applied. The temperature used in the boiling process was lower than that used in the steaming, but was applied for a longer period. The steaming process employed a higher temperature for a shorter period of time. In recent experiments both temperature and pressure have been reduced and the vacuum made to take a more important part in the process. The most successful treatment yet devised for treating bridge stringers and similar forms without loss in strength is that of "boiling under a vacuum." When green tim- bers are creosoted by this method the treatment requires approxi- mately 26 hours, and is in general, as follows: BOILING UNDER A VACUUM PROCESS The timbers are placed in the retort and creosote oil intro- duced at a temperature of 160 to 180 Fahr.. Heat is applied and the temperature of the oil gradually raised to 190 Fahr. and held at that temperature for 5 to 6 hours, a sufficient length of time to warm the timbers through. When the timbers are thoroughly warmed a vacuum of 24 to 27 inches is drawn on the oil, still holding a temperature of 190 Fahr.. This vacuum is THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION drawn through an overhead pipe extending from the top of the retort for 36 feet vertically into the air and returning to the con- denser. The purpose of this pipe is to prevent the creosote oil from boiling over into the condenser. This vacuum is started at 16 to 18 inches, and as the timber seasons is gradually raised to 24 to 27 inches. The full period of vacuum is 12 to 16 hours. It is continued until the rate of seasoning of the timber is 1/10 pound of water per cubic foot of wood perhour. After this fin- ished rate of seasoning is reached the vacuum is broken and pres- sure on the oil started, which rises as high as 120 to 135 pounds per square inch, and continues over a period of 4 to 6 hours. The temperature of the oil during the pressure period drops from 190 to 180 Fahr.. By this process 10 to 14 pounds of oil per cubic foot may be pressed into the wood. This method of treatment is a slight modification of the Boulton process and at the low temperatures used seasons the wood even better than the old boiling process, which employed so much higher temperatures. Timbers treated by the method of boiling under a vacuum apparently receive the creosote oil more readily than timbers treated under the old boiling process. BRIDGE STRINGERS. In order to carry the test still further and to determine the effect of this treatment (Boiling Under a Vacuum) on the strength of the wood, two shipments of full- sized bridge stringers were selected, and treated in four differ- ent charges. These stringers were of three sizes, 7"xl4"x28', 7"xl6"x30' and 10"xl4"x28'. After treatment the stringers were shipped to Portland, Oregon and tested by the Bureau of Stan- dards. The results of the tests are shown in the following report: City of Portland Department of Public Works Bureau of Standards Report of bending tests of creosoted and natural stringers. Tested for O. P. M. Goss, consulting engineer for the Association of Creosoting Companies of the Pacific Coast. PURPOSE. The purpose of these tests was to determine the effect of creosoting by the "Boiling Under a Vacuum" process on the strength of Douglas fir bridge stringers in transverse bending. MATERIAL. The material consisted of merchantable grade Douglas fir stringers of the following sizes: 9 7"xl4"x28' 3 7"xl6"x30' 5 10"xl4"x28' They were selected so that the two halves of the stringers were of as nearly equal quality as it was possible to obtain. PACIFIC COAST They were then cut in the middle and one-halt treated by the above process. Both natural and treated halves were brought to Portland, and tested by the Bureau. The untreated timbers were tested in a thoroughly green condition. One of the 7"xl6"xl5' natural stringers and the correspond- ing treated one gave unusually low results when tested. Both the natural and the treated stringers were cut up into sections and thoroughly examined after test. It was discovered that a heart shake was present in both pieces, the creosote showing plainly along this shake in the treated timber. This stringer failed in shear along this shake at a very low load, alter which this load increased considerably before final rupture of the beam. The result of the tests on these defective stringers are therefore not included in this report, failure being due entirely to this defect present before treatment. METHOD OF TEST. The method of testing was identical with that used in previous tests made on structural timbers by the U. S. Forest Service and described in Forest Service Circular No. 38 (Revised). The stringers were tested on a 150,000-pound Uni- versal Riehle machine under third point loading, the load being applied at two points, each one-third the length of the span from the end supports. The 7"xl4"xl4' and the 10"xl4"xl4' pieces were tested on a 13-foot span and the 7"xl6"15' pieces on a span of 14 feet. The load was applied continuously, the head of the machine descending at the rate of 0.139 inches per minute, and the load increments and corresponding deflections recorded. The manner of failure at maximum load was noted in each case. The strength values were computed from U. S. Forest Service formulae and are therefore comparable with previous tests on structural timber. After the tests were completed, photographs were made of identification sections taken from each of the natural and treated stringers, except one set which was lost through a misunder- standing. These sections show the quality of the growth in the timbers and the amount of penetration secured in the treated pieces. The tables* and diagrams* complete this report. Table 13 contains results of the tests on the 7"xl4"xl4' stringers and shows the modulus of rupture or breaking strength of the treated material to be 101.2 per cent that of the natural. Table 14, giv-, ing strength values for 7"xl6"xl5' stringers shows a modulus of rupture for the treated of 101.8 per cent of the corresponding natural. Table 15 shows results of the 10"xl4"xl4' beams. The untreated material had a slight advantage in breaking strength, the treated being 95 per cent as strong as the natural. Table 16 is a summary of the preceding tables and shows the average modulus of rupture for the treated stringers of all sizes to be 99.2 per cent that of the natural pieces. The following diagrams show the results of the individual tests and a record of the treatment used. The graphs for the natural and corresponding treated stringers are given side by side. Refers to tables 13 to 16 and diagrams 6 to 9. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION $ 1 1 8 * * * 1 * * 'U g M i C * \\u\\\\\ 40 PACIFIC COAST WOODS Si 5 \ p ll ii Si H ? | h i! p TENSION i TENSION , 1*3 f * Z HOR 6ntAR j z k |j r , K z TENSION TENSION i i TENSION 1! !l, ' i B ? s^i l5 ! z . . uj.i- So s j^I u S i s s f* o 2 1 jfrr tf'j jfS^ ^3 ip: 1- S i 2 1 S (O 1 1 5 If! >H jljs! |f| ^^ i z in s F s I s M Ifi i $r * o?!i >n HZ if s n S i i i S i z i 35 E D So ^ b2S s"^ 1- o N 1 1 a s | ^ 't~-t -e 1$ t- { s S 1 i 5 1 i 1 1 s ri i 1 i lO 1 & L I S|l z lO s s i 1 1 J f: g s SI in s 1 8 S I < ^ > z o h il w 8 oo I i s 8 1 I i = e, i Si i t ^ i Fi SS g*5* h 1 I I i e 1 i | | 1 >D 1 i i <0 IJK uj 8 " * , d j z I I g s 1 5 1 1 ! s 1 1 1 i A N ? a I ^ H iff! 5 V *i 8 S S i 9 i I S o s 6\ | = i i i t "B W- h i S 1 i 1 s S 1 1 1 O s ! 1 i I "8 1 z i i 1 1 8 I 1 1 1 I o (O 1 I 1 1 1 cd c ! SH ; S S|| * iz it 3 S i i i fe s S 5 6) Si = 1 j is in -" n*8: 2 in* h * S ! ! m a 1 o I i i in S 1 9 1 1 i C 1 I ; Ji z 1 I 1 i 1 I i In i o M 1 ! 1 c ! 4-1 i f Si z g a "1 ~a -s i - N K o W Q ~y : -r 2 M c H J a i N { N = 2 T 1* CO 1 in N 1 J fO t | I n S H THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION I I I ! I I I i I I 11 PACIFIC COAST WOODS THE WEST COAST LUMI'.KKMEX'S ASSOCIATION m n - V v i.SI- NOI PACIFIC COAST WOODS LO* 3 OCFL 'CTTON I LOAD DEFLECTIO Diagram 8. Load-deflection diagrams for 7"xl6"xl5' Douglas fir brid-ge stringers, natural and creosoted. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION il \ PACIFIC COAST WOODS These tests show that the treatment used does not cause any appreciable loss in the strength of full size bridge stringers. Approved by Signed R. G. DIECK Signed R. S. DULIN Commissioner of Public Works Chief, Bureau of Standards. Tables 13 to 16 and diagrams 6 to 9 are part of the above report by the Bureau of Standards, City of Portland. The results of the above tests are also shown graphically in diagram 5. The untreated timbers were arranged in order of their strength based on the modulus of rupture, and plotted with the strongest timber to the left and the weakest timber to the extreme right of the diagram. Three factors are shown, as follows: Modulus of Rupture; Fiber Stress at Elastic Limit; Modulus of Elasticity. The results of the treated and corresponding natural stringers are plotted on the same vertical line and are very close together for all of these factors. At the bottom of the diagram sections of both the treated and untreated stringers are shown. These sec- tions show the penetration obtained, and give an idea of the class of material used in these tests. The minimum penetration was 0.4 inch and the maximum 2.25 inches with an average of ap- proximately 1.2 inches. The above results are proof that Douglas fir bridge stringers may be effectively creosoted without injuring the strength, a fact Avhich should be of interest to railroads and others consumers of structural timber. TIES. The volume of lumber which is cut annually into railroad ties is extremely large. There is perhaps no form of timber which is subjected to a more strenuous test than a rail- road tie. In the first place, a tie is so placed as to make it sub- ject to attack by fungus. In the second place, a tie is stressed in a direction perpendicular to the grain. Practically no test on wood shows as low unit strength as the test in compression per- pendicular to the grain.- Therefore, a tie in order to best serve its purpose should at all times retain its natural strength. An untreated tie shows its natural strength only up to the point when it begins to decay. The mechanical life of a Douglas fir tie of good grade is at least- 15 years, but under conditions found in the ordinary roadbed, this class of ties will decay and become useless in from six to seven years. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION In an effort to overcome decay, a great many creosoted Doug- las fir ties have been used. These ties, however, were creosoted by the boiling or steaming processes both of which employed high temperatures and produced a weakening of 30 to 40 per cent in the strength of the wood. It is very evident that this weakening was extremely serious. As mentioned before, wood is weak in compression perpendicular to the grain. To make it still weaker by methods of creosoting which injure its strength, is extremely objectionable when the wood is to be used in the form of ties. Many ties which have been treated by the use of high tempera- tures and placed in the track have shown weakness in resisting the impact of railway traffic. Such ties have shown marked im- provement in their durability, but great weakness against me- chanical wear. In view of the above facts, the West Coast Lumbermen's Asso- ciation has made a careful study of this subject in an effort to solve the difficulties. Two principal points have been held in mind during the experiments made to date: Fig. 4. A machine used to perforate Douglas fir railway ties in order to better distribute the preservative, thus securing a more effective protection against decay. These perforations make the treatment of the tie possible without the application of high temperatures and pressures. fr PACIFIC COAST WOODS \WK A 5 -V - THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION ( J ) To prolong the natural life of Douglas fir ties by pre- servative treatment. (2) To apply the preservative treatment effectively without injuring the strength of the wood. The accomplishment of the above points will produce the de- sired result, since Douglas fir, in comparison to other woods, is very strong in compression perpendicular to the grain. In investigating this subject an effort has been made to take advantage of the fact that creosote oil enters wood along the grain with very much greater ease than in any other direction. It was therefore decided to perforate the timber to the desired depth, of penetration and allow the oil to enter the wood with the least possible resistance. The question which naturally arose was whether or not this perforating could be done commercially. The Columbia Creosoting Company of Portland, Oregon, took this matter up, and designed and built a machine for perforating ties. The photograph on page 50 gives some idea of the design of this machine. The machine runs at a speed of approximately 70 feet per minute, and will perforate ties as rapidly as it is possible for la- Fig. 6. A piece of Douglas fir which has been perforated on one side only. This shows that by means of perforations the penetration and dis- tribution of creosote oil can be absolutely controlled. 62 PACIFIC COAST WOODS nis THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION borers to handle them. The vertical rolls perforate the sides, and the horizontal rolls the top and bottom faces. The ties should, of course, be bored for spikes before treatment. A good spacing for the perforations is shown by Fig. 5. It will be noted that these perforations are so arranged that it is only necessary for the creosote to pass along the grain a distance of 3% inches from each perforation, in order to give complete penetration on all faces of the tie, to a depth equal to that of the perforations. Fig. 6 shows the results of creosoting perforated Douglas fir. One side of the specimen shown was perforated and the other side was treated in its natural condition. Note the even dis- tribution of oil in the perforated side and the increased depth of penetration. The question as to the effect of the perforating upon the strength of the wood came up immediately for consideration. For the purpose of securing reliable data on this point, strength tests were made on ties in both the natural and treated condi- tions. Table 17 gives results of tests on three classes of material, namely, air-seasoned, natural, unperforated-creosoted and perfor- ated-creosoted. The creosoted ties were treated by the "Boiling Under Vacuum Process." The average results of these tests show the creosoted sec- tions to be stronger than the natural. In order to secure additional data on this subject it was de- cided to make further tests on ties perforated and treated by this method. The following report on the results of these tests gives reliable data on the effect of this method of perforating upon the strength of Douglas fir ties. City of Portland Department of Public Works Bureau of Standards Report of side compression test of creosoted tie sections. Tested for O. P. M. Goss, consulting engineer for the Association of Creosoting Companies of the Pacific Coast. PURPOSE. To determine the effect of perforations on the strength of creosoted railroad tie sections in compression perpen- dicular to the grain. MATERIAL. The material consisted of Douglas fir, merchan- table grade, of the following dimensions: 10 10"x4i"x5'. One-half of each tie was perforated the other half Demg PACIFIC COAST WOODS unperforated. They were selected so that the two halves of each tie were of as nearly equal quality as it was possible to obtain. Each tie was treated by the "Boiling Under a Vacuum Process." After treatment the 20 sections were brought to Portland, Oregon, and tested by the Bureau. The test was applied to the cor- responding side in each pair. METHOD OF TESTS. The tie sections were tested on a 150,000 pound Universal Riehle Testing Machine. The specimen was placed on the bed of the testing machine and a steel compression plate 8"xl2"xl 1 /4" was placed crosswise on the specimen. A 10-inch spherical compression tool was placed between the head of the testing machine and the steel compression plate to insure equal distribution of the load. The dimensions of the specimens were taken at the center directly under the compression plate, Diagram 10. Load-deflection diagrams for creosoted Douglas fir ties, per- forated and unperforated. Tests made in compression perpendicular to grain. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Diagram 11. Load-deflection diagrams for creosoted Douglas fir ties, per- forated and unperforated. Tests made in compression perpendicular to grain. being averages of two readings. The area of compression was 8 inches times the width of the specimen. An initial load of 1,000 pounds was applied to each section, after which the deflection reading apparatus, an Olsen Improved Deflectometer reading to 0.001 of an inch, was adjusted to zero reading when the load was applied continuously to well beyond the yield point. The rate of application of the load was 0.046 inch per minute. RESULTS. The load deflection diagrams* and table* of re- sults are attached. Date of Tests: Tests made on November 26 and 27, 1915. Observers : Oscar Beck John O. Baker Approved by Signed R. G. DIECK Signed R. S. DULIX Commissioner of Public Works Chief, Bureau of Standards Refers to diagrams 10 id 11 id to table IS. 56 PACIFIC COAST WOODS RESULTS OF TESTS IN COMPRESSION PERPENDICULAR TO GRAIN ON CRKOSOTED DOUGLAS FIR TIE SECTIONS Tests made by th( TABLE 18 10"x4.5"x2'-6" Bureau of Standards, Portland, Oregon. Compressive Strength at Elastic Limit per Sq. In. Tie Number Rings per Inch Unperformed Perforated Strength of Perforated in Per Cent of Unperf orated. L'nperforated Perforated Unperforated = 100 per cent Lbs. Lbs. Per Cent j 6 6 419 481 114.8 78 9 9 350 376 107.5 79 9 9 765 900 117.6 82 7 7 545 631 115.8 83 6 6 523 512 97.9 88 6 6 616 666 108.1 90 9 9 366 480 131.1 91 5 5 375 595 158.6 93 7 7 555 590 106.3 96 7 7 670 845 126.1 Average 7.1 7.1 518 608 117.4 The table of results contained in this report shows the per- forated ties to be 117.4 per cent as strong as the unperforated. In only one individual case is the unperforated piece stronger than the corresponding perforated section and in most instances the increase in strength due to perforation is marked. Thorough penetration was secured in all the ties by means of this method of perforation. These results correspond very closely to previous tests on perforated material and prove that by the proper method of perforation it is possible to creosote Douglas fir ties, distrib- uting the oil where wanted and without loss in strength in the wood. A good method of preparing for the treatment of railroad ties of Douglas fir or western hemlock would be as follows: Cut ties in winter and early spring. Perforate and open- pile for air seasoning, taking advantage of the summer months. The ties may then be treated during the fall and winter. Handling ties in this way will insure an absolute protection against decay, and will enable the wood to be creosoted without loss in mechani- cal strength. These two points will insure the greatest value possible in the way of service, from this form of material. SPIKE PULLING TESTS. The relative value of the various species of wood used for ties has been the cause of considerable discussion in the past, particularly with regard to the holding 57 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION power of railroad spikes in these woods. With the increasing use of creosoted ties the screw spike is likewise becoming more popular, as the increased length of life of treated ties warrants the use of a more permanent method of rail fastening. In order to determine the holding force of spikes under vari- ous conditions in natural and treated timber, the Seattle Timber Testing Laboratory of the U. S. Forest Service recently made a series of spike pulling tests on natural and creosoted commercial Douglas fir railway ties. Permission to publish the results of these tests has been granted through the courtesy of the Forest Service. The test material consisted of 18 commercial grade Douglas fir ties, two sections of each tie being used for these tests. Both common and screw spikes were pulled from these sections, one of which was green and the other creosoted. Holes ranging in size from % to % inch were bored in each tie, those in the creosoted ties being bored before treatment. Table 19 contains the complete results of these tests. The following points are mentioned in connection with the use of this table: (1) The form of the point of the common spike is such that it inclines not to follow the hole. (2) Care was exercised in these tests to have the spikes fol- low the holes. (3) If the holes are not too large (three-eights inch or seven-sixteenths inch) and the spikes follow the holes closely the resistance to withdrawal will usually be increased. (4) If spikes do not follow the holes the resistance to withdrawal may be greatly reduced. (5) Spikes driven close to the holes but not into them will have their resistance lowered. (6) The splitting of the tie and the breaking of the fiber is reduced when the spikes are driven into bored holes. In the tests on the holding power of common spikes the results for the treated and natural material show very little dif- ference. In the natural wood the spikes driven into the %-inch holes showed the greatest holding power, while in the treated those driven into the %-inch holes required the greatest force to pull them from the timber. The screw spikes, which were placed in %-inch holes, pulled considerably harder from the creosoted than from the natural ties. PACIFIC COAST WOODS H < * S w 03 H II I I 5 2 "8 3 O - ~ g 5 6 - a . . H A r -r- -^ - ; .j: :_- 2ffSS8|8S!fg!J lilil in | a SO 1*1 iwl c o o us o o o o o o o q p o 10 o c o ''' SSSSSSS? lOOOOOOOCOOOO c: '-: : -r - '- r- r - -*io O C C THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION The results of these tests together with those on the perfora- tion of Douglas fir show marked progress in the preservation and utilization of creosoted Douglas fir railway ties and should en- courage the use of this wood for tie purposes, to which it is unusually well adapted. FORMULAE FOR RECTANGULAR BEAMS The symbols below are used in all the following formulae: Z = Length of span, in inches. b = Width of beam, in inches. (In mill and laminated floor computations, b = 12 inches.) h = Height of beam, in inches. V = Maximum vertical shear, in pounds. J = Maximum unit horizontal shear, in pounds per square inch. J' = Allowable unit horizontal shear (any safe value), in pounds per square inch. I = Moment of inertia of cross section of beam about neutral axis, in inches 4 . A = Area of cross section of beam, in square inches. S = Section modulus, in, inches 3 . n = Distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber in inches. For a rectangular beam this equals one-half the height of beam. f = Safe unit stress, extreme fiber, in pounds per square inch. E = Modulus of elasticity, in pounds per square inch. d = Maximum deflection, in inches. D = Deflection equivalent to J* inch per foot of span. w = Load on beam per foot of span, in pounds. W = Total load on beam ( -pj- \ , in pounds. M=: Maximum external bending moment; also the internal resisting moment of the beam cross section; in inch pounds. L' = Total floor load per square foot, in pounds. Equals live load per square foot plus weight of floor per square foot. Used in computing maximum span tables for mill and laminated floors. MAXIMUM UNIT HORIZONTAL SHEAR IN RECTANGULAR BEAMS When a beam is loaded the horizontal shear which is devel- oped produces a tendency to split along the neutral axis*. The formula for maximum unit horizontal shear in a rectangular beam is: / V \ J - 1.5 I in: I * The neutral axis of a rectangular beam Is in a plane separating the upper and lower halves when the beam is horirontal. PACIFIC COAST WOODS When a rectangular beam is symmetrically loaded the maxi- mum vertical shear, V, is ( y j and therefore the maximum unit horizontal shear is: J = 0.75 (j^) From this formula it is seen that the maximum unit hori- zontal shear varies directly with the load. For a given fiber stress "f" (say 1,000 Ibs. per sq. in.), developed in a beam, the safe load, W, for center loading is one-half that for uniform loading, and for third-point loading it is three-fourths of that for uniform loading. Therefore, the maximum unit horizontal shear for cen- ter loading is one-half of the horizontal shear for uniform load- ing and for third-point loading it is three-fourths of that for uni- form loading. SAFE LOADS LIMITED BY HORIZONTAL SHEAR The safe load, W, in pounds, on a beam, limited by any given safe unit horizontal shearing stress, J', pounds per square inch, may be found by the formula: w J ' bh W = 0~75 SAFE LOADS ON BEAMS (CONSIDERING BENDING ONLY) CENTER LOADING: THIRD POINT LOADING: S ( T _ 6fl _ 6f /bh_ 2 \ _ /fbh 2 \ ^ ~ In ~ I \ 6 ) ~ \ I ) UNIFORM LOADING: 8fl 8f /bh 2 \ 1 /fbh 2 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION MAXIMUM DEFLECTION IN BEAMS The following formulae apply only within the elastic, limit of the beam: CENTER LOADING: THIRD POINT LOADING: _ ( &\ (Wl\ _ / 23 \ /Wl[12]\ _ /_23_\ / Wl\ ~ ^1296^ V El / ~ \1296j \ Ebh 3 ) " \108/ \~Ebh 3 ) UNIFORM LOADING: _ (JL\ ( m >\ _ /_5_\ (Vfl*[12]\ _ /_5_\ ~ \384j \ El ) ~ \K&) \ Ebh 3 ) " V32/ MAXIMUM SPAN MILL AND LAMINATED FLOORS CENTER LOADING: fl WZ 4f/I\ Ty-; /bh 2 \ n = T ' Z = wn - T- = 7 = THIRD POINT LOADING: = = UNIFORM LOADING: fI_W? 8fl n ~ 8 ' W = In" ?f /I\ _ 8f /bh^X _ _4 fbh 2 W\n/"W\6/"3 W 16fbh PACIFIC COAST WOODS DEFLECTIONS IN MILL AND LAMINATED FLOORS CENTER LOADING: /J\ /12 L '''\ 1 - V43/ V Ebh / := (48) (1,643, 643,000) 12 d = 0.000,000,012,68 THIRD POINT LOADING: '\ 23 _ Ebh 3 I = (1296) (1,643,000) \ bh 12 / 3 / d = 0.000,000,010,8 I TT^ \ on" UNIFORM LOADING: d / 5 W W/ 3 = V384M^r _ ^A\ ~12" " V384/ I E Ebh 3 12 L/ (384) (1 _/L'ii , 643,000) \ bh 3 ) d = 0.000,000,007,92 BENDING MOMENT AND SHEAR The following bending moment and shear diagrams are shown for cantilever beams and for free end beams supported at the two ends. Various methods of loading are shown for each type of beam. The bending moment and shear diagrams are shown above and below the beams, respectively. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Btam support*/ aac/ foncfatrotet/ /oac/ op- /ite/ at center. Mat/mum 6enJir;f moment g /y occurs atftnttr of ^ .900/7 ana? = &3 . () Beam suayarM at Jttt/i ffte/s oat/tiro concentro/eJ 3 k ? of span . Max/mum /y o poin rn /y oceurs rHsfe /ooj oints or?d '= *^. 5*^-77 supper M*f loth ertdj unitor/rr/u Joac/ed. Majr/nrum 6enJinq fftorrt- occurs ate fa - ter of spot? a/rd ' =. *r . tical Diagram 12. Bending moment and shear diagram PACIFIC COAST WOODS urisy/nmetrico/ concert trtrteo' /oad appl/ed. Maximum Aert^/ny moment M. occurs at point beam trrf/l con- 1 Man/mum bene/inq mom- ent M occurs at filed end 'and '. >^/ . Maximum vertical sAtat Maximum Aena f /no moment rs at fixed ' enof Diagram 13. Bending moment and shear diagrai THE WEST COAST LUMI'.KUMEX'S ASSOCIATION saqou| ui AU ^ S/ - ** J! 1 1 1 1 1 l/llllllll spunoj - 400-1 UI pUDSMOm n ui 'bs Jdd - ui < I *J -3 i ! 5 t Q PACIFIC COAST WOODS Figure 7 is a chart taken from Engineering Record of June 26, 1915, and makes possible, rapid calculations for rectangular timber beams. Assume a working stress of 2000 pounds/sq. in. and it is desired to find a beam of sufficient size to resist a bending moment of 50,000 foot pounds. Place a straight edge on 2000 on the "Extreme Fiber Stress" scale and allow it to pass through 50 on the scale "Moment in Thousand Foot-pounds" and project to an intersection on the "Factor A" scale. Place the straight edge on this intersection point on "Factor A" scale as a pivot and read the width of beam required on the "Width in Inches" scale and the corresponding height of beam on the "Depth in Inches" scale. Any number of combinations of sizes may be selected which will fulfill the conditions assumed. The above operation may be reversed if the designer wishes to start with a definite size timber. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION SAFE TOTAL LOADS AND OTHER PROPERTIES OF BEAMS In the preparation of table 20 on beams, an effort has been made to tabulate information which will enable the designer to effect his design with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. The figures in the tables are based on beams of actual sizes sur- faced S1S1E or S4S. A multiplying factor has also been computed which may be used to transfer rapidly the various loads, deflec- tions, and other properties to the corresponding values for rough beams of full sizes as shown. These factors are written in bold face type for each size timber, and apply to figures in the same vertical column written. In this table, the area of cross section, the moment of inertia of the cross section, the section modulus, the span and the ratio of span to depth of beam are given, all for actual sizes of surfaced timbers. The safe loads and correspond- ing maximum deflections for uniformly distributed loads are also given, covering a range of safe fiber stresses varying from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds per square inch. The safe load, as shown, is the superimposed load, the weight of the beam having been deducted. The deflection given is that produced by the safe load shown plus the weight of the beam. The deflections are computed for beams of Douglas fir using a modulus of elasticity of 1,643,000 pounds per square inch. This value for the modulus of elasticity was determined by a careful consideration of all available data on the stiffness of Douglas fir as shown by the following tests: Reference U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 108, U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 108, U. S. Forest Service Bulletin 88, City of Portland, Oregon, Bureau Am. By. Eng. Assn. Bulletin 184, table table table of Sti table 8 , No. of Grade Tests Grade I 81 All Grades 134 Select 69 Merch. 16 Santa Fe Stand. 52 Average M. of E. 1,643,000 1,611,000 1,654,000 1,713.000 1,701,900 14 8 ndards 4 Total 342Av.l,645.0OO The above values include a large number of tests that are of an average grade below that used in general construction work and below that proposed by the West Coast Lumbermen's Associa- tion on pages 31 and 33. The only values falling below that used in this book are for those tests in which timbers of all grades were included. The remaining tests, representing average grades, show the figure for the modulus of elasticity of 1,643.000 herein used to be conservative. PACIFIC COAST WOODS There is also shown in table 20 the number of pounds sup- ported by the actual sized beam per board foot of rough lumber. This may be termed "Efficiency Factor." This factor should be useful in determining an economical design. The higher the factor the greater is the efficiency of the beam. In this table no loads are given which produce maximum horizontal shearing stresses of more than 185 pounds per square inch, which unit stresses are justified as shown by the tests given on pages 18 and 19. The maximum unit horizontal shearing stresses actually produced by those loads supported on the shorter spans are given for each size beam. The values for longer spans will be lower. The column "D," farthest to the right, shows deflections equivalent to ^ of an inch per foot of span. Deflections are proportional to loads, therefore, the ratio (_ ~?^9 ^ is constant for a given beam section and span. To Deflection/ find the load (W) corresponding to any deflection, (d'), within the elastic limit and which is not- shown in the tables, divide the "given load (W) plus weight of beam" by "given deflection (d)," and multiply the result by the particular deflection in question (d'), and subtract the weight of beam. (W + weight of beam) = (W 7 + weight of beam) _ Constant d d' therefore W = j"(W_+_weight of beam) j d/ _ (weight Qf Usually in practice the weight of the beam in the above compu- tation may be neglected, which will simplify the operation to dividing the given load by the given deflection and multiplying the result by the particular deflection to secure the new load. For safe loads on beams in which a concentrated load is ap- plied at the center of the span, multiply the load given in the table by 0.50. For safe loads on beams in which equal concen- trated loads are applied at the third points of the span, multiply the given load by 0.75. For deflections in beams in which a concentrated load equal to one-half that shown in the table is applied at the center of the span, multiply the deflection given in the table by 0.802. For deflections in beams in which equal concentrated loads totaling three-fourths that shown in the table, are applied at the third points of the span, multiply the given deflection by 1.025. THE WEST COAST LUMLJKRME.VS ASSOCIATION 1 1 s 1 iP 03 3 ! H W x; r 2 ? * S PI fit! s H - g H . ,, fl M i I iS g I isls !i-|i!lli a i 1 I 'a ill f?i : : : : 5! 32:= 233 33s .... CiC^fN t^CC^ ^o" d d ss52 iil : sail 'g5 Jj NH* 11 S = 70 PACIFIC COAST WOODS o d d d d d o' d o" ll SS2 MM MM 1|S pi |5S pi SIS |i sss "o" !-oZ- :::: <=> rt d i^d ""'d rt d rt d d ^dr-' SIS 552 d r-oV ;;;;||ilSgi ; l|21pI|S 1^11^^ O- O Or- O rt< co ~H mo>i ,_; o" . d d d d d d ^-'d^-' "d !-oZ- i|f 2 13s i 121 : ps igg II s gi s |gS gfe IS 8 S52 d ,-d^ "d rt d : rt d : ^d d o d d ^o^ S 0^0 o* o ' o o o o t'oi 7 S 1 R :S! ^dr- IPS P : Ip : g|S if |S S|S ||9 jjj g 1 I <*. g> s I! 2 S --2n?5|| 1 - r 3( ^ H !! S? o gr ?, ^ 1 | 1 1 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION od ti i s ll PO^H toc i : : |S5 |S S SIS i= - N i ss - -~ rt -r ^ ro t^ co o t^ t^ -t^o c^f-ti i-t oooc^ ^ I-H ^ tlllg|js*2 ^ & ^&Ha o"3j| = a b 111 5 s s i 72 PACIFIC COAST WOODS o o aSS |5 |S? 11 p. p s sssijlsss |si ps: ~o,- i o 00000 .-O,- il B 1 3 11 s Is- 21 s So!!ISg gS5? : 2SS o o 51 ; SS = 2g2 00000 ^O^ s a ai r 1 i s THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Wi!3i i i i i i g o d d d d d d <5 a s -a 1|:1 SIS iss UK |s sg |1 SI* p" ps p s IS* Sg ^ 1 ~ t '^ C3O OO^CC " IIP p* si? is* p- is* is ? ^g j i fe la? PACIFIC COAST WOODS i 1 1 S S I I 1 S d d o o d d d m [M 522 ! I., jjcx-ctiti^^^^^??^?}^: ' ' *-dr- ^ f. |_^ * ^ i- ri ^* -?r x -M o ^ c: gl 5 : : : 888 MM S 5 SS g i s ! s l s i S 1 5 if It" jil 888 ||g 1: i|B-| || ^3^? ?i t^ re eomm ""o ^d ^-b- "'d d ' d j d M d M o' N d S 1 S 888 ||1S 1|I : |ji : | ||l g|3 ||- p" ii g 888 ro d d i ^d N d "d *d "d 7 11" II s 888 _: ' p ; p | p| : p ps ps S, -OT- O-O-O.O g ii Hi- 888 d ~dr " M ; ~ L?2 : "o -o -o 1 c ^ ^^ fl ,5 a a || 00 ^ 2 S S3 2 2 a s r 2 3 S S S 1 . !! l! i? Si 1 - - i 1 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION i 1 a i i-i c> c> IS* |SS SSS 5S 1 a* 2"> ' a & o sis' CS 0> N e s i^lllgil" 12 |^3^a c5|-j 8 76 PACIFIC COAST WOODS o o sss || 358 . : His i ggi IIS i IS* _d,- I -d -d : -d. : "d *o "d SSS I! |pi |SS a BM i l^ s Si* r SSS II S lil ' H a M SSS SSI" g2 : i2 i is IS S ': II i 77 THK WEST COAST LUM HKKM ION'S ASSOCIATION s -p 1 i s .S-2 Illi 1 1 s i 1 i d d d o d d d d I | | I C OS OS -H OO OG 1 lf ?? CO 0> 00 SS C g 7S PACIFIC COAST WOODS 000 I o o : gSSS i3 ; ill .0^0 4=^ m i~s ; s i "d "*d : M d ' d iSSS SS : i s 79 THK WEST COAST L,trMRKRMFA"S ASSOCIATION a 1 I i 1 C5 0. S t ij !ii J! I I if s If I; SSS 2^ ^ i i IS I s S 52 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 00000 SfeS i P s P* 2S feK5 (-. Tl<00 !|| 5S SSS i ~, f , .r, i-Or- O KfeS IP Sgs |gs g|g 11 s KfeS O 00 O g g = S5 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION pi-Ss Sil I II -a 1-^ .s s I H* ia ; sss ill IP ig ScS SS8 1 s- %*>." i s j |i 8 - |S S li- S |S |S |8 * PACIFIC COAST WOODS 1I B sl 2< "d "d * 'o o ' o :|g ggs g3 3?? |SS I s S" 11" d d d : : SfeS '^: " iss^ ^?; M 2f: M g? S~ S 3 N S |1" |i | |i o &s o o o o s s THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION o o d ii' i I =1=1 i 11 sin us SiiS 22! i i i 1=1 - 111 S 233 |SS S= Il ; "d ^d "d d CO 10 j|s*2 j ;-|-Ssa 5 s_^ O 9 ^ 1 111 is a 1 S4 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 988 S 988 o o o o SI 8 i S d d d S S "S3 fa =0 S! THK WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION in Pounds, and es, for Unit Stres Square Inch vi - 3 S 1 3 1 * sis " 5S S II s - 55SS IS 8 ^l s IS* S p 5 3* si 5 || il s S3* s^ s is- ftss m o ^ iii 55 PACIFIC COAST WOODS d SSiS SSS : SSS g2 !gS3 SSS gSS 22 S 2-M-M- s^i'M S-M- Ore-. ==-)-, re..-;- - OT cK K gj 82" 5"? S r Isi : 111 i ila ^l is 1 ^i* 11 | s 1" "d : "*d : "d "d "o "d N d M d "o M d s ^ ^ ^S'^ ^^= SSS m ; sis I pi pi il a p s |l s |i s p- |8 o o o o 'd "d "d "d "d N d "d rt d "d l f | f if | f | f 87 THE WEST COAST LUMBKRMK.X'S ASSOCIATION and esses in Inch, as indic otal Safe Loads in Inches, for U sw ,-0- SsS i aa si- 2,? S 1 ^ S Is Is X r- PACIFIC COAST WOODS ss 3 i 3 9 I " ' f I CO ** <* ** >O O O >C CO do d d d d d d d o o p * d "''d ^d "^d "^d 5 d ^d ^d ""d "d "* d ""d "*d "*o "d 5 d | ^d "'d | "'d ^d "*d "*d "*d d M d 112 i IBS i!5 o o 13 : si 3S : 2g SSS : S^ ^^H^H - ^H TH r^w **< cq : o : "o" "d : *d THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION a ,g ft '- i! I jj SSS 55SS d o |R~ p 55 |s ; ilJJ l*Mil s iilllgfl*^ iyi 8 j|^^ Is I - 1 5 QC ^- il PACIFIC COAST WOODS I i 1 i d d d d d {feSS gs ?g sgs iss ssss sss ggg |3S : |5jS |S3 IS 5 ' |S !S8 31 5 d ^d "'d ""d "*d "*d "d ^c p ;. |i |i- p : Si ii s 23 s si* ss 9 II" 000 t^o * eo ci rt o o> s a THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 3! Ill it's .9.2 i! sg ass IP S P* |i s ; -Oi- ass 11" ISS SS a Sg- S* 1*5 BS- gS IIP if i|S^ j-a*e"6|*ji |ss ^ X X PACIFIC COAST WOODS s i I d d d I SiS I? 3 : sis : | S S 3*2 5 38 !" S ^ Sf: I s " rt S t^^^: S SS* 25' 'd ^d ^d '"d jS 10 S" d M d a S " THE WEST COAST LUMBKRMKX'S ASSOCIATION c S = ^' S*H^ fcs = tf* a ^j I 1 ge 1 g -3 I 0000 = 00 | a ! i ! . 1 I II s : : : : : : : : : ': ': ': ': ': \ ': ': s a 1 111 i ! |S S |S S f 8* j : j : j : : : : \\ O O O s o ' ll| S-2^ S i 3S p 38* ; ; ; JTitl "*b o a 1 : ' ^ 3 5 ill ill ! ! S5SS S^ SS^ Sgg : : : : : : : : -o o "o *! j j j M 11 ] g s II] o o i j si- ss^ Sl^ igs sgs Hi ftl d "d d ro d "d :::::: i f}* 8 11 I 1 il" 51" aS s is 8 II s si 55 ; : "d ro o "d d N d M d : : : 1 1 i i| If If if |f g| if 1 | > i SSS 2g^ feSg ggg 2^?; S?3 SS 2 82 S 82 S- S- ^ fe < ti h S 5 S S ^^ 34-3 hi! ^ If g. 2 S S S S S S . j c I g* S Si S3 S! S S & 1*1 ill! op- IS j J tS 15 8" S I <0 ^ 15 1 c H *i s 3 6? 1 ii % 1 tj I? o> *" S s ~ u 3 ft P ^S 2 S A SB -* H ^ 5 PACIFIC COAST WOODS Sil o o o 8E58 r^ecosio Oi^HO cccoo T-*C:CO COOOIM CCfM-^fl^ OOOOCO-^^^HOOO-^I^O: SS S i s O 0-0-0 O -0-- O 8fe8||SS3 ^oW *"e lO s&8 1 o ^- b i- II 8 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Jji *I i a S 2SS SS : : : : o t^.25 cc d ^ ^ ' " 3 s II s5 i s ffig" SS" d e d S il" d *Hi 5 ^^: 3 r- PACIFIC COAST WOODS ~i in Pi us o -o- O O 1-0 38 s S^ SSS o o US US 252 t~22 ^* ^^S SS O O i-O 11- 52 2SB 0^- ocv, MM O Or- is SS S sss'lsliB o o o o o THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION III If! if B! S1S p* BIS 0000 i-Qi- IS* a a g*JM i < lass c^^ r?S O ii 100 PACIFIC COAST WOODS &;.;'! o" d d o ia pi p.* p g |i |i 0000 gg ggg ill II s Ig 1 ? i s is : 101 THE WEST COAST liUMBEKMBN'8 ASSOCIATION i I . .5 I 111 III : : : SS s in- ; &ss || mm $m . in 2 |~ ::: ~d- || -d S d : B d 8 |p 5 p" S5SS I! pgl pi I j|P || W||3 |Si fSS? gi? : SSS -- -- i i ~ I : o o -o - CJ*M! s jMl| g |K_Jf " 1 s il 3! S S 3 -' ji|_i 1 U PACIFIC COAST WOODS 00000. !*= i o o o coo sis i Ssi ils Is 00 is- II s il s IB S HI 55 il s *d : ^d ""d ^d ^o ^o ""d d ro d "o 13 i 3gS 11- II s 11- * "" "" " ^ 00000 O O o o II" si 11- Ki ss - o "d "d N c o tOtOt^l^t^OOQOOJ K ^ IT THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION s=i^; H'Ho-sl- ci o" MS 1 : i ; I8S2 51! : ; 12- ass if If If ?S! ass s s l ri ill s Is S S 104 PACIFIC COAST WOODS O CO 3D O O ~^ CO f-~ O CO CO O CO CO ro <* <* 9 as 3 35 00 d o' d d d PBS pa - -id ""d '. d d *~ d ^ d ^d d *d :ii IEi 12 : ^^S Sll ii fa 5 g R Hs s sl s Jd" : d~ *d" : o" d" S d S d S d 5 d S o ^d'^o O' o o o ^ d "^d "^d *d H S : ^^" Sg" ; Sg gg gg g Ig 1 " Sg ^g" 5 o : "d "'d :"d "'d "d "*o "*"d M d d [iss ps g|tt ps ps ps pa 01 O s s 8 ~ | S s s 105 THE WEST COAST I,rMI',KUM KX S ASSOCIATION 1 1 c % >S J*S r.s = - i ips -? = -?.= r = = sss - = - ESS . ,-o~ o c o c> o o .-o M- a a :|?^2 l^^s^-l-Jg 11 III g 8 !S1 ii PACIFIC COAST WOODS i s s s d d d d joStSao 5S oSS S2 S!S ps IIS : |5s iiS ls= |gs sss s|g s s HI- d d o o o "o o - o o d 05 O O s - 107 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION g 3 * Mil! i-s = !2* Q 5 1 i g S e 1 d o o d d d d 1 .9 ! 1 i i ; Mi Qj I_LJ LU UJ U 1 1 i j P Ml Ml lii ii; !ii ! o 3 S a 1. II i |'r p s 5S 3 Si : : : i ; : jTH d d d : : ' : : : : : : : * # i ; P 5 pa P- : : i i : : ]\ \\ as 3 111 ill i r ss^ ^ ^ s^ o *"" o o o ! Ifj s g i 1 p- IS* is 5 K! II" i : i : ^d "d "*d "*d "*d : ! . ds -11 i 1 |i* p 5 p fe |s a pa p- i j I ^ \ : IS' ls 8* M" si- iS ii- "d "d ""d d w o "d "d 1 i : SI- 2 SI- Sga IB* gga IS 5 "d "d "d "o "d "d "d til 1 5;!- .2 e 4 PP. LJJ rJJ T= n o oo ^** *" & s i d is 1 o l-A 1 -= 'i a e 2 s 1 : 1 $ ! < d s a J 1- I s 02 2S ^ o* 1 ^ = 5 108 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 1 1 d d SJfeS : afes slsa ill : Sla * ^ S 2 R THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION* in Pounds, and Maximum De , for Unit Stresses in Pounds per Square Inch, as indicated i 1 1 S d d d o ss ps " lip s d ii s "' li" i a II 8 21 s ?3 ?5 11 2 K PACIFIC COAST WOODS 000 h*cc ' ' cc^cSoc 2$ c^w^ Sc5 ~ r-" H ?s ~ ~ S = . . . . ,g w C500 M !o. e 05 00 I J= s s S c; ?! ^ r Oi ^ | s O T- y i] I? y 9 8 s H 1! 1 1 1 1. 3 117 THE WEST COAST LUMBKRMK.VS ASSOCIATION' do o d d o I I s 111 111 I |p |p ; 11= |Sl p s |P S~- U' o 'd I Ml US I r2 c g 2 2 - 2 : PACIFIC COAST WOODS d o d II i?as p II- l gs |I ; tss O O .-Oi- -<: g 8 8 - I 119 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 4: S i is p = SSS SIS i iSS 2i SiS 5d SSo c> 2d So l 111 i | So 2o pi pa s IIP * 3Jg it Jl ill * ,gS5 s s S - PACIFIC COAST WOODS I i SS >~ g|* SfeS S'iBt^ oSn ScoS S2 SS OiD (M t^. r~ OO ^H O> t^. Oi jS S| g >' 2 d 2 d 3 ss: s s "a s 121 THE WEST COAST LUMBKKME.VS ASSOCIATION c i~S*-Hc in Pounds, and M , for Unit Stresses in Square Inch, as indi - s ps i p B i sll S : d : d r il 8 1 i - PACIFIC COAST WOODS 1 I 8 1 8 8 S g i 1 S IS" ir K 2 r M: yj yj yj yj yj yj II s 1S 10 S c5 c^ 5c ? S t- ic as w . . * -d d =d o ::::-::: 1 :: ! ! 1 :: SS K~ 2o~ 2o II s 1S S . If If If M i ; i i i M [Tj 3 |3 ~0 If 11 If if If If 1 ; ; ;M |T] If If SS 5?8 *o =KS ** 323 2SS : : : f~i S SS SK ooS -oS 3* i?* |fp ||8 ||8 ||8 ||9 |p ||9 ||!o || j-jj |p ps go. |r ? g. |g, gg, ^ ^ zz Z$~ 2 r i! s ||* |f ||* |P li ||* ||S g| ||8 - 2 B: ^ p s |1 5 11 |s 8 |" |i" |I a |s s |s a x - 2 | o cc -* o LO co't-r^ados 2 2 O ^- JN CC -^ iOOrGO 2 1 " S s g s a s ^ I S 123 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION *i1 if 111 1 i ^-0^ o = ^ ' " ^ 3 i PACIFIC COAST WOODS 000 SISS lii iss lis 13 jSSS SSS 5 CO OOO si |f: 3 5S Is- Sis H > d - - d B* i- s s si ; ssi ; i^ lia 1^ il= SS j H= Is* 2s 2S KSS S g ^ S" rt S c 5S Sp j |S5 : pS 22 |i s |g g |1 S |5 S O CO 1 S THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION c^Sl-S, m * & .i :2g ggg? s m if) x pi 1 : ill : 5SS d -d 1215 g i 2ll i ilS I ; i O J-OJ- Si i ; III S^S Is! i S22 if S52 2 Jh ! ifelllgil" 15 I^^I'ol-Jg s ^ s s H Si' " PACIFIC COAST WOODS 00000 ili s ps m ; d d S* |3S ps 55S5 o SS" S^ "SS t- o s s S 3 i 129 THE WEST COAST LUMP.KRMKX'S ASSOCIATION Sl-Se !?-Sll a if I |fel 5 II l~ o : o ISli ill o III- ilgllsSS : ScB|-|g ti ~ . II 1-: ~:2 25 ' S2 ' "" -o : d S 2 - S PACIFIC COAST WOODS SiaiiaiiS do odod odd Iecc5 00 5 O CC M S r^ ^ 30 O l ^ ;BS ^ 2 S o S d ^d ^d ; _. o^. ffis^. 10^. i'S ||S 358 g8 fH* |S 3 Sg?S ||S f| o gg 3 o ^d ^o o d ^d "d "d ^d *d - SoS S!* 2 5 SKS5 S So ^ $? ^ S- 85 ^^ o o ^. o ^ I 00 O 131 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION fiUffii ; I a 111 S I g 1 3 o" d c> o ^ P d - s Is: ? C CC ~ I 18582 Isi ; |P i |ia 81 v4Oiv4C CO^HC** -O i|!s*2 ^a*g j ||ji S S S - 3 i ^ PACIFIC COAST WOODS I d isiiill^gg d d d o" d d d o d d Ir d 5^d So 2d : ; : : o |is || 8 l| a 1| B || 8 [J] 1 1 ; ; ; M I i i ! 2d If If If If If If M M M M M ! 1S * S B^~ ^K* SS^ SS"* M3 ::: : : P S 2o" Sd So Sd -HO d d : : : : : : : : : ir ||8 ||S ||S ||8 ||S ||=S ||5 ||SS lyi |Ji r Sd 2d ""d d d d *^d ^d "'d ::: I if rt0 ' ^d "d d *"d *^d *^d d ^d ^d P" p s ps g^ ps |gs ||s ps gs ps ps * o o o o o ! 1 _a 3 wi-iocnoot-to^eo-M SSSSJ5SSJ853S g 2 s a s 2 8 a g ^ a a 1 H S | 00 i - 5 i o ^; a i 133 THE WEST COAST LUMBKRMEX'S ASSOCIATION **ec o. c Ll-^aS. ^5 o Sfaa Q| ill i 1 go : : : ^s:isis -o~|Sd ?3< M 2ss plB is i iss :o^|8d Sd : 2d o ^a-||!=e 2 = III I H i7~ - - nil - ii 5 5 - ! PACIFIC COAST WOODS I i i g ^ s S 83; 2? 33 R; p22 g 3 SSS id NO' So' MO' d 2d 5 822 SSS5 gj s!- s*.- s* 3d" g^ g- g^ g^ ^^ ^^ THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION s s i C5 i* s S.9 g i I s 1* : " IS 8 SS a is- " ^ rs II! \77. IS o 136 PACIFIC COAST WOODS -H CO -^ O '-O OO S S 3 S S d d d d d d 32 8S2 ISB : SS 111 : S : SSji * S S SS S II s 1 So : So c3o' -c5d ^IMO 2d So ^d So 2d || : ||i |II i pi j ||8 ||8 |S ||S ||8 ||I ?s s:s sss sss ?? ss^ i OCO ^) ^*! CO**- ^"^ 2*^ > 3d ^d *HO '-id ^d 8 137 THE WEST COAST LUM I'.KKMK.VS ASSOCIATION b- 3 g Jll4 ^ il- a - 2O - W ^f i^ cp o oo ^^ r^- S r* t* t^. ao oo c ^ 0000 = 00 I .5 I I I S 1 f 1 S|S : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2d : ; : : : : : : a Q 1 \ | ||g |S : : : : : : : : : : : : : 'PI S '~1 t ii- SI S II" -I 2d t2o So ; 1 5 111 lit | |gS pS ||S |g; : I ; Iji : : in 5 r If If If If II s jti M I 1 = ii^ gs^ li il s li i' : "o So So So o o i |l 3 |i" |s 8 |S 8 p s |l s p s i - Ii ||S |1 gSS 2gg 32Z gJJ ii e * i : i J U S5^ KN HB 22^^222 i | c i ^ ?5 a s ' s s g a Nt 'IjS s = jj 5J HI la *1 a 8 i ^ i 3 a H M a o [j 53 d Hi 3 si 20 Con 3 s S S . S : S S 1? B ^ {' ' 1? 3T 5, 1 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION li-Hlll II s .s 13 .a * , 11 IP | s | lO^os o-oo ^^ot-- upt^?^ ^ egr^ ooo oaoo 55oa 4O C-l O 4O C4 ii II s 1! gis S So' Sd ^ci 2o 2ci s 52 il 5 II s 1 S |g- 1-8 |gfl 00 Q il s a 3? i PACIFIC COAST WOODS sill o o o o SfeS [sir SfeS ?snss s&i ll : ri ssslliHiS 111 i SIS ^oW|S5d Sd : 2d ^H O ~* s sg- fis li """ "" ^ *oco o" _ - i4~ H 1? 7 | K S 00 g ? s i 2 1! s 8 i- I 1 i 1 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION i i i o o lit 151 111 ||| cog. -* S S LTSOi i III s II s l! s IS if if O -HO O O S 2?3S 2gK 88 ^ e^^ ic^ GOO s iss SS* S5- gi-2 III f 142 PACIFIC COAST WOODS i I L H d d I g I 3 d d d d pis |p ; ps ps p* -HO -HC s S |il : |S : |IS |SS is 1S5 if " |sSi3 pg i ps : sas ; ssga sis 23_: *-; ?= _ <~ *!_ ? I JOIJO^J iOOO SStO .-^ (N ls ai u 144 PACIFIC COAST WOODS o i 5 I d d d d i-i, ' Sd P i IP 185 US : g2 ||S ifjiflV co SSS 2! ii S3 i Iia IP rtO O ~C oo 145 THE WEST COAST LUM I5KK.M K.VS ASSOCIATION a C It II ||| 111 | pH pi pa |R |gK 5 Be ( is* Is 5 II 8 is" s S5 S II s la* O l II! 8 If I!' |I' II s |= s a IIS 3 8 ft S R S - I! PACIFIC COAST WOODS 000 i sis d d ' d d II : :" : ::::: 1 -* : : : : : : : : : -- || : : : : : : : : : sss SIS SIS ; i; SiS 382 ill iS2 sii 3 ecO -(MO -^O -c5o 12 : 9 i 111 'o- d * 222 iga i us i s- ; 10 -HO ^O N - s g 1 III add to 3 S s s I 12 I 'S 2 2 3 2 a i s , s . | : 147 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 8 S i 1 i &l 111 III Us Sd Sc ss ssS i 5d So So o MO s gss g;e sgs g|g gga S d 2d So Sd 2d Sd S pg |S8 ||S |g9 || si 8 Si s II s II s SS* SS is- c 35 II S 148 PACIFIC COAST WOODS S K 8 S3 3 ' S3 d o d d d o SS* SI* 31' 11 il- fr"0 268 s sfes II IslS SSi i g ISI i >22 22 : KS: id So So 8 8 t 149 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION &l If 111 111 PI **J a I i s i I Sis 11 2g= |g . _ . _ _ cs ^ cod wo" S i S i ii g II" o' o PS ~ ll s So 2 IS- i igK Sg igilsia c-l-Jg ll 1*5 3~~ * |8 * * S ^ 150 PACIFIC COAST WOODS I i s i'. g 3 I J 5 'I ooodo'odo'dd js ; : : : ; : : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; p." Oi- :fe3 sgg tg^ gs gg 3 i- Si d S d So' 2 d 23 d !* si 5 ii : i o So ~ < si II s Sl s li h- - COt^ Sd ?5d wd Sd So 2d If If If i M M Sd Sd Id 2d id 2d ^o So t2d !2d | j | 7 If If If If If If 11 s If If Sf if CU P 5 p. s |l- p 5 |l s |i s ps |gs |ga |gs ps = 1 S n w 2 : : : CO (N 00 W5 CO CO l>- t^- GO a CN W C-5 - mo SS |SS : 8 S S! is 5 - 11 1! 1! 5SS PACIFIC COAST WOODS S ' 3 3 3 i i I od oooooo sS *;* 5B i?sS SE B' 3 mo NO NO NO So SI pi |3S ; gil |S sjl2 III is 8 p Ss ? COO COO : NO NO NO' NO ?qO NO NO Sd -CCO NO ^NO NO NO NO 2d 2 o' ^C o o o SO NO NO NO SO g' N .~ H : ^^.^ N^-": 2" rt " S"*- f^ 1 ^ S 1 ^ S' MO NO NO NO -HO ^O rtO "HO C NO -NO 2d :Sd -HO !2d d 2d 2d "d So -10 -HO -HO -HO r- o co eg i -H o 0> co 2; jn o to || 1| s s ! 157 THK WEST COAST LUMBKKM K.VS ASSOCIATION SI B-3 111 l]l 1*1 s-M 1! P* -SS o -o,- i 8* . r-s-Sl S ffid - s? PACIFIC COAST WOODS 1 3 i I i d d d d d m isS ill Is 8 II s ss- us ; ss2 11* 13 IS" Id* 1 S If If If II s 1! : SSSt: ggg : = : S THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION i i 0000 S.M in i li ss P* 11* II s SS 5 SS" II s II ' -H o o o so .-;< hll s 00 05 s s s g PACIFIC COAST WOODS ' I S S 5 3 S -f iO us iO to d d odd m\ lla SsS 5:68 50 MO COO COO |^- S^- . |^- .gw- . I".- . 2^" |2 Sd IS : 2S3 So" : SSo 1 : 2g 5S HK iS CD(MS rtCO-H OSCO-H OCO CO 5 f~ * ; : wd cod : d : Sd SJd Sd ?S5 8|S Sg i So ?5d 13 sil ! li s i li a i 8 B 35 3! 161 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION s !r SS no mo no *d = = s _ " 2 So' e*d So' 2d 22d ~d So' f|8 SS igs l^bl^ll s m o JE 162 PACIFIC COAST WOODS I I 1 ; dodo 1 1 8 d : : : : : : : : : : : JS8 : : : : : : : : : : : -=>- : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : JT1 : : : : : fe8 Mi! MM IP- i^ i : : : : : : : :\ feS : : . . : : : : . . ,-dr- : : : : Sfegg || : gSg : : : : 12""^ ^d^ : 5o^ : :. 2&S ~- d^- SSS Ss : ill i a Sd Sd : 5!d : 5d : : : : : : : : : : : 2feS J5S KSS : SSS : SS t^ci^s ^.M^ - zssa - gw* 5 S : : : \'}\ \\ 2fe3 C= : : : : : : | | ~o~ 3d 5d ' tod no If if M! Fi :H iasS pa i 115 i II s d no ' So | MO If If If in H! lisa sis : 51s II s j- 80 d ^ wo' wo cu tcSc-i S 2 01 Sr^c5 ^ccoi or**eo or* ^30 os oo ^ Oi ^- 05 o 2d -d -d -o- -d-^ |SS2 2S : f?| : SgSS So ^ d" : Id : Sd 2 1 fl rTTTTjj OO Ci o: O s s g ^ 2 S S ? 2 S B ic 5 2 i IB S3 1 = 3 i s - P 1 s I 1 163 THE WEST COAST LUMBKRMKX'S ASSOCIATION ig-l^ E 2! 2* HSU-i Q .S | Si 111 ill .a .s s II o I s g ?S 2* 'Mi ^ ^fe Op^ = S? ll s s s ; 164 PACIFIC COAST WOODS S So 22 odd i ' S 1 1 1 1 : d d d d d rt : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : feg ... . : . : : : : : : : : : : : T-O.- If 1 | ! ':': \\l III 11 III III fes @ ||S : : : d So ' ' ' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : SfeS : : : : : : : ^'dr- |8 II s II s So ,- t2JoiO M^S? C^OO^ Id Sd Id o o-^ . or-^eo |5S SS3 8SS Sid ?5d ?Jo |g si ; ; i ; : = i : i ; : ss;s ?3d d : i i i i i '-='.- 50 3! "* ^O'-* OOSO^ ggg" gig" gS" : : : : : : : : 2feS i 3SS ^3^ So 2 d S3 d SSS S 5S 2SS : : or- (M t- Tj< 00 t00 O C5 ^ O> ^-O5O 1 SS 18 Si" |i p |g |1- |a p- 2fes 1 i 00 50 00 10 -H It-. M 3 S3 ^| 8 a s s 3^ S S S S S 2 i! i? h ' 1! o> 1 165 THE \YEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Loads in Pounds, and Maximum Deflection! in inches, for Unit Stresses in Pounds per Square inch, as indicated i o'o ill ses ; is 3d So So -wo' =if sis ; s=s lisa So d s ; s i Sd -So ?3d in O4- e*o 3 5 s PACIFIC COAST WOODS 1 1 s d d d ilillgss d o o o oddd cod cod coo So So ' j ISs slS sis cod So So If If S1 B M ; ; M ; M ; ; i y So So So CNO wd w d ^-* o If If If If If If If If M M M M S! d ~" So So |S S |I S p Ii p- ::;::: f! |i s p s |l s |5 S p S |i s |S S 11 s3 |I S : j : f: 15 If:" II" Sf Sf II 5 If If If IP jTj 1 ir ir sr If If If If If If If If S 33 s s|s sss S . S *> ^^^ ^^" oS TOO? S S * S ^ * S ^ ^ 3d Sd 2d 2d Sd 2d 2d "d 5 - 1 5 s s si s' si - ' a a 1 iO CO r~ 22SSSSSS 2 ? s T m 1! i' -* THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION *|3 ill 131 M SS It r**. -- || HS13 IIS - = - m s- -ss s 5 d -c>i-cod HP 3l n E ^ #5 m- II Is* ^ V. '- 11 IS SS 5! 168 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 1 1 s 1 1 i 1 1 g S B lr II 2 11 s lr II s Sf Isi isB ss= lil II s IF So So So Sid Sd So Id ::::::: : : I : !S fiS p2 IS 2 |I S p s coo coo coo eoo wo e*o id Id id : : : : : Hi lis I5 ls is- II s So "d Sd ' ' : ' ' ' lr If If If If 11 s If IS 5 If If ! M ir i= is io id is Sd Id 2d id So- S2 53io SSt^ 5^^ H^ 0*" So' c5d So S3 d c5d d ps || ||5 ||fe ||S 7 SSS |S gSF: ||S 2 22g r^ " co io ic ^3 2 oS |5cS |S5 gSS 2^^ So Sd id id Sd id If 1| S If If If i %. ::::: 2 5 2 5 : 3 o S S S S 2 g S S S S S I 1 S - S g o T CO ^ 1 - i ! 2 3 169 TIU-: \VKST COAST Lr.Mr.KK.MKX's ASSOCIATION 1 1 !! lii ^ ~ _*.., *- O3 O ! ~ o no E- isIS JTC'fl*j| H I I Ti I! 170 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 2 g ill ill PS p= iii i= >' So So S?o 3d 3c 3d lo~ i So" 3d" So" id id id id y ass S3! 12 io 10 e*o :; o so (ct^-ao t-c^io ^-o*c oo^c ccoac IOSCo He eoo c3o i o a i o P o ;S!2 SS * ^-S KS^ 2S S3 338 2 im co oco r--o< . 5io io So JSd Sd Sd d 2d 2d -d THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION i o o .1 *pi ail o hl44l ' 02 Q Be ^P S! - il 172 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 1 . i 00 O = So So od So So 3COCOOO ^2^1 ^ ^ ';2, ' S^ c' S MO' si- SS fl ll SI o o it! pii iiiiigil! 15 ^ ~3i op"Sj g 5; 174 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 3 I I o do *o =*o ^ o *^ eo t O OJ O 1^- ^ Sd ^rt-H OOIM-H 2s 2 d OK.IO T-O5O si* J2d us "d pi i o cod g 5 i THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCI ATM 'X ItHllii ill isi Hi f -= II 3 d d d o o I W - i" 50 < o coo coo 3d cod m : t^.'t}* o Spo Bo S d o o 5 i; CM o cq o CMO CMO O o O>r^fO OO)O 10 (MO -i< d d >S ! s 11 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 5 I 111 2.9=5 Hi i 1 3 i I i ss SIS ; ^0 IIS : 1S1 11- o So 2o So -So So o" - o - . o ?d o CJN-H g~ OOM ^ 1 !r co I hill gllS 85 | L J-Il|-Jg - 180 PACIFIC COAST WOODS g SI >o tno 3S8 I-H Ci oo If |5 SIS 00 gS^ SSrC SqsS CQp Sid 52 Ic " JO TOO B5e MO MO SO MO MO MO MO MO SI* g: |l s ?S" SS SO MO 5JO Sd Sd Sd Sd 5d Sd (MO 50 CNO NO O CO s ~ 3 5 I - 181 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Hi i!i IS" il SfeS 2? So HI j|jaU H PACIFIC COAST WOODS 5 t2 O t- O 00 So" rj c^ o wo wo wo So S THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Ml fl ' is ggg i3 = 2 = d "" liii M II! ! Iwa ^Sco S5 ' SSlcS f^J 3 co -i us co -i ?2^~ ai'"'- "" I-" 32^ ' OQ id : Sd Sd [fa |f JO So id* ld : 1='^ Id*" i 11 Id"" 2Sg SS ScS? o o c> o !? s ; I? 55 ig s : li a 1?' Ir 186 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 1 g 1 i 1 c c c; o d if! Ija J'l| if i" i f^^fi'H C^^ *>:<; $ ^ 2 00 ; - 5= So' So. 3= 55 |g SSS ^23 gg H ^c ^o <*o coo coo coo c I ppn : = |0 : coo coo coo S X wo wo wd MO c3d ^M * faii'i] !SS5 n ! PACIFIC COAST WOODS f i do d : : sli : "d d SSS ?s SS: 'd So g UsaS ill i iss ilS ! i^S i ig d oo d *d : Sd : 50 -*0 -*t i cs -? ~0r- -OC iSp ^O (NO (NO t-0^ <"0 -*0 si s : ii" S 8 S " 187 THE WEST COAST LUM I'.KRMKN'S ASSOCIATION si g52 o32 Sgo |' >i |p ps II- g| so So So S *o 3d rd TOO" MO TOG !d coo" TOO So rod " cn 2S S22S 2oo$ 516 rtio 2lo t-.t~ cor- SO TOO >0 TOO TOO TOO TOO NO ^O S$ 0TO |gS Sgg S^S ||$ |$ ggg S! so So co' So So NO NO O 1-- S 5 S s s s " " 188 PACIFIC COAST WOODS o o o o 868 N : -'o'^ : Kd I s 868 If;! ~~- So S sSs ill o fed : : enim II S3 2S : : So "= g. a- . ^o^ o So CS (N C< Ir SI* ' niKiy p at" i M ! sssllpi II s -o ^o^. o Vo 5d S -' ~ 189 THE WEST COAST LUJOBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION &l |1| 111 !!! |j* Q 5 d d odd c Ssi iSS ; sis BSi ls s So So : o Sd Sd 55 3SS S SS *CU5^^ CCiO -'i' O t^ t*- So So* So So o d ed d d ' o d - | 100 -*0 o eo c*5 T? 22 ^ o ** "i|l gg |^8 |S3 cod cod cod Sd isll1 B ||sS5 iMiSl^l-Ji 8 !- ^ - I M PACIFIC COAST WOODS 2 s SfeS o sfe ia s ls s IS 38 li* SI- II" JO Md d Sd So Sd is Is- 88* II- pa Sgs > Sd d So d Sd ; ; gas s P li d Sd .0 CJO MO o oo So oo 5o o 35o d S Sd Sd id d Sd id f?d i : 'd So 3d So 5o' 5?( = d Sc ^d T*d -^o cod cod coo coo coo cod wo 0 000 50 000 000 I s fl d So 30 r~o : 5d !3 > O So .00 10 00 ^* = |gs |6 So ;5 S li : Id So ||S gS |S 1 s Id SSS = f 5 S ~ u- O '.1 O THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION I 1 I ' 1 . ?! I] 5S |S : S * 8* o o d '-^- ^ - d 3d 3 d d is B4 ls3 I! PACIFIC COAST WOODS i o f o d o' d o' d f^oopj ijJJK : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : SSSS K|S hi !5: ml [Tfj ill |l ss |1 3 II 1 If ; ;.; ss [IT: 13SS |Ss SIS i gii |i SI" . . . *"" ^ i I s ilSB ll ^S i5s il s is s i i i & s MWCOCD t^coc5 SooS ?3^S oo^S OJMOO S?f^t2 cso oso ooo ooo -b-o t>-o' 'bo ! Pi SB Sod ooo : So ^d -So CDO jSo" i M So! II s2 Ir ! Sf If ; If if i If & ' ' ^Or- t^ O t^ O - CD O CD O o I" o : sod o*o||gg2J s^ Id Id ^22 Sd rtrt id {, : 1 THE \VEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION I i 1 1 = g = O-H t>.os IS i gsi li gs s 11- iS 5 II d : S d So" So So !od ^d SS o o o o |i i p- |S 8 IS 8 Si 8 |i 8 So Sd SSd -*d 3d So 3d 5 g SS SjfSS od eoo" 3* ! H '==; *Z-- 200 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 1 1 1 : SfeS S tooot 3 S; So - : : 863 d i-Or- t-< O - od o d ? i 5 S| 1= : So gd Sd 2 |Sd -d~ 1 Sd So s NiMI H <6 ?SS I? PACIFIC COAST WOODS 8 S E 3 S S5 do odo'dddd :': : i : IgSS | |s 1S IS |sS p2 : |< Soi^ |^ ^- o ^ o os co o QO cc ^ so ot^^ ^^co cooS co^i id^ : Id" Id : Id Sd Kd Id fed Id SSS ?2! SS : S 2Kt2 "383 SSS SS3! N-*-H-C?O 0510 -ego oo5 c-t^ op r~ cjc o> 50 500 00 o wo wo t^d wd -So So So So So Sd Sd i s i s I? 8 li Sd >o So " o MO Ko o o 11 s! SB 206 THK WKST COAST 1,1'MI !I :KMK.VS ASSOCIATION' Wfijl i i ai II- a -a : !! i - r** co CM 00)0 iB Nils 55 |S5 -^^ PACIFIC COAST WOODS 82 r g s o' d odd isa us - O 00 : So So" id" : So lo So So So So Ko -5oo ooo ; SBe Ko -t^o Ko So So So -So t^o ' So So 5d So So >2^ : ^^ oS: 90t^ ^:- "^'^ r^ => ^ o 5 5 o o g? THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 1 1 e d a i li: ||S ||g t-o r~o o o " i o o So So So S o o I4IK 11 J - PACIFIC COAST WOODS i 1 3 1 i 1 1 S d d d o" d : : : feSS j r-Or-' :::::: : : : g : - = - Mi; i i i i i i i i i i S 5S ss o - 5S! I |fr 5S : gg?2 SSg SS! 5CO-H O Tj ^H to Tf ^^ iC iO 5d : Sd od So -o^ S o Id Id 2dt- id " Id : Sd Sd id 209 THE WEST COAST LUMI'.KKMKX'S ASSOCIATION si II, s - | J| S I So So 1-1 RS ggs a S5d 3 g; oco : wo Rd So" ?iii M 2 | & K jlilallsSS SS=B e lijg 3 210 PACIFIC COAST WOODS s i o o ggo t-0.- o S3 ; jo So So So 2?o' So o to 11 2 i I- 3 I 211 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Q S. Jl &$ I if 1 i S5 sgs So Ps- ggs o o oi S i tt- S l PACIFIC COAST WOODS Ill |i fe p : |S5 S | S ' So o' oo od Sd jd Sd So' od Sd Sod QO d Sod ::: 2S SS^ SS 10 ' 5 SS 05 Mf^" ^oo 10 "* * So So ood wd old t^d So Kd So Sd wd ood Sd j So f2d Sd od Sd Sd So So t^d r^o ' DO So Sd cod usd od iod ltd d d ^ So Sd So >od So So So 2 2 5 i s i 213 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION' SI l\J 1*1 ill U50 X Oi GO *< c* OO5O OCO GOGO .owes, Oi O Oi O III* ^"icj'Jew !i 2 214 PACIFIC COAST WOODS SAFE TOTAL LOADS FOR BEAMS, LIMITED BY HORIZONTAL SHEAR ALSO SAFE VERTICAL SHEAR Table 21 has been computed to show the safe loads on beams determined by the resistance to horizontal shear. Shearing values varying from 100 to 225 pounds per square inch have been used and are computed for beams surfaced S1S1E or S4S. If desirable to find the corresponding values for full size beams (rough) mul- tiply loads in any horizontal line in the table by the factor given in bold face type in the column headed "Multiplying Factor." Example: To find the load on a 12"xl8" rough timber lim- ited by a horizontal shear of 100 pounds per square inch. The table shows such a load to be 26,830 pounds for a beam surfaced to standard size. Multiply 26,830 by 1.07, shown in bold face type in the column headed "Multiplying Factor," and the limiting load required for a full size timber is found to be 28,710 pounds. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR DOUGLAS FIR BEAMS DETERMINED BY RESISTANCE TO HORIZONTAL SHEAR Jbh Safe Load in pounds = W = , shown In light face type. 0.75 Also SAFE VERTICAL SHEAR IN POUNDS FOR DOUGLAS FIR BEAMS DETERMINED BY RESISTANCE TO HORIZONTAL SHEAR W Jbh Safe Vertical Shear In pounds = = V = , shown in Italics. 2 1.50 Values in this table are based on surfaced sizes. To get values for rough sizes, multiply factor for any given size by number in bold face type. TABLE 21 * See page 34 Size Total Safe Loads and Safe Vertical Shear in Pounds Limited by Horizontal Shear in Founds per Square Inch as Indicated Surfaced Multi- Rough S1S1E R.R. Highway Pro- orS4S Factor 120* 150* tected 100 Struet- 125 Struct- 175* 200 225 Struct- In. In. ures 2x 4 ijix y>A 1.36 785 942 981 1178 1374 1570 1766 393 471 491 589 687 785 883 2x 6 l/^x 554 1.31 1219 1463 1524 1828 2133 2438 2743 610 732 762 914 1067 1219 1372 2x 8 l!J4x 7V 1.31 1625 1950 2031 2438 2844 3250 3656 813 975 1016 1219 14S2 1625 1828 2x10 1/^x 9/4 1.30 2059 2470 2574 3083 3603 4118 4633 1030 1235 1287 1545 1802 2059 2317 2x12 l^xll 1 ^ 1.29 2491 2990 3114 3737 4359 4982 5605 1246 1495 1557 1869 2180 2491 2803 2x14 l^xlS 1 -^ 1.28 2925 3510 3656 4388 5119 5850 6581 1463 1755 1828 2194 2560 2925 3291 2x16 1^x15/4 1 27 3359 4030 4199 5039 5878 6718 7558 1680 2015 2100 2520 2939 3359 3779 2x18 15^xl7V^ 1 27 3791 4550 4739 5687 6634 7582 8530 1896 2275 2370 S844 S3 17 3791 4265 3x 6 2}4x 5}4 1.31 1834 2200 2293 2751 3210 3668 4127 917 1100 1147 1376 1605 1834 2064 3x 8 2/4x 7V4 1.28 2500 3000 3125 3750 4375 5000 5625 1250 1500 1563 1875 2188 2500 2813 3x10 2/4x 914 1.26 3168 3800 3960 4752 5544 6336 7128 75S4 1900 1980 2376 2772 3168 3564 3x12 2V4xll}4 1.25 3833 4600 4791 5750 6708 7666 8624 1917 2300 2396 2875 5354 3833 4312 3x14 214*13/4 1 25 4500 5400 5625 6750 7875 9000 10125 #250 2700 2813 3375 3938 4500 5063 3x16 2}4xl5V 1.24 5167 6200 6459 7751 9042 10334 11626 2584 3100 3230 3876 4521 5167 5813 3x18 234x1714 1.23 5835 7000 7294 8753 10211 11670 13129 29JS 3500 3647 4S77 5106 5835 6565 4x 4 3)4* 3M 1.31 1633 1960 2041 2450 2858 3266 3674 sir 980 1021 1225 1429 1633 1837 4x 6 3J4x 5/4 1.25 2567 3080 3209 3851 4492 5134 5776 1284 1540 1605 1926 2246 2567 2888 (Table 21 Continued on Next Page.) PACIFIC COAST WOODS TABLE 21 Continued. Size Total Safe Loads and Safe Vertical Shear in Pounds Limited by Surfaced Multi- o tai onear in .rounds per square incn as indicated Rough S1S1E orS4S plying Factor R. R. 120* Highway 150* Pro- tected 100 Struct- 125 Struct- 175* 200 225 In. In. ures 4x 8 3^x IVi 1 22 3500 4200 4375 5250 6125 7000 7875 1750 2100 2188 2625 3063 3500 3938 4x10 3^x 9>i 1 20 4432 5320 5540 6648 7756 8864 9972 23 ie 2660 2770 3324 3878 4432 4986 4x12 3^xll>4 1.19 5368 6440 6710 8052 9394 10736 12078 2684 3220 3355 4026 4697 5368 6039 4x14 3^x13^ 1.19 6300 7560 7875 9450 11025 12600 14175 3/50 3780 3938 4725 5513 6300 7088 4x16 3>4xl5}i 1.18 7234 8680 9043 10851 12660 14468 16277 3617 4340 4522 5426 6330 7234 8139 4x18 3J^17^ 1.18 8165 9800 10206 12248 14289 16330 18371 4083 4900 5103 6124 7/4-5 8166 9186 6x 6 5^x 5*A 1.19 4067 4880 5084 6101 7117 8134 9151 2034 2440 2542 3051 3559 4067 4576 6x 8 5^x 7 1 A 1 16 5500 6600 6875 8250 9625 11000 12375 2760 3300 3438 4/25 4813 5500 6188 6x10 5^x m 1.15 6965 8360 8706 10448 12189 13930 15671 3483 4180 4353 5224 6095 6965 7836 6x12 SM*U 1 A 1.14 8435 10120 10544 12653 14761 16870 18979 4218 5060 5272 6327 7381 8436 9490 6x14 VAxWA 1.13 9900 11880 12375 14850 17325 19800 22275 4950 5940 6188 7425 8663 9900 11138 6x16 5^x15^ 1.13 11366 13650 14208 17049 19891 22732 25574 5683 6825 7104 8525 9946 11366 12787 6x18 5H*17^ 1.12 12835 15400 16044 19253 22461 25670 28879 6418 7800 8022 9627 11231 12836 14440 6x20 5J4xl9H 1.12 14300 17160 17875 21450 25025 28600 32175 7160 8580 8938 10725 12513 14300 16088 8x 8 7^ 7M 1.14 7500 9000 9375 11250 13125 15000 16875 3750 4500 4688 6625 6563 7500 8438 8x10 7>ix9M 1.12 9500 11400 11875 14250 16625 19000 21375 4750 5700 6938 7125 8313 9500 10688 8x12 7 l A*wA 1.11 11500 13800 14375 17250 20125 23000 25875 5750 6900 7188 8625 10063 11600 12938 8x14 iy*wA 1.11 13500 16200 16875 20250 23625 27000 30375 6750 8100 8438 10125 11813 13500 15188 8x16 ty&wA 1.10 15500 18600 19375 23250 27125 31000 34875 7750 9300 9688 11625 13563 15500 17438 8x18 7 1 A*WA 1.10 17500 21000 21875 26250 30625 35000 39375 S750 10500 10938 13125 15313 17500 19688 8x20 7Kxl9J 1.09 19500 23400 24375 29250 34125 39000 43875 9750 11700 12188 14625 17063 19500 21938 10x10 9Mx9^i 1.11 12037 14450 15046 18056 21065 24074 27083 6019 7225 7523 9028 10533 12037 13542 10x12 VAzlVA 1.10 14568 17490 18210 21852 25494 29136 32778 7284 S745 9105 10926 12747 14568 16389 10x14 9 1 A*WA 1 09 17100 20520 21375 25650 29925 34200 38475 8550 10260 10688 12825 14963 17100 19238 10x16 9Hxl5H 1 09 19640 23570 24550 29460 34370 39280 44190 9820 11785 12275 14730 17185 19640 22095 10x18 9^x17^ 1.08 22170 26600 27713 33255 38798 44340 49883 11085 13300 13857 16628 19399 22/70 24942 10x20 9^x19^ V.08 24700 29640 30875 37050 43225 49400 55575 72350 14820 15438 18625 21613 24700 27788 (Table 21 Concluded on Next Page.) i ' ' 217 THE WEST COAST I,ITMUKUMKX\S ASSOCIATION' TABLE 21 Continued. Size Total Safe Loads and Safe Vertical Sheir in Pounds Limited by Surfaced Multi- P M Rough S1S1E R. R. Highway Pro- orS4S Factor 120* 150* tected 100 Struct- 125 Struct- 175* 200 225 Struct- In. In. ures 12x12 ll^xllH 1.09 17640 21160 22050 26460 30870 35280 39690 x233/2 1 05 61080 73300 76350 91620 106890 122160 137430 30540 36650 38175 45810 53445 61080 68715 20x26 193^x25} 2 1.05 66270 79550 82838 99405 115973 132540 149108 33735 39775 47479 49703 57987 66270 74554 20x28 19>ix27J^ 1.04 71460 85750 89325 107190 125055 142920 160785 35730 42875 53595 62528 71460 80393 '20x30 19Kx29K 1.04 76680 92000 95850 115020 134190 153360 172530 3*340 46000 4795 57570 61095 76680 86265 . PACIFIC COAST WOODS MAXIMUM SPANS AND MAXIMUM DEFLECTIONS FOR MILL AND LAMINATED FLOORS Tables 22 and 23 show the maximum spans for both mill and laminated floors limited by safe fiber stresses varying from 1,200 to 1,800 pounds per square inch, and by floor loads varying from 50 to 1,000 pounds per square foot. The maximum deflections in inches are also given for each span length shown. The dimen- sions of flooring given are standard as manufactured by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. The weight of the floor has been added to the live load in computing the spans and de- flections. A value of 1,643,000 pounds per square inch for the modulus of elasticity was used in computing deflections in mill and laminated floors. 219 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION gs 2 X2 *B, 111 ft 'if S i ilii- i 22 i i 41 1=1 St-So?S ^2fc2t-Si,g SSp(Sc=--gkc. 1 SoSf,St.SjBS x^S-s^- S*3o5 { .3ri fe 8 fe 5si a ,ara^s isil ililllllll 220 PACIFIC COAST WOODS *!! ilaa fed 282 THE WEST COAST LUMBKKM KX'S ASSOCIATION 1= g : >**k J*2*= l-H-1 H u X S : t -A = S=-7 ggjgggggggg sI33ssSsss 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 PACIFIC COAST WOODS : : ^SS?noS-SoSS= ; ;g = =--Sc--i^;g< f - K |^| l '|-fe5 " ^ - r - >'r--rt-r^2>^ ^r^F^S^S SSKo SSSSS '-/ = ^ r S ^ r"C ^ t - S 2 ^ J? S ill Is 1! THIC \VKST COAST Ll r MKKII.M K.VS ASSOCIATION ii Hi ill 11! Ill sill ?' '- ; i f ^- !cc l iiiil H i^ ic !C ac ss ^ t^c:^-r l?S5ls ~^g 2g -*?, Hir.SS 2i PACIFIC COAST WOODS SAFK LOADS OX COU'MNS In computing safe loads on columns two standard formulae have been used, one a straight line formula adopted by the American Railway Engineering Association, and the other a curved line formula established by the U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Division of Forestry*. In both formulae safe fiber stresses in end compression have been used varying from 1,000 to 1,600 pounds per square inch. * Now r. S. Dept. of Agrlcult ire, Forest Service. 53 30 as 5 Ea 3 13 10 3 3 Diai \ \ \ V \\ \.\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,\ S ^ Is \ 3 \ > ^ \ v\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i \ Y \ \ \ V \ v S v S i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V v > . v X \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ i S \ N ^ \ V \ _ 1 \ \ V \ V \ S s \ S \ \ x \ x \ \ i, \ V \ \ \ N V k \ \ \ i \ \ \ \ 3 V S, i \ \ \ \ \ V \ v N 'li; ! \ V m V \ \ \ iiiii Li \ \ \ \ A \ \ \ V \ \ A 5 s \ of m A r- \ S \ -.-t- a \ '"! ' \ V S \ \ J V _^_ 1 | \ \ i \ \ ! \ \ \ \ X> MM 500 000 700 BOO 800 IOOO I'OO I20C 1 5OO 100 ISOO I6OO WORK NO STRESS- LBS. ptR so. IN gram 14. Graphic presentation of column formu a adopted by the American Railway E igineering Association for safe fiber stresses of 1,000 to 1,600 pounds per square inch. See' table 25 for explanation of formula. 229 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 33 X 25 i 15 10 3 91 Dia We l- \ 1 fr \ V \ \ \ \ \ 5 A A \ \ N \ V J__ V S s ; v \ \ \ V \ \ V j ! \ \ \ ( A KT ; \ \ \ s \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ | ; \ \ \ ( A/ ~\r iK |t \ \ v \ \ N \ \ V \ v \ \\l . \, \ A v \ v s A V s. \ \ \ \ V \ \ : \i v ^ \ \ \ N x \. V x \i " \ 'V \ 5 1 V \ \ N \ \ 3 \ ^ \ A v, ""> V \ A \ \ Y v^ -V :A "v Y \ \ \ \ i\ 1 ;\ \ \ ^ V = ': \ V \ V \ V \ , A \ \ "\ \i \ \ \ v \ s 1 A ,,, , s \ i -^ XJ 400 300 600 700 800 BOO IOOO 1100 IZOO I3OO MOO ISOO IflOO WORKING STRESS -LB 5 PER so IN. gram 15. Graphic presentation of column formula established by U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forestry Division (now U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service), for safe fiber stresses of 1,000 to 1,600 pounds per square inch. See table 26 for explana- tion of formula. FORMULA ADOPTED BY THE AMERICAN RAILWAY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION rking unit stress = C (1 Z/60d) in pounds per square inch. = Safe fiber stress in end compression, in pounds per square inch. = Length of column, in inches. = Least diameter or dimension of column, in inches. PACIFIC COAST WOODS FORMULA ESTABLISHED BY THE U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL- TURE, FORESTRY DIVISION* (700+lSc) Working Unit Stress = C (700+15c+c 2 ) C = Safe fiber stress in end compression, in pounds per square inch. I = Length of column, in inches. d = Least diameter or dimension of column, in inches, c = Z/d. Diagrams 14 and 15 have been prepared and may be used for determining the working unit stresses for columns. The working unit stresses given in tables 25 and 26 have been taken directly from the diagrams and show in tabular form the cor- responding safe fiber stresses for values of l/d varying from 15 to 32. In the preparation of tables 27 and 28, the diagrams have been used only for computing the total safe loads on columns in which the ratio of length to smallest dimension is 15 or greater. In figuring the safe loads on columns in which Z/d is less than 15 the working unit stresses in end compression shown at the top of tables have been used. The tables show safe bearing loads for columns 6"x6" to 26"x26" in cross section, surfaced S1S1E or S4S. The area of the actual cross section is shown in square inches, together with the length of the column and the ratio Z/d. Multiplying factors are also shown in bold face in these tables, and may be used in con- verting the various values shown, to similar values, for full size (rough) columns. The figures in the column headed "Mul- tiplying Factor" apply to the loads shown in the same horizontal line. For example, the table based on the U. S. Department of Agriculture formula shows that by using a working unit stress of 1,600 pounds per square inch a 14"xl4" column 18 feet long, sur- faced to ISV^'xlS^", will support a load of 228,910 pounds. This same column in the rough size would support a load equal to 228,910x1.09 or 249,510 pounds. * Now the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. 231 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION WORKING UNIT STRESSES IX POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH FOR SQUARE END DOUGLAS FIR COLUMNS, SYMMETRICALLY LOADED Based on the formula adopted by the American Railway Engineer- ing Association. Working Unit Stress = C (1 //60d). C = Safe fiber stress In end compression, In pounds per square Inch. ; = length of column, in inches/ (1 = least side or diameter, in inches. When / d is less than 15. use "C." TABLE 25 Working Unit Stresses in Pounds per Sq. In. for Values of "C" as indicated I/A 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 15 ... 749 824 900 974 1049 1125 1200 16 732 806 879 952 1025 1100 1182 17 716 787 860 930 1002 1075 1145 18 700 769 840 909 979 1050 1119 19 683 750 819 887 955 1025 1092 20 ... 666 732 800 866 932 1000 1065 21 649 714 779 843 909 975 1039 22 632 696 760 822 885 950 1012 23 ... 616 677 739 801 862 925 985 24 600 659 720 779 839 900 959 25. .. 582 640 699 757 815 875 932 26 566 622 680 735 792 850 906 27. . 549 604 659 714 769 825 879 28... 533 585 639 692 746 800 852 29 516 567 620 670 722 775 825 30 . 500 548 599 649 699 750 799 31 483 530 580 627 675 725 772 32 466 512 559 606 651 700 745 PACIFIC COAST WOODS WORKING UNIT STRESSES IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH FOR SQUARE END DOUGLAS FIR COLUMNS, SYMMETRICALLY LOADED Based on formula established by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Forestry Division * (700 + 15c) (700 + 15c + c 2 ) . C = Safe fiber stress in end compression, in pounds per si uare inch. I = length of column, in inches. d = least side or diameter, in inches. When I/A is less than 15. use "C." TABLE 26 Working Unit Stressej in Pounds per Sq. In. for Values of "C" as ndicated I/A 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 15.... 804 884 965 1046 1127 1206 1284 16 785 864 943 1022 1100 1179 1255 17 767 844 921 998 1075 1150 1226 18 749 823 899 974 1050 1124 1199 19 730 805 878 950 1025 1097 1170 20.... 712 786 857 928 1000 1071 1143 21 695 768 837 905 975 1046 1117 22 679 750 817 951 1020 1090 23 663 731 796 861 929 996 1063 24 647 714 778 841 906 971 1039 .25.... 631 697 759 821 884 949 1013 26 617 681 741 802 864 927 989 27 601 664 724 784 844 965 28 587 648 707 766 824 883 942 29 573 632 690 748 805 862 920 30. . . . 559 617 674 730 787 841 899 31 547 601 659 713 768 821 878 32 534 587 643 696 750 801 856 Now IT. S. L>ept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. 233 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION ft C s ! MS s >.l in Si ill .fl* 1 5l I! 5 - S r"7 a I"; II S *J ^ l ;i * S 5 H 2S8&8 2222S SSSSSgg c * 2 ;_' 2 ^22222 2 2 S 2 2 ?, 82 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 3 8 SS 33 I S~iS2B Ilii II gg 88 I'! | g32SS 3322-Sg 33gg SSSS 3 ??? 3% %Z If II || If 88 g SSs2 Si I sSSS SSSo ss ||^1 If SSSSS2 && SSfefe SS SS SS SS SS5SS 2 2 s 2 a 236 THE WJOST COAST I, I'M BKKMK.VS ASSOCIATION 2 I o > 8 S ?l^il i' s ^ 1 1 Hi * i a- " :^ SM I u i H gi 21 i I l*s 3 f JiJi f-i 1 I !+| s| S II ^ o- il S85S5S8 8335E SSSSi 2SSSS SStSSS SJSS^'^g S22E:8IJS -' PACIFIC COAST WOODS -SSSSIB l||g II gg il II _ 1111 II Ilil si Is HB li ls II II is SSSSSg S3S2S; 8S2S gg gg gg gg rJ522 ggii II si II II SSSSS SS S SS SS SS SS SS r r r I 237 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION JOIST CONSTRUCTION Table 29 shows the lineal feet of joists per square foot of floor space required for joists spaced 12" to 24" on centers. This table also gives the number of board feet of joists and the weight in pounds per square foot of floor space for the various spacings of joists. JOIST CONSTRUCTION Lineal feet, board feet and weight per square foot of floor surface for various sizes and spacings of Douglas fir joists. TABLE 29 SH Distance on Centers Per Square Foot of Floor Surface Rough Surfaced S1S1E or 848 Number of Weight (Air-dry ma- terial at 34 Ib8.per cu. ft.) In. In. In. Lineal Feet Board Feet Lbs. 2x 4 2x 4 2x4 || 12 16 20 3/4 3/5 1.00 .75 .60 2/3 1/2 2/5 .67 .50 .40 1.391 1.043 .8346 " 2x6 2x 6 2x 6 11 12 16 20 1 3/4 3/5 1.00 .75 .60 1 3/4 3/5 1.00 .75 .60 2.159 1.619 1.295 2x 8 2x 8 2x 8 2x 8 5 /&7^ Jix 7}^ 12 16 20 24 1 3/4 1.00 .75 .60 .50 1-1/3 4/5 2/3 1.33 1.00 .80 .67 2.879 2.159 1.727 1.440 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 Y&. 9 1 A 12 16 18 20 24 1 tt 8 1.00 .75 .667 .60 .50 1-2/3 1-1/4 ,-v. 5/6 1.67 1.25 1.11 1.00 .83 3.644 2.733 2.441 2.186 1.822 2x12 2x12 5 A*11 1 A JfrllH 12 16 3/4 1.00 .75 2 1-1/2 2.00 1.50 4.412 3.309 2x14 2x14 2x14 2ixl3^ V&MVi H*13>i 12 14 16 6/7 3/4 1.00 .857 .75 r ,/3 1-3/4 2.33 2.00 1.75 5.180 4.439 3.885 2x16 2x16 2x16 y&teyi 5 A*i5y 2 12 14 16 6/7 3/4 1.00 .857 .75 2-2/3 2-2/7 2.67 2.29 2.00 5.947 5.097 4.460 3x12 3x12 2^x11^ 2^x11^ 12 16 1 3/4 1.00 .75 3 2-1/4 3.00 2.25 6.788 5.091 3x14 3x14 3x14 2Hxl3^ 2J^xl3H 2^xl3J^ 12 14 16 1 6/7 3/4 1.00 .857 .75 r i/2 2-5/8 3.50 3.00 2.63 7.967 6.828 5.975 3x16 3x16 3x16 2^x15^ 2Vxl5H 2Kxl5H 12 14 16 1 6/7 3/4 1.00 .857 .75 4 3-3/7 4.00 3.43 3.00 9.144 7.836 6.858 4x16 4x16 4x16 3H*15J3 3Jixl5^ 3Uxl5'.; 12 14 16 1 1.00 6/7 .857 3/4 .75 5-1/3 t* 5.33 4.57 4.00 12.80 10.97 9.600 PACIFIC COAST WOODS BOARD MEASURE AND WEIGHT PER LINEAL FOOT FOR VARIOUS SIZES Table 30 shows the board feet per lineal foot for various sizes based on dimensions of rough timbers. This table also shows the weight per lineal foot for rough and surfaced lumber, both green and air-seasoned. BOARD MEASURE AND WEIGHT PER LINEAL FOOT FOR DOUGLAS FIR Green weight based oti :!2 per cent moisture 38 pounds per cubic foot. Air-seasoned weight based on 18 per cent moisture 34 pounds per cubic foot. Oven-dry weight 29 pounds per cubic foot. TABLE 30 Size Weight per Lineal Foot Per Lineal Rough Surfaced S1S1E or S4S Surfaced Fcot Rough S1S1E orS4S Green Air Seasoned Green Air Seasoned In. In. Board Feet Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 2x 4 \Yt,\ 3% H 2.111 1.890 1.554 1.391 2x 6 l/-gx 5% 1 3.168 2.832 2.411 2.159 2x 8 IJfe 7M 1M 4.220 3.777 3.216 2.879 2x10 1% 5.280 4.723 4.073 3.644 2x12 l^xll^j 2 6.335 5.665 4.931 4.412 2x14 ! 5 /xl3V2 7.390 6.612 5.788 5.180 2x16 15-6x15.1/2 2% 8.440 7.553 6.648 5.947 2x18 3 9.500 8.500 7.505 6.718 2x20 15-8Xl9> 2 3^ 10.510 9.443 8.360 7.480 3x 6 2Hx 5^2 1J-2 4.750 4.250 3.630 3.248 3x 8 2J/2X 7 1 A 2 6.335 5.665 4.947 4.427 3x10 7.918 7.085 6.270 5.608 3x12 2V^xlll4 3 2 9.500 8.500 7.590 6.788 3x14 2^xl3/- 3/-^ 11.080 9.915 8.909 7.967 3x16 23-2xl5 1 -^ 4 12.660 11.320 10.220 9.144 3x18 2^xl7^i 14.250 12.750 11.540 10.330 3x20 2^x19^ 5' 2 15.820 14.160 12.860 11.510 4x 4 3Jix3H 1H 4.220 3.777 3.231 2.890 4x 6 3J^x 5J/2 2 6.335 5.665 5.080 4.545 4x 8 3 1 A* 1 1 A 8.440 7.553 6.928 6.200 4x10 3/^x 9^2 31^ 10.540 9.450 8.775 7.850 4x12 31^x11^ 4 12.660 11.320 10.620 9.507 4x14 3^x133^ 4M 14.790 13.220 12.460 11.160 4x16 3?^xl5V^ 16.890 15.110 14.310 12.800 4x18 33^x17^ 6 19.000 17.000 16.160 14.460 4x20 3K2X19J/2 6% 21.120 18.900 18.010 16.110 (Table 30 Concluded on Next Page.) THE WKST COAST LfMI'.KU.M KX'S ASSOCIATION TABLE 30 Continued. Size Weight per Lineal Foot Pa- Lineal Rough Surfaced S1S1E or S4S Surfaced Fo:t Re ugh S1S1E orS4S Green Air Seasoned Green Air Seasoned In. In. Board Feet Lbe. Lbe. Lbs. Lbs. fix 6 54X 54 3 9.50 8.50 7.98 7 142 6x 8 54x 74 4 12 66 11 32 10.88 9.74 6x10 6x12 54* 94 54*114 5 6 15.82 19 00 14.16 17.00 13 79 16 69 12 34 14.93 6x14 6x16 6x18 6x20 54x134 54x154 54*174 54*194 7 8 9 10 22.16 25.34 28.50 31.67 19.82 22.67 25.50 28.32 19.60 22 50 25 40 28.30 17.54 20 12 22.72 25 32 8x 8 8x10 74* 74 74* 94 gf 16.89 21 12 15 11 18 90 14.85 18.80 13.28 16 82 8x12 74x114 8 25.34 22 67 22.75 20 36 8x14 74*134 4 29 56 26 44 26.72 23.91 8x16 74x154 10% 33 79 30 22 30.68 27 44 8x18 74*174 12 38.00 34 00 34 63 31 00 8x20 74*194 134 42 20 37.77 38.58 34 50 10x10 94* 94 84' 26.40 23.60 23.81 21.31 10x12 94x114 10 31.67 28 32 28.83 25.80 10x14 94x134 11^ 36.99 33.02 33.85 30,29 10x16 94x154 134 42.20 37.77 38.88 34 79 10x18 94x174 15 47.50 42.50 43.89 39.27 10x20 94*194 MK 52 80 47 22 48.90 43.75 12x12 114x114 12 38.00 34 00 34.90 31 21 12x14 12x16 114x134 114x154 14 16 44.33 50.67 39 66 45.33 40.97 47.03 36 65 42 10 12x18 114*174 18 57.00 51 00 53.10 47.50 12x20 114x194 20 63 33 56.63 59.19 52 95 14x14 14x16 14x18 134x134 134*154 134*174 P 51 76 59.13 66.50 46 30 52.90 59.50 48.10 55 20 62.33 43 03 49 40 55 78 14x20 134x194 234 73.87 66.10 69.45 62 17 16x16 16x18 154*154 154*174 214 24 67.57 76.00 60.46 68.00 63 40 71 58 56.71 64.02 16x20 15!/2xl9^ 264 84.40 ' To :.n 79.80 71 40 16x22 15^x21^ 294 92 90 83.18 87.90 78.67 16x24 15Hx23Ji 32 101 30 90.60 96 10 86.00 18x18 1 174x174 27 85.50 76.50 80.80 72.30 18x20 1 17! 2 xl9'. 2 30 95.00 85.00 90.05 8060 18x22 17^x21J/2 33 104.50 93.50 99.26 88.82 18x24 17^x23^2 36 114.00 102 00 108 55 97 10 20x20 19^x195-2 334 105.50 94.40 100.37 89.75 20x22 WAxZIM 116 10 103 90 110.60 99.00 20x24 19Hx23'i 40 126 70 113 40 120.92 108.20 22x22 22x24 21iix2m 214x23.4 8" 127.80 139 40 114 20 124.70 122.00 133.40 109.15 119 30 24x24 234x234 48 152.00 136 00 145.75 130.45 26x26 25,4x25)2 564 \ 178.40 159 60 171.50 153.50 240 PACIFIC COAST WOODS r-, 6C i c S3 .2 9 S C "CD \P5 VNP5 ^ aalsss ss sssssss x v fON N\ g Isisss ** ,e cc O ssssssgls -sss5Si ssgg^l'ssi' E 1 5 1 s ^.i^SSSSSH ^^SSSSSi ^^^333333 H THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION ** 9 I 32Sii lisllil *si : ^g^ = S = 7l^= = = g s!Ha ^rl 1111 2l2^i .= 11 > iV^* ^H^4* ' N 4 B s * V^f ^ ^I^IEB ^llHsl 242 PACIFIC COAST WOODS ?:R s SR ass ass !g HIS g| sBooiois Soo s^ ~^ SSSSS SS^l S?S g?3 5 : iOCOt*OOC t^OOOSO OSO^H <-t CS CO C 12 I I II iggg 111 II S I i ilsi Hi ONM \W NW N^OXM SM\M gIS iil is g THE WKST COAST LUMBKRMEN S ASSOCIATION' MILL BUILDINGS In recent years marked improvements have been made in the construction of mill buildings. These improvements have been of such a nature as to reduce maintenance cost, fire risk, and insurance rates, and to insure a longer life for the struc- ture. This discussion will be confined largely to that type of building known as the timber-brick mill building. There are a number of significant details which should be considered in the design of every modern mill building. The addition of these details is inexpensive, and the accruing bene- fits far outweigh the added cost. Some of the most significant features which should receive consideration in the design of the highest class of mill building, are as follows: 1. All exterior windows should be fitted with wired glass in metal frames; 2. As many subdivisions in the building as are practicable should be provided, both horizontally and vertically. 3. Protect timber details where necessary with a brush ap- plication of coal-tar creosote, or other suitable preservative; 4. Install an automatic sprinkler system as a fire protection; 5. Use only large timber joists, girders and posts; 6. Use wide spacing of joists, and thick tongued and grooved or laminated floors; 7. Laminated floor timbers should be thoroughly kiln dried before being placed in the building to prevent dry rot; 8. Provide stairway and elevator enclosures. The cost, durability, and insurance rates on a building and j contents are factors which concern the builder who must finance the building. He will naturally endeavor to get a building low in first cost, and also low in insurance and maintenance cost*. In. other words, he will or should strive to get the greatest pos- sible returns for each dollar spent. The following discussion bears on the above factors, and presents information which is of vital interest to the builder. DURABILITY The durability of a mill building may be greatly increased by a few simple operations. The decay of wood, which is hastened by the presence of damp air and poor ventilation, starts most readily on the end grain of timbers such as girders and columns. I'MO COAST WOODS 245 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION 246 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 247 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION These data have been taken from an article by Charles T. Main, M. Am. Soc. M. E., published in Engineering News, Janu- ary 27, 1910. The diagrams are based upon the following unit values given by Mr. Main for the various materials used: "The cost of brick walls is based on 22 bricks per cubic foot, costing $18 per thousand, laid. Openings are estimated at 40 cents per sq. ft., including windows, doors and sills. "Ordinary mill floors, including timbers, planking and top floor with Southern pine timber at $40 per M ft. B. M. and spruce planking at $30 per M., costs about 32 cents per sq. ft, which has been used as a unit price. Ordinary mill roofs covered with tar and gravel, with lumber at the above prices, cost about 25 cents per sq. ft. and this has been used in the estimates. Add for stair- ways, elevator wells, plumbing, partitions and special work." The diagrams are to be used when all conditions are normal. There are many different conditions encountered in practice which influence the cost of buildings. The following special cases are mentioned in Mr. Main's discussion, which cover vari- ous conditions and classes of buildings. "(a) If the soil is poor or the conditions of the site are such, as to require more than the ordinary amount of founda- tions, the cost will be increased. "(b) If the end or a side of the 'building is formed by an- other building, the cost of one or the other will be reduced slightly. "(c) If the building is to be used for ordinary storage pur- poses with low stories and no top floors, the cost will be de- creased from about 10% for large low buildings, to 25% for small high ones, about 20% usually being a fair allowance. "(d) If the buildings are to be used for manufacturing purposes and are to be substantially built of wood, the cost will be decreased from about 6% for large one-story buildings, to 35% for small high buildings; 15% would usually be a fair allowance. "(e) if the buildings are to be used for storage with low stories and built substantially of wood, the cost will be de- creased from 13% for large one-story buildings, to 50% for small high buildings; 30% would usually be a fair allowance. "(f) If the total floor loads are more than 75 Ibs. per sq. ft. the cost is increased. PACIFIC COAST WOODS "(g) For office buildings, the cost must be increased to cover architectural features on the outside and interior finish." Mr. Main makes the following significant deductions from the diagrams: "(1) An examination of the diagrams shows immediately the decrease in cost as the width is increased. This is due to the fact that the cost of the walls and outside foundations, which is an important item of cost, relative to the total cost, is de- creased as the width increases. "For example, supposing a three-story building is desired with 30,000 sq. ft. on each floor: "If the building were 600 ft. x 50 ft., its cost would be about 99 cents per sq. ft. "If the building were 400 ft. by 75 ft, its cost would be about 87 cents per sq. ft. "If the building were 300 ft x 100 ft, its cost would be about 83 cents per sq. ft. "If the building were 240 ft. x 125 ft, its cost would be about 80 cents per sq. ft. "(2) The diagrams show that the minimum cost per square foot is reached with a four-story building. A three-story build- ing costs a trifle more than a four-story. A one story building is the most expensive. This is due to the combination of several features: (a) The cost of ordinary foundations does not increase in proportion to the number of stories, and therefore their cost is less per square foot as the number of stories is increased, at least up to the limit of the diagram, (b) The roof is the same for a one-story building as for one of any other number of stories, and therefore its cost relative to the total cost grows less as the number of stories increases, (c) The cost of columns, including the supporting piers and castings, does not vary much per story as the stories are added, (d) As the number of stories increases, the cost of the walls, owing to increased thickness, increases in a greater ratio than the number of stories, and this item is the one which in the four story-building offsets the saving in foun- dations and roof. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Tables 32 and 33 show the unit values used in computing the diagrams: DATA FOR ESTIMATING COST OF BUILDINGS TABLE 32 Foundations Brick Walls Columns Height Including Excavations Cost per Lin. Ft. Cost per Sq. Ft. of Surface including Piers and Casting) For Outside For Inside Outside Inside Cost of Walls Walls Walls Walls One One-Story Building ... Two-Story Building $2.00 2.90 $1.75 2.25 $0.40 .44 $040 .40 $15.00 15.00 Three-Story Building 3.80 2.80 .47 .40 15 00 Four-Story Building Five-Story Building 4.70 5.60 3.40 3.90 .50 .53 .43 .45 15.00 15.00 Six-Story Building 6.50 4.50 .57 .47 15.00 DATA FOR APPROXIMATING COST OF MILL BUILDINGS OK . . KNOWN SIZE BUT WITHOUT DEFINITE PLANS MADE TABLE 33 Height of Building Foundations Including Excavation Cost per Lin. Ft. Brick Walls Including Doors and Windows. Cost per Sq. Ft. of Surface For Outside For Inside Outside Inside Walls Walls Walls Walls One Story. $2.00 $1.75 $0.40 $0.40 Two Stories 2.90 2.25 .44 .40 . Three Stories 3 80 2 80 .47 .40 Four Stories 4.70 3.40 .50 .43 Five Stories 5.60 3.90 .53 .45 Six Stories 6.50 4 50 .57 .47 Mr. Main gives the following general information which is useful in making estimates: "From grounc to first floor, 3 ft.. Buildings 25 ft. wide, stories 13 ft. high. Buildings 50 ft. wide, stories 14 ft. high. Buildings 75 ft. wide, stories 15 ft. high. Buildings 100 ft. wide, stories 16 ft. high. Buildings 125 ft. wide, stories 16 ft. high. "Floors, 32 cents per sq. ft. of gross floor space not including columns. If columns are included, 38 cents. PACIFIC COAST WOODS "Roof, 25 cents per sq. ft., not including columns. If columns are included, 30 cents. Roof to project 18 inches all around buildings. "Stairways, including partitions, $100 each flight. Allow two stairways, and one elevator tower for buildings up to 150 ft. long. Allow two stairways and two elevator towers for build- ings up to 300 ft. long. In buildings over two stories, allow three stairways and three elevator towers for buildings over 300 ft. long. "In buildings over two stories, plumbing $75 for each fixture, including piping and partitions. Allow two fixtures on each floor up to 5,000 sq. ft. of floor space and add one fixture for each addi- tional 5.000 sq. ft. of floor or fraction thereof." INSURANCE RATES Mill buildings of modern design are subject to low insurance rates. This fact is oftentimes lost sight of, due to confusing the good types of mill construction with poor ones. Of course, the in- surance rate on poorly designed mill buildings is considerably higher than that on the fire-resisting type of construction. The following quotation is taken from an address by Chester J. Hogue, M. Am. Soc. C. E., given at a Lumbermen's Dinner in Portland, Oregon, October 15, 1915: "Now the best comparison of safe types of fire-resisting con- struction can perhaps be shown by comparative insurance rates by the judgment of men whose business it is to study this ques- tion. We have in Portland secured comparative insurance rates on a specific case, assuming a furniture store occupancy, and the rate on the wood construction building was 47 cents and on the fire proof building 35 cents, and with sprinklers, the comparison was 28 cents on the mill construction as against 21 cents on the fire proof, these rates being on the building, not the contents. The rate for the mill construction building, sprinklered, 28 cents, was less than the 35 cents on the unprinklered fire proof building. "I also had rates from the Chicago Board of Fire Under- writers, assuming a machine shop occupancy. The rate on a building not sprinklered, of mill construction, was $1.11 as against 24 cents for fire, proof construction; and sprinklered, 15 cents for mill construction as against 14 cents for fire proof material. The THE WEST COAST LUMBKKMKXS ASSOCIATION Tables 32 and 33 show the unit values used in computing the diagrams: DATA FOR ESTIMATING COST OF BUILDINGS TABLE 32 Height Foundations Including Excavations Cost per Lin. Ft. Brick Walls Cost per Sq. Ft of Surface Columns HSS Castings For Outside Walls For Inside Walb Outside Walk Inside Walls Cost of One One-Story Building.... Two-Story Building Three-Story Building Four-Storv Building Five-Story Building Six-Story Building $2 00 2.90 3 80 4.70 5.60 6.50 $1 75 2 25 2.80 3 40 3.90 4.50 $0.40 ,44 .47 .50 .53 .57 $0 40 .40 .40 43 .45 .47 $15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 DATA FOR APPROXIMATING COST OF MILL BUILDINGS OF . . KNOWN SIZE BUT WITHOUT DEFINITE TABLE 33 PLANS MADE Height of Building Foundations Including Excavation Cost per Lin. Ft. Brick Walls Including Doors and Windows. Cost per Sq. Ft. of Surface For Outside Walls For Inside Walls Outside Walb Inside Walk One Story Two Stories. . . Three Stories Four Stories $2 00 2.90 3.80 4.70 5.60 6.50 $1 75 2.25 2 80 3.40 3.90 4 50 $0.40 .44 .47 .50 .53 .57 !B .43 .45 .47 Five Stories Six Stories Mr. Main gives the following general information which is useful in making estimates: "From ground to first floor, 3 ft.. Buildings 25 ft. wide, stories 13 ft. high. Buildings 50 ft. wide, stories 14 ft. high. Buildings 75 ft. wide, stories 15 ft. high. Buildings 100 ft. wide, stories 16 ft. high. Buildings 125 ft. wide, stories 16 ft. high. "Floors, 32 cents per sq. ft. of gr :>ss floor space not including columns. If columns are included, 3 8 cents. 252 PACIFIC COAST WOODS "Roof, 25 cents per sq. ft., not including columns. If columns are included, 30 cents. Roof to project 18 inches all around buildings. "Stairways, including partitions, $100 each flight. Allow two stairways, and one elevator tower for buildings up to 150 ft. long. Allow two stairways and two elevator towers for build- ings up to 300 ft. long. In buildings over two stories, allow three stairways and three elevator towers for buildings over 300 ft. long. "In buildings over two stories, plumbing $75 for each fixture, including piping and partitions. Allow two fixtures on each floor up to 5,000 sq. ft. of floor space and add one fixture for each addi- tional 5.000 sq. ft. of floor or fraction thereof." INSURANCE RATES Mill buildings of modern design are subject to low insurance rates. This fact is oftentimes lost sight of, due to confusing the good types of mill construction with poor ones. Of course, the in- surance rate on poorly designed mill buildings is considerably higher than that on the fire-resisting type of construction. The following quotation is taken from an address by Chester J. Hogue, M. Am. Soc. C. E., given at a Lumbermen's Dinner in Portland, Oregon, October 15, 1915: "Now the best comparison of safe types of fire-resisting con- struction can perhaps be shown by comparative insurance rates by the judgment of men whose business it is to study this ques- tion. We have in Portland secured comparative insurance rates on a specific case, assuming a furniture store occupancy, and the rate on the wood construction building was 47 cents and on the fire proof building 35 cents, and with sprinklers, the comparison was 28 cents on the mill construction as against 21 cents on the fire proof, these rates being on the building, not the contents. The rate for the mill construction building, sprinklered, 28 cents, was less than the 35 cents on the unprinklered fire proof building. "I also had rates from the Chicago Board of Fire Under- writers, assuming a machine shop occupancy. The rate on a building not sprinklered, of mill construction, was $1.11 as against 24 cents for fire, proof construction; and sprinklered, 15 cents for mill construction as against 14 cents for fire proof material. The THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION comparison there between the sprinklered mill construction build- ing, shows 15 cents as against 24 cents for the non-sprinklered fire proof building, and where both are sprinklered, only 1 cent difference. On the. contents, the rate on non-sprinklered mill con- struction was $1.36 as against 64 cents for the fire proof construc- tion; the rates on the contents sprinklered were 30 cents for the mill construction as against 26 cents for the fire proof building. The comparison there between the sprinklered mill construction was 30 cents as against 64 cents for non-sprinklered fire proof construction. "This shows clearly that a sprinklered mill construction building is a safer risk from a fire insurance standpoint than one of non-sprinklered fire proof construction. The sprinklered mill construction building is safer both as to building and contents than a fire proof building non-sprinklered. In the same way, a mill construction building with properly constructed stairways, and elevator shafts, is safer as to .contents than a non-sprinklered fire proof structure with unprotected stairways and elevator shafts. "I believe, from my experience in both kinds of construction, that the mill construction building, with masonry walls, wire glass windows and sprinklered, would have almost as great an effect in stopping a conflagration as if the interior was of so- called fire proof construction that is, of incombustible mate- rials." The modern timber-brick mill building is approximately 25% lower in first cost than a fire-resisting building, and is given al- most the same advantage in insurance rates. Throughout the Pacific Coast territory where timber is inexpensive and plentiful, the difference in cost between these types of buildings will prob- ably average above 25%. Wood construction is safe when the proper design has been used. Its low first cost and maintenance, and its low insurance rates are strong arguments in its favor which should be carefully weighed by architects and engineers when contemplating the de- sign of new buildings. PACIFIC COAST WOODS PILING Douglas fir has long been considered an ideal piling material. It possesses high strength values and may be obtained in lengths varying from 10 feet to 120 feet. Due to the fact that this species grows in thick stands, it is possible to secure straight sticks al- most entirely free from knots and other defects. In order to obtain reliable figures on the- dimensions of Douglas fir piling, a large number of measurements have been taken on piles from two of the principal producing districts of Oregon and Washing- tori. Approximately 50 piles of each length were taken, the lengths varying from 50 to 111 feet. Piling from the Columbia River district in Oregon, and the Puget Sound district in Wash- ington were used in obtaining these data. Diagrams 19 and 20 show the size and natural taper of the timber. For example, if it is desired to buy piling 80 feet long and of any given butt diameter, the probable corresponding top diameter is shown on these diagrams. Of course, there is considerable variation in the individual sticks. These diagrams, however, show what actually grows and should be useful in placing practicable dimensions on Douglas fir piling when writing specifications. The following specification for Douglas fir piling is sug- gested as a guide for those writing specifications for this material. SPECIFICATION FOR DOUGLAS FIR PILING The following specification covers two general classes of piling. FOB CBEOSOTING. Piling shall be cut from sound, live Doug- las fir trees, free from felling or wind shakes, loose or unsound knots, large knots or small knots in great numbers, or other de- fects which in any way impair the strength or durability for the purpose intended. Each pile should have at least one-half inch of sapwood. Piling shall be butt cut and free from swelling. Diameter three feet from butt shall not be smaller than the butt diameter by an amount greater than one inch. They shall be free from short or reverse bends. Piling shall be so straight that a line drawn from the center of the two ends shall at no point fall out- side the pile. Some variations in this respect will be allowed in sticks 80 feet or more in length. THE WEST COAST LUMIJKKMKN'S ASSOCIATION . ' -l! hi ill 256 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 257 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Piling shall be free from damage by sea worms or other in- sects and shall be carefully peeled free from bark, and all knots shall be smoothly dressed. FOR TEMPORARY USE. Piling shall be of Douglas fir or other species which will stand driving, free from loose or unsound knots, felling shakes, heart or wind shakes, sea worm holes, or other defects which impair its use for the purpose intended. Knots shall be trimmed close and no short or reverse bends allowed. No crooks shall be permitted exceeding one-half the diameter of pile at the middle of the bend. CREOSOTED PILE DOCKS During the past few years creosoted Douglas fir piling has been extensively used throughout this country for marine work. Properly creosoted Douglas fir piling withstands the attack of the marine borer for many years, and has come into very gen- eral use. Experience on the Pacific Coast has shown that a cre- osoted pile dock will last, on a very conservative estimate, for 18 to 20 years. In the same teredo-infested waters the life of an un- treated pile dock would not exceed three to six years. Creosoted Douglas fir piling has been found to be the most economical material for dock construction on the Pacific Coast. Large docks supporting superstructures when built on creosoted piling will cost approximately $1.25 per square foot, while simi- lar structures built on reinforced concrete will cost on the aver- age approximately $3.00 per square foot. On the assumption that a creosoted pile dock costs $1.25 per square foot and requires .30 per cent of the original cost to keep it in repair through a period of 25 years and that a reinforced concrete pile dock costs $3.00 per square foot and lasts through a period of 50 years, the concrete dock will cost approximately 35 per cent more at the end of a 50-year period than the creosoted pile dock. At the present time the commercial life of a dock of any type of construction will not exceed 30 years, due to the fact that methods of handling freight and shipping facilities are constantly changing. A dock which amply fulfills requirements today may be entirely inadequate 30 years from now'. Due to this fact a PACIFIC COAST WOODS creosoted pile dock has the advantage of being entirely remodeled at the end of 25 to 30 years to meet the changed conditions of shipping. This is a practical point greatly in favor of a creosoted pile dock as against one of reinforced concrete, since the latter type would have to last much longer than 30 years to warrant the high initial cost of $3.00 per square foot. Due to the greater economy found in creosoted pile dock con- struction, the State Harbor Commission adopted this type of construction every place where it was practicable to drive wooden piling, in developing an elaborate system of docks in San Fran- cisco Harbor. The "Port of Seattle Commission" also adopted cre- osoted pile dock construction in its extensive water front develop- ment projects for Seattle. Figures 9 to 11 show two of Seattle's dock projects during course of construction and one after com- pletion. 259 THE WEST COAST LUMBKUMKN'S ASSOCIATION PACIFIC COAST WOODS THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION PACIFIC COAST WOODS WOOD STAVE PIPES AND FLUMES There is a large field for the use of creosote in connection with pipe and flume staves, used in irrigation and power develop- ment projects. Wood stave pipe has taken a prominent place in the development of irrigation districts in the West. Wood stave pipe and flumes are low in first cost and the co-efficient of fric- tion is very small. Due to this latter fact a larger amount of water can usually be delivered through a wood pipe of a given size, all other conditions being the same, than through pipes of any other material. Wood pipe in general has the following ad- vantages to recommend it: 1. It will stand high pressure. 2. It is light and may be readily and cheaply transported. 3. It has a very low co-efficient of friction. 4. It is simple and easy to install. 5. Connections may be quickly made at any point. 6. Wood pipe will not freeze and burst in winter. 7. It is not injured by slight settlements which may occur. CAUSES OF DECAY IN WOOD PIPE If the fibers of the wood are thoroughly saturated with water, decay is impossible. Neither can the fungus thrive if the wood is thoroughly dry. There is, however, an intermediate condition of moisture, which assists the growth of wood-destroying fungi. Most irrigation systems are in operation but a part of each year and are therefore empty a considerable portion of the time. This condition will result in a short life for untreated wood pipe as this lack of fiber saturation is the cause of almost all decay in wood pipe. Where the pipe is under sufficient hydrostatic pressure to assure thorough saturation of the fiber, and where the pipe line is exposed to the air, untreated pipe will give good service. But, where the pressure of the water is less than a 20- foot head, or where the pipe line is only filled a portion of the time, or again, where the pipe is buried in porous, sandy, grav- elly or loam soils, untreated pipe is subject to decay. The following conditions are discussed as most favorable for decay in the various styles of wood stave pipe: CONTINUOUS STAVE. Continuous stave pipe which is exposed is most subject to decay at the joints. The following quotation 263 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION is taken from U. S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 155 (Professional Paper). "Decay of exposed pipes almost invariably starts at the ends of staves, as a result of leaky joints. Where water leaks out and runs down over the outside of the pipe favorable conditions are afforded for the growth of algae, which usually get a start, then mosses may begin, to grow in the soil that collects on such spots, and decay spreads to adjoining staves." Wood is more liable to attack by fungus on the end grain than on any other surface, which accounts for the development of decay at the end joints. WIRE- WOUND BANDED COUPLINGS. The greatest point of weak- ness in this type of pipe is the banded joints. It is impossible to keep the bands saturated and hence decay sets in quickly, and spreads to other portions of the pipe. WIRE-WOUND INSERTED COUPLINGS. This type of wood pipe also fails at the joints, resulting from a lack of water saturation due to physical conditions. The joints are most liable to attack by fungus when the pipe line deviates from a straight line, either in a vertical or horizontal direction. It is at these joints that decay almost always starts. The three above mentioned types of wood stave pipe when used in an untreated condition, are also subject to decay under the following conditions: (1) When pipe line is under less than twenty-foot head hydrostatic pressure, or when pipe is empty a portion of the time. (2) When pipe line is buried in loam, sandy or gravelly soil. (3) When vegetable matter comes in contact with the staves. The following quotations are taken from U. S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 155: "Based upon the experience in Spokane, Wash., the life of machine-banded wood pipe is given as ranging from 4 to 12 years. Such short life in most instances is probably due to bad judgment in the matter of location or the use of pipe under conditions altogether unfavorable to its life." "In contact with soil the durability is nearly always a mat- ter of some uncertainty." "Contrary to the theories commonly held 30 years ago, it has been found that the durability of wood pipe is usually dependent on the life of the wood pipe rather than on the life of the bands. 264 PACIFIC COAST WOODS Only in rare instances, some of which have been cited, have the bands failed first." "Where pipes are to be placed in contact with the soil, and where the internal pressure is not sufficient to insure complete saturation of the staves, it is probable that their durability may be increased by treating with some preservative." ELIMINATING DECAY IN WOOD PIPE There is no question but that a well creosoted wood stave pipe will prove a good investment under conditions unfavorable to untreated pipe. The treatment is not expensive since the pipe is composed of merely a wooden shell and does not require much oil per lineal foot of pipe. CREOSOTED WOOD PIPE. The best creosote treatment for pipe is about as follows: Pipe staves should be kiln dried and machined before treat- ment. Boil in oil or steam staves until in proper condition to receive the coal-tar creosote. Then press 10 to 11 pounds of oil per cubic foot into the wood at a temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Then release pressure and heat the charge in oil to a temperature of 230 to 240 degress F., and hold at this tempera- ture for one hour. This final heating bath expands the oil and removes the excess, thus preventing its mixing with the water later on when in service. The pipe for use on the individual ranch, may after treat- ment, be buried in any kind of soil and subjected to severe ad-, verse conditions without damage by decay. It so happens that the very point in the pipe which is most subject to decay, namely, the end grain at joints and couplings, becomes more thoroughly im- pregnated with preservative than any other portion of the stave. This physical condition aids greatly in securing the greatest durability from the creosote treatment. Wood stave pipe used under unfavorable conditions, where de- cay would occur in five or six years, should, if properly creosoted, last 20 to 25 years and probably longer. The cost of the aforemen- tioned treatment is small, amounting to but 15 to 30 per cent of the cost of untreated pipe installed and should result in an in- creased length of life of two to six times that of the untreated pipe, depending upon prevailing conditions of soil, moisture, ex- posure, etc.. Creosoted pipe cannot be too strongly recommended, for its use eliminates the uncertainties found in untreated wood pipe. 265 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION FLUMES There is an exceptionally good opportunity for the use of creosoted wood staves in flume building. The conditions for decay in. wood pipe previously mentioned apply to open flumes and since it is not possible to depend on water saturation of the wood in open flumes, creosote treatment is highly recommended. PACIFIC COAST WOODS DOUGLAS FIR SILOS Wooden silos are the least expensive type of silo and are in more general use throughout the country than any other form. As a result of a systematic study of the good and bad points of the wooden silo, rapid progress has been made during the last few years in perfecting this type. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION AND COST A great variety of materials and forms of construction have been used in the past for silos with varying degrees of success. They may be divided into four classes, as follows: (1) Wooden silos; (2) Metal silos; (3) Monolithic concrete silos; (4) Block and concrete stave silos. The cost of construction and maintenance of a silo is a very important factor in deciding the type to purchase. This cost varies considerably, according to the type, classes two and three being by far the most expensive and class one the least. The fol- lowing table gives approximate cost of silos of the various types of construction: Brick Solid Wall $450 to $ 700 Brick Air spaced hollow wall Cement Block 450 Hollow Tile Cement both sides 450 Stone* Solid wall ... 485 1,200 1,000 Stone* Double lined and air spaced 650 Concrete Solid wall monolithic construction 300 Concrete Hollow wall monolithic construction 650 to 1,000 Wooden Stave 200 to 300 These figures are based on silos of the same dimensions, and show wood to be the least expensive material. The extensive use of the wooden silo has resulted in its being subjected to some of the most extreme tests. Its weak- nesses have been carefully studied in an effort to eliminate all of its objectionable features and at the present time it is in very general use throughout the entire country. There are very few species of wood which possess the neces- sary combination of qualities required for silo construction. Douglas fir is especially suited to this use since clear material is readily obtainable, the wood is durable and the staves are straight * No value placed on stone except labor. 267 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION and strong. Probably more Douglas fir lumber is used annually in silo construction than any other species. The objectionable features of the early wooden silos were shrinkage and decay. Shrinkage occurred during the warm dry summer weather, causing the staves to become loose and liable to collapse during heavy windstorms. This fault has been largely eliminated by the use of automatic adjustable hoops which keep a constant pressure on the walls of the silo. CREOSOTED STAVE SILOS The use of creosoted silo staves overcomes the difficulties of shrinkage in a different way. The presence of oil in the wood tends to minimize volume changes in the staves. Decay has played a comparatively small part in reducing the life of the silo, except in cases where unsuitable species of wood have been used. Decay takes place most readily in wood that is subject to alternate wet and dry conditions. For this reason, cre- osoted lumber is desirable, since it retards the progress of decay, both by retarding moisture changes and by the antiseptic prop- erties of the creosote. The antiseptic qualities of creosote oil are well known and recognized. There have been considerable and varied claims made concerning the disastrous effect on the health of animals fed with silage from a creosoted silo. In order to determine the facts in the case, the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, recently conducted an investigation on this subject, and the following extract is taken from the report: "While but few of the experiment stations had had any ex- perience with creosoted silos, and only a small number of owners of such silos could be located, not a single case was reported where the silage had been damaged or the health or appetite of the stock affected. It was the general opinion of the experiment stations that no danger need be anticipated on this account." With the present methods of treating Fir lumber it is possible to remove all excess or free oil from the wood, thereby eliminat- ing "bleeding." If it is not practicable to purchase a creosoted stave silo, a great deal of good may be accomplished by thoroughly painting the base of the staves and the joints between staves with hot coal-tar creosote. The expense of this operation is practically nil, and it will add several years to the life of a silo. PACIFIC COAST WOODS PAVING BLOCKS Considerable original data have been collected regarding the effect of the various methods of treating upon the mechanical strength of the wood, and the total amount of shrinking and swelling which takes place in the wood when treated with dif- ferent amounts of oil per cubic foot. The following specification provides a treatment which results in no material loss in strength of the fiber. "The blocks shall be placed in the treating retort and a good grade of coal-tar creosote introduced and heated to approximately 215 degrees P. for two to four hours. The preservative shall then be drained off and a vacuum of 23 to 26 inches drawn to take out the surplus oil, vapors, gases, etc., from the wood cells. The vacuum shall then be broken by the introduction again of the preservative, which is then pressed into the wood at a tempera- ture of 180 degrees P. until the blocks have received from 16 to 18 pounds of oil per cubic foot. After the blocks have received the required amount of oil, the pressure shall be released, and the temperature of the oil gradually raised to 215 to 230 degrees P., and held for one hour. This final heating expands the oil, va- pors and gases within the wood, and causes a certain amount of the preservative to be expelled, due to this expansion, and also effects further seasoning of the wood. A final vacuum of 23 to 26 inches shall then be drawn, which dries the blocks of the surplus surface oil, leaving a thoroughly impregnated block which will never 'bleed' after being placed in the street, since it is forced to do its 'bleeding' during the treatment." Figures obtained from tests on commercial material indicate the loss in strength of the fiber due to this treatment to be no more than 2 to 5 per cent, which, from a practical point of view, may be entirely neglected. The Association has done some care- ful experimenting to determine as nearly as possible what effects different amounts of oil have on the swelling and shrinking under extreme conditions. Results of these and other experiments in- dicate that the thoroughness of penetration plays an important part in reducing volume changes. For example, blocks treated with 17 pounds of oil per cubic foot, which amount is afterwards reduced to 12 pounds per cubic foot, have the same properties when put to the soaking test as blocks which are treated with 17 pounds of oil, all of which is left in the wood. The swelling takes place in the more lightly treated block at a slightly more 269 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION O tf g F 00 00 SJ2 SSS p-d "TI 8SS S S 52 saqouj MM 000 00 888 8 88 ooo t> oo PACIFIC COAST WOODS \T ans i THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION rapid rate at first than in the block with the larger quantity of oil. In both cases it lasts through a long period of time. From a practical point of view, it is as easy to take care of the swell- ing in one case as in the other. The material upon which the above mentioned tests were made, was selected to represent average commercial stock. Six planks were taken from as many logs and each cut into blocks. One block from each plank was used in each treatment shown in table 34. Due to this fact, the material in all treatments was simi- lar and the results are comparable. It should be noted that the creosote treatment reduces the possible amount of swelling ap- proximately 35 per cent. Comparing figures, column 6, under ref- erence numbers 1 and 5, it will be seen that the total change in blocks treated green with approximately 14 pounds of oil is slightly greater than in air-seasoned blocks treated with the same amount of preservative. This is probably due to the fact that a less perfect coating of the cell walls is obtained with this amount of oil in the green blocks than in those seasoned before treatment, and indicates that green blocks should receive initial absorption of more than 14 pounds per cubic foot. The ideal treatment is to give a gross absorption sufficient to paint thoroughly the cell walls of the wood and afterwards reduce this absorption to 10 to 12 pounds per cubic foot. Blocks treated in this manner will be largely relieved of their tendency to shrink and swell and will not bleed under street conditions. Reducing the absorption in accordance with the above produces a better block at a lower cost. The treatment of blocks with 12 pounds per cubic foot as against 17 pounds represents a saving of approximately 15 cents per square yard, which, in view of the results, is worthy of con- sideration. Creosoted Douglas fir paving blocks are gradually coming into more general use on the Pacific Coast. The City of Seattle up to 1915 had laid practically no wood block pavements. This city, together with the Port of Seattle Commission, laid more than 20,000 square yards of creosoted Douglas fir blocks in 1915. Dia- gram 21 shows the number of yards of creosoted wood blocks laid in Pacific Coast cities since 1908 and indicates the increased tendency to use this type of pavement. PACIFIC COAST WOODS FENCE POSTS AND POLES Cedar is the most durable of Pacific Coast timber when used in the natural condition. Cedar posts or poles in normal locations are very durable; however, under certain adverse conditions, they succumb to the attack of fungus. Both red cedar and Doug las fir may be materially improved when used for poles and posts by giving them preservative treatment. FENCE POSTS Everyone is familiar with the decay characteristic in fence posts. The fungus, to thrive, must have food, warmth, moisture and air. Food and moisture are found in abundance in the wood. The other essentials are present through a large portion of the year in practically all climates in the United States. Rain soaks the ground all around the post and dries out slowly, thus making the moisture condition favorable for fungus growth, which accounts for its rapid development at this point. The average layman has no conception as to the amount of lumber which is cut into fence posts annually. White oak, lo- cust, Osage orange, and cedar have in the past stood at the head of the list in their ability to resist decay when used in a natural condition. Before preservation became so well established these species were used very largely for posts in all portions of the United States. The development of the creosoting industry, how- ever, is changing past practice. When proper treatment is applied, all species are practically of equal durability. The following quo- tation is taken from U. S. Forest Service Circular No. 209, page 15, number 6: "Species which, when, untreated, decay most rapidly appear to give the greatest relative increase in service when treated. Loblolly pine, hemlock, beech and tamarack, which are the least resistant to decay when untreated, appear when treated to be equally as durable as treated longleaf pine, Spanish oak and white oak." This makes it possible how to get good service out of wood which formerly would not have received any consideration. Ex- periments have been made on creosoted posts of some of the least durable woods found in the United States. These species have given good service for five years and are still sound. These THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION same posts, if set in a natural condition would have to be re- placed on account of decay in two or three years. There is no question now but that a fence post when properly creosoted will last three to four times as long as a similar untreated post. This is particularly true of the less durable species. The U. S. Forest Service has used a great many creosoted fence posts. Mr. Benedict, a forest supervisor at Hailey, Idaho, has recently used 500 lodgepole pine posts. This species is one of the least decay-resisting woods in the United States when used in a natural condition. The following quotation is taken from the March, 1915, number of "American Forestry," page 200, and shows what Mr. Benedict expects from treated lodgepole pine posts : "In the ground, lodgepole pine untreated rots quickly. Given a bath in hot creosote from the bottom to a point above the ground line when set sufficiently to penetrate the outermost layers of the -sapwood and all the openings through which decay could enter, the post should last from 12 to 20 years." A Douglas fir heartwood post, without treatment, under con- ditions prevailing on the Pacific Coast, will last from five to six years. A similar post well creosoted, may be expected to last from 15 to 25 years. If posts are creosoted, a smaller post may be used than is the usual custom. This is possible since it is not necessary to figure on the usual deterioration. Creosoted posts do not require painting since the creosote gives the same effect as a brown stain. They can, however, if desired, be painted green, red or any dark color. POLES Poles, as in the case of posts, may be made durable by pre- servative treatment. Some poles are put up for temporary serv- ice and in such cases it would not be economy to treat them un- less they would be removed and reset after serving in a tempor- ary way. Poles for permanent use should, however, be given a thorough treatment before they are placed, which will give them fully twice the length of life secured from an untreated pole. Figures 12 and 13, taken from U. S. Forest Service Bulletin No. 83, show an untreated Southern white cedar pole to be badly decayed after four years of service, and a creosoted loblolly pine pole with no sign of decay after 18 years. PACIFIC COAST WOODS Fig. 12. Untreated pole of Southern White Cedar (Char aecyparis Thyoldes) after four years' service. 275 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION FIgr. 13. Creosoted Loblolly pine pole after 18 yes service. No sign of decay. 276 PACIFIC COAST WOODS The greatest profit will result from the use of treated poles in localities where the initial cost of the pole is high and also where replacements are expensive. Under such conditions, poles should never be placed without an efficient preservative treat- ment. In fact any pole which is intended for permanent service should have a butt treatment with creosote. The following quotations are taken from page 40 of U. S. Forest Service Bulletin No. 84, and show the advisability of cre- osoting poles: "Preservative treatment is profitable financially, the increased durability of the time decreasing the annual service charge. Rel- atively greater benefits are derived from the treatment of non- durable woods than from the treatment of those which possess great natural durability." "Preservative treatment makes possible the use of poles of smaller butt circumference, since allowance usually made for deterioration by decay need not be considered, when it is certain that the full size and strength of the poles will be retained through a long period of years." A creosoted pole line is much less apt to suffer damage from a sleet storm than one built of untreated poles, since untreated poles decay at the ground line, the point of greatest stress. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION RED CEDAR SHINGLES The physical characteristics of red cedar make it particularly adaptable to uses where durability and light weight are re- quired, rather than tensile strength. Besides being practically immune from decay, this wood undergoes comparatively little shrinkage and swelling due to changes in moisture condition, and it holds paint well. The wood is soft and is not easily split by nails. These combined qualities place red cedar foremost as a shingle material. Approximately 85 per cent of Pacific Coast red cedar is manufactured into shingles. The following method of laying red cedar shingles, taken, with slight changes, from the American Lumberman of November 27, 1915, unquestionably represents first-class practice. CORRECT METHOD OF LAYING RED CEDAR SHINGLES "The first essential is good Red Cedar shingles. For rafters use sized 2x4s or 2x6s, spaced on not over two-foot centers, spiked solid and braced as load requires. For roof boards or sheathing use good material. SIS strips 1x4 inches or random widths to not more than eight inches, spaced not more than two inches apart and nailed solid with 8d nails. PREPARATION OF SHINGLES. If they are to be stained use dry shingles, dipping each one in the stain not less than eight inches from butt. Shingles that are not to be stained should be wet thoroughly before laying. If additional fire-resistant quality is wanted, dip in good quality of mineral paint or such other approved fire-resistant treatment as may be available. SHINGLE NAIL. Solid copper, solid zinc or hot-dipped zinc-' coated nails preferred. Where these are not available use old- fashioned cut nails. SIZE OF NAIL. For 5 to 2 inches or thinner shingles, 3d; for thicker shingles, 4d. LAYING THE SHINGLES. Start at eaves and lay first coarse 2-ply, giving first course 2 inches projection over crown mold and 1-inch projection at gables. On one-third or more pitch lay 16-inch shingles 4^ inches to the weather; on less than one-third pitch lay 16-inch shingles 278 PACIFIC COAST WOODS 4 inches to the weather. On one-third or more pitch lay 18-inch shingles 5% inches to the weather; on less than one-third pitch lay 18-inch shingles 4% inches to the weather. Use a straight edge to make sure courses are laid straight. Break all joints at least 114 inches, seeing that no break comes directly over another on any three consecutive courses, thereby covering all nails. Nail shingles 6 inches from butt (for 4 J /4 inch lap) and i/ij-inch from sides, and put only two nails in each shingle. Shingle wider than 10 inches should be split. Lay shingles so that water will run with the grain, and do not drive nail heads into shingles. Lay wet shingles with butts close together. Leave %-inch space between dry shingles. Use 14-inch galvanized iron, not less than 26-gauge, or best quality old-style tin, heavily coated, for valleys; copper or gal- vanized iron for ridge roll. Use galvanized or heavily coated tin flashing around chim- neys. If tin is used it should be painted two coats, one as soon as roof is completed and the second coat within two weeks. Gal- vanized metal should be painted two coats but should be given 30 days for oxidation before painting. No patent dryer or tur- pentine should be used. Finish hips by laying a course of even width narrow shingles on both sides of hip over regular courses." 279 THK WEST COAST LUMBKKMICX'S ASSOCIATION PACIFIC COAST WOODS Fig. 17. Figures 14 to 17 show four distinct styles of laying shingle siding. GRADING RULES FOR SHINGLES Some very decided improvements have recently been made in the grading of Red Cedar shingles. It is possible now for the purchaser to obtain branded shingles. This branding guarantees quality. GRADING RULES FOR RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHICH HAVE BEEN IN GENERAL USE SINCE 1908 PERFECTION. 18". Variation of I", under or over, in length, allowed in 10 per cent. Random widths, but not narrower than 3". When dry 20 courses to measure not less than 8%". To be well manufactured. Ninety-seven per cent to be clear, remaining 3 per cent admits slight defects 16" or over from butt. PUGET A. 18". Random widths, but not narrower than 2". When dry, 20 courses to measure not less than 8^4". Admits feather tips and 16" shingles resulting from shims, and other defects 8" or over from butt. EUREKA. 18". Variation of 1", under or over, in length allowed in 10 per cent. Random widths, but not narrower than 3". When dry, 25 courses to measure not less than 9%". To be well manufactured. Ninety per cent to be clear, remaining 10 per cent admit slight defects 14" or over from butt. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION SKAGIT-A. 18". Random widths, but not narrower than 2". When dry, 25 courses to measure not less than 9^4". Will admit feather tips, and 16" shingles resulting from shims, and other defects 8" or over from butt. EXTRA CLEAR. 16". Variation of 1", under or over, in length, allowed in 10 per cent. Random widths, but not narrower than 2%". When dry, 25 courses to measure not less than 9 1 /-/'. To be well manufactured, 90 per cent to be clear, remaining 10 per cent admits slight defects 12" or over from butt. CHOICE A. 16". Random widths, but not narrower than 2". When dry, 25 courses to measure not less than 9". Admits wane and 12" shingles resulting from shims, and other defects 6" or over from butt. EXTRA *A*. 16". Variation of 1", under or over, in length allowed in 10 per cent. Random widths. But not narrower than 2". When dry, 25 courses to measure not less than 7%". To be well manufactured. Eighty per cent to be clear, remaining 20 per cent admits defects 10" or over from butt. If not to exceed 2 per cent (in the 20 pen cent allowing defects 10" from butt) shows defects closer than 10", the shingles shall be considered up to grade. STANDARD A. 16". Random widths, but not narrower than 2". When dry, 25 courses to measure not less than 7V-". Admits wane and 12" shingles resulting from shims, and other defects 6" or over from butt. PACKING All shingles to be packed in regulation frame 20" in width. Openings shall not average more than iy<>" to the course. Perfection and Puget A shall be packed 20-20 courses to the bunch, 5 bunches to the M. Eureka, Skagit A, Extra Clear, Choice A, Extra *A*, Stan- dard A (dimension shingles excepted) shall be packed 25-25 courses to the bunch, 4 bunches to the M. Dimension shingles (5") shall be packed 24-24 courses to the bunch, 4 bunches to the M. The character "M" indicates the multiple or unit by which red cedar shingles are bought and sold. Every bunch shall be branded with full name of the grade as stated in these rules. PACIFIC COAST WOODS Color of wood and sound sap shall not be considered defects. Percentage, when specified in these rules, applies in a gen- eral way to the total amount of shingles of like grade in a car. GRADING RULE ADOPTED BY THE SHINGLE BRANCH OF THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION FOR SHINGLES BEARING RITE-GRADE TRADEMARK 18" RITE-GKADE PERFECTS. Random widths but not narrower than 3". When dry, 20 courses to measure not less than 8%". To be strictly clear and vertical grain and free from sap. 18" RITE-GRADE SELECTS. Random widths but not narrower than 3". When dry, 20 courses to measure not less than 8%". Eighty per cent to be clear, remaining 20 per cent admits defects 12" or over from butt. To be free from sap. 16" RITE-GRADE PERFECTS. Random widths but not narrower than 3". When dry, 25 courses to measure not less than 9K>"- To be strictly clear and vertical grain and free from sap. 16" RITE-GRADE SELECTS. Random widths but not narrower than 3". When dry, 25, courses to measure not less than 9W. Eighty per cent to be clear, remaining 20 per cent admits defects 10" or over from butt. To be free from sap. 16" RITE-GRADE PERFECTS 6/2. Random widths, but not nar- rower than 3". When dry, 25 courses to measure not less than 8". To be strictly clear and vertical grain and free from sap. 16" RITE-GRADE EXTRA *A*. Random widths, but not narrower than 3". When dry, 25 courses to measure not less than 8". Eighty per cent to be clear, remaining 20 per cent admits defects 10" or over from butt. To be free from sap. 16" DIMENSIONS RITE-GRADE. 5" wide. Made under specifica- tions for above 16" grades but must be strictly clear. PACKING All shingles must be well manufactured. 18" Rite-Grade shall be packed 20-20 courses to the bunch, 5 bunches to the M. 16" Rite-Grade shall be packed 25-25 courses to the bunch, 4 bunches to the M. Dimension Rite-Grade shall be packed 24-24 courses to the Hinch, 4 bunches to the M. THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S. ASSOCIATION All shingles to be packed in regulation frame 20" in width. Band sticks not less than 19 M>" long. Openings shall not average more than l 1 /^" to the course. Every bunch shall be branded with full name of the grade as stated in these rules. Color of wood is not a defect. All shingles to be packed in straight courses. One inch under and over in length admitted. Any shingle not over %" off parallel shall be considered parallel. Not over 4 per cent off grade admitted for discrepancy in in- spection. (Percentage, when specified in these rules, applies in a gen- eral way to the total amount of shingles of like grade in a car. The character "M" indicates the multiple or unit by which these shingles are bought and sold.) PACIFIC COAST WOODS SUBJECT INDEX Beams Area Cross Section- Page Rough Size 70 Surfaced Size 70 Bending Moments 63. 225 Design 67 Deflections .' 62, 70 Moment of Inertia 70 Multiplying Factors 68, 70 Properties 68 Ratio Span to Depth Ifh 70 Resisting Moments .-. 225 Safe Total Loads 68 Safe Total Loads Limited by Horizontal Shear 215 Section Modulus 70 Shear Horizontal 17, 70 Vertical 63, 215 Strength (see Strength) Volume Division for Grading Rulea 30 Weight Per Cubic Foot 15 Per Lineal Foot 70, 239 Bending Moments Beams 63, 225 Blocks (See Paving: Blocks) Board Measure 239, 241 Buildings, Mill- Construction 244 Cost 249 Durability 244 Insurance Rates 253 Cedar, Western Bed- Lumber 11 Shingles 278 Clear Wood Strength 22, 26 Columns I'A for Various Heights 234 Safe Loads (Form. Amer. Ry. Eng. Assn.) 234 Safe Loads (Form. U. S. Dept. of Agri. For. Div.) 236 Strength 19 Working Unit Stresses (Form. Amer. Ry. Eng. Assn.) 229, 231 Working Unit Stresses (Form. U. S. Dept. of Agri., For. Div...230, 232 Creosoting Douglas Fir Boiling Process 37 Boiling Under a Vacuum Process 37 Bridge Stringers 38 Spike Pulling Tests .' 58 Ties 49 Flumes 266 285 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Page Paving Blocks 269 Piling 258 Pipe , 265 Poles 274 Posts 273 Silos - . 268 Steaming Process 37 Deflection- Beams (See Beams) Floors (See Floors) Formulae (See Formulae) Design of Rectangular Beams 67 Diagonal Grain 31 Docks '. .... 258 Douglas Fir (See Fir) Fir, Douglas Amount Cut 1913 6 Bridge and Trestle Timbers 9 Car Material 10 Creosoting (See Creosoting Douglas Fir) Distribution of Cut in U. S., 1913 8 Finish .' 10 Flooring 10 House Construction Material 10 Paving Blocks 11 Piling 9 Ties 9 Floors Laminated Area of Section 222 Maximum Deflections 222 Maximum Spans . 222 Moment of Inertia 222 Section Modulus 222 Weight per Sq. Ft 222 Mill- Area of Section . 220 Maximum Deflections 220 Maximum Spans '20 Moment of Inertia 220 Section Modulus 220 Weight per Sq. Ft 220 Formulae For Columns Working Unit Stresses American Railway Engineering Association 229, 231 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forestry Division 230, 232 For Floors Maximum Deflections Mill and Laminated 63 Maximum Spans Mill and Laminated 62 PACIFIC COAST WOODS For Rectangular Beams Page Bending Moments 63 Maximum Deflections 62 Safe Loads Limited by Horizontal Shear 61 Safe Loads (Considering Bending Only) 61 Shear- Maximum Unit Horizontal Shear 60 Vertical 63 (iruding Rules- Structural Timbers No. 1 Common 29 Selected Common '. 29 Selected Structural ; 31 Shingles, Western Red Cedar In Use Since 190S 281 Adopted by Shingle Branch West Coast Lumbermen's Assn. 283 Grain Diagonal 31 Hemlock, Western Barrels 13 Boxes 13 Bridge and Trestle Timbers 12 Crossties 12 Finishing 13 Flooring 12 Piling 12 Poles 12 Strength 14 Structural Uses ., 12 Holding Power of Spikes 58 Horizontal Shear 17, 70 Joist Construction Board Measure 238 Weight 238 Kiln Drying 36 Knots- Encased Knot 31 Loose Knot 31 Rotten Knot 31 Sound and Tight Knot 31 Laminated Floors 222 Loads (See Safe Loads) Lumber Cut in Oregon and Washington, 1913 6 Cut in United States in 1913 6 Distribution of Douglas Fir and Associated Species 8 Mill I tn i Minus (See Buildings) Mill Floors : --. 220 Mine limbers , 19 Moisture Effect on Strength 22 Moments, Bending or Resisting 63, 226 THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION Moment of Inertia . Page Beams 70 Laminated Floors 222 Mill Floors 220 Paving Blocks Amount Laid 272 Creosoting 269 Swelling 269 Perforating Effect on Penetration 54 Effect on Strength 54 Machine 50 Spacing of Holes 54 Piling Creosoted Pile Docks 258 Specification For Creosoting 255 For Temporary Use 25S Pipe, Wood Stave- Causes of Decay 263 Creosoted Wood Pipe 265 Eliminating Decay ,. .. 265 Creosoting 274 Posts Creosoting 273 Strength 1 9 Preservation (See Creosoting Douglas Fir) Properties of Timber Mechanical and Physical (See Strength) Red Cedar Western (See Cedar) Resisting Moments 225 Rules Grading (See Grading Rules) Safe Loads Beams 68 Columns 229 Section Modulus Beams 70 Laminated Floors 222 Mill Floors 220 Shear- Horizontal 17 Vertical 63, 215 Shingles, Western Red Cedar Correct Method of Laying 278 Grading Rules 281, 283 Silos- Cost , 267 Creosoted Wood Stave 268 Materials for Construction 267 Sitka Spruce 13 288 PACIFIC COAST WOODS Spikes Holding Power Page Common 58 Screw 58 Spruce Sitka 13 Standing Timber Supply. 6 Strength Clear Wood 22 Effect of Moisture 22 Posts 19 Structural Timbers Air Seasoned 16 Effect of Creosoting 38 Effect of Knots . 30 Green 15 Relation to Dry Weight 26 Relative, of Various Species ,. 14 Ties- Effect of Creosoting 50 Effect of Perforating 54 Stresses Recommended Working Unit Buildings Portland 34 Seattle 34 West Coast Lumbermen's Association 34 Columns American Railway Engineering Association 229, 231 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forestry Division 230, 232 Summerwood 31 Swelling Tests Paving Blocks 269 Timber- Amount of Douglas Fir 6 Amount of Other Pacific Coast Species 6 Supply of Oregon and Washington 6 Supply of United States. 6 Unit Stresses Working (See Stresses) Vertical Shear 63, 215 Volumes of Beam 30 Weight- Douglas Fir Beams Air Seasoned 239 Green 70, 239 Joists 238 Laminated Floors 222 Mill Floors 220 Various Species Oven Dry 15 Western Hemlock 11 Western Red Cedar 11 Western Spruce 13 Wood Stave Pipe (See Pipe) Working Unit Stresses (See Stresses) THE UMVERS. ",. LOS Ai IFORNIA 000715348 9 TA 420 G69s cop. 2 Engineering Libniy JJL72