♦»: iy^°^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES HH ij w^m. I. W\ 'fa, i.>^^l THE Jewish Encyclopedia A DESCRIPTIVE R.ECORD OF THE HISTORY, RELIGION, LITERATURE, AND CUS- TOMS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY Prepared by More than Four Hundred Scholars and Specialists UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE FOLLOWING EDITORIAL BOARD CVRUS Adler, Ph.D. (Departments of Post- Biblical Antiquities ; the Jews of America) . GOTTHARD Deutsch, Ph.D. (Department of History from 14^2 to jgot) . Louis Ginzberg, Ph.D. (Department of Kabbinical Literature) . Richard Gottheil, Ph.D. i Departments of History from Ezra to 14^2 ; History of Post ' Talmudic Literature) . Joseph Jacobs, B.A. (Departments of the Jews of England and Anthropology ; Revi- sing Editor) . ISAAC K. FUNK, D.D., LL.D. Chairman o/tht Board Marcus Jastrow, Ph.D. (Department of the Talmud). Morris Jast row, Jr., Ph.D. (Department of the Bible) . Kaufmann Kohler, Ph.D. (Departments of Theology and Philosophy) . Frederick de Sola Mendes, Ph.D. (Chief of the Bureau of Translation ; Revising Editor). Isidore Singer, Ph.D. (Department of Modem Biography from 17 jo to igoi) . Crawford H. Toy, D.D., LL.D. {Departments of Hebrew Philology and Hellenistic Literature) . FRANK H. VIZETELLY Secretary c/tke Board ISIDORE SINGER, Ph.D. Projector and Managing Editor ASSISTED l;V AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOARDS OF CONSri-TING EDITORS COMPLETE IN TWELVE VOLUMES EMBELLISHED WITH MORE THAN TWO THOUSAND ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK AND LONDON FUNK AND W A G N A L L S C () M P A N V M n cccc I r'^^^M Tonnio Jim:r J| ,,if^ ^ gjLiyjyJ JJ LCUJ f_U r; r i rrrrri n 1 1 1 fyj'W ^ ARK OF THE LAW TMt JtmSH IKOtl.' ' *!iH*LLS COMPANY. MY, a**!- i>rHC« N THE Jewish Encyclopedia A DESCRIPTIVE RECORD OF THE HISTORY, RELIGION, LITERATURE, AND CUS- TOMS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY Prepared by More than Four Hundred Scholars and Specialists UNDER THE DIRECTION' UF THE FuLLOWING EDITORIAL BOARD Marcus Jastrow, Ph.D. (Department of the Talmud i Morris Jastrow, Jr., Ph.D. (Department of t/ie Bible) Cyrus Adi.er, Ph.D. (Departments of Post- Biblical Antiquities : the fews of America) . GoTTHARD Deutsch, Ph.D. (Department of History from 14^3 to igoi) . Louis Ginzberg, Ph.D. (Department of Rabbinical Literature) . Richard Goitheil, Ph.D. (Departments of History from Ezra to 1492 ; History of Post ■ Talmt4dic Literature) . Joseph Jacobs, B.A. (Departments of the fews of England and Anthropology ; Rez>i- sing Editor) . ISAAC K. FUNK, D.D., LL.D. Chairman 0/ tlu Board Kaufmann Kohler, Ph.D. (Departments of Theology and Philosophy) . Frederick de Sola Mendes, Ph.D. (Chief of the Bureau of Translation ; Revising Editor). Isidore Singer, Ph.D. (Department of Modem Biography from fJSO to i<)ot). Crawford H. Toy, D.D., LL.D. (Departments ,;/ Hebrew Philology and Hellenistic Literature) . FRANK H. VIZETELLY Secretary c/ the Board ISIDORE SINGER. Ph.D. Projector and Managing Editor ASSISTED BY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOARDS OF CONSULTING EDITORS (SKE TAGK V) VOLUME I AACH— APOCALYPTIC LITERATURE N !•■. \V YORK AND L O N D < 1 N FUNK AND WAG N ALLS COMPANY M DC C CC I Copyright, 1901, by FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY A II rights 0/ translation reserved Registered at Stationers' Hall, London, England {Printed in the United States of A merica'] i^orary LITEUARY DIllEaORATE I^^ V.I EDITORIAL BOARD CYRUS ABLER, Ph.D. IDepartincntii of Pvnt-liilAiitil AiitUiuitkx ; the Jews nf Amtricti.) President of the Aiiieritan Jiwlsli Historical Society ; Librarian, Siuitlisniiian Iii>tilutinii. WasliinLn-'U. I), f. GOTTHARD DEUTSCH, Ph.D. Ill, liinlno III III lli.'liini In, in l'.:i; In I'.nil.t Proftssor of Jewish History, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio : Kdltor of " Deborah." LOUIS GINZBERG, Ph.D. iDtiMirtnitnt nf HaliliinWtil Littnittire.) New York : Author of " Die Hajriraria t>c! >/ Ih, J,ii> ,,' KinjUm,! mi, I .Inthriipulouu; liii'ixini/ Kflitor.) Formerly President of the JewLsh Historical Society of England ; Author of "Jews of Aneevin England," etc. MARCUS JASTROW, Ph.D. 'Ii, ,„irlf,i, nl ,il Ih, r,lhiiu,l., Rabbi Emeritus of the Congregation Ilodef Shalom. Philadel- phia. Pa. ; Author of " Dictionary of the Talmud." MORRIS JASTROW, Jr., Ph.D. (ill jw;-(i)ini( 1./ the BHih.) Professor of Sem'tli' Language's and Librarian In the Lniversity of Penn-sylvania, Philadelphia, I'a. ; Author of " Relig- ion of the Babylonians and Assyrians." etc. KAUFMANN KOHLER, Ph.D. {Diportineiits nf Tin:nUt\jii and I'hiloifnijhu-) Rabbi of Temple lieth-El, New York : President of the Board of .Jewish Ministers. New V..rk. FREDERICK DE SOLA MENDES, Ph.D. (C/k'c/ nf the Bureau nf Tiitiiflutinii ; llcvmng KdUur.) Rabbi of the Wi-st End Synagogue, New Y'ork ; Vice-President (tf I'uarii *'f Jewish .Ministers, New Y'ork. ISIDORE SINGER, Ph.D. MAN.v<;i.\ii EniToit. Wcprtrtmnil ,,f M,,il, ni Bi,,(irniih)i frnm vr.otn 1901.) CRAWFORD HOWELL TOY, D.D., LL.D. (DcparfmcHts of Hclircw I'hiloUtuil and Hellenistic Litei'ature.) Professor of Hebrew In Hanard University, Cambridge. Mass.; Author of "The Religion of Israel," "Judaism and Chri.slianity,"etc. I. K. FUNK, D.D., LL.D. (CVjair/Hon nf the Bnard.) Editor-In-Chlef of the St.vmi.vrd Dictiox.vky ok the Engi.ish L.vxcirAOE, etc. FRANK H. VIZETELLY. iSiinlarii,,! Ill, Ilminl.) Associate Editor of " The Columbian Encyclopedia," and on the Sta.ndari) Drtio.narv Editorial Staff, etc. a:\ierican board of consulting editors BERNARD DRACHMAN, Ph.D., Rabbi of the ( onLrtix'aiK'ii /.Ichn'ri Ki'litiiiiij. Iii-anuf the Jewish Th»Hfl«.gical Semlnai'y. .New York. B. FELSENTHAL, Ph.D., llabbl Emerlliis of /Ion i ongregatinn. Chicagu ; Author of "A Pmciical tjfaiiimar <'f the Mel>rf\v Langnage." GUSTAV GOTTHEIL, Ph.D., Rabltl Kineritils ttf Teriiple Kmanu.KI. New York. EMIL G. HIRSCH, Ph.D., LL.D., Ratitil of Chicago siiail ( oiiifii-gatlon, chicat'o. III.; Professor of Rabblidcal I.ltentlun* and Philosophy. University of Chicago ; Editor of the " Iteforin AdviKiile." HENRY HYVERNAT, D.D., Head of the Iicpiiri tit uf Semitic and ligyptlan l.lleniture^. (■alli..llc I ol\cr-itv ..f Aiiicil.M, Waslilngton, li, C. J. FREDERIC McCURDY, Ph.D., LL.D., Profes.s4ir of tirienlal l.tinguagi-?(. University College. Toronto, Canada; Author of " History, Pniphecy,and the Moniimenl.H." H. PEREIRA MENDES, M.D., Rabbi of the Stiearitli Isnul Congn-g:iiiiin ispanishand Portu- guese), New York ; Pri'sldenl of the .^dvls«iry Board of Ministers of the Jewish Tlietiloglcal Seminary. MOSES MIELZINER. Ph.D., D.D., Professor of Talnmdli- Literature, Hebrew Union CoUege, Cin- cinnati, Ohio ; Author of " IniriHlucllon to the Talmud." GEORGE F. MOORE, M.A., D.D., Professor"! Ili-iirew IjiiigiiaL'c and [.Iteraiiin* ami Prvsldeni of Andover Thwilogical Seminao", Andover, Ma.ss. ; Author of a Commentary on the Biwik of Jinlges, etc. DAVID PHILIPSON, D.D., Rabbi of the r..ngregiiilun lien. I-: ,.| ; l'1'..fi.s.s..rof Homlletic*, Hebrew Union ( ..ILw. Ciiielnnati. Ohio; Pn'sldent of lliLrivv Sal.l.atli Si-liri..l Union of America. IRA MAURICE PRICE, B.D., Ph.D., Professor of Seiulile Laiigiingc.!< anil Llteratun-ji, University of Chicago, 111. ; .\ulhor of " The Monuments and the Old Testaraenu" I'ic. LITERARY DIRECTORATE HERMAN ROSENTHAL, ODIO or TIIK IRSSIAN SKCTION Ol- TIIK JKWISII ENCTCLO- PKDIA. In cliarKP "f Slavonic rx^imrlmcnt. Ni'W York Ptihllc Library. JOSEPH SILVERMAN, D.D., Pnsldent of ivntnil ("nfcnMitf "f Ami-rituu KabUls : Rabbi oJ Temple Eiuunu-EI, New York. JACOB VOORSANGER. D.D., Rabbi of tbe I'onjrn'Uutlon Kinaiiti-EI. s^m Fniurlsuu, Gai. ; Pro- fessor of S4*iiiltli' I.ai)t?tm(:es ami Lileraliire:^ Uni- versity of Califomln, Berkeley, Cal. EDWARD J. "WHEELER, M.A., Editor of " The I.ilerjry Di|.'e>l." New York. FOREIGN BOARD OF CONSULTING EDITORS ISRAEL ABRAHAMS, M.A., Coedltor of the " J>'«bh yiuirtcily Ilivicw " : .\mhor of "Jew- Isli Life In the MliUlle Aces," eir. ; .-ieiilor Tutor In Jews' Colletfe, Loudon, Enghinil. W. BACKER, Ph.D., Professor In ilic Ji\vi>li Tl]e..l'ii,'i<:il Seminary, Budapest, Hiiiitniry. M. BRANN, Ph.D., Professor in the JewLsli Thwjlojfical .Seminars', Breslau, Ger- many: Editor of " Moiiaus-sehrift furtieschichte und WIssenschaft des JudeiUhuuis." H. BRODT, Ph.D., Rabbi, Nacbod, Bohemin. .\iisirla ; c.uilitor of " Zeitsclirlf t fflr Hebriibohe Bibliogniphie." ABRAHAM DANON, Prlocipal of tbe Jewish Tlu'olofiial Siiuinary, Constantinopie. Turkey. HARTWIG DERENBOTJRG, Ph.D., Professor of Literary Aiabie at the Special School of Oriental Languages, Paris, France. S. M. DUBNOW, Author of " lsl"i-iya Yc\rf>i-v.'" D.Iessa. Russia. MICHAEL FRIEDLANDER, Ph.D., Prlludpalot Jews' College, London, England; Author of "The Jewish Religion." etc. IGNAZ GOLDZIHER, Ph.D., Professor of Semitic Philology, University of liudapest, Hungary. M. GUDEMANN, Ph.D., Chief Kabbi of Vienna, Austria. BARON DAVID GUNZBURG, St. Petersburg. Uussia. A. HARKAVT, Ph.D., Cblef of tbe Hebrew Department of thu Iiii|>erial Public Library, St. Petersburg, Russia. ZADOC KAHN, Cblef Rabbi of France; liouoniry I'resident of the Alliance Israelite L'niverselle ; Olllcer of the Legion of Honor, Paris, France. M. KAYSERLING, Ph.D., Rabbi, Budapest, Hungary; ( orresiKindIng Member of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid, Spain. MORITZ LAZARUS, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus i>t I'syiboiogy, i niveiviiy of Berlin; Meran, ANATOLE LEROY-BEAULIEXJ, Member of ilie FiimhIi Institute: Professor ai ilic Free School of Political Science, Paris. Friinci- : Author of " Israel Chez les Nations." ISRAEL LEVI, Professor in the Jewish I'heological St'iuinary ; Editor of " Revue des £tudes Juives," Paris, France. ETTDE LOLLI, D.D., Chief Kabbi of Padua; I'p.fi^ssor <.f Hclniw at the University, l*aean constitutions to reconcile tlie .status thus allotted lo the .lew with the con.stitntional i)rinciplesof the various Christian states. The struggle of llic .b'W to emancipate himself fi-om liiis ])eculiar ])osition has made him an ellicient ally intiie heroi<' <'ndi'a\(U-s of modern peoples toward the a.s.sertion of human rights. Throughoul all the divergences produced by ilitVerent social environments and intel- lectual iMilucnces, the .lews have in e\"ei-y gcneiatiou conserved the twot'old ehaniclei' referred to al>o\-e: as representatives of a nation, they liave ke))! ali\e their Hebrew Iraditicms; and, as cosinoijolitan.s, they ha\e taken |)arl in the .social and intellectual life of almost all eiillureil nations, hi the jierioii when . Jewish and Helleiiie tlmught cann^ PREFACE into mutual contact in Alexandria, they originated new currents of philosophic specula- tion. They then joined with the Arabs in tlic molding of the new faith, Islani, and of the entire ArabiauS]»anisli civilization. In tlic l^niope of the Middle Ages, the jirocess by which the science of Greece icaclicd the schools of Bologna, Paris, and Oxford can be made clear onlj- by taking account of the part jjlayed by Jewish translators and teachei-s. Scholastic jiliilosojihy was also influenced by such great nie