w^mmmmmwmy-:y^.^^^^^^^^^^ PREFACE. The information derived from those who visit various provinces ot the Turkish empire is of a very different nature from that which is collected in travelling through paits of civilised Europe. In the former case, we not only become acquainted with a people whose habits, institutions, religion, policy, and usages, are entirely opposite to those which we find in Christian Europe ; but from researches connected with the geography and natural history of these countries we are able to explain many passages of the sacred writers, as well as of other ancient authors ; the customs * also and modes of life which • Travellers who have visited parts of Syria and Egypt make frequent mention of customs and habits of life similar to those wliich prevailed in the time of the writers of the Old and New Testament; but no one, before Captain Light, ever pointed out a singular opinion still existing in the East, and which was common in Palestine 1800 years ago, respecting the use of saliva in certain diseases of the body. See the account in this volume, p. 421., of the person at Ibrim in Nubia applying for a cure of the head-ache; and of the woman at Hermonthis in Egypt, who requested C. Light to spit on her eyes. " How far spittle was accounted wholesome for weak eyes," says Lightfoot, in his Hebrew and Talmudical exercitations on John ix., " we may learn from the following tale relating to R. Meir." We shall extract a part of it. " Is there ever a woman, said Rabbi Meir, among j'ou, skilled in muttering charms over eyes? the woman said, R. I am not skilled ; however, saith he, do thou spit seven times on my eyes, and I shall be healed." See Mark viii. 23. and vii. 33. The passage from Capt. Light's Journal should be inserted in any future edition of Harmer. ?«i "26153 PREFACE. Still prevail in Syria and Egypt, afFord occasionally excellent illus- trations of the Holy Scriptures ; and coins, vases, inscriptions, throw light on the state of the arts among the Greeks, on different parts of their history ; and on the palaeography and dialects of their language. But no person is qualified to pay equal attention to the various subjects which present themselves to his notice, in a journey through European and Asiatic Turkey ; and any acquaintance with the geography, natural history, statistics, and antiquities of these countries is often obtained with great difficulty, even by those who are best prepared to direct their attention to such pursuits. A selection, therefore, from the journals of different travellers, may be the means of bringing together in a single volume a greater variety of information than we can expect to find in the work of any individual. . "^i:" —.1-31! ,...:; : ,1 Although the publications of our countrymen, as well as of others who have recently visited the Levant, have added many valuable materials to those which we before possessed, relating to different parts of the Turkish empire, yet the field of enquiry is so wide, that much remains still to engage the notice and attention of future travellers. Our knowledge of these countries is necessarily acquired by slow degrees ; various circumstances occasionally interrupt the researches of those who explore them ; some provinces, in consequence of the want of an able and efficient system of government, are exposed to the incursions of robbers and wandering tribes ; through these the traveller is obliged to pass in haste ; at other times, sickness, arising from the heat of the climate or from the season of the year, impedes his progress. The want of ready communication with the inhabitants, together with the ignorance and jealousy so frequently displayed by them, are obstacles to his acquiring the information which he seeks. To these, we must add the dangers he incurs in exploring the more uncivilised districts of the empire. PREFACE. xi While, therefore, we are thus prevented from obtainhig a more complete knowledge of these countries, it is hoped that an attempt to supply the deficiencies of it, according to the plan adopted in the present work, will be favourably received. The observations of those whose papers are now published for the first time, are communicated either in the tbrm of journals and letters, or detached essays. There are advantages attending each of these separate modes ; in the former, the remarks of the traveller are given as they presented themselves to his mind on the spot, without any unnecessary amplification or expansion ; and in adopting the latter method, the writer by subsequent reading and enquiry is able to bestow more attention on the subject than is consistent with the form of a mere narrative or journal. There are, indeed, many subjects which have not been sufficiently illustrated, either in the present work, or in those already published, relating to the Turkish empire. Yet every information of an original kind, and drawn from authentic sources, is of importance ; and if those Europeans who are settled in the great cities of the East would note down carefully their remarks, and institute enquiries on various subjects, we should soon be in possession of many new documents. A residence on the spot affords excellent opportunities for acquiring or correcting information. Materials for the valuable work of Dr. Russell were prepared in this manner ; and during the twelve years which were passed by D'Arvieux in the Levant, he collected a greater number of facts respecting the Turks, their manners and customs, than Europeans in general have been able to acquire. There are many objects of research which the transient traveller, however inquisitive, cannot investigate fully ; these may fall more properly under the observation of those who are resident in the country. It is to be regretted that a plan suggested by the Editor of Russell's Aleppo, in his preface to that work, has never yet been adopted. a 2 xii PREFACE. He proposes that a collection of books on astronomy, ancient geo- graphy, and natural history, together with a few instruments, should be placed in each of the commercial settlements in the Levant ; and that heads of enquiry under the form of queries should be adapted to the respective stations. There can be little doubt that a well-arranged plan of this nature would conduce materially to our knowledge of parts of Greece and Asia. It would stimulate enquiry, and direct usefully some portion of that time which might be spared by persons engaged in commercial pursuits, or by those who are resident as consuls in some of the cities of the East. If tliis plan, or one similar to it, cannot be easily carried into effect, the Editor hopes, that at different intervals of time selections will be made, partly from the papers of those travellers, who, although they liave been prevented by death from completing their labours, may have left behind them remarks too valuable to be forgotten ; partly from the observations of others, who may have directed their enquiries to new subjects, or have examined less frequented districts of the Turkish empire. If the journals of these travellers should be judged by the authors of them too small to form separate publications, still they may properly find their place in a volume, which shall in- corporate and connect them with the remarks of others relating to the same countries. . v ji :,,;;" ■ The Editor now proceeds to acknowledge the obligations which he has received from those gentlemen who have communicated to him the different papers and remarks which are published for the first time in the present volume. An Account of a Journey through the District of Maina, in the Morea, p. 33. This extract, from the papers of Mr. Morritt, relates to a part of Greece which has seldom been explored. Indeed an account so full PREFACE. ^jjj and so detailed of the character and manners of the Mainots * is no where to be found. The district of the Peloponnesus occupied by them is the portion of it bordering on the Messenian and Laconian gulfs. The spirit of piracy and plunder which made them so long the terror of the Archipelago and neighbouring seas, appears to have been softened in some degree by commercial pursuits. A traveller in the early part of the seventeenth century thus describes them : * The Mainots are called b}' Constantine Porphyrog. xia-rpov Mutvri; oix^roga;, de Ad. Imp. c. 50. On the eastern part of the country occupied by them they are joined by the Tzacones descended from the ancient Laconians, and inhabiting a district of the Morea between Nauplia and Epidaurus Limera. Many Doric forms are retained by the Tzacones in their language; some instances of which are given by Villoison. They say ox^pe for ix^pi (in Sap()ho we find opTrsrov for kp-ziTov), xa'^ixy) for x^P'^^ '> (the Dorians said aKKoxa for aXKoTi), also doiiyarrip and ^ovxa. They use vxvtx and Trpo^^ra, the Homeric nominative, instead of vduTrjc and TrfofijV));. — Sec the Prolegom. ad Horn. xlix. and his MS. notes on Pindar, referred to by Schasfer, p. 9G. in Greg, de D. and Leake's Researches, p. 200. We learn from Mr. Hawkins, that the names of the villages of the Tzaccuniotes are Prasto, Castanitza, and Sitena; they have also a few hamlets or summer habitations under the name of Kalivia. All these belong to the province of Mistra, though they are situated in the Villaete of Agios Petros. Prasto, in respect to its Greek population, is nearly equal to Tripolizza, containing from 800 to 1000 houses. Except a few small plains on the sea-coast, the country of Tzaccunia is entirely mountainous, and of course it is not produc- tive of corn, but supports very numerous flocks of goats and sheep. Cheese, therefore, is the principal object of exportation ; and next to this, Prino Cocci, or scarlet grains, which are gathered from the Prinari or Quercus Ilex. The inhabitants are celebrated for their skill in draining ground, antl in conducting water; and are preferred to all others in executing works of this kind in the Ionian islands. A considerable part of the whole population not finding employment at home migrate either periodically, at particular seasons of the year, or for a certain time. Many, for instance, visit Patras, where they are occupied in attend- ing to the currant vineyards. About three hundred leave Tzaccunia every year for Zeitun near Thermopylae, where they are employed during three months in the cultivation of the rice grounds. It is computed that about the same number are resident at Constantinople, most of whom follow the occupation of Baccalides (grocers and purveyors of victuals). The bread-sellers in that city are chiefly Armenians ; but the hirelings whom they employ to grind the com in horse-mills and to bake the bread are Tzaccuniotes. ,xiv-. PREFACE. " Agreste et ferox genus hominuni lorica induti, arcurn in manibus gestant, et nullius parent iynperio ; sed rajnnis et latt'ociniis assuefi obscurmn ducunt vitam, Christiani nomine, sed reipsa barhari et exleges 2)latie." Cotovic, Itin. 61. i , -.. • : l . ,. :. " -^ ^ , ., Remarks added to the Journal of Mr. Morritt, illustrating Part of his Route through the ancient Messenia and Laconia : — from the Papers of the late Dr. Sibthorp, p. 60.* " In the year 1784, Professor Sibthorp projected his first tour into Greece, and engaged a draftsman of great excellence, Mr. F. Bauer, to be the companion of his expedition ; thej arrived in Crete in 1786. This island and many other parts of the Levant were exa- mined by Dr. Sibthorp in that and the following year ; and he was enabled to collect a large mass of documents respecting the birds, and fishes, and plants of those celebrated countries, and to satisfy many enquiries respecting the state of agricvdture and medicine among the inhabitants of them. " Dr. Sibthorp's constitution had suffered much from the fatigues and exertions undergone by him during his journey into Greece ; yet sensible how much was still wanting to perfect the undertaking which he had originally designed, he determined to devote himself to the further prosecution of it, namely the botanical investigation of Greece, and especially the determination of the plants mentioned by its classical authors. " In 1794, he again set out for Turkey ; and was joined at Constan- tinople by Mr. Hawkins, who had accompanied him during part of * These remarks are published by the permission of Mr. Hawkins, to whom tlie Editor is also indebted for many communications, which are properly noticed, wherever they occur, ill this work. PREFACE. XV his former tour. They visited the plain of Troy, the isles of Imbros and Lemnos, the peninsula of Athos, passed some time in Attica; proceeded on their journey to the Morea, where they spent two months, examining the most interesting parts of that province. " They reached Zante on the 29th of April, and there Dr. S. parted from the faithful companion of his journey, whom he was destined never to see again, but in whose friendship he safely confided in his last hours. Mr. H. returned to Greece ; the Professor leit Zante for Otranto ; on the voyage he was detained by a contrary wind at Prevesa, and visiting the ruins of Nicopolis caught a severe cold, from which he never recovered. It seems to have proved the ex- citing cause of that disease, which had long been latent in the mesenteric and pulmonary glands, and which terminated in a con- sumption. He arrived in England in 1795, and died at Bath in 1796, in the -iSth year of his age. " The posthumous benefits which Dr. S. has rendered to his beloved science are sufficient to rank him among its most illustrious patrons. By his will, dated 1796, he gives a freehold estate in Oxfordshire to the University of Oxford, for the purpose of first publishing his Flora Grjsca, in ten folio volumes, with 100 coloured plates in each, and a Pi'odromus of the same work, in octavo, without plates. His executors, the Hon. T. Wenman, J. Hawkins, and T. Piatt, Es- quires, were to appoint a sufficiently competent editor of these works, to whom the MSS. drawings and specimens were to be confided. They fixed upon the writer of the present article, who has now nearly completed the Prodromus, and the second volume of the Flora. In preparing the latter work, the final determination of the species, the distinctions of such as were new, and all critical remarks have fallen to his lot; he has also revised the references to Dioscorides, and with Mr. Hawkins's help, corrected the modern Greek names. When these publications are finished, the annual sum of 2001. xyi PREFACE. is to be paid to a professor of Rural Economy, and the remainder of the rents of the estate above mentioned is destined to purchase books for him."* Journey in Asia Minor : — fro?n Parium to the Troad : — Ascent to the Summit of Ida : — the Salt Springs of Tousla : — the Ruins of Assos. — From the Papers of Dr. Hunt, p. 84. In this journey, Dr. Hunt was accompanied by the late Professor Carlyle. In their survey of the Troad, they were conducted by their guides to a part of the country which no traveller has yet visited. Of the magnificent ruins at Assos, there has been hitherto no published account ; they are slightly mentioned in the Voyage Pittoresque of M. de Choiseul. The Editor acknowledges his obligations to Shute Earrington, Lord Bishop of Durham, and to George Tomline, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, for the letters of the late Professor Carlyle, addressed to them from Constantinople and other parts of Turkey, p. 152. Various and contradictory reports had been circulated at different times, respecting the contents of the library of the Seraglio. Toderini (T. 2. Letterat. Turches) was informed that it contained many volumes in the Oriental dialects, and some manuscripts of the Greek and Latin writers. In answer to the enquiries of the Abbe Sevin, it was said, that the MSS. had been burnt. Dositheus, in his History of the Patriarchs of Jerusalem, printed in 1715, mentions the library of the Greek emperors as still existing. The late Pro- * Tne account in the text, relating to Dr. Sibthorp, is taken, by permission of Sir J. Smith, from a more enlarged memoir printed in Rees's Cyclopaedia. PREFACE. ^yjj fessor Carlyle was requested by Mr. Pitt and the Bishop of Lincoln to direct his attention particularly, during his residence at Constanti- nople, towards obtaining some satisfactory information on this subject; and one of his letters contains a very detailed and valuable statement, the result of his researches and personal enquiries. The accuracy of the account given by Mr. Carlyle, has been strongly confirmed by the publication of some part of the journals of M. Girardin, who was ambassador from France at the Porte, in the year 1685. It appears from the enquiries that were then made, that the Greek MSS. and books in the library amounted to about !200. A renegado Italian, in the service of the Selictar, the chief officer of the Seraglio, brought away* from it many of the works at successive times; and fifteen of these volumes, written partly on vellum, partly on paper, were selected by Besnier, the Jesuit, and purchased by him for the ambassador. The remainder of the Greek works were sold at Peraj Us ont ete vendus sur le pied de 100 livres cliacun : ainsi il n'en reste plus de cette langue dans le serail. This account f , (with which Mr. Carlyle was entirely unacquainted,) corresponds with the state- ment given by him to the Bishop of Lincoln. He found in the library many works in the Oriental dialects ; but none written in Greek. X * The plunder of the library had already commenced in 1638, as we learn from a leUer of Greaves: " I have procured, among other works, Ptolemy's Almagest, the fairest book that I have seen ; stolen by a Spahy, as I am informed, out of the King's library in the Seraglio." Vol. ii. p. 437. f It was not published in the life-time of Professor Carlyle. See " Notice des MSS. du Roi." T. viii. X An Arabic translation of a lost work of Aristotle, ■noXnelui -rroKnov, existed at Constan- tinople so late as the 1 089th year of the Hegira ; and is quoted by Hadjee Kalfa, who lived at that time, in his Bib. Orient. See Villoison, in Ac. des Inscr. xlvii. 322. The dis- covery of this MS. would be a literary acquisition of some value. b xyiii PREFACE. Of the MSS. which were procured by M. Girardin, and were after- wards brought to Paris, two were consulted by Wyttenbach and Larcher ; a manuscript of Plutarch, by the former ; and one of Herodotus, by the latter. Mount Athos,from the Papers of Dr. Hunt, p. 198. At the time when the capital of the Greek empire was in danger of being attacked by the Turks, the most valuable of the manuscripts of the learned Greeks were taken to Mount Athos, as a place of safety. The libraries of Paris, Vienna, and Moscow, contain many which have been brought from that peninsula* ; and persons have been sent at different times to procure others, which are preserved in some of the convents. We have, however, no recent or authentic account of the actual state of the monastic institutions at Athos. Dr. Hunt and Professor Carlyle, during a residence of three weeks there, collected much information relating to them, and examined with particular attention the different libraries f on the Holy Mountain. ; Remarks on Parts of Bceoiia and Phocis ; from the Journals of Mr. Raikes, p. 298. * Some have supposed that the entire copy of Livy was to be found at Athos. — Gib- bon's Miscall. Works, Vol. iii. p. 375. f Many of the MSS. in these libraries were probably written by the monks who exer- cised the office of calligraphs; others were given as presents on particular occasions. Maximus gave a manuscript of Chrysostom with some books to the monastery of Diony- sius. Gregory, Bishop of Elasson (the ancient Oloosson in Thessaly), presented a manu- script of the Gospel of St. John to the convent of Pantocratos. — Mem. de I'lnstit. 1815. PREFACE. xix The Plain of Marathon, from, the Papers of the late Colonel Squire, p. 329. In the year 1802, Colonel Squire was engaged with Colonel Leake and Mr. Hamilton in a tour through parts of Greece ; the plain of Marathon, the defile of Thermopylae, and the site of the battle of Plataea were particularly examined by them ; and plans of these spots so celebrated in the history of Greece, were taken. " The surveys," to use the words of Colonel Squire*, " were made from abase measured by a chain ; the principal points being ascertain- ed by angles observed with a theodolite." It is probable, that the delay of publishing these plans arose from a desire of collecting some additional details, and thus rendering them more full and perfect. The topographical sketch, which is now engraved from the papers of Colonel Squire, however incomplete, will serve to illustrate the observations made by him and his companions on the spot. More accurate geographical information respecting this and other parts ot Greece, may be shortly expected from Sir W. Gell, Mr. Hawkins, and Colonel Leake, who have applied themselves with great industry, to a survey of different districts of this country. Nos meilleurs cartes de ce pays ne sont encore que des cartes hypothetiques. Tra- duction de Strabon. T. iii. 101. * John Squire, late Lieutenant-Colonel in the Royal Corps of Engineers, was an officer of" distinguished talents. His death is sincerely lamented by his relatives; and by those who had various opportunities of behig acquainted with the excellences of his heart and understanding. He served his country in Egypt, South America, Holland, and Spain ; and died at Truxillo during the Peninsular war, A. D. 1812, in the thirty-third year of his age, the victim of excessive fatigue and exertion. 'H jxaKa drj Ttepi (reio Xvypov iroTjiov exMts TTarfnn, The extracts from Colonel Squire's papers are printed by permission of the Rev. E. Squire. b 2 XX PREFACE. Obsewatiojis j^elating to some of the Antiqidties of Egypt, from the Papers of the late Mr. Davison, p. 350. - Nathaniel Davison, Esq. was British consul at Algiers : he accom- panied Mr. Wortley Montague to Egypt, in the year 1763 ; resided eighteen months at Alexandria ; as many at Cairo ; and from that place visited frequently the pyramids of Giza.* During his stay in Egypt, he made some excursions in the vicinity of Alexandria with the Duke de Chaulnes ; they afterwards embarked together on board of the same vessel for Europe. While they were performing quarantine in the T^azaretto at Leghorn, the Duke con- trived by means of a false key to obtain and copy Mr. Davison's papers and drawings, f Coming afterwards to I-ondon, he advertised a publication of his own researches with drawings by Mr. Davison, whom he called his secretary. J The design of the work was laid aside, in consequence of a strong remonstrance on the part of Mr. Davison, conveyed in a letter to the Duke, Sept. 9. 1783, the very day on which the latter expected an engraver to wait upon him. A proposal of a joint publication was then made to Mr. D., which he declined. Two plates from Mr. Davison's drawings are engraved in Sonnini's travels, and must have been communicated by the Duke. * Mr. D. died in 1809. His Journals, Plans, and Drawings are in the possession of his widow, Mrs. Davison, of Alnwick, in Northumberland, and his nephew Dr. Yelloly, of Finsbury-square. From these papers the Editor has been permitted to select the extracts now published for the first time in the present volume. f This is stated on the authority of Mr. Meadley (the author of the life of Paley), who was well acquainted with Mr. Davison. \ This tract, in which Mr. D. is called the secretary to the Due de Chaulnes, is in the possession of Mr. Meadley. PREFACE. ^xi The merit of the discovery* of the room in the great pyramid at Giza, over the chamber which contains the Sarcophagus, is due solely to Mr. Davison : no traveller before or since his time has examined it ; nor has any one been induced by curiosity to descend so far into another part of the same building. Very little was known of the catacombs of Alexandria before he examined them : they seem to have been scarcely noticed by preceding travellers. He was the first who surveyed the whole of these extensive cemeteries ; and the plan of the Necropolis among his papers, is nearly as full and complete as that which was afterwards made by the French. Remarks on the Manners and Customs of the Modern Inhabitants of Egypt ; from the Journals of Dr. Hume. Journal of a Voyage up the Nile, betzveen Philce and Ibrim, in Nubia, in May 1814, by Captain Light. On the Topography of Athens ; communicated by Mr. Haiikins. On the Vale of Tempe ; by the same. On the Syrinx of Strabo, and the Passage of the Euripus ; by the same. • Mr. D.'s discovery is mentioned by Niebuhr and Bruce : the former says, " Je ne fus pas assez heureux pour y decouvrir une chanibre, jusqu' alors inconnue, et qui fut decou- verte apres notre depart par Mr. Davison." Vol. i. p. 161. The latter says, " Mr. D. discovered the chamber above the landing place." Vol. i. p. 41. Maillet had been forty times in the pyramid, and had no knowledge of the chamber. Xxii PREFACE. Panoramic View of Athens, illustrated by Mr.Haygarth. Letter from Mr. Morritt to Dr. Clarke, respecting the Plain of Troy. The Architectural Inscription brought from Athens, explained and translated by Mr. Wilkins. LIST OF THE PLATES. Map, Graecia Antiqua - - - To face the Title Sigillarium Page 324 AHKT0O2ATTIKOS 325 AHKT0O2 327 Plain of Marathon 334 Marbles brought from Amyclae 452 A New Plan of Athens, by Fauvel ... - 481 Panoramic View of Athens, PI. L PI. IL - PI. III. '' ^^^ PI. IV. Inscription brought from Athens - . . . 585 Temple of Minerva at Athens 591 The Troad 604 GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Preliminary Dissertation. — The Causes of the Weakness and Decline of the Turkisli Monarchy; and some Remarks on the System of Govern- ment pursued in the European and Asiatic Provinces of the Empire, by the Editor ------ Page 1 I. Note respecting the Massacre of the Mamelukes by the Turks, in the year 1811 - - - - - - - S2 II. Account of a Journey through the District of Maina in the Morea ; communicated by Mr. Morritt - - . - 33 Boundaries of Maina. — Calamata Ruins of Ancient Baths. Thiiria. Government of Maina. — Manners of the People. — Cardamyle. — Jllzdo. The Ancient Gythiiim. III. Remarks illustrating Part of the preceding Journal ; from the Papers of the late Dr. Sibthorp - - - - - - 60 Fertility ofMesseiiia. — The Festival of the Paschal Lamb. — Produce of the Dis- trict ofKutchik Maina. — Silk, Cotton, Indian Corn, Millet. — Caprifcation. Use of the Euphorbia Apios. — Mount Taijgetus. — Plants observed during the Journey. IV. Parnassus, and the neighbouring District ; from the Manuscripts of the late Dr. Sibthorp - - - - . - 64 Village of Condoura. — Cithceron ThespifV. — Livadea. — Fishes in the Her- cyna. — Grotto of Trophonius. — Asce?it of Parriassus. — Ruins of Delphi. Mo- nastery of St. Luke. — Excursion to the Islands Didascalo and Ambelia, in the Sea of Corinth. V. Observations on Natural History relating to Parts of Greece, and the Island of Cyprus ; from the Same - - . - 73 Domestic and Wild Animals, and Birds of Greece. — Quadrupeds, Birds, and Fishes of Cyprus. A 2 j^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. VI. Journey from Parium to the Troad. — Ascent to the Summit of Ida. — The Salt Springs of Toushi. — Ruins of Assos ; from the Journals of Dr. Hunt ...... Page 84 Chap. 1. Libraries in the Princes' Islands. — Proconnesian Marble. — Sponges on the Coast of Mannara. — The Cephus of the Ancient Greeks. — Parium. — Scenery and striking Appearance of the Countrij on the Banks of the Hellespont. — Lampsa- cus. — Arrival at the Dardanelles. — Prices of different Articles (f Provision. Chap. 2. Hadim Oglou, the Governor of the Dardanelles. — Yenisher, or the Ancient Sigccnm. Cause of the Obliteration of the Char act rs on the Sigtran Stone. — Exor- cism, and other superstitious Rites. — Produce of IVool and Cotton on the Plain of Troy. — Greek Inscription in the supposed Tomb of Achilles. — Greek Inscription }-e- lating to Kings Antiochns and Seleucus ; another, mentioning Agrippa. Chap. J. Aqueduct over the River called Camara Sou. — Bounarbashi ■ — Singular Structure of the Wains used by the Peasantry of the Troad — Journey to explore the Source (f the Mender. — Pitch-burners from the Island of Salamis. — Summit cf Ida. Chap. 4. Descent from Ida. — Extensive Ruins tf Assos. — Remains of a Granite Temple, and of a Theatre. — Greek Inscriptions. — Sarcophagi of Granite. — Hot Salt Springs of Tonsla. — Reference of Strabo to the Salines of Tragasea. — Votive Offerings at the Hot Baths. — Alexandria Troas. — Statistics of Neachore. — Tenedos. VII. Remarks respecting Attica ; from the Journals of the late Dr. Sib- thorp - - - - - - - 141 Goats and Sheep of Attica. — Mode offending the Flocks. — Agriculture of the Country. — Process of Dying the Black and Yellow Leather. — Hymettus. Vlli. Letters from the late Professor Carlyle, during his Residence in Tur- key, to the Lord Bishop of Lincoln - - - - 152 Letters from the Same, to the Lord Bishop of Durham - - lys IX. Mount Athos. — An Account of the Monastic Institutions, and the Libraries on the Holy Mountain ; from the Papers of Dr. Hunt 198 Monastery of Batopaidi ; Contribution levied on it by the Porte. — Visits of nu- merous Pilgrims dtiring the Holy Week. — The Library in that Monastery. — Rigid Fasts of the Monks. — Journey to the Town qfChuriess. — Convent of Coutloumoussi, and its Library. — Pantocratoras. — Pilgrims from the Thracian Hemus ; their Offerings and Devotions. — Convent of Stavroniketa. — Library. — Convent of Iveron. — Visit to the remaining Convents on the Peninsula, and Examination of the Libraries. Note, respecting the Monastic Libraries in Greece - - 221 Remarks on the Religious Communities of Athos. — Journey towards the Isthmus. — Remains of the Canal of Xerxes. State of the Country near the Ancient Acanthus ; Dress and Manners of the People. — J^isit of Ceremony from a Bride. — Taxes and Imjwsts. — Silver Mines ofNisvoro. — 7%*? Plains near Salonica. — Tumuli. TABLE OF CONTENTS. V X. Additional Remarks on the Sepulchres of the European and Asiatic Greeks, by the Editor .... Page 230 XI. Notice respecting Dr. Sibthorp's Journals, by the Editor - 233 XII. Medicinal and Economical Uses of" the Plants of Greece ; from the Papers of the late Dr. Sibthorp .... 235 Notes by the Editor. XIII. Plants collected in Cyprus, by Dr. Hume - - - 253 XIV. Birds, Quadrupeds, and Fishes of Greece and Cyprus, with their Names in Romaic ; from the Papers of Dr. Sibthorp - - 255 Notes by the Editor. XV. On the various Modes of Fishing practised by the Modern Greeks, by the Editor - - - - - - - 276 XVI. Various Extracts from Dr. Sibthorp's Journals - - 278 Sponge Gatherers offttie Coast of the Thracian Chersonesus. — Marine Produelions. — Lemnos. — DejMjmlation of the Island. — The Lcmnian Earth. — Eubcea. — Ki'crtra and Misletoe of the Ancients. — The " White Blackbird" of Aristotle. — The Murex of the Ancients. — Truffles of Laconi a. — The Ferula, or vap^r^^ of Prometheus. — The Kvj(pi of Cyprus. — Singular Custom of making an Offering cf Bread to the Fish Melanuros. — The roasted Liver of the Scarus. XVII. On the Olives and Vines of Zante. — On the Corn cultivated in that Island, and in Parts of the Ancient Boeotia. — The produce of Corn in some Districts of Greece ; from the Papers of Dr. Sibthorp, and from some Remarks communicated by Mr. Hawkins - - 288 XVIII. Journal through Parts of Bceotia and Phocis, communicated by Mr. Raikes - - - - - - 298 Ncgropont. — The Straits of the Euripus ; Anthedon -, Larymna ; the River Cephissus ,- Discharge of the Waters of the Lake Copais through the KotTa^oipa. Note respecting the Boeotian Catabothra and Copaic Lake, by the Editor .... . - - 305 Continuation of Mr. Raikes' Journal . - . . 307 Rhamnus. — Ruins of the Temple of Nemesis. — Inscribed Maible Chair. Note respecting the ©po'voi and A/^poi of the Greeks, by the Editor 309 Ascent to the Corycian Cave ; and Copy of the Greek Inscription found near the Entrance of it; communicated by Mr. Raikes - 311 XIX. Remarks relating to the Military Architecture of the Ancient Greeks, from the Journals of the late Colonel Squire - - 316 yl TABLE OF CONTENTS. Four diffocnl Modes of Building observed in the Greek Fortresses. — Instances of the Use of the Ifj-avTaxn;. - Sites of some of the fort ijed Towns in Greece. XX. Antiquities of Athens : — Explanation of the Subject of the Vases facing p. 325. and p. 32?. ; — and of the Sigillarium ; by the Editor Page 322 XXI. Excavations in the Tombs of Attica - - - 325, 326 The AHKT0OI or Painted Vases of the Greeks - - - 326 XXII. The Plain of Marathon ; from the Papers of the late Col. Squire 329 Situation and Extent of the Plain : Advantages afforded to the Athenians hi/ the Valleij of Marathon in their Battle xvith the Persians. XXIII. Remarks on Parts of the Continent of Greece; from the Same 337 Lebadea, Orchomenus, Chceronea, Platcea, Partiassus, Delphi. XXIV. The Isthmus of Corinth; from the Same - - - 346 XXV. Observations relating to some of the Antiquities of Egypt; from the Journals of the late Mr. Davison . . - . 350 Height of the Great Pijraniid if Giza, measured bij the Stejis. — Account of the JVell in. the Great Pyramid, p. 355. — Discover i/ by Mr. D. of the Chamber in the same Building, p. S5yi. — Pyramids of Saeara, _2?. 3G4. — Letters between. Professor White and Mr. Davison, J). '667 • Note respecting the Ancient Characters, and Covering on the Pyramids, . by the Editor - - - . , _ . 371 , , Continuation of Mr. Davison's Papers: : Catacombs (f Alexandria surveyed and examined by Mr. Davison, p. 373. — Greek • . Inscription in them discovered by Mr. D., }>. 376". — Remark relating to the Pillar raised at Alexandria in honour (f Diocletian. — Siiigtdar Use of the word A102 in ■.'• ' Greek prose. — Discovery by M. Qiiatremire of the name Pompeius, a Governor cf /' part of Lower Egypt in the reign of Diocletian, p. 380. XXVI. The Catacombs of Alexandria ; the Paintings with whicli they were ornamented; Remarks on the Custom of painting Temples and Statues; Illustration of the singular Use of the Word rpa;pcu, by the Editor 381 XXVII. Remarks on the Manners and Customs of the Modern Inhabitants of Egypt ; from the Journals of Dr. Hume - - - 388 Shops and Bazars of Rosetta. — Egyptian Arabs. — Houses, and Modes of Life. — Money-changers. — Ethiopian and Circassian Women. — Moslem Marriage. — Sei- pient eaters. — Levantines, and Coptic Inhabitants. XXVIII. Journal of a Voyage up the Nile into Part of Nubia, in May 1814 ; by Captain Light ..... 407 TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii Departure from Assouan. — Destruction occasioned by tJie Locusts. — Gartaas. — Remains of Antiquity. — Arrival at Taecfa. — Entrance of the Cataracts of Galab- shee. — Suspicion and Jealousy expressed by the Inhabitants. — Rnins at Galabshcc. — Temples of Dukkey. — Greek Inscriptions rrlafin^ to Mercury. — Intervicxv xvilh a Cashief. — Arrival at Dcir. — Mantelulces at Dongola. — Reception by the Son (f tlic Cashiefof Deir. — Ibrim. — Application of human Saliva to the Cure of Disorders. — Voyage doxvn the Rii'rr, and Arrival at Seboo. — Remains (f Antiquity. — Tvoo Roivs of Sphinxes, and gigantic Figures in alto-relievo. — Oufjendoone. — Caravan ofGelabs, or Slave Merchants. — Deboo. — Nature of the Hostilities between the People of Deboo and a neighbouring Village. — Character ring tlicmsplvps :is slaves to the Pasha : all these, and in short every one, however young, and incapable of guilt, or however old, and tried in his fidelity, the most elevated and the most obscure, were hurried before the Pasha, who sternly re- fused them mercy, one by one, impatient until he was assured the destruction was complete. Here, then, is an end of the Mamelukes : and this is the Pasha who piques himself on his clemency. I know nothing in the whole of this miserable scene more dis- tressinff than the situation of the wives of the Beys; for to distinguish in every particular this tumult from all others, even the harems have not been respected; and these unfortu- nate women, driven from their apartments which they thought a kind of sanctuary, and stripped of nearly all their clothes, deprived of every refuge, are still wandering, without a protector, without a home, and even without bread. " They say, six or seven hundred are already killed, and a proclamation has been cried throuffh the town, enjoining every one to deliver up any Mameluke, who may be con- cealed in his house, under pain of death, and the confiscation of his property." TRAVELS IN TURKEY. ACCOUNT OF A JOURNEY THROUGH THE DISTRICT OF MAINA, IN THE MOREA. J. HAT part of the ancient Laconia, now called Maina, though often incidentally mentioned by earlier travellers, had been scarcely, if ever, visited by any of them, when the course of my tour led me thither in the spring of 1795. The independence which the Mainiots had long maintained against the Pashas of the Morea, and the agents of the Porte, the jealousy with which they guarded their frontier from the intrusion of every stranger, who travelled under Turkish protection, the nature of that frontier, and their predatory incursions into the territory of their enemies the Turks, had not only opposed real difficulties to the intercourse of a traveller with the country, but had invested their character with so much terror, that it was almost impossible to ascertain from the report of their neighbours whether they could be visited with safety under any circumstances of precau- tion. Certainly they were described to us as robbers, whom no 34 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, consideration of hospitality could bind from the exercise of their pro- fession, and the stranger who ventured within their frontier was taught to expect the loss of liberty, or even of his life, unless he re- deemed them by a heavy ransom. Such were the representations of the Turkish governors in the Morea, which were echoed by the Greek merchants of Livadea and Napoli. It was easy to perceive much exaoo-eration in these accounts : for sometimes we had met with small vessels commanded or manned by natives of Maina, who carried on a coasting trade with other parts of the Levant, though not without the imputation of occasional piracy ; and we learnt from them that it was their policy to keep up as much as possible the alarming repu- tation which the fears and hatred of the Turks had conferred upon them. We determined on approaching the south of the Morea to use every means of procuring accurate information of the state of this almost unvisited district, and the result was that we not only passed its boundaries, but received great gratification in witnessing from the hospitality of its inhabitants a state of society vei'y remote from that which falls under the observation of a traveller in other parts of the Levant. It should be remembered that I am describing Maina, as it existed in 1795, when many of its inhabitants had never seen a foreigner, and while they strictly adhered to their institutions and customs, on which they had founded their freedom and inde- pendence. The Maina, as is well known to every traveller in Greece, included at the time I was there that part of Laconia between the gulphs of Messene and Gythium, bounded on the north by the highest ridge of Taygetus, from whence a chain of rugged inountains descends to Cape Matapan, the southern termination of the country. We entered it from the Messenian side, after visiting Calamata, a small but popu-i lous town, inhabited principally by Greeks who were subject to the Pasha of the Morea. It was at this place that we procured the necesi sary intelligence respecting our further progress, and as there are some objects of classical interest in the vicinity of this little town, which have hitherto been imperfectly described, and the geography IN THE MOREA. 35 .of the ancients respecting this part of the Messenian territory admits of further elucidation, I shall begin the extracts from my journal t'rom om' arrival at Calamata on the 7th of April. This town is situated not far from the sea on the eastern side of the beautiful and extensive plain of Messenia. This plain is watered by the Pamisus*, and extends along the shore for about fifteen miles from Ithome and the mountains that separate Messenia from Triphy- lia to Tiiygetus. Cotylus and Lycaeus are the boundaries to the north-east and north, whence the Pamisus rolls its waters to the sea. Its sources are mentioned by Pausanias in the way which led from Thuria into Arcadia. Notwithstandino- the slowness of its course it is the largest river in the Peloponnesus, and divides itself into three or foxir considerable streams, encircling small islands in its progress between the foot of Mount Ithome f and the sea. The whole plain is naturally fertile, and the eastern part of it near Calamata is a scene of rich and beautiful cultivation. The fields are divided by high fences of the Cactus or prickly pear, and large orchards of the white mulberry tree, the food of silk-worms (of which the inhabitants of this part of the plain rear great numbers), are interspersed with fields of maize, olive grounds, and gardens almost worthy of Alcinous him- self Among these the small town of Calamata stands, consisting of perhaps three hundred houses scattered amidst the gardens and along the banks of the rivulet that now bears its name. This rivulet descends from Taygetus, and was anciently the Nedon described in Strabo, lib. viii. p. 360., as falling into the sea near Pherae, or Pharee. It has every character of a mountain torrent, an inconsiderable stream in summer, and even when we were there (in spring) it was almost lost in a bed of large stones and gravel of about one hundred yards in * Now called Pirnatza. Mr. M. confirms the words of Strabo, who says " it is the largest river (meaning the broadest, for in length the Eurotas and Alpheus exceed it) within the isthmus." Lib. viii. t Now called Mount Vulkano ; the ruins of Messene are near a spot named Mavroma- thia. See the French edition of Strabo, and Gell's Itinerary of the Morea. .. .' : . F 2 36 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, width, brought down by its violence in the winter months. It falls into the sea at the distance of about a mile from Calamata, and the same devastation marks its course through the plain. Its banks are covered with brushwood, and its progress is interrupted by little islands of copse. Amongst these fringes of its banks, we sought in vain for the ruins of the town of Pherse, which, according to Pausanias, stood at six stadia from the sea, in the way from Abia to Thuria, consequently at no great distance, and probably on the very situation of the modern town of Calamata. This last derives its name from Calamae, a village mentioned by Pausanias, lib. iv. ; which still exists and retains its ancient name, and is situated at the distance of about two miles from Calamata, and more inland. The cultivation of the plains, and the modern buildings there, during the period when the Venetians pos- sessed this fertile country, have tended to obliterate the inconsiderable remains of antiquity which might be expected to have come down to us from the ase of Strabo and Pausanias. The modern town is built on a plan not unusual in this part of the Morea, and well adapted for the defence of the inhabitants against the attacks of the pirates that infest the coast. Each house is a sepa- rate edifice, and many of them are high square towers of brown stone, built while the Venetians had possession of the country. The lower story of their habitations serves chiefly for offices or warehouses of merchandize, and the walls on every side are pierced with loop-holes for the use of musketry, while the doors are strongly barricadoed. A small Greek church stands near the Nedon in front of Calamata, and behind the town a ruined Venetian fortress rises on a hill over the gardens and dwellings of the inhabitants. The Greeks who lived there were rich and at their ease ; the fields in the vicinity of the town belonged to them, and they had also a considerable trade, the chief articles of which arose from their cultivation of silk and oil. They were governed by men of their own nation and appointment, subject only to the approval of the Pasha of the Morea, who resided at Tripolizza, and to the payment of a tribute which was collected among themselves, and transmitted by a Turkish Vaivode, who, with IN THE MOREA. 37 a small party of Janissaries was stationed here for that purpose, and for the defence of the town against the Main lots. While preparations were making for our journey into Maina, we proceeded to examine the different objects of antiquity in the vici- nity of Calamata. We mounted our horses, and proceeded north- ward along the plain to Paloeo-castro, where from the name of the place we expected the ruins of an ancient city, and from the distance and direction those of Thuria. " Pharae is at the distance of six " stadia from the sea. From hence the city of Thuria is at the dis- " tance of eighty stadia, to a traveller who is proceeding to the inland " part of Messenia. It is supposed to be the same city which in " Homer's poem is called Anthea. The inhabitants of Thuria leav- " ing their city, which had originally been built upon an eminence, " descended into the plain and dwelt there. They did not however " entirely abandon the upper city, but the ruins of the walls remain " there, and a temple of the Syrian goddess. The river Aris flows " near the city of the plain."* Strabo says that the ancient name of Thuria was Aipeia, a name derived from its lofty situation, though he also mentions the fact that some topographers placed Anthea here, and Aipeia at Methone. . • Leaving Calamata we passed the village of Kutchukmaina, and skirting the mountain of Taygetus which rose on our right hand, we came in about an hour to the ruin of ancient baths, of which the buildings that remain are very considerable. The construction is of brick, and the principal entrance to the south. This leads into a large vaulted hall with groined semi-circular arches ; on each side of the entrance are rooms which had rows of pipes in the walls for the conveyance of hot water, of which pipes the fragments still remain. The hall has a large arch on each side, and extends beyond the arches to the east and west extremity of the building. An arched passage between other bath-rooms corresponding with the entrance leads from the north side of the hall into a spacious saloon, the ceiling of which * Pausaii. lib. iv. c. 31. 38 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, is also vaulted with groined arches, and the aspect to the north. In these bath-rooms remain contrivances for heating the apartments, and in one the wall is cased with tiles, perforated for the admission of steam. A small bath is at the end of the eastern suit of rooms, which has been lined with stucco. This has been supplied with hot water from the pipes. The water used here appears from the sedi- ment near the pipes and on the walls to have been impregnated with sulphur. A detached semi-circular reservoir, still traceable to the east of the building, supplied the water for its use. The rooms to the north east are in ruins ; the rest, though stripped of the marble ornaments which once adorned them, remain entire. The bricks are of the size and texture of the Roman bricks, and probably the build- ing itself must be referred to that people. I find no mention of it in any ancient author, but from the style of the construction could not refer it to any more recent period ; though it appears to have been used long after the decline of Roman dominion. From hence we continued our journey to Palaeo-castro, a village still inhabited, and surrounded with the ruins of an ancient city. They cover the space of nearly the circuit of two miles, and parts of the ancient wall of Thuria may be traced by the foundations that re- main. These are all upon a hill at the foot of Taygetus, which retains many vestiges of the former town. Amongst them lie scattered several marble tympana of fluted columns of the Doric order ; pro- bably the remains of the temple dedicated to the Syrian goddess, of which at least we found no other indication. There is a large oblong cistern or tank hewn in the rock, and coated with a cement that still adheres to many parts of its sides, which we found on measurement to be twenty-three yards long and sixteen broad. The depth of it is now about fourteen feet: much soil having fallen into it. The walls are not so distinctly traceable as to enable us to ascertain the exact extent of this ancient city; the vestiges of that which was subsequently inhabited in the plain are far more indistinct. The soil there is rich and deep, and broken into platforms and angles of very singular ap- pearance, by the waters from the mountains. Some of these are so IN THE MOREA. ^9 regular, as to present almost the appearance of a modern fortification. Here, however, the Aris, an inconsiderable stream, still flows to the Pamisus, and, while the ancient ruins are visible on the hill, the ferti- lity of the plain has obliterated the more recent habitations of the Thurians : Deep harvests bury all their pride has plann'd, - ? "' And laughing Ceres re-assumes the land. " , ,^ We returned to Calamata through other villages nearer to the mountain than the baths by which we had come before, and through a country the cultivation of which attested the comfort of the inhabit- ants. The Greek proprietors of this little district could so easily remove themselves and their property into Maina, that the domi- nion the Turks exercised over them was more limited in its nature, than in most other parts of the Levant; and content with the annual payment of a sum of money, and occasional bribes to himself and his officers, the Pasha allowed them in peace to cultivate their estates, and sell the produce unmolested by the petty agents of despotism, who, as Agas and Vaivodes, exercised a subordinate tyranny through the rest of the Morea. ■ • ' .' . / April 11th. — From Calamata our journey conducted us eastward round the end of the bay of Corone, and then in a southerly direction along the shore. We soon came to several copious salt-springs, which gush out from a low rock ; below them are two or three mills whose wheels are turned by their stream. These were anciently be- tween the cities of Pheras and Abia, and now divide the district of Calamata from Maina. Abia is still pointed out on the shore to the south of the salt-springs. Near the mills we came to a square stone tower, the residence of a Mainiot chief As I shall have frequently occasion to mention similar towers and their inhabitants, a general explanation of the government and state of Maina at the time I saw it will best enable the reader to understand the occurrences which I shall have to relate. The government of Maina at the time I visited it, resembled in many respects the ancient establishment of the Highland clans in 40 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, Scotland. It was divided into smaller or larger districts, over each of which a chief, or Capitano, presided, whose usual residence was a fortified tower, the resort of his family and clan in times of peace, and their refuge in war. The district they governed belonged to their retainers, who each contributed a portion (I think, a tenth) of the produce of his land to the maintenance of the family under whom he held. Each chief, besides this, had his own domain, which was cultivated by his servants and slaves, and which was never very considerable. They were perfectly independent of each other ; the judges of their people at home, and their leaders when they took the field. The most powerful Capitano of the district usually assumed the title of Bey of Maina, and in that name transacted their business with the Turks, negotiated their treaties, or directed their arms against the common enemy. In the country itself his power rested merely on the voluntary obedience of the other chiefs, and his jurisdiction extended in fact only over his own immediate dependants. The Turkish court, to preserve at least a shadow of power over this refractory community, generally confinned by a ferman the appoint- ment of the Bey, whose own power or influence enabled him to support the title. The population of Maina is so great in proportion to its fertility, that they are obliged to import many of the common necessaries of life. For these they must occasionally trade with the Turkish provinces, and exchange their own oil and silk and domestic manufactures for the more essential articles of wheat and maize, and provisions. To obtain these, they had recourse sometimes to smug- gling, and sometimes to a regular payment of the Charatch, and ac- knowledgment of the supremacy of the Porte. This they again threw off, when a favourable year, or any extraordinary sources of supply ren- dered their submission unnecessary ; and by such rebellion had more than once drawn upon them the vengeance of their powerful neigh- bour. The contest had been repeatedly renewed, and as often the Turks had been repulsed or had fallen victims to the determined resistance of the Mainiots, and the inaccessible nature of their country. IN THE MOREA. 41 Tlie coast indented with small creeks, containing the i-ow-boats used universally in piratical excursions, is every where surrounded l)y rocks and exposed to winds which render it unsafe for transports and ships of burden. On the arrival of an enemy, their villages and towers along the shore were deserted, and the people retired to the mountains, the steep ridges of Tiiygetus, that rise from the shore, where other villages and securer valleys afforded them a temporary shelter from the storm of invasion. Should a body of troops be landed, and wreak their vengeance on the deserted habitations, the first rising gale cuts them off from all hopes of assistance from their fleet. A hardy people, well acquainted with every path of their native mountains, armed to a man with excellent rifles, dispersing easily by day, and assembling as easily every night, would distress them every hour they staid, and harass them at every step, if they advanced. The very women, well acquainted with the use of arms, have more than once poured ruin from the walls of some strong-built tower, or well-situated village, on the assailants, from whom they had nothing to expect but slaughter or captivity, if conquered. The country admits not of the conveyance of artillery, and their towers, ill calculated as they may seem for the improved warfare of more polished nations, offered a powerful means of resistance against the efforts of the Turks, and had more than once materially delayed their progress. Should the Turks attack them by land, their frontier to the nortli is still more impenetrable. The loftiest and most inaccessible rocks, and the highest summits of Taygetus occupy the whole line, leaving only two roads that are shut in by the mountain on one side, and the sea on the other. The passes of the interior part of the country are known only to the natives, and to penetrate along the coast, while the Mainiots are in possession of the mountains, would require courage and discipline very superior to such as are generally displayed by the Turkish soldiery. In the war conducted by Lambro, with Russian money, the Mainiots were found so ti-oublesome to the Turks, that a combined attack was made upon their country by the fleet under the G 42 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, Capoudan Pasha, which landed troops upon their coast, and the forces of the Morea, which marched at the same time from Misitra. The number of these two armies, probably exaggerated, was rated by the Mainiots at 20,000 men. The result of the attack by sea was pointed out to me near Cardamyle ; a heap of whitening bones in a dell near the town, the remains of the Turks, who, after suffering the severest privations, were not so fortunate as the rest in finding a refuge in their fleet. The attack by land was equally disastrous. After a fruit- less attempt to advance, and burning a few inconsiderable villages, their army was obliged to retire, harassed by the fury of the people, while another party of the Mainiots burst into the plain of the Eurotas, drove off whatever they could plunder, and in the flames of Misitra, a considerable Turkish town, expiated the trifling mischief they had sustained at home. Such are the stories at least which I heard repeated by their chiefs, and which the common people no less delighted to tell. Though easily vmited, when threatened by the Turk, yet frequent feuds, and petty warfare, too often arose between their chiefs at home ; these feuds, however, preserved alive the martial spirit of the people, and they were, perhaps, on this account more successful in their resistance than they would have been if their government was more settled, and they had enjoyed a more uninterrupted peace. By sea their warfare was still more inextinguishable. They infested with their row-boats every corner of the Cyclades and Morea, and made a lawful prize of any vessel that was too weak for resistance ; or entered by night into the villages and dwellings near the shore, carrying off whatever they could find. Boats of this sort, called here Trattas, abounded in every creek ; they are long and narrow like canoes ; ten, twenty, and even thirty men, each armed with a rifle and pistols, row them with great celerity, and small masts with Latine sails are also used when the winds are favourable. Every chief had one or more of these, and all exercised piracy as freely, and with the same sentiments, as appeared to have prevailed among the heroes of the Odyssey and early inha- bitants of Greece. IN THE MOREA. 43 Habits like these, it may well be supposed, had a correspondent effect on the national charactei". Their freedom, though turbulent and ill regulated, produced the effects of freedom ; they were active, industrious, and intelligent. Among their chiefs, I found men toler- ably versed in the modern Romaic literature, and some who had suffi- cient knowledge of their ancient language to read Herodotus and Xenophon, and who were well acquainted with the revolutions of their country. Their independence and their victories had given them confidence, and they possessed the lofty mind and attachment to their country which has every where distinguished the inhabitants of mountainous and free districts, whether in Britain, Switzerland, or Greece. The robbery and piracy they exercised indiscriminately m their roving expeditions they dignified by the name of war ; but though their hostility was treacherous and cruel, their friendship was inviolable. The stranger that was witliin their gates was a sacred title, and not even the Arabs were more attentive to the claims of hospitality. When we delivered our letters of recommendation to a chief, he received us with every mark of friendship, escorted us every whex-e while we staid, and conducted us safely to the house of his nearest neighbour, where he left us under the protection of his friend; there we again staid a short time, and were forwarded in the same manner to a third. To pass by such a chief's dwelling without stop- ping to visit it, would have been deemed an insult, as the reception of strangers was a privilege highly valued. While a stranger was under their protection, his safety was their first object ; an insult to such a person would have aroused in their breasts the strongest incitements to revenge ; his danger would have induced them to sacrifice even their lives to his preservation, as his suffering any injury would have been an indelible disgrace to the family where it happened. The religion of the Mainiots is that of the Greek Christian church, with its usual accompaniments of saints, holy places, and holy pic- tures. Their churches were numerous, clean, and well attended ; their superstition was great, as may be supposed from the adventu- rous and precarious life I have described. Hence their fondness for G 2 44 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, amulets and charms, and faith in them : but I know not whether (liey carry these to a greater height than the rest of their nation. A more pleasing feature in their character, was their domestic intercourse with the other sex. Their wives and daughters, unlike those of most other districts in the Levant, were neither secluded, corrupted, or enslaved. Women succeeded in default of male issue to the possessions of their fathers, and partook at home of the confi- dence of their husbands, the education of their children, and the management of their families. In the villages they shared in the labours of domestic life, and in war they even partook of the dangers of the field. In no country were they more at liberty, and in no country were there fewer instances of its abuse than in Maina at this period. Conjugal infidelity was extremely rare, and indeed as death was sure to follow detection, and might even follow suspicion, it was not likely to have made much progress. The dress and appearance of these heroines will be described in the course of my relation ; they were very different indeed from what the Amazonian nature of their habits and accomplishments would lead the reader to suppose. To return, then, to the tower of Myla, so called from the mills I have mentioned on the salt streams which are described by Pausanias near Abia. The Capitano who received us invited us to his house, and set before us a repast, of which he partook himself, the usual symbol of hospitality, but here the pledge of safety. He assured us of the security with which we might proceed ; his own possessions were inconsiderable, and his followers not numerous, but his house, though small, was neat and well appointed. After eating with us, he attended us with a large train on foot to Abia, the ruins of which are on the shore at the distance of above a mile from the salt-springs, in a southerly direction : one old piece of wall, of massive masonry, of a circular form, and the remains of a Mosaic pavement in the floor of a modern Greek church, are all the vestiges of antiquity that ascertain the spot where Abia stood, except the platform, and marks on the ground which indicate that other buildings formerly existed. In the tradi- tion of the country the circular ruin had been a bath : however, on IN THE MOKEA. ' ^^ asking our conductor by what authority he asserted this, his answer was, " My father received it from his father, who heard the same " from his ; if they were all mistaken, so am I." Our friend here took leave of us, sending with us to Kitrees, one of his armed follow- ers, who walked on before our party. The road lies along the shore. From Myla the mountains of Tiiygetus rise in high ridges to the east, and descend in rocky slopes to the sea. The country is barren and stony beyond conception, and yet the earth, which is washed by the rains and torrents from the higher parts is supported on a thousand platforms and terraces, by the indefatigable industry of the inhabi- tants, and these were covered with corn, maize, olives, and mulberry trees, which seemed to grow out of the rock itself Through such a country we arrived at Kitrees, a small hamlet of five or six cottages, scattered round another fortress, the residence of Zanetachi Kutu- phari, Ibrmerly Bey of Maina, and of his niece Helena, to whom the property belonged. The house consisted of two towers of stone, exactly resembling our own old towers upon the borders of England and Scotland ; a row of offices and lodgings for servants, stables, and open sheds, inclosing a court, the entrance to which was through an arched and embattled gateway. On our approach, an armed retainer of the family came out to meet us, spoke to our guard who attended us from Myla. He returned with him to the castle, and informed the chief, who hastened to the gate to welcome us, surrounded by a crowd of gazing attendants all surprised at the novelty of seeing Eng- lish guests. We were received, however, with the most cordial wel- come, and shewn to a comfortable room on the principal floor of the tower, inhabited by himself and his family ; the other tower, being the residence of the Capitanessa, his niece, for that was the title which she bore. Zanetachi Kutuphari was a venerable figure, though not above the age of fifty-six. His family consisted of a wife and four daughters, the two youngest of which were children. They inhabited the apart- ment above ours, and were, on our arrival, introduced to us. The old chief, who himself had dined at an earlier hour, sat down however 46 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, to eat with us according to the established etiquette of hospitality here, while his wife and the two younger children waited on us, not- withstanding our remonstrances, according to the custom of the country, for a short time, then retired, and left a female servant to attend us and him. At night, beds and mattresses were spread on the floor, and pillows and sheets, embroidered and composed of broad stripes of muslin and coloured silk, were brought in. These articles, we found, were manufactured at home by the women of the family ; as the Greeks themselves invariably wear their under garments when they sleep, the inconvenience of such a bed is little felt. * April 12. — As the day after our arrival at Kitrees was Easter Sun- day, we of course remained there, and had an opportunity of witness- ing and partaking in the universal festivity which prevailed not only in the castle, but in the villages of the country round it. In every Greek house a lamb is killed at this season, and the utmost rejoicing- prevails. We dined with Zanetachi Kutuphari and his family at their usual hour of half-past eleven in the forenoon, and after our dinner were received in much state by his niece Helena in her own apart- ments. She was in fact the lady of the castle, and chief of the district round it, which was her own by inheritance from her father. She was a young widow, and still retained much of her beauty ; her man- ners were pleasing and dignified. An audience in form from a young- woman accompanied by her sister, who sat near her, and a train of attendant females in the rich and elegant dress of the country, was a novelty in our tour, and so unlike the ^customs which prevailed within a few short miles from the spot where we were, that it seemed like an enchantment of romance. The Capitanessa alone was seated at our entrance, who, when she had offered us chairs, requested her sister to sit down near her, and ordered her attendants to bring coffee and refreshments. We were much struck with the general beauty of the Mainiot women here, which we afterwards found was not confined to Kitrees ; we remarked it in many other villages ; and it is of a kind that from their habits of life would not naturally be expected. With the same fine features that prevail among the beauties of Italy and '; IN THE MOREA. ^TJOi. ^>^ Sicily, they have the dehcacy and transparency of complexion, with the brown or auburn hair, which seems peculiar to the colder regions. Indeed, from the vicinity to the sea, the summers here are never in- tensely hot, nor are the winters severe in this southern climate ; the same causes in some of the Greek islands produce the same effect, and the women are much more beautiful in general than those of the same latitude on the continent. The men, too, are a well propor- tioned and active race, not above the middle size, but spare, sinewy, and muscular. The Capitanessa wore a light blue shawl-gown, embroidered with gold ; a sash tied loosely round her waist ; and a short vest without sleeves of embroidered crimson velvet. Over these was a dark green velvet Polonese mantle, with wide and open sleeves, also richly em- broidered. On her head was a green velvet cap, embroidered with gold, and appearing like a coronet, and a white and gold muslin shawl fixed on the right shoulder, and passed across her bosom under the left arm floated over the coronet and hung to the ground behind her. ' Her imcle's dress was equally magnificent. He wore a close vest with open sleeves of white and gold embroidery, and a short black velvet mantle with sleeves edged with sables. The sash which held his pistols and his poignard was a shawl of red and gold. His light blue trowsers were gathered at the knee, and below them were close gaiters of blue cloth with gold embroidery, and silver gilt bosses to protect the ancles. When he left the house, he flung on his shoulders a rich cloth mantle with loose sleeves, which was blue without and red with- in, embroidered with gold in front and down the sleeves in the most sumptuous manner. His turban was green and gold ; and, contrary to the Turkish custom, his grey hair hung down below it. The dress of the lower orders is in the same form, with the necessary variations in the quality of the materials and absence of the ornaments. It differed considerably from that of the Turks, and the shoes were made either of yellow or untanned leather, and fitted tightly to the foot. The hair was never shaved, and the women wore gowns like those of .g JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, the west of Europe, instead of being gathered at the ancles like the loose trowsers of the East. In the course of the afternoon we walked into some of the neigh- bourinff villages ; the inhabitants were every where dancing and enjoying themselves on the green, and those of the houses and little harbour of Kitrees with the crews of two small boats that were moored there, were employed in the same way, till late in the evening. We found our friend Zanetachi well acquainted with both the ancient and modern state of Maina, having been for several years the Bey of the district. From him I derived much of the information to which I have recourse in describing the manners and principles of the Mai- niots. He told me that in case of necessity, on an attack from the Turks, the numbers they could bring to act, consisting of every man in the country able to bear arms, amounted to about 12,000. All of these were trained to the use of the rifle even from their childliood, and after they grew up were possessed of one without which they never appeared ; and, indeed, it was as much a part of their dress as a sword formerly was of an English gentleman. Their constant fami- liarity with this weapon had rendered them singularly expert in the use of it; there are fields near every village where the boys practised at the target, and even the girls and women took their part in this martial amusement. April 13. — We left Kitrees, not without regret on our part, or the kind expression of it on that of our hospitable friends, who supplied us with mules, and sent with us an escort to conduct us to Carda- moula, the ancient Cardamyle. It is not above ten miles from Kitrees, where we were detained to a late hour by the kindness and hospitality of our hosts. Below the castle is a small harbour sheltered from the south by a rocky promontory, which runs out westward to the sea, and is about half a mile in length. On leaving the village we ascended by a winding road in a south easterly direction until we came to the top of this stony ridge, and looked down on a valley en- closed by mountains still more to the east. Several little villages and churches are scattered over the vale and on the sides of the hills that IN THE MOREA. 49 surround it. Behind them rose a high, black, and barren ran»e of mountains, the summits of which were covered with snow. In one of these villages we were shown, on inquiring after antiquities, an old ruined tower, of a construction more recent than the Grecian aae, and we thought it probably was of Venetian workmanship. The valley itself and the lower hills were cultivated like a garden, and formed a scene of great beauty. The principal villages in this tract are Dokyes, Barussa, and Zarnata, and among these may perhaps be discovered the traces of some of the ancient towns of the Eleuthero- Laconians, enumei-ated by Pausanias near Gerenia. We were amused in passing through several of these little hamlets with the simple curiosity of the people. The men who escorted us requested with great submission that we would stop on the road, until they could apprise their friends of our arrival, because most of them had never seen a stranger, and none of them an Englishman. The word was no sooner given, than off they ran, and as the tidings spread, and shouts were heard and answered from the fields, labour stood still, and men, women, and children flocked round us on our approach. Their appearance was such as I have described ; the men well-formed and active, the women in general fairer than the other Greeks, and very beautiful. The men in succession shook us cordi- ally by the hand, and welcomed us to their country, and crowds fol- lowed us as we proceeded on our journey. The road from hence led us in a southerly direction over a most stony and barren ridge to the shore, and afterwards continued along the sea, until our arrival at Cardamyla. The country round it, though cultivated in the same laborious manner, was still more stony and barren than at Kitrees ; even in the small fissures of the rock, olives and mulberries were planted, and spots of only a few feet in diameter were dug over, and sown with corn and maize. On the hills there were many apiaries, and the produce is of the finest sort of honey, equal almost to that of Hymettus, but of a paler colour. Cardamyla is now a small village, in which were three or four towers, the property of chieftains who possessed the country round it. H 50' JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, We had letters to them from Zanetachi Kutuphari, and from the mer- chants of Calamata, and a dispute again arose for the pleasure of receiving us. At last we were shown to the largest of these towers, and treated with all possible hospitality. The whole village flocked to our house, and we found that nearly every man was a relation of the chiefs, and of each other, as in these districts families seldom migrated, and the different branches of the clan remained with the principal stock, in whose house there was a collection of brothers, and nephews, and cousins, to a remote degree of affinity, who, as they became too numerous, settled themselves on the land in other houses, but seldom at a distance from the family. Behind the town is a small rocky eminence, on whose summit were a few vestiges of the ancient acropolis of Cardamyla. Just enough remained to point out the situation ; the rock itself was split by a deep chasm, ascribed by tradition to an earthquake. At the foot of this rock was seen a heap of bones, the monument of Turkish invasion. These were pointed out to us with all the enthusiasm of successful liberty, such as I had witnessed and remembered among the Swiss on showing the monuments of their former glory, before they yielded their independence and their feelings to the thraldom of France. Here, amid the scenes of slavery that surrounded us, the contrast was still more striking. Below the acropolis were several caves, and the remains of ancient sepulchres. We were shown the spot where the children of the village are taught the use of the rifle, and found that they practised it at ten, and even eight years of age. A groupe of girls and women on the village green were slinging stones and bullets at a mark, and seemed very expert. Their figures were light and active, but neither these nor their faces were more coarse or mascu- line than those of their languid and enervated countrywomen. The chief of Cardamyla assured us, that in their petty wars, they had more than once followed their fathers and brothers to the field, and that the men were more eager to distinguish themselves before the eyes of their female companions, and partakers in the danger. Dances ' ■ IN THE MOREA. ... ci on the green succeeded in this season of festivity to these female gymnastics, until the evening closed on our gaiety. April 14. — We remained great part of the day at Cardamyla in compliance with the wishes of our host and of his neighbours, and partook of the amusements on the green. After dining with him and his family, he attended us in his boat, the inland road being scarcely passable from the stony rugged hills that it surmounts. We viewed the situation of Leuctra, a small hamlet on the shore still re- taining its ancient name, but found there few and inconsiderable traces of antiquity. About two miles and a half from hence we came to the little creek of Platsa, shut in by the rock of Pephnos, near which was a tower, the residence of the Capitano Christeia, a chief to whom we were recommended. We had sent our letters to this chief by a messenger from Carda- myla, in consequence of which he met us at the port on our landing, attended by a large train of followers. We took leave of our friends of Cardamyla, who paid us a compliment at parting, not unusual in this country, by firing all their rifles over our heads. As this was not very carefully or regularly performed, and the pieces were always loaded with ball, the ceremony was not altogether agreeable. The tower of Capitano Christeia was at a small distance from the port, and adjoining to it were out-buildings and a long hall of entertainment as at Kitrees. Here, according to Pausanias, was formerly the little town of Pephnos, the situation of which is now only marked by the rocky islet of the port. The place was at that time inconsiderable, and the island contained nothing, except two small bronze figures of Castor and Pollux, which were, however, miraculously immovable, even by the winter's storm and the sea which beat upon them. The miracle is no longer performed, and the statues are gone. ^ ■ f ■■ , . . , We walked from the shore with our host to his castle ; Capitano Christeia, the owner of it, was one of the most powerful, and at the same time the most active and turbulent chieftain in this district. He had paid the price of the renown he had acquired, for he bore the H 2 52 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, marks of three bullets in the breast ; the scars of two more upon his face, besides slighter wounds in his legs and arms : in fact his life was a constant scene of piracy by sea and feuds at home. He was about forty-five years of age, and showed us with much satisfaction the spoil he had amassed in his expeditions. He was friendly and hospitable to us, and lively and intelligent in his conversation. He had recently captured at sea a small French merchant ship, and re- lated with just indignation the following trait of the captain who com- manded it. After seizing on the men, money, and merchandize, which the vessel contained, he told the captain he would land him on the shore of the Morea, and offered him at his request any favour he might ask, out of the prize. The captain, regardless of the freedom of his men, or the property consigned to him, solicited only an ena- melled snuff-box, with a lady's hair on the outside, and a very inde- cent design within the lid. Christeia, who, though a pirate, was enraged at his unmanly and heartless levity, retracted his offer, and left the captain with only a shirt and a pair of trowsers in the boat, to shift for himself He set the crew on shore, and brought his prize to Platsa, where he showed us the snuff-box with great satisfaction. He had also been engaged the year before we were there in hostilities with a neighbouring chief, and had taken the field with a company of eighty men, and thirty women, of whom his sister had the command. A peace had been since made after several skirmishes, but not until some of his Amazons had fallen, and his sister had been wounded as well as himself In the tower to which we were shown, we lived in a neat and comfortable room, but the walls were thick and strong, the windows barricadoed with iron bars, and barrels of gunpowder were arranged along the shelves below the ceiling. The men who attended in the castle had an air of military service, and the whole place bore in its appearance the character of the master. April 15. — We staid a day at this singular mansion, and were prevented in the morning by a heavy rain from extending our rambles beyond the castle. We dined with the family at twelve o'clock, and after dinner went to the great room of the castle. In it, and on the IN THE MOREA. ^53 green before it, we found near a hundred people of both sexes and of all ages assembled, and partaking of the chief's hospitality. They flocked from all the neighbouring villages, and were dancing with great vivacity. The men during the dance, repeatedly fired their pistols through the windows, as an accompaniment to their wild gaiety ; and the shouts and laughter and noise were indescribable. Among other dances, the Ariadne, mentioned in De Guy's Travels, was introduced, and many which we had not yet seen in Greece. The men and women danced together, which was not so usual on the continent as in the islands. On my complimenting the Capitano on the performance of his lyrist, who scraped several airs on a three- stringed rebeck, here dignified with the name of au^-j, a lyre, he told me with regret, that he had indeed been fortunate enough to possess a most accomplished musician, a German, who played not only Greek dances, but many Italian and German songs; but that in 1794 his fiddler, brought up in the laxer morals of western Europe, and un- mindful of the rigid principles of Maina, liad so offended by his proposals the indignant chastity of a pretty woman in the neighbour- hood, that she shot him dead on the spot with a pistol. As evening approached, the strangers departed to their homes after a rifle salute, in the manner and form observed to us on our leaving the boat the day before. We again passed the night at Christeia's house, and set out for Vitulo the next morning. ^ , , April 16. — We left Platsa on mules, attended by a strong escort of armed men, sent with us by the chief's direction. We first pro- ceeded eastward up a narrow rocky vale, and then turnino- to the south, ascended by a winding road up a high ridge of craos. We past some villages with scanty spots of cultivation round them, and keeping high along the side of Ttiygetus came in about two hours to the verge of Christeia's territory. Here our escort left us, and a guard belonging to one of the cliiefs of Vitulo took charge of us, and conducted us down the southern side of the promontory of Platsa to their master's, which is at two hours' distance. 54 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, The whole of this tract is as barren as possible. The mountain of Taygetus is a continuance of naked crags; the cultivation disappeared as we proceeded, and the coast which lay before us towards Cape Grosso, seemed more bare and savage than any we had passed. The villages seemed poorer, and the people less attentive to comforts and cleanliness from the exti'eme poverty of the country. Still in the scanty spots where vegetation could be produced at all, their industry was conspicuous. Not a tree or bush is seen. We found many specimens of variegated marble in the mountains, and passed by some ancient quarries. * We at last came to Vitulo, formerly (Ety- los, a considerable town in this desolate country, built along a rocky precipice. Below it is a narrow deep creek, that winds inland from the sea, and is the haven to the town. A mountain torrent falls into it through a deep and gloomy glen that is barely wide enough to afford a passage for its waters. On the opposite rocks that bound this glen to the south is another village with a square Venetian fortress. Our guides conducted us through a street, filled with gazing crouds, to the house of a chief, to whom we brought letters of recommend- ation. We found the master of the house was absent, but were hospitably received by his family, and remained there until the next day. In the afternoon we examined the situation and environs of Vitulo for the remains of the ancient town of (Etylos. We found in the streets several massive foundations and large hewn stones still left, supporting the more slight buildings of modern times. We went to the church, which, in most places built on the situation of the old Grecian cities, contains the fragments of ancient architecture. We found there a beautifully fluted Ionic column of white marble, supporting a beam at one end of the aisle. To this beam the bells were hung. Three or four Ionic capitals were in the wall of the church, employed for building it together with common rough stone work. * For the quarries in Taygetus, see Strabo, lib. viii. 367. IN THE MOREA. 55 The volutes and ornaments were freely and beautifully executed : and different in some degree from any I have elsewhere seen. The cord which encircles the neck of the column is continued in a sort of bow- knot round the scroll of the volutes at each side of the capital, and is very freely carved. On the outside of the church are seen the found- ations of a temple, to which these ornaments in all probability belonged. ; ; if - : ; CEtylos as well as Leuctra was, in the time of Pausanias, a city of the Eleuthero-Lacones, who possessed by virtue of a grant from Augustus some of the maritime towns of Laconia ; of these, nine were on the promontory of Taygetus, to the south and west of Gythium, which also belonged to them. The names were Teuthrone, Las, Pyrrhiclius, on the eastern side ; Ctjenepolis near the point of Tasnarus (at Cape Grosso), (Etylos, Leuctra, Thalamas *, Alagonia, and Gerenia. The rest were beyond the Laconian gulph on the Malean promontory. Cardamyle, a city as ancient as the days of Homer, had, by Augustus, been taken from the Messenians and an- nexed to the dominion of Sparta. Gerenia appears to me to have been situated near Kitrees ; the small town of Alagonia and Tha- laniEe are now lost among tiie numerous villages of the district. Leuctra, Cardamyle, and Pephnos, we were enabled to fix by un- doubted remains of antiquity, or coincidence of situation at Leutro, Cardamoula, and Platsa. Qitylos was at Vitulo, and the temple of which we found the remains was probably that of Serapis ; this, with a statue of Apollo, is mentioned by Pausanias as the objects most worthy of observation at CEtylos. f The name of this town is as ancient as the aera of Homer (Iliad, ii. 585), but in the dialect of the country the present pronunciation appears to have prevailed even in the time of Ptolemy the geographer, who enumerates Bitula among the * Meletius and the geographers who place Thalamse at Calamata, forget that it was only eighty stadia from Qlltylos, and consequently between Platsa and Vitulo. M. t Some formerly pronounced it Tylos ; lib. viii. Strabo : but they must have read the verse of Homer, x«i ol TvXov u/jupivefjiovTO. 56 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, towns of Laconia, and as the Greeks pronounce the B like our V, the name given it by Ptolemy is the same with that now used, except the feminine termination.. We had been very desirous of pursuing our survey of Maina to Cape Matapan, and visiting the situation of the ancient Taenarus. We found that from Vitulo the road by land was impassable even for mules, and the country round Tsenarus in so disturbed a state that none of the chiefs could undertake to conduct us thither in safety. There are, as we were told, considerable remains of an ancient city on Cape Grosso, agreeing, as far as we could ascertain the distances, with Pausanias' description of Caenepolis. Cape Matapan, the Tasna- rian promontory, is south of Cape Grosso. Of the ancient cave and temples there we could get no consistent accounts. We abandoned with great reluctance our farther researches, and resolved to proceed from hence to Marathonisi, the modern capital of Maina. April 17. — We left Vitulo early in the morning attended by an escort of sixteen Mainiots, and proceeded eastward towards Maratho- nisi, leaving the sea-port behind us. A very steep and rugged road descends into the little glen below Vitulo, and continues winding along the banks of the torrent for several miles, shut in by rocky and wooded precipices. Emerging from these defiles we came to a more open and fertile tract of country, covered with groves of oak and a few scattered villages. The chief at whose house we had been at Vitulo was in one of these, and our guards gave him notice of our arrival by a discharge of all their rifles. Their salute was answered from the village by a similar discharge, and the Capitano issued immediately with about sixteen ai-med followers, and welcomed us in the plain. He then with this additional escort went forwards with us to Mara- thonisi. We had come about ten miles, and had nearly the same distance to proceed. The country grew more open and better culti- vated, as we approached the eastern shore of Maina. We came in about an hour within sight of the sea, and then in a north-east direc- tion pursued our journey through several villages, in one of which was a square Venetian fortress, until we arrived at Marathonisi. IN THE MOREA. 57 This town was the residence of the Bey, and the capital of INIaina, though it consists of little more than a single street along the shore, in front of which is a small road-stead formed by the island of Marathonisi, the ancient Cranae of Homer. The Bey of JVIaina, Zanet Bey, had a large and strong castle within half a mile of the place, but received us at a house in the town, where he was resident at this time, with great kindness and cordiality. We found lie was of a character more quiet and indolent than many of the subor- dinate chiefs we had visited. This, as Christeia told us, was the reason why they had chosen him in the room of Zanetachi Kutuphari, the more intelligent and enterprising chieftain of Kitrees. After an early dinner he retired to his siesta, and we went to view the situ- ation and ruins of the ancient Gythium, which stood a little to the north of the present town. , . What vestiges remain of Gythium appeared to me to be chiefly of Roman construction, and the buildings of earlier date are no lono-er traceable. The situation is now called Pala?opolis, but no habitation is left upon it. The town has covered several low hills which terminate in rocks along the shore, on one of which we found a Greek inscription, but so defaced as to be nearly illegible. A salt stream that rises near the shore out of the rocks was probably the ancient fountain of ^sculapius. The temples and other monuments enumerated by Pau- samas are now no more. JMarble blocks and other remnants of anti- quity are still found occasionally by the peasants who cultivate the ground, and the pastures in the neighbourhood are even now famous for their cheeses, which were in the time of the Spartan government an article of trade much esteemed in the rest of Greece. The rock near the salt-springs which I have mentioned, is cut smooth, and marks remain in it of beams which, with the roof that they supported, have disappeared. There are two large tanks lined with stuccoed brick-work, once vaulted over, and cut in the rocky hill, divided by cross walls into two or three separate reservoirs, for the supply of water. Beyond these are two adjoining oblong build- ings of brick, with niches for urns, containing the ashes of the dead, I 58 JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, exactly similar to the Colombaia, now so well known in Italy. The doors at the end of the buildings are their only entrances. There are also near the shore ruins of baths, much like those of Thuria, but far less perfect ; on which, however, we found a scallop-shell ornament in stucco still remaining in one of the niches. There are other ruins on the shore, of which a part is now under water ; but a floor of Mosaic work may be still seen. Rubbish and old walls, many of which are of brick, cover great part of the ancient Gythium, but we sought in vain for the temples or any antiquities of value. April 18. — This day was spent in examining those parts of the old city which we had not previously visited. The island Craniie is rather to the south of Gythium ; and secured the port. It is low and flat, and at a distance of only a hundred yards from the shore. The ruined foundation of a temple supports at present a Greek chapel. April 19. — On this day we were to leave Maina, and proceed to Mistra by the vale of the Eurotas, through a country over which the ■ Turks maintained a very unsettled government, and where the pro- tection of the Mainiots could avail us no longer. Desirous to render every assistance, the Bey gave us to the charge of five Albanians who were at Marathonisi, and who, having transacted their business there, were returning to Mistra. His boat conveyed us and our Alba^ nian escort across the bay to the mouth of the Eurotas ; it flows here through marshes bounded by a rich and fertile plain, once the patri- mony of the unfortunate Helots, whose name it still retains. Our guides conducted us on foot to a village called Prinico, where we passed the night in a small cottage. Our Albanians, for reasons best known to themselves, retained the Bey's letter to the Greek Primate, of which we had no intelligence until the next morning. April 20. — We now discovered, what assuredly was not known to the Bey of Marathonisi, the very suspicious character of the guides to whom his confidence had entrusted us. We were so much in their power that we were involved by them in a thousand difficulties for procuring the horses to convey us forward, and had good reasons to suspect their intentions. What made our situation less secure was. IN THE MOREA. 59 that from hence until we arrived at Mistra the country was in the possession of the Bardouniots, a tribe of lawless vagabonds, whose vilr lages we must pass through, and against whom our only or at least our chief protection, was the strength of our party. We resolved not to stop again on the road, until we were securely lodged at Mistra ; a resolution in which we persevered, and to which we probably owed our safety, though our guides endeavoured repeatedly to frustrate our intention. In consequence of their conduct, it was noon when we left the village where we passed the night. We crossed the plains to Helos, called Helios in the corrupted language of the district, the rich but defenceless country of the ancient Helots. Soon after we came to the Eurotas, and continued along its banks through a beautiful and varied vale, in some parts so narrow as to resemble a defile, at others wide and fertile, abounding in woods and varied scenery, but every where rude and uncultivated, except a few fields immediately near the villages, where a scanty and negligent culture ill provided for the wants of the inhabitants. The villages are the habitations of Albanese peasants, and were dangerous to the traveller, as every crime was easy, and the people were in the habit of marauding with impu- nity. The plain and mountains were infested alternately by the roving Mainiots, and the Turkish or Albanese borderers, and we soon found that to oblige us to stop in some of the villages was the deter- mined wish of our guides. We resisted all their solicitations to that effect, and, though carried by their artifices by a circuitous route in order to persuade us that Mistra was more distant than in fact it was, yet we continued our journey until we arrived there in safety. I 2 . ( 60 ) REMARKS ILLUSTRATING PART OF THE PRECEDING JOURNAL. [EXTRACTED FROM THE LATE DR. SIBTHORP'S PAPERS.] r 1 - . April, 1795. — Kutchuk Maina contains about one hundred and fifty houses. The town was surrounded by groves of mulberry trees, fenced in by the Indian fig, wliose thorny coats form an im- penetrable fence. The Morea contains a number of fertile plains ; but this of Messenia* in richness of soil was superior to the rest. We were told in our evening conversation at the Aga's, that in certain spots it returned thirty-fold the seed that was sown ; that the peasant sometimes reaped two crops of corn in the same year ; and that the Calamboki, sown in May, when the wheat was cut, was reaped in August. Sunday, April 12. — I was awakened early by the cry of the Sacris- tan, KoiTMo-iTi hg Tviv EJiKXojtr/ai , which called up the whole village to celebrate the festival of the Paschal Lamb. I rose an hour before sun-rise, and accompanied the Consul to church, whence we proceed- ed, in order, to celebrate the service in the open air. " Christ is risen from the dead," was frequently repeated; the tapers were raised^ and the villagers crossed themselves with much devotion. The ser- vice being finished, a general salutation took place, the men kissed the men, the women, the women. The congregation, who had lan- guished with a long fast, felt with impatience the desire of animal food, and many withdrew to their rustic hearth to enjoy the feast of * The fertility of this district of the Morea is praised by the ancient Greeks: see Plu- tarch in Agesi. and Strabo's quotation from Euripides, in his account of Messenia. JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, IN THE MOREA. 61 the paschal lamb. So general is the sacrifice on this day, that no peasant is so poor, who does not find the means of" procuring a lamb. April 14. — Silk and figs are the chief objects of" attention in the district of Kutchuk Maina ; wine, strong and well-flavoured, is also made there ; cotton, Indian corn and millet are cultivated. The silk- worm is fed on the leaves of the white mulberry tree, which is dis- tinguished from the black; the one is called McJ^ior, the other (ruzccfiivta. The figs are sold in strings ; a string, rry^m consists of sixty figs ; and one thousand of these strings will sell for seventy piastres. Caprifi- cation is constantly practised ; without it the figs would fall off, and not ripen well. April 15. — We had a favourable passage from Calamata to Carda- moula, a distance of six leagues ; on onr landing at the latter place, Panayotti, nephew of the chief who, by the popularity of his manners had gained the affections of his clan, came down with anumber of his followers to receive us : we were struck at the contrast of the fioure of the jNIainiots and the Greeks whom we had hitherto seen. The nature of man seemed here to recover its erect form ; we no longer observed the servility of mind and body which distinguishes the Greeks sub- jugated by the Turks. We were conducted by Panayotti to his tower-like castle; a narrow entrance and dark winding staircase brought us into a chamber which, from the form of its structure, and the loop-holes in its walls, was well calculated for defence on a sudden attack. Panayotti was acquainted with the vulgar names, and sup- posed medicinal virtues, and economical uses, of a great number of plants. I was, soon after my arrival, presented with a root ; the top, I was told, possessed the extraordinary power of acting as an emetic ; while the bottom was a cathartic. I immediately recognized the root of the Euphorbia Apios*, and found my Dioscorides illustrated. In our evening walk, we observed, among the corn, a quantity of Lolium, * The passage to which Dr. S. alhides is in tlie tth Book, c. I;?. We may add also the woi-ds of Pliny, " Aiunt superiorem partem ejus vomitionc biles extrahere, inferiorem per alvum." Lib. xxvi. c. 8, gg JOURNEY THROUGH MAINA, which our host colled a-pa, and added that the seeds of it, when mixed with the corn, occasioned giddiness.* With the Lolium grew our orobanche, which he called Xujtoc, from its destructive qualities ; he commended the flavor of it when young, and boiled as asparagus. The dry stony rocks of Cardamoula, exposed to the sea air, abounded with the wild thyme, the favorite food of the bees ; and, on our re- turn, we were served with a plate of honey, to which even that of Hymettus yielded in point of flavor and pureness, being of a trans- parent amber colour. We were served also with some (pua-Koi^riXia, sage apples, the inflated tumor foi'med upon a species of sage, and the effect of the puncture of a cynips. April 16. — Panayotti had given notice to his followers of our in- tention to visit Mount Tiiygetus ; and having procured mules we set out, attended by him and an escort ; our road led us along a torrent- bed, walled in by stupendous masses of rock ; fragments of the cliff that had fallen from the precipice frequently interrupted our route. We consigned ourselves not without fear to our mules, while, with wonderful address, they stepped from rock to rock. We continued to wind along the torrent side, and were saluted with the fire of mus- ketry from the followers of Panayotti, who had collected above on parts of the mountain to secure our passage. We saw several occa- sional dwellings excavated in these rocks in situations almost inacces- sible, where the Mainiots concealed their property on the invasion of the Turks, or in their battles with each other. We had proceeded about six hours, and had advanced two-thirds of the way up the mountain, when we halted ; our guides agreed, that from the snow, and from the distance of the summit, it would be impossible to reach it and return to Cardamoula befoi-e night. The insecurity of the place and the early season of the year forbade us sleeping in the open air. I looked with feelings of disappointment towards the summit of Tiiygetus, and regretted the necessity of our return. I had collected several rock plants, and though we had reached the region of the * See the remark on Lolium T. in the list of the plants of Greece in this volume. IN THE MOREA. 63 Silver Fir, we were not sufficiently advanced to find those Alpine plants which the height of the summit promised. We dined under a rock, from whose side descended a purling spring among violets, primroses, and the starry hyacinth, mixed with black Satyrium, and different coloured Orches. The flowering ash hung from the sides of the mountain, under the shade of which blooined saxifrages, and the snowy Isopyrum, with the Campanula Pyramidalis ; this latter plant is now called x'^^ta-ovri; it yields abundance of a sweet milky fluid, and was said to promote a secretion of milk, a quality first attributed to it under the doctrine of signatures. Our guides made nosegays of the fragrant leaves of the Fraxinella ; the common nettle was not for- gotten as a pot herb, but the Imperatoria seemed to be the favorite sallad. Among the shrubs I noticed our gooseberry tree, and the Celtis Australis grew wild among the rocks. April 18. — The passage to Mistra was difficult from the craggy nature of the road, and dangerous from the robbers who infested the mountains. We were now on the confines of Panayotti's territory ; and it was thousht advisable that we should take five of his men well armed, and five from the next captain. Our road was lengthened by the circumstance of a bridge which was broken down, and we were obliged to make a considerable detour; we had frequently occasion to alight and climb precipices, where our mules, with diffi- culty, followed us. The day was remarkably cold, and there had been a fall of snow while we were passing the ridge of the mountains. The sea pine, which grew here, had quite another appearance ; it arrived at a large size, and, from the bark covered with lichens, the trees seemed of a great age. Vegetation was yet slowly advancing : the flowers of the vernal crocus, and the two-leaved squill were just appearing. I noticed the dried skeleton of the Morina Persica, and the Onopordum ; a Marrubium, and a fragrant Nepeta that I had found on Parnassus. Taygetus would afford a rich field of enquiry to the botanist, but the unsettled state of the country would not allow him to examine it with care. ( -64 ) • PARNASSUS, THE NEIGHBOURING DISTRICT. [FROM THE MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LATE DR. SIBTHORP.] Nov. 16. 1794. — We left Athens, and came by the usual road to the monastery of Daphne ; having passed it, an agreeable view opened through the defile into the Saronic gulf We coasted along its shore, having on our right a salt-marsh, with pools and water-mills ; the marsh was covered with Salicornia herbacea, and different species of Tringa? flew along the pools ; I shot the Tringa Erythropus. We advanced towards Eleusis ; when leaving the town about a mile on our left, we crossed over a rich and fertile plain towards the Cephis- sus ; we passed the bed of it, which was narrow and filled with stones, brought down by the winter torrents from the mountains. We entered into the forest of Sarando Potamo, and having traversed it for four hours arrived at Condoura. We passed through the defiles of the forest covered with Pinaster, wild olives, the Kermes oak, Phil- lyrea, and some carob trees. The village of Condoura is not unpleasantly situated on a rising hill, extending into a verdant valley, watered by a narrow stream flowing from the mountain. The houses, covered with pantiles, consist of a single room, with a door-way in the middle ; the area is divided into two parts, the one serves for the stable, the other, which rises a foot higher, is tenanted by the peasant and his family ; in the centre is the fire-place, the smoke passing through apertures made in the roof This place is eight hours distant from Athens, and six from Thebes. Nov. 18. — We left Condoura in the morning, and ascending the mountain traversed some deep ravines, and crossed Citha^ron, now PHOCIS. 65 Elateas. We left the summit of the mountain, near which we dis- tinguished dumps of the silver fir EXxTr,, at the distance of about two hours ; and through a narrow pass, commanded by the ruins of Gypto-chorio, descended, after a ride of three hours, into the fertile plains of Boeotia. In two hours more we arrive at Pyrgos, a small village situated on a rising ground, with the remains of an old tower, worked up with the ruins of Grecian buildings. About two miles to our left was Cocla, anciently Plateea ; the soil, rich and light, was in many places turned up by the moles. Leaving Pyrgos, we advanced along the plain to Eremo-castro ; in our road we observed droves of pigs tearing up the ground for the roots of the Cuckow pint (arum maculatumj, which was called by the swine-herd ^aaovrto. Flocks of sheep, whose fleeces were of remarkable blackness, were feeding in the plain ; the breed was considerably superior in beauty and size to that of Attica. It was almost evening when we ascended the hill of Eremo-castro, three hours distant from Pyrgos, passing some foun- tains, and a brook choked up with sedges. Nov. 19. — The morning view from Everao-castro was particularly striking and picturesque ; the eye extended over a rich plain walled in by rough and lofty mountains, Cithteron, Helicon, and Parnassus, with its summit covered with snow : as were also Olono and the hio-her tracts of land in the Peloponnesus. Descending from Thespise we pro- ceeded along the plain towards Livadea ; after an hour's ride we passed a small rivulet fringed with plane trees, and a village ; on our right was a marsh with the Lake Topoglias, the ancient Copais •, the greater portion of it overgrown with reeds ; the plain beyond was shut in by the high land above Talanda, and the ridge of rocky ground on the east coast of Boeotia. We saw a great number of vul- tures soaring over the mountains ; and the moor buzzard flew alono- the marshy tract of the Copais, pursuing the Scolopax, and other Grallae. Great quantities of Saccharum Ravennse grew by the road- side, and the peasants were employed in gathering it for covering their Callivia. After riding six hours we arrived at Livadea. K gg CONTINENT OF GREECE. Nov. 20. — The river Hercyna flowed with a noisy course through stupendous rocks, whose fallen fragments often impeded its stream, and formed so many natural cascades ; in winter its torrent, swelled with rains, sometimes overflowed the bridge. Four species of fish are found at Livadea in the Hercyna ; all, I suspect, of the genus Cyprinus ; in the morning two of these species were brought to us, one of which was called a-a^vtxoi^x^Oy the same with our chub ; the other -n-aa-xofioutTct was distinguished by a dark golden stripe along the sides, and was a species of Cyprinus unknown to me. * We walked out to examine the town of Livadea. A grotto or rather a cavern was shown us as the grotto of Trophonius ; this, from the description of Pausanias, I should rather suppose to have been the place where the image of the god was kept. The suppliant proceeded to the grotto, which was probably a cavern in the rock above in the opposite side, where there is a Greek chapel. Near to this place we observed frequent stumps of laurel, probably remains of the wood which Pausanias describes as being under the grotto. The hole ex- cavated below the rock, where we suppose the image of the god to have been kept, was too shallow to have been the grotto ; near it are to be seen the two springs of Lethe and Mnemosyne : these contri- bute to swell the river Hercyna. June 28. — In the morning we ascended to the castle ; its state of defence arises from the natural situation. The cannon are dismantled, and the fortifications neglected. After dinner I walked out with a shepherd's boy to herborise ; my pastoral botanist surprised me not a little with his nomenclature ; I traced the names of Dioscorides and Theophrastus, corrupted, indeed, in some degree by pronunci- ation, and by the long series annorum which had elapsed since the time of these philosophers ; but many of them were unmutilated, and their virtues faithfully handed down in the oral traditions of the • The extracts which follow, are selected from a part of Dr. Sibthorp's Journals describing another visit to this district of Greece. PHOCIS. - g7 country. My shepherd boy returned to his fold not less satisfied with some Paras that I had given him than I was in finding in such a rustic a repository of ancient science. June 29. — We set out from Livadea about ten o'clock. In the hedges on the side of the road we observed the Cotinus, the Mastic, the Terebinth, the Coronilla, the Colutea, the Spanish broom, the myrtle. On our leaving the plain, we gradually mounted into a wild rocky country. On our arrival at Arachova, some Greeks, who kept the guard, refused to admit us within their houses ; but on producing a letter from the Vaivode, they received us with much respect. Wandering parties of Albanians keep these villages in continual alarms. We slept in the guard-house, in the walls of which were loop-holes to repel sudden attacks. As we were here only four hours distant from the summit of Parnassus, we resolved to attempt the ascent. June 30. — At day-break we set out with four of our guides ; others soon joined us ; the ascent was at first easy, leading by a path which conducted us up the mountain without difficulty. Our guides stop- ped at a fountain in the outskirts of the town, crossed themselves with much devotion, and proceeded on with cheerfulness. After mounting somewhat more than an hour, we left the road, and scrambling over steep and rough precipices arrived at a patch of snow which had collected itself in the fissures of the rock. The summit of the mountain, naked and bare, was at a considerable distance. We reached with some difficulty a Mandra or goat-stall ; here we refreshed ourselves with milk, and our strength being recruited, we continued our ascent, and gained the summit. Below us extended a sheet of snow, on which I shot the Emberiza nivalis. I collected many curious plants on the sides of the precipices, though I found few which could be strictly called Alpine ; those of the highest region would only be regarded as Sub- Alpine. From the top of the moun- tain we commanded a most extensive view of the sea of Corinth, the mountains of the Morea on the one hand, and the fertile plains of Boeotia on the other ; of Attica and the island of Euboea. An eagle K 2 gg CONTINENT OF GREECE. hovered over us, and the Cornix graculus, the Cornish chough, flew frequent among the rocks. Having dined on a roasted lamb, which we with difficulty had brought up to the summit, and drank our wine tempered in the crystallized snow, we descended, soon leaving the higher parts of the mountain, into a forest of pine trees. We then entered upon the plain of Callidia ; the place consists of a few empty houses frequented only at certain seasons by armed Greeks, who come here to sow and reap their harvests. The corn was yet green, and promised them a thin and distant crop. . July 1. — At two in the morning we struck our tent, and passing over the plain of Callidia, descended by the steep precipices of Del- phi. Our descent was difficult and dangerous ; we dismounted our horses, which, though accustomed to mountainous tracks, were unable from the rocky nature of the road to keep their feet. They fell fre- quently, and our baggage suffered considerable damage. We arrived in three hours, much fatigued, at the convent of Delphi. July 2. — The ruins of Delphi* are still sufficient to mark its site, placed on a rising ground, and screened by high cliffs to the north. The fountain of Castalia, excavated in a rock of marble, still exists, though choked up with weeds and stones. The only use the present Delphians, the inhabitants of Castri, draw from it, is to season their casks ; some barrels, with other rubbish, served to choke up and in- terrupt its source. Behind it were the remains of an arched passage, hollowed in the rock. The cleft, on the east side of which was the fountain, widened at its mouth, and rising to a considerable height, ended in two points. Above the fountain were the waters of Cas- sotis, which still murmured. On the rocks of Delphi I observed some * Some of the antiquities of Delphi are described in the MS. of San Gallo, in the Bar- berini Library at Rome. " In Delphis civitate, ubi magna ex parte diruta sunt vetusta atque nobilissima mcenia, diversaque sunt arte architectoruni conspicua ; cxinde collapsum undique rotundum Apollinis tempi urn ; et amphitlieatrum, juxta admirandum, magnorum lapidum gradibus xxxiii. et in sublimi civitatis area, altissimis sub rupibus ornatissimum gradibus marmoreis hippodromum dc. pedum longitudinis." Broken statues, inscriptions, and " rupes incisae arte mirabili," are mentioned. PHOCIS. ; (^9 curious plants ; a new species of Daphne, which I have called Daphne Castaliensis, afforded me singular pleasure. Several birds, the Aves rupestres, inhabited these rocks ; a species of Sitta different from the Europea, the Promethean vulture, the solitary sparrow, the sand mar- tin, the rock pigeon, a small species of hawk, called Kirkenasi, and numerous jackdaws. Having dined in the monastery, and drank some meagi'e wine, whose flavour was not heightened by a large admixture of tar, we left Delphi, and proceeded on our route to Distomo, five hours distant from Castri, and arrived at sun-set. - July 3. — From Distomo we pursued our route to the monastery of St. Luke, where we arrived in little more than an hour. The Quercus coccifera abounds through the whole of this tract of country ; one of our guides brought me a coccus adhering to a small branch of the tree, which, squeezed between my fingers, gave out a most beautiful scarlet dye. The coccus generally deposits itself on the leaves and the branches of the oak, seldom on its fruit, as Pausanias affirms (lib. X.) In our way we passed through Stiris. The monastery of St. Luke has been styled the glory of Hellas, as a Gothic structure supe- rior to most of those that exist at present in Greece. It is greatly inferior to those magnificent piles of building, which the superstition of the early ages raised in the low countries. Chandler speaks of some curiously inlaid stones ; there were beautiful large slabs of Verd-antique, which still remain in the chapel ; we observed, also, in the gallery, large pieces of Phengites, probably the same men- tioned by Pliny, aptly disposed to favour the notion of miracles in a place of so much reputed sanctity as the monastery of St. Luke. This sanctity was not, however, sufficient to protect it from the plunder of the Albanians, who laid it under considerable contribu- tion. On mounting our horses we drank of the fountain which was in the court of the monastery ; this seems to have escaped the notice of Chandler, who asserts that the monks fetch their water from Stiris. We descended from the monastery of St. Luke over a rough and steep road, and by dangerous precipices, to a small monastery 70 CONTINENT OF GREECE. belonging to the convent, near the sea, about an hour distant from the port of Asprospiti. July 4. — I engaged a small boat belonging to the monastery, with some Caloyers, to carry me to the islands of Didascalo and Ambelia, in the sea of Corinth, about ten miles distant from the bay of Asprospiti. In Didascalo there had been formerly a school. The whole island scarcely exceeded a mile in circumference, and was covered with ruins ; at present uninhabited, except by wild pigeons, the Hirundo Melba, and a large species of bat. Innumerable flights of the Melba almost darkened the air, and made the island their breeding place. We caught several of their young in the holes of the rocks. The Hirundo Melba, mentioned as rare by Linnaeus, is one of the most frequent species of the swallow tribe in Greece. I observed it flying over the summits of Parnassus. The Phoca vitulina we found sleep- ing within pistol-shot, but my gun not going off* disappointed my hopes of shooting it. The skins of these seals, our Caloyers assured me, were sometimes sold for fifty piastres, a price much greater than they bear in the northern climates. The vegetable productions of the island were burnt and scorched by the sun. From Didascalo I went to Ambelia, about half a mile distant ; we discovered here no traces of ruins ; among the rocks flew immense flights of falcons, which pursued the large owl, Strix Bubo, with shrill piercing cries ; one of these falcons was shot : it proved to be the F. peregrinus of Linnaeus. I returned late to my companions ; we set off for Aspro- spiti, anciently Anticyra, and Distomo, but could discover no trace either of the black or white hellebore. The immediate environs of Asprospiti present a dry sun-burnt soil. The hellebores were pro- bably brought from the higher and colder regions of Parnassus, or cultivated by the physicians of Anticyra in gardens. July 5. — At six in the morning we departed for Liacoura, and mounted gradually towards Parnassus. After a ride of somewhat more than three hours, we arrived at the convent of Jerusalem. I wished to ascend Parnassus a second time, and taking with me two Caloyers, as my guides, I quitted the monastery, and then passed through a PHOCIS. . «j fine forest, composed of the Pinus Picea. In somewhat more than an hour I reached some snow, lying sheltered in the chasms of the rock. Several curious plants grew here. The approach of night, the dis- tance of the summit, and the apprehensions of banditti which alarmed my Caloyers, prevented me from proceeding further. I descended from the second summit, and reached the convent at sun-set. July 6. — A monk of the cloister, famous for his knowledge in simples, arrived the preceding evening. I had been told of his repu- tation at Delphi. I walked out into the wood with him at day-break, a venerable octagenarian. I learnt from him more than one hundred names of the plants growing in the environs of the monastery; many of them were barbarous, yet most of them were significative ; some remained unaltered and uncorrupted, the ancient names of Theo- phrastus and Dioscorides. To all he attributed some medical virtue, some superstitious use. I regret much that the infirmities of his age would not permit me to carry him along with me to Livadea. I had offered rewards on my arrival at the convent for procuring different birds. A short time before my departure a Caloyer arrived, making a triumphant entrance, followed by two men supporting an immense vulture. I do not find it mentioned by Linnaeus, though frequent in the Greek mountains. It is called o^veo and Xmo^vio ; it measured, the wings expanded, from tip to tip eight feet, and from the tip of the beak to the extremity of the tail three feet nine inches, and weighed nine okes, or twenty-two pounds and a half. In Dr. Sibthorp's Journals there is an account of his attempt to ascend Parnassus a third time. It is here inserted, being connected with some of the preceding remarks. Sept. 11. — Soon after day-break, with two Caloyers for my guides, I began my third ascent of Parnassus, and winding along the north- 72 CONTINENT OF GREECE. east side, in about four hours reached a very high summit. A thick fog and very deep mist obscured our view. I saw now no snow, and was assured by the Caloyers that there was none at present on the mountains; the perennial snows, therefore, mentioned by Wheler and Chandler, are hyperbolical expressions. I had examined Par- nassus on every side, and found its vegetable productions very various. I met with several plants I had not noticed before on other parts of the mountains. The thick mist and severe cold prevented me from continuing long on the summit, and we descended over steep preci- pices and torrent beds, covered with loose stones, with danger and difficulty, down the east side of the mountain. ( 73 ) OBSERVATIONS ON NATURAL HISTORY, TO PARTS OF GREECE, AND TO THE ISLAND OF CYPRUS. [FROM THE PAPERS OF THE LATE DR. SIBTHORP.] We had observed a small number of wild animals in Cyprus, but the heights of Parnassus, and the mountains of Hymettus and Pen- deli furnish a retreat to many, and considerably encrease the list of Grecian Mammalia. My enquiries were frequent, but the inaccessi- ble haunts of some of these animals, and the difficulty of procuring others, made it almost impossible for me to determine the number of species with precision. The domestic animals in Attica and Boeotia are the same as those in Cyprus, excepting the camel, which is not used in Greece ; it is very common throughout Asia Minor. Pausaniag mentions the bear as an inhabitant of Pendeli ; about three years since one was shot in the mountains of Parnassus, and brought to Aracova. The lynx, the wild cat, the wild boar, the wild goat, the stag, the roebuck, the badger, the martin, and squirrel, inhabit the steeper rocks of Parnassus, and the thick pine-forests above Callidia. The rough mountains about Marathon are frequented by wolves, foxes, and jackalls ; weasels are sometimes taken in the villages and out- houses ; hares are too numerous to be particularised. The mole burrows in the rich ground of Livadea*; the hedge-hog was brought * This passage does iiot agree witli the remark of Aristode, who says (lib. viii. c. 27. )» " that there are no moles at Ltbadea, but many about Orchomenus." On the other hand Antigonus C. (c. 10.', and the author De Mirabil. (c. 136.), and Stephanus Byz. in v. Koftovsia, say, that moles abound in Bccotia, but that they are not seen at Coronea, mak- ing no mention of Lebadea. See Schneider in Aris. H. A. viii. c. 27. 74 NATURAL HISTORY. to me in the environs of Athens ; the amphibious otter is found in the rivers and marshes of Boeotia. The Phoca or sea-calf frequents the rocks of Didascalo, and Ambelia in tlie sea of Corinth ; and the porpoise is seen often on the coast of Attica. The small species of bat flutters about Athens late in the evening, and the larger species inhabits the caverns and holes of the rocks in the island of Didascalo. The nomenclature of the birds of Attica compared with the ancient names of Aristotle would prove a valuable commentary on that author. The ornithologist who resided for some time at Athens would be enabled to clear up many of the obscure passages of that great naturalist ; but he should remain there for a considerable period ; mark the migration of the different birds of passage ; the time of their arrival ; their disappearance ; note down the popular observations, and the different variations in their nomenclature. My catalogue is imperfect, but it is interesting, as being the only one that has ever been made of the Grecian birds ; it contains such as I saw myself, and some few of the existence of which I was assured upon the best authorities. Of the Accipitres, a large species of vulture, called by the Greeks o>c?d, frequents the cliffs of Delphi, and the woods and precipices of Parnassus; the smaller species, called Asproparos, I observed near Liacoura. Of the falcon tribe, I saw a large species, called by our guides Aetos, and probably the Falco Chrysaetos, soaring over the heights of Pendeli. The Falco lerax breeds in the islands of Didascalo and Ambelia in the sea of Corinth. The Falco Kirkenasi, half domestic, arrives early in the spring with the storks, in immense numbers, joint inhabitant with them of the houses and temples of the Athenians, and retires with these birds at the latter end of August. I observed a large grey hawk of the Buzzard kind on the plain of Marathon ; another species brown, with a white band on the wings, flying over the plain of Livadea ; and a small dark hawk skimming the ground near Cape Sunium. . My short stay at this place not permitting me to GREECE. >^g procure specimens, I was unable to determine the species. Of the owls, the horned owl is rare ; I saw it in the island Ambelia ; and I heard it hoot among the rocks near Livadea ; it sometimes, though rarely, visits Athens : Dr. Chandler had kept one during his stay there, which he released on his leaving Athens ; he tells us, it was visited by the Athenians as a curiosity. The little owl, Strix passerina, is the most common species in Greece, and abounds in the neio-h- bourhood of Athens. Three distinct species of Butcher-bird are frequent among the olive grounds ; the ash-coloured, the red-headed, and the small grey Butcher-bird. The two last species I do not find described by Linnaeus. Of the crow tribe, I observed the raven, the hooded crow, the jackdaw, the magpie, and the Cornish chough. The hooded crow which retires from England during the summer, is a constant in- habitant of Attica, and is probably that species noticed by the ancients under the name of yoyu^vr. It is the word applied at present to it by the Greek peasants, who are the best commentators on the old naturalists. Linnasus seems injudiciously to have applied it to the Carrion crow. Jackdaws abound at Athens, and are fre- quently seen flying round the Acropolis. The Cornish chough which generally confines itself to the mountainous parts of Greece, and in- habits the broken cliffs and caverns of Parnassus, sometimes descends into the plains ; we observed it under the eastern coast of Attica. The roller frequents the fruit gardens, and the outskirts of villages and the olive grounds. The cuckoo is heard early in the spring, but its season of calling was now past. The Sitta, which I regard as a new species, distinct from the Sitta Europaea was shot on the rocks at Delphi. I saw the king's fisher flying along the eastern coast of Greece in the gulph of Negropont. The Merops invited by the bee-hives of Hymettus appears about Athens, at the latter end of summer. The hoopoe which I also observed, is here a bird of passage. Of the duck tribe, various species visit the salt lakes, and shores of the coast of Attica during the winter ; these retire during the summer to more unfrequented fresh water lakes, and deep mo- L 2 Mg NATURAL HISTORY. rasses to breed undisturbed. Tame geese, and ducks, are kept as domestic birds, but are not common. We shot two species of the storm-finch on the Saronic Gulph ; these we observed frequent on the wing flying along the iEgoean Sea, particularly when it was troubled. We noticed the common sea-gull, the common sea^ swallow, and a smaller species, probably the Sterna minuta. The winter and the early spring would be the most proper season of the year for the naturalist to observe the different species of the Grecian gralla;. Woodcocks, and snipes, I was informed, visited the neio-hbourhood of Athens during the winter in considerable quanti- ties. I heard the curlew and the red-shank cry along the marsh to the right of the Pirceus. The domestic stork, a privileged bird, arrives regularly at Athens, sometimes in the month of March, and leaves it when the young are able to support tlie fatigues of a long flight, about the middle of August. The purple and the grey heron frequent the marshes of Boeotia. We observed the long-legged plover near Marathon ; the grey plover and the sand plover on the eastern coast of Attica. Wheler makes mention of the Charadrius spinosus which he shot in Boeotia. Bustards, I was assured, visited the plain of Athens during the winter in abundance. Fowls are the most common species of poultry, and turkeys are also kept. The red-legged partridge abounds every where, and probably the orey niioht l)e found in the environs of Parnassus. I heard quails call, but could not learn the particular times of their migrations. Wild pigeons are frequent among the rocks. The turtle and the wood-pigeon are found in the woods and thickets. Among the larks, I observed the Crested-lark to be the most frequent species, with a small sort, probably the Alauda Campestris of Linnaeus. I saw the Alauda Calandra, but it was very rare, and a thin slender species near the sea coast, probably the Spinoletta of Linna?us. Blackbirds fre- quent the olive grounds of Pendeli ; the solitary sparrow inhabits the cliffs of Delphi, and the song thrush is heard in the pine woods of Parnassus. Above these, where the heights of the mountain are GREECE. 77 covered with snow, is seen the Emberiza Nividis, inliabitant alike of the frozen Spitsbergen, and of the Grecian Alp. The bunting, the yellow-hammer, and a species of Emberiza nearly related to it, frequent the low bushes in the neighbourhood of corn fields. Of the Finch tribe, the sparrow is the most common species ; we observed the goldfinch and the linnet ; the Fringilla flaveola, which I had seen in Cyprus, is not unfrequent about Athens. Of the wagtail and slender-billed birds, the wheat-ear is the most ge- neral species throughout Greece, inhabitant ecpially of the highest mountains, and lowest plains. The white water-wagtail we found on the banks of rivulets, and still waters ; and the redstart near the shore on the eastern coast of Attica. Various are the species of Motacilla, confounded under the general name of Beccafica ; one species, which I take to be the true sort, I shot in the olive grounds of Pendeli ; another sort, somewhat larger, near Athens, and a small minute species often concealing itself among the bushes near Sunium. Of the swallow tribe I observed all the European species, except the Pratincola. The melba we found twittering in immense numbers over the island of Didascalo, where it lives with the large bat in the holes of the rocks. The sand martin burrows in the cliffs of Delphi ; the goat-sucker retains its ancient name, and still lies under the accu- sation brought against it by Aristotle of sucking the goats. ■ .. , CYPRUS. . . We find in Cyprus* a much smaller number of quadrupeds than we should expect from the size of the island. The domestic animals, * Dr. S. observed in Cj'prus a custom which has prevailed in different parts of the East from the carHcst times, and is mentioned by sacred and profane writers. " In the Greek village of Ipsera, five hours from Famagiibta, the girls of the place, as a relief to their sun- burnt faces, had stained their eyelids. On inquifing respecting the nature of the process, I found that these village coquettes had used no more costly paint than lamp-black; this, mixed with oil, was drawn through their eyelids on a small iron roller." See also Son- nini, p. 170. 78 NATURAL HISTORY. if we except the camel, are nearly the same as those of Crete, and the other Greek islands ; and its wild quadrupeds, when com- pared with the neighbouring coast of Asia, are very few. It possesses neither the lynx, nor the wolf, nor the jackall, inhabitants of the opposite shore of Caramania ; and the weasel tribe is totally wanting, of which we find some species in Crete. The wild boar inhabits Cape Gatto, and the Gazella, the higher parts of Mount * Troados. Hares are scarce, and seem to confine themselves to the mountainous tracts of the island. The hedge-hog, I was also informed, was an in- habitant. The large bat was mentioned, but I only found the common species. Asses, I heard on good authority, were found in a wild state at Carpaso, and that it was permitted to any person to hunt them ; but that, when caught, they were of little value, it being almost im- possible, from their natural obstinacy, to domesticate them. The naturalist, disappointed in finding so small a number of qua- drupeds, is surprised on observing the great variety of birds which migrate to Cyprus at different seasons of the year. The birds of the thrush tribe, inhabitants of the northern climates, visit it only during the depth of winter. At the first appearance of spring they retire to the higher mountains of Caramania, where, the snow preserving a constant humidity, they find food and a proper habitation. Great * A neoteric Greek, quoted by Du Cange, in the word IToooffj.-, says, " Tliat the moun- tain Boukasn, which reaches to the foot of Troados, contains mines of gold." Mr. Haw- kins, in a letter answering a question sent to him by the editor respecting this passage, supposes the remark to be incorrect, and at variance with the more ancient authorities. " It is not probable," he says, " that the Phoenicians who possessed Cyprus, and opened their mines there, should have left those of gold undiscovered. I conceive the report might have originated in this manner; at the foot of Mount Troados, on the north, about halfway to the sea coast, are some low hills bordering on the vale of Solea, where I found immense heaps of the scoria or slags of smelting furnaces. They occur in two places, Lefca and Skourgotisa, and appear to have been produced by the smelting of iron or of copper. The ore must have been dug higher up. The strata of Mount Troados consist of a kind of Trapp rock, a mixture of Hornblende and Feltspar, in which rocks, as far as my knowledge extends, no gold mines have been found in any part of the world." CYPRUS. • "79 numbers of Grallae pass over in the spring from Ejivpt and Syria; these retreat farther, in proportion as the salt pools near Larnica are evaporated by the sun. The PVancolin and red partridge reside throughout the year ; the Pardalos * and the quail visit the island in the spring, and retire in the autumn. Immense flights of ortolans appear about the time of the vintage ; these are taken in great quan- tities, preserved in vinegar, and exported as an object of commerce. The swallow, the martin, the swift, the Melba, the Pratincola, which frequent in numbers the pools of Larnica, visit also the island in spring and leave it in the autumn. Those large birds which frequent the higher regions of Troados, called by the inhabitants Aero., I should suppose from their flight to be a species of vulture. The Falco Tinnunculus breeds here, but the difficulty of procuring the birds of this tribe prevented me from ascertaining the number of species with more precision. The raven, the hooded crow, the jackdaw, the magpye, are common. The jay is found but rarely in the pine-woods of Troados. The little owl, though a nocturnal bird, flies frequently by day among the rocks. The great horned owl, which I did not see, is found in the mountainous parts of the island. The roller, the bee-bird, and the oriole are not uncommon ; and we often heard the hoopoe and the cuckow. I observed the rock-pigeon on the cliffs in the western extremity of the island ; the wood-pigeon and the turtle- dove in the groves of Bel-paese. The Calandra and the Crested-lark are the most common species of the lark tribe, and these inhabit the island probably throughout the year. The two species of Lanius confine themselves to the pine-woods with the black titmouse. Dif- ferent species of the Motacilla are confounded under the general name of Beccafica. Of the Fringilla tribe, the house-sparrow is the most numerous ; and the beautiful Scarthalis, perhaps the Fringilla flaveola of Linnaeus, rivals the nightingale in the charms of its song. • " Near the Salines we shot a very rare bird of the Tetrao kind, Tetrao Alchata, called by the Greeks Pardalos." Sibthorp's MS. This bird is described in Russell's Aleppo, ii. 191. .gQ ' NATURAL HISTORY. and is sometimes confounded with it under the general name of A\,Eov,. Among the domestic birds, I observed a few turkeys in the convent of the Archangel ; geese and ducks are kept, but not in great numbers. Fowls and pigeons are the principal domestic birds. During my stay in the island, I used every possible means to procure its birds, and succeeded in obtaining the greater part of them. Of the rarer species of these my draftsman has taken drawings. I have been also fortunate in procuring most of the Greek names : but it is much to be regretted that Cyprus has hitherto wanted an ornitholo- gist, who being stationary here might observe with more exactness the migration of the different birds of the Levant. & On observing the list of amphibia, we are surprised at finding the' Testudo Caretta, mentioned by Linnaeus as an inhabitant of the West India islands, and no notice of the Testudo Aquatilis common through Greece and Asia Minor. The genus Coluber and Lacerta are both rich in the number of their species ; of these, fortunately for the island, the KoJ^* is the only venomous species. The black snake, whose colour is indeed suspicious, is perfectly harmless, and 1 was informed by the physician of Larnica, that among the country people it is even an object of affection ; that they suffer it to twist and twine itself in the hair round the heads of their children, as a remedy for the Tinea capitis. * I searched in vain for the Lacerta aurea, said by Linnaius to be the inhabitant of Cyprus ; but I am perfectly con- vinced from a very attentive inquiry after the tribe, that it is not to be found in the island ; an inaccuracy in the information of the collectors must probably have led Linnseus into this mistake. The Testudo Caretta is not only an inhabitant of the Cyprian sea, but is the most common species in the Mediterranean, and the Lacerta aurea is not * " The skin of a snake," says Sonnini, in iiis Travels in Ej^ypt, " is worn in the tur- ban, as a preservative against diseases of the head." p. 681. " The Tinea is very common in parts of Syria; and as tlie natives are unwilling that the heads of girls should be shaved, these suffer more from it than the boys." Russell, ii. 304. CYPRUS. gj an inhabitant of Cyprus, but of the south of France, Germany, and Italy. Of the six species of Cohiber which we find in the island, I can scarcely I'efer any of them to the Linnaean species. The classical ichthyologist receives a particular pleasure from com- paring the modern Greek names of the Cyprian fishes, with those of Oppian, Aristotle, and other writers. The Scarus, which the Swedish naturalist affirms to be piscis hodie obscnrus, is known to every Cyprian boy. Belon, guided by the Cretan fishermen, found it on the rocky shores of Crete. These fishermen are much better commentators on the Greek ichthyologists than their learned editors, who, by their un- fortunate conjectures, more frequently confuse than clear a doubtful text The striking agreement of the modern Greek names with those of ancient Greece is no where so evident as in Cyprus. Here we still find the words Mopjitiipo;', (TTrapof, (Dcoc^oc, a-afyo;, (tuXttoc, /xiKxnovfO?, TTEpxa, cpi^of, and others precisely the ancient names of Oppian and Aristotle. They are very properly retained by Linnasus for trivial names. The shores of Cyprus receive a great number of Mediterranean fishes ; some of these confine themselves to its rocks, and seldom emigrate into more northern latitudes. In river fish, it is, as we should expect to find it, deficient ; the rivulets, few in numbei', and inconsiderable in their size, generally dried up in summer, do not lead us to expect a large catalogue of river fish : and upon repeated inquiries I found that the eel was their only inhabitant. My list of Grecian fishes was already very considerable when I arrived at Cyprus ; the market of Constantinople had furnished me with those of the Thracian Bosphorus and the sea of Marmora. I had still, how- ever, hopes of discovering some other species in the more southern latitude of the Mediterranean. Cyprus did not deceive my expect- ation : I added several species of Labrus and Sparus to my collection ; among these the Labrus Cretensis, which, from its more vivid colours, and the superior elegance of its figure, carries off the palm of beauty from the L. lulis, cited by Linnaeus as Europceorum facile pulcher- rimus. M g2 NATURAL HISTORY. The greater number of the Grecian islands have been examined by a botanist of the distinguished merit of Tournefort. Cyprus, from its situation and its size, gives us reason to expect a peculiarity as well as a variety in its vegetables ; and it is with surprise that we find an island so interesting in its natural productions has been little exa^ mined. Hasselquist visited it on his return from Egypt, at a season of the year when its annual plants, which form the greater number of its vegetables, were burnt up by the summer sun ; and Pococke, a better antiquary than botanist, has given us only a scanty account of some of them. A view of its Flora, and comparison of the modern and popular uses of the plants with those of ancient Greece, gave me hopes in an island so near to Caramania, the native country of Diosco- rides, of ascertaining several of the more obscure plants of this author. My expectations have in some measure succeeded ; the modern names, though greatly corrupted, still retain sufficient resemblance to those of ancient Greece, to enable us to determine many plants with certainty ; and the superstitious and popular uses of many still remain the same. My inquiries were frequent among the Greek peasants, and the different priests whom we met. From the physi- cian of Larnica I collected some information relative to their medi- cal uses. I crossed the island in different directions. Cyprus, though pos- sessing several of the Egyptian and Syrian plants, yet, from the scarcity of water, the great heat of the sun, and the thin surface which covers the upper regions of the mountains, can scarcely be considered as rich in plants ; and when compared with Crete must appear even poor: the sides of whose mountains, those, for in- stance, of Ida and Sphakia, are watered with streams supplied from the perpetual snows that crown their summits. Notwithstanding the character of woody given to it by Strabo, when measured by a north- ern eye, accustomed to the extensive woods of oak and beech that we find in some parts of England, or the sombre pine-forests of Switzer- land, Cyprus appears to have little claim to the appellation of woody. The higher regions of Troados are covered with the Pinus Pinea ; this. CYPRUS. 83 mixed with the Hex, and some trees scattered here and there in the valley below of the Quercus iEgilops, are the only trees that can be regarded as proper for timber. The carob, the olive, the Andrachne, the Terebinthus, the lentisc, the kermes oak, the Storax, the cypress, and oriental plane, furnish not only fuel in abundance for the inhabi- tants, but sufficient to supply, in some degree, those of Egypt. • :' M 2 Cv . ( 84 ) ASIA MINOR. - ' JOURNEY FROM PARIUM TO THE TROAD. — ASCENT TO THE SUMMIT OF IDA. — THE SALT SPRINGS OF TOUSLA. — RUINS OF ASSOS. CHAP. I. Libraries at Constantinople. — Departure from that city. — Sea oj Marmora. — Cephus of the ancient Greeks. — Parium. — Lampsacus. — Dardanelles. An opinion had long been prevalent that the libraries in the palaces of the Grand Seignior, and in the city of Constantinople, contained some valuable Greek manuscripts which had escaped the destruction occasioned by the Turks in the year 1453. The imperial mosques there, particularly that of Saint Sophia, the libraries of the Patriarchs of the Eastern church, and of the Greek monasteries in the Levant, were also supposed to contain many curious inedited writings. This general belief of the existence of unexplored literary treasures in Tur- key induced the English government to appoint a person well versed in classical, biblical, and oriental literature, to accompany the Earl of Elgin's embassy to the Ottoman Porte in the year 1799. The plan originated with Mr. Pitt and the Bishop of Lincoln, who thought that an embassy sent at a time when Great Britain was on the most friendly terms with the Porte, would afford great facilities for ascer- taining how far these hopes of literary discovery were well founded. They trusted that the ambassador's influence would obtain permission for the transcription at least, if not for the acquisition of any unpub- lished work that might be found. ASIA MINOK. 85 The Rev. Mr. Carlyle, Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambrido-e, was prevailed upon to engage in this service ; and the choice reflects great credit on the judgment of tliose who applied to a person so peculiarly qualified for the task. During our residence at Constantinople, Mr. Carlyle and myself visited all the monasteries of the Greek monks, or Caloyers, on the Princes' islands, in the sea of Marmora. Their names are Prinkipo, Chalke, Prote, Antigone, Oxia, Platia. The manuscripts in their libraries did not contain a single classical fragment ; but there were many copies on paper and vellum of different parts of the New Testament, written apparently about the llth, 12th, and 13th centuries; the most beautiful of these we bought from the monks, who use printed books in the service of the church, and attach little value to their ancient manuscripts. These are now deposited in the Archbishop of Canterbury's library at Lambeth. In the collegiate-house belonging to the Greek Patriarch of Jeru- salem, who resides at Constantinople*, we found a very well fur- nished library, including a considerable number of manuscripts, the greater part of them on subjects connected with theology and eccle- siastical history ; but none of them of very high antiquity. There were also a few detached fragments of some of the Greek classics. The Patriarch behaved to us with the utmost liberality, not only sending one of his chaplains to assist us in making a catalogue of the library, but allowing us to take any of the manuscripts we might wish to send to England for the purpose of being examined and collated. Such as we thought interesting or curious were forwarded to London, along with those procured from the Princes' islands ; and they are now in the archiepiscopal library at Lambeth. - ; , We had some difficulties to overcome before admission could be obtained into the rooms attached to the mosque of Saint Sophia, the • Possevin, in his Apparatus sacer, T. 2. mentions some of the works iu the Hbraries of the Patriarch, and in different parts of Constantinople. 86 ASIA MINOR. libraries in the Seraglio, and those belonging to the schools, mosques, and colleges of Dervises at Constantinople. The influence of Lord Elgin at length prevailed ; but in none of those vast collections of books was there a single classical fragment of a Greek or Latin author, either original or translated. The volumes were in Arabic, Persian, or Turkish: and of all of them Mr. Carlyle took exact catalogues. ,: ; , . :; i ■ •.. The result of our labours previous to his taking a final leave of Con- stantinople was, that we examined every library within our reach which was likely to contain any valuable manuscript ; and that we sent to London twenty-seven codices of different parts of the New Testament, besides an Arabic and a Persian version. In addition to these, Mr. Carlyle procured a number of oriental manuscripts relating to history and poetry ; these, since his decease, have been purchased by the East India Company. It was among his favourite pursuits to collect authentic documents for a complete history of the Crusades ; and he also had it in contemplation to give a new version of the " Thousand and one Nights."* Mr. Carlyle's health had suffered so much during his residence in Turkey, that he would not venture alone upon a journey to Macedonia, in order to examine the libraries of the Greek convents on the penin- . sula of Athos ; he requested, therefore, that Lord Elgin would allow me to accompany him. We preferred going by sea, as we might thus have an opportunity of visiting the plain of Troy, and the islands of Tenedos and Lemnos. We procured a firman or official permission from the Porte for travelling in Asia Minor and Greece, and a recom- mendatory letter from the Greek Patriarch to the Council of Deputies, who govern the religious community at Mount Athos. The arms on * The Arabic title is " Hakaiat Elf Leily wa Leily," Stories, a Thousand and one Nights. Dr. Russell, found at Aleppo two volumes ; they contained only two hundred and eighty nights, but he procured a number of separate tales, some of which he thinks may possibly belong to the Elf Leily ; and he remarks that many of those published at Edin- burgh in 1792, as a continuation of the Arabian Nights, were to be found in his collec- tion, i. 386. ASIA MINOK. 87 the seal were a spread eagle and imperial crown ; a sceptre and the keys of St. Peter, with the Patriarch's name, Neophytus, Patriarch of Constantinople. On the 3d of JNIarch, 1801, we quitted Constantinople, and passed, on the 4th, the island of Pi'oconnesus *, now called Marmora, on account of its quarries of coarse greyish marble, of which a great quantity is sent in slabs and blocks to Constantinople for the pavement of mosques and baths, and for making tomb-stones. The quantity imported for this purpose from Marmora, and from the islands of the Archipelago, is incredible ; the cemeteries of the Turks, Greeks, Armenians, and Jews, round Constantinople, could now supply mar- ble for building a large city. But mosques and public baths and sepulchral monuments are the only objects that most of the inhabit- ants of Turkey think worthy of durable materials : the possession of private property is too precarious to induce them to build a solid house ; their residences are, in consequence, a kind of slight, but gaudily painted wooden barrack. The wind being against us, we beat about the entrance of the Hellespont, where we noticed a tumulus on the European shore; but making no progress for two days, we cast anchor in a small port on the Asiatic shore called Camaris. Here we landed and purchased some medals, those of silver having the letters riAPI round an antique * This place supplied the ancient Greeks with marble for their Sarcophagi; we find mention of a Sopoc rTpoxowjjVia, and dyyeiov rTpoxovvjjViov, in Patin. 222. " Sept. 1794. — The marble is a white granulated species with greyish stripes, and is employcil for the fountains, baths, and vases, which ornament the light and airy palaces of the Sultanas on the banks of the Bosphorus. I picked up on the coast of Marmora three sorts of sponges ; the common officinal one, the oculata, and another, which, from its dense texture, I shall call compacta. Our Greek sailors gave them the general name aT:ovyydc,i. From tlie quantity I observed of the conmion sponge, I conceived a fishery might be esta- blished here with advantage. I saw only a few shells ; but picked up a stone cast on the shore, perforated by Pholades, and two or three sorts of Serpulas encrusted the rocks. Some Manks Puffins flew by the side of our vessel, which our sailors called xa^a; ; I have no doubt the Cephus of the ancient Greeks, though Linnaus makes it a species of Larus or gull." From Dr. Sibthorp's Journals. gg ASIA MINOR. mask, and the copper the same abbreviation round an altar, on which incense is burning. As these were frequently found here, we were convinced that we were on the site of Parium, where Priapus had a temple raised to him, after his worship had been suppressed with ignominy at Lampsacus. The walls of this city, which fronted the sea, still remain, and are built of large blocks of squared marble with- out mortar. We saw ruins of an aqueduct, reservoirs for water, and the fallen architraves of a portico. There are also some subterranean buildings, whose arched roofs incline or dip from the horizontal level. As K«^apa means both arch and aqueduct, we can be at no loss for the derivation of Camaris, the modern name of the town. The circuit of ancient Parium has been about four miles. The only inscriptions we found were built into the walls of the modern village, and are merely epitaphs of private individuals. We transcribe two of them : IIOnAIOi: KM KA AIOOANTHZ KOINTOI rONETIIN* - . ' TAMEINONOS MNHMHi: XAPIN ' '" ' ; XAIPE As the wind continued unfavourable for us, we took what articles we might want out of our ship, leaving an English servant on board to meet us with the remainder of our baggage at the Dardanelles. As this village would only furnish three horses for ourselves and our interpreter, we took the owner of one of them, as a guide, on foot, and were rejoiced at this opportunity, which unexpectedly presented itself, of viewing the shores of the Hellespont. We set out, March 6th, from Camaris, at about half-past twelve o'clock, and in a short time came to two ruined arches of an aqueduct, which had supplied Parium with water. Here a bridge crosses the * The Abbe Belley, in the 34th vol. of the Memoires de 1' Academic des I. observes; Je ne me souviens pas d'avoir vu sur aucune inscription Texpression xai toI; yovsua-i ; elle est singuh'ere. P. 618. See Gruter's Thes. Append. 1127. ASIA MINOTt. g9 rivulet ; the Turkish name of the stream is Satal Tepi'; Sou, or the river of Mount Satal, where it rises, about five hours distance up the country, and where our guide told us there were ruins. About three hours from Camaris we came to a rich plain called Coroo Dere, or the Dry A^allej, and, after crossing a hill, another vale opened upon us. The season of spring was now commencing, and every patch of grass was covered with anemones of the most vivid luies, scarlet, white, and blue ; these were intermixed with the crocus, asphodel, hyacinth, and purple orchis ; on the hills the variety of shrjibs was very great. We saw the ^Vrbutus Andrachne and Unedo, the sweet bay, the Ilex, the wild olive; many kinds of broom, heath, the Spina Christi, wild vine and clematis. i > ; .-.: : . •■.•.;.... .. Towards sun-set we reached a Turkish village called Jourasee. The almond trees scattered among the cottages were in full blosso m Here we found that Lampsacus was too far off for our tired horses to reach it that night. The husband of a woman, whom we had accosted, was returning from wood-cutting ; he examined our appearance, and offered us the shelter of a hovel for ourselves and horses, which we were glad to accept. He then kindled a large wood fire in a corner of it, where there was a hole in the roof, and after partaking of our coffee, he gave us pipes and tobacco, and began to converse familiarly. Jou- ragee, he told us, contains sixty families, all Turks, each of them hav- ing a piece of land in the valley, and a few sheep and goats on the mountains. At harvest time the Aga of the district sends a person to measure the produce of each farm, and to take the tenth ; the only fixed or permanent tax which a Tui'k pays in this part of Anatolia. The tribute belongs to the Sultan, who sells it to some Bey or Pasha 'of a province for a certain sum ; it is then farmed out to the Agas of smaller districts, who generally take it in kind. This tenth extends to all the fruits of the earth ; but that of corn is the onlv one rigidly exacted : a moderate composition is taken for fruit, pulse, and veget- ables, except by very sordid Agas. Our host complained of the war, in which the Sultan was then engaged with the French, saying that though his land did not produce above 120 bushels of wheat, and his N gg ASIA MINOR. flock was but small, yet that he paid an extraordinary war-tax last year of 200 piastres (or 15/.) He then abused the corrupt govern- ment of the Porte, and said that the Turks themselves would not be sorry to see it overturned. He next complained of the excesses com- mitted by the troops on their route to the Vizier's camp in Syria, adding that whenever news came that they were on their road towards Jouragee, the wretched inhabitants run off to the mountains with their little property, and live in tents there, until the soldiers have passed. " • In one of the cottages we saw the fragment of a Greek inscription, and another on a small stone altar near it, now used as a block for mounting on horseback ; it informs us that Lucius Valerius Eutychus consecrated or erected it to the memory of his mother and daughter. As the accommodation for sleeping consisted only of a dirty mat and an uneven mud floor, we were not induced to pass a long night at Jouragee. We therefore set off at three o'clock in the morning by moon-light, and riding through extensive woods we again came to the shore of the Hellespont. On our road we met some caravans of loaded camels ; they were in strings of five, with an ass for the leader of each division. We now and then saw a sculptured turban, or a heap of earth without any head-stone, by the road-side ; these, our guide told us, marked the graves of travellers who had been mur- dered there, probably itinerant Jews or Greeks, about whose fate no inquiry was ever made by the Aga of the district. The face of the country was diversified with well wooded hills, and in every valley was a little glittering stream, meandering into the Hellespont. In a large plain, we saw the huts of the herdsmen, who breed great num- bers of camels here. At this season, the males of this quiet race of animals entirely change their character, and become so ferocious, that it requires all the care of the herdsmen to prevent them from tear- ing each other to pieces. At Smyrna, and other great towns in Anatolia, camel fights are among the favorite amusements of the people. ASIA MINOR. 91 At half-past nine we reached a Turkish village called Sarthaki. The porch of the mosque is supported by granite pillars, with marble capitals of different orders ; they appear to have originally belonged to some church of the lower Greek empire. At the public fountain we saw three granite sarcophagi, with inscriptions much defaced. We did not reach Lampsacus until eleven o'clock, though it is only six hours distant from Jouragee. On our arrival we went to the house of the Papas or Greek priest, where we breakfasted. We could not, however, avoid the intrusive curiosity of the Turks, and we had a per- petual succession of these troublesome visitors, who seemed glad to shew us how much the poor Greek priest stood in awe of them. On our going to the Bazar or market, some of them seemed dis- posed to insult us, but on our giving a few pieces of money to a begging dervise, they became more civil. An Armenian shopkeeper shewed us a small antique vase of ancient Greek, or, as some have called it, Etruscan workmanship ; he had also a kw old copper medals, but he placed so high a value on his curiosities that we declined pur- chasing them. Vases, similar to that which he shewed us, were often found, he said, in old burial places in the neighbourhood. In Lamp- sacus we discovered not one ruin or vestige of ancient buildings. Its wine, once so celebrated, is now among the worst that is made in this part of Anatolia. The town contains a mixed population of Turks, Greeks, Armenians, and Jews, amounting to about five hun- dred and fifty families. ...... _ . . ; . - . . At a quarter past twelve we resumed our journey. A river, called Chiergee, runs near Lampsacus, and two hours from thence we met another winding stream, which falls into the Hellespont at a point projecting very far towards the European coast. We then passed a village called Beergan, on the banks of this river. Its situation on a sloping hill, with clumps of trees left in picturesque spots round it, and a clear stream running in the valley, formed a very beautiful landscape. Indeed the whole of this shore furnishes a continual suc- cession of the richest scenery. . . N 2 92 ASIA MINOR, Four hours from Lampsacus, and about a mile from the coast, we saw the ruined wall of some ancient Greek town. The Turks call the spot Gangerlee ; we then crossed two rivulets, Yapoudak and Moosah ; one of these is the ancient Rhodius, and when we reached the fertile and picturesque vale of Karajouree, the promontory of Narla, on which Abydos once stood, came in view. After passing the Turkish village of Karadjo, we reached the town of the Darda- nelles about seven o'clock in the evenino;. Here we lodged at the house of Signor Tarragona, a Jew, whose family has held the consulship of England for a long series of years. The Feast of the Passover had brought many members of it together. The Jews here, generally, marry at about eighteen years of age ; the girls at a much younger period of life. One of the wives in this family, who was in her eighteenth year, was already mother of three children. A daughter, only fourteen years old, had been some months married, and Rachel, the youngest, a beautiful girl of thirteen, had already, as her father told us, been asked in marriage by three suitors. The town of the Dardanelles is called by the Turks Chanak Kalesi, and by the Greeks, from the situation of the neighbouring forts, Toc i^eo-ot. KaVrp*, The middle Castles, being about midway in the Hellespont. The only garrison we saw here consisted of three or four Topgees, or Turkish gunners, whose employment consists in re- turning the salutes of ships of war. The cannon, of which there are a great number, are on very clumsy carriages ; on the battlements are light field pieces. In the great battery are guns of various calibre, and those on a level with the water are enormous ; the bore of them is nearly three feet. We saw a pyramidal pile of granite shot for these huge cannon, which our Consul told us were cut out of columns found at Eski Stambol (ancient Constantinople), a name given by the Turks to Alexandria Troas. Instead of carriages, strong levers and pullies are used to work this massive artillery. At the Darda- nelles, there are about two thousand families, mostly Turks ; and as ASIA MINOR. 93 it is a place of some trade, the Jews have a quarter allotted them, containing about three hundred houses and a synagogue. Provisions of every kind are very plentiful in this neighbourhood ; but we observed that within the town the price of every article of food was double of what we had paid in our journey. This arose from the exactions of the governor, who exercises a monopoly on the corn and meal sold here. In Turkey most things are sold by weight, such as oil, wine, fruit, and corn. The oke is about 2|lb. avoirdupoise, or 400 drachms ; the cantar is 40 okes, nearly a hundred weight English ; and the kilo of grain is reckoned equivalent to an English bushel. The coins are paras and piastres ; a para is about the value of an English halfpenny ; 40 paras make a piastre, which varies according to the exchange from Is. 6d. to Is. 8r/. sterling. Having premised this, I may now be un- derstood when I mention the price of provisions. Wheat was at 100 paras per kilo at Gallipoli, a town nearly oppo- site to us; at the Dardanelles it was five piastres, almost eight shillings a bushel. Mutton had been also raised from 10 to 18 paras an oke, or from near 2c?. per pound to Sid.-, good red wine was six paras an oke, not 21 r/. a quart. ' ' We did not here discover any traces of the ancient town of Darda- nus, nor any antiquities, but what had been brought from the Troad by Jews in the hope of selling them to English travellers. Among these was a female statue from Chiblak, a few hours distant up the country. This I procured for Lord Elgin, in whose collection it now is. 94 ASIA MINOR. CHAP. II. Hellespont. — Sigean Inscription. — Tombs oj Achilles and Ajax. — Camara Sun. — Inscrip- tion of the time of the Seleucidce. — Gheumbrek Sou. — > Atche Ke/ti. March 7. — Before we commenced our tour of the Troad, we were formally introduced by our Hebrew Consul to Hadim Oglou the go- vernor of the Dardanelles ; to w^hom it was necessary to exhibit our firman or passport. He received us in great state, and assured us, that he would give orders to render our excursion through his territory, as comfortable as it could be made to us. Hadim Oglou has not only the important command of the entrance of the Dar- danelles, but is also Pasha, and hereditary feudal chieftain of the whole district which we intended to explore. He is one of the richest individuals in Turkey ; for he not only has vast estates in the neighbourhood and the adjoining parts of Anatolia, but he receives enormous bribes from the Greek merchants, who carry on the commerce of these seas under the Russian flag, while the crews are Ottoman subjects ; as well as from Austrian, Ragusan, and other trading vessels, for conniving at their contraband exportation of wheat and other prohibited commodities. He however is subject, in his turn, to heavy contributions from the Capudan Pasha, who is not ignorant of the illicit traffic. Lately, in his expedition to Egypt, he anchored at the Dardanelles, where he not only made Hadim Oglou supply the whole Turkish fleet and transports with biscuit for their voyage, but levied a hundred purses on him, about 4000/. Indeed the Capudan Pasha, in his annual cruise to collect the tribute of the isles of the Archipelago, uniformly honors Hadim Oglou with a visit to receive his homage, accompanied witli a handsome present in sequins. But these are far from being the only drains from his coffers ; complaints frequently reach the Porte of his connivance at smuggling and of his monopolies ; he therefore finds it his interest to have regular spies at Constantinople, to give ASIA MINOR. 95 him early intelligence of any complaints against him ; and often, to preserve his wealth from confiscation and his neck from the bow- string, he is forced to send forty or fifty purses to some powerful favourite at court. And so corrupt is the administration of the Turkish exchequer, that instead of having an active and independent inspector of the customs at the Dardanelles to counteract the rapa- city and peculation of the governor, Hadim Oglou's son-in-law fills that office ; and thus he is left without any real or effective control. On presenting to him our firman, and a recommendatory letter which we had obtained from the Capudan Pasha, he not only gave us a bouyurdee or passport addressed to all the Beys and Agas of his province, but insisted on sending an officer of his guard to accompany us throughout our tour in the Troad. We hired a boat to take us to Cape Yenicher, for which we paid fifteen piastres ; the force of the curi'ent aided by a fresh northern breeze, carried us to that pro- montory in less than two hours; our boat glided so swiftly down the Hellespont, that we readily believed the Reis or master, when he assured us that the current which always sets from the Black sea and sea of Marmora into the Archipelago, runs uniformly at the rate of four miles an hour. This makes it impracticable for any ship to advance against it if the wind be from the north, and renders the communication between the Mediterranean and Constantinople by sea very precarious during the whole summer, as the Etesian or annual northern wind commences in May, and continues with little intermission or change until September. The strait here is about a mile and a half over. Both shores of the Hellespont at this spot are highly picturesque. The outline of the hills is bold ; they are well wooded, and the valleys which run far up into the country are as green as in England, while, as a back ground to the landscape, the isles of Imbros and Samothrace raise their snowy tops behind the Thracian Chersonesus. The first village we passed on the Asiatic coast was Cous-Keui, inha- bited solely by Turks; then Eet Guelmess, a Greek village, which our guide at first called Ghioiu'-Keui, or village of infidels, a name 96 > ASIA MINOR. which we soon ascertained was indiscriminately given by Musidmans to such villages as contain no Turkish families. In order to give us a high idea of the strict and impartial police of the country, Mustapha, the new guide appointed by Hadim Oglou, told us that his lord had pursued a robber from this village to the top of the Adramyttian gulph, where he took the culprit and had him bastinadoed, until the nails of his feet came out ; his ears were next cut off, and he would then have hanged him if intercession had not been made to send him to the galleys by the person robbed, who, our guide added, was a mere Ghiour, or infidel Christian." • ■ • We next passed Ak Yar, or the White Stains, on the Asiatic shore ; they are abrupt limestone or chalk crags used by seamen as a land- mark to avoid a shoal or sunken rock in this part of the strait. On the opposite shore of the Thracian Chersonesus is a beautiful vallev winding between the mountains ; it is clothed with the richest ver- dure, and abounds with trees of every shade. At the entrance of this valley is an A^/ao-^o, Ayasma, or Holy fountain, where the Greek Christians have built a small chapel ; to the water of this fountain they attribute a power of counteracting witchcraft, sorcery, and dfemo- niacal possession, as well as healing certain diseases. A conical barrow near it is supposed to be the Cynossema or tomb of Hecuba. > We now came close upon the Asiatic shore, where we observed another barrow of similar form, called by the Turks En Tepe, and by Chevalier, Morritt, and succeeding travellers considered as the sepulclire of Ajax. We then passed the fort of Coum-Kale, which is built on a projecting tongue of land, having the appearance of a sandy shoal, and which, it is supposed, was once covered by the waters of the Hellespont. About 200 paces to the N. E. of the fort is the embouchure of the river Mendere Sou, or Scamander, the broadest stream we had seen since leaving the sea of Marmora. We then passed two other tumuli or conical barrows very near the shore; they were called T/icco Tepe (dVo -ett/j) by our guide; they have been considered as the tombs of Achilles and Fatroclus. The sun was nearly setting when wereached the foot of Cape Yenicher,the ancient promon- ASIA MINOR. 97 torj of Sigeum. The ascent was steep, but when we had mounted towards the top we had the gratification of a fine view of the plain of Troy, the winding course of the river through it, the island Tenedos beneath us ; Samothrace, and Imbros, and Lemnos on our right, with a faint view of the Pike of Mount Athos on the opposite continent in the fading distance of the horizon.* The objects now before our eyes, and of which we were about to take a nearer view, have been so often confronted with the scenery described in the Iliad or Odyssey ; the fountains, hillocks, streamlets, nay, almost every stone on the plain beneath us, have been so minutely appropriated to some circumstance of the Trojan war, that I shall confine myself to the humble task of recording a few incidents in our tour, marking the character or manners of the present inhabitants of the Troad, and shall rely on my learned and ingenious companion for a detailed examination of the natural features and the existing monuments of the country, with the view of ascertaining their relation to the description of local scenery in the poems of Homer. When my fellow-traveller and myself were permitted to land from the frigate which was taking the embassy to the Porte in 1799, the celebrated Sigean inscription and a fragment of exquisite sculpture were pointed out to us in the porch of the village. The first circumstance now mentioned to us by the Greek priest, in whose house we lodged, was the loss of these treasures, which, he said, had been carried off by a party of English soldiers from the Dardanelles (where they were employed in improving the forts), accompanied by their officers, and sanctioned by a Bouyurdee from Hadim Oglou, and an imperial fir- man from Constantinople, declaring that these marbles had been given by the Sultan to Loi'd Elgin, the English ambassador. The sighs and tears with which the Greek priest accompanied his story did not, however, arise from any veneration he bore to the antiquity of these marbles, from any knowledge of their remote history, or any * " Clare conspicitux- Athos," says Vossius, " cum coelum est serenum, ex Hellesponto et Asiatico litore, multo autem clariiis ex Ida monte." In Melam. 119. O 98 ASIA MINOR. supposed relation they bore to the tale of Troy divine, but because, as he told us, his flock had thus lost an infallible remedy for many obstinate maladies. To explain this, it may be necessary to mention, that during the winter and spring, a considerable part of the neigh- bouring plain is overflowed, thus afflicting the inhabitants with agues ; and such is the state of superstition at present among the Greek Christians, that when any disease becomes chronic, or beyond the reach of common remedies, it is attributed to daemoniacal possession. The Papas or priest is then called in to exorcise the patient, which he generally does in the porch of the church, by reading long portions of Scripture over the sufferer ; sometimes, indeed, the whole of the four gospels. In addition to this, at Yenicher, the custom was to roll the patient on the marble stone which contained the Sigean inscription, the characters of which never having been decyphered by any of their AJaV;iaA(3', were supposed to contain a powerful charm. This prac- tice had, however, nearly obliterated the inscription.* Exorcism is still practised by the Greek priests of the shores of the Archipelago ; not only human beings, but cattle, silk-worms, and even houses are supposed by them to be liable to the baneful influ- ence of fascination, spells, and daemoniacal possession. In one of their liturgies I saw a prayer to be used for counteracting the effect of a malicious glance on silk-worms, at the season of their spinning : and during our short stay at this village, I witnessed the ceremony of a priest with a censer and vessel of holy water, rendering, as he pre- tended, the threshold, windows, and chimney of a new-built cottage, impervious to evil spirits. We here bought some copper coins of the Ptolemies, and some smaller belonging to Alexandria Troas ; but we could not induce a * The stone is in the Elgin Collection of Marbles, and a copy of this singular document of Paleography may be seen in Chishull, Ant. Asiat. and in Chandler, Ins. An. The French letter of Bentley respecting the inscription, and the Delian Iambic, is in vol. ii. of the Acta Societatis Trajectinae, 6. ASIA MINOH. 99 peasant to sell a most beautiful little copper coin, containing on one side the full face of a female, and on the reverse two owls. The inhabitants of this village are all Christians of the Greek church, and appeared miserably poor and squalid ; and their curiosity was so obtrusive, that we almost wished for the tranquillity of a Turkish conac ; however, as I had made some progress in the verna- cular Greek of the Levant, I endeavoured to carry on a little conver- sation without the aid of our interpreter, with the Papas, our host, and he became very communicative respecting his own history and situation. . Yenicher or Ghiour-Keui, he told me, is divided into two parishes, of one of which he is officiating priest, his income amounting to about 350 piastres, or 26/. sterling per annum ; out of which, how- ever, he was forced every year to pay about 150 piastres to his Bishop and Metropolitan. His fees were, for a christening, five paras, or twopence-halfpenny ; but weddings and funerals were better paid. For the latter he had seldom less than seven piastres, or half- a-guinea ; for which, however, he was bound to some scores of masses for the repose of the defuncts, and to consume a few wax-lights. The plain of Troy and its immediate vicinity he stated to produce annually from three to four thousand okes of wool, above 10,000 lbs. worth ; on an average, about twelve or fourteen paras an oke, nearly twopence-halfpenny per lb. avoirdupoise. Some cotton is grown in the neighbourhood, and when picked and dressed sells for about fifty to sixty paras an oke, or eleven-pence per lb. As we proposed to ride over the plain next morning, it was neces- sary to procure horses ; and here Mustapha began the exercise of his authority by putting four in requisition for us, but, as we observed the owners to be dissatisfied, we privately told them we would ourselves pay at the rate of two and a half piastres (four shillings) per day, for each horse, with which promise they were so satisfied, that instead of sending one boy to bring them back, each owner agreed to ac- company his horse, and to act as a guide. o 2 100 ASIA MINOR. The first place where we halted on our route from Sigeum to the Rhoetean promontory, was at the two conical mounds, barrows, or hillocks, called the tumuli of Achilles and Patroclus, which we had anxiously viewed on our voyage to Constantinople, fearing we might not have this opportunity of examining them with leisure. Our guides concurred in calling them ra. ^uo mrr, the two mounds. In 1787, M. Choiseul Gouffier, ambassador from France, hired persons to open that which is called Achilles' tomb ; but the work was not carried so deep, as even to the surface of the ground on which the tumulus is raised. The remains of antiquity discovered there, proved to be, as M. Fauval himself assured me, one of those Egyptian idols of bronze so common in the times of the Ptolemies, and found frequently in the vicinity of Alexandria, having the modium or symbol of abundance on its head, and the feet placed on two horses, and a sphinx on each shoulder. The excavation appears to have been carried on not more than one third of the perpendicular depth of the tumulus ; the opening is about five or six feet in diameter ; on one side of the excavation and near the top, I observed a squared block of marble in a kind of wall ; this with some difficulty I raised ; and on the side which had been concealed in the earth 1 observed an inscription in Greek letters ; but on examining it, I was disappointed in finding it con- tained only a short epitaph, the letters, according to their form being of no high antiquity. EPOKAEA ETKIOT XAIPE Heroclea, or Hieroclea, wife or daughter of Lucius, Farewel. It was brought away, and given to the Earl of Elgin. In a field near the base of this tumulus is a slab of white marble, on which are sculptured two wreaths of laurel or olive, but it does not bear any inscription. The spot is a Jewish cemetery. ASIA MINOR, 101 Proceeding towards En Tepe at the Rhoetean promontory we crossed a river near the fort of Coum Kale, which our Turkish guide called Mendere Sou, and the Greeks Scamander. The wooden bridge over it was a hundred paces long ; and the river itself, in comparison of the other streams that fall into the Hellespont, may be called broad and rapid. And here I cannot help remarking, that the Hellespont itself having the appearance of a large river, carrying its waters into the iEgasan sea, well merits the epithet of -TiXaTuq given to it by Homer ; for though considered as a sea, it is indeed narrow ; yet as a tributary stream of the ^g£ean, it may be called the broad Hellespont.* The tomb of Patroclus, near that of Achilles, and close to the road, has never been opened. It is supposed to be a cenotaph raised to his memory, as his ashes were inclosed in the same urn which held those of Achilles, and deposited in the san^e tumulus. About tour miles and a half from Yenicher or Sigeum, we arrived at a lofty barrow, called En Tepe, the supposed tumulus of Ajax. Before we reached it, we had crossed Camara Sou, and a salt-marsh. Our guides told us that some years ago the Turks had dug into the tomb, and taken out a great quantity of stones, with which they had made the present causeway through some oozy ground and salt marshes near it ; one of these ponds is called Tous-Lazma, and the other En Tepe Lazma : to which they told us the sea sometimes reaches. This may help to confirm the opinion of those who believe that the waves of the Hellespont may have washed the base of this tumulus, subsequently to the Trojan war. To us, I confess, the ground appeared to rise gently and gradually to the base of En Tepe, so that the foundation of building in it, is probably near a hundred feet above the level of the adjoining plain, and the edge of the present shore of the Hellespont. The tumulus is raised to about twenty feet above that height, so that there is some difficultv in * Herodotus calls it a river, lib. vii. c. 35. 102 ■ ASIA MINOR. applying the account given by Pausanias in his first book to this tumulus. He there tells us, that an inhabitant of Mysia had in- formed him, that the sea, breaking into the tomb of Ajax on the side next the shore, made the entrance into it not difficult to any one who wished to view the gigantic remains ot" that hero. The stones of which the internal building is formed are not squared or chiselled, and great masses of them roughly cemented with mortar, still adhering together, incumber the inner chamber or vault. The entrance into it in the side of the tumulus is about five feet in height, five feet broad, and the passage about six feet long, before it termi- nates in the vault which is lower and narrower. My fellow-traveller was extremely sceptical on the appropriation of this mound to the sepulchre of Ajax. From the top of this tumulus we had a good view of the whole line of coast, and of the Scamandrian plain, called by our guides, Mendere Sou Deresi, the valley of the Mender; two ridges of hills, one terminating at this point (Rhoeteum), and the other at Yenicher Sigeum) bound it ; the breadth here is about four miles. We had thus in a few short hours enjoyed the satisfaction of visiting the two extremities of the naval station of the Greeks, explored the tombs of Achilles, Patroclus, and Ajax, and crossed the Scamander. We now descended to the base of that ridge of hills which ter- minates at En Tepe, and soon came once more to the little mean- dering stream, Caniara Sou, or the river of the Aqueduct. We crossed it by a small bridge, and proceeded to the village of Coum Keui, the sandy village, about two miles south of En Tepe. Very near the village are extensive ruins of ancient public buildings scattered over the plain ; they are probably on the site of Ilium. The columns now fallen and broken are deeply fluted, and of the Ionic and Corinthian orders, generally about three feet and a half in diameter. In the house of a Turk of this village I found a Greek inscription on a block of marble ; the letters were very small, and without any ASIA MINOU. 2^03 separation between the words. I bought it for Lord Elgin, in whose possession it now is. It is not complete, having been broken and defaced towards the conclusion. The following is the copy I took on the spot. It is a decree in honour of iNIetrodorus a physician, for having healed a wound in the neck received by King Antiochus in battle, and it assigns him certain privileges and honours for this service as well as others performed to the Kings Antiochus and Seleucus, and to the town. Unfortunately for the topogi'aphy of this part of the Troad, it does not mention the name of the city. EnEIAH,0,BA2IAET2,ANTI0X0:i,EnES 1 TAAKEN,OTI,TPATMATIA2,rEXOMEN02, EN,THI,MAXHI,E12,T0N,TPAXHA0N, ©EPAnET© . .,TnO,MHTPOAllPOT,TOT, IATP0T,AKINATN02,EnE2TAAKEN, 5 nEPI,EAYT0T,KAI,MEAEArP05,0,STPA. THrO:i,nPOOP12MEN02,TO,THS,nO AEf22,5TM*EPON,AEAOX0AI,THI,BOTAHI, KAI,TI2I,AHMOI,EnAlXE5AI,MEN, MHTPOAIiPON,TIMOKAEOT2,Ai\IcI.. 10 E . . ITHN,APETHS,ENEKEN,KAI, ETNOIA2,TH2,ElS,TOTS.BA2IAEl2, ANTI0X0N,KAI,2EAETK0N,KAI,T0N, AHMON,EINAI,AE,ATTON,KAI,nPOHE NON,KAI,EYEPrETHN,THS,nOAEi2S, 1 5 AEAOS0AI,A,ATTilI,KAI,nOAITEIAN, KAI,KTHS[N,KAI,E*OAON,Eni,THX, B0TAHN,KAl,T0N,AHM0N,nPX2T0N, META,TA,IEPA,EEEINAI,A,ATTm,KAI EIS,4>TAHN,KAI,*PATPIAN,HN,AN,B0T 20 AHTAI. * About three miles and a half to the east of Coum Keui, we found an extensive Turkish cemetery, with ruins of a mosque, the minaret of which was still standing. It belongs to the adjoining village of * See the latter part of the volume, where an explanation of this and other Greek inscriptions is given. , . 104 ASIA MINOR. Chali-Leui. * The sepulchral stones erected over the Mussulman graves were fragments of columns, capitals, and frizes of temples. The ground they occupied was about 260 paces in diameter ; but we could not trace the plan or foundations of any Greek or Roman buildings. The columns were of white marble fluted, about two feet six inches in diameter ; some capitals were of the Ionic, and some of the Corinthian order ; the triglyphs shewed that there had been buildings in the Doric style ; one mutilated and defaced bas- relief represents a female figure in a conch-shaped chariot drawn by tritons ; on another fragment is a winged victory in a car ; on part of an entablature is a female figure with wings supporting festoons or flowers. There were other remains of sculpture, but so much defaced as to make it very difiicult to discover the subject represented. They have all undoubtedly belonged to the towns of New Ilium, as may be collected from the following inscriptions : — 1. 1AIEI2T0N nATPION ©EON AINEIAN 2. 01 NEOI TONFTMNASIAPXON ASKAAnONAKAAAin nOTXPHMATlSAN. . HnAN©i2l24>TAH EETON10TAlONIA ONKOSMONTHSnOA EI22EnAPXON2nElPH2 *ABIANH2rTMNA2IAPX H2ANTAAAMnPi22KAI *IAOTIM122KAinPI2TON T12NAnAIi2N02KAIMEXPl NTNM0N0NEAAI0METPH2A NTAT0T2TEB0TAETTA2 KAinOAEITASnANTASKAI t AAEI*ANTAEK7VOTTHPi2N nANAHMEI About a mile and a half south-west of these ruins of Chali-Leui is the village of Chiblak. In the court-yard of the mosque and in the * " The numerous architectural fragments observed near Halil Eli and Tchiblak, have been brouglit tiiere to mark the graves in a Turkish burial-ground, for I could discover no foundations of buildings at either spot." Mr. Hawkins. f L. 12. aXe/vl/avra ti]v Tro'Xiv occurs in an inscription found at Lampsacus, see Mis. Obs. T. 3. 201. Respecting the office of the Aliptae, see Van Dale's Dissertation. ASIA MINOR. 2Q^ walls of some cottages, we observed fragments of architectural orna- ments in marble, and a number of broken capitals and shafts of cohxmns in the cemetery. About a mile to the south-east of this place is a very ancient Turkish burial-ground, filled with scattered ruins of a temple. Many in- scribed marbles may be seen there. Among them we found the following words : * -. . . PA2A TH ©TFATPI KE EATTH KE T£l . . . From Chali-Leui we reached Gheumbrek Sou, which falls into Camara Sou ; we crossed the former, and in an hour's time ar- rived at the village Gheumbrek. The valley through which the Camara and Gheumbrek Sou run, is supposed to be the vale of Thymbra ; it is bounded by gently swelling knolls, and abounds with beautiful shrubs. The village of Gheumbrek is four miles from Chali-Leui, and near it is a gloomy grove of tall pines, to which we were taken by the peasants to see the ruins of an ancient building. It appeared to us to be the remains of a small Doric temple ; but there is not a frag- ment of inscription or ornamental sculpture to indicate the period of its erection, or the name of the deity to whom it had been con- secrated. Here we were told of extensive ruins to be seen at a distance of about four or five miles, and which, to raise our curiosity or to gain higher pay for a guide, we were assured no traveller had ever visited. Winding between the mountains in a southerly direction, in about an hour and a half we came to ruins scattered among bushes and under- wood, at a place called Palaio Atche Keui. On our road, Mustapha, who had now entered in some degree into the objects of our research, with great delight took us to a block of marble he had discovered * A similar mode of writing the E for AI is observable in other instances ; see the re- marks at the end of the volume relating to some Greek inscriptions. We read in one, p IQg ASIA MINOR. with a Greek inscription on it: it had been the pedestal of a statue to Agrippa. .,.'.-- - MAPKON AFPinnAN TON STNFENEA , ' KAI nATP12NA THS nOAEHS KAI ETEPFETHN EOI TH OPOS THN ©EON * '■' ' ' ETSEBEIA KAI ERI TH OPOS TONAHMON ETNOIA. Near this inscription is the statue of a female in a sitting posture ; a robe is thrown gracefully over the left knee, and a zone is closely clasped beneath the breasts. On each side of the chair is represented a lion resting on his haunches. A great number of broken inscrip- tions of different ages is scattered around. The most striking object is part of the arch of a portico formed of large blocks of marble, on which are three garlands of olive with inscriptions in each : OI NEOI in one; in another OAHMOi; O MYTIAHNAiriN ; in a third, the words are not all of them discernible : but we saw lAIfl PXIMAIUN. Within the arch was written AnOAAXlNOr TOY lAIEOS EPMOK- PATO . . Another fragment contains the name of Minerva THA0HNAI. CHAP. III. Aqueduct at Camara-Sou. — Bounarbashi. — Extract fj-om Sibthoi-p's Journal, — Ene. — Bairamitche. — Source and Cascade of the Mender. — Summit of Ida. We now proceeded in a north-east direction, and came once more to the banks of the Camara-Sou, which are here very bold and pictu- resque. We found an ancient aqueduct, crossing the river, at a con- siderable height above its bed. Though much injured by time it is still so striking an object as to give the name of the " Aqueduct river" to the stream that runs beneath it. The principal arch is ASIA MINOR. 107 about thirty-five feet in diameter, and is yet entire ; this spot is about three miles from Palaio Atche Keui, where are the ruins of the temple of Apollo of Ilium. The rocky bed in which the river here runs, its bold abrupt banks thus united by a lofty arched aqueduct, and crowned with wood, form a striking scene, which I regretted my want of power to sketch. •-• ' ■■■ " !■ .,■■•- ,,.,., J ,,,,^ ,1 -; ;: ;;.,;_ ;;.;(^;i - After remaining some time to admire the beauty of this spot, we returned to Palaio Atche Keui, having heard from our guides that there were more ruins of ancient buildings within a mile of those we had just seen. But we found merely a Turkish cemetery, to which some ancient fragments had been taken to be employed as tomb- stones. One of the marble slabs, however, we found contained a Greek inscription in hexameter and pentameter verses, and we de- cyphered the following words : , TIKTE TEXNA TON APISTONA : , MTNTOPA nATPIAOS A1H5 OION ZETS ilPSEN OION 0MHP02E*T We now set out for Bounarbashi, where we were to halt for the night, and going in a south-westerly direction, we passed three tumuli, to which our guides gave the names of Mai Tepe, Asar- lack Tepe, and Khaina Tepe ; Asarlack Tepe, near the village of New Atche Keui, is of much larger dimensions than the others ; it ap- peared about thirty feet high, flat at top, where it is about one hundred feet across. It is in the form of a truncated cone. When we had proceeded about three miles and a half from Atche Keui, we again reached the Mendere Sou, on that broad river which intersects the plain of Troy. We found it here very wide, though not so deep as to prevent our fording it on horseback. This river our guides called Mendere and Scamandros, and they here told us that its source was in the snow-covered mountain of Kaz-Dag, which, accord- ing to their computation, was three days' journey from us, probably about sixty miles : they also said that the Camara Sou had it source in that lofty mountain. At about a mile from the ford of the Men- dere Sou, we came to the village of Bounarbashi. It is elvated p 2 108 ASIA MINOR. considerably above the plain, and is about twelve miles from Yenicher, and at least nine miles from the nearest point of the Hellespont. We here took up our lodging at a Tchiflick or farm-house belonging to Hadim Oglou. To the E. N. E. of this spot the ground rises during a distance of a mile and a half; we then reached the summit of a hill, the surface of which is almost flat. It has been called the Acropolis of Troy. On our road we did not discover the foundation or traces of any ancient building, or even a hewn stone or fragment of pottery to mark the site of former habitations. This high land or table-hill is about a mile in circumference, is of an oblong form, in length 650 paces, its mean breadth about 250. We noticed three barrows or conical mounds upon it ; these our guides called Balah Tepe. One at the north-western boundary, now named Hector's tomb, is a heap of rough stones thrown confusedly together, as if they had been dug from the neighbouring quarry, and were placed in a heap to be ready for use. Close to it are foundations of walls ; the masonry is rough, and about seven feet thick ; the building, of which they mark the ground-plan, has not been of regular figure, but accommodated to the uneven surface of the rock. Its mean diameter is about forty paces. On digging among these foundations we found both tiles and mortar. About 120 paces from this heap or movmd, is a second called by recent topographers the Tumulus of Priam. Remains of building appear on the top, as if an altar or some little chapel or shrine had been placed there, the foundation being about eight feet in diameter. Continuing in the same line, we came to a rocky hillock, which we mounted, and found it flat or levelled at the summit ; on this the keep or fortress of the citadel most probably was built. The position is altogether very strong ; it is bounded by abrupt and nearly perpen- dicular cliffs and precipices. On looking down to the distant plain, we saw the river Mendere Sou, broad and rapid, nearly surrounding the base of this acropolis or Pergamus, and almost making it an island. The meanderings of the river as seen from this height ap- ASIA MINOR. ^Q9 peared very numerous. It often turns back on its former course, so as to intersect the valley in various directions. Round the whole boundary of this flat space on the top of the hill, may be traced re- mains of walls, v/ith heaps of stones at intervals, indicating probably the spots where towers had been raised. There are also some exca- vations, like quarries, whence the stones may have been dug ; one of these near the first barrow is very deep ; the marks of the pick-axe are discernible ; many wild fig-trees grow out of its clefts. About a quarter of a mile below the village of Bounarbashi, in a S. W. direction, is a Turkish burial-ground, on which are scattered many fragments of architecture, and columns of marble and granite. Their style precludes any pretensions to high antiquity. Neither on the hill just described, nor on the road to it, did we discover any remains of art of a Cyclopean kind similar to those seen at Tiryns, Argos, and Mycenae, and other parts of Greece. We saw no frag- ments of vases and pottery, so generally abundant on the sites of ancient cities in Asia Minor and Greece. We observed a few sculp- tured marbles in different parts of the village ; one with festoons of flowers suspended from rams' heads ; another with an architectural ornament. There was also a bas-relief representing a warrior, his arm resting on another fignre ; this appears to have been the metope of an ancient Doric temple. Close to the mosque of the village is a marble slab, on which is an imperfect Greek inscription ; mention is made in it of some act of piety towards Minerva. - • About a mile below the Tchiflick of Bounarbashi and the mosque are the fountains or sources of a rivulet. They are called by the Turks, Kirk-joss, " Forty-eyes." One of the strongest of these springs has been formed into a reservoir or cistern, and some slabs of marble and broken pillars placed for assisting the inhabitants of the village to wash and to fill their urns. The water of this fountain appeared to me of ordinary temperature ; but our guides told us, that in winter it is so much warmer than the adjoining springs, as to send forth vapour or steam. 110 ASIA MINOR. The whole of the ground near this fountain abounds with springs ; and wherever there is a cleft or crevice in the rocky surface, clear water gushes out profusely. The stream formed by these fountains now goes to a Tchiflick or farm, built by the famous Hassan Pasha ; here it turns some corn-mills, and then falls into the Archipelago, south of Yenicher or Sigeum, at about one-third of the distance of that promontory from Alexandria Troas. Our guides however from Yenicher assured us, that formerly it flowed in a different bed, and fell into the Mendere Sou ; and that still, during the winter floods and equinoctial rains, it overflows its modern channel, and runs in its ancient bed to the Mendere : and that the precise spot of this junction of the Kirk-joss, or Bounarbashi Sou, and the Mendere is at a place called Coum Dere, and is marked by the piers of a ruined stone bridge, about three miles and a half S. E. of Cape Yenicher, at about eight miles from its sovu'ce in a direct line, and about three miles from Coum Kale. ■ ' The breadth of the bed of this stream where it joins the Mendere is about seven or eight yards ; and the breadth of the Mendere there about sixty yards. On visiting this spot, we found that our guides had given us a very faithful account, and that a late flood had brought some of the waters of the Kirk-joss into its old channel, and over- flowed the neighbouring part of the plain. We could not find any conical barrow near this junction where the tomb of Ilus is supposed to have stood. The snowy tops of Ida or Gargarus were pointed out to us from this spot by our guides, and called by them Kaz-Dag ; indeed that lofty pike may be seen from the whole extent of the plain, except near Bounarbashi ; a range of hills thei'e screens it from the spectator, as well as at the Pergamus. The waters of the Kirk-joss at their source are very much esteemed by the natives, and our guides told us, that there is a tradition of the water having been conveyed in former times by aqueducts to ancient Troya ; by which they always mean Alexandria Troas. The Mendere Sou is called by this name, from its source in Mount Gargarus or Kaz-Dag, to the place where it is discharged into the ASIA MINOR. Jll Hellespont : sometimes indeed our guides named it Scamandros, and Uorafxo?, " the river," but always meant by those appellations the Mendere. It has a broad stream during its whole course ; in the plain it flows over a bed generally of sand ; sometimes of pebbles ; but towards its source, it is full of large masses of detached granite rock, that have been rolled down by floods. About three miles and a half west of Bounarbashi, and two miles and a half from the sea-shore, and about eight or nine miles south of Sigaeum, a lofty barrow of the usual conical form rises from the plain ; it is now called the tomb of iEsyetcs, and mentioned by Homer as existing before the Trojan war, and as being the eminence from which Polites the son of Priam reconnoitred the forces of the Greeks. This circumstance throws much doubt on the origin of these numerous barrows or tumuli scattered over the plain and its shores. Were they raised to cover the remains of the heroes men- tioned by Homer ; or were the details in the Iliad adapted to the existing appearances of the country where the story is laid ? Conical mounds of similar construction are to be foimd in all the plains of the east, bearing the name of Tepe ; they are seen in Scythia, in Thrace, Macedonia, and in Greece. Our guides from Yenicher assured us that it is still the custom of the Turkish armies to raise mounds of this kind on their march ; and that the standard of the Vizier or General is displayed during the encampment upon them. Having already mentioned the situation of En Tepe, or the tumulus of Ajax, with respect to the Hellespont, I will here observe, that one of our guides informed us, that at Yenicher there is a tradition of the sea having formerly washed the foot of En Tepe ; and he added, that even now the part of the plain between Coum Kale and En Tepe (the naval station of the Greeks) is called in their old writings and title deeds, Beyadeh Dere, " the valley of boats," and that a village now more than a leaoue from the shore is still called Cala- fatlee, or the " Careening place." If this tradition of the lUtus 7'elictum be well founded, it renders much more probable many of 122 ASIA MINOR. the incidents of the Iliad, by reducing the distance between the citadel of Troy and the naval camp of the Gi-eeks. The master of the Tchiflick where we purposed to lodge, was so unhospitable and churlish in his manners that we left his house, and took up our abode in the cottage of an acquaintance of our guides. Here in the evening we were entertained with a rustic concert and dancing ; one of the performers played on a kind of small violin, not held to the shoulders, but supported on the knee. Another of the company played on a small guitar or lute, the body of which was simply the shell of a land-tortoise, an animal very common on the neighbouring hills. Having mentioned the use of the Testudo, we may here state two other circumstances, which in this part of our tour reminded us of more ancient times. The car or little waggon in use on the Troad has its wheels formed of solid blocks ; and bears in its general appearance a striking resemblance to the chariots of Homer's heroes, as they are represented on ancient bas-reliefs, engraved gems, and Greek or Etruscan vases. The construction of the Turkish ships which are employed in the trade of the Black-sea, and parts of the Archipelago, also preserve some ancient peculiarities. The curved shape of the vessel from the poop to the prow, the lofty towering station of the pilot, the black and dusky sides of the vessel, the red-painted holes through which the hawsers or cables pass, the daubing and greasing the bottom and keel with tallow, are con- tinued from remote times. The epithets KoiXyj, f^BXaiva, KofmU, yAatpupr, jwAT07ra'p»)0f are as applicable to a Turkish Beyadeh. as they could have been to a Greek galley. The Scamandrian plain in its extreme length from Yenicher to Atche Keui appears to be about ten miles ; its mean breadth about five miles. It is cultivated, and said to be fertile in its whole extent, except in the neighbourhood of En Tepe, (Rhoeteum,) where the ground is boggy, making about a fifth of the whole plain. The produce is from seven to ten of the seed-corn. The property here is vested in Hadim Oglou of the Dardanelles ; the Sultan's tribute from the cultivator or tenant is farmed, and collected so oppressively ASIA MINOR. ]13 as to make it amount to an eighth, instead of the legal tenth of the harvest. On the 12th of March we left Bounarbashi, having the citadel and its ruins on oui left, and Udjek Tepe the supposed tomb of ^syetes on our right, or towards the west ; about a mile and a half from Bounarbashi we came to a mound of earth called by our guides Arabia Tepessi. It is flat on the top ; and there were traces of some former structure on it. The river Mendere runs close by Arapla, and its course here is very picturesque ; the craggy precipices of Kara-Dag form one of its banks, and the adjoining valley was full of wild-flowers, and the side of the stream abounded with oleanders, olive-trees, and myrtles. An island made at this place by the divided current had many cattle grazing on it. We were still ac- companied by Mustapha, who had brought with him from Bounarbashi a fine greyhound. This favourite dog had warm clothing like a trained race-horse*; the tip of his tail and ears, and some spots of his back were stained with a scarlet or deep orange colour ; a dye used now, as in earlier times by the Turks. Their beards are often ornamented with it ; and we see it frequently applied to the nails of the finsers and feet of the Turkish women. It is taken from the Lawsonia inermis. ;: i . • . ... -, Our road led us along the course of the Mendere Sou through a rich and extensive valley ; a lofty wooden bridge on stone piers here crossed the river. The mountainous tract of Cebrenia was to the East. At about nine miles from Bounarbashi, the top of Kaz-Dag or Gargarus again came in view, and this nearer prospect of its snows and height made us almost despair of being able to reach its summit. * Dr. Clarke observed " the dogs near Katarina in Thessaly, making a singular appearance, wearing body-clothes." T. 3. 114 ASIA MJNOB. ;;:;!£( Extract from Dr. Sibthorjj^s Journal r-especting the Plain of Troy. " Sept. 1774. We left Coum Kale and passed by a paved road, on: the sides of which were vineyards and gardens. We entered on the fertile plains of Troy, having crossed the Siraois, the bed of which was dry ; at Bounarbashi the steward of the Aga who had gone himself on a pilgrimage to Mecca received us, and prepared a rustic supper. The court-yard of the Aga was that of a large farmer ; numerous buildings, as cow-houses, sheep-stalls, and sheds for different purposes, lined the sides of it, and instruments of husbandry were disposed in various parts. The wains were of a singular structure, and probably of very ancient origin, and had received none of the improvements of modern discoveries. A large wicker basket eight feet long, mounted on a four-wheeled machine, was supported by four lateral props, which were inserted into holes or sockets. The wheels were made of one solid piece, round, and convex on each side. The house was placed on an elevated site, commanding a view of the plain of Troy ; a little to the left was the source of the Scamander marked by a poplar grove ; the Simois waved to the right in a serpentine course, its bed nearly dry, edged with Tamarisk, Planes, and Agnus Castus. " The plain of Troy, which reached almost to the village, was an. extended flat of a rich fertile loamy soil, that now changed into a bed of basalt, on which the village of Bounarbashi was built. Three sorts of wlieat are sown in the plain, distinguished by the titles of Cara Culdluick, Devidi.shi, and Sari Boulda. The country was also, cultivated with cotton and sesamum. The peasants were busy in carrying home in their wicker wains their crops of Indian corn ; the yellow was the most common sort. " Having reached the point of the mountains which we judged to be the site of the ancient Acropolis, we had the broad shallow bed of the Simois immediately under us ; it was now quite dry. On the de- clivity of the rock, which was composed of a white coarse-grained ASIA MINOR. 115 marble, and extremely steep, grew the prickly almond, the Paliurus and yellow jasmine, and from the fissures the wild fig and Conyza Candida. In the evening we walked to the source of the Scamander, and near it were shown a clear crystalline spring, said in winter to be warm, but at present (Sept.) giving no sensation of heat. We followed the river some way from its source ; the stream fed by numerous springs had been interrupted, and overflowed the neigh- bouring lands, forming a large tract of reedy ground frequented by ducks, coots, and snipes ; besides the chub, eels, and two other sorts of fish were caught in its stream. The marsh-mallow, the prickly- liquorice, and the goats-rue grew on its banks." — Dr. S. ;. i- .' >. We now quitted the main channel of the Mendere on our left ; and crossing one of its tributary streams*, which flows from the south, and runs through a plain called Ene Dere, we arrived at the house of Hadje Achmet, son of Hadini Oglou in the town of Ene, of which he is Aga or feudal chieftain. Tlie title of Hadje or Pilgrim, implies that he has either visited Mecca in person, or paid the expenses of a pilgrim for going thither for him. The same epithet XxriT'^ is assumed by Greek Christians, who have visited in this character the Holy Land. Ene is about thirteen miles from Bounar- bashi ; and Hadje Achmet lives here in a kind of feudal grandeur. On entering the court of his mansion, a young page made a loud beat on a drum which hangs at the gate. The Aga, to whom we were immediately introduced, received us with much kindness, and treated us hospitably, and though a Musul- man and Hadje, he did not suffer wine to be banished from our meals. He sent one of his guards as our guide through the town and its environs in search of antiquities, but our discoveries were not * This stream flowing from the south, and near Ene, is noticed in Major Rennell's map, ]^o. vi. See his remarks on the topography of Troy. ;:, .'■.•' '■•?>;.7_; Q 2 IIQ ASIA MINOR. important. The first Greek inscription we saw was in the wall of a shop in the Bazar ; it was broken and defaced. . . . OnATHP. . . TOMNHMA . lEAAKPTUN TAIOS We crossed the Ene Dere Sou, or river of Ene, by a bridge, in the building of which a number of ancient granite columns had been employed. We found a sarcophagus, now converted into the cistern of a fountain with an imperfect inscription ; the form of its letters was not more ancient than the time of the first Caesars. It merely contains the usual fine to be imposed on any one who shall dare to put the bones of any person into it, except of him for whom it was made. At a public fountain near one of the mosques of Ene are two beautiful ancient marble capitals of the Corinthian order placed be- neath a sarcophagus, now used as a cistern. There are many granite columns in the Turkish burying ground. These, we were told, had been brought from some ruins about twelve miles distant. Ene is a large town, consisting of about 800 families, mostly Turks, who carry on a small manufactory of yellow leather. The boys of the town followed us in crowds, but did not behave in the least de- gree rudely. At a little past three in the afternoon we left Ene and its hospitable Aga ; keeping the river on our left, we proceeded on our journey to Mount Kaz-Dag, passing a village called Kozoul Keui. About five miles from Ene we came to a rivulet called Baloukli Dere Sou, and a mile further to another called Tchourmagee, both of which fall into the Mendere Sou ; we then passed a farm-house or Tchiflick of Hadim Oglou, and about fourteen miles from Ene we reached Bairamitchr, the ancient seat of Hadim Oglou's ancestors. Here we were lodged and well received. The house is so large that we counted twenty-seven rooms opening into the principal gallery. This tpwn and the district for some miles round it, have the air of riches and independence : well cultivated fields, good fences, sub- ASIA MINOR. 117 stantial cottages, px'ove the comfortable state of the tenantry. Foun- tains or wells for the use of travellers are made along the roads. It was here that the ancestors of Hadim Oglou lived in feudal dignity and patriarchal hospitality ; and he is the first of his family who has suffered himself to be tempted from rural independence to accept the public employments of the Porte. I have before mentioned the heavy contributions that have lately been levied upon him at the Dardanelles, and his old tenants are beginning to fear that he must oppress them in turn, and that in no long time he will be the victim of some revolution in the ministry, and thus bring on the extinction of a family that has for ages been a blessing to the country. Baira- mitche contains about six hundred families, and has a large well-built Khan or Caravanserai for the accommodation of travellers. In this, we were told, two of our countrymen had lodged a few days before our arrival. .: . . .- ... In one of the streets we observed a granite sarcophagus, used as a cistern of a fountain ; it is six feet long and two feet deep. There is an inscription on it in very ancient characters, but we could only decypher the following words KAlfCOANKlA SENOOAEI. The latter is the name Xenophae, and we find a similar termination in Calliphae, a name of one of the Ionian nymphs.* In the yard of a house be- longing to a Greek we saw a small marble statue of a female, nearly entire, of admirable workmanship ; the folds of the drapery appear a little raised by the left knee. In the house of the same Greek was the head of a much larger statue. [Some remarkable ruins were dis- covered by Dr. Clarke, about two hours distance from this place, at Kouchounlou Tepe. — E.] . ' :.,'••'■;:- The difficulty of procuring horses detained us at Balramitche until noon. As soon as our friendly host had provided them for us, we set out for Kaz-Dag, almost deterred by the reports we heard from the hope of being able to reach its summit, though we were resolved to proceed at least as far up as the source of the Mendere, whose wind- . .= * Strabo, lib. viii. - :■ ■•■_., .■.'' J jg ASIA MINOR. in*ys we had been following so many days. About five or six miles from Bairamitche we crossed the river, which our guides still occasion- ally called the Scamander ; it was here about fifty or sixty paces wide. We saw some ruins of ancient buildings, and passed two small vil- lages, both of which our guides called Ghiour Keui. Here the stream began to decrease rapidly in breadth, and when we forded it again, we found it not more than twenty-five paces broad. The val- ley here was so green, the shade so refreshing, the water dashing amono- masses of granite, so clear that we were induced to alight. The beauty of the scenery around us was very striking ; the lofty and well wooded hilk on each side prevented any glare of li^ht, so that the outline of each object was defined with clearness. The forests, vine- yards, pastures, cottages, and flocks, were blended into the most beautiful harmony of colouring ; while the towering Mount Gargarus closed in the valley, and showed in the distant horizon its snowy top, re- flecting a burnished light, with groves of dark pine-trees on its sides. At a quarter past four in the afternoon, we reached Evjilah, or the village of hunters ; it lies at the foot of Kaz-Dag. Here our recep- tion was most rude and inhospitable; neither Aga nor peasant seemed disposed to receive us within their doors ; and the only place of accommodation they offered to us was a ruined and uninhabited cot- tage of mud. On showing our firman and bouyurdee, and hinting that on our return to those who granted them, we should give an account of the treatment we had experienced, the Aga condescended to exert his authority, and ordered lodging to be prepared for us in the cottage of a peasant. In addition to some coarse cakes we were only able to procure a hare, which had been brought in from the forests of Ida by one of the villagers who had been hunting there. A large fire was made for us, as the weather was piercingly cold ; and long pieces of pine-tree, saturated with turpentine, were lighted instead of lamps or candles. The inhabitants, though Turks, called these torches AaAa, a word* slightly corrupted from the ancient term. * AaBsj, ligna arboris pini vel picese. D'Orville, Charit. ii. 489. ASIA MINOR. 119 The Imaum of the mosque and the old men of the village came to smoke their pipes and converse round our fire in the evening, and on our offering them some of our coffee, they became sociable and com- municative. The most intelligent of our visitors was a Turk, who in his youth had been a mariner, and who had visited the shores of the Black Sea and of Egypt ; he had now retired to his native village, where he supported himself by the manufactory of pitch and turpen^- tine, which are made in the extensive fir groves of Ida during a great part of the year ; and in the winter he gained a livelihood by shooting the game and wild beasts of the forests of Gargarus, //>jt',)p Qrjpiuv. He expatiated on the wonders of Mount Kaz-Dag, telling us of its deep caverns and grottos, its streams, fountains, and cascades, and the ex- tent of the prospect from the summit. On informing him that the object of our journey was to reach the top of the mountain, he expressed his doubts of our being able to en- dure the cold and fatigue of such an undertaking at this season of the year ; but finding we were resolved to make the attempt, he offered to be our guide. Accordingly at a quarter before seven o'clock the next morning we set out. The river Mendere had now decreased to about four yards in breadth ; its course, however, was very strong and rapid among loose blocks of granite. Crossing its bed, we came to a ruined building, which my companion took some pains to measure* It appeared to me to have been originally a church of the later Greeks. It was about fifteen paces in length, and eight in breadth ; the walls about four feet thick, of very rough stone and mortar ; but there were no remains of columns or sculpture. Our guide called this and some other ruins we came to afterwards, K/ishia, an evident corruption of IkkXtiticc ; probably this has been the resort of Greek Caloyers or her- mits at some former period. '-•' We now began to climb the hills at the base of Kaz-Dag, and soon reached the region of pines. In the course of our ascent we traversed very extensive forests of lofty fir-trees, which seem to be used solely for making pitch ; and we saw a number of rudely, constructed furnaces for boiling and thickening the turpentine. Many of these wide J2Q ASIA MINOR. forests had taken fire, and we were struck with the singular appear- ance of thousands of huge pines burnt as black as charcoal, standing erect, without a branch, the white sides of the snowy hills above, makine a strong contrast with them. The pitch furnaces and a few huts to shelter the workmen, who at the season for extracting the pitch came not only from the Troad, but from the island of *Salamis, were the only vestiges of building we met with in this sequestered region of the mountain. At three quarters after nine o'clock, or three hours from Evjilah, we came to the foot of a magnificent cascade of the Menderc ; the fall appeared to be about fifty feet perpendicular. It then dashes impetuously from rock to rock, until it reaches the plain, which is about four or five hundred feet below this cascade. We climbed with difficulty over crags and broken ground to the orifice in the rock, whence it issues. There we found a spacious cavern, extending far into the mountain ; within it the waters of the Mendere roll from a distance, and bring a considerable stream, making a loud and deep noise, and bursting forth with violence into the open air. If this be the source of the Scamander, we are not surprised that in the days of mythology a river issuing so nobly from so mysterious a source should have been deified and adored under the names of the divine Xanthus or Scamander. On our first entrance into this spacious cavern, all was dark and awful; and the noise of the waters coming from a distance, and dash- ing against their rocky channel, stunned our ears. The guide, how- ever, soon struck a light, and with his blazing torches of pine- wood, Soi^tz as he called them, disclosed to our view the foaming waters coming from two deeply-worn channels, which entered into the bowels of the mountain, beyond the reach of his torches' light. He then bared his legs, and descended into one of these channels, desir- ing us to follow him up its windings, which he said might be done to "" * See also Hobhouse's Travels, p. 384. ASIA MINOR. 121 a considerable distance. But the water here had not been tempered by the sun and air, and was so benumbingly cold, that we declined his invitation. We then scratched our names on the roof of the cavern, and returned to day-light, v • ' . : The most arduous and fatiguing part of our journey still remained to be performed, the face of the mountain being so rugged and steep as to prevent our riding. We therefore followed our guide on foot, climbing and scrambling like goats from crag to crag. Here we could not help noticing how much more secure-footed he was in his bear-skin sandals, than we in our English shoes. He told us, that the bear, of whose skin his sandals were made, had been killed by himself on this very mountain ; the hair of the skin was outwards, to give a firmer hold of the ice and snow. Wlien we had proceeded about two miles on our winding road from the cavern, we reached the beginning of the snowy district ; and here it required some enthusiasm and courage to keep to our resolution, as our guide assured us that three trying hours would be employed in reaching the summit. ;• , Reflecting however how much we might hereafter regret having been so very near the object of our wishes without accomplishing them ; we halted for a short time, and then set off with renewed ardour. After climbing two hours through the snow, my feet often giving way, my strength and spirits failed, and I determined to stop here, desiring the guide and my companion to be careful in their return not to miss me ; and to mark the place I made a number of crosses on the snow. However, on my friend's assuring me of my danger being greater if I should suffer myself to be overcome by sleep in consequence of my fatigue, than if I proceeded with him, I went forward ; and, continuing our steep ascent, we reached in half an hour the highest point of Gargarus. On this fearful summit of Ida we found a level surface of no great extent ; it was of an oblong form, with a rudely-built wall around it, in which were a few small blocks of marble. This inclosure may probably have been a Greek church, or perhaps only a sheep-pen raised for the protection of the flocks in the summer months. R 222 ASIA MINOR. Unfortunately at our first reaching the place, the snow fell so thick, and the atmosphere was so loaded with mist, that we could see little of the vast prospect it would have afforded in a clear day. One short gleam of sunshine showed us the whole Scamandrian plain extended at our feet, and watered, through its whole length, by the serpentine course of the river. At this moment our guide pointed out to us a number of places in the distant horizon ; the isles of Imbros and Samothrace, Mount Athos in Macedonia, Alexandria Troas, Sigeum, and the Euxine. I drew a circle in the snow around him, noting as nearly as I could the bearings given to me by this veteran mariner. As we had no means of ascertaining the height, I can only state the calculation of Mr. Kauffer, a German engineer, who, when in the service of M. Choiseul Gouffier, estimated it at 775 toises above the level of the Archipelago. Our euide told us that other large rivers besides the Mendere have their source in Gargarus ; one he called Klishiah Sou, which falls into the Mendere ; another he called Magra. And he also spoke of three great rivers called Ak-chya, Monaster-chya, and Gure-chya, which discharged themselves into the Archipelago. I here venture to record a circumstance which proves on how fan- ciful a foundation etymological reasonings are founded. Our guide, when he pointed expressively to the snow on the top of the mountain, repeated the words Gar, Gai-, " Snow, snow," in which an enthusias- tic topographer of the Iliad would easily have traced the ancient name of Gargarus. ASIA MINOR. 123 CHAP. IV. Descent from Ida. — Asso$. — Huins and Theatre. — Salt Springs at Tousla. — Greet,- Peasantiy of Neachore. — Tenedos. We now turned our steps back through the dark forests and crags of Ida, and soon reached Evjilah, where we found the villagers surprized at our having been on the summit of Kaz-Dag. We supped on the scanty fare which this place furnished ; our bread was the worst we had yet seen, being unleavened cakes made of ca- lambochi. Evjilah contains about thirty families, all Mahometan. Their cottages are miserable ; the walls are of mud, and the roof of turl' or soil, laid horizontally on fir rafters. In fine weather the Turks pass more of their time on these terraces, than in the gloomy com- fortless room below : on most of these roofs we observed a fragment of a small granite column, used as a roller to smooth the surface. The only person in the place, who seemed to be above a state of indigence, was a Turk who had been in the service of the governor of the Dardanelles, and after saving a little money had retired to his native village, where he now filled the office of Aga ; and seemed to act in the capacity of a mayor or justice of the peace. He had built a mosque here at his own expense ; the Imaum or curate of which paid us a visit : his stipend, we found, was fixed at sixty piastres, less than four pounds a year, for which he both officiated at the mosque and kept the school. To this was added an occasional present at a circumcision or a funeral. He depended, however, more on the produce of a little farm, than on his profession, for a maintenance. The inhabitants in general live more by pasturage of cattle and the chase, than by agriculture, and seem to have ^ew comforts of life ; but we were surprised at the very extravagant price they demanded for the trifling articles with which they unwillingly II 2 . ■ J 24 ASIA MINOR. supplied us. Our guide insisted on having seven piastres (or half a guinea) in hand, before he set out with us to the top of Kaz-Dag ; and told us that our countrymen had paid him double that sum. During our supper, some sooty workmen from the pitch furnaces came to us, begging charity, and saying that they were Christians from the island of Salamis, and that they had been impressed for this service by the Capudan Pasha, who annually sends a ship for some of their countrymen, that they may be employed in the forests of Ida. ' After recruiting our strength by a night's rest at Evjilah, we proceeded next day on our return towards Yenicher ; our route led us through part of the ancient Scepsis ; for some time we kept the road by which we had come, and then crossed a tributary stream of the Mendere, called Chiousluk Sou, which is dry in the summer months. Our road was on the western banks of the Mendere. Four miles from Evjilah we quitted the rich valley of Bairamitche, and struck off towards the left. About two miles further we crossed another rivulet, broad but shallow, called Yaskebal-Chya. In a Turkish burial-ground here, I noticed a few scattered fragments of ancient buildings. Four miles further we came to a lofty hill called Kezil Tepe. We rested for a short time under an oriental plane-tree ; and then passed through a Turkish village called Oranjou, and soon discovered, by the frequency of fountains on the road-side, by the goodness of the fences, and the cultivated face of the country, that we had again reached estates belonging to Hadim Oglou's family. The source of the rivulet Sanderlee is extremely beautiful, and we found the pale-green tint of the plane-trees near it a most pleasing relief to the eye after the gloomy pine forests, and dazzling snow of Garjj-arus. In the evening we reached the town of Boyuk Bounarbashi, or the greater Bounarbashi, so called to distinguish it from the village of the same name at the top of the Scamandrian plain. We found this town very gay and noisy on account of the celebration of a Turkish wedding ; and before we retired to rest, a band of musicians, who had been brought to the wedding-feast from the Dardanelles came to our ASIA MINOR. 125 lodgings with a set of dancers. The concert was composed of three instruments not unhke clarionets, and a number of drums of different sizes. The shrillness of the pipes, and the stunning noise of the drums were ill suited to the little room in which we were sitting. Both musicians and dancers were strolling gypsies in the Turkish dress; ,one acted the part of clown or buffoon ; and the dance was altogether so indecent, that we soon dismissed them. Boyuk Bounarbashi which Hadim Oglou told us was so much more worthy of being visited than the Bounarbashi in sight of Yenicher, is about twenty miles from Evjilah at the foot of Gar- garus. It has its name like the other from the copious springs of water near it. A large modern fountain, from which three streams flow, has been built of blocks of marble, probably from some ruins in the neighbourhood ; but we could detect neither inscription nor sculpture of ancient date : in the adjoining burial-ground are a few granite columns. We proceeded hence in a S.W. direction, passing a village named Turcmanly ; our road was through a plain, Salkecheui Deresi, bounded by a range of hills called Kara-dag, " the black hills :" there is another village, Sapoory, at which we did not stop ; and about fourteen miles from Boyuk Bounarbashi we arrived at Aivajek. This is a town of about two hundred houses, under the jurisdiction of Osman Aga, who is independent of Hadim Oglou, or at least wished to make us think so, by the contempt with which he treated that governor's Bouyurdee. At this place we were received with rude- ness and insult ; and were sent to a Khan with a guard to watch us, until the suspicious Aga had examined our passports and cross- questioned our guides. He would not admit us to his presence ; but ordered us to leave his territory without delay ; and we departed as soon as we could procure some horses. The Khan in which we halted was built by the present Aga; it has about thirty rooms besides stables ; some of which are let out to pedlars, tailors, and other tradesmen, who come occasionally to reside here. From the inhospitable town of Aivajek we proceeded by a road winding 12Q ASIA MINOR. through mountains, until we reached a sluggish river, the waters of which are concealed in many places by ridges ; it is called Tousla Chya, or the river of the salt-marsh. Here we had the first view of the gulf of Adramyttium, with a groupe of little islands on it. At eight miles from Aivajek is the Turkish village of Beyram, adjoining very extensive ruins of ancient buildings, whose proportions are so great and noble, that the miserable Turkish houses of Beyram look like the temporary huts of a travelling horde. The next morning we eagerly began our examination of these magnificent remains of a city which we presumed to be Assos. We were fortunate enough to meet with an attentive host and useful guide at this place, whom we found waiting for us at the entrance of the town. He told us that he had heard of two English travellers who proposed to explore that neighbourhood in their way to Alex- andria Troas, and therefore he had prepared a lodging, and the Aga had sent him provisions for our use. He was a mariner, and a native of Mytilene. The dinner provided for us consisted of a kind of soup thickened with barley, pancakes mixed with spinach, and a pilaw of rice dressed with very rancid butter ; pastry made of butter equally rancid, and swimming in honey. March 17. — Assos has stood upon a sloping hill facing the sea, and commanding a view of Lesbos in the Adramyttian gulf Its walls have been of great strength, and are about five miles in circuit. Three of the ancient gate-ways remain quite entire ; the fouith is in ruins ; the high ground, which was originally the "Ao-tu, Acropolis or citadel, is a rock of granite of very steep sides. Upon it are ruins of an ancient edifice, which in the revolution of succeeding ages has been a Genoese castle and a Greek church, and is now a Turkish mosque. Over its entrance on an architrave, is an inscription in very modern Greek characters; it makes mention o£"Av9if^cg6 TTpo'siJ^pof Z^ajttai/fJpoLi.* Near the mosque are two subterranean build- * It is remarkable, that throughout tliis district, not only on the shores of the Hellespont but also on those of the iEgaean sea, there should have been particular t ASIA MINOR. 127 ings, about thirty feet long and forty-tive deep ; they have probably been reservoirs or cisterns to hold water for the garrison ; as a well iu one of them still supplies in part the town ol'Beyram. On the brow of the Acropolis are scattered some broken columns of granite, which are fluted, and among them arc some bas-reliefs on blocks of granite ; the figures are about twenty inches in height ; one part of the subject represented seems to have been a procession to a sacrifice ; there are three naked figures, with their arms extended, marching in the same direction ; and another looking back to them. The style of work is Egyptian. The exposure to the sea-air has corroded the sculptured surface. On another block of granite were two bulls fiohtino; ; their horns are locked together : on another were three horses running ; on another two winged sphinxes, resting each of them a foot on a kind of candelabrum placed between them, and looking towards each other. A symposium or banquet is also sculptured on a block of granite ; a youth is seen presenting a cup to a bearded man who is reclined on a couch * ; a large vase or amphora is near him ; and various figures are in the back-ground, forming altogether the representation of some funeral scene or ceremony. These fragments have probably composed the frize of a granite temple which has stood on this citadel ; the columns are about three feet in diameter ; parts of the shafts remain on their original site, so that a person conversant with ancient architecture might easily trace the plan and different details. reference made to the Scamamhos ; we find the river also mentioned on the coins of Alexandria Troas, AAEHANAPEi2N 2KAMANAP0S (Cuper, Harpoc, 216.) Is this regard paid to the Httie rivulet at Bounarbashi, or to the river which rises in great majesty and beauty from the recesses and caverns of Ida? — E. * The marbles and monuments of antiquity on which are seen figures of persons reclining on couches, in the act of drinking, ge7uo indulgentes, refer to the opinion, that the deceased so represented were in a state of happiness, Iv 'HAuo-iuj tsSio), " ut beatorum conditionem exprimerent, eos accimibentes sculpserunt," says Cuper. See a remarkable passage to this purpose in Plato, 1. 2. de repqb. xaXXiirroy ifsr^i ^itriov ^s'Srjv aicoviov. — E. 22g ASIA MINOR. Descending from the Acropolis we came to a small but beautifully constructed edifice, having an arched or rather vaulted dome ; the walls and roof are composed of huge blocks of granite fitted together without cement. This building had been converted into a vapour-bath by the Turks ; but appeared neglected. A double wall is built against the side of the Acropolis with a space between, probably to keep the buildings free from the moisture which filters through the crevices. At a short distance towards the sea are ruins of a magnificent gate- way to the city, and part of a grand flight of steps. Blocks of an architrave with inscriptions in large Greek characters lie near this spot. This architrave seems to have belonged to the portico or Propyleea ; the letters are four inches in length. . . 2KAlIEPET:iTOTAIOST. . . 0TOM0Ni20TKAirTM 0EOTKAI2APO2OAEAT . . This portico has been of the Doric order, as is evident by the massive triglyphs which still remain. I also found another inscrip- tion in smaller characters. EKTHSnP020AOm2NArPi2NAnEAinENEl2Eni2KET HNTHSnOAEn2-KAEOSTPAT02TI02nOAEilS*T2EIAE AOEAAIKilNTOS On the declivity of the hill, commanding a beautiful prospect of the gulf and island of Lesbos, stands an ancient Greek theatre, of which the remains are very considerable. The ranges of seats for the spectators remain almost perfect ; they are divided into three dis- tinct stories, and are conveniently hollowed out, for allowing the persons sitting to draw their feet a little back*, so as not to incom- * This form of the seats is not uncommon, and among other instances we may refer to the theatre at lero in Epidauria. See Des Mouceaux, We find them sometimes cut out of the sohd rock, as at Argos; but in all the ancient theatres the seats must have been covered with wood ; TrpioTov f uXov, primum ligjium, was an expression used by the Greeks to signify the first seat. Polhix. iv. 121. The " wide walk," mentioned by Dr. Hunt, is the 8ia?«)/xa, or praecinctio, which was in general equal in breadth to two steps. ASIA MINOR. , ]29 mode those who are before them. Two large vaulted entrances remain by which the people entered into the area, then ascended by five flights of steps to their appropriated places. There are forty ranges of seats, and at the top of the theatre there is a broad terrace or pro- menade. Counting from the ground, we find the first thirty seats separated from the succeeding seven by a wide walk ; there is a simi- lar interval between them and the last three, and these are terminated by the lofty terrace. Between the wall inclosing the theatre and the side of the acropolis against which it is built, there is a vacant space, intended, it appears, to carry off the water that trickles from the rock. Fronting the orchestra are some blocks remaining in their original place ; they may probably be the ruins of the Thymele, where the musicians were placed, and which was built of stone ; near them is a broken in- scription, making mention of Cleostratus, the same person already recorded. r It lias been ascertained, that a person sitting at the most remote extremity of some of the ancient theatres was able distinctly to hear the voice of one speaking from the part where the actors stood. Experiments of this kind have been repeatedly made in 1785 at the theatre of Saguntum, which contained 12,000 people; and Marti said (Mountfaucon, A. E. iii. 237.) " that a friend reciting some verses of the Amphytrion of Plautus, on the scena, was distinctly heard by him at the top of the theatre." The distance is about 114 feet. The architect Dufouiny made in Sicily, in the ancient theatre of Tauromenium, similar observations. In this the distance from the pulpitum to the most elevated ex- tremity of the external circumference is sixty metres, or about 180 feet. He heard in every part of the theatre not only the ordinary voice of a man on the pulpitum, but the slow and gradual tearing of a piece of paper ; and added in his journal a remark, which naturally suggested itself to his mind, that Echea or the sounding vases, mentioned by Vitruvius, as well as masks, could not always have been necessary for the purpose of ex- tending and distributing the voice of the actor. See Mongez. Mem. de I'lnstitut. 1805. " The commentators on Vitruvius (says Schlegel) are much at variance with respect to the Echea. We may venture without hesitation to assume, that the theatres of the ancients were constructed on excellent acoustical principles." It appears that a contrivance, similar to that described by Vitruvius, was adopted in some Christian churches to strengthen the voice of the monks and canons. " Dans le choeur du temple ncuf a Strasbourg, Ic professeur Oberlin a decouvert de pareils vases ap- pliques a differens endroits de la voute." They were of Terra-cotta. Millin. D. de. B. A. i. 4.78.— E. - S . 2<3() • ASIA MINOR/ The diameter of the whole building is seventy paces, including the thickness of the walls of the Hospitalia.* In the middle range of the seats there are two large vomitoria. '-"■■ There are ruins of columns and architraves along the whole line of the wall which fronts the sea, indicating an extensive portico ; in a plain beneath is the ancient cemetery of Assos, where we observed many sarcophagi. Some of them are seven and eight feet high, and of a proportionate breadth and length; they have been hewn out of one massive block of grey granite, and their covers out of another. The sides are in general ornamented with festoons in relievo, and many have the remains of inscriptions, now so much defaced as to be quite illegible. The Turks appear to have broken into them all, by making holes in their side ; this was not so difficult a task as to raise their ponder- ous coverings. The entrances now admit kids and lambs, glad of the shelter and shade which they find within these ancient tombs. The view of this city in ancient times from the sea, and the approach to it from the shore must have produced a striking effect ; first, an extensive cemetery presented itself, covered with huge sarco- phagi of granite; then a flight of steps leading to a terrace and porti- cos, and the principal gate in the city walls; then tiie baths and edi- fices of the lower town, with the theatre, acropolis, and its temples rising majestically behind. In different parts of the ancient town we observed heaps of broken vases, of that light elegant fabric called Etruscan or Greek, beauti- fully varnished with black. The labours of any one who should carry • For the use and position of these buildings, see D'Orville, Sicilia. 259. who explains a passage of Vitruvius relating to them. " Haec sedificia," says D'Orville, " revera inser- vierunt variis scenicis et theatnilibiis usibus; hie fuerunt choragia; hie machine scenicas; hie ipsi histriones et chori parabnntur." In the plan of the theatre found in Dr. Hunt's papers, the foundations of the scena are marked ; the \oyetov, that part of it where the actors stood, being generally of wood, is not of course remaining. The Aoyeiov, answered in some respects to the putpitum, only it was not so wide as the latter. The Romans liad no Thymele; their singers and dancers were on the pulpitum. — See D'Orville, 259. ASIA MINOR. 131 on excavation in this place would be well repaid by the discovery of many valuable remains of ancient art. Unfortunately we could not find one inscription containing the name of the city, nor one Greek coin. Our guide produced many copper coins found here, but they were of little value, having no visible device or inscription. According to the tradition preserved by the present inhabitants, the place was a fortress of the Genoese. < At half-past three o'clock in the afternoon we took our leave of these interesting ruins, and proceeding in a northerly direction, at about a mile and a half from Beyram, we crossed a stream called Tousla Chya, or the river of the Salt-wych. On our right were high hills ; we then entered a plain bounded by a ridge of eminences, the highest of which is called Topal Tepessi. At six miles north of Bey- ram, we crossed another rivulet, Goulfa Chya, which falls into the Tousla Chya. After ascending some steep hills, and leaving the vil- lage of Beergaz on our left, about nine miles north of Beyram, we reached a small town called Tamush. It is situated in a rocky coun- try .where many herds of goats are kept, and below it is a deep dell or glen. We found the Aga of the place selfish and suspicious. Under pretence of doing us honour, he sent his supper to the cottage where we lodged ; he not only questioned us very closely, but asked whether we had not a watch, or pistols, or telescopes, to leave him in return for a greyhound he would give us. To all our enquiries about the history of the place he returned evasive answers. On leaving us he said we must be careful to abstain from wine in the room in which we lodged, as there were carpets and mats on the floor used by Mus- ulmans at the time of saying their prayers, and these might be pol- luted. He even ordered five or six of his attendants to pass the whole night in the room with us ; however a trifling present removed these troublesome spies, except one, an old negro, who sat up the whole night by the side of the carpet on which we slept. The town con- sists of about fifty families, all Turks ; and, with the exception of Hadje Aga, who had made a pilgrimage to Mecca, and ought to have learned hospitality, they were almost as ignorant as the goats they s 2 , • J 32 A^^A MINOR. tended. Next morning, accompanied by some guards of the Aga, we were allowed to go up a hill adjoining the town ; we saw from it the course of the river Tousla Chya, which, they told us, enters the sea about three hours or leagues north of Baba Bournou (Cape Lectum), and at three leagues to the south of Eski Stambol (Alexan- dria Troas). The plain in which the mouth of the river is situated, is called Tchesederesi-alti. ■ • -^ Our road hence was by the side of a craggy glen, called Tchaytan- deresi, or the Devil's ditch ; until we came to Tousla-Dag, a moun- tain which forms the western extremity of the chain of Gargarus or Ida. We halted at a Turkish village called Baba-Deresi, seven miles from Tamush. Here our friendly guide the sailor, who had been our host at Beyram, gave so interesting a description of a place in the neighbourhood called Tousla, its boiling springs, and salt works, that when he added a visit to it would only make a deviation of an hour from our route towards Alexandria Troas, we resolved to proceed thither. At Baba-Deresi is a poor mosque with mud walls ; but it has a porch supported by three ancient columns, with capitals of dif- ferent orders, and of unequal workmanship. In the burial ground of the village there are also a few ancient marbles. Within the hour we reached the shallow ponds, in which the brine is exposed to evaporation. The salt-springs here are so copious, that after collecting as much of their waters as is wanted, the rest is suf- fered to run into the river Tousla Chya, which carries it to the sea. About 100,000 bushels of fine white salt are thus made annually. Hadim Oglou has the monopoly of it, which he purchases or farms of the Sultan. At one of the hot springs a bath has been built ; the roof is covered with locks of hair and other votive offerings, such as pieces of cloth and ribbands from the patients who have used it. ARer passing through the town of Tousla, we reached the principal hot spring, which bursts * from the solid rock at a considerable height • " Strabo, lib. xiii. mentions the saline of Tragasea, near Hamaxltus, on the coast of Troas. This is no doubt the one now in use at the mouth of the Tousla river, a league to ASIA MINOR. 133 above the ground ; the violence with which it issues, forms a jet of some feet before it falls towards the earth. The heat is that of boil- ing water ; the stones, near the place, appear burnt. The taste is salt and extremely bitter. About a hundred yards from this intensely hot spring is one of cold water, unimpregnated with salt, which runs in a separate channel to the river Tousla. A plot of green turf sepa^- rates the hot from the cold fountain. The weather was so warm that our guides and servants seemed un- willing to accompany us up a high hill, that promised an extensive view. Mr. Carlyle and myself therefore ascended it together, and from its summit saw the stream which flows from the salt-springs fall into the river Tousla at about three miles distance. We noticed some slight traces of building on our road up, but on reaching the summit we found no vestiges of any edifice. The high mountains at Baba Bournou or Cape Lectum, prevented us from seeing Athos on the opposite coast of Macedonia. After rejoining our party at Tousla we retraced our steps to the road we had quitted, and soon overtook Mustapha, whom we had sent forward to procure accommodation for us at Tchesedere. We observed in the vineyards a number of Turkish farmers working to- gether, and found it was the custom for them to assist each other at pruning time, and at the vintage. The vineyards, however, are not cultivated here with the intention of making wine, the grapes are consumed by the Turks both as ripe fruit and when dried into raisins ; a syrup is also made from the juice called Petmez, and a tough kind of dried sweet-meat, used instead of sugar in their sherbet. The Turkish town of Tchesedere consists of about three hundred houses, under the jurisdiction of the Aga of Aivajek, whose deputy, Hadje Ali Aga, resides here : he had inclosed the cemetery with a wall ; the southwanl of Alexandria Troas. The agency of the Etesian winds, so oddly described by Strabo, was doubtless nothing more than that of raising the level of the sea, so as to overflow the margin, and fill the hollow plain within, where in due time it crystallized." — Rennell'sTroy, 18. — The words of Strabo are, aAoTjjyiov a\jTOjj.a.rov toij sri^a-iats vtj'yvuf/.ivov. X34 ASIA MINOR. we had not yet observed a burial ground in the Troad protected in this manner. ; - At half-past three in the afternoon we again came in sight of the sea, and entered once mo;-e into Hadim Oglou's domain, the bound- ary of which is here marked by a tumulus called Vizier, or Pasha Tepe. Towards the shore there are many tumuli, to which our guides could give no other name than Besh Tepe, the five tumuli. Our road now led us through forests of the Valanea oak ; the large husks which contain their acorns ai'e used for tanning, and form a principal article of export from this part of Turkey. These trees were now (March 18th) in full foliage. The valley, which here ex- tends to the sea, is called Olimichi Ouessi. At five o'clock we reached some ruins and observed many broken sarcophagi. At a Turkish Hammaum or bathing- house, built over a natural hot-spring, is a statue of a female figure in marble. We soon reached the remains of an ancient aqueduct, called by our guide Eski Stambol Capessi, or the gates of old Constantinople, a name given by the Turks to Alex- andria Ti'oas. The day was too far advanced to allow us to visit the extensive ruins of this place, we therefore halted at Gaikli, where we slept. This village a few years ago contained a hundred and fifty Turkish families ; but the exactions of their Aga have forced most of them to emigrate to the adjacent island of Tenedos. At present there are not more than twenty-five inhabited cottages. On mentioning to our host our wish of visiting the ruins of Eski Stambol, he told us that Hadim Oglou's flocks were feeding in the pastures near that spot ; that they were so numerous as to require fifty watch-dogs, and that it would be unsafe for strangers to venture among them. A couple of piastres, however, induced a man to go forward and inform the shepherds that some friends of their master were coming to visit the ruins, and thus the danger, real or pretended^ was avoided. Next morning, passing by the ruins of the ancient aqueduct, built originally by Herodes Atticus, and turning short to the right, we came in a short time to a vaulted building, probably in former times ASIA MINOR. 135 a bath, and coated in the inside with reticulated tile-work ; adjoining to it are pedestals of stone and mortar, which once sustained perhaps the columns of a gateway. Our guides conducted us to the remains of what is called Priam's Palace ; they appeared to have formed part of a gymnasium with baths, and belong to the time of Hadrian and the Antonines. The principal entrance is still a fine object, though stripped of most of the marbles with which it has been cased. Some parts of the cornice and the capitals of Ionic pilasters remain in their original positions, and the centre arch is entire. The area enclosed by this edifice has been very extensive, and all its remains indicate magnificence. Great numbers of trees and shrubs are growing amongst them. Some of the seats of a theatre, which is not far from this spot, may be still seen ; the proscenium is entirely destroyed, and the area of the orchestra is filled with bushes. We examined some vaulted sub- terranean buildings, which our guides called ancient prisons for cri- minals. Proceeding towards the sea we noticed the site of the stadium ; some fragments of ornamental architecture are near it, of rich design, apparently of the Corinthian order. Near the ancient port we saw piles of cannon balls, formed out of granite columns by order of a late Capudan Pasha for the supply of the forts of the Dardanelles. We now quitted the ruins of Alexandria Troas, and returned to the little hamlet of Gaikli through a forest of pines, and at one o'clock proceeded towards Yenicher. In our road we observed a lake near the shore now called Yole, probably the Pteleos of Strabo ; on the right hand was a hillock or tumulus called Devise Tepe. We then reached the canal or bed, which, we were told, had been made to bring the waters of the Kirk-joss from Bounarbashi in order to work a corn-mill at a Tchiflick here. This, the villagers said, had been done about eighty years ago by a Sultana of the Seraglio, who was then proprietor of the estate, and that it had subsequently de- volved to Hassan Pasha who repaired it. ... . 136 ASIA MINOR. March 19. — We crossed this httle stream by a bridge, and con- tinued our route by the side of a fresh-water lake nearly three miles. Not far from the shore on our left was a conical mound, supposed to be the Tumulus of Peneleus, and between us and Bounarbashi arose the conspicuous barrow of Udjek-Tepe, or the tomb of ^syetes. On our arrival at Yeni-keui, or Neachore as the Greeks call it, we stopped a short time to examine the church of the village, where we copied a Latin inscription. C. MARCIVS. MARSVS V. F. SIBI ET SVIS. Here we found a communicative Greek shopkeeper, who gave us the following information respecting the state of this part of the Troad. Neachore contains about a hundred families, all Greek Christians ; of these, seventy are land-owners and farmers, and thirty labourers and shopkeepers. Instead of the government-osour, which ought not to exceed a tenth of the produce, the rapacious Aga who buys it of the Porte, takes about an eighth from the cultivator. The charatch or capitation-tax is thus levied : Adult men pay five piastres a year or 7s. 6d. ; youths three, or 4s. 6d. ; and boys two and a half, 3s. lOd. each. Neither women nor children are rated to this tax. At the vintage a tax of a penny an oke or about Hd. a quart is paid to an officer of the Porte called the Sheraub-Emir, before it is put on board any vessel to be carried coast-wise. Husbandry servants have board, lodging, and clothes provided at their master's house, and wages varying from 60 to 115 piastres, or 4:1. 10s. to eight guineas a year, besides the produce of three bushels of corn which they are suffered to sow without any expence on a piece of their master's land. Young women are mostly employed in spinning cotton ; their average work is a hundred drachms in four days, for which they receive 25 paras, about a shilling, a loaf of bread worth two-pence, and a dish of kidney beans or some other pulse, of nearly two pounds weight. ASIA MINOR. 137 Each landliolder pays a bushel and a half of wheat every year to the officiating priest ; and other parishioners 60 paras, or 2.s-. 6d. each ; the burial fee is a piastre ; but generally from three to ten are given by the family to the priest for masses which he is to say for the repose of the soul of the deceased. The poor who are disabled from work by age or infirmities are supported by a quota of grain from each farmer, which amounts to about eighteen bushels to every poor family in the year. Money is also collected for them at the church on high festivals by the priest ; this generally pays the rent of their cottage. As we proceeded from this place to Yenicher, our guide pointed out a dry ditch, which he pretended was once a canal, dug in ancient times for galleys, to avoid doubling the cape in bad weather. To us it appeared to be the bed of a torrent, now di'y. The next object that attracted our notice was a conical mound of earth called De- metri Tepe, the supposed tumulus of Antilochus. The Greek Chris- tians have here built a small oratory or chapel at its base, where they celebrate mass on the festival of St. Demetrius. We then proceeded to Yenicher, and soon arrived at the cottage of the Greek Papas which we had left twelve days before. We had now completed our excursion through the Troad, during which I noted many objects that were remarkable as works of ancient art, or tended to illustrate the history or geography of the district. Such information as I was able to collect from guides or villagers, I have given as scrupulously as I was able ; and trifling as these details may appear, they were often acquired with difficulty. The questions were generally put to our Greek servant in French or Italian ; and the answers he obtained were in Turkish, in which he was not a great proficient. Our accommodations and provisions were never of the best kind ; in villages of Greeks we found that either from their extreme penury, or the fear of discovering to our Turkish guide their hard-earned pittance, we were not able to procure a meal until we had bought a kid or a lamb from a shepherd ; it was then to be killed, and the T 138 ASIA MINOR. cooking process to be finished before we could satisfy our hunger. The olives gathered ripe and preserved in rancid oil, and the caviar, which the Greek can eat with pleasure, are disgusting to an English palate ; and these with sour bread and bad wine are the only pro- visions a traveller can expect to meet with, unless he has sent for- ward some person to provide better entertainment. In Turkish villages he meets with worse reception ; and if a mattress and pillow be not among the traveller's store, he must often stretch his weary limbs on a dusty mat laid on an uneven mud floor. The provisions he generally meets with in these places are coffee and pilaw, made of boiled rice with mutton fat or suet, or rancid butter melted into it ; and as it is extremely difficult to procure even two or three horses, it is impracticable to take those things which might make amends for the inconveniences of the road. The petty Agas are sometimes insolent and suspicious of travellers, and interrupt their researches by private orders to their guides to lead them wrong, or by giving false information to travellers them- selves ; as they conceive all the curiosity of Franks in examining ruins and inscriptions is directed chiefly to discover concealed treasures ; and if the traveller ask questions concerning the course of rivers, and the distances of towns, it is suspected that it is for the sake of facilitating some meditated invasion of their country ; nor can the Sultan's firman, or even the escort of a Janissary of the Porte, always destroy such suspicions. We now prepared to take leave of the interesting region of the Troad, the Scamandrian plain. Mount Ida, and the shores of the Hellespont. It would be an invidious task to attempt destroying any of the enthusiasm that is felt in reading some of the immortal works of the ancient writers, by showing in what instances they have deviated from geographical precision in their allusions to local scenery ; and indeed it is hardly allowable to look for perfect and minute resemblance at the distance of nearly three thousand years. Natural and artificial changes must have taken place to a considerable extent in that time, in the face of the country, in the courses of the ASIA MINOR. 139 rivers through low ground, in the outline of the shores of the rapid Hellespont. But sufficient resemblance, I think, still remains to warrant the belief that the plain of ^lendere and Bounarbashi is the Scamandrian plain of Homer ; the Kaz-Dag is the Ida of the poet ; that Dtheo Tepe and In Tepe are the barrows alluded to as the tumuli of Achilles and Ajax ; though the names of these heroes may have been assigned to them to give a kind of local habitation to invented incidents. A citadel and walls have also existed at a remote period near Bounarbashi ; but not of a construction contemporary with the supposed aera of the Trojan war. The ten years' duration of the siege ; the numbers of ships and forces furnished by Greece ; their means of subsistence ; the names of their leaders, and the particular details of engagements and single combats must frequently have been the invention of the poet ; and perhaps he merely availed himself of some popular legend of a predatory excursion, which had ultimately led to the establishment of his fellow-countrymen on the coasts of Asia Minor, adapting the incidents of his poem as much as possible to the appearance which the plain then exhibited, and to the received traditions of its inhabitants. March 21. — We went to Coum Kale at the mouth of the Mendere, where we hired a Turkish boat to convey us to Tenedos. We gave the owner 13 piastres for the passage to the island. Here we lodged at the house of a Greek, who fills the office of British Vice-Consul, and who is also UfUToyepog, or chief Greek magistrate. There is only one town in the island, which contains about V50 families ; 450 of them are Mahommedan, and 300 of the Greek Christian church. The harbour is small, but commodious for the trading vessels, which come to purchase wine. Fuel, corn, and most of the provisions for consumption are brought from the opposite coast of the Troad. The principal and almost sole produce of Tene- dos is wine. For this the island is celebrated now as in ancient times ; we see the device of the cluster of grapes on the coins of Tenedos. The red kind is strong, and as dark and rough as port. A small quantity of muscadel is also made, which is much esteemed ; T 2 140 ASIA MINOR. the red sells at eight paras, or four-pence the oke of 2| lb. ; the white muscadel at thirty. Wine pays a custom-house duty of two paras an oke ; and rackee, the common raw spirit, pays four paras an oke on exportation. The government exacts from the Turks one-tenth of the produce, from the Greeks an eighth : the latter pay also an annual poll-tax, or Charatch ; the men 5| piastres, boys of ten years old and upwards about two. Besides these permanent taxes, extraordinary contributions are raised in time of war. The Vaivode or governor, the Janissaries, who are in garrison, and those who act as police guardians in the town, are paid by a tax levied on the vineyards ; from the Greeks eleven paras (or five-pence-halfpenny), are taken for every thousand vines ; from the Turks five. The harbour was full of ships under Ragusan, Austrian, and Turkish colours ; they were taking in cargoes of wine for the English expedition under Sir R. Abercrombie, at that time in Marmorice bay, opposite to Rhodes. The goverment had monopolized the whole vintage of the island, giving six paras and a half for the oke. The Greek church at Tenedos has lately been rebuilt, and although the imperial firman states that the favour had been granted by the mere good will of the Sultan, yet we found that it had cost the Greeks of the town 5000 piastres in bribes and fees to officers of the Porte. There are three officiating priests for this church, each of whom de- rives an income of about 350 piastres a-year, a hundred of which is taken from them by their diocesan, the Bishop of Mytilene. The Protoyero, or chief magistrate of the Greeks, is annually chosen by the inhabitants of that class ; and if his administration gives satis- faction, he is appointed a second time, or perhaps oftener. The general appearance of the island is unpicturesque and parched ; it abounds with few trees, and presents little verdure. We could find no traces of temples or ancient edifices. In the market-place near the port is a granite sarcophagus, now used as a cistern. On one side of it is an inscription, which was copied by Chandler. ( HI ) REMARKS RESPECTING ATTICA, [FRO\t THE JOURNALS OF THE LATE DR. SIJSTHORP.] FROM THE HEGOUMENOS OF THE CONVENT OF PENDELI. - The number of sheep and goats in Attica is computed at 160,000 ; of these the goats are 100,000, the sheep 60,000. During the winter months a wandering tribe of Nomads drive their flocks from the mountains of Thessaly into the plains of Attica and Bceotia, and give some pecuniary consideration to the Pasha of Negropont and Vaivode of Athens. These people are much famed lor their woollen manufactures, particularly the coats or cloaks worn by the Greek sailors. Fifteen thousand goats and sheep are yearly killed in Attica ; of these 10,000 are goats. All, however, are not bred in that country ; many are brought from the nei . . ■ .■ ■ '. It is singular, my Lord, that this mode of paying wages both to servants and labourers was formerly universal in England. I have had opportunities of examining and copying the year books of various religious houses from the twelfth century to the Reformation, pre- served in the different colleges in Cambridge, and T have always found that these payments were made partly in money, and partly in corn, principally rye. The practice is still very prevalent in Scotland, and I own I cannot but think that if something of this kind was generally enforced, it would be more likely to alleviate or prevent the distresses of the labouring poor than any thing else. To have the nhole of their wages paid in the manner of a corn rent, would, perhaps, in times of great scarcity be subject to inconveniences, but surely they ought to receive such a proportion as would preclude anxiety for absolute sub- sistence. It would undoubtedly require no little consideration how to adapt these principles to the payment of the wages of the manu- facturer and artizan, as well as the husbandman, but I cannot conceive that it would be wholly impracticable. I ought to beg ten thousand pardons of Your Lordship for detain- ing you so long with these desultory observations, which, I fear, will only have shown my 'innsh and not my potfer of communicating intelligence on subjects of this kind ; but I know with Your Lord- ship, though it might not with others, that x^ish will serve as my apology. I. D. C. c c J 94 LETTERS FROM PROFESSOR CARLYLE LETTER V. My Lord, Salonica, April 27. 1801. Though I am not very sure that this letter may reach Your Lordship, yet I cannot help endeavouring to communicate to you that I have at length finished the investigation of all the MSS. contained on Mount Athos. I had always wished to make the examination ot them as it has hitherto been in some measure a desideratum in literature, but the letter I received from Your Lordship, determined me if possible to attempt it. After leaving Constantinople therefore, and spending sixteen or seventeen most interesting days upon the Troad, I proceeded by the route of Tenedos and Lemnos to the Holy mountain. In my voyage between the two last places I was exposed to a most dreadful storm, which we have every reason to believe proved fatal to several vessels of the same size as ours, that quitted Lemnos in company with us ; but a merciful God thought fit to preserve us ; after being buffeted about in our little caique for upwards of twelve hours, we were safely landed under the hospitable walls of one of the monasteries in the peninsula of Mount Athos. As I had previously provided myself with letters both from the government and the Patriarch, I was received with every mark of kindness, and introduced into every repository that I wished to examine. The whole number of convents upon the mountain consists of twenty-two, and each of these is furnished with a library of MSS., more or less numerous according to the wealth and importance of the society to which it belongs. The monasteries lie at different distances from each other, and in fact with their dependencies of cells and farms, people the peninsula, into which not one female of any kind, even to a sheep or a hen is ever admitted. Their situation is the most various, and at the same time the most romantic that can be conceived. Out of the . TO THE BISHOP OF DURHAM. I95 twenty-two convents, scarce two are placed on similar sites * ; but all are either strikingly beautiful or strikingly magnificent ; and each seems designed either to soothe the tedium of solitude or to awaken * Extract from Dr. SiUhm-p's MSS. ^' ''•■ • • '-'^'i^^ ' Sep. 25, 1794. — We coasted the western shore of Athos ; steep rocks covered with shrubs, traversed by deep ravines, marked with the lively verdure of evergreen -trees offered the most romantic sites for the monasteries and monastic cells. Several of the latter excavated in the rock seemed to be in situations almost inaccessible; we could scarcely discover the little path that conducted the hermit to his cell. Nothing could be more picturesque than the situation of the monasteries we passed ; they commanded an extensive view of the sea, and were surrounded by the finest sylvan scenery. The head of a vale or ravine laid into vineyards and olive grounds was the most general situation ; the mountain itself broken grandly into ridges was ornamented with various foliage, through which was seen the slaty substance of the rock. Having cast anchor I was impatient to land on Athos and examine its shores, which from their verdure promised me a considerable addition to my Flora. On landing, I found the rock almost blue with the autumnal Scilla, and in the shade under the cover of the trees was the Cyclamen ; above on the hanging cliffs, the yellow Amaryllis all in flower. This was a cheerful sight to a botanist who had just left the sun-burnt plains of Lemnos, and arid rocks of Imbros. I climbed along the shore to the port of Daphne through trees and shrubs, consisting of Arbor Judas, Alaternus, Philiyrea, Arbutus, Evergreen and Kermcs oak. At Daphne, the bay mixed with the wild-olive was spread over the rocks ; a rivulet flowing down, watered the roots of some huge plane trees, around which the Smilax was entwined diffiising from its flowers a grateful odour. Oct. 1. — A caloyer had brought from a distant vineyard a basket of grapes, and I took the opportunity of having him for a conductor to visit part of the mountain, which from its height, promised to gratify my botanical researches. I mounted his mule and pursued from the beach a rugged path-way winding up the rocks ; asceniling for an hour this rough road through evergreen shrubs, I came to a mixture of pines and chesnuts ; the latter were now laden with ripe fruit, and the crew of our boat that lay in the port of Daphne were busily employed in collecting a stock for their voyage. The pine did not appear to me different from the silver fir; but I could discover no fruit upon it. A range of mountains cloathed with these pines encircled a beautiful plain ; here the convent of Xcropotamo has four Kilia or farms, where their caloyers reside. They were now busy in making their wine, and the vineyards were richly laden with the empurpled fruit ; my caloyer conducted me to his Kill; and spread before me a rustic table with grapes, figs, dried cherries, walnuts, and filberds. We drunk from a chrystalline rill that flowed along wooden pipes, through the pine-grove from the mountain; the trunks of some of the pines which I observed in my walk had been pierced to draw their resin from them ; and many grown old had their branches bearded with filamentous lichens. c c 2 ; ' ■ 196 LETTERS FROM PROFESSOR CARLYLE the fervours of devotion. The scenery and the mode of Hfe that I witnessed in the Holy mountain were certainly the most singular I ever had an opportunity of seeing before, but I trust Your Lordship will not think the observation of them diverted my attention from the more important objects of my visit, the investigation of the libraries ; during my stay, which consisted of rather more than three weeks, I think I may venture to say I did not omit examining one MS., which I had an opportunity of looking at on Mount Athos. I believe their number amounted to almost 13,000. And unless there may be a £ew ecclesiastical authors deposited in some private hands, 1 do not conceive that there are any existing on the mountain which we did not inspect. From the specimens of monastic libraries which I had before examined, I own I did not entertain much hopes of finding any of the grand desiderata in profane literature. And to confess the truth my I^ord, I have not been disappointed. For except one copy of the Iliad, and another of the Odyssey ; a few of the edited plays of the different tragedians ; a copy of Pindar and Hesiod ; the orations of Demosthenes and iEschines ; parts of Aristotle ; copies of Philo and Josephus, we did not meet with any thing during the whole of our researches, that could be called classical. We found however a number of very valuable MSS. of the New Testament, though certainly none so old, by some centuries, as either the Alexandrian codex or the MS. of Beza ; indeed I think I have myself procured some MSS. of the N.T., from monasteries in the neighbourhood of Constantinople, as old as any I saw in the libraries of Mount Athos. We met with only two copies of parts of the LXXII. ; and not one MS. of any consequence, in either Syriac or Hebrew. There were several very beautiful MSS. of the different Greek fathers ; and a prodigious quantity of polemical divinity. The rest of the shelves were filled with lives of the saints, Synaxaria, Theotocaria, Liturgies, Menaia, &c., &c., all relating to the peculiar doctrines or offices of the Greek church. I have, however, my Lord, made out a very detailed catalogue of the whole of the contents of these celebrated repositories which I TO THE BISHOP OF DURHAM. I97 hope to have the pleasure of subjecting to Your Lordship's perusal upon my return to England ; an event that I own I long for most ardently. We leave this place to-morrow and proceed to Athens by sea, as in the present unsettled state of this country it is impossible to attempt to prosecute our journey thither by land. Indeed the passage by sea is not over secure, as most of the bays swarm with pirates, (from whom we have already had two very narrow escapes,) but as our vessel is of a pretty large size I trust we shall not be exposed to any real danger. By this arrangement, I am obliged to give up all thoughts of examining the monasteries of the Peneus, (which I had projected,) as well as the sight of the vale of Tempe. But as every person here declares that the roads are unsafe, I am obliged to submit. I shall however be able to visit the isle of Delos, (the only one of any consequence in the Archipelago which I have not seen,) and to get more expeditiously to Athens. After spending a little time at Athens I mean to proceed to Malta, and from thence, (as I have small hopes that an Englishman can travel with any safety through Italy and over the Continent,) immediately home. ■'■- ,:•■ . I. D. C. ■I • :. : ( 198 ) MOUNT ATHOS. AN ACCOUNT OF THE MONASTIC INSTITUTIONS AND THE LIBRARIES ON THE HOLY MOUNTAIN. After our tedious abode at Lemnos, and the violence of the storm which we had experienced, we were gratified in no common degree with the view of the convent of Batopaidi, embosomed in the midst of o-ardens, woods, and meadows. We had reached a small creek at the foot of it, but the surf was so high that we scrambled with diffi- culty over the rocks, and as soon as we landed we pursued a road which led through groves of lemons, oranges, and olives, to the monastery. On reaching the gate we found the approach more like that of a fortress than the peaceful abode of monks. The lofty walls were flanked with towers, and many cannon appeared at the em- brasures. The outer gate was doubly plated with iron ; a long dark winding passage led from it, in which were two guns on carriages, and three more gates secured by strong bolts and bars. We found all the Monks and Caloyers (or Lay Brothers) in the great church. The Principal being informed of our arrival, one of the provosts was sent to us, who, after reading our letter from the Greek Patriarch of Constan- tinople, desired us to wait a few minutes until the service was over, when the Abbot (or Hegoumenos) would pay his respects. The be- haviour of the Monks in general was hospitable and polite ; and dur- ing our residence of five days among them seemed to regret that the MOUNT ATHOS. 199 concourse of uncivilized and noisy pilgrims, assembled for the Holy Week, prevented them from being more attentive to us. On Easter-day tiiere were above fifteen hundred people who dined in the court-yard of this convent, principally Albanian, Bulgarian, and Wallachian Greeks. It appears, as soon as the oppressed Christian peasants in the neighbouring Turkish provinces have saved a little money, or when pirates and freebooters have made a successful sally, they set out on a pilgrimage to this Holy mountain, where they not only get a plenary absolution by giving up part of their gains, but enjoy the luxury of hearing a perpetual din of bells, and the sight of splendid churches, pictures of saints, and wonder-working reliques. The monastery of Batopaidi is a large irregular pile, standing on high ground, overlooking the sea, and having some lofty towers within it. as well for the purpose of watch-towers, as for a retreat in case of an attack from pirates. The number of priests and friars within the walls is about two hundred and fifty ; and there are about two hun- dred and fifty more in the farms, gardens, and vineyards of the con- vent. They have one large handsome church and twenty-six smaller ones. Their vineyards furnish about one thousand caricos of wine annually, of ninety okes each, but they generally buy a great deal from Negropont, Scopolo, and other islands. They bake six hundred okes of flour, half barley and half wheat, in a week ; and in the hands of the congregation who attended at the great church on Easter-day, they reckoned eight hundred and sixty wax candles. They are forced to give lodging and food to any stranger who presents himself at the gate, and to depend on his devotion or his ability to repay them. To defray all these expenses and such others as are incurred by keeping the buildings and aqueducts of the convent in repair, besides the in- terest of borrowed money and the exactions of the Porte, they seem principally to rely on the precarious offerings of pilgrims, and on the sums collected by their mendicant brethren in Russia, Moldavia, Wallachia, and such other countries as profess the Greek creed. Their own lands on JNIount Athos produce little except vegetables, grapes, and fuel, and their estates in Russia and Moldavia are almost 200 MOUNT ATHOS. nominal. The Court of St. Petersburg!! makes them an annual pre- sent of about two hundred rubles (301.) On a hill adjoining the convent, and surrounded by fine woods, is a large school or academy where ancient Greek was taught : but in consequence of the deficiency of the funds of the institution, this use- ful seminary has been shut up. It contains a lodge for the master, about one hundred and seventy small rooms for students ; and is supplied with water by an acqueduct carried over a long line of arches. If fine air, romantic scenery, and seclusion from the dissipa- tion of the world be favorable to study, this academy should be restored. Forty years ago, the master of it was the celebrated Eugenius, a native of Corfu, and formerly schoolmaster atloannina in Epirus. His pro- found knowledge of ancient Greek, as well as of different branches of history and philosophy, soon raised the reputation of the academy at Batopaidi ; and instead of seven caloyers, whom he found on his arrival learning to read the homilies of the Greek church, he was able in a short time to reckon two hundred youths of respectable families, not only from Greece, but from Germany, Venice, and Rus- sia. At length the envy of the caloyers raised a number of calum- nies concerning the morals of the master and students, which ended in his retiring with disgust ; and the ruin of the school immediately followed. Eugenius resided sometime after this at Constantino- ple, as Didascalos, or Lecturer in the Patriarchal church. The reputation of his eloquence and learning induced the Empress Cathe- rine to invite him to Petersburgh ; and she afterwards advanced him to the See of Chersonesus. Of his literary productions one of the most celebrated is his translation of the ^neid into Greek hexame- ter verse. The convent paid last year to the Porte fifteen thousand piastres (3501.) as an extraordinary contribution, besides the usual capitation and other taxes ; and it now appears to be forty thousand piastres in debt for sums borrowed at interest. Our principal object being to examine the ancient manuscripts in the different convents of Mount Athos, we found we could not have arrived at a more unpropitious /' MOUNT ATHOS. 201 moment. The attention of the whole convent was directed to the dif- ferent caravans of pilgrims, who were arriving at every instant ; they were in general well mounted, each of them armed with a musket^ a pair of pistols, and a sword. After dinner, their mirth became ex- tremely noisy, and my companion, Mr. Carlyle, who wished much to know the subject of their songs, found they were very similar to the old border songs in England, describing either the petty wars of neighbouring Agas, or the successful opposition on the part of the Albanians to Pashas sent from the Turkish court. Our stay being thus delayed at Batopaidi, until the Easter festivals were over, we had an opportunity of forming some acquaintances in the convent. The Pro-Hegoumenos, the Secretary, and the Didascalos all men of letters, as well as a Bishop of Triccala, who having been exiled by the Porte from his see had chosen this convent for his resi- dence. On our showing to him a manuscript of Josephus in the convent library, and expressing our regret that we could not recollect where the controverted passage was which speaks of Christ, he al- most instantly pointed it out to us, but added, at the same time, that though such a passage, written by a Jew, would be a strong confirm- ation of the divine mission of Christ, yet that the manuscript we were examining* was of a date too recent to determine whether it might not be an interpolation of the original text. We also visited the vener- able Ex-Patriarch of the Greek church, Procopio, who had been banished hither fifteen years ago from his throne at Constantinople. He took no share in the afl^airs of the convent, but I perceived he was treated with great attention, and his hand kissed with as much vener- ation as if he had still retained the power as well as the title of Patriarch, for he was always addressed navotyioTyiToca-oi^, " All Holi- ness." He had formerly been Bishop of Smyrna, and spoke of the * The passage is in Antiq. xviii. 4. 79S- It is found in all the copies of Josephus' work now extant, both printed and in MS. ; in a Hebrew translation kept in the Vatican Library, and in an Arabic translation preserved by the Maronites of Mount Libanus. Hale's Chronology, vol. ii. part 2. 951. D D 202 MOUNT ATHOS. English whom he had known there in terms of attachment. He observed, that the Greek and English churches differed very httle from each other in the grand articles of their creed, and regretted the causes of those divisions which broke and interrupted so much the unity of Christian worship. He mentioned having baptized the child of an English nobleman who was visiting Smyrna, the father considering immersion more conformable to the practice of the Apostles than sprinkling. Our inquiries respecting the library of the convent were always evaded, and at length we were told that the manuscripts were merely rituals and liturgies of the Greek church, and in very bad condition. On pressing our request to be admitted to see them, and adding that it had been the primary object of our visit, we were shown into a room where these old tattered volumes were thrown together in the greatest confusion, mostly without beginning or end, worm-eaten, damaged by mice, and mouldy with damp. Assisted by three of those whom I have mentioned, we took an accurate catalogue, exa- mining each mutilated volume separately and minutely. We found copies of the New Testament, not older than the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and a variety of theological works, of Chrysos- tom, Basil, Gregory of Nazianzum, and others, and an infinity of liturgies, canons, and church histories. The only interesting manu- scripts we saw were two tragedies of iEschylus, the Iliad, a copy of that very ancient poem the Batrachomyomachia * ; the works of Demosthenes, Athenaeus, Lysias, Galen, some parts of Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Plato ; two copies of the Apocalypse, and the Jewish history of Josephus : but none of them bore marks of remote antiquity. We requested permission to take them to England, for the purpose of having them collated with our printed copies ; but the Hegoumenos said, he could not grant it, without express leave in writing from the Patriarch of Constantinople. * Cujus carminis auctor, si non Homerus, utique vetustissimus. Hemster. in Th. Mag. 26. MOUNT ATHOS. 203 The water with which this convent and its gardens are supplied is brought thither in an open canal tiom a distance of some miles. It is conducted along the sides of the mountains, and sometimes crosses the glens and vallies in most picturesque situations. A walk shaded by trees runs along the whole extent of this stream, which we often followed up to its source in a romantic cleft of the mountain, where there is a fine natural cascade. In one of our rambles near the monas- tery, we went to a small building, and to our surprise and horror found it filled with piles of skulls of such Monks and Caloyers as have died within tlie walls of the convent. A little church, dedicated to all the saints, is placed over this awful repository of mortality. By the canons of the order, no Caloyer or Monk can eat meat, except in case of great or extreme illness. He must also abstain from eggs, oil, and fish*, on all Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The food on those days is restricted to bread, salted olives, and vegetable soup. This is made of dried peas, beans, or other pulse ; onions and leeks : the latter grow to a most extraordinary size. The Hegoumenos assured us they sometimes weighed an oke (or 2| lbs. avoirdupois) each. No woman is suffered to enter the gates of this, or even of any other convent on the Holy mountain-f-, (gens ceterna, in qua nemo nascitur;) nor is any female animal permitted to come upon the peninsula, a prejudice to which the Turks conform by not allowing the Vaivode at Chariess to have any woman with him during the period of his govern- ment. A still more whimsical regulation is, that neither cows, ewes, or hens are suffered to be brought to the peninsula ; the inhabitants, * On the peninsula of Athos, Belon found the river crab, cancer Jluvi at His ; it is con- sidered a great delicacy, and is eaten by the Greeks in many parts of Turkey, in Lent time. " Les Caloires les mangent cruds, et nous asseurent," says Belon, " qu'ils estoyent meilleurs que cuicts." They are found near Aleppo, and are there in perfection in the season of the white mulberries; the ripe fruit scattered on the ground under the trees is eaten by them. — Russell, ii. 221. f " 'Ou yuvaixcov exsi fuvauXi'a," says Nicephorus Gregoras, in his account of Mount Athos, lib. xiv. The words in the text are those of Pliny, when speaking of the Thera- peutae. D D 2 2Q4 MOUNT ATHOS. therefore, have no milk, butter, cheese, or eggs, except when these articles are imported from Thasos and Lemnos, or from Macedonia, across the Isthmus. We saw milk sold at seven-pence an oke, when wine only cost two-pence. They use oxen for ploughing, and mules for riding. The superstitious or artful caloyers repeat gravely to every stranger who visits them, that no female animal could live three days on Mount Athos, although they see doves and other birds build- ing their nests in the thickets, swallows hatching their young under the sheds, and vermin multiplying in their dirty cells and on their persons. ' While we were walking one day on the beach, we observed that a ship had arrived, to which the priests and caloyers immediately repaired ; and received from the hands of the captain a silver box, containing what was called a relic of the zone or girdle of the Virgin Mary. It appeared that it had been borrowed from the convent for a great sum, in order to stop the progress of some epidemic disorder at a town on the shores of the Black Sea, and was now brought back to be deposited in the treasury of the convent. On Easter-Monday, after a stay of five days, we set out with mules provided for us by the convent, to the town of Chariess, in the centre of the peninsula, where the Turkish Aga, and the council of deputies from all the convents reside for the dispatch of public business. It was necessary to make this visit, in order that our imperial firman and our letter from the Greek Patriarch might be examined, and that we might be informed how to make the tour of the convents with the greatest ease and security. The distance from Batopaidi to Chariess, is two hours and three quarters. About three miles from the former we had a most strikin": view of the summit of Athos. This has been estimated by Delambre at 713 toises. The whole ride furnishes a succession of sublime Alpine scenery. Instead of the usual salutations which are exchanged between travellers who meet on the road, the only one we now heard was the Easter congratulation, " Christ is risen ;" to which the answer is, " He is the true God." We found the deputies living together at Chariess in a very humble style : they were four in MOUNT ATH08. 205 number ; and after reading our letters of" introduction, they assured us, that we might visit every part of the Holy mountain in perfect security without a guard. We then waited on the Turkish Aga, who had the civil jurisdiction of the peninsula ; he was a young man belonging to the corps of Bostangees or life-guards of the Grand Seignior ; and no situation can be conceived more ridiculous than that in which we found him. His house adjoined the great church of Chariess, called Protaton, round which a number of idle boys, and some hundreds of noisy pilgrims were assembled. The bells were ringing*, cannons and muskets incessantly firing; some were chanting the liturgy in honour of the Christian festival of Easter, while the Mahometan Aga, jovially drunk, was smoking his pipe in the midst of them. • Chariess is the only town in the peninsula ; situated nearly in the centre of it, on the side of a natural amphitheatre, clothed with the richest verdure, and cultivated in a manner to render it highly picturesque. The meadows are so luxuriant as to be cut thrice in a year, owing to the richness of the soil, the complete shelter they enjoy, and the judicious manner in which the water is distributed by irrigation. The vineyards and filberd gardens are also dressed with uncommon care. Excepting the houses where the Aga and the council of deputies reside, it contains only a iew shops which furnish the monasteries with cloth, shoes, watches, wooden clocks, and other articles ; and the few luxuries allowed to the monks of the Holy mountain, such as coffee, sugar, tobacco, siiufF, and cordials. Every Saturday a bazar or market is held here, to which the hermits repair in order to sell what they have manufactured in their solitary huts. Knit stockings, pictures of saints, a few simple oils and essences * In a few places only of the Turkish dominions are the Greeks allowed the use of bells ; the common mode of notifying the liotir of prayer is by striking on a board. This custom is of ancient date; it was observed in the Christian monasteries before the time of Mahomet II., who at first adopted it from the Christians of Syria and Arabia. The practice of calling people to prayers from tiic top of the Minaret was afterwards sub- stituted. — Beckmann. H. of I. 3. 2Qg MOUNT ATHOS. distilled from plants, common knives and forks, (on the horn handles of which they engrave, with aqua-fortis, a series of ancient Greek moral adages,) compose their principal labours. The trade of making manuscripts is still practised by them ; many devout pilgrims preferring a psalter or prayer-book written by a hermit on the Holy mountain to the clearest printed copy. Women are prevented from coming to the town, as well as from visiting any of the convents ; nor is any Musulman permitted to have a shop there. The situation of the Turkish governor at Chariess, although certainly far from com- fortable, is very lucrative. During his residence there he is deprived of his harem, and we saw only one Turkish servant waiting on him ; but during the two years of his superintendance, he will have amassed a sum sufficient to give him pretensions to the post of Bostangee Bashi, or commander of the Sultan's life-guards. The monks seem to have been successful in converting him from one Mahometan prejudice at least ; for he now drinks wine as freely as any Greek in the empire. From this town, where the voice of women and the cries of infants are never heard, we proceeded to the adjoining convent of Coutloumoussi. It is situated in the midst of gardens, and meadows, and the buildings are in good repair. There are about sixty caloyers within the walls of the convent, and the principal Hegoumenos was a polite, accomplished scholar. We visited the library the morning after our arrival, but found it composed principally of printed books. We took a catalogue of such manuscripts as were among them, near forty of which are of the Gospels. One of them is in uncial characters, but with accents ; and some others seemed more ancient than those of Batopaidi, and are beautifully illuminated. We saw also a few copies of the Acts of the Apostles, and of some of the works of the Greek fathers ; a number of Liturgies, Menaia, and other ecclesiastical rituals, but not a shred of a classical author. On our leaving the convent, we were accompanied to the gate by the principal caloyers and Hegoumenos, and saluted with a discharge of their cannon. We were escorted by a caloyer and guards ; but MOUNT ATHOS. 207 rather as a mark of honour than of precaution agahist robbers • as caravans of well-armed Albanian and Bulgarian pilgrims were traversing the mountain in almost every direction from convent to convent. In an hour and a half's ride, we reached the monastery of Pantocratoras, built on a rock at the bottom of a small ba\'. After the noise and bustle of the preceding seven days, we were much pleased with the retreat afforded us by this convent. The caloyers are about forty in number; the few books which they possess are kept in the church, but among them there is not one historical or classical volume, either printed or in manuscript. They have a few copies of different parts of the sacred writings ; one in the hand-writing of the Emperor Alexius Commenus their founder, who is buried here, containing the four Gospels, and another of older date, beginning with the book of Genesis, and ending with Ruth. This convent has some lands near Salonica, and others in the island of Thasos. As we were taking leave of the Hegoumenos at the door of his church, we saw a most ferocious band approaching, firing their muskets and pistols, and shouting most riotously. They were all well-mounted, and had come from the mountains of the Balkan, the Thracian Haemus, on a pilgrimage to the holy peninsula, a distance of fourteen conacks, averaged at twelve hours each. We staid to see their devotions, which did not seem to be less fervent on account of their ignorance of the language in which the masses were said. I observed a number of sequins and other gold coins among the offerings made by them to the church; an account of which the Epitropos entered in a book, as well as the number of masses to be said, and the names of the persons recommended by these pious travellers. The orangeries and the groves of myrtles planted around the convent are filled with nightingales, which continued to sing in- cessantly, by day as well as by night, almost preventing our sleep. We left the monastery after breakfast, and went in the boat of the convent to Stavroniketa, a distance of about two miles and a halt! 208 ■ MOUNT ATHOS. We lodged in an apartment which had been ocenpied by an exiled archbishop ; the windows command a view of almost every object that a painter could wish to combine in a landscape ; bold craggy rocks, which in some parts beetle over the sea, and in others, afford little nooks where the caloyers enjoy the shade and breeze ; the winding shoi-e, with hanging groves of orange and other fruit trees, broken by wild glens running up the country ; and the monastery of Pantocratoras, with its walls, domes, and turrets embosomed in wood, closing the scene. , ' Stavroniketa is a small convent of the fourth class, containing about forty monks. Its gardens are in most excellent order. A long aqueduct, which must have cost a very considerable sum, supplies them plentifully with water ; and by means of this they can irrigate every spot with such nice precision, as to make their crops almost independent of rain. In the church of this convent we saw a very ancient portrait in Mosaic of the Patron Saint Nicholas ; it had been much injured, the monks told us, by the rage of the barbarians ; a name, I supposed, which they gave to the Turks ; but on inquiry, I found they meant the partizans of their own Emperor in the eighth century, who attempted to abolish the use of images in the Greek churches. We examined the library of the convent, and took a catalogue of the manuscripts, which are wholly ecclesiastical. We then went in the boat of the convent to Iveron, a large monastery of the first class, built, as Leo Allatius informs us, in honorem DeiparcE. It contains about two hundred caloyers within its walls. Besides the pilgrims we found amongst the guests another exiled Patriarch of Constantinople, two archbishops, and some bishops, his brother exiles. The expences of this convent, including contributions to the Porte and borrowed money, are calculated at 6000/. or 7000^. sterling, per annum. The day after our arrival, we dined with the Ex-Patriarch Gregorio, who has been two years in exile here. The hour of dinner was nine o'clock in the morning ; we found his table furnished in a style quite ex-conventual, with lamb, sausages, hams, and French wines. His dispensing power seems to remain although MOUNT ATHOS. 209 he is dellironed ; and seven or eight of the sallad-fed monks who dined with us, a{)peared to be much pleased with their change of diet. His conversation seemed to indicate that he looked forward to he reinstated in his honors. We were told he had been banished by a cabal of rich bishops, whom he commanded to leave the luxuries and intrigues of Constantinople, and to reside in their respective dioceses ; but their influence with the princely families in the Fanal, and the Dragoman of the Porte had procured his exile, and the appointment of a less rigid head of the Church. He told us, he was born in Arcadia ; he appears to have made little progress in ancient Greek literature or in modern science. Towards the close of dinner a stranger entered, who was received with much respect. He was called Methodius, and belonged to the order of caloyers, who were named Megaloschemi. A most re- markable length of beard, Truyuv -no^^rii;, which after unrolling a kind of shawl, he discovered to us, has probably gained him more respect from the superstitious Greeks, than if the talents and learning of a Chrysostom, or a Basil had been conferred on him in its stead.* The library at Iveron was so large, and the printed books so much mixed with manuscripts, that we were forced to spend two fatiguing days in examining them and making a catalogue. Amidst some hundred ecclesiastical manuscripts, we found parts of iEschylus, Euripides, and Aristophanes ; the Electra and Ajax Mastigophorus of Sophocles, Pindar, Hesiod, and Demosthenes ; selections from Galen and Aristotle ; some imperfect Gi'eek lexicons ; the works of Libanius the Sophist, and Philo Judaeus. None of these bear mai'ks of great antiquity ; and from the commentary which surrounds the text, in a kind of Greek called Mixo-barbaros, they seem to have belonged to some schoolmaster. . ' r i '■ As the road we were now about to take towards Santa Laura and the hermitages would conduct us amongst crags and mountains, Methodius with his oiToi/.x ncoywvo; /3a'fl>j, was at Constantinople in the year ISOC, where wc saw him. . _ .... £ £ 210 MOUNT ATHOS. and to places where there are few mules to be procured, we left the greatest part of our baggage to be sent across the Isthmus to the convent of Xeropotamo, there to wait our arrival ; the Hegoumenos previously requesting us to seal each parcel with our own seals. The road from Iveron to Philotheo, presents a succession of very picturesque scenery ; particularly the ruined convent of Mylo- Potamos, now a kellia or farm-house belonging to Iveron ; it is placed in a little green valley near the sea ; a clear glittering stream winds its course through it ; and the mountains around are covered with overhanging woods up to their summits. The convent of Philotheo is small, but the church more rich and splendid than the rest of the edifice leads us to expect. We passed the night there, and in the morning took a catalogue of their manuscripts. Little is worthy of notice amongst them, excepting a beautiful copy of the Gospels and one of the Acts, Epistles, and Revelations ; the rest are ecclesiastical. We rode next to the monastery of Caracalla, which is about four miles distant. Amongst the manuscripts, we found a treatise in small characters, accented and contracted ; the commentary surrounding the text is in beautiful uncial letters ; these are in general supposed to be older in date than the characters formed by the connected mode of writing ; but in this instance, they must have been subsequent to them. A miscellaneous compilation containing part of Demosthenes, of Justin translated into Greek, of the Hecuba of Euripides, and the first book of Euclid, and some verses are the only classical fragments. The verses are from Hesiod and from the Batrachomyomachia of Homer. On the next day we went in the boat of the convent to Santa Laura ; and were four hours on the passage, having the lofty snow-clad summits of Athos continually in our view, appearing to rise perpendicidarly from the waves. At this grand convent there are about two hundred caloyers Avithin the walls ; they calculate their annual expences at thirty thousand piastres, in addition to forty thousand piastres interest, for money borrowed and funded. The noise and confusion we observed within the place, reminded us more of an inn than of a MOUNT ATHOS. 211 convent, and instead of the attentions hitherto shewn to us, and which had almost always anticipated our wants, we were forced to send the Patriarch's letter, and afterwards the firman of the Grand Sio-nor before we could procure a room to sleep in. When we were admitted to the library, we found the Didascalos seated there with a large book before him, in Arabic with a Latin version. Mr. Carlyle soon discovered that this important personage did not know even the Arabic alphabet, and that his acquaintance with Latin did not enable him to translate it ; so that his intention of imposing himself on us as a profound scholar was severely disappointed. We had been told that the most valuable manuscripts of the convent had lately been sold, or at least concealed from strangers ; but every person whom we now addressed on the subject denied the charge. The book of Job with a commentary and illuminations, of Proverbs, of the Wisdom of the son of Sirach, sixty-one copies of the Gospels, and the History of Susannah were amongst the most curious of the sacred manuscripts. Of the classical, we may mention two copies of Galen well preserved ; Demosthenes ; the first and second books of the Iliad ; part of Pindar ; some Lexicons, Apthonius the Sophist, and ' Photius. . ' .. The church of Santa Laura contains some fine columns and slabs of Verd-antique marble; and there is a greater appearance of splendor in every part of the establishment of this convent than in any other on Mount Athos. A caloyer was assigned us as our guide to conduct ' us to the hermitage of St. Anne ; our ride, under a scorching sun, was rendered more fatiguing, as we were forced to dismount very frequently. At length we arrived at the romantic crags and dells where the hermitages of St. Anne are placed ; and were refreshed by the oranges, which grow there in abundance. Our accommodations among the hermits were comfortless ; their cells being filthy, and swarming with vermin. The library at the church of St. Anne con- tains a few recent manuscripts of Gregory Nazianzenus, and other ecclesiastical writers. The natural scenery here is particularly strik- ing, and the summit of Athos, once consecrated by the fane and altars E E 2 212 MOUNT ATHOS. otthe Athoan Jove*, rears itself with awful grandeur above the sur- rounding mountains. The manner in which the torrents, breaking from the cliffs above St. Anne's, are distributed by a thousand little wooden aqueducts, so as to water every spot of garden or vineyard, is worthy of being remarked. Falling from terrace to terrace in cas- cades, they occasionally unite, to pass through tunnels of wicker-work to turn the water-mills for grinding corn. The woods and thickets in the neighbourhood are extremely luxuriant, and the Andrachne arbu- tus flourishes in such profusion as to supply the common fuel. The season was unfavorable for our visiting the summit of Athos, whence the monks assured us that all the islands of the Cyclades may be seen, and even Constantinople, in clear weather. They reckon it a journey of five hours from the hermitages to the top of Mount Athos. From St. Anne's we had a hot and fatiguing walk to the monastery of St. Paul. This edifice was originally founded for Bulgarian Monks, but it is now filled solely by Greeks. In their library we examined near- ly five hundred old manuscripts ; but they were all in the Illyric or Servian language, except a Greek psalter of no value. The present Emperor of Russia, Paul, has been prevailed upon by some travelling caloyers to send a sum of money hither to repair and beautify the convent and church. It is thus that Russia keeps up the attachment of the Greeks ; the smallest gift bestowed towards adorning or rebuild- ing these monasteries is certain of meeting the gratitude of thousands of pilgrims who visit the holy mountain ; while they naturally draw a comparison little in favor of their own sovereign, the Grand Sig- nor, when they hear from the monks the most exaggerated accounts of the sums levied on their convents. There are about thirty-five caloyers in this monastery ; and the picturesque effect of the scenery around it is much increased by the view of a torrent which comes from the mountain, and tumbling from rock to rock, and occasionally covered by woods, here enters the sea almost in a foam. Zev: Aim;, V. Hesych. MOUNT ATHOS. 213 We proceeded on foot towards the convent of Dionysio, one of the first class, and containing about two hundred monks. Here we ibund M. Frangopolo, formerly chief interpreter to the Prussian Legation at Constantinople. As we had taken letters to him, he received us with the utmost attention. He had retired to this spot from the scenes of active life ; had assumedthe habit of a caloyer, and scrupu- lously conformed in almost every point to the rules of monastic discipline. He accompanied us to the library of the convent, con- taining, principally, writings of the fathers, and some copies of the New Testament, one of which was in uncial characters. We saw part of the Iliad with a commentary, but not very ancient ; some selections from Demosthenes, Libanius, and Dionysius the Areopa- gite, a tragedy of Gregory Nazianzenus, and the Aphorisms of Hippocrates. We proceeded in the boat of the monastery to the adjoining con- vent of St. Gregorio. It is of the fourth class, and is calculated to contain about a hundred caloyers, one of whom we found well versed in ancient Greek. As this, convent was burnt down a few years ago, the library had no manuscripts to detain us. We there became acquainted with Father Joachim, who had been mentioned to us as having a beard that rivalled the famous one of Methodius. We found it of a surprising length, reaching about an inch below his knees. In the venerable caloyer himself we discovered great simpli- city of character. He had travelled over almost all European Turkey, and the shores of the Black Sea, begging alms for his convent. On different visits to the Fanal at Constantinople, he has paid his homage to twenty-four Patriarchs, namely, fourteen Grand Patriarchs of the Greek church ; four of Alexandria ; and six of Jerusalem. Such is the rapid succession to those envied dignities ! We were conveyed in the boat of the monastery to the foot of the mountain on which Simopetra is placed, and after an hour's climbing up a rock, nearly perpendicular, we reached this singular edifice. The view from its external gallery is one of the most awful and terrific 214 MOUNT ATHOS. that can be conceived. * The spectator looking down, feels as if tie were suspended over a gloomy abyss ; the forests, 7wx nemorum, and craggy rocks beneath his feet, add to the solemnity of the scene. On turning the eyes upwards, the summit of Athos presents itself, covered with snow. The moon and stars in this clear atmosphere seemed to have a peculiar splendor, and the planet Venus shone with an extra- ordinary brilliancy of light. . . ,;■.:'' . The Hegoumenos or Abbot of the convent was absent, having been sent for to Chariess, to assist at a meeting of the chiefs of the Holy mountain, to take into consideration a firman that had just been re- ceived from the Porte, demanding a supply of ship timber for the arsenals of the Grand Signor. As the Monks possess no means of transporting it to the sea, they would have to make a commutation for the required service by paying a large sum of money. We were told that this monastery had become bankrupt during the administra- tion of its late Hegoumenos, and had incurred a debt of thirty-five thousand piastres : in consequence of which all its moveables, church- plate, and other articles were sold, and the Governor and Monks expelled. After remaining some time abandoned, a new Epitropos has been sent from Wallachia to restore it, and we had heard so high a * Extract from Dr. Sibthorps Journal. " Sept. 28. — We were still detained at anchor in the bay of Daphne ; we rowed in our boat to the convent of St. Nicholas, situated on a rock projecting over the sea. The mo- nastery had been burnt down some years since, and lately rebuilt. To vary the scene, we determined to return to the bay by land ; we began our walk attended by two caloyers; a meandering way, hewn through the rocks, which were covered with evergreen shrubs, con- ducted us in an hour to the convent of Simopetra. The venerable Hegoumenos stood at the gate and bade us welcome. We were led by him through many a winding path to the tower of his castellated monastery. Romance has not figured a situation more wild and picturesque; here was a sublimity of scenery beyond what I ever recollected to have seen. The eye commanded avast expanse of the ^gean sea; distinguished clearly numerous islands that were scattered in it ; surveyed the Gulf of Athos, and returning back to the wooded region of the mountain, beheld the deepened dell, above which boldly rose to a tremendous height the craggy precipice on which this building was raised." MOUNT ATHOS. 215 character of his literature and poHshed manners, that we severely felt the loss we sustained by his absence. On our forwarding a note to him at Chariess for the key of the room, where the manuscripts were deposited, he sent it to us, with a polite answer, expressive of his regret at his being prevented from waiting on us. We found in the library nineteen copies of the Gospels in ancient character and in good preservation ; three of the Acts and the Epistles, and a number of ecclesiastical writings. " • . • ■ Having descended the steep rock of Simopetra, we rowed for two hours in the fishing boat of the monastery to Xeropotamo. Here we found the spring much advanced ; the roses in the garden were full- blown. The situation of this convent is very pleasing to the eye, the ground gradually rises to it in a gentle swell from the sea, and is covered with flowering shrubs, oUve trees, and thickets. It com- mands a view of both the gulfs of Monte Santo and Cassandra, stud- ded with islands. There are seventy caloyers within the walls, and the convent is classed among those of the third size. The buildings are in good preservation, and the great court contains a number of ancient , busts and bas-reliefs on the walls, which were sent hither by a Prince of Wallachia. The church is new, and not inelegant in its construc- tion ; but the Greeks have covered it within and without with tasteless representations of the martyrdom of saints, and the visions of the Apo- calypse. In the library we found a manuscript of Genesis in Hebrew, one very ancient of the Gospels in Greek ; many more recent ; some selections, probably by a schoolmaster of the convent, from classical authors, and many theological treatises. At the port is a broken slab of Parian marble, with an inscription containing a decree of the senate and people of lasus in Asia Minor, bestowing privileges on some individual who had been a benefactor to them. There now remained eight convents on the peninsula, which we had not yet examined, and five of them so small, that they could not protect us against the pirates, who, we were informed, were in some boats at anchor in the little bay of Gregorio, if they should meditate attacks upon us. But as we had already executed so large a portion 216 MOUNT ATH08. of our task and had it so much at heart to complete our examination of all the Greek manuscripts on Mount Athos, we resolved to proceed on foot, as the roads were impassable even for the mules, and the risque by sea appeared to be too great. When we arrived at Russico, we found a few monks only, and the monastery contained neither printed nor manuscript books, except the liturgies of their church. April 16. — After an hour's walk we reached the monastery of Xenophou, which is reported to be placed in an unhealthy aguish air. The inhabitants have therefore begged and borrowed money to re- build it in a better situation, and yet have chosen a spot not fifty paces from the walls of the present convent, pretending that it is beyond the line of the Mal-aria. They are proceeding on a grand scale, and in a very expensive way. We found here a Greek called Panayotaki Baylas of Zagora in Macedonia, who had retired with fifty thousand piastres acquired by trade in Constantinople, and has adopted the monastic life. The rules of this convent are different from those of any other on the holy mountain. It is called Casnobium Xenophou, and ordains that no person belonging to the society shall possess any semblance of property, or live in private. The caloyers therefore do not only dine and sleep in large rooms together, instead of having each a separate cell, as in other convents, but when any individual wants a change of linen or any other article he must apply to the abbot or keeper of the stock of the community. The only books in their library were theological, and among them few of any value, ex- cept four manuscripts of the Gospels. About a quarter of an hour further is the monastery of Docheiriou, of the second class. The rooms for receiving strangers and pilgrims of distinction are eleoant. Their library contained eighteen manuscripts of the Gospels, and a considerable number of theolojrical works. The whole country now presented a beautiful appearance, looking like a garden, and adorned with roses, hawthorns, and the Judas tree. In a retired vale, surrounded by forests, is the little convent of Con- stamoneta. In their church we found a manuscript copy of a tragedy of iEschylus, the Seven Chiefs at Thebes, and part of Hesiod. MOUNT A IHOS. 217 Thouoli tlio sun was setting, and the road to tlie next monasteiy lone and dangerous, yet we resolved to proceed rather than pass the niifht with so rude and inhospitable a body ot" caloyers as we found at Con- stamoneta. Their Hegoumenos or Abbot is a native of Maina, the ancient Eleuthero-Laconia. A beggar passing some months ago by the door of this convent, asked the accustomed alms of bread and wine, on which the porter told him that the Abbot had strictly for- bidden him to distribute any more, as the convent was poor, and scarcely able to su}:)port its own members. In the course of convers- ation the beggar asked how the convent became so poor, and on the porter's not being able to give a satisfactory answer, he replied, I will inform you. There were two brothers who dwelt in this convent at its first foundation, and on them its happiness solely depended. Your tyrannical Abbot forced one of tliem into exile ; the other soon fled, and with them, your prosperity. But, be assured, that until you recaj. your elder brother, you will continue poor. What were their names ? said the wondering caloyer. The expelled brother, replied the beggar, was called Ai^'on, and the name of him who followed was Ao^a-BToa. (Give, and it shall be given unto you. Luke, vi. 38.) We arrived late at Zografou, and finding the gates locked, were told that, in the absence of the Abbot, they dared not open them at such an hour. On putting, however, the Patriarch's recommendatory letter under the door, a priest came and read it, and immediately gave us admittance. This monastery was inhabited solely by Bulgari- ans. They are apparently rich, as they are rebuilding the convent on so grand a scale that the cost of the church alone is estimated at fifty thousand piastres. The arches of the new colonnade are all of dif- ferent diameters and heights ; and the capitals of the columns more clumsy and shapeless than those of the darkest ages of the lower em- pire. The ritual of the Bulgarian service is exactly comformable to that of the Greek church, though the language of their liturgy and of their canonical books is ancient Bulgaric or Illyric ; but as their only printing-press is at St. Petersburgh, a number of Russian letters and words have crept in, and their printed books have become veiy cor- F F 218 MOUNT ATHOS. rupt. Those who now aspire to literary attainments among them learn ancient Greek, esteeming their mother tongue not worthy of cultivation ; and they assured me that all the Servic manuscripts in Mount Athos were translations from the Greek fathers. From Zografou we proceeded to the last great convent of Mount Athos, called Chiliantari, containing about one hundred and eighty monks. This also is inhabited by Bulgarians ; and its manuscripts are all in the Servic dialect except a few liturgies in Greek. The present Abbot is Gerasimos, nearly eighty years old, sixty-eight of which he has passed in the monastery. From him I obtained much information concerning the state of the religious community of Athos. He professed to know little of the early history of the convents ; but seemed to think that many of them laid claim to a higher antiquity than they ought, when they referred to Constantine the Great, Arcadius and Honorius, and other early Emperors as their founders ; for no records in any of the monasteries are of a date prior to Nicephorus Phocas, who reigned in the year 961. When the crafty caloyers adverted to the progress of the Turkish arms unHer the Sultan Orchan and his immediate successors, and con- jectured what might soon be the fate of Constantinople itself, they sent a deputation to the Sultan at Brusa in Asia Minor, carrying a present of fourteen thousand sequins, and begging that when his victorious arms had taken possession of the seat of the Greek empire, the caloyers might be left in the full enjoyment of their religious privileges, and in the exclusive possession of Mount Athos. The Turk accepted the bribe, promised all they wished, and gave them a charter, which is said to be still preserved among the archives at Chariess, the metropolis of the peninsula. The Turkish Sultans, however, have since made this faithless body pay dearly for their treachery to their own Ciiristian monarch, by throwing so large a sum of money into the hands of the enemy of their religion and their country at so critical a moment ; and instead of being for ever exempted from tribute as they had expected, they now pay annually MOUNT ATHOS. 219 one hundred and thirteen thousand piastres to the I'orte, besides occasional contributions in time of war and other demands, one of which in the preceding month amounted to forty-eight purses, or twenty-four thousand piastres. In consequence of these perpetual extortions, the convents have been obliged to borrow large sums, for which they give from four to eight ^^er cent., according to the exigency of the moment, or the piety of the lender. The general debt is supposed to amount to a milHon of piastres, or nearly eighty thousand pounds sterling. Father Gerasimos said that some of the monasteries were unable to raise even the interest of their borrowed money, and that the whole commimity must soon become bankrupt. Of the population of this peninsula we heard various accounts. It pays charatch or capitation-tax for three thousand, but the actual number of resident caloyers, including the labourers, workmen, hermits, is calculated at six thousand. Each convent pays for a certain proportion of the former number, according to an old schedule ; so that Batopaidi, Laura, Chiliantari, and other flourishing convents pay for fewer numbers than they actually have, while others, which iiave fallen into decay, pay for more than they contain. The temporal affairs of the Holy mountain are thus managed : The twenty monasteries are divided into four classes of five each, according to their respective sizes, and one convent of each class by rotation annually sends a deputy to Chariess. This council of four deputies settles all the business of the peninsula, and regulates the proportion of money which each convent is to give on extraordinary contributions. Their office is annual ; they live with no external pomp, and they receive but a trifling salary for their trouble. The vineyards, corn-fields, and gardens of Chiliantari, as well as the buildings are kept in such excellent condition, as to evince the superintendance of an able abbot. The walks around it are very beautiful ; and in them Mr. Carlyle and myself frequently wandered, listening to the songs of the nightingales, almost regretting that the F F 2 220 MOUNT ATHOS. tour of the peninsula was so nearly finished."* During our stay at Chiliantari, we made an excursion to the convent of Sphigmenou, about three miles off, containing thirty caloyers. Its manuscripts are all theological, among them are about twenty copies of the sacred -writings of the New Testament. We returned to Chiliantari by a road that took us to another monastery called St. Basil ; which had been long in ruins, but is now inhabited by six poor caloyers. Its proximity to the sea would at all times render it an easy prey to pirates, but its present poverty and misery are such as to invite neither pilgrims to enrich it nor banditti to plunder it. It is not classed among the twenty monasteries which compose the religious republic of Mount Atlios. We had now made a complete investigation of all the libraries in the monasteries of this peninsula, and taken catalogues of all the manuscripts they contain ; each of which we had ourselves indi- vidually examined. The state in which we found these tattered and mouldy volumes, [cum blattis et tineis pugnantes,) often without beginnings or endings, rendered the task very tedious ; and our patience was put to a very severe trial by not once discovering an unedited fragment of any classical author. But the reflection that we were employed on an object which had long been a desideratum in the theological and literary world, enabled us to struggle against the difficulties we met, and to overcome the prejudices, the jealousy, and the ignorance which often tempted the librarians of the different convents to thwart our views ; and we endeavoured to complete our work as accurately as our means and abilities would admit. . When the learned Greeks fled from Constantinople in 1453, they took with them to western Europe their most valuable manuscripts ; those which they left, were probably secreted in the monasteries. The libraries, in the islands of the sea of Marmora, and of Mount * See a beautiful passage of Nicephoriis, where he is speaking of the trees, the groves, the herbs, and scenery of Athos. (L. 14. 149.) MOUNT ATHOS. 221 Athos ; of the Patriarch at Constantinople, and of St. Sahanear Jeru- salem, were carefully examined by Mr. Carlyle or myself: — " The convent of St. John at Patmos has been visited by French and English travellers; the manuscript of Diodorus Siculus in the li- brary of this place appears to be only an imperfect transcript of the original, une partie de Diodorc emte d\me main assez recenfc* The copy of the dialogues of Plato which has been brought to England was seen by Villoison ; but that learned Hellenist appears to have inspected it hastily, as he makes no mention of the marginal Scholia in it. (See Gaisford's Catalog. MSS., Clarke.) The mo- nasteries of Meteora were visited by Biornstahl and Mr. Hawkins, and other travellers. Fourmont examined the convent of the mira- culous image of the Virgin, called JVIegaspilgeon, six miles from Cala- vrita • j- in the Morea ; he there saw only a few copies of the Greek fathers, and some other ecclesiastical volumes. (See Not. des MSS. du Roi. T. 8.)"— 7?r/. Wlien we were setting out on our excursion to Athos, the drao'o- men of the English and other embassies at the Porte spoke much of the vices and gross ignorance of the Greek caloyers. This represent- ation was very incorrect ; their contempt arose more from sectarian animosity than any other cause. The dragomen or interpreters at Pera are generally Romanists, or as the Greeks call them, I^atin Schisma- tics. Defects there certainly are in this religious republic : but even in its present oppressed and degraded state the establishment is a useful one. It contributes to preserve the language of Greece from being corrupted or superseded by that of its conquerors ; it checks or rather entirely prevents the defection of Christians to JMahometanism, not only in European, but Asiatic Turkey ; almost all the Greek Di- * Villoison, see the " Notice des MSS. du Roi," T. 8. Villoison also observed there the Anthology of Lascaris, in Uteris majusculis. \ Calavrita is supposed by some to be the ancient Nonacris. A learned Danish tra- veller, M. Brondstedt visited the Styx, in the vicinity of this place, and learned that it was called Mavro Nero, " black water." 222 MOUNT ATHOS. dascaloi school-masters, and the higher orders of their clergy are selected from this place. If it sometimes hides a culprit who has fled from public justice, yet that criminal most probably reforms his life in a residence so well calculated to bring his mind to reflection. The oath of a person who becomes caloyer on Mount Athos is very solemn and simple ; it implies an absolute renunciation of the world, enjoining the person who makes it to consider himself as quite dead to its concerns. Some are so conscientiously observant of this vow, that they never afterwards use their family name, never corres- pond with any of their relatives or foi-mer friends, and decline in- forming strangers from what country or situation of life they have retired. By the rules of the institution, every convent on Mount Athos, and indeed throughout the whole Turkish Empire is ordered to show hospitality to strangers who present themselves at their gate, whether they be Greeks, heretics or infidels ; nor are they permitted to ask for payment from any pilgrim or other visitor for the provisions which they may give them. The reception we in general had experienced was polite, and apparently disinterested. In convers- ation with their prelates and some of the well-educated caloyers, I so often found what I judged to be religious moderation, that I was once induced to show them a Greek version of the English Liturgy ; but when they saw that we kept Easter at the time affixed by the Greo-orian or Romish calendar, that we laid down no precise rules about the mode of fasting, that our creed asserts the procession of the Holv Ghost from the Father and the Son, I saw such a disposi- tion for controversy arise, that I ever afterwards abstained from all allusion to similar subjects. They admit the propriety of allowing the parochial clergy to marry ; but a priest who has been married is never advanced to any of the dignities of the Greek Church. The Pa- triarchs and bishops must be ifpi:; ^ovot-xpi or celibataries. They ob- serve a number of ceremonies in their public worship. At day- break on the morning of Easter-day, they perform a sort of dramatic MOUNT ATHOS. 22.'i representation of the Resurrection. When the bishop gives the blessing, he holds two lighted tapers crossed in one hand to signify the two-fold nature of Christ, and thi'ee tapers in the other as a symbol of the Trinity ; he makes the sign of the cross, and he sprinkles holy water with three fingers in a particular form, in allusion to the same mystery ; or can this be an adaptation of an ancient Pagan superstition mentioned by Ovid, Et digitis tria tJmra tribus sub limine ponitf They burn incense, and waft it towards the pictures of the Virgin Uocvxyla. *, of Christ TrairojcpxTwp, and of the patron saint, and kiss them with profound adoration. The clergy suffer their beard and hair to grow to great length, in imitation, as they assert, of Christ antl his Apostles. They perform the ceremony of exorcism for epilepsy, and some other diseases, supposed to be the effect of da^moniacal possession. Many more superstitious practices mioht be mentioned. On taking leave of Father Gerasimos of Chili- antari, we congratulated him on the peace and tranquillity which his little religious commonwealth enjoyed in the midst of the wars and revolutions of Europe ; but he replied, that on the contrary, they were in a state of perpetual conflict with three most powerful ene- mies, the devil, their own lusts, and the travelling caloyers, who em- bezzle the alms by which the convents should be supported ; and that these would soon produce the ruin of their commimity, which * " The Greeks oF all Christians in the world seem to mc iAoSrOTOx«;VaToi the most zealous adorers of the mother of God. The Latins in this matter are extravagant enough, but truly the Greeks far outdo them. In many instances which I could give, they ascribe unto her almost as great a providence as to God himself. Taking my leave in the monasteries at Mount Athos, their last farewell to me was commonly this, Na ts Tra^fllvs /3o))0ci Ta'uT-^ T^ TTo Asi, ' Virgin, mother of God, help this city;' and you will find not only in temples, but every where in private families that are of any note, and in public passages, especially at Mount Athos, lamps continually burning before her picture far oftener than before Christ himselfj or any one of the saints." — Corel's Greek Church, p. 376. 224 MOUNT ATHOS. had long been in decay. He accompanied us to the gate, and shaking us affectionately by the hand, said, he hoped he had left such an impression of himself on our hearts, that we might be mutu- ally glad to see each other, if Providence ever brought us again to- gether ; quoting a Turkish proverb, that luountain never approaches mountain, nor island, island ; but that man often unexpectedly meets fellow-man. , • We had an escort assigned us of six. well-armed Albanians; our road conducted us through the most picturesque and magnificent scenery ; but in some places so dangerous from the precipices which beetle over the sea, that a false step of our mules might have been fatal. Six iniles from Chiliantari we came to the ruins of a castle called Callitze ; and two miles further we halted to breakfast under the shade of some Oriental planes near a fountain, and the bed of a river filled with scarlet oleanders and Agnus castus. The spot is cal- led Paparnitza ; here we saw once more cows and ewes with their young, a proof that we had passed the holy precincts. W« continued our journey towards the Isthmus, and on reaching the shore found a large fishing boat, which supplied us plentifully with fish at fifteen paras an oke, and some octopodia. * We soon came to the spot on the Isthmus, now called f Problakas, where Xerxes is said to have cut a canal for his fleet of galleys. This is about a mile and a quarter long, and twenty-five yards across; a measurement not very different from that given by [j: Herodotus * This is the sea polypus, which we often observe beaten by the Greeks to make it tender. Forskal says, ' carnem bene tusam ediuit," and an older authority makes mention of this practice IloXuTrouc tutttstui -KoKKcixic Trpoj to irsTrcuv ysveffOai. Suidas. — E. ■\ " Isthmus iste a Gracis monachis montis incolis ■TrpoavXal; hoc seculo appellatur," says Vossius in Melam, 139. It is the same word according to the Romaic pronunciation, as that given by Dr. Hunt. :j: The length has been also stated as iTrTacrxaSios (Obs. Voss. ad Mel. App. 40.) Vestiges of the canal were visible in the time of ^Elian, 1. xiii. c. 20. Belon thought the ancient account of it fabulous, in opposition to Thucydides, 1. iv., who speaks of the King's canal; and Pococke did not observe the remains of it. Mr. Mitford (H. of Greece, i. 3770 observes, that scarcely any circumstance of the expedition of Xerxes is MOUNT ATHOS. 225 of twelve stadia. We found that it had been much filled up with mud and rushes, but is traceable in its whole extent ; having its bottom in many places very little above the level of the sea; in some parts of it corn is sown, in others there are ponds of water. We saw some ruins at that end of the canal which opens into the Gulf of Athos, but our guides fearing that pirates might be lurking there, prevented us from visiting the spot, where Uranopolis is supposed to have stood. Here we saw a number of women in the fields weeding the corn and singing ; the sight of female dresses, and the voices of these sun-burnt daughters of labour were most pleasing after having lived so long among the monks of Athos. At half past three in the afternoon we reached Erissos, the ancient Acanthus, about thirty miles from the convent of Chiliantari. The inhabitants are all Greeks, except the Aga, and they would even be spared the presence of this Turkish mayor or chief constable, if they would shew proper deference to their own Protogeros or Codja-Bashee, whose sentences would be disregarded unless enforced by the authority of a Musulman officer appointed by the Porte. The country around appeared re- markably well cultivated, and the sea view is beautiful. Maize and rye are the principal crops, and all the agricultural labour except holding the plough is performed by women ; they are Albanian colonists, and very hardy and industrious. Their dress resembles that of the women in the Highlands of Scotland, except as to the ornament of the head-dress ; the hair being braided, and the crown of the head covered with a little cap of scarlet cloth, on which is sewed a quantity of small coins, presenting the appearance of scales of fish. Their petticoats are short, and they wear neither Turkish pantaloons, nor shoes, nor stockings. A square piece of cloth is fastened behind the shoulders of those who are mothers ; and in this more strongly supported by historical testimony, than the making of this canal ; and Dr. Hunt's remarks arc a valuable corroboration of the ancient accounts. The reference to Belon, whose authority on the occasion is worth little, should be omitted in the next edition of Mr. Mitford's excellent history.— E. G G 226 MOUNT ATHOS. ihey carry a young child with such apparent ease, that they do not relieve themselves from the burden when at the work in the fields : in going from place to place they not only carry their infants in this manner, but have often a lofty jar or pitcher on their heads, and a rock and spindle in their hands, with which they spin as they walk. The shepherds, ploughmen, and indeed every peasant without exception had a long musket slung at his back; a pistol, and yataghan or Turkish sword in his belt. The price of wheat here was five piastres and a half, the kiloe, or about eight shillings a bushel ; wine three paras an oke, a measure of two pounds and a half; a lamb weighing two okes and a quarter, cost foru' piastres or six shillings ; two eggs were sold for a para, (halfpenny,) a fowl for twelve. Labourers in the vineyards have twenty paras (ten-pence) a day, in addition to meat and drink ; common labourers fifteen paras (seven-pence halfpenny) and food. Mules for riding cost from one hundred and fifty to two hundred piastres each ; an ox for ploughing is worth sixty piastres, a horse for carrying burdens, sells for from fifty to sixty-five piastres. Before we left this village we had a visit of ceremony from a bride, nJ^(^i;, whose friends told us they hailed our arrival as a good omen for the happiness of the married pair. The bride was not so much veiled as to conceal her face from us; on receiving a present she took our hands to her mouth, kissed them, and then bowing, retired in silence, having during the whole ceremony not uttered a syllable. This silence we were told, was continued for eigiit days from her wedding; during which period she is accompanied by her bride- maids and husband's relations from house to house, and receives from each male inhabitant a few paras or piastres according to the wealth of the party. Small pieces of coin were strung to the braids of her hair, which hiuig down her back and over her shoulders, nearly reaching tiie ground; the skull-cap was covered with larger coins ; among these were many ancient medals which we in vain attempted to purchase at a high offer. We were told that the cap she wore was considered as a family treasure, and that it descended MOUNT ATHOS 227 as an heir-loom, receiving occasional additions ; but was never suffered to lose any of its former ornaments. The charatch, or capitation tax, is levied at six piastres for each grown person. The Pasha of the district collects a tribute or land tax in addition, of one part out of seven and a half of every crop from Christians, whether Greeks or Albanians; and one in six from every Musulman. Besides these taxes each vineyard pays the Pasha two piastres for every two hundred okes of wine at the annual vintage; and if exported, though even to an adjoining island or port of their own country, it pays a custom-house duty of two paras an oke. April 21. — At ten minutes past seven we proceeded on our road to Nisvoro, and crossed a rich and well-cultivated plain ; at half-past nine we halted for an hour to refresh our mules. The spot was shaded by Oriental plane-trees, and near it were ruins of an old tower, which our guide called Arsinoitche, a name it has probably preserved ever since the time of the immediate successors of Alexan- der, as Arsinoe, daughter of Ptolemy Lagus, married Lysimachus. The rest of our journey was along the course of a river, the waters of which were very shallow, and so strongly impregnated with some mineral solution as to be of a red colour ; near its banks are frequent heaps of burnt ore. Here we met a band of Albanian pilgrims pro- ceeding to the holy mountain ; they were about sixty in number, well momited and armed. Before we reached Nisvoro we observed a de- faced inscription in the walls of a Greek church. On entering the town we immediately waited on the Bishop, whom we found to be a young man of talents and learning. In the evening we walked to the silver mines, and observed that the range of hills has been worked very extensively during a long period. Our guide told us that the ground was hollow for many miles around us. We saw about a hundred workmen employed in breaking the lead ore, drawing it from the mines, and smelting it in a very slovenly manner. The principal mine is abovit fifty yards beneath the surface; we observed five or six furnaces, and the double bellows used by them are worked by water-wheels. On making some inquiries concerning the plan on GG 2 228 MOUNT ATHOS. which they proceed, the following is the result collected by us in a conversation carried on by means of our interpreter. A speculator who can raise a few thousand piastres, buys the right of digging a certain extent of ground for a year from the Porte, to whom the royalty belongs ; a band or gang of workmen join him in the undertaking. The original speculator then purchases machinery, erects furnaces, makes charcoal, and is at the whole expence of set- ting the gang at work. The produce of their labour is then divided ; all the lead is the property of the Sultan, a fifth part of which is granted to the Aga who collects the revenue of the Sultan. The lat- ter has also a monopoly of the silver, for which he previously stipu- lates to give eighty piastres per oke (not so much as three shillings an ounce) to the party who has obtained the licence to work the mine. The sum received for the silver is at the end of the year thus shared : one-seventh part to the person who advanced all the money ; and the remainder to the band of workmen according to a scale pre- viously settled. . ^ It appears, however, that the richest veins have been exhausted, and that the mines are now worked by almost compulsory means. The labourers told us, with tears in their eyes, that during the last two years their division had not amounted to more than two paras a-day, but that the Sultan insisted on the works being carried on. About four or five thousand okes of lead are now produced annually, and about fifty okes of silver reach the mint at Constantinople ; but we were told that one vein has been known to produce four hundred okes of silver in a year, and that ore has sometimes been found so rich as to give six drachms of silver out of an oke (four hundred drachms) of lead ; though the present average is only about two drachms and a half of silver to the oke of lead. April 22. — We left Nisvoro early in the morning, and at two miles from the town passed the residence of the Aga, who is too distant from the mines to be able personally to detect any mal-practices that may be carried on there. At 6'\ 40'. we reached a most beautiful plain, extending for many miles, covered with the richest verdure, MOUNT ATHOS. 229 and rendered picturesque by a number of spreading oak trees, stand- ing singly and in small groupes, like the scenery of an English park. The sides of the plain are sloping, clothed with hanging woods, and its further extremity shut in by lofty mountains, rising behind each other as far as the eye can reach. The oaks here are so well adapted for naval purposes, that they have been ordered to be sent to the dock-yards at Constantinople. Some have been felled, but as it will cost fifty piastres to bring each of them to the shore, a bribe will pro- bably be given to the government inspector for reporting them unfit for ship-building, and thus the people of the neighbourhood will escape this addition to their heavy imposts. At 7''. 20. A. M. we passed a village called Negeshalar, beautifully placed on the side of a woody hill ; and at &. 35'. halted in the midst of a forest of oaks, many of which had been lately felled. Here our guides shewed a disposition to prolong their journey in a most tedious manner. After vainly attempting to persuade them to set off, we were forced to proceed on foot without them. In less than an hour we reached Laregovi, and with difficulty procured other muleteers, and hired a strong guard of Albanians to protect the party from robbers, who, they pretended, infested the neighbouring woods. The Codja Bashee of Laregovi has jurisdiction over eleven other towns, the largest of which contains six hundred and the smallest one hun- dred houses ; the police of all these is superintended by him, and he gathers the government taxes. This district belongs to one of the Sultanas at Constantinople, who leaves the local government entirely to native Greeks, merely sending one of her Bostangees or life-guards to enforce the orders of the Greek Codja Bashee, when his people are refractory. Arriving at the town of Gallitze, which contains six hun- dred houses, without one Musulman inhabitant, we found we could procure no lodging ; neither the Sultan's firman nor the Patriarch's recommendatory letter had any influence; one of our guards at length took us to an empty mud cottage, where we passed the night. At seven on the next morning we left Gallitze, and crossed an extensive plain, and at half-past nine reached the beautiful village of Basilika, 230 MOUNT ATHOS. containing about 150 houses. They are detached from each other, and have separate vineyards, gardens, or mulberry plantations, and the whole place breathes an air of wealth and comfort which we had not witnessed since landing at Athos. From the time of our quitting Lemnos we had seen no Turkish houses until we arrived at this place. At half-past ten we entered the immense plain, which extends as far as Salonica. We passed a Turkish burial-ground, where a number of broken granite and marble columns were scattered round us, and a few cipjn containing defaced inscriptions, but evi- dently not of remote antiquity. Near this cemetery is a very large conical barrow or tumulus, and on other parts of the plain we ob- served similar constructions, some on circular, some on oval bases. Their shape is so regular as to leave no doubt of their being artifi- cial mounds ; and their rising abruptly from a plain as level as a lake, produces a striking effect on the eye. None of them appear to have been opened. ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON THE SEPULCHRES OF THE EUROPEAN AND ASIATIC GREEKS. \_BY THE EDIT0R.2 Many of a similar form may be seen in other parts of Greece ; they have been observed in Thessaly by Mr. Hawkins on the road from Volo to Larissa, and in the plain north of Pharsalia. He mentions some of great size at Philippopolis, and others on the borders of the Propontis, between Silivri and Constantinople. Adjoining to the straits of the Hellespont, and near Gallipoli, are many lofty tumuli, which were remarked by Belon. Of these Thrar- cian barrows we may appropriate one to Lysimachus, for they are MOUNT ATHOS. 231 raised near Cardia and Pactyas, and between these two places, as Pausanias informs us, his tumuhis was seen. (Lib. i. p. 19.) The most ancient form of tumuli is the simplest, namely, a heap of earth with a stele on the top, terreno ex aggere bustum. In parts of Western Scvthia they are found encompassed with a square wall of large square stones. This defence or maceria was added to the se- pulchres of Greece and Asia in early times ; it surrounded that of Opheltes at Cleonse (Paus. lib. ii.) ; of Alyattes in Lydia (Herod, lib. i.) ; of Auge at Pergamus ; of iEpytus in Arcadia (Paus. viii.) ; of Phocus in iEgina. (lb. lib. ii.) One with a circular wall near the ancient Pergamus has been described by Choiseul ; another has been opened within a few years near Smyrna, in which galleries and chambers have been found. The custom of raising temples, altars, statues, or shrines over tombs, attached, certainly, a greater degree of religious respect to the places where the dead were deposited. The prevalence of it is evident fi-om that remarkable expression of Athenagoras, who calls the temples of the ancients Ta'tpa, tombs. (Apol. c. xxv.) This name was after- wards retorted by Libanius, Julian, Eunapius, and other Pagans upon the Christians, when they began to practise the custom of burying the bones of martyrs in their churches. Although one class and form of sepulchre, the raised mound, were common both to Greece and Asia, yet there is a remarkable differ- ence in the manner adopted by the inhabitants of the two countries in constructino; other monuments in honor of the dead. We see nothing; in Greece to equal those great and numerous excavations in the rock, which strike the traveller's attention in Asia and Syria. They are seen at Telmessus, at Myra*, at Antiphellos, at Amasia, where are the supposed tombs of the Kings of Pontus, and in parts of Palestine. Some of them are mentioned by Pococke in Phrygia, Lycia, * Nunc eversEe multa vestigia extant, praecipue monumenta mortuorum in vivo saxo cavata, quae columnis et aliis signis ex codem saxo iiicisis atque insculptis, ornata sunt. — Coriol. Cepion. 232 MOUNT ATHOS. Cappadocia; others are pointed out by Le Brun, Choiseul, and Dr. Clarke. We may suppose that Gregory, who was born in Cap- padocia, and had in his journies through Asia remarked these and similar monuments, alludes to them when he speaks of the " stone tombs in the mountains, the work of giants." * That many of these great excavations in the rock were executed by the later inhabitants of Asia Minor, is evident from the in- scriptions which have been discovered. Some of these in Greek were copied by Dr. Clarke, and the travellers who were sent out by the Dilettanti Society with Sir William Gell. Others are composed of characters, the meaning of which has not yet been explained. These tombs in the rocks frequently present, as we learn from the plates, in the " Voyage Pittoresque" of Choiseul, in their outward forms, pedi- ments, Ionic pillars, and architectural ornaments resembling those used in Greek buildings. In Greece, the excavations in the rock for sepulchral purposes were generally simple ; and those at Athens, and even at Delphi, are inferior in extent and grandeur to the tombs in Asia. The inhabitants of this country, from greater wealth and pride, and a love of magnificence which particularly distinguished them, were induced to form and raise monuments of a more sump- tuous and laborious execution. The sarcophagi seen in Asia Minor are more numerous and of larger dimensions than those in Greece ; Dr. Hunt has particularly remarked the appearance of the granite Soroi of Assos. Perhaps the most costly tomb ever raised in Greece f was that made by order of Harpalus for Pythionice ; thirty talents were expended on it. Dio. Sic. xvii. 245. * Sr^Xai, xai irXaxo'evTsj h oupjfl-iv, Ipya yiyavToiv, Tuft/Soi. — Anec. Graeca. Muratori. f Mr. Fiott examined the Macedonian sepulchres at Vodena ; but they do not appear to be distinguished by any remarkable size or form. Clarke's Travels, vol. iii. 341. ( 233 ) NATURAL HISTORY. NOTICE RESPECTING THE JOURNALS OF THE LATE DR. SIBTHORP. A RESIDENCE in parts of Greece and Asia Minor during a period of three or four years would enable a learned and intelligent naturalist to furnish some valuable illustrations of various passages in the works of Aristotle, Theophrastus, Dioscorides, ^Elian, and Pliny. The names of many birds, as well as fishes, which occur in the writings of the Greeks are difficult to be interpreted. Of the twenty-four persons who form the chorus in the comedy of the Aves, says Mr. Gray, and enter under the form of so many birds, there are ten, of^which we can give no explanation in English. We have already alluded to the great collection of materials for a Fauna and Flora Graeca procured by Dr. Sibthorp and Mr. Hawkins during their travels in the Levant. In the extracts from Dr. S.'s journals, the reader will find many remarks on the medicinal and oeconomical uses of the Greek plants ; the names also given to them by the modern inhabitants are annexed ; and much new information is added concerning the birds, the animals of Greece, and the fishes of the Archipelago. The botany of the ancients, Beckmann observes, would be more easily explained if the names used by the modern Greeks were known ; a similar remark may be applied to the ornithology and ichthyology of Greece*, and to the animals of that country. Dr. Sibthorp has noted down many of the modern appella- tions, but the reader will find in some instances the names of the present day very different from the ancient terms. T\i(pXo7TovTii(.og has * The accentuation and mode of writing the Romaic names of the plants and animals of Greece in Dr. S.'s journals are not always correct. The editor has printed them as accurately as he could ; but sometimes words occur, concerning which further information is wanting. • - H H 234 NATURAL HISTORY. taken the place of 'Ao-Tra'xa^ the former name of the mole, and the hedge-hog is no longer called ex^vo;, but o-jcai/n^J^oipoc. We have mentioned that in his various researches, Dr. Sibthorp did not omit collecting information respecting the fishes of the Greek seas ; and his list of them is more complete than any that has been hitherto published. Among the lost works of the ancients, we may regret the want of those, which expressly treated of the fishes of the rivers and seas of Greece, as they would have illustrated in some degree an interesting part of the natural history of that country. The Greeks were of all people oil/otpxyta-Txroi* ; the snipe, the wood- cock, the partridge held a secondary place at their tables. Ce me- prisement, says Belon, de manger chair, et estimcr te poisson, a fait que Ics anciens Grecs et Latins, ayent mains cogneu les oiseaux, que les poisson-s. The names of some writers, who in parts of their works had examined the various sorts of fishes which frequent the rivers and shores of Greece have been preserved to us ; among these we find Epicharmus the Sicilian, a poet and naturalist ; Ananius a con- temporary of Hipponax, who had in his verses introduced some remarks on O^oTrotia.; Mithoecus mentioned in the Gorgias of Plato, and Archestratus, a writer who flourished nearly at the same time with Aristotle, and from whom the latter had probably borrowed some of those remarks respecting fishes, which are to be found in his great work, f Of the numerous treatises on natural history written by Aristotle, a small part only has reached us. Athenasus quotes one entitled TrepI Zcoui/, ^ Tttp) lyjuav.\ Schw. ad. Ath. vii. 15. From the Venetians, French, and Italians who have been settled at various times in parts of Greece, and the islands of the Archipelago, * Qui Graece sciunt iiunquam niirabuntiir ovj/ov pro j^isce dici. Quare hodieque in Grsecia piscis vocatiir ■^ct^i, voce ex 6^1/apiov dcpravata. See Yvonis Viliiomari in locos controversos Ilobeiti Titii. 89. (A work written by Joseph Scaliger.) f See Schneider in Aris. H. A. Epimetrum, 1. J The description of the Bustard from Aristotle, (in Athcn. lib. 9.) is in no part of the extant writings of the piiilosopher ; and in anotiier book (lib. 70 Athenaeus refers to a passage of Aristotle, respecting the fleshy palate of the carp; this is not now to be found in his works. — Sec Bcckmann's History of the Invent. 3. NATURAL HISTORY. 235 the modern inhabitants have derived a few names of fishes as well as birds. In some instances, the ancient words slightly altered have been retained, even by the Turks ; the ;c£(^aXof is still called Cephal- balluk* by them, and Scorpit-balluk is the name which they give to the Scorpsena Porcus. PLANTS OF GREECE. MEDICINAL AND ECONOMICAL USES. IfSOM DR. SIBTHORP'S PAPERS.'] 1. PiNus Maiitima. risuKoc, one of the most useful trees in Greece ; it furnishes a resin (^i^TiV^), tar and pitch (tt/o-o-q:), all of considerable importance for oeconomical purposes. Throughout Attica the fwine is preserved from becoming acid by the means of the resin which is employed in the proportion of an oke and a half, to 20 okes of wine. The tar and pitch for ship building are taken from this tree, and the n/n;.:, the Pin us Pinea. The resinous parts of the wood of the nsuKo; are cut into small pieces and serve for candles, called Acc^tx. The cones, kowoi, are sometimes put into the wine barrels. Notes hy the Editor. 1. AaSiK, a corruption of the ancient word 8aSs5, see Lucian de M. Pereg. Ligna arboris picis, d'Orvilie Char. ii. -189. We find in Dr. Hunt's journal the same word SaSia, applied by the inhabitants of Mount Ida to the torches of pine-wood. * Balluk in Turkish signifiesjfs/i. f A practice very general throughout Greece, but which is very prevalent at Athens, may perhaps in some degree account for the connection of the fircone (surmounting the Thyrsus) with the worship of Bacchus. Incisions are made in the fir-trees for the purpose of obtaining the turpentine which distils copiously fi-om the wound. This juice is mixed with the new wine in lai-ge quantities: the Greeks supposing that it would be impossible to keep it any length of time without this mixture. The wine has in consequence a very peculiar taste, but is by no means unpleasant after a little use. This, as we learn from Plutarch, was an ancient custom (Sympos. Quest. 3. and 4. p. 528. Ed. Wyttcn.); the Athenians, therefore, might naturally have placed the fircone in the hands of Bacclius. — (From Lord Aberdeen's Journals.) H H 2 236 NATURAL HISTORY. The bark is used in tanning hides. The wood is much employed by the carpenters in building. I observed, says Mr. Hawkins, on Cyllene, Taygetus, and the mountains of Thasos, a sort of fir, which, although called -Trivnog by the inhabitants, and much resembling the Tr'iw.o; of the lower regions, differed from it in these particulars ; the foliage was much darker, and the growth of the tree much more regular and straight. The very elevated regions on which it grew leads me to suspect it must be different from the common ttsukoc. 2. " Pinus Pinea, -^ovKomoi^iu, tti'tui; of the ancients. This tree and the P. Maritima afford timber for the construction of ships, the ribs, keel, and beams being- made of the Kermes oak, and the Ilex. These two firs grow generally, and certainly best in sandy soils ; the Pinus Maritima, or true Trtvy.og of the neo-Greeks, abounds in Attica, where the soil is either rocky or loamy ; but never here attains the same bulk, as it does in the forests of Elis, where trees may be seen fit for the largest ships of war, and where the soil is every where sandy. The timber of these two sorts of fir is much harder and tougher than that of our northern firs, and consequently more lasting. The seeds of the stone pine are collected still with great industry in Elis, and form an object of exportation to Zante and Cephallonia, and other places." From Mr. Hawkins. 3. Quercus ^Egilops, ApC?, Kou-rrxKi. The prickly cups of the fruit of this tree are of importance in the tanning of leather, as an astringent, and for the purposes of dyeing. They must be gathered Notes by the Editor. 2. The tti'tuc and teuxv) are both mentioned by Plutarch, Synip. lib. v. 3. 2. as proper for ship building. The Pinus Pinea is still used for that purpose at Siiiope and in other parts of the Turkish empire. The tree is common in the maritime districts of Asia Minor and Syria. " The TriVuf," says Coray, " is now called xoxxcova^ia, from the fruit xoxxampiov, anciently called (rxpo/SiAov ;" xoxxcuvj) also was an ancient name. The kernels of the stone pine are brought to table in Turkey; they are very common in the kitchens of Aleppo." — Russell. 3. The MytXtu'\i of Theophrastus, Hist. iii. 9. Sprengel. " The small Velani," says Tournefort, Lett. viii. " are the young fruit gathered off the tree, more valued than those full ripe, that fall of themselves." PLANTS OF GREECi:. 237 before the acorn is ripe, in the month of August. A quantity of this oak is planted in the plain of Eleusis, and the Valanida is sold to the tanners of Athens for two paras the oke. The wood of the KovTr^Ki is esteemed in ship-building and in house work, and makes good charcoal. • 4. Quercus Ilex, "A^eoc. This tree does not grow in great abund- ance in Attica. It may be observed on the higher parts of Pendeli, near the ancient marble quarries. The wood is preferred for the share of the plough, and for making the tyes in the walls of the Greek houses. 5. Quercus Coccifera, 7rp;t/«'p . The bark of the root is used by the tanners, particularly for tanning hides for the soles of shoes. It is powdered and mixed in equal quantity with the Valanida and the bark of the Pine. Small quantities of the grain used for dyeing scarlet are collected from this plant near Casha in Attica ; but in the Morea, the collecting of it forms a considerable object of commerce. The wood being hai'd and durable is employed for the handles of mattocks, and for other agricultural instruments. : ., . The plant, says Mr. Hawkins, is found stunted in its growth by the constant nibbling of the goats, of which it is the favorite food. It occasionally, however, attains the size of a small tree, and is then very fit either for timber or charcoal. Notes by the Editor. 4. The ?pOj of Homer, according to Sprengcl, and Trpivo; of Theophr. Hist. iii. i6. 5. It is the irplvo:, r) rov foivixouv xiixxov (pepsi of Theophrastus, Hist. iii. 8. and xoxxo; |3a^(xt)of Diosc. iv. 48. The kermes are still collected in Crete and Cyprus; in the latter island the name TrpTvoj is retained, according to Dr. Sibthorp. The grains were found in the time of Pausanias in Phocis and in various parts of Asia Minor (Plin. ct Dioscor.) The colour expressed from them is the Galatiais rubor oi Tertullian, de Pallio, p. 38. The coccus is mentioned by Moses under the name Phceni Tola; the Phoenicians, ac- cording to Prof. Tychsen, having brought them into Palestine from Syria. The Eg}'p- tians also were acquainted with the dye. See Beckmann. vol. ii. Mr. Hawkins says the wood of the Q. C. is used for charcoal. We may add from tiie Schol.'on the Achar. of Aristoph. ^ S; irfitiai itnTrfisiov fuXov sij avSpaxaj. Athens is still supplied with charcoal from that part of the country where Acharnae may be supposed to have been situated; 'A;^apvixo( Tzplvivoi. Ach. 1/8. 238 NATURAL HISTORY. 6. Arbutus Unedo, y.of/,a,^i(x, abounds on the mountains of Pendeli, its fruit fx,cc;xo!.iKvXcc is eaten and esteemed a delicacy. The bees feeding on the flowers are said to communicate a bitter taste to the honey. The flutes of the Greek shepherds called (py^oup^-x. axe made of this wood. It is used by the turners, and is hard, though less durable than oak. In Zante a spirit is drawn from it, and a vinegar of a bright gold colour. 7. Arbutus Andrachne, (x.ypioico;xuf>ia, grows in equal abundance with the A. Unedo on the mountains of Pendeli and Fames. Its fruit ripens in the months of October and November, but is not eaten. 8. Erica Multiflora, 'Pe/ttij, flowers in winter, and during that season furnishes the principal food of the bee. The honey, however, which they make from its flowers is little esteemed, and sells at half the price of that made during the summer season from the wild Thyme. It abounds on Pendeli and Parnes. 9. Rhus Cotinus, ;<^pt;(ro|uXoi'. The dye of this wood is a beautiful orange-yellow. It is used to give this colour to the yarn by the Greeks and Albanians. It is brought from Pendeli and the mountains of Attica, and is sold to the dyers at Athens at two paras the oke. In Cyprus the Rhus Coriaria retains its ancient name Foil?. The powdered fruit called by the Turks, Sumach, is sprinkled upon the meat as seasoning. 10. Laurus Nobilis, Aai^ni, the most aromatic of the Greek shrubs grows wild about Pendeli. An oil is expressed from the berries, which is used to anoint the hair. It is used as a medicine externally in bruises and rheumatisms. / , , Notes by the Editor. 6". xovix-apsu in Du C. the xofjLapoc of Theoph. Hist. i. 15. 7. AvSpa;:^v>), Theoph. Hist. i. 15. av5fia;i^Xi in Cyprus, Sibthorp. It suffers more from the cold (Oliver remarks), than the Ar. Unedo; it is found near the Hellespont, in the Archipelago, and in Syria. 9. This use of the Sumacli at meals, is mentioned by the ancient writers ; Pouj eiri ra o^i/a.. Diosc. i. c. 147. The poet Antiphanes speaks of rhus and hone}', among the apTuixuTo. of the table. Athcn. Schw. Lib. ii. p. 262. PLANTS OF GREECE. 239 11. Nerium Oleander, TriKfoSccpr,; a very general plant through Greece; it marks the torrent bed, and fringes the banks of the Ilissus. The flowers are used as an ornament, and cover the bazar at Athens. The leaves boiled, or the dried leaves powdered are employed as remedies for the itch ; boiled in oil, they serve as a liniment for rheumatic pains. The lattice windows (Jalousies) in the Turkish houses are made of slips of this wood. In Cyprus it retains its ancient name ^oSo^ucpvt] ; and the Cypriotes adorn their churches with the flowers on feast days. 12. Salix Babylonica, 'Ixsor. This tree is not common, and perhaps was originally introduced into Attica. I observed it near the monastery of Pendeli. The wood is made into charcoal for gun- powder, and the twigs into baskets. 13. Pistachia Lentiscus, a-x^vog. This wood is much esteemed for fuel. The mastic or gum is only collected in Scio. The ashes of the wood are used by the Athenian soap-boilers for making the lye for the manufacture of soap. In Zante it is also considered as furnishing the best lixivium. The tanners employ it with Valanida in the preparation of leather. In Ithaca an oil is expressed {(tx^voXx^^') from the berry. - . .. . 14. Vitex Agnus Castus, •.la.vva.nr'nTot, the constant companion of the Oleander grows by the Ilissus, and on the torrent side. The twigs are very pliable, baskets and bee-hives are made of them. The leaves are also used by the dyers to produce a yellow colour, and with indigo, green. In Zante, hoops are made of the wood of this plant ; it is there called Xvyuoi. ; it bears also the same name in Cyprus as well as ctyvsKx. ; in Patmos it is called XvyK^iu. Notes by the Editor. II. Nijpiovof Diosc. iv. 82. the Rosa laiirc-a of Apiileius. Sprengel. 13. The iTx^yoi of Theoph. Hist. ix. 1. The ancient word (rx'vt^o[j.at signifies to eat mastich in order to clean and make white tiie teeth. The substance is now much used by the women of Turicor(^cvKcuvafr, this beautiful shrub grows near the monastery of Pendeli, and in the forests of Sarando Potamo. 19. Anthyllis Hermannia^, a.Xoyo^vf^a.<^i, so named from the horses feeding on it. The bees are fond of the flowers. - 20. Daphne dioica, i5^£po9;po'»caXc. This plant abounds on the mountains of Pendeli and Hymettus. It is used by the dyers at Athens, and Albanian women, for dyeing a yellow colour, and with indigo, green. 21. Myrtus Communis, Mv^tm, and in Cyprus, Mupo-m. The varieties of the common myrtle with white fruit I observed near the monastery of Pendeli. Both this and the black fruit are eaten by the Athenians. The plant is used in garlands, and as an orna- Noies by the Editor. carry with them a branch or rod of Agnus castus in their hand, it will keep them from merrygals and weariness. Herbal. 1202. This passage alludes to the opinion noticed by Diosc. i. 135. C. SoxeT 8s xtuAuTJJpiov sivai £v oioiTTopiai; •napa.Tpifj.jj.aTtttV sine pa/3Sov x. t. X. and Hasselquist observes, that " pilgrims make staffs of it." 1 30. In reference to the same opinion, the modern Greeks quote four lines, which are found in Dr. Sibthorp's journals. OTToioi TTipaasi oLTio Xuyeia, xai 8sv xo\J/ei xofj-xTi, ' va >:UyslctXXo}c^o[>i,fx,Ji ; this is common on Hymettus and throughout Attica. The root is used medicinally, made into an electuary. 50. Euphorbia Characias, (pxof^ou This is used by the Greek fishermen to poison the fish ; but caught by these means, they become putrid a short time after they are taken. 51. Osyris Alba, TrXevfuToy^^opro, a decoction of the root being taken in pleurisies. It is called in Zante a-x^co/zxTa, as brushes are made of it, and x.oi<.x.tvoi77racf>To from the fruit which is red. . 52. Punica Granatum, ^oSiac, grows near Phalerus ; but is here pro- bably the outcast of the garden. It grows abundantly about Daulis, and is frequent in Boeotia. ^ .; r ,, Notes hy the Editor. j . , . ■ . 47. The %ov\))!,a jjull^oav of Dioscorides. 48. Muxii)5 of Theophrastus ; ai/.aviTri;, Botanicorum vox. See Thom. Magis. Oudend. 620. 246 , • NATURAL HISTORY. 53. Echium Italicum, yXw^Tria-a-a, the name given by the Athenian shepherds ; evidently a corruption of Lycopsis. 54. Carthamus Corymbosus, -^ajuaXEo, the %a/^a.A£w:' of Dioscorides. It gi'ows plentifully near the Piraeus ; it is called in Cyprus ojGepo?. 55. Nigella Damascena, fj(.KB^oKOiCKo ; in Cyprus, f/.ccl3^o::cv>ix^'et;; the Turks sprinkle the seeds of this plant on their caimak, a favourite dish ; and the Greeks, mixed with sesamum on their bread ; a very ancient custom mentioned by Dioscorides. It is also called vro^Sox.o^'^o from the crackling of the scariose capsules. 56. Amygdalus Communis Sylvestris, Tmcfoo'.uij'ySa.Xoc, grows on the way side from Athens to the Piraeus. The fruit being pounded is rubbed on the skin in coming out of the bath. Hedges are frequently formed of it for the vineyard, and the wood is employed for the tubes of pipes. ' • ■ 57. Conium Maculatum, [^uyyowix,, and Ka^ovecKt, grows abundantly in the low grounds under the temple of Theseus. It is used like the (pxo^og to poison fish. 58. Salsola Fruticosa, xXfiv^t'a, the gathering of this in the marshes adjoining to Phalerus to make soda is farmed at 500 piastres per annwn. The Cypriotes call it aXf/.u^tSi ; it is esteemed by them an ex- cellent fodder for camels ; they prepare from its ashes also an alkali used in the manufacture of soap and glass. 59. Pinus Picea, Ixxtv]. The wood of the Silver fir is employed by the carpenters for various purposes. In ship-building it furnishes masts. It is found in Attica on Mount Parnes, where it grows in great abundance. ■ ■ Mr. Hawkins observes that it grows in other parts of Greece on the highest mountains ; it may not therefore now be much used in ship-building ; the Greek navigators are able to procure very strait poles of the TravKog from Thasos, or masts both of the Silver fir, and Spruce fir from Fiume. Noles by the Editor. 55. " Inter conclimentarias herbas papaver et sesamum non postremum lociini tene- bant." Casaub. in Atlicn. 13-1. 57. See Du Cange in v. Mayyouva. PLANTS OF GrxEECE. 247 60. Atropa Mandragora, MavSpxyoVf^a., called also •■/of.yoyuvi. Used for its supposed aphrodisiac qualities. 61. V^iscum Album, MeXXx. This grows on the Silver fir on Mount Parnes. It is not the plant from which they at present make bird- lime, but from the Loranthus Europocus, which is called o'fog, and grows in the mountains of Euboea, and at Athos. ' 02. Erjngium Campestre, rij?- dyx-n-zi; to Botxv:. The bruised root is applied by the Athenian shepherds to cure their asses when bitten by venomous serpents. The following verses are made on this plant : . T»7C ayuTrrji to (3otxvi Oyroiog to t^si, >£a» dBv to Triuvei^ I viv (x.yoe,7rr;v, ottou £%£<, X^^"^'' 63. Papaver Rhoeas, ■7rx:Txf,ouva. A syrup is drawn in Zante from the flowers, and an infusion of them taken as a pectoral. In Cyprus it is called Trersivog from the red colour of the flower resembling a cock's crest ; it is worn by the Greek girls as an ornament to their head-dress. Papaver somniferum is called at Constantinople y.a.xuv ; the heads of it are bruised and drank in decoction for coughs. Notes In/ f he Editor. ■ ' ■ . .' .. .:■ 60. The same superstitious uses are now attributed to this plant as to the mandragora of the ancients. Mandragorae putatur vis inesse amorem conciiiandi. Vossius de Idol, lib. V. " I entered into conversation," says Dr. Hume in one of his journals, " with a Russian, who had studied medicine at Padua, and was now settled at Limosol in Cyprus. In giving me an account of the curiosities which he possessed he mentioned to me a root, in some degree resembling the human body, for at one end it was forked, and had a knob at the other, which represented the head, with two sprouts immediately below it for the arms. This wonderful root he had dug up, he said, in the Holy Land with no little risque, for the instant it appeared above the ground it killed two dogs, and would have killed him also had he not been under the influence of magic." It is evident that the Russian doctor was repeating some of the absurd stories that have been circulated from very early times respecting the anthropomorphic character of the mandragora, and its supposed noxious properties. In Lambecius Bib. Vin. lib. ii. torn. 2. is an engraving from a MS. of Dios- corides ; a dog, having pulled up a root of mandragora, is represented as dying. Under the print are these words, x6u)v ava. The poiaj of Theophrastus and Diosc. Pap. somniferuin is /xrj'xcuv of Dioscor. "A pristinis inde temporibus, caulis largicbatur succum, opium nostrum, quod vr^iTiv^ii dictum. Odys. iv. Sprengel. His. R. H. i. 25. In his route across Asia Minor, Mr. Browne ob- served abundance of opium collected near Angora. 64. BpuM)H)\- of Nicander, Ther. which is explained by a'jaTrsXo; ayfla in the Vatican MS. See T. viii. Notice des MS. du Roi. 68. " aiyeipopopoi rj jSoiooria," says M. Tyrius, Diss. 29. 71. Now called a-Taupoj^oTavrj, it is the ispu ^oravri of Dioscorides. — Prod. Fl. Gr. ii. 402. PLyVNTS OF GREECE. 249 72. Salvia Officinalis. The apples, as they are called, or the tumour on this plant, (pciCKou.r,Xi^,^ the effect of the puncture of a species of cvnips, are made into a conserve with honey. These excrescences are also found on Salvia pomifera. 73. Dipsacus Sylvestris, vifojif,a.Tri. The water collected in the cavity of the leaves is used as a cosmetic by the Greek girls. 74. Iris Graminea. The root of the Iris is used as a cosmetic and is dried and powdered, and rubbed on the cheek. In Cyprus it is called QoupSiXiiTi, evidently a corruption from the Italian Fior di Lis. It is sometimes called y.fuoc, the name properly applied to Liliumalbum. 75. Thapsia Villosa. The young leaves are gathered among the plants that form the ayfua. Xux^va. The expressed juice of the flowers is used with the Verbascum blattaria to dye yellow the wool which is manufactured into the coarse carpets called T^evicctg. 76. Anethum Foeniculum. The tops are used in preserving the green olives, and are chopped and served up with the Octopodia. 77. Cuscuta Europaea, one of the Greek names in Zante, imports "the thread spun by the Nereids," xi^spai^o/ei-caTa. From thetwistingandtwin- ing of the stems, it is compared by the Greeks to the dishevelled hair of the Nereids; they also call it MuXiti TVjg Uavxyiag, " the hair of the Vir- gin." At Constantinople it is named IttSvuov, the ancient word in Dios- corides, and is given with Artemisia Pontica [d^lvQ.ov) in fevers. 78. Verbascum Thapsus, (pxouo^. The dried flower stalk is used on St. John's day, dipped in oil, as a torch. The saint from the bon- fires used on this day is called "Ayiog luccwvi? A(X[ji,'7ra,Socfir;g. 79. Daucus Nobilis. The churches, particularly the pavements are adorned with this plant during Easter. Crosses also are made of it, and put behind the door from Easter Sunday to the Ascension. The leaves are used in culinary preparations for dressing the eels. An oil also is made from the berries. Notes by the Editor. 72. See Belon's remarks on the Pommes de Sauge in Crete, lib. i. c. 1 7. and Tournefort, Letter ii. " In Creta ac etiam in quibusdani Apuiias et Calabriae locis, Salvia in cacumine gignit tubercula qusedam, gallarum instar, subaibida." Dios. Mathiol. 878. 77- See Dii Cange in v. NspaSsj. K K . 250 NATURAL HISTORY. 80. Ruta Graveolens, aWyavoi/, is externally applied in rheumatic pains, to the joints, feet, and loins. 81. Ranunculus Ficaria; the name ^oxot^o^o^ro comes from the use of the roots applied in the Haemorrhoids. 82. Reseda Alba. The whole plant and the seeds also, being bruised, yield a yellow colour which is used by the Zantiotes for dyeing silk. 83. Acanthus Spinosus, xKavQcx. of Dioscorides, now called (/.o^jT^ivu. It is gathered by the Zantiotes on the first of May, and forms the cen- tral part of their garlands, which they suspend on that day in festoons. 84. Pisum Ochrus, the Zantiotes of the mountains make use of this seed mixed with their bread. 85. I^athyrus Sativus, aVp^oAaSo'upj. The Zantiotes makes use of the seeds of this plant decorticated for a yellow polenta. 86. Vicia Sativa, /oijxa, used as an artificial fodder by the Zantiotes ; the seeds are ground and used as a flower mixed with the bread by the Cephallonians. 87. Cicer Arietinum, ^o/3/5j ; the seeds are used boiled in soup. 88. Glycyrrhiza Glabra, yXvyto^i^a.; the root of this plant is collected and exported to Alexandria as an object of commerce to be made into sherbet and syrup. 89. Hypericum Perforatum, /3aX(rapoi/, rt Mount Athos, and o-TraQoxo^To at Constantinople. The flowers infused in oil are left 40 days in the sun, when the oil tinged of a red colour is used as a vulnerary. yO. Hypericum Coris, Ko^ig of Dioscorides ; the leaves have a strong balsamic aromatic smell ; a yellow colour is drawn from them. 91. Scorzonera Tenuifolia, the root being cut in pieces is used in decoction, as a sweetener of the blood. 92. Micropus Erectus ; an infusion of this plant is taken for the Tinea capitis, as the Greek name kko-iIoxo^tq implies. Notes by the Editor. 81. See Du Cange in v. xoi/tcuftsvai. 87. " 'Ep|3ivfloi formed a common dessert among the ancient Greeks, eaten green and ten- der ; or, when dry, parched in the fire." See Gray on the lo of Plato. " 'EpjS/v^oi ■jtifpuyijLsvoi" says Coray, " are now called (rrpayaXiu." " II y a plusieurs boutiques en Damas, qui ne font autre ouvrage, que rotir des poischiches, qu'ils appellent denom Grec vulgaire, Ervithia." — Bclon. Obs. 152. »_'. From xao-iS«, Porrigo. Du Cange in v. ^' PLANTS OF GREECE. 251 93. V^iola Odorata, called tov /^ixav in Laconia. A syrup is drawn from the flower. It is an admired plant of the poets ; hence the following distich. N« (Tou rex. (iocKw, [^tzTtdf/.cv, eig roag jcXoiKOfjLciSutq, " Hyacinths, violets, musk-roses and lemon flowers, I throw on my love to remove the marks of your small-pox." (The first word is indistinct in the manuscript. B\oatoy.adon<; is not found in Du Cange, but in Sommavera. — E.) 94. Aristolochia Longa, is a much esteemed medicine in the Rachitis, in intermittents and other fevers. The roots for this purpose are exported to Venice and Italy. As a medicine also to puerperous women its medical powers are so great that it is considered as a specific, and called by the Zantiotes, '^l^x. 95. Scilla Maritima abounds in the island of Zante ; it is an object of commerce, and is exported to Holland and England. A sequin for a 1000 roots is paid for collecting them. It is called aa-KiXXa, at Constantinople ; and is made into paste with honey for the asthma, or applied in cataplasms to the joints aflTected with rheumatic pains. 96. Asparagus Acutifolius, TTrapa^^/ouvia. The shoots appear in Febru- ary, and continue until May ; they are eaten boiled with oil and vinegar. In Cyprus it is called xa-Trcc^xyog, the ancient name in Dioscorides. 97. Spartium Spinosum, «Vcz:aAa;cTo?, one of the earliest flowering shrubs, and the prodromus of the spring. Spartium Villosum in Cyprus still retains its ancient name somewhat corrupted, (r7rtxXoc9og, the Ko-Trdxadog of Dioscorides. 98. Fumaria Officinalis kxttvix ; the herb is pounded, and an infusion is made which is taken for exanthematous complaints, and a prurient itching of the skin. 99. Mercurialis Annua, TrocfdevovSi, taken in infusion with Agrimonia Notes by the Editor. .99. Called also ^xapoXa^avov (see Du C. in v. irapSevouSi) from the reason assigned by Dr. Sibthorp. K K 2 252 NATURAL HISTORY. Eupatorium, as an Emmenagogue. In Cyprus it is called mccfoxofTo; the Labrus Scarus of Linnaeus is said to be fond of the plant, and the fisher- men, when they go to fish, throw quantities of it among the rocks. 100. Peucedanum Officinale, /^r/a.Gsrai/o, in Laconia, TnvyciSocvou. The root of this plant is applied in cataplasms to the heads of new born infants, as a preservative against hydrocephalous and strumous swell- ings of the neck. 101. Matricaria Suaveolens, ;^;;a^cpXoi', an infusion of the flowers is drank in bilious and nervous fevers, and made use of also in deafness to syringe the ears. 10;2. Lavandula Stsechas i^ufz^ozs^paXi ; an infusion of it is drank for catarrhs and head-aches. It is called in Patmos Xa.fx,7ff.oKovx2vSi ; the Patmian women deck their churches with this plant on Easter Sunday ; whence its name A«'^a7rf5. 11. Corvus G. The Romaic name of the Cornish chough, signifies literally " Red bill." It was seen on the mountains of Crete by Belon ; it is the xopax/aj fornxop^y^o^ of Aristotle. Schn. in lib. ix. c. 19. ; ,, 256 NATURAL HISTORY. Found in parts of Greece. 12. Sitta Europaea Tpu7ro|i;Xo. 13. Alcedo Ispida Bao-jXoVouX*. Ill T/tessahj, 14. Corviis Corone Kofcca-evo?. 15. Picus Viridis TfVTro^uXo. 16. P. Major Id. 17. P. Medius Id. ACCIPITRES. Found in Ci/prus. Name I. Vultur a'eToV. • ■ ■ 2. Falco Tinnunc. KOT^ri. ccvsy.oyoei'O^. 3. F. Melanops. jXOcl3fOf4.0iTl. 4. F. lerax npocKi. 5. Falco tpoiXKOVI. Names in parts of Greece. Notes by the Editor. 12. Sitta E. The following words of BufFon illustrate the meaning of the Romaic term ; " Cet oiseau frappe de son bee I'ecorce des arbres." 15. Picus V. The xcXeoV of Arist. H. A. lib. viii. c. 15. Schn. 2. Falco T. The Kestril was called "eyxp's by the ancient Greeks. 4. Falco lerax, Updxt. The diversion of hawking is still followed by the Turks in dif- ferent pai'ts of Asia Minor and Syria. The word is'fiaf is retained by the Greeks, with a slight corruption, in the names of some birds of the genus falco : and in Crete the falconer is called ispaxapi. The JepaJ was the bird employed in ancient times in Thrace, in fowling and hunting, as we learn from Aristotle, H. A. Lib. ix. c. 6. and a writer not much junior to him (de Mir.) informs us, that the hawks appeared when called by their names, and brought to the fowlers the prey which they had caught. — Beckman. i. 330. In Syria seven different kinds of hawks are employed ; they are taught to fly at herons, storks, wild geese, francolines, partridges, and quails. One sort is used in hunting the antelope; the bird strikes at the game, and thus impedes its course until the dogs come up. Russell, ii. 153.. NATURAL HISTORY. 257 Found in Cyprus. 6. F. , r^dcvoc 7. Strix Passerina y.oico^aiix. Names in parts of Greece. ccvifioyotvog. Found in Greece. 8. Vultur Orneo opfEC. 9. V. Asproparos aVTTpoTrapof. 10. Falco Chrjsaetos KBTOi;. 11. F. Peregrinus tsfxy.t. 12. F. Kirkenasi y.tpicsvx.txu^o and OpcEO KITTr^O. Id. Id. (^ov^o in Thessal. Id. in Thessal. Found in Thessaly. 19. Falco Haliaetos 20. F. Cyaneus 21. Falco 22. F. iEruginosus l/.a.f2foiefiX-ni. ■X^tXuvyi(pa.yt. Notes hij the Editor. 7. Strix Passerina, xoyxou/Saii), explained by Phavorinus, >) yXauf. See also the Scholiast on Oppian, Lib. i. Hal. IJO. Li Eiistathius (on Od. E.) quoted by Du C. the word is xoiixou)3ai, in the plural. 8. Vultur Orneo, op=s (xa/Sfo, perhaps the great black vulture found, according to Belon, in Egypt, and the isles of the Archipelago. 12. Falco Kirkenasi. Dr. Sibthorp, speaking of this bird in one part of his journals, says, "a hawk, very like our kestril, flew round the house at Argos, called Kirkenasi." 19. Falco Haliaetos, the ip>)'vri of the ancients. — Schn. in H. A. Lib. ix. c. ;?4. 22. Falco ^ruginosus, called xipxof anciently. . L L 258 NATURAL HISTORY. Found in Thessaly. 23. F. Subbuteo »£pa>cm. 24. Strix Otus 25. Lanius Excubitor ii.i(pa.Xa.i;. 26. L. Cjanocephalus Id. 27. L. Coccinocepha- lus Id. 28. L. Rufus Id. ,:: 1' ANSERES. Found in Cyprus. 1. Anas Anser do- mes, x^-"- "i^sp*- 2. A. Boschas dom. ttccttI^i 'i^f/.e^^a. 3. A. B. Sylv. TT. a^pta. 4. A. Circia o-apo-eXXa. 5. A. Cypria 7ra7repoi|/apci. 6. Pelicanus Carbo KocXyiKXT^ov. 7. Colymbus Auritus 8. Larus Ridibundus Xa'pof. 9. L. Can us Id. 10. L. Marinus Id. 11. Procellaria Puffi- nus 12. Larus Minutus 13. Sterna Minuta Names in parts of Greece. Id. Id. Id. Id. in Thessal. >capaj6«Xajca-. Id. in Graecia. Id. in Thessal. Found in Thessaly. 14. Anas Cygnus Kowog. Notes by the Editor. 24. Strix Otus, 'iiroj of the Greeks; seen in Cilicia by Belon. 4. Anas Circia, a-apaeXKa. Sarcelle d' ete of the French. 13. Sterna Mi. ^eKtcdivri, the Romaic and corrupted form of ^eKiiuiv, is found inTzetzes ad Hesiod. — Heinsius, 87- NATURAL HISTORY. 259 Foimd in Thessaly. , Names tn parts of Greece. 15. Anas Cygnus Trpcxff-ivoKi^pxXi. 16. A. xoKX.iVOK;(poi.Xi. .. 1, • ..• 17. A. 18. Sterna Hirundo 19. Sterna Naevia 20. S. Vulgaris ^sXidovi Tvjg 6acXiX(r(rrig. Kapxl3xXtx.)ccc in Grsecia. Id. GRALLiE. Found in Cyprus. 1. Ardea Purpurascens ^epxoTrouA 2. A. Nycticorax 3. A. Alba 4. A. Major 5. A. Minuta 6. Scolopax Arquata 7. S. Cyprius 8. S. Totanus 9. S. Gallinago 10. Tringa Varia 11. T. Cinclus 12. T. Littorea Names in parts of Greece. Id. TfoXovfiooc T)jf QccXoccr(ri^i;. veftoXiOi. /oeKKXT^OUVl. Id. yioKt in Thessal. Notes by the Editor. 2. Ardea Nye. called at Constantinople vuxrixopaxa, Forskal. It is the /Suaj of Aristot. Lib. viii. c. 5. H. A. Schn. 5. Ardea Minuta. See a representation of this bird in Russell's Aleppo, ii. 6. Scolopax Ai-quata. The name of the curlevr, says Buffon, Courlis, tourlis, is an imitation ,of its voice. The Romaic term is also T^oupAi. 8. Scolopax Tot. The Romaic name of the spotted redshank refers to its frequenting the neighbourhood of rivers, vipoxlit. " Ad ripas fluviorum," says Linnfeus. 9. Scolopax G. The snipe arrives in Egypt ui November when the rice is taken off from the fields, and passes the winter there. — Sonnini. L L 2 260 NATURAL HISTORY. Found in Cyprus. Names in par Is of Greece. 13. Charadrius Spinosus 'IxviT^dpi. KxXif^xvi in Grecia. 14. C. (Edicnemus rpoXoupt'i^a Tijfy^?. 15. C. Himantopus 16. C. Hiaticula i ' ] 7. Haematopus Ostra- legus 18. Fulica Chloropus 19. Rail us Crex Found in Greece. 20. Ardea Ciconia TreXapyo?, tcxXxfAOUKCtvoc. TriXeaccvog, 21. Ardea Cinerea ^^fo^ayoi. Id. in Thessal. 22. Scolopax Rusticola ^uXokoti^. ^tXo*otd(, at Athos. 23. Tringa Gambetta 24. Otis Tarda tttoV . di)^, in Lemnos. Iti Thessaly. 25. Ardea Grus 26. A. Garzetta 27. Tringa Vanellus KocXif^xvi. 28. Charadrius Pluvialis vs^oTrduXi. Notes by the Editor. 13. Charadrius Spinosus. This bird was shot by Wheler in Greece, and is seen, says Sonnini, in Egypt. It is found on the banks of the Aleppo river, and is represented in a plate in Russell's Aleppo, ii. 14. Chara. QEdic. perhaps the y^apulpioi of Aristot. H. A. Lib. ix. c. 12. — Schn. 21. Ardea Cinerea. The Romaic name of the heron signifies " Fish-eater." 22. Scolopax Ilust. The woodcock passes by Constantinople in September, in its flight to Syria, and returns in February and March. Forskal. It arrives in Egypt about November. — Sonnini. Belon gives the name ^uXopviSx. 24. Otis Tarda. The 'Qti? of Aristotle, confounded by Pliny, and Alexander the Myndian, with otus. See Buffon, Ois. ii. 5. It was found in Syria and Greece (Pans. Phoc.\ and in Thrace and Macedonia, according to Erotian, who says the word was written ot\: and cu'tij. Foes. CEcon. Hipp, in v. The bustard is now, we find from Dr. Sibthorp, called 'IItk in the Morea and in Lemnos. NATURAL HISTORY. 261 GALLING. Fuund in Cyprus. 1. Meleagris Gallopavo 2. Phasianus Gallus Triretvog 3. Tetrao Rufus -Trs^^ix-u Naincn in jiarts of Greece. In Thessal. f^iTs:y.u. In Thessal. Id. 7rs^Stx.oy.oxyi vog. Notes h\) the Editor. I. Meleagris Gallopavo. The turkey was entirely unknown to the ancients; America is its native country. — Beckniann, ii. 390. There is no mention made of the Guinea fowl, Nuniida Meleagris, by Dr. Sibthorp ; it was a bird well known to the ancients, and not uncommon, we may suppose, in the time of Pausanias, lib. x., who says that it was an offering in the mysteries of Isis, of persons in a moderate condition of life. The Greeks expressed the screaming of this bird by xayxa^fiv. The description given by Clitus, the disciple of Aristotle (see Athen. lib. xiv. c. 7' • Schn.) was properly applied to the Guinea fowl by Paulmier, contrary to the expla- nation of Casaubon and Sculiger. Nor is there any mention of peacocks as seen now in Greece; these birds were first brought into Athens by Demus, son of Pyrilampes, who bred them in his volaries: See Gray on the Gorgias of Plato; they were more common in Greece after tlie time of Alexander, and we find them represented on the coins of Samos. At Aleppo, Russell says, peacocks are sometimes seen; but they are brought from other places. 3. Tetrao llufus. This is the species mentioned by Aristotle; " de perdice Gra^ca vel rubra Aristoteles ubique loqui intelligendus est." Schn. ad lib. ix. c. 10. This bird is brought from Cephallonia to Zantc, says Dr. Sibthorp, where it is kept in cages to sing, or rather call. (Quique rcfertjungensiterata vocabula perdix. Stat. S. lib. ii. E. 4.) The red-legged and grey partridge were both seen in the vicinity of Salonica by Mr. Hawkins. The former frequented entirely the rocks and hills, the latter the cultivated grounds in the plains. The remark of the Greek naturalist concerning the partridge, which is seen sit- ting sometimes on branches of trees, is only applicable, says Schneider, to the red-legged species. (In Arist. H. A. lib. ix. c. 10.) With respect to the grey partridge, Belon thinks it probable, "qu'il n'y en a jamais eu dans la Grece," but it appears from Dr. Sibthorp that it is found in Thessaly. Forskal mentions its arrival at Constantinople, in Decem- ber and January. Venit inter summa frigora Decemb. et Januar. : interdum hie nidos ponit. According to iElian, the Greeks expressed the note or cry of the red-legged par- tridge by xax)ca/3('^=iv, and of the grey kind, seen in Bceotia and Euboea, by titu/3i?£jv. H. A. iii. 35. See also Schn. in Athen. lib. iv. c. 9. But some have considered these words as denoting the different cries of the same bird (the red sort) in different parts of Greece. 262 NATURAL HISTORY. Found in Cyprus. 4. Tetrao Francolinus uTToi.yy.vtx,^i. 5. Tetrao Alchata -TrdfiSoiXog. 6. Tet. Coturnix of,Tuyi. Names in parts of Greece. TTioStxox.oKKH'og 111 Gi'Eecia. In Thessaly. 7. Phasianus Colchicus (pxa-xvi. 8. Tetrao Perdix -/re^^iKa y.ocBHo-ii. 9. Tet. TTapoaX:^. PASSERES. Found in Cyprus, 1. Columba ffinas. dom. Trfpfc-repi ij|W6pa. 2. C. Rupestris 3. C. Palumbus 4. C. Turtur 5. C. Risoria 6. Alauda Cristata 7. A. Calandra 8. A. Spinoletta TT. ocyfiix. ri9f>a. 38. Motacilla Phoeni- curus 39. M. Rubicola 40. Muscicapa Athe- niensis 41. Hirundo Riparia Koy.x,r.cKoXXce. ;.£)4po7roLiXi in Thessal. (j-Tfux.yaXt vex in Thessal. Notes by the Editor. 27. Parus Ater, perhaps the ixiXayxofvipoc of Aristot. lib. ix. c. 15. 31. Hirundo Melba, TTETjo^sXiSo'uvi. " Ccs oiseaux se plaisent dans les montagnes, et iiichent dans des trous des rochers." — BufFon. 33. Caprimulo-us Eur. from dtylia and /Su'^eiv, " sugere mammam." Aristotle says, " S>jXa^ei Taf aiya;." 35. Turdus Cyanus. The xvdvo: of Aristotle, lib. ix. c. 18. Schn. Seen by Belon in Negropoiite, Candia, Corfu, and Zante. 36. Emberiza Nivalis. The Romaic word means " White bird." " En hiver le male a la tete, le cou, les couvcrtures des ailcs, et tout le dessous du corps, blanc comme de la neige." — Buffon. 38. Mot. Phcenicurus, the (pnivi'xoupoc of Aristotle, lib. ix. c. 49. 39. Mot. Rubicola, seen by I'elon in Greece and Crete. The words of Linnaeus " caput et collum fere nigra," will explain the Romaic /xa/3poxo'AXa. U. Hirundo Riparia, seen by Belon on the banks of the Maritza, or Hebrus. NATURAL HISTORY. Found in Thessali/. 42. Alauda Trivialis KccTt^vXa^ig. 265 43. Emberiza Schoe- niclus 44. Fringilla Caelebs (TTTiVOq. 45. Parus Major T^lvVtt. 46. P. Caeruleus Id. 47. c-jri-.c:;. 48. T^OUTTI. MAMMALIA. Found hi Cypr us. Names in /lurfs of Greece. 1. Vespertilio Muri- iVKTSpi^'ce. Id. nus 2. Canis Familiaris (ry.uXog. Id. 3. C. Vulpes uXSttov. Id. 4. Felis Catus yxTTog. Id. 5. Lepus Timidus Xayog. Id. 6. Erinaceus Euro- a-xoivrtpxot^o?' Id. paeus Notes by the Editor. 43. Emberiza Schoiniclus. The reed bunting is the axolviKoi of Aristotle, lib. viii. c. 5. Schn. 44. Fringilla Caelebs. The chaffinch, according to Buffon, is the 6po(r'!tt^rji of Aristotle, lib. viii. c. 3. 4. Felis Catus. yctTct in Du Cange, 239. and xoittx, ib. App. 9S. Kxttov;, iSiojTixtuj nominari felcs, ait Callimachi Schol. — Vossius de Idolol. iii. lib. 382. 6. Erinaceus Eur. 'The first part of the Romaic word is a corruption of axav$a, Acanthias vulgaris nostras. Klein. Tiic flesh of the hedge-hog is prescribed in Syria medicinally in some disorders. Russell's Aleppo, ii. 1(>0. He says he saw it carrying grapes on its prickles, as- well as mulberries; and, properly, illustrates a passage in iElian. The porcupine is not mentioned in tiiis list by Dr. 8ibthorp, but he saw a quill of that animal on the Asiatic coast opposite to Rhodes ; it was probably an inhabitant of that country. It is also found near Aleppo, and sometimes served up at the tables of the Franks. — Russell, ii. lt>[). M M 26G NATURAL HISTORY. Found in Ci/piiis. 7. Sus Aper sylv. • o;7^pjo';:^^oipof 8. Mils Rattus 9. M. MuscLilus 10. Capra Gazella 11. Equus Caballus 12. E. Asinus 13. E. Mulus 14. Camelus Drome darius 15. Bos Taurus 16. Ovis Aries 17. Capra Hircus 18. Sus Aper doin. TrovTi'/.ci;. aTTapof. ucvXa.pl, KXUiXXoC. IcouOi. KouoeXXa. icocyo^ M. uiyu. r. Names in parts of' Greece. Id. ' Id. ccXoyov, ■ - Id. Id. Id. in Thessal. oiyiXoiSa. in Graecia. XLioti-t and "TraojSxTc. Found in Greece. . ■ ■ . ^. 19. Canis Lupus xu:coc. J Notes by the Editor. 11. Equus Caballus, aTrapoj. Many Hellenic worils are still retained in Cyprus; and the ancient infinitive is occasionally used in common discourse. Sec Leake's Researches, p. fiS. In no other part of the Levant do we find the word iVirapo?, oraTTrapoj, signifying "ahorse," except in Cyprus ; aAoyov both in common conversation and writing is always applied to that animal. We arc not, however, to suppose, that aXoyov in this sense is of the recent date which many assign to it. It was applied as early as the time of Diogenes Laerlius to beasts of burden ; for when he is speaking of the mules driven by Bias into the camp of Alyattes, he uses the word aXoya ; and Menage (lib. i. sec. 83.) remarks to. aKoya. peculiariter cqui sive jumenta dicuntur. He then quotes Hesychius, xaTDjrov, ■na^k^Kri^a. aKoyuiv. See the correction of this passage in Suicer T. Ecc. in v. akoyov. 12. Equus Asinus, yai'Sapo;, yauloLfio:, or aeSapo;. On consulting Du Cange we find the word explained in the following manner; aeliapos, "Asinus, quod semper caedatur," p. 2!)., and reference is given to the authorities whence this etymology is taken. It is need- less to point out the absurdity of it. We have found no cxjilanation so satisfactory as that which is given by Reinesius, Var. Lee. Epil. ad Lect. '• KaySu) vrjtro; ■kXy^o-Iov Kp>JTy;f, ev3a aiyta-TOi ovaypoi yi'vovTrti." Suidas. TauSapo.-, therefore, in the abusive language of the mob of Constantinople, who applied it to one of their Emperors, means yat/Jofljv, E Gaudo allatus asinus. Procopius says in his anecdotes, that Justinian was called FauSapo;. Jortin Ecc. Hist. iv. 347. The origin of the Greek name of the jj/icaiaw/, (fumamc, as derived from Phasis, will occur to the reader. NATURAL HISTOKV. Found in Greece, 20. C. Aureus -"Qa.v.uy.r,;, 21. Phoca Vitulina (puKix. 22. V^espertilio Rapes- iv;:7-£fi<'(?«. tris 23. Felis Lynx 24. Felis Catus sjlv. 25. Mustela Martes 26. M. Lutra 27. Ursus Arctos 28. U. Meles 29. Talpa Europtta 30. Sus Scropa dom. 31. Sorex Europceus zrsiTiXo; txc y%:- 32. Lepus Cuniculus y.:meXr,. 33. Sciurus Glis l2iv!ze^iT^«. 34. Cervus Elaplius Aaip*. 35. C. Capieolus ^a^v.dSi 36. Bos Bubalus !2cvlcxXi. 267 Najites in jmrts of Greece. Id. in Tlicssal. Id. in Tliessal. picco;. Id. in Thessal. ccyctoyKT-o:. Id. in Thessal. y.cvi:'Si. Id. in Thessal. C-XUXOTTOTUfiOV. /3paixr] of Aristotle and Oppian. — Pennant, B. Z. ii. '2G. Mustela Lutra, the svuS^i.- of the ancient Greeks, as is evident from the Mosaic of Prsneste. " The Kxtu^ of Aristotle, lib. viii. c. 5. (says Pennant), is possibly a larcfe variet}' of otter." B. Z. ii. One of the Romaic names of the otter, /S/Sca, is very similar to the Poli!.li Wydra. 28. Ursus Meles. " The badger (says BulFon) was not known to the Greeks, and is not mentioned by Aristotle. Le blaireau n'a jias meme de nom dans la lano-ucGrecque. This species of quadruped, an original native of the temperate climates of Europe, has never spread beyond Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Britain, Poland, Sweden." Bad- gers' skins are mentioned in the Pentateuch; and it was not only seen in Thessaly and other parts of Greece by Dr. Sibthorp, but Mr. Hawkins found it in Crete, where it bears also the name aa/3o;. As we now know to what animal this Greek word is applied, we may explain Du Cange in v. 'Aj/Soc, p. 137. "Animal Fuchsio incognitum," he says. 35. Cervus Capreol us, ^apxaSi, corruptetl from the ancient Jopxaj, the Caprea of Pliny. 36. Bos Bubalus, " unknown to the Greeks and Romans; the bubalus of the ancients is a different animal." — Buffon. M M 2 ' ■ -■ 268 NATURAL HISTORY. Found in Greece. 37. Mus Terrestris irovTiKoq. 38. Delphinus phis Del- In TTiessaly. 39. Mustela Putorius (Sfoi^oxouvatSi. 40. M. Nivalis vvfi(p{T^ct. 41. Sus Scrofa Sylv. dyfuoyov^ouvi. 42. Delphinvis Pho- hxiplg. csena AMPHIBIA REPTILIA. Found in Cypnis. Na?nes in Greece. 1. Testudo Caretta x^'^°^^'^ "^^f QoiXda-crviq. Id. 2. Rana Temporaria l3a.T^Kx°?' Id. 3. R. Bufo Id. Id. 4. R. Rubeta Id. Id. 5. Lacerta Cordylus KoupjtwVaf. 6. L. Stellio Id. 7. L. Mauritanica juej^apouf. 8. L. Tux'cica 9. L. Agilis 10. L. Chameleon 11. L. Chalcides ^iXea-Toounoc. ^afjixiXeuv. jUoAo/aupor. Found in Greece. 12 Testudo Lutaria %e>v^'i"7 tou 7roT«jwou. 13. Testudo Grseca %. t5j? y'^?. •)(i\uvy\ ToZ vB^ov at Athos. Id. Notes hy the Editor, 13. Testudo Graeca. This is preferred as more wholesome than the T. Lutaria, the river tortoisej whicli is sometimes, though rarely, eaten by the Greeks. — Russell's Aleppo, ii. 22. NATURAL HISTORY. 269 Found in Greece. Names in Greece. 14. T. Conipressa Id. 15. liana Esculenta /3a'5^a;^of. Id. 16. Lacerta Aurea icoc\o(7Tocufog. KCU(TTE^iTQo!. 17. L. Uligenosa Id. 18. L. Delphica (TKOUTOVOiT^CC. In Thessalt/. 19. Rana Arborea /3aTpa;^o?. 1. Coluber 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AMPHIBIA SERPENTES. OpUTTig. oi(roe.(rTpioc. vspo^tdi. Found in Greece. 7. Coluber Astroites ko-t^oI'tiq. 8. C. Sagitta (TuirToc. 9. C. Tuphlitis TV!pXtTig. 10. C. Apareia 1 / XTTocprja.. 11. C. Dracoulia OfXKOUXlO. 12. C. Vittatus Kco^tTig. 13. C. Undulatus 14. C. Parnassi 15. Anguis Elios Notes by the Editor. 3. lyivlfct. Belon mentions the ophis, ochendra, and tuphloti, lib. i. c. 18. In Lem- nos he found the cenchriti, laphiati, ochendra, sagittari, tuphlini, nerophidia. 270 • NATURAL HISTORY. > Found in Thessaly. ■" 16. Anguis Elios liv^a.\(.u\i(x. 17. •^— 'KovOiV.o'koyoq, ' ' , lb. (ra,fjioi,fjt,vi. PISCES. ' * Chondropterygii. ■ ' 1. Raia Torpedo jwapyorifpa. 2. R. Batis /3«t*V. . . 3. R. Oxyrinchus /SojtjV. 4. Squalus Centrina 7oupotJi/(o4"«po. 5. Squalus Squatina %eAap<- , • 6. Squalus Catulus • o-jcuXoiJ/apo. 7. S. MusteluS yXTTO-]^apo. 8. Acipenser Sturio y,ovpovva, Branchiostegi. 9. Lophius Piscatorius QxT^cx.'x^o^a.^o. •.■ 10. Sygnathus Hippo- uXoyo t^? QccXd,ir(rr,i. ' /, campus Apodes. 11. Murasna Anguilla «%£A<. ' ^oto 6j/ . oKrxa^xfo; in Forskal. .'". 28. c-fj-mp); of Aristotle, lib. viii. c. 30. H, A. , v ' ' 272 NATURAL HISTORY. Found in Thessaly. 29. S. Maena fxccvctSa. 30. S. Erythrinus £pu6p«KPi/. 31. S. Boops (3oV7roi. 32. S. Cantharus 33. S. Chromis ^fO[J,tSo}\jOC^C. 34. S. Salpa (tocXttix. 35. S. Dentex (TUi/txyftSx. 36. S. Mormyrus ^o^f^ov^oq. 37. Labrus Scarus ^i- 2. Esox Lucius Tov^va. * Ancient writers (says Beckmann, 3d vol. H. I.) mention the custom of preserving snow in pits witii brandies of trees over it. Athen. Deip. iii. Plutarcii also, in Sympoe. vi. 2., speaks of cliafti and unfiilled or coarse cloth as employed for this purpose. f This is the Lake Bolbe, l^irjaiv Ij Bdhxcraav, Thucy. iv. 103. Belon, in 'joing from .Siderocaf)sa lo Cuvalla, passed the stream which runs from Beshik towards the sea. NATURAL HISTORY. 275 3. Perca Fluviatilis Ub^kyj. 4, Cyprinus Carpio r^tf^dL .5. Cyprinus Platanus nXocTOivsi. 6. Cyprinus Alburnus Ei^KOC. 7. Cyprinus I,(^ou^vovKei, 8. Cyprinus Orfus Id. 9. Cypr. Liparis AlTTOipBi. 10. Cypr. Minutus BoiTova-Kx, 11. Blennius Lacustris ra,l3iL 12. Silurus Glanis rovKiavog, 13. MlXV^0^/C6^0. ' 14. MavpoyXiccvog 15. _ UXivix^i. 16. KeCpxXos, 17. Petrrru^i.* ' 25. — Left Beshik Seir three hours before day; and dined on the banks of the Yabasil. Different gralla^ frequent this lake in winter ; some yet remained ; the lap-wing, the red-shank, the large grey heron and sea swallow flew along the water. We shot one which I took to be the Sterna naevia of Linnaeus, and a beautiful species oi" a small white heron. We killed also a large black hawk, probably the moor buzzard. We observed two sorts of vulture soarino- hioh above us, and a large falcon, that I take to be the bald buzzard. * Some of these fishes are mentioned by Belon as found in the Lake Beshik ; " perchi, plesti, platanes, lipares, turnes, grivadi, scheila, schurnucca, posustai'ia, cheronia, claria, gianos." p. 52. N N 2 276 NATURAL HISTORY. ON THE VARIOUS MODES OF FISHING PRACTISED BY THE MODERN GREEKS. [liY THE EDITOR.] " ' ' . The modern Greeks retain with little variation some of the modes adopted by the ancient inhabitants of their country in catching- different kinds of fish. The Scarus* we are told, was taken by the Linozostis, and Dr. Sibthorp informs us that Mercurialis annua is now used by the fishermen off the coast of Cyprus for the purpose of catching the Labrus Scarus. The plant is called c-y.a^ox^i'jo and c-y.ot^o'Ka.xo'.vcv, and thrown in quantity among the rocks. The Kuluriotes, Albanian inhabitants of Salamis, Mr. Hawkins observes, are much employed in the summer months with the fishing of Octopodia, which they take with spears affixed to poles 36 feet in length, the surface of the water being previously smoothed with -j-oil. They also practise a singular method of catching the rock fisli by poisoning or intoxicating them. For this purpose they make use of (pAojtto or Tree Euphorbia chopped and macerated, and then pushed under the large stones or holes and caverns where these fishes lie. After a ^ew minutes they rise to the surface of the water, and are either enclosed in small nets or are even taken by the hand. Mr. H. also points out a passage in Aristotle's H. An. 1. viii. 20., where mention is made of the use of (pXo[^o? or TrXiy.og in catching fish. Schneider in his commentary refers to iElian, who speaks of the leaves and seeds * See Belon, lib. i. c. 8. on the mode of catching the Scarus off the coast of Crete. f The sponge gatherers also were observed by Dr. Sibthorp to throw oil upon the sea; he saw them in their boats off the Thracian Chersonesus. Mare commotum, si asperga- tur oleo, quiescit, ut docemur ab Aristotele et Plutarcho. Casaub. in Athen. p. 348. ; add also Pliny, Mare omne oleo tranquillatur. Allatius mentions a dissertation of M. Psellus, entitled, Siari t^c 6aKcijv»!. NATURAL HISTORY. 277 of the plant as being used for the same purpose, yJfux ;v of Diosc. — Sprengel. % See Du Cange in v. 'Euya'ivEiv. § Pliny speaks of a species of Cyclamen employed to kill fish (the plant was called ij(5uo'S>)fo.',), lib. XXV. c. 9. and of a species of aristolochia, used by the fishermen of Cam- pania for the same purpose. Lib. xxv. c. 8. II In the Red Sea the Symm El horat, vcrienum piscium, placed by Forskal among the Plantae indeterminata?, is used ; the fishes stupefied by it, rise up, and float upon the water. 278 iSATUKAL HISTORY. The nialit-tisliiiiii: of the modern Greeks is similar to that of the ancients. Branches ot" pine, or pieces of wood steeped in pitch and hghted, or horn-lanterns with lamps in them wei'e placed at the extremity of a boat to attract the fish. A fisherman in one of the old comedies speaks ot ks^xtivov te (pu(T(po^ou Xu-xvov a-ixa.^. The night-fishing is also mentioned by Plato, (Sophist.) and there are some verses in Oppian (aa. 1. ult.) on the same subject. At this day the inhabitants of Amorgos break pieces of the cyprus leaved cedar [cedrus folio cupresd major, Tournef. Letter vi.), and lay it over the stern of the boat at night and burn it ; the fishes drawn by the light are struck with a trident. Mr. Stanhope informs us, that there are four modes of fishing employed by the modern Greeks; 1. by beating the water and driving the fish within the nets ; 2. by fire ; this is lighted during the night upon a vessel, and is called 7re^i(pd.vBog ; the fish assemble round it ; 3. by means of oil which is poured upon the sea to render it more calm ; the fishermen are thus enabled to discern the fish and to spear them ; 4. by means of (^Xo/^o?, great Tithymal ; the water is dammed up, and some of the herb thrown in ; the fish become intoxicated and float on the surface, and are easily taken by the hand. For want of phlomos, aconitum is used for the same purpose. EXTRACTS FROM UR. SIBTHORP'S JOURNALS. Sept. 16. — We rowed out from the coast of the Thracian Chersonesus to some small boats ; the men in them were employed in searching for sponges ; each of the boats had two men at least, one rowed, the other was furnished with an oil cruet and a sharp prong ; with the one he smoothed the surface of the water to render the objects at the bottom more visible, with the other he reached the sponge, and took it from the rock. Most of the boats had made large captures, and REMARKS KXTliACTKl) Fl{OM DR. SIBTHOIU'S JOURNALS. 279 were going on to Constantinople. The sponge, when dry, was sold at three piastres the oke. On looking among the sponges I observed some marine productions ; ot" these the most common was a species of Star fish with five echinated radii ; the prickles easily rubbed off, and the whole animal was very fragile : our sailors called it Stavros. Besides these were a marine worm, o-jj&A?7>ca tjj? 6cx.y^xTcr7ig ; a sea-louse, T^iri^ix Tov ^ix^iov ; four sorts of small crabs, one very hairy, Kaf^ovoojjixii; a sort of shrimp, y.a.^i^a, a third sort called rt,t(iy(.o, a fourth, very small, the name of which I could not learn. The Thracian coast afforded a few shells ; the Greek limpet, perforated at the apex, called -niTuXi^oc, the periwinkle xoyyixi, the esculent cockle, Qoxf^oxv^a, and the mactra stultorum, a%;/Ga!?a. The sponge gatherers had taken two sorts of fish with their spears, fA.i'Kuvov^i and a-u^yo ; and oin- own boatmen added three more to my list, Trepxa, a-xd^o, and o-xci9x^i; the latter is a scarce fish. LEMNOS. ' The water under the rock was extremely clear and offered to the view a number of marine productions. I saw distinctly several species of Medusa rolling themselves out with a flower-like ap- pearance, and a \'ery pretty Tubularia of a green colour, which looked like an Opuntia, or articulated Cactus was fixed by its base to some sponges. The Alva pavonia was very common, and the little red Coralline covered the surface of the rock that was un- der the water, while the upper surface exposed to the air was encrusted with Barnacles, and two or three sorts of vermicular SerpuljB. 1 saw the Alcedo Ispida flying along the coast ; this then is a marine as well as a river bird. During our absence on shore, our sailors had caught a great quantity of fish, particularly of the sea perch*, one of the best flavoured fish of the Archipelago ; they had also taken some beautiful species of Labri, the lulis called HXicc, * Percae marina; coiumeDilatui- a Gakiio. Vide Voss. de Idolo. lib. iv. 50(i. 280 ' > NATURAL HISTORY. another species nearly equal in beauty, the labrus tri-maculatus of" Pennant, with a great number of x°^^^- The Mousselim of Lemnos being informed that the celebrated Lemnian earth was one of the objects of our inquiries, ordered a number of the rolls or seals of that earth to be presented to us; he told us, that the pit whence this earth was taken, was opened only on the 16th day of August; that it was in great repute in curing certain fevers ; and that the earth only which was dug out before the risino- of the sun was considered as possessing any medical efficacy. Expressing a wish to see the place where the earth was dug, he granted us his permission. We were invited to walk in his garden ; a large square piece of o-round enclosed by four walls ; it was well planted with fruit trees and culinary herbs. The orange trees, notwithstanding the warm climate of Lemnos, were placed under artificial shelter. Quinces and Pomegranates formed a principal portion of the fruit trees ; the former is a favourite tree with the Turks; and they prepare a number of excellent dishes from its fruit. . No shores of the Levant are more productive of fish than those of Lemnos, and we found a great variety which our servants had purchased for dinner. Besides the red-mullet, (^x^f-ovvi, the grey mullet jcEi^aXof, there were several excellent species of Sparus ; as the Dentex, awacy^l^a, the Salpa, a-a^Tfa,, the Melanurus, fJisXccvov^o, the Sargus, (Tcc^yog, the Scorpion fish, (tko^ttIvx, the Sciaena umbra, a sort of Labrus, and the shad, a-rxv^ih ; our cabin boys had caught, angling, as the vessel lay in port, some little fishes, as the S. Mormyrus i4,o^f/.vpo, a sort of Blenny (potont^at, and a small species of Gobius. Sept. 2L — At four in the afternoon the horses arrived. In our way to Thermia we met with several villagers with their asses laden with fruit. The wine of Lemnos is cheap, but rough, and badly made. We observed a custom that must be very prejudicial to the vine, that of turning the goats and sheep into the vineyards as soon as the grapes are gathered : the dry season, which this year had burnt up REMARKS EXTRACTED FROM DR. SIBTHORP'S JOURNALS. 281 the vegetation, might perhaps have induced them to try the experi- ment I never saw a greater diversity of melons than in the villa of the Mousselim ; they were suspended in lines along the roof of the chamber where we slept. Sept. 22. — In the morning we walked up the mountain of St. Elias, the highest in the island ; from the summit we commanded an extensive view of the countrv. Between the hills there was a lari^e proportion of flat ground fit for cultivation, but the isle of Lemnos was visibly on the decline ; its towns had decreased in number, and those remaining were daily going to a state of decay. Of the seventy- five towns which it contained in the time of Belon, scarcely half the number can be found. The residence of the Turks, the exaction of the new charatch, without any additional advantages from manufac- tures or commerce, are the evident causes of this decay. We tra- versed the plain of Livado-chorio, and slept at the house of the Soubashi of Baros, the miserable remains of a decayed village con- sisting of about fifteen houses ; the inhabitants supported themselves from the flocks of goats and sheep, which scarcely enabled them to pay the charatch. The latter are a small hornless breed, frequently black, and produce a very coarse wool ; a sheep was not estimated at more than sixty paras or two piastres ; the horse which I rode was valued at eighteen piastres. Sept. 23. — We set out at eight o'clock, and in half an hour arrived at the place where the Lemnian earth was dug from a small pit on a rising ground about a mile from the village. The whole had been filled up, but we observed some of the earth, which was a pale- coloured clay ; before it receives the seal, the sand by means of water is filtered from it ; it is then formed into figures and some pieces of cylindrical form. We had here an instance how superstition and ceremony had ennobled a thing of little or no value ; it could have no real medicinal virtue ; and in fevers, where the stomach is weakened, it could add only an additional burden to the peccant matter that oppressed it. We came back to Baros, more disappointed than satisfied at what we had seen. We returned by the same o o 282 . ' ■ NATURAL HISTORY. route of Livado-chorio and Thermia to Lemnos ; the distance from which to the place where the earth is dug is about twelve miles or four hours. Upon our arrival, we were informed that the Mousselim was gone to inspect a vessel building in the bay ; we went in our boat to return him thanks for the civilities which he had shewn us. The ship he was building was one of 50 guns : it had been on the stocks about six weeks ; and he said the whole would be complete in six months. It was of Balanida oak, brought from Romelia, and was new and unseasoned. From this cause and other defects, the Turkish ships last but a few years. He would not suffer us to pay for our horses ; he said, he was happy in the opportunity of shewing a little civility to foreigners, and did not doubt that he should receive the same if he was in our situation. EUBGEA. Oct. 13. — We observed in the market of Egripo, the ripe fruit of the Sorbus domestica, called here duyci^icc and ovfiiKn ; it is One of those fruits which must be eaten in a state of decay, like the medlar, with which it agrees in flavour. A great number of wasps were collected round the fruit stalks, called liptiyytSe;, without doubt, the Xif r) of the ancients. We picked up several shells on the coast, the Gaideropus, which is here called o-t^iSix, different species of Murex and Buccinum, Turbo, and the Area Nose, and some species of Voluta. The Brain stone and some Madrepores were thrown upon the beach with a prodigious number of Medusae. We had formerly collected here some crystals of magnetical iron ore ; at present we searched in vain without discovering the least traces of it. Feb. 26, 1795. — We embarked at Zante, and in less than four hours anchored in the harbour of Pyrgo ; on the coast of the ancient Elis. We proceeded from our boat along a sandy beach covered with the shells of the Area glycymeris and Cardium edule, mixed with the spoils of other testacea. About an hour's distance from the REMARKS EXTRACTED FROM DR. SIBTHORP'S JOURNALS. 283 landing place approaching the convent we were ferried over a narrow stream, frino-ed with Agnus castas, into a garden belonging to llie convent. A number of vernal flowers now blossomed on its banks ; the garden Anemone was crimsoned with an extraordinary glow of colouring. The soil which was a sandy loam was further enlivened with the Ixia, the grass-leaved Iris, and the enamel blue of a species of Speedwell not noticed by the Swedish naturalist. The Kina-x of the Ancients. The lower regions of the Arcadian mountains are covered with oaks, among which are frequently heard the hoarse screams of the Jay, still called Kia-a-c Camus in liis traiislation of Aristotle has wrongly supposed that the K/o-o-a was our magpie. These oaks produced the true misletoe of the ancients, that is the Loranthus Europaeus, which is still called o^og^, and from which bird-lime is prepared. Our misletoe grows also in Greece, but is not to be found on the oak but on the silver fir, and abounds on Parnassus, where it is not called o^k but f/,sXXa, and is gathered by the herds- men as food for the labouring oxen. The mountains of Arcadia supply a number of Alpine rivulets abounding in trout, called •Trea-TioXix. Advancing near to Olono, the ancient Cyllene, we observed the Sturnus Cinclus flying along the rocky sides of these rivulets ; perhaps this is the " White Blackbird," said by Aristotle H. A. lib. ix. to be found in that region. The Murex or axXx'^ of the Ancients. At Hermione, once famous for its purple, and where that dye was particularly prepared, I had the good fortune to stumble over a vast pile of those shells, whose fish or animals had been employed for that purpose. I brought away with me a box of these exuviae -f ■, * Viscum album is called in Laconia if I'oSpuj. — Sibthorp. t " They are still denominated Porphyri ; the species is Murex Trunculus of Linnaeus tigured by Fabius Columna, under the name of Purpura nostras vioUicea." From Sir 00 2 284 :.' ; natural history. which will establish beyond doubt, what the shell was, employed by the ancients for that purpose. The Truffles of Laconia. April 24th. — At Nisi, in the ancient Laconia, a basket of Truffles was brought in ; my host distinguished three sorts, xccXcc^f2oKia-iix, a-rx^rio-ta, and (TVKuXla-ix ; the man who brought them, confirmed to me the account, that he had found them with a kind of virga divinatoria, and that by the sound of the earth from the touch of the rod, he had made this collection. I am sorry that circumstances did not admit of my going to this truffle hunt. I was assured that the Truffle * hound was unknown ; and that the quantity brought to market is all collected in the manner he described to me. ' -■'- ■ CYPRUS. T/ie Ferula, or fapfiijl of Prometheus. Near the convent of the Holy Cross I observed the golden Henbane in abundance : and when we had descended, a peasant brought me a pumpkin with water ; it was corked with a bush of Poterium Spinosum, which served both as a coverlid and a strainer, and prevented the entrance of flies and other insects. It preserves in most of the Greek islands its ancient name Zroi^r;. The stools on which we sate were made of the Ferula Graeca ; the stems cut into slips and placed crossways were nailed together. This is one of the most important plants of the island in respect to its economical uses. The stalks furnish the poorer Cyprian with a great part of his James Smith. At the taking of Susa bj' Alexander a great quantity of Hermione purple was found there. Plut. in Alex. The fishery of the Murex on the coast of Laconia also is mentioned by Pliny, lib. ix. and Pausan. in Lacon. " Blue and purple from the isles of Elisha," are referred to by tlie Prophet Ezek. xxvii. 7. The last words, according to Bochart, designating the Peloponnesus. * A corruption of the ancient TSvov may be traced in the Itvov of the modern Greeks, the name of the Lycoperdon Tuber; vhxToi xm Trva (Jvo^a^o/Aivaj Aetius. See Du C, ii. 86, REMARKS EXTRACTED FROM DR. SIBTHORP'S JOURNALS. 285 household furniture, and the pith is* used instead of tinder, tor con- veying fire from one place to another. It is now called vd^driKoe, the ancient name somewhat corrupted. Kcu?)( of Cypnis. — An veterum AspisPf April 17. — We left the Salines for Famagousta. Tlie reapers were busy in the harvest, and the tinkling of the bells fixed to their sides expressed their fears of the terrible Kov(pi. A monk of Fama- gousta has the reputation of preventing the fatal effects of the venom of this serpent by incantation ; and from the credulity of the people had gained a sort of universal credit through the island. We were frequently shewn as precious stones compositions fabricated by artful Jews ; these were said to be taken out of the head of the Kou'pt ; and were worn as amulets to protect the wearers from the bite of venomous animals. | , • " Cet usage est de la premiere antiquite, et pent servir a oxpliquer un endroit d'Hesi- odc, qui parlant du feu que Promethee voia dans le ciel, dil, qu'il I'emporta dans une Ferule, Iv xoi'auj vapSrixi. E. xa.) H. 52. Suivant les apparences, Promethee se servit de moelle de Ferule au lieu de moclie, et apprit aux hommes a conserver le feu dans les tiwes de cette plante." Tournefort, Lett. vi. The following remark of Proclus on Hesiod (24 Ed. Heins.) may be added, "Es-Tip-sv Trvpo;ovTiu; ipvXctxTixb; 6 Nap^rjf, ^Viav ep^oJV ittaAaxo'rijra Eicro;, xa) Tpsfsiv to Triip, xct'i fi^' diroc^evvuvai ouvafxe^iiy — Ed. f This is the Quaere of Forskal. " The most dangerous of the serpents in Cyprus (says Drummond, who travelled in 1 745,) is the asp, the venom of which is said to be very deadly. In order to frighten away these and other kinds of poisonous reptiles, the reapers, who are obliged to wear boots, always fix bells to their sickles." A word, resembling Kovfi, and applied to a species of serpent, is found in jElian ; and in Hesychius, xaxpluc. The latter seems to consider it improperly as the same with Tuipxlac. Hasselquist (p. '131.) de- scribes a serpent called by the Greeks of Cyprus, "Ac-mx; this may be the Ko6pi, and the author of the work De Mir. Aus. speaks of a species of serpent in Cyprus, 6 tyjv ivvaftiv O/io/aV E^:l TW Iv AiyUTTTCO OKTTTitl. Ed. % The superstition of the ancient Greeks attributed a similar efficacy to the Lapis ophites; Srjplahaixu zspiavTojJievoi, saysT)ioscorides. 'Euwopio-r. Lib. xi. c. 1 4 1 . ' 286 ; "'"K.!. /) NATURAL HISTORY. Singular custom of making an offering of bread to the fish Melanuros. May 2. — We weighed anchor in the port of Cephalonia ; as our sailors rowed by Cape Capro, they made hbations of bread, using the following words ; Ttda-ov, Kxtto K.a.(2po, ^we ttjv, KaVo, KxTr^eva. (tov, Kai f/,s Tx, KocTTO Kae,(3po, '7Tov'Ka,(rov. Na Koil3po, va, KXTrgevoc, vol toc, Kcctto x.!X7rpo7rovXa.' (peers to Tra^ii^iciSi, S(n7(;, 4/«f»a MeXuvm^ia. " Health, Cape Capro to your wife, to your children ; to you Cape Capro, to your wife, (making the first libation). To your children, (making a second). You fish, Melanouros, eat the cake (making a third)." This is probably the relic of some ancient custom * ; the passage by the rock was a dangerous navigation, and the fish Melanouros abounds here, -f • .': ,; The liver of the Scarus. " The liver of the Scarus was not forgotten in the entertainments of the Zantiotes ; the flavour and delicacy of it are mentioned in the following Romaic couplet. 'Lxocpo |M.£ Xevs, T^jyjTo jtte Tpuvi, 90Cyi TO (TKUTO fJLOV, VOt, K31JJ TO (puytlTO (JLOV. " They call me scarus ; they eat me roasted ; taste my liver that you may see what my flavour is. :j: • This extract from Sibthorp's journal reminds us of a passage in Pliny, lib. xxxii. c. 2. " In Stabiano Campanias ad Herculis petram, Melaimriin mari pancm abjectum rapiunt." f Aldrovande croit, que c'est ce nienaepoisson qu'on appelle a Rome, ochiata, en Sicile, ochiada, a Venise, ochia. — Memoires de I'lnstit. 1805. X The roasted Scarus was anciently esteemed, xai (7x.a.fiov h TiapaKw Kapj(;>]8ovf tov jw-syav oirra ITXuvaf . Arehestrat. in Allien, lib. vii., and the liver of it was particularly commended. Unde in Vitellii patina, apud Tranquillum legimus, fuisse Scarorum jecbwra. Imo Mar- tialis, visceribus solum reservatis, carnemcoquo reddi jubet. Vossi. de Idolo. lib. iv. 505. The fish was one of those, according to Epicharmus, t«jv mis to a-xaJp SsfxiTov ex^aKsiv fleoij. We give from Salmasius (Plin. Exer. p. 743.), the following explanation of o-xaTo, or ouxtoTo'v. Grfficia infima o-oxoiTov pro jecore dixit, quum antiqua jecur anseris aut porculi ficis pasti in deliciis haberet, et sic vocaret ; inde recentiores a-uxturov, quodlibet jecur appel- larunt, et eos imitati Latini^ca^wm. REMARKS EXTRACTED FROM DR. SIBTHORFS JOURNALS. 287 Remarks on some of the Greek Serpents. At Naxia, a species of serpent was killed whose eyes were singularly small ; the Greeks called it Tuphlites, from TutpXoV ; this we were told was a species highly venomous, and that the bite would prove fatal in a few hours. At Patmos, two species were killed ; one having the back waved with black on a greyish ground, with a flattened head, appeared to have all the marks of a species highly venomous. The islanders called it o(pi^!. Another which from its long slender form I judged to be perfectly harmless, they called ZoiiTrci or arrow, from the manner in which it shoots or darts itself. We were told of a third species, called Tro^SoKoXoyog, this was represented to us as of enormous size. The Aparea is a large serpent ; another species which has the head erected, and is called xocT^uXd^t, is very venomous. July 22. — On my return from the Piraeus I found a peasant waiting for me with different species of serpents ; one small but beautifully waved with red lines ; this he called Astroites ; another, a very minute sort, a species of Anguis, called Helios ; of the last the bite was said to be exceedingly venomous. Its appearance was that of the garden worm ; I should, notwithstanding the report, sup- pose it to be innocent. ( 288 ) ■ ON THE ; ' f ; .i OLIVES AND VINES OF ZANTE; ON THE ■■■' ^ '.j'.y.'i'^' CORN CULTIVATED IN THAT ISLAND, AND PARTS OF THE ANCIENT BCEOTIA; THE PRODUCE OF CORN IN SOME DISTRICTS OF GREECE. [FROM THE PAPEna OF THE L/ITE DR. SIBTHORP, AND FROM SOME REMARK'^ COMUUJSIICATEU BY MR. HAWKINS.] Olea Europaea, the olive of Zante, is called Ivtottioi, or natural, the first introduced into this country. It arrives at a large size, and produces a great quantity of oil, one hundred okes from a tree. The wood of this variety is also the most durable, and is used for many purposes. The fruit is oval and large, and yields much clear oil. The second sort, Ko^ovoiy.i, was introduced from Coron in the Morea into Zante, at the beginning of the eighteenth century ; it produces a large quantity of fruit, but the tree is small ; the leaves are more atte- nuated at the point, the wood more fragile, the fruit smaller, the oil coarser, than that of the lvT07rix. These two sorts are the most cul- tivated ; part of the oil is consumed in the island, the remainder is exported. A third sort, y.af,uSoKicc, is so called from the large fruit which it produces resembling a walnut ; it was introduced from Salona. The tree is small, the wood brittle, the leaves large and white. This variety is cultivated for the table, both ripe and green. To preserve them green and render them less bitter, the olives are taken and put unripe into a lye of lime-ashes and water, and being steeped for some hours, they are then taken out and washed in water. This washing is repeated by a change of the water, twice a-day for a week ; they are then put into a pickle made of salt and water, flavoured with OLIVES, VINES, AND CORN OF PARTS OF GREECE. 289 the tops of fennel. * To preserve them ripe, they are salted, a layer of salt being put between a layer of olives. Another way of preserv- ing them is with oil and vinegar ; a third in syrup or must, called petmez ; the must is the juice of the grape boiled before fermentation to the consistence of a syrup ; or lastly, simply in salt and water, the usual method adopted by the peasants. The green olives dipped in salt and water, are called >coXuft,5 «(?£?. -j^ ' A fourth sort is TfxyoXicc, or the goat olive; this produces very hard fruit, and is little cultivated. A fifth sort iTfccfcoXicc (crooked) is so called from the fruit, which is long, having the point a little curved. It ripens the latest, and re- mains longest on the tree ; is gathered when quite ripe, and preserved as one of the former. A sixth sort Xii^o-^o\tx is termed so from the resemblance of the olive to a lemon, having a nipple-shaped fruit, of the size of a wal- nut. It is indeed the largest, but is little cultivated, except by some rich proprietors who have a few trees of it. The olive is preserved green. A seventh sort derives its name from the resemblance of the fruit to a hazel-nut, in shape ; the skin is thin, and the pulp rich ; but little cultivated. An eighth sort is f^oQciay.:, from Mothone in the Morea, whence it was first introduced. The fruit is either pressed into oil, or preserved ripe. Another sort is y.xrcj'kM^ from «<,«« blood, because the fruit, when perfectly ripe, being squeezed, gives a red colour to the hands. This is pressed into oil or preserved. * We find mention in the Geoponica, ii. 631. of the fiapaSpov xXwvlaiv, which were sometimes mixed with tlie olives; and Hermippus (in Athenas. lib. ii. c. t7' Schw.) says Efi.(3aXXou(ri iMocpaSov s; toL; aX^LoZa,;. ■\ Olivas foeniculo condire etiamnum apud Graecos solenne est ; has foeniculo et niuria conditas olivas appellant xoXu;U./3>)Taf IXaiaj, vocabulo paulum deflexo a veterum xoAu/A/3aS«j. — Coray in Athen. lib. ii. c. 47. Schw. P P 290 OLIVES, VINES, AND CORN - The north wind is considered the most favorable, with dry weather, during the flowering of the ohve tree. The- fruit is all picked with the hand, and not suffered to fall as in Attica. ! , ^ Corn. Hordeum sativum. Two sorts of barley are cultivated at Zante, yvf^voK^i^], and aXo'>'Ojcp;6t ; the first is so called from being naked or destitute of beards ; this is principally used for bread, and that of Galaxithi, a town of Phocis, is the most esteemed. The second sort is so called from being used as the food of horses. Triticum sativum. The different sorts cultivated in Zante are, 1. y^ivBxg. This is principally sown in the mountains, or at the foot of the mountains, as in the plains it is subject to the rust, and to be damaged by the south winds. To prevent its being injured by the heavy dews, two persons taking hold of each end of a long rope * draw it over the field ; by these means the water is shaken out of the husks, and the grain is preserved. 2. Another sort is the ua-Tr^oy^tviug, which is also cultivated in simi- lar situations. 3. A third sort is pouVo-ia?-, whicli grows principally in the plains, and is less subject to injury from the dews, and has the grain very hard. 4. A fourth sort, f^xupoycivt has a hard heavy grain which is much esteemed, and is sown in the plain. 5. A fifth sort yfi[/,inTi^!x is sown both in the plains and mountains ; has the spike compressed and the seeds close. * " Some advise, in the rnoining, after the mildew is fallen, and before the' rising of the sun, that two men go at some convenient distance in tiie furrows, holding a cord stretched between them, carrying it so that it may shake off the dew from the top of the corn, before the heat of the sun hath thickened it." — Practical Treatise of Husbandry, containing ex- periments collected by Du Haniel and others, p. 81. Mr. Hawkins says, that SauAiTt; is the name applied to the mildew in corn. OF PARTS OF GREECE. 291 A sixth sort, yixT^oa-tTi, is like ^oua-cncci;, but white and shining. It is so called from ytaXi^uv to shine. A seventh sort is ^ii/-riv:o. This is sown in the first part ot" March, and is a kind of spring corn ; they begin sowing the other sort in the mountains in the middle of October, and in the plains in November and December, and even in some strong grounds so late as January. Weeding, vu I3ot»vi^u, is performed by women, who are paid ten paras a-day for their labour, at least once or twice before the culmus is grown, the xaAapoi/. This opei'ation is very tedious, being performed by the hand. The harvest begins ejirly in .Tune, first the barley, then the wheat of the mountains, then that of the plain ; the return is from five to ten for one. A bacillo of land is sown with a bacillo of corn ; a bacillo of land is four hundred square feet ; a bacillo of corn weighs seventy pounds of Venetian measure. i BCEOTIA. The soil of Livadea is much richer than that of Attica ; the villages in Boeotia are more numerous, and in general larger; they were said to be at least 70 in number. The soil being moist and rich is not suitable to the olive ; but produces wheat of an excellent quality, and great quantity of Calamboki or Indian corn. The following articles are the principal objects of cultivation. Zi(rcrrj;, a large white grape of a sweet musky flavour, esteemed as a table fruit. 35. neT{.oy.ofvGc, a red grape which keeps well, and is the last gathered ; its name is probably derived from its hardness. 36. Po(^x}aix, a red grape of two sorts, one oblong, the other round. 37. Po(^a.H.ioc aij-Trpa, a white grape ; the sort cultivated in Smyrna for exportation under the name of Smyrna raisins. 38. 'E-TTTc^KotXoc, much esteemed for the table ; the vine continues to ripen its fruit through the autumn. In marriage ceremonies the stem of this vine is selected for the matrimonial crown, and care is taken to choose a rod of it that has forty knots or nodi, ko'/^ttoi ; this is indicative of the proliferous quality of the grape, which is to be communicated to the bride. 39. To araipuXt rr^g 'JtpciKraAn'^, a black grape that preserves well ; has a hard seed, and a very large fruit ; it is so called from its supposed resemblance to the grape found by the Jews in the land of promise. ' ; , : Vitis Corinthiaca 'ZTxipvXa. ; a small black grape ; the famous Corinthian grape, is the principal produce of the island, the quantity produced may be computed at six millions of pounds ; sometimes at more. They are sold by a thousand weight ; the price at present is eighteen sequins of Venice ; and the total produce is estimated at 54,0001. sterling. This is the most important object of cultivation in the island. The vine continues to produce for a very long period. The quantity of fruit in Cephallonia amounts to three millions and a half of pounds ; in Ithaca to half a million ; in Turkey to six millions. The places, in Turkey, where the fruit grows are, in the Morea, at Patras, Vostizza, Xylocastro, Camari ; in Romelia, at Lepanto, Messalungia, Natolico. Of the whole produce OF PARTS OF GREECE. 1^97 England takes twelve millions, A deep rich soil is the most proper lor the cultivation of it at the root of the movmtains, when the soil is irrigated and drenched by the waters which flow down from (hem, in the first rains that fall in October. A baccillo of tolerably good land will give, communihus annis, 1000 weight of currants ; the poorer land, not yielding so much ; the richer land more. Different attempts have been made at Corfou and Sta. Maura to introduce this grape ; but such is the delicacy of it, that it will not succeed. It is eaten at the table, and makes a rich sweet wine. Q Q \f .: ■' ( 298 ) REMARKS ON PARTS OF BCEOTIA AND PHOCIS. [FSOM THE JOURNALS OF MR. RAIKES.} March 5. — A ride of five hours and a half over a dull and unin- teresting country, bare of wood and imperfectly cultivated, brought me from Thebes to Negropont, which I reached at five P. M., just before the gates were closed. The name of this place I believe was formed from the Euripus, on which it is situated ; the later Greeks, dropping the ancient name of Chalcis, called it Egripo, by an easy corruption from the Euripus, pronounced by them EurTpo ; the Ve- netians by softening the Greek word to a sound more familiar to their own ears, made the present name of Negropont. The first view of the city from the hills to the westward on the road from Thebes, is perhaps the most striking of the kind I have seen in Greece. The clo^ble sea winding out of sight, and expand- ing in surface on either side, the town itself surrounded by lofty walls and towers, rising from the water, and sheltered behind by the moun- tains of Euboea, which ranged along the horizon covered with snow, formed altogether a glorious picture. Every requisite for the pros- perity of a city seemed combined in the view ; advantages for com- merce, strength, healthiness, all appeared to belong to the situation. It looked dull, however, notwithstanding these advantages. No in- habitants were moving in the suburbs, not a single vessel was in the ports ; an air of gloom and depopulation was spread over the whole. Our road descending towards the sea, passed at the foot of a hill to its left, on which some Venetian fortifications, probably raised to defend the approach to the bridge still remain, and are garrisoned by the NEGllOPONT. C2QQ Turks. I crossed the Euripus by an old and heavy bridge of three arches, under two of wliich are mills worked by the current, and en- tered the town by a gateway between two towers. The houses are almost universally built by the Venetians, and with a sort of gloomy solidity very different from later Turkish buildings. The streets are narrow and dark. The Turks, indeed, have made very little alteration in the town, which is filled with mementos of its Venetian possessors. The Lion of St. Mark retains his place on the gateways; and carvings of coats of arms are to be seen over the doors of some of the principal houses. Two distinguishing traits of their national character, their pride and their indolence, render them averse from abolishing these recollections of their predecessors. The first division of the city is entirely inhabited by the Turks ; the Greeks and the Jews, who abound in Negropont, reside in a large suburb, separated from the town by the wall, and a broad space used as a burying-ground. In this suburb is the bazar, and the house of the Russian Consul, to whom I was recommended. • ' '• In a place which has so long been the capital of a Venetian or Turkish province, anti(iuities are not likely to have remained. A large subterraneous building, in which a silk manufactory is carried on, is the only object in the town bearing a date beyond the time of its modern possessors. It is vaulted with very solid masonry, and appears to be a work of the Roman em[)ire. A large Gothic church, which burst upon me most unexpectedly, with its high roof and square tower, awakened much warmer feelings by the recollection it inspired of similar buildings in England, and by its contrast with the wretched sameness of the round-ended Greek chapels. In style of building it resembles the later Gothic churches which occur in our large towns ; and is still used for divine service. The fortifications of Negropont on the land side consist of a wall with square towers, and a shallow ti'ench; beyond the suburb, lilies are thrown up which extend from sea to sea. The same wall and towers are carried round the side of the city, which is washed by the sea, and a few small guns are mounted on it. One immense gun, QQ 2 300 GREECE. hardly inferior in size to those at the Dardanelles, projects from a sort of gateway, not much above the level of the water, and threatens destruction to all shipping which should approach from the southward. " j -i •' ; . The next morning I rode beyond the suburb into Euboea, to visit a place which had been described to me as a subterraneous church. I descended into it by a hollow passage, wet, and not more than three feet high, which terminated in one of those conical cisterns or maga- zines which are to be seen on the rock of the Piraeus and on the hill above Eleusis. The sides of this were covered with some coarse sculpture, and it had probably been used as a chapel or place of devo- tion under the Greek empire, and at times when concealment in wor- ship was necessary. From this spot I rode down to the sea, which, at the distance of two miles from the city on the south side meets the mountains. The limestone rock, here, as at Athens, was shaped into the foundations of houses or tombs, and a long inscription of late date, and apparently relating to some private person, is partly legible, though much effaced by the corrosion of the sea-spray. Luxuriant springs of fresh water were bursting from the rock and falling into the sea. Returning through the town, we again crossed the Euripus by the bridge. The channel cannot be more than forty or fifty yards wide, and the passage for the water is still further narrowed by the massy piers of the bridge. The current was at this moment falling with nearly as much rapidity as the tide at London-bridge, in an opposite direction to that of the evening preceding. I was assured by the people of the place that the tide * changed every six hours, in case no high winds interfered with the regular course of the waters. * " Pliny, lib. ii., speaks with much clearness on the subject of tides in general, and par- ticularly of those in the Mediterranean. The tides, he says, in the mouth of the straits of Messina and in the Euripus return at stated intervals, although the intervals may be differ- ent from those in the ocean or in other parts of the Mediterranean. Modem observations point out a rise of about five feet at Venice, but only twelve or thirteen inches at Naples and the Euripus." — Renneil's Herodotus, 659. KURIPUS. ;^Q1 \Miilc the X'eiielians were in possession of" Negropont, a.Iesuit, Father Babin, studied the tides of" the Euripus with attention, in order to reconcile the varying accounts of ancient authors. Seneca says it changed fourteen times in twenty-four hours. •.:•.,.. Septemque cursus flcctit et totidcin refert, ' ■ Dum lapsii Titan mci'gat oceano jiiga. Phny, Pomponius Mela, and Strabo, all agree in assigning seven times of fiux and reflux ; but F. Babin says his observations deter- mined him to the usual tides with the exception of certain days in which the stream appeared to follow no regular order, namely, the first five days of the moon's first quarter, and the same of her last quarter. On each side of this narrow channel, the Euripus swells into con- siderable breadth. Towards the south the shores project again, and form a basin of four or five miles diameter, which from the town ap- pears land-locked ; the northern part of the channel spreads uninter- ruptedly to the breadth of eight or ten miles, the shores of Euboea and Bceotia retreating in a number of steep sloping headlands. Having crossed the bridge, we turned to the right, and took the road for Martino, a village which we had been assured was six hours or eighteen miles distant from Negropont. The fort on the hill was to our left. In half an hour we reached Halas, a village situated on a cultivated plain not far from the coast. The Euripus here spreads itself into a large bay, at the northern extremity of which was a small island, with a ruined tower and church, dedicated to St. Nicholas. Fifteen years ago, a band of robbers made this place their haunt, until they were extirpated by Ali Pasha. In two hours and a half from Negropont, or at rather more than seven miles distance, we came on the side of a large ancient town ; the fields were strewed with squared stones, and though no line of walls was to be traced on the land, two piers, which projected like horns, and formed a small cii*cular * har- . * Aifisva sp^outra. — Strabo, lib. ix. 302 GREECE. hour, were nearly perfect in the sea below. The account given by Strabo and Pausanias, of the distance of Anthedon from Thebes, and other places, made it likely that this was the situation of Anthedon, the last town of the Boeotian confederacy on this side, until Larymna joined it. Our road continued to run at a little distance from the sea, but parallel to the coast, over some low rising ground, for the most part uncultivated. In four hours from Negropont, we arrived at Potsomathi, a large deep bay, surrounded on tiiree sides by high and abrupt mountains. We reached a small uncultivated valley at its head, only remarkable for some fine springs, which rose near the sea-side. From this valley an exceedingly bad and steep scala formed our road, as we ascended the side of the mountain ; we toiled la- boriously up in hopes of finding Martino at the summit, but were mortified by hearing from a man whom we met, that we could not reach it in five hours. As the evening came on, and we had lost our way, we rode to some fires which were burning at a distance, but the shepherds heard our approach, and ran off, apprehending that we were a party of the Pasha's Albanians. We were at last fortunate enough to find a lad who conducted us through the remainder of our road to Martino. This village contains about 100 houses, and is situated on a hill commanding a view over an extensive country, cultivated only near the town. At two hoiu's, distance on the sea-coast, are considerable remains of a Greek city, which, I suppose, is the ancient La- rymna. The lower part of the town wall, of excellent masonry, still remains nearly perfect, and points out the extent of the town, which covered a considerable spot on the coast, as well as a small peninsula, included within the circuit ; on each side of the isthmus of this peninsula, was a small harbour, formed by the projection of piers, which left only a space for the entrance of ships. The wall, flanked with towers, was carried along the sea-side, as well as towards the land. The whole of the area included, is covered with remains of building, but no foundation of public edifices, nor pieces of sculp- ture, could be seen. Without the walls, a large sarcophagus re- COPAIC LAKE. 303 mained unbroken, and with some vestiges of ornament on its side; but no inscription was visible. Across the neck of the peninsula, a second wall has been built, but from the rude style of its construction, it is probably the work of a later time ; on each side of this place the coast forms a bay ; that to the south is terminated on the opposite side by high and steep mountains, covered with wood, wherever the abrupt descent will give room for vegetation. Into this bay, at the distance of about two miles from I^arymna, a river falls, which the people of the country call the Larmi *, a name retaining some traces of the an- cient city. The line of country followed by us in the road of the last night, I knew, must cross the channel through which the Cephissus of Bceotia, and the waters of the Copaic lake, were discharged into the sea, and I had been hourly expecting to arrive on the banks of the stream. The darkness had prevented all observation of the country, but the sound of a strong fall of water, had led me to suspect that we were near the river, which, still, our road never passed before we ascended the hills to Martino. From the mouth of the Larmi I rode along its banks, which near the sea had been planted with cotton, until, in about three miles, I came to a spot covei'ed with rocks and bushes, in the middle of which the whole river burst with impetuosity from holes at the foot of a low cliff, and immediately assumed the form of a considerable stream. Above this source, there is a small plain under cultivation, boimded to the west by a range of low rocky hills. From these, a mag- nificent view of the Copaic lake, and the mountains of Phocis, pre- sents itself to the eye. The lake was spread over a vast plain, into which the mountains of Boeotia jutted like bold headlands, and oc- casionally left some slips of cultivated land at their base. Beyond the lake, the plain of Haliartus and Orchomenus seemed hardly raised • This is the Cephissus; Aa^ u/xi/a t; Trap' ^v i K))fi(ro-05 sxSiSajo-f. — Strabo, lib. ix. I.armt, is written by Meletius AapvEc. 304 GREECE. above the level of its waters, while the ridges of Parnassus towered over all, covered with snow, and broken into the most Alpine forms. The lake is about four miles distant from the source of the Larmi, and several circumstances corroborate the opinion of Strabo, that it has a subterranean outlet. At the foot of these hills its waters fall into a deep hollow called by the Greeks >c«Ta,Go'^pa, and the volume of water which rises at the source of the Larmi is so great, that it seems beyond the quantity supplied by any common spring, and to be rather the re-appearance than the commencement of a river. Near the lake, and in the supposed direction of this under- ground stream, square pits are cut in the rock. It is probable that these are remains of the great work undertaken in the time of Alexander, when a miner was employed to clear away some ob- structions in this outlet of the waters, in order to check the inunda- tions of the lake. ' . • The Copaic lake is, in fact, nothing more than a lower division of the great plain which formed the territories of Haliartus, Livadea, Chaeronea, Orchomenus, and other towns of Boeotia. The river Cephissus*, flowing through this plain, stagnated in the lower extremity of it, and formed there a wide but shallow lake by the accumulation of its waters, which must have risen still higher, had not one of those fissures common in mountains of limestone received them, and carried them off through the Ka.Txl2o6(>a. The river having no other discharge for its streams, (for the whole of the plain, like all the interior plains of Greece, is entirely surrounded by mountains f,) every obstruction in this subterraneous * The Permessus, Olmiiis, and Cephissus were the rivers that contributed to swell the Copais, (Strabo, lib. ix.) as well as the Melas, (Paus. ix.) This latter writer docs not mention the lake Hylica; did he consider it, as Heyne supposes, as part of the Copais? t " The plains of Boeotia are bounded to the north by the mountains of Phocis, to the south by those of Attica, and to the west by Cithasron." — Strabo, lib, ix. Citha;ron is the modern Elateas, so called from the name of the silver fir, a tree which is found in many parts of it. BCEOTIAN CATABOTHRA. 305 passage endangered the safety of the tract of country, which was situated a httle above its usual level. At the time when the under- taking for clearing the zara.GJSpa! was proposed, the rich and flourishing towns of the plain were reduced to a state of desolation by the incroachments of the lake, and under the despondency occasioned by an universal monarchy sunk into complete decay. At present the rising of the waters in winter has turned a great portion of the richest soil in the world into a morass, and should any permanent internal obstruction occur in the stream, the whole of this fertile plain might gradually become included in the limits of the Copaic lake. A fishery for eels is carried on at the Catavothra, and they are salted and sold all over Greece. They have continued to retain their celebrity from very early times ; and are praised by Dorion, Aga- tharcides, Eubulus (apud Athenceum), and Aristophanes * ; and the Byzantine writers occasionally refer to them. (Niceph. Greg. lib. ix.) ON THE BCEOTIAN CATABOTHRA AND COPAIC LAKE. [BY THE EDITOR.] i These great artificial excavations were probably formed by the wealthy Orchomenians, in very early ages, to protect the plain belonging to their state from inundation. The people who erected the Treasury, as it is called, of Orchomenus, wanted neither skill nor power to exca- • From the Boeotian lakes the Athenian market was supplied with various articles, which were not abundant in Attica. " The Boeotians (Irene, 1003.), sold the Athenians water fowl and wild fowl, manufactures of rush work, as mats and wicks for lamps, and fish from the lakes. — Gray on Aristoph. R R 306 ./.rrry GREECE. « t vate the rock for such important purposes. The caverns {(pccfocyys^, Arist. Met. hb. xiii.) by which the waters were discharged from the plain were sometimes stopped by earthquakes (Strabo, hb. ix.); at other times from the same cause new fissures were occasioned. In the time of Alexander either fresh openings were made, for the sake of re- ceiving and conducting the waters, or the old apertures were enlarged. The name of the man of Chalcis, who was employed on this occasion may have been Crates. (Compare Stephanusin v. 'A^ijVai with Strabo, lib. ix. and consult Freret. 47. Acad, des Inscr. 13.) The Lake Copais was known by another appellation, that of Cephissis ; this was with propriety given to it, as it receives the Cephissus, A passage in Strabo may lead to a different opinion ; but that part of the geographer is corrupt, and he was not always, as Paulmier observes, auTtTrrijc. * It was known also by another name, 'H £1/ 'Oyxv^Tu XtfA,v7i. Diod. S. lib. xvii. 167. The first traveller of modern times who visited the KXTccj3odfx was Wheeler ; and the whole of the district has been since accurately surveyed by Mr. Hawkins. A mapf of this part of Bcipotia will alone explain some of the obscure parts of the ninth book of Strabo. The addition to the soil made by the river must occasion difficulties in reconciling the topography of the country with ancient accounts ; " It has added no little quan- tity of soil," says Diodorus, torn. i. 48. The remarks of Mr. Raikes afford a very valuable illustration of some of the geographer's words, in which he mentions the subterraneous discharge of the waters of the Cephissus, after it had flowed through the Copaic Limne. " A chasm or gulf," says Strabo, " close to the lake, opened under ground a passage of about thirty stadia in length ; the river was received into this, and then burst into view again." J The * Ex. in Gr. auctores. This reference to Paulmier is omitted in the Frencli translation of Strabo. f Stuart in his visit to Boeotia mentions a lake distinct from that of Thebes and of Topo- lias ; so that there are three lakes, vol. iv. X The words xlfj-vri dy^'^^^'^S (see Strabo, French Transl. vol. iii. 411.) are not those of Meletius, as it is there stated, but of Pausanias, lib. ix. COPAIC LAKE. 307 distance between the lake and the rising again of the river is stated by Mr. Raikes at about four miles; this may be considered as correspond- ing, though not exactly, to the distance of thirty stadia. The gulf, into which the waters of the lake fall, is at a spot where the KxrafzoS^x, the squai'e pits mentioned by Mr. Raikes, are placed. Of the re- appearance of the river, Strabo says IPb^'^vj^iv tU rijv \Tn(pixvua.v, which is weakly rendered by the French translation, ses eaux reparurent ; but Mr. Raikes' words written on the spot express well and accurately the meaning of the Greek : " The whole river burst with impetuosity from holes," &c. • r In the traditions of the country, it was said, that Orchomenus was once built in the plain ; that the ground covered afterwards by the Lake Copais, was formei'ly dry ; that inundations caused the inhabit- ants to remove to a higher spot (Strabo, lib. ix.) ; and that Hercules, to avenge the Thebans, stopped up a canal which had served for the discharge of part of the lake, and thus caused the river to overflow the territory of the Orchomenians. (Diod. Sic. iv. 158. Pausan. Boeot. Palm. Exercit. 100.) Many of the plains of Greece, surrounded by lofty mountains, were subject also to inundations. The Larisseans were obliged, by dykes and mounds {7rxfa,x^[^oiirt) to check the over- flowing of the Lake Nesonis, the modern Carla, which, by the increase of the Pheneus, sometimes spread itself over the adjoining districts. (Strabo, 440. and Theophrast. De C. P. p. 5.) The ancient city of Pheneus had been destroyed in this manner (Pans. lib. viii.) ; and Ba'pa^pa or ZepsSpar, to use the Arcadian word, were formed in the mountains to receive the waters of the plain. * These are described by Pausanias as five miles distant from Pheneus. The formation of some of the Barathra in Arcadia was attributed to Hercules, as they were of laborious and difficult execution : " et d'autant que cet exploit etoit admirable, et surpassant les forces humaines on I'a attribue a Hercule." (Scaliger, Discours de la jonction des mers. 556.) *"The Stymphalus and Ladon were absorbed by the hollow places in the carth."- Diod. S. vol. ii. 41. R R 2 gQg GREECE. RHAMNUS. ' ■ ■ : , , \MR. RAIKES'S JOURNALS CONTINUED.] At the distance of an hour and fifty minutes from Marathon, a space answering with sufficient exactness to the sixty stadia mention- ed by Pausanias, the remains of the ancient Rhamnus are still to be found under the name of Vneo Castro. The ruins of the temple of Nemesis lie at the head of a narrow glen which leads to the principal gate of the town. The fall of the building seems to have been occasioned by some violent shock of an earthquake, the columns being more disjointed and broken than in any other ruin of the kind. The mass of materials and their confusion are so great, that probably the contents of the temple, the statue formed by Phidias, Phidiaca Nemesis*, may be buried under the fragments. (Strabo, lib. ix.) The building must have been inferior in size to those Doric temples which still remain in Attica, and the columns were only fluted in the upper part of their shaft. The diameter at the base measured two feet three inches ; that at the summit one foot ten inches. The intercalumniation at a point where the lower cylinders ^of two adjacent columns were standing was three feet ten inches. The whole structure was of the finest Pentelic marble. The statue, as we learn from Pausanias, was formed from the Parian marble brought by Datis, for the purpose of raising a trophy ; and therefore with singular propriety applied to the worship of Nemesis, according to the ideas entertained of her office by the Greeks. The town of Rhamnus was placed on a round rocky hill, about a quarter of a mile below the temple, surrounded by the sea for two- thirds of its circumference, and separated from the hills on the shore • Rhamnus Hlustris, quod in ea fanum Amphiarai et Phidiaca Nemesis. — Mela. KHAMNUS 3Q9 by a broad ravine. The walls, VauvcZ-; xel^oj*, which were of the finest masonry, are still visible round the greater part of the area, and towards the land are of considerable height. The groupes of mastich which overhang thein form a peculiarly picturesque view near the entrance. - Of the buildings of the town hardly a vestige remains ; great heaps of marble and stone are scattered over the surface of the hill, and are partly hid by the low wood. The only fragment of which the original form can be ascertained, is the base of a large marble chair resembling those which are to be seen in the church of St. Soteera at Athens. It presents an inscription, serving, in addition to the correspondence of distances, to mark the identity of this site with Rhamnus. The words are PAMNOTIIOS KaMniAOIF, and probably they commemo- rate the honorary gift of the chair to some players who had contri- buted to the entertainment of the people. The materials of these chairs and their decoration render them objects of curiosity. Their form resembles that of the heavy arm-chair now in fashif)n ; on those at Athens owls are sculptured under the arms, in allusion to the em- blem of the city ; and on the sides of the base, garlands, such as were appropriated to victors in the games, are formed in basso-relievo. Their solidity is such as to render them nearly immovable, and to this and to their strength is to be attributed their preservation. It is not likely that such masses of stone should ever have been intended for articles of furniture within the walls of a house, but all we know of the customs and way of life of the ancients suggests a different use. They were probably placed at the expense of the state, or of indivi- duals for seats in the public places, in the popular assembly, the agora, or even the streets. Thus Homer I. 504, describing a judicial process, says . .... . . • . . • .^ , / Herodotus represents the citizens of Apollonia as taking the op- * Scjlac. Perip. 21 — Hudson, G. M. i. 310 GREECE. portunity of entering into a careless and unsuspicious conversation with Evenius, i(.a,ry]i/.ivo\j Evyjviou vj ^uKu, probably on some seat of this kind in the place of general resort. The Septuagint version, which continually alludes to Grecian customs, makes Job refer to this, when in enumerating the felicities of his prosperous youth, he says, \v SI TrXocTciaii; sTidsTo f/,o\j 6 SI(pfog. xxix. 7. The names of the official part of the government at Athens appear to have some connection with a distinction of this kind, the presidents for the time being were called ITpos^pc/; the NO|WO(puAa;t£j were said (ruyx.oi.di^£(T9oci with the Pi'oedri ; but though this sort of conjecture may appear trivial, the influence of climate which invariably suggests some kind of coincidence in com- mon habits of life to the inhabitants of any particular country, how- ever remote in age or circumstances, and which now carries the idle Turks to the bazar, as it did the Greeks to the agora, must have then made a constant seat in the morning assembly a pleasant as well as an honourable distinction. On lilt 0poi/c/( aiid A/ifpot of the Gi^eeks. [Although the subject is not one of great importance, we may add some instances by way of confirming Mr. Raikes's remark. The Nof^cipuXccKei; sate at public spectacles IttI Qpovuv, a name given to these chairs of honour. (Vales, in Harpoc. 55.) They were consecrated to particular deities in ancient temples ; in the vestibule of that at Olympia there was among other offerings, a throne presented by Arimnus king of the Etrusci. (Pans. v. 12.) In the temple of the Lycian Apollo at Argos, there was in the time of Pausanias, the throne of Danaus (II.) on the road from the Acrocorinthus, there was in a temple a column and throne of white marble, consecrated to Cybele. Id. lib. ii.) At Naxia, a seat was appropriated as the inscription informs us to the great priest Aristarchus ; one of white marble was placed at Abydos for Xerxes, when he surveyed his troops. (Herod, lib. vii.) Hypsipyle, queen of Lemnos, after haranguing the people sits down on the marble chair of her father Thoas. ( ApoU. CORYCIAN CAVE. 311 Khod. Arg. i. 667.) On a coin of Olba in Cilicia, we see a chair represented, and on one side of the money is the name of Polemo, high priest and prince of the city. (Mem. de I'A. In. xxi. 427.) These and other examples prove that marble seats were allotted as places of distinction* to persons of eminence. They may be considered, sometimes, as forming part of the public monuments of the state. The Adulitan inscription is written on the At(pf,og nToXefiutKo:. ChishuU, An. As. 76. The custom we allude to was familiar to the inhabitants of Italy also. " Caius Julius Gelo is allowed to sit at the public games at Veii among the priests, called Augusiales, bisellio propiio.'" JNIem. de I'Ac. xxi. 374.] — Ed. THE CORYCIAN CAVE. [MK. U.llAliS-^ JUUHAylLS CONTINUED."] ' ■ 1 ' I March 19. — I quitted the village of Aracova at half-past seven ; the master of the cottage in which I had slept undertook to guide us to the Corycian cave, with the situation of which he appeared acquainted. We left the road to Castri which continued to run along the narrow valley between the two mountains, and turning to the right began to ascend the slope of Parnassus by a steep road im- mediately from the village. The declivity was cultivated with an in- dustry worthy of Switzerland. Every spot of vegetable soil was covered with low vines ; and I remarked one attention to the value of productive ground which occurred no where else in Greece. The shallow soil was sometimes interrupted by great masses of rock which reared themselves above the surface, and the careful husbandman, * On the marble chair at Lesbos, tlic inscription is ITOTAMiiNOS Ti2 AESBliNAK- T02 ITPOEAPIA, not Tou, ns some have erroneously copied it. At Delphi there is a chair with an inscription on the back; Clarke's Travels, T. iii. who iiifbrnis ns, p. 145, that there is one also at Chajronea, which the Greeks still call Spovo;. A Gyninasiarch's chair in marble at Athens is mentioned in Lord Elgin's Memorandum, p. 32. 312 .: GREECE. •unwilling to lose the corner on which he must otherwise have heaped the loose stones gathered from the rest of the field, had raised them in pyramids on these masses. In Judea the same causes might have led to the same economy of soil ; and perhaps the prophet Micah alludes to some similar appearance in the vine- yards of his own country, when he says, i. 6., " I will make Samaria as a heap of the field, and as plantings of a vineyard," or to take the expression of the Vulgate, " I will make Samaria as a heap of stones, when a vineyard is planted." Aracova is famous for the quality of its wines. I had tasted some of the grapes the night before ; they had been preserved during the winter, by filling the jar in which the bunches were placed, with wine. They were black, thinly scattered on the stalk, and of no par- ticular flavour. The vineyards were soon passed, and the ascent became more and more steep, until, in an hour's time from Aracova, I was surprised by entering on a wide plain of considerable extent, and under cultivation, where 1 expected to see nothing but rocks and snow. High above this wide level the ridges of Parnassus rose on the north and east, covered with snow and hid in clouds. The plain before me could not be less than four or five miles across ; a large dull looking village was placed in the middle of it; a lake, with banks most beautifully broken, was on my left. Not having seen the other side of Parnassus, I have no means of judging as to the advantages of the ridge above Tithorea, which Herodotus mentions as the retreat of the Phocians during the Persian invasion. This plain seems peculiarly fitted for the same purpose. The ground would have afforded pasture for their cattle, and some proportion of food for themselves, and the ascent to it was so steep and narrow, that it must have been defended by a very few men. The happy situation of Greece protected it from the successive inroads of bar- barous nations, which in Asia so repeatedly swept every thing before them, and checked the progress of civilization. Against the Scy- thian tribes, the ^gsean sea, and even the Hellespont, was a sufficient rampart, and by a fortunate chance, the emigrations from the north- CORYCIAN CAVE. gjg eastern part of Europe, took an easterly direction, and followed the coasts of the Euxine or the line of Caucasus, into Persia and Asia Minor. The army of Xerxes was the only foreign force which ever came with the irresistible weight of an emigration, or led them to doubt of their abihty to cope with their enemy in the field. Had these inroads occurred more frequently, the Phocians would have learned the value of their natural citadel more fully. In Syria and Judea, the wretched inhabitants became familiarized with such retreats, during the repeated invasions of the Assyrian kings. Je- remiah, in the translation of the Septuagint, expresses this dreadful necessity with great force, iv. 29., aVo (pw^; 'nrTTsu;^ icxl £iirsTafi.svou To^ou cxvi^uifirj(Te ttocctoc tj X^f°^i eKTiiutrotv ng tx (nrriXxia, xveprjo-xi' eig rug TTETpai", 77!X,(TX TToXig yiX7i\BHpUX. The view to the sonthwnrd from this sjtot was oxtensive and very striking : the mountain Cirphis on the other side of the valley of Aracova terminated in a flat table land like the recess in Parnassus, well cultivated, and studded with viliao-es ; but the greater lieisht of both these plains raised them above the regions of spring, which we had left below ; vegetation had not yet begun to appear, and the snow lay in j)atches over both of them. Beyond, the mountains of the Morea filled up the distance. We rode across the plain towards the north, and leaving our horses at the foot of the ascent which bounded it, climbed up a steep and bushy slope to the mouth of the Corycian cave. I had been so repeatedly disappointed with scenes of this kind, they had so generally appeared inferior to the descriptions given of them, that I expected to meet with the same reverse here, and to find nothing but a dark narrow vault. I was, however, to be lor once agreeably surprised ; the narrow and low entrance of the cave, spread at once into a chamber 330 feet long, by nearly 200 wide ; the Stalactites from the top hung in the most graceful forms, the whole length of the roof, and fell, like drapery, down the sides. The depth of the folds was so vast and the masses thus suspended in the air were so s s .» 314 ' GREECE. great, that the relief and fulhiess of these natural hangings, were as comj)]ete as the fancy could have wished. They were not like concretions or encrustations, mere coverings of the rock ; they were the gradual growth of ages, disposed in the most simple and majestic forms, and so rich and large, as to accord with the size and loftiness of the cavern. The stalagmites below and on the sides of the chamber, were still more fantastic in their forms, than the pendants above, and struck the eye with the fancied resemblance of vast human figures. At the end of this great vault, a narrow passage leads down a wet slope of rock ; with some difficulty, from the slippery nature of the ground on which I trod, I went a considerable way on, until I came to a place where the descent grew very steep, and my light being nearly exhausted, it seemed best to return. On my way back, I found, half buried in the clay, on one side of the passage, a, small antique Patera, of the common black and red ware. The encrustation of the grotto had begun to appear; but it was unbroken, and I was interested in finding this simple relic of the homage once paid to the Corycian nymphs by the ancient inhabitants of the country. The stalagmitic formations on the entrance of this second passage, are wild as imagin- ation can conceive, and of the most brilliant whiteness. It would not require a fancy, lively, like that of the ancient Greeks, to assign this beautiful grotto, as a residence to the nymphs. The stillness which reigns through it, only broken by the gentle sound of the water, which drops from the point of the stalactites*, the vhr dsvaovra, of the grotto of the nymphs in the Odyssey, the dim light admitted by its narrow entrance, and reflected by the white ribs of the roof, with all the miraculous decorations of the interior, would impress the most insensible with feelings of awe, and lead him to attribute the influence of the scene to the pre- sence of some supernatural being. • Distillantes (\\iO(]uc gxtttee in lapides durescunt in antiis Coryciis. Piiny, lib. xxxv. CORYCIAN CAVE. 315 An inscription, which still remains on a mass of rock, near the entrance, marks that the cavern has been dedicated to Pan and the Nymphs. , ETSTPATOE AAKIAOMOT AMBPTSIOr • > ' ■ ZYMPEPinOAOI HANI NTMAI£.* The epithet applied to Pan, may perhaps allude to the share he was reputed to have in defending Delphi against the Gauls and Brennus. * Pan and the Nymphs are associated on various occasions; (see Aristoph. Thesm. 985. ; the life of Plato by Oh nipiodoi us, and the Attics of Pausanias. Seetzeu saw in Syria, a Greek inscri|)tion in which they are jointly commemorated ; they are also placed together in that found in the Corycian cave, where the words allude to some act of worship rendered by " Eustratiis, of Ambryssus, son of Dacidomus to Pan, who was the guardian of the place, together with the Nymphs." (TrsphoKoc, . The Turks have frequently endeavoured to extract the iron and lead from the ancient buildings of Greece and Asia Minor, by breaking the marble in pieces. In Italy, the Coli- seum and other edifices have suffered in the same manner repeated injuries. In the lower ages, Maffei observes, these metals were very scarce, and the walls were destroyed for the purpose of extracting them. The ancient architects of Egypt, Syria, and Italy, used wood also to imite and bind the stones together. The French, during their expedition to Egypt, observed at Ombos and Philaj that pieces of the Sycamore had been formed for that purpose into a dove-tail shape ; at Ombos thev appear to liave been covered witli bitumen. Fas- tenings made of wood, of simihir forms, [cissmlcE ex quo/ibef latere ad formam caudce hirundinis,) were used in some of the ancient buildings of Italy, and Avere seen and described by F. Vacca. The Greeks, as we learn from Jerome, expressed this mode of binding stones toge- ther* by the word lfxa.vru(ric. In the prophet Hahakkuk, ii. 11., the Hebrew term bearing a similar meaning is Capitis, and the passage of the original is rendered by Symmachus, amko-f^oi; oncooof/,vig ^uXivoc, Hieronym. 0pp. T. iii. 1610. In the Z:>pl(x. Zii^ocy, xxii. v, 16. we find lficcvTua-ic'^vXii"/ili'oe^sfi£vyi si; oiy.cSoy.Yiv, whicli is rendered by Coverdale, in the first Bible printed in English, " Like as the bond of wood bound together in the foundation of an house."] — Ed. The sites of fortified towns may be discovered in many parts of Greece ; in Phocis, the vestiges are frequent. Elatea is now occu- * Codinus (de orig. Constan.) observes, that in building the walls of Sta Sophia, water, in which bai'Iey had been boiled, was mixed with the lime, and that the stones were as strongly united together by the mortar, as if cramps of iron had been used. See Mem. de I'Ac. des In. xlvii. ;i09. 320 MILITARY ARCHITECTURE OF GREECE. pied by the little village of Turcochorio ; this hamlet is at the en- trance of the pass through the mountains leading from the plain of the Cephissus to Opus and Thermop_yla3. Drjmea was above Elatea, and some remains of an ancient fortress on a hill seem to mark its situation. On the right bank of the Cephissus, was Tithronium, and in the plain, at the roots of Parnassus, were Charadra, and Am- phiclea ; a palaio-castro, at the entrance of a road, across Parnassus to Delphi, appears to point out the position of the first. Between this place and Velizza, are some small remains of an ancient fort at a village called Thathia. On the road, over the tops of Parnassus, from Charadra to Delphi, may be placed Lilsea at the village now called Aghourea. Then Ledon and Velizza (Tithorea) where are walls and towers * of ancient construction. The north part of the plain of Chagronea, was a portion of Phocis ; the frontier town in this part was Panope, the walls of which are still in existence ; the acropolis was on a rugged height ; the city itself was partly in a plain, and near it is the modern village of Agios Elasios. The position of Daulis is pointed out by the modern appellation T/iavlia f , a village very pleasantly situated on Parnassus, and by a palaio-castro forming an acropolis, on an abrupt isolated mountain. The route from Dau- lis to AmbryssLis, the niodern Distomo, passes the od'og a-x^a-Tr,, the di- vided way, the sacred road to Delphi. Ambryssus is on an elevated plain about an hour's distance from the sea. Herodotus relates that the towns of Phocis were burnt, and destroyed, with their temples and public buildings, when Xerxes invaded Greece, after the battle of Thermopyla;. The remains in this country of walls and towers of the most solid construction are those probably with which the Phocian cities were surrounded after * These are described in Dr. Clarke's account of Tithorea. See Appen. to Tomb of Alexander. t An inscription found at Thavlia, by the Earl of Aberdeen, and published in this volume, confirms the conjecture in the text. MILITARY ARCHITECTURE OF GREECE. 321 the incursions of the Barbarians. On Parnassus, and in the plain of the Cephissus, at the roots of the mountain may be enumerated eight fortified phices as remarkable for the strength of their position as the durability and excellence of their workmanship. These for- tifications were generally placed on a rugged height naturally difficult of access ; walls with square or round towers at intervals were con- tinued along the irregular contour of the hill, which served as an acropolis or citadel, while the slope of the mountain with a portion of level ground at the bottom was enclosed, and contained the houses and buildings of the city. '■■ Sometimes heights are fortified for the defence of a pass in the mountains ; we see an instance of this in the palaio-castro in the o^o; crx"^Tri, and another on the road to Parnassus from the upper part of the plain of the Cephissus, which leads to Salona, and Delphi. The fort of Pliyle on Mount Parnes, and one near a gorge in Citha'ron, conducting from the plains of Eleuthera? into Boeotia, may be added. Sometimes the walled enclosures are entirely in the plain, as in the remains of Plata?a, and the oval fortifications of Leuctra. * Colonel Squire remark.^ that the plural tenninatiou of the names of some Greek cities, as 0)j/3ai, 'A&^vui, refers to the united cities ; tiie Upper, or the Citadel, and the Lower city. This observation may be confirmed by a jiarallel remark of Bisiiop Lowth : When the prophet (Isai. Ixiv. 10.) speaks, lie says, in the plural number of cities, Sion and Jerusalem may be meant, as they are divided into the Upper and Lower city. T T ( 322 ] ANTIQUITIES OF ATHENS. This vase, which was found by Lord Aberdeen at Athens, is, un- fortunately, not entire ; it is remarkable for the fineness of its clay, the beauty of the varnish, and the spirit of the figures. The subject represented on it may allude to some prize obtained in a race at the public games by one or more horses ; such successes were recorded on vases and marbles. An inscription in the Laconian dialect quoted by Muratori, and emended by Ruhnkenius (Greg, de D.) mentions a prize gained by Damoclidas, kbXi^ti, equo singulari. From the posture of the man who is represented as examining the foot of the horse, we are not to suppose that any conclusion can be drawn respecting the practice of nailing iron shoes to the feet of that animal.* Beckmann, with his usual industry and research, has collected almost all that has been said on this point, and infers that there is no mention of iron shoes in the ancient writers. The hoofs of the horses of Alexander were worn out by constant journies. Diod. S. xvii. Those of Mithridates are described as ^wAEuoyref e| vTroTfifdT,!;, at the siege of Cyzicum. Appian. de B. M. To what Beckmann has said, we may add the remark of Wesseling : " Ignotus erat solearum ferrearum quibus ungulce equorum contra aspera et seru- posa loca muniuntur, usus. Scio J. Vossius ad Catull. ex Xenophonte eas eruere, atque hinc 'KuXKOTro^oeg Homeri equos ilhiminare conatum esse, scd irrita opera.^^ D. Sic. xvii. 233. This vase was also found by Lord Aberdeen in excavating a tomb at Athens ; the ground of it is red, and the workmanship rather * '' While the Lacedaemonians were encamped at Decelea, the Athenian cavalry were to little purpose employed in endeavouring to check their ravage and destruction. Many of the horses, the art of shoeing that animal being yet unknown, were lamed by unremitted service on rough and. stony ground." — Mitford's Greece, ii. 498. ANTIQUITIES OF ATHENS. 323 coarse ; the figures partake of tlie Etruscan style. The word KAAOi: or KAAE occurs frequently on ancient vases ; in many instances a pro- per name is connected with it, and we may enumerate at least ten in which this is the case. Various opinions have been offered re- specting the meaning of the word. Mazzochi first pointed out the true sense of it, and his conjecture has been confirmed by Lanzi, Visconti, and Boettiger. (See Millin, Die. de B. A.) On the finger of a statue of Jupiter made by Phidias, were the words riANTAPKHi; KAAOI ; one of Mr. Hope's vases bears the name Clitarchus, to whom this epithet is also given ; and as it is of the most ancient style of art, we may suppose with Millin, that Phidias only imitated a custom already very prevalent and well known. ■ . - . In the vase before us, the word may refer to some one who had been initiated in the Dionysiac mysteries. The allusion to the rites of Bacchus is not only found on vases, lamps, and ornaments deposited in tombs, but the sides of the sepulchral Latomia are often seen sculptured with symbols and figures relating to that deity. One of these monuments may be observed at Misitra near the site of Sparta ; Bacchus is also figured on the Menscc sepulchrales. These devices and symbols are explained by considering that Bacchus and Sol were in the ancient mythology one and the same god. This was the opinion of the Eleans, (see Etym. M. in v. Aiovva-og) and of the Athenians* ; and in one of the Orphic hymns we read ' HXiog ov Aioi/vcrov e7riX.Xyi(riv KuXiOV(Ti. Reference is therefore made in such sepulchral monuments to Dionysius, or Sol hiferus. The flowing hair, the thyrsus, the spotted garment, (o-rtjcTij ;^^Aa^uV,) the Ionic capital on the altar, (Vitruv. 1. i.) all refer to a Dionysiac procession. The figure near the altar bears a sistrum, which has * See one of the arguments of the oration against Midias. T T 2 324 " ANTIQUITIES OF ATHENS. the form of a mirror. A sistrum of similar shape is represented on a cymbalum in the Pittur. Hercol. T. i. Tav. 15. Sigillarium. ■ ' This is one of the Sigillaria of the ancient mythology of Greece, symbolic of some deity respected by the early inhabitants of that country, {adorarc ca j^'i'o Diis- Arnob. 1. 1.) When they were of small size, they were carried about ; and we find instances of this superstitious custom frequently among the ancients. They were of different dimensions ; and not always small images, as has been supposed by some writers. See Cuper, Harp. 86. The original figure from which the engraving is made is of stone, and is remarkable for its great antiquity ; it was found by the Earl of Aberdeen in a tomb in Attica. From its stiff and inexpressive form, {(TUfA.(3el3'^iiUi To7g ttoo-I,) it appears to belong to an vera preceding the time of Daedalus of Sicyon, who is said to have lived in the interval between 700 and 600 B.C. The position of the arms plainly points it out to be a representation of some deity ; in this manner the Agathodaemon, and other Egyptian idols were depicted and sculptured ; hrachia decuasatim composUa. It may be a representation of A&^oSiTTi a goddess whose worship was familiar to the Greeks, before even that of Jupiter. " Venus etiam ipso Jove antiquior sub A(pfoitT»iq nomine a GneciH ccnscbcdur, ut docet Schol. ad 3 Argon. Apollon.^' See Selden, de D. Syris. i:; '. i. ^ N »5 I =5 w 1 ^ V 1 h t ■^ h ■s" < N 1 1 s >- 1^ V. >? ■^ X ^ < 1 ( 325 ) EXTRACT FROM A LETTER RECEIVED BY THE EDITOK FROM S. LUSIERI ; DATED ATHENS, 1813, RELATING TO THE EXCAVATIONS MADEBY HIM NEAR THAT CITY, AND TO THE VASES, AND OTHER ORNAMENTS FOUND IN THE 'lOMBS. Dans les excavations faites liors lesmurs ahciierisdela' ville, et par- tout alentour, j'ai trouve des tonibeaux sans vases, et avec. On y trouve des urnes aussi, et bien souvent sans vases ; elles sont de marbre Pentelique, et bien travaillees. On a bonne fortune, niais pas toutes les fois, lorsqu'on trouve des petites urnes de terre cuite, appartenant a des enfans ; en g-'neral il y a des vases dans Tinterieur de I'urne, et en dehors tout alentour ; il semble que c'c toit un usage de placer a cote du mort tout ce qui lui servit d'entretenement pendant sa vie, y ayant de toutes especes d'animaux en terre cuite, des petites figures, et de bien petits vases, en tout genre. Ce qu'il y a de singulier, c'est que j'y ai trouve des vases au fond blanc avec des figures peintes en couleurs, qui representent la mere d'un cote apportant au tombeau avec ses mains la petite urne ornee alentour avec des festons, ayant des feuillages peints en noir, et les petits vases et d'autres feuillages aussi en noir poses a leur place. De I'autre cote du tombeau peint sur le vase, le pere de I'enfant, une main sur ses cheveux, comme s'il vouloit les arracher par I'exces de sa douleur. Ce vase a un pied et trois pouces de hauteur ; sa forme est tres-clegante. Dans ces memes excavations j'ai trouve de grands vases, avec des ornemens peints au dehors, fermes par une tasse de cuivre, qui contenoient des ossemens et amies brides, qu'on avoit plies expressement pour les placer dans les vases. En d'autres endroits, des sarcophages places un sur I'autre, presque tons ayant six pieds et trois pouces de longueur. En gcUi ral, ces tombeaux sont situes d'orient, a I'occident ; mais ce n'est pas toujours de meme. On en trouve a difFcrentes profondeurs ; j'en ai vu qui alloient a 40 pieds sous terre dans lesquels j'ai trouve de tres-beaux vases. ( 326 ) ACCOUNT OF THE OPENING OF A TUMULUS, SITUATED ON THE ROAD FROM THE PHl^EUS TO ATHENS. IBT MR. FAUrEL. — COMMUNICATED BY DR. HUNT.] SuR le chemin du Piree a Athenes, a une demi-lieue de cette ville on apper9oit entre les longues murailles un Tumulus. L'endroit ou se trouve le tumulus est nomme par les cultivateurs des vig- nobles voisins, Basillke. Ce tombeau est de la meme forme que ceux du rivage de Troie ; il leur ressemble encore par les divers objets qu'il recelait. Notre collegue (Fauvel) y a remarque des poteries brisees, des ossemens, des fragmens de bronze. Son ele- vation est de huit metres au-dessus du sol antique, sur lequel il a trouve les restes du Bucher, dans I'etat ou il fut eteint. Le diaraetre de ce bucher etoit d'environ trois metres et demi. Apres avoir ete decouvert en enticr par M. Fauvel, il a ofFert a celui-ci une couche de tres-gros charbons de bois d'olivier, d'osse- mens a demi-brules, ou totalement reduits en cendres, et entre- meles de quantite de fragmens de vases, de plats, d'amphores. Les plats sont de cette terre antique, enduite de ce meme vernis noir que Ton voit sur les vases* Etrusques ; ils ne sont orncs d'aucune * The word strictly appropriated to the painted vases of the ancients is Aifxu^oi ; they were so frequentl}' deposited in the tombs at Athens, as we learn from some passages of the ancient writers, that we cannot be surprised at the discoveries made by some antiquaries, in their researches in that city, who have found many of them formed into various shapes, and painted with different devices. Aristophanes, in his ExxK. alludes to them more than once. " Who is that person ?" says one of the old women : — " He who paints the AifxuSof tor the dead," is the answer of the young man. bj Toij v5xpot,Ti, ^ajypaf £1 ra; A.>)xu5ouj. — v. 91)5. KXCAVATIONH IN A i TICA. 327 pciiitiire ; mais ils portent a Jeurs centres et au dedans, des em- preintes de cet ornemcnt connu aujourd'hui, et emplo^ye partoul sous le nom de Palmettes. Au milieu des restes du bucher (loient deux especes de plateaux, ou masses cylindriques et applaties, (jui paroissent avoir ete formees en terre cuite sur le bucher meme ; ce dont notre collegue est convainfu, en observant I'empreinte que les buches et leur ecorce y ont laiss6. Ces plateaux sont colores en bleu d'azur sur leur epaisseur ; leur diametre est d'environ trois decimetres. ... ... Parmi les charbons etoient des comes de boeuf a demi consumes ; des OS de mouton et de chevre ; des os de poulets, des arretes de poisson, plusieurs autres debris du repas funebre, et du sacrifice ; enfin des plateaux a pied, propres a porter une coupe; on y voyoit aussi des laines de cuivre fort minces, et semblables a des feuilles de laurier. II est probable qu'elles avoient ete don'-es, ainsi que des especes de perles en terre cuite, de six lignes de diametre qui paroissent avoir servi a parer des victimes. II y avoit encore des feuilles d'or* aussi fines, aussi bien battues Again in v. 537, " You went away, (says Biepyrus,) and left me, as it were dead ; only you did not crown me, nor put a vase upon me ;" cuS' tTi&eicru ArfxuSov. The names of the painters of the ancient vases, are sometimes found upon them ; we meet with those of Taleides, Astcas, and Kalippos. The imperfect Itoiei was, as Pliny in- forms us, the tense used by the ancient artists ; but we meet with iTro/tjo-fv, as well as sypcf^iv ; the former occurs on a vase belonging to Mr. Hope; the latter on one in the collection of M. Valetta. — (Millin, D. de B. A. i. 550.) Among the vases found in the ancient tombs of Qreece, Italy, and Sicily, are seen, those which have been termed Lacrymatories. The supposition that they were intended to re- ceive the tears of the relatives or parents of the deceased, is now rejected by the most intelligent antiquaries. They contained, it is probable, substances, or oils which were poured over the ashes of the deceased. — Editor. * M. Fauvel in a letter to Barbie du Bocage describes the result of some excavations made by him in the ancient sepulchres. " J'y ai trouve des feuilles d'or battues en forme de langue de serpent, et des lames de cuivre, sur lesquelles on lit le nom du mort." One of the inscriptions found in these tombs was in Boustrophedon, TOIAI3M. Among the ashes in the urns, he always observed the obolus ; in one instance, the piece of money was found in the mouth of the corpse. — Mag. En. Mars, 1812. 328 EXCAVATIONS IN ATTICA. que les notres ; et des portions de dorure parfaitement brulees, et employees sur un endiiit a la colle. >!''Au bord et autour du bucher etoient des vases de terre gros- siers, semblables a nos pots a fleurs ; ces vases rtoient renverses, et poses sur leurs orifices ; ce sont les seuls qui se soient trouves entiers, L*epaisseur du Tumulus, que notre collegue a ouvert par le haut, en faisant une espece de puits, contenait quelques jolis fragmens des vases peints, sur I'un desquels on avoit represente une jeune femme, portant une cassette sur la tete ; d'autres fragmens d'un assez grand diametre etoient ornes des feuilles de laurier, ou d'olivier. * * This kind of ornament refers to the custom of placing an olive crown on the deceased. Mortuis stadio vitae decurso tanquam victorihus corona olivae solcbat iniponi. See Hemsterh. Lucian, i. 156. ( 329 ) THE PLAIN OF MARATHON. • , [FROM THE PAPERU OF THE LATE COLONEL SQUIRE.] Marathon, niultariiiii niagnarumque virtutum testis. — P. Mela. « In the year subsequent to the faiku-e of Mardonius, a considerable force was assembled by order of the Persian monarch, and embarked from the province of CiHcia in Asia Minor. Thence the fleet coasted along the shores of that country as far as Samos ; and crossing the iEga-an sea, it passed through the islands between Ionia and Greece. After the Persians had taken possession of Euboea, where they were delayed seven days by the opposition of the inhabitants of Eretria, the army was re-embarked, and a landing immediately effected in the plain of Marathon, on the opposite shores of Attica. There was every reason to induce the Persians to make their descent near Marathon. Along the whole extent of the Attic coast, from the frontiers of Boeotia to the bay of Phalerum, there was no other spot but JNIarathon, which at once united the advantages of safe anchorage, and a plain sufficiently large to contain great numbers, and to afford room for cavalry to act. The shore in this part forms a fine bay of very gradual soundings, of a good anchoring ground, and protected in some degree by the land of Euboea from the sudden and boisterous storms of the Archipelago. The extent of the shore is upwards of seven miles, presenting a shelving, sandy beach, free from rocks and shoals, and well calculated for debarkation. The land bordering on the bay is an uninterrupted plain, about two miles and a half in width, and bounded by rocky, difficidt heights * Reference to the phm of the Field of Marathon. Length of base, a b, 3080 yards ; D. marsh; B. Brauron; M.Marathon; S. C. the villages of ISefeeree and Bey; L. salt lake; T. tumulus; H. wood of pine trees; P. mountain of Pan. U U 330 THE PLAIN OF MARATHON. which enclose it at either extremity ; though to the south west, the mountains, which are a branch of PenteHcus, and are higher than in any other part, have a more gradual slope towards the sea, and are covered with low pine-trees and brush-wood. About the centre of the bay a small stream, which flows from the upper part of the valley of Marathon, discharges itself into the sea by three shallow channels. A narrow rocky point, projecting from the shore, forms the north east part of the bay, close to which is a salt stream connected with a shallow lake, and a great extent of marsh land. About one mile and a half south of the river of Marathon is another mconsiderable rivulet of fresh water, flowing also from a marsh by no means so extensive as the other. From the north east point of the bay, on a low narrow sandy ridge extends a wood of the Pinus Pinea for a space of two miles along the shore ; in the rear of this, the plain is a continued marsh, reaching as far as the modern village Souli ; probably the ancient Tricorythus, which formed with (Enoe, Probalinthus, and INIarathon, the Tetrapolis of Attica.* The other part of the plain, except the small marsh to the south- ward, consists of uninclosed and level corn land, with a few olive and wild pear-trees. The village, called Marathona, which is situated in a narrow valley of nearly uniform breadth opening into the plain, is rather more than three miles from the sea. This valley is in general three quarters of a mile in breadth, and is bounded on either side by difficult heights ; on the south side it is separated from another small valley, which however is itself enclosed with rocky eminences; and appears as a bay connected with the plain; while the valley of Marathon may be compared to a creek or inlet into the interior. At the foot of the mountain, on the south side of the plain, is a small hamlet called Vrana, supposed by some to be on the * Another tovpn named Qi^noe was near Eleiilheraj; see Harpocrat. and Wcsselingin D. Sic. torn. i. 305. Colonel Leake mentions the vestieres which mark the site of an o ancient Demos in the valley above the village of Marathona. They are called Ninoe. — Researches, p. 420. THE PLAIN OF MAUATHOJsT. 33I site of the ancient Rrauron * ; at tlie entrance of the valley of Marathon from the plain are two small villages called Bey and Sileeri. The modern Marathon contains a iew Zevgaria, and is peopled by about 200 inhabitants ; the houses of the peasants are in the midst of gardens, planted with apricot trees, vines, and olives. They are watered from a copious fountain about a mile above the village, surrounded by a circular foundation of ancient masonry ; the only remains f of antiquity which we could discover near a place once distmguished as £u:iTtf^ivr,v Mapa^w^a. The stream derived from the fountain, the Macaria of Pausanias, passes down the valley parallel to the river, to the distance of three quarters of a mile ; and is then conducted across the river in a wooden trough, and continues its course to the village, where it is employed in the gardens. Above the fountain is a small detached rocky height, at the smnmit of which is a cavern with a low entrance, and naturally divided into several compartments ; this, according to Pausanias, may be the mountain and grotto of Pan, though it would be difficult to conceive the slightest resemblance in the rocks to goats or sheep, mentioned by that author in his Grecian tour. From Marathona to Athens is a march of about seven hours, in a S. W. direction, and tlie first part of the road is through an unequal, rocky, and rather a difficult country ; over a ridge, which connects Pentelicus with the eastern extremity of Parnes, and therefore corresponds with the situation of . * At the western extremity of the valley, wliere Braiiron is placed, Col. Squire has noticed in his plan the ruins of a marble monument. The Editor supposes that in this portion of the plain part of a Greek inscription was found by M. Fauvel. The words he had copied were the following : OMONOIAS A0ANAT . . '• " ' / ' "' ■ ' nTAH ;:j; ■., ■•■■'. ;-. ..; ;.•.,:.■ -m'' c-.. HP12AOTOXi2P02 EI20NEISEPXE . . There appears to be some reference to Herodes Atticus who died at Marathon. ' t The columns in the marsh observed by Dr. Clai'ke are probably part of the temple of the Hellotian Minerva, so called from the marsh on the plain ; the temple of the Dclian Apollo, and one of Hercules, are mentioned by the ancient writers. — Schol. Pind. Olymp. xiii. Herod, vi. - :■ , .; u u 2 332 THE PLAIN OF MARATHON. the ancient Brilessus. Beyond is the extensive plain of Athens, which reaches from Mount Pentehcus to the sea. As soon as the Athenians received intelHgence that the Persians had actually landed in their country they marched against them. Of the exact number on either side Herodotus makes no mention ; according to Plutarch (in Parall.) and Valerius Maximus, the forces of the enemy amounted to 300,000; Justin reckons them to be 600,000; and Cornelius Nepos (in vita Milt.) makes them ten times the number of the Athenians, or about 100,000. The amount of the Grecian force must have been of universal notoriety ; the battle of Marathon was doubtless the most important event in the history of Athens; it was ever afterwards the pride and boast of the Athenians; and might be considered no less than the fight at Artemisium, as Kfv^k IXfv&i^iccc, (Pindar) " the foundation of their freedom ;" surely then the recollection of every minute circumstance of that engage- ment would be fondly cherished to the last hour of the republic. Although therefore Herodotus does not relate the numbers in the Grecian army, the authority of Plutarch, Cornelius Nepos, and Pausanias on this head may be accepted without hesitation ; for though these authors differ with regard to the Persian army, they uniformly agree in stating the Athenian force at Marathon to have been 9000 men*, besides 1000 Platseans, who alone of the other Grecian states bore a part in the engagement. Pausanias particularly observes (in Phoc.) that in this statement of the Athenian force the slaves were also included. An army of 10,000 men was but an inconsiderable force to oppose to the Persians, unless this amazing inferiority was counterbalanced by some local advantages. The Greeks therefore when they arrived at Marathon, would not descend into the plain to expose themselves to be surrounded by numbers, * Mr. Mitford in his History of Greece (i. 3fi5.) supposes the regular Grecian forces engaged at tiie battle of Marathon to consist of greater numbers than those mentioned in the text. He adds some thousand slaves to the Athenian army ; whereas Pausanias in- cludes them in the number DOOO. Afl)jv«ioi crliy SouXoij tweuxiiT^i^'niiv aflxovTO 6u ttAs/ou;. — Phoc. THE I'LAIN OF MARATHON. 333 and afterwards destroyed by the cavalry, they would surely take a position, securing their flanks as much as possible, while they pre- sented but a small front towards the enemy. The valley of Marathon offered to the Athenians as favourable a spot for engaging as could be desired. ^Vhile they could fight the enemy on equal terms, a body so well trained and disciplined, and commanded by such able generals as the Athenians were, would have little hesitation to oppose themselves to the most spirited efforts of the barbarians. The Athenians also had powerful motives to animate and encourage them ; their liberty, their existence were at stake ; while the numerous hordes of the enemy, unacquainted with their officers, and prompted by different interests would easily relax in the fight, and be overpowered by the firm and daring courage of the Athenians. On the first view, indeed, the conduct of the Greeks in marching out from the city, and thus risking their country in this single engagement, appears wholly desperate ; though when their situation is considered, it must be allowed that their councils were dictated by prudence and I'eason. To have opposed the debarkation of the Persians would have been absurd and fruitless ; had they suffered the enemy to advance into the plain of Athens, their country would most probably have been lost ; for no situation between the city and the place of landing could afford so many advantages for an en- gagement as the valley of Marathon. Had the Athenians shut themselves up in Athens, the Persians, in full possession of the open country, would soon have compelled them to surrender ; so that, all things considered, the iVthenians seem to have adopted the wisest measure by deciding resolutely to occupy the pass on the principal road towards the capital. The armies of the Athenians were commanded by ten generals, according to the number of their tribes, each of whom was in his turn commander-in-chief of the day. To these was added the Pole- march, an officer who had the privilege of giving a casting vote in the event of a difference of opinion on the plan of operations. In the 334 - THE PLAIN OF MARATHON. present instance the sentiments of the ten generals were divided, five being averse to an engagement ; which the remainder strongly recommended. Miltiades, who was the youngest in rank, though highest in reputation, zealous in the cause of his country, and con- vinced in his own mind that the wisest course was to engage, gained Callimachus, who was then Polemarch, over to his opinion, and it was resolved to attack the enemy. Plutarch observes, that Aristides was of the same way of thinking with Miltiades, and was of great assist- ance in persuading the rest. When the decisive moment arrived, he disposed his forces in the following manner; Callimachus commanded the right wing ; for by a law this post was always confided to the Polemarch ; beginning from the right flank the tribes were placed in the line according to their order ; the Platfpans were on the left. Miltiades formed his front equal to that of the Medes, weakening in- deed his centre, in which were only the tribes Leontis and Antiochis (the first commanded by Themistocles, the second by Aristides), that he might strenothen the winos. No other situation at Marathon, but in the valley itself, could have afforded him the great advantage of making his line equal to that of the enemy. The space which it is conjectured was occupied by the Greeks was about 1500 yards in length ; on computing that each soldier occupied three feet, there would consequently be 1500 men in the first line. From the weakness of their numbers, and the extent of ground they were obliged to occupy, they could not afford that great depth to their line which was always customary, and would in this instance have been very important. Miltiades therefore wisely took from his centre, that he might give greater strength to his flanks. When the sacrifices appeared favourable for commencing the en- gagement, the Greeks rushed forward in full charge against the bar- barians. Between the van of each army there was a space of not less than eight stadia, about three quarters of a mile. The Persians when they perceived the Greeks in motion, immediately prepared to receive them, for they considered such conduct as the height of folly, THE PLAIN OF MARATHON. 335 andthe certain cause of destruction to the Greeks, who, without *cavalry or archers, pressed forward to the attack with sucii violent impetuosity. The latter however when they came hand to hand witli the barbarians, fought in a maimer most worthy to be recorded ; they were the first, says the liistorian, of all the Greeks who advanced in full charge (Le pas de charge, Larcher,) against their enemies, and none before had ever sustained the Medes, and the terrific appearance of their dress. In the representation of this battle by Micon, the Persians were painted taller than the Athenians ; and the artist was fined thirty mina3; but he was probably correct in his design, as the Oriental dress must have given to the Asiatics the appearance of greater height, f In the early part of the engagement, the centre of the Greeks was obliged to fall back and was pursued up the country by the Persians and the Sacas ; but on either wing fortune favored the Greeks ; and here they overcame, routed the barbarians, and compelled them to fly. Those who had turned their backs they at first allowed to retire unmolested ; so that the Greeks uniting their victorious wings, attacked and defeated those of the enemy who had been successful in the centre. The rout now became general : the Persians retreated in confusion towards the beach, to regain, if possible, their shipping ; and vast numbers were slain by the Greeks who constantly pursued them. Pausanias (lib. i. cap. 15.) describes a painting at Athens in the Peisanactean portico by Pantenus, the brother of Phidias, representing the battle of Marathon, and in which are observed the Persians flying in every direction across the plain, and driving one another into the marsh. In a second passage * The earliest mention we find in history of cavah-y in tlie Greek armies, is of tlie date 7-13 B.C., the time of the first Messcnian war. At Marathon tiie Athenians had no force of this kind, as Tiiessaiy, the country from which many of the Grecian states were sup- plied with horses, was in the power of the Persians. — Sec Goguet. iii. 151. f Sopater. see Valesius in not. Mauss. Harpocration. 123. On a frize of a temple at Athens was sculjnured the representation of a l):ittle between the Persians antl Athenians, the former were distinguished by their long garments and tiaras and Phrygian bonnets. — See p. 20. Memorandum of Lord Elgin's Pursuits in Greece. 336 THE PLAIN OF MARATHON. of the Attics, Pausanias particularly mentions the marsh at Marathon, and as connected with the sea by a small stream of salt water. This description corresponds most minutely with the ground in the north east extremities of the plain. The remainder of the Persian army embarked as hastily as possible, and doubling Cape Sunium sailed towards Phalerum with the hopes of anticipating the Athenians, and of taking the city before the army could return from Marathon. The Athenians, however, having left the tribe Antiochis com- manded by Aristides, to guard the wounded and prisoners, and to collect the spoil, marched instantly for Athens, so that the Persians being dis- appointed of their object, returned with their fleet to the coast of Asia. Accordino; to the historian, there fell of the Athenians one hun- dred and ninety-two ; while the loss on the part of the barbarians amounted to six thousand four hundred : seven of the ships were also burnt or destroyed by the Greeks. Callimachus, the Polemarch, was among the slain, as was also the commander Cynoegirus, the brother of the poet iEschylus. It was a custom with the Athenians to bury those who were slain in battle, or to erect columns to their memory, in a place called the Ceramicus, " the most beautiful suburb of their city," to use the words of Thucydides ; but as a particular mark of distinction, three monu- ments were erected at Marathon, in honor of the event of the battle ; one was raised to the memory of the Athenians, who fell in it; another recorded the valour of the Plateaus, and the slaves who fought : a third was the monument of Miltiades. — Pans. At this day may be seen towards the middle of the plain a large tumulus of earth, 25 feet in height, resembling those on the plain of Troy. In a small marsh near the sea, are the vestiges of ten monuments with marble foun- dations, and fragments of columns, which, it may be conjectured, marked the tombs of the Athenians. ( 337 ) REMARKS ON PARTS OF THE CONTINENT OF GREECE. [FROM THE PAPERS OF THE LATE COLONEL SQUIRE.] • iHE chief communications between Athens and the neighbourinfr districts, were across Citha^ron into Boeotia; by Decelea, through Tanagra to Euboea ; into the Peloponnesus by Eleusis and Megara. In the first route, one traverses the plain of Athens, through the olive grounds, to the foot of Parnes, a distance of about seven miles from the city. After an hour's gentle ascent overarugged road in the moun- tain, on an abrupt isolated rock, a short distance to the left, the strong- hold*, Phyle, often mentioned in the history of Athens, is observed. Having crossed Parnes, you reach a small plain, in which are the ruins of EleutherfP ; then the road ascends Citliapron, through a narrow rock and winding gorge, on which are the remains of an ancient fortress in a very commanding situation. From the summit of Citha?ron, by the road called the Three-heads, is the descent into the plain of Boeotia, a distance of seven hours from Athens, in a north west direction. The Athenians derived a great part of their supplies from Euboea ; the route was to the north of Athens, between Pentelicus and Parnes : and here was the strong fort Decelea. j- From Attica, there * ippovpiov rtyypiv. Stephanus ; see Corsini F. A. Diss. v. f "Decelea, according to Thucydides, was about 120 stadia from Athens; that is, 20 stadia further fiom Athens than Plivle (Diodorus, torn. i. 667. Wesseling), and in a different direction, being on the other side of Parnes, for it was on the road to Oropus, and interrupted the communication by land between Athens and Euboea. There is some X X 338 REMARKS ON PARTS OF GREECE. is another road to Euboea, along the sea-side from Marathon ; from this place to Athens is a distance of eight hours ; three of which are through the plain north of the city, after this, the road leads over low and rugged heights covered with pine-trees and shrubs, until Marathon presents itself, in a narrow valley with a plain, about three miles wide, between the village and the sea. From Athens to the Pelo- ponnesus, the route is through Eleusis and JNIegara, for the most part along the shore of the gulf; after having traversed the plain in an hour and a half between Corydallus and Parnes, in a small valley, which leads immediately to the sea, is the convent Daphne, where are two or three inscriptions, and blended with the modern building, columns of the Ionic order, the remains of the temple of Venus. Hence, in a quarter of an hour is the descent to the sea, called Kc!,k.7j (TKuha.^, the bad road; from this point to the streams Rhiti, is the distance of a mile and a half. The road has been formed in the rock close to the sea, and in many places are perceived the marks made by the carriage wheels. After the Rhiti, which are insignificant streams, commences the plain of Thria or Eleusis; from the Rhiti to Eleusis, is the distance of an hour and a half The plan of the great Templp of Ceros f, iTiay in part be accurately traced. The plain of Eleusis about eight miles long, and four in width, is almost entirely high level ground of considerable extent in this direction, over which the road still leads from Athens to the village of Oropo. Now the nearest distance of Athens from the foot of Parnes is 11 English miles, or about 110 stadia: we may therefore expect to discover the remains of Dccelea at the distance of 10 stadia farther ; and on the spurs of that mountain. Here in fact Stuart has noticed some ruins of ancient Greek walls, which both he and Sir W. Gell believe to be the walls of Decelea. The spot bears the significative appellation of ;)(;cuf lo-xXe'iSia." — Mr. Hawkins. * Les Grecs la nomment encore aujourd'hui Kakiscala. — Des Mouceaux. f The temple was destroyed by Alaric in 396. Ac. Ins. t. -4 7- The remains have been carefully examined by the mission sent into Greece in 1812, by the Dilettanti society. The cella was about 1 80 feet square, with a portico of 12 Doric columns, of more than six feet in diameter. The fragment of the Eleusinian Goddess now at Cambridge, was first noticed by Des Mouceaux. " L'Ouvrage," he says, speaking of the sculpture of part of it, " ou est acheve la draperie, fait des plis d'un gout merveilleux." REMARKS ON PARTS OF GREECli 339 cultivated with barley. From Eleusis to jNIegara, a distance of four hours, the road traverses first a low height, until the country of ]\Iegara soon appears with the town on two small eminences, about two miles from the sea ; here are few vestiges of antiquity ; but it appears, that as at Athens, long walls connected the port with the town. The nearest road to the Isthmus is along the sea-shore, and the Scironian rocks, rugged and difficult ; the Turks have here established a Dervent or guard-house, to prevent contraband commerce in the Morea, and no one is allowed to pass without an ex- press order from the Pasha of Tripolizza. The ordinary route from Megara, is along the north side of the mountain, which forms the first barrier to the Isthmus, until it joins the grand line of com- munication from the jNIorea, with the northern provinces of Greece. Here is a Dervent, and hence the road traverses the mountain, through a high irregular broken country, continually descending until it meets the low, though uneven ground of the Isthmus. From Eleusis is a road into Boeotia two hours across the plain to the north, then through a part of Mount Parnes ; beyond is the plain of Eleutherae ; and here the road from Eleusis joins the ordinary route from Athens by Phyle into Boeotia. Boeotia consists for the most part of the extensive plain enclosed by Citha^ron, Helicon, Parnassus, and the mountainous country of the Locrians on the sea of Eubciea. This plain is intersected by low ridges of a bare and rocky soil, so that Boeotia may be sub-divided into the plains of Platasa, Leuctra, Thebes, Lebadea, and Ch;firongea. The well-watered plains of Chfcronaea and Lebadea, and the land bordering on the Lake Copais are chiefly sown with rice, cotton, and doura, and a small proportion of tobacco ; the other districts with wheat and barley. The soil of Boeotia is rich and productive, and from Thebes, the unworthy representative of the ancient capital, a considerable quantity of grain is annually exported. Boeotia is well supplied with water by the numerous springs from the mountains, besides its rivers, which notwithstanding as in otiier l)arts of Greece, they are small inconsiderable streams, are more X X 2 540 REMARKS ON PARTS OF GREECE. full and constant. The rapid little river Hercyna has its rise in Helicon above Lebadea, and after being augmented by the fountains Lethe and Mnemosyne, near the supposed site of the cave of Tro- phonius, flows through the rice grounds, and discharges itself into the Lake Copals. The Cephissus has its rise in Mount CEta, fertilizes the plain of Phocis, then entering that of Chserona^a, through a narrow gorge between a part of Parnassus and the country of the Locrians, meets the lake Copais in the neighbourhood of Orcho- menus. This lake has subterranean communications with the sea : in summer, instead of a sheet of water, it has the appearance of an extensive green meadow. Topoglia, the supposed ancient Copae, is a small insulated eminence at the north-east extremity, and is approachable from the plain by a causeway. The lake is about twelve miles in circuit. Boeotia with its rich soil, and a continual supply of water, had local advantages which Attica did not possess ; there was greater opulence, more numerous cities, and a larger population than in the latter. Lebadea, now pronounced Livadea, is placed at the entrance of a rocky ravine, on the north side of Helicon. From some small masses of ancient foundations, it is imagined that the site of the original city was a short distance from the present town, and immediately on the plain. The little river Hercyna rushes through the rocky irreo'ular bottom of the ravine, and receives an increase of water from the fountains near the cave of Trophonius. On the left side of the river above the town, and at the foot of a rocky height surrounded by a Turkish fortress in a very ruinous state, is an artificial excavation about twelve feet square, and eight in height: on the upper part are still seen the remains of an ancient coloured border similar to that which is observed on the walls of the Parthenon, and in the temple of Theseus at Athens. In front of the grotto is a powerful spring discharging itself by eleven artificial pipes into a small basin ; the water of which afterwards overflows and joins the river ; on the opposite side is another fountain which bubbles up from the ground, REMARKS ON PARTS OF GREECE. 34I forminf^ immediately a square reservoir, which connects also with the Hercyna. Scripoo*, the ancient Orchomenus, is placed immediately on the Lake Copais, at the toot of a mountain about seven miles east of Livadea ; it may contain from three to four hundred in- habitants. In the church and court of the convent of Scripoo are many long and valuable inscriptions. Immediately at the lower part of the rocky height above Scripoo, is a large block of marble, supported by two upright walls, apparently the en- trance of a building, t A perfect structure on a similar design now exists at Mycenae, so that from a comparison of the two, it may be fairly concluded, that one was the treasury of Atreus, tiae other of iNlinyas; at Mycena> the building is of stone, at Orchomenus of marble. In consequence of the excavations made by Lord Elgin, the treasury of Atreus is a recent discovery ; previously to this, Mr, Tweddell, who died at Athens in the midst of his researches J, had ingeniously conjectured, that the large stone at Scripoo, had once formed part of the celebrated treasury of Minyas, and his opinion has been since confirmed by the examination of that at Mycence. On the height above the village, are vestiges of the ancient walls of Orchomenus, with a sort of citadel on the summit of the mountain ; the plan of it may be very accurately traced ; on the east side of the * " I rode up the hill, with difficulty, to the acropolis of Orchomenus, a.scendiriff a slope which probably was the scene of Sylla's battle. The walls of the citadel are well built, in the best style of masonry and without cement. The citadel is lone; and narrow, adapted to the shape of the ridge; a long flight of steps hewn in the rock leads to the town, which extended in a triangular form down the lower part of the slope to the plain below. The lake seems to have gained considerably on the land: on the eastern side it came up to the foot of the mountain, and left but a small space in front." — From Mr. Raikes. f The measures of the door-way ami the great stone above it, were sent to the Editor, by Mr. Hawkins. They are given in anotiier part of this volume. X In medio flore interceptus, fructus quos ex doctrina ejus nobis certissimos spondeba- mus, maturare et emittcre non potuit. — Salmasius Pra;f. ad Tab. Cebetis. 342 REMARKS ON PARTS OF GREECE. mountain, which is here bounded by the Lake Copais, are two very copious springs. ChfErontea, now called Caprena, is placed at the foot of that range of heio-hts which forms the western limit of the plain traversed by the Cephissus, before it discharges itself into the Copaic Lake. Here are a few inscriptions, and on the height north of the town, are the re- mains of a Greek fortress, which probably was once the acropolis. At the east extremity of this height, where it meets the plain, are vestio-es of an ancient theatre, with several seats excavated in the rock. The site of Coronea, it is imagined, is now occupied by the little village Granizza, at the foot of Helicon, about two miles east of Livadea ; here is a tower about twenty feet square, of ancient and most solid construction. North-west of Platosa, in a sm.all plain bounded to the west by Helicon, are traced the ancient foundations of an oval enclosure, which probably was the situation of Leuctra ; an insignificant village of five houses, adjoining the spot, called Lef ka, in some degree confirms the conjecture ; here are two inscriptions, and more in the village called Erimo Castro in the heights north of Lef ka. Between Platsea and Leuctra is a considerable plain, which from two tumuli near the road, may be supposed to have been the scene of the engagement between Epaminondas and the Spartans. — On the irregular ground, the roots of Cithseron, are the remains of the ancient fortifications of P]ata3a, containing within them, though on level ground, a semicircular enceinte, (one side of the outer walls forming the chord) which perhaps was the acropolis ; here are some fragments of columns and masses of masonry, and several very ancient sarcophagi, without the city. The village Kokle, containing about one hundred and fifty inhabitants, is above the remains of Plat^ea. — The scene of the celebrated fight at Platoea, was on the north side of Cithfieron, a chain of mountains which extending from the ^Egaean to the Corinthian sea, separates Attica from Boeotia. The chief road of communication between these districts passes over the summits of Ci- thaeron, which in this part is distinguished by three remarkable points, REMARKS ON PARTS OF (iREECK. 343 anciently called by the Boeotians " The Heads," by the Athenians " The lieads of the Oak." Three miles wcstwartl oi" the pass over Citha^ron, arc the vestiges of the towers and walls of the ancient Platsea ; about half way between the descent from Cithoeron, and the remains of the city, is a low ridge of heights extending in a north direction from the mountain, and bounding the plain of Plataea to the eastward ; from either side of this ridge is a descent*, on one side towards the sea of Corinth, on the other towards the Euripus ; according to the position of the country, the Asopus having its rise in Cithseron discharges itself into the sea of Euboea, while another river which it may be conjectured was the JEroe, also flowing from Cithceron, has its course through the plain of Plateea, passes before the city, and then falls into the gulf of Co- rinth, near Livadostro. Both these rivers have separate branches in the mountain, and the latter precisely forms the same sort of island, so minutely described by the historian, lib. ix. 50. though its streams, as those of other Grecian rivers, are merely torrents in the winter ; the Asopus, rather more considerable, has stagnant pools in different parts of its channel, even throughout the summer ; on the left of the road leading from the Three Heads to Platoea is a copious foun- tain, which, during the summer months, supplies the villages Gon- dara and Velia with water. It is now called Vergentiani, and was perhaps the Gargaphia in Herodotus. Erythree may have been on the site of the village Pigadhia, and Hysiae on that of Gondara and Velia. On the left bank of the Asopus, consisting of perhaps thirty hours, is Scamino, which is supposed to have succeeded Tana- gra in its situation ; here are two inscriptions, which relate to Oropus, whereas Oropus was on the other side of the river : while at Oropo, which from its situation and name may be pronounced to be the an- cient Oropus, are three or four marbles on which Tanagra is mentioned. Consult Mr. Stanhope's Memoir and Plan relating to the country round Plata\i. 344 REMARKS ON PARTS OF GREECE. Helicon bounds the plain of Lebadea to the west, joins with Par- nassus, and terminates to the south on the guli" of Corinth near Liva- dostro. Its presents a bare and rugged appearance : but some of the vallies are cultivated in corn, interspersed v/ith orchards of fruit trees, the plane, the fig, and the poplar, in abundance. Phocis includes the plain of the Cephissus, which connects with that of Livadea ; on the north it is bounded by (Eta, on the south by Boeotia, on the east side the mountainous country of the Dorians separates it from the sea of Euboea ; the western limit is washed by the Corinthian or Crissean gulfs. The soil, watered Ijy the Cephissus, which is joined by several smaller streams from Parnassus, is fertile and well cultivated in rice, doura, and corn land; the plain of * Crissa produces a small quantity of wheat and barley, though it is for the most part planted with olive trees. An elevated plain, on which is Thistomo, the ancient Ambry ssus, seems to connect Parnassus on the south with Helicon. To the north the mountains join with QLta ; op- posite to its west side is Mount Cirphis, while its easteru slope is presented towards tlie plain of the Cephissus. The outer aspect of Parnassus is rude and without vegetation; it encloses however several fruitful valleys, as remarkable for their natural beauties as for their cultivation. This mountain is intersected by several roads in different directions, which connect the plain of Cephissus with that of Crissa, Delphi, and the sea. The road called Schiste, which was the sacred way from Attica and Boeotia to Delphi, soon appears after entering Parnassus at Daulis ; it commences in a spot where three roads join, TficSoc, famed for the sepulchre of (Edipus. Hence the road to Delphi branches off to the right, and is continued through an elevated narrow valley, either side of which is bounded by the lofty ridges of * Cirrha is now called Xeropegano ; the Plistus flowing between the heights of Lia- coura and Cirphis passes near it. Crissa (Chriso) contains some remarkable ruins; and near a church called Agio Sarandi, is an incription in Boustrophedon ; there is a bas- relief in another church, and a lyre represented with 16 strings. — (From M. Gropius.) RKMARKS ON PARTS OF GREECE. .'j45 Parnassus ; in this part, in tlie depth of summer, we observed snow in a cavity near the summit of the mountain. After an hour and a half from the r^ioS^og are perceived the remains of an ancient fortress, near which is a fountain ; this part of Parnassus is rugged, with httle cultivation, though the sides of the mountain are much scattered with pine-trees. An hour from the palaio-castro, as this kind of ruin is always termed by the modern Greeks, is Rakova, a small village in an elevated part of the mountain, commanding a magnificent view ; before us, was the valley of Delphi, which was seen in its length, confined on one side by Parnassus, on the other by Mount Cirphis ; perpendicular to this valley was the plain of Crissa, clouded by its olive-yards, bounded by the rude mountainous country of the Ozola?; the fantastic abrupt shapes of Parnassus were well contrasted with the luxuriance of the valley, which was a continued plantation of vines. Delphi is about five hours from Daulis ; a small village, under the appellation of Castri, now occupies the site of this memo- rable spot ; it presents a rugged and uneven slope, above which, the summits of Parnassus rise abrupt and perpendicular. Here are two fountains, probably those of Castalia and Cassotis *, the " vocal streams," of which the priestess drank before she uttered her mys- terious prophecies. The rock in the vicinity, has been much chisselled and excavated ; near a spring, is a square artificial grotto, one of the BacchicEe Speluncae mentioned by Macrobius. The head of an ox, which is sculptured in a cavern or room in the rock, has a reference to Apollo, (v. Huet. D. Ev. iv. c. 8.) Some valuable inscriptions have been copied at Delphi f : the remains of the stadium are very evident ; but those of the theatre and temple, the latter of which was restored at so late a period as the time of the Emperor Julian, * That the waters of Cassotis, as well as Castalia were used, is evident from Pausan. Lucian. Eurip. See the authorities quoted by Van Dale, de Orac. 130. Tiie " vocal streams" are mentioned in part of the response, uttered to Oribasius, Julian's physician. Cedren. 250. Ed. Bas. aTrcV/SjTo xai kdkov u5c«p. t One found by Wheler and Spon, speaks of the privileges of vpot^/ia, irpoiixla, xpofsvio, and ■xfajjLoi.vTei'x, (or the right of consulting the oracle first) bestowed on some persons. ^ > Y Y 346 REMARKS ON PARTS OF GREECE. are not to be traced. Immediately above Delphi is another road into the plain of the Cephissus, over the highest part of the moun- tain, near which must have been Tithorea, and towards the descent into the plain Ledon and Charadra. From the parched plains in the summer months, the shepherds migrate with their flocks to the cooler regions of Parnassus, where a rich pasture, with springs of water abounds. The road from Delphi occasionally traverses small cultivated plains enclosed with rocky heights ; sometimes detached, and continually scattered over with pine trees, affording a wild and horrid, though imposing aspect. From the western point of the plain of the Cephissus, nearer to Mount ffita, is a passage by way of Salona, the ancient Amphissa, into the plain of Crissa, and to Delphi. At the entrance of the mountain is a modern Khan, near which are the remains of a fortress, placed on an almost inaccessible rock. The descent into the plain of Salona is along a winding, arti- ficial road, formed with masonry, on the steep side of a mountain ; from this town, the plain of the Cephissus is about three hours distant ; it connects with that of Chaeronea. . hr.L ISTHMUS OF CORINTH. From Greece into Peloponnesus there are two roads ; the one from Megara along a narrow cornice on the Saronic gulf, artificially formed in the rocks, which rise perpendicularly from the sea. The ordinary route from Boeotia and Attica into the Peloponnesus was over the summits of the mountain Gerania, which forms the first barrier of the isthmus towards Greece. You enter into a narrow gorge, near which is a Dervent, or Turkish guard-house ; afterwards a good gravelly road along the slope of a mountain leads to irregular heights, covered with pines and brush-wood ; hence the descent is gradual to the low, but rocky, uneven ground of the isthmus ; about three miles before we arrive at Corinth may be traced the vestiges of a very ancient wall, which was built for the defence of the Peloponnesus ; this is in the most narrow part of the isthmus ; where it is four short ISTHMUS OF CORINTH. 347 miles in widtli ; it consisted as in otlier Greek tbrtifications of" a stone wall with square towers in the intervals between them. On the east side of the isthmus for a considerable distance in front of the wall, tlie ground appears low* and swampy, as if an excavation had been begun at some remote period to admit the sea water, and thus strengthen the position. We read in Herodotus that the Pelopon- nesians after the battle of Thermopylse took post at the isthmus, and having destroyed the Sriroiiiaii way, they built a wall across the isthmus. From their critical situation, under a dread of an irruption from the barbarians into the Peloponnesus, it may be concluded, as indeed Herodotus mentions, that the Greeks would lose no time in completing their fortifications ; they used all sorts of materials, stones, bricks, timber, baskets filled with earth, rather temporary expedients, than the means of erecting a solid and permanent barrier. What date must we then affix to the remains of the present wallf across the isthmus ? — Immediately in front of Corinth are the vestiges of some modern field works, constructed by the Venetians for the defence of the pass into the Morea ; on the west side they are terminated by a square redoubt on the Corinthian gulph near Lechaeum, one of the ancient ports of the city ; on the east there was no necessity to con- tinue these works to the shore, on account of a hiffh and difficult mountain between Corinth and the sea. In front of the town is a modern village called by the modern Greeks Hexamilia, the isthmus * Des Mouceaux, who travelled in 1668, says, that in some parts it would have been necessary to dig the canal to the depth of fifteen toises, " et presque partout de dix, a I'exception des deux extremite's, on Ic terrein se baisse vers la marine." The remains of this work will be pointed out by Mr. Hawkins in his account of the survey of the isthmus ; he was occupied two days in measuring it. f The wall built across the isthmus by the Greeks when tlicy were alarmed by the Per- sian invasion, reached from Lechaeum to Ccnchreaj, a distance of five miles, as we learn from Strabo, Pliny, Agathemcrus, and Diod. S. (See Wesseling in D. S. t. i. p. 416'.) This was in a different spot from that observed by Col. S. The wall he notices is more to the north, and in a narrower part. Manuel Palajologus fortified the istlimus; the wall was forced by Murat the Second, and was raised again by the Venetians in \S96. — See D'Anville I'Empire Tare. pp. 33. 116. Y Y 2 348 ISTHMUS OF CORINTH. being in this part about six Greek miles in width. On the road from" Corinth to Cenchrefe the harbour of the city on the Saronic guh", are two Roman sepulchi-es of masonry, and faced with tesselated brick work ; the position of Lechceum, as well as of Cenchrese is sufficiently marked by traces of stone foundation in the sea, which formed the inclosure of the harbour ; these ports are now almost entirely filled up and destroyed ; and capable only of admitting the very small boats of the country. " ■ . - . Considered in a military point of view, the isthmus renders the Morea extremely secure against any attack meditated on the land side from Greece ; but on the two coasts there is a very favourable shore for debarkation, and accessible in every part ; the gulf of Lepanto or Corinth indeed being very narrow and contracted at its entrance, though it afterwards expands into an extensive bay, is capable of the strongest defence ; the Saronic or gulf of JEgina is more open, and an invading squadron might anchor in this sea without any fear of opposition from the land. On examining the ground, the ridge of mountains, the ancient Gerania, appears to constitute the best and most tenable barrier of the isthmus towards Greece ; the Scironian road leading from Megara may readily be destroyed ; an impracticable rocky height thus extends from one sea to the other, presenting only in one instance a passable gorge, the present road into the Peloponnesus, which may be defended by a handful of men against the most formidable invader. Cannon judi- ciously planted in this part would ensure the safety of the isthmus, for the whole ground in front, consisting of rugged uneven heights, is completely commanded by the mountain. With the Acro-Corin- thus, and the ridge of heights at the south extremity of the isthmus, where are still seen the traces of Venetian field-works, may be esta- blished a second position, not so strong, and more extended than the first ; the great advantage of the second post would be in the event of a debarkation on the sides of the isthmus, in the rear of the moun- tainous ridge Gerania. From the shore of the Corinthian gulf little may be apprehended, because the entrance into this sea may be pre- ISTHMUS OF CORINTH. 349 vented by strong batteries or towers at Lepanto. That part of the shore of the Saronic bay, calculated for debarkation, is an extent of three or four miles, bounding the lowest part of the isthmus, be- tween the Scironian rocks, and the mountains eastward of Corinth, a space which with the assistance of art might be easily defended. What has been observed with regard to the defence of the Pelo- ponnesus relates only to an attack from Greece, or to a debarkation on the isthmus. Why did the Greeks build a wall across the isthmus, instead of fortifying the gorge in the first barrier in the mountain? It is reasonable to suppose that the last mode of defence was attended to as well as the first, and that an advanced guard would have been stationed to dispute to the last moment this important pass*, this Thermopylae of the Peloponnesus. But though the Greeks would take advantage of the obstacles, nature had ofFered for their protection against an invasion by land, they would also provide against any force, which the Persians might attempt to debark on the isthmus, in the event of a victory obtained by their naval armaments, over the allied Greeks at Salamis. Those of the Peloponnesus would there- fore immediately draw the line of fortification, particularly mentioned by Herodotus, so placing their defences, as to enclose the harbour of Cenchreae on the Saronic gulf, and at the same time to allow as little space as possible for a debarkation in their rear. * The importance of a fortress at Geraneia was not overlooked by the Greeks ; we find mention of the rli^o; Tzpavsnx in Scylax Per. 15. Hudson. But the time of erecting it cannot of course be fixed. cr;:' •' ( 350 ) ',,■ M.J ^' OBSERVATIONS » RELATING TO SOME OF THE ANTIQUITIES OF EGYPT. [FROM THE JOURNALS OF THE LATE MR. D AVISO N.'\ s ( ^ r > , ' .iii'::.> .-i.iV/ SO;!';)!;-!: '■!> ':j!:0.'''i .'r!' ;. ..... . :y /[ The most sure and accurate method of finding the height of the great Pyramid, says Grobert, is that of measuring the steps of it ; 205 were counted by some of the French Institute, and the size of each (on the side facing the N.W.) in feet, inches, and hnes was taken, making 437 feet, two inches ; but tliree steps under the apparent lowest step were uncovered ; and as these add eleven feet to the measures already mentioned, the sum total is 448 feet, 2 inches ; and the whole number of the tiers of stone is 208. The apparent base of the Pyramid is 718 feet, in length ; the true one, is 728. — Mr. Davison, many years before had adopted the same plan of taking the height of this Pyramid. In examining his statement, we shall find that he measured 206 tiers of stone*, and marked, sepa- rately, the dimensions of each. According to this examination, the perpendicular height of the Pyramid is 460 feet, 1 1 inches. The base is computed by him at 746 feet. — In comparing these measures with those of the French, it should be recollected that the French foot equals 1.066 English. The following are the particulars of Mr. Davison's Measurement. * By a diligent examination, says Greaves, I and two others found tlic number of degrees from the bottom to the top to be 207. See vol. i. 105. THE PYRAMIDS. 351 Step F. In. Step F. In. Step F. In. 1. 4 — 38. 3 Oi 75. 2 51 2. 4 8 • 39. 2 11 76. 2 1 3. 3 10 40. 2 SK 77. 2 Oi 4. 3 91 41. 2 7J 78. 1 111 5. 3 4 42. 2 4| 79. 1 llf 6. 3 3 43. 2 91 80. 2 0| 7. 3 4| 44. 3 4| 81. 1 lu 8. 2 llf 45. 3 2f 82. 1 111 9. 3 1 46. 2 3| 83. 1 10^ 10. 2 llf 47. 2 10 84. 2 4| 11. 2 91 48. 3 1| 85. 1 10^ 12. 2 6 ■ 49. 2 8 ■ 86. 2 2|. 13. 2 6 50. 2 3i 87. 1 10| 14. 2 5f 51. 2 2i 88. 1 10^ 15. 2 6| 52. 2 2i 89. 1 111 16. 2 3| 53. 2 2 90. 3 2i - 17. 2 4 54. 2 If 91. 2 114 18. 2 7i 55. 2 1| ' 92. 2 8|. . 19. 3 2 - 56i ^ 2 li 93. 2 54. 20. 2 57. 2 0| 94. 2 21 21. 1 llf 58. 2 3 95. 2 11 22. 2 11 59. 2 54 96. 1 111 23. 2 8| : 60. 2 4 97. 1 11t 24. 2 8| : m. ; 2 2| ' 98. 3 5 25. 2 8f ' 62. ' 2 1 99. 3 2i- 26. 2 7 ■ 6S. r 2 If .lOOi. . 2 11^ 27. 2 5| • 64. ^ 2 2 IQI4 2 8i 28. 2 5i 65. 2 2| 102. 2 54 29. 2 5 66. 1 111 lOS. 2 5t 30. 2 3f ■ 67. : 2 11 104. 2 2^ 31. 2 41 ■ 68. 2 7 105, 2 2t 32. 2 2i 69. 2 8^ 106. 2 14 33. 2 2 70. 2 5 107. 2 0-^ 34. 2 2 ^ -^ '^ 71. 2 4 108. 2 54 35. 4 Of 72. 2 2| 109. 2 2| 36. 3 7i 73. 2 2 110. 1 111 37. 3 If ,• 74. 2 7J Ill, 1 114 .■s 352 Step F. In. 112. 1 lU 113. 1 m 114. 1 101 115. 1 10| 116. ; 2 21 117. '■ 1 lU 118; 3 119. 2 8 120, 2 6i 121. 2 5i 122. 2 2| 123. 2 2} 124. 2 1 125. 1 HI 126. 1 Hi 127. 1 111 128. 1 11 129. 1 lOi 130. 2 21 131. 2 11 132. 1 111 133. 1 101 134. 1 91 135. 1 10 136. 1 111 137. 1 101 138. 2 24- 139. 1 1| 140. 1 101 141. 1 91 142. 1 104 143. 1 101 n EGYPT. ■ :' Step F. In. 144. 2 5| 145. 2 2 146. 2 147. 1 11 148. 1 lOi 149. 1 9i 150. 2 2i 151. 2 0| 152. 2 153. 1 lOi 154. 1 91 155. 1 9^ 156. 1 9i 157. 1 9 158. 1 10 159. 1 9i 160. 1 91 161. 1 9i 162. 1 HI 163. 1 101 164. 1 1 165. 1 91 166. 1 91 167. 1 8^ 168. 1 91 169. 1 8| 170. 1 9 171. 1 8 172. 1 9i 173. 1 81 174. 1 8i 175. 1 8| Step F. In. 176. 1 8^ 177- 1 8^ 178. 1 8t 179.' 1 9 180. ax. 181. 1 1 182. 1 HI 183. 1 104 184. 1 10^ 185. 1 9 186. 1 91- I87. 1 8t 188. 1 St 189. 1 8| 190. 1 81 191. 1 9i 192. 1 8 193. 1 8- 194. 1 8| 195. 1 8^ 196. 1 111 197- 1 in 198. 1 101 199. 1 9i 200. 1 91 201. 1 lOi 202. 1 9i 203. 1 8| 204. 1 81 205. 1 81 206. 3 2i The perpendicular height of the large Pyramid of Giza 460 11 The square pf the Pyramid is 746 feet ; its perpendicular height 460 feet, 11 inches. The top consists of six stones, irregularly dis- THE PYRAMIDS. 353 posed ; 206 tiers compose the whole height of the Pyramid. As the square of every tier is less than the one below it, the space of two or three feet which is left on all sides by each of them as they diminish towards the top, forms what is generally called the steps. They are of different dimensions, as may be seen on a preceding paper where the height of each is separately marked. It was thought proper, by means of a level and measure, to take the height of the steps one by one from the bottom to the top, a tedious, though the most certain and satisfactory method of having the exact perpendicular height of the whole, which agrees also with that taken by the Theodolite. — The entrance is upon the sixteenth step, on the side facing the north. It is" not in the middle as is generally imagined ; being only 350 feet distant from the N.E. corner, whereas it is 396 feet from the N.W. corner. Oct. 18. — Went a second time to the Pyramids, and returned the 23d of the same month. Slept in the Nizlet every night near the village of one of the principal Sheiks : thence sailed before sunrise in the morning, and landed a little to the east of the large Pyramid. Oct. 19. — Left the Nizlet at sunrise, and reached the Pyramid before eight. Began immediately to level and measure every step, one by one, and did not reach the top till one in the afternoon ; at three entered the pyramid, retook some of the measures, and came out. Oct. 20. — Set out at six in the morning, and in three quarters of an hour landed to the east of the Pyramid*; left the boat at seven o'clock, and visited a great number of grottoes and rooms cut out of the rock ; many of them are adorned with hieroglyphics, which in some places are distinct, notwithstanding the pains employed by the * Mr. Davison mentions in liis journal the fossil remains near the Pyramid, of which Niebuhr speaks : On y trouvc encore tic pctites petrifications en forme de lentille, qui semblent etre de la meiiie espece, que Jcs pctites helices dont j'ai recueilli plusieurs a Bukir ; on avoit dit a Strabon, que ccs petites jjctrifications s'ctoicnt formces des miettes qu' avoicnt laisse tomber a tcrre ceux qui ont travaille aux Pyramidcs. Lib. IGl. Sec also Forskal F. A. Testacea Fussilia Kahirensia. — " Nautilus? Gizensis, ad Pyramides vulgaris, jam a Strabone memoratus." z z 354 : EGYPT. superstitious Arabs to deface them. Thence went, and measured the two oblong holes cut in the rock on the east of the Pyramid. Enter- ed and took all the dimensions of the inside. In the afternoon went in again, and descended into the pit. Oct. 21. — Visited and took the dimensions of the second and third Pyramid *, and the two ruined buildings to the east of them, be- sides thi'ee small Pyramids to the south of the third ; having measured likewise the pyramid on a square rock. Struck down towards the Sphinx, and arrived at the boat after sunset. Oct. 22. — Went with the Theodolite to take the height of the large Pyramid ; but deferred it on seeing one of the great people of Cairo had come out to visit it. In the mean time examined the small Pyramids and tombs to the south and east which are in a ruined state. Having measured off a base, took the height of the Pyramid with the Theodolite, which ao;reed with a former one. Thenre went down to the plain on the north side, and having taken a base, found by means of a Theodolite, that the Pyramid stands on an elevation 163 feet above the river. * If we examine the measures given by the French, we shall find that the base of each of the three Pyramids of Cheops, Cephren, and Myceriiius is to their perpendicular height, nearly in the ratio of 8 : 5.; — Cheops is 4^18 feet H. ; 728 L. of B. ; — Ce- phren is 398 H.; 655 L. of B. ; Mycerinus, 162 H. ; 280 L. of B. WELL IN THE (JREAT PYRAMID. 355 ACCOUNT OF A WELL IN THE GREAT PYRAMID. Pliny, lib. xxxvi. c. \2. speaks of a well in the great Pyramid, which was 86 cubits in depth. In this letter, Mr. Davison gives an account of his descent into the pit or well; he explored it to the depth of 155 feet, and found it impossible to proceed further. Lettre a M. Varsy. Monsieur, Caiue, le 23' 9''^m764. En consequence de la promesse que je vous ai fait dans la lettre que j' ai eu I'honneur de vous ecrire par la derniere ordinaire, et a fin que je puisse quitter ce sejour des morts, qui vous a deja si fort ennuye, je me hate de vous dire quelque chose dii puits de la grande Pyramide, ou je suis descendu. Comme je m'imaginois qu'il etoit d'une extreme profondeur, je me suis pourvu d'une bonne quantite de corde, par moyen de laquelle je comptois d'alier en has avec plus de surete. La precaution n'etoit pas inutile. II est vrai qu'il y a des dcgres, ou plutot des trous, dans I'une et I'autre, cote du puits, mais il est aussi certain que ces degn's sont ronipus en plusieurs endroits, et tellement uses partout, qu'en se fiant trop on cou- roit risque de tomber, et de se casser le col. Pour eviter une fin si fu- neste je liai la corde an milieu de mon corps. Avant de me mettre en chemin, jc fis descendre une lanterne attachee au bout d'une ficelle. Ayant vu qu'elle s'arretoit au fond, je me preparai a la suivre. Deux domcstiques et trois Arabes tenoient la coi-de en haut. lis le faisoient pourtant avec beacoup de regret. lis m' ont dit mille sottises pour me detourner de mon dessein ; " que je risquois beaucoup de descendre ;" — " qu'il y avoit des Esprits en bas ; et que je no retournerois plus." Mais quand ils ont vu que j'etois determine de me pcrdre, et que leur remonstrances ne servoient qu'a me faire rire, ils ont pris la corde, et se sont contentes de me plaindre, et de z z 2 356 .Ov-. : . EGYPT. > . , . - me regarder comme si devoit etre pour la derniere fois. Enfin ayan pris du papier, une boussole, la mesure, et une autre chandelle a la main, je commenyai a descendre, m'appuyant quelque fois sur la corde, et quelque fois sur la pierre, jusqu'a ce que je fusse au fond de ce premier puits. L'ouverture en bas est du cote de midi ; on marche environ huit pieds, et puis il y a une descente perpendiculaire de cinque. A quatre pieds, dix pouces dela on trouve un autre puits, ou pour mieux dire, la continuation du meme. L'entree en est presque bouchee par une grosse pierre, qui ne laisse qu' un petit trou par lequel on passe assez difficilement. Je fis descendre la lanterne ici comme en haut, non seulement pour voir oii je devois aller, mais encore pour savoir, si I'air rtoit mauvais. Dans cet endroit pourtant la precaution fut inutile ; parceque ce puits n'est pas comme I'autre une exacte perpendiculaii*e, mais etant un peu tortueux, quand la chandelle rtoit en bas je ne la voyois plus. Cela ne suffisoit pas pourtant pour me rebuter. Je voulois absolument aller au fond : ma cvu'iosite ne pouvoit pas etre satisfaite d'une autre maniere. Voyant qu' il seroit necessaire d' avoir quelque un pour tenir la corde a Tentree du second puits, aussi bien qu'a celle du premiere, j'appellois deux des Arabes, qui etoient en haut : mais au lieu de venir, ils commencerent a me faire mille contes. Entre autres celui que vous avez lui dans ma lettre a M. Roboli, " qu'un Franc, il y a quelques annees venant a I'endroit oii j'etois, et ayant laisse descendre une longue corde pour savoir la profondeur, quelque Demon la lui avoit arrache des mains." Je savois tres-bien a qui ils avoient I'obligation de cette histoire ; M. le Consul d'Hollande jure que la chose lui est arrivee. II n'y a qu'une fagon de faire entendre raison a cette espece de gens ; je parle des Arabes. Je promis de I'argent a celui qui viendroit, et de plus, que le tresor, s'il y en avoit un en bas, comme ils le pretendoient, seroit tout pour lui. II sembloit que cette derniere consideration avoit son poids ; tons avoient envie de venir, mais toujours lorsque quelqu'un commenyoit a descendre, la superstition Ten retiroit. Je n'etois ni d'humeur, ni dans un endroit pour attendre. Je criai longtemps en mauvais Arabe WELL IN THE GREAT PYRAMID. o-^ sans aucun effet. Ma patience fiit poussee a bout. A la fin cependant, I'esperance d'avoir do I'argent I'emporta sur la superstition ; un Arabe se mit a descendre, temoignant pourtant toujours beacoup de repugnance. On pouvoit voir a la verite, assez clairement qu'il n'y alloit pas de tout son coeur. II etoit dans une telle agitation qu'il ne savoit plus ce qu'il faisoit. II tatoit de cote et d'autre sans pouvoir trouver les trous. Je me retirai vers I'autre puits, ne le jugeant pas trop prudent de rester directement au dessous de lui. Etant venu en bas il avoit plus I'apparence d'un spectre que d'un homme. Tout pale et tremblant il regardoit de tous cotes. Ses cheveux, s'il en avoit eu, se seroient dresses sur la tete. Je me hatai de descendre pour ne pas lui donner le terns de se re- pentir de ce qu'il avoit fait. J'avois la corde toujours liee au milieu du corps. Je decouvris en peu de terns la lanterne en bas, qui me fit voir que ce puits etoit plus profbnd que le premier. Un peu plus bas que le milieu, je trouvai I'entree d'une grotte, qui a environ 15 pieds de longueur, 4 ou 5 de largeur (car elle n'est pas reguliere), et assez haut pour qu'on y puisse marcher debout. Dela je descendis a I'entree d'un troisieme puits, qui n'est pas perpendiculaire commes les autres, et dont la pente est extremement rapide. Je savois qu'il etoit profbnd, par une pierre que j'avois fait rouler en bas. Je criai qu'on relachat peu a peu la corde, jusqu' a ce que je leur disse de tirer. Alors laissant aller la lanterne un peu devant, et mettant les pieds dans des petits trous pratiques dans la pierre, je descendis le mieux que je pus. Je continual longtems de suivre la lanterne sans voir la moindre apparence de m'arreter. J'allois toujours en ligne droite ; le puits ensuite devenoit un pent plus perpendiculaire. C'est la que j'ai trouve le fond. II est tout-a-fait fernie par des pierres, sable, &c. II n'y avoit que deux choses a craindre en bas, dont I'une ou I'autre m'auroit ete fort desagreable. La premiere etoit que les chauve- souris n' eteignissent la chandelle ; et la seconde, que la grosse pierre, dont je vous ai parle, a I'entree du second puits, et sur laqueUe I'Arabe etoit oblige de s'appuyer, ne tombat en bas, et ne le fermat pour toujours. Vous avez beau dire que j'aurois du regarder comma 358 EGYPT honorable, d'etre enseveli dans une pyramide, dans un de ces fameux nionumens, qui n'ont ete destine que pour des grands rois. Je vous avoue franciiement, M. que je n'avois pas la moindre ambition a cet 6gard. Bien au contraire, j'etois cent fois plus content de sortir, et de revoir le jour. J'ai trouve une echelle de corde au fond du second puits. Quoiqu'elle y ait ete plus de seize ans, elle etoit, pour ainsi dire, comme si elle avoit ete faite dans I'instant, aussi forte, et I'appa- rence toute aussi neuve. Les degres sont faits de morceaux de bois, dans le gout de celle que nous avions a Sacara, mais presque trois fois plus longue. M. Wood, qui a public les mines de Palmyre et de Balbec, I'avoit apporte ici pour faciliter la descente, mais il n'a pas voulu aller plus bas que la grotte. C'etoit dans cette occasion que M. le Consul d'Hollande dit que quelqu'un en bas lui a enleve la corde, histoire dont les Arabes conservent encore toutes les circonstances. Par le moyen de la corde que j'avois en bas, nons avons fait monter I'echelle, mais difficilement, parce que le second puits etant comme je vous I'ai dit un peu tortueux, et le bois de rechelle entrant de tems en tems dans les trous qui sont pratiques dans le roc, il nous a donne par la beacoup de peine pour la tirer en haut. Quand nous fiimes de retour au fond du premier puits, les chandelles tomberent et s'eteio-nirent ; alors le pauvre Arabe se crut perdu. II saisit la corde quand je voulus monter, et protesta qu'il aimeroit mieux qu'on lui tira un coup de pistolet que de le laisser la-bas seul avec Vaffrit (le diable). Je lui fis la grace de le laisser monter avant moi ; il parut etre fort sensible a cette faveur. Quoiqu'il soit beaucoup plus difficile de monter que de descendre, je ne sais comment il fit, mais il monta cent fois plus vite qu'il n'etoit descendu. Vous auriez ri di me voir sortir du puits plus noir qu'un charbon- nier. Je courus, sans m'arreter un instant a I'entree de la pyramide, et me jettai aussitot dans I'eau, non pas comme nous avons fait dans la Mer Rouge, aupres de Hammam Faraoun, mais avec I'Anteri, Chemise, &c. tout ensemble. Le bateau etant a quelques distance je le gagnai a la nage. ' ■ ' CHAMBER IN THE (IREAT PYRAMID. 359 J'ai omis jusqu' a present, mais non pas oublie do vous donner les mesures des puits. Le premier a 22 pieds de protbndour ; le second 29, et le troisieme 99 ; et si vous voulez ajouter la descente ne cinque pieds entre le premier et le second puits, le tout fera 155. CHAMBER IN THE GREAT PYRAMID OF EGYPT. This part of Mr. Davison's Journals gives an account of the manner in wliich he entered a room in the Great Pyramid, over the chamber containing the Sarcophagus. Maillet had been forty times in the Pyramid, and had not seen it; Niebuhr did not observe it, and after his return from Cairo, he received some information concerning it from Mr. Mcynard, the person who accompanied Mr. D. in his visit to this Pyramid. The room has never yet been explored by any other traveller ; Dr. Hales (Chronol, i. 384.) thinks the existence of it problematical; but the publication of Mr. D.'s remarks will satify all doubts upon the subject. Rriire alludes to Mr. D.'s discovery. — En. M. CousiNERY, Consul at Rosetta, set out for Gi/a, on Monday, July 8, 1765, with an intention to make a party with some French gentlemen to visit the pyramids. The 9th in the morning I went and joined them. Having taken three Arab guides and a Janissary, we mounted our asses at midnight, and travelling by the light of the moon we arrived at the pyramids in something less than two hours. I descended the first with a carpenter and another who widened the strait passage in the first canal ; I was surprised to find that this canal which was supposed to end here continues a considerable way down the pyramid. It was formerly stopped up with stones and sand ; these have been washed in the last winter by the rain which seems to have penetrated to this part of the pyramid. At entering we contented ourselves with pushing the earth and stones into it which were taken out of the narrow passage. The chief reason of my returning now to the pyramid was to 360 • ' -'■ EGYPT. ' 'I ;■: endeavour, if possible, to mount up to the hole 1 had discovered at the top of the gallery the last time I was there. For this purpose I had made seven short ladders in such a manner as to fasten one to another by means of four wooden pins, the whole together, when joined, being about twenty-six feet long. As soon as the rubbish was cleared from the strait passage at the bottom, I caused the ladders to be brought in by two carpenters who accompanied me. When they had conveyed them to the platform at the top of the gallery, tying two long canes together, I placed a candle at one end, and gave it to a servant to hold near the hole in question. The platform being very small there was no thinking of fixing the ladders on the ground, as it would have been very difficult, not to say impossible to raise them. We took the only method which seemed practicable ; namely, that of placing the first ladder against the wall; two men raising it up, a third placed another below it, and having fastened them together by the wooden pins, the two together were raised from the ground, and the rest in the same manner fixed one after another. The ladder entered enough into the hole, when all parts were joined together, to prevent it from sliding on the side of the gallery. I then instantly mounted, and found a passage two feet four inches square, which turned immediately to the right. I entered a little way, with my face on the ground, but was obliged to retire, on account of the passage being in a great measure choaked with dust, and bats' dung, which, in some places, was near a foot deep. I first thought of clearing it by throwing the dirt down into the gallery, but foreseeing that this would be a work of some time, besides the inconvenience of filling the gallery with rubbish, and perhaps rendering the de- scent more difficult, I determined to make another effi)rt to enter, which was accompanied with more success than the first. I was ena- bled to creep in, though with much difficulty, not only on account of the lowness of the passage, but likewise the quantity of dust which I raised. When I had advanced a little way, I discovered what I supposed to be the end of the passage. My surprize was CHAMBER IN THE GREAT PYRAMID. 361 great, when I reached it, to find to the right a straight entrance into a long, broad, but low place, which I knew, as well by the length as the direction of the passage I had entered at, to be immediately above the large room.* The stones of granite, which are at the top of the latter, form the bottom of this, but are uneven, being of unequal thickness. This room is four feet longer than the one below : in the latter, you see only seven stones, and a half of one, on each side of them ; but in that above, the nine are entire, the two halves resting on the wall at each end. The breadth is equal with that of the room below. The covering of this, as of the other, is of beautiful granite; but it is composed of eight stones instead of nine, the luimber in the room below. One of the carpenters entered with me, and Mr. Meynard came into the passage, near the door, but being a good deal troubled with the dust, and want of air, he retired. Having mea- sured and examined the different parts of it, we came out, and descended by the ladder. We then employed ourselves in digging towards the bottom of the niche in the room below, and afterwards went down and entered the first passage ; there, instead of turning to the left to go out, I descended to the right, (where an opening had been lately made,) one hundred and thirty-one feet ; the descent, except the first four and a half feet, is cut in the rock : at the end * In this is the Sarcophagus. It is well observed by Greaves, that most of the authors who have spoken of the purpose for which the pyramids were erected, consider them as sepulchres. This is the express opinion of Strabo and Diodorus, and of tlie Arabian writers; and " if none of these autiiorities were extant, yet the tomb found in the great pyramid of Cheops, puts it out of controversy." i. GO. Ahhough the supposition, that the great pyramid was constructed as a sepulchre be generally approved, we continue to find a disagreement among different writers and travellers respecting the time of its erection. The building of some of the pyramids, is ascribed by Perizonius to the Israelites; Ego certe Josepho Israelitarum tempore factas censcnti, accesserim. JEg. orig. Invent, c. 21. See Dr. Clarke's Travels^, tom. iii. Dr. Hales, in his Chronology, lefLis tliem to a remote period. But it is singular, as Goguet has remarked, that although Homer mentions Thebes, and its hundred gates, he has not noticed the pyramids of Egypt. Is it probable he would have omitted to speak of them, if they had been erected in his time? Goguet. 1. iii. epoch. 3. — Ed. 3 A 362 EGYPT. of one hundred and thirty-one feet I found it so filled up with earth, that there was no possibility of proceeding. I then came out of the pyramid at half an hour past seven, and found that all the party, except Mr. Meynard, the Arab guard, and servants, had set out on their return to Giza. Though we had but little water, I was obliged to make use of some of it, to wash my hands and face, which were all covered over with dust and bats' dung. We break- fasted in the shade of the pyramid, and went afterwards to the second pyramid, where I copied the hieroglyphics which are on the perpendicular rock facing the north side of it. CONTINUATION OF THE LATE MR. DAVISON'S PAPERS. J ULY 7th. — We crossed the Nile and rode on south a little to the west, and passing through a forest of date trees, reached Um- muchnan at nine o'clock in the morninor. This is a large village con- sisting of about 1000 houses. We proceeded to visit the Sheik who had given so kind an invitation to Mr. Montagu, and found him in company with many others smoking his pipe before the door. He received Mr. M. with all marks of distinction. Remaining about half an hour here, we were conducted to a very large and handsome apartment. Some of the Sheiks, like others in the country, found it very difficult to conceive how people can have any great curiosity about a thing where interest is not concerned, and asked many questions about our journey, and why we purposed going down the pits. The 8th. — At six in the morning, we rode W.S.W. and reached Abousir, in something less than an hour. This village is situated at the foot of the ridge of mountains running north and south, and SACARA. 363 on which the pyramids are built. Behind this place we rode up a rising ground, leading to an opening between the hills. In ten minutes we reached the catacombs of birds. Mr. M. was escorted here by above 100 Arab horsemen ; most of them armed with a long spear ; some with fire arms. As men had been sent out the night before to clear the mouth of the pit from the sand, we found when we arrived that they had placed a tree across the top of it, to which they fixed the rope of cords made by order of Mr. M. in Cairo. The pit we found twenty-two feet deep ; the descent was bad, on account of the sand and stones which fell from above. Here lighting our candles, we crept on our faces through a long passage choked up with dirt and broken pots ; we then turned to the right, where we could easily walk without stooping. On each side of the passage are large rooms, in which the jars containing the bird mummies were fnrmerly placed. We found some that were almost filled with them. We took the dinieusiuiis uf all these places foot by foot. They are entirely cut out of the rock, but less macrnificent than those at Alexandria. We then went a little further west, where there seems to be a grand entrance to some tomb ; the mouth of it is formed of four or five very large white stones, finely ornamented with hieroglyphics in relievo.* Mr. M. gave orders to have this cleared as much as possible for the next day. , ,; 9th. — Went out this morning with Mr. Varsy, and copied the hieroglyphics. ,. ; ,,,. , , , . , 10th. — We went early to Sacara, which is an hour and a quarter distant to the S.W. At ten o'clock we set out for the pyramids, and in about an hour's time we came to the furthest but one.f It is no less than 700 feet square. It is the largest of all the range of pyramids at Sacara and Dashour. The perpendicular height is 343 feet ; there are in all 154 steps. In that side which faces the north, 180 feet up, * Some figures in relief on obelisks are mentioned by Niebuhr, i. 167. f Called in Pococke " The great pyramid to the north." 3 A 2 364 EGYPT. there is a passage which leads into it. Having lighted our candles, we descended and found it four feet five inches and a quarter high, three feet five inches and a half wide, and 200 long ; at the end of 200 feet there is a passage running horizontally 24 feet four inches and a half, and leads to a large pyramidal room 27 feet four inches long, and 11 feet 11 inches broad, 43 feet four inches high ; from this, a passage of 10 feet four inches conducts to another of the same dimensions. At the height of 1 1 feet, the stones set in six inches one over another for 11 together, each stone being three feet high. At the end of the inner room, 30 feet 10 inches from the ground, there is a passage 24 feet long, three feet five inches square, which leads to a third*, differing only from the former in being one foot eight inches broader. Not only all the pavement of this room, but five tiers of stones have been forcibly taken up in search of treasure. The stones of the passage Iiavp nlso bppn takpn up. There is not much of the roveiiiig preserved on this pyramid ; what remains is towards the top. ' * ' > ii. • : 11th. — Early this morning we prepared to set out for the farthest pyramidf , where we arrived in something less than an hour and a half A little way up on the north side, there is an entrance to which one may mount, but with danger and difficulty. This pyramid has 600 feet for its base ; 184 feet up to the angle, and 250 feet thence to the top, which is thirty feet broad. The passage, as far as one can advance, is 174 feet in length. It is very difficult to creep down in the lower parts, on account of the stones and rubbish with which it is at last entirely choked up. It cuts the side of the pyramid at right angles. The building, as it now stands, consists of 198 steps, namely, 68 large ones from the ground to the angle ; and 130 lesser ones from that point to the top. Upon measuring one of the largest of the former, I found it to be four feet two inches. * Pococke saw two of these rooms only. t The great pyramid to the south. — Pococke, lii. 1. SACARA. 365 whereas the general size of those in the upper part is only one foot ten inches or two feet. * This pyramid is built of hard white stone ; in some places you see fossil remains ; but not so luimerous as in the large pyramid a mile to the north of this. From the summit we had a most extensive prospect of the fertile plain towards the Nile on the east of the pyramids, which was the most probable situation of JMemphisf-, of Jebel Jehusi on the other side of the river, of the castle of Cairo, and of all the pyramids, both those of Giza and Sacai-a. On the tops of these great heights the eagles build their nests ; we hpard thp nois^p of the yoiitig ones as we went up. Two of them were taken by the Arabs, and carried home with us. Pococke is mistaken in supposing that the angle near the middle only appears to be such from the covering above having slid down : as we were at the summit we had an opportunity of examining it more exactly than he could possibly do below, of measuring the anffle, of seeing that the covering stone is on as well above as below it ; and that it is only from this station one can see the top and bottom at the same time. Havino- taken the bearing of this from the principal objects, we rode 20 minutes north to the largest pyramid where we had been the day before. Though the sun was extremely hot, being about mid-day we mounted this pyramid, and took its height. We descended quickly, and ro.] .ij'!!! :;i;i' I .^i ". ■.'■{•! CATACOMBS OF ALEXANDRIA. '.v ' , ■ ... ; ! s [CONTINUATION OF MR. DAVISON'S PAPERS.] ■.,,.;,.;, Nov. 7th, 1763. — This morning before sunrise we rode out at Pompey's pillar gate, with a great number of Janissaries ; we turned to the right leaving the column on our left, and after a ride of an hour and a half, arrived at the catacombs. At the entrance we fired three or four pistols, as well to clear the air a little as to drive out the jack- alls and other animals that generally take shelter there. We were obliged to creep in on our faces for a few yards, then getting on our feet we could walk, but not upright, except in some parts. As there is no 374 EGYPT. opening above where the light can enter, we had, every one, a wiax candle. The catacombs consist of a vast number of subterranean apartments which extend a long way. The ground is very uneven and hilly, being filled up greatly with sand and rubbish. In some places one can stand up very well ; in others there is not above four or five feet. There is one grand door that seems to have in its archi- tecture some resemblance to the Doric form ; by this you enter into a large rotunda of considerable height ; there are three other great doors in it, that lead to small rooms. All of these apartments are cut out of a very hard rock. We staid there sometime to take the plan of some part of it ; but as there are no air-holes we found it very warm and stifling, particularly with such a number of people, and all with lights ; besides, there were several bones and a dead ass that added to the ungrateful smell. The Arabs in time of war make this a kind of hiding place, as it is capable of containing several thousand people. The entrance is not above twenty or thirty yards from the sea. We came out and found the rest of the company sitting in a large tent, that had been put up on the shore during our absence. Just before the tent there is a convenient bathing place with a room cut out in the rock, and open on one side, to dress and undress in. Less than a musket-shot further there are three or four grand bathing- rooms, cut in the rock ; the water enters by doors made on purpose, and in each there is a seat the length of the room to imdress in. They are so fine altogether, that they go by the name of Cleopatra's baths. After dinner we went to another subterraneous place, which for the height and grandeur of it cannot fail of surprising the spectator ; it is high and spacious, cut out of the rock, though the stone seems not to be a hard one. They pretend that the building was used as a gra- nary. We then went to the catacombs where the mummies had for- merly been deposited. A pigeon-house may give one some idea of the form of them. The place is large, and each hole of a size suffi- cient for a corpse. Having measured them, we rode after the rest of the company, who were gone to some more catacombs towards Pompey's pillar ; these we found of the same nature as the last, but much larger. CATACOMBS OF ALEXANDRIA. ^^S There are stairs at one end, and walking in a line for above one hun- dred yards we pass on both sides the entrances of ten or twelve of these burying places. Nov. 20, 21, 22, 23. — Went out to continue the measures of the walls, which we began some days before. When we arrived at the Rosetta gate some people came about us, and inquired what we were doing ; they threatened to go and inform the commander, that we were some Christians taking a plan of the place. Our Janissaries advised us to desist, and we mounted and rode home. Dec. 7. — We went without the walls towards the catacombs to see some subterranean apartments that had been lately discovered, where, they said, some ancient paintings were to be seen. We found the entrance filled up with earth, so were obliged to defer our visit to another time. To-morrow or next day four or five men will be sent out to clear away the rubbish. . - Dec. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. — We went out to the catacombs, and after the rubbish was removed, we descended with lights. They are the real catacombs where they formerly buried their dead. They are of vast extent underground, all cut in the rock; but they are now so filled with earth, that there is no way of going into them but upon one's face. In some of the apartments one can stand upright. In many of them there is no communication from one to another than by a hole, through which it is often difficult to creep. Some of the apartments are ornamented with paintings, which are so much injured that there is but little that can be distinguished There are yet one or two figures of men to be seen, which although defaced, sufficiently show they have been the work of no great master. The mouth of each mummy's hole has a cornice round it. Before we came out, we found this inscription marked with red* over one of them : Mr. Mon- * In the Hjpogeuni at JEgiua, there is an inscription traced in a similar manner in red lines. We cannot determine the age of that which is mentioned by Mr. Davidson ; it is, however, no argument against the antiquity of it, that we find the omega, sigma, and epsilon, written 6 C 00. These characters were formed in this manner, three centuries before the Christian aera. — See Villois. Anecd. ii. 161. 376 EGYPT. tague supposed from the form of the letters that it was of the time of Alexander the Great. ft ., ,, HPAKAGI: XP. CTG XAIPG . , ;-/; Over another at a small distance in the same room, ' /r ;.:j.i.; ,:;!-ri, . \ nOAOAoOPOCXA . . . • • Though we satisfied our curiosity in a great measure, we did not go so far under ground as we might have done. Our candles began to shorten, and we did not wish by going too far in to run the risk of losing our way back and of being left in the dark in the midst of these habitations of the dead. The catacombs are in some places no less than three stories one below another. There is a statue, but greatly defaced, in a niche in one of the apartments. The descent into the catacombs is perpendicular, and about fourteen or fifteen feet down ; on one side is a rock which you may hold as you go down; we dared not touch the other side, as it is of earth, and seemed ready to fall in. Dec. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. — Went out again to the last-discovered catacombs, and took a plan of some part of them. After dinner we rode to the pillar of Pompey ; by means of a ladder we got upon the pedestal, and measured the base, though it blew so hard we could scarcely keep our feet. . Jan. 5. — Went to the further catacombs, and took the plan of a good deal more than what we had already examined. After staying in about three hours we came out, and found the company in the usual place by the sea-side under a tent. The dinner was prepared by Mr. Montague's Turkish cooks, who came by sea, and as they had done before, they converted one of the bathing rooms cut in the rock into a place to dress the victuals in. After dinner I again entered with The cursive characters of t and C occur also on the marble containing a decree of the people of Gcla, which Maffci assigned to the year 121 B. C. For the sigma of iEschrion, a figure applied by him to the new moon, see Ruhnk. ad. Long. sec. 3. — Ed. CATACOMBS OF ALEXANDRIA. 377 a French captain, and two or three more, and penetrated far- ther under ground than I had ever yet been. The plain is very regular and beautiful ; by what we have already examined we can see that there is yet much more wanting to complete it. The whole is cut entirely out of the rock. There are foxes and jackalls, and other animals which get in, and make a smell so disagreeable, that it is enough to strike one down. Jan. 6, 7, 8, 9. — Intended to have gone out to make some more discoveries in the catacombs, but it was thought prudent to defer this, as there is a caravan arrived from Bai'bary with about three hundred Arabs with dates ; they are all encamped near Pompey's pillar. Impatient to make some new discoveries at the catacombs, I set out from the old port in a boat accompanied by Mr. M.'s Janissaries, and two men to dig and open where there should be occasion. We reached the place in an hour's time, and having fired a gun as usual, lighted our candles, and crept in with much difficulty into several places which before I had thought inaccessible on account of the quantity of earth with which they are choaked up. These were added to the plan. There are some passages that certainly lead to other apartments, but they are so filled up with earth, that it is impossible to pass. There is one in particular dotted out in the plan, which seems to have been so high as to allow a man to walk up- right without stooping ; the roof is arched : it is not more than two feet wide ; we crept in a good way, and found it turned to the right ; but the passage being too narrow to suffer us to proceed further, we were obliged to come out with our feet first, as there was no room to turn. We took the plan of the cupola with more exactness than before, as well as the different members of the architecture, which, though varying in many of the proportions, comes nearest to the Tuscan order. After staying in about five hours, and seeing every place it was possible to approach, we left the catacombs, and took the bearing of them to the large tower in Porto Vecchio. '.'•. 3 c • : . . .:' 378 .A.'V EGYPT. Jan. 16. — We set out from Alexandria for a neighbouring village ; we quitted the town about nine, and after an hoiu-'s riding towards the east, crossed the Kahs ; then travelled along E. S. E., having on one side of the road to the right the lake Mareotis, and to the left a lake of salt water, both close to the Kalis, which is the only separation between them. The salt water lake is formed by an inundation of the sea at the Seyd. At twenty minutes past one, turning S. E. by E. we rode to Balactur, a village which we reached a quarter past four. There were many Arab tents near it, and the marks of many more all around. Then turning due east, arrived at Cafala about a quarter past five. In the road, we past a great many ruins ; on the left hand chiefly. The country is an entire flat ; the villages are all situated on rising grounds, probably artificial hills raised formerly to defend the inhabitants from the annual inundation of the Nile. Many seem to have been the ruins of ancient cities. We were kindly received by the Kaimacan in a single room, where five of us slept together upon carpets spread out, with a covering over each. The houses are all built of unburnt brick, square at the bottom, and in form of a cupola at the top without any wood, which in this country is scarce. . The second morning we rode to a hill, about four miles distant; we were met by the Sheik of the Arabs encamped at the above mentioned village with his attendants. The case of this Sheik is particularly distressing. He has lately had his father murdered, and been robbed of 100,000 crowns. His father had formed a friend- ship with one of the Beys, who was employed in suppressing the late revolt ; he was sent for one day by the Bey who assured him that he had nothing to fear ; and calling for the Koran, swore that nothing should happen to him. But notwithstanding his pretended iriendship and all his professions, to the sincerity of which he called his God to witness, in defiance of the sacred laws of hospitality, and indeed of all laws both human and divine, he barbarously ordered his slaves to cut his head off. His commands were no sooner given than executed : after which he sent to seize his money and effects POMPEY'S PILL All. 379 which amount at a moderate computation to 100,000 crowns ; among other things, there were 2,000 camels, 1,800 sheep, and 30 fine Arabian horses; in addition to several purses of money. No circum- stance could render the son's case more deplorable, except that the wretch should pass unpunished. This inhuman murder he endeavoured to excuse by giving out that the Sheik was cut off on account of a secret con-espondence he had discovered between him and the rebels : a report as false as it was needless, for pvery body was well apprised that his only crime was his wealth. Riches in these parts seldom or never fail of proving fatal to those who possess them. The several Pashas or commanders dispersed over the vast Ottoman empire are trusted with an absolute power, which, as men in general are less prone to good than evil, they frequently abuse. A man is no sooner known to be rich than he is marked out for destruction. The Pashas, the representatives of the Grand Signor, are in oflSce durino- his pleasure, so that their chief business is to acquire the most they can, and by all accounts there are few who do not make a good use of their time ; they enrich themselves by all manner of extortion and rapine, and by the destruction of those whom it is their duty to protect. But after all, they seem to be only the sponges of the Grand Signor, to whom they are obliged to recommend themselves by presents of immense value. Jan. 21. — Returned to Alexandria; on the 23d measured the base of Pompey's pillar more exactly, having brought ladders for that purpose. Jan. 24, 25. — Went out with the Theodolite accompanied by Mr. M.'s Janissary ; took a base of 100 feet, and found the pillar to be 92 feet high, without reckoning the separate stones by which it is raised four feet from the ground. By means of a cord round the foot of the pillar I found the circumference to be 27 feet, four inches and a half Le Brun and Lucas both describe the column, but do not agree in the measure. Jan. 16. — Went out with Dr. Turnbull to the pillar, removed some of the stones below, and found that the pivot of five feet square on 3 c 2 880 EGYPT. which the pillar rests is covered with hieroglyphics. Returned the 17th with an intention to copy them. April 11. — Yesterday was at Pompey's pillar; went in below, and copied the hieroglyphics. Found them inverted, and upon measur- ing, saw that the stone is smaller in the lower than upper parts. The support of the column is therefore an obelisk, turned upside down. * * The main weight of the pillar (says Pococke), rests upon the stone which has hiero- glyphics on it. See also De Tott, vol. ii. and Norry, Dec. Egypt. This circumstance (says Shaw) may induce us to suspect that the pillar was not erected by the Egyptians, who could not well be imagined thus to bury their sacred inscriptions, but by the Greeks or Romans, nay, later jierhaps than Strabo. The stone supporting the column is also mentioned by the Arabic writers. See Abdallatif, p. 233. S. de Sacy. The hieroglyphics are engraved in Dr. Clarke's Travels. A few words may be added concerning the inscription on the column, and tlie name by which it has been hitherto known. In some of the Arabic writers it is called Amoud al Sawary, " The jiillars of the colonnades,'' alluding to the porticoes with whicii it was surrounded so late as the time of Saladin in the beginning of the 12th century. Michaelis once thought that tlie words might mean " the column of Severus," but afterwards aban- doned the opinion. Villoison supposes the Greek inscription to refer to Pomponius, the Praefect of Egypt, wlio raised the column. But the common appellation of Pompey's Pillar seems to me to be properly assigned to it for this reason, Powpeius leas governor of part of lower Egypt in the time of Diocletian. He may have been governor of Alexandria, and there have raised the pillar in honour of that Emperor. Tills information respecting a Praefect in Egypt of the name of Pompey in the lime of Diocletian, which we owe entirely to M. Quatremere (Mem. Geog. sur I'Egypte, p. 259. 1.) is a remarkable corroboration of the opinion of those who think the pillar was raised in honour of Diocletian by a magistrate of the name of Pompeius. Major Missett Informed Mr. W. Turner that the letters AlOK. H. lANON were considered by those who liad lately visited Egypt, as discernible : and Col. Leake gives the word " Diocletian," as tiie result of the examination made by himself, Mr. Hamilton, and Col. Squire. — See Classical Journal, vol. xiii. p. 153. Dr. Clarke proposes, instead of AIOKAHTIANON, to read A ION A API ANON, and Pococke thought the ))illar was erected in honour of Titus or Hadrian. Dr. C. thinks, " the use of A105 is perhaps unknown in Greek prose;" but we find it in a Greek in- scription at Ombos in Egypt, TREP BA2IAE112 nTOAEMAIOT AIOT KAl BA2I- AIS2H2 KAEOnATPH2 x. t. a. Hamilton's ^Egypt, 75.— Ed. CATACOMBS OF ALEXANDRIA. ^gj THE CATACOMBS OF ALEXANDRIA; PAINTINGS DISCOVERED IN THEM BY MR. DAVISON. REMARKS ON THE CUSTOM OF PAINTING TEMPLES AND STATUES. ILLUSTRATION OF THE SINGULAR USE OF THE WORD Tpdipoo. Iby the editor.^ 1 HE Doric ornaments over some of the doors of the sepulchres in the Necropohs at Alexandria ; the general distribution of the chambers ; their resemblance in form to those in the catacombs of Milo* ; and the Greek inscriptions in them first discovered and mentioned by Mr. Davison, lead us to conclude, that this great work was completed for a repository of the dead, about and a little after the time when Alexandria was built. All catacombs were originally f quarries, whence materials were extracted for some neighbouring city. The rock was afterwards formed into crypts and receptacles lor the dead. The extent and magnificence of these sepulchral chambers at Alex- andria were well worthy of a city distinguished for its great wealth and populousness, and described by Diodorus as £7ri(poivBiTrcirx. (xviii. 279.) Over one of the doors there appears in a drawing by Mr. Davison, the symbol of the globe f , so frequent in Egyptian monu- ments ; but we cannot be surprised to find this in the Necropolis * " Whoever has seen," says Olivier, " the catacombs at Alexandria, will discover in those of Milo, the same genius and same taste wiiich planned tiie former." t D'Orville Charit. 73. 7'>. i This ornament was observed l)y Col. Squire and Dr. Clarke, Travels, vol. ii. 28!*. The former speaks of a crescent; this is also seen in the drawing of Mr. Davison. The winged globe, with a crescent under it, is sculptured at Kirmanscliah in Persia. — See S. de Sacy's Memoire ; Mem. dc I'lnstit. p. 168. Year 1815. 382 EGYPT. of Alexandria; an intermixture of Greek and Egyptian rites and ceremonies, religious usages, and language, became very common under the Ptolemies in Egypt ; and about the time of Alexander and his first successors, the Athenians, and probably other Greek states, began to shew a religious regard to Isis in employing her name in adjurations.* As soon as the custom of burning bodies ceased in the different parts of the Roman empire t» the Pagans buried their dead in catacombs ; but in Egypt the practice of placing them in such repositories must have been at all times more frequent than that of burning, on account of the scarcity of wood in that country, Mr. Davison remarks that the paintings in the catacombs appeared to him to be of ordinary execution ; they probably belong to the period when the arts were declining, and might have been the works of the pagan inhabitants of the city in the sixth century; for at that time paganism was not altogether abolished, as we learn from a curious passage in Cyril. ^ It is probable that these catacombs have also been in Alexandria, the place of resort for Christians, where, as in the crypts of Italy, they celebrated their Agapas§; but none of the Christian symbols, the palm branch, the monogram of XP., or other devices similar to those found in the cemeteries of Italy, appear in the tombs of Alexandria. Some sketches of the paintings found on the walls of the catacombs, are among Mr. Davison's papers ; and we may observe in them the ornament of the festoon very clearly traced. This is the Trayxoi^-mog csKO(r[^yifj.svov y^x^yj. One of Minerva was gilt and coloured. That the encaustic process was used in some of the sacred buildings of the Greeks, we learn from that singular inscription quoted' by Cuper (in Harpo.) and Le Moyne (de Melaneph.) con- taining a dedication of a Pastophorium ; in this, mention is made of the painting of the walls, the I'oof, and the doors, tuv Gu^uv 'iyx.a.va-ii. The persons who were employed in painting the walls were called (TT.A/GwTcd; and the term applied to the cement or plaister is * Koiixcnc. From an inscription in the collection of Reinesius we learn, that the same artist sometimes united in himself the professions o^ ccyocX^oiTo-rvaio; and syxavcTTTiC. (lib. i. c. 9.) It may be asked whether traces of this custom are visible in any of the monuments of ancient Greece. There are coloured ornaments on the Soffit of the Lacunaria of the temple of Theseus, -j- (Stuart, iii. 7.) They were also seen, the same writer informs us, on the upper fascia of the architrave within the portico of the Ionic temple on the banks of the Ilissus (i. c. 2.) The stucco in the chamber near the site of the supposed grotto of Trophonius in Boeotia, has been coloured. Garlands were seen by Olivier painted on the cement of the cata- combs of Milo, as at Alexandria. M. Fauvel informed Mr. Hawkins that " he had remarked traces of painting in the frieze of the temple. * Salm. in H. A. S. 451. etPlin. Exerc. 1229. f See also Chandler's Greece, 72. The painted ornaments on the roof appear to be signified by the x.ovf>as, of the Greeks, described by Hesychius, as, )j h toTj 6f>o(friiJt.u(ri CATACOMBS OF ALEXANDRIA. 335 of Theseus; the ground appears to liave been a sky-bhie; the interior frieze of tlie Parthenon also liad been painted ; for which he accounted by the flatness of the sculpture, and the want of Hght from * above. jNIany architectural ornaments, (Mr. Hawkins adds,) in these temples and in the Propylea were painted ; for instance the cima recta of the cornice of the latter, and the cieling or rather the compartments ofthecieling in the Parthenon." ■ . ■ In some of the excavations made near Athens, Mr. Fauvel discovered the tiles or covering of tombs painted with ornaments. II y en a de peintes avec de beaux ornemens, comme rtoient aussi celles en marbre des grands temples, chose difficile a faire entendre a nos architectes, qui ne veulent pas croire aux statues, et aux bas-reliefs peints. Mag. Ency. Mars. 1812. Yet Euripides mentions in very express terms, " the painted bas-reliefs on the pedimetits f," y^xTrrovg Iv uiiTOKTi TTcoirG^iTrsiv TUTToiic. Valc. Diatr. c. xx. It might be curious (says Mr. Browne, the traveller, in speaking of the paintings in Egypt), to inquire of what materials these colours were composed, which have thus defied the ravages of time. X With respect to the Greeks, some information may be collected from the ancient writers. Yellow ochre was found in different countries ; but the most esteemed was that of Attica. (Plin. lib. xxxv.) It is stated by Vitruvius that in his time the mine which produced this substance was no longer worked. The blues brought from the mines of Egypt and Cyprus were preparations of lapis lazuli, and of * Millia speaking of a bas-relief brougiit fioia tiie frieze of the celia of the Parthenon, observes, avant que cc marbre eut ete nettoye, 11 conservoit des traces, non seulement de la couieur encaustique dont, suivant I'usage des Grecs on enduisoit la sculpture, niais encore d'unc veritable peinture ilont quelques parties etoient couvertes. f Templorum fastigia aurouj fuisse, et cur ita fuerint dicta, docuerunt P. Lcopardus Emen. Pocsius in Q2con. Hipp, in v. et imprimis lectu dignissima animadversione, P. Scriverius in Martial. Kpig. xix. — Valckenaer. X The blue colour of some of the painted hieroglyphics is owing to copper. M. Desco- tilsa observe une couieur d'un bleu tres-eclatant et vitreux sur les peintres hieroglyphiques d'un monument d'Egyptc; et il s'cst assure que cette couieur etoit due au cuivre. — Memoires de I'lnstit. 1808. 3d 386 .11:' EGYPT, rvo- the blue carbonates and arseniates of copper. The greens of copper were well known to the Greeks. Ivory black, according to Pliny, was invented by Apelles. The Kwccfzafi; of Dioscor. lib. v. c. 109. called by the Romans minium, was said to have been discovered by Callias an Athenian, and was prepared by washing ore of quick- silvei'. * But a more curious part of the subject still remains to be noticed. There is reason to believe that the word ypa'cpa was applied by the Greeks to express a work combining sculpture and painting. The following passage occurs in Pliny, lib. xxxv. c. 8. Fuisse Pan^- num fratrem ejus, qui et clypeum intus pinxit Elide Minervae : " Panasnus, the brother of Phidias, painted the interior of the buckler of Minerva at Elis." Instead of expecting to find that the concave part of the shield was painted, we should have supposed, says Heyne, that mention would have been made of some work in bas-relief; and this we may observe from Pliny, lib. xxxvi. c. 5. was the case in the shield of the statue of Minerva in the Paithenon ; scidi concava piO'Vie deorum et gigantum dimicationem ccelavit. Heyne supposes, there- fore, that Pliny in the first passage, or the author from whom he borrowed his information, wrongly understood the meaning of the word £Vp*4^^ which was employed to signify work in bas-relief J The opinion of such a scholar as Heyne j- is well entitled to our attention ; but as he has given no instances of this peculiar use of the word y^ac/pa; I shall add some passages which will establish the truth of his conjecture. 1. The following words occur in iElian, lib. vi. c. 11. ut^oXo-yu rr.v -Trpa'l*!' Tov rsXcovog TO yfx/xi/.a, the meaning of which, according to Cuper, may be, statua factum Gelonis ob ocidos ponit; he adds y^x^av et y^dfjiua. non de sola pictura sumitur, sed etiam de aliis effingendi modis. Observ. Var. p. 39. * See the remarks of Sir H. Davy in Tilloch's Philosoph. Mag. May, June, 1815, on the colours used in painting by the ancients. f Mr. Hawkins first pointed out to me the observation of Heyne CATACOMBS OF ALEXANDRIA. 337 2. " The poets and artists feigned that Hercules sailed in a cup ;" ci TTOtrjTXi y.cA a ypixCpei; vrXeiv ocutov iv TTOTHjaiu su\jQo\oyyi Se Mt/i raura re xai ra, Xonru tuiv epyxv Ilxpluaiov xaTaypa4/ai. The four first words of this quotation are entirely omitted in the version of Amasaeuf. Heyne has produced some instances in which the sense of " work in relief" is given to l7reipyao-|u.=va ; see also Pausanias, Attica, where he informs us, that on each side of the helmet of Minerva in the Parthenon, ypanU Iktiv eTcupyxcrixevoi. Chandler translates im- perfectly the passage, '•' on the sides were griffins." -f- AnthoJ. vol. ii. part i. p. 18. ' •■~' ■ ■■ ' ■'.'■■ v." I ■..^,' ■..,,■ ^^ ; - ■• L-i.-J'' 3d 2 ific ( 388 ) REMARKS ON THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS THE MODERN INHABITANTS OF EGYPT. [FROM THE JOURNALS OF DR. HUME.] We arrived at Rosetta, celebrated by travellers as the paradise or Egypt ; but the lofty minarets of the great mosque, with those of the smaller mosques, the tombs of Arab saints, and some houses of the Franks, which are almost embosomed in woods, give the traveller as he sails up the river ideas of populousness and wealth which are strongly contrasted by the mean and ruinous buildings seen by him on landing. The situation of this town would be very advantageous for commerce were a channel sufficiently deep formed across the bar, and this might be done by an industrious and enterprising people. But as the canal of Alexandria did not allow the coasting vessels and dgerms to pass through it, Rosetta has become the entrepot of com- merce between that city and the interior of Egypt. The country being in the hands of the French, and the mouth of the Nile and Alexandria blockaded by the English, the trade had for a long time been interrupted ; immense quantities of merchandize, corn, and rice were lying on the wharfs in 1801, ready for exportation. Between the houses and the Nile is a wide space, the parade of Rosetta ; in the evening I found it crowded with people j their dress consisted generally of a blue, brown, or white cotton stuff; but the prevailing colour was light blue. The longest streets or rather lanes CUSTOMS AND MANNERS. 389 of Rosetta, for they are extremely narrow, lie parallel to each other on a line with the river, and are irregularly intersected by others which are shorter. The houses, generally built of brick, are of two or three stories, and at the top appear nearly to touch each other ; while the small latticed windows projecting into the streets, add con- siderably to the gloominess of the houses. The bazars, as in all Moslem towns, are covered in, and are narrow, dark, and dirty. The proximity of the Nile enables the inhabitants to water their streets with ease ; some scores of Arabs are seen carrying on their backs for this purpose goat-skins containing from ten to twenty gallons of water. The great mosque is very large, and its roof is supported by a number of columns. It has two minarets of a light and beautiful construction of an unequal height. From the summit of one, the prospect on a clear day is rich and beautiful towards the Delta and the winding of the river, but to the westward the view is that of an arid and burning desert. : The shops were well filled, particularly with various kinds of grain. They are opened at day-break ; the people of all eastern countries rising early, that they may transact much of their business in the cool part of the morning. The external appearance of the houses is inele- gant, and if I may judge from those which I have seen, tlieir interior is equally so, and in every respect incommodious. We ascended by a dark and dirty staircase to the upper rooms, which are lighted by windows with wooden lattices, rendering the light of day dismal. As we walked about the town, at the southern end of a long street, we passed by an Egyptian school which was held in the open air on a kind of stage made of basket work ; like our own schools, it might be easily known at a distance by the confused medley of young voices. The boys were all sitting cross-legged ; in the midst of them was a young man, probably the master, reading to them. Rosetta is nearly surrounded by gardens. A Rosetta garden is a walled inclosure, where shrubs and fruit trees are planted together without order or regularity. The rude growth of the trees affords the Arab an agreeable shelter from the intense heat; and in his ;390 ' MODERN EGYPT. garden he frequently takes his evening meal of pilau, (boiled rice and fowls,) doubly grateful from the abstinence of the day, and the refreshing shade. The gardens are watered by the Persian wheel from wells filled by the Nile during the inundation. The small wheels are turned round by an ass, the larger by buffaloes. The gardens of Rosetta derive their celebrity from the sudden contrast witnessed by the traveller in exchanging the barren wastes in the vicinity of Alexandria, for a tract of counti'y round Rosetta and in the Delta, abounding in trees, and the most luxuriant vegetation. On leaving Rosetta at nine in the mornino-, instead of entering; the dgerm at that city, I walked to the castle of St. Julian, along the west bank of the river, and through rich fields of clover, the bersim of the Egyptians ; on some parts of my road I observed pools of tagnant water, in one of which a few bufftiloes had taken shelter from the mosquitoes, every part of them being covered except the nostrils. At no great distance from St. Julian near a small cottage, some women were sitting in the shade nursing a child, ill with the small-pox ; this is one of the most destructive diseases in Egypt ; it is the Moubarah of the Turks, and Evlogea* of the modern Greeks. The castle of St. Julian where the dgerm met me, consists of a tower surrounded by a wall ; from the former, I believe, Poussielgue witnessed the destruction of the French fleet in Aboukir Bay. At eleven in the forenoon we passed over the Nile to a mud-built village, exactly opposite to St. Julian's, where the wind being un- favourable, we were detained, until the next morning. As soon as we knew the pilot's determination we sought for a lodging, and at last fixed upon a ruined mosque, the walls of which had been shattered by the fire from St. Julian ; for it appeared, that one of the English * Theodoras Prodromus is the earhest writer who uses tlie word. It is not found in Meursius. See Villoison. Not. des MSS. du Roi. torn. vi. 539. Tiie opinion in the text is confirmed by the observations of those who havedirectcd their attenlion to the maladies of the east. La petite verole, ct le carreau enlevent prcsque la nioitie des entans, avant qu'ils aient atteint leur quatrieme anne'e. — Mem. sur I'Egypte. — In Syria, in the neigh- bourhood of Aleppo, the Bedouin Arabs practise inoculation. Russell, ii. 317. CUSTOMS AND MANNERS. 39I batteries had been erected at this point against the castle. The ground upon which this village stands, is rather more elevated than the adjacent country ; the houses are poor hovels, several of them being built in the form of bee-hives. The fields around are cultivated with care, and after the inundation of the Nile, and the river is confined to its proper channel, they are watered by the Persian wheel from cisterns. Wliere the country is in any degree shaded, not a foot of it is allowed to be waste, for even under the date trees, the cucumber and other garden fruits are seen growinff ; but where no shade intervenes to weaken the intense heat of the sun, the ground is hard and uncultivated, and bears nothing but thickets of brush-wood. We found the inhabitants of the village cheerful in the midst of their poverty. The men are tall and lank ; swarthy and withered. Their dress in the village is a cotton gown, like that worn by the inhabitants of Rosetta ; but the few we met with in the fields were almost naked, having nothing but a cloth wrapped round their middle, and a skull-cap on their heads. The women of Rosetta, and some of those whom I saw at the village wore veils, covering every part of their face but the eyes. These were affected by a disease*, to which the inhabitants of Egypt are very subject. The lower orders of Eg)'ptian Arabs, appeared to me to be a quiet inoffensive people with many good qualities. They are in general tall, and well made, possessing much muscular strength ; yet of a thin spare habit. Their complexion is very dark, their eyes black and sparkling, and their teeth good. Upon the whole they are a fine race of men in their persons ; they are more active in agricultural employments than we should be led to imagine from seeing the better sort of them in towns smoking and passing their * Les maladies des j'eux sont tres-frequentes en Egypte, et difficiles a guerir. — Granger. The ophthalmia in Syria attacks children and young persons, and is ascribed to sleeping in the open air, and being exposed to the night dews. — Russell, ii. 299. The Egyptians are subject to psorophthalmia as well as ophthalmia Hasselquist. 389. 392 MODERN EGYPT. ' ■ time in listless indolence. The dress of the poorer Arabs, consists simply of a pair of loose blue or white cotton drawers with a long blue tunic, which serves to cover them from their neck to their ankles, and a small red woollen skull-cap, round which they occa- sionally wind a long strip of white woollen manufacture. They are sometimes so poor as not to be able to purchase even this last article. By means of his tunic or long loose outer garment of dyed cotton, the wealthy Arab conceals from the proud and domineering Turk, a better and a richer dress, consisting sometimes of the long and graceful Moslem habit of Damascus silk, covered by a fine cloth coat with short sleeves, and at other times, particularly among the Alexandrians and those connected with the sea, of a blue cloth short jacket, curiously and richly embroidered with gold, and white trow- sers reaching just below the knee, the legs bare. The articles of furniture in the house of an Egyptian Arab are extremely few. The rooms of all people of decent rank have a low sofa called a divan, extending completely round three sides of the room in general, and sometimes to every part of it, except the door-way; but is most commonly at the upper end of the chamber. On this divan the hours not devoted to business or exercise are passed. It is about nine inches or a foot from the floor, and is covered with mattresses ; the back is formed by large square cushions placed all along the wall touching each other, and these are more or less ornamented according to the wealth of the owner. The beds are generally laid on a wicker work strongly framed, made of the branches of the date tree*, y-oir-,] ly. ru-j cr-;Toc§Uuj rou (poivi-aoc, or of mattresses placed on a raised platform at the end of the room. This latter mode is the more general custom. For their meals they have a very low table, around which they squat on the mats covering the floor, and in houses of repute I have seen sometimes this table of copper thinly tinned over. They have no other furniture except • Mentioned by Porphyry, De Abst. lib. iv. in speaking of the Egyptians. CUSTOMS AND MANNERS. 393 culinary utensils. The mats used in Egypt are made of straw, or the flags of the branches of the date tree, and are very neatly worked in figures, such as squares, ovals, and other forms, with fanciful borders. They are very durable, but harbour numbers of fleas, with which all the houses swarm, particularly in hot weather. The poorer sort of these Arabs seldom can afford to eat animal food, but subsist chiefly on rice made into a pilau, and moistened with the rancid butter of the country. Their bread is made of the holcus durra. * I have seen them sit down to a hearty meal of boiled horse beans steeped in oil. VVlien the date is in season they subsist on the fruit, and in summer the vast quantities of goiuds of all kinds, and melons, among which we may number the cucurbita citrullus and sativus, and the agour, and haoun of Sonnini, supply them with food. The better sort eat mutton and fowls, though sparingly. At a dinner given to me by an Arab in the Delta, I observed one dish was formed of a quarter of mutton stuffed with almonds and raisins. Their drink is the milk of buffaloes f , and the water of the Nile preserved and purified in cisterns. None but the higher orders, or those of dissolute lives ever taste wine ; grapes grow in abundance at Rosetta ; but little wine is made in Egypt. The Greek vessels from the Archipelago supply at a cheap rate the Franks with the quantity they want. All sorts of coin are current in Egypt ; but the principal are Vene- tian sequins of gold and Spanish dollars; Armenians, Greeks, and Jews are employed in the mint at Cairo. The mode of keeping accounts is extremely easy in piastres and paras. There is a set of brokers or money changers rather, who for a very trifling brokerage * Cereale Arabum vulgatissimuiD, ex quo panis conficitur. Forskal. fThe flesh of the buffalo is seldom eaten in the Levant; the milk is highly esteemed in Asia Minor and Syria. In the time of Prosper Alpinus the tongues of this animal were salted and sent to Venice. A few buffaloes are killed in the winter at Aleppo ; but the meat is dried, or made into hams, and not eaten fresh. Russell, 364. 3 E 394 MODERN EGYPT. receive money for the merchants who employ them, and become responsible for it ; and this is necessary, on account of the variety of coins in circulation, some of which may be coimterfeit or light. These money changers are in general Mahometans, all of whom must be supposed descendants of the prophet ; on which account they are believed to be more upright than any other class of their countrymen. The Arabs carry on the common trades of civilized life, such as carpenters and smiths, but in a very unskilful and imperfect manner. The saw with which they used to cut a large piece of ship-timber in two, was very light and small, yet they employed it in the manner practised by our sawyers, who would in half an hour have cut through what occupied them for a long time They have a few manufactories ; the principal one is the cotton cloth, which is chain-woven, and very strong ; a great part of it is dyed blue, and serves for almost general use both for men and women. There is a coarse silk manufacture, of a thin open texture, with a wide border of various colours, but gene- rally dark, which the better sort of women and indeed men sometimes wear instead of what we call call linen ; but that commonly worn by superior ranks of people is a manufacture somewhat resembling white crape, but a little thicker, with a silk border. It soon acquires a yellow colour by washing. There are no jewellers' shops in Rosetta or Alexandria ; this busi- ness is therefore carried on privately. The practitioners in medicine are the barbers, who are of course numerous in a country where every man's head is shaved ; but their knowledge of physic is extremely confined. They perform a few surgical operations, and are acquainted Avith the virtues of mercury, and some standard medicines. The general i-emedy in cases of fever and other kinds of ilhiess is a sufi from a priest, which consists of some sentence from the Koran, written on a small piece of paper, and tied round the patient's neck. This, if the patient recovers, he carefully preserves by keeping it constantly between his skull-caps, of which he generally wears two or three. My old interpreter, Mohammed, had a dozen of them. They are CUSTOMS AND MANNERS. 395 worn by the Mahometans, and considered to possess much efficacy*, as were tlie frontals of the Jews, and phylacteries of the early Christians. An European medical man is much valued by the Arabs in genera], and those of our army had plenty of practice among them, and the assistance they gave was afforded gratuitously. In every bazar some shops will be found in which a few of the most com- mon drugs are sold, such as opium, rhubarb, and senna. Arabic is generally spoken in Egypt ; the Coptic f is read as a dead language, and is understood by few. The Italian is much used both by Franks and Copts. I saw no printed books in Arabic ; the manu- scripts are many of them beautifully written, and the notes are in red ink, or light blue. Other works are read besides the Koran ; several of these I have seen in the shops of the transcribers. The natives when at school have sentences copied for them from the Koran ; these they learn by heart. There are many scribes, whose employ- ment, like that of the ancient calligraphs, consists of writing out manuscripts for sale ; they also make contracts between individuals, law and justice being dispensed in a very summary manner by the basha in greater cases, and by the different sourbadjees in inferior matters. The sourbadjee is a kind of chief magistrate, like a mayor, of whom there is one in every considerable town in Egypt ; he is always an Egyptian Arab. The office of sourbadjee at Alexan- dria was held by Sheik Gazan, a little energetic man of very good family, and some property, who was a firm and zealous adherent of the English, and who administered the duties of his station with becoming dignity. He was an active magistrate, and by means of an efficient police, kept the town and its various inhabitants in excellent order, he himself generally going the rounds once every • The virtue of these scrolls and charms is supposed likewise to be so universal, that they suspend them even upon the necks of their cattle. — Shaw, 243. Phylacteries are still worn by some of the Christians of the East. — Russel, ii. 104. t Aujourd'hui la langue Copte n'y est plus entendue par les Coptes memes; le dernier qui I'entendoit est mort en ce siecle. — Maillet. p. 2^. 3 E 2 396 MODERN EGYPT. night at the head of a well-armed guard. The appointment is not hereditary, but is made by the government from regard to wealth or persona! qualities ; in fact, the office at Alexandria must always be filled by one in whom these two qualifications are united ; for there is much consequence and power attached to it. Sheik Gazan held the office at each time of our occupying Alexandria, but from his attachment to us and his consequent fear of Mohammed Ali, he emigrated to Malta when we last evacuated that city. With respect to the economical arrangement of their families, we found that the Arabs seldom have more than two wives ; commonly but one. The second wife is always subservient to the elder in the affairs of the house. The women colour their nails, the inside of their hands, and the soles of their feet with a deep orange colour, sometimes with one of a rosy appearance. This is done by means of henna. They likewise apply a black dye to their eye-lashes, eye-brows*, and the hair of their head; a brilliancy it is supposed, is thus given to the eye, and the sight is improved. The women in general, I believe, can neither read nor write ; but the better sort are taught embroidery and ornamental needle work, in which they mostly pass their time. An Arab merchant of property made me a present of an elegantly embroidered handkerchief, worked, as he said, by his wife's hands. The women of rank are seldom seen abroad ; many of these were murdered by the Turks after we evacuated Alexandria in 1803 ; but some of them, and in particular two Bedouin girls succeeded in escaping to Malta. The features of the Arab-Egyptian women are by no means * Both tlicsc customs arc of great antiquity ; some of the nails of the mummies have been found dyed with lienna; and Shaw saw a joint of the donax taken out of a catacomb at Saccara, containing a bodkin, and an ounce or more of powder used for the purpose of ornamenting the eyes. Bodkins, which were employed in the same manner, are found at Herculaiieum, made of ivory. Dr. Russell describes the kohol used for the eye-balls, or inside of the eyelids ; it is a kind of lead ore, and is brought from Persia. It is so much in request that the poets of the East in allusion to the instrument used in applying it, say, " The mountains of Ispahan have been worn away with a bodkin." — Vol. i. SG'J. CUSTOMS AND MANNERS. 391 regular. In general the cheek-bones are high, the cheeks broad and flabby, the mouth large, the nose short, thick, and flat, though in some it is prominent ; the eyes black, but wanting animation. The bad appearance of the eyes is in some measure owing to disease. The skin is of a disagreeable Mulatto colour. The hair, which is commonly black is matted, and often smeared with a stinking ointment. It is formed in two or three divisions, and suffered to hang down the back. At a distance, howev^er, the long flowing robe which covers them to the heels, though it may conceal deformity, seems, by the easiness of its drapery, to heighten their stature, and even to render their air Graceful. In- deed I have never seen any women who have displayed so much easiness of manner, or so fine a carriage, being superior in this re- spect even to the women of Circassia. Probably the elegance and dignity of their gait may depend upon the habit of carrying every thing on their heads. They are taller in general than our European women. From ignorance of their language I could form no opinion of their conversation, yet from their numerous and graceful gestures I supposed it might be pleasing in spite of the shrillness of their voices. As the army was passing through the villages they momited upon the house tops, and made a confused noise like the cackling of cranes, which was interpreted to us as indicating wishes for our success. The Ethiopian women brought to Egypt for sale though black, are exceedingly beautiful : their features are regular, their eyes full of expression. A great number of them had been purchased by the French during their stay in Egypt, who were anxious to dispose of them previously to their leaving the country, and it was the custom to bring them to the common market place in the camp, sometimes in boys' clothes, at other times in the gaudiest female dress of the French fashion. The neck was in general naked, and the petticoat on one side tucked up to the knee, to show the elegant form of the limb. The price of these women was from sixty to an hundred dol- lars ; while Arab women might be purchased at so low a price as ten. The Circassian women, who are brought to Egypt in great num- 398 MODERN EGYPT. bers, are exposed to sale in particular markets or khans, and fetch a price in proportion to their beauty. They have been much talked of, and were we to give implicit faith to the eastern romances, female beauty is no where to be met with in perfection but in Circassia. I confess, however, that the appearances of such Circassian women as I saw, much disappointed me; almost all their pretensions to beauty consisting of a fair skin. I was in the harem of Hassan, a Mameluke Kaschief, and had an opportunity of seeing three of its inmates. They were seated in a small room, on the sides of which was a divan or sofa covered with crimson satin ; a Turkey carpet was spread on the middle of the floor. The crimson satin was fancifully embroidered with silver flowers; the ladies wore white turbans of muslin, and their faces were concealed with long veils, which in fact were only large white handkerchiefs thrown carelessly over them. When they go abroad, they wear veils, like the Arab women. Their trowsers were of red and white striped satin very wide, but drawn together at the ankle with a silk cord, and tied under their breasts with a girdle of scarlet and silver. Something like a white silk shirt, with loose sleeves, and open at the breast, was next the skin. Over all, was thrown a pelisse ; one of them was light blue satin, spangled with small silk leaves ; the other two, pink satin and gold. We were treated with coffee, and were fanned by the ladies themselves with large fans, a perfume being at the same time scattered through the room. This was composed of rose water, a quantity of which is made in Fayum. They were reserved at first, but after conversing with the Mameluke who attended me, they were less careful to conceal their faces. Their beauty did not equal what I had anticipated from the fineness of their skins. They were in- clining to corpulence ; their faces were round and inexpressive ; but the neck, bosom, arms, and hands were of great fairness and delicacy. My dress seemed to amuse them very much, and they examined every part of it, particularly my boots and spurs. Wlien drinking coffee with the Turkish officers, I chanced to forget my handkerchief; and as I seemed to express a desire to find it, one of CUSTOMS AND MANNERS. 399 the ladies took off a handkerchiet" trom her head, and presented it to me, having first perfumed it. At my return to the camp, I had a conversation on the subject of these women with a French deserter, who had become MameUike, and belonged to the family of Hassan. I was very particular in my enquiries respecting the number of women that Hassan might have in his possession. He told me that his master had upwards of twenty, several of whom were Circassians. I expressed astonishment at his having so many wives ; but the Mameluke said that Hassan in reality had but one wife ; the rest of the women being her attendants, and that his wife was not among the ladies I had seen. The Mamelukes ai-e not allowed to marry before they arrive at the rank of kaschief, but it is common for the superior to bestow a female upon his ' followers as the reward of eminent services. I attended Hassan while he was ill ; he was extremely grateful, and would have given me his sabre, had it not been a present from Mourad Bey, whom he called Sultan Mourad. The Moslem marriages are always regulated by the elder females, the bridegroom seldom or never seeing the bride's face, until the day of marriage. It is merely a civil contract made between their mutual friends, and signed by the young man and his father. There is a procession, consisting of many persons, male and female, who accompany the bride on a horse richly caparisoned to the house of the bridegroom, where she is received by his female friends. Some time after this, the mother of the young man informs the assembled females that the marriage has been solemnized, who immediately raise a loud and shrill cry, which they repeat at intervals during the entertainment which follows. It is the common demonstration of joy among the women, consisting of a quick guttural pronunciation of Luy, Luy, Luy*, and may be heard at some distance. After the * A similar sound expressive of mirth is used by tlie women on tlie coast of Barbary; it seems to be a corruption (says Shaw) of Halleluiah. 242. The oXoXu'^cu of the Greeks was generally applied to the conclamation of women in aflBiction, but it also expressed joy. — Schultens in Job, c. 10, v. 15. 400 MODERN EGYPT. first burst of joy, they make a procession through the streets, the women all veiled, and a person mounted on a horse richly caparisoned as before, carrying a red banner-like handkerchief fixed to the end of a long pole. They then return to the bridal house, and pass the re- mainder of the day and part of the night in feasting and carousing, entertaining themselves with seeing dancing girls, and listening to singing men, who are placed in an outer apartment or balcony. I was allowed to be present at one of these marriages, but I did not see the bride. Cakes, sweetmeats, coffee, and sherbet were distributed, and wine for the Nazarani (myself). These and similar feasts are called Fantasias ; at some which I have attended the women were unveiled; but they were not females of good character. At Alexandria there were very i'ew dancing girls, but I have seen a young man liabited as a women perform all the part of a dancing girl. He appeared to be drunk ; yet displayed many surprising feats of agility. At one of these entertainments, I heard some Arabic songs, sung by singing men, and accompanied with music. The musicians were Jews ; but the singers were Arabs. An Egyptian coffee-house is a large open building, with a few tables and seats within it, generally surrounded by a viranda of rude workmanship, under which the idle and lazy, particularly the Turks, are fond of sitting, smoking and drinking coffee. For this, two or three paras only are paid. In these places we have frequently seen two men playing at a game which consists in removing some small shells, like cowries, from one semicircular hole to another, on a square piece of board, counting the shells, as thej- remove them. This game appeared to be one of great interest ; they have also one nearly resembling backgammon. The higher orders of Turks and Arabs are fond of chess ; but this class is seldom seen loitering in the coffee-houses. The Egyptian Arabs are punctual in the performance of their reli- gious ceremonies at the stated hours appointed by their prophet. We often beheld some of these poor men after a day's hard work for a miserable pittance, on their knees on the sea shore, or at a seques- CUSTOMS AND MANNERS. 401 tered spot on the banks of the Nile, offering up their prayers, the forehead at times touching the ground. Idiots are held in great re- spect : whenever I have seen the Sheik el Misseri, a man renowned in Alexandria and its neighbourhood for sanctity, he has been accom- panied by one of this description* of people. In a conversation once carried on by means of an interpreter between the Sheik and myself, respecting some of the I'eligious opinions of the Mahometans, I found that he was well acquainted with the history of the creation, and with many parts of the Bible. There is a tribe of civilized Arabs in Egypt, who pretend that they are respected by serpents, and that no sort of snake can hurt them. As a proof of this, there is an annual procession of the tribe through the streets of Rosetta, of which I was a witness ; one of their number is obliged to eat a living snake f in public, or so much of it as to occasion its death. Probably the snake may have been rendered harmless by some means ; the people, however, suppose that for some act of piety performed by the ancestors of this tribe or family (which is by no means numerous), the Prophet protects the descend- ants from any injury which the snakes might occasion. The ophi- ophagus, who is to keep up this ridiculous farce, being no doubt well paid, begins to eat the living reptile ; a pretty large snake is held in his hands, which writhes its folds around his naked arm, as he bites at the head and body. Horror and fury are depicted in the man's * Baumgarten was told that madmeu and idiots were i-espected as saints by the Malio- metans, anil that tombs were erected in honour of them when they died. — Peregrin, in Egypt. 73. Pococke at Rosetta saw two of" those naked saints, he says, who are com- monly natural fools, and liad in great veneration in Egypt. — Vol. i. 1-1. f Antes. Obscrv. on Egypt, 16., mentions the practice of eating serpents and scor- pions. The custom of charming serpents has prevailed in the East from a very early period. Psalm Iviii. 5.; Ecclesiastes, x. II. The charmers, however, were not always secure from injury. " Who will pity a charmer that is bitlen with a serpent?" Eccl. xii. 13. Forskal says that the leaves of Aristolochia sempervirens were used for forty days by those who would wish to protect themselves against the bite of these animals. At Pella the serpents, says Lucian, (Pseudom.) were so lame and familiar, that they were fed by the women and slept with the children. — Ed. 3 F 402 • MODERN EGYPT. " . countenance, and in a strong convulsive manner he puts the animal to death by eating and swallowing part of it alive. This disgusting and horrible spectacle, however, is but seldom exhibited at present. In the house in which I lived at Alexandria, there was a room containing a large quantity of rubbish and lumber, which had not been removed for some ye.ars ; a small snake was one day discovered in it, on which account I resolved to have the room examined, and the supposed nest of snakes destroyed. My interpreter persuaded me to send for one of the family already mentioned. The snake- charmer was an old man, and by trade a carpenter. He prayed fervently at the door for a quarter of an hour, and at length, pale and trembling, ventured into the room ; while an English sailor, who was at that time my servant, proceeded to clear away the rubbish with perfect unconcern. Two small snakes only were found ; and these were killed by tiie shovel of my servant. There are many kinds of snakes and reptiles about the ruins in the environs of Alexandi'ia ; among them, some have fancied they discovered the asp. I have seen here the black scorpion, whose sting is reputed mortal ; but this is a vulgar prejudice. A mixture of meal, wine, and honey, was the food given, as we are informed by vElian, N. A. lib. xvii., to a species of serpent by the ancient Egyptians. The snake is esteemed sacred by the present Arab inhabitants of Egypt; and I have been told that they frequently place milk and roots for their subsistence, when it is known that any snakes frequent the ruins of their dwellings. These house snakes grow to a large size, and are said to be quite harmless, and even tame. The dogs, less fortunate than the cats, have no masters ; they are left to prowl about the streets in search of whatever food they can collect. They are very numerous, and many hundreds were shot by the French in different towns. They are very savage at Alexandria ; being a mixed race of the dog and the jackal. I have been attacked by them more than once at night, in passing by a burying-ground. I have seen several of them at the ruins jiear the castle of Aboukir ; they were of a light sandy colour, and had the appearance of the CUSTOMS AND MANNERS. 403 jackal, 1 saw one after it had been on board of the Inconstant two months ; but it still retained its savage aspect, and had never become familiar. Among the different classes of people we met with in Egypt, none struck me more forcibly that the Bedouins. The desarts of Barca, or rather its oases, are inhabited by several tribes of these wanderers who are often in hostilitv with each other. The most formidable of them is that called ^Velled Ali. One of its chiefs was an inmate m the house inhabited by Osman Bey Bardisi, and to this Sheik I was introducetl by Osman, who said to me aloud in Arabic, if you or I were to meet this Sheik in the desart, of which he is one of the wolves, perhaps it would not be for us a pleasant meeting. The Sheik made no reply, but smiled. Many English officers however ventured a long way into the desart in hunting parties, where they staid some days, and all the Bedouins, whom they met, behaved with civility to them. The greatest number of Bedouins to be seen at a time at Alexandria, was at a certain season of the year with their camels, when many of them assembled in the square near the Jerusalem convent gate. The Bedouin, from hard living and constant exposure to the sun of the desart, is extremely lank and thin, and of a very dark complexion ; his countenance wild ; his eye black and penetrating, his general appearance bespeaking the half-savage, and unenlightened son of nature. His sole dress consists of a skull-cap and slippers, and a bernouse, or white woollen garment which covers the whole body, and reaches as low as the calf of the leg, having a hood to cover the head, (for he never wears a turban,) and open holes for the arms. Such is the Bedouin, whether Sheik or not. The Welled Ali Sheik had a lance with a head somewhat like a tomahawk ; a long rifle gun, a sabre, and a pair of pistols of superior work- manship. The people called Levantines in Egypt are the descendants of Franks born in tliis country, and are thus named to distinguish them from those Franks who are natives of European countries. The Levantine women imitate the Arabs in dying their eye-lashes, eye- 3 r 2 ♦ 404 ' MODERN EGYPT. brows, and hair with a black colour, and they are dressed in the costume of the higher order of Arab women. I saw an example of this in the dress worn by the wife of an Italian merchant at an en- tertainment given in Alexandria by the English commander in chief The dress with the ornaments was valued at two thousand pounds. . Her hair was remarkably long, and was divided behind into about forty tresses; each tress was plaited, one half of it being adorned with Venetian sequins, the other half with a string of pearls; at the bottom of each tress was an emerald. The ornaments were placed at equal distances in all the tresses. When the hair is not long enough to extend to the extremity of the waist, it is lengthened by silk of the same colour. The head-dress was composed of a scarlet skull-cap with a black silk tassel in the centre, and nearly covered with different ornaments set with small rubies and emeralds. Round the head was a kind of turban formed by handkerchiefs, one placed upon another, until they projected as much as the brim of a man's hat. In the front of this turban was a handsome diamond ornament, and little gold chains with brilliants were festooned from the bottom of it over the side of the face and ears. She wore a handsome but ill-formed necklace of pearls, in the centre of which was seen an emerald valued at three hundred pounds. On her body was a close vest of superb cloth of gold with long sleeves ; at the opening of which for the hands, appealed an ornament similar to ruffles, made of a manufacture com- mon in the East of striped silk and gauze. This vest reached from the bosom to the ankles nearly, and fitted close over the trowsers, which were made of striped satin and silk of Damascus manufacture. Over the vest she wore a garment like an open gown without a train, made of very fine fawn-coloured German cloth trimmed with narrow gold lace. The whole of the dress had an elegant and singular appearance. This woman with her husband and family was then at Alexandria, going to Italy to reside there, her husband having made a handsome fortune in Cairo. It was probably the last time she would wear that dress, and she was unusually fine. Some of the Coptic women are fair and beautiful. The features CUSTOMS AND MANNERS. 405 of a Copt are broader, and more inclining to plumpness than those of the Arab. These people are certainly the most intelligent in Egypt, and are better educated than the Arabs. I do not recollect to have seen a Copt absolutely poor. They are the manaoers, collectors, and clerks of the revenue in Egypt in general; and thoufrh at Alexandria the head of the customs was a Turk, yet the subordinate officers were Copts. Many of them are merchants and brokers. The dress of the men is the long dress of the Turks, but they and all Christian and Jewish inhabitants are not permitted to wear a green or white turban, blue being the colour substituted in oeneral, although CD O ' D the better sort wear a long Cashmire shawl, twisted round the head as a turban. I was acquainted with a Coptic merchant at Rosetta, who invited me and another Englishman to the christening of his child. We were induced to go, that we might have some insight into the manners of this people. We were received by the lady of the house on entering with great civility ; she poured a little perfumed rose water into our hands, from a bottle covered with silver fillaoree of very fine work, and as we passed into the room she sprinkled us all over with rose water. This I afterwards found to be a common custom in all Coptic and Levantine houses when a person makes a visit of ceremony. The room into which we were introduced was at the top of the house, where there was a table covered with all kinds of sweetmeats and fruits. The mistress of the house and her sister, also a married lady, with her husband and other guests soon made their appearance. The infant was completely swathed. The ce- remony* was performed by the Coptic priest, according to a service which he read from a ritual in manuscript. As soon as the ceremony of the christening was ended, we sat down to partake of the breakfast. • The Coptic form of baptism is described by Vansleb and by Pococke ; " tiiey plunge the child three times into water and then confirm it, and give it the sacrament ; that is, the wine, the priest dipping the end of Ids finger in it and putting it to the child's mouth." — Vol. i. 246. 406 "■ MODERN EGYPT. These two Coptic women, particularly the sister of the lady of the house, were the prettiest I had seen in Egypt. The sister was remarkably fair, and would have been reckoned handsome in any country. She was older than she appeared to be ; and I was surprised to find that she had a son then in the room iburteen years of age ; but marriages are made at a very early time of life in this country. The costume of these women was similar to that I have already described, as worn by the Levantines, differing only in the ornaments and jewehy. In Egypt the unhappy Israelites, bearing with the Christians the undisguised scorn and contempt of all ranks of Moslems, drag out a miserable existence. Possessing an active and cunning mind, they contrive in many instances to over-reach their Mahometan masters ; and derive their means of living from the business of money-changers and brokers. They are easily distinguished both from the Copt and Arab by their prominent nose and chin, and by being darker than the Copt, but not so dark as the Arab. The Copts and Jews are the general shop-keepers in Egypt ; and in the part called the Frank town of Alexandria there is a considerable number of shops, in which cutlei'y of a very inferior quality, and woollen and linen drapery of various kinds are offered for sale. The muslin in these shops was very coarse. The woollen cloth was prin- cipally of German manufacture, of a thin though tolerably fine texture, narrower than English cloth, and much cheaper than the latter. Of this cloth, which is of various colours, the most esteemed being green and flesh coloured, there are many hundred bales sold annually in Cairo. There is another sort, a red cloth of a stronger manufacture, of which the JNIamelukes make their trowsers, and this also is German. In the cloths and linens of that country there was formerly a con- siderable trade carried on between Venice and Trieste, and Alexan- dria, the returns being in gums, senna, corn, arid rice. •( 407 ) ^ y- JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE . ', UP THE NILE BETWEEN PHIL.^ AND IBRIM IN NUBIA, * IN THE MONTH OF MAY, 1814. IJ3Y CAPT. LIGHT.] * ' . Mr. Legh and his companion Iiave communicated some valuable remarks concerning parts of Nubia; and the following journal of Captain Light will give additional inform- ation respecting the auticjuities of the country, and the manners of the people. The conquests of the Mahometans and the tiestruction of Christianity have been followed in Nubia, as in other parts of the Turkish empire, by the most complete depopulation and barbarism. Seventeen bishoprics were formerly enumerated in the different pro- vinces of Nubia; the towns of Ibrim and Dongola were under the jurisdiction of two of them. " Mais faute de Pasteurs " (says Vansleb f ), " le Christianisme est aujourd'hui entiercment eteint dans tout ce royaume." The Oases also were once peopled by many Coptic Christians ; and the names of some of the Bishops who presided over that district are mentioned in the history of the Patriarchs of Alexandria. Part of the first epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, published by Munter and Georgi in a dialect different from that of the Mem[)hitic or Saidic is supposed to have been written in the language of the people of the Oases. The author of the Kitab el Fehrest speaks of the Nubian cliaracters J ; and the Nubian lan- guage is mentioned by Macrizy (Desc. de I'Eg. torn. ii. fol. 180.) ; but Syrian, Coptic, and Greek letters were adopted by the inhabitants, when Christianity was introduced among them; and we learn from Abou Sehih that their liturgy and prayers were in Greek; the same thing is also statcil by Abdallah of .\ssouan.^ As late as the begin- ning of the fifteenth century, the time when Macrizy wrote, the women and children of Upper Egypt had a perfect ac(]uaintance with Greek. The Arabic language has gradually prevailed in that country ; but in Nubia, Captain Light found that a know- ledge of it was of little use to the traveller. A different idiom is there spoken ; and this is pointed out by Leo Africanus in the following passage : " Beyond Assouan are villages peopled by men of black colour, whose language is a mixture of Arabic, Egyptian, and Ethiopian." — Qiiatremere Rcch. sur I'Egyptc. — Ed. Assouan, May 7. — I arrived at Assouan, anciently Syene, in the usual course by a boat from Boulac. Hence I found the navigation "* " LarNubi'c commence au bourg nomme al-Kasr, situe a 5 mlllcs de la ville d'Assouan." — From the History of Nubia, by Abdallah native of Assouan. — See Quatremere, Mem. Geog. sur I'Egypte. f Hist, de I'Eg. d'Alex. p. 30. ^ The Bashmouric was supposed to be the language of the Nubians, by Longuerue; but this opinion has been controverted by Quatremere, who has shown that the Bashmourites were inhabitants of Lower Egypt. — Rcch. sur I'Egy. 163. § Quoted by Quatremere, p. 23. in his Memoire sur la Nubie. 408 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. stopped by the rocks, with which the river at this place is filled, and the channel so divided and reduced in the ordinary state of the stream, as not to leave sufficient breadth or depth for boats. I therefore quitted mine to proceed by land to the shore opposite Philas, and procured asses for the journey. On the 10th of May I left Assouan, attended by an English servant and an Arab from my boat, having two asses for riding, and three for the baggage ; accompanied by Osman, the son of the Sheik of Assouan, as guide and guard, and proceeded through the ruins of the Arab town on the heights above Assouan. The desart here on every side is broken by large masses of granite, most of which had hieroglyphic characters sculptured on them. We arrived in about two hours at the shore opposite to Philae. This place called by the natives Selwajoud, by Norden El HeifF, merits all that has been said respecting the temples, and other structures of antiquity which are to be found there. I remained at Philae until the evening of the 11th. It was on the morning of that day that I first saw the destruction caused by the locusts, of which an immense swarm obscured the sky.* In a few hours after their arrival, the palm trees were stripped of their foliage, and the ground of its herbage. Men, women, and children employed themselves in vain attempts to prevent the locusts from settling, howling repeatedly the name of Geraad, the Arab and Nubian word for locusts ; throwing sand in the air, beating the ground with sticks, and at night lighting fires. Yet they seemed to bear the loss of their harvests without murmur, blessing God that they had not the plague, which they said always raged at Cairo when the locusts appeared ; this was actually the case at that time. * " They darkened the sun" says the Prophet Joel, ii. 10., speaking of the flight of the locusts. The word is written by Russel girad, Gryllus niigratorius. L. In many parts of Turkey the locust-bird, Turdus Iloseus, providentially appears at the same time with the locusts and destroys great numbers. In some seasons when the grain of the corn is too far advanced, these insects attack the cotton plants, mulberry, and fig leaves. — Russell, ii. 2M). JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. 4O9 I hired a boat of the inhabitants of the east shore opposite to Philae, which though of smaller size than the one I left at Assouan, was large enough to enable me to lay my bed cross- ways at the stern ; four men made the crew ; and a mat arched on some palm-branches served for a skreen against the sun. . . , ■ , . May 12. — Early in the morning we sailed up the river, and in consequence of the wind failing, moored at Ser Ali, on the east bank, where we observed some crocodiles. About half way between Philse and Scr Ali on the west bank are the remains of a temple, in a village called Deboo ; on the cultivated spots in the neighbourhood are many sheep and cows, with plantations of palm-trees. May L'3. — Detained at Ser Ali by Kamseen winds, which set in with an obscure sky ; the sun becoming pale, as seen through a dis- coloured glass. "• .■ May 14. — Arrived at Gartaas, (called by Norden, Hindau), on the west bank, where I landed to examine the architectural ruins, of which there are many at intervals, for the space of nearly two miles. The first and most southern is a square inclosure of masonry, of one hundred and fifty-three paces, its greatest height sixteen feet ; its thickness about ten. In the south and north sides there are gateways ; that in the north is nearly in the centre, and has a cornice, on which is a winged globe, and the outline of a symbolic figure cut on one of the stones. Beyond this, going northward, amongst some quarries of sandy free-stone, is a narrow passage open at the top, cut by art ; on each side of which at intervals are hieroglyphics coarsely sculptured, and the outline of a Monolithic temple. This passage leads to a part of the rock on which is a shallow recess ; here I saw the half- length figures of men in full relief; the heads are defaced ; they have drapery about the shoulders and arms, and appear to have in their hands the wand and whip of the Egyptian mythology ; the former being a symbol of power; the latter the Flagellum sometimes given to Osiris, at others to the genii Averrunci. They are about three leet high, and are cut out of the rock. Above and below these figures are numerous Greek inscriptions 410 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. cut in tablets, and at the bottom of the whole are rudely formed hieroglyphics. At a short distance to the north are the remains of a small temple, consisting of six columns beautifully finished with capitals : two of them facing the north engaged in a wall forming the entrance ; their capitals are heads of Isis, supporting a plinth on which are cut Monolithic temples ; the other four, two on the west and two on the east, are engaged in a wall half their height ; the capitals vary ; but the opposite, or the east and west, are alike. Those at the south angles have the grape and wheat-ear worked under the volutes. The shafts are about three feet in diameter ; the distance between them about ten ; the north front is thirty feet ; the east and west thirty-six ; on the latter, towards the base, two or three symbolic figures have been sculptured. On one of the columns are some Greek characters beginning with the usual form to -r^oT-y-uvirfix. The west bank of the river in the neighbourhood of Gartaas is almost a desart ; a few huts scattered amongst the ruins afford shelter to the inhabitants. The opposite shore has some degree of cultivation, and the mountains are a little distant from the banks of the river. May 15. — Arrived at Taeefa on the west bank, above which the sides of the river become bold and craggy, and near this place is the entrance to the Shellaal * or cataract of Galabshee ; here Mr. Buckingham, a gentleman who had lately ascended the Nile as far as Dukkey, lays down the tropic of Cancer. Taeefa, con- tains several remains of ancient buildings scattered about on an open cultivated spot of more than a mile in length, and about half in breadth, bounded by the desart and its mountains. The village might contain two or three hundred inhabitants, and had a Sheik who regulated their labour and subsistence. The doom and palm-tree flourished here. The antiquities consist of several spacious oblong enclosures of masonry of not more than three or four feet in height. In the centre of the plain, separated from each other, are two buildings, one com- plete, having the form of a portico, the other in ruins, seems to be * Jc se^ai de divers Nubiens qu'il s'en trouve sept on liiiit de remarquables cataractes, depuis Sai au dessous de Dongola, jusqii'a Assouan. — Maillet. p. 42. JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. 411 part of an early Christian chnrch. The first is almost blocked up by a mass of mud, and is surrounded by the hovels of the natives. It is a pyramidal portico facing the south, having two columns almost eno'ao-ed in a wall to the bottom of the capitals, which represent the full blown lotus, and support an entablature and cornice. Between this column and the sides are small door- ways with a cornice and frieze; and above these a second and third cornice, in each of which is the winged olobe. The frieze has a bead and leaf worked on it. The front of this building is about twenty-seven feet in length ; the inside is perfect, having a roof supported by four columns standing on a plain circular base, their capitals forming the fidl-blown lotus. On one of the walls inside is a cross of Maltese form. The second building is open to the east ; the west wall is perfect ; in this is a door-way, and within, in front, are two columns with capitals of the full-blown lotus, supporting a small portion of roof. Scriptural paintings with figures as large as those of life remain on the walls, and over the cornice of the door-way is the winged globe. In front of the open side lie several capitals, broken shafts, and other fragments of buildings. I was detained at Taeefa the 16th by the Kamseen wind, which changed in the evening to the north and west, driving the sands of the desart for manv miles, with so much violence as to obscure the air, and hide from view the rocks close to the boat. The storm con- tinued for two hours with violent gusts, attended with thunder and lightning ; it ceased at last with a torrent of rain. During the tempest, my guide Osman was chaunting the praises of God and the prophet in a most discordant voice ; while the boatmen trembling and shrinking from the storm, hid themselves in the bottom of the boat. May 17. — We rowed through the Shellaal of Galabshee. This is the name given to those parts of the stream that are interrupted by rocks. Here the passage of boats is not impeded, as at Assouan, where the Nile is lost in streams of two, three, and four feet in breadth, which interrupt the navigation, except during the inunda- tion, when, as I was informed, very small boats and rafts may pass 3 G 2 ■* T 422 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. the Shellaal. At Galabshee, the Nile flowing with a wide and beauti- ful course, divides itself among several rocks and uninhabited islands ; the river increases in breadth, as it enters into a grand amphitheatre of bold and craggy rocks, interspersed with cultivated spots of ground extending for about a mile ; then contracting itself, as it ap- proaches Taeefa, it resumes its ordinary breadth. On the eastern bank on an elevated spot are the remains of an Arab mud-built castle, and on one of the islands those of a village and another castle, which, though of bad construction, prove that a greater degree of civilization had formerly marked this place. Beyond, the rocks re- cede, become lower, and the land appears cultivated. The village of Galabshee, which Norden by mistake places opposite to Taeefa, is close to the opening on the west bank, and has a larger population than Taeefa. The inhabitants live in huts round a ruined temple. They seemed more jealous of my appearance among them, than any of this country whom I had hitherto seen. I was surrounded by them, and " bucksheesh, bucksheesh" (a present) echoed from all quarters, before they would allow me to look at the temple. One more violent than the rest threw dust in the air *, the signal both of rage and defiance, ran for his shield, and came towards me dancing, howling, and striking the shield with the head of his javelin, to inti- midate me. A promise of a present pacified him and enabled me to make my remarks and sketches. A butment of masonry rises above the bank of the river, at about one hundred and seventy or eighty feet from the front of the temple, to which a paved approach leads from the butment ; on each side of this pavement there formerly had been an avenue of Sphinxes, one of which was lying headless near the pavement. At the end, steps appear to have been raised, leading to a terrace of thirty-six feet in breadth, from which rise two pyramidal moles with a gateway between • " And they gave him .audience unto this word, and then lifted up their voices and said, Away with such a fe low from the earth ; — and as they cried out, and cast off their clothes, and threw dust into the air." — Acts of the Apost. xxii. JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. 4I3 them, fonnliig a front of" about one hundred and ten feet. Tlie upper part of the moles to within tlu-ee or four hiyers of stone above the gateway was in ruins. The moles are eighteen or twenty feet thick, of sohd masonry ; within is a court of about forty feet, now filled with broken shafts and capitals ; it appears to have had a colonnade to the side walls joining the moles with the portico. The latter consists of four columns, a lateral wall divides this portico from a suite of four inner apartments, the door-ways to which have the winged globe in the cornice. Three of these apartments are covered with hierogly- phics and symbolic figures ; there are remains of colouring very fresh and clear. All the apartments are encumbered with ruins, and have scarcely any ceiling left. The front of the portico is plain, with the exception of a winged globe over the gateway. Within are scriptural paintings ; a head similar to those represented in the churches of the Greeks appears with a nimbus around it, above the ruins on the wall of the last apart- ment, with some Greek characters. The moles have no hieroglyphics or symbolic figures excepting a few at the gateway, and these are in the first outline. The shafts of the columns are nearly six feet in diameter ; the height appears to contain from five to six diameters, a common proportion in Egyptian architecture. On a column is a Greek inscription in red letters*; there are two more also which I did not copy, and one in Coptic. May 18. — In the morning we sailed, but were obliged to moor below Abouhore on the east bank, which is enclosed by barren rocks of sand-stone and granite ; I mounted to the summit of these and found the whole country to the east as far as the eye could reach broken into masses of rock presenting a most frightful and desolate appearance. On the shore I observed remains of Roman brick- work. May 19. — We reached Abouhore, and were again obliged to stop. Here the hills recede and leave a large space of ground for cultivation * See the remarks on Greek inscriptions at the end of the volume. 414 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. watered by wheels, and bearlag more marks of civilization than the other villages, and the inhabitants appeared more industrious. Their huts were thickly scattered among numerous palm-trees. Here there is a small Shellaal which leaves only a narrow passage to the west ; on the other part there is a low ridge of rocks. Opposite to Abouhore, placed as if to command this passage, is a ruined Arab castle of unbaked bricks. At Abouhore an assembly of women was collected howling over the dead body of a child. May 20. — We arrived by means of towing at Garsery, called by Norden, Garbe Dendour, on the west bank, where I landed to visit the ruins. Nothing can be considered moi*e barren than the rocks and hills on each side, passed in the course of this day. The few huts I saw, were made of loose stones cemented by mud, and covered with a flat roof of straw or branches of palm-trees. The ruins at Gar- sery consist of a front of masonry of three sides, enclosing a portico and gateway. The longest side is about one hundred feet, and faces the river ; the heioht above the crround is ten feet. In the centre of the enclosure is a gateway ; the side stones are covered with hiero- glyphics ; beyond is the portico of a small temple, which consists of the usual pyramidal front ; the entablature is perfect ; the capitals of the columns are alike, presenting the form of the full-blown lotus ; the symbol among the sacred plants of Egypt, most commonly appropriated to Osiris. A lateral wall separates this portico from two inner chambers. May 21. — Having passed the remains of a portico at Garshee, we moored nearly opposite to Dukkey on the east side. May 22. — Having crossed from our mooring-place, I landed and skirted the desart for the space of an hour, passing frequently over Roman tiles and brick, and arrived at the temple of Dukkey. The front faces the north close to the river, and consists of two pyramidal moles with a gateway complete ; a cornice and torus surround the whole. The dimensions of the front are about seventy-five feet in length, forty in height, and fifteen in depth. The walls are without hieroglyphics. JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. A^ tf In the cornice over the gateway is the winged globe. * In each of the moles in the inside front, are small doorways ornamented in a similar manner, leading by a stone staircase to small chambers, and to the top. A court of about forty feet in depth separates the moles from a pyramidal portico, in which are two columns en'moed half their height in a wall elevated in the centre, forming the entrance. The depth of the portico is about eighteen feet ; the ceilino- of it is almost perfect, composed of single stones, reaching from the front to the back part. Between the centre columns are winged scarabceii- • on the other part are scriptural paintings. A lateral wall divides the portico from three inner chambers ; the ceiling of these are im- perfect ; the symbolic figures in the third room are larger than in the other parts of the building. The upper part of the side walls of the portico have the remains of some scriptural designs, representing men on horseback approaching towards angels, whose hands seem hfted up in supplication. The whole was surrounded by a wall ex- tending from the two extremes of the moles. Over the o-ate of the portico are some Greek characters, in the place where the winged o-]obe is usually seen. rnEPAE ... ..,.,. GEO ... A variety of inscriptions found about the gateway of the moles, prove that this temple was erected to Mercury. | From Dukkey, where the rocks and desart begin to leave room for cultivation on the banks of the Nile, we proceeded up the river, and in a short time were hailed from the western shore by a follower of the Cashief of Deir. We were obliged to pay him a visit, and found him sitting * The device so common on the temples of Egypt, and symbolical of the anima mundi. — Shaw, 358. t Probably of the form referred to in the Men. Is. Exp. 61. Pandit alienasalas Scara- baeus, Solis imago. - ' . ' X See the remarks on Greek inscriptions at the end of the volume. 4J6 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. under a shady palm-tree on a carpet, surrounded by some dirty half- naked attendants. He rose on my approaching him, bade me sit down by him, and placed a cushion under my elbow. His visit to the village (named OufFeddoonee,) was for the purpose of passing some days here with two of his wives, of whom he is said to have thirty living in different parts of his territory, and among whom he divides his time. He was dressed in a coarse linen shirt and turban ; was without slippers ; he alone of the whole party held a pipe in his hand. I presented him with a telescope and small pocket-knife; these he was at first inclined to refuse, saying I was welcome without an offering. A pipe, dates, and coffee were brought to me. His attendants sat down by us in a circle, and many trifling questions were asked of me by all. My wearing apparel was examined ; I was questioned about my rank, what number of soldiers my king com- manded, how many wives he had, in what garrison I was, how far off, what number of guns it contained, and whether my Pasha, meanino- my commanding officer, had power of life and death. The Cashief whose name is Hassan is one of three brothers, hereditary chiefs of the country between Philas and Dongola. He is a handsome young man of about twenty-five years of age, and his territory extends from Philae to Deir. He has a nominal absolute power, which however he does not exercise oppressively, nor does he interfere much between the quarrels of the natives. He gave me a letter to his son, a boy of ten years of age, left at Deir, from whom I was to receive all necessary protection and assistance ; on my leaving him he presented me with a sheep. Pro- ceeding hence, we observed the hills to be at a considerable distance from the river ; we arrived at Naboo on the west, where they again appear in rocks of sand-stone. From Naboo the river winds east and west, the hills sometimes receding on one side, and on the other bold rocks reach to the water's edge. May 23. — Having sailed part of the night, and the wind con- tinuing fair, we passed Seboo on the west bank, where the propvla of a temple are seen at about two hundred yards from the water-side, JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. 4X7 the rest of the temple appears to be ahnost buried in the sand. A few palm-trees and small strips of cultivated land, with here and there a miserable hut, serve to show that the country is not entirely abandoned. We passed El Garba on the east, where the Nile flows close to the base of the mountains, which present a wild and dreary appearance. May 24. — We towed from our mooring-place a few miles to El Kharaba. At Songaree the Nile takes a bold turn to the west, and we continued in that direction to El Kharaba. At Croska, there is a small Shellaal on the eastern side, opposite to which at Erreiga is a mud fort. • The west bank is almost a desart ; the east continues with bold rocks and hills, lined with villages of a better construction than those on the west ; the buildings here consisting only of stones or of poles covered with mats on palm-branches. May 25. — Arrived at Deir, which is a long straggling village of mud cottages, situated in a thickly planted grove of palm-trees. The cashief's house, the best I had seen since I left Cairo, is built of baked and unbaked brick ; in front is a rude colonnade forming a sort of caravansera. Adjoining to it is a mosque, the only one I had observed since I quitted Philee. The village is about a mile in length ; its population must be considerable, though I could never obtain any other answer to questions on this subject, than " many." I landed and went to a mud building used as a caravansera, in which were horses; and waited until the cashief's son could be sent for. A Mamaluke with a Greek for his attendant had lately come there from Dongola as a merchant. From him I heard that the Mamalukes had taken possession of the country on the western bank of the Nile opposite to Dongola, where they had been driven by the pasha of Egypt ; that they were in force about eleven hundred, under Ibrahim Bey, the partner and competitor in power with Mourad Bey at the time when the French took possession of Egypt ; that after destroying the petty chiefs of the country, they had armed five or six thousand blacks ; 3 n 418 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. and that one of their beys had been able to cast cannon ; and that amoncr the Mamahikes there were eight EngUsh and ten Frencli deserters. The Greek, who at first pretended to be a Turk, took me aside, showed me the sign of the cross upon his arm, and by way of exciting my compassion, broke out in bad Enghsh, into execrations of the Turkish government. After waiting a short time in the caravansera, the son of the cashief, the boy before mentioned, came in, attended by a number of half- clothed inhabitants, squatted himself down in one quarter of the room, took me by the hand and welcomed me. On receiving his father's letter he got up, ran out to hear it read by the imam, and returned presently, offering me any thing I wished. He was about to order food to be brought to me, but being told that I should not eat it, he begged me to return to my boat, and in the evening visit him again. When I arrived at the boat, I found he had sent me a kid and a bowl of bread, in the centre of which was the usual preserve of dates, for which I returned him a present of a gold ring of trifling value. In the evening I went on shore, and the little cashief rather better dressed than in the morning, having the addition of a sword by his side, and my ring on his thumb, received me in the open air with an affectation of manly dignity, seated himself on the ground, and formed his divan. Having replied to his questions, and obtained a promise of horses for myself and Osman, to enable me to cross the desart that night and visit Ibrim, I took my leave, and went to the rocks behind the village, followed by a numerous party of the natives, who came in hopes of seeing me discover treasure in the ruins, which they suppose to be the object of the visits of Europeans. When I arrived at the rocks which are close behind the village, I found that the supposed temple was only a large excavation, evidently a burial-place. The approach to it was through two rows of incomplete square pillars hewn out of the rock. At the end of this approach is a rude sort of portico composed of four square pillars, with an entablature ; a ceiling, the greatest part of which is fallen down, connected these pillars with the front of the exca- JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. 419 vation. On the outside front of the pillars of the portico are the lower parts of whole length statues in full relief, whose heio-ht originally extended to the top of the entablature. They a})pear to have been represented with a casque of a conical form, and stand on square bases. The front of the excavation is seven feet thick. There are two entrances, the largest between the two centre pillars is almost blocked up by the stones of the ceiling ; on the right is a smaller entrance. The interior is divided by a lateral wall of rock into two sets of chambers. The first is the largest, is about sixty-nine feet in length, by forty in breadth ; its ceiling, the rock, is supported by two rows of square pillars ; three in each, with a coarse entablature. The front of the excavation and the interior have hieroglyphics and symbolic figures ; there are also remains of colouring. In the neighbourhood of this excavation are several square holes opening to vaults, the top of whose arches appear. Bones and pieces of cloth like those which are seen in munmiy pits are found lying around. The sides of the openings are well finished ; on one I traced a cross preceding some Greek characters, which mentioned TOT AnOT ANTONIOT. These were the first Greek inscriptions I had observed, relating to the early Christian inhabitants of this country. Having made my remarks and sketches, I determined to set out on my expedition to Ibrim. Leaving my servants in the boat, I armed myself, and attended by Osman and two of the cashief's servants, I set off at about eight o'clock at night. We proceeded by the light of the moon over the barren and rocky mountains of the desart in continual danger from the difficulty of the road. About an hour after midnight we arrived at Ibrim*; but there was still some distance to what the natives called the temple. As the moon had gone down, and the rest of the road was over I'ocks by the river side, * Anciently Premn is parva, Strabo, lib. xvii.; or, according to Pliny, Primis. — See also Legh's Journey, p. 7i). 3h 2 *w 420 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. we halted; one of the natives brought me a mat, on which I laid myself down and soon fell asleep. May 26. — Early in the morning I proceeded by the water-side under high cliffs towards the temple, and found merely a ruined castle of considerable size, seated on a high rock separated from the rest of the hills by a ravine on each side. Square towers connected by walls of rude stones piled one on the other and strengthened by trunks of palm-trees, and shafts of columns laid transversely, compose the works. The interior presents the ruins of an Arab town, consisting of a mosque of stone, with mud and stone dwelling-houses. Shafts, capitals, and columns of grey granite are scattered about, on which I distinguished the Maltese cross. This castle is probably one erected by Selim the Second. On my return I was shown an excavation in one of the rocks ; I visited it, and found it to consist of a chamber twenty feet wide and ten deep. Opposite the door is a i-ecess forming a seat, and above are three figures sitting sculptured in high relief; but they are much defaced. On the walls of the chamber are hieroglyphics ; I distin- guished also the Greek letters AflO on one of the sides, and the form of a cross. Proceeding thi'ough the village, I was met by a venerable old man, who, I found, was called the Aga ; in a friendly and hospi- table manner he invited me " to tarry until the sun was gone down ; to alight, refresh myself, and partake of the food he would prepare for the stranger." I gladly accepted his invitation ; a clean mat was spread for me under the shade of the wall of his house, and refresh- ments, consisting of wheaten cake broken into small bits, and put into water, sweetened with date-juice, were brought to me in a wooden bowl ; then curds, with liquid butter and preserved dates, and lastly some milk. Having taken what I wanted, I entered the door of the Aga's house, which, like all the rest, was of mud ; I found myself in a room separated from the other part of the house by a court, and covered by a simple roof of palm-tree branches. This was the place of his divan, and here my mat and cushion were brought to me, JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. 421 and the natives flocked around with tiieir usual questions, whether I came to look for money, whether Christians or Moslems, English or French built the temples. They could not comprehend the use of the pencil ; nor did they understand for what purpose a pocket-fork which I showed them was made ; nor had they any name for it. The Aga having prepared a dinner for me, invited several of the inhabitants to sit down. Water was brought in a skin by an attendant to wash our hands. Two fowls roasted were served up on wheaten cakes in a wooden bowl, covered with a small mat, and a number of the same cakes in another ; in the centre of these were liquid butter and preserved dates. These were divided, broken up, and mixed together by some of the party, while others pulled the fowls to pieces; when this was done, the party began to eat with great eagerness ; rising up one after the other as soon as they had satisfied their appetites. During my visit, I observed an old Imam attempt to perform a cure on one of the natives, who came to him on account of a head-ache from which he suffered much pain. This was done in the following manner : — The patient seated himself near the Imam, who, putting his finger and thumb to the patient's forehead, closed them gradually together, pinching the skin into wrinkles as he advanced, uttering a prayer, spitting on the ground, and lastly on the part affected. This continued for about a quarter of an hour, and the patient rose up, thoroughly convinced that he should soon be well. A superstitious kind of regard seems to be paid by the Egyptians to this mode of cure ; for at Erment, the ancient Hermonthis, an aged woman applied to me for a medicine for a disease in her eyes, and on my giving her some directions of which she did not seem to approve, she requested me to spit on them ; I did so, and she went away, blessing me, and perfectly satisfied of the certainty of a cure. The Aga told me that his town extended for three miles ; that the government was divided between himself and another (independent of the Cashief of Deir), by a firman from the Pasha of Egypt ; that it had suffered from the flight of the Mamalukes and pursuit of the 422 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. Turks. Tlie whole town lies amongst palm-trees ; is built without regularity, and bears marks of the ravages of war. The houses are formed in squares of mud of one story high ; the roofs are of palm- branches laid flat. On passing through it the night before, I found that the inhabitants were lying on the outside of their doors, in the open air on mats, each containing five or six persons. Having taken leave of the Aga, we returned homewards by the water-side, which was lined by rocks of considerable height, some- times close to the river, sometimes retiring and leaving room for cultivation. I observed on some of them many hieroglyphic charac- ters well cut, generally having the figure of some animal in the centre over the inscription. I arrived at Deir in the evening, and after receiving a visit from the little Cashief, I descended the river with the stream. The boat was now prepared for rowing, and was stripped of its masts and sails ; the boatmen keeping time to their oars in a loud hoarse song-. May 27. — We arrived at Seboo, where I landed, to examine the remains of the temple there. The sand of the desart has almost covered the portico and court in front. It consists of two pyramidal moles facing the east ; they are not more than thirty feet above t\^e sand ; their front is in length ninety feet ; the gateway six in width, and twenty in height. A cornice and torus surround the moles, and the upper part of the gateway, which is twelve feet thick, and opens to a court almost filled with sand, in front of the portico, whose roof appears to be formed from the rock. It is oined to the moles by a colonnade of three square pillars on each side, on the front of which are disfigured statues in high relief half buried in the sand. The entablature of this colonnade is of single stones from pillar to pillar, twelve feet long, four broad, and three deep. On these and on the walls are hieroglyphics and representations of a deity receiving offer- ings, a subject very common in Egyptian sculpture. Two rows of sphinxes led to the temple. The first was placed at about fifty paces from the front. There are five remaining uncovered with sand ; three of these are seen in full length above the ground, and JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. 423 the heads only of two others. The distance between each as they are placed in line, is eighteen feet ; between the opposite rows, thirty feet. They are about eleven feet from the nose to the extreme parts. The two first are much decayed, or were never finished ; the third, making the second in the left row, is highly finished ; but the head, which lies near it, has been struck off: the work of the head in the opposite row is equally well executed. Between the two front sphinxes are gigantic figures in alto relievo on pilasters. They are about fourteen feet high, and formed the entrance to the avenue. They have the left leg advanced ; they wear a breast-plate and pyra- midal casque, and are four feet broad across the shoulders. On the back of the pilasters are hieroglyphics as well as on that part of the pilasters left uncovered by the statues. Similar statues, now thrown down, stood in front of the gateway of the moles ; one of them is buried in the ground up to the waist, the other shows the whole length, but is half covered with sand. All these are of the same hard sand- stone as the moles. I could not discover any Greek inscriptions. May 28. — Having left Seboo the evening before, we arrived at Ouffendoonee, where there are architectural remains in the neigh- bourhood of a considerable village. I landed, and near the water- side found an oblong building of about fifty-four feet in length, and thirty in breadth, which seems to have been part of a Christian church. There are sixteen columns, six on the north and south sides, and four on the east and west, all perfect, of about two feet three inches in diameter. At the east end a sort of chancel projects south- ward at right angles with the south columns, on which are painted scriptural figures, like those in the churches of the modern Greeks. The capitals are not alike, nor do they appear to have been finished. They support a die and entablature composed of single stones from column to column, about six feet in length ; the shafts are proportion- ably small. I saw many painted Greek inscriptions on the frieze of the interior, in small characters, which I could scarcely distinguish ; the first words of all were TO nP0i;KTNHMA ; in the centre of the frieze at the west end on a small stone tablet was the word lOHANNf painted in red letters. 424 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. In front of the south cohimns are several rows of stones in regular order, apparently part of the building thrown down, on which were hieroglyphics, and on one there were Greek characters which I could not trace. A bare wall near the south-east end of this ruin, contains figures of ordinary sculpture, but evidently alluding to scriptural subjects. . - Below OufFendoonee we passed a caravan of Gelabs (slave-mer- chants) from Dongola on their way to Siout. I observed that they were more attentive to the forms of the Mahometan religion than the natives of these parts, of whom I had scarcely seen any attending to its ceremonies. May 29, 30. — I continued descending the Nile to the cataracts of Galabshee, where I was tempted to land for the purpose of sketching the grand scene they presented to my view ; but as we approached the shore the people of the neighbourhood ran down with their weapons dancing and howling, and appeared to be inclined to oppose my landing ; I therefore continued my voyage. May 31. — Arrived at Deboo. Here, on landing to examine the ruins of the temple which I have already mentioned, I tbund the greatest part of the inhabitants of tiie village had taken refuge in its enclosure to protect themselves against the attacks of the people of a neighbouring district, who, to avenge the murder of one of their own body by an inhabitant of Deboo, committed nightly depredations on the latter village ; ham-stringing cattle, which tliey could not carry off, plundering and murdering every male inhabitant they could find ; and these atrocities were to be committed until one of the family of the murderer was sacrificed to their revenge. Not knowing how soon their enemies might appear, 1 contented myself with taking a general view of the ruins. They consist of three gates to pyramidal moles ; of these last no traces now remain. The gates are behind each other at unequal distances, and beyond the last a portico of four columns with entabla- ture, cornice, and side walls in high preservation. ■*!*-<''" JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBL\. , 425 The first gate is plain, with a cornice and fillet above the door-way, which is about sixteen feet high ; the masonry of it is twelve feet thick ; there are openings at the top differing from any thing I had seen in other temples, and which in fortification would be called oi'gues. ' ■ , The second gateway is twenty-two paces distant, and has a winged globe in the cornice ; the next is nine paces distant, and the portico is fourteen paces from this. The breadth of the latter is nearly sixty feet ; the columns are plain, with the capitals of the centre differing from those on the sides ; they are half engaged in a wall. The centre is raised to form a gateway ; the depth of the portico is about fourteen feet, and has hieroglyphics in the interior. The ceiling of the portico was com- posed of single stones reaching from the front to the hinder part ; three of them remain. The portico is divided by a lateral wall from several small rooms, which seem to be mere passages to the sanctuary ; on the side walls of the first are hieroglyphics and figures ; beyond is a second chamber ; and last of all the sanctuary ; in which are two Monolithic temples of single blocks of granite in high preservation and much ornamented. The largest is about twelve feet long and three wide ; the other rather smaller. The last rooms are without hieroglyphics, and the doors without cornice or ornament. The second room and side chambers have ceilings ; that of the sanctuary is in ruins. The whole depth from the front of the portico to the end is seventy feet. The shafts of the columns are about fifteen feet high and three in diameter, and without ornament. June 1. — I arrived at Philse soon after sunrise. The approach to this place from the south presented a view still more sublime and magnificent than that from the north and west. If it was placed, as is generally stated, on the boundary * line of the ancient kingdom, and * The word Phila? is not, according to M. Quatremcre, derived from the Greek, but from the Egyptian Pilakh extreinite, alluding to its being the frontier town of Egypt. — Mem. sur I'Egypte, i. 388. For the Greek origin of the word see Tillemont H. des Em. iv. 3 I 426 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. formed an entrance to it, the sight of so much grandeur and mag- nificence, when the temples and other buildings were unhurt by time or man, must have impressed a stranger with awe and admiration of the people whom he was about to visit. ■ The inhabitants of the shores of the Nile between Philge and Ibrim, seem to be a distinct race from those of the northern districts. The extent of this country is about one hundred and fifty miles ; according to my course on the Nile, I conceive it may be two hundred by water ; it is estimated by some travellers at much more. They are called by the Egyptians Goobli, meaning in Arabic, the people of the south. My boatman from Boulac applied this word generally to them all, but called those living about the cataracts, Berhei: Their colour is black ; but as we advance from Cairo, the alteration from white to the dusky hue of the complexion is gradual, not sudden. Their countenance approaches to that of the Negro ; thick lips, flattish nose and head ; the body short and bones slender.. Those of the leo; have the curve which is observed in the Negro form. The hair is curled and black, but not woolly. Men of lighter complexion may be found among them ; they may be derived from intermarriages with the Arabs, or be descended from the followers of Selim the Second, who were left here upon his conquest of the country. On the other hand, at Galabshee, the people seemed to have more of the Negro conformation of face than elsewhere ; thicker lips, and hair more tufted ; as well as a more savage disposition. The Arabic acquired from books and a teacher, had been of very little use to me even in Egypt itself; but here not even the vulgar dialect of the lower Nile would serve for common intercourse, except in that district which extends from Dukkey to Deir, where the Nubian is lost and Arabic prevails again. This curious circumstance, connected with an observation of the lighter colour of the people, leads to a belief that they are descended from the Arabs. The Nubian, when spoken, reminded me of what I had heard of the clucking of the Hottentots j it seems to be a succession of mono- JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. 427 syllables, accompanied with a rise and fall of voice that is not dis- agreeable. In speaking of the government, law, and religion which prevailed among them, I may observe, that although the cashief claims a nominal command of the country, it extends no farther than sending his soldiers to collect the tax or rent called ?niri. The pasha of Egypt was named as sovereign in all transactions from Cairo to Assouan. Here and beyond, as far as I went, the reigning Sultan Mahmood was considered the sovereign, though the cashief's power was plainly feared more. They look for redress of injuries to their own means of revenge, which in cases of blood extends from one generation to another, until blood is repaid by blood. On this account, they are obliged to be ever on the watch, and armed, and in this manner even their daily labours are carried on. The very boys go armed. They profess to be followers of Mahomet, though I seldom observed any ritual parts of Islamism practised by them. Once, upon my endeavouring to make some of them comprehend the benefit of obedience to the rules of justice for the punishing of offences, instead of pursuing the offender to death in their usual manner, they quoted the Koran to justify their requiring blood for blood. The dress of the men is a linen smock, commonly brown, with a red or dark coloured skull-cap ; a few wear turbans and slippers. The women have a brown robe thrown gracefully over their head and body, discovering the right arm and breast, and part of one thigh and leg ; they are of good shape, but have ugly features. Their necks, arms, and ankles are adorned with beads or bone rings, and one nostril with a ring of bone or metal, a kind of ornament, which has always been adopted by the women of the East. * Their hair is anointed with oil of cassia, of which every village has a plantation. It is matted or plaited in a manner similar to that observable on the heads of sphinxes, and the female figures of their ancient statues. Isaiah, iii. 2 1 . speaks of the " nose jewels," and Ezek. xvi. 1 2. — See Lowth in locum. 3i 2 428 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. I found one at Elephantine, which might have been supposed to be the pattern of the mode adopted by them. The httle children are naked ; girls wear round the body an apron of strings of raw hides, and boys a girdle of linen. Their arms are knives or daggers, fastened to the back of the elbows, or in the waist ; javelins, tomahawks, swords of Roman shape, but longer, and slung behind them. Some have round shields of buffalo hide; and a few pistols and muskets are seen. Their dealings with one another or strangers are carried on more by way of barter than by money, which I was informed had lately come into general use among them. The para, which they called feddah, of forty to the piastre, (to which the Nubians as well as the Egyptians give the name goorsh,) the macboob of three piastres, and Spanish dollar called real, ov fransowy, worth seven piastres and a half, were current among them. In the price of cattle, a cow sold for twenty macboobs, and from that to forty ; a calf from three to seven, a sheep from two to three. Dates and senna are their chief articles of trade ; and no present can be more acceptable to their chiefs than gunpowder of European manufacture. Corn is much prized by them ; the bread which they eat is commonly made of durra* ; and is in form similar to the oatmeal cakes of Scotland, but thicker. Since the time of Norden, who visited the country in 1737, 1738, great changes have happened. Some places mentioned by him are no longer spoken of, and perhaps lie overwhelmed with sand. I met with less difficulties in my voyage than he seems to have encountered, yet I could not extend my researches much farther on account of the excessive heat. There was nothing in the state of the country to deter me from proceeding, if I had been inclined to * The Holcus Durra has been introduced into Egypt only in modern times ; the same observation may be applied to the Arum Colocassia. On the other hand, there are trees and plants of which the ancient writers speak, entirely unknown to the present inhabitants of the country. The Nymphjea Nelumbo (faba Egyptia of the Greek botanists) is one ; the Persea is probably another ; and a species of Amyris may be added. — See Sil. de Sacy. Abdallatif. 4?. JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBL\. 429 continue my route. The pasha's authority seemed established firmly enough for a traveller under his protection to proceed as far as Dongola, and the good understanding between him and the English had induced his officers to afford me every assistance. But at Dongola the Mamalukes held the country on the west bank, and perhaps would not have respected a person bearing a firman from the pasha. However I had often cause to observe that the late appearance of French and English armies in Egypt had taught the inhalntants every where to respect the Franks more than they used to do, although no opportunity seemed ever to be lost of gross cheating and impo- sition of every kind in all the dealings I had with them, not excepting the sheik of Assouan. . . , I learnt that at Wawdee Elfee, four days journey above Ibrim by water, there were shellaals, rendering the Nile impassable, and that no boats could be employed on the river between that place and Dono-ola ; but I could obtain no information of the state of the river beyond that town. The names of the villages above Ibrim on the west side are, as they were given to me, Washebbuk, Toshkai, Ar- meenee, Forgunt, Fairey, (one day on horseback) ; Guster, Andhan, Artinoa, Serrey, Decberrey, Ishkeer (two days) ; Sahabbak, Dabba- rosy, Wawdee Elfee, where are the shellaals, and the Nile is impass- able (four by water) ; Wawdel-howja, Owkmee, Serkey mattoo (one day) ; Farkey, Wawdel-walliam, Gintz, Atab, Amarra, Abbeer (two days) ; Tebbel, Artinoa, Koikky, Ibbourdeeky, Sawada (three days) ; Irraoo, Oskey mattoo, Wawroey, Koyey mattoo, Irrew, Saddecfent, Delleeko, Caibaa, Wawdel-mahas, Noweer, Farreet, from which to Dongola are two days ; in all, eight days from Wawdee Elfee. In this space they said there were pictures, by which they meant hieroglyphics, on the rocks the whole way, and at a place called Ab- simbal on the west bank, a day and a half from Ibrim, a temple like that at Seboo, and another of the same sort at a place called Farras *, * Besides the hieroglypliical tablets on the rocks between Ibrim and Dongola, the na- tives talked of other temples than those mentioned at Farras and Absimbal, in which were scriptural paintings. The word soordt, or picture, they applied to hieroglyphics; they used it also in speaking of paintings which they compared with those on the walls of Dtik- key ; and had pointed them out to me. 430 JOURNAL RELATING TO NUBIA. three hours further on the same side. I regretted that no more in- formation was to be procured on this subject, because it appeared to me that the higher I advanced up the Nile, the signs of the early pro- gress and establishment of Christianity southward on its banks be- came more clearly ascertained in the Greek inscriptions and other remains of antiquity. I remarked that no buffalo, though very common north of Assouan, was to be seen between Philge and Ibrim ; crocodiles were com- mon here, but no hippopotamus * appeared : the natives spoke of it as seen during the time of the inundation in the Shellaals, particu- larly at Galabshee, calling it Farsh el bahr, the sea-horse. My voyage was made when the Nile was nearly in its lowest state, a circumstance which must be considered in perusing the preceding journal. * " Forskal nous apprend que I'hippopotame est nomme par les Egyptians Abou-Mner. Je soup^onne que ce nom est corrompu." S. dc Sacy, 1()5. Abdallatif. — It appears from a passage in Themistius (Orat. x.) that the hippopotamus was rarely seen in Egypt in his time. The oration was spoken in the year 3(J9, at Constantinople. I never saw or heard of the hippopotamus in Egypt, says Mr. Browne ; but in Nubia it is said to abound. ( 4^1 ) THE MINES OF LAURIUM. — GOLD AND SILVER COINAGE OF THE ATHENIANS. — REVENUE OF ATTICA. The Athenians had obtained silver from the mines of Laurium as early as the time of Pisistratus (Herod, i. sec. 64.), or 561 B. C. ; but in the days of Socrates, there appears to have been a deficiency in the supply of the ore. (Xen. Mem. lib. iii. c. 6. § 5.) This is per- haps to be attributed more to the want of skill in those who sought for it than to the poverty of the mines ; as from a passage in Strabo (lib. ix.) we learn, that the smelting operations of the ancient Athe- nians had been very imperfect. Xenophon strongly recommends the Republic to take the management and direction of them, and thus derive a greater profit than by leaving them in the hands of indivi- duals, who paid a certain sum in proportion to the metal which they extracted {no^oi). The district of Laurium, according to Stuart, appears to have reached from Rafti near the ancient Prasice to Legre- na ; part of this tract, he says, is called Axu^ov o^og, and is full of exhausted mines and scorijE. When jNIr. Hawkins was on his voyage to the Euripus, he was detained by the Etesian winds many days on the coast of Attica, and was enabled to take during that time an accurate examination of the mining district. The result of this mineralogical survey was, the discovery of many of the veins of argentiferous lead ore *, with which that part of the country seems to abound ; he observed the traces of the silver-mines not far beyond Keratia. In a paper belonging to the late Mr. Tweddell, relating to Attica, we find mention made of " Les Atteliers des Mines f ;" by these Mr. Hawkins says, the site of the smelting-furnaces is indicated. # Mr. H. collected specimens of all the substances occurring in those veins : among which was a green stone pronounced by Werner to be chrysoprase. f Mr. Hawkins mentions a remarkable allusion to the mines, still preserved in a name given by the sailors in his boat to one of the harbours on the North-Eastern coast of Attica, South of Thorico, f 15 roi ipyaa-Trlfna. 432 MONEY OF ATTICA. which may be traced to the southward of Thorico for some miles ; immense quantities of scorife occurring there. The mines were situ- ated much higher along the central ridge of hills * ; the smelting operations were probably carried on near the sea-coast for the conve- nience of fuel, which it soon became necessary to import. We have little information handed down to us respecting the mines of Attica, from the time when the Romans became masters of Greece. An insurrection, in the year 135 B. C, of the slaves who were employed in them, shews us that they were then worked (Diod. S. Exc. lib. xxiv. t. 2. 528.); but the revenue they gave must have been an object of small consideration to the Romans at this period, as their different conquests supplied them with abundance of wealth. In the year of the city 662, sixty millions of our money were counted in their treasury. (Ferguson, ii. 121.) Large contributions were received from Macedonia, when that country became subject to their arms ; the conquest of it, says Polybius, brought wealth and corrup- tion to Rome ; and the fixed and regular tribute, which the Asiatic provinces offered to pay in the time of Julius Caesar, was 4,100,000/. (Gibbon, 427. Des poids, et des monnoies des anciens.) In the reign of Augustus the mines of Laurium were neglected (Strabo, lib. ix,), nor does it appear that any silver was collected there at the time when Pausanias and Plutarch wrote. (Attica, i. De Orac. Defectu.) Respecting the interior management of them in the early period of the Athenian republic, we are able to collect only a few materials from their writers. If the treatise of Theophrastus or Aristotle had been extant (Pollux, x. 149.), as well as the comedy of Pherecrates, entitled MstuXXb??, we might have received many curious details. The use of our common bellows {(pva-at) was known to the Greeks ; * According to a scholiast on jEschylus, (see Casaubon in Strabo, 380. Ox. ed.) there was silver near Thoricus. Phavorinus incorrectly states that there were gold mines at Laurium. Wheler passed over a tract where cinders in abundance lay scattered up and down ; some silver, he heard, had been secretly extracted from the ore found there. — See also Hobhouse's Travels, 417. 420. MONEY OF ATTICA. 433 we find nieiiLion of the a-x\a.y^ (Pollux, lib. x. 149. lib. vii. 99.), a sort of sieve; of the Tn^ioSoi;, and the [u.e;cra o-i'xXouj. X See Mr. Knight's remarks on the Elean tablet. Classical Journal, vol. xiii. p. 1 1 fi. § In Crete, the coins of Cydonia bear the legend Nsuanoc eVosi. — Some of the characters on the coins of Attica probably refer to the different mints established in that country. The people of Marathon and Anaphlystus both struck money. Corsini. F. A. xii. 232. II 'ExaTOV vac eirofijo"? S^ap^fioiv Trjv jM.vav wpoVef ov E|3Sofir)xovT« xai rpiccv o'j(TCtv, probably kSlift.. jJo. — See Clarke on Coins, 91. 3 K 2 436 MONEY OF ATTICA. instead of having recourse to the scale. This was done to make allowance tor any diminution in the weight or fineness of the money, and greatly facilitated the transaction of commercial business. ■'■ The silver-money of Attica was of seven kinds ; the tetradrachm, didrachm, tetrobolus, triobolus, diobolus, obolus, and | semiobolus. The talent and mina of the Attics were mei-ely nominal. | The obolus has been found at Athens in the excavations of ancient tombs, not only in the mouth of the dead, but also in urns. A miscon- struction of a passage in the Frogs of Aristophanes, has led D'Han- carville (2. 33.) to suppose that two oboli were sometimes given to the dead ; but the poet, when he mentions that sum, vv. 140, 270, is ridiculing the ^ncot.(TTix.ov [/.ladov, as some of the Scholiasts have re- marked. § It is singular that the custom of depositing money with the dead, should have continued at Athens to so late a time as the age of the Scholiast on Juvenal (Sat. 3. 267.) ; a practice of a similar kind is observed to prevail among some Tartar nations. The Attic tetradrachms examined by Greaves weighed 268 grains Enolish, or each drachm, 67 arains. li We mav assign 273 grains, 272, and 271, as the weight of the coins in the time of Pericles ; at a later period, when the Greeks became subject to the Romans, and still retained permission to coin 11 their own money, the drachma was made lighter, and was then equal only to 54*75 grains, or an eighth part of an ounce. The sense of the passages of some of the Greek writers, when they speak of their money, has not been always correctly ex- * After Solon's time, 84 ilrachmte were struck out of the pouiiil, wliicli was still reckoned at 100 dracliiiuT2. The pound in. tale was in use also among tiie Romans. — Sec Clarke on Coins, 724. f In the Heraclean tablet we find mention of No'/aoi, v. 7''>? written in later limes vou/xfioi. The ancient word occurs also in E|)icliar. SfVa vo'jaujv. — See Valck. Tlieoc. p. 308. X Taylor ad. Mar. Sand. § Hem. Polluc. i. 422. II Mr. Knight says, 65 grains. Prol. in Horn. sec. 56. Of 120 tetradrachms weighed by Barthelemy, the heaviest gave i263 grains English. ^ For the time of the Peloponnesian war, we may set tlie drachma at ten-pence sterling; the mina of that age will be 4l. .3s. 4d. ; and the talent, 2'M)\. At a later period, the drachma may be considered as worth 8d. sterling, or equal to the Roman denarius. See Mitford's advertisement to the 2d vol. of the H. of Greece, 4to. MONEY or ATTICA. 437 plained by commentators and translators. Thus in I^ysias, the words opuXuv dpyvpiov e?:* rpio-j ^^ocxf^oitc, do not mean, as Dalecanipius and the French version render them, " owing three drachma* of silver ;" but they are equivalent to this expression, " he owed three per cent, interest every month* ;" the sentence, when complete, being rm i^trivoc rv; ^voiu In the same writer, we find, -'ia-u Si croi Iwi ofBoXov? rrj; fxvocg tokov:. " I will pay you one and a half per cent, every month." f The Attic tetradrachms :j; are ot" two kinds ; the first, or more ancient, is of the rudest description, being of a globular form ; the head of Minerva is covered with an ancient helmet ; or sometimes there is only a radiated diadem. The face of the goddess is distin- guished by the most striking deformity ; a long neck and pointed chin, with an eye like that of a fish, are among the most remarkable features. The second or more modern is less rude, is much thinner, and the surface more extended; the helmet of the goddess is highly ornamented ; the face is more graceful ; and altogether it is exe- cuted in a much better style of work than the former ; at the same * The common interest at Athens was one/vr cent, per month, ■f See Schweig. in Athen. lib. xiii. c. 91. • ■ X The representation of a vase is very frequently seen upon the medals of Athens, either as the principal subject, or as what the French call a contremarquc : on the latter tetradrachms, tiie owl is invariably represented as standing upon a vase reversed. The explanation of this is doubtful : Corsini and others have supposed that it refers to the perfection which the Athenians had attained in the art of fabricating earthenware. But I am inclined to think with Eckhel, that as the vase upon the medals of Corcyra, Thasos, and Chios, denoted the abundant produce of wine in those islands ; so upon the later tetradrachms of Athens, it had a reference to ihe quantity of oil, the staple commodity, as it were of Attica. I am the more strengthened in this opinion, as I possess vases of pre- cisely a similar form, found in the neiglibourhooil of Athens, where they are far from rare. From their frecjuency and perfect resemblance one to anotiier, it is probable that they were designed for some one particular use, and not formed according to the fancy of the potter; nor is it probable that a vase of such an ungnicefiil shape and rude workman- ship (as all of the kind which I have seen are), should be placed u[)on their medals in order to show the perfection of the Athenians in the art. But althougli this supposition will account for the representation of the vase on the tetradrachms, yet tlie prodigious variety which we meet withu})on the other medals will still remain unexplained. Perhaps some were really meant to commemorate the preten- sions of the Athenians with respect to the art. — (Extract from Lord Aberdeen's Journals.) 43g MONEY OF ATTICA. time, it bears tlie most evident marks of neglect and bad taste. The variations to be met with in the tetradrachm of each of these divisions are numberless ; but they are so very sligiit, and the agree- ment of the general characteristics of each so universal, that they are by no means sufficient to constitute any other class than the two already described ; to one of which indeed they are all easily reducible. These observations are equally applicable to the di- drachm and drachm, and may be extended to nearly the whole silver coinage of Athens. It is not improbable that the head on the older tetradrachms was copied from that most ancient and most holy statue of the goddess preserved in the double temple of Neptune and Minerva ; it was formed of olive-wood, and was said to have fallen from Heaven in the reign of Ericthonius. It is clear, however, that the superior beauty of the Minerva of Phidias proved more attractive than the age and sanctity of the wooden image ; for on all the later tetradrachms we find precisely the same figures which adorned the head of that maffnificent statue ; although even in the more recent coinage, instances frequently occur, where the inscription in ancient characters is still preserved. One of the greatest problems in numismatical difficulties, is the cause of the manifest neglect, both in design and execution, which is invariably to be met with in the silver money of Athens ; in which the affectation of an archaic style of work is easily distinguished from the rudeness of remote antiquity. Different attempts have been made to elucidate the subject ; De Pauw affirms, that owing to a wise economy, the magistrates whose office it was to superintend the coinage of silver, employed none but inferior artists in making the design, as well as in other branches of the process ; an hypothesis wholly inconsistent with the characteristic magnificence of the republic. Pinkerton asserts, that it can only be accounted for, from the ex- cellence of the artists being such, as to occasion all the good to be called into other countries, and none but the bad left at home. It would be somewhat difficult to explain, how Athens came to be so long honoured both by the presence and the works of Phidias and Praxiteles, Zeuxis and Apelles. MONEY OF ATTICA. 439 The Attic silver was of acknowledged purity, and circulated very extensively ; the Athenian merchants, particularly in their com- mercial dealings with the more distant and barbarous nations, nppear frequently to have made their payments in it. The barbarians being- once impressed with these notions of its purity, the goverinnent of Athens in all probability was afraid materially to change that style and appearance, by which their money was known and valued among these people. A similar proceeding in the state of Venice throws the strongest light on the practice of the Athenians. The Venetian sechin is perhaps the most unseemly of the coins of modern Europe ; it has long been however the current gold of the Turkish empire, in which its purity is universally and justly esteemed ; any change in its appearance on the part of the Venetian government would have tended to create distrust. Xenophon says, that the silver of Attica in foreign countries was more valuable than the coin of other nations, because it was finer, and consequently was worth more than its own weight of any other silver, that had more alloy in it. (Davenant. See also the treatise, no'po/.) And Zeno (Diog. L. in v.) in his allusion to the rudeness of the Attic tetradrachms, praises them at the same time, as superior in purity of metal to other coins, which were more beautiful in form and design : — ' K(pa.crx.€ di Tovg f^sv tuv ktoXoikuw Xoyoug Koti aTTYjfTicrf^ivoV!; ofioicvg ioxi tcS dfiyvpiu Tu AXe^ccv^civu' euo(pdccXfzou? f^sv itcct Trsfiysy^xf/.i^svoug, y.xOcx. y.xi to vo[/,Krfza, ouSev Se Sia tocvtcc. (ciXtwvxi;' tovi; Se rovvuvriov ot.(pu^QiOV tok; Attikoi; TiTfaoaoc^uotg, iixyi uev x.iKOfA,i^svovi; Kat (toXoikovc, Ko-BtXnav uevrci TroXXuzt; raV y.iy.aXXiy^u(p7ijj.sva.g XsPsig. " He said, that the polished discourses of the learned resembled the Alexandrian money ; they were beautiful to look at, and finished all round ; but not the better on that account. Those of an opposite class were like the Attic tetradrachms ; there was a rude and plain stamp about them ; but they often outweighed the discourses of a more ornamented kind." It is evident from the nature of the commercial transactions between the Athenians and the inhabitants of some of the shores of the Euxine, that a great quantity of Attic money must have been given to the latter, in ex- change for what the Atiienians most wanted ; namely, corn. " No 440 MONEY OF ATTICA. people," says Demosthenes, "require so much imported corn as we do." C. Lept. nXeia-TOj Tuv ccTTccvTuv ai/O^UTTuv STTSta-ccKTu ctItu y^puf^sda. l^eucon allowed them in the year 358 B.C. to carry from the Cimmerian Bosphorus, (now the Straits of CafFa,) and from Theudosia, 400,000 medimni of corn. (Vales. Harpoc. 38, and Barbeyrac Anc. Traitez, p. 213.) The medimnus or six pecks of wheat cost five drach- mae at Athens in the time of Demosthenes ; now allowing that the Athenian ships were laden with some manufactured articles to exchange for the corn, as well as with M'ine, which formed part of their export trade, it is certain that great payments must have been made in money. The sources of the Athenian revenue were, 1. The contributions from allied states ; the sum demanded from them in the time of Aristides was 460 talents annually ; Pericles exacted 600 ; Alcibiades doubled the original sum (Harpocr. Vales, p. 58.) ; and under Deme- trius Phalerius, a further addition was made. (Diog. L. in v.) 2. Some revenue was also derived from the customs*; we find from the Etymologicon, Harpocration, and Andocides, that a duty of two ^jer cent, was demanded upon imported and exported goods ; this was called UivTviKoa-rvi, and was hired or farmed by a corporation, the head of which was called 'A^;^w'i/>j?-. (Valck. in Shut. Lee. An. 159.) 3. We may mention the confiscation of the property of dif- ferent individuals ; the produce of sums arising from the sale of the marble in the quarries of Hymettus and Pentelicus i ; the money deposited by such as had law-suits in court ; that which was paid into the treasury by persons who worked the mines, and the capita- tion on the MiToiKot. \ Some of these different sources of revenue * De Myst. The import and export duties were farmed during the Peloponnesian war at 3t> talents, or 9000/. This was the 50th; if we add tlie profit of the farmers, we may estimate the whole foreign trade of Athens, at more than 400,000/. f In what request the marble of Pentelicus was held by the Greeks may be conjectured from this circumstance ; it was used at Liloea, Stiris, Panopea, and Delphi, in Phocis ; at Olympia for the roof of the great temple and for some statues there ; it was sent into Achaia, Arcadia, and Bceotia, and other parts of Greece. — Pausanias. X Tlie annual tax on these persons, was 1 2 drachmse for a man, six for a woman. — Menage in Diog. Laer. ii. 235. MONEY OF ATTICA. 441 arc very clearly pointed out in a passage of Aristoplianes ; and we learn trom the poet, tliat at the time when the play of the Vespa? was performed, or 423 B.C., the revenue of the republic was 2000 talents, or 500,000/. sterling. Kaj "TT^urov fztv Xoyia-tzi (pduXug, jwij ^]^^^Olg, aAX' aVo %£j/i,oo x«i apyvplov. Tluic. 1. 2. "Acrjjfiov in modern Greek is " silver ;" it is found in this sense in Ccdrenus: and in an e])igram on a person who had placed at table before his guests some empty dishes of silver, " Seek," says the epigranimist, " for those who are fasting, if you want to make a display of your silver; you may excite iheir admiration by your empty dishes." ZiJTEi n)c7T£U0VTac Ef ccfyvpsrjv eTTl'SflflV, Kai TOTS flaufiairffM xoOipov aa->]/xov fp^oii'. — Cas. His. A. S. 153. ', 3l 442 MONEY OF ATTICA. to the state and the citizens, and the vessels used in sacred ceremo- nies, amounted to 125,000/. The gold on the statue of Minerva, which could be taken off, if the public exigencies required it, weighed 40 talents of pure metal, and was, according to the ancient proportion of one to thirteen, worth 130,000/.* A passage in Demosthenes, Us^i I.uf^^., gives the valuation of the property and wealth of the Athe- nians at 6,000 talents t; in Polybius, lib. ii., we find the sum stated at 5,750 talents. Winkelman, as well as Meursius and Leland, consider them as speaking of revenue ; but it is contrary to all probability, that the Athenian finances should ever have been so flourishing as this statement would make them, and the passage I have already cited from Xenophon and Aristophanes is a sufficient confutation of that opinion. Mr. Wallace if supposes the sum to mean a valuation o^ yearly rents and profits, according to which a tax was to be im- posed on the Athenians. Mr. Hume § considers it as including the •whole value of the republic, and comprehending lands, houses, com- modities, and slaves ; but if we calculate the slaves at only 200,000, and at two minse each, the lowest value which was put on any of those beloncrino; to the father of Demosthenes, the slaves alone were worth m(5re money. || Some suppose the words Tt[xri[A.ci rvjg ^w'^a? to be a valuation of land ; Dr. Gillies applies them to the worth of lands and houses. The opinion of Heyne seems to be the most satisfactory, and to agree with the words of Polybius ; it was, he says, an estimate, perhaps below the real value of the general property of Attica and Athens ; and that on occasions, when an armament was to be equip- ped, or any contribution was required, a tax was laid on the different districts of Attica according to this estimate. So long as the Athenians retained their command at sea, they * For 40 talents of gold multiplied by 13, give 520 talents of silver, or 130,000/. Barthelemy supposes that in the time of Thucydides, as of Herodotus, this was the proportion. -j- To Tijix.i]|xa lo'Ti TO rijj ^cupa; IJaxitr^iXttov TaXavTcov. X Numbers of Mankind, 289. § Essay V. 11 In Aphob. 1.— See Wallace, p. 189. MONEY OK ATTICA. ^.o could easily collect the tribute due to them, and protect their trade. In the commencement of the Peloponnesian war, they derived from their naval superiority a great advantage in this respect ; Avhile they obtained money from the islands and Ionia *, the Spartans borrowed it on interest from the sacred funds of Delphi or Olympia. | The result of the unfortunate expedition to Sicily is well known, and the encampment of the Lacedaemonians at Decelea, added to the distress and difficulties in which the Athenians were then placed. The supplies of provisions that were usually conveyed by land from Euboea to Athens were cut off, and were therefore sent by sea. The works in the mines could not be carried on with their usual reo-ularity, as the slaves deserted in great numbers to the camp of the enemy. Thucyd. 1. 7. The poverty f of the republic increased ; and in the twentieth year of the war, the Athenians were obliged to spend the thousand talents §, which they had hitherto scrupulously abstained from touching ; and in four years afterwards the gold coin was debased. . This metal was procured by them from Macedonia and Asia Minor. The gold mines in the vicinity of the Strymon were ex- plored first by the Phoenicians || ; we have little information, however, concerning the wealth or produce of them before the time of Alex- ander the First, who received about the year 480 B. C. H, the daily income of a talent from them. The revenue derived from these mines continued to be small **, until the reign of Philip the father of * Tlpo<7!)iov ix.ey'i<7Triv. — TilUCV. 1. iii. f See the speeches of the Corinthians, and of Pericles. — Thucyd. I. i. X Thucydides informs us, that about this time they adopted a plan from which they hoped to derive an increase of revenue, !. 7- Instead of exacting tlie usual ti-ibute from those who were in dependence on them, they levied a duty of one-twentieth of the value, Tuiv xoLTo. ^i.Xoi.j(Ta.v or five per cent. ,- rrjv etxoa-rrjv rmv xara. SaXaira-ctv avTi Ton ifopou to(? owTjxooi; eVoitjTav. As the Greek words mean literally, "goods carried by sea," we may apply them both to exports and imports. j Called 'A/3uT3-ov, Lysis. 174. — Sec also Plato in Menon. 11 Clem. Alex. Stro. i. i. 363. H Mem. de I' Ac. des In. 47. Some of the Macedonian coins may belong to the sixth century B. C. Knight, Prol. in Horn. sec. 78. •• Died. S. I. xvi. 3 L 2 444 MONEY OF ATTICA. Alexander, when it amounted to 1000 talents annually. The district on both sides of the Strymon, and on Mount Pangeas furnished him with gold and silver ; the former was found near Philippi. The astonishing quantity of his coin which still remains, where we even without the evidence of ancient writers, would sufficiently attest the former abundance of it ; in some of the more unfrequented parts of Greece the gold of Philip passes currently among the inhabitants at present. The value of one of these coins is 20 Turkish piastres, or about 25 shillings. * In addition to the sums which the mines of Philip brought into circulation, we may state that Alexander, during his progress f through Asia, sent into Greece a large quantity of money ibr the purpose of erecting temples and public buildings ; and when we consider how much a few years before had been taken from the consecrated wealth at Delphi in the Phocic war, how many statues and vases and orna- ments of gold had been melted into specie, we may fix upon this time, as the period when money must have abounded in J Greece. The increase in the prices of corn and meat at different successive intervals, may be stated from some authentic documents, and will show the diminution in the value of money : — Wheat in 595 B. C. was 1 Drachma the Meclimnus, or G pecks. § in 440 2 Dr. or 4^. 6d. the coomb. 11 * Many of the ancient coins found in Greece and Asia Minor are pierced, and through ' the hole a string is passed, by which tiiey are hung, as ornaments, round the heads of women and young girls. This custom is not peculiar to the modern inhabitants of these countries; we find it mentioned by Chrysostom, who particularly refers to the coins of Alexander, torn. ii. 24.3. Ven. T/ a.v T15 uttoi irept twv vo/xicrjaaTa ^aXxSi AXE^avJ^ou Tou Maxeiovo; tou: xeipaAaij xai toTj Ttoa) TrepiSeo'fii.ouvxcov. — Ed. f Plutarch, Opp. Mor. " Virtue of Alexander." % The dresses and robes of some of the statues of tlie ancient deities were of gold threads, woven or knitted ; such was the aureum amiculum of Jove, which Dionysius stole. (Cic. dc.N.D. 111. Beckmann, 2.) In consequence of the robbery of the temples, which happened not unfrequently in the wars of Greece, many might say, as the veteran remarked to Augustus, " You see my fortune, Emperor ; it was once the leg of a goddess." § Mem. de I'Ac. des. In. 48. 394. I) " The ancient markets," says Sir J. Steuart, " were supplied partly from the surplus produce upon the lands of the great men, laboured by slaves, who, being fed from the MONEY OF ATTICA. 445 Wheat in 3y3 B. C. was 3 Ur. the coomb. ill 335 5 Dr. Ditto. An ox ill 410 B. C. was 51 Dr. or '21. 2$. 6d, ill :57 1 80 Dr. ill the same year 7^) Dr. (Sand Mar.)' It has been much doubted whether the Athenians at any period of their history ever coined money of gold ; and when we consider the few original examples of this metal which have come down to us, in proportion to those evidently forged, it is not surprising that many should have been led to suppose the whole number spurious. At the same time it appears to admit of satisfactory proof, both from the tes- timonies of ancient authors, and from the gold coins which still remain, of the genuineness of which we can entertain no doubt, that the Athenians occasionally made use of this metal in their coinage, although it is very probable, only on few occasions, perhaps after some victory or other great event, and even then in small cpiantities. '- Eckhel f-, who has entered pretty much at large into this subject, labours to establish a different conclusion. He rejects that passage in the Frogs of Aristophanes:}:, which mentions anew coinage as ironical, and not to be taken in its literal sense ; and at the same time adduces another from the same writer in support of his own opinion : . lands, the surplus cost in a manner nothing to tlie proprietors; and as the numbers of those who had occasion to buy were very few, tlic surplus was sold cheap." Pol. Econ. i. 404. This remark, though generally true, is not piopcily applicable to Athens; we have seen by a passage of Demo>thenes already cited, that the quantity of corn imported by the Athenians was very great; the number therefore of those who had to buy was not small. From particular circumstances, indeed, the price of corn may have been some- times cheap; for instance, the ships which brought it from the Euxine to Athens, were allowed by Leucon to ex|iort it without p;iyingany duty; aTsXhxv SiScuxs'vai, Dem. c. Lept. This was a great advantage to the Athenians; as the sum paid to Leucon by those who carried corn from his dominions was thirty per cent. There was also a law, which, in order to prevent corn rising above its ordinary price, prohibited, under pain of death, any citizen from buying more than a certain quantity. Lysias. * Mem. de I'Ac. des In. 48. 356. t Doc. Num. Vet. t. ii. 28C. X V. 7-0. Yet Corsiiii considers the passage as clearly pointing out the use of gold coin. The comedy was acted in Olym. 93. 3., and the scholiast says, that gold money was introduced the year before. — See Corsini Diss. xii. , 446 MONEY OF ATTICA. 'X.a.Xx.om TO Xoiirov' a^yu^u yug ■^^u^iQoc. Ekv. 821. Pollux seems to doubt whether x^^^-o^" is here to be considered as money or not ; but allowing that Aristophanes is really speaking of silver, it is by no means a consequence from this supposition that gold was unknown. A little attention to the true meaning and spirit of the passage will explain this. He is alluding to the decree respecting the use of copper * money, against which, in common with a large proportion of the Athenians, he entertained a decided aversion ; and he adds, " it was proclaimed that no one should receive it, for we use silver." The mention of gold coin was here perfectly unnecessary, for such was the dispro- portion in Attica between silver and any other species of money, that it might with propriety be called the circulating medium of the republic ; in like manner, a person might say that in England paper notes had supplied the place of specie, but this would be merely in allusion to their great abundance, without meaning to assert that the use of the latter was unknown among us. There is also another reason which induced Aristophanes to oppose silver to the copper money, which is, tliat, by coining pieces of less dimension, they might be so reduced in value as not to exceed that of copper, and consequently render the use of the latter unnecessary. Accordingly in the silver money of the Athenians, we find some coins of incredi- ble minuteness ; several of which do not weigh more than two grains, nor were more than a farthing in value. It was obviously for these reasons that Aristophanes confined himself to the mention of silver in opposition to the latter. The testimony of Pollux f is clear and decisive as to the existence * The copper money, which was cried down this year, Olym. 96. 4., had been in circu- lation for nine years, for it was coined in Olym. 93. 3., as we learn from the scholiast on the Ranae, v. 7S2. We find also that some copper money was in use in the time of Dionysius, in Olym. 84. 4. — See Corsini, F. A. Diss. xii. f Pollux, ix. c. 6. Schol. in Equ. 1093. Another passage of similar import may be seen in the Schol. oil Aves, 1 106. MONEY OF ATTICA. 441^ of Athenian gold coin ; he describes the weight and vahie of the golden Attic stater. The scholiast on the Knights of Aristophanes, although mistaken as to the place whence the Athenians procured the metal, plainly refers to a coinage from gold. Notwithstanding there appears to be no reasonable cause for doubting the mere fact of a coinage, yet the quantity of the material applied to this purpose in every aera of the republic was so incon- siderable, as to render the singularity of the practice scarcely less striking, and equally requiring some explanation. De Pauw attempts to elucidate the difficulty in this manner.* Herodotus, lib. iii., in enumerating the tributes paid to Darius, makes the relative value of gold to silver as one to thirteen, and Plato in the dialogue entitled Hipparchus, as one to twelve. Now the Athenians, having to purchase their gold in Lydia, would evi- dently be losers in every such bargain ; an Athenian merchant wish- ing to buy fifty pounds weight of gold at Sardes, would necessarily pay for every pound so bought one pound of silver, in addition to the price borne by the same article in his own country ; and consequently could not be repaid without altering materially the nature of the gold. We must here observe, that Herodotus is speaking of the relative value of gold to silver in the sixty-seventh olympiad, after the con- quest of Babylon by Darius, and before his invasion of Greece, from which period to the birth of Plato in the eighty-seventh olympiad, there is an interval of eighty years. We cannot suppose that the value of gold at Athens should have been stationary during so long a time ; nor is it credible that the circulation given to the immense quantity of this metal acquired by the plunder of the Persians, should not have operated the smallest change. Of this we may rest assured, that gold, of which there was so little in Greece before the Persian invasion, must necessarily have fallen very considerably in value after that event, and have suffered a diminution from the time * Recherches, t. i. 366. 448 MONEY OF ATTICA. in which Herodotus wrote to the age of Plato, when we find it as one to twelve. According to the testimony of Xenophon the ratio in his time was that of ten to one.* A great alteration, as we are informed by Athenaeus, had taken place in consequence of the plunder of the temple of Apollo at Delphi, in 358, and a prodigious quantity of offerings was then turned into specie. The decuple proportion seems to have continued a long time michanged.-j- Menander, who lived a century after Xenophon, states the value of the two metals to be in that ratio. (Pollux, lib. ix. c. 76.) And the iEtolian league, a century latei', proves the same thing. \ But there is another reason, in addition to the fluctuating price of gold, which renders De Pauw's explanation of this subject inadequate. For supposing that in Lydia the Athenians would have purchased gold at a disadvantage, we are by no means to conclude that they were necessarily obliged § to repair to that market ; on the contrary, the sold mines of Thasos and of Thrace in the neighbourhood of their own colonies were always ready, and to a certain degree able to afford them supplies. Besides, if this disadvantage in the purchase * Mem. de I'Ac. des In. xlvii. 202. f There is an error in the text of the third volume of Gibbon's Misc. Works, p. 420., which should be corrected. He there says that the proportion of gold to silver in England and Spain, is as one to fifteen : in France and the rest of Europe as one to fourteen and a half. " Parmi Ics ancicns la proportion la plus commune etoit ceile (Vun a un." It should evidently be "d'un a dix." Perhaps in Mr. G.'s manuscri[)t it is written "la 10;" and the cypher, being erased, tiie proportion appeared to be 1 a I . — E. The difference in the proportions between the two metals in the ancient and modern world arises from the greater quantity of gold possessed by the former. See Mr. Gibbon's examination of this subject, p. 422. % See Clarke on Coins, 251. § In addition to what is said in the text, we may observe this fallacy in De Pauw's reasoning : he considers Herodotus, when speaking of the exchange of thirteen to one, as alluding to Asia; but there is no proof that the ratio of the two metals in that country was referred to by the historian; his observations may apply to Greece. — See Larcber, Her. i. 269. and Barthelemy (Anach.) c. 12. note, and see 22. note. MONEY OF ATTICA. 449 of gold existed at all, it must equally have operated against their procuring the metal for any purpose whatever ; whereas, this was so little consonant to their practice, that we cannot estimate at less than an hundred thousand pounds, the value of the gold which composed the ornainents of a single statue. There must then have existed some cause other than the difficulty or disadvantage in procuring the metal which influenced the Athenians in their determination of so rarely coining money from gold. ■ ■' < , . Perhaps we may look for the cause of this practice in the mode adopted of managing the silver mines of Laurium. Every citizen of Athens wishing to become a proprietor in the mines belonging to the republic, first purchased from the state a permission to commence his operations, and ever after paid the 24th part* of the annual produce of his labour into the public treasury. Hence it was mani- festly the interest of the government, that nothing should impede the progress and vigom* of those employed in this pursuitf-; and Xenophon, who wrote at length on the means of improving the administration and produce of the silver mines, recommended the number of permissions to be very much increased j;, and approves of the conduct of the state in allowing foreigners, denizens of Athens, to enjoy in this respect the same privileges with their own citizens. . . The currency of the silver money of Athens was almost universal, owing to the deservedly high reputation for purity which it possessed; * Meurs. Them. Att. ii. c. 26. — Siiidas, 'Ayp. /j.£Ta\Kov S/x)). f We find from Dcmostlicncs (in Pha>ni|))i.) tliat income arising from the mines was not considered as property, which obliged a citizen to contribute to the expenses of the state. Some fortunes derived from this source were considerable; Nicias let out to an adventurer in the mines 1000 slaves; for whom he received 1000 oboli a day, or 166 drachmae, nearly Jl. — E. :j; " Xenophon's work on the improvement of the revenues of the state is a chef-d'oeuvre of its kind, and from it more light is to be had in relation to the political economy of the Greeks, than from any thing I have seen ancient or modern. Steuart's Political Econ. i. 460. — The object which Xenophon had in view in that work, is pointed out by Casaubon : " Librum abeo hoc potissimum consilio scriptum esse, ut Athenienses ad fodiendas strenue argenti fodinas hortaretur." Stanley ad Persas, 236. v. — E. 3 M ' ■" ■■ 450 MONEY OF ATTICA. and on this account we find several cities of* Crete copying precisely in their coins the design, weight, and execution of the Attic tetra- drachms, in order to facilitate their intercourse with the barbarians. It is possible that the general use and estimation of the produce of the Attic mines contributed to render the Athenians averse from a coinage of another metal, which, by supplying the place of silver money at home, might in some degree tend to lessen its reputation abroad. Having attempted to explain the circumstance which occasioned the scarcity of Athenian gold, it now remains to specify the nature of those coins which really did exist in that metal, or passed current at Athens, t The Attic stater :f, according to Pollux, was equal in weight to two drachma?, but in vahie to twenty. This would agree with the re- lative proportion of gold to silver in the later times of the republic. The following citation from the same writer has occasioned some to imagine, that no other gold coin existed: i [^Iv yjva-ougetTToi^^Tr^oTu-n-a.KouiTa.i a-TuT^p. We are by no means justified in concluding from this remark, that because the stater by way of pre-eminence acquired the name of the golden attic, no other coin of this metal was in use. In the silver money we find that drachmae, by which the Athenians usually reckoned, were frequently called, simply, attics ; yet no one for an instant would suppose that because the characteristic appellation is omitted, they did not possess silver coins of various descriptions. Indeed, if we consider the observation fairly, it would appear to indi- cate the existence of some other species of gold money, which rendered it necessary for the author in some measure to explain this peculiar mode of expression. A coin of this metal was found in the * Eckhel. in num. Gortyn. Hieropyt. Cydon. t The reader may perhaps be inclined to agree with the Editor, in considering the remarks of the Earl of Aberdeen, respecting the rude coinage of silver money at Athens, and the scarcity of gold money among the Athenians, as affording a more satisfactory explanation of those subjects, than any which has been hitherto offered. X There is a stater, undoubtedly genuine, in Lord Elgin's possession ; there is one also in the Hunter collection j it weighs 134 grains English. MONEY OF ATTICA. 45J immediate vicinity of Athens, attended by such circumstances, as to leave no room to entertain any reasonable doubt of its beino" genuine.* The stater of Cyzicum was current at Athens, but we do not know what the value of it was; at the Bosphorus it was worth 28 Attic drachmae. (Demosth. adv. Phorm.) A stater of Cyzicum is en- graved in the Tlies. Brand, Beger. part. i. 490. The golden staters of Phocaea are mentioned in one of the Athenian inscriptions published by Chandler, Part. ii. Ins. iv. 1. ,,;,;,.;. Of the Macedonian money, we find, that the golden staters of Philip and Alexander, called (ptXnrTrsioi and AXe^uvi'^iot, (Pollux. 9. 1024.) weighed 134, 132, and 131 grains. The <)V;j.p-.r, or TeT^cx.^oacx,^ov x^uTou of Alexander and Lysimachus weighed 266 and 265 grains ; the Ter^atrraTij^ of the latter 540 grains. An engraving from a golden tetradrachm of Alexander is produced by Liebe, p. v. • Respecting the value of the talent of gold, see Corsini, Diss, xii., and Heinsterhusius on Pollux, 1. ix. .57., and Knight's Piol. on Horn. sec. 55. The antient globular gold coins of some of the Asiatics, are the Talent of Homer, struck and stamped, and weighing about 2f)0 grains. Among the gold coins in circulation at Athens, we may mention the Darics, worth, as well as the stater, 20 silver drachmae. There is no doubt respecting the value of this coin among any of the ancient writers. 3m 2 |?> •.? .( 452 ) ■C^ M ■ r. REMARKS ON THE AMYCL^AN MARBLES. LETTER FROM LORD ABERDEEN TO f HE EDITOR. it Dear WaLPOLE, Argyll House, May 26. I8I7., According to your request I send you a representation of the Amyclaean marbles. They are sufficiently interesting in themselves, but they acquire an additional importance from being instrumental in the detection of daring imposture ; and in this point of view I shall first consider them. We may, it is true, presume that few persons are at this time the dupes of the literary frauds so extensively practised by the Abbe Fourmont. Air. Knight has so ably exposed the nature of his pretended discoveries, and from the internal evidence afforded by his inscriptions, has so satisfactorily refuted all their claims to authenticity *, that in England it would be difficult to find a com- petent judge who should now hesitate an instant in forming his opinion respecting them. But as the inventions of the Abbe have imposed on many estimable and learned persons, and as in France a reluctance still exists to view them in their proper light, it is fortunate that we are furnished by these marbles with additional proofs of his falsehood, still more indispvitable if possible than those already pro- duced. The Abbe Barthelemyf, M. d'Hancarville, Count Caylus, and others, have received these forgeries as authentic, and have in- considerately adopted notions, constructed systems, and published dissertations concerning them, which of course can have no foun- * Analysis of Greek Alphabet. •J- It is to be lamented that in the recent editions of the Voyage d'Anacharsis, the same idle and groundless speculations are still permitted to disfigure that admirable work. Larcher and Valckenaer had been deceived by the forgery of Fourmont (see Theocr. 2^5.); but in the late edition of Greg, de Dial, by Schaefer, we find the following re- mark : — " Notandum est harum inscriptionum Fourmontianarum fideni esse sublestissi- mam." P. 496. .\.oa.\.'07 .'i/.'/f/,'/ y-'J , REMARKS ON THE AMYCL^AN MARBLES. 453 dation, thereby holding out a salutary lesson of the necessity of caution and prudence in the explanation of objects connected with remote antiquity. I should observe, that, according to the Abbe Fourmont, the marbles in question were to be seen in a temple which he discovered near Amyclae, of the goddess Oga or Onga, to whom, according U) an inscription on the edifice, it was dedicated by King Eurotas about fifteen hundred years before Christ. Count Caylus* has published an engraving of these marbles from a drawing preserved among the papers of the Abbe in the king's library in Paris. In this drawing it is not very easy to recognise the originals. The subjects supposed to be represented by the sculpture are human limbs, arms, hands, feet, and legs, with knives and other instruments, denoting the sacrifice of human victims ; a circumstance which very naturally puzzles the Count, considering that the inscriptions are not written in a character peculiarly antient, and that the silence of historians is uniform respecting the existence of a worship in Greece at any period, Avliich prescribed such rites. The temple, which the Abbe describes as composed of massive blocks of stone, and whose simple and solid construction had enabled it to stand until the middle of the last century, as well as the inscription on the front, which informed him of the fact of its dedication, have all unfortunately vanished. But I apprehend, that although the temple of the goddess has dis- appeared, the true building, when divested of this antient and venerable character, still exists in the shape of a modern Greek chapel, in which M. Fourmont, if he was himself ever actually at Sparta, may have seen the marbles, and where I found them in the year 1803. •' It cannot be necessary to detain you longer with the impudent frauds of this person. You will find them in the Memoirs of the Academy of Inscriptions, where they are supported by all the parade ' ' * Recueil d'Antiquites, torn. ii. pi. 51. 454 REMARKS ON THE AM YCL.«AN MARBLES. of learned disquisition.* For their full detection I refer you to the work of Mr, Knight. Having now stated what these marbles certainly are not, we may proceed to enquire into their real nature and probable destination. The small and ruinous Greek chapel in which they were fixed, is near to the village of Slavochori. There seems no reason to doubt that this village, such as it is, was the situation of the antient Amyclas ; its position relatively with that of Sparta accords perfectly with the accounts of Greek writers f ; and if further proofs were requisite, it might be afforded by the circumstance of my having discovered in the course of conducting some excavations, several inscriptions, on one of which were the letters A!VITK:a . The precise spot on which the temple of Apollo stood cannot now be ascertained from an inspection of the ground alone, and in the endeavours which I made in two or three places, by means of digging, no satisfactory in- formation was obtained ; indeed few of the remains appeared to be of an antiquity prior to the Roman conquest. This temple is described by Pausanias as one of the most ancient and most celebrated in the Peloponnesus. The statue of the god was a curious specimen of early sculpture by some unknown artist ; it was more than forty feet high, and of the rudest workmanship, re- sembling in some measure a column of bronze, to which a head, feet, and hands had been affixed. He mentions several of the votive offerings, and in common with other writers, he contributes to give a high notion of the magnificence and extent of the building. '\. The question which now arises for our consideration, is, whether the marbles formerly belonged to this temple, or were in any degree connected with it ; to which I am inclined to answer in the negative, and principally for this reason : — The subjects of the sculpture, as you will observe, are for the most part articles of female dress or ornament ; combs, bodkins, mirrors, paint-boxes, &c. Round the * Memoires de 1' Academic des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, torn. vii. xv. xvi. xxiii. > Polyb. lib. V. c. 19. The place is still also xaAAiSsvSpoxaTOj xa) xaAAixapTroVaTOf. X Pausan. Lacon.- REMARKS ON THE AMYCL^EAN MARBLES. 455 edge of each marble is a wreath composed of the mystic plants sacred to Ceres or to Bacchus ; cars of corn, pomegranates, cones of the fir, ivy, &c. In the centre of each is the representation of a patera, in one of which is inscribed AN0OTCH AAMAINETOT TOOCTATPIA and in the other, AATAFHTA ANTIHATPOT [EPEIA. Now I have not been able to find any authority for supposing that the custody of the temple of the Amyclasan Apollo was committed to women, or the rites performed by priestesses ; and it is scarcely credi- ble that Pausanias, who dwells so long on the subject, should omit to mention a circumstance in itself not of very frequent occurrence, and which on other occasions of less interest he does not fail to re- cord. The Abbe Fourmont, it is true, tells us, that he found at Amyclae an inscription containing nothing less than a list of all the priestesses, inscribed at different periods, from the date of the found- ation of the temple down to the time of the Roman conquest. Among the first of these ladies, or as he calls them, the [xxre^sg Kcti Kn^vi 7« ATToKKuvoi, we find the name of Laodamia, the daughter of King Amyclas, who, if she ever had any existence at all, lived before the Trojan war. The boldness of this forgery can only be equalled by the author's ignorance of the language in which he attempts to write, and even of the proper forms of the letters which he employs ; for he has produced a jargon unlike the Greek of any dialect, and has given us the representation of characters which are not only unknown in Greek paleography, but many of which are entirely at variance with the principles which appear universally to have regulated the mode of writing pursued throughout the widely- extended settlements of this people in the most ancient times. The silence therefore of ancient authors, and especially of Pausanias, is almost decisive on this point ; indeed, I fear that the inscriptions on our marbles offer the only argument, feeble as it is, to prove that priestesses had ever belonged to the Amyclaean temple. The Abbe Fourmont observed these inscriptions near to the probable site of the 456 REMARKS ON THE AMYCL^EAN MARBLES. ancient Amyclae ; he at once appropriated them to the temple of Apollo, and followed up this decision by the brilliant invention of the catalogue which I have mentioned. Other antiquaries have also spoken of the priestesses of Apollo, but so far as I have been able to learn, on no other foundation than the pretended discoveries of this person. Although the village of Slavo-chori appears indisputably to mark the situation of Amyclfe, and although these marbles were discovered in the immediate neighboui-hood, I am inclined to believe that they ori- ginally belonged to a less celebrated spot. Pausanias speaks of a ruined town near Amyclae, called Bryse^, where was a temple of Bacchus and certain sculptures. He adds, that it was permitted only to women to enter the temple ; and that women only performed the sacrifices. * The plants sacred to Bacchus, which are represented on the marbles, indicate the connection, and it appears not improbable that they were brought from this temple, which could not have been distant, for it is evident they were not in their original position when discovered in the ruined Greek chapel of Slavo-chori. It is not easy satisfactorily to explain the purpose of these sculp- tui'es, but they seem perhaps to have been a kind of votive offering on the part of the priestess when entering on her sacred functions. The practice among the Greek women was not unfrequent of dedicating their ornaments to some deity on particular occasions ; and if a lady offers her mirror to Venus when no longer young, it is not unreasonable to imagine that these articles of female decoration should be thus ostensibly abandoned on the assumption of the priesthood. If we look to the inscriptions, with a view to a more clear explanation of the marbles, I fear that we shall obtain no real solution of the diffi- culty. One of these merely records the name of the priestess ; the other I am not able wholly to explain. The word uTroTaTOio. is new to me ; but although the precise meaning of the title has eluded my re- search, we may presume that it signifies some office connected with * Pausan. Lacon. cap. xx. REMARKS ON THE AMYCL/EAN MARBLES. 457 the temple. From tlic probable etymology of" the term, it would ap- pear to have a relation to dhtribidion or regulated measure; this con- jecture, however, is uncertain, and is liable to objections. Possibly you may be more fortunate, or are already better informed on the subject. I remain very sincerely yours, Aberdeen. We may, with Lord Aberdeen, consider the marbles as offerings made by the priestesses * Anthusa and Laoageta ; or as consecrated, during the priesthood of these women. In the latter case they are pre- sented as votive offerings by the KOIMHTPIAI, or ornatrices of some deity. The office of a jcoo-jtirf^xa of any goddess, was to attend to the dress and ornaments of the statue ; the Specula and Pectincs, both of which are seen on the Amyclsean marbles, are mentioned by Apuleiusf, as carried by women who were employed in that character. The word KOSMOnAOKOS is used sometimes ; we find it in an in- scription quoted by Spanheim, Ob. in H. in Pall. Callim. HPAKAEI BA2IAEI ANTilNlOS AOEAET "' ' - • 2EBA KOSMOnAOKOS • ■ ANE0HKEN " To Hercules, King; Antonius Freed-man, ornator of Augusta, dedicated this." * Caylus considers the word 'TiroaTarpta in the lower marble as signifying Sous-pretresse. The name AAYAEHTA is probably written for AAOAEHTA; asAATAIKH for AaoS.'xj) in an inscription found at Smyrna. — See Boissonade in Greg, de Dial. Ed. Schaef. 173. f " Aliae muliercs qure nitentibiis speculis pone tergum reversis venienti deaj obviiim commonstrarent obsequiimi, et quaB pectincs eburneos ferentes." Lib, xi. — See TertuU. de Jejun. c. xvi. Also Hcsychius in v. 2APAXHPX2. S N ( 458 ) REMARKS ON SOME GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. IBV THE EDITOR.'] Some Greek inscriptions, most of which have never yet been pub- lished, are inserted in this part of the volume ; and a few remarks are added by the Editor, for the purpose of illustration. Documents of this kind are of importance, when they fix the doubtful site of some city or town, or when they throw light on the paleography and ancient dialects of Greece.* We may mention the Orchomenian inscriptions, as among the most important which have been lately discovered, if we consider them with reference to the dialect. The Elean tablet brought to England by Sir W. Gell may be added, as well as some of the Elgin inscribed marbles. Many of the numerous inscriptions copied by Cyriacus, and found in the collections of Muratori, Gruter, Hesselius, and other writers, are incorrectly transcribed. Some of these have been emended by Valckenaer, Koehn, and Bentley ; but as the original marbles have been frequently destroyed, it is impossible to compare the copies with them. Of the ancient inscriptions which are sculptured on rocks, we may mention that which was found by Professor Carlyle and Colonel Leake, in their route through Asia Minor ; those also which are to be seen on Mount Anchesmus, and on the south-side of the Acropolis at Athens ; the Latin words in the defile of Tempe, and the Greek characters sculptured on the rock near Jerusalem, by the early Christians. "]" * All inscription found by (^ol. Leake in Thessaly may be here referred to as illustrat- ing a passage in Plato : it commemorates an offering, AITAOTNI ; this is the Thessalian name of Apollo, who, as we learn from Plato, was called by the same people AFIAOS. — C'raty. t AriASIliN. — See Dr. Clarke's Travels, vol. ii. GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. 459 I. TON A0ENEON A0AON EMI These words are written in very ancient characters reversed, on a vase* found by Mr. Burgon, in Attica. Mr. Blomfield supposes that ASrjveuv is written for aShjvuv, and he refers to Homer, Herodotus, and Aristophanes, where this word is found. We may add two passages, one from Thales (Epist. ad Pherecy.); another from Xenophon, (see Greg, de D. ed. Schaefer. 381.) Tiie inscription may therefore imply, as he has rendered it, " I am the prize given by Athens." Mr. Knight refers the words to a prize given at the Athenaea ; A6^vatx, as we learn from Corsini, F. A. ii. Diss. 13. was a name ap- plied to a festival once called nccvS7iij.ov. ■ .' - 1 • - The use of E for AI is found in other Greek inscriptions ; two in- stances may be observed in Chandler, Ins. xvi. p. 6. and Ins. xlviii. part 1. In the Diar. Ital. of Montfaucon, XAIFAI occurs four times for XAIPE. XEPE for XAIPE was copied by Villoison ; KE for KAI may be seen in Dr. Hunt's Journal, p. 105. An inscription found on the confines of Attica, of the date of the second century before Christ, and of which a copy was given to the Editor by M. Fauvel, has the words KE APrrPOYN KE ETEPA ASHMA. In consequence of the similar sound given to AI and E by the By- zantine and Neoteric Greeks, the mistakes in manuscripts are nume- rous ; but it is evident from what has been said that the substitution of one of these letters for the others is of an older date than is gene- rally supposed. Notat Schol. Theocriti ad Id. i. v. 12. pro yxia, anti- quos dixisse ylcc, unde 'ye:^>Xopoc, o-.iuyiuu, accjt^ys'Ji. Lucian Ed. Reiz. vol. iii. p. 20. The time when the confusion of these letters became more general is noted by Vossius : — "ATiberii etCaligulas temporibus tarn apud Romanos quam apud Graecos, mos obtinuit, ut dipthongus AI velut E simplex pronuntiaretur." Voss. in Catull. 291. See Clarke's Travels, vol. iv. part 1. 3n 2 4g0 GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. II. Found at Carditza, near the ruins of Acroephia, in Boeotia. From Mr, Hawkins. ^ ,, , HnoAiS AFAMHSTOPA ■, ZliOTPOT HPiiA *' On trouve ces trois usages du mot de HPXIE ; I'un pour dire sim- plement un homme de valeur, ou un brave homme, et qui fait bien sa charge ; I'autre pour un homme, qui par sa vertu et par ses bienfaits a ete mis au rang des Dieux ou demi-Dieux apres sa mort ; 3. pour un mort a qui on rend quelque sort d'honneur, ou qu'on nomme ainsi kxt eu(pri[it(ri^ov." — Spanheim, Cesars de Juhen, 115. III. Found in the island of Zante j see Chandler, Ins. Antiq. •;•.,, APXIKAH2 APlSTOMENEOS KAI AAKI ■ " ■ AAMA APXIKAE02 KAHNinnANTANAT TON ©TEATEPA ©EOKOAHIiASAN APTEMITI OniTAIAl. The statue of Clenippa, a priestess, daughter of Archicles and Alci- dama, is dedicated to Diana Opitais.* Similar forms of consecration are met with in Greek inscriptions ; in Rein. xi. CI. v. the statue of Minyra, a priestess, is dedicated by her brother to the celestial Venus. APTAMTTI is seen in Chandler, Part. ii. Ins. cxlv. ; and in another found in Muratori, and corrected by Ruhnkenius, in Greg, de D., we read ATPEMITI, " To Diana." * Chandler translates the words, " Quae sacerdos fiiit Dianae Opitaidis." QsoxoXo; is explained in Hesychius, by Ispeiu. GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. 4(J1 n- .. ■. .. IV. Found on the altar of the new church at Sciatho. From Mr. Hawkins. I > ATTOKPATOPA KAICAPA TPAIANON . AAPIANON CEBAC TON OATNniON . O APXlEPETCAnO OA Tpoc *iAinnoc iAin nOT AZHNIETC EK Ti2N lAmN. •• • M M This inscription is given here, because in the copy made by V^iUoi- son, the word AAPIANON is omitted. See Mem. de I'Acad. des Ins. xlvii. 314. The word OAYNniON is written in the same manner in other con- temporaneous inscriptions. It occurs in some copied by Captain Beaufort on tlie southern coast of Asia Minor. We may remark, that it is also a very ancient form, as it is seen on the Elean tablet brought to England by Sir W. Gell. 'O a^x- *• '^- " ^ui tient de son pere la dignite du grand pretre." Villoison. Ex.. T. I. answers to the form S. P. F. C. of the Latins, — Sua pecunia faciendum curavit. V. Found at Lyttus, in Crete. From Mr. Hawkins. MAPKIANHN 2EBA ' STHN 0EANATTO KPATOPOS NEPOTA TPAIANOT KAI2AP02 2EBAST0Y TEPMA NIKOT AAKIKOTA •' ■ AEA*HN ATTT12N ; / ; , H nOAIS AIAnPOTO K02M0T TI KAATAI or BOINOBIOY. ' 46^ GREEK INSCRIPTIONS, In the inscriptions found at this place, and communicated by Mr. Hawkins, we read AT PTXIN and ATTTIXIN H nOAlI : in those given by Van Dale the name is written incorrectly AITTinN. (752. Diss.) The inscriptions of Mr. Hawkins establish the reading in Strabo proposed by the last German editors, Avttuv, instead of Avktov. The city, ac- cording to Stephanus, was so called from its lofty situation ; XvTTOi ol uipijAoi TOTTcu Hesych. Mr. H. remarks, that the situation is remark- ably elevated. The officer ■7r^o:roy.o(riA.o; designates the chief of those magistrates, who were called K.o(j-fxoi, and who are frequently mentioned in in- scriptions. See Rein. CI. vii. n. 22, and Chishull. Anti. Asi. 123. VI. '.■■■(■' ^. .' . -n ■ In the church of St. George, at Apollonia, in Bithynia. From Mr. Hawkins. ^ , , , . TAIOS I0TAI02 KEAEP EK ... . . Ti2N lAIiiN KATE2KETA ■ ' • ^ ^ V. :SENAHM12 Tli AnOAAilNI ATilN THN TnOXi2PH2IN % p , : '' KAl EAIOS I0TAI02 EPMA20 in • KAI MEPKOrnOS ESTPflSENEK [ , ,, TX2N lAmN THN OAATEIAN AOO TOT ZTFOSTASIOT MEXPI TH2 TnOXi2PH2EI22. " Gains .Julius Celer, built at his own expence for the people of Apollonia the recess or passage ; and Caius .Julius Hermas, who is called also Mercupus, paved at his own cost the broad court leading from the Zygostasium as far as the recess." This is the only instance of the word TnOX- being applied to any building or part of a city. It is always used in reference to the human body. EST. n< line 6. and 7. We find in Lampridius, " Stravit plateas saxis Lacedaemoniis." Heliog. 109. Salm. GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. 463 ■ ' ; 1 1 " i VII. Found at the Piraeus, inscribed on a stone. From M. Fauvol. OPOS MNHMAT02 The meaning of these words is well explained by Van Dale de Cons. Ethn. : " Ut autem eo minus esset periculum prof'anationis, agri, luci, aut termini sive limites, aliaque loca dedicata aut con- secrata, vel muris circumsepiebantur, vel aliter notabantur." On a sepulchral cippus, M. Fauvel found also OPOS tH , MAT02 O NH2IMOT '" ' ' ;^. ,. ; viii. ,,,^^^ ';. .,.^, ,'^;,.' ' ,,. ' ,. Found in the ruins of the temple of the Didymean Apollo. From the Earl of Aberdeen. , ... / APAQH TTXH "• ■ : HI :, . ■ HBOTAH KAI O .. AHM05 ETEIMH 2EN ATPHAION _^ , nOSlAilNION E PMIOT NIKH2ANTA . TAMEPAAA MAT ' ^ MEIA nAAHN TPI2 ;; .' Tii lEPil TOT AI ATMEIiS AnOA Ai2N02 KATA TA rPA*ENTA AT . . ^H^ISMATA A NASTAQENTO:^ TOT TOT ANAPIANT02 ; TnO TOT nATPOS ATTOT ATP EPMI OT En ATP . . . APAQOnOAOS ' TOT AnOAAHNIOT . 464 GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. " The senate and people honour Aurelius Posidonius, the son of Hermias, (who bore away the prize three times in wresthng in the great Didymean games,) in the temple of the Didymean Apollo, according to the decree proposed ; the statue being raised by his father Aurelius Hermias, in the magistracy of Aurelius Agathopus, son of Apollonius." IX. Found near the temple of the Didymean Apollo, on the thigh of a. statue. From the same. SATNIqANASOT Some more letters were found written in the Boustrophedon character on the thigh of the same statue ; those we have printed contain distinctly the words Tovg a.v^Kx,vTa.q. If they relate to the person who made this or other statues, we see an additional proof of the custom of inscribino; the name of the artist on the thioh of the figure. Cicero, in one of the Verrine orations, mentions an Apollo, on whose thigh was written in letters of silver the name of Myron. There are also representations of Etruscan AthletfE, which bear characters inscribed on this part of their body. There is one of a Greek wrestler, on whose thi^h are written the words KAOIIOAnPOS and AISXPAMIOT. It would appear therefore that inscriptions placed on this part of the body designated the persons bearing them to have been successful combatants or conquerors. Montfaucon has introduced on this subject the following remark in his great work : — " S'il est permis de meler la sacre avec le profane, ceci a quelque rapport avec ce passage de 1' Apocalypse, on il est dit de notre Seigneur victorieux, qu'il portoit ccrit sur sa cuisse, et sur son habit, le Roi des Rois. Cette ecriture sur la cuisse etoit done une marque d'hon- neur et de victoire." Vol. iii. part ii. 269. An. Ex. X. Found at Daulis, by the Earl of Aberdeen. On the other side of the same stone is an inscription of equal length, which was copied by GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. 465 Col. Leake. That which is subjoined contains a decree pronounced by Titus Flavius Eubulus respecting some portions of land, which are assigned to the city of Daulis, and to Memmius Antiochus. The date of the inscription is 118, anno Christi. Fuscus Salinator is men- tioned in the letters of Pliny, book vi. lett. 26. > AFAQHITTXHI ATTOKPATOPI TPAlANfl AAPIANO KAI 2API SEBASTil TO B TNAIIl OEAANIIi OT 2Kf2 2AAEINAT0PI THATOlS OPO © * K NOTENBPmN EN XAIPHNEIA ZI2nTP02 APlSTIilNOS KAI HAPMENilN ZiinrPOT 01 EPAIKOITHS AATAIEilN DO AEi22 EMAPTTPOnOIH:^ANTO An04>A2lNt ANTirErPA0AI THN AO0EISAN THO T AAOT lOT ETBOTAOT THN TnorEFPAMENHN T 4>AATI0S ETB0TA02 O AO0EI2 KPITH2 KAI OPI 2THS TOO KA210T MAHIMOT ANGTHATOY KAI THPH , / ©EI2 TnO OTAAEPIOT SEOTHPOT ANQYOATOT META HT ZOnrPOT TOY APlSTmNOS KAI OAPMENilNOS • '!.,. ' ' ! TOY ZiinYPOY KM MEMMIOY ANTIOXOY OEPIXaPAS '• ~' AMa^lSBHTOYMENHS AK0Y2A2 t EKATEPOY MEP0Y2 . • E'tOSON EBOYAONTO KAI EOI THN AYTO+IAN EA0IiN KEAEY2ANT02 ME AnO0HNA©AI KAliAIOY EPA NIANOY TOY KPATI5T0T ANGYHATOY KPEINil KA©i22 YnOFErPAOTAI APPOY APYOniOY ON HTOPASE HAPA TiiN KAEA2 KAHPONOMflN MEMMIOS ANTIO . ; X02 KATAAAB0MEN02 EK Ti2N EOIME KOMIS0EN TON rPAMMAT.QN OPOSHKEIN ANTI0Xi2 nAEQPA e^. and Trpo T£i7(7a(;aJv yaivwv 2eT. f 'ATTofatri?, or a^rofavai;, as the word was sometimes written (Wytt. Plut. Anim. i. 206.) is applied also to the Amphictyonic decrees. Diod. S. xvi. c. 24. t The letters in the copy are AKOY2 ; Mr. Elmsley proposes AKOT2A2. 3 o 466 GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. nAE0PA SAKFEINil EINAI ANTIOXOT TA AE AOI "' nA TH2 nOAEi22 THN AE APXHN TH2 METPHSEilS KPEINI2 TENESQAI TH2 Xi2PA2 0©EN AN BOX AHTAl ANTI0X02 EN EKATEPi2N TliN AFPUN APrnnm kai ethtaeia en ae oaatanii KAI M02X0T0MEAI2 MIA En AM0TEP0l2 AP XH TH2 METPH2Ei22 E2TAI METPOTMENilN AnO TH2 AO0EI2H2 APXH2 TON E'tEEn2 MH EAAOrOTMENi2N TAI2 METPH2E2IN AnA2A12 MHTE PEI0P12N MHTE 02A TPAXEA ONTA KAI MH ATNAMENA rEI2PrEl20AI TOEP AEKA2'i'T PA2 E2TIN.nAPH2AN* T *AATI02 ETBOT A02 ADE'I'HNAMHN KAI E2*PAri2MAI A'ME2 TPI02 2I2KAAPOT KAEOMENH2 KAEOMENOT2 . • NEIKiiN 2TM*0P0T AAMnPIA2 NEIKiiN02 ZIinTP02 ANTinATPOT 2i22lBI02 APAKX2 N02 NEIKftN AAEHANAPOT AEi2N 0EOAO ■ > TOT KAAAilN 4>TAAK02 KA22I02 MAPTIANOT 4'HI2MATI TH2 nOAEii2 " The Emperor Trajan Hadrian Caesar Augustus, second time Con- sul, and Cnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator being also Consul, on the 24th October, at Chasroneea, Zopyrus, son of Aristion, and Parmeno, son of Zopyrus, the magistrates of the city Daulis, testified that the un- derwritten decision, which was made by T. Flavius Eubulus, has been copied. ' I, T. Flavius Eubulus, who was appointed judge and arbi- ter by Casius Maximus, Proconsul, and Valerius Severus, Proconsul, between Zopyrus, son of Aristion, and Parmeno, son of Zopyrus, and Memmius Antiochus, concerning the land that was disputed; having heard each side, as far as they wished, and having come to an exami- nation of the land, Claudius Granianus, the chief Proconsul, ordering me to declare my opinion, I decree as is underwritten: — Judging from the writings brought to me, 436 Phocic Plethra of the field called Dryppius, which Memmius Antiochus bought from the heirs of Clea, * Uctpiiaav. A similar form with the names of the persons present, is seen in an inscription in p. 604. Marm. Gxon. ed. Maitt. GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. 467 belong to Antiochus ; wliatever more than these, be found, I decree shall belong to the city of Daulis. Also of the field called Euxyleia, 430 Plethra belong to Antiochus; the rest is the property of the city of Daulis. Of the places called Platanus and MoschotomicE, 230 Plethra, I decree to belong to Antiochus ; the remainder is the pro- perty of the city. The beginning of the measurements in each of the fields called Dryppius and Euxyleia shall commence at the spot where Antiochus may wish ; but in the Platanus and Moschotomia^ the two parties shall have the same beginning for their measurements, which shall take place from a given point, the following parts not being reckoned in the measurements; namely, no stream, nor whatever piece of ground there be, that is rough and incapable of tillage. * * * There were present (I, T. Flavins Eubulus declared my opinion, and afiixed my seal) ; Lucius JNIestrius the son of Soclarus ; Cleomenes, the son of Cleomenes ; Nico, the son of Symphorus ; Lamprias, the son of Nico ; Zopyrus, the son of Antipator ; Sosibius, the son of Draco ; Nico, the son of Alexander ; Leo, the son of Theodotus ; Callo, the son of Phylax ; Cassius, the son of Marcianus.' By the decree of the city." XL ' '- • ■• Copied by the editor at Geyra, the ancient Aphrodislas. '<■ ZH. , . ;■ O BI2MOS KAI H 20P02 E2TIN OTAniOT XA ^ PITftNOi lATPOT I2HN liOPON TE0H2E TAI ATT02 KAI *A0A2IA H rTNHATTOT KAI 0TAni02 AOEAAAS O TIOS ATTilNE ^ ■ nEIO0A*A:S ETEPON AOOTEISEI EI2TEI .^ MAS TilN SEBAiTIlN X. " ■' ' "'" ' The word ZH {vivat) occurs at the beginning as well as at the end of inscriptions ; see ChishuU. Ant. Asiat. Append. Sometimes Zua-iv is used. There is nothing remarkable in this epitaph except the mode of writing I for El, and the reverse. We may observe instances of this 3 2 468 ' GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. in other inscriptions ; see Falcon, ad Athlet. Inscr. H, J, OI, EI, and T have been for many centuries written one for the other, and the same sound given to them by the Neoteric Greeks. This remai'k apphes also to A I and E. " Tarn captiosa pronuntiatio mendis infinitis libros opplevit." (Bentl. ad I. Millium.) What was the real p4^wer of these different letters we shall never know ; we may, however, say with Ramirez de Prado, ^'frustra disiinctce essent Uteres r, £■, c;, u, /, si nihil differrent sono^ Pentec. c. 34. The corrupted sound of some of them is as early as the second century of the Christian cera. We find i for £; in the time of Tiberius, Mont. Palae. 155 ; si for < in an inscription at Ancyra of the year 180, (ib. 163.) r for u in an epitaph on the wife of Julius Severus, who lived about the year 155. Mont- faucon observes that few instances occur of the change of ri and /, before the seventh century. (Pal. 139.) XII. At Gheumbrek, on the Troad. See Dr. Hunt's journal, p. 104. " The young men honor Asclapon, the son of Callippus the Gym- nasiarch, called " The words refer to some mark of respect paid by the young men who were instructed in their exercises for the public games by the Gymnasiarch. The word XPHMATIIANTA applies to the title or name which had been given to Asclapon. In Lord Aberdeen's copy, we find ASKAHnillNA. ; i XIII. Found on a sarcophagus on the European shore of the Propontis, near Boyuk Chekmagee. Communicated by Dr. Hunt. ATPHAIA BAOTKIA ZilSA KAI iXuv 'AyXxov, ':p-o(TH^l Nr, The following inscription was copied by Captain Light at Ga- labshee: — ,, , . ..,;■!' EnArAQo) KYPic ' • .' ' ■ •'' -' TO nPOCKT NHMA OA TAIOT KAEIOT KEAEIPOC innEOC x«;PTHC 0HBAic«N inni KHC rrPMHC KAAAICTI.Y : \;.i; ■■• J. ' , "" KAI TOT nAIAlOT ATTOT , •■ ,..-j'- U> • ' 1 n^i KAI Ta;N ABACKANTcuN : „•' ,, ... -.ij AAEAa)N KAI TcuN ATTOT ■'' .*•'■"•'- nANTwN To) A T«) KTPIo AOTAIKTOT innOTATTOT " The homage of Caius Cleius Celer, horseman or knight of the horse-troop of the Theban cohort ; of Callistius and of his child, and of the Abascanti brothers ; and of all who were there with the same master, — and of Hippolytus." In the six inscriptions copied at Dukkey by Captain Light, mention is made of the god Hermes j in that which is printed in Mr. Legh's travels, p. 85., relatino- to Apollonius, the words ©EON EPMHN should be added after nPOC Captain Light's copy has 0E - - EPM - - * Answering to March. t 'Of lo-Tiv oxT»/3pAMENI2©. HA0ON TMOT AEPATAl BA2IAHIAI TTIAE 2ABINNA ilPAS AE nPOTA:! AAI02 HKEAPOMO:;. In the third line, oy.dv and r^Se are inserted improperly in the copy of D'Orville ; ufMu and tviSi are doubtless the proper forms, and are given in Pococke and Hamilton's iEgyptiaca. There are many in- stances in which the later Greeks f affected the archaisms and dialects of ancient Greece ; this is one, uuou is written for ouov ; ^oles, quod vulgo notum, in v commutant. (Nunnes. ad Proclum ; see Gaisford's Hephaest. 451.) And tvi^ is the Doric word, signifying, " Here or hither ;" tu;, Zh, Kp^re;, rujf, Sappho, v. Maittaire. XIX. See p. 104. Dr. Hunt's Journal. lAIEII. y.. T. X. The same term of honor, 0eoV> was also applied, as we learn from Athenagoras, by the Ilieans to Hector: O fxlv 'iXuuV 6iov"EKTrfa Xsysu Legat. pro Xtianis. In the same page of this volume is an inscription relating to the people of the tribe Panthois, who commemorate Sextus Julius, magistrate of the city, prsefect of the Fabian cohort, who had also been gymnasiarch, and had been the first to grant some donation of * On the same statue of Memnon are the following lines ; — 12 nonOI H MEFA 0ATMA H MAAA TI2 0EO2 ENAON - HTSEN *X2NHI KATA AE2XE0EAAON AHANTA or TAP nils AN 0NHTO2 ANHP TAAE MHXANOfiTO These are parts of the Iliad and Odyssey applied by the writer. See II. N. 99. Od. ii. 529. Od. n. 197. f In another inscription found in Egypt, of the time of the Csesars, we read TAIAE *TAA1 *i2NETNTI, speaking of Philie. i^gj^t- 52. 3l' 474 GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. oil, and had discharged the office of AHptes. With respect to the expression npaTON TXIN AnAiaNOZ, see Muratori, Ins. ii. 632. / .':'';'.' '' ^''^''" XX. . , .■■"-■..'.'""' 1. From Orchomenus. In the Elgin collection. See also Dr. Clarke's Travels, vol. iii. 0TNAPXO AI'XONTOS MEIN02 ©EI AOT0m APXIAP02 ETMEIAO TAMl A2 ETBOAT APXEAAMi2 *OKEIIXH 02 AOEAliKA Ano TA2 20TrrPAll nEAATON nOAEMAPXliN KH TiiN KATOnTAON ANEA0MEN02 TA2 voTrrPAi22TA2KIMENA2 OAP ET IAIAN KH CASIKAEINON KH TIMOMEIAON 12KEIA2 KH AAMO TEAEIN ATSIAAMIi KH AlilNTSlON KA*lSOAi2Pf2 XHP12NEIA KAT TO +A a>l5MA TXi AAMi2 2. From Orchomenus. 0TNAPXi2 APX0NT02 MEIN02 AAAA KOMENin FAPNI2N HOATKAEIOS TAMIA2 AnEAi2KE ETBilAT APXE AA\m *i2KElT AHO TA2 SOTPPPA •til TO KATAATHON KAT TO ^'A'l'lSMA TO AAiVm ANEA0MEN02 TAS SOTP rPAf2KElA2 KH HAP AlilNTSION KA*[20Ai2Pi2 XHPI2NE1 A KH AT2IAAMON AAM0TEAI02 HE AATi2N nOAEMAPXllN KH TUN KATO " HTAllN 3. From Orchomenus. APXONTOS EN EPXOMENT ©TNAPXli MEI N02 AAAAKOMENU2 EN AE FEAATIH MI NOITAO APXEAAii MEIN02 HPATii OMO \OrA ETB12AT FEAATIHT KH TH HOAI EP GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. 475 . XOMENIXIN EniAEI KEKOMI2TH ETBIl A02 nAP TAS nOAIOS TO AANEION ARAN KAT TATi OMOAOFIAS TA5 TE0EI2A2 ©T NAPXii APXONTOS MEIN02 ©EIATGIil KH OTT 0<1>EIAETH ATTT ETI OY0EN nA PTAN nOAIN AAA AOEXI nANTA nEPI OANTOS KH AnOAEAOANQI TH nOAl TT EXONTE2 TA:£ OMOAOriAIi EIMEN nOTI AEAOME NON XPONON ETBilAT EDINOMIAS FETIA nETTAPA BOTESSI 20TN inDTS AIAKA TIH2 FIKATI nPOBATTS SOTNHrYS XEl AIH2 Al'XI Til XPONii O ENIATT02 O META 0YNAPXON APXONTA EPXOMENIT2 AnO rPAcI>E2©H AE ETBi2A0N KATENIATTON EKA2T0N OAPTON TAMIAX KH TON NOM. NANTA TEKATMATA T12N HPOBATilX KH TAXHrON KH TAN B0Ti2N KH TAN IHniiN K. KATINA ASAMAinX 0IKHTX2X nAEI©0:i MEI. AnOrPA*Ei0il AE HAEIOXA TX2N TEPPAM MENilN EN TH liOTrXOPEirSI H AEKATI2. There are on the stone a few more lines, in which many of the letters are erased. REMARKS. ' The digamma occurs in the Orchomenian inscriptions : and as the Boeotians appear to have used it to a late period on marbles, their copies of Pindar probably continued to have this character inserted in those parts, where the poet's verse required it ; as Pyth. iv. 40, £-/ Tai ; 65, Xe>pi ¥oi ; 159, eTrixXra. VuiaP. As the sound of the digamma could not have been the same in every district or colony of Greece, it is impossible * to say in what manner it was pronounced. Some- times it appears as Y (in the coins of Velia f ) ; sometimes as B (among the Lacedaemonians); sometimes we see it expressing the power of S, as in s, Ff whence comes the Latin se. * The difficulty of arriving at any certainty on this subject is stated by Heyne: — " In linguis quae usu populorum frequentari desierunt, de pronunciatione aliquid tuto statui ac decerni posse, nondum mihi persuadere potui." — Excurs. ii. ad lib. xix. f In Lucania, the colonists of which, being Phoceans from Ionia, used the form familiar to their countrymen. 3 p 2 476 GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. As the tbllowitig remarks of D'Orville, Valckenaer, and I. Vossius, are omitted in the works which treat of the sound and power of this letter, we may here transcribe them. " ^^olicutn illud digamma in AFTTON," says D'Orville, speaking of the Delian inscription, " videturnonnihilfavere hodiern^ pronunciationi GrcBCorum, ci(f)Tog, oi(pdevTr,i" Mis. Obs. vii. 27. — The Bishop of LandaflP, in his Ho7'ce Pelasgicce, considers the sound of the letter to be similar to that of F ; Larcher, Herod, vol. iv. 1. v. 192, says, that the digamma was pronounced sometimes as ou, and sometimes as v. It is impossible to understand how the word EoFo? should approach to I.o(poi, unless the digamma had the sound of F. " Ad vocem (roHBE1 ©AAAON, read APTI A E*HBE1AI2 ©AAAiiN. GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. 477 Line 5. AI is written H : we find instances of this change also in some of the contractions in the Doric infinitive moods ; as JivJ/w, for ^i^av, ccyxTTTv, and o'pri'. Greg. 228. Ed. Schaefer. ' • 3d Inscrip. , '. L. 1. T for n, as ^sXi^'i'i? in Sappho for x^^^^'^ 5 the ancient Romans also wrote f antes and fnmdes, iox f antes and fro7ules. L. 5. I is written for i, as in AAMOTEAIOS in the second in- scription ; and for si, as in sTrti^ei. The Cretans, and some of the Dorians, said eioV for Qso;. Valck. Theoc. 286. L. 9. ^OtpstXu J' ovSsv] oudiv. Diog. Laer. Platonis, v. i. 189. L. 10. The sense of a7re;^/£< is explained by Suidas ; aVe^w eciTioiTixyi uvTi tou UTreXa.l^oi'' v.on au9»j ei/ 'Y.'my^a.^u.a.rt, to %p£oj oi,Ti'f/sic;. L. 11. AnOAEAOANQI, the common termination would be ANTI; as £(rT«Kai/r.' for i(Tjy\Ka.iv cruyypa^Tjv, syngrapham irritaiu facere. — Bud. 153. |)|aroVT>!; i7r(T))f>)T>);. — Const. Lex. 478 GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. Phocians, and Demoteles, son of Lysidemus, and Dionysius, son of Cepliisodorus of Chaeronea. (Here the sum is stated.) 2. •■' ■ ■ ^ ■ — In the archonship of Thynarchus, in the month Alalcomenius, Arnon, son of Polycles, quaestor, paid to Eubulus, Phocian, son of Archidemus, the undermentioned sums belonging to a contract, being the remainder which was due to him ; cancelUng according to the decree of the people, with the polemarchs and inspectors, the bonds which are in the hands of Sophilus, and Euphron, Phocians, and Dionysius the Chasronean, son of Cepliisodorus, and Lysidemus, son of Demoteles. (Here the sum is stated.) In the archonship of Thynarchus at Orchomenus, in the month Alalcomenius, and in the archonship of Menoetas, son of Archelaus at Elatea, in the first month, an agreement is made between Eubulus ofElatea and the city of Orchomenus. Since Eubulus has received from that city all the money that was due to him, according to the contracts made while Thynarchus was archon in the month The- luthius, and nothing now is owing to him from the city, but he has received every thing ; and those who are in possession of the con- tracts have returned them to the city, — it is agreed that for a given time, Eubulus should have the yearly right of pasturage for four cows, two hundred mares, twenty sheep, and a thousand she-goats. The beginning of this time shall be the year following* the archonship of Thynarchus, at Orchomenus, and Eubulus shall give an account to the quaestor and to the of the produce of the sheep, and goats, and cows, and mares; and - .■■■■ -^ :i:- - - .■- .:i- an account also shall be taken of any number more than those which are written down in the agreement granted to him ; or ten times - - - - * A similar form of date occurs in the Corcyrean inscription, p. 415. Montf. Di. Ital. (x))w EuxXsi'o) Tu /xera xporaviv ApurrofiEvrj. (JREEK INSCRIPTIONS. 479 XXI. From the Troad. See Dr. Hunt's Journal, p. 106. Temples and altars were raised in the provinces by the Greeks, not only to the Emperors, but also to the Governors of them. (Mem. de I'Ac. des. Ins. xviii. 455.) Even Verres in Sicily had his temples and annual festivals. This inscription commemorates Agrippa, and names him TON nATPIlNA KaI ETEPFETHN; these words occur also in aCor- cyrean inscription published by Spon. Agrippa is styled a-vyyivx;; the word applies to that relation which the inhabitants of the Troad sup- posed to exist between themselves and the Romans. Van Dale, Diss. 312. " Ilienses maxime sibi gloria ducebant Romanos a se orfos Juisse." It is not difficult to determine the period of Agrippa's life to which the inscription refers. He went into Asia for the first time in the year of Rome 731, and having remained governor there ten years, he returned in 741. (Joseph, lib. xvi. c. 4. ; Mem. de I'Ac. des Ins. Ixii. 40.) During his residence in Asia, he remitted at the intercession of Herodes, to the inhabitants of Ilium, the payment of the sumof 100,000 drachmse, a fine imposed on them as a punishment for the danger which, in consequence of some negligence on their part, his daughter Julia had incurred. She was passing by night the Scamander to go to Ilium ; the river had swollen suddenly, and she was with difficulty saved. (Nicol. Damas. in Excerp. Vales. 416.) It is probable that other people of the district of the Troad might on this occasion have expressed their gratitude to Agrippa. We may close our remarks on these Greek inscriptions by observ- ing, that the Morley marbles brought to England from Sedgikeui, near Smyrna, in 1732, and relating to Crato, son of Zotichus, are now in the vestibule of the public library at Cambridge. A copy of them is given by Maittaire at the end of the Mar. Oxon., and he supposes them to be of the date between 158 and 151 B.C. ( 480 ) ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. [BY MR. HAWKINS.1 The public buildings of Athens are often mentioned in the writings of the ancients, but for the most part, in so cursory a way, as to afford us very little information about their relative position. Nor is it possible, I believe, to supply this deficiency without the aid of Pausanias. * For although it be true, that there are many passages in those writings, which point out the situation of two or more buildings in respect to each other, or their general bearing from one central point, the Acropolis ; yet, it is Pausanias alone, who gives us the arrangement of the whole, and conducts us in a regular succession from one object to another. Pausanias, therefore, (whose professed purpose it was to describe the antiquities of Athens,) must be regarded as our safest guide ; and the work of Meursius, who has collected under one point of view all that relates to this subject, will prove a very useful commentary on that author, f * Of the works of Heliodoriis Periegetes, who gave an .^ccount of the Acropolis ; of Menecles or Callistratus, who described Athens ; and of Phiiochorus, who wrote on At- tica, nothing remains but the citations that are given us by Suidas, Harpocration, Hesy- chiusj Pausanias, and others. f There ate few passages in ancient authors illustrative of the history and antiquities of Athens and Attica which have escaped the diligence of this critic; but those who consult him must exercise their own judgment in the use which they make of these materials; in proof of which I need only mention, that Meursius has quoted indiscriminately the passages which relate to the three temples of Jupiter Olympius, and that he teems never to have suspected that the temple of Bacchus, which is mentioned by Pausanias, was the same as the temple of Bacchus in Limnis. The same want of discrimination is manifest in his account of the 'Sih'ta. ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. ' 481 But even Pausanias requires every assistance which can be atlorded by modern information, and particuhirly by the best plans tliat have been taken of the locality of Athens ; while on the other hand, these plans derive almost all their interest from the details with which he has filled them. How far they both agree, in all those points where they can be compared, or rather, with what accuracy they usually coincide ; will appear in the course of the following remarks which accompany the progress of Pausanias through Athens, and are written under a conviction of the necessity of pointing out the ill consequences of deserting such a guide. To render this view of the subject more clear and intelligible, it may be proper to give a preliminary account of the various attempts that have been made to lay down an accurate plan of Athens. The first regular plan of Athens was published in Fanelli's Atene Attica, about the year 1704. It appears to have been engraved from an actual survey made in 1687, by the engineers who were employed at the siege of the Acropolis. The situation of the principal ruins is laid down in this plan with a tolerable degree of accuracy ; and it has been copied with a few corrections and additions by Dr. Chandler, in the 2d volume of his travels, as well as by Le Roi, in his Antiqui- ties of Athens. The second was composed by Stuart, on the basis of a regular trigonometrical survey, made during his stay there in the years 1751, 1752, 1753 ; but it was not published till many years after his death. The atlas to the travels of Anacharsis has supplied us with a third, constructed by Mon'. Barbie du Boccage, after the observations which were made on the spot by Mon'. Foucheron in 1781. And lastly, we have a fourth by Fauvel, published in the atlas to the travels of Olivier, which is by far the most accurate of all. The long residence of this last-mentioned gentlemen at Athens, (a period of seventeen years,) had enabled him not only to make the necessary trigonometrical observations for such a work ; but even to introduce most of those details which had been omitted by other topographers, (for instance the streets of the modern city) ; and from the examin- 3q 482 ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. ation which I made of the MS. drawing of this plan when I was last at Athens, I have no hesitation in bearing testimony to its superior merit. I shall here however beg leave to observe, that although both Stuart and Fauvel have laid down what they conceive to be the re- mains of the old city walls, as far as they were able to trace them with any degree of precision ; yet when we consider the account which Thucydides gives of the hasty construction of these * walls, the long intei'val which has since elapsed, together with the various revolutions that have taken place, we can hardly expect to find any indisputable remains of them. Modern times, too, have witnessed a succession of walls built round the present city, the last of which consumed even the few remaining materials of the old ; as I had an opportunity of ascertaining, by a comparison of Stuart's plan with the ground it represented. In the two plans of Athens, which I have pointed out as best qua- lified to assist our enquiries, we shall find the relative position of those ancient buildinos which still subsist, together with the form and position of the Acropolis, and the monuments of antiquity within it. These may be regarded as so many fixed points, by the aid of which, and of Pausanias, we may ascertain the names of such buildings, as are too mutilated and imperfect to afford any internal evidence of their destination ; but unfortunately, data of this description are wanting to ascertain the position, extent, and figure of that most important part of the city, the Ceramicus ; for of all the public build- ings which once adorned it, and which were so venei'able on account of their antiquity, and so interesting in respect to the history of the arts, scarcely a vestige remains, f * 'H dixoSojiAia Xiira (nro'JOrjV syhsTO 61 yap flsfiEAioi Travro'icov kISu)v UTToxsii/Tai, xa) 6v ^uviipyu<7- JU.SVCOV ecTTiv w, aW' aij exaa-To'i wote Trpoueipspov' ■aoKKa.i T6 0"T^Aai citto (Trjjji.aT(i)v xai Ai^Of lipya(Tfi6voi eyxaTe\eyi)(rav. Lib. i. f I have used this qualified expression, because the single column of white marble which is marked in Stuart's plan still remains here, and is said by M. Fauvel, who has dug to its foundation, to be in its right place. He found two or three other columns in the same line with it, and is of opinion that tliey belonged to a Stoa or portico. UN THE TUFUGKAFHY UF ATHENS. 4g3 . We must have recourse ihoreforc, in this instance, to written authorities aloiie ; and we sliall find that Pausanias, with the help of some occasional information from other writers of antiquity, will to a certain extent supply the deficiency. Pausanias describes the approach to the city in two dijfferent directions. * After mentioning very briefly what deserved notice on the road from Phalerum, he speaks of the ruins of the long walls, (that had been rebuilt by Conon,) on the road from the Piraeus ; and he arrives at another gate of the city, which we can have little doubt must have been the Pirasan. Here it is that Pausanias begins his description of Athens, and as this is a point of so much importance in respect to what follows, I shall endeavour to ascertain its true position. It is evident that the line of the northern long wall must point out the direction of the gate here noticed, both in respect to the Piraeus and the Acropolis ; and it is fortunate that so much of this wall as will serve to ascertain its general direction is still in existence. The foundations may be traced to the extent of a mile and a half along the modern road, and this portion of the wall is perfectly straight and nearly level. From the western end, which butts against a hill near the Piraeus, I observed that the Parthenon bore precisely over the eastern end of the line, the Propylaea appearing to the left of it. If we advance in the same direction from the eastern end of the wall towards the Acropolis, we shall arrive by a gradual ascent at a hollow between the hills of the Museum and Pnyx, which is the modern way from the Piraeus to the Acropolis ; and here are still to be seen some small vestiges of a gate and of the city-walls. We must therefore regard this as the Pirasan gate, which in fact it is admitted to be by many who have published their remarks on the topography of Athens ; and the question next to be considered, is, in * The long walls having been destroyed a century before the time of Pausanias, that traveller probably alludes to a more direct line of road from Phalerum, otherwise he would Rcarcely have noticed two separate roads. 3q 2 4g4 ON IWt; TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. what new direction, Paiisanias advances by the Sto^ which he de- scribes, towards the CeraiTiicus. * It is in vain to attempt ascertaining this by any remains of the public buildings which formerly stood in that quarter, for, as I have already observed, they no longer exist : but there is one natural feature among the objects which engaged the attention of Pausanias beyond the Ceramicus, which may be recog- nised without difficulty ; I mean the fountain which he calls Enneacrunos, and which Thucydides indentifies with Calliroe ; a name which, after a lapse of more than 2,000 years, it still i-etains. f A lit- tle way, too, farther on, in the same direction, were the remains of the Eleusinium, when Stuart visited Athens. These have since been wholly removed, and it is no small obligation which we owe to that traveller that he had previously measured and described them with so much accuracy. These objects suffice to ascertain the general bear- ing of the Ceramicus from the Pirasan gate, which is south-easterly, and in some measure, too, its extent ; but the breadth of the Cerami- cus, as it is limited on one side by the walls of the city, and on the other by the buildings immediately under the Acropolis, could not have exceeded one half of its length. We are not informed by Pau- sanias whether it extended as far as the walls, but as he notices a gate near the Stoa called the Poikile, and as it appears by a passage in iEschines % that the Poikile was in the public square, and from another in Lucian, that it was in the Ceramicus, it is evident that the walls of the city must have been very near, if not contiguous to * 'S.ha) is hc-iv ccTTo tuiv ttvKXuiv, s; tov Ksgafisixov. The Ceramicus, therefore, could not have been far from this point. f Stuart is the first u ho notices this very remarkable fact, and he speaks of Calliroe as a copious and beautiful spring which flows into the channel of the Ilissus. The Albanian women of Athens wash their clothes here, and the water is collected in a small circular bason or pit for that purpose. Near it there is a fall of several feet, in the bed of the Ilissus, and some perforations may be perceived in the face of the rock, which are sup- posed by Fauvel to be the traces of Enneacrunos. J In Ctesiph. — in Piscat. both quoted by Barthelemy. — The words of Lucian are, 'EvraD-Sa yxg h KsgafiEfX^ \i'KO^=vo\))i.tv a.vTr\v. »)' 8e ffie ttou api^sTai, svaviwcrct IJ AxaSripilac, ajf TTjpiTraTJjVeis xa) h tyi HomiX-. ON THE HJFOliKArilY OF ATHKNS. 485 the Ceramicus. Nor have we the means of knowing from I'ausanias, whether tlie Phaleric gate opened directly into the Ceramicus, al- though it is not improbable that one of the gates in this (juarter was, so designated in the lollowing passage of Philostratus, quoted by Meursius : U(xpr,X^Ev ng TO Tuv Ts^viJ'^'v IcovMujr^toVf o Sr; uicoao^'^(xt 7Txp» toc; ri KiO'x.fjt.iiy.ii ^v>ac, ■.'... .. '.■ ■.' Thus much may be said in regard to the breadth, extent, and direc- tion of the Ceramicus, which comprised the Agora or public square. Pausanias, indeed, omits all mention of the latter, until he has finished his account of the Ceramicus (if we except those allusions to it which are observable in the epithet he gives to the bronze Hermes on his way to the Poikile) ; but as it appears from various passages of iEschines and of I.ncian already quoted, that the Poikile Stoa was in the Agora as well as in the ('eramicns, we must necessarily draw the conclusion that the Agora likewise was in the Ceramicus. Rarthe- lemy observes, that, according to iEschines, the jNIetroum was in the Agora, and he proves by a passage of the same author, as well as by the authority of Plutarch, Suidas, and Harpocration, that the palace of the senate, (cmXiulxmov, was there likewise. * The Hermes, or a Stoa so called, is moreover phiced by Barthelemy in the Agora, first on the authority of Mnesimachus [apud At/ienceum), who said in one of his comedies, " Go you into the Agora, to the Hermes !" and on that of Xenophon {dc Mag. Equit.) who says, — "At certain festivals it is proper that the horsemen render the homage which is due to the temples and the statues which are in the Agora. They will com- mence at the Hermes, make the circuit of the Agora, and return to the Hermes." \ ,r: ' . .• '! The Agora, therefore, although not expressly named by Pausanias in his account of the public buildings which were situated in the Ceramicus, must be understood as comprehended in its periphery, and as occupying a part of the ground which he passes over. The proofs already given of the Ceramicus having been situated to the south of the Acropolis, may be regarded as conclusive ; and I — _— * jEschin. in Ctesiph. Pint. x. Khct. Vit. t. ii. Suid. in Mrf/^ay. 486 ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. have only farther to observe, that tliis idea of its position coincides with all that we know of the early history of Athens, and the local circum- stances which seem to have decided the choice of the first settlers. To illustrate this remark, I shall quote at length the words of Thucydides on this subject : — " Before this period (that is, before Theseus had pre- vailed upon all the scattered population of the borough towns of Attica to remove to Athens), that which is now the citadel, and particularly that part which lies to the south of it, constituted what was called the city. This is proved, as well by the temples of the deities that are within the citadel as by those which are erected without it on this side of the city ; such as the temple of the Olympian Jupiter, and the Pythium ; the temple of Terra, and that of Bacchus in Limnis, in honour of whom the more ancient Bacchanalian festivals are celebrated on the twelfth day of the month Anthosterion ; which custom is still retained by the lonians of Attic descent. Other ancient temples are built in the same quarter. The public fountain too, which, since it has been fitted up * in the manner we now see by the tyrants, has been called Enneacrunos, but which formerly, when the springs were open, bore the name of Callirroe, being situated near, was preferred for use upon most occasions. And even now, in compliance with ancient custom, they think it necessary to make use of this water pre- vious to the connubial rites, and upon other religious occasions. And further, it is owing to this their ancient residence in the Acropolis, that it is called the city by the Athenians to this very day." Now, the temple of the Olympian Jupiter, which is here noticed by Thucydides, must have been that which Pausanias says was built by Deucalion, and which appears from his narrative to have stood somewhere near, if not absolutely within the peribolus of Hadrian's Olympium. An image, too, of the Pythian Apollo is noticed by Pausanias in the same quarter, although the temple itself seems to have no longer existed ; and the Temple of Terra (r^) I suspect to be * 'OuTtu xaTaerxEuao-avToiv, conjectura Diikeri ex Hesychio prolata et tribus Codd. Pariss. confirmata. ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 487 the same as that which rausanias denominates the temple of r? Kov^oTco:poc and il-.^i^vfivjo y'kiy\ *, and ))laces under the southern flanks of ■ the Acropolis, between which and the Olympium, if we Jollow the order of his description, he fixes the position of the temple of Jiacchus in Limnis. By the other ancient temples which stood in the same quarter, Thucydides must have meant several more of those which are placed by Pausanias on the south of the theatre, or in the Ceramicus ; for instance, the Metroinn, the temple of Venus Urania, &c. as well as the Leocorium, the ^Eacontcum, and others, which he does not notice, f • Having- now proved both from the text of Pausanias, and other his- torical evidence, compared with existing monuments and local cir- cumstances, that the interior ('eramicus was on the south side of the Acropolis, it follows that Barthelemy and other writers are mistaken in placing it on the north side, on the authority of a single passage in Plutarch's Life of Sylla ; and it is unfortunate that this mistake has led the former to misplace almost every monument of anti(|uity in his plan of Athens J, and involuntarily to mislead his readers. But as the reputation of such a man as Barthelemy is not to be impeached upon light grounds, or without a hearing, and the authority upon which he relies is very specious, I shall devote some time to its examination. The passage to which I allude is as follows : — After describing the slaughter which took place when Athens was taken by assault, Plu- tarch adds, " for besides those who fell in other parts of the city, the blood which was shed in the Agora alone covered the whole Cera- * KougoTgo'ifSof r^. Siiidas. But Tala ami Ar;|U.i5Tr]g were originally the same, " Nee sine causa Terrani eandeni appcllabant niatrem, et Ccrercm." Varro. t The Leocorium is placeil on the authority of Demosthenes in the Ceramicus ; Dcmosth. in Conon : — and the Temple of ^lEacus, on that of Herodotus; Lib. v. c. 89. X Barthelemy, in acknowledging his obligations for the able assistance of M. Barbie de Boccage, takes upon himself the whole responsibility for these errors: — " Connne nous diffcrons sur quelques points principaux de I'lntericur, il ne doit pas repondre des erreurs qu' on trouvera dans cette partie du plan." . ;.ju!ii i.,.i ••: .• i : ».f - 488 ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. micus as far as Dipylon ; nay, there are several who assure us, that it ran through the gates and overspread the suburbs," Now, the position of the gate here mentioned is ascertained by the following passage in Livy : — " Ah Dipylo accessit. Porta ea, velut in ore urbis posiia, major aliquaiito jmtentiorque quam cetera, est; et intra earn ex- traque latcB sunt vice, ut et oppidani dirigere aciem a foro ad portam possent : et extra limes mille ferine passiis, in AcademicB Gymnasiiim ferens, pediti equitique hostium liherum spatium jyrceberety Lib. xxxi. c. 24. And its vicinity to the Academy is confirmed by the testimony of Cicero: — " Sex ilia a Dipijlo stadia in Academiam confecimus." The gate, therefore, called Dipylon, must have stood on the north or the north-west side of the Acropolis, for it was in this direction that the Academy was situated. And there is a gate of the modern city in the same quarter, which leads to a spot still distinguished by the name of Kathymia, * or Akathymia. * The following extract from my Journal, Nov. 179-1, relates to this curious fact: — " The weather being dry and cool in consequence of the north-easterly wind, we took a walk this evening to a spot about one mile north from the city walls, which, from the circumstance of its being called AxiO>)ju.ia (Acathyinia) by the peasants of Attica, must have been without doubt the scite of the celebrated Academy. It is situated near two little hills or rather knolls of ground, one called "Ayio; MiAiavo;, and the other "Ayia; NixoXaof, from two chapels which stand on them. " All antiquaries have agreed in placing the academy on this side of the city, and at this distance from it; but as there existed no remains of the buildings vihich once adorned it, its position was not known with any degree of certainty ; for the present Athenians are too ignorant of their own history, and too inattentive to the researches of curious travellers, to have been struck with this coincidence between the ancient and the modern name of this interesting spot. " It was a mere accident which threw it in my way, and led to the discovery; for M. Fauvcl appears to have been ignorant of it. " The Consul (Procopius) not being thoroughly acquainted with the topography of the plain, we enquired of several peasants whom we met the position of the spot called Akathymia, and were thus enabled to ascertain it with more precision. " It is rather extraorilinary that the spot should still be distinguished by any particular name, since it is now an open piece of ground, and presents nothing remarkable in its appearance. The name is confined to an area not exceeding five acres in the lowest and most stagnant part of the plain. The soil here is a stiff loam, which being nuturally too tenacious of moisture, has been improved by drainage. A few scattered olive trees ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 4g9 Unfortunately, liowever, tor the credit ot" Plutarch *, on whose authority so much reliance is placed, the rise of the ground on this side of the Acropolis, towards the spot where this gate stood, points out very clearly the impossibility of the occurrence which he mentions. This alone would lead us to suspect that the Dipylon had been substituted by mistake for some other gate which lay more to the south; and there is a story told by the same writer in his Moralia, which countenances this supposition. He is treating of the following question, — Which have the most natural sagacity, land or water animals? " Wlien Pericles," says he, " built the Hecatompedon in the Acropolis of Athens, it so fell out, that the stones were to be fetched, every day, the distance of many stadia ; and a number of carriages were made use of for that purpose. Among the rest of the mules that laboured hai'd in this employment, there was one that, although dismissed on account of age, would still go down to the Ceramicus, and meeting the carts that brought the stones, would be always in their company, running by their sides, as it were by way of en- grew on it, and some paces farther west we saw a number of gardens and vineyards which contained fruit-trees of a more exuberant growtli than in any other part of the plain. These gardens, in fact, chiefly supply the market of Athens with fruit and vegetables, and they are distinguished by tlieir superior verdure from several distant points of view. This is attributed to the moisture of the soil here, from which cause the air is said to be very un- wholesome in the summer months. The air of the Academy is recorded to have been of this description, and Plato on that account was advised to remove from it." * The passage is given by Mcursius : — ' Autoj 8s Su'xXa? to ^sraftJ tt); Tlsipdixris irvKrji xa) TYi; ' lepaj xutuitxoi^oi; xai (yuvoft-ixKuva; 6 wspi tiJv dyopdv ipovo; eTrea-^s Trdvra tov evTo; Tou AiTuAou Kspaju.=ixi3v. The gate, 'legd, or Sacred, was probably no other than the gate Dipylon (see a subsequent part of this enquiry). If some word, T«iv Hploav for instance, could be substituted in the room oClspd;, referring to the gates, called Hp/ai by the Etymolog., and probably near the Pirasan, there would be little difliculty in the passage of Plutarch. The fall of the ground here would have permitted the blood to have flowed in this direc- tion, supposing the fact stated by Plutarch to have literally happened, and not to have been an exaggeration. The slight alteration also of rm Wo ttuKcuv (referring to the two gates just mentioned), for tou AittCXov, would contribute to establish the writer's con- sistency. 3 R 490 ^N THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. couragement, and to excite them to work cheerfully," &c. &c.* Now it is highly improbable, that the road which leads to the Propylaea from the northern part of the city, and which is naturally so much more steep and difficult, should have been made use of for this purpose ; the Ceramicus, therefore, which is here spoken of, could not have been on the north side of the Acropolis, but on the south ; where the ascent in fact is very gradual and wide. Having made the tour of the Ceramicus, which, in every point of view, first deserved the notice of an antiquary, and having led us back to the point where he began it, Pausanias proceeds to describe the remainder of the city, before he visits the Acropolis. I have had occasion to remark, that Pausanias has in no part of his description of the Ceramicus expressly mentioned the Agora. He now however conducts us to one, which from its contiguity to other buildings which stood there, viz. the Gymnasium of Ptolemy and the Theseum, appears to have been situated on the north of the Acropolis. The position of this Agora in the plan of Athens is ascertained by a Doric portal, which both from its plan and pro- portions, and an edict of the Emperor Hadrian regulating the price of oil, inscribed on the jamb of a door-case which forms a part of the original structure, is supposed to have been the entrance into it. This, I think, must be the same Agora that is incidentally mentioned by Strabo, in the account which he gives of Eretria : — Eperpisa? S' ol fA,ev DLTTO MoiKts-iS rvii Tp((puX/af dTToiy.iO'Briva.t ^oi(riv vtt 'EfSTfasug' cl S'ctTro Trig AStivvtnv Efflfitac, ij vijv Is-iv dyopoc. And it is not improbable that it had been removed from the Ceramicus, where it had been polluted with the blood of so many citizens, to a part of the city which was at this period in every respect more central and convenient for it ; and where it is remarkable that the market of the modern Athenians still continues to be held at the present day. From this Agora, which, on the authority of Strabo, I shall call the new one, and which Pausanias seems to have noticed, merely on * This story is repeated in tiie life of Cato ; it is related also by ^iilian. ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 491 account of the altar of pity which was in it, we pass on to the Gymnasium of Ptolemy, which he tells us was not far distant. The situation of this building is determined by some actual remains of it which were found by Stuart, compared with an inscription which had been removed from thence, recording the dedication of a statue to Ptolemy the son of Juba. Farther proofs of this appropriation have since been discovered by Fauvel and others, in the plan and dimensions of the buildinff. In the same direction, too, TrpoV Se tZ yvf/,vum, which he says, was not far from it, being un- questionably on this side of the hill. It follows, that what Herodotus says of a temple, 'fEpoV of Aglaurus, must be applied to the Teuivo; of that personage, which Pausanias places on the eastern declivity of the hill. We come next to the Prytaneum, which was hard by, TrX'/jTioi/ h U^TOivtiGv l^i'.y and on the lower slope of the hill ; for according to Pausanias, you passed from hence into the lower part of the city, IvTiv^iv iDucriv U ra. -/.oltic t^? TToXiuc, to the temple of Serapis; near which, he adds, was the temple of Ilythya. * All this is perfectly consistent with the natural form of the ground on the eastern side of the Acropolis, where the soil, as I was informed, had accumulated to the depth of 18 feet. The two last-mentioned temples must have been in the way from the Prytaneum towards the Olympium, to which we are now con- ducted. Here Pausanias seems not to distinguish between an 'IspcV and a Kxo;, for he applies both terms to this temple. Witiiin its peribolus, he says, were a temple of Saturn and Rhea, and a Tluivog of this goddess, who is styled Olympia. All the particulars which he, as well as Vitruvius, give us of this temple, impress us with a Vide the distinction which Pausanias makes between this goddess and Latuna. 494 ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. high idea of its magnificence. We have little difficulty therefore in appropriating to the Olympium those gigantic columns of the Corinthian order, which attract the notice of travellers on the south- eastern side of the Aci'opolis.* But as this opinion is contested, I shall briefly recapitulate the arguments upon which it is founded. In the first place, the Peribolus of this temple agrees very nearly with the dimensions which are assigned by Pausanias, to the Peribolus of the Olympium. Secondly, it is of the Corinthian order ; which Vitruvius states the Olympium to have been, and as it was an hypoethral temple, with ten columns in each front, and a double row on each flank, it is very probably the same to which that author alludes in a very obscure, if not corrupt passage of his third book, f Thirdly, the number and magnitude of the columns which must have belonged to this temple when entire, fully correspond with the notion that Vitruvius gives of its magnificence, and it would be * These columns (of which 124 once surrounded the cell) are six feet in diameter and nearly sixty feet high. Vitruvius speaks of this temple in the following terms : — " Id autem opus non modo vulgo, sed etiam in panels a magnificentia nominatur." And afterwards he proceeds, — " In Asty vero Olympium amplo modulorum comparatu, Corinthiis syme- triis et proportionibus (uti supra scriptum est) architectandum Cossutius suscepisse memoratur." It is spoken of in the same terms of admiration by Livy : — " Magnificentiae vero in deos vel Jovis Olympii teniplum Athenis, unum in terris inchoatum pro magnilu- dine dei, potest testis esse." f Vitruvius in his third book, where he speaks of hypaethral temples, observes, that they had ten columns in each front, and a double row of columns in each flank, with other particulars, concluding what he had to say upon the subject of hypjEthral temples, with the following remark : — " Hujus autem exemplar Romse non est, sed Athenis octastylos, et in templo Olympio." Ed. Schneideri. Here the allusion to an octastyle temple seems to be perfectly inconsistent with what precedes it, and therefore cannot have been originally intended by Vitruvius. It is evident that he alludes to some example of what he had been speaking of, and as he makes use of the expression Olympio, it is probable that he means the Olympium at Athens. But the difficulty lies in the word octastylos, and the MSS. afford us no ground for supposing it to be a corruption. We must therefore condemn it upon other grounds of criticism, and as the word contains the elements of its own cor- rection, adopt Mr. Wilkins's ingenious conjecture by substituting in asty, which at once gives it sense and consistency. ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 495 absurd to appropriate them to any other building which Pausanias has mentioned. * Fourthly, the situation of this temple is near the fountain of Enneacrunos or Calliroe, where some old authors have placed f it ; and there is reason to believe, from what Pausanias relates of the older temple built by Deucalion, that it occupies the same site as that, which we know from the passage of Thucydides already quoted to have been on this side of the Acropolis. I am of opinion, that much of the obscurity which has hitherto attended this enquiry will be removed, if I add something on the history of this temple. There were undoubtedly three temples erected at Athens to the Olympian Jupiter, at three very distinct and remote aeras. The first was built by Deucalion. The second was begun by Pisistratus, and continued by his sons, but left unfinished. ' • '••• The third, or the temple of which we see the remains, was begun by Perseus, or Antiochus Epiphanes, continued by the kings in alliance with Augustus, and completed by Hadrian. The first was probably a building of a very rude construction ; the second, a Doric temple ; the third, was Corinthian and hypaethral. The participation of the sons of Pisistratus in the erection of the second temple, is intimated in a passage of the Politics of Aristotle (v. 11.), Koci T~v OAujW7rcoSof/,r;(rig Ctto nitrKXTpctTida):/, and the ex- pression of Dicaearchus, {'C)Au/^7r;oi/ i^fxireXec,) X shows that it was left unfinished. The following passage in the ninth book of Strabo, x»] UVTO TO OXVjj(,77lOV, OTTBfi rjfJLiTtXi^ XXTiXtTTS TBXsVTUV (XVCC^sl? Q OCCT tX iX) i , ES it evidently relates to the third temple, has been restored to its original reading by the learned and ingenious editors of the French * For instance, to the Pantheon, which has the best claim. f TaqoLvrivo; 8s ij-opsT Tov Ts A105 vsu)V xalao-XEua^ovTac 'ASrjvaiH; 'Evi'saxgs'vB irkniv ■SfoJv ^g>)(r/xoij x.iii^ctt(riu)ij.evriv Flvuxa, aipYi^riij,svrjv Toi5 Arjf^w. According to Pollux and Hcsy- chius, it continued to be made use of only when certain magistrates were to be elected. The pulpituni looks towards the city. QN THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 501 shape of a public building had ever existed here, for Aristophanes speaks of the people, when assembled, as seating themselves on a rock. There is a circumstance, however, mentioned in Plutarch's Life of Themistocles, which helps us to fix its situation, for he tells us it commanded a view of the sea. Now, there is a rocky eminence between the last-mentioned spot and the Museum, which answers to this description, and I know of no other within the old walls that does. The surface of the rock is there cut into a form which appears to be not ill calculated for the purpose to which Fnyx was appropriated. According to Plutarch, Pnyx must have been near the Museum, for he speaks of the hottest part of the combat of Theseus with the Amazons as having taken place between these two places ; and Pnyx appears to have given its denomination to a quarter of the city, ;;^;wo('o!, (vide Pollux,) whicli was inhabited, for Cimon dwelt there. Moreover, it was bounded by the city wall, for Suidas, in Mstu:, says, UvvK.i; and the scholiast on Aristophanes (in Avibus) tells us, on the authority of Philochorus, 'HXiot^otticv Metonis extare -rr^cg ru nlx^i ru iv TV Ui/uKi. (Salmas.) Enough, I beheve, has been said, to fix the site of the Areopagus, Pnyx, and the Museum. The Pircean gate, as I have already mentioned, lay between the two last. We are now arrived at the end of the topography of Athens, as it is given us by Pausanias ; and in the course of these remarks, I have endeavoured to explain that topography by the help of the existing remains ; but, as the progress of the narrative has been much in- terrupted, it may be useful to pass once more under review the whole series of positions that have been fixed by this enquiry. The first point thus fixed, with reference to the plan of the ruins, is the Pireean gate ; where Pausanias begins his description of the city. By the second, which was Enneacrunos and the Eleusinium, we obtained the general direction of the Ceramicus on the right, or to the south of the Acropolis, and thus acquired some idea of its extent. The third fixed point, is the situation of the new Agora ; which is determined both by the order of the narrative, and by the 502 ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. remains of the Doric portal, which forms the entrance to it. The Gymnasium of Ptolemy and the Theseum are the two next. The situation of the Temenos of Aglaurus on the eastern declivity of the Acropolis, which I have taken some pains to ascertain, determines pretty nearly that of the Anaceum and the Prytaneum, as well as the site of the temple of Ilithya ; all which are fixed with still more pre- cision by the positions of the Olympium and the theatre ; the last, and perhaps the least equivocal points in the topography of Athens. Havino; thus established the claims of Pausanias to the merit of veracity and correctness, I shall beg leave to make some remarks on the method which is observable in his description of the antiquities of Athens, and on his omissions. Proceeding directly from the Pirjeus in the direction of the northern long wall, Pausanias enters by the gate which was nearest to the Acropolis, when, turning to the right, he soon reaches the most ancient, most important, and most frequented part of the city, the Ceramicus. After making the tour of this quarter, and noticing some objects beyond it, he returns to the spot where he began, for the purpose, as it would appear, of mentioning a few buildings which he had omitted ; and from thence he proceeds with the Pirsean gate on his left, to the north. His course however, on this side of the Acropolis, is more desultory; for when he has noticed the new Agora, (incidentally,) the Gymnasium of Ptolemy, and the Theseum, which two last lead him far to the left, he turns suddenly round, and retraces his steps towards the Acropolis, for the purpose of visiting the Anaceum, the sacred portion of Aglaurus and the Prytaneum. From hence, he continues his course easterly to the temples of Serapis and Ilithya, the Olympium, the Delphinium, the temple of Venus in the gardens, Cynosarges, the Lyceum, the Ilissus, and the Stadium, where, in a direction about due south from the Prytaneum, he finishes his second excursion. He starts again from the Prytaneum to commence his third excursion ; and at first proceeds due south along the street of the Tripods; from whence he turns to the right, and approaches the ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 5()jj eastern base of" the hill of the Acropolis; describing some very remarkable edifices in this quarter, (the quarter of" the Trifjods ; cccp' ou ds KuXovcri to ;:^^wp/oi/,) and then continues his march round the upper slope of the hill, until he reaches the entrance of" the Acropolis; without touching the line of his first excursion through the Ceramicus, which was on his left. It is proper to remark, that the term ex- cwsioti which I have here made use of, cannot be ajiplied in a literal sense, because Pausanias merely describes what objects were to be seen, without expressly mentioning that he had visited them. Before Pausanias begins his account of Sparta, he thinks it necessary to observe, that he should follow the same rule as he had laid down in his description of Attica ; not to describe every object that occurred without distinction ; but to select what best deserved notice. > We may collect from this observation, that he had passed over a number of objects unnoticed in his description of Athens; but not without motives for such an omission. Meursius has collected with much learning and industry, all that has been said by ancient writers on the subject of the public buildings which are thus omitted. Of these, many were no longer in existence at the period when Pausanias visited Athens, among which, I suspect, were the Pythium and the Leocorium, which from their celebrity he was not likely to have passed over unnoticed. Some, too, are of his own, or even of a later age. Pausanias, therefore, is responsible only for having omitted what he saw, and as the buildings which may be re- ferred to this head, were, as far as we know, of a Macedonian-Greek or a Roman origiu, it is probable, that his omission of these was deemed more consistent with the object he had in view, a description of the antiquities, and not, generally speaking, of the public buildings of Athens. Thus, for instance, he passes over without notice the temple of the Winds, because it was a modern structure ; while he dwells with feelings of interest on the Anaceum and the sacred portion of Aglaurus. He dispatches, too, in a iew words, and as it were in a parenthesis, the great additions which had been made to the city by Hadrian. For the same reason, Pausanias barely and incidentally 504 ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. notices the new Agora, the Gymnasium of Ptolemy, and the monu- ment of Philopappus, and if he deigns to expatiate on the Olympium and the Stadium ; it is, because they were classed among the greatest works then in existence. Again, it appears that more than three-fourths of all the original public buildings at Athens, were either on the south, south-east, or south-western side of the Acropolis. Of the remainder, viz. the Theseum, the Dioscureum, the Anaceum, the sacred portion of Aglauriis, the Prytaneum, and the temple of Ilithya ; the first stood at some distance on the north-west, the second, third, and fourth on the north-eastern slope of the Acropolis hill, and the fifth and sixth at a short distance from the eastern angle of the Acropolis. The space therefore on the north of the Acropolis within the city walls, which contained no genuine monument whatever of Athenian origin, was above one half of the entire area of the city. In short, previous to the final subjugation of Athens by the Macedonians, and even long after that period, the whole northern half of the city seems to have been appropriated to private buildings. Nor is there any difficulty in explaining how this came to pass. I have already quoted a passage from Thucydides, which points out the situation and extent of the original city previous to the time of Theseus. The choice of the spot had been already determined, first, by the convenience of a neighbouring spring and rivulet, and next by the natural strength of the hill of the Acropolis ; to which all could speedily retire in case of alarm. In the progress of time, the habi- tations extended to a greater distance from both ; and when Theseus prevailed on all the Demoi to assemble in one city ; the space on the south of the Acropolis being no longer sufficient for so many inha- bitants, the new settlers were obliged to erect their dwellings farther eastward, and to occupy the vacant portion of the periphery of the hill on the east and on the north.* The Prytaneum was built at this period, and precisely on the same spot, where the building described * Vide Platonem in Critia. ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 505 w by Pausanias under this name then stood*; and to this early ex- tension of (he city round the Acropolis, we may refer the rest of the ancient buildings, which he describes at the base of the hill or near it. No other public buildings, however, appear to have been erected on this side until after the Persian invasion, when the Theseum was built, for which in all probability no space that was sufficiently large, could be found unoccupied in the more ancient part of the city. The same reason must have induced the Macedonian conquerors and Hadrian, where the site was not already chosen, (as in the instance of the Olympium,) to decorate the northern part of the city with those public buildings, which were designed to commemorate their munificence ; and consequently, it is in that quarter that we must look for their remains. The style of sculpture and architecture observable in these bviildings, bear witness to the decline and corruption of the arts, and they have occupied perhaps more of the public attention than they deserved, f If I am correct in the historical view which I have just taken of the antiquities of Athens, as well as in my opinion of their local dis- position ; my readers will not be inclined to admit a very fanciful, although ingenious application, of the inscriptions on the arch of Hadrian, which has been lately brought forward by J Mr. Wilkins. The arch here spoken of, which stands at the north-western angle of the Peribolus of the Olympium, and appears to have had no connection with any wall of the city, has been generally considered as a monument of adulation, erected by the citizens of Athens to the * Thucydides says only, that the Prytaneum was built by Theseus ; but Plutarch tells us that Theseus erected it precisely on the spot where it then stood, otth vuv 'ligurut. f I allude here to the Stoa or Portico, as it is called by Stuart. Upon this building I find the following observation in my Journal: — "The uncertainty of anti(]uarians respecting this ruin is less to be regretted since there is so little to admire in its style of architecture ; the swollen flutings in the lower half of the shafts of the columns, the sharp-pointed abacuses and the insulated and starting entablatures, producing a very bad effect, and proving it to have been built in the decline of Greek architecture, and not in the best period of the Roman." J Atheniensia, or Remarks on the Topography and Buildings oi' Athens, p. 45. - ■ 3 T 506 ^N I'HE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHEInS. Emperor Hadrian, who indeed had done much for their city, but in no instance so much, as in completing that magnificent structure the Olympium. This opinion is confirmedby the two inscriptions on the entablature of the arch, the idea of which seems to have been borrowed from the celebrated column on the isthmus of Corinth, which pointed out the boundaries between Ionia and the Peloponnesus. In the same way, these two inscriptions were intended to point out the distinction between New and Old Athens ; the former of which is here called the city of Hadrian, as it is called New Athens in the inscription over the aqueduct. The compliment, however, was not wholly unmerited ; for if the Athenians had more reason to be proud of the edifice which this arch directly faces, than of any other which had been for some ages erected ; it is certain, that Hadrian had contributed in a material degree to its completion ; as may be collected both from the testi- mony of Pausanias, and from some unequivocal proofs of the Roman school of architecture in this building, which are pointed out by Mr. AVilkins himself (p. 159.) How much, too, the vanity of Hadrian was flattered by the connection of his name with this temple, may be seen by the title of Olympius, which was given him in a dedicatory inscription published by Stuart. Moreover, we are told by Pausanias, that the whole enclosure was full of statues dedicated to that Emperor; besides four which were within the temple, and a colossal statue and an altar, which were erected to him by the citizens of Athens. I have already stated what has been the received opinion concerning these inscriptions, I mean their application ; for some variation of the sense arises from the different collocation of the Greek letters. But according to Mr. Wilkins, these inscriptions refer to what is seen through the arch, and not from it ; the arch itself being intended, as he says, to guide the reader of these inscriptions to the objects which they refer to. The result of this hypothesis is, that the Olympium forms a portion of the city of Theseus, while the greater part of Athens bears the new denomination of Hadrianopolis ! ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 507 Now admitting that this mode of interpretation is not constrained and artificial, and that it does not ill accord with the genius of" those times ; it will be found by no means to correspond with the local circumstances that are connected with the arch, which it pretends to illustrate. " On reading the southern inscription," says Mr. W., " AIAEIE AAPIANOT KAI OYXI 0HEEX1I nOAIZ, the eye is immediately directed to the picture seen beyond the arched opening, over which it is placed, and of which it forms the frame. Through this, the gi'eater part of the modern town presents itself lying in the plain, on the north-east side of the citadel, whilst the Acropolis itself is on the left, without the field of view." On consulting the plan of Athens which is prefixed to Mr. W.'s work, we find a line drawn at right angles to the plan of the arch, which is evidently intended to mark the centre of the view here alluded to. This line nearly touches the eastern angle of the Acropolis ; the Acropolis therefore is on the left, not as he says, without the field of view, but within it ; or rather near the centre. That part of the city, too, which is on the left of this line, and which is the more ancient, has full as much claim to the distinction here conferred as that which lies to the right ; and, if we apply the rule which has just been laid down, must equally bear the name of Hadrianopolis. But the position to the right of the line actually includes the Pfytaneum, which we know to have been erected by Theseus, and consequently it includes that very city of Theseus, which it is the object of this new interpretation to exclude from it. Equal inconsistencies arise on the other hand, from the application of the inscription on the north side of the arch, AIAEIZ A0HNAI ©nZEni H npIN nOAir, to the objects on the south ; for, waiving the objection that might be made to a modern building on this side, which occupies so much of the ground, as being an argument equally available against the position of the old city on the north side of the arch ; it will be seen by a reference to Mr. W.'s map, that the city of Theseus is removed to a very inconvenient distance from the citadel to which it owed its protection ; while a very considerable space directly to the south of the Acropolis remains wholly unoccupied. 3x2 508 O^ '^HE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. Mr. W. seems to have been aware of this objection, and has en- deavoured to obviate it ; first, by removing the Pelasgicum from the north side of the Acropohs to the south, and secondly, by occupying as much of the vacant space as he could on this side, with the southern extremity of the Ceramicus, and the left wing of his city of Theseus ; which is thus conveniently made to extend beyond that line to which it was before limited. But that the situation of the en- closure called the Pelasgicum was on the northern side of the Acropolis, is proved by its connection with the cave of Pan, as it is stated in the following passage of Lucian : — xxl ro aV IzbIi/ov tyiv u-no t^ ccicpoTToXii (TTTriKuyycn timitviv ocTTO'Kocflofx.ivo!; oiKSi ^fnpov utto tou niXxryiKOU : and the cave here alluded to, is represented on this side of the Propylaea, on a bronze medal of Athens, which I have already men- tioned. Besides, we learn from Plutai'ch, that the K/^wn'ci- Tel'^ogwas the southern wall of the Acropolis, so that the Pelasgic wall which overlooked the enclosure, must have been the northern. It is therefore clear, that if the author of this hypothesis means to be consistent, he must abandon the ground which he has thus endeavoured to occupy ; the consecpience of which is, that all that portion of the city which I have proved from Pausanias and other writers, to have comprehended the most ancient and most important part of it ; and to have been best situated both in regard to security and a supply of water ; will present in Mr. W.'s plan a blank space of ground, unaccountably interposed between the city and that fortress to which it looked for protection. But enough has been said to prove the weakness of this new hypothesis, and we may safely revert to the old explanation of these adulatory inscriptions, which are evidently intended to feed the vanity of the Emperor Hadrian ; a proof of which, is the negation which is introduced into the southern in- scription, showing that the northern is to be read first, and that the reader is supposed to be advancing from the old city towards the Olympium. * • In Stuart's plan of Athens the aqueduct of Hadrian lies to the south of the line of the arch, which stands, he says, nearly north-east and south-west. The inscription over the ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 5Q9 In tlie preceding enquiry, (tlio necessity i'or wliicii in my opinion ought long ago to have been superseded,) an attempt has been made to settle some of" the most leading and important points in tlie topo- graphy of" Athens. The enquiry may now be extended to the walls of" that city, although with less prospect of success ; for here unfortunately our intelligent guide forsakes us, and the information which we must now glean from a variety of other sources, is too scanty to afford us a competent idea of the plan of these walls ; either in respect to the ground which they occupied, or the number and position of the gates. As Thucydides was almost an eye-witness to their construction, we may justly regard whatever he says upon the subject as authentic ; 1 shall therefore avail myself to the utmost of his information, and have recourse only to other writers when they are not in opposition to him. We are told by that historian, that the inhabitants of Athens re- turned to the city immediately after the departure of the f Persians, and in the same year began to rebuild the walls ; after which they proceeded to fortify the Piraeus. An interval, however, of some years elapsed, before they began to erect the long walls which united the city with the Pirseus ; and completed the.general plan of forlifi- cation recommended by Themistocles. The leno;th of the northern long wall, or the Piraean, according; to Thucydides, was forty stadia, and that of the southern or Phaleric, thirty-five ; which measures agree pretty well with the respective distances of the Piraeus and Phalerum from Athens. % The new walls round the city comprehended a greater space of aqueduct shows it to have been in New Alliens. The Ol3'mpium, tlieretbre, even accoitl- ing to this hypothesis, must be in New Athens. m •. . t A. C. 478, Ohmp. Ixxv. 2-3. Doclw. J It is necessary for me to observe in this place, that I argue on the hypotliesis of" two long walls ; one connecting the city with the Piraeus, the other with Phalerum. 1 iiave therefore called one of these walls the Pirasan, anil tlie other the Phaleric. It will be seen by an inquiry into the subject of the long walls, which is printed in this edition, that both these walls joined the city to the Piraeus. The conclusions therefore in respect to a single gate between the long walls and Athens, remain unaltered, for which reason I have not thought it necessary to correct the text. 510 ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. , ground than the old, and the part which it was necessary to guard, measured forty-three stadia.* Of the remainder, which we may conchide was the part shut up between the long walls, he does not give the measure ; probably because it was insignificant. His scholiast, however, informs us, that it was seventeen stadia, which is highly improbable ; the strength of the long walls, considered as lines of fortification, much depending upon the shortness of their distance from each other and their parallelism. But the position of the Piraean gate, which may now be regarded as fixed, and that of the Ilissus, fully demonstrate the impossibility of this wide f interval. That it comprehended the Museum hill, might be inferred from the importance attached to this spot after it was foilified, both by Antigonus and his son Demetrius ; who, by means of the garrison which they placed here, kept the city effectually under subjection. On the other hand, the vestiges of the city walls, (if they can be depended upon,) which inclose the monument of Philopappus, evi- dently terminate on the summit of this pointed hill southwards, striking off nearly in a right angle to the east ; so that the junction of the Phaleric with the city wall, must necessarily have taken place within this distance from the Piraean. |. The space thus left between the long walls, would admit of one gate of communication only between the city and the sea-ports, which some will think improbable. I am inclined, nevertheless, to adopt * It would appear from some passages in the writings of Xenophon and Thucydides, that the walls of the city had been extended farther than was necessary for the accommod- ation of the inhabitants, in consequence of which there was a considerable space of vacant ground. This must have been to the north of the Acropolis. Here, then, was room for the garden of Epicurus, and for all the public buildings which were subsequently added to the city by the Macedonian Greeks and the Romans. "Oi 8s ttoAAoI to. re lgyj|tx,a i-^f TtaXiuii uKriirav, xai rd Ugd, xa.) rd rjocua iravTO., &C. &C. Thucyd. Hist. Ei'xa IttsiXi) xui ■!ro>^>^d oixicov Egrjjxa ecTTiv IvTo; Tcuv tei^cuv xa\ oixoVeSa. Xenoph. de Redit. f The bed of the Ilissus bends so much to the north, after it has passed by the Museum hill, as to reduce this space very considerably. Chandler crossed it in his way to the town. I Xenophon represents the long walls at Corinth as being at some distance from each other ; but their length, according to Strabo, did not exceed twelve stadia. ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. 511 this supposition, and for the following reasons, which it will be pro- per to state at some length. In the first place, I must observe, that we have proof's of the existence of a Pyrasan gate, but none of a Phaleric, (at least of a gate so denominated ;) which, if it had ever existed, must have been somewhere between the long walls, and probably as close to the Phaleric wall as the other was to the Pyrasan ; and although Pausanias speaks of a gate as you entered the city from Phalerum ; yet, it will be recollected, that he is silent with respect to the southern long wall which had been long demolished ; and that it is the more direct as well as shorter road, which he is describing from that sea-port to the city. In the next place, it is a circumstance well known, that the northern long wall was principally efficient in keeping open the communication between Athens and the Piraeus, and it appears upon all occasions to have secured Athens from being closely invested. It was therefore of the most essential importance in either point of view, and not only the first of the two walls which was constructed*, but in all probability the strongest ; and this will explain the reason why so great a part of its foundations are still visible, while nearly all the traces of the Phaleric wall have disappeared. -j- I conceive too that the northern long wall was provided with some watch towers, while few or none were necessary to the southern. J For the same reason, gates which would have impaired the strength of one of these walls, might not have been incompatible with the use of the other ; and thus it is possible that the city which was least exposed to an attack on the south side, may have had the * Vide Andocid. de Pace. f Of the southern long wall a small fragment or two only remains, which M. Fauvel discovered by accident in the vineyards. These walls, he says, were parallel, except near Phalerum, and about forty paces asunder, as well as he could recollect without his notes. MS. Journal. j I think this may be fairly concluded from the e xpression of Thucydides, — Td ie fi.ciKgx ~eix^ ^?^i ''""" risijaia rt7J TTAyitriOV iTTBCTTt OS 01 TOOTTXIOV Adrjvdiui' j7r7rojwa;:/('a k^xttstxvtuv YlXeiarTa,^-xpv. On the Other hand, there is a passage in Plutarch's life of Hyperides, which seems to show the connection of the Equestrian gate with the Sepulchral. % The Ceramic gate must have been the same as that which has already been noticed near the JVIercury of the Agora, and it is pro- * " On our left," suys Cliandlor, " were the door-waj's of ancient sepulchres, hewn out in the rocii." By a law of Solon the dead were not permitted to be interred within the city ; and although many sepulchral monuments of persons of distinction are noticed by Pausanias both on the road to the Academy and to Eleusis, yet it is not improbable that persons of inferior note were deposited in one particular situation, the gate leading to which was called Sepulchral. The author of the Etymologicon says, Hg/ai, TrJXai A.S))v?(7(, 8ia TO TB5 vey-^Hc, e>ifegs(T^ai kxs'i Itti ra riflx, o Ifi T«V Tupac. The choice of a western gate for this purpose seems to have been consistent with their mythology. + Haf^XSev si; to Tcov Ti^i/iTuiv finXeuTrigwv, o 8s ajxoSofiJjTai waga Tcic tou Ksqaii.uK5 TTitXa:, s Toppcu tujV Tttttscuv. — Pliilostratus in Philagro Soph. lib. xi. \ T»; 8e uixsfsc, to. Ofu Xu^ovtx:, ^a^cci ti ajxa. toij yovEUv7j(r*'ov y«p COX.SI ruv ttuXoov, Trpog rv hf^a-C^ovioi r'/jAr,) KocTx>^cii/.l3xvof/,iv avrov. Now, Plutarch gives us pretty accurate information where this column was situated ; for speaking of Hippolyta, the Amazon who was slain by Molpadia, in the battle between Theseus and the Amazons, he adds, — y.al rr/V f^'Xijr', t^\ Trapa to T-/]g F^f tt^; OXufiTTiOi;, err) TocVTr, ksktSoci. The Itonian gate therefore must have stood on the eastern side of the Peribolus of the Olympium, or between that and the Pythium ; for Strabo speaks of a wall, probably the wall of the city, in that situation, f- I must now conduct my readers back to the western side of the city, where the situation of the Melitensian gate seems to be clearly pointed out in the following passage of the life of Thucydides by Marcellinus : — FFpof yxp TocTg MiXtTiO-t TruXxig nocX^f/ivxig ccif iv KoiArj toc ycuX^fjiiva. Kt/xuvog y.vr,fyt,o!.Ta. According to Herodotus, the sepulchre of Cimon, the father of Miltiades, was in front of the Acropolis, beyond the way called through Coele. We are told by an anonymous author, who is quoted by Meursius, that the dwelling of Cimon was in Pnyx, which would lead us to suppose that the monuments of that family, and consequently the gate which stood in their vicinity, could not have been very distant ; and in reality, the form of the ground between Pnyx and the Areopagus, (a very remarkable hollow, and the only one at Athens,) fully confirms this supposition.:): The Melitensian gate was, therefore, the first as you advance northward from the Pirasan gate, and probably at no great distance * In Axioclio. f "Efi 8' ctuT-ij (ji sj^dgx t3 Aio; AargairctlH) sv Tw tei;}^£1 /xetkJi/' ToS HuS/ou xa» tqv OXu/iTriou. Lib. ix. J Cliandler describes this spot very accurately : — " We now enter a valley," says he, " at the foot of the liill of the AcropoUs, in which is a track leading between Pnyx and the Areopagus, toward the tein|ile of Theseus. This region was called Coele or the Hollow. On the left hand is a gip in the mountain, where, it is believed, was the Melitensian gate, and within is a sepulchre or two in the rock. Going on, other sepulchres hewn in the side of the mountain like those first mentioned occur." ON THE TOl'OGRAPIIY OF ATHENS. 5J7 from it ; then fblJowcd Dipvlon ; beyond wliicli must liave stood the Acharnian ; for such was the direction of Achanuc in respect to Athens. Tiie space now left for tlie remaining o;ates, supjiosino- the intervals between them to be like the others, or nearly so, will admit of three more ; one of which was probably the Diomeian. Tiie other gates enumerated by Potter, are the -jrvXai e^x>iic,, or Thracian, the authority for which is taken by mistake from a passage of Thucydides relating to Amphipolis*; the ttuXxi ^nocTar]; which is mentioned only in a monkish legend quoted by Meursius ; Aiysuc ttJaq-i, which was unquestionably no gate of the city ; and the gate of Hadrian, of which I have already treated. But a question of some importance remains to be answered, — How was Athens supplied with water ? The first settlers were undoubtedly influenced in the choice of their situation, by the proximity of Calliroe and the Ilissus ; and until the time of Theseus, it is probable that these were sufficient for the supply of the inhabitants. But the great addition which was then made to the population of the city, by causing the buildings to extend considerably to the north of the Tlissus, must have suggested other means of supply ; and those inhabitants who dwelt at the greatest distance from Calliroeand the Ilissus, doubtless, had recourse to wells. Plutarch mentions a police law of Solon, respecting the use of wells. According to this law, every one who dwelt within the space defined by Hippicon or four stadia around a well, might make use of it. Others, not within that distance, were enjoined to provide one of their own ; and in case they should meet with no water at the depth of ten fathoms, tlif;y were allowed daily to fetch a limited quantity from their next neighbours' well. Plutarch says, that Solon enacted this law, because he thought it right to provide against the want of water, without holding out any encouragement to indolence ; but, it is evident, that in such a country as Attica, it was necessary * This is a most extraordinary instance of carelessness in such a writer as Meursius. f Between the walls and Ancliesmus is a little Greek church called Agia Scea. 518 ' ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. thus to limit the distance of the wells from each other, or thev would have been very soon drawn dry. This law, the very provisions of which demonstrate the insufficiency of such a resource for a condensed population, has, nevertheless, been very absurdly applied to the city alone ; and the question seems never to have occurred, how Athens could have been better supplied? For the Athenians, at an early period, are known to have indulged in the luxury of baths *, and were not less nice than the Romans or even the present inhabita;nts of those countries, in the discrimin- ation of water ; nor could the practicability of conveying it by an aqueduct have escaped the observation of that ingenious and enterprising people. On the contrary, there are some plain in- dications, I think, of this art having been understood and practised here at an early period, in the following passage of Phrynichus, MsTc^v AiDKovoiv?^ oj' r«V tpiji/af a.yuiv. Upon which Salmasius (to whom I am indebted for this authority) observes, " Metonem per ista, plane designavit, qui etiam aquilex fuit, non tantum astronomies;^^ for according to the testimony of the same writer (Phrynichus,) which is quoted by Suidas, it appears, that a fountain was constructed by Meton within the walls of Athens. 'Ei^ tu KoXuvu y.^yivviv th/o. (o Miruv) KciTxiTKiuce.cra.TO, (prjo-iv o Opt/'i/(;:^or, Moi/orpoVw. (Meurs. Reliq. Att.) The Colonus here mentioned is supposed to have been an eminence somewhere near the Agora, and therefore called Ayop:7oc, to distinguish it from the "lirTrtoc, which was situated near the academy. But we have the positive testimony of Thucydides that Athens was supplied in this way, in the following passage of his description of the plague which prevailed there: ko.^ iv ral? o^o'iq sxmKhoouvto, ycat 7rep< Toig K^T^vag ctTToca-ag rr Tou uSciTog sTTtQuixice. L. 2. In the Lysis of Plato, Socrates says, " I was going out of the Academy directly towards the Lyceum, by the way which lies without * It is said in one of the comedies of Aristophanes, " that the Gymnasia were empty; but the baths were always full." Demosthenes complains of the degree to which this usage had spread among the mariners of the fleet. ON THE TOPOGRAPHY or ATHENS. 529 the city walls ; but when I got to the gate where the fountain of Panops is, I there met with Hiijpothales." Now, when we recollect the position of the Academy from whence he started, and the inter- vention of the long walls which sto])i)ed his passage on the rjoht, no doubt can remain of the fountain of Panops having been situated on the north-eastern side of the city ; where it could have had no com- munication with the Enneacrunos. We have evidence of the existence of an aqueduct soon after this period in the Lyceum. It is mentioned by several writers *; but as Theophrastus seems to have been the original authority, I shall give It in Ills words: — H ys o\jv iv tu Auzhu r, ttXcctocvo;, ri ttxtcx. tov ox^tov en Via. o\)(Tcx, Trefj rpsif Jca* r^Mytovra. 'rr'nyjzt; acp^xev (^/^a?) £';^K(ra; tottov re u^ot. kccI Tfo^Yiv. Pliny repeats this wonderful account of the plane-tree with some variations ; noticing a fountain here: — ''Nunc est dura (Platanus) in Lyceo, gelidi fontis, socia amcrnitate,'' &c. It was, probably, one of those trees which Plato in the dialogue above quoted mentions as having been planted in the new Palaestra; the formation of which, as well as the planting of the trees f , is ascribed by Plutarch to the orator Lycurgus. J : . ■.: It is remarkable, that at this very period, Dictearchus, in the words, r; cl ttoXic, (^rpa. 'TToicroi, ix. tvw^poc, appears to represent the city as very ill supplied with water. But according to Gataker§, the word -TToXig here applies to the district or country of Attica, %wpa, and not to the city. We have another proof of the existence of these public works for the supply of the city, in the offices of Kf^yiva^^yi and Kf>rivo(fvXa.p. In the Politics of Aristotle, he is called hTifjLiXYirr,i; K^yjvm. Themistocles seems at one period of his life, to have held an office, perhaps a superior one of this sort ; for Plutarch says, iv kvtoc, ore ruv 'A3-/ivr:<7iv * Theophrastus, Hist. Plant, lib. i. c x. ; Varro, lib. i. c. 37.; and Pliny, lib. xii. c. 1. f It is impossible that any tree, except the Pinus maritinia or the olive, could have grown in such a dry and rocky soil as that of the Lyceum, without constant irrigation. \ Vide his Lite in the X Khet. i Adv. Post. cxiv. ■ ■ 520 ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ATHENS. vdoiTCiv BTTtg-ccTvi!; yiv, lu^uv rov; u^7]^r,[^Biov; to u^o-'p tcvl Trxpo'^BTivo'aTtxg aviBviKsv. An instance is given by Thucydides, in his account of the siege of Syracuse, how sensible the Athenians were of the im- portance of these works. Oi' Js AB-^vkIoi rovg Ss ox^tovc uvruiv, ol' h Ig T7JV t-oTkiv UTTovof^riSov TTOTO-j vSocTog riyf^svoi iji^ix Tii-xy} -TT^og rov nei^x7x, tbo-o-k^xkovtoi, (ttoc^Iuv ;" and that no doubt might exist of two walls being here understood, {ru-xri being often applied to the single wall of a town,) he has added " Zv to e^uBev ett;- ,, ~ ■>■> The sense of the entire passage therefore is inconsistent and con- tradictory, for the parts taken sepai-ately authorize very different conclusions. Nevertheless there are two distinct points of information which I think may be fairly deduced from it ; and they are of no small importance in settling the object of this enquiry, namely, that whatever might be the number of these long walls at the period alluded to, two only joined those of the city, and two only were in the direction of the Piraeus. . ;- .■■ ... ., r,. .'•...! But the authority upon which the notion of a third wall principally rests, is taken from the following passage in the Gorgias of Plato. " YlBDiKXiov; SI ocuroq TiKovov, on crvvsfiouXiusi/ x[a,7v Trip] rov ^tocf^eTH Tu-xouq^ Plutarch, alluding to this passage, in his life of Pericles, informs us that the wall here spoken of was one of the long walls, for he says, " TO 0£ fiocKpov TH'x^og^ TTipi ou ILuicpccTyig uKoxKroit (p7j(r]v auTov slTyiyovuevou * yveif/.tiv UepixXBOUC, yj^yoXcc^r^a-e KxXXiy.^a.Tyi;. Now if we take Sixixiir^ strictly in the sense of an adjective, and understand by this expression a middle wall, the notion of a third seems to be necessarily con- nected with it ; but if we take it in the sense which is intended in the following passage of St. Chrysostom, where it is synonymous with tV TU f/.i ( 528 ) ON THE VALE OF TEMPE. [bF MR. ff^PTJT/JVrS.] 1'he Vale of Tempe is generally known in Thessalj by the name of the Bogaz. * It is a pass of great natural as well as political importance ; for it affords an outlet for the accumulated waters of a large province, and forms the only road into it ; the pass by Velestin (the antient Pherae) excepted, which is not exceedingly difficult. It has therefore been celebrated in all ages as the scene of great events ; and has excited in modern times no small degree of curiosity. And yet, in spite of its superior claims to our attention, I know few objects in this part of the world which have been so seldom visited or described ; and I recollect no traveller before myself, who has deviated from his route, and made an excursion on purpose to view it. f- This circumstance may be ascribed, in some measure, to the wild and insecure state of the country in which it is situated ; and in part, to the excessive heats which prevail there during the summer and • In the middle ages it was called the pass of Lycostomo. The title of the bishop of the diocese is 'Knla-xowo; nXaraiao'vyjf xai Auxooto/aou. f Gyllius is, I believe, the first modern traveller who has visited Tempe. He says of it, " Vidi Penei ripas, quas amcenas efficlunt ilia nobilia Tempe Thessalica, in nemorosa convalle inter Ossam et Olympum sita, per quae media Peneus viridis Jabitur, amoena, ut dicuntur, sed angusta ct brevia, undique montibus in altitudincm immensam elat4s coarctata, ut terror adsit praetereuntibus." — De Bosph. Thr. lib. i. ON THE VALE 01" TEMPE. 529 auLiimn ; when it is scarcely possible to escape those dreadful inter- mittent fevers, which are the natural consecjuences of heat, fatigue, and marsh effluvia. Such was the result of the first attempt which I made to visit Thessaly in July 1795, when I had nearly fallen a victim to my temerity.* But in the year 1797, being more fortunate in the choice of the season, I was enabled most lully to gratify my curiosity. I landed at Volo on the 21st of May, and proceeded directly across the great plains of Thessaly to the vale of Tempe. The heat even now raised the thermometer at noon to 85°, but was not intolerable, nor was the ^u7o Kctg-fio or rijf ^ipa^jV TO y,ce,s-f,o. The remains of this old castle are situated at the mouth of a small dell, which is rendered in some degree remarkable by a ruined tower on the brow of a lofty cliff. One or two dells, of less magnitude, diversify this side of the river, as we proceed eastwards. " On the north side of the Peneus, the mass of rock is more entire, and the objects which strike the eye are altogether more bold, but perhaps less picturesque. , ■ " It is here, however, that the exposure of the strata suggests to the imagination some violent convulsion, which, in a period of the most remote antiquity, may have severed the ridge and drained the great basin of Thessaly." The above account of Tempe, which was written almost imme- diately after visiting that celebrated spot, will convey to my readers a faint, but no unfaithful representation of the scenery which I observed there. It is scarcely necessary for me to add, that the scenery itself by no means corresponds with the idea that has been ON THE VALE Ol" TEMPE. 5JJ3 generally conceived of" it ; and that the eloquence of yElian has given rise to expectations which the traveller will not find realised. In the fine descri})tion, which that writer has given us of Tenipe, he seems to iiave misconceived the general character of its scenery, which is distinguished by an air of savage grandeur rather than by its beauty and amenity ; the aspect of the whole defile impressing the spectator with a sense of danger and difficulty, not of security and indulgence. In short, it is mortifying to be obliged to confess, that the highly-finished picture which iElian has left us of Tempe, is almost wholly an imaginary one ; and that even those which are sketched with so much force by Livy and Pliny bear no very marked resemblance.* Were it possible to set aside the impression made by these writers, and to divest this celebrated spot of all the historical importance which is attached to it, I even doubt, whether it would attract that notice, which has been bestowed on many vales of the same wild character in the west of Europe. But Tempe, had it even fewer pretensions to grandeur or beauty than it in reality possesses, would still be viewed with interest ; for it has been in all ages the theme of poetic encomium, and it is more- over connected with some of the greatest events in ancient history. We are told by Herodotus, that Xerxes advanced some way before his army, on purpose to survey this remarkable spot. Having enquired of his guides, how far it were practicable to turn the course of the Peneus ; and being assured there was no other passage by which that river could find an issue towards the sea, Thessaly being surrounded by mountains — " The Thessalians," said he, " act with • " Sunt Tempe saltus, etiamsi non bello fiat infestus, transitu difficilis, nam praeter angustias per quinque niillia, qua exiguum juniento onusto iter est, rupes utrimque ita abscissae sunt, ut (lesi>ici vix sine vcrtigine (juaclam simul oculoruni animiquc possit ; terret et sonitus et aititudo per mediam vallem flnentis Penei amnis." Livii His. — " In eo cursu Tempe vocantur quinque mill, passuum longitudine, ct fcrme sesquijugcri jatitudine, ultra visum hominis attollentibus sc dextera itevaque Icnitcr convexis jugis. Intus sua luce viridante adlabitur Peneus, viridis calculo, amoenus circa ripas gramine, canorus avium conccntu." Plin. lib. iv. c. 8. 5.'j4 ON THE VALE OF TEMPE. prudence in not offering any resistance ; they seem to be aware oC their own weakness ; for, by filhng up this valley, I could lay their whole country under water." This boast, so hyperbolical ly expressive of the might of Xerxes, conveys a pretty accurate idea of the physical geography of Thessaly; for the closure of Tempe alone, whether effected by the labour of an immense armv, or by an earthquake, would undoubtedly cause an inundation so extensive, as to cover the whole eastern half of that country. * In this state of things, (if I may be allawed to carry on tlie supposition,) the first draught of the waters would be towards the Pagassean gulf.-^- But were they to rise so much higher, as to spread over the plains on the western side of Thessaly:];, they would ultimately find an issue between Pelion and Ossa, near the modern town of Aia. In this case, I conceive, that a range of hills which separates the two great level districts, would be the only part of the interior above water. § In reality, it is not possible to view the dead level of these ex- tensive plains, and the very compact barrier of mountains which surround them, without forming some idea of the existence of such a primaeval lake ; which, as it has been evidently drained off by the opening of Tempe, might be restored again by the closure of that passage. Nor would it be easy to explain the formation of Tempe itself, without attributing it, as the most ancient inhabitants of this country did, to the effect of some violent convulsion. And in this way, I think, we may account for all the traditional relations of such an event, to which Herodotus alludes. I| * That is, Perrhaebia an^ Pelasgiotis. f- Now the gulf of Volo. J Estiasotis. § This range of hills connects PheiJE and Pharsalia with Tricca and the towns which lie on the south-western borders of Macedonia. The battles of Cynocephalas and Phar- salia were fought on the skirts of these hills. 11 Strabo, who loves to dwell upon subjecj^ of this kind, repeats these very ancient traditions. ON THE VALE OF TEMPE. 535 I am further confirmed in this opinion on the origin of Tempe, by the marks of similar revohitions, which I observed in other mountainous districts of Greece. For instance, several of the rivers of Arcadia run through deep and narrow glens, which must have been formed in the same manner. One of these, the Ladon, bursts its way through a vast chasm ; which is reported to be several miles in length, and has the appearance of being inaccessible to a human being.* The Gortynius and the Neda, two other Arcadian rivers, run through glens, the steep and lofty sides of which almost conceal their course from the view of the traveller. But the most remarkable chasm of this description, which occurred to my notice, is that, which is known in Crete by the name of the Pharangi, ••..> -^ ^>:^-\::.l) At the present day, travellers, instead of passing through Tempe, not unfrequently take the road over the mountains to the north of that pass, which leads through the popidous Greek town of Riipsiani (P«'i[y(av)j]. I shall conclude these remarks on the history of Tempe, with observing, that the ruins of a fortified town, which I suppose to be Gonni, are still visible on the brow of a rocky hill, which commands the western entrance of the defile. It is hardly necessary for me to observe that these ruins are on the road side of the river, that is, on the right; and not on the left, where a fortified post would have been useless ; but where nevertheless, on the authority of the above passage of Livy, it has been generally placed in the maps of ancient Greece. As there is a classical interest attached to every thing which belongs to Tempe, I shall subjoin a list of some of the plants which I observed there. Laurus nobilis, the Bay. Punica granatum, the Pomegranate. . 3 z 538 ON THE VALE OF TEMPE. t/asmmMW _/rM/2caws, the yellow Jasmine. Vitex Agnus casius, the Chaste-tree. Cercis siliquastrum, the Judas-tree. Quercus Ilex, the evergreen Oak. • < < Que7'cus coccifera, the Kermes Oak. Olea Europcea, the wild Olive. . ; ^/-iiz/lMs J/ii/mc/me, the smooth-barked Strawberry-tree. Arbutus unedo, the common Strawberry-tree. Vitis vinifcra, the wild Vine. , ^ Platanus oinentalis, the oriental Plane-tree. Pistacia terehinthus, Turpentine-tree. . ; ■ Fraxinus Onius, the true Manna Ash. Phillyrea, (the several varieties). Zizyjjhus Paliurus, Qhvhi^ %-\hovn. • .Spar^zM/M /M?iceM?rt, Spanish-broom. .: Colutea arborescens, Bladder-Senna. ; Coronilla JSmerus, Scorpion-Senna. Coronilla glauca or Securidaca. A species of Lonicera, ditto of Clematis, and the white garden-lilly, which had not then expanded its petals, but /' flowered completely in my tin box eight days afterwards. 1 found neither the myrtle nor the oleander. ^Vliat iElian says of the KtTTo; or ivy, and the a-f^iXcx.^, (the Smilax aspera of Linnaeus,) is untrue, for the former does not grow there, and the latter grows in a very different way from what he represents. ( 539 ) ON THE SYRINX OF STRABO, AND THE PASSAGE OF THE EURIPUS. [liY MR. HA WAINS.] In the very short description which Strabo has transmitted to us ot" the celebrated Straits ot'the Euripus, there is an expression which has long exercised the ingenuity of critics, without having received any very clear or satisfactory explanation. The words of" the geographer are- the following: — "E^i S' lii ocutu yspu^x SiTrXi'^^o;*, ug u^n^za' TTVpyogS' BKUTipuBiv e'Pes'V^^''i ° Z^'" ^'"^ ''"'!? X»-A;4(dof, o a s>i Tr,q Boiunacg' ^iuy.oiou.v]Ta,t (5"etV avTOf crv^iy^. Here, I believe, with the exception of dvTov, for which some critics have substituted duToiji;, the purity of the text has been generally admitted, but the meaning is nevertheless obscure, because the term a-voiy^ seems not to be used in its ordinary accept- ation ; the passage accordingly has been variously rendered by translators, nearly all of whom have avoided giving any precise inter- pretation of the term a-v^ty^, without which the whole is unintel- ligible. ' • We are indebted to Isaac Vossius f for the first successful attempt to remove this obscurity, by pointing out the true meaning of the verb which is here put in connection with a-Vj^iyP. " A wxrof^'o^s;;," he * Two plethra amount to one liiindrcd and seventy-one French feet, which may be stated as about twice tlie present breadtii of the Euripus; according to Spons's cvahiation it is ninety-one French feet, wliile Gylliiis estimates it at seventy-three French feet only. No dependence can be placed on tiie accuracy of tlicse measurements, which are unfortu- nately the only ones ihat have been taken by modern travellers. ■f Observ, ad P. Melam. lib. xi. c. 7- ■ 3z 2 540 ON THE SYRINX OF STRABO, says, " proprie est cedijicationem separare et dividere, locmnque interme- dium vacuum relinquerc. Dicit itaque Strabo, pontcm istum Euripi non esse continuum, neque peiyetuis fulciri fGimicibus, sed ab ea parte qua est turris litori Bceotico vicina, habei'e unum canalem, qui sit ajyertus, quem- que jn'cesidiai'ii twris ponte pensili soleant tegere, turn securitatis gratia, tum etiam ut navibus pateat transitus." Tlie two towers of Strabo are thus very properly disposed opposite to each other, and with a navigable passage between them, instead of one being placed on the shore of Boeotia and the other on that of Euboea, with the mole or long bridge between, as some commentators and translators have conceived ; but why this fortified passage should be assigned to the Boeotian side in preference to the other, we are left to conjecture, nor is a word said to account for the very singular use which is here made of the term a-v^iy^ to designate a navigable canal between two towers. . .r It appears then that the passage thus simply considered by itself, is susceptible of no farther explanation than what Vossius has given to it, and it is only by examining it in an historical point of view, with all the aids which may be derived from a local acquaintance with the spot, that we can hope for any success. Most fortunately there is a passage in Diodorus* which supplies in a great measure this deficiency ; for it relates upon what particular occa- sion this work was constructed, the immediate purpose which it was designed to answer, and the manner in which it was executed. After his account of the naval engagement in the Hellespont, and the vic- tory gained there by the Athenians, Diodorus proceeds as follows : " The Chalcidians, however, and almost all the inhabitants of Euboea, had separated themselves in the mean while "from the Athenian alli- ance, on which account they were very fearful lest their towns might be besieged and taken by the Athenians, who were now again become masters of the sea. A proposal therefore was made to the Boeotians to unite with them in the enterprize of damming up the Euripus, and * Lib, xiii. 173. AND THE PASSAGE OF THE EURIPUS. 541 connectiiio- Euboea witli BcKotia. To this the Boeotians, who felt how much it was lor their interest that Euboea should be an island to all others but themselves, assented. Wherefore all the cities around con- curred cheerfully in this undertaking, animating each other by their mutual example ; and not only were all the natives called out upon this occasion, but even the strangers who sojourned with them, so that by means of the multitude employed about it the work was soon completed. A mole (^^w/^a), therefore, was formed on the side ot Euboea near Chalcis, and on the side of Boeotia near Aulis ; for this was the narrowest part. " It is to be observed that there had been always a current in this place and frequent changes of the tides, but now the violence of these became much greater, the sea being confined within a narrow space, for a passage was left for one vessel only. " They constructed likewise high towers on the ends of the two moles, and laid wooden bridges over the currents between."* ' ' ' The above narrative would convey to us a very clear idea of the construction of the mole, were it not for the inconsistency observable in the last sentence of the description. This arises from the use of the plural in the words " bridges and currents ;" when from all that precedes it is evident that there could have been only one bridge and one current or passage for the water. Nor can we get rid of this dif- ficulty by a conjectural emendation, for the text bears no marks of corruption. We are left, therefore, to the choice of two meanings, and in adopt- ing that which naturally results from the former part of the narrative, we shall best reconcile Diodorus with himself as well as with Strabo. I shall therefore take for granted that the xu^a. or mole, in reality, left only one passage for vessels between the two opposite shores, and that this passage was fortified by two towers, between which there was a bridge of wood. * 'rixoS 'j«.r,(rav Z\ xai Tugyouj ui{i>]Aoi/f lit ajifOTe^aiv Twv axgwVf xai JuAivaj T015 Itappoi; 542 ON THE SYRINX OF STRABO. Such was the original plan of this great work, which was executed in the second year of the ninety-second olympiad, and in the twenty- first year of the Peloponnesian war. (Dodwell.) Some alterations, we are told by Strabo, lib. x., were made by the Chalcidians at the period when Alexander marched into Asia, both in the fortifications of the town and in those of the mole ; but in Strabo's time, or about four hundred years afterwards, it appears, from the very short description which he gives, to have been pretty much in the same state as when it was first constructed, ahhough the term ^s^Jia is substituted for X^l^^ in both passages, and the new and very unusual term o-v^tyP is made use of to designate a part of the work which I shall now proceed to consider. In the first place, then, we must admit that the term cv^iy^ evi- dently applies to the navigable passage described by Diodorus, which Strabo would not have passed over unnoticed. In the next place, taking it in its usual acceptation, it conveys an idea of a circular or cylindrical passage of some kind or other. ' ' .;.'." The obvious result of this is, that the Syrinx must have been a sort of tunnel, which is precisely the form which a civil engineer in these days would have recommended for this purpose. Nor is there any difficulty in supposing that such must have been the construction of this passage in the time of Strabo, when the use of the arch was well known ; although it may be necessary, with a view to establish this hypothesis, to point out in a practical way the mode of its application. Let us suppose, then, that two towers are to be built at the two opposite ends of such a mole, and that a navigable passage is to be left between, while some mode of communication is required above. It is evident that the foundation of the two walls contiguous to the passage ought to be laid on an inverted arch, there being no other effectual mode of giving it any stability. The com- munication above might be effected by the means of a moveable or an immoveable bridge. The Romans would undoubtedly in most cases have chosen the latter, and when we consider the importance which they attributed to this passage in a military point of view, it is AND THE PASSAGE OF THE EURIPUS. 543 probable that such was the constnution which they adopted. It is hardly necessary to add that the two opposite arches would form a tunnel. The term Syrinx, however, could not with propriety have been ap- plied to a passage which was not truly cylindrical, i. e. where the length of the passage was not greater than its diameter ; and we have no other way of getting over this difficulty than by supposing that a more than usual breadth was given to the two towers in this direction, which is by no means inconsistent with the purpose for which they were built.* After all, however, that can be said upon this subject, I confess that it amounts to no more than a plausible hypothesis, which every critic is at liberty to adopt or reject, although the form of the present bridge over the Euripus tends rather to confirm it. This bridge is evidently built on the x^i"-^ of Diodorus, and al- though of a barbarous style of construction, suggests an idea of its ancient plan. The western end, or that which is contiguous to Boeotia, has five small ill-shaped arches, which give a passage to the shallow part of the current. The navigable passage is at the eastern end, and this is flanked as well as fortified by two opposite square towers, between which there is a communication by means of a draw-bridge. The tower on the eastern side of this canal projects far beyond the line of the city wall; but as this wall is washed by the current, and the ground within it is very low, it is not improbable that the west side of the city covers the eastern segment of the x^f^'^i which will account for the canal or navigable passage being now no longer in the middle of the Euripus f, although I am inclined to think that it must always have been nearer to the walls of Chalcis than to the shore of Boeotia, for the purpose of a better system of defence. < i I shall conclude with observing that the tower supporting the western half of the draw-bridge is connected with a small fort, which extends in length far to the southwai'd of the line described by the two bridges.:]: ■ • See the engraved plan which follows. f Vide note* in p. 539. % I find the history of this fort in the following passage of the Latin version of Nicetas : " Postrerao Eubcea quoquc omissa defensione, supplices ad Marchionem nia- 544 ON THE SYRINX OF STRABO, ::^;:;:;:?;:^^^. ::rir^?i^ii! J! (EOT! A. SCO*!." -■!•-- '•.' Vlu***^ <7i/i?M/£ ■ll:-' ' ' ' ■ . * ■ " I " ' ; •> i * -ml EUBCEA. In the preceding attempt to explain the Syrinx of Strabo, I have noticed only such particulars in the passage of Diodorus, as might assist in explaining the meaning of that term. I shall now observe that Diodorus has not very clearly or fully expressed what were the reasons for constructing the mole. The Chalcidians, he says, together with almost all the inhabitants of Euboea, had abandoned the Athenian interest, but upon the unexpected restoration of the naval superiority of tliat })ower, in consequence of their victory over the Lacedaemonian fleet in the Hellespont, they became justly appre- hensive of measures of hostility. A proposal therefore was made to the Boeotians to concur with them in closing the passage of the Euripus, and in joining the island by these means to the opposite continent. i^ . .. . The proposal, he adds, appeared to be so advantageous to the common interest, that the work was immediately begun and carried on with so much spirit, that in a short time it was completed. nustendit; et exercitui Euripo concitatiori pontem substernit, et in ipso freto castcllum aedificatum, in eoque sedentem cxcrcitum cernit." He is relating the rapid successes of Boniface, Marquis of Montferrat, in Greece, at the commencement of the 13th century. AND THE PASSAGE OF THE EURIPUS. 545 Now," it is evident that tlie closing of the passage of the Euripus alone, could not prevent the Athenians from over-running the island, at least, that portion of it which lay to the south of Chalcis ; nor could it prevent Chalcis itself from being invested by land. We must therefore conclude the meaning of Diodorus to have been, that when a communication of this kind was opened between the island and the main, it would be impossible for the Athenians to prevent the Boeotians from succouring their allies in Euboea, as they had hitherto done. And this I conceive to have been the direct and immediate object in view when the work was undertaken. There was another object however of infinite importance, which could not have been overlooked when the work was [)rojected, and this was the intercep- tion of all communication between Athens and the north of Greece, Thessaly, and jNIacedonia, during a great part of the year. To explain this supposition, it will be necessary to state some peculiar circumstances in the navigation of the J^gean, which have been little attended to by the ancient as well as modern writers on the affairs of Greece. , '.. There were two seasons of the year when the open navigation of this sea must have been either subject to great obstructions, or wholly interdicted to the Greeks ; namely, the season of the Etesian winds, which prevail about four months of the summer and autumn, when all attempts to proceed northwards must have been fruitless ; and the season of winter which was deemed too perilous. These remarks however, apply 07ilt/ to the open navigation of the ^gean, for there was still a very practicable passage in the worst seasons for vessels, between the main land and the neighbouring island of Euboea, where the smoothness of the water enabled them to take every advantage of local winds and the land breezes. I speak here from personal experience, having myself navigated the two Eubcean gulfs in all seasons, the spring excepted, without any material obstacle or impediment. On the other hand, the ancients appear to have had a singular dread of the passage round the Capharean promontory*, and they « Et Euboica; cautes, ultorque Capliareus." ^iieid, lib. xi. 4 A . 546 ON THE SYRINX OF STRABO, must have regarded the whole eastern coast of Euboea, while the Etesian winds blowed, as a most dangerous lee-shore. For here, it" I mistake not, were the tremendous hollows [aotXa, Coela) of EubcEa^ where a detachment of the Persian fleet were wrecked ; and even at this day, the navigators of these seas carefully avoid all approach to an iron-bound coast, which in a line of about thirty leagues presents only one place of shelter for a ship in distress.* The harbour f which is thus situated, being little frequented by the Greeks, was wholly unknown to navigators from the west of Europe, before I visited this inhospitable coast in the autumn of 1797, for the purpose of carrying on a series of triangles along the eastern side of Greece. After surveying this harbour, I was anxious to proceed round Cavo d'Oro (Caphareus), but such was the hollow form of the coast on my right, and so great the danger of being forced on a lee-shore, that the captain of the vessel (a polacre of Ipsera) thought it not adviseable to attempt weathering that cape, until, at the end of two days, the violencp of the northerly wind (Etesian) had a little abated. J In proposing a new explanation of the Coela of Euboea, I have ventured to differ from some of the latest and best writers on ancient geography, such as D'Anville, Larcher, and Barbie du Boccage ; but when it is considered how greatly the actual examination of a country must assist in clearing up the obscurities of its ancient geography, I trust I shall be acquitted of presumption ; more especially when we observe how much the reports of ancient geographers are at variance with each other, and how many corruptions have been introduced into the text of their works. Even Strabo and his epitomiser are at variance upon this point, the former assigning to * Kingsbergen observes, that, " on the whole north-eastern coast there is no handing- place. It is even dangerous to approach that shore." This is the observation of a sea- man, but it is not strictly correct. f Now called by the Greeks FleTgiaij. t On my return to England I communicated to Mr. Arrowsmith the corrected form of this coast and the situation of this unknown harbour, which were engraved in his new map of the Ottoman empire. AND THE PASSAGE OF THE EURIPUS. 547 the Coela a situation between Aulis and Genestus, and the latter placing them between (ieraestus and Caphareus. To prove how groundless the former supposition is, it will be only necessary to remark, that the coast of Euboea on this side presents a series of noble harbours and roadsteads, without a shoal or sunken rock, and that in most winds it is distinguished by the smoothness of its water. There is a passage indeed, in Valerius Maximus (lib. i. c. 8.) which countenances the idea of the Coela having been on this side. " In earn regionem seccssif, qucB inter Rhamnunta nobjlem Attici soli partem, Caristumque Chalcidis freto vicinam interjacens, CcelcB Euboece nomen obtinet.'' But the situation here assigned, as I have already observed, so far from being dangerous to shipping, which was the character of the Coela, affords every where the securest anchorage-ground. The epitomiser of Strabo, too, must be equally mistaken ; for the Coela could not have been on a coast of so convex a form as that between the the promontories of Gersestus and Caphareus. A much better authority in favour of this hypothesis is adduced by Larcher, in a passage of the Troad of Euripides, v. 84. Ukyja-ov ^s ibk^uv ko7Xov 'Evf2oiix^ f^vxov ; in allusion to the vessels of Ajax, which, on their return from Troy, were shipwrecked on the promontory of Caphareus*; and in the words cited by him from the scholia of Tzetzes on Lycophron, we find the Coela actually placed in the neighbourhood of f Capha- reus. It is remarkable that both Philostratus and Euripides, make use of the expressions, tyiv aciXrjv "Evf-oiav and koTXov 'Eu/3o/a:f f^u^^^ov, which are more agreeable to the hypothesis that I have ventured to propose. Having now proved how ungrounded every other idea of their position has been, I shall produce two ancient authorities which place the Coela in that which I have assigned to them. The first is Ptolemy, who in his description of the coast of Euboea » Homer says only on the Gyrae, without mentioning where they were situated. Odyss. lib. iv. The coast of Cavo d'Oro is bristled with rocks and islets. f 'HiJ's pguxTov Trig) tx xoiXa Tijf Eu/So/ac xai ov s'Tro/xfv Kacfiijgea. Scholia Tzetzae, Ed. Muiler. p. 573. 4 A 2 548 ' ' ON THE SYRINX OF STRABO, mentions next after the port of Geraestus tlie promontory of Caphareus, and then the Coela of Euboea. Tlie other is Livy, who after describing the capture of Oreus by Attahis and the Romans, observes, " that as the autumnal equinox was drawing near, and as that bay of Euboea, which they call Coela, was by sailors reputed dangerous, it was judged expedient to return without delay to the Piraeus." * By the context it appears that at this time Chalcis was in the possession of their enemies, their fleet therefore could not pass through the Euripus, and as no other course remained towards the Piraeus, but along the eastern coast of Euboea, it is there, and there only, that we must look for the bay denominated Coela. The near connection of the Coela with the promontory of Caphareus, has been already proved by a series of quotations, for which I am indebted to Larcher ; but I am sorry to differ as to the meaning which he has assigned to the term Tx a'jcpa; rxi 'Eu2cixr ; instead of designating the rocks near the promontory of Caphareus, the words more probably refer to the heights of Euboea. Having now explained what I conceive to have been the main object of the fortification of the Euripus, I shall produce some further proofs of its importance. We learn from history, with what vigilance the Athenians for a long series of years maintained their sovereign influence over the vassal states of Euboea ; and of what importance they regarded this connection, we have two most convincing proofs in the popular feeling at Athens, excited at two different periods by the news of its rupture. The first happened upon the occasion already mentioned, or rather just before it, when, after the destruction of the Athenian fleet at Eretria, the L-acedcemonians caused all the cities of Euboea to revolt, t Thucydides informs us that the consternation produced at * Jam autumnale {Equinoctium instabat ; et est sinus Euboicus quern Ca?la vocant, suspectus nautis ; itaque ante hyemales motus evadere indecupientes, Pirffium, unde profecti ad helium erant, repctunt. — Li v. lib. xxxi. c. 47. f In tlie twenty-first year of the war, the departure of the Lacedeemonian force exposed the cities of Eubcjea to the vengeance of the Athenians, and suggestetl the immediate ne- cessity of fortifying the Euripus. AND THE PASSAGE OF THE EURIPUS. 549 Athens by the news of this disaster was greater than had ever before been known there, greater even than that which was occasioned by the destruction of nearly all their forces, both naval and military in Sicily ; " not only," says he, " on account of their fleet, but what was of more importance, the loss of Euboea, Ir yiq -rXiiu; ri t-/]^ a77"''5?' u^iXouujo, on which they were more dependent for their supplies of provisions than even on Attica." L. viii. c. xcvi. The second happened in the 105th olympiad, when in consequence of the revolt of Rhodes, Chios, Byzantium, Cos, and Caria, from the sovereignty of Athens, Euboea entered into a close connection with Thebes, and renounced her alliance with Athens, the receipt of which intelligence there pro- duced such an effect on the public spirit, as stimulated it to make an exertion till then unparalleled, with a view to re-establish its do- minion. Now, the loss of subsidies and of a supply of provisions from the single island of Euboija, will not sufficiently account for the feeling here described, unless we add to these assigned causes, the prospect of having all communication cut off between Athens and the northern parts of Greece and Macedonia ; that is, all power of co-operating with their allies in those parts, and of procuring from them any farther supplies of grain, naval stores*, &c. f In this enlarged sense, then, I take the passage above quoted from Thucydides J, the loss of Euboea alone, unconnected with the free navigation of the Eubcean gulfs and of the Euripus, not being sufficient to account for the * Vide Tluicyd. 1. iv. 108. with regard to ship timber. f And in this way its importance appears to have been estimated in subsequent times by the Romans. " Ut terra Thermopyhirum angustiae Greciam, ila mari jfretum Euripi claudit." Liv. Hb. xxxi. c. 23. Ciialcis, Corinth, and Denietrias were called by Philip the fetters of Greece. X There is another remarkable passage in this Historian relating to Euboea; it is that (1. 3.) wherein he mentions the planting the colony of Heraclea in Trachenia by the Lacedaemonians ; who among other objects, intended to intercept the conununication between Athens, Thrace, and Macedonia: Kai a^ta toO Trgoj A^vatouc ■KoXkfi.ou x«X; ToXi; xaSicrTatrSai' Itti te yiq tTi 'Eu/3oia vx'JTikov Tragarxsuao-fiiji/ai av, cupav, Hesych.) arida tola est, ncc aquis irrigata. — Adv. Post. cxiv. \ I have written Ivai (used by the modern Greek for ium was in a direct line between that place and Athens ; Agis leading out his troops from Decelea against the Athenians, was met by the army of the latter under under Thrasylus at the Lyceum. Xenop. Hell. i. c. 1. H. 8. The site probably of Cynosarges. Diog. Laer. 1. vi. c. 1. There was a temple sacred to Hercules in it, Paus. 1. i., near which the Athenians, after the battle of JMarathon, encamped in their wax to Athens. Herod. 1. vii. F. 9. The road to Marathon, passing at the foot of Mount Hymettus. F. 1. The beginning of the range of Pentelicus. F. 2. Part of the modern town of Athens. The whole space to the south of the Acropolis, between it and the Ilissus, was formerly covered with temples and other edifices, as well as the part to the north of the rock. Thucy. 1. 2. Plato in Crit. Dion. Chrys. Orat. vi. I. 6. Round this point of the rock is the site of an ancient theatre, supposed by Chandler to be the theatre of Bacchus. At a short distance to the right in the town is the Choragic monument of Lysicrates. . . . ^ [A representation of this theatre is given on a painted vase belonging to Yianachi Logotheti ; it was found thiity years ago near Aulis ; the eastern end of the Acropolis is there depicted ; the corresponding part of the Parthenon above ; below it is the cavern of Apollo and Diana, and beneath, the Theatre,] Ed. ■ K. 8. The Choragic monument of Thrasyllus, placed before a grotto, which is at present a church dedicated to the Holy Lady of the Cave. Over it was a female figure clothed in a lion's skin ; now in the possession of Lord Elgin. [It has been considered under various denominations ; and Vis- conti shows clearly that it represented the female Bacchus. In addition to what he has said respecting the character of this Deity, we may state the following references. Porphyry calls Bacchus, 0»j?u:/oj3$cf. Theodoret, H. Eccl. 1. iii. c. 7., says that the Gentiles of Emesa consecrated a building AciuVa tw •yvnh; and 4 b 554 PANORAMIC VIEW OF ATHENS. Isidore, in Orig., remarks that he was depicted muliebn et delicato corjwre. ] Ed. K. 10. The remains of an ancient portico supposed by Stuart to be either part of" the peribohis of the temple of Bacclius, or the portico of Eumenes. • ' L. 11. The Parthenon, west front. * ' . . - M. 10. Ruins of a theatre. Wheler, Pococke, and Stuart, suppose it to have been the theatre of Bacchus ; Chandler and Barthelemy call it the Odeum of Herodes Atticus. From the situation of it, I should certainly conclude that it was the theatre of Bacchus. It appears from Pausanias that the theatre of Bacchus, the Cave of Pan, the Propylgea, and Areopagus were all near each other. If we allow the ruins to belong to the theatre of Bacchus, these particulars agree with Pausanias ; they are irreconcilable, if we place it at the S. E. angle of the Acropolis. Pausanias says, there was a cave above the theatre, and a tripod upon it ; such a cave is still seen at the S. E. corner of the citadel ; and this Barthelemy adduces as a strong- argument for placing the theatre of Bacchus in that situation. But this is not sufficient to outweigh the rest of Pausanias's narrative ; especially as there is another cave not far from the ruins of the S. W. point, on which Wheler supposes a tripod to have been placed. N. 11. Modern tower, built near the site of the temple of Victory Apteros. Pans. 1. i. From this part of the citadel iEgeus threw himself down in a fit of despair for the supposed death of Theseus. Pans. ib. O. 1. An ancient building of white marble, and formerly a gallery for pictures. Pans. 1. i. This and the temple of Victory Apteros were connected by a range of Doric columns, placed at the top of the steps of the Propylaea ; and through this portico was the chief en- trance into the Acropolis. The space between the columns has been filled up by a modern wall ; and a very short time before my arrival * Concerning the front or proper entrance of tlie Parthenon, sec Visconti's Memoir. Theodosius Zygomalas in a letter to Martin Crusius, speaking of tlie ancient buildings lemaining in the year 1575 at Athens, refers to what he calls the Oav^sov; and mentions STravcu Tijj jaEyaXrjj ttuAi]; 'lintoxji liio f jju«(7crofiEVOv; ayhpofj-iav ei$ (rafx«. A head of one of the horses now in the Elgin collection, and brought from the west tympanum of the Parthe- non, is probably alluded to. It is a piece of sculpture of the highest merit. — Ed. PANORAMIC VIEW OF ATHENS. gg^ at Athens, the Turks had knocked off the capitals of the columns, in order to erect one of their batteries on the summits. In front of the picture gallery and temple of Victory were anciently two equestrian statues. Pans. 1. i. L. L. Intersected by A. 1'2. That part of the city called Coele or the Hollow. In this spot were sliown the tombs of Cimon, Herodotus, and Thucydides. ■. i , P. 1. The beginning of the range of the Icarian mountains, which terminates at the sea near Salamis. - Q. 4. Turkish burying-ground. R. 10. Part of the Areopagus. This place is a rugged rock of small elevation, situated at the distance of about a furlong from the Acropolis at the N. W. extremity. The steps cut in the rock are still remaining. Pausanias describes it as being nearer the cave of Pan; and gives the etymology of the word, 1. i. See also iEsch. Eum. 682. Eurip. Elec. 1258. '!■ ■ "h ;...■;: Plate 11. Aspect from N. W. to S. W. A. 1. Part of the modern town. C. 3. The Ceramicus zcit/mi the city. Pans. 1. i. D. 4. The temple of Theseus ; a little beyond, to the right, in the modern town, are the ruins of the Gymnasium of Ptolemy, and the Pantheon. E. 4. Road to the Academy, beginning at the gate Dipylon. Cic. de Fin. 1. v. c. 1. It passed through the suburb called Ceramicus without the city, and was covered with the sepulchres of the illus- trious dead. Thucy. 1. ii. It has been supposed that the tomb of Pericles was in that direction ; but it appears from Cicero, (De Fin. V. c. 2.) that it was on the road to Phalerum. The accumulation of earth is not the only cause of the destruction of the Athenian sepul- chres : it is one of the accusations brought against Demosthenes by his rival, that when appointed to repair the walls of the city after the battle of Chffironea, he used the stones of the tombs for that purpose. yEsch. in Ctes. F. 1. Via Sacra, leading from the Sacred Gate to Eleusis, as it is seen ascending the distant hills, G. 5. 4 B 2 556 PANORAMIC VIEW OF ATHENS. E. 6. The Collis Coloneus, the birth-place and residence of Sophocles, and the scene of one of his tragedies. Suidas. and Cic. de Fin. 1. v. 1. It was ten stadia from Athens. See Corsini, F. A. Diss. V. 207. .■..;. K. 6. The Academy*; a road passing from the gate Dipylon through the Ceramicus, and near the tombs of statesmen and warriors, led to the Academy, distant six stadia from the gate. The site of the Academy is now laid out in gardens. It is overshadowed with w^oods of olive, a few planes and cypresses, and watered by the Cephissus. We meet with many illustrations of the scenery of the Academy and Colonasan hill in the writers of the ancient drama. See particularly (Edip. Col. 671. 700. and Aristoph. Nub. 1005. The Lacedaemonians in their invasions of Attica always spared the olive woods of the Academy. Plut. in Thes. I. 3. Lycabettus, a low rocky knoll, joining the hill of Museeus. G. 5. The Via Sacra, ascending the mountain between iEgaleos and Corydalus. Achai'nae was situated near this place, as appears from Thucydides. Archidamus leading the Peloponnesians from Eleusis to Athens came to Acharnse, where he fortified himself, but did not descend into the plain. Thucy. 1. ii. c. 20. Stuart is mis- taken in placing ^Egaleos to the N. of Corydalus. Thucydides expressly says that it was on the right of the road from Eleusis to Athens ; and that it was near the sea, we know from Xerxes having taken his position under it to view the battle of Salamis. Herod, viii. [The Via Sacra crosses the Cephissus in a direction nearly west of Athens. This river, says Strabo, flowing through the plain where the bridge is, J/^: ts tuv (txsXcov tuv (X770 Tov a(mog £ig rov Un^xiX kocQ'^kovtuv, It is evident from this passage that the long walls were destroyed in the time of Strabo ; for if they had been entire, the river could * The forest of olive-trees seen in this direction is one of the most striking features in the plain of Athens. The groves and plantations in and about the city in ancient times, intermixed with the public and religious edifices, must have justified the application of the epithet Trayxa^ij to Athens. (iElian, V. H. iii. 26.) ""AXo-ti Vs t'i; ttx roiaS' Ux «^>i>! ttoKi;-" says a comic poet, (apud D. Chrysos. Orat. Gi.) speaking of the city. — Ed. I Strabo, lib. ix. FANOKAMIC VIEW OF ATHENS. 557 not have pursued its course to Phalcrum ; it must have continued its direction towards PirxHis. In fact, Strabo observes in the same book, that the walls were no longer standing.] Ed. , L. 7. Distant summit of Cithseron. Strabo, 1. ix. . , . ■ r • Plate III. Aspect from S. W. to S. E. ' ' . A. 1 Distant summit of Cithaeron. .■/■.?. B. 2. The old road to the Pirseus, with the marks of the ancient chariot-wheels worn in the rock. - .- C. 3. Mount ^galeos. It was not on the summit of this mountain, as some suppose, but at the foot of it, that Xerxes sat. Herod. 1. viii. D. 4. Distant mountain of the Peloponnesus, perhaps Cjllene, on the confines of Arcadia. E. 5. The Acro-Corinthus. F. 6. The island Salamis, the birth-place of Ajax, Strabo, 1. ix. yEschyl. Pers. 366. .• , " . , • . H. 8. The Piraeus, distant five miles from Athens. This is also the distance given by Thucy. 1. ii. and Strabo, 1. ix. In different parts of the road, the ruins of the long walls* are visible, consisting of large blocks of stone, scattered loosely around. The marks of the chariot-wheels in the rock are evident also. Of the former splen- dour and busy throng of the Pira3us, nothing now remains. A mo- nastery dedicated to St. Spiridion, and a Turkish custom-house, are the only buildings there. One or two small merchant vessels and a few boats frequent the harbour, once filled with the numerous galleys of Athens. The remains of the outer walls near the sea are con- siderable ; in some places four tiers of stones may be counted. The port is a beautiful bay, well landlocked, j^ ..■:/'. * See Note, p. 559. ■ • ^ ■ • - f Although some of the excavations in the rock at the Pirteusand ncartlic Museum hill may have served as sepulchres, yet it is more probable that they were places in which the Athenians were forced to dwell, when, during the Peloponnesian war, they quitted "their beautiful and ornamented country -residences," and were straightened for room in the city. The words of Thucydides are, — KaXa xT)jp.aTa kuto. rrjn yyi^a'/ oixoSofi/ajj ti xai woXuTeXeo-i xarao-xsuaif. Lib. ii. The scholiast on the Equi. of Aristoph. mentions the want of room in the city, and their dwelling in caves, — Iv toTj a-TrrjXa/ot; wxou,' Tjj ,oi[^f2ocvov, ovTi (pcoi; i^udev, ovrs du^xg e^ci, ciXXcc f/.iyoiXu XiSco TTB^iuyouivu -\- x.uTUKXiioy.svoii suTavdocxxTsdivTc. A similar punishment was inflicted on Antigenes ; he was put into one of these excavations made under ground for the purpose of receiving corn, and was burnt alive. Diod. S. T. ii. 351. * The Thracian word for tliese excavations was SEIPOI: tov: ^r,um'^ohc x«i tu ofvyixaTa h> otc xaTSTi'SevTO xa (rTTSffj-uTa a-sipovi sxaXouv ol QpaxB;. — Scllol. in Demos. Oral, de Clierson. f The word irspayojaevo) in Plutarch is explained, as Gronovius observes, bv the phrase in Livy, saxum quod macliina sive tornicnto movctu'-- 566 REMARKS ON THE THESAURI OF THE GREEKS. isr.si THES AU R I REFERENCES TO THE PLATE. A. is the door-way of the Treasury at Orchomenus. B. is the great stone over the door-way, of granular marble. C. the inside slope. a. is the door-way of the Treasury of Mycenas. b. is the great stone over the door-way, having above it a triangular opening for the admission of light. The stone is twenty-seven feet long ; four feet six inches high ; one foot six inches broad. y. is a section of the large stone. The measures of the Orchomenian Treasury are from Mr. Hawkins ; those of the Thesaurus of Mycena? are taken from Colonel Squire's papers. ( -567 ) ■ REMARKS ON THE TROAD. (CONTAINED IN A LETTER ADDRESSED BY MR. MORUITT TO DR. CLARKE, AUGUST, 1812.) Dear Sir, When, like you, I first visited the ruins of Tchiblak, their coinci- dence with the description given by Strabo of the Pagus IHensium, struck me so strongly, that I hesitated for some time whether I should not adopt the system which they have led you to pursue, and sup- pose this to be the situation which Homer assigned to Troy. Had I found the ruins you describe at PalfEO Califat, the coincidence would have struclc me still more forcibly, and the remains you describe as the Callicolone, and the tombs of Ilus and Myrinna, would have been powerful corroborations of my opinion. I confess it is more than probable that Strabo adopted it, and yet it is so inconsistent with Ho- mer's poem, that after comparing them I should have been compelled to doubt extremely the accuracy of his information. I cannot lay any stress on the traditions which in Strabo's time continued to identify the different objects in the plain with the features of the poem. The Troad was consecrated ground ; travellers of the greatest celebrity, kings and warriors, stopped in their career to contemplate its remains, and the natives of Ilium and Alexan- dria appear to have been no less officious in gratifying their curi- osity than the monks of Jerusalem now are, in pointing out their scenes and situations to the veneration of the pilgrims. There are some difficulties which perhaps you may remove (or which may be left to future visitors of the plain,) in reconciling Sti-abo's description with your system : and first with regard to the position of New Ilium. This you consider as situated at Palaeo Califat, to the north of the stream now called Califat Osmack, and supposed by you to have been the Simois of Homer and of Strabo. " It is surrounded on 568 THE TROAD. all sides by a level plain,'" which you conjecture to have been the Simoisian plain, and from the medals which are said by the Turks to have been found there, certainly it appears to have existed here. But in Strabo's description of New Ilium it appears to me to have stood bet-di-een the two livers, which he considered as the Simois and Scamander; for his description of the country is as follows (Strabo, p. 597. lib. xiii.): " The two rivers, the Scamander and the Simois, the first having approached Sigaeum, and the latter Rhseteum, join their waters at a little distance in front of New Ilium, and then fall into the sea near Sigaeum, and form what is called the Stomalimne. A large neck of land divides tlie two plains from each other (the Scamandrian and Simoisian plains,) beginning immediately where the modern town of Ilium stands, and c-uy.i^uijf xvtu, ' connected with it,' but extending to Cebrenia, and completing the form of T, till it reaches the ridges on either side ;" which ridges he had before de- scribed as enclosing the plain in a semicircle. If New Ilium stood at the end of a neck of land between the Simois and Scamander, and the junction of the two took place in front of the town, it would seem as if Strabo considered the front as the side next the shore, from whence and not from Ilium he seems to have taken his survey. The city of New Ilium also in the time of Strabo had another peculiarity which I candidly confess agrees neither with the situation in which I looked for it between the Mender and the stream of Bournasbashi, nor with that which you assign it : lor it could not admit, he says, of the Hightof Hector round its walls (which he considers as essential to the situation of ancient Troy), ^ix . v. 307. There is another passage indeed which I should wish to lay before you, and which goes far to prove that the Simois was certainly the river now called the Mendere ; for it is quite clear that the Simois descended from Ida, whatever was the case of the Scamander, which I will presently consider. In the fourth book, II. ^. v. 475., Simoisius, the son of Anthemion, is slain by Ajax — Simoisius, " whom his mother, as she was descending from Ida, brought forth on the banks of the Simois" This passage I look on as conclusive against any system that places the whole course of the Simois in the plain below Troy. The Simois, too, ill accords with your description of the Califat Osmak, which, as you justly state, can " hardly be said to flow to- wards the Mendere." It is indeed most accurately designated by you as a " small and almost stagnant river ;" but the Simois was of a totally different description ; it descended from Ida, and raised on occasion '7^■i?^vv oDuu.ci.ySov, (ptT^uv Koil Xcc^i: L. 21. Surely, therefore, the Mendere has a title to be the Simois of Homer. But the claim of the Scamander is very dubious. Great stress has been laid upon the relative size of the rivers, of which, if you will for a while tolerate the assertion, which, I think, I can support, Homer no where makes any mention. He describes the Simois, as we have seen, as a moun- tain-river descending from Ida, and sometimes with great violence. I have been severely reprehended, as well as Sir VV. Gell, for mis- stating the nature of the JNIcndere river, and Chevalier's conjecture, that it was in summer inconsiderable, has met with equal severity. 574 THE TROAD. In November it was, when I visited it, a very considerable river. You have, with Sir W. Gell, borne testimony, whicli I can confirm, to the strength of its stream and the depth of its fords ; but in spite of all this, I must continue to give credit, not to Chevaher, indeed, but to Chandler, who expressly states (Travels in Asia, chap, xiii.) that " he passed the stream where the bed of the river was wide, and the bank steep, several times without being wet shod }'' though when I was there, if he had attempted to pass on foot at the same place he would probably have been drowned. With respect to the Scamander of Homer, we are not singular in conceiving it to have had its rise from the two fountains near the city, for though, as you judiciously observe, the -rrviyou Zicoif^dv^ov do not necessarily imply in all cases the som-ces of the river, yet it is by so much tlie tnost usual acceptation that Strabo himself understood Homer in that sense ; for, he says, that Homer's description affords room for discussion, " because no warm springs are now found in the place (that is, at New Ilium), and the source [TrYiY^) of the Scamander is not there but in the mountain, and is only one source, 7iot two ;" though at the same time he admits, that, by sup- posing the cold water he found there (probably the Califat Osmak) to have flowed in a subterraneous passage from the Scamander, and to rise here ; or, perhaps, on account of the vicinity to the Sca- mander, it might be called Zy-xfA-oivd^ou -nyiyyi ; and that the hot spring had probably failed. Strabo, lib. xiii. p. 602. The first, there- fore, was the usual and obvious sense of Homer's expression, and the only objection that has beeri made against it, is the passage in the twelfth book, II. M. v. 20. where the Scamander is mentioned as one of the rivers that flow from Ida to the sea. The Sijnois is also men- tioned in the very next line, so that, if this passage be genuine, we must look for both these rivers in the mountains ; and the Califat Osmak, as well as the river of Bounarbachi, would lose all claim to either designation. It is, however, more than suspected, I should be inclined to say that it is nearly certain, that the whole of this passage in the twelfth book is spurious. In Heyne's notes on the place, he mentions many grounds to support this opinion, some of which are very strong. The reason assigned for the Grecians building the wall THE TROAD. 575 is inconsistent with the account given of it in the seventh book ; the disappearance of the wall (which itself was in all probability an in- vention of the poet) was accounted for already in the seventh book, where it would naturally occur. In the twelfth it has no connection whatever with the narration, to which I would add that the absurdity of bringing all the rivers of Ida to co-operate in the work of destruction is so great and obvious, that it could only be the addition of some sub- sequent rhapsodist unacquainted with the nature of the country.* There may be other passages, but there are none in my recollection where Homer describes Scamander as issuing from Ida, or descending from Idcsan Jove. It is true, as I have already shown, that Simois descended from the mountain, but we are at full liberty to look elsewhere for the Scamander. Being ignorant of the geography of Ida near Bairaniitche, and finding in Wood's Map a continued chain of hills from Bounarbachi southwards to Scepsis, and the sources of the river that flows past it, and which he mistook for the Scamander, I certainly consider the hills behind Bounarbachi as pail of the uVtopEio', or roots of Ida, as that name includes in Strabo the whole of the mountain-district, as it did in Homer's time ; and indeed as the plain of Bairamitche, though it extends between this range and the summit of Kasdaghi, does not cut through the chain behind Scepsis, the hills of Bounarbachi, seem still to be only the claws of the large Scolopendra, to which it was likened by the ancient writers. Supposing, however, that the hills at Bounarbachi are " no part of Ida" they do not therefore become less likely to have been the seat of Troy. I do not remember in the Iliad any passage where Troy is said to have been situated on that mountain, though it stood near the fountains of Scamander. The only remaining objection to our Scamander is its size, which has been thought inconsistent with the • Tliough the passage supposed to be interpolated is unquestionably ancient, I still should think it not genuine from the mention of the rjixiSsov yivo; avd^wv, demi-gods, a race of beings with which the old bard himself seems to have been totally unacquainted. I question if they are alluded to in any genuine passage of Homer. Castor, Pollux, and even Hercules, are always represented as men and as mortal. 576 THE TROAD. epithets assigned to it by Homer. He certainly was the son of Jupiter, and in the 21st book his epithets would lead us to expect a considerable river, but after the Trojans in that book had arrived at the ford of the Scamander (II. (J', v. 1.), and one part of them fled towards the city, those whom Achilles pursued fled to the left, and the slaughter continued below, and at the confluence of the two rivers. Below that point the united stream retained always the name of the Scamander ; I have elsewhere given reasons for this supposition, for were not the battle between Achilles and the Scamander at least near- the confluence, the demigod could not be so silly as to invoke the assistance of his kinsman the Simois. At that point all the epithets are certainly applicable, and they are but sparingly used if at all in other parts of the poem, where the Scamander is more appropi'iately complimented as e'j^'^ocf, y.xXif^oog, and on his uyXxov vSu)^, and xaAa '^Udpce. Indeed in after-times the Mendere received all the honours due to the Scamander, and probably the alteration arose from the diversion of the original stream ; for notwithstanding the story of the drain made by a Turkish governor, I strongly suspect the present channel of the stream of Bounarbachi to have been a much more ancient work. The amnis navigabilis of Pliny is marked in your maps, and Mr. Walpole's research has completely accounted for the epithet ; but you seem to forget that Pliny expressly calls it the Scamander. A Turkish governor, as you know, was not likely to originate an improvement of this nature, and it is not possible to account for Pliny's expression, but by supposing the new channel of the Scamander, as it is called, to have existed when he wrote. Nor even does the modern name of Mendere appear to have been uniformly applied to the larger river. I agree, therefore, with Chevalier, that after the deflection of this * I should suppose tlie entreaty of the Scamandei" to the Simois most naturally timed when he was driving the hero down his stream to the point of confluence. It should never be forgotten that near this point a single elm pulled down by Achilles formed a bridge across it, a circumstance which can only be applied to such a stream as that of Bounarbachi. THE TKOAD. 577 stream, subsequent geographers continued to tlie larger river the name which in Homer's time it only bore below the confluence, and looked for the Simois where they could not find it. This alteration in the course of the Scamander, if it was very early (which I strongly suspect it was), accounts for the variance we find between Homer and even the best of the ancient geographers. This system, which Chevalier first adopted, still appears to me so far from being a " wild theory," that it seems to remove the chief difficulties which stand in the way of every other. It is strongly borne out not only by the existence of the two fountains, which, according to the obvious, though not the necessary sense of the only genuine passage relating to the sources of the Scamander in Homer, appear to have been those sources, but also bv the tumuli on the hill behind Bounarbachi, \\hich agree with the probable position of the Trojan tombs, and were certainly near the city. As to the nature and heat of these springs and the number of them, they have given rise to more minute researches than when I was there ; and my only excuse for this and many other omissions is, that when I visited the plain, Bryant had not written, and I never dreamt of controversy. The survey I took was merely to satisfy a classical curiosity with respect to Homer, and I neither used a thermometer to the springs, nor took more of a map than just to mark with a pencil some of the incorrect delineations of Chevalier's. You who have been on the spot, will appreciate what I did, and not wonder at what I omitted, under such circum- stances. Every traveller has confirmed what I originally stated with respect to the tradition of one of the springs being hot and the other cold. I call the Kirk Geuse one spring ; for though the water issues from a number of small orifices in the rock, yet being all so near together and forming only one large pool, it is refining far too much to suppose a poet would necessarily speak, as Shakspeare says, by the card, and count every separate crevice. To the touch when I was there, the water of the marble fountain, in which only one spring rises, was warmer than in the larger and more exposed pool formed by the Kirk Geuse. If Homer had heard by a similar inaccurate re- port what we all heard from the tradition of the country, such an - 4 E 578 THE TROAD. opinion would be quite foundation sufficient for the incidental de- scription with which he has ornamented his 22d book. The tombs are another striking feature of this system. They of course were near Troy, for the same reason that those of the Greeks were near the shore. Hector's was made ttukvc'^th' Aaso-ir/, and all those you found there were of stones heaped together, like the Scotch cairns, of which we ourselves have numbers in each part of the island. It would perhaps be difficult to point out that of Hector after your observation, that the same description would apply to all ; but it by no means follows that the same did not apply to all, as the poem closes without mentioning the other tombs. Not only the tombs how- ever, but the rocks mark the Acropolis of Troy, for they, too, are mentioned in Odyss. (3. v. 508: — H xxto, TrsTpaai/ (3a.Xseiv ... a cir- cumstance not sufficiently weighed by many who have written on the subject. Nay, I am almost inclined to insist on this situation the more, from its explaining, I own, to my own satisfaction, a very curious passage which has been much discussed by the commentators. In the 21st book, II. O. 555, after the Trojans, pursued by Achilles, had entered the. city, and Priam had closed the Scaean gate to stop pursuit, Agenor, incited by Apollo, remained on the outside of the wall. In his alarm at the approach of Achilles, he meditates on flight, and says, II. ■3 - = O ^ '^/^Um^^ O rn - r 5 m>- Qorn Hp ^i §5 ^ z OOrn >d> -03Zr> 3 >0-lrn- ZOZ^O '5>oz9 •rnXA^HZ ^rn;3rn -H m'mn m mi z^as> r"o ( ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. 585 throughout, excepting within the portico near the Cecropium." This point estabhshed, we Icnow where to look for the unfinished parts, which the inscription begins with enumerating. ' * The preceding Inscription divested of its Archaisms. [The figures refer to different readings in Chandler's copy; — see the end of the Inscription.] Eni2TATAl(l) TOT NEI2 TOT EN nOAEI, EN m TO APXAION ATAAMA, BP02TN. . H2 KHIA0KAH2 (3) AXAPNET2, TPAMMATETS ETEAPX02 (4) KTAA0HNAIET2, TAAE (5) ANEFPA^AN EPFA TOT NEI2, iiS (6) KATEAABON EXONTA KATA TO *H<1'I2MA TOT AHMOT, O EniEENHS EIOEN ESEIPFASMENA (7) KAI HMIEPPA EOI AI0KAE02 APX0NT02 KEKP0niA02 ITPTTANET0T2H2 OPliTHS EHI TH2 B0TAH2 (8) HI NIK0*ANH2 MAPAOilNIOS nPilTOS ETPAMMATETSEN. TOT NE-Q TAAE KATEAABOMEN HMIEPPA , Eni THI TONIAI THI (9) HPOS TOT KEKPOniOT mi nAIN0OT5 ' A0ETOT2, MHKOS TETPAHOAAS nAAT02AinOAA2, HAXOS . . TPIHMinOAIOTS . MASXAAIAIAN(IO)'' MHKOS TETPAHOAA HAATOS TPinOAA, nAX02 TPI12N HMinoAmN . II EniKPANITIAA2 ' MHK02 TETPAHO AA2, nAAT02 TPinOAA2, HAXOS TPmN HMinOAIilN . rilNIAIAN ^ MHK02 EHTAOOAA, nAAT02 TETPAnOAA nAX02 TPIilN HMinOAIIiN . rorrTAOT2 AI0OT2'' A0ETOT2 • ANTIMO P02 TA12 EniKPANITl2lN (11), MHK02 AEKAnOT2, T*02 TPIi2N HMinOAmN . • The angle of the building nearest to the Cecropium is marked F. in the plan and view. The portico of the temple of Minerva- Polias is marked H. A, The temple of Minerva- Polias. B, the Pandroseum. C, The stylagalmatic portico. G, The entrance into the Pandroseum. The parts of the building distinguished by crossed lines, as well as the ground without, at N. and W., are eight feet lower than the rest of the building. Two walls, D,D, supported the higher ground. 4 F 586 ■ ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. II ANTIM0P12 TOIS Eni^TTAIOlS, MHK02 TETPAnOAE, OAATOS HEN TEOAAASTH. I KIOKPANON*^ A0ETON METiinON TO E20MEN0N nAATOS TPTilN HMIOOAmN DAXOS TPmN HMinoAmN . II EniSTTAIA « A0ETA, MHK02 OKTil nOAA, nAATOS ATOIN nOAOIN KAI nAAASTHS, nAXOi; AIHOAA . III EniSTYAIA " ANi2 ONTA EAEI EHEPrASASQAI MHKOS OKTilDO AA nAATOS ATOIN nOAOIN KAI OA AASTH2 nAXOS AinOAA . TOY AE AOinOT EPPOT AHANTOS EN KTK.\m APXEI O EAET2INIAK02 AI0O2 ' nP02 m TA ZmA (12) KAI ETE0H Eni TilN EniSTATilN TOTTilN TilN KIONflN ^ Ti2N EHI TOT TOIXOT TOT nP02 TOT nANAPOSEIOT . IIII KEIMENX2N KI0N12N ATMHTA EK TOT ENT02 AN0E MIOT EKA2T0T TOT KI0N02 TPIA HMinOAIA . Eni2TTAIOT OKTI2nOA02 EOI TOT TOIXOT TOT nP02 NOTON KTMATION E2 TO E2il EAEI (13) Eni0EINAI . TAAE AKATAEE2TA KAI APABAi2TA.(14) TON TOIXON ' TON nP02 NOTOT ANEMOT AKATAHE2 TON, nAHN TOT " EN THI nP02TA2EI THI nP02 Ti2I KEKPOnmi . TOT2 OP0O2TATA2 " AKATA HE2T0T2 EK TOT EH120EN EN KTKi\I2I nAHN T12N " EN THI nP02TA 2EI THI nP02 TI2I KEKPOHim . TA2 2nEIPA2 " AnA2A2 APPABAX2TOT2 (15) TA AN110EN . T0T2 KI0NA2 APABAi2TOT2 AnANTA2, ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. 587 OAHN Ti2N Eni TOT TOIXOT. THN KPIiniAA" EN KTKAm AOASAN AKATAHESTON TOT TOIXOT TOT EKTOlS AKATAEE2TA, TOT rATAOT(l(J) AI0OT ' TETPAHOAIAS mil TOT EN Tm ni'OSTOMI (1?) . . tetpahoaia:^ ... TH2 nAPASTAAOS . . . TETPAnOAIAS . . . TOT nP02 TOT PAAMATOS (18) TETPAHOAIAS EN THI nPOSTASEI nP02 TOT ©TPi2MAT02. TON BilMON TOT 0THXOT (19) A0ETON- TH2 EnOPO*IAS S*HKI2K0T2 (20) KAI IMANTA5 A0ETOTS Eni THI npo:iTA2-Ei thi opos Tm KEKPOnim. EAEI (21) III TOT2 AI0OTS TOT2 OPOlAIOTS ' TOTS EHI TUN KOPi2N ' EHEPFASA 20A1 ANi20EN, MHKOS TPIilN KAI AEKA nOAiiN HAATOS HENTE HOAiiN. TAS KAi\XA2 ' TA2 EOI TOIS EHI 5TTA10I2 EHEPrA2A20AI EAEI ... AI0INA (22) HANTEAllS EHEIPFASMENA A XAMAI- nAlN0OI TETPAOOAES MHKOS AI OAATOS AinOAES, OAXOS TPmN HMinOAIiiN AHIIMATAI* I MASXAAIAIA MHK02 TETPA DOTS HAATOS TPIHOTS HAXOS TPIHN HMinOAmN. TOTTilN EKA2T0T, OTK EEEIPTA 2TAI O APM02 O ETEP02 OTAE 01 Oni20EN APMOI. All MHK02 EKHOAES HAATOS AIOO AE2, HAXOS nOAIAIOI, TOTTQN EKA2TOT, OTK EHEHTA 2TAI O APM02 O ETEP02, OTAE 4 F 2 588 ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. 01 oni20EN APMOl . ; " n TETPAnOAES MHK02 OAATOS AIDO AE2 nAXOS nOAIAlOI, TOTTiiN EKA2T0T OTK ESEIPFA ../ ■ ' , ■ ■ 5TAI O APM02 O ETEPOS OTAE OI Oni20EN APMOI- I nENTEnOTS MHK02, OAATOS AinOTS, HAXOS nOAIAIGS, TOTTOT APrOS O APMOS O ETE P02 KAI OI Oni2©EN APMOI. TEISA =• MHK02 TETPAnO AA nAATOS nil TPinOAA OAXOS nENTEOAAASTA, AEIA EKnEnOIHMENA ANET KATA ' . T0MH2 . n ETEPiiN MEFEGOS TO ATTON, ..:■;. KTMATIOT KAI ASTPAPAAOT EKATEPOY ATMHTOI (28) H2AN TETTAPES HOAES • • EKA2T0T. II ETEPOIN, ATMHTOI H2AN TOT KTMATIOT, TETTAPES nOAES, TOT AE A^TPAPAAOTOKTil HOAES . ] ETEPOT, TOT KTMATIOT TPIA HMIOOAIA ATMHTA, ASTPAPAAOT TETTAPES nOAES. . . 1 ETEPON, THN MEN AEIAN EPP ASIAN (24) EIPFASTO HI TOT AE KTMATIOT, APFOI OOAES H2AN EH (25) KAI HMinOAION, ASTPAFAAOT, APFOI nOAES 0KT12. ;■•' , •• ETEP12N • - KTMATIOT EH HOAES APFOI ASTPAFAAOT 0KT12 DOAES . 1 ETEPON HMIEPFON TH2 AEIAS EPFASIAS . IIII TON AnO TH2 2TOA2 MHK02 TETPAHO AA nAATOS TPinOAA OAXOS OENTE OAAASTA AEIA EKHEnOIIiMENA ANET KATATOMHS. . ;• :;]/.': ' FXINIAIA ' EDI THN HPOSTASIN THN n HPOS Eii, MHK02 EKHOAE, OAATOS TETAPTOT HMinOAlOT, DAXOS ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. 589 HENTEnAAA^TA . TOTTiiN TOT ETEPOY, H AEIA MEN EPFA 2IA2 (26) ENEIPPASTO, TO AE KTMATION AFrON(27)OAON, KAI O AZiTPAFAAOS, TOY AE ETEPOY, APPON KTMATIOY TPEI2 nOAE2 KAI HiMinOAION, TOY AE A2TPA FAAOY, APrOl nOAES RENTE . Eni TON TOIXON TON OPOii TOY nANAPOSElOY MHK02 EOTAnOAUN, KAI HMIHOAIOY, HAATOS TPlilN HOAilN KAlHMinOAIOY, HMIEPFON. TH2 AEIA5 EPFA2IAS, MHK02 EKnOAilN OAATOS TPJilN I nOAHN KAI nAAA5TH2 OAXO^ OENTE nAAA2Ti2N (28) KAI TON TOIXON TON OPOS TOY HANAPOSEIOY, TOYTOYA5TPAFA.\OY, ATMHTOI OOAES nENTE . AIETIAIOI a TiiN ADO THS -STOA-g, MHK05 III EHTAOOAES, HAATOS TPIIIN nOAI2N KAI HMinOAIOY OAXOS HOAIAIOI OYTOI HMIEPFOI . II ETEPI2 MHKOS OENTEOOAE OAATOS TPmN nOAiiN KAI HMinOAIOY OAXOS nOAIAOI HMIEPFOI . FEI5A EHI TOYS AIETOYS^ HAATOS HENTE HMinOAIflN, MHK02 TETTA PflN nOAHN KAI HMinOAIOY OAXOS nOAIAIA, THN AEIAN EPFA2IAN EKHEH OIHMEN • • I ETEPON HMIEPFON TH5 AEIA2 EPFA5IA2 • II 0YPAI AI0INAI, MHK02 0KTi2 HOAHN KAI HAAASTHS, HAATOS OENTE HMinOAmN nil TOYTilN TA MEN AAAA EHEHEOOI HTO EI2 TA ZTFA (29) AE EAEI T0Y2 AI0 0Y2 TOYS MEAANA2 EN0EINAI . I 0Y2 Till YnEP0YPI2I (30) THI HPOS EI2 HMIEPFON . . ' III Till BilMill Till TOY 0YHXOY(31) AI0OI HEN 590 ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. TEAEIKOI, MHK02 TETPAOOAE^, T^OS ATOIN nOAOIN KAl OAAASTHS, nAxos noAiAioi . I ETEP02 TPinOTS . The following are some of the different readings in Chandler a copy. (i- {o. (3. (4. (5. (6. (7. (8. (9. (10. (11. (12. (13. (14. (15. (16. (17. (18. (19. (20. (21. (22. (23. (24. (25. (26. (27. (28. (29. (30. (31. 01 EniSTATAI AAPTLE0EN. This name is omitted in Chandler. EOAPXOS. • Ch. omits this word. H02A. ENEPAA2MENA. DOLES, Ch. Mr. Elmsley reads B0LE2. EALEinONTAI. MA2XALIAN. EniKPANTISlN. . ' ZOLA KAI EPAO^, Ch. Mr. Elmsley reads ZOIA KAI ETE0E. ELS. Ch. ' APAPAOTA. Ch. APAPAOTOS. Ch. ZOAATLO LI02. Ch. • nP02 TO. Ch. TO ALA0MAT02. Ch. TOM BOM. Ch. This line is not given by Chandler. KLEI. Ch. AAELOinA. Ch. ATMHTO. TES MEN LEIA2 EPAA2IAS. Ch. EX2IS. ■ . HO LEIAS ENEPAA2IA2. Ch. HOAIAION. Ch. HALASTOI. Ch. AAETA EI. Ch. AE EAEI, Elmsley. POTTPOI. Ch. TOI TOMOI TO! TO OT E20. Ch. ARCHITECTUUAL INSCRIPTION. 591 Translation. Brosyii . . . es of" Cephisia, Chariades of Agryle, Diodes of Cephi- sia, the epistatae of the temple in the citadel, in which is the antient statue ; Philocles of Acharnce the architect, Etearchus of Cydathe- nasum the secretary ; have reported the works completed and halt- finished, as they found them to be, according to the decree of the people proposed by Epigenes, in the archonship of Diodes ; the Cecropic tribe presiding in the council, in which Nicophanes of Mara- thon was secretary of the first prytany. We have found these parts of the temple half-finished at the angle nearest the Cecropium. IV. Tiles*'' not placed, four feet in length, two feet in width, a foot and a half in thickness. I. Shoulder tilef' four feet in length, three feet in width, a foot and a half in thickness. • The tiles were slabs of marble wrought with great precision ; every precaution calcu- lated to keep out the wet being adopted in the mode of their formation. The meeting joints of the tiles in the same line were saddled, as it is now termed; that is, a rim, raised above the surface, was left on each side ; so that if any wet found admission under the nar- row strips that covered the meeting joint of two contiguous tiles, its further progress was prevented. A similar kind of rim was left at the top of each tile, and the under side of the one next above it was throated, or grooved, where it overlapped the other. The tiles usually varied in length and breadth according to the scale of the building. In temples of no great magnitude, such as the Erecthcum, they were about two feet wide. The tiles at the eaves of the roof were formed out of the sloping blocks immediately above the cornice, -Tvhich were almost invariably equal in widtli to two tiles. These are the tiles alluded to in the beginning of the survey. The conmion tiles were seldom more than four inches thick; they were sometimes made with clay, although every other part of the building was marble. Where gutters were introduced at the eaves, they were hollowed out of these blocks: the front of such gutters were formed into a molding, which Vitruvius calls the sima. Whether or not gutters were carried along the eaves, the sima was made to sur- mount the cornice of the pediments, and was returned for a short distance round the angle of the cornice. t The tile here alluded to was probably that at the point or extremity of the pediment, which was returned along the flank. It might be so termed, because here they were placed immediately upon the humeri, as Vitruvius, speaking of this temple, calls the re- turns of the building at the angles of the front. 592 ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. V. Epicranitides*'^ four feet in length, three feet in width, a foot and a half in thickness. I Angular -^ " (epicranitis) seven feet in length, four feet wide, a foot and a half in thickness. Eaves joint-titles I*" not placed. I' Continuation § of the epicranitides, ten feet in length, a foot and a half in height. II Portions in continuation of the epistylia|l, four feet in length, : five palms in width. ; ; ^ - " • I Capital of a column^ to be above the window-jamb ^f, not placed ; a foot and a half wide ; a foot and a half in thickness. V Epistylia**^ not placed, eight feet long, two feet and a palm wide, two feet in thickness. * The Epicranitides were tiles forming the sima, or top-bed of the cornice belonging to the pediments. EvUpavov, from which the term is derived, signifies fastigmm and vertex. — Poll. lib. ii. c. 4. 3. t The angular Epicranitis was that at the vertex of the fastigium, or pediment. X ToyyxiKoi Xt'Joi, I imagine to be the upright circular pieces, terminating the joijit-tiles at the eaves or gutters of the roof. By joint-tiles I mean those which were placed over the meeting joints of the flat tiles; they were equal to them in length, but narrow; re- sembling in their outward form an hexagonal prism cut in two. They extended from the lidge of the roof down to the eaves, or gutters. In some temples, these, as well as the common, or flat tiles, were made of clay. The imhex, or eaves-tile, of potter's earth, was termed by the Greeks o-ToyyuXosiS)};, or yoyyuAosiErjf, xipaixo; : when made of marble, the word Ai'flof would probably be substituted for xegajx^j. The joint-tiles are mentioned in a subsequent part of the inscription. § AvTifio^ioj means, I presume, a corresponding portion, or continuation, of the member of the building with which the term is conjoined, perhaps the contiguous piece. II The epistylia were blocks extending from centre to centre of two adjoining columns. In temples where columns were not employed to form a peristyle round the building, as in the example before us, the epistylia were nevertheless continued along the flanks. The two portions alluded to in this passage are said to be adjoining or contiguous, probably to the five mentioned almost immediately afterwards. fl MsTcoTTov, that part of the forehead immediately above the interval between the eyes. In this place it means part of the building above the interval, or jamb, between two windows. ** The epistylia here alluded to, seem to be those upon the wall, beginning from the angle of the building. The length of each piece being eight feet, the extent of all five together would have been greater than the length of the building in front. One described ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. 593 III Epistylia which are up " (in tiieir places) require to be worked on the surface, eight feet in length, two feet and a palm in width, two feet in thickness. The Eleusinian stone ', against which are the sculptures *, surmounts the rest of the work all around, and is placed above the epistylia f of those columns " which are upon the wall next the Pandroseum. Of IV engaged columns |., a foot and a half of each column is left unsculptured, measured from the volute § within. It is necessary to place the inner cymatium of I epistylium. eight feet long, upon the wall towards the south. — These are in a subsequent passage, of equal length, is said to have been upon the south wall : whence it is probable that these also were part of tiie same range in the flank of the temple. * A remarkable singularity is to be observed in the construction of the Erectheuni. The facing of the frize, and of the tympanum of the remaining pediment, is formed of a hard stone, similar to tliat found in the neighbourhood of Eleusis. It is studded with iron cramps, which formerly served to fasten either bronze or marble sculptures. The word ^uJa signifies, as Facias observes, small statues. " Mihi quideni |(jja et ^coJia minu- tiora varii generis simulacra denotare videntur." — -Ad Pausan. v. 11. f The word ewia-TaTov is one of rare occurrence; it is found in the Sigean inscription, where it seems to allude to the base or stand of the consecrated vase. On this account. Chandler supposed it to signify, in this place, the bases of the columns. These, however, are mentioned in a subsequent passage, under the common denomination \ were the persons who examined it, when it was § finished. The title of lina-TccTa\ was peculiarly applied to those who inspected * The situation of the bhick marble between the Zpya., or transverse ])ieces of the door- frame, and the hyperthyra, or cornices above it, is analogous to that of the marble frize between the epistylia and cornice. The black marble was therefore the same, probably, as that mentioned in the forty-second line, under the epithet Eleusinian. Pausanias men- tions a black stone or marble found under Parnassus, of which the walls of the city of Ambryssus were built. The temple and statue of Diana at the same place were also of the same material; it was remarkable for its hardness. Pausan. x. 36. The stone found around Parnassus is of similar formation with that produced by the quarries of Eleusis. The numeral letter prefixed to this sentence, was probably IT, although it has now the appearance of two units ; this, as well as the one next above and below it, are all placed too high up in the inscription; each should have ranged one line lower. f The upright pieces of a door-frame were called by the Romans, antcpagmenta, and those placed across them, supercilia. The latter are the ^vya. of the Greeks. In some in- stances, nothing intervened between the supercilium and hyperthyrum; although very often a sculptured frize was intermediately placed. I'^Ouj is the handle of a vase, so called from its resemblance to the human ear. Ears of the kind alluded to here, are something similar in shape to the Greek letter |. Vitruvius calls these ornaments anconcs and parotides. The last word I have corrected from the edition of Vitruvius, published by Schneider, which has only very lately fallen into my hands. The cotiSsj are termed by us consols, from the French console. § Dodwell, Ann. Thuc. 135.; Athenae, lib. vi. ; Herod, vi. c. 62. ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. 599 the public works. (Pollux, lib. vii. c. 33.) The word occurs in the first line ot'the preceding inscription, which is a report of the survey of the temple, partly finished, made by the Epistatse, whose names are mentioned, and by the architect Philocles. TxSs a/eyfix^tx.v spya TOW vEu, " they took an account of the work of the temple ;" the in- scription therefore is properly an dvccyfix^-^*, recensio ; it was made in the archonship of Diodes, 409 B.C., in that meeting of the senate in which Nicophanes was the secretary of the first prytany. f The inscription was written six years before the archonship of Euclid ; and is about fifty years posterior to the celebrated marble % relating to those of the tribe Erectheis who had perished in battle ; a copy of which is given by JMontfau9on, False. 1. ii., and by MafFei, Mus. Veron. After the archonship of Euclid, y was no longer written A, nor the lambda L, in which tbrm they both appear in the Athenian marble. The use of for cv seems to have been retained to a later age, until the time of the Macedonian fera. § Although H occurs as an aspirate in the inscription, yet it is certain that this character, used as a letter, as well as 0, was known in the time of Euripides, who died before the archonship of Euclid ; and Callias, a poet prior both to Sophocles and Euripides, has described the form of T and n ; and H as well as 11 occur on some of the Macedonian coins of the fifth century B.C. II L. 1. 'Ev 7ro\ei. This expression has not always been properly un- derstood ; see Larcher, Herodotus, i. 453. lb. xyaXf^x. It is re- • ' Avayga^siv, proprie de iis rebus, quae solenniter describuntur et in tabulas referuntur. Sluiter, Lee. Andoc. 201. f TlfMTo; eyfajti/Aare-jTEv, Greflier de la premiere Prytanie. See Barthelcmy, Mem. de I'Acad. xlviii. 407. % The true date of this inscription is fixed by Barbeyrac. Anci. Traites, p. 110. Monttau^on referred it to the year 4 19 B.C., when Cimon died ; but the war of Egypt mentioncil in it, is of the date 463 ; and that of ^giiia, of 45/. § Taylor, Sand. Marrn. viii. II Kniglit, Proleg. ad Homerum, sect. 78. See also Valcsius in Not. Mauss. Har- pocrat, who supposes the Ionic letters were used privately, but not publicly received before the archonship of Euclid, Oly. xciv. 2. . . . , . . goo ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. markable that the rude statue of Minerva-PoHas was preserved by the Athenians to so late a period as the age of Phitarch. See Euseb. Pr^ep. E. 1. iii. c. 8., and Wessel. Prob. p. 310. L. 2. ^AyovXr,9iv. See Harpocrates in v. 'Ay^vXv- This word and 'Ay^ccvX^ have been improperly confounded by some writers ; see Corsini, F. A. Diss. v. L. 6. The archonship of Diodes does not commence before July in the year 409 B.C., for the archonship of Glaucippus finished at the end of June in that year. Barthelemy, Mem. des In. xlviii. 407. L. 23. royyuXou; Xi9ou^. There is some difficulty in pointing out the part of the building to which these words refer. The scholiast on the Pax of Aristophanes, v. 28., merely uses the expression, ea-Ti Je xx] yoyyuXoi; XtSog, without giving any elucidation. L. 29. UccXcca-TTJ TO lAtrpov, says Phrynichus, c.viv tcv i. In this form it always occurs in the inscription. It is also found without the iota in one of the MSS. of Herodotus, Cod. Med. ; see Oudendorp ad Thom. M. 674. On the Nilometer of Elephantine we find Traxdia-Toi, (see Girard's Mrmoire,) but the inscription there is of the age of Severus. L. 30. As KiU^Kvov occurs in the inscription, it may be sufficient authority for the word in those places, whei-e some propose to alter it to ittovoy.^a.vov. PolluX, 1. vii. 121. L. 34. The expression used by Euripides to denote this part of a building, is xdiva. Kto. This word, as Heyne remarks, is applied by Pausanias to work in relief, scocff Itcars^oii d tov Kpas/ouf y^VTTsg tuxtv eTreifyoco f^ivot, " on each side of the helmet are griffins worked in relief," L. i. In the language of the Greek artists, Trepii^ai/^ ^u^)x^ are " figures in high relief;" Trpoo-TUTra *, " those in low relief " See Schweigh. in Athenas. 1. V. c. 38. * Turn; is the word applied to sculpture in relief in general ; see the passage alreadj' cited, p. 380. of this volume, from the Hypsipyle of Euripides. ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. (y()\ L. 42. ripoV cS Tcc ^ux, or, as the inscription gives it, ZOI v ; and in this manner the word is properly written {(^utm, i. e. ^Jwf) in a MS. of Antigonus Carystius. See Bast. Epis. Crit. p. 82. ZIIIA also occurs in an inscription in the Mus. Veron. p. xviii. Zua. is the certain reading of Mr. Elmsley, instead of" ZOAA, which Chandler gives in his copy ot'the Inscription. Zux signifies tlie figures in relief on the temple ; in this sense the word occurs in Empedocles, y^xTTToi? cb ^adic-i, not pictis animaUbiis, but painted figures; see Athen. Schweigh. lib. xii. c. 3. ; and in Uiodorus S. Excer. 606. l^uov signifies a fiirure > " Antiochus employed himself with pieces of mechanism, and with moving by means of them figures of five cubits in height, silvered and gilded, ^ux ■yrevTacTT'/i^x,"'" L. 45. The sacred olive is said by Apollodorus, (lib. iii.) to be in the Pandroseum ; by Herodotus, (lib. viii.) in the temple of Erectheus ; by Pausanias, (lib. i.) in the temple of Minerva. All these passages are reconciled by considering, that the chapels or buildings were connected together. L. 64. rTTgjpaf. This word is solely applied to the bases of loJiic columns. See I. Polhix. L. 65. ^ApacGSuTovc, "unfluted:" '^dQ^afnc is the word used by Aristotle to denote the fluting of a column ; (see Schneider in His. An. iv. c. iv.) In Diodorus S. we find Six^uG-f^xra. employed in the same sense ; they are the strigiles of Vitruvius. See Wesseling, in fib. xiii. 607. " The body of a man, says the historian, when .speaking of the temple of Jupiter Olympius at Agrigentum, might be fitted in the fluted parts of the columns." At this day, we may still see at Girgenti, a portion of the enta- blature, with a Triglyph, and the upper part of one of the columns ; and if we take 18 inches (French), as the breadth of one of the flutes at this portion of the column, and add a sixth for the breadth of one in the lower part, we shall find more than sufficient space for the body of a man. See Quatremere, Mem. 1815. In an inscription on one of* the Oxford marbles, some columns are called Kiovs; KVfifiiXXi.Txi ; these words are translated by Selden, 4h 602 ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. ■ columnce striatce ; but Reinesius proposes another interpretation. Mar. Ox. 512. Ed. Maittaire. L. 81. I,(P'yiKi!r;ioug, " the dove tails, tenons of metal ;" Wilkins : a-(P'^x.ufioc Si(rfJi.o<; ; Hesychius : ironvra avvi(r(pyinu(nv, " omnia COmpegit si7nuL" Dioo;. L. in v. Anax. . ■ L. 85. 'Opo(pioiiovg, X. " ceiling stones." This word is only found in the present inscription, and in a dialogue of the 12th century, entitled Tiniario, which may be seen in the Notice des MSS. du Roi. ix. L. 86. Lessing objects to the origin given by Vitruvius, lib. i. to the name Caryatides, (the ivOPAI of the inscription,) as applied to columns ; he does not think the town of Caryce was of consideration enough to join the Persians in their invasion of Greece. But we are expressly told by Herodotus, lib. viii. "that some Arcadians sided with the Persians ; and there was Cai-yas, a town in Arcadia, a borough of the Pheneatas, as well as in Laconia. The fact, therefore, men- tioned by Vitruvius may be true ; only we should read with Larcher, (ad Herod, lib. viii.) civitas Pheneatarum, instead of civitas Pelopotinesi. The Caryatides of Praxiteles are mentioned by Pliny, lib. xxxvi. c. 5., as well as those which were placed by the sculptor Diogenes on columns to decorate the Pantheon of Agrippa ; but no instance re- mains of any building, belonging to the pure age of Athenian architecture, in which we find them used, except in the Pandroseum of Athens. L. 120. 'E}e.77i770ir![/,svx. This word implies " finished work." " The Propylfea were finished, l^s7rot7,6ri;" Heliodorus in Harpocratio in v. npo, Herodotus says, " the stones of the Pyramids were Jin/shed off?'' This is the translation of Dr. Hales. L. 148. TiTaprou ri[A.i7Tod'iov, "three feet and a half." The meaning of this numeral form among the Greeks has not always been correctly explained ; thus, t'sto-^tov Tif/.i.roixa.vTov, is three talents and a half; but TTivTs vjuiTukxvTx, are not four talents and a half, as Kuhnius translates the words ; they mean only two talents and a half. See Hemster. in Poll. ix. c. 6. note 88. and the Addenda. ARCHITECTURAL INSCRIPTION. 603 I.. 166. At^rtxiot, " the stones of the jK'dinieiit," the 'Atro . It is worthy of remark, that this word is found in an inscription on the entablature of a temple at Antasopolis in Egypt ; it is not therefore appropriated solely to the triangular form. Ilamilton's^gyp. 395. L. 186. OS TOT HTnEP©TPOr. The uTre^Su^ov is described by Kuhnius as tiiat jiart, " supra siiperdlium sub corona, viceni quodammodo zophori gerois." Pollux, i. c. 8. JMr. Howes translates it " lintel" in Odys. vii. in the description ol" the palace of Alcinous. (On Books, t. i.) A balcony over the door was called to Trfovyjv toZ UTrspfiufoL/ ; it is the (TTfi^lo of the later Greeks. See Salm. H. A. 155. 4 H 2 ( 604 ) REFERENCES TO MR. LESLIE FOSTER'S MAP OF THE TROAD. The annexed map does not lay claim to perfect accuracy ; but on a subject which has given rise to so much controversy every degree of evidence may be of some value. It was constructed by observations of angles made from a variety of stations ; principally the hill of Yenicher, the tomb of Ajax, the tomb of iEsyetes, and the Pergamus. The instrument with which they were observed was merely a small mariner's compass with sights adapted to it. A. The plain of Troy perfectly level ; in general dry and tolerably well cultivated. Its produce corn and pasturage. L The fortress of Koum Kale. 2. The town of Koum Kale, supposed to contain about 2000 in- habitants, all Turks. 3. Seven Windmills. 4. The village of Yenicher, inhabited by Greeks. The hill on which it stands was probably the Sigaean promontory in the time of the Trojan war. From hence to the fort is sand, different from the soil of the plain, and seems to have been formed by the river. C. A shoal of sand. d. Here probably was the line of shore formerly. 5. A tumulus on the brow of the hill, 24 feet high towards the plain, supposed to be the tomb of Achilles. 6. A tumulus in the plain. 7. A Turkish cemetery, on a rising heap of earth, but whether natural or artificial it seems difficult to determine. 8. A wooden bridge ; the river is here 465 feet broad. M. A perpendicular chalk cliff about 100 feet high. 9. The ancient confluence of the Simois and Scamander. 9 . ™P' TROAD. g05 10. A stone bridge of four arches and 60 feet long, built over the ancient bed of the Scamander issuing from the marsh (12). The water was barely moving in this channel in May 1803. The channel was no where less than 20 feet broad. 11. A rising heap of earth ; it may be doubted whether it is natural or the remains of a tumulus. 12. Deep marshes, and pools of water. 13. A tumulus 24 feet high. 14. A narrow drain through which the water issues from die marsh rapidly. 15. The river Simois. The channel filled with water was no less than 200 feet broad in May 1803. 16. Kallifatli,' village. . * 17. Marshes on each side of the ancient bed of the Scamander. It is impossible in this part to distinguish the channel. 18. Village of Yeni Keui. .. , . . • . 19. A tumulus. 20. A singular shaped chalk clifF. 21. An artificial canal which diverts the greater part of the waters of the Scamander ; this canal, at the place marked 22, where it branches off from the river, is carried along the brow of the hill to preserve the level ; a proof that it is artificial. 23. The river Scamander. 24. A Turkish village. , 25. The tomb of iEsyetes, about 100 feet high. 26. Marshes full of the Arundo donax about the bed of the Scamander. 27. 28. The sources of the Scamander, both cold in May, 1803 ; but reported by the Turks to be hot, and to smoke in winter. 29. A gently rising hill, insulated in the plain. 30. A rough rocky hill, at the bottom, above the sources producing wild fig-trees. Queere the 'Efwso^. 31. Qncere whether the place thus marked is not the site of the ancient Scaean gate. QQQ THE TROAD. 32. Turkish village of Bournabashi, containing about 20 houses, 33. A Turkish cemetery full of fragments of granite and marble of rude workmanship, and very great antiquity. 34. A valley between the Erineos and the site of Troy. ■■'■ 35. This dotted line marks what was possibly the boundary of the city on the north. , : . • - 36. A tumulus of stones and earth. 37. A tumulus of stones, probably the tomb of Hector. It stands on a naked rocky hill, on the brow of a precipice rising immediately from the river, at least 300 feet perpendicular. 38. Dubious remains of a tumulus. 39. A tumulus. Qucerc, did the wall of Troy enclose this hill? 40. The precipice, on the brow of which was the Pergamus. ' 41. A most beautiful romantic valley ; in spring the river overflows its whole breadth. 42. A deep ravine between the Pergamus and the city. 43. A steep rocky mountain. 44. A gently swelling hill, probably Callicolone. ^ 45. Tchiblak, a Turkish village. 46. The village and valley of Thimbrek. ^ 47. Halel Eli ; in the cemetery, there are remains of a temple. 48. Koum Keui ; in the cemetery considerable remains. 49. The tomb of Ajax. 50. A tumulus. 51. Marshes overflowed by the Hellespont. This seems to have been the station of the fleet. 52. Mouth of the river. ( 53. Steep rocky mountains extending to the Dardanelles. The dotted line denotes the track pursued by the drawer of the map. THE TROAD. G07 ' \ ' . . • ' - ' ... , ' » r '. f ; . ' 1, t Remarks on the Dcmetrian System of the Tread, h/ the Editor. * (The references are made to Mr. Leslie Fostei-'s ma]).) 1. CbuRSK of the Simois. It is plainly stated by Demetrius when speaking of the two rivers, Scamander and Simois, that the former approaches Sigasum, the latter RluEteum ; o ts Zy.a,^iavS^oq Kal o I,ifxoei;' filv Tu "^tyuto 'TTX'/iTicia-ui;^ 6 i'i. ru Ycnuu. L. xiii. There is no other stream in the whole plain, to which the words alluding to the Simois apply, but that in the valley of Gheumbrek. The course of it may be seen * in Sir W. Gell's map»; and it may be said to pass to the south of fig. 46., in Mr. Foster's map, to continue to run by fig. 47., and then to the north of fio-. 48. The stream is called in Dr. Hunt's journal Kamara Souf-, or the aqueduct river, from a building of this nature which crosses the stream at another part of the Troad. 2. The Shimar of Professor Carlyle, (the Kalefatli of Dr. Clarke,) flows in a direction south of fig. 44. 45., 44. towards fig. 16., where is * At the season of the year, in the month of May? vvhen Mr. Foster visited the Troad, the course of the stream is not very observable. Mr. Frere, in a letter to the editor dated from Pera, speaks i.i the following manner of it: — " Descending from the south- ward the hills into the plain of the Thymbrius, we came to the left bank of that river, a little below Halel Eli (fig. I/.), and following its course upwards, crossed it at a ford at the eastern extremity of the village, and, winding to the left through an extensive tract of ruins, then riding some time west, or north-west, along a ]ilain of pasture, we bepan to ascend some gravelly hilis connected with the promontory of Ajax. In traversing this pasture, we crossed a river, or rather a water, (for it seemed nearly stagnant, whereas the Thymbrius is a clear and rapid stream,) which must, I should say from the position of the ground, fall into the Thymbrius, but I cannot say that it does certainly." f The Kamara of Dr. Hunt is the Shimar mentioned in the Journal of his fellow- traveller, Professor Carlyle. See Major Rennell's Topogra|)hy of Troy. Dr. Hunt says the word is written in his own papers Kamara and Tchamara. Kamara is an arch in modern Greek ; hence applied to an aqueduct. K is pronounced in many parts of the Levant as tch ,- the word Tchamara the Professor writes Shimar. 608 THE TROAD. the village of Kalefatli ; consequently it cannot be the Simois, or the Scamander of Demetrius, as it neither approaches Sigaeum at fig. 1. and 2., nor Rhasteum at fig. 49. 3. In the valley of Gheumbrek, D'Anville places the Simois ; (see Rennell's Observations on the Plain of Troy, 44.) Sandys the traveller, also, supposes it was to be found in that part of the plain ; " nearer Sigaeum was the station for the Grecian navy ; but nearer Rhaiteum, the river Simois, now called Simores, discharges itself into the Hellespont." 4. If we suppose the Simois to flow in the valley of Gheumbrek, we may easily explain the words of Ptolemy, who notices, in order, the following places, — AxoSxvov' Sijttoei'7-oj Trora^oi/ sKfliXocV Laizfixv^pcu •TroTUjjiov iKQoXui. Y.tyitov ay.pov. L. 5. 5. We may ask on what authority the Thymbrius and plain of Thymbria have been placed at fig. 46, 47, 48. There is no mention of Thymbra but once in Homer, II. k. 430. It is there only said, " that the Carians and troops of other nations are toTtcards the sea ; but tozrards Thymbra are the Lycians, Mysians, Phrygians, and Mseonians. rTpoj Qv^uGprig BXa^cv Avxiot. We learn nothing from this passage concerning the situation of Thymbra, except that instead of being 7iear the sea, as it has been generally placed, the opposition expressed in the words of the poet would lead us to seek for it at a distance /row the sea. And if we examine the words of Demetrius, we shall also see that Thymbra cannot be placed where we are generally directed to look for it, at fig. 47, 48. These figures are not distant, at the utmost, two miles from New Ilium, which stood between fig. 48. and 15. ; but Thymbra was five English miles from New Ilium, or fifty stadia. This is the obvious deduction from the words in Strabo; — UXrjG-tov la-n [tu tj-ocXohu y.tTiO'f^xTt'j TO -Tnolov r; @vi/,l2^oe, y.oil o J;' dvTov peuv 'rroTXf^og @U[^!2ficc, if^jSxXXuv £*$■ Tov Zxa/^avopoi', x.xtoc to €)uf/.(3pxiov 'AjroXXuvog lef.ov' rev cs mi/ 'iXiou TTivTYiKcvrx (TTxSiovg (5^/£%£/. Lib. xlil. Ox. ed. 862. " The plain Thym- THE TROAD. 609 bra and the river flowing through it (which joins the Scamander near the temple of" Apollo) are in the vicinity of the ancient city, but distant fifty stadia from New Ilium."* If we suppose with Bryant, that the words apply to the conflux of the Thymbrius and Sca- mander, the conclusion is the same. If, then, Thymbra was near to the site of Old Troy, according to Demetrius (and in Homer we find nothing to the contrary), on what authority, we may repeat, has it ever been placed by those who con- sider Eournabashi, as representing the situation of old Troy, at a con- siderable distance from this village ? 6. At Thymbra was a Temple of Apollo, as we learn from Strabo ; by the Scholiast on Homer, II. %. 430., we are told it was Upov BTTt^ocvsi. Dr. Hunt found at Atche-keui, to the S. E. of Tchiblak (fig. 45. in Mr. Foster's map), some ruins and Greek inscriptions ; one of the latter mentions Apollo. In this very part of the plain we are about five miles from New Ilium, the distance of Thymbra from that place as given by Demetrius. A stream flowing near Atche-keui is noticed in Kauffer's map ; the same is also observed by Mr. Hob- house, 153. In this district of the Troad he was inclined to seek the plain of Thymbra and the river Thymbrius ; and Dr. Hunt's disco- very of the ruins there, and the inscription mentioning the name of Apollo, may be considered as pointing out the site of the temple of that deity, and confirming Mr. Hobhouse's opinion. 7. Demetrius, when speaking of the Simoisian and Scamandrian plains, uses these words: — " A certain ridge or hilly tract of consider- able size separates each of these mentioned plains one from the other. It takes its beginning straight from New Ilium ; is connected with (or attached to) it, and reaches to Cebrenia." Aiepysi S' UocTi^ov * For the site of New Ilium, see Dr. Clarke's Travels, vol. iii., and SirW. Cell's Topo- graphy, p. 117. " The discovery of inscriptions ascertaining the site of New Ilium," &c. f ' Krjyr^v, collis; Tov kijykva. %ioiXjiiyy(uipYflii. Eav Oe T15 SfJ-TTpXTTYj TO eVVO^iOV Eu/3ouXOV, 0(pElX- 6Ta) r) TToAif Tc/jv Op'^ojj.svimv apyupiou fj-vui TcTTapo-KOVTCc Et//3ouX«i xa3' Exa- (TTOV EViauTov xai Toxov