PT 1829 A A r-i c^ 1 3 <~) 5 1 2 '^ 7 RYI 9 3 N RA V // \ '0 V y / n IL e n r a. London : Printed by A. Spottiswoode, New- Street-Square. w^Ä/^^'W /4^ i^r^fat^^ J}e following tranölation of 9$ür0er*ö ^Ctonora lunö maJje Movt ti)t $Hutf)Cir I)atr ömi anp otljcr btröioit of töiö lustly rcIröraUtr öallatJ* ^ö 5i)e tiorö not proftsö to ftaüe atitrrtr anj) tfting to tf)e original, toe öole rnnnt of i)tr brröion (if it ftabe any) must ronöiöt m amiratrl|) antr ljibitrl|) rfpreömtmg tin German porm; for ööe f)aö rntrra-- boureti not only to tyinhit tin spirit, bnt to folloln loöere it Inaö poösitjle ü)t bfrj) iüortiö, of asiirgcr ; antr, in ron-- ötqncnre of tfte rommon origin of tf)r tluo langnagrö, tl)iö ran frtquentlp ht horn in translating from German into Cnglisf), or from €nglis1) into 6rrman, aö J)aö htm lucll tjrtmplifitt» m tftcir tranölation of onr ^I^aksprarr» Cfte bfrsion I)atr htm I))ing nploartiö of a year m a port- 1)1 ^Orrfarr. folio, lulirn tlif vlutlior brramc nrquamtrti Uiitl) tin rrlr-- bratrti traiiölationö of vLSIiIIiam Caplor of ilorUjirl) anli aaialtrr .^rott, Chrör tiiGtingmöbftJ mm babe mfiiöttr tlifir olun grniuo into tbfir tranölationö ; anti Bürger lö forgottrn, inbilöt ^c^rott anti Caplor arrrot t\)t attention, anti tiiiifll upon tbf mrmor)) aö for rber aööonatrö initb biö popular ballati, I-n tbi'ö inötanrt tbe raöt bill be founti to br far tiifferent, 33ürger muöt bfre be felt tbrougbotit» Cbf tirrp patboö anti tbe simpUntP of tbe analogue, anlr tbe nipötern, tbe terror, anti tbe supernatural rapitiitp of tbe ril^e ant! its ronrlusion, if tbep are fountr bere at all, are bio, Qffp feeling ftntis; itö bent in tbe simpleöt toortiö, antr thus It IÖ tbat ilSiirger ejrrelö ^eott anti Caplor in tieörribing tbr brohen-'beartetmeöö of tbe affliete53 maibem Cbe tlwenti)-- srronti stanui iö, in tbiö tranölation, quite literal; anli, in tlir 111 bole rirele of our Cnglisb pottrj), neber toao tbt paööion of lobr more faitbfullp paintetr» ^eott*ö translation lö incomplete; anti, like €aplor*ö, itö effect, tubateber else it map bf , iö not tbat of tbe German poenu iBasterö of tbeir objit art, tbep coulti not be tieli ^oh)n to eopp a portrait h)i)iti) ^reface^ hit another maöter ftatr pamtelr. Cf)ep roultr not ötrifee tWv Ipre to öütg toitöout bariation tijt öong of a l)rotf)er hnvti^ 9iM oumoler 53iönple of tfte art ran öeöt tro tf)iö ; anlr tl^e preöent Cranölator, itot aöpiring to treate, öaö ötutJietr onip to xatrö ti;e liktm^ö of a beautiful pirture, antr to ropp faitl)f«Ilp ear!) feature antr e^preööion of tl)e onginaL d^ne onip öebiation muöt lie arfenoluletrgetr, bn* tl)e röangmg: of tfte metre Mnvt tin öpertral rareer öeginö» lit Inaö tftougl^t tl)at tf)e rapitn'tp of toe arti'on Ijpoultr öe better repreöenteti öp rftpmetr ronpletö of equal lengtf), tl)an h^ tl)e ötan^a U)f)trö öatr öeen prebiouölp atropteb* Cöe lineö, " ^ramp tramp across tjbe lanti töcß roKc, ^plas]^ splast across t\}t sca," tüftirf) ftabe attrarteti öo muri) attention to tl)e poem, bo not appear in tf)iö tranölatiom CI)e)) are Caplor^ö otan; anti ^rott, faörinatel:! üjitl) töeir bibOr realit)?, embotueti töem m l)iö olun bersion luitf) ronfeööion antr apolog^n ^^ot Ijeing: Bürger % tl^ey are not in tl)iö translation, lul)irl) ma|) at bill ^3rffarr, nreit piolif n tiionppomtmfnt to tl)f rratifr: but tl)f ^utbor tiofo not frnr thr öarrifirf of tl)rm; for ISiirtrrr m I)i5 oloii otrniiith ran otanti alonr, anb, aö in I)aö lai^ tl)c örcne of I11C1 porni m thr intrnor of ^rrmann, tl)c mtrotJurtion of tlif 5ra inoiilti liabr httn mrongruouo» flntl)rr lö tin rpod) rhangrti, aö m tl)f brrsionö m question, liil)irl) make ti)e iobrr a birtim of tbf rrusatif of jfiTornrk 3$arIjaroööa, inötrati of onr of tl)f slain in a loar bttlufrn ** tl)f Cmprtöö anti tlif iung*** in a loorti, it I)aö iittn tl)e aim of tftiö tranölation to Ift Bürger sprak to tl)t CnglisI) rratifr aö nrarlp aö possible in bio olun pbrase, anti to tdl bio olon talf. H e n r a. '-4~^ •■ «■ »»« R ig'gBy-. •* Z\)t lüork of ötn'fr at last is öonr, ^3rai5f (ßöti!** öaiti manp a öritif : '* iL2;lfIromf ! lobcti romcrö from tf)e luar,' ^Jarcntö anti rI)iltiiTu rrirti» Vx ' ' 'i2$v -^.x ^A-r ^ ^„ J. >■ - » «^^V^f»^,^;;^^ \5— > ^lir l)mr!rtili>, notu up nolu trolun, Ourötions tl)f I)Oöt m bam; i^o oitf ran tril, no one ran oaj), zm^ (LQ^lilliam falör, or ölain» €l)rn f^abe paööeti on, tf)r barrior i)Oöt; 'Mts h)iB IÖ ftrr lirspair ; 2apon tl)r earti) öl)e matrip rollö, '3nti trarö I)er rabrn \mi\ m3^ Ci)e motI)fr to I)cr romfort fltrö: *'m)\ luI)P tl)iö gncf Ö0 luilti?** ^])t rlaspö f)rr tinucj:l)trr m i)cr anno, ^nti rneö **(l?oti ralm nt)) d)ilti!** > ** Ol) 1 niotI)cr, for nw hitttv Inoe ^^ i^o litt ran öolarr gibr ; V Can öarramrnt rrstorr tht tirati, 9[nti mafer mp ^^ö^UIIiam Iibc?** 7 Vöu ** %mk ! d)ilti: prrdjanre i)f *ö false, not lieati, (LI)]) trarö tf)t|) flotü in bai'n; #alöf arr ftiö botuö, I)iö perjurtti fttart Casit barfe to I)im acj:aüu^ ^ ** jror rbrr qunubrti ht hfr*ö faint öparkl , '^' iTo mc no mrrrp's gibrn: _^ Conic tirati) ! {• örrk, m itö tiark gloom, i\oi' lifr, nor f)opr, nor I)rabnt*' ** (Dl) ! öparr, i5oti öparr! I)tr I)fart is" torn; yitp mp rrring rl)ilti ! Sntigf not i)rr tuortis, for rcason^ö gone; €\) ! ht in merry nulti I nßj ** Conif tiratl) I romr tiratl) ! I lotiün \\\v life; >'^ ^11 ])om iö lit ticatl)*ö glciom» .^. > i 1; iBi> rainiam *ö gour, tül)at'ö left on rartl) ? \i ^ t^ .^/ '' Z\)t 5im l)atl) oft luitl) goltint Iigl)t, CI)? ötars illume tJ)e skieö; vlU nature *ö sunk in oiueet repoöe, ?leonora onlp öiff!)5\ iW- nl )j' V i\o\D Uling kling kling, tl)f tioov ücllö ring; ^\)t, annciuö, brntiö to i)fnr Zl)t Uifll lobrti boirr— pro, tl)at it lö 5,2.11) irl) öoiintiö upon I)fr ran jTirbiiu ** |)oHa, mp lobf ! iLronora, risr I ^rt luatd)ing, or art ölcrping? ::irt lobing mc U)itl) ronötant öoul? 3rt glati, mp lobf, or türrping?" ** M)} S^JlliHiam, tim\ ? nnti rising too ? jfrom nrr öo Intc lip ni5l)t ? ^mrc tialuii l^*bf liiatd)rti nnti lunilrti «mti lurpt; l^^x^i^flj) poor l)cart*ö trokrn quitr,*v f^ im-rTCi\^ rTXA'trnmetif I^5S ^ ''jfrom far 15oI)rima*5 Innti I- romr, ^WIaX /W i^nti U)itl) t!)rf tl)itl)rr nuiöt rrturu €rf tialDu of mornincj: li5l)t** **(9l)l (Lö^liUinm, üröt romr in; rome doöe; *^^ IaouuIi tl)fe \n\] anno 5*11 folti: // j €f)rougJ) J)alDtf)ont f)rar ti)rU)f)i5tImgU)mti; Come rlosf , of art*5 lobf, tI)ou *rt rolti/* iStfrntaseil, P»-W 'fflST'' 'I'l"/ 0\) ! Clilliniam, öap not öo ; juöt I)arfe ! €f)f flork nolu röimtö rkbtn; 2 })untirrtr milrs tor rauuöt go, ^0 rolti, 50 Uarfe tl)e fKabnt/* J>ee f)f rr ! sft ftrre I tl)f moon öftinrö rlrar, 2:3^lt anti tl)t litati ritit faöt ; i promiöe tijn to öritial örtr Co örmg: tre nigl)t !)atJ) paöt/* ^ \J: V '* V^ ^^ "^ Z\)t lobing iLronora startö, 0\)t springö upon ftiö sttr^, Closr rotinti l)im rlaöpö I)tr Iilp IjanlJö, ^nti forüjartr on tf)tp öptttr^ ^nti itotü, f)urral) ! tramp tramp, tf)r f)oröe <5^nortincj: pursufö i)iö Um} couröt ; (liLUtl) 5l)olufrö of sparkö ti)e sf^attcreti Amt lUturnö tl)f I)orör--öf;ot*si iron ^int M 9[ittr Ott, to left, to ncj:f)t, Initl; speeti ffi^ paöt ü)tm öamlet, totüu, anti mtati ; €i)t^ paöö fteatl), balk)), mountaüt rOrcje, aiitr tl)untienug rroöö o'er many a brOitye* )i1u 'Jeartöt tl)ou, ölxieet lobe? tl)e moon 5l)ineö CI)e tiealj töey ntre m full rareen [rlear, ©oöt fear, öüjeet lobe ? '* *' (Bi) ! no,'' j3l)e öaßi ; 'But bjftp, mt? Sllilliam, name tfte beati?'* ( .; • «^w-^- — »;;,.jL^v.'j>.7> a f]nvk ! U)l)i) ti^at öounti ? tül)ö, öoltmn, öiug: ? Q,iLU)P tilömal flnpö tl)r rabnt*ö Inmg? ai funtral rftatmt arrrstö tftr tar, |)rrc romrö a ftraröf, tftrrr mobeö a hin\ -). MACLISE. B A. Waniööeti tin ftearöe antr ceaöetr tl)e ooncj, anti at 1)10 bjortr töep ruöö aking; ) öMitf) b)f)irr IJDöiiT luöirr, tl)t funeral train Cloöe in ftiö track all panting ötraüu nr\ xMu 9[ntr ötill, I)urral) ! tramp tramp, ti)e I)oröe Snorting puröueö ftiö ficr|) rouröe; ^ raitl) öftotütrö of öparfeö t\)t ööattercti flint in lUturnö ti)e öoröe-öftoe^ö iron tiint» i' ß: --- -? «^ i,':;j jfaöt flfU) to Irft, faöt flttü to ricjöt, ((;arl) objttt aö it rame in öicyöt; 0)f mountamö, I)iiöl)rö, I)rticj:rö fleto, Sil mmgkö in tot f)iirn>ti biein» ;/"^.ij ii^! ^;^ ** Do5t frar, ötütft lobf ? tftt moon öi)infö rl^ar, Zin tirati törp riUe m full raretn [öaiti ; Qoöt fear, mp d^ilti?" " (J^I) ! no/' öl)e ** 13ut to!)p not kabe in ptarc tl)e tirati?' '^ "-^Xi < ,'1 ^tt f)trt I Ott tijtrt I a g&aötly öigljt But tiimlp öenr ftp pak moonligöt, 91 felon to toe M)ttl lö öoimtr, ^n airp raöölt tianre arountr^ 0, 3^abble, ftere! tüit!) me abbanee; Come Ijance for uö tf)e nuptial tianre ; Cloöe m our flying footötepö treab, Cill toe tro mount ti)t britial öetr»** "i^ ::inti true niougl) ; for, I)00öl) I)00öf) i)00öl), SNjf"^-, 2ö If a tjuot m öcwl öuöf) S^f ^^*^' Cörougl) luitftrrct» Irabrö antr öranrfttö IjIcIu, \i'^ ' liiu ^till faster nob), tramp tramp, tl)e l)oröe Snorting puröucö ötö fttrp rourör; ^ mMÜ) öI)objfrö of öparkö tl)e ööattntti flint ^ '^ iUturnö t\)t f)oröe'öf)Of*ö iron iJint» tin mnon4it ömxt, öo faöt it fleb), au nature öeemeti htm^ti) tiniv bieb) #n eberp öitie to flp, antr far aöobe töeir fteatrss flelu moon antr ötan ib. ^ '' IBoöt fear, öijueet lobe? tfte moon öftüieö riear, CI)e tieatJ töep ritie in full career^ % MV lobe, tioöt fear ? *• '^ d^l).! no,'* sl)e öaO» ; '* But bftj) not leabe in peace tf)e treati ? I- smfll tl)f fitsörnütg: hvmt of morn ; 0i\v sanb lö nut, anö öone our rouröe, strain cbtrp nerbf, m|) rabrn ftoröt/* r ** Jnural) ! I)urral) ! tf)e b^atr ntie fast, il)urraf; ! f)urraf) ! lue *re i)tvt at last ; €in miptial öeti lö optn üjitre, 3[iOf *be rearöeti it notü, mp lobrly britie.*' '^ ftülu öfc ! nob) oft ! öftere lö tfte knigbt ? .^ 5Lö:U)at lö tl)is! öorrOi fföaötli) öigöt? ^11 öl)ibtnncj: fallö töe tuaiTior*ö öted, 91 öfetktan front f)eatr to i)ttl ! 9[ntr aö I)iö fltöJ), öo tiotf) fjiö !)air, ^11 moultrrrmtj:, Itabe a treatl) ökull bare; 5}iö boni) üitfftrö, km anb Iitbt, Claöp roimb an bourglaöö anb a örytbt* rti \ w l\ ßoljD itaittr tin öoröe, böik öparks mxn flame jfrom 1)10 öpnatr nostril flasöiug tame* He öinfeö ! tfte earti) trotf) open palon I Eeonora^ö left ! tfte ftorse lö gone ! Ijriiu C!)e fteabenö iDit!) |)elling en'eö reöountr, ginlj eartJ)*ö treep bosom groanö arountr ; ?Ceonora*ö i)eart, amitröt toe ötnfe, ©otf) aeftmg: beat ^tüjut tieatft anb life : ^"^^^ inb* KU)il5t rounti anti rountr, Iwitl) air|) pramt, CI)c gi)Ci5t5 nirf)aiiutr in cirrlr tranrr ; ^nti, aö tl)ep trauet, tl)tp ölolnlj) groan 0)f5e öolrmu iMortrö toitö öokmn tone : ^, iV ^ ** (Dntrure! cntrurr! töougl) trtak tl)e f)cart, |?tt jlutrgc not 6oti'ö titrrrt* CI)|) botii) from töp öoul 5jotf) part, (01) I map 6otr parbon tl)tt!** 3( - f ! cf. L^ i TRALUNIVERSI. ^ity of California, Sa- HATE DUE V*' ^ A ) AA 001 351 279 ff'F'^-- rN/»iv^' J J /■ ^ ) ' i / f- K I/' K i . 0^ /;-