BEIKELEY LIBRARY V l»Nlvt#5»rY OF CALIk-ORNiA JETHOU (Crusoe £tfc in the Channel Osles NEW 2/6 PRESENTATION BOOKS. Uniform with " Jethou." Crown SfZ.'O, Cloth Elegant. WHY NOT? or, Climbing the Ladder. By Grack Stebbing. With Illustrations by K. M. Skeaping. FRIEND OR FORTUNE. The Story of a Strange Year. By Robert Overton, With Four Illus- trations by Enoch Ward. THROUGH THEIR SPECTACLES. By C. Lock HART Gordon. With Illustrations by Caroline Manning. AFTER LONG WAITING. By Ada Mary Rowley. Illustration by K. M. Skeaping. WEST DENE MANOR. By Mrs. J. A. Owen. Author of "Forest, Field, and Fell " "The Country, Month by Month." Illustrated by Caroline Manning. THE " HONESTY " DORES. By Set ina Gaye. Author of " Courage and Cowards," "jack by the Hedge," "Dickie Winton," " All's Welfthat Ends Well," &c. Illustrated by Caroline Manning. DON'T WORRY. By Rev. Frederick Hastings, Author of "Sundays about the World," "Back Streets and London Slums," &c. With numerous Illustrations. WILD KATHLEEN; or, Both Sides the Channel. By Grace Stebbing. Illustrated by Paul Hardy. JETHOU ; or, Crusoe L ife in the Channel Islands. By E. R. SUFFLING. Illustrated. ELIAS TRUST'S BOYS. By Margaret Surrey. Illustrated by Paul Plardy. THE WELSH HERMIT. By the Rev. Jenkin Jones. Illustrated by R. Hennel. JACQUELINE'S MESSAGE. A True Tale of the French Revolution of 1789. By L. E. Weeks. Illustrated by Paul Hardy. THE CURSE OF THE FEVRILLS. By Sylvia Penn. Illustrated by G. Demain Hammond. London: Jarrold & Sons, 10 & 11, Warwick I^ne, E.C. And 0/ all Booksellers, i^. I w^ s '•% "WijK^; ^j,, » ^ *W! JETHOU CRUSOE LIFE IN THE CHANNEL ISLES ILLUSTRATED BY DRAWINGS PREPARED FROM AUTHORS OWN SKETCHES E. R. SUPPLING Author of '* History and Legends of the Broad District, ''How to Organize a Crtdse on the Broads,''' " Afloat in a Gipsy Van," etc. THIRD EDITION '-^ LONDON JARROLD & SONS, lo & ii, WARWICK LANE, E.C. [A /I /lights Reserved\ 189S PREFACE. /S?S As the wriier does not pretend to possess what is termed literary style, he would ask the indulgence of the reader in any little slip of the pen which may occur in these pages, as it is not every Crusoe who can command the facile quill, the pure style, or the lively imagination of a Daniel Defoe, to narrate his adventures. It must be borne in mi. id that the island of Juan Fernandez possessed many natural features, and a far greater area than Jethou can boast of, and therefore more scope for the develop- ment of incidents and descriptive embellishment. Doubtless many of the adventures here placed before the public will appear puny beside the exploits of the original Crusoe ; but it must be taken into consideration that the author does not, like Defoe's hero, revel in the impossible. At the same time it may be noted that the adventures detailed are of a sufficiently exciting kind as to be above any suspicion of dulness. Juan Fernandez lies about four hundred miles from the nearest land, and it is therefore very difficult to imagine from whence the savages came who were about to convert Friday into tl fricassee. The Friday of our story, y'clept Monday, came to Jethou in a natural if in an exciting manner, and it will be found that every- thing else in the narrative, if not an exact account of what really did happen, is at least feasible. It is in fact a practicable narrative, served up in a plain, ungarnished form, except that to make it more palatable to the general reader a little love-story has been introduced towards the conclusion, which, it is hoped, sustains the interest right to the last, and makes the volume end as all good books should, by allowing the principal actors to " live hapi)ily ever after.'' E. R. SUFFLING (Harry Nilford). I>lo»7ji>'ld Lodge, Foitsaoiun Road^ London, W. 576 CO NT ENTS CHAPTER I. ,.A„ My birth and home — My pretty cousin— Accident to the " Kitty wich " — Journey to Guernsey — Pleading to be- come a Crusoe — My wish granted — Outfit secured — Sail to Jethou ... ... ... ... ... 9 CHAPTER II. I take possession of the Island — Landing stores — A grand carousal — Farewell — Alone ... ... ... 24 CHAPTER III. First thoughts and impressions — A tour of the Island and description ... ... ... ... ... 32 CHAPTER IV. Farming operations — I make a plough and a cart — A donkey hunt — Dumb helpers — My live stock ... 44 CHAPTER V. Canoeing — Fish of the place — The ormer and limpet — A curious fishing adventure— Queer captures from the sea— Rock fish — Construct a tish pond and water-mill 55 CHAPTER VI. " Flapp,'' the gnll — Surgical operation — The gull who refused to die —Taxidermy extraordinary — Feathered friends — Snakes ... ... ... ... ... 69 CHAPTER VII. 1 build a curious "box-boat " — An unpleasant night at sea — My Sunday service — The poem, '' Alexander Selkirk '"' — Its applicability to my lot ... ... ... 79 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. A trip to St. vSampson's harbour — A horrid porcine murder — A voyage round Snrk — Netrly c;ipsized — Trip round Guernsey — Tne pepper-box — Curiosity of tourists ... 93 CHAPTER IX. Harvest operations — Explore La Creux Derrible, and nearly lose my life — Crusoe on crutches — An exiraordinary discovery — Kill a grampjs — Oil on troubled waters- Make an overflow pump ... ... ... ... I r2 CHAPTER X. A storm and a wreck — The castaway — Dead — A night of horror— The boathouse destroyed — A burial at sea ... 126 CHAPTER XI. Climate in Winter — Vision of my father — A warning voice — Supernatural manifestations— The falling rock — My life saved by my dog ... ... ... ... 139 CHAPTER XII. A fairy pool — Wonders of the deep — Portrait of a poet — The cave of Fauconnaire — A letter from home and my answer to it ... ... ... ... ... 14S CHAPTER XIII. Another terrible storm — Loss of the "Yellow Boy" — A ketch wrecked — 1 rescue a man from the sea, badly injured — He recovers ... ... ... ... r59 CHAPTER XIV. Work and song — Sunday service — Build a larger boat, the " Anglo- Franc " — Collecting wreckage — Commence a jetty — Our cookery — Blasting operations — The open- ing banquet ... ... ... .., ... 172 CHAPTER XV. Trawling for fish and dredgin^^ f>r curios — Some remarkable finds — A ghastly resurrection— The mysterious paper — The hieroglyphic — A dangerou-^ fall — Mors d£ combat — Attempts to unravel the paper ... ... ... rSi CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. Yarns : The cabbages which hung their heads — The raft of spruce — Voyage of the " Devvdrop" — A lucky family — A deep, deep draught — The maire's cat ... ... 193 CHAPTER XVII. The Will again — Searching for a clue to the paper — Birbe Rouge's VVill— A probable cluf — Hopes and doubts — Perplexed — A memorable trawl by moonlight — A real clue at last — The place of the skull found ... ... 307 n HAPTER XVHI. Digging for the treasure — A noonday rest — The ghastly tenant of the treasure house — We find the treasure — An account of what we discovered ... ... ... 217 CHAPTER XIX. Preparing to leave — A letter home — We lengthen and en- large the "Anglo-Franc" — Re-chnsten her "Happy Return" — Love at first sigKt— Victualling and stowmg cargo — Pretty Jeannette — The long vovage — Incidents en route — Vegetarians, and their diet — Yarmouth reached — Fresh-water navigation — My native heath ... 231 CHAPTER XX. I surprise the old folks at home — All well — Is Priscilla false — We meet — The missing letters — A snake in the grass — Dreams of vengeance ... ... ... ... 250 CHAPTER XXT. The "Happy Return" inspected — More of my father's ghost —Unpacking the treasure — Seek an interview with Walter Johnson — Two letters ... ... 257 CHAPTER XXII. M. Oudin arrives — The Wedding Day — Division of the spoil— Alec returns to Jeihou— Wedding gifts— The end 265 APPENDIX. A few words about the Channel Isles ... ... ... 271 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The Island of Jethou ... Frontispiece i The Old Home at Barton ... ... ... lo Map of the Island of Jethou ... ... 35 Plan of Homestead ... ... ... 43 My Plough ... ... ... ... 47 An Antediluvian Chariot ... ... ... 48 "I was Swamped in a Moment" ... ... 61 The "Yellow Boy," Plans, etc. ... ... 81 A Porcine Murder ... ... ... 99 Rocks at South End of Sark ... ... loi The Main Path of the Island ... ... 113 La Creux Derrible ... ... ... 119 Too Late! ... ... ... ... 131 A Ghostly Visitant ... ... ... 141 "Along the Rugged Cliff Path" ... ... i6r Rescue of Alec Ducas ... ... .. 167 The Puzzling Document ... ... 186 209 A Terrible Fall ... ... ... ... 187 The Ten.ant of the Treasure House ... 223 Lengthkning the "Anglo-Franc"' ... ... 235 JETHOU; OR, CHAPTER I. MY BIRTH AND HOME— MY PRETTY COUSIN — ACCI- DENT TO THE "KITTYWTCII" — JOURNEY TO GUERNSEY — PLEADING TO BECOME A CRUSOE — MY WISH GRANTED — OUTFIT SECURED — SAIL TO JETHOU. }HAT Crusoe of Crusoes, Alexander Selkirk, as I am aware, commences his entertaining history with his birth and parentage, and as I am also a Crusoe, although a very minor adven- turer, I may as well follow the precedent and declare my nativity. I was born at the little village of Barton in Norfolk, at the time the guns at Balaclava were mowing down our red coats and tars, where my father had a small 12 JETHOU. house facing the Broad. It was a comfortable old two-storied building, with a thatched roof, through which a couple of dormer windows peered out, like two eyes, over the beautiful green lawn which sloped to the reed-fringed water. My father was in very comfortable circumstances, as he was owner of six THE OLD HOME AT BAKTON. large fishing vessels hailing from the port of Great Yarmouth, some ten or twelve miles distant as the crow flies. Being born, as it were, on the .water (for a distance of a hundred yards matters but little), I was naturally from my birth a young water dog, although they tell Jl/V SCHOOL DA YS. J 3 me that for some months after I made my bow to the world, milk also played a prominent part in my career. As I grew into boyhood, of course I had my rowing punt and my rod, and thus gained my first taste for a solitary life, as it frequently happened that I would be away from sunrise to sunset on some little expe- dition to one or other of the neighbouring Broads, By and bye came the time when I arrived at that rare age for enjoyment, fourteen years. This birthday, the fourteenth, was a red-letter day in my life, as I received two presents, which were in my eyes very valuable ones ; my uncle presented me with a beauti- ful little light gun, and my father handed me over his small sailing boat. Now I was a man ! I felt it, and I knew it, and so did my schoolmates, for there was not one of them, who at some time or other, had not felt the effects of my prowess in a striking manner. Still, the drubbings I gave vv^ere not always to my credit, for I was a very big and strong lad for my age, and my self-imposed tasks of long rowing trips and other athletic exercises, naturally made me power- ful in the arms and chest. Of my brain power I shall say little, as my mind was ever bent on sporting topics when it should have been diving into English history or vulgar fractions. Some new device in fishing gear was always of more consequence to me than any inquiry as to the name of the executioner who gave Charles the I. " chops for breakfast," as we youngsters used to say, when we irreverently spoke of the decol- lation of his Majesty. Still, somehow I stumbled through my schooling 14 JETHOU. till I was sixteen, when I was sent off to my father's ofiice on the Quay at Yarmouth to take charge of the books, which were an everlasting humdrum record of Iicrrings and the various trawl fish which came in so frequently in our vessels. Between whiles I had plenty of spare time, and whenever a {^w hours were allowed me, I could not keep out of my boat, so that if the sea happened to be fairly calm, I was sure to be found bobbing about on it, and was as well known by the fishermen along the coast ten miles north and south of Yarmouth, as I was by the folks in my own village. When the sea was rough I turned my attention to Breydon Water, or the Bure, or other of the rivers flowing into it, so that at an early age I could command my little boat as easily as one manages a horse in driving. On Saturdays, when the wind and weather were at all favourable, I used frequently to hurry away from business as early as possible, and sail home along the Bure and Ant, a distance of about twenty miles, rather more than less, and became so accustomed to the route that I knew every tree and post, aye, and almost every reed and bulrush on the river's bank on my homeward way. Sometimes night would close in rather quickly upon me, but as I only had two turnings to look out for, Thurne Mouth and Ant Mouth, I seldom made a mistake, however dark it might be, especially when the venerable old ruined gateway of St. Benet's Abbey was once passed. Almost always these trips were solitary ones, if I except the companionship of my retriever " Begum," J/y COUSIN P RISC ILL A. 15 who was a present from my cousin on his return from India. Begum, he informed me, was a ruler in India, but whether male or female I never discovered. My dog was a gentleman, but to this day it has remained a matter of conjecture with me, as to whether we inadvertantly gave him a lady's name or no. Anyway, *' Begum " sounded well ; he was a ruler, and being black coincided with our school rulers, which were always black with ink. Unfor- tunately, everyone persisted (possibly to annoy me if they could), in calling him By Gum ! strongly accen- tuating the second word, and till the poor old dog died, the name stuck to him like a postage stamp to a letter. In my holiday trips I had a companion, my cousin Priscilla, who was, if the term be permissible, as great a water dog as myself I am not going to attempt a description of her, but I must let the reader know that she was bigger, stronger, and a vast deal prettier than any girl within a radius of many miles of our village ; not that I wish to disparage the looks or figures of our Norfolk girls, for they can hold their own with the rest of England, as Bad King Harry knew when he wooed and won Norfolk's Queen, Mistress Anne Boleyn of Blickling. 'Cilia, as I called my cousin for brevity, could row, sail a boat, skate, and shoot ; yes, she was a very fair shot, and never a winter passed but she gave a good account of duck, teal, mallard, pewit, and geese, as the result of her prowess. But I will say no more of pretty cousin 'Cilia at present, as this narrative is to be a record of what B i6 JETHOU. more nearly concerns myself, so I must not '' mardh^' as we say in Norfolk, but proceed with my story. I was twenty-one and some months more, for the rejoicings consequent upon the event had become matter of past history, when my father one day received intelligence of one of his fishing vessels having been towed in a disabled state into the har- bour of St. Peter Port, Guernsey. She was so badly damaged that his presence was imperative, to decide as to her ultimate fate. She had been to a Spanish port for cork and hemp, as the fishing season was not a very good one, and on her return voyage had run upon an island called Jethou, during a dense fog, luckily in a calm sea, or she would never have come off whole again. Nothing ever does when it once plays at ramming these granite islands. Like the Syrens, who lured or tried to lure Ulysses, these islands are very fair to behold ; but woe to the ship that comes into contact with them, for they rarely escape from their deadly embrace. The very next day (my father having allowed me to accompany him) we started for Plymouth, a long journey, via London, at which city, being my first visit to the metropolis, I could fain have broken our journey, but our business being urgent we steamed away to Plymouth by the night train. After a sub- stantial meal next morning we sallied out to find the first vessel sailing to Guernsey, and were lucky in discovering one called the " Fawn," which was pre- paring to sail the same day. Although only a cargo ketch the skipper bargained to take us, and about two p.m. we unmoored and were soon off. Our passage A TRIP TO THE CHANNEL ISLES. 17 was a quick one, a strong N.W. wind bowling us over to St. Peter Port in time for early breakfast next morning. It is needless for me to go through the whole story of the running ashore of our smack, as beyond the important fact that it was her mishap which caused me ever to visit the Channel Islands, she has little else to do with my narrative. She was damaged very seriously amidships, but my father, who had a happy knack of turning almost everything to a good account, unless irredeemably hopeless, was struck with a capital idea in this in- stance. Instead of selling her as a worthless hulk, he had her cut in two, the damaged timbers removed, a new length of keel laid down, and had her lengthened about ten feet ; after which operation she was as sound as ever, and as my father had prophesied, no one recognized her again for the same vessel. While we were waiting for the " Kittywitch " (for that was her name) to be run off the slips, we had plenty of time to look about us ; in fact, we spent nearly seven weeks among these lovely islands. We explored Guernsey and Sark thoroughly, also Herm as far as we were allowed, that island being more of a proprietary place than the others. We also spent about ten days in Jersey, which is quite a large place in comparison with the other islands. But of all the islands, I think Sark carries off the palm, not that it has beauties of its own, or is grander or more prolific, but it is an epitome of all the other islands ; in fact it contains in a small space every salient feature of the Channel Isles ; the people, the 1 8 JETHOU. granite cliffs, the bays, the caves, the hills, the woods, the shady lanes, the sandy beaches, are all there, and the surrounding sea is not a tone the less blue in its intensity, nor the air a whit less balmy than that with which the other islands are favoured. Now it happened, while we were staying at St Peter Port, awaiting the re-launching of our vessel, that we made friends with the proprietor of the island of Jethou, upon which the " Kittywich " struck, and although it was a good three miles from St. Peter's harbour, yet we made occasional trips to the islet when the wind was fair and the sea smooth. With this little island of Jethou I was charmed, and fancied I could make it my Paradise, if only I could be allowed to live there for a twelvemonth, a la Robinson Crusoe. At this idea my father, who was a thoroughly business-like, matter-of-fact man, set up his eyes and called me a name not at all polite ; but as he was my parent, and viewed life through older optics than mine, I daresay he was right in the main, when he called me, to put it mildly, a " stupid fool." But although he pooh-poohed the idea, and bade me dismiss it from my mind, I could not help the thought entering my brain, and I wished something might possibly happen by which I might be left alone on the island, to try, at all events, what Crusoe life was really like. Sure enough something did happen which ulti- mately gave me the opportunity of carrying out my idea in its entirety. M. Oudin, the proprietor of the island, had two events to chronicle in one day, BRANDY AND A BROKEN LEG. 19 events which quite altered his after Hfe, and took him at an hour's notice from his Jethou home to Gardner's Hotel, Guernsey. A letter arrived at St. Peter Port for him, from Paris, which, according to custom, was placed in the c^uernsey breast of a fisherman, who sailed with it straightway to M. Oudin. The latter gentleman having adjusted his glasses, after instructing his man to give the messenger spirituous refreshment (which is so very cheap in these islands), proceeded to scan the contents of the letter. It was from a lawyer in Paris, informing him of the decease of his brother, a leather merchant, who, dying wifeless and childless, had be- queathed him both his business and fortune. This intelligence of both joy and sorrow so bewildered and unstrung the nerves of ]\I. Oudin that, in accordance with his custom, he took a dram — in fact the circum- stances were so very warrantable that he took two — and probably even more ; or else they were like Mynheer Van Dunk's, " deep, deep draughts." Any- way, upon giving the fisherman orders to sail him back to Guernsey, and attempting to follow him with his serving man, they somehow found themselves at the bottom of the gulch which led down to the shore (upon which the boat was careened), so much mixed as to arms and legs, that an observer would have wondered what curious animal he was gazing upon. Two of them scrambled to their feet, and as well as they could, shook themselves together ; but the third, ]\I. Oudin, had unfortunately broken his right thigh- bone completely in two. Then the maudlin men, despite his groans, placed him awkwardly in the boat, and hoisted sail for Guernsey. 20 JETHOU. As luck would have it, my father and I were standing upon the deck of the now nearly finished " Kittywich," when the boat came in, and M. Oudin having communicated to my father the nature of his hurt, my dad immediately gave orders for him to be taken to Gardner's Hotel, where we were stay- ing, and hurrying for a doctor soon joined him there. The leg was set, and I spent the greater part of each day by the side of M. Oudin's bed, chatting and reading to him, and attending to his wants. During our conversation I happened to mention what a great treat I should consider it to be allowed to live on his island for a few months. Presently we went more fully into the " whys and wherefores " of the case, so that I quite began to imagine it might all come to pass as I wished, but the arrival of my father in the midst of our very pleasant conversation quite put a damper on the scheme. " Bah ! he would hear nothing of it ; it was a mad fool's idea. No, no, think no more of such rubbish, my boy. Crusoe is all very well to read, but it's a poor look out to have to live Crusoe." M. Oudin, seeing how my mind was bent upon the scheme, gave my father a day or two to simmer down, and then took him in hand quietly and practically. " Now look here, Nilford," said M. Oudin, motion- ing my respected father to draw his chair nearer to the bed-side, " as you know, I must for the present, at all events, leave Jethou, for by my brother's death my presence is necessary in Paris. By his decease I become possessed of a fortune of upwards of 700,000 francs and a large business to boot. Now a business A VERBAL TUG OF WAR. 21 employing upwards of forty men will require my constant supervision, and it is therefore very unlikely that I shall ever return to Jethou, except perhaps for a very brief holiday. " Now, during my enforced sojourn in this town, your son has shewn me every attention and kindness, and with your permission I will give him the whole of my interest in Jethou as a reward for his attention to me during my recovery. The island is Crown property, which I rent for a nominal sum, and as to the furniture, fixtures, and live stock they shall be his (by your permission) to do as he likes with." My father made a wry face at this, while I, who sat speechless, could feel my heart bounding against my ribs for very joy. Alas ! my father negatived the whole thing. " It was not to be thought of; it could not be carried out by a youngster like me ; I should perhaps die without assistance reaching me ; I might starve," and a score more obstacles were mentioned. By and bye, however, with my earnest persuasion, backed up by M. Oudin's quiet but forcible manner, my dad melted so far as to ask for a couple of days for consideration. Oh! those two days, would the}^ never pass? Yes, they rolled by at last, and once more we were seated in M. Oudin's room. "Well, Nilford, what is your decision ? I trust it is a favourable one for the lad, for I am sure he would thoroughly enjoy the life ; but if not, why in case he grew ' mammy sick,' he could return home. But the lad is of the right metal, and I'll warrant would see twelve months out without getting weary of the life. 22 JETHOU. Come now, Nilford, give me your hand, and boy let go." By the way, my name is Harry Nilford, which I do not think I have mentioned before. Then came a long verbal tug of war between these two good men, in which I could discern that my father's refusal was solely based upon his love for me and his apprehension for my safety. The tug of words, like a tug of war at an athletic meeting, was a long one, first one gained an advantage only to lose it to his opponent directly after ; then the opponent would get in a strong verbal tug, and nearly draw his man over the line ; but at length my father, with great reluc- tance, conceded a point, a great point in fact, one which virtually settled the contest. " M. Oudin," said my parent, " I'll consent on one condition, which is, that I may be allowed to draw up an agreement as to the boy's tenancy of the islard, and if Harry agrees to abide by it, well and good." "Very well, father," I quickly put in, "here are writing implements ; draw up your Code and I will soon tell you my decision." This was said with great emphasis on the " wj/," and delivered with an air of — "see what a decided person / am." In an hour my father had drawn up the following document : — TERMS OF AGREEMENT FOR MY SON'S RESIDENCE UPON JETHOU FOR 12 MONTHS. My son Harry wishes to live the life of a Crusoe or Hermit, on the Island of Jethou for twelve months, and to this I agree SIGNING TEE WARRANT. 23 only on his signifying his willingness to abide by the terms stated in this agreement. 1. He shall allow no one to land on the island. 2. Shall not himself land upon any of the surrounding islands (rocks which are uninhabited excepted). 3. Shall not speak to a living soul during the course of his self-exilement. 4. Shall obtain no stores nor goods of any kind from any other island, nor from any passing vessel. 5. Shall hold no communication with anyone, in any way : — {a) Either ashore or afloat, {b) Except in case of sickness, accident, detrimental to limb or life, or [c] In other case of dire necessity. Should my son choose to abide by the above regulations, I will agree to his holding the island for a period of one year. Signed, THOMAS J. NILFORD. " There ! " said my father, laying down his pen, " that is my ultimatum, my son ; and mark me, I will agree to nothing else." This was said in a manner which shewed plainly that he considered he had drawn up a code so stringent that he did not deem it at all likely I should accept his plan ; but to his great chagrin, and I may almost say his consternation, I reached out my hand, after reading the document, and taking the goose quill, wrote under the last clause, *' Accepted — Harry Nilford." That being done, my father could not go back upon his word, and accordingly the whole thing was settled. M. Oudin was pleased, and I was supremely de- lighted, but my good old father was quite dejected^ 24 JETHOU. and frankly avowed that it was like sentencing me to twelve months' imprisonment. So it was, but what a delightful imprisonment I anticipated it would be ! However, in a day or two he came round, and as he could not well alter the turn circumstances had taken, he endeavoured to ameliorate them. He made me write down a list of what I thought I should require, and to this list he added a long supplement ; and after mature consultation with M. Oudin, another list was added as as addendum ; in fact, the articles were so numerous that they filled four huge packing cases. These cases were zinc-lined to keep the goods dry, as some of them were perishable, and no one can tell with what pride I gazed at these boxes, and thought of the glorious life I was about to lead. No thought of any accident, or other drawback, even entered my head ; in fact, as I sat on the top of a case, swinging my legs and counting the hours which had to pass before the day arrived when I was to take possession of my island home, I was most consummately happy, being naturally ignorant of what was to befall me. At length came the day for launching the " Kitty- wich," at which I assisted to my utmost ; for I knew that any hitch with her meant further detention in Guernsey for me. All went well, and as she slid off the stocks (like a duck entering the water) without a splash or jar of any kind, a ringing cheer went up, and then I knew that I should soon bid farewell to picturesque St. Peter Port, one of the finest harbour towns of Great Britain. A few more days and the " Kitty wich " had received THE DEPARTURE. 25 her cargo for home, and with it a new name, for in consideration of her additional carrying capacity, we rechristened her the *' Cormorant." Then came the day on which the Blue Peter was seen at her mast- head, but what was even better in my eyes, was my own outfit packed in the four huge cases which stood so prominently on her hatchway amidships. M. Oudin hobbled down to the harbour to see us off, and in doing so handed me a long heavy case as a parting gift, with instructions not to open it for a week, by which time he hoped to be far away in Paris. We unmoored, left the harbour, and in an hour were laying at anchor off the north end of Jethou. ^S ^ /, /■'%^ji^ \'ii\f {/A j| S CHAPTER II. I TAKE POSSESSION OF THE ISLAND— LANDING STORES — A GRAND CAROUSAL — FAREWELL — ALONE. HE 2nd March, 187 — , was a bright mild day, with but little wind and a quiet sea : just the day for landing my stores. The goods I had selected, and those added by my father and M. Oudin, were of a very miscellaneous kind, and included pro- visions, farm and garden seeds (and a few implements), a canoe, a gun, clothing, fishing gear, oil and coal, cooking apparatus, and a score other things. As I knew the island was devoid of animals except rabbits, I asked for, and obtained some live stock — in fact, quite a farmyard. There were a goat, a dog, a cat, six pigeons, two pigs, six fowls, and last, though by no means least, a young donkey. The large cases of goods were landed in a boat, not without a slight mishap, however, as one of them, in being lowered over the bulwarks, was carelessly un- hitched by the men in the boat and tumbled over- board ; it fell in three fathoms of water, but the water was so translucent that it was clearly discernible on the bottom. LANDING. 27 This took quite an hour to get up, as it was an awkward thing to grapple, but there were plenty of hands willing to help in landing the goods, as several of the Guernsey men had come over to have a parting spree. The pigs and donkey were pushed overboard and quickly reached the shore ; the former, in spite of popular belief, proving themselves excellent swimmers when once they struck out shorewards, especially as the distance was short. On landing they went up over the island, and for the time disappeared among the rocks and wild bushes. By dusk the cry was, " All ashore," as everything had been landed, and the " Cormorant " brought to a safe mooring under the lee of the rocky island of Crevicon. Altogether there were nearly twenty of us, that is, my father and self, the skipper and crew of the " Kitty," and several of the workmen who had been employed in altering and repairing the vessel ; also the master shipwright, in whose charge the vessel had been. First came a grand spread in the principal room of the house, the provisions for which had been brought over from St. Peter Port. It was a great success, and after the improvised table had been cleared away (boxes, surmounted by planks covered with a sail, formed the table) the fun commenced. Joke followed joke, and song followed song. Then came toasts and sentiments, which were of quite an international character, as songs and sentiments in English, French, and Spanish were continuously fired off, most of them being of a seafaring character. 28 JETHOU. The skipper of the '•' Cormorant " led off with a regular old North Sea song, called, " The Dark-eyed Sailor." It is probably known by nearly every sea- man in the North Sea Fishery, and is a great favourite at all carousals. It commences : " It's of a comely young maiden fair, Who walked on the quay to take the air, She met a young sailor on the way, So I paid attention, so I paid attention to what they did say." This song, sung by a Norfolk man, always seems to me a great curiosity, as the last line is lengthened out and twisted about in a most grotesque manner, appar- ently to suit the whim or fancy of the singer, for no two of them seem to conjure vocally with it in the same way. Everyone present is supposed to join in the last line as a kind of chorus, and not only join in, but " give it lungs," as they say. Some of them pay such attention to these points, that they appear in danger of lockjaw, or the starting of a blood-vessel, so heartily do they sing. Then came a French song, with a chorus something about " Houp, houp, houp a tra-la-la-la ! " the singer standing on the top of an empty barrel to warble, and as he set the fashion, so every succeeding singer followed suit, and mounted the ''pulpit," as they dubbed the cask. Old Roscoe, our wooden-legged mate (the right leg of flesh having been lost in my father's service), gave a funny jaw-breaking Scotch song, with a chorus which no one could repeat, so when the chorus came he sang it alone, while we contented ourselves with howling " Rule Britannia " — at least all those who THE SINGING SAILORS. 29 knew it, while the others who did not, laughed and smoked. Then a Spaniard (who was a shipwright) sang one of his national songs to an accompaniment of thumb- snapping (to imitate castanets), at which he was very expert. He had a fine baritone voice, and his song was full of fire, being a famous bull-fighting ditty, in which El Toro came in for a dashing chorus. By and bye the fun became still faster and more furious, till old Ross, of the timber-toe, took exception and would insist on order being kept. Ross always constituted himself Master of the Ceremonies when anything festive was on foot, and our men, as a matter of course, left everything in his hands ; but the men of St. Peter Port knew him not, and would have no authority from him, and as a kind of good-natured revenge for his interference, some of them played a practical joke upon him ; but they did not know their man, for no sooner had the joke been carried into effect (gunpowder in his pipe) than Ross seized his stick and knocked two of his tormentors down, the rest quickly fleeing out of doors. His wooden leg greatly handi- capped him, but he at length got one of the men in a corner, who, on finding there was no means of escape, struck out right and left at Ross's somewhat promi- nent nose, causing the claret to flow like the cataract of Lodore. Now his Scotch blood was up, and he certainly would have done his assailant an injury, as he was a very powerful man, had not some of his comrades rescued him. But this did not appease his fury, for he went at them all with a glass bottle in one hand and a heavy stick in the other ; but luckily his career was cut short by a man who ran behind him, 30 JETHOU. and with a well-directed blow with an Iron rod broke his leg clean in two just below the knee — the wooden one, of course. Down came the hero, who in his rage tore up the earth around him to fling at the circle of grinning faces. By this time my father and the skipper came upon the scene, and after a time cooled down the gallant Scot, and persuaded him to "gang awa " to bed, which he did, going in state, borne at \\\Q four corners by four of his shipmates. This incident put a stop to the singing, but com- menced fun in another way. Some of the fellows cut up the remains of Ross's leg and stick and set them on fire, the barrel which had done duty for a rostrum being also broken up and added ; other wooden articles were quickly flung on, till at length quite a lar^e bonfire was formed, round which these excited men danced hand-in-hand like children round a May- pole. Their manners, however, were hardly childlike, for they jumped, and yelled, and sang with the ruddy firelight glowing on their countenances, till they looked like a lot of demons performing some diaboli- cal incantation. All around was the dark night, and rocks, and trees, which gave a most weird aspect to the scene when viewed from a short distance. And thus they were enjoying their pandemonium when my father, the skipper, and I left them in the " wee sma' hours " and retired to rest. How long they kept it up I know not, but when I awoke and dressed at daylight all was quiet. At six all hands were called, and a sorry sight they presented. Ross had mounted a jury-leg, while among the other THE FAREWELL. 31 men no less than three black eyes appeared, beside bruised cheeks, and red swollen noses. However, all were friendly again, and agreed that they had hardly ever before spent such a jolly night. Such was a sailor's idea of a jolly time or " high old spree ! " Breakfast over, my goods were hauled from the beach and placed in the different rooms and sheds according to their kind, while by noon the " Cormo- rant," with her Blue Peter flying, was ready for a start northward to dear old England. The Guernseaise had departed amid ^\y^ and take cheering directly after breakfast, so that only the crew of the vessel remained. My father bade me an affectionate fare- well on the deck of the vessel, but at the last embrace I felt too full of emotion to speak, for a lump was in my throat, and a tear started from my father's eye and rolled down his bronzed cheek, so that I knew that he, too, was greatly moved at losing me for such a long period. A firm grip of the hand told without words how we, father and son, loved each other, and to hide my emotion I tumbled over the bulwarks into the dingy, and was pulled ashore by a couple of hands, amid the hearty cheers of the men who stood on deck. They gave me a salute of twelve guns (fired from two revolvers). I stood on the rocky shore and waved a tablecloth tied to a boat-hook till the vessel was hull down on the horizon, and then turned my face to my island home, not feeling nearly so happy as I had anticipated a month before. Alone ! I felt as if the whole world had departed from me, and that I was the sole sur- vivor of the human race. CHAPTER III. FIRST THOUGHTS AND IMPRESSIONS — A TOUR OF THE ISLAND AND DESCRIPTION. ^^S]S I walked up the rocky path leading to the 1^^^ house, I must confess I felt anything but 'r ^ ^^ sprightly. I felt that Crusoe life, after all, was not all caviare, I was very depressed, and must admit a few tears, as the whole force of what I had undertaken presented itself vividly to my mind. What if I met with an accident? What if I were taken ill? Suppose someone put in at night and cut my throat for the sake of plunder? Who would help me? Who would know of my position? Might I not die any one of a hundred deaths without the fact being known for weeks, perhaps months ? What did fhis idiotic idea of mine amount to after all? Where was the pleasure? Would it not be better to be home in dear old Barton with my skiff and pretty Priscilla? Such were some of my thoughts, but my depression I cannot so readily sprinkle on paper, and will not try to describe it. Let it suffice that / ivas depressed, and deeply too. A TOUR OF INSPECTION, 33 I felt thirsty, so wandered to the house and sat down and poured myself out a bottle of Bass, and as I drank it, became aware of the presence of my dog, who placed his muzzle in my hand and looked into my face with positively tears in his dear old eyes. Why, after all, I was not alone. No, here was a friend indeed (teste Byron), who would be ever by my side in weal and woe. '' Poor dog. are you hungry then ? " Yes he was, and by the bye, why should I not try something? We ate; and in half an hour— such is the changeableness of the human mind — I was as happy as a sand-boy (whatever that may ti), as 1 wandered by the sunny shore. I would make a tour of inspection of my estate; and, reader, if you will kindly accompany me, I will show you the different sights of my little island. Jethou, I must premise, is about half a mile long by a quarter wide. It rises steeply from the sea all round, except at the North end, where the slope is somewhat gentle. It is a dome-shaped mass, rising at the summit to a height of nearly three hundred feet. It may serve to give a good idea of its form if I liken it to a huge dish cover (a Britannia metal one, if you will, for it is crown property), as it is very symmetrical when viewed from a distance. It is, in fact, a huge bosom-like hill, around which three paths are cu- ; the first varying from fifty to a hundred feet above the sea, the second averages one hundred and fifty feet above high water, and another runs round perhaps fifty feet higher still. These paths at certain points are connected by other paths, so that one may readily get from one elevation to another, except 34 JETHOU. where the island is unusually steep, when zig-zag paths have to be negotiated. In one part seven or eight zig-zags have to be walked to rise to an elevation of about sixty or seventy feet, so steep is the south end of the island. At the north-west rises a curious pyramidal mass of granite, about one hundred and twenty feet above high water, called Crevigon, which may be reached on foot at low tide or even quarter flood ; but after the tide once gets above the boulders it comes in like a mill race, rising at times during certain winds as much as seven feet within the hour ; so that one may be cut off from the main island in a very few minutes, as it would be madness to try and cross during a heavy sea, whatever excellent swim- ming powers one might possess, as the rush of the tide would sweep one away like a straw. Strange to say, there is another of these vast piles of granite, but of greater altitude and bulk, at the south end of the island, with just such a race of water running between it and the mainland after the tide turns. It is called La Fauconnaire, or the Falconry, and approaches two hundred feet in height, and very difficult of ascent. Each of these rock-islands is sur- mounted by a stone beacon in form of a miniature lighthouse tower (without the lantern story), about fifteen feet h^'gh. These beacons serve seamen as landmarks from which to take bearings, and to warn them of the danger of a too near approach to this dreadful coast — or rather coasts — for all these islands are terrible places in rough weather. .^ Now I will ask the reader to accompany me on a brief tour round the island. Starting from the house, ISLJiND_of JFTHOU 36 JETHOU, past the p{f:^eon-tower, we pass under some large walnut trees so thickly planted as to make the part very shady, even on a bright day, and on dull days quite gloomy. We take the middle path, which is about four feet wide, and flanked on each side by braken and boulders. Indeed, nearly half the island consists of brakes and granite blocks. I will mention the various items of interest as we pass along, if the reader will supply his own imaginings of whirling sea- gulls, frisking rabbits, sea breezes, bellowing surge as it bumps and breaks against the granite sides of the island, flowers and bloom, singing birds and sweet- smelling shrubs, etc. These things a mere pen, how- ever facile and graceful, cannot adequately describe without the help of the reader's brain ; so I will ask him to imagine the above for himself, but I must warn him not to take cold with his lively imagination, as occasionally the March winds are very keen here, and in the present age of hypnotism, and thought-reading, and like gymnastics of the brain, it is very easy to make the imagination play pranks of an undesirable nature. Now to resume our walk. Taking the middle path we quickly ascend to a height of nearly two hundred feet above the boiling surge dashing against the im- pregnable rocks below, and get a splendid view of Guernsey, a good three miles distant, stretching far away to the north, where it lies so low that it seems to melt gradually away into the sea. Presei^itly we come to some huge rocks which lie so much in our path that the footway has to wind round them. They are huge masses of granite so poised that apparently A WALK ROUND THE ISLAND. 37 a good push would send them rolling into the sea below, but their very size makes them secure, as some of the larger ones must certainly weigh forty or fifty tons, and the wind would have to blow a hurricane indeed which would dislodge them. Here is one weighing perhaps three or four hundred- weight which I will try and push over. I tug, and push, and presently it nods, and nods, and rolls over and over, till gathering impetus down the steep side of the island, it crashes with irresistible force through the furze, and heather, and shrubs, clearing a path as it goes till it reaches the granite rocks, upon which it crashes and bounds, breaking off great splinters, till finally with a boom it buries itself in the foam, never more to be seen by mortal eyes. Following the path we come to some curious terraces, one above the other, which form a hanging garden facing due south. Now covered with turf, it was many years ago a famous potato garden. This spot is known as the Cotils. Almost opposite this end of the island and at a short distance, rises the huge pyramidal mass of granite called La Fauconnaire (The Falconry^. It is nearly two hundred feet high, and surmounted, as already mentioned, by a white stone beacon, which from Jethou looks the shape and size of a loaf of white sugar ; but a scramble to the top of the rocks for those who have nerve to climb the. steep sides of La Fau- connaire, will show that the sugar loaf is fifteen feet high. La Fauconnaire is, I believe, unclimbable except at one place, at least for those who are not experi- enced cragsmen or Alpine experts. At low water a 38 JETHOU. causeway of rocks joins it to the mainland, but at half-tide even it is impassable, except in a boat on a calm day. On a windy day such a strong tide rushes through the strait that a boat would be swept away in the attempt to cross, although the distance is only four or five hundred feet. The narrowness of the channel makes the rush greater. Still keeping the middle path we come to an awful yawning chasm in the earth, called La Creux Terrible. Its sides are so sheer that one shudders to approach its crumbling brink for fear a slip should mean a step into eternity. No man could fall here and live to tell the sensation. Standing near the brink one can just dis- cern the bottom, and hear the sea surging and rolling along the floor as the tide gradually rises. The chasm is funnel-shaped, and about two hundred feet deep by about one hundred feet across. The bottom is con- nected with the beach by a cavern, which may be entered at low tide, and the view taken from below upward ; but woe to the individual caught in this cave, for he would have but a poor chance for his life if the tide once hemmed him in. Leaving this dreadful place, which I never ap- proached but twice in the dark, we shortly come to a very noticeable rock rising from the sea ; it is called Le Rocher Rouge, but as the apex takes the form of a gigantic arm-chair, I have taken the liberty (as I have done with many other places and things) of re- christening it Trone de Neptune (Neptune's Throne), and it has so fixed itself in my mind, that I have often during a stormy night wondered if he might not be sitting there ruling the elements, but never had M Y " HO VERING ONESr 39 the temerity to go and see. I may here tell the reader that although not naturally superstitious, I have a way of peopling my island with beings during the solitary walks I take in the day, that at night I almost fancy these spirit-forms hover round me — perhaps watching me. It may be that I have mistaken the flight of a sea-gull or night-bird for something superhuman, but on several occasions I have been warned of approaching danger by something outside myself; not tangible to the touch, nor definable to the eye, but still noticeable to the ear and to the mind. Put it down a bird, as your opinion, reader, and enjoy that opinion, and let me enjoy my warning watchers, whether fowl or spirit Perhaps during my narrative I may have more to say of my " hovering ones." From the island, at the point opposite Neptune's Throne, a good view of Sark is obtained ; on one day it will be seen standing clearly above the sea, with Brechou or Merchant's Island clearly discernible, and La Coupee (the isthmus which holds the two parts of the island together) plainly in view in the sunlight ; while on another day but a misty view of it may be obtained ; on yet another day it will be quite invisible, although the distance is only about six miles. Resuming our path, Herm is close on our right, the swift channel. La Percee, running between us and it, and as it lies in the sun looks a very beautiful picture, especially as the prettiest end, the south, is presented to our view. A little further we turn up the hill and come to a grove of rather stunted trees, standing like a double row of soldiers up to their knees in braken. It is a lovely spot, as the pretty 40 JETHOU, fern-like brakes grow in great luxuriance beneath the spreading arms of the walnut and other trees. These brakes grow so tall and thick that it is quite difficult to force a passage through them, except where I have cut a narrow path leading to a clearing, across which, on hot days, I frequently swing my hammock, so as to obtain the full benefit of the cool sea breeze as I sway beneath the welcome shadow of the biggest walnut. Beyond the grove, at the summit of the island, is my arable land, my farm, lying in a fence of wire- netting, without which I should not be able to preserve a blade of anything eatable from the hordes of rabbits which make the island a perfect warren. We descend again to the pathway with care, as the island's side is so steep here that a trip over a stone or root might result in fatal consequences. As we approach the north-east corner of the island we find the pathway gradually descending, till we are not more than twenty or thirty feet above sea level, and notice that a spur of land hooks out into the sea, forming quite a little bay, very rugged, and very rocky, but still very convenient as a haven in light weather. Here I keep my crab and lobster pots, as it is easily accessible from the house. I call it Bale de Homard (Lobster Bay). Keeping along the shore, to the north end of the island, we arrive at a two-storied stone building which stands on the beach. This is my store-house (for fishing gear, etc.) and workshop, and is situated only a short distance from the house — perhaps three hundred yard.s. In the days of the old privateers THE HOMESTEAD. 41 this house played an important part, for it was fitted as a blacksmith's and carpenter's shop, and was probably a very handy place for slight repairs to be carried out at very short notice. Leaving the Store, a beautiful velvety path, broad enough for a cart road, leads up a slight ascent skirt- ing the beach to the house and cottage, which 1 naturally call by a word very dear to me in my solitude — Jiome. I will ask the reader to glance at the accompanying plan to aid him in getting a clearer idea of this home- stead than my pen, unaided by pictorial effort, would convey. A, then, is a comfortable and picturesque four- roomed cottage. B is the stable for my noble steed, Edward. C is the store-house, with loft over for straw, etc., for said noble quadruped. In the store I keep my utensils and implements for farm work, potatoes, flour, coals, and other heavy goods. D, sheltered garden for winter crops ; F, the vegetable and fruit garden, in the midst of which stands an immense and very prolific mulberry tree ; it spreads its branches fifty-four feet from north to south, and fifty-one feet from east to west. The garden contains fruit trees of all kinds. E, the Seignieurie or Government House — my palace — or, in plain words, a solid stone-built four-roomed house that might stand a siege. The front windows look out over the lawn, G, to the sea beyond, and those at the back command the well- walled-in fruit garden, F. H is devoted to shrubs and medicinal herbs. J is the flower-garden with a summer-house in the corner. K, the well of excellent 42 JETIIOU, water. L, flight of stone steps to the lower patli leading round the island. M, pigeon-tower and fowl- house amidst walnut trees. N, Plantation and forest trees. O, watch house, once used as a strong room or prison. P, an old iron gun (mounted on a stone platform, which would probably fall to pieces at the first discharge) for summoning aid in case of sickness or distress. Q, road to fishing-store and boathouse. R, path up the hill to the piggery. I think the reader may, from the foregoing, form some idea of the island and homestead, as I have taken him all round the former, and pointed out, although very briefly, the various portions of the latter. I have wasted no time nor ink in so doing, as he like myself, will doubtless find more pleasure in the narrative which commences in the succeeding chapter. A fair idea of the island is necessary, so as clearly to understand some of the incidents which are placed before the reader, and I trust I have said sufficient to enable him to follow me in what I have to tell of my sojourn on the pretty, though solitary island of Jethou. A glance at the accompanying map will give a good idea of the various places in Jethou mentioned in this story. PLAN OF HOMESTEAD CHAPTER IV. FARMING OPERATIONS—I MAKE A PLOUGH AND A CART — A DONKEY HUNT — DUMB HELPERS— MY LIVE STOCK. Y first few days were spent pleasantly enough, but as soon as the sun had set my spirits would droop, and I felt anything but jolly, but like Mark Tapley, I firmly made up my mind to be happy under all circumstances. I had a deal of unpacking to do, and determined, as my stay was to be a lengthy one, " to find a place for everything, and keep everything in its place." My initial motto was a good one, and I worked for quite a week scheming and contriving all kinds of recepta- cles and appliances for my heterogeneous goods and chattels. My goat and donkey I turned loose, and as for my pigs, I had not seen them since I landed ; but I trusted that they were not like the evil-tempered swine of the Bible, who cast themselves headlong into the sea, for if that were the case they could commence their suicide at any moment by rolling down any of the steep sides of the island into the sea. I trusted that SIGNALS FOR HELP. 45 my pigs were sweet-tempered beasts, and of a non- suicidal variety, and so they afterwards proved, and toothsome into the bargain. The boathouse received my canoe, fishing gear, carpenter's tools, and gunpowder, for I was afraid to keep the latter near the house, as I had a large quan- tity, nearly half a hundredweight. I had this large quantity for several reasons, the principal being that I wished to shoot a large collection of sea fowl, and still have plenty for the big cannon which was to summon aid from Herm or Guernsey, should it be required. My good father had made arrangements for me to signal as follows : If I fired a single gun, the coastguard from Herm would put off to my aid ; if two guns were fired, help was to be considered very urgent, and either the coastguard or one of the peasants of Herm would put over, if the weather were calm enough to allow of a boat being launched. If I fired minute guns, either by night or day, they would be reported to the har- bour master of St. Peter Port, who had my father's instructions to send out a doctor immediately. Thus I felt comparatively easy in my mind as to help in case of great need, either by accident or sickness. My gunpowder was therefore kept in the lower floor of the boathouse, as I thought it the safest place. I took only a pound at a time to the house for shooting purposes. Having got everything stowed away to my satisfac- tion, my next step was to look over the island and see how I could employ my time in cultivating the soil. Near the top I found a large patch of arable 46 ^ JETHOU. land fenced in with wire netting, but it was greatly overgrown, having apparently been some time out of cultivation. I stepped it out in as correct yards as I could command by striding, and to my dismay found there were just two acres, which discovery somewhat nonplussed me for a time ; for to dig over two acres with a spade was no light task, and I took time to reflect and see if I could not concoct some easier means of turning the soil than by digging. Down I sat upon a stone and lighted my pipe — the solitary man's comforter — and with my gun across my knees ready for a stray shot, I made out my plan of campaign, after much cogitation. Why not make a plough? Nothing is made of nothing ! What had 1 to turn into a plough ? Then the idea of a real Saxon plough came into my head, and there the idea took tangible form, as I saw close by me a tree which would answer my purpose. Down went my gun, and away I trotted down the rocky path to the house, and quickly returned with an axe. I was quite out of breath when I regained the tree, having made as much haste as if the tree were provided with means of locomotion, or as if I had to cut down the tree in a given time ; but that is just my way, I am much too impulsive. A few strokes laid the tree low, and I soon had it trimmed ready for my purpose. My next care was to make a pair of wheels, and this took me much longer. I had noticed during one of my walks a large tree that had been felled for some purpose, but never used, and to it I repaired with a saw and worked away for several hours, cutting two slices from the fairly JR O UGH AND READ Y IMPLEMENTS. 4 7 symmetrical bole, about four inches wide. These ^s^ave me a pair of solid wheels about twenty inches in diameter, which were large enough for my purpose. These I attached to a short axle and bolted to the tree which I felled, and by horizontally thrusting an iron rod, two feet long, through the nose of my plough, about eighteen inches from the end, I had my imple- ment complete. The iron rod was to keep the pointed end of my oak tree from burying itself too deeply in the ground. It was not a beautiful object, but its usefulness condoned its ugliness. MY PLOUGH.— UTILITY, NOT BEAUTY. I placed my handiwork aside for a season, and the next two days made myself a curious sideless cart, which I could not help thinking bore a great resem- blance to a ladder on wheels. Two more sections from the big tree formed the wheels, while a square piece of quartering thrust through formed an axletree. The shafts and body of my vehicle were two thick ash saplings twelve feet long, joined together with barrel staves two and a half feet long, with the convex sides downward ; then fore and aft of the wheels I erected D 48 JETHOU. a species of gibbet to prevent my load from shifting, which having done, my antediluvian chariot was complete. AN ANTEDILUVIAN CHARIOT. Having provided my implements I now proceeded to till my land. I took a whole back-aching day to pluck all the large weeds and stones off my farm, and retired weary at night to dream of my flourishing crops of the future. Up with the lark next morning, I set out to find my noble long-eared steed, Edward ; but although I roamed about for an hour and a half I could not discover him anywhere, so breakfasted and searched again, but to no purpose. I gave him up as having been drowned whilst browsing on the toothsome but truculent thistle or gorse. I looked at my plough and cart in dismay, saying, " Man proposes, and an ass disposes." But shortly after this dismal reflection, judge of my joy when I heard his musical voice lifted up in sweet song, and borne to my enraptured ears on the balmy noontide breeze. Laugh not, reader, for the poor brute's voice was sweeter to me in my D ONKE V HUNTING, 49 loneliness than that of the greatest operatic singer who ever trilled her wondrous notes. Even after hearing the ass's braying I was a long time before I came upon him quite down upon the stony shore, with not a blade of grass nor even a thistle for for him to nibble at. How he got there is to me a problem to this day ; but how I laboured to get him up again will ever remain in my mind, for it makes me feel sore all over to think of it. Where I found him was at the south end of the island, facing rocky Fauconnaire. How I wandered up and down seeking a place for him to regain the lower path of the island. But all in vain. No place could I find ; and all the afternoon I worked Hive a Titan, getting him up to the pathway again. Poor fellow ! he was very docile, and I had thoughts of trying to carry him up ; but although I got under him and lifted him, I could not climb with him, so at last had recourse to a block and fall, and after bruising and battering the poor creature somewhat, I got him to a safe ledge of rock, from whence by pushing, and tugging, and Hfting, I got him up, foot after foot, till the perspiration streamed down my face. The real Robinson Crusoe never had anything half so difficult as this to contend with, and yet here \vas I at the outset working harder than a galley slave ! I envied Robinson Crusoe number one, and went at my donkc}' again, till towards evening I got him to the lower path, and after a rest rode him home in triumph, lecturing him severely all the way " not to be such an ass again." Next day I was not up with the lark — in fact it was 50 JETHOU. past nine before I opened my eyes, so much had the previous day's exertions tired me. I felt tired and stiff all over, but my morning tub and breakfast quickly restored me nearly to par. Edward was now domiciled in the stable, so putting on his collar and a pair of home-made traces I har- nessed him, with the help of various contrivances of cord and staples, to my mediaeval cart, and bumped {(or my cart was springless) down to the beach to gather seaweed. All day long we worked, "Eddy" and I, taking load after load to the top of the island ; and the next day too was occupied in carting up seaweed or " vraic," as the natives call it, except that we also took up two or three loads of withered bracken, leaves, and other rubbish, which I burned and spread over the land. After the ash and seaweed were spread I ploughed it in after a fashion, streaking long shallow trenches with my pointed wooden plough, till I had gone over the whole of the land. I looked at the tumbled ground with no great satisfaction, for as much of the manure- seaweed was upon the surface as under, so I turned to and ploughed crossways, which gave it a little better appearance. Then I allowed it a week to rest, taking my spade in the meantime and breaking the lumps and digging in the straying "vraic." At length I had my land in tolerable order, although the seaweed refused to rot as quickly as I desired. I reckoned, however, that it would rot in time, and thus nourish the seed I put in, and so it did. I will not weary the readers with too much of my farming cares, but have written a little about it to NOMENCLATURE OF MY SUBJECTS. 51 show what obstacles a Crusoe has to overcome, and how hard he has to work to gain his ends. He has no one to pat his back when he is triumphant, nor anyone to sympathise with him over a failure. He is his own critic and censor. Suffice it to say that in due course I had patches of barley, clover, lucerne, mangold, carrots, etc., sown, and when once the seeds were in I had plenty of leisure for other pursuits. Although early spring, the weather was very mild to what I had been used to on the Norfolk coast ; in fact the temperature was as warm in April as it is in the East of England at the end of May. The garden by the house also had my care, for I planted enough edibles in it to have maintained a large family, instead of a solitary being like myself Still, I counted my animals as my family, and got to love them all, even to the little pigs. I named them all. There was my dog " Begum," the donkey " Eddy," the goat " Unicorn," which I contracted to " Corny." This name was derived from the fact that she had broken off one horn close to her head. The pigs being twins were "Romulus" and "Remus," and, like the first Romans of that name, had frequent family quarrels, which were, however, soon ended, the brothers rolling over each other in delight in their pig stye. " Corny" gave me about a pint to a pint and a half of milk a day, which I found quite sufficient for my wants, as I only used it for breakfast and tea, water forming my invariable drink for dinner. Breakfast and tea-supper I usually took with some show of punctuality, but my dinner was eaten in all sorts of 52 JETHOU. places— on the Crevigon, in my canoe, on the beach, or in the grove — in fact, just where I happened to be when I felt hungry and had my wallet with me. " Begum " always took his meals with me, except when I was on the sea, when the poor fellow would follow my canoe round the island, and watch till I came back again. Then his joy knew no bounds. He would go fairly mad with delight, and I must confess I used to look for my comrade as fondly as if he were a brother awaiting my landing. He would carry quite a big load for me up the rocky cliff path, and esteem it quite a pleasure ; but when I had anything extra heavy to take up I made him fetch " Eddy " to my aid. Strange as it may seem, this was a very simple proceeding, for I taught him in a couple of days, thus : On the stable door I fastened a piece of wood to act as a fall-latch, which worked so easily that "Begum" could lift it with his nose and allow the door to swing open. Then " Eddy " would march out, and wherever I happened to be, would trot to me at the sound of my voice. Indeed, at length he used to follow " Begum," directly he was released, to any part of the island. Therefore, if I required "Eddy's" services when I was quite at the south end of the island, I had only to send " Begum " to fetch him, and away they would come together. This proceeding had only one drawback, and that was, that "Eddy" would always help himself to a mouthful of anything in the way of green food, which happened to be grow- ing within his reach, if he had to come near my little farm. I verily believe that " Begum " used to take FOUR-FOOTED FRIENDS. 53 his friend past my crops on purpose, although it was by no means the easiest way to get to the Cotils, where my potato crop grew, and where I often used to go to get a shot at the sea fowl on the Fauconnaire. As the crops were principally for his own winter maintenance, I could not grudge him a bite of his food in advance. Many a time when I have landed from my boat very tired, after a long cruise or fishing expedition, I have always found " Begum " waiting for me, ready to fetch " Eddy," at my word, to help to beach the boat and carry my gear up the cliff. This used to be of such frequent occurrence that upon the end of the boat's painter I worked a kind of collar for^Edd}^" to pull upon in comfort. This collar I made of old sacking sewed over with sennet, and I must say it was quite a success, for he would hold his head out as naturally to receive the collar as a beggar would hold out his hat for the reception of an alms. The pigeons I brought with me and placed in the cote or tower soon departed or died ; possibly they were killed by hawks or other birds, but that I never could discover. Anyway, the tower was not long tenantless, for a pair of owls took up their abode there, and soon had a family of six fluffy little fellows. Instead of destroying these birds as many persons do in England, I allowed them to haunt the tower, in return for which they kept the mice down, and I could not find that they did me any kind of damage. I got quite to like their " to-whitting" and "to- wooing" more than the monotonous "cooing" of the pigeons which never did sound like music to my ears. 54: JETHOU, My six hens and a cockerel were located in the watch-house, from whence they had the run of a large piece of wild ground overhanging the cliff. Eggs I had in abundance, and even to spare, and before I left the island had over thirty fowls. Beside the fowls' eggs I could, in the spring, gather the eggs of the wild fowl inhabiting the islands by the score. Enough of animals and birds ; let us open another chapter on another topic. ^f %^C^^A ^^^8^ 1^ ■^ XllZ^^c^^ ^^^^ 'J CHAPTER V. CANOEING— FISH OF THE PLACE — THE ORMER AND LIMPET — A CURIOUS FISHING ADVENTURE — QUEER CAPTURES FROM THE SEA — ROCK FISH — CONSTRUCT A FISH-POND AND WATER-MILL. |HEN the warm days and calm seas of May came I turned my thoughts to the sea, of which I am passionately fond, and of which one never seemed to tire, as one does of tame river water. Unfortunately my only vessel was a canoe about fourteen feet long by three feet beam, and for sea work, such as one gets round the shores of these islands, quite unfitted ; but there it was, and I had simply Hobson's choice — that or none. On a calm sea, with a tide running only one way, such as one gets on the English coast, the canoe was all very well and fairly safe ; but here, through the Percee, as the channel is called between Herm and Jethou, the tide at times runs with great speed, and meeting with the resistance of the Fcrriers and other huge rocks, whirls, and turns, and foams in all direc- tions, so that a frail craft like a canoe would be a death-trap to anyone foolhardy enough to venture out 56 JETHOU. in it. That being the case, I could only follow my canoeing hobby when the sea was calm, but even then did not venture far from land. I had several narrow escapes from upsetting, and at last, whilst lying sleeplessly in bed (where, by-the-bye, most of my thinking and scheming is done), the idea of making alterations in m.y canoe came under my consideration, and before I went to sleep that night I had made up my mind to improve her stability in several ways. I would make her fore and aft com- partments air-tight, so that if she turned turtle she would act as a life preserver, and moreover, why not add an outrigger, such as the natives of the Pacific have to theirs, making them almost impossible to upset? The second day saw my plans an accomplished fact. I put in bulkheads fore and aft, and pitched the canoe inside and out, making her heavier, but thoroughly water-tight — the end compartments being even air-tight. I raised the combing of the well to six inches in height, put on a deeper keel, shortened my mast, and added an outrigger. What more coicld I do? The outrigger I made of a bundle of bamboos lashed firmly together, like the pictures one sees of the old Roman Fascines, or Rods of Authority, and this I fastened about five feet from the side by means of a couple of stout ash saplings. I found these im- provements so admirable, that I was not afraid in light winds (having gained a knowledge of the tides and currents) of venturing anywhere either around Jethou or Herm. Im.mense quantities of fish are found all round THE ORMER. 57 Jethou, the principal being lobsters, crabs, crayfish, spider crabs, plaice, John Dorey, soles, ormers, pollock, bass, gurnard, skate, cod, long-nose, rock fish, turbot, brill, whiting, and conger. Several of the fish I had never seen before, as they are rarely if ever caught off the Norfolk coast ; thus John Dorey, spiders, ormers, rock fish, and pollock were all new to me, and gave me great enjoyment in their capture, beside which I was greatly taken with the flavour of both the Dorey and pollock, scores of which I caught in the Percee. The ormer, rarely seen in England, is, I believe, sometimes called the Sea Ear. It is somewhat the shape and size of a half cocoa nut (divided lengthwise). The outside of the shell is of a rough texture, and of a dull red colour, while the inside is beautifully col- oured with an iridescent mother o' pearl coating. (Why do we never hear anything of the father o' pearl ?) The ormer adheres to the rocks like the limpet tribe, but is seldom seen above lozv water-mark, like the limpet, who loves to be exposed to the sun and air twice a day. The flesh of the ormer, w^hen grilled, is something like a veal cutlet cooked in a fishy frying-pan, and I cannot say I was greatly enraptured with the uncom- mon univalve. My first meeting with the ormer was by accident. I was having an al fresco lunch of bread and raw limpets which I was detaching from the rocks, eating them with a seasoning of vinegar and pepper which I had brought with me when, being close down to the water among some outlying rock's (as it was a very 58 JETHOU. low neap tide), I saw something just under the surface of a pool, of a dull red colour, which I perceived to be a shell-fish of some kind. Stooping down, with a rapid blow of my knife I detached it, and ere it sank into the unknown depths of the pool, plunged in my left hand and secured it. It was an ormer — at least, so I supposed, and on this supposition took it home and compared it with a book on shells I had, and being satisfied with my researches, cooked and ate the mollusc, although in some doubt. Next day, feeling much as the first man who ever swallowed an oyster did — alive and hearty — I went at dead low tide and gathered some more and ate also, but finally came to the conclusion that one good sole was worth a sack of ormers. Still, there is no accounting for taste. Some of the islanders are very fond of ormers ; but what is one man's meat is another's '" poisson." Although at neap tide on many occasions I gathered many more, it was more for the beauty of the shells than the flavour of the fish inside them. For one with artistic tastes and love of colour like myself, the interior of an ormer shell is a veritable fairy grotto. One discovery I made regarding them and that is, that they form a dainty dish for the huge conger eels which abound among the rocks, and about this bait I must presently tell a little more. The granite rocks below high water-mark are simply spotted all over with myriads of limpets, some of them of enormous size. Many of the shells in my collection are over three inches across, and the fish when cooked make two ample mouthfuls. My manner of dressing them was to place them in a tub of sea A FISH-rOUND. 59 water for a night, and then to lay them on a gridiron, point downward, over a bright fire, and grill them. When cooked they would drop out of their shells when turned upside down over a plate containing vinegar and pepper, and I considered them very nice. A friend of mine who has tasted them in Cornwall says they would make any well-bred dog sick. Thus, I say again, tastes vary ! I must allow, however, that the leathery limpet is as far behind the delicious sole or turbot in flavour, as a turnip is inferior to an apple ; but still a change is desirable, and for the matter of change I think I had a turn at everything eatable on the island or in the sea surrounding it, and still live to tell the tale. Well, now, let me tell an adventure that befell me while conger fishing off the Crevichon one calm even- ing just after dark. First let me point out a device I had to adopt because my canoe had not sufficient space to hold or carry all the fish I sometimes caught. I had to have recourse to a floating fish carrier, and this I contrived out of an old dry goods box, which I bored full of holes, so as to allow a current of water to flow through and keep my fish alive. To give floating power to this fish-pound, I fastened large bungs all round the outside, and to each of the four corners I attached an inflated bladder, so that I could easily store in it from thirty to forty pounds of fish, as it must be observed, that whilst in the water the fish will swim, and thus add but little weight to their floating prison. This box I attached to the outrigger by a stout lanyard, and fended it off with the paddle, if the eddy brought it in too close proximity to my craft 6o JETHOU. Well, to my fish story. I had been anchored for about two hours near Rocher Rouge fishing for conger, of which I had caught three small ones, beside several rock fish and whiting, when I thought I would try another kind of bait, so I armed my hook with a small ormer, which being of a gristly texture, held on the barb well. Over the side went the gear, attached to a strong line of thick water-cord, and although it was down a considerable time no warning tug gave hope of sport to follow, so I busied myself with the other two lines I had down, with a fair amount of success. At length getting tired of taking nothing on my big line, I thought I would coil it up and examine the bait, but when I had got the line straight up and down it refused to leave the bottom, tug as I would. I pulled till my canoe danced and bobbed about in an alarming manner, in fact, till the coaming was in danger of going under the gently heaving sea, but to no purpose ; it would not budge, so tripping anchor I paid out line and paddled fifty yards, thinking that if my hook had fouled a rock I might by a side pull clear it. I hauled in gently, and to my surprise found the line come in with a curious vibrating motion, in little jerks, till it got straight up and down again, and then I had a hard pull to get it from the bottom ; but still I did get it up little by little, and was now posi- tive that it was a fish of some kind, and of great weight. Foot after foot of line came in very spas- modically, and with great reluctance, till at last a great, ugly, slimy head, with yellow -green eyes, came above the surface, and so large did it appear, that it quite took me aback. In my surprise I let go several 7/ ^1 62 JETHOU. coils of the line before I knew what I was about. The head was enormous and ex pede Hercules. I knew the body must be of gigantic proportions too. That I had hooked one of Neptune's fiends seemed certain, and I was some time before I hauled up again to see really what I had captured. In came the line again, foot by foot, with great difficulty, till at length up came the terrible head again. But this time I was prepared, and setting my teeth, held on. It was a huge conger, such as I had never seen before, and which came very near being the last I might gaze upon, for suddenly it brought its tail up over the out- rigger, and before I could counterbalance my craft, seemed to swamp the canoe by its dead weight and the power of its fins. I was in the water in a second, but never loosened my hold of the line. Letting go the loose coils I struck out for Rocher Rouge, only some fifty yards away, and, landing at the foot of the great granite throne, commenced to haul in my line. To my joy the canoe, which still floated with its coamings out of water, although the well was full, followed my line. I afterwards ascertained that in falling overboard I had dropped between the canoe and outrigger, and had thus drawn the line through the intervening space after me. To this fact I owed the recovery of my craft, which would otherwise have floated away, as I should have been afraid to follow it, although an excellent swimmer, as the currents are here so strong that I should probably never have got back again. The canoe came slowly in till it was within reach, when I seized it, and with a mighty effort dragged CATCHING A LIVE SEA SERPENT. 63 it ashore undamaged. The lines I also drew in and coiled tidily away, leaving the long one till the last, which, to my great surprise, when I hauled in, still had the monstrous eel in tow. I quite thought he had freed himself when he swamped me, but such was evidently not tlie case. Having a firm footing I hauled in my line with more confidence, and at length got my lord close to the rocks, and in the clear water could see his huge length and thickness. He was a terrible fellow, and if he had got my legs in his em- brace might have easily drowned me ; but I did not give him a chance to use either his tail or teeth, but getting his head close to the rocks I took a turn of the line round a projecting crag, and proceeded to slaughter the monster with my only weapon, the paddle. He took a lot of assassinating, but gave up the ghost at last, after 1 had nearly pounded his head to a jelly. Old " Begum," I must mention, witnessed my sudden departure from my canoe, and the dear old fellow arrived at Rocher Rouge at the same moment that I landed, so that we faced each other dripping wet in a most comical manner. I sent "Begum" to fetch " Eddy," and in the meantime emptied the canoe and put all straight, so that when the two animals appeared on the cliff, standing out in bold relief against the clear sky, I was in my canoe and on the way to the Cotills. They followed me till I landed, and came and stood by me like two old comrades. I had dragged the conger after me through the sea with a cord through his gills, and this cord I attached to "Eddy," who dragged him home in triumph, while 64 JETHOU, I sat on his back, a la conqueror, as I rode into my domain, tired and wet, and as hungry as the proverbial hunter. A cheerful blaze of wood soon caused the kettle to boil, and over my tea-supper I congratulated myself over my lucky adventure, for to lose neither fish, canoe, nor self, was indeed a large slice of luck. Next day I improvised a pair of scales with the help of a half hundredweight and a seven-pound weight which I possessed, and found to my surprise that the monster weighed one hundred and three pounds. This was not only the largest eel I ever caught, but the largest I ever saw. In Guernsey market the heaviest conger I saw was one of sixty- seven pounds — a baby in comparison to mine ! The weights I used in weighing the monster were stones adjusted to the proper iron weights, which I used as standards, and then by selecting various sized stones obtained after great toil a whole set, from one pound up to ten pounds, and thus could weigh any- thing. I had many other fishing adventures, but I think the above was about the most exciting. I had many good takes of whiting and pollock, but was not so fortunate among the soles, and plaice, and such-like ground game, as my net was a very ramshackle affair of my own construction. I had also some remarkable miscellaneous captures at different times. Once in the winter I had laid a long line for codling, and brought up, firmly hooked, a very nice red tablecloth, beautifully worked round the edge by some skilled hand in an Oriental pattern. I used it IVORJlfS. 65 on gala days as a flag, and I dare say passers by in the various vessels wondered to what nationality it belonged, as the centre was ornamented with a golden elephant with very curly tusks worked in white beads. Another day I fished up a copper oil can, such as engineers use to oil machinery with ; and yet another time a bag of gravel which had apparently once formed part of a yacht's ballast. When I found time heavy on my hands I would often take my canoe about fifty yards south of La Fauconnaire, and with two or three lines fish for rock fish, and never, on a single occasion, returned empty- handed. The worst part of this performance was digging the bait of lugworms on the little beach of Crevighon. It was terribly hard work lifting the rocks and boulders aside to find a place to dig, and then it was harder work in digging the nasty worms from the granite grit in which they resided, dwelt, or had their horrid being. Probably these hairy, oozy creatures have their joys and pleasures, and their woes, just as every other of God's creatures, but of what their happi- ness consists who can tell ? Anyway they are good for bait, and so have use if not beauty to commend them. Crabs and lobsters' I could trap at any time by putting down " pots " anywhere round the island ; but after a few weeks I got quite tired of them for the table, but would occasionally put down a couple of '* pots " to see what of a curious nature I could catch. The cray- fish, spider-crabs, and hermit crabs, gave me infinite amusement, as they are so different in their manners and customs to the ordinary crabs, and are very bellicose, going for each other tooth and nail, or 66 JETHOU. rather legs and claws, in a most terrible manner. The way these little crustaceans maimed each other put me in mind of the scene in Scott's " Fair Maid of Perth," where the rival clans hew each others' limbs off with double-handed swords, so that a truce has to be called for the purpose of clearing the battle-ground of human debris. The crabs have the advantage over the human species, insomuch that they can reproduce a lost limb. Finding I could catch a large quantity of fish of all kinds, especially rock fish, which, being new to me, I greatly admired, I set about constructing a fish pond near the house. These rock fish are a curiosity in the way of fish. They run from about six inches to two feet in length ; weigh from a few ounces to a dozen pounds, and no two that I have ever caught are alike, either in colour or disposition of spots. They are spotty and speckly all over. Some have copper-coloured spots, some yellow, some brown, some green, some red, and some an assortment of colours, so that one never knows what colour is coming up next. Persons who are fond, when playing cards, of betting upon the colour of the trump to be turned up — black or red — would find the pastime of " backing their colour " infinitely varied, if they tried to guess the colour of the fish which would next appear. My first fish pond, ten feet by five feet, was a failure, as it was leaky ; but not to be beaten I commenced another and much larger one, sixteen feet by ten feet I selected a site close above high water-mark, and commenced digging, and in fact worked a whole day at it, intending to line it with a mixture of sand and A NATURAL FISH POND. 67 lime, of which I had several tubs for making mortar for repairing the brickwork of my homestead ; but that very evening I discovered a natural fish pond, or rather a pool, that could be turned into one by a little outlay of labour. A cleft between two large rocks, separating them by about six feet, allowed the sea at high tide to flow into a pool at the foot of an amphitheatre of rocks, which gave a basin of water, at high tide, about twenty feet across. Here was a grand, natural fish pool, and I soon turned it into a comfortable home for my finny captures. First at low tide I cleared the bottom of this pool, and made it deeper. Then, having previously made a huge batch of mortar, I set to work and built a wall of rock across the cleft, until I had raised it six feet high, taking great care to make it perfectly watertight. This I strengthened by laboriously placing blocks of stone on each side, so as to prevent the sea from toppling my mortar-built wall over. As a pond it was a perfect success, except in one particular, and that was that the water in time would evaporate, or become stale ; so I put my wits together and con- structed a curious kind of mill pump, which worked with four wooden buckets upon an endless rope. It was jerky, but effective ; that is it was effective at high water, when the tide came up to my sea-w^all. At this time the mill, being placed right for the wind, would commence to work, and the buckets to ascend and descend, and each shoot its gallon of water into the pond, till sometimes it was full to the brim, and even runninsr over. Thus I could chancre the water 68 J E THOU. at will. I was simply delighted, and fished from morning till night to stock my pool, and in a fortnight had specimens of all kinds, colours, and sizes. Eels, soles, whiting, dorey, pollock, long-nose, crabs, lobsters were all there, but to my mind the big blubber-lipped rock fish were the peacocks of my pool. I was so fond of lingering by this pool to read, and smoke, and watch the fish, that I built myself a rock summer-house, and roofed it in with wood, upon which I placed a layer of mortar, and then thatched it with pine branches and braken. It was a pictur- esque little house, in a picturesque spot, and if I tell the truth, I believe I made a picturesque Crusoe. My dress consisted, in summer, of white duck trousers, canvas shoes, coloured flannel shirt, a blue jean jacket, and broad-brimmed hat. Round my waist I always wore a long red sash ; it was four yards long, consequently, would encircle my waist three times and still leave some of the two ends to hang down at my side. This sash I found very useful, for I used it as a wallet or hold-all. Nothing came amiss to it — tobacco, pipes, cartridges, biscuits, fruit, fishing tackle, all were tucked away in it at different or the same time, as they were so easy to get at, and left the hands free. Now let us leave fish and fishing, and see in what other ways I enjoyed my solitary life. €^^ ^M| ^g ^ ^S w ij^ ^Wi ^%^j ^^ "^r^ ^^^^ V* i%s'y^ '^m ^^^^ ^^ ?=^ l^Sw CHAPTER VI. flap" the gull— surgical operation — THE GULL WHO REFUSED TO DIE— TAXIDERMY EX- TRAORDINARY—FEATHERED FRIENDS— SNAKES. VERY part of the island swarmed with rabbits, in fact, it was a perfect warren, and must have contained thousands of them. I had therefore to devise some means of keeping them down, or they would so have multiplied as to eat up everything that to a rodent was toothsome, and that is nearly everything green, even to the furze bushes. I had only four tooth-traps with me, and these were not nearly adequate for the number I wanted to kill, so I had recourse to wire gins. These I soon became an adept in setting, and discovered that by placing the thin wire noose close to the ground I could catch the wee rabbits, while by keeping the lower part of the noose about four inches above the turf I could secure the large ones. By practice and observation I soon learned not only the best " runs," but could tell just where they would place their feet, as they bounded up or down the steep acclivities. At times I had seventy or eighty gins set, and 70 JETHOU, caught perhaps a hundred a week in the season, which I regret to say were nearly all thrown into the sea. This destruction of good food I was very sorry to cause, as it would have fed a dozen poor families ; but it was a case of kill the rabbits, or starve my own animals. I chose the latter alternative, and thus had plump animals and plump rabbits too. Those I retained formed food for myself, dog, pigs, and a gull I kept. The gull I must say a little about, as he became a constant companion to me when I was within the wall which surrounded the homestead. " Flap," for so I christened him, was a large grey and white gull which I secured soon after coming to the island, by breaking his wing at a long shot. He tried, poor fellow, to scramble down to the sea, and swim away, but "Begum" was too quick for him, and pounced upon him before he could get over the rocks. I examined the bird and found the wing bone to be broken, but otherwise the bird was not at all hurt. It then came into my mind to perform a surgical operation, and this I quickly carried out. I trimmed away all the feathers from about the wound, and then with one draw of my sharp knife cut through the flesh between the smashed bone, and quickly ampu- tated the wing. " Flap " was so fierce, and had such a formidable bill, that I had to fasten him to a post to do all this, or he might have given me a deep wound. I then bathed the stump of the wing with warm water, and bound it up in a lump of lard, and the operation was comnlcte A SURGICAL OPERATION. 71 I placed him in the stable and fed him with bits of fish, rabbit, and vegetable for about a week, by which time he was fairly tame ; so then I took him out and fastened a leather strap round his leg, and tethered him on the grass plot in front of my house, as one would a cow, feeding him several times daily on animal food or fish. After a week of this he was so tame that he would try to get away from his peg to meet me in the morning. Seeing this, I decided to release him from his stake. I did so, and the poor bird followed me about like a dog ; in fact, I believe "Begum" was jealous of him, for when I petted the gull he would come and thrust his great black nose into my hand, and look up to my eyes, as much as to say, " Don't forget me, master 1 " At the end of about three weeks I ventured to take the bandage off "Flap's" wing-stump, when I found, to my surprise, that it was so nearly healed as not to require further treatment from me, Harry Nilford, M.D. "Flap's" domain was the homestead, about which he would hop and flap with his one wing in a most comical manner. If I threw down half a rabbit and called him, he would dash across the lawn at a gait that would defy description, while his voracity was wonderful to behold. He would take down half a rabbit in two or three fierce gulps, skin, bones, and flesh ; and I have known him, when very hungry, to eat a whole one at a meal, which would only take a couple of minutes for him to discuss. It was simply a matter of Hey Presto ! and his meal was consumed. 72 JETHOU. If a man could eat in the same proportion, half a sheep would make a meal, while a goose or turkey would only be a snack. Thank goodness, our appe- tites are less keen, or a fat bullock would only serve a large family for dinner, with the odds and ends left for supper. " Begum " and " Flap " were fast friends, and the dog would allow the bird to take many liberties with him, such as taking quietly some pretty sharp pecks if he attempted to eat a bit of " Flap's " food ; but on the other hand, " Flap" would take "Begum's" food from under his very nose without a protest of any kind from the dog, except a look out of the corner of his eye, as if he thought " What impudence ! " I found sea fowl of all kinds to be very tenacious of life, especially the common large gull. One case of this occurs to me as I write. I fired at a gull and brought it down on the rocks ; but it was only winged, and picking it up, I wrung its neck, and flung it down, thinking it was dead, but in a couple of minutes it gave such signs of returning animation that I put the butt of my gun on its neck, which was upon the hard pathway, and pressed with all my might. But the thing would not die, so I got cross with both it and myself, with the bird for not dying and myself for causing it so much unnecessary pain. Thinking to kill the bird instantaneously, I took out my penknife, and ran it (or supposed I was in the right spot) quite through the brain, so that the blade pro- jected half an inch on the other side. Just then some more gulls came within shot, and I threw the bird on the ground, and made an onslaught on the others. I A GULL'S TENACLTY. 73 dropped one, and scrambled down the cliff's for it, and at length having secured it, climbed laboriously up the steep rocks again. Judge of my surprise when, puffing and blowing from my exertions, just as my head rose above the ledge of the pathway where I had left the transfixed bird, I saw it rise to its feet, give a loud Quah ! and before I could prevent it, away it went, half flying and flopping, half running and scrambling, with my knife still in its skull, and was quickly out of sight. The different kinds of gulls visiting Jethou are very numerous, and some of them very pretty. One of the finest being the swift sea swallow, with its lovely grey feathers, forked tail, and long graceful wings. Another is the sea-pie, a very shapely black and white gull, which makes a noise quite peculiar to itself when hunting among the rocky inlets for its food, thus betraying its presence. Whenever I killed a bird of which I did not know the name, I would fasten it up to some sticks in as life-like manner as possible, and make a water colour drawing of it, taking great care to shew every detail, so that in time I had over thirty drawings, each of which took me half a day to execute. These are now in the writer's possession, and form a pretty memento of his Crusoe days. I took to making these drawings, because my attempts at taxidermy were grotesquely ludicrous ; to put it plainly, they were unmitigated failures. These remarks apply to my very early attempts, for I would not have the readers think me incapable after long practice of turning out a shapely bird or a fish fair to 74 JETHOU. behold. I must own that my early struggles at skin- ning and stuffing were certainly funny, as except from the colour of the feathers one could not tell a tern from a Kentish crow after I had mangled it about for a few hours. They were wonders of natural history these specimens of mine, not altogether from my unskilful- ness in handling them, but from the fact that I lacked materials to work with. During the long nights of autumn, I, to a certain extent, perfected myself in setting up specimens, but found they would not keep, as I had no arsenic to work with, using in its place a disinfectant which was not a preservative, conse- quently my specimens began to get mouldy and to smell high, and this prevailing mustiness brought them to an untimely end, or at least the greater por- tion of them. Thinking a day in the sunshine and fresh air might improve them, I took them all out of the house, and carried them a few at a time down to the small lawn, as it was nice and open, placing them promiscuously down on the green sward ; and a funny lot they looked. Fish of all kinds, condition, and colors, and birds in all positions, natural and unnatural ; the Chamber of Horrors at Madame Tussaud's Waxworks was a pleasant sight in com- parison to my collection, at least that was the impression I gleaned from " Begum " and " Flap," both of whom seemed perfectly mad at seeing such an array of scarecrows on their favourite playground. It was a lovely mild day, and I spent best part of it at La Fauconnaire, rabbit and gull shooting, bringing home for my day's sport as many as I could fairly carry. Leaving them in the storehouse I fed STUFFED WONDERS. 75 " Eddy," and proceeded to perform the same office for the goat and pigs, but they were nowhere to be seen. After a fair amount of searching I gave them up for the time, and proceeded to take in my stuffed wonders, but alas, the pigs and goat had been before me, for in the morning I had not properly latched the lawn gate, and they had got in and created awful havoc. Many of my specimens the pigs had actually eaten, others they had disjointed and mangled in such a manner as to be perfectly useless, while w^hat they had not fallen foul of my Quixotic goat had, by spiking them with her single horn, till she had had the satisfaction of knocking the stuffing out of them. What was left of my most magnificent collection now looked as if a charge of dynamite had played havoc with it. Thus my friends and the world in general were prevented from gazing upon one of the most curious collections of birds, beasts, and fishes that have ever been stuffed (with whatever was handiest) since the art of taxidermy was introduced. The stormy petrel during rough weather used to be a frequent visitor to the Perchce Channel, skim- ming just above the dark waves so close to the surface, as to appear to walk up a wave, rise above its crest, and then walk down into the valley of water on the opposite side. 1 shot several specimens, two of which I stuffed, but they were both eaten by those horrid pigs. Oyster-pickers were quite plentiful, and I quickly discovered that they might also aptly be termed limpet-pickers, for they seemed to take these shell fish as their staple food. The modus operandi of 76 JETHOU. feeding is to pounce down upon a rock which the recedincr tide has left bare, and with a single sharp blow with its beak, detach a limpet, and turning it mouth upward, pick out the fish at its leisure. If it failed to detach the limpet at once it would go on to another, knowing that when once disturbed the limpet requires great force to detach it. Oysters lie in deep waters where they are inacessible to these birds, so whence is their name derived ? Then there were various kinds of divers, the prin- cipal of which class was the cormorant, greatly resembling a half-starved black swan, that is, it had a longer and thinner and less graceful body ; but in many points it was superior to the swan, especially in its flying and diving powers, and in its quickness of action. Its head appears never to be still, but con- stantly bobbing and turning from side to side, as if saying, "Did you ever catch a cormorant asleep?" Knowing that the Chinese train these birds to catch fish, I endeavoured to induce one to come to me, and serve his apprenticeship as a fisherman, but to no purpose. It was just as well I could not catch one, for I find they must be trained from their young days to the art, as they are intractable in their grown-up wildness, and I was thus spared a great deal of unnecessary trouble and irritability of temper. Although I had a store of simple medicines with me, I scarcely ever required to open the case. Once and once only, I felt poorly for a whole week, but that I fancy was attributable to fruit and the heat. Although not well, I thoroughly enjoyed a whole lazy week, most of which I spent by the side of my A LAZY WEEK. 77 fish pool, studying the habits of my finny comrades in captivity. Some of the rock fish became so tame that they would rise to the surface when I dropped crumbs of biscuits on the water, and I verily believe if I had had the patience, I might have taught them to feed from my fingers. Sometimes for a treat I would bring " Flap " and place him near the water, and he seemed to enjoy looking at the denizens ; but they were all too big for him to gobble, or he would have made an Aldcrmanic dinner of some of them. I occasionally saw a snake, but always of the harmless, blindworm variety. Of this species I caught two and admired them, but I did not make pets of them as I did of nearly everything else 1 could lay hands on. One big fellow nearly two feet long I threw into the sea, thinking to rid the island of at least one snake ; but to my surprise he swam ashore on the surface of the water as quickly as he could have progressed on dry land. He was a veritable sea-serpent, although a small specimen. There were also two kinds of lizards of which I do not know the name, but they were only small fellows, and may be what are called " efts." They would sun themselves on the warm rocks, and on being disturbed dart into some cranny till danger was past. The\' ran up and down rocks which were nearly perpen- dicular, and were very amusing in their rapid move- ments. I often thought as I lay in my hammock how I should have liked a squirrel or two to be climbing about the branches above me ; but one is never 78 JETHOU. contented with what is allotted them. Probably had I possessed a squirrel or two, I should have longed for a { ^^^s fe ^^«^:^2 ^H ^^: CHAPTER XII. A FAIRY POOL — WONDERS OF THE DEEP — PORTRAIT OF A POET—THE CAVE OF FAUCONNAIRE— A LETTER FROM HOME AND MY ANSWER TO IT. Is the weather towards the end of winter was very uncertain, I did but Httle boat-fishing, except on very fine days, when the sea was fairly calm, and I. had a longing for a certain kind of fish. At such times I would embark for an hour or two, and rarely came home empty-handed. Crabs and lobsters I soon got tired of, and I think most people who could eat their fill of them for the mere catching would do the same ; but a nice sole or slice of turbot takes a long time to satiate one's appetite. Although little could be done in the garden or field during the winter days I was never idle ; that is, I never indulged in lying in bed or letting the time slip dreamily by, so as to induce the belief that I was enjoying myself No, that would not suit me at all, for my disposition was to be ever on the go — seeing, hearing, or trying to learn something. Thus I knew almost every rock and cranny round the island, as I A MARINE PARADISE 149 was always poking and ogling into odd crannies and pools to see what I could discover. Among my favourite places was the Fauconnaire, which being surrounded at every tide, was always having fresh life and vegetation brought to it by the ever-moving sea. There were many pools and wonderful little caves round this curious, conical island, of which I knew, and into whose recesses I loved to pry ; and although I visited them frequently they seemed ever new to me. There was, facing due east, a large mass of rock near the foot of the Fauconnaire, upon which I often sat on a calm day, looking down into the mysteries of the sea. The water was so wonderfully clear, that at a depth of twenty feet I could see every pebble and bunch of weed as plainly as if only a sheet of glass hid them from view. This was to me very remark- able, as on the sandy east coast of England, an object two or three feet beneath the surface is hidden from the eye by the discolouration of the water, caused by the sand and soft clay cliffs. Here I could look down at one of the most lovely gardens the eye of man ever rested upon. It was a wonderfully diversified collection of marine plants of all sizes, shapes, and colours ; in fact, a per- fect marine paradise. The colours embraced every hue of green, from the pale tint of a cut cucumber to the darkest shade of bronze, merging upon blackness. The yellow plants embraced every tint of yellow and orange imaginable, while the pinks ran the whole gamut of shades of that colour. The forms and sizes of this enchanting garden of ISO lETHOU. flowers without blossom were as varied as the colours. On the rocky slopes adhered tiny anemonae ; lower down were other bushy weeds growing in all forms and positions, while further away in the deeper water rose up great feathery fronds and waving arms, like the tentacles of some giant octopus feeling for its prey. This bed of snake-like brown arms was a weird spot, which only wanted a mermaid or two to make it complete; but I, as a mere man, could only complete the picture by magnifying in my mind's eye the in- numerable fishes which swam in and out among the luxuriance of marine vegetation, so as to fancy them mermaidens, and thus people this wonderful water palace. The fish sometimes came along in shoals, princi- pally the spotted rock-fish, which seemed to be painted by nature to resemble the colours of the surrounding rocks, stones, and sea- weed. Sometimes they would appear singly, swimming hurriedly, just giving the leaves a pat with their tails, as if closing the door behind them. These seemed to be messengers, for presently others of a larger size would come along more leisurely, as if to clear the way, and in a short time would appear quite a shoal of these beautiful fish of all sizes, forming a procession, as if they had some kind of carnival or festival afoot, and were making the most of the day What a spot for a poet to muse in ! How he could roll his azure eyes and comb out his locks with his lily-white taper fingers, and gaze into space for a word to rhyme ! How he would wrinkle his lofty brow, compress his cupidon upper lip, and POETRY OF THE SEA. 151 unloose his neglige necktie, to i^ive room for his bosom to swell with pride at the enchanting poem which would, at the picture before him, be sure to flow from the tip of his pretty little golden stylographic pen ! At least this is how I fancy a poet must act, but never having seen one of those wonderful beings at work, I have, like the said poet, to get my picture from the source of some of his best work — the imagination. But a truce to badinage. True poetr}^ is not a thing to laugh at and disdain, for it is the salt of life, which makes existence endurable, and gives a savour to our worldly toil. Pierce, a modern poet, hits off the shores of Jethou capitally, thus : " Lucent wave ! Flash in sparkling bells On the coloured stones and tiny shells ; With low music lave Sheltering rock, Flood the glassy pool, Sway the foliage 'neath its crystal cool, Wake with gentle shock The anemonas, That like some lovely flower Petals opening 'neath the sunlight's power, Its beauty spreads to thee." At low tide — or rather, at half tide — may be seen a huge square-headed fissure or cave quite through a portion of La Fauconnaire. Its sides are walls of granite, and the roof is also of that stone, from ten to twelve feet high on the average, but much more in parts. Although daylight is admitted at each end of 152 JETIIOU. this tunnel it is somewhat gloomy in the centre, which perhaps adds to its charms, as objects are seen less clearly, thus giving more scope to the imagination, of which daylight is frequently a great destroyer. Semi- gloom causes one to speculate upon things which, seen in the broad glare of day, have nothing of mystery or wonder about them ; they are but too evident to the eye. A grammar-school education does not permit of great descriptive flights, or this cavern would be for me an exquisite theme upon which to write a chapter on fairyland. The walls of this vaulted chamber sparkled from the constant dripping of water, which appeared to ooze from the sides and roof as the tide went down ; but what appeared most noticeable was the pink hue of these walls, which upon closer inspection appeared to be lined with a kind of coral, or some such substance, while here and there from roof and walls depended most lovely fern-like sea-weed, whose long fronds waved gracefully in the grateful breeze which came in from the south end in puffs, just enough to stir the glorious pool of water covering the whole floor of the cave. The chamber is not very wide, probably not more than from four to five feet, so that the pool on the floor forms a miniature lake of surpassing beauty, some forty or fifty feet long, and from one to two feet deep ; but the contents and the arrangement of that pool who shall describe? In this small space may be found animal and vegetable life of all kinds, anemonae, lovely weeds, zoophytes, curious fish, sponges, shells, coral, and a hundred other things, all in such perfec- tion and orderly wildness that no artificial aquarium A QUIET NO J£L. 153 can ever hope to present, for they are made by hands, and can never vie with Nature in the formation of the wild and picturesque aspect of these rocky pools. As the sea filled this cave at every tide there was always something new for me to admire whenever I made a visit, and my only regret was that I could not take it home with me if I should be spared to see Norfolk again. Now to proceed a little further with my narrative. Christmas was a time which I knew not how to fill up. I wanted to be jolly and to make some festive differ- ence in the usual routine of my daily life and fare, but with no companion I found it a very difficult task, even to make myself believe it really was Christmas time. I made a plum pudding which had scarcely the consistence to hang together when I rolled it out of the cloth ; but that mattered little, as a broken pud- ding required less muscular activity for the jaws. The main point was the flavour ; it was not at all bad. Tinned beef, potatoes, tomatoes, a cauliflower, a rabbit pie, walnuts, and apples formed my Christmas dinner, which was washed down by a bottle q{ Bass I had reserved as a 'special Christmas treat. I drank the health of my absent friends, and even gave three cheers for the King of Jethou — myself To make the season appear as Christmassy as possible I cudgelled my brain for a whole week, and composed what I am pleased to call 154 JETHOU. A CHRISTMAS CAROL.* In olden time a child was born In Bethlehem the holy ; Mary was the mother's name, Who lay in manger lowly. Refrain — Sing, happy Virgin, mother mild ; Sing, Joseph, father blessed ; Sing, angels, shepherds, men so wise, For this thy Lord confessed. And as she in the manger lay, Beside the stalled cattle, A throng of shepherds entered in To hear the childish prattle. The shepherds low obeisance made, Before the manger kneeling, As thro' the casement's open space The star's bright ray came stealing. The winged a.igel choir stood by, Their carol sweet a-singing ; While men of wisdom from the East, Drew near, their offermgs bringing. Then from the clouds was heard a voice, This message earthward sending, " Peace rest upon the earth so fair, Good-will 'twixt men ne'er ending." Although the lines seemed to go very well, I had great difficulty in hitting upon a suitable tune ; but when once I did fit the verses to a composition of my " Perhaps one of my musical readers will have the great kindness to set this little Carol to music, and let me see what it goes like to a tune that is musical and carol-like. ATTEMPTED LANDING OF NATIVES. 155 own, I howled it from morning till night all over the island. The very animals and birds must have been" satiated with it. Possibly they would gladly have exchanged Christmas for Easter, or some other church festival, just for the sake of variety and change of tune. One misty morning at the end of February, I was standing near the old cannon, chopping firewood wherewith to heat my oven, for it was my weekly baking day, when I saw a boat containing two men coming through the Crevighon channel towards the house. One was pulling, and the other, who sat in the stern sheets, waved a white flag or handkerchief upon a stick, to attract my attention. I noticed them as soon as they did me, and waved in return, making signs for them not to land. With my chopping hook still in my hand I ran down the rocky path towards them, and arrived at the water's edge just as they were about to run the boat ashore. I did not know what their intention in landing might be, so shook the chopper at them to warn them off. My stature, and the sight of my bare right arm, had their due effect, for they sheered off, a few boats' lengths, much to my relief I soon found, however, that they were two of the men of Herm on a very peaceful mission, as they simply came to deliver a letter to me which a boat had brought over from St. Peter Port. I dare not speak, or could have asked them their mission, and they seemed quite dumb- founded at my bellicose attitude towards them. The man in the stern now held up the letter, upon which I pantomimically intimated my wish that he 156 JETIIOU. should come close in and throw the letter to me. I then, lest they should be afraid to approach, threw my chopper as far behind me as I could, sending it clattering among the boulders nearly up to the cliff. Then the man in the stern folded the letter in two, and tied a piece of spun yarn round it, to which he attached a piece of stone, and tossed it to me. It fell fluttering near me, and I was almost afraid to pick it up, for fear it might contain some bad news of my family ; but stooping, I secured it, placing it in my shirt bosom. Then by signs I expressed my thanks to the kind Hermese who had brought the missive. When they had pulled out of sight towards Herm I sat down on a rock, and very mistrustfully drew forth the crumpled envelope. Was my father dead ? What of Priscilla? Was mother ailing.? These and a hundred other questions flashed across my mind as I slowly broke open the envelope. It was a letter from my dear old dad. Short, but quite assuring it ran : " My Dear Boy, "All is well. On the 2nd of March you will have occupied Jethou just twelve months. Some of my Yarmouth friends say I am cruel to allow you to stay alone so long, and think~ you must be so broken down by your exile, that nothing would keep you in Jethou six months longer. Young Johnson has even gone so far as to say he would wager you one hundred pounds you dare not stay another six months, and I therefore write to make known his offer, which I have in black and white, duly signed by him. "Write me the word, YES or NO, only. " Your affectionate Father, "WILLIAM K. NILFORD." A LETTER EROM HOME. 157 What a curious letter from my father after all these months! Not a word as to himself, mother, or Priscilla. Not a line of news except the first three words, " All is well." That was assurin^:^, at any rate, and made me feel happy. Young Johnson was the squire's son, a dashing, go-ahead fellow, but not greatly liked in the village, by reason of his haughti- ness. Although I had been looking forward to my return home I would not go to be laughed at by our Yarmouth friends ; no, I would stay at all risks, and with the one hundred pounds I could make my future bride, Priscilla, a grand present. Yes, my mind was made up at once, and if the men had been \^ithin hail they might have come back and received my answer to send over to the St. Peter Port post office, ■^from which the packet would take it to England, so that in about three or four days my father would receive it. My answer was quickly written, for my reply was very laconic : ''February 2W1, iS— . " My Dear Father, " All is well. I accept Johnson's wager of one hundred pounds, that I do not occupy Jethou for another six months. *' Your affectionate Son, ** HARRY NILFORD." About noon I espied two men fishing off the nearest point of Herm, and going to the north-east corner of my island, to the promontory guarding Lobster Bay, 158 JETHOU. I signalled them with a handkerchief upon an ash sapling. They soon saw the signal and pulled towards me. As they neared me I was pleased to find they were the same two men who brought my father's letter to me in the morning. They came close into the bay, so that I had only to lean down and drop the letter into the boat, pointing towards St. Peter Port to signify I wanted it to go there by the first boat going. " Oui, tres bien." Then I dropped half a crown (three francs) into their boat, and away they pulled, quite pleased.' I went about my work, but in about twenty minutes, looking towards Guernsey, I saw the two men pulling away to St. Peter Port with my letter. This was more than I expected, as it would give them a rough pull of six miles, I only meant them to take the letter to Herm ; but away it went, and a day was saved. Away to my digging. I returned and forgot all about the men and the letter, but to my astonishment about four hours after, they hailed me, shouting and gesticulating, " C'est juste," they cried, and then away they went home, and I saw them no more. ■«iV^ CHAPTER XIII. ANOTHER TERRIBLE STORM — LOSS OF THE " YEL- LOW BOY"— A KETCH WRECKED— I RESCUE A MAN FROM THE SEA, BADLY INJURED — HE RECOVERS. BRUARY went out angrily, a heavy sea and a high wind being constant companions, but if February was wild the opening days of March were worse ; it blew great guns and was cold also, and was decidedly unpleasant. Beside the weather being unpleasant it was also a source of anxiety to me, for I had drawn the "Yellow Boy" upon a ledge of the Fauconnaire, above high water-mark ; but now that the sea was in such a terrible rage, I was afraid it should dash over the ledge and dislodge her. If it did, nothing could save her. I could go over to her at low water, but could not draw her up higher, as the great rocks shelved out over her to the height of forty or fifty feet, and I had no tackling strong enough to raise her bodily to that awkward altitude ; so I hoped and hoped on, but on the 4th of March matters came to a climax. The sun rose red and angry, the wind blew in great L i6o JETHOU. jerks and booms that staggered me as I walked along the perilously narrow paths. Just before high tide I walked along the lower path which, although fifty feet above the sea, was soaked with salt spray from the roaring coamers breaking below. The wind was so laden with spray that it was difficult to face it while staggering along the rugged cliff path ; but presently I arrived at the point opposite the " Yellow Boy," and was glad to see her still there, although she was sadly buffeted by the waves, which continually leapt up to lick her off her granite cradle. I had secured her with ropes as well as I could, and had even taken an anchor (attached to her moor- ing rope) some fifty feet up on a grassy ledge above, and there securely fixed it into the short turf, with which the first plateau of rocks were covered. I sat down in my oilskins in the shelter of a rock to watch my precious boat, but I could see that her doom was sealed if the wind did not drop ; but that it did not do, for as the tide rose, so did the wind, till it fairly howled among the rocks and tore through the trees in an awful rage, so that presently the ropes which bound the " Yellow Boy'' gave way, as she was now very heavy, being level full of water. She only hung by the anchor rope now, like a man being hanged, and every wave that rose and broke in and around her, swung her from side to side, or spun her round till she gradually banged herself to pieces against the cruel granite walls. Then the tide gradu- ally went down, and left the mere dangling skeleton of my once beloved craft, hanging high and dry above the send of the foaming waves, which at 1 62 JETHOU. intervals rushed among the now exposed rocks. The anchor held, and to the rope hung the two upper strakes, to which were attached the two fore compart- ments ; all the rest was completely swept away, and with it my hope of again being able to take the sea for fishing, shooting, or sailing purposes. Alas ! poor "Yellow Boy," I shall never see your like again! (neither probably will anyone else !) She answered my purpose admirably, but as a model of naval con- struction she was an absolute monstrosity, and would have made an object of great interest in a naval exhibition. I deeply regretted her loss, as I wanted to take her home as a great curiosity to open the eyes of the Yarmouth fishermen ; but it was not to be, and I turned sadly away ; my chief occupation (that of boating) being completely gone. As I stood once more on the Cotills I saw two small vessels making for the Little Russel, or " Petit Ruan," as the Channel between Guernsey and Herm is called. They were labouring heavily, with very little canvas set, and evidently trying to gain the shelter of the islands, and if possible make for St. Peter's or St. Sampson's Harbour. Along they came, struggling and creeping closer, fathom by fathom, till just as the foremost was passing La Fauconnaire, her foremast snapped short off by the deck. In a moment she broached too, driving gradually broad- side on to Jethou. The other finding she could not run into port, ran off towards Jersey where she might get better shelter, if it were not altogether a case of leaping out of the frying-pan into the fire, as the Jersey rocks are quite as hard and sharp as ours. At any rate in half an hour she was lost to sight. A WRECK IMMINENT. 163 The one which was now so helplessly driving towards where I stood was a trim little trading ketch of some fifty tons burthen, and from my elevated position I could see everything that took place on her deck. I saw the men (there were three men and a boy) cast out two anchors which appeared to hold her, then they commenced to cut away the mast and gear, which had fallen overboard and was thumping her sides so continuously as to cause grave apprehension of her being stove in. Having done this they rigged the pump, and at it they went with vigour. All their activity was required, as every wave that broke over her must have penetrated her seams, which were doubtless opened by the buffeting she had received. But alas! their noble efforts were all in vain, for with a snap, snap, which I could distinctly hear, her cables both broke, and she drifted quickly towards the shore. Seeing this, and thinking I might possibly be of some service, I ran down to a little wooden shelter I had built at the side of the Cotills, and procured a coil of thin rope, and slinging it over my shoulder I hurried back with it to the scene of what would probably be in a few minutes, a wreck. When I got back, having only been absent three or four minutes, I saw that the crew had given up all hope of saving their vessel, and were now only intent on saving their lives. To this end they were getting their only boat out, lowering it safely on the lee side with two of the men and the boy in it ; the third man, who appeared to be the skipper, would not leave the vessel, so the boat pushed off, but had not moved ten fathoms away when a tremendous sea curled up 1 64 JETHOU. under its stern, and turned the boat a complete somersault, shooting the three occupants out into the water. They could none of them swim apparently, and in a few seconds disappeared beneath the turbu- lent waves ; at least 1 did not see them again, so that doubtless they found a watery grave. The last man evidently saw his danger, but was .quite calm, although his end seemed near, as only about two hundred yards now intervened between the vessel and the rocky shore. He proceeded to lash a spar across the two water barrels, which he emptied and bunged up, and then stood ready to jump over- board with them, when the vessel struck. I also was on the alert with my coil of rope, following the vessel as she drifted slowly along the shore, till she neared a spar of cliff, which runs out near the watch-house, close to the homestead, and here she came in full contact with a mass of rock which shook her, crushed in her stem, and made her recoil. The next wave threw her back again, but luckily more steadily, so that I was enabled to throw my coil of rope down upon her deck from my coign of vantage. I quickly whipped the shore end round the stem of a huge furze bush, which grew within ten feet of the brink of the cliff, and to my joy found that the man had seized the end which I had thrown towards him. He stood amidship, being afraid to venture too close to the bows, as the next wave would doubtless ram the ship hard against the rocks again, and if he jumped now, he would simply be smashed to pieces between the rocks and the vessel. He waited, holding on to the coamings of the / SA VE A LIFE. 165 hatchway, which had been burst open, till the Httle ketch gave another tremendous leap upon the cruel rocks, and then as she recoiled he sprang to his feet, threw over his barrel life preserver, and without hesi- tation leaped overboard with the rope round his chest just beneath his arms. He swam, and I hauled, and as he mounted the next wave I slackened, or he might have been dashed to pieces, then on the wave break- ing and running back, I hauled with all my might, and in a short time had him safe in my arms, and bore him amid the dashing spray and foam safely beyond danger. He was just able to stand, and that was all, for directly I had half dragged and half carried him up the cliffs to a grassy spot, he fell backwards insen- sible. He could not have been in the sea more than two minutes, yet he was terribly cut about, his hands being covered with blood ; some of his fingers were cut to the bone. This was done when the first wave threw him against the rocks, when all depended upon his being able to hold on against the receding water. He did in his despair hold on, as he afterwards described it, " like a limpet," and thus though terribly battered he was saved, the sole survivor of his little crew. When he came to, I assisted him up to the house, where I gave him some hot grog and more solid refreshment, and then prepared him a warm bath. Poor fellow ! his legs made me shudder to look at them, so cruelly had the rocks torn and lacerated them from the knee downward. Yet in his terrible state the brave fellow was quite beside himself with joy at his miraculous escape, while the next minute i66 JETHOU. the hot tears would gush from his eyes at the thought of his poor messmates, who had sailed their last voyage, and were now floating about to be devoured by the huge congers, crabs, and lobsters, which are so numerous in these deep seas. A long night's rest greatly restored my guest, who had come to me a la Friday in " Robinson Crusoe ; " in fact, I felt an almost irresistible longing to call him Friday, and introduce myself to him as R. Crusoe, Esq. ; but when I looked at his pale face and hands swathed in huge bandages, I concluded it to be an ill time for any joking. After a day or two's rest and unceasing attention to his wounds on my part, I was pleased to find him greatly improved both in body and spirits, and therefore felt that I might ask him a little about himself What information he gave me I will here epitomise. He was by name Alexander Ducas, a son of France, his native village being situate on the Bay of Avranches, facing Jersey. He was about my own age, but had seen more ups and downs than most men of double his years. He had been in the French navy ; had been mate of several vessels ; had also taken charge of several English yachts ; had been skipper of two or three small trading vessels, and finally had become owner and skipper of the little ketch which had met with such a disastrous end a few days before. This was not the first nor the second time he had narrowly escaped death by drowning ; but as he afterwards told me, " he thought he had done with the surface of the water," and probably had I not opportunely been on the spot, he i68 JETHOU. would have shared the fate of his poor crew, none of whose bodies were ever seen again. " Why did you throw overboard your water barrel life preserver ; before you clutched my rope," I asked him. " A double chance," he replied, " for if the rope business had failed, I might still have secured the aid of the barrels to support me. A poor chance I allow, but a chance nevertheless." He was of medium height, fair, with sandy mous- tache, compactly knit, and of surprising strength for a man of his inches. I afterwards found that he was possessed with more than an ordinary amount of physical endurance, for no matter how much work he crowded into a long summer's day, he was always as blithe as a cricket when work was over, and we sat by the old cannon to smoke an evening pipe and chat together about our plans and prospects. Strange to say, he knew the man I buried at sea some months before, in fact, had sailed with him on one vessel for several months, and he moreover gave him a very bad character. It appears that he was a most desperate fellow, having been in prison on several occasions for violent conduct, and was noted for his brutal language and bad behaviour. He had been turned out of the French navy for insubordina- tion, and while on the frigate was a perfect terror to his messmates. He was noted as the strongest man of the three hundred who formed her crew, and as Ducas said, " There won't be enough tears shed over his death by the friends who knew him to wet a postage stamp ! " CRUSOE GETS HIS FRIDAY. 169 What a lucky thing for mc this man did not become my comrade. By the end of a week Ducas, or as I more famili- arly called him Alec, was able to take short walks, and the more he saw of the island the better he liked it, and finally asked to be allowed to stay with me, and cultivate the land, and render what service he could in other ways. I was in a quandary to know how to answer him, as I did not know how it would affect my agreement with Young Johnson " to stay on the island for six months longer." I therefore told Alec I would let him know my decision in four days from then, giving myself that time to turn the matter over in my mind. So far as the agreement with my father went that was concluded, as my twelve months had already expired ; but what I was puzzled about was how I should stand with Johnson. It seemed to me that he expected me to remain alone on the island for the specified time — six months — but what was I to do now mao Friday had arrived ? I puzzled over the matter a long time, and then came to the conclusion that win or lose I would stay on the island another summer, and whether I transgressed the contract or not, I would retain Ducas, as it would be very pleas- ant to have a companion, and if I was by so doing breaking the contract, must abide by the conse- quences. I next interviewed Alec Ducas, and found that between his sea engagements he had assisted in gardening and the usual routine of farm work, beside which, being a thorough seaman, he could make his I70 JETHOU. own clothes and boots, consequently mine ; in fact, could turn his hand to anything, as only a sailor can. " Well, Ducas, I am going to stay here for another six months ; you have seen the resources of the house and island, and can judge best, if you think you would rather stay here than go over to St. Peter Port in prospect of getting another vessel. What do you say, would you rather go or stay?" To this he made reply, his face beaming with delight, " Well, sir, I have not much of a mind to make up, but if you will allow me to stay and help you, nothing will give me greater pleasure; in fact, such a life is the one I crave. There is liberty for a man here, and plenty of work to be done, and I have ample health and strength to do it, so if you will say ' Yes,' I will take up my quarters with you." He spoke very good English, but with a decidedly foreign accent (which sounded very pleasant to me, more so as he had a very musical voice), and was a plain spoken man, one who called a spade a spade, and made no nonsense about it. "Very well. Alec," said I; *' then you stay, and I trust we may get along happily together." ^-C^nSOB- CHAPTER XIV, WORK AND SONG — SUNDAY SERVICE — BUILD A LARGER BOAT, THE " ANGLO-FRANC "— COL- LECTING WRECKAGE— COMMENCE A JETTY— OUR COOKERY — BLASTING OPERATIONS— THE OPENING BANQUET, 5*g^|URING the remainder of March we worked aw^ay merrily in the garden and in the fields on the top of the island. I was really aston- ished at the work we could get through in a day, Alec, myself, and the donkey. Alec laughed at my plough and the cart, and together we made some improvements in them. We also improved the lower path right round the island, by cutting away the furze and undergrowth ; with spade and pick we made it broader in the narrowest parts, and by filhng the inequalities, made it comfortable to walk upon. Alec was a wonder for singing ; in fact he was warbling all day long over his work, and I must say he had rather a nice tenor voice, just such as an Englishman would expect a Frenchman to possess. His repertoire of songs was large, and embraced both ancient and modern, sacred and secular, French and English ; so there was plenty of variety. 172 JETHOU. Somehow or other, although he was of a most Hvely disposition, most of his " best songs," as he called those he could sing with the greatest ease and effect, were of the somewhat dismal or semi-lachrymose type, as " Tom Bowling," " Half Mast High," " The Skipper and his Boy," etc. These are all beautiful in their way, but with repetition pall upon one somewhat, while your jovial song seems ever fresh, and will stand singing many times before it becomes thread- bare. Sometimes of an evening, after supper and a pipe, we would indulge in duet singing, and when we came to the end of the song we would praise each other and encore ourselves. " Let's have that one again. That's capital ! Bravo ! " Then at it we would go again, sometimes till near midnight. I had an old volume of sea songs in my trunk, several of which we both knew, as " All's Well," " Lar- board Watch," " The Anchor's Weighed," etc. Alec's tenor and my deep baritone harmonized rather well, so we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. As we had no hearers we used to give wonderful expression to our singing, possibly it was lucky no one could hear us, for it would certainly unstring their nerves. On Sundays we did no work, but at eleven o'clock had a kind of service which lasted quite an hour and a half, I was parson and read the service, while Alec was clerk and read the lessons and made the responses, while, to pass the time away, we always sang two hymns wherever only one should be sung. This was A SERVICE OF SONG. 173 to give each of us an opportunity of selecting his favourites. There was no levity in all this, we did it as a duty to our Maker, in thankfulness for the manifold blessings bestowed upon us during the week ; for our health, welfare, and all the other blessings which He bestowed upon us from day to day. Alec had great cause to be thankful that he had been spared ever to put foot on land again, while I, beside my numerous lucky escapes, had not had a day's real illness since I landed. Before I left the island, Sankey and Moody's " Sacred Songs " would scarcely hold to- gether, so much had it suffered from being turned by our great rough thumbs and fingers, while to say that some of the pages were slightly soiled was putting it in a very mild manner. A stranger might have thought that we hid the volume up the chimney, when not in use, and the appearance would quite have warranted his surmise. Our first great work together was to build another boat, a larger one than the " Yellow Boy," and on an improved principle. First we collected whatever we thought would be of use in the construction of our craft, which we christened, before a stick of her was laid, " The Anglo-Franc." This was a curious com- mencement, I must own, but then we did some very strange things on Jethou. The name was chosen because we, as shipwrights, were respectively English and French. Wc scoured the whole island for mate- rial, and succeeded in getting a huge pile together from various sources, thus we were not so cramped as when I built the famous "Yellow Boy." Speaking of the "Yellow Boy" reminds me that 174 JETHOU. after the big storm I saved the portion which still depended from the cable, suspended from the side of La Fauconnaire. These pieces were the two upper strakes, fifteen feet long, and the fore and second compartments. The timber from these helped us greatly in the building of the new boat. Besides this there were a number of rafters and floor boards that I had collected from the old store-house after the explo- sion ; but our third and best supply was obtained from the wreck of Alec's ketch, "Jeanette," the fore part of which still remained jammed high up between two rocks, which stood about twelve feet apart, near high-water mark, on La Crevighon. From this, by dint of three days' hard work, we secured several loads of deck-timber and other very useful pieces, which ** Eddy " dragged up for us to the ruined store-house. We found our cart wheels were not high enough to clear the big stones on the beach, so we took them off and replaced them by two runners so as to form a kind of sledge, which answered much better, although many pieces were jerked off en route, by reason of the rugged path and primitive construction of the sledge. As Alec remarked, they served as guide posts, so that there was no losing the way. This idea I got by reading Catlin's '' North American Indians." By lashing two long tent poles at a horse's sides, with the ends trailing on the ground, they form a kind of sledge, upon which they can carry considerable loads upon transverse sticks. From the battered hulk we also brought a great number of bolts and other iron-work, a companion ladder, windlass, pump, bowsprit bits, bell, a torn jib, BREAKING UP OF THE ''JEANETTE:' 175 a quantity of cordage, and whatever else we could lay our hands upon, that might have the most remote chance of being of future use to us. In story books it is usual to have a ship come ashore just in a convenient spot, and with a full cargo ; but ours, unfortunately, was only half a battered hulk, perfectly empty, and in a most awkward position to get at, as we had to cross the Crevighon Channel at every trip, so that we could only bring the wreckage over at low tide. We could, however, continue our work of dismantling right through the day, except for two hours, when the high tide flowed in and out through poor "Jeanette's" ribs. These two hours we took for rest, food, and the soothing pipe. Bless Raleigh ! When we had collected all our material, both iron and wood, we commenced building the " Anglo-Franc," and in three weeks had her finished and afloat. She was sixteen feet over all, by five feet beam, and was rigged in the style peculiar to the Guernsey boats ; that is to say she had two small masts. The foremast was stepped exactly amidships, while the mizen was placed close to the stern. This arrangement strikes an Englishman as very strange, as they are in the habit of seeing the foremast very nearly in the bows ; but Ducas was a sailor, and knew the rig adapted to these waters, and I must say that under most circum- stances the " Anglo-Franc " behaved herself admirably. She was a success in every way. One special feature was, that we built a kind of half-deck forward, which formed a small cuddy or cabin quite large enough for one of us to have " a watch below " in, or for a M 176 JETHOU, regular sleep at night, or we could both squeeze inside during a pelting rain. We spent several single nights at sea in the " Anglo-Franc " during the summer, and by putting a sail-cloth awning from the aft edge of the cuddy deck we lengthened our cabin by four feet, and could thus both obtain a good night's rest, or cook in any wind or weather. When we had finished the boat we were rather at a loss to know how to find accommodation for her when we did not actually require to use her. In fine weather she could lie moored just off the house, and to enable us always to keep her afloat, we rigged up an out-haul, so that standing on the shore we could haul the boat out or in to its moorings whenever we chose. This was all very well in fine weather, but when a fresh south-west wind was blowing, and a heavy sea on, she would pitch and roll to such an extent that we were afraid she would break loose and drift away. We had therefore to cast about for some safer place for her, and with this in view inspected the whole island round. When we came to Lobster Bay, at the north-cast corner, we agreed that that was the most sheltered position we could find, and most suitable in every way for a haven. Quite at the angle of the island a promontory runs straight out to the eastward for a distance of about forty yards, thus forming a shelter from the rush of the rising tide through the Perchee Channel, while the island of Herm kept the wind from the north-east in check. " Now," said Alec, " if we could build a little stone breakwater from the end of Cape Homard (Cape BUILDING A DREAKIVATER. 177 Lobster, as Alec called the point, because we kept the lobster and crab pots there), we could make as safe a little harbour as one could wish for." This proposition seemed all very well, but the quantity of stone I knew it would take rather stag- gered me, and I was a long time before I could be brought to give my consent to help in the matter. But when Alec had laid out his plans to me, I found them so consistent that I readily agreed to help in the work. Without wearying the reader by describing in too great detail the building of our breakwater, I will just give an outline of how it was built, and another great success achieved, although to ensure that success we had to work like a couple of galley slaves. Still, with all our hard work, we were as happy as a couple of schoolboys. We toiled, sang, and ate with such appe- tites as only those who are used to hard work in the sea air can know. Our plan was to work on Monday ; enjoy fishing, etc., on Tuesday ; work on Wednesday at the break- water, at the garden on Thursday ; on Friday at the breakwater again ; and on Saturday till noon also, after which we devoted the rest of the day to baking, clothes washing and mending, and other domestic duties. How my mother and 'Cilia would have laughed to see me at the wash-tub, or hanging out the linen to dry on the furze bushes ; or to have seen Alec using a flat iron which, with great labour, we had forged, and which was of a peculiar construction, but still very efficacious in its work. Men are notori- ously awkward in their manner of wringing and other 178 JETHOU. laundry work, and I expect we were no exception to the general rule. We made our clothes clean, and that was all we required. Alec was a capital baker, so we had some excellent bread, while my pastry was not to be sneezed at ; in fact, at a rabbit pie I was quite a grand chef. I also introduced several new culinary matters to Alec, some of which he had never seen before ; among them being the all-filling Norfolk dumpling, which at first he did not seem to care for, but in time he became inordin- ately fond of them, and would often ask me to make him a ponding de rien (a pudding of nothing), which was his idea of these articles of everyday diet in East Anglia. But I am not building my breakwater of dumplings, so will get back to stone ; not that I wish the reader to infer that my dumplings were ever approaching that substance in their degree of firmness. First we collected all the very large stones we could find in the bay, and placed them as a foundation for our breakwater ; but these only formed a layer about a foot deep. All these were large stones (some of them weighed nearly three hundredweight), so to cope with them we made a kind of four-handled hand barrow, upon which we rolled our rock, and then taking two handles each, staggered off with it. These large pieces we placed near the end of the breakwater, and when we had denuded the bay, we obtained, with " Eddy's " help, some large piece of massed rock and mortar from the ruined boathouse. These pieces we took in the sledge, and built into a kind of wall to form the outer shell of the breakwater, while the A BANQUET FOR FOUR. 179 interior we filled with any odds and ends of rocks (none of them less than a man's head in size) which we could find on the shore. The interstices we filled with shingle, and the detritus of granite, but when we had raised our structure to the level of high water our available stone gave out. This rather non-plussed us, but at last we decided to open a small quarry and see what granite we could obtain to raise our under- taking another four feet in height. I had still several pounds of gunpowder left, and with part of this we constructed some long thin cart- ridges for blasting. With these, a pick-axe, and some long iron stanchions, which we used as levers, we obtained a good supply of stone. The little quarry may still be seen, so I am informed, although it is greatly covered with furze and weeds. It is situated on the hill side, midway between the homestead and the ruins of the boathouse. We chose an elevated position for our quarry, so that we could roll the huge stones down the hill to the pathway below, where we levered them up into the sledge, and dragged them to what we were pleased to term " the works." Let it suffice to say that about the middle of May our task was completed, and to commemorate the event we gave a grand banquet on the pier head (for we called it a pier now, as it sounded more dignified) to com- memorate the event. Four of us sat down to the banquet, or rather two stood and two sat. As archi- tect I took the head of the table (a wine cask), and Alec, as engineer, the foot ; while " Eddy," the donkey, as contractor, supported me on the right (dining lux- uriously on a bunch of carrots and some hay), and iSo JETHOU. on my left was dear old ** Begum " as clerk of the works, enjoying two whole rabbits as his share of the entertainment. We drank " Success to Jethou Pier," and trusted it would take every care of the " Anglo-Franc," which we now placed within its encircling arm for the first time. At low water we removed all the big stones from the little haven in which our boat was now moored. This was for fear she might hurt her bottom (as the tide left her careened half an hour before dead low water), and thus made everything snug for her. At half-tide she floated, so that for six hours out of every twelve we could go off just when we liked, without any pushing or hard work of any kind ; while to assist her to her moorings, if we wished to bring her in at low tide, we rigged up the windlass which we brought from the wreck, and thus we could at any time haul her bodily out of the sea. Now, having given up a whole chapter to hard work, we will proceed to something a little more intcrestins" and excitine. CHAPTER XV. TRAWLING FOR FISH AND DREDGING FOR CURIOS — SOME REMARKABLE FINDS — A GHASTLY RESURRECTION — THE MYSTERIOUS PAPER — THE HIEROGLYPHIC — A DANGEROUS FALL — HORS DE COMBAT — ATTEMPTS TO UNRAVEL THE PAPER. S there were now two of us we occasionally had a turn at trawling, and usually caught some fine flat fish, turbot, soles, and plaice. Our net w^as a very primitive one of our own manu- facture, and had to be handled very gingerly, as the netting w^as old and the ironwork very fragile, but knowing this we did not put undue strain upon it. The curious fish, marine plants, and odds and ends of all kinds that we brought to the surface would liavc done a naturalist's heart good, for there were frequently objects brought to light that w^ere quite out of the common. It seemed to me that the set of the Gulf Stream had something to do wnth this, as we found some rare shells that did not appear indigenous to these waters ; we also found two old swords and the steel portion of i82 JETIIOU. a flint lock pistol, beside some curious old pottery, all of which finds I have preserved, and with other curios have formed quite a museum. Our plan of " Marine Exploration," as we called it, was this : We would have a couple of hours trawling for fish in the usual manner, and then if wind and tide were favourable, would run in and land our trawl, and fish at the pier head, and bring out with us another implement, which was a cross between a dredge and a trawl. It had an iron beam about six feet wide, which kept the net on the bottom by reason of its weight ; from this rose an iron bow, forming a flattened half circle, and to this was attached a piece of heavy double netting, the bottom of which was protected from the rocks by a piece of old sail cloth a little larger than the plan of the net. The poke of the net was only about seven feet from beam to tail, so that we had no difficulty in raising it, especially as we had a line fastened to the tail, which one of us could haul upon, while the other (with a curious hand windlass, which looked like some diabolical instrument of torture) raised the beam. We used to drain the net fairly well before bringing it inboard, and then turn the contents out on the floor, then kneeling down we would search among them just like a couple of misers counting their gold ; indeed, upon one occasion, we did have gold to count among our other items. It was the bowl portion of a golden goblet, from which the foot had become detached. From its en- crusted appearance it must have lain for many years in the sea. On another occasion we felt somethinor A SENSATIONAL HAUL. 1S3 heavy in the net as we hauled, and knowing that in the spot in which we were then trawHng, there were no rocks, we naturally wondered what it could be. As we hove up the net, I remarked that I hoped it was not a dead body, which remark made Alec feel quite queer, as he thought it might be one of his comrades. He refused to help me haul for fear such should be the case. I quickly pointed out to him that it could not be the case, as apart from a corpse being devoured by the voracious fish, it would swell as it decomposed, and gas being formed in it, it would buoy the body up, and float it to the surface, when the send of the waves would waft it away, no one knew whither. "Now," said I to Alec, "your messmates have been dead these four months, and nothing of them now remains round this island, except perchance their skeletons, and we are not likely to come upon thefn^ so bear a hand and let's see what luck has sent us." Slowly the net came up, and as the water left it there appeared among the brown seaweed two huge pieces of rock tied to something which looked very horrid. And horrid it turned out to be, for it was the remains of the man I had buried months before, that is to say, the leg bones, with some few remaining tendons and other parts, which the fish had not stripped from the bones. We were glad to find that the upper part with the skull attached had fallen off, so turning the net inside out, I for a second time buried the poor man, or rather all that was left of him. One day in July, a very warm day, we had been t84 JETHOU. fishing and caught but little, so were having an hour's chat and smoke as our boat rocked lazily on the clear blue water, when somehow the conversation turned on curious discoveries and accidental finds. Suddenly the thought of my valuable discovery of the lace entered my head. Should I tell Alec? No! I would keep my secret ; but what of the paper I had discovered in the niche in the wall? Could not Alec decipher that for me? Should 1 tell him of that? Why not? By keeping the paper to myself I should not know if it were of value or no, so revolving the matter in my mind as to how I should broach the subject, I at last made up my mind to consult him upon the subject, but said nothing of it just then. We set to work again, after a rest, and fished, but fortune that day was not kind to us, or the fish were as lazy as ourselves ; anyhow, we caught very i^w ; in fact, not more than we could consume in a fresh state. When we obtained plenty we gutted them, split them, took off their heads, and dried them in the sun for future use, just as the natives of the Pacific Islands do theirs. That evening, when supper was finished, I told Alec I had something to shew him, which did not belong to me, but which might or might not be of value to me as the holder. Somehow I had, by associating the old leathern cup and the lace together, brought myself to believe that the paper was like the lace, of some value. Therefore it behoved me to be careful as to how I broached the subject to Alec. I quietly took it from my trunk, and handed it to him carelessly, with the remark, CONTENTS OF THE CURIOUS PAPER. 1.S5 " Can you read that for me, Alec ? " He had a good look at it, holding it very close to the lamp, and read it quite through to himself, while I sat impatiently waiting for him to say something about it. Not wishing to appear anxious I pretended to read, but although I looked at the page it might just as well have been a brick I was looking at as a book for all the information I got from it. At length he laid the paper down, and informed me that he could read it well enough, but what did it all refer to ? " It is a list of articles followed by some curious signs that I cannot make out," said he. " Then it goes on to say that anyone finding the things men- tioned, may have them as a gift for his trouble in searching for them. Then follow^s the date, Nov. 13, 17 — . So probably your musty old paper is at least one hundred years old." Then he laid the document on the table, relit his pipe, and went on cutting out a netting needle for to-morrow's use. I merely remarked it was an old paper I had had by me a long time, and as I wanted to know what it was about had kept it. With that I put it away in the trunk, and changed the subject by turning my attention to snooding a score or two of fish hooks for conger fishing. Next day when I saw an opportunity 1 got away to a quiet spot, and puzzled myself with the hiero- glyphic-looking portion of the paper which appeared thus : — iS6 JETHOU ^mmm/mwmmmm< P EC -TKE- PUZZLING DOCUMEIMT- I puzzled over it for an hour, and then gave it up, not having obtained the sHghtest clue to the meaning, if any meaning it had. Then I reflected that a man was not likely to go to the trouble of writing out a long list of articles, and sketching a skull with par- ticular lines and figures radiating from it for nought, to say nothing of hiding the paper away in such a cosy little nook as the one in which I found it. Thus reflecting I turned along the middle path homeward, wondering if some old privateer skipper, or even pirate, had long years ago hidden the articles men- tioned in the list in some part of the island, or could it refer to some treasure which — siij? ! bump ! crash ! ! I opened my eyes and found Alec bending over me, while " Begum " sat licking my hand. I tried to A TERRIBLE SLIP. 1S7 speak, but did so with extreme difficulty, as if some- thing were amiss with my chest. Whatever had happened ! I tried to rise, but had not the power. " How do vou feel ? " said Alec. A TERRIBLE FALL FROM THE CLIFFS. To which I replied by asking him a question, " Whatever is the matter, Alec, am I hurt ? " at which he laughed and said, " I ought to know better than he could tell me ; perhaps I would inform him what I was doing there, and why, for more than half an hour since he found me I had been insensible?" Then I remembered slipping carelessly over the edge of tlic path at a part that was not at all iS8 JETHOU. dangerous, and bumping myself against a granite rock, but beyond that I remembered nothing what- ever. Alec had missed me, for nearly three hours, so calling to " Begum," he strolled along to see what I was doing. It was our invariable custom to tell each other where we were going, and what we were going to do, whenever we separated for a time ; but on this occasion I had purposely omitted this precaution. The dog had found me on the lower pathway doubled up, or as Alec put it, " Standing on my head in a very undignified position, with my back against a granite boulder." I could not rise, in fact could scarcely move, so battered and bruised was I in my fall of about fifty yards. Of course this was not a perpendicular fall, or I should never have penned these lines ; but as the slope was one that a man could not walk up without using his hands, it is a wonder to me to this day that I was not killed on the spot. Evidently I had broken my swift fall by clutching at some furze bushes, for my right hand was dreadfully lacerated, and full of furze needles, and my shoulder so stiff that my arm seemed paralyzed ; besides which, I found I was spitting blood, which frightened me very much, as I was afraid of some internal injury. The cart was fetched, and Alec assisted me on it ; but oh dear me ! I thought the jolting would have shaken me literally to pieces, so I sang out " Halt ! Wo ! " and told Alec I could go no farther, and then I fainted away. It was only of five minutes' duration, but when I ISLAND DOCTORS. 1S9 came to 1 felt as if I was dying, and told Alec I thought my time had come, which greatly alarmed the good fellow, " Do you mind my leaving you a few minutes," said he, "while I fire the big gun for assistance?" " No, no, Alec, I will not consent to that ; for if my time has come, all the doctors* in the world cannot save me ; and if I am not so badly hurt as I fear, I shall pull through. Assist mc to get on ' Eddy's ' back." By great exertion on the part of Alec, and great forbearance from crying out on mine, I was presently mounted on the donkey, and being supported on Alec's broad shoulder as he walked on the left side, I was at length able to reach the house. Although in dreadful pain, I could not resist asking Alec if he did not notice how well our group on the rocky path realized the parable of the Good Samaritan. Here we were carrying out the story '■'- Speaking of island doctors reminds me that Dr. Aloyle has recently retired from practice in the Isles of Scilly, where he has been the sole medical practitioner for over forty years. He is spoken of with love and respect by all the islanders, and no wonder, for he has been a wonderful old man. His patients were scattered over the five inhabited islands, and never once did he fail to go when summoned. On many a wild winter night has he been called up to cross the rough sea to attend, perhaps, on some poor fisherman's child. Dressed in an oil- ■skin coat, sou' wester and big boots, he was always ready to go, and scarcely looked like a medical man. The people have shown their regard for him in a handsome manner. Without the aid of b izaars or other such institutions, they have raised funds enough to present hnn with a life-long annuity of ^52. I90 JETHOU. exactly, I was the *' Certain Man " wounded ; Alec the Good Samaritan ; and " Eddy " the beast. The house being reached, next came the dreadful dismounting, and being supported to bed ; but even this was at last safely managed, and lying on the coverlet for a time I felt much easier. Alec busied himself like a trained nurse, he took off my boots, gave me some brandy, washed the blood from my head and hands, and then without my knowledge gave me a sleeping draught from my medicine chest. When I awoke it was still daylight, and Alec had prepared me a good supper, with which, like a good fellow, he fed me, and then we held a consultation as to the nature of my hurts. We tried each leg, but beyond great black bruises there were no bones broken ; my hands were a mass of cuts and scratches, and my head was in no better condition ; but when we came to the right arm we found something radically wrong at the shoulder, which had now become greatly swollen, while as I sat on the edge of the bed the limb hung loosely down in a way that caused us to think it was broken ; at any rate it was perfectly useless. We consulted Dr. Ogilvie's book upon all kinds of accidents that bones are heir to, and came to the conclusion that either my collar bone was broken or displaced, or my arm was out of the socket at the shoulder. Alec soon set to work, and ripped my coat and shirt off, and after a deliberate diagnosis of my upper man, concluded that my shoulder was out of joint THE DISLOCATED ARM. igi and must be put in. Again my comrade wished to fire the big gun for assistance, but 1 made up my mind to attempt my own cure with his help, as I had seen several cases of a similar nature treated on the hunting field. IVIy arm is a strong one, and I must draw a veil over the agony which resulted from the clumsy way in which we hauled the poor limb about ; but we clicked the bone in at last, and then faint from pain I must have gone off into a deep sleep, for the last I remember was feeling Alec wipe the perspiration from my forehead as I fell back on my pillow in a faint. For days I kept my bed, as every part of my anatomy had received a tremendous battering when I took my flight over the jagged stones that barred my way. My constant thought as I lay on the bed with the glorious sunshine streaming in from the open window, which gave me a view of the dark trees standing out against the azure sunlit sky, was about the hiero- glyphics on the paper. What did the skull portend, and what did the letters and figures refer to ? The skull I set down as the point to which the most importance was to be attached, and as I believed it referred to some hidden articles or treasure stowed away more than a century ago, I was naturally very eager to find out its whereabouts. Well, say the skull represented the treasure spot, what did the square surrounding it mean ? I gave it up. "Then what," 1 asked myself, "is the meaning of the letters at certain angles round the square both 192 JETHOU. inside and out?" These I assumed to be the bearings of certain objects, as the person stood at the spot in which the goods were hidden ; the figures I con- jectured were the number of feet or yards distant of the " treasure spot " from the various objects. Next, where was it most likely a man would hide anything of value, beneath the sea or upon dry land ? Land certainly. Would it be among the rocks or where the ground was softer? Certainly the latter, [ should say. Then I set to thinking of the different places on the island where the nature of the soil would allow of digging, and could call to mind but few, and these mostly on the higher parts of the island. I deter- mined when I was able to get about that I would inspect all these places, and see if I could find objects to correspond with the bearings and distances given in the sketch. Having thus promised myself to pursue the search further at a more appropriate time, I dismissed the subject from my mind for the time being. After several days of enforced idleness I was at length able once more to go out, but at first felt very weak in the legfs for want of exercise. CHAPTER XVI. YARNS : THE CABBAGES WHICH HUNG THEIR HEADS — THE RAFT OF SPRUCE — VOYAGE OF THE "■ DEWDROP "—A LUCKY FAMILY — A DEEP, DEEP DRAUGHT— THE MAIRE'S CAT. I^^^IJLEC behaved splendidly while I was unable I^^O to help myself. He fished, and by hook or '^ ~ by crook — or rather, by hook and by net — procured whatever I cared for, beside which he killed the surviving pig, which had now grown into an im- mense fellow, so that we had a good supply of meat, although somewhat fat ; but of this I ate little, prefer- ring a more vegetable diet, although at times I took a little meat, but not often. When the day's work was over he would sit in the twilight and spin yarns to me of his own curious experiences, one or two of which I cannot refrain from repeating here. "Did you ever do any smuggling? " I asked him one day. "Well," said he, "that's rather personal, is it not ? But still, I may as well tell you truly — I have. But as it is now very risky work, and some of my experience is recent, I shall not tell you of my own adventures in 194 JETHOU. that line of business, though I see but little harm in outwitting a revenue officer, and at the same time enabling your neighbours to obtain a luxury or two, which otherwise they would never have. Did I ever do any smuggling ? Rather ! and my father and grandfather before me. In fact, in the village of my birth a man is thought little of who has not, at some time or other, been ' smarter than a revenue officer.' " These remarks aroused my curiosity, so I asked, •' Were you ever caught at the game ? " '* No," said he, " but I'll tell you how my father was once bowled over by the sun taking part against him. It was in the month of August, 185 — , that he had, by manoeuvring, brought ashore quite a nice little lot of contraband during the night, and not liking to keep it in the house, placed a couple of men on watch while he buried it in the garden. He had a little plot of cabbages near one side of the garden, and he up- rooted about a dozen of these in the middle of the patch; then, digging a somewhat shallow hole, he placed his goods in, and re-casting the mould back, replanted the cabbages, not forgetting to remove the surplus mould in pails. So far so good ; but early the next morning a customs officer had, by some means, heard that my father had been seen in his boat on the previous day, in close proximity to a trading vessel which had signalled for water, one of her casks having been started by the heat. Of course my father was very pleased to see the officer (or apparently so), and after showing him over the place, invited him to stay to breakfast, which he gladly did. About ten o'clock he took his departure, apparently quite as satisftc'd THE SICKL V CABBA GES. 1 95 with his visit, as my father was pleased at his departure. All seemed very easy now — simply to wait till dark, when one or two friends would divide the haul and take it away in some secret manner. But a little after noon back came the officer, accom- panied by another. Here was evidently something in the wind, and my father felt very anxious. "< Very sorry to trouble you, M. Ducas, but duty is duty, you know. Will you kindly accompany us over your premises ? ' " * Certainly.' " Then they searched high and low, but nothing could they find. Dinner was being served. Would they join us at table ? " ' Thanks, very pleased to.' " So they sat down. My father, after dinner, handed them a bottle of the ' right sort,' of which they were connoisseurs, and they enjoyed it. It was a hot day, and everything was greatly in want of rain, and being so hot and dry they strolled out into the garden, pre- paratory to taking their leave. " ' How are monsieur's pigs ? Oh, ah, very fine fellows ! Do you give them much green food ? ' '"Yes, a fair amount,' my father replied, and pull- ing up the nearest cabbage to him, threw it to the animals. " * What a pity to waste such a fine cabbage,' said the chief officer. * Why not give them one of those which are languishing so for want of water?' and reaching over he made a big pull at one, which, to his astonishment, came out of the ground without any resistance. 'Hello! what's this, Ducas? Why, all 196 JETHOU, the middle ones seem to be in a sad way ! See, they are hanging their heads. Perhaps the soil is not congenial to their growth. Have you a spade V " It was all up. The spade had to be forthcoming, and the end of it was, — ' Fined two hundred francs or thirty-five days in prison.' " " Well, Alec, that's not half bad. Spin us another." " Ah, well, I could spin you enough yarns to make a frigate's cable, and a thick one too, if you would only listen to them." " Very good. Then let me have another strand towards the said ship's cable ; but don't spin it too thick:' " Let's see, which one shall I give you ? Oh, I know ; but it's one that did not end in a fine, though it was a very close shave. I was quite a youngster, but anything but a green hand at the business, for I had accompanied my father on many occasions on which he did not bring home merely soles or longiie- nez for freight. Just before the occasion of which I am about to tell you there had been a gale, and during the worst of the blow a Norwegian vessel had jettisoned her deck load of spruce poles, and we being out fishing a day or two after, happened, as luck would have it, to fall in with some of them. As we had some spare rope aboard we made a kind of raft of them, and commenced towing them towards the harbour, which was only five or six miles distant. " Now it so happened that a fishing boat passed us as we tugged our timber along, and what is more remarkable, upon my father holding up a white pail a man at the stern of the lugger did the same, then A CONTRABAND RAFT. 197 altering her canvas she made a tack (where one was not required), and coming very close to us dropped overboard a series of black tin cases, which were no doubt hermetically sealed, to preserve their contents. These cylinders were so nicely balanced that the rounded sides of them just showed above the water, and no more. Some more cabalistic signs then passed between my father and the lugger's skipper, as she stood away on her course, and in an hour was out of sight round the cape. We made fast the cylinders (which were attached to a rope) underneatJi the raft, and standing in for shore and entered the little port. "We moored our logs, and my father at once w^ent to the authorities and reported the finding oi a raft, and as usual an officer came down to inspect and put a mark on the timbers. His inspection was finished, and he was about to go upon other business when a boy who had, with some companions, been scamper- ing about the raft, fell into the water. At once a number of men jumped on the raft, which was nearly submerged by the additional weight ; but what was worse the cordage binding the logs together gave way, and behold, bobbing among the floating men were seen a series of floating cylinders ! The men were hauled out of the water, and so were the curious tin cases, while with the latter my father was hauled off to appear before the magistrates on a charge of smuggling." " A clear case I should say, Alec," I remarked. " Well, so everyone thought ; but, strange to say, my father was discharged with a caution. The turn- ing point of the case was, did we pick up separate 198 JETHOU, logs of timber and construct the raft, or did we find the raft already made? Our case was that we had picked up the ivJiole raft at sea, and not having ex- amined it, were not supposed to know what was hanging beneath it. Beside which, had not M. Ducas gone straight away and given notice to the proper authorities? We obtained the benefit of the doubt, but it was a very close squeak." "It was indeed. Now do you not remember any little adventure of your own you could tell me?" " Adventures ! I could fill a whole book with them ; some of them so strange that they would appear to most people more like falsehoods than solid fact." " But, you know. Alec, it is only a hair line that frequently separates the sublime from the ridiculous, and perhaps the line that divides your true tales of the marvellous from story book fiction is so thin, that ordinary persons cannot quite detect it ; but never mind, let's have something mild, and I'll undertake to swallow everything you tell me, even if I have to bite it in two first." "There, now, you're laughing at me before I begin, and you shall not have a strand of a yarn, so you may go to sleep again at once." Then I had to coax him, and he soon came round. He could not bear to be doubted, much less laughed at. "Tell me about bringing that little cockle-shell of a yacht from London to Guernsey, that you were speaking about the other day." " Oh ! the ' Dewdrop.' Why, that's no yarn at all." Then, thought I to myself, here's something really true : and so I afterwards oroved it to be. A MEMORABLE VOYAGE. 199 "The ' Dewdrop* was one of the smallest yachts that ever ventured across the Channel in the month of March. I left London with a fair wind from the west, and got along the London river well enough ; but once past the Nore I found it quite lumpy enough to make things very wet and uncomfortable, and after leaving Dover behind I had serious thoughts of putting into Folkestone, or one of the south coast ports, but as I am not one to take a task in hand and then give it up, I shaped my course for Guernsey, making up my mind to give Cape La Hogue a wide berth. There was a high west wind blowing, and a choppy sea rolling the white horses along at a great pace, so that it required some amount of attention to handle a light built twenty-foot yacht. Everything stood as we bowled along, but having no one to help me I felt dreadfully tired and hungry, for I could not leave the tiller to get a proper meal. Two or three hours more and the wind backed a little to the south south-west and blew harder than ever, while, in proportion as the wind rose, so did the sea, so that the poor little ' Dewdrop,' with nearly a head wind, was labouring heavily. How I got through the night I cannot tell, for with cold and hunger I was nearly dead, and what was more, I was lost. When I say lost, I could not tell within a score miles where 1 was. I looked for the Casquct Light, but could not see it. Then T strained my e}^es ahead, trying to penetrate the darkness and discern Alderney Light, but in vain. Turning my head to the left I looked out for the lights of Cape La Hogue, but again was disappointed. Where was 1 ? I could not tell, but I fancied I knew 200 JETHOa where / should be in a very short time, for the seas were such as to make it a marvel how such a cockle- shell could float in such a turmoil of black seething water. It was a terrible night, for death rode near me on every crested wave, any one of which breaking aboard would have formed my winding sheet. To make matters worse, towards morning a dense sea fog set in, and I so far gave myself up as to say my prayers at least half a dozen times in as many half hours. " Although apparently very reluctant to do so, the sun did rise at last, and behold, as the fog melted away, not two miles off, on my starboard beam, was Alderney. I never felt such a thrill of joy in my life as when I saw the breakwaters at the entrance to Braye Harbour, extending their arms as if to receive me into their snug embrace. I was glad to get into smooth water once again, and inside a harbour to boot, for I had never expected to set foot on dry land again. The old hands could scarcely believe that I had crossed the Channel in such a gale ; but there I was, and there was the ' Dewdrop ' to prove my asser- tion, therefore they could not doubt it. I pumped her out, and repaired the little craft as well as I could, and on the third day of being in port had eaten every- thing eatable aboard, and as there was no chance of resuming the voyage yet I had to get some food on * tick.' This was all very well for a day or two, but after I had been a week in Braye, with no prospect of getting away, the landlord of the tavern from which I obtained my food, told me that as I was a perfect stranger to him he could not afford to keep me any ''EAT, DRINK, AND BE MERRY:' 201 longer on credit. What security could I give him for further food ? This was a poser, but the end of it was that I left my whole kit in pawn with him, including even my watch. At length, on the twelfth morning after my arrival the sea became calm enough for me to proceed; and with a west wind I was in Guernsey Harbour four-hours after leaving Braye. I think this was the most adventurous voyage I ever made, as it took me sixteen days to make two hundred and fifty miles. I think If the pay was a guinea an hour I should not care about again crossing the Channel during an equinoxial gale, especially to bs skipper and crew of such a midge as the ' Dewdrop.' " " That's what I call a decent little yarn, Alec, — mtiltiim in parvo — one that might be drawn out into quite a long story, and if it were in the hands of some men they would so spin it out, that the telling would occupy almost as many hours as you were days on the voyage. Nothing like condensing the agony and expanding the joy in a yarn, It makes the listeners in a better mode, and more sociable with each other." " Sociability," said Alec, " among seafaring men is pretty general. It is usually ' Hail, fellow, well met ! ' with us, for we endeavour to get all the fun we can out of life, because we know that whenever he gets the chance, Death will have his gibe at us. A sailor must, of necessity, often face death, and therefore his motto is, ' Eat, drink, and be merry, for to-morrow we die'; and death docs come to him frequently when least he expects it. I'll tell you an instance of this in which I and some of my relatives were concerned. " Nine miles from the shore of my native village 202 JETHOU, there is a most dreadful sand-bank, in the form of the letter U, which at low tide is frequently bare, while at high tide not more than two fathoms of water cover it. It has been a death-trap to many a stout vessel, and at the time I am speakng of had nothing near it in the form of a lighthouse, lightship, or even a buoy to mark its dread presence. At daybreak on a rough November morning the look-out on duty discovered that a small trading schooner was fast on the sands, and after the usual half-hour's excitement in the village the surf boat, containing eleven men, was launched and proceeded to the wreck. There was quite a little party of my family aboard, as beside myself, the crew also contained my father, brother, and two cousins. " To make a long story short, I will simply say, that after a three hours' exhausting pull we reached the vessel, but were grieved to find that of the crew of six hands, only one was left alive. Our attention was therefore turned to the saving of this poor sailor, who had lashed himself to the bowsprit, where he had sat all through the cold night, and was so benumbed that he could scarcely speak. We shouted to him, and made him understand that if he would cut his lashings, we would when opportunity served, pull the boat under the bowsprit so that as we glided by he might drop in and be saved. His knife was quickly at work, and to show that he was free he held up his hands and moved himself on the bowsprit. We gave him a cheer, and watching our best time, glided in on the crest of a wave to deliver the poor fellow. Ala^ ! in his ex- citement he jumped too soon, and dropped between ALMOST— BUT LOST 203 the bows of the vessel and our heavy boat. His head was for a second visible on the surface, but before an arm could be stretched out to save him the two vessels came crash together, with his head between them. A gush of blood was all we saw of him, for the next moment we were all in the sea, struggling for our own lives. Our boat had stove its bows in against the ship, which we had approached too closely, in our endea- vour to save the poor man. " I was fortunate enough to secure an oar, and work- ing gradually to leeward of the wreck, with great exertion at length got aboard, where, to my joy, I found my father. The boat still floated bottom upwards, with five men upon the keel, who were constantly lashed by the cold waves, till presently a larger wave than the others broke the hold of two of the men, and washed them into eternity. Gradually in the swirl and foam of the mighty waters the boat beat round to the leeward of the ship, and I then saw that the men on the keel were my two cousins and brother. They could all swim, and seeing that my father and I were ready with ropes, quitted their pre- carious seat on the keel, and struck out towards the ship. My brother and cousin Philh'pe, after a terrible struggle, were drawn aboard, but Gabriel, who could not swim so strongly, presently became exhausted and cried out for a rope. The distance appeared too far to fling it, but with a powerful swing my father threw the coil, the end of which fell a yard short of the swimmer. If I live a thousand years I shall never forget the look of despair upon my cousin's face as he sank back in the water completely exhausted As 204 JETHOU, his head disappeared his hand, Hke an eagle's claw, came above the surface of the water and gave one wild clutch at the rope which should have proved his salvation, then it disappeared also, and he was no more. "Thus, out of eleven men, only four were saved. Incredible as it may seem, these were all of them relatives — my brother, father, cousin, and self — it was quite a family party. We were taken off the wreck in the afternoon by another boat and safely landed. Ducas was a lucky name that day, and so it proved three years after, for my brother was the only survivor when his fishing boat was run down, and a crew of eight men perished." Seeing that we had just had one melancholy recital I thought it best to start something more pleasant, so I handed Alec a large mug of coffee, and said : " Take a drink, my comrade, and while you are slaking your thirst I will spin you a drinking story." Then I recounted to him the story of Count Tilly of Brabant, and the Holy Prior. How, during one of Tilly's numerous campaigns, a certain town held out far too long for the general's liking, but at last it was forced to surrender. Tilly had six of the chief men brought before him, and commanded, as the town had laughed at his terms, that they should die, to expiate the rest of the citizens. All kinds of conditions were laid before him to avoid the doom of these unfortunate men, but they were of no avail with him ; he was implacable. One, Prior Hirsch, sought him and tried to melt his adamantine heart, and being a man of experience with human foibles, concluded to try the A VER V DEEP DRA UGIIT. 205 effect of some of the good old wine for which the country is famous, and his own monastery in particu- lar. A huge flagon being introduced, filled with some of the very " Ai " of the district, Tilly was induced to try some *' Very good wine indeed," exclaimed the General, " but it is no use your trying to get round me in that way to pardon your burgesses, for 1 can no more turn from my word than you can empty this goodly flagon at a draught." '* Is the case indeed so hopeless ? " said the priest. ** Yes, indeed," said the Count rising. " Drink me the contents of this flagon at a draught, and your citizens are free ; else at noon they swing," and with a mocking smile on his lips he was about to stride out of the room, when the priest arrested his steps with, " One moment, good Count, and I will e'en essay the task." Then, taking up the flagon, which held thirteen pints, he emptied it to the very dregs, and fell back into his townsmen's arms. Tilly was as good as his word, and released his captives. " Whew ! " whistled Alec ; " where's the salt box ? Thirteen pints at a draught — thirteen pints ! Why, your old priest would make a good second to our maire's cat ! " "What did his cat do?" queried I, innocently. " Oh, I thought everyone had heard of Curat's cat," premised Alec. " You must know that his cat was growing old and spiteful, so he determined to kill it ; but although he tried various means, and got very 2o6 JETHOU. near accomplishing his end on several occasions the cat would always appear again to trouble him. One evening, as a final effort in assassination, before retiring to bed, he tied a h»avy piece of iron round the cat's neck, and dropped it into a water-butt which stood in his garden. Next morning he was down betimes, and standing on the tiptoe both of expectation and of his boots, he peeped over the edge of the tub, when lo ! there, on the bottom of the butt sat the cat looking up at him with tears in her eyes, for she was too heavily anchored to climb out." But I broke in, *' Where was the water ? " "Well, you see," said Alec, "being her only means of escape, sJie had swallowed tt, as your priest did the wine, which accounted for her swollen condition. So now, Mr. Thirteen Pints, I think we are about quits." We were ; Alec scored a point. CHAPTER XVII. THE WILL AGAIN— SEARCHING FOR A CLUE TO THE PAPER — BARBE ROUGE'S WILL — A PROB- ABLE CLUE — HOPES AND DOUBTS — PERPLEXED — A MEMORABLE TRAWL BY MOONLIGHT — A REAL CLUE AT LAST — THE PLACE OF THE SKULL FOUND. |S soon as I was able I went out walking each day, and so rapid was my convalescence that in ten days I was quite myself again. Alec had during my enforced idleness been extra busy, and had made both house and garden look very trim. He had not been able to go far away, for fear I might want him, and thus had spent his time near home. From joking in the first instance we had now become quite familiar with our new appellations ; thus I was Crusoe, and Alec was Monday, that being the day on which I saved him. For the sake of being as near like the hero of Juan Fernandez as possible, I should have liked to call him Friday; in fact. Good Friday, but as he came on the wrong day, Monday had to be his name, o 2o8 JETHOU, As I write these pages, I can, in fancy, hear his voice shouting to me on the island, " Crusoe ! Crusoe ! where are you ? Rob — in — son Cru — soe, ahoy ! " Being August, the fruit was ripe and very plentiful ; in fact, it seemed a sin to see it hang on the bushes and trees till it dropped upon the ground, simply to serve the purpose of manure. To obviate this we made a whole copper full of jam, and in making it we got into a pretty pickle, both of us being up to our elbows in stickiness, but the jam zvas prime ! Whatever I did, or wherever I went, the paper I had found in the old leathern cup always haunted me. Moreover, when it did not haunt me, I haunted it ; for I took it to various parts of the island, and taking my stand in a certain place, would represent the spot shewn by the skull in the drawing. Then Monday would measure in various directions to see if he could get the measurements correct to certain rocks or tree stumps, to see if they tallied with the paper, but it was no use, nothing would coincide with that faded paper. We tried the Crevichon, but nothing there agreed ; then La Fauconnaire, but could make nothing of that either, so we had again to let the matter rest. One day, however, it suddenly struck me that as none of the trees on the island were one hundred years old, I might have spared myself the trouble of attempting them when making my calculations and measurements. By the wa}-, perhaps it would be as well to state THE PIRATES WILL. 209 what the precise contents of my document were. Here is a copy : — '• This is the Will of Jean Tussaud, Master Mariner of C (sometimes called Baibe Rouge). To the person who is lucky enough to find my treasure house, I herewith declare him to be my heir, and whatsoever he may find shall be his, and for his sole benefit. " My chief mate, William Trefry, a Cornish man, wished to become my heir before my death, but I could not agree with him on that point, although I left him in possession of the key of my ' petites fees ' (little fairies). The key and a valuable knife are all 1 gave him. " The bearings of my treasure house are these:— -TOEl-PUZZLINU DOCUMENT- The lucky one will find the following property (Here follows a list of many valuable articles, and winds up with), 'and lastly my pretty box of petites fies.' " 1 leave Jethou to-night to join my vessel, which is about to «i