JB^eft of ^pcclmens^^^ li'sf^'^CIevelanb. ©bio, IH-S^E. ^ ':^ -V Vt o'l. Catalogue anb Booh of Specimens of ZT^pe jfaces anb Ipnntino • • Material anb flDacbiner^ Cleveland (E?pe Jfoun^r?, Cornet St. . Curving Machines ;>74, 375 Cutting Sticks 37" Cross Rules 289 Date Lines Dash Rules.... J)r.ving Racks, .377 .289 .377 Engines 378, 379 Engraving 381 Engraving Tools 381 Engraver's Wood 138 1 Envelope Flap Embossing Punch 381 Electrotyping 380 Electrotype Slugs 381 Eyeleting and Punching Machines 424 Feed Folders 381 Felt Cloth 381 Figured or Lettered Slugs 4M) Form Truck 384 Foot Slugs 384 Folding Machines ;«2, 383 Furniture, Metal 399 Furniture and Reglet, Oiled Cherry, 392, 393, 426 Galleys :W4, 385 Galley Racks 387 (Jas Knjriiies 378 (iasoiine Engines 379 Gauge Pins 3S6, 3S7 Hand Carts 370 Head Rules 374 Headings for Newspapers 318, 319 Hercules Gas Engine 378 Hercules Gasoline Engine 379 Imposing Stones. Imprint Lines Inks .390 .320 .391 Inking Apparatus 389 Ink Fountains 388,389 Ink Knives 392 Inking Stones 392 Ink Slice 391 Inkoleum 392 Label Holders 393 Lamp Holders 394 Labor-Saving Cherry Furniture 392 Labor-Saving Lead and Slug Rack 393 Labor-Saving Rule and Reglet Rack 394 Labor Saving Rejjlet Case 393 Lead and Rule Cutters 394, 395 Leads and Slugs 394 Lye Brushes :U6 Mailing Machines. Mailing Type Make-Up Rules Mallets Metal Furniture... Miter Machines Miter Box .396, 397 398 398 398 399 .400, 401 4flO Newspaper Files 401 Numbering Machine 402 Old Metal .344 Overhead Fixtures 401 Outfit for Brass Rule Work 348 Page Cord 410 Paper Cutters 403—410 Paper Jogger 410 Paper Cutter Gauge 410 Pasting ^lachines 411 Peerless Feeder 381 Perforating Machines 411, 412 Perforating Rule 411 Presses, Army 422 Presses, Cylinder 413-417, 423 Presses, Job 418—422 Presses, Washington Hand 421 Printers Punch 412 Planers 412 Plan for Laying Case 361 Plate Cutter— Hopkins 410 Proof Presses 413 Punching and Eyeleting Machines 424 Quoins 425 Ratchet 426 Reglet and Furniture 392, 393, 426 Roller Felt 426 Roller Composition 426 Roller Moulds 427 Roller Stocks 426 Rollers, Price for Casting 426 Rollers, Hand 426 Roller Supporters 427 Saws, Furniture 400 Scoring Rule 427 Sectional Blocks 427 Sewing Machines 429 Shooting Sticks 427 Side and Foot Sticks 429 Slugs, Figured or Lettered 440 Slugs and Leads 394 Space Rule 348 Spaces and Quads 344 Stabbers 438 Staple Binders 435—437 Stereotype Outfits 439 Stereotype Blocks 428 Stapling Machines 435—437 Sub-Headings 320 Take Slugs, see Electrotype Slugs 440 Tablet Press 439,440 Tablet Glue 439 Tablet Glue Pots 440 Tapes, Press 442 Thorne Typesetting Machine 441 Tweezers and Bodkins 347 Twister, Bartholomew 440 Type Measure 442 Type Wash 442 Tympan Press Boards 442 Wire Stitching Machines 430, 134 Wood Rule 323—325 Wood Type 321—342 Wrenches 442 Wrinkler 442 Classified List of Cuts. A. 0. U. W 296 Anvil 295 Archery 296 Cln>eland Type Foundry, Barrels 2i)5, 300 Bees and Beehives 296 Bill of Fare 293 Cleveland^ Ohio. Classified List of Cuts. Birds 296 Buggy 307 Boots and Shoes 2t»5 Card Logotypes '292 Check and Certificate Blanks 292, 293 Christian Endeavor 29(5 Coal 295,811 Coffin 3(Mi Coon 3()4,3()o Cows 295, 3()5,30«i, ;^)8 Cross and Crown 290, 298, 299 Dentistry 295,307 Dogs 305,309,317 Druggists' Cuts 295, 296, 310, 311 Eagles 302,303,304,309 Elks 298,302 Epworth League ^ 297 Fire Apparatus 298—300 Fishes 312 Fists 294 Flags 300.301,315 Fruits and Flowers 308, 315 G. A. R.— See Society Emblems 297—299 Globe 299 Harness and Saddlery 311 Hearse 306 Hens and Chickens 295, 306 Horses 295,306, 310,311,'315 Horse Shoes 311 Horse Shoer 315 Houses 295 Ice 310 Independent Order of Red Men 297, 299 Independent Order of (ilood Templars 297 296, 299 Jr. 0. U. A. M. PAQE. K. of P.— See Society Emblems 296— .300 Letter and Bill Head Logotypes 292 Liverj' ,307 Masonic— See Society Emblems 296—300 Masquerade 'SOO Monuments 295 Musical 295 Natural Gas 312 Newspaper Cuts 295 Odd Fellows— See Society Emblems 296— ;^)0 Palette 295 Paper Hanging 295 Pawnbroker 295 Printer 297,:^ Railroads 304, 308, .312 Recipe Marks 291 Roosters 304, 305, 314 Royal Arcanum 299 Safes 317 Sailing Vessels 295, 313, 316 Sailor 303 Seals 291, 304, 308 Society Emblems 296—300 Sons of Veterans 297 Sous of St. George 298, 300 Stars 291 Steam Ships 295, 316 Tobacco and Cigars 307 Turkey 305,309,317 Wheat 295, 2&7, 303 Woinau's Relief Corps 297 Index and Price List of Cuts. No. Paoe. Price No. Page. Price No. Page. Price No. Page. Price No. Page. Ppice 4* ...24.5... ..304... ..291, 30 ;3o 61*. 67*.. 68*. ..209.. ..210.. ,.210.. 30 105*.. 106*.. 107 ...210.. ...211.. •^92 . 40 40 ,,. 30 lU... m... 136... ..292.. ..292.. ..292.. 10 10 10 159+.. 160+.. 161+.. ..185.. ..185.. ..185.. 10 30 30 ..10 10... 05 10 11... ..291... 05 69*.. ..211.. .35 108t. ...185.. 40 137... ..2t)2 . 10 162+.. ..18.5.. 10 12... ..291.. ..291... 05 05 70*.. 71*. ..210.. ..210.. .35 109t. 110... ...186.. ...292.. 30 10 138... 139... ..292.. ..292.. 10 10 16.3+.. ltU+.. ..18ii.. ..18,5.. 10 13... .35 10 14... ..291.. 05 72t.. ...186.. 30 111... ..292.. 10 140... ..292.. 10 ](>5+.. ..1S5.. 10 15... ..2!)1... 10 73... ..292.. a5 112... ...292.. 10 141... ..292.. 10 mn.. ..185.. 10 16... ..291.. 10 77*.. ..210.. 35 113... ..292.. 10 142... ..292.. 10 167+.. ..18.5... 10 17. ..291... ..291... 15 15 78*.. 79*.. ..210.. ..210.. ;35 114... 116... ..292.. ..292.. 10 10 14;!.. 144... ..292.. 10 10 168.... 169*. ..292... ..292.. 10 18... .35 75 19... ..291.. 15 80t,, 185.. ...,;i5 117,,, ,292.. 10 145... ..292.. 10 172*. ..2:^9.. 50 29*. ..2a5. .^5 81... ..292.. .^5 118... ..29'>.. 10 146... ..293.. .50 173.... ..293.. 40 35* ..216.. ..216.. . ...35 83*. 84*.. ..209.. ..210.. ... 30 119... 120... ..292.. 10 10 147*.. 148.... ...209.. .292.. 30 10 174.... 17.>*.. ..293.. ..212.. 40 36*. a5 40 ;35 50*.. ..211.. 40 85*.. ..211.. 40 121... ..292.. 10 149.... ...292.. 10 176*. ..212.. 'M 51* ..211.. ..292.. ..292.. ..292.. 50 86*. 92... 93*.. 96... ..210.. ..292.. ..209.. ..292.. a5 .30 122... \Zi... 124... 125,.. ..292.. ..292... ..292... ,,2{)2... 10 10 10 10 1.50t.. 151t.. 152+.. 153t.. ..18,5.. ..185.. ..185.. ..18.5.. 10 10 10 10 177+.. 178+.. 179*.. 180*.. ..187.. ..187.. ..213.. ..213.. 25 59 .35 40 30 ?5 53... ;J5 30 54.. 35 .30 55*.. ..211.. 40 97t.. ..185.. 40 126... ..292.. 10 1.54-.. ..185.. 10 181+.. ..187.. 35 56*.. ..210.. ;i5 100*. ..210.. .35 127... ..292.. 10 15.5+.. ..185.. 10 182+.. ..187.. ....;35 58t.. ...186.. 40 101*. ..211.. 35 i;^)... ..292... 10 1.56+.. ..185.. 10 185... ..304.. ..1.{M) 59... ..292.. 30 102t.. ..186.. 40 131... ..292.. 10 157+.. ..18.5.. Kf 186... ..292.. ....J30 60... ..292.. 30 104t.. ..186.. 35 132... ..2<)2... 10 158+.. ..185.. 10 187... ..292.. 30 Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. Index and Price List of Cuts. No. Page. Price No. Page. Price No. Page. Price No. PaOe. Price No. Page. Pkic'e 188 ..292.. 30 .3.32*.. ..249.. ..1.25 430*.. ..235.. 75 511... ...303.. ..1.25 606*., ..2.30,. 90 189t 187,, .....35 -m... ..316.. 90 4;n*. ..243.. 75 .512... ..303.. ..1..50 607... ..305... 40 190t 187 .35 ;«4*.. ..231... ;« 432*.. ..258.. 90 513... ..303.. ..l.(K) 608... ,,296„, 2.5 192*.. 198* ..212... 21^,. 30 30 335... 336... . 316.. ..313.. 75 60 433*.. 434*.. ..2;i5.. ..2.50.. 30 514*. 51.5... ..210.. ..317.. 30 609... 610*. ..306.. ..2:s6... 1 00 25 75 ,,.,;i5 ia=>* ..216.. 30 337... ..311.. 40 43.5*.. ..241.. 75 .516t.. ..197.. ..1.25 611*. ..'m.. ,35 196*.. ,216.. 30 338t.. ..208... 75 m... ..312.. 60 517*. ..242.. 40 613*. ..2:i2.. 40 *?m *^3,. 40 339... ..295.. 30 437... ..312.. 70 .518*.. ...2.54.. ..1.(H) 619*. ..2.57.., ,,,,75 W?. ..2t)3.. 40 340*.. ..257... 90 438... ..311.. 75 519t.. ..212.. ..1.25 620+.. ..210.. .50 ?m ..293.. 35 341*. ..2.59.. 75 439... ..312.. ,50 .520... ..291.. 25 621- ■.. 622- -.. ..210... ,50 m ..293.. .35 342... ..311... 50 440*.. ..2.56.. .50 .521... ..291.. .30 ,210,, , .35 1^9- ..187.. 25 34;^*.. ..260.. 60 441*.. ..2(i5.. 30 .522... ..291.. ;i5 62;^.. ..210.., , 35 2ia-.. 212 ■.. ..187.. ..188.. 25 40 344... 345... ..311.. ..307.. ..1.00 .50 442*.. 443t ..231.. ..208.. 40 ,50 ,523... 524... ..291.. ..291.. 20 25 624+.. 62.5+.. . 211. .50 ..210... 75 213t.. 214t.. 215t ..188.. 40 346* ,261.., 50 444t 208,, 40 .525*,, 254.. ,100 626+ ..210... 75 ..188.. ..187.. 187.. 40 30 30 347... .^9... ..305.. ..261.. ..307.. 75 75 ..1.00 44,5t.. 4461.. 447t.. . 208.. ..208.. ..208.. 40 40 40 526... 527*.. 528... ..310.. ..2.59.. ...309.. 50 627+.. 628+.. 629+.. 211 .50 60 75 ..210... ..211.. 35 2m 75 220*,, .,.214.. 40 350*.. ..262.. 50 448-.. 449*.. ..216.. ..1.25 ,529... ..305.. 60 6.30*.. ..264.. 40 221*. ..214.. 40 351... ..306.. 25 ..2.59.. ..l.,50 .531*. ..24;i. 40 632*.. ..264.. ,50 222* ..215.. 40 352t.. ..216.. 25 450... ..301.. .50 532*.. ..260.. 25 633*.. ..264.. 75 223* ...215... 21.5.. 40 75 353t.. 3,54... ..216.. ..308.. 26 ..1.25 451... 4.52*. ..3)1.. ..2.56.. ,50 533... .5;S4... ..308.. ..314.. 40 40 634*.. 6^5*.. ..241..; ..2.55.. 75 224*, 40 75 '^?A* ...215... 75 3>5*.. ..264.. , 75 4.53... ..307.. ..1.25 .5.35*.. ..2,54.. 60 636*.. ..264... 75 2^5... ,,294.. 20 a56*.. ..266.. 40 454*.. ..26;i. .50 r>m... ..308.. 90 6.37... ..306.. 75 256 ..294.. ..216.. 20 75 357*.. 3.58*.. ..266.. ..266.. 40 75 4.55... 4.56*.. ...306.. ..2.55.. .50 537*.. .538... ..255.. ..308.. 50 60 638... 639§.. ..311... „266„ 40 260* .30 ,50 261*,, ,,216.. 75 ;i59*.. ..266.. ..1.25 4.57... ..301.. 40 ,539... ..313.. ..1.25 646... ..314... ,,,,75 262* ..214.. 75 360*. ..266.. 60 4.59... ..301.. ;i5 .540*.. ..265.. 60 648... ..296 . 75 '?m* ..214.. 75 361* ..24;i. 2,5 460 , ,301 ;^5 .541* 265 ,50 649 ..296.. 60 265* ..214.. ..214.. 60 60 362*.. 364*.. ..266.. ..266... 75 60 461... 465... ..301.. ..311.. 60 40 542*.. .54.3*., ..240.. .:2,38.. ,50 690*.. 691*.. ..220.. ..220,, 15 266* 75 ,,,,15 267* ,,213.. ^5 384*. ..233.. 75 4(76... ..311.. 90 .544*.. ..265.. 40 692*.. ..220,, 15 268* ..213.. ;i5 385*.. ..2:^8.. 30 467... ..307.. ;i5 .545... ..303 . :i5 693*.. ..220... ....15 270*., ..215.. 75 3S6t.. ..208... 35 468*.. ..239.. :i5 546*.. ..243.. 75 (i94*.. ..220.. 15 271*. ..215.. . ...75 3S7*.. ..238.. 40 469... ..311.. 2,5 .548... ..316.. ..1.00 695*.. ..220.. 15 272* ..212.. .35 388*.. ..'^0... 75 470*.. ..262.. ;i5 ,549... ,,302., 75 696*,. ..220 ,,,25 27.^* ,,212.. .35 389... ..315.. ..1.00 471... ..306.. 40 .5-50... ..302.. 75 697*., ..220 ,,..2,5 274* ..212.. .35 390t.. ..197.. ..1.00 472t.. ..208.. .50 ,5.51 1., ,,216.. 40 698*,. ..220.. 2;5 276*,, ..216.. 75 391*. ..m.. 75 473*.. ..2,55.. 40 ,5.52*.. ..261.. 40 699*.. ..220.. 25 277*.. ..216... ....75 392*.. ..242... 75 474*.. ..262.. 90 ,553... ..302.. 75 700*.. ..220... ....20 278*.. ..216.. 30 393... ..305.. 80 475... ..310.. 60 ,551... ..302.. 75 701*.. ..220.. 20 279* 216... .....30 394*- ..'m... 40 477*.. ..241.. 60 .5,55 ..302.. ..30 702* ..220., , ,,15 280* ..216.. ,217... 30 75 395*.. 396*. ..243.. ..244.. ..1.00 75 478*.. 479*.. ..2.56.. 40 90 5.56.... ,5,58.,, ..302.. ..2*^3.. 30 703*.. 704... ..220.. ..295.. 15 282*,, ..75 20 295,.. ,,293 . 35 397... ..295... 15 480*.. ..2.53.. 40 ,5.59... ..292... 75 705... ..291.. 15 296... .293.. 35 398*.. ..247.. 40 4,S1... ..308.. 90 560... ..293.. 75 706*.. ..220.. 15 300... ...300.. 25 399*.. ..247... .30 482*.. ..257.. 75 ,561*. ..217.. 75 707*.. ..220.. 15 301 ..300.. ..300.. ,195.. 20 30 400... 401t.. 402... ..312.. ..208.. ..308.. 3,5 ..1.00 .50 483*.. 484*.. 485*.. ..231.. ..2.33.. ..265.. 30 566*.. 568*.. ,569*.. ..218.. ..218.. ..218.. 60 60 60 708*.. 709*.. 710*. ..220... ..220.. ..220,. 15 302 90 a5 . .20 303t,. 40 20 ^^04 ..3(K).. 40 403 ..314.. 30 486* ..241.. .50 .570... ..2^)3.. 60 711* ..220... 15 mb ..300.. ..300.. 40 30 404... 405 , ..314.. ..304.. ..1.00 75 487*.. 491... 492t.. ..2.55.. 205 75 1 ,50 580*.. .581* ..233.. ..218.. ,30 712*.. 71.3* ..220.. ..220... 20 :m .50 20 307 ..300.. ..3(H).. ..195.. ... 30 406... 410... 411*. ..305.. ..31.5.. ..264.. 75 40 40 ..2.58.. ..316.. ..212.. 75 ..1.2,5 75 583*.. 584t.. .58.5*,, ..2.3;i. ..211... ..2:^5.. 75 50 40 714... 71.5... 716*. ..295.. ..295.. ..220... .25 .308 30 20 309t.. 30 20 ,310 ..300.. ..195.. 30 412..^ 413.. ..315.. ..313.. 40 40 493... 494*.. ..313.. ..249.. 40 40 586+.. .587*.. ..211.. ..2.32.. 40 .35 717*. 718*. ..220.. ..220... 20 3111.. 30 20 312 ..300.. 30 414,,, ..312.. 40 495*.. ..248.. 75 .588*.. ..2a5... 35 719*. ..220.. 20 J^13t 219 30 41. 5t 216,, ., ,,40 496 304 .50 .589+ 205 30 720* 220 25 320... ..294.. 10 416... ..312.. .50 498... ..295.. .35 ...2,36,. ..1.00 721*. ..220,. 25 .321... ..294.. 10 417... ..312.. ,50 499t.. ..212.. 75 .591*. ..2:^.5... 40 722*.. ..220... 25 322... ..294.. 10 418- ■.. ..211.. 40 ,500*.. ..2:«.. 20 .5921.. ..205.. 40 72;^*.. ..220.. 25 323... ..294.. 10 419-.. ..211.. 40 .501*.. ...2;^.. 25 .593... ..306.. lO 724*.. ..220... 25 .324 ..294.. ..294.. ..294.. .,294.. 15 15 15 15 421*.. 422... 424*.. 42.5 ..2.57.. ..312.. ..219.. ,50 .502... 503... .504... .506* ..302.. ..3it2.. ..302.. ..219.. 30 .594... ,596*.. .597*.. .599*.. ..302.. ..m... ..234.. ..2.36.. 75 80 90 725... 726*.. 727... 728*.. ..2i»5.. ..220... ..295.. ...220... 25 3?5 ..1.00 2,5 .50 ,30 .25 ;^!^6 40 a5 20 ^^27... 75 20 .328 ..294.. ..294.. .35 .35 426... 427... ...300.. ..30 i.. .50 .507t.. ,508... ..211.. ..291... 40 25 600*. 601*. ..2.^0... ..2:^0.. 40 40 729*.. 730*.. ...220.. ..220.. 20 .329... 75 .30 330... ..294.. 75 428... ..309.. 75 .509*.. ..249.. ..1.00 602*.. ..2^2.. ..1.25 731*.. ..220.. 25 :«lt ..212.. .50 429... ...306.. 1 25 510 ..316.. 90 603* ..2;«.. ..1.2;5 732... ..295.. 25 Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. Index AND Price List of Cuts. No. Page. Price No. Paob. P RICE No. Page. Price No. Page. PmcE No. Page. Price 733*.. ..220.. 30 790*.. ...222 ..16 847... ....300.. 40 9-25 :^04.. ..1.00 1002 310.. ;i6 'm... ..2i)l.. 20 79 1-^. 222 ..1.) 848... ...•I'M).. ^25 9;-!0 2*9.. /.) 100.3 310.. ;i> 7:3o* ..221.. ..221.. r:ii 792... 79;^!;,. ..296 •'6 81'.)... 8.-)()t. 29S ...191.. 40 40 940* ..'m.. 941*...2.57.. -26 '20 KMU 310.. 1(M).6 306.. 7;«*.. ..•J]{) ..20 1 ,00 W\. ..221.. 20 791... ..2!!() 26 861... ...299.. .^0 91'2* ..'237.. 20 KKH) 315.. ,,.60 738*. ..221.. 20 796... ..2!I6 ...26 862... ...2!.9.. 76 913* ..'ZW.. 20 1007 316.. .l.(K> 739... ..296.. 16 796... ..29() ...20 8.6;-;... ...298.. 36 944*...*2;32.. -20 10-22 -294.. .^0 740*.. ..221.. 16 7i»7... ..•J)() ...20 8.61... ...2il9.. .60 946*... '232.. '20 10'2.3 -294.. 30 741*. ..221.. 1.") 79>... ..21!() ...20 8.).6... ...298.. .60 946* ..'2.37.. 20 1024 310.. , , 86 74'^ ..296.. ..221.. ..221.. 16 2(1 20 7'. •9... Mill... sdl... ..29(i ..•_;i(; ..•ji.i() ...20 ...20 ...20 8.66*.. 8.67... 8.68... ...226.. ...298.. ...2i»8.. . 60 917*...'236.. 948 317.. 949 317.. 30 lOi) 313.. 1026 312.. 10'27 314.. 1 (M) 74:^* 40 46 ....30 86 744*.. ,, ,30 90 V4o... ..296.. 2(1 S{)T\. ■>■)■> ...li) 8;")9 .. ...298.. 60 9.60*.. 2'^9.. 30 1028 311.. ,.3;> 74«)*.. ..221.. 20 8o;r.. ...222 ...20 8(i0... ...298.. .60 961*... 229.. ... '20 1030 -m.. ....66 747*. ..221.. 26 804*.. ...222 ...20 861... ...2i)8.. ID 962*... -229.. '25 10.36 -299.. ....75 748... ..296.. 25 806*.. ...222 ...20 862... ...2;;9.. ..1.00 964* ..'229.. r.o 1045 mi. ;i6 749=^.. ..22].. 26 806... ..296 ...26 863... ...298.. in 9.').> . 296 . Il.")7i-...2r2.. 90 750... ■'96 26 807*. ...222 ...16 864... ...299.. 76 96(i •.:96.. •'6 l;i")7 •29(i.. . ...'55 76^^. ..221.. 26 808*.. ..222 ...25 8(>6... 298 ..1.00 9, 7*. ..232.. •20 I.!(i8 2\Wi 40 762*.. ..221.. 26 809... ..1\){\ ...30 8()6... ...299.. ..1.00 9.')8*...2;i2.. :\() 1.374 •Z97.. 40 7o3*.. ..221... 26 810... ..296 ...20 8()7... ...298.. ..1.00 969 :M7.. ^25 1461 :}07.. 4i> 764*.. ..221... 16 811... ..295 .20 868... ...■99.. 60 i)60t...^206.. 36 1489*. ..218.. 60 765 ..2^)6.. ..221.. ..221.. 26 20 26 812... 813... 814*. ..29() ..296 ...236 ...30 ...30 ...25 8(i9... 870 ...:mK. •'99 36 961. ...317.. 9()2 :!06.. 9(i3*...2;}2.. 60 76 76 16.30 ■•...•240.. 2.->Hi 313.. 2()91t...2r2.. 35 766* .'56 1 00 767*.. 871... ...297.. .36 ,,,90 758... ..296... 20 815... ..296... ...20 872... ...299.. 36 964*.. .2.31.. 25 2776 :;08.. ....76 769*. ..221.. 20 816*.. ..248 ...25 873... ...297.. .30 966*...237.. .30 2815*...239.. .1.26 7H0... ..296... 20 817... ..295 ..26 874... ...300.. 76 966 303.. 76 2846 301.. ,,,60 761*. ..221.. 26 818*. ..260 ..25 876... ...2i!9.. 30 967*.. .218.. .60 2817*...'2.63.. ,,.60 762*. ..221.. 25 819*. ..229 ...20 876... 297.. .36 968*...'217.. ,60 2914 301.. .l.?6 763*. ..221... 26 820*.. ..24.5 ...20 877... ...2i)7.. (iO 969 30;).. ..1.00 2966 300.. .. ..36 764* ..221.. ..296... ..221.. 30 821t.. 822*.. S2.3... ..216 ..245 ..296 ..30 ...15 ..20 879... 880... ...297.. 30 970 302.. 97l*...'218.. 973 317.. 10 40 ..1.00 3081*. ..'2.50.. 3297 '^93.. 334.6*. ..2<>3.. 76 766 ... .30 30 60 60 766*.. 40 36 767... ..297... 30 824... ..296 ..2.6 881... ...299.. iv, 974 317.. .,1,00 3421 3(i7., ,1,26 768*.. ..221.. 26 826... ..296 ..26 882... ...299.. 30 97.5 317.. 76 348.6*... 22S.. 769*.. ..221... 30 82(5... ..296 ...25 883... ...29().. 30 976*...'231.. ..1.00 3486*...2^2S.. 770*.. ..222.. 20 827... ..296 ...20 884... ...296 . 30 977 293.. 40 3614*...'26.S.. .1.00 771*. 2r«, 20 828*.. ..2.52 ...16 886... ...•296.. 40 978 809.. ..1.00 .36^22*...2.5().. ....<)(> 772*.. ..222.. 20 829... ..296 ...20 89 St, 211.. 76 97i)*...237.. .36 36(53 ■294.. v,> 773*.. ..222... 20 830*.. ..247 ...30 899... .309.. ..1.00 950 .'^17.. 76 3664 ^294.. ,'A6 774* ..222.. ..222.. 15 20 831*.. 8.32*.. ..247 ..247..... ...30 ...20 900... 901*. ...309.. ...2:^6.. ..1.00 20 981*...218.. 982*...229.. .60 3665 '294.. 3666 -294.. 40 776*.. ..1.00 ....40 776 ..296.. 20 m^* ..247 30 906 ...291.. 20 983 .'517.. 3()67 "294.. ....(30 777... ..296... 20 834*.. ..247 ...25 906... ...291.. '20 9-^4*.. .'231. . ..1.00 3668 '294.. ....(50 778*.. ..222... 20 836... ..296 ...2.6 907... ...296.. 25 986 1.. 197. . ..1.00 ;^672*...'296.. ..1 .'26 779. . ..296... 20 836... ..296 ..30 908... ...297.. 36 9S6t...l97.. ..1.00 3678*...2.64.. ,,30 780*.. ..222... 20 837... ..296 ..25 909... ...•297.. ;i") 987t...l97.. 76 10116 '292.. .,40 781... ..■96.. 25 838... ..296 ..20 910... ...297.. 60 9S9*...'237.. ,76 10117 '292.. ....46 782*.. ..222.. 20 839... ..296 ..26 911... ...297.. .60 990 :m.. .60 10118 '292.. ....40 7S3*.. ..222.. 15 840... ..2i>(; ..30 912... ...297.. .^0 991 -m.. 76 10119 -M).. .....60 784*.. ..222.. 15 841... ..i:9i) ..20 913... ...•297.. 35 992*... '230.. ..1.00 10129 310.. ....76 786*.. ..222 . 15 842t.. ..191 ..30 914... ..297 . ;36 991*...^2;',().. .36 10228 311.. ....10 786*.. ..222.. 15 843... ..298 ...60 916... ..297.. .60 996^^..2.•i').. 30 10300t...-20S.. ....46 787... ..296.. 20 844... ..299 ..36 916... ..297.. 60 9'=^l^£^«s^?..E^fi5-Hrj>'BcrSt:5g'- B ^ ^ l=^:?;-H5-r-£riS^5£S5a'S?^-S£i5il.S|^5J^| ^ p || .g'g ^ ^ Sfe .2^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 1;> Clez'eland, Ohic. r; ~-^ rr, ^ = ?^ > ,, •" H ^ p X Q Ji o ;"- 3 c.ti c_ es bt; g .^•^ Oi Cleveland Type Foundry, 14 Clexieland, Ohio 15 >> t; nmmi^^^it£;mimmH 1^ S3 X ^ SI " g 3 •* !l o Cleveland Type Foundry, 15 Cleveland, Ohio. Ill III S .S 1 •= -3 '3 ?! S y* z, l-^% I 'tMM ^M-^-B>!M% HKb ikl;^ ^ ^^ £^ Si- ll N >'t?- >H "S^ s X t c >• ^ ~'*> >• > 5 u e o ^ «} sc P3 •« o 1' o- 2- i ? SJ= &< N o o g ^"^ o ^ 1 - ? ~ 'r" 11 ^ w " S'- oi £ >-i o ? w o A> s •^? s: a ^ 5. ? 9 o p^ ■<~ "^ ^~ 33 Q *5 u C S 03 ^ -^ *^ - ? ClevelatuI Type Fotoidry, 1«) Cleveland, Okie. •rt o 03 * o e tj O CD ^^ 6 A G s t; c g o o3 _2 aj ^ -C OJ 2 *^ ^ i i "1 1 ^ -2 ? ° ^ &-2 ^ 83 aj o3 1' C A •< o ai » o "^ '^ -^ -li ^^ 2 2 ^ "* C ^ •'-' 1) ^ I 2l !S o O 7! *^ "^ 3 ^ 83 ^3 03 > .5 S3 e U ^ :S s 2'« 4-- 13 aw -« 5 !=! .2 * fcC O OJ p,2 be "^ O S fee's .■^' .5 S " ,25 (n, a; O- tsc 5^ P 'H i^ = r '« -c *- r. 2^ — ' ^ o 3 S'S ^' ?6 =3 o S O o >. Si: 0; g O % bC OJ J-, 'O 5 " o o --^ -^ ? 2 o OJ 'X o .:i; ai 03 g g O 3 "2 p. 5 S .2 S ^ S oT o S3 -^ 5 S o3 p3 0) c «- all III 5% "j; 3 so = ^ a "5 S s <5 ^' g°li-i-"§§§l2S-|l§l§-S5 2 = 33 * .>-ii ^■^^ 03&H o 03 O S g,c-M s'S-^-'^ So o3 P.^ S- O aJ p «3 b =3 Sf 1 s 2J a^tf P^ ^f J " S:£s 2H'2 ..-2 S-2 2.^0. 1^ r?o3 13 c it •5< H O =o (H =c e \-* ■S"^ ^^ 5 , TS 5 * ^ o; c O Sf ai Ph c OJ «C c x: -c s . s '-^ = C 5 K ? £s :c ■^ s. bt S C a: G 0) _^ ^ ^ 0/ — ' — ic "' -^ S - P ■^ ? ? X 1 ;+ ^ >. "2 ? i X 5 a 5 c 2 ■ N 5 1 >■. ^ _^ "c r 3^ g -3 ■f 5 5 2 >• tJ ^ 2 o it i 3 3 X x 3 X 1/ X 1 x 1^ 1 % 1 2 u 1 a 1 X x 1 ^8 1 O ^ .Ss ^ i -5 s i i ? s 5 9 "P > s X "Sd £ X 1 £ X 1 *-5 s J. O u o a* £ 5 u X 1 1 a _>. 2 H a c ■u :g ^ .3i ^ i? sz "p > ■t-* ^ ^ X 3 z> 3> K Q c c •2 o a; •/J o ^ ^ be X CD 1 3) 3; f 1; ^ =3 '3 < •2 1 7^ 5i % ? 2 s c W) X 1 s X 3d X j-1 •^ ^ 5 ^ 1 K* S 2 3 'J5 r^ !a :h ^ "5 =5 •S ■I- 1 s z^ P P ^ X ■^ X K ^ o i ■ -> -' "A^. ^p: ; '^ "5 X ''" , > o o ;x r- wt: ., d ^ r-i .? '. -SI? X X o < -I 3 fl X :::^ x^ i^-^s 3> i :i a i^ 2 0) ' ~; X w -)j . ""^ r , .^ , ^ :_; ,, - — ,^ w : 3 = ^• ■"Z ^ X •r "^ 3 X z ,^ , t; 7^ ? .— ■^ ^ •" , •^ o , O "br |X o 5 ^ -3 5 r ^ c 0- \0 ^ X 'S 4^ X p X o 3 C I? ,i '6 •aOai^^x;^^'^: 1f S*-*-^ 07: 3 P^ : :2 2 0^5 sag-: x'3x->.2_. i-Sa.; a "^ '•^ZLzL'^^ ^ a- ^S£^|2o5e = : its .SS'-hS'S: c3 U ^*';;^ O .J, f^ p 3 ■^SO 2g'3So.2S 5.2 i-H-"^ g jf ^ ^S'pSs-^5S 3 3 7 p a-!^ 2 B' '^ •S2ac^"Scs£ H:c--g."-x^ » p x-o-3oa ./-=-«:;--x .i:-^pct;5^!? < !|^3=^^S:^3 ~ 5 ~ .- - ^^~ '-^ SsgbcSP'c -; ss ,w r*^ 3 OJ x: — •*j . >'^fe.s J;i; a C-; o 5 i -2^ = e 2 Clezieland Type Foundry ^ 18 Clet'eland, Ohio. i 'g '^ ^ ■~ '^ < -/ X> « ^, rt «L ►. iJC i; = c ti- 2 -- Si = O ? >» *- = rH S 2 2 •- ^ i^ b ^ r -I t s > : 1 1 ^ - .« a ^ « H £ -^ S. 2 ^ = .^ ^ ? o '^ 5 7 5 - g- g ^ = ^ ^ ^ E;^' o^'SH-m '^ 'Z'% ^-^ % -z ^ ^< llJ ^ ?■ o Cle7'eland Type Foundry, 19 Cleieland, Ohio. C 03 >> CO .2 c o o ^-1 .T- c .5 !3 j^ a; f (U S o ?■ *- p £ =3 ^ ^ r? c o :? '^ 'r* 'JU O 5 '^ 1 S r- CS .;::^ O CO o O ^ ^ CO CO _Q s ^ 7i O +- 03 c .5 I a=« " CO fc S eg J pi I CO- 3 .5 :? c O) :=- c " +- _ *^ >- 4) .= o « -3 '_ ^ « «m &)- S ® O -t^ '^ -< O C "^ ><, 4J 1:3 O M Jh «4-l -M • n 5 -ri +.; t:; o :: -^ o - .5 ^ S _M .^ 03 rt e*H C -r- !D 03 r^ C 03 c3 p5 §3 X5 OJ O '^ Oi &0 c -C C ? C a; JS -S S ^ g « .2 C S 2 S C 03 as -^ ^'*-'^ O >^'t5'I2 03 cc O .3 S"^ 2-^i i: g :3 > 0^ cc cu-^ 5^^ > S^ C^ ^ O ^ S O^O.Sr^^C m O^ ^Hbr^ a; C o OQ O ■■■3 CO o S-^ .S;§ c^ ^..S'-S CO o S-^ o^Or^ ^^V° ^^ o § o.S S 0) 0) cc ^ i>D^w s n r ILi'^ o ;h.3 g+- :^-:^:;z:£ o'^ a.':: ap. Cleveland Type Foundry^ 20 ClerelaMd, Ohio, 5 5 2 S "^ ^. ^ ^■e « ■iii'^ e> ~> K S3 ■5 "^ >^ "•S 5: X > ^ p ■^^ £ > H ^^ B Ui X Sh^ 0) ^ 23 •^ o" ^ K g •S ^ lO 2" s 11 N- '^ O 1 03 H-1 ^ -■3 til ^ g S w h5 2: s i5 s » W <; < ■2I 1} Cleveland Type Foundry, 21 Cleveland, Ohio, o C c S c i; ^ - - 2 i -r ^ '•^- . r- ■■" r - •" c - o :6 h- C, J- o* •^ "^=.Z:E=--r .5-f_z-^-^"i:->^S2- i;, ►^ S i-^ o ^ ii:il|:^i';|l;^^i^|il|2||l'll = =| s O i^ ? X w c -- Cleveland Type Foundry, 22 Cle7>eland, Ohio. ^ s ? ^ - ^. I ; ^ I •; B i -g II i^ K I I I » = s « « s : i s 2 s g I s I ^ 1 .2 b I o a cc I SB i I '^ S)f S ^ 3 -^ 5 p J -^ ^ ^ " -5 § 2 s i ^' I ? S ^5 I ^ i -I .§ -p J -- s I ^ s I S s 3 ^ I -^a^ S ^ CO ^^ £ t 1-0 -^ 2 g S « 1^ ii ^ o "^ - « 3 a: -« < O HH |- r-i 1/ ^ J2 G >-ir^ re CO +-- 02 +^ +- - 0^ Cleveland Type Foundry^ 23 Cleveland, Ohio- p. s QQ *i3 QQ O .2 « a QQ c .2 G .2 (D QQ ^ O ft O T2 f-i ft M O r£3 . 3 ^ ^ o ^ QQ CO cd II ® o o .2 ^.§ O r- '*^ OJ CD -tj 3 ft 0) TS ^ QQ QQ C^ H O 0) c3 O ""■ t-i ^ CD a QQ t-i cti o ^ ft o III fl .2 o- o .-c TS ^ CO ^ G G « « O tJD tJD bl 5 be QQ -73 O) o .-tJ •^ s QD C be cd .s -^ ^ o 02 ^ QQ fH :g^ G w S o «H S ^ 2 o;:: 1 ^ o 2 S 2i -gcG S jl^ . be cd w qn ^ S^ +^ O eg 03 rG O - ^H ;-( _C2 ft +^ tt3 - cd ft 2 G ^ S P be .2 -g e+^ .2 "^ C in 02 G QQ -^ cd 'Z3 3^ ^ rG cc ^ a; G pC! o JS "^ O "o (D QQ p ft -^^ ^" rG a> bCr^ ? G 3 cd c« .5d Cd 9 -^ o ^ G ft S o be -a G O l-H w o Q O ffl <: 4 ap 15 '- se- ■*- es '^ ^i ?! '^ a^ ^ « s •■>' ^ % ^ P ■^ c c « cd .G o ^ ID G o ® fts rd a .^^ ^5 G 0-2 O^ ft.^ g ^ ftS o ^5 ofO ^ a. _rG _ QQ QQt73 :G c| '^ g'-^I-S^ G >^2^ ^ SrG G f-< CD O SrG q; CD .a G tj " ^ CdrC) o 1, +J -r^ G G O t^ bJDbebti^ g§2 ^ P'^ S^ s oH^ ^tCrS •sa be,^ :^oQ§2:§'g'g'^ QQ ^ CL- a be ■ fH ^ be S G G ft^^ ? G-S^ G.2 '^ ;-! 0; *^ S " ft 0) ft r^ Cd _y^ "I^S — . G f-1 rt Cb«4-^ S 5^.G^+^ o^ ^ 't=!«2 5^ 5n ccld ^ o a; CD q3 '-'■ -M '-^ _, cd ft =3«^ P © ^ ST be O 2 G >'^ f^^q—i D ^ o O > ^G O 0.2-2 '^ -+^ G ^ cd fH i; be QQ I- 02 ^ t^_2s^^ . QQ •+^ CD O -G ft O; fHrG bS o " ^.2.S ^ ^ „. cd 02 ^ :s 2^ i a^-g a O 2 ■~r-3 G-3 cbrQ G - ^cdo ri 02 rG i S 02 Cd o - QQ O O X o QQ Or-; G « ^3 ^ ^ bcS Sa2-T'^S2'^j:ift'=°-'x- cd CD ft o o Q Q ffl <1 Clevelmid Type Foundry, 24 Cln'elafui, Ohio. r-H -i — ' r! t?^ H O ki P «S rt a; O) -*^ OJ .i|i^^l-Millli,diilMg P '' - !.3 8^-^ S:a ^-2 0.^ |-|^ ^^ ^ g' ? i ^'^ ^^ * °-g| a »1 b-- §1 « 3 Q 3 ^ a « « Hl1|sgJ!H^-3l£^:i=s§ ^ g^. ^ i t^ .2 o ^ .2 ri«i r_, :c •?- 2 Cleveland ryf>e Foundry, 25 Cleveland. Ohio. a^ '5 o 2 ■x ctf ,r, 6 c ? 0^ y; 0. - T. = - +i :-« 5 03 ~ ct o ^ ^ o r-^ c o •^ S ^ a: -^ i .- .S ^ = J J £ '^ I . -g ^ = ^ c 2 S CO .g ^ X •i; p ar s '£ '-'S'^ .0/^ X — tx ;: ' a. ^i S^ ^i: ^ $4.^ c'g o ^j ^Q ? > 5>! :^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 26 Cleveland Ohio. 0) ' '^ 0) O^T^^ .ti * ;:^ o) ^ C '-' l-a. ^"^ •=ic§ t, ^ ^ CZ :^ P^a b£ ^ .til CD P beg .22 ^ CD c -^ "S iH c g2t., S = " " -2 r/3 O -^-' =: 5^ 5 2= S •-^ 0; r: cc 13 ^-^ S 5^ ^ I, — a:) I ' o X .X t:; 1 c3 X 0) c:; +-'.-; "3 (D S o a; j2 •^ ? > C3 P o S^ ?^ O. C -^ CD S ?^^ CD O 5^ a;) -M 2 CK CB P S-i CD .2 5"^ S 0) ^ O) c G § .::: a;> « ^-1 (D ^X CD -^ ^ 2'^ xf 0) CD*^ - :S "S Tc'S -f- - x o ., s ^.2^ +-i a) o -K 3.^ =! ire -M w' r-; '.w ^^ -^ " *" F- .rH q^ — ^ ^ ,. li) == 8 ^ r =^ "~ -^ - '^'^■-' ~ -^ "^^ ' . s: ^ ? ;= u > :=^ o ^ -t^ CD ,^ »— :+_! T2 — i-( r- ^ d. p^ ^ .'i'i Cleveland Type Foundry, Clei-elah-d, Ohio I oQ OJ »~ o .. ^s '-' '!2 v^ fii •'-< ':5 o o o; I ^ ^ "S t o . -^^ ^ a; C fl -^ g ^ o o ||^iilp|iiil.i|i > E- f^ 32 ^ 03 35 C 2" fL^ o o ^. s g ^ <^ L^ t-H '1 W X *^ HH S w ^ o S u f^ 03 w < ^-^ t— 1 Q PQ -=1 •- 2 ^ ^ i2 c!^ h i h -^ :^rn o S = i 5^ - ii ^ ci StK BIB ^ '^'^ ^ ^ '^ ^ S ^ ^ a a y ^ 2 S 1. 00 ^ >s ^ m Ji '^ j ^ 00 ss b- "jS ~ ?o si '^ ■M 00 S a3 i e e ^ i 53 T-H 'O u ■^ '^ ■< C l-q o Cleveland Type Foundry, 28 Cleveland, Ohio. ii:°rai!Siit^.»ilii Hill " 5 . i I § i s £ s g = « 1 1 i 3 a g5 IS ff ^ o s? g^^ - - g .5 2 g^.5 S - ^ ^ ^ M g ^ g s§*^-ii:ii§>i ^ •5£.S^^a^.Si'S£§l2.S§53^S Cleveland Type Foimdry, 29 Cleveland, Ohio. SJ •fci •»^ >^ "^'^ >< ^ so O > p ^'^ H "^ s: aj S •^ e a P^ *s « g o O 1 o i-< aJ rH S 1 t-5 2l a> 1— 1 ^ w o. ^ 3 o X) 1^ f^ •?« S. w ^ o ft ^ ^ § gf < s ^ i 1 I ^ I ^ i I ^ '^ X '^ I ^ 3^ ^ -w ^ c H^ CT" r x: .::; ^ .;i ;::i •'' ?< ^ 5, ^ :S ^ :S iuD-^ - h ^ ^ ..■ 5 ^i i^ g ^ Pi -^ r^ .J.. ^ ^ -B -^ ^ ^ ^Sc- ^ 3 o ^3^ GO •- ' CO ^ :^ CO 5j -^ C ^ S ^ ^ ? - S aJ ^ :S ^ t: ^ c 8 •- " 1 " c s g I - i ^- ^ £ II >^ -^ ^ li^|f|K^.bff^sif1 I % \l _•.::: ^ . •" c -r^ s cd ^J^- c P ^ s ^ .r ^ o- cu 05 5 b .T '>^ ^ "tr X ^ ^ "" ;>^. j^ ^ f- ^ r *- £ 3i ^ r^ «^ -^ 2 = s - a-^-c -^ -' 7', C +-J ^ ^ :^ .^ c c c: ^ i •;ii33|.^='iiiyf|f|i I ''^- -^ -^ s: c^ !^ -^ 1; - f= ^ X ::i t^i; if^;'^,::^ b-..S t3 +-' -o = i ^ -^ -^ ^ ■ a^ ^ ^ ^ - - ^X - 'Z :S .S E ^ :S tt .S o '7 ■:£ c ^ i .S ^ Cleveland Type Fomtdry, 30 Cleveland, OJ.ic ^ o • rt ^ ^ ^ -7^ ^' "^ tn -^ ^ ^ t-^ s: •^ H^ O 0) -^i :=: i p "Ic 2 -= <2 ^ 5 5 ^ " ': ^ '0 s X ^ w 2 ^ ■'^ r'i P ^ J J J 2 ^ s: j^ J c ..^J !^ C H-i ^ K^ "^ b '^ 1— 1 ^ ■^-^ C/ X ^ 5 Oi r-H bC o "^ X 'x l"l -♦J X 2 ^ S § ^ S ^ . - ,^^ '^ '^ C '^ 95 7 < X X 'x 1^ a:) '5 '^ < . .- ^ bc y 2 1 if ^1 3 g X Pi C/2 8 1 2 ^ s CO T3 -^-^ -^J CD ti 5 =^ « ^ ;< ^ « aT g « © ^ X ^ "x 3 -M =^ ^ .. 0. c =4-1 I^ i 1— t H o o o O CD C o 2 C3 p 'r2 teresting to trs oud and comnu ins to its hur bp first, and long, attaining even e we must lool ado wings of th at the inscripti X CD CD r3 4_; ^ B t-5 it 3 x2 ^ s ^ C .ji; CD X +J (S ^ 1 ■M-H ^ - ^ - ' • CD 1 CD t>~. 1 1 ^ r-*,^-^ 1 J, ri; CD O X X ■r: Ci rr ■'^ >^. 1- X he Chin est fore ess it b cs f oun< e city same di « X ^ N S3 I1 o _l 2 X X a! CD printing, ii art back f )sition it nc innings. I lade histor 9 \ X CD s CD ^: bC 5 even crude results. To t look for the very earli< of the art, probably, unl ;riptions and hieroglyphi ricks of the tower and th icate an attempt in the '^ 2 v> 1^ X! > H X 9 Pm 55 so r-- s 1 *x ;-, CD 5S -^ r X to trace tins )mmanding jx humble iDeg a nation, it n e Chinese wor •ed characters tting away the h- 1 W l-H rK GO T— I •A 3 ■ ; ■ ^ - S • ^ S ^ Q ^ ^ .^;^-;:;::c-tfS3;^^.:H^cDs5 ? ^^.::;iL,4-i--^:3.SDX4JC:l-HrH.;^<:3 ^^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 31 Cleveland, Ohio, ^ ^ ^ -^ ''J rt-^ " ^ tj .. -^ cd ^ C OQ CD (D CC CC C3 CE "-3 a3 ^ C15 .i^ en re cd rr r^ •r-l ■i: -^ :_, X n "^ cc C CC ^ § ^ m ^ © C o O) a; S3 O ?-i ^ o O S4_| cc s 0; ,(-i P-^ CD O CD _C0 CC cd n «c (C «5 a S CD cc cc a- (D cc cc rj © 5 g -< lo «. X ^ ^ > ^25 U) s cc y^ UJ t « M (ji S ^< 00 11 m N ►-5 H CO 1 ?r < < 1— 1 w 1^^ c -1I 1^ -1 m =i o ;^- n CD cc cd OQ ^ :^ _cd s t:J rtS ^'^ =! f^ k CD cd -^j ;i^ rg cc =^ ^ s g pq .^ cd 1^ cc fl cd ^ cd ;h -M ;^^ 12 r^ J:^ CD^ a S S ^.5-^5 finS Cleveland Type Foundry. Cleveland, Ohio. y. '^ ^ i .S I -^ ^^ £ : ^ ^^ .2 .^ X ; ^ S S "^ b Sh S =^ -^^ •- ^ ^ '^ ^ • '^ > "^ ^r- t^ ^ ^ ^ s'^ bB^ s .s ^ - H p| p _ O ^ £2 o g -g s S !^ ?? ^ -c « aJ as o S i -S fi -2 M| c r= =2 .-S s « ^ =^ ^ ^ " t: o Z! ^ c ^ - ^ 5 ^ :^ ? 7^ ^ Z^ ^ •X :« O C^ ^'. /H ^ Vr --C -_ 'f -r -*- /i^ >— ^. J- J-; ,^ w' ^\ -:=s-s|l^ Nip 21^1 r| ^- c 00 -^ r^ ^ 2 :Z "35 s^ s CO '^i. ;i ,!S aereliind Type Foundry, 33 Cleveland, Okie. o o ^ .t^ g .2 .s ^^ o ^ ^ 1:3 r^ ^^ :^ S^ 2 S •^ ^ .::^ .S H bD G ^ t. CD CQ '^ '^^ ;::. 3 ^H (l) ^ si's sj^S I gaol's is I g g^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 34 Clex>eland, Ohio. 1 .H I 2 -^ § S :^ I I g ^ ^ I g § ^ I I °§ r^ II g-^.J-3 ^£ ^ § i ii I — ^ .S .^ § ^ bjo^ S ^ C? n -^ ■•^ r^ -^ -i^ a -^ li >.. <^ .-. L- 13 ^ !^ ;^ i^ n. S .-: ^ r"^ S S n ^ P. ^ 00 <^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 35 Cleveland, Okie. ' rD -:> ' <>^ rO ^ . ^'O <^ o o ^ o se > '^■^ ^^■ ^ '^O "^^ •♦^ r^ <3 ^ g _ _ , - ^ S ^ ^<3 .,-H ~ --i P-' OJ >► rs -^ -S ^ =1 o - ?i S .2 = ° ^ g ^ .S t: -^ ^ I H - 3 s > s - -^ § ^ ^ n:. .22 ^ 2 ^ CD 1^ S.^ § :2 S :0 ^ ^ zl ^ Zl ^ r^ ^' "T^ m Z) ^ ^ r^ Oi H-5 H^ rC O :^ P^-l-' ^^ H^ ^ I ^ g ■S S S^ ^ = ^r- 5 r. " = -7 ^ .2 -S H^i «^ I ^ i:'^ bct^ -S ^' 'S ^- S S ?^ c = ~ d ^ ^ €leveltihd'fy/>e Foundry , 3() Cleveland, Ohio. jj ac^ s_ jj t>^ jj s u*j yjo j^„ v,r-.-j3 ^r--'; 3r; a"- 0— Ot^ o;-" n: rr^ rr -^ t/1 ni S _ C — • ., _ ^^ C3 rt r% ^ ^ ° 5« o JJ iin >_, t^-.g c ii f^-c^ o ^-^ « « ^^j:^ =^ «>-' oj cs ^ ^ *i •^ I o-S? 2 J 5 =g S g I g ^ C - S o.-e^ 5Ji JJ 5 5 '5 5 5 « cj fit •;: »5 o ■ W ^-^ ^5 Clei'eland Type Foundry, 37 Cleveland, Ohio. o -c r- ^ 2 g ? ^ -§ -e ^ -5 £ 5 5 i S g -s ^- S ^ _^ i g § - .. o -S .S ^ •- c c S -H ^ - '^ ^^ ^- 3 \3^ ti:il«^:Jili:aPlilbl^n . liS^:lf-tif5|||p||||||^ >: > O "r:^ .6 c«pa;g.5^S^^ci;S.-c'.2:!^^i^ . Cj'n:^ 0\ _S -^ eg ^ o Si k'^ "^? 5t iv •J^ '^ •^^^ •». lij ^:h '^ ^ ■K. a :;^ N CO ''- s o x>. !ii t^ ■S'^ 5 s 53 fO 5i tt ^ M ►^-^ 33 11 ■f "S <;) o ^^ s.^ =c > ■»• ^ ^ ^ b'^ ^ S -<: "ki N ^ Cleveland Type Foundry. 38 Cleveland. Ohio. = g - £ s ^ t := s & y -g ij -s ^ 5 § ■= rs;5;z3 (u.S c~ ?5r-; Z v£) "^i ^^ ^ 3 ^ _j Ti 3 -U — -< ciD G S ^ ^ ^ - ^ S ^ § ^ .2 '- - < -^ ir§iiiiiii-=;ii?i^i 1 1 ^ O X !>. 5^ ^ -C, ^ ^ O ^ ^ o .3^ c« ^ ^ .^ .S ^ t^ Z S ^. ^ 'ISi ^ lU ^ <: ^2 ^ -^ ^ I Cleveland Type Foundry, 39 Clereland, Ohio. I "^ ^^ -n ^ ."g .5 ^ -' S -o ^' - .H r 5] ^ ^ ^ '^ ^^ ^ b o ^ B >' 'r, ?. 6 ;B - ^y -^ ^ 2 : -^^ ^:5 ^^# ^ I .-^5.^^ g. ^ B^ .^^ i ^ S vo .$ >S 2 ?2 .S -^ ^ .2 wr bjc-- a; ^ 5 ^ -^ t; • ^ -^ ^ ^ :^ <^ . > V -^ ,-^ .^ '-X ^, -§ I ^ a; I t I .i ,^ I S ^ . * 6 i! " " 5 I : ~ a cu •> j; c 0^ ^.^ ?^ n^ ^^ ^ ^ 1< ri .o ^ ^ 5 pH ^ § u k ^ S ^ s I .| g c I O ^ .^ ,2 ^ g . o CD '13 c > o >, a; • >., ^ I cu I a; ,1 ^> i -.o ?^ ^ tX;^ .t^ -^ oj ,^ a; ^ -^ o ^ ^ j: N > Cleveland Tyf-e Foiindiy, 40 Cleveland, Ohio ^ .£ ^ ^ br/-^ C o *^ ^ ^ 5 ^ o 3j 5 o 8 ^ -^ .2 -2 4 c'. ^i| ^.§ ||o| ^^2' I 8 I Cleveland Type Foundry, 41 Cleveland, Ohio. rt -c be ^ 2 ^ rt O rt 1^ "^ o a ^ i. .i £ o o -I o .^ : .„ - "a .2 rt .2 « a"^ ill I § H 2 I ''^ '^ (u ^ Ji ^ £ '^ 5 ^ S o - c " x .2 be S ^ o -^ > ^ 5! c 5 1= t: I' w. ti -^ a c S t^ 's vo" . ° o o ^. ^ - ^ c P O „ 4; H S -a T" *:;; "^ ^- -ri ^ ^ S| ^'* = 2 Hoi ^ -c 2 ^ "Ji cC S a: o ^ ^ t« s 1^ oJ £ ^ c _E j5 _g 3^ -o a 1-S c .;: •- a .,-1 ?*> ^ O H be X -c a a i5 S o 1:^ -2i o rt • - - .Q e o ■g^ X «^ X 5 T3 S != ^ C S "^ O o S = *- (u a "S •= -n :£ lu (u i c ^ s « " a o a •2 2 ' ^ -c ' ■^ -c o S o x: £ 4J X >. CS aii S^ X a* >] u o "^ •^ ^ a^ ^ ^^ jfi a o S _o T- ♦J rt a; '"OS 5^^ 2 S a.S rt w '-' ti ^ X ,•; cS -; 3 ^ X •c 5 a X t;; 5 a5 5 ""S o 2 B So .t« . o >" « ?? >J 5i > II g H « X t/l X s ^ 1 o 00 ^1 ?; ^ VO <)' «< o S -r 1^ X W j5 m^C sCvhO; ai CX:>,^rtgSS2^'-Ci.ox' 5! 00 'x O ViZ'" a -^ i>"H a s 2 = o 5 ^ ? !< «^ >;; Q> ^g S<; 1? S «3 *v r S "^ -^ ^1 >c .^5 ^ « -^ ^^ C6 ^^ § ^X C> 11 ^ ^ 8 '^ ►» ^ ?•«? a^ ^^ S>^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 42 Cleveland, Ohio. -? "J^ '^ 4J ?^ ^ -*-> aj -*->''> O _. Ui c! .—1 t_i m ^ >* P5 o ^ 1 .3 ^ - * ^ ■£ .ti « d s ^ 1 £ : 5 «■ §■ " ? 1 §|2-^^l'S-3-S §111 |i S §s"li§|g: i^ «|S.|.»^'Sg'SogSs^a^^5ga5^Sg g g |« I !ri§|s:rg.5rig%-|5o liii-s i s §^ -^i f Cleveland Type Foundry, 43 Clez'eland, Ohio ¥.^::'^^^.B'z:^^-.a?~^> §s « § § : ^ ■- 1 - ij -s ° § I € g ^ i § '== :ii:oiii=iiisii si :f 'S i ^ ^^Ji Clmeland Type Foundry, 44 Cleveland, Ohio.^ u K^ '^ »-^-» .i! i; j^ •> T t^ •> ^ ^ n?^ > $ "^ ^ . (D T- L. c^ _r2 fx. .H^ •:: in r:^ ' tr, § s^ o ^. ., J^ -^ ^ i2 ^ ^ -S -5 1;^ b & g O O ^ M rt ^ ;2 ^ i;^ ^ o ^1 CA! D a T3 o o ON (/5 n1 0( ^ CO O § k:i r-l > git^^| .. > 1 ^ S g ^ ^ fNi <^ Clci-eland Type Foundry, 4,") t'leveland, Ohio. 20A, 20a, 100a. ti Point Roman, No. ^. $3.00 now LIKE A PICTURE COMES THE PAST AliAlN With various scenes of pleasure and of pain, as musing in the lonely smoking-car, I sit and speed toward home, from care afar. SwKKT Mkmory ok Chu.dhooi) Days and Homk with Mothkk 18A, 18a, 70a. 8 Point Roman, No. 3. $2.90 BROAD BLACK WASTE OF SPACE WAS BORN The arch of heaven was burst to the day, the sun leapt up and the gods were born, and Chaos the father passed away. We all Drink of the Water of Life's Clear Fountain 1234567890 UA, 14a, 60a. 10 Point Roman, No. 3. $2.95 WHO ARE THE GREATEST AND HOAV IS IT Known? Some wear no laurels that should wear a crown. Some hold positions they ought not to hold, Brass can be Polished to Glitter like Gold. 1234567890 lOA, 10a, 52a. 12 Point Roman, No. 3. $3.25 THE WISDOM OF THE PEOPLE Those who apply themselves too much to little things become incapable of great ones Veey Few People are Qualified to be Old 1234567890 Cleveland Type Foundry, 46 Clez>eland Ohio. 20A, 20a. 100a. (5 Point Old Stylk, No. 4. $3.00 WE APPRECIATE IT AND SYMPATHIZE WITH HIM The melancholy days have come. The saddest of the year, When the high-priced Whiskey Punches Take the place of Lager Beer. Go TO THE Land of Orange Blossoms Where thev never Shcael Snow 1234567890 18A, 18a, 70a. 8 Point Old Stylk, No. 4. $2.90 AND NEITHER THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN ABOVE, Nor the demons down under the sea. Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee The Eldest of the Present, and Newest of the Past 1234567890 14A, 14a. 60a. 10 Point Old Styll, No. 4. $2.95 MY TOUGH LANCE THRUSTETH SURE Permutation ; that is, immediate inference by privative conception. The people gazed with horror Indeed, Plato, thou Reasonest Well 1234567890 lOA, 10a, 52a. 12 Point Old Stylk, No. 4. $3.25 HE IS A PLAIN, HONEST MAN In the parliament of man, the federation of the world To what base uses may we be put. Jimmy Quits his Righteous Acts, but Jumps High. 1234567890 Cleveland Type Foundry, 47 Clei'eland, Ohio. 75A, 30a, ii^Oa. S J'oiNT Postkr Antic^uk. Sln.lK) WOOD ENGRAVINGS. American Society of Wood Engraving. This society represents the highest skill and the most per- fect work in wood engraving that has ever been attained in any- country. No other art has made such progress in modern times, and the wonderful developments in this have been brought about mainly by Americans. They have found and worked out, within the last twenty years, more possibilities in the simple technical processes of drawing on blocks and print- ing from them, than had been discovered by their predecessors in three and a half centuries since Durer.. A number of favor- ing circumstances have conspired to accomplish this interest- ing advance. American publishers and American readers have always had a strong liking for illustrations in their books and periodicals, and it was one of the earliest ambitions of the first publishers of popular books to make their wares attractive by this means. $12,345,678.90 bOA, 2;")A, 27aa. 10 Point Postkk Antiquk. Slo.OO RESTORATION OF VALUABLE BOOKS Best Leather Bindings Become Dilapidated the "making up" process A curious art, in which there are two or three experts in London, retained by the British Museum, although their talents are at the general service, is that of " making up "—a phrase apparently borrow- ed from the theatrical profession. But this art has no connection with the stage, except in so far as it sometimes concerns itself with the old folios of Shakespeare. The art of " making up " consists in supplying missing leaves or pages in rare old vol- umes, either in facsimilie or from other damaged or imperfect copies. A leaf of the first four folios of Shakespeare is worth about $3 and a frontispiece $50. It is difficult to procure them at $1234567890 Cleveland Type Foundry, 4.S Cleveland, Ohic. 48A, 20a, 200a. 12 Point Poster Antiquk. 113.75 TYPE OF CIVILIZATION Clean Cut, Sharp, Legible and Bold The general whose name rings in every ear, and thrills a nation with pride, does not become a hero by lofty conceptions alone, but by the patient acquisition of military details, and incessant, business- like CARE for the food, dress, and health of his men. Ten thousand tedious trifles at- tended to— ten thousand orders given and disappointments borne 1234567890 20A, 10a, 100a. 18 Point Poster Antique $12.50 WHITE BEASS TYPE Our Original Copper Alloy, The composition of the various ingredients and the proper way to effect their unity or affinity, are known only to our experts. By the use of which we secure sharpness of face and toughness unparalleled. 1234567890 Clwt'hittd Type Foutufry, 49 Cievelamf, Ohio, 20A, 10a, 60a. 22 Point Postkii Axtiquk. $12.30 WITHOUT BEING Unkind to the Women Very few of them know how to wash their face, not only so they will be cleans but so that the skin will re- main white, firm and tight, this tightness $123456 lOA, 5A,42a. 28 Point Poster Antiquk. $11.50 HBRR DRUCKER Be it known to those who desire more light, in regard to Printers' material and tools that we make almost every- thing necessary 6789 Clex'iland Type Foundry, 50 Cleveland, Ohio 6A, 4a, 22a. 36 Point Postkr Axtfquk. $12.50 J.B.SMITH, Fish Merchant THE BEST This is not an ad- vertisement, it is a specimen page, yet it is the truth told in plain and bold letter. 1234567890 Cleveland Type Foundry, 51 Cleveland, Ohio. 48A, 20a, 200a, 12 Point Poster Ionic. $13.80 THE COMPOSING STICK The System Mathematical Printing Previous to 1480, when the composing stick was introduced, the method of com- position was by taking the letters direct from the boxes, and placing them side by side in a coffin made of hard wood, with a stout bottom, and kept tight when com- pleted by means of screws at the foot/ The earliest press of which we have any account is a kind of screw, with a contri- vance for bringing the forms under the pressure. This rude instrument contin- $1234567890 24A, 10a, 100a. 18 Point Poster Iomic. $12.00 A NOBLE letter Full of Expression and Grace. Bears a kind of mean propor- tion between the more solid and delicate orders. There is both delicacy and ingenuity dis- played in this type, the inven- tion of which is attributed to one who was skilled in his craft. It has a more agreeable and ele- $ 1234567890 £ Cleveland Type Foundry^ 52 Clevelurtd, Ohio, lOA. 6.\, 60a. 24 Point Postkr Ionic. $12..iO WESTERN TYPE MADE FOR ALL SECTIONS OF THE COUNTRY This attractive series is capable of speaking its own praise, and needs to be merely glanced at to measure its worth. As a type for GOOD DISPLAY it cannot be surpassed, es- pecially if it agrees with the taste of the customer who desires WORK done. It is a general favorite of tasty printers because it is so USEFUL in all work plain or colored. 123456789 Cleveiand Type Foundry, fi^ Cleveland , Ohio. I 60A, 2.")A, 350a. 8 Poixt Postkr Commercial. $11,50 THE FATE OF THE COWARDLY OLD FARMER. The Following Story was Recently Related by Bob Burdette $1234567890 A Farmer down in Pennsylvania went to the well one hot day to DRAW WATER, and when the old oaken bucket rose from the well all dripping with coolness, a large Snake raised his head from its moss covered depths and looked at the man with the air of a snake that was powerfully glad to get up into the sunshine again. The farmer "hollered" and let go all holts. The windlass flew around like a buzz saw. The handle caught the man Two Most Awful Blows before he could dodge, breaking his jaw, knocking out three teeth and making him bite his tongue clear in two. When the hired man descended the well and cap- tured the snake, it was only an eel that not only had no idea of biting^'the farmer, but was rather a good thing to bite itself. So they bit it. Moral: It is a good deal better to stand still and get bit than to run and get slugged. 60A, 2oA, 2.5(3a. 10 Point Poster Commercial. $12.25 HOW HE LOVED HIS YOUNGER BROTHER Remarkable Story of a Brother's Unselfish Love $1234567890 "Mabel," said Henry, and in spite of his effort to con- trol himself his voice was tremulous, and he spoke with the air of timid desperation which marks the elocution of a man about to ask for the loan of $5. " Mabel, I do not kneel at your feet " (and he wasn't, he was sitting bolt up- right on the sofa) " to plead for myself, I come here only to beg you to think of my younger brother, George. He- he loves you dearly, Mabel, and should you refuse his plea, I tremble for the consequences. He wants a Sister- in-law, one who will be a true sister to him. Will you not be one to him?" We go to press too early to give her answer, but we hope it was yes, for George's sake. Cleveland Type Foundry, 54 Cleveland, Ohio. 4.SA,20A,2l)0a. 12 I'oint Postkk Commkucial. $11.25 A REMARKABLE SNAKE STORY How A Mexican Reptile Defied the Lightning $i23456'j89o A family in San Luis Potosi possessed a very fine rattlesnake. They had captured it by means of a forked stick when it was a baby, and had succeeded in domesticating it. In the course of years it grew to be fourteen feet long, and was tame and very playful. It became very much at- tached to its master and would follow him about the house like a dog. During the recent storm in San Luis many houses were struck by lightning. Nobly determined to die for its benefactor it 20A, IOa, 12oa. 18 Point Postkr Commercial. $11.75 CRAWLED ON THE TOP Of the Chimney and Stood on End. $1234567890 The electricity attracted by this Hv- Ing Hghtning rod reduced to ashes the noble reptile and also the house. There is no use in letting the newspapers have a monopoly on these snake stories. I'm something of a liar myself. Cleveland Type Foidnthy, 55 Clei'eland, Ohio. 10A,5A,42a. 28 Point Postkr Commkrcial. $9.75 WELL HEELED The Cooking School Girl Where are you going my pretty fair maid? Im com- ing from cooking school, sir, she said. Loud laughed the rude man, but she shut up his head, for she laid him out cold with a boulder of new bread. The way of the trans- gressor is truly a hard road to travel. $1234567890 Cleveland Type Foundry, 56 Cleveland, Oliio. I 12 Point Oi-d Styi-k Coxdkxskd, No. 4. 25 A, 40a. |2.40. BETTER A UNE OF SENSE Thau a Whole Pajre of Nonsense loA,20a. IH Point Oi,i> Styi.k Coni>knski>, No. 4. 20.\,3«a. $:<.:w. WANT OF MONEY Is the Root of Much Evil 24 Point Old Stylk Condensed, No. 4. S3.60 PENS AND II OUT OF REACH Ten Often Will Avoid a Serious Breach lOA, loa. Point Oi,d Styi.k Condensed, No, 4. ^.50 EGOTISM'S ALPHABET Contains Only One Little Letter 6A, lOa. 40 Point Old Style Condensed, No. 4. $4.05 THE Till) Ai BRAVE Are Equal in tlie Silent Grave A,10a. 48 Point Old Style Condensed, No. 4. $5.60 Heroes of Imniortal Fame Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. 32A, tJ-ta, 8 Point Om) Styi,k Condknskd, Nd. 2. $2.65 HEADQUARTERS LADIES' DRESS REFORM CLUB Members will Hereafter, when Visiting Places of Amusement, Refrain from Wearing Towering Bonnets and Hats, with Soaring Plumage 67 20A, 40a. 10 Point Old Stylk Condkxseo, No, 2. $2.0r> ENFORCED SALE OF LADIES' HEADGEAR Owing to Resolutions Passed by the Ladies' Dress Reform Club, and 43 the Unexpected Demands from our Creditors 57 20A, Sl.lo. 30a, $1.05. 12 Point Old Style Coxdexskd, No. 2. Complete Font, $2.20 WHATEVER YOU DO, MY BOY, DO WELL Begin at the Bottom and Work up to the Top, ever Striving Despair Not 1234567890 Struggle 14A, $1.45. 22a, $1.3.5. 18 Point Old Style Condensed, No. 2. Complete Font, $2.80 TO REACH THE LOFTIEST Pinnacle of Fame and Honorable Wealth $12,345, See 678.90 8A, $1.75. 12a, $1.-50. 24 Point Old Style Condensed, No. 2. Complete Font, $3.25 YES, BUT, FATHER, The Young 3456 Man Answer 6A, $2.25. 8a, $1.80. 36 Point Old Style Condensed, No. 2. Complete Font, $4.05 NOW SUPPOSE Drilling 678 For Well Cleveland Type Foundry, .58 Cleveland, Ohio. 3A, $1.7i). oa, $1.4"). 42 Point Om) Styi-k Coxdknskd, No. 2, Complete Font, $3.15. IN NATURAL Gas Country. See! 23 3A, 6a. 48 Point Old Stylk Condensed, No. 2. $5.75 MOCKING General 28 Sport 8A, 6a. 60 Point Old Style Condensed, No. 2. $7.95 DESIRED Great 68 Rush 3A, 8a. 72 Point Old Style Condensed, No. 2. $9.50 BIG 28 Men Cleveland Type Foundry^ 59 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Poi.vT Fkkxch Old Styi.k. •48A, 2«A,96n. |3.85 SUSPENSE AND SILENCE Forlorn Little Maidens Cease Your Singinjj What Noisy Crowds Are There Unheeded 234.687 Departure 10 PoixT Frkxch Old Styi.k. ■»0A, 16a, 60a. |3.95 CAN YOU WISH Desolately to Lunch on Bears While Friends Hunger Cheer 486 Croak 8 Point Frkxch Old Stylk. 40A, -JOa. 80ik. 14.40 ROAMING AROUND Barefooted Children Picking Tacks AND BITTERLY CRYING RATS Vigilant S67 Officials 12 Point Frkxch OldStylk. 30A, 16a, 60a. $4.fK) SLEEPING SOUND Whilst Learned Burglars Burgle Gheffgnier Come 123 Back ISA, 3Ca. 16 PoixT Frkxch Old Stylk, $5.00 NEW FADS IN CRAVATS The Rather Stuffily Fastened Darlings Ghokers 458 Hangers 14A, 20a. 18 PoixT Frkxch Old Stylk. S4.30 WATER RATES Diamond Dealers and Rascality Novelties 758 Realized lOA, 20a. 24 Point Fkkxch Old Stylk. $5.75 SEEK FOR GOLD Grab Bonds and Stocks Run 3S4 Hop. Cleveland Type Foundry^ Cleveland, Ohio. 6A,12a. 3U Point Fkknch Om) Styi.k. $5.75 FIRE HIGH Lovliest 854 Burning 5A, 10a. :i!) Point Frknch Old Styi.k. $6.50 RAlt RIDE Gruff 364 Dudes u 48 Point Frknch Omj Stylk. SS.OO Race 13 TIPS 3A, 6a. 60 Point French Old Style. $10.50 BID not 48 3A,4a. 72 Point French Old Style. $14.00 FIE Hit 3 Cleveland Type Foundry, 61 Cle7>dand, Ohio. 12A, $1.70. 20a, $1.50. 18 Point Old Style, No. 2. Complete Font, $3.20 THE STARRY NINE There are for all Three Cardinal Virtues Then Reach the Golden Shore 1234567890 lOA, $1.70. 18a, $1.65. 24 Point Old Style, Xo. 2. • Complete Font, $3.:i5 TRUE AND RASH Silent Quilp Wonders why Goats Emigrated from far Angora 12345^7890 7A, $2.15. lOa, $1.75. 30 Point Old Style, Xo. 2. Complete Font. $3.90 TRUMPETS Loudly Sound a Charge Pleasant Company 1234567890 Cleveland Type Foundry, 62 Cleveland, Ohio, 6A, S2.85. 8a, $2.20. .% Point Ou> Style, No. 2. Complete Font, $5.05 MASTERS The Queer Institute Crystal Slipper 1234567890 4A, $3.70. 6a, #3.15. 48 Point Old Style, Xo. 2. Complete Font, S6.85 NOTES Rightful Tried 34 Song 89 Cln>eland Type Foundry, ^ CUveland, Ohio. lOA, 2(Ja. 18 Point Vaxtos Oko 8tyi,k. $3.65 REVENUE CUTTER Hunting for Seal in Alaskan 324 Territory 579 8A, 16a. 24 Point Canton Oi.d Styi.k. 14.90 BITTER TALK Nine Female Lawyers , $1234567890 6A, 12a. 30 Point Canton Old Styi.k. #o.15 RUDIMENTS Fund of Rhymes 27 5A, 10a. 8(5 Point Canton Oi.d Styi.k. S6.70 MINERAL 86 Bank Loans Cleveland Typc Foundry, 04 Cleveland, Ohio, 4A, 8a. 4K Point Caxton Old Stylk. 19.10 STRING Met Fate 27 3A, 6a. m Point Caxton Old Stylk. $10.60 BRISK Hat 26 Pin 3A, oa. 72 Point Caxton Old Stylk. $15.50 REad 68 Cln'elomi Tyf>e Foiimiry, 65 Cleveland, Ohio. 20A, «).90. 30a, 80.,S.5. 8 Point Commkrciaf,. Complete Font, $1.75 WHEN BEDTIME COMES, AND CURTAINS FALL, AND Round I go the Doors to Lock, before lamps go out my wife doth call, "Remember, my dear, to wind the clock." $1234567890 16A, $0.90. 24a, 80.90. 10 Point Commercial. Complete Font. $1.80 WHEN BOOTS ARE OFF, AND FOR The day all Irksome cares are put away, I hear wife's voice from dreamland say, 1234567890 12A, $0.90. 20a, $0.90. 12 Point Commkrcial. Complete Font, $1.80 "BE SURE YOU PUT THE KITTEN Out. " When stretched between the sheets I lie i23456'j89o 10A,$1.25. 16a, $1.25. 18 Point Commercial. Complete Font, $2.50 AND HEAVY LIDS HAVE Ceased to wink, from Trundle-bed there $1234567890 6A, $1.6,5. 12a, S2.00. 28 Point Commercial. Complete Font, S3.65 COMES THIS CRY Pa, I want a water dwink. $1234567890 a Cleveland Type Foundry, 66 Cleveland, Ohio. 24A, Sl.OO. 36a. $1.00. 6 Point Old Styi.k Axtiquk. Complete Fout, S2.00 A HARTFORD, CONNETICUT, MAN SENT HIS BOY INTO The Country Equipped with a Woodchuck Trap, Fishing Tackle, Gun and Other Appliances for Enjoying his Vacation of a few weeks, 123456780 20A, $1.00. 32a, «0.90. 8 Point Old Style Antique. Complete Font, $1.90 AND TOLD HIM TO HAVE A GOOD TIME AND Enjoy Himself, but to be sure and attend Church on Sunday. The boy Promised to Observe the Instructions of the $1234567890 18A, $1.15. 24a, $1.00. 10 Point Old Style Antique. Complete Font, $2.15 FATHER AND STARTED OFF ^VITH Light Heart, Thinking of the Weeks of Solid Sport he Was going to have during his long $1234567890 14A, S1.15. 22a, $1.00. 12 Point Old Style Antique. Complete Font, $2.15 VACATION. THE FIRST LETTER Received from the boy said : Dear Papa, I have Caught a Woodchuck. It was a $1234567890 14A, $2.15. 20a, $1.95. 18 Point Old Style Antique. Complete Font, $4.10 SKUNK. DID NOT GO To Church. Yours Affectionately, "What is in a Name 1234567890 Cleveland Type Foundry, 67 Cln>eland, Ohio. lOA, 20a. 18 Point Old Style Italic, No. 3. $3.10 ARTISTIC PAINTING Astonishing Architectnral Momiments Remarkable 2 ^ Performers 8A, 16a. 22 Point Old Stylk Italic, No. 3. $3.80 DANGER SIGNAL Commonplace J4 Conversation National Exhibition 8A, 16a. 24 Point Old Stylk Italic, No. 3. $4.25 EVE}^ KITES 4 Ratish Justice Courts 6 oA, 10a. 32 Point Old Style Italic, No. 3. $.5.00 73 ROUTE short 3A, 6a. 44 Point Old Style Italic, No. 3. $6.00 FINE Guns 68 Cleveland Type Foundi-y^ 68 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Ronaldson Titlk Siah'K. 30A, 60a. 83.00 DYNAMO & I^niSON Contrivers of Mlectrical Supplies Adapted to Various Purposes 1334567890 10 Point Ronaldson Titlk Slopk. 22 A, 4fMi. $3.35 I^ONG'WINDBD Fleeting Roman Horses Chariot Races 8 Point Ronaldson Titlb Slope. 25A, 50a. $3.15 I,AWS AND CRIMn Modern Torture Appliances Suitable for Offenders 1^34567890 12 Point Ronaldson Title Slope. 20 A, 40a. $3.55 ELECTRIC Burglar Alarm Hinge Thieves Caught 12 A. 22a. 18 Point Ronaldson Title Sixjpe. $4.15 BUCKING BRONCHO Hazardous Western Amusement SA, 14a. 24 Point Ronaldson Title Slope. $4.50 t:bxan shbbp Electric Cowboy Lassos 6A, 10a. 30 Point Ronaldson Title Slope. $5.25 BB WAILING Constant Grumbler 5A, 8a. .sr> Point Ronaldson Title Slope. $6.00 APRIL Showers Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. 21A, 48a. 6 Point Bold Fack Italic. $2.25 -SIAKJe CUBE FOR WEAK, rAINEVL KIDXEYS Sack Ache, Side Ache, Shooting Pnitis Rheutuatis^n, Coughs, Colda l'J3436 24A, 48a. 7 Point Bold Face Italic. $2.55 SUBERB SHOWING AND VERY SPECIAL SALE New Spring Kid Gloves, Every Proper Novelty, Every Genteel 56 24A, 48a. 8 Point Bold Face Italic. $3.00 IMPROVED HOLLERS FOR PRINTERS Superior in Quality to Those Made by the Old Method 36 18A, 36a. 10 Point Bold Face Italic. $2.90 JSON-PABTISAN GOVERNMENT S4 In Resj^onse to an Tiivitatiou of the JPressnien 12A, 24a. 12 Point Bold Face Italic. $2.65 LIGHT PBINTED SILKS Crystals, Plain and Fancy Wares 168 12A, 24a. 18 Point Bold Face Italic. $3.90 LAKE FRONT AGAIN 54 Great Aid to Cleanliness is Soap lOA, 20a. 22 Point Bold Face Italic. $4.55 STOVE DISPLAY Give Entire Satis/action 65 6A, 12a. 28 Point Bold Face Italic. $4.-55 NEW LOANS 24 Building Purposes Cleveland Type Foundry, 70 Clez>eland, Ohio. 6 Point Titi-k, No. 4. 24A, 11.10. -ISa, Jl.iO. Complfte Tout, $2.30 THE OTHER DAY Teach Scholars the Evils and Folly S1S,345 Shone Faster «78.90 7 Point Titi.k, No. 4. HOA, «()a. $3.00 LADIES OF FADVIL.L.K Have Open a Grand Kmporium 23 Ostrich Plumes 45 20A,«U5, 36a, $l.•^>. 8 Point Title, No. 4. Complete Font, »2.40 HIBERNIAN, FRESH FROM THE EMERAL.D Isle, who was Listening witli Much Attention, said that $1 234567 890£ 18A, $1.20. 32a, $1.30. 10 Point Title, No. 4. Complete Font, $2.50 RIGHT BUT WAS PERPLEXED Continued Remark 335,567 But the Witty Boy 14A, $l.a5. 26a, $1.65. 12 Point Title. No. 4. Complete Font, $3.00 EMBARRASSMENT, WE Don't Have to $123,45 Neither Should 24A, 48a. 5}^ Point Full Face, No. 3. $2.75 I5f FIVE Hl'^URKD YKAR», SAYS A CRAZY WRITFR THE 12345 Inooni]>reheii<«il>le Future DIscuKSioni^ 24A, 48a. 6 Point Full Face, No. 3. $2.55 COUXTY^ »rPKRIXTKXI>EXTS, «OARI> OF PUBL.1C WORKS Are Earnestly an !SK3rTi:fiE3iTAi. ^VARBr^KRi^ FR03I esii*able Coiiibiiiatioiis ll<2345 18A, »)a. 10 Point Full Face, No. 3. $2.75 THE LANDLORDS LOVE UUiU REIVTIS, LOW Taxes, llodel Tenants, Improvements 78 12A, ila. 12 Point Fill Face, No. 3. $2.60 CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO CI.iqUE And Break in Political 345 Clei'elami Type Foitmiry, 71 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Two-Link Condknskd, No. 5. 36A. S1.55 EDITORIAL CONVENTION MEETING OF EMINENT WRITERS 189 10 Point Tmo-Line Condknskd, No. 5. 24A. S1.30 ANCIENT HISTORY WONDERFUL RECORD 17 12 Point Two-Link Condknskd, No. ">. 24A. $2.20 BEAUTIFUL PICTURE FRAME 7 18 Point Tavo-Line Condensed, No. 5 8 Point Two-Lixk Condensed, No. 5. 24A. «1.4C WESTERN PRAIRIES IMMENSE STOCK RANCHES, 8 11 Point Two-Link Condensed, No. 5. 24 A. $1.85 EDUCATIONAL PUBLIC LIBRARIES 14 16 Point Two-Line Condknskd, No. 5. 18 A. $2.00 COLUMBIAN INDEPENDENCE 8 16A $2.00 FARMERS' POULTRY JOURNAL 25 12A. 20 Point Two-Line Condknskd, No. 5. $2.25 MAICHESTER BUDGET 84 22A. 10 Point Two-Line, No. 10. $1.50 UNSOUNDED BY $23 16A. 11 Point Two-Line, No. Id. $1.36 23 BUILDING AIR 16A. 12 Point Two-Line, No. Id. $1^ $123 LITTLE LUXURY OF LIFE 12A. 16 Point Two-Line, No. 10. $1.50 WHERE SHADOWS ARE 278 12A. 18 Point Two-Link, No. 10. $1.90 PEACH-LIKE BLOSSOM 56 8A. 24 Point Tw^o-Line, No. 10. $2.10 HUMAN SLAVES 34 Cleveland Type Foundry, 72 Clet'eland, Ohio. 36A. 6 Point Halk Titlk. $1.75 THE RICH SHOULD LOVE THE POOR, AND THE POOR SHOULD |il334567890 26A. H Point Halk Titlk. $1.60 DON'T FEAR THE GHOST OF A PAIR OF TROWSERS £1234567890 24A. 10 Point Half Title. $1.70 THE L A:NrD OF THE FREE A:N^D THE HOME 1234567890 16A. V2 Point Half Title. $1.70 IS A REALM WITHOUT A KING 123456789 18A,$l.a5. 32a, $1.20. 6 Point Light Face Extended. Complete Font, $2.25 WHAT A GLORIOUS WORLD THIS WOULD Be if all the Inhabitants Could say, ^vith W^iti. £1334567890 18A,$l.a5. 30a, 11.:^). 8 Point Light Face Extended. Complete Font, $2.«5 I CAN EARN THAT I EAT, GET 567 That I Weai-; I owe no Man Hate; 890 16A, $1.60. 26a, Sl.;i^. 10 Point Light Face Extended. Connlete Font, $2.95 OTHER IVIEN'S aOOD, 123 Content witli my EEarm. Bnt 456 lOA, $1.40. 18a, *1.4(». 12 Point Light Face Extended. Complete Font, $2.80 THEIR LOT, IN^EVER 345 Sighing for that they 678 7A,$2.15. 14a, $2.00. 18 Point Light Face Extendei.. Complete Font. $4.1.=> HA.PP Y F^eace S34 Cln'eland Ty/>c Foumhy, 73 Clevelnttt/, Ohio. 30A, $0.90. 60a, $1.00. o Point Ai.dink, (ox 6 Point Body.) Complete Fout,$1.90 AXMAL MKETIXi OK THE JOLLY XEW YORKEItS, SEND J-OK ACtEI'TED MENU Standard Klark and Colored Println); Inkit, Warranteil to g:ivp SalUfnrlion, »t Manufacturer's Price*. $240^2 •1884667890 30A, $1.10. 60a, $1.40. 6 Point Aldine. Complete Font, $2.50 DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUM OF THE GHOSTLY SETTLEMENTS Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. A Standard Edition. £1234667890 30A, $1.25. 60a, $1.65. 8 Point Aldine. Complete Font, $2.90 DECLARATIOIS OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Rules and Regulations of the United States Army, Washington, D. C. $1234567890 18A, $1.15. 40a, $1.^5. 10 Point Aldine. Complete Font, $2.50 THE GENERAL DESTRUCTION THEORY Important Railroad Connections with Western Countries. 1234567890 ISA, $1.40. 30a, $1.20. 12 Point Aldine. Complete Font, $2.60 ATLANTIC MUTUAL COMPANIES Southern Commission and Produce Merchants 12A, $1.85. 21a, S1.75. 18 Point Aldine. Complete Font, $3.60 LITE STOCK MARKET Cimon was the Richest Man in Athens 12A, $2.15. 24a, $2.a5. 22 Point Aldine. Complete Font, $4.20 THE DAYTON MAIL Roman and Grecian Architects Cleveland Type Foundry, 74 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Coxdkxsed, No, 4. 24A,48a. $2.05 THE JOURNALS OF AMERICA Immortal Fame the Reward of True 123 Noble Greatness 456 10 Point Condknskd, No. 4. 18A,$1.00. 36a, fl.l5. Complete Font, fi.la A LONG SKETCH IN Our Exchanges is Entitled $1284567890 8 Point Coxdkxskd, No. 4. 24.V, 48a. $2.55 FRIENDS OF OUR YOUTH Joyous. Happy Times, Transient Departed Pleasures 78 12 PoixT Condensed, No. 4. UA,$1.00. 22a, tO.95. Complete Font, $1.95 BETRAYED BY A Hair. This Often is the $1234567890 VIA, $1.40. 18a, S1.30. 18 Point Condensed, No. 4. Complete Font, $2.70 CASE, UNLESS THE HAIR Of the Girl he had out Buggy-riding 28 8A, Sl.ft5. 14a, S2.10. 28 Point Condensed, No. 4. Complete Font, $4.05 SAME IS Worn by His Wife 13 7A, $2.60. 10a,$2.4o. Point Condensed, No. 4. Complete Font, $5.05 CARE Examine Coat 67 4A,$2.75. 8a,$3.a5. 48 Point Condensed, No. 4. Complete Font, $5.80 GOIIGt $23 Home 3A.6a. 60 Point Condensed, No. 4. $8.35 GOLD Sale 54 Clevelanil 'lype Foundry, 75 CliTelnnii, Ohio. 8 Point ExTKA Coxdkxskd, No. H. 40A,f2.0O. 50ii, $1.50. Corapli'te Font, $3.50 THE GARDEN WAS LOADED WITH SWEET Scented Flowers, the Pretty MagnoHa (ireff Close by 11234507890 12 Point Extra Condensed, No. 6. 16A, $1.25. 24a, $1.15. Complete Font, $2.40 WE ARE GROWING OLD FAST Horatio, my boy. Time is Winging us on $1234567890 22 Point Extra Condensed, No. 6. lOA, $1.45. 16a, $1.55. Complete Font, $3.00 SCARCELY RECOVERED From the Effects of our Fourth 171 10 Point Extra Condknskd, No. 0. 30A,$1.80. 40a. $1.30. Complete Font, $3. Kt OIRIHIOK; SWEETLY THE MOCKINO Bird Sang in the Twiligjit, Taiie Me Hack Home $12:]456I890 18 Point Extra Condensed, No. 6. 14A, $1.50. 26a, $1.75. Complete Font, $3.25 TO OUR ETERNAL HOME At a Tremendous Rate. We lave $1234567890 24 Point Extra Condensed, No. 6. 8A, $1.70. 12a, $1.50. Complete Font, $3.20 OF JULY SPORT 6A, $'z.lo. 10a, $2.20. 36 Point Extra Condensed, No. 6. Complete Font, $4.35 CONTRACT FOR 01 ioal New Year Headatle. My 135 6A, $2.45. 8a, $2.2.i. 42 Point Extra Condensed, No. 6. Complete Font, $4.70 K«y,ThisW»istoiiiii78 4A, $2.80. 8a, $2.85. 48 Point Extra Condensed, No. 6. Complete Font, $5.65 Ml F'D Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland , Ohio. 10 Point Skklktox Axtiquk, No. 2. $1.15. 60a, $l.».i. roraplote Font, $2.50 AN EVENNESS OF TEMPER 12 Point Skklkton Antiquk, No. 2. 20A,$1.00. 4()a, $l.l.>. Coiniik-te Font, $2.16 HIRAM, SON OF ABIFF CantiOB keeps one out of Many TronOles Worker Of TyPB Who IieTOr Tirei 18 Point Skklkton Antiquk, No. 2. ISA, $1.35. 30a, $1.40. Complete Font, $2.75 SEE THE TRAMP 24 Point Skklkton Antiquk, No. 2. 15A,fl.»>o. 30a, $2.10. CoinpU'te Font, $3.75 TEARFDL BlllliO Wilts Us Eye ail Mes East GlGErOf Wgs GHaW 12A,S2.0.^. 24a.:*2.70. .» Point Skkleton Antiquk, No. 2. Complete Font, $4.7-5 PEOSOPHY Pile ImiiroTenient 23 u 8A. $2.80. 16a, $3.20. 42 Point Skeleton Antique, No. 2. Complete Font, $6.0 6A, $;^.10. 12a, $Uo. 48 Point Skeleton Antique, No. 2. Complete Font, $6.25 Mni KIIEW Bill 4 A, 8a. I 3 A, 4a. Point Skeleton Antique, PP uumi p uu ny $7.15 yi uuD '2 Point Skeleton Antique, $7.80 m Pathwav 94 Cleveland Type Foundry, Ti Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Axtiquk Coxdkxskd, No. 2. 24A,fl.05. 48a $1.00. Compli'tc Font, $2.05 THE ANCIENTS BELIEVED That the Whole Earth was Square, but tip $123456780 10 Point Antique Condensed, No. 2. 18.\,$0.95. 27a, $0.80. Complete Font, $1.75 THEY EXPRESSED In Regard to the Inhabitants S1234567890 18 Point Antique Condensed, No. 2. 14.A,$1.35. 2Za, $1.3.i. Complete Font, $2.70 VICE STINGS 5 In our Pleasures 6 8 Point Antique Condensed, No 2. 24.\, $1.10. 48a, $1.15. Complete Font, $2.25 TO THE TIME OP GOING To Press we have not Heard that $1234567890 12 Point Antique Condensed, No. 2. 16.\,$1.20. 24a, $1.10. Complete Font, $2.»0 THE SQUARNESS 2 Of the Questionable 3 24 Point Antique Condensed, No. 2. 8A, $1.85. 14a, $1.90. Complete Font, $3.75 9CorraptUSE 6A, $2.45. 12a, S2.90. 36 Point Antique Condensed, No. 2. Complete Font, $5.35 ROLLING Increase 8 4A, 8a. 44 Point Antique Condensed, No. 2. $5.05 MERRY (Hdren 25 3A, 6a. 48 Point Antique Condensed, No. 2. $5.75 84 Endure FADS 3A, 5a. 60 Point Antique Condensed, No. 2. $7.35 FINE Robe 23 ClcTeland Type Foundry, Cleveland , Ohio o Point Axtiquk, No. 4. 24A,fl.l5. 48a, $1.45. Complete Font, f2.60 LAUGH AND THE WORLD Laughs With You Weep and You Weep Alone Be Glad Your Friends $12346 Are Many Be Sad 687901 S Point AxTiqrK, Xo. 5. ■M.\. 4Sa. $2.80 COMING REWARD The Happy Fanners Viewing 45 their Crops 67 12 Point Antique, No. 4. 14 A, $1.45. L>-2a,$1.25. Complete Font, $2.70 DEATH BLOW Dr. Jones, of Soan, 1234567890 6 Point Antique, No. 5. 24 A, 48a. $2.30 EDITORS, LABORERS The Growth of Moral Ideas is Due 67 Economic Measures 35 10 Point Antique, No. 4. 16A, $1.05. 22a, $0.85. Complete Font, $1.90 PROHIBITION IN Dakota has Received its 1234567890 18 Point Antique, No. 4. IDA, $1.60. 16a, $1.60. Complete Font, $3.20 WHISKY Useless 4 Cure 6 A, $1.65. l('a,$1.7o. 24 Point Antique, No. 4. Complete Font, $3.40 OF SNAKES as Men 46 6A, $2.90. 10a, $2.80. 28 Point Antique, No. 4. Complete Font, $5.70 KNOW^ Biters 5 5A,$3.75. 8a, $3.30. 36 Point Antique, No. 4. Complete Font, $7.05 $1 GOT ^Willie 4 A; $5.40. 6a, $4.35. 48 Point A.ntique, No. 4. Complete Font, $9.75 LO Aded $1 Cleveland Type Foundry, 79 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Antiquk. No. 3. i >s 1'oixt Axtiquk, No. 3. 25A,$1.25. 52a, $1.35. Complete Font, 1^.60 25.\,|1.50. 42a. f 1.75. Complete Font. |S.?6 HIRAM KING OF TYRE | FIRST EXPEDITION The Education of an Athenian Citizen $123467890 10 Point Antique, No. 3. 25.\,$1.65. 42a,J1.55. Complete Font, $3.; SAMPLE ROOMS Of Solomon's bilge soked punt $1234567890 12 Point Antiquk, No. 3, l.\,$1.65. 32u. $1.80. CompleU; Font. $3.45 ALCIBIADES Dealer in rare antiquities tj^^ ^gg^ Wealthy £12345678 18 Point Antique, No. 3. 12.\.$l.-5. 20a, $1.80. Complete Font, $3. ,55 GOOD WINE 22 Point Antique, No. 3. 10.V,$2.00. 18a. $2.10. Complete Font, $4.10 ENOUGH 21 Roadster 98 Lake View 3 8A,$2.70. 12a, $2.2x 28 Point Antique, No. 3. Complete Font, $4.95 5 STUMP'S Dilemma 6A, $3.05. 10a, S;3.00. 36 Point Antique, No. 3. Complete Font, $6.05 GENTS Cigars 8 4A, 8a. 44 Point Antique, No. 3. $7.50 46 OLD Shirt 3A, 6a. 48 Point Antique, No. 3. $8.40 C Asters 38 Cleveland Type Foundry, 80 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Axtiquk Extkxdei), No. 2. 16.\,$1.20. 24a. fl.lo. Compli'tc Font, |2.85 THXJN-DER, R,03LirjS A.nci Infemetl Hinges ISS-^SST-SSO 8 Point Antique Extkndkd, No. 2. UA.$1.35. 2211. $1. 30. ('om|)lftf Font, |2.65 FunTH B^LL ISSl 10A,$1.2o. 16a, S1.30. 10 Point Antiquk Extkndkd, No. 2. Complete Font, S2.55 LESS LEVIT^X- ISS Be Ttiou. Oenero-u-s ^©T 8A, $1.40. 10a, Sl.lo. 12 Point Antiquk Extkndkd, No. 2. Complete Font, $2.55 IDOXJBTFXJnL. IS TDtl© Seinae O-eirtie TS 7A, S1.80. 10a, $1.&5. 18 Point Antiquk Extkndkd, No. 2. Complete Font, $3.45 8 n^oorttide of Life 3 4A, $1.90. 7a, $1.60. 22 Point Antique Extkndkd, No. 2. Complete Font, $3.50 3A,$2..50. 5a, $2.40. 28 Point Antiquk Extkndkd, No. 2. Complete Font, $4.90 3A, 6a. 36 Point Antiquk Extkndkd. $9.25 Fences 1 Cleveland Type Foundry, 81 " Cleveland, Ohio. 45A. 6 Point No. 1 Lining Antiquk. $1.10 BE TRUB TO YOURSBLS" AT THE START. YOUNO MAN. BE TRUE TO YOURSELF AND OOD : ERE YOU BUILD YOUR HOUSE MARK WELL THE SPOT. TEST WELL THE GROUND. AND BUILD YOU NOT ON THE SAND OR THE SHAKING SOD 1234587890 45A. 6 Point No. 2 Lining Antiquk. S1.15 DIG THE FOUNDATION DEEP. YOUNG MAN. PLANT FIRMLY THE OUTER WALL ; LET THE PROPS BE STRONG. AND THE ROOF BE HIGH, LIKE AN OPEN TURRET TOWARD THE SKY. THROUGH WHICH THE HEAVENLY DEWS MAY FALL. 1234567890 45A. 6 Point No. 8 Lining Antiquk. $IM LET THIS BE THE ROOM OF THE SOUL, WHEN SHADOWS SHALL HERALD CARE, A CHAMBER WITH NEVER A ROOF TO HINDER THE LIGHT, OR DOOR OR LATCH TO SHUT IN THE SPIRITS PRAYER. 1234567890 45A. 6 Point No. 4 Lining Antique. ' $1.60 BUILD SLOW AND SURE; 'TIS FOR LIFE, YOUNG MAN, A LIFE THAT OUTLIVES THE BREATH; FOR WHO SHALL GAINSAY THE HOLY WORD? "THEIR WORKS DO FOLLOW THEM." 1234567890 45A. 6 Point No. 5 Lining Antiquk. $L90 BUILD HIGH, AND DEEP, AND BROAD. YOUNG MAN, AS THE NEEDFUL CASE DEMANDS ; LET YOUR TITLE DEEDS BE BRIGHT AS YOU ENTER THE REALMS OP LIGHT. 123456 7 890 36A. 8 Point Lining Antiquk. #2.00 THE YEAR HAS GONE, AND WITH IT MANY A THRONG OF JOYOUS, HAPPY DREAMS ITS SHADOW IN EACH HEART 1234567890 30A. 10 Point Linim; Antk^uk. $2.00 WHEN THOUGHTS OF THE LAST BITTER HOUR GOME LIKE A BLIGHT TO THY SPIRIT, AND SAD IMAGES 1234567890 Cleveland Type Foundry, ,S2 Clcreland, Ohio. 2i')A. I'-i l*t>iN-| LiMNc ANTK^rK. 82.25 ON YONDER WILD CLIFF OVERTAKEN BY SUDDEN STORM 1234567890 14A. 18 Point Limnm; Antiquk. 82.55 LILAO BUSHES FRAGRANT FLOWERS 1234567890 10 \. 24 Point Lining AxTiQUK. $3.20 GEOGRAPHY FOURTH LESSON 1234567890 8A. 30 Point Lining Antique. $3.80 SPRING TIME , 12345790 6A. 36 Point Lining Antiquk. $4.50 •ROSE BUDS 1236780 Clereland Type Foundry, ,S;{ Cleveland, Ohio. 5 Point Ionic, No. 2— (on 6 Point Body.) | »> Point Ionic, No. 2. 24A, $1.35. 48a, $1.50. Coinpk-te Font. $2.85 j 24 A, $1.40. 48a. $1.45. Coniplfto Font, $2.85 SUNSHINE AND SHOWER SEVERE WINTERS Bouerht. the Madison Square Combination \ Silence Reig-ned over the Deep Sea $1234567890 1234567890 8 Point Ionic, No. 2. 24A, $1.50. 48a, $1.60. Complete Font, $3.10 DESIGNING ON WOOD 10 Point Ionic, No. 2. ISA, $1.30. 36a, $1.45. Complete Font, $2.75 NINE DUCATS 321 Celebration on the York 954 Geographic, Statistic 482 12 Point Ionic, No. 2. 16A, $1.23. 32a, $1.65. Complete Fout, $2.90 ATTIC LINES 18 Point Ionic, No. 2. lOA, $1.90. 20a. $2.10. Complete Font, $4.00 LINDEN 38 Siege of Troy 21 i 1 Slck Soldler 7 lOA, $2.50. 20a, $2.75. 22 Point Ionic, No. 2. Complete Font, $.5.25 PUBLIC MENU 24 European Fashion 58 6A, $2..50. 12a, $3.00. 28 Point Ionic, No. 2. Complete Font, $5.50 HOT HOUSE Government Oflftce 2 4A, $3.05. 8a, $2.90. ;36 Point Ionic, No. 2. Complete Font, $5.95 GRIMSON Seek Pleasure 10 Clei'dand Type Foundry, 84 Cleveland, Ohio. 10 Point Cr.ARKXDox Coxdkxsko. 12 Point Ci.akkndon Condknskd. 18A, fO.95. 26a, $0.90. CoinplfU- Font. $1.85 UA, $1.0.'>. •.'aa,$1.00. Complete Font. $2.05 SKYE TERRIER COUNCIL HALL John Hastened to Assist Them $1234567890 Double Backaction Saw 1234567890 18 Point Clakkxdon Condensed. ! 22 Point Clarendon Condensed. UA, $1.50. 20a. $1.40. Complete Font, $2.90 j 8A, $1.20. 14a, $1.45. Complete Font, $2.65 AGAMEMNON i CLEARCUS To Lie Ungracefully History Repeats 1234567890 | 34567890 7A, $1.90. 10a, $1.75. 28 Point Clarendon Condkxski). Complete Font. S-S.65 COMMON CARRIER 54 The Bell Rings at Noon 72 6A, S2.3o. 10a, S2.60. 86 Point Clarendon Condensed. Complete Font, S4.95 23 COOLING Breezes 71 6A, S3.20. 8a, $2.75. 42 Point Clarenlon Condensed. Complete Font, $5.95 13 IDLE Fancies 91 5A, $;185. 8a, $;i3.). 48 Point Clarendon Condensed. Complete Font, $7.20 NEW Tear 1885 Cleveland Type Foundry, 85 Cleveland, Ohto. 26A,$l.a=>. 40a, $1.20. 6 Point Doric. Complete Font, $2.55 USE CONVENIENT SELF INFLUENCE. Lame Robert hung his harp on a thorn tree stub for shame. $1.25 $1234567890 22A, $1.65. 30a. $1.;^). 8 Point Doric. Complete Font, S2.95 POLITICIANS' CAMPAIGNS. Very little and old like Mother Mills Pigs. $12 1234567890 18A, $1.90. 20a, $1.25. 12 Point Doric. Complete Font, $3.15 YOUTH AND BEAUTY Victory and Honor to the Right $9 123456789 10A,$1.90. 12a, $1.40. IS Point Doric. Complete Font, $3.30 FORMER DAYS We Gathered Pretty Roses 123456:^89 8A, $2.10. 10a, $1.70. 22 Point Doric. Complete Font, $3.80 THE SUNSET Was Hidden by Clouds 13345678 lOA, $1.60. 16a, $1.60. 10 Point Clarkndon Extendkd. Complete Font, $3.20 8A, $1.80. 12a, $1.70. 12 Point Clarendon Extendkd. Complete Font, $3.50 TJsefu.1 wrol3 ILiettex* Cleveland Type Foundry, 86 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Frknch Ci.aukndox. S6A,fl.05. 70a, fl.l5. CoiiipKU' Koiil, f2.20 A SMILE, A QLAITCE, AND LOVE Ead totmd their hearts together. 'TttUI last forever 10 Point French Clarendon. 25A,$1.25. 52ii,$l.:>o. Complete Font, $2.80 8 Point French Clarendon. 25A, 11.10. 52a, I1..S5. Complou- Font, $2.45 A CHILLING BLAST FEOM The old man at last, parted us forever 12 Point French Clarendon. 25A, $2.10. .S2a, $1.55. Complete Font, $3.65 CAUSES OF WARS PICNIC PICKLES When I Look it Makes Me Smile j Pickled tO Puckei PiffS 16A, $1.6.5. 27a, $1.70. 18 Point French Clarendon. Complete Font, $3.35 SWEET SPRING VIOLETS Desert: Suet Pudding with Port Wine Sauce lOA, $2.00. 20a, $2.15. 24 Point French Clarendon. Complete Font, $4.15 MAN'S STRENGTH Down ly tlie old Meadow Brooks lOA, $2.60. 16a, $2..t(). :^) Point French Clarendon. Complete Font, $5.10 Seventh WIERED Grnomes lOA, $4.70. 14a, $4.15. 36 Point French Clarendon. Complete Font, $8.85 Many MEN Merry 7A, $4.95. 10a, $4.00. 48 Point French Clarendon. Complete Font, $8.95 Tear IDLE Tear Cleveland Type Foundry, 87 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point French Clarendon Extended. 18A,$1.25. 36a, $1.50. Coiuplote Font, $2.' 8 Point French Clarendon Extended. 18A,fl.80. 36a, $1.8.5. Complcto Font, $3.65 -^tter».pt to o-a.tr-u.3a. tiie ^'lood. [ Birc5Ls I^l3r ST'7-iftl3r IB3r 16A, $1.85. 32a, $2.10. 10 Point French Clarendon Extended. Complete Font, $3.95 rriOL^-y l^^xTlly trip O'er tlie 01i£fs- 13 lOA, $2.00. 20a, $2.2;>. 12 Point French Clarendon Extended, Complete Font, $4.25 HO I 3iv£0:tTSTE3I3 8A, $2.25. 16a, $2.75. 18 Point French Clarendon Extended. Complete Font, $5.00 6A, $2.70, 12a, $2.95. 22 Point French Clarendon Extended. Complete Font, $5.65 B^^O-^ID 9 -^ 4A, $2.90. 8a, $2.80. 28 Point French Clarendon Extended. Complete Font, rx70 Clevela)id Type Foundry, 88 Cleveland, 0/u'&. 25A, .'i5a. •) PorN T Lixixu (jOTHIc Extkndko. S;J.(M» rVI\^ \A/IIMGED BOAT, A BIRD AP-LOAT, Sails F^OL-inci the B I lj e EtHereal F'eail Point (iothu; Wide No. 1. $2.45 -^\ PROGRAM ie GRAND 2e OPERA lOA, 2f) Point Gothic Widk No. 1. $3.80 5i< BLOSSOM t SPRING TIME T5 6A, 24 Point Gothic Widk No. 1. $3.85 REBOUND SPECIMEN t 3 5A, 30 Point Gothig Wide No. 1. $t.oo FARMER Sj{< HOUSES 5A, 36 Point Gothic AVide No. 1. S6.;« DINES MONEV e Cleveland Type Foundry, 91 Clex'eland, Ohio. 6 Point No. 1 LixixG Light Fack Gothic. 30A. $1.75 COMMANOINQ THC ROAD TO RICHMOND CAN ANYTHINO BE MORI lASY AND YCT TEDIOUS TM»N EATINQ RAT* AND MICICATINQ CHEESE 6 Point No. 3 Lining Light Fack Gothic. 24A. SLOO CHAUTAUQUA GIRLS AT TEA THE FARM IS HEAVILY MORTGAGED $1234567890? 9 Point Lining Light Fack Gothic. 24A. S1.50 THOSE LOVELY TIMES CONNECTICUT $23567890 6 Point No. 2 Lining Light Fack Gothic 30A. $1.50 FASHIONABLE FANS ARE QUEER TORTOISE SHELLS, WE WONDER WHAT'S NEXT $12345 RAVEN 078907 8 Point Lining Light Face Gothic. 24A. $1.50 NEVER WORN OUT THE FINE ART EXCHANGE 234567890 10 Point Lining Light Face Gothic. 18A. $1.40 THEY HAVE ABOLISHED SLAVE $2356780£ 12A. 12 Point Lining Light Fack Gothic. $1.30 MOTHER HUBBARD AGREEABLY 245380 SURPRISED IDA. 18 Point Lining Light Face Gothic. $1.85 QUIET STEAL 89 HARRY Sl JEANIE 37 8A. 24 Point Lining Light Face Gothic. $2.50 TRUTH 235 AMES 6A. 30 Point Lining Light Face Gothic. $2.95 3 CAR HERE 2 Clezieland Type Foundry, 92 Cleveland , Ohio. 60A. 6 Point jjning Ciothic No. 1-1. 52.25 60A. (i Point Lining c'land, Ohio. 6 Point Gothic, No. 10. 24A, $0.90. 36a, fO.70. Complete Font. fl.60 8 Point Gothic, No. 10. 22A, $0.85. 32a, fO.80. Complete Font, $1.65 KEEP A DOG YOURSELF Bringing recollections of by-gone happy days ! You may seat a FrOg On a Golden StOOl SCENES OF MY CHILDHOOD £. 1234567890 $ 10 Point Gothic, No. 10. 20A,$0.90. 32a, $0.85. Complete Font. $1.75 WHO HANDLES PITCH Yeast, water, and salt are added 1234567890 $ 1234567890 &. 12 Point Gothic, No. 10. 16A.$1.05. 24a. $0.90. Complete Font, $1.95 PITY THE BLIGHTED Take me back to Jerusalem 1Q34567890 UA, $1.60. 22a, $1.45. 18 Point Gothic, No. 10. Complete Font, $3.05 SPARKLING WITH DEW 45 Praying Politicians are of the Past 68 8A, $1.90. 12a, $1.75. 24 Point Gothic, No. 10. Complete Font, $3.65 56 Mossed PICKLES 34 6A, 10a. Point Gothic, No. 10. $5.15 COAST 67 Shore 5A,8a. 36 Point Gothic, No. 10. $5.75 Fancy 84 SIGN 4A, Oa. 48 Point Gothic, No. 10. $7.65 DAY 53 First Ciei'elnn i Type Foundry, 94 Cli'vela n d. Oh to . 6 Point IiiMN(J (ioTHic, No. IS. MX. ti.:»,"). A MAN HK WAS TO ALL THK COUNTRY DKAN, AND PASSING RICH ON FIFTY 6 Point Lining (Jothic, Xo. 2(). box. $1.70. UNSKILLED WAS HE TO FAWN. AND TO SEEK FOR POWER 1234-567890 6 Point Lining Gothic, Xo. 22. 50A, 70a. $1.45. FAR OTHER AIMS His Heart had Learned to Prize 1.2 34567890 10 Point Lining (tothic, Xo. 4. 28A, i'm. S^.05. GOVERNMENT Civil Service Reform 6 Point Lining Gothic, Xo. 19. 50A. $1.40. WITH SLOW PACEi RKMOTK FROM TOWNS HE RAN HIS GODLY RACK 1234567890 6 Point Lining Gothic, No. 21. 50A. $2.35. DOCTRINES FASHIONED TO THE EVER VARYING HOUR 1234567890 S Point Lining (Jothic, No. 4. ;U)A, ,")5a. $3.80. CHEAP FOR CASH Selling Goods by Auction 1 234567890 12 Point Lining Gothic, No. 4. 22 A, 40a. $4.10. HOME IS A Rainbow of Life 14A, 22a. 18 Point Lining Gothic, Xo. 4. $4.75 Latest ELECTRIC System lOA, 15a. 24 Point Lining Gothic, Xo. 4. $5.65 Good SILVER Forks 8A, 12a. Point Lining Gothic, Xo. 4. $6.95 HONEY Combs 6A, 8a. 36 Point Lining Gothic, Xo. 4. $7.65 Water MILLS 12468987531 Clevi'lnnd Type Foundry, 95 Cleveliiuii, Ohio. 6 Point Tki.kscopic Gothic, No. o. t?OA. $1.60. OUR FRIENDS THE PRINTERS 4E THAT HATH THE BRIDE IS THE BITTEN ONt $1234567890 6 Point Telkscopic Gothic, No. 7. 6f)A. $2.45. ASIATIC CHOLERA SET A DOG TO CATCH THE TIGER $1234567890 H Point Tklescopic Gothic, No. 6. 60A. $1.90. brotherhood of equity lodge meeting every thursday nl ght $1234567890 6 Point Tki.kscopic Gothic, No. 8. 60 A. $2.45. ADRIATIC SEA IT IS CLEARING UP AGAIN 1234567890 6 Point Gothic, No. 12. 30A,$I.15. Ida, 10.60. 60a, $1.45. Complete Font, $3.20 PRINTER AND OFFICE Reference is Indispensable whenever 345 English Grammar 678 8 Point Gothic, No. 12. 30A,$1.35. loA,$0.60. 60a,fl.60. Complete Font, $3.55 SUPERIOR TO ALL Suitable for any of Ornamental 345 Economic Letter 687 10 Point Gothic, No. 12. 20A,$1.20. 10a, $0.60. 30a, $1.05. Complete Font, $2.85 UNIVERSITY PRESS OF MOSCOW, RUSSIA Want of Experience often puts them to large expense 234 Experience Dear Teacher 234 15A, $1.20. 8a, S0.70. 20a, $1.00. 12 Point Gothic, No. 12. Complete Font, $2.90 FAUSTUS ASSOCIATION, BOSTON The Clerk in the Establishment of Figures 678 Numerous Extracts 789 18 Point Gothic, No. 12. 12A, $1.70. 8a, $0.95. 20a, $1.85. Complete Font, $4.50 THE telegraph COPY Our Scribe Seated at his Desk 36 Small Cap Letter 89 Cleveland Type Foitniiry, 96 Cleveland, Ohio. 24 Point Gothic, No. 12. SA.Sl.JK). 6a,*1.20. 12a, $1.75. Complete Font, $4.8-5 ANCIENT THEORY 24 Insurance COMPANY 53 28 Point Gothic, No. 12. 6A,$2.1o. 4a, $1.25. 8a, $1.75. Complete Font, $5.15 MERRY BOYS 7 Judson Whyte 45 42 Point Gothic, No. 12. 4A,$3.15. 3a, $1.95. 6a, $2..>5. Complete Font, $7.65 AMERICAN 7 Rate Merry 3 48 Point Gothic, No. 12. 4A, $3.90. 3a, $2.20. 6a, $3.40. Complete Font, $9..50 CLOSER 2 Red Date 5 Cleveland Type Foundry, 97 Cleveland, Ohio. 4 PoiXT Interchangkable Gothic. 36A, (6 Point Body.) fO.90 i}4 Point Interchax<;kabi.k ({othic. SUA. (« Point B«Iv.> 81.0:> SPEED AND COMFORT THE PRINTING EXHIBIT COMMENCED WITH A TABLEAU OF GUTENBERG, HIS FRIENDS OF I M PR O V ED S H I PS , W H IL E O N T H E OC E AN AND EMPLOYEES WHICH WAS ILLUSTRATED ^lSO LAND TRANSPORTATION 345 o Point Interchangeable Gothic. 36A, (6 Point Bod.v.) $1.25 THE ATLANTIC ACE MODEL NAVIGATION ILLUSTRATED 3 56 THE FIRST STEAMSHIP 5Vi^ Point Intekchan<;eai!I,k (Jothic. 3«A. ((i Point »(.(!>. I $1.45 KNOWING 39 HUMAN HAND INTELLIGENTLY EDUCATE RIGHT HAS RESCUED MAN .%A, 6 Point Interchangeable Gothic. S1.70 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR HABITS OF INDUSTRY PLEDGE ON INITIATION TO MEMBERSHIP 438 24A, 8 Point Interchangeable Gothic. $l.;i5 IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY FOR GARDENING GOTHIC ENGRAVED STONE 34 18 A, 10 Point Interchangeable Gothic. $1.35 SELECT EMINENT AMERICAN TOURIST CHEERFUL BEGINNERS 579 18A, 12 Point Interchangeable Gothic. 82.00 AMERICAN BRONZE STATUARY ROMAN SOLDIER 63 12A, 16 Point Interchangeable Gothic. $2.30 MODERN COSMETICS SELECTIONS 24 ALL THE SIZES IN THIS SERIES LINE EXACTLY AT THE BOTTOM ; THE LARGER SIZES, FROM 24 POINT TO 48 POINT, LINE AT BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM. Cle'ieland Type Foundry, 9S Cleveland, Ohio. SA, 20 Point Ixtkkchaxgkabi-k Gothic. $2.50 MODEL ENGINES POKER C2 6A, 24 Point Intk«chan(jkablk Gothic. S2.i.'> PICTURESQUE ROMANCE 4A, 32 Point Interchangeablk Gothic. S3.00 REMAINED MUSIC 4 4A, 3<) Point Intkrchaxgeable Gothic. $3.90 PATHN/VAY 3A, 4eland, Ohio. 18A, 36a. 12 Point (iothic Extra Coxdexskd, No. 2. $2.35 EV[NING R[0 ANO MORNING GRAY, SUITS THE TRAVELER ON HIS WAY Evening Gray and Morning Red, Pours tlie Rain Down on His Head. Proverb of the Olden Time 123456/890 16A, 32a. 18 Point (tothic Extra Oondknskd, No. 2. $3.80 B[ STILL SAD [|[AnT, AND CEASE REPINING VKIiile Behind the MM Cloud is the Bright Sun Still Shining 12A, 24a. 22 Point Gothic Extra Condensed, No. 2. $4.00 THE VINE CLINGS TO THE FALLING WALL And al Everf Gust of Wind Hie WHIierini Leaies Fall 234567890 10A,20a. 24 Point Gothic Extra Condensed, No. 2. 14.20 THE m IS DARK AND DREARY It Rains, wliile the Cold Wind is Never Weaty 8A, 16a. 32 Point Gothic Extra Condensed, No. 2. $4.80 MEMORY CLINGS TO THE PAST And the Hopes ofYouth Fall in the Blast Cleveland Type Foundry, 108 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 A, 12a. 36 Point Gothic Extra Cox DKXSKD, No. 2. $4.80 A MAN'S TRUE CHARACTER Is Generally Best Shown at Rome 6A, 12a. 44 Point Gothic Extra Condensed, No. 2. §6,90 FOREST AND SIREAM Peich Piscatoiial Association 4A,?a. 72 Point (Jothic Extra CoNDKXSKD, No. 2. $10.75 GRAND 35 Racket Cleveland Type Fcundry, 109 Cleveland, Ohio. 20A, 40a. 10 Point Gothic Coxdkxskd, No. 2. $1.75 ROMANTIC STORY OF THE OLD APPLE TREE With its O'erhanging Golden Canopy Leaves that illumine with 84 15A, «0.90. 30a, $1.10. 12 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 3. Complete Font, $2.00 CITY OF ORANGES AND EXHIBITIONS 34 The Crescent City of Creoles and Moss-laden Trees 1 2 12A, $1.00. 18a, $1.00. 18 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 3. Complete Font, $2.00 ENTHUSIASTIC MASS MEETINGS 180 For the Nomination ot Dark Horse Candidates 147 IDA, $1.20. 16a, $1.30. 22 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 3. Complete Font, $2.50 OUR REAL UNITED STATES 315 Liberty Rell Rings Nortli and Soutli 425 lOA, $1.70. 12a, $1.40. 24 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 3. Complete Font, $3.10 THE AMERICAN GAME 45 Performed Every Evening. 89 7A, $2.40, lOa, $2.2;"). 36 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 3. Complete Font, $4.65 DOMESTICITY $15 The Yoke of Cupid 342 Cleveland Type Foundry, 110 Cleveland, Ohio. 6A 12 a 40 Point Gothic Coxdkxskd, Xo. 2. f5.90 ONE FEATHER 48 Desirable Letter 36 4A, 8a. 48 Point Gothic Conuksskh, Xo. 2. S6.10 52 STALE Candies 3A, 6a. 00 Point Gothic Condkxskd, Xo. 2. S7.70 Black HORN 78 3A, 6a. 72 Point Gothic Condenskd, Xo. 2. S10.H5 41 HER Shoe Cleveland Type Foundry, 111 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. 52A, fl.60. 70a, 11.20. Complete Font, $2.80 THREE BLIND MICE HELD A PICNIC In Noah's Sanctimonious Ark Ghostiv Stories Related by them and Brothers $1,254,725.00 10 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. 36A, $1.75. 52a, fl.55. Complete Font, f3.30 C. HOGG'S GARDENS 400,000 People in Attendances Lively IVluldoon. 18 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. 22A, |2.50. 27a. $1.85. Complete Font, $4.35 PRESIDENT 972 Stylish Dancing 30 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. UA,$3.00. 20a, $3.10. ' Complete Font, $6.10 FIRE BOY 31 Hocking 18 8 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. 36A,$1.45. 70a, $1.65. Coniplftc Font, $3.10 UNCLE TOM'S NIGHTMARE Dreaming of Home Far Away in Bed 2000 Hobbies 12 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. 25A, $1.95. 42a, $1.70. Complete Font, $3.65 SHADOW STEW 110 Cents with Hambones Served For Tramps 22 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. 18A. $2.80. 27a, $2.60. Complete Font, $5.40 WHISKEY Pagans Puncli 57 36 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. lOA, $3.15. 14a, $3.20. Complete Font. $6.35 46 Scholars 7A, $3.40. 10a, $3.2.5. 42 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. Complete Font, $6.6.5 Pretty SWALLOW 34 7A, $4..50. 10a, $3.85. 48 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 4. Complete Font, $8.a5 MINES Strike 235 Cleveland Type Foundry, 112 Clevelatid, Ohio. 6 Point Gothic Condkxskd, No. 5. H Point Gothic Condexskd, No. 5. 36A,$1.35. -Oil, |1.:W. (^omplfte Fout, f'.'.65 ! 3(iA. |1.40. 5;i!i, $1.40. ("om).k'te Font, $2.80 I STOOD ON THE BRIDGE AT | AND THE MOON SHONE Midnight while the clock was striking the hour i Oe'r the city behind the church tower $1234567890 $1234567890 10 Point Gothic Condkxskd, No. 5. 1'5.\,$1.35. 42a, $1.25. CompleU' Fout, $2.60 THREE CONCERTS Lonely hour consecration, etc $1234567890 12 Point Gothic Coxdkxsed, No. 5. 25.\,$1.80. 32ii, $1.:W. Complete Font, $3.10 CONIE UNTO ME Ye wicked and wretched 1234567890 18A, $lAr,. 30a, *1.5o, 16 Point Gothic Condknsed, No. 5. Complete Font, S3.00 A GREAT SWELL FOR SWELLS Who ever swell the $5 swollen tides to Fopstown 18A, :?1.70. 27a, $1.70. 18 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 5. Complete Font, $3.40 THREE SCREAMING GHOSTS Flapped their Wings and Snickered $214 ISA, :52.a5. 24a, *2.10. 22 Point Gothic Condknsed, No. 5. Complete Font, $4.45 45 Latticed WINDOWS Swinging 23 IDA, $2.0o. 20a, $2.7o. 28 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 5. Complete Font, $4.80 Secluded DAMSELS fair $135 7A. *2.(>'). lOa, S2.2.0, 36 Point Gothic Condensed, No. 5. Complete Font, $4.90 HARTS Theatre N2 261 Clez^eland Type Fou7i. Complete Font, $2.65 SMOKY RUN Eight Black Slaves 123456789 24 Point Latin Antique. 7A,81.85. 10a, $1.75. Complete Font, $3.60 MORE 18 Hens 53 5A,$2.30. 8a,S2.15. Point Latin Antique. Complete Font, 84.45 MARKETS 6 Sink or Swim 21 3A,«2.45. 5a, $2.20. Point Latin Antique. Complete Font, $4.65 LAWN New Shows 71 3A, 5a. 48 Point Latin Antique. $7.70 PICA Rule Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. ():». $3.00 HEAVENLY DISPLAYS Late Astronomical Discovery. Phenomena 67890 12 Point Modkrn Antique. 20 A, 40a. m.W CURIOSITY SHOP Interesting Literature. Manuscript 12 20 Point Modern Antk^ve, 12A, 20a. $+.50 PRINTER Color Worker Artist 8 10 A, 16a. 30 Point Modern Antique. $6.40 EMBROIDERIES Numerous Patterns 17 8 A, 12a. 36 Point Modern Antiqie. $8.50 COMMISSION Grain Merchants 3 Cleveland Type Foundry, 116 Cleveland, Ohio. OA, 10a. 4'J 1N)INT MoDKRX Axtiquk. $8.90 CONTRACT Public Streets 5 5A, 8a. 48 Point Moukkx Antiquk. $10.90 I DENTIST Professions 4 4 A., 5a. ()0 Point MoDKRX Antiquk. $10.25 MINER Diamond 1 3A, 4a. 72 Point Modern Antique. $11.20 HOE at 2 Cleveland Type Foundry, 117 Clez'eland. Ohio. 10 Point Latin Condknskd. 24A, 4Sa. 51.90 WHEN KNIGHTS OF OLD WITH Shields of Gold Sung Merrily their Lay 45 Crowned with Flowers 67 18 Point Latin Condensed. Itia.fl.SO. 24a, $1.25. roinplcte Font, $2.75 ] -#GOOD*CENT#- i I 12 Point Latin Condensed. 24A,$1.35. 32u, $1.00. Completo Kout, $2.35 $1234567890 -# COME* AWAY Hl^ The^EveninglSbadeslDOw^Appear $1234567890 24 Point Latin Condensed. 12A,$2.10 18a, $1.65. Complete Font, $3.75 -f-PEACEFDlH^ Edenic 345 Convicts 7A, $2.60. 10a, S2.00. m Point Latin Condknskd. CoMiplete Font, Uj MORE^LOGS' ThelHomesiofiBusinesslfflen $1234567890 5A, R.50. 8a, $2.t)«). 48 Point Latin Condensed, Comi)lete Font, SG.IO ^ LINGUIST mi' 28 DottelllMelnow 31 Cleveland Type Foun-.hy, 118 Cleveland, Ohio. ^^ ^.j m Point Latin Condkxskd. *7.25 GOLD COINS First National Banlc Rednced 56 4\ 8a^ 7'i Point Latin Condensed. «9.55 Special 45 10 Point Light Fack Runic. , 12 Point Light Face Runic. 20A,$0.95. 30ii, $0.95. CoinplL-tf Kout. f 1.90 I lBA.fO.95. •.'+!i, $1.10. C.mipleUj Font. $2.05 EVENING BELLS ' FRENCH BUDGET Suffer under the Wheels ofWar Through Storm and Calm $123456789 $1234567890 14 Point Light Fack Runic. 12A,$0.95. 20ii. $1.05. Complete Font, $2.00 18 Point Light Fack Runic. lA, $1.25. 18a, $1.50. Complete Font, $2.75 RHOMBOIDAL ' CALCULATE Guaranteed Harmless Mountain Slopes $123456789 i 123459789 8A, $1.60. 12a, $1.65. 24 Point Light Face Runic. Complete Font, $3.25 UNPARALLELED 9 In the History of Austria 1 5A, $1.6.5. 8a, $].m. 80 Point Light Face Runic. Complete Font, $3.25 PARTIALITY 3 Peripatetic Student 5 4A, $2.45. 6a, $2.10. 42 Point Light Face Runic. Complete Font, $4.55 SUNSHINE 5 Brightly Beams 9 Cleveland Type Foundry, 120 Chvelnnd, Ohio. }^ (3rt 4S Point liUiHT K.vck Kuxic. W.10 MARCHING Cloak SILK 52 A 5h <»<» Point liicHT Fack Runic. $8.25 PHASES 72 Pathway ;\ 5a 72 Point liiGHT Fack Runic. W2.Hr> SUPER Satins 54 Cln'ftiiHii Type Foundry, 121 Cln>eland, Ohio. b Point Light Fack Ckltic. •25A,fl.25. 52a. f 1.60. rompMo Font, $2.85 SCOOTINABULATION Ever Merrily Sang these Pebbles 1234867890 10 Point Light Face Celtic. 22A,$1.50. 42a, fl.65. rompk-te Font. $:i.l5 LOST HIS PURP And the Grand Prize 1234567890 8 Point Light Face Celtic. 25A,$l.t50. 42a. 11.40. Complete Font,;J3.00 A LIVELY CITY Remarkable Police Force 1234S67890 12 Point Light Face Celtic. 16A . $1..)0. 32a, $1.75. Complete Font, $3.2 5 CHARITY Capital Pleasures at $14630 lOA, $1.75. 20a, $1.90. 18 Point Light Face Celtic. Complete Font, $3.65 THE TASTE OF JOY For Such 45678 Jolly Dogs 8A, S2.00. 14a, $2.30. 22 Point Light Face Celtic. Complete Font, $4.30 DELIGHTED Reckless S4B Fishers 5A, 10a. 28 Point Light Face Celtic $1.55 LINES 87 Quick 4A, 8a. .% Point Lkjht Face Celtic. $6.30 SEA 36 Fish 3A, 6a. 48 ]>oiNT Light Face Celtic. $8.95 points 88 Cleveland Type Foundry, 122 Cleveland, Ohi 8 Point Monastic, No. 4. 14^, 16A, i6a, 2sa. $2.25 DISSOCIATION OF CRAjSKS Blest Immortal Bride of Texas Growth 45 My Texan Guide 12 Point Monastic, No. 4. 10 A, 12 A, 12 A, 16 a. $2.50 yiLWAYS )VRjONG Jle Sighed, Then ]Vhifpered ^iFTY Years. $123 10 Point Monastic, No. 4. lift, 14A, 14A, 20a. |i.g5 FJ[JLLY WARRANTED Abraham jPergufon, From Doubling 97 The HoRi^iD Din 18 Point Monastic, No. 4. Syi, 10 A, IDA, 14a. 1310 ^ELOW pOST Notice to thofe whom it May Concern. 149 bfii, 8 A, 8 a, 12a. 24 Point Monastic, No. 4. «4.15 )VINNING JHE RATTLE Presenting 24 Shakefpearian Tragedies Ex-GovEi\NOR Cranston 4A. 6A, 6a, 10a. 36 Point Monastic, No. 4. ♦6.85 pVER JHE )VAY Charlotte Routeris Abroad D S 79 L^IS^VIAL OWAMP 39 Cleveland TyPe Foundry, 12:^ Clex'eland, Ohio. 8 Point Monastic, No. 5. 16A.16A. $1.05 Fancy Has Been Quelled The Old Legend of the AIonkish Page $32,541,867.90 12 Point Monastic, No. 5. 12A,12a. $1.30 Stock of Staple Articles 123 Increased 456 10 Point Monastic, No. 5. 14A,14a. $1.05 Unsophisticated Youth Po You peSERVE y^NYTHlNG VeRDANT $23,146,897.50 18 Point Monastic, No. 5. lOA, 10a. $1.60 5-^9 Making Rather 123 8A, 8a. 24 Point Monastic, No. 5. $2.10 231 A Pretty Flower Seller's 56 j 8A, 8a. 36 Point Monastic, No. 5. 82Q L $4.15 RACTICAL 023 J^EGISDATOR 8 Point Monastic, No. 16A. $0.70 BLUE-pYED pARLING MAipEN SO WJNSOME ANp SO pAip GOLpEN $5678698 FLOWING 12 Point Monastic, No. 6. 12A. $0.80 BROADWAY SQUINTS AT TH|: CORSp $526 W^jpKLY 879 10 Point Monastic, No. 6. 14A. $9.70 PICTURESQUE piLLS VALLEYS ON /ARABIAN BORDER 254 yVlANIPULATORS 763 18 Point Monastic, No. 6. lOA. $1.00 OVEp PARIS PECULATION LANp 638 NUMBpR 467 8A. 24 PoixT Monastic, No. «1.36 3915 pOLUMN OF HISTORY 647 8 8A. 36 Point Monastic, No. $2.60 68 SyiCRIFICIAL TAR 56 Cleveland Type Foundry, 124 Cleveland , Ohio. lOA, 81.60. 18a, Sl.ft'). 12 Point Tablkt. Complete Font, $3.25 TRD^HTEL, PLUMB & CD. DGcnratnrs nf Hnnnrahle Tablets of "Worth VlrtuDus $2,3SB,Bai nefeniiBrs 8A, S2.20. 16a, $2.60. 18 Poixt Tablet. Complete Font. $4.80 UNIQUE LETTER Square, Substantial, Strang 6A, $2.90. 12a, *?.;%. 24 Point Tablkt. Complete Font, $6.25 PERSEITERE The Great Sure Thing 125B7flGD Clc7>eland Type Foiiuiiry, 125 Cleveland, Ohio. 24A. 8 Point Norman Condensed, No. 2. $1.00 GRAND STAND SEATS FOR SALE CHEAP 98,000 DELUDED BELIEVERS IN THE FALSE RELIGION OF 3568 24A. 10 Point Norman Condensed, No. 2. $1.30 NEW UNIQUE HOLIDAY STYLES COAL HEAVERS' SALARIES SLIGHTLY IMPROVED $547 aSA. 12 Point Norman Condensed, No. 2. $1.40 THE MISTAKES IN LIFE $950 SUNNY HILLSIDE CAMPING RETREAT 12A. 18 Point Norman Condensed, No. 2. $1.40 EVEN BRAVEST HEART THE INDEPENDENT FARMER $18 IDA. 22 Point Norman Condensed, No. 2. $1.75 12 WHY DO BOYS DRINK 34 8A. 24 Point Norman Condensed, No. 2. $1.90 THE LIFE OF MOSES 25 6A. H Point Norman Condensed, No. 2, $2.55 liNlj J. -( H :i5 Cleveland Type Foundry, 126 Cletieland, Oliio 10 Point Norman Coxdkxseu. 24A,fl.30. 24a. fO.95. Complete Font. $2.25 HE WENT HIGH UP Amid the Snow-Capped Alps 123 4567 890 12 Point Norman Condenskd. 1»A,$1.40. 18a, $l.2.'>. Complete Fout. |2.65 LEAGUE PARK Two Games Every Day 123 4567 890 12A, $1.40. 12A,$1.2i>. 18 Point Norman CoNUKXSKP Complete Fcnt, $2.6o BEAUTIFUL. USEFUL 14 Continuously Blundering Harry 33 lOA, $1.7o. 10a,$1.4;i. 22 Point Norman Condenskd. Complete Font, $3.20 CITY OF DETROIT 18 He Has no Employment 76 A, $1.90. 8a, $1.50. 24 Point Norman Condensed. Complete Font, $3.40 BUMBLEBEES 32 ISHPAN Daughters $9 6A,$2.55. 6a, $2.10. Point Norman Condensed. Complete Font, $4.65 LIGHT FACE 35 Union Cavalry 79 Cleveland Type Foundry, Clereland , Ohio. 5 Point Celtic, Xo. 2— ox 6 Point Body. 30A. $1.75 BOB tNOERS0I.r.IT£S ASSEMBLED IK MASS CONVENTIOK AT HIGH STREET, HELL'S Ha:F-ACBE AMID THE FUMES OP FIRE AND BRIMSTOME • 1234r>aT8»0 ! 6 Point Celtic, No. 2, 24A. $1.00 REPRESENTATIVES FRIENDS AND FOES OF DOUBLIN OLD J. B. IS TROUBLING $ 1234567890 ! r)l4 Point Celtic, No. 2— on 6 Point Body. 30A. $1.50 WALTER SCOTT, THE POET THE PAST REMORSE, THE FUTURE DESPAIR BUT THE PRESENT IS OPPORTUNITY $ 1234667890 ! 7 Point Celtic, No. 2— on 8 Point Body. 24A. $1.30 HANDKERCHIEF CLEANING GERMAN TERMINATIONS $ 1234567890 ! 24A. 8 Point Celtic, No. 2. $1.65 ELECTROTYPING DONE BY THE CLEVELAND TYPE FOUNDRY 1234567890 18A. 10 Point Celtic, No. 2. S1.40 JUDGE GOODHUE CONGLOMERATION OF CHARACTERS $ 1234567890 12A. 12 Point Celtic, No. 2. $1.35 THE GREATEST GIFT TO MAN $4234567890 lOA. 18 Point Celtic, No. 2. S1.90 234 MASTICATION 869 8A. 24 Point Celtic, No. 2. S2.75 12 MONITORS 59 6A. 28 Point Celtic, No. 2. $3.20 90 BROKEN 13 Cleveland Type Foundry, 128 Cleveland, Ohio. n]4 Point Celtic, No. 3— on Point Body. 30A, fl.50. 30a, tl.'.o. Conipleu; Font, |3.25 XILLPATRICK & COMPANY Where are the Visioms or Mornimo, Fresh as the Dews of Our Prime? Sweet Memory 133-45 1234867800 stspo 7 Point Celtic, No. 3— on 8 Point Body. 24 A, fl.30. 24a, $1.00. Complew Font, $2.30 JUXTAPOSITION Now THE Morning Dew Rises 12345 123456789 67890 t) Point Celtic, No. 3. 24A, $1.00. 30a, $1.50. Complete Font, $2.50 HAY-MAKERS' UNION Under THE Willow they are Sleeping Fragrant Flowers of May i2345 1234567890 stsdo S Point Celtic, No. 3. 24A,$1.6,J. 24a, $1.10. Complete Font, $2.75 MAGNOLIA A Famous Singing Boy 1234135689 5678 18A, $1.40. 18a, fl.(K). 10 Point Celtic, No. 3. Complete Font, S2.40 ENCOURAGEMENTS HUNTING THE SACRED WHITE ELEPHANT 12345 12345678 67890 12A, S1.3">. 12a, *l.lo. 12 Point Celtic, No. 3. Comi)lete Font, $2.50 Overland Route to Polar Seas 12345 12345678 67890 lOA, S1.9il. 10a, SI .3). IH Point Celtic, No. 3. Complete Font, $3.25 Fine Easter Celebration 1356 234567 7890 8A, S2.7.1. 8a, S2.(».>. 24 Point Ckltic, No. 3. Complete Font, $4.8 Crank of \Visdom 12312345 456 6A, *3.2t). 0a,S2.(K». 28 Point Celtic, No. 3. Complete Font, $5.20 Merry Guests 123123456 Cltveland Type Founthy, 12i) Clcvclaini. Ohio. 5 Point Geomktric— on 6 Point Body. 16A,fl.20. 16a, $1.20. 50a, $1.10. Complete Kout, $3.50 ICE-BDUND GREENLAND UJell Laid Plans of Mice and Men Often Fail THE Great "U/ar df the rebellion S I2345e7a3a "^ 8 Point Gkomktric. 16A, $1.40. 46a, $2.10. Compkto Kout. $3.50 HDLIirER HDUSE Past all Hape nf REdeniptiDn 1234567390 6 Point Gkomktric. 16A. $I.'ij. 50a, $1. St.. Complete Kout. $2.75 TWELVE NIGHTS How Many Indians Were KillBd ilnd Ha-W7 Many Waunded 12345B7BgD 10 Point Gkomktric. 1:jA,$1.65. 40a, $1.85. Complete Kout. f3.50 RUBINSTEIN Write J Print J and Paint 12345B7BaD 12A, $1.60. Ma, *2.40. 12 Point Gkomktric. Complete Font, $4.00 &DgUER HRDTHERS The Wintar CanclavG will AssBmblG HsrB 10A,$2.10. 24a, $2.40. 18 Point Gkomktric. Complete Font, $4.50 MENDELSSOHN En TtLEy gn EEfare Breakfast 12345B7Bgn 10A,$2.80. 15a, $2.20 24 Point Gko.mktric. Complete Font, $5.00 BLDDMING- TliE AhandniiEd Sliip 12345B7Bgn Cleveland Type Foundry lao Cleveland, Ohio. lOA, Sl.9;5. 20a, $1.8r>. 18 Point Chic. Complete Font, 9^i.m /Ap. < ^qd /Aps. ji. D. W. Qc )pepjield -$S^ /\t j-(orT]e ^^ jrolyc )l^e Pld^ce^ jronqev/oc d 6-pove^ " 5bpLia.ny 23 a.r|d 2/f^ '94. SA, $2.25. 16a, «2.10. 24 Point Chic. Complete Font, $4.35 Qo nr(plirT|6 ,r|t3 of ^^ ^!'- ^ Ong r(d.l Ro^a.1 TeiT|pl an^, f- ida^ 8 ver^iqg, J^qU^py 3'. 92. Doyl^ 8igl]t to Oqe. enriy Clereland Type Foundry, \\\ Cleveland, Ohio. 36A. 6 Point Victoria Italic, No. o. $2.00 TRUSTWORTHY AND SCHOLARLY PRONUNCIATIONS TYPOGRAPHICAL APPEARANCE AND MAKE-UP OF THE WEEKLY PAPER IS UNSURPASSED NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY OF TROY 36A. 6 Point Victoria Italic, No. 4. $2.00 COLORADO SPRINGS AND GARDEN OF THE GODS DELIGHTFUL AFTERNOON DRIVES THROUGH GLEN EYRE AND OVER THE MESA EVENING STROLLS BY RUXTON CREEK 30A. 6 Point Victoria Italic, No. 8. $2.00 FIND AMERICAN EXCHANGE BUREAU LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY TRAINS OF OLD ENGLAND FROM LIVERPOOL TO LONDON 30A. 6 Point Victoria Italic, No. 2. $2.25 EUROPEAN AND EASTERN TRAVELERS FAMOUS PEAK OF DERBYSHIRE AND THE VALE OF MATLOCK THE MIDLAND RAILWAY DEPOT 30A. 6 Point Victoria Italic, No. 1. $2.50 THE FRENCH BROAD ROUTE RAILWAY AND HIGHWAY VIADUCTS AND RAIL IRON BOUDOIR CARS $4 18A. 12 Point Victoria Italic, No. 3. $2.00 ENGLISH DICTIONARY MODERN ^INVENTIONS AND APPLIANCES SOLD FOR CASH IHA. 12 Point Victoria Italic No. 2. $2.26 DANCE AND FLIRT ELEVEN CHANGEABLE MAIDENS NEW YORK 93 16A. 12 Point Victoria Italic, No. 1. $2^ AUCTIONEER PICTURES WITHOUT PRICE NOTHING Clevdami Type Foundry, 132 Cleveland, Ohio. 12A. 1^ Point Victoria Italic No. 2. $2.75 COUNTRY HOUSE GRAND TRUNK LINES OPERA CLOAK 12A. IS Point Victoria Italic No. 1. $3.25 EDUCATION ANNUAL DINNER SPREADS 8A. 24 Point Vicioria Italic No. 2. ^.25 DESIGNERS THIRD STATION 8A. 24 Point Victoria Italic No. 1. $3.75 STRONG GREEN BUSH Cleveland Type Foundry, 133 Cleveland, Ohio. t) Point No. 21 Ei.axdkay. (> Point No. 22 Elandkay. 40A. S1.2r> 40 A. SI .2:3 DYNRMITE EXPLOSI2M IN CHELSEA PHYSICAL LAWS CONTROLLED MBNY BUILDINGS BLOWN 485 INTO F=RnQMENTS DESTRUCTIUE FORCE 38 OF AinOSPHERE FOURTEEN FERSONS KILLED TRUTHFUL STATESHEN 30A. 6 Point No. 23 Elandkay. $1.50 BABBLIMQ BRODKLETS SWEETLY MEANDER DOWN HILLSIDE GREAT DEEDS OFTTIMES ACCOMPLISHED $582 UMDER MANY DIFFICULTIES 30A. 6 Point No. 24 Elandkay. $1.50 THOUGHTFUL COHPOSITORS HEED FLIGHT OF TIHE UNSCRUPULOUS VORJ^NAN $975 REWARDED WITH AN INCREASE 24A. 12 Point No. 2,") Elandkay. $1.50 TRADITIONS IMiD RECORDS RECONCILED ADEQUATE FREEARATION ^6 SANGUINE EXPECTATION 18A. 12 Point No. 26 Elandkay. $1.50 MflNflGIiMG THE CONTROVERSY SUBJECT ATTRACTIVE 409 EARLY HISTORY 16A. 12 Point No. 27 Elandkay. $1.50 VI/MTER TflF\ES HIMSELF AWAY QENTLE ZEPHYRS 25 COOLIfIG ARDOR 14A. 18 Point No. 28 Elandkay. $1.75 SEASOfiABLE OFEfllNGS BALL CRANKS 93 IN BLOSSOn 12A. 18 Point No. 29 Elandkay. $2.00 JOYOUS SPRlNGTimE EAST mm 38 PNEUnONlA Cleveland Type Foundry, 134 Cleveland, Ohio. IS INUNT LiTHO. 8A,$1.W>. lGa,«1.70. Circular Font, 32A, r>.4o. 112jv, $11.»). ' te»'4' Affe x^ .^ Coiui)let} Font, $3.15 Complete Circular Font, $16.75 When Perm appes^i^d to receiVe his cl^rter .he c^nqe into th^e roy^l preser^ce in hi§ usual ea§>y nna^nner, with hi§ hat on and his hands in his pockets. Uh^rles at once renrK)Ved his own hat. "Keep your hat on, young nmn, said %!' Penn, "keep your hat on, and people Wont I knov/^you are bald. "It is the custom of this place," replied th^e king, "for only one pe^on at a tinne to rennain covered. " i F^en you ought to haVe more covei^, said Psr|n. "its a G|ueer custom, but 1 don t lay my hiat around in strange houses unless I get a chieck. 1 Ve traveled. $12,345,678.90 Capital The following letters are Mortised and not Kerned. h nri n 1^ v^ W^ \9 \9 \9 Apple Bloswin Oruam^uts shown above Cleveland Type Foundry, ia5 Cleric land, Ohio. H Point Wavkrly Circular. t4A,$1.40. aUii. ll.tiO. 4-.Mii|>l.t.' Kout.|3.00 Circular Font, 40A. f:l.«0. l«0:i, |7.25. Coiiililftc Circular Koiit. f 10.S5 TYPOGRAFMERS' ERRORS, Perhaps no newspaper writer was ever more disturbed by a triflej than was a society reporterj who in describing the belle of d recent fashionable partyj intended to say ^^she looked au fait/' but found that an unfeeling blacksmith had made it read ^^she looked all feet," $12j34Sj678.90, The paste-^pot sits on the tablej The cockroach passes it by; For the cockroach knowsj as he comes and goesj That the paste is old and dry, 10 Point Waverly Circular. 12A.$1.50. 24!i,|l.«0. Coiiipltte Kout, $3.10 Circular Font, 36A, $4.10. ISOu. $9.75. Complete Circul.ir Font, $13.8.5 REMARKS FOR THE EDITOR, A young lady remarks: ^^A smile is the same in all languages,'' This is not so. In Germany it is beerj while here in America it is usually whisky straight with water for a chaser. The country editor never troubles himself about cholera during the hot weather months. He has patent insides. $1S34§67890 12 Point Wavkiu-y Circular. lOA, $I.4.i. 20ii, $1.55. Coui|,lete Font. $3.W Circular Font. 30A. $3.!K». I40ii, $10.35. Complete Circular Font. $U.25 ^^HELL BOX RETREAT/^ For the purpose of filling a long felt want^ we shall open March 236, 1897, a Hospital and Asylum for the relief and cure of the mu- tilated wrecks which mark the wake of the average Art Preservative Works. Cleveland Type Foundry, 136 Cleveland, O/iio. 36A,$.'{.00. loOa, $7.7r>. S Point Ivanhok Circular. Complete Font, $10.75 KNOCKED OUT. He skimmed the case at a lively pace, and ever anon his look surveyed with the fire of keen desire, the copy-burdened hook. And swift and sly, his wary eye each comrade's copy scanned, for it was no sin the "ad." to win by the speed of his good right hand. THE FIRE OF KEEN DESIRE Was Good as a Sentiment, but Proved a Snare. $123,456,789. Out of Sight. 30A,S3.15. 140a, $8.70. 10 Point Ivanhoe CiRCur.AR. Complete Font, $11.85 WATGM FOR POINTERS. Advertising seems to be an art yet to be discovered by some people. That is, the practical part of it. A constant stream of water from one or more fire engines will soon extinguish a very large fire, while a few buckets of water, dashed here and there, have little or no effect. CLEVELAND TYPE FOUNDRY, Type Founders and Dealers in Printing Material. $351,269,854. 25A, $2.9r). 125a. S8.80, 12 Poixt Ivanhok CrRCur.AK. Complete Font. Sll. 75 PROMPT SERVICE GUARANTEED. We supply everything needed in the Printing Office, and make all sales satisfactoty. Should you be in the market, we will be most happy to submit an estimate. Get our prices and terms before placing your orders. Complete Outfits Promptly Furnished. $1,234,567,890. Clex, eor|smi]-gtioT| of Tr(a= terial, wear', waste, aT|<3. otl]er ex;geqse8. ^h^y ®^^^"E"^y ness at tl^e -gr'iee s^r^B. trnst to Inek foi^ t'b^e res-alts. IDA, $1.30. 52a, $3.10. 12 Point Ivy, No. 2. Complete Font, $4.40 IfTot much the prettuj maiden said. "Reside the young man sitting; l^er cheeks were flushed a rosy red, l^er eyes bent on her knitting. Tfhe abundant supply of excellent and beautiful typo= graphic appliances of e'jery description noai presented to (he choice of the l^rinter, and the cultiuated tastes and often exacting caprices of his patrons, render it not only compar= aliuely easy but \3erij necessary for him to attain to excel= lence in 'u;orkmanship. (Bapital ^tock $8,000,000, Ifreferred Clevelind Type Foundry, 139 Clereland, Ohio. 12A, $0.95. 24a, $1.15. 9 Point Sionkt. Complete Font, $2.10 A Ipat Is tipe caipopv^ of tipouglpt, tlpe roof of inpaglipatioip. A Ipi^l? I?at Is a proper loft for loftv^ iSeas aipS tlpltp^s to sl^ip aroU7S lip A soft Ipat ofteip coVers IparS tipouglpts O, Happiness! our belipg's eipS a.ijh ainp, GooS, rieasare, £xase, Goipteipt, wlpate'er tlpx^ ipanpe : Flaipt of celestial seeS ; If SroppeS beloW, Sav^, I17 Wlpat nportal soli tipou Sel^^'st to groW ? $ 1234567590 ? " Straipgers," OI7, it Is a sacreS WorS ! Be KlipS to tipenp. SIpeir Iponpes npa\^ be afar, tipeir Ipearts npa\^ be brol^eip, aipS a l^lrpS SeeS, a U^iqh WorS to tipenp npav] be lll^e SeW to a fai^tlipg floWer. lOA, $1.40. 20a, $1.30. 12 Point Signet. Complete Font, $2.70 j^idpaf^soip's Patent Miipiipg Sool jA. 5Qre aip^ tsxpe^itioas iipstrarr^eipt [or r eipetratii^g aip^ fixcaVatiipg Micaceoas, Aariferoas Sl^ale $ 1234S67590 ? Sipe trian^plp o[ Greatioi^, tlpe prl6e o[ eVerv] ipatioip Is n^iglptvi Maip — a slpaft of ai2irr2ate6 gas — Ma^e o\ ttpe elen^ei^ts o[ grass ai^^ gar^eip sass. jA-ip^ t^is li[e is bat tfpe tVvii^l^liipg o[ ai^ evje, A126 tpe iiVes tl^e little tXA/iipl^le bat to b\e. Cleveland Type Foundry, 140 Cleveland, Ohio. 8A, $2.00. 16a, $1.85. 18 Point Sioxkt. Complete Fout, $3.85 DoWi2 b\^ tl^e 016 Gsir^ei^ Gate S2 Sen^psi^siipce r riipciples Yioleiptlv^ Qpl^el^ $1234567590 Kov |alt\^ Er l^igl^teoasi^ess 6A, t2.:W. 12a, *2.10. 24 Poixt Signkp. Complete Font, $4.40 Ko bert Bqki^s Zr Go. Kotl^i^g Yei^tare Dotl^i^g Gsiii^e^ Si^e 1^85 of Marcl^, 1576 4A, 8:^.8.0. 8a,' $2.75. 36 Point Sigxet. Complete Font, $6.60 GleVelai^^ Z{ Sprii^gflel^ 17,645.90 Clci-cland Ty/ff Foumiry, 141 Cln>i'ltinii, Ohio. ISA. 12 Point Acadian. $2.70 MD THE YlJihMU STIIiIj PaHSUED HE^ *^ 1234567896^ I 12A,S2.70. 12a, $2.10. 18 Point Acadian, No. 2. Complete Font, $4.80 (^Km BY THE gtEVEMND Type FeanD^Y ^*12S4l2S456 78961^ lOA, $3.15. 10a, $2.85. 22 Point Acadian, No. 2. Complete Font, $6.00 ^1123456789^1^ 8A, $3.45. 8a, $3.20. 24 Point Acadian, No. 2. Complete Font, «6.65 KOaNDgTEAK Fried m Squiked Pms -15 123456789*1- Cleveland Type Foundry, 142 Cleveland, Ohio. 8A, $1.H;\ 16a, $1.7"). 22 Point Acadian, Xo. 3. Complete Font, $3.60 Peaeeful (^ulfeivatiei^ 456Y8 Fleml Beauties 6A, $1.90, 12a, U.STx 24 Point Acadian, No. 3. Complete Font, $3.75 YOUTH 6R BEAOTY DeveF ffiixes 4S6Y &¥^^\ BmwIs 4A, $2.15. 8a, $1.95. 30 Point Acadian, Xo. 3. Complete Font, $4.10 12A. 18 Point Acadian, No. 4. $2.50 [liriBEIig OF BLoggomg MKIiADDg QF L0W FOLIME lOA. 22 Point Acadian, No. 4. $2.85 PI6KED UP E¥EKY PM6E KA. 24 Point Acadian, No. 4. $3.10 gpi^iM, flPKit & m. Cleveland Type Foundry, 143 Cleveland, Ohio. 8A, «2.10. 16a, $2.00. 18 Point Cirrous. Comi)lete Font, S4.10 iii^f tl^e Dead Year-'§ Dirge ^inf-'Tailed Ken^ai^ Desifned te ^eld Fast 6A, $2.70. 12a, $2.25. 24 Point Cirrous. Complete Font, $4.95 Jeyeus Sreetinf Tl^pill Senegal Infepmatioi^ f©F DeafneFs 4A, 1:3.4.5. 8a, $2.6.5. 36 P(jixt Cirrous. Complete Font, $6.10 T^er-rible JMislake ^r^d Gur-iously Spaeeful 1^14567 Ofcdand Type Foundry, 144 Oevelnnd, Ohio. 8A, $1.35. 16a, $1.50. 18 Point Walton. Complete Font, $2.86 TPE FEW PIAIN QUESTIONS Every Maq Understaqds Jlis QWn Business Best 12345 Letters B7890 6A, $1.55. 12a, $1.60. '24 Point AValton. Complete Font, $3.15 PM0RI8T8 fiURLESqUED Glances Moderq Jheir Feelings Obscure 12345 Claqs B7890 5A, $1.80. 10a, $1.&5. 30 Point Walton. Complete Font, $3.65 jlRTFUL SIEVES 3 First Quarterly jinnouqcement 5 4A,$2.20. 8a, Il.a5. 36 Point Walton. Complete Font, $4.15 GLOSS BIACK INK 8 The Eight Jiappy Maids 7 Clez>el(ind Ty/>e Fotimlry, 145 Clnn'land, Ohio. 5A, Ornamentiil Caps, $1.05 12 Point Oxford, No. 2. 5A, 12A, Complete, $2.40 12A, Plain Caps» $1.35 WhE /niNt) #ONSCIOUS OF ^ECTlTUbE 34 Wight ^i/\Nk ©meets 56 4A, Ornamental Caps, $!.(>(» 18 Point Oxford, No. 2. 4A, lOA, Complete, $4.20 lOA, Plain Caps, $2.60 Pride of ©reek Matio^ ^ 24 ^^ighty ^^ave 68 3A, Ornamental Caps, f 1.60 24 Point Oxford, Xo. 2. 3A, 8A, Complete, $4.55 8A, Plain Caps, $2.95 1E/\UTY IN WYPES 23 1,EGISI/\TE 56 3A, Ornamental Caps, $3.20 m Point Oxford, Xo. 2. 3A, 6A, Complete, $6.95 6A, Plain Caps, $3.75 9 MOMES Cleveland Type Foundry, 146 Cleveland , Ohio. 12A. 12 Point Oxford, No. 3. S1.35 UNITED STATES SENATE YOU HAVE A SPARTA, ADORH IT CICERO 67 District of colUa\bia 98 lOA. 18 Point Oxford, No. 3. $2.60 /\BOVE THE HO^LE klVERS 345 MOUNT B1/\NC 678 8A. 24 Point Oxford, No. 3. $2.95 clothi^Ig shRu^Ik 234 vULGaR 597 6A. 36 Point Oxford, No. 3. $3.75 ^ ciay moulds 3 hUnteR Cleveland Type Foundry, 147 Cleveland, Ohio. 4A. 18 Point Euclid Initials. $1.10 3^ K_ er M_ 4A. 24 Point Euclid Initials. $1.65 3A. 30 Point Euclid Initials. c:^ 'Jl r S2.00 36 Point Euclid Initials S2.55 Cle-'cland Type Fonndry, 148 Cleveland, Ohio. ■AA. 48 Point Euclid Initials. W^ erw^ Point Eucud Initials. S6.70 » FL.U. 3A. r2 Point Euclid Initials. $8.00 Kjnr CUT'i'land Type Foundry, 149 Cleveland, Ohio. 3A, Complete Font, S2.(X). 28 Point Capitan Mortiskd. R D_ E V^'W^X^Y^Z 3A, Complete Font, $2.60. 36 Point Capital Mortiskd. Cleveland Type Foundry, Complete Alphabet. 150 D L r cr Cleveland, Ohio. lOA, $l.a5. 18a, *1.40. 10 Point Eucud. 18 Point Initials, 4A, 61.10. 4A, lOA, 18a, Complete Font, $3.86 Q rarciYTi'alical (^orj^versatior^ Dispafecl^es ^Vere QUickly Forwarded to ^Wortl^ 335 KmiSKYMEI^K 876 lOA, $1.55. 18a, $1.55. 12 Point Euclid. 24 Point Initials, 4A, $1.6.5. 4A, lOA, 18a, Complete Font, $4.75 ^ri}arnei)ted ^^^^/agons ai^d (^arriages J^NDSOMK ^^BBONS Sagacious Prii^ts 567 Yawr^ii^g Horribly 8A,$2.40. 14a, $2.35. 18 Point Eucud. 30 Point Initials, 3A, $2.00. 3A, 8A, 14a, Complete Font, $6.75 XHTEST'X)^ 4 Special Ori^an^ei^t Letter 5 Cleveland Type Foitndry, 151 Cleveland, Ohio. I 10 o •rH o CO 0? Cleveland Type Foundry, 152 Cleveland, Ohio. •on •rH CO ® ® ft CO ^ ® Cleveland Tyfe Foundry, 153 CI ere land, Ohio. ■ c i ^ S. c o "Oh •2 1 3 ^ o Ah I © Cleveland Type Foundry, o CD 00 154 Cleveland, Ohio. CO 1 o I o m CO o Cleveland Type Foundry, 155 Cleveland, Ohio. 8A, 28a. 24 POINT COLUMBIAN. f4.40 (elebrgting ®tl]e landing af rol6[n)bfls /Vn)eric9n and (/oreigi) ^Handicraft Hisplai^ed 1234567890 6A, 16a. 30 Point Con mbian. $5.10 Pictdre ^f ^\\t ]V^n)n)otIi (ol(in)bian l^rld's Pair ^(lildings 5A, 10a. 42 Point Columbian. $6.00 Printing Inddstr^ Fxt|ibited 4A, 6a. 48 Point Columbian. $6.70 (on)n)erciaI J\dVai)t'age 3A,i)a. 60 Point Columbian. $7.95 [aketoWn ']Trn)in(is Cleveland Ty/>e Foundry, 156 Cleveland, Ohio. 18A, 32a. 8PoixtSkjali). *3.()() HSNE^T RATIO Defaulter '^ Roate-iBooI^ of Foreign ^xCttr5ion3 Ptea^antl^ 65S 3I)0Vin^ UA, 24a. 12 Point Skjald. $4.()0 mARTy 3 Never Came ^acl^ I503t (iQod 16A,.'V2a. 10 Point Skjai.u. $3.50 Wandering Healtl) Inspectors Organi^^ation 35 filfl)v Tenement 4,5 lOA. 14a. ISPointSk.iam). $5.00 LENT 6 Drawings i 8A, 10a. 21 Point Skjalu. $5.50 HEATmn Favorite 6 (Advantages fiA, 8a. 8t> Point Skjai.d. $7.50 Trained 80 Dogs 4A, 5a. 48 Point Skjald. $8.65 Blae $5 aui^s 4A, 5a. 60 Point Skjald. $10.35 Old i nan Clevelartii Type Foundry, Wl Clii'eland, Ohio. 6 Point Unique Celtic. i 8 Point Uniquk Celtic. 22A,:iJ!i. $ri.aO 20.\,32a. $2.66 A-RCTie 3HEBZES COMFOHTABLB Forerunners of Snow Storms House Furniture Wanted I 23A56T890 123466T8 10 Point rxiQiE Celtic ' 12 Point Unique Celtic. 18A,-iHa. $>.!)0 15A,ria. $.1.00 IMPO-RTA/NT Semi-yearly Meeting 123AB6 SUPEKIOK Printing Material 123A56 12A, 18a. U Point Unique Celtic. $3.25 QUALITg SHOWI/NG Throughout our Productions 23 lOA, 14a. 18 Point Unique Celtic. S3.60 61 MEMBERS Biscouraged 7A, 10a. 24 Point Unique Celtic. S4.05 SILE/NT Listeners 23 6A, 8a. 30 Point Unique Celtic. ^.35 6 SHORT Hours 4A, 6a. 36 Point Unique Celtic. S6.20 'RED Lights 5 Cleveland Type Foundry, 158 Cleveland, Ohio. 24 A. S l»()ixT. TOLDi /IROUNb 4NCIENT ^ LONDON t 345 •-'(lA. 10 Point. DISORDERLY JINNER ^ REJOICE ^ 4568 ^ ^ $1.90 E IIA. $1.90 $1.90 12 Point. BOnPflRDINQ 1 23« s STIOINIQBIOL^ 18 Point. I sinPLE imio^ " QLinPINQ ^ 24JS ^ K/^TL S2.25 24 Point. $2.90 jnOKT RENT QUICKER i 38 - raiTC& 6A. 36 Point. $3.40 FKiriT^2 A M 4A. 48 Point. $4.00 KtbS A A =:? IM THE SIZI AND PRICE OF FONTS A r* B TMH SAME IN BOTH QUAINT AND QUAINT OPEN. Cleiieland Type Foundry, 159 Cln 8A. 18 Point Multiform No. 1. $2.75 FINE ♦ PLATED ♦ GOBLET 6A. 24 Point Multiform No. 1. $3.25 BRIGHT SUMLIGHT 30 Point Multiform No. 1. $3.75 MORTH BRIDGE 4A. 36 Point Multiform No. 1. $4.25 RIPE FRUIT5 Cler'elnnd Type Foundry^ 160 Cleveland , Ohio. 18 Point Mui/iikokm No. 3. $2.75 FINE # PLATED # GOBLET 24 Point Mui/hkokm No. 'A. $3.25 BRIGHT SUNLIGHT oA. 5(1 Point Multikokm No. .J, $3.75 NORTH BRIDGE 5(5 Point Multiform No. 3. $4.25 RIPE FRUITS 18 Point Multifokm No 4. $2.75 FINE # PLATED # GOBLET 24 Point Multiform No. 4. $3.25 RIGHT SUNLIGHT 5 A. 30 Point Multiform No. 4, $3.75 NORTH BRIDG lA. :'.U l^UNT MULIIFOKM No. 4. $i.25 IPE FRUITS Clnrland Type Foundry, l(il Clt'Vfla lid, C V/ io . 24 A, ;^.(a. 10 Point IIowkam) Ohkn. *-'.' BUSINESS AFFAIRS TORPIB CaNMTION State Healtli Board Reporters S6 Larger Contractors Rewarded 20 A, 3:)a. 12 Point Howland Ohkn. mM) GLOMES FASHIONED Haeds 43 FcDrce Largely Iicreased 12A, 20a. lOA, 16a. 18 Point IIowi.and Oi'kn MEC 24 Point Hoavland Opkn. §3.75 le $4.50 WHITE MBEOI 2 Safe Aid 8A, 12a, 30 Point Howland Opkn. ^5.50 SALTEB BUITER Nitriment ?9 W 6A. ICa. 42 Point Howland Opkn. $6.50 MONlMEOTi pis $56 Iiscriei Cleveland Type Foj.ndry, 162 Clei-tlauil, Ohio. 5A, 8a. 48 Point Howland Opkx. S7.50 Tn /OTn H 1L^\J1L^R n prn oirii d t^o 4 A, 6a. ;>t POIXT HOWLAND OPPiX. $8.f.O MO ^isfi cm P dliJILd ji. S Point Homf.am). $2M EVENTS OF THE REVOLUTION HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Daring: and Heroic 28 Feats of Valorous pressmen Club 45 Entertainments 20A,30a. 12 Point HowLANi). .*8.(X) .,, . .„. 24A,.}(ia. Id Point How I.. \M». s2.(;> LIFE INSURANCE splendid exhibition Berean Lesson Books 27 The invention of Printing: t6 12A,20a. 18 Point H(.wi,ANi>. $;i.2o CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN The Standard of Neatness $2 Supplies a Want lOA, 16a. 24 Point Howland. ^iM) MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS Typographical £7 Monuments 8A,12a. 30 Point HoAVLANi). ' $5.00 METROPOLITAN Stereopticon 24 Additions 6A, lOa. 42 Point IIomland. ' ^kOO CONQUESTS Prefects 258 Marshal Cleveland Type Foundry, 164 Clc'-eland,.Ohio. 5A, Sa. 4.S IN.iNT JIowi.AM.. «7.00 DECEITFUL Touring 83 Parties 4A, Tmi. 5i Point Howlam). S8.00 RUMORS Comic ?6 Plays 4A, 5a. (M) Point HowLAM). $9.(H) DICKENS Qosc 25 Lock Clei'elaiid 7y/>c Foundry, 1(>") Cleveland, Ohio. 15A, 20a. 18 Point Columbus Outline. i?6.10 18 Point Outline, with 36 Point Initials. mianirnl l^(S lOA, l.ni. 2t Point Columbus Outline. S7.0.] MBREL (iDiiiiiiiidl MdDise 24 Point Outline, with 48 Point Initials. imu f^mi n 5A, 8a. ?>6 Point Columbus Outline. $s.oo 5^ o Columbus OutLne Initials 36 Point 8=2.00 48 " 3.00 f.O •• 4.00 in ^c^n^^ 3ssiiiirflniTii©ir ^ sEHSr Cleveland Type Foundry, 166 Cleveland, Ohio. A, oa. 48 Point Columbis Outline. 99.95 O ^X€M] rp m p:)^n :]6 Point Outline, with 60 Point Initials. 3 A, 4a. 60 Point Columbus Outline. S12.35 r1 n\ in Clereland Type Foumiry, 1 ^ Cleveland, Ohio. 15 A, 20a. IS Point Coi.uMnrs No. L». .*«).1(> _ Cofumfius ^nihofa. :'.(i Point S2.(H) 4S " ?,.00 t;u " 4.00 HNIMATEO Fervent Debates 123456 18 Point Columbus No. 2, with ?,(> Point Initials. Quaint ^©NG lOA, 15a. 21 Point Columbus No. 2. MHRBLE Sound House 21 Point Columbus No. 2, w rni 48 Point Initials. f^IRRoad 5A, 8a. 3G Point Columbus No. 2. #8.00 BANK Examiner Cleveland Type Foundry, 168 Cleveland, Ohio . 13 e E K T I'oiils contain llu J'.il- hmiiii^ /)iitia/s ottly — nCEI-KI.ORSTrU- 3^ 5a. *^ ^'"'-^"^ Coix'MHis No. 'J. ♦^'•"^ Excursion RAINS •66 Point Columbus No. 2, wixu 60 Point Initials. 8A, 4a. CO P(»iNT Columbus No. 2. $12.35 DIME Museum „ ,, ^ ,,.,, Clerelami, Ohio. Cleveland Type Foundry, l'>i' ]«)A, 20a. 12 Point DkVixxk 8hai)ki). S;^.2r> 1(»A, Itia. IS INmnt J)kVinxk Shadkd. *17.'> CURIOUS Exqiaasite 37 OmtHnes \ Car© 8A, 10a. 24 Point DkVinnk Shadkd. u.m WONDERFUL caemtlfk $82 Advaeca oA, 8a. 86 Point DkVinnk Shadkd, $5.75 CHORU etle 36 Smil 4A, 6a. 42 Point DkVinnk Shadki .50 JAC c 2 Train 4A, 5a. 48 Point DkVinnk Shadkd. $7.75 Cleveland Type Foundry 170 Cleiieland, Ohio. 4A,5a. ■4 Point DkVixxk SHAnKi). $10^ MOLD Fir 4A, 5a. t>0 Point DeVinxk Shadkd. $12.50 END Rafter 48 4 A, 5a. (2 Point DkVinne Shaded. $17.00 KIT Cleveland Type Foundry, 171 lit Cleveland, Ohio. 24 A, 3611. ») Point Uk Vinnk. «:2.2;> DEVICE FOR LIGHTING CARS BY ELECTRICITY Interestins: Lives of Many Celebrated Characters in Ancient and Modern History invented Labor-Saving Method of Learing Grammer 22A,3()a. s Point l>K Vinnk. *2.5(J BRIGHTENED THE DREARY LANDSCAPES Furnish Beautifully Designed Articles of Furniture on Approval Unique Rosewood Household Effects $14 20A, 26a. 10 Point De Vinnk. *2.75 LATEST PRINTING INVENTIONS Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of United States Delightful Round Trips Contemplated £9 I6A, 2f)a. 12 Point BkVixnk. 13.00 ENTERPRISING SALESMEN Dainty Egyptian Ornaments Lately Received $12355 Hotel 67890 12A, 18a. U Point De Vinxk. S3.25 BEAUTIFUL SUNSHINE Humane Emancipation Proclamations Intelligent Animals lOA, 16a. IH Point De Yinxe. $3.25 CHOIR SINGERS Kingly Authority Now Satisfied Union Supply Company 8A, 10a. 24 Point De Vinnk. U.OO HOME ROADS Twelve Coming; Events Operatic $5 Cleveland Type Foundry, 172 Cleveland, Ohio. OA.Oa. .{(J Point Dk V'iN.NK. r).(H) SOnETHING Poetical Language Hungarian oA, 8a. .% Point Dk Vinxk. $5.50 REGULAR Harshly Define Gallantry 4A, 6a. 42 Point Dk Vinxk. $7.25 EUROPE Sends Notice 4A,5a. 48 Point Dk VixxK. S7.75 MOBILE Hotel Rope Clevi'liiful '/y/e Fouitiiry, 173 Clein-land, Ohio. 4A, oa. W l>()ixT Dr ViNXK. $10.25 TEACH Fret Hind 4A, 5a. 60 Point De Vixne. Sl2.2o FINDS Rich Qirl 4A, Oil, 72 PoixT De Vfxxe. $17.00 Hoe Tip Cleveland Type Foundry, 174 Cleveland, Ohio. 30A, 42a. 6 Point De Vinne Conuenseu. $2.2'i STOCK CUTS AND ELECTROTYPES SUITABLE FOR ALL PURPOSES Portraits and Biographies of Eminent Printers and Publishers in Every Issue of this Valuable Paper Largest and Most Reliable Supply House in America $58 •25A, 36a. H Point Df Vinnk Conornseo. $2.50 ORDERS FOR PAPER-KNIVES PROMPTLY FILLED How Shall I Speak of Thee or Thy Power Address, Thou God of our Idolatry The Press? By Thee Religion, Liberty £20 22A, 30a. 10 Point De Vinne Condensed. $2.75 BEFORE PURCHASING EXAMINE OUR STOCK Machinery Shipped from our Manufactory Direct to all Purchasers 25 Numerous and Superior Investments 18A, 22a. 12 Point De Vinne Condensed. $3.00 NEW YORK STYLES IN SPRING SUITS Extra Fine Lot of Non=Reversible Blue Silk Umbrellas Cathedrals and Monasteries 257 12A, 20a. 14 Point De Vinne Condensed. $3.25 SWEEPING REDUCTION SALE Refreshing Summer Evening Boat Excursions Suburban Stone Residence lOA, 16a. 18 Point De Vinne Condensed. $3.23 DECLARATION OF PEACE Bought Superior Household Furniture Elegant Carpets $2.75 Cleveland Type Foundry, 17o Cleveland , Ohio. 8A, 123. '21 Point De V'inne Condknsed. .$1. 30A. 10 Point Facade. $2.00 PROCURED THE ONLY CORRECT SOUVENIRS OF THE STATUE OF LIBERTY -<1ENLIGHTENING THE WORLD AND CflLENDilR 93t>» 2.5A. 12 Point Facade. $2.25 THE ECHOING STEPS OF WORSHIPPERS DEPARTED, WHEN THE , ORGAN'S PEALING VOICE WAS HUSHED AND 45 18A. 18 Point Facade. $2.75 GERMAN ENGRAVING MACHINE PERFECTED FINEST RESULTS OBTAINED 23 16A. 20 Point Facade. $3.03 RETURN TELEGRAM FROM REPORTER REMARKABLE DISCOVERY 69 12A. 24 Point Facade. $3.25 SUMMER EXCURSION SCHEMES SUPERB BOATING 3S Cleveland Type Foundry, 182 Cleveland, Ohio. 9A. .% Point Facade. $SM COUNTRY COMPANIONS HA. :?!> Point Facadk. $1.50 DREADFUL SUFFERING 6A. 42 Point Facadk. $4.25 GEOGRAPHICAL oA. 48 Point Facade. $4.75 CHARMING MflID 5A. 54 Point Facadk. $5.50 5A. 60 Point Facadk. $6.59 FOUND SOME Cleveland Type Foundry, J83 Cleveland, Ohio. 46A, 50a. 10 Point Faoadk Coxdexskh, No. $3.2;'> MOST BEAUTIFUL SPECIMENS OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING WITH SUPERIOR BINDING very Coreluiiy Revised Hislories o( Jusiiy GeleDroled lloclefll oodModero Giiarociers Nearly Gompieled TDe Most Beauiiloi specimen of Letler-Press Prinlino witn Extro Superior Bindino 39 40A, 44a. 12 Point Facade Coxdexsku. No. 2. $3.75 rOOR COMPflNlf WITH LADIES RESPECTFOLIY SOLICITED FranKiin lypograpiiicai socieiies Fourm Grand Annoai cnnsimas Donee and supper your (jompany wiin Louies Respeciiuiiy soiiciied on moi Eveni 25 30A, 34a. 16 Point Facade Condensed, No. 2. $4.00 DISIil SiiiY GLIMS, fli lEN GEilLE Lenyes ofe lufoini Brawn m ] Disii Siiiiiiy « 28A. 32a. 20A, 24a. 16A, 20a. 16A, 20a. 18 Point Facade Condensed, Xo. 2. 24 Point Facade Condensed, Xo. 2, 30 Point Facade Condensed, Xo. 2. Point Facad:^: Condensed, Xo. 2. [ iS fiiii $4.75 I mm Mmm Sendlni Lariesi GoiiDiiiioiis lo the Sullra 15.00 S6.00 Seig iioliii ififs ilE'S ii f7;oo Clevela7td Ty^e Foundry, 184 Cleviland, Ohio. 14 A. IHa. 42 Point Facadk Condensed, No. 2. J.25 Mil Mtf Mt, W r2A, i(Mi. 48 Point Facade Condensed, No, 2. 8«.00 Minis MU SI 12A, l(k. f;4 Point Facade Condensed, No. 2. $10.75 i n, 12A, 16a. lUUU LA m Point Facade Condensed, No. 2. S12.50 fl llu IS m 9A, 12a. 72 Point Facadk Condensed, No. 2. $13.50 Clei'tland Type Foundry, 185 Vfl Cleretami, Ohio. 6 Point Armoric. 16A,f0.95. 22a, $0.65. Complete Fout, $1.60 yanke;e; boys Sing ^ATiia Midrxigtxt ^^larms Quixotic Krxight Held by- the Br-awny A.rm 1S34 E^v-erxings S678 8 Point Armoric. UA,$1.10. 20a, $0.70. Complete Font, $1.80 e:ast maze: Krstwlriile th^ey Si^l^ed Lor^e Qiiilp Sell Kar\cy Articles 234 Kvert S67 12A, $1.25. 18a, $0.85. 10 Point Armoric Complete Font, $2.10 TT'l^e Path to Success is Coii^^moi^ Sense Commai^d Higlr^ F^rices 1235 ^.fter thje Floods 6789 10A,$1.25. 16a, $1.00. 12 Point Armoric Complete Font, $2.25 WISHING TO IMPORT Behtold tl^e CHeese Kr^ife of Titipu Held b^^ tl\e ^T\emy 123 in Grartd Arreiy 373 Clez Tlarxxe to :^ea:4*^ 10 Point Old Stylk Bold. UA, 18a. $3.50 8 Point Old Stylk Bold. 18A, 24a. «3.50 12 Point Old Stylk Bold. UA, 18a. S4.00 Ovii*^%r^ Joirxt 7A,10a. 18 Point Old Stylk Bold. $4.50 JB>i:LOOtjif a^ge ISjjoi^t 5A,7a. 24 Point Old Style Bold. $6.00 4A, 6a. 36 Point Old Style Bold. 4A, 6a. 48 Point Old Style Bold. $9.50 Kin J^eLl^& $15.00 Cle7'elaud Tyfe Foutuiry, 189 Cifzu'/and, Ohio. 20A. 8 Point Fostkr Gothic Extkxdkd. S2.00 PRESENTED NUMEROUS SELECTIONS ECHOING STEPS OF DEPARTING CHILDREN 65 REMARKABLE PERFORMERS 15A. 10 Point Fostkr Gothic Extkndkd. S2.25 SEVENTH MOONLIGHT EXCURSION AUTHORITY SATISFIED 42 lOA. 12 Point Foster Gothic Extkndkd. S2.50 FOURTH SOLDIERS REUNION OCEAN 8 WAVES 8A. 18 Point Foster Gothic Extkndkd. S3.00 NOTED 35 RACER 6A. 24 Point Foster Gothic Extended. $3.75 BAROUCHE 13 4A. 36 Point Foster Gothic Extended. $4.50 MODERN 3A. 48 Point Foster Gothic Extended. $5.75 GUARD Cle% eland Type Foundry, 190 Cle%>eland, Ohio. 24A. 6 Point Alaskan. * S1.50 THE WIND IS QUITE INCITING, AND IT'S GETTING DOWN TO PLMY, WMERE THE SIUUERY PERCrt lARE BITING IN TrtE COOU I23*5 LAKES FAR AWAY. TrtE UIOLETS 67890 16A. 8 Point Alaskan. $1.70 TME NONDESCRIPT SAID TO BE MV^LF COUSIN TO DUDES AND UNCLE TO CZARS 125 12A. 10 Point Alaskan. $1.70 TMROUGiM TRAIN TO WISDOMTOWM 23 CONDUCTOR BRAIN 69 lOA. 12 Point Alaskan. $2.05 678 ELOCUTIONARV POWER 8A. 18 Point Alaskan. $3.65 F-UIRTS RACE: 95 6A. 24 Point Alaskan. $4.50 PI3/-V iVt iHE:T 4A. 36 Point Alaskan. $6.00 3A. 48 Point Alaskan. $7.30 RIM 35 ALL THE SIZES IN THIS SERIES LINE AT BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM. Cler>eland Type Foundry, 191 Clez'eland, Ohio. 8 Point Ivaxhok. l2A,|l/20. 20a. fl.20.V Complete Font, $2.40 LAUGH AND THE World Snickers With You, But Weep and You Weep $12365 Quite Alone 90835 10 Point Ivanhok. lOA, fl.l5. 18a, f 1.20. Complete Font, $2. .So WHEN GLAD YOUR Friends Will Be Many, Be Sad and You $1234 Will Lose 5678 lOA, «1.20. 16a, S1.20. 12 Point Ivanhoe. Complete Font, $2.40 EVERY ONE OF THE SUNSHINE Friends Who Stuck Fast to Him While Mis Ducats Lasted, Alas! $12345 Quite Gone 8A, S1.50. 14a, $1.55. 16 Point Ivaxhoe. Complete Font. $3.05 HE IS A PLAIN HONEST MAN The Parliament of Man the Federation $12345 Honorable 67890 8A, $2.00. 12a, $1.75. 18 Point Ivaxhoe. Complete Font, $3.75 FRIENDS ARE MANY Be Sad And You Lose Them All Your $123456 Wine Cleveland Type Foundry, 192 Cleveland, Ohio. 6A, $2:.V\ 10a. «2.4(». 'M Point Ivanhok. Coiiu.Iete Font, $4.7) BUT ALONE YOU Must Drink Of Life's Gall $34567890 4A, $2.*)0. Ha, $2.;i"). .«> Point Ivanhok. Complete Font, $5.25 IN THE MALLS Of Airtri Gaily Sing 4A, *^.:«). aa, $2.20. 36 Point Ivaxhok. Complete F(mt, I.5..50 YOU BET Don't Use Slang 35 RiQht 94 Cleveland Type Fmniclry, 193 * Cletwland, Ohio. 4A, 10a, 21 Point Hoiguton. $iM 3A, 7a. 3G Point Houghton. $7.50 1 2 ;i 4 5 6 \ t) on)edv ) 3A, 5a. 48 Point Houghton. m.25 3A, 4a. 60 Point Houghton. ¥11.90 •Cleveland Ty/e Faundry, 194 Cleveland, Ohio- 12A, 18a. 18 Point Cm uxs. U.IO 20A, 30a. 12 Point Chi LDs. 9.U\0 ryz-^mtC^ UNANSWERED A^A^ONS Regimental Problem I^obUSt SoldlCr 12345678 128456 8A, l!2a. 2i Point Childs. $4.50 SCENIC Photograph 6A, 9a. 30 Point Childs. $5.15 RIFIsE Oxjnamitc 5A,8a. 36 Point Childs. «6.30 COjWIC Valentines 4A. 6a. 48 Point Childs. Freight DOCK 3A, 5a. Point Childs. $10.«M NEW Forts Cleveland Type Foundry, 185 Cleveland, Ohio. ISA. U I'oint Pluto. $2,25 PIGTURESOUE MOUNTAIN REGION THOUSAND ISLANDS OF ST. LAWRENGE 18 lOA. 18 Point Pluto. $H.()0 GENERAL STORES EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE 8A. 24 Point Pluto. $;^.50 ANGIENT TOWNS EGYPTIAN ROMANGE m Point Pluto. $4.25 MASTERY BLIND LOVER 48 Point Pluto. $5.50 TRUMPS SEASON 15 Cle-i'eland Type Foum/ry, liMj Clc7>cland, Ohio. 16A, lioa. V2 Point Dynamo. .«2.25 INTERNflTIONflL flOSPITflLITY Receptions and Slippers Tendered to Foreign Uisitop 1234567890 lOA, 14a. 18 Point Dynamo. ^2.45 INDOSTRIflL SOCIETIES InstPiictiue Literature Spread Broadcast 8A, lOa. 24 Point Dynamo» $3.00 JOUENILE TOURISTS TraueliDg flrodnd the CoDfineDl 4A, (Ml. :'.(1 P(jiNT Dynamo. ^3.60 BLITHESOME Disposition Maintained 3A, 4a« 48 Point Dynamo. *4.55 RECE1UIN6 General Selections Clezuland Type Foufuiry, 197 Clexi' Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. 12A, 24a. 12 Point JXkkkk. m.i») 18345 THE HEHL BENTLEHIEH 67890 The I)6al BentlBnian Should be Qontlo in Evorything That Depends on Hin)SBlf--ln Carriage, Teniper Constructions, pirns, Desires lOA, 2()a. 18 Point Dukrkk. $;U5 REinflRKflBLE RfllLRDflD EXTENSION Fast PassBnger Trains Leave Union Station 4B EQUlppeil with Dining Cars 37 8A, 16a. 24 Point Dukuku. #4.( DDDD CLEAN PRESSWORK Satisfied Patrons, Better Prices Pleased Advertisers 47 Cleveland Type Foundry, 200 Cleveland, Ohio. 4 A, Sa. m Point Dukkkk. S4.75 DLflSSID WRITERS Popularitu Hdileveil 7B 3A, 6a. 4.S Point Dukkkk. $6.00 mrlcanB4WflRS 3A, 6a. 6(1 Point Dlkijkk. S9.00 m EIlBCt 54 SA,'ni. 72 Point J U.;iJKU. S16.00 w 3s m Cleveland Ty/>c Foundry, 201 Cleveland, Ohio. 20A, 40a. 10 Point Lincoln. S2.(M) WITfi CONSTANT MOTION AS THE MOMENTS GLIDE Behold In Running Life the Rolling Tide I For None Can Stem by Art nor Stop by Power the Flowing Ocean or the Fleeting flour, But Wave by Wave Pursued Arrive and Dash 246 Upon the Shore With a Terrible Force 378 12A,24a. 12 Point Lincoln. $2.25 HUNGRY AND TtilRSTY SOULS GOME Early and Eat and Drink Yourself to Death Without Gost Everything Strictly First Glass And Guaranteed to Kill Anybody in Seventeen 24 Sittings, Don't Fail to Gall 57 lOA, 20a. 18 Point Lincoln. S2.75 REMARKABLE DELINEATOR Beautifully Designed Wrappers Furnished Necessary 345 Regulation 8A, 16a. 24 Point Lincoln. $3.50 DOCUMENT RETURNED Expected Gircumstantial Evidence Ornaments 35 Received Cleveland Type Foundry, 202 Cleveland, Ohio. 6A,12a, 30 Point Lincoln. $3.75 PROCLAMATION Remarkable 37 Performance Handsome Souvenirs 5A, 10a. 36 Point Lincoln. $4.75 NEWSPAPERS Peculiar 564 Instances Advertisement 4A,8a. 48 Point Lincoln. $6.00 DISTINCTION fiapvest 8 Secupe Cleveland Type Foundry, 203 Cle^ieland, Ohio. 18A, 36a. 10 Point Douui-as. $2.40 DEMANDS FOR READERS QUICKLY FILLED Universal Publishers' Trust Association is Hereby Pleased Announce to all Literary Aspirants Throughout the World, that it has Perfected Laws 45 Indiscriminative Book Devourers 35 12A, 24a. 12 Point Douglas. $2.10 REGIMENTAL DISCIPLINARIAN Never in the fiistory of Job Printing has there Been such a Marked Advance Improvement of Printing Materials Used Better and Quicker 234 lOA, 20a. IS Point Douglas. $3.30 RETURN DELEGATE Popular Telegraphic Movements Republican 346 Alderman 8A,I8a. 24 1'oiM- DdVui.As. M.30 CONTRIBUTION Beautiful Features Scarce Rustic 345 Scenes Cleveland Type Foundry, 204 Cleveland, Ohio. t5A,V2a. ») Point DoiMii, AS. HM HANDSOMER Highest 978 Charges Plans Drawn 4A, 8a. 36 Point Douglas. $4.90 OREGONIAN Newer 34 Graves Remained 3A, 6a. 48 Point Douglas. «6.25 PROMISE Great 3 Boats CU"i>eland Tyf>e Foundry, 205 Cleveland, Ohio 6A, Plain Caps, S1.65. 18 Point Mikado. 6A, Ornamental Caps. $1 95. Complete Font. $6.70 12a. Lower Case, $1.60. Ornaments, $1.50. .... Fife ^Vo»^ tl^c ca/j yoW a/^A \av< Ffom ("tj Jaj'l^('or\ 9r\6 ^oym col \oorc ^n* ^o v/irff e tl^e <^tvav/ievyjr ^yov/r ofl ''Ij* -StyaW, af\A t^e "(Boor^iffiy^ # # 6A, Plain Caps, $2.a5. 24 Point Mikado. 6A, Ornamental Caps, $2.50. Complete Font, $8.85 12a, Lower Case, $2.00. Ornaments, $2.00. Vva^ff came i>ozz<*r\^ ®®®* - = = i.r\i^ lh^y\ a. Ao^, l\i€r\ A^a^e $12,345,^X8.90 Cleveland Type Foundry, 206 Cleveland, Ohio. 4A, Plain Caps, $2.85. 36 Point Mikado. 4A, Ornamental Caps, $;i.;%. 8a, Lower Case, 82.25, Ornaments, $2.25. Complete Font, $10.65 5H ^^^2^23 6f\(*of^ @Mel 3A, Plain Caps, $3.45. 48 Point Mikado. 3A. Ornamental Caps, $3.60. Complete Font, $12.50 6a, Lower Case, $2.70. Ornaments, $2.75. 5^ 12:30 Q)'(lo(k Cleveland Type Foundry, 207 Cleveland, Ohio. 12A. 9 Point Chinksk. 11.20 €1€CTR0TYPC rOUHi^RY course r^K^n by movniSim MOon&HmcKS lOA. 12 Point Chinksk. $1.60 M€S80P0TJiiMa THc Qmniiy wh€J^€ gukts aj^cw 8 A. 18 Point Chixkse. $2.25 ),OST WSTORV 6A. 24 Point Chinese. $2.40 ftowmc Cleveland Type Foundry, 20H Cleveland, Ohio. «} Point Ravkn. UA. $Uin SWEET SUMMER THIS FlaHWER IS SENT TIM WEST y Point Ravkx. 12A. $1.80 LiAST MHUR5 SIIiENT NICMT5 SWEET lOA. 12 Point Raven. S2.15 5QME TWISTERS THE STREETS BF OMENT SMOKE NINE 8A. 18 Point Ravkn. $3.00 EREVIER FAmEm FbQWEnS FlaY KITES 6A. 24 Point Ravkn. $3.70 REFLiECTISN ENTICE Clerreland Type Foundry, 200 Clmcland, Ohio. 8A, $2.rv-). 16a, *;^.2o. 22 Point Cham ki.kon. Coinplett' Font. $5.80 ialtz inee Hore iaridy louses in the Joeks 12iuiekly80 6A,$3.00. 12a, $3.7o. 30 Point Chamklkox. Complete Font, $6.75 grow kal. $2.85 24 Point Ideal, $3.00 5A. 36 Point Idkal $4.80 k E k Cleielanni Type Foundry, 212 Cleveland , Ohio. 10A,*1.1'>. 2(ia, ^I.2(». 12 Point Ai.j'iNK. Complete Font, $2.;iri «^ jle; l^noW? Little; of flirt^pelf of of the; Wo/l^ Wl^o 6oe? nor tl^ini^ if Stiff ic;ie;nr f^^^^^^t^e?? fo (ae; P/ee fKort^ SoKKoW $12345^7^90 8A, *1.H,^. 16a, *2.(K) 18 Point Alimxk. Complete Font, $3.65 5 Tfje SWe^f Sot)i^^r^0 in r^W TW^nf^ # $ 123^5(^7^90 ! s * 6A, S2.1n. 12a, $2.20. 24 Point Ali'ixk. Complete Font, $4.3r> 4A, *;^.lo. 8a,*2.(>;i. 36 Point Alimxk. Complete Font, $5.80 /V\^i^^i^^ of CJ^^fio^^ /V\ei^ Clmelanii Type Found iy, 213 Cleveland, Ohio. 6A,1fe.OO. 12a, $2.50. 24 Point Argkxt. Complete Font, $4.50 IliiiU^ii f|1^,^4S,4J?ilJjJj:3 4A, 83,75. 8a, $2.' :36 Point Argkxt. Complete Font, $6.50 S § |ljij]|% fym I jlij|i)/ 1 53^% c)t<5)<' ^"^■^ ex Oi-^* <^^^ ■-iSlliSfSSfe Cleveland Type Foumhy, Clcz'ela n d. Oh io . (iA, *2."i(). 12a, *2..V». 24 Point Sigxkt Shauk. Complete Font. $5.0U A^tfthi^t^ bf^jovj Odd Goj^c^its, r oWer of K0.a,^O95, 1234S6759Q) 4A, m.9i). 8a, «}.4(). i:^ 36 Point Sig.vet Shade. Complete Font, S7.30 f : I allif^g K I veif nxqaisite ^qd Grsiqd Gasb ^eceiVecl 1234S67 Cleveland Type Foundry, 215 Cleveland, Oliii lOA, $2. In. 18a, *2.i: 12 PolXT ASTKAI,. Xo CuiiipU'te Font, $4.;iO 8A, $2.90. 14a, «2.7r>. 18 Point Astral, Xo. 2. Complete l-'ont, $5.65 FJIMIIiY (SI^OGEI^^ is- tihi l»^^ |» '«IB?- B'ai» tia His (JiFl ^4^ii 6A, $1.5(). lOa, $8.4,- U Point Astral, Xo. 2. Complete Font, $6.95 4A, %'->.m. 6a, mjyT-i 86 Point Astral, Xo. 2. CleTcland Type Foundry, 216 Complete Font, $9.15 Cleveland, Ohio. lOA, $2.1.'). 18a, *2.4^ i!| t]^% iNlSt 8A,S:i.(X). 14a. S;m5. 18 Point Aukorai,, No. 2. Complete Font, $6.0() ^«i VicasS?* >si# >,— ^*>^; TOsA. TOss.s-^wss, ^•.: m Fed la r^, n^ake Mpi^^y i;^,|^ Happy M%^ 6A, S3.80. 10a, :i?;U^'^ 24 Point Auroral, No. 2. Complete Font, $7.25 The Hunt for Gol 4A, $>.7r). 6a, $:{.9:) 36 Point Auroral, Xo. 2. (Vmu.Iete Font. $9.70 K HQall Melo Clereland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. lOA. M' 18 Point Rkmhrj »2.(I0 ■^ »i5(i>' 1^1 uwim W'O^ilRS Ijl Sl^^ei OF 7A. 24 Point Hkmbrandt. $2.15 TKi: ,( M C IS^^^'CI'lI'lu >A. 36 Point Rkmbranut. $2.85 pm0 mmmfA}ii Bill i^i| Clevila}id Type Foiimhy, 218 Clezclond, Ohio. 14A, $1.45. 30a, $1.20. 9 Point Interlakkn. Complete Font, $2.65 ^ ^aidan iiaw a ^aai ar\a day l^ha ^aidan tuma3 to ^wiftly flaa jiroach har in an ^ngrj '^ay, Jhnd ^odgad around iha naara^t traa, '§ gaautiful ^"^a^a^^a^ SyP^ ^uitaUe for |fina ^ork. 6A,$2.35. 14a, $2.15. 24 Point Intkrlaken. Complete Font, $4.50 Jlyer to a ^ilent Jflajanty .a^t Jflanaal far ^rmter aa^ Jaaraali^t ^daakd aa 1214 ^ ypaaYaphy 10 Point Illyiuax. 10 A, $0.90. 20a, $0.95. Complete Font, $1. ^ith fingfira hiearij and liiarn find eyfilids heabi} as lead, fln editor sat at the break nf morn find liiished that he liiere dead. 12 Point Illyuian. 8A, $1.00. 16a, $1.00. Complete Font, $2.00 Qarliiin unliiiselij huilt ]-fia hnuae upon the sand. ^Dliiling atnrma heat dnliin upon it It Gfluld nn longer atand ;.\.*l.ri(). 14a, Sl.:iO. 18 Point iM.tRiAN. Complete Font, $2.8 YfilliRts nf ^ijrfi and |idnn fnuntain nf ^nman'a ^aara ara ]\[aar tha j-faart jna is gnldar than tha finnr nf a |^ink Cle7-eland Type Foundry, 219 Cierelanti, Ohio. ICA, 4(»a. S Point Widk Ui.ack. mM\ ^e»iovai\on of health ®rcuv*tc(u» io ioxnx branch. l4A,;{K Black. *:^.(K» 10 A, 24a. 12 Point Widk Black. *;^,(M) glnnwrtl ^enxxion of gaxxxoxx^ §crci^ti^fir, 89 8A, 20a. 14 Point Widk Black. .$;^.20 6A. l(5a. 1() Point AVidk Black. mm 6 A, 16a. 18 Point Widk Black. *;140 Concrete axxh ^sipi)aii ^oah& 1 5A, 12a. 20 Point Widk Black. H.2f) Clez'cliind Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. oA. IKa. 12 I'oiNT IJosn.N IJi.ACK. $2.7o ^xtntntjev Whcxxx^wix ^ositpcinjeib^ 63 ■SA, Ua. IH 1>(>INT Boston Hi-ACK. *i.(X) i^arlji JHcrrning Pratr^r^ 38 4A, lllii. 22 Point IJoston Hi.ack. UM 4A, ()a. 28 Point Boston JJlack. $4.o0 HA,4}i. :}<) Point Boston IJi.AOK. $4.nO Cle7>fitd Type Foumiry, 221 Cleveland , Ohio. loA.oDa. (5 FoixtTudou Bi.ACK. $2.25 IRemarftable jflorttcultural plcaeurcs UntelUacntl^ S>e0cribe^ b^, Sntbustastic <3ar^€ner0 Obost fiyquiaite Pcrfumca ^IClaftc^ Ubrougb tbc fivcntna Bir 96 15A, oOa. 8 Point Tudok Black. *2.7") Superb *RcaDi2s^aDc Clotbiufl, (Scntlcmens jf urnisbina Emporium Steam ipumps an& Xocomotlve Bn^ines IRepairet) 34 12A,36a. 1(» Point Tudor Black. $2.75 Hnnual Session ot tbe (5ran^ Xo^ge at lPunl?in\>iUe Bxbibition b^ Squasbtown Guar^s 63 9A, ;^a. 12 Point Tudou Black. $2.75 ffioatonian Ztecbnologi? Hrcbltectural flDaflasinc ®ur Seconb lEbition IRow 1Rea^^ 89 8A, 25a. 18 Point Tvdok Black. *3.4<) IRortb Mebster Supply Compani^ provision ^ercbant 47 5A, 15a. 20 Point Tuuor Black. $3.50 mntteb States Bonbs Stolen ©atbering Conpone 25 5A, 15a. 24 Point Tudok Black. $4.75 Episcopal Convention Cburcbmen 32 Cleveland Type Foundry, ' 222 Cleveland, Ohio. 4 A, 12a. ;i(") Point Tri)(»u Hi,. v Point Law Itai.ic. No. 2. (•(.mi.iet*' Fi.iit. 5:2.4;i And the Shades of Night came o'er us us the looing herds lazily wound their way homeward through the copse that covered the mountain side. And all seemed peace and tranquility to us who had fought all the long day, and successfully too, in climbing to that lofty height from which we had had such a glorious view of the beauties of nature, showing the grandness of the past ages and the ruin time had wrought. 1234.i67890 24A, *1.2.>. 70a, ?fl.»i(). 8 Poixt Law Itamc, No. 2. Complete Font, §2.85 Messrs. Make, Muehof, It & Co. — Sirs: I have shipped to you this day per agreement, a large consignment of defeated, discouraged politicians. Please do the best you can with them, and your name implies much, and fit them up for our next attempt for victory, and oblige. Central Committee. 1284567890 20A, «Llo. 52a, >fLt).i. 10 Point Law Itauc, No. 2. Coini)lete Font. *2.80 Cessation from labor! 0! what a grand time for cultivation, poetry and music. But no! A glorious harvest-time for the Devil it will he when men are not obliged to labor for their daily bread. 1284567890 15A, *1.15. 42a, *L85. 12 Point Law Italic, No. 2. Complete Font, $3.00 When the ruinous results of recklessness restrain riotous ruffians ruthlessly romping rough roads rightly then religious reform rigorously refined will really do. 1234567890 lOA, $1.:30. 27a, *2.(K). 18 Point Law Italic, No. 2. Coujplete Font, $3.:50 He purchased with a loaf of bread, a sugar-plum of pleasure, and pipe of peace and presented them all to his brother Bill. 1234567890 Cleveland lypc Foundry, 224 L'Uvelaud, Ohio. iriA,42ii. 10 Point Vkxktiax. $4.40 S'PA^RTACUS' AOOCRESS TO ROMANS. Ye call me chief, and ye do well to call him chief, who, for twelve long years, has met, upon the arena, every shape of man or beast the broad empire of Rom,e could furnish ; and who has i^3 4j6'/8oo VIA, :i2a. 12 Point Venktian. U.-io JVEVE^ LOWE^ECD HIS A^RmS And if there is one among you who can say that ever, in public fight or private brawl, my actions did belie my tongvie, let hiyn step forth and say it. Yet I 1 2j4j6y8go 12A,32a.' 18 Point Vknktian. ST.OO WAS JiOT ALWAYS THUS A hired butcher, a savage chief of still more savage rzen. ' My early life ran as i234 3 6j8qo 24A, $1.40. 70a, $2.10. S Point Law Italic. Complete Font, $3.50 BOOMERAXG HOTEL, This justly celebrated House will he open to receive a limited number of guests between 8:35 and 3:45. a. m., 20A, $1.4.5. -Via, $2.20. 10 Point Lam* Italic. Complete Font, $3.6.5 ARTICLE OF AGREEMENT. Each window (except those on the outside of the building), is to have a. pair of 1 1-Jf inch mor- ticed slat blinds, made with re-bated and braded 12A, $1.00. 32a, $1.;V> 12 Point Law Italic. Complete Font, $2..5.5 SLOCUM cl PETERS. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set oar hands and ofjieial seals this 12 o^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 225 Cleveland, Ohio. 20A, $1.80, 60a, S2..S."i. 12 Point Stkxocjkak. Comi'lete Font, ii4.()r> The mechanical improvements in type- writing machines have done away v^ith the old fashioned violent, irregularity in alignment of letters. The STENOGRAF is an exact reproduction of the samples submitted to us by a careful operator on a recently improved machine. Its legi- ble, compact appearance makes the face desirable for the printer who desires a correct copy of the latest type-writing. 20A, $2.00. 110a, |5.2o. 12 Point Kemington Standakd. Complete Font, $7.25 Messrs* Wycoff, Seamans & Benedict, who own and manufacture the Remington typewriter machine, have written us that our "REMINGTON STANDARD" typewriter type is the best in existence, and they are recommending it to all who inquire of them for the most perfect type imita- tion of the work done by their "2 pica machine." In making the "Remington Standard" we copied each character as actually struck on a "2 pica" Remington typewriter. Clevela7id Type Foundry, 226 Cleveland, Ohio. 20A. l()>^ii. 12 Point Smith l'n'ii;ii>r Type Writer. *7.50 Cleveland Type Foundry, copper alloy type, CLEVELAND. January 1, 1895. Smith Premier Type-Writer Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Gentlemen. --Here is a new type- writer face matching exactly the char- acters used on your well-known and widely-used machine. Printers can obtain fonts of 20A 108a, with justifiers, at $7.50 per font, less usual discounts, or in 25 or 50 lb. fonts at 54c per lb., either of us or of any branch or agency of the American Type Founders' Company. Yours truly, CLEVELAND TYPE FOUNDRY. Cleveland Type Foundry. 220 A Cleveland, Ohio. 4\, SA, U»a. 1_> l'(.iNT (Jiioi.iKi: J^^\^^porf of ( ommiiiec on hxicimon of Jal)ors ^reparaiions for J^ttfure JTcfivihj Xn flw proscciiiion of our labors 'TcV' find many persons lifuifj under frees expecting frnii to drop info flleir mouflis — nnmders pafienflij Ixmifinfj for a ^ri^e from file loffenj or race-fracl[ ; ^fe fixerefore advise fhaf a number of ffw mosf energefic of our co-laborers be senf fo sfir fftem up fo a sense of practical dufi/ ?,\. (W, :!0a. 18 Toint (Jjtoi.iKi; «itii .mi iN.itit luiiiiiN. ^iO.'.K) Cxpufsion of DKemficrs ^fiereas, on the '(otfi inst. ^eier ^iddfefaddfe ^as found ^^fiHiling a sficl^ for three hours; therefore 5e it ^esofved, that he be expefted from this Society 3A, 4A, 2Ua. •J4 Point fiiioi.iKi: witii :;r. Pni.it inirii.K. $7.50 ociefij to y ncourage ^miiistry Tnitiation of DuCemSers T ^aitfijidiij Covenant that mij Hands sfiafl 6e trained "^nth precision in some 3£andicraft Clt'7'cland Type Foundry. 226 B C/rru-Znn,/. Ohio. 6A, $1.95. 12a, $1.90, 24 Point Gazkllk. Complete Font, $3.85 f^aq^ fhasant (ijetums ^o^da^ 4A, $3.05. 8a, $2.70. 36 Point Gazelle. Complete Font, $5.75 ^Ble of pffow 0mckmte fforn iiBssBf - - /.^ - ^ 3A, S:3.15. 6a, $2.9). 4« Point Gazkllk. Complete Font, SO.lo , OSes ^tain 57 fifatss Cleveland Type Foundry, ITi Cleveland, Ohio. 4A, ■iLK). 18a, U.ir-,. 30 Point Hoyt Script. Complete Font, S8.85 Card Font, 3A, 9a, 4.75 TEACHER OF VIOLIN. No. 35 B:.UFF Court, SQUEDUNK, O. Cleveland Type Foundry, 228 Cleielund, Ohio. 5A. Km. IH Point Xovki.ty Scitin-. S4.00 5A, 12ji. '24 Point Xovki.ty Sckiht. ^-^.'^ 4A, Ha. ;i(i Point Novki/py Script. $7.25 3A, 6a. 48 Point Novklty Script. §9.00 3A, 5a. 60 Point Novklty Script. $11.75 3 A, 4a. 72 Point XovKi/rv Script. §16.00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 229 Clei-eland, Ohio. 9A, 2.>a. 18 Point Boston Script. $6.00 A, 20a. 24 Point Boston Script. $8.(K) oA, loa. WiS Point Boston Script. .*in.00 {^u-^/^ (^^f/ie-^tuiy/td^ '/7/^i^etfu/e /o Cleveland Type Foundry, 230 Cleveland, Ohio. 4A. H>!i. -tS Point Boston Sciui't. *12.00 3A, 8a. 60 Point Boston Sckipt. $10.00 u^ ^.m^fi f Cleveland Type Foundry Cleveland, Ohio. 8A, Svi.lO. 32a, r>.40. 22 Point Carpenter Script. Complete Font, $8.50 Card Font, 4A, 16a, 4.50 8A,$4.00. 32a, $S.,50. 30 Point Carpexter Script. Complete Font, $12.50 Card Font, 4A, 16a, 6.50 c=:y^-„-,^. /— .?- ^- . 24 Point Clkvkland Script. Complete Font, S8.50 Card Font. 4A, 16a, 4.50 Qi^L-^. • L^^ L'-c-Ai. *...,_^a^L'-^xx.-Li.yr-ucL. Cleveland Type Foundry, Z^\ Cleveland, Ohio. oA, Kia. 10 A, ;i2a. 12 Point Stkkl 1'latk Scjnrr. mm cJ^/V^ yx-'^ /-^ v// /^ ,/yj < / ^/ ..,r >/ /''/ 1^" /'f ^.^ f' ff^ /- ,> /^-f/// //^ /^ L^ d F^^-r-t- /•-*-* .^ offz-f'j ^tji-t i /I'/t-i^^-^ fJ- y/rr/ Z^t-rt-l-^d- 'III f //i- f /d i^CifKffTCitfd- ffitrj-td. ^y6-^it:t'f^ri^.ft/e:^ \L 0'/f-Y-^^> /. tfS ^ii • •/ / • /y^/- • / ^/ / / / ; /r "//r/ /,,'//>, /fy/^i'W*^. iP ■a-a-i^a-e t^'ftJ- ■€>r-(-f^i ii^ , A • y • • / •// / // . /■ / / 4A, 12a. 8 A, 22a. 24 Point Stf:p:l Platk Script. No. 1. S4.(H) :*7.(K) / / Cleveland Type Foundry, 2:54 Cle-^t'0 f^iti-, C_-^^^ d:-'i6A^^c^K^ /■ / //■ ■// ■/ / / /^ 7 d^t^^^:i-is-i::^'ii3'r^ -/^t-t'-ia^^ ^ -u/f^ cP-j^^&^^-t^d^ «?? vv-eland, Ohio. lOA, 32a. 10 PoixT RoYAi. HcKirr. U.r>0 ,^:„M lOA, 32a. $5.00 t.y^#eW t.yfta.-n.y. (Oa>ce//en^ h^tfct/t^^t'ed i-y^ret'rt/y C^A^ectA^ /cr- Ky]Ae*nS«/v.eS Ar^ ScCc'ci^Y ytitfif c/oSe f^5/niiAcc^t'cf% i€^4^ 4A, 12a. 18 Point Royal Script. $3.50 8A, ^a. $6.00 it/ccJJccrc/ tJ^'T^x.i/S Li«liiiiK IToust-. MM JIILdliMtMilkMliilihiillll'li'lllliilli'ilii l— jtt^^ r.V.-.J gg *' «V. ' .~ -.' I/,'.;. ■j<_t{.— ....Wii III,— \J>',.....!!gg = *^" — iii i iiwH ii ii i iii i i i i ii m i u uiiiii pi^ lip I j||H ~ IIH w^l f nil n! ilH n ^^^ ipw ■■■■■iPlill nin'"^ J Prick, Including Brass Rulk, $5.85. CHARACTERS. ■ ^HiBMiJarBna 7 8 9 10 iiiitkl 23 11 13 Cleveland Type Foundry, li.i 18 1- Cleveland, Ohio. ^pjaxiliaries, ^^erien '2. & $4.50 Per Font. Half Font, ineludiny all characters, Jli.oO. ^,<^ I Cle-!>eland Type Foundry, 240 Cleveland, Ohio. Full Font, $4. SO -^^Auxiliaries, Series 3.#- J I L I Half Foxt, $2.75. Tn- CHARACTERS t^i 7^ -V .V Clerelind Type Fonuiiry, 241 Clei'elnnd, Ohio. ^^ COMBINATION ORNAMENTS, SERIES K. All characters cast on imiltijtlcs otu roiiit. I'cr loiit, :j!4.,1i^ •-•-^ ^:^^ •••:2i:. .^^ -^- > ^ • 1 15 CENTRAL ORNAMENTS. No. I. Per font, $l.(»0. No. -J. Per tout. $1.00. No. .^. Per font. $1.00. f^ :^ i^ r:^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 241! Cleveland, Ohio. MiKAiK) Orxamkxts. No. 1. $1.50 ® *jl « oQg @ ® = ooo . MiKAI.Ct OKNANfKMS. No. 2. $2.(MI ^ * i^^ © ^ s MiKAUO Ok.namknts. .\« S2.2n ® ® = ^ @ in sets of Fovk, at AO cts. per set. ^ ^fi ill 'CW® Cleveland Type Foundry ^ 24+ Cle7^^ I m ----rrr. ^/A ^ - I2-i TWINKLERS. 1»CM- I'ollt.Sl.OI) * % ^ ^ Cleveland '/y/>i- Foutidry 24^"> Cleveland, Ohio. Job Font, S2.">(». Deming Ornaments. Canl Font. $1.25 Job Font. ^'2.r->(K -^ Job Font, S2..')(». Job Font. s2..")(l. Iroquois Ornaments. —if) 8 Pilot Ornaments. Card Font, *1.00 -^ 4 s 3 4 Spencer Ornaments. Ciinl Font. $].r-A) Canl F<.nt *1.2ij Clei'eland Type Foundry, 246 Clnu'land, Ohio. Pointers. IVi- Font. *1. 25 i Contour Pointers. Per Font. $1.2r) (HADED Pointers. Per Font, .-rl. 25 Contour Palmetto Ornaments. m Palmetto Ornaments. l>or Font, .^1.00 ^ i^ Shaded Palmetto Ornaments. IVr Font. M.m .'1^.r Cleveland Type Foinidr 247 Clez'cltntd, Ohio. ELZEVIR FLORETS. ., ^. ^ ff Florets (l)y munlMTS) will n'jfist»-i jn-cunuiMv nm- over nic other:-22-2<», 2;^-^), 24-31, 2rwS2, 2(>^i>, 27.;^, 2.S.-«. :^i-44. S", •Im2: Si. For two colors tlu'^folloAyii.ff Fl.,rets (l).v iiu.nlMMs) will rojfistor aceui-ately, oik- over tho 4^"> 1 Group A. Complete Font. :ifl.r)(». Extni characters, cadi. 8 cts. H 4 '■> h t S i» 12 Group B. Comi.lctc Font, ^2.(MI. Kxtia cliaiactcrs, cacli, 10 ci f$ m '^ mp^ ^L (4^ 10 11 ];^ 14 15 ]H «^ * ^ t 1«^ ¥ 17 IS li) 2(1 21 4(i Group C. Coiiii)lctc Font, $2M{). Extra characters, each. 12 cts. * 1? IT ie sTfjc 24 ^& <^ ¥^ '^ ^" 2S ;^,i 37 38 :« 40 Group D. Complete F\uit, #2.(H). Extra characters, eacii, 12 cents. 29 •i) 41 Clevela7td Type Fotunhy, 42 248 48 44 Cleveland , Ohio. Ixogotvjpes, aeries 1. Price Per Font— two characters each— $2.2(t. Cast on our s^tandard type bodie.-. t 1 2 Wor^ Oripar^eiptS; Series 1. Complete Font, five sizes, 12.00. 12 Point. I A 3 4 2 36 Point. -4(« I + 1 4- 5 7 8 7 6 24 Point. 13 15 l« 18 14 l^-l'tf 19 20 IS Wor6 Oripan^ei^ts, Series 2. Complete Font, four sizes, S1.8o. I 2 3 4 3 2 I 18 POINT. 22 POINT. 8 " 24 Point. 5 7 9 10 8 « 13 18 15 14 12 17 19 21 22 20 18 Cln>eland Type Foundry, 249 Clei'eland, Ohio. NEW E, BQRQEI^ ETC. S\ /^ >^f r.NTKHI.INK Fr.Ol RISHKr«. ^2.ni) Per Font. CHARACTERS: — A —o- < ?-'T— ^^g^ ill 4 ^'tr "^ r^ ^r ir V" \ S5ii i,>p!^siifZi,,,:,J3lik;^iK^ -K;^"?^ Combination Border— Series 30 1. l^->^ r^i^^r^^ -r^r — '"S2a ■«T)- CHARACTKKS. i 2 3 Cleveland Type Foundry, 2.50 Clezield lid, ( V; /tf . ;3t^^^ - # CHARACTERS: C« ^^ 4 2 13 §Jj ?'" "%^l^r '^^l^r "''iMk-'" ''^^l^^" '^^1^$'" ''^^!^t>" ' -^I^r ^"^^l^r "'^^I^r '"f^I^i"' ''^ '^l^ . .^..=.. ,^S^. ,^AC.. ,^,.^. ,^SC^. .^^^. ,^..«-. ,^S^. ,^«^^^^^o^^^ ,^ *-«..^W-'t»..^'W^.^^W'*.i'W^v^W**>.t^W'*>.t^^^**.i^W**^.t^' <»! i^" rJaisy Harderj Nn, 3. ■'I CAST ON 3, 6 AND 12 POINT BODIES. "'* Di CI' l^lfr CHARACTERS: "'^f^ Clmeland Type Foundry, m 251 ^1^^ ^\ % % -i- ■% "."? ^'i^ -."? ^Vj ■% ■% -^5 -V-J >'.''; ^M'. ^1^ Clrt>ela7iti , Ohio. 12 Point Daisy Border, No. I $2.70 PER FONT, •I I I M^ ^Ik jS^f^ vv^, »^f^ •^f^ ^i«» -^i^ "SJ^ /iS5* ^i^^i^ •^f^^T^t^ ^f^ ^f,«. ^f^ •^1 fi.i^i's^ieiM^mit.^w^/i.ii.^wmst.^f !^ EASTER GREETING. J^| (S* -^^ -^i^ •7i^ -^i^^i^^^^^i !^^!^!^ "^'^ -^'^ "^'^ «^'^ •^' Iksit' Characters 1 - -J Cler'eland Type Foundry, /i^ '^(S'" "^i^ -^i^ -^i^ *i<^S A ^/ '7i'?^' ''A'^'-yi^^'^i^'^A^ ''A^^l^^ ^A^ -^i^ -^i^ -^i^ -^l^ •J'i«» -^i^ -^i^ 252 Cleveland, Ohio. J^^f/ ^f^^f/ \V>2,^V/ vV^^V/ Afj^^f/ ^f^^fr v\K2*4.^/ v\^^V>^ v\^ ^^ ■'^^^ ■'^^'' ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ <^^ ^ ^/^'^ 18 Point Daisy Border, No. 4. ^*^p ^|V^ Cast on 9 and is Point Bodies. j^^o^ '^4^4^^4^/i^4^ ^4^ *ii^ ^4^ -^i^ ^a^ -^i^ -^a^ -^i^ -^i^ -^i^ -^a^ ^ 4.^ 4.1^^. 4ii^^ ^4.^^ _,4.i^^ ^4.i^^ j4i«^u j^ •5aV /A^-JjV /A^*5i^ /ii'^'^ivv /i^'^i^ yi^'^i^ ^i^^^i^ ^i^'^i^ ^i^ ^4^^4^^4^'^ W r [^ ^IS^ 'i'lS? 'i'lS^^iS^ -^i ) ™* . ^ ** ^ """ . O '■* , ^ «i^ ^ < i^ -^i^ -^i^ -^i^ -^l^ -^i CHARACTERS. 4 2 $3.15 Per Font -% ^ 4.^ 4i^ 4i^ ^•^ •^V /A^-JiV >^A'5''52V /A^-^V //v^^i ^^ -^^^^ -^^^^ -^^^^ --^^ ^ 4*^ i^ 4i^ ^i^ •^' •5aV /a"^ "^iV -JiV 4^ -^V /A'^'^V ^; r^VYVvTy^i Cleveland Ty/>e Foundry, 2:->;i Clevela n d. Oh to . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^J^J^V/' /^\W/^M// Combination. Border, No. 304. $1.15 Per Font of 3 Feet. Cli £1 1'£» etc I's: Coml:)inatioii Border, No. 30S. Wi CHARACTERS: $1.7S Per Koi-it ol' 3 P'et?t. 's.qXo ^ ^ p)(o -^ ^ f^^ ^rf.'^ r^^ ^9^> ^9^> r9$^ ^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 254 Cte^'cland , Ohio. r it li ii it it \[ it it it it iL it it it it it u u u u u u n u u u u u u u u u ¥ 1 w 1 ¥ Collins jfloret5 — Second Series ■ATKNT Al'lM-lKl) i-UK I2(i7 'ifW !'(!!» liTO --GROUP w r-'-n ( 'oinpU'te font, )j(2..")(). ( "harticters eacli, 10 cfs. ^ GROUP V 1 1 Coiniilt'tf font, )3(1.50. Chanu'ters each, 8 cts. i I > ^. Of ^ r eii) ^ ^ j[ ''' a ^ I [ 2-,4 j, 255 •25(t f^, f 257 i t it it it \[ Jt i! u u u u ^ ^t^ ^ 2(51 2fi£^ ^4iil» 4ir^ 87 HS 102 KK! !»7 !)« <)!» KM) W Ifc Uli ^ % f? ¥ ^^ ^^ 89 90 91 !»-J iC! !)4 !ir> 101 |104 105 10(i 107 lOS 109 110 09 GROUP N t^oinplete font, ^3.00. ("haiaoters each, 10 cts. Ill 112 iif^ Ify v4/ 4 ii:! 114 ii; 120 121 % 122 123 124 125 120 1: GROUP O Complete font, $3.00. Characters each, 10 ct>^. 130 \\ 128 129 1.30 131 132 133 135 130 137 134 138 139 140 141 142 197 GROUP Q Each character put up in sets of Four, at 40 cts. per set. Single characters, each 12 cts. 104 1G5 166 1(>8 109 170 Cleveland Type Foundry, 254 B Cleveland, Oht Collins jfloret5— Jftrst Scries PATKXT AI'l'LIKI) K« GROUP P Kach cliaiacttT put ni» In sets of Koi i;.at ;{'> cts. per set. Single characters, each 10 cts. 1-17 ^WM ^ rf? .sMJl^ '^^fc;^ # 150 % m 1()2 -ff- W T*- GROUP R Each diaracter put up in sets of t\»i u, at 50 cts. per set. Single characters, each 15 cts. 172 173 ^ ^ cB^f Cleveland Type Foundry, a^c Cleveland, Ohh. 4» 4* 4* 4* 4» 4» 4* 4* 4* 4» 4» 4* Collins jplorets— jfirst Series •ATKXT Al'l'LIED FOl! GROUP T ICacli cliaiacter oOc's. singly. GROUP S Each oharaoter liO cts. singly. GROUP U Eac-li ('luiracter 40 cts. singly. J^<.^<^<^<.^4^«^<^<^<^W^2^ Cleveland Type Foundry. i:.5rD Cleveland, Ohio. I I I I I Collins jflorets — Secon^ Series I'ATKNT AI'l'MKI* KoU GROUP Y Each character 30 cts. singly, \i i\ M I I GROUP Z Each character put up in sets of FoiK, at 40 cts. per set. Single characters, eac^h 12 cts. ^ GROUP A-2 Each character put up in sets of Fuuu, at 50 cts. per set. .Single charactei-s, each 15 cts. 213 L— »M<>^H«^»> If s ^a^m^jm^jffismsmssimms^^ Clez'claiid Type Fou7uiry, 2r)4 K Cleveland, Ohio. Collins Berbers — jftrst Series PATENT APPLIED FOR 8 Point 201 gl 50 IS Point 200 Font 50 inches Font 30 inches 18 Point 108 24 IN. INT liKi Font 30 inches gl 50 i?l 50 4f Font 20 inches 4^ 18 Point 17:5 Font 30 inches ^f0 Cleveland Type Foundry 254 F Cleveland, Ohio. 3S'3^S^S>G'3G'Si& Collins J6ort)ers — fftrst Series PATKNT AP1»L1K1> KOK '24 Point lit.". m 50 C^ >^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^i^r3 Font '20 inches ^ gl 50 ^1 Font 18 inches fP Collins asanbs — jfirst Series PATENT APPLIED FOR :;() I'oiNT 191 20 inches gl 50 Mi^iMiMiMimiMi 4-2 I'OINT li>4 .9ifi^ .9i/Q .^^t^ .^^ .^^ ,<»i^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 254 a Cleveland, Ohio. Collins JBanbs — fftrst Series r.VTKXr A1*1'LIKI> KOU 12 PoixT 174 30 im-lies gil 50 V2 I'oiNT 17r. :!(! iiiclies )*l no 12 Point 17<; :>0 4 I'OINT 100 20 inches »1 50 ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ 20 inches jjtl 50 Cleveland 'Iy/>e Foundry _ 2*tl Cleveland, Ohio. Collins :iSanb6 — Second Series ^►'•! ill ATKXT AIM'I.IKl) I-t)U 18 Point 2l?! ."iO 18 Point 220 :50 inches g!l 50 18 Point 221 ;>(» inclus !i«l 50 18 Point 2U .SO inches gl 60 18 Point 21; .SO inches gil ,50 18 Point 218 oO inches g^ - <»»yr». »»».rv <»«»rr» U i ^^?^^V^^?V^^?V^VS i lit Cleveland Type Foundry, 254 J Cleveland, Ohio. Collins JBaiibs — Seconb Series ATKNT AIM'I.IKh KOI! '24 Point 21' 20 inches #1 :>() oooooooooo 24 Point 211 2<» inches ^l 50 c^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 20 indies S?1 50 y \vy wy wy wy \w^ vwi- >4 I'oiNT 20 Point 210 Winches M 50 Cleveland Type Foundry, 2r>4 K Cleveland, Ohio. FLORENTINE BORDERS () Point 1<>7 Fotit j4 inches. i SI 50 I r A 8 Point 1«G »1 no I Font jO inches. >M.^ ® Point 1«5 A jp> ^ OCO 00 <^ o /^(^w/ j^ inches. 00«^^000<^S>00 0<^^>0000<^^000<^^>00<^^000<^^90-s^^OOO<^^00<^^000 ^ «tt- Sl 50 /^^«^ JO inches. ^•l»<«i»-»»*<«»-»* >»»!>■■ »t» M »l»-^ G I'oiNT 224 g(l 50 v^^;/^ j^ inches. 6 Point 169 gl 50 1 Fo7it 34 inches. ^ 1 > n ^i n ■ I II II III *-i 8 Point 1G8 %\ 50 I I I 1 Font JO inches. J I 1^^ II II 11 M i^M I i ■ 8 Point 170 f^l 50 f Font JO inches. y 1 1 III ^ Cleveland Type Foundry, 254 L Cleveland, Ohi FUOREriTIME BORDERS in I'diNT !.")() Font JO inches. 12 Point 151 gl 50 8 Point 152 %\ 50 5K Font ,b inches. 3K ♦!♦ /-'.«/ JO /«./.... ^ 16 Point 154 %\ 50 i''V«/ JO inches. 5!f; 12 Point 155 gl 50 8 Point 15(J Font jb ifiches. gl 50 jjiti ® Font 30 inches. ^ T2 Point 15:5 J f /s(j«^ j6 inches. I » III i i ««l 50 10 Point I /''tf;/;' ,^0 inches. S PuIM ICl $1 50 8 POIN ,«l 50 •8§ Font jO inches. Funit JO inches. Clerieland Type Foundry, 251 M Cleveland , Ohio. FLOREriTirfE BORDERS gtl 50 IS Point KW ?! 50 T_> Point K'A ^^mm i^^^^ Mm Font JO inches. Font sb inches. 24 Point \\' 18 Point 148 %\ 50 12 PoiXT 140 7^^;/^ JO inches. \*iC vv v*/ v^v^- V*^' v*/- V*/ VNT v*/- >*•• v^- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^S t:<^ ^^ ^ ■,^vT^' /^"^ r^r^ ^^r^ rir\. .^tT^ ^^TX r^W^ rW^ r^r^ -'vfC* m ?tff^ Font 3b i?icJies. |g§| 24 Point 144 ^1 50 Font 20 inches. 18 Point 145 ^||5^ /"o;/^ JO inches Cleveland Type Foundry, 8150 m. 12 Point 14« gl 50 Font j6 inc/ies. 254N Cleveland, Ohio. FL-OREMTiriE BORDERS »l 50 IS 1»<)INT 142 .'4 Point 1:W ^^^^ ^^^Z SSSSZ SS£± SSS£ A SSS£± SSSi± ^^s± sss± ^^sZ SS£ '^'^^^ V^^^ll /''ofii 20 ijiches. 11^^^ 18 Point 139 %\ 50 12 roiNT 140 %\ 50 limmimmimmmmk TO Point 158 gl 50 Font JO itiches. VI Point 15!) %\ 50 ?1 50 ^ Font sd hiches. W 1 || Font 30 inches. g Cleveland Type Foundry, 254 Cle7>eland, Ohio. Collins Bothers — Second Series •ATKXT APl'l-IKO KOK 30 Point 20,1 »<1 r.o m Point 197 Font 18 inches Collins fflorets— Secon^ Series ATKNT Al'l'I.IKl) l-' GROUP C-2 Each character 40 cts. singly. Si^ 200 Collins JSanbs — Second Series ■ATKNT Al'lM.IKU I-OH 48 Point 205 12 inches $1 50 jAt ^kt J^ JaL JSiOL 42 Point 204 12 inches )i Point, 2 Fkkt, *().7'i 18 Point, 2 Fkkt.^I.OO 24 Point, 2 Fkkt, f 1.50 ;W Point, 2 Fkkt, *2.0() CHEROKEE S S BORDERS. ^►^ 24 ^-^ Point. ~"^^ 12 Point. Clez>eland Type Fimmiry, '2^ Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Borders. F«»nt< of 4 Ki'i't t-acli PtM- font, t'Mcli. $1.25. Trrroinrrjrox?rrinnnp\ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I t ♦ ♦ ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ No. SI. INllNTKK i}OKl>KK, Xo. 1. • T INmNTKIJ IJOUDKU, No. .'}. T • c e • ^ .-)fc'et,$l..V». ^ Clfi^'ilixnd Type Foundry 256 CU Til and, Ohio. 2 Point Borders. Fonts of 2 Feet each. Per Font, eaeh, 75c w: ' ^ ^ No. BT). ^ No. 63. ^ Clf7'i'l,inii Ty/>e Foundry Cleveland, Ohio. Per Font, S2.00. 6 Point Borders. No. 6()7. ii I'er Foot, 35 cents. ^^ N^k/ '■^k^ N^M/ <.^k^ \mU/ -.^k*- t^k/ i^k/ i^k^ ^ No. 614. §1 JEa: jEi^ ::Ea:- jE.^- :g.a: jE.at :3E.a- «-.a: -«v^ ■«.-ar lE.a^ '^^ '^^ '^n*' '^^ '^^ '^^ 'n^ 'mT^ 'h^ '^^ '^^ Per Font, $2.50. 12 Point Borders. Per Foot, 40 cents. No. 1229. r^<1 ^®®^®^®®' JCiLWiJJiLW. :,WiJ^lLKHJClLy2K>C ^S^ffi ^^^^IM^ No. 123:5. » ^i;#ii#5^^^ No. I2;w. Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. 18 Point Borders. No. 1804. Per Font, fJ.OO. Per Foot, 50 ctn. siiui=iiiii=iiiii^iiiii=iiiii=iiiiisitiii^lllii=lllll^i!g IllllllllllllllllSlllllllllllllllll^lllll^lllllllllll^lltllsi =iiiii^iieiiiii=iiiflgiiiii^iiiii^iiiiippiii^iiiii=iin^ 11111=11111 ,, ii!S ■II '"' "■ m SIMS '^* Inches, fl.OO. SIMS ii^niii i^oj =11111^ siin^ No. 1803. Per Font, |3.00. Per Foot, 50 cts. 24 Point Borders. No. 2406. Per Font, $:^.50. Per Foot, 60 cts. Cleveland Type Foundry, 36 Inches, f 1. 6.'.. fw^*/ Cle7>eland, Ohio. 3 Point Borders. Fonts of 10 Feet each. Per Font, each. S2.25 No. 2. No. 7. No. -*-«>-*-*-- ►-i*-*"*..*.^ < <> <> ^ ^<^^^ tiji-ijt: No. 5. No. 10. Clereland Type Foundry I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ No. 16. 1 260 Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Point Borders. Fonts of 10 Feet each. Ililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliy^ :^^;^^:^ Per Font, each, $2.60. ?i^P5i§ 1 No. 207. g iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ No. 21.5. BlIlllllllllllllllllllllllilllM^^^ dJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillU: N0.2G8. No. 209. PiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllililllM^^^^ Tlillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllirr 1 No. 211. H I No. 217. g No. 211. ; iaEllQEiBEiEiEIESESElEiEiBlElEIBEiEIEieiEl ^ i ► No. 213. ^ > i He aJfc. lAn .3«l!!lk..iii1l!lfiir. Jiiftir. .iii1l!ltiic.:iiill!!tiir..iii1l!liL ailflk A; jfe r No. 214. ^^=^5=^^=^=^£=^S=^^ No. 219. 3i Jt-fPrti =g=5=g=0 7~rt3j \'i :3;=^iL Cleveland Type Foundry, 261 Cleveland, Ohio. Fonts of 10 Feet each. 6 Point Borders. Per Font, each, $2.60 No. 222. Fonts of 10 Feet each. I 2 Point Borders. ^1 No. 309. II r^ mm ^ji mm r?ir^r.aBgEiaE3EaEiaEaEaB!a Per Font, each, $3.00 ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim^ No. 308. .^lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllF. 5p-fMj ^Mr^flT^Mi gS No. 314. if ^JlT^MpSrSMi '^ IMM^lMMS^l^ll Cleveland Type Foundry, 262 Clezieland, Ohio. ^J?rniai) ^^p?clnoei)B. Cleveland Type Foundry, 264 Clez-eland, Ohio. CO '-' 5 i- -.5 ^ - -a ^ *- Si := = '- p. ^ ^— c> - c cQ s; » ^ :^ -^ ^ '::?^ 5 ^.-5 g .-§ -I s - 5 g' s ■'' %^:^ S ^ - ? 5?^ '^ ^ t '^ ^ ^' g S !? 5 ^ 2 5 ^^^ i; "^ =:• ^. : ■= r->: s § - - ^ S I .l=-5=?-g S ^.rS.I -g S s III s£Si5 it ^ .^ CO 2_ » -^ ;i::f' > a :h -^ ;: ^ .= ^ S c^ £ «'?;£/'/ Cleveland Type Foundry, 2t>'> Cleveland, Ohio. ^^H :;;: s re s o --H '^ ^ ^ = t -^ = = :i ^ -t. •g^ .ii >^ « .ii a g =: vi ^ "E § ^ 5 •- = c ^. s ^ ^ •« ■e:ss Cl> "^ s2 -^ ^ .f5pfii'^flfil§-l|i-litfi ^ ^ CO Clci^eland Type Foundry, 266 Cleveland, Ohio. ^ ^ n «^_ o » s_» ^3 « :rt 13^ ri^ TT rrr s-> V: ^ 1 ^ H E I ^ ^ ^ ^^ w ^ 1 ^ H /:i >^ ^>o c ^^^ .a ^ H ^ t^ '^ ^ /;;i '^ t: -g ^ >o >o *w Si -•■-< S .i-- S S cu >-^> j_^ ^.^^ '-^ ?3._ _ ^- 5 ^ ^ ^ .,=-.2 «^ >o « ^ 5-> S >?=r s • r: i^ ® ti j=5 lA iwpf?i.£i;iiriiftit I i Cle^,eland TyPe Foumiry, 2(57 Cleveland. Ohio. ISA, 5()ii. (5 Point Schwabachki!. gl.gf) 3n bcr ^erne bod> am tiorijonte beimiuiiits leudnen uns IMonb unt) 5teine 3dj batte offentlid^ meinen 2iustrttt aus ber djri^lltdicn Caribcsfirdjc Kurbeffcns erf Idrt unb mit 234 Hur mit If tbeijtieben trennten mir uns worn If alb loA. 50a. 8 Point Schwabachkk. $±(^ Kronungs^^ctcrltdifeit bcs Kaifcrs Don Hui§Ianb in ITtosFau 5678 ^cttrdge 3ur rcrgleid^cnbcn Spracbforfcbung auf bcm (Scbicte bcr ZlrifduMi Balttfcbc unb ruffifdje (£baraftcrbtlbcr 12A, 40a. 10 Point Schwabachkk. $2.20 Der Baum ben etnft bte Pdter pflan5ten unb mit 3lluftrtrte ^ettfd^rtft fiir med}antfd?e Ced^ntf unb 0rgan 566 Der IDinter im HorbttJeften 9A, 30a. VI Point Schwabachkk. $2.a5 Pas Denfmal]! von (Botl^e unb Sd^iUer 567 Ste ^eterten porgeftern ben Stebjtgften (Beburtstag Die (5ried7en unb Komer 9A, 30a. 14 Point Schwabac hkk. $3.20 Die Specialfarte von Dcutfd^Ianb (£5 bictbt nad)t]cr xok t)orf]cr beim 21Itcn 55 Dcrcinigtcn Staatcn Cleveland Type Foundry, 26S Cleveland, Ohio. 5A, l.Mi. 22 Point ScHWUtACHK!!. $:i.l5 Komeo unb 3uHe 45 Das €el?rbud? ber Keltgion 5A, lOa. 30 Point ScHWABACHKR. 83.85 3lIuftrationen €in €nglifd^er Brief 3 4 A, 8a. 36 Point Schwa BACHKK. $4.50 ^mcrifanor 8 Deutfcbo 3aucrinn 3A. Sa. 48 Point ScHWAiJACHKH. S5I ClerIifaittfd)c «dlfcr muffcit tl)tc ^rctdctt eifcrfitcoao tuahrcit ^ic @;Hcnt>af)itcn l)abcn f o sicmlid) Dad gattsc ;^ra(t)tfuDtiuefcn, wie cd aufattci^c unb fie ftagen 12A, 40a. 10 Point German Title. $3.00 SSeefen t)ai einc un^cmcin fi^dne Sage Xie^ev l»ie lion i^n ^vtv&f^iUn f^ai c^ ^onixoU 5634 ^ie S^etcinigten ^taaten 9A, 30a. 12 Point German Title. $;3.00 5234 ^ic Sanbfd^iiftcn iion bet 9t^cini|egenD Slcfte unb g^veuubfrfjcift 7A, 20a. 18 Point German Title. $3.70 Cleveland Type Foundry, 270 Cleveland, Ohio. rA, 2()a. ±i Point Gkkmax Titlk. SS.'iO 2S9 ^ttietifanifdic ^tbeitet 4A. lOu. 28 Point Gkrman Title. $4.10 ^Ouftrtvte aSWtfer 89 4A, 10a. ;% Point Gkkman Titlk. S6.70 4A. lOa. 44 Point Ukkman TiTi.K. $10.15 Cleveland Type Foundry, 271 Cleveland, Ohio. 15A, oOa. t) Point MoDKKN Fhaktuk. 82.0(» Ter IH^rfl toon St^mcrifon fu^rt Iiurdi rin brritre toom ^intlifanal tiiirdifioffcnrtf 3i^ tfattt offrntliiti mrinrn Hui^tritt aitcf ber i^riftlii^rn Vanbrsfiri^r ;ffur^r|frn rrflort iinti brr 28 Wrine eanje 9laUir rmtiort fid^ Qr(|rit Urn ^cbanfrn 15A, 50a. 8 Pt)TXT Modkkx Fraktuh. S2.30 3456 9lur mit 3^tbrrfire6en treuntrn uiir un$ Dom S&alli in tier t^rrne ^od) nm 12A, 40a. 10 Point Modern Fraktur. $2.25 Seife aneinanbcr f(^(agcn feine ^niet{|c unb fie ftagen 3n tier fjetnc ^ot^ om §orqontc ^eitnttittrtg (eur^ten unS SWonb unb 78 ^ie @efi^t(^te ber ^eutfi^en Ctteratur 12A, 40a. 12 Point Modern Fraktur. $3.00 @itt ge^rbur^ ber ^ilafttft^en ^Inatomie am 89 ^11 ^rlanb ift e§ nir^t ber ©auer melt^er ben Joben ©efl^t ^ie Stigtba^tt in ber Sr^tneij 6A, 20a. IS Point Modern Fraktur. $2.70 (t^ mot «it^tiifir in SiiiisWmerifa ^n ^twerifa ertragen mit lielier einige 546 SUionii ttnii Me Sterne Cleveland Type Foundry, Trl Cleveland, Ohio. 6A, 20a. Point MoDKKN Kkaktur. St.Oj @6t^e ttitb S^iBer 5A, loa. 28 Point Modkrn Fraktur. $4.90 i^ciitc Sflininer Xti^t 36 4A, lOa. 40 Point MoDRm Fraktur. S^.55 5 ^anb ttttb 3tetn Clmeland Type Foundry, 278 Clezxi>kxski). $2.00 !Scr ^tQ 0on St^ntcrifon fii^rt i)ur4 cin brcite^^ oom I'intbfanal !J>ur(l>floffene« ttfal, on beffcn tjciticn Seitcn fitft bic erften ^Berflricfcn in jnne^menDcr (V$rb^c 2345 loA, 50a. 8 Point Gkrmax Titlp; Coxdkxskd. S2.50 ajJcinc pnjc ^fJatur cmpiirt fitft gegen ben ©cbaiifcii Sangft wiilbt fid) im fcrncn 2Bcfteii meincr ^cimatb fdnifecnb ^ad} bod) bu 456 15 A, 50a. 10 Poixt Gkrmax Title Condkxski). S2.70 !5)ic @ef(J6i(fttc ber !5>eut|(ftcn ^itcratur 89 ^cftanen ®te notft Jina^ tu^ ^ftal trciumt bcr (5|jftcn an bcm gcnftcrn 15A, 50a. 12 Poixt Germax Title Coxdexsed. f;3.60 2)ie Sanbf^aftcn tion ber St^eingegenb Seben la| mic^ im 8anb ber greien mib 8ter6en lap mic^ ^ier 23 9A,30a. 18 Poixt Gkkmax Title Coxdexsei). $3.90 5)ic SDJobcrncn 8t^rtftcn MM^ 56 ^er ^auni ben einft bie 3^atcr ^iflanjtcn 8A,2oa. 22 Poixt Gkrmax Title Coxdexsed. $4.50 ^ic 8(!)iffc an ben 8tranb Sdion tragt bid) bie fdinwle ^lanfe 34 Cleveland TyPe Foundry, 274 Cleveland, Ohio. 7 A, 20a. 2S Point (Jkrman Titlk Condkxskd. $6.05 Mmh unt) hit Sterne ®§ mar 8i(|t6ar in @iiro)ia 3 5A, Ina. 36 Point Gkrmax Title Condexskd. $6.50 ®t[)ncc unb Si^ 5 ^tci SBintct SDloiintc 4A, 10a. 40 Point Gekmax Title Condensed. S6.40 4A, 10a. 48 Point German Titlk Coxdensed. S9.'20 6 ^ffriie atnft 3A,6a. 60 Point German Title CoxDEXSED. $8.55 ^eutf((|(anti 5 Cleiieland Type Foundry, 275 Cleveland, Ohio. 15A, 4()a. S Point (Jkkmania. $i.00 ^evexn ^^ittfc^^r "^uvnev unb ganger 1894 ^rft^s ^rog^s "^uxnfeft t>ev^unben xnxt <^cfatx^ itnb '^ang 12A, 40a. 10 Point Gkkmaxia. S3.30 ^eveinxqte ^taaien von ^oxbatnevika ^axxbet nnb ^exvevde 382 S^xtnft xxnb fitter atur 9A, 30a. 12 Point Gkrmania. S3.00 "^^ue ^cc^f nnb fc^ene ^xexnanb ^nnc^ nnb JlCf Bc^cr^tge bxefe^^ ^xxn^xp 4 8A, 2oa. 14 Point Gkrmania. S3.40 7A, 20a. 18 Point Gkrmania. 13.75 ^eixnat pcuffc^cr ^iixxflCex 3 5A, loa. 22 Point Gkrmania. $3.95 exn^mic 6 g)crmartcn 4A, lOa. 28 Point Gkrmania. $4.85 tanex ^iramet 5 3A, 6a. 36 Point Gkrmania. $4.50 Cleveland Type Foundry, 276 Cleveland, Ohio BRASS BRACES. Prick ok Complktk Skt, $6.00. NO. 38. NO. 36. NO. 34. NO. 37. NO. 30. NO. 33. PRICES: -Nos. 1 to 10, lr> cts. each ; 11 to 22, 20 cts. each ; 23 to 27, '^) cts. each ; 28 to 32, 3.T cts. each ; 33 to 38, \r> cts. each. Cleveland Type Foundry, 211 Cleveland , Ohio. BRASS RULES IN STRIPS OF 2 FEET. No. Size. 101 1 Point. Per Foot 102 Ten to Pica. oc. 103 VA Point. 6c. 104 2 Point. 8e. 105 Five to Pica. 10c. 106 3 Point. 12c. lln 6 Point. 28c. 111 7 Point. 32c. 116 2 Point. Se. llo 4 Point Special Facf. Kk-. 117 1 Point. 5e. 118 Ten to Pica. 5c. 119 VA Point. 6c. 120 2 Point. 8c. 121 Five to Pica. lOc. 122 ;5 Point. 12c. 12:3 4 Point. 16c. 124 r-> Point. 20c. 125 .-)i4 Point. 22c. 126 6 Point. 28c. No. 133 Size. Per Foot 2 Point. 8c. 134 Five to Pica. 10c. 135 3 Point. 12c. 136 4 Point. 16c. 137 5 Point. 20c. 139 6 Point. 28c. 140 7 Point. . 32c. 147 3 Point. 12c. 148 4 Point. 16c. 150 nA Point. 22c. 151 6 Point. 28c. 152 7 Point. 32c. 1.53 8 Point. 84c. 15.5 10 Point. 40c. 158 2 Point. 8c. 159 3 Point. 12c. 160 4 Point. 16c. Cleveland Type Foundry , 278 Cleveland, Ohio. BRASS RULES IN STRIPS OF 2 FEET. KU 5 Point. PkrFoit No. 20c. 186 Size. o Point. P«R Foot 20c. Irt2 r^]4 P<»ii»t. 22o. 163 6 Point. 28c. KU 7 Point. 32c. 1(5(5 i» Point. 3Sc. KiT 10 Point. 40c. 1(58 11 Point. 4.>c. 109 12 Point. .)0c. 171 Five to Pica. 10c. 172 3 Point. 12c. 17:^ 4 Point. l(5c. 174 5 Point. 20c. IT.-. .")>^ Point. 22c. 176 (5 Point. 28c. 177 7 Point. 32c. ITS S I'nint. ■ Cleveland Type Foundry, 188 6 Point. 28c. 189 7 Point. 32c. \m 8 Point. 34c. 197 5 Point. 20c. 199 6 Point. 28c. 200 7 Point. 32c. 201 S Point. 34c. 208 53^ Point. 22c. 209 6 Point. 28c. 210 7 Point. 32c. 211 8 Point. 34c. 216 VA Point. 6c. 217 2 Point. 8c. 222 2 Point. 1-lc. 223 Pivc to IMca. ICc. 224 :', I'oii.t. ISc-. 22'i 4 Point. 20c. CU-i'cliind, Ohio. No. 235 BRASS RULES IN STRIPS OF 2 FEET. Size. Per Foot No. Size. IV^ Point. 6c. 279 3 Point. 21c. 236 2 Point. 8c. 240 VA Point. Pic. 241 2 Point. 14c. -m Five to Pica. lOc. 243 3 Point. ISc. [ 2S4 4 I'.. int. 26c. 2S7 (i Point. ;«c. 244 5 Point. 24c. iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiii 253 1 Point. lie. •254 Ten to Picti. 12c. 255 114 Point. 14c. 256 2 Point. 16c. 258 Five to Pica. 18c. 259 VA Point. 14c. 260 2 Point. 16c. 263 2 Point. 16c. 264 Five to Pica. 18c. 265 3 Point. 21c. 276 1^ Point. 14o. 291 Point. 43c. 303 304 4 Point. 5 Point. 2Gc. 31e. 306 (i Point. 3Sc. 316 4 Point. 26c. 320 li Point. KT? ;38c. 322 8 Point. 4Se. 324 Ki Point. r>.Se. 3a3 Point. 38c. 342 Wz Point. iK 14c. 343 2 Point. rwA 16c. ;i44 Five to Pica. 18c. ;i45 3 Point. 21c. mS 4 Point. 26c. Cler'elanci Type Foutidyy, Clei'eland, Ohio. BRASS DIAMONDS AND OCTAGONS. Diamonds :— Nos. 1 and 2, T5c. each ; Nos. 3 and 4, 81.00 each. Octagons :— Nos. 1 and 2, f 1.00 each ; No. 3, $1.25 ; Nos. 4 and 5, S1.50 each. Cleveland Type Foundry, 2S1 Clei'eland, Ohio. BRASS CIRCLES, OVALS AND OCTAGONS. CiRCLEs:-Xos. 2 to 6, (iflc each ; Xo. 8, 75c ; Xos. 10 and 12, Sl.OO each ; Xo. 14, $1.25. OcTAGo.vs.— Xos. 6 and 7, .$1.00; Xo. 8. $1.25. Cleveland Type Foundry, 282 Ovals:— Xos. 1 to 5, 90c each. Cleveland, Ohio. BRASS CIRCLES AND OVALS. Circles. No. 1 to 5, 60c each. No. 7 and 9, 75c " No, No Ovals. 4, 90 cents. No. 6 and 7, $1.25 No. 8 and 9, $1.50 Cleveland Type Foundry, 283 Cleveland, Ohio. LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE. No. 104— Two Point. 10 feet Font, $2.00. 3 ft Font, 85.25. 5 ft Font, $8.75 No. 2l7_Two Point. 10 feet Font, $2.00. 3 ft Font, $5.25. 5 ft Font, $8.75 No. 236— Two Point. 10 feet Font, $2.00. 3 ft Font, $5.25. 5 ft Font, $8.75 No. 160— Four Point. 3 ft Font, $4.80. 5 ft Font, $8.00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 284 Cleveland, Ohio. LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE. No. 173— Four Point. 3 tb Font, $4.80. 5 lb Font, $8.00 No. 151— Six Point. 3 lb Font, $4.80. 5 ft Font, $8.00 No. I 63— Six Point. 3 ft Font, $4.80. 5 ft Font, $8.00 No. I 76— Six Point. 3 ft Font, $4.80. 5 ft Font, $8.00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 285 Cleveland, Ohio. BRASS DASHES. NO 102 • Nos. 100 to 129, inclusive, cut to measure from 12 to 15 ems Pica each, $0 10 " 15 to 18 " „ 15 Cleveland Type Foundry, 286 Cleveland, Ohio. BRASS DASHES. NO. 143. NO. I4S. NO. 157. Nos.!l30 to 159, inclu.sive, cut to measure from 12 to 15 ems Pica each $() 10 " 15 to 18 " '• 15 Clei>elnnd Type Foundry, 2S7 Clei-eland, Ohio. BRASS DASHES. NO. 163. NO. I7< Xos. 160 to 189, cut to measure from 12 to 15 ems Pica each, $0 10 " 15 to 18 " " 15 Cleveland Type Foundry, 288 Cleveland, Ohio ADVERTISING RULES. No. 1040, 1160 and 1190 cut Single Column, each 30 Oa Double Column, each, $0 08 No. 2580, 2600 and 2760 06 " " "0 09 No. 1040, No. 1160. No^^m No. 2600. No. lliHI. No. 2760. CROSS RULES. Cut for Single Column each, SO 06 No. 1.3.50. No. 1360. No. 1.390. No. 1600. No. 1620. .Double Column, each, SO 10 No. 1630. No. nm. No. 1740. No. 1750. No 1760. DASH RULES. Nos. 1040 to 1044 .* each, SO 06 Nos. K^l to 1762 *' 08 No. 1041. No. 1042. No. 1043. No. 1044. No. 1361. No. 1362. No. 1601, No. 1602. No. I(i21. No. 1622. No. 16:^1. No. 16:^2. No. 1731. No. 1732. No. 1741. No. 1742. No. 1751. No. 1752. No. 1761. No. 1762. Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. Metal Corners. The prices given include a set of Four Corners. 1— 20c. 2— 20c. ^ ^ Wi s ^ 3— 20e. 640— 25c. 0— 25c. + + 44 44 44* r^ 13— 25c. 636— 25c. 635— 2oc. 638— 25c. 15-r25c. --1 25-30C. 21— 25c. 30— 25c. 18— 30c. ^M 131— 30c. 22— 30c. i < :^^ a ^*-^fe sa 182— 30c. 185— 50c. 185— 50c. 183— 40c. g ^ 37— 30c. 44h r 35- 152— 50c. 31— 30c. 35— 30c. 32— 30c. I 29-40C. 1 f V) ^ 151— 50c. 151— 50c. Cleveland Type Foundry, 290, Cleveland, Ohio. Recipe Marks. Jt !t K ii> B B? B .? ^ Prices: Nos. 10 to 14, Five cents each; 15 and 16, Ten cents each; 17 to 19, Fifteen cents each Complete set, Seventy-five cents. Five-Pointed Stars. * * 2 • •a 7 X 6 Put up in fonts of four each. Price Sl.OO. Cleveland Type Foundry 906-20C, Cleveland, Ohio. Card Logotypes Price 10 cents each. Always order by number. 116 117 118 125 126 127 113 114 119 120 121 112 111 110 136 135 lU 139 138 137 140 141 142 143 144 145 122 123 124 130 131 132 m 149 168 S]— 35c. aught of o8— tOc. 186— 30c Cleveland Type Foundry 187— 30c, 292 Cleveland, Ohio. 558 — 75c. ^297— 50l'. Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. 2.55— 20c. 322— 10c. 323— 10c. 2,56— 20c. 324— 15c. 326— 15c. 327— 15( 325— 15c. wm^ IK 328— 35c. 3667-60C. 3664— 2oc. 3(j6<3— 40c. Cleveland Type Foundry, 329— a5c. 1023— 30c. 1022— 30c. 330— 75c.— Mortised. 3668— 60c. 3663— 2oc. 3665— 40c. 294 Cleveland, Ohio. a^^ fS;i5— 25c. 827— 2Ue. T.S^t— loe. 742— 15c. 81U-20C. 811-2UC. 727— 2()c. 829— 20c. 704— 20c. 397— 15c. ff*rf>nfi»F*i»it ^^ ^'9 ^ 714— Zoc. 715-20C. 7.^-20e. 779-20c. 824-25c. S2.)-2..c. 956— 25c. 817— 25c. 776— 20c. txM^^^ 826— 25c. (45— 20c. F25— 25c. ;ii9— ;i«)c. S()».;— 25i-. 815— 20c. Cleveland TyPe Foundry, 295 7l>)— 30c. Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Type Foundry 136.S— 40c. Cleveland, Ohio. 911— 50c. 877— ()()f. 913— a5c. 1374-4()c. 914-a5c. ylo— 50c. fe«§^ 91( -.50c. Cleveland Type Foundry, 297 9l7-5()c. Cleveland, Ohio. 853— 35c. 84i)— 40e. 84;3— 50c. 84()— 30c. 859-60C. 855 — ^oOc. 860— 50c. 863— 75c. 858— 45c. 865-81.00. Cleveland Type Foicndry, 857-40C. 298 867-$1.00. Cleveland, Ohio. •#, a^i— oOc. 852— 7oc. 8.74— 5()c. 862— $1.00. Cleveland Type Foundry, 864— 75c. 2<>9 Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Type Foundry, 300 426— 50c. Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Type Foundry, 801 4(U-Oe. 307 Cleveland, Ohio. Ssm^ :i^4— ??l.:^ 277t) — 75c. Clereland, Ohio. 428— 75c. 528— 75e. 969-$1.00. 899— $l.(H). iKMl— JflJKI Cleveland Type Foundry', 309 978— ?lAt(i. Cleveland, Ohio, 1004— 90c. 1003— Hoc. 1(K)2— :i5e. [POISON 1001— 40c. 1000— ;i5c. 1024— 8oc. 10129— T.'ic. Cleveland Type Foundry m PDISON Kc-td— (;.ic, 310 o26— oOc. ' Cleveland, Ohi 4t)()— ilOc, a38— 40c. ;u2— .■>()(•, Cleveland Type Foundry, 311 10228— tOc. Cleveland, Ohio. 416— ode, 417— ode Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. 102;V-«1.00. Cleveland Type Foundry, 313 Cleveland, Ohio. 4(i;5— ;>(ic. 1027— 90c. 404— $1.00. 646 — 7oc. Cleveland Type Foundry, 314 ■'xU— 40c— Mortised. Cleveland, Ohio 38'.:— ifl.tMj Cleveland Type Foundry, 315 :i;«— 9()c. Sftfvprtr, 510— t)Oc Cleveland Type Foundry, 316 335-75e. Cleveland, Ohio. '.t7;i-Sl.0(). Clfvclaiiii '/')•/><• Foundry, !t4!l— ;iO( :}17 974— *1.(H). Cleveland, Ohio. NEWSPAPER HEADINGS. 10 cents per letter. Four-Line Pica, No. 2.— Caps and Lower Case. Daily Moon. 10 cents per letter. Four-Line Pica, No. 1.— Caps. CITY POST 10 cents per letter. Four-Line Pica Light Face, No. 2.— Caps and Lower Case. Daily News. 10 cents per letter. Four-Line Pica and Canon, No. 3.— Caps and Small Caps. The Bee. 14 cents per letter. Six and Four-Line Pica Light Face— Caps and Small Caps. Herald 12 cents per letter. Six-Line Pica Black. Cleveland TyPe Foundry, 318 Cleveland, Ohio. 10 cents per letter. NEWSPAPER HEADINGS. FivK-LiNK Pica Modern Tkxt. a% ®rikti^ 10 cents per letter. Five-Link Pica Black Ornamented. 11 nil 12 cents per letter. Six-Link Pica Sloping Black. ur etvs 12 cents per letter. Six-Link Pica Black Opkn. rot! %%t 15 cents per letter. Seven-Line Pica Modern Text, Single Shaded. Cleveland Type Foundry, 3U» Cleveland, Ohio. IMPRINTS. 30 cents esu-h. N<»t loss than two iiiiule of any (uie kind. DAY & NIGHT, PRINTERS, SUNDOWN, O, No. :i")2. J. D. CLINES, PRINTER, TROY, VA. No. a56. J. STETSON, PRINTER, WAKEGAN, OR. No. a58. SlaiKlaiMt Keview Co., Litliograplirrs, >VIIIiaiiis|ioi-t. No. ;5t51. NEW PUBLISHING COMPANY. CLEVELAND. OHIO. No. ^5(j4. NEWMAN, SMITH & JUDSON, JOB PRINTERS, NEW YORK. SUB-HEADINGS. Trimmed to 13 ems Pica, ."lO cents each. Not less than two made of any one kind. Always specify by number face of type desired. No. :m. THE SALEM VOLKS FREUND. No. 302. NewYoek Day Book. No. 30.1. OMAHA BAZOO. No. 306. TKOY CHRONICLE. No. 307. ®he ^atnxev of gieht. No. 30S. No. 300. No. 310. No. 311. ClevclaHci Type Foundry, 320 Cleveland, Oluo. \a/ood Type. SCHEME OF WOOD TYPE FONTS 3A 3a Capitals. Lower Case. 75 65 Letters. Lktters. A 3 B 2 C 2 D 2 E 4 F 2 G 2 H 2 I 4 J 2 K 1 L 4 M . 2 N 3 3 P 2 Q 1 n 3 s 4 T ... 3 U 2 V 2 w 2 X ... . 1 Y 2 Z 1 & 1 3 , 3 ; 1 : 1 1 ' 2 1 2 4A Capitals. 106 Letters. A 4 B 3 C 3 D 3 E 5 F 3 G 3 H 3 I 4 J 3 K 2 L 5 M 3 N 4 4 P 3 5 5 T 4 U 3 V 3 W 3 X 2 Y 3 Z 2 6 2 4 4 ; 2 : 2 - 1 ' 2 ! 3 2 3 4 2 2 2 4a Lower Case. 90 Letters. a 4 b 3 c 3 d 3 e 5 f 3 I ::;:::r:J i 4 1 5 m 3 n 4 4 P 3 q 2 r 4 s 5 t 4 u 3 V 3 w 3 X 2 y 3 z 2 fi 1 fl 1 ff 1 ffi 1 ffl 1 6A Capitals. 120 Letters. A 5 B 3 C 4 D 4 E 6 F 3 G 3 H 4 I 5 J 3 K 2 L 6 M 4 N 5 5 P 3 Q 2 R 5 5 6 T 5 U 4 V 3 W 3 X 2 Y 3 Z 2 6 2 4 4 ; 2 : 2 - 1 ' 2 ! 3 8 9 2 2 5 5a Lower Case. 104 Letters. a 5 b .3 c 4 d 4 e ..6 f 3 g ::::::::zJ i 5 i 2 k 2 1 6 m 4 n .5 o h P 3 q 2 r 5 s 6 t .5 u 4 V 3 w 3 X 2 y 3 z 2 fi 1 fl 1 ff 1 ffi 1 ffl 1 Figures 1 No. of each 3 6 7 2 2 $ 2-26 WOOD TYPE.— Price List PRICE per letter. Lines Pica. 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 16 18 20 24 25 30 36 Class L Class M Class N Class Class P Class Q Class R 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 (j 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 6 6 H 6 8 10 11 8 8 8 8 10 12 13 9 9 10 10 12 15 16 10 10 12 12 14 17 18 11 12 13 14 16 20 22 12 13 14 15 18 21 21 12 14 15 16 19 22 25 13 15 17 18 1 28 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 17 19 22 24 28 32 36 18 20 23 25 30 34 38 21 24 27 30 3;-) 40 44 28 31 34 36 41 46 50 Indexes, per pair.— 6-line, $2 ; 8-line, S2.25 ; 10-line, $2.50 ; 12-line, $3.00 ; 15-line S3.25; 20-line, $3.50 ; 30-line, $4 ; 40-line, $6. Borders, Corners, Stars, Tints, Combination Dashes and Catch Words not shown will be furnished upon order. In ordering Wood Type, purchasers are requested particularly to state if Lower Case and Figures are wanted. Usuallv fonts of Wood Type are put up without, unless especi- ally ordered. Cleveland TyPe Foundry, 322 Cleveland, Ohio. WOOD RULE. 12 cents per Yard on Side Wood. 15 cents per Foot on End Wood. Corners, 25 cents per Set. Style D— 11 Point. I Stylo N— 8 Point. Stylo E-12 Point. Stylo F— 14 Point. Stylo (i— IH Point. Stylo P— 10 Point. Style Q— 11 Point. Style K— 12 Point. Style S— 14 Point. Style H— 18 Point. Style T— 20 Point. Style T— 16 Point. Style U— 18 Point. Style J— 24 Point. Stylo K— 28 Point. Style V— 20 Point. Style W— 24 Point. Stylo X— 28 Point. Style Ij—m Point. Style Y— :?H Poijit. Cleveland Type Foundry, 323 Clez'eland, Ohi STAR WOOD RULE. Star. Rule, 30c per Foot; Corners 40c per Set. Star Rule, No. 21. nl Star Rule, No. 23. Star Rule, No. 25. Corners, $1.25 per set. Star Rule, Matching 6-Line Corners No. 116 Star Rule, No. 20. Star Rule, No. 22. Star Rule, No. 24. Cleveland Type Foundry^ 324 Cleveland, Ohio. Corners, &)c per set. WOOD BORDER. No. 2a5. Border, 60c per Foot Comers, 80e per set. No. 328. Border, 80c per Foot 4^^ 4Vi. ^Vi. 4^^. 4^^ 5 $i $i $i ii S tAt^ tAt^ ^At^ ^At^ ^At^ Vf v^ ^A^ Corner?, 7t)e per set. No. 2<^9. Border, 70c per Foot Si^ S\ Si^ Si^ Si^ 5i r ^at -tAr '^at -^at -^at -t Corner^, fiOc per set. No. 164. ^^TTT^^TTT-^ Border, 60c per Foot Corners, 9()c i)er set. No. .S88. Border. fiOo per Foot IIXIO. Cleveland Type Foundry, 325 Cleveland, Ohio, 8-Line, No. 8. 8-Line, No. 19. 6-Line, No 5-Line, No. CORNERS. Per Set of Four. 6-Line, Nos. 8, 18, 19 and 21 fl.O() 8-Line, Nos. 3, 18, 19 and 21 1.25 10-Line; Nos. 3, 18, 19 and 21 1.50 CATCH WORDS. 6-Line, Nos. 1 and 29 $0.25 8-Line, Nos. 1 and 29 0.30 10-Line, Nos. 1 and 29 0.35 12-Line, Nos. 1 and 29 U.40 15-Line, Nos. 1 and 29 0.40 STARS. 6-Line, No. 1. 6-Line, No. 1 $0.25 8-Line, No. 1 0.2.5 0-Line, No. 1 0.30 l2-Line, No. 1 0.50 iB-Line, No. 4 0.25 8-Line, No. 4 0.25 lO-Line, No. 4 0.30 12-Line, No. 4 0.50 INDEXES. 5-Line, No. 2, " 2.00 6-Line, No. 2, " 2.00 8-Line, No. 2, " 2.L5 10-Line, No, 2, " 2..".0 12-Line, No. 2, '* 3.00 15-Line, No. 2, " 3.25 20-Line, No. 2, " 3.50 5-Line, No. S. 8-Line, No. 2P. Cleveland Type Foundry, 32() Cleveland, Ohio. Class Q ^Yi Line, No. 96. He per Tietter Class Q :\ Line, No. iKi. Oc per Letter Class Q 4 Line No. 96. 6c per Letter Class Q 5 Line, No. 96. 8c per Letter Class (i 6 Line. No. 96. 10c per Letter Cl'eveia-nd Type Foundry, 327 Cleveland, Ohio Class ^^ 4-Line No. &y 6c per Letter WET Rain ^^^^^ Q 6-Line No. 60. 6c per Letter DO Call <^la-ss 8-Line No. 60. 8c per Letter Tim 2 Class lO-Lioe No. 60. 10c per Letter Him Clezielnnd Type Foundry, 328 Cleveland, Ohio. ^T;..«VnQ'^ 6c per Letter Glass N 4-ljiiie iNo. yo. MASONIC Favorite Class N 6.LineNo.934: Gcperl^r OLD Men 5 Class N ^^^ 8-Line No. 93. 8c per Letter HE Swam nass\ 12-Line No. 93. 12c per Letter Hand 7 ^, , ^ -^ ^ n- J -^90 Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Fype Foundry, 6^ CIa8s O 4 Line, No. 629. «c per Letter COLUMBIAN Hundredth 7 Class 5 Line^No. 629 6c per Letter GRANDER Exhibition Clas^ 6 Linp, No. 629. 6c per Letter IN Rued Cleveland Type Foundry, 330 Cleveland, Ohio. Class Line No. 629. 8c per Letter Park 2 Class 10 Line No. 029. 10c per Letter Robe Class 12 Line No. 629'. 12clper Letter Bird Cleveland I'ype Foundry ^ %\\ Cleveland, Ohio ^^»ss 5 Line. No. 627. 6c per Letter BINDS Rends6 Class 6 Line, No. 627. L. ^6c per Letter ROSE Dimes Cleveland Type Foundry, 332 Cleveland, Ohio. Class 8 Line, No. 627. 8c per Letter Raid Class 10 Line, No. 627. 10c per Letter Bed Class 12 Line, No. 627. 12c per Letter Cleveland Type Foundry, 333 Cleveland, Ohio. Class N 6-Line, No. 260. 6c per Letter Class N S-Line "tNo. 260. 8c per Letter Class N 10-Line No. 260 10c per Letter Cleveland Type Foundry, SU Cleveland, Ohio. Class N 12-Line No. 260. Tic per Letter Class N 18-Line, No. 260. ITc per Letter Cleveland TyPe Foundry, 335 Cleveland. Ohio. Class X 6-Line, No. 24. 6c per Letter nil Enshes i Class N 8-Line, No. 24. 8c per Letter Class N 10 Line, No. 24. 10c per Letter KG Prize Cleveland Type Foundry, 336 Cleveland, Ohio. Class N o-Lhie. Nn. 24. 14c per Letter Class N 20-Lhie, No. 24. ISc per Letter Cln'fland Tv/'f Fouudry Ci'ti'elanti, Ohio. Class N 6-Liue No. l.v; i)C per Letter BLUE Bird Class N 10-Line No. 15(). 10c per Letter n).Did Class N 15-Line. No. lo(i 14c per Letter Cleveland Type Foundry, 338 Cleveland. Ohif- Class 6-Line, No. 116. 6c per Letter ZLRat Class 10-Line, No. 116. 10c per Letter Hole. Class 1-2-Line, No. 116. 12c per Letter Cleveland Type Foundry, 3^9 Cleveland, Ohio Class L n-Line, Xo. 2()(i. (Hj per Letter Class L 10-Line, No. 2f)(i Itc per Letter Class L l.VLine, No. 266. I'lc per Letter Cln^flaud Type Foundry, ?^ Cln'elanii, Ohio. Claas fHliiiie No. 47. 6c per Letter Getin Class 8-Line No. 47. 8c per Letter Cow Class U»-Line Xo. 47. lOc per Letter Bit! Cln'eland Ty/ye Foundry, ;U1 Clc-.'el ami , Ohio. Class M Tl i m n 6-Line, Xo. 150. 6c per Letter L kd Class M 10-Line, No. 150. 9c per Letter Class M 15-Line, No. 150. CleTclan.l Type Foundry, 812 Cleveland, Ohio. REVISED PRICE LIST MACHINERY AND PRINTING MATERIAL. Price Tist. /KCME STANDARD MAILER. Points of Hxcellence ot" the Acme Standard Mailer. It is economical. It is eas3' to learn. HasA' to handle. Does rapid work. It is not liable to get out of order. Its lasting qualit3- is sec- ond to none. Its action is automatic. The Machine was designed by a Practical Mailer, for years at the head of the mailing department of a great daily paper. It will perform the same work as the higher priced mailing machines, and is in many respects superior to thtm. Its simple construction renders it comparatively free from " Break Down." It is highlj- finished and nickel plated, and everj' part can be readily duplicated. It is securely packed in a light wooden box, and can be sent at small cost. Price, no Royalty Net $15 00 LABOR SAVING QUOTATION FURNITURE. 12 It) Fonts 25 " $3 00 50 lb Fonts $12 50 6 25 100" " 25 00 RAILROAD FURNITURE. Railroad furniture is cast in lengths of 161^ inches, and 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. 9 and 10 ems Pica wide, for use in book forms. Price per pound, cut to meastire ^-ifNot put up in labor saving fonts. STEEL PERFORATING RULE. Steel Perforating Rule, cut labor saving, 4 feet fonts $3 00 Cleveland Ty/>e Foundry, 344 Cleveland, Ohio, SPECIAL LOGOTYPES AND OHAKACTERS. SjM'cial lojfotyiK'S and duiracters for railroad and iiiiswllaiieim.s work I'ligraved and cut to oixier. Following are samples^ of some wo have engraved and which we cai- npply to order. •"'/1j I'oint ajid Agate l?odies. 1 2 ;{ 4 .-. (! 7 s !Mt 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0"" (') P(»int IJody. 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 O X x X + ^ # '' am I™ v\i t-M Ar Lv ^ ^ ?? " 1234 5 789 1234567890 S Point JJody. 10 Point IJody. / % % P. M. A.M. 12 Point Body. ^ SUPERIORS AND INFERIORS. hVi Point T^ font...$l oO %^ m Point. Point. Point. 1 ;i-). 1 («). 1 aO. 3 lo 290 Figures, Lcvtcim. 9 Point ¥ font. ..SI 4o S2 90 10 Point " ...155 2 95 11 Point " ... 1 50 3 00 12 Point " ... 1 65 3 20 PIECE FRACTIONS. 6 Point I?'- font. ..So 00 7 Point " ...5 00 8 Point " ... 3 (JO 9 Point " ... 3 (JO 10 Point. 11 Point. 12 Point. 18 Point. ;p font. ..S3 50 " ... 3 30 *' ... 3 00 " ... 3 2? K.xcclsior. Diamond. MUSIC. Average weight of smallest font.* .;50 tt)S...Sl()8 00 m *' ... 9(; (Ml Agate 30 fts S 72 00 Nonpareil No. 3 m *' 120 00 ANNEX TYPE BOX. In composing matter reqiiiriisg char- acters usually kept in the upper part of the cap case, it is often tiresome and comparatively slow work, on account of the extended movement of the hand necessary to reach them. The Annex Type Boxes can be readily attached to any compartments of the lower case, and are nnide scoop shaped so that the type may he easily taken from them by the compositor. When attached, the type in the lower case is fully as accessible as before. Annex Type Box, price per dozen Annex Type Box, price each BELLOWS. Extra made, each %\ (tO Cie7'ciii)iif '/_)'/(• /-'oil II if )y, 34.> ClfVi-Uiiitl, Ohio. BLANKETS. 17X21 20X19 each...$2 75...SI 75 20X25 24X23 " ... 3 25... 2 00 21X27 25X25 " ... 3 50... 2 25 24X30 28X28 " ... 4 00... 2 75 25X35 29X33 " ... 5 50... 3 75 29X42 34X40 ** ... 6 25... 5 00 32X46 38X44 " ... 8 75... 6 50 33X50 38X47 " ... 9 75... 7 50 36X52 42X49 " ...11 25... 9 25 40X54 46X53 " ...12 25...10 00 17X21 2('X.9. 20X2;-) 24X2.-5. 21X27 25X25. 24X30 28X28. 25X;i5 2^>X:«. 29X42 MXiO. 32X46 :«X44. 33X50 ;«X47. 36X52 42X4i». 40X54 46X')3., .each...$;i 00 " ... 4 25 " ... 4 75 " ... 5 75 " ... 6 50 " ... 8 75 " ...10 50 , •• ...11 75 , " ...13 2.5 " ...15 00 BOOKS FOR PRINTERS. Wilson s Punctuation $1 50 Burgoyne's Cost of Stock 2 00 American Printer ; 2 00 Practical Printer 1 00 Printers' Order Book 3 00 Printers' Ready Reckoner 50 Ringwalt's Encyclopedia of Printing 6 00 BRONZING PAD. Receives the bronze in the top and delivers it through valves in the center of the fur at bottom, passing through a sieve before reaching the paper. The quantity of bronze used can be regulated by the thumb- screw at end of pad. ''^^-^P. '"O'^G. Elm City Bronzing Pad, large size 2]4XQ inches.. Elm City Round Bronzer, light work, 2% inches .S2 50 . 1 50 Rich Gold Bronze, per oz $0 25 I»ale " " " 25 Rich Perfection Gold Bronze, per oz.... 40 Pale " " " " .... 40 BRONZES. Silver Bronze, per oz $0 30 Crimson " " 40 Green " " 40 Copper •' " 40 BRASS CURVES AND CLAMPS. Curves and Clainps, per font, 180 pieces BRUSHES. S8 00 No. 3, Bristle, 2 X4 SO 35 " 4, " 3 X8 50 " 5, " 3V^Xi' 75 " 7, Tampico, 3 X8 25 Clnieland Type Foundry, No. 8, Tampico, 3 X'dVi SO 35 " 10, Black " 3^X9 65 " 11, " " 3^X9, handle, 70 ;J4g Cleveland, Ohio. PEERLESS BENZINE CAN teelf-lockiiig stopper, preventing waste ami evapor ation and reducing insurance premiums. Simi)le in construction and economical; automatic in its operation and without springs. The Peerless is an absolutely safe benzine and turpentine can, adapted for use in printing offices. In whatever position the can may be placed —whether upright, or on its side, at an angle of forty five degrees, or perpendicularly with its mouth down ward — the stopper is always firmly locked, and the con- tents are securely held. Directions: — Hold the can with the mouth down- ward, then a slight shake or jar with the hand will unlock the stopper and release the fluid. Peerless Benzine Can, quart size only $0 75 BODKINS AND TWEEZERS No. 1, Wood handle ^ tO 15 Closing Spring Bodkin and Tweezers Combined SO 75 ii y~~ ;illl!l!i!l ' "'" ilii*"!!"™: No. 1 Tweezer. *) 75 PJlll|l|IHI|ill No. 2 Tweezer t() 6.5 , , i;sByiiiiii J liit. No. :i Tweezer §<) 30 No. 4 Tweezer »0 20 Common Tweezer 0^15 Printers' Combined Knife, BodKiii a. id Tweezer 2.25 Cleveland Type Foundry, 347 Clez'eland, Ohio. BRASS LEADS AND SLUGS. Six to-Pica, cut to Vo\. Mfasme, ?. lt> $0 75 I Twelve-to Pica. cut to ('<.!. .Moas.. * lb SI ()0 Eight-to-Pica. " '* " 80 | Nonpareil and tliicker. 75 Ten-to-Pica, iM) BRASS RULE. 12 Point. ..per foot, oOc.lab. sav'. per tt>. $1 50.. .wt. 10 ft. fonts, 6 lbs., oz...price font, S9 00 4 3 2 IV2 40c. :^c. 3.*c. 28c. 20c. 16c. 12c. 08c. me. 1 50... 1 60... 1 60... 1 00... 1 00... 1 60... 1 60... 1 75... 2 00... 4 " 8 " ... 4 * 0"... li " 5 *' ... 3 ' 0"... 2 ' 4"... 1 • 14 " ... 1 ' 8'^.. 1 " 2"... ' 12 " ... 6 75 6 40 5 30 4 80 3 3 00 2 40 200 1 50 Above prices apply only to plain faces. For specimens of rule, see pages 278-280. BRASS SPACE RULE. Six-to-Pica ^^lb$2 m Twelvc-to Pica . Eight-to-Pica " 2 75 3 ft $3 50 OUTFIT FOR BRASS RULE WORK. Outfit for Brass Rule vvork, consistinj; of Soltleriui,' Copper and Acid, IJlow Pipe, Wire Solder, Round and Fiat Plyers, S(tinu-e (Iraver, File Stone, File, Try S0 1 40 4®="Either dotted or hyphen face rule can be ordered, and will be made to line with any face ofitype by sending a cap " II " and a lower case *' m " for sample. Cleveland Type Foundry 348 Cleveland, Ohio. CABINETS. This cabinet, made in Walnut and Cherry, contains on the left 2 hir}?e sort drawere and 20 two-third job cases, in the center, safe receptacles for 5 bi"ass galleys and 16 full- si/.ed job cases; on the right, 2 sort drawers and 20 two-third job cases, same Jis on the left side. On the left upper surface are sub-divisions for labor-siiving leads of various thick- nesses, from 4-eni pica up, and on the right are spaces for the larger display type, face up, both of which are sunken sufficient to admit of putting up a pair of cases, left and right, without injurj' to their contents; and in the center u)ii)er surface are, always uncovered, every convenience for labor-saving rules, combination Ixtrders, right and left ornaments, etc. The addition of the projecting front makes it serviceable as a printers' type-stand, at which the compositor can work. With all straight front cabinets this cannot be done, a,s there is no room for the compositor to assume a working position. Two extra pairs of sliding top cases go with each cabinet, .is shown in cut. Price, Walnut ^i;l;^0 tK) Price, Cherry *12r> IKI Hoxing, *5 00. Cln " " Ifl) " " 12 Three-fourths Cases... 16 " " ... 20 " " ... 12 Full Cases Vi •' " 2() ** " .$15 (X) $12 00 . 18 00 14 00 . 21 00 16 00 . 18 00 1,5 00 . 22 00 18 00 . 26 00 21 00 . 22 00 19 00 . 26 00 22 00 . .30 00 25 00 italic. blank. 12 Two-thirds Ca,ses $18 00 $15 (X) 16 " " 21 (X) 17 00 20 " " '24 00 19 m 12 Three fourtiis Cases 21 00 18 00 16 '* *' 25 00 21 Of) 20 '* " 29 00 24 00 12 Full Cases 25 00 22 (H) 16 " *• 29 00 a5 ()0 20 " *' ;« 00 18 (M» Clei'eland Type Foundry, Bo.xinK $l.(X).to $1.25. mi Cleveland , Ohio. STAINED CABINET. Plat Top, 20 Case Stained C.ibinet, with two pairs Double Case Brackets. Double Case Brackets, per pair $1 25 For'price of C.ibiuets see preceding page. MAIL LIST CABINET. This cabinet will hold an entire mail list outfit. Tha first space is a cupboard to hold the niailing'niachine, roller, etc. The niiddb space will hold 30 galleys of either Mustang orl.Ruk- eiibrod pattern, or In rtgular wide brass mailing galleys. The third space contains 7 sort drawers. If ir.ore galley room is needed, shelves can be substituted for a part or all the sort drawers. The top has a movable galley rest; it can also be used as a u'ailing work table. Iron brackets to hold a pair of cases can be attached to this cabinet. # Mail List Cabinet $27 00 ^ Boxing, $1.00. Iron ITrackcts, per pair 2 00 Ccveland Type Foundry, 353 Cleveland, Ohio. POLHEMUS CABINET. PoLHEMus Cabinet Front View. Price, Double, Stained $75 00. ..Cherry or Walnut ^POnOO Price, Single, " 35 00... " " 42 00 The Double Cabinet contains 18 full sized Jobs, 20 % Jobs and 2 pairs News on top. The Single Cabinet contains 18 lull sized Jobs, and 1 pair Neus en top. WOOD TYPE CABINET. This cut shows our new Wood Type Cabinet, something timt has long been needed in all job oflBces. The slots in the cases can be adjusted to any size type, and are made dust tight, so that the wood type is always clean and ready for use. Flat Top. 12 Case, Z3x;^2 inches $22 00 16 " ♦' " 27 00 20 " " " 81 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, $25 00 30 0') 12 Case, 23x44 inches.... 16 " 2(5 00 30 00 .... 3(j Of) 40 00 35 00 Boxin I 20 " *' g $2.00. 554 .... 45 00 50 00 Cleveland, Ohio. WINDOW CABINET. Window Cabinet, with Patent Tilting- Bracket. Speciallyrdesigned fox* rlacing in front of a window, as they do not obstruct the light, of which the cases on t^p get the full benefit. Two men may work undis- turbed at the sides, while the job casea in front are convenient for other men. The top is flat, and useful for holding tied-up type. These Cabinets have the Hamilton Patent Tilting Bracket and Gialley Rest, wiiich enables a compositor to empty his sticks without leaving the Cabinet, by simply tilt- ing the lower case as shown in the cut, thus exposing the galley. Made in ash with antique oak finish, or hardwood, cherry finish. Bottom is made flush to floor to prevent pi from getting underneath Cabinet. Window Cabinet, witiri8 full-size Cases, two i airs of News Gates on top. Boxing, 81.50. m tx) Cleveland Type Foundry, 355 Cleveland, Ohio. BOOK BINDERS' CABINET. 6 Cap Cases, J^ size $ 8 00 10 " " V, " 12 00 15 " " Vi. " 16 50 Other sizes to order. Boxing extra. Book Binders- Cabinet. ^ - These Cabinets are made of the best seasoned Cherry, highly finished, and the Cases are ornamented with bronze handles. They are made of different sizes to suit the wants of purchasers. The price is low enough to be within the means of every Book Binder, and at the same time be consistent with good workmanship and the best material. They are compact in form, and the sizes such as will readily admit of their being placed on a table or stand, out of the way, and yet convenient for use. INK CABINETS. Thousands of dollars are annually l()^t to job printers, generally, in the sin- '^]e item of Ink wasted through lack of a proper place to keep the cans or jars contiiining the same. More particular- ly is this so in regard to colored and liigh-priced Inks not continually in use, for when placed on shelves or left lying around anywhere, (if only out of the way), an estrangement. often occurs be- tween can and cover, and the Ink re- ceives a quantity of dirt, or skins over from exposure to the air ; in either case a lo&s of Ink is the result. AVith the Ink Cabinet a place may be had for overy can or jar of Ink, and with every can or jar in its place the loss of Ink from such sources would cease. The price is low enough to bring it within the means of every job office. (K Cabinet. Contains four compartments suitable for Ink, etc., with Marble Slab, 18X24 inches, on top for mixing Inks. Price $13 00 Boxing $1.03. Cleveland Type Foundry, 356 Clczeland, Ohio. SORT CABINET. 10 Drawer Cabinet, arranged in 2 tiers $ 25 00 15 " " " " 3 20 '* " " " 4 2.5 " " ** " 5 30 " a5 " 25 00.. .Boxing, SI 00 40 00.. . •• 1 50 .55 00.. 2 00 70 00.. . " 2 50 85 00.. 3 00 100 00. . " 4 00 Galley Cabinet. This is a verj- useful piece of furniture for every printing office, as it is a verj' con- venient receptacle for gallej'S filled with matter, or empty, as the case may be. To hold 20 single or double galleys S14 00 40 ** " " 25 00 60 " " " 36 00 Boxing, $1.25. WROUGHT IRON PIPE STANDS. Single Stand, without racks t 9 CO Single Stand, Avith racks for eight cases 10 50 Single Stand, with racks for eight cases and galley rest 11 50 Double Stand, without racks 12 CO Double Stand, with eight racks 13 50 Double Stand, with eight racks and galley rest 15 00 Double Stand, with eight racks, galley rest and racks 23 50 Double Stand, with nicks for eight full and eight % cases 17 00 Double Stand, with galley rest and racks for si.xteen full cases 18 50 Double Stand, with galley rest and galley mck, racks for eight full and eight % cases 28 50 Cleveland Type Foundry. 357 Cleveland, Ohio. NEW YORK DOUBLE STAND. New York Double Stand, with Racks for 30 cases and 2 pairs on top $12 00 NEW YORK QUADRUPLE STAND, New York Quadruple Stand, with Racks for 60 Cases and 4 pairs on top $20 09 Cleveland Type Foundry, 358 Cleveland, Ohio. AUTOCRAT CASE STAND. Single, holding 19 full cases S 8 50 ** " 19 ** paneled end and back 10 00 Double, " at " 10 00 *' :U ** paneled t^ides 1100 Boxinsr, >.IJ>*). If male of black walnut, ^i.Od extra. CITY STAND. In the City Stand the upper case is brought upward and forward, partially over the lower case, but not interfer- ing with it. The lower case rests on slides and may be pushed back, when it uncovers a galley shelf, as shown in cut. Price, Single, for 15 full- size cases, with galley shelf $6 75 I ice. Double, for ;^full- ^i/,e cases, with 2 galley shelves 9 50 CASE RACK. This Rack is very convenient to store away extra cases. It is made of whitewond and put together with bolts. If desired, we can make the Rack with pan- eled end, at additional cost of $1.50. Pluiii as Closed Back in Cut. and Sides. To hold 10 Full Size Cases $ 5 50 $ 7 75 16 " " " 7 GO 9 50 20 ** " *' 8 00 11 00 24 9 CO 12 00 " 30 " " " 10 00 13 00 40 " " " 14 00 17 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 359 Cleveland, Ohio. CASE STANDS. The upright center and end pieces are each complete for setting up ; the latter mor- tised to receive the ends of the long front and rear cross pieces, each of Avhich have bolts at both ends, to firmly hold the stand together. Double Stand. Size and Price. Single Stand, with Rack for 12Twc-Thirds Cases $3 00 Single " '• '• 12 Full Cases 3 25 News Double 3 75 and 8 Two-Thirds Cases 4 25 " 10 " " 5 00 " 12 " " 5 50 600 with cluSL'd ends 7 00 bhickwalnut, S2.00 extra. Stands to hold any number of Cases made to To Set Up: First unscrew bolts from the end of the front cross pieces and pass same through holes in the end pieces ; tighten a little and repeat with the rear cross pieces ; put the center upright in place and then fasten with screws ; tighten bolts firmly and put on rest for case. The bottom front cross piece is mor- tised for center upright ; the other pieces will easily explain themselves. The other stands are set up in the same manner. Clezieland, Ohio. News Stand. Cleveland Type Foundry, 3()() PLAN FOR -AYING CASE. w hr nr ■^Ik- e lU s 5 f ji_ q.l y m t t ^ 11 1 fist . .. 2in T ^ ^ L b c d i '/2 H ii£ Vi li (L' E M ^/8 F N % % 'A T 2m ~ K U .'im 17 17 5 F V G O W A II P iL I c K U i> L S — I 1 m n h o y p w :_ lan we have tried for years, aiul found to work entirely to our satijifaction is given above. CASES. - Li > A 2 News Cases. News (upper and lower) per pair $1 Improved Lower Case. Improved Lower Case SO 95 :.i.AJi/iAU.iiAjA.A.lI. /AJWrA3A '^T^A.A^Ti/AjI^^^A/ti'AyA'A'A .A' I ^r^-Jif^j/A a:a a ta a /A:a Ai F'm :i£A A:A:{~jrAAA A^'AAA A r^m F/A^^Ti-jjnrrj'fTATPTAr'^^' 'f.A:Ajr ^^r^/A 7A/A.AiA^:AJA Triple Case. Triple Case Cleveland Type Foundry, 361 $0 90 Cleveland. Ohio. CASES. Italic, or Job Case. Italic, or Job. SO 90 Yankee Job Yankee Job Case. ...SI 00 Improved Job Case. This case is made to take in a complete font of caps, small caps and lower case. Improved Job Case $1 20 California Job Case. California Job C.ise. ..$,) 90 Border and Ornament Case. This case is needed in every printing office. It will liokl six fonts of border. Border and Ornament Case SI 25 Cleveland Type Foundry, 362 Cleveland, Ohio. CASES. Figure Case. Figure Case 91 00 th:n|spc8 u (0 < O a s as o i 3 M SPACES o (0 QUADS. S^-ACE AND Quad Case. Space and Quad Case. «1 00 Metal Furniture Case. This case is double depth, and will hold one hundred pounds of fui-niture. Metal Furniture Cafe f2 00 Labor-saving Lead or Slug Case. Labor-Saving Lead or Slug Case $1 00 Lauoh-Savinu RULt C--b. . Labor-Saving Rule Case $1 15 Cleveland Type Foundry^ Cleveland, Ohio. CASES. Butler Job case. Butler Job Cases, per pair $3 50 Two-Thirds Job Case. Two-Thirds Job Case $0 75 Improved Two-Thirds Job Case. Two-Thirds Rule Case. Improved Two-Thirds Job Case SO 90 Two-Thirds Rule Case 90 Two-Thirds Blank Case 45 JjLAAiAi A i i A i kJETi, .A'l^A ^ Ji i i i i A'^i AAkJkk A mm Two-Thirds News Cases. Two-Thirds News (upper and lower), per pair 364 Cleveland Type Foundry, 81 40 Cleveland, Ohio. CASES. Case No 1 is exactly one-fourth the inside measurement of an ordinary blank case, but is made double, i. e., has two complete cases in the same frame. It is designed for small offices and will hold two complete fonts or kinds of labor-saving rule, of 8 pounds'each, or a total of 16 pounds in the case. The boxes are so constructed that the differentl lengths are kept standing, so they can be quickly and easily taken from their respective places. Case No. 2 is of the same dimensions as Case No. 1, and like it holds Iti pounds. of rule, all of one font or kind, however. Harris' Imi>ioved Rule Case, No. 1 $1125 '* No. 2 100 " No. 3 100 No. 4 100 Blank Case. Blank Case SOLSS mmmmiimiiimmiiMk Wood Type Oase. Wood Tyre Case, to fit stand Cleveland Type Foundry, 365 %\ 00 Cleveland, Ohio. CASE BRACKET. Case Bracket to hold ope case per pair, SO 75 " " *' two " " 1 25 IMPROVED CARD CUTTER. PATENTED. An important feature of this machine is the ease with which the gauge is set to any desired size, from a half-inch to a half-sheet card. This is done by a rack and pinion, accurately cut by special machinery. The position maintained by the gauge is perfectly parallel with the knife. A clamp, conveniently arranged, holds the card firmly, in- suring a smooth and true cut. It will be observed we have dropped the 28 inch size, and have reduced the price of the 30 inch size to S45.00. Price; cuts 30 inches in the clear $45 00 ELM CITY CARD CUTTER. It is so made that a full sheet of card board may be cut on it with as little trouble as any larger machine. There is no other cutter of its size that will do this. Price.... $12 00 PEERLESS CARD CUTTER. Very useful in every paper mill, paper warehouse and printing office. "With twelve inch blade any size sheet may be cut. The sheet of cardboard, to be cut, may lie i)erfectly flat on the table, a positively necessary feature in accurately cutting heavy stock. Price (cuts 12 inches) $12 00 " 24 " ;-i5 (K) Cleveland Type Foundry, 366 Cleveland, Ohio. BOSTON CARD CUTTER. These machines are made in a thoroiifrh manner. The frame is of iron and the table of hardwood. The front gauge is positive, easily set and accurate, being controlled by a rack and pinion which holds the jrauge exactly parallel with the knife. It has a reversible iron back gauge extending 28 inches from the knife, and a side gauge which may be placed in three different positions on the table, according to the size of work being cut. Sheets or strips of any length can be cut, as the standard holding the upper knife has an offset, allowing the inside strip to pass over it, and the outside strip under it. Price, 24-inch blade, boxed S20 00 " 12 12 00 OAST IRON CHASES. Size Outside Chase. 6 80 16 1 12 1 6^^X14^ 1 - ■ 9 1 10 1 8o 60 40 60 25 3o lV^Y:S>Vi 2 45 - ■ ■ - " 30 35 o5 00 75 60 70 95 80 10 Xlo 2 00 2 10 2 80 10^X11^ 1 70 ' '90 10 X14 105^X271/^ 2 11HX16V^ 2 ViViY^WA 2 12 X15 2 Size Outside Chase. Piucx 12 X18 $2 40 50 60 65 30 30 40 45 85 95 i;^^X25j 13^X41 . 14 X17 . 14 X21 . 14^X18^. 14^/^X19 2 14V^X20 2 15 X19 1534X15^. 15 X30 60 45 50 55 14^X3/^M 3 50 ~ 50 40 25 16 X20 2 65 '75 10 85 19>4X243^ 3 OO '^ ~ 50 00 00 16 X21 18 X22 183^X201^. JOB PRESS CHASES. For Gordon, Peerless, Star, Universal and Liberty Presses. Steki.. Cast Ihon. 7X11 in'hes inside $2 70 %\ 00 8X12 " " 3 CO 1 25 9X13 " " 4 50 1 25 10X15 " " 4 50 1 50 Clereland Type Foundry, SiEH.. Cast It'0.-». 11 X17 inches insde $.5 00 %\ Ih 13 X19 ** " 5 00 2 00 14 X20 " " 5 75 2 50 143^X22 " " 6 00 3 00 .367 Cleveland. Ohio. WROUGHT IRON CHASES. Pair of Twin Chases. OuTSiBE Measure, Each. I.n-side Measure, Each No. 1—5 Column Folio U X2\% VIV^X'^Wa. 2-6 3—7 5—8 6-8 .WAX2\ 14^X22 8—9 Special $ 9 50 10 00 li%X25% \1%X^W4 1100 .20^X27 18%X24% 12 00 .21^X28 19fHX2.^% 13 00 .22%X29 2(.%X2fi% U 00 23%X30i^ 21%,X2S 15 00 wide 23}^X32 21i/^X293^ 16 50 wide., wide. -Column Folio for narrow margin, 16x23 outsidj, 14>^x21 inside, tlO.OO. Pair of Twin Chases lasure, Each. -•SIDE Measi. Price per Pair No. 1—4 Column Quarto. " 2—5 " " . •• 3-6 " " . " 4-7 " " 253^X37K 23^X35^. Center Bar, 1 inch. Special 6-Column Quarto for Narrow Margin, 22%X32 out.«ide, 21X30 inside, 1 inch i ron top, bottom and front, % inch backs, 1 inch center bar, $16.00. .18 X24!^ 16i^X22V^ $14 50 ■nV^Xt^y^ 19^X-i6^ 15 50 .23%X3yi.^ 21%X3(.% 16 00 '>.'%uvs7iyi: •wizv.'i^i^ 17 50 IDE Measure. Inside Measui Price, Each Book or Shiftinq-Bar Chase. Cleveland Type Foundry, No. 1 17X21 15 X19 $8 00 " 2 20X2.5 18 X23 8 50 " 3 24X30 22 X28 9 00 " 4 25X35 22%X32% 9 50 " 5 29X42 265^X39% 10 00 " 6 32X46 29%X43% 11 00 " 7 34X5(1 3lkX47J^ 12 00 " 8 36X52 33^X49)^ 13 00 " 9 40X54 37i/^X5IH 14 00 •' 10 40X60 TiV^XblYT, 15 00 Center Bar. 1 inch. Cross Bar, % inch. 33; Cleveland, Ohio. CHASES. Heading Chase with Cross Bar — Wrought Iron. 6X17 inches inside, flat cap So 50 8X21 demy 6 00 8X28 double cap 8 00 Skeleton Chase. Outside Measube. Measure. Price, Each X19 $ 5 00 5 50 6 00 No.l 17X21 15 " 2 20X25 18 X23 " 3 24X30 22 X28 " 4 25Xa5 22%X32% 6 50 " 5 29X42 26%X39% 7 50 •• 6 32X46 29^X43% 8 00 " 7 34X50 31J^X47>^ 9 00 " 8 36X52 33>^X49H 10 00 " 9 40X54 ..37^X51^ 1100 •• 10 42X60 39^X5734 12 00 No Measure. Price, Each X19 S5 00 X23 X27 News Chase. Outside Measurk. Inside 1 17X21 15 2 20X25 18 3 24X29 22 4 26X34 2mXSl%. 5 29X42 26%X39%. 6 : 32X47 29%X44%. 7 35X51 Ziy^Y^AVi. 8 3yi POINT THICKNESS. 8 POINT THICKNESS. 8%inche 5 for 4 Col.Folio or Quarto 2.5 %y» inches for 4 Col. Folio or Quarto 035 IIH 5 " " 25 IWs i - « i. '• 035 13% 6 " " 30 13% . 6 " " " 045 15% 7 " " 30 15% 7 " " 0.50 18 • 8 " " 40 18 8 " 060 mi 9 " " 40 20^4 9 " 70 6 POINT THICKNESS. 9 POINT THICKNESS. 8% inche s for 4 CoLFolio or Quarto 030 8% inches for 4 Col.Folio 01 ' Quarto 38 113^ 5 " " 030 113^ " 5 " " 38 13% 6 '• " 035 13% " 6 " " 045 15% 7 " " 045 15% " 7 " " 50 18 • 8 " " 050 18 8 " " 060 mi • 9 " " 60 2014 " 9 " " 80 The length of Head Rules given above are for columns 13 ems Pica wide, and Minion Column Rules. THE PRINTERS' CURVING MACHINE. Price, with extra roller $21 50 Ceveland Type Foundry, 374 Cleveland, Ohio. COMPOSING RULES. Set Composing Rule?, assorte;! from 12 to ;i() ems, put up in a durable leather case $1 50 Composing Rules, 15 ems and under 25 " " lo to 2() ems, each 30 20 to 2;") " " 35 PRICE Composition Kettles, (tin) $6 50 GOLDING'S CURVING MACHINES. * No. 1— Curves J^ to 4 inches diameter $12 00 No. 2— " ]4toS *' " 18 00 Dies for forming square corners, $1.50, extra. CORNER QUADS. Price, per set of four $0 15 Brass, 4-to-piea 15 Corner quads are cast on pica, loni? primer and nonpareil bodies, and insure a better junction of mitered corners by preventing them from slipping pan each other. Cleveland Type Foundry, 375 Cleveland, Ohio. COPY HOLDER. Goldiug Copy Holder, plain ^ 75 plated 85 IMPROVED CORNER QUADS. Quads and Spaces AND LABOR-SAVING SLUGS. CIRCULAR QUADS. Per set Cleveland Type Foundry, 376 S3 50 Cleveland, Ohio. CUTTING STICKS FOR PAPER CUTTERS. Dkscription:— Our entting stick consists of Main Body Piece A, wliich Ims n groove or re- cess cut the entire length of siune to receive a small strip (IJ) ^ of an inch square. This re- movable strip is the cutting surface, and is held in place by a steel clamp C, which is drawn up by the bolts D. This removable strip being square, can be used on four hides, thus giving ,,^^^- ^^-m the same amount of cutting surface as a large ,^^^^' ^^Sl sized stick. K"^~^ 'iliif' 1 In ordering a Body Piece _ for your cutter, ^ lillill / B^ cut off and send us a small piece from end of stick you have used. Be particular to see h^x that the piece you send us fits the slot nicely, and give us the length of stick your machine requires. In ordering the small strips it is only ^^_^_„ necessary to give the length of stick, as we cut ^S^H| \ \ ^ them all to a standard gauge. ^^^^■iIl^jI^/ HAMILTON'S Cutting Stick Price of Main Body Piece, any length up to 38 inches $5 00 " from 38 to 48 inches 6 00 " Strips, per dozen, any length up to 38 inches 25 from 38 to 48 inches 30 Square Cutting Sticks 25 DATE LINES. Made to order from any type in our catalogue each $0 50 J^ot less than two made of any one kind. DRYING RACKS. Much paper can be stowed away, and kept clean and undamaged while drying, in our various drying racks, saving also the time of handling. Our cheapest rack gives a drying area of 120 square feet, while actually using only six square feet of your cohtly floor space. These racks combine many desirable features at a very moderate price. The frame is hardwood and is strongly bolted together. The shelves are carefully and strongly made. The frame is mounted on castors, and can be easily moved in any direction when fully loaded. No. 1, with 20 shelves each 24 x."(i 814 00 " 2, " 30 " " 24x4(i 20 00 •' 3, " 20 " ♦' 28x42 20 00 " 4, " 30 ** " 2Sx42 28 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 377 Cleveland, Ohio. HERCULES GAS ENGINE. By simple yet reliable methods we ignite the charge by direct contact in a chamber, and no flame enters the cylinder, except when there is a charge to be ignited. As the power and efficiency of any gas or gasoline engine mainly depends upon the proper proportions and thorough mixture of gas and air, together with prompt and complete ignition, we have made it a point in the manufacture of the Hercules Engine to gain the highest efficiency in this regard. The gas and air is mixed be- fore passing into the cylinder, and when ad- mitted is compressed to the highest possibh limit, thus greatly increasing the force of the explosion. Each engine is sui)plied with an automatic governor, which has di- rect and instant control over the valvi which admits the mixed charge of gas and air into the cylinder, and the speed of the engine cannot exceed or fall short of the number of revolutions to which the gov- ernor is set. Should the main belt break or suddenly be thrown off, there would be no variation in the speed, as the governor would immedi- ately cut off the supply of gas to the necessary quantity to cause the en- gine to run at a proper speed. The cylinder, water jacket and frame are all of one cast- ing, and it is impossible for the crank-shaft togetoutofline. The box for the connecting rod ismadeof phos- phor-bronze,the most durable metal known. Direct-acting poppet - valves only arc used. Price List of the Hercules Gas axu Gasoijxk Engines. Catalogue Number Actual H.P. Style of Cylinder Weight, Pounds Revolutions Per Minute Price, F. 0. B. in Chicago. 1 1 2 4 4 6 6 Single Vertical 550 875 UOO KRtO 1950 1400 iiiili $250 00 2 4 5 Single, Vertical Single, Horizontal 300 00 500 00 525 00 6 7 Single, Horizontal 6.50 00 7(K) 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 378 Cleveland, Ohio. HERCULES GASOLINE ENGINE. The Hercules is the latest gas and gasoline engine in the market, and em- bodies all recent improvements. It is built in three styles: single, vertical; double vertical; and horizontal. The charge is ignited by a glowing tube. No battery is required, and the charge never fails of ignition. It is the simplest, most powerful and reliable, and consequently the cheapest gasoline engine in the market. See opposite page for Price List. Write for terms. Cleveland Type Foundry, 379 Cleveland, Ohio. ELECTROTYPING. All orders for eleetrotypipgr fillo 1 at current rates, and the work well and promptly done ^^ ^ 2 s§ — CO '^U o <» 'S S 2 03 O t, c O 3< « u ^s Cleveland Type Foundry, 380 iS^ o- o Cleveland, Ohio. ENVELOPE FLAP EMBOSSING PUNCH. For embossing imprints whore ordinary imprints are not allowed. Nickel plated. ..$5 00 ENGRAVER'S WOOD. First quality Boxwood sq. in. $0 05 | Fourth quality Boxwood ^ sq. in. 02 Second " *' " 04 ! First " Maple " 02 Third " ** " 03 ' Second ' ' " " 01 ELECTROTYPED SLUGS. ._::::i8 ■^ ii Electrotyped Slugs cut to measure of column, each See also Copper Alloy Take Slugs, page 440. .$0 15 ENGRAVING. We have made arrangements whereby we are enabled to furnish first-class engraving at fair prices. ENGRAVERS' TOOLS. ft ft V V ? I Engravers- Tools — printers' Set. Six tools, "harpened foruse $2 50 PEERLESS FEEDER. Peerless Feeders, each $0 20 | Peerless Feeders, per dozen $1 50 FEED FOLDERS. Bone, each $0 25 FELT CLOTH FOR DISTRIBUTORS. In rolls 214 inches wide, for power pre.ss distributors, 12 yards to the roll $5 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 381 Cleveland, Ohio. FOLDING MACHINES. i The Brown Newspaper Folder. The illustration here given is of the Brown Newspaper Folders. They are made in two styles. The Standard is for oiRces running daily and weekly papers, and is a high grade machine. The Country Newspaper Folder is for country offices, and while not so elaborate in construction, is a first-class machine in every respect. Standard Folder. 3 Folds. 4 Folds. 29 X 42 to 42 X 58 S750 00 $800 00 24 X 36 to 36 X 48 650 00 700 00 21 X 32 to 32 X 42 550 00 600 00 Paster and Trimmer for 8-page, $50.00 extra. Country Folder. This folder is made in but one size, 36 x 48 down to 22 x 32, with delivery at third and fourth folds. Price $400 00 With Paster and Trimmer 425 00 THE Sidney Newspaper Folder. The Sidney is a hand feed folding machine, and will fold and trim any size paper up to 3(5 X 48 inches. Will deliver at three or four folds. As shown in cut, the feeding is identical with that of presses. Can readily be changed from one size paper to another, and from three to four folds. Price, complete, with Trimmer $175 00 Price, complete with Trimmer and Paster 200 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 382 Cleveland , Ohio. FOLDING MACHINES. The Bascom Newspaper Folder. The " Bagcom " is made almost entirely of iron and steel, only the very best material and workmanship being used in its construction. Every machine is set up and fully tested before leaving the factory. The manufacturers fully warrant every machine sold by us, in all its parts, for five years. The folder occupies a floor space of 4 x 4 feet, makes very little noise, requires but one-tenth horse power to operate it, attaches directly to the line shaft, thus avoiding the expense of pulleys and counter-shafting; folds any size from 36 X 50 down to the smallest daily or weekly, folio or quarto, and makes three or four folds. The " Bascom " is also furnished with paster and trimmer, when so desired. The papers are fed to nippers, which carry them into position for folding, and any boy can feed from 1200 to 1800 per hour. Price S17o 00 " with Paster and Trimmer 200 00 The Eclipse Newspaper Folder. This machine feeds to guides, same as a press. The papers pass around a cylinder and are carried by tapes to folding rollers; are tapped through the rollers at proper time, and pass from one set to another until delivered. It combines all the requisites of a high price folder, at one-third the cost. Will fold any newspaper in 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 folds. Will fold a full sheet 4 or 5 folds, and a half sheet 3 or 4 folds, without change. Will paste and trim 8 pages, and fold 16 and 32 pages. Price - $175 00 " with Paster and Trimmer 200 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 383 Cleveland, Ohio. FORM TRUCK. An indispensable article in any job office lor moving heavy forms. The heaviest form can be readily and easily handled. Form Truck $3 00 FOOT SLUGS. Brass, 12 Point, cut for NcAvspaper col.JO 15 I Brass, 24 Point, Newspaper col $0 25 Brass, 18 Point, " " " 20 | Metal " " " 06 NEWSPAPER, BOOK AND JOB GALLEYS. JRASS Galleys— Lined. Single Column, S%X^14 in. inside 12 00 I Double Column, 6}4X23}4: in. inside...$2 50 3%XnM " *' 1 oO I " " 6^X113/2 " " ... 2 00 HALF-LINED GALLEYS. Single Column 1175 | Double Column $2 25 UNLINED GALLEYS. Single Column $150 | Double Column $1 75 ALL-BRASS GALLEYS. These All-brass Galleys are especially adapted for use in morning newspaper oflSces, as in many cases it is necessary to soak the type in hot lye before distributing, in order to prevent its sticking together. Galleys made in part of wood would be ruined in a few days by such treatment, hence the necessity and economy of using Galleys made wholly of brass. These All-brass Galleys are the most perfect and strongest ever offered to the trade. Single Column $2 00 | Double Column $2 nO Cleveland Type Foundry, 384 Cleveland, Ohio. GALLEYS. BRASS JOB GALLEYS LINED. 6 XIO inches inside $2 00 8%X13 •• •• 2 50 10 X16 " " 3 00 12X18 inches inside $3 50 14X20 " " 4 00 15X22 " " 5 00 ii38iiHiHiiinti wiimiiiTiiiiiin>iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiinniiiuiiiiiiiitiiMmiiiniiiiiiiii liuiilim Brass Mail-List Galleys— Lined. Brass-Lined, with closed ends, 6J4X21J4 inches inside $3 00 " " " 10 X2I14 " " 4 00 Zinc Bottom, " " " 6^X21^ " " 150 Brass Reglet for same, each, Nonpareil thickness 35 Metal " " •• " '• , 15 Galleys, 10 Picas wide, for McFatrich Mailing Machine 1 00 " 14 '• " " " " " 1 25 " for Mustang Mailer 50 Special sizes of Galleys made to order. Slice Galleys Octavo, Slice, 6 XIO $2 00 Quarto, " 8^X13 2 25 Medium," 10 X16 2 50 Royal, " 12 X18 2 75 Super Royal, Slice, 14X20 $3 50 Imperial, " 15X22 4 00 Republican, " 18X2.5 4 50 Common Wood Galleys. 4X 6 inches inside .'. $0 20 5X8 " *• 25 6X10 •* " 30 5X15 *• " 30 6X20 " " .50 Cleveland Type Foundry, 8X10 inches inside $0 40 8X12 " " 50 8X24 " " 60 10X16 " " 60 385 Cleveland, Ohio. >^^^^ GAUGE PINS. Original Steel Gauge Pin. Golden Steel Gauge Pin. Single Prong Gauge Pin Spring Tongue Gauge Pin. Parallel Feed Guides. SIZES AND PRICES: Original Steel Gauge Pins.— Four sizes. Xo. 1, low. No. 2, medium. No. 3, high No. 4, low, short lip. Price 60 cents per dozen. Golden Steel Gauge Pins. — Six sizes. No. 1, low. No. 2, medium. No. 3, high. No. 4, low, short lip. No. 5, medium, % inch lip. No. 6, long lip. Price 40 cents per dozen. Single Prong Gauge Pins.— Four sizes. No. 1, low. No. 3, high. No. 6, low, long lip. No. 7, high, long lip. Price 25 cents per dozen. Two Prong Gauge Pins. — Five sizes. No. 1, low. No. 2, medium. No. 3, high. No. 4, low, short lip. No. 6, long lip. Price 25 cents per dozen. Hook Gauge Pins. — Two sizes. No. 1, low. No. 3, high. Price 25 cents per dozen. Brass Gauge Pins.— Five sizes. No. 1, low. No. 2, medium. No. 3, high. No. 4, low, short lip. No. 6, long lip. Price 40 cents per dozen. Pointed Tongues for use in pulling ofE sheets. May be inserted in head of Brass Gauge Pin. Price 25 cents per dozen. Radiating Sheet Supporters.— Eight sizes. No. 3, for 7X11 press, $3.00. No. 3)4, for 8X12 press, $3.10. No. 4, for 9X13 press, $3.20. No. 4}4, for 10X15 press, $3.30. No. 5, for 11X17 press, $3.40. No. 5}4, for 12X18 press, $3.50. No. 6, for 13X19 press, $3.60. N0.6K, for 14X22 press, $3.70. Screw Adjustable Gauge Pins. — One size. Low, with adjustable tongue. An ad- justable gauge pin without teeth. Price $1.00 per set, three in a set, one tongue each. Spring Tongue Gauge Pins.— One size. Low, with adjustable tongue. Price $1.20 per dozen. Per set of three, 40 cents, including an extra tongue for each pin. Parallel Feed Guides.— Price, Holders 1 size, 75 cents per pair. Guides as follows: 1)4 inch, 40 cents. 2 inch, 45 cents. 2V^ inch, 50 cents. 3 inch, 55 cents. 3>^ inch, 60 cents. 4 inch, 65 cents. 4/4 inch, 70 cents. 5 inch, 75 cents. 5}4 inch, 80 cents. 6 inch, 85 cents. 6}4 inch, 90 cents per pair. Perfect Register Gauge.— Pastes on like a quad and adjustable after it is pasted on. One size answers for all work. Price, $1.25 per set of three, including two dozen extra tongues. Cleveland Type Foundry, 386 Cleveland , Ohio. GAUGE PINS. The Flexible Gauqe Pin. No. 4, Side-Gauge. No. 1, Low Bottom- Gauge. No. 3, High Bottom-Gauge. The Flexible Gauge Pins, per doz $<) 60 Extension Fkkd Guides. Price per set of two $1 0() Extension Feed Guides are used for gauging sheets at or below the edge of the platen. ECONOMY GALLEY RACK. Wooden Upright, Iron Arms. To hold 6 Galleys $ 3 00 8 " 4 00 10 " 5 00 12 " 6 00 15 " 7 50 20 *' 10 00 Iron Arms, per pair 40 MARVIN'S GALLEY RACK AND REST Rack complete with 8 rests $6 CO •* 10 " 7 50 Plain Rests, each 50 " *' with castings... 75 EcoNOViY Galley Rack. MARVIN'S Galley Rack and Rest. HEAD RULES. For prices of Head Rules, see "Column and Head Rules "—page .S74. aeveland TyPe Foundry, 387 Cleveland, Ohio. INK FOUNTAINS. The Buckeye Fountain. This fountain will be found the easiest attached, easiest worked and most practical ink fountain on the market. Its roller is so adjusted as to supply ink uniformly on either a large or small job. Its size also makes it practical to use expensive ink without waste, only a small amount being reciuired to fully supply the fountain. The bottom is so constructed as to permit all the ink to run down to the roller, there being no pocket or dead space. By turning back the pawl from the ratchet wheel, the operation of the fountain is suspended without missing an impression. The fount- ain can be interchanged from one press to another without removing the attachments, so that, by having two or more fountains, the color can be changed without wasting the ink, which must occur if one fountain has to serve all colors. Examination of the cut will show, without explanation, the manner of attaching. It should be adjusted with impression on, so that the roller of the fountain will meet the upper form roller when at its highest point. The roller can be removed for cleaning by turning back the thumb-screws until the caps can be removed through the slot in front, then by raising the roller, it will come out through the same slot. Price *10 00 The Chandler & Price Fountain. To those whose special work requires greater capacity than can be obtained with the Buckeye, we offer the Chand- ler & Price fountain, which is so made as to permit contact with the rollers the whole length, and will thus furnish a greater supply of ink than the Buckeye. Its construc- tion and operation will be readily understood from the cut, which shows it attached to a 14 X 20 Chandler & Price press. It is without all extra and useless parts which com- plicate and add to the diffi- culty of using, and at the same time is complete with all the recjuisites of a first-class fountain. Price ?i;20 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. INK FOUNTAINS. Ben Franklin Automatic Fountain. Price. *10 00, The be.st small fountain ; oi)eration automatic. The hinjred fountain (patented) rises when tlie ui)i)er form roller passes under and around the duct roller. This rolling contact spreads the ink over the surface of the form roller, which, in turn, spreads it out upon the disk instead of delivering it in a streak. Quickly and easily removed from one press to another. Time, ink and money saved by keeping two or more fountains to be changed from press to press. Only one bolt used in attaching fountain. Adjust to the press when imi)res- sion is on. This fountain will be found desirable when larger capacity than that of the Ben-Frank lin is required. When prop- erly used, it will carry an even color for any length of time. Can be easily cleaned, and is so simple that anyone can understand and manage it. It can be raised or lowered by the use of the large screw, so as to give more' or less 'contact with the distributing'roller. By operating the screws on the top of the fountain on either side, the fountain roller can be ad- justed so that the required quantity of ink can be fed to the distributing roller. I'.Pflflin"!' ' Hinged Well Ink Fountai Price $25 00 INKING APPARATUS. Distributor, Stand and Roller. With two Cylinders and Roller Handle, including two Roller Cores, complete. No. 1—30 inches long $15 00 No. 2— 32 " " 16 00 No.;i-;i6 " '* 17 00 No. 4— 38 " " 18 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, No. 5— to inches long $19 00 No. 6-^2 " •* 20 00 No. 7— 44 '* " 21 00 Cleveland, Ohio. IMPOSING STONES. Old Style. OLD STYLE WITH NEW STYLt No. 1, for 7 Column paper, two pages, 26X44 $10 00 $18 00 $25 00 " 2. •♦ 8 " " " 28X50 12 50 2150 28 50 " 3, " 9 " " " 30X60 15 50 25 50 33 00 " 4, " 7 " " four pages, 26X72 16 25 28 00 36 00 " 5, " 8 " " " 28X80 19 50 32 00 40 50 " 6. " 9 " " " 30X90 23 50 38 00 46 50 *' 7, " 6 " quarto, " 36X60 18 50 32 00 41 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 390 Cleveland, Ohio, PRINTING INKS. We carry in stock the following line of black and colored printing inks, from the cele- brated and popular factory of Jaenecke-l'llinan Co., New York City and (ierinany. All of the inks specified bel(»w are i»ut up in one-(|uarter pound tubes unless otherwise stated. Price pvr lb. News Ink, 28 lb. kegs $ 20 Xews Ink, .T and 10 1b. cans 2") Brilliant IJlack, 1, 2 and 5 lb. cans 40 Brilliant Black, 1, 2 and o lb. cans .^0 Brilliant Black, 1, 2 and o lb. cans 7o Nubian Black. 1, 2 and ."> lb. cans 1 00 Job Black, 1 lb. cans 1 00 Combination Black 1 .^0 Combination Black 2 00 Combination Black 3 00 Bronze Blue Black 2 50 Blue Black, L'ght, No. 2 1 .50 Blue Black, Deep, No. 2 1 .50 Blue Black, Light, No. 1 2 oO Blue Black, Deep, No. 1 2 .50 Ultramarine, No. 3, 1 lb. cans 1 00 Oriental Blue, No. 3 1 .50 Berlin Blue 2 00 Bronze Blue, No. 2 2 00 Bronze Blue, No. 1 2 .50 Ultramarine, No. 2 2 50 Azure Blue 2 .50 Milori Blue 3 00 Turki.sh Blue 3 00 Marzarin Blue 3 ,50 Violet Bluish, No. 3 3 00 Violet Bluish, No. 1 5 00 Violet Redish, No. 3 3 00 Violet Redish, No. 1 4 00 Vermillion, No. 1 2 00 Brilliant Carmine Vermillion 4 .50 Brilliant Red, No. 3 1 .50 Brilliant Red, No. 2 2 00 Brilliant Red, No. 1 2 .50 DeepCheiTy 4 00 Superior Rose Lake 3 00 Crimson Lake, No. 2 4 (K) Brilliant Lake, No. 1 4 00 Brilliant Lake, No.0 5 00 Deep Geranium Lake 5 fX) Brilliant Carmine, No. 3, 2 oz. tubes. 8 00 Price pt-r lb. Brilliant Carmine, No. 1, 2 oz. tube.s.$12 00 Claret Lake 5 00 Agate Red 5 00 Chestnut Brown 1 .50 Snuff Brown 2 00 Sepia, No.2 2.50 Sepia Brown, No. 1 3 00 Photo, Deep 3 00 Photo, Light 3 00 Chocolate Brown 3 00 Bismarck Brown 3 00 Maroon Lake 3 00 RedBrownLake 3 .50 Brown Lake, No. 1 4 .50 Brown Lake, No. 2 4 .50 Brown Lake, No. 3 4 .50 Lemon Yellow 2 00 Sulphur Y'ellow 2 00 Chrome Y^^llow, Deep 1 .50 Chrome Y'ellow, Light 2 00 Chrome Orange 2 00 Persian Orange 2 00 Olive Green 2 00 Silk Green, Light 2 00 Bronze Green 2 00 Regal Green 3 00 Dragon Green 3 00 Brilliant Green, Light 5 00 Brilliant Green, Dark 5 00 White, 1 lb. cans .50 Fine White 1 25 Light Gold Ink 5 00 Deep Gold Ink 5 00 Y'ellow Bronze Size, %,l^k'[ lb. cans 1 .50 Y^ellow Bronze Size, Special Quick Drying 1 ,50 Copying Ink, Red, Scarlet, Purple and Blue 5 00 (tIoss Varnish, 1 lb. cans 1 .50 Dryer, 1 lb. cans 1 .50 Reducing Varnish, 1 lb. cans 50 INK These are superior to anything of the kind in the market. The handle, which is of brass, is secured to the steel blade in such a manner that it cannot work loose. Ink Slice each, SO 75 " " per dozen, 8 00 SLICE. Cleveland TyPe Foundry, 391 Cleveland, Ohio. (NKOLEUM. THE PRINTERS' WONDER. For reducing and refining Printing ami Litho- graphic Inks instantly, without impairing the color, no matter how old or stiff, to any con- sistency required, and making them work clear, free and easy, on any kind of press, on any kind of paper, and in any temrerature. Also pre- vents paper from pulling and sticking to form. Xo spreading of jobs necessary. Tnkoleum, put up in Half Pound Bottles $0 50 INKING STONES. Best Marble, 12X18 $2 00 1 Best Marble, 18X24 $3 75 INK KNIVES. 6 inch blade, each $0 60 7 " " " 75 9 inch blade, each $1 25 12 " " " 2 00 LABOR-SAVING CHERRY FURNITURE. Single Font of Furniture, with Case. Half Font, with case, '280 pieces $5 00 Single Font, with stained Case, containing 560 pieces 8 00 Single Font, without Case, containing 560 pieces 5 50 Single Font, with Case containing 560 pieces, with extra partitions 10 00 Double Font, with Case, containing 1,120 pieces 15 00 Double Font, with Case, containing 1,120 pieces, with extra partitions 18 00 Double Font, without Case, containing 1,120 pieces 11 00 Mammoth Case, for poster work, designed for large offices, with partitions, no door, containing selected furniture cut 10 to 160 ems long 40 00 This furniture is planed perfectly smooth, finished in oil, and made 2,3,4,5,6,8, and 10 ems Pica wide, and accurately cut to 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ems long, with size stamped on end of each piece. Cleveland Type Foundry, 392 CletxLtnd, Ohio. LABEL HOLDERS. These holders improve the appearance of the office; facilitate in the selection of lines; save time, labor, and patience in both composition and distribution. Brass Label Holders 1XJ>/^ inches, per hundred $2 50 LABOR-SAVING REGLET CASES. Case No. 1 contains IM) ideces cacli nuiipareil and pica icjilct, cut lU, 3), au, 40, 50, 60 ems pica long $ 8 00 Case No. 2 contains 300 pieces each nonpareil and pica reglet, cut 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 72, 120 ems pica long 14 00 Case No. 3 contains 100 pieces each nonpareil and pica reglet, cut by pica ems from 10 tool ems, inclusive 15 00 Case No. 4 contains 50 pieces each nonpareil and pica reglet, cut by pica ems from 10 to 51 ems, inclusive 8 00 Case No. 5 contains 100 pieces each nonpareil and pica reglet, cut by pica ems from 10 to 51 ems, inclusive; and 1(X) pieces each, cut by 5 ems from 5;3 to 150 ems, inclusive 38 00 Case No. 6 contains 50 i)ieces each nonpareil and i)ica reglet, cut same as Case No. 5.... 20 00 LABOR-SAVING LEAD AND SLUG RACK. This Rack is made in a neat, strong, and durable manner, having a series of graduated spaces, into which the different sizes of leads and slugs can be readily placed so that they will incline inward to prevent them from falling out, and also incline against each other to be retained in their respective places, from whence they can be readily lifted out with the thumb and forefinger. Figures indicating the different sizes of leads and slugs are fixed upon the front edges of the upright pieces, to aid the operator in using them. The first apartment is intended to be u.sed for 4-, or 6- to-Pica leads, and the second for Nonpareil slugs. This Rack will hold 180 pound of leads and slugs cut from 4 to 28 ems long, enough to do the job work of any ordinary office. Price . .«2 00 Other sizes made to order. Cleveland Type Foundry, 393 Cleveland, Ohio. LABOR-SAVING RULE AND REGLET RACK. m This is a great improvement on those made formerly.^ The Rule and Reglet stand on end, ex- posed Jto the view of the printer at once, without handling over, Avhich is the case with styles formerly- made. This case contains a large assortment of Cherry Reglet, 'Wood. Rule and Side Sticks, for Pro- grammes, Poster Work, etc. They are accurately cut and well oiled, and we feel confident that every printer will acknowledge their convenience and value. No. 1— Rack containing 1,300 pieces Reglet, Rule and Side Sticks, for 24X;^ sheet flo 00 " 2— " " 1,600 " " " " " 28X42 " 20 00 " 3— " " 2,000 " " " " " 28X42 " 25 00 LAMP HOLDER. This useful article for the compositor is attached to the case. The arm is made so that it will fit tight on the top rim Priee, 75 cents. ^^ ^^^ ^^pp^^. ^^^^^ ^^^^j ^^^ ^.^^_ cle which holds the lamp is fitted in this arm in such a manner as to enable the lamp to be placed over the lower case, or either side of the upper case, and every part of the upper and lower cases can be reached without the hand coming in contact with the lamp or lamp- holder. LEADS AND SLUGS. 4 and 6 to Pica Leads V> lb., SO 16 8 to Pica Leads " 32 10 " " " 60 12 " " " 70 4 and 6 to Pica cut to measure of column " 18 4 and 6 to Pica, 10 lb. fonts, Labor-Saving per font, 2 50 4 and 6 to Pica, 25 " " " " " 6 25 Nonpareil and Pica Slugs '^ lb., 16 " " " " cut to measure of column " 18 " " " " 10 It), fonts, Labor-Saving per font, 2 50 " " " 25 " " " " " 6 25 LEAD CUTTERS. The Nonpareil Lead Cutter is most poweiful in the market. Has a long, adjustable bearing for the lever, and both front and back gauges. By pushing the lever, 4-to-p;ca brass rule can be cut. The lever is held up by a strong spring. Indispensable to printers who are without our Little Giant Lead and Rule Cutter. Pearl Lead Cutter, cuts leads only S2 00 Nonpareil Lead Cutter 4 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland, Ohio. LITTLE GIANT LEAD AND RULE CUTTER. Nonpareil rule may be cut on Nos. 1 and 2, and Long Primer rule on No. The back gauge is reversi- ble, so that, while the bed on No. 1 Cutter is only eight inches long, a rule may be cut to a gauge twelve inches long. There is a front gauge for cutting narrow pieces of lead or rule, which is espe- cially useful in cutting leads swiftly. Sizes and Prices: No. 1 gauges 12 inches $ 8 00 No. 2 gauges 12 inches graduated to picas... 9 00 No. 3 gauges 18 inches. 12 00 No. 4 gauges 18 inches graduated to picas... 13 50 LITTLE GIANT NO. 3. Ceveland Type Foundry, .395 Cleveland, Ohii MAILING MACHINES. RUKENBROD'S MAILING MACHINE. Rukenbrod's Hand Mailing Press, with 2 galleys S18 00 " Combined Hand and Treadle Press, with 2 gallej-s 25 00 " Gallej-s, each 50 Bell Quadrats, per 100 90 The Times Mailer is the best pasting mailer to purchase, from the fact that there is no royalty to pay, and it is quick and reliable in its operations. The Times Mailer. Times Mailer ^00 Acme Standard Mailer. This machine was designed by a practical mailer, for years at the head of the mailing department of a great daily paper. It will perform the same work as the higher priced mailing machines, and is in many respects superior to them. Its simple construction renders it comparitively free from " break down." It is highly finished and nickel plated, and eveiy part can be readily duplicated. It is securely packed in a light wooden box, and can be sent at small cost. The points of excellenc of this mailer are as follows: It is economical, it is easy to learn, easy to handle, does rapid work, its aetion is automatic, it is not liable to get out of order, its lasting quality is second to none. No Royalty. Acme Standard Mailer... Cleveland Type Foundry, .396 $15 00 Cleveland, Ohio. McFATRICH MAILING MACHINE. The McFatrich Mailing Machine has stood the test of years, and in actual ser- vice has excelled all others in speed, ac- curacy, convenience and durability. It is strictly automatic, and never makes a mistake. It is built of iron and steel, in the most substantial manner, very simple in all its parts. The machine for 10 ems pica wide galley weighs about KM) lbs., stands 34 inches high, table 10X30 inches, galleys are heavy rolled zinc, 30 inches long, and hold from 80 to 100 names, ac- cording to type used. The Machine for U ems pica wide galley weighs about 125 lbs., stands 34 inches high, table 12X30 inches, galleys are heavy rolled zinc, 30 inches long, and hold from 80 to 100 names, ac- cording to type used. Parties using the McFatrich Mailing Machine say it is the strongest, simplest, fastest, neatest and best mailer manufactured. Addresses easily 2,000 to 3,000 papers an hour. Being operated by a treadle, it leaves both hands at liberty for handling papers. At end of each Post Office list it rings a bell for wrapper and prints it, or will print full address on margin of last paper in list. It prints directly upon the paper or wrapper, and is used successfully for addressing envel- opes, circulars, etc. Price for Mailer, etc., for Galley TEri Picas Wide. McFatrich Mailing Machine $35 00 Galleys, all zinc, 30 inches long, each 1 00 Wood Reglet, Long Primer, 10 eins pica wide, per 100 'SO Metal " " *• " " '* " 1 00 Bell Slugs, zinc, per dozen 50 Price for Mailer, etc., for Galley Fourteen Picas Wide. McFatrich Mailing Machine S50 00 Galleys, all zinc, 30 inches long, each 1 30 Wood Reglet, Long Primer, 14 ems pica wide, per 100 35 Metal " " " " " " " 1 40 Bell Slugs, zinc, per dozen 75 PINER'S MUSTANG MAILER. Capable of printing addresses on papers or wrappers at the rate of from 1,500 to 2,500 an hour, according to the expertness of the operator. The mail list is made up in Gal- leys 10 ems Pica in width inside. Each Galley will contain 75 address, is easily ac- cessible for the purpose of making correc- tions, and convenient for handling. Weight of machine, 16 pounds, and Galleys one pound each, making their transportation by express a small item of expense. Price $10 00 Galleys, each 50 PiNER's MuSTANQ Mailer. Cleiieland Type Foundry, 397 Cleveland, Ohio. MAILING TYPE. The type shown is 10 Point, east in fonts adapted to mailing purposes. Parties ordering will please state whether en or em abbreviations are wished; also whether Aldine or Clarendon Condensed is wanted for Post Office type. Below we give an estimate of amount of type required for 1000 names. JMLTudor 10|95 ATLANTA GA SHigginbotham 17|90 HiramAxford 12jun9l RUM HOLLOW Va MatildaFletcher 19Apr92 ^EHHazelton 15|86 iBaxterBrake 21 Deo 90 M^TCrwblack 14a«,91 100 lbs. 10 POINT Mailing Type for 1,000 names S32 00 25 " " Post Office Type and abbreviations 1150 10 POINT Mailing Tj-pe, per lb 32 " Post Office Type and Abreviations, 10 and 20 ft), fonts, per ft 32 ML-RNWexford 26|91 |LouiseStevenson 211-90 nevCharlesBrigman 25 Oct 90 iTillieMPluramer 30188 ^ Peter Gray backs 3lFeb87 S IS Ph ^ 3 « tx a, -.^ •< .« O iz Q ^^^ ^^^ ^P^ M"y •'^"^ J"' Aug Rev Misa Mri In ordering state whether em or en abbreviations are wanted. MAKE-UP RULES. 15 ems Pica and under, each, 30 cents ; 15 to 20 ems, 5 cents extra ; 20 to 25 ems, 10 cents extra. RAW-HIDE MALLETS. An indestructible mallet which will prove a boon in large job and newspaper offices. The ends are covered with raw-hide, securely fastened and guaranteed. Raw Hide Mallets $1 00 LIGNUM VIT>E MALLETS. i^o. 50, Lignum Vitae, S]4X5%, Screw Handle SO 75 "51, " " 3 X5 " " 60 " 52, " " 2%X43^ " " 50 HICKORY MALLETS. 1^0. 44, Hickory, 3^X6, Screw Handle SO 40 "45, " 3 X5, " " 30 " 46, " 23^X4l^ " " A 25 Clex>eland Type Foundry, 398 Clne Foundry, 10X25 12^^ Pound Fonts contain 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ems in width by 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, and 20 ems in length. 25 Pound Fonts contain 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 ems in width by 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 25 ems in length. 50, 75, and 100 Pound Fonts contain 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 ems in width by 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 25 ems in length ; and 6, 8, and 10 ems in width by 50 ems in length. 399 Cttvelaud, Ohio. MITER BOXES. U^ Hard wood, oil finish SO 40 | Hard wu.,,!. oil finii^h, with IMPROVED MITERING MACHINE. .$165 Price $15 00 The rule is cut and both sides of a nnter made at one operation by means of a shaped cutter clamped firmly in a strong movable holder, which is hinged to a carriage operated at the turning of the wheel by an eccentric, imparting a quick, steady movement to the cutting tool. The rule is held on a stationarj- bed by an independent clamp, very quickly adjusted, and the only parts in motion are the cutter and its connec- tions. The cutting tool is adjusted by means of a screw at the proper height, and is gradually fed downwards through, or nearly so, as desired, after which the cutting tool automatically resumes its original position, ready for another cut. Five cutters are furnish- ed with each machine — one to cut off sciuare, and one each to cut angles of three, four, six and eight sides. The cutters are of the best tempered tool-steel, accurately ground, and can be easily sharpened by grinding the face of the tool, without danger of changing the angle. The tools are numbered according to the number of cuts on the miter. There is an extension gauge, graduated to standard picas, which, when reversed, permits of gauging a twenty-four inch strip of rule. The gauge is set by an indicator, and held by a thumb-screw. Little Giant Rule Shaper.... $."V) CO Fitted with Patent Standard Gauge, $5.00, extra. Cleveland Type Foundry, 400 Cleveland, Ohio. Little Giant Rule Shaper GoLDiNQ-s Upright Miterer. Golding's Upright Miterer, boxed. HAMILTON'S NEWSPAPER FILE. Th«se Files are made of cherry, nicely finished in oil. The fastenings are brass, with steel thumb- screw, having polished heads. The manner of opening and closing the File to insert a sheet is quite novel and simple. The clasp end of the File has a flat headed thumbscrew which is passed thi-ough a slot, and by giving screw one quarter turn the File is securely locked. PRICE, Each, $l .25. They are made in the following re-ular sizes: To hold sheets 2(), 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 34 inches wide. OVER-HEAD FIXTURES. ^ COUNTER Shaft, Hanqers AND Cone Pulleys. ;» For Eighth or Quarto Med- ium, 3 Speeds, Solid Cone Pulley, $ir>.(H>.^ _^;^^ For Eighth or Quarto Med- iuu), 3 Speeds, Split Cone Pulley. m.2-->. Vor Eighth or Quarto Med- iuuj, 4 Speeds, Solid Cone Pulley, SIH.OO. For Eijihth or Quarto Med- ium, 4 Speeds, Split Cone Pulley, S21 .»!(». Feland Type Foundry, 402 Cleveland, Ohio. PAPER CUTTERS. Diamond Self-Clamp Paper Cutter. The '* Diamoml " is an unusually heavj- self-elanip power cutter; simple, rapul, strong, durable, powerful and accurate. It is also made with hand-clamp when so desired, or lx)th combined. It will do twice the work of any hand-clamp cutter; the clamp can be regu- lated to give a pressure of 5() to 5,000 pounds, insuring solidity when the cut is being made — a feature that overcomes the serious objection to self-clamp machines. It has an indicator or clamp to instantly mark the cutting line on paper; adjustable gauges on back and sides, enabling the knife to cut three different lengths and sizes at a single stroke. The cut is accurate, smooth and (juick with a quick return, and there are no weights or chains on the machine. It is acknowledged by leading printers, book binders and paper makers, to be the best paper cutter made. SIZES AND prices: 32 inch S.500 00 34 " 600 00 38 " 750 00 44 " 850 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 44 inch, e.xtra heavy $ 900 00 48 1.000 00 66 1.200 00 62 1.500 00 403 Clex'eland, Ohio. PAPER CUTTERS. Victor Paper Cutter. The " Victor " IS an excellent low priced power cutter. It possesses all the superior qualities of the "Gem" Paper Cutter with additional strength for heavy work. Having both hand and power attachments, it can be worked either way. It is solid, compact, very easily manipulated, requiring but little power to run. It has no weights or chains to jerk, break or get out of order. The movements are all positive and direct, guaranteeing a perfectly true cut. Card board can be cut equally as well as paper, and it is guaranteed to do heavier and finer cutting in any business where a paper cutter is used, than any machine of the same size and price. For medium sized printing offices and binderies, where it is desired to operate machinery either by hand or steam power, it is just the thing. 30 inch. 32 " . .Weight, 1,6(M) lt>s Price, .t300 00 . ** 1,8.50 ** '* ;i50 00 Prices include boxing. Cleveland Type Foundry ^ 404 Cleveland, Ohio. PAPER CUTTERS. Gem Paper Cutter. This is the most simple, durable and perfect hand machine made. It ixissesses great strength; is very heavy, compact, firm and rigid; works smoothly and easily; knife cuts perfectly true ; windlass-clamp has a free and quick motion ; the cutting stick of wood in the table receives the knife; table is divided into lines, S([uares and inches; has back and side gauges. An inspection will convince any one of the superiority of the ** Gem." This well known machine is sold at the same price as inferior machines of same size. We can refer to very many sold and in use all over the United States for many years, which have given perfect satisfaction. 30 inch. 32 *' . ....AVeight. l,20()tt)s Price, S175 00 \,rm " ** 200 00 Above prices include boxing. Cleveland Type Foundry, 405 Ciereland , Ohio. PAPER CUTTERS. Hero Paper and Card Cutter. This lever swings in front of knife and over the table, so it does not in- terfere with the handling of any length of paper in front of the machine. The Hero will cut full 2;i inches and a pile 33^ inches thick. The back Kauge is 18 inches wide, can be run back 2;^^ inches from knife and drawn forward to within Vi inch of knife. It is also very close to back side-gauge for convenience in squaring narrow as well as wide piles. The front table extends 12 inches in front of knife. It is also provided with a fine brass meas- uring-rule divided into eighths of inciies. Weighs 450 pounds. Price $80 00 The 25-Inch Paragon Cutter. Cuts 33^ inches thickness of paper and squares 25 inches. This popular size has wonder- ful power, and like the smaller sizes, allows any length of paper to be handled in front of the knife, the lever working over the table, which also reduces the floor space needful in oper- ating, a very desirable feature for many offices. The lever has a counter- weight, n^aking it easier and handier in operating. Thoroughly complete in all desii'able appliances, having measuring rule; traverse, side and squaring gauges. The back gauge is 20 inches wide and runs back 25 inches, and within half inch of the knife. Price $110 00 Weight, 550 lbs. Cleveland Type Foundry, 406 Cleveland, Ohio. PAPER CUTTERS. The 14-Inch paragon Paper Cutter. This handy little imu-hiiu' will be found very useful in all job printing offices. It cuts a pile of paper or card board 2Vij inches thick and full 14 inches wide. The gaupe runs U inches back and forward to within half inch of the knife. Also has a side gaujre. It cuts easily. (luickly and accurately. Price W) (H) AVeight, 2(X) lbs. 22 1-2 Inch Paragon Cutter. Cuts 3 inches thickness of paper and s(|uares full 22^ inches. The lever works over the table, but so cnrved as not to interfere with the handling of any length of paper in front of the knife. Furnished with wide side and back gauges, and a measuring rule on the table. (Jauge can be set to within half inch of the knife. The knife is made of the best (luality of steel and is easily adjusted by screws. Cuts paper and cardboard per- fectly true and smooth with one stroke of the lever. Provisiitn is made on this, as on all other sizes. f<»r taking up any wear of the knife bar, insur- ing accuracy at all times. Price. Weight, 4nO lbs. ,.t8() (K) Cleveland Ty/>e Foundry, 407 Cleveland. Ohio. PAPER CUTTERS. Peerless Power Cutter. Strong and Durable, Simple in Construction. Best Workmanship. Great Power. Best Material. Cuts 32 inches, square $450 00 " S4 " " rx50 OO Boxing 10 00 Advance Cutter. The Advance Paper Cutter is intended to meet the wants of printers and others whose business demands a lever cut- ter, but who can not as yet aflPord to invest in a high- priced machine. It is built with the strictest mechanical simplicitj', in order to bring the price within reach, and yet no essential quality is sacrificed that is required in a cutter de- signed for general use in a printing office. It is strong;. has powerful leverage, an- 1 contains no gears or springs tv wear or get out of order. 223^ inches $90 (X) 25 " 110 00 30 " 165 00 33 " 200 00 Cleveland TyPe Foundry, 408 Cleveland, Ohio. PAPER CUTTERS. Peerless Front lever. The f n)nt lever " Peerless " cutter has a lontf and ix)werful lever, which swings to the left, in front of the table, giving the requisite iM)wer for the heaviest cuts through the heaviest ma- terial. It is supplied with back and side gauges, rules and cross lines. Has no gears. Simple, accurate, strong takes up but little room, and a fine looking machine in every respect. Cuts 30 inches, square. .. 32 " " . Boxing .$175 ()0 . 200 00 .. 6 00 Jewel Paper Cutter. Cuts 30 Inches $150 00 •• 23 " 80 00 Boxing for either size 5 00 Cuts 24 inches. •* 30 •• .. Economic Paper Cutter. A new Iland-lever Paper Cutter de- signed to meet the demands of small printing offices, and in fact all who want a good paper cutter. It is very simple in construction, yet it is powerful, strong, and as well built as any higher priced cutter. Special attention is called to the new Clamping device, which will be found very u-seful in cutting narrow margins, particularly labels. Other improvements have also been added, greatly enhancing the value of the Kconomic. .Weighs about 500 n..<« Price. «115 00 •• 600 " " 150 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 409 Cleveland, Ohio.- PAPER CUTTERS. The '87 Paper Cutter. The long lever swings in front of the table and the knife makes a long draw cut. The table has a brass measuring rule in front and on the back a back- gauge and a back side-gauge. There are adjustable screws in knife bar for regulating the knife after grinding. Only the best material is used in the construction of this machine. Cuts 25 inches square $115 00 " 32 " " BO 00 Clipper Paper Cutter. This Cutter has been designed more especially for use in offices where small work, such as labels, circulars, etc., is chiefly executed, but it will also be found useful and conven- ient in "every well-regulated" office. Clipper Paper Cutter cuts 12 Inches $40 00 Extra Knives for same, each 4 00 PAPER JOGGER. Paper Jogger to fit presses 24X36, or less $18 00 " to fit presses larger than 24X;^ 20 00 HOPKIN'S PLATE CUTTER. For cutting Stereotype Xews Plates. Will cut any thickness up to type-high. Does the work neater, quicker and easier than any other method. Hopkin's Plate Cutter, weight 10 lbs $6 50 Extra Saw Blade for same 25 Cleveland Type Foundry, 410 Cleveland, Ohio. PAPER CUTTERS. The Ideal Pater Outtir. The back ^ugt> may be instantly moved any distance up to the whole lenKth of its travel, say two feet or more, by a lever, shown beneath the front end of the table. To illustrate the advantage of this arrangement, supposing it is necessary to move the back gauge twenty-four inches, it will be necessary to turn the long screw of an ordinary cutter forty-eight times around. The wheel under the front table is used only for slight adjustments. The claujp for the finger gauge is iiiiide broad at the base so as not to tlent the paper. By loosening the center bolt shown in cut. the lever may be (|uickly mov- ed to any angle desired. Tlic octagonal stick and recessed sides, admits of passing the stick through the side to its i)liuo, and renders it uiipossible for the stick to be drawn out by the knife, giving six- teen cutting faces on the stick. ii4 inch, will S(iuaie 24 inches $110 00 | 30 inch, will square 30 inches *150 00 32 inch, will square 32 inches, $165 00. The New Era Paper Cutter. The Patent Nickel Plated Scale with its pointer, shown at the top of cut, is the most simple and convenient device that has been brought out to indicate tlie exact position of the back gauge. The exact distance the gauge is from the knife is shown on this scale in in- ches, half inches and quarters, and is so simple in construction that there is no possible chance for it to get out of order. The Back Gauge is moved by means of the hand wheel shown at the left hand side of thecutwith link belting and two sprocket wheels. By giving the small hand wheel under the front end of table a slight turn, a shoe is tightened on the belting, making it impossible for the gauge to get out of place while being used. With this arrangement the guage is quickly moved and little time lost. The octagonal stick and recessed sides, admits of passing the stick through the side to its place, and renders it impossible for the stick to be drawn out by the knife, givinc six- teen cutting faces on the stick. 30 inch. New Era Lever Paper Cutter...$17r> 32 inch, New Era Lever Paper Cutter... 200 32 inch. New Era Power Paper Cutter... 4.50 36 inch, New Era Power Pai)er Cutter...WOO 42 inch. New Era Power Paper Cutter... 860 48 inch. New Era Power Paper Cutter... 950 Cleveland Type Foundry, 410 A Ql€V4land, Okim, PAPER CUTTERS. Utility Paper Cutter with reversible clamp. Cut!^ Ifi inches $50 00 Cuts 18 inches $r,0 00 Extra Knives each U 50 Extra Knives each S(5 (K» Our Clamps having solid face, leave no marks on the paper. This machine is par-excellence. It is substantially built, stronger than any machine of its size ever before offered, !ind is simple in its construction, conse- (luently not liable to get out of order. It will cut and square full sixteen and eighteen inches, respectively, has iron bed, adjustable back gauge and our ew Reversible Clani]), enablinfj the operater to bring the back gauge to within one-half inch of the knife. The Boss Paper Cutter WITH patent swinging CLAMP. Cuts 23 inches, $100 00. Extra Knives, each $7 50. Our Clamps, having solid face, leave no marks on the paper. The most simple and effective Hand Machine made. The lever by which the power is applied is easy of access, and the operator is not compelled to move out of position to make a cut. It has a smoothly finished iron bed, with inch- es stamped on it, in front, as well as on the b£t.ck, of the knife, so that the oper- ator can see at a glance the size cut he is making ; the bed is marked off length- wise in parallel lines; has a side and back gauge, the latter being operated by the crank wheel in front of the machine, thus combining convenience and rapidity of operation. The Patent Swinging Clamp does the same work on the large machines as the Reversible Clamp on tjj^ U'llfiH ones, enablinglthe operator to trim the paper within half an inch of the knife. Cleveland Type Fotfndry. 410 B Cleveland, Ohio, PASTING MACHINE. Kennedy's Hand Paster S3 50 PERFORATING RULE. Brass, 1^ foot $0 2f) | Steel. 1^ foot SO 75 PERFORATORS. Hand Perforator. Perforates 10 inches, and is provided with gauges on both sides, so that the sheets may be turned and fed in again, making a continuous perforated line 20 inches long. Needles make round holes, like the perforation on a sheet of postage stamps. 10 inch Hand Perforator S35 00 The accompanying cut is an illustration of the Rosback Foot Perforator. A very excellent feature of this machine, and one that will be appreciated by the operator, is the sliding slotted plates on foot of needle-bar (see cut), which enables him easily and quickly to provide for stubs of checks, etc., rendering a por- tion of the needles inoperative. To do this, he has only to loosen the thumb screws on the sliding plates, move the plates to a position over that portion of the paper he wishes to i>erforate, tighten the thumb screws, and the i)erforator is ready for work. ii^ That iwrtion over which the space, or spaces, between the places occur, will renuini unper- forated. The needle-bar iimne- diately above the plates, is grad- uated to inches and fractions of an inch, by which the plates may be adjusted. The table is also graduated, and has both side and end gauges. 24 inch Rosback Perforator SlOO 00 28 " •' •• 125 00 Rosback Foot Perforator. Cleveland Type Foundry, 411 Cleveland, Ohio. PERFORATORS. Black & Clawson Improved Perforator. The punch clainping device is a new invention and is so arranged that any number of punches may be removed so as to give any length or posi- tion of rows of perfora- tions. The perforations are round as with postage stamps, and the size and pitch of the punchers are such as have been dic- tated by careful inquiry and experiment. The table has adjusta b 1 e gauges, side and back. 20 inch Black k Clawson Perforator S 75 00 24 *' " " " 100 00 28 " " " " 125 00 PLANERS. Rock Maple SO 30 Rock Maple, 2Xi inches, for card work 20 /J^ Rock Maple with leather top 40 ^'^'^ Mahogany 50 Proof Planer 50 Curved Planers 75 JONES' ROCKING PROOF PLANER. Jones Rocking Proof Planer, 314 inch .fl 50 7 " 2 50 PRINTERS' PUNCH. This punch is for cutting holes in ball programmes, etc., and where cards are laced together with silk or ribbon. They are handsomely and strongly made, nickel plated, and are made to punch round hole or star shape. Printers' Puncli Cleveland Type Foundry, 412 S3 00 Cleveland, Ohio. PROOF PRESSES. oX27 inches, with iron stand 126 00 10X:^l ** with iron stand 35 00 lOX^U " without iron stand.. 'JS 00 IHX-Hl " with iron. xtand 4o 00 IHX-M '* without iron stand. 35 00 Novelty Proof Press. Novelty Proof Press $t 50 PRESSES.— CYLINDER. CAMPBELL. Hand Cylinder Country. Xo. 2— ;i^X-18, 6-column Quarto size Price, $800 00 No. ;^-;i(lX4;i S-cohimn Folio size " 700 00 Pony. No. 6— Size of bed, 23X30 Size of form, 18X27 Price, $2,250 00 No. 7— Size of bed, 2:^X28 Size of matter, 18X2;> ** 2,(K)0 00 No. 8-Size of bed, 20i^X^^ Size of form, 15X22 '* 1,700 00 '' CRANSTON. Improved Country Press. No. 3—32X46 injfide bearers 27X42 size matter Price, $1,500 00 No.3^4-33X4>S " " 27X44 " " " 1,600 00 Rack and Pinion Distribution. AVith air si>rings, delivery without tapes, adjustable guides, brake, fountain cover, distributing rack guard, long register rack and segment, table with side guides. Regular Country Press. No. 3M— •3;^'X48 inside bearers 27X44 size inside matter Price, $1,200 00 Two Rollers. Rack and Pinion Distribution. All shipments F. 0. 15. Norwich, Conn. No charge for bo.xing. Hand power, $50.00 extra. PROUTY. Improved Country. No. 1— 7-Column Folio S600 00 No. 2— 8-Column Folio 700 00 No. 3— 3-Column Folio * 800 00 Sfiuare Sides and Patent Throw-oflF. Cleveland Type Foundry, 413 Cleveland, Ohio. PRESSES. X \ \ Cranston Victor Commercial Press. TWO-REVOLUTION— FOUR ROLLER. Especially designed for Half-Tone, Process, Etched, Photo-Engraved Plates, and work of this description. Posess- ing as it doss, the patented features of our larger sizes, it is like them, solidly constructed, giving an unyielding im- pression and an ample inking surface. Many features are embodied in this Press for convenience in make-ready, etc. The Distribution is a complete system by means of which ever}' particle of inking surface is evenly and thoroughly covered. The movements are easily adjusted and positive in their action. Adjustable Fly Fingers. The height of the Press is such that it can be fed from the floor, and it is built with special reference to convenience in working about it. Its register is faultless. Size, Inside Bearers. Matter Covered. Length of Base. Width of Base. Height to Top of Cylinder. Weight Boxed. Price. No. 2A 25x38 18x34 6 ft. 5% in. 4 ft. 5M in. 3 ft. S}4 in. 7,500 $2,800 00 Each Press is furnished with Overhead Fixtures complete, Blanket or Hard Packing, Wrenches, two complete Sets Stocks — one set cast with composition ready for immediate use. All machinery delivered F. O. B., Norwich, Conn. Cleveland Type Foundry, 414 Cleveland, Ohio. PRESSES. Cranston Commercial Press--two roller. The Cranston "Commercial" Press Is especially intended for the variety of work its name implies; the name dei>- ignatin? the smaller sizes of our Patent Improved Two-Roller Press. It is compact, requiring but small floor spao«; is solidly constructed; will stand firmly up to its work with full forms of solid matter; and with our system of distribu- tion, is capable of producing the finest work that can be printed on a Two-Roller Pt^ss. This style Press has all our late improvements. For convenience in making ready, easy adaptability to rariocj grades of work, and high speed, it is without a superior among Cylinder Presses. This Press is fitted with Seat for Feeder, and extra parts can be f^irnishcnl, adapting it for two feeders. Size. Inside Bearers. .Matter Covered. Length of Base. Width of Base. Height to Top of Cylinder. Weight Boxed. Price. No.l No.lJ^ No.lA 21x28 21x36 24x30 16x24 16 X 32 19x26 5 ft. 8% in. o •• 8-g •' 6" 2% " 3 ft. SViin. 4 " 4JI *• 3 " 10^ •• 4 ft. 4 in. 4 '• 4 •• 4 •• VA •• 5.500 6.500 6,500 «1.650 00 1.800 00 1,900 00 Each Press Is furnished with Overhead Fixtures complete. Blankets and Hard Packing, Wrenches, Iron Step*, two complete Sets Stocks— one set cast with composition ready for immediate use. All machinery delivered F. O. B.. Norwich Conn. Clei>eland Type Foundry, 415 Cleveland. Ohio. COTTRELL MONARCH PRESS. Rack and Cam Distribution. i tLis Rack, Cam and Table DisTRiBUTior A new press, built from new designs, possessing all the valuable improvements of the manufacturers' well known presses, air-springs, tapeless delivery, patent back-up motion, etc. No. Size Bed inside Bearers. Size Form covered liy Two Rollers. •^Dis'tributfor ! Table Distribution. 3 5 26 X 37 33x47 22 X 3;3 28 X 44 11,500 $1,.575 1,800 I 1,875 Above prices include Steam Fixtures, Blanket, Wrenches, Extra Roller Stocks, Roller Moulds and Boxing and Shipping. Ceveland Type Foundry, 416 Cleveland, Ohio. PRESSES. COTTRELL A «-SPRiNQ COUNTRY PRESS. Designed for printing newspapers and general job work. It will print any size sheet from a small note-heading to the largest size with equal facility. It runs easily by hand power. By steam power it can be run from 1,5(X) to 1,800 impressions per hour. The distri- bution is ample, two Ji-inch rollers covering a full form. The Press has patent hinged roller frame and patent air springs. No. 5 will print a six-column (luarto newspaper without crowding. Driving wheel, blanket, wrenches, extra roller stocks, roller moulds, and boxing and shipping are included in price. Size of Bill Size Form Covered Inside Bearers. by Two Rollers. No. 3 26x37 22x33 «1,000 00 No. 5 33x47 28x44 1.100 00 Steam Fixtures, SoO additional; table distribution, §75 additional; Itapeless delivery, $75 additional. Cleveland Type Foundry, 417 Cleveland, Ohio. PRESSES The Chandler & Price Press. SIZES AND pricks: Eighth Medium. 7 x 11. { i^^J^^^rS^^^L } ^150 00 8 xl2. " " 165 00 Quarto Medium, 10 x 15, " " 250 00 Large Quarto, 12 x 18, " " 300 00 Half Medium, 14 x 20, " " 400 00 14Kx22, " " 450 00 Steam Fixtures 15 00 Chandler & Price Fountain, for either size Press 20 00 Buckeye Fountain 10 00 With each press there are three Chases, one Brayer, two sets of Roller Stocks, two Wrenches and one Roller Mould. If desired, will furnish either Two Extra Chases or cast Three Rollers instead of Mould. No charge for boxing and shipping. All our goods guaranteed in every respect. Regarding Speed, these presses are geared to run rapidly by steam power, even faster than possible to feed them; while the nearly horizontal platen, with its long rest, makes them the most desirable of all presses for quick and easy feeding.— Manfrs. Cir. Cleveland Type Foundry, 418 Cleveland, Ohio. PRESSES. Tht Ben-Franklin Qoroon. With Throw-oflf and Depressible Orii»i>ers. 8x12 inside chase $165 00 10x15 •' " 250 00 14x20 " " 400 00 Power Fixtures 15 00 Beu-Franklin Fountain 10 00 Peerless Hinged Well Fount'n 25 00 Johnson Cylinder — Disk Distribution. For 8x12 Press $40 00 10x15 " 45 00 14x20 " 50 00 With each Press there are three chases— one hand roller— six roller stocks — impression wrench— and one roller mold. This press embodies many movements and principles not contained in the Old Stj'le Gordon or any other job press. The platen drops to an easy angle to feed, standing motionless while the sheet is fed in, and then by a rapid and easy movement is thrown up and for- ward, the arms bracing it firmly at the back, while the bed comes forward and gives the impression. There is a long dwell on the impres- sion to give the paper time to absorb the ink, and this gives a clearer and better impression with less power than when given quickly as in other presses. The bed and platen are heavily ribbed, and parts are made heavy and strong where strength only is reiiuired. All parts are interchangeable, so that in case of an accident new parts can be immediately supplied to fit. AVe have substituted steel shafts, steel draw bar arms and steel pinions for wrought and cast iron, and have increased the weight of certain 'parts where experience has dictated that they were weak, making it th? strongest and most durable press of its kind in the world. 8 x 12 inches inside of chase $225 00 9x13 250 00 10x15 3(H) 00 Steam Fixtures 15 (H) Fountain forS x 12. $16.00; 9 x 13, $17.00; 10 x 15, $1S.(K). Improved Gordon Press. Steel Shafts, Steel Draw Bar Arms, Dwell on Impression. Clmeland Type Foundry, 419 Cle750 " " 2,300 *' " 2,400 *' " 2,500 " As compared with the old. have heavier shafts, gear-wheels, bridge and platen, greater weight, strengtn and durabilitj-; lighter, smoother and al- most noiseless movement ; improved distribution, without any danger of tearing roller; no bridge lugs, no bridge springs, no crescents, and the least possible liability of breakage. They are adapted to all kinds of work, from the lightest card work to the heaviest embossing and wood print- ing. They are made of the best ma- terial, by the best workmen, from new patterns, new machinery and special tools. 3 chases,'! roller mould, 6 form roller stocks, 4 distributor stocks. 12 roller wheels (fi large and (5 small). 2 charger stocks, 2 feed tables, 3 wrenches. Qally's New Univf.hsal Press. 10X15 inside chase Weight, 1,850 lbs 13X19 ** ** " 2,600 " 14X22 •* " *' 2,900 " Steam Fixtures, $15.00 extra. Fountain, $2.i.OO. .Price, mo 00 . " 415 00 . •• 4S0 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 421 Cleveland, Ohio. PRESSES. New Style NonpareiI. 9X12 Disk Distribution, Receding Bed $225 00 12X17 " " " 325 00 Tiiese presses ranli as the best of this class in the market, and have never as yet failed to give entire satisfaction. They are a time saver, as many jobs of card and other work can be placed on this press and completed in less time than would be consumed in making ready on ordinary job presses. The size 6}^X10 inches inside chase, embraces all ordinary commercial work. Each press is furnished with one set Rollers cast, Wrench and Chase. Price, boxed and shipped $35 00 2 Standard Job Press Washington Hand Press. Size Pi.at«n. 1^0.4-18 X22 14 5—22 X29 19 6—26^^X35 23 7-26>^X39i4 23 X18 $150 00 X25 5 Column Folio 175 00 X31 6 " " 200 00 X35 7 •' " 225 00 8— 28}^X43 25V^X39 8 " " 250 00 9—305^X46% 26^^X42}^ 9 " " 275 00 Above prices include one Screw AYrench, one Crowsfoot, and one extra Frisket. Cleveland Type Foundry, 422 Cleveland, Ohio. PRESSES. New Improved Campbell Country Press. HAND CYLINDER SERIES. The Campbell "Country" Pres.s is too well kuown to need description. It has been on the market for more than -SO years, and manj- thousands of them are in daily use amonR Countrj- Newspaper Publishers. If you want a jiress the reputation of the "Country" press is the best possible guarantee of its excellence, and the price at which it i? (iffcre*! places it beyond the competition of any other Hand Power Cylinder. No. 2 Bed .33X48 Form 28X44. Standard size for 9 Col. Folio and 6 Col. Quarto... .^0() No. .3 Bed 30X43 Form 25X39. Standard size for 8 Col. Folio and 5 Col.Quarto...$700 AVith these presses we furnisli rubber l)laiikot, two sets roller stock."*, tapes, wrenches, bo.xiuK and shipping. Tight and loose pulleys and belt shifter for power. $1.5.00 extra. Clfv(ian4 T^fe fonndr^^ mh qfvfftfmf, Qhi^, PRESSES. Improved Country Prouty. The above cut show? our new Improved Country Prouty, with new patent Throw-Off. The Improved Country Prouty is built with s(iuare frame, heavily braced, and has five ink rollers. Will do work equal to presses costing twice as much, and can be run by one Size inside Bearers. AVeight. Speed. Price. No. 1—7 col. folio 27 X37 inches 3600 lbs 1000 per hour t6(X) No. 2—8 col. folio or 5 col. quarto...27>^X43>^ inches 4000 lbs 900 per hour 700 No. 3—9 col. folio or 6 col. quarto... 323^X463^ inches 4600 lbs 800 per hour 800 The above prices include presses complete for hand i>ower, with news fountain, rubber blanket, set of cast rollers, set of extra cores, and patent throw-oflf and impression lock. All boxed on board cars at Madison, Wisconsin. Steam fixtures, Sla.OO extra. Cleveland Type Foundry, 422 B Cleveland, Ohio, PRESSES. iNOER Press VAUGHN'S Ideal Hand Cv The Tdeal Hand Cylinder Press will produce from :?()0 to4(M) ini|)ressions an hour. It makes a clean, sharp im- I)ression, and will print anything from a newspaper the full size of the bed to a poster or dodjfer. The impression is made by a soIi]■ backward turn ol the crank. No. 1—8 col. folio, or 5 col. quarto: bed '2^14 x 48 $200 00 "2-9" " " 6 " " " 3S%x48l4 225 00 No. 1, floor space, 31 x 55; weight, 700 lbs.; shipping weight, 975 lbs. •* 2, " " a5x60; " 800 " " " 1.100 " Frisket for No. 1, $6.00 extra: for No. 2, $6.50. Tl The Army Press. This press should not be confounded with the Adams Cottage Press, which has a loose cylinder and no frisket. The Army press has tympan, ways, bed and frisket similar to a to a hand press, the impression cylinder and bed are geared together. This press is intended for small offices, where circulation is small. A pressman can work 25() impressions per hour, and do very good newspaper work. 14%X21 inches, for 6 column imge Price, 160 00 16%X22% " " 7 " " "86 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 42:^ Clevtland, Ohio. PUNCHING AND EYELETING MACHINES. The ubove self-fccdiiiff Eyeleting Miichine is made expressly for the paper trade, and is the only one in the market having a reach of 9 inches back of Eyelet Set, to allow of eyeleting a large card in centre. It is a perfect feeding machine, is 16 inches high, 16 inches deep, weighs only thirty pounds, and runs so easily that a child can work it, and will last for years. Conceded by all judges to be far ahead of any machine ever made. In oi'dering, send sample of Eye- let you wish to use in machine, as it will only feed the one size it is made for. To feed other size eyelets on same machine, you require an extra Roadway and Eyelet Set. Our Xo. Royal No. 3 Self-Feed Eyeleting Machine. 1 Punching Machine is the best machine to go with the Eyeleter for cutting holes to receive eyelets. No. 3 Royal Self-Feed Foot-Power Eyeleting Machine, to feed one size Eyelet....$40 00 Stimpson No. 4 Punching Machine. This machine has a reach of 63^ inches back of plunger. Also an adjustable gauge for all kinds of work. The punches and dies and eyelet sets are inter- changeable. We furnish all sizes of Eyelet Sets, which will fit in same machine. Improved No. 4 Machine (foot power) with one Punch and Die. Cleveland Type Foundry, 424 $22 oO Cleveland, Ohio. MioQET Safety Quoin. Occupies the space of only three non- pareils. The MidKet does away with an annoyance that has l)een in existence from away back— that of makinjf some forms tight by forciii}; in leads. Can be put any- where in the form. Midget Safety Quoin, i)er dozen S2 (X) Made of steel, perfect in operation and cannot work loose, have wide bearings and cannot tilt. The key draws the quoins to- gether and does not force them apart. No. 1 Peerless Quoins, per dozen pairs..^2 60 No. 2 ' .. 3 00 Keys, either size, each 50 Peerless Quoi Keystone Quoin. No. 1 Quoin per dozen pairs S2 50 No. 2Quoin " " " 3 00 Keys, of best steel, plain each, 50 Keys, of best steel, nickel-plated '* 75 Hempel-s Improved Patent Steel Quoin. No. 1, Ilenipers Improved Patent Steel Quoins, per dozen pairs $2 50 No. 2, " " ' 3 00 Kej's, plain for either size 50 "ZJ' plated '* " " 75 Hickory and Boxwood Quoins. Hickory Quoins, per 100 SO 40 Boxwood * 60 Cleveland Type Foundry, 425 Cleveland, Ohio. RATCHET. Ratchet for Stereotype Blocks REGLET AND FURNITURE. Pearl to Pica Reglet per yard $0 02 " " 03 " " 04 '* " 06 " " 08 " " 02 Great Primer to 2-line Pica Furniture 3-line Pica to 5-line Pica Furniture .... 6-line Pica to 9-line Pica Furniture 10-line Pica to 12-line Pica Furniture... Pine Reglet ROLLER COMPOSITION. Van Bibber's " Regular" Composition per pound, $0 30 " " Rough and Ready " " 35 " " " Pressman " Composition " 40 Standard Composition " 30 Unique Composition " 40 ROLLER FELT. In rolls 2}/2 inches wide, for power press distributors, 12 yards to the roll. .$5 00 Eighth Medium Roller Stock SO 75 Quarto Medium Roller Stock 85 ROLLER STOCKS. Half Medium Roller Stock $1 00 PRICE FOR CASTING ROLLERS. Eighth Medium $0 50 1 Half Medium.... Quarto Medium 85 I .SI 00 HAND ROLLERS. Roller with One Handle. HOLLER CAST. NOT CAST. 6 inches long $1 85 $1 25 Extra Stock, SO 40 8 " " 2 30 1 50 " " 40 10 " " 2 75 1 75 " " 60 12 " " 3 20 2 00 " " 60 Roller with Two Handles. ROLLER CAST. NOT CAST. EXTRA CORE 14 inches long S3 65. 4 10. 4 55. 5 00, 5 50. 6 a5. .S2 25 SO 70 2 50. 2 75. 3 00. 3 25. 4 00. 75 90 85 1 00 1 15 Cleveland Type Foundry^ 426 Cleveland, Ohio. BRASS ROLLER MOULDS. Length. Diam. Price. Diah. Price. Diam. Pricb 24 inches 314 inches $ 9 60 3 inches $ 7 20 2 inches $ 30 inches 314 inches 12 00 3 inches 9 00 2 inches 6 00 36 inches 'SM inches U 40 3 inches 10 80 2 inches 7 20 40 inches 3>| inches 16 00 3 inches 12 00 2 inches 8 00 44 inches 3% inches 17 60 .3 inches 13 20 2 inches 8 80 48 inches 3V4 inches 19 20 3 inches 14 40 2 inches 9 60 52 inches 3\i inches 20 80 Ji inches 15 60 2 inches 10 40 Eighth Medium Roller Mould $3 00 Quarto Medium Holler Mould 4 00 Half Medium Roller Mould $5 00 STEEL SCORING RULE. Steel Scoring Rule per foot 30 30 ROLLER SUPPORTERS. ForSX 9 Chase $0 35 For 7X11 '* 40 For 8X12 " , 45 For 10X1'^ " 50 For 11X17 " ... For 13X19 " ... 60 75 METAL SECTIONAL BLOCKS. M — " ^-,,,, -„- m m p n m == [ J m - ^^tTZZ 1^^^^^^ i J -==^_ -^li ^ P^^^^^^fe^ ^^sT The cut shows a page of the sectional blocks, with tlie hooks and catches, ready^for the plate. The hooks are operated by a ratchet, the same as those on the patent wood blocks. The sections are made in the following sizes: 1X4, 2X4, 4X4, 1X8, 2X8, 4XH, and 8X8 ems pica. In five minutes a page can be made up to fit a plate of any size. Hooks, each $1 10 Catches, each 15 Sections, or Furniture, made up in pieces of 1X4, 2X4, 4X4, 1X8, 2X8, 4X8, and 8X8 ems pica, per pound 25 Ratchet 75 SHOOTING STICKS. No. 1, Iron $0 25 No. 2, Wrought Steel 35 No. 3, Wrought Steel SO 75 Hickory 10 No. 2, Wrought Steel Cleveland Type Foundry, NICKEL PLATED. SO 50 I No. 3, Wrought Steel 95 427 Clez>eland, Ohio, STEREOTYPE BLOCKS Rule Blocks made of any style desired. Extra Hooks and Pinions in- serted in blocks, 50 cents. Steel Pinions, 15 cents each. Hooks, 10 cents. In sending ordei's give the size of each block outside, and also the size of largest and smallest plate to be worked, meas- uring the back of the plate; or add % of an inch to the printing mat- ter, as follows, viz: if the matter is 3Xo, the blocks should be 'S%X^% out- side, the bevel on the plate being about ^. The Hook and Pinion will take % with a little allowance for taking the plate free. All blocks ai*e made % inch thick, unless otherAvise ordered. PATENT New Style Block. Sizes and Prices for Cylinder Presses: «^OLIO: Imperial Super Royal Royal Medium Demy QUARTO: Imperial Super Royal Royal Medium Demy OCTAVO: Imperial Super Royal Q Z y « - S I- w o 3 z -| 16 X22'A 133^X213^ 12^X19^^ 11^/^X18^ 11 X16 11 X16 9^X12>^ 9 XllH 7^X11 7MX11 lo'/iYWA $7 25 6 80 6 40 6 10 5 30 5 30 4 50 4 25 4 00 3 30 3 30 3 15 $S 50 7 95 7 45 7 00 6 10 6 10 5 25 4 90 4 60 3 80 3 3 60 Q o ^ K » o 3 Z _1 O ^ M OCTAVO: Royal Medium Demy I2MO: . Broad I6MO: Super Royal Medium Demy I8M0: Medium , 32MO: Super Royal 6 X9>^ 5>^X9 5^X7% 5J4X 6% 5 X63^ 4>^X6 3%X 5^4 3^^X 5-% 3 X5 ? "^' s S3 00 2 85 2 70 2 05 1 95 1 85 1 75 1 75 1 65 S;i40 3 25 3 10 2 45 2 30 2 15 200 2 00 Brass Pinions, 15 cents each. Hooks, 10 cents each. Ratchet, 75 cents. Cleveland Type Foundry, 428 Cleveland, Ohio. SIDE AND FOOT STICKS. Iron Side Sticks. 15 inches long for 4 Column Folio or Quarto, each Straight, $0 6() Beveled, 80 19 " " 5 " " " " 21 " " 6 •' " " " 8 Column Folio, each. 9 " " " . Iron Foot Sticks. 75. 85. 95. 1 00. 1 10. 5 105 1 15 1 25 1 35 8% inches long for 4 Column Folio or Quarto, each Straight, §0 35 Beveled, $0 45 IIJ^ 13% 15% 18 " " 8 " " each. 201^ 45. 55. &5. 75. 85. 060 70 80 090 105 In ordering be careful to state whether straight or beveled side and foot sticks are wanted. Oiled Cherry. Oiled Cherry Side Sticks, per yard SO 06 TENNIS SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch through back or center of book, and make a stitch of any desired length from Vs to 1 inch, and the machine has a capacity of from 5,000 to 7,000 catalogues per day. Books sewed on this machine are durable, open perfectly, and there is no liability to tear out, as is the case when books are wired. Where fine work is re- quired, it is invaluable. The machine is now being used in almost every leading blank- book manufactory. For stitching books not exceeding % of an inch thick. For power, including belting and split cone pulley S70 00 For foot-power 60 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 429 Cleveland. Ohio. DONNELL WIRE STITCHING MACHINE. No. 3 DONNELL Wire Stitcher. The Staple as shown above represents the exact length of the longest stitch made by the No. 3 Donnell Wire Stitcher. The Donnell Wire Stitching Machines form, drive and clinch staples from a continuous round or flat wire, wound on spools. No adjustments required in changing from flat to round wire. There are no parts to get out of order. No clogging up with staples. Any per- son can operate it from the start. Only two adjustments— one for lengthening or short- ening the staples, the other for lowering or raising the table. No. 3 Donnell Wire Stitcher. Cleveland Type Foundry, 430 S300 00 Cleveland, Ohio. DONNELL WIRE STITCHING MACHINE. No. 3 1-2 DoNNELL Wire Stitcher. These stitchers have all late improvements— a new spool tension, wire straig:ht- ener, and self-aetinK gauge. The No. 3 Machine, which is the size most commonly used, will take all work from two sheet.x up to one-half of an inch and do it perfectly. The No. :i]4 Machine will take all work from two sheets up to three-fjuarters of an inch and do it perfectly. IJoth machines will work either on flat or saddle work, and the change consists in siuiply lifting up or lowering the front leaf of the table. They will take from 23 to 25 round wire, and 20-2.") flat wire. No. 3V^ Donnell Wire Stitcher «400 00 Cleveland lyPe Foundry, 431 Cleveland, Ohio. MORRISON WIRE STITCHING MACHINES. ^■*'s/>tAfir sc. Perfection "A" Wire Stitcher. Will stitch from one sheet to one-fourth of an inch in thickness. Saddle and Table. Perfection " A " Wire Stitcher. Cleveland Type Foundry, 432 $90 00 Cleveland, Ohio. MORRISON WIRE STITCHING MACHINES. Perfection "C" W're Stitcher Will stitch from one sheat to one-fourth of an iiVch in thickness. Saddle and Table. Perfection "C" Wire Stitcher $150 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, \?i\ Cleveland, Ohio. MORRISON WIRE STITCHING MACHINES. Perfection "G" Wire Stitcher. Will stitch from one sheet to seven-aighths of an inch in thickness. Trough and Table. Perfection " G " Wire Stitcher. Cleveland Type Foundry, 434 *:^()0 00 Cleveland, Ohio. NO. 9 IMPROVED BINDER. Will Stitch Pamphlets of any Thickness Under 200 Pages Through the Fold. WITH BOTH KLAT AND SADDLE TAIU.KS. Our new clinching device on this machine perfects the clinch ecjiial to any high-priced steam-power machine made. Staples used on this machine are one-half inch wide. Staples are strung on wood and put ui) in boxes of 5,(XX) each size, $1.25 per box. SIZE OF STAPLES. No. 2 14 inch length of leg. No. 3 5-16 Price, including Foot-power $36 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 435 Cleveland, Ohio. S g !^ s « ^ ~ " ~ rint ckn rni, i^.-.i a^ :S jn " ei| i • TJ CS C 54-1 2 S r; NDER, or book- niphlets . Lengt S e H ^ V-i -j ~3 s CO ^ — a £ TCH achine ding p the ft 2 1 1 i DLE STI nsable ni For bin s through 1 Attachment, < t up in boxes of sring staples, pi MID dispe ners. page -2 •2.2g5 c -2 s^ ^ a li An id sta ider J ches. H a M Cleveland Type Foundry, 436 Cleveland, Ohio. LIGHTNING STAPLE BINDER. These machines are now absolutely perfect so far as skillful Avorkmanship can make them. Any printer needing a machine for sta- ple binding, will find this one a "treasure." No. 1 Machine stitches work of 4 pages to KK) with- out adjustments. No. 2 Machine stitches work of ISO^pages to 3U0 and Tover without adjust- ments. Price of Machine and Hand Power $18 00 Price of. Machine and Foot Power $24 (K) No. 7 staples, 3-16 inch for 2 to 16>heets, 5,000 in ,box, $1.25 per box. No. 8 staples, 14 inch foi 16 to 32 sheets, 5,000 in box, $1.25 per box. No. 9 staples, 5-16 inch for 32 to 50 sheets, 5,000 in box, $1.25 per box. BREECH LOADER BINDER. A machine adapted to the use of printers, in bind- ing small pamphlets any thickness under 100 pages. Uses three sizes of staples. A perfect binder, and al- most indispensable in any printing office. Staplks are made of best quality wire, and are put up in boxes of 1,000 of any one size. The sizes are C, or 3-16-in. leg; D, 14-in. leg: E, 5-l(>-in- leg. In ordering staples always give the letter signifyng size. Breech Loader Binder Price of Staples, in box of KMX) of any one size. .$3 00 . 50 Cleveland Type Foundry, ^M Clei>eland, Ohio. HAND STABBER. Price, Hand Stabber. S2.5 00 FOOT STABBER. Herewith is shown cut of the Foot Stabber made for us by the Howard Iron AVorks. It is just the thing for printers who wish to bind their own work, as also small bind- eries. It is simple and so well built that it cannot get out of order. Price Power Stabber. Price, Power Stabber " " " with Kevolving Needles.... Cleveland Type Foundry, J3S .$150 00 . 200 00 Cleveland, Ohio. SURGUY'S STEREOTYPE OUTFIT. PRICE OF NEW HOT AIR MACHINE AND OUTFIT. Size 12x'i0. Size 18x25 Combined Furnace ami CastinK Box $45 00 S65 00 Iron liars. S|)ac'inK!i and Cores tor tyiJC-high casts 13 0<» 15 00 Iron Schuteboanl and Plane 12 00 15 00 Iron Miter IJox and Metal Saw, very useful 10 00 12 (X) Heatinsf Hiush 3 00 ;^ OO Iron roperly secured, can be thrown over as shown in the first illustration, bringing the lower and smooth edges uppermost, ready for glueing. Every press is provided with clamping boards for each end, to i)rotect the paper from indenta- tions from the iron clamps. A thumb screw is used to raise or lower the clamping frame, where- by a central pressure can be obtained on any size paper, from 2X2 inches up to the full capacity of the press. Size No. 1 will hold 2,000 sheets, any size up to 6X12 inches, price $ 6 00 Size No. 2 will hold 5,()()0 sheets, any size up to 8X10 inches, price 12 TABLET GLUE OR BINDERS' LIQUID CEMENT. Red or Blue per Half Pint Can $0 35 • 1 iiiiCan 60 Quart Can 100 (i.illonCa.j 3 75 Cleifetand Type Founit'rj , 439 Cltn/eland, Ohio. COTT'S IMPROVED TABLET HOLDER AND CLAMP. For .straightening up und liolding sheets of paper while being glued for tablets. Will hold any quantity up to three thousand sheets of paper, and any size from iV^lVi to 8V2XU inches. With an additional elainp and larger press boards almost any size of work can be easily handled. Cott's Improved Tablet Holder and Clamp, including 4 Press Boards S3 25 Extra Clamp and set of 4 Press Boards... 1 (50 Extra Clamp, without Boards 1 25 TABLET WITH SURFACE PRESENTED FOR GLUEING. TABLET GLUE POTS. l^Pint Glue Pot $0 60 1 Quart " " 90 2 " " " 1 20 TAKE SLUGS. Take Slugs, cast from Copper Alloy Metal to measure of cokunii, each 80 15 BARTHOLOMEW'S TWISTER. Every job compositor should have one. Can l)e carried in the pocket. Indispensable to the country printer. Price S4 00 Cleveland Type Foundry, 440 Cleveland, Ohio. THORNE TYPE SETTING MACHINE. THE THOKNE Machine, using type, produces perfect typogrnphical results as well as great economy, and among othar decided advantages it sets and distributes simultaneously or separately, at will; re- quires less than five feet square of floor space for the machine; is simple in con- struction, and made to the highest standard of mechanical excellence. Requires but little more power to riwi than an ordinary sewing machine. The distribution is auto- matic; and, while both the distributing and setting mechanisms are contained in one machine, each operation is indepen- dent. THE THORNE is thoroughly adapted for all kinds of book and newspaper com- position. The shortest "takes" can be handled as expeditiously on the machine as by hand compositors— which feature will be especially appreciated in its use in daily newspaper oflSces. "Proofs" from matter set on the ma- chine are much "cleaner" than those from matter set in the ordinary way; the "dis- tribution " being automatic and absolutely correct, there can be no typographical errors from that source. Wherever used they displace all frames and cases for body letter, except cases for the type used in correcting proofs. One n^achine occupies about the same floor space as a com- positor's frame. In a room filled with machines twice as much type can be set as in the same room filled with frames and cases. Practical compositors, by their familiarity with the use of type, the mles of the craft, and various little dexterities which are well understood among printers, become expert in the use of the machines more quickly than the ordinary mortal. The shortest takes, two-line letter " ads," market reports, sporting programmes, foot- ball results, and open advertisements not containing many different sizes of type, are set with great celerity and economy by aid of THE THORNE, features specially valuable in newspaper composition. Italics also are readily inserted. The fact that the Thome is used in such concerns as Houghton, Mifilin & Co., The University Press, I'lir Fonnii, /ionxtncc, Ncio Yui-k Pout, American PrcsH As«ocia- iion. Ram' H Horn, The. EvanfieliHt, 'I he Churchman, Atlanta Journal, MuMJicld Netc», Sprinp field Repuhlic-TlmeH, etc., shows that it is popular with those who must have the best. Over two hundred and fifty in use by fifty leading firms in tlio United States and Europe. Not an experiment, but a perfected machine. For terms and fuHcr particulars, address Clei'eland Tyfie Foundry, The Cleveland Type Foundry. 441 Cleveland, Ohio. PRESS TAPES. %inch wide— per roll $0 75 H " " " " 75 % " " " " 1 00 % inch wide— per roll $1 25 1 " " " " 1 50 Ws " " " '• 1 60 TYPE MEASURES. I MIOd 8 ~~''"^Oll ' 9' ' 0/5- , _,_, ■■ML L, ' ILjIM 'I L..., J iU.Jili ' l J,1J Boxwood Triangular Type Measure, 9 inches $1 50^ Card Board 25- TYPE WASH. PRINTERS' Detergent. 5 lb. can? SO 75 10 " " 1 25 25 " " 3 00 KcRs of 50 to 100 Itis per ft. $0 10 Half barrels, about 150 Itif " " 09 Barrels of a50 to 500 lbs " " 08 Champpon Type Wash. Champion Type Wash 1 lb. Cans, each, SO 20. " 2 " " 30., *' 3 " " 40.. dozen $2 OO' 3 26 4 50 TYMPAN PRESS BOARDS. 21X29inches SO 50 l 29X42 inches II 00 26X35 " 75 I 35X52 " 1 25 EARHART WRINKLER. For bending or curling brass rule into any shape desired .S18 00 WRENCHES. Impression Wrenches $0 75 Monkey Wrenches 1 OO ^5 Cleveland Type Foundry, 442 Clc7>eland, Ohio. general infor/nation aHd estimates for newspaper aHd job OFFICES. Q^e^eral Jr^ornQatioi^. OLD METAL. Old Metal (delivered at the Foundiy) is taken in exchange for new type of our cast at list price at the following prices: Old Type, 7 cts. ^ ft).; Leads and Stereotype and Electrotypes, 4 cts. ^ tb. 4S=" To avoid mistakes, packages of Old Type or Metal should always be marked with the name of the shipper as well as our address. HINTS TO PRINTERS. When you are ordering type for newspaper or book work, state whether or not you want the fonts to contain Italics, Leaders, Fractions or Commercial Marks. In ordering Sorts to match type you already have, state the Name and Number of the Face, as well as the Size of the body ; or, if you cannot do this, send a capital "H" and a lower case "m" (as little used as possible) of the font the Sorts are to work with. Also state the number of pounds or ounces j'ou want of each particular Sort. Job fonts, such as Titles, Antiques, Ornamented, etc., are put up without Spaces and Quads, and if you want them for any Size of body it will be necessary for 5'ou to order them separately. When you want Leads, Advertising Rules or Dashes, send one of your Leads ; or, if you order them cut to certain ems long, be careful to state what particular ems you mean— whether Nonpareil, Brevier, Long Primer, Pica, etc., otherwise they will be cut to pica ems. Should you order Brass Rule to be mitered to any size, give either the "inside" or "outside" measurement, and if it is to be cut from Double Rule, state whether you wish the heavy line inside or outside. When you order Type, Rules, Borders, Cuts, etc., from any other Foundry's Specimen Book, do not cut the sample out, but mention what book (giving date of same, if possible) you select from, and give the Name, and Number, if any, of each particular article re- quired; also, when practicable, the page on which it may be found. In ordering Printing Ink, state the quantity, and price per pound or ounce, of each kind J'OU want. When you want Chases, give the "inside" or "outside" measurement, or better still, send a diagram. SCHEME FOR ORDERING SORTS. The following table will be found useful in ordering sorts. It contains a rough esti- mate (taking Brevier as a standard), of the amount which the respective boxes of the regular full-sized lower case will contain. The first two columns give the letters and weights to box; the last two columns the letters and the number that will weigh a pound. Of course, printers in ordering can increase or decrease the quantities and weights to suit their wants, or the proportion to the body of the type they need. LETTERS. Weight to Box. LETTERS. No. Letters to ft). a c d h i m n r s t u 2 lbs. 3 " 15 oz. 6 " 5 " abdghknopquvxy z c e r s t 582 e CS2 398 f ijl 850 Caps 1400 Cleveland Type Foundry, 414 Cleveland, Ohio. STANDARD NEWSPAPER MEASURE. The standard Newspaper Measure, as recognized and now in general use, is 13 Ems Pica. The standard of measurement of all sizes of Type, is the Em Quad, and not the let- ter m. LEADS AND SLUGS. Leads are desigrnated as *'— to-Pica," the number being that fraction of a Pica which the Lead is, viz : a 6-to-Pica Lead is one-sixth of a Pica in thickness, or six 6-to-Pica'8 are equal to one Pica ; four 4-to-Pica's one Pica, and so with other sizes or thickness of Leads. Slugs.— Leads of Nonpareil thickness and greater are called slugs, viz : Nonpareil Slugs, Pica Slugs, etc. AVERAGE WEIGHT OF MATTER. A "piece" of solid matter 13 ems Pica wide and 6 inches long will weigh about 3% lbs., but in order to allow for the sorts usually remaining in case, 4% lbs. of type would be required to set that amount of solid matter. When the matter is to be leaded the weight of the type may be reduced about one-quarter, i. e.: a single column of six-column folio, solid, will weigh lOVs lbs., requiring about 13 fts. of type, while the same length column, leaded with six-to-pica leads, will contain but 7% tbs. solid matter, requiring about 10 lbs. of type to set the same. A piece of solid matter 12 inches square will weigh about 40 lbs. One pound of type will, therefore, measure S% square inches. A piece of leaded matter 12 inches square will contain but 30 lbs. of type. LEADS REQUIRED FOR NEWSPAPER AND BOOK WORK. To lead one pound of Pearl requires 6 ounces of 6-to-Pica Leads, Agate 5}^"ounces, Non- pareil 5 ounces. Minion 4>^ ounces. Brevier 4 ounces, Bourgeois 33^ ounces, Long Primer 3 ounces, Small Pica 2% ounces. Pica 214 ounces, English 2)4, ounces. HOW TO ESTIMATE FOR BODY TYPE. To estimate the quantity of type (solid) necessary to fill u given space, multiply the number of square inches by b% (estimated weight, in ounces, of one square inch of matter, including sorts in case), divide the product by 16 and the result will be the weight of type required. If leaded, a reduction in weight of type may be made as above. ANOTHER RULE. To ascertain the quantity of Type (solid) required for Newspaper or Book work, find the number of square inches to be set, and divide the same by 4, which will give the ai)proximate weight of matter ; to which 25 per cent, should be added for "sorts," or dead letters remaining in the case. If the matter is to be leaded the weight may beireduced one-quarter. MIXTURES OF COLORS. Use Magnesia as a base in making tints. Yellow and Carmine or Deep Red produce impure Scarlet. Carmine and Blue produce Deep Lilac, Violet and Plum Blue and Black produce Deep Blue or Blue-black. Vermilion and Black produce rich Brown. Yellow and Black make Bronze Green. Yellow, Blue and Black make Deep Green. Orange Mineral and White make beautiful Flesh Tints. Yellow and Blue produce Green. Carmine and White make Pinks of any depth. Ultramarine, White and Carmine form the various tones of Liljio, etc. To thin ink, use Hi'duciiig Varnish. I'sL' Copal Flock Varnish if £ tie •i M Lz ut. e □ DDQDQDD DDDD DDDD 91 H ft b Ui tu Ul SI I 32 gfi n 7 ?6 3 I 2 DDDD DDDD outside. inside. Twenty-Four Pages, in Two Forms. DDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD U il UC U b bl bl i. I 24 21 4 3 11 "3 2 DDDD DDDD Sixteen Pages. in Two FoR^ DDDD DDDD 8 b oi •. a II oi i I 10 n 4 3 14 I -s ? DDDD DDDD OUTSI DE. IROAO Eights, in Two Forms. DDDD p 5. t» fc I n 7 2 DDDD outside. inside. Eights. Work and Turn. DDDD r 1. b E I 8 7 2 DDDD Twelve, Without Cutting. 5 8 7 6 DDDD DDDD * b OI E I 12 I I 2 DDDD Sixteen. Work and Turn. DDDD B 41 fl E 7 10 I I 6 DDDD DDDD B b SI S I 16 13 4 DDDD outside. inside. These characters cast by The Cleveland Tjpe Foundry— 90 cents per pound. Cleveland Type Foundry. 447 Cleveland. Ohio. NEWSPAPER MEASUREMENT. Table showing the number of Ems of the different sizes of Newspaper Type in a Line the number of Lines necessary to make 1,000 Ems, and the length in Inches. Also the number of Ems in the regular lengths of Columns. 13 Ems Pica, WIDTH OP Standard Column. as 1= OS 'I .2 d aJ C otJS S .2 d X c ot:s s .2 6^ c to "" .25 « c •2a= S -©as . . o .2 »= 13 -©as Agate Nonpareil Minion Brevier Bourgeois Long Primer. 28^ 26 22>^ 19>^ 173^ 15>^ 35K 381^ 45 513^ 62^ 5,040 4,325 3,175 2,465 1,950 1,610 6,505 5,615 4,115 3,200 2.525 2.085 7,180 6,160 4,515 3,510 2,770 2,290 7,900 6,785 4,970 3,865 3,050 2,520 8,630 7,410 5,440 4,220 3,;S30 2,755 9,310 8,030 5,885 4,575 3,615 2,970 BOOK WORK MEASUREMENT. Table showing the number of Eras to a line, and the number of Lines contained in 1,000 Ems of matter, standard book measure. Also, the space, in inches, filled by 1,000 Ems of matter of the different measures. Size of Type. Nonpareil Brevier Long Primer Small Pica .... Pica 21 Ems Pica. 42 25^ 23 21 t^2 24 S2M 43^ 48 OS 2 3>4 5K 2S Ems Pica. 46 35 27% 25 23 oo 21% 28% 36 40 43^ flpq ox m 5 1]4 25 Ems Pica. ^.^ 50 37K 30 271^ 25 l-^W ^:^' 20 26^ 33% 36% 40 1% 3 4% 5% 6% LEADS FOR NEWSPAPERS. Table showing the number of Leads, 13 Ems Pica long, contained in one Pound, and the number required to lead 1,000 Ems of matter, together with the number of Leads in a single column of matter regular sizes of Newspapers. Size of Body Type To BE Leaded With 6-to-Pica Leads. Agate Nonpareil Minion Brevier Bourgeois Long Primer. H^ O ^S OS ■-3^1 a o?d^ oO'dO o^^O c"^oO 132 125 108 84 170 162 140 128 114 108 185 179 154 141 125 119 206 197 169 155 138 131 2 » d O eS S fJH « s -:^o o dO O 224 215 185 169 150 143 O 00 • — . o OoO 241 233 201 183 163 154 The lengths of Head Rules given are for Columns 13 ems Pica wide, and Minion Col- umn Rules. Cleveland Type Foundry, 448 Cleveland, Ohio. STANDARD SIZES OF NEWSPAPERS. The following are the regular sizes of newspapers, adopted by the auxiliary printers Wo would advise parties planning new newspapers to adopt one of these sizes. The width of column is 13 ems : Size or Paper. Size or Form. Column RgLf .20X26 17'%X23% ". 11}^ 17-% .22X31 19%X2«% 13% 11»% .24X35 21%X;^^ : lo% 21% .26X40 'imX^lVi 18 23-% .28X44 25%X42 201^ 25% Five Column Folio .... Six " " Seven " " Eight '* " ... Nine " " Four Column Quarto 22X31 18%X29 8% 13% Five " " 26X40 2:5^X37 IIV^ 17% Si.x " " 30X44 27%X41 13% 19% Seven " " 35X48 32^X45 15% 21% COLUMN AND HEAD RULES. The accompanying Table gives the length of Column and Head Rules for the regular standard sizes of Folio and Quarto Newspapers. Or? 2 . . ■ . d d ©53 r°t: ot- otJ Stylk ok Nk\vsp.\pkr. p^| i pReS ^§ ^% ^ ^ "3^ "^ ©a. -Of ^a *© '0 ^° ^S s- 00 OS Column Rules. Inches in loni'th 13% ^7^< ^oiiA 21% 15% 23% 1 25% 18 2()i^ Head Rules. Inches in length 8% IIU 1 1.33^ MARGINS FOR JOB WORK. Following is a table showing sizes In eras pica, to set Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Cir- culars, Dodgers, etc., to allow proper margins: Width, Right to Left. Lemgth, Top to Bottom. Postal Card 28 ems 16 ems Ordinary Note Circular 24 Packet Note Circular 26 Ordinary Letter Circular 40 Packet Letter Circular 42 Quarter Cap Circular or Blank 40 Half Cap Circular or Blank 40 Ordinary Note Head 28 Packet Note Head m Ordinary Statement Head 28 Ordinary Letter Head 45 Ordinary Bill Head 45 Thirty-SecondlDodger 21 Sixteenth Dodger 28 Eighth Dodger 42 A compositor, receiving, for instance, a circular to set up to packet note size, would glance at this table, and noting that the width of the matter for that size piece of paper is twenty-six ems, sets his stick and gets his leads and slugs to that measure. He also notes how far down the galley the forty-five ems of length reaches, and is ready to go ahead. This takes much less time than hunting up a sheet of paper and folding it, with the chance of getting the margin wrong after all. Cleveland Type Foundry, 449 Cleveland, Ohio. TABLE, SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF PAPER REQUIRED For any Job of from 50 to 10,000 Copies. No allowance is made for waste or over copies. 2 3 4 6 8 9 1 12 15 16 18 20 24 32 36 48 " . to the to the to he to the to the to the, to the to the to the to the to the to the to the to the to the i| Sheet. Sheet. Sheet. Sheet. Sheet. Sheet. \ Sheet. Sheet. Sheet. Slieet. Sheet. Sheet. S/ieet. Sheet. Slieet. w m m m m m en CO CO CQ S 2' t» tKl CO to m CO CO CO CO m .... m CO CO CO C ?? K E- ^ H K E- K H X b' :: i^ X f^ a (~ K E- K H K H K HK i2a f_'&J E- .h K E OJ W « K '^ 'fi a u: ~ ^ X K oi '-^ es K Si K B3 K c; a Si u: :- x^ a a ~PC M m M K -H K '-•a-.i— a-s — tfi r ^ — a 1- K- K- iu. — K ^ 1 ^ 3 ^ 3 eg 3^ O-c^ ^^ a& 0? m & m §cg 3 M c^ cZ 6-1 50 1-1 0-17 0-13 0-9 0-7 0-6 0-5 0-4 0-4 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-2 0-2 0-2 100 2-2 1-10 1-1 0-17 0-13J 0-121 0- 91 0- 7 0-7 0-6 0- 5 0-5 0-4 0-3 0-3 200 4- 4 2-19 2-2 1-10 1- li 0-23i 0-17 0-14 0-13 0-12 0-10 0-9 0- 71 0-6 0-5 250 5-5 3-12 2-15 1-18 1- 8i 1- 41 0-21 1 0-17 0-16 0-14 0-13 0-11 0-8 0-7 0-6 300 6-6 4-4 3-3 2-2 1-14 1-10 i 1- li 0-20 0-19 0-17 0-15 0-13 0-10 0-9 0-7 400 8- 8 5-14 4-4 2-19 2- 2! 1-21 1-10 1- 3 1-1 0-23 0-20 0-17 0-13 0-12 0- 9 500 10-10 6-23 5-5 3-12 2-151 2- 8 1-18 1-10 1-8 1- 4 1-1 0-21 0-16 0-14i 0-11 600 12-12 8-8 6-6 4-4 3- 3i 2-19 2- 2! 1-16 1-14 1-10 1-6 1-1 0-19 0-17 0-13 700 14-14 9-18 7- 7 4-21 3-161 3- 6 2-11 j 1-23 1-20 1-15 1-11 1-6 0-22 1 0-20 0-15 750 15-15 lO-lO 7-20 5-5 3-221 3-12 2-151 2- 3 1-2:^ 1-18 1-14 1-8 1- 0-21 0-16 800 16-16 11-3 8- 8 5-14 4- 4] 3-17 2-19! 2- 6 2-2 1-21 1-16 1-10 1-1 0-2:3 0-17 900 18-18 12-12 9-9 &-6 4-17 4- 4 3- 31 2-12 2-9 2-2 1-21 1-14 1-5 1- 1 0-19 1000 20-20 : 13-22 10-10 6-23 5- 5 4-16 3-12 1 2-19 2-15 2-8 2-2 1-18 1- 8 1-4 0-21 1250 26- l! 17-9 13-1 8-17 6-13 5-191 4- 9i 3-12 3-7 2-22 2-15 2-5 1-16 1-11 1-3 1500 31- 6' 20-20 15-15 lO-lO 7-20 6-23 5- 5i 4- 5 3-22 3-12 3-3 2-15 1-23 1-18 1- 8 1750 36-111 24- 8 18-6 12-4 9- 3 8- 3 6- 2 4-22 4-14 1 4- 2 3-16 3-1 2-8 2-1; 1-13 2000 41-161 27-19 20-20 13-22 10-10 9- 7 6-23 5-14 5- 5 4-16 4-4 3-12 2-15 2- 81 1-18 2500 52- 2i 34-18 26- 1 17-10 13- 1 11-15 8-17 7- 6-13 5-20 5- 5 4-9 3- 7 2-22 2-5 3000 62-121 41-16 31-6 20-20 15-1513-22 10-10 8-8 7-20 6-23 6-6 5-5 3-22 3-12 2-15 4000; 83- 8| 55-14 41-16 27-19 20-20 18-13 13-22 11- 3 10-10 9- 7 8-8 6-23 .5-5 4-16 3-12 5000 104- 4 69-11 52-2 :^-18 26- 1 23- 4117- 9 13-22 13- 1 11-14 10-10 8-17 6-13 5-19: 4- 9 lUOOO 208- 8 1 138-22 104-4 69-11 52- 2 46- 8 34-18,27-19 26- 1,23- 4 20-20 17-9 13- 1 11-14 8-17 Cleveland Type Foundry, 450 Cleveland, Ohio. NEWSPAPER ESTIMATES. As the estimates here given are subject to variation in prices, the information given on that point is of but little value. Write us, giving a detailed list of what you want, state terujs of payment, etc., and we will quote you bottom figures. SIX COLUMN QUARTO OR NINE COLUMN FOLIO. Nino-Coluran Washington Hand Press Pair of 6-CoI. Quarto Chases Iron Side and Foot Sticks 1 Twenty-three-inch Roller and Frame 200 lt>s Nonpareil 300 lbs Brevier 20 Fonts Heading and Display Type Quads and Spaces for Display Type 10 Pairs Cases 12 Job and Triple Cases 5 Double Stands with Racks 10 Single Column Galleys, Brass Lined 2 Double Column Galleys, Brass Lined Imposing Stone and Frame, 30X60 6 Six-inch Composing Sticks Mallet, Planer and Shooting Stick 100 Quoins Lye Brush ; 40 Column Rules 9 Head Rules 150 Advertising Rules 25 Cross Column Rules 50 Brass Dashes 50 lbs Leads 48 Beveled Foot Slugs 1 Make-up Rule () Composing Rules 25 tt)s News Ink— Best quality HeadinI for paper $720 76 SIX COLUMN FOLIO. One Six-Column Washington Hand Press 1 Pair 6-Col. Folio Chases Iron Side and Foot Sticks 1 Sixteen-inch Roller and Frame 100 lbs Nonpareil 150 lbs Brevier 5 Pairs of Cases 6 Job and Triple Ca.ses 3 Double Stands with Racks 4 Single Column Galleys, Brass Lined Clnielnnd Type Foundry, 461 Clneland, Ohio. COMPLETE SMALL JOB OFFICE Continued. tbs Double Small Pica Poster Antique lbs Leads, shaved 40 Fonts Plain and Fancy Job Typo, such as is commonly used in a first-class Job Office 1 dozen Megill's Gauge Pins Spaces and Quads $1,003 93 Larger outfits, including Cylinder Presses of well known manufacture, furnished upon application at proportionately low rates. SMALL JOB OFFICE. Eighth Medium Job Press, size 8X12 Cabinet— 10 Two-Thirds Cases Double Stand, with Racks 2 Pairs Cases G Job Cases ; Job Galley, Brass Lined, 8%X13 2 Common Galleys Imposing Stone and Frame, 28X50 Eight-inch Composing Stick Twelve-inch Composing Stick Mallet, Planer and Shooting Stick Lye Brush 100 Quoins 50 yards Reglet and Furniture 25 lbs Nonpareil 25 lbs Brevier 10 lbs Leads, shaved 20 Fonts Plain and Fancy Job Tyi)c, such as is commonly used in lirst-class Job Offices Spaces and Quads All complete, material first-class, for $306 86 VERY COMPLETE SMALL JOB OFFICE. Quarto Medium Job Press, size 10X15 Cabinet— 20 Two-Thirds Cases 2 Double Stands, with Racks li Pairs Cases 10 Job Cases 1 Job Galley, Brass Lined, 8:^Xi;5 2 Common Galleys Imposing Stone and Frame, 28X50 Card Cutter, 28 inch. Patent No. 2 Lead Cutter Rule Case Eight-inch Composing Stick Sixteen-inch Composing Stick Mallet, Planer and Shooting Stick * Lye Brush 100 Quoins 100 yards assorted Reglet and Furniture Ueveland Type Foundry^ 453 Cleveland, Ohio. VERY COMPLETE SMALL JOB OFFICE Continued. Saw and Miter Box 30 lbs Nonpareil 30 lbs Brevier 40 lbs Long Primer ■. 25 lbs Double Small Pica Poster Antique 25 lbs Leads, shaved 30 Fonts Plain and Fancy Job Type, such as is commonly used in first-class Job Oflfiees Spaces and Quads All complete, material first-class, for $013 GO COMPLETE JOB OFFICE. First-class Cylinder Press, extra heavy, wiiu l.uc improvements, 18X22 inside bearers Quarto Medium Job Press, size 10X15 Eighth Medium Job Press, size 8X12 " Paper Cutter, 30 inches, "Gem" Card Cutter, 28 inches. Patent No. 1 Mitering Machine Lead and Rule Cutter Imposing Stone and Frame, 30X60 Cabinet— 20 full size Cases 4 Double Stands, with Racks 1 Double Stand, with 24 full Racks 8 Pairs Cases 25 Job Cases 2 Job Galleys, 8%X13 1 Job Galley, 10X16 IJob Galley, 14X20 4 Common Galleys Rule Case Eight-inch Composing Stick Twelve-inch Composing Stick Sixteen-inch Composing Stick Mallet, Planer and Shooting Stick Lye Brush 1 dozen Megill's Gauge Pins 200 yards assorted Reglet and Furniture 100 Quoins Saw and Miter Box 50 lbs Nonpareil 60 lbs Brevier 60 lbs Long Primer 100 lbs Small Pica 25 lbs Double Small Pica Poster Anti(|ue 50 lbs Leads, shaved 4 Fonts Labor Saving Rule (20 pounds) 40 Fonts Plain and Fancy Job Type, such as is commonly used in a first-class Job Office Spaces and Quads $1,973 lO The estimates here given are not arbitrary, being intended merely as a basis upon which to estimate thAcost of an outfit. Any article not wanted may be omitted, the quantity of Type, etc., reduced or increased, different sizes substituted, or changed in any way to suit the ideas of the customer. The Newsi)aper Estimates are based upon the supposition that four pages are to be printed " at home." Whore patent insides or outsides are used, the quantity of Type, Column and Head Rule, Dashes, Leads, etc., may be reduced to corres- pond. Make up your list and write for prices. Cleveland Type Foundry, 454 Cle7>eland, Ohio.