m Digitized by the Internet Archive ^ in 2007 with funding from ' IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/compotusoryearlyOOstmarich -:S r?l S^t \M^ THE .<€.A^;?,'^^^i.^^), :;j:.;;7. , ji COMPOTUS YEARLY-ACCOUNT ROLL THOMAS SYNGLETON, MONK, KEEPER OF THE COMMON STOCK OF SPICES (CUSTOS COMMUNIS SPE- CIERUM), AND CHAMBERLAIN OF THE MONASTERY OF ST. MARY, YORK, From the Sunday after the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel^ 1528, to the same Sunday in the year 1529. REMARKS AND NOTES BEV. C. WELLBELOVED. yEistmCtfa(^m the ''Proceedings'' of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society?^ Tlie Compotus or Yearly-Account Moll of TJiomas Syngleton, 31onk, Keeper of the common stock of Spices fCustos CommunicB SpecierumJ, and Chamberlain of the Monastery of St. Mary^ YorJc^ from the Sunday after the feast of St. Michael the Archangel^ 1528, to the same Sunday in the year 1529. — With Memarks and Notes by the Rev. C. Wellbeloved. This curious document was presented to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society in the year 1849, by Mr. Henry Sotheran, who stated that it had been lately found in a chest in the vestry of a church in the neighbourhood of York. It is written on eight skins of parchment, forming a Eoll exactly 12 feet long and 12 inches broad ; and, with the exception of a small poition at the beginning, in a good state of preservation. To the foot of the Roll are attached five small quarto leaves of paper, containing particulars of expenses attending the celebration of four Anniversaries, and of the day of * O Oriens.' At the back of the roll is a list of tenants and others who were in arrear in their payments ; and also an inventory of • effects under the especial charge of the Computant. The Abbey of St. Mary was the most wealthy of the Monas- teries in Yorkshire ; the clear annual revenue at the Dissolu- tion being estimated at no less than £1670. The Annual expenditure was, no doubt, proportionate to this income. But the receipts and expenditure accounted for by Thos. Syngleton, amount not to a twelfth part of that income. To understand the nature of this document, therefore, it must be observed, that in every monastery, a certain number of the brethren, who were called Obedientiarii, were appointed to superintend each a separate department in the establishment, having tithes and other revenues assigned to them to defray the necessary expenses of that department. At the end of the year, which began and ended at some great festival, each of these officers delivered to a superior officer, as the Bursar, or the Prior, an account of what he had received, and of what he had expended durinj^ the year. From these the superior officer formed one large roll, which, together with the smaller upon which it was formed, was deposited in the treasury or the muniment room of the Monastery.* Many of these larger rolls have heen published ; hut few, if any, of the smaller rolls have been brought to light. On this, if on no other account, this document drawn up by a Monk of St. Mary's, will be regarded as curious and valuable. The writer of this roll describes himself as holding the offices of Camerarius and Gustos Communie Specierum. The Ca- merarius, or Chamberlain, was an officer who belonged to every Monastic House ; although the nature and extent of his duties may not have been uniformly the same. But no such officer as the Gustos Communiae Specierum is mentioned in the ordinary lists of Monastic officers ; nor is it noticed by Du Cange or Carpentier or Eeyner. The title denotes that he had the care of the common stock of the Spicery. Spices appear to have formed a large and important portion of Monastic stores ; com- prehending a great variety of articles ; as ginger, pepper, mace, cloves, cinnamon, raisins (great raisins), currants (small raisins), prunes, almonds, liquorice, sugar, sugar candy, barley-sugar, sandars, turnsole, comfits, cakes, &c. &c. They were generally expensive articles, yet, as Dr. "Whitaker has observed with respect to the Monks of Bolton Priory, " they were used with no sparing hand."t The Bursar of the Monastery of Durham accounts for the delivery to the Cellarer, in one year of more than 130 lbs. of pepper, of 105 lbs. of currants, of 48 lbs. of prunes, of 55 lbs. of sugar, in addition to a large supply of honey. The charge for spicery in that year was above £38, when a sheep w^as sold for 2s. and an ox for from 14s. to 16s. Bp. Kennet says that spices were sometimes taken as parts of account payment. Instances of this occur in the Durham Book ; where four tenants pay a portion of their arrears due ta the Monastery in saffron ; grants also were sometimes made * Durham Household Book. Preface by the Rev. J. Raino, p. viii. t History of Craven, p. 403. 811859 k ^ »i P S > « f. •• > f o .- .^ C . with the express purpose of providing for the purchase of spices : thus we find among the grants to the Abhey of St. Mary, York, half a carucate of land in Sezevaus given by Astinus de Pykering, " ad emendas species." It is remarkable that in this Compotus by the Gustos Communise Specierum no charge is made for the purchase or for the delivery of spices ; excepting in the celebration of four Anniversaries, and the day of ' O Oriens.' Compotus Fratris Thome Syngleton Monachi ac Custodis CoMMUNiE Specierum et Camerarii Monasterii Sancte Marie Ebor. a Dominica prima post Festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli Anno Domini Milesimo quingentessimo vicesimo octavo usque ad eandem Dominicam Anno Domini ut supra vicesimo nono. Arreragia nulla. Quia idem computans solvit ad manus Domini Abbatis pro pede compoti ultimi anni ut patet per manus ejusdem scriptoris in fine compoti anni precedentis xxx". iiij*^. ob. LiBERE Firme. In primis, Idem computans respondet de Ixxvj'. iij*^. ob. receptis de liberis firmis infra tempus compoti, viz., de Priore Sancti Andree^ Ebor. ij". De Magistro Manerio- rum^ pro terris apud Wotlas^ x". De Willelmo Gyllame pro terris in Huntyngton* vij". i*^. ob. De Willelmo Pawling ibidem y\ De Domino le Scrope de Bolton pro terris ibidem iij". vj*^. De Johanne Joye pro terris ibidem xx**. De Roberto Wywell pro terris in Thornton^ xij*^. De heredibus Willelmi Jacob pro terris ibidem iiij'*. De Eleemosinario Monasterii pro terris ^ The Priory of St. Andrew was situated in Fishergate, adjoining the Ouse. It belonged to the order of Monks of Sempringham or Gilbertines ; and was founded in 1202 by Hugh Merdac, Archdeacon of Cleveland, for 12 Canons. 2 Probably the person who had the general oversight of the manors or lands belonging to the Monastery : a general land bailiff, with local bailiffs under him. 3 Thornton Watlas, near Bedale. ■* Huntington, near York. ^ Most probably Thornton Steward, in Wensleydalc. ibidem iiij'*. De Sacrista Monasterii pro terris in Aclam^ xvj**. De Domino le Scrope de Bolton pro terris in Warmsworth^ iiij*. De Abbate de Thornton^ pro terris in Burnham* et Thornton x?. Summa Ixxvj'. iij**. ob. Pensiones. Et de x^ xv'. iiij''. receptis de pensionibus infra tempus compoti, viz., de Ecclesia de Hornsey^ c\ De Priore de WedderalP xiij*. iiij**. De Priore Sancte Bege^ xiij*. iiij**. * Probably Aclam on the "Wolds. 2 Near Doncaster, where the Scropes had a considerable estate. Hunter's S. Yorkshire, i. 126. 3 Thornton Curtis, in the Northern part of Lincolnshire, south-east of Barton, where a Monastery of Augustin- Canons was established in 1139 by "William le Gros, Earl of Albermarle ; by whom or by one of his descendants, it is probable, these lands were granted to the Abbey of St. Mary. * In the Isle of Axholme, Lincolnshire, near Epworth. ^ The Church, Manor and Mere of Hornsea were granted to St. Mary's Abbey, at its foundation by Odo, Earl of Champagne, and his son Stephen. In the year 1260, the Abbot of Melsa (Meaux, in Holdemess) claimed a right of fishing in the Southern part of the Mere ; which was resisted by the Abbot of St. Mary's. The Abbot of S. Meaux therefore brought a writ of right against the Abbot of St. Mary's ; and it was resolved that the dispute should be settled by wager of battle. " On the day appointed for the combat, the parties and their champions appearing properly accoutred, the fight commenced, and lasted, according to the narrator, from morning till evening, when the champions of the plaintifi" were beaten to the ground, and the fishery ultimately relinquished by the Abbot of Meaux." Poulson's History of Holdemess, vol. i, p. 319. This accoimt is taken from the Ziber Melsce. The date, 1260, refers this remarkable transaction to the second year of the Abbacy of Simon dc "Warwick ; but it is not noticed by him in his Annals of the Abbey. 6 "Wetherall, in the county of Cumberland. A priory was founded here in the reign of "William Eufus, by Eanulf de Meschin, Earl of Cumberland, and given by him as a Cell to the Abbey of St. Mary, York, in the time of Stephen of "Whitby, the first Abbot. The establishment consisted of a Prior and eight Monks. ' St. Bees in Cumberland ; so named after Bega, a pious woman, who founded a convent there for nuns, in the seventh century. Having been destroyed by the Danes, it was refounded as a Priory for Monks by "William, son of Ranulph de Meschin, in the time of Hen. I., and given by him as a Cell to the Abbey of St. Mary, York, on condition that a Prior and at least six Monks should be main- tained there by the Abbot and convent. It is observable that Leland in his Itinerary speaks of St. Bees as being in the neighbourhood of Lincoln ; "in one of the east suburbs, scant half a mile from the Mynstere." He refers, no doubt, to the cell of St. Magdelene. The editors of the last edit, of Mon. Ang, observe, " Leland was probably right as to the situation of the cell, but wrong as to its name, which he seems to have confounded with St. Bees in Cumberland." 6 De Priore de E,omburgt^ vj'. viij'. De Priore Sancti Martini - YJ*. viij''. De Vicario de Mydleton Tyas vj'. viij**. De Magistro Maneriorum pro Anniversario Richardi Grussy'^ xxvj". viij'*. et Roberti BuUoke xl". Summa x\ xv*. iiij'^. PoRCiONES CUM Decime.* Et de xj^'. xviij\ iiij*^. receptis de porcionibus infra tempus compoti, viz., de Kneton^ iiij". et Medleton^ xiij'- iiij**. De Mnlton^ x?. De Scruton xiij% iiij''. De Westanfeld^ x\ De Medleton^ et Melmerby iij\ iiij**. De Andreby^^ et Swaynby^^ xv'. et de AYarmswortb liij'. iiij^ Summa xj". xviij'. iiij**. X X FiRME AD VOLUNTATEM. Et de iiijxiij". iij\ xj"*. receptis de firmis tenencium ad voluntatem infra tempus compoti, viz., in Ebor vj'. In vico Sancte Marie ix". xvij'. iiij*^. In Bowthome xij". xvij". et pro Magistro CoUegii ibidem^- ex concessione Domini Abbatis^^ v'. In Gillygait xxix'. viij"*. In Clyfton vj". xiiij'. vj**. et pro magistro Collegii ibidem ex concessione * Rumburgh, in Suffolk. A small monastery founded about the time of the Norman Conquest by Almar or Agelmar of Elmham, and Thurstan, Abbot of St. Benet Hulm. It was given as a Cell to the Abbey of St. Mary, York, in the reign of Hen. I., by Stephen Eaii of Richmond and Bretagne, or by Alan his son. 2 A chapel dedicated to St. Martin near Richmond, was given with the church of Thornton and other possessions, about the year 1100, to the Abbey of St. Mary, by Wyman, Steward of the Earl of Richmond. Upon which the Monks of St. Mary's sent a colony of 9 or 10 of their number, with a Prior, to erect a Priory. It thus became a CeU to the house at York, to which it was subordinate in spiritual matters, while in others it claimed to be independent. It became richly endowed, keeping the original number of monks, and paying a yearly pension, as an acknow- legement of subjection, to the Abbey of St. Mary. 3 Oj.^ Growsse, as in another part of the Compotus. 4 i. e.. Portions out of churches, with certain tythe rents of tenants at wiU. 5 Under Kneeton, near Middleton Tyas. ^ Middleton Tyas. ■^ Moulton, near Middleton Tyas. » West Tanfield. ^ Middleton Quemhow. ^^ Ainderby Quemhow. ' ' Near Pickhill, in Swaledale. *2 'Ibidem' is to be connected with 'et' and the clause translated thus : "And there (i. e. out of the same place, viz. Bowthome) v^ for the Master of the College." And thus also in the following similar clauses. There was but one Collegium, and that was within the precincts of the Abbey ; but the Master of the College appears to have had his endowments or money payments from various portions of the conventual property. '3 Probably as being specially granted for this ptu-pose by the Abbot. Domini Abbatis iiij". x\\ xj"^. In Roclyff iiij". vj\ viij^ In Huntyngton xxvij'. viij**. In Thornton xvj\ vj'^ In Butter- cram iiij'. vj'\ In Myton xxxij'. vj*^. In Dunsfurth x'. In Elyngthrope^ Ix'. In Huddeswell xij\ viij"*. In Kirkby Rawynswath^ ix'. viij". In Smeeton xiiij'. In Hornby^ xxj% In Appleton super Wysk viij'. In Spawnton viij*. vj**. In Hutton juxta Spawnton xxij'. viij^. In Lastingham \\ n^. In Appleton juxta Spawnton vij\ viij''. et pro Magistro Collegii ibidem ex concessione Domini Abbatis xij'. In Kirkby Misper- ton xiij'. iiij''. In Scamston vj\ viij''. In Syxendalle* viij'. In Fymber xj'. In Kirkby Hundelsdalle^ vj'. In Rudston xiiij'. vij''. In Southrope*^ xij\ vj''. et pro Magistro Collegii ibidem, ex concessione Domini Abbatis xij'. x''. In Cotyngwith xij\ ij''. In Dyghton xxx\ In Fulfurth lvj% iiij''. et pro Magistro Collegii ibidem ex concessione Domini Abbatis x'. In Kelfeld ij'. In Over Poppleton c'. viij''. et pro Magistro Collegii ibidem, ex concessione Domini Abbatis xiij'. viij**. In Nether Popleton Ixiiij'. j''. et pro Magistro Collegii ibidem, ex concessione Domini Abbatis lix% xj''. In Knapton xlviij\ In Brynles^ lxvj% viij**. In Hufflett^ viij'. iiij''. In Warms- worth cvj'. x**. In South Fereby^ Ixxix'. iiij''. In Bekfeld et Kermound^^ xxvj'. j''. et pro uno tenemento in Lyncoln j'. X X Summa iiijxiij". iij'. xj''. FoEDUM SiGiLLi COMMUNIS. Et dc xiij'. iiij''. receptis pro Sigillo communi in presentacione ecclesie de Belton^^ in comitatu Lincoln ad Dominum Edmundum MetcalfF. Et de xiij\ iiij**. receptis pro sigillo communi in presentacione 1 Ellinthorpe, near Boroughbridge. ^ Kirkby- Ravensworth, in Richmondshire. 3 Probably the village so called near Great Smeaton. 4 Sixteendale, now Thixendale on the Wolds, near Aclam. 5 Probably Kirby Underdale. ^ Near the south end of Hornsea Mere. ' Brindles, near Howden. 8 Ousefleet, on the Southern bank of the Ouse, in the parish of Whitgift. ^ In Lincolnshire, near Barton on Humber. ^^ These are also in Lincolnshire. " In Lincolnshire, near Epworth, Isle of Axholm. The Abbey held seyeral churches and considerable grants of land in this county. B 8 ecclesie de Overton^ in comitatu Ebor. ad Dominum Andream Rowthe. Summa xxvj'. viij''. Reparaciones For.iNSECA.^ Et de ij*. receptis de harbagio Sartrini^ hoc anno dimisso Ricardo Dyatson. Et de xx". receptis de Jacobo Gelstrope pro gressisma^ unius tenementi in Fulfurth nuper in tenura Ricardi Barwyk pro ix annis hoc anno primo. Et de x'. receptis de Thoma Bartyndall de Fymber pro gres- sisma tenementi sui pro ix annis hoc anno primo. Et de X*. receptis de Johanne Mawmane de Thornton pro gressisma unius tenementi nuper in tenura patris sui pro ix annis hoc anno primo. Et de X*. receptis de precio unius equi venditi Roberto Sadler de Eboraco hoc anno. Et de xx". receptis de precio unius millene fagatorum vendi- torum apud Dyghton Roberto Schales de Eboraco. Summa Ixxij*. XX Summa omnium receptionum vjiiij". xij'. vj'^. ob. De quibus, Penciones confratrum. Idem computans petit allocari pro pencionibus solutis xxxix confratribus nostris ad festum Pentecostes quolibet capiente xxvj*. viij'*. et non sacerdotibus^ quolibet capiente xiij'. iiij*^ xlvij^'. vj% viij**. 1 Near York, one of tlie earliest grants to the Abbey by Will'P Ruf us. Here tlie Abbot had a Mansion. 2 Repairs without. But this must be a mistake of the writer, as it is perfectly inapplicable to the following items. 3 The Sartrinum or the Sartrina, as it is afterwards "VNTitten, was the tailor's oflS.ce : and harbagio (herbagio) Sartrini is supposed to mean the herbage of a small close surrounding that ofldce, which must therefore have stood detached from the other monastic buildings. That it was within the general enclosure of the Monas- tery is evident from a subsequent entry. Two shillings paid by Dyatson for the herbage was, at the period to which this roll belongs, the rent usually paid for an acre of meadow land. ^ Gressisma. The more usual form of the word is ' gersuma,' as in Du Cange. It signifies " a sum of money paid as an earnest upon purchasing a piece of ground, or upon entering on a lease, or upon any other occasion when a payment in hand is stipulated for." Hev. J. Eaine, Glosmrij to The Priory of Finchale. 5 The Novices in the following lists. 9 Et in pencionibiis solutis xxxij et dimidio confratribus nostris ad festum Michaelis quolibet capiente xiij*. iiij'*. . . xxj". xiij\ iiij**. Et solutis scolaribus Cantabrigie studentibus pro^ officio com- munie specierum xl". et Camerarii xxvj". viij*^. pro anno futuro ut in annis precedentibus Ixvj'. viij'^. Summa Ixxij^'. vj'. viij'^. Pentecostes. Ex PARTE DoM. AbBATIS. Fr. Johannes Rypley xxvj'. viij**. Fr. Th. Byrdlyngton xxvj'. viij'^. Fr. Rio. Sherburne xxvj". viij*^. Fr. Nic. Burnyshton xxvj". vj**. Fr. Will. Walton xxvj\ vj^ Fr. Rob. Paddy xxvj% vj^ Fr.Will. Cokermouth xx\f . vj^ Fr. Joh. Lawson xxvj% vj*^. Fr. Will. Hapten xxvj'. vj^ Fr.Rad. Hartley =^ Fr. Ric. Newell Fr.Will.Fyley Fr. Joh. Cawoode Fr. Th. Eshe Novicii. Fr. Edm. Metcalff xxvj . vj xxvj\ vj^ xxvj' •VJ- xxvj' .vf. xxvj= .-f. xiij'. iiij'*. Ex PARTE DoM. PrIORIS.- XXVJ . VJ' xxvj\ vj' xxvj\ vj' xxvj\ vj' xxvj\ vj' xxvj'. vj'^ Fr. Will. Forest Fr. Th. Stavvlay Fr. Will. Burton Fr. Th. Syngleton Fr. Will. Conerdail Fr.Th. Hartley apud Lincoln Fr. Joh. Poyll xxvj'. vj Fr. Joh. Whytt xxvj*. vj Fr.Guyd.Oswoldkyrk xxvj'. vj Fr. Pet. Stanley xxvj'. vj Fr. Joh. York Fr. Joh. Byrkhed Fr. Th. Mars Fr. Ric. Hornsey xxvj'. yj'* xxvj'. vj** xxvj'. v'5 xxvj'. \f Fr. Rob. Lowthrope xxvj'. vj' 1 These scholars could not have been studying at Cambridge in order to prepare themselves for the offices of Spicerer and Chamberlain, as the expression here seems to imply. But supposing a comma to be placed after 'studentibus' and taking 'pro' in a sense somewhat unusual, the meaning of the clause will be, that the scholars received xl'. from the Monastery on the part of the office or department of the Spicerer, and xxvj». viij**. on the part of that of the Chamberlain. They probably received more from some other department ; for at an earlier period the exhibition to a Student at one of the Universities from "Whalley was £5 : and that sum was nearly doubled to enable him to take his bachelor's degree. 2 This division of the brethren probably means that part of them were under tlie Abbot's, and part of them under the Prior's superintendence. 3 He was afterwards made Prior of Wethcrall ; which office he held till the Dissolution of the Prioiy. b2 10 Fr. Nic Cowper xiij". iiij'*. Fr. Joh. Whytfeld xxvj'. vj'' Fr. Th. Kiclimund xiij\ iiij'*. Fr. Rob. Bowtham XX vj". vj** Fr. Joh. Gayll xiij\ iiij^ Fr. Joh. Clyfton Novicii. xxvj\ vj'* Fr. Joh. Grason xiij*. iiij'^ Fr. Jac. Fulthrope xiij". iiij** Fr. Rog. Nelson xiij". iiij** Capita xxxix. MiCHAELIS. Ex PARTE DoM. AbBATIS. Fr. Th. Stawley xiij\ iiij^ Fr. Th. Byrdlyngton xiij'. iiij^ Fr. Ric. Sherburne xiij'. iiij"*. Fr. Tho. Hartley xiij\ iiij^ Fr. Nic. Burnyshton xiij'. iiij^ xiij\ iiij^ xiij'. iiij"*. Fr. Joh. Lawson Fr. Will. Hapton Fr. Rad. Hartley Fr. Ric. Newell Fr. Will. Fyley Fr. Joh. Whytfeld Fr. Th. Eshe Novicii. Fr. Edm. MetcalfF Fr. Nic. Cowper Fr. Th. Richmund Fr. Joh. Gayll xnj^ xiij^ iiij^ iiij^ xiij\ iiij^ iiij^ iiij^ xiij' xiij' xiij^ xiij^ xiij^ iiij^ Ex PARTE DoM. PrIORIS Dominus Prior xx'. Fr. Will. Forest xiij° '* i"J xiij% nij' Fr. Th. Syngleton Fr. Joh. Whytt xiij% iiij^ Fr. Guyd. Oswoldkyrk, apud Lincoln xiij'. iiij*^. Fr. Petrus Fr. Joh. York xiij'. iiij"^. Fr. Joh. Byrkhed xiij\ iiij^ Fr. Th. Mars xiij*. iiij^ Fr. Ric. Hornsey xiij". iiij'*. Fr. Rob. Lowthrope xiij'. iiij"*. Fr. Joh. Cawoode Fr. Rob. Bowtham Fr. Joh. Clyfton Novicii. Fr. Joh. Grason Fr. Jac. FuUthrope Fr. Rog. Nelsson xnf. mj^ xiij\ iiij^ xiij^ iiij''. x^J^ nij^ xiij% iiij^ xiij\ iiij^ Capita xxxii et dim. 1 Thirty-two persons and a half, sounds strangely. There are thirty-three persons in tho list, including the Prior, hut one of them, Fr. Petrus, (Stanley) receives nothing. The allowance therefore is granted to thirty-two. But the Prior's allowance is xx», which exceeds xiij^ iiij'^. received by the others, by one half. The sura accounted for by Th. Singleton is equal therefore to thirty-two allowances of xiij^ iiij''. each and one half. 11 SoLUCiONES AD EXTRA. Et in liberis firmis solutis, viz., Receptoribus Monasterii pro officio : Granatori iiij'. et Magistro Maneriorum xli'. xj"*. Sacriste xiiij'. x''. Elemosinario vj*. viij*^. Magistro parvecommunie^ x\ Heredibus Domini Fythught^ xij**. Phylippo Sewell \\ Priori de Wotton^ vj'. Magistro Chris- tofero Danby xvij'. Edmundo Dalton v**. Bursario Monasterii xij'. viij**. Elemosinario Monasterii pro Anniversariis parentum nostrorum* vj**. et Forestariis de Galtres ad manus Will. Emerson ij'. Infirmario vj\ vj''. Summa vj'*. viij*. vj**. Gustos Anniversariorum.^ Et in expensis factis in Anni- versario Rob. Bullock ut patet per billam huic compoto an- nexam xxvij'. viij*^. Et in pecunia soluta in Anniversario Dom. Job. Lewlyng, viz., Dom. Abbati xx'^. Priori Monasterii xvj*^. Precentori^ xij**. et xxxvij Confratribus, quolibet capiente vj*^ xxij'. ij**. Et in pecunia soluta confratribus ad altare Si Rumbaldi'^ tri- bus diebus septimane per annum integrum qualibet septimana ad * In every Monastery there was a Domus Communis or Common House, a sitting Room, in wMcli the monks assembled when not engaged in study or devotion. The remains of such a room were discovered in the excavations of the Monastery of St. Mary, York, and the fire-place belonging to that room is still to be seen, as it was found, in the lower part of the Museum. It appears to have been a large and splendid room. "VVe Icam from this entry that there was another room of the same description, but smaller, and imder the care of its own officer. 2 For Fitzhugh. The Fitzhughs were Lords of Ravensworth in Richmondshire, where they flourished from the time of Edw, III. to that of Hen. VIII. Clarkson's Hist, of Richmond, p. 55. ^ "Watton in Holdemess : Vetadun of Bede : probably the most ancient religious house in Yorkshire : foimded about 686, as a Convent of Benedictine nuns. Having been destroyed in the Danish invasions, it was refoimded, as a GUbertine Priory, by Eustachius Fitz-John, about 1150. ^ Anniversaria, were yearly obits, or solemn services for the dead. It is very doubtful for whom the rites here referred to were performed ; whether for the parents of the Accountant only, or for those of all the brethren. ^ The officer of the Monastery under whose superintendence these annual rites were performed, and whose charges are here accounted for. 6 Nic. Bumyshton, as appears from one of the bills annexed to the Compotus. ' More properly Romaldi. This Saint was born at Ravenna, about the middle of the tenth century, and was founder of the order of Camaldolites. 12 vj*^., pro anima dicti Johannis, iit patet per billam liuic compoto annexam^ xxvj*. Et in Anniversario Dom. Will. Seuos^ nuper EpiscopiDunelm. et ejusdem parentum, ut patet per billam huic compoto an- nexam xx'. viij**. Et in pecunia soluta in Anniversario Dom. Will. Lambert Magistri Collegii,^ viz., Dom. Abbati iij'. iiij*^. Priori Monasterii xx*^. et xxxviij Confratribus quolibet capiente xij*^. ut patet per billam huic compoto annexam xliij*. Et in elemosina data pauperibus eodem die xiij'. Et in pane de lez Mayne ij". et in vino \\ dato Dom. Abbati et conventui vij*. Summa vij". xix\ vj**. ViNUM CUM PANE. Et solutis Magistro parve Communie pro XX diebus vini, viz., In Festis Omnium Sanctorum : Sancti Bege : Sancti Martini : Conceptionis Beate Marie : Nativitatis Domini: Sancti Stephani: Circumcisionis Domini : Pasche: As- cencionis Domini : Corporis Christi : Sancti Vincencii nuper incepti :* Sancte Anne : tertio die Assumpcionis Beate Marie : 1 This reference to a bill at the end of the Compotus is a mistake, probably of the scribe employed by Th. Singleton ; it belongs to the preceding entry. - Severus, {Godwin De Prcesul.) His name is written in various ways. He was Abbot of St. Mary's from 1464 to 1502. In 1496 he was elected Bishop of Carlisle, and by a special Indulgence from the Pope held his Abbey in commendam. He was at the same time made "Warden of Merton College, Oxford, and Provost of Eton ; but being chosen Bishop of Durham in 1502 he vacated his Abbacy and went to Durham. He held that See about 2 years, dying in the year 1505. Gent says he was buried in the Abbey over which he had presided. 3 This no doubt was "Wm. Lambert, Clerk, Master of the CoUege of Glayndorp, and Vicar of the Parish Church of Gayneford in the Bishopric of Durham, who made his will May 28th, 1480, and directed his body to be buried within the Monas- tery of St. Mary, York, before the altar of St. Nicholas, and against the tomb of Wm. Stavcley, late fellow monk there. His will was proved Nov. 23, 1485. Torre, Regist.-Test. Arch. Tho. Rotherham^ 253. ^ Vincent Ferrier, a Dominican Friar, born at Valencia in Spain, in 1357. At the desire of Hen. VI. he preached as a Missionary in the chief towns of England, Scotland, and Ireland. He died in 1419, and was canonized in 1455 ; but the Bull was not published till 1458, seventy years before the writing of this Compotus. He is therefore said to be ' nuper inceptus.' Three other Vincents appear in the Kalendar of Saints. 13 Anniversariis Abbatum, viz.. Job. Cotyngbam,^ Tbome Molton,^ Alani Nesse,^ Tbome Spoffurtb/ Tbome Wratbell/^ Jobannis Gyllyng/ E-icardi Growsse v". Et in pane de lez Mayne dato in Anniversario Domini Tbome Spoffortb, et in die Sancte Anne quolibet die ij* iiij". Summa V'. iiij". Stipendia famulorxjm. Et in stipendio famulorum, viz., Ric! Symson servientis officii^ pro termino Pascbe et Micbaelis x?. Et in precio unius paris ocrearum dati eidem ex consuetu- dine pro officio camerarii vj*. Et in stipendio Antonii Wynzett viij". Magistri Scissorum*^ pro termino Pascbe et Micbaelis infra tempus compoti cum con- vencione^ facta cum eodem in grosso pro campanagio ^'^ xxx". iiij''. etliberatura^^ v*. quam solebat babere in Refectorio . . xliij". iiij**. Et pro filo albo et nigro empto per eundem boc anno . . viij'. Et in stipendio Jobannis Wynzett pelliparii^^ a festo Micbaelis usque festum Pascbe cum companagio etc. ut supra xx". I Jolm Cotyngham was chosen Abbot in 1438, having been Prior of the Monas- tery. -He died in 1464. ■2 Or Thomas de Molton, a Monk of St. Mary's, elected Abbot in June 1331. He died in 1359. 3 A Monk of St. Mary's, the immediate predecessor of Thomas de Molton in the Abbacy, which he held from 1313 to 1331. ■* Or Spofforth. Having been Abbot of St. Mary's from the year 1405, he was chosen in 1422 Bishop of Hereford. He voluntarily abdicated that See after he had held it 26 years. He was one of the Ambassadors sent by Hen. V. to the Council of Constance. 5 Or Thomas de WarthiU, elected in 1244, died 1258. 6 John de Gyllyng, first a Monk of St. Mary's, then Prior of the Cell of "Wetherall, and elected Abbot of St. Mary's in 1303. He died in 1313. 7 The Accountant's own servant, who assisted him in the duties of his office. ^ Master of the tailors. 9 " Cum convencione" must here mean, '■according to agreement.' *o Campanagium (or as it should be uniformly written,) 'companagium' signifies, ' all kinds of food eaten with bread.' II Liberatura, whence our word 'livery,' generally denotes ' cloth delivered to servants and retainers as part of their wages,' but the word is also used, as in this instance, in a more extended sense, implying whatever was delivered to persons so situated, whether clothing or food, in part of payment. {JRaine) A. "Wynzett received for his wages 43*. 4^*. of which 8^ were paid in money; the rest, according to agreement, in food, a portion of which was supplied in the Refectory. 12 The skinner. 14 Et in stipendio Chiistoferi Pyke servientis in Saitrina pro termino Pasche et Michaelis cum campanagio etc. ut su- pra xxvj". viij**. Et stipendio Will. Sperling servientis ibidem pro eisdem terminis ut supra xxvj'. viij**. Et in stipendio sutoris cum oleo per eundem empto, ut in annis precedentibus, ut supra xx'. Et in stipendio dato eidem pro coloracione ocrearum confra- trum iij*. iiij*^. Et in stipendio communis lotricis^ pro termino Pasche et Michaelis xij'. Summa x". ij*. Expense circa lampades in dormitorio. Et in xxvij lagenis Olei emptis de Roberto Marchall precium lagene xij**. infra tempus compoti xxvij*. Et in V lagenis emptis de Magistro Shaw precium lagene xij*^. infra tempus compoti \\ Et in V lampadibus x*^. cum cirpis ^ ij*^. emptis infra tempus compoti . . . . , xij"*. Et in stipendio fratris Ric. Hornsay custodis lampadarum in dormitorio iij'. iiij''. Summa xxxvj*. iiij**. ExPENSiE CIRCA LEVACIONEM PECTJNIARUM.^ Et in CXpCUsis dicti computantis et servientis officii circa levacionem pecunie in Comitatibus Lincoln et Rychmund et Ebor. infra tempus compoti xxiiij". Summa patet. ExPENSiE IN STABULO CUM EERRURA EQUORUM.* Et Solutis Johanni Wylson de Eboraco pro adjuvamine unius celle^ diversis vicibus ij'. iij**. Et solutis eidem pro duobus paribus * The waslier- woman. She had little or nothing else to wash, but napery and towels. No linen was worn by the brethren. " They had no sheets to their beds," says Whitaker, "nor shirts to their backs." 2 Cirpis (scirpis) rushes, used for wicks. ^ The collecting of money. ^ The shoeing of horses. ^ For the repairing of a saddle (sellse). 15 stancilium* xj**. cum una postella^ ij**. et uno pari stancellelorum ^ (jsic) cum una antela^ iij**. et duobus paribus singulorum* vj'*. et pro uno freno ix*^. empto infra tempus compoti v'. mf. Et in ferrura equorum cum remocionibus infra tempus scripti , . iiij*. Et in pane equino^ cum aveno (sic) et fabis infra tempus compoti , xij**. Et in falcatione unius acri feni vj'*., cum factura vj'*. et carriagio feni ab Hurtbuk^ versus monasterium Vf. infra tempus compoti xviij**. Summa xij'. i**. Empcio clavorum. Et solutis pro v m^ double spykyngs emptis de Job. Jacson precium m^ ij'. y^^., infra tempus com- poti xij% vj'^. Et in viij m'. syngle spykyngs emptis de eodem, precium m^ xxiij** xij*. Et in viij m^ Stanbrode emptis de eodem^ precium m'. xij*^ viij*. Et in vj m^ Scotseme emptis de Willelmo Jacson precium m^ xij*^ vj'. Et in c. sbarplyngs emptis de Will. Jacson, precium . , c. x**. Et in solutis pro iiij m. lattbrode emptis de eodem Williel- mo^ ., iiij'. Summa xliij'. iiij**. EmCIO SeRRARUM et CLAVIUM^ cum LIGATURIS ET JUNCTURIS.^ * Bis. It is not known what these articles of horse furniture were. 2 Probably, a crupper. ^ }^ breast-band or breast-girth. •* For * cingulorum,' girths. ^ Probably, bran. ^ In the Registrum Maria;, it is stated that "John de Gylling, parson of Smyghton" (Great Smeeton) "demised and released eleven messuages and ten acres of land in Bootham, and 12 acres of land and one of meadow in a place called Hurtebuke." This may have been the acre, the mowing of which, with the making and carrying of the hay, is here accounted for. In what part of Clifton Hurtbuk was, is not known. 7 Spykyngs, sharpljmgs, scotseme and lattbrode, were different kinds of nails ; the last being used, as the name implies, in nailing laths. Stanbrode were slate- pins, and generally made of the leg-bones of sheep. * Locks and Keys. ^ It is uncertain what these articles were, G 16 Et solutis Johanni Magham fabro pro tribus seris cum clavibus, precium unius cum clave v**. infra tempus compoti xv**. Et solutis Johanni Brampton fabro pro quatuor seris cum clavibus precium unius cum clavo v**. infra idem tempus , . xx**. Et solutis Thome Sperlyng fabro pro tribus seris cum clavibus precium unius cum clavo v*^. infra predictum tempus .... xv**. Et solutis Johanni Magham fabro pro vj paribus juncturarum precium unius paris iiij'^. et pro v parar^ (sic) ligaturarum, pre- cium unius iiij*^. infra tempus compoti iij*. ij^ Et solutis Johanni Bramton fabro pro quatuor paribus junc- turarum precium unius iij**. Et pro vj paribus ligaturarum precium unius paris iiij**. et pro viij paribus lez hespis et stapilis precium unius j*^. infra tempus compoti iij'. viij**. Summa xj\ Empcio lattarum cum factura earundem. Et solutis Johanni Snaw de Eskryke pro laceratione ij m'. lattarum iij'. cum carriagio a Dyghton^ usque Monasterium xvj*^ infra tempus compoti iiij'. Summa patet. Sarracio meremii^ cum carriagio. Et solutis Johanni Johnson de Dyghton scindicione duorum lignorum iiij**. Et solutis Christofero Falle pro sarracione duorum ligno- rum vj**. Et solutis Johanni Jakson et Jacobo Gelstrope de Fulforth pro carriagio quatuor carrectorum lignorum a Dyghton versus Monasterium ij*- x**. Summa iij*. viij**. Empcio calcis et plausture cum carriagio terre et SABULi. Et solutis Will? Newton pro duobus lez buschells plausture infra tempus compoti vj^. 1 "Wrongly written for * paribus.' 2 DeigMon, near Eskrick. Here the Abbot bad a mansion. Tbe mansion has long since disappeared and given place to a farmhouse, exhibiting within some interesting memorials of the age of James I., but the house is of a much more recent date. The moat that surrounded the Abbot's mansion remains nearly entire. 3 Building timber. The term is here applied to two trees, the felling and the sawing of which cost 10 pence. 17 Et solutis uxori Magistri Thome Langton pro duobus carrectis calcis v'. iiij*^. emptis de eadem cum carriagio XYJ**. a Skeldergait versus Monasterium vj'. viij'^. Et solutis Ric? Newton pro carriagio xl carrectarum terre ct sabuli ad diversa tenementa precium carrecti ij**. infra dictum tempus vj\ viij*^. Summa xiij'. x'^. Empcio tegularum.^ Et solutis Will? Nawton pro ij*' tegulis emptis de eodem infra tempus compoti , , vj*. Summa patet. Eeparaciones infra Monasterium. Et solutis Thome Day pro Carpentaria super sartrinam in factura unius hostie ^ et tres fenestre (sic) per unum diem capiens vj** vj**. Et solutis Thome Cuke dalbanti^ super stabulum officii* per unum diem et dimidium capiens per diem iiij*^ vj**. Et solutis Th. Day pro Carpentaria in stabulo officii pro adjuvamine unius lez Bay^ et aliis necessariis in eodem stabulo per unum diem vj*^. Et solutis eidem Th. pro Carpentaria in hospicio ex precepto Dom. Abbatis^ vj^ Summa ij*. Reparaciones in vico St? Marie. Et solutis Will? Nawton tegulanti super domum Relicte Alexandri Thomson per duos dies capiens per diem pro se et servo x*^ xx*^. Et solutis Th. Day pro Carpentaria super domum ejusdem relicte Alexandri per unum diem et dimidium capiens per diem vj^ ix"^. ^ Tiles. "By tiles, observes Mr. Raine, must be understood, at that period (the beginning of the 16th century), in the north of England, slates." — Glossary to the Durham Book. But most probably the tiles purchased of "Wm. Nawton, were manufactured of clay. 2 For * unius ostii,' one door. ^ Plastering. * The stable belonging to the office of the Chamberlain. ^ Qne of the stalls. ^ The repairs of the hospitium, not regularly belonging, perhaps, to the depart- ment of the Chamberlain. c2 18 Et solutis eidem Th. pro Carpentaria in factura unius liostie et duo fenestre (sic) in domo Christoferi Pyk, per unum diem capiens vj*^. vj*^. Et solutis Johanni Anson pro Carpentaria super domum Th. Clark per duos dies, capiens per diem vj** xij'^. Et solutis Th. Cuke dalbanti super domum Th. Clark per unum diem et dimidium capiens per diem iiij** vj*^. Et solutis Joanni Anson pro Carpentaria super domum Antonii Lambe per unum diem et dimidium capiens per diem vj'*. . . ix*^. Et solutis Th. Cuke dalbanti super domum predicti Antonii per unum diem et dimidium, capiens per diem iiij"^ vj*^. Summa v*. ix*^. Eeparaciones in Bowtham. Et solutis Will^ Nawton tegu- lanti super domum Ricl Dyatson per quatuor dies pro se et servo capiens per diem vj'' ij*. Et solutis eidem tegulanti super domum Elene Millner per unum diem capiens per diem pro se et servo x'*. Et solutis Thome Cuyke dalbanti super domum relicte Nicholei Drawswarde per unum diem et dimidium, capiens per diem iiij'' vj**. Summa iij*. iiij*^. Reparaciones in Gyllygait. Et solutis Johanni Anson pro Carpentaria super domum Ricardi Shapman per duos dies capiens per diem vj** xij'*. Et solutis Thome Glover dalbanti super duos domos Ric. Shapman per grossum vj**. Et solutis Will? Nawton tegulanti super duos domos ejusdem Ricardi per unum diem et dimidium capiens per diem pro se et servo x'^ xv*^. Et solutis eidem tegulanti super ij°'. domos vacuos per unum diem pro se et servo x**. Summa iij'. viij*^. Reparaciones in Clyfton. Et solutis Johanni Anson pro Carpentaria super domum Ric. Skypsy per unum diem capiens per diem vj**. 19 Et solutis Ric? Skypsy dalbanti super eundem domum per unum diem iiij'*. Summa x^ Expense minute. In primis. In una tunica data compu- tanti ex consuetudine pro labore vj'. viij*^. Et in renovacione cerearum coram ymaginibus Sancte Trini- tatis ij". vij'*. ob. : Sancte Bege ij". iiij*^. et Sancte Ursule xvij*^. ob vj'. v**. Et in cera empta pro sigillo commune infra tempus compoti ij'. Et in expensis factis circa O Oriens/ ut patet per billam huic compoti (sic) annexam xvj'. ob. Et in ix ulnis panni linei emptis pro manutergiis in claustro^ precium ulnge v*^ iij'. ix**. Et in fimbracione earundem per relictam Henrici Thomson vj**. Et in regardis^ datis confratribus Seneschallis Quadragesime * ex consuetudine . . ^ vj'*. Et solutis Magistro Mansell pro acquisicione j lez Whytwortt^ cum solucione facta Th. Watton de Sowtbfereby in Comitatu Lincoln iiij*. pro expensis apud Vicem Comitem Lincoln et pro acquisicione et copia unius lez Wort cum littera attornatus viij\ Et in solucione facta pro uno equo empto de fratre Will? Couerdale pro officio^ xij'. 1 On tlic day of Oriens, the 21st of December, and so called from the beginning of the Antiphon which was sung in the appointed service of that day. " Oriens splendor lucis etema3, et sol justitise, veni et illumina sedentes in tcnebris et umbra mortis !" How beautifully appropriate to the shortest day in the year, and to the season then so near, commemorative of the birth of Him who was " the light of the world!" 2 In the cloister, it is probable, where the common lavatory was usually placed. 3 Presents of money ; rewards. ^ The priests engaged in the performance of certain religious offices during the forty days preceding the festival of Easter. 5 Whytwortt or whytword. This very uncommon word most probably means, * an acquittance' corresponding with 'whittance' which not imfrequently is met with in that sense. In mediaeval orthography, w or wh, is often used for qu. To what matters this acquittance related cannot be ascertained. The obtaining of this whytwortt appears to have been attended with some trouble and expence : the charge being not less than that in the next entry, for the purchase of a horse. '' For the use of the accoimtant in the discharge of his duties. 20 Et in pergameno papiro et encausto pro isto compoto libri officii indenturarum acquietancium, et aliis necessariis. Et pro scrip tura hujus compoti et libri officii ij". Et in pane de lez Mayne et vino datis auditoribus ad clausuram hujus compoti , yj'. Summa Ixiij'. x**. ob. Allocaciones^ in Fysshergait. Et dictus computans petit allocari de ij'. de decasu^ unius tenementi in Fyshergait quia in manu Domini per dimidium anni. Summa patet. Vicus Sancte Marie. Et de vj'. viij**. de decasu^ unius tenementi in tenura Johannis Tyndal nuper xxvj'. viij**. modo sibi dimissi ad xx*. Et de \\ de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Th. Cuyk nuper viij". modo vj*. et in manu Domini per dimidium anni. Et de xviij*^. de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Will. Curtes ad vj". quia in manu Domini per quarterium. Et de xj'. de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Thome Clark quia in manu Domini per annum. Et de ij'. decasu unius tenementi in tenura Mercialis Morland nuper ad viij*. modo vj*. Et de iiij'. de decasu unius tenementi nuper in tenura E-elicte Symonis et E-elicte Whytt, quia in manu Domini per annum. Et de y\ de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Johannis Person quia in manu Domini per annum. Et de v'. de decasu unius tenementi olim in tenura Johannis Alanson quia in manu Domini per annum. Et de iij". iiij"*. de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Thome Bawton nuper vj". modo ij". viij**. 1 Allowances in the account of certain sums remitted to the tenants of the monastery and others. 2 'Decasus' means here, a falling off of the rent. The tenement in Fishergate had heen " in manu domini," in the hand of the Lord Abbot, i. e. untenanted, for half a year ; the accountant therefore claims an allowance in his account of two shillings. 3 Here 'decasus' means, an allowance to the tenant ; an abatement of the rent. 21 Et de ij% vj''. de decasu unius tenement! in tenura Relicte Alex. Thomson, nuper iiij'. modo iij et in manu Domini per dimidium anni. Et de xvj'^. de decasu unius tenement! in tenura Ric! Hesslyn- ton nuper xiij*. iiij"^. modo xij^. Et de iiij% viij**. de decasu unius tenement! in tenura Rid Sym- son olim xvj*. viij*^. et duo tenementa modo unum et ad xij% Summa Ij'. BowTHOWM. Et de iij'. iiij*^. de decasu unius tenement! in tenura Job. Plumber nuper \\ modo iij'. iiij'^. et in manu Domini pro dimidio anni. Et de ij% de decasu unius tenement! in tenura Anton!! Wynzett nuper x\ modo viij'. Et de \\ de decasu unius tenement! in tenura Relicte Rici Manser quia in manu Domini per annum. Et de v*. de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Th. Glover quia in manu Domini per annum. Et de iiij'. de decasu unius tenementi nuper in tenura Johannis Loft ut patet per rentale, modo Infirmarius tenet. Et de xx*^. de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Relicte Harpham quia in manu Domini per dimidium anni, et ad iij'. iiij"^. per annum. Et de vj'. de decasu unius tenementi nuper in tenura Johannis Wryght, quia in manu Domini per annum. Et de vj'. de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Rob*' Sothrone quia nuper ad xx'. per annum, modo ei allocatur ei (sic) pro omnibus reparacionibus per ipsum faciendis vj'. Et de vij'. decasu quinque cotagiorum in venella^ Burss, olim omnes quinque per annum ad x'. iiij*^. modo dimissa ad Dominum Thomam Subthrope capellanum pro vj'. viij**. quia stabit omnibus reparacionibus, et in manu Domini per dimid. anni. Et de iiij*. de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Ric! Jakson nuper xij*. modo viij'. quia stabit omnibus reparacionibus. Et de vj'. iiij'*. de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Elene 1 The lane. Venell is still used in this sense in Scotland. No traces of the lane Burss in York now remain. 22 Millner niiper viij% modo iij'. iiij'*. quia in manu Domini per dimidium anni. Summa 1". iiij*^. Gtllygait. Et de xxiiij*. de decasu x cotagiorum in Gylly- gaitt quia in manu Domini per annum preteritum \\ viij*^. Summa patet. Clyfton. Et de viij*^. de decasu unius clausi in Clyfton "wocati (sic) Craknok in tenura Ric! Diatson quia stabit ad omnes reparaciones sibi dimissi per indenturam pro ix annis hoc anno secundo. Et de iiij'. de decasu unius acri prati in Hurtbuk quia intra- tur ad commodum officii.^ Et de vj% viij*^. de decasu unius tenementi in tenura Th. Lazynby sic sibi dimissi per indenturam quia stabit omnibus reparacionibus. Et de v'. de decasu unius cottagii in tenura Ric'. Skypsy quia in manu Domini per annum. Et de iiij'. vj*^. de decasu unius cottagii nunc in tenura RobV Lewys quia in manu Dom! per iij quarteria et ad vj*. per annum. Summa xx'. x**. FuLFFURTHE. Et de \\ de decasu unius tenementi in Ful- furthe in tenura Relicte Berwyk xxxv\ modo xxx% sic sibi dimissi pro ix annis per indenturam hoc anno nono. Summa patet. HuDSWELL. Et de iiij'. viij*^. de decasu unius tenementi in Hudswell in tenura Henrici Nicolson sic sibi dimissi per inden- turam pro ix annis quia stabit ad omnes reparaciones. Summa patet. Lyncoln. Et de xvj\ de decasu unius tenementi in Lincoln nuper xj'. modo ix*. viij**. sic sibi dimissi per indenturam hoc anno octavo. Summa patet. 1 It had been let for four shillings, but was now appropriated to the use of the Chamberlain's department. 23 Et de ij'. de decasu unius libere firme in Bekfeld pro quatuor annis per annum vj**. de Priore de Markby ^ in comitatu Lyncoln quia non soluti pro xx annis et ultra. RowMBRUGHT. Et de vj'. viij'*. de decasu Celle de Rowm- brught pro vino in die Pentecostes.^ Summa patet. Et de xx'. de decasu unius pencionis ecclesie de Myddleton Tyas pro vino in quarto die infra octavas assumpcionis Beate Mare (sic) viz. pro anno vj°., vij"*. et ix"*. quia male est dispositus^ et non vult solvere. Et de ij'. de decasu per personam Poille/ qui solebat dare pro pane de lez mayne in quarto die infra octavas assumpcionis Beate Marie et nunc denegat. Et de xx'. solutis Domino Abbati in modum subsidii ad pinciones^ magni altaris. Summa xlij*. Summa omnium expensarum et allocacionum, vjiiij". j**. ob. Et sic debet super hunc compotum, xij'. v*^. ' Near Alford. Here was a Priory of Augustinian Canons, founded by Ealph Fitz Gilbert to the honour of St. Peter, about the end of the xith century. The Prior appears to have held a farm in Bekfeld in Lincolnshire under the Abbot of St. Mary's, and to have been a bad tenant. 2 This, which was probably a customary payment, had not been received by the accountant in consequence of the suppression of the Priory in the preceding year. Eomburgh was one of five of the smaller monasteries, for the suppression of which Cardinal Wolsey obtained a grant from Pope Clement VII., in order to found a College at Oxford, and another at Ipswich. The Bull of the Pope is dated Prid Id. Maii, (the 14th of May,) 1528 ; and on the 11th of September following, the oflicers of the Cardinal took possession of the Priory. On the 20th of that month, the Abbot of St. Mary's, Edmund Whalloy, addressed a letter to the Cardinal, deprecating the suppression of the Pnory which had been granted to the Abbey by one of its earliest founders and benefactors ; entreating that "yt might consiste and abyde as a membre to oure monastery, as yt haith done this thre hundred yeres and more," and offering, if his suit were granted, three hundred " markes sterlinge" towards the erection and foundation of the intended college at Ipswich. But his grace's "most bownden bedeman" sued in vain. — See ^Letters relating to the Suppression of Monasteries,' published by the Camden Society. 3 This ill-disposed person was the Vicar. See p. 6. 4 The parson of one of the churches belonging to the monastery. 5 The word is uncertain, being very badly wiitten ; if it be thus rightly represented, it denotes, probably, some ornamental paintings. D 24 The Bills referred to in the Compotus, written on coarse paper, and attached to the end of the roll. BiLLA Anniversarii Magistri Collegii/ facta per Fra- TREM ThOMAM SyNGLETON MaGISTRTJM COMMUNIE SpECIERUM. Anno Dominini M?D?XXIX? Ex PARTE AbBATIS. Dns Abbas iij'. iiij'^. Fr. John Rypley Fr. Th. Byrdlyngton Fr. Ric. Sherburne Fr. Nicol. Burnyshton Fr. Will. Walton Fr. Rob. Paddy Fr. Will. Cokermouth Fr. Joh. Lawson Fr. Will. Hapton Fr. Rad. Hartley Fr. Nic. Newell Fr. Will. Fyley Fr. Joh. Cawood Fr. Th. Eshe Fr. Edm. Metcalf Fr. Nicol. Cowper Fr. Th. Richmund Fr. Joh. Gain Ex PARTE PrIORIS. Dns Prior xij^^ Fr. Will. Forest Fr. Th. Staveley Fr. Will. Burton Fr. Th. Syngleton Fr. Will. Couerdaill Fr. Joh. Poole Fr. Joh. Whytt Fr. Guido Oswoldkyrke Fr. Pet. Stanley Fr. Joh. York Fr. Joh. Byrkhed Fr. Th. Marss Fr. Ric. Hornsey Fr. Rob. Lowthrope Fr. Joh. Whytfeld Fr. Rob. Bowtham Fr. Joh. Clyfton Fr. Joh. Grayson Fr. Jac. Fiilthrope Fr. Rog. Nelson Capita xl. Quolibet fratre capiente xij*'. Summa xliij'. Et in pane de lez Mayne et vino datis Domino Abbati et conventui vij% Et in elemosyna data pauperibus eodem die xiij*. Summa xx'. Summa totalis Ixiij'. ' Wm. Lambert. See p. 12. 2 An error of the scribe : it shoiild be xx'* Ibid. 25 BiLLA Anniversarii Roberti Bulloke et uxoris ejus FACTA PER Fratrem Thomam Syngleton Magistrum Com- munie Specierum. Anno Dom! M?D?XXIX? In primis. In claris pecuniis datis Dno Abbati iiij\ Et in uno capone empto pro ferculo Prioris vj*^. Et in ix lez limys welP emptis pro Priore et confratribus ij*. iij**. Et in ij lez costes^ well emptis pro lez bukeray^ vj**. Et in ix lez brestes moton ij*. iij*^. Et in ij lez moton* vj**. cum duobus libris suet ij*^ viij**. Et in pist^ aque dulcis v*^. Et in ovis vj*^. et in butiro v**. et in una lagena^ mollis xv**. et in una libra piperis ij'. et in croco'^ vj'*. et in una libra powdere de annas^ iiij**. et in cinamone v*^. et in gynger iiij^. et in masse® et cloffe^^ iiij**. et in suger iij*^ vj*. j**. Et in i libra lez sanders ^^ ij*. Et in una lagena vini rubei pro lez leche Lumbart^^ . . xij**. Et in pane lez mayne et vino datis Dno Abbati et confra- tribus vij**. Et in uno quarterio^^ vini dati coko pro labore suo ^ . . . iij**. Summa xxvij*. viij"*. * Joints or legs of veal. ^ Sides or loins of veal. ^ The meaning of this word has not been ascertained, * Two sheep ; but the price seems to warrant the suspicion that some portions or joints of a sheep are meant. ^ The word is imcertain, being ill written. It is probably intended for 'pisce' ; and piscis dulcis aquse, means some fresh water, or river-fish. ^ A gallon. ' Saffron. ^ Aniseeds pounded or ground. 9 Mace. 10 Cloves. " Sandalwood; the wood of the Pterocarpus Santalinus, a native of the East Indies. It appears to have been used in colouring jellies, and other articles of confectionary. 12 Some kind of sweetmeat, generally perhaps some kind of jeUy : but sometimes consisting partly of jelly and partly of pastry, and formed into some 'suttletie' or device. "We meet with it in the bills of fare at various great festivities, forming a portion of almost every course. See the accounts of the Installations of Abp. Nevill and Abp. "Warham, Leland^s Collect. Vol. VI. This viand was distinguished by various appellations, as leche Lumbart, Cypres, Damaske, Florentine, Gramor, comfort. See Prompt. Parvul, in verb. " A quarter of a gallon. d2 26 BiLLA Anniversarii Domini Johannis Lewling facta PER Fratrem Thomam Syngleton Magistrum Communie Specierum. Anno Dni. M? D? XXIX? XIJ" Ex parte Abbatis. Ex PARTE PrIORIS. Dominus Abbas xx"^. Dominus Prior Fr. Job. Rypley Fr. Will. Forest Fr. Tb. Byrdlyngton Fr. Tb. Staveley Fr. Ric. Sberburne Fr. Will. Burton Fr.Nic.Burny sbton^Cantor xij''. Fr. Tb. Syngleton Fr. Will. Walton Fr. Will. CouerdaiUe Fr. Rob. Paddy Fr. Job. Poole Fr. Will. Cokermoutb Fr. Job. Wbyte Fr. Job. Lawson Fr. Guido. Oswoldkyrke Fr. Will. Hapton Fr. Pet. Stanley Fr. Rad. Hartley Fr. Job. Yorke Fr. Ric. Newell Fr. Job. Byrkbed Fr. Will. Fyley Fr. Tb. Marss Fr. Job. Cawood Fr. Ric. Hornsey Fr. Tb. Esbe Fr. Rob. Lowtbrope Fr. Edm. Metcalf Fr. Job. Wbytfeld Fr. Nic. Cowper Fr. Rob. Bowtbam Fr. Tb. Ricbmund Fr. Job. Clyfton Fr. Job. Gaill Fr. Job. Grayson Fr. Jac. Fulthrope Fr. Rog. Nelson Summa a ipitum xl. Quolibet frati •e capiente vj**. Summa xxij". ij'^. BiLLA EXPENSARUM FACTA PER FrATREM ThOMAM SiNGLE- TON Magistrum Communie Specierum in Anniversario Domini Will! Seuos^ Episcopi Dunelm. et parentum ejus. Anno Domini M?D?XXIX? In primis. In clara pecunia data Domino Abbati . , iij'. iiij'^. Et in duobus et dimidio agnellorum^ emptis pro Priore et Conventu iij'. x''. See p. 12. 2 Young lambs. 27 Et in ix lez brestes well, empt. cum duobus libris lez suet, ij**. . ij*- V"*. Et in uno capone pro ferculo Prioris vj^. Et in lez sawcesters^ v*^. Et in j quarterio piperis vj*^. et in croco v'^. et in dimidio librae small raysins^ ij''. et in dimidio librae great raysins ij'^. et in melle iiij**. ob xix*^. ob. Et in vino dato Domino Abbati et Conventui v '. Et datis Sacriste propter oblacionem xij**. Et datis Sacriste pro luminibus tempore Misse viij**. Et datis xiij pauperibus orantibus tempore Misse .... xiij**. Summa xx". viij*^. BiLLA EXPENSARUM FACTA PER FrATREM ThOMAM SiNGLE- TON Magistrum Communie Specierum circa O Oriens.^ Anno Domini M? D? XXIX? In primis datis Dno Abbati in clara pecunia iij'. iiij**. Et in turbot empto pro ferculo Prioris vj*^. Et in j lez pykrell* empt xij'*. Et in V les stykes anguillarum-^ xx**. Et in Ix lez rochys xv**. Et in ovis vj**. et in butiro ij**. et in melle iiij** xij**. Et in pipere vj**. et in croco iiij**. ob. et in j libra small raysins iiij**. et in melle ij*^. et in lacte ij*^. et in dimidio librae great raysins iij**. ob ij'- ij'*- Et in vino dato Dompno Priori et Conventui ut patet per librum Magistri vini^ xxij**. Summa xvj'. ob. 1 Probably sausages. ^ Ciirrants. ^ See p. 19. 4 A young pyke. ^ Of eels. A styke consisted of 25 eels; and 10 stykes formed *a bynde.' — Spehnan's Glossary. 6 The CeUarer. 28 Written on the hack of the roll. Nomina non solventium. In primis, Gustos maneriorum pro pensione ecclesie de Hom- sey pro anno viij°. et nono x". Executores Doctoris Melton pro porcione in Medleton et Melmerby anno nono iij'. iiij'*. Vicus Sancte Marie. Johannes Stalker in vico Sancte Marie pro firma Pentecostes anno ix** iiij'. Johannes Sanderson pro termino Pentecostes anno ix°. . . ij*. Rowland Hampschaw pro termino Pentecostes anno ix"*. . . ij'. E-elicta Alexandri Thompson pro termine Pentecostes anno ix** xviij**. Relicta Will! Butterwicke pro termino Pentecostes anno ix° iij'. iiij*'. Ricardus Heslyngton pro termino Pentecostes anno ix*". , . ij*. BowTHAM. E-elicta Drawswerd pro termino Pentecostes anno ix"* ij*. vj'*. E-elicta Brown pro termino Pentecostes anno ix" xx*^. Eelicta Esterby pro termino Michaelis anno ix° xij**. Eelicta Wyethawse pro termino Pentecostes anno ix°. . . xij**. Johannes Handley pro Pentecoste iij\ vj*^. Johannes Anderson pro duobus annis xiij". iiij'*. Johannes Hakbarow pro termino Pentecostes anno ix°. . . x?. Elena Mylner pro termino Pentecostes anno ix*" xx''. Gelygayte. Will" Yettes in Geligaytt pro termino Michaelis anno ix° xij'^. Johannes Lyemburner pro termino Michaelis anno ix°. . . xij*^. Will? Syngleton pro termino Michaelis anno ix** viij*^. Clyfton. Eici Dyatson pro una clausura vocata Crakenuyke pro anno integro ad terminum Michaelis ij*. Eicardus Jakson pro columbina pro termino Michaelis anno ix° v'. Johannes Mawman de Thornton pro termino Pentecostes anno ix" viij'. iij'^. 29 Relicta Johamiis Forde pro anno integro pro terris in Butter- crambe iiij'. vj''. Myton. W? Wodward de My ton pro termino Pentecostes anno ix° , ix'. Thomas Poolter pro termino Michaelis anno viij°. y\ Schays pro termino Pentecostes a", ix". v' x% Relicta Wodward pro termino Pentecostes anno ix°. , . ij\ iij**. Johannes Rawson de Dufforth pro termino Pentecostes anno ix** \\ Rio. Clarke deElyngthrope pro termino Pentecostes a"*, ix**. xx*. Dominus Henricus Blissing capellanus pro terris in E-avens- wath pro anno integro ix*. viij**. Henricus Taylyor de Hornby pro termino Pentecostes anno ix° x'. vj**, Spawnton in manibus diversorum. Schamyston in manibus Willielmi Hunter pro termino Pen- tecostes a"*, ix** iij% iiij^ Cotyngwith in manibus Georgii Ceselle pro anno viij"*. vj*. et in aliis tenementis pro isto anno vj' xij*. Fulfurth in manibus Johannis Anderson pro termino Michaelis anno ix° v*. iiij"^. Kelfeld. Relicta Johannis Hogson pro termino Michaelis anno ix*" ij*. Overpopleton. Guydo Wright pro anno integro xx''. Netherpopleton. RelictaStabill pro uno anno et dimidio x*. iij**. Brentleyes. Johannes Emerson pro termino Pentecostes anno ix" xxxiij'. iiij'*. Warmysworth in manibus diversorum pro terminis Pente- costes et Michaelis anno ix° Ivij*. vj^ Bekfeld in manibus diversorum pro anno ultimo elapso et isto anno xxxij*. ij**. Magister Johannis Metcalife, xiij". iiij''. Dominus Andreas E-owthe capellanus, xiij*. iiij'' xxvj'. viij*^. Summa (blank) 30 Inventorium Communie Specierum et Camerarii factum PER Fratrem Th. Syngleton Magistrum Communie Spe- cierum ET CaMERARIUM DE OMNIBUS REBUS REMANENTIBUS ET existentibus in dicto officio AD festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, Anno Domini Millesimo quingentessimo vicessimo nono. Sartrinum. In primis sunt ibidem iiij"''. pelves. ^ Item sunt ibidem ij harprons. Item, sunt ibidem xij manutergia facta de novo. Item, est ibidem una magna cista ad conservanda fratrum vestimenta.^ Item sunt ibidem tres sere cum clavibus. Item sunt ibidem due magne tabule et ij^ parve tabule et tres formule et unus saccus ad portanda vestimenta fratrum. Dormitorium. Item sunt ibidem in dormitorio iij^'. lucerne ij^ ad portandum coram fratribus^ et tertia ad pendendum prope hostium nove camere. Item sunt ibidem iiij**"". lampades nove. Item sunt ibidem iiij°'. olle terree ad conservandum oleum. Domus officii. Item sunt in domo officii vj''. et dimidium lattarum. Item sunt ibidem una carecta et dimidium calcis. Item sunt ibidem iiij^ tegule. Item sunt ibidem iiij''. scotseyme ij*^. syngle spykyngs ij*". dowble spykyngs et dimidium et iij"". scharplyngs. Et sunt ibidem due magne ligature ferree. Stabulum. Et est in stabula unus equus ambulans. Et est ibidem una cella cum freno et ceteris ornamentis equi. Et est ibidem unum magnum dolium* ad conservandam prebendam equi. Et est ibidem tres carecte feni. Et sunt ibidem due sere cum clavibus. > Basins. 2 The garments not in use. Every monk had a change of garments, so that they might be occasionally washed. 3 They went to the dormitory in procession, after the complin or last service. "* A cask or tub, used here to denote the chest or bin in which the ' prebenda' or food of the horse was kept. 31 GENERAL REMARKS. From this valuable document we obtain some interesting information respecting the state of the Monastery of St. Mary, at York, at the period to which it relates : but it is to be regretted that we have not the fuller information which the Bursar's roll, comprising the accounts of all the inferior officers, would undoubtedly have afforded. This document contains four lists of the brethren then in the establishment, from which we learn that the whole number of them, including seven Novices, amounted to thirty-nine ; beside the Abbot and the Prior. From a manuscript in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, containing " Annals of the Monastery of St. Mary at York," it appears that in the year 1258, thirty-one monks, including two ' not professed,' voted at the election of the Abbot Simon de Warwick ; and as the contest between him and the Prior of the Monastery was very severe, Simon having gained his election by a majority of only one, it is most probable that there were not more than the above number then in the House.* At the dissolution of the Monastery in 1540, the number of monks, including one Novice, was forty-eight. The * The following is the list of these land, Esq. For Syinon de Warwick. Tho. le Maria {sic) Granator. Eob. de Selby. Eic. de Topclive, Sub-prior. Joh. de Acaster. Pet. de Ethlingthorp, Camerarius. Adam de Dalton, Tertius Prior. "Will, de Spaunton. de York, Sacrista. Joh. de Langtofte, Cocus. Eic. Agnus, Magister Operum. Adam de Lincoln. Gregorius de Walnea. Galfr. de Malton, Bursarius. Adam de Frazinis, Infirmariua, Eudo de Warthum. Steph. de Gilling, Eefectorius. Eob. de Winne, Non-professua. Monks, as copied by the late E. Strick- For the Prior. John de Lestingham, Prior. John de Melsa. Eob. de Ermynne, Eleemosinarius. Eob. de Garton. Tho. de Westehale, Eeceptor hospitimi. Tho. de Walmgate. Tho. de Lestingham. Martinus de Wyrkington. Gilb. de Leyrton. Eob. de Vm, Cantor. Tho. de Wymundham, Prebendarius, Will, de Thometon. Symon de Aberford. Mich. Armidela. Tho. de S'^? Wega. Joh. de Cruce, Non-profesaus. 32 usual number may be considered as fluctuating between the two extremes. The names of the brethren who were in the monastery at the dissolution, eleven years after the date of this Compotus, are preserved in the Monasticon Anglicanum ; on comparing them with those recorded in the four lists in the Compotus, we find that eight only of those which occur in these lists, appear in that of the Monasticon. The rest of the brethren, with the exception of Ralph Hartley, who had been appointed, and was at the time of the dissolution. Prior of Wetherhall, had either been removed, or, as is most probable, had died. One of the eight remaining, wasTho. Singleton, the Chamberlain, himself; who, with two others, John Byrkhed and Rob. Lowthrope, received an annual pension from the Crown of £6. 8s. 4d. each ; the remaining five, W. Walton, W. Hopton, Th. Eshe, Th. Marss and Edm. Metcalfe, having each a pension of £6. Among the brethren who voted at the election of Simon de Warwick, we find a Sub-Prior, and also a third Prior : a Master of the works also, and a Receiver of the Guests. There may have been the same officers in the Monastery in the time of Abbot Whalley when this Account-roll was written, but they are not mentioned in it ; but the following, beside the Abbot and Prior, are noticed : the Chamberlain, Tho. Singleton who was also keeper of the Spicery, the Precentor, whose name is also given, the Master of the Manors, the Master of the College, the Bursar, the Sacrist, the Almoner, the Receivers of the Monastery, the Master of the Wine (Cellarer), the Granarer, the Magister parvse Communise, the Infirmarer, the Keeper of the lamps in the dormitory ; the Foresters of Galtres also may have been two or more of the brethren. It was usual, especially in Monasteries of the Benedictine order, to send some of the younger and more promising brethren to one of the Universities ; generally to Oxford. It appears that when this Compotus was written, there were scholars from St. Mary's studying at Cambridge. Their number is not stated. The Accountant provides out of his two departments for the expenses of one : the sum for which he accounts, viz. 66*. 8**. S3 being exactly that which we find, in another instance, to have been deemed sufficient for the purpose. In the " Testamenta Eboracensia," published by the Surtees Society, the will of Rob. Savage of York, dated 1391, is cited, in which he bequeaths to his Son xx marks to find for his expenses at the University four years : i. e. five marks or QQ>\ S'*. yearly. (See above, p. 9 and Test. Ehor, No. cxxviij.) The other scholar or scholars must have been provided for out of other departments. The number of servants in such an establishment as that of St. Mary at York, must undoubtedly have been considerable. At Bolton Priory, where there were no more than fifteen Canons, Dr. Whitaker supposes that the whole establishment consisted of more than 200 persons ; the Prior alone having 20 servants. The servants'particularly mentioned in this roll, are, the servant of the Chamberlain, the master tailor and his assistants, the shoemaker, the skinner or preparer of leather, and the washer- woman or laundress. Among the possessions of the Monastery were many houses in the suburbs and neighbourhood of York, which appear to have been under the charge of the Chamberlain. The highest annual rent he received, was 30 shillings for a tenement at Fulford; the lowest was 3\ for one in St. Marygate. One tenement in the same place was let for 26% 8*^. and one in Bootham for 20'. A pigeon-cot was let for 5'. per ann. : and an acre of meadow land at Clifton for 2'. We learn something from this account-roll respecting the rate of wages at York, at the beginning of the xvi***. century. A master tailor, working in an apartment appropriated to him, and perhaps living in the Monastery, received annually, 43*. 4**. and his food ; and two men working under him received 26*. 8**. each and their food. The skinner received 20'. and his food. The shoemaker, finding his own oil, 20'. and 4'. 4*^. for colouring the boots (ocreae) of the brethren. The common washerwoman received 12'. and a semstress was paid 6*^. for making nine ells of linen into towels (the number not stated) for the use of the Monastery. E^ 34 A master plasterer was paid 4**. a-day, and his man 2*^. A tiler and his man 6*^., on one occasion lO'^. A carpenter 6*^. The mowing of an acre of grass-land cost 6"^. ; the making of the hay 6*^. and the carting of it to the Monastery from Clifton G**. The felling of two trees cost 4**. ; the sawing of them 6*^. ; and the carting of them, in four cart loads from Deighton to the Monastery, a distance of about five miles, 16^. The price of 100 tiles was S\ and of 1000 fagots 20\ A garment (tunica) given annually as a gratuity to the Chamberlain, cost 6'. 8*^. ; a pair of boots for the Chamberlain's servant, 2\ ; linen for towels, lO*^. an ell. A lock and key cost 5**. One sort of nails, 2\ 6^. a thousand, another 1'. 6*^., another l^"*. and one 10"^. a hundred. A bridle cost 9*^. A gallon of oil for lamps, IS**. From this roll we gain little information concerning the price of cattle. One horse was sold from the Monastery for 10'., and another was purchased from one of the brethren for the Cham- berlain's office for 12\ From the bills of fare at the obits provided by the Custos Anniversariorum, we learn that the price of a capon was G**., of a joint (a leg or shoulder) of veal S^,, of a breast of mutton S**. A turbot cost 6'^, a stick, or quarter of a hundred of eels 4**., a small pike 12^., 60 roaches 15^^., 7 gallons of honey 15^^. Pepper cost 3J a tb. Sanders 2\ a tb., raisins 4^*. a lb., and small raisins, or currants 4*^. a tb. The price of a gallon of red wine was 12**. Such lists of the members of religious houses as are contained in the preceding roll, are not common ; they may be considered therefore as forming a remarkable and interesting portion of this document. More than half of the names are names of places, chiefly in the county and neighbourhood of York ; '' doubtless the places of birth or of former residence of the party." It is observeable that the particle ^'de" prefixed to the names of place, in the earlier list copied from the annals of the Monastery, is wholly dropped in these later lists. Many other names beside those of the brethren, occur in this roll ; names of persons connected with the Monastery as servants. 35 workmen and tenants. Some of these are no longer known in York ; but several remain, derived perhaps, in many instances, from those who bore them when the roll was written. Among these one may be deservedly noticed. The name of Sotherone is inscribed in the Compotus of Tho. Singleton, as a tenant of a house in Clifton belonging to the Monastery of St. Mary at York, in the beginning of the 16th century : and that name stands enrolled among the benefactors of the Yorkshire Philo- sophical Society, in the middle of the 19th century, as that of the donor of this valuable document. ^.JZ'St"' 'Of^ ^^: '■''^\^if. FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 260ct'55Jif OGl Z « 1955 III . LD 21-100m-2,'55 (B139s22)476 General Library University of California Berkeley