Practical Applied - ELECTRICITY A BOOK IN PLAIN ENGLISH FOR THE PRACTICAL MAN. THEORY, PRACTICAL AP- PLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES BY DAVID PENN MORETON, B.S., E.E. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AT ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF THE AMERI- CAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, ETC. ILLUSTRATED The Reilly & Britton Co. Chicago COPYRIGHT, 1911, 1913, 1916 By DAVID PENN MORETON CHICAGO PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION In bringing out the third edition of Practical Applied Electricity, the body of the book, with the exception of a few minor changes, remains the same as in the second edition. Several pages of material, giving a summary of the more common direct- and alternating-current relations, have been added at the back of the book. This book is intended primarily for those persons who are desirous of obtaining a practical knowledge of the subject of Electricity, but are unable to take a complete course in Elec- trical Engineering. It is the opinion of the author that such persons should have a thorough understanding of the funda- mental principles of the subject, in order that they may easily understand the applications in practice. Numerous examples are solved throughout the book, which serve to illustrate the practical application of certain laws and principles and give the reader an opportunity to more readily grasp their true significance. The text is based, to a certain extent, upon a series of lec- .tures given in the evening classes in the Department of Elec- trical Engineering at Armour Institute of Technology. The arrangement is not the one usually followed, and to some it may not appear to be logical; but it is one the author has found very satisfactory. Although the book was not originally intended to be used as a text-book, it is, however, especially adapted for use in the practical courses given in the various High and Manual Train- ing Schools, and at the same time gives a substantial ground- work for the more advanced college and university courses. The author wishes to express his thanks to the various man- ufacturing companies who have been very kind in supplying material and cuts, and to Professor E. H. Freeman, head of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Armour Insti- tute of Technology, for a number of valuable suggestions. DAVID PENN MORETON ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 389482 DEDICATED TO MY FATHER AND MOTHER CHARLES BROWN MORETON AND SALLIE PENN jMORETON IN APPRECIATION OF THEIR UNTIRING EFFORTS WHILE I WAS RE- CEIVING MY EARLY EDUCATION CONTENTS I ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT AND ELECTRICAL UNITS II CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE III SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS, MEASURE- MENT OF RESISTANCE IV PRIMARY BATTERIES .... V MAGNETISM ...... VI ELECTROMAGNETISM .... VII ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION, FUNDA- MENTAL THEORY OF THE DYNAMO VIII ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS AND EFFECTS OF A CURRENT .... IX DIRECT- CURRENT GENERATOR X DIRECT- CURRENT MOTORS XI ARMATURES FOR DIRECT-CURRENT DYNA- MOS ...... XII STORAGE BATTERIES, THEIR APPLICA- TIONS AND MANAGEMENT XIII DISTRIBUTION AND OPERATION XIV DISEASES OF DIRECT-CURRENT DYNA- MOS XV ELECTRIC LIGHTING .... XVI ELECTRIC WIRING .... XVII ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT . XVIII ALTERNATING-CURRENT MACHINERY XIX RESUSCITATION ..... XX LOGARITHMS AND REFERENCE TABLES 34 58 77 86 102 121 166 193 219 237 257 280 294 316 332 358 386 390 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY CHAPTER I THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT AND ELECTRICAL UNITS 1. Electricity. There are certain phenomena of nature that are taking place about us every day which we call elec- trical, and to that which produces these phenomena we give the name electricity. The exact nature of electricity is not known, yet the laws governing its action, under various con- ditions, are well understood, just as the laws of gravitation are known, although we cannot define the constitution of gravity. Electricity is neither a gas nor a liquid; its be- havior sometimes is similar to that of a fluid so that it is said to flow through a wire. This expression of flowing does not really mean there is an actual movement in the wire, similar to the flow of water in a pipe, when it possesses elec- trical properties,, but is simply a convenient expression for the phenomena involved. According to the modern electron theory of electricity, there is a movement of some kind tak- ing place in the circuit, but the real nature of this move- ment is not as yet very well understood. A great many electrical problems can be easily understood by comparing them to a similar hydraulic problem, where the relation of the various quantities and the results are apparent under given condi- tions, and on account of the similarity of the two, the hy- draulic analogy will often be used to illustrate what actu- ally takes place in the electrical circuit. 2. Electrical Circuit. The electrical circuit is the path in which the electricity moves. The properties of electrical cir- cuits and the electrical quantities associated with them make an appropriate beginning for the study of the subject of electrical engineering, for electrical energy is in almost all 1 2 : ' *." T-RACT.^CAE APPLIED ELECTRICITY practical applications utilized in circuits. These circuits are of various forms and extent, and are made for many different purposes, but all possess to a greater or less extent the same properties and involve the same electrical quantities. Sup- pose, for example, a door bell that is operated from two Battery Push Button Bell Fig. 1 or three dry cells, as shown in Fig. 1. This combination forms an electrical circuit, typical of all electrical cir- cuits. It contains a source of electrical energy (the bat- tery), an energy transforming device (the bell), and the necessary connecting materials (wire and push button). It is closed upon itself and like the circumference of a circle has neither beginning nor end. (A table of symbols com- monly used in representing the different pieces of electrical apparatus is given in Chapter 20.) 3. Hydraulic Analogy of the Electrical Circuit. Before con- sidering the relation of the various electrical quantities asso- ciated with the electric circuit it would, no doubt, be best to make a brief study of a simple hydraulic problem, simi- lar to the electrical circuit, and the relation of the various quantities involved. It must be clearly understood that the similarity between the water and the electrical circuits is in regard to action only, and does not in any way imply an identity between electricity and water. A simple hydraulic circuit is shown in Fig. 2, where (P) is a pump that sup- plies water, under a constant pressure, to the pipe (T). The water is conducted through the pipe (T) to the tank (K), the amount of water flowing through the pipe being regu- lated by the valve (V). The pipe (T) is composed of a number of different pieces of pipe, differing in area of THE ELECTEICAL CIRCUIT 3 cross-section, length, and condition of their inner surface, some being rough and some smooth. Pressure gauges (Gj, G 2 , etc.) are placed along the pipes at certain intervals, as shown in the figure, to indicate the pressure in the pipe at different points. Assume, first, that the valve (V) is closed; no water will then be flowing through the pipe and all of the various pressure gauges will indicate the same pressure in the pipe. Assume, as a second condition, that the valve (V) is partly opened; there will be a flow of water in the pipe, and the pressure gauges will indicate a different pressure, their indications decreasing as you pass along the pipe, starting from the end attached to the pump. Opening the K- Fig. 2 valve still more will increase the flow of water and also the difference in indications of the various gauges. If the gauge (G e ) at the end of the pipe indicates zero pressure, it is apparent that the total pressure supplied by the pump has all been used in forcing the water through the pipe. If, on the other hand, the last gauge indicates a certain pres- sure, then the total pressure supplied by the pump has not all been used and there still remains a certain amount, neg- lecting that pressure required to force the water through the valve (V), that could be used in driving a water wheel, placed in such a position that the water could strike against the buckets on the wheel and cause it to rotate. The differ- 4 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY ence in pressure indicated by any two gauges is a meas- ure of the pressure required to cause the water to flow be- tween the two points where the gauges are connected to the pipe. If it were possible to have a pipe that would offer no opposition to the passage of the water through it, there would be no difference in the indications of the various gauges and the water would flow from the end of the pipe under the same pressure as that produced by the pump. Anything that increases the opposition to the flow of the water will increase the value of the pressure required to cause a certain quan- tity to pass through the section of pipe, between the pres- sure gauges, whose indications are being noted. Qr, if the same pressure is maintained over a given section and its opposition to the passage of water is increased, the quantity passing in a given time will be decreased; similarly the quantity will be increased if the opposition is decreased. As an example, suppose a water motor is connected in the pipe (T) and it is perfectly free to turn, there will then be a very small pressure required to cause a certain quantity to flow through the motor in a given time. If, however, the water motor is loaded, it will offer a much greater resist- ance to the passage of water through it; and, if the pres- sure remains constant, the quantity passing in a given time will be decreased. The rate of flow can be maintained constant when the opposition increases by increasing the pressure. The total pressure supplied by the pump will be distributed over the various sections of the pipe in propor- tion td their opposition. The opposition offered by the pipe can be called its resistance and it will depend upon the area, length, nature of the inner surface, and any obstruc- tion that might be in the pipe, such as sand, gravel, or sieves. The quantity of water passing a given point in a pipe in a unit of time, usually one second, is called the current. These three quantities, pressure, current, and resistance, are related to each other in a very simple way, as can be seen from the above problem, and this relation, expressed in the form of an equation is: Pressure Current = (1) Resistance THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT 5 It must be remembered that this equation does not. hold in its strictest sense for the hydraulic problem, but will serve to illustrate the relation between the electrical quan- tities that are to be discussed in one of the following sections. 4. Electrical Circuit Compared with Hydraulic Circuit. In the electrical circuit, as indicated in Fig. 3, there is a source of electrical pressure, the battery, that corresponds to the pump in the hydraulic analogy. The wire by means of which the electricity is conducted corresponds in the hydraulic analogy to the pipe through which the water flows, D 1 l^J oH 75-^ B I Fig. 3 while the electric motor (M), in Fig. 3, corresponds to the water motor referred to in the example under section (3). If all the electrical pressure is consumed in causing a given quantity of electricity to flow through the wire in a given time, there will be no pressure available to operate the elec- trical motor or any other electrical device, just as there would be no pressure available to operate the water motor in the hydraulic problem when all the pressure was used in caus- ing the water to flow through the pipe. The difference in electrical pressure between any two points on the wire is a measure of the pressure required to cause a given quantity of electricity to pass from one of the points to the other in a given time. This difference in pressure will depend upon the opposition offered by the circuit between the two points and the quantity passing between them in a given time. With an increase in the opposition offered by the cir- cuit there must be an increase in pressure to maintain a constant flow. If, on the other hand, the pressure remains constant and the opposition to the flow increases or decreases, there will be a decrease or increase in the quantity of 6 PKACT1CAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY electricity passing a certain point in the circuit in a given time. 5. Electrical Quantities. There are three electrical quan- tities associated with the electrical circuit that correspond to those given for the hydraulic analogy. These quantities are the current of electricity, the electromotive force which causes the current, and the resistance which hinders the free flow of the electricity. 6. Current of Electricity. The rate at which the move- ment, or flow, of electricity takes place is the current tor a uniform movement it is the amount of electricity flowing per unit of time usually the second. The unit quantity of electricity is the coulomb, and if the rate of flow is such that one coulomb flows per second, there is said to be a current of one ampere. At any instant the current is the same at all parts of a circuit having no branches, and it is the same for all points in each branch, where there are branches. A mistake is often made in thinking that the current is used up that there is practically no current returning to the source of the electrical energy. Such a condition is not true. The current in the return conductor to the battery or dynamo is exactly the same as the current in the conductor carry- ing the electricity from the battery or dynamo. The cur- rent that leaves a motor, lamp, or bell is no different in value from that which enters them. It is the energy of the electricity that is used up, just as it is the energy possessed by the water that is imparted to the water wheel and causes it to rotate without the water itself being consumed. The symbol used in representing the current is the letter (I). 7. Resistance. Resistance is that property possessed by substances which opposes the free flow of electricity, but does in no way tend to cause a flow in the opposite direction to that in which the electricity actually moves. All substances resist the movement of electricity through them, but the resistance offered by some is very much greater than that offered by others, and as a result all materials may be grouped under one of two heads, namely, conductors and insulators. Conductors are those substances offering relatively low resistance. THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT 7 Insulators are those substances offering a high resistance as compared to conductors. There is no such thing as a perfect conductor or a perfect insulator, but conductors and insulators are merely relative terms and define the degree to which a substance conducts. Metals have by far the least resistance of any substances and are used in electrical circuits where a minimum resist- ance is desired. The most common insulators in use are porcelain, glass, mica, stoneware, slate, marble, rubber, oils, paraffin, shellac, paper, silk, cotton, etc. The unit in which resistance is measured is the ohm, and it is represented by the symbol (R). 8. Electromotive Force. As every part of the circuit offers resistance to the flow of electricity, there must be some force, or pressure, to overcome this resistance and maintain the current. This is the electromotive force or electricity moving force. Electromotive force, or e.m.f., as it is abbre- viated, can be generated in a number of different ways; perhaps the two most common are the chemical production in a primary cell and the mechanical generation by the proc- ess of electro-magnetic induction in a generator. Electro- motive force does not create electricity, but simply imparts energy to it, as a mechanical force may produce motion in a body and as a result convey energy to the body. An elec- tromotive force may exist without producing a current, just as a mechanical force may exist without producing motion. The unit in which electromotive force is measured is the volt. 9. Electromotive Force and Potential Difference. The electromotive force in any circuit is the total generated electrical pressure acting in the circuit, while the potential difference is the difference in electrical pressure between any two points in the circuit. The electricity in its passage around the circuit loses some of its energy; hence, between any two points in the circuit there will be a difference in energy or potential possessed by the electricity. In over- coming the resistance of the wire between the points (A) and CB), Fig. 4, the electricity will lose some of its energy and will, therefore, have less potential at (B) than at (A), or, in other words, there is a difference in potential between (A) and (B). This difference in potential in the electrical circuit 8 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY is analogous to the difference in pressure between two points on the pipe in the hydraulic circuit. This potential differ- ence, or p.d., as it is abbreviated, is due to the current through the resistance, for when the current stops, the difference in potential will no longer exist. The potential difference is measured in the same unit as the electromotive force, the volt. The sum of all the potential differences in any elec- trical circuit is numerically equal to the effective e.m.f. act- ing in the circuit. If two points can then be located on a circuit so that all the p.d.'s around the circuit will be be- tween them, the potential difference between the points and the e.m.f. acting in the circuit will be numerically equal. Generator Fig. 4 10. Ohm's Law. Current, electromotive force, and resist- ance are always present in an active circuit and there is a simple, but very important, relation connecting them. This relation was first discovered by Dr. G. S. Ohm in 1827 and has, as a result, been called Ohm's Law. Dr. Ohm discovered by experiment that the difference of potential, represented by the symbol (E), between any two points on a conductor, is, all other conditions remaining constant, strictly propor- tional to the current (I), or E = Constant X I (2) By measuring (E) in volts and (I) in amperes, the constant in the above equation is numerically equal to the resistance, be- tween the points, in ohms. The expression can then be re- duced to the form Volts = Resistance X Amperes E = RI (3) THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT 9 or, as it is usually written, Amperes = Volts -f- Ohms E I = - (4) R and as a third form, Ohms = Volts -5- Amperes E R = (5) I The above relations hold true for all or any part of a cir- cuit composed of metals and electrolytes, but it does not seem to be true for gases, under certain conditions, nor for insulators. Example. The total resistance of a certain circuit is 55 ohms. What current will a pressure of 110 volts produce in the circuit? Solution. The value of the current is given in terms of the pressure and the resistance in equation (4) and by a direct substitution in this equation we have 110 I = = 2 55 Ans. 2 amperes. Example. A current of 10 amperes is produced in a circuit whose resistance is 12% ohms. What pressure is required? Solution. The electrical pressure is given in terms of the resistance and the current in equation (3) and by a direct substitution in this equation we have E = 12V 2 X 10 = 125 Ans. 125 volts. 11. Coulomb, Ampere, Ohm, and Volt. The International Electrical Congress that met in Chicago in 1893 officially passed upon the following values for the coulomb, ampere, ohm, and volt, and they are known as the practical units. (a) In defining the coulomb advantage is taken of the fact that electricity in passing through a solution of silver nitrate deposits silver on one of the conductors immersed 10 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY in the solution and the amount deposited is proportional to the quantity of electricity that passed through the solution. (See chapter on "Instruments.") The coulomb will deposit, under standard conditions, .001 118 of a gram of silver. (b) Since the current is the rate of flow of electricity, then the ampere is the unit rate of flow, or one coulomb per second, and its value is, therefore, that current which will deposit silver at the rate of .001118 of a gram per sec- ond. When smaller currents are to be measured, the mi Mi- ampere, or one-thousandth of an ampere, and the micro- ampere, or one-millionth of an ampere, are frequently used. (c) The International ohm, as nearly as known, is the resistance of a uniform column of pure mercury 106.3 centi- meters long and 14.4521 grams in mass, at the temperature of melting ice. This makes the cross-section one square millimeter. The microhm is one-millionth of an ohm and the megohm is one million ohms. These units are very fre- quently used in the measurement of very small or very large resistances. (d) The volt, the unit of electromotive force or poten- tial difference, is that e.m.f. or p.d. which, when applied to a conductor having a resistance of one ohm, will produce in it a current of one ampere. One volt equals the 100 9l434 part of the e.m.f. of a Clark Standard Cell at 15 degrees centi- grade. A smaller unit, called the millivolt, or one-thousandth of a volt, is often used in measuring small e.m.f.'s and p.d.'s. Another unit, called the kilovolt, has a value of one thousand volts. PROBLEMS ON OHM'S LAW (1) The difference in potential between the terminals of a generator is 110 volts. If the generator is causing a cur- rent of 12 amperes in the circuit to which it is connected, what is the resistance of the circuit? Ans. 9.17 ohms. (2) What e.m.f. must a dynamo generate to supply an electroplating current of 20 amperes through a circuit whose total resistance is .2 ohms? Ans. 4 volts. (3) An electric-car heater is supplied with a p.d. of 500 THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT U volts from the trolley. What must its resistance be in or- der that the current may not exceed 8 amperes? Ans. 62.5 ohms. (4) The difference in potential between the terminals of an incandescent lamp is 110 volts when there is a direct current of .5 ampere through the lamp. What is the re- sistance of the lamp? Ans. 220 ohms. (5) The field circuit of a dynamo takes a current of 1.5 amperes from a 110-volt circuit. What is the resistance of the field winding? Ans. 73% ohms. (6) A certain bell requires a p.d. at its terminals of 8 volts to operate it. The bell has a resistance of 50 ohms. What current is required to operate the bell? Ans. .16 ampere. (7) An e.m.f. of 5 volts is connected to a line and bell having a combined resistance of 12y 2 ohms. What current is there through the bell? Ans. .4 ampere. (8) A lamp has a hot resistance of 55 ohms and requires a current of 1 ampere to cause it to light up to full candle- power. What p.d. must exist between the terminals of the lamp when it burns at full candle-power? Ans. 55 volts. 12. Electrical Force. Force is defined as that which tends to produce motion, or a change of motion; thus a force must always be applied to a body to cause it to move, and a force must be again applied to cause the body to come to rest. It must be remembered that a force does not al- ways produce motion, but only tends to produce it, as when you push on a brick wall you apply muscular force, but there is no motion. There are a number of different, kinds of force: Gravitational force, as a result of which all bodies fall from a higher to a lower level: mechanical force, which is produced by the expansion of the steam in the engine cylin- der, and may be used in driving a generator; and electrical force is that force which produces or tends to produce a movement of electricity. It is commonly produced in the pri- mary battery or by an electrical generator. 12 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY 13. Electrical Work or Energy. When a force overcomes a certain resistance, work is done; or work is the result of a force acting through a certain distance. Force may exist without any work being done. Thus, a generator may be op- erating and generating an electrical force, but it is not sufficient to overcome the resistance between the terminals of the machine, therefore, no current is produced and the generator is not doing any work. If, however, a conductor be connected to the terminals of the generator, a current will be produced and as a result the generator will do work. The electrical work done by the dynamo will show itself as heat and the wire will become heated as a result. En- ergy is the ability to do work. Electrical energy, then, is the capacity or ability to do electrical work. Energy is measured in the same unit as work and it is numerically equal to the work done. Thus the energy possessed by a certain quantity of electricity, with respect to its energy at some other electrical level, is equal to the work done on or by the quantity in moving from the first to the second electrical level. When a quantity moves from a higher to a lower level, it gives up energy or does work; when it is moved from a lower to a higher electrical level, work is performed and the energy of the quantity of electricity is increased. 14. The Joule. The joule, the unit of electrical work or energy, is the amount of work performed in raising one coulomb of electricity through a difference in electrical pressure of one volt. Work is independent of the time. In other words, it will require the same amount of work to raise a certain weight a given height in one hour as would be required to raise it the same height in one minute. The name for the mechanical unit of work is a compound word in which one of the parts is a force unit and the other part is a distance unit. The unit commonly used is the foot- pound, the pound being the unit of force and the foot the unit of distance. The electrical work performed in an electrical circuit is equal to Joules = Volts X Amperes X Time (in seconds) (6) Amperes times time is equal to the quantity of electricity moved, so that the right-hand portion of the above equation THE ELECTKICAL CIECUIT 13 is the product of a certain quantity and the difference in electrical pressure through which it is moved. 15. Electrical Power. Power is the rate of doing work, or the rate at which energy is expended. The unit of elec- trical power is a unit of electrical work performed in a unit of time, or a joule per second, and it is called the watt, rep- resented by the symbol (W). Electrical Work Electrical Power= (7) Time Substituting the value of the electrical work given in equa- tion (6) in equation (7)-, we have Volts X Amperes X Time Electrical Power = Time = Volts X Amperes, or (8) W = El (9) One watt, therefore, equals one volt multiplied by one am- pere, or any product of volts and amperes whose result is unity. Equation (9) may be written W I = (10) or E W E= (11) I Example. A 220-volt generator supplies 20 amperes to a motor. How many watts does the motor consume? Solution. Substituting directly in equation (9) we have W = 220 X 20 = 4400 Ans. 4400 watts. Example. An arc lamp requires 880 watts from a 110-volt circuit to operate it. What current does the lamp take? Solution. Substituting in equation (10) we have 14 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY 880 I = = 8 110 Ans. 8 amperes. 16. Mechanical Horse-Power. If a body weighing 33000 pounds be raised one foot in one minute, there is a rate of working, or expenditure of energy, equivalent to one horse- power (abbreviated h.p.). The horse-power any machine is developing is equal to the foot-pounds of work done per minute divided by 33 000, or the foot-pounds of work done per second divided by 550. 17. Relation between the Watt and the Foot-Pound. Dr. Joule discovered experimentally that One watt = .7375 foot-pound per second (12) or One foot-pound per second = 1.356 watts (13) 18. Electrical Horse-Power. Since the mechanical horse- power is 550 foot-pounds per second, an equivalent rate of doing work would be 550 = 746 watts = 1 electrical horse-power (14) .7375 Then to change from mechanical horse-power to the elec- trical units, multiply by 746, or Watts = h.p. X 746 (15) To determine the horse-power a generator is developing, de- termine its output in watts and divide by 746, or E X I watts hp.= = (16) 746 746 19. Kilowatt. The kilowatt (abbreviated k.w.) is a larger unit of electrical power than the horse-power. It is equal to 1000 watts or about 1% horse-power. 20. Larger Units of Energy. The joule is a very small unit of electrical energy or work, and as a result larger THE ELECTK1CAL CIRCUIT 15 units are usually used in practice. The watt-hour is one watt expended for one hour. The kilowatt-hour is equal to 1000 watts expended for one hour. The watt-hour is equiva- lent to 3600 watt-seconds or 60 watt-minutes. Watt-hours = watts X hours (17) Kilowatt-hours = k.w. X hours (18) Horse-power hour = h.p. X hours (19) The dials of the integrating wattmeters used by central station companies usually record the energy supplied to the consumer for lighting or power purposes in watt-hours or kilowatt-hours. Example. Ten incandescent lamps take a current of 2 1 X> amperes from a 220-volt circuit. What will it cost to operate these lamps . for five hours if the power company charges 14 cents per kilowatt-hour? Solution. Substituting in equation (9), we can determine the power taken by the lamps in watts: Power = 220 X 2% = 550 watts Now by substituting in equation (17), we can determine the energy consumed in watt-hours Energy = 550 X 5 = 2750 watt-hours One kilowatt-hour is equivalent to 1000 watt-hours, hence 2750 watt-hours are equal to 2.75 kilowatt-hours. The total cost then would be 2.75 X 14 = 38% 38% cents. 21. Units. Units are of two kinds fundamental and de- rived. The fundamental units are the ones from which all others are derived and in terms of which all physical meas- urements may be made. They are fundamental in the sense that no one is derived from the others. The derived units are all those that are dependent for their definition upon the fundamental ones. The three fundamental units in use are those of length, mass, and time. Of these the only unfamiliar one may be 16 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY that of mass, which means the quantity of matter in a body. From these three fundamental units are derived all others in use, such, for example, as those of force, work, and energy already mentioned, and all of the electrical units. 22. Systems of Units. Unfortunately there are two sys- tems of units in use in this country. One is the ordinary commercial, or English System, and the other the universal scientific, or Metric System. In each of these systems we have the three fundamental units and also a set of derived units. It is quite essential that you know something of the metric system, since all the electrical units are based upon it, and a great many dimensions will be given in units that belong to this system. Table No. I will show the most common units in the two systems. The English System is sometimes spoken of as the foot- pound-second (f.p.s.) system, because of the three funda- mental units upon which it is based. Similarly the Metric System is frequently spoken of as the centimeter-gram-sec- ond (c.g.s.) system. The relation between the units of the two systems is given in Table A, Chapter 20. TABLE NO. I RELATION OP UNITS IN ENGLISH AND METRIC SYSTEMS UNITS SYSTEM LENGTH MASS TIME English or (F, P. S.) Yard (yd.) Foot (ft.) Pound (Ib.) Ounce (oz.) Second (sec.) Metric or (C. G. S.) Meter (m.) Centimeter (cm.) Kilogram (kg.) Gram (g.) Second (sec.) PROBLEMS ON POWER AND ENERGY CALCULATIONS (1) If 4000 watts are expended in a circuit, how many horse-power are being developed? Ans. 5.36-1- horse-power. THE ELECTKICAL CIRCUIT 17 (2) If 20 horse-power of mechanical energy were converted into electrical energy, how many watts would be developed? Ans. 14 920 watts. (3) One hundred and twenty-five horse-power expended continuously for one hour will produce how many kilowatt- hours? Ans. 93.25 k.w.-hours. (4) How many watts are expended in a 110-volt, 16- candle-power lamp that requires a current of .5 ampere? Ans. 55 watts. (5) How many horse-power will be absorbed by a circuit of series arc lamps taking 9.6 amperes, the line pressure being 2000 volts Ans. 25.73 + horse-power. (6) A motor takes a current of 5 amperes from a 110- volt circuit. What will it cost to operate this motor for 10 hours, if the central station company charges 12 cents per kilowatt-hour? Ans. 66 cents. CHAPTER II CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE 23. Resistance. Resistance has been defined as a prop- erty of materials which opposes the free flow of electricity through them. The value of the resistance of any conductor in ohms will, however, depend upon the dimensions, tempera- ture, and the kind of material of which it is composed. 24. Conductance. The inverse of resistance is known as the conductance of a conductor. That is, if a conductor has a resistance of (R) ohms, its conductance .is equal to (14-R). The unit in which the conductance is measured is the mho, and it is the conductance offered by a column of pure mercury 106.3 cm. long and 14.4521 grams in mass at the temperature of melting ice. This unit is little used in 'prac- tice except in the calculation of the resistance of a divided circuit, which will be taken up later. 25. Resistance Varies Directly as the Length of a Con- ductor. The resistance of a conductor is directly propor- tional to its length, the temperature and cross-section of the conductor remaining constant. That is, the resistance in- creases at the same rate the length of the conductor in- creases, just as the resistance of a pipe to the flow of wa- ter increases as the length of the pipe is increased, all other conditions remaining constant. Hence, if the length of a conductor is increased to four times its original value, the resistance will be four times as much; or if the length is divided into four equal parts, the resistance of each part will be one-fourth of the total resistance. Example. The resistance of a piece of wire fifteen feet long is 5 ohms. What is the resistance of 1000 feet of the same kind of wire? 18 CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE 19 Solution. Since the resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its length, we can determine the resistance of one foot of the wire, knowing the resistance of five feet, by dividing 5 by 15: 5 -r- 15 = y 3 The resistance of one foot, then, is % ohm, and the resist- ance of 1000 feet would be 1000 times as much, or 1000 X % = 333% Ans. 333 y 3 ohms. Example. The resistance of a certain conductor thirty feet long is 30 ohms. What is the resistance of three inches of the conductor? Solution. The length of the conductor in inches is equal to the number of inches per foot (12) multiplied by the num- ber of feet: 12 X 30 = 360 Since the length is 360 inches and the resistance is 30 ohms, the resistance per inch can be obtained by dividing 30 by 360: 30 -r- 360 = i/i 2 The resistance of one inch is then i 2 ohm and the resist- ance of three inches will be three times one-twelfth: 3 X Ii2 - 3 /i2 = % Ans. ^4 ohm. 26. Resistance Varies Inversely as the Cross-Section of a Conductor. The resistance of a conductor is inversely pro- portional to the cross-section, the temperature and length of the conductor remaining constant. That is, the resist- ance decreases at the same rate the area of the cross-sec- tion increases, all other quantities remaining constant. Hence, if the area of a conductor is reduced to one-fourth its original value, the resistance will be four times as much, or if its area is increased to four times its previous value the resistance will be decreased to one-fourth its original value. Example. A conductor % 00 square inch in area has a resistance of .075 ohm per foot. What is the resistance of a conductor of the same material } 5 of a square inch in area and one foot long? 20 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY Solution. Since the resistance varies inversely as the re- lation between the areas, and the relation between the areas in this case is %5 -* a /ioo = 4 the resistance of the conductor of larger cross-section will be % the resistance of the conductor of smaller cross- section. % of .075 = .018 75 Ans. .018 75 ohm. 27. Area of Circular Conductors. Most all conductors have a circular cross-section; and it is necessary to know how to calculate their areas in terms of their diameters or radii in order to determine the relation between their re- sistances. The area of any circle is obtained by multiplying the radius by itself and this product by a constant called Pi. The value of this constant is 3.1416, and it is the num- ber of times the diameter must be used in order to reach around the circle. It is represented by the Greek symbol (TT). Hence, the area of any circle can be obtained by using the equation Area = r2 x TT (20) Area = radius X radius X pi Since the diameter of a circle is equal to twice the radius, this equation may be rewritten in terms of the diameter, Area = (j) 2 X * 7T Area = X d 2 4 Area = .7854 d 3 (21) From the above equation it is seen that the area of one circle bears the same relation to the area of another as exists between their respective diameters squared. That is, if two circles have diameters 3 and 5, the relation between their areas will be the relation between (3) 2 and (5) 2 , or 9 and 25. The circle of smaller diameter will have % 5 the area of the circle of larger diameter. Example. The resistance of a wire .1 inch in diameter and CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE 21 10 feet long is 10 ohms. What is the resistance of a wire of the same material and same length .3 inch in diameter? Solution. The ratio of the areas of the two wires will be the ratio between .I 2 and .3 2 which is .01 and .09. The larger wire will have 9 times the area of the smaller wire and since the resistance varies inversely as the area it will have one- ninth the resistance. 1/9 of 10 = 19/9 = 11/9 Ans. 1% ohms. 28. Resistance Changes with Temperature. A change in the temperature of all substances will cause a change in their resistance. In the majority of cases an increase in tempera- ture means an increase in resistance. Carbon is the best example of substances whose resistance decreases with an increase in temperature. The resistance of the carbon fila- ment of an incandescent lamp is about twice as great when the lamp is cold as when it is lighted. The change in resist- ance due to a change in temperature is quite different for different materials, and it is also slightly different for the same materials at different temperatures. Alloys, such as manganin, have a very small chance in resistance due to a change in temperature, and standard resistances are, as a rule, made from such alloys, as it is desired to have their resistance remain as near constant as possible. 29. Temperature Coefficient. The temperature coefficient of a material is defined as the change in resistance per ohm due to a change in temperature of one degree. The resistance at centigrade or 32 Fahrenheit is usually taken as the standard resistance, which we will call R . Now, let the resistance at some higher temperature (t) be measured and call it R t . Then R Rt is the change in resistance for a Rt Ro change in temperature of (t) degrees, and is the Ro change in resistance per ohm for the given change in tem- perature (t). The change in resistance for each ohm due to a change in temperature of one degree is Rt Ro - = a (22) Rot 22 PBACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY in which (a) is the temperature coefficient. When the re- sistance increases with an increase in temperature, as in the case of metals, then Rt is greater than R and (a) is positive; if Rt decreases with a rise of temperature, as in the case of carbon, then (a) is negative. The above ex- pression for the temperature coefficient can be changed to the form R t = R (i 4- at) (23) This equation gives the value of the resistance (R t ) at any temperature (t) in terms of the resistance (R ) the tempera- ture coefficient (a), and the change in temperature (t). 30. Values of Temperature Coefficients. Table No. II gives the value of the temperature coefficient for a number of materials when the temperature change is expressed in centi- grade (a c ) and Fahrenheit (a f ) degrees. TABLE NO. II TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Material a c a t Aluminum 0.004 35 0.002 417 Carbon 0.0003 0.00017 Copper 0.004 20 0.002 33 Iron 0.00453 0.00252 Lead (pure) 0.004 11 0.002 2 Mercury 0.00088 0.00049 Nickel 0.00622 0.00345 Platinum 0.002 47 0.001 37 Silver 0.003 77 0.002 1 Tin 0.004 2 0.002 3 Zinc (pure) 0.004 0.002 2 The relation between the two coefficients as given in the table is the same as that between the centigrade and the Fahrenheit degree; that is at = % a c . Table B, Chapter 20, gives the relation between the cen- tigrade and Fahrenheit thermometer scales. The above values of the temperature coefficients are based upon a change in resistance, due to a change in temperature CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE 23 from centigrade or 32 Fahrenheit. If the original tem- perature of the conductor is not centigrade or 32 Fahren- heit, the value of the temperature coefficient will not be the same as that given in Table No. II. There will be a different value obtained for (a) for each different initial temperature. Table No. Ill gives the change in the value of (a) for copper for initial temperatures from to 50 centigrade. TABLE NO. Ill VALUES OP THE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF COPPER AT DIFFERENT INITIAL TEMPERATURES CENTIGRADE Initial Temp, coefficient Initial Temp, coefficient temperature deg. Cent. per deg. Cent. temperature deg. Cent. per deg. Cent. .004 200 26 .003 786 1 .004 182 27 .003 772 2 .004 165 28 .003 758 3 .004 148 29 .003 744 4 .004 131 30 .003 730 5 .004 114 31 .003 716 6 .004 097 32 .003 702 7 .004 080 33 .003 689 8 .004 063 34 .003 675 9 .004 047 35 .003 662 10 .004 031 36 .003 648 11 .004015 37 .003 635 12 .003 999 38 .003 622 13 .003 983 39 .003 609 14 .003 967 40 .003 596 15 .003 951 41 .003 583 16 .003 936 42 .003 570 17 .003 920 43 .003 557 18 .003 905 44 .003 545 19 .003 890 45 .003 532 20 .003 875 46 .003 520 21 .003 860 47 .003 508 22 .003.845 48 .003 495 23 .003 830 49 .003 483 24 .003 815 50 .003 471 25 .003 801 24 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY 31. Calculation of Resistance Due to Change in Tempera- ture. When the resistance of a conductor at a given tem- perature is known, which we will assume is centigrade, its resistance at some other temperature may be calculated by the use of the temperature coefficient. If it is desired to calculate the resistance of a conductor at a higher tem- perature than that at which it was measured, proceed as follows: Multiply the temperature coefficient by the change in temperature and the product will be the change in resistance of each ohm for the given change in tempera- ture; multiplying this product by the original resistance in ohms gives the total change in resistance of the conductor. This increase in resistance must now be added to the original value and the result is the resistance at the second temperature. The method just given for calculating the resistance with a change in temperature can be expressed by the following equation : (24) or, it is usually written R t = Ro (1 + at) (25) In the above equation (R t ) is the resistance at the second temperature, (R ) the resistance at the first temperature, (0 centigrade), (a) the temperature coefficient, and (t) the number of degrees above or below freezing (0 centigrade or 32 Fahrenheit). The value of (a) to use in the equation will depend upon whether the change in temperature (t) is to be measured on the centigrade or on the Fahrenheit scale. By an inspection of equation (25) it is apparent that if the resistance of a conductor at a higher temperature is known, the resistance at a lower temperature can be calculated from the equation Rt R = - (26) 1 + at When the resistance of a conductor at two different tem- peratures is known, the change in temperature can be calcu- lated from the equation CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE 25 Rt Ro /97V \"* ) R a Practical use is made of this equation in what is known as the resistance thermometer, where the change in resist- ance of a coil of wire is measured and the change in tem- perature calculated. (R ) is then the resistance of the coil at a known temperature (T ), and (R t ) is the resistance of the coil at some other temperature (T^. (TJ is then equal to T! = To + t (28) If there is an increase in resistance, (t) is positive and if there is a decrease, (t) is negative. Hence (T x ) will be greater or less than (T ) depending upon the sign of (t). Example. The resistance of a certain copper conductor is 15 ohms at centigrade. What is its resistance at 50 centigrade? Solution. The temperature coefficient for copper, when the temperature is measured on the centigrade scale, is, from Table No. II, found to be .0042. Substituting the values for (R ), (a), and (t) in equation (25), we have Rt = 15 (1 + .0042 X 50) =18.15 Ans. 18.15 ohms. Example. The resistance of a silver wire is 25 ohms at 45 Fahrenheit. What resistance will it have at 32 Fah- renheit? Solution. The temperature coefficient for silver is found from Table No. II to be .0021. Substituting the values for (a), (t), which is (45 32 = 13), and (R t ) in equation (26), we have 25 25 Ro = - - = 24.33 1 + 13 X .0021 1.0273 Ans. 24.33 ohms. Example. A certain platinum coil that is used 'as a re- sistance thermometer has a resistance of 100 ohms at centigrade. What is the temperature of the coil when its resistance is 115 ohms? Solution. The temperature coefficient for platinum is found 26 PBACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY from Table No. Ill to be .00247. Substituting the values of the resistance and (a) in equation (27), we have 115 100 15 t = - - = 60.73 100 X .002 47 .247 Since the original temperature (T ) of the coil or the one at which (R ) was determined was centigrade, the final temperature (TO can be determined by substituting the values of (T ) and (t) in equation (28), which gives T x = + 60.73 = 60.73 Ans. 60.73 degrees centigrade All of the above calculations are based on an initial tem- perature of centigrade or 32 Fahrenheit. It is often the case that the resistance of a conductor is known at some temperature other than freezing, and it is desired to know its resistance at some other temperature. Thus, the resist- ance of a certain coil of wire may be known at 20 centi- grade and it is desired to know its resistance at 60 centi- grade. In this case the resistance of the coil at centi- grade should be determined first, by the use of equation (26), and the value of (R ), thus determined, together with the value of (a) and (t) substituted in equation (25), which will give the value of the resistance at the second tempera- ture. The above operations can be combined, which will give the equation (29) In the above equation (t,) is the final temperature and (t) is the initial temperature, above or below freezing; (R t ) the original resistance; (Rt+ti) the final resistance; and (a) the temperature coefficient. If the temperatures are meas- ured on the Fahrenheit scale, the values of (t) and (t,) should be measured above or below 32 depending upon whether the temperature be above or below freezing. Example. A coil of platinum wire has a resistance of 100 CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE 27 ohms at 45 Fahrenheit. What will the resistance of this coil be at 75 Fahrenheit? Solution. This problem can be solved by using equation (29). The value of (R t ) to substitute in the equation is 100; the value of (t) is (45 32), or 13; the value of (tj is (75 32), or 43; and the value of (a) is .00137. Substitut- ing the above values in the equation gives the value of (Rt+ti), which is the value of the resistance of the coil at (ti) degrees above freezing, or in this case 75 Fahrenheit: 100 (1 + .00137 X 43) R t+tl = - - = 104.03 + (1 + .001 37 X 13) Ans. 104.03-f ohms. The error introduced, if the calculation be made without reducing the resistance to zero, is not very large, depending upon the initial temperature, and in the majority of ordinary cases equation (25) can be used. When this equation is used (R ) represents the initial resistance, which should be writ- ten (Rt); (Rt) represents the final resistance, which should be written (Rt+tJ ; and (t) represents the change in tempera- ture, which is equal to (t x t). Equation (25) may then be rewritten as follows: R t+tl = Rt [1 + a a t) ] (30) Using this equation in calculating the resistance in the last problem gives R t+tl = 100 [1 + .001 37 (75 43) ] = 100 (1 + .0411) = 104.11 Ans. 104.11 ohms. Equation (29) must then be used when an accurate determi- nation of the resistance is desired. Equation (29) can be rewritten so that the value of (tj can be calculated when the proper substitution is made: [Rt +tl Cl + at)] R t tx = (31) aR t 32. Relation of Resistance to Physical Dimensions. From section (26) we know the resistance varies directly as the length, and from section (27) inversely as the area of the 8 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY cross-section. These two relations may be combined with a constant, giving the following equation: I R = K (32) A The above equation expresses three facts: (a) The resistance (R) varies directly as the length (I) of the conductor. (b) The resistance varies inversely as the cross-sectional area (A) of the conductor. (c) The resistance depends upon the material of which the conductor is composed. The quality of any material as a conductor is expressed by the letter (K), which has a definite value for every substance. 33. Meaning of K. The physical meaning of (K) in equa- tion (32) may be readily determined by making (Z) and (A) equal to unity. Then length (I) may be measured in any unit of length and the area (A) may be measured in any unit of area. (K), then, is the resistance of a conductor of unit length and unit cross-section, and there will be as many values of (K) as there are units in which we may measure (?) and (A). There are two values of (K) that are in common use and these only will be considered. They are the specific resistance and the mil-foot resistance. 34. Specific Resistance. If the length of a conductor is one centimeter and its cross-section one square centimeter, then, by equation (32), we have R = K; that is, (K) is the resistance of a cubic centimeter of the material considered. If the length of the conductor is one inch and the area one square inch, then (K) is equal to the resistance of a cubic inch of the material. The resistance of a cubic centimeter or cubic inch of any material is called the specific resist- ance of the material, and it is usually expressed in microhms at centigrade. (A microhm is the one-millionth part of one ohm. 35. Circular Mil. In the majority of cases electrical con- ductors have a circular cross-section and when we calculate the cross-sectional area from the diameter, the awkward fac- tor .7854, or (7r-^-4), appears. To avoid this factor a more con- venient practical unit of area has been adopted the circular mil (c.m.). The circular mil is the area of a circle whose CALCULATION OF EESISTANCE 39 diameter is one mil or .001 of an inch. The square mil, on the other hand, is the area of a square whose side is one mil. The advantage in the use of the circular mil is that when the diameter of the conductor is given in mils, its cir- cular-mil area may be determined by squaring the diameter. Conversely, the diameter may be determined, when the cir- cular-mil area is given, by taking the square root of the area. This gives the diameter in mils and from it the diame- ter in inches may be obtained by dividing by one thousand. 36. Mil-Foot Resistance. The mil-foot resistance of a ma- terial is defined as being the resistance of a volume of the material one foot in length and having a uniform cross-sec- tion of one circular mil. Then if (I) is equal to one foot and (A) is equal to one circular mil, in equation (32) (K) will be equal to (R). The mil-foot resistance is really a particular value for the specific resistance, ' as it is the re- sistance of a certain volume. Values of Specific and Mil-Foot Resistance. The values of the specific resistances of some of the common materials are given in Table No. IV. TABLE NO. IV SPECIFIC. RESISTANCE, PER CENT RELATIVE RESISTANCE AND CONDUCTANCE, OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS Material Measurements at Centigrade Relative Resist- ance % Relative Conduc- tivity % Microhms per cubic cm. Microhms per cubic inch Mil- foot res. Copper (Matthies- sen's Standard) Copper, annealed,. Silver 1.594 1.56 1.47 5.75 9.07 20.4 8.98 94.3 2.2 2. 6 .6276 .614 .579 2.26 3.57 8.04 3.53 37.1 .865 1.01 9.54 9.35 8.82 34.5 54.5 123. 53.9 566. 13.2 15.4 100.0 97.5 92.5 362. 570. 1280. 565. 5930. 138. 161. 100.0 102.6 108.2 27.6 17.6 7.82 17.17 1.69 72.5 62.1 Zinc (pure) Iron (very pure).. Lead (pure) Platinum ( a n - nealed) Mercury Gold (practically pure) A.1 u m i n u m (99% pure) 30 PKACTICAL APPLIED ELECTK1CITY The above values are based upon Matthiessen's determina- tion of what he thought to be the specific resistance of pure copper. The copper he used, however, contained considerable impurities and as a result the copper obtainable at the pres- ent time has a specific resistance less than that determined by Matthiessen in 1860. 37. Relative Conductivity. The conductivity of a mate- rial is equal to the reciprocal of its specific resistance. The relative conductivity of any material would be the percent- age relation between the conductivity of the material and the conductivity of copper, which is taken as the standard: Conductivity of material % relative conductivity = x 100, or Conductivity of copper Specific resistance of copper = X 100 (33) Specific resistance of material The value of the per cent relative conductivity of a number of different materials is given in Table No. IV. 38. Relative Resistance. The relative resistance of a ma- terial in per cent is the relation between its specific resist- ance and the specific resistance of the standard, multiplied by 100: % relative Specific resistance of material resistance = X 100 (34) Specific resistance of standard The value of the per cent relative resistance of a number of different materials is given in Table No. IV. 39. Relation between Square and Circular-Mil Measure. In the calculation of the resistance of electrical conductors it is often necessary to change from the square to the circu- lar mil or vice versa. The relation of the area represented by one circular mil as compared to the area represented by one square mil can be easily shown by reference to Fig. 5. The small square in the figure represents an area corre- sponding to 100 square mils (these areas are greatly exag- gerated in the figure). A circle drawn inside the square as CALCULATION OF KES1STANCE 31 shown will have an actual area less than the square. The area of the square in square mils is equal to the product of the two sides measured in mils, or it is the value of the side in mils squared. The circle has an area in square mils equal to the diameter squared times .7854, or the area of the circle is .7854 of the area of the square. Now the area of the circle in circular mils (by definition of the circular mil, Sec. 35) is equal to the diameter in mils squared (d)2. The number of square mils en- closed by the circle will then be equal to .7854 of the number of circular mils enclosed by the circle, or the actual area corresponding to a circular mil is less than the area corresponding to one square mil. This results in there always being a, greater number of circular mils in any area than there are square mils. To change from circular to square mils, multiply the area in circular mils by .7854 and the result is the area in square mils. Or, to change from square to circular mils, divide the area in square mils by .7854 and the quotient thus obtained will be the area in circular mils. Example. The diameter of a circular copper conductor is 102.0 mils. Determine the area of the above conductor in both circular and square mils. Solution. The area of any circular conductor in circular mils is equal to the diameter of the conductor in mils, squared, or Circular-mil area = d2 = (102.0)2 = 10 404 Ans. 10 404 circular mils. (2) The area of a circle in square measure is equal to .7854 times the diameter of the circular squared, or Square mil area = .7854 X d- = .7854 X (102.0) 2 = 8171.3 Ans. 8171.3 square mils. 40. Calculation of Resistance from Dimensions and Spe- cific Resistance. The resistance of any conductor may be Fig. 5 32 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY calculated by the use of equation (32) if the dimensions of the conductor and the value of (K) are known. The value of the constant (K) used in the equation will, of course, depend upon the units used in expressing the length and area of the conductor. When the length (Z) of the conductor is expressed in feet and the area (A) in circular mils, the constant (K) corresponds to the mil-foot resistance of the material. The value of this constant for different materials can be obtained from Table No. II. The mil-foot resistance of commercial copper at 25 centigrade is approximately 10.8. 41. Wire Gauges. For many purposes it is desirable to designate the size of a wire by gauge numbers rather than by a statement of their cross-section. A number of wire gauges have been originated by different manufacturers of wire, such as the B. & S. gauge, commonly called the Amer- ican gauge, Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Company, which is the one generally used in this country. In the meas- urement of iron and steel wire the "Birmingham wire gauge" (B. W. G.), or Stub gauge is usually used. There are a num- ber of other gauges such as the Roebling, Edison, and New British standard, but these are not used very much. The diameters in mils of the different size wires is given in Table D, Chapter 20. The B. & S. gauge is by far the most common wire gauge in use in this country and for that reason it will be used almost entirely in wiring calculations. Tables E and F, Chapter 20, give the properties of copper wire. 42. How to Remember the Wire Table. The wire table has a few simple relations, such that if a few constants are carried in the memory, the whole table can be constructed mentally with approximate accuracy. The chief relations, without proof, may be enumerated below and verified from the table. The following approximate relations should be remembered: No. 10 B. & S. gauge wire is 100 mils in diameter, approxi- mately; has an area of 10000 c.m.; has a resistance of one ohm per thousand feet; and weighs 31.43 pounds per thou- sand feet, at 20C. (68F.). No. 5 wire weighs 100.2 pounds per 1000 feet. The following rules are approximately true for B. & S. gauge wire. CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE 33 (a) A wire which is three sizes larger than another has half the resistance, twice the weight, and twice the area. (b) A wire which is ten sizes larger than another has one- tenth the resistance, ten times the weight, and ten times the area. (c) To find the resistance, divide the circular-mil area by 10; the result is the number of feet per ohm. (d) To find the weight per thousand feet, divide the number of circular mils by 10 000 and multiply by the weight of No. 10 wire. Table C, Chapter 20, gives the equivalent cross-sections of different size wires. PROBLEMS (1) What is the circular-mil area of a wire *4 inch in diameter? Ans. 62 500 c.m. (2) The circular-mil area of a wire is 4225. What is its diameter in inches? Ans. .065 inch. (3) A certain rectangular piece of copper is % by Vz of an inch in cross-section. What is the area of this bar in square mils? Ans. 125000 sq. mils. (4) What is the area of the rectangular piece of copper given in problem 3, in circular mils? Ans. Approximately, 159 150 c.m. (5) What would be the diameter of a circular con- ductor in mils that would have the same actual area as the rectangular piece of copper given in problem 3? Ans. Approximately 399. mils. CHAPTEK III SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE 43. Grouping of Conductors. The resistance of a whole or a portion of a circuit will depend upon the manner in which the various parts constituting the circuit are connected. Two or more conductors may be combined in a number of ways, and the total resistance of the combination can be determined if the resistance of each part of the circuit and the manner in which the various parts are connected is known. The various ways in which conductors may be grouped are as follows: (a) Series grouping. (b) Parallel or multiple grouping. (c) Any combination of series and parallel. 44. Series Grouping. When the conductors form- ing a circuit are so ar- ranged that the current has a single path the conductors are said to be connected in series and such a circuit is called a series circuit. Fig. 6 shows three resist- ances (Ri), (R 2 ),and (R 8 ), connected in series to the Fig - 6 terminals of the battery (B). The current has only one path from the positive to the negative terminal of the battery. These resistances may be of widely different values and composed of different materials, but the total resistance of the combination is equal to the sum of the resistances of the various parts. Suppose the three resistances in Fig. 6 have values of 3, 4, and 5 ohms, then the total resistance of the circuit, neg- 34 ~Jn r ,TTh i B B SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 35 lecting the resistance of the connections and the internal resistance of the battery, will be 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 ohms. The above relation of the total resistance to the individual resistances can be shown by a hydraulic analogy. Suppose that in Fig. 7 (A), (B), and (C) are three pipes of different size and length and that they are joined end to end, or in Fig. 7 series, and they are to be used in conducting water from the tank (Tj) to the tank (T 2 ). It is apparent that the total resistance offered by the three pipes connected in series is equal to the sum of their respective resistances. 45. Facts Concerning Series Circuit. There are four facts concerning every series circuit: (a) The current is uniform throughout the series circuit. (b) The p.d.'s over any portions of the series circuit are proportional to the resistances of these portions. (c) The total resistance is the sum of the individual resistances. (d) The effective e.m.f. of the circuit is the algebraic sum of all the e.m.f.'s acting in the circuit. 46. Uniformity of Current. Since there is but one path for the current, the conductors being all joined in series, there must be as much current at one end of the conductor as at the other. If this were not the case there would be an accumulation of electricity at certain points along the cir- cuit, but careful experiments show no such accumulation. The flow of electricity can be compared to the flow of water or other incompressible fluid in a pipe, as shown in Fig. 7. If there is a certain quantity of liquid entering the end of the pipe, connected to the tank (Tj), in a certain time, 36 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY then that same quantity must pass by any cross-section of the pipe and the same quantity must flow out of the other end of the pipe in the same time. It is impossible for the liquid to accumulate at any point as it is incompressible. An ammeter, which is an instrument used to measure the current, may then be connected at any point in a series cir- cuit and there will be the same indication on its scale so long as the total resistance of the circuit and the electrical pres- sure acting on the circuit remain constant. It must always be remembered that it is not the current in an electrical circuit that is used up, but instead, it is the energy of the electricity that is always utilized. 47. Relation of P.D.'s to Resistance. Ohm's Law, which expresses the relation between electrical pressure, current, and resistance, holds for any part of the circuit as well as for the whole circuit. Consider a uniform conductor Fig. 8 (A, B, C, D), carrying a current of (I) amperes in the direction indicated by the arrow in Fig. 8. There must be a difference in pressure between the points, say (A) and (B), since there is a current between them and the point (A) is at a higher potential or pressure than the point B when the current exists in the direction indicated. Let the resistance between the points (A) and (B) be represented by (Ri) and the difference in pressure or drop in potential between the same two points be represented by (Ej). The current is then equal to (Ei) divided by (Ri), or E! I = (35) RI If any other section of the conductor be taken, such as that between the points (C) and (D), and the drop in poten- tial between the two points be represented by (E 2 ) and the resistance of the section by (R 2 ) we have E 2 I = - (36) R 2 SEEIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 37 The currents in the two sections are equal since they are in series and the right-hand portions of the above equations are equal, hence B! E 2 (37) RI R2 or the drop in potential is proportional to the resistance. Example. Two coils of 5 and 10 ohms are connected in series to a battery whose e.m.f. is 6 volts. What is the poten- tial drop over each coil? Solution. From equation (37) we can determine the rela- tion between (Ej) and (E 2 ), where they represent the drops in potential over the two coils, by substituting the values of (Ri) and (R 2 ) in the equation, which gives 5 10 5 E 2 = 10 E! EO TTS 2 === ^ -*^1 The p.d. (E 2 ) over the 10-ohm coil is then equal to twice the p.d. (EO over the 5-ohm coil. The 5-ohm coil will then have % of the total pressure over it and the 10-ohm coil will have %. Since the total pressure is 6 volts, the drop over the 5-ohm coil will be i/, of 6 = 2 Ans. 2 volts. and the p.d. over the 10-ohm coil will be % of 6 = 4 Ans. 4 volts. 48. Resistance of Series Circuit. In a previous section the statement was made that the total resistance of the series circuit is equal to the sum of the various resistances com- posing the circuit. This statement is practically self-evident, but it may be shown to be true by an application of Ohm's Law. If a number of resistances (Rj), (R 2 ), etc., are connected in series and there is a current of (I) amperes through them, we have, from equation (35), 38 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY E 1 = R 1 I, E 2 = R 2 I, etc., (38) where (Ej), (E 2 ), etc., represent the p.d.'s over the resist- ances (Ri), (R 2 ), etc. Let (R) represent the total resistance and (E) the total pressure. Then E = RI (39) But we also know (E) is equal to the sum of all the p.d.'s, that is, Hence RI = R,I + R 2 I + etc. (41) R = R t + R 2 -f etc. (42) The above equation states that the resistance of several conductors joined in series is the sum of their individual resistances. Example. Three resistance coils of 5, 6, and 7 ohms, re- spectively, are connected in series and the combination con- nected to a battery whose e.m.f. is 9 volts. What is the value of the current in the coils? Solution. The total resistance (R) is equal to the sum of the several resistances, or R = 5 + 6 + 7 = 18 ohms The current then is equal to (E) divided by (R), or 9 1 18 2 Ans. l /2 ampere. If there are (n) equal resistances of (r) ohm each con- nected in series, the total resistance (R) is R = nr (43) An example of this would be a number of lamps connected in series and the combination then connected to the mains. If there are 5 incandescent lamps connected in series each having a resistance of 220 ohms, the combination will have a resistance of 5 X 220, or 1100 ohms. 49. Effective E.M.F. in a Circuit. The effective e.m.f. in a circuit is the e.m.f. that is really effective in causing the current. Several sources of e.m.f. may be joined in series, SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 39 but the effective e.m.f. would not necessarily be equal to the sum of their values because some of the e.m.f.'s might act in the opposite direction to others. If all the e.m.f.'s in the circuit tend to send a current in the same direction then the value of the effective e.m.f. is the sum of all the e.m.f.'s acting. When they are not all acting in the same direction, the effective e.m.f. is equal to the difference between the sum of the e.m.f.'s acting in one direction and the sum of the e.m.f.'s acting in the opposite direction, and its direction will be that of the larger sum. An example of the above would be a battery composed of a number of cells all connected in series but the e.m.f. of some of the cells acting in the oppo- site direction to the remainder. The effective e.m.f. is a maximum when all the e.m.f.'s in the circuit are acting in the same direction. 50. Parallel or Multiple Grouping. When the conductors forming a circuit are so connected that there are as many paths for the current as there are conductors, the conductors are said to be connected in parallel or multiple, and such a circuit is called a divided circuit. Fig. 9 shows three coils (Ri), (R 2 ), and (R 3 ) connected in parallel and the combination connected to the battery (B). In a circuit such as that shown in Fig. 9, it is apparent that the current cannot be the same in all parts of the circuit, since it divides at the point (A) between the branches, part existing in each branch. The part of the total current that is in each branch will depend upon the relation between the resistance of that particular branch to the re- sistance of the other branches. The total resistance is not equal to the sum of the several resistances, as in the series circuit, but it will be less than the resistance of the branch having the smallest resistance. A simple hydraulic analogy, as shown in Fig. 10, will serve to verify the above statements. Three pipes, (Pj), (P 2 ), and (P 3 ) are used in conducting water from a tank (Tj) Fig. 9 40 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY to another tank (T 2 ), as shown in the figure. If the pressure in the tank (Tj) is maintained constant, the pressure acting on the three pipes will remain constant and it will be the same for each pipe, neglecting the difference in their level. The same pressure is act- ing on each of the resist- ances in Fig. 9, neglecting the resistance of the con- necting leads. Let this pressure be represented by (E). The current in each of the resistances will be Fig. 10 equal to the presure over the branch, which in this case is (E), divided by the resistance of the branch. The current supplied by the battery is equal to the sum of the currents in the various branches, just as the total quantity of water flowing from the tank (Ti), Fig. 10, in a given time, is equal to the sum of the quantities flowing in the three pipes in the same time. Representing the currents in the several branches by (Ii), (I 2 ), and (I 3 ), and the total current by (I) we have the relation I = I, + I 2 + E Ii = B, E (44) (45) R 3 The total current (I) is equal to the electrical pressure (E) acting on the combination divided by the total resist- ance (R) which we want to determine, or (46) Substituting the values of the various currents in equation (44), we have E E E E = - + -- + - R RI R 2 RS (47) SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 41 Dividing both sides of the equation by (E), we have 1111 - = + -- + - (48) R R, Ro R 3 The above equation states that the total conductance of a number of resistances in parallel is equal to the sum of the respective conductances regardless of the number connected. This equation can be reduced to the form RjR 2 R3 R = (49) RiR2 ~h -^2^3 H~ RiRs When there are only two resistances connected in parallel, the combined resistance can be calculated by the use of the equation RjR 2 R = (50) RI + R2 If the resistances (Ri) and (R 2 ) are equal, the combined resistance is equal to one-half of the resistance of either of them. Or, in general, if (n) equal resistances of (r) ohms each are connected in parallel, the combined resistance (R) is r R = (51) n Example. Eight incandescent lamps, each having a resist- ance of 220 ohms, are connected in parallel across a 110-volt circuit. What is the total current taken by the lamps? Solution. The total resistance of the eight lamps would be equal to the resistance of one of them divided by the number of lamps connected in parallel, or r 220 R = = = 27^ ohms n 8 The current taken by the lamps is equal to the applied voltage divided by the resistance, or E 110 I = = = 4 R 27V 2 Ans. 4 amperes. 42 PEAGTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY Example. Two resistances of 3 and 5 ohms, respectively, are connected in parallel. What is their combined resist- ance? Solution. The combined resistance can be determined by substituting directly in equation (50), which gives 3X5 15 R = = 1% 3 + 5 8 Ans. 1% ohms. 51. Series and Parallel Combinations. A number of re- sistances may be connected in such a way that some of them are in parallel with others, or some of them may be in series with others, or a combination of series and parallel connec- tions may be formed. Six resistance coils are shown con- nected together in Fig. 11. This is a parallel combina- R^. R 5 tion of three different re- I J\fflfo '^N^f^\ sistances, the first of R 2 4 R,\ which consists of the re- sistances (R 4 ) and (R r) ) 2X2 Re 2 3 f /2 / in series; the second con- tyWWWV ' sists of ( R i)' ^^' and 6 (R 3 ) in series; and the third consists of the single Fl2 11 resistance (R 6 ). To find the total resistance of the circuit determine the resistance of each path separately and combine their resistances by the use of equation (49). Several such groups of resistances may be connected in series and the total resistance would be the sum of the resistances of the several groups. Example. The six coils shown connected in Fig. 11 have the resistances marked on them in the figure. What is the total resistance? Solution. The resistance of the upper branch, call it (Bj), is equal to th^ sum of the resistances (R 4 ) and (R 5 ), these being connected in series, or Bi = 3 + 4 = 7 ohms Similarly the resistance of the middle branch (B 2 ) is B 2 == 2y 2 + 2 + 3V = 8 ohms SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 43 and the resistance of the lower branch (B 3 ) is 6 ohms. Sub- stituting these values for the resistances of the various branches in equation (49), we obtain 7X8X6 336 R = = = 2.301 7X8 + 7X6 + 8X6 146 Ans. 2.301 ohms. PROBLEMS ON SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS (1) Five similar incandescent lamps are connected in series across 550-volt mains, and there is a current of .5 ampere through them. What is the combined resistance of the five lamps and the resistance of each? Ans. Combined resistance, 1100 ohms. Resistance of each lamp, 220 ohms. (2) An adjustable resistance is connected in series with the field winding of a dynamo, which has a resistance of 40 ohms, and a current of 2 amperes exists in the circuit when the impressed voltage is 110 volts. What is the total resist- ance of the circuit, and how many ohms resistance is there in the circuit due to the adjustable resistance? Ans. Total resistance, 55 ohms. Adjustable resistance, 15 ohms. (3) There is a current of 50 amperes in a circuit when the impressed voltage is 200 volts. What resistance should be added in series with the circuit in order that the current be reduced to 40 amperes? Ans. 1 ohm. (4) What resistance should be connected in parallel with the circuit in problem 3 when the current is 50 amperes in order that the total current may be 80 amperes? Ans. 6% ohms. (5) Three resistances of 5, 6, and 7 ohms, respectively, are connected in parallel. What is their combined resistance? Ans. 1.96 ohms. (6) If 12 similar incandescent lamps connected in parellel have a combined resistance of 18% ohms, what is the resist- ance of each lamp? Ans. 220 ohms. 44 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY (7) Two resistances of 4 and 12 ohms, respectively, are connected in parallel and the combination connected in series with a 7-ohm coil. What is the current through each resist- ance when a pressure of 50 volts is impressed upon the circuit? Ans. Current in 7-ohm coil, 5 amperes. Current in 12-ohm coil, 1^4 amperes. Current in 4-ohm coil, 3% amperes. (8) What is the drop in potential over each resistance in the above problem? What resistance should be introduced in the circuit, and how, to make the value of the current 2.5 amperes? Ans. Drop over 7-ohm coil, 35 volts. Drop over 4-ohm coil, 15 volts. Drop over 12-ohm coil, 15 volts. Connect 10 ohms in series. 52. Measurement of Resistance. Practically all the meth- ods employed in measuring resistance depend upon some ap- plication of Ohm's law. The method to be used in any case will depend upon the kind of resistance to be measured, that is, whether it is capable of carrying a large or small cur- rent; the accessibility of the resistance; the value of the resistance to be measured; and the accuracy desired. The different methods described in the following sections are, per- haps, the most common ones employed in practice. 53. Drop in Potential Method. Since Ohm's Law holds true for any part of an electrical circuit, it follows that the value of a certain resistance can be determined by measur- ing the drop in potential across the resistance when the cur- rent through the resistance is known. A voltmeter for meas- uring the drop in potential, an ammeter for measuring the current, and some source of energy such as a battery or generator are required in measuring resistance by this method. The resistance (R) to be measured is connected in series with the ammeter (A), and the combination then connected to the source of energy such as a battery (B), indicated in Pig. 12. The drop in potential across the resistance can be deter- mined by means of the voltmeter (V), which should be connected to the terminals of the resistance, as shown in the figure. The value of the resistance can be determined by SEEIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 45 substituting the ammeter and voltmeter readings in equation (5), which states that the resistance is equal to the differ- ence in electrical pressure divided by the current. This is a very simple and convenient method and will give quite accur- Fig. 12 ate results when proper care is exercised in reading the in- struments. The method is best suited for the measurement of low resistances capable of carrying rather large currents, for the following reason : The current in the resistance to be meas- ured is not equal to that indicated on the ammeter because there is a certain current through the voltmeter. The current through the voltmeter will, however, be small in comparison to that through the unknown resistance, if the resistance of the voltmeter is large in comparison to the unknown, the cur- rents in the two branches of a divided circuit being to each other inversely as the resistances of the respective branches. This error can be avoided by subtracting from the value of the current indicated on the ammeter the value of the cur- rent through the voltmeter, which gives the true value of the current through the resistance to be measured. The current through the voltmeter is equal to its indication in volts divided by its own resistance, or E I, = (52) Ry The resistance of the voltmeter is usually given on the lid of the containing case. If not, it can be determined by 4 <; I'K.M 11. Al. Al'l'l.ll.l. l-.l,l.. TBI< II V means of a resistan- . bridge. The current i r thrmiKh the resistance then in I r K U or E It -I.- (54) R* and tho value of the unknown resistance will \- (55) Care should be exercised in making a resistance measure- tu. nt by thin method not to pass too large a current through ilu object to be measured as you are likely to change its resistance due to a change in temperature resulting from xcessive current. The greater the current, however, without undue heating of the conductor, the greater the volt- iii.-t.-r reading and, as a UHual thiiiK. the greater the accui.-icy. When very low resistances are to be measured, a low-read im; \oihn--t.T or, better still, a railllvoltmeter should be u Example. The current through a rail joint is 300 amp* ! -s and the drop in potential across the joint and bonds is 18 millivolts or .018 volt. What is the resistance in ohms and microhms? Solution. By substituting in equation (5) we have .018 U .000 06 300 Ans. .00006 ohm. 0.000 06 X 1 000 000 60 Ans. 60 microhms. Example. The current through a spool of wire is .5 am- pere and the drop in potential across the spool as indi- cated on a (0-15) voltmeter, having a resistance of 1500 ohms, is 12 volts. What is the resistance of the wire? Solution. Substituting in equation (55) we have SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 12 R X 1500 = 24.39 .5 X 1500 12 Ans. 24.39 ohms 54 Measurement of Resistance by Comparison. This method requires no ammeter and the value of the unknown resistance (X) is determined in terms of a known resistance Fig. 13 (R) connected in series with it, as shown in Fig. 13. The drop in potential over the known and unknown resistances is measured when they are both carrying the same current. The proper connections of the voltmeter for making these measurements is shown in the figure by the full and dotted lines. Since the drop in potential across any part of a cir- cuit bears the same relation to the drop across any other part of the same circuit as exists between the resistances of the two parts, we have the simple relation Drop in potential over X Resistance of X = (56) Drop in potential over R Resistance of R or the unknown Resistance of R X p. d. over X resistance X = (57) p. d. over R Example. A known resistance (R) of 10 ohms was con- nected in series with an unknown resistance (X), as shown in Fig. 13. The drop in potential over (R) was 5 volts and the drop over X was 10 volts. What was the resistance of (X)? PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY Solution. Since the drop over the resistance (X) was twice that over the standard, the resistance of (X) must be twice that of the standard, or X = 2 X 10 = 20 Ans. 20 ohms. Substituting in equation (57) we have 10 X 10 X = = 20 Ans. 20 ohms. 55. Series Voltmeter Method. The connections for the measurement of resistance by this method are made as shown in Fig. 14. The terminals (T a ) and (T 2 ) represent a source of e.m.f.; (X) is _ _ the resistance to be meas- I 1 o 2 ured and (V) is a direct ^J \ ^ reading voltmeter. When the voltmeter is con- nected as shown by the dotted line, the resistance (X) is not in series with it between the terminals (Tj) and (T 2 ) and the Fi 14 voltmeter indicates the total pressure between the two terminals. When, however, the resistance (X) is con- nected in series with the voltmeter by opening the switch (S), the indication of the voltmeter is no longer the total pressure between the terminals (T x ) and (T 2 ) but it sim- ply indicates the difference in pressure between its own terminals. The drop in potential over the voltmeter (E v ) or its own indication subtracted from the total pressure be- tween (Tj) and (T 2 ), which we will call (E), will give the value of the drop (E x ) over the resistance (X). E x = E Ev (58) It is assumed, of course, that the difference in pressure between (T a ) and (T 2 ) remains constant. If this is not the case a second voltmeter should be used, it being connected across the source of supply, and the value of its indication SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 49 should be noted at the same time the voltmeter in series with the resistance is read. The current through the voltmeter and the resistance (X) is the same, since they are in series. The current through the voltmeter at any time is equal to the voltmeter reading divided by its own resistance, or Ev Iv= (59) Rv The value of the resistance (X) can now be calculated, since the current through it and the drop in potential across it are known. Substituting in equation (5) the values of the p.d. and the current given in equations (58) and (59), gives E E v E Ev R = - X Rv (60) Ev Ev Rv The above equation gives the value of the resistance in terms of the total pressure (E), the voltmeter reading (E v ) when it is in series with the resistance, and the resistance (Rv) of the voltmeter. This method is, in general, serviceable for the measure- ment of high resistances, such as the insulation of electric light and power wires that are installed, insulation of trol- ley lines, dynamos, transformers, etc. The scheme of connections for the measurement of the resistance of the insulation of a lighting circuit is shown in Fig. 15. A small generator (G) capable of supplying an e.m.f. of about 500 volts is usually used as a source of pres- sure for testing. The generator may be engine- or motor- driven. One terminal of the generator is connected directly to the conduit or ground and the other terminal is connected to the wire whose insulation resistance is to be determined, with the voltmeter in circuit. The total pressure generated by the machine (G) will be distributed over the resistance between the wire and the conduit, or ground, and the volt- meter. The voltmeter will read the drop (E v ) across itself. A second voltmeter (V B ) is shown connected across the ter- minals of the generator, and this voltmeter will read the total pressure (E). The value of the insulation resistance 50 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY (X) can now be calculated by substituting the values of The readings of the two voltmeters in equation (60) together with the resistance of the voltmeter (V x ) and solving the equa- tion. Insulation resistance is usually given as so many megohms. Exarrple. Connections were made, as shown in Fig. 15, for testing the insulation resistance of a certain electric light system. The resistance of the voltmeter (V x ) connected in series with the resistance to be measured was 50 000 ohms. The voltmeter (V g ) read 500 volts and (V x ) 10 volts. What was the insulation resistance in megohms? Solution. Substituting the voltmeter readings and the re- sistance R v in equation (60) gives 500 10 R = - - X 50 000 = 2 250 000 10 2 250 000 -5- 1 000 000 = 2.25 Ans. 2.25 megohms. 56. Direct-Deflection Method. A galvanometer (G) is con- nected in series with the resistance to be measured and the two then connected to a source of e.m.f., as shown in Fig. 16. The indication produced on the galvanometer when the circuit is closed should be noted. The unknown resist- ance is then replaced by a known resistance and the cir- ISEBiES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 51 cuit again closed and the deflection again noted. The cur- rent in the circuit for the two cases can be determined from the deflections of the galvanometer. Let (R g ) represent the resistance of n^ B ft ^px> AAA/-^ battery pressure, (R) the I I |J | s-^J - VVVW known resistance, (X) the unknown resistance, (I r ) Fi s- 16 the current through the known resistance, and (I x ) the current through the unknown resistance, then and I x = Ir = E E (61) (62) Since the same pressure is acting on the circuit in both cases, and knowing the current in a circuit will vary in- versely as the resistance, the relation may be written Ix R g + R (63) I r R s + X Calculating the value of (X) from the above equation we have \ Ir (Rg + R) X = - R g (64) I, The resistance of the galvanometer is usually very small in comparison to the resistance being measured so that it may be neglected in the above equation, which gives Ir X = XR (65) as the resistance of the unknown in terms of the current in the two cases and the value of the known resistance (R). 52 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY This method is used in determining the insulation of coils of wire, etc. The wire whose insulation is to be measured is immersed in a salty solution (it being a better conductor than ordinary water), with at least three feet of the wire out of the solution at each end. One terminal of the testing circuit is connected to the wire itself and the other terminal to a metallic plate placed in the solution. The resistance between the wire and the solution is then measured, giving the insula- tion resistance for the length of wire immersed in the solution. The insulation resistance of a wire varies inversely as its length, because with an increase in length there is more surface exposed, resulting in a greater leakage and less resistance. 57. Principle of the Slide-Wire Wheatstone Bridge. Two resistances, which may be equal or unequal, are shown con- nected in parallel between the points (A) and (B), Fig. 17, and the combination is connected to a source of e.m.f., such AAAAAA/VWWWWWWV\V Fig. 17 as the battery (B). The drop in potential across the two branches of the divided circuit is the same regardless of the relation of the two resistances. If the resistance in each branch is the same, then the drop over a certain resistance in one branch is equal to the drop over the same resistance in the other branch. When the resistances of the two branches are not equal, the above relation does not hold true, but there are points on the two branches that have the same potential with respect to (A) or (B). Select some point, such as (C) on the lower branch, that will always have a potential less than the point (A) and higher than the point (B) when the current is in the direction indicated by the arrows. There is SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 53 a point on the upper branch whose potential is equal to that of (C) and this point can be located by means of a galvanom- eter as follows: Connect one terminal of the galvanometer to the point (C) and slide the other terminal along the upper branch until a point is found which results in no deflection of the galvanometer when the circuit is closed. This point, which is marked (D) in the figure, is at the same potential as the point (C), since there is no current between them, there being no deflection produced on the galvanometer. When the point (D) has been located, the drop in potential across (AC) is equal to the drop across (AD), and the drop across (CB) is equal to the drop across (DB). The resistance (AC) bears the same relation to (AD), after a balance is obtained, as the resistance (C B) bears to (DB). This statement may be put into the form of a simple equa- tion, thus Resistance (AD) Resistance (DB) (66) Resistance (AC) Resistance (CB) For example, suppose the resistance (AC) and the total resistance of the upper branch are known and the resistance (C B) is unknown. A balance is obtained, as previously de- scribed, and, from the position of the point (D) on the upper branch, the values of the resistances (AD) and (DB) may be determined, the combined resistance of the two being known. The above equation can then be changed to the form Res. (DB) Resistance (C B) = - X Res. (A C) (67) Res. (AD) By substituting the value of the three resistances (AC), (DB), and (AD) in the above equation, the value of the resistance (C B) may be determined. This type of bridge is called a slide-wire pattern 'because the upper branch is usually a piece of resistance wire stretched between the points (A) and (B). The wire is stretched over a board divided into equal parts and the relation between the two resistances (AD) and (DB) can be determined in terms of their respect- ive lengths, the resistance of the wire varying directly as the length. The two resistances (A D) and (D B) are called the 54 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY ratio-arms, since their relation to each other gives the ratio between the known and the unknown resistances. 58. Commercial Wheatstone Bridge. The form of Wheat- stone bridge described in the previous section is not used to any great extent in practice, as its operation is usually too tedious, and for this reason it is confined almost entirely to laboratory work. The principle of the commercial bridge is the same as that of the slide-wire bridge, differing only in construction and operation. A diagram of a simple form of Fig. 18 bridge is shown in Fig. 18. The letters in the figure corre- spond to those in Fig. 17. The resistances (DB) and (DA) are the ratio arms, consisting of three coils each, having the resistances marked in the figure. The resistance (AC), called the rheostat of the bridge, consists of a number of coils ranging in value from a very low resistance to several hun- dred ohms, depending upon the range of the bridge. The various resistance coils that form the different arms of the bridge can be cut in or out of circuit by means of metallic plugs that connect massive brass or copper strips on top SEKIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 55 of the bridge. When a certain plug is removed the resistance coil that was shorted by the plug is connected in the circuit. The unknown resistance (X) is connected between the points (B) and (C). When a balance is obtained on the galvanom- eter, the following relation exists between the various arms of the bridge a R (68) or b X b X = R (69) a In making a measurement with this form of bridge the relation between the ratio arms (a) and (b) remains con- stant after they are adjusted to a certain value, and a balance is obtained by changing the value of the resistance in the rheostat (R). If (a) and (b) are made equal, then the resist- ance in (R), when a balance is obtained, is equal to the resistance of the unknown (X). When it is desired to measure a resistance larger than the value of (R), make the ratio arm Fig. 19 (b) greater than (a); and to measure a resistance smaller than (R), make (b) less than (a). In the first case the resist- ance (R) is multiplied by a certain number, which is the quotient of (b-=-a), and will always be greater than unity to obtain the value of (X) ; and in the second case (R) will be multiplied by a number less than unity. The galvonometer 56 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY and the battery connections may be interchanged without interfering with the operation of the bridge. There are a large number of different forms of bridges on the market at the present time. Some of them have the gal- vanometer, battery, and contact keys all mounted in the same box with the resistances, and the only connection that must be made is to the resistance to be measured. Fig. 19 shows a good form of portable Wheatstone bridge. 59. The Ohmmeter. An Ohmmeter is an instrument for measuring automatically the resistance of a circuit connected to its terminals, by noting the position of a pointer on a dial that is marked to read directly in ohms. The principle of the Evershed instrument is as follows: The deflecting sys- tem consists of a set of coils (BB^, as shown in Fig. 20, rigidly fastened together, which move about a center (O) in the magnetic field of strong permanent magnets (MM). The nature of this construction brings the instrument into the class of moving-coil permanent-magnet instruments, the ad- vantages of which for reliability, accuracy under all condi- tions of use, and promptness in taking deflection, are quite Fig. 20 numerous. Springs are not used for the control of the moving system, so that when not in use the needle may stand at any point along the scale. If the generator is set in motion and no resistance is con- nected between the external terminals, current exists only in the coils (BBj), which move at once to such location that (B) is clear of the horn on the pole piece and (B^ is central over the air gap in the (O) shaped centrally placed hollow SERIES AND DIVIDED CIRCUITS 57 iron cylinder. The needle then stands over Inf. on the scale, showing an infinite resistance between the terminals. If a measurable resistance is connected between the terminals, a current exists in the stationary coil and, due to the thrust experienced by it in the magnetic field, the needle moves along the scale, and a direct reading of the amount of resistance so connected is made. The hand dynamo (D) operates in the field of the same per- manent magnets. The armature is wound so that a rated e.m.f. of 125, 250, 500, or even 1000 volts are generated for some 100 r.p.m. of the crank. The design of this machine is the result of a large amount of research by Mr. Evershed, in his desire to make a rugged, reliable, light-weight gen- erator which would require slight propelling force to drive it. Instruments of this kind are usually used in measuring very high resistances, such as insulation resistances, etc. CHAPTER IV PRIMARY BATTERIES 60. The Voltaic Cell. If two unlike metals are immersed in a solution, which is capable of acting upon one of them more than upon the other, there will be a current of elec- tricity between them when they are connected by a wire. Such a combination constitutes a voltaic cell. This cell was first discovered by an Italian physicist, Volta, in 1800, and Was named after him. It is, however, often called a gal- vanic cell, after Galvani, who was Volta's contemporary. 61. Simple Voltaic Cell. Two pieces of metal, such as copper and zinc, immersed in a solution that con- tains a little sulphuric acid, or other oxidizing acid, forms a simple voltaic cell. Such a cell is shown in Fig. 21. This cell is capable of furnishing a continuous flow of electricity through a wire whose ends are brought into contact with the strips of copper and zinc. When the electricity flows, the zinc is wasted away, its con- sumption furnishing the energy re- quired to drive the current through the cell and the connecting wire. The cell might be thought of then as a chemical furnace in which the fuel is zinc. The copper strip from which the flow starts in passing through the external circuit is called the positive pole of the battery, and the zinc sirip is called the negative pole. These poles are usually designated by the plus ( + ) and negative ( ) signs. 58 Fig. 21 PKIMABY BATTEEIES 59 !t is the difference in electrical pressure between the positive and the negative poles of the battery that causes a current in the circuit when the poles are connected. 62. Voltaic Battery. If a number of voltaic cells are joined in series the zinc plate of one joined to the copper plate of the next, and so on a greater difference in electrical pressure will be produced between the copper pole at one end and the zinc pole at the other end. When the poles forming the terminals of such a series are joined, there will be a more powerful current than one cell would cause. [It is assumed that the resistance 01 the circuit connecting the two poles or terminals is practically the same as the resistance of the cir- cuit connecting the terminals of a single cell.] Such a group- ing of voltaic cells is called a voltaic battery. Four single cells (Ci), (C 2 ), (C 3 ), and (C 4 ), are shown connected in series in Fig. 22. The cells may be combined in other ways and these ZCZCZCZC Fig. 22 c, methods will be taken up later. It is customary to represent a single cell by two parallel lines, as shown in Fig. 23, instead of drawing a picture of the cell each time you want to show it in a diagram. The long line corresponds to the plus ( + ), or positive, terminal, and the short line corresponds to the minus ( ), or negative, terminal. 63. Chemical Action in a Battery. A continuous potential difference is maintained between the zinc and copper in a simple voltaic cell chiefly by the action of the exciting liquid, say sulphuric acid, upon the zinc. Sulphuric acid is a complex substance in which every molecule is made up of a group of atoms, 2 of hydrogen, 1 of sulphur, and 4 of oxygen; or in symbols H 2 SO 4 . The SO 4 part of the acid has a very strong affinity for the zinc, and attacks it, when the plates are con- nected, producing a current, and forms zinc sulphate ZnSO 4 , which is dissolved in the water. There will be two parts of 60 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY hydrogen gas liberated for every portion of the SO 4 part of the sulphuric acid that unites with the zinc. The zinc thus replaces the hydrogen in the acid, when the cell is being used, setting the hydrogen free. This chemical reaction is expressed in the equation Zn + H 2 SO 4 ZnSO 4 + H 2 Zinc and sulphuric acid produce zinc sulphate and hydrogen. This chemical action continues as long as the battery is sup- plying a current, the zinc gradually wasting away and the power of the acid to attack the zinc gradually becoming exhausted. Electrical energy is thus supplied to the external circuit by the combination of zinc and acid inside the cell. 64. Local Action. When the circuit of a battery is not closed, the current cannot exist, and there should be no chem- ical action as long as the battery is producing no current. Ordinary commercial zinc, however, contains many impurities, such as tin, arsenic, iron, lead, carbon, etc., and these numer- ous foreign particles form local voltaic cells on the surface of the zinc inside the cell, with the result that the zinc is being continuously eaten away whether the cell is supplying current to an external circuit or at rest. These small cells weaken the current the main cell is capable of supplying under proper conditions. Often local action is caused by a difference in density of the liquid at different parts of the cell. This causes the zinc at the top of the cell to waste away and it may be entirely eaten off. 65. Amalgamation. To do away with this local action, and thus abolish the wasting of the zinc while the battery is at rest, it is usual to amalgamate the surface of the zinc plates with mercury. The surface to be amalgamated should be thor- oughly cleaned by dipping it into acid and then a few drops of mercury should be rubbed into the surface. The mercury unites with the zinc at the surface forming pasty amalgam. The foreign particles do not dissolve in the mercury, but float to the surface, and they are carried away by the hydrogen bub- bles. As the zinc in the pasty amalgam dissolves into the acid, the film of mercury unites with fresh portions of zinc, and a clean, bright surface is always presented to the liquid. 66. Polarization. When there is a current through a cell, the hydrogen that is liberated from the acid appears upon PRIMARY BATTERIES 61 the surface of the copper, and the copper plate becomes prac- tically a hydrogen plate. If a cell were made having a hydro- gen and zinc plate, there would be a current from the hydro- gen to the zinc inside the cell and from the zinc to the hy- drogen outside the cell. The hydrogen collecting on the copper plate tends to send a current through the cell opposite to that produced by the copper and zinc current. This results in the current supplied by the battery decreasing as the hydrogen on the copper plate increases, or the plate becomes more nearly covered with the hydrogen gas. A cell that has become weakened in this way is said to be polarized, and the phe- nomenon is called polarization. Hence, polarization is an evil, and if it could be overcome by preventing the hydrogen bub- bles collecting on the copper plate, the cell would be capable of supplying a current of almost constant strength as long as zinc remained to be acted upon and the acid was not ex- hausted. Various attempts to prevent polarization have given rise to many different types of cells on the market at the present time. 67. Prevention of Polarization. Various remedies have been practiced to reduce or prevent the polarization of cells. These may be classed as mechanical, chemical, and electro- chemical. (a) Mechanical Means. If the hydrogen bubbles be sim- ply brushed away from the surface of the positive pole, the resistance they cause will be diminished. If air be blown into the acid solution through a tube, or if the liquid be agitated or kept in constant circulation by syphons, the re- sistance is also diminished. If the surface be rough or cov- ered with points, the bubbles collect more freely at the points and are quickly carried up to the surface and got rid of. This remedy is used in the Smee cell, which con- sists of a zinc and a platinized silver plate dipping into dilute sulphuric acid; the silver plate, having its surface thus covered with a rough coat of finely divided platinum, gives up the hydrogen bubbles freely, nevertheless in a bat- tery of Smee Cells the current falls off greatly after a few minutes. (b) Chemical Means. If a strongly oxidizing substance be placed in the solution it will combine with the hydrogen and thus will prevent both the increase in internal resistance 62 PBACTJCAL APPLIED ELECTEICITY and the opposing electromotive force. Such substances are bichromate of potash, nitric acid, and bleaching powder (so- called chloride of lime). These substances, however, would attack the copper in the zinc-copper cell. Hence, they can only be used in a zinc-carbon or zinc-platinum cell. (c) Electro-chemical Means. It is possible by employing double cells to so arrange matters that some solid metal, such as copper, shall be liberated, instead of hydrogen bubbles, at the point where the current leaves the liquid. This elec- tro-chemical exchange entirely obviates polarization. 68. Internal Resistance. The resistance offered by a cell to a current through it from one plate to the other is called its internal resistance. The value of the internal resistance of any cell will depend upon the area of the two plates, the distance between the two plates, the specific resistance of the liquid, and the degree of polarization. As the polariza- tion of a cell increases, the internal resistance increases, since the effective area of the plates exposed to the action of the liquid is decreased due to the accumulation of the hydrogen gas. This increase in internal resistance of a cell causes the difference in potential between its terminals to decrease, as a larger part of the electromotive force of the cell is required to force the current through its own resist- ance and the available electrical pressure is decreased. . 69. Factors Determining the Electromotive Force of a Cell. When two plates of the same material, such as zinc, are immersed in an acid solution and are connected by a wire, there will be no current in the wire, because there is a tendency to opposite currents and these two tendencies neutralize each other. In other words, the difference in elec- trical potential between one zinc plate and the solution is the same as that between the other zinc plate and the solu- tion, and these two potentials are opposite in direction when the two plates are connected by a conductor which results in no current through the circuit when it is closed. The essential parts of any cell, therefore, are two dissimilar materials immersed in a solution, one of which is more readily acted upon by the solution than the other. The greater this difference in intensity in chemical action, the greater the difference in potential between the terminals of the cell. Copper, platinum, silver, and zinc are the only metals PEIMAKY BATTEEIES 63 that have been mentioned up to the present time, but other metals may be used, and since the intensity of chemical action will be different for different metals, there will be combinations that will produce better results than others. For example, a cell composed of zinc and tin would not produce as large an electromotive force as one composed of zinc and copper the same size, because there is a greater difference of electrical potential between the zinc and the copper than there is between the zinc and the tin. The solution used in the cell also determines the value of the difference in potential between any combination of plates. There will be a different value for the potential difference between any two plates when they are immersed in different liquids. When the same kinds of metals and solution are used, the potential difference between the plates will be the same, regardless of the areas of the plates. A small battery will have the same electromotive force as a large one composed of the same materials. In the following list, the substances are arranged in order depending upon the degree of chemical action when placed in dilute sulphuric acid: Zinc, Iron, Tin, Lead, Copper, Silver, Platinum, and Carbon. 70. Classification of Cells. (a) If a cell is capable of producing a current directly from the consumption in it of some substance, such as zinc, it is a primary cell. If, how- ever, a current must first be sent through the cell to bring it to such a condition that it is capable of producing a cur- rent, it is called a secondary, or storage, cell. The funda- mental distinction then between a primary and a secondary, or storage, cell is that, with the latter type the chemical changes are reversible, while with the former type this is not practical even when possible. The discussion of the storage cell will be taken up in a later chapter. (b) Cells are also classified into closed- and open-circuit types, depending upon whether they are or are not capable of furnishing a current continuously. This classification is entirely dependent upon the polarization the cell which does not polarize being able to maintain its current until its chemical substances are exhausted. The Grenet and the Leclanche are perhaps the best exam- 64 PKACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY pies of the open-circuit cells, while the Daniell, the Lalande, and the Fuller are good examples of the closed-circuit cell. (c) All cells must be made up of two substances im- mersed in a liquid, but in some cases there are different liquids separated by gravity or a porous cup. Cells may then be classified, as to their construction, into single-fluid cells and double-fluid cells. The Grenet, Leclanche, and Lalande are good examples of single-fluid cells, while the Bunsen, Fuller, Daniell, and Grove are perhaps the best examples of the double-fluid type. 71. Forms of Primary Cells. The various cells given in Table No. V are the principal ones that are used to any extent and the construction of a few of these will be given in detail in the following sections. TABLE NO. V PRIMARY CELLS Names of Cell Negative Pole Positive Pole Solution Depolariz- ing Agent E.M.F. in Volts Internal Resistance in Ohms Smee Zinc Platinized Solution of None .65 0.5 Silver Sulphuric Acid Grenet Zinc Graphite (Carbon) Solution of Sulphuric Acid Potassium Bichro- mate 2.1 2 to .5 Leclanche. Zinc Graphite (Carbon) Ammoni'm Chloride Manganese Dioxide .5 to 1.6 1.5 Daniell.... Zinc Copper Zinc Sul- phate Copper Sulphate 1.079 2 to 6 Lalande... Zinc Graphite (Carbon) Caustic Potash or Potassium Hydrate Cupric Oxide 0.8 to 0.9 1.3 Fuller Zinc Graphite (Carbon) Sulphuric Acid Potassium Bichro- mate 2.0 0.5 to 0.7 Bunsen.. .. Zinc Graphite (Carbon) Dilute Sulphuric Acid Nitric Acid 1.8 to 1.98 .08 to. 11 Grove Clark Standard,. Zinc Zinc Platinum Mercury Dilute Sulphuric Acid Zinc Sulphate Nitric Acid Mercurous Sulphate 1.96 1.434 .lto.12 .3 to .5 Weston.... Cadmium Mercury Cadmium Sulphate Mercurous Sulphate 1.01830 PRIMARY BATTERIES 65 72. Chemicals Used in Cells and Their Symbols. Sulphuric Acid, H 2 SO 4 . Chromic Acid, CrO 3 . Manganese Dioxide, MnO. Zinc Chloride, ZnCl 2 . Lead Oxide, PbO. Zinc Sulphate, ZnSO 4 . Nitric Acid, HNO 3 . Hydrochloric Acid, HC1. Silver Chloride, AgCl. Copper Oxide, CuO. Lead Peroxide, PbO 2 . Sodium Chloride, NaCl. Caustic Potash or Potassium Hydrate, KOH. Copper Sulphate (blue vitriol), CuSO 4 . Zinc Sulphate (white vitriol), ZnSO 4 . Ammonium Chloride (sal-ammoniac), NH 4 C1. Bichromate of Potassium, K 2 Cr 2 O 7 . Bichromate of Soda, Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 . Mercurous Sulphate, Hg 2 SO 4 . Cadmium Sulphate, CdSO 4 . 73. Mechanical Depolarization. The Smee cell has been mentioned in section (67) as a good example of a mechanical means of preventing polarization. This cell was used com- mercially a number of years ago, but it was not very suc- cessful. A Smee cell is shown in Fig. 24. There are a number of cells used for intermittent work, such as ringing door bells, that depend entirely upon the use of a large positive plate surface to lessen the rapidity of polarization. They consist usually of zinc and carbon plates immersed in a solution of sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride), see section (72). The carbons for such cells are made in almost endless variety and with very large surface. 74. Chemical Depolarization. Bichromate Cells. There are a number of different forms of bichromate cells, the principal ones of which are perhaps the Grenet and Fuller. (a) Grenet Cell. In this form a zinc plate is suspended by a rod between two carbon plates, see Fig. 25, so that it does not touch them, and when the cell is not in use the zinc can be removed from the solution by raising and fasten- 66 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY ing the rod by means of a set screw, as the acid acts on the zinc when the cell is not in use. Sulphuric acid and water is the solution used in this cell, to which is added potassium bichromate that acts as the depolarizer. The bichromate is rich in oxygen, which readily combines with the liberated hydrogen and thus prevents polarization. This Fig. 24 Fig. cell gives a large e.m.f. and is capable of supplying a strong current for a short time, but the liquid soon becomes exhausted. (b) Fuller Cell. This form of bichromate cell is a double fluid type, and has the advantage over the Grenet type in that the zinc is always kept well amalgamated and it is not necessary to remove it from the solution. A pyramidal block of zinc is placed in a. small porous cup ; Fig. 26, and a small quantity of mercury poured in. The cup is then filled with a diluted solution of sulphuric acid and placed in a glass jar containing a solution of potassium bichromate and the carbon plate (P). A conductor, covered with a suit- able insulation, is attached to the block of zinc and serves as one terminal of the cell. The zinc is well amalgamated by the mercury and there is practically no local action. The PKIMAKY BATTERIES 67 cell gives a large e.m.f. and may be used for open circuit or semi-closed circuit work. 75. Chemical Depolarization. Leclanche. This cell con- sists of a zinc plate in a solution of ammonium chloride and a carbon plate placed inside a porous cup which is packed full of manganese dioxide and powdered carbon. The action of the manganese dioxide on the hydrogen is not quick enough to prevent polarization entirely when large currents Zinc Fig. 26 Fig. 27 are taken from the cell. The cell, however, will recover when allowed to stand on open circuit. A great advantage of this type of cell lies in the fact that the zinc is not acted on at all by the ammonium chloride when the cell is on open circuit, and as a result it can be left for almost an indefinite period when the circuit is open without deteriora- tion. These cells are usually used for intermittent work, such as ringing door bells, and will supply quite a large current for a short time. Their e.m.f. is about 1.5 volts. Leclanche cells are called open-circuit cells on account of the very slight chemical action that takes place when the circuit is open. A Leclanche cell is shown in Fig. 27. 76. Electro-Chemical Depolarization. Daniel! Cells. This type of cell consists of a zinc plate immersed in a solu- tion of zinc sulphate and a copper plate immersed in a 68 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY solution of copper sulphate. The two liquids may be kept apart either by gravity or by a porous earthen cup, as shown in Fig. 28. When the solutions are kept separated by grav- ity, the cell is called the gravity, or crowfoot type. A cross- section of a Daniell cell, in which the liquids are separated by a porous cup, is shown in Fig. 29. The gravity cell is "t* PorousCup Fig. 28 Fig. 29 shown in Fig. 30. The copper sulphate being the heavier of the two liquids remains at the bottom about the plate of copper, while the zinc sulphate remains at the top about the zinc plate. This cell will give a very constant e.m.f. of about 1.08 volts. It has a large internal resistance (two to six ohms) and as a result is not capable of supplying a very large current. The current supplied, however, is con- stant, and it will operate for a great length of time without renewal. The Daniell cell is a closed-circuit cell and it should never be allowed to stand on open circuit, but a resistance (thirty to fifty ohms) should always be connected across its terminals. 77. Dry Cells. The dry cell is a special form of the Leclanche cell first described. The cell is not altogether dry, since the zinc and carbon plates are placed in a moist paste which consists usually of . ammonium chloride, one part; plaster of Paris, three parts; zinc chloride, one part; PRIMARY BATTERIES 69 zinc oxide, one part, and sawdust. These various materials*, composing the above mixture are thoroughly mixed and then moistened with a small quantity of water. The paste thus formed is packed around a carbon rod, placed inside a zinc cup lined with moistened blotting paper, and the cup is sealed with some kind of wax to prevent evaporation. There are a large number of different makes of dry cells on the market at the present time but the chemical action in each is prac- tically the same. The dry cell is a very convenient form of cell and its operation is very satisfactory for work requir- ing an intermittent current. Fig. 31 shows a cross-section through a dry cell. Paste Board Covering Pitch ; Zinc Cup filling Carbon Blotting Paper Fig. 30 Fig. 31 78. Standard Cells. A standard cell is one whose e.m.f. can be accurately calculated and will remain constant. The Clark Standard cell and the Weston cell are the two best examples of standard cells. The Clark cell has an e.m.f. of 1.434 volts at 15 C. and a correction must be made in this value when the cell is used at some other temperature. The Weston normal cell has an e.m.f. of 1.01830 volts and there is practically no change in its e.m.f. due to a change in temperature. A Weston standard cell, as manufactured by the Weston Electrical Instrument Company, is shown in Fig. 32. The e.m.f. of different Weston cells is not exactly the same, but they are standardized in the factory and a certificate accompanies each cell. The average e.m.f. of a 70 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTK1CITY number of cells tested by the Bureau of Standards at Wash- ington, D. C., was 1.01869 volts. A great amount of care is exercised in assembling standard cells, to see that the materials used are the very best and that they are all constructed alike. 79. Requirements of Good Cell. A good cell should fulfill all, or the greater part, of the following conditions: (a) Its electromotive force should be high and constant. (b) Its internal resistance should be small. (c) It should be capable of sup- plying a constant current, and, therefore, entirely free from polari- zation, and not liable to rapid 32 exhaustion, requiring frequent re- newals of the liquid or plates. (d) It should be free from local action. (e) It should be cheap and of durable materials which results in a low cost for renewals when they are required. (f) It should be easily managed, and, if possible, should not emit corrosive fumes. No particular cell fulfills all of the above conditions, how- ever, and some cells are better for one purpose than others. Thus, for telegraph work over a long line, a cell of consid- erable internal resistance is no great disadvantage; while a large internal resistance is a great disadvantage when the cell is supplying current to a circuit of corresponding low resistance. An open-circuit cell would not operate satisfac- torily in driving a small motor, but would be quite satisfac- tory for intermittent work; while the closed-circuit type would be very unsatisfactory for intermittent work. 80. Series Connection of Cells. Any number of cells are said to be connected in series when the positive terminal of one is connected to the negative terminal of another, and so on. When all of the cells are connected, there remains a positive and a negative terminal which form the terminals of the battery. If (n) cells are connected in series, as shown in Fig. 33, and they each have an e.m.f. of (e) volts, the PRIMARY BATTERIES 71 combination will have an e.m.f. of (ne) volts. The internal resistance of the battery will be equal to (nr) ohms where (r) is the internal resistance of each cell. If the external resistance or the resistance of the circuit to which the battery is connected is (R) ohms, then the current produced by the combination will be ne 1 = (70) R-f-nr In the above equation (R + nr) represents the total resist- ance of the entire circuit and (ne) the total electromotive Fig. 34 force acting in the circuit. Fig. 33 sho\\rf three cells con- nected in series and the battery thus formed connected to a resistance (R). Fig. 34 shows a hydraulic analogy similar to the connection of cells in series. The pumps (Pi) and (P 2 ) are so arranged that their pressures are added, the total pressure acting in the circuit being equal to the sum of the pressures produced by the respective pumps. If there is no water flowing and the gauge (G^ reads zero, then (G 2 ) reads the pressure produced by the pump (Pj). The difference in the readings of (G 3 ) and (G 2 ) is the pressure produced by the pump (P 2 ). Hence (G 3 ) reads the total pressure produced by the two pumps combined when (Gi) reads zero and no water is flowing. When there is a flow of water, however, part of the pressure produced by the pumps is used in causing the water to pass through them or to overcome their internal resistance, and as a result the indication on (G ;} ) is reduced. Example. Six cells having an e.m.f. of 1.5 volts each and an internal resistance of .6 ohm each are connected in series 72 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY with a resistance of 10 ohms. -What is the current in the resistance when the circuit is closed? Solution. By a direct substitution in equation (70) we have 6 X 1.5 9 9 I = = 6.62 10 + (6 X .6) 10 + 3.6 13.6 Ans. 6.62 amperes. 81. Parallel Connection of Cells. When (n) cells, all having the same e.m.f., are all connected in parallel, then the e.m.f. of the combination is only that of a single cell. The internal resistance of a battery formed of a number of cells connected in parallel is less than the internal resistance I vwww i Fig. 35 Fig. 36 of a single cell. If (r) is the internal resistance of each cell, and there are (n) cells in parallel, then the total internal resistance will be \^~J. If the resistance of the external circuit is (R) ohms, then the current produced by the com- bination will be r R + - n (71) In the above equation ~ is the total resistance of PKIMAEY BATTERIES 73 the entire circuit, and (e) is the electromotive force acting on this resistance. Fig. 35 shows three cells connected in parallel and the battery thus formed connected to a resistance (R). Fig. 36 shows a hydraulic analogy similar to the con- nection of cells in parallel. The pumps (Pj) and (P 2 ) are so connected that their pressures are not added, but the quantity of water supplied will be equal to that supplied by both pumps. Example. Six cells having an e.m.f. of 1.5 volts each and an internal resistance of .6 ohm each are connected in parallel, and the combination is then connected to a resist- ance of 10 ohms. What current exists in the resistance when the circuit is closed? Solution. By a direct substitution in equation (71) we have 1.5 1.5 I = - = -- = 0.148+ .6 10.1 10 + 6. Ans. 0.148+ ampere. 82. Series and Parallel Combinations. A very common grouping of cells is a combination of the series and the par- allel groups. Suppose there are (P) groups of cells and each group consists of (S) cells in series. The total number of cells is then equal to (SP). The e.m.f. will be (Se) volts, the internal resistance of each set will be (Sr) ohms, and the internal resistance of the (P) sets combined will be ohms. If the external resistance is (R) ohms, then the total resistance will be (R^^p) ohms, and the current produced by the combination will be Se PSe (72) PR + Sr 74 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY Fig. 37 shows a battery composed of three groups of cells and there are three cells connected in series in each group. The battery is connected to a resistance (R). Example. A battery is composed of nine cells connected, as shown in Fig. 37, to an external resistance of 10 ohms. The e.m.f. of each cell is 1.5 volts; each cell has an internal resistance of .5 ohm. What current will the battery supply when the circuit is closed? Solution. Substituting directly in equation (72), we have 3 X 3 X 1.5 13.5 1 = - = 0.428 + (3 X 10) + (3 X .5) 31.5 Ans. 0.428+ ampere. 83. Advantage of Series and Par- ^_ I | I allel Connections. -Cells are con- ' | r~| r~| I ^ nected in parallel when it is desired to obtain a large current through a low external resistance. When the cells are so grouped they are equiva- lent to one large cell, and will have a very low internal resistance, and when connected to a low external resistance, as compared to the inter- Fig. 37 nal resistance, the current will be large. If the external resistance is large, the current will be small, as the electromotive force acting is small. The series connection is employed when the external resistance is the principal resistance to overcome and the maximum current strength is desired in the circuit. PROBLEMS ON GROUPING OF CELLS (1) How many cells should be connected in series to cause a current of 1.5 amperes in an external resistance of 8 ohms. The e.m.f. of each cell is 1.5 volts, and its internal resistance is .2 ohm. Ans. 10 cells. (2) How many cells must be connected in parallel to cause a current of 2 amperes in an external resistance of .6 HHH -HHH PRIMARY BATTERIES 75 ohm. The e.m.f. of each cell is 1.5 volts and its internal resistance is 1.2 ohms. Ans. 8 cells. (3) Ten cells, each having an e.m.f. of 2.2 volts and an internal resistance of .07 ohm, are connected in series to a cir- cuit whose resistance is 4.3 ohms. What current exists in the circuit? Ans. 4.4 amperes. (4) Twenty storage cells are connected in series-multiple, there being five groups in parallel and four cells in series in each group. The e.m.f. of each cell is 2.2 volts and its internal resistance is .05 ohm. What current will the com- bination produce through an external resistance of .4 ohm? Ans. 20 amperes. (5) Five cells are connected in series. Each cell has an e.m.f. of 2 volts and an internal resistance of .2 ohm. What is the terminal voltage of the battery on open circuit and also when it is connected to an external resistance of 4 ohms? Ans. Open-circuit voltage = 10 volts. Closed-circuit voltage = 8 volts. Note. (There will be a drop in terminal voltage when the circuit is closed on account of the internal resistance.) (6) Twenty cells, each having an e.m.f. of 2 volts and an internal resistance of .2 ohm, are to be connected so that they will give the maximum current through an external resistance of 1 ohm. What combination should be used? Ans. Two groups, in parallel, each group having ten cells in series. Note. (The maximum current is obtained from any com- bination of cells when they are so connected that their combined internal resistance is equal to the external resist- ance to which they are connected). Solution. Let (S) equal the number of cells in series in any one group and then (n -t- S) will equal the number of groups in parallel. Then in order that the maximum cuir- rent be obtained from the battery 76 PBACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY SXr must equal 1.0 (n-K.8) or S X .2 .282 2S2 S2 20 20 200 100 8 S2 = 100 S= 10 (7) How many cells, each having an e.m.f. of 2.2 volts and an internal resistance of .005 ohm, must be connected in series in order that the terminal voltage may be at least 44 volts when the current through tLe battery is 40 amperes? Ans. 22 cells. (8) The terminal voltage of a battery drops from 1.8 volts on open circuit to 1.5 volts when there is a current of 6 amperes through the battery. What is the internal resistance of the battery? Ans. .5 ohm. CHAPTER V MAGNETISM 84. The Magnet. The name magnet was given by the ancients to certain black stones, found in various parts of the world, principally at Magnesia in Asia Minor, which possessed the property of attracting to them small pieces of iron or steel. This magic property, as they deemed it, made the magnet-stone famous; but it was not until about the twelfth century that such stones were discovered to have the still more remarkable property of pointing approximately north and south when freely suspended by a thread. This property of the magnet-stone led to its use in navigation, and from that time the magnet received the name of "lode- stone," or "leading stone." The natural magnet, or lodestone, is an ore of iron, and is called magnetite. Its chemical, composition is Fe 3 O 4 . This is found in quite large quantities in Sweden, Spain, and Arkansas, U. S. A., and other parts of the world, but not always in the magnetic state. 85. Artificial Magnets. If a piece of iron, or, better still, a piece of hard steel, be rubbed with a lodestone, it will be found to possess the properties or characteristic of the mag- net, viz, it will attract light bits of iron; it will point ap- proximately north and south if hung up by a thread; and it can be used to magne- tize another piece of iron Fig. 38 or steel. Magnets made in this manner are called artificial magnets. Strong artificial magnets are not made from lodestone, as its magnetic force is not strong, but by methods as de- scribed under "Electromagnetism." Figs. 38 and 39 show, respectively, a natural and an artificial magnet, each of which 77 78 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY has been dipped into iron filings; the filings are attracted and adhere in tufts at the ends. 86. Poles of a Magnet. Certain parts of a magnet possess the property of attracting iron to a greater extent than do other parts. These parts are called the poles of the magnet. The poles of a bar magnet, for example, are usually situated at or near the ends of the bar, as shown in Fig. 38. 87. Magnetic Needle.- The magnetic needle con- Fig. 39 sists of a light needle cut out of steel, and fitted with a cap of glass, or agate, by means of which it can be supported on a sharp point, so as to turn with very little friction. This needle is made into a magnet by being rubbed on a magnet; and when placed on its support will turn into the rorth-and-south position, or, as we should say, will set itself in the "magnetic meridian." The end of the needle that points toward the north geographical pole is called the North Pole, and is usually marked with the letter N, while the other end is the South Pole. By the term polarity is meant the nature of the magnetism at some particu- lar point, that is, whether it is north or south-seeking magnetism. The compass sold by opticians consists of such a needle balanced above a card marked with the "points of the compass" and the whole placed in a suitable containing case. A com- mon form of the magnetic needle is shown in Fig. 40. 88. Magnetic Attraction and Repulsion. When the two poles of a magnet are presented in turn to the north-pointing pole of a magnetic needle, it will be observed that one pole of the magnet attracts it, while the other repels it. If the magnet is presented to the south-pointing pole of the mag- netic needle, it will be. repelled by one pole and attracted MAGNETISM 79 by the other. The same pole that attracts the north-pointing end of the magnetic needle repels the south-pointing end. As the needle and the magnet attract each other when unlike poles are presented, and repel each other when like poles are presented, it follows that like poles always repel each other and unlike poles always attract each other. Fig. 41 shows the results of presenting two like poles and Fig. 42 shows the result of presenting two unlike poles. Fig. 41 Fig. 42 Two equal and like poles are said to have unit strength when there is a force of repulsion between them of one dyne when placed one centimeter apart in air. 89. Magnetizable Metals. The principal magnetic metals used in practice are steel and iron. There are other metals, such as nickel, cobalt, chromium, and cerium, that are at- tracted by a magnet, but very feebly. Of this last class cobalt and nickel are the best, but very inferior to iron or steel. All other substances, such as wood, lead, gold, copper, glass, platinum, etc., may be regarded as unmagnetizable, or nonmagnetic substances. Magnetic attraction or repul- sion will, however, take place through these substances. 90. Magnetic Force. The force with which a magnet attracts or repels another magnet, or any piece of iron or steel, is termed its magnetic force. The value of this mag- netic force is not the same for all distances, the value being greater when the magnet is nearer, and less when the magnet is further off. The value of this force of attraction or repul- sion decreases inversely as the square of the distance from the pole of the magnet. The force is mutual, that is, the 80 PBACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY iron attracts the magnet just as much as the magnet attracts the iron. 91. Magnetic Lines of Force. The magnetic force pro- duced by a magnet emanates in all directions from the mag- net. The direction of the magnetic force at any point near a magnet can be determined by means of a small compass needle suspended at the point in such a way that it is free to move in any direction. The direction at any other point can be determined by changing the position of the needle with respect to the magnet. Starting with the needle near one end of the magnet, it may be carried toward the other end and an imaginary line, drawn in such a way that its direction at any point corresponds to the direction as- sumed by the needle at that point, corresponds to what is termed a line of force, or it is the path taken by a north magnetic pole in moving from the north to the south pole of a magnet. These lines of force start at the north pole of a magnet and terminate at the south pole. Fig. 43 shows such a line. 92. Magnetic Field. The region surrounding a magnet which is permeated by magnetic lines of force is called a Fig. 43 Fig. 44 magnetic field of force, or a magnetic field. The lines of force forming a magnetic field emanate from the N-pole of a magnet, pass through the medium surrounding the magnet, re-enter the S-pole and complete their path by passing from the S-pole to the N-Pole inside the magnet itself. The magnetic field surrounding a bar magnet is shown in Fig. 44. All magnetic lines form closed circuits and there must be two or more magnetic poles (always even) associated with each of these circuits except in the case of a ring magnetized by a current, which will be discussed later. MAGNETISM 81 The region we speak of as a magnetic field is capable of acting upon magnets, magnetic materials, and conductors carrying a current of electricity. The lines of force forming any magnetic field are assumed to have two properties: First, they tend to contract in length; second, they repel each other. The attraction and repulsion of unlike and like poles can be accounted for by assuming the lines to possess the above properties. 93. Making Magnetic Fields. A graphical representation of a magnetic field may be made by placing a piece of card- board over the magnet or magnets whose field you want to produce, and sprinkle iron filings on the paper, tapping it gently at the same time. The iron filings are composed of a magnet material and arrange themselves in the direction of the lines of force or magnetic field, and as a result produce a graphical representation of the field. This representation of the field can be made permanent by using a piece of paper that has been dipped in paraffine instead of the cardboard. N Fig. 45 Fig. 46 The paraffine can be heated by means of a warm soldering iron, or other warm non-magnetic material, which permits the filings to imbed themselves in the wax and they will be held firmly in place when the paraffine has cooled. The magnetic field that exists between unlike poles is shown in Fig. 45, and the field between like poles is shown in Fig. 46. 94. Distortion of Magnetic Field. The direction of a mag- netic field is influenced by the presence of magnetic material or magnets. When a magnetic material is placed in any magnetic field that exists in air, the form of the field will be changed because the material is a better conductor of mag- netic lines than air and the lines of force crowd into the material. There will be a greater number of magnetic lines 82 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY in a given area in the iron than there is in a corresponding area in the air. A magnetic field that has been distorted, due to the presence of a piece of iron, is shown in Fig. 47. All materials that conduct magnetic lines better than air are called paramagnetic, and those that do not conduct as well as air are called diamagnetic substances. Fig. 47 Fig. 48 95. Magnetic Induction. Magnetism may be communicated to a piece of iron without actual contact with the magnet. If a short, thin, unmagnetized bar of iron be placed near some filings, and a magnet brought near to the bar, the presence of the magnet will induce magnetism in the bar, and it will now attract the iron filings, Fig. 48. The piece of iron thus magnetized has two poles, the pole nearest to the pole of the inducing magnet being of the opposite kind, while the pole at the farther end of the bar is of the same kind as the inducing pole. Magnetism can, however, only be induced in those bodies that are composed of magnetic materials. It is now apparent why a magnet should attract a piece of iron that has never been magnetized; it first magnetizes it by induction and then attracts it; as the nearest end will be a pole of opposite polarity, it will be attracted with a force exceeding that with which the more distant end is repelled. 96. Retention of Magnetization. Not all of the magnetic substances can be used in making permanent magnets, as some of them do not retain their magnetism after being mag- netized. The lodestone, steel, and nickel, retain permanently the greater part of the magnetism imparted to them. Cast iron and many impure qualities of wrought iron also retain magnetism imperfectly. Pure, soft iron is, however, only MAGNETISM 83 temporarily magnetic. The above statements can be illus- trated by the following experiment: Take several pieces of soft iron, or a few soft iron nails, and place one of them in contact with the pole of a permanent magnet, allowing it to hang downward from the magnet, as shown in Fig. 49. The piece of iron or nail is held to the magnet because it has become a temporary magnet, due to the .process of mag- netic induction. Another piece can be hung to the first, and another to the second, etc., until a chain of four or five pieces is formed. If now the steel magnet be removed from the first piece of iron, or nail, all the remaining pieces drop off and are no longer magnets. A similar chain formed of steel needles will act in the same way, but they will retain their magnetism permanently. It is harder to get the magnetism into steel than into iron, and it is harder to get the magnetism out of steel than out of iron, because steel resists magnetization or demagneti- zation to a greater extent than soft iron. This power of resist- ing magnetization or demagnetization is called hysteresis. 97. Molecular Theory of Magnetism. There are quite a number of experimental facts that lead to the conclusion that magnetism has something to do with the molecules of the Fig. 49 Fig. 50 substance, since any disturbance of the molecules causes a change in the degree of magnetization. If a test tube full of hard steel filings be magnetized, it will behave toward a compass needle or other magnet as though it were a solid bar magnet, but it will lose practically all of its magnet- ism as soon as the fillings are rearranged with respect to each other by giving the tube several good shakes. A needle that has been magnetized will lose its magnetism when heated. A magnet may be broken into any number of 84 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY different pieces and there will appear at each break an N- pole and an S-pole, as shown in Fig. 50. The strength of the poles of any magnet will be greatly reduced by ham- mering, twisting, or bending it. A theory often used to explain certain magnetic phenomena is as follows: In an unmagne- tized bar it is assumed that the molecules are each a tiny magnet, and that these molecules or magnets are arranged in no definite way, except that the opposite poles neutralize each other throughout the bar. The theoretical arrangement of the molecules in an unmagnetized bar is shown in Fig. 51. When the bar is brought into a magnetic field, the tiny magnets are turned, due to the action of the outside force, so that the N-poles tend to point in one direction and their S-poles in the other. The arrangement of the molecules after the bar has been magnetized is shown in Fig. 52. The opposite poles neutralize each other in the middle of the bar but there will be an N^pole found at one end and an S-pole at the other. The ease with which any material may be magnetized as compared to some other material will depend upon what might be termed the molecular friction of the ma- Fig - 52 terial. Thus, the molecules in a bar of steel offer a greater resistance to a change in their position than do the molecules in cast iron. Steel, as a result, is harder to magnetize than cast iron, and it will also retain its magnetism after once magnetized better than cast iron for the same reason. 98. Application of Permanent Magnets. Permanent mag- nets are made to assume many different forms, depending upon the particular use to which they are to be placed. In the majority of cases the bar forming the magnet is bent into such a form that both poles will produce an effect instead of only one pole. Thus, instead of using a straight bar magnet in picking up a piece of iron, as shown in Fig. 53, the MAGNETISM 85 bar can be bent into a U-shape and both poles presented to the piece to be picked up as shown in Fig. 54. The effect of the two poles in the second case will, of course, be greater Fig. 53 Fig. 54 than the single pole in the first. A magnet such as that shown in Fig. 54 is called a horseshoe magnet. Permanent magnets are used for numerous different pur- poses, such as in telephone receivers, relays, ringers, measur- ing instruments, etc. CHAPTER VI ELECTRON! AGNETISM 99. Magnet Field Around a Conductor Carrying a Current. In 1819, Oersted discovered that a magnetic needle was dis- turbed by the presence of a conductor carrying a current, and that the needle always tended to set itself at right an- gles to the conductor. If a magnetic needle be placed below Fig. 55 a wire, as shown in Fig. 55, the current in the wire being from left to right, as indicated by the arrow, the needle will tend to move in the direction indicated by the curved arrows. If the current in the conductor be reversed, the direction of the magnetic needle will be reversed. It is thus seen that there is a magnetic field set up about a conductor carrying a current and that the direction of this magnetic field will depend upon the direction of the current in the conductor. Magnetism set up in this way by an electric current is called electromagnetism. 100. Direction of an Electromagnetic Field. Remembering that the direction of a magnet field may be determined by placing a compass needle in the field -and determining the direction in which the N-pole of the needle will point this being taken as the positive direction you can determine the direction of the magnetic field surrounding a conductor, produced by a current in the conductor. The small circle 86 ELECTBOMAGNETISM 8? in Fig. 56 represents the cross-section of a conductor that can be imagined as passing through the paper. The direc- tion of current in this conductor is away from the observer, and this fact is indicated by the plus sign ( + ) inside the circle. A compass needle placed below this conductor will set itself in such a position that the N-pole is toward the left and the S-pole is toward the right. If the compass needle be placed above the conductor, as shown in Fig. 57, the N- pole will point toward the right and the S-pole toward the Fig. 5(5 left. When the current is reversed in direction, that is, the flow is toward the observer which is indicated by the minus sign ( ) inside of the circle the positions assumed by the compass needle will be just the reverse of those shown in Figs. 56 and 57. Fig. 58 If a conductor is passed through a small opening in the center of a piece of cardboard that is supported in a hori- zontal position, as shown in Fig. 58, and a current is passed through the conductor, the field may be explored by means of a small compass needle. When the current in the con- 88 PBACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY ductor is down through the cardboard, as indicated by the arrow (I) in the figure, the needle will assume a position at right angles to the conductor (neglecting the effect of the earth's magnetic field) and the N-pole will point, when you are looking down upon the cardboard, in the direction the hands of a clock move. The dotted line drawn on the surface of the cardboard indicates the path that an N-pole would move in, in passing around the conductor. The arrow on the dotted line indicates the direction in which the pole would move. If the current in the conductor were re- versed, the direction of motion, or the direction of the field, would be reversed. Iron filings may be sprinkled on the cardboard and they will form con- Fig. 59 centric circles about the conductor which corre- spond to the lines of magnetic force produced by the cur- rent. A field formed in this way is shown in Fig. 59. 101. Rules for Determining the Direction of a Field About a Conductor Carrying a Current. There are a number of different ways of remembering the relation between the di- rection of a magnetic field and the direction of the cur- rent producing it. A very simple rule that is known as the "right-hand rule" is as follows: Grasp the conductor carrying the current with the right hand, the thumb being placed along the wire and the fingers being wrapped around the wire; then the fingers point in the direction of the magnetic field produced by the current in the wire when the thumb points in the direction in which the current passes through the wire. If a person looks along a conductor, carrying a current, in the direction of the current, the direction of the magnetic field surrounding the conductor will be clockwise. Another rule known as the "right-hand screw rule" is as follows: Consider a right-handed screw which is being ELECTEOMAGNETISM 89 screwed into or out of a block, as shown in Fig. 60. If an electric current is supposed to exist through the screw in the direction in which the screw moves through the block, then the direction of the magnetic field will correspond to the direction in which the screw turns. 102. Strength of Magnetic Field. The strength of any magnetic field is measured in terms of the number of lines of force per unit area, usually one square centimeter per- pendicular to the direction of the field. The symbol used to indicate field strength is the letter (H). The properties of the magnetic field surrounding a conductor carrying a current are the same as those possessed by the magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet. The strength of a Fig. 60 Fig. 61 magnetic field at a certain point, due to a current in a con- ductor or a permanent magnet, will depend directly upon the strength of the current in the conductor, or the strength of the permanent magnet, and inversely as the square of the average distance the point is from the conductor or perma- nent magnet. 103. Solenoid. A little consideration will show that if a current be carried below a compass needle in one direction, and then back in the opposite direction above the needle by bending the wire around, as shown in Fig. 61, the forces exerted on the needle, due to the current in the upper and lower portions of the wire, will be in the same direction. If the needle is the same distance from each portion of the circuit the effect of the two parts will be just double that 90 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY produced by either part acting alone. Hence, if the wire be coiled about the needle, each additional turn will produce an additional force tending to turn the needle from its nor- mal position. The magnetic effect of any current can be greatly increased in this way. A cross-section through a single turn of wire is shown in Fig. 62. The current is away from the observer in /' / /' ,''"^x \ \ ' the upper part of the con- , ductor > and toward the ''' observer in the lower part, as indicated by the ( + ) and ( ) signs. The direc- * tion o f the magnetic field ^ surrounding the upper '\ \ V _",-'' ' ) \ cross-section will be clock- wise, as indicated by the Fig- C'J arrows on the curves drawn about it, while the direction of the field surrounding the lower cross-section will be counter clockwise, as indicated by the arrows, since the current is in the opposite direction in the lower cross-section of the conductor to what it is in the uppe~ cross- section. It will be seen ,-***' '*"*-, that the magnet field be- ./ .-''',-"- .--. ,--. "j^N. tween the two cross-sec- "x tions of the conductor -^I:* w or through the center of ^ the turn is toward the left ''^ r -'' and it is the resultant of /' ( the two fields about the >x v. '--.."".. two cross-sections. The .,,---'' field is stronger between Fi s- 63 the two cross-sections than it is outside, which is indicated by a larger number of lines of force per unit of area, as shown in the figure. Increasing the number of turns forming the coil will in- crease the strength of the magnetic field inside the coil, since the lines of force that surround each turn seem to join together and pass around the entire winding instead ELECTEOMAGNETISM 91 N of passing around the respective conductors. A cross-sec- tion through a coil composed of several turns is shown in Fig. 63. A few of the lines encircle the different conductors, but the greater portion pass entirely through the center of the coil and around the total number of turns. Such coils are called solenoids. 104. Polarity of Solen- oids. A solenoid carrying a current exhibits all the magnetic effects that are shown by permanent mag- nets. If a solenoid that is carrying a current be suspended so that it is free to swing about a ver- tical axis, its own axis being horizontal, it will move into an approxi- mately north and south position, exactly like a permanent magnet. A so- lenoid supported in this way is shown in Fig. 64. They attract and repel magnets, pieces of iron, Fig. 64 and other solenoids. See Fig. 65. The polarity of any solenoid may be determined, when the direction of the current is known, by a simple application of any one of the rules given in section (101). The lines of magnetic force inside the solenoid pass from the S-pole to the N-pole and outside the solenoid from the N-pole to the S-pole. Referring to Fig. 63, you see that the end of the solenoid toward the left will be the S-pole and the end toward the right, the N-pole. A simple rule by which the polarity of a solenoid may be determined, if the direction of the current around the wind- ing is known, is as follows: If you face one end of the solenoid and the current is around the winding in a clock- wise direction, the end nearest you will be the S-pole and the other end will be the N-pole. If the direction of the cur- 92 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY rent around the winding is counter clockwise, the end near- est you will be the N-pole and the other end, the S-pole. Another simple rule is to grasp the solenoid with the right hand with the fingers pointing around the coil in the direc- tion of the current, the thumb will then point toward the N-pole of the coil, as shown in Fig. 66. Fig. 65 Fig. 66 105. The Toroid. If a solenoid is bent around until its two ends meet, or if a winding is placed on a ring, the arrangement thus produced will be a toroid. By winding the various turns closely and uniformly over the entire periphery of the ring, the lines of force produced inside the ring by a current in the winding will form closed curves whose paths are entirely with- in the turns composing the winding; consequently, there are ro external magnet poles. Such a coil is shown in Fig. 67. 106. Permeability. The number of magnetic lines pro- duced inside a solenoid, with an air core, can be greatly in- creased by introducing a piece of iron, even though the cur- rent in the winding of the so- lenoid remains constant. This is due to the fact that the iron is a better conductor of magnetic lines than air. The relation between the num- ber of lines of force per unit area inside the solenoid after the iron has been introduced, designated by (/3), to the Fig. 6' ELECTKOMAGNETISM 93 number of lines per unit of area for an air core, which is the field strength, designated by (#), is called the permea- bility, designated by (/*). fi M = (73) H The permeability of a given sample of iron is not constant because the value of (/3) does not increase at the same rate (H) increases. Curves showing the relation between the two quantities for wronght iron, cast iron, and cast steel ZO 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 . 100 110 IZO 150 140 150 160 Fig. 68 are shown in Fig. 68. The permeability of these different kinds of iron can be determined for any value of (0) or (H) by dividing the value of (/3) for any point on the curve by the corresponding value of (fl). The sharp bend in the curve is called the "knee" of the curve. The iron is very nearly saturated at this point be- cause any further increase in (H) produces a small increase in (j8) as compared to what a corresponding increase in (H) would do below the knee of the curve. 107. Magnetomotive Force. The magnetomotive force (abbreviated m.m.f.) of a coil carrying a current is its total magnetizing power. When a current passes around a core several times, as shown in Fig. 69, the magnetizing power 94 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY is proportional both to the strength of the current and the number of turns in the coil. The product of the current in the coil and the number of turns composing the coil is called the ampere-turns. The magnetizing power of the current is independent of the size of the wire, the area of the coils, or their shape, and re- mains the same whether the turns are close together or far apart. It has been found by experiment that one ampere Fig. 69 turn sets up 1.2566 units of mag- netic pressure. Hence, if (n) represents the number of turns in the coil and (I) represents the current in amperes through each turn, the magnetomotive force is m.m.f. = 1.2566 X n X I (74) The gilbert is the unit in which magnetomotive force is measured. One gilbert is equal to (1 -=- 1.2566) ampere-turn. Magnetomotive force or magnetic pressure corresponds to electromotive force and electrical pressure in the electrical circuit. The m.m.f. acting in any magnetic circuit encounters a certain opposition to the production of a magnetic field, just as an electrical pressure encounters a certain opposi- tion in the electrical circuit to the production of a current. The opposition in the magnetic circuit is called the reluc- tance, represented by (E), of the circuit and its value will depend upon the materials composing the circuit and the dimensions of the circuit. The total number of magnetic lines of force, called the magnetic flux, represented by ($), produced in any magnetic circuit will depend upon the m.m.f. acting on the circuit and the total reluctance of the circuit, just as the current in an electrical circuit depends upon the electrical pressure acting upon the resistance of the circuit. The unit of mag- netic flux is the maxwell, and it is equal to one line of force. The gauss is the unit of flux density, and it is equal to one line of force per unit of area. Magnetomotive force Number of lines = (75) Reluctance ELECTKOMAGNETISM 95 (76) 108. Reluctance. The reluctance of any magnetic cir- cuit depends upon the dimensions of the circuit and the kind of material composing the circuit. It varies directly as the length of the circuit and inversely as the area, all other conditions remaining constant. The reluctance of any given volume varies inversely as the permeability of the material filling the volume. Length in centimeters Reluctance = Permeability X cross-section in sq. cm. I E = (77) The unit in which reluctance is measured is called the oersted and it is equal to the reluctance of a cubic centi- meter of air. Reluctances can be added in the same way as resistances. If a magnetic circuit, such as that of the dynamo, is com- posed of a number of different kinds of materials, such as cast iron, wrought iron, air, etc., calculate the reluctance of each part by the above equation, and add these reluc- tances together to give the total reluctance of the entire magnetic circuit. The value of the permeability to use in the above equation will, of course, depend upon the number of magnetic lines the various parts of the circuit are to conduct per unit of area. The permeability of air is always unity. Example. An iron ring has a rectangular cross-section of four square centimeters and a mean length of 20.5 centi- meters. A slot is cut in this ring .5 centimeters wide and the ring is wound with 1000 turns of wire. What current must there be in the winding in order that there will be 100000 magnetic lines produced in the air gap? Take the permeability of the iron equal to 1000. Solution. The reluctance of the iron portion of the cir- cuit can be determined by substituting in equation (77) : PBACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY 20 1 E = = oersted 1000 X 4 200 The reluctance of the air gap will be '.5 E = = y s oersted 1X4 Total reluctance is 11 13 1 = = .13 oersted 8 200 ICO Substituting the values of (E), (n), and ($) in equations (74) and (76) gives L2566 X 1000 X I 100 000 = .13 1.2566 X 1000 X I = 13 000 1256.61 = 13000 1 = 10.34 Ans. 10.34 amperes. Example. The magnetic circuit, shown in Fig. 70, is rectangular in cross-sec- tion, the dimensions per- pendicular to the paper be- ing 3 centimeters. The permeability of the iron is 1000. The armature (A) is .5 centimeter from eacii magnet core. There are 500 turns in each coil and each turn is carrying a current of 10 amperes. What is the value of the total number of magnetic lines produced in the air gaps? Fig. 70 Solution. The total length of path in air is 2 x .5 = 1 cm. ELECTROMAGNETISM 97 The area of the magnetic circuit is the same throughout and is equal tc 2 X 3 = 6 sq. cm. The reluctance of the air gaps is equal to I 1 1 E = = = A* A 1X6 6 The length of the magnetic circuit in the iron is TT X d (2 X 5) + (2 X 10) + 4 ( ) = 33.1416 cm. 4 (Note The circuit is taken as a curve about the corners.) The reluctance of the iron portion of the magnetic circuit will be 33.1416 E = = .005 523 6 oersted 1000 X 6 The total reluctance will be h .0055236 = .17219 oersted 6 Substituting the values of (I), (n), and (E) in equation (76) gives 1.2566 X 2 X 500 X 10 * = =72970. .17219 Ans. 72970. maxwells (approx.). PROBLEMS ON MAGNETISM (1) A magnetic circuit is 40 cm. in length, has a cross- section of 4 square centimeters, and is composed of a material whose permeability is 1500. What is the reluctance of the circuit? 1 Ans. oersted. 150 98 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY 2. What is the m.m.f. in gilberts produced by a current ' 7.5 amperes thr cuit of 1200 turns? of 7.5 amperes through a winding around a magnetic cir- Ans. 11 309. + gilberts. (3) A magnetic circuit is composed of three parts con- nected in series, having reluctances of .032, .015, and .053 oersted, respectively. What m.m.f. would be required to produce a flux of 10 000 maxwells? Ans. 1000 gilberts. (4) How many turns would be required in a coil to pro- duce the above m.m.f., if each turn is to carry a current of 1 ampere? Ans. 795 turns (approx.). (5) It is desired to magnetize a piece of iron until there are 6000 lines per square centimeter. What cross-section is required to have a total of 100000 lines? Ans. 16% sq. cm. (6) Two magnetic circuits are acting in parallel and they have reluctances of .05 and .04 oersted respectively. What is the total reluctance of the two combined? Ans. .0222 oersted. (Note: Add reluctances in parallel the same as resist- ances.) 109. Electromagnet. A simple electromagnet consists of a piece of iron about which is wound an electrical con- ductor through which a current of electricity may be passed. Commercial electromagnets assume numerous different forms depending upon the particular use to which they are to be placed. They are used in electric bells, telephones, relays, circuit breakers, generators, motors, lifting magnets, etc. The use of the electromagnet in handling magnetic materials has become quite common in recent years. A magnet manu- factured by the Electric Controller and Supply Company, Cleveland, Ohio, which is used for the above purpose, is shown in Fig. 71. 110. Hysteresis. If a piece of iron be magnetized, then ELECTEOMAGNETISM 99 demagnetized and magnetized in the opposite direction and again demagnetized it will be found that the degree of magnetization will be different for the same value of (H) depending upon whether the field is increasing or decreasing in strength. The magnetization of the iron lags behind the magnetizing force and, as a result, the values of (/3) for Fig. 71 certain values of (H) will be greater when the magnetizing force is decreasing than they will be for the same values of (H) when the magnetizing force is increasing. Fig. 72 shows the relation between (/3) and (H) when the iron is carried through what is termed a complete cycle; that is, it is magnetized to a maximum positive (/3), as at (a) in the figure; then demagnetized and magnetized to a maximum negative (/3), as at (b) in the figure, which gives the upper curve (acb). The lower curve (b d a) is obtained in a similar way by demagnetizing the sample from a negative (/3) to zero and then magnetizing it to a maximum posi- tive (|3), returning the iron to its original magnetic condition, which completes the cycle. 111. Hysteresis Loss. When a piece of iron is carried through a magnetic cycle, as described in the previous sec- 100 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY tion, all the energy spent in magnetizing it is not returned to the circuit when the iron is demagnetized, which results in a certain amount of electrical energy being expended to carry the iron through the cycle. This energy appears in the iron as heat. The en- ergy lost per cycle depends upon the kind of iron being tested, the volume of the sample, and the maximum value of (]8) raised to the 1.6 power. Joules (energy per cycle) = V X jSi.e X -n X 10-7 (78) The constant (77) takes into account the kind of iron being Fig 72 tested and (V) is the volume in cubic centimeters. If the iron is carried through (f) cycles per second, the loss of power in watts is given by the equation Wh = 77XfXVX ,3i.c x 10-7 watts (79) TABLE NO. VI VALUE OF HYSTERETIC CONSTANT (77) FOR DIFFERENT MATERIALS Best annealed transformer sheet metal. . ......... 001 Thin sheet iron (good) ................. ......... 003 Ordinary sheet iron ............................. 004 Soft annealed cast steel ......................... 008 Cast steel ..... ................................. 012 Cast iron ....................................... 016 Example. A piece of iron is magnetized to a maximum (0) of 9000 lines per sq. cm. It is carried through 60 complete cycles per second. What is the power lost in 10 cubic centi- meters if the hysteretic constant (77) is .003? Solution. In order to raise the value of (/3) to the 1.6 power you must make use of logarithms. (A description of the use of logarithms is given in Chapter 20.) In the table of logarithms you will find opposite the number 900 the mantissa 95424. (The mantissa of the logarithm of 900 is ELECTROMAGNETISM 101 the same as the mantissa of the logarithm of 9000.) Place the figure 3, the characteristic, before this num- ber, which is one less than the number of significant figures in 9000 and you have the log 9000 = 3.95424. Multiply this log by 1.6 and you have 6.326 784. Now 6.326 78 is the log of the result you want to obtain. Looking up the man- tissa 32678 in the table, you find it corresponds to 2122. The result must contain seven figures before the decimal point (because the characteristic is six), hence, the result is 2.122 X 106. Substituting this value in equation (79), together with the values of (f), (V), and (77), gives Wh = .003 X 60 X 10 X 2.122 X 106 X 10-7 = .18 X. 2.122 = .38 Ans. .38 watts. 112. Law of Traction. The formula for the pull of, or lift- ing power of, an electromagnet when it is in actual contact with the object to be lifted is /32 A Pull in pounds = - (80) 72 134 000 In the above equation (/3) is the number of lines per square inch and (A) is the area of contact in square inches. The value of (/3) required to produce a given pull, when the area of contact is known, can be calculated by the use of the equation Pull in pounds - (81) Area in square inches In the above equation (/3) will be lines per square inch. CHAPTEE VII ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION FUNDAMENTAL THEORY OF THE DYNAMO 113. Electromagnetic Induction. In 1831, Michael Faraday discovered that an electrical pressure was induced in a con- ductor that was moved in a magnetic field, when the direction of motion of the conductor was such that it cut across the lines of force of the field. If this conductor forms part of a closed electrical circuit, the electromotive force induced in it will produce a current. Currents that are produced in this way are called induction currents and the phenomenon is termed electromagnetic induction. In this great discovery lies the principle of the operation of many forms of commer- cial electrical apparatus, such as dynamos, induction coils, transformers, etc. 114. Currents Induced in a Conductor by a Magnet. If a conductor (AB), Fig. 73, that is connected in series with a galvanometer (G), located so that it is not influenced to any great extent by the permanent magnet, be moved in the field of the magnet, the moving system of the galvanometer will be deflected to the right or left of the zero position. This deflection is due to a current in the circuit which is caused by the induced e.m.f. in the conductor that was moved in the magnetic field. When the movement of the conductor in the field ceases, the galvanometer system will return to its zero position, which indicates there is no cur- rent and hence no induced e.m.f. in the circuit. Hence, the conductor must be actually cutting the magnet lines of force in order that there be an induced e.m.f. produced in the circuit. If the conductor was moved downward across the field in the above case and the deflection of the galvanom- eter needle was to the right, it will be found, upon moving the conductor upward across the field or in the opposite direc- 102 ELECTEOMAGNETIC INDUCTION 103 tion to its motion in the first case, that the galvanometer needle will be deflected to the other side of its zero posi- tion. Since the direction in which the needle of the galva- nometer is deflected depends upon the direction of the current through its winding, it is apparent the current in the circuit in the second case is in the opposite direction to what it was in the first case; and since the current is due to the induced e.m.f. in the conductor (AB), it must also be in the opposite direction. If the motion of the conduc- tor in the magnetic field is continuous, up and down past the end of the mag- net, there will be a current FJ g- 73 through the galvanometer first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and the galvanometer needle will swing to the right and left of its zero position. The motion of the conductor, however, may be rapid enough so that the galvanometer needle has not sufficient time to take its proper position with respect to the current in the conductor and as a result it remains practically at zero, the vibration or deflection to the right or to the left being very small. The same results can be obtained by using the opposite pole of the magnet, except the deflection of the galvanometer needle due to a given direction of motion of the conductor will be just the reverse of what it was with the other pole. This shows that there is some definite relation between the direction of motion of the conductor, the direction of the mag- netic field, and the direction in which the induced e.m.f. acts. If the wire were held stationary and the magnet moved, the same results would be obtained as though the wire were moved past the magnet. Hence, it is only necessary that there be a relative movement of the conductor and the field; either may remain stationary. An electromagnet may be used instead of the permanent magnet and the same results will be obtained under similar conditions. 104 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY If the conductor were moved very slowly across the mag- netic field, the galvanometer needle would be deflected through a much smaller angle than it would be if the con- ductor were moved faster across the field. The deflection of the galvanometer needle depends upon the value of the current through its winding and since the deflection is smaller when the conductor is moved slowly than it is when the conductor is moved fast, it must follow that the induced e.m.f. for a slow movement of the conductor is less than it is for a fast movement, even though all the magnetic lines of force forming the magnetic field be cut by. the con- ductor. The above results show that the value of the e.m.f. induced in a conductor, due to the relative motion of the conductor and a magnetic field, depend upon the rate at which the conductor is moving. If a second conductor be connected in series with the first, so that their induced e.m.f.'s act in the same direction, the resultant e.m.f. is increased. This is equivalent to increasing the effective length of the conductor in the magnetic field. The induced e.m.f. may be increased by placing a second magnet along the side of the first so that their like poles are pointing in the same direction. This second magnet in- creases the strength of the magnetic field and the conductor cuts more lines of force due to any movement. If the conductor be moved in a path parallel to the lines of force forming the magnetic field or along its own axis, there will be no deflection of the galvanometer needle, which indi- cates there is no current in the circuit and hence, no in- duced e.m.f. Then, in order that there be an induced e.m.f. set up in a conductor due to Us movement with respect to a magnetic field, the path in which the conductor moves must make some angle with the direction of the magnetic lines of force. The value of the induced e.m.f. due to the movement of a conductor in a magnetic field will increase as the angle between the direction of the lines of force and the path in which the conductor moves increases, and it will be a maximum when the conductor moves in a path perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field and perpendicular to itself. There will be an induced e.m.f. set up in the conductor even though the circuit of which the conductor, forms a part ELECTED MAGNETIC INDUCTION 105 be open. This induced e.m.f. will exist between the ter- minals of the circuit where it is opened, just the same as an e.m.f. exists between the terminals of a battery that is on open circuit. The question naturally arises: Is the magnet weakened when it is used in producing induced currents in a conductor as previously described, and if not, what is the source of energy that causes the current to exist in the conductor? The magnet is in no way weakened when it is used as pre- viously described, and the induced current is produced by the expenditure of muscular energy just as an expenditure of chemical energy in a cell produces an electrical current in a closed circuit to which the cell is connected. When a conductor with a current in it is located in a magnetic field in a position other than parallel to the field, there is a force produced which tends to cause the conductor to move across the field. The direction of this force is just oppo- site to the one that must be applied to the conductor to cause it to move so there will be an induced e.m.f. set up which will produce the current. In other words, the induced e.m.f. set up in a conductor will always be in such a direc- tion that the current produced by it will oppose the motion of the conductor. 115. Currents induced in a Coil by a Magnet. If a coil of wire (C) be connected in series with a gal- vanometer (G), as shown in Fig. ?Ail JM 74, a deflection of the galvanom- eter needle can be produced by thrusting a magnet (M) in and out j of the coil. When the magnet is thrust into the coil, a deflection of the needle will be produced, say, to the right, and when the magnet is withdrawn a deflection of the needle will be produced to the left. If the magnet be turned end for end, the deflections of the galvanometer needle will be just the reverse of what 'they were for the previous arrangement. If the coil (C) be turned through an angle of 180 degrees so that the side that was originally toward the magnet will now be away from it and the magnet be placed in its original position, the deflec- 106 PEACT1CAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY tions of the galvanometer needle produced by a movement of the magnet in or out of the coil will correspond in direc- tion to those produced when the coil was in its original position and the magnet had been turned end for end. If the coil be moved on or off of the magnet, the same effect is produced as would be produced by moving the magnet in or out of the coil. The e.m.f. in this case, as in the previous one, will depend upon the rapidity of the movement of the magnetic field with respect to the coil, or vice versa. If the number of turns of wire composing the coil be increased or decreased, there will be a corresponding increase or decrease in the e.m.f. induced in the winding due to a given movement of the coil or magnet with respect to the other. The induced e.m.f. in the various turns all act in the same direction, they are all equal, and the resultant e.m.f. is equal to their sum. 116. Magnitude of the Induced E.M.F. and Factors upon Which It Depends. From the discussion in the two previous sections it is seen that the induced e.m.f. in a circuit de- pends upon the following factors: (a) The rate of movement of the conductor and the mag- netic field with respect to each other. The more rapid the movement the greater the e.m.f. induced, all other quantities remaining constant. (b) The strength of the magnetic field or the number of lines of force per square centimeter. The stronger the field the greater the e.m.f. induced, all other quantities remaining constant. (c) Upon the angle the path, in which the conductor moves, makes with the direction of the lines of force. The nearer this path is to being perpendicular to the mag- netic field and the position of the conductor, the greater the induced e.m.f. (d) The length of the wire that is actually in the magnetic field. The more wire there is in the magnetic field, the greater the induced e.m.f. The above facts can be condensed into the following simple statement: The magnitude of the induced e.m.f. in any circuit depends upon the rate at which the conductor, ELECTEOMAGNETIC INDUCTION 1Q7 forming part of the circuit, cuts magnetic lines of force; that is, it depends upon the total number of lines of force cut per second by the conductor. When the conductor cuts one hun- dred million (100 000 000) lines in each second during its mo- tion, an electrical pressure of one volt is induced in the con- ductor. If the conductor cuts lines of force at the rate of two hundred million (200 000 000) in each second, the in- duced pressure is equal to two volts; and if the conductor cuts eleven thousand million (11 000 000 000) lines in each second, there will be an induced e.m.f. of 110 volts. If the circuit of which this conductor forms a part be closed, there will be a current in the conductor, which has a strength equal to the induced pressure divided by the total resistance of the circuit. Example. A conductor cuts across a magnetic field of 110 000 000 lines of force 100 times per second. (The con- ductor always moves across the field in the same direction.) How many volts are induced in the wire? Solution. A conductor cutting 11 000 000 lines of force 100 times per second would be equivalent to cutting (11000000X100), or 1100000000 lines once per second. Cutting 1 100 000 000 lines of force per second will induce in a conductor (1 100 000 000 -i- 100 000 000), or 11 volts. Ans. 11 volts. 117. Direction of Induced E.M.F. From the previous dis- cussion it is seen that the direction of the induced e.m.f. depends upon the direction of the magnetic field and the direction in which the conductor is moved with respect to the field. If a piece of copper be bent into the form shown by (ECDF), Fig. 75, and a second piece (AB) be placed across the first and the combination placed in a magnetic field as shown by the vertical arrows in the figure, there will be a current around the metallic circuit thus formed when the con- ductor (AB) is moved to the right or to the left of its initial position. When the conductor (AB) is moved it cuts across some of the lines of force and there is an induced pressure set up in it which .produces a current. The direction of this current will be reversed when the direction of motion of (AB), or the direction of the magnetic field, is reversed. 108 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY When the wire is moved in the direction indicated by the arrow (K) in the figure, the end (B) is positive and the other end (A) is negative, or the potential of (B) is higher than that of (A). This difference in pressure between (B) and (A) will cause a current in the circuit, from (B) through (C) and (D) to (A) and from (A) to (B). The wire (AB) is the part of the circuit in which the electrical pressure is gen- erated and the electricity passes from a lower to a higher potential through this part of the circuit, just as the elec- tricity passes from the negative to the positive pole of the battery through the battery itself. A simple way of determining the direction of induced e.m.f. in a circuit, when the direction of motion of the con- E B A Fig. 75 Fig. 76 ductor and the direction of the magnetic field are known, is as follows: Suppose a conductor (C), Fig. 76, is moved to the -right, as indicated by the arrow, in a magnetic field whose direction is downward, as shown by the small arrow heads at the lower part of the figure. The lines of force might be thought of as elastic bands that are pushed aside when the conductor is moved in the field, but finally break and join again on the left side of the conductor, leaving a line linked around the conductor, as shown by the small circle (c). The direction of this line of force about the conductor is clock- wise, or it corresponds to a line produced by a current toward the paper. Hence, the current in the conductor is from the observer toward the paper. It must be remembered that the current is from a point of relatively low potential to one of higher potential in this part of the circuit. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION 109 118. Rules for Determining Direction of Induced E.M.F. There are a number of different ways of remembering the relation between the direction of the electrical current, the direction of the conductor's motion, and the direction of the magnetic field. One of the best rules is what is known as Fleming's "Right-Hand Rule," and it is as follows: Place the thumb and the first and second fingers of the right hand all at right angles to each other. Now turn the hand into such a position that the thumb points in the direction of motion of the conductor, and the first finger points in the direction of the lines of force, then the second, or middle, finger will point in the direction of the current that is set up in the conductor by the induced pressure. An illustra- tion of the "Right-Hand Rule" is shown in Fig. 77. Inducedemf Fig. 77 Fig. 78 119. Primary and Secondary Coils. If a coil of wire be connected in series with a galvanometer (G), as shown in Fig. 78, and a second coil (C 2 ) that has its winding con- nected to a battery (B) be moved into or out of the coil (Ci), there will be a deflection produced on the galvanometer, just as though a permanent magnet had been used instead of the coil (C 2 ). The coil (Cj), in which the induced e.m.f. is produced, is called the secondary and the coil (C 2 ), in which the inducing current exists, is called the primary. There are a number of different ways of producing an induced e.m.f. in the secondary coil besides moving one coil with respect to the other. Four of 'these methods are as fol- lows: (Both coils are stationary and one surrounds the other, or they are both wound around the same magnetic cir- cuit). (a) By making or breaking the primary circuit. Imagine HO PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY two conductors (AB) and (CD), Fig. 79, that are parallel to each other and very near together but are connected in two electrically independent circuits. The conductor (AB) is in series with the galvanometer (G) and constitutes the secondary circuit. The conductor (CD) is connected in se- ries with a battery (B) and a switch (S) that can be used in opening and closing the primary circuit. When the primary circuit is completed by closing the switch (S), there will be a current through the conductor (CD) from (C) to (D), This current will produce a magnetic field about its path and the field around the conductor (CD) will cut the con- ductor (AB) which will result in an induced e.m.f. being set up in the secondary circuit that will send a current through the circuit from (B) to (A). The direction of this in- duced e.m.f. can be determined by means of the "Right-Hand Rule." B ' L_| |J d | ^^ \ ) There will be an e.m.f. set up in the secondary for a period of time cor- Fi s- 79 responding to the time required to establish the current in the primary. As soon as the primary current ceases to change in value, there will be no movement of the magnetic field and the con- ductor TAB) with respect to each other. If now the primary circuit be broken, the magnetic field surrounding the conductor (CD) will collapse, and as a result the conductor (AB) will cut the field again, but in the oppo- site direction to what it did when the current in the circuit (CD) was being established. There will be a current pro- duced in the secondary that is practically constant in dura- tion if the primary circuit is made and broken a sufficient number of times. The conductors forming the primary and secondary circuits are usually wound into coils, and they may be placed side by side or one outside the other. The e.m.f. induced in the secondary, due to a certain change of current in the primary, can be greatly increased by winding the two coils on an iron core. The magnetic field that passes through the two windings, due to the current in the primary is a great deal stronger when they are placed on the iron core than it is when an air core is used and, as a ELECTEOMAGNETIC INDUCTION 111 O o=^0=CD Secondary] \/V/V/V I i result, a greater number of lines of force will cut the second- ary winding when the primary circuit is completed or broken. The induction coil consists of two windings, a primary and a secondary, placed upon an iron core with some sort of a device connected in the primary circuit for interrupting the primary current. See Fig. 80. The relation between the primary and the secondary e.m.f. is practically the same as the relation between the number of turns of wire in the primary and in the secondary windings. (b) Varying the strength of current in the primary. This in reality is practically the same as the previous method, except the circuit is not entirely broken. Any change in the value of the primary current will result in a change in the magnetic field surrounding the primary winding, and as this field expands or contracts it will cut the conductor composing the secondary and, as a result, there will be an induced e.m.f. set up in the sec- ondary winding. The di- rection of this induced III 1 r ' e.m.f. will depend upon whether the field is ex- Fig. 80 panding or contracting, which, in turn, depends upon the change of current in the primary whether it be increasing or decreasing. The telephone induction coil is a good application of this means of producing an alternating current in the secondary due to a change in the value of the current in the primary. The connections of a telephone coil are shown in Fig. 81. (S) and (P) represent the secondary and the primary wind- ings of the induction coil, which are usually wound, one out- side of the other, on an iron core composed of a bundle of small iron wires. (R) is the receiver that is connected in series with the telephone line and the secondary winding. The transmitter (T) is connected in series with the battery (B) and the primary winding. The construction of the trans- mitter is such that when the air is set in vibration about the transmitter, due to any cause, there will be a change in the 112 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTEICITY Pig. 81 value of the resistance it offers to the current in the circuit of which it is a part. The vibration of the air then causes a varying current through the primary winding of the induc- tion coil, which, in turn, produces an e.m.f. in the secondary winding and as a result of this e.m.f. there will be a current over the telephone line that produces an effect on the re- ceivers both at the sending and the receiving stations. It must be understood that the diagram, Fig. 81, does not show the complete circuit of the telephone. (c) Reversing the cur- rent in the primary. If a switch were constructed so that its operation would reverse the current in the primary winding, there would be an e.m.f. induced in the secondary winding due to a change in the magnetic field surrounding the two windings. This method is applied in practice in what is called a transformer. The switch, however, is not used, as the current in the pri- mary winding is an alternating current a current that is re- versing in direction at regular intervals. The operation of the transformer will be taken up under the subject "Alternating Current." (d) Moving the iron core about which the windings are placed. The magnetic field produced by a given value 'of current in the winding of a coil will depend upon the kind of material composing the magnetic circuit, whether it be a material of high or low permeability. If the iron core upon which the windings are placed be moved so as to increase the reluctance in the magnetic circuit, there will be a decrease in the lines of force, and, as a result, there will be an induced e.m.f. set up in the secondary winding. If the core be moved so as to decrease the reluctance of the circuit, there will be an increase in the number of magnetic lines, or an increase in field strength, and an induced e.m.f. will be produced in the secondary winding in the opposite direction to that produced when the field strength decreased. This principle is employed in what is called the inductor type of alternating- ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION 113 current generator. An e.m.f. is produced by rotating iron poles between the primary and the secondary windings, which changes the number of the lines of force through the sec- ondary due to the current in the primary. 120. Mutual Induction. The reaction of two independent electrical circuits upon each other is called mutual induction. These circuits of course must be so placed with respect to each other that the magnetic field due to the current in either of them will produce an effect in the other. A good practical example of mutual induction is that of a telephone wire that runs parallel to, say, an electric-light circuit. The magnetic field surrounding the electric-light circuit cuts the telephone conductor and sets up in it an induced e.m.f. This induced e.m.f. will produce a current in the telephone circuit which in- terferes with the satisfac- tory operation of the tele- phone line. Often the conversation on one tele- phone circuit can be heard on another circuit due to this same cause. The wires composing the circuits should have their positions interchanged, as shown in Fig. 82. The e.m.f.'s induced in the two wires composing the telephone circuit are opposite in direction with respect to the telephone circuit and they will all exactly neutralize each other when the two wires are properly changed in position. The changing of the position of two wires is called a transposition. 121. Self-Induction. If the value of the current in a wire forming a coil be changed in any way, there will be a change in the strength of the magnetic field surrounding the wire. This change in strength of the magnetic field will produce an e.m.f. in the conductor in which the current is changing just the same as though the field were changed in strength by a current in an independent electrical circuit. This cutting of the wire by the magnetic field produced by a current in the wire itself is called self-induction. When a coil carry- ing a current has its circuit broken, there will be a spark formed at the break due to the induced e.m.f. This induced e.m.f. will depend upon the form of the coil and the kind Tel ^ a > i > uit k a v ephoneCirc k ' sa > Fig. 82 114 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY of material associated with the coil. A straight conductor will have a small e.m.f. induced in it when the circuit is broken, as the magnetic field surrounding the conductor is not very strong. If the conductor be bent into a coil the induced e.m.f. will be greater than that for the straight conductor, as very nearly all the magnetic lines of force produced by each turn cut all the other turns composing the coil, and the total number of lines that cut the winding is greatly increased. This induced e.m.f. can be further in* creased by providing the coil with an iron core, which in- creases the field strength due to a given current in the winding. In electric-gas lighting it is desired r - --' , to have a circuit of large self-induc- tion so that there will be a good spark formed when the circuit is broken at the gas jet. The heat of this spark is sufficient to ignite the gas. The self-induction of such a circuit is increased by connecting in series with the battery and other parts of the circuit a coil wound upon an iron core. This kind of a coil is often spoken of as a "kick coil." If a lamp (L) be connected across the terminals of an electromagnet (M), as shown in Fig. 83, the lamp will burn very bright just for an instant after the battery circuit is opened. This is due to the induced e.m.f. set up in the winding of the electromagnet when the field contracts and cuts the various turns. The e.m.f., of course, is only momentary, as the field soon disappears when the circuit is broken by opening the switch (S). The voltage the lamp is constructed to operate on and the battery voltage should be practically the same in order to give the best results. 122. inductance. The inductance of any circuit depends upon the form of the circuit and the kind of material sur- rounding the circuit. There is an increase in the value of the inductance of a coil with an increase in the number of turns and an increase in the permeability of the material com- posing the magnetic circuit. A coil is said to have unit Fig. 83 ELECTKOMAGNETIC INDUCTION 115 inductance when an induced e.m.f. of one volt will be produced due to a change in the current in the winding of one ampere in one second. That is, if the current changes, say, from two to three amperes in one second and there is an induced e.m.f. of one volt, the coil is said to have unit inductance. The unit of inductance is the henry, and inductance is usually represented by the symbol (L). The inductance of any coil can be calculated by the use of the following equation when the dimension of the coil and other quantities are known: (82) 109 X I In the above equation (n) is the number of turns of wire on the coil, (ju) is the permeability of the material composing the magnetic circuit, (A) is the area of the magnetic circuit in square centimeters, and (Z) is the length of the magnetic circuit in centimeters. 123. Lentz's Law. A careful consideration of the ways by which induced currents may be produced, whether it be due to self or mutual induction, will result in the following sim- ple fact. In all cases of electromagnetic induction, the cur- rent produced by the induced e.m.f. will always be in such a direction as to tend to stop the cause producing it. Thus, if a magnet be moved toward a coil, the current in the coil will be in such a direction that the side of the coil toward the magnet will be of the same polarity as the end of the magnet toward the coil. This results in the induced current tending to stop the motion of the magnet. When the magnet is moved away from the coil, the current in the coil will be in the opposite direction to what it was before and the side of the coil toward the magnet is of the opposite polarity to the end of the magnet toward the coil, and as a result they attract each other, which tends to prevent the magnet being moved. If a coil of wire (Cj), in which there is a current, be moved toward a second coil (C 2 ), that is, connected in series with a galvanometer (G), Fig. 84, there will be an induced e.m.f. set up in the coil (C 2 ), which will cause a current through 116 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY the galvanometer and thus produce a deflection of its needle. The current produced in the second coil (C 2 ) will be in such a direction as to make the sides of the two coils toward each other of the same polarity. These two poles repel each other and thus there is a force opposing the movement of the coils toward each other. When the coil (C^ is moved away from (C 2 ), the sides of the two coils adjacent to each other are of opposite polarity and they attract each other. This results in a force which tends to prevent the coils moving apart. It must be remembered that this force of attraction or repulsion between the two coils is present only when there F[ s- 84 i s a current in both coils. If the two coils be wound on an iron core and the value of the current in the primary winding be changed, there will be a current in the secondary in such a direction as to oppose any change in the value of the magnetic field produced by the current in the primary. 124. General Rules for Direction of Induced Pressures. (a) If a primary coil be moved into a secondary coil, the current in the secondary, due to the induced e.m.f., will be in the opposite direction to the primary current. (b) If a primary coil be moved out of a secondary coil, the current in the secondary, due to the induced e.m.f., will be in the same direction as the primary current. (c) Where the current is increasing in value in the primary coil, there will be a current in the secondary coil, due to the induced e.m.f. that is in the opposite direction to that in the primary coil. (d) When the current is decreasing in value in the primary coil, there will be a current in the secondary coil, due to the induced e.m.f. that is in the same direction as that in the primary coil. In the above cases the secondary is closed. If the secondary be open there will be an induced e.m.f. set up, which would produce a current in the direction indicated above, if the circuit was closed. Rules (c) and (d) apply when the ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION 117 primary and the secondary are stationary and the current is changing in value in the primary. 125. Eddy Currents. If a disk of copper, or other conduct- ing material, be rotated below a suspended magnet, as shown in Fig. 85, currents will be produced in the disk, which cir- culate in paths similar to those shown by the dotted lines in the figure. These currents tend to oppose the motion pro- ducing them and, as a result, the magnet, if it is free to move, B, Fig. 85 Fig. 86 will be rotated in the same direction as the disk. If, how- ever, the magnet is held in position and the disk is rotated, a greater force must be applied to cause the disk to rotate than is required when the magnet is free to turn. Currents induced in masses of metal that are moved in a magnetic field, or are cut by a moving magnetic field, are called eddy currents. Faraday's dynamo, as shown in Fig. 86, consisted of a disk ' of copper (D) rotated between the poles of a permanent magnet (M), the electrical connection to the machine being made by means of brushes (Bj) and (B 2 ) that rested upon the center and edge of the disk. 126. Application of Eddy Currents. A good example of the practical application of the fact that eddy currents are set up in a mass of metal revolved in a magnetic field, is found in almost all types of integrating wattmeters. A disk of copper 118 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY is fastened on the same shaft as the rotating portion of the meter is mounted upon, and this disk revolves between the poles of several permanent magnets, as shown in Fig. 87. This combination of disk and magnets constitutes a small generator and serves as a load for the motor part of the meter. The torque required to drive the disk in the field of the magnets is propor- tional to the speed, and since the driving torque of the motor is proportional to the product of the im- pressed voltage and the load current, or the watts, the speed of the moving part of the meter must be proportional to the watts. The integrating meter will be taken up more in detail In the chapter on "Electric- al Measuring Instruments." 127. Eddy-Current Loss. The energy expended in producing eddy currents is converted into heat and represents a loss. These losses are quite large in dynamos, motors, trans- formers, etc., and it is always best to reduce Fig. 87 them to a minimum when it is possible. The best way of reducing them is to split the mass of metal up into sheets, the plane of these sheets being parallel to the direction of the lines of force. It is customary to build up all volumes of metal that are likely to have eddy currents produced in them from thin sheets, or laminations, as they are called. Induction-coil cores are made from short lengths of small wire instead of using a solid core. Armature cores and the cores of transformers are laminated so as to reduce the loss due to eddy currents. These laminae are usually between .014 and .025 inch in thickness for dynamos, and the space between ELECTKOMAGNETIC INDUCTION 119 them that is taken up by the oxide that forms on their surface is about .002 inch. Losses due to eddy currents could be re- duced to an inappreciable value by decreasing the thickness of the laminae, but there is a practical limit on account of the decrease in effective iron area, caused by the waste of space taken up by the insulation between adjacent When the laminae are perfectly insulated from each other, the following equation can be used in calculating the power in watts lost in iron due to eddy currents: We = k X V X f2 x t2 x 2 (83) In the above equation (k) is a constant, depending upon the resistance of the iron per cubic centimeter, which is usually about 1.6 X 10-H; (V) is the volume of the iron in cubic centimeters; (t) is the thickness of one lamina in centimeters; (f) is the frequency of magnetic cycles per second; and (/3) is the maximum number of lines per square centimeter to which the iron is magnetized. Example. Find the eddy-current loss in 1000 cubic centi- meters of iron, composed of laminations .04 cm. thick (in- cluding insulation), that is subject to a maximum (/3) of 10 000 lines per square centimeter and a frequency of 60 cycles per second. Solution. Taking the value of (k) = 1.6 X 10-n and sub- stituting in equation (83) gives 1000 X 602 X (.04)2 x 10 0002 1.6 X 1011 1000 X 3600 X .0016 X 100 000 000 We = 1.6 X 1011 Ans. 3.6 watts. 128. Non-inductive Circuit. In the construction of certain coils it is desired to have them as nearly non-inductive as possible. This is accomplished by winding the coil with two 120 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY wires laid side by side, as shown in Fig. 88, their inner ends being joined electrically. When the winding is completed, the two outside ends form the terminals of the coil. The cur- rent in such a coil is in one direction in one- half of the turns and in the remaining half of the turns in the opposite direction. The result is that the magnetic effect of the current in one-half of the turns is equal and opposite to the other half and they Fig. 88 exactly neutralize, and the inductance of the coil will be zero, or the coil will be non-inductive. CHAPTEE VIII ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS AND EFFECTS OF A CURRENT 129. Classification of Instruments. No attempt will be made in this chapter to describe all of the various forms of instru- ments on the market at the present time, it being deemed best to confine the description in almost every case to those that are in most common use. Electricity is not a material substance like water and cannot be measured in the same way since it has no dimensions such as length, breadth, or weight. An electrical current is studied and meas- ured by the effects it produces in an electrical circuit. The operation of all instruments depends upon some effect pro- duced by the current and this leads to the classification of instruments into four groups depending upon the particular effect employed in their operation. These effects are: (a) Electro-chemical effect. (b) Magnetic effect. (c) Heating effect. (d) Electrostatic effect. Note: The electrostatic effect is not an effect of a cur- rent primarily, but of electrical pressure. In addition to the above classification, instruments may be divided into the following groups: (a) Instruments suitable for direct-current measurements only. (b) Instruments suitable for alternating-current measure- ments only. (c) Instruments suitable for both direct- and alternating- current measurements. In the following discussion of instruments, they will be grouped according to the effect upon which their operation 121 122 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY depends, and their adaptability to the measurement of direct or alternating current will be pointed out at the same time. Ammeters, Galvanometers, and Voltmeters 130. Distinction between Ammeters, Galvanometers, and Voltmeters. An ammeter is an instrument to be used in measuring the current in a circuit, and for that reason am- meters will always be connected in series with that part of the circuit in which it is desired to ascertain the value of the current. A galvanometer is an instrument used in detecting the presence of a current in a circuit, or for measuring the value of the current. It is really the same as an ammeter as far as construction and operation are concerned, but it is usually used in measuring very small currents as com- pared to those measured by ammeters. Fig. 89 Fig. 90 In Fig. 89, the ammeter (A) is connected in series with the battery (B) and the two resistances (Ri) and (R 2 ), which are in parallel. The ammeter in this case reads the total current in the main circuit but it does not give the current in either of the resistances (R!> or (R 2 ). If, however, the instrument be connected, as shown in Fig. 90, it will indicate the current in the resistance (Ri). By chang- ing the instrument to the branch containing the resistance (R 2 ), the current in this branch can likewise be determined. A voltmeter is an instrument for measuring the difference in electrical pressure between any two points to which its terminals may be connected. Thus, if it is desired to know the difference in electrical pressure between the ter- ELECTKICAL INSTRUMENTS 123 minals of any part of an electrical circuit, such as the differ- ence in pressure between the terminals of a lamp that is connected to some source of electrical energy, as shown in Fig. 91, the voltmeter is connected to the two terminals and its indication is a measure of the pressure over the lamp. The ammeter and the voltmeter both operate on the same prin- ciple, that is, their indications depend upon the current pass- ing through them. The voltmeter indication depends upon the pressure between its terminals, because the current through it varies with this difference in pressure, the resistance of the instrument remaining constant. The resistance of an ammeter should be very low for the following reason: An ammeter will always be connected directly in the circuit and there will be a difference in elec- trical pressure between its terminals when there is a cur- rent through it, which is at any instant numerically equal to the product of the current and the resistance of the instru- ment. This drop across the ammeter should be small in order that the power required to operate the instrument be low in value, it being equal to the product of the current through the ammeter and the difference in pressure between ammeter terminals. If the ammeter in Fig. 89 had a resist- ance whose value was something near the value of the com- bined resistance of the two coils (Rj) and (R2) in parallel, practically half the output of the battery would be consumed in the ammeter and would represent a loss. If, on the other hand, the ammeter had a very low resistance, a very small part of the output of the battery would be consumed in it. The division of the current between the two branches of the circuit shown in Fig. 90 would be quite different after the ammeter was introduced in either branch to what it was before, if the ammeter had a large resistance. If the am- meter had a small resistance in comparison to that of either of the branches, the change in the division of the current between the two branches when the ammeter was introduced in either of them would be a great deal less than in the pre- vious case. The resistance of a voltmeter, on the other hand, should be as large as possible for the following reason: The loss of power in the voltmeter is equal to the product of the current through it and the difference in pressure between its 124 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY terminals, and since it is to indicate the difference in pres- sure, the only way this loss can be reduced is to increase the resistance of the instrument, which results in a smaller cur- rent. Suppose the voltmeter (V), shown in Fig. 91, had a re- sistance equal to that of the lamp (L), then the power required to operate the voltmeter would be equal to that required to operate the lamp, since there would be the same value of current in each, and the same difference in pressure between their terminals. This condition of affairs would result in a considerable loss and it could be reduced by increasing the resistance of the voltmeter. An ammeter connected in the line lead- ing from the generator (G) .to this lamp would in- dicate the combined cur- rent in the lamp and the voltmeter circuits. Hence, in order to get the current in the lamp circuit, the value of the current in the circuit should be subtracted from the value of current. If the resistance of the voltmeter be Fig. 91 voltmeter the total large in comparison to that of the lamp, the current in its circuit will be small in comparison to the lamp current and the ammeter indication will be practically equal to that in the lamp circuit. The above discussion leads to the conclusion that an ammeter and a voltmeter need differ only in their resistance, the principle of operation being the same. 131. Ammeter Shunts. In the construction of ammeters it is usually customary to make them with two circuits between their terminals. One circuit has a very low resistance and carries the greater portion of the current to be measured, while the other circuit has a comparatively large resistance and carries a small current. The current in the branch of larger resistance usually produces the deflection of the mov- ing system of the instrument. The other branch constitutes what is termed the ammeter shunt. The shunt and moving system are usually mounted in the same case, when the instrument is used in measuring currents ranging from a very low value to perhaps 600 amperes. For large currents they are usually constructed separately. ELECTEICAL INSTEUMENTS 125 If the resistance of the shunt is known, the current through it can be determined by measuring the difference in pres- sure between its terminals by means of a suitable voltmeter, usually a millivoltmeter and then dividing this difference in pressure in volts by the resistance gives the value of the current. Instruments used on switchboards as a rule have their shunts con- nected directly in the line, and small leads run from the terminals of this shunt to the moving system, which is mounted in a conven- ient place on the face of the board. An instru- ment and its shunt are chown in Fig. 92. The needle of this instru- ment comes to rest in the center of the scale when there is no cur- rent in its winding, and the direction of its deflection will depend upon the direction of the currents in the shunt. Fig. 92 Instruments Whose Operation Depends Upon Electro-Chemical Effect of a Current 132. Electrolysis. If two conducting plates, such as plati- rum, be immersed in acidulated water and a current of elec- tricity be passed through the solution from one plate to the other, the water will be decomposed into its two constituents, oxygen and hydrogen. Such a combination of plates and solution constitutes what is called an electrolytic cell, and the process of decomposing the liquid is called electrolysis. The solution through which the electricity is being conducted is called the electrolyte, and the two plates that are im- mersed in the solution are called electrodes. The plate by 126 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY which the electricity enters the solution is called the positive electrode, or anode, and the plate by which the electricity leaves the solution is called the negative electrode, or cathode. The parts into which the electrolyte is decomposed are called ions. The ion liberated at the positive electrode is called the anion, and the one liberated at the negative pole is called the oath ion. The vessel, plates, and other appa- ratus used in electrolysis constitute what is termed a voltameter, when such apparatus is used to measure quantity or current. When water is decomposed, hydrogen appears at the negative plate, or it is the cathion, and oxygen ap- pears at the positive plate, or it is the anion. A simple Electrolyte Cathode Fig. 93 Fig. 04 electrolytic cell is shown in Fig. 93. The gas liberated at the two electrodes in this case passes off into the air. The voltameter, however, can be so constructed that the liberated gas will collect in an enclosed U-shaped tube, as shown in Fig. 94. The direction of the current in the circuit is indi- cated in the figure by the arrow. The oxygen will collect in the tube (A) and force the water down, while the hydrogen will collect in (B) and force the water down. The weight of the oxygen gas liberated by a certain quantity of electricity will be about eight times that of the hydrogen gas, but the oxygen gas will occupy only half the space that the hydrogen gas occupies, since a given volume of hydrogen gas is approximately one-sixteenth as heavy as the same volume ELECTKICAL INSTRUMENTS 127 of oxygen gas, and as a result the volume of gas collecting in the (B) tube will be practically twice the volume of gas in the (A) tube. 133. Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate. When a current ex- ists between two platinum plates immersed in a solution of copper sulphate CuSO 4 made by dissolving copper sulphate crystals (bluestone) in water, the solution will be broken up by electrolysis into Cu (metallic copper) and SO 4 (sulphion). The hydrogen gas liberated at the negative electrode takes the place of the Cu in the CuSO 4 forming H 2 SO 4 (sulphuric acid) and the Cu is deposited on the negative plate. Oxygen will be liberated at the positive electrode as in the previous case. All of the Cu contained in the solution will be de- posited on the negative plate if the current be allowed to pass through the electrolytic cell for a considerable time. When the Cu has all been removed from the solution it will be practically colorless. The reaction taking place in the cell can be represented as follows: CuSO 4 = Cu + SO 4 (84) Copper sulphate is decomposed into copper and sulphion. The Cu is deposited on the negative plate. S0 4 + H 2 = H 2 S0 4 + O (85) The sulphion and water combine forming sulphuric acid and oxygen. The oxygen is liberated and passes off into the air and the sulphuric acid remains in the solution. In the above case the negative plate will increase in weight due to the deposit of copper upon it and this increase in weight is proportional to the quantity of electricity pass- ing between the two electrodes. If copper plates be substituted for the platinum plates, the sulphuric acid will attack the positive electrode and just as much copper will be thrown into solution as is deposited upon the negative electrode. This results in no change in the electrolyte, but there is a wasting away of the positive plate and an equal increase in weight of the negative plate as the electrolytic action continues. 134. Electroplating. The principles of electrolysis are ap^ plied in coating objects with a layer of metal and the proc, ess is called electroplating. The object to be plated always 128 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY forms the cathode of the electrolytic cell and the metal to be deposited is held in solution and as the process con- tinues metal is supplied to the solution from a plate which forms the anode of the cell. This plate should, of course, be of the same material as the metal in the solution. All articles cannot be coated with certain metals without having first been coated with some other metal. As an example, articles composed of iron, tin, lead, and zinc cannot be silver- or gold-plated without first being copper-plated. 135. Electrotyping. An electrotype of a column of stand- ing type is made as follows: First, an impression in wax is made, then the surface of this impression is dusted over with powdered graphite to make the surface a conductor. This mold is then placed in a copper-plating bath, it forming the cathode, and receives a thin coating of metallic copper. When sufficient copper has been deposited, the mold is re- moved from the solution and the copper plate that was formed is separated from the mold and backed with type metal to a thickness of about % inch, and then mounted on a wooden block. It is necessary to back the copper plate with type metal because it is so thin that it would not stand the pres- sure to which it is subjected in the printing press. 136. Polarity Indicator. The polarity of a direct-current circuit can be determined as follows: Immerse the ends of two wires that are connected to the line wires, whose polarity it is desired to determine, into a vessel of water, taking care that the two ends do not come into contact with each other. Since approximately twice as much hydrogen gas (by volume) is liberated at the negative electrode as oxygen gas at the positive electrode, the polarity of the circuit being tested is easily determined. A simple polarity indicator can be constructed as follows: Place in a small glass tube a solution of iodide of potassium, to which a little starch has been added. Two short pieces of wire should be sealed into the ends of the tube. When a current is passed through this solution iodine is liberated at the positive terminal and the solution is turned blue around this terminal. 137. Prevention of Electrolytic Action. Electrolytic action is oftentimes the source of a great deal of trouble, especially in the deterioration of underground metals, such as gas, water, and sewer pipes, and the lead covering on telephone ELECTEICAL INSTRUMENTS 129 and power cables. Electricity takes the path of least resist- ance in completing its circuit and, as a result, all conductors that are buried in the ground and not insulated from it, usually conduct some electricity, especially in localities where street car and power companies are operating with grounded circuits. There will be no decomposition of the pipe or lead sheath where the electricity flows onto them, but at the point where it leaves, an electrolytic action will take place which results in the metal of the pipe or cable sheath being carried away. This, of course, means that the pipe or cable sheath will be greatly damaged or completely destroyed if the action is allowed to continue. To prevent this action, one end of a conductor is electrically connected to the pipe or cable sheath at the points where the electricity tends to leave them ard the other end of the conductor is buried, or grounded. The electrolytic action still continues but it takes place at the end of the conductor in the ground and the damage is not serious. In some cases the pipes are wrapped with an insulating tape or coated with an insu- lating compound, which tends to prevent the electricity pass- ing on or off of them, thus reducing the electrolytic action. The connecting of a cable sheath or pipe to the ground is called bonding. Rail joints are bonded by connecting the ends of the rails electrically by means of a flexible copper conductor. 138. Weight Voltameter. Since the weight of a metal deposited or the weight of water decomposed by a given quantity of electricity is known, the electrolytic cell may be used as a quantity measuring instrument. Thus, if two cop- per plates be immersed in a solution of copper sulphate and a quantity of electricity passed between them, there will be a change in weight of the two plates. This change in weight of the plates can be determined and from it the quantity of electricity that passed between them can be calculated. An instrument of this kind can be used in measuring the current in a circuit, If it remains constant in value for a certain time. Thus, if a unit quantity of electricity pass between the two plates in one second, there will be a current of one ampere in the circuit. If ten units of quantity of electricity pass between the plates in ten seconds, there will still be a current of one ampere, or if ten units of quantity pass in 130 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY two seconds, there will be a current of five amperes. Hence, in order to measure a current that is constant in value, with the voltameter, it is only necessary to note the time taken to produce a certain deposit. The weight of the total deposit divided by the time gives the weight of the deposit per sec- ond and this value divided by the weight each coulomb will deposit gives the current in amperes, since the current is the number of coulombs per second. Call the total gain in weight in grams (W), the time in seconds taken to produce the gain in weight (t), and the deposit produced by one coulomb (K). Then gain in weight in grams Amperes = gain in grams per coulomb X time in seconds or (86) (87) Table No. VII gives the weight in grams that one coulomb or one ampere in one second will deposit (called the electro- chemical equivalent). TABLE NO. VII ELECTRO-CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS IN GRAMS PER COULOMB K for silver 001118 gram K for copper 000329 gram K for zinc 000338 gram K for lead 001071 gram K for nickel 000304 gram A commercial form of voltameter is shown in Fig. 95. The two outside plates form the anode and they are connected electrically. There will be a metallic deposit on both sides of the middle plate which form the cathode, due to the pres- ence of the two outside plates. Example. The increase in weight of a platinum plate in a silver voltmeter was 4.0248 grams when the circuit in which the voltameter was connected was closed for 15 min- utes. What current was there in the circuit? ELECTEICAL INSTEUMENTS 131 Solution. Substituting in equation (87) gives 4.0248 = 4 .001118 X 15 X 60 Ans. 4 amperes. 139. Adaptability of Voltameters. The voltameter is really a quantity-measuring instrument and it will only measure the current when the rate of flow of electricity is constant and, as a result, it is not suitable for ordinary work. Determinations Fig. 95 of the value of a current made by this instrument are very accurate, when properly made, and they are used as pri- mary standards in checking up the indications of other cur- rent-measuring instruments. The voltameter is not suitable for pressure measurements, since its resistance is not constant and, as a result, the cur- rent through it would not always be proportional to the pres- sure impressed upon the circuit of which it is a part. Voltameters can not be used in the measurement of an alter- nating current, since there would be a reversal of chemical action each time there was a change in the direction of the 132 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY current. If the same quantity passed through the voltameter in one direction as passed through it in the other, there would be no metallic deposit on either electrode. Instruments Whose Operation Depends Upon Magnetic Effect of a Current 140. Magnetic Effect of a Current. The magnetic effect of a current was discussed in detail in the chapter on "Electro- magnetism" and it is only necessary to bear in mind the following facts: (a) There is a magnetic field about a conductor in which there is a current. (b) The direction of the magnetic field will depend upon the direction of the current in the conductor. (c) The strength or intensity of this field will vary with the value of the current in the conductor and the distance from the conductor. Instruments whose operation depends upon the magnetic effects of a current in a conductor may be classified as follows : A. Those in which permanent magnets are used, they being acted upon by the magnetic field produced by the cur- rent. Either the magnet or the conductor carrying the cur- rent may form the moving part. B. Those having soft iron parts which are moved due to the magnetic effect produced by the current in the con- ductor. C. Those in which no iron is used, but having two coils, one of which is movable. This coil is moved due to a mag- netic force that is exerted between them when there is a current in both coils. CLASS "A" 141. Tangent Galvanometer or Ammeter. If a magnetic needle be supported in the center of a coil of wire, as shown in Fig. 96, there will be a force tending to turn the needle from its position of rest in the earth's magnetic field when there is a current in the coil. This force will increase with an increase in current in the coil and, as a result, the needle ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS 133 will be deflected more and more as the current is increased until it occupies a position that is almost at right angles to its initial position. If a suitable scale be mounted, as shown in the figure, so that the ends of the needle, or a pointer that is fastened to the needle, will move over the scale, the deflection of the needle from the position of rest, due to a certain current, can be determined. The force which tends to return the needle to its initial position is due to the magnetic field of the earth. In using the instrument, the coil carrying the current should be placed with its plane parallel to the plane of the needle and allowed to remain in this position while all the readings are being taken. Such an instrument is usually called a tan- gent galvanometer, or ammeter, because the value of the current Fig. 96 through the coil is equal to some constant times the tangent of the angle through which the needle moves. The indications of an instrument of this kind are disturbed by the presence of magnetic fields other than that of the earth, or the current in the coil of the instrument itself, and as a result its operation is not very saisfactory except under ideal conditions. 142. D'Arsonval Instrument. In the D'Arsonval type of instrument, the permanent magnet is the stationary portion and the conductor carrying the current forms the movable part of the instrument. The instrument is named after a French scientist, who first put it into a useful form. The cor.ductor carrying the current to be measured is bent into the form of a coil and may be either suspended or supported in the magnetic field of the permanent magnet. In the most sensitive forms of the instrument the coil is usually sus- pended by a conducting thread, such as phosphor-bronze or plated quartz fiber. The electricity is conducted to and from the coil by means of this support and another electrical connection at the bottom of the coil which may consist of a second fiber of the same material as the upper one or it may be a very fine wire coiled into a spiral, or a wire 134 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY may dip into a cup of mercury. A D'Arsonval galvanometer is shown in Fig. 97. The deflections of the coil are measured by means of a telescope and suitable scale, together with a small mirror mounted on the moving system of the instru- ment. The image of the scale in the mirror may be read by means of the telescope, and as the mirror turns, the part of the scale visible through the telescope changes. Fig. 97 An instrument of this kind can be constructed so that it is very sensitive and will respond to extremely small currents. It is not subject to outside disturbances to any great extent, such as stray magnetic fields, changes in the strength of the earth's magnetic field, etc. This instrument can be con- structed and adjusted so that it may be used in measuring either current or pressure. 143. D'Arsonval Ammeters and Voltmeters. The Weston ammeter and voltmeter are both good examples of D'Arson- val instruments. The moving coil in these instruments is mounted on pointed pivots that are extremely hard and rest in agate jewels, which results in a very small frictional resistance to the movement of the coil. A light pointer is attached to the coil and so arranged that it moves over a suitable scale properly graduated and lettered so that the indication of the instrument may be easily determined. A sectional view of the moving system of a Weston instrument ELECTBICAL INSTEUMENTS 135 is shown in Fig. 98, with a portion of the instrument cut away so as to show the construction. The permanent magnet is of the horseshoe type and has two pole pieces fastened to its ends by means of heavy screws. The inner surface of each of these pole pieces is cut so it forms an arc, the cen- ter of which is midway between the two inner surfaces of the magnet. A soft iron cylinder is mounted between the two pole pieces and serves to improve the magnetic circuit. This Fig. 98 cylinder is mounted on a piece of brass that is fastened to the two pole pieces, as shown in the figure, there being a small gap between the cylinder and the pole pieces. The coil is mounted so that it can turn about the cylinder. The force tending to return the coil to its zero position is sup- plied by two springs. These springs are so arranged that one winds up when the other unwinds, due to a movement of the coil. The electrical connection to the coil is made through these two springs. Practically the same moving system is employed in the construction of ammeters and voltmeters. In the ammeter, a low resistance, capable of carrying the current the instru- ment is supposed to measure, is connected between the bind- ing post on the instrument case; and the moving system is 136 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTEICITY connected in parallel with this resistance. Binding posts are provided of ample size to carry the current. A We&tori portable ammeter is shown in Fig. 99. In the voltmeter, a re- sistance coil is con- nected in series with the moving system be- tween the terminals of the instrument. The value of the resistance to be placed in series with a moving system will depend upon the voltage a full scale reading of the instru- ment indicates. The range of any voltmeter may be increased by connecting additional resistances in series with it. Thus, if a resistance equal to that of the voltmeter itself be connected in series with the instrument, the voltmeter will indicate only half the pressure between the two points to which the Fig. 09 100 terminals of the combination are connected. Resistances, called multipliers, can be obtained from companies manufac- turing instruments to be used in increasing the range of a voltmeter. A contact key is usually mounted on each voltmeter case and so arranged that the circuit of the instrument may be opened or closed by manipulating the key. The instrument ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS 137 can be made so that a maximum scale deflection will cor- respond to one or more voltages. Thus an instrument may be constructed so that one connection will measure (0-3) volts and another will measure (0-150) volts. The resist- ance of these two circuits should be in the ratio of 3 to 150. A Weston portable voltmeter is shown in Fig. 100. Instruments of the D'Arsonval type are suitable for gen- eral use because they are "dead-beat"; that is, the coil or moving system goes immediately to its proper position with- out swinging back and forth, as in many of the other types. 144. Adaptability of Instruments with Permanent Mag- nets. Instruments whose operation depends upon a perma- nent magnet can be used only in direct-current measure- ments, because the direction of the deflections is dependent upon the direction of the current through them. CLASS "B" 145. Plunger Type Ammeter or Voltmeter. The construc- tion of a plunger type ammeter or voltmeter is shown in Fig. 101. The coil (C) carries the current to be measured. There will be a magnetic force exerted on the rod of iron (R), when there is a current in the coil (C), which will tend T, prmg Vane Co 1 1 CO Fig. 101 Fig. 102 to draw the rod into the coil, and thus cause the pointer (P) to move over the graduated scale (S). Gravity is the controlling force against which the magnetic force of the coil acts. The rod (R) and the coil (C) are both formed to the same curvature. The rod (R) is composed of very soft iron and it becomes a magnet due to the action of the current 138 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY in the coil and, as a result, is drawn inside the coil. The distance the rod moves will depend upon the value of the controlling force and the ampere turns on the coil at any instant. In an ammeter, the coil (C) is wound with a few turns of large wire, while in a voltmeter it is wound with a large number of turns of small wire, the ampere-turns pro- ducing a given deflection in the two cases being the same. 146. Magnetic Vane Ammeter or Voltmeter. Instruments of this type operate on the principle that a piece of soft iron placed in a magnetic field and free to move will always move into such a position that it will conduct the maximum number of lines of force, or it will tend to move into the strongest part of the field and parallel to the field. Fig. 102 shows a diagram of an instrument of this kind. The current to be measured is passed around the coil (C) producing a magnetic field through the center of the coil. A small piece of soft iron called the vane is mounted on a shaft that is supported in jewel bearings. This shaft is not in the exact center of the coil so that the distance the vane is from the inner edge of the coil will change as it moves about the shaft. The magnetic field inside the coil is strongest near the inner edge and, as a result, the vane will move so that the distance between it and the inner edge of the coil would be as small as possible, if it were not for a restoring force supplied by a coiled spring. The tendency of this vane to rotate increases with the current in -the coil and, as a result, the pointer attached to the moving system moves over the scale with an increase in current. In some types of instruments there is both a stationary and a movable vane. They both become magnetized to the same polarity and, as a result, repel each other. This force causes the moving system to be deflected. Ammeters and volt- meters operating on this principle differ only in the size of wire and the number of turns in the coil (C). 147. Thomson Inclined-Coil Instruments. The construe- tion of a Thomson instrument is shown in Fig. 103. The coil (C) carrying the current is mounted at an angle to the shaft (S) supporting the pointer (P). A strip or bundle of strips of iron (I) are mounted on the shaft (S) and held by a spring, when there is no current in the coil, so that its posi- tion is nearly parallel to the plane of the coil. When a cur- ELECTEICAL INSTRUMENTS 139 rent is passed through the coil, the iron tends to take up a position with its longest dimension parallel to the magnetic field, which results in the shaft being rotated and the pointer moved over the scale. The degree of this movement will depend upon the value of the current in the coil. 148. Adaptability of Instruments with Soft Iron Parts. The instruments described in the previous three sections may be used in measuring either direct or alternating currents and pressures;. Their indications, however, are not reliable when used in direct-current work because they are influenced by outside fields and masses of iron. There is also a lag of the magnetic condition of the piece of soft iron behind the mag- netizing force, which results in their indications being lower than the true value as the current is increasing, and higher P Spring Scale Fig. 103 as the current is decreasing. With alternating currents, these objections are not present and the operation of the instruments will be found to be quite satisfactory, provided the outside field does not change at the same frequency as the current to be measured. CLASS "C" 149. Electrodynamometer. The electrodynamometer is, per- haps, the best example of an instrument whose operation depends upon the magnetic force exerted between two coils, both of which have a current in them. The two coils are usually placed at right angles to each other, as shown in Fig. 104, one of them being fastened rigidly to the frame of the instrument, while the other is supported or suspended and its position controlled by a spring. When a current exists in 140 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY both coils, the movable one tends to turn into such a position that its magnetic field is parallel to the magnetic field pro- duced by the current in the stationary coil. This movable coil, however, is brought back to its zero position by turning the thumb screw, which is connected to the upper end of the spring, causing the spring to be twisted in the opposite direc- tion to that in which the coil tends to move. The tortion in the spring exactly balances the tendency for the coil to turn when the thumb screw has been turned through the proper Fig. 104 angle. A pointer is fastened to this thumb screw and moves over a graduated scale. The effect produced by a given cur- rent through the two coils, which are connected in series, is then read as so many divisions on the scale. When the instrument is used as an ammeter, the two coils consist of a few turns of large wire, depending, of course, on the current capacity of the instrument. Quite often the stationary coil is divided into two parts, only part of the turns being used in series with the movable coil for one ELECTKICAL INSTRUMENTS 141 connection, while all the turns may be used if desired. The current required to produce a full scale deflection when all the turns in the stationary coil are in use will be less than the current required when only a portion of the turns are used. When the instrument is used as a voltmeter, the coils are composed of a large number of turns of small wire. Often an additional resistance is provided to be used in series with the instrument, which increases its range as a voltmeter. 150. Adaptability. The indications of instruments of the electrodynamometer type are influenced by stray magnetic fields and, as a result, they are not altogether satisfactory for direct-current measurements. This error, however, can be reduced to practically zero, if the disturbing effect remains constant which is not very often the case by taking the average of two readings of the instrument with the current through it in opposite directions in the two cases. The above errors do not occur when instruments of the electrodyna- mometer type are used in alternating-current measurements unless frequency of the distributing field is the same as the frequency of the current in the instrument as the current is continuously reversing in direction. Instruments Whose Operation Depends Upon Heating Effect of a Current 151. Heat Generated in a Conductor Carrying a Current. When there is a current produced in a conductor, the energy expended in overcoming the conductor's resistance is manifested in the form of heat. Dr. Joule discovered that the heat developed in a conductor carrying a current was pro- portional to (a) The resistance of the conductor. (b) The square of the current in the conductor. (c) The time the current exists in the conductor. He also determined by experiment that 778 foot-pounds of work would raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1 Fahrenheit. This quantity, 778 foot-pounds, is called the mechanical equivalent of heat, or Joule's equivalent. A pound of water can be heated electrically by immersing a conductor carrying a current in the water until its temperature is raised 142 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY 1 Fahrenheit, or the same work will be done electrically as was previously done mechanically. Joule found by experi- ment that 1 ampere under a pressure of 1 volt in a circuit for 1 second, or 1 watt expended, would do the same work as '0.7373 foot-pound expended in 1 second, or 1 watt = 0.7373 foot-pound per second (88) The British thermal heat unit (abbreviated b.t.u.) is de- fined as the amount of heat required to raise one pound o water 1 Fahrenheit at its maximum density (39.1 Fahren- heit). Since 778 foot-pounds of work is equivalent to 1 b.t.u. and 1 watt is equal to .7373 foot-pound per second, then 1 watt acting for 1 second will develop .000 947 7 b.t.u., or b.tu. = .000 947 7 X (E X I) X t (89) Substituting for (E) its value, (I X R), gives b.tu. = .000 947 7 X I2R X t Example. What current must be passed through a resist- ance of 100 ohms immersed in 10 pounds of water in order that its temperature be raised 80 Fahrenheit in 5 minutes? Note: (All losses due to radiation are to be neglected and all the energy is supposed to be converted into heat). Solution. There will be 80 b.t.u. required for each pound of water or a total of 80x10 = 800 b.t.u. Substituting in equation (89) gives 800 = .000 947 7 X 12 X 100 X (5 X 60) 800 8 12 = _ .0009477X100X300 .28431 12 = 28.13 I ='5.3+ Ans. 5.3-f- amperes. 152. Commercial Applications of the Heating Effect of a Current. Numerous practical applications are made of the heating effect of a current in a conductor, such as electric irons, cooking stoves, heaters, lamps, electric welding, fuses, etc. Since the heat generated in any part of a circuit is proportional to the resistance of the part considered, it fol- lows that it is always desirable to have all conductors used ELECTKICAL INSTRUMENTS 143 in transmitting electrical energy of as low resistance as pos- sible in order that the loss in transmission be a minimum. On the other hand, when it is desired to generate heat, resist- ance is introduced and the value of the heat generated can be determined by the use of equation (89). If none of the heat generated in a circuit were carried away, the temperature of the conductor would continue to rise as long as there was a current in it. As a matter of fact, however, the tem- perature of a conductor will rise until the heat radiated is exactly equal to the heat generated in a given time. This rise in temperature may be excessive and for that reason the Fire Underwriters limit the value of the current a con- ductor should carry. Table G, in Chapter 20, gives the cur- rent-carrying capacity of different sized wires. These values may be exceeded without any injurious effect, but it is always essential to keep within the values allowed by the Underwriters as the likelihood of a fire due to an over- heated or burnt-out circuit is less than it would be if the circuit were overloaded. The size of the conductor used in electrical heating utensils is just sufficient to carry the current without being injured. In electric welding a large current is passed between the surfaces that it is desired to weld together and the heat generated is sufficient to raise the materials to a welding temperature. The heat generated in an incandescent lamp raises the temperature of the filament to such a value that it will emit light. The electric fuse is a device whose function is to auto- matically open a circuit in which there is an excessive cur- rent. The fuse usually consists of a material that will melt at a much lower temperature than the material compos- ing the remainder of the circuit. It is nothing more than a weak spot in the circuit which is capable of conducting the current the circuit is supposed to carry, but will melt when the current through it becomes excessive. The val- ues of the current required to fuse different sizes of wires is given in Table H, in Chapter 20. 153. Hot-Wire Instruments. The heat generated in a con- ductor due to a current in it will cause the conductor to expand. The amount of this expansion will depend upon the rise in temperature, which, in turn, depends upon the cur- 144 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY rent in the conductor. The principle on which hot- wire instruments operate is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 105. A wire (AB) of comparatively high re- sistance, low temperature coefficient, and non-oxidizable metal, has one end attached to the plate (C), then passed around a pulley (P) that is secured to a shaft (S), and its free end is brought back and mechanically, though not electrically, attached to the plate (C). The spring (F) keeps the wire under tension, it being attached to the plate (C), which is so guided that it can move in a direction at right angles to the shaft (S). An arm (G) is also attached to the shaft (S), it being coun- terweighted at the upper end and bifur- cated at the lower end. A fine silk thread (T) has ore end attached to one of the arms of (G), then passed around a small pulley (H), which is mounted on a shaft that carries a pointer (I), and finally has its other end attached to the second arm of (G). The material composing the arms of (G) is springy and serves to keep the silk fiber in tension. The current to be measured passes through the wire (A), entering and leaving through two twisted conductors, as shown in the figure. When a current is passed through (A) it is heated and expands, which results in the tension in (A) being less than that in (B) they were originally the same and equilibrium can be restored only by the pulley (P) rotating in a clockwise direction. This rotation of the pulley (P) causes the lower end of the arm (G) to move toward the left, and the silk thread that passes around the pulley (H) causes it to rotate in a clockwise direction and, as a result, the pointer (I) is deflected to the right, it being rigidly attached to the pulley (H). The operation of this instrument is quite satisfactory, as any change in the temperature of the room in which it is used does not affect the correctness of its indications, since both parts of the wire (AB) are af- fected to the same extent, which results in no movement of the pointer. In a great many instruments no adjustment or ELECTEICAL INSTBUMENTS 145 compensation is provided for errors due to changes in room temperatures. In the case of ammeters, a low-resistance in- strument is usually used in parallel with a suitable shunt, while in the case of voltmeters a high resistance instrument is employed. 154. Adaptability of Hot-Wire Instruments. Hot-wire in- struments may be used equally well in both alternating and direct-current measurements, the heating effect of the cur- rent being independent of its direction. Instruments Whose Operation Depends Upon the Electro- static Effect 155. Condenser. Two conductors separated by an insu- lator, which is called the dielectric, constitute what is called a condenser. When the terminals of a condenser are con- nected to some source of electrical energy, such as a bat- tery or a dynamo, there will be a certain quantity of elec- tricity stored in the condenser. The value of the quantity Plates Dielectric Fig. 106 Fig. 107 stored will depend upon the capacity of the condenser and the electrical pressure to which its terminals are subjected. A condenser is said to have a capacity equal to unity, or 1 farad, when a unit of quantity, 1 coulomb, will produce a difference in pressure between its terminals of 1 volt. A simple form of condenser is shown in Fig. 106, which con- sists of two metallic plates separated by a sheet of paraf- fine paper. The capacity of such a condenser will depend upon the area of the plates used in the construction, the number of plates, the distance between the plates, or the thickness of the dielectric, and the kind of material com- posing the dielectric. The value of an insulating material as a dielectric is called its specific indoctive capacity. The 146 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTEICITY inductive capacity of different materials varies considerably, but it is less through air than it is through any solids or liquids. As a result, a condenser that has air for a dielec- tric will have less capacity than one that has a solid or liquid dielectric, the dimensions of the condensers being the same. The specific inductive capacity of a material is measured in terms of air as a standard, and it is the ratio of the capacities of two condensers, one of which has the material, whose dielectric constant is to be determined, as a dielectric, and the other has air as a dielectric. The di- mensions of the two condensers must be the same. Table No. VIII gives the value of the specific inductive capacity of some of the materials that are commonly used in the con- struction of condensers. TABLE NO. VIII SPECIFIC INDUCTIVE CAPACITIES Specific Inductive Capacity 4.38 2.52 2.30 3.35 2.50 to 3.80 2.20 2.17 Condensers used in practice usually consist of more than two plates, as shown in Fig. 106. An arrangement similar to that shown in Fig. 107 is usually used where alternate plates are connected together and form one terminal, while the remaining plates are connected together and form the other terminal. The capacity in farads of such a combina- tion of plates as that shown in B'ig. 107 can be calculated by the use of the equation K (n 1) a C = (90) 4.452 X 1012 x d where (n) represents the total number of plates used in the construction of the condenser, (K) represents the constant of the dielectric, (a) represents the area of each plate in square inches, and (d) is the distance between the plates in inches. Material Air Alcohol (Amyl) Glass (Plate) Gutta-percha Mica Parafflue Petroleum Specific Inductive Capacity 1.00 15.50 3.00 to 7.00 2.50 6.70 1.90 to 2.40 2.10 Material Porcelain Resin Rubber Shellac Sulphur Turpentine Vaseline ELECTEICAL INSTRUMENTS 147 Example. Determine the capacity of a condenser of 100 sheets of tinfoil 10 X 10 inches, that are separated by plate glass whose dielectric constant is 5. and 0.1 of an inch in thickness. Solution. Substituting the values of the above quantities in equation (90) gives 5 X (100-1) X 10 X 10 C (in farads) = = .000 000 111 2 4.452 X 1012 X 0.1 Ans. .000 000 111 2 farads. The farad is a unit of capacity entirely too large for prac- tical use so a smaller unit, or the microfarad, is used. The microfarad is equal to one-millionth of a farad. Fig. 108 Fig. 109 156. Connection of Condensers in Series and Parallel. Condensers may be connected in series or in parallel, or in any combination of series and parallel, just as resistances. The capacity of a combination of condensers may be calculated by the use of one of the following equations. When a num- ber of condensers are connected in series, as shown in Fig. 108, the total capacity (C) of the combination will be given by the equation 1111 -H h-- + etc. C G C C (91) This results in the combined capacity of several condensers in series being less than the capacity of any one of them. 148 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY If there are only two connected in series, the combined ca- pacity will be equal to CiC 2 C = -- (92) It is seen that the above equation is similar to the one used in calculating the combined resistance of a number of re- sistances in parallel. When a number of condensers are connected in parallel, as shown in Fig. 109, the total capacity (C) of the combina- tion will be equal to C = Ci + C 2 + C 3 + etc. (93) The combined capacity of several condensers in parallel will be greater than the capacity of any single condenser. This equation is similar to the one used in calculating the combined resistance of several resistances in series. 157. Relation of Impressed Voltage, Quantity, and Con- denser Capacity. If a condenser is said to have unit capacity when 1 coulomb of electricity will produce a difference in electrical pressure between its terminals of 1 volt, then 1-volt pressure applied at the terminals will produce a charge of unit quantity, 1 coulomb, if the capacity is 1 farad. If 1-volt pressure produces a charge of 2 coulombs, the capacity is 2 farads; or if 1-volt pressure produces a charge of one-half coulomb, the capacity is one-half farad. If the capacity of a condenser is constant, the quantity of charge is directly pro- portional to the impressed voltage; or if the impressed voltage is constant, the quantity of charge is directly proportional to the capacity. These two statements may be combined in an equation which states that the quantity varies directly as the capacity and the impressed voltage, or Q = CE (94) The above equation gives the value of the quantity in cou- lombs stored in a condenser whose capacity is (C) farads, when it is subjected to a pressure of (E) volts. Since the microfarad is the more common unit of capacity, it being equal to the one-millionth part of a farad, the above equa- ELECTEICAL INSTRUMENTS 149 tion may be rewritten with the value of (C) m microfarads, which gives C n,f. Q = E (95) 106 It is often desirable to measure the quantity in a unit smaller than the coulomb, in which case the microcoulomb is used, it being the one-millionth part of a coulomb. PROBLEMS OF CONDENSERS (1) Calculate the capacity of a telephone condenser com- posed of 1001 sheets of tinfoil 3X6 inches, separated by paramne paper .007 of an inch thick, and having a dielectric constant of 2. Ans. 1.15 -f microfarads. (2) Two condensers of 4 and 6 microfarads, respectively, are connected in series. Calculate their combined capacity. Ans. 2.4 microfarads. (3) What quantity of electricity will be stored in the two condensers in problem 2 when they are connected in series and there is an electrical pressure of 100 volts applied to the terminals? Ans. .000 24 coulomb, or 240 microcoulombs. (4) Two condensers of 4 and 6 microfarads, respectively, are connected in parallel. Calculate their combined capacity. Ans. 10 microfarads. (5) What quantity in microcoulombs will be stored in each condenser when there is a pressure of 100 volts ap- plied to the terminals of the combination in problem 4? Ans. 400 microcoulombs in 4 m.f. condenser; 600 micro- coulombs in 6 m.f. condenser. (6) What pressure is required to charge a 2-microfarad condenser with a charge of .0002 coulomb? Ans. 100 volts. (7) What is the capacity of a condenser when 100 volts will give it a charge of .00015 coulomb? Ans. 1.5 microfarads. 150 PEACTJCAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY 158. Electrostatic Voltmeter. The electrostatic voltmeter is really nothing more than a condenser constructed so that one plate may move with respect to the other. When a condenser is charged, there is a force tending to draw the plates together, due to the charges of opposite kind on the two sets of plates, and it is this force that produces the deflection in the case of an electrostatic voltmeter. In some instruments only two plates are used, while in others a number of plates are used to form each terminal, the con- struction being such that the movable plates move between the stationary plates. Fig. Ill An electrostatic voltmeter suitable for measuring extremely high voltages is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 110. The principal parts are the moving elements (Mj) and (M 2 ), the curved plates (Bj) and (B 2 ), the condensers (C^) and (C 2 ), scale (S), pointer (P), and terminals (T x ) and (T 2 ). The plate (Bj) is connected to the inner plate of (Cj) and (B 2 ) to the inner plate of (C 2 ). The plates (B x ) and (B 2 ) are so arranged with respect to (M^ and (M 2 ), which are elec- trically connected, that an angular deflection of the pointer over the scale in the positive direction (above zero) short- ens the gap between the moving elements and the fixed plates. The charges on the plates (B^ and (B 2 ) are of op- posite sign and they induce opposite charges on (M.^) and ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS 151 (M 2 ), which results in a force that tends to cause the mov- ing system to turn about its own axis, or into such a posi- tion that (Mj) and (M 2 ) are nearer (Bj.) iind (B 2 ). The movement, however, is restrained by means of a spiral spring and the deflection is indicated by the pointer (P) on the scale (S). The form of the plates (E^) and (B 2 ) is such that the deflection increases almost directly as the impressed voltage. The condensers (Cx) and (C 2 ) are so constructed that either or both of them may be short-circuited, which results in the pressure required to produce a full scale de- flection being less than when they are in circuit, thus giving a wide range to the instrument. The moving system is im- mersed in a tank of oil, which affords a good insulation and buoys up the moving system, practically removing all the weight from the bearings. Instruments of this type are con- structed to measure voltages up to 200 000 volts. An in- terior view of the various parts is shown in Fig. 111. There are many other forms of electrostatic voltmeters on the mar- ket, but their operation is based on the same fundamental principle as the one just described,, 159. Adaptability of Electrostatic Instruments. Electro- static instruments may be used in measuring either direct or alternating pressures. Their operation is more satisfac- tory, however, on an alternating-current circuit, because a.c. pressures are, as a rule, larger in value than d.c. pressures. Their operation is not at all satisfactory when the pres- sure to be measured is below 50 volts, and for this reason they cannot be used in combination with a shunt in the measurement of currents, as the resistance of the shunt would have to be large in order that there be the proper difference in pressure between its terminals to operate the meter. A high-resistance shunt of this kind in any circuit would mean a large loss in comparison to that which would occur if a low-resistance shunt could be used. Measurement of Electric Power and Construction of Watt- meters 160. Measurement of Power. The power that is used in any part of a direct-current circuit may be determined by measuring the current with an ammeter, and the difference in pressure, by means of a voltmeter, between the terminals 152 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY of the portion of the circuit in which it is desired to ascer- tain the power. The power can then be calculated by multi- plying the ammeter reading, in amperes, by the voltmeter reading, in volts, or W = IE (96) Thus the power taken by the ten incandescent lamps shown in Fig. 112 can be determined by connecting the ammeter (A) and the voltmeter (V), as shown in the figure, and noting their indication when the lamps are turned on. (All of the lamps are not shown). The product of these instrument readings, in volts and amperes, will give the power in watts. When the connections are made, as shown in Fig. 112, the Load I L I C Ten Lamps Fig. 112 ammeter indicates the current through the lamps and volt- meter combined. This results in a small error in the cal- culation of the power taken by the lamps, provided the current through the voltmeter is small in comparison to the current through the lamps. For very accurate measure- ments, the current through the voltmeter should always be subtracted from the total current indicated by the ammeter. If the voltmeter be connected across the line before the ammeter that is, the ammeter would be between the volt- meter connection and the lamps the indication of the volt- meter would not be the true value of the pressure between the terminals of the lamps, as there would be a certain drop in pressure across the ammeter. The drop across the am r meter should be subtracted from the voltmeter indication in order to obtain the true pressure across the lamps. With ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS 153 a low-resistance ammeter, this drop is very small and may be neglected except when very accurate results are desired. 161. Principle of the Wattmeter. Wattmeters are so con- structed that their indication is proportional to the product of a current and an electrical pressure; hence, they indicate the power direct. Instruments of this kind are called watt- meters, because they measure watts. The principle of the wattmeter can be illustrated by ref- erence to Fig. 113, which shows an electrodynamometer with one coil connected in series with the line and the other coil connected across the line. The coil connected in series with the line is wound as though it were to be used as an ammeter, and consists of a few turns of large wire, while the coil connected across the line is wound as though it were to be used as a voltmeter and consists of many turns of fine wire. These two coils will be called the pressure coil and the series coil, respectively. The actual operation of such a meter can best be explained by taking a practical example sim- ilar to that shown in Fig. 113. The current through the lamps passes through the current coil of the meter and produces a certain mag- netic effect, which changes in value as the current changes in value. There will also be a magnetic effect produced by the current that exists in the pressure coil. The current in the pressure coil, or circuit, will vary with the difference in pressure between the terminals of the circuit, since the resistance of the circuit remains constant and, as a result, the magnetic field about the pres- sure coil will vary with the voltage of the line. The deflection of the moving coil of the electrodynamometer is proportional to the product of the magnetic effects of the two coils, and since the magnetic effects of the two coils are proportional to the current and the voltage, respectively, the indication of the instrument must be proportional to the product of (E) and (I), or it irdicates watts. Pressure i/Cci, Fig. 113 154 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY When an instrument of this kind is connected in a cir- cuit in which a fluctuating current, due to a varying load, exists, the pressure between lines remaining constant, the indications will vary directly with the load current. The magnetic effect due to the current in the pressure circuit re- mains constant, since the voltage or pressure impressed upon this circuit remains constant. When the load current re- mains constant and the voltage varies, the magnetic effect of the current in the series coil remains constant and the magnetic field about the pressure coil changes and the de- flection varies with the voltage. 162. Whitney Wattmeter. The principle of this wattmeter is the same as that of the dynamometer wattmeter just de- scribed, except that the construction is modified to make the instrument portable and more suitable for commer- cial work. In this wattmeter the heavy current winding is composed of two coils, which are supported in suitable frames and enclose a coil composed of fine wire. This coil is mounted on a shaft with pointed ends rest- ing in jeweled bearings. Two volute springs serve to hold the coil in its zero posi- tion and balance the turning effort of the coil when there is a current in it. These two springs also serve to con- duct the electricity into and from the movable coil, instead of the mercury cups, as in the previous case. A balance is obtained by turning the torsion head until the needle that is attached to the movable coil is indicating no deflection, the reading of the pointer attached to the torsion head is then noted and represents the indication of the instrument. The scale of the instrument may be divided into degrees, and the deflection read on this scale must be multiplied by some constant to obtain the power indicated by the instrument, or the scale may be so drawn that the power Fig. 114 ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS 155 in watts can be read directly from it. The general appearance of the instrument is shown in Fig. 114. 163. Weston Wattmeter. The principle of this instrument is practically the same as the one described in the previous section. No torsion head, however, is used and the pressure coil, instead of being maintained at practically the same position for all indications of the instrument, rotates about its axis through an angle of approximately eighty degrees. Two volute springs serve to conduct the electricity into and from the movable coil. They also offer the opposing force to that produced by the magnetic effect of the cur- rents in the two coils. This form of instrument has an ad- vantage over the other forms described in that no manipu- lation is necessary and the needle points at once to the scale mark showing the watts. A Weston instrument is shown in perspective in Fig. 115 and diagrammatically in Fig. 116. In Fig. 116 (C^ and (2) represent the two current coils, which are connected in series between the two posts numbered (1) and (2). The pressure connections can be made to (3) and (5), or (3) and (6). The resistance between (3) and (6) is usually just half the value of the resistance between (3) and (5). 164. Compensated Wattmeter. The power indicated by a wattmeter will be in error just the same as the value of the power determined by the voltmeter and ammeter read- ings is in error, due to the current taken by the voltmeter, or the drop across the ammeter, unless some means be pro- vided that will counteract or compensate for this error. This compensation is provided in the Weston wattmeter in the following way: The pressure circuit is always to be con- nected across the line after the current coil, which results in the current coil carrying the current that passes through the pressure circuit. This current in itself would produce a deflection, even though there be no load on the circuit, and, as a result, the meter would always indicate a higher 156 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY -J / y to know the value of some \ Ck-xO // o 1 ^) f pressure that is connected ^ to the points (A) and (A-f). The resistance (R) between the points (1) and (2) should be adjusted to 1000 (this need not always be 1000) times the voltage of the standard cell, which is 1.434 for a Clark cell at 15 Centrigrade, and 1.018 30 for a Weston nor- mal cell. Assuming a Weston cell is used, then the value of the resistance in (R) will be 1018.30 ohms. Now, there will be a difference in pressure between the points (1) and (2), due to the current in the resistance (R) produced by the pressure impressed upon the terminals (A ) and (A+). The current through the resistance (R) is in such a direction that the point (1) is at a higher potential than the point (2). This difference in pressure between the points (1) and (2) would tend to produce a current in the shunt circuit when the key (K) was closed. The standard cell, however, is connected in the circuit in such a way that its electromotive force tends to counteract the difference in pressure between the points (1) and (2) and there will be no current in the shunt circuit when the drop in potential over (R) is exactly equal to the e.m.f. of Fig. 122 ELECTKICAL INSTRUMENTS 163 the standard cell. The drop over the resistance (R) can be varied by changing the value of the total resistance between (A) and (A-f). There will be no deflection of the galvan- ometer when a balance is obtained. The high resistance (H) should be cut out of circuit for a final adjustment. The pur- pose of this resistance is to protect the standard cell from supplying too large a current while adjusting the drop over (R), which is likely to change the value of its e.m.f. and per- haps ruin the cell. When this balance is secured, there will be 1.018 30 volts drop in pressure over 1018.30 ohms in the main part of the circuit, or 1 volt over every 1000 ohms. The total difference in pressure between (A ) and (A+) will then be equal to the resistance between (A ) and (A+) divided by 1000. Ordinary resistance boxes may be used for the resistances shown in the scheme, but commercial forms of the poten- tiometer are constructed with all the keys, resistances, etc., contained in a single case. 171. Calibration of Ammeters by Means of a Standard In- strument. An ammeter may be calibrated by connecting it in series with a standard instrument and comparing their indications for differ- ent values of current. The scheme of connections is shown in Pig. 123, in which (S) represents the stand- ard instrument, (X) the in- strument to be calibrated, (B) a storage battery or some source of electrical energy, and (R) a rheostat suitable for changing the value of the current in the circuit by a change in its resistance. A standard resistance may be connected in series with an ammeter and the current in the circuit determined by divid- ing the drop over the resistance which may be determined by means of a voltmeter or a potentiometer by the resist- ance of the standard resistance. 172. Calibration of a Wattmeter by Means of a Voltmeter and an Ammeter. The connections for calibrating a watt- r | h| \] K^WVWVWW Fig. 123 164 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY meter or a watt-hour meter by means of a voltmeter and an ammeter are shown in Fig. 124. The current in the series coil of the wattmeter exceeds that in the ammeter by an amount equal to the current in the voltmeter. The true power, then, should be calculated by adding to the ammeter reading (I a ) the voltmeter current (Iv) and multiplying the sum by the voltmeter reading (E), or W = (la + E (97) The per cent error introduced by not taking the voltmeter Pressure Coil Series Coils Load 66000 Fig. 124 current into account is very small, except in the calibra- tion of low reading wattmeters. When a separate source of current and pressure are used, the current taken by the voltmeter produces no error and the true power is given by the equation W = EXI (98) The indication of the dial on a watt-hour meter can be checked by maintaining the e.m.f. and current constant for a given time and noting the difference in the dial read- ings before and after the test. The energy indicated on the dial should equal the product of (E), (I), and (t), or k.w. hours = E X I X t (99) The time (t) in the above equation should be in hours. The dial indication can be accurately determined from the num- ELECTKICAL INSTEUMENTS 165 ber of revolutions of the armature, if the number of revolu- tions of the armature per unit indication on the dial is known. This relation is called the gear ratio, and once determined it can be used in succeeding tests. 173. Calibration of Wattmeters by Means of Standard Wattmeter. Two wattmeters are shown connected in the same circuit in Fig. 125. The instrument (S) is a standard, JLL X j 5 I Load 00 ) per pole of the machine. (b) The number of poles (p) composing the magnetic circuit. (c) The total number of inductors (Z) on the armature. (d) The number of paths (b) in parallel through the arma- ture. (e) The speed (s) in revolutions per second. (f) The number of magnetic lines (108) that must be cut per second in order that there be an e.m.f. of one volt induced. THE DIEECT-CUBEENT GENEEATOE 177 These factors can all be combined in a simple equation which will give the value of (E) in volts between the brushes of the machine when it is operating without load, or when it is delivering no current. $ X P X Z X s E = - (100) 108 x b The value of (b) in the above equation will depend upon the type of winding on the armature. For a simple lap winding (singly re-entrant) it is equal to the number of poles and for a simple wave winding (singly re-entrant) it is always two regardless of the number of poles. This will be taken up again in the chapter on "Armature Winding." Example. A six-pole generator is operating at 900 revolu- tions per minute. The useful flux per pole is 4 000 000 lines. The armature has a simple lap winding (singly re-entrant) of 198 inductors. What e.m.f. will be generated? Solution. First obtain the value of the speed in revolutions per second by dividing 900 by 60, or 900 -f- 60 = 15 The machine is then running at 15 revolutions per second. Since the winding on the armature is a simple lap winding, the value to substitute for (b) in equation (100) is equal to the number of poles, or 6. Substituting the values of the various quantities in equation (100) gives 4 000 000 X 6 X 198 X 15 E= - = 118.8 100 000 000 X 6 Ans. 118.8 volts. 185. Separate Excitation and Self-Excitation of a Genera- tor. There are two methods by which the electromagnets of the generator may be energized, and they are (a) Separate excitation. (b) Self-excitation. In the case of separate excitation, the field windings of the machine are connected to some source of energy, other than the dynamo under consideration, such as a storage battery or another dynamo, and the current in the field winding is independent of the e.m.f. generated by the machine that is 178 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTK1CITY being excited. The field current is adjusted in value by changing the value of the resistance in the field circuit, which is accomplished by what is known as a field rheostat, or by changing the e.m.f. of the generator that is supplying the current to the field. The connections for separate excitation are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 137. The rheostat (Rj) is connected in series with the field of the main generator (G). The field of the main generator may be connected to either the storage battery (B) or the small generator (E), which is called the exciter. A rheostat (R 2 ) is connected in series with the field of the generator (E) and by means of this rheostat the voltage generated in the armature of the exciter can be changed, and hence the current in the field of the generator (G), if (E) is supplying current to the field. There are three different methods of self-excitation and they will each be taken up in turn in the following three sections. 186. Shunt -Wound Generator. A/WWW ^ e field winding in the case of a ~T \ p shunt-wound generator consists of a (G) jo Shunt large number of turns of relatively ] Sr 1 field small wire that may be connected l__/ JWinding directly across the terminals of the Fig. 138 machine. The potential difference between the two terminals of the machines produces a current in the field windings, which is regulated in value by a resistance or rheostat. A diagram of the connections of a self-excited shunt machine is given in Fig. 138. 187. Series-Wound Generator. The field winding in the case of a series-wound generator consists of a few turns of large wire connected directly in series with the armature and THE DIRECT-CURRENT GENERATOR 179 load. The current in the field windings of a machine of this kind is of the same value as the current through the load. A diagram of the connections of a series-wound machine is given in Fig. 139. ~\ Fig. 139 Fig. 140 188. Compound-Wound Generator. In the case of a com- pound-wound generator, the field windings consist of two sets of coils. The coils of one set consist of a few turns of large wire connected in series with the armature and the load; the coils of the other set consist of a large number of turns of j Fig. 141 small wire, all connected in series across the terminals of (he machine. The compound generator is nothing more than a combination of a shunt and series generator. When the shunt winding is connected directly across the armature, as shown in Fig. 140, the machine is called a short shunt; when it is connected across the armature and the series field, as shown in Fig. 141, the machine is called a long PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTEICITY shunt. In the case of a long shunt the current in the shunt field passes through the series field in completing its circuit through the armature; while in the case of a short shunt, the current in the shunt field passes directly through the arma- ture without passing through the series field. The current in the shunt field can be regulated by a rheostat (R), while the current in the series field depends upon the current in the load to which the machine is connected. 189. Armature Reaction. When a dynamo is operating under a load, the current in the armature will produce a magnetizing effect upon the field of the machine and this effect is called armature reaction. The direction of this mag- netizing effect due to the armature current can be determined as follows: Take a simple drum armature with twelve coils equally spaced around the core and revolving in a bipolar magnetic field. (A cross-section through such an armature and field is given in Fig. 142.) The induced e.m.f. in the armature inductors on the right of a plane (AC), drawn perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, will be just the reverse of the direction of the induced e.m.f. in the conductors to the left of the plane (AC). The induced e.m.f. in the conductors is zero when they are in the plane (AC), and it changes in direction as the conductors pass from one side of the plane to the other. The plane (AC) is called the normal neutral plane, it being perpendicular to the magnetic flux when there is no current in the armature and, as a result, the field is not distorted. The brushes (Bj) and (B 2 ) should be placed in this plane, and when they are connected through an external circuit there will be a current in the armature conductors the value of which will depend upon the value of the induced e.m.f. and the total resistance of the circuit. The direction of this current in the inductors will be the same as that of the induced e.m.f. shown in Fig. 142, and it will produce a certain magnetizing effect upon the armature core. This magnetizing effect can best be shown by connecting the terminals of the machine to some source of e.m.f. in such a way that the current in the armature will be in the same direction as though it was produced by the induced e.m.f. (When the machine is connected to the external source of e.m.f., there should be no current in the field windings and the armature should be stationary.) The magnetic field due THE DIRECT-CUEEENT GENEEATOR 181 to the armature current alone is shown in Fig. 143. It is seen that this field is at right angles to the field of the machine. In actual operation the magnetizing effect of the armature current and the field current are both present at the same time and the resultant field is a combination of the two as shown in Fig. 144. This results in a non- uniform distribution of the magnetic flux through the generator pole pieces, air gaps, and armature core. The distortion takes place in the direc- tion of rotation which re- sults in a crowding of the flux in the trailing horns of the pole pieces. The neutral plane of the resultant magnetic field will make an angle with the normal neutral plane, and the value of this angle will depend upon the amount of armature reaction. As a result of the neutral plane changing its position, the posi- tion of the brushes must also be changed so that it will correspond more nearly to the position of the neutral plane. With a change in the position of the brushes, there wilj be a change in the direction of the current in some of the armature conductors. Thus, if the brushes be shifted in the direction of rotation, as shown in Fig. 145, the direction of the current in the inductors in the angle (0) will change and the magnetic effect of a current in the armature will no longer be in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field of the machine, but in a direction such as that shown in Fig. 145. This magnetizing effect can be thought of as made up of two parts, one acting parallel to the magnetic field of the machine and another acting perpendicular to the magnetic field of the machine. The magnetizing effect of the armature current perpendicular to the field of the machine is called the cross-magnetizing effect, and the effect parallel to the field of the machine is called the demagnetizing effect. One of the 182 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY above effects tends to weaken the magnetic field of the machine, while the other tends to distort the magnetic field. 190. Cross-Turns and Back Turns. In the previous section it was pointed out that A B, ii .V.j0r:::rx---/&^--" Fig. 144 the plane of the brushes, known as the com mutat- ing plane, should be moved in the direction of rota- tion in order that the brushes be nearer the neu- tral plane. The position of this commutating plane will always be in advance of the normal neutral plane in the case of a generator, and behind the normal neutral plane in the case of a motor. The angle between the commutating plane and the normal neutral plane is called the angle of lead in the case of a generator, and the angle of lag in the case of a motor. The position of the two commutating planes is shown in Fig. 146, the full line (DB) representing the commu- tating plane of the gener- ator and the dotted line (FG) representing the commutating plane of the motor. The conductors in the double angle (26) on one side of the armature can be thought of as being in series with the con- ductors in the angle (29) on the other side of the armature, and forming a number of complete turns about the core. The re- maining conductors can be thought of as forming a second set of turns. The product of the turns in the double angle (26) THE DIEECT-CUEEENT GENEEATOE 183 D and the current in them gives what is called the demagnetizing ampere-turns because their effect is to produce a weakening of the magnetic field of the machine. The remaining turns times the current in them are called the cross-magnetizing ampere- turns because they act at right angles to the mag- netic field of the machines. The turns in the angle (29) are called back turns and the remaining ones are called cross-turns. 191. Means of Reduc- ing Armature Reaction. Armature reaction inter- feres with the satisfactory operation of the dynamo and should be reduced to a minimum where possible. There are a number of ways of bringing about a reduction in the effect of armature reaction, some of the more important ones being: (a) By increasing the length of the air gap of the machine. (b) By slotting the poles parallel to the axis of the arma- ture. (c) By properly shaping the pole pieces. (d) By using auxiliary poles. (e) By placing a winding in perforations in the pole faces. (Invented by Mr. Ryan.) (a) Increasing the length of the air gap increases the reluctance in the magnetic circuit that is acted upon by the cross-magnetizing ampere-turns, but at the same time increases the number of ampere-turns required in the field winding of the machines. Thus the effect of the distorting, or cross-turns, will not be so great as it would be if the magnetic field of the machine were weaker. (b) Cutting slots in the pole faces parallel to the axis of the armature introduces a large reluctance in the path of the cross flux, produced by the cross-magnetizing ampere-turns, but does not introduce anything like as great a reluctance in the main magnetic circuit. Fig. 147 shows a stamping used in 184 PKACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY the construction of a field core, there being a small slot punched in each piece. When these stampings are all assembled there will be one long slot through the pole piece parallel to the axis of the armature. (c) The shifting of the magnetic flux across the pole shoe of the machine can be greatly reduced by properly shaping Fig. 147 Fig. 148 them so that the parts of the air gap where the flux tends to become most dense will have the greater reluctance. Thus the pole faces may be cut so that the trailing horn, in the case of a generator, will be farther from the surface of the armature. The trailing horn of the pole piece may also be made longer than the advancing side, which also results in a more uniform distribu- tion of the magnetic flux and the armature in- ductors will enter and leave the magnetic field more gradually than they would if an ordinary pole piece were used. Such a pole piece is shown in Fig. 148. (d) Auxiliary poles may be placed between the main poles of the ma- chines and so connected 149 that their magnetizing effect is just the reverse of that of the cross-magnetizing am- pere-turns. The windings on these poles are connected so that they carry all or a definite portion of the full load current. This results in their effect varying directly as the load cur- rent, just as the effect of the cross ampere-turns varies with THE DIRECT-CURRENT GENERATOR 185 the load current, and if the effects balance for one particular load, they will practically balance for all other loads and the position of the neutral plane of the magnetic field will remain almost constant. The auxiliary poles of a machine are shown in Fig. 149. 192. Commutation. The process of commutation can best be explained by reference to Fig. 150. The commutator seg- ments are shown shaded while the various elements of the armature winding are shown connected in series, the junctions of these ele- ments being connected to the commutator segments in regular order. The direc- tion of rotation of the arma- ture is indicated by the arrow (A), and the position of the neutral plane by the line (DE). The direction of current in the various elements is indicated by the Fig. 150 small arrows. With a direc- tion of current corresponding to that shown in the figure, the brush (B}) must be positive. Now as the armature rotates, the commutator segments in turn pass under the brush (Bj). If the contact surface of the brush is greater than the width of the insulation between the segments, which should always be the case, then an element ot the winding will be short-circuited when the brush is in contact with the two segments to which the element is con- nected. The current in the short-circuited coil drops to zero when it is shorted, but it does not do so instantly on account of the inductance of the coil. As the armature rotates, the brush moves from commutator segment (C 4 ), Fig. 150, and the element of winding (4) is connected in series with the other elements in the left-hand path. When the element becomes a part of the left-hand path, it carries the same current the other elements in that path carry. Now if there is zero current in the coil that is finishing commutation, just as it moves from the short-circuited position, the current in it must increase almost instantly to a value equal to that 186 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY in the other elements. The inductance of the element op- poses this sudden increase in current and, as a 'result, there is a tendency for an arc to form between the brush and the commutator segment (C 4 ) until the current in the coil (4) has reached its proper value, or the inductance of the coil has been overcome. This condition of affairs would result in a con- tinuous sparking at the brushes, which would not only repre- sent a loss but would be injurious to both the commutator and the brushes. Sparking due to the cause just mentioned can be reduced and practically overcome by advancing the brushes beyond the neutral plane. When the brushes are thus ad- vanced, there will be an e.m.f. induced in the coil undergoing commutation while it is short-circuited and this induced e.m.f. will be in such a direction as to produce a current in the same direction as the current in the elements to the left of the brush, as shown in Fig. 150. This results in the inductance of the coil being overcome while the coil is still short-cir- cuited, and the current will meet with no opposition other than the ohmic resistance when the coil becomes a part of the left-hand circuit. Advancing the brushes beyond the neutral plane results in a slight lowering of the terminal e.m.f. of the machine, but this is more than offset by the advantage in the reduction in sparking. 193. Capacity of a Generator. The output of a generator is limited by one of the three following factors, when sufficient power is applied to drive it. These factors are: (a) Excessive drop In the armature of the machine. (b) Excessive heating. (c) Excessive sparking. (a) As the load on a generator is increased, there is an increase in drop in the armature due to the (IR) drop and armature reaction. These two effects combined decrease the terminal voltage of the machine and this decrease is usually excessive when the machine is overloaded. (b) The allowable temperature rise as prescribed by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers is as follows: "Under normal conditions of operating and ventilation, the maximum temperature rise referred to a standard room tem- perature of 25 C. should not exceed 50 C. for field coils and armature as measured by the increase in resistance; and 55 C. for commutator and brushes, and 40 C. for all other THE DIKECT-CUEEENT GENEEATOE 187 Field Current Ffe. 151 parts, bearings, etc., as determined by a thermometer." It Is usually safe to operate a machine above these temperatures for a few hours, but an excessive heating of commutator, armature, or field coils, is likely to injure and in some cases destroy the in- sulation. (c) The heat generated as a result of sparking usually limits the allow- able sparking, as it causes : a rise in temperature of the commutator and the brushes. 194. Building Up of a Self-Excited Shunt Gener- ator. The iron composing the magnetic circuit of a generator usually retains some of its magnetism and when the armature is revolved in this weak magnetic field, there is a small e.m.f. induced which produces a current in the field windings. This current, if the windings are properly connected, will increase the magnetic flux through the arma- ture, which in turn will increase the e.m.f. and field current, etc. A curve showing the relation be- tween terminal voltage and field current is given in Fig. 151. Such a curve is called a magnetization curve. The abrupt bend in the curve near the top indicates that the mag- Load Current Fig. 152 netic circuit is practically saturated. 195. External Characteristics of Shunt, Series, and Com- pound Generators. The external characteristic curve of a gen- erator is a curve that shows the relation between the current output of the generator and the terminal voltage. In the case of the shunt generator, assuming the speed 188 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY remains constant and the field resistance is not changed after it is adjusted to give normal terminal voltage at no load, the voltage at the terminals of the machine will decrease with an increase in load on account of armature reaction and copper drop. The curve in Fig. 152 shows the relation between the terminal voltage and the load current for a shunt generator. The drop in voltage will be different for different machines, de- pending upon the resist- ru -dr loE Load Current Fig. 153 ance of the armature and the amount of armature reaction. In the case of a series generator, the terminal voltage is zero with zero load, but it increases as the load current increases because the field excitation is increasing. The field strength of the ma- chine will continue to increase very rapidly with an increase in load until the iron becomes saturated, when the effects of armature reaction and cop- per drop produce a de- crease in terminal voltage with a further increase in load, as shown in Fig. 153. In the case of a com- pound generator, the series winding may be so con- nected as to produce a magnetizing effect that aids the shunt field, and with an increase in load there is an increase m total field excitation. If this increase in field excitation is just sufficient to main- tain the terminal voltage practically constant, the ma- chine is said to be flat-compounded. If there is a rise in terminal voltage with an increase in load, the machine is said to be over-compounded, and if the voltage drops with an Load Current Fig. 154 THE DIRECT-CURRENT GENERATOR 189 increase in load the machine is said to be under-compounded. The external characteristic curve of an over-compounded gen- erator is shown by curve (A) it, Fig. 154, and the external characteristic curve of a flat-compounded generator, by curve (B). 196. Adaptability of Shunt, Series, and Compound Gen- erators. The shunt generator is usually used where it is desired to have a practically constant voltage, and the dis- tance from the machine to the load is not very great, resulting in a small voltage loss in the line. The series generator is usually used in supplying a constant current to a load at a varying potential, such as a number of arc lamps connected in series. The compound machine can be constructed so that the voltage at its ter- minals, or at the load, can be maintained constant or allowed to increase or de- crease with a change in load. Thus it can operate a number of lamps at a constant pressure even though they be located some distance from the generator, or the voltage at the end of the line can be made to increase with an increase of load, as is quite often the case in railway work. A modern compound generator is shown in Fig. 155. 197. Losses in Generators. The losses in generators may be divided into two main groups: (A) I2R, or electrical losses. (B) Stray-power losses. (A) The I2R losses occur in the field windings and the armature. If (I c ), (Is), and (I a ) represent the currents in the shunt-field winding, series-field winding, and armature, re- spectively, and (R c ), (Rs), and (R a ) represent the resistance of the shunt-field winding, series-field winding, and armature, Fig. 155 190 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY respectively, then the loss in the shunt-field winding (W c ), series-field winding (W s ), and armature (W a ) can be deter- mined by the following equations: We = I2 c R c (101) W s = I2 S R S (102) W a = I2 a R a (103) (B) The stray-power losses consist of (a) Hysteresis and eddy-current losses chiefly in the arma- ture core. (b) Friction losses at bearings and brushes, and air fric- tion, or windage, as it is called, due to the fan-like action of the moving parts. The stray-power losses cannot be calculated with the same degree of accuracy that the (I2R) losses can; but they can, however, be quite accurately determined for a given machine by experiment. 198. Efficiency of Generators. There are three efficiencies for a generator: (a) Efficiency of conversion. (b) Electrical efficiency. (c) Commercial efficiency. (a) The efficiency of conversion is the ratio of the total electrical power generated to the total mechanical power supplied. Let (P) represent the mechanical power supplied, then El + (electrical losses) Efficiency of conversion = X 100 P (104) Where (El) represents the output in watt. (b) The electrical efficiency is the ratio of the total elec- trical power delivered to the total electrical power developed. El Electrical efficiency = X 100 El -f (electrical losses) (105) (c) The commercial efficiency of a generator is the ratio of the electrical output to the mechanical input, or El Commercial efficiency = X 100 (106) P THE DIRECT-CURRENT GENERATOR 191 The commercial efficiency is the most important of the three, as it includes all the losses in the machine. 199. Commercial Rating of Generators. Generators are rated according to their k.w. output. Thus a 100-k.w. 100-volt generator means the machine will deliver 100 k.w. to an external circuit connected to its terminals, and that the voltage will be 100 volts. If the output is 100 k.w. at 100 volts, then the current will be 10 000 -=- 100 = 1000 amperes. PROBLEMS ON DIRECT-CURRENT GENERATORS 1. Calculate the e.m.f. generated in the armature of a 10- pole direct-current generator wound with 1000 inductors, lap winding (simplex singly re-entrant), and revolving at 300 revo- lutions per minute. The magnetic flux per pole is 5 000 000 maxwells. Ans. 250 volts. 2. If the winding in the above problem was changed to a wave winding (simplex singly re-entrant), what e.m.f. would be generated? Ans. 1250 volts. Note: See section (184). 3. If the speed in problem (1) is decreased to 250 revolu- tions per minute and the flux (<) per pole is raised to 6 000 000 maxwells, what would be the change in the e.m.f. generated? Ans. No change. 4. The armature of the machine in problem (1) has a resistance of .006 ohm, what will be the value of the terminal voltage when the machine is delivering a current of 750 amperes? (Assume the internal voltage remains constant.) Ans. 245.5 volts. 5. How much should the flux per pole be increased in order that the terminal voltage in problem (4) remain constant? Ans. Increase 90 000 maxwells. 6. There are 180 inductors on the surface of a bipolar drum- wound armature and in each of these inductors there is a current of 50 amperes. Calculate the demagnetizing and cross- magnetizing ampere-turns when the commutating plane makes an angle (9) of 10 degrees with the normal neutral plane. Ans. 500 demagnetizing ampere-turns. 4000 cross-magnetizing ampere-turns. 192 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY 7. The total flux produced by a field winding is 5 800 000 maxwells and the useful flux is 5 000 000 maxwells, calculate the coefficient of magnetic leakage. Ans. Leakage coefficient = 1.16. 8. The output of a 110-volt generator is 300 amperes, what is the horse-power input if the efficiency of the machine is 90 per cent? Ans. 49.2 horse-power. 9. If the electrical loss in problem (8) is 1375 watts, what is the electrical efficiency of the machine? The efficiency of conversion? Ans. Electrical efficiency, 96 per cent. Efficiency of conversion, 93.8 per cent. 10. What is the commercial efficiency of a machine that will deliver 500 amperes at 550 volts when the input is 400 horse-power? Ans. 92.1 + per cent. CHAPTER X DIRECT-CURRENT MOTORS 200. Fundamental Principle of the Direct-Current Motor. If a conductor in which there is a direct current be placed in a magnetic field in such a position that it makes an angle with the direction of the field, there will be a force tending to move the conductor. This same force is present in the case of a generator, but it is overcome by the mechanical force that drives the machine. With an increase in current in the con- ductor or an increase in the strength of the magnetic field, there will be an increase in the force which tends to move the conductor. 201. Fleming's Left-Hand or Motor Rule. There is a definite relation between the direction of current in a con- ductor, the direction of motion, and the direction of the mag- netic field for a motor; just as there is a definite relation between these three quantities in the case of a generator. If the thumb and first and second fingers of the left hand be placed at right angles to each other, the second finger pointing in the direction of the current in the conductor, the first finger in the direction of the magnetic field, then the thumb will point in the direction in which the conductor will tend to move. This simple rule is known as Fleming's left-hand or motor rule. If the direction of the current in the conductor be reversed, the direction of the magnetic field remaining constant, the direction of motion will be reversed; or, if the direction of the magnetic field be reversed, the direction of the current remaining the same, the direction of motion will be reversed. If, however, the direction of the current and the direction of the magnetic field are both reversed, the direction of motion of the conductor will remain the same. Fig. 156 illustrates Fleming's left-hand rule. 202. Generator and Motor Interchangeable. The essential parts of a direct-current motor are identical with those of a 193 194 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY generator, namely, an armature and magnetic field. The con- nection of the armature conductors to the external circuit is made by means of a commutator which serves to reverse the direction of current in the armature winding at the proper time so that the forces tending to move the various con- ductors in the magnetic field all act to- gether and a continuous rotation of the armature is produced. Any direct-current etic generator may be used as a direct-cur- rent mOtOI> Or vice Versd > their COnstrUC- tion being practically the same. Fig. 156 203. Classes of Motors. Direct-cur- rent motors may be divided into three main groups according to the method employed in exciting the field magnets. These are: (a) Shunt motors. (b) Series motors. (c) Compound motors. (a) The field windings of a shunt motor consist of a large number of turns of small wire connected directly across the terminals of the machine, or the line to which the machine is connected. The current in the field winding of a shunt machine is independent of the current in the armature so long as an increase in armature current produces no change in the voltage impressed upon the shunt field winding. The field strength of the shunt machine is regulated by changing the current in the field winding, which may be done by either changing the impressed voltage or the total resistance of the circuit. (b) In the case of the series motor, the field winding con- sists of a few turns of large wire connected directly in series with the armature and the line. The current in the field windings is the same as the current in the armature, and the ^eld strength varies with the load on the machine, the field current increasing with the load. (c) The field windings of a compound motor are a combi- nation of the shunt and the series windings. The magnetic effect of these two windings may aid or oppose each other, de- pending upon the way they are connected. When the two magnetizing effects act together, the machine is called a cumu- DIRECT-CURRENT MOTORS 195 lative compound motor; and when their magnetizing effects oppose each other, the machine is called a differential com- pound motor. In the case of the cumulative compound machine, the field strength increases with an increase in load I since the two magnetizing effects act together; and in the case of the differential compound motor, the field strength decreases with an increase in load since the two magnetizing effects act opposite to each other. 204. Direction of Rotation of Machines when Changed from a Generator to a Motor. The direction of current in the armature, field winding, and line for a self-excited shunt generator, and the polarity of the machine and direction To Line Fig-. 157 Fig. 158 of rotation are shown in Fig. 157. The arrow (I a ) repre- sents the direction of the armature current. Let this ma- chine be operated as a motor by connecting it to some source of energy, connecting the positive terminal of the machine to the positive line, and the negative terminal of the machine to the negative line. The direction of current in the field and armature for this connection is shown in Fig. 158. It will be seen by inspection that the direction of current in the field winding has remained the same in the two cases and that the direction of current in the armature has changed. Now applying Fleming's dynamo rule to Fig. 157 and his motor rule to Fig. 158 remembering the direction of current in the armature in one case is just the reverse of what it is in the other, and the field current is the same in both cases you will find the direction of rotation of the arma- ture in Fig. 158 will be the same as in Fig. 157. In the change from a generator to a motor, as shown in Figs. 157 and 158, the polarity of the terminals of the motor was the same as that of the generator. When the polarity of PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY the motor is just the reverse of that of the generator, the current in the shunt-field winding will be reversed in direc- tion and the armature current will not change. This will also result in the direction of rotation of the armature remaining the same. Hence, a shunt generator will always run in the same direction when operated as a motor, as it did when it was run as a generator. To change the direction of rotation of a shunt generator when it is changed to a motor, the connections of the arma- ture or shunt-field winding must be reversed. When a series generator is changed to a series motor, the direction of rotation will be reversed, because the direction of the current in the field winding and the armature bear the same relation to each other in both cases and the motion will be opposite as shown by the right- and left-hand rules. Chang- ing the connection of the machine to the line will not change the direction of rotation as the current in both the armature and field winding is reversed when such a change is made. Then in order to change the direction of rotation of the armature, the connections of either the series field winding or armature must be reversed, which will result in a change in direction of either the magnetic field or of the armature current, but not of both. The compound generator will act, as far as direction of rotation is concerned, when changed to a motor, the same as though it were a simple shunt machine, provided the machine is lightly loaded. If it is started under a heavy load there will be an excessive current in the armature and series-field winding, and if the magnetizing effect of the series-field winding is greater than that of the shunt-field winding, the machine will start up as though it were a series motor. 205. Armature Reaction in a Motor. Let us assume that a shunt generator is operated as a shunt motor, the polarity of the machine being the same in both cases. The current in the shunt-field winding will remain constant in direction and, as a result, the direction of the magnetic field of the machine does not change. The direction of current in the armature, however, changes and as a result the direction of the magnetic field produced by it changes. When the brushes are in the normal neutral plane, as shown in Fig. 143, the field produced by the armature current is at right angles to that produced by DIEECT-CUEEENT MOTOES 197 the field current and it is acting downward, as shown in Fig. 159, instead of upward, as shown in Fig. 143. Since the mag- netizing effects of the armature current and the field current are present at the same time, they form a resultant field whose general direc- tion is similar to that shown in Fig. 160. It will be seen that the magnetic field in the case of a motor is shifted in a direction op- posite to the direction of rotation, which is just the reverse of what occurred in the generator, as shown in Fig. 144. This results in the neutral plane of the magnetic field being shift- ed back of the normal neutral plane, as shown by the line (FG) in Fig. 160. 206. Position of the Brushes on a Motor. Since the neutral plane of the magnetic field is changed when the generator is changed to a motor, the plane in which the brushes are placed must be changed so that p it will correspond more A B (> / nearly to the position of the neutral plane. The brushes then will be given an angle of lag in the case of a motor while they were given an angle of lead in the case of a generator. The demagnetizing turns on the armature are in the angle (26), as shown in Fig. 146, and the cross- magnetizing turns are those outside of this double an- gle. The turns in the dou- ble angle (26) are still demagnetizing, although the current through the armature has been reversed, for the following 198 PEACT1CAL APPLIED ELECTEICITY reason: When the machine is used as a generator the brushes are in advance of the neutral plane, as shown in Fig. 145, and when it is used as a motor they are back of the neutral plane, as shown in Fig. 160. If the brushes were changed from one position to the other without reversing the current in the armature, the current in the turns located in the angle (20) would be reversed in direction and the magnetizing effect of the ampere-turns in this angle (20) would act with the mag- netic field of the machine. The current in the armature, how- ever, is reversed at the same time the position of the brushes is changed and, as a result, the magnetizing effect of the turns in the angle (20) does not change in direction. The brushes are usually placed a little back of the neutral plane in the case of a motor for the same reason they are placed in advance of the neutral plane in the case of a generator, as explained in section (192). 207. Torque Exerted on Armature. The torque of a motor is equal to the product of the total force acting on the arma- ture conductors times the distance of the conductors from the center of the armature, or T = F X L- (107) ' When the force (F) in the above equation is measured in pounds and the distance (L) between the point of application of this force and the center of the armature is measured in feet, the torque (T) will be given in pound-feet. The follow- ing equation can be used in calculating the torque in pound- feet in terms of the total number of conductors (Z) on the armature, the number of poles (p), the magnetic flux per pole (3>),the number of paths in parallel through the armature (b), and the total armature current (I a ). .1174 XpXZx$Xla T = (108) 108 X b 208. Mechanical Output of a Motor. The output of a motor in foot-pounds per second is equal to the torque (T) in pound- feet multiplied by the speed in revolutions per second (r.p.s.) times 2 ?r. Since one horse-power is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second, then the output of a motor in horse-power (h.p.) can be calculated by the use of the following equation: DIRECT-CURRENT MOTORS 199 27r X T X (r.p.s.) h.p. = (109) 550 If the speed is measured in revolutions per minute (r.p.m.), then 27T X T X (r.p.m.) h.p.= (110) 33000 209. Counter Electromotive Force. When a machine is being operated as a motor, the armature is revolving in a magnetic field and there will be an induced e.m.f. set up in the conductors just the same as there would be if the machine were operated as a generator. Since the relation between the direction of motion of the conductors with respect to the direction of the magnetic field in the case of a motor is opposite to what it is in the case of a generator, the direction of the current in the conductors remaining constant, the induced e.m.f. in the armature of the motor will be just the reverse of what it is in the case of the generator. This e.m.f. opposes the flow of the electricity in the armature and hence takes energy from it, just as a force that acts in a direction opposite to the velocity of a body takes energy from the body, hence the motor action. This induced e.m.f. acts in a direc- tion just opposite to the impressed e.m.f. at the terminals of the machine and for that reason it is called a counter electromotive force. Its value depends upon the same factors as the e.m.f. of a generator, and it may be calculated by the use of equation (100). A counter e.m.f. is absolutely neces- sary to the operation of a motor. 210. Normal Speed of a Motor. The current in the arma- ture of a motor depends upon the resistance of the circuit, and the effective electromotive force acting in the circuit. If the impressed voltage on the machine be represented by (E), the counter electromotive force by (E c ), and the effective electromotive force by (E f ), then E f = E EC (111) The current (I n ) in the armature is equal to Er I a = - (112) R, 200 PBACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY or E EC (113) Ra In the above equations (R a ) represents the total resistance between the terminals of the machine, neglecting the shunt field. In a shunt machine (R a ) would be the resistance of the armature, while in a series and compound machine (R a ) would be the resistance of the series field and armature combined. Since the current is dependent upon the counter electromotive force, as shown in equation (113), the machine will run at such a speed that the difference between the impressed voltage (E) and the counter electromotive force will produce suf- ficient current in the armature to produce the required torque in order that the machine may carry its load. Thus, with an increase in load on a machine there will be an increase in torque required, and this increase in torque will mean an increase in armature current if the field strength remains constant. Now in order that the current in the armature increase, the resistance (R a ) and impressed voltage (E) remaining constant, the value of the counter e.m.f. must decrease. The only factor in equation (100) that can change is the speed, since the field strength, or flux per pole (<), is supposed to remain constant and the other factors are gov- erned by the construction of the machine and cannot be changed without rebuilding. There will then be a reduction in the speed of a machine with an increase in load current, all other factors remaining constant. 211. Methods of Regulating the Speed of a Motor. The speed of a motor may be regulated by any one, or certain combinations of the following methods: (a) Change in field strength produced by a change in field current. (b) Change in field strength produced by a change in the reluctance of the magnetic circuit. (c) Varying voltage over the armature by means of a rheostat. (d) Multi-voltage system. (e) By changing the position of the brushes. (a) A rheostat placed in series with the shunt field of a DIRECT-CURRENT MOTORS 201 Fig. 161 motor, as shown in Fig. 161, may be used to change its speed. If the resistance of the shunt-field circuit be increased by increasing the part of the resistance (R) in circuit, the field current will be decreased and there will be a decrease in the magnetic flux (<) per pole which will result in an increase in speed, all other quantities remaining con- stant, in order that the required counter e.m.f. may be generated in the armature. The change in the value of () due to a change in the field current will depend upon the degree to which the iron of the magnetic circuit of the ma- chine is saturated. If the circuit is well saturated there must be a relatively large change in field current to produce a small change in speed. There is a limit, however, to the amount you can weaken the field of a machine as the armature reaction increases with a decrease in field strength which results in serious sparking. The effect of armature reaction can be neutralized as ex- plained in section (191) and the allowable range in speed ob- tainable by this method thus greatly increased. A number* of different kinds of field rheostats are described in the chap- ter on operation. (b) The magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit of a machine can be changed by varying the reluctance V *J ! v "'"" v of the magnetic circuit. JT T Field This is accomplished in the case of a motor manufac- tured by the Stow Manu- 162 facturing Company, in the following way: The field cores are hollow and are provided with movable iron cores. These cores are all connected mechanically so that their position in the field coils can be adjusted by means of a hand wheel on top of the machine. By moving them toward or away from the armature there will be a decrease or increase in the reluctance of the magnetic circuit and, as a result, an increase or decrease in the flux ($) per pole. This change in (3>) will produce a change in the speed. 202 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY (c) If a rheostat (Ri) be placed in series with the armature of a motor, as shown in Fig. 162, the voltage across the terminals of the armature circuit can be varied by changing the resistance in the rheostat. A change in impressed voltage on the armature will mean a change in speed, because there will be a change in the value of the counter e.m.f. required. The Ward Leonard system, as described in section (213), is a form of variable voltage control. (d) In the multi-voltage method fs/| a j n A of speed control, there are several ~T" different voltages available from Main J3 a4oVolt5 which the motor may be operated. . r ^Volts Thus, as shown in Fig. 163, there is a different voltage between the dif- Ma,nD 6 4 lts l ferent lines and these may be com- bined, giving other voltages, which Fig. 163 may be connected to the motor ter- minals by means of a suitable switch, or controller. This method is usually used in combination with the field rheostat method. (e) If the brushes of a machine be shifted from the neutral plane of the magnetic field, there will be an increase in the speed for the following reason: The counter e.m.f. between the brushes of a motor is a maximum when the brushes are in the neutral plane because the e.m.f. induced in all the con- ductors, in series in the various paths through the armature windings, are acting in the same direction. If the position of the brushes be changed, it. will result in the e.m.f. induced in some of the conductors in series opposing the e.m.f. in the others; and the resultant e.m.f. will be less than in the pre- vious case, all other conditions remaining constant. Now as the brushes are shifted from the neutral plane, the speed must increase in order that the counter e.m.f. between the brushes may satisfy equation (113). This is not a practical method for varying the speed, as excessive sparking usually results when the brushes are moved very much from their proper position. The brushes, in the case of a motor, can be placed in the neutral plane by moving them back and forth, noting the change in speed. The position giving a minimum speed will correspond to the neutral plane (no load on the motor). DIRECT-CURRENT MOTORS 203 212. Inter pole Motor. In order to prevent a shift in the position of the neutral plane of the magnetic field of a motor, due to a change in armature current, which tends to distort the field, commutating-poles, or interpoles, are used. These poles are placed between the regular poles of the machine, and the windings on them carry the load current. Their mag- netizing effect counteracts that of the armature current and the position of the brushes need not be changed with the change in load on the machine. If the direction of rotation of the armature be changed by changing the direction of the armature current, the polarity of the interpoles will also be changed and their magnetizing effect will still counteract that of the armature current. 213. Ward Leonard System. In this system the field of the motor (M) is connected directly to the main line and the Fig. 164 armature is connected to an auxiliary generator (G), whose voltage can be regulated by means of the field rheostat (R), Fig. 164. In this arrangement the speed of the motor (M) is controlled by a change in impressed voltage, which in turn is controlled by the excitation of the generator (G). The field current for' the generator (G) is taken directly from the line and its value is regulated by means of the rheo- stat (R). 214. Comparison of Methods of Speed Control. The field rheostat method is perhaps the cheapest and simplest method of speed control and for that reason is no doubt used more than any of the others. It permits of a wide variation in speed when used with the interpole motor and the change in the speed can be made very gradually. The change in reluctance method is quite satisfactory, but 04 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY the initial cost of the machine is usually prohibitive for .general use. The armature rheostat method is very little used, as there is a large change in speed, with a change in load, and there is an excessive loss in the resistance for large armature cur- rents. The Ward Leonard and multi-voltage systems are very sat- isfactory in operation, but they are expensive to install. A change in speed produced by shifting the brushes is not practical on account of difficulties due to sparking. 215. Starting Motors. There is no counter e.m.f. generated in the armature of a motor when it is stationary and if the machine were connected directly to line a very destructive current would exist in the armature. The value of this cur- rent, just at the instant the circuit was closed, would be equal to (E) divided by (R a ) if there were no resistance in series with the armature. The resistance of the arma- ture is usually very small and, as a result, the current would be large. By placing a resistance (R x ) in series with the armature, the current can be reduced to a safe value. Now as the armature starts to rotate there will be a counter e.m.f. generated and the effective e.m.f. acting in the circuit will be reduced, which will cause a reduction in current, and the speed will become constant in value when the effective e.m.f. acting in the circuit is equal to the product of the current and the total resistance, or E EC = L (Ra + R x ) (114) In the above equation (R a ) represents the resistance of the armature and , \ ^ f ^ '// $M// \\ p i '//, YW// ^y 1 '//, Wifa A -d I % '%> '"hi (0 / \ T\ _j / \ \ 1 I / v _ H ^ s" -/ S I x 4- - Time in Hour's *~} - E 2 4 6 8 10 \i 1 4 6 8 10 1! Midnight Noon Midnight Fig. 210 L, A*. **! / Jj> r no no of a battery may be charged in series and then connected in a number of groups and these groups in turn connected in parallel. If it is desired to raise the voltage, the cells should be charged in parallel and then connected in series for discharge. 288. Storage Batteries Used in Subdividing Voltage of a Generator. The con- nections of a battery for di- viding the voltage of a gen- erator are shown in Fig. 211. Supposing the genera- tor (G) is a 220-volt ma- chine and it is desired to Fig-. 211 obtain energy from it at 110 volts. This can be accomplished by connecting the battery (B), which should have a voltage of about 220 volts, across the leads from the main generator and connecting a lead (N) to the center of the battery. With this connection there will be a 110-volt pressure between each outside lead and the lead (N). 289. Storage Batteries to Supply Energy for Electrically Driven Vehicles and Boats. The storage battery is growing 256 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY in favor as a means of supplying energy to vehicles, such as pleasure automobiles, heavy trucks, and street cars; and it is also quite extensively used in small pleasure boats and sub- marines. The battery is connected to the motors through Fig. 212 specially constructed controllers, so arranged that the cells are grouped to give a low impressed voltage on starting and as the controller is advanced to successive positions, the connections of the various cells are changed, all being con- nected in series when the controller handle is at its final position. A tray of six cells, as used in an electric automobile, is shown in Fig. 212. CHAPTEE XIII DISTRIBUTION AND OPERATION 290. Systems of Distribution. The power output of an electrical generator at any instant is equal to the product of the terminal voltage of the machine and the current supplied by the machine. With a change in output there must be a change in the value of this product and necessarily a change in the value of either the current or voltage, or both. When the power output of the generator changes due to a change in the value of the current, the machine is said to be a constant-voltage machine, and the method employed *' * Li- in supplying energy to the M) QQQQ circuit connected to the ma- chine is called a constant- voltage, or parallel system of distribution. If the out- put of the machine changes due to a change in the ter- minal voltage, the current remaining constant, the method employed in supplying energy to the circuit connected to the machine is called constant-current, or series system of dis- tribution. 291. Constant-Voltage Distribution. In the constant-volt- age, or parallel system of distribution, the various devices that are being supplied with energy are connected in parallel across the two lines leading to the terminals of the generator. A motor (M) and a number of lamps (L) are shown connected in parallel to the terminals of the generator (G), Fig. 213. With a change in the number of lamps or motors connected, there will be a change in the value of the total resistance between the two leads (Li) and (L 2 ) and, as a result, a change in the value of the current output of the machine. Thus, for 257 258 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY example, if the generator is connected to ten incandescent lamps each having a hot resistance of 220 ohms, there will be a total resistance of (220 -r- 10) or 22 ohms between the leads, and if the voltage of the machine is 110 volts, there will be a current of 5 amperes supplied by the machine. Now if 5 of the lamps are disconnected, the resistance between the leads will be increased as the number of paths in parallel has been decreased, and it will be equal to (220-7-5) or 44 ohms. The current supplied by the generator in this case will be 2.5 amperes, the voltage remaining constant. When more than ten lamps are connected, the combined resistance will be less than the resistance of the ten and, as a result, the current supplied by the generator will increase, which results in an increase in the power output, it being equal to (E X I). 292. Constant-Current Arc Lamps Distribution. In the con- ~ stant-current, or series system of distribution, the various devices that are being supplied with ener- gy are connected in series to the terminals of the generator. A number of Fig. 214 arc lamps and a motor (M) are shown connected in series in Fig. 214, and the combination connected to the generator (G). If there is a change in the number of lamps or motors connected in such a circuit there will be a change in the value of the resistance of the circuit, and since the construction of the generator (G) is such that it supplies a constant current, there must be a change in the terminal volt- age of the machine with a change in load. Thus, if there are ten arc lamps connected in series and there is a drop of 90 volts over each lamp, the terminal voltage of the machine must be (10X90) or 900 volts, neglecting the drop in the line wires. If five of these lamps be disconnected from the line, the circuit still being closed, the voltage required at the ter- minals of the machine will be (5X90) or 450 volts. The cur- rent in the circuit is the same in each case. The output of the machine in the second case then would be only one-half what it was when the ten lamps were in operation as the DISTRIBUTION AND OPERATION 259 Fig. 215 voltage has been reduced one-half, the current remaining constant. 293. Series-Parallel System of Distribution. The series- parallel system of distribution is a combination of the series and parallel systems. A number of similar lamps may be connected in series and the combination then connected to the supply leads, as shown in Fig. 215. The same current exists in each lamp of a given set and the drop in potential over the various lamps that may be connected in series will be proportional to their respective resistances. This system is usually used where it is desired to operate a number of lamps or motors from a line whose voltage is several times that required to operate a single lamp or motor. A good example of such an arrange- ment is the wiring in a street car where five similar 110-volt lamps are connected in se- LI ries and the group then con- nected to the 550-volt source of supply, as shown in Fig. 215. If one of the lamps in any group should burn out or for some reason be re- moved from its socket, thus opening up the circuit, the remaining lamps of that group would also be ex- tinguished. 294. Edison Three -Wire System of Distribution. Two 110-volt generators, (G 1 ) and (G o ), are shown connected in series and supplying current to a number of groups of incan- descent lamps, Fig. 216. Each group of lamps consists of two 110- volt lamps connected in series. If the two lamps of any group have the same resistance there will be the same drop in potential over each, since they both carry the same current, the drop being equal to the product of the resistance between Fig. 216 260 PEACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY L, the points considered and the current in the resistance. All of the points numbered (1), (2), (3), etc., will be at the same potential, since the drop over each of the upper lamps is the same and equal to the drop over each of the lower lamps. If these various points be connected by a con- ductor there will be no change in the division of the current through the various branches or lamps. The conductor connecting the points (1), (2), and (3) may be extended back and connected between the two generators, as shown in Fig. 217, provided the ter- minal voltage of the gen- erators is the same, the point (A) between them La will be at the same poten- Fi s- 217 tial as the points (1), (2), and (3), and connecting all of these various points together by the lead (N), which is called the neutral wire, will pro- duce no change in the division of the line current through the various branches of the load. Such an arrangement as that shown in Fig. 217, is called the Edison three-wire system of distribution. There will be no current in the neutral wire when the number of lamps in the upper set is the same as the number of lamps in the lower set and the current in the leads (L^) and (L 2 ) will be the same in value and in the direction indi- cated oy the arrows in the figure. If the number of lamps in the lower group be less than the number in the upper group, there will, as a result, be a current in the neutral lead and the direction of this current will be toward the gen- erators, or toward the left, when the polarity of the machines is the same as that shown in the figure. When the number of lamps in the upper group is less than the number in the lower group, the current in the neutral lead will be from the generators or toward the right when the polarity of the machines is the same as that indicated in the figure. The current in the neutral lead will always be equal to the dif- ference in the value of the current in the two outside leads DISTRIBUTION AND OPEEATION (Li) and (L 2 ) and its direction will be just opposite to that of the current in the outside lead that is greatest in value. When there is no current in the neutral lead, the load is said to be balanced and when there is a current in the neutral lead it is said to be unbalanced. The neutral lead in no case will carry a current greater in value than either of the outside leads and, as a result, it need not be greater in cross-sectional area than the outside leads. Each outside wire in the Edison three-wire system need be only one-fourth as large in cross-sectional area to supply the same number of lamps with the same per cent voltage drop as would be required in the simple 110-volt system. Only one-fourth as much copper would be required in the three-wire system as would be required in the 110-volt system if no neutral lead was used, or each outside lead would represent one-eighth of the total copper re- + 75 L quired in the 110-volt sys- - -x- tem. Since the neutral ' lead is usually made equal in area to the outside leads, there will be three leads, each representing in weight one-eighth of the copper required for the 110-volt system, or the to- tal copper required for the p. g 21g three-wire system is three- eighths of that required for the 110-volt system. If no neutral lead were used, it would be impossible to operate one lamp alone since there are two in series; but with the neutral lead, the number of lamps that may be turned on or off in either the upper or the lower groups is entirely independent of the number of lamps turned on in the other group. 295. Drop in Potential in the Neutral Wire. If the current taken by the upper group of lamps in Fig. 217 be 75 amperes and the current taken by the lower group be 50 amperes, there will be a current of 25 amperes in the neutral lead and the direction of these currents will be that shown by the arrows in Fig. 218. Since the current in the neutral lead is 262 PBACTICAL APPLIED ELECTEICITY toward the generators, the end connected to the load must be at a higher potential than the end connected to the gen- erators. The load end of the upper lead (Lj) is at a lower potential than the generator end and the load end of the lower lead (L 2 ) is at a higher potential than the generator end. The drop in potential in these various leads is repre- sented by the dotted lines in Fig. 218, the potential falling off along each lead in the direction of the current. Assuming the voltage of each of the generators is 112 volts and that this voltage remains constant regardless of the load, then the voltage over the upper group of lamps will be equal to 112 minus the algebraic sum of the drops in the upper lead (L^) and the neutral; while the voltage over the lower group of lamps will be equal to 112 minus the algebraic sum of the drop in the lower lead (L 2 ) and the drop in the neutral. The drop in the neutral causes a decrease in the voltage over the upper group of lamps and it tends to increase the voltage over the lower group of lamps. The voltage over the smaller load will be greater than the terminal voltage of the machine con- nected to that load when the current in the neutral is greater than the current in the ouside lead connected to the smaller load, if the neutral and outside leads have the same resistance. If a three-wire system be unbalanced and the fuse in the neutral lead should blow or the neutral should be opened, the outside leads remaining connected to the generators, there will be a redistribution of the total voltage, between the two leads (Li) and (L 2 ), over the upper and lower groups of lamps. The drops over the two groups would bear the same relation to each other as exists between the resistances of the two groups, that is, the group containing the smaller number of lamps or having the larger resistance will have the larger drop over it. For example, if there be ten 220-ohm lamps connected in parallel and forming one group and only one 220- ohm lamp in the other group, the resistances of the two groups would be in the ratio of 22 to 220. This would result in the voltage over the single lamp being equal to 22 9 2 42 * the total voltage between the outside leads when the neutral lead was open. If the total voltage between the outside leads is, say 220 volts, then the voltage over the single lamp will be 200 volts. This voltage is in excess of the value the lamp will stand and, as a result, the lamp filament will be destroyed. DISTRIBUTION AND OPERATION 263 296. Three-Wire Generators. In the operation of the Edison three-wire system as described in sections (294) and (295), two generators are required, giving rise to an addi- tional expense for machines as compared to the system using a single generator; and on this account a special type of machine has been devised which is known as a three-wire generator. The total voltage of any direct- current generator can be divided into two parts by placing a brush midway between the negative and the positive brushes of the ma- chine. The coils short-circuited by this additional brush would be in a strong magnetic field in th6 ordinary machine and, as a result, there would be considerable trouble encountered in properly commutating the current. This additional brush, however, can be connected to a coil that is located in a weak magnetic field and the commutation greatly improved by the arrangement shown in Fig. 219, which consists of a four-pole field-magnet frame wound for a bipolar machine, there being two adjacent north poles and two adjacent south poles. The brushes (B A ) Fig, 219 Fig. 220 and (B 2 ) represent the main brushes of the machine and the brush (B.T) is the one to which the neutral lead is connected. The brush (B ;5 ) is negative with respect to the brush (Bj) and positive with respect to the brush (B 2 ). The magnetic 264 PKACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKICITY flux from the two north poles or into the two south poles is not equal on account of armature reaction which crowds the flux into the forward pole. This results in the voltage between the neutral brush and one main brush being greater in value than the voltage between the neutral brush and the other main brush. Another form of three-wire generator is shown diagram- matically in Fig. 220. The armature winding is divided into Fig. 221 the same number of parts as there are magnetic poles on the machine. The alternate division points of the armature winding are connected to one slip ring and the remaining division points to a second slip ring. A coil of low resistance and high inductance, called a reactor, is connected to two brushes that make continuous contact with the two slip rings, and a tap, which is taken off from the center of this coil, forms the neutral connection. DISTRIBUTION AND OPEKATION 265 The number of slip rings may be reduced to one by placing the reactor inside of the armature and allowing it to revolve with the armature, the middle point being connected to the slip ring. Three-wire generators may be flat or over-com- pounded just as an ordinary generator to compensate for armature and line drops. A machine manufactured by the General Electric Company and provided with two slip rings is shown in Fig. 221. 297. Dynamotors. The dynamotor is a machine having one magnetic field and two armature windings. It is a com- bination of generator and motor. Each of the armature wind- ings is usually supplied with a separate commutator, the electrical connections of the two windings being independent. Either of these windings may be used as a generator or a motor. The relation of the terminal voltage of the generator side and the impressed voltage on the motor side will depend upon the relation between the number of turns in the two armature windings. If the number of inductors in the winding of the generator armature winding is one-fourth the number of inductors in the motor armature winding, then the voltage of the generator will be practically one-fourth the voltage impressed upon the motor armature. The current output of the generator, however, will be practically four times the cur- rent taken by the motor. This relation of current and volt- age in the generator and the motor armatures results in there being practically the same number of ampere-turns in each armature winding when the machine is in operation, and since the current in the generator armature winding will be in the opposite direction around the armature core to what it is in the motor armature winding, there will be practically no armature reaction, the two magnetizing effects neutralizing each other. The dynamotor in the direct-current circuit corresponds to the transformer in the alternating-current circuit, however, it is not nearly so efficient as the transformer. A dynamotor manufactured by the Crocker Wheeler Com- pany is shown in Fig. 222. 298. Dynamotor as an Equalizer. The dynamotor is often used to. equalize the difference in potential between the out- side leads in a three-wire system when one side of the system is carrying a larger load than the other. When the dyna- 266 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY mometer is thus used, it is called an equalizer; the wind- ings on the armatures are the same and the machine can be connected to the line as shown in Fig. 223. When the two sides of the system are balanced there will be no current in the neutral lead (N) and a small current will pass through the two armature windings of the dyna- motor in series, both armatures acting as motors. If one side Fig. 222 of the system is carrying a larger load than the other, there will be a greater drop in the leads connected to it and, as a result, a lower voltage will exist over the larger load than exists over the smaller load. The armature winding of the balancer connected to the higher voltage will act as a motor and drive the other armature winding which will act as a generator, and the pressure of this generator will tend to raise the voltage of the more heavily loaded side. When one of the windings changes from a motor to a generator, the current in it reverses in direction. The direction of the currents in an unbalanced three-wire system that is being supplied with energy from a main generator (G) is shown in Fig. 223. The upper commutator of the balancer is connected to the generator winding of the dynamotor and is supplying current to the upper or larger load, and the lower commutator is connected to the motor winding of the dynamotor and is taking current from the lightly loaded side. DISTKIBUTION AND OPERATION 267 299. Motor-Generators, or Balancers. A motor-generator in its simplest form consists of a motor mechanically connected to a generator. The number of generators connected to any motor is not limited to a single machine, but it may be any number. Thus, a motor may be electrically connected to ^ a source of energy and be operated as any ordinary motor, its output being con- sumed in driving a number of generators of the same or unequal voltages. These va- rious generators can in turn Fig. 223 be connected and supply en- ergy to a multi-voltage system, as shown in Fig. 224. A motor-generator is quite often used in connection with a three-wire system, the motor and the generator being similar machines and rigidly connected together. The combination, when so used, is called a balancer and its operation is prac- tically the same as the dyuamotor previously described. The connection of a balancer composed of two simple shunt generators to a three-wire system is shown in Fig. 225. The two machines composing the balancer have their field con- nections interchanged, that is, the field of one machine is connected to the terminals of the other. With this arrangement of connections, the voltage regulation is greatly im- proved, and is further improved by compounding the two machines forming the balancer and connect- ing them as shown in Fig. 226. 300. Boosters. When electrical energy is being distributed from a central station over long leads, there is a drop in volt- age due to the resistance of the leads and, as a result, the voltage at the receiving end of the line is less than it is at the transmitting end. This loss in voltage can be compensated for by connecting in series with the line a machine called a Pig. 224 268 PKACTICAL APPLIED ELECTKiCITY Fig. 225 booster, whose action in the circuit is to produce an elec- trical pressure which acts in series with the main gen- erator pressure. When the electrical pressure of the booster acts in opposition to the voltage of the main generator, it is called a negative booster. The booster may be driven by a motor connected to the same line the booster is connected to, or to any other line, or it may be engine -driven. There are a number of dif- ferent forms of boosters but only two will be men- tioned hare, the series and the shunt. The connection of a series booster in a line is shown in Fig. 227. The booster (B) is driven by a compound motor (M) con- nected as shown in the figure. The booster itself is nothing more than a series generator in which the iron of the mag- netic circuit will not be worked above the knee of the curve when the maximum current which the feeder is to carry passes through the series winding of the booster. When the magnetic circuit of the machine is worked at such a flux density, the relation between the terminal voltage of the machine and the load cur- rent la practically a L, straight line. Now by prop- erly winding the machine, its terminal voltage may be made to increase or de- crease with a change in current in the feeder just ^ a sufficient amount to ex- Fig. 226 actly compensate for the loss in voltage due to copper drop. In charging a storage battery, the voltage of the line from which current is to be taken in charging the battery may in some cases be less than is required to give the battery a full charge. In such a case a small shunt-wound generator (B) may be connected in series with the battery, as shown in Fig. 228. The voltage of this generator will act in series with that DISTRIBUTION AND OPERATION 269 Fig. 227 of the line giving a resultant voltage sufficient to charge the battery. A shunt generator when so used is called a shunt booster and it may be either motor- or engine-driven. 301. Operation of Generators and Motors for Combined Output. The load generating stations are called upon to carry is, as a rule, not constant in value throughout the twenty-four hours of the day. If one large generat- ing unit were installed in a station supplying a vary- ing load, the efficiency of the plant would vary be- tween very wide limits on account of the efficiency of a generator varying with the load it is carrying. A generator is usually designed so that it will have the maximum efficiency at its rated full load, it decreasing in value with either an in- crease or decrease in load. Now in order that the generating equipment in a central station be operated at its maximum efficiency, it should at all times be carrying a load something near its full capacity. In 4 ^ _r L! modern central stations this is accomplished by using a number of genera- tors, instead of a single machine, their combined capacity being sufficient to carry the full load of the station and so arranged that they may all be con- nected to the load at the same time. The number of genera- tors in operation may be changed as the load on the station changes and in this way each machine will operate on a load corresponding to, or near, its maximum efficiency. For a similar reason to that mentioned above, motors are connected so that their outputs may be added, the number of motors in operation depending upon the load. 302. Shunt Generators Connected for Combined Output. Two simple constant-voltage shunt generators (Gi) and (G 2 ) lire shown connected in parallel, in Fig. 229, to two heavy Storage Battery Fig-. 228 270 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY Fig. 229 leads (LJ) and (L 2 ) called bus-bars. The regulating rheostats (Rj) and (R 2 ) in the field circuits should be adjusted so that the total load connected to the bus-bars is properly divided between the two generators. If the voltage regulation of the two machines is not maintained, no serious damage will result except one machine will not carry its por- tion of the load, the machine of higher voltage carrying the greater portion of the load. The voltage of one machine may drop to such a value that it will change to a motor but still no serious damage will re- sult as the shunt motor rotates in the same direction as a shunt gen- erator, the connections of the field windings and armature leads remaining unchanged. Two or more shunt generators may be operated in series, as shown in Fig. 224, and supply energy to a multi-voltage system or they may supply energy to a single voltage system, they being connected in series so as to increase the total voltage between the leads. 303. Series Generators Con- nected for Combined Output. Two series generators (Gi) and (G 2 ) are shown connected in parallel to the bus-bars (Lj) and (L 2 ), Fig-. 230. The two machines will oper- ate satisfactorily in parallel so long as their voltages remain the same. If, however, the voltage of one machine falls a small amount due to any cause, such as a decrease in speed of its prime mover, there will be a decrease in current supplied by it and, as a result, a decrease in its field excitation, which results in a further decrease in its voltage. This unbalanced condition continues to grow until the lower voltage machine is con- verted into a motor, and since the direction of rotation of a series generator is opposite to what it is when used as a motor, the results may be very serious to one or both ma- chines. Fig. 230 DISTRIBUTION AND OPEEATION 271 Fig. 231 The above difficulty in operating two series-wound gen- erators in parallel can be overcome to a certain extent by allowing the armature current of one machine to pass through the field of the other. With this arrangement, a decrease in armature current of one machine causes a decrease in voltage of the other machine and, as a result, the first machine must carry its proper share of the load. The current in the various field windings may be made independent of the voltage of the different machines by connecting the junctions of the series windings and brushes by a low resistance lead, called an equalizer, as shown in Fig. 231. The polarity of the points connected by the equalizer should all be the same. When this connection is made, the current in the various series windings is practicplly the same provided they have the same resistance. It is impractical to operate series generators in parallel and, as a result, ,it is never done. Series generators are operated in series in practice in direct-current, high voltage power transmission. The gen- erators and their fields are all connected in series. Such systems are used in Europe and in the major- ity of cases they are con- stant-current systems, the current being maintained constant in value by spe- cial regulating devices which change both the speed of the prime movers and the position of the brushes. 304. Compound Generators in Parallel. Compound gen- erators may be operated in parallel very satisfactorily, the connections being made as shown in Fig. 232. It is not necessary that the capacity of the machines connected in parallel be the same but they must have the same terminal L, Shunt ^^-TftftTvfir^ ' Fig. 232 72 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY voltage at all loads and the resistance of their series fields must be to each other inversely as their capacities for the same degree of compounding in order that the total load he divided in proportion to their respective capacities as the load changes in value. When it is desired to operate two machines having different degrees of compounding, the series field of the machine of higher compounding should be shunted with a resistance, or sufficient turns in the series windings discon< nected, so that its compounding will correspond to that of the machine with which it is to operate. A resistance may be connected in parallel with the series winding of one of the machines, if the currents in the series windings are not in- versely as the capacities of the two machines. 305. Operation of Shunt Motors in Series and Parallel. Any number of shunt motors will operate satisfactorily in parallel across a constant pressure, and each motor may be connected to a separate load or to the same load. When a number of shunt motors are operated in series across a constant-pressure line, they must be rigidly connected together. If they were not rigidly connected together and the load was removed from one of the motors, it would race and rob the remaining motors of their proper share of the total voltage. It is not practical for this reason to operate shunt motors in series unless they be rigidly connected together. 306. Operation of Series Motors in Series and Parallel. Any number of series motors may be operated in series on constant-current circuits and their operation is independent of the load any of the motors may be carrying. Any motor may be overloaded until it stops without interfering with the other motors connected to the same line, since the current in the circuit remains constant in value at all times. Series motors will operate satisfactorily in series on constant-voltage circuits provided they are rigidly connected together. An example is to be found in starting a street car when the motors are connected in series groups of two each. The speed of each motor is the same in this case, provided none of the wheels slip, and the voltage over each will be prac- tically the same. If, however, the wheels to which one of the motors is geared slip, this motor will speed up and rob the other motor of its proper share of the line voltage and, as a DISTRIBUTION AND OPERATION 73 result, the motor having the lower voltage impressed upon it will have its starting torque lowered. Any number of series motors may be operated in parallel from a constant-voltage line provided their loads are not dis- connected, which would result in the motor racing and no doubt destroying itself. 307. Operation of Compound Motors. Compound motors are operated from constant-voltage lines in every case and each has its own load. The speed regulation of the compound- wound motor, when the series- and shunt-field windings are differentially connected, is better than any other type of direct-current motor. 308. Switchboard. A switchboard is a board, of insulating material usually, upon which the indicating instruments and the switches used in connecting various electrical circuits are located. It is customary to divide a switchboard up into sections called panels. If a switchboard be used in connect- ing a number of machines to a certain load, it will be divided into what are called generator panels and feeder panels. All of the switches and instruments associated with each genera- tor being mounted on the generator panels, and the instru- ments and switches associated with the feeder circuits being mounted on the feeder panels. The equipment most com- monly found on a direct-current switchboard consists of volt- meters, ammeters, wattmeters, ground detectors, circuit breakers, fuses, rheostats, and switches. All of the above equipment has been described with the exception of circuit breakers, rheostats, ground detectors, and switches. These devices will be discussed in the following sections. 309. Circuit Breakers. A circuit breaker is a switch that may be closed against the action of gravity or a spring and held in the closed position by means of a suitable latch, which in turn is controlled by one or more solenoids. A solenoid may be connected so that its winding will carry all or a definite part of the total current the contacts of the circuit breaker carry and its armature may be so adjusted that it. will be drawn up and trip the latch when the current exceeds a certain value. Such a circuit breaker is called an over- load circuit breaker. A solenoid may be so constructed that it will trip the latch 274 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY of the circuit breaker when the current in the circuit is reversed. Such a circuit breaker is called a reverse-current circuit breaker. A circuit breaker in which the latch is tripped when the current falls below a certain value is called an under-load circuit breaker. A fourth form of circuit breaker is one having the solenoid controlling the latch connected directly across the line and so arranged thaf the breaker is opened automatically when the voltage drops below a certain value. This form of circuit breaker is called a no-voltage circuit breaker. Various com- binations of the above forms of circuit breakers may be made which will meet practically all requirements. An over-load and no-voltage circuit breaker combined is shown in Fig. 233. 310. Rheostat. A rheostat is a resistance whose value may be varied. There are numerous forms of rheostats, their construction in a measure being determined by the particular use to which they are to be placed. A form of rheostat used in regulating the shunt-field current of generators is shown in Fig. 234. This consists of a number of small coils of wire connected in series and their junctions joined to a number of contact buttons over which a metal arm passes. One terminal of the rheostat is the arm that moves over the contact but- tons and the other terminal is one of the end coils. The variation in current that may be produced by such a rheostat will depend upon the relation between the resistance of the circuit in which the rheostat is connected and its own total resistance. Such rheostats, as a rule, have rather a small current- carrying capacity. A rheostat composed of a number of carbon plates mounted side by side is shown in Fig. 235. The resistance of this rheostat is changed by varying the pressure between the various plates of carbon between the end plates, by means of Fig. 233 DISTRIBUTION AND OPEEATION 275 a small handle shown in the figure. The resistance of this rheostat is, as a rule, rather low, but its current-carrying capacity is quite large. It operates very satisfactorily in low voltage circuits and the variations in its resist- ance can be made very gradual. Rheostats are usually controlled from the switch- boards when used in ad- justing the field current of machines and the control is accomplished by a small handle on the face of the board, the rheostat being usually mounted back of the board. 311. Ground Detectors. A ground detector is an instru- ment used in measuring the insulation resistance between any line connected to the switchboard and ground. It is really a special form of series voltmeter marked in some cases to read directly in ohms. 312. Switches. Switches are devices that are connected in Fig. 234 Fig. 235 a circuit to facilitate its being closed or opened. They may be single-pole, double-pole, etc., depending upon the number of circuits that are interrupted when the switch is opened. A double-pole double-throw switch is shown in Fig. 236. This switch is so constructed that the circuits are connected to it back of the board upon which it is mounted. The size of the 276 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY jaws and blades of a switch will depend upon the value of the current the switch is designed to carry, and the distance between the various parts that are connected to the different leads will depend upon the voltage. 313. Instructions for Starting a Generator or Motor. In starting a machine make sure the commutator is perfectly clean. Examine the brushes carefully to see that they are all making good contact with the commutator and that they are in their proper position, which should be indicated by a mark on the rocker arm supporting them. If there happens to be no such mark, their position must be adjusted after the machine is in operation, it being indicated by a maximum voltage in the case of a generator and a minimum speed in Fig. 236 the case of a motor. They are, however, usually advanced a little beyond this position in a generator and back of it in a motor in order to reduce the tendency for sparking. Exam- ine all connections and see that all screws and bolts are tight. Fill the oil cups and see that they are supplying oil to the parts they are supposed to lubricate. If the machine is being started for the first time, make sure that it turns over freely and that the armature is properly balanced and that it is centrally located in the magnetic field. After it has been thus inspected, the machine should be started up and its speed increased gradually when possible, with the switches all left open in the case of a generator. If the machine is being started for the first time, it should be run for a number of hours without load and the load then DISTRIBUTION AND OPEKATION 277 Fig. 237 278 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY gradually applied, the attendant being in readiness at all times to disconnect or stop it if anything should go wrong. 314. Starting and Stopping Compound Generators that are Operating in Parallel. A diagram of the wiring of a switch- board used in connecting two generators in parallel and to a common load or in connecting either generator to a separate load is shown in Fig. 237. The left-hand panel is the gen- erator panel for, say generator (Gi); the middle panel is the generator panel for generator (G 2 ) ; and the right-hand panel is the feeder or load panel. On each generator panel there is mounted a wattmeter (W), a circuit breaker (CB), a main generator switch, an equalizer switch, a field-regulating rheo- stat (shown in the figure by the dotted circles), a voltmeter, and an ammeter. The ammeter shunt is shown connected in series with the lead from the generator and it should always be connected in the lead that goes to the terminal of the generator opposite the one to which the equalizer lead is connected. If it were connected in the other lead it would not necessarily indicate the current that really exists in the arma- ture of the generator unless there was no current in the equalizer. The following apparatus is mounted on the feeder panel shown in Fig. 237. Two lines (Li) and (L 2 ) are connected to the central points of the double-pole double-throw switches (S 3 ) and (S 5 ), one lead of each line passing through the cur- rent coils of the two wattmeters (W 3 ) and (W 4 ). The outside points of the switches (S 3 ) and (S 5 ) are connected to the bus-bars of the two generators (Gi) and (G 2 ). The upper and the lower contacts of the switch (S 4 ) are connected to the bus- bars of the two generators and when this switch is closed the two machines will be connected in parallel, provided the terminals of the switch (S 4 ) that are connected when the switch is closed are of the same polarity. A voltmeter (V c ) is mounted on this panel and its terminals are connected to the central points of the small double-pole double-throw switch (S 8 ), which has its upper and lower contacts connected to the terminals of the two generators (G) and (G 2 ). Assuming now one machine is in operation and connected to one or both of the loads and it is desired to connect the idle machine in parallel with the one already in operation. The two loads can be connected to one machine by closing the DISTRIBUTION AND OPERATION 279 switches (S 3 ), (S 4 ), (S 5 ), and the proper generator switch. Bring the generator up to speed, close the equalizer switches (S 6 ) and (S 7 ), and adjust its shunt-field current to such a value that its terminal voltage is a little in excess of that between the bus-bar to which the machine is to be connected. This can be determined by noting the indications of the two voltmeters (Vi) and (V 2 ), respectively, or the voltmeter (V c ) may be thrown from one circuit to the other, by operating the switch (S 8 ) and its indication noted when it is connected to the two circuits. Using a single voltmeter eliminates the possibility of an error due to the two separate voltmeters not indicating the same, even though they be connected to the same pressure. When the voltage of the incoming ma- chine has been adjusted to the proper value, the main switch may be closed and the field current adjusted to such a value that the load is divided between the two machines in propor- tion to their capacities. You should always be absolutely sure that the points of the last switch you close in connecting the machines in parallel is of the proper polarity, positive to positive and negative to negative, before the switch is closed. If the indications of the voltmeters depend upon the direction of the current in their windings, and you are sure there has been no change in the connections back of the board or at the machines, you can then close the paralleling switch when all of the voltmeters read in the proper direction. When it is desired to disconnect a machine from the line, its voltage is lowered by reducing its shunt-field current and, as a result, it fails to carry its proper share of the load. The main generator switch should be opened when the current output of the generator has decreased to almost zero value. The equalizer switch may then be opened and the machine shut down. CHAPTER XIV DISEASES OF DIRECT-CURRENT DYNAMOS 315. Sparking at the Brushes Due to Fault of the Brushes. (1) Brushes not set diametrically opposite. (Rla) Should have been properly set at first while at rest by counting bars, by measurement, or by use of reference marks on the commutator. (Rib) Can be done if necessary while running by bringing the brushes on one side to the least sparking point by moving the rocker arm and then adjusting the brushes on the other side to the least sparking point by moving the rocker arm and then brush holder and then clamping. (2) Brushes not set in neutral point. (R2a) Move the rocker arm slowly back and foith until the sparking stops. See (R58e). (3) Brushes not properly trimmed. (R3a) Brushes should be always kept properly trimmed and set. If sparking begins from this cause and dynamo cannot be shut down, bend back the brushes and cut off loose and ragged wires if metal brushes are used. Retrim as soon as pos- sible after run is over. If there are two or more brushes in each set, they may be changed one at a time for new and properly trimmed ones during the run on any low voltage machine. See number (38). To trim, clean them from oil or dirt with benzine, soda, or potash, then file or grind to a Note. The list of dynamo diseases given in this chapter was taken from a large chart, suitable for framing, that is published by the Guarantee Electric Company, Chicago. 280 DISEASES OF DIRECT-CURRENT DYNAMOS 281 standard jig and reset carefully as at (Rla), (Rib). See (R38a) and (R38b). (4) Brushes not in line. (R4a) Adjust each brush of a given set until they are all in line and square with the same commu- tator bar, bearing evenly for their entire width, unless purposely staggered. See (R13a). (5) Brushes not in good contact. (R5a) Clean the commutator of all dirt, oil or grit, so that brushes touch. (R5b) Adjust pressure by tension screws and springs until light, firm, yet even contact is made. Pressure should be about 1.25 pounds per square inch. See number (38). 316. Sparking at the Brushes Due to Fault of the Com- mutator or Magnetic Field. (6) Commutator rough, worn in grooves or ridges. (7) Commutator not round. (R6a and R7a) Grind down the commutator with fine sand paper (never emery in any form) laid in stock curved to fit the commutator. Polish with a soft, clean cloth. (R6a and R7b) If too bad to grind down, turn off with a special tool and rest while turning slowly in the bearings, or remove the armature from bearings and turn off with light cuts in lathe. Note. Armature should have from ifa" to %" en( * motion so as to distribute wear evenly and prevent wearing in ruts or ridges. Brushes may be shifted sideways occasionally to assist in distribution of the wear. See number (31). (8) One or more high commutator bars. (R8a) Set the high bar down carefully with a mal- let or block of wood, being careful not to bend, bruise or injure the bar and then tighten the clamping rings. If this does not remedy the fault, file, grind or turn the high bar down to the level of the other bars. The high bar may cause the brushes to jump or vibrate so as to "sing." See number (38). (9) One or more low commutator bars. 282 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY (R9a) Grind the remainder of the commutator down to a true surface so as to remove low spots. Note. The insulation between the segments may be high, due to its not wearing as fast as the metal of the segments. Insulation should be turned down to level of segments to remedy this fault. (10) Weak magnetic field. (A) Broken circuit in field. (RlOa) Solder or repair broken connection. Re- wind if the brake is inside of the winding. (B) Short-circuit of the coils. (RlOb) Repair if external and rewind if internal. (C) Dynamo not properly wound or without proper amount of iron. (RIOc) No remedy but to rebuild. 317. Sparking at the Brushes Caused by an Excessive Cur- rent in the Armature Due to an Overload. (11) Generator. (A) Too many lamps on the circuit ( constant-potential system ) . (B) Ground and leak from short-circuit on the line. (C) Dead short-circuit on the line. Motor. (D) Excessive voltage on a constant- potential circuit. (E) Excessive amperage on a constant- current circuit. (F) Friction. See section (321). (G) Too great a load on the pulley. See section (321). (Rlla) Reduce the number of lamps and thus di- minish the current called for. (Rllb) Test out, locate the ground and repair. (Rile) Dead short-circuit will or should blow the safety fuse. Shut down the dynamo, locate and repair the fault. Put in new fuse before starting again. Fuse should not be inserted until the fault is corrected, as it will blow again on starting up the machine. (Rlld) Use the proper value of current for a motor and no other. DISEASES OF DIRECT-CURRENT DYNAMOS' 283 (Rile) Make sure you have the proper rheostat or controlling switch. (Rllf) Reduce the load to the proper amount for rating of the motors. (Rllg) Remedy any cause of trouble from undue friction. See section (321). 318. Sparking at the Brushes Due to Fault of the Arma- ture. (12) Short-circuited coil in the armature. (R12a) Look for copper dust, solder, or other cause for metallic contact between commutator bars and remove. (R12b) See that the clamping rings are properly insulated from commutator bars, and from car- bonized oil and copper dust or dirt which may form a short-circuit. (R12c) Test for internal short-circuit or cross-con- nection; if found, reinsulate the conductor, change the connection, or rewind armature to correct. (R12d) Examine the insulation of the brush holders for the fault. Dirt, oil, or copper dust may form a short-circuit from brush holder to rocker arm, and thus short-circuit the machine. (13) Broken circuit in the armature. (R13a) Bridge the break temporarily by staggering the brushes till the run is finished, then test out and repair the fault. This is only a temporary make-shift to try to stop the bar sparking during a run when dynamo cannot be shut down. (R13b) If the dynamo can be shut down, look for broken or loose connection to the bar and repair. (R13c) If the coil is broken inside, rewinding is the only sure remedy. The break may be bridged tem- porarily by hammering the disconnected bar until it makes contact across the mica to the next bar of the commutator. This remedy is of doubtful value if done. The bars must be repaired and insulation replaced again after fault is corrected. (R13d) Solder the commutator lugs together or bridge across them with piece of heavy wire and thus cut out the broken coil. Be careful not to 284 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY short-circuit a good coil in soldering, and thus cause sparking from a short-circuited coil, as in number (12). (14) Cross-connection in the armature. (R14a) Cross-connections may have the same effect as a short-circuit and they are to be treated as such. See number (12). Each coil should show a complete circuit with no connection to any other coils. 319. Heating of the Armature. (15) Overloaded or not centrally located between the poles. (16) Short-circuit. See numbers (11), (12), (13), and (14). (17) Broken circuit. (18) Cross-connection. (19) Moisture in the armature coils. (R19a) Dry out the coils by slow heat, which may be done by sending a current through the armature regulated not to exceed the proper value. If not so bad as to cause a short-circuit, cross-connection, or too much heat, the moisture may be dried out by the heat of its own current while running. (20) Eddy currents in the armature core. (R20a) The iron of the core may be hotter than the coils after a short run due to a faulty armature core, which should be finely laminated and the lamime insulated. No remedy but to rebuild. (21) Friction. (R21a) Hot bars and journals may affect the tem- perature of the armature. See section (321). 320. Heating of the Field Coils. (22) An excessive current in the field circuit. (R22a) Shunt machine. Decrease the voltage at the terminals by reducing the speed, or increasing the resistance of the field coils by winding on more wire, or rewind them with finer wire, or put a resistance in sertes with the field. (R22b) Series machine. Shunt a portion of the current, or otherwise decrease the current in the field windings, or take off one or more layers of DISEASES OF DIRECT-CURRENT DYNAMOS 285 wire, or rewind the fields with a coarser wire. Note. An excessive current nay be due to a short- circuit or from moisture in the coils acting as a short-circuit. See number (24). (23) Eddy currents in the pole pieces. (R23a) The pole pieces may be hotter than the field coils after a short run due to faulty construction or to a fluctuating current in the latter; regulate and steady the current. (24) Moisture in the field coils. (R24a) The coils show a resistance lower than nor- mal, which may be caused by a short-circuit or contact with the iron of the dynamo. Dry out the coils as in number (19). See note under (R22b). 321. Heating of the Bearings. (25) Not enough or poor quality of oil. (R25a) Supply plenty of good clean oil and see that it feeds properly. Oil should be best quality min- eral oil, filtered clean and free from grit. Note. Be careful not to flood the bearings so as to force oil upon the commutator, or into the insula- tion of the brush holders, as it will gradually char and gather copper dust and form a short-circuit. See (R12b) and (R12d). (R25b) Vaseline, cylinder oil, or other heavy lubri- cant may be used if ordinary oil fails to remedy the hot box. Use till run is over, then clean up and adjust the bearings. (26) Dirt, grit, or other foreign matter in the bearings. (R26a) Wash out the grit by flooding the bearings with clean oil until run is over. Be careful, how- ever, about flooding the commutator or brush holders. See note under (R25a). (R26b) Remove the cap and clean the journals and bearings, then replace the cap and lubricate well. \ \ * / NI A c \ / 3< ^ i ^ "y *-w - 3 s 1 50* Sv 1 \A 70* Fig. 273 field. The e.m.f. induced in the coil for positions between those just mentioned will bear a definite relation to the maximum e.m.f., and this relation can be determined as fol- lows: The rate at which the two sides of the loop are mov- ing perpendicular to the field decreases in value from a ver- tical position and becomes zero for a horizontal position of the coil when the field is vertical, as shown in Fig. 273. The movement of the coil at any instant can be resolved into two parts, one parallel to the magnetic field and the other perpendicular to the magnetic field. It is the part that is per- 336 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY pendicular to the magnetic field that results in an e.m.f. being induced in the coil, and this part is proportional to the sine of the angle the path of the two sides of the coil make with the magnetic field. The sine of this angle will vary as the pro- jection of the coil on the vertical plane. If the projection when the coil is in a perpendicular position be taken as rep- resenting the maximum e.m.f., the e.m.f. for other positions will correspond to the projection of the coil upon the vertical plane for those positions. Let a complete revolution be rep- resented by the horizontal line (AB), it corresponding to 360 degrees, then the relation of the e.m.f.'s for various angular positions can be laid off on ordinates drawn vertically through points on the line (AB), which correspond to the angular displacement of the coil 360 from a position perpendic- ular to the field. The values for the 45 positions are the only ones shown in the fig- ure; the remaining ones, however, are determined in the same way. Such a curve is called a sine curve, since its ordinates vary as the sine of the angle rep- resented by the point on the line (AB) through which the ordinate passes. An e.m.f. or current whose value varies as the ordinate of a sine curve is called a sine e.m.f. or current. The following calculations are all based on a sine curve. The e.m.f. and current curves met with in practice are very sel- dom sine curves, but approach a sine curve quite often. 374. Maximum, Average, and Effective Values of E.M.F. and Current. The maximum value of an alternating e.m.f. or current is the value represented by the ordinate of the e.m.f. or current curve having the greatest length. Thus in Fig. 274 the maximum e.m.f. occurs at 90 and 270, it being op- posite in direction for the two positions but having the same value. The average value of an alternating e.m.f. or current is THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 337 equal to the average of all of the instantaneous e.m.f.'s or currents for a complete alternation, starting with zero value and returning to zero value. For a true sine wave the aver- age e.m.f. and current are always .636 times their maximum value. This relation is determined by finding the area of a positive or negative loop of the e.m.f. or current curve and dividing this area by the distance between the two points where the curve crosses the horizontal line. The rectangles, shown by the shaded portions in Fig. 274, have each the same area as one loop of the sine curve, and the altitude of this rectangle is .636 times the maximum ordinate of the sine curve. The effective value of an alternating current is numerically equal to a steady direct current that will produce the same heating effect in a given time as is produced by the changing alternating current. If a conductor has a resistance of (R) ohms and there is an alternating current in the conductor, the power expended in heating the conductor at any instant is equal to the value of the current at that instant squared, times the resistance in which the current exists. Adding up all of these instantaneous heating effects for a certain time gives the total heating effect. This resultant or total heating effect could be produced by a steady direct current as well as by an alternating current. Now the value of the steady direct current required to produce the same heating effect as is produced by the alternating current corresponds in value to the effective alternating current I2R = average i2R, or 12 = average i2 and I = V average i2 Note Small letters are used to represent instantaneous values. For a sine wave the square root of the average of the in- stantaneous values squared is equal to .707 times the max- imum current. Average value = .636 maximum value Effective value = .707 maximum value Effective value = 1.11 average value 338 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY The effective value divided by the average value is equal to 1.11, which is called the form factor of the wave. The above relations hold true for sine waves only. Fig. 275 Fig. 276 375. Vector Representation of Alternating E.M.F.'s and Currents. A vector quantity is one having both direction and magnitude; it may be represented by a line, called a vector, drawn in a definite direction corresponding to the direction of the quantity it represents and having a length corresponding to the value of the vector quantity to a suitable scale. Thus a current of 10 amperes and an e.m.f. of 10 volts, displaced in phase by 30 degrees, would be represented as shown in Fig. 275. These vectors can be thought of as rotating, and one revolution corresponds to 360 degrees. The counter-clockwise direction of rotation is taken as positive. In representing alternating e.m.f.'s and current by vectors, the effective values are the ones usually used. 376. Addition and Subtraction of Vectors. Two vectors are added in the same way as two forces are added in determining the resultant force. The two vectors (E^ and (E 2 ), shown in Fig. 276, are added by completing the parallelogram, as shown by the dotted lines, and drawing the diagonal gives the re- sultant (E). Its direction is that indicated by the arrowhead. Two vectors are subtracted by reversing one and adding them. Thus if it is desired to know the value of (E l E 2 ), shown in Fig. 276, the vector (E 2 ) is reversed in direction and then added to the vector (E^) ; the direction of the vector (E), representing the difference, is shown in the figure by the arrow head. 377. Factors Determining the Value of an Alternating Cur- rent. The current in a circuit upon which there is a steady THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 339 direct voltage impressed is equal to the value of the impressed voltage in volts divided by the total resistance in ohms. In an alternating-current circuit upon which there is a constant effective pressure impressed, the value of the effective current is determined not by the resistance alone but by the combined effects of the resistance, inductance, and capacity, if they all be present in the circuit. If there is no inductance or capacity in the circuit, then the same law holds for the alternating- current circuit as is true for the direct-current circuit. The current in the alternating-current circuit will be equal to the impressed voltage divided by the resistance of the circuit Fig. 277 -UO when the effects of the inductance and capacity are exactly equal, they acting in opposition to each other, as will be explained later. 378. E.M.F.'s Required to Overcome K:sistance. The e.m.f. at any instant required to overcome the resistance of a circuit is equal to the product of the current at that instant and the resistance of the circuit, or (IR). If there be an alternat- ing current, as represented by the curve (I) in Fig. 278, in a circuit, the e.m.f. at any instant required to produce this cur- rent is equal to (IR) and varies directly as the current or passes through corresponding values at the same time. The current and e.m.f. will, as a result, be in phase, and the curve (E r ) represents the impressed e.m.f. required to produce the current (I). 379. Hydraulic Analogy of Inductance. If the electric cur- rent in an alternating-current circuit be represented by a fluid that flows through a pipe, as shown in Fig. 279, due to the 340 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY M alternating pressure that is created by the pump (P), then an inductance in such a circuit can be represented by a fluid motor (M) similar to that shown in the figure. When such a motor is connected in the circuit, considerable time will be required for the current of liquid to reach a maximum steady value if a constant pres- sure be applied to the cir- cuit by the pump, on ac- count of the inertia of the wheel (W) that is attached to the fluid motor. Alter the pressure has been ap- plied to the motor for some time, the motor will have reached a speed such that it offers practically no resistance to the flow of the liquid through it. If, however, there be a change in the pressure produced by the pump, there will be a tendency for the current of liquid to change in value, and the action of the fluid motor will always be such as to tend to prevent a change in the current that is, if the cur- rent tends to increase in value due to an increase in pump pressure, the motor will oppose this increase, and if the current tends to decrease in value, due to a decrease in pump pressure, the motor will tend to pre- Fig. 279 360 vent this decrease. The ac- tion of the motor at all times is such as to tend to prevent any change in the value of the current in the circuit of which it is a part. The motor in the hydraulic problem just discussed corre- sponds in action to the inductance of an alternating-current circuit in which there is an alternating current. In the hydraulic problem, if an alternating pressure be applied to the motor instead of a direct pressure, its direction of rotation THE ALTERNATING-CUEEENT CIRCUIT 341 will change twice per cycle of the impressed pressure. The direction of rotation, however, will not change at the same instant the pressure produced by the pump changes on ac- count of the inertia possessed by the moving parts of the fluid motor. The motor will continue to rotate in a given direction for some time after the pressure has been reversed in direction. The velocity of the paddle wheel of the motor determines the value of the current of liquid through it, and the direction of rotation of the paddle wheel determines the direction of the current. Since the velocity of the fluid motor is not a maximum when the pressure of the pump is a max- imum, it reaching a maximum velocity in a given direction after the pressure produced by the pump has reached its maximum value in the same direction, and the velocity of the motor is zero after the pressure of the pump is zero, the cur- rent of liquid in the circuit must lag the pressure. 380. Phase Relation of E.M.F. to Overcome Inductance and the Current in an Alternating-Current Circuit. Assume there is a circuit containing inductance alone, and that there is a current in this circuit represented by the curve (I), Fig. 280. The magnetic field created by the current at any time will depend upon its instantaneous value. Thus the magnetic field or lines of force associated with the current will be a maximum when the current is a maximum, will de- crease or increase in value with a decrease or increase in the value of the current, and will reverse in direction at the same time the current reverses in direction. Since the above rela- tion exists between the current in the circuit and the magnetic flux produced by the current, a second curve ($) may be drawn, as shown in Fig. 280, whose ordinate at any instant will represent to a suitable scale the magnetic flux at that instant. With a change in the magnetic flux associated with the cir- cuit, there will be an induced e.m.f. set up in the circuit, which at any instant is proportional to the rate at which the flux is changing with respect to the circuit, or the rate at which the conductor forming the circuit is cutting the lines of force. By investigating curve (3>) it is seen that the flux is changing at its greatest rate when it is zero in value and is changing at a minimum rate when it is at its maximum value; or the induced e.m.f. in the circuit is zero at the points (C) and (E) and is a maximum at the points (A), (D), and (B). 342 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY The value of the induced e.m.f. at any other time during the cycle will depend upon the rate at which the flux is changing in value, and its direction will, according to Lenz's Law, al- ways be such as to oppose a change in the value of the current in the circuit. Thus, if the current be increasing in value in the positive direction, as it is between the points (A) and (C), the induced e.m.f. acts in such a direction as to oppose this change in the current, or it acts in the negative direction. If the current be decreasing in value in the positive direction, the induced e.m.f. opposes this decrease, or it acts in the positive direction.. The curve (ei) represents the e.m.f. induced in the circuit. If the circuit has no resistance (a theoretical condition), the only e.m.f. required to produce the current (I) in the circuit would be one that would overcome the e.m.f. (ei). Such an e.m.f. would be represented by the curve (Ei), whose ordinates are at each instant equal to those of (ei) but opposite in sign, or (Ei) acts opposite to (ei), and will produce the current (I). From the relation of the curve (I) and (Ei) in the figure, it is seen that the current and impressed e.m.f. in an inductive circuit are dis- placed in phase by 90 and that the current lags the e.m.f. 381. Hydraulic Analogy of Capacity. The hydraul- ic analogy of a condenser is shown in Fig. 281. A flexible rubber diaphragm (D) is stretched across a specially constructed chamber (C) which is con- nected to a pump (P), as shown in the figure, that produces an alternating pressure. When the dia- phragm (D) is in its nor- mal position, it offers no opposition to the flow of the liquid through the pipe in either direction. As soon, how- ever, as the diaphragm is displaced from its neutral posi- tion, it sets up a reaction which opposes the flow of the liquid, and this reaction will increase in value as the dia- phragm is displaced more and more, finally reaching a value equal to the pressure, causing the liquid to flow through Fig. 281 THE ALTEENATING-CUKEENT CIRCUIT 343 the pipe, and when the reaction becomes equal to the acting pressure there will be no current. If, now, the current be re- versed in direction, the diaphragm will return to its normal position, and while it is returning, it will act 'in the same direction as the current. When the diaphragm has reached its normal position and it is forced to the opposite side, it will immediately react upon the current and tend to stop it, and this reaction will finally reach such a value that there will be no current in the circuit. It is seen, then, that the diaphragm acts with the current one-half of the time and in opposition to it one-half of the time. The reaction of the diaphragm corresponds to the electrical pressure at the terminals of a condenser connected in an alternating-current circuit, and it has a maximum value when the current is zero and a zero value when the current is a maximum. 382. Phase Relation of the E.M.F. to Overcome the Effect of Capacity and the Current in an Alternating-Current Circuit. The current in a circuit containing capacity alone may be represented by a curve such as (I), Fig. 282. The flow of liquid through the chamber (C), Fig. 281, could be repre- sented by such a curve, and since the reaction of the diaphragm corresponds to the e.m.f. at the terminals of the condenser, the phase relation of the e.m.f. and the current can be deter- mined by an investigation of Fig. 281, carrying the op- eration through a complete cycle. The position of the diaphragm must be normal when the current is a maximum, say at the point (C), Fig. 282, as it produces no opposition to the flow of liquid. As the diaphragm is extended to either side, its reaction increases and it opposes the flow of liquid, or if the current is in the positive direction, the action of the diaphragm is negative. If the current reverses in direction when it has reached a zero value and starts to increase in value in the negative direction, the diaphragm will act with the current or they will both be negative. When the di- aphragm has reached its normal position, its reaction is zero 180" 270 Fig. 282 360 344 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY and the current is a maximum, and at this point the reaction of the diaphragm changes sign and the current starts to decrease in value in the negative direction. While the cur- rent is decreasing in value in the negative direction, the reac- tion of the diaphragm is increasing in value in the positive direction. The current again reverses in direction after reach- ing zero value and starts to increase in the positive direction, the reaction of the diaphragm decreasing in value in the posi- tive direction, which completes the cycle. The curve (e c ), Fig. 282, represents the reaction of the diaphragm, or the electrical pressure at the terminals of a condenser connected in an alternating-current circuit carrying a current (I). Since the curve (e c ) represents the reaction in the circuit, the e.m.f. required to overcome this reaction must be equal in value and opposite in direction to it at each instant. The curve (E c ) then represents the e.m.f. required to overcome the effect of the capacity in a circuit and produce the current (I). It is seen by an inspection of the curves that the current (I) leads the impressed e.m.f. (E c ) by 90 degrees. 383. E.M.F. Required to Overcome Combined Effects of Resistance, Inductance, and Capacity. By comparing the curves (Ei) and (E c ) in Figs. 280 and 282, it is seen that they are displaced in phase by 180 degrees, or the e.m.f.'s they represent act just opposite to each other. If now inductance and capacity be present in a circuit at the same time, the electrical pressures required to overcome their effects would tend to neutralize. When the effects of inductance and capacity are equal, the two e.m.f.'s exactly neutralize, and the only e.m.f. required would be that to overcome the resistance of the circuit. The current and impressed e.m.f. in such a circuit would be in phase. If, however, the e.m.f.'s required to overcome the effects of inductance and capacity are not equal, they will not exactly neutralize and there will be a resultant e.m.f. in the circuit to overcome, which has a value at any instant equal to the difference between the e.m.f.'s to overcome the effects of inductance and capacity. The e.m.f.'s required to overcome the effects of resistance, inductance, and capacity, and thus produce the current (I), are shown in Fig. 283. The e.m.f. required to overcome the effect of in- ductance in this case is greater than that required to overcome the effect of capacity, and they will not exactly neutralize THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIKCUIT 345 90 180" Fig. 283 70 360 each other. The curve (R) represents their combined value. This resultant pressure represented by the curve (R) must now be combined with the e.m.f. to overcome the resistance (Er) in order to obtain the impressed pressure required to produce the current (I). These two curves can be combined by adding their ordinates for various points along the hori- zontal line (AB),the algebraic sum of their ordinates at any point being the ordinate of the resultant curve (E), which represents the total pressure that must be impressed upon the circuit to produce the cur- rent (I). When the pressure required to overcome the ef- fect of the inductance is o* greater than the pressure re- quired to overcome the effect of the capacity, the current lags the impressed pressure, as shown in Fig. 283. If the pressure required to overcome the effect of the capacity is greater than that to overcome the effect of the inductance, the current in the circuit will lead the impressed pressure. 384. Numerical Values of E.M.F. Required to Overcome Resistance, Inductance, and Capacity. If the current in a cir- cuit changes in value according to the sine law, and (I) be taken as the effective value of the current in the circuit, the pressures required to overcome the effect of the inductance and capacity can be determined by means of the equations Ei=2X7rXfXLXl (131) I Ec = (132) 2 X TT X f X C In the above equations (f ) represents the frequency in cycles per second, TT = 3.1416, (L) is the inductance of the circuit in 1 henrys, (C) is the capacity in farads, and (I) is the effective current in amperes. (Ei) and (E c ) represent the effective e.m.f.'s required to overcome the effects of the inductance and capacity, respectively. The e.m.f. required to overcome the effect of inductance leads the current by 90 degrees, and 346 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY the e.m.f. required to overcome the effect of capacity lags the current by 90 degrees. The e.m.f. required to overcome the resistance is equal to (RI) and it is always in phase with the current. These three e.m.f.'s can be represented by three vectors, as shown in Fig. 284, the counter-clockwise direction of rotation being taken as positive. 385. Total Electromotive Force Required to Produce a Given Alternating Current. If the two quantities (2 X TT X f X L X I) and (I-f-2X7rXfXC), Fig. 284, are equal in value, the vectors representing them will be equal in length. The resultant of these 2TrfLIk^\ NJ^* two vectors then will be zero, and the v only e.m.f. required to produce the * current (I) is that to overcome the re- sistance, which is equal to (RI). If, however, the e.m.f. required to 50 overcome the effect of the inductance 2frfr * is greater than that to overcome the capacity, the vector (Ei), Fig. 285, will Fig. 284 be greater in length than the vector (E c ). The resultant of these two e.m.f.'s will be equal to (Ei E c ), and its direction will corre- spond to that of the larger vector, or (Bi). This resultant must now be combined with (E,-) in order to obtain the total e.m.f. required to produce the current (I), which can be done graphically, as shown in the figure. The resultant (E) is equal to the diagonal of a parallelogram whose sides are (Ei Ec) and (E r ), and its value is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the two sides, or E= V E2 + (Et E c )2 (133) Substituting in the above equation the values of (Ei) and (Ec) as given in equations (131) and (132), and the value of (Er), which is equal to (RI), gives the equation -V E = (RI)2+ 27rfLI (134) 27TfC * By taking (I) from under the radical sign, this equation can be changed to the form THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 347 R2 -\ 7TfC' or E 1 = (135) (136) 2 7T f L 2 TTfC The above equation gives the value of the current (I) in terms of the im- pressed electromotive force (E), the ohmic resistance of the circuit (R), the inductance (L) in henrys, the capacity (C) in farads, frequency (f) in cycles per second, and the constant (27r), which is equal to (2 X 3.1416) or 6.2832. 386. Impedance and Reactance of a Circuit. The impedance of a circuit in which there is an alternating current is the total opposition offered by the circuit to the flow of the electricity through it. The letter (Z) is usually used to 'rep- resent the impedance. It is, from equation (136), numerically equal to Fig. 285 ->! = R2 27Tf L (137) 27rf C ' The impedance of a circuit is composed of two factors, the resistance and the reactance. The reactance is the quantity which, when multiplied ,by the current, gives the component of the impressed e.m.f. that is at right angles to the current. The resistance multiplied by the current gives the component of the impressed e.m.f. in phase with the current. The re- actance, which is usually represented by the letter (X), is equal to L (138) 27Tf C The above value of (X) is composed of two factors, (27rfL) and (l~27rfC). The quantity (27rfL) is called the inductance re- actance and is represented by the symbol (Xi), while the 348 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY quantity (1 -5- 2?rfc) is called the capacity reactance and is represented by the symbol (X c ). In general: Z=VR2 + X2 (139) or Z = VR 2 + (X, X c )2 (140) The inductance reactance (Xi) is considered as positive and the capacity reactance (X c ) as negative, when they are being combined. The impedance and the reactance of a circuit are measured in ohms just as the resistance is measured in ohms. 387. Impedance Diagram. Since the impedance of a circuit is equal to the square root of the sum of the X = (Xl~X(0 squares of two quantities, as given in equation (139), a right-angle tri- R angle can be drawn, as shown in Fig. 286 Fig. 286, its three sides representing the resistance, reactance, and im- pedance. Such a figure is called an impedance diagram. 388. Impedances in Series. Any number of impedances in series can be added by adding their resistances and reactances, respectively, which gives the resistance and the reactance of the resultant impedance. Thus two impedances, (Z x ) and (Z 2 ) connected in series, may be added as shown in Fig. 287a, both reactances being positive. If one of the reactances be negative, the impedances are added as shown in Fig. 287b, r (R.+R Fig. 287 a Fig. 287 b the resultant reactance being negative; it may, however, be positive, depending upon whether the negative react- ance is greater or less than the positive reactance. If the resultant reactance is positive, the current lags thee.m.f.; and THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIKCUIT 349 if the resultant reactance is negative, the current leads the e.m.f. The impedance of a series circuit composed of a num- ber of impedances (Z x ), (Z 2 ),(Z 3 ), etc., can be calculated by substituting in the following general equation Z = V (Ri + R 2 + R 3 + etc.) a + (X x + X 2 + X 3 + etc.)2 (141) Example. Calculate the total impedance of a circuit com- posed of two impedances in series having resistances of 10 and 5 ohms and reactances of 15 and 5 ohms, respectively. Solution. The total resistance of the circuit is (10 + 5), or 15 ohms and the resultant reactance is [15+ ( 5)], or 10 ohms. Combining the total resistance and the resultant reactance gives Z = V (15)2+ (10)2= 18.03 Ans. 18.03 ohms. 389. Impedances in Parallel. In calculating the combined impedance of a number of impedances in parallel, an equation is used similar to equation (141), but instead of using the separate resistances and reactances, the conductance and sus- ceptance of the circuit are used. The conductance of a circuit is the quantity by which the e.m.f. must be multiplied to give the component of the current parallel to the e.m.f. The susceptance of a circuit is the quantity by which the e.m.f. must be multiplied to give the component of the cur- rent perpendicular to the e.m.f. Admittance, conductance, and susceptance are all measured in a unit called the mho. The conductance is represented by the letter (G) and it is numerically equal to R R G = = (142) R2 + X2 Z2 The susceptance is represented by the letter (B) and it is numerically equal to, X X B= (143) R2 + X2 Z2 The reciprocal of the impedance of a circuit is called the admittance and is represented by the letter (Y). 350 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY 1 Y=- (144) Z Since E Z = - (145) I Then Y = I-^E (146) The admittance of a circuit bears the same relation to the conductance and susceptance as exists between the impedance, resistance, and reactance, or Y= V G2 + B2 (147) The total impedance of a number of devices connected in parallel then is equal to the reciprocal of the admittance, which can be determined by the equation Y = V (G x + G 2 + etc.)> + (Bi + B 2 + etc.)2 (148) Example. Calculate the total impedance of two impedances in parallel having resistances of 8 and 6 ohms, and reactances of 4 and 5 ohms, respectively. Solution. Substituting in equation (142) gives the value of the conductance of the first branch (Gi), equal to 8 81 GI = = .1 mho 82 -f 42 80 10 and the conductance of the second branch (G 2 ) equal to 6 6 G 2 = - = = .983 mho 62 4- 52 61 Substituting in equation (143) gives the value of the suscept- ance of the first branch (B^, equal to 4 41 B! = = = =.05 mho 82 + 42 80 20 and the susceptance of the second branch (B 2 ), equal to 5 5 B 2 = = = .0819 mho 62 + 52 61 The total conductance (G) of the circuit is equal to (G x + G 2 ), THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIKCUIT 351 or G=.l + .0983 = .1983 susceptance (B) of the circuit is equal to and the total (Bi + B 2 ), or B = .05 + .0819 = .1319 The admittance may now be obtained by substituting in equa tion (147), which gives Y= V (.1983)2 + (.1319)2 = V .039 323 + .017 398 = V .056 72 = .238 mho The impedance is equal to the reciprocal of the admittance, or 1 Z = =4.20 .238 Ans. 4.20 ohms. 390. Phase Relation of the Current and Potential Drops in a Series Circuit. The series circuit shown in Fig. 288 is com- posed of three parts, a resistance (R), an inductance (L), and a condenser (C). The current is the same in all parts of such Fig. 288 a circuit and an ammeter, that will operate on alternating current, may be connected in the circuit at any point and it will indicate the current that exists in the circuit. A voltmeter (V) may be connected across the entire circuit, as shown in the figure, and it will indicate the drop in poten- tial over all three parts of the circuit combined. Three other voltmeters (V r ), (Vi), and (V c ), may be connected across 352 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY the resistance, inductance and capacity, respectively, as shown in the figure, and their indications will be a measure of the drop in potential over the three parts of the circuit. The sum of the indications of the three voltmeters, (V r ), (Vi), and (V c ), will be greater than the indications of the voltmeter (V) for the following reason: The drop in potential over the resistance is in phase with the current, the drop in potential over the inductance leads the current, and the drop in potential over the capacity lags the current. Since these three drops in potential are not in phase, their resultant is not equal to their numerical sum. The drops over the inductance and capacity may neutralize each other, being opposite in phase, in which case the voltmeter (V r ) would indicate the same drop as the voltmeter (V). In an alternating-current circuit the sum of the drops over the various parts of the circuit is not equal to the im- pressed voltage except in a circuit con- taining resistance alone. 391. Phase Relation of Currents and Potential Drops in a Divided Circuit. A divided circuit composed of three branches is shown in Fig. 289. The upper branch is a non-inductive resist- ance, the middle branch is an induct- ance, and the lower branch is a ca- pacity. A voltmeter (V) connected between the terminals (D) and (B) indicates the drop in potential over each of the three branches of the di- vided circuit. The current in any one of the branches is equal to the indica- tion of the voltmeter (V) divided by the branch. If the relation between the resistance is the same in each Fig. 2 the the impedance of reactance and branch, the current in the various branches will be dis- placed in phase from the pressure indicated by the volt- meter (V), the same amount, or the several branch currents (Ir), (Ii), and (I c ) will be in phase. The current (I) indi- cated on the ammeter (A) connected in the main line is the numerical sum of the branch currents, when they are all in THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 353 phase, and the vector sum when the branch currents are not in phase. 392. Instantaneous Power in an Alternating-Current Circuit. The instantaneous power in a circuit at any time is equal to the product of the current and the e.m.f. at that par- ticular instant. The two curves (I) and (E), Fig. 290, represent the current in a circuit and the e.m.f. acting on the circuit. These two curves are in phase and the power in the cir- cuit is represented by the curve (P), its ordinates being proportional to the product of the ordinate of 180 i70 Fig. 290 360 the other two curves. This product is positive in sign at all times since the sign of both the current and the e.m.f. changes at the same time, and both loops of the curva (P) are drawn above the horizontal line. If the current and the e.m.f. be displaced in phase, as shown in Fig. 291, the product of their in- stantaneous values is not positive throughout the cycle, but it is negative in sign fcr a portion of the time and, as a result, part of the curve (P) is below the horizontal line. The loops of the curve (P) above the horizontal line represent an output from the source of energy and the loops be- low the horizontal line rep- resent an input into the source of energy. The actual output then is proportional to the difference in area of an equal number of upper and lower loops. When the current and the e.m.f. are in phase, there 354 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY are no lower loops, and the power in the circuit might be thought of as all being positive. If the current and the e.m.f. be displaced in phase by 90 degrees, the upper and lower loops are equal in area and the resultant power is zero. The current in any case may be divided into two parts, one part in phase with the e.m.f. and the other part making an angle of 90 degrees with the e.m.f., or at right angles to it. The power output due to the part of the total current at right angles to the e.m.f. is zero, because the area of the upper and the lower power loops are equal. The part of the total cur- rent in phase with the e.m.f. is all effective as far as power output is concerned, because the power loops will all be above the horizontal line. When the current and the e.m.f. are in phase, the power is equal to the product of the effective e.m.f. and the current. If the current and the e.m.f. are displaced in phase, the power is not equal to the product of the effective e.m.f: and the current, but the current must be resolved into two parts, one part in phase with the e.m.f. and the other at right angles to the e.m.f. The part of the current or component in phase with the e.m.f. is equal to (I) times the cosine of the angle (9) between the current and the e.m.f. This component of the current times the e.m.f. gives the true power in the cir- cuit, or Power in watts = E I cos 9 (149) in which (9) is the angle between the current and the e.m.f. and cos 9 is called the power factor. 393. Determining the Value of the Power Factor. Since the cosine of an angle such as (9)., Fig. 128, is equal to the ratio of the line (c) to (b) or it is equal to (c-=-b), the power factor of a circuit can be easily determined when the con- stants of the circuit are known. The e.m.f. (E) and the cur- rent (I), Fig. 285, are displaced in phase by the angle (9). The line (RI) divided by the line (E) gives the cosine of (9), or the power factor. Since (E) is equal to (ZI), and Z = V R 2 4- X^ the value of the cosine of (9) may assume a Dumber of different forms. RI RI R R Power factor = = = = (150) E ZI Z V R2 4- X2 THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 355 394. A Wattmeter Indicates the True Power in an Alter- nating-Current Circuit. The indication of a wattmeter is pro- portional to the strength of two magnetic fields, one of which is produced by the load current and the other by the impressed pressure. The direction of these two fields must bear a dif- ferent relation to each other in order that the deflection of the moving system of the wattmeter be in the proper direc- tion. If one field reverses due to a reversal of the e.m.f. or current, the moving system of the wattmeter will tend to move over the scale in the opposite direction to what it did before the one field reversed in direction. If both fields reverse at the same time, the force tending to deflect the moving system does not change in direction. A wattmeter would indicate zero power if the force acting on the moving system acted for the same time in opposite directions. This would be the case when the e.m.f. and the current are displaced in phase by 90 degrees, the upper and the lower power loops being equal in area. When the current and the e.m.f. are in or out of phase, the indication of the wattmeter is proportional to the average of all the values of the instantaneous power for a complete cycle, or the instrument measures the true power. When the e.m.f. and current are displaced in phase less than 90 degrees, the upper and the lower loops of the power curve are not equal. The force acting on the moving system corresponding to the lower loop is opposite to the force corresponding to the upper loop, and the resultant force is thus proportional to the difference in these two forces, which causes an indication corresponding to the true power. The product of the voltmeter and the ammeter reading, (E) and (I), does not give the true power in an alternating- current circuit unless the current and the e.m.f. are in phase. The product (E X I) is called the apparent power. In general, the wattmeter reading (P), or true power, equals (E X I), or apparent power multiplied by the power factor. P = E X I X power factor (151) Power factor = P -f- (E X I) (152) 356 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY PROBLEMS ON THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 1. A condenser of 132-microfarads capacity and an induct- ance of .061 henry are connected in series and a 60-cycle e.m.f. of 100 volts is impressed upon the circuit. Calculate the inductance and the capacity reactances, respectively. Ans. Inductance reactance (Xi) = 23.0 ohms. Capacity reactance (X,-) = 20.0 ohms. 2. If a resistance of 4 ohms be connected in series with the circuit given in problem 1, what will be the total impe- dance of the circuit? What current will be produced by the impressed pressure of 100 volts? Ans. Impedance of entire circuit (Z) = 5 ohms. Current (I) = 20 amperes. 3. Two impedances are connected in series and they each are composed of resistances of 10 and 12 ohms, and react- ances of ' 50 and 70 ohms. Calculate the total impedance of the circuit. Ans. 29.7 ohms. 4. Calculate the admittance of a circuit having a suscept- ance and conductance of 3 and 5 mhos, respectively. What is the impedance of the circuit? Ans. Admittance (Y) = 5.83 mhos. Impedance (Z) = .171 ohm. 5. The indication of a wattmeter connected to a certain load is 10 000 watts. An ammeter connected in the line indi- cates 125 amperes and a voltmeter connected across the load indicates 100 volts. What is the impedance of the circuit and the power factor? Ans. Impedance (Z) = .8 ohm. Power factor (PF) = .8 6. The effective value of a sine alternating current is 10 amperes, what are the average and maximum values? AnSo Average current = 9.00 amperes. Maximum current = 14.14 amperes. 7. A circuit having a resistance of 3 ohms and a resultant reactance of 4 ohms is connected to a 100-volt line. Determine, THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 357 (a) the impedance of the circuit, (b) power factor, (c) cur- rent, (d) apparent power, (e) true power. (a) Impedance (Z) = 5 ohms (b) Power factor = .6 Ans. (c) Current = 20 amperes (d) Apparent power = 2000 watts (e) True power =1200 watts CHAPTER XVIII ALTERNATING-CURRENT MACHINERY 395. Alternators. An alternator is a machine for convert- ing mechanical energy into electrical energy, which is delivered as an alternating current to a circuit connected to the ter- minals of the machine. The fundamental electrical principle upon which the alternator operates is the same as that of the direct-current generator, namely, electromagnetic induction. Alternators, like direct-current machines, consist of two prin- cipal parts, a magnetic field and an armature. The commu- tator of the direct-current machine is replaced in alternators by slip-rings which are connected to the terminals of the armature winding, and with which brushes make continuous contact and thus conduct the electricity to and from the armature winding. 396. Types of Alternators. Alternators may be divided into three types, depending upon the mechanical arrangement of the magnetic field and armature, viz, (A) Alternators with stationary fields and revolving arma- tures. (B) Alternators with stationary armatures and revolving fields. (C) Alternators with both armature and field stationary and using a rotating part called the inductor. Such alterna- tors are called inductor alternators. Small machines are usually of the revolving armature type, as the e.m.f. generated is usually comparatively low and the current the brushes must carry is small and no difficulty is experienced in properly collecting such a current. A direct- current generator can be converted into a revolving-armature alternator by placing two collector rings on one end of the armature and connecting these two rings to points in the armature winding that are 180 electrical degrees apart. Such 358 ALTEENATING-CUKEENT MACHINERY 359 a connection for a two-pole, ring-wound armature is shown in Fig. 292. The commutator is not shown in this figure. The necessity of collecting the armature current is overcome by mak- ing the armature the stationary part and revolving the field poles, the cir- cuit of the field winding being con- nected to the source of excitation by means of collector rings and brushes. In such machines the armature wind- ing is placed in a laminated frame that surrounds the revolving field. A revolving-field alterna- tor is shown in Fig. 293. The construction of the inductor alternator is such that both the armature and the field are stationary. The reluctance of the magnetic circuit in this type of machine is changed in Fig. 292 Fig. 293 value by means of projecting arms, on a revolving mass of iron called the inductor. The path of the magnetic circuit is through the armature coils and as a result of the reluctance 360 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY of this path changing, due to the rotation of the inductor, there will be a varying magnetic flux through the armature winding, which will result in an induced electromotive force in the winding. This induced e.m.f. will be in one direction for an increasing flux through the armature coils, and in the opposite direction for a decreasing flux, resulting in an alter- nating e.m.f. Alternators may also be classified into the following groups: (A) Single-phase Alternators. (B) Polyphase Alternators. 397. Single-phase and Two-phase Alternators. A single- phase alternator is one that produces a single electromotive force, and a polyphase alternator is one that produces two or more electromotive forces, which may or may not produce currents in circuits that are electrically independent. The electromotive forces in a polyphase alternator are related to each other only by the element of time, or they are said to 90" 180* Fig. 294 \ Eb Fig. 295 differ in phase. Thus in a two-phase alternator, there are two electromotive forces which are displaced in phase by 90 de- grees, or they are said to be in quadrature. The armature inductors in which these electromotive forces are induced may or may not form independent windings on the armature. When these windings are not independent, they must each be connected to two independent collector rings. The e.m.f.'s between these two sets of rings can be represented by two curves (E a ) and (E b ), Fig. 294, which are displaced in phase by 90 degrees, or they may be represented by the two ALTEENATING-CUEKENT MACHINEEY 361 vectors (E a ) and (E b ), Fig. 295, that are at right angles to each other. The arrow (R) in Fig. 295 represents the direction of rotation. The number of collector rings on such a machine can, however, be reduced to three, when they are independent windings on the armature, by using one ring as a common connection for both armature windings. Such an arrangement would constitute a two-phase three-wire system and the one in the previous case would be a two-phase four-wire system. In the two-phase three-wire system, the current in the common lead is equal to the vector sum of the currents in the two outside leads, Fig. 296. When there is the same current in each outside lead and the same phase relation exists between the currents and their e.m.f.'s, the system is said to be balanced. The current in the common lead is not zero for a balanced load, however, as shown in Fig. 296, it being the vector sum of (I a ) and (I b ), or it is equal to (!). 398. Three-Phase Alternators. If three single-phase windings be placed upon an armature core and displaced 120 electrical degrees from each other, the electromotive forces induced in these three wind- ings will be displaced in phase 120 degrees, as shown by the curves (Ea), (Ei,), and (E c ), in Fig. 297, and by the vectors (A), (B) and (C) in Fig. 298. Each of these windings may be provided with two slip-rings, there being six in all, and connected to electrically inde- pendent circuits. Such a system would constitute a three-phase six- wire system. The three circuits connected to the differ- ent phases may be kept practically independent of each other by using four leads and connecting three of the col- lector rings together, as shown in Fig. 299. The lead (4) serves as a common return to the other three. When the three receiving circuits connected between the mains (1), (2), (3), and (4) have the same resistance and reactance, the system is said to be balanced and the current in the three Fig. 296 362 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY circuits are equal and displaced in phase from their electro- motive forces by the same angle, the three currents are then 120 degrees apart and their vector sum, which is the current in main (4), is zero. Hence, for a balance load, main (4) carries no current, and this lead can be dispensed with and only three collector rings need be used, the other three being connected together, forming what is called the neutral point. o*' 360 Fig. 297 This arrangement of connections is called the "Y" or "star" scheme of connecting the three windings. Three of the six rings can be dispensed with entirely, one terminal of each of the windings being connected to the neutral point inside the armature, as shown in the symmetrical diagram in Fig. 300. Another method of con- necting the three wind- ings of a three-phase ma- chine is shown in Fig. 301, which js called the "A" (delta) or "mesh" scheme. 399. Relation of E.M.F. Fig. 299 and Current in "Y" and "A" Connected Armatures. The currents in the mains (1), (2), and (3), Fig. 300, are the same as the currents in the three windings (A), (B), and (C). If the positive direction of the electromotive forces and cur- rents in the windings (A), (B), and (C) be taken in the direc- tion indicated by the arrows in Figs. 300 and 301, then the ALTERNATING-CURRENT MACHINERY 363 e.m.f. between the mains (1) and (2) in Fig. 300 will be equal to the vector difference between the e.m.f.'s in windings (A) and (B). (It must be remembered that the direction of the arrows does not represent the actual direction of the e.m.f.'s and currents, but only the assumed positive direction.) The vector difference between the two e.m.f.'s in the windings (A) and (B), which are displaced in phase by 120 degrees, is ob- Fig. 300 Fig. 301 tained by reversing the direction of the vector (B) and adding it to the vector (A), giving the result (A B), Fig. 302. The e.m.f.'s between leads (2) and (3), and (3) and (1) are ob- tained in a similar manner. These resultant e.m.f.'s will be equal to V~3~times the e.m.f. in any one of the windings, which can be shown by reference to Fig. 303. (Ei) represents the e.m.f. in winding (A) and ( Ei.) represents the e.m.f. in wind- ing (B). Assuming (E a ) and (E b ) are each equal to 2 units of e.m.f., then (a) will represent 1 unit and (d) will represent VlTunits of e.m.f. Two (d), which is equal to (A B), will be equal to (2 V 3) units of e.m.f. when (E a ) and (Eh) are equal to 2 units of e.m.f. Hence (A B) is equal to the V~3 times the e.m.f. per winding. The e.m.f. between leads (1) and (3), Fig. 301, is the same as the e.m.f. in the winding (A), or the e.m.f. between leads for the "A" connection is equal to the e.m.f. in the winding connected to the two leads. The current in lead (1) is equal to the vector difference between the currents in windings (A) and (B). These two currents are displaced in phase 120 degrees and their difference is obtained by reversing (B) and adding it to (A). The current in the other leads are obtained 364 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY in a similar manner and for a balance load the current in any lead will be equal to V~3~times the current in any winding. 400. Connecting Receiving Circuits to a Three-Phase System. When the receiving circuits connected to the various phases of a three-phase system are dissimilar or take unequal current, resulting in an unbalanced load, four mains should be used, Fig. 302 Fig, 303 as indicated in Fig. 299, each receiving circuit then takes cur- rent from one of the windings (A), (B), or (C) over the main (4) and one of the outside mains. It is always desirable, however, in the operation of alternators to keep the loads on the various phases as near equal as possible and in practice the different receiving circuits are so distributed between the three phases as to satisfy this condition as nearly as possible. If three single-phase motors, all of the same capacity and carrying the same load, be operated from the three phases of a three-phase system, the system will be balanced and no cur- rent will exist in the lead (4) when the connections are made as shown in Fig. 299. Three lighting circuits taking equal currents will result in the same condition. If, however, one of the motors or one of the lighting circuits be disconnected, there will then be a current in lead (4). When the output of the three-phase alternator is used to drive three-phase induction motors, synchronous motors, and synchronous converters, the currents in each of the three windings will be equal and will be displaced in phase from their respective e.m.f.'s by the same angle, or the system is balanced. For balanced load only three leads are required and ALTERNATING-CURRENT MACHINERY 365 either the "Y" connection without the neutral, as shown in Fig. 300, or the "A"' connection, as shown in Fig. 301, may be employed. The current in each receiving circuit in Fig. 304 is equal to the current in the lead connected to it, and the e.m.f. over any one of the receiving circuits in Fig. 305 is equal to the e.m.f. between the leads connected to that particular receiving cir- cuit. The current in each receiving circuit in Fig. 305 is equal to the current in each lead divided by the V"sTand the e.m.f. over each receiving circuit in Fig. 304 is equal to the e.m.f. between leads divided by the V 3. 401. Measurement of Power in Single-Phase System. The connections for the measurement of power in a single-phase Neutral Fig. 304 Fig. 305 system are identical to those for the measurement of power in a direct-current circuit. The connections of a Weston indi- cating wattmeter are given in Fig. 306. The alternator (A) is supplying energy to the lamps (L) as a load. 402. Measurement of Power in a Two-Phase System. In a two-phase four-wire system, the power is measured in each of the two phases by separate wattmeters as though they were single-phase circuits and the total power is obtained by adding the two wattmeter readings. In a two-phase three-wire system, the power may be meas- ured by two wattmeters, they being connected as shown in Fig. 307. When the connections are thus made, the upper watt- meter indicates the power in phase (A) and the lower watt- meter indicates the power in phase (B). The total power 366 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY at any instant is equal to the sum of the indications on the two wattmeters. A single wattmeter may be used to measure the power in a two-phase circuit by connecting its current coil in the common lead, as shown in Fig. 308, and then noting its indication first, when the pressure circuit is connected to one outside lead, Current Coil * /5 P] l . r^sinnmr 6666 DT-^CO..^^ r~;\ Pressure Coil Load Fig. 306 Current Coil Fig. 307 as shown by the full line in the figure, and second, when the pressure circuit is connected to the other outside lead, as shown by the dotted line in the figure. If the load on the two phases remain constant while these two readings are being taken, the total power output of the two-phase machine will be equal to the sum of the two wattmeter indications. When the pressure circuit _ _ is corrected as shown by the dotted line, the watt- meter will not indicate the power delivered by phase (A), nor will it indicate the Common Current Coil 555 power delivered by phase (B) when the pressure con- Fig. 308 nection is made as shown by the full line, unless the current in each phase is in phase with its e.m.f. The rea- son for this can be shown by referring to Fig. 296, in which (B a ) and (E b ) represent the e.m.f.'s of phases (A) and (B), (I a ) and (I b ) represent the currents in the two phases, and these currents are shown displaced in phase from their e.m.f.'s by the angles (6^ and (9 2 ). The current in the common lead, or in the current coil of the wattmeter, is represented by the vector (I n ), which is the THE ALTEKNATING-CUEKENT CIKCUIT 367 resultant of (I a ) and (I b ). When the pressure coil is con- nected across phase (A), the wattmeter indication is equal to (E a X ! X sin 9 3 ). The product of (I n ) and (sin O 3 ) is equal to the component of (I n ) that is in phase with (E a ). The indication of the wattmeter when the pressure connection is across phase (B) is equal to (Ei, X I n X cosB 3 ). The product of (I n ) and (cos 0,) is equal to the component of (I n ) that is in phase with (E b ). If the component of (I n ) in phase with one of the e.m.f.'s, say (E a ), is equal to the current in phase (A), then the wattmeter will indicate the power in phase (A) when the pressure connection is made as shown by the dotted line. The component of (I n ) in phase with (E a ) will be equal to (L) only when the currents in the two phases are in phase with their e.m.f.'s. 403. Measurement of Power in a Three-Phase System. The power in a three-phase six-wire system can be measured as though it were three single-phase circuits, which in reality it is. The total power out- I ./ooonoorv^ put of a macnine then is ~~^? equal to the sum of the wattmeter indications in the three phases. In a three- phase four-wire system the power per P hase can be de ' termined by connecting a wattmeter in each of the Fig. 309 leads (1), (2), and (3), and connecting their pressure circuits between these leads and the neutral lead (4), Fig. 299. The total power output is equal to the sum of the three watt- meter indications. In a three-phase three-wire system, the power per phase can be determined by connecting three watt- meters as shown in Fig. 309. The total power output of the three phases is equal to the sum of the three wattmeter indi- cations. The above connection will apply equally well when the receiving circuit is connected "Y" or "A" provided the series coils are connected in series with each load and the pressure coils across the loads. Two wattmeters may be used in measuring the power in a three-phase three-wire system by connecting them as shown in Fig. 310. 368 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY The sum of the two wattmeter readings is the total power delivered to the three receiving circuits. When the power factor is below .5, the reading of one wattmeter will be nega- tive and the total power is then equal to the algebraic sum or numerical difference of the two readings. All of the above connections apply to either balanced or unbalanced loads, making them applicable to any practical case. If the system is balanced, only one wattmeter need be used in Fig. 309, and its indication multiplied by three will give the total power, since on a balanced load each of the wattmeters will indicate the same. The power in any balanced three- phase three-wire system is equal to ( V~3~X E X I X cos 6), (E) being the e.m.f. between leads, (I) the current in each lead, and (cos 9) the power factor. The power factor of a balanced three-phase circuit can be determined from the two wattmeter readings, when they are connected as indicated in Fig. 310, as follows: _Pi-P 2 Tangent 6 = V 3 (153) Pi + P 2 Substituting the values of (Pj), which is the larger reading and will always be positive, and (P 2 ), which is the smaller reading and may be positive or negative in the above equation, gives the value of the tan- Current Coil sent of (0). The angle < e > can tnen be deter - mined from the table of trigonometric functions, Chapter 20, and the cosine of this angle is the power factor. Current Coil 404. The Synchronous Fig. 310 Motor. In the operation of an alternating-current gen- erator, a mechanical force must be applied to rotate the moving part of the machine, and when a given conductor on the armature is under a north pole of the field, the current in the conductor is in such a direction that the mag- netic field exerts a force on it which opposes the movement of the conductor or the rotation of the armature. If the conductor ALTERNATING-CURRENT MACHINERY moves out of the field of a north pole and into the field of a south pole, the current will be opposite in direc- tion and, as a result, there is still a force acting on the con- ductor which opposes the rotation of the armature. If the current output of the generator increases, this opposing force increases and more mechanical power must be supplied to drive the machine. If the field of an alternator be excited by a direct current, and an alternating current from some external source be sent through its armature, which is revolved by an engine or motor at such a speed that a given inductor in the winding passes from a certain position under a north pole to a corresponding position under the next north pole during the time of one cycle, the motion of the armature will be aided by the cur- rent when the direction of the current is such that the force exerted by the magnetic field upon the various conductors aids the motion. Since the current reverses in direction when the inductor passes from one pole to the adjacent pole, which is of opposite polarity, the force exerted by the magnetic field upon the conductor remains constant in direction. If the speed of the alternator has been adjusted so that the above conditions are fulfilled, the engine or motor may be discon- nected and the alternator will continue to revolve at a con- stant speed, which is determined by the frequency of the supplied current and the number of poles comprising the mag- netic field of the motor. When an alternator is operated in the above manner it may deliver power to some load by means of a belt or direct connection, and it is called a synchronous motor. Synchronous motors are designed to operate on single-phase or polyphase circuits, their operation, however, is more satis- factory on polyphase circuits. Motors of this kind are called synchronous because they run in synchronism with the source of supply. Their speed is not necessarily the same as that of the generator driving them, it being the same only when the motor and the generator have the same number of poles. The Speed of a synchronous motor can be determined by the use Of the equation 2 X f X 60 S = (154) 370 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY In the above equation (f) is the frequency of the impressed voltage, (p) is the number of poles on the motor, and (S) is the speed of the motor in revolutions per minute. 405. Operation of a Synchronous Motor. The synchronous motor does not behave in the same way as a direct-current motor. For example: If the field of a direct-current motor be weakened, the motor will speed up in order that its counter- electromotive force may reach the proper value. When the field of a synchronous motor is weakened, there is no change in its speed, since the motor must run in synchronism with the impressed e.m.f. A change in load on a synchronous motor Or a change in field strength will result in a change in the phase displacement of the armature current and the im- pressed voltage When the motor is operating without load, the field current can be adjusted to such a value that the cur- rent taken by the motor is very small and its counter e.m.f. is practically in opposition to the impressed voltage. An increase in field current will cause the armature current to lead the impressed voltage, and a decrease in field current will cause the armature current to lag the impressed voltage. If a load be placed on a synchronous motor, its armature will lag a small amount behind the alternator driving it, and this angle will increase with an increase in the load. When the arma- ture of the motor lags, the counter-electromotive force is no longer in opposition to the impressed e.m.f. and a current will be produced which is just sufficient to supply the required torque to enable the motor to carry its load. By increasing the load, the displacement of the armature will become suffi- ciently great to cause the motor to be thrown out of synchron- ism, or it will "break down" and stop. 406. Starting Synchronous Motors. A single-phase syn- chronous motor cannot be started from rest by sending an alternating current through its armature, the field being ex- cited by a direct current, because the current in the armature is rapidly reversing in direction and tends to cause the arma- ture to rotate first in one direction and then in the other direc- tion. Single-phase synchronous motors must always be brought up to full speed by some outside source of power, such as another motor or engine, before they can be connected to the source of electrical power. The polyphase synchronous motor may be started by con- THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 371 necting its armature directly to the line, the field circuit of the machine being open. When the machine has reached synchronous speed, the field circuit can be closed and the load gradually thrown on. The motor is usually connected to its load by means of a friction clutch. This method of starting synchronous motors has the great disadvantage that the machine takes an exceedingly large lagging current and this causes an excessive drop in the supply lead and a general disturbance of the distributing system. The taking of a large current from the line can be avoided by the use of an auto-starter 1 L, I i_ t IL or compensator. The operation of an auto- starter is described briefly in section (415). Very large synchronous motors are usually started by means of an induction motor that can be operated from the same line the syn- c chronous motor is operated from, or by means of a small engine or direct-current motor, on account of the very small torque exerted by the armature when it is connected to the line. 407. Synchronizing. In order that an alter- Fig. 311 nator or a synchronous motor may be connected to a line, it must be in synchronism. Synchronizing con- sists in adjusting the frequency, the phase relation of two e.m.f.'s and their magnitude so that they will coincide when connected together. The general practice in synchronizing is first to adjust the speed of the incoming machine until the frequency of its e.m.f. corresponds to the frequency of the line to which it is to be connected, then to adjust the field current until the machine and the line voltage are the same. Adjust the phase relation of the incoming machine until it is in phase with the line, which can be determined by means of lamps, a synchronoscope, or a voltmeter, and when they are in phase, they may be connected directly together. When lamps are used in synchronizing, they should be con- nected as shown in Fig. 311, one in each phase. The switch should be so arranged that it can be closed the instant the machines are in phase and synchronism, viz, when the lamps are dark. Two transformers may be used with their primaries connected across the same leads but on opposite sides of the paralleling switch. Their secondaries may be connected so 372 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY that their e.m.f.'s are in series or in opposition when the two machines are in phase and synchronism. When they are in opposition and a lamp in circuit, the lamp will be dark when the machines are in phase and synchronism, and if they are connected in series the lamp will be light. The synch ronoscope is an instrument that gives an indica- tion of the phase relation of two e.m.f.'s, and the one of higher frequency can be determined by noting the direction in which the pointer on the instrument rotates. In synchronizing machines it is always best to close the main switch when the incoming machine is coming into proper phase rather than going out of it, as the inertia of the armature in one case assists and in the other retards prompt synchronizing. 408. The Transformer. The transformer in its simplest form consists of two separate and elec- trically independent coils of wire that are wound upon a laminated iron core that is common to both of the windings. One of the coils is connected to some source of electrical energy which may be high or low voltage, and re- ceives an alternating current from it; and the other coil is connected to a load to which it delivers alternating current at a low or high voltage. The coil of the transformer that is connected to the source of energy is called the primary coil, and the one that is connected to the load is called the sec- ondary coil, Fig. 312. When the transformer delivers energy at a higher voltage than that impressed upon the primary coil, it is called a step-up transformer; when it delivers energy at a lower voltage than that impressed upon the primary coil, it is called a step-down transformer. 409. Action of the Transformer without Load. A trans- former is said to be operating on zero load when the sec- ondary circuit is open and it is, of course, delivering no cur- rent. When there is no current in the secondary winding, there is a very small current in the primary winding for the following reason: The current in the primary winding will cause an alternating magnetic field to be set up through Primary Secondary Fig. 312 THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 373 both the primary and the secondary windings, which induces an electromotive force in both of them. This induced e.m.f. is in the opposite direction to the e.m.f. impressed upon the primary winding and very nearly equal to it. It is only this difference in e.m.f. that is available for producing a current in the primary winding, and since this difference is small, there will be a small current in the primary winding when there is no load on the transformer. This current is called the no-load current of the transformer. The induced e.m.f. In the secondary coil is in phase with the e.m.f. induced in the primary, and it is in opposition to the impressed e.m.f. on the primary, or the primary and the secondary e.m.f.'s are displaced in phase by 180. 410. Action of the Transformer on Load. If the sec- ondary coil of a transformer be connected to a receiving cir- cuit and a delivering current, the transformer is said to be loaded. Since the e.m.f. induced in the secondary coil is 180 from the impressed e.m.f. on the primary coil, the cur- rent in the secondary coil will produce a magnetizing effect which tends to lessen that produced by the small current already in the primary coil and, as a result, the variations in the magnetic flux passing through both of the coils is de- creased, which results in a decrease in the induced e.m.f. in the two coils. This decrease in counter e.m.f. in the primary coil results in an increase in the difference between the impressed e.m.f. and the counter e.m.f., which results in an increase of current in the primary coil. If the load on the secondary coil be increased or decreased there will be a pro- portional increase or decrease of current in the primary coil. 411. Ideal Electromotive Force and Current Relations in a Transformer. Neglecting all losses in the transformer, the following relations will exist between the primary and the secondary e.m.f.'s and the primary and the secondary currents. Since it is assumed that the same magnetic flux passes through both the coils, the ratio of the induced e.m.f.'s in the two coils must be the same as the ratio between the number of turns in the two windings. The induced e.m.f. in the primary is equal to the impressed e.m.f. when all losses are neglected, and then 374 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY E P Np (155) E s N S Since the magnetizing action of the ampere-turns in the two coils are equal and opposite, neglecting all losses, we have NpIp = N s Is (156) or I P N s (157) Is Np The above equation states that the primary and the second- ary currents are to each other inversely as the number of turns in the two coils. 412. Actual Electromotive Force and Current Relations in a Transformer. In the previous section the relation of the e.m.f.'s and the currents was based upon the assumption that there were no losses in the transformer, which is not the case in practice. The principal losses to consider in the practice! operation of a transformer are: (A) Loss due to no-load current. (B) The I2R loss in the primary and the secondary coils. (C) Loss due to magnetic leakage. The part of the no-load current in phase with the impressed e.m.f. on the primary coil represents a loss, and it is the no- load current that affects the ideal relation between the pri- mary and the secondary currents, as given in equation (157). The resistance of the primary and the secondary coils and magnetic leakage are, on the other hand, the only things that affect to any extent the ideal relation between the primary and the secondary voltages. If all of the magnetic flux created by the current in either the primary or the secondary coils passed through the other coil, there would be no magnetic leakage, which would correspond to an ideal magnetic circuit. Magnetic leakage in its effect is equivalent to an outside in- ductance that is connected in series with the coils of the transformer. If this inductance be represented by (L), then the e.m.f. required to overcome it when there is a current of (I) amperes in the circuit is equal to (27rfLI). The effect of coil resistance and magnetic leakage upon the ideal relation between the primary and the secondary voltages is shown by means of a vector diagram. THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 375 413. Vector Diagram of a Transformer. The magnetic flux that passes through both the primary and the secondary coils is represented by the vector (), as shown in Fig. 313, and the no-load current by the vector (I ). The e.m.f. induced in the primary and the secondary coils will lag the magnetic flux (*) 90. The e.m.f. impressed upon the primary coil is used in overcom- ing the resistance of the coil, the counter e.m.f. induced in the coil by the flux ($), which passes through both coils, and the effect of magnetic leakage. The e.m.f. to overcome the resistance is in phase with the primary current (I P ), as shown in the figure, the vector (E P ) represents the e.m.f. required to overcome the e.m.f. induced in the primary coil by the flux ($), and the vector (2irfL P Ip) represents the required to overcome the effect of magnetic leakage in the pri- mary, which is 90 degrees in advance of the primary current. The vector (E p ) represents the voltage impressed upon the primary coil. The voltage induced in the secondary winding is represented by the vector (E s ), which bears the same relation to the e.m.f. induced in the primary coil as exists between the primary and the secondary turns, which has been assumed unity in this case. This vector will represent the voltage at the terminals of the secondary coil when there is no load on the transformer. When the sec- ondary coil is supplying a current, the terminal voltage drops on account of the (LRs) drop and magnetic leakage. These drops must be subtracted from the total e.m.f. induced in the secondary coil, which gives the terminal voltage equal to (E s ). The drop (R S I S ) is parallel to (I s ), and the drop (27rfL s Is) is perpendicular to (I s ). If the secondary coil is supplying a current (I s ) there will be a current in the primary 376 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY coil, which combines with the no-load current (I ), giving the true primary current (I). 414. Types of Transformers. Transformers may be divided into two types, depending upon the arrangement of the coils and magnetic circuit, viz, (A) Core-type transformers. (B) Shell-type transformers. In the core-type transformer the coils are placed outside of the magnetic circuit, as shown in Fig. 314. In the shell-type transformer the magnetic circuit surrounds the coils, as shown in Fig. 315. Transformers may be divided into two types, depending upon the kind of circuit they are to be used on, viz, (A) Single-phase transformers. (B) Polyphase transformers. Fig. 314 Fig. 315 In a single-phase transformer there is only one set of pri- mary and secondary terminals, and the fluxes in the one or more magnetic circuits are all in phase. In the polyphase transformer there are a number of different sets of primary and secondary connections. These various sets can be used in the different phases of a polyphase system. In such a trans- former there are two or more magnetic circuits through the core, and the fluxes in the various circuits are displaced in phase. It is not necessary to always use polyphase trans- formers in polyphase circuits, as a number of single-phase transformers may be used, one in each phase. Transformers may be divided into three types, depending upon the nature of their output, viz, THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 377 (A) Constant-potential transformers. (B) Constant-current transformers. (C) Current transformers. The constant-potential transformer is one so constructed that the relation of the primary and the secondary voltage remains practically constant, regardless of the load on the transformer. The constant-current transformer is one so constructed that the secondary current remains constant in value, and when the load on the transformer changes, there is a change in the e.m.f. induced in the secondary winding. The current transformer is one so constructed that the secondary current always bears a definite relation to the pri- mary current. These transformers are used principally in connection with instruments where it is desired to send a definite fractional part of the total line current through the instrument. They correspond to the shunt in the direct- current circuit. 415. The Auto-Transformer. The auto-transformer con- sists of an ordinary transformer with its primary and sec- ondary coils so connected with respect to each other that the e.m.f. induced in the secondary coils either aids or opposes the e.m.f. impressed upon the primary coil. When the e.m.f.'s of the two windings act in the same direction, it is said to be an auto-step-up transformation, and when they act in opposite directions it is said to be an auto-step- down transformation. 416. Methods of Cooling Transformers. In small-capacity transformers the radiating surface is ample to prevent an excessive temperature rise when the transformer is in opera- tion. With an increase in capacity of the transformer, there is a proportional increase in the energy loss, and hence the heat generated, but the radiating surface does not increase at the same rate and, as a result, the temperature rise will, as a rule, be greater in large transformers than it is in small ones, unless some means be provided for cooling them. Transformers may be classified according to the method em- ployed in cooling them as follows: (A) Dry-transformers, self-cooling. (B) Oil-filled transformers, self-cooling. 378 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY (C) Transformers cooled by a blast of air. (D) Transformers cooled by a current of water. (E) Transformers cooled by a combination of the above. No special means is ever employed for cooling small trans- formers, as they are dry. Large transformers are cooled by filling the space sur- rounding the coils and core with a good quality of oil, which tends to equalize the temperature of the vari6us parts and to conduct the heat to the containing case of the transformer, where it is radiated. The containing case is often corrugated or made with protruding ribs, which adds to its radiating sur- face, as shown in Fig. 316. Fig. 316 Fig. 317 Large transformers are often constructed so that they can be cooled by forcing a blast of air through them. The coils in such transformers are usually spread apart so as to form ducts through which the air may circulate. Large transformers are often cooled by circulating water through a pipe which surrounds the coils and core. This method of cooling, however, is usually used in combination with the oil-cooled type. 417. Rotating Magnetic Field. Suppose the projecting arms or poles on the field frame of a dynamo be divided into THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 379 three groups, and the poles belonging to one group marked (Aj), (A 2 ), (A;,), etc., those of another group marked (Bj), (B 2 ), (B 3 ), etc., and the third group (Ci), (C 2 ), (C 3 ), etc., as shown in Fig. 317. If a winding be placed on the poles belonging to any group, alternate ones being wound in op- posite directions, and each of these windings then connected to a source of direct e.m.f., the inner end of the poles will be magnetized alternately north and south. If an alternating e.m.f. be used, the polarity of the poles belonging to any group will be reversed twice per cycle. By connecting the three groups of windings to the different phases of a three- phase circuit, any three poles that occur in succession around the frame will not be magnetized to a maximum polarity of the same time. The time required for the maximum polarity to pass from one pole to the next is one-third of a half cycle or one-sixth of a cycle. The maximum polarity is passed from one pole to the next around the frame, which results in what is termed a rotating magnetic field. The speed at which this field rotates can be determined as follows: Let (f) represent the frequency of the impressed voltage, (p) the number of poles per phase, and since two poles corre- spond to one cycle, the time per revolution of the field will be equal to 2f time per revolution = (158) P and f number of revolutions per second = (159) 2 P 418. Induction Motor. If a hollow metal cylinder b mounted inside of a rotating field, there will be an e.m.f. in- duced in it, due to the relative motion of the field and the cylinder, and this e.m.f. will produce a current in the cylinder which reacts upon the magnetic field and causes the cylinder to rotate. The path taken by the induced current is not very well defined in the case of a cylinder and, as a result, it will not all be useful in producing a tangential force. This difficulty is overcome by slotting the cylinder in a direction parallel to the axis about which it rotates. The flux passing between poles of opposite polarity can be greatly increased. 380 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY with the same current in the winding, by mounting the cyl- inder upon an iron core, which should be laminated. This increase in flux will result in a greater e.m.f. being induced in the cylinder and a greater current would result, which would increase the force tending to turn the cylinder. The above principles are those upon which the induction motor operates. Fig. 318 The winding of an induction motor that is stationary is called the stator, and the moving part is called the rotor. The stator windings are usually placed in slots cut in what is called the stator core, instead of being wound upon poles as shown in Fig. 317. The stator core of a small induction motor is shown in Fig. 318. The rotor in its simplest form consists of copper conductors imbedded in slots in a laminated iron core. These conductors are all connected in parallel by cop- per collars, one being placed at each end. With this arrange- ment the current due to the induced e.m.f. passes in a direc- tion parallel to the axis about which the rotor rotates, and its effect in producing rotation is a maximum. This simple form of rotor is called the "squirrel-cage" type, Fig. 319. The inductors may or may not be insulated from the core. THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 381 In some cases the rotor is provided with a regular wind- ing, and this winding is connected to an external circuit by means of slip-rings. 419. Operation of the Induction Motor. If the stator be connected to a source of energy and the rotor is free to turn, it will run at such a speed that the induced e.m.f. in the rotor winding will produce the current required to drive the rotor. The induced e.m.f. in the rotor depends upon the rela- tive movement of the magnetic field and the rotor winding. Fig. 319 If the rotor were to run at the same speed that the magnetic field revolves, there would be no e.m.f. induced in its winding. Then in order that there be an e.m.f. induced in its winding, its speed must be less (in the case of a motor) than that of the magnetic field. If (S f ) represents the speed of the field, (S P ) the speed of the rotor, then the fifference in speed of the rotor and the magnetic field is (S f S P ). This difference in speed divided by (S P ) is called the slip, and it is usually expressed as a per cent of the synchronous speed. When the motor is loaded, the rotor speed decreases in order that the current may increase in value, it depending upon the induced e.m.f., which in turn depends upon the ratio of the speeds of the rotor and the magnetic field. A three-phase induction motor is shown in Fig. 320. 420. Speed Regulation of the Induction Motor. The speed of induction motors may be regulated by changing the value of the impressed voltage upon the stator, by changing the con- nections of the stator winding so as to change the number of poles, or by changing the resistance of the rotor winding. 382 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY With a decrease in impressed voltage, the stator flux is lessened and the rotor current decreases if the speed re- mains constant. If the torque the motor is to generate is to remain constant, it being proportional to the product of the flux and the rotor current, there must be an increase in rotor current on account of the decrease in stator flux, in order that the motor carry its load. The required increase in rotor current is produced by a decrease in rotor speed. If the stator winding be changed, so as to change the num- ber of poles, there will be a corresponding change in rotor speed, the slip remaining constant. Fig. 320 If the resistance of the rotor be increased, the e.m.f. re- quired to produce a given rotor current must increase, and in order that there be an increase in rotor e.m.f. there must be a decrease in rotor speed. 421. Methods of Starting the Induction Motor. Polyphase induction motors may be started by connecting their stator THE ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUIT 383 windings directly to the line. The current taken from the line, however, is excessive, and an auto-starter or com- pensator is usually used. Single-phase induction motors will not start when their stator windings are connected to. a single-phase circuit, unless special provision is made for starting. There are four meth- ods that are employed for starting single-phase motors, viz, (A) Hand starting. (B) Split-phase starting. (C) Repulsion motor starting. (D) "Shading-coil" starting. Fig. 321 (A) Very small induction motors may be started by giv- ing them a good start by hand. (B) In split-phase starting there are two circuits through the motor, and there is a phase difference between the cur- rents in the two branches, if the ratio between the resistance and reactance of the branches is different. This difference in phase of the currents in the two circuits produces the required rotating field to start the motor. The starting 384 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY torque, however, is very small when the current does not exceed full-load current. (C) If the field magnets of an ordinary direct-current dynamo be laminated and excited by an alternating current, there would be induced e.m.f.'s set up in the armature wind- ing, provided the brushes were changed from their original position. These induced e.m.f.'s would produce currents which would react upon the alternating magnetic field and produce a torque tending to cause rotation. A single-phase alternating-current motor constructed to operate in the above manner is called a repulsion motor. After the motor is up to speed the brushes are automatically disconnected and it operates as an induction motor. (D) The "shading-coil" consists of a single turn of copper about a part of each field-pole. The flux through the part of the field-pole enclosed by this turn of wire does not change in value as rapidly as the flux in the remaining por- tion of the pole, due to the magnetic effect of the current in the copper coil that is produced by the e.m.f. induced in it. As a result of the above condition the flux travels across the pole-face and there will be a torque exerted upon the rotor. 422. Induction Generator. An induction motor when operating without load takes a very small current from the supply leads and the speed of its rotor is very near that of the magnetic field. If the rotor be connected to some source of power and speeded up to the same speed as that of the magnetic field, the electrical power intake of the stator will be very small, it being equal to the iron loss in the stator. By increasing the speed of the rotor until it is above syn- chronism, the stator will deliver power to the alternating- current leads, provided the alternating-current generator re- mains connected to the leads to fix the frequency. When an induction motor is so used it is called an induction generator. 423. Frequency Changer. An induction motor provided with a rotor having a winding with terminals connected to collector rings may be used as a frequency changer, that is, it may be used to change the frequency. When the rotor of the motor is held stationary, the magnetic flux of the stator induces e.m.f.'s in the rotor winding that are of the same frequency as the alternating e.m.f.'s applied to the stator. If the rotor is run at one-half spe,ed, in the direction the mag- THE ALTEENATING-CUKRENT CIECUIT 385 netic field rotates, the e.m.f.'s induced in the rotor windings will be one-half full frequency. By driving the rotor in the opposite direction to the direction in which the magnetic field revolves, the frequency is raised. Thus, if the rotor be revolved backward at one-half speed, the induced e.m.f.'s in the rotor windings -will be one and one-half times the fre- quency of the e.m.f.'s impressed upon the stator windings. 424. Synchronous Converter. The synchronous converter is a machine for converting- alternating-current to direct-cur- rent, or vice versa, or it may be used as a double-current gen- erator. The synchronous converter resembles a direct-cur- rent generator in general appearance, the chief difference being the addition of a number of collector rings at one end of the armature, and the use of a larger commutator and smaller magnetic circuit than is ordinarily used in a direct- current generator. When such a machine is driven by an engine or motor, it is capable of supplying either direct or alternating current, or both at the same time. It may be driven as a synchronous motor from an alternating-current source of energy and de- liver direct current, or it may be driven from a direct-current source of energy and deliver alternating current. The synchronous converter may be started as a synchronous motor, as described in section (406), or it may be started from the direct-current end. In starting from the direct-current end, the machine is brought up to a speed a little above syn- chronous speed and then disconnected from the direct-current source, and when the speed has decreased to synchronous speed the alternating-current end is connected to the alternat- ing-current leads. A synchronous converter is shown in Fig. 321. CHAPTEE XIX RESUSCITATION FROM APPARENT DEATH FROM ELECTRIC SHOCK By Augustin H. Goelet, M. D. Supplement to Electrical World and Engineer, September 6, 1902. 425. Resuscitation. The urgent necessity for prompt and persistent efforts at resuscitation of victims of accidental shocks by electricity is very well emphasized by the success- ful results in the instances recorded. In order that the task may not be undertaken in a half-hearted manner, it must be appreciated that accidental shocks seldom result in absolute death unless the victim is left unaided too long, or efforts at resuscitation are stopped too early. In the majority of instances the shock is only sufficient to suspend animation temporarily, owing to the momentary and imperfect contact of the conductors, and also on account of the resistance of the body submitted to the influence of the current. It must be appreciated also that the body under the conditions of accidental shocks seldom receives the full force of the current in the circuit, but only a shunt current, which may represent a very insignificant part of the whole. When an accident occurs the following rules should be promptly executed with care and deliberation: 426. Rule (1) Remove the body at once from the circuit by breaking contact with the conductors. This may be ac- complished by using a dry stick of wood, which is a non- conductor, to roll the body over to one side, or to brush aside a wire, if that is conveying the current. When a stick is not at hand, any dry piece of clothing may be utilized to protect the hand in seizing the body of the victim, unless rubber gloves are convenient. If the body is in contact with the earth, the coat-tails of the victim, or any loose or detached RESUSCITATION 387 piece of clothing may be seized with impunity to draw it away from the conductor. When this has been accomplished, observe Rule (2). The object to be attained is to make the subject breathe, and if this can be accomplished and con- tinued he can be saved. 427. Rule (2) Turn the body upon the back, loosen the collar and clothing about the neck, roll up a coat and place it Fig. 322 under the shoulders, so as to throw the head back, and then make efforts to establish respiration (in other words, make him breathe), just as would be done in case of drowning. To accomplish this, kneel at the subject's head, facing him as shown in Fig. 322, and, seizing both arms, draw them forcibly to their full length over the head, so as to bring them almost together above it, and hold them there for two or three sec- onds only. (This is to expand the chest and favor the en- trance of air into the lungs.) Then carry the arms down to the sides and front of the chest, firmly compressing the chest walls, and expel the air from the lungs, as shown in Fig. 323. Repeat this manoeuvre at least sixteen times per minute. These efforts should bo continued unremittingly for at least an hour, or until natural respiration is established. 428. Rule (3) At the same time that this is being done, someone should grasp the tongue of the subject with a handkerchief or piece of cloth, to prevent it slipping, and 388 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY draw it forcibly out when the arms are extended above the head and allow it to recede when the chest is compressed. This manoeuver should likewise be repeated at least sixteen times per minute. This serves the double purpose of free- ing the throat so as to permit air to enter the lungs, and also, by exciting a reflex irritation from forcible contact of the under part of the tongue against the lower teeth, fre- quently stimulates an involuntary effort at respiration. To secure the tongue if the teeth are clenched, force the jaws Fig. 323 apart with a stick, a piece of wood, or the handle of a pocket knife. 429. Rule (4) The dashing of cold water into the face will sometimes produce a gasp and start breathing, which should then be continued as directed above. If this is not essential the spine may be rubbed vigorously with a piece of ice. Alternate applications of heat and cold over the region of the heart will accomplish the same object in some in- stances. It is both useless and unwise to attempt to ad- minister stimulants to the victim in the usual manner of pouring it down his throat. While the above directions are being carried out, a physi- cian should be summoned, who, upon his arrival, can best put into practice Rules (5), (6) and (7), in addition to the fore- going, should it be necessary. RESUSCITATION 389 FOR THE PHYSICIAN SUMMONED 430. Rule (5) Forcible stretching of the sphincter muscle controlling the lower bowel excites powerful refle:: irritation and stimulates a gasp (inspiration) frequently when other measures have failed. For this purpose the subject should be turned on the side, the middle and index fingers inserted into the rectum, and the muscle suddenly and forcibly drawn backwards toward the spine. Or, if it is desirable to continue efforts at artificial respiration at the same time, the knees should be drawn up and the thumb inserted for the same purpose, the subject retaining the position on the back. 431. Rule (6) Rhythmical traction of the tongue is some- times effectual in establishing respiration when other meas- ures have failed. The tongue is seized and drawn out quickly and forcibly to the limit, then it is permitted to recede. This is to be repeated 16 times per minute. 432. Rule (7) Oxygen gas, which may be readily obtained at a drug store in cities or large towns, is a powerful stimu- lant to the heart if it can be made to enter the lungs. A cone may be improvised from a piece of stiff paper and at- tached to the tube leading from the tank, and placed over the mouth and nose while the gas is turned on during the efforts at artificial respiration, CHAPTEE XX LOGARITHMS 433. Definition of Logarithm. If (a) be any number, and (x) and (n) two other numbers, such that ax = n, then (x) is called the logarithm of (n) to the base (a) and is written log a n. The logarithm of a number to a given base is the index of the power to which the base must be raised that it may be equal to the given number. Example: Since 102 = 100, therefore 2 =log 10 100. 434. Laws of Indices. In algebra the following laws, known as the laws of indices, are found to be true; (m) and (n) are to be any real quantities: (A) amXan = am + n (B) am -=- an = am n (C) (am)n = a ra X n There are three fundamental laws of logarithms correspond- ing to the above. (a) loga (m X n) = log a m + log a n (b) loga (m -T- n) = log a m log a n (c) log a m.n = n log a m. These three laws expressed in words are: (a) The logarithm of the product of two quantities is equal to the sum of the logarithms of the quantities to the same base. (b) The logarithm of the quotient of two quantities is equal to the difference in their logarithms to the same base. (c) The logarithm of a quantity raised to any power is equal to the logarithm of the quantity multiplied by the index of the power. 435. Common System of Logarithms. In what is known as the common system of logarithms the base is always 10, so that if no base be expressed, the base 10 is always under- stood. 390 LOGARITHMS 391 436. Definition of Characteristic and Mantissa. If the logarithm of any number be partly integral and partly frac- tional, the integral portion is called its characteristic and the decimal portion is called its mantissa. Thus, the logarithm of 666 is 2.82347, in which 2 is the characteristic and .82347 is the mantissa. The characteristic of the logarithm of any whole number will be one less than the number of digits in its integral part. Thus, 2457.4 has four digits in its integral part and the char- acteristic of its logarithm is 3. The characteristic of the logarithm of any decimal frac- tion will be negative and numerically greater by unity than the number of ciphers following the decimal point. Thus, .897 has no ciphers following the decimal point and the char- acteristic will be numerically equal to (0 + 1) or 1, and it will be negative. The fact that the characteristic is negative can be indicated by drawing a horizontal line over it, thus (1). The characteristic of .00434 is "3 since there are two ciphers following the decimal point. The mantissa of the logarithm of all numbers consisting of the same digits are the same. 437. How to Obtain the Logarithm of a Number from the Table. For example, if it is desired to obtain the logarithm of the number 642, we proceed as follows: Run the eye down the extreme left-hand column until it arrives at the number 64. Then pass along the horizontal line of figures until you are in the column vertically beneath the number 2 at the top of the page, and you see the number 80754. This number just obtained is the mantissa of the log of 642 and the characteristic is 2. Then log 642 =* 2.807 54 and log 6420 = 3.807 54 log 6.42= .80754 log .00642 = 3.80754 438. To Find a Number Whose Logarithm Is Given. If the logarithm be one tabulated in the table the number is easily found, the procedure being just the reverse of that given in the previous paragraph. Example: Find the number whose logarithm is 68931. Referring to the table, we find the 392 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY mantissa 68931 corresponds to the digits 489, and the number will be 4890, since the characteristic is 3. Often the logarithm is not tabulated and the number is then found as follows: Example Find the number whose logarithm is 3.44741. Referring to the table, we find that the mantissa 44741 is not tabulated, but the nearest mantissae are 44716 and 44871, between which the mantissa 44741 lies. The difference between 44871 and 44716 is 155, and the differ- ence between 44741 and 44716 is 75. log 2800 = 3.447 16 log 2810 = 3.448 71 then 3.447 41 = log (2800 + X) 75 X = of 10 = 4.99 155 The required number then is (2800 + 4.99) = 2804.99. EXAMPLES (A) What is the value of the product of 24 and 19? log 24 = 1.380 21 log 19 = 1.278 75 log (product) = 2.658 96 then (24 X 19) = 456 (B) What is the value of (27)2? log (27)2 = 2 log 27 = 2.862 72 then (27)2 = 729 (C) What is the value of the product of .079 and .03? log .079 = 27897 63 log .03 ==2L47712 log (product) = 3.374 75 (See note a, pa?e then (.079 X .03) = .002 37 393) LOGARITHMS 393 (D) What is the value of the product of .65 and 48? log.65=T.81291 log 48 = 1.681 24 log (product) = 1.494 15 then (.65 X 48) = 31.25 (E) What is the value of (.075)2? log .075 = "2T875 06 2 log .075 = "3.750 12 then (.075)2= .005 625 (F) What is the value of (79.0)1-6? log 79.0 = 1.897 63 log (79.0)1-6 = 1.6 X 1.89763 = 2.936 208 then (79.0)1-6 = 863.+ (G) What is the value of V 656100 ? log 656100 = 5.816 90 % log 656100 = 2.908 45 or log V 656100 = 2.908 45 then V 656100 = 810 Note (a) The characteristic is treated as a negative quan- tity and the mantissa as a positive quantity. 394 LOGABITHMS OF NUMBERS No. 1 23456 7 8 9 00000 041 39 32222 49136 61278 70757 78533 85126 90849 95904 30103 07918 34242 505 15 62325 71600 79239 85733 91381 96379 47712 11394 361 73 51851 63347 72428 79934 86332 91908 96848 60206 14613 38021 53148 64345 73239 806 18 86923 92428 97313 69897 17609 39794 544 07 65321 74036 81291 87506 92942 97772 77815 84510 903 09 954 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 00000 30103 477 12 60206 69897 77815 845 10 90309 95424 20412 41497 55630 66276 74819 81954 88081 93450 98227 23045 43136 56820 67210 75587 82607 88649 93952 98677 25527 27875 447 16 462 40 579 78 591 06 681 24 690 20 763 43 770 85 832 51 818 85 892 09 897 63 944 48 949 39 991 23 | 995 64 10 00000 00432 00860 01284 01703 021 19 02531 02938 03342 03743 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 04139 07918 11394 14613 17609 204 12 23045 25527 27875 04532 08279 11727 14922 17898 20683 23300 25768 28103 04922 08636 12057 15229 18184 20952 23553 26007 28330 05308 08991 12385 15534 18469 21219 23805 26245 28556 05690 09342 127 10 15836 18752 21484 24055 26482 28780 06070 09691 13033 16137 19033 21748 24304 267 17 29003 06446 10037 13354 16435 193 12 22011 24551 26951 29226 06819 10380 13672 16732 195 90 22272 24797 271 84 29448 07188 10721 13988 17026 19866 22531 25042 27416 29667 07555 11059 14301 17319 20140 22789 25285 27646 29885 30103 30320 30535 307 50 30963 31175 31387 31597 31806 32015 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32222 34242 361 73 38021 39794 41497 43136 44716 46240 47712 32428 34439 36361 38202 39967 41664 43297 44871 46389 32634 34635 36549 38382 40140 41830 43457 45035 46538 32838 34830 36736 38561 40312 41996 436 16 45179 46687 33041 35025 36922 38739 40483 42160 43775 45332 46835 33244 35218 37107 38917 40654 42325 43933 45484 46982 33445 354 11 37291 39094 40824 42488 44091 45637 47129 33646 35603 37475 39270 40993 42651 44248 45788 47276 33846 35793 37658 39445 41162 42813 44404 45939 47422 34044 35984 37840 39620 41330 42975 44560 46090 47567 30 47857 48001 48144 48287 48430 48572 48714 48855 48996 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 49136 505 15 51851 53148 54407 55630 56820 57978 59106 49276 50651 51983 53275 54531 55751 56937 58092 59218 49415 50786 521 14 53403 54654 55871 57054 58206 59329 49554 50920 52244 53529 54777 55991 57171 583 20 59439 49693 51055 52375 53656 54900 561 10 57287 58433 59550 60638 49831 51188 52504 537 82 55023 56229 57403 58546 59660 60746 49969 51322 52634 53908 551 45 56348 575 19 58659 59770 60853 50106 51455 52763 54033 55267 56467 57634 58771 59879 50243 51587 52892 54158 55388 56585 57749 58883 59988 50379 51720 53020 54283 55509 56703 57864 58995 60097 40 60206 603 14 604 23 60531 60959 61066 61172 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 61278 62325 63347 64345 65321 66276 67210 68124 69020 61384 624 28 , 63448 64444 65418 66370 67302 682 15 69108 61490 62531 63548 64542 65514 66464 67394 68305 69197 61595 62634 63649 64640 65610 66558 67486 68395 69285 61700 62737 63749 64738 65706 66652 67578 68485 69373 61805 62839 63849 64836 65801 66745 67669 68574 69461 70329 61909 62941 63949 64933 65896 66839 67761 68664 69548 62014 63043 64048 65031 65992 66932 67852 68753 69636 621 18 63144 64147 65128 66087 67025 67943 68842 69723 62221 63246 64246 65225 66181 67117 68034 68931 69810 50 69897 69984 70070 70157 70243 70415 70501 70586 70672 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS 395 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 70757 71600 72428 73239 74036 748 19 75587 76343 77085 70842 71684 72509 73320 741 15 74896 75664 76418 77159 70927 71767 72591 73400 74194 74974 75740 76492 77232 71012 71850 72673 73480 74273 75051 75815 76567 77305 71096 71933 72754 73560 74351 751 28 75891 76641 77379 71181 720 16 72835 73640 74429 75205 75967 76716 77452 71265 72099 72916 73719 74507 75282 76042 76790 77525 71249 72181 72997 73799 74586 75358 76118 76864 77597 71433 72263 730 .78 73878 74663 75435 76193 76938 77670 71517 723 46 73159 73957 74741 75511 76268 77012 77743 60 77815 77887 77960 78032 78104 78176 78247 78319 78390 78462 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 785 33 79239 79934 80618 81291 81954 82607 83251 83885 78604 79309 80003 80686 81358 82020 82372 833 15 83948 78675 79379 80072 80754 81425 82086 82737 83378 84011 78746 79449 80140 80821 81491 82151 82802 834 42 840 73 78817 795 18 80209 80889 81558 82217 82866 83506 841 36 78888 79588 80277 80956 81624 82282 82930 83569 841 98 78958 79657 80346 81023 81690 823 47 82995 83632 84261 79029 79727 80414 81090 81757 82413 83059 83696 84323 79099 79796 80482 81158 81823 82478 83123 83759 84386 79169 79865 80550 81224 81889 82543 83187 83822 84448 70 84510 84572 84634 84696 84757 848 19 84880 84942 85003 85065 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 85126 85733 863 32 86923 87506 88081 88649 89209 89763 85187 85794 863 92 86982 87364 88138 887 05 89263 89919 85248 85854 86451 87040 87622 88195 88762 89321 89873 85309 859 14 86510 87099 87679 88252 888 18 89376 89927 85370 85974 86570 87157 87737 88319 88874 89432 89982 85431 86034 86629 872 16 87795 88366 88930 89487 90037 85491 86094 86688 87274 87852 88423 88986 89542 90091 85552 86153 86747 87332 87910 88480 89042 89597 90146 85612 86213 86806 87390 87967 88536 89098 89653 90200 85673 86273 86864 87448 88024 88593 89154 89708 90255 80 90309 90363 90417 90472 90526 90580 906 34 90687 90741 90795 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90849 91381 91908 92428 92942 93450 93952 94448 94939 90902 914 34 91960 92480 92993 935 00 94002 94498 94988 90956 91487 92012 92531 93044 93551 94052 94547 95036 91009 91540 92065 92583 93095 93601 94101 94596 95085 91062 91593 921 17 92634 93146 93651 94151 94645 95134 91116 91645 92169 92686 93197 93702 94201 94694 95182 91169 91698 92221 92737 93247 93752 94250 94743 95231 91222 91751 92273 92788 93298 93802 94300 94792 95279 91275 91803 92324 92840 93349 93852 94349 94841 95328 91328 91855 92376 92891 93399 93902 94399 94890 95376 90 95424 95472 955 21 95569 956 17 95665 95713 95761 95809 95856 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 95904 96379 96348 973 13 97772 98227 98677 99123 99564 95952 96426 96895 973 59 97814 98272 98722 99167 99607 95999 96473 96942 97405 97864 98318 98767 99211 99651 96047 96520 96988 97451 97909 98363 98811 99255 99695 96095 96567 97035 97497 979 55 98408 98856 99300 99739 961 42 96614 97081 97543 98000 98453 98900 99344 99782 96190 96661 97128 97589 98046 98498 989 45 99388 99826 96237 96708 97174 97635 98091 98543 98989 99432 99870 96284 96755 97220 97681 98137 98588 99034 994 76 99913 96332 96802 97267 97727 98182 98632 99078 99520 99957 100 00000 00043 00087 00130 00173 00217 00260 00303 00346 00389 196 MENSUBATION EQUATIONS TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS j2" xX ^ a 5inee=-^- Cosinee=Y Tangent e=~t" Base = b Altitude = a Hypothe_nuse=h b^a 2 + b 2 MENSURATION Diameter Circumference TT= 3.1416- = TTxr 2 xn xd 2 Length =1 Breath -b Depth = d Volu7ne=lxbxd Area surface= Area Shaded Portion^ (dj-dj) l=b = d Volume =lx b xd Area Shaded / 2 [lr- C (r-h)] Surface TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS 397 NATURAL SINES, COSINES, AND TANGENTS An- gle Sines Cosines Tangents An- gle Sines Cosines Tangents .000000 1.000000 .000000 46 .719 340 .694658 .0355303 1 .017 452 .999 848 .017 455 47 .731 354 .681 998 .072 368 7 2 .034899 .999 391 .034921 48 .743 145 .669 131 .1106125 3 .052 336 .998 630 .02 408 49 .754 710 .656 059 .1503684 4 .069 756 .997 564 .069 927 50 .766044 .642788 1.1917536 5 .087 156 .996 165 .087 489 51 .777 146 .629 320 .234 897 2 6 .104528 .994522 .105 104 52 .788 Oil .615 661 .279 941 6 7 .121869 .992 546 .122785 53 .798 636 .601 815 .3270448 8 .139173 .990268 .140541 54 .809017 .587785 1.3763810 9 .156434 .987 688 .158384 55 .819 152 .573 576 1.4281480 10 .173648 .984808 .176327 56 .829 038 .559 193 1.4825610 11 . 190 809 .981 627 .194380 57 .838 671 .544639 1.5398650 12 .207 912 .978 148 .212 557 58 .848048 .529919 1.6003345 13 .224951 .974370 .230 868 59 .857 167 .515038 1.6642795 14 .241 922 .970296 .249 328 60 .866 025 .500000 1.7320508 15 .258 819 .965 926 .267 949 61 .874 620 .484 810 1.8040478 16 .275 637 .961 262 .286 745 62 .882 948 .469472 1.8807265 17 .292372 .956 305 .305 731 63 .891 007 .453 990 1.9626105 18 .309 017 .951 057 .324 920 64 .898794 .438 371 2.0503038 19 .325 568 .945 519 .344 328 65 .906 308 .422618 2.1445069 20 .342020 .939693 .363 970 66 .913 545 .406737 2.2460368 21 .358368 .933 580 .383 864 67 .920 505 .390 731 2.3558524 22 .374607 .927 184 .404 026 68 .927 184 .374607 2.4750869 23 .390 731 .920 505 .424 475 69 .933 580 .358 369 2.6050891 24 .406 737 .913545 .445 229 70 .939 693 .342 020 2.7474774 25 .422 618 .906 308 .466 308 71 .945 519 .325 568 2.9042109 26 .438 371 .898794 .487 733 72 .951 057 .309 017 3.0776835 27 .453 990 .891 007 .509525 73 .956 305 .292 372 3.2708526 28 .469472 .882 948 .531 709 74 .961 262 .275 637 3.4874144 29 .484810 .874 620 .554 309 75 .965 926 .258 819 3.7320508 30 .500000 .866025 .577 350 76 .970 296 .241 922 4.0107809 31 .515 038 .857 167 .600861 77 .974 370 .224 951 4.3314759 32 .529 919 .848048 .624 869 78 .978 148 .207 912 4.7047301 33 .544 639 .838671 .649 408 79 .981 627 .190809 5.1445540 34 .559 193 .829 038 .674 509 80 .984 808 .173648 5.6712818 35 .573 576 .819 152 .700 208 81 .987 688 .156434 6.313 751 5 36 .587 785 .809017 .726 543 82 .990 268 .139173 7.1153697 37 .601 815 .798636 .753 554 83 .992 546 .121869 8.1443464 38 .615 661 .788011 .781 286 84 .994 522 .104528 9.5143645 39 .629320 .777 146 .809 784 85 .996 195 .087 156 11.430052 40 .642 788 .766044 .839 100 86 .997 564 .069756 14.300666 41 .656059 .754710 .869 287 87 .998 630 .052 336 19.081 137 42 .669 131 .743 145 .900 404 88 .999 391 .034899 28.636253 43 .681 998 .731 354 .932 515 89 .999 848 .017 452 57.289962 44 .694 658 .719340 .965 689 90 1.000000 .000000 infinite 45 .707 107 .707 170 1.000000 398 SYMBOLS FOE ELECTEICAL APPAKATUS Wire Wires not Connected Wires Connected Ground Connection Fuse -MA/W Non-Inductive Resistance PrfmaryCell Double-Pole Double Throw Switch (Open) Ammeter V Voltmeter Galvanometer Direct-Current Generator Direct-Current Motor Load 006 W Wattmeter Inductive Resistance WWVi - Variable Resistance or Rheostat Incandescent Lamps in Series X X X X Arc Lamps in Series Alternating- Current Generator ' / ffTOW s Simple Switch Transformer Single-Pole Single Throw Switch (Open) Condenser Single-Pole Double 'Throw Switch (Open) Deta Connection Double-Pole Single- Throw Switch (Open) Star Connection TABLE A 399 RELATION OF METRIC AND ENGLISH MEASURES Equivalents of Linear Measures Millimeter Centimeter Decimeter Meter Decameter Hectometer Kilometer Meters English Measures Inches Feet Yards Miles .000621 .006214 .062 138 .621 382 .001 .01 .1 1. 10. 100. 1000. .039 371 3.937079 .328089 39.370790 .003 281 .032 809 .328089 3.280899 32.80899 328.0899 3280.899 .001 094 .010936 . 109 363 1.093633 10.936 33 109.3633 1093.633 English Measures Meters Reciprocals .02539954 39.37079 12 inches 1 foot .3047945 3.280899 3 feet 1 vard .9143835 1.093633 Equivalents of Surface Measures Square Meters English Measures Square inches Square feet Square yards Milliare .1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 10000. 1000000. 155.01 1550.06 15500.59 155005.9 1.076 10.764 107.64 1076.4 10764.3 107643. .119 1.196 11.960 119.6033 1096.033 11960.33 Diciare Decare (not used) Hectare Square Kilometer English Measures Metric Measures Reciprocals 6.451367 sq. cmt. . 1550059 144 sq in 1 sq ft 09289968 sq. m. 10.7642996 9 sq. ft.=l sq. yd .8360972 sq. m. 1.196033 Equivalents of Weights Grams English Weights Oz. avoir Lbs. avoir Tons 2000 Ibs. Tons 2240 Ibs. Milligram Centigram Decigram .001 .01 .1 1. 10. 100. 1000. .0353 .3527 3.5274 35.2739 .0022 .02205 .22046 2.2046 .001102 .000984 Gram Hectogram Kilogram English Weights "Avoirdupois" Grams Reciprocals .06479895 15.43234875 1 771836 .564383 16 drams=l oz.=437 . 5 grains 16 oz.l rjound==7000 grains 28.349375 453.592652 .0352739 .00220462 400 TABLE B TABLE OF COMPARISON OF CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SCALES Cent, Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. 32.0 26 78.8 51 123.8 76 168.8 1 33.8 27 80.6 52 125.6 77 170.6 2 35.6 28 82.4 53 127.4 78 172.4 3 37.4 29 84.2 54 129 2 79 179.2 4 39.2 30 86.0 55 131.0 80 176.0 5 41.0 31 87.8 56 132.8 81 177.8 6 42.8 32 89.6 57 134.6 82 179.6 7 44.6 33 91.4 58 136.4 83 181.2 8 46.4 34 93.2 59 138.2 84 183.4 9 48.2 35 95.0 60 140.0 85 185.0 10 50.0 36 96.8 61 141.8 86 186.8 11 51.8 37 98.6 62 143.6 87 188.6 12 53.6 38 100.4 63 145.4 88 190.4 13 55.4 39 102.2 64 147.2 89 192.2 14 57.2 40 104.0 65 149.0 90 194.0 15 59.0 41 105.8 66 150.8 91 195.8 16 60.8 42 107.6 67 152.6 92 197.6 17 62.6 43 109.4 68 154.4 93 199.4 18 64.4 44 111.2 69 156.2 94 201.2 19 66.2 45 113.0 70 158.0 95 203.0 20 68.0 46 114.8 71 159.8 96 204.8 21 69.8 47 116.6 72 161.6 97 206.6 22 71.6 48 118.4 73 163.4 98 208.4 23 73.4 49 120.2 74 165.2 99 210 2 24 75.2 50 122.0 . 75 167.0 100 212.0 25 77.0 One deg. Fahr.=.5556 deg. centigrade. One deg. centigrade=1.8 deg. Fahr. To convert Fahr. to centigrade, subtract 32, multiply by 5 and divide by 9. To convert centigrade to Fahr., multiply by 9, divide by 5 and add 32. If temperature is below freezing, the above formula should read "subtract from 32" in place of "subtract 32" and "add 32." TABLE C EQUIVALENT CROSS-SECTIONS OF DIFFERENT SIZE WIRES (Brown and Sharpe Gauge) Equiv. section Number of wires of various sizes 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 0000 3 6 9 12 15 18 000 1 4 7 10 13 16 One each CO 2 5 8 11 14 17 Iand3 3 6 9 12 15 18 2 and 4 1 4 7 10 13 16 3 and 5 2 5 8 11 14 17 4 and 6 3 6 9 12 15 18 5 and 7 4 7 10 13 16 6 and 8 5 8 11 14 17 7 and 9 6 9 12 15 18 8 and 10 7 10 13 16 9 and 11 8 11 14 17 ] 10 and 12 9 12 15 18 11 and 13 10 13 16 12 and 14 11 14 17 13 and 15 12 15 18 14 and 16 13 16 15 and 17 14 17 16 and 18 15 18 TABLE D 401 COMPARATIVE TABLE OF WIRE GAUGES American Wire Gauge (Brown & Shame) Birmingham Wire Gauge (Stubs) Standard Wire Gauge Gauge No. Diameter Area Diameter Area Diam'ter 4rea Inches Circular Mills Inches Circular Mills Inches Circular Mills 7-0 0.500 250000. 6-0 0.404 2 15300. 5-0 0.432 1 86600. 4-0 0.4600 211 600. 0.451 208 100. 0.400 160000. 3-0 0.4096 167 800. 0.425 180600. 0.372 1 38400. 2-0 3648 133100. 0.380 144 400. 0.348 1 21100. 1-0 0.3249 105 500. 0.340 115600 0.324 105000. 1 2893 83690. 0.300 90000. 0.300 90000. 2 257 6 66 370. 0.284 80660. 276 76180. 3 0.2294 52630. 0.259 67080. 0.252 63500. 4 0.2043 41 740. 0.238 56640. 0.232 53820. 5 0.1819 33100 0.220 48400. 0.212 44940. 6 0.1620 26250. 0.203 41 210. 0.192 36860. 7 0.1443 20 820. 0.180 32400. 0.176 30980. 8 0.1285 16 510. 0.165 27230. 0.160 256oO. 9 0.1144 13090. 0.148 21900. 0.144 20740. 10 0.1019 10380. 0.134 17960. 0.128 16380. 11 009074 8234. 0.120 14400. 0.116 13460. 12 0.08081 6530. 0.109 11880. 0.104 10820. 13 0.071 96 5178. 0.0950 9025. 0.092 8464. 14 0.06408 4107. 0.083 6889. 0.080 6400. 15 0.05707 3257. 0.0720 5184. 0.072 5184. 16 0.05082 2583. 0.0650 4225. 0.064 4096. 17 0.04526 2048. 0.0580 3364. 0.056 3136. 18 0.04030 1624. 0.0490 2401. 0.048 2304. 19 0.03589 1288. 0.0420 1764. 0.040 1600. 20 0.03196 1022. 0.0350 1225. 0.036 1296. 21 0.02846 810.1 0.0320 1024. 0.032 1024. 22 0.025 35 642.4 0.0280 784. 0.028 784.0 23 0.02257 509.5 0.0250 625. 0.024 576.0 24 0.020 10 404.0 0.0220 484. 0.022 484.0 25 0.01790 320.4 0.0200 400. 0.020 400.0 26 0.01594 254.1 0.0180 324. 0.018 324.0 27 0.01420 201.5 0.0160 256. 0.016 4 269.0 28 0.01264 159.8 0.014.0 196. 0.014 8 219.0 29 0.01126 126.7 0.0130 169. 0.013 6 185.0 30 0.01o03 100.5 0.0120 144. 0.012 4 153.8 31 0.008928 79.70 0.0100 100. 0.0116 134.6 32 0.007950 63.21 0.0090 81. 0.0108 116.6 33 0.007080 50.13 0.0080 64. 0.0100 100.0 34 0.006305 39.75 0.0070 49. 0.0092 84.64 35 0.005615 31.52 0.0050 25. 0.0084 70.56 36 0.005000 25.00 0.0044 16. 0.0076 67.76 37 004 453 19.83 0068 46.24 38 0.003965 15.72 0.0060 36.00 39 003 531 12.47 0052 27 04 40 0.003145 9.888 0.0048 23.04 41 0.0044 19.36 402 TABLE E COPPER WIRE TABLE OF AMERICAN Giving Weights and Lengths of cool, warm and hot wires, B.&S. or A. W. G. Diameter Area Lbs. Per Foot Inches Circular miles Sq. in. Sq. miles 68 F. 20 C. 0000 0.460 211600 166 190 0.6405 13090 000 0.4096 167800 131 790 0.5080 8232 00 0.3648 133100 104518 0.4028 5177 0.3249 105500 82887 0.3195 3256 1 0.289 3 83 690 65732 0.2533 2048 2 0.257 6 66370 52128 0.2009 1288. 3 0.2294 52630 41339 0. 159 3 810.0 4 0.2043 41 740 32784 0.1264 509.4 5 0.1819 33100 25999 0.1002 320.4 6 0.1620 26250 20 618 0.079 46 2015 7 0.1443 20820 16351 0.6302 126.7 8 0.1285 16 510 12967 0.04998 79.69 9 0.1144 13090 10283 0.03963 50.12 10 0.1019 10380 8155 0.03143 31.52 11 0.09074 8234 6467 0.024 93 19.82 12 0.08081 6530 5129 0.01977 12.47 13 0.071 96 5178 4067 0.01.568 7.840 14 0.06408 4107 3225 0.01243 4.931 15 0.05707 3257 2558 0.009 858 3.101 16 0.05082 2583 2029 0.007818 1.950 17 0.04526 2048 1609 0.006200 1.226 18 0.04030 1624 1276 0.004917 0.771 3 19 0.03589 1288 1012 0.003899 0.4851 20 0.031 96 1022 802 0.003092 0.3051 21 0.02846 810.1 632.3 0.002452 0.1919 22 0.025 35 642.4 504.6 0.001 945 1207 23 0.02257 509.5 400.2 0.001 542 0.07589 24 0.020 10 404.0 317.3 0.001 223 0.04773 25 0.01790 324.4 251.7 0.000 969 9 0.03002 26 0.015 94 254.1 199.6 0.0007692 0.01888 27 0.0142 201.5 158.3 0.0006100 0.011 87 28 0.01264 159.8 125.5 0.0004837 0.007466 29 0.01126 126.7 99.53 0.0003836 0.004 696 30 0.01003 100.5 78.94 0.0003042 0.002953 31 0.008928 79.70 62.60 0.0002413 0.001857 32 0.007 950 63.21 49.64 0.0001913 0.001 168 33 0.007080 50.13 39.37 0.000 1517 0000 734 6 34 0.006 305 39.75 31.22 0.0001203 0.0004620 35 0.005 615 31.52 24.76 0.00009543 0.0002905 36 0.0050 25.0 19.64 0.00007568 0.0001827 37 0.004 453 19.83 15.57 0.00006001 0.0001149 38 0.003965 15.72 12.35 0.00004759 0.00007210 39 0.003 531 12.47 9.79 0.00003774 0.00004545 40 0.003 145 9.888 7.77 0.00002993 0.00002858 TABLE E 403 INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS of Matthiessen's standard of conductivity. Ibs. per Ohm. Feet Tier Pound Feet Per ohm 122 F. 50 C. 176 F. 80 C. 68 F. 20 C. 122 F. 50 C. 176 F. 80 C. 11720 10570 1.561 20440 18290 16510 7369 6647 1.969 16210 14510 13090 4634 4 182 2.482 12850 11500 10380 2914 2630 3 130 10190 9 123 8232 1833 1654 3.947 8083 7235 6528 1153 1040 4.977 6410 5738 5177 725.0 654.2 6.276 5084 4550 4106 455.9 411.4 7.914 4031 3608 3256 286.7 258.7 9.980 3 1 *** > fl3 (X ^ o .-*5 x ^ >"B i ^2 ^0*1 i -H a^^ | J -H A 4i n Il S | N 11 1+^ SI UI = da}g ppi^ 1-1 i i TH TH Number of In- ductors = Z 5 "l^ ll (H (H !H f-i oil rH 5fii TH CO >^ ^ p Smpui^ 1 j _ | Ji-H^HOOOO o O -*C^~HC500t^cOO "3 ^" * W C^l (M 1-1 I-H O O g ^ Q O 00 S5 H Tt.l>-! lOtOTjlTjtcOC^iM'-HOO QOOO O 00 53 & O IcC OJ O OJ OO t>- t OOiOTt^ -^-!O"5OTficOC^ (Mr-ti-H OO O OO OOO 1-1 I-H -H i-H r-t i 1 g S CO * CO (M ^H O OO5O5OO^-l>'OCOiO^COCO(MC^'^'-^r-iOOOg55 1 s O Tfi CO CO C O5 00 t^ CO CO >O 1C Tf Tfl Tfi CO CO CO W N S : : : : s s S F 2222^2^ 8 o| 4 ^^CNCO^^cOt^ OOO.OCN^COOOO^OJO^.nOJggJgOJOggg 412 TABLE N WIRING TABLE FOR TWO PER CENT LOSS OX A 110- VOLT CIRCUIT Table for 2.2 Volts Loss DISTANCE IN FEET TO CENTER OF DISTRIBUTION (Wire sizes in B. & S. Gauge) r s= ^ 00 00 i S | SSS o o i i!i: 00 1 T " H 83g 5 Sg 00 1 T oo 1 1 oo S s t s= i SIS S S 1 2|S 2 S S 3S >> r *.*.oe, oggg 8 sis 2 CM * ' * OO O> OO OO t*~ t^ to 1C ^ ^ CO CO CM '-H I-H O O O g ... ^i^, ^ 2 22 S3 2 oooo^tooo^^coc.^^^0 tO 2 -H g^g-gS-^o-5-oor.^.o-s^^eo-. ..... to 2133 22 232 SS * 001 ^ 500 " 5 "* ^ : : 2 i22I^S 222 2 3 S ^ "" ^ l ' l '" u " g :::::: : 22 S2ISS2 SSSSS 030 - en 21 10 TABLE 413 WIRING TABLE FOR TWO PER CENT LOSS ON A 220-VOLT CIRCUIT Table for 4.4 Volts Loss DISTANCE IN FEET TO CENTER OF DISTRIBUTION (Wire sizes in B. & S. Gauge) No. of amperes Si 3 -=- 3 3 S 8 B 8 fj 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 1.5 16 15 M 2 16 15 15 "" TT-TT 3 16 15 15 "IT "IT T3 12 15! 4 16 15 15 13 13 13 12 12 11 11 5 16 15 T4 13 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 6 16 15 15 13 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 7 16 15 T4 T4 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 9 15 15 13 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 10 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 12 16 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 14 16 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 16 16 15 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 18 15 14 13 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 20 16 15 14 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 25 16 14 13 12 [1 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 30 15 13 [2 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 35 1 13 [j 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 40 14 12 [j 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 45 13 12 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 50 13 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 60 12 [0 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 00 70 11 10 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 00 00 000 80 11 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 00 00 000 000 90 10 9 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 00 00 000 000 0000 100 10 8 j 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 00 000 000 0000 0000 120 9 7 6 5 4 4 31 3 2 1 1 00 000 000 0000 0000 414 SYMBOLS FOR WIRING PLANS STANDARD SYMBOLS FOR WIRING PLANS IU1101UI OKTUCAl COXTtACTORS ASSOCIATION OF THE IWITED STATEs"a* THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, {4} Ceilint Outlet; Electric only. Humeral in center indicates numoer of Standard 16 C. P. Incandescent Lasps. 3J Ceiling Outlet; Combination. } indicate! 4-16 C. P. Standard Incandeicent Lampi and 2 Oai Buraen. If gai i -@ Bracket Outlet; Electric only. Humeral in center indicate! number of Sta ndard 16 C. P. Incandeicent Lam; ?HXJ f Bracket Outlet; Combination, j indicate! 4-16 C. P. Standard Incandeicent Lamp, and 2 Oai Burnen. If ga: ^-{5 Wall or Baseboard Beceptacle Outlet. Humeral in center indicates number of Standard 16 C. P. Incandeicen ^ Floor Outlet. Humeral in center indicates number of Standard 16 C. P Incandeicent Lamps. JJ 6 Outlet for Outdoor Standard or Pedestal; Electric only. Humeral indicates number of Stand 16 C P. Lamps 0| Outlet for Outdoor Standard or Pedestal; Combination, f indicates 6-16 C. P. Stand. Incan. Lamp: 6 Oai B J{ Drop Cord Outlet One Light Outlet, for Lamp Eeccptaele. 3 Arc Lamp Outlet Q Special Outlet, for Lighting, Heating and Power Current, as described in Specification!. CQo CeUil * Fan " Uet - Show ai many Symbols as there are Switches. Or in case of a very large group of Switches, indicate number of Switchei by a Roman numeral, thai: S> XII. meaning 12 Single Pole Switchei. Describe Type of Switch in Specification!, that is, Flush or Surface, Push Button or Snap, 8. P. Switch Outlet. D. P. Switch Outlet. 8-Wey Switch Outlet. 4- Way Switch Outlet automatic Door Switch Outlet Electrolier Switch Outlet a Diitribution Panel Junction or Pull Box. Motor Outlet; Numeral in center Indicate! Rone Power. Motor Control Outlet Main or Feeder ran concealed under Floor. Feeder ran concealed under Floor above. Branch Circuit run concealed under Floor. Branch Circuit ran concealed under Floor then. - 4 HD fJJ Telephone Outlet; Public Sen-ice. Bell Outlet Butter Outlet. Push Button Outlet ; Humeral indicates number of Pushes, Annunciator; Humeral indicates aaaate rf Pointa. Speaking Tube. Watchman Clock Outlet. Watchman Station Outlet. Matter Time Clock Outlet. Secondary Time Clock Outlet Door Opener. Special Outlet ; Tor Signal Systems, as described In Specttettlont. SUCCESTIONS IN DARD SYMBOLS FOR PLANS It la Important that ample- apace be allowed for the initallatlon of main*, feed- en, branches and distribution panels. It li desirable that a key to the symbols used accompany all plans If mains, feeders, branches and die- tribution panels are shown on the plena, it la desirable that they be designated by letters or numbers. Hdf hts of Centre ol Wall Outlets (uolcai otherwise specified) LlTinj Rooms 5' 8" Chambers ' 0" Offices ' 0' Corridor! 6' 3' Height of Switchei (unless otherwise spcc- Uied) ' 4' 0- Copyrighted I Circuit for Clock, Telephone, Bell or other Serrice, ran under Floor, concealed (Kind of Service wanted ascertained by Symbol to which line connects. ( Omit for Clock, Telephone, Bell or ether Serrlce. ran under Poor abore, concealed. \ Kind of Serrioe wanted ascertained by Symbol to which line connect!. ROTX If ether than Standard 18 C. P. Incandescent lamps an Bpecdnoatloni should describe capacity of Lamp to be uted. PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY 415 SUMMARY OF DIRECT- AND ALTERNATING-CURRENT RELATIONS SYNOPSIS OF UNITS AND SYMBOLS IN GENERAL USE Unit Name Symbols DEFINING EQUATIONS Direct Current Alternating Current Electromotive Force Current Resistance Power Impedance Reactance Inductance Capacity Quantity Admittance Conductance Susceptance Volt Ampere Ohm Watt Ohm Ohm Henry Farad Coulomb Mho Mho Mho E, e I, i R. r P Z, z X, x L, 1 C, c Q, Q Y, y G, g B, b IR E-^-R El Q X -M: IXtime I-^R IZ E+Z VZ 2 X 2 ElXp.f. VR 2 -f-X 2 VZ 2 R 2 Q-^E IXtime R-=-Z 2 =VY 2 B 2 X+Z^VY'-G 2 * Linkage=turnsXmagnetic flux. DIRECT-CURRENT RELATIONS Electromotive Force, represented by E or e. Current times resistance I X R. Watts divided by current P -f- 1. Current, represented by I or i. E.m.f. divided by resistance E -=- R. Watts divided by e.m.f. P-=-E.. Resistance, represented by R or r. E.m.f. divided by current E -=- I. Watts divided by square of current P -f- 12. Watts, represented by P. E.m.f. times current E X I. Square of current times resistance I 2 X R. Square of e.m.f. divided by resistance ES R. Resistances in Series. The total resistance of a number of resistances in series is equal to the sum of all of them. R = R x + R., + R 3 +. . . 416 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY Resistances in Parallel. The joint resistance of two resistances in parallel is equal to their product divided by their sum. R = (Ri X R?) (Ri + Ro). The joint resistance of a number of resistances connected in parallel is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals. R! R 2 R 3 ' ' ' ' If conductance is used in place of resistance, the joint resistance is the reciprocal of the sum of the conduct- ances. G, + G, + ALTERNATING-CURRENT RELATIONS Impressed e.m.f., represented by E. Current times impedance I X Z. Current divided by admittance I -r- Y. Inductive e.m.f. divided by sine of lag or lead angle (re- active factor) E! -r- r.f. Effective e.m.f. divided by cosine of lag or lead angle (power factor) E r -*- p.f. The square root of the sum of the squares of the resultant reactive e.m.f. and the effective e.m.f. E = VEr2 -f- (Ei EC) 2. Inductive e.m.f., represented by Ej. 6.28 times frequency times inductance reactance = 27rfLI. Current times inductance reactance. Impressed e.m.f. times sine of lag angle (reactive factor) if there is no capacity E X r.f. The square root of the square of impressed, minus the square of effective e.m.f. if the current lags and there is no capacity. ______ Ei = VE2 E r 2. Condensive e.m.f., represented by E c . Current times one divided by 6.28 times the frequency times the capacity I X (1 H- 2irfC). Current times capacity reactance I X X... Impressed e.m.f. times sine of lead angle (reactive factor) if there is no inductance E X r.f. The square root of the square of the impressed minus the square of the effective e.m.f. if the current leads and there is no inductance. PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY 417 Effective e.m.f., represented by E r . Current times resistance I X R. Current divided by conductance I -=- G. True watts divided by current P -j- I. Impressed e.m.f. times cosine of lag or lead angle (power factor) E X p.f. The square root of the. square of the impressed e.m.f. minus the square of the reactive e.m.f. Current, represented by I or i. Effective e.m.f. divided by resistance E -*- R. Effective e.m.f. multiplied by conductance E X G. Impressed e.m.f. divided by impedance E -=- Z. Impresed e.m.f. multiplied by admittance E X Y. True watts divided by impressed e.m.f. times power factor (cosine angle of lag or lead) P -4- (E X p.f.). Reactive e.m.f. divided by reactance. The square root of true watts divided by resistance 1= VP-i-R. Impedance, represented by Z or z. Impressed e.m.f. divided by current E -*- Z. Resistance divided by power factor (cosine of lag or lead angle) R -=- p.f. Reactance divided by reactive factor (sine of lag or lead angle) X -r- r.f. The square root of the sum of the squares of resistance and reactance VR 2 + X^. Resistance, represented by R or r. Impedance times power factor (cosine of lag or lead angle) Z X p.f. The square of effective e.m.f. divided by true watts E,,2 -=- p. Effective e.m.f. divided by current Er -*- I. True watts divided by square of current P -=- 12. The square root of impedance squared minus square of reactance VZ^ X-V Reactance (inductive), represented by X x . 6.28 times inductance times frequency 2?rLf. Impedance times reactive factor (sine of lag angle) Z X r.f. Reactance (condensive), represented by X c . 1 divided by 6.28 times frequency, times capacity 6.28 f C Impedance times reactive factor (sine of lead angle) Z X r.f. Condensive e.m.f. divided by current. Admittance, represented by Y or y. One divided by impedance 1 -f- Z. Current divided by e.m.f. I -f- E. 418 PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECTRICITY The square root of the sum of the squares of conductance and susceptance, Y = VG 2 + B2. Susceptance, represented by B or b. Admittance times sine of lag or lead angle (reactive factor) Y X r.f. Sine of lag or lead angle divided by impedance, r.f. -r- Z. The square root of the square of admittance minus the square of conductance, B = VY2 G2. One divided by reactance if there is no resistance 1 H- X. Conductance, represented by G or g. Admittance times cosine of lag or lead angle (power factor) Y X p.f. Cosine of lag or lead angle divided by impedance p.f. -=- Z. The square root of the square of admittance minus the square of susceptance, G = VY^ B2. One divided by resistance (for direct current) 1 -r- R. Power (true watts), represented by P. Effective e.m.f. times current E r X I. Impressed e.m.f. times current times power factor E X I X p.f. Square of current times resistance 12 x R. Square of current divided by conductance (no reactance) 12 --G. Impedance times current squared times power factor Z X I 2 X p.f. Apparent Watts, represented by P. Impressed e.m.f. times current E X I. Square of current times impedance 12 X Z. Square of current divided by admittance 12 -5- Y. Power Factor. True watts divided by apparent watts P -=- (E X I). Resistance divided by impedance R -f- Z. Effective e.m.f. divided by impressed e.m.f. E r -f- E. Reactance Factor. Reactance divided by the resistance X H- R. Reactive Factor. Wattles volt-amperes divided by the total volt-amperes XXl-^-ZXl = X^-Z = sine of the angle of lag or lead. INDEX A PAGE Admittance of a circuit 349 Alternating-current circuit 332 addition and subtraction of vectors 338 alternation 333 chemical and heating effects of 334 cycle 333 definition of alternating current 332 determining value of power factor 354 electromotive force required to overcome resistance 339 electromotive force required to overcome resistance, inductance, and capacity 344 factors determining value of a. c 338 frequency 333 hydraulic analogy of alternating current 332 hydraulic analogy of capacity 342 hydraulic analogy of inductance 339 impedance of a circuit 347 impedance diagram 348 impedances in parallel 349 impedances in series 348 instantaneous power in 353 maximum, average and effective values of e.m.f.... 336 period 333 phase 333 phase relation of current and potential drops in a divided circuit 352 phase relation of current and potential drops in a series circuit 351 phase relation of e.m.f. to overcome inductance, etc. 341 problems on 356 reactance of a circuit. . 347 INDEX Alternating-current circuit continued PAGE sine wave e.m.f 335 synchronism 333 total e.m.f. required to produce a given alternating current 346 vector representation of alternating e.m.f.'s and currents 338 wattmeter indicates true power in 355 Alternating current machinery 358 alternators 358 connecting receiving circuits to a three-phase system 364 induction generator 384 induction motor 379 measurement of power in single-phase system 365 measurement of power in three-phase system 367 measurement of power in two-phase system 365 relation of e.m.f. and current in "Y" and "A" con- nected armatures 362 rotating magnetic field 378 synchronizing 371 synchronous converter 385 synchronous motor 368 transformer 372 Alternation, definition of 333 Alternators 358 inductor' 358 single-phase 360 with stationary armatures 358 with stationary fields 358 three-phase 361 Amalgamation 60 Ammeter 122-132 Ammeter, calibration of 163 Ammeter shunts 124 Ampere, definition of 6-10 Ampere-hour meters 159 Ampere-turns, definition of 94 Angle of lag, definition of 182 Angle of lead, definition of 182 Armature coil 227 Armature inductor 226 INDEX PAGE Armature reaction 180 Armature reaction, means of reducing 183 Armatures 219 armature core 219 armature-core stampings 220 ventilation 221 armature windings 224 armature coil 227 armature inductor 226 drum windings 230 element of 227 equipotential connections 235 front and back pitch, choice of 234 multiplex windings 232 number of commutator segments 227 number of paths through 233 pitch of winding and field step 228 re-entrancy 232 ring windings 229 table 335 brushes and brush holders 223 commutator 222 commutator risers 222 construction of 223 Anode, definition of 126 Artificial magnets 77 Automobile motors 212 Auto-transformer 377 B Balanced load 261 Bichromate cell 65 Bonding, definition of 129 Boosters 267 Bremer flaming-arc lamp 304 British thermal heat unit, definition of 142 Brushes and brush holders 223 Bunsen photometer 308 Bus-bars 270 INDEX C PAGE Calculation of illumination 310 Calculation of resistance of conductor 318 Calculation of size of conductor when allowable drop and current are given 319 Calibration of instruments 161 ammeters 163 voltmeters 161 wattmeter 163 Carbon arc lamp 294 Carbon-filament lamp . . 299 Cathion, definition of 126 Cathode, definition of 126 Chemical depolarization 65 Fuller cell 66 Grenet cell 65 Leclanche cell 67 Chemicals used in cells and their symbols 65 Choice of material to use as conductor 317 Circuit breakers 273 Circular mil, definition of 28 Closed-coil windings 225 Commercial wheatstone bridge 54 Commutation of generator 185 Commutator pitch 229 Compensated wattmeter 155 Compound generators in parallel *. . 271 Compound motor 194 Compound motor, characteristics of 208 Compound-wound generator 179 Concealed "knob and tube" work 325 Condenser 145 capacity of 145 connection of in series and parallel 147 dielectric 145 problems on 149 relation of impressed voltage, quantity and con- denser capacity 148 Conductance of a circuit 349 Conductance of a conductor 18 INDEX PAGE Conductors 6 Conductors, area of circular 20 Constant-current distribution 258 Constant-voltage distribution 257 Coulomb, definition of 6-9 Counter electromotive force 199 Cumulative compound motor 195 Current, definition of 4 Current of electricity 6 Current, uniformity of in series circuit 35 Cycle, definition of 333 D Daniell cell 64 Daniell cells, electro-chemical depolarization of 67 D'Arsonval ammeters 134 D'Arsonval galvanometer 133 D'Arsonval voltmeters 134 Dead-line release 205 Diamagnetic, definition of 82 Dielectric 145 Differential compound motor 195 Differential shunt. . . ., 298 Direct-current dynamos, diseases of . . ' 280 Direct-current generator 166 adaptability of 189 armature of a dynamo 173 armature reaction 180 back turns 182 building up of 187 capacity of 186 commercial rating of 191 commutation of 185 compound-wound 179 cross-turns 182 efficiency of 190 external characteristics of 187 losses in 189 magnetic field of a dynamo 173 INDEX Direct-current generator continued PAGE magnetic leakage 17* multiple-coil armatures 171 problems on 191 reducing armature reaction 183 self-excitation of 177 separate excitation of 177 series-wound 178 simple alternator. 168 simple direct-current dynamo 170 simple dynamo 166 shunt-wound 178 values of induced e.m.f. in armature winding 176 Direct-deflection method of measuring resistance 50 Direct-current motors 193 adaptability of 208 armature reaction in 196 automobile 212 characteristics of 207 combined starting and field-regulating rheostats... 206 compound 194 construction of 209 counter electromotive force 199 dead-line release 205 efficiency of 215 elevator and crane 214 Fleming's left-hand rule 193 fundamental principle of 193 interchangeability of motor and generator 193 interpole motor 203 mechanical output of 198 normal speed of 199 overload release 206 position of brushes on 197 problems on 217 railway 210 regulating speed of 200 series 194 shunt 194 speed regulation 206 starting 204 INDEX Direct-current motors continued PAGE starting boxes 205 torque exerted on 198 Ward Leonard system of speed control 203 Diseases of direct-current dynamos 280 dynamo fails to generate 290 heating of armature 284 heating of bearings 285 heating of field coils 284 motor runs backward or against the brushes 290 motor stops 289 noise 287 sparking at brushes caused by excessive current in armature due to overload 282 sparking at brushes due to fault of armature 283 sparking at brushes due to fault of brushes 280 sparking at brushes due to fault of commutator or magnetic field 281 speed too high 288 speed too low 289 suggestions and precautions 292 Disk windings 224 Distribution curves : 310 Distribution and operation 257 boosters 267 circuit breakers 273 constant-current distribution 258 compound generators in parallel 271 constant-voltage distribution 257 drop in potential in the neutral wire 261 dynamotors 265 Edison three-wire system of distribution 259 ground detectors 275 instructions for starting a generator or motor 276 motor generators, or balar cers 267 operation of compound motors 273 operation of generators and motors for combined output 269 operation of series motors in series and parallel.... 272 operation of shunt motors in series and parallel 272 rheostat 274 INDEX Distribution and operation continued PAGI) series generators connected for combined output. ... 27( j series-parallel system of distribution 25i shunt generators connected for combined output 26i starting and stopping compound generators that are operating in parallel 27 switchboard 27 switches 27J three-wire generators 26; Drop in potential in the neutral wire 261 Drum windings 224 lap 23( progressive 231 retrogressive 231 wave 231 Dry cells 6 Dynamic brake 21E Dynamotor as an equalizer 26 Dynamotors 26!; E Eddy currents Ill Eddy-current loss 11 Edison chemical meter 15J Edison storage battery 241 care of 25( chemistry of 24J Edison three-wire system of distribution 25i Effect different colored walls have upon general illumi- nation 3: Electric heaters 32< Electric generators and motors 33( Electric lamp 29' Electric lighting 29- Bremer flaming-arc lamp 30^ Bunsen photometer 30* calculation of illumination 31( carbon arc lamp 29^ carbon-filament lamp 291 distribution curves . 31( INDEX ilectric lighting continued PAGE effect different colored walls have upon general illu- mination 315 electric lamp 294 flaming arc 304 glow lamp - 299 heftier lamp 307 mercury vapor lamp 304 metalized carbon-filament or gem lamp 300 Moore tube 300 multiple arc lamps 296 Nernst lamp 303 photometry 307 regulation of arc lamps on constant-voltage and con- stant-current circuit 295 series arc lamps 297 shades, reflectors, and diffusers 314 specific consumption of lamps 309 tantalum lamp 300 tungsten lamp 301 units of illumination 307 vapor lamp 303 Electric wiring 316 calculation of resistance of conductor 318 calculation of size of conductor when allowable drop and current are given 319 choice of material to use as conductor 317 concealed "knob and tube" work 325 electric generators and motors 330 electric heaters 329 electrical inspection 330 factors determining size of conductors 316 installing arc lamps and fixtures 329 interior conduit and armored cable work 326 location of outlets, switches, and distributing board. 328 methods of wiring and rules governing s?me 322 motor wiring formula 321 moulding work 324 open, or exposed, work 323 service wires 327 wiring in general 316 INDEX PAGE Electrical circuit 1 compared with hydraulic circuit 5 conductors 6 coulomb, ampere, ohm, and volt 9 current of electricity 6 derived units 15 electrical force 11 electrical power 13 electrical quantities , 6 electrical work or energy 12 electromotive force 7 fundamental units 15 hydraulic analogy of 2 insulators 7 Joule, unit of electrical work 12 kilowatt 14 kilowatt-hour 15 mechanical horse-power 14 * Ohm's Law 8 resistance 6 watt-hour 15 Electrical force, definition of 11 Electrical inspection 330 Electrical instruments 121 ammeter 122 ammeter shunts 124 calibration of instruments 161 galvanometer 122 measurement of power 151 operation depending on electro-chemical effect 125 electrolysis 125 electroplating 127 electrotyping 128 polarity indicator 128 weight voltameter 129 operation depending on electrostatic effect 145 electrostatic voltmeter 150 condenser 145 operation depending on heating effect 141 hot-wire instruments . 143 INDEX Electrical instruments continued PAGE operation depending on magnetic effect 132 electro-dynamometer 139 magnetic vane ammeter or voltmeter 138 plunger type ammeter or voltmeter 137 tangent galvanometer 132 Thomsen inclined-coil instruments 138 voltmeter 122 Electrical power, unit of 13 Electrical quantities 6 Electrical units .' 12-16 derived units 15 fundamental units 15 horse-power 14 Joule 12 kilowatt 14 kilowatt-hour 15 systems of units 16 watt 13 watt-hour 15 Electrical work or energy 12 Electricity, definition of 1 Electro-chemical depolarization 67 Electrodynamometer 139 Electrodes, definition of 125 Electrolysis 125-127 of copper sulphate 127 definition of 125 Electrolyte 241 Electrolytic action, prevention of 128 Electrolytic cell, definition of 125 Electromagnet 98 Electromagnetic induction 102 currents induced in coil. .- 105 .currents induced in conductor 102 eddy currents 117 induced pressures, rules for 116 inductance 114 Lentz's law 115 magnitude of induced e.m.f 106 mutual induction 113 INDEX Electromagnetic induction continued PAGE non-inductive circuit 119 primary coils 109 secondary coil 109 self-induction 113 Electromagnetism 86 direction of an electromagnetic field 86 electromagnet 98 law of traction 101 magnetic field around conductor carrying current... 86 magnetomotive force 93 permeability 92 problems on 97 reluctance 95 rules for determining direction of field 88 solenoid 89 strength of magnetic field 89 toroid 92 Electromotive force 7 Electromotive force in a circuit, effective 38 Electromotive force of a cell, factors determining 62 Electromotive force and potential difference 7 Electroplating 127 Electrostatic voltmeter 150 Electrotyping 128 Elevator and crane motors 214 Equalizer 271 Evershed ohmmeter, principle of 56 F Factors determining size of conductors 316 Feeder valve 306 Field rheostat 178 Flaming arc ; 304 Flashing 300 Fleming's motor rule 193 Foot-candle 307 Frequency, definition of 333 frequency changer 384 Friction brake 214 Fuller cell . 64 INDEX G PAGE Galvanometer 122 Gauss, definition of 94 Generator panels and feeder panels 273 Gilbert, definition of 94 Glow lamp 299 Grenet cell 63-65 Ground detectors 275 H Heating effect of a current, commercial applications of. . 142 Hefner lamp 307 Hefner unit 307 Henry, unit of inductance 115 Horse-power 14 electrical 14 mechanical 14 Horseshoe magnet 85 Hot-wire instruments 143 Hydraulic analogy of electrical circuit 2 Hydraulic circuit compared with electrical : 5 Hydrometer 242 Hysteresis 98 definition of 83 loss 99 I Induced electromotive force ,V 102 direction of 107 magnitude of ' 106 rules for determining 109 in secondary coil 109 Induced pressures, rules for 116 Inductor alternators 358 Inductance 114 Induction generator 384 Induction motor 379 methods of starting 382 INDEX Indication motor continued PAGE operation of 381 rotor 380 speed regulation of 381 "squirrel-cage" type 380 stator 380 Installing arc lamps and fixtures 329 Instructions for starting a generator or motor 276 Insulators 7 Integrating wattmeters 159 Interior conduit and armored cable work 326 Internal resistance 62 International ohm, definition of 10 Interpole motor 203 Ions, definition of , 126 J Joule, unit of electrical work and energy 12 K Kicking box 325 Kilovolt, definition of 10 L Lalande cell 64 Lead storage cells 237 action of, while charging 238 action of, while discharging 238 Leakage coefficient 176 Leclanche cell 63 Lentz's law 115 Location of outlets, switches, 'and distributing board. . . . 328 Logarithms 390 characteristic, definition of 391 common system of 390 definition of 390 to find a number whose log is given 391 how to obtain log of a number from table 391 laws of indices 390 mantissa, definition of 391 INDEX M PAGE Magnet '. 77 artificial 77 permanent 84 poles of 78 currents induced in a conductor by 102 Magnetic attraction 78 Magnetic circuit, materials used in construction of 175 Magnetic field of a dynamo 173 air gap 174 armature core 174 field cores 173 pole face 174 pole pieces 174 yoke 173 Magnetic field of force 80 distortion of 81 making of 81 Magnetic field, strength of 89 Magnetic force 79 Magnetic flux 94 Magnetic induction , 82 Magnetic leakage 176 Magnetic lines of force 80 Magnetic meridian 78 Magnetic needle 78 Magnetic repulsion 78 Magnetism 77 magnet 77 magnetic attraction 78 magnetic field 80 magnetic force . 79 magnetic lines of force 80 magnetic induction 82 magnetic needle 78 magnetic repulsion 78 magnetizable metals 79 molecular theory of 83 retention of magnetization 82 Magnetizable metals 79 INDEX PAGE Magnetization curve 187 Magnetization, retention of 82 Magnetomotive force 93 Maximum demand meters. 160 Maxwell, definition of. 94 Mean horizontal candle-power 307 Mechanical depolarization 65 Megohm, definition of 10 Mercury vapor lamp 304 Metalized carbon-filament or gem lamp 300 Methods of wiring and rules governing same 322 Microhm, definition of 10 Mil-foot resistance 29 Millivolt, definition of 10 Molecular theory of magnetism 83 Moore tuhe 306 Motor-generators, or balancers 267 Motor wiring formula 321 Moulding work 324 Multiple arc lamps 296 Multipliers 136 Multiplex windings 232 Mutual induction 113 N Negative booster 268 Negative grid 238 Nernst lamp 303 Neutral wire 260 No-load current 373 Non-lead storage cells 246 Non-inductive circuit 119 O Ohmmeter 56 Ohm's law 8 problems on 10 Open-coil windings 226 Open, or exposed, work 323 INDEX PAGE Operation of compound motors 273 Operation of generators and motors for combined output. 269 Operation of series motors in series and parallel 272 Operation of shunt motors in series and parallel 272 Overload release 206 Oversulphation 243 P Panels 273 Paramagnetic, definition of 82 Period of an e.m.f., definition of 333 Permanent magnets, application of 84 Permeability 92 Phase, definition of 333 Photometer 307 Photometer bench 309 Photometry 307 Polarity, definition of 78 Polarity indicator 128 Polarity of solenoids 91 Polarization 60 chemical means of prevention 61 electro-chemical means of prevention 62 mechanical means of prevention 61 Poles of a magnet 78 Portable storage batteries 251 Positive grid 238 Potential difference, relation of, to resistance 36 Power, measurement of 151 Power and energy calculations, problems on 16 Power factor 354 Pressure, definition of Primary batteries 58 amalgamation 60 cell requirements 70 chemical action in battery 59 chemical depolarization 65 chemicals used in cells 65 closed-circuit cell 63 INDEX Primary batteries continued PAGE double-fluid cell 64 dry cells 68 electro-chemical depolarization 67 electromotive force of a cell 62 grouping of cells, problems on 74 internal resistance 62 local action in battery 60 mechanical depolarization 65 open-circuit cell 63 parallel connection of cells 72 polarization 60 primary cell 63 secondary cell 63 series connections of cells 70 series and parallel combinations of cells 73 single-fluid cell 64 standard cells 69 voltaic cells 58 Primary cells, forms of 64 Prony brake 216 R Railway motors and their control 210 Reactance coil 296 Re-entrant windings 232 Regulation of arc lamps on constant-voltage and con- stant-current circuit 295 Relative conductivity of a material 30 Relative resistance of a material 30 Reluctance of magnetic circuit 95 Resistance, calculation of 18 area of circular conductors 20 changes with temperature 21 from dimensions and specific resistance 31 due to change in temperature 24 meaning of (K) 28 mil-foot resistance 29 relation to physical dimensions 27 relation between square and circular-mil measure. .. 30 INDEX Resistance, calculation of continued PAGE relative conductivity 30 relative resistance 30 specific resistance 28 temperature coefficient 21 varies inversely as cross-section of conductor 19 varies directly as the length of conductor 18 Resistance, definition of 4 Resistance, measurement of 44 commercial Wheatstone bridge 54 by comparison 47 direct-deflection method 50 drop in potential method 44 ohmmeter 56 series voltmeter method 48 slide-wire Wheatstone bridge 52 Resuscitation from apparent death from electric shock.. 386 Reverse-current 274 Rheostats 205, 274 Right-hand screw rule 88 Ring windings 224 series-connected' wave-wound 230 spirally-wound 229 S Screen 308 Self-excitation of generator 177 Self-induction 113 Separate excitation of generator 177 Series arc lamps 297 Series and divided circuits 34 effective e.m.f. in a circuit 38 parallel or multiple grouping 39 problems on 43 relation of p.d. to resistance 36 resistance* of 37 series grouping , 34 series and parallel combinations 42 uniformity of current 35 Series generators connected for combined output 270 INDEX PAGE Series motor 194 characteristics of 207 Series-parallel system of distribution 259 Series voltmeter method of measuring resistance 48 Series-wound generator 178 Service wires 327 Shades, reflectors, and diff users 314 Shunt generators connected for combined output 269 Shunt motor 194 characteristics of 207 Shunt-wound generator 178 Single-phase alternator 360 Slide-wire Wheatstone bridge, principle of 52 Solenoid 89 permeability 92 polarity of 91 toroid 92 Specific consumption of lamps 309 Specific inductive capacity 145 Speed regulation of a motor 206 Specific resistance 28 Square and circular-mil measure, relation between 30 Standard cells 69 Starting and stopping compound generators that are op- erating in parallel 278 Storage batteries 237 to aid generators in carrying maximum load 253 capacity of 241 commercial application of 250 containing vessel and separators 242 Edison 247 in electrical laboratories 251 electrolyte 241 hydrometer 242 lead cell 237 management of 245 non-lead cell 246 portable 251 to put out of service 246 sulphation 243 INDEX Storage batteries continued PAGE to supply energy during certain hours 253 to supply energy for electrically driven vehicles and boats 255 storage battery grids 239 storage cell 237 in telephone and telegraph work 252 for train lighting 252 troubles and their remedies 244 buckling of plates 245 corrosion of plates 245 loss of capacity 244 loss of voltage 245 shedding of active material 245 used in changing voltage 254 used in subdividing voltage of a generator 255 Storage battery grids 239 comparison of Plante and Faure 240 example of 239 Faure process 239 Plante process 239 Sulphation 243 Susceptance of a circuit 349 Switchboard 273 Switches 275 Synchronism, definition of 333 Synchronizing 371 Synchronoscope 372 Synchronous converter 385 Synchronous motor 368 operation of 370 starting 370 synchronizing 371 T Table approximate specific consumption of different type lamps 310 capacity of storage battery, percentage variation of. 241 centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometer scales, com- INDEX Table continued PAGE parison of 400 constants to be used in calculating illumination on horizontal plane below lamp 312 copper wire table of American Institute of Electrical Engineers 402-405 electro-chemical equivalents 130 factors for obtaining effective illumination 315 hysteretic constant, value of, for different materials. 100 lap-wound drum armature windings 410 logarithms of numbers 394, 395 mensuration equations 396 metric and English measures, relation of 399 primary cells / 64 required illumination for various classes of service. 313 ring armature windings 408 specific inductive capacities '. 146 specific resistance data 29 symbols for electrical apparatus 398 symbols for wiring plans 414 temperature coefficients 22 temperature coefficient of copper 23 trigonometrical functions 397 units in English and metric systems, relation of 16 v/ave- wound drum armature windings 409 wire, carrying capacity of 406 wires, equivalent cross-section of different size 400 wire gauzes 401 wiring table for 2 per cent loss on a 50-volt circuit. . 411 wiring table for 2 per cent loss on a 110-volt circuit. 412 wiring table for 2 per cent loss on a 220-volt circuit. 413 wire which will fuse with given current, diameter of. 407 Tangent galvanometer 132 Tantalum lamp 300 Temperature coefficient, definition of 21 Thomson watt-hour meter 158 Three-phase alternator 361 Three-wire generators 263 Toroid 92 Traction, law of 101 Transformer 372 INDEX Transformer continued PAGE action of, on load 373 action of, without load 372 actual e.m.f. and current relations in 374 auto-transformer 377 constant-current 377 constant-potential 377 core type 376 current 377 ideal e.m.f. and current relations in 373 methods of cooling 377 polyphase 376 shell type 376 single-phase 376 vector diagram of 375 Transposition, definition of 113 Tungsten lamp 301 U Unbalanced load 261 Under-load , 274 Units of illumination 307 V Vapor lamp 303 Voltaic battery 59 amalgamation 60 chemical action in 59 local action , 60 polarization 60 Voltaic cell 58 Volt, definition of 10 Voltameter adaptability of 131 definition of 126 Voltmeter 122 calibration of . 161 INDEX W PAGE Watt-hour meters 156 Wattmeter 153 adaptability of .* 156 calibration of 163 compensated 155 principle of 153 Weston 155 Whitney 154 Weight voltameter 129 Weston portable voltmeter 137 Weston wattmeter 155 Wheatstone bridge commercial 54 slide-wire 52 Whitney wattmeter 1 54 Wire gauges 32 Wiring in general 316 Wright demand meter 160 Zero load 372 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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