THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Hiss Nancy Bangert CAPTAIN MACKLIN " Go, Royal ! " he cried, " and God bless yoy ! " CAPTAIN MACKLIN HIS MEMOIRS BY RICHARD HARDING DAVIS ILLUSTRATED BY Walter Appleton Clark CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK::::::::::::::::: 1906 COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Published, September, igoa College Library Co MY MOTHER ILLUSTRATIONS Go, Royai t " he cried, and God bless you ! " Frontispiece FACING PAGE He made out meeting sometmng of a ceremony . . 24 We walked out to the woods , . , . . 40 1' was sure life in Sagua ia Grande would always suit me 90 The moon rose over the camp . . . but still we sat cc 138 And the next instant 1 fell sprawling inside the barrack yard . . 1 68 sprang back against the cabin ....... 294 CAPTAIN MACKLIN HIS MEMOIRS UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT IT may seem presumptuous that so young ? man as myself should propose to write his life and memoirs, for, as a rule, one waits until he has accomplished something in the world, or until he has reached old age, before he ventures to tell of the times in which he has lived, and of his part in them. But the profession to which I belong, which is that of a soldier, and which is the noblest profession a man can follow, is a hazardous one, and were I to delay until to-morrow to write down what I have seen and done, these memoirs might never be written, for, such being the fortune of war, to-morrow might not come. So I propose to tell now of the little 1 have ac complished in the first twenty-three years of my life, and, from month to month, to add to these memoirs in order that, should 1 be suddenly taken off, my debit and credit pages may be found care Captain Macklin fully written up to date and carried forward. On the other hand, should I live to be an old man, this record of my career will furnish me with ma terial for a more complete autobiography, and will serve as a safeguard against a failing memory. In writing a personal narrative I take it that the most important events to be chronicled in the life of a man are his choice of a wife and his choice of a profession. As I am unmarried, the chief event in my life is my choice of a profession, and as to that, as a matter of fact, I was given no choice, but from my earliest childhood was destined to be a soldier. My education and my daily environ ment each pointed to that career, and even if I had shown a remarkable aptitude for any other calling, which I did not, I doubt if I would have pursued it. I am confident that had my education been directed in an entirely different channel, I should have followed my destiny, and come out a soldier in the end. For by inheritance as well as by in stinct I was foreordained to follow the fortunes of war, to delight in the clash of arms and the smoke of battle ; and I expect that when I do hear the clash of arms and smell the smoke of battle, the last of the Macklins will prove himself worthy of his ancestors. 1 call myself the last of the Macklins for the reason that last year, on my twenty-second birth- 2 Captain Macklin day, I determined i should never marry. Women I respect and admire, several of them, especially two of the young ladies at Miss Butler's Academy I have deeply loved, but a soldier cannot devote himself both to a woman and to his country. As one of our young professors said, u The flag is a jealous mistress." The one who, in my earliest childhood, arranged that I should follow the profession of arms, was my mother's father, and my only surviving grand parent. He was no less a personage than Major- General John M. Hamilton. I am not a writer ^ my sword, I fear and hope, will always be easier in my hand than my pen, but I wish for a brief moment I could hold it with such skill, that 1 might tell of my grandfather properly and grate fully, and describe him as the gentle and brave man he was. 1 know he was gentle, for though I never had a woman to care for me as a mother cares for a son, I never missed that care ; and I know how brave he was, for that is part of the history of my country. During many years he was my only parent or friend or companion ; he taught me my lessons by day and my prayers by night, and, when I passed through all the absurd ailments to which a child is heir, he sat beside my cot and lulled me to sleep, or told me stories of the war. There was a childlike and simple qual- 3 Captain Macklin